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Gennemskt  af  Johannes  Magnussen. 






5oror6  til  anben  Ubgave. 

5oeb  Ubfenbelfen  af  benne  l^elt  omorbejbebe  Ubgooe  turbe  bet  Ⱦre 
^enfigtémæåfigt,  noget  nærmere  at  gøre  3iebe  for  be  foretagne  goranbringer. 

^oob  ber  førft  falber  i  Øjnene  er  jo,  at  be  bonffe  Orb  nu  ere  opftillebe 
i  ftrængt  alfabetiff  Orben  iflebenfor,  efter  gammel  @fi!,  unber  |>oDeborbene. 
2)en  gamle  Drbning  ^or  unægtelig  et  mere  Dtbenffabeligt  S^ijfnit,  Ugefom  ben 
ogfaa  fporer  en  2)el  ^Iab§,  men  er  bog  utoiolfomt  inbfommet  i  Dore  Orb= 
bøger,  fun  forbi  bet  Mx  faa  nemt  fimpelt|en  at  føfge  i  SWoIbec^é  Sobfpor, 
^oié  banfte  Orbbog  fetofølgelig  altib  ^ar  bannet  ©runblaget  for  oore  Drb= 
bøger  fra  2)anff  tit  fremmebe  <Sprog.  SRen,  fom  Cittré  figer,  ber  bør  gøreé 
gorffel  mellem  nationale  og  internationale  Orbbøger;  i  be  førfte,  fom  ere 
bibenffabelige  SSærfer,  er  ben  bertil  foorenbe  Orbning  ogfaa  paa  fin  ^Iob§; 
be  fibfte  berimob  bør  i  mine  2onfer  betragteé  fom  rent  praftiffe  ^iælp^-- 
mibter,  ^Dor  alt  bør  gøreé  for  meb  ftørft  mulig  Set^eb  at  funne  ftnbe,  f^Mh 
man  føger,  og  aUe  anbre  ^enft)n  fætteå  tilfibe  berfor.  Og  i  benne  ^enfeenbe 
fan  bet  oel  iffe  nægteg,  at  ben  gamle  Drbning  laber  meget  tilbage  at  ønffe, 
ibet  man  iæonlig  maa  føge  to  efler  flere  ©teber,  før  man  finber  et  Orb. 
^bem  fan  f.  ©fg.  i  en  ^aft  og  meb  S3eftcmtf)eb  fige,  om  et  Orb  fom 
SSinbebom  ffat  føgeg  unber  SSerbet  SSinbe  etter  unber  ©ubftantiuet;  og  foa^ 
bonne  Xilfælbe  forefomme  ftobig.  gor  Ublcenbingen  blioer  SSanffelig^eben 
noturliguig  langt  ftørrc,  for  iffe  at  fige  uouerfommelig.  2)en  ftrængt  alfa= 
bctlffe  Orbning  jgneg  ogfaa  at  uinbe  mere  og  mere  ^nbgang  og  er  iubført  i 
flere  n^ere  foenfte  Orbbøger,   og  blanbt  uore  egne   i  @i(fé   og   ^rtjnilbfené. 


%ox  tiberligere  at  lette  ©øgningen  l^or  jeg  ^cr,  i  ftørre  Ub[træ!ning  enb  i 
forrige  Ubgade,  føgt  at  gennemføre  en  olfabetif!  Drbning  ogfaa  inbenfor  be 
længere  2trti!Ier,  nadntig  oeb  ^jælp  af  ^ræ^ofitionerne,  og  bet  uben  |)enft)n 
til,  ont  biéfe  ftoa  foran  etter  efter  Orbet,  og  i  bet  ^ele  meb  mere  ^enf^n  tit 
33efoemf)eb  enb  til  logifE  etter  oibenffabelig  ©tringeng.  fll 

@t  anbet  ^un!t,  ^bori  benne  UbgaDe  abf!itter  fig  fra  ben  tibligere  og 
fra  anbre  lignenbe  Drbbøger,  er  bet  ftørre  ^enf^n,  fom  l^er  (ogfaa  i  anbre 
|)enfeenber  enb  ben  ovenomtalte)  er  taget  til  Ublænbingeng  Xavtt.  35en  ftabig 
tiltagenbe  ^ntereSfe,  ber  i  Sngtanb  og  i  anbre  Sonbe  t)ife§  oort  Sprog  og 
t)or  Siteratur,  fQne§  at  gøre  gorbring  ^erpaa.  Xit  ben  @nbe  ^ar  jeg  ooeratt 
angiDet  Drbene§  SSøjning  og  bere§  ^Betoning,  l^bortieb  bog  bæfentlig  er  taget 
|)enft)n  til  ben  banffe  Sprogbrug;  ben  norffe  ^ar  nogle  Slfdigetfer,  naCnlig 
en  ftørre  Ubbrebetfe  af  glertattet  paa  -er  og  Ifoniugationen  paa  -te;  men 
bigfe  2tfoigeIfer  ^ooe  iHe  opnaaet  en  faaban  gaft^eb,  at  jeg  |ar  funnet  tage 
|)enft)n  til  bem.  ^eg  oilbe  ogfaa  gerne  gennemgaaenbe  |at)e  angibet  Ub= 
talen;  men  bette  bilbe  ^aoe  !rædet  en  altfor  ufor^olbgmceåfig  ''^lah^,  faameget 
mere  fom  bet  i  en  9}Jængbe  Silfcelbe,  for  i!fe  at  fige  be  flefte,  tiilbe  ^aoe 
oæret  nøboenbigt  at  ongioe  en  bobbelt  Ubtale  (banff  og  norff).  Smiblertib 
er  ber  igennem  Slfceuterne  og  paa  anbre  SOiaaber  gjort  en  ®et  ogfao  i  benne 

Ubdibelfen  er  meget  bet^belig,  og  bet  i^att'o^  oceret  min  ^enfigt  at  gøre 
ben  enbnu  6ett)beligere,  nabntig  beb  en  ftørre  SJJængbe  tefnifle  Ubtrtjf  i  for= 
ffettige  f^ag;  nien  ba  bet  iffe  ^or  bceret  muligt  for  mig  —  fom  for  anbre 
tit  lignenbe  Strbejber  —  at  opnaa  offentlig  Unberftøttelfe,  og  bet  uben  en 
faaban  iffe  bar  min  Sejtig^eb  i  nogen  ftørre  Ubftræfning  ot  lønne  9J?eb' 
arbejbere,  ^or  bet  maattet  opgibe§.  ^mibtertib  turbe  Sogen  maaffe,  fom  ben 
er,  tilfrebgftitte  rimelige  gorbringer  meb  $enft)n  tit  9tig^otbig§eb;  ^aaUbz^ 
ftnbeé  ber  btot  af  banffe  (og  norffe)  Drb,  efter  et  tøft  Oberflag,  omtrent 
50,000  flere  enb  i  forrige  Ubgabe,  af  ^bitfe  en  meget  ftor  S)et  iffe  tibtigere 
§obe  bceret  optagne  i  nogen  banf!  Drbbog.  ®ette  Sfiefultot  ff^tbeS,  foruben 
ben  fetoføtgetige  S8ent)ttelfe  af  otte  trt)fte  ^'ilber,  nabnlig  min  egen  i  en 
9tæffe  of  2lar  fortfatte  Samlerbirffomfieb,  og  bernæft  en  futbftænbig  @ennem= 
gaaetfe  af  be  to  berømte  Samlinger:  ^.  Sebtn§  (paa  bet  Store  kongelige 


iBibliotef)  og  ©tatéraab  ©oUiné,  ^dilfen  fibfte  ben  ofbøbe  forfatter  meb 
uforgtentmelig  SSeloilje  og  2i6eraUtet  oDerlob  mig  tit  S3ent)ttelfe  i  |)jeinmet, 
og  ^Dori  jeg  ^ar  funbet  iffe  libet,  noonlig  af  tefnijle  Ubtr^f.  Seding  8am= 
tinger,  ber  for  en  noget  ætbre  %it§,  og  naontig  for  bette  2tarf)nnbrebe§  førfte 
|)atdbel§  SSebfommenbe  ere  \aa  rigt)otbtge,  inbe^otbe  for^otb§Oi§  Sibet  tit  bet 
egenttige  9Jutibéfprog,  font  jo  er  benne  Drbbogg  nærmefte  ©enftanb;  Ubbt)ttet 
af  ©ennemgaaetfen  §or  attfaa  Det  iffe  oæret  faa  ftort  fom  paoregnet,  men 
bog  attib  bett)betigt,  og  ocefenttig  beftaoet  i  mere  og  minbre  fjætbne  og  for= 
ætbebe  Drb,  Set^bninger  og  2;atemaaber;  faabanne  f)ar  jeg  nemlig  troet  at 
burbe  optage,  naar  be  forefomme  t)o3  bet  nittenbe  2lar^unbrebe§  ftore  5or= 
fattere,  om  |oig  Sægning  ber  for  Ubtænbinge  funbe  btioe  %ak]  fra  ætbre 
Xib  enb  bette  Star^unbrebe  er  intet  faabant  optaget,  nnbtagen  af  ^otbergå 
^omebier  og  ?|5eber  ^aarå  —  formenttig  be  enefte  ©frifter  fro  ben  Xii),  fom 
en  Ubtænbing  tet  oitbe  fatbe  paa  ot  ftubere.  2igefom  @t)afefpeare§  Sprog  i 
Sficgten  finbeé  repræfenteret  i  be  cngetffe  Orbbøger,  faatebeé  f^neg  ttt  at  oære 
en  ret  rimetig  gorbring,  at  ben  mere  enb  ^unbrebe  3tar  t)ngre  ^otbergg  iffe 
gonffe  ffat  fatjneé  i  en  banff.  —  9laar  jeg  i  bet  goregaaenbe  §ar  tott  om 
„Ubtænbinge",  faa  tænfer  jeg  berdeb  iffe  ubetuffenbe  paa  ©ngtænbere;  ba 
^enbffab  tit  ©ngetff  nutitbogg  er  foa  ubbrebt  ooeratt  i  SSerben,  ^ar  jeg 
tænft  mig,  at  benne  S3og,  nnber  ben  nuoærenbe  SDianget  paa  en  banff 
Orbbog,  ogfaa  for  anbre  enb  engetffe  Sæfere  funbe  tjene  fom  9^øbt)jætp  for 
en  faaban. 

^Oab  tr^fte  ^itber  angaar,  mao  bet  oære  nof  at  fige,  at  jeg,  foruben 
be  i  forrige  Ubgaoe  omtotte,  fiffert  f)ar  benyttet  otte  be  fenere  titfomne, 
^oorom  ber  funbe  bære  2;ote.  %ov  ben  ©ogfijnbige  er  bet  næften  ooerftøbigt 
ot  fige,  ot  jeg  førft  og  fremmeft  t)ar  t)aft  oderorbenttig  ftor  SfJljtte  of 
@unbbt)å  og  53aruété  bonff-norff— fronffe  Drbbog;  bernæft  §ar  ogfoo 
S3rQnitbfeng  engetff=norffe  Drbbog  gidet  iffe  tibet  Ubbtjtte. 

S8ogen§  Cmfong  er  bog  iffe  doféet  i  gor^otb  tit  Ubdibetfenå  8tørretfe, 
ibct  ber  pao  mange  SD^oober  er  inbjporet  '^iaU,  foatebeé  deb  Stfffaffetfe  af 
en  SJiængbe  oderftøbige  ^ntcrpunftionåtegn,  og  nodntig  deb  Ubetabelfen  of  bet 
obtigote  Snfinitidémærfe  to,  ber  enbnu,  mærfetig  nof,  ftobig  gaor  igen  i  dore 
engetffe  Orbbøger  og  Særebøger,  uben  ot  ber  fon  jeé  nogen  fornuftig  SJiening 


bcrmeb;  tuærtimob  er  benne  S3rug  DilDtebenbe,  ibet  ben  (et  uæHer  ben  gore 
ftilling,  at  ^nfinitidémcerfet  j?ulbe  Oære  mere  nøboenbtgt  eller  brugeligt  i 
dngetft  enb  i  »ort  Sprog,  i)dab  ber  ingenlunbe  er  5;ilfælbet. 


Slpril  1888. 

X  fiorftn. 


2)enne,  trebje,  Ubgabe  er  efter  gorfatterenå  ©øb  gennemfet  of  unber= 
tegnebe,  ber  ^ar  foretaget  nogle  3flettet)er,  gjort  en  ®et  jTtlføielfer  og  bragt 
9?etffrit)ningen  i  OoerenSftemnielfe  meb  ben  af  ^ultu§minifleriet  befalebe. 
@fulbe  ber  finbeå  enfette  Smaamangler  t  fibftnæonte  ^enfeenbe,  j!t)Ibeå  bejj 
ncernieft  ^enft)n  tit  SSogeng  norfte  ®el. 

3IpriI  1897. 

3ol)Qnnc6  Jlagiuisfeii. 


il,  a  n  -er  (Sogftob  og  9?obe)  A.,  a;  ^ar  man 
?agt  9t,  maa  man  osfaa  fige  S3  in  for  a  peuny,  in 
for  a  pound;  en  2l^2t)b  a  sound  of  a;  —  abbr: 
%.  =  9tar  year,  a.  =  anben,  onbet,  anbte  other, 

å  fr.  prp:  10  a  12  (from)  10  to  12;  5  å  6  droner 
5  or  6  crowns;  4  $b.  å  2  Se.  4  Ibs  at  2  crowns. 

2la  c  -er  (small)  river,  rivulet,  streamlet; 
monge  SBæfte  fmao  gør  en  ftor  3la  many  a  little 
makes  a  mickle  el.  («c)  muckle,  little  and  ofteu 
fiUs  the  purse. 

%aiett  a  (ogfaa  fie)  open;  fig  frank;  (SSreti, 
^afte)  open,  uiiclosed,  unsealed;  (Saj)  thin, 
sleazy;  _  SSaab  open  et.  undecked  boat;  -ne 
Sreoe  letters  patent;  -t  (Snbolferaent  blank 
indorsement;  _  gjenbe  declared  fprofessed) 
eriemy;    paa   -  ®abe  in  the  open  street;  unber 

^tmmel  in  the  open  air;  -t  fiiB  open  el.  loose 
bowels;  i  _  TOarf  in  the  open  fleld;  meb  - 
3Runb  open-mouthed,  gaping;  _  «piab8  (i  SIriftJ 
a  blank;  labe  ^labS  ftaa  _  til  .  .  .  leave  .  .  . 
in  blank;  ^anl  5pIob8  ftaar  -  his  place  is  vacant; 
$labien  ^olbe§  ~  for  ^am  the  place  is  reserved 
for  him;  _  SReb  open  et.  wild  road;  gamle  -ne 
®aar  old  discharging  wounds;  -t  ©pørgSmaot 
open  que-stion,  moot  point;  -ne  Steber  (t  Xrgf, 
Sfrift)  blanks,  (i  5fen)  holes,  (i  ©foben)  clear 
spots,  glades;  -t  Soar  a  frank  et.  candid  an- 
swer;  _  ©0  the  open  sea,  the  offing;  l^otbe 
-t  laffet  keep  an  open  house  (et.  table);  -t 
^anbe  open  et.  clear  water;  fode  for  -t  SSinbue 
sleep  With  the  window  open;  meb  -ne  pjne 
With  (my)  eyes  open;  fige  nt  i  en§  -ne  Øjne 
say  somathing  to  one's  face.  —  9taben|I)ar 
a  manifest,  evident,  obvious,  plain  (^eraf  from 
this);  ftoa  _  ©trifte  do  public  penance;  —  ado 
~  bar(t)  t  bore  evidently  (ofo.);  atbeleS  _  on 
the  face  of  it.  -bare  vt  reveal,  disclose,  discover, 
manifest,  unfold,  make  known;  _  en  en  ^em= 
melig^eb  leveal  a  secret  to  one;  jeg  ^aber  -t  bit 
9loBn  I  have  manifested  thy  name;  ®ub  er  -t 
i  Røb  God  was  manifest  in  the  flesh;  ben  -be 
^leligion  revealed  religion;  .£»erren§  Sngel  -bel 
for  l^om  there  appeared  unto  him  an  angel  of 
the  Lord.  —  »r  fig  (i  fQnIig  ©Ktfelfe)  appear,  (fige 
^bem  man  er)  make  one's  self  known  (for  to). 
-barelfe  c  -r  manifestation,  unfolding;  (lilfqne« 
lomft)  appearance;  (9tanbeft)n)  apparition,  •baring 
«  -er  revelation;  -en  (3o^anne8'  9t.)  the  Revela- 
tion  (of  St.  John),  t  -barlig  a  &  adv  fe  -bar, 
-bart.  -^eb  c  openness;  (Xejé)  thinness,  sleazi- 
ness;  fig  frankness,  candour.  -fjertet,  -^{ertig 

Siarfen:  ®anft=ængetft  DrbSog. 

a  open(hearted),  frank,  confidiag.  -^jerttø^eb  c 
openheartedness,  frankness.  -t^bt  ado  loudly, 
audibly.  -l^§  a  manifest,  undisguised;  adv 
-l^ft'  openly,  overtly,  in  the  face  of  day; 
avowedly;  (om  Sort)  face  upward.  -tnunb  blab, 
tattler.  -munbet  a  babbling,  tattling.  -munbet- 
^eb  c  talkativeness,  garrulity.   -ftaaenbe  a  open. 

Sta'bne  vt  (ogfaa  fig)  open  (for  to);  {paa  ^øj  = 
tibeltg  9JJaabe,  inbote)  inaugurafe;  ~  igen,  paa  nq 
reopen;  _  en  9lare  open  et.  breathe  a  vein;  _  et 
SJol  meb  lead  oflf  a  ball  >vith;  _  en  S3uttl  set  up 
a  shop;  _  en  S3l)lb  lance  a  boil;  _  et  gfab  (flaa 
bet  op)  unhead,  (ftiffe  bet  on)  broach  a  cask; 
_  fit  fjerte  for  en,  open  one's  heart  to  one, 
unbosom  one's  self  to  one;  _  fit  $u§  for  en, 
throw  open  one's  house  to  one;  _  3tben  open 
(the)  fire  (mob  on);  Qfnbgangen  -§  St.  7  doors 
open  at  seven;  jeg  ^ar  -t  ®em  en  Sonto  i 
mine  Søger  I  have  opened  you  an  account  on 
my  books;  _  ®eteberne,  SSlatii) !  rear  rank,  open 
order!  march  -  Sonfurrence  om  throw  open  to 
competition;  bi  ^ane  -t  $r.  91  en  Srebit  t)aa  SereS 
$ul  we  have  opened  a  credit  on  your  house  in 
favour  of  Mr.  A;  _  et  Sig  open  et.  dissect  a 
corpse;  —  er  fig  open  (for  to);  _  ftg  igen  et.  t>aa  nt) 
reopen;  —  aabnenbe  a  aperient;  _  9)tibbet 

Sta'bning  c  -er  opening;  ($ut)  aperture,  hole; 
(i  ©Fob)  glade;  (^øjtibeltg)  inauguration;  (Sfaf) 
opening;  (Stolgang)  stool,  dejection,  motion  (of 
the  bowels);  §ar  bu  gob  -  are  your  bowels 
regular?  jeg  ^or  ingen  -  I  am  bound,  constipated; 
^an  ^aobe  _  to  (Sange  the  bowels  were  open 
twice.  —  9(abning§|bag  day  of  inauguration, 
opening  day.  -feft  inaugural  banquet.  -^øj« 
tibelig^eb  ceremony  of  inauguration.  •mibbel 
aperient.  -tale,  opening  et.  inaugural  speech  el. 

9tbo  n  Abo. 

aiabo  c  -er  a  dweller  by  the  river-side. 

tStabob  c  compensation  (e«p  for  decay). 

9ta'|breb  bank  of  a  river,  riverside,  -brtnl 
sleep  river-bank.    -br^n,  fe  -6reb.   -bygger,  fe  -bo. 

3(a'4en  n  Aix-la-chapelle. 

9la'brie  vt,  -ing,  fe  9lore,  9taring. 

9lobfel  n  -§ter  (bob  Sco»)  carcass;  (raabben 
Srop  et.  raabbent  Søb  af  ffiqr)  carrion;  ^oor  -Slet 
er,  ber  ftutle  jSrnene  forfomleS  wheresoever  the 
carcass  is,  there  will  the  eagles  be  gathered 
together.  —  9labfet|agtig  a  carrion-like  -bille 
sexton-beetle,  JVecTopAortts.  -bjørn,  feiianbbjørn. 
-filte  carrion-fly,  Munca   Cæmr.     -fugl  carrion- 

Slag  i 

bird,  -jlcnte  caxrion-hawk,  Milvago  leucurm. 
-graoec,  fe  -fiiUc.  -flrib  EgypUan  vulture,  car- 
rion  vulture,  Nepliron  perenopterus.  -fitle  car- 
rionpit,  flaying-place.  -iMfltcarrion-smell.  -plante 
stapelia.  -ftorf  carrion-eating  stork,  -æbcntie  a 
ffitjr  carrion-eater. 

9lofl  n,  pi  =,  (ogfaa  fig)  yoke,  (til  Cffer) 
oxbow;  (SJfifln.)  pier,  pile-work;  fpocnbe  i  -et 
yoke,  put  to  the  yoke;  f^ænbe  fra  -et  unyoke; 
j/ig  6ringe  unber  -et  bring  under  the  yoke,  yoke, 
subjugate,  subdue:  affaffe  -et  throw  oflf  the 
yoke.  —  9lo'fl|bcn  zygomatic  bone,  eheek  bone. 
•b|ielte  cross-beam.  -bunben  a  yoked  (together). 
t  SJafle  vt  yoke;  _  af  unyoke. 

Stager  c  usury;  bribe  ~  practlse  usury;  lebe  af 
_  live  upon  usury.  —  9tager|agtig  a  usurious. 
-forretning  usury,  usurer's  business,  -gælb 
money  one  ovres  to  usurers.  -lorl  usurer.  -lott 
usury' law.  -rente  usurious  interest.  -fog  case 
of  usury. 

9(a'øfri  a  unsubdued. 

Sla'gre  vi  practise  usury,  lend  money  upon 
usury;  fig  ~  meb  fit  5l3unb  make  the  most  of 
one's  talents,  put  one's  talent  to  usury;  —  vt 
~  SPenge  fommen  amass  money  el.  enrich  one's 
self  by  usury.  +  9lagrer  c  -e,  fe  Slagertarl. 

$(a'g|f))anb  yoke,  f.  (SfS.  to  _  ØUnt  two  yoke 
of  oxen.    -f^ænbt  o  voked. 

«a<)  int  (Sorfl,  æiigbinigelfe,  SBøn)  Oh!  O! 
Oorunbring,  ©merte)  Ah!  Oh!  _  ®ub!  O  dear! 
_  itfe  anbet!  pooh!  -  ))Dt!  pshaw!  _  gib  mig 
SSogen !  pray  (just)  give  me  the  Dook !  give  me 
the  book,  (if  you)  please !  _  lab  bære  meb  bet ! 
stop  that,  please!  (el.  wlll  you!);  _  tier!  I  say! 
Look  herel  _  jo  rather;  well  yes. 

9Iafanbe  c  -r  (l)bib)  water-lily,  Nymphcea;  gul 
_  brandy-bottle,  Nuphnr  luteum. 

*8toIcrbær  arctie  raspberry,  Ruhus  arctieua. 

8(oI  c  -e  tvp  bodkin. 

Slal  c  (i  £^om6re)  stake. 

9toI  c,  id  «=  (giff)  eel;  (}).  $eft)  spinal  stripe; 
faa  glat  fom  en  -  as  slippery  as  an  eel;  t  ^anS 
®trøm))er  f)ang  i  _  his  stockings  hung  loose  el. 
in  wrinkles;  t  gøre  til  _,  fe  -e,  t  blibe  til  _  be 
made  a  fool  of. 

9lalnnb§eerne  the  Åland  isles. 

Slttte  vt  reduce  el.  call  to  naught. 

SHaIe|bom  eel-pond.  -fangft  eel-fishing.  -febt 
eel  oil.  -gaarb  eel-dam.  -I)0t)eb  eel's  head;  fig 

ttalrje  n  bed  of  a  river. 

tlalc|!ifte  eel-box,  -trunk.  -!one  fe  -fbabbe. 
-Iragc  cormorant,  Carbo  cormoranus.  -loabbe 
viviparous  blenny,  Zoarcea  viviparus.  -ntaage 
sea-gull,  Lartis  marinns.  -malle  (a  kind  of) 
sheat  fish,  Heterohranchus  anguillaris.  -ntober 
fe  -toabbe-  -(labbe  amphiuma.  -ruft  eel-weel, 
-pot.  -ftinb  eel-skin.  -flabe  fe  -gaarb.  -ftang 
eel-spear.  -ftangning  eel-spearing.  -fm)t)e  eel- 
soup.  -tene  fe  -rufe.  -l^b  fe  -frage.  -»oob  net 
for  oatching  eels. 

9(n|leb  current  of  a  river,    t  -manb  fe  SUøt 

*2lame  c  -er.  fe  Sarbe. 

Slamtnbc  n  month  of  a  river. 

Slanb  c  er  spirit;  (©jælj  soul;  (Sppgelfe  of».) 
spectre,  ghost,  phantom;  (?Vorftanb,  ffieni)  mind, 
intellect,  iutelligence,  genins;  -en  og  SRaterien 
mind  and  matter;  ben  mciuieftelige  _  the  human 
mind;  ben  fjiHige  _  the  Holy  Ghost,  the  Holy 
Spirit;  gobe,  onbe  -er  good,  evil,  spirits;  enS 
gobe,  onbe,  -  one's  good,  evil  spirit;  en  uren  - 
an  unelean  spirit;  en  SDJanb  af  _  a  man  of  genius, 
of  high  intelligence;  flore  -er  great  minds;  en 
fraftig  el.  birlfom  -  a  vigorous  el.  active  mind; 
en  Dpfjøjct  _  a  master-spirit;  ftærle  -er  strong- 
minded    persons;    greben§,   åærlig^ebenS   -  the 



spirit  of  peace,  charity:  ffriftenbommené,  ©broget* 
_  the  genius  of  Christianity,  of  language;  2oben§, 
3;iben§  ~  the  spirit  of  the  laws,  of  the  time  el. 
age;  be  falige  -er  the  blessed  spirits;  -erneS  %\xaf 
(ajiibnat)  the  ghostly  hour  (of  midnight);  opgibe 
-en  give  up  the  ghost,  expire;  fe  Siebebon,  £ebenbe= 

9lanbe  c  breath;  brage  (ftn)  _  draw  one's  breath; 
l^olbe  fin  _  hold  one's  breath;  ilbelugtenbe  _  foul 
el.  rank  breath;  l)an§  _  lugter  ilbe  his  breath 
smells;  be  ftuUe  omtomme  for  ®ub8  ~  by  the  blast 
of  God  they  perish;  bringe  en  i  -  draw  one  out; 
l^olbe  en  i  ~  keep  one  at  it;  l^olbe  golf  i  _  keep 
attention  on  the  alert;  fomme  i  -  become  warm, 
warm  to  one's  work;  bære  i  _  be  inspired,  be 
in,  be  in  vein;  fomme  til  -  take  breath,  (igen) 
recover  one's  breath.  Stanbe  vt  &  vi  breathe, 
respire;  _  b^bt  draw  a  deep  breath;  _  tungt  gasp, 
pant;  _  ^æbn  breathe  vengeanee,  pant  for  re- 
venge; _  inb  draw  in,  inhale,  breathe;  -f  _  op 
recover  one's  breath,  _  paa  breathe  on;  _  fig 
mæt  draw  a  long  breath. 

9tanbe|agt{g  a  ghostly.  -befbærgelfclexorcism. 
-bcfȾrflcr  exoreist. 

Slanbclbrag,  -bræt  breath,  breathing,  respira- 
tion; ligge  i  bet  fibfte  -  be  breathing  one's  last, 
be  at  the  last  gasp;  til  fibfte  _  to  the  last  gasp; 
bu  truer  og  fmigrer  i  et  og  famme  _  you  menace 
and  court  me  at  a  breath.  -brætSbcfoærligtjcb 
fe  -nøb.  -brætSbebægclfe  respiratory  motion. 
•brætSfl^ftcm  respiratory  system.  +  -^entning 
inhalation,  -^ul  spiracle,  stigma  {pi  stigmata 
el.  stigmas),    -flemt  a  asthmatie. 

Slanbelig  o  intelleetual,  mental,  spiritual; 
ghostly;  -  S3ett)bnirg  spiritual  sense;  -e  SSetragt« 
ninger  religions  meditations;  -e  ©bner  intelleetual 
el.  mental  faculties;  _  gober  spiritual  el.  ghostly 
father;  _  gi-be  intelleetual  food;  -e  ®ater  spiritual 
gifts;  i  -  ^enfeenbe  intellectually  el.  mentally; 
-t  £ib  spiritual  life;  _  (gubelig,  opbbggelig)  aKupl, 
sacred  music;  -e  ©ange  sacred  el.  di  vine  sougs; 
-e  ©frifter  (%xaltatei:)  religious,  holy  el.  sacred 
tracts;  _  Sroft  spiritual  el.  ghostly  comfort;  -t 
SSæfeit  spiritual  being.  -gare  vt  spirilualize. 
-|cb  c  spirituality,  ghostliness. 

9[anbelt)b  c  aspiration. 

9(anbelære  c  pneumatology,  doctrineof  spirits, 
(om  onbe  Slanber)  demonology. 

2lanbcl«8  a  breathless,  out  of  breath.  -^cb  c 

9lanbc|ntaner  c  -e  conjurer,  necromancer. 
-maning  c  necromancy. 

SBonbelmuffter  respiratory  muscles  Slanben  c 
breathing.  9lanbe|neb  dyspnoea,  diflBculty  of 
breathing.  -puft  breath.  t  &  *  -puften  a  breath- 
less.   •rrbffnl)  respiratory  organ. 

9(anbe|rige  fe  -berben. 

Slanbrrør  pi  tracheæ,  air-vessels. 

2lanbc|r«ft  ghostly  el.  spectral  voice,  spirit 
voice.    -feer,  -fcerffc  visionary  ghost-seer. 

9lonbeftanf  foul  breath. 

2lanbc|ftemme  spectral  voice.  -fl)n  vision, 
apparition.  -feUn  spiritual  sleep.  -time  ghostly 
hour,  witehing  time.  -tro  spiritualism.  -ocrben 
invisible  world,  ghost- world. 

IHnnbfttlb  a  fe  Slaanbrig.  9tanbig  a  spiritual, 

2lanbing  c  breathing. 

3lanb|l«é  a  spiritless,  shallow,  stultifying,. 
dull,  prosaic,  insipid.  -løStjeb  c  shallowness, 
dulness,  insipidlty.  -rfg  a  elever,  highly  in- 
telleetual, brillant,  ingenious.  -rig^eb  c  -er, 
cleveriiess,  brilliancy;  {concr)  elever  saying, 
flash  of  wit,  conceit. 

9tanbé|a«læg  v  abilities,  parts,  -onftrengelfr 
exertion  of  the  mind.    -anftrengcttbe  a  trying. 



exhaustiDg.  -orBejbe  mental  work,  intellectual 
work  el.  labour.  -oriftofrati  intellectual  aristo- 
cracy.  -armob  fe  -faftigbom.  -Bebrag  self-delu- 
slop.  -JcfJægtct  a  congenial;  c  congenial  el. 
kindred  spirit.  + -6ef|>i8ntng  fe -febe.  -boitnelfe 
mental  el.  intellectual  cultivation  el.  cullure, 
discipline  of  the  mind.  -baai)  spiritual  baptism. 
-bannrnbe  «  cuUivating,  educating.  -battnet  a 
cultivated.  -b^øtig  a  capable,  ableminded. 
-b^gtigticb  mental  capacity.  -cgenffab  mental 
quality.  -Cbne  (mental)  faculty.  -fattig  a  poor, 
empty,  duU.  -fattigbotn  intellectual  poverty. 
-forlobt  a  shallow.  -forlobUjcb  shallowness. 
■fortniial  intellectual  object.  -forutnrtelfc  be- 
nightednef^s.  -fornægtrlfc  materialism.  -for- 
iifegttr  materialist.  -fortt«bcnl)Cb  intellectual 
want.  forft^rrclfe,  -forfttjnct  fe  -forbirring,  -for= 
»irret,  •fortrtrclfc  bibl  vexation  of  spirit.  -for^ 
totrtnbe  a  stultifying,  tiresome.  -forbitret n|crazy, 
insane,  distracted.  •forbirritig  crazinesss,  insan- 
ity,  derangement.  -foftcr  production  (of  the 
mind)  creation,  lucubration.  -fraoærcrfc  absence 
of  mind,  abslraction,  preoceupatlon.  -fra^ 
Oarcnbe  o  absent  (in  mind),  absent-minded,  ab- 
stracted,  preoccupied;  et  -  S^Iif  a  vacant  stare; 
6an  er  tit  -  he  has  frequent  fits  of  absence,  -frem^ 
britigelfe  fe  -fofter.  -fri  a  Iree  in  mind.  -frilieb 
mental  el.  intellectual  freedom  el.  liberty.  -frift 
a  of  a  sound  mind.  -frift^eb  soundness  of  mind. 
■fræitbe  congenial  spirit.  -frænbffob  congeni- 
ality  (of  mind),  -fldbc  richress  of  intellect. 
■faile  fe  -frcenbe.  -f«bc  intellectual  el.  mental 
food  el.  nourishment,  mind-food.  -gaber  fd 
parts,  mental  endowments.  -^øbbing  master- 
spirit.  -ibræt  intellectual  pur.suit.  -inbfltjbelfe 
inspiration.  -larff  a  sane.  -flor  a  clear-headed. 
•!larl)cb  a  clear  head.  -froft  mental  power  cl 
energy.  -fraftig  a  strong-minded,  of  vigorous 
mind.  -trflbling  idiot,  -lib  intellectual  el. 
mental  life.  -liblig  a  agile-minded,  vivacious. 
-libligt)cb  vivacity.  -magt  spiritual  force. 
-ttiobrn  a  ripe,  mature,  -mabcntieb  intellect- 
ual) maturity.  -inarte  spiritual  darkness.  -n^belfe 
intellectual  enjoyment.  -ticcrtMg  food  for  the 
mind,  fe  -febe.  -itærbærelfc  presence  of  mind, 
self-possession.  -tKcrbaErenbe  a  ready-wittcd, 
self-possessed,  quick  in  emergencies.  -o))(øftrIfe 
elevation  of  mind.  -o))t£ftenbe  o  elevating  (the 
mind),  exalting.  -oberlegcn  a  s^overeign.  -ober: 
legenlicb  superiority  ofmind.  -<)robHft  fe -foftcr. 
-)ir(cg  intellectual  character,  -retning  bias,  tend- 
ency;  bent  of  the  mind.  -ro  tranquillity  of 
mind.  -flægtffab  congeniality,  congenialness. 
-fl«b  a  idiotic,  imbecile,  obtuse.  -flabflfe  stupe- 
faetion,  hebetation.  -f(«benbe  n  stupefying. 
•ftebbcb  idiocy,  imbecility.  -ftnibig  a  versatile. 
•fwibigJieb  versatility.  -ftemning  fe  -tilftanb, 
•ftorljcb  greatuess  of  mind.  -ftbrfe  strength  of 
mind,  fortitude.  -flQrIenbe  a  invigorating  (the 
mind),  -ftært  fe  -Itaflig.  -fbog  a  feeble-minded. 
Imbecile,  weak  of  mind.  -fDagranftolt  asylum 
for  imbeciles.  -ftiagt)eb  imbecility,  weakness  of 
mind.  -fbæftelfe  mental  debility.  -tilftanb  state 
of  mind.  -trang  intellectual  craving.  -tbang 
mental  restraint.  -ubbtjite  intellecttial  profit. 
•nbbitling  mental  development  -birtfont  «  men- 
tally  active.  -btrlfonttieb  mental  activity.  -titett 
fe  -fofter.    -ytring  manifestation  of  the  mind. 

Var  n  pi  =.  year,  twelvemoulh;  et  t)alt)t  _ 
bIx  months;  fonige  _  last  year;  l)t)ert  oiibet  ~ 
every  Iwo  years,  every  other  year;  _  og  Sag  jtir 
a  year  and  a  day,  f  (lang  2ib)  au  age;  ^oit  er 
Ifle  tbt>e  -  he  is  not  twtnty,  he  is  in  his  teens; 
ab  -e  ncrfte  _  next  year;  i  ®(ig  ob  -re  this  day 
twelvemonth;  -et  efter  next  year;  for  mange 
-  fiben  years  ago;  -  for  _  fra  -  til  _  year  by 

year,  annually,  yearly;  i  _  this  year;  i  to  _  for 
two  years;  ^on  er  i  fine  bebfte  -  he  is  in  the 
prime  of  life,  in  the  flower  of  his  age,  f  in 
his  prime;  bet  giber  fig  tneb  _  that  will  come 
With  the  years;  mellem  _  og  ®flg  in  the  course 
of  a  year;  om  -et  a  (per)  year,  per  anntim,  per 
ann.  om  et  _  in  a  year;  i  ©ag  om  et  _  this  day 
twelvemonth;  _  om  onbet  every  year  on  an 
average,  (taking)  one  year  with  another;  ^an  er 
o  b  e  r  t  b  b  e  _  he  is  above  twenty,  he  is  out  of  his 
teens;  lægge  _  til  eni  Sliber  give  one  a  new 
lease  of  life;  til  -§  advaneed  in  years;  et  to  -8 
SSarn  a  two  years  old  child;  to  -§  ©tubent  student 
of  two  years'  standing;  tre  -i  ^rigétjenefte  three 
years  of  military  service.  —  3la'r|bag  year-book, 
( 9laréf!rit t)  annual  -b«ger  annals,  -bogåforf atter, 
-bogéftrtner  annalist. 

*9(a'rbnl  c  chub  Leudacus  cephalua. 

Slore  c  -r  (i  fiegeme,  SSlobe  ofo.  og  fig)  vein; 
($ulS«)  artery;  ben  g^Ibne  _  the  hemorrhoidal 
vein,  the  piles,  the  hemorrhoids.  SHare  vi  &  vt 
(Wa\.)  grain. 

Slore  c  -r  (til  ot  ro  mb)  oar,  (minbre,  til  at 
l^olfce  en  i  Iftoer  ^aanb)  scull;  reife  -rne  toss  the 
oars;  træ!te  )faa  -rne  pull  el.  tug  at  the  oar;  lægge 
-rne  inb  el.  op  unship  the  oars;  lægge  -rne  ub  ship 
the  oars;  fig  lægge  alle  -r  omborbe  el.  ub  leave  no 
stone  unturned.  —  9lare|boonb  fe  -ftrop. 

9lore|bctænbelfe  phlebitis.   -binbfel  compress. 

2larcblab  oar-blade,  wash  of  an  oar. 

3lare|brof  varicocele.   -brttb  rupture  of  a  vein 

Slorejbrag  fe  -tag. 

9larcfulb  a  fuU  of  veins. 

Slorelgaffel  crutch.    -greb  oar-handle. 

Slorclbinbe  choroid.    -betænbelfe  choroiditis. 

9larrllam)>c  rowlock-chock. 

3Iare{tnube  varix,  varicose  vein,  aneurism. 
-tortning  tying  of  veins. 

9taretabe  vt  bleed,  let  blood,  blood,  phleboto- 
mize;  lobe  fig  _  have  one's  self  bled.  -binb 
bandage,  -bætten.  -to)>  blooding-basin.  -jorrn 
fleam,  lancet.  -f«c|)<>er  lancet.  Storelobning  c 
-er  letting  of  blood,  bleeding,  blood  letting, 
phlebotomy,  venesection.  ^orelobning^or  bleed - 

Éorelong  a  of  (several)  years;  beb  -t  Strbejbe  by 
the  labour  of  years. 

aiarellom,  -lomme  loom  (of  an  oar). 

Siaremaal  term  of  years;  gorpagter  )faa  _  tenant 
at  will;  i^orpagtning  paa  langt  _  long  lease. 

Starcl^inb  fe  -tol.    -))Iaften  c  splashing  of  oars. 

3lorc|pre8fe  tourniqnet.    -rig  fe  -fulb. 

Slore^ib  galley  el.  ship  with  oars.  -flag  stroke 
of  an  oar. 

Slorrfbrængt  a  veined,  veiny. 

SMorcftrob  oar-grummet. 

9lare|fbulft  thrumbus,  (^pullaare-)  aneurism. 
-fbftem  venal  el.  arterial  system.  Storet  a 
veined,  veiny. 

91ore|tag  stroke;  fiolbe  -  keep  stroke.  -tol 
thole,  row-pin. 

*?la'rcf  te  c  -r  wedge,  treenail  wedge,  foxwedge; 
—  vt  wedge. 

9larc|btngebe,  -binget  pi  membrane  winged. 

9larebi§  »dv  el.  i  _  for  years. 

*-2lo'rfugt  grouse  vi  black  game,  Tetrao 

Slorfølge  chronological  order.  -gammel  a  a 
year  old,  of  one  year.  -gong  (af  SibSfftift)  annual 
series  el.  set,  year's  course,  year's  file;  (af  8lar§> 
fEri>t)  annual  publication;  t  crop  (of  the  year). 
^-gongSfbærn  mill  with  plenty  of  waler  all  the 
year  rounri.  '^-gangénanb  perennial  supply  of 
waler.  -gr^n  a  evergreen,  ""-gtcngelig  u  peren- 
nial.   ^-gtcngelig^eb  c  perennity. 




*9lfl'rljfl«e  fe  Urbane. 

9la'r^ttnbrebe  n  century;  engong  i  bet  9be  ~ 
sometime  in  the  ninth  century  el.  in  the  eight 
linndreds  9lar^unbrcbffiftct  the  commencement 
of  the  new  century. 

*9la'r!)«nc  fe  Uréane. 

2lartng  c  -er  yearling;  pi  years,  seasons. 

Slartng  c  (røol.)  graining. 

%tt'rtot  prov  fe  Urfiane. 

9ta'rlang  fe  Starelang. 

3to'rIc  adv  (+  a)  early  Cin  the  morning). 

9lo'rli(j  o  yearly,  annual;  —  adw  (t  -ligen)  yearly, 
annually.  -oarS  t  &  *  adv  every  year.  Starltng 
c  -er  yearling. 

2ta'r|mærte  fe  -ring.  -Vcnge  annuity,  pension. 
-^-rig  a  rich  in  years.  -ting  circle,  yearly  ring 
(of  a  tree).    -rætfe  series  of  years. 

3(a'tfag  c  -er  cause,  reason,  occasion;  af  biSfe 
-er,  for  biSfe  -er§  ©lijlb  for  certain  reasons;  af  ben 
_  for  thai  reason,  on  that  account;  af  ^tiab  _  lom 
■^on  iffe?  what  was  the  reason  for  his  not  coming  ? 
gtoe  _  til  give  occasion  for;  -en  tt(  at  the  cause 
why;  liat  bceret  ~  til  at  has  been  (the)  cause  of; 
ingen  ~  no  matter,  all  right,  you  are  quite 
welcome,  no  thanks  required;  uben  -  without 
cause,  a  causeless.  +2tarfageltg  a  causal,  causa- 
tive.    -fSlnrfngcUgljcb  c  causality. 

Slarfngé  i  Smf.  causal,  _  -IicgrcJ  idea  of  cause. 
-fitnbcorb  fe  -toniunltion.  -for^olb  relation  of 
cause,  causation,  -form  causative  voice.  -fon- 
junttian  causal  conjunction.  -fcctning  causal 

9lo't§|angitictfC:  mangler  _  hears  no  date  of 
the  year.  -orbejbc  year's  work.  -6arn  infant  (of) 
a  year  old;  bi  ere  -børn  we  are  of  the  same  age. 
-Jetctning  annual  report.  -biUettcr  pi  annuals. 
-bfig  anniversary;  t  (iføbfeBO  birthday.  -feft 
auhual  festival.  •gammc(  a  a  year  old.  -grøtte 
produce  of  a  year,  a  year's  crop. 

9ta'rffifte  return  of  the  year,  new  year. 

2to'r§|Ien  annual  el.  yearly  wages.  -tnøbc 
annual  meeting,  -prøve  annual  examination. 
-regning  bill  for  the  year,  yearly  account. 
-regnffoB  yearly  el.  annual  account.  -ftifte  fe 
8lar-.  -ffrlft  annual.  -ffub  year's  growth,  shoot. 
-tat  year,  date.  -tib  time  of  the  year,  season 
(of  the  year);  be  fire  -er  the  four  seasons.  -unge 
yearling;  fig  t)on  er  ingen  _  he  is  no  chicken. 
•Oarig  of  one  year's  duration.    -bcet^t  crop. 

Sla'rti  n  -er  decennary.  t-tlb  anniversary  day. 
-tuftnbe  millennium. 

Sta'rtiaagen  a  vigilant,  watchful.  -^eb  c  vigil- 
ance,  watchfulness,  wakefulness. 

9la'r*bcj  crop  of  a  year.  -Ot§  adv  el.  i  _  by 
the  year.  *-Bi§  a  giving  a  good  crop  every 
year,  unfailing. 

3ta§  c  -e  (*-er),  ridge;  beam. 

2la'ftcb  n  er  jur  place  of  perpetration,  spot 
in  question,  locus  in  quo.  —  9Iafteb§|bef(tcing, 
-forretning,  -mebe  loeal  inquest.  -fag  lawsuit 
requiring  a  local  inquest. 

Slaf^n  n  face,  visage,  countenance;  for  ®ubS  - 
in  the  face,  sight,  presence  of  God;  bort  fra  mit 
_  out  of  my  sight;  Blib,  Bifter  af  _  mild  el.  flerce 

Slafæbe  n  jur  residence;  place  of  residence. 
2laf  æbcSret  right  of  residence  i.  e.  right  (belonging 
generally  to  the  eldest  son)  of  remaining  in  pos- 
session  of  the  estate  at  a  low  price. 

*2lat  c  food  of  fishes  (small  shrimps  etc); 
(nabnlig  paa  f^ift)  parasitic  insects. 

•■'8late  n  bait,  lure  (for  beasts  of  prey);  food 
of  fishes. 

*9laUirIe  vt  cut  down  (timber). 

216'  mere  f.  ©té.  2ebertran  _  ©^riftianta  codliver- 
oil  a  Christiania. 

9lbattbon'  [fr.]  c  J,  aban'donment;  Jig.  ease. 
-ne're  vt  aban'don. 

9lbbe'b  c  -er  ab'bot.  -i  n  -er  ab'bey.  -iS'fe  c 
-r  ab'bes.s.    -f-Iig  c  abbat'ical. 

3tbbrcu{|rttto'n  c -er  abridgment,  abbrevla'tion. 
-e'rc  vt  abridge,  abbre'viate.    -c'rlng  c  fe  -ation. 

9tbc'  c  -er  (?llfa6et)  abc,  alphabet;  (33og)  abe- 
book,  spelling-book,  hornbook,  primer;  Ag  the 
first  rudiments,  -iavn  abcda'rian.  -bog  fe 

9t6bertt'  c  -er  Ab'derite,  Abder'itan.  -iff  a  ab- 
de'rian,  nonsensical.  j 

9lbbi|ce're  vt  &  i  ab'dicate.  -fatio'n  c  abdicaj 
tion.  1 

9lbbuf'toc  c  (røufEel)  abductor. 

9lbe  c  -r  monkey,  (meft  Jig)  ape  (i  3ool.  er  ape 
pitecuK,  monkey  simia);  J,  mizen-staysail,  ittbe 
efter  vt  mimic,  ape.  —  2lbc|agtig  aapish,  monkey- 
like.  -anftgt  monkey  face.  -ort  species  of 
monkeys.  -blomft  mimulus,  monkey-flower. 
-brabtræ  baobab,  Adamonia  digitata.  -egevtt 
aye-aye,  Gheiromi/i  mad  igascariensiB.  -f jæ^  fe 
-anftgt.  -t)tt8  monkey-house.  -tat  monkey;  Jig 
(Sfterabcr)  ape,  jaekanapes;  f  fbæle  -ten  wet 
one's  whistle.  -fattcrt'  n  buffoonery.  -latteftreg 
monkey  trick,  -fattebæfen  whimsical  mannets. 
-færlifl  a  doting.    -færligfteb  doting  love. 

Stbelmoft'uS  c  musk-seed,  amber-seed,  Hibiscus 
abelmoichui . 

9(be|nober  pi  monkey  tricks.  -^intf(f|et  monkey 
-pincher,  Canis  gryphwi. 

9lber  [t.]  n  ber  er  et  _  berbeb  there  is  a  but,  a 

3tbcri'  n  aping. 

9lbcrratio'n  c  aberra'tion. 

9lbe§rt'Micn  fe  Slbijgfinien. 

9tbe|fbtl,  -ftregcr  pi  foolery;  brtbe  _  meb  maki 
fun  of.    -unge  young  monkey. 

9lbilb  c  apple-tree,  Pgrus  malus.  -giiarb  or 
chard.    -groa  a  dapple-grav. 

+3tbttbrt'n  fe  Slppclfin. 

9lbto-t  fe  Dblat. 

Slbtatib  e  the  ablative  (case). 

aibtet'te  c  fe  Sejer  (gift). 

9lbnDrnt'  a  abno'rmal,  abnormous.    -ite't  c 
abno'rmity.    -ftote  school  for  defective  children? 

2tboJittonlft'  c  -er  abolit'ionist.  -tfl  a  aboli- 

3l6onne|ment'  n  -er  subscription.  -mentSaften 
subscription  night.  -mentSbittet  season-ticket, 
pass-tieket,  ^fernb.  annual  ticket.  -mentSlifte 
list  of  subscribers.  -nt'  c  -er  {paa  S3lab,  SCeoter) 
subseriber;  (paa  f^orlQftelfeSfteb,  ^ærnbane  o.  1.) 
season-ticket-holder;  (paa  ©pifetoarter)  contractor. 
-'re  vi  subscribe  (paa  to);  (p.  Spifelbarter)  con- 
tract;  -paa  et  Sejebibliotef  suscribe  to  a  circu- 
lating  library;  -t  fioge  private  box;  ieg  ^ar  -t 
I  have  a  private  box  el.  seats  in  a  private  box, 
I  am  a  subseriber  (to  the  theatre);  I  have  a 

Slborce  c  -r  perch,  Perca.  -græ§  pond-weed, 

SMbort'  c  -er  miscarriage,  abo'rtion.  -c're  vi 
miscarry,  have  an  abortion. 

aibrtfo'g  fe  9lprifo§. 

9(brob  c  soutliernwood,  Artemisia  abrotanum. 

9lbru5'5crnc  the  Abruzzi. 

9tbfente're  ur  fig  absent  one's  self. 

Slbfint^'  c  wormwood,  absinthium;  (Sifaren) 
absinthe,  bitters  (absinthiated  spirits). 

9lbfoI|ut'  a  absolute;  ado  absolutely;  perforce, 
needs;  l^an  Bil  _  gaa  he  insists  upon  going. 
■tttio'n  c  absolu'tion.  -uttS'mc  c  ab'solutism. 
-utift'  c  -er  ab'solutist.  -tttift'ift  a  absolutistic. 
-be're  vt  absolve;  -  fin  (Sfiamen  pass  one's  exa- 






abforbie're  vt  abso'rb.    •e'ring  c  abso'rption. 

abétroiftcre  vt  abstract'.  -ft'  a  ab'stract;  adv 
in  the  abstract.  -t'ter  pi  (DrBcI;  ab'stracts. 
-ftio'n  <-•  -er  abstrac'tion,  abstract  thought. 

Jltifnri)'  a  absurd.    -iWt  c  -er  absur'dity, 

•Jlbqeftnilen  n  Abyssin'ia.    -itv  c  -e  •ierittbe 

r,  -iff  a  &  n  Abyssin'ian. 

'Jlcoj  ott««J>  cashew  nut. 

21  (t)ab  Ahab. 

■Hditto'li^et  Ahith'ophel. 

Sldlit'ler  c  -e,  -if!  a  Achæan;  bet  -e  gforbunb 
the  Achæan  League. 

Slqui't  [fr.]  the  lead;  lægge  _  lead  (offj. 

3lb  /)rp  to,  towards,  along,  by;  at;  _  ^Bjre, 
Benftre,  to  the  right,  left;  _  ben  SSej  by  the  road; 
jeg  rejfte  til  SI  _  ^  I  went  to  A  by  the  way  of  D; 
^en  -  ii'ejen  along  the  road;  ^en  -  to  2(at  near 
(ly;  two  years;  ^en  -  Siften  towards  evening; 
inb  -  S!Btcn,  SSiiibuct  in  at  (el.  by;  the  door, 
window;  langS  _  along;  neb  -  down;  op  - 
up;  op  -  ^agcn  in  the  course  of  the  day,  op  ~ 
Sceggen  against  the  wall;  rejie  _  fionbon  til  go 
London  way;  bet  ligger  _  iKolIilbe  til  it  stands 
towards  Roeskilde;  gaa  _  ,g)eltiebe  til  go  to  the 
devil,  be  hanged  (to  yon);  _  ©angen  at  a  time; 
fe  9Iar,  Smile  o.  fl.  —  adv  fe  Jpore,  eporge,  ®e. 

%bam  Ad 'am;  bo  -  groD,  og  ®0a  fpoiib,  ^Oor 
fanbteé  ba  en  Sébelmanb  when  Adam  dolve  and 
Eve  spån,  ^vho  was  then  the  gentleman.  — 
9[bamé  figen  fe  SBonon.  -noal  yucca.  Yucca 
gloriosa.  -ftOU  caper  spurge,  Euphorbia  lathyris. 
•f«n  son  of  Adam.  -træ  Adam's  wood  (Srcefort;; 
fe  -ftob.    -ablc  Adam's  apple  (ogfoa  (Jitronen). 

Slbcit|e're  vt  call,  summon.  -atio'n  c  sum- 

tSl'bbljrb  c  gesture;  fe  9lbfærb. 

Slbbjc're  vt  add,  cast  up.  -e'ritig,  •itio'n  c 
addition.  •itionéflQfte  example  el.  exercise 
el.  sum  in  addition.  -ittonStrgn  sign  of  ad- 
dition, plus. 

Slbcl  c  (ogfaa  fig)  nobility;  af  _  of  noble  birth. 
-baaren,  -btirbtg,  -fabt  a  noble-born.  -^efte  pi 
true  horses.  Slbeltg  a  noble,  titled;  be  -e  the 
nobles  -t  ®obå  nobleman's  estate;  -t  fiefin  feoff 
noble  tSlbeltlabcr  blue  anemonia,  Anemonv 

9(be(£){brtb  patent  of  nobility.  -bljrb  noble 
descent,  •bame,  -frue  lady  of  title,  noblewoman. 
-fr«tcn  nobleman's  daughter,  unmarried  lady  of 
noble  rank.  -gal  mad  about  nobility,  mad 
after  a  handle  to  his  name.  -gob§  nobleman's 
estate.  -fterre  nobleman.  -^crrebemtne  power 
el.  rule  of  the  aristocracy.  Slbelffab  n  nobility. 
3lbelé|fofte  caste  of  nobfemen.  -magt  fe  -l)erre= 
bømme.  -manb  nobleman.  -manbtg  Joe  lordly. 
-nabn  noble  name.  -natter  aristocratic  preten- 
sions.  -pattnt  fe  -breu.  -ptceq  stamp  of  nobility. 
-rrgifter  (book  of  the)  peerage.  -ftjolb  escutcheou, 
coat  of  arms.  -flægt  noble  family.  -^olt^eb  pride 
of  birth,  aristocratic  pride.  ^belftanb  nobilitv. 
%beB|tttel  title  (of  nobility;.  -bælbe  fe  -fierre= 
bømme.    -t^-bcelbig  a  aristocratic. 

SIbe|it'  c  -er  adept.    . 

St'bfoerb  c  (Cpførfel)  conduct,  behaviour,  de- 
meanour;  (.gtanblemoabe)  proceeding(s);  unber  - 
fftet  fiooen  at  the  risk  of  a  legal  exeeution,  (he 
will  be  dealt  with  according  to  law). 

tl'bgang  c  -e  Onblobelfe)  admittance,  admis- 
sion; (Silgang;  access,  approach,  avenue;  foa  _ 
gain  admittance,  be  admitted;  jeg  filiffe_Iwas 
not  permitted  to  enter;  let  _  til  ot  (great)  facil- 
ities  for  -ing;  »anftelig  at  faa  -  til  difflcult  of 
access;  jeg  t)ar  ingen  ~  til  ot  I  have  no  oppor- 
tunity  of;  Setaling  of  en  SfiiHing  gioer  -  til  a  fee 
of  a  shilling  will  pass  the  visitor  to;  -  til  ffalten 
ose  of  kltchen.  —  9lbgangd|berettigelfe  fe   ret. 

-elSamen  en  trance  examination,  (tjeb  Uniberfttet) 
matriculationexamination.  -tortticketel.  voucher 
of  admission,  -prié  entrance-money,  admission 
fee.  -ret  right  of  admission,  admissibility.  -til> 
labelfe  admission. 

Slbieu'  [fr.]  good-bye. 

Adjec'tO:  contradictio  in  _  contradiction  in 

9tb'|ettiO  n  -er  adjective;  fom  _  adjectively. 
•iff  a  adjective,  adjectival;  adv  adjectively. 

Slbjubant'  fe  Slbjutont. 

!Hbjunge  re  vt  give  as  an  assistant. 

Slbjunft'  c  -er  assistant  teacher  (of  a  public 
grammar  school). 

Slbjuftc'rbærf  drawing-bench. 

Slbjutont'  c  -er  ad'jutant  (ogfoa  guglen,  Lepto- 
ptiloi  argala),  aid  (de-camp). 

StbjubanS  n,  med  adjuvant. 

9»bj«é  F  fe  Slbieii. 

Slbfomft  c  -er  (Steb)  access;  (SRet)  title,  right, 
claim;  fiooe  gob  -  til  have  a  good  claim  (etc.; 
to;  mcb  ^Dillen  _  gør  Se. .  .?  what  right  have 
you  tp  . . .  -brtb,  -botumcnt  title-deed,  muni- 

21'ble  vt  ennoble,  nobilitate;  knight.  Slbling  c 
ennoblement,  uobiljtation;  knighting. 

3l'b(t)be  vt  obey,  yield  obedience  to;  i!fe  ~  dis- 
obey;  man  bør  ~  ®ub  mere  enb  fflienneffene  we 
ought  to  obey  God  rather  than  men. 

Stbminiftrjatton  c  administration.  -atl'»  a 
admin'istrative,  administe'riaj.  -a'tor  c  -ato'rcr 
trustee,  administrator,  -e're  vt  admin'ister;  -nbe 
®ire!tør  acting  manager. 

Slbmira'I  c  -er  admiral  (ogfoa  ©nelfe  og  Som- 
merfugl); »X,  canvas-bucket.  -in'be  c  -r  admiral's 
wife;  tJru-  99Mrs.  Admiral  B.  -ite'tet  n  the  Ad'mi- 
ralty.  -ite'téftog  Admiralty  flag.  -ite'térct  court 
of  Admiralty,  Admiralty  court.  -Sflag  Admiral's 
flag.    -ftab  ad'miralship.    -ffib  Admiral's  ship. 

Slbmitte're  vt  admit';  _  poo  n^  readmit. 

Slbolf  Adol'phus. 

Slbo'n|i8  5^  birds'  eye.  -iff  a  adoni'c;  _  S8er5 
adonic  (verse). 

Slbo^tlere  vt  adopt'.  -e'ring  c,  -to'n  c  adop'- 
tion.  -i'Obarn  adopted  et.  adoptive  child.  -i'b- 
fober  adop'tive  father. 

Slbouce  re  vt  soften,  temper. 

Slbreéfjant  c  -er  mere  adres'ser.  -at  c  -et 
addressee,  person  addressed,  (fiobning?)  con- 

abreS'fe  c  -r  address,  direction;  _  ^x.  9i.  91. 
(to  the)  care  of  Mr.  N.  N.;  beferge  efter  -n  for- 
ward as  per  address.  -nbiS  advertiser.  -bog 
directory,  -breb  letter  of  conveyance.  -bebat 
debate  on  the  Address.  -laleuber  fe  -bog.  -lontor 
advertising  oflice.  -re  vt  address',  direct,  (Sfib, 
SSarer)  consign.    -febbet  card  of  address. 

Slbrtono'^el  n  Adrianople. 

Slbrta  terljattet,  bet  obriotifte  |)ot)  the  Adriat'ic. 

Slbræt'  a  nimble,  agile,  active,  smart. 

3l'bftttt|c  vt  part,  separate,  divide,  sever,  dis- 
unite;  chem  decompose ;  (ftelne  imellem)  distinguish, 
discriminate;  ~  fig  (ofoige)  differ;  -8  part,  sepa- 
rate, part  Company,  -clftg  a  separable,  divisible; 
distinguishable.  -elig^cb  c  separability,  divisi- 
bility.  -elfe  c  -r  separation,  disjunction,  dis- 
union, schism;  distinciion,  discrimination.  -tlfeS« 
tontraft  contract  of  separation,  -'ig  a  consider- 
able,  no  little  (t  fe  gorftetlig);  -e  vi,  a  several, 
divers,  various,  sundry,  »  not  a  few  people;  -t 
several  things; ig(t)  adv  rather,  nota  little. 

9t'bfJ)lltte  vt  scatter,  disperse,  dissipate,  break 
np,  i^ær)  rout.  -Ife  c  scattering,  dispersion, 
dissipation,  upbreak. 

SH'bflircjbe  vt  disperse,  scatter,  dissipate;  fig 
(Sinbet)  divert,  amuse;  (S^onterne)  divert,  distract; 



_  fig  divert,  amuse,  recreate  one's  self.  -belfe 
c  scatterlng  etc,  dissipatiou,  dispersion;  distrac- 
tion;  (gorltjftelie)  diversion,  recreation,  relaxa- 
tion;  -r  amusements;  bibl  font  ere  i  -n  which  are 
scattered  abroad.  -bt  a  scattered  etc;  fig  absent, 
abstracted;  _  Itggenbe  scattered,  straggling.  -bt' 
l^eb  c  absence  of  mind. 

3l'bf^)«rflc  vt  asii,  intervogate;  (raablpørge)  con- 
sult.    -Ife  c  Consulting. 

^'bftabig  a  staid,  steady,  sedate,  sober,  -^eb 
c  staidness,  steadiness. 

Slbftnnge'tenbc  a  astrin'gent;  _  9KibbeI  astrin- 

Sl'bbarle  vtvfårn,  caution  (om,  mob  of,  against); 
(Jjoaminbe,  formone)  admonish;  lab  big  _  take 
waming;  —  -enbe  a  admonitory,  cautionary; 
_  Crb  word  of  caution.  -fet  c  -jXec,  warning, 
caution;  admonition;  (lobformeligt  fortijnbt)  letters 
monitory;  lab  bette  tjene  big  til  ~  take  this  as  a 

Slboent  c  Advent. —  2lbt>ettt§H)ræbtten  Advent 
sermon.  -f<rnbag  sunday  in  Advent,  -tlben  i  ~ 
during  Advent. 

2tbticr'6|ittm  n  -ter  ad'verb.  -io't,  -toiff  a 
adver'bial; i  alt  adv  adverbially. 

9tb»)cr§'  fe  SloerS. 

2tbtii'§  c  mere  advice.    -t're  fe  ?loifere. 

Sibttota't  c  -er  barrister,  counsel,  lawyer,  ad'- 
vocate;  -erne  (foUefttot)  the  counsel,  (fom  Stonb) 
tbe  bar.  -ftonbejt  de/  the  bar.  -u'r  c  ad'vocate- 

*HbCElt)0't  a  ad'equate. 

aif  prp;  —  bv-  af  en  ^lænbelfe  by  chance, 
accideutally;  !enbe  en  af  'Ulaw  know  one  by 
name;  ©nebter  af  $rofe§fton  a  joiner  by  tråde; 
gobmobig  af  fig  good-tempered  by  nature,  natu- 
rally good-tempered;  af  bereS  Ubfeenbe  funbe  man 
tro  by  (el.  from;  their  looks  it  might  be  believed; 
($ngelf£  Drbbog  af  SSeBfter  English  dictionary  by 
W.;  (oeb  5pa§ftO):  gjort  nf  en  @ træ bb er  made  by  a 
tailor;  ^an  agteS  af  enftber  he  is  respected  by 
every  one;  jeg  Ijar  t)ørt  fige  af  Søfolf  I  have 
heard  it  said  by  sailors;  —for-,  af  mange  ®cunbe 
for  many  reasons;  fian  »eb  meget  af  en  i8onbe  at 
Bære  he  is  well  informed  for  a  peasant;  — /rom  -. 
jeg  ))at  ^ørt  bet  af  min  ©øfter  I  have  heard  it 
from  my  sister  (I  have  been  told  so  by  my 
sister);  erfare  af  learn  from  (el.  of);  libe  af  suffer 
from;  flutte  af  conclude  from  (o.  fl.);  bet  er  flart 
af  it  is  evident  from;  of  ^ri^Qgt  for  from  fear  of; 
af  SlJøbOfnbigfjeb  from  necessity;  —  in:  af  S8æ!gt, 
étørrelfe,  8lar  in  stature,  size,  years;  en  af  ifnn-- 
brebe  one  in  a  hundred;  bet  er  roSoærbigt  af  ®em 
it  is  pralseworthy  in  you  —  o/:  to  af  bem  two 
of  them;  en  af  bem  fom  one  of  those  who;  af 
35igtigt)eb  of  importance;  ajJanb  af  gforftanb  man 
of  sense;  i  Svaft  af  by  el.  in  virtue  of;  beb  Jpjælp 
af  by  means  of  (o.  fl.;  gjort,  Bygget  af  Sræ  made, 
built,  of  wood;  Songe  af  ®onmart  king  of  Den- 
mark; ®ere§  33reb  of  ben  lObe  your  letter  of 
the  lOth;  en  SSen  af  min  3aber  a  friend  of  my 
father's;  af  fig  felb  of  one's  self,  of  oue's  own 
accord,  spontaneously:  —  off:  hjælpe  en  of  ^eften 
help  one  otf  his  horse;  bof!  Sæben  af  bit  iSnfigt 
wash  the  soap  otf  your  face;  —  on :  Btioe  feb  of 
fatten  on;  gøre  ftg  til  af  plume  one's  self  on 
(o.  p.);  afhængig  af  dependent  on  el.  of;  fem  of 
^unbrebe  (i  SHente)  flve  on  the  hundred;  of  ben 
®runb  on  that  account;  —  out  o/-,  langt  af  SSejen 
far  out  of  the  way;  ni  of  ti  nine  out  of  ten;  af 
gortbiblelfe  out  of  desperation;  —to:  en  S8en, 
gjenbe,  Slabe  of  (fig)  a  friend,  enemy,  slave,  to; 
—  wM:  af  ganfJe  ^iem  with  all  my  heart;  røb, 
fort  (ojb.)  af  red,  black  with;  I)alDbøb  of  Srættieb, 
Satter  half  dead  with  fatigue,  laughter;  —  (fe 
beguben  SSerber,  Slbjettiber  og  (Subftanttber  forbunbne 

meb  af);  —  ado  fra  farft  af  from  the  flrst;  fra' 
ajarn  af  from  a  child;  fra  neben  of  from  the 
bottom,  from  below;  fra  oben  of  from  the  top, 
from  above;  ^an  bil  (blibe)  af  meb  he  wants  to 
be  rid  of;  af  og  tit  off  and  on,  now  and  tben, 
from  time  to  time;  af  meb  ^»attene!  hats  ofF; 
bære  of  be  off,  =^  be  broken;  gaa  af  go  et.  get 
off,  *  go  to  pieces;  garnen  goar  af  the  colour 
rubs  off.  ■  . 

ai'forfiejbe  vt  pay  off  by  work.  m 

St'fart  c  -er  variety.  I 

3l'fb(jtancerc  vt  balance. 

91  fbant|e  vt  beat  out;  (en)  beat  soundly, 
cudgel,  thrash.  -ttlnfl  c,  -er  thrashing,  drubbing; 
en  orbenlig  _  a  sound  drubbing. 

2t'fliarl|e  vt  bark,  decorticate,  strip  off  the 
bark  of;  -et  stripped  of  the  bark,  bark-bared, 
bark-stripped.  -ning  c -er  barking,  decortication. 

91'fbebe  vt  (Jorfeetfe)  ask  el  beg  pardon  for; 
(noget  onbt)  deprecate,  beg  off,  avert  by  prayers; 
(en)  recall  an  iuvitation  to;  afbeb  bine  gorfeelfec 
t)0§  Ijam  ask  his  pardon  for  your  offences.  -tfe 
c  deprecation.  a 

3t'f6efotte  fe  9Iffolte.  1 

*2tfbeite  vt  graze  off.  ^ 

9lfben^ttc  vt  have  the  use  of;  6abe  -t  have 
done  with,    -Ife  c  use.    -Ifeårct  right  of  using. 

2l'fbeftlH|e  vt  countermand.  -ing  c  -er  counter- 
mand,  counterorder. 

3t'fbctatie  vt  pay  off;  (afgøre)  liquidate.  -ittg 
c  -er  paying  off;  concr  part-payment,  install- 
ment;  liquidation,  discharge;  mobtage  nt  paa  ~ 
take  st  on  account,  by  anticipation  el.  in  part- 
payment;  føbe  et  ^pianoforte  pao  -  buy  a  p 
the  hire  system. 

at'fbctle  fe  SIftigge. 

9t'ftietiif|e  vt  disprove,  refute.  -lig  a  dispro'^ 
able,  refutable.    -ning  c  disproof,  refutation. 

2rfbi|bc  vt  bite  off.    -bt  a  ^  abrupt. 

2l'fbtbf|Ie  vt  unbridle.    -ling  c  unbridling. 

9t'f6tgt  c  apology;  gøre  -  apologize  (^08  en 
for  to  one  for). 

9l'fbiC|be  vt  (SStHebli.)  form,  frame,  model; 
(SUal.  og  fig)  portray,  delineate,  draw,  picture. 
-bntng  c  -er  representation,  drawing,  draught, 
delineation,  (tun  concr)  picture.  -tebe  n,  -r 

3l'f6i«b|e  vt  bind;  (SSorte  0.  I.)  tie  off;  (Rømmet) 
trim;  _  et  |>u§  join  the  timberwork  of  a  house, 
put  up  the  framework  of  a  house,  -ing  c  bind- 
ing etc.   -ingSpIabå  ground  for  joining  timbers. 

9tfblab|e  vt  pluck,  strip  off  the  leaves  of. 
-ning  c  plucking  etc. 

2('f6lon!|e  vt  polish,  burnish;  fe  SJtonte  af. 
■ning  c,  fig  cleaning  out. 

2l'fble|ge  vt  bleach  out,  fade;  —  vi  fade;  — 
-get  '1  discoloured,  {OQ]aa  fig)  faded. 

-h3t'fblc»en  =  bteoen  af,  fe  SSlioe. 

aifblomftrje  vi  shed  the  blossoms;  (biSne, 
falme)  fade,  wither,  decay;  ben  l^ar  -et  it  has 
done  flowering;  en  -et  ©føn^eb  a  faded  beauty. 
-ing  c  fading,  withering,  decay. 

2t'fblæf|c  vt  blow  off;  _  en  Sanon  scale  (el. 
blow  off)  a  gun;  —  vi  cease  biowing.  -ning  c 
biowing  off. 

blow-off cock.  -vev  blow-off pipe.  -tientil  escape 

3t'bD]nttte  vt  take  down  from  the  loom 

2t'fbone  vt  fe  S3one. 

2l'fbot)C  vt  unbow  (an  anchor). 

2t'fbrafe  vt  J,  brace  to;  —  vi  cease  frying. 

2l'f6rub  n  pi  =,  interruption,  intermission. 
3lfbrnbt  part  of  SIférljbe;  a  abrupt;  ker  fracted; 
—  adv  interruptedly,  by  tits  and  starts. 



3f  9lf  og  aKe  ©ammenfætninger  berof  ubtaleS  f  fom  b. 



Sl'fbrugt  part  done  with;  ^ade  _  have  done 

!H  fbrnfe  vi  cease  frothing  el.  fermenting; 
iBreben  ijar  -t  ^oS  ^am  his  anger  has  subsided. 

3['fbr^&|e  t)<  break  oflf,  interrupt,  break  in 
upon;  (oo^are  meb)  discontinue;  _  i  SCaten  inter- 
rupt, cut  Short;  _  en  93ro  cut  off  a  bridge;  oor 
Samtale  6feb  -brubt  our  conversation  was  broken 
up  e(.  broken  ofF;  _  Omgangen  meb  break  with. 
-elfe  c  -r,  -ning  c  breaking  ofT  etc;  interruption, 
intermission,  break. 

St'fbrcct  c  &  11  detriment,  prejudice,  injury, 
loss;  til  _  for  for  the  detriment  of;  gøre  _  i  in- 
jure,  prejudice,  mar;  bet  ^ar  gjort  mig  ftort  _  It 
has  been  very  injurious  el.  prejudicial  to  me,  a 
^eat  hindrance  to  me.  -le  vt  break  oiF.  -ning 
c  -er  breaking  oflf;  (i  ®uobes)  ofF-cut. 

9l'fbrænb|c  vt  bum,  bum  down;  (ftanon)  fire, 
discharge;  (Strubt)  flash;  _  5Qroærtert  letoffflre- 
works;  -t  SSin  muUed  wine.  -tng  c  burning  etC; 
met  dip,  pickle;  dipping,  pickling. 

SS'fbttb  n,  pi  =,  countermessage,  counterorder, 
fenbe  -  send  an  excuse;  withdraw  an  invitation; 
ber  fom  _  fra  ^am  he  sent  an  excuse. 

SCfbugfcret  part  J,  towed  oflf. 

^'fbuine  vi  fester  away,  be  removed  by  sup- 
puration;  cease  festering. 

3('fbunbte  vt  divide  into  bundles. 

*2l  fb^gb  c  -er  remote  el.  seoluded  district. 

2l'fb^gge  vt  min  work.  t^fbqggergaarb  out- 
lying  farm,  parcelled  off  from  a  larger  one  or 
from  a  village. 

Si'fb^rb  c  progeny,  offspring. 

St'fb^tntng  c  -er  (Sfal)  exchange. 

St'fbælge  vt  hull,  husk. 

2J'fb«be  vt  do  penance  for,  expiate;  (afbætge) 
ward  off,  parry. 

'Jt'fbajle  vt  bend  aside;  (en  ittftægger)  layer;  -i 
(om  ffiugle)  deflect.    -ning  c  deflection. 

«'fb*n  c  fe  «tf6tgt. 

a'fb«fte  vt  (Støb)  brush  off;  (Slæber)  brush; 
fig  dust  one's  jacket.  -ning  c  -er  brushing;  fii; 
drubbing,  dressing. 

SS'fclrflc  vt  measure  with  a  pair  of  compasses. 

*9C  fbol  c  -e  remote  el.  secluded  valley. 

2l'fbam>>|e  vt  (tørre)  air;  (labe  forbampe)  evapo- 
rate.    -ning  e  -er  airing;  evaporation. 

3t'fbanfc  vt  cast  off;  -t  (Solbat)  dismissed,  dis- 
charged,  (Slæber)  cast  off. 

^'fban^ning  the  last  dance.  -ningSbat  the 
closing  ball. 

3l'fbelie  vt  (bete)  divide,  part,  partition,  parcel; 
_  paa  ni)  redivide;  (affonbre)  partition  off.  -ing  c 
-er  division,  partition;  (9lum)  compartment;  (af 
©frift)  section;  (af  Sropper,  glaabe)  detachment; 
oiti«  (af  Sonate  el.  I.)  movement. 

■M'fbtgle  vt  t  dike  off,  embank;  •  drain.  -ning 
c    er  diking  etc,  embankment;  *  draining. 

9t'fbi«!ptttere  vt  dispute,  jeg  laber  mig  itfe  _ 
min  Jro  poa  I  am  not  to  be  argued  out  of  my 
belief  in. 

*3t  fbraott  c  produce  of  a  dairy. 

ai'fbrag  n,  pi  =,  part-payment;  (grabrog, 
Stabat)  deduetion;  i,  paa  el.  fom  _  on  account,  in 
part-payment;  fommer  til  _  i  is  to  be  deducted 
from.  'Jlfbragle  vt  (trætte  af)  pull  el.  take  off; 
(afbetale)  pay  in  part;  (trætte  fra)  deduct.  -cife  c 
le  Mfbrag.    Slfbrag§»l§  adv  by  instalments. 

M'fbtcjle  vt  (t)rtDe  af)  twist  off;  {paa  Srcjeftol) 
tnm  smooth;  (bortbreje)  turu  off;  —  vi  cease 
turning.    -ning  c  twisting  etc. 

fj'fbtfft  c  (SuglcS;  deflection;  J,  lee-way;  ^abe 
-  make  lee-way.  —  ^fbrift^ltuabrant  drift 
compass.    -oinfet  angle  of  lee-way. 

9l'fbrlHe  et  drink  off  el.  out;  vt  cease  drinking. 

3l'fbrtti|e  vt  drive  out,  dLspel,   expel;   (Sfoo) 

cut  down,  waste;  (TOetatter)  smelt;  —  vi  cease 
lounging  et.  idling.  -ning  c  driving  etc.  -ning3= 
^ngft  felling,  cutting  down. 

31'fbr^VlVC  vi  drip  off,  drain  off.  -ning  c  drip- 

9l'fbnnft|e  vi  evaporate.  -ning  c  evaporation; 
art  drying. 

3t  fbqb|e  vt  deepen,  make  deeper,  sink.  -ning 
c  deepening  etc. 

^'fbætl  fe  »tuncover;  (Stotiie)  unveil;  _  SSorbet 
remove  the  cloth;  _  ©tal  discover  check,  -ning 
c  uncovering  etc. 

9('fbæm|me  vt  dam  up;  vt  .  for  dam  out. 
-ning  c  damning  up;  coner  dam. 

3l'fbæmi)e  vt  subdue,  soften  down,  tone  down. 

9t'fb«  'i  die;  _  fra  ©tjnben  die  to  sin;  _  fra 
SBerben  die  to  the  world;  -b  part  deceased,  de- 
parted,  defunct;  ben  -be  the  deceased,  departed; 
min  -be  røanb  my  late  el.  poor  husband. 

Mfc'Ilnm  n  aphelion. 

Mffa-bet  a  affable. 

9l'ffab|e  vt  draw  off.    -ning  c  drawing  off. 

%'ffalt  n,  pi  =,  (f.  et§.  iiøwti)  fall;  (©traaning) 
inclination,  declivity,  slope,  fall;  (^bob  ber  falber 
af,  i  Slim.)  refuse,  waste,  (»eb  Slaqtn.)  offal(s), 
(i  ^uJ^olbn.)  broken  victuals,  leavings  pi,  (i  en 
^atje)  windfalls,  (af  TOetal)  refuse,,  residue, 
scum;  (af  2æber)  cuttings;  J,  falling  off;  ftøt  for 
_ !  nothing  off!  keep  her  to !  famle  _  i  Sfoben 
pick  up  sticks  in  the  woods.  -fSlffalble  vi  fall 
off;  -tn  a  emaciated;  J,  bære  _  carry  a  lee  helm; 
-enbe  a  (®cunb)  shelving;  ^  "deciduous.  •ene 
falling  off. 

3{'ffa(bd|b4nge  (i  9llm.)  refuse-heap,  scrappile; 
arekce  kitchen-midden.  -gobS  J;  shakings.  -jorb 
field  remote  from  a  village.  -probntt,  -ftof 
residual  product.  -f«b  shed  grain.  -bintet 
angle  of  reflexion. 

affolmet  a  faded. 

9('ffange  vt  b.  f.  f.  gtbe  gangft,  fe  ^angft. 

3l'ffarcnbe  a  ?iSlabS  ,1,  departure;  -  SJrebbe, 
Sængbe  latitude  from,  longitude  from. 

9tffart  c  departure,  setting  out  el.  off. 

2t'ffor»|e  vt  decolour;  -enbe  a  decolorant,  _ 
3Rtbbel  decolorant;  -et  «  decoloured;  coloured. 

9t'ffttfe  vt  (Xømr.)  round  off,  bevel. 

%'^atte  vt  draw  up,  compose,  indite,  word, 
couch.  -Ife  c  drawing  up  etc,  draught.  -Ife8= 
ntaabc  c  style,  composition. 

tStffcbbc  vt  bind  into  skelus. 

21'ffebte  vt  scour,  get  off  the  grease. 

9t'ffcj|e  vt  sweep  off;  -enbe  «  careless,  flippant, 
slighiing,  cavalier.    -ning  c  sweeping  etc. 

Mffett'  c  -er  excitement;  emotion,  (ftærlere) 
passion;  fomme  i  _  become  excited,  (ftærtere) 
flre,  fly  into  a  passion,  -atio'n  c  affecta'tion. 
-e're  vt  affect'.  -eret  a  affected.  -io'n  c,  med 
affec'tion.    -io'ndoærbi  sentimental  valne. 

Stffice'rc  vt  affect'. 

9tffil|e  vt  burnish,  touch  up  (with  a  file);  flle 
off     -ing  c  filing  etc;  (gilfpaaner)  filings  pi. 

31  ffinbe  ftg  vr  compound,  make  a  composition, 
come  to  an  agreement,  come  to  terms  (meb 
with).  -Ife  c  composition,  agreement.  -IfeSfnm 
sum  of  acquittance. 

3lffine'r|e  vt  reflne.    -ing  c  reflning. 

Sl'fftnite't'  c  aifln'ity. 

21'ffire  vt  J,  ease  off;  -  et  ©løbe  let  fly  a 
sheet;  -be  ©føber  flowing  sheets. 

iS  ffiff e  vt  draw,  unstoek  (a  pond);  —  vi :  ^ae  e 
-t  have  done  fishing. 

9t  ffjete  vt  pluck  off  the  feathers  of,  displume; 
-  3)ampen  cushion  the  piston. 

9t'fflaa  vt  flay,  skin;   flay  off. 

ai'fflaab,  2lffIob  n  drainage;  discharge. 

31'fflobe  vt  fiatten. 




aCffl^be  vi  flow  off. 

9['ffI(e!Ie  vt  cleave  off;  pare  off. 

8l'fflflbe  tt  skim  (off  the  cream  of). 

9('ffob|re  ?<  fodder,  feed;  »t  bi  Ijatie -t  we  have 
done  foddering.    -rijtB  c  -er  feeding. 

3l'ffolt|e  vt  depopulate,  dispeople,  unpeople. 
-niitfl  c  depopulation. 

3l'fforJ)|tc  vt  (en  nt)  demand,  request,  require 
(st  from  one),  ask  (one  for  st  el.  st  of  one),  call 
upon  one  to  give,  show,  pay  st;  jeg  pal  lobe 
^otn  bet  »  I  shall  send  to  him  for  it.  •titig  c 

9l'ffot«i|e  vt  form,  model,  shape,  fashion, 
mould:  _  nt  i  SSofS  take  the  cast  of  st  in  wax. 
-ning  c  -er  forming  etc. 

»'ff ritte  vt  (en  nt)  pnmp  (st)  out  of  (one). 

-i^Slffrottt'  c  affront. 

9rffr»)fe  vi  freeze  off;  bet  f)at  -oSfet  the  frost 
is  over. 

Wffuåire  ?«  defusel.    -Httfl  c  defuseling. 

9lffttt|a'ge  c  (gun-)  carriage.  -e'ie  vt  place  in 

9l'ff^r|c  vt  flre,  let  off,  discharge,  -inj  c 
firing  etc. 

affælbig  (ogf.  Slffærbig)  a  decaycd,  decrepit, 
infirm,  breaking  up;  J,  fe  9lffalben.  -^et>  c  decay, 
inflrmity,  deerepitude. 

Slffærblge  vt  dlspatch,  expedite,  send  off;  (en, 
ftebeSloft  e.  I.)  put  el.  turn  one  off,  dismiss, 
dispose  of.  -Ife  c  dispatching  etc,  dispatch; 

9tffæ're  c  -r  (i  aUe  SSet.)  affair;  gere  gobe  -x 
make  a  good  thing  of  it;  toge  _  take  action, 
take  the  matter  in  hånd. 

3l'fT«b|e  vt  give  rise  to.  -niwg  c  -er  offsprlng, 
progeny;  fig  outgrowth. 

9t'ff«get  part  =  føget  of,  fe  g^ge. 

+3lffalge  c  consequence. 

5H'ft«r|e  t<  (en  nt)  divest  (one  of);  _  bet  gamle 
SJlenneffe  put  off  the  old  man;  _  fig  divest  one's 
self  of,  pull  off,  put  off;  —  vi  purge;  -  e  n  b  e  a 
aperient,  evaeuant,  cathartic;  -nbe  9Kibbel  ape- 
rient  etc.  -elfc  c  puUiug  off  etc.  -ittfl  c  -er 
evaeuation,  purgation,    -ing^ntibbet  fe  -enbe. 

9('fgaa  vi  (broge  6ort)  go,  set  off,  depart,  start, 
leave,  sail;  (fra  ©mfiebe)  retire;  (frobroge?)  be 
deductcd;  ~  beb  ©jøben,  die,  depart  this  life; 
aSrebet,  ielegromntet  ofgil  the  letter,  telegram 
was  sent;  -ebe  ©fiSe  sailings,  departures;  bet 
-enbe  røiniflerium  the  outgoing  ministry;  J, 
-enbe  (om  ®runb)  shelving,  ftcertt  -enbe  steep-to. 

^'fgang  c  setting  off  etc  (fe  otf.),  departure; 
(9lffætning)  sale;  (gorminkftelfe)  decrease,  abate- 
ment;  (of  en  S8onIe)  slope;  bøbelig  _  decease,  (om 
fj^rfter)  demise;  -  fra  fiifler  og  9!Konbtal  dis- 
engagement, expunction.  —  9lfgattg§|6ctii8  dis- 
charge, -bag  day  of  departure  el.  sailing. 
•etSatnen  fe  -prøoe.  -^ntin  port  of  departure. 
•tIaSfe  first  class.  -mætte  4,  starting  post. 
-tiertDtt  departure  platform,  -pnntt  starting 
-point.  -))r«ue  final  examination  (before  leaving 
school).  -flbe  departure  side.  -fignat  starting 
-signal,  -ftation  station  of  departure.  -fJeb,  -tib 
place,  time,  of  sailing  (departure). 

aif'gennc  vt  chase  el.  drive  away. 

3(f'g4att|ei:  c  -e  -ifl  a  Af'ghan.  -iftatt  n  Af- 

a'fgift  c  -er  (Seje  olb)  rent;  (<Btat,  Solb  ofb) 
tax,  impost,  duty.  9lfgift§|fri  a  rent-free,  duty 
-free.  -frit  odv  free  of  rent  el.  duty.  -fri^eb 
exemption  from  rent  el.  duty.  -pligtig  a  liable 
to  rent  el.  duty;  ben  -e  2:on2bropgtig^eb  the  regi- 
ster tonnage. 

at'f gitre  tt  lattice  off. 

9t'fgi»)|e  vt  (ijbe)  yield,  produce;  (oflebere)  de- 
liver,   hånd,  render,  give  up;  _  golf,  ©olboter 




ftarnish  men,  soldiers;  Sorlene  felebe  ne  til  et 
anbet  SRegiment  the  men  were  draughted  into 
another  regiment  _  en  erllæting,  Setænfning 
make  a  declaration,  give  an  opinion;  -  et  ^ret» 
deliver,  drop,  leave,  a  letter;  _  et  SSebiS  furnish 
a  proof;  _  fm  (Stemme  vote,  give  one's  suffrage; 
bette  golf  -er  gobe  Solbater  makes  good  soldierg 
-I-  -  fig  meb,  fe  ®ite  fig  af.  -elfc,  +  -ning  c  yiel 
ing  etc. 

2l'f gjort  a  liked,  made  much   of;   —  part 
Sifgere};    _   SBiSIieb  absolute  certainty;  _  ttnbS« 
gerning  positive  faet;  _  gjenbe  decided  enemy; 
_   ®ranler  confirmed   drunkard;  onle  for  _  tal 
for  granted;    bermeb   er  brn  Sag  _  and  therfl 
an  end   of  it;    tfani   Sfctfine   er   _   his   fate 

^'fglanS  c  reflection,  resplendence;  bibl 
liglieberS  -  the  brlghtness  of  his  glory. 

5tt'fglo§|fe  vt  divitrify.   -nitig  c  devitrificatio 

9l'fglat|te   vt  smooth,   polish,      -ning 

19I  fgnaUc  tt  nibble  off. 

Sl'fgnoDle  vt  gnaw  off.    -ning  c  gnawing 

2l'fgnib|e  tt  (6ortgnibe)  rub  off;  {rergere) 
up,  clean  by  rubbing.    -ninp  c  -er  rubbirg  etc. 

H'fgrab|e  tt  graduate.    -ntng  c  graduation. 

9l'fgroti|e  tt  spade,  pare  off  wiih  a  spade; 
level  (with  the  ground);  ie  Slfgrøfte;  _  et  @tei 
mark  off  a  boundary  by  a  ditch;  _  en  9la  divert 
the  course  of  a  stream;  _  en  S3ej|  dig  a  ditch 
across  a  road.    -ning  c  spading  etc. 

9l'fgrnnb  c  -e  abyss,  gulf,  preciplce;  l^an  ub= 
tetrebe  -en§  SSanbe  he  dried  the  waters  of  the 
great  deep;  ber  bar  mjerft  obenober  -en  darkness 
was  upon  the  face  of  the  deep;  Jig  gorbærbelfenS 
-  the  gulf  of  destruction.  afgrnnbé|brcb,  -ronJ> 
fe  ?Rniib. 

2t'fgrcEttf|c  vt  bound,  mark  the  boundary  o^ 
-ning  c  bounding  etc. 

91'fgrægfe  vt  graze  off. 

2l'fgr«be  c  -r  crop,  produce,  production. 

9l'ffir«ftle  vt  ditch  off,  trench  off.  -ning  c 
ditching  etc. 

5K'fgnb  c  er  false  god,  idol.  3(fgnberi'  n  idol- 
atiy;  bribe  -  meb  idolize,  idolatrize.  ^Kfgubcriff 
a  idolatrous. 

Slfgub^lbiUebe  idol.  -btjrfelfe  idolatry,  wor- 
ship  of  idols,  -b^rfcr  idolater,  worshipper  of 
idols,  -b^rtcrinbe  idolatress.  -offer  idolatrous 
sacriflee.  -Ijræft  idol  pricst.  -temfiel  idolatrous 
temple.  -tiener  fe  -b^rfer.  -Ijenefte  worship  of 

9l'fBt)be  tt  pour  off. 

31  fgærb|e  vt  fence  off.    -ning  c  fencing  off. 

9l'fgære  vi  cease  fermenting. 

2l'fg«re  tt  (fulbcnbe)  finish;  (6eftemme)  decide; 
(otbne;  Betale)  settle;  part  ofgjott,  fe  obf.  -Ifc  c 
-r  finishing;  decision,  settlement;  minbelig  _ 
compromise.  -nbe  c  _  Sone  decided,  peremp- 
tory,  dogmatical  tone;  _  ©log,  Sbor  decisive, 
conclusive,  final,  battle,  answer;  _  SJigtig^cb  vital 
importance;  ben  -  Stemme  the  castiug  vote  cl.  j 
voice;  i  bet  _  Øjefelil  at  the  critical  moment;  _ 
^rebe  crucial  test;  _  for  conclusive  of. 

2l'f^nflr|e  vt  unhair.  -ing  c  unhairing,  depi- 

3l'ff|age  vt  unhook. 

91'Hatfe  tt  hack  off,  (meb  SJceb)  peck  off. 

9t'f^onb|!e  vt  treat  of,  discuss.  -ling  c  -er 
discussion;  concr  treatise,  essay,  dissertation; 
(fort,  gubelig)  tract. 

3t'ft)ortie  vt  harrow  off. 

tSl'fiaroe,  2lf^o§Ie  vt  hull,  husk. 

9l'f^Dg<)|e  vt  Wind  off,  (ogfaa  fio)  reel  off. 
-ning  c  winding  etc. 

%'f^egU  tt  hackle  out. 




9l'flirgtt|e  tt  hedge  off,  fence  oflf.  -ing  c 
hedgirg  etc;  ccncr  inclosure. 

9l'fl)cnte  vt  call  for,  go  for,  fetch;  lobe  -  seed 
for;  $oIfer  -?  oDcralt  i  Stien  parcels  collected  in 
all  parts  of  the  town.    -Ife  c  calllng  etc. 

H'fftjafte  fe  af;af?e. 

Sl'f^jcntjle  ir  certify  by  oath.  -liwfl  c  oertifying 

31ftj(elti|e  vt  (et  Crbe)  remedy,  set  (to)  right; 
(Sfote,  Slaøe)  redress;  (SKangel,  SCronfl)  siipply, 
relieve,  meet.  -elig  a  remediable,  -ning  c 
remedving  etc. 

9l'fl)j)Ib  n  fe  -cife;  -en'^eb.  —  3lfftoIb;e  »<  (en  fra 
nt)  prevtnt,  hinder,  withhold,  restrain  one, 
hold  el.  ketp  ene  back,  frem  st;  _  gorfamliiiQer, 
9J!pber  o.  I.  hold  asscmblies,  meetings  etc;  - 
Cmfofliiingerne  defray  the  expenses;  —  rr  fig 
fro  abstain  from,  forbear;  _  fig  fro  at  forbear  to, 
refrain  from  ing;  fon  be  ilfe  _  fig,  ba  gifte  be  ftg 
bibl  if  they  cannot  cor.tain,  let  them  mariy. 
-flfe  c  prevention,  hindrance  etc.  -cn{be)  a  (i 
5Kob  og  Xrilfe)  abstemions,  abstinent;  (i  åeni- 
ntjbelfe)  continent.  -cn^cb  c  abstemioiisncs.«, 
abstirence,  abstention;  contirerice.  -cn^cb8= 
frl^ab  Teetotal  Society.  -ning  c  ^  beaiing  oflf. 
—  »affiolbglforcning  Teetotal  Society.  -monb 
teetotaller,  total  ahstainer. 

91'f^olbt  a  liked,  popular,  in  favour,  a  favou- 
rite;  iffe  _  disliked,  unpopular;  ttirget  -  of  a 
great  favourite  with. 

3l'f6Mb|c  vt  flay,  s-kin.    -ning  c  flaying  etc. 

3l'fftugg|e  tf  cut  (oflf),  (hop  ofF;  iJræ)  fell, 
cut  down;  t  (®iocé)  cut;  _  eiiS  |)ot)eb  strike  el. 
cut  off  one's  head.  -niitg  c  cutting  etc.  -ntngS 
fTobe  cut. 

*3['ffiufet  a  J,  unhooked,  (om  SKor)  unshipped. 

♦9l'fl)Ul  n  fe  Slftrog. 

«'fi)ti(céfe  tt  grind  off,  whet  off. 

9lfl)t)I|!e  tt  uncover,  unveil.  -nitig  c  uncover- 
ing  etc.    -ftre  vt  uncover. 

9l'fl)(clb  n  slope. 

3l'fl;(tlb|e  tt  pour  off.    -tting  c  pouring  etc. 

9lfl;a:nb|e  it  dispose  of,  make  over,  alienate. 
Mffcotnbelig  a  alicnable.  Slf^anbcUgJjcl)  a  aliena- 
bility.    SlftjKttbelfe  c  alienation,  disposal. 

42l'ftiæng  n  slope. 

%'f^æng|e  vi  _  of  depend  on,  +  hang  upon. 
-ig  o  dependtnt  (of  on);  -e  af  ftbcranbre  (mutu- 
ally)  iuterdependent.  -ig^cb  c  dependence.  -ig^ 
I|cbéforf)oIb  position  of  dependence.  -ig^eb§tU= 
ftonb  State  of  dependence. 

8l'fl)er|e  tt  hear,  examine.  -elff,  -ing  c  hear- 
ing,  examination. 

|['fl)«fte  t*  reap,  harvest;  —  vi:  ijav  -t  has  done 

9t'ffi«til(e  tt  plane  (smooth);  plane  off,  away; 
fg  polish.    -Ung  c  -et  planing  etc;  polishing. 

+åfilt!e  tt  deoxidate.    -ning  c  deoxidation. 

SIfife  vt  clear  from  ice. 

81'f  jage  vi :  fcor  -t  has  done  shooting  el.  hunting. 
+8lfjoBtt  patt  knocked  up,  jaded. 

9l'fjoffe  vt  slur  over,  ptrform  carelessly,  scamp; 
-t  (om  Rlæber)  shabby,  the  worse  for  wear. 

9['fToIb  n,  pi  =,  renunciation,  release,  quit- 
claim;  g»re  el.  gtce  _  paa  give  up,  relinquish 
(one's  claim  to),  vvaive,  (ffriftlig)  sign  away. 

91'ffant  c  -er  secluded,  sequestered  spot. 

91'ftante  vt  plane  ihe  edges  of. 

H^itttflpt  tt  cut  (off),  lop  (off).  -ning  c  -et 
cntting  etc. 

Sl'floftic  vt  fe  Rafle  of;  (inbbtinge)  yield,  pro- 
duce;  logct  blee  -t  of  Stormen  the  house  was 
TiDroofed  by  the  storm,  _  en  i8l)rbe  throw  el. 
fling  off  a  burden;  _  9Iaget  shake  off  the  yoke. 
-rife  c  throwing  off  etc.  -ning  c  b.  f.;  yield, 

aflile  vt  wedge  off;  (fl«tfe)  wedge  up;  (ffære 
i  fiiler)  cut  in  wedges;  _  et  élt)I!e  S3reb  cut  off 
a  big  slice. 

St'titne  vi;  bet  ^at  -t  the  bells  have  ceased  to 

9l'ftIa<)H)e  vi;  faa  t  have  done  applauding. 
-ning  c  (et2.  of  3nbf!rift)  squeeze. 

9l'ffIore  vt  clear,  defecate,  (SSin)  tine,  clarify; 
-t  <gmør  clarified  butter. 

9l'fHarcre  fe  tiorere. 

affloft  n,  jJ  =,  cliché.  -ning  c  cllché-casting, 

91  fllcntme  vt  pinch  ef.  squeeze  off;  squeeze 

9l'f!lH)!tie  vt  clip,  shear,  cut  off,  goa  meb  fort 
-t  ^aor  w€ar  one's  hair  close  cut.  -ning  c  -er 
clipping  etc;  concr  cutting,  clippings. 

3l'fllæbe  it  undress,  strip,  unrope,  disrobe; 
J,  (Tot)  take  off  the  service  of;  fig  expose, 
make  an  exhibition  of,  demolish.  -ning  c  -er 
tindressing  etc;  exposure,  demolishing. 

2lfn«t)e  vt  cleave  off. 

9t'f!no^^c  vt  pinch  oft",  retrench;  _  i  deduct 
from;  ^an  -be  mig  min  £?n  he  diminished,  les- 
sened  (P  sweated)  my  wages;  _  cn§  Soft  stint 
one  in  his  meals.    -Ife  c  -t  pinching  etc. 

Sl'ftnibe  1 1  fe  Slfflemme,  Slftnop^je. 

m'flnuge  fe  SlfpreSfc. 

9t'f træffe  rt  break  off. 

2lf'fo6le  vt  (^unbe)  unlcash,  uncouple,  slip; 
(£nip.;i  disconnect.  -lingSinbrefning  disconnect- 
ing  gear.    -ningSmuffe  disconnec  ting  strap. 

IH'ffog  [aoj  n,  pi  =,  decoction.  Slftogle  vt 
(ubfoge)  boil  out;  (tnbfoge)  boil  down;  (roo  Silfe) 
ungum;  (foge  tilflræffelig)  boil;  pharm  decoct;  — 
et  cease  boiling.  -ning  c  -er  boiling  etc;  de- 

2l'ffom  [fort  ao]  n  (t  c)  issue,  offspring,  pro- 
geny;  bin  -  »il  jeg  gi»e  bette  fionb  bibl  unto  thy 
seed  will  I  give  this  land. 

2l'ffot)iere  vt  ccpy,  transcribe  (efter  from). 

Mftortc  vt  abridge,  abbreviate,  shorten;  (af« 
brage)  deduct,  curtail,  retrench;  _  en  nt  i  ffoné 
Hen  diminish,  lessen,  curtail,  one's  wages;  _  et 
SBefeg  shorten  a  visit;  -et  Segle  truncated  cone. 
-elfc,  -ning  c  -er  abridging  etc;  abridgment, 
abbreviation;  deduction, curtailment.  -ning^VltØt 

91'ffofte  [6]  vt  brush. 

aiffrobjoe  vt  rase.    -ning  c  rasing. 

9l'ffrobf|e  vt  scrape  et.  scratch  off.  -ning  o 
scraping  etc. 

M'ffrebfe  [é]  fe  SlfcirHe. 

Mf'fribtc  vt  chalk  off,  line. 

2l'ftrige  vt  en  nt  despoil  one  of  st  by  war; 
—  vi  cease  flghting. 

91'fftipne  vt  dechristianize,  unchristianize. 

21  ffrog  [flo]  c  nook,  (by-;corner,  byplace, 

2l'fftl)ftc  vt  press  el.  squeeze  out  of. 

2l'ffr(eft|et<  weaken,  enfeeble,  enervate;  (SBebiS 
0.  1.)  weaken  (the  force  of),  invalidate.  -elfe  c 
debility,  enervation,  enfeeblement,  exhaustion; 
invalidation.  -et  a  weakened  etc,  exhaiisted, 

3l'ffr(cng|e  tt  pull  el.  strip  off  (by  turning 
inside  out),    -ning  c  pulling  etc. 

2lffræt)e  vt  fe  Slfforbre. 

M'ftuUle  tt  decarbouize;  fe  Wffribte.  -ing  o 

3l'fft)ifte  vt  lop  off  branches  of. 

91  ffBitte  rt  deduct,  set  off,  credit. 

49l'fft)fe  tt,  fe  Stfflrætre. 

-f'J['fft)éfe  vt  kiss  away. 

St'ffcttttnte  vt  comb  off;  mil  shoot  off  (the 
parapet);  -t  ^oar  combings. 




9l'ff«be  vt  buy,  purchase  of  el.  from;  +  _  en 
tiuy  one  off. 

*A'ft«I|e  vt  cool,  refrigerate;  (i  9f8)  ice;  _  fin 
58rebc  cool  one's  anger;  -e§  cool.  -elfc  c  fe  -tnfl. 
2lff«tcmaf!tne,  2lft«(cr  c  -e  refrigerator.  2lf= 
{øl{tng  c  cooling  (down),  refrigeration,  chilling. 
-inflåfiabe  cooliug  surface.  -ingSoanb  cooliag 
water.    9tft«ltrtg§»ogtt  refrigerator  car. 

91  ffete  vt  overdrive  (a  horse). 

2(  flaafe  vt  lock. 

Sl'llab  ji(Dp5ør)  cessation, intermission;  (©^nbS= 
for(abelie)  indulgenoe. 

Slftabe  vt  unload  (a  gun);  let  go  the  charge 
of  (a  Leyden  jar);  (SSarer)  ship;  fe  2oSfe. 

9l'ftabe  vi  fra  leave  off;  _  (meb)  at  cease  -ing. 
•Ife  c  cessation,  intermission;  ubcn  _  without 

SSl'ftabler  c  -e  shipper,  freighter,  consigner. 
-niuB  c  shipping;  fe  Sonning. 

3lffab§|aar  year  of  jubllee.  -firet)  letter  of 
indulgenoe.  -Ijonbel  sale  of  Indulgences.  -fræm= 
mer  seller  of  indiilgences.    -))cnge  shrove  money. 

■Jl'ffagrc  vt  store;  -be  Stgater  (o.  f[.)  well  sea- 
soned  cigars. 

M-flaBt  fe  atflægge. 

aiflanbåoinb  c  offshore  wind. 

9l'ilang  a  oblong.    -runb  oval. 

ai'flttUe  adv  fe  2aoe. 

3('flcb|e  vt  draw  el.  turn  ofF,  turn  away; 
(Santer,  ©Ijabomme)  divert;  (SSanb  o.  I.)  carry  off; 
(Bonet)  eonduct;  (Ocb)  derive;  -enbe  ^Jlibler  med 
derivatives,  counter-irritants.  -er  e  -e  conductor. 
•et  a  mus  derivative;  _  Drb  derivative,  formative; 
~  Sattart  compound  time.  -nlng  c  -er  turning 
offetc;  derivation;  teleg  d.,  partial  earth,  faulty 
insulation;  fe  -et  Dcb.  -ningålanat  drain.  -ntng3= 
rar  discharge  pipe.  -ntngétegn  accidental.  -§• 
enbelfe  derivative  el.  formative  termiuation  el. 
ending.  -8orb  derivative,  formative.  -§tone 
chromatic  tone. 

2l'flc{e  vt  en  nt  hire  st  of  one. 

3t'f(ejr|e  vt  deposit  (strata,  layers);  _  fig  settle, 
form  layers.    -ing  c  -cc  stratification. 

'K'fictte  vt  lift  oflF. 

91  ftctic  vi  lian  ^ar  -t  he  is  no  more. 

9rf(etier|e  vt  deliver,  leave;  _  et  SSreo  paa  $oft  = 
^ufet  deliver,  leave  el.  drop  a  letter  at  the  post . 
•ing  c  -et  delivery. 

9t'f(ibe  vi  pass,  elapse;  af  leben  fe  9lft)tgt. 

9t'f(iggen|be  a  remote,  sequestered,  out  of  the 
way.    4-^eb  c  remoteaess. 

2rf(tgn|e  vt  adjust;  _  et  8{egnffa6  balance  an 
account.    -ing  c  -et  adj  usting  etc. 

9t'flittter|c  vt  rule.    -ing  c  ruling. 

9tflfre  vt  fig  grind,  rehearse. 

9t=fltftc  vt  en  nt  obtain  st  from  one  by  arti- 
fice,  trick  one  out  of  st;  _  en  en  §emmeligf)eb 
worm  e(.  flsh  a  secret  out  of  one. 

9rflttie  vt  put  to  death,  deprive  of  life,  slay, 
murder;  _  fig  make  away  with  one's  self, 
destroy  one's  self.  -tfe  c  putting  to  death,  slay- 
ing,  murder. 

9rflob|be  vt  (afbele)  parcel  out,  partition;  »X, 
sound,    -ning  c  parcelling  etc. 

2('floffc  vt  coax  el.  wheedle  out  of,  draw  from; 
-be  {jam  Saater  drew  tears  from  his  eyes;  _  en 
en  ^^ilftaaelfe  elicit  a  confession  from  one. 

9lflo§|fe  vt  unload.    -ning  c  unloading. 

9l'ftugc  vt  (®cæS)  weed  out;  (SSeb)  weed.  -ning 
c  weeding. 

91  ftu!|te  vt  (®øt  0.  I.)  lock;  (afffitte)  partition 
off;  (oeb  ®ætbe)  fence  in;  (SBei)  stop,  bar.  -te  n 
-X  closet;  Onbfjegning)  enclosure.  -ning  c  locking 

%'^\xtt  vt  en  nt  find  out  (by  watohing  one). 

9l'flut]re  vt  clarify,  reflne.  -ring  c  clariflcation. 


radical  vow^H 
agttettatn)  ps 



9t'fft)b    c  modiflcation  of  the  radical  vowl 

91  ftijfl«  vt  proclaim;  revoke;  Oagttettatn)  p^ 
teet,  feace;  _  en  ^JJanteoBligatton  cancel  a  mort- 
gage  (legally  notifled);  —  vn  bet  6IeO  -ft  for  bent 
the  bans  were  published  for  the  last  time.  -ning 
c  proclamation;  revocation;  protection;  can- 

9lftæg|gc  vt  (lægge  fra  fig)  lay  down,  put 
down,  put  off;  (^en(ægge)  put  by,  lay  aside; 
(lægge  for  ®agen)  exhibit,  evince,  display;  (lønne) 
reward,  remunerate;  (Xiaa  Sort)  lay  out;  (^glanter) 
lay,  layer;  (33let)  hive;  typ  distribute;  -  en  S8eret= 
ning  om  give  (in)  a  report  of;  _  en  et  ^Jeiøg 
pay  one  a  visit;  fe  (£b;  _  en  gottlattng  make  a 
deposition;  _  Siort  ^o3  en  leave  a  card  at  one's 
house;  _  et  Søfte  make  a  vow:  _  Saftet  (om 
Slonner)  take  the  vows;  _  bet  gamle  røennefle  put 
off  the  old  man;  _  en  %xe>oi  poo  give  a  proof 
of;  _  Stegnftab  give  in   cl.  pass  one's  accounts; 

-  ©orgen  leave  off  mourning;  _  fm  Sotftgelfe 
offer  thanks;  _  en  Xilftaaelfe  make  a  confession; 
~  en  SSone  leave  off  el.  unlearn  a  habit;  _  SSibneS' 
btjtb  bear  witness  (om  to);  gobt,  baatlig,  aflagt 
well,  ill,  paid;  aflagte  flæbet  cast  off  el.  left  off 
clothes.  -gclfe  c  laying,  paying  etc.  -ger  c  -e 
cutting,  layer.  -nlng  c  layering,  propagatioa 
by  layers;  typ  distribution.  -8  a  antiquated, 
worn  out,  behind  the  time,  out  of  date. 

9l'ffætttc  vt  unchain. 

9('jlære  vt  (afrette)  train;  _  en  nt  leara 
from  one  (by  looking  on);  —  vi:  ^an  ^at  -rt 
has  served  his  time. 

9t'f(æf|c  vt  read  off,  (^anteobltgatton)  fe  3tfll) 

—  vi  lian  ^at  -ft  he  has  done  reading.     -nil 
[langt  æ]  reading  etc. 

9l'flæ8|fe  vt  unload,  discharge,  -ning,  ■feif*' 

9t'fl«6  n,  pi  =,  flowingel.  runningoff;  (Stebet) 
outlet;  (3f{efultat)  result;  ffaffe  SBanbet  -  open  a 
passage  el.  an  outlet  to  the  water.  9l'f(a6e  vt 
run  off;  (meb  gil)  smooth:  —  vi  fe  Søbe  af  +  = 
ubløbe;  cease  running.  9lf(øberfnit>  (8{om.)  cir- 
cular  knife.    9lf[øbning  c  J,  launch. 

9l'ftabning§|taag  J,  dog-shore.  •pv.'att,  -ffiffer 
^I,  bilgeways.  -flæber  J,  slidings-ways.  -ft«tter 
J/  poppets. 

9t'fi«b§|gr«ft,   -lanal   drain,     -^nt   tap-hole. 
•Iran  escape  valve.    -renbe  gutter.    -r«r  wa 
pipe.    -tub  spout. 

t9t'f(«b  [tort  ø]  c  stain,  plebaldness. 

9l'f(«ftc  vt  lift  off. 

9t'flan|ne  vt  pay  (off).    -ning   c  paying;  pa 

9l'fJ«f|e  vt  (løfe)  unloose,  loosen,  untie;  (Sagt, 
ttltbeibe)  relieve;  (SEienbe)  commute;  t  (af  Sanb) 
absolve;  fig  (følge  poa)  succeed,  displace,  foUow; 
^  -  sBagten  set  the  watch,  spell.  er-  c  -e 
reliever;  successor,  -ning  e  loosening  etc;  relief; 
commutation;  t  (Stfifolutton)  absolution.  -ning3> 
tib  time  of  relief. 

9('ft«»c  vt  strip  off  the  leaves  of,  unleave. 

9l'fmaal|c  vt  measure  (off),  fig  (afpaSie)  suit, 
adapt,  accommodate;  _  en  Sejt  mark  out  a  camp. 
-ing  c-ermeasuringetc;  measuretnent.  9t'fntaaU 
rt  measured,  preeise,  formal;  meb  -e  Stribt  with 
measured  steps.    9(fmaaltt)eb  c  formality, 

9l'fmag|re  vt  emaciate.    -ring  c  emaciation. 

9l'fmagt  c  feebleness,"  debility,  impotence; 
(Sejbimelie)  a  swoon,  a  faint,  med  a  syncope; 
falbe  i  _  fall  into  a  swoon. 

9lfma(|e  (ogfoa  fig)  paint,  portray,  picture, 
depict,  fig  deliaeate.  -ing,  -ning  c  painting  etc; 

t9l'fmiilfe  vt  milk  dry,  —  vi  ban  ^at  -t  he  has 
done  milking. 





-!j('finattiie  vt  unman.    -Ife  c  unmanning. 
^'S'fniane  vt  dissuade. 

'H'^mavé)  c  marching  off,  march,   departure. 
•ere  vi  march  (off),  depart. 
^91'fmaroe  vt  enervate. 
*3t'finofIe  vt  unmask;  _  fig  unmask. 
3l'fmafte  vt  dismast. 

ai'fmatte  <<  exhaust.    -Ife  c  exhaustion. 
SCfmeJle  vt  reap,  cut  down.    -»iwg  c  reaping 

si['fme||8let;eehiseloff;  (gattern.)  unhair.  -ling 
c  chiseling  off;  unhatring. 

^'fmelbe  vt  recall,  revoke,  put  off.  -fe  c  -r 

*9('fmcire  fe  ?rfmaUe. 

3l'fm(Egti9a(fraftIog)powerless,  impotent;  (fbag) 
faint,  feeble,  weak;  blitoe  -  (bcfoime)  faint,  go 
into  a  fit;  oære  _  be  in  a  'swoon,  be  in  a  faint- 
inff  fit.    -tieti  c  impotence. 

Si'fmærlie  vt  mark  out,  off;  J,  beacon.  -ntn8 
e  marking  etc. 

"afttienftlte  vt  discharge,  pay  off.  -ting  c 
discharge,  -ringåbag  day  of  discharge. 

"UfaafiU  vt  unnail. 

ai'fnatfe  vt  cut  off  the  head  of  (fish). 

a'fnaptie  vt  pluck  off. 

tSl'fnege  ie  Dpnege. 

Sl'ffnoplpe  vt  burl.    -wing  c  burling. 

3t'fn«tic  vt  extort  from,  force  from;  bet  -r  oi 
Seunbring  it  compels  our  admiration. 

3lfortå  |me  c  -r  aph'orism.  -tift  a  aphoris'tic. 

2l'f^)onfI|e  vt  board  off.    -ing  c  boarding  off. 

9l'f^ant|e  vt  _  en  6anS  ©jenbele  seize  el.  distrain 
a  person's  goods  (for  debt).  -ning  c  seizure, 

%'fpattt]t  vt  parry.    -ing  c  parrying. 

4l'f^arr|e  vt  pair  (offj.    -ing  c  pairing. 

58'f^«é|fe  vt  adapt,  suit,  flt,  adjust;  propor- 
tion; bu  fiinbe  itfe  ijave  -t  Siben  bebre  you  could 
not  have  timed  your  visit  better;  -fet  ftiole 
dress  piece  with  trimmings  attached;  -jebe  ©er= 
uiettcr  napkins  in  the  piece.  -ning  c  adaptation, 
suiting  etc. 

^■fpeiViC  vt  J,  set.    -ing  c  setting. 

3('f|)cnnc  vt  thin. 

+St  f))cnéle  vt  paint,  pencil. 

H  fVerfle  vt  press  out,  squeeze  out.  -ning  c 
-er  pressing. 

3l'f))ibe  vt  Oagt)  signal  one  to  movu. 

«'f|)if!e  »<  tap  off,  peck  off. 

IlfpiUlc  vt  pluck  off,  pick  off,  peel  off.  -et 
a  (mager)  emaciated,  thin.    -ing  c  plucking  etc. 

SCfpimpe  vi:  i^ax  -t  has  done  tippling. 

9t'fi)imi>c  vt  pumicate. 

9('fi)inc  vt  en  nt  torture  one  out  of  st,  extort 
st  from  one. 

S'f^jtffe  vt  (nt)  whip  off;  (en)  whip  soundly. 
-et  fig  diluted,  wishy-washy,  watery. 

Il'fplante  vt  partitlon  off  with  planks. 

3t'fplatte  vt  flatten. 

2l'f^(ttt  n  picking.  -te  vt  pick  off,  pluck  off. 
•ning  c  plucking  etc. 

■Jlfplijnblre  vt  (ubpl^nbre)  plunder,  pillage;  _ 
en  nt  plunder  one  of  st.    -ring  c  plundering. 

H-ftilojje  ot  ploughoff;  —vi:  ^at  -et  has  done 
ploughing.    -ning  c  ploughing  off. 

9l'f<»oIcce  c«  polish,  burnish.  -ing  c  polishing 

31  fpoftje  vt  pump  off.    -ning  c  pumping  off. 

81'fi)ramme  vt  discharge  from  a  lighter;  d.  in 

31  f))reQing  c  -er  rebound. 

91fprcntle,  -ning  fe  Slfpcæge. 

ft'fpreéife  vt  press  out,  squeeze  out;  fig  en 
nt  extort,  force,  wring  st  from  one.  -ning  c 
t|'■^>ssing  etC;  extortion. 

3l'fVrif|fe  vt  doti;off,  prick  off;  J,  beaeon. 
-ning  c  dotting  etc. 

*JC  fpro))|pe  vt  bottle.    -ning  c  bottUng. 

9l'fprotf|c  vt  dismount,  unlimber,  take  from 
the  litnbers.    -ning  c  dismounting  etc. 

2l'fl»rntte  vt  beat  down,  cheapen;  lobe  fig  _ 
abate;  _  10  Pre  (i  ^grifen)  beat  down  el.  cheapen 
the  price  (by)  10  ore;  ^on  laber  fig  intet  _  he 
will  not  submit  to  any  abatement,  fi^  he  will 
not  abate  one  jot  (of  his  demand  el.  I.) 

3{  f)ir9gl|e  vt  drub  soundly,  cudgel.  -ing  c 

3t'f)>r(eg  n,  pi  =,  impression,  impress,  stamp. 
-e  vt  impress,  imprint,  stamp,  -ning  c  impress- 
ing  etc;  impression. 

%fptate  vt  en  nt  talk  one  out  of  st;  —  vi: 
l)at  -t  has  done  nrosing  el.  sermonizing. 

'Jt'fpnbfle  vt  (pubfe)  clean,  polish,  finish,  (3Rur) 
dress,  rough-coat;  (faa  bort)  clean  off,  rub  off. 
■ning  c  cleaning  etc. 

-h31  f^jntfc  vt  fe  atftrobfe. 

9l'fpum|>|e  vt  pump  off.   -ning  c  pumping  off. 

2t'fDnfte  vt  blow  off. 

2t'fpægle  vt  measure  by  half-pints. 

5K'fpæl|e  vt  (afbele)  pale  off;  (afmærfe,  OQ^aafig) 
stake  out;  (®runb)  pile.    -ing  c  -er  paling  etc. 

-t-91  fraabe  vt  dissuade  (fra  from). 

91  fraabne  vi  rot  off.  » 

9l'frag|e  vt  shave  off;  *  rake  off.  -ning  c  shav- 
ing  etc. 

aifraffe  vt  wear  out;  -t  wom  out,  shattered, 
shabby;  _  en  handle  one  roughly;  fe  Matte  neb. 

3tf'rante  vt  cut  off  the  tendrils  el.  runners  of 

*ll'frafc  vi  spend  one's  fury,  exhaust  one's 

8t'fraf|>|e  vt  rasp  off.  -ning  c  rasping  off; 
concr  raspings. 

2t'frebe  vt  measure  with  a  rope.  -ning  c 
measurement  etc. 

21  frebe  vt  comb  off;  -bt  ^paar  combings. 

3t'fregnc  vi  bet  bar  -t  it  rains  no  more. 

3('fregn|e  vi  settle  aceounts.  -ing  c  settling 
of  accouQt,  flnal  aceounts;  fip  gøre  _  meb  en 
quit  scores  with  one.    -ingé^ué  clearing-house. 

9l'frc|fe  vt  chamfer. 

St'frcjfe  vi  depart,  start,  set  out,  leave  (til 
for).     Slfrejfc  c  departure. 

*3l'frcnf|c  vt  clean  off;  (renfe)  clean,  purify, 
cleanse.    -ning  c  cleaning  etc. 

31'fretlte  vt  train,  (^eft)  break  in;  (Sonon)  dis- 
part; (ajiur)  level;  (Wetalorb.)  adjust;  (3;ømmer) 
side.  -ning,  -telfc  c  training  etc.  -ning^pnåfet 
protractor.  -ning§))(abe  (SRioell.)  slide-vane.  -ter 
c  -e  trainer. 

9l'fre»ne  vi  crack  off,  burst  off. 

ai'fribe  vt  en  Storm  ride  a  gale  out;  (en  ^eft) 
override;  t  _  et  SKartffel  settle  the  boundaries 
by  survey  on  hor.seback. 

9l'frib§  np^=,  sketch,  outline,  rough-draught, 
(mot.  og  aiibert  Sonturtegntng)  diagram,  -e  vt 
sketch,  rough-draw  an  outline  of.  -ning  c 
sketching  etc;  fe  2lfrtb§. 

9l'frigge  vt  unrig,  dismantle. 

Slfrltn  n  Af'rica.  -'ner,  -e,  -nerin'be  c  -r, 
-'nft  a  Af'rican.    -rejfcnbe  c  African  traveller. 

St'fringc  vt  call  off  by  a  bell;  —  vi  fe  Slftime. 

Sl'fringc  vt  (tage  9{ing  af)  unring. 

•■•3lfridt)C  vt  strip  off  i^leaves  etc) 

9l'fri»»e  vt  tear  off,  pull  off,  rend  off;  (poa 
aiideiærn)  grate  off;  smooth  (a  wall);  strike  (a 
match);  gpiud  (colours),  (meb  SRioe)  rake  off. 

9t'frobe  vt  rnmmage  off. 

3t  froct  pirt:  er  _  has  rowed  off. 

9t  frubibe  vt  mb  off.    -niw;  c  rubbing  off. 

91  fruK|C  vt  nnroU.    -ing  c  unrolling. 

9l'frnnbe  vt  round  (off>;  -et  (om  Stil)  well- 




rounded.    -iitg  c  rounding. 

3l'fruff|e  vt  twitch,  shake,  jerk,  ofiF.  -ning  c 
twitchiug  etc. 

a'frnfte  vi  rust  oft'. 

9l'ftuft|e  vi  disarm.  -niitfl  c  dlFarming,  dis- 

8l'frl)t»  [tort  ti]  n  clearings  pi;  (braget  gober) 
leavings.  -be  vt  clear  oflf;  (r^bbe)  clear,  -niitfl 
c  clearing. 

9l'fr^g|e  vt  evaporate;  (fibiffølt))  dry  ofl";  —  vi 
cease  smoking.    -ni«fl  c  evaporation. 

8l'fr^!|te  vt  twitch  off,  pull  oft'.  -tting  c 
twitching  etc. 

ai'frl)ft|e  vt  shake  oflf.  -elfe,  -ntitfl  c  shak- 
ing  oflF. 

9l'fr«ge  tt  smoke  completely. 

É'ffoblle  [Icingt  a]  t«  unsaddle,  ofTsadle.  -Itng 
c  unsaddling. 

»M'ffoflc  fe  saffaBe. 

tStt'ffafltt  n  rumour. 

ai'ffaflt  «  -  gjenbe  sworn  el.  declared  enemy. 

+3l'ffamle  vt  gather  ofT. 

at'ffonfc  vt  galher  (off"),  glean. 

9l'ffot§  c  -er  (Srap^jeO  landing(-place),  resting 
-place;  arch  break,  ofTset,  setoft';  (^abeO  terrace; 
^  (pao  SRunb^oIt)  stop,  {tiaa  SfJapert)  step. 

9('ffa»)|c  vt  saw  oflf.    -itinfl  c  -er  sawing  off. 

91'ffnlin  fe  Satin. 

Sl'iffe  vt  do  without,  spare;  _  til  spare  for;  _ 
Sib  til  at  make  el.  find  time  to;  -et  fro  without 
taking  into  consideration;  independent  of,  apart 
from,  waiving. 

3l'ffej|Ie  vi  sail;  —  tt  take  down  the  sails  of 
(a  wind-mill).  -infl  c  sailing;  før  -en  before 
sailing.  -ttigSftofl  blue  peter.  -tngdorbre  sailing 
orders.  -iitflSffub  sailing  gun.  -iitflétib  time 
of  sailing. 

9t'ffenb|e  vt  send  (oflf),  (Surer  o.  I.)  dispatch; 
(meb  €!ib)  ship;  (fom  befulbmoeøtiget)  delegate. 
-elfe  c  sending,  -er  c  -e  sender,  dispatcher; 
(Slflober)  shipper.  -ing  c  fe  -elfe.  -I«g  c  -er 
messenger,  deputy,  envoy,  ambassader. 

St'fftbbe  vt  (SS»be)  work  out. 

-rSl'ffibe  c  secluded  spot.  9lfftbe§  a  remote, 
retired,  out-of-the-way;  adv  aside,  apart. 

5a'fft,  *3rffl!e  vt  strain  off;  (fte)  strain.  -ning 
c  straining  (off). 

a'ffige  vt  (tilbagefa(be)  countermand;  (lobe  fare) 
renounce,  relinquish.  abandon;  +  (gitie  Slffalb 
^laa)  resign;  _  2)om  give  judgment,  pronounce 
el.  pass  sentence;  _  SibSftrift  give  up;  jeg  tiar  af= 
fogt  bette  JibSfftift,  SBIab  I  have  withdrawn  my 
subscription  from  this  journal,  diseontinued  this 
newspaper,  I  don't  take  that  paper  in  any  more; 
fe  Slffagt.  -Ife  c  countermanding,  renunciation; 
passing.    tStfflgt  c  judgment. 

aiffigtle  it  sift  off.    -ning  c  sifting  (off). 

*2l  fftlle  fe  Slffi. 

91'ffiMb  n  madness.  8l'fftnbig  a  insane,  mad, 
crazy,  (rafenbe)  frantic,  (tun  om  *$erfon)  distracted, 
cracked,  deranged,  out  of  one's  senses;  en  -  a 
maniac,  lunatic;  blitie  _  go  mad;  gøre  _  drive 
to  madness;  —  adv  insanely,  frantically.  Slffttt' 
big^eb  c  insanity,  frenzy,  derangement,  lunacy. 

9l'fftbe  vi  ooze  out;  vt  drain.  -ning  c  oozing 
etc.    -ning§gr«ft  drain. 

2l'ffiælet  a  exanimate,  lifeless. 

2l'ffioffe  ff  abolish,  do  away  with,  discontinue, 
abrogate.  -elfe  c  abolishing  etc,  abolition,  abro- 
gation,  extinction. 

at'fftagc  vt  en  2:alje  fleet  a  tackle. 

9l'fftot|fe  vt  slope,  slant,    -ning  c  sloping. 

9t'fffoI|re  vt  &  »■  peel  el.  scale  off.  -ling, 
-ning  c  peeling  (off);  med  desquamation. 

St'fflati  n  scrapings  pi  -e  vt  scrape  off.  -ning 
c  scraping  off. 


a'fffeb  c  (gorbel)  leave;  (aifflebigelfe)  dlsmissal, 
dismission,  discharge;  (fritiiritg)  retirement,  resig 
nation;  tage  -  meb  el.  fra  take  leave  of;  »eb  -eii. 
at  the   leave-taking;    omfatne   tit  _  embrace  i 
parting;  brtffe  et  ®la§  fammen  til  _  drink  a  pai 
ing  glas  together;  rejfe  uben  _  take  French  leav 
flitie  _  discharge,  dismiss,  p  give  the  sack;  to 
fin  -  retire  (from   offlce),  resign  (one's  offlc< 
leave  service,  (om  Officerer)  throw  up  one's  coi 
mission;  forlonge  fin   -  tender  el.  give  in  on« 
resignation;   ^on  ^or  faaet  fin  -  he   has   be« 
placed  on  the  retired  list,  i  SJaabe  he  has  retir^ 
with   his  sovereign's  favour,    i   Unaobe  he  hi 
been  dismissed  in  disgrace,  joc  jjoa  groat  $a|! 
he  has  been  turned  away  with  scant  ceremonf 
has  got  the  sack;  Officer,  fom  ^ar  toget  _  retiréi!! 
el.  (poo  ®runb  af  Sliber)  superannuated  officer 
3lfflebige  vt  dismiss,  discharge,  discord,  joc  gi 
the  sack,  amr  quit,   (©olbattr)   discharge,  (9{ei 
ment)  disband;  -t  dismissed  etc,   (fom  ^or  tO( 
atfffeb)  retired;  -t  ©Ifffr  discarded  lover. 

3lfftcb§|anf«gntng,  -begæring  resignation,  -an- 
bicné  audience  of  leave.  -bef«g  farewell  visit, 
visit  of  leave-taking.  -bltt  parting  look.  -brejt 
farewell  et.  valedictory  letter;  fe  -pai.  -bæger 
parting  cup  el.  glass,  grace  cup.  -bag  day  of 
parting.  -bigt  valedictory  poem.  -brif  fe -bæger. 
-gilbe  parting  treat,  farewell  party,  -^ilfen  last; 
farewell.  -ft)§  parting  kiss.  -orb  parting  el 
valedictory  word.  -pai  letter  of  discharge,  -pa- 
tent  certificate  of  discharge,  •ptcetiten  farewell 
sermon.  -faint  parting  salute.  -fang  farewell 
song.  -fcene  parting  scene,  -febbel  fe  -vai 
-fcljlob  fe  -gilbe.  -ffub  parting  gun.  -ftunb  part- 
ing hour.  -taore  parting  tear.  -to(c  valedictory 
oration.    -lime  fe  -ftunb.    -ttljtt  fe  -beføg. 

91'fffejc  vi  swerve,  deviate,  depart.  -Ifc  c  -r 
swerving  etc,  deviation,  aberration. 

2t'ff(ib|e  vt  ship.  -ning  c  shipping,  .shipment. 
-ningéftcb  place  of  shipping.  -ningStib  time  of 

Mfffiftc  '«  divide. 

SM'fftiHe  fe  »ffenbe. 

9l-ff!ilb|re  vt  fe  Stfmole;  +  =  WiHe.  -ring  c 
fe  Sifmaling. 

9l'ffliHe  vt  partition  off. 

-f9l'ff!in  c  reflexion. 

9l'ff!otte  vt  count  el.  divide  by  sixties. 

91'fffBlbe  vt  scald  off;  (flolbe)  scald. 

Srfjfoue  [oo]  vt  (SJanb)  clear  of  woods,  strip. 
of  its  forests;  (®toB)  cut  down,  fell. 

M'fffoble  vt  shovel  oft';  clear  with  the  shovel. 

Slfffrao,  vt  chamfer,  bevel. 

21'fffraocr  c  -e  cutter,  hack-iron. 

9l'fftraa|nenbe  a  shelving.    -ning  c  shelving. 

3l'fffrab  n  scrapings  pi.  -e  vt  scrape  off. 
-ning  c  scraping  off,  abrasion. 

9(  fffregct  par«  ^at  ~  has  done  shrieking  (etc. 
fe  Sfrige). 

31'fffribtc  vt  measure  by  steps,  pace. 

21'fflrift  c  -er  copy,  transcript;  toge  _  af  take 
a  copy  of. 

91'fftribe  tt  copy,  transcribe,  write  out;  (ftrljge) 
cancel;  -  en  ©um  write  off  a  sum,  credit  one 
for  a  sum.  -er  c  -e  copier,  transcriber.  -erfefl 
error,     -ning  c  copying  etc. 

SHfffrot  c  fe  SIfffraoer. 

9l'fflrub|bc  vt  scrub  off.   -ning  c  scrubbing  off. 

9Cfffru|e  vt  unscrew.    -ning  c  unscrewing. 

91'fffrætte  vt  deter,  frighten,  scare,  (railbere) 
discourage;  fian  laber  fig  iffe  -  he  is  not  to  be 
daunted.  -Ife  c  determent,  discouragement. 
-effcéftjftemet,  -elfe^feorien,  the  deterrent  sys- 
tem, -nbe  a  deterring,  discouraging,  (at  fe  tiO 
forbidding;  opfliUe  en  fom  et  _  eiåempel  make 
one  an  example,  make  an  example  of  one. 




«'fffr«tt|e  vt  peel  foflf),  (®ræ3t»rt)en)  pare.  -ino 
c  peeling:  paring. 

+ai'fffræmme  vt  |e  9ttf(rærre;  -  en  et  Søfte  et.  I. 
frighteu  one  into  a  promise. 

jlfffuffe  vt  scrape  cleau;  fe  9tfffoole. 

K'fffum  [fort  ii]  n,  pi  —,  (ogfoa /?</.)  scum,  re- 
ftise;  (om  entelt  $er(on)  monster,  brute.  -me  vt 
skim  (off);  t  Wælt  skim-milk,  skimmed  milk. 
•lti«9  c  -er  skimming. 

afflurje  vt  seour  off;  (fture)  scour.  -Jng  c  -er 

31'fftq  vt  detest,  abhor,  abominate,  loathe. 
Wfff^  c  aversion  (to,  +  for;,  abhorrence,  horror 
(Of  et.  for),  autipathy  (to),  (milbere)  dislike  (to), 
disgust;  fotte,  faa  _  take  a  dislike:  ^ooe,  nære  _ 
for  nt  have  an  aversioa  to  st,  hold  st  in  abhor- 
rence, abhor  st. 

« fffflble  vt  (affDre)  fire  (offj,  discharge,  («|3tl) 
shooc,  let  fly;  (fitjbe  af)  shoot  off.  -nlng  c  firing 
etc,  discharge. 

Sl'fffqbentte  a  sloping. 

9lfff9  eltg  a  abominable,  detestable,  odious, 
hateful,  disgusting,  sickening.  -^eb  c  dete-!table- 
ness,  abominableness;  concr  horror,  atrocity. 

9t  fff«)8!fle  vt  shadow,  (m»ft  om  (^aroeoDergang) 
shade;  ge*,  _  fig  cast  a  shadow;  6lQ0t  -t  til  fort 
blue  shading  into  black.  -ning  c  -er  shadow; 

M'fff^IiU  vt  (flette  Bort)  wash  off",  wash  away; 
(ffoHe  ren)  rinse  out.    -ning  c  washing. 

9l'fffæfte  vt  take  off  the  stock  of. 

S'fffænte  vt  pour  off. 

8t'fffær!e  «(!  cut  off,  intercept;  i'tiær^ale)  dock, 
-  en  a^ejen  intercept  one;  _  en  Silbagetoget  cut 
off  one's  retreat:  _  en  Crbet  cut  one  short;  J,  _ 
oBenborbé  cut  down;  alt  ^aa6  bleu  mig  afftaoret  I 
was  cut  off  from  every  hope.  -ing  c  cutting 
off.    -ing^uentil  cut-off  valve. 

8l'fftær<>e  vt  fe  Stfpenne. 

Slfffanfte  vt  J>  snape,  flinch. 

«'fflao  vt  (ftaa  af;  strike  off,  knock  off,  beat 
off;    (@ræ§)  mow,   cut  down;  fip  (en  SSegcering) 
refuse,    deny;    (SilBub)    refuse,    reject,    decline; 
(angreb)  repulse,  repel;  J,  _  vaa  Sponteloft  lav 
down;  -enbe  Soar  refusal;  -ebe  atnbrifer  mailards 
in  the  moulting  state.  —  3{ff(ag  n,  pi  =,  refusal, 
rejectioD,  declination,  denial;  repulse;  fe  3tft(aft=  I 
ning;  (SiU.)  rebound;  Søen§  _  the  heave  of  the  I 
sea;  _  i  «Urifen  abatement,  reduction  of  price,  \ 
discount;  gioe  en  _  refuse  one;  fao  -  be  refused,  ! 
rejected;  beftemt  _  a  flat  refusal.    9(fflagning  c 
jt  laying  down;  fe  Wlaftning.    Mfjlagningéioft 
fe  ©panteloft.    9(f  jlag§grunb  reason  for  refusal. 

H'fflamme  vt  (ftanon)  scale  (a  gun). 

81'fjleffe  vt  en  nt  wheedle  one  out  of  st. 

8l'fUft|te  vt  plane,  planish;  ^  dub  fair.  -ning 
planing;  J,  dubbing. 

»'filibie  vt  (flibe  bort)  grind  off,  fig  wear  off; 
(^bæåfe)  sharpen,  whet;  (glatte)  smooth,  polish. 
•Hing  c  grinding  etc. 

Sfflib  n  wear.  ^fflibje  vt  wear  off;  tear  off. 
•ning  c  wearing  etc.    -t  a  worn. 

*  fjTitfc  vt  lick  off. 

Sl'fllime  vt  rid  of  slime,  (gifl)  water. 

S'fflingre  vt  ^  roll  out;  -t  rolled  away. 

+8l'fflHmrft  n  (fallen)  asleep. 

a  fflutltc  vt  (fulbenbe)  complete,  (bring  to  an) 
end;  ( Jor^anbling)  close;  (2;roftat)  conclude;  (Saan) 
contract;  (iSøger,  SUegnftaber)  close,  balance;  -  en 
vonbel  strike  a  bargain;  -tet  (parf  fe  obf.)  a  se- 
parate, fixed;  exclusive.  -wing,  -telfe  c  com- 
pieting  etc,  completion.  -i-  •tetbeb  c  exclusive- 

5'ff[«r|e  vt  unveil.    -ing  c  unveiling. 

a  fflaoe  vt  blunt,  deaden. 

81'ffmog  c  (ubehagelig  Smag)  tang,  disagreeable 

taste;  (SWobb^beligbeb)  distaste,  'disgust,  dislike, 
disrelish;  faa  _  for  take  a  dislike  to;  gtt)e  en  _ 
for  disgust  one  with.  -enbe  a  unsavoury,  ill 
3t  ffmalnenbe  a  tapering. 
9C  ffmclt[e  vt  melt,  smelt  (out,  off).  •ning  c 
melting  etc. 

3t  ffmergte  vt  rub  el.  grind  with  emery,  glaze. 

2l'ffmigre  vt  en  nt  coax  et.  wheedle  one  out 
of  st. 

91  ffmage  vt  slip  off. 

9t  ffmøge  vi-,  bar  -t  has  done  smoking. 

2l'ffntttic  vt  en  nt  talk  one  out  of  st;  _  en  fra 
dissuade  one  from;  —  vi:  \)ax  -t  has  done  talk- 

3('ffne  vi:  bet  ^ar  -t  it  snows  no  more. 

ai'ffnit  n,  pi  =,  (af  (Strfel,  SBue)  segment;  (af 
Sog)  section;  (2;ib8=)  period;  mere  appoint;  foftif 
retrenchmeat.  -te  vt  cut  el.  snip  off.  -ning  c 
cutting  oft". 

21  ffno  vt  Wind  off. 

9t'ffnote  vt  measure  el.  mark  off  with  a  cord. 

9t  ffnorte  vi:  f)ar  -t  has  ceased  snoring. 

9l'ffnub|bc  vt  curtail,  cut  short;  (en)  snub. 
•bet  a  curt,  clipped.    -bet^eb  c  curtuess. 

-^2l  ffitue  fe  9lfinorfe. 

9lffttUVpe  0.  fl.,  fe  9tffnub6e. 

2l'ffnt)Ue  vt  en  nt  obtain  st  from  one  by 

+%  ffob  [fort  oa]  n  decoction. 

9l'ffon|bre  vt  separate,  divide;  med  secrete, 
secern;  phyi  isolate;  _  fig  sequester  one's  self, 
fra  a?erben  withdraw,  retire,  from  the  world. 
-bret  a  isolated,  retired;  lede  _  live  retired,  lead 
a  retired  life.  -bring  c  -er  separation;  sekretion; 
isolation,  sequestration,  seclusion,  privacy,  re- 
tirement,  withdrawal  (from  the  world).  —  5a[f= 
fonbringSlneruer,  -organer  o.  p.  secretory  nerves, 
organs  etc. 

2lffon|e  vt  expiate,  atone  for;  fe  Stfrtbbe.  -ing 
c  expiation,  atonement.  -tng^alter  expiatory 

21  ffortere  vt  separate;  (fortere)  sort. 

21  ffoue  [aa]  vi:  \jav  -t  has  done  sleeping. 

91  ffpabe  vt  pare  off  (with  the  spade);  (fpabe) 

21  ff^iarfe  vt  kick  off. 

2t'ffpej{|e  vt  reflect,  mirror;  _  fig  be  reflected. 
•ing  c  reflection. 

2('ffptae  vt  play  off;  —  vi:  Iiar  -t  has  done 

9t'ffptttbe  vt  spin  off. 

2t'fftiifc  vt  eat  (off);  _  en  meb  put  one  off  with, 
amuse  one  with;  —  vi:  f)av  -ft  has  done  eating. 

9I'ff|iUntre  vt  splinter  off,  break  off  in  splin- 

9l'ff)ioI|e  vt  unspool,  reel  off;  —  vi:  bor  -t  has 
done  spooling.    -ing  unspooling. 

2rfft)ring  n,  pi  =,  side  spring;  fig  digression. 

9rffiirungen  part  burst  off. 

+'&  sprætte  vi  burst  off. 

9l'ffprættg|e  vt  force  off;  blow  off.  -ning  c 
forcing  etc;  met  fe  9lfbrænbing. 

9t'ff»)rætte  vt  rip  off. 

9l'\ipult  vt  J,  wash  (down). 

9('fftiisn|be  vt  unbuckle,  unclasp;  (S8ue  o.  1.) 
unbend;  fig  unstring.  -bing  c  unbuckling  etc; 
fig  relaxation,  unbending;  med  atony.  -bt  a, 
7ned  atonic,  unstrung. 

2l'ffbærire  vt  block  up,  barricade;  shut  out, 
cut  off;  (.!pat)n)  blockade.  -ring  c  blocking  etc. 
-tingéf»)ftcmet  the  prohibitive  system,  -ringd^ 
tientti  escape-valve. 

21'fftaa  vt  resign,  give  up,  yield  up,  cede,  re 
nounce,  relinquish,  make  over;  —vi~  fra  deslst 




from,  give  over.  -cUfl  a  transferable.  -eliø^cb 
e  transferability.  -elfe  c  -r  resigning  etc,  re- 
signalion,  remmoiation,  relinquishment,  (af  2Qiib) 
cession,    •dfcSfutn  consideration,  compensation. 

9l'ffto6Ie  [longt  o]  vt  divide  into  heaps. 

Sl'fftafie  re  stake  off. 

St'fftamltne  vi  desoend,  spring,  be  descended; 
gran,  be  derived.  -ntelfe,  -nitig  c  descent,  nativ- 
ity,  gram  derivation. 

å'fftonb  c  -e  distanre;  i  cl.  ifaa.  _  at  a  distance; 
i  long  _  at  a  long  distance;  i  en  -  af  at  a  dis- 
tance of;  i  lige  -  equidistant;  inbfitjrbeS  _  distance 
apart;  nieb  en  -  af  to  Sommer  mellem  ^ber  at  inter- 
vals of  two  inches;  ^olbe  fig  i  gob  _  fra  nt  give 
st  a  wide  berth;  l^olbe  en  i  -  make  one  keep  his 
distance;  fig  tage  -  fra  keep  aloof  from.  —  2lf= 
ftanb^lfignat  vi,  distant  signal,  -ttintel  aatr  angle 
of  elongation. 

8lffte'ii  [æ]  adv  away,  ofF;  (fremab)  on,  forward; 
_  meb  big !  get  otf,  away  with  you,  get  you  gone, 
make  yourself  scarce;  jeg  maa  -  I  must  be  off 
el.  gone,  F  I  am  off;  tomme  _  get  off,  be  off; 
(+  =  afftebfomme);  tomme  _  meb  get  on  with; 
naar  t)an  tunbe  tomme  _  bermeb  when  he  could 
manage  it;  3Jtatematifen  tunbe  jeg  ilte  tomme  - 
mrb  I  could  not  away  with  mathematics;  tomme 
galt  el.  tlbe  ~  fare  ill,  get  into  a  scrape,  into  hot 
water;  tomme  galt  ~  meb  get  into  mischief  with; 
tage  _  leave;  +  »=  tage  paa  aSeje.  -lomme  vt  cause, 
occasion,  work,  bring  on,  bring  about,  be  pro- 
ductive  of. 

a'fftcmme  vt  (meb  TOejfel)  chisel  off. 

2t'fftcm|me  vi  vote,  (hemmelig)  ballot.  -ntng 
c  -er  voting,  (i  fortorn. )  division;  (hemmelig) 
ballot;  fætte  unber  -  put  to  the  vote;  tomme  unber 
_,  ftribc  til  _  come  to  the  vote;  foretage  _  (Sl5arl.) 
divide;  fotlonge  ftriftlig  -  (oeb  SSalg)  crave  apoll. 
-ninfléfal  division  lobby. 

a''fftcm})|{c  rt  stamp,  cancel.  -Hug  c  stamping, 
canceHing.    -litiflémærte  cancelling  stamp. 

SR'fftillfe  vt  mark  out,  stake  off,  trace;  (9JJur.) 
knock  off;  (S8in)  rack  off;  (JorO)  cut;  -g  J,  be 
unbent;  —  +  t)i  t=  ©tilte  af.  -lenbe  a  incongruous; 
(of  gfaroe)  glaring,  gaudy;  fig  singular,  excentric; 
bære  _  imob  form  a  contrast  to.  -fer  c  -e  detour, 
tum;  (®a§rer  o.  1. )  service-pipe;  (i  2:alen)  digres- 
sion; gjøre  en  _  til  go  round  to.  -nittg  c  marking 
etc;  J.  unbending. 

Sl'fftible  vt  stay;  (SSceg  el.  1.)  shore  up;  (meb 
9J!urbærf )  buttress.    -nittjl  [langt  i]  c  staying  etc. 

SK'fftDlfc  et  (et  Sinter)  unship  the  stock  of  (an 

2l'ff(o^)<)e  vt  stop,  cut  off. 

9l'fftrofl|Ie  fig  vr  bereflected.    -littfl  c  reflexion. 

91'fftroffe  vt  punish,  chastise.  -Ife  c  punish- 
ment,  rhastisement. 

M'fftrcgle  [æ]  vt  mark  off  with  lines;  (liniere) 
rule;  +  —  unberftrege.    -tting  marking  etc. 

81'fftrcjfc  vt  sweep  off,  rub  off. 
-t^Sl'fftrcHget  a  unstrung,  unstringed. 

tl'fflribc  vt  en  nt  contest  el.  dispute  st  with 

aCfftrigle  vt  curry  off;  fig  (en)  curry  one's  hide. 

at'ffirtmle  vt  shred  off. 

21  fft'^^gf  '^'  strike  off,  wipe  away;  (SRagetnib) 
strap;  (4»ot)  clean  and  polish,  (SJJaal)  strike  (level); 
(mole  fi-rfte  (Sang)  prime;  -  en  gt^rftitte  strike  a 
match,  -melfel  spectaeles.  —  Slfftrt^gning  [langt  ^] 
c  striking  t-tc.  —  3(fftt£g  n  lead-scum. 

•91'fftubbc  fe  8lfftiibfe,  Slfftumpe. 

91'fftubfje  vt  crop,  clip,  cut  off,  dock,  curtail, 
(Iræer,  i  2:o:pven)  poU;  et  -et  STræ)  a  pollard. 
-nittg  c  cropping  etc. 

9l'fft«m))|e  vt  curtail,  dock,  truncate;  fig  (flBbe) 
blunt,  duU.  -elfe  -jting  c  curtailing  etc.,  cur- 

M'fft^rte  vt  shoot  (out). 

Srfftccffc  vt  clip  (wings). 

2t'fft(titg|e  vt  shut  off,  cut  off;  (ftænge)  lock, 
bolt,  bar.  -ning  c  shutting  etc.  •ningSImn 

3rfftccbne  fe  Stfta^e. 

2l'fftab|e  vt  cast,  found.  -ning  [longt  ø]  c  -ei; 
casting  etc;  cojjcr  cast. 

M'fffable  vt  thrust  off,  knock  off,  break  off, 
-ning  [langt  ø]  c  knocking  etc 

ai'fftatte  vt  shore,  prop  up. 

2t'fft«b|e  vt  dust.    -ning  [langt  ø]  c  dusting 

2l'ff«g|c  vt  suck  out;  (pobe)  i ngraft  by  approach, 
inarch.  -ning  [langt  u]  c  sucking  etc;  inarching, 
t  ablactation. 

31'ffboje  vt  bevel. 

21'fftiolc  vt  fe  Slftøle. 

3l'fft)i|bc,  aiffbie  vt  singe  off,  scorch,  parch; 
(om  åorn)  blight,  blast.  -bning  [langt  ij  c  singei 
ing  etc. 

É'ffbire  vi:   \)ax  -t  has  made  an  end  of  hiij 

9l'fft)0til|e  [langt  aa]  vt  sulphur  (well);  desuL 
phurate.   -ing  c  sulphuring  etc;  desulphuration. 

St'ffUærgc  vt  abjure,  forswear,  renounce.  -Jfe 
c  abjuration,  renunciation. 

Sl'ffbterme  vi:  aSieme  tiabe  -t  the  bees  have 
swarmed  for  the  last  time;  fig  ^an  ^ar  t  he  has 
done  with  his  day-dreams;  he  has  sown  his  wild 

Slfftjbe  fe  aiffoge. 

aifftj'ne  fe  ©^n. 

St'ffinBiC  ''  sing;  —  vi:  !^or  -t  has  done  sing- 
ing.    -elfe,  -ning  c  singing. 

2('fft)élc  Kl:  ^ar  -t  has  flnished  his  work. 

9l'ffæb|e  vt  soap.   -ning  [langt  cej  c  soapiug. 

at'ffælbe  vt  sift  away. 

9l'ffænt|c  vt  sink.    -ning  c  -er  sinking. 

21'ffæt  [tort  æ]  n,  vi  =,  fe  9lffat8.  —  9lffæl|te 
tt  (fra  6m6ebe)  remove,  dismiss,  discard,  dis- 
charge, deprive  of  office,  (Songe)  depose,  de- 
throne;  ((ælge)  dispose  of,  sell,  put  off,  ^an  tan 
itte  -  bet  he  cannot  find  a  sale  for  it;  (3!Kærte 
0.  1.)  leave;  (paa  Sort)  mark  out,  lay  down, 
J,  prick;  chir  amputate,  cut  off;  chem  deposit; 
ivp  set  up;  (Qagt)  station,  -ning  c  sale;  amputa- 
tion; sediment,  deposit;  +  fe  SlffatS;  jur  sequestra- 
tion;  ^a\)t,  finbe  -  sell;  finber  let  _  sells  readily; 
finbcr  frembelfS  gob  _  remains  in  favour;  ^an  t)ar 
megen  -  )(icia  fine  filæbeborer  his  cloths  sell  well, 
have  a  large  sale,  are  in  great  demand.  -ntng§= 
ømraabe^  -ningSfteb  market.  -tclig  (og  affæt'telig) 
a  removable;  saleable,  vendible,  marketable, 
merchantable.  -teligljeb  c  removability;  s^aleable- 
ness.  -tclfc  c  removal,  deprivation  of  offire; 
deposition,  dethronement;  (foreløbig)  suspension; 
making  etc;  amputation. 

8l'ff«g|c  vt  search;  mil  reconnoitre.  -ning 
[langt  ø]  c  search(ing);  reconnaissance. 

SK'ffirlbning  c  (af  581^)  desilverizing. 

9l'f f^rge  vi :  iiax  -t  has  left  off  mourning. 

91'ftng|e  vt  take  off;  -  en  $Iet  take  out  a  stain; 
_  en  SSorte,  et  Sinb  remove  a  wart,  a  bandage; 
(portræt)  ie  Sage  af;  —vi  fall  off,  decay,  decrease, 
deeline,  be  impaired,  (om  ©^gbom,  Sinb)  abate; 
beb  -nbe  9Kaane  when  the  moon  is  in  her  wane; 
-nbe  ©øm  graduated  hem  -clfe  c  taking  etc, 
removal,  -en  c  falling  off,  decrease,  deeline, 
diminution;  i  -  on  the  deeline.  -cnbew  decrease, 
wane;  SKaanrn  er  i  ~  the  moon  is  iu  her  wane; 
fiu  bære  i  ~  be  in  the  wane.  -ning  [langt  a]  c 
fe  -elfe,  (i  Sort)  cut. 

91  ftal|te  vt  discharge,  dismiss,  (8?egtment  o.  1.) 
disband.    -Iclfe,  -ning  c  discharge,  disbanding. 

9l'ftfl!|le  vt  j,  unrig;   (9JJafl)  strip;  -let  itte  i 





Ijetiefle  (om  ftrigSftiS)  in  ordlnary.  -H«9  c  un- 
rigging  etc. 

9['f  t  ole  i  <  agree  upon,  appoint,  concert,  arrange; 
-It  SHebe  appointment,  rendezvous;  bet  bor  et  -It 
é}!il  it  was  a  done  thing  between  thcm,  a  con- 
certed  piece  of  acting.  —  Sif  tale  c  r  agreement, 
appointment;  bet  er  en  _  that  is  a  bargain;  bet 
»ar  ifle  -ii  that  is  not  in  the  contract;  efter  -  as 
agreed  upon;  træffe  -  om  agree  on,  om  at  agree 
to;  gere  -  meb  en  (cm  at  træffeé)  make  an  appoint- 
ment with  one;  ti  mobteS  efter  _  \ve  met  by  ap- 
pointment el.  (efter  -n)  according  to  our  appoint- 

Sl'ftalt  [langt  o]  part  fe  9lftale  og  SlftæOe. 

9lftntn<>|c,  -niwg  fe  2lfj)rl)gle. 

3i-Uap\pt  vt  draw  (ofl"),  tap,  (paa  glaffer)  bottle; 
-t  ^I  bottled  beer.  -ning  c  -er  drawing  etc, 

91'ftegn  n,  pi  =,  (i  2Qr§  goroe)  conspicuous 
mark,  stain.  —  9Iftcgn|e  tf  draw,  delineate. 
-ing  c  -er  drawing,  delineatlon;  fe  Slftegn  (i  Sræ) 
Curl,  wave. 

aften  c  -er  evening,  night;  poet  (og  om  2tftenen 
fer  4»cn'flt"i8  fKer  anbcn  forcentet  SBegioen^eb)  eve; 
Sule  _  Christmas-eve,  IRfitcorS  _  new-year's-eve, 
-en  fer  ©laget  Beb  SEoterloo  the  eve  of  thebattle 
of  W.;  en  -  one  evening;  en  af  be  forfle  -er  one 
of  these  eveuings;  SiociS  _  the  evening  cl.  vale 
of  life;  gob  -  good  evening;  bet  latter  ab  _  even- 
ing draws  nigh,  it  is  getting  dark;  i  _  tonight, 
this  evening;  i  røorgen  _  to-morrow  evening; 
i(®aar)Slfteé  last  night,  yesterday  evening,  over- 
night;  i  gorgaarg  91fte§  the  night  before  last; 
mob  _  towards  evening;  om  -en  in  the  evening, 
of  an  evening;  fra  SJiorgcn  til  _  from  morning 
to  el.  till  night;  bet  er  Jib  ot  fpife  til  _  it  is  supper 
time  el.  time  for  supper;  b^bc  en  tit  _  invite  one 
to  supper;  blioe  og  fjjife  til  -  stay  supper;  l^tiab 
ffal  bi  f)ane  til  -  (§,)?  what  shall  we  have  for 
supper?  ub  paa  -en  Jate  in  the  evening;  beb  -8 
Sib  towards  evening.  —  Slftrnlottbagt  evening- 
prayers  til.  -at)t§  fe  -blab.  t-inffe  fe  ^loggermnS; 
fe  SRatratn.  -bcUjéning  evening  light.  -bcf«g 
evening  visit.  -Iilao  n,  pcet  blue  evening  sky. 
•blob  evening  paper.  -bl«be  evening  s-hower. 
•boriB  ie  SlftenSborb.  -iøn  evening  prayer;  fe 
-onbagt.  -cirfcl  evening  circle.  -brt!  evening 
drink,  -bug  evening  dew.  -fobrr  evening  fodder. 
-f«gl  fe  -fbo-rmer.  -fubc  evening  meal.  -gang 
evening  walk.  -gubétjcncfte  evening  service  el. 
prayers.  -gæft  evening  guest.  •himmel  evening 
sky.  -Ijtitle  evening  rest.  -flo!fe  evtning  bell, 
curfew.  -loft  supper.  -IrcbS  even'ng  circle. 
•Iwlbe  evening  cold.  -føltng  cool  of  the  evening. 
-lanbftab  evening  landscape.  Slftenltgo  evening; 
nightly.  Slfien|Iuft  evening  air.  -luftnijtg  even- 
ing breeze.  -lljfttgiieb  evening  mcrriment.  -tnanb 
one  who  keeps  late  hours.  -t-ntat  a  drowzy  (in 
theevening).  -incnntffe  fe-monb.  -ntcåfe  evening 
service,  vespers,  -mufif  evening  nnisic.  -wa:lt 
evening  milk.  -tn«be  night-sitting.  -marfc 
dark  of  the  evening,  -regn  evening  rain.  -tabe 
c  (-f-r«bt  11)  evening-red,  evening  sky.  -falme 
eveninp  hymn.  -foitg  even-song,  afiemoon  ser- 
vice. Sficnéborb  supper  (tBbk).  SIftcnfcIfrali. 
Slfteti^flilbe  evening  party.  -f!oleev<ningschool. 
Slften^foft  fe  91ftenloft.  Éficnlffumriwg  evening 
twilight,  dusk  of  the  evening;  -flljgge  evening 
shadow.  -fJcet  evening-tints;,;.  Slficnémflaltib, 
9lftrncmab  evening  meal,  supper,  barm  -  mcHt- 
tea.  8lffrn|foleveningsun,setting)-un.  -fomwcr- 
fugl  fe  -fbocrmer.  -f^iife  supper,  -ftrmning  even- 
ing mood,  (9J?aIeri)  evening  tone.  3lficnélib 
evening,  eventide.  9lftcti!fJjcrne  evening  star, 
Hesperus;  fe  Siatbiot.  -ftunb  evening.  -ftjove, 
-fbating  fe  -l«ling.  SlftettiStiaTfet  one  day's  notice. 

9(ftrn|fti<mner  hawk-moth,  iSphinx.  -time  even- 
ing hour.    -tttr  evening  walk.    •uttberfialbning 

evening('s)  entcrtainment;  evening  party;  mufi= 
Taift  _  musical  evening.  -bagtffub  evening  gun. 
-ttittb  evening  wind. 

Slflrr  c,  7inn  residue,  tail,  tailings. 

2l'fttflgc  tt  en  nt  obtaiu  st  of  one  by  begging. 

•21'flinct  part  =  aiftoet. 

aftinge  vt  fe  Slfjirutte. 

9l'ftjc«e  vt  work  out;  _  ftn  SSærneptigt  serve 
one's  time  as  a  soldler;  —  vi:  fiar  -nthasserved 
his  time. 

9lftn|c3  vd  draw  towards  evening;  betBegt)nber 
tiblig  at  _  evening  sets  in  early.  -ing  c  twilight; 
P  =  Siften. 

afto  vt  wash  (oflf).  -flfe  c,  -nlng  c  -er  wash- 
ing,  ablution. 

É'ftorbne  vi:  bet  ^or  -t  fhe  thunder  has  ceased. 

Sl'ftra|iH)et  a  3Slm  built  in  corbic  steps,  SBalfe 
terraced.    -wijtg  c  terrace. 

9l'ftrobfe  vt  en  nt  bully  one  out  of  st. 

Mftmc  vt  en  nt  extort  st  fiom  one  by  threats. 

Sl'ftr^gle  vt  en  nt  obtain  st  from  one  by  sup- 

3l'ftr^(  n,  pi  =,  impression,  print,  copy;  (fær« 
ftilt)  _  af  reprint  from.  -fe  vt  (trfilfe  ub)  press 
out,  express  (af  of,  from);  (tratte)  print,  take  oflf 
an  impression  of;  (Segl)  impress;  ber  er  lun  -ft 
faa  ©flemplarer  a  few  copies  only  have  been 
printed;  -!t  efter  reprinted  from;  _  et  ®ebær  pull 
the  trigger  of  a  gun.  -ter  c  -e  trigger,  •ning  c 
expression;  printing,  impression. 

Sl'ftræbc  vt  (træbeleS)  tread  oflf;  (fratræbe)  sur- 
render, yield,  resign,  give  up,  retire  from;  — 
vi  (trælle  fig  ttlbnge)  withdraw,  retire;  ben  -nbe 
Cfficer  the  relieved  officer;  en  -nbe  (SnibebSmanb 
a  retiring  officer.  -Ife  c  treading  off;  withdrawal, 
resignation,  cession.  -Ifcébærelfe  place  of  call, 
occasional  ofHce,  (one's)  room  in  town. 

»'fttæl  «,  pi  =,  (f.  etS.  for  SRog)  outlet;  typ. 
proof,  pull;  fe  -Ter.  -!e  vt  (troeife  af)  pull  oflf, 
draw  ofl';  tvp  throw  off,  strike  ofl";  (meb  Si')  draw- 
file, (SBoMe)  file;  (SBorb  o.  1.)  smooth  (with  the 
spoke-shave);  (5Rage!ni0l  set;  (Ur)  set  right,  min 
mea.«ure;  (frabrage)  deduct.  -ler  c  -e  trigger. 
■fertilt  trigger-plate.    -ning  c  -er  puUing  etc. 

aftrocUc  vt  work  off  by  drudgery. 

ffl'ftrættc  vt  fe  Slfbiéputcre,  Slffiribe. 

9lftMbc  vi:  i)ar  -t  has  done  whining,  piping. 

9l'fiiif!e  vt  en  nt  obtain  st  ftom  one  by  barter. 

31'ftutte  vt  roll  up  in  paper. 

aftbtnge  vt  en  nt  extort  el.  wring  st  from  one, 
fe  afnfbe.    -Ife  c  extortion. 

-faflsJftc  fe  SlfbiStJutere,  Wftribe. 

a  ftb(Et|te  vt  wash  oflf;  fig  blot  out.  -ning  c 
washing  (oflf),  ablution. 

a  fit)lbe  vt  pour  off. 

aftægt  c  annualallowance  or  pension  reserved 
by  one  who  surrenders  his  real  pioperty  to  his 
heir;  bære  boa  -  receive  an  „?lftægt".  —  aftflcgtSt- 
jiibet  one  who  pays  „Slftægt".  -bolig,  -fjnS  house 
of:  -folt  -manb,  -fone  people,  man,  woman, 
who  receive  an  „Wf'ægt". 

aftællte  it  unroof.    -ning  c  unroofing. 

afiælllc  tt  count  ofl  (beforehand).  -l«g  c 
couniing  off. 

aftærle  tf,  -ing  c  fe  »fmogre. 

a'ftærff|c  vt  thrash  (off);  —  vi:  f)at  -et  has 
finishtd  thrashing.    -ning  c  thrashing. 

a  ft«  vi  thaw  oft";  bet  ^or  -et  the  thaw  hasceased. 

aftejlle  tt  unbridle.    -Ing  c  unbridling. 

a  ftejre  vt  tether  ofl". 

a'ft«tti|me  it  empty.    -wing  c  emptying. 

aftnrrle  vt  wipe  up  el.  off.    -Ing  c  wiping  etc. 

a  fbabfl|e  vt  wash  off.  -ning  c  washing,  ablu- 





3l'foanti|e  vt  drain.    -ing  c  draining. 

91'fDane  c  disuse;  faa  _  tit,  lomme  i  _  meb  get 
out  of  the  habit  of.  SlfUnnt  a  meb  disused  to, 
out  of  the  habit  of. 

3('f»ej  c  -e  wrong  way;  fomme  paa  -e  (ogfaa  fig) 
go  astray,  go  wrong,  get  off  the  right  path;  føre 
paa  -e  mislead,  misguide. 

9l'foej|c  vt  weigh  off  (and  set  aside),  weigh; 
(nioellere)  level;  fi7  (Drb  o.  1.)  weigh;  (mob  ^in- 
anben)  balance,  poise.    -nlnfl  c  weighing  etc. 

Stfeej'cn  adv  fe  SSej. 

3l'f»)etd|(e  «i  change,  vary,  alternate;  -  meb  at 
læjc  og  fttiBe  read  and  write  by  turns;  S3jærge  og 
2)ale  _  meb  t)inaiiben  mountaln  and  valley  suc- 
ceed  each  other  alteraately;  —  vt  vary.  -(entie 
a  changing  etc,  alternate,  various,  (om  2anbfEab 
o.  I.)  diversified;  Sf  alternate;  _  §Rtm  alternate 
rhymes;  _  Stjlte  various  el.  varying  fortune  el. 
success;  _  meb  relieved  by;  —  adv  alteruately, 
by  turns.  -Ung  e,  -er  (Dmffiftning)  alternation; 
(^oranbring)  change,  variation,  variety;  bringe 
_  i  give  variety  to,  relieve  (the  monotony  et. 
sameness  of);  tit  en  ~,  for  en  -§  ©t^Ib  by  way  of 
variety,  for  a  change;  -  frijber  variety  is  charming. 

2l'f»enbe  vt  avert,  preveat;  _  fra  en  avert  from 
one;  _  goilet  fra  bet§  jTvoffab  seduce  the  people 
from  their  allegiance.  -Ife  c  averting  etc,  pre- 
vention;  (^jertetS)  alienation,  estrangement. 

Sl'focnte  vt  wait  et.  stay  for,  abide,  wait  to 
see;  »jerf-nbeS3e5anbIing§maabe  expectation,  expec- 
tant  treatment  et.  medicine. 

9t'fUtg|e  vi  (breje  af,  fteje  ub)  swerve,  depart, 
deviate,  diverge;  (Ⱦre  uotjerenSftemmenbe)  diflfer 
(fra  from),  disagree  (with),  vary.  -elfc  o  -r 
swerving  etc,  deviation,  departure;  difference, 
disagreement;  (SompoSfetS)  variation;  art  devia- 
tion; ast  aberration,  -ning  [langt  i]  J,  departure. 
-te  a,  de/  last;  fibft  _  last  past. 

9t'ft»if|Je  vt  unroll,  unwind;  _  en  ^forretning 
Wind  up  el.  settle  a  business.  -Ung  c  unroUing 
etc;  settlement  el.  wiiWing  up  of  a  business. 

9l'foinbe  vt  win  el.  gain  from;  _  nt  ^ntereSfe 
make  si  interesting. 

9t'fotnbe  vt  unwind,  wind  off,  reel  off. 

Sl'fttinge  vt  take  off  the  wings  (from  the  seeds 
of  the  fir-tree). 

Sl'fDtfe  vt  (en)  refuse  one  admittance,  tum  one 
off",  send  one  away,  send  one  about  his  business; 
(SSegæiing)  reject,  dismiss;  (SSeft^lbning)  repudiate; 
(SBerget)  dishonour;  jur  (en  $oaftanb)  overrule, 
(9JnfIage)  throw  out  (a  bill),  (en  Sag)  dismiss  (a 
cause);  _  meb  fjoragt  scout;  ^an  laber  fig  iRe  _ 
he  won't  be  rebuffed;  blioe  -ft  (meb  en  ålage)  be 
non  suited.  -cr(ften)  c  -e  spur-post,  guard-iron. 
•et(t>cctt)  dolphin  (before  the  pier  of  a  bridge). 

2l'fOlft|e  vt  wipe,  dust  (off  el.  away);  _  en  Sa= 
non  sponge  a  cannon.    -ning  c  wiping  etc. 

3t'ft)i§ne  vi  wither,  fall  off. 

9l'f»)l§|ntng  [lanat  i]  c  -er  dismissal,  rejection; 
repudiation;  rebuff.  -ningSbont  nonsuit.  -ningS- 
gcunb  exception. 

9l'f»>ofée  vi:  ^at  -t  is  fuU-grown. 

3lf»rlb]e  vt  (f.  ®fg.  aSanb)  wring  out;  (®reno.  1.) 
wrench  off.    -ttlttg  [tangt  i]  c  wringing  etc. 

+91  ftiriftc  vt  fe  graorifte. 

9rftiæb|ne  [langt  æ]  vt  disarm.  -ning  c  dis- 
arming,  disarmament. 

9t'f»)æ(te  vt  roll  off,  tumble  off;  be  fanbt  ©tenen 
-t  fro  kratten  they  found  the  stone  roUed  away 
from  the  sepulchre;  _  en  33eftQtbning  exonerate 
one's  self  from  a  charge. 

9l'ftiisnne  vt  disaccustom,  disuse,  wean  (fra, 
meb  from);  mon  moo  foa  ^am  -nt  fro  (meb)  ben 
©tit  he  must  be  broken  of  that  habit;  t)an  l^or 
otbeleS  -nt  fig  meb  at  britte  he  has  quite  left  off 
drinking.    -Ife  c  disuse,  weaning,  breaking. 





9t'f»)ærge  vt  ward  off,  parry;  fig  (ofoenbe)  avert, 
(for^inbre)  prevent.  -Ife  c  warding  off  etc,  pre 

-f9('fJ)nbe  vt  disflgure,  spoil  the  beauty  of. 

91  fæbe  vt  eat  off. 

9rfæn|brc  vt  alter,  modify.    -bring  c  -er  alte: 
tion,  modifloation. 

9lfæ'rcfl8  c  apher'esis. 

9l'fæff|c  vt  (en  nt)  ;exact,  demand,  require 
from  one).    -ning  c  exaction,  demand. 

9l'fætfe  vt  remove  by  caustics. 

9l'f«f!e  vt  lade,  ladle  et.  dip  out;  (S8anb  of  Saab) 
bale  et.  scoop  out.    -ning  [langt  ø]  c  ladling  etc. 

9lg(H)on'tftu8  c  agapanthus,  African  lily 

9lgo't  c  -er  ag'ate;  fort  _  jet;  iSlonbft  -  obsidiai 
-træ  agate-wood. 

9(ga  »e  c  -r  agave,    -dam))  pita. 

9tge  vi  drive,  ride  (in  a  carriage),  'slide;  — 
vt  drive;  ben  -nbe  $oft  the  mail-coach.  *-baIIe 
coasting  hill.  f-itcet  seat  of  a  waggon.  t-b«r 
cart-gateway.  t-f«re  wheeling.  t-ljl)nbe  cushion 
for  the  seat  of  a  carriage.  t-Iæ§  cart-load,  wag- 
gon load.  j 

9lgcn'be  c  -r  agenda,  ritual.  I 

9tgent'  c  -er  a'gent.  -u'r  c  -er  a'gency.  -u'r' 
forretning  agency-business. 

9tger  c  -gre  fleld;  t  ridge;  coll  fe  -lanb;  bibl  gif 
^en,  ben  ene  poo  fin  _,  ben  onben  tit  fit  Jtøbmanbftob 
went  their  ways,  one  to  his  farm  and  another  to 
his  merchandize.  -brug  agriculture,  husbandry, 
farming,  tillage;  concr  farm,  farming  business, 
-bruger husbandman,  agriculturist,  tiller.  -brugS« 
lemi  0.  ft.,  fe  -bt)rtmng§=.    -6unb  soil. 

9lgerbop))er  pi  valouia. 

9l8crbt)rt| eube  a  agricultural;  _  fjolf  agricul- 
tural  nation,  nation  of  husbandmen.  -er  agri- 
culturist. -ning  agriculture.  -ntng§bcretning 
agricultural  report,  -ning^temi  agricultural 
chemistry.  -ning^tære  art  el.  science  of  agri- 
culture. -ningiSrebflob  farming  implement. 
-ningSfelffob  agricultural  society.  -ningSoibCR^ 
ftati  fe  -ningllcere. 

9tge're  vt  &  i  aet,  play;  jur  plead;  mil  operate; 
_  2onbmanb  play  the  farmer;  _  fiøjmobig  play  the 

9tger|fll)  dart.  Agrotis.  *-fIæt  fe  -ptet.  -fure 
furrow.  -gaa§  bean  goose.  Anser  arvensis.  •Ifent 
partridge,  Perdix;  fe  lønbeinette.  -dønefaroet  a 
partridge-coloured.  -ffeiietra  partridge  tree; 
-wood.  -danS  partridges.  -jorb  fe  -lonb.  -laol 
charlock  {Sinapis  arvensis;  Raphamu  rapkani- 
strum),  wild  cabbage,  Brassica  campestris,  -lanb 
arable  land.  '-lap  fe  -plet.  Mo  fe  ^iejle.  -lob 
lot  of  arable  land. 

9tgermaane  c  ag'rimony,  Agrimonia. 

9Iger|mar{  field,  piece  of  arable  land.  -»ton 
fe  -lanb.  -utuS  field-mouse,  Arvicola  agrestis. 
-tnljnte  corn-mint,  Mentha  arvensis. 

^gern  «,  pl  =  &  -er  acorn.  -I)at  calix  el.  cup 
of  the  acorn.  -faffe  acorn  coffee.  -otie  nut-oil. 
-futter  quercite. 

3tger|iilet  little  patch  of  arable  land.  -ran 
fleldrobbery.  -ranuntel  corn  crow-foot,  Ranun- 
cm/m«  arvensis.  -ren  balk,  head-land.  -renbe 
drain.  *rit3e  fe  SSogteltonge.  -rt)bning  clearing. 
-r^g  (highest  part  of  a)  ridge.  -fcnnejt  charlock, 
Sinapis  arvensis.  -ftel  field-boundary.  t-ffiftc 
parcel  of  arable  land.  -fnegl  commoa  slug,  Li- 
max.  -fncrie  corn-bind,  Convoloolvs  arvensis. 
■ftenfr«  corn  groniwell,  Lithospemum  arvense. 
-fump  slough.  *-teig  ridge.  -tibfel  corn  sow- 
thistle,  Circium  aroense.  -ugle  dart.  Agrotis. 
•ulb  fe  Særutb.  -oanbing  irrigatiou  (of  fieids), 
•ært  field  pea,  Plsum  aroense. 

t9tgelftoI  seat  of  a  waggon.    t-t«i  vehicle. 

9(ggtutine'reRbe  a  agglu'tinative. 




Slggrega't  n  -er  ag'gregate.  •(,io'n&)^otm,  -tit- 
ftonO  State  el.  conditiou  of  matter. 

•Jlgflreé-fttt  'i  agpres  sive. 

Stflio  c  agio  9(giota'ge  c  a'giotage,  stocls:- 
jobbiiig.    9lsiotø'r  c  -et  stoclc-jobber. 

9lgit|otio'n  c  agita'tiou.  -o'tor  c  -o'rer  agi- 
tator, -e'te  c<  &  i  agitate,  stir  up  the  public 
mind,  make  a  stir,  raise  a  movement;  _  for  fine 
"•ijieitiiifler  agitate  one's  views. 

+3lnte  vi  stagger,  reel. 

9lflU  n  bait;  fætte  _  paa  bait. 

Slgnat  c  -er  ag nate.    -tff  a  agnat'ic. 

3tgn|e  rt  bait.  -fifl  bait  fish.  -^otb  (•-ftolb) 
barb.  -lifte  bait-box.  -maxt  fe  ©anborm;  9iegu= 

••'9(gnor  c  -er  barb. 

~"2tgn|ffæl  ie  Slaamugliiig.    -tine  fe  -fifte. 

Slgraf'  c,  Slgraffc  c  -fer  clasp,  brooch. 

3tgrama'ncr  pi  ornamental  lace-work. 

9lgra'rtfl  a  agra  rian. 

9lflremcnt'  n  -8  accessory. 

Slgrttultur  c  agriculture.  -lenti  fe  9Igerbt)rf= 

9igro|no'm  c  -er  agriculturist.  -nømi'  c  science 
of  agriculture.    -no'miff  a  agricultural. 

5tgt  c  (jpenfigt)  intention,  purpose,  design; 
Cpmcerffomtieb)  attention,  care;  (SJgtelfe)  esteem, 
-siimation;  gioe  _  paa  pay  attention  to,  attend 
to,  take  heed  of,  heed,  mind;  gid  _!  attention! 
still !  tage  i  _  talie  care  of;  tage  fig  i  _  take  care, 
have  a  care,  take  heed  (for  of);  tag  big  i  -.!  (t)ar= 
floenbe)  have  a  care !  have  at  you !  beware !  look 
out!  tag  big  gobt  i  _,  p  mind  your  eye;  ^olbeS 
i  _  og  SGre  be  esteemed,  stand  high  in  the 
estimation  of.    -bar  a  respectable. 

Sigte  vt  (lægge  SRærfe  til)  mind,  heed,  regard, 
attend  to;  (oije  9tgteiie)  re.spect,  reverence,  (^olbe 
for)  regard,  consider;  agt  mine  Orb  mind  my 
words;  _  ^Bjt  think  miich  of;  _  ringe  think  el. 
make  light  of,  joc  think  st  small  potatoes;  ^an 
-r  bet  ifre  en  Søft  bærb  he  does  not  valne  it  a 
straw,  ^on  -r  bet  for  ingen  Xing  he  makes  nothing 
of  it;  ^Dor  -r  ©e  ®em  hen?  where  are  yougoing? 
!^an  -t  fig  til  5Rom  he  is  going  to  Rome,  —  vi  ~  at 
intend,  propose  to;  _  paa.  attend  to,  heed.  2lg= 
tclfe  c  respect,  regard,  esteem,  deference;  ^aoe, 
bære  _  for  have  a  regard  for;  ^an  I)ar  tabt  fin  _ 
he  has  lost  his  character;  ftaffe  fig  _  make  one's 
self  respected;  nteb  _  35ere8  yours  respectfully; 
meb  megen  _  yours  most  respectfully,  af  _  for 
Sooene  in  defereuce  to  the  laws. 

9tgten|for  prcep  4,  abaft;  -  tcær«  abaft  the 
beam.   -fro  adv  from  astern.   -om  præp  astern  of. 

Slflter  a  &  adl)  vi,  aft,  after,  abaft,  astern;  -ft 
aftermost,  aftmost,  (ubenror  Slibet)  stemmost; 
bet  -fte  ©tib  the  sternmost  el.  rearmost  .-<hip;  bet 
gaar  til  -i  for  el.  meb  ftam  he  is  going  down  hill. 
-brog  cnitch.  -bel  hitid-part.  -boet  atter-deck. 
-efter  adv  aft.  -cnbe  stern.  -flag  ensign.  -for- 
tøjning, -fæfte  stem-fast.  -gafter  /-/  alterguard. 
-^danb;  J,  i  _  at  the  tail-end;  fig  Bære  i  -en  be 
in  arrear.  -^olå  ^  afier-hood.  -inb  udv  J,  from 
astern.  -lappt  compauiou.  -taftet  (SUnmpe)  po- 
steriors.  -lanterne  stern  light,  -loft  alter-hold. 
-ntanb  (Slib)  rear-ship.  -ooer  adu  astt-ru.  -^axx 
after-body.  -rum  fe  -laft.  -faton  after  saloou. 
-fejl  after-sail.  -ffarjicn  the  run  of  a  ship.  -f(lb 
afier-body.  -f^ejl  siem.  -f<>il  main  capstan. 
-ftiring  fe  -fæfte.  -ftabn  stern.  -fttng  back-stitch. 
-ftqtte  (p.  Jtanon)  reinfon-e.  -ftæun  stern-post. 
-ftoeondtnæ  sternson.  -ftæbn§yonltefl  fulse-post. 
-f abe  stern -sheets.  -toO  stem  tast.  -tra^jpe  eom- 
paniou  ladder.  -utt  adv  astem.  fejle  -  leave 
astern,  fiu  distance,  leave  behiud. 

Slgtlpaagiuenbe  a  mindful,  attentive.  -paa 
gibcntieb  c  attention,  heedfulness.    -fomaheed- 

fiarfen:  S)onff=(Jngelft  Orbbog. 

ful,  mindful,  careful,  attentive.  -fom^eb  c  care- 
fulness,  heedfulness,  attention,  -bccr'big  a  estim- 
able,  respectable.  -bær'biglieb  c  estimableness, 
respectableness,  respectability. 

9lgnrf'  c  -er  cucumber,  (minbre)  gherkin.  (e)= 
folat  sliced  cucumber;  ^oab  forftaar  SSønber  fig 
paa  -?  that  Is  caviar  to  the  general,  -urt  fe 

^gut'i  c  agou'ti,  Basvprocta. 

311)!  ah!  oh!  2ll)a'!  aha! 

9tt)adoe'ru§  Ahasuerus. 

9lftl  c  hardpan. 

9tl)mc  fe  "Urne. 

8lt)orn  c  maple,  Acer,  atm.  _  sycamore,  mock 
plane,  A.  pseiidoidatanut;  tanbblabet  _  Norway 
maple,  A.  platnnoides.    -ftttter  maple-sugar. 

Sligret'te  c  -r  e'gret. 

tSlile  c  liquid  manure. 

3tié  n,   mus  A  sharp.    -iå  n  A  double  sharp. 

31  jour  meb  abreast  of. 

atjonrne're  vt  adjoura. 

311' !  alas !  alack  I  alackaday !  af  ja !  (6ul)  helgh 

3lfa'cie  c  -r  acacia;  (Sræfort,  of  uægte  _,  fe 
jRobinie)  locust. 

$lfabe|.ni'  n  -er  acad'emy.  -'mljfer  c  e  acad'- 
emist,  academ'ic.  -'mifloacademic(al);  _  SBorger 
university  man;  _  'Sorgerbreo  certificate  of  ma- 
triculation;  _  2)annelfe  (a)  university  education. 
-mtft'  c  -er  pupil  of  an  academy. 

3l!an'tf)n3  c  brankursine,  bear's  breech,  (ogfaa 
arcfi)  acanthus. 

tSliobct  a  awkward,  clumsy;  —  adv  awkwardly ; 
precipitately,  helter-skelter. 

Sltcent'  c  -er  ac'cent.  -l«8  a  unaccented.  -ue're 
vt  accent',  accent'uate;  Jig  lay  stress  upon,  em- 
phasize;  mun  accentuate,  mark,  _  for  ftærit  over- 
mark,   -uotio'n,  -ne'ring  c  accentuation. 

%Uept'  c  -er  acceptance;  fenbe  til  -  send  for 
acceptance.  -ant'  c  er  accept'or.  -baø  day  of 
acceptance.  -e're  vt  (58elå«l)  accept,  honour,  pay 
due  honour  to;  fig  acciept;  -t  SBetåel  acceptance; 
er  bleoen  -t  has  had  due  attention,  met  due 
honour;  3!!ere§  bratte  bteo  itfe  -t  acceptance  of 
your  draft  was  refused,  your  bill  was  dis- 

3lfce§'|fit  n  second  best  premium,  proxime 
accessit,    -fo'riff  a  ac'cessory. 

3ltciben§'  c  &  n  -er  phil  ac'cident;  mut  acci- 
dental;  pi  (Sportler)  perquisites.  -arbejbe  tvp 
jobbing,  piece  work.  -fætter  compositor  paid 
by  the  day.    -tratter  job-printer. 

Sltel'fe  c  excise.  -betjent  excise  officer,  excise- 
man.  -bob  excise  offiee.  -fri  a  free  of  excise. 
-fri^eb  exemption  from  excise.  -(iligtig  a  liable 
to  excise.    -febbel  permit. 

3lfclej'e  c  columbine,  culver-key,  Aqtnlegia 

Sllit'leSl^æl  Achilles'  heel.  -fene  AchiUes' 

*9lffer  c  fe  «læ!fprut. 

3ltt(omation  c  acclamation. 

2lf(limotife'r|e«taccli'mate,accli'matize.  -Ing 
c  acclima'tion,  acclimatization,  accli'mature. 

3lttommobe're  vt  accommodate. 

9ltfDm))ogn|e  re  vt  accom'pany.  -atø'r,  -ift'  c 
-er  accom  panist.    -ement'  »  -er  accompaniment. 

3l(torb'  c  -er  agreement,  bargain,  compromise; 
mu9  chord:  gøre  _  om  make  an  agreement  about; 
gøre  _  meb  fine  Srebitorer  compound  el.  make  a 
composition  with  one's  creditors;  arbejbe  paa  el. 
i  _  work  by  the  job;  ubbQbe  i  _  offer  011  con- 
tract;  ooertage  i  _  contract  for,  undertake  by 
contract,  in  the  lump;  fig  qaa  paa  -  meb  make 
terms  with,  compound  with;  -enS  9lanb  the  spirit 
of  compromise.    3(ftorbant'  c  -er  compounder. 




9IItarb{art)cjbe  task-work,  piece-work,  job.  -at- 
bejbcr  piece-hand.  -e're  vi  (om)  agree  (on), 
bargain  (for);  (meb  ftrebitorer  om)  compound  for. 
3lltør'bton  n  acco'rdion.  Slltovtifegcnbe  fe  Sllfor- 

9lllret)i|tc'rc  vt  (®eianbt,  tonful)  accred'it;  mere 
_  en  fto§  open  a  credit  for  one  with.  -ti'U  n  -er 
letter  of  credit. 

9ttlura't  a  exact,  ac'curate,  (om  «|5erfon)  pre- 
cise,  punctnal;  —  adv  (netop)  exactly,  precisely, 
just  so.    SttffurateS'fc  a  ac'curacy;   punctuality. 

9lltuf'a|tit)  c  -er  tlie  accu'sative  (case),  -to'tlfl 
a  accu'satory. 

9(fro6a't  c  -er  ac'robat.    -ifl  a  acrobat'ic. 

2lfroma'|tiff  a  achromat'ic.  -tiS'røe  c  achro'- 

afro'^)oli§  n  the  Aerop'olis. 

2tf§  n,  pi  =,  ear,  ^  spike;  *(p.  9iøgle)  bit; 
ftao  i  _  be  in  ears;  fcette  _  ear,  set  ears;  fonte  _ 
glean.  -Iilomft  spicate  flower.  -bannelfe  earing. 
-tiannet  a  spiciform. 

2lt§e  c  axis;  ^  racbis. 

2ttée|^u§  ^  glume.  -tranS  wreath  consistiug 
of  ears  of  corn. 

SltScl  c  -tsier  (Slulber)  shoulder;  (paa  Slæbning) 
shoulder  pieee. 

2l!§el  c  -tSIer  (til  ©jul  o.  f.  b.)  axle,  axle-tree; 
[p.  Waffine)  shaft.    -arm  axle-tree  arm. 

ailéclbaonb  shoulder  ribbou,  shoulder  knot. 

SltSclbeocegelfc  shaft-motion. 

SltScIlbcn  shoulder  bone.  -fiJab  shoulder  blade, 
^  stipule;  meb  -e  stipulate;  uben  -e  exstipulate. 

tlt§el|6ltl  cramp-iron.    -ioU  gudgeon. 

åtéellbrub  fracture  of  the  shoulder  bone. 

SHUelbat  beam-tree  berry.  -ven,  -ttct  beam- 
tree,  Sorbtrn  aria. 

9H§eIf«r  a  broad-shouldered. 

Slt§clgan8  shaft-alley. 

Mt§cl|9cf)æng  shoulder-belt,  scarf. 

ai!éel|$al§  neck  of  the  shaft.  -^olbcr  gulding 

9tt§el^tttc  armpit. 

Sltåeljærn  clout. 

^tMtaabe  short  cloak. 

atéelWobS  iixle-bar. 

afScUIæbe  amice. 

S(l§eHoger  plummer-block. 

2tféttteb  shoulder  joint. 

9lf8cl|Icbntn(j  shafting.  -)>anbe  shaft-brass. 
-plabe  fe  -jcetn. 

2lt§cl|rem  fe  -gehæng. 

Slt^cllring  axle-hoop.  -rum  shaft-trunk.  -ffab 

3lf§cl|f!ærf  fe  -gehæng,  -fnor  shoulder-strap. 
-f))jcelb  gusset.  -ftittet  a  ^  axillary.  -ftt)He 
shoulder-piece.    -fiært  fe  -før. 

2tt§cl!tai)  gudgeon.  -tort)  victual  market.  -træ 
axle-treé;  timber  flt  for  axles. 

Mtécombrcining  rotation. 

2tf§e|fonIcr  gleaner.  -fantning  gleaning.  -flæg 
beard  (of  an  ear). 

%mt\ppev  (Waftine)  header. 

mele  vt  shoulder;  fe  'røtSIe. 

9lté)){Ining  c  fe  3lt§efontning. 

9lft  c  -er  aet,  solemnity,  ceremony;  (i  ®fuef))il) 
aet;  jur  -er  papers. 

3lf t  [t  'Haft] :  fcette  i  JRigenS  _  put  under  the  ban 
of  the  Empire. 

Slltte  c  -r  share;  stock,  (forfteHige  ®Iag§)  stocks 
p(,  fig  credit.  -bflwf  joint-stock  bank.  -ejer  fe 
-^ober.  -foretagcttbe  joint-stock  enterprise.  -^an- 
bel  dealing  in  shares.  -^anbter  share-dealer. 
-^aber  c  -e  shareholder.  -tapital  share  eapital, 
joint-^tock.  -mægler  stock-broker.  -felflob  joint- 
stock  Company.  -f);ctulant  stock-jobber.  -f^>c= 
fulation  stock-jobbing. 

3(ttio'n  c  -er  ac'tion;  jur  criminal  prosecution 
-e're  vt  prosecute.    -æ'r  c  -er  fe  3lftie^at)er. 

9ltti  b  «  ac'tive;  i  _  Kfenefte  in  active  service, 
on  the  active  list.  —  5ttl'tib  n,  gr  the  active 
(yoice);  mere  property;  -er  assets  pi;  -er  og  %oA-- 
fiber  assets  and  debts,  debts  due  and  owing, 
debts  active  and  passive.  2ttliOite't  c  activ'ity; 
fætte  i  ~  put  in  activity,  iu  action. 

5M(tmælfig  o  documentary. 

3{ftor  c  -o'rer  counsel  for  the  prosecution 
mtoxa't  n  prosecution. 

IMttri'ce  c  -r  actress. 

aiftft^ffe  n  document. 

Slftuiolite't  c  actuali'ty,  present  interest 
c  -er  ac'tuary.    -el'  a  ac'tual,  present. 

Stttto'r  c  -er  ac'tor,  player. 

2ltuft|i!'  c  acous'tics  p^  -'i!er  c  -e  acoustic'iau 
-'iff  a  acoustic;  ©alen  er  tilfrebSfliHenbe  i  _  ^en= 
fecnbe  the  acoustics  of  the  hall  are  satisfactory. 

2lfut'  a  acu'te;  —  c  the  acute  accent. 

Étbajmari'n  c  aqua  marina,  aqua  marine, 
-rcl'  c  water-colours;  painting  el.  drawing  in 
water-colours;  concr  water-colour  drawing.  -rcl= 
moler  water-colourist.  -'rtum  n  -rier  aquarium. 
-bit'  c  a  kind  of  gin  or  whiskey. 

%\'  a  all;  _  SSerben  all  the  world,  the  whole 
world;  ^bab  i  al  SBerben  ftol  jeg  gøre  what  on  earth 
shall  1  do?  _  ben  ©tunb  in  as  much  as;  ^an  ^ar 
-  (mulig)  91arfag  til  ot  he  has  every  reason  to; 
af  ~  Wogt  with  might  and  main;  meb  _  SRet  with 
perfect  justice;  til  -  2t)tte  by  great  good  luck, 
as  good  luck  would  have  it;  uben  _  3;BibI  with- 
out  a  doubt;  uben  _  @runb  without  a  show  of 
reason,  without  any  reason  whatever;  i  _  Stil= 
^eb  (very)  quietly;  fremfor  -t  above  all,  of  all 
things;  -t  all,  everything;  -t  Bel  oberoejet  all 
things  considered;  formao  t  ^ol  en  be  all  in  all 
with  one,  have  great  influence  with  one;  mit  -t 
my  all;  |on8  et  og  -t  his  all  in  all,  all  in  all 
with  him;  i  et  og  -t  eutirely,  to  all  intents  and 
purposes;  f-t)  i  t  altogether,  all  told;  -t  onbet 
enb  anythiug  but;  -t  f)bab  jeg  ejer  my  all;  -t  (Sngelfl 
everything  English;  noor  -t  lommer  til  -t  after 
all,  after  all  is  said,  when  all  comes  to  all, 
(when)  all  (is)  said  and  done,  in  the  end;  meb 
t  bet  for  all  that;  meb  -t  bet  ot  t)an  notwithstand- 
ing  that  he,  for  all  his  -ing;  ^on  er  meb  til  -t 
nothing  comes  amiss  to  him  (fe  ogfaa  2tlt  adv); 
-le  (oEe  SKennefter)  all,  everybody;  -le  og  enbber 
everybody,  each  and  all,  (^oemfom^elft)  anybody; 
-le  onbre  everybody  else;  bi  -le  all  of  us,  we  all; 
-le  tre  all  three,  the  whole  three;  -le  fom  en  one 
and  all,  all  and  suiidry,  (all)  to  a  man;  -le  9Jlanb 
every  man;  -le  9J?onb  op  i  ^  all  hånds  ahoy !  enj 
for  -le  og  -le  for  en  jointly  and  separately 

•911  c  heart-wood,  duramen. 

'■'311  c  -er  (a  kind  of  primitive)  one-horse 

m  c  fe  m,\. 

Sttabnft'  c  alabaster. 

Stloguer  re  c  fe  ©uerre. 

tSllomo'bifl  a  fashionable,  modish. 

Sllanb  c  chavender,  chub,    Gyprinug  cepholu*. 

jlla'ntr  pi  Alani. 

9IIant  c  ^  elecampane,  scab-wort,  Inula  He- 
lenium.    -btit  elecampane  wine  (o.  fl[.) 

%(arm'  c  (£arm)  iioise,  tumult,  racket,  uproar, 
hubbub,  din,  (3tnf!rig)  ala'rm;  blinb  _  false  alarm; 
gøre  ~  (SInftrig)  give  the  alarm;  6læfe,  flao  _ 
sound,  beat  the  alarm.  SHarrae're  vt  alarm. 
2tIarm|ftoffe  alarro-bell.  -^jibe  alarm  (whistle). 
■ptabé  alarm-post.  -ffub  alarm-gun.  -ftang  sig- 
nal light,    -tromme  alarm-drum  (o.  fl.) 

3tlotern'  c  al'atern,  Rhamnus  aluternus 

Stlba'ner  c  Al'ban.  -bjærget  the  Alban  Mount 
3(tba'nff  a  Al'ban. 








3t(6a'tt|ien  Albania.    -e'fet  c    t,  -eferin'be  c 

r,  -c'fift  n  Alba'uian,  Al'banese. 

'HtbavmtiiettiQ  a  all-merciful.  -^cb  all-merci- 

3llbntr88(fe)c  -feralbatross,  I)ioniedea(exulana). 

3llbi9en'fcr(e)  pi  Albigenses.  •Irigen  the  Al- 
liigensian  war. 

3IIbi'n|o  c  albino,    -ié'me  c  al'binism. 

^itlbmctat  Albion  metal. 

Sllbrcft  Albert. 

3l(bue  c  -r  elbow;  puffe  meb  -en  elbow;  puffe  fig 
frem  meb  -tue  elbow  one's  way.  -ben  eublt,  ulna. 
-teb  elbow-joint.  •ntaa(  cubit.  -flæl  limpet, 
Patella.  -fttfb  jog  With  the  elbow;  bruise  on 
the  elbow. 

^Ibum  c  twelfth  part  of  a  „®fæppe  ^orttorn". 

9t(bum  n  -er  album;  OotografiO  photograph 
book.  -i'n  n  albu'men.  -i'nftof  albnminous 

ailcæ'ffl  fi  alcaic. 

atbefaoron  Aldeb'aran. 

3(Ibci)b  b  n  al'dehyde. 

Slibe  led  adv  quite,  entirely,  totally,  absolutely, 
altogether,  ntterly;  _  itte  not  at  all,  by  no  (manner 
of)  me.ins.  f  not  a  bit  of  it;  _  iuflen  none  at 
all;  -  intet  nothing  at  all;  _  ingen  ®runb,  intet 
jpaftocert  no  reason,  no  hurry,  at  all;  ~  font  om 
quite  as  if,  for  all  the  world  as  if. 

Stlbenftunb  fe  m  a. 

Sliber  c  -e  age;  meget  ^»j  _  extreme  old  age; 
^on  ^av  -en  he  has  the  years;  af  fin  _  (ot  Pære) 
or  his  years;  $efte  af  alle  e  all-aged  horses;  i 
en  ~  af  at  the  age  of;  bøbe  i  en  _  af  to  21ar  died 
aged  two  years;  i  en  l)ei  _  at  a  great  age;  i  en 
tiblig  -  at  an  early  age,  early  in  life;  i  en  filbig 
_  late  in  life;  i  fin  bebfte  -  in  the  prime  of  life; 
i  min  _  at  my  age;  i  ben  ~  at  of  an  age  to;  i  ben 

-  ba  of  an  age  in  which;  ^an  er  paa  min  _  he 
is  (of)  my  age;  paa  fin  gamle  _  old  as  he  is. 

Sllberbom  c  (old)  age;  -men  old  age.  +3llber= 
bontmeltg  b  f  f.  tlIberbo«té=  senile.  -fStlber^ 
botnSjforførgelfeSfadfe  superannuation  fund. 
-ffrabcligljeb,  -ftiag^eb  decrepitude,  infirmity  of 
(old)  age.    -ftøtte  stay  of  one's  declining  years. 

9lIbcrS|formanb  chairman  el.  president  by 
senioriiy.  -forftcl  difference  in  years.  -følge  fe 
Slnciennetet.  -groenfe  limit  of  age,  age-limit. 
-tlauful  age-elause.  -m«tfe  mark  of  age.  -ov 
itn  fe  ^Inciennetet. 

3llberftegen  a  aged,  stricken  in  years. 

3llbcrd|tib,  fra  _  from  timeimmemorial,  time 
out  of  mind.  -tibS^æbb  immemorial  right,  -til- 
leeg  pay-increase  aecording  to  length  of  service. 

-t-SIberfbag  «  decrepit. 

Sllbi'nere  pi  Aldine  editions. 

Sllbrjenbea  elderly,  oldish,  declining  into  the 
vale  of  years.    '-eS  vd  grow  old. 

Slibrig  adv  never;  _  mere  no  more;  om  ^an 
baPbe  -  faa  mange  though  he  had  ever  so  many; 
_  foa  fnart  ...  far  no  sooner  .  .  .  than;  man  ftal 
_  ftge  -  never  is  a  long  word;  f  itte  for  _  bet 
not  for  the  world;  næften  ~  hardly  ever;  bette  Ian 
»el  _  nære  Sereå  ftlæber?  these  are  never  your 

*8IIe  vt  plough  with  an  „911". 

Slleman'ttler  pi  Alemanni.    -ifl  a  Alemannic. 

Slien  c,  pi  =,  ell,  two  feet;  be  ere  to  _  af  et 
Stifte  they  are  a  pair  el.  of  a  piece;  maale  en 
anben  meb  fin  egen  -  measure  another  by  one's 
own  standard;  bibl  Ian  lægge  en  _  til  fin  3?æf§t 
can  add  one  cubit  unto  his  stature.  -brcb,  -b^b 
a  two  feet  broad,  deep. 

Slle'ne  <«  alone,  by  one's  self;  ganffe  ~  all  alone; 
Bcere  -  be  alone  el.  private;  Ult)ften  tommer  fjælben 

-  misfortnne  rarely  comes  single;  —  adv  only, 

I  solely;  ifle  _  .  .  .  men  oofaa  not  only  .  .  .  but. 
•faliggørenbe  a  only  savmg. 
I  Sltcn|gob§  dry  goods.  -ffgi  a  two  feet  high. 
j  -Irant  fe  -gobS.  -long  a  two  feet  long.  -maal 
!  ell-measure.  -ribber,  -rl)ttet  counterskipper. 
-ttti,  -Biå,  i  _  by  the  ell.    -oarer  fe  -gobS. 

Sllcttt'lcrnc,  be  -iffe  jZ)er  the  Aleu'tic  el.  Aleu'- 
tian  isles. 

Slle£an'ber^a|)eg«je  ring-paroquet,  Palmomis 

9lle£an'bri|a,  -en  n  Alexandria,  -'ner  c-e  (S8er§) 
Altxau'drine.    -nff  Alexan'drian. 

Sllf  c  -er  elf,  fairy. 

Sllfabe't  n  -er  alphabet.    -Ifl  a  alphabet'ic. 

Sltlfaber  c  father  of  all.  -fat  «:  _  Sgej  b.  f.  f. 
-fotBej  high-road,  highway. 

Sllfe!agtig  a  elfin-like,  elflsh,  fairy-like.  -band 
fairydance.  -bronning  fairy  queen.  -longe 
fairy  king.  -lanb  fairy  land.  -let  a  fairy-light. 
•rige  fe   lanb.    -flare  host  of  fairies  el.  elves. 

^Ifond  Alphon'so,  Alfonso. 

Sllforbor'mienbe  a  all-merciful.  -tren  de/ the 

Slige  c  -r  alga,  pi  algæ,  sea-weed. 

Sllgebra  c  algebra,    -iff  a  algebra'ic. 

Sllgi'cr  n  (©tåben)  Algiers;  (el.  Sllgerten)  Al- 
ge'ria.    -er  c,  pi  =,  -ff  a  Algerian,  Al'gerine. 

Slllgob  a  all-good,  all-bounteous,  all-bountiful. 
•gob^eb  supreme  goodness.  ■^•^eb  c  totality, 
-^erren,  -^crfleren  the  Lord  of  all. 

Sllbiba'be  c  -r  index,  al'idade. 

Sllta'å  adv  a'lias. 

Sllibt  n  al'ibi;  beeife  fit  _  prove  an  alibi. 

Sllilbot'tonerp/,  wjusariquot- tones,  harmonics, 

Sllimentot{o'n(§bibrag)  alimentary  allowance, 
(til  fraftilt  §uftru)  alimony. 

Sllt 'nea  c  paragraph. 

Slttjari'n  n  aliz'arine. 

Sllta|li  n  alter  alkali.  -lifatio'n,  -life'ring  c 
alkaliza'tion.  -lifCre  vt  al'kalize.  -'lifl  a  al'- 
kaline.    -loi'b  n  -er  al'kaloid. 

Slltan'narob  al'canet,  orchanet,  Anchwa  tinc- 

Sllfe  vi  waddle. 

Sllfc  c  -r  auk,  Alca  torda;  *  \aa  fulb  fom  en  _ 
as  drunk  as  an  owl,  as  a  lord.  *-tongc  little 
auk;  Meraulus  alle. 

Slltol^ol  c  alcohol.  -^olife're  vt  arcoholize. 
•bolifatio'n,  -bolife  ring  c  alcoholiza'tion.  -t)d'= 
lifl  a  alcohol'ic  -^olonte'ter  n  alcoholom'eter, 

Slllora'nen  de/  the  al'coran,  the  Ko'ran. 

Sllto  be  c  -r  alcove. 

SlItQmi'  c  al'chemy.  -ft'  c  -er  al'chemist. 
-ft  iff  n  alchem'ic(al),  alchemist'ic(al). 

Sllfæ'iff  fe  2llcæiff. 

Slltter  lig  a  allloving. 

aaé'  c  -r  avenue  (oftrees).    -tr«  avenue  tree. 

9(aego|ri'  c  -er  al'legory.  -rifc'te  vt  <fe  vi  alle- 
gorize.  -rife'ting  c  al'legorizing.  -'rifl  a  alle- 

Slllelbaanbe  (ogfaa  -^aan'be)  a  all  manner  of, 
all  kinds  of,  all  sorts  of;  —«  all  sorts  of  things, 
(Kr^bberi)  allspice,  pimento;  ^an  fer  ub  til  -  he 
has  a  suspicious  look;  et  _  an  omniumgatherum. 
-^aanbetræ   pimento,    Eugenia   pimenta.      -^el'« 

gen(ébag)  AU  Saints,  All  Saints  Day.  -^el'gen«' 
ugt  All-Saints-bay.  -^ergenStræ  (a  kind  of) 
Brasil  wood.  -manb  fe  911.  -ntanbiSben  every- 
body's  friend.  -nfalS  adv  p,  at  all  events,  at 
any  rate. 

Slller-  (tjeb  ©uperlatio,  Ionen  enten  paa  ol'-  el. 
paa  bet  anbet  Crb  i  Sommenfætningen,  ^oor  bet  ilte 
ubttt)Ifeltg  anmærfe?,  at  ben  lun  fan  vxte  paa  bette) 
of  all,   very,   (uben  Sammenligning)  by  far;   (Peb 




2;ttler)  most.  -alminbeligft  a  the  very  commonest, 
by  far  the  most  commou.  -bcbft  a  the  very  best, 
by  far  the  best,  a  &  adv  best  of  all;  _  font  just 
as.  at  the  very  moment  when,  in  the  midst  of. 

fHBcrebe,  Slllere'be  adv  (tun  »eb  et  <J5ræbitat) 
already;  (engang  tibtigere)  before  now,  ere  now; 
_  nu  even  now;  -  bengaug  even  at  that  time;  ~ 
i  bet  tolDte  Siar^unbrebe  as  early  el.  as  far  back 
as  the  twelfth  century;  _  tiblig  quite  early;  _  be 
gamle  »tbfte  even  the  ancients  knew;  ~  fontme 
ffiag  the  very  same  day;  _  ben  Dmftcenbigtieb  ot 
the  very  faet  that  el.  of;  bet  er  _  meget  that  is 

9(ller|fleft  a  by  far  the  greatest  number  (of); 
bem  er  ber  _  af  they  are  by  far  the  most  numerous. 
-færrcft  a-.  be  -e  very  few  (people;.  -f«tft  a  &  adv 
lirst  of  all;  fra  _  af  from  the  very  first.  -ffeV' 
ligfte  (om  *J5at)en)  most  holy;  ben  -e  the  most 
Holy;  bet  -e  bibl  the  Holy  ofHolies,  the  Holiest 
of  all,  (etlerS)  the  sanctuary.  -^elft  adv  jeg  bii 
_  I  should  like  best,  I  should  greatly  prefer. 
•fftVMebcé  a  devilish;  en  _  Sart  a  very  devil  of 
a  fellow.  -^øjtft  a  highest  of  all;  ben  e  the 
most  High;  i  -e  @rab  to  the  (very)  last  degree, 
to  a  degree;  i  bet  -e  b  f.  f.  -^«jft  adv  at  the  (very) 
utmost.  -^ejftfam'mc  His  (el  Her)  Majesty.  -in^ 
betftfe^nberft.  -frift'eltflft  most  Christian,  -færeft 
a  dearest  (of  all),  most  beloved;  bet  ftulbe  Ⱦre 
mig  -  I  should  like  nothing  better  than.  -!æ'tefte 
a  (føb  0.  1.)  most  charming,  most  lovely,  dainty; 

—  adv  most  charmingly.  -laOeft;  ben  -e  $ri8  the 
very  lowest  price.  -meft  a  by  far  the  greatest 
part;  adv  more  than  ever.  -minbft  a  least  of 
all;  the  very  least;  i  bet  -e  at  the  very  least;  — 
adv  least  of  all;  less  than  ever.  -naa'bigft  a 
most  gracious;  —  adv  graciously.  -nærrøeft  a; 
mine  -e  my  own  family.  -nebigft  adn;  bet  faa 
jeg  -  I  should  like  that  least  of  all.  -nøbbenbtgft 
a  most  necessary  (of  all);  bet  -e  the  very  neces- 
saries  (of  life).  -flbft  «  &  adv  last  of  all;  oente 
til  -  wait  to  the  very  end.  -fnarcft  adv;  jeg  tror 
_  I  think  nothing  more  likely  than.  -fom-  (meb 
Superl.)  joc,  very.  -tro'efte  a  (S^itel)  most  faith- 
ful.  -unberbo'nigft  a  most  humble;  —  adv  most 
humbly,  (Unberft.)  Your  Majesty's  most  humble 
and  loyal  subject.     •«tterft  a  the  very  topmost; 

—  adv  at  the  very  top;  -  (oppe)  i  el.  paa  at  the 
very  top  of, 

9iae|fatnmen  altogether.  -fjæ'Ieå  ®og  All  Souls' 
Day.  -f(ag!S  of  all  kinds,  every  kind  of,  all 
kinds  el.  sorts  of,  a  variety  of,  various.  -ftcb8 
adv  everywhere,  in  all  piaces.  -ftebSfra  adv  from 
everywhere.  -fteb§nærb(C'renbe  a  omnipresent, 
ubiquitous.  -ftcbSitærbæ  relfe  c  omnipreseace. 
-tibcr  F  a(ii>  always.  -pegne  ado  everywhere. 
-pegne  fra  adv  from  everywhere. 

%Uian'ce  c  r  alliance,  -trattat  treaty  of  a. 
2WIie'ret  a  allied;  —  c,    ebe  ally,  pi  allies. 

SlUigatio'nSregning  alliga'tion. 

9(Utga'tor  c  -er  alligator,  -ftttb^abbe  c  alligator 
tortoise,  Chelydra. 

tnUtgebet  (og  -Bel')  adv  still,  notwithstanding, 
nevertheless,  for  all  that,  all  the  same,  (unber 
aHe  Omft.)  at  any  rate. 

tSHUite  e  -r  jackdaw,  Gorvus  monednla;  faa  fulb 
fom  en  ~  as  drunk  as  an  owl,  as  a  lord. 

3lQinger  p/  slender  spars  of  pine-wood. 

+9iai»ct  de/,  poet  (all)  life. 

flUybro'gernc  the  AUob'roges. 

9lUo  b|(ittm)nallodium,  freehold  (estate).  -ia'l- 

iHQotutia'n  c   er  address,  allocu'tion. 

3lUBn  ge  c  -r  mere  allonge,  -pavtit  fuU-bot- 
tom(ed)  wig. 

9lUD|pa't  c  -er  allop'athist.  -pott'  c  allop'athy. 
"<)a'tifi  a  allopathlc(al). 

Sino'tria  pi  alien,  irrelevant  el.  heterogenous 

matters  el.  subjects. 

9tIIu|be're  allu'de.    -flo'n  c   er  allu'slon. 

UØUPilum  n  alluvium.    -a'l-  allu'vial. 

9«m  c  fe  Seim. 

3IIntagt  c  omnipotence,  almightiness.  9tImagtS- 
orb  almighty  word. 

3(Intanat'  c  -fer.    al'manac. 

9ltmen  a  general,  common,  public,  universal. 
-aanb  public  spirit.  -befinbenbc  state  of  health 
in  general,  -bannclfe  eduoation  of  the  (oommon) 
people.  H-bom  public  opinion,  -cjcnb om  public 
property.  -fattelig,  -forftaaeltg  a  intelligible  to 
all,  «to  the  meanest  capacity»,  popular.  -fattC- 
liglieb,  -forftaaelig^eb  slmplicity,  popularity. 
-f«lelfe  public  spirit,  philanthropy.  -gabtt  fe 
■n^tte.  -gplbig  a  generally  binding,  universally 
received.  -gljlbig^cb  general  validity,  univer- 
sality.  -^Ebcn  c  the  public.  •læinittg  general 
reading,  r.  for  the  million. 

*9ltmc«ning  c  fe  Sllminbing. 

3llmcn|nt)tte  public  good,  p.  Utility,  -tmtttg 
a  of  p.  Utility.  -fanS  fe  -aanb.  -fltter^cb  public 
safety,  general  s.;  joc  -en  (i  Sbt)ODn)  the  house 
of  detention,  -ffole  board  school;  ^øjere  -  public 
school.  -ftctntting  general  feeling.  -fteb  (+),  -f«t= 
ning  commonplace.  -ttel  public  weal,  common 
welfare.  _  tilgængelig  a  accessible  to  all.  -Pæfcn 
public  affairs.  -Qnbeft  popularity.  -Qnbet  a 

9ttm{tt'belig  a  (mobf.  fiælben)  common,  general, 
ordinary,  (uben  Unbtag.)  universal;  (mobf.  fpeciel) 
general,  generic;  _  SBrøt  vulgar  fractions;  -e 
©CEtninger,  iJSaaftanbe  generalizations,  generalities; 

-  røenneffeforftanb  common  sense;  -t  Slaglmoal 
a  free  fight;  en  _  S^ro,  et  -t  SRijgte  a  current  be- 
lief,  rumour;  ben  -e  Sirfe  the  universal  church; 
bet  -e  *-8ebfte  the  public  good;  bet  -e  the  public; 
til  ~  gorfiaufelfe  for   to   the  general  of; 

—  adv  commonly  etc;  mon  tror  -  it  is  currently 
believed.  -g«re  vt  make  general;  generalize. 
-gerclfe  c  generalization.  -tjeb  c  generalily,  uni- 
versality;  i  _  in  general,  geuerally;  qanfte  i  _ 
in  a  general  way,  broadly,  vaguely;  SSerben  i  _ 
the  world  at  large.  -BtS  udo  generally,  in  general. 

3llminbtng  e  -er  common;  (p.  Sirfegaarb)  pau- 
per's  side.    9lltninbing§ret  commonable  rights. 

9llmt§fe  c  -r  å'lms,  charity;  bebe  om  _  ask  an 
alms,  beg  charity.  -blot  alms-box.  -bcelten 
alms-dish.  -bolig,  -5u§  alms-house.  -inbfamler, 
■inbfamlcrffe  collector,  gath^rer,  ofalms.  -inb> 
famling  gathering  of  alms.  subscription.  -Itut 
pauper,  aims-man.  -ftiftelfe  charitable  institu- 
tion,   -ubbcler  almoner. 

Sllmue  c  -r  the  common  people,  the  peasantry, 
the  poor,  the  vulgar,  the  lower  orders,  the  ple- 
beians,*(gorfomling) gathering  -bibllBtelpeople's 
library,  parish  1.  -btgter  popular  poet.  -tækning 
reading  for  the  million,  -orb  word  belouging 
to  the  vulgar  tongue,  vulgarism.  -fogn  popular 
tradition,  -fang  popular  song  -fanger  popular 
poet,  ballad  writer.  Sllmucgfolf  peoiile  of  the 
lower  orders.  9llmuc|ffole  parish  school,  board- 
school,  common  school  -ftolclærer  parish-school 
teacher.  -flrtft  book  for  the  million  3ltmueS= 
tPinbe  woman  of  the  lower  classes  9(lmueå= 
manb  plebeian.  2llmue8orb  fe -orb.  2llmuc|fprog 
popular  language,  vulgar  tongue  -tribun  tri- 
bune of  the  people.  -unberPiétting  education 
of  the  common  people.  -iS^Pen  friend  of  t" 
lower  orders. 

3(l|m(cg'tig  a  almighty,   all-powerful;   ben 
the  Almighty.    -^eb   c  fe  Sllmagt.     SHnature: 
poet  (all)  nature. 

atloe  c  ^  aloe;  med  aloes  pi.    -agtig,  -^olbig 






a  aloet'ic.     -gitter  aloetic  pills.     -f^re  aloetic 
cid     -trce,  -Vtb  agalloch,  aloes-wood. 

aiofe  c  fe  (EtQinftlb. 

%\\)aVa  c  (SDijr  og  Søj)  alpaca. 

'iU  pari  mere  at  par. 

2lH)C}rne  the  Alps.  9(H>e=  alpine.  -ttfter§  blue 
■ilpine  daisy,  Asteralpinux.  -bruttcKc  alpiue  lark, 
Accentor  alpinus.  -gUll  the  glow  of  siinrise  or 
Miust't  on  the  snow-elad  Alps  -l)ore  alpine  hare, 
LeiniH  rarinhilifi.  -fiom  alp-horn,  alpine  horn. 
-iorbbær  ie  93atfe .  -flotte  soldanel.  -llub  alpine 
club.  -tva^t  chongh,  Fyrrhocorax  gracuux.  -net' 
Itte  alpine  pink,  Dianthufi  alpinus.  -oft  sapsago. 
-ranttntel  mountain  crow  flower,  Énunculns 
■ilpeHris.  -ratut  fc  frage.  -rofc  rhododendron. 
•rljjtc  fe  5JCBlb=.  -WfCtttt  wall  ereeper,  Tichodroma 
lumria.  -fteniut  ibex.  -ftof  alpenstock.  -foale 
■ilpine  svvitt,  Cyp^eLus  melha.  -tliol  sow-bread, 
('t/c/amen  europæiim. 

%I[raatienbe  n  omnipotent.  +-tctf«rJ)ifl  a  all 

9tIrune{rol>)  c  mandrake,  mandragora;  pro- 

"211  i f ammen  altogether.    -feenbe  a  all-seeing. 
-fibig  (t  manifold,    multifarions;    versatile,   uni- 
urSa',;   P  all  round.    -fibig^eb  c  versatility. 

3ltrttct(«t)cr  Alsike (cloverj,  Trifoliwn hybridum. 

9tl|ftnberen  the  Creator  of  al)  things,  +-ffab- 
ittngen  the  whole  creation.  2llftené,  alftagé  a 
of  all  kinds,  every  kind  of,  all  kinds  of,  a  variety 
of,  various,  miscellaueous.  9lt|ftt)rcni)eall-gover- 
ning,  all-ruling;  p  naa  bu  -  good  gracious  me ! 
-ftl)rcrcn  ttie  Great  Ruier. 

21U  ndv  (9(lt  n  fe  911)  already;  _  efter  according 
to;  _  efter  fom  in  proportion  as;  b.  f.  f.  _  fom; 
_  tor  too,  (by)  far  too;  ~  for  ^oflig,  cont  too  civil 
by  half;  _  imebeiié  all  the  while  -ing;  _  mere  Otj 
mere  more  and  more;  _  fom  just  as,  according  as. 

9llt  c  alto,  contralto,  counter(teuor). 

SlUai  Altai.    '&Ua\-,  alta'ifl «  Altaic,  Altaian. 

9Uta'n  c    er  balcony.  ; 

9lltc'a  c  althea,  marsh-mallow.  j 

9tltcr  n  -e  altar.  ! 

9l(teratio'n  c  aflright.  | 

Slltcr  blllebe  fe  taoie.  -bog  service-book.  •borb  ! 
commuuiou  table.    -bug  altar  cloth. 

9lltcr!e'renbea,  merf  al'terative;  _  Wibbel  altera- 
tive.  -e'ret  a  frightened,  agitated;  jeg  bled  faa 
~  F  it  gave  me  such  a  tum. 

9lItcrjfob  foot  of  the  altar.  -gang  eommunion; 
_  ^oibeé  the  Holy  Communion  is  celebrated. 
-gnlu  ie  -fob.  -gænger  c  e,  -gteft  communicaut. 
•ilb  sacriflcial  flre.  -tar  altar  vessel.  -ttæbe  a. 
cloth.  -tloeber  cauonicals,  robes  (of  a  priest). 
-U)é  a.  light. 

Stlternati'O  n  -er  alter'native. 

^J[(tcr|ftrub  fe  -flæbe,    -ftogc  altar  candleslick.  \ 
-taole  a.    piece,   reredos,    (meb  gloje)   triptych.  ; 
-tfenefte  a.   service,    -tone  cont  unctuous  tone. 
-frin  il.  step.    -bin  communion  wine. 

9t(tfl«tte  counter-tenor  flute. 

altfor  fe  Sllt  for. 

9lttib  adv  always,  in  every  case;  F  (Birfelig) 
certainly;  _  mere  more  and  more. 

Sllting  n  legislative  assembly  in  Iceland. 

Slding  n  everything;  for  -  by  all  means;  for 
_  iffe  on  no  account,  not  on  any  account;  ^oorom 
~  er  any  way,  hovvever  that  may  be. 

Slltifl'  c  -er  alto  singer. 

aUnegle  alto  clef. 

Stltomfattenbe  <(  all-comprehending,  all-em- 

2lUo<)Ofrenbe  a  self-sacriflcing. 

9tltfaa  conj  consoquently,  therefore,  so,  then.  ; 

3Utfammen  all,  altogether. 

flltf anger,  -inbe  alto  singer.  i 

+9l(tt)iberl  n,  wnt  omniscience. 

9l(ttito(tn  tenor  violin,  viola. 

Slttæbenbe  a  omnivorous. 

9ltumi'nium/talumin'ium,alu'minum.  -bronje 
a.  -bronze.  -^Qbro£t)b  aluminic  hydrate.  -jorb 
alu'mina,  al'umino.  -tiorib  aluminic  chloride. 
-orl)b  fe  -jorb.    -fulfat  aluminic  sulphate. 

3tlum'nu@  c   ner  collegian. 

Sl'Inn  n  al'um.  -agtig  a  alumish.  9(Iu'n|e, 
•ere  vt  alum.  -befbfe  c  alum-mordant.  -ertå 
alum-ore.  -garber  tawyer.  -garoert,  -garbning 
tawing.  -f)oibig  a  aluminous.  -jorb  alumearth. 
-læber  fe  -ftinb.  -r«bt  a.  red.  -ftifer  a.-slate. 
-fttnb  a  -leather,  whitleather.  -fien  stone-alum. 
•fljber  c  e  alum-boiler.  -oanb  a.-water.  -b«tl 

Stljbcr'ben  all  the  world;  ()t3orIebeå  i  _  (o.  f[.) 
how  in  (all)  the  world,  hovv  in  the  name  of 
wonders,  how  the  deuce;  -§  golf  all  the  world. 
(and  his  wife).  -tit'benbe  a  omniscient,  all 
-knowing.  -bi'benl)eb  c  omniscience.  -biS  a 
allwise.    -oidbom  supreme  wisdom. 

9t(bor  [aa]  c  k  n  earnest;  fe  -lig'^eb;  meb  _ 
earnestly;  bet  bar  mit  ~  I  was  in  e.;  gøre  _  af  nt 
set  about  st  seriou.sly;  blioe  til  _  become  serious; 
bliber  bet  til  -  meb  krigen?  will  the  vvar  really 
break  out?  et  Spøg  og  et  anbet  _,  fe  -lig  talt;  bet 
er  bog  ifte  2)ereé  -?  you  don't  say  so?  for  _  (mobf. 
for  ©pøg)  in  earnest;  (mobf.  miblertibig)  for  good; 
for  ramme  -  in  good,  real  el.  sober  earnest,  in 
very  e.  -blanbet  a  mingled  el.  blended  with 
earnest.  2tlbO'rliga  earnest,  serious,  grave,  sober, 
demure;  ^olbe  fig  _  keep  a  grave  face;  —  adv 
earnestly  etc;  _  talt  joking  apart,  raillery  el. 
jesting  aside,  in  earnest,  seriously  speaking; 
tage  for  ~  )faa.  take  too  much  in  earnest.  211= 
bo  rlig^eb  c  gravity,   eamestness,   seriousness. 

—  9llboré|bUtgravelook.  -bl|ft serious encouuter. 
-fttlb  a  earnest,  serious,  grave,  -manb  earnest 
man.  -orb  serious  word.  -tante  s.  thought 
(0.  fl.) 

9(m  ager  n  Amager.  9(mager{(bonbe)  inhabi- 
tant  of  A.  -br«b  fe  mab.  -^ætte  fe  ©torml^at. 
-tone  woman  from  A.;  basket- woman.  -mab  a 
kind  of  sandwich  (one  slice  of  brown  bread  and 
one  of  white). 

9lmaletit'er  pi  Amal'ekites. 

9(malga  m  n  amalgam,  amal'gama.  -ere  vt 
amal  gamate;  _  meb  a.  el.  incorporate  with. 

Stma'lie  Amelia. 

Stmanuen'fiS  c  amanuensis. 

Slmarant'  c  am'aranth,  Amarantkus;  røb  - 
love  lies-bleeding,  A  caudatu«. 

3lmart)l'Ud  c  amaryllis. 

%matat  c  -er  fe  dilettant. 

Slmajo  ne  c  -r  am  azone.    -bragt  riding  habit. 

—  9tmaiion|floben  the  Am'azon.  -m^re  amazon 
-ant,  Formica  aanguinea.  -papegøje  amazon 
parrot,  Uhrysotis  amazonica.  -fteil  amazonian 

3Imbadfa'|be  c  -r  em'bassy.  -ba'r  c  -er  am- 

Slmbe  c  -r  two  numbers  in  the  lottery. 

3lmber(ine  c  J,  hambroliue,  hamberline. 

tftmbitio  n  c  sense  of  honour. 

9lmbHge  re  P  vt  employ. 

SImboi  na  «  Amboyna. 

Slmbolt  c  e  (ogfaa  i  ^ret)  anvil.  -^orn  a.horn. 
-ftot  a  -stoek. 

^mbo  n  c  -er  (i  ^irfe)  am'bo. 

9lmbra  c  ambergris;  fe  atbrob.  -bnft  amber 
-tree.  -buft  perfume  of  ambergris.  -febt,  -l'n 
c  am'breine.  -inføre  ambre'ic  acid.  -olie  oil 
of  amber. 

9tmbro'f|ia  c  ambrosia,  -ia'nft  iJoofang  Am- 
bro'sian  chant.    -ift  a  ambrosial.   -inS  Am'brose. 




%mbttlan'ct  c  -r  am'bulance.    -telt  a.  tent. 
-Oøgn  a.(-cart). 
Hme  c  -r  aume,  awme. 
Stmei'Ua  c  -er  (girbeii)  ameiva. 

9(tn'en  a'men;  cift  font  _  i  Sirfeii  sure  as  fate. 

Stmenbement'  h  amendment. 
9lme  tifa  n  Amer'ica.  -forer  emigrant  to 
America,  -ner  c  e,  -nerln'be  c  -r,  -nfl  Amer'- 
ican;  Slmerifanerinbe  09(00  Amer'icaness.  nft 
Clie  castor  oil;  nf(  Siæber  American  cloth.  -ni- 
fe're  vt  amer'icanize.    -niS'me  c  -r  Amer'icanism. 

SHmctJjft'  c  -er  am'ethyst. 

3ltnfi'|{iium  n  -ier  amphib'ious  auimal,  am- 
phib'ium.  -Uff  a  amphibious.  -tio'bec  pi  am'- 
phipods.  -teater  amphithe'atre.  -tentralff  am- 

Stmt'b  n  amid. 

Sltninbelfe  c  memory,  remembrauce,  comme- 
moration;  til  _  om  in  remembrance  of  —  9(inin= 
be(fe§{ta(e  commemoraiive  speech.  -tegn  Iceep- 

3(mme  e  -r  nurse.  3lmme  vt  nurse,  sucide. 
-^olb  iieeping  (of)  a  nurse.  -I«n  wages  of  a 
nurse,  -plabé  situation  of  e(.  as  a  nurse,  -ftue 
nursery.  -ftuefnol  nursery  tales  et.  talk.  -tjenefte 
fe  -plobS. 

Slmtnoniat'  c  ammo  nia.  -agtig,  -a  Ift  «  am- 
moni'acal.  -gaS  ammonia  gas.  -gummi  gum 
-ammo'niac.  -^otbig  a  ammoniacal.  -fait  am- 
moniacal  salt.    -banb  ammoniacal  water. 

Slmmowit'  c  -er  am  mouite. 

9(mmo'nium  n  ammonium,  -^^brofulfib  n 
ammon'ic  sulphydrate.  -tatbonat  ammonic  car- 
bonale  (0.  fl.)  -Oj^b  ammonic  hydrate. 

9lmmou3t)ørn  fe  aimmonit. 

Slmmunition  c  ammunit'iou.  —  9(mmuni= 
tion^\latre  a.  waggon.    -tnSfe  shot  box. 

9lmnr|fte'rc  vt  grant  (one)  an  amnesly.  -fti' 
V  am'nesty;  (-behet)  amnesty,  aet  of  oblivion. 

^il'mHtng  c  trim,  draught;  poa  -  in  trim.  — 
9(mn{ttgé| tal,  -mærter  pi  water- marks. 

Slmor  c  Cu'pid,  Love,  -t-A'mor. 

2lmorf'  a  amo'rphous. 

^moTx  nev  pi  Cupids. 

3lmorti|fe're  tf  sink.  -fatto  n,  -fering  c  amor- 

SImourett'e  c  -r  amou'r,  love-afftiir. 

9Im^c{  c  -^jler  hanging  flowerpot  el.  lamp. 

Stm^Utu'be  c  ^  amplitude. 

3tm))utatio'n  c  -er  amputa'tion.  —  '^mpnta' 
tionéjbeftit  case  of  am'putating  instruments. 
-fttib  amputating  knife  (0.  ft.).  9(m<>ttte're  t« 

8lmt  n  er  district  of  a  superior  magistrale, 
couniy.  -manb  superior  magistrale,  sheriif. 
-manbffab  place  el.  function  ofa  superior  magi- 
strat e. 

3Imt§| 'agronom  government  agriculturist  for 
a  county.  t-barber  surgeon-barber.  t-fonb 
county  treasury.  *-formanbftab  fe  -roob.  t-for« 
tialter  receiver  of  thc  public  revenues  (of  a  ju- 
risdiction).  -f^fitud  ooimty  phys-ician.  t-ft»8 
residence  el.  offlce  of  a  superior  magistrale. 
-tommune  county  (regarded  as  a  self-governing 
community).  -fort  map  of  a  couniy.  *-Iage  fe 
-ftjftfuS.  t-^robft  dean  of  an  „9tmt".  -raab 
county  council,  c.  board.  -reliartitionSfonb  fe 
-fonb.  -ffole  county  school.  t^lmtftue  offlce  of 
a  receiver  of  public  revenues. 

Stmulet'  c    ter  am'ulet,  charm. 

Slmur  c  the  Amou'r. 

+3lmur  fe  SWelotenflecer. 

3lmJj'l  n  am'yle.    -«ter  amylic  ether. 

9ln'  adv  (f.  ef§.  6inbe  on  of».)  fe  SJerbcrne;  on! 
fftr !  present,  fire! 

Sltt'  prtrp,  mere  to. 

I     tKnagram'  n  -mer  an'agram. 

*J(uafar'bien«b  cashew-nut. 

3Ina|toIutt'  c  -er  anacolu'thon.  -totut'ift  a 
',  anacoluthic.    -fore't  c  -er  an'chorile. 

ainatreon'ttf!  u  Anacreontic. 

j      9tnallroni§'me   c     r   anacli'ronism.      -lo'g    a 

j  anal'ogous.    -logi' c -er  anal'ogy.    -Iogi'f(utning 

anal'ogism.     -togtft   a  analog'ical.     -Itj'fe  c  -r 

I  anal'ysis;   gram   parsing.     -It)fc're   tt   an'alyze; 

[  parse.     -l^tiC   c   analyt'ics  pi.     -Itjt'iler  c    e 

an'alyst.     -Iljt'ifl  a  analyt'ical;   ben   -e  Wetobe 

chem  the  a.  method,  the  m.  of  residues. 

Sdt'anaS  c  -er  pine  apple,  ana'nas.  -IjamV  a. 
hemp.  -iS  pine  apple  ice.  -jorbbær  pine-straw- 
berry.  -tirfebær  Peruvian  Cape  gooseberry, 
Physdli«  pertiviana.  -lærrcb  grass  cloth.  -otie 
pine  apple  oil.  -)>un(^  pine-apple  punch.  -t«i 
fe  -lærreb.    -Uin  pine  apple  wine. 

%na)fci\t'  c  -er  an'apest,    -ift  a  anapes'tic. 

2lnarti'  n  an'archy.    9(nar'tiff  ana'rchical. 

3lnofta'tift  2;r^f  anastat'ic  printing. 

Slnate'mo  n  anath'ema. 

3lnoto'|mc-eranat'omist.  -me're»<anat'<)mizo, 
dissect.  -me'riltg  c  anatomizing,  dLssection. 
-mi'  c  anat'omy.  -mi'Iammer  dissecting  room, 
anatomicai  hall.    -'mift  a  anatom'ical. 

9(nbefa(|e  vt  recommend,  commend;  _  fig  take 
leave,  retire;  jeg  -r  mig  your  servant;  -et  ^Sret) 
registered  letter.  +-elig,  -elfeSuærbig  fe  -iitg?' 
bærbig.  -enbe  «  recommendatory,  (om  ?)bie)  pre 
possessing.  -Ing  c  -er  recommendation,  referene 

Slnbefatingdlbreti  letter  of  introduction, 
commendatory  letter.    -gebQr  registration.    -to 
business  card,  trade-card.     -^antegning  rccom 
mendatory    note.      -Oærbig   a   recommetidabk', 
commendable,  worthy  of  recommendation. 

■fSlttbelajtge  fe  Wngao. 

Stnbetro  vt  entrust,  trust  el.  charge  one  wi 
st,  commit  st  to  one's  trust. 

3(nbore  et  (Job)  broach. 

3(nbriug{e  vt  put,  place,  dispose,  flx,  appl 
insert,  introduce,  (^ciifle)  invest,  (SSorer)  sell;  _ 
i  ^onbelen  settle  el.  place  in  tråde;  ..  et  Slag  hit 
a  blow;  Del  -gt  well  applied,  apposite;  oet  -gt 
8tjBb  homethrust;  bel  -gt  Slag  well  planted  blow; 
flet  -gt  misapplied,  misplaced,  out  of  place;  -gt 
til  rette  3;ib  seasonable,  opportune,  well  timed; 
•gt  tit  urette  Sib  unseasonable,  ill-timed.  -elfe 
c  placing  etc,  application,  insertion,  introduc- 
tion, investment.  -enbe  n  .statement 
(33ranbU.)  feeder. 

Stnbrub  n  fe  ^rembrub;  min  opening. 

iknbrutfen  part  (3;olbo  )  broken  open 

9(n{bub  n,  pi  =,  offer,  tender,    -b^be  rif  otfei 
tender,    -btjber  c    e  party  tendering. 

9ln4o  biå  fe  WnfjoS. 

Slnciennete't  c  seniority,  standing,  mil  date 

9lnb  c,  pi  S@nber,  duck;  (.'piftorie)  hoax,  mare'i 
nest,  canard. 

9(nbagt  c  devotion;  forrette  fin  -  say  one 
prayers.  —  9tnbagt§|bog  book  ofd.,  devotional 
book.  -fulb  a  full  of  d.,  devout.  -fteb  place 
of  d.  -ftunb,  -time  hour  of  d.  -taare  tear  of 
d.  -euclfe  religious  et.  devotional  exercise,  exer 
cise  of  devotion. 

31ttbalu'fi|en  n  Andalusia.  er  c  e,  -erinbe  c 
-r,  -ft  «  Andalusian. 

$tnbe|t)ag(  duck  shot.  -Ibol  beaked  whale, 
Hyperoodon  rontratui.  -jagt  duck  shooting,  anir 
ducking     -jirger  duckshooter. 

9(nbe(  e  -e  share,  part,  portion,  quota;  ^oBe  ftoc 
_  i  have  a  large  share  el.  part  in,  have  much 
to  do  With;  føbe  en  _  i  buy  into;  fø6e  mi  ~  buy 
one  out;  min  _  i  Ubb^ttet  my  share  of  the  profit 









—  9(nbe(å|brift.  -f^ftem  the  system  of  profit- 
sharing,  agr  cooperative  farming. 

^nbrmab  duck-weed,  duck-meat,  Lemna;  fiitb 
af  -  duckweedy. 

Slnbrn  «  -bet,  pi  -bre,  a  other;  ord  second  (bet 
-bet  'iiub  the  third  commandment  ;  en  -,  et  -bet 
another,  (ubift  ^Bem  et.  Ijtat)  some  other;  en  etter 
_  some  (.  .  .  or  other);  en  etter  _  of  Øerne  one 
or  other  of  the  istands;  ^der  _  every  other,  every 
second,  every  alternate;  i  en  ganfte  -  SJetljbuimi 
in  a  very  diflferent  sense;  _  2!ag  the  following 
day,  the  next  day;  en  _  ®ag  auother  day;  .  3)el, 
_  ®aiig  the  second  volume,  time;  en  -  ®anf) 
another  time;  _  2)or,  ®obe,  Ijerfra  the  next  door, 
Street,  but  one;  fra  Snbe  tit  _  from  end  to  end; 

-  etSamen  (nærnieft  =)  the  Little  Go  (Cambridge), 
the  Sinalls  (Oxford);   petuntcere   og   anbre  gorbele 
advantages  pecuniary  and  otherwise:  paa  ~  Jpanb 
at  second  hånd;  tf\}ox  er  min  _  i£»anbffe  where  is 
the   fellow  to  my  glove?   ben  -  ^ainmr   on  the 
second  of  January;    tage  -bre  Slæber  paa  change 
one's  clothes;   i  bet  -bet  2ib,  i  ben  _  SBcrben  in  a 
future  life,  in  the  next  world;  bet  er  en  ganffe  ~ 
TOanb  he  is  a  very  diflferent  (sort  of)  man;    meb 
-bre  Crb   in  other  words;    bet  er  en  ganfte  _  Sag 
that  is  very  ditierent,  that  alters  the  case  entirely; 
intet  -bet  Steb  nowhere  else;  f^nge  _  Stemme  sing 
a  second;   fomme  paa  -bre  Xanfer  change  one's 
mind;    fra  5ib  til  _   from  time  to  time;    —  s  en 
an  ben  another  (person),  somebody  else;  ingen- 
no  other  person,   nobody  else;   ingen  _  enb  no- 
body  but;  en  og  _  some  people;  en  etter  _  some- 
body or  other;    noget  anbet   something  cl.  any- 
thing  else;    intet  _  nothing  else;   intet  _  enb  no- 
thing  but;  iffe  -?  is  that  all?  ^tiab  -  what  else? 
for  bet  _  secondly,  in  the  second  place;  blanbt  _ 
for  oue  thing,   inter  a/ia;   fif  -  at  tænte  paa  got 
something  else  to  think  of;  fif  _  at  Bibe  was  un- 
deceived;  alt  _  enb  anything  but;   et  og  _  some 
things;  et  etter  _  something  or  other;  bet  fan  itte  I 
Botre  _  it  can  be  nothing  else,   (nnbgaaS)  it  can- 
uot   be   helped,   cannot   be  otherwise,    there  is  I 
nothing  else  for  it;   bet  fan  itfe  bære  _  enb  at  it  ! 
cannot  be  but;   jeg  fan  iffe  _  enb  I  cannot  but;  i 
ieg  fan  iffe  tro  _  enb  at  I  cannot  but  think  that;  j 
faa  ^Dtenneffer  Bil  Bære  -  enb  tofnemmelige  for  few  I 
people  will   he   other   than   grateful  for;    bet  er  [ 
noget   ganffe  _   that  is  another  aftair  altogether; 
ieg  Beb  iffe  _  (rettere)   as  far  as  I  know,  I  know 
nothing   to   the  contrary;    bet   Bar   iffe  gobt  _  I 
should  he  very  sorry  not  to  believe  it;  —  anbre 
other  people,  others;  atte  _  everybody  else;  Of  - 
the  rest  of  you;  ingen  _  no  others,  nobody  else, 
ingen   _   enb   none  but.    —  3(nbcniba(j§6r^Bup 
entertainment  the  day  after  a  wedding.    -bage' 
feber  agne,  tertian  fever.    -bagémorgen  the  mor- 
ning of  the  next  day,  the  next  day  in  the  mor- 
ning.   -Idtrer  submaster.    -manb  somebody  else; 
the  second  man.    -ftebå  adv  elsewhere,  in  some 
et.  any  other  place;  ingen  _  nowhere  else.    -ftcbé= 
fra  ado  from  another  place.    -ftcbåften  ndv  some- 
where  else,  to  some  other  place.    -foenb  second 

9tnbenaeb  duck's  bill;  duck's  bill-forceps. 

Slnbertebed  adv  (f  a)  otherwise,  in  another 
manner,  differently;  bliBe  -  til  SinbS  change 
one's  mind;  ^an  er  itfe  _  that  is  his  way;  ganfte 
~  pOQlibe:ig  far  more  trustworthy;  Sagen  er  ganfte 
-  the  thing  is  (juite  dilferent;  f  bet  er  en  - 
Wanb,  fe  onben.  -tcentenbe  pi  such  as  think 
'  'therwise. 

'Snbcrå  Andrew. 

^nbcdbjargene,  ^nberne  pi  the  Åndes. 

Snbeiffæt  acom  shell,  barnacle,  Balanm.  -ftcg 
cast  duck.    *-fte99  drake.    -æfl  duck's  egg. 

*9(nbf«ttt3  adv,  prov.  ligge  _  lie  head  and 

*9tnb|)uften  a  fe  9lanbelø§. 

9lnbrage  vt  represent,  submit;  +  amount  to; 
—  vi  _  t>aa,  om  apply  for,  request.  -nbe  n  -r 
representation,  petition. 

9(nbre'ad  An'drew.  -forS  saltier,  St.  Andrew's 
cross,    -otbenen  the  order  of  St.  Andrew. 

2lrbrc|e  vt  twist  on;  -8  twist  on. 

9tubrtf  c   er  drake. 

Stubritic  vt  (Sribler  o.  t.)  raise,  grow. 

•  Mnbunge,  fe  Setting. 

9Inbuti|e  »t  &  »  ^  stand  in  for  iand,  make 
the  land.    -ninfl  c  making  (of)  the  land. 

9(nb(cg'tig  a  deyont,  devotional,  pious.  -^eb 
c  devoutness,  devotion. 

'■'Mnbiibe  vi  lie  on  the  oars. 

9lne  prov  fe  9lnna. 

9lne  vt  &  imper.  suspect,  anticipate,  gness, 
forebode,  have  a  foreboding,  presontiment,  of; 
ieg  -r  et.  bet  -r  mig,  at  I  suspect  etc.  that;  ieg  -r 
intet  gobt  my  heart  misgives  me;  intet  (onbt)  -nbe 
unconscious,  unsuspecting,  unwitting,  unwot- 
ting;  vt,  bet  -r  there  is  a  cat's  paw. 

tnncfbo  te  c  -r  an'ecdoto.  -ogttg  a  an'eedotal, 
auecdot  ical.  -jæger,  -træmmer  anecdotist. 
•famling  collection  of  anecdotes. 

9(nc(fe  c  r  suspicion,  foreboding,  presenti- 
ment,  misgiving,  anticipation,  pre.sage;  jeg  ^aBbe 
ingen  ,  om  at  I  had  no  idea  that.  9{ne(fei§{fu(b 
«  fult  of  presenliment.  -e-rig  a  auspicious. 

Stnemo'ne  c  -r  anem'one,  windflower.  -fljre 
anemon'ic  acid. 

3lner  pi  (\ioh\e)  ancestors. 

!Kner|tetibe  t-t  acknowledge,  own,  accept,  ad- 
mit,  recognise;  iffe  _  not  etc;  disown,  disclaim; 

—  -te  nbe  nbe  a  appreclative ,  appreciatory ; 
-fenbt  'i  (generally)  recognised;  —  adv.  foa  - 
btjgtig  of  such  g.  r.  ability.  -tenbelfe  c  acknowl- 
edgment,  recognition;  appreciation;  Qbe  fin  - 
pay  el.  bear  tribute  to;  Binbe  -  gain  favour. 
-lenbclfcétiærbig  n  creditable. 

^neroi  bbarometcr    an'eroid  barometer. 

9lnc|ftDlt  a  proud  of  his  ancestors.  -tal  num- 
ber  of  ancestors. 

9(nfa(b  n,  pi  =,  attack,  assault,  charge,  onset; 
(af  SDflbom)  fit,  access;  (libenft.  Ubbrub)  trans- 
port,  paroxysm;   _  af  j^ortBiBlelfe  fit  of  despair; 

-  af  "Scbn  access  of  fever;  fif  et  _  af  wm  taken 
With  a  fit  of.  9nfalbe  tt  attack,  assault,  assail, 
fall  upon. 

Slnfare  vi  min  descend  the  shaft. 

ijlnforbring  c  demand.  ^nforbringS|6et)i§, 
-febbel  note  payable  on  demand. 

Jlnfægte  vt  (angribe)  assail;  (paaBirte)  aflfect; 
(Øtjlbigbebcn  af)  dispute;  (frtfte)  tempt;  laber  fig 
iffe  ~  of  is  not  atfected  by.  -(fe  c  -r  vexation, 
anxiety;  temptation. 

9lnf«r|e  vt  (fom  befotenbe)  command,  (gaa  i 
Spibfen  for)  head,  lead;  (Bejlebe)  giiide,  condtict, 
direct;  (inbfure)  enter,  book;  (ongioe)  state,  give, 
refer  to;  (beroabe  Hg  poa)  aliege,  adduce,  urge, 
plead;  (citere)  cite,  quote;  _  til  fin  Unbfft)lbning 
allege  In  one's  excuse,  plead;  _  ®runbe  state 
reasons;  _  fom  ©fSempef  quote  as  an  instance, 
instance.  -elfe  c  stating,  statement,  quoting, 
quotation;  pleading.  -er  c  -e  (^esbing)  leader, 
commander,  chief;  (5»rer)  guide;  (f.  ®r«.  of 
Crfefter)  conductor;  (i  et  Cprer)  ringleader.  -fet 
c  command;  direction,  guidance;  (Crt.)  con- 
ductorship.  -felStegn  inverted  commas  pi, 
(sign  of)  quotation,  quotation-marks;  imettem  _ 
in  quotation-marks. 

SIngaa  vt  concern,  regard,  relate  to,  have 
reference  to;  ^Dob  -r  bet  mig?  what  is  that  to 
me?   bet  -r  iffe  55cm  ifs  none  of  your  business, 




it  does  not  concern  you;  l^Bab  mig  -r  as  to  me, 
as  for  me:  fiOflb  bet  -r  as  to  that,  for  that  matter, 
on  that  point.  Slngaacnbe  præp  respeeting, 
regarding,  coucerning,  touching,  relative  to, 
about,  relating  to,  anent,  as  to. 

9tnabtt)ft{et^  -ig  a  asthmatic.  -Igfteb  c  asth- 
matic  affection. 

Slnge  c  (^og  §e|i)  pussiness,  pursiness. 

+9ln8e  c  vapour. 

aingel  c  -gier  (Srog)  hook;  (paa  Snib  o.  I.) 
tang,  tongue.    -fiffer  angler,    -flffcri  angling. 

fHnge'Iita  c  augelica;  mus  angelot 

3(nge({f(crn  (a  kind  of)  fox-trap.  -mager  hook 
-maker.     -mué  shrew(mouse),  Sorex. 

SlnoflK«)  n  Angeln.  -fadifer  c  -e  Anglo-Saxon. 
-fcirfjftff  a  &»  Anglo-Saxon,  Old  English. 

9tnge(ffaaren  a  (53Iaiire)  feather-edged. 

tatngcltoftc  fe  |)at)litQnb. 

Singer  c  repeutance,  remorse,  penitence,  con- 
trition,  compunctlon,  regret;  føle  _  otier  repent 
of.  -fri  a  fe  -le?,  -fulb,  -gitien  a  repentant, 
penitent,  contrlte,  compunctious.  -t«b  repented 
bargain;  smart-money.  -Ie§  a  guiltless,  blame- 
less.  -IǤl)cb  c  blamelessness.  SlngerStaare 
tear  of  repentance. 

Slngcft  a  anxious,  apprehensive,  afraid;  _  for 
anxious  el.  uneasy  about;  afraid  of;  ~  for  at 
apprehensive  lest;  gøre  en  _  og  6ange  make  one 
very  uneasy.  —  Slngeft  c  fear,  dread,  apprehen- 
sion,  terror;  _  for  fear  of  el.  (=  for  en§  ©fijlb) 
about,  on  one's  account;  fBæfte  i  bobelig  _  be  in 
a  mortal  fright.  -futb  a  fearful.  -f«lelfc  feeling 
of  fear.  -raa6,  -ffrig  cry  of  terror,  scream, 
shriek.    -fucb  eold  sweat. 

9tngtti|e  vt  state,  mention,  report;  (en)  inform 
against,  denounce  (for  to);  (oife)  indicate;  (til 
i<fortoIbning)  enter  (at  the  custom  house);  _  en 
®runb  assign  a  reason;  _  SEonen  mm  give  the 
tone  el.  key,  fig  take  the  lead,  (SIlKoben)  lead  the 
fashion.  -elfe  c  -r  statement,  declaration,  re- 
port; information,  denunciation.  -enbe  n  state- 
ment, -er  c  -e,  -erffc  c  -r  informer,  denouncer. 
-eri  n  -er  informing. 

Slngtai'fe  c  -r  country-dance. 

Single  vt  angle,    -r  c  -e  angler. 

9lngl{ila'nft  «  Ang'lican;  ben  -e  Sirle  the 
Churchof  England,  -ifere  vt  anglicize;  fe  (£ngli= 
fere.  -o-amcrilan^  Anglo- American  (o.  fl.).  -omn'n 
c  -er  Anglo-maniac.    -ontani'  c  Anglo-ma'nia. 

Slnga'latrte  barwood. 

^ngo'rajgeb  Angora  goat  (o.  p.).  -^aav  A. 
goat's  hair,  mohair. 

Slngofiu'ra  c  angostura. 

Slngre  vt  &  itup  repent  of,  repent  one's  self 
of,  rue,  regret,  be  sorry  for;  jeg  -r  el.  bet  -r  mig 
I  repent  ofo.;  -nbe  a  repentant,  penitent. 

SlngreB  n,  pi  ==,  attack,  assault,  agression, 
onset,  (I)eftigt,  of  Sropjier)  charge,  (^aa.  et  Sanb) 
invasion;  (i  SaoS)  (bolt-)toe;  (aSejbfe)  mordant, 
6Iæfe  til  _  sound  the  charge;  forn^e  -et  (ogfoo 
fig)  return  to  the  charge.  3lngreb§{Iiet)iegetfe 
offensive  movement.  -Iiranb  mil  well.  -foronnb 
offensive  alliance,  -front  front  of  attack.  -lO' 
lonne  attacking  body.  -Irig  oflfensive  war, 
aggressive  warfare.  -linie  line  of  approach. 
-ntaal  objeetof  attack.  -mibbelmeans  of  oflfence, 
aggressive  means.  -<)lan  plan  of  attack.  -^olitit 
aggressive  policy.  -punft  -fteb  point,  place,  of 
attack.  -ff^rte  attacking  force.  ■'oaoAtn  oifen- 
slve  weapon,  o.  arms  35/.  -tii8  ado  -.  gao  -  til 
SSærfS  aet  on  the  offensive. 

^ngrible  vt  (i  9llm.)  attack,  assail,  (Sienbe) 
engage,  (heftigt,  fom  SaBaHeri)  charge;  (birfe  ftærlt 
pofl)  affect,  (ftobeligt)  injure,  (tære)  corrode;  (tage 
})oa)  exhaust,  shake  (the  nerves,  the  health) ; 
(beftribe)  contest;  (en  Kapital  e.  I.)  encroach  upon; 


Pimpinella   anisum. 

~    tlfjenben   i   ^anS   Sejr   beat   up   the   enemy's 

quarters; enbe  a  fig  trying,  exhau.sting;  ben 

_  the  aggressor,    -er  c  -e  assailer,  aggressor 

Slngroet  P  a  rickety. 

2lngft  a  &.  8  fe  Slngeft. 

Slngælbe   fe   Stngao.      -nbe   c   the   person 
question  el.  aforesaid. 

9lnt)oIebe  ©tøber  .h  sheets  hauled  aft. 

9lnt)ang  n  appendix;  fe  Sil^ceng.  ^nt|angSfto! 
(i  ^.Isiano)  bridge. 

9lnt)i  mo  c  scream  er,  Palamedea 

Slntiirtb  n  J/:  tage  et  _  take  a  turn.  —  9ltt' 
^olb|e  vt  apprehend,  take  up,  seize,  stop,  (©fié) 
lay  embargo  on;  —  vi  om  apply  for,  solicit. 
■elfe  c  apprehension,  seizure;  fætte  unber  -  take 
into  custody.  -elfedørbre  (writ  of)  capias, 

2lnt)Uflge  vt  (©foo)  begin  to  cut. 

9tnét)bri'b  n  -er  an'hydride. 

ainljængig  a  pendent;  gøre  en  Sag  _  el.  -gun 
vt  en  ©ag  commence  legal  proceedings,  bring  a 
suit  before  the  eourt.  -gørelfe  c  commence- 
ment  of  legal  proceedings. 

+9ln^_are  vt  hear,  listen  to. 

2lnilt  n  c  an'iliae.     -farber  a.  colours  (0.  fl.), 

9lnima'lff  a  an'imal. 

2lni  «te|gummi  anime,  courbaril.  -træ  anime 
-tree,  Ht/mencea  courbaril. 

3lnijn|e're  tt  an'imate. 
■ofite't  c  animos'ity. 

Sining  c  J,  cat's  paw. 

Slnio'n  c,  chem  a'nion. 

21'nié  c  an'ise  (-seed), 
-fir^pfutfcr  anise-seed  lozenges.  -brænbetiin 
anise-seed  (cordial).  -br«b  bread  flavoured  with 
anise-seed.  2lni§et'te  c  anisette.  %niS\fve,  -lom 
anise  seed.  -fngler  anise  comflts.  -lifar  fe 
■firænbeuin.  -olie  anise  oil.  -fuMer  sugared 
anise.    -træ  anise-seed  wood. 

-'■■■5ttnt  n  wailing;  anxiety. 

3lnte  c  ((Sulbfm.  o.  ft.)  thimble-stamp. 

Slnte  c  -r  complaint,  grievauce.  —  2lnfe  vi 
paa,  oBer  complain  of;  *  regret;  *  -  fig  wail. 
-fri  a  blameless. 

Slnfel  c  -fler  ankle. 

Slntelifte  c  list  of  grievances. 

9lntcl|lobc  anklebone.  -leb  ankle  joint.  -f!i 
ankle-jacks,  a.-boots,  high-lows. 

Slnfelmaal,  -^jofl  c  complaint,  grievance 

Sinter  c  &  n,  -e  (gab)  anker. 

Slnfer  n  -fre  J,  anchor;  (i  røur)  brace,  iron-tie, 
cramp  iron;  -et  gaar  meb  the  a.  comes  home; 
lappe  -et  cut  the  cable;  tafte  _  a.,  cast  a.;  lippe 
-et  fish  the  a.;  fomme  til  -§  come  to  an  a.;  lette 
_  weigh  a.;  ligge  til  -§  ride  at  a.;  -et  ripper  meb 
the  a.  drags;  -et  er  i:fIort  the  a.  is  foul.  -ornt 
a-arm.  -bebbing  ridingbitts  pi.  -bolt  fe  9Infer 
(i  SRur).  -bro  bill-boards  pi.  -bunb  anchoring 
ground.  -bænb  clinch,  -baje  a.  buoy.  -bøjle 
a.  sbackle.  -foft  a  at  anchor.  -flig  fluke  el. 
palm  of  au  a.  -foring  a.  -lining.  -gang  a. 
escapement.  -gangåur  watch  with  a.  e.  -garn 
croehet-thread,  -grunb  fe  -6unb.  -^age  fe  flig. 
-^al§  throat  of  an  a.  -^etå  fe  -bøjle,  -fjerte 
crown  of  an  a.  -^olb  a.-hold.  -!lo  fe  -arm. 
-!lob§  fe  ©Binertig.  -Iran  cat-head.  -tr^bS  crown 
of  an  a.  -foetting.  -læbe  (chain)  cable.  -laaS 
tumbler,  -lanterne  a. -light,  -leje  fe  -plabS.  -let= 
ning  weighing  the  a.  -ligger  ship  at  a.  -læg 
shankofana.  -længe  a.-sling.  -næb,  -pen  bill 
of  an  a.  -plabS  anchorage,  anchoring  ground. 
■pram  crane-barge.  -røring  puddening  of  an 
a.  -ffinfel  fe -bøjle,  -fpil  windlass;  winch.  -fti! 
clinch,  -fto!  a.-stock;  ''■'  coarse  brown  loaf.  -tob 
cable.    -bogt  a.  watch.    -borte  a.-nut. 

*SlnIeftæ»ning  c  appeal. 











Stnifagectaccuse,  charge;  (altionere)  prosecute; 
_  en  for  cii  51forbrl)belie  accuse  one  of  a  crime; 
^  en  for  i)ai\é  (fTfiatte  complain  of  one  to  his 
superiors.  —  SInflage  c  -r  accusatiou,  charge; 
indietment;  fcette  en  unber  -  for  accuse  one  of, 
prosecute  one  for.  -att  bill  of  indietment. 
•bcent:  \)aa  -en  in  the  felon's  dock.  -jurtien  the 
Grand  Jury.  •matéimcn,  -proccåfen  the  accusa- 
tory  process.  -pnntt  count  (of  an  indietment). 
-r  c  -e  accnser,  complainant,  (offentlig)  prosecutor. 
-r^ticro  prosecution.  -fltift  fe  -att.  -ftan)>:  i  _ 
accnscd;  fætte  i  -  accuse. 

9(nt(ang  c  sympathy. 

Knfomlme  vi  arrive  (at),  come  (to),  reacli  (a 
place);  -ne  ©fibc  (home)  arrivals;  —  -men  a  (om 
SDlaboarer)  taiuted.  -ft  c  arrival,  coming;  oeb 
min  -  at  el.  on  my  a.  -ft^iecrott  arrival  plat- 
form.    -flfiS)  time  of  arrival. 

9lnlr|e  vi  anchor.  -ing  c  anchoring.  -ingS- 
afgift  anchorage.    -ingSarbejbe  anchor- work. 

-i-3lHleb{ige  tt  fe  goranlebige.  -ntng  c -er  occa- 
sion,  cause,  reason;  tage  _  til  at  take  occasion 
10;  i  _  af  on  (the  occasion  of),  in  consequence 
of,  on  account  of;  gibe  _  til  give  cause  for,  give 
rise  to. 

^Intiggenbe  n  -r  aflfair,  concem,  business, 

Stntiggcnbe  a  Sure  J,  the  heading  course. 

ainluonJng  c  J,  Inffing. 

■Jlnlreg  n,  pi  =,  ( Cpfjorelfe)  foundation,  con- 
-jiiction;  laying  out  (of  stråets,  gardens);  sett- 
ling,  planting  (of  coloniesi;  (Ubtaft)  plan,  design; 
(gabrif)  works;  (SfraaningS)  drawing-back;  (QJaoer) 
talent,  turn,  aptitude,  natural  gifts;  (».  ©!pb= 
ning)  rest;  (b  Srejning)  touch;  mil  present'; 
foerbig  til  -  ready  for  the  present;  be  nfle  ~  i 
^atien  the  new  improvements  in  the  garden;  Bi 
gil  nb  i  -gene  we  went  in  to  the  (pleasure-)grounds; 
^or  gobe  -  for  has  a  talent  for;  fiar  iffe  _  for  bet 
has  no  turn  that  way;  ^ar  _  til  Sbinbfot  has  a 
disposition  el.  tendency  to  consumption.  2(n= 
(sglge  vt  lay  out  (streets,  gardens);  set  out, 
plant  (gardens);  make  (roads);  found  (schools, 
towns);  (gabrifer)  establish,  erect,  set  up;  fig 
plan;  apply  (a  bandage);  invest  (money):  -  ^enge 
i  S3i'ger  make  investments  in  hooks;  _  @og  imob 
bring  an  action  against;  _  ©org  go  into  el.  put 
on  mourning;  naar  man  -r  benne  Waaleflot  mea- 
sured  by  this  standard;  anlagt  ifaa  aimed  at, 
for,  til  (naturally)  fltted  for.  -gclfe  c  founding 
etc,  establishment,  foundation;  investment, 
•ger  c  -e  founder. 

9[n{æg§|Iiro  pier.  -gartner  landscape  gårdener. 
-ta)>tta(  funds,  -maaf  lijie  for  measuring  the 
height  of  horses,     -platé  landing(-place). 

-f9ln(«b  n  onset;  start;  J,  meb  _  af  calling  at. 
%nleb\t  vt  ^  touch  at,  call  at;  (©taal)  temper; 
—  vi  become  oxidized,  tarnished;  lobe  -  blaa 
blue;  labe  en  JJlint  _  bronze  a  gun.  -ning  c 
calling  etc.  —  9lnleiS\plabé,  •ftctt  stopping  place, 
place  cl.  port  of  call.    -tlb  hour  of  stopping. 

9lnmar(^  c  advance;  oære  i  _  be  approaching, 
advancing,  coming  on. 

SlnmaSfe  jig  vr  arrogate,  assume,  usurp.  -Ife 
c  -r  arrogation,  assumption,  usurpation,  -ntle 
a  arrogant,  presumptuous. 

9tnmetb|c  vt  announce,  notify,  give  notice  of, 
(til  en  9lutoritet)  report,  (tolbpiigtige  SSarer)  de- 
clare;  _  55roteft  note  a  p.,  cause  a  p.  to  be  noted; 
_  et  gorflag  give  notice  of  a  motion;  _  en  Sog 
notice  el.  review  a  book;  _  fig  (til  SJefag)  send 
in  el.  give  in  one's  name,  announce  one's  self. 
-cife  c  -r  announcing  etc;  announcement,  noti- 

cation;  notice;  (af  SSog)  review,  notice.  -er  c 
V-  announcer;  reviewer,  critic. 

31nmob|e  om  vt  request;  -  en  om  nt  ask,  beg, 

request  st  of  one.     -ning  c  -er  request,   desire; 
pao  -  af  at  the  request  of. 

9ltiin(erl|e  vt  (mærfe)  mark;  (bemærfe)  remark; 
(optegne)  note  down,  put  down.  -ning  c  -er  re- 
mark; (aifote)  comraent,  note,  annotation,  com- 
mentary;  (i  Karatterbog)  special  remark;  ^ifte  en 
en  _  put  one's  name  down;  gere  -er  ober  com- 
ment  upon.  -ningS^irototol  (i  ©folen)  black 
book.    •ningStegn  reference. 

Slnna  Anna,  Ann,  Anne,  Annie,  Nan,  Nancy. 

9lnnaicr  pi  an'nals. 

3tnnalt'n  n  unbumt  plaster. 

Stnnamtne  vt  receive,  take;  flfonben  -  .  .  . 
confound  .  .  .    -Ife  c  reception. 

9lnna  ter  pi  an'nats. 

2lnnelé'  n  -er  parish  of  ease. 

9tnneféio'n  c  -er  annexa'tion. 

9tnnet§|ttrfe  chapel  of  ease.    -fogn  fe  Stnnef«. 

9lnneffe'r|e  vt  annex.    -ing  c  annexation. 

9(nneli'ber  p(  annelids. 

9(nnon'cc|]bureau  advertising  office.  -mattb 
boardman,  sandwich-man.  3lnnonce're  vt  adver- 
tise.    -tiogn  advertising- van  et.  carriage. 

annuitet  c  -er  annu'ity. 

^ttnuUjere  tt  annul',  render  null  and  void; 
jnr  defeat.    -atio'tt,  -e'ring  c  annul'ment. 

Slno'be  c,  e/ectr  an'ode. 

Stnontii'l  a  anom'alous.  -i'  c  anom'aly, 
anom'alism.     -iftifl  anomalist'ic(al). 

SlnonQ'tn  a  anon'ymous.  —  c  -er  anonymous 
writer.    -ite't  c  anon'ymousness. 

9lnorb|ne  vt  (orbnc)  arrange;  (befale)  order, 
ordain,  decree;  (9Kebictn)  prescribe.  -ning  c  -er 
arrangement;  order,  ordinance,  edict,  rule,  regu 
lation;  prescription. 

Knorga'nifl  a  inorgan'ic. 

Slnpart  c  -er,  fe  9lnbel. 

2lnprtf|e  vt  praise,  recommend.  -tting  c  praise, 

Stnraab  n,  pi  =,  (af  ©fitbnagt)  challenge.  9ln= 
vattb\t  vt  call  to,  challenge;  (bebe)  implore,  in- 
voke;  _  Jtongen  om  9^aobe  implore  the  king's 
mercy.  -etfc,  -ttlng  c  calling  etc;  invocation, 
challenge.  -clfeéforæcl  form  of  Invocation. 
-f-ningéorb  fe  ^eltraab. 

9lttret|te  vt  (berebe)  prepare,  arrange;  (9Kab) 
dress,  (!i;)aa  SBorbet)  serve  (up);  (foraarfage)  do, 
make,  cause;  ber  er  -t  dinner  is  on  the  table; 
~  ©fabe  do  damage;  _  |Z;beIceggeIfe  commit  ra- 
vages el.  havoc  -ning  c  -er  serving;  (©amling 
af  iietter)  course;  folb  -  a  cold  collation.  -ningS' 
borb  dresser,  tay-boy,  tea-poy.  -ning^fab  plat- 
ter,   -telfe  c  committing. 

^[nritie  vt,  tech  trace. 

3lnfain(|e  fig  vr  accumulate.  -ing  c  -er  accu- 

9lnfat§  c  disposition;  mus  embouchure;  _  til 
^ale  a  rudimentary  tail,  a  rudiment  of  a  tail; 
§0Bbe  -  tit  gebme  was  inclined  to  be  stout.  -flt 
safe-edge.    -ror  eonduit-pipe. 

3lnf(^0j'e))(erc  ancho'vy  pear,  Grias  caxUifiora. 

atnfc  vt:  _  for  regard,  consider,  deem,  judge, 
esteem,  think,  reckon,  look  upon  as,  take  for; 
_  for  at  consider  to;  -  meb  en  SKuIft  impose  a 
fine  upon;  -S  efter  Boben  be  sentenced  according 
to  law.  -'Hg  a  (af  Ubfeenbe)  stately,  portly; 
(ftor)  good-sized,  (bet^betig)  handsome,  consider- 
able.  -'ligl^eb  c  portliness;  greatness.  -elfe  c 
(?)bre)  appearance,  exterior;  (9lgtelfe)  considera- 
tion,  esteem,  status,  reputation;  prestige;  !enbe 
en  af  et.  for  _  know  one  by  sight;  ntjber  flor  _ 
isinhigh  esteem;  uben  <)Serfon8  -  without  respect 
of  persons;  gør  iffe  ^^erfon«  ~  is  no  respecter  of 
persons,  -enbe  n  appearance;  efter  -  to  judge 
I  from  appearances.    -t  a   of  high   standing,    of 




consideration,  of  note;  er  tlbe  _  has  a  bad 

Stnåga'r  Ansgarius. 

3(ttfi8t  n  -er  face;  countenance,  look,  looks, 
mien,  visage;  ftære  -er  ab  en  make  (wry)  faces, 
make  mouths  at  one;  Dig  fra  mit  _  out  of  my 
sight;  fe  en  (lifle)  i  -et  look  one  (full)  in  the 
face;  foa  i)am  aloorligt  inb  i  -et  looked  him 
earnestly  in  the  face;  bliue  røb  i  et  blush,  red- 
den, colour  (up),  turn  red;  blitie  lang  i  -et  look 
blank,  make  el.  puU  a  long  face;  fige  en  nt  lige 
i  -et  tell  one  st  (right)  to  his  face;  i  bit  -i  Soeb 
in  the  sweat  of  thy  brow  cl.  (hibl)  face;  fætte  et 
oloorligt  _  op  put  on  a  grave  face;  jeg  fan  fe  bet 
poa  bit  _  I  see  it  by  your  looks;  ftaa  -  til  _  meb 
stand  face  to  face  with,  be  full  front  with.  — 
9(«flfltå|6en  facial  bone.  •betiaegetfe  facial  move- 
ment  (o.  fl.).  -iannelfe  physiognomy,  fe  -form. 
■fortie  complexion.  -forbrejelfc  contoition  el. 
distortion  of  the  face,  wry  face,  grimace.  -form 
form  e(.  make  of  face.  •Icnber  physiognomist. 
-(ig^eb  similarity  of  features,  -muffet  facial 
muscle.  -ncrtte  facial  nerve,  -rofen  facial  ery- 
sipelas.  -runbingen  the  oval  form  of  the  face. 
•Mbrne  red  colour  of  the  face.  -fmertec  facial 
neuralgia,  faceache.  -træl  features,  lineaments. 
-trtefninger  convulsions  of  the  face.  -ubtr^f 
expression  of  countenance.    -Oinlel  facial  angle. 

^nfjo'(«i)8  c  -er  anchovy.  -buni  keg  of  an- 
chovies.    -finar  anchovy  paste. 

Stnffoffe  vt  (ftg)  procure,  get,  provide;  -  ftg  en 
Sfcipage  set  up  a  carriage.    -Ife  c  procuring  etc. 

SlnffteOen  a:  er  bel  _  (et  @teb)  is  well  seen, 
(f)o^  ijam)  is  in  great  favour  with  him,  stands 
high  with  him,  is  in  his  good  books;  er  ilbe  - 
1)0i  stands  ill  with  him,  is  in  bad  odour  with 

Slnffrig  n,  pi  =,  outcry,  halloo;  gøre  _  give 
the  alarm,  cry  out,  call  out,  halloo. 

SInffue  vt  know  by  intuition. 

5lnf!tt'elig  a  perspicuous,  plain,  intelligible. 
•fl«re  vt  render  plain  el.  intelligible,  elucidate, 
illustrate.  -gørelfe  c  elucidation,  illustration. 
•^eb  c  perspicuity. 

Slnffuelfe  c  -r  intuition,  perception;  (St)ni= 
maabe,  Wening)  view;  efter  min  .  in  el.  according 
to  my  view  (of  the  matter).  9lttffttelfcå|ftine 
intuitive  power,  -metoben  the  intuitive  prin- 
ciple  of  instruction.    •«t)elfe  object  lesson. 

SlnflQbe  vt  wound  (by  a  shot);  —  vi,  chem 
crystallize,  shoot  into  crystals. 

SInffQbfe  vt,  min  turn  (the  water)  on  the 

StnfTcere  it  (om  ^agt^unb)  moulh. 

Stnflaa  vt,  mus  strike;  (burbere)  estimate,  rate, 
value,  compute  (til  at);  _  for  ^eit  overrate,  over- 
value;  _  for  laBt  underrate,  undervalue.  -enbe 
a  taking,  attractive.  —  9tnf(ag  n,  pi  =,  mug 
touch;  mech  impact;  (p.  95ævttøj)  leader;  (SSur= 
bering)  estimate,  valuation;  (<l5lan)  scheme,  plan, 
project,  plot,  design;  bringe  i  _  take  into  ac- 
count;  gioe  -  ^aa  refer  to,  suggest.  —  3tnf(ag§| 
^aftig^cb  striking  velocity.  -Jlttl  (Urm  )  stiik- 
ing-wheel.  -jæm  hatchet  stake.  -Iroft  force  of 
impact.  -)>unlt  point  of  impact.  -pæt  (oeb  $ott) 
gate  stop.  -tiinfel  (^rojeftilS)  angle  of  impact; 
(SBærttfli)  back-square.  •«ieb(it:  i  -fet  at  the 
instant  of  striking. 

9(nftiore  vt  spur  on,  stimulate,  ineite,  instigate, 
urge,  fire;  -  en  til  at  gøre  ftt  bebfte  put  one  on 
el.  to  his  mettle.    -Ife  c  stimulation. 

9lnf)i(enb|e  vt  strain,  stretch,  put  upon  the 
stretch;  -  aHe  fine  Sræfler  stiain  every  nerve. 
•cife,  -iug  c  straining,  strain,  exertion. 

Stnftaa   vt   (Behage)   please,    suit,    take   one's 


fancy;  _  el.  _  ftg  for  be  suitable,  proper,  decent 
el.  flt  for,  become,  bcfit,  beseem. 

Stnftalt  c  er  (Sorberebelfe)  preparation,  arrange- 
ment, disposition;  (©liftelfe  e.  1.)  etablishment, 
institution;  gøre  -er  til  make  arrangements,  pre- 
parations  for.  '-mager  c  -e  schemer,  humbug, 
one  who  is  fond  of  making  a  noise  in  the 

9(nftanb  c  deportment,  grace;  jur  delay,  ad- 
journment;  '^aa  _  (3090  upon  the  eatch;  meb  _ 
graeefully,  with  a  good  grace.  —  9tnftanb3| 
bame  chaperon.  -grunb  eause  for  adjournment. 
-rolle  dignified  part. 

Slnftiftje    vt   (U(Qffe)    cause,    contrive,    work; 
(Urolig^eber)  stir  up,    set  on  foot,   raise,    excite; 
(fiomplot)  batch,  plan.    -elfe  c  causing  etc;  ^aa. 
ifan^   _  at  his  iustigation.    -er    c   -e,    -erfle  dL 
author;  insligator.  ^| 

9Inftigenbe  fe  Stnfætteiibe.  ■ 

3lnftlHe  vt  (gab)  broach.  ^ 

3lnftil|le  vt  institute,  set  on  foot;  -  Unber=  " 
føgel!e(r)  commence  et  set  on  foot  investigations; 
_  5or^ør  ober  make  an  examination  of;  _  jjorføg 
make  experiments;  _  betragtninger  make,  indulge 
in,  reflections;  _  en  ©ommenligning  draw  a  pa- 
rallel; be  fig  font  om  l)an  bar  made  believe,  pre- 
tended,  affected,  to  be:  -  fig  bum  (o.  fl.)  sham 
stupid.  -Ung  c,  mero  ofter 

9inftreng|e  vt  exert,  strain,  tax;  _  fine  Øiue  for 
at  fe  strain  one's  eyes  to  see;  -  alle  fine  Ércefter 
exert  one's  self  to  the  utmost,  strain  every 
nerve;  _  fig  exert  one's  self;  -  fig  ober  ®bne 
over-exert  one's  self  -e(fc  c  -r  efifort,  exertion. 
-cnbe  a  laborious,  fatiguing.  -t  n:  -  Slrbejbe 
hard  work;  _  Stubium  intense  stutly. 

SInftrtjge  vt  paint,  colour,  brush,  (meb  Salf) 
white-wash.  -fotUer  pi  honse-painter's  colours. 
3Ijtftri)gning  c  painting  etc;  coat,  coating.  2tn= 
ftrag  n  b.  f.;  fig  (Ubfeenbe)  appearance,  aspect, 
colouring;  (Smule)  touch,  tinge,  dash,  suspicion. 

2(nftænbig  it  decent,  proper;  en  -  Selenning 
a  handsome  reward;  et  -t  *)3arti  an  eligible 
match;  en  _  '^Jige  a  decent,  honest,  girl;  en  _ 
$at  a  respectable  hat;  ^ar  fit  -e  Ubtomme  can 
live  respectably.  -ficb  c  decency,  decorum, 
propriely.    -Oiå  a>iv  in  (common)  decency. 

Slnftøb  »j  (,!pinbring)  obstacle,  hindrance,  im- 
pediment;  (i  %<s.Uv.)  i.,  hesitatiou,  stammering; 
(Oforargelie)  ofi"ence,  scandal;  (Mnfalb)  fit,  access; 
bætfe  -  .give  otfence;  tage  ~  af  take  offence  at. 
9tnftø  belig  a  offensive,  indelicate,  indecent. 
3lnft«'bctigf|cb  c  offensiveness.  9tn{i«b3ften 
stumbling  block,  s.  stone. 

Stnftiar  n  responsibility,  accountability;  ftaa 
til  _  be  responsible  et.  answerable,  answer  (for 
for;  [oberfor]  to);  )faa.  eget  9tn=  og  lilfbat  at  one's 
own  peril;  brage  til  -  call  to  account;  brageS  tit 
_  (for  Metten)  be  made  amenable  to  jnstice. 
9(nftiar|e  vi  for  answer  for.  -^ouenbe,  9lnf»a'r= 
Ug  a  answerable,  responsible,  amenable,  ac- 
countable  (for  for;  [oberfor]  to,  before).  SCn- 
ftia'rlig^rb  c  responsibility,  accountability.  — 
9tnf»or8|frl,  -I«å  '<  irresponsible.  -fttlb  a  re- 
sponsible, fiiU  of  responsibility.  -føfelfe  feeling 
of  responsibility. 

9lnfcEtning  c  (Smeb.)  setting;  J,  setting-up. 
—  2tnfætt|e '«<  (anflaa)  value,  estimate,  rate;  (til 
Slat)  assess;  (i  ©mbebe  e.  I.)  appoint,  place;  art 
ram  (home);  ^  set  up;  gobt  onfat  (f.  ©fS.  Jpale) 
flnely  set-on;  faft  anfat  permanently  appointed. 
-elfe  c  valuation,  estimate;  assessment;  appoint- 
ment,  engagement;  nt>  -  re- engagement,  -enbe 
a:  fom  -  came  at  full  speed;  lom  _  for  fulbe 
©ejl  came  down  with  all  sails  set.  -er  c  -e  ait 
rammer,  -ctfolbe  rammer-head.  -erftage  ram- 





3(nføø|e  vi  om  apply  for,  sue  for,  soUicit;  — 
ft  eii  om  petilion  one  for.  -et  c  -e  petitioner, 
iipplicunt,  supplicant.  -ning  c  -er  petition,  suit; 
supplicatiou,  application. 

Slntnge  r,t  (gobfeiibe)  admit,  receive,  (noget  til- 
bubt)  accept,  (i  S^ienefte;  engage,  (et  SBorn)  adopt, 

en  iiceii  o.  I.)  embraee,  espouse,  adopt;  (tro, 
(Ætte)  suppose,  assume,  take  it;  _  for  take  for, 
set  e(.  put  down  for;  -8  for  at  uære  is  supposed 
10  be;  _  en  gorm  take  el.  assume  a  form;  _ 
Hongetitlen  assume  tlie  regal  title;  _  en  SSiine 
put  on  au  air;  _  en  ^^irofnrotor  retain  a  lavvyer; 
-  enS  9Jaab  take  one's  advice;  _  en  Unbftljlbntng 
ildmit  el.  accept  an  excuse;  _  SSoner  contraet  el. 
iissume  habits;  .  en  SBetfel,  fe  9(fceptere;  —  vr  _ 
fig  interest  one's  self  in  (sti  el.  for  (one),  take 
up  e(.  espouse  (a  cau.sej.  'iånta'QeiiQ  a  accept- 
able, admissible,  eligible;  (trolig)  likely;  -e  SBe= 
tingelfor  acceptable,  likely,  terms;  en  -  Størrelfe 
a  fair  et.  goodly  size;  —  adv  likely,  probably, 
Slnto'gcdfl^el)  c  acceptableness ,  acceptability, 
admi.'jsiblenejs,  eligibleuess,  eligibility.  %nta- 
flclfe  c  admission,  acceptance,  reception;  en- 
gagement; adoption;  assumption;  supposition, 
theory.    ^jlittagcnbe  n  supposition. 

9Intagont§'|nte  c  antagonism.  -tlff  a  antago- 
nis'tic,  anlag'onist. 

^ntal  n  number,  multitude;  i  ~  in  number, 
uumerically;  i  et  ~  of  numbering,  to  the  num- 
ber of. 

^ntafte  vt  assail,  attack. 

9lnteccbeu'tier  pi  antece'dents,  foregoings. 

Stntcbatc'rc  » t  an'tedate. 

'Mntcbituota'nff  «  antedilu'vian. 

^jlntcgnle  yMvrite  down,  putd.,  note  (down), 
make  a  note  of.  -elfc  c  -r,  -ing  c  -er  writing 
etc;  note. 

f[ntiti))|e're  tt  antic'ipate.  -otio'n,  -erlttg  c  i 

9(ntt{fIogi'ftif(  a  antiphlogistic.  -font'  c  anti-  j 
ph'ony.    •frtttio'ndmetat  antifriction  metal.       i 

Stntt'gone  Antig'one.  [ 

^KnHt'  «  anti'que;  —  c  -er  antique;  -en  an- 
tiquity,  ancient  art,  -tatitnet  cabinet  of  an- 
ti(}ne.s.  i 

2(nti|fir'(eng  a  Anti-Church.  -tUmafé  c  anti- 
climax;  (latterlig)  batlios.  -tlo'r  «  antichlorium. 
•Irifl'  c  a'ntichrist.  -trlffelig  a  antichristian. 
-fritif  reply  (to  a  critici^^m).  ' 

3lnttt'|»ia  c  Roman  letter  et.  character,  •^a'v 
<:  -er  an'tiquary,  antiqua'rian;  (SSog^.)  second 
-band  book.seller.  •oa'rliog^anbel  second-hand  i 
book.seller's  shop,  •lia'rti08|)anblcr  fe  -ror. 
-Oo'rtff  a  antiquarian;  ob  ~  S?ei  at  second  hånd.  | 
-tioffrift  fe  antifoa.  -ttc'ret  a  an'tiquated.  -oitc't 
o  -er  antiq'uity.  -tiite't§()anbe(  old  curiosity 
shop.  -uite'té^anbler  seller  of  antiquities,  old 

Stntil'Ierne  the  An'tilles,  the  Caribbee  istands; 
be  fnicia  -ler  the  Lesser  A. 

3lnti(o'<»(e)  c  -r  antilope,  antelope. 

9inttmafaé  far  c  tidy,  antimacassar. 

31ntimo'it(ium)  n  antimony.  -agtig  a  anti- 
mo'nial.  •blomft  Howers  of  antimony.  -brint 
hydric  antimouide,  stibamine.  -gland  a.  glance. 
-ttlaé  glass  of  a.  -^olbig  a  antimo'niated. 
•legertng  alloy  of  a.  -olSljb  autimouic  oxide 
cl.  aiihydride.  -otierfurt  Salt  peroxide  of  anti- 
mony. -))cntat(ori  b  autimo'nious  peutachlor'- 
ide.  -fm«r  butter  ofa.  -furt  Salt  antimo'niate. 
■ftjrc  antimon  ic  acid.  -triflorib  antimonious 
(hloriiie,     *-uanbftof  fe  -brint. 

'flntinomlid  me  c  Antino  mianism.  -ift'  c  -er, 
-ift  iff  (i  Antino'mian. 

'Mnti'noué  Antin'ous. 

3(ntio  tllen  n  An'tioch.    -ff  «  Antio'chian.        I 

I     9(nti))(iH'  c  -er  antip'athy. 

9Inti))o'|be  c  -x  antipode,  pi  antip'odes.    -biff 
a  antip'odal. 
j     Slntife^tlil'  «  antisep'tic  method.    -'iff  a  anti- 
1  septic.    -  røibbel  antiseptic. 

Slntite'lfe  c  -r  antith'esis.    -tlf!  antithet'ic(al). 
9(ntug   n  approach,   advance;   gjenben   et  i  ~ 
the  enemy  is  approaching. 
3lntologi'  c  -er  anthol'ogy,  choice  collection. 
9tnton,  9(ntø'niu9  Anthony. 
Stntunomufi'  c  antonoma'sia. 
9tntracit'  c  an'thracite,  glance  coal. 
^Jlntrotiollo'g   c  -et  anthropol'ogist.    -logi'    c 
anthropol'ogy.  -morftdrne canthropomo'rphism. 
-eSlntræbe  fe  Siltræbe. 
Slntræffc  vt  meet  with,  fall  in  with. 
*9lntræl  n  dress,  attire. 
9lntt)cr^en  n  Antwerp. 
^(utoorbe  vt  deliver  up,  commit. 
9(utt)b{e  vt   (i  gremfttHing)  indicate,    shadow 
forth,  give  a  hint  of;    (labe  forftaa)  intimate,  in- 
sinuate,  hint;  (tl)be  ipaa)  indicate,  suggest.    -ning 
c  -et  indication;    intimation,   insinuation,    hint; 
(om  noget  tillommenbe)  foreshadowing,  adumbra- 
tion;  (Spot)    trace,    -ningdbi^  adv   by   way    of 

2intæn|be  vt  Olb  ofd.)  kindle,  light;  (noget 
6tænbbQTt)  fire,  ignite,  set  fire  to,  set  on  fii-e. 
-'belig  <t  inflammable,  rombustible.  -'brlig^eb 
c  infiammability.  -belfc  c  kindliug  etC;  inflam- 
mation, ignition.  -beifeStemtieratur  (<PettoI.) 

9(utienb|c  vt  (bruge)  employ,  use  (til  for);  (Sib, 
*J}enge)  spend  (in),  expend,  "bestow  (upon);  (gøre 
nyttig)  utilize;  (Jeori,  2iflnelfe)  apply  (to),  bring 
to  bear  (upon);  _  ilbe  misemplny,  misapply;  ^ 
ftn  jEib  oel  make  a  good  use  of  one's  time;  labe 
fig  -  t(i\i  apply  to;  en  oel  -t  Ungbom  a  well-spent 
youth.  -'belig  «  practicable,  of  use;  -  x>^a  appli- 
cable  to.  -belig^eb  c  practicability,  applica- 
bility,  applicableness.  -belfe  c  employment,  use, 
application;  gøre  (en)  gob  -  af  make  a  good  use 
of;  finber  en  nbfttatt  _  is  extensively  used;  ftnber 
_  i(iaa  applies  to.  -bt  CBJatematit  oftt.)  applied, 

^iKnoifle  <  <  (paauife)  show,  indicate,  point  out 
(st  to  one);  (lære)  direct;  (tilbele)  assign,  allot; 
mere  assign;  _  paa  Sanfen  give  a  check  on  the 
bank;  -  tit  Ubbetaling  pass  for  payment;  -  en 
^anS  ®age  give  one  an  order  for  the  payment 
of  his  salary;  -  en  ©um  til  (et  Stug)  appropriate 
a  sum  for.  -ning  c  -ec  mere  assignment,  order, 
assignation;  (VBanfO  check;  (til  at  gøre  nt)  direc- 
tiou,  instruction;  min  indication,  vein;  gioe  en 
_  paa  give  one  the  directiou  of,  refer  one  to. 
-ningdtontor  p-ivate  inqniry  oflice. 

9lnæfte'tiffe  Wtbler  pi  anæsthet'ics. 

*5H»aIb  prov  fe  «6ilb. 

Stpana'lge  c  -t  ap'panage.  -ge're  vt  endow 
with  an  appanage. 

'Upax'it  a  odd,  out  of  the  way;  ado  extra. 

%ifa\t\'  c  ap'athy.    -'tifl  «  apathet'lc. 

Sl^oiit'  c  ap'atite. 

9lj)ennl'nerne  pi  the  Ap'ennines. 

9(^er<^n  n  prcci's. 

lH)>e  rienS  n  -'tia  aperient. 

Sl^de'liunt  w,  ««(  aphelion. 

aplomb    c  self-possession,  assurance, 

9lt>obit  tiff  a  apodietic(al). 

^iioga'um  n,  nut  apogee 

SCiiofr^f  (iff)  n  apoc'ryphal,  be  -ifTe  iBøger  -erne 
pi  the  Apoc'rypba. 

9tpoUina'riff  a  Apollinan'an. 

9tio(o|ge't  c  -ft  apol'ogist.  -getif  c  apologet - 
icsp^    -ge'tiff  a  apo!oget'ic(al).    -gi' c  apol'ogy. 




^poplt\Vtittt  c  -e,  -Ittfl  o  apoplec'tie.  -tåi' 
o  ap'oplexy. 

^po^t'tl  c  -ftle  &  -ftler  apostle;  -ftlene«  (Ser^ 
ninger  the  Acts  (of  Ihe  Apostles);  rejfe  meb  -lene? 
^efte.  Bruge  91.  Søretsj  go  on  foot,  trndge  it,  go 
on  Shank's  mare.  -agtig  a  apostle-like.  -c«t' 
iebe  apostleship,  apostolate.  9t^ofto'(tff  o 
apostoric(al);  ben  -e  SÉroSbefenbelfe  the  Apostles' 

3H)oftt|of'  c  -er  apos'trophe.  -o'fe  c  -r  apos'- 
trophe.    ofc're  vt  apos'trophize.  j 

^pote't  n  -er  chemist's  shop,  (fiaa  ©liB,  ^ofpi' 
tal  0.  1.)  dispensary.  -er  c  -e  chemist,  druggist, 
apoth'ecary.  —  l&potttttl'bOQ  pharmacopæia, 
dispensatory.  •brenø  chemist's  apprentice. 
-Iruffe  gallipot.  -funft  pharmacy.  -meb^jæl^er 
chemist's  assistant  'regning  chemist's  blU. 
-tiorer  drugs.  -bibenflaB  pharmacology.  -tjifl- 
tafå  mspection  of  chemists'  shops.  -tXtQt  apo- 
th'ecary's  weight,  troy-weight;  apothecary's 

%poteo'^e  c  apothe'osis.    -Te  vt  apothe'osize. 

yippttva't  n  -er  apparatus. 

"RpptV  c  -ler  mil  (ron-)call;  jur  appeal;  fig 
biioyancy;  ^unben  ^or  _  the  dog  obeys  the  call. 
-la'bel  a  appeaiable.  -lant'  c  -er  appel'lant. 
-(atio'n  c  appeal,  appealing.  •latio'n^frift  time 
allowed  for  appealing.  -(atio'nSret  eourt  of 
appeal.  -'lotiti  n  -er  (nounj  appellative.  -le're 
vi  &  t  appeal  (til  to),  lodge  an  appeal  with; 
ber  fan  -S  fra  ...  til  ..  .  from  ...  an  appeal 
lies  to  .  .  .    -te'ring  fe  -latton. 

9l))^el{!'n  c  -er  (sweet)  orange,  -ffal  orange 
-peel.  -træ  orange  tree,  Citrus  aurantium  ««- 

^ppen"bxté  n  -er  appendix. 

Slpvetit'  c  ap'petite,  stomaeh;  fao,  gibe  _  get, 
give,  an  appetite;  bælte  -en  whet  el.  provoke 
the  a  ,  give  an  edge  to  the  a.  -lig  a  ap'pe- 
tizing,  nice,  delicate.  -(Ǥ^eb  c  want  of  a. 
-tiicltcnbe  a  appetizing. 

Slf^ift  a  Appian. 

^ll)>))Iau|be're  vt  applau'd.  -'8  c  applau'se, 

^ppixiatxi't  c  (the  art  of)  flngering. 

9l))^oint'  c,  mere  appoint. 

^ppoxtt't\t  vt  fetch  and  carry.  -^unb  retriever. 

%ppo^iWn  c  apposition. 

"iLppxtltt'xt  vt  dress,  finish,  -tu'r  c  dressing, 
finishing,  finish,  -turanftalt  flnishing-laboratory. 

2l]p))rob|e're  ?j«approve  (of),  sanction.  -atio'n, 
-e'ring  c  approba'tion,  sanction. 

^ppxo'<l)tt  pi  approaches. 

9l))rito'é  c  -er  a'pricot.  -træ  apricot  tree, 
Prunus  armeniaca. 

StVri'l  c  A'pril;  narre  en  -  make  an  April  foot 
of  one;  førfte  _  all-fools'-day;  -§  SSæbe  er  SJonbenI 
®læbe  when  April's  wet  and  blows  his  horn  it's 
a  very  good  sign  for  hay  and  corn.  —  9t))rUd{' 
nor  April-fool.    -bcjr  April  weather. 

9tVrJ0'rifI  a  a  priori. 

9())rD^0'S  adv  by  the  bye,  by  the  way,  apro- 
pos; _  om  speaking  of,  talking  of;  tomme  - 
come  a.,   F  come  pat. 

3l))ft§,  M^fi'be  c  -iber  arch  &  ast  apsis,   apse.  I 
9l))ftbenntrn  the  line  of  apsides.  ! 

9H)tc'r|e  vt  fit.    -tnger  pi  fittings. 

9I)iutiett  n  Apulia. 

9lt'  n,  pi  =,  scar,  cicatrix,  seam;  $«  stigma, 

*9lr,  fe  ''911  c  2. 

%xa  c  -er  macaw,  Macrocercw). 

%xa'b\ex  c  -e  Ara'bian,  Ar'ab;  ($eft)  Arabian 
horse,  -erin'be  c  -r  Arab  woman.  -ef('(c)  c  -er 
ar'abesque.    -ien  n  Arabia;  bet  Iljffelige  _  Arabia 

the  Happy,    -ifl  a  Ara'bian,   Arab'ic;  «  AraW<! 
-ift'  c  -er  ar'abist. 

9lrago'nt|ett  n  Ar'agon.  -er,  -erin'be  Arago 
nese.    -f!  a  Arago'nian. 

9lraf  fe  9lrrat. 

2lratf«en  Lake  Aral. 

Stramæ'iff  a  Aramaic,  Aramean. 

Slrauta'rla  c  araucaria,  monkey-puzzler. 

^rbejb,  2lrbeibe  n  -er  (i  Slim.,  abst  og  coucr)' 
work,  (tun  abut)  labour;  CJSeftæftigelfe)  etnploy- 
ment;  (fom  ftal  ubføreS)  task,  job;  (noget  ubført, 
ifcer  oonbeligt)  performance,  production;  (gobt  el. 
flet)  workmanship;  en  gorfatterg  -r  the  works  of 
an  author;  -t  Beb  bctte  løj  er  beunbringsocerbigt 
the  workmanship  of  this  cloth  is  admirable; 
DpBøJet  -  raised  work,  relief,  embossment;  tnb= 
lagt  _  inlaid  work,  mosaic;  be  offentlige  -r  the 
public  works;  offentligt  -  (©traf)  hard  labour, 
penal  servitude;  f|ar  et  _  for  has  a  work  in 
hånd;  ^an  er  i  _  he  is  at  (his)  work;  i  hilbt  - 
hard  at  work;  étøslerne  er  i  _  the  boots  are  in 
hånd;  foette  en  i  -  set  one  to  work;  gaa  paa  ~ 
go  to  work;  ^olbe  en  ftrængt  til  _  make  one 
work  hard,  p  keep  one' s  nose  to  the  grind- 
stone;  oære  uben  _  be  out  of  work;  beterunber 
~  it  is  in  hånd,  in  progress  of  making;  o  eb 
fine  §ænberS  ~  by  the  labour  of  his  hånds,  by 
manual  labour. 

3lrbe}be  vi  &  t  work,  labour,  (ftrængt)  toil; 
SSinen  -r  the  wine  is  working;  ®ti6et  -r  the  ship 
labours;  _  en  i  ^ænberne  work  into  the  hånds 
of  one;  -igennem  work  thoroughly;  .  inb  force 
in;  _  op  force  open;  ~paa  work  at,  be  engaged 
in;  _  paa  at  strive  to;  -r  paa  eberS  egen  Salig= 
gørelfe  work  out  your  own  salvation;  _  u  b  force 
out;  _  fig  ft)g  fall  sick  from  hard  work;  -  fig 
frem  work  one's  way;  -  ftg  i^jel  work  one's 
self  to  death;  _  fig  igennem,  inb,  inb  i,  neb 
ofo.  work  one's  way  through,  in,  into,  down, 
struggle  through  etc;  _  fig  op  Jig  work  one's 
(own)  way;  _  fig  ub  af  make  one's  way  out  of. 
3tr6ejben  c  working. 

airbcjber  c  -e  (i  Slim.,  ogfaa  om  aanbeltgt  ?l.) 
worker,  workman;  (tun  om  legemligt)  labourer 
(bibl),  hånd,  operative;  en  _  er  fin  £øn  Bcerb  the 
labourer  is  worthy  of  his  hire.  -befoltntng 
population  of  labourers.  -boliger  pi  labourers' 
dwellings.  -b^  town  of  labourers.  -forening 
working  men's  association,  trådes'  union.  -tla8< 
fen  fe  9lrbejb§=.  -loarter  district  inhabited  by 
labourers.  -ofiftanb  rising  of  (the)  labourers. 
-fagen  fe  -fpørgSmaalet.  -famfnnb  fe  -forening. 
SMrbejberffe  c  -r  work  woman,  worker.  9(rbejber= 
f))£rg§maa(et  the  labour  question. 

3lrbejb§|anftnlt  workhouse.  -baob  kL  pinnace, 
skift",  dingy.  -bcfparenbe  a  labour-saving.  -bi 
working  bee.  -borb  work-table.  -btug  work. 
-b^rbe  labour,  toil.  -bag  work-day,  working 
-day.  -bragt  working  dress,  mil  fatiguc  dress. 
-btigttg  a  able  to  work,  capable  of  working, 
able-bodied.  -bt)gtigi)eb  working  ability,  faculty 
el.  powers.  -bt)r  working  beast.  -b*r  (pao  Dbn) 
working-door.  -fag  department  of  labour. 
-flaabe  vt,  floating  stage,  -flib  industry.  -fol! 
pi  labourers,  workmen,  operatives,  workpeople. 
-formanb  foreman,  overseer,  -fortjenefte  earn- 
ings  pi.  -frofte  working  coat,  undress  coat. 
-fri  a  exempt  from  work;  en  -  3!ime  a  vacant 
hour,  leisure  hour.  -fættc  fellow-worker.  -før 
a  able  to  work,  able-bodied.  -før^eb  c  ability 
to  work;  maturity  for  labour.  -fliuer,  -^crre 
employer.  -gulb  jeweller's  gold.  -^cft  work- 
-horse,  ^(7  drudge.  -^uS  work-house.  -^ttsloing 
met  tymparch.  -inbftiUing  strike.  -inbtocgt 
earnings.  -fori  labouring  man.  -tiaSfen  the 
operative    classes.      -totnmanbo    fatigue-party, 




party  of  men  on  fatigue.  -lotte  charwoman. 
-froft  working-powcr,  strength  to  work;  numbcr 
of  hånds.  -fur»  work-basket.  -leie  hire  of 
workmen.  -J^ft  love  of  work.  -liften  a  fond 
of  working.  -latt  wages  pi,  hire;  -nen  ftiger 
wages  are  going  up.  -ItS  «  out  of  work,  want- 
ing  employinent;  -rofe  pi  out-of-work  inen,  un- 
employed;  gøre  -  throw  out  of  work.  -led^cb 
c  waut  of  employment.  -tttantie  working  me- 
thod  -tttattb  workmau,  labourer.  -tttaftine 
operator,  -meitttefle  drudge.  •ittQre  workiug 
-ant,  worker-ant.  -ttKCitgbe  amount  of  work, 
work  done.    •ncblicggelfe  strike. 

9lrbe|'bfont «  iudustrious,  hard- working,  labori- 
0U8.    -^eti  c  industry,  laboriousness. 

9lrbcibd|))enge  wages.  -pr^et  pi  rates  of 
wages.  -fong  workmen's  song.  -fejfittg  J, 
sennit.  -fpag  ^  handspike.  -f|)arettbe  a  labour 
-saving.  -ftattbåttittg  stoppage  of  work;  (fra 
arbejbégioeré  Sibe)  lock-out.  -ftcb  place  of 
work.  -ftof  material  (for  working).  -ftol  number 
of  hånds,  -fttte  work-room,  workshop;  study. 
•Ht)ttc  block,  material.  -ft^tte  fe  -ftot.  -tager 
employed,  employé.  -tnHie  J,  burton-tackle. 
-toflc  work  bag.  -tegning  working  drawing. 
-titi  working-hoiirs;  fort  -  short  hours;  efter  -en 
after  hours;  etstra  -  over- time.  -titne  hour  of 
work.  -trang  want  of  work  el.  employment. 
-træl  toiler.  -t«j  working  clothes.  -ubtialg 
working  committee.  -ttont  a  accustomed  el. 
used  lo  work,  inured  to  labour.  -bogn  (agri- 
cultural)  cart  el.  waggon.    -Dfcrelfe  fe  -ftue. 

3lr*l=  fe  3Jrfi=. 

!£(rtiannelfe  c  cicatrization. 

*arben'ner|ne  pi  the  Ardennes.  -flooen  the 
Foresi  of  A. 

9ltea'l  n  -er  a'rea,  stretch,  (i  S^enber  2onb) 

Stre'fa  c  areca(-palm),  betel-nut  tree.  -faflt 
cabbage-tree,  Areca  oleracea.  -tWb  areca-nut. 
-)ialme  fe  9lrefa. 

9lre'na  c  arena. 

Sreopa'g  c  areop'agus. 

3lrg  a  wicked,  bad,  arrant,  '■■'  angry;  io  -ere 
Slall,  io  fiebre  Spfle  the  greater  rogue,  the  better 
luck;  bet  -efte  @not)å  the  most  wretched  stufiF, 
the  veriest  trash. 

SlrgaUfaar  n  a'rgali,  Ovis  ammoti. 

Sivganbff  Sampe  A'rgand  lamp. 

tSlrgcltft  cunning,  craft,  wile. 

^Jlrgenta'n  n  a'rgentan,  german  silver. 

'.'(rgentin'a  (ben  argentinfte  SRepublitj  c  Ar- 

Strgonan't  c  -er  A'rgonaut.  -ertoget  the  Ar- 
gonau'tic  expedition. 

9(rgi Her  c,  pi  =,  A'rgive. 

Slrguincnt'  n  -er  a'rgument.  -e're  vi  reason, 
argue.  -otio'n,  -ering  c  argumentation,  rea- 

Strgud  c  A'rgus.  -fafan  A.  pheasant.  Argtis 
oigiinteus.  -fomttterfugt  Silver  -  studded  blue 
butterfly,  Papilio  Argus.  -ajne  the  eyes  of 
Argus,  Argus-eyed  vigilance. 

JHriab'netraab  elew. 

9trta'n|er  c  -e,  -ff  a  A'rian. 

5lric  c  -r  air,  aria. 

Slricr  c  -e  Aryan. 

Srilbétib:  fra  _  time  out  ofmind,  from  time 

3lriftar!'  c  Ar'istarch. 

Striff  •<  Aryan. 

3trtfto'fa|neé  Aristoph'anes.  -'nifl  «  Aristo- 

Slriftofra't  c  -er  ar'istocrat.  -i'  n  aristoc'racy. 
-tft  (j  aristocrat'ic(al). 

«rifto'te|Ie8  Arlstotle.     -'tifer   c  -e,  -iiff  a 


airitmeitif  c  arith'metic.  -tifer  c  -e  arith- 
metician.    -'tift  <i  arlthmet'ic(al). 

t^Srl  c  ark;  ^Pagtenå  _  the  ark  of  the  covenant; 
9ioQ!)§  _  Noah's  Ark. 

SSrt  n,  pi  =,  sheet. 

5Krfa'be  c  -r  areade. 

9(rta  bilen  n  Arcadia.    -er  c  -e,  -fl  a  Arcadian. 

3lrtai§  me  c  -r  a'rchaism.    -ft'tfl  a  archa'ic. 

3(rfa'nnin  «  -na  arcanum. 

9(rfebu|fa'bek)anb  arquebusade.  -fe're  vt  shoot. 

Slrfeli'  n  J,  gun-room.    -port  gun-room  port 

artCoiftriber  copyist.  -flrioning  copying  (by 
the  folio),     -tal  number  of  sheets. 

Strlett)))'  c  a'rchetype 

^2lrtebtd  adv  by  the  sheet. 

Slrtimanbrtt'  c  -er  archiman'drite. 

Slrtitne  biff  a  ©true  Archime  des  el.  Archi- 
me'dean  el.  Archimede'an  screw. 

%rtipt\ta'Q  n  archipel'ago.  -iagud  the  Archi- 

Strtiteft'  c  -er  a'rchltect.  -o'nift  a  architec'- 
tural,  architecton'ic.  -n'r  c  architec'ture  -u'r= 
maler  architectural  painter,  painter  of  architec- 
tural  subjects. 

9lrtitra'b  c  a'rchitrave. 

Strli'to  n  -er  a'rchives  pi;  (©tebet)  muniment 
-room,  m.  house,  record  oflace.  -tt'r  c  -er 
keeper  of  the  records  el.  archives,  archive- 
keeper.    -fager  pi  archives. 

Slrlont'  c  -er  a'rchon.    -oærbig^eb  archonship. 

Slrtæolo'g  c  -er  archæorogist.  -i'  c  arehæol'- 
ogy.    -ift  a  archæolog'ic{al). 

Érm  a  poor;  fe  5Ribber. 

Mrm  c  -e  {oQlfig  om  ainter,  glob,  Sæneftol  o.  fl.) 
a'rm;  (af  ^aubugt)  member;  (p.  Sampm.,  ®eI8= 
tant)  radius;  _  paa  en  S^fefrone  branch  of  a 
chandelier;  ben  berbSIige  _  the  secular  power; 
kolber  Søb  for  fin  _  maketh  flesh  his  arm;  <I3Iob§ 
til  at  røre  -ene  elbow-room;  _  i  _  arm  and  (el. 
in)  arm,  with  locked  arms,  p  arm  in  crook 
together;  fætte  -ene  i  ©iben  set  et  put  the  arms 
akimbo;  meb  -ene  i  Siben  with  arms  a-kimbo; 
Toftebe  fig  i  -ene  paa  tntg  threw  himself  into  my 
arms,  Jig  took  refiige  with  me;  git  nteb  ^am 
unber  -en  walked  arm  and  arm  with  him;  fig 
tafle  en  unber  -ene  lend  one  a  helping  hånd. 

3(rtnatu'r  c  a'rmament;  phys  &  met  a'rmature. 
-fifte  arm-chest.    -ftqtter  pi  armament. 

JSrtnIbaanb  bracelet,  armlet.  -ben  bone  of 
the  arm.  -beotegclfe  gesture.  -binb  (arm)sling, 
bandage,  -brub  fracture  pf  an  arm.  -br«ft 
cross-bow.  -brøftbolt  cross-arrow.  -biftinttion 

'^9lrtne  ub  vt  impoverish. 

9lrmé'  c  -ec  army.  -befaling  general  order. 
•bubget  army  estimates  -bepartementet  the 
War  oftice.    -toxpé  army-division,  army-corps. 

9trine'ui|en  n  Armenia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c 
-r,  -fl  a  Armenian. 

armer  I  e  vt  arm.  -ing  c  armament.  -ing9- 
reglement  armament-book. 

SIrmlfuIb  c  a'rmful.  -føbbebe,  føbber  pi 
brachiopods.  -ftul  (ffimp.)  hand-hole.  -^ul,  -^ttle 

9lrminia'n|er  c,  -fl  a  Armin'ian. 

9(rm|*{nap  sleeve-button.  -fraft  power  of 
arm.  -leb  brachial  joint.  -Ian,  -I«ne  arm, 
support  for  the  elbow.    -loengbe  length  of  arm. 

Slrmob  c  poverty,  penury.  —  Slrmobél'^'bom 
c  poverty.  *-folI  poor  people.  -i-^ceélig  a 

Srmlpibe  brachial  bone.  -poUfp  hydra,  -pnbe 
arm-eushion.  -ring  bracelet,  arm-ring.  -ffinne 
vant-brass.    -fmQtle   fe  -baanb.    -fnor  chevron. 




•^pan  bibl  bracelet.  -f^jælb  gusset.  -f^aenbc 
snap  of  a  bracelet,  -ftase  branch  candlestick. 
•ftiUing  saw- frame,  -ftol  arm-chair.  -ftum)) 
stump  of  an  arm.  -ftt)rle  strength  of  arm. 
-ftært  a  strong  in  the  arms.  -ft*!)  arm,  support 
for  the  arms.  -ftette  rest.  -tog  stroke  (In 
swimming);  grapple,  tage  -  grapple.  -træ  sleeve 
board,    -tl^t  a  thick  as  an  arm. 

Slrnau't  c  -er,  -iff  a  A'rnaut. 

9lrnc  c  -r  hearth.  -ilb  chlmney  fire.  -frog 
chimney  corner,  fireside.  -fteb  fe  Slrnej  fiø  hot 
-bed,  seat  (for  of}. 

Stro'ina  c  aroma,    -'tifl  a  aromat'ic. 

atrVe  c  furfur,  achor. 

3(rrat  c  arrack,  rack. 

3lrra«fle|ment'  n  -er  arra'ngement.  -'te  vt 

Sltreft'  c  -er  (33eflag)  arrest,  seizure;  (pao  ©fib) 
embargo;  (goengfel)  custody,  conflnement,  prison, 
ie  -l^uS;  fætte  i  _  send  to  prison;  belægge  meb  - 
put  under  an  arrest,  seize,  (©(ibe)  embargo; 
bolbe  en  i  ftreng  -  hold  one  a  close  prisoner. 
atrreftant'  c  -er  prisener.  SIrrcftlbcfaHng  fe 
-orbre.  -baje  ^  bilboes  pi.  SlrrcftCte  vt  arrest, 
apprehend,  take  into  custody;  faa  en  -t  give  one 
into  c.  Slrreftc'ring  c  arrest,  arrestlng.  lttrteft|= 
fotretning  arrest,  arrestation,  seizure.  -forsorer 
jailer,  keeper  of  a  prison.  -I)u8  house  of  deten- 
tion, lock-up.  -fenbelfe,  -orbre  warrant,  mit- 

atrrct  a  scarred. 

2lrrte'regorb£  rear,  rearguard. 

Sirrig  «  ill  tempered,  ill-natured;  fe  Strg;  _ 
^ftinbe  ill-tempered  woman,  shrew,  vixen,  term- 
agant;  -  Jpunb  suappish  dog;  bliee  -  paa  get 
angry  with.    -^eb,  -ffab  c  ill-temper,  ill-nature. 

Slrroglon'ce  c  ar'rogance,  ar'rogancy.  -ant'a 
ar'rogant,  insolent.  -e're  fig  vr  ar'rogate  to 
one's  self. 

SIrronbe're  vt  round  off. 

9(r&  c  p  arse.    -bolbe  buttock. 

2lrfeno'I  n  -et  a'rsenal. 

Strfe'n,  airfenif  c  a'rsenic;  b»ib  -  fe  -ftjrling. 
■amalgam  arseniuret,  a'rsenlde.  9lrfenita'IfI 
n  arsen'ical.  9lrfenit|brtnt  hydric  arsenide, 
arsen'amine.  -forgiftning  ar.senic-poisoning. 
-I^otbig  a  arsenical,  a'rsenal.  -jaern  a'rsenate 
of  iron.  -Ii§  arsen'ical  py  ri  tes.  -fatt,  -furl 
Salt  a'rsenate.  -fViftt  arsenic-eater.  -fur:  - 
åa\i  a'rsenate  of  potash  (o.  fC.).  -f^re  arsen'ic 
acid,  hydric  arsenate.  -ft)rling  arse'nious  acid, 
White  arsenic.    -Oanbftof  fe  -brint. 

9lr§|Iæber  breech-leather.  -mibfe  (crupper-) 
dock.    -t»if(cr  bum-brusher.    -Oift  bum-fodder. 

SIrt  c  -er  (SSæfen)  nature,  natural  disposition; 
(©lagi)  sort,  kind,  fmobf.  ©lægt)  species;  (91Koabe) 
fashion,  way;  bet  ^ar  ingen  -  it  won't  do,  it's 
not  the  thing;  nteb  .  .  .  ^ot  bet  ingen  (rigtig)  ^ 
...  is  rather  unsatisfactory. 

SIrte  vi  &  r  fig  (ftoa  an)  grow,  thrlve;  -  pg 
gobt  promise  well;  turn  out  well;  _  (fig)  efter 
take  after;  _  ub,  fe  Ubarte. 

9l'rterie  c  -r  a'rtery.    -blob  arte'rial  blood. 

Slrte'fift  a  ©renb  artesian  well. 

airttg  a  (^»flig)  civil,  courteous,  polite;  (mobf. 
uartig)  well-behaved,  good;  (egen)  rare,  curious; 
Bær  joo  -  (tilbQbenbe)  (if  you)  please,  there  it  is, 
P  there  you  are;  ja  Ⱦc  faa  ~  (titlabenbe)  by  all 
means,  you  are  quite  welcome;  Bær  faa  _  at 
have  the  goodness  to,  be  so  kind  as  to,  .  .  .  if 
you  please.  -^eb  e  -er  civility,  courtesy,  polite- 
ness;  fige  en  -er  say  civil  things  to  one,  pay 
one  compliments. 

9Irttf'{eI  c  -tier  {grum,  SSare-,  XroS«)  a'rticle: 
(<Poft)  item,  head,  count;  (SKfbeling  of  et  ©ftift) 
section,    clause;    (SSfabO    article,    paper,    (fort) 


paragraph.    -cISbreo  articles  of  war.    -niatio'n 
c  artlcula'tion.    -niere  vt  artic'ulate. 

SlrtiKcri'  n  artill'ery,  ordnance;  ribenbe  -  horse 
a.  -gobé,  -inbcntarium  J,  ordnance  stores. 
■totpa  artillery.  -furfué  of  artillery. 
-løjtnant  lieutenant  in  the  artillery.  J,  gunnery 
lieutenant  (o.  fl.).  -maaleftot  caliber-rule.  -part 
park  of  cavallery.  -f  aloe  salvo  of  artillery.  -ffib 
gunnery  ship.  -ffole  school  of  artillery.  -ft'  c 
-er  artill'erist,  artillery-man;  J,  gunner.  -Diben- 
flab  science  of  artillery.  -øoelfcr  gunnery  prac- 

Strttffot'  c  -ter  (true)  a'rtichoke,  C'vnara  ncoly- 
muo;  f^janf!  -  cardoon,  Cvnara  cardunculvs.  -bURb, 
-ftol  artichoke  bottom. 

SIrtium,  'c  ©tSamen  -  the  matriculation  exami- 
nation.     ^ilrtiumSopgaoe  c  matriculation  paper. 

9lrt§|mærte  specifle  character,  -nabn  specific 
name.  -riflbom  unmber  of  species,  -oalg  natu- 
ral selectiou. 

9lrum  c  cuckoo-pint,  wake-robin.    Arum. 

2trO  c  -e  inhitt  &  conc)  inheritance;  (tun  conc) 
heritage,  (efter  ijorælbre)  patrimony;  tiltræbc  ei 
_  enter  upon  an  inheritance;  tage  ~  efter  suo 
ceed  to,  inherit  from  el.  of;  gaa  fra  _  og  ®ær^ 
renounce  inheritance  and  debts;  faa  i  _  succeed' 
to;  gaa  i  lige  _  succeed  to  cl.  come  in  for  an 
equal  share  of  inheritance;  gaa  i  _  til  descend 
to,  gioe  til  -  og  CSje  bestovv  in  full  property; 
»eb  -  by  inheritance.  —  SlrOe  vt  &  t  (nt)  inherit, 
succeed  to;  (en)  be  the  heir  of;  _  efter  inherit 
from.  J 

3lrOe  (■  chickweed,  AUine  media;  t  pimpemelj 

9(rOc|abeI  hereditary  nobility.  -afgift  legacy 
el,  succe.ssion  duty.  -begraoelfe  family  vault. 
-beretttgelfe  fe  -ref.  -berettiget  n  entiiled  to 
inheritance,  capable  of  inheriting.  -bel  in- 
heritance, heritage,  portion,  share  of  an  in- 
heritance. -beling  division  of  an  inheritance. 
-falb  succession,  -falbSret  the  king's  right  to 
unclaimed  inheritance.s,  -fejl  hereditary  defect. 
■flenbe,  -fjcnbe  hereditary  el,  born  enemy, 
-fienbffab,  -fjcnbjlob  hereditary  enmity.  -for= 
bring  claim  on  an  inheritance.  -forening  com- 
pact  about  an  inheritance,  -fljrfte  hereditary 
prince.  -fæfte  heritable  lease,  emphyteusis, 
(omtr.)  copyhold,  -fæfteafgift  emphyteutic  rent. 
-fæftebreO  heritable  lease  contract,  -fæftegaarb 
emphyteutic  farm,  fee  farm.  -fæfler  emphy- 
teuticary,  tenant  by  emphyteusis,  fee-farmer. 
-f«ftefl«be  deed  of  conveyance  by  emphyteusis. 
-f«bt  a  legitimate.  -følge  order  of  inheritance, 
(om  ftonge  o.  1.)  succession,  (p,  ®obS)  entail. 
-føtgetrig  war  of  succession,  -følgetao  law  of 
succession  (0.  fl.).  -gaorbpatrimonial el.  hereditary 
estate.  -gang  descent,  succession.  -gangSmaabe 
mode  el.  manner  of  succession.  -gob8  {Wco) 
inheritance,  heirloom,  heritage,  patrimony;  fe 
-goarb.  -g«lb  hereditary  debt.  -^erre  hereditary 
monarch.  -Iiertug  Hereditary  Duke,  -^ttS  royal 
line  et.  house,  -ti^tbtng  homage,  oath  of  fealty. 
-jorb  hereditary  land(s).  -tonge  hereditary  king. 
t-føb  sum  paid  (by  foreigners)  for  inheritance. 
-(aber  c  -e  testator,  bequeather,  devisor.  -laber= 
ffe  c  -r  testatrix.  -lanb  (fRige)  hereditary  king- 
dom; fe  -jorb.  -Icb  generation,  remove.  -len 
hereditary  tief. 

9lr0elig  o  heritable,  inheritable;  er  -  i  biSie 
Sfamilier  runs  in  families,  -^eb  c  inheritability, 
(9Joturl).)  heredity.  -^ebStooen  the  law  of  he- 

9lrOe{linie  line  of  succession,    -lob  hereditary 

share,  share  of  (an)  inheritance.     -loo  law  of 

succession.    -løS  a  disinherited;  fe  ogfaa  Strt)ing= 

I  Ib8;   gere  ~  disinherit,   cut  off  with  a  shilling. 





•løSgørelfe,  -løétiel)  c  disinherisou,  disiuherit- 
ance.  -tnaabc  fe  -gaiigSmaabe.  -maSfe  estate, 
residue.  -tniblrt  hereditary  fortuiie,  fortune 
obtained  by  inheritance.  -^aaftanb  fe  -foibring. 
•paqt  fe  -forening,  •patt  fe  bel.  -<>rtn8  heir 
presumptive  (to  the  throne).  -VrinfcSfe  consort 
of  the  „SlroeprinS".  -regfrinB  hereditary  govern- 
ment.  -ret  right  of  inheriting  el.  succession, 
heirship.  -tetlifl  a  e  ^Regler  rules  of  inherit- 
ance. -rige  hereditary  monarchy.  -fag  law- 
suit  conceruing  an  inheritance  el.  succession. 
•flat  fe  -ofgift.  -ffifte  partition  of  an  inherit- 
ance. -ftat  hereditary  state.  -ftorltertug  Hered- 
itary Grand  Duke.  -ftrib  di.spute  about  an 
inheritance.  -ftttg  embezzlement  of  inheritance, 
defrauding  of  co-heirs.  -ftjgbom,  -ftjgc  hered- 
itary malady.  -fQnben  original  sin;  grim,  ftfig, 
font"-  as  ugly  as  sin.  -fæbe  family  seat.  -feg<$= 
ntaal  fe  -fag.  •\el\)  inherited  silver,  a  silver  heir 
-loom  -tro  hereditary  faith.  -trætte  fe  -ftrib. 
•t«gt  entering  upon,  taking  possession  of,  an 
inheritance.    -al  funeral  feast. 

Strøing  c  er  heir,  Inheritor,  (ft)inbelig)  heiress, 
inheritress,  inheritrix;  _  efter  2oDen  heir-at-law, 
retmceSfig  -  heir-apparent;  for  pjebltt!et  nærmefte 
-  heir  presumptive;  inbfatte  ^am  til  _  instituted 
him  niy  heir.  •{S')leé  a  (om  ^erfon)  without  heirs, 
heirless;  (om  2lrd)  unclaimed,  vacant.  -dløS^eb 
c  yacancy. 

9{rt)tager  c  -e  inheritor,  heir. 

?IS'  n,  »i««  A  flat. 

Slå  c  -er  As,  pi  Ases  (gods  of  Norse  mythology). 

Slfolb  c  -er  'e  "Jlfgelbærren. 

9lfa{((sren  the  religion  of  the  Ases,  Old  Norse 
mythology.    -tljot  Thor  the  As, 

3t§beft  c  asbes'tos,  asbestus. 

3lfc  vi  toil;  _  fig  frem  toil  onwards. 

H\tn  n  -er  (ogfaa  fio)  ass.  -fotc  foal  et.  colt 
of  an  ass.  -^ub  hide  of  an  ass.  -in'be  c  -r 
sbe-ass.    -fæft  jaw-bone  of  an  ass. 

SHfeptt'n  n  boracic  acid. 

jléfalt'  c  asphalt,  asphaltum.  -c're  rt  asphalt, 
bitumenize.    -filt  asphalted  felt. 

9ldfobet'  c  as'phodel,  Ånphodelus. 

SlffHji'  c  asphyx'ia,  asphyx  y. 

*9i8gaarb8rejen  Arthurs  chase. 

Mfto,  Slfle  c  -er  (large)  preserved  cucumber. 

3tjt|e»  n  Asia.  -a'ter  c  Asiat  ic.  -a'tiff  a  Asiat'ic, 
A'sian;  bet  a-tiffe  iQrti  Turkey  in  Asia. 

tlft  c  er  ash,  Fraxinus  excelsior;  af  _  ash, 

*3lfl  c   er  box. 

Sffari'be  c  -r  as'caris,  pi  ascar'ides. 

Slfle  c  ashes  pi  (i  6mf.  og  chem  ogfaa  sing,  f.  ®t8. 
bone-ash;  ogfaa:  the  ash  of  a  cigar);  lægge  i  _ 
lay  in,  el.  reduce  to,  ashes;  opftob  af  -n  rose 
again  from  its  ashes;  j'oroanblet  til  _  incinerated; 
tomme  af  -n  og  t  31ben  plump  out  of  the  frying 
-pan  into  the  fire.  -bogt  a  baked  in  hot  ashes. 
-bei|olber  ash-pan.  -beftanbbcle  constituents  of 
the  ash. 

Stfleblabet  a  (Kartoffel)  ash-leaved. 

9lffe|blanbet  u  mixed  with  ashes.  -bl^  fe 
SSiSmiit.  -broenbtng  burning  to  a'ihes,  incinera- 
tion.  -bæger  ash-cup,  ash-tray.  -btgel  crucible 
made  of  ashes.  -b«r  ash-door.  -fang  ash-hole, 
reposiiory  for  ashes  (in  a  furnace).  -farbe  ash 
colour.  -farbet,  -graa  a  ashy,  ash-coloured, 
ash-gray,  ash-white,  ashen-white,  ciiiereous.  *-fl8 
fe  -lobb.  -^ul  ashhole,  (Smp.)  ash-pit,  (i  3:ærn) 
flaw.  -!oge  cake  baked  in  hot  ashes.  -tegle 
cone  of  vulcanic  scoriæ.  -fruffc  cinerary  urn, 
fnneral  urn.  -(abb  »Boots«,  »c  ashiepatlle  (the 
nigest  son  in  the  Norwegian  nursery  tales, 

.'lale  Cinderella).  -lub  lye  of  ashes.  -ondbag 
v>li  Wednesday.      -pot    Cinderella.      -peS  ash- 

bucket.    -regn  shower  of  ashes.    -rig  «  rich  in 
ashes.    -r«m  ash-pit. 

2lflc'fe  c  ascet'idsm. 

Mflelftuffe  (i  Sattelobn)  ash-pan.  -ftianb  ash 

Mffc't  c  -er,  Mffe'tiff  a  ascet'ic. 

Slffetræ  fe  9lfl;  ash-wood. 

aiffctrætfer  (Sten)  c  ash-drawer. 

21  ©tibe  J,  Aships. 

9lfti  c  (i^ift)  flnscale,  ,4 »pif«  rapax. 

%\p  c  -er  fe  m\p. 

2lfi)aragi'n  c  asparagine. 

Slfjpar'gcé  (+  9lfparge)  c  pi  =,  asparagus, 
sparrow-grass,  Atpnrapuit.  -beb  bed  of  a.  -benne 
a  kind  of  kidney  bean.  -ært  winged  pea, 
Tetragonolohus.  -^obeber  tops  of  asparagus, 
•taal  broccoli,  Brassica  oleracea  aajparaooidefi . 
-fnio,  -ftifter  a.-knife,  -fpibfer  fe -^obeber.  -fnrt 
©alt  aspa'rtate.     -ft)re  aspa'rtic  acid. 

%\ptit'  c  -er  (ogfao  astr)  as'pect.  -er  pi  con- 
flguration;  antage  _  configurate. 

3lf<>e|l«b  fe  sefpe-.    .*-maar  fe  S!ot)-. 

a^ver'to  (SBiU.)  losing  hazard. 

9lf<)tc  c  (3}et)  aspic. 

9lfi>ir|ant'  c  er  aspi'rant,  aspi'rer,  candidate. 
-atto  n  c  aspira'tion.  -e're  vt  as'pirate;  —  t-t 
til,  efter  aspire  to. 

2lf)>iéflange  asp,  Nuja  haje. 

2l§fc8for  c  -er  judge  (where  there  are  more 
than  one),  judge-lateral,  puisne-judge. 

9l8fict'  c  -ter  (dessert)  plate. 

9(éfign|a'ter  +  assignats.  -ata'r  c  -er  check 
-holder,    -a't(n8)  c  drawee. 

2låfimile're  vt  assim'ilate  (meb  to);  _  fig  assimi 

Méfi'fler  pi  assizes.    -ret  court  of  assizes. 

2l8ftft|an'ce  c  assis'tance.  -end'bnS  lombard 
(-house).  -enSi^uéfcbbel  pawnbroker's  duplicate, 
-enSur  d^  assistant  watch.  -tnV  c  -er  assis'tant. 
-e're  vt  &  i  assist  (ceb  at  el.  in^ 

2låfocié  c  -er  partner;  bære  _  i  participate  in; 
optage  fom  ~  take  into  partnership. 

3léfj)rt|er'e  vt  assort,     -intent'  n  asso'rtment. 

9léfuran'cc  c  insurance,  assu'rance,  (Sb=) 
under^vriting,  marine  Insurance;  tegne  -  effect 
i.,  (om  9I§furonb»r)  underwrite  the  i.  -beteb  fe 
-fum.  -forening,  -tombagni  fe  -felfloB.  -tontor 
i.  oflSce.  -mfrgtcr  i. -broker.  -|ioIice  policy  of  i. 
•Iiroced  action  on  policy.  -)>robifion  commission 
for  eflfectiug  i,  -firfemie  premium  of  i.  -felflab 
i. -Company,  -fnm  sum  insured.  -f big  defrauda • 
tion  on  the  underwriters.  -biefen  insurance 
matters,  —  StSfuranbø'r  c  -er  insurer,  assurer, 
(noonl.  6øO  underwriter,  —  Sléfnrc're  vt  insure, 
assure;  ber  Dor  itte  -t  there  was  no  insurance. 

9l§fQ'ri|en  n  Assyr'ia,  -er  c,  -erinbe  c  -r,  -ft 

9lfto'tlff  a  astat'ic. 

Mfter  c  -§  (9lfter§    er)  aster. 

Slfterof'be  c  -r  as'teroid. 

Slftijma  c  asthma,  -tiafiir  antiasthmatic  paper, 
touch-paper,    -'titer  c  -e,  -'tift  a  asthmat'ic. 

Slftra'gel  c  milk  vetch,  Attngalus;  (fob)  wild 
liquorice,  A.  glycxphyUu»\  (flfflte)  goat's  thorn, 
A.  tragacanthus .  -toffeSwedish  coffee,  ^«<ra^rtZtt» 

aftrata'n^inb  Astrakhan'  fur. 

Slftranampe  as  tral  lamp. 

SIftran'tie  c  masterwort,  Aftrantia. 

3tftro{(a'biunt  n  -bier  as'trolabe.  -lo'g  c  -er 
astrologer,  -logi'  c  astrol'ogy.  -(o'gift  a  astro- 
log ic(al),  -nom  c  er  astron'omer.  -nomi'  c 
iistron'omy.    -netttifl  a  astronom'ical. 

9lftu'r|ien  n  the  Asturias.  -ier  c,  -ift  a  Astu- 
ri  an. 

*llf«)'l  n  -er  asylum,  (place  of)  refuge.    -barn 



charity  chlld.  -måber  matron  of  an  asylum. 
■flote  charity  school.  -ret  the  right  of  an 

%t'  conj  (foran  ©ætn.)  that;  (for)  ot  tHe  lest; 
meb  niinbre  at  unless;  bet  ftulbe  ba  oære  at  unless 
indeed;  jeg  tDtbler  iffe  om  at  I  do  not  doubt  but; 
ieg  oeb,  ot  6an  er  ærlig  I  linow  that  he  is  honest 
el.  I  know  him  to  be  h.;  bet  unbrec  mig,  at  bu  tom 
I  wonder  at  your  coming;  ben  Omftæiibig^eb,  at 
^on  fom  the  circumstance  el.  faet  of  his  coming; 
gfølgen  af,  at  fian  tom  the  consequence  of  his 
coming;  efter  at  wheu,  after;  for  at  that,  in 
order  that;  ber  er  intet  onbt  f  at  ^an .  .  .  there 
is  no  harm  in  his  .  .  .  -ing;  faa  at  so  that;  fao 
ll)ft,  at  bet  gør  onbt  i  øjnene  so  bright  as  to  pain 
the  eyes;  9Jl)^eben  er  for  gob  til  at  jeg  fan  tro  ben 
the  news  is  too  good  for  me  to  believe  it. 

9lt'  conj  (foran  inf)  to;  at  fige  that's  to  say;  jeg 
Bil  prøoe  at  gøre  bet  I  will  try  to  do  it  (p  and 
do  it);  bet  er  let  at  fe  it  is  easy  to  see;  ber  er 
intet  at  fe  there  is  nothing  to  be  seen;  for  at 
to;  for  ilfe  at  not  to;  efter,  i,  meb,  om  ofD.  at 
after  etc.  -ing;  maa  jeg  ulejlige  2)em  meb  at  may 
I  trouble  you  to;  til  at  to;  »il  ®e  ^abe  mig  til  at 
bafle  .  .  .  would  you  have  me  (to)  wash  .  .  .; 
ilte  tit  at  beftrtoe  not  to  be  described;  beb  ot 
orBejbe  (iUJibbel)  by  working;  oeb  at  fe  mig  om 
(o :  ibet)  looking  round;  jeg  græber  beb  ot  tænte 
Xiaa  I  weep  to  think  of. 

9ttat)id'me  c  at'avism,  reversion. 

iStclie'r  n   er  studio. 

2ttci|§m'e  c  a'theism.  -ft'  e  -er  a'theist. 
-Ift'iff  a  athe'istic(alj. 

Slt^anafta'nft  a-.  bet  -e  Stjmbolum  the  Athana'- 
sian  creed. 

Stt^e'n  n  Ath'ens. 

^ttje'ne  Minerva,  Athena.  -tempel  temple  of 
Minerva  (o.  fl.). 

att^enicn'f ler  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r,  -ift  a  Athe'nian. 

9lt^en(C'um  n  athenæiim. 

9{tlant'|er  pi  atlantes.  -er^aoet  the  Atlantic 
(ocean);  Mejle  ober  _  over-sea  voyage.  -ifl  a 

9ltlo§  c  &  n  -fer  (ogfao  §birbel6en)  atlas. 

2lHaå(l) »  satin,  -btab  a  satin-like.  -ertå  flbrous 
malachite.  -format  large  square  folio,  -fugl 
satin  bower  bird,  Ptilonorhynchua  kolosericua. 
-garn  satin  wool. 

9lHa§l)t»trt)eI  atlas. 

8ttlaé|tc§  a  satia.    -læber  glazed  leather. 

9(t(aåløtie  Barbary  lion,  Leo  birbarua. 

MtloålDavlr  satin  paper.  -^pttt,  -ften  satin 
spar.  -f))inber  atlas,  -træ  satin  wood,  Ghtoroxylon 

Sttlc't  c  -er,  ath'lete.    -ifl  a  athlet'ic. 

9ltlinganb  garganey,  Åna8  querquedula. 

9ttmoffæ'r|e  c  -r  at'mosphere.  -ifl  a  atmo- 

Stto'm  n  -er  at'om.  -ift-  -Ift'ifl  a  atom'ic. 
-itc't  c  atomic'ity.  -læren  (the)  atom'ic  philo- 
sophy.  -teorien  the  atom'ic  theory.  -tal,  -Oægt 
atom'ic  weight. 

*2ltt)0flftæng  c  cont  appeudage,  tail. 

aitfadjé  c  -er  attaché. 

9lttcn  eighteen,  -be  eighteenth. 

9lttent| a't  n  -er  attempt;  _  paa  nt  an  attempt 
at  st;  gøre  -  Jjoa  en,  mob  en§  £ib  make  an  attempt 
on,  el.  attempt,  one's  life. 

SHtter  ndv  again,  once  more;  _  onbre  still 
others,  others  still;  _  og  atter  again  and  again, 
over  and  over  again.  -bub  fe  9lf6ub.  -tiang 
0.  fl.  fe  ®eu-. 

SHttcft'  c  -er  certificate,  testimonial.  -a'tS  c 
graduation  in  divinity,  in  law;  toge  juribifl  _ 
graduate  in  law.  -e'rc  vt  certify  (meb  etter  uben 
to),  attest,    -e'ring  c  certification,  attestation. 








aitt'il  c  fe  SommertiDlb. 

9lttit',  aitt'ifa  c  att'ic  (story). 

3ltti|ter  c,  -ifl  a  Attic. 

9lttrna  c  desire  (efter  of),   craving,   yearning, 
longing  (efter  for,  efter  at  to);  fonfelig  _  sensual 
desire.    9lt(raa  vt  desire,  covet,  aspire  to,  yea 
afier.    -bcerbig  a  deslrable,  covetable. 

%itxa)f'{t)  c  -r  trap,  take-in.     -e're  vt  seia 

aittrtttut'  n  -er  att'ribute. 

3lHbicn8'  c  -er  audience;   fao  _  ^08  get  an' 
of    -gemal,  -oærelfe  audience  room,  presence 

9lubi{to'rium  n  -ter  lecture  room;  (Xil^ørernei 
au'ditory,  audience.    -ta'r  c  -er  Solicitor  to 
Royal  Army  and  Navy. 

SiugittSftalb  Augean  stables. 

2lugit'  c  au'gite.    -))orfqr  augit'ic  porphyry. 

^Hugment'  n  -er  ang'ment. 

iilugSburg  n  Augsburg;  ben  -ffe  ftonfeSfion 
Augnstan  Confession. 

aiugn'r  c  -er  augur. 

Sluguft'  c  Au'gust;  (gornabnet)  Augustus. 
August'a.    -e'ift:   ben  -e  JibSalber  the  Augustan 
age.     -i'n  St.    August'ine.    -i'ner  c  e-  August- 
in'ian.     -i'ncrmunl    August'ine,    Austin    fria 
-i'nerorbenen  the  August'ine  order. 

9tultio'n  c  -er  (sale  by)  auction,  (public)  salj 

auction  sale,  vendue;  fælge  »eb  _  sell  by  a.; 
fætte  til  _  put  up  to  a.  ^uttiona'riud  c  auc- 
tioneer.  —  Éultion§|be(eti  fe  -penge,  -bub  ($er= 
fon)  assistant  at  an  a  ;  (bet  ber  bQbeS)  bid.  -bag 
day  of  the  sale.  -birelt^r  direetor  of  piiblic 
sales  (in  a  district).  -forretning  fe  Sluttion. 
-foroalter  auctioneer.  -gebjjr  fe  -omfoflninger. 
-jammer  auctioneer's  hammer;  tomme  unber  -en 
go  to  the  hammer,  -^otber  auctioneer,  vendue 
-master,  -latafog  sale  catalogue.  -lonbitioner 
conditions  of  sale.  -letale  auction  room,  auc- 
tion mart,  saleroom.  -omloftninger  auctioneer's 
fees.  -))enge  amount  of  an  auction.  -fitatat 
notice  of  sale.  -^jriå  a.-price.  -regning  a.-bill 
-rclbirent  person  who  has  demanded  a  sale  by 
auction.  -flflbe  conveyance  signed  by  the  auc- 
tioneer. -fteb  place  where  an  a.  is  held.  -bæfen 
laws  and  regulatlons  relative  to  auctions. 

*2lur  c  gravel. 

3luritel  c  -fler  auricula,  bear's  ear. 

3luriDigraent'  n  o'rpiment. 

aiuro'ra  Auro'ra;  (Sommerfugl)  orange-tip 
(butterfly),  AnthocharM. 

^uflultlant'  c  -er  law  student  keeping  his 
terms  -atto  n  c  auscultation.  -e're  vt  examlne 
by  the  stethoscope;  —  vi  keep  one's  terins. 

3tuf()ic'icr  pi  aus'pices. 

9tuftra'Ii|en  n  Australa'sia,  Polynesia,  (9lt)6ol« 
lanb)  Australia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r,  -ff  Au- 

9lutcn{ti'  c  authentic'ity.  -'tift  a  authent- 

3(uto|biografi  c  autobiog'raphy.  -(^to'n  c  -er 

Slutobafe   c  -er  auto-da-fe  (pi  autos-da-fe). 

Stutobibott'  c  -er  self-taught  man. 

^utogra  f  c  -er  au'tograph.  -e're  vt  au'to- 
graph  -i'  c  autog  raphy.  -ift  a  autograph 'ic. 
•famler,  -famling  coUector,  coUection,  of  au- 

Éutoma't  n  &  c  -er  autom'aton  (pi  -ta  el.  -tons). 
-ifl  II  automat'ic(al). 

9lutor  c  -o  rer  author.  -ifatio'n  c  -er  authori- 
za'tioii.  -ife'rc  vt  au  ihorize,  empower.  -ifc'rct 
a  au'thorizerl,  lieensed  -itet  c  -er  authority. 
-ite'tStro  unquestiouing  faith. 

Slujiliæ'r    a\ixili  ary. 

Mb'!  Oh!     Oh  dear!     Ow! 




SItiait'ce  c  profit,  advaotage,  advance.  -ment, 
n  -er  advancement,  promotion,  preferment.  -'re 
vi  (roffe  frem)  advauce;  (forfremmes)  be  promoted 
el.  preferred,  rise  (in  the  service). 

Sloan'tgarte  c  vanguard,  van. 

Slue  vt  (tbinge)  check,  restrain.  —  9loe  c  check, 
Control,  restraint;  (Xugt)  discipline,  correction. 
chastisement;  ^olbe  en  i  _  keep  one  in  check, 
under  restraint.  t-I*8  a  nnrestrained,  undis- 

9ltic-3Raria  »  Ave(-Mary). 

Stornttnerbjisrget  Mount  Av'entine. 

SCtterjé'  c  er  obverse  (side),  -fio'tt  c  aver'sion. 
-flonaifum  sum  of  acquittance.  -te're  vt  ad'- 
veriise.  -tidfe'mcnt'  n  er  adver'tisement;  inb= 
r^tfe  et  _  advertise.  —  'JloertiéfemcntSilotttor 
advertisiug  oflSce.  -omfoftntn§cc  expenses  for 
advertisements.  -orb  cautionary  word.  -po^t  fe 
Stotfo-.  -tittenbe  advertiser.  —  »Sluertlfflrgut 

ttløet  a  awkward,  clumsy. 

JIttinb  c  envy;  t  (Siag)  grudge,  rancour;  Bære  _ 
ttl  en  bear  one  malice,  have  a  grudge  el.  spite 
against  one,  owe  one  a  grudge.  —  StOinb^lfri 
a  without  malice  el.  envy.  -fulb  a  spiteful, 
malignant,  envious. 

aBiitbfljolb :  føre  _  mob  Songen  bear  arms 
against  the  king  and  state. 

Sloinbdmanb  c  maligner,  enemy.  Stbinblf^g  a 
envious.     -f^gc  envy. 

*9lotnfl  fe  Jrom. 

Stbi'S  c  mere  advice. 

^Oi'é  c  -er  newspaper,  journal,  public  print, 
paper;  maa  jeg  fe  ben  _  efter  ®em?  I  will  take 
that  paper  after  you,  please;  ^olbe  en  -  take  in 
a  paper;  fætte  nt  i  -en  insert  st  in  the  news- 
paper, advertise.  -Ottbnhoax.  -artifcl  n  article, 
(fort)  paragraph. 

MtJt'åbrejj  fe  Sloifo-. 

9l»)t'§|bub  newsman,  newsboy.  -efterretning 
newspaper  account.  -etdt)Cbitian  newspaper 
offi''e;  (p.  $oft^.)  n.  branch. 

9J»ife're  vt  advise. 

SlBt  Sfejbe  newspaper  war.  -frieri  adver- 
tisiug for  a  wife.  -lontor  n.  ofHce.  -lafer 
reader  of  newspapers.  -(leSning  reading  of 
newspapers.     -n^^cb  report  in  the  newspapers. 

SlOi'fo  fe  9lDi3  1.  -baab  advice  boat.  -breb 
letter  of  advice.  -bam))fltb  dispatch  steamer. 
-fart«!  dispatch  vessel.j 

%oi'd))apir  (til  Stsifer)  newspaper,  news;  (af 
3lBifer)  old  newspapers. 

Slbi'S^oft  post  of  observation. 

9lDt'3rQgte  rumour  in  the  newspapers. 

9(tii'åfttb  dispatch  vessel. 

9(oi  i^lffrioer  newspaper  writer.  -ftugenbe  a 
news-devouring.  -f^atte  n.  column,  -telegram 
press  telegram,  -tratter  printer  of  a  newspaper. 
-Uarclfc  news-room. 

A  Tlsta  mere  at  sight. 

9lbl  c  culture;  (af  S)>)r)  breeding;  (®rift)  hus- 
bandry,  farming;  (®røbe)  crop,  produce;  bruge, 
briee  _  farm,  manage  a  farm.f 

•Mbl  c    er  forge. 

SMblc  vt  (frembringe)  beget,  procreate,  (meft  om 
3)t)r  oqfig.)  breed,  generate,  (meft ./?».)  engender; 
(af  forben)  raise,  grow;  _  93ørn  beget  children; 
i  min  ^aoe  fan  ber  -§  gotc  Kartofler  my  garden 
will  grow  good  potatoes.  -baob  aet  of  coition. 
•brift  sexual  desire.  -b^gtig  a  procreative,  able 
to  procreate.  -bMtig^cb  capability  of  procrea- 
tion.  -ebne,  -fraft  procreative  power,  -lem 
genital  member  (pigenitals).  -Ibfl  fe -brift.  -^-r 
c  -e  procreator;  t  boarder,  -reb^ab  fe  -lem.  — 
Sloling  c  -er  procreation,  begetting;  fe  Slbl;  t 
larable)  land. 

3lbt§{brug  farming,  agriculiure.  -bruger  hus 
bandman,  farmer,  -btigninger  farm  buildings. 
-brift  fe -brug.  -b^r  breeding  animal.  -foroalter 
land  steward,  farm-bailiff,  se  grieve.  -gaarb 
farm.  -farl  farmer's  head  servant,  steward. 
+-manb  fe  -bruger,  -rebflab  farming  implement. 
-tialg  natural  selection. 

9lbnb«g  hornbeam,  Carpinus  betulus. 

Slbn|e  c  r  chafif,  husk.  -et  a  chaffy.  -tni^^e 
oommon  sedge,  Cladium  marigctis. 

3l£io'm  n  -er  ax'iom. 

%£iame'ter  n  axiom'eter. 

^£iéi)jort  axis(  deer). 

^loUtl  e  axolotl. 

^jaica  c  azalea. 

iK  Jimut  n  az'imuth.  -fom))a$  a.  compass. 
-ffibc  a,  dial  (o.  ft.). 

9ljincou'rt  n  A'gincourt. 

9(se'r|ifl  a  Azorian;  be  -e  ^er  el.  -erne  tha 
Azores,  the  Western  Islands. 

Stjo't  n  az'ote. 

atjobff  a :  bet  -f!e  $atj  the  Sea  of  Azov  el.  Azoflf. 

ajtefler  pi  Aztecs.    -ifl  a  Aztec. 

aiittr  c  azure.    -blaa  «  azure. 

V,  »  [©e]  n  -er  («ogft.):|B,  b  [bee];  musBflat; 
abr:   as.  =  83inb  volume;   Set.  =  SJetQbning 

nse;  bt.  =  blanbt  among. 

«aab  c  e  boat,  (ritte,  let)  skiflF,  (Ittte,  flabbunbet) 
punt.  -aore,  -befætning  fe  93aabl=.  -bctræl  boat 
cover,  -bjætte  skid  beam.  -brog  boat's  gripes. 
-bygger,  -b»)ggert,  -btjgntng  fe  i8aabe=.  -beje  boat 
buoy.    ©aobe  vt  boat,  transport  in  a  boat. 

99aabe  c  gain,  profit,  advantage.  —  ©aabe  it 
iienefit,   boot;   bet  -r  big   fun    libt  it  will  be  of 

aall  use  to  you,  it  will  not  beneflt  you  much. 

tSaabe  a  fe  Segge. 

Saabe  conj:  _  ...  og  both  .  .  .  and;   ban  er 

nre  enb  -  bu  og  jeg  he  is  taller  than  either  your 

ISaabel  (*  i  olie  biSfe  Smf.  »aob-)  bro  bridge 
Sarfeu:  Sanfl-ffingelft  Drbbog. 

of  boats.  -bygger  boat-bullder.  -bqggeri,  -b^g^ 
gerbærft  boatbuilder's  yard.  -bagning  boat 
-building.    -fort  boating. 

tSaabelfulb  a  fe   rig. 

95aob(e)^abn  berth  el.  harbour  for  boats.  -ffui 
k  -ffur. 

93oab|ejer  boat  owner.  -elS^iebitien  boating 

^aab(e  (eje  fe  -^abn. 

■f9aabe|I«iS  a  unprofltable,  fruitless.  -^-rig  n 
useful,  profitable. 

Saab'e)|ftnr  boat  house,  shod.  -trattd)>ort 
conveyance  by  boat.  -tnr  boating  excursion. 
•tømmer  timber  for  boats. 

Saablfifferi  fishing  from  boats.  -formig  a 
boat-shaped.    -fugt  fe  Sipftjært.    -fnlb  c  boatful, 




boatload.  -f«tejr  boatmaii.  -Bolfle  boat-gallows. 
-tatftft  cuddy.  -lanon  boat-service  gun.  -Ilnb 
b.  Club,  rowing  club.  -Icjc  ?e  SBaobS^.  -lænflbe 
boat's  length.  -ttenge  boat-sling.  -manb  boat- 
man.  -nrcb  boatbill,  Cancroma.  •■naft  fe  SSaabe^ 
flur.  -^rop  plug.  *-ti<>  sheer-strake  (ofaboat). 
a3aab§|aare  boat's  oar.  -anfer  boat  anchor. 
-befcetning  boat's  crew.  -ito  skids  pi.  -bræg 
grapnel.  -foll  boatmen.  -fragt  boat's  freighi. 
-^oge  boat  hook.  -^tiiler  c  -e  boat- fender,  -fart 
boatman.  -tlo«H>erp/  boat's  chocks  pi.  -Itabbe 
gripe.    -lobttirtg  boat  load.    -tnanb  boatswaiu. 

©a(Jb8manbé|bnlle  boatswain's  mess.  -gafter 
boatswain's  crew.  -^cUegat  b.'s  store-room. 
-Inob  reef-knot.  -mat  b.'s  mate.  -pibe  b.'s 
whistle  el.  call;  ftøbe  i  -n  wind  the  call. 

S3aab9|moft  mast  of  a  boat.  -tebffaber  boat's 
gear.  -ribber  ledges  ofa  boat.  -ringe  boatrings. 
-roer  boatman. 

a3aa'b|ftue  boat-show.  -ftoge  puutpole.  -ftJ)- 
rer  coxwain.  *-ft«  hard.  -furring  boat's  gripes. 
-ttlbtte boat-accident.  -(S)oægter  boatkeeper. 
"'vaae  c  -x  sunken  rock. 
^aat,  ajaale  c  -r  beacon. 
S3aoI  n,  pi  =,  fire;  (Sigfiaal)  pyre,  (funeral) 
pile;  bøbe  poa  -et  was  (tied  to  a  stake  and)  burned 
to  death,  suffered  death  by  fire  el.  at  the  stake; 
bømteS  til  -  og  Sranb  was  condemned  to  the 
stake  el.  to  the  flames. 
mal  Ba'al.  8aal§bflr!clfe  Ba'alism. 
»oanb  n,  pi  =,  (i  mim.)  band,  tie,  bond,  (fmalt) 
string;  (til  <PDnt,  DrbenSfiaonb)  ribbon;  (^Panbe^ 
$aar=)  fillet;  (©trifie)  band;  (Xemr.)  feather,  truss; 
arch  moulding,  stringing,  filet;  (Xanbe«  o.  1.) 
hoop;  anat  ligament;  fig  band,  bond,  tie,  (Koang) 
check,  restraint;  ®ntgt)eb§  -  bond  of  union;  SSeiP 
ftobS  _  ties  of  friendship;  lægge  ~  paa  check, 
restraiti,  lay  a  restraint  upon;  unber  -,  fe  Sori-. 
93aanb|agat  ribbon-agate.  -agtig  a  ribbon-like; 
ligamentous.  -befcetning :  meb  -  trimmed  with 
ribbou.  -blomfter  artificial  flowers.  -bannet  « 
fe  -formig.  »nanbe  vt  hoop.  aSaaublbribcr  coo- 
per's  driver,  -fabrit,  -fabrilotion  ribbon  manu 
facture.  -fabrifant  ribbon-manufacturer.  -flft 
ribbon-flsh.  -formig  i  ribbon-shaped;  3f  ligulate. 
-gePmS  string,  -go^jle  cestum.  -græ§  ribbou 
grass,  Fhalaris  arundinaeea  picta.  -bage  turrel. 
-l^anbct  ribbon  tråde,  -bonbler  dealer  in  rib- 
bons. -bu§bro§  ribbon  isinglass.  -IjflOl  hoop 
shave.  93aanbing  c  hooping.  SBaanb|jaé<)ié 
atriped  jasois.  -jærtt  hoop-iron.  -ttliO  addice, 
adze,  drawing-knife.  -tæbe  mech  band-chain. 
-Ugnenbe  a  fe  -agtig.  -lægge  vt  tie  up.  -læggelfe 
c  fettering.  -lære  syudesmology.  -I«b  twisted 
barrel.  -lobet  a  with  twisted  barreis.  -lotte  fe 
-fløjfe.  -maal  measuring  tape.  -mager  c -e  hoop- 
maker.  -matrcl  streaked  mackerel,  Equulw. 
-naale  minikin  pins.  -orm  fe  SSænbel-.  -^>il  osier, 
Salix  viminatis.  -rofe  rosette.  -rulle  roll  of 
ribbon.  -fab,  •*fag  band  saw,  endless  saw. 
-i«$fe  bow  of  ribbon,  favour.  -ftage  hoop-pole. 
-ftolcooper'sbench.  -ttæti  ribbon-weaver'sloom. 
-»ætter  ribbon-weaver.  -refte  band-box.  -«I§c 
fe  Xætigfel. 

»aare  c  -r  (£ig=)  bier;   (til  ©^ge)  stretcher;   * 
Saare  c  -r  proo  fe  SSøtge. 
fSBaare  c  prov  =  SSvatniart. 
»artren  part  (of  SSære)   borne;  føbt  og  _  bom 
and  bred;  i  Sebet  _  bred  in  the  bone. 

Saoé  c   e  stall,   (luttet  pao  oHe  ©iber)  pen;  (p. 
SafteUoft)  berth.    -e  vt  stall. 
Saba  c  currant  cake. 
»abel  n  Babel,    -ft  a  Babylon'ic. 
CabimS'fe  c  -r  babyroussa. 
9able  vi  babble. 



9}abtti'n  c  bab'uin  baboon,  Gimocephalua  6a- 

btiin . 

SBab^llOR  n  Babylon,     -lo'nien  n  Babylonia. 

-lonler   c   Babylonian.    -lo'nift  a   Babylonian, 

Babylon'ic,  Babylonish;    ben    e  ©føge  the  Baby 

lonian  whore;   bet  -e  gongenftob  the  Babylonisl 


^accalau'reuå  c  bachelor  of  arts. 

ajacil'  c  -Her  bacillus  (pi   i). 

©ab  n    e  bath;  (SBabefteb)  baths  pi,  wateriug 

-place,  spa(w),  tage  et  _  take  a  bath  el.  bathe; 

er  i  ~  is  bathing;    rejfe  til  et  _  go  to  a  watering 

-place;  ligge  ueb  et  -  stay,   spend  a  season,  at  a 

watering-place;  fe  ®enføbeife. 

©obe  vt  &  i  bathe;  (ftjge  Cemmer  o.  1.)  foment; 
-  fifl  bathe;  _  fig  i  ©olen  bask  in  the  sun.  -an- 
stalt bathing  establishment,  -appatat  bathing 
apparatus.  -baltle,  fe -far.  -boSfinbathiDg-basin. 
-bragt  bathiugdress.  -gæft  baiher,  frequenter 
of  the  baths.  -^otel  marine  hotel.  -bu8  bathing 
house,  -^cette  bathing  cap.  -jomfru  bath  woman. 
-lammer  bathing  room,  bath  room.  -tappe 
bathing  gown.  -far  bathing  tub,  bath.  -larl 
bathman.  -tjolc  bathing-gown.  -flæber  bathing- 
dress.  -fone  bath-womau.  -fur  the  useof  mineral 
waters;  Bruge  _  take  the  waters.  -læge  physician 
in  a  watering-place.  -manb,  -mefter  bath-keeper, 
bathing-man.  -mibbel  lotion,  fomentation.  -n 
c  fe  SBabning. 
SBabcn  n  Baden. 

SBabel^ige  fe  -jomfru.  33aber  c  -e  bath-keeper. 
SBabelrejfe  joumey  to  a  watering  place.  -ftjorte 
bathing-gown.  -flam  bathing-mud.  -fteb  (til  at 
babe  fig)  bathing- place;  (fom  man  rejfer  til)  water- 
ing-place. -ftiam)>  bathing  sponge.  -fæfon 
bathingseason,  season  at  a  watering-place.  -tib 
bathing  hours;  fe  -fæfon.  -Oanb  water  of  the  bath. 
-Oogn  bftthingmachine.  —  Skabning  c  bathing. 
tSBobftær  c  -e  barber-surgeon,  surgeon-barber. 
©abftue  c  bath-room,  bathing-room;  *  drying 
-house  {for  grain).    -manb  bath-keeper. 

Sobut'IfVring  vault.  -fejringer  vaulter,  tum- 
iBaffittSbugten  Baffin  Bay. 
SBag  c  back;  tole  ilbe  om  en  paa  ^an§  -  speak 
ill  of  one  behind  his  back;  ^ar  mange  9lar  paa 
•en  is  well  stricken  in  years;  ^ar  fgrret^oe  ?lat 
paa  -en  is  turned  forty.  —  Sag  præp  behind, 
at  the  back  of,  in  the  rear  of;  —  adv  behind. 
-af  proep :  falbt  -  SSognen  fell  off  the  waggon  be- 
hind; fig  goa  _  Sonfen  go  to  the  wall. 

a3aga'ge  c  -r  ($ær§)  bag'gage;  (9lejfenbfS)  lug- 
gage,    umr   baggage,   plunder.      -fane   fanion. 
-tjogn  baggage- waggon. 
33aglal^el  c  hind  axle. 
S3agartt  succession  of  ascendants. 
SagaS  fe  c  bagasse,  cane-trash. 
Sagotel'  c   Her  trifle,  hagatelle;  aa  - !  never 
mind!  flddlestick!  bribe  %iitn  ^en  meb  -ler  trifle 
away  one's  time. 

SBaglben  hind  leg;  rejfte  fig  paa  -ene  rose  on 
his  hind  legs,  reared;  jfia  fætter  fig  paa  -ene  is 
obstinate  el  unpracticable,  recalcitrates,  shows 
fight,  puts  up  his  back,  p  rides  rusty.  -binbe 
vt  pinion,  tie  one's  hånds  behind  his  back. 
-borb  port  (+  larboard);  _  meb  Koret!  port  the 
helm;  fejler  meb  -é  ^aife  (ooer  ©t^rborb)  is  on 
the  port  tack.  -boo  hind  quarter.  -bue  (®mp.) 
back  link.  -butit  back  shop.  -btigning  back 
building.  -bæft  ass,  jack-ass,  booby.  -bel  (i  9llm.) 
hind  part,  hinder  part;  (Kumpc)  backside,  po- 
steriors,  fundament;  (af  SBufSer)  the  behind,  the 
seatof  one's  trowsers.  -b ofte  back  puppet.  -bor 
back  door,  postem. 
©oge  vt  bake;  _  SSrøb  make  bread;  -  ftg  (fammen. 




u  ftiili  cliiiker.  -borb  kueaiUiig  boaid.  -braenbe 

iBflflcfter  præp.  &  adv  behind,  (om  Sib)  after; 

iir  feiit)  too  late;    F   bev  er  til  Sqx.  Sil.  -  Mr.  N. 

i  11  liave  to  pay  for  it. 

Sagctul  baking  coal. 

Øagcnbe  c  hiud  part. 

Sagenlfor,  *-fr«>  -tit  ie  »og  (pro'/j  &  arf«),  aafl= 
ha,  SBagtil. 

Sagepenge  money  paid  for  baking. 

Sager  c  -e  bakér;  gaa  til  -en  go  to  the  baker's 

::op.    -fiarn  baker's  child;  gine -Bom  ^Debebrab 

irry  coals  to   Newcastle,    -bob,  -buttt  baker's 

lop.  -breb  baker's  bread.  -brcng  baker's  ap- 

*S8agerc  comp  f  hinder. 

Sagerjgaarb  bake-house,  bakery.    -^aanbooert 

iker's   tråde.     Sageri'   n   -er  b.   f.;   fe  -gaarb. 

agerifarl  baker's  man.  Sager|Initi  dough 
i^uife.  -tone  baker's  wife.  -lob  bakers'  company. 
•iiere:  er  i  -  is  apprenticed  to  a  baker.  -læt= 
ling  baker's  apprentice.  -Ian  te  SBageoenge. 
tntftcr    (master)    baker.     -obn   (baker's)    oven. 

yagerS  n  bake-house.    tBager{^obI  peel.    -fm«r 

kin;;  butler.  -fOenb  journeyman  baker.  -(cble 
:  nkiuK  apple. 

Sageft,  *iBflgerft  sup,  a  hindmost;  —  adv 
fiirthest  back  el.  behind. 

Sagelftue  bake-room,  -oattne  heat  of  the 
oven     -beb  oven-wood. 

*33agebje  c  eddy. 

Sa'glftnne  hind  fln.  -fjcrbing  hind  quarter, 
ip.  minbre  ®tir)  hind  leg.  -fjæt  back  board,  tail 
-board,  -flll  c  heel-piece,  heel-tap.  •flitte  vt 
heel(-piece,  -tap),  -fllfttijig  c  heeling.  -fob  hind 
foot.  -fra  adv  &  præp  from  behind;  Beat)nbe  nt 
_  begin  st  at  the  wrong  end;  tabe  _  load  at  the 
breech.    -gaarb  backyard,  rear-yard. 

SagøeKr)^  -rt  c,  -tnafline  fe  Wubbermaffine. 

Sagigrunb  (9RaI.  og  .^t?)  backgronnd,  distance; 
theat  back  scene;  maatte  træbe  i  -en  for  was 
thrown  into  the  shade  el.  eclipsed  by.  -grunbS- 
fuliSfer  flat  scenes,  flåts.  -t)aanb  (9l&e§)  hind 
hånd;  -^aanben  (JJort)  the  younger  hånd;  ^  fe 
agters  (J^eflå)  fe  SrtjbS;  er  i  -en  is  the  younger 
hånd,  the  last  player;  "^aoe  nt  i  -en  have  st  in 
reserve,  -ftaar  back  hair.  -^ale  fig  vr  J/  back. 
-fjerne  hind  brain,  cerebellum.  -^ittl  hind 
wheel.  -Ijotb  ambush,  ambuscade;  ligge  i  _  for 
lie  in  ambush  el.  in  wait  for;  lægge  fig  i  _  for 
waylay.  *-^on,  -Ijun  (outside)  slap,  flaw-piece. 
•tiobcb  hind  head,  occiput.  -I)u§  back  house, 
back  of  the  house,  -i  adv  in  the  back;  —  præp 
in  the  back  of.  -inb  adv  (in)  from  behind. 
•inbicR  n  Further  (el.  Farther)  India,  -tammer 
back  room.  -tappe  quarter-piece.  -tlo  hind  claw. 
-flog  «  dftenvise,  afterwitted.  -ttog^ab  after- 
wlts.  -Kæbning  back.  -trop  hind-part  (of  the 
body);  (p.  3nfett)  abdomen.  -tropéring  abdo- 
minal  section.  -feb  meat  of  the  hind  quarter. 
-laage  small  back  door.  -laar  back  parth  of 
the  thigh.  -Iaa9:  Søren  er  gooet  i  -  the  lock 
has  slipped  el.  caught;  breje  i  -  slip  the  lock, 
tix  the  key;  Wunben  git  i  _  for  ^am  he  stopped 
Short,  -laber,  -labcttdabcn  breech-loader.  -Iab= 
ningSgcbær,  -labningStanon  breech-loading  gun 
(0.  fl  ).  -loftet  o  loader  by  the  stern.  -lentMposte- 
rior  extremity;  hind  limb.  *-li,  -Hb  shady  side 
of  a  valley,  hill-side  with  a  northern  aspect. 
+»flgHg  <i  backward.  »aglUb  (3nf.)  fe  -frop. 
-(omme  back-pocket,  coat-tail  pocket.  -((Cber 
fe  -lappe,  -ttcnb  hindmost  part  of  the  loin. 
•loen^  iidv  backward(s).  -lænSløb  backward 
race.  -læS  back  part  of  a  carl-load.  -manb 
rear-rank  man.  -mur  back  wall;  (i  TOaéoen) 

Sagning  c  baking. 

Sag|*ol(e)  fe  SSagrem.  -op  ado  up  behind;  ftige 
_  i  en  SBogn  get  into  a  waggon  from  behind; 
flaa  ~  kick.  -ober  adv  backwards;  f  gaa  -  af 
^enrqffelfe  be  struck  all  of  a  heap  with  eestasy. 
-paa  adv  &  præp  behind;  tomme  -  en  steal  upon 
one;  faa  bar  fom  _  min  Jpaanb  as  bare  as  the 
back  of  my  hånd.  -ptabe  back-plate.  -plabiS 
I  back  seat.  -plob  hind  part  of  a  plough.  -poW' 
mertt  Further  Pomerania.  -port  back  gate, 
postern.  -pote  hind  paw.  -raob  to  look  the 
stable  door  when  the  steed  is  stolen.  *-re  fe 
S8agere.  -rebe  fe  »ogn.  -rem  crupper.  -ro  (p. 
®eticertaa§)  hind  notch  (of  the  tumbler),  -rum 
hind  compartment.  ■  -fat  back  parlour  e(.  room: 
(©tofttærf)  back  floor.  -fejle  fig  vr  ^  ti;l:e  thf 
wrong  side  of  a  point,  -fibc  back,  backside; 
reverse  (of  a  coin).  -ffant  leg.  -flo  hind  shoe. 
■ffo  vt  furnish  with  hind  shoes.  *-ffflt  e  stern. 
-ffnb  straight  away  shot.  -ffæftc  butt  end. 
-flab  n  tail.  -flag  reaction  -fmcet  after-clap. 
-fmætfe  fe  fjæl.  -fnat  after  talk.  -fpor:  jage 
paa  _  hunt  counter. 

*9Jagft  c  baking. 

Sa  giftag  J,  preventer-back-stay.  -^agdbtnb 
quarteiing  wind.    -ftaPR  stern. 

*S8agcftc|^eae,  -d^He  baxter,  glrdle,  (af  ©ten) 
back  stone. 

Sa'glftol  (i  2aa8)  bridle.  *-ftræP  reaction. 
*-ftræber  c  -e  reactionist.  -ftr«m  (back-)eddy. 
-ftue  back-room;  (©toge)  back  ground-floor. 
-^^ttc  back-piece,  after-piece;  fætte  nije  -r  i 
(*entl.)  reseat.  -ftæbn  fe  9lgter=.  -fæbc  back 
seat.  -f«  backsweep  of  the  waves.  -tao  hind 
toe.  -tal  last  num'ber  of  an  „2lmbe".  -tole  vt 
backhite,  calumnlate,  slander,  defame,  asperse, 
malign,  traduce.  -talelfe  <;  baekbiting,  calumny, 
alander,  scandal,  aspersion,  defamation,  detrac- 
tion;  -ni  ©tole  the  School  for  Scandal.  -taler, 
•talcrffe  backbiter,  calumniator  etc.  -talertft, 
-talerft  a  slanderous,  defamatory,  cnlumniatory, 
,  calumnious,  scandalous.  -tanb  cheek  tooth,  jaw 
tooth,  grinder,  -tang  (p.  ^øBlebænt)  hind-screw. 
•tanfe  secret  thought,  underthought.  f  little 
game.  -tit  adv  at  the  back,  in  the  rear,  posteriorly . 
-tog  fe  -trab.  -tommel  hind  thumb.  -trappe  back 
stairs,  b.  staircase.  -trao,  -trop  rear,  rearguard. 
-tung  u  heavy  behind,  back-loaded,  -tceppe 
back  curtain,  back  scene.  -Ub  ado  behind;  flaa 
_  kick.  -ttbfpcenb  n  kick.  -oabffe  vt  fe  -tale. 
-babffelfe,  -babffning  fe  -talelfe.  -oabffenbe  a  fe 
-talerift.  -babfler  fe  -toier.  -Panb  backwater.  -»eb 
adv  behind.  -bej  fe  ©nig^.  -oenbt  a  turned  the 
wrong  way,  fig  preposterous;  —  adv  the  wrong 
way.  -benbt^eb  c  preposterousness.  -Pinge  hind 
wing.  -ointer  afier-winter.  -oogn  hind  part  of 
a  waggon,  -oæg  back  wall.  -Poegt(igt)eb)  over- 
weight  backwards.    -bærelfc  back-room. 

Sa'gbætt  n  pastry,  pasti*y-work. 

Sa^a'maøerne  the  Bahamas. 

8aj  n  (%øi)  baize. 

»aj  c  (»ugt)  bay. 

Sai|crn  n  Bava'ria.  -er  c  -e  en  (t)alB)  _  a  haJf 
-bottle  of  Bavarian  beer.  -crff  a  Bavarian;  _  jBt 
el.  -crel  Bavarian  beer.    -rer  c  -e  Bavarian. 

Sattalfoen.  Lake  Baikal. 

Saireut^  n  Bareuth. 

Sajaberc  c  -r  bayadere. 

SBai  aå  c  -er  buflfoon.    -ftreg  buflfoonery. 

Sajonet'  c  -tter  bay'onet;  tage  meb  -ten  carry 
at  the  point  of  the  bayonet;  gennembore  meb  -ten 
bayonet;  meb  -terne  paa  with  flxed  bayonets. 
•angreb  bayonet-charge.  -brint  motion  of  the 
socket.  -baØe  bayonet-socket.  -fægtning  bayonet 
-exercise.  -^ttlé  neck  of  a  bayonet.  •dt)lfe  fe 
belle.      -tobling    mech    bayouet-clutch.     -tom 





bayonet  stud,   -riJiB  locking-ring.  -flebe  bayonet  ' 
scabbard.    -fftibd  point  of  the  bayonet. 

S9at'  a  &  adv  ^  aback,  taken  aback;  6ra|e  - 
heave  to. 

9i>f(tci  c  ^1,  forecastle  (ubt.  olm.  «foxl»). 

SBoIe  c  -r  beacon. 

Vattena'l  w,  -ier  bacchanals.  —  Salfattt'  c 
-er  bacchant.    SBatfatttin'iic  c  -r  bacchan'te. 

SBalte  c  -r  hill,  rising  ground,  rise,  eminence, 
elevation,  slope;   *  (p.  ftnio  o.  I.)  back;   opati  - 
up  hill;  nebob  _  down  hill;  bft  gaor  nebab  _  nteb  ', 
\jam  he  is  going  down  hill. 

Saffc  c  -r  (2ine)  night-line,  long  line,  bultow,  i 

SBot!e  <!  -r  mech  cheek;  (til  ©frueffcertng)  die. 

»tttfc  i:t  J,  (©ejl,  gKafline)  back;  -Sirene  bank 
the  fires;  _  of  back  off;  _  om  box  off. 

93alte  c  -r  (Sræt)  tray,   salver;  ^  mess-kid; 
mess;  (til  at  lægge   iinbcr)  mat;  bære  i  famme  _ 
mess  together.  —  SBaftc  vi  op  serve  out  et.  up;  , 
-  op  for  en  treat  one  sumptuously.  [-Ibotb  dumb 
waiter.  i 

93al!ebrag  range  of  hills.  -  ■  | 

Saltefil  thin  grooved  flle.  ■'"' 

»otielfulb    rt    hilly,    fuU    of  hills.      -l^albl  a 
declivity,  slope,  hill-side.    -jdtrbBær  Alpine straw-  [ 
Vierry,  Fragaria  collina.     -lanb  hilly  country. 

93aftelfe  c  -t  pastry,  svveet  cake.   -boeft  fe  Sag= 
6æft.    -beJB  paste.    -form  pastry  mould.    -jæm  ' 
doughknife.    -ruHe  roller,    -f^ote  jagging  tron. 

tSBaflemab  pap. 

Saffenbart  c  -er  whisker;  (p.  ^nfett)  barba. 

SBaffelneUife  maiden  pink,  Dianthw  deltoides. 
-plots  turu-wrest  ploiigh.  -flbe  fe  -^ætb.  -ftaav 
gully.  -ftraaning,  -firænt  fe  -^ælb.  -ftierne  flea- 
bane,  Erigeron.  -ftrcBcr  pi  hachures.  SBaflet  a 
hilly.    SBattetibfet  earliue-thistle,  Garlina. 

»offtft  a  Bacchic.  I 

S3alfu§  Bacchus.  -bljrtec  bacchana'lian.  -feft 
bacchic  feast.    -ftab  thyrsus. 

93atning  c  J,  (af  WafEinej  backing,  reverse 
motion;  (unber  93anfer)  backing.  I 

8af§|bjæWer  forecastle  beams.  -bom  swinging  i 
boom.  I 

SSafSbræt  J,  rack  for  the  mess-kids. 

S3a!§bæn!  bowsprit  rack. 

Safébreng  mess-boy. 

ajalfe  vt  (cælte)  tumble,  (meb  ^oanbfpog)  prize, 
fSanon)  train.  -bom  large  handspike.  —  ^al^' 
ntnj  c  training  etc. 

»otfeg  fe  ao!fe§. 

iBalåjftft  forecastledeck  partners,  -gattgf^it 
fore-capstan.  -goft  forecastle  man,  f.  jack.  -gulO 
f.  sole. 

SJatSljunge  mess  boy.  -lammevat  mess-mate. 
-lag  mess. 

SBalSluge  fore  scuttle. 

Sal§|mcftcr  caterer.    -|)Iabd  mess  berth. 

SBaI§tiort  chaseport. 

SBalérutte  mess-book. 

8o!ft»)rtng  reversing  gear. 

Sottc'rtcr  pi  bacteriums,  bacteria. 

Satterirbtjrltting  c  cultivation  of  bacteria. 

Sol'  c  -ler  hall;  gøre  en  _  (Siliorb)  pocket  (el. 
hole)  a  ball. 

Sol'  n  -ter  ball;  gaa  paa  _  go  to  a  ball. 

Salan'ce  c  -r  bal'ance;  (®mp.)  beam;  (p.  Jinib) 
bolster;  l^olbe  -n  keep  one's  balance;  fomnte  ub 
af  -n  lose  one's  balance,  overbalance  one's  self; 
opgøre  -n  strike  the  b.  -bog  balance-book. 
Salance'rftang  balancing  pole;  mech  balance 
-verge.  Salflncc|fcbel  swing-kettle.  -fnib  balance 
-knife.  -lampe  swinglamp.  -maftine  beam-en- 
gine.  -o^tgarelfc  balancé-aceount,  balance-sheet. 
Éalante're  t-tpoise,  (ogfaamerc)  balance.  Satance^ 
tap  centre  gudgeon. 

'"Satblom  fe  (gngblomme. 

!8a(bog  programme. 

Salbati'n  c  -er  canopy.    -bærer  c.-bearer. 

Salbame  lady  at  a  ball;  partner. 

SBalbc  c  -r  (p.  Jfoben  ofb.,  ®rab.)  ball;  tvi^ 
dabVjer,  ball. 

SSalbcrdbroa dog-gowan,  May-weed,  Matricari(^ 
inodora;  dog-fennel,  Ånthemis  cotula. 

!BaI|birtIt«r  floor-manager.   -bragt  Imll  dress-" 

Salbrian  c  vale'rian,  Valeriami.  -furt  ©alt 
val'erate,  vale'rianate.  -f^re  val'cric(valerian'ic; 

Salbvonning  belle  el.  reigning  beauty  of  ti 

Salbuit:  Baldwin. 

SalbQ're  vt  embroider. 

*Solc  vi  prov  toil. 

Solca'r lerne,  be  -iffe  ^er  the  Bal'eares,  th^ 
Balear'ic  isles. 

Salfcber  dancing  fever. 

Salg  c  -e  sheath,  scabbard;  flitte  i  -en  sheatli 
broge  af  -en  unsheath. 

Sa(gæft  person  invited  to  a  ball.  -^etre  dancerT 
ball-goer.    -inPitation  invitation  to  a  ball. 

Salfjornifere  [t  ]  vt  bowdlerize. 

Salje  c  -r  tub.  m 

Saltan  the  Balkans,  -^albøeu  the  Balkafl 
Peninsula.    -ftatcme  the  Balkan  States.  m 

Sal|faba(er  fe  -^erre;  partner,  -fiole  ball 
-dress.  -t(æbt  a  dressed  for  a  ball,  in  evenin.s? 

Sadon'  c  -er  balcony;  en  (Zeat.)  the  dress 

SaKort  fe  SBalbog.  _ 

Salta  be  c  -r  ball'ad.  M 

SaOagrnbin  bal'as  ruby.  m 

SaUaft  c  ballast;  tage  _  inb  ballast,  take  ir 
ballast;  loSje  -n  untaallast  the  vessel.  -blol 
of  ballast.  SaMafte  vt  ballast.  Sottaftlfab  bal- 
last-breaker. -jærn  kentledge.  -lifte  tier  of 
ballast-boards.  -fommfSfton  Ballast-Board.  -Hn= 
jen  the  ballast  mark.  -ioSning  unballasting. 
-Io@fer  ballast-heaver.  -ning  c  ballasting.  -^»enge 
ballastage.  -pott  balla.«!  port.  -renbe  ballast 
shoot.  -fejt  port-sail.  -flot  ballast-boards,  -bogn 

*SoBe  vt  fammen  bundle  up,  huddle  togethei-. 

Safle  fe  Solje;  »albe. 

Sotte  c  -r  (SSare-)  hale,  bag;  en  _  $apir  ten 
reams  of  paper.  -gobiS,  -borer  bale  goods. 
-Itenge  bale  sling. 

Sattet' c -ter  ballet  -bonferb.  dancer.  -bonfer- 
inbc  b.  dancer,  b.  girl.    -mcfter  b.  master. 

SoUiftlil'  e  ballistics.     -'ifl  a  ballist'ie. 

Sotton'  c  -er  balloon;  (glaffe)  demijohn,  car- 
boy;  ^1,  balloon-jib.  -f«rcr  balloonist.  -^)oft 

SaUot|c're  vt  &  i  baU'ot,  vote  by  ballot. 
•e'rfugle  ballot-ball.  -c'rmaffine  ballot-box. 
-e'ring  c  ballot(ing). 

Salfal  c  ball-room. 

Salfom,  Salfom  c  -er  balsam,  {oq'iaafig)  halm. 
-baSfe  b.-box.  -buft  balsamicodour.  Solfome're 
«<embalm.  Solfame'ring  cembalming,  embalm- 
ment.  Solfomgran  b.  fir,  Abies  balsamea.  Sai- 
fami'ne  c  -r  bal'samine,  garden  balsam,  Tmpa- 
tienn  balsamin'i.  Solfo'mi^  a  balmy,  balsam'ic, 
fragrant.  Sa(fam|)>o))tic(  b.  poplar,  tacamahac, 
Popultig  balsami/era.  -træ  balsamodendron; 
balm-tree,  Åmvria  gileadensia.  -(tilt  b.-apple, 
Momordica  balsamintt. 

Sal^o  pi  dress  shoes,  pumps. 

Salft^'rig  «  ungovernable,  unruly,  refractory, 
untractable.    -fjeb  c  refractoriness,  unruliness. 

Sol't^afar  Baltha'zar. 

Saltre  fe  SSoItre. 




!Ba(Hft  a  Baltic;  bet   e  |)ao  the  Baltic. 

Safnftra'be  c  bal'ustrade. 

SombuS  c,  -wr  bamboo'.  -ftof  bamboo(-cane); 
|)rl)flle  meb  _  bamboo'. 

Samfe  c  -r  he-bear;  -n  Bruin. 

9ana'l  a  common,  backneyed. 

Sana'n  c  -er  banana.  -træ  banana,  Musa 
»vtpientum.     •tt'bn  plantain-eater,  Mimophaga. 

Snnb'nban,  excommunication,  interdict,  ana- 
ihema;  fætte  i  _  escommunicate;  fætte  i  Sam^ 
funbetS  -  put  out  of  the  pale  of  society. 

»anba'loc  c  -r  bandage,  -gift'  c  -er  bandage 
-maker,  truss-maker. 

Sanblbreti,  -SuHe  buU  of  excommunication. 

9}anbe  c  -r  band,  gang. 

ISanbe  c  -r  (53i[I.)  cushion. 

S3anb|e  vt  swear  at  (one),  curse;  —  vi  swear, 
curse,  use  profane  language;  .  paa  swear  to, 
take  one's  oath  on;  benne  ©finfe  -r  i(fe  this  ham 
is  not  to  be  sneezed  at;  fe  SQrf.  -en  c  curs- 
ing  etc. 

^anbeloflev  ie  <)5enbeloquer. 

*9anb^unb  bound  dog,  bandog. 

93anbit'  c  -ter  bau'dit,  pi  -s  el.  banditti,  brig- 
and,   -tiæfen  brlgandage. 

©anbltjfc  vt  excommunicate,  anathematize; 
./ip  (foroifej  banish.  -nittfl  c  excommunication; 

IBanbote'r  n  shoulder-belt,  bandoleer. 

Sanboti'n  (til  liaoret)  ban'doline. 

99anbifat  {part  af  -fætte);  «  confounded,  cursed, 
damned;  —  adv  confoundedly,  devilish,  -ftraale 
fulmination  (of  an  interdict).  -fætte  vt  excom- 
municate.   -fættelfe  excommunication. 

©ane  c  (Seb)  death,  destruction;  fe  -manb;  bet 
JOug  b(eb  ^anS  ~  that  blow  proved  mortal  to 

Sone  c  -r  course,  path,  way,  (ifær  Søbebanei 
eareer;  art  trajectory,  track;  ($Ianeté)  orbit; 
lp.  jpommer,  9lmboIt,  ®rat)ftiffe)  face;  '©føjteo 
rink;  (SSæbbelabSO  course;  fe  ®Itbe=,  Segle-,  3ærn=; 
5!)^benS  _  the  path  of  virtue;  bringe  poo  _  start, 
broach,  open  (the  subject  of);  br^be  en  _  beat  a 
path,  open  a  way;  brQbe  fig  nl)e  -r  break  new 
ground;  flaa  tnb  poa  en  _  enter  a  course.  — 
©ane  vt  level,  smooth;  _  SSej  ober  et  SBjærg 
clear  a  way  across  a  mountain;  -t  S8ei  beaten 
el.  trodden  road  el.  track;  _  fig  S8ei  make  one's 
way;  fig  ~  SSejen  for  pave  et.  prepare  the  way 
for,  be  the  stepping-stone  to.  ©ane|anlisg 
construction  of  railways;  et  ntjt  _  the  construc- 
lion  of  a  new  railway.  -betjent  railway  officer. 
-brQbenbe  a  pioneering;  sære  _  break  new 
•Tound.  -:brt)ber  pioneer.  -gaarb  (railway-t 
iation,  lerminus,     -^egn  railway  fence. 

©anet)ug  death-blow,  death-stroke. 

©anc|(cgemet  the  (railway)  embankment,  road 
t)e(i,  the  permanent  way.     -linie  railway  line. 

©aneuionb  slayer,  destroj'er. 

©ancimcftcr  overseer,  -mit  mile-run,  train 
mile.    -ribber,  -r«mmer  cow-eatcher. 

©anrjfaar  mortal  wound.  -h-faaret  o  mortally 
wonnded.    -fot  mortal  illness. 

©aneftrætntng  section. 

9aneft«b  dcath-thrust,  mortal  thrust. 

©ancjtog  train.  -bogter  signal-mau,  line-man. 
-t»ogtert)n^  signal-man's  lodge. 

Sange  «  afraid,  apprehen.sive,  fearful;  g»rc 
en  -  frighten  el.  intimidate  one,  give  one  a 
fright;  bliu  i!Ie  -  don't  be  afraid  el.  alarmed; 
-  af  fig  naturally  timid;  ucere  _  for  (frqgte)  be 
afraid  of,  (for  enS  ©ft)lb)  be  apprehen.sive, 
vmeasy,  anxiou.s,  on  one's  account  el.  about 
one,  (om^tjggelig)  careful  of;  bu  ftol  itfe  bære  - 
for  mig  (for  min  gf^lb)  ncver  fear  me;  _  for  af 
imph    riiif  I    afraiii    lo,    (meb    Sætn.)    afraid    el. 

apprehensive  that,  of  -ing;  bu  be^eber  ilte  at 
oære  _  for  at  you  need  be  under  no  appre- 
hensions  that.    ©angiieb  c  timidity. 

©ania'nttte  ban'yan(-tree),  Ficus  indica. 

©anjer  n,  -b<el  orlop  deck.  -ribber  o.  ledges. 
-bæger  o.  clamp. 

©ant  n  &  pi  a,  drabbing,  a  thrashing,  a 

©anf  c :  ooer  en  _  in  the  gross,  on  an  average; 
ffbbe  ober  -  fire  in  barbe  el.  over  the  parapet. 

©anl  c  -r  bank;  lægge  _  op,  ^olbe  _  keep  the 
bank.  -aftie  bank  share;  -r  bank  stock.  -«n- 
biSning  bank-bill,  check.  -a8flf»ent  clerk  in  a 
bank.  -beftqrelfe  governors  of  a  bank.  -Ibog 
pass-book  (at  the  banker's).  -bogf|o(ber  clerk 
In  a  bank.  -bepofitnm  bank-deposit.  -biretter 
bank  director.    -bidtonto  bank  discount. 

©anie  c  -r  (Sanb«,  SaogeO  bank;  (foran  ^abn) 
bar;  ber  ^ar  "^ou  funbet  en  gob  -  he  has  made  a 
good  hit  there.  —  ©anIe  vt  bank,  heap  up  into 

©nnle  et  &  i  beat,  (p.  en  ©er)  kuock,  rap, 
tap  (at  a  door);  (om  ;&iertet)  beat,  tbrob,  palpi- 
tate;  bet  -r  there  is  a  knock  (at  the  door):  -nbe 
Xinbinger  throbbing  temples;  _  en  (of)  thrash 
one,  dust  one's  jacket;  _  et  @»m  i  drive  a  nail 
in;  _  nt  inb  i  en  beat  st  inlo  one;  _  en  op 
(bæfle)  knock  one  up,  *=  _  af;  _  en  p.  Stulberen 
tap,  pat  one  on  the  shoulder;  _  ub  beat  out. 
©anfelaanb  rapping  spirit.  t-b^g  peeled  bar- 
ley,  Scotch  el.  French  barley,  pot  barley.  -tob 
stewed  beef.    ^-teUe  mallet. 

©antembebdmanb  officer  employed  in  a  bank, 

©anten  c  knoeking;  throbbing,  beating. 

©anterot'  c  -ter  bank'ruptcy,  insolvency,  fail- 
ure;  fpiUe  _  become  a  bankrupt,  fail,  break.  — 
o  bankrupt,  insolvent,  ©anlerot'ør  c  -er  bank- 
rupt, insolvent. 

©anf e|ff ammet  bucking-stool.    -ftol  fe  i^ebing. 

©onfet'  c  -ter  ban'quet. 

©antcltærflcl,  -træ  batlet. 

©onfftftier(farl«j)  banker,    -eri  n  banking. 

©antlforretntng  banking  business.  -fulbmæg= 
tig  clerk  in  a  bank.  -t)efte(fe  mortgage  (granted 
to  the  bank),  -^olber  person  who  keeps  the 

©antie'r  c  -er  banker,  -forretning  banking 
establishment;  -er  banking  business. 

©ant|fapita(  stock  in  bank.  -tonto  bank 
-account.  -laan  loan  in  the  bank.  -(oogibningen 
bank-law.  -note  bank-note,  amr  bank-bill. 
-obligation  bank  bond.  -oltroi  statute  of  a 

©antojmart  marc-banco.    -febbel  fe  'SSonfnote. 

©antjpapir  bank-paper.  -penge  bank-money. 
-protnra  full  power  for  the  transaction  of  bank- 
ing business,  -probifion  banker's  comraission. 
-raab  fe  -befl^relfe.    -rebifor  bank-auditor. 

©antfl«)te  banker. 

©anfbæfen  banking-affairs. 

©anner  n  e  banner,  -fører  slandard-bearer. 
-fterre  banneret,  -mærle  banner,  -ftang  standard 

©antingtnren  Ban  ting' s  cure,  bantingism; 
bruge  _,  f  do  Banting. 

©ar  n  acicular  leaves,  pine-needles. 

©ar  a  bare;  meb  -e  gjøbber  with  his  teet  bare, 
in  his  bare  feet;  meb  -e  ©en  bare-legged;  meb  -t 
^aax  bare-headed;  meb  -t  Jpooeb  with  his  head 
bare,  bare-headed  (o.  fl.);  paa  ben  -e  Sorb  on  the 
bare  ground;  poo  ben  -e  Krop  on  the  bare  skin; 
i  ben  -e  ©Ijorte  in  his  (bare)  shirt;  -t  2^8  a  naked 
light;  begtjnbe  paa  ~  fflunb  begin  at  the  very 
foundation,  break  entirely  new  ground;  _  for 
(-  paa)  bare  el.  destitute  of;  brttfe  bet-  e  5Banb  drink 




pure  water,  drink  water  only;  of  -e  fflieblibenl^eb 
in  pure  plty;  af  -e  9HigunbeIfe  from  mere  et.  sheer 
jealousy;  bet  -e  ©nat)8  the  merest  trash;  font  -e 
Sfattben  confounded,  devilish. 

Saral'te  c  -r  hut  for  soldlers;  onbragt  i  -r 

©aran'Ier  vi  Astrakan  lamb-skins. 

Sarartnet  a  with  naked  arms. 

9a>6a'boå  Barbadoes. 

SBorbo'r  c  -er  barbarian. 

$3arliareft'ftaterne  iå  the  Ba'rbary  states. 

^arbati'  n  (Ufultur)  ba'rbarism;  (©rufom^eb) 
barbar'ity,  cruelty. 

93ar6ari'ct  n  Ba'rbary. 

Sarbarifering  c  barbarisation. 

SarBn'rtff  a  barba'rian,  barbar'ic;  (grufom) 
ba'rbarous.  -if{^eb  c  ba'rbarousness,  barbar'ity. 
-td'ine  c    r  ba'rbarism. 

93arbe  c    r  ba'rbel,  Gvprinua  barbus. 

93iirbe  c  (^aar^j^nt)  lappet. 

33a'rBenet  a  bare-legged. 

Sorbc'r  c  erer  ba'rber  (and  hair-cutter);  (5!fiP) 
grouper,  iS'erranua.  •itetUn,  -fat«  shavlng-basin, 
barber' s  plate.  -brenflbarber'sapprentice.  -ttctht 
shaving  cloth.  -fniu  razor.  -loft,  -!ttaft  shaving 
brush.  -lære:  er  i  _  is  apprenticed  to  a  barber. 
-rem  razor-strap.  -ftuc  barber's  (and  hair-cutter' s) 
shop.  -fuenti  joumeyman  barber,  barber's  man. 
-fæbe  shaving-soap.  -taj  shaving-apparatus, 
s. -case. 

Sarbe're  et  (ogfao  fig)  shave;  ~  ftg  shave. 
-ri«B  c  shaving. 

SBarbcttebtttteri  barbette  battery. 

93a'rbugct  n  (om  gift)  apodal. 

^arttc  c-  -r  (©tolb)  bard. 

9arbe  c  -r  whalebone.    -^t>oI  w.  whale. 

9arbc|ttiab  bardic  poem.    -faitfl  b.  song. 

Sarbu'n  F  fe  Srenfe. 

Sarbu'tt  c  -er  J,  backstay.  -r»ft  backstay 
stool.  -fttnne  b.  plate.  -ftxt  overhånd  knot. 
-dræbere  whiskers.  SBarbunSøje  b.  coUar.  8ar= 
butttatfet  guy-tackle. 

SJorbtt'å  adv  bang!  llke  a  bolt. 

©Ore  ftg  vr  forbear,  help,  refrain  from;  jeg 
hiitbe  ifte  _  mig  for  at  le  I  could  not  help 
laughing;  jeg  lunbe  tf!e  _  mig  I  could  not 
help  it. 

SSare  adv  only,  mere,  but;  -  f)an  vat  I)er  if 
only  he  were  here,  (oitffenbe)  would  that  he 
were  here!  8arefte(n8)  F  b-  f- 

SJaret'  c  -ter  honnet,  cap. 

■•Sa'rfleltet  a  ■■  bet  er  _  the  snow  is  off  here 
and  there. 

IBo'rlfobet,  *-fob  a  bare-foot,  bare-footed.  -fob« 
munt,  -føbbermuttt  bare-footed  friar. 

tSarfreb  n  belfry;  asylum. 

»o'rfroft  black  frost. 

*8a'rfttfli  grouse  (i  btbere  SSet.). 

SSo'rIlialfet  a  bare-necked.  -^obebet  a  bare 
•headed.    -^ænbet,  *^ænbt  a  bare-handed. 

©ariutn  n  barium,  -tarbonat  baric  carbonate. 
-tlorib  baric  chloride  (ofo.) 

Surf  c  -er  ,1,  ba'rk. 

3ar(  c  ba'rk;  lægge  $uber  i  _  lay  hides  in 
tan.    -agtig  «  barklike,  barky. 

S3orta§',  Sorfaøfe  c  -r  4,  launch,  long-boat, 
(S^efg=)  barge. 

!8arl{beb  tan-  el.  bark-bed.  -biHe  bark-beetle, 
Bostri^hus.  -brage  bark-cutter,  -brun  o  tanned. 
-bflr  steller,  stellerus,  Rhytina. 

Sarte  vt  (garbe)  tan;  (afborle)  ba'rk,  strip  the 
bark  from;  -be  ©ejl  tanned  sails;  -t  fig  (om 
garben)  tanned,  weather-beaten,  (geitttembartet) 
hardened,  seasoned. 

Sartebrøb  bark  bread. 

Sarteltar  tan-vat.    -tub  ooze. 


©artlfarbe  tan-colour.  -farbet  a  tan-colonred. 
-garbning  tanning.    -^aarb  a  hard  as  bark. 

Sartl^olt  a  -er  J,  walc.  -^ottSgang  strake  of 

a3art|fantet  o  fe  58anbfaiitet.  -tbcern  tan  mill. 
-log  layer  of  bark.    -lub  ooze.    -lué  psylla. 

SBartmaft  J,  mizen-mast. 

a3arl|m«ae  tan  mill.  Sartniug  c  tanning. 
9art|ø|i)IøSntng  solution  of  tan.  -yobning  crowu 

S3art|rigget  a  ^  bark-rigged.  -fejt  spanker. 
■ffib  bark. 

Sarlffjolb  piece  of  bark.  -f))ore  lenticel. 
-ftof  tannin,  -fubftanfett  the  cortical  substance. 
-torn  prickle.    -t«rb  tan  cake.  M 

SBarlu'n  c  -ec  baulk,  yuflfer.  ■ 

l^a'rtinb  c  yew,  Tuxu»  baccata.  m 

©arm  c  -e  bosom,  (om  JJormett)  bust;  J,  corner; 
griber  i  fin  egen  _  looks  into,  goes  home  to,  his 
own  heart.  -^jertig  a  compassionate,  merciful; 
■e  SJrobre,  Søftre  brothers,  sistera  of  charity; 
ben  -e  ©omoritan  the  good  Samaritan;  -e  ®uC! 
mercy  on  me!  -^jertig^eb  c  compassion,  mercy, 
pity;  ^M  _  meb  o§ !  have  mercy  upon  us !  -^jcr= 
tigbeb^gerning  labour  of  mercy. 

SBa'rn  n  pi  SSorn  (*  ofte  pi  =)  child,  (fpæbt) 
infant,  baby,  babe;  -  føbt  efter  goberenS  25eb 
posthumous  child;  ^an  ^ar  ingen  _  he  has  no 
family;  fra  -  af  from  a  child;  bære  meb  -  be 
with  child  el.  in  the  family  way;  antage  i  -i 
Steb  adopt;  brænbt  _  ftQr  ^Iben  a  burnt  child 
dreads  the  fire,  once  bit  twiee  sh^;  biS  -  i  33t) 
og  gaa  felo  efter  if  you  want  a  thing  done  do  it 
yourself;  naar  -et  faar  fin  SSilje,  græber  bet  iffe  my 
mind  to  me  a  kingdom  is;  bet  beb  ^bert  ~  that 
is  familiar  to  every  schoolboy,  the  merest 
schoolboy  knows  that;  af  S3ørn  og  SRarre  ftol  man 
^øre  6anbfteben  children  and  fools  speak  the 
tnith;  ^an  er  ilte  af  SSorl^erreS  bebfte  Søm  he  is 
no  better  than  he  should  be. 

©a'rnaal  pine-needle,   leaf  of  a   coniferons 
;  tree. 

i     ©a'rnagtig  a  childish,  puerile,  infantine.   -^eb 
1  c  childishness,  puerility. 

©a'rnbom  c  childhood,  (tib(igfte)  infancy;  ^an= 
belen«  _  the  Infancy  of  commerce;  fra  -men  af 
1  from  a  child;  i  min  tiblige  _  in  early  childhood; 
gaar  i  -  is  in  his  dotage;  begQnber  at  goa  i  _  is 
falling  into  dotage,  is  fast  verging  on  a  state 
of  second  childhood.  —  SBarnbom^jaor,  -alber, 
•boge  years,  days,  of  childhood;  i  mine  _  in 
the  years  olf  my  childhood.  -egn  place  of  one's 
nativity.  -glæbe  joy  of  one's  c.  -lio  fe  SSatiu 
bom.  -minbe  recollection  of  one's  c.  -oen, -bcn^ 
inbe  friend  of  one's  childhood. 

©arnejaanb  child-mind.  -oor  years  of  child 
hood.  -alber  childhood,  infantile  age.  -anftgt 
child's  face.  -barn  grandchild.  -baruåbarn 
great  grandchild.  -baab  christening,  baptisiii, 
(mobf.  SoiéneS  35aob)  pedobaptism,  infant  baptisui. 
-faber  alleged  father,  ublogbe  fiam  fom  -  fathered 
the  child  upon  him.  -fob  child's  foot.  -føbfel 
childbirth;  _  i  S)ølg§maal  concealment  of  preg- 
nancy.  -fabt  a  bom;  t)an  er  _  i  91.  he  is  a 
native  of  N.  -gerning  childish  aet.  -glab  o 
happy  as  a  child.  H-gob  a  fond  of  children. 
-^aanb,  -fjerte,  -^obeb  child's  hånd,  heart,  head. 
-^ne  child's  cap,  biggin.  -jomfru  nursery  gover- 
ness.  -tommer  nursery,  children's  room.  -tjotc 
child's  frock.  -laber  pi  childish  manners.  -leg 
(mere)  child's  play.  *-Iege  child's  toy.  -Itb 
child's  life.  -mab  food  for  infants,  pap.  -mober 
mother  fof  an  illegitimate  child).  -morb  infanti- 
cide,  child-murder.  -morber,  -morbcrfte  infanti- 
cide.  -natur  child  nature.  *-onbt  pains  of 
childbirth.    -orb  children's  word.   -^lige  nursery 




mald,  nurse  maid  el.  (tjitøre)  girl.  -)>ortrat  por- 
trait  of  a  child.  -remfe,  -rim  nursery  jingle. 
•ret  sonship.  -rob  kidnapping.  -r«ft  voice  of 
:i  child.  -rutter  kidnapper,  -feng  bassinet,  cot. 
finb  childlike  mind;  child-mind.  -fjocl  child 
mind.  -ffc  child's  spoon.  -fli(  children's  way. 
-ffo    child's    shoe.      -fmU    child-smile.      -fnil 

iiildish  nonsense.  -fprog  children's  language, 
-ficmmc  fe  -røft.  -ftreg  childish  trick,  -ftue 
inirsery.  -f»»eb  swaddling  cloth.  -tonfer  childish 
thoughts.  -tro  childlike  faith.  -tii§:  paa  _  in 
the  way  of  children.  -Uife  song  for  children. 
j  -tioqn  perambnlator.  -ttærf  child's  work. 
I  33a  rnlig  a  childish,  infantile,  (om  SSotSne)  child- 
like; (i  Jorljolb  til  ijorcelbrette)  filial;  i  ben  -e  Sliber 
in  childhood.  -^eb  c  childish  el.  childlike  sim- 
plicity  cl.  artlessness. 

SarttliH'e  little  child.  93a'r«|t«§  a  childless. 
-Io§t)eb  c  childlessness. 

"Ba'tnébcn  -.  fra  _  from  childhood,  from  a 
child.  *@arn§Ug  fe  Samlig,  Satnagtig.  SSarnSh 
n»b :  Oære  i  _  travail,  be  in  labour;  ftaa  en  ftone 
6t  i  -  lay  a  woman.    '-unge  little  child. 

Saro!'  o  odd,  singular,  grotesque. 

Saromc'ter  a  -tre  barom'eter.  -falb  fall  of 
the  b.  -ijøjbe  fe  -ftanb.  -tagttagelfe  barometric 
observation,  -tap^tl  cistem  of  a  barometer. 
•tttrbe  barometric  curve.  -ftanb  height  of  the 
barometer,  -føjten  the  barometric  column,  -tr^f 
barometric  pressure. 

33aro'n  c  -er  bar'on.  Saroneå'fe  c  -r  bar'oness. 
Saronct'  c  -ter  bar'onet.  93aronett)ærbtg^eb 
bar'onetcy.  Saroni'  n  -er  bar'ony.  Soronife're 
vt  make  el.  create  a  baron.]  

93ttr'rabo8  Barab'bas.  "-  •.'«»■  j» 

Sorre  c  -r  (af  ©»lo,  Øulb)  bar,  ingot;  J,  bar; 
(®Omn.)  parallel  bars.  -form  ingot-mould.  -for= 
nttg  a  ingot-shaped.  -gulb  (gold-)bullion.  -t^tU 
fer  exercises  on  the  parallel  bars. 

S3arrte're  c  -r  bar'rier. 

SBarrifabe  c  -r  barr'icade.   -'re  vt  barricade. 

9a'rrt)g  c  gymnotus. 

!9ar§  c  bass,  Labrax  lupii». 

Sarfel  n  -)Ter  lying  in,  confinement;  (®ilbe) 
ffeast  in  celebration  of  a  child's)  christening; 
laoer  til  _  is  in  the  family  way;  gjorbe  _  was 
confined.  -feber  child-bed  fever,  puerperal  fever. 
-flaab  fe  -renfclie.  -gilbe  fe  SBariel.  -tone,-  foinbe 
lying-in  woman;  p  lady  in  the  straw.  -loft  [ao], 
-tnab  caudle  for  lying-in  women.  -renfelfe 
cloansings,  lochia.  -f  eng  childbed;  tom  i  _  (meb) 
was  delivered,  coniined,  brought  el.  put  to  bed 
(of);  ligger  i  _  lies  in;  bebe  i  -  died  in  giving 
birth  to  a  child.  -ftne  lying-in  room.  -ftuefnat 
gossip  of  the  lying-in  room.  -tJlfit  lying- In 
risit.  —  Sarf(e  vi  lie  in,  be  confined. 

Sarft  a  harsh,  stem,  severe;  (om  Stemme, 
3?æfen)  gruflf,  rough;  (af  Ubfeenbe)  beetle-browed; 
-t  S?ejr  inclement,  severe,  weather.  -^eb  c 
harshness,  sternness,  grufifness,  severity;  in- 

»a'rffoo  fe  9taaleftob. 

Sa'riflibt  a  threadbaie.  -ftiae(g  arcbangel, 
Galeobdolon  luteum. 

+93art  c  -er,  fe  (Stoeg. 

9att%oloma'tté  Barthol'omew.  -natten  the 
massacre  of  St.  B. 

Sa'rtrce  tree  with  articular  leaves,  conifer. 

tSartftær  fe  Sobffær. 

Sarnt'ft^e  c  -r  tarouche. 

Sar^t'  c  bary  ta.  -^tiibt  permanent  white. 
-magnet  Bononian  stone. 

9a'r))ton  c  -r  bar'ytone. 

8a8'  c  -fer  base,  bass. 

©a'S  c  master,  boss;  J,  master  shipwright;  f 
fpiDe  _  meb  play  el.  trifle  with,  lord  it  over. 

9afalt'  c  basa'lt.  -agtig  a  basaltic.  -formet, 
-formig  a  basaltiform.  -tugle  basaltic  ball.  pot' 
f»)r  porphyrite.  -ftttte  basaltic  column,  ba- 

SJa'fan  n  Ba'shan,  Bas'san. 

©afa'r  c  -er  bazar,  bazaar,  fancy-fair. 

Sofi^ibosut'erne  pi  the  Basbi-bazouks. 

»aft^ttrer  pi  Ba.shkirs. 

»afc^Iit  c  -g  bachelic. 

"Sttfe  et  toil,  tumble,  make  a  noise. 

©afe  c  -r  chem  base.  -banner  c  -e  basifler. 
©ofcite't  c  basic'ity. 

SBafet  n  Basel,  Basle. 

SSafc're  vt  base. 

SSoéifiol  bass-viol,  viola  di  gambii.  -ftojte 
courtal.    -^orn  serp'ent. 

aSafificere  vt  ba'sify. 

ajaft'Iita  c  basil'ica. 

SSafi'litonfaloe  basilicou. 

S3afi'Ittum  (Urt)  c  bas'il,     Ooymum  ba»il%curn. 

SaftUft'  c  -er  bas'ilisk,  cockatrice.  -blif  basilisk 

®ajt§  c  basis,  base.  Saftft  o  bas'ic;  _  tulfurt 
Salt  subcarbonate  (o.  fl.);  _  JJIabe  (Rrljft.)  basal 
plane.  SaftSmaaltng  measurement  of  base-lines. 

Saft  n  pi  =,  (lijbenbe  ©lag)  slap,  thwack; 
i^rljgl)  flogging;  *  fe  S3aftetag.  -e  c«  slap,  thwack; 
—  vi:  -  meb  SBingerne  flap  the  wings. 

Suffler  c  -e,  -iff  o  Basque. 

*8afletoj  n  brush,  bout,  set-to. 

SBa§{ tiarmet  basset-horn.    -tIabiS  fe   nøgle. 

Saålemaner  pi  (ridiculous)  ceremony. 

SaSjlttt^  theorbo.  -nobe  bass-note.  -nøgle 
)iass-clef.    -piie  bassoon. 

93a8retief'  n  -er  bas-relief,  basso-rilievo,  low 

SaSfanger  c  bass-singer. 

SaSfe  c  -r  wild  boar;  F  bulky,  stout  fellow, 

SBaSferal'Ie  c  -r  gossip;  joUiflcation. 

S9o8fet'  c  basset,    -^orn  b.-horn. 

SBaSfin'  n  -er  ba'sin,  reservoir. 

©aSIftft'  c  -er  bass-singer;  b.  f.  f.  -ftiiQer  bass 
-viol  player.  -ftemme  bass-voice.  -ftreng  b. 

S3aft  c  bast,  bass;  (3;oj)  foulard,  biambonees; 
lægge  en  i  S3oanb  og  _  put  one  in  irons  el. 

Softo  c  (i  fi^ombre)  basto;  int  enough!  bermeb 
_  there's  an  end. 

Saftarb'  c  -er  bas'tard,  (tun  om  ®t)r)  mongrel. 
-agtig  a  bastard,  -art  hybrid  species.  -attaS 
Turkish  satin,  -fil  bastard  file.  -folt  mongrel 
nation.  -frembrJngelfe  hybridization.  -laaå 
back-spring  lock.  -nattergal  sedge  warbler, 
Hvpolais  salicariei.  -orb  hybrid  word.  -race 
mongrel  breed.  -betfel  accommodation  bill. 
-oinbue  Flemish  window. 

Safte  vt  bind,  tie  (securely). 

Saftldat  bast  hat. 

Saftinga'ge  c  ^  topgallant  bulwarks. 

Saftio'n  c  -er  bas'tion. 

Saftlmaatte,  -matte  bast  mat. 

fSaftona  be  c  bastinado;  gioe  -  b. 

Saftlreb  coir  rope.  -fejl  bast  sail.  -filte  raw 
silk.    -tott  coir-rope,  (fdærere)  coir-cable. 

Safn'n  c  -er  trombone,  sack-but;  6*6/  trumpet; 
btæfe  9aa  _  play  on  the  trombone;  fig  ftøbe  i  _ 
for  blow  the  trumpet  for.  -blæfcr  sack-but 
player.  -engel:  ftinber  fom  en  -  checks  like  a 
cherub  (on  a  tombstone)- 

SataiUe'  c  -r  battle,  action.  -lanterne  fight 
ing  lantern.    -molerl  battle-piece. 

»atttlHo'n  c  -er  battal'ion.  —  9ataiaonS{IirKrg 
surgeon  major,    -i^ef  major. 




Sata'te  c  -r  batatas,  sweet  potato,  Convolvolue 

1Bata'Vi\a  n  Batavia.    -iet  c  -e,  -iff  a  Batavlan. 

»at^Ctbencn  the  Orcler  of  the  Bath. 

Catift'  c  cambric.    -Icerreb  coarse  cambric. 

93atte  vi  f,  sufflce,  avail. 

♦Sottcné  pi  6  to  7  inches  broad  deals,  -borb 
5  to  7  inches  broad  boards. 

fdattexl  n  er  bat'tery;  ^  gun-deck,  (ftanonerne ) 
battery;  neberfte  _  lower  (gun-)deck;  meHemfte  - 
mlddle  (gnn-)deck;  jøberfte  _  upper  (gun-)deck; 
-er  (Srtjfter)  p  bubbics;  opfofte  et  -erect  a  battery. 
-bæl  gun-deck.  -fafline  battery  fascine.  -t«r») 
gabion.  -loaS  flint-lock.  -tanterne  J,  fighting 
lantern.    -^øtfc  saucisse. 

•©ang  fe  aSob. 

•»ont,  SBaute  ie  SJobte. 

93abta'n  c  -er  baboon,  Cvnocephalus;  ^  boat 

taSabl  n  twaddle.    SJabte  vi  twaddle. 

SSat>n  c  -er  beacon,  cresset. 

Sabtaften  c  (old  Scandinavian)  stone  monu- 

93aQTUm  bay-rum,  bay-water. 

99eaan'be  vt  (aonbe  ifiaa)  brealhe,  blow  softly 
npon;  Jig  inspire,  animate.    -Ife  c  inspiration. 

93ear(ej'b|e  vt  work  (up),  Oorben]  prepare, 
(Bog)  revise,  remodel,  (for  ©cenen)  adapt,  muH 
rescore;  _  nieb  (Softefl^tg  o.  I.)  ply  with;  _  en§ 
K^g)  belabour  one's  back;  _  en  }io  work  upon, 
practice  on,  manipulate,  one.  -ctfe  c  -r  work- 
ing;  belabouring;  revision;  manipulation;  (af 
©fuejpil)  adaptation,  -et  c  -e  adapter,  -r=SRutine 
adaptative  experience. 

Beati  possidentes  possession  is  nine  points  of 
the  law. 

SJeauntonben  the  fashionable  world. 

tScbtan'be  vt  mix  up. 

+^ehlceVte  vt  besmear  with  ink,  be-ink. 

»ebo'  vt  (Steb,  2anb)  inhabit,  (^ui,  fiejltg'^eb) 
occupy,  tenant.  -eltfl  a  habitable,  inhabitable, 
tenantable.  -etig^eb  c  habitableness.  -clfe  c 
habitation,  occupation.  •etfcSIejIigt^eb  dwelling 
•er  c  -e,  -erin'be,  -crffe  c  -r  inhabitant;  occupant, 
occupier,  inmate,  denizen,  dweller,  resident, 
lodger  (be  tre  fibfte  meb  in,  be  BOrtge  meb  of). 

SJebrej'be  vt  upbraid,  reproach  (for,  with  st). 
-tf  e  c  -r  reproach,  upbraidiug.  -nbe  a  reproachful. 

SJcbriU'et  a  bespectacled,  spectacled. 

Sebræm'me  vt  border,  edge. 

^ebn'b  |e  vt  announce,  proclaim,  herald,  notify, 
foreshadow,  forebode,  indicate.  -tfc  c  -r  an- 
nouncement,  notiflcation.  -er  c  -e  herald, 

SSebJjgl'ge  vt  build  upon,  cover  with  buildings; 
(lolonifere)  settle,  colonize.  -etlg  a  to  be  built 
upon.  -elfe  c  building  etc;  settlement,  coloni- 

Seb^r'be  vt  burden,  load,  encumber;  -t  meb 
Ubgifter  til  saddled  with  the  expense  of;  jeg 
oil  ifle  -  3)em  meb  I  will  not  trouble  you  with. 
•tfe  c  burdening  etc;  burdeo,  encumbrance. 

+8etiæ'e  vt  joc  cry  baa  to,  hoot. 

Secif're  vt,  mus  flgure.    -ring  c  flguring. 

Seb  n  -e  (i  en  $abe)  bed,  plot;  gaa  en  i  -ene 
meddle  with  one's  affairs,  poach  upon  one's 

Sebaa're  vt  infatuate,  beguile,  befool,  delude, 
deceive;  lob  flg  ~  af  was  infatuated  by.  -Ife  e 
infatuation,  delusion.  -nbe  a  infatuating,  be- 

Seba'ge  fig  vr  lull,  clear  ofif,  abate;  bet  -r  fig 
she  lulls,  she  is  clearing  ofif,   the  storm  abates. 

Sebaget  a  aged,  strickeu  in  yesirs,  super- 
ann uated. 

Sebbing  fe  SSebing. 






»ebe  c  -r  ^  beet.  Beta. 

tScbe  c  -r  (S)^r)  wether. 

tScbe  vt  (C>uber)  tan;  t  (5D?r)  bait; 

SSebe  Bob,  Beoet  el.  Bcbt  vt  beg,  ask,  desire, 
(inbftænbig)  beseech;  _  en  om  nt  ask,  beg  st  of 
one;  _  en  om  at  beg  one  to;  maa  jeg  _  ®em  om 
Saltet  I  will  thank  you  for  the  salt;  mao  ieg  _ 
®em  om  at  forlabe  SScereljet  I  will  thank  you  to 
leave  (el.  for  leaving)  the  room;  _  en  fri  beg 
one  off;  _  en  til  SKibbag,  S3rt)llup  invite,  ask, 
bid,  one  to  dinner,  to  a  wedding;  bet  ■%  Bemærtet 
please  to  observe;  {)an  lob  fig  ilte  _  to  (Sange  he 
needed  no  second  bidding;  Bob  fig  fritaget 
begged  to  be  excused;  —  vi  (t)olbe  aHen)  pray; 
_  om  ask,  beg  for,  (til  ®ub)  pray  for;  _  for 
intercede  for,  (til  ®ub)  pray  for;  _  om  9tl' 
miSIe  ask  charity;  _  om  Crbet  ask  permission  to 
speak;  om  jeg  tør  ~  if  you  please;  jeg  -r  don't 
mention  it,  no  matter.  SBcbejbag  prayer-day, 
fast-day,  rogation  day.  -bagSanftgt  woful,  rueful, 
laekadaisieal  face  et.  counteuance;  fætte  op  et  - 
pull  a  long  face.  -5n§  house  of  prayer,  chapel. 
•lammer  oratory. 

93ebetar  macerating-vat. 

SBcbcltorbonnbe  mutton  chop. 

SBebelloIte  prayer-bell;  cath  Ave  Maria. 

SBebeføb  (wether)  mutton.  •lalle  leg  of  mutton. 

93ebc|manb  undertaker.  -manbSftit  balderdasl 

SBeben  c  praying  etc. 

SBebe|rt)g,  -fobel  saddle  of  mutton 

^ebelfat  oratory.  -fcbbet  list  of  sick  persons 
to  be  prayed  for.    -ftantmcl  devotional  stool. 

Sebefteb  baiting  place. 

SBcbcfteg  roast  mutton. 

SBcbelftot  pew.    -ftue  oratory.   -fefler  devotee. 

SBcbctib  baiting-time.  M 

SBebettme  hour  of  prayer.  9 

SBebing  c  -er  J,  (omborb)  bitts;  (om  TOaft)  Qtm 
-rail;  (unber  £aft)  bedding;  (til  ©fibSBog.;  Cp= 
^alerb.)  slip.  —  iBebtngSlbJKtte  cross-piece  of 
the  bitts.  •bolt  bitt-bolt.  -t)obeb  bitt-head  (o.  fl.) 
•Inæ  bitt-knee.  -tnægt  (vertical)  bitt.  -pvCot 
bitt-bolster.  -f!nr  ship-building  shed.  •flog 
bitter;  gøre  _  bitt  the  cable.  •fpit  heaving-up 
winch.    •ftopper  bitt-stopper. 

aSebro'g  n,pl=,  fc-eri;  (©lilfelfe)  delusion,  illu- 
sion, fallacy.  93cbrag|e  vt  deceive,  beguile, 
impose  upon,  take  in,  (for  $enge  o.  I.)  cheat, 
defraud,  trick;  -  en  for  cheat  cl.  swindle  one 
out  of;  _  en  i  ©pil  cheat  el.  trick  one  at  play; 
_  pg  be  mistaken;  ©finnet  -er  (ofte)  appearances 
are  (often)  deceitful  el.  deceptive;  SSerben  Bit  -§ 
the  world  will  be  taken  in.  -elig  a  deceitful, 
deceptive,  delusive;  fraudulent.  -i-etig^eb  c 
deceitfulness.  -er  c  -e  deceiver;  impostor,  cheat, 
swindler.  -eri'  n  -er  deceit,  deception,  imposi- 
tion,  imposture;  fraud,  swindle.  -eriff,  -erft  a 
fe  -elig;  i  -  i^enfigt  with  intention  to  defraud, 
for  fraudulent  purposes,  •erfle  c  -r  (female) 
impostor  (ofb.). 

Se'bre  [ce]  a  (comp  of  ®ob)  better;  til  bet  _  for 
the  better;  goa  ober  til  bet  _  go  to  a  better 
world;  _  Sealitet  superior  quality;  »eb  itfe  _ 
knows  no  better;  forlanger  ilfe  _  deslres  no  better; 
en  -  9Ribbog  a  good  (heavy)  dinner.  —  l^ebre 
adv  (comp  af:  ®obt,  S8el)  better;  Blibe  -  mend; 
ftaar  ftg  -  is  better  off;  ®e  gør  -  i  at  you  had 
better;  Btjbe  _  bid  higher;  Qngen  _?  going;  gaa 
_  frem  go  further  on;  _  op  further  up,  higher 
up.  —  SJebre  vt  better,  mend,  amend,  amelio- 
rate,  improve;  ®ub  _  bet  ah,  welladay;  -g  mend, 
improve,  get  better.  -ftillet  a  better  off;  be  be 
those  better  off. 




©ebrifr  c  -er  exploit,  achievement;  (ub.  pi, 
•JiærtngS6nig)  trade,  business. 

©ebriitfl  [æ]  c  improvement,  amendment. 
efter  ©ijgbont)  convalescence,  recovery;  ber  er 
inbtraabt  en  _  there  is  a  change  for  the  better; 
fr  i  _  is  oonvaleseent;  gob  -!  Ihopeyou'll  soon 
De  better.  SJebringStegn  symptom  of  improve- 
ment etc. 

»ebrl'tie  vt  commit;  f  Cbeftille)  do,  be  about; 

-  .©or  commit  adultery.    -Ife  c  commission. 
83ebr<'t)|e  vt  affliet,  distress,  grieve,  sadden; 

P  =  beftjæle;  bet  -r  mig  meget  aterfare  I  am  very 
much  grieved  to  hear;  -S  oBer  be  afflicted  (etc.) 
it;  —  bebrabet  a  sorry,  grieved,  distressed 
oeer  at);  bihl  fteiibeS  @iæl  Bar  _  i  ^enbe  her  soul 
was  vexed  within  her;  min  Sjæl  er  ganffe  - 
uibtil  3)øben  my  soul  is  exceeding  sorrowful, 
even  unto  death.  -clfg  a  sorrowful,  melancholy, 
sad,  dismal;  (t)n(elig)  sorry;  _  2:ibenbe  sad  news; 
-t  anftgt  melancholy  face;  -t  Sejr  deplorable 
weather;  fe  ©fitfelfe.  -eligtieb  c  sadness,  sorrow- 
fulness.  -cifc  c  sorrow,  afHiction,  distress,  grief, 
sadness,  melancholy;  -n  efter  ®ub  godly  sorrow; 
efter  ftiB  ©orger  og  otte  -r  after  no  end  of  bother. 
Scbft  [ubt.  bceft]  a  best;  i  -e  galb  at  best;  of  -e 
Sort  of  the  best  quallty;  jeg  ftal  gøre  min  _ 
mulige  3ltb  I  shall  do  my  best,  use  my  best 
endeavours;  fætte  bet  -e  Sen  foron  put  one's  best 
leg  foremost;  i  ben  -e  Wening  for  the  best;  i  fin 

-  Sliber  in  the  prime  of  life;  9l(t   Bor  t  ben  -e 
jng  everything  went  on  as  well  as  could  be; 

(fubflantiBtfl) :  ben  SBebfte  the  best  (of  men); 
ben  farfte  ben  e  the  flrst  comer;  min  _ !  my  dear 
Sir  (Madam);  —  bet  bliBer  bet  S3ebfte  itwillbe 
the  best  plan;  bet  -e  af  bet  ftele  bar  the  best  part 
of  it  was;  bet  -e  er  bet  ®obe§  gjenbe  striving  to 
better,  oft  we  mar  what's  well;  let  well  alone; 
bet  -e  bu  Ian  gore  er  your  best  plau  is;  fian 
fl^nbte  ftg  bet  -e  ^an  htnbe  (el,  :^aBbe  tcert)  he 
made  the  best  of  his  way;  ifte  meb  bet  -e  not 
very  good,  middling;  paa  bet  -e  In  the  best 
manner;  6eni)tte  paa  bet  -e  make  the  best  of; 
ubtUbe  tioa  bet  -e  put  the  best  construction  upon; 
til  bet  -p  for  the  best,  to  the  greatest  advantage. 

—  Sebff  adv  best;  bu  gør  _  i  at  you  had  better: 
~  fom,  ba  .  .  .  fom  -  just  as;  -  fom  I)an  fCreB  in 
the  middle  of  his  writing;  alting  gif  fom  bet  - 
funbe  everything  went  on  at  random.  —  SBeb^a 
F  granny.  —  »cbftc  n:  bet  alminbelige  _  tho 
public  weal,  the  general  good;  gjorbe  ftt  _  did 
his  best;  til  _  for  for  the  good  el.  benefit  of;  til 

-  for  mig  for  my  good;  ftaobc  nt  til  _  was  in 
easy  circumstances;  l^aBbe  lagt  fig  nt  til  _  had 
put  something  by  (for  a  rainy  day);  fe  en  til  _ 
benefit  one;  éabe  en  til  ~  make  fun  of  one,- 
fltbe  til  _  deliver.  —  iBcbfte|6orger  respectabk- 
Citizen,  -fobet  grandfather.  -faberlig  a  grand- 
fatherly.  •faberftol  reclining  chair.  -forælbrc 
grandfather  and  grandmother.  -manb  the  besl 
hånd.  -tnober  grandmother,  f  grannv.  •ntober 
liø  a  grandmotherly.  —  33ebftgob§  the  best  to- 
bacco  leaves, 

Sebu^'ge  vt  bedew.    -Ife  c  bedewing. 

Sebm'n  c   er  Bed'ouin.    -fl  a  Bedouin, 

+»cbu«|ftrt  a  fe  Cmtaaget. 

8cbal'f)ingft  stallion,  stone-horse. 

Scbæt'ifc  vt  cover  (ogfaa  nril  og  om  ^eftj; 
(efforterf)  escort;  ^aBnen  Bar  -t  meb  Sftbe  the 
harbour  was  crowded  with  shipping;  Bære  -t 
ifiaBe  gatten  paa)   be   covered;   ben  -be  SBei  the 

)vered  way.     -felfe  c  covering.     -ning  c  -er 

•vering,  cover;  (Sftorte)  escort;  astr  occultation . 

i8ebæ!'ning8|onftolt  stud.    -ntonbffab  escort 
-fib  covering  sea.son. 

Sfbar'ueé  vr/  fom    SSarer)  be  damaged,  (om 

ftøb)  tainted,  diseased.  -elig  a  -.  let  -e  Sgarer 
perishable  goods.  -et  a  damaged  etc.  (fe  oBfr  > 
8cb«m'|me  vt  jndge,  judge  of  -elfe  c  iudg- 
ment,  criticism.  i8eb«mtnelfe8!omité  price-jurv. 
iøebøtnmer  c  -e  judge,  critic. 

SBfb«'Be  vt  (Beb  'élag.  Støj  og;??)  stun,  stupefy; 
(Jøonbt)«ienbe)  narcotize;  -nbe  TOibler  narcotlcs 
•Ife  c  stupefaction ,  narcotization;  fZilftonb) 

JBee'bige  vt  confirm  by  oath,  swear  to;  -t  gor. 
tlaring  sworn  deposition.  -Ife  c  confirmation  by 
oath.  ' 

Seef  c  beefsteak. 
SBeerf^abtt  n  Beersheba. 
t»cfnlb'  -e,  fe  SBetiog.    e. 
SBefa'le  (imp  t  befol)  vt  (6^be)  command    order 
direct,  bid,  (gioe  i  SSoIb)  commit,  resign;  -be  at 
aaone  SSinbuerne  directed   the    windows   to   be 
opened;  _  ober  command;  ^oab  -r  SJe?  what  is 
your  pleasure?   what  are  your  commands  (I^Bob 
BefoI(b)er  t  fe  S3et)age);  fom  2)e  -r?  as  vouplease- 
-  ftn  ©jæl  i  ®ub8  SBoIb  commit  ones  soul  into 
the  bands  of  God;  i  bine  ©ænber  -r  jeg  min  ?lonb 
into   thy   hånds  I  commend  my  spirit;  ®ub  -t 
adieu !  God  speed  (you) !    *©efol  n  (body  of)  offi- 
cers. Sefaljenbe  a  commanding;  —  c  commander 
-iitg  c  -er  command,  order(s),  injunction,  man- 
date,  charge,   behest;   efter  _  af  by  order  of; 
efter  ^an?  _  at  et.  by  his  order(s),  ^aBe  _  ober 
have  the  command  of.    -ingSmanb  commander 

^efam'I{e  vt  finger,  handle,  paw.  -iitg  c 
fingering  etc. 

Sefa'rle  vt  pass,  frequent;  survey;  _  en  ®tu6e 
descend,  examine  a  pit,  mine;  _  en  glob  o  I 
navigate  a  river;  _  en  Stjft  visit  a  coast.  -e«  a 
,t:  ^el  -  Semanb  able  el.  able-bodied  seaman; 
^alo  -  ordinary.  -en^ebiggrab)  c  rating,  -ing  o 
passing  etc;  examination;  navigation. 

95cfot|t'e  w  fig  meb  have  to  do  with,  meddle 
With,  (lun  om  Sing),  deal  in,  engage  in.  *-ning 
c  er  dealing,  concem,  avocation,  something  to 
do  (With).  ^ 

»efcjbe  vt  war  against,  make  war  on. 
SBefi'Ic  vt  file. 

S3efiN'b|e  vt  find;  rigtig  befunben  found  correct; 
-8  at  Bære  prove  (to  be);  —  »r  fig  be;  ^Borlebeé 
-r  Se  ®em?  how  are  you?  how  do  you  do?  (til 
en  f^g)  how  do  you  feel  el.  find  yourself?  jeg  -r 
mig  Del  berbeb  I  find  it  agrees  with  me.     -enke 
w  health,  state  of  health;  fpørge  Hl  en§  _  inquire 
after  a  person's  health;   ©agen  _  the   merits  of 
the  case.    -H-tUg  o  being,  contained,  present. 
©eflttglre  vt  finger,  thumb,  handle. 
iBefln  net  a  flnny,  finned. 
»eft<)'ti|elfe  c  perplexity,  flurry.   -et  o  flurried, 
disconcerted,     perplexed;    gøre    _   flurry,    dis- 
-fScftff'le  vt  fish.    -wing  c  fishing. 
»efje'bre  [æ]  vt  feather;  -t  feathered. 
SJeflftt'e  or  fig   paa  apply  one's  self  to,  be 
studious  of,   strive  after;   (at)  strive  et.  try  to, 
do  one's  best  to.     -Ife  c  application. 

Sefol'Ile  vt  people,  populate,  (bebo)  inhabil. 
-ning  c  (^onbt.)  peopling;  Onbbbggerne)  popula- 
tion,   -ningdtal  (number  of  the)  population. 

SSefot'blre  vt  (fremfenbe)  forward;  (transportere) 
convey,  carry;  (fremme)  further,  advance,  pro- 
mote, encourage;  (til  émbebe)  prefer,  promote; 
bliBe  -t  (faa  ©mbebe)  obtain  an  office,  (forfremmet) 
be  promoted.  f-etlig  a.  Bære  en  -  one. 
•ter  c  -e  forwarder;  furtherer,  advancer,  en- 
courager,  promoter,  patron,  -ring  c  -er  for- 
wardingetc;  conveyance;  furtherance,  advance- 
ment;  promotion,  preferment;  fe  ©eforbring«' 




fJefofbringSlmoabemodeofconveyance.  -miJ»= 
bel  (means  of)  conveyance.  -regler  rules  of 
promotion,  -omtoftninger  costs  of  conveyance. 
-ret  right  of  conveying  travellers  by  postj  stage 
-coach  licence.  -taj  fe  >mtbbel.  -ubgifter  ex- 
penses  Incident  to  promotion,  -ttej  way  to 
promotion,  -kiæfen  regulations  for  posting, 
posting  establishment. 

©efrogt'le  vt  freight,  charter,  -er  c  -e  freighter, 
charterer,  affreighter.  -ning  c  freighting,  chart- 
ering,  affreightment. 

©efrogt'niugSlagent  chartering  agent.  -Betient 
chartering  clerk.  -lotttor  chartering  offlce. 
•tontraft  contract  of  afFreightment. 

aSefri'  vt  (fætte  i  gri^eb)  free,  set  free,  release, 
liberale;  ~  for  deliver  el.  save  from,  rid  of,  (frt= 
toge)  exempt  from.  -etfe  c  freeing  etc,  deliver- 
ance,  delivery,  release,  liberation,  enfranchise- 
ment;  riddance;  exemption.  -elfeScb  oath  of 
purgation.  -elfeSfrig  war  of  deliverance.  -er  e 
-e  deliverer,  liberator. 

©efrugt'le  vt  Oorben)  fructify,  fertilize,  (om 
^Jlantcr  og  ©Qrj  fecundate;  (fun  om  S)Qr)  im- 
pregnate;  fig  fructify.  cife,  -ning  c  fructifica- 
tion,  fecundation,  impregnation.  -enbe  o,  fig 

Sefr^gt'le  vt  apprehend,  dread,  fear;  bet  er  at 
-  it  is  to  be  feared.    +-elig  a  to  be  feared. 

SSefr^n'fet  a  fringed. 

!6efugt'|e  vt  moistea,  wet.  -cIfe,  -ning  c 
moistening  etc. 

9$efu(bm(cgt'ig|e  vt  empower,  authorize,  com- 
missiou.  -et  a  authorized;  _  TOinifter  pleni- 
potentiary;  —  c  agent,  assignee,  proxy.  -cIfe  c 

»efæng'c  vt  infect:  -gt  meb  Utøj  infested  w^ith 
parasites.    -Ife  c  infeetion. 

SSefær'bet  a  frequeuted;  crowded. 

Sefæfti'e  vt  (fæfte)  fasten,  fix,  secure,  attach, 
_  igen;  refasten;  (ft^rfe)  conflrm,  strengthen;  (en 
©tab  0.  1.)  fortify;  for  at  _  ftg  >?aa  %xontn  in 
order  to  establish  himself  firmly  on  the  throne. 
-elfe  c  fastening  etc;  attachment;  conlirmation; 
fortiflcation.  -elfeSmaabe  mode  of  fastening. 
•ning  c  fortiflcation;  $immelen#  ubflrafte  _  the 
firmament  of  the  heaven.  -ningStunft  fortiflca- 

Seføjle  vt  entitle,  authorize,  warrant,  -et  a 
entitled,  competent;  (grunbet)  well-grounded, 
just,  legitimate,  justifled,  sound,  -elfe  c  author- 
ity,  competence,  title. 

S5ef«I'ie  vt  feel,  finger,    -ing  c  feeling  etc. 

+SJef«I'ge  vt  follow. 

+5Bef«'re  vt  traduce,  calumniate.  -Ife  c  ca- 

_  »eg  [ubt.  t  93ei,  *S3e'g;  ligefaa  i  alle  be  følgenbe 
®mf.  og  SlfJ.]  n  pitch;  !^t)o  fom  rører  beb  -  Be= 
fraitteS  btbl  they  that  touch  pitch  will  be  deflled. 

Segaa'  vt  commit,  (oærre)  perpetrate;  _  ftg 
get  on,  rub  on;  man  fan  tf  le  _  ftg  meb  ^am  there 
is  no  living  el.  agreeing  with  him.  -etfe  c  com- 

SSega'be  vt  gape  at,  stare  at. 

Seg'agttg  a  pitchy. 

8ega'ti|e  vt  meb  endow  with,  bestow  st  on, 
grant  st  to.  -elfe  c  endowment,  gift(s),  gifted- 
ness,  capacity,  intelligence,  -et  a  gifted  (meb 
with),  talented,  elever. 

Seglblenbe  pltch-bleude. 

SSege  vt  pitch,  pay  (with  pitch). 

Cegcgn'c  vt  treat,  behave  one's  self  towards. 
■Ife  c  treatment,  behaviour. 

S9egej'ft|re  vt  inspire,  animate.  -ret  a  enthu- 
siastic,  ardent,  in  ecstacy.  -ring  c  inspiration; 
enthusiasm,  passion. 

©eg|et  a  pitchy;  be  -be  ajrenge  the  tars.  -fattel 
torch,  link.    -fingret  a  light-fingered. 

SBegge  a  both,  (Ooer  af  lo)  either;  »i  _  both  of 
ns,  we  both;  _  to  both;  _  ®ele  both;  ^villi  _ 
both  of  whom,  who  both  of  them;  i  _  ^tlfælbe 
in  either  case;  en  for  _  og  _  for  en  jointly  and 
separately.    -ftebS  adv  in  both  piaces. 

a3eggrQbe  pitch  pot. 

93eg^ar'ber  pi  Begua'rds,  Begha'ids. 

i8egt)ortiit3  stone-pitch. 

SBeg^i'ner  pi  Beguines. 

SBcgéætte  pitch  cap. 

Segiue  vt  give  up;  —  vr  ftg  go,  repair,  pro 
ceed;  (fjænbe)  chance,  come  to  pass;  J,  strain; 
*  cease;  _  ftg  paa  SSej  set  out;  _  ftg  faa  en  atejfe 
set  out  on  a  journey.  -n^eb  c  er  event,  occur- 
rence,  incident;  rig  paa  -er  eventful;  fattig  paa  -er 

iBeglfoge  pitch  cake    -febel  p.-kettle.    -foft  [o, 
p.-mop.     -franS   p.-ring,  pitched  hoop.     -fttglL 
>1>  logger-head.    -ful  jet,  caking  coal.  M 

93egto'   vt  gape,    stare  el.   gaze   at.     -t-en  B 
staring.  • 

!8eg{ntanb  pitch-buruer;  p  gifte  en  en  -  flatten 
one's  nose.    -naaber  pi  ^  old  oakum. 

+S3eflni'be  vt  rub. 

a3eg|ølie  pitch  oil.  -opal  resinous  quartz. 
-))anbe  p.-pan.  -pap,  -^JO^Jtr  tarred  paper.  -Jiloftcr 
pitch  plaster,  -potte  pitch-kettle.  -))rant  ]> 

SBegram'fie,  -ning  fe  SScfamte. 

SSegra'Ue  ot  bury,  inter,  entomb;  Jig  bury 
-Ife  c  -r  funeral,  burial,  interment;  inhumatioii; 
(dSraofteb)  tomb,  burial  place,  (muret)  vault; 
tvp  out,  omission. 

SBegro«eIfe§| afgifter  burial  dues.  -bag  day  of 
(one's),  burial,  burial-day.  -gilbe  funeral  (feast). 
-ft«{tibeligfteberobsequies.  -lo^jcIfeCSraB.  -tontor 
undertaker's  offlce.  -omfoftninger  funeral  ex- 
penses.  -|)Iabé  burial  ground.  -ret  right  of 
burial.  -felflab  burial  society,  b.  club.  -fliffe 
funeral  rites,  -flcb  burial-place.  -abbalg:  ^en= 
oift  til  _  postponed  sine  die,  proposed  to  be 
read  that  day  six  months.  •UtefCtt  burials, 
burial  regulations. 

gjegreb  n  notion,  idea,  conception,  concept 
(om  of);  (Sone)  apprehension,  intelligence;  fort 
_  abstract,  compendium;  i  fort  ~  concisely,  in 
a  nut-shell;  i  -et  notionally;  'hurtigt  _  quickness 
of  apprehension;  langjomt  -  dullness  of  a.;  gøre 
fig  et  -  om  form  an  idea  el.  notion  of;  bet  ^ar 
jeg  ifte  _  om  I  have  no  idea;  bet  obergaar  alt  _ 
it  is  past  all  comprehension;  ftaar  el.  er  i  _  meb 
at  is  going  to,  about  to,  ready  to,  on  the  point 
of,  in  the  aet  of.  S3egreb8|bcftemtnclfc  defini- 
tion, -en^eb  notion-unit.  -farbtrring  confusion 
of  ideas.  -lære  logic.  -mæSfig  «  rational. 
+-rigtig  a  logieal.    -nbbifling  chain  of  reasoning. 

S8egri'b|e  vt  eomprehend,  understand,  (tænfe 
fig)  conceive.  -elig  a  comprehensible,  conceiv- 
able;  F  bet  er  -t  I  believe  you,  that  goes  with- 
out  (the)  saying;  fagte  at  gøre  ^am  -t  tried  to 
make  him  understand,  -eliglieb  c  comprehen- 
sibllity,  eonceivableness.  -eligbid  adv  of  course. 
-elfe,  -ning  c  coiuprehension. 

+33egrlnc  vt  grin  at,  laugh  to  scom.  M 

93egri{))  c  wax-end.  S 

SJegro'et  a  meb  overgrown,  overrun  with.       ■ 

a3egrun'b|e  vt  (lægge  ®runb)  ground,  found, 
establish;  (gttie  (Srunbe)  prove,  makegood,  make 
out;  (ubgøre  ®runb)  be  the  motive  of,  oceasion; 
t  (grunbe  ober)  ponder  on;  er  -t  i  el.  paa  is 
owing  to;  -t  well-founded.  -elfe  c  establish- 
ment; proof,  confirmation;  reasons,  argument(6). 
•er  c  founder. 

93egr(C'b|e  vt  deplore,  mourn,  lament,  bewail. 





-elig  a  deplorable,  lamentable.  -elfe  c  -r  lament- 
aiion;  J^eremiæ  -r8  Sog  the  lamentations  of 

Seflræn'f  |C  vt  bound,  limit,  circumscribe :  _  fig 
draw  the  line.  -et  a  limited.  •ning  c  limita- 
tioD,  restriction,  circumscription;  limits;  lenbet 
ftn  _  has  discovered  his  limitations,  linows  his 
depth;  be  meiineffelige  (SbnerS-the  limit  of  human 
capacity.    •ningijlabe  boundary  plan. 

8egjffc  paying-ladle,  pitch-ladle.  -fob  shin- 
ing  .soot.  -fort  n  pitch  black,  pitchy.  -traab  fe 
•viio.    -trojc  (Jack)  tar.    -tero  bituminous  turf. 

SJcgun'fttge  vt  favour,  countenance,  encour- 
ai^o;  -t  af  favoured  by,  under  favour  of.  -Ife  c 
I  favour;  preference,  countenance  (iib.  p/)- 

-Scgt)  be  vt  pour  on. 

2}cgi)nb'ie,  -bte,  -bt,  vt  &  i  begin,  commence, 

iter  upon;  _  at  tale  begin  to  speak,  commence 

.(■aking;  _  at,  f  take  to  el.  fall  to  -ing;  _  igen 
■jogin  again,  (t)  recommence,  resume;  -  paa  nXf, 
Vaa  igen  begin  over  agaiu,  start  afresh;  fibcn  jeg 
engang  ftar  -bt  my  hånd  being  in;  bet  -r  at  fne 
it  sets  in  snowing;  3}interen  -r  tibltg  the  winter 
sets  in  early;  _  fin  e^en  ^uS^olbning  set  up  for 
one's  self;  -  et  n^t  Seonet  turn  over  a  new  leaf; 
ban  -bte  (fit  iiib)  iom  rtntpel  StrbejbSmanb  he  began 
the  world  as  a  common  labourer;  oel  -bt  er  ^ato 
fulbenbt  well  begun  is  half  done,  a  good  be- 
ginning  is  half  the  battle;  t)tjab  fta(  jeg  nu  _  paa 
what  is  to  be  done  uow?  -cif c  c  -r  beginning, 
eommencement,  outset;  i  -n  at  flrst,  in  the  be- 
ginning; lige  i  -n  at  the  very  beginning,  i  -n  af 
?^eIttoget  on  opening  the  campaign;  fra  -n  til 
©nben  from  beginning  to  end;  -n  til  @nbcn  the 
beginning  of  the  end;  beg^nbe  meb  -u  begin  at 
the  beginning;  tage  fin  -  begin;  gere  -n  take  the 
first  step;  al  _  er  foær  the  dififtculty  is  in  the 

SegQn  beIfeS|bogftatt  initial;  -er  ti/p  capitals; 
ftort  _  initial  capital.  -grunbe  rudiments,  be- 
ginnings,  principles,  elements,  -^oftigljcb  initial 
velocity.  -linie  initial  line.  -(junft  beginning; 
(3æmb.)  terminus,  -f^ænbigficb  initial  tension. 
-træt  opening  move.  —  SBegtjnbcnbe  a  incipient. 

Segl^n'ber  c  -e  beginner,  tyro,  novice;  Stole 
for  -e  primary  school;  Sroen?  -  og  J^ulbfommer 
the  author  and  flnisher  of  our  faith.  -arbejbe; 
et  _  the  work  of  a  beginner.  -tucfuS  course  of 
lessons  for  beginners. 

Segæ'r  n  desire,  appetite,  mere  demand.  8e= 
gærle  >:t  lattrao)  desire,  (ogfaa  bibl)  covet;  (for- 
lange)  request,  solicit,  ask  for;  fføbet  -r  imob 
Slanben  the  flesh  lusteth  against  the  Spirit;  _  til 
Segte  ask,  demand,  in  marriage.  -c  lel.  -ingå) 
-ettne  appetitive  power  el.  faculty.  ^Begæring 
'•  -er  desire;  request,  demand.  93egærtig  a 
desirous  (efter  of);  (graabig)  covetous,  greedy; 
mere  in  demand,  in  favour;  _  efter  at  eager  el. 
anxious  to.    S3egærUg(cn)  adv  greedily,  eagerly. 

Segaerlig^eb  c  -er  (Slttraa)  desire;  (efter  »JJenge 
0.  l.i  cupidity,  covetousness;  anxiety. 

:8e^aa'ret  a  hairy. 

Se^a'ø  n  pleasure,  gratification,  satisfaction; 
(Dnbe)  grace;  efter  (fit  eget)  -  at  pleasure;  efter  -I 
as  you  please,  as  you  like;  finbe  -  i  take  plea- 
sure in,  be  taken  with;  ^»i§  jeg  finber  ~  i  t)am 
if  he  is  to  my  liking;  gøre  en  til  ~  jilease  one. 

Se^a'ge  vi  please;  font  35e  r  as  you  please; 
Ijoab  -r?  Sir?  Ma'amV  beg  (your)  pardon.  Sir! 
(Ma'am!);  f  What?  Eh?  2)e  -be  at  bemærtc  you 
were  pleased  toobserve;  be^ag  at  tage  $labS  please 
to  sit  down,  sit  down  (if  you)  please;  —  vt  bet  -be 
barn  at  he  was  pleased  to;  bet  ^ar  -t  Øub  at  it 
has  pleased  God  to;  bborlebeg  -r  bet  ®em?  how 
do  you  like  it;  -r  De  Se  ?  will  you  take  tea  f  — 
■•■  vr  _  fig  i  take   delight  in,  affect.     Set^agetig 

a  ag^reeable,  pleasant,  pleasing,  ft)ettommen) 
gratifying,  acceptable;  gøre  fig  _  for  make  one's 
self  agre eable  to,  ingratiate  one's  self  with;  bet 
er  mig  meget  -t  at  I  am  very  happy  to;  jeg  ^r 
bet  ganfte  -t  ber  I  am  very  comfortable  here;  jeg 
ubbeber  mig  DereS  -e  TOebbelelfer  I  request  the 
favour  of  your  Communications.  SBe^agelig^eb 
c  -er  ((Sgenftab)  pleasantness,  agreeableness, 
amenity;  -er  delights,  comforts,  amenities,  (gt 
tringer)  civilities,  compliments,  amenities;  man 
^ar  ben  _  at  you  have  the  ad  vantage  of  (el. 
that).  —  aSetiagelUft  desire  of  pleasing.  -Hften 
a  desirous  to  please.  -f^g  a  over-desirous  to 
please,  coquettish.  -fflge  excessive  desire  of 
pleasing,  coquetry.  ' 

93cJ)n!'|te  vt  hoe.    -niwg  c  hoeing. 

!l3e^anb'|(e  vt  (^aanbtere,  omgoaS  mebi  handle, 
manage,  deal  with;  (t)el,  ilbe)  treat,  use;  (brøfte) 
discuss;  (^anble  om)  treat  of ;  (^Patient)  treat, 
attend:  _  en  ilbe  use  one  ill,  illtreat  one.  -Hug 
c  management;  treating,  treatment,  usage;  dis- 
cussion;  cure.  -lingåmaiibe  manner,  mode  of 
treatment,  mode  of  dealing  with. 

!8et)anb'ftct  a  gloved. 

SSe^cnjnøb  ben(nut),  Moringd  pterygogperma. 
-olie  oil  of  ben.    -rob  bennut  root. 

33efterff'|c  vt  rule  (over),  govem,  sway,  master; 
mi/  (om  aSeliggen^eb)  command;  _  fine  iJibenjTober, 
fig  felD,  fin  Stemme  o.  1.  be  master  of,  control; 
iabe  fig  _  af  be  governed  by,  under  the  control 
of.  -elfe  c  rule,  sway,  dominion,  mastery,  com- 
mand. -er  c  -e  ruier,  lord,  master;  be  S^roenbeS 
_  the  commander  of  the  faithful.  -erin'be  c  -r 

SBeftjcr'tct  a  stout-hearted,  dauutless,  intrepid, 
resolute.    -^eb  c  courage,  intrepidity. 

a3e^)(el))'|e  rr  fig  meb  make  (&)  shift  with. 
■clig  u  »ære  en  _  help  el.  assist  one,  lend  one 
a  helping  band.  -eliglycb  c  assistance,  -fom  a 
ready,  shifty.  -fom^eb  c  readiness,  manage- 

SSeQoIb'  c;  i)a\}e  i  ~  have  on  band,  in  reserve; 
er  i  _  remaius,  is  left;  i  gob  ~  in  safety,  safe 
and  sound,  safe  and  well.  —  93e^oIb|e  vt  retaln, 
keep;  Iabe  en  _  nt  leave  st  to  one;  Iabe  en  - 
Sibet  spare  one's  life;  _  fiioet  save  one's  life; 
^an  ftemte  for  at  -  bem  he  voted  for  their  reten- 
tion; ^an  tunbe  ingen  2;ing  -  he  could  retain 
nothing  on  his  stomach;  _  for  el.  \)oi  fig  felo 
keep  to  one's  self;  _  gatten,  grotlen  paa  keep 
on  one's  hat,  coat;  -  nt  tilbage  have  st  left, 
remaining.  -ett  a:  (bel)  -  safe,  in  safety;  _ 
Sure  course  made  (good).  -er  c  -e  reservoir, 
receiver,  container,  -ning  e  -et  (af  SJaret  o.  I.) 
stock  (in  band),  supply;  (^eft)  surplus,  remains 
l>l,  remainder;  (ftaéfe  )  cash  balance. 

fBtifoV  (*'-bo'D),  n  &  a  need,  requirement,  ne- 
cessity;  bet  gøreé  _  it  is  necessary:  babe  _  for 
nt,  ^aoe  nt  _  need,  lack,  have  need  of,  stand 
In  need  of,  st;  efter  -  as  occasion  requires; 
when  required;  ^ar  til  -  has  a  competency; 
gøre  fit  -  do  one's  business. 

S3cf)ug'ge  vt  rough-hew. 

©C^æf'te  vt  burden,  encumber;  -t  meh  ©bgbom 
afflicted  with  disease;  -t  meb  SSanfteligbeber  beset 
with  difficulties;  -t  (meb  ®ælb)  encumbered 
(with  debt),  in  vol  ved. 

Se^cen'biB  (t  »Seljænbe)  "  handy,  adroit,  dex- 
terous,  deft,  (i  iBebcegelicr)  nimble.  -Ijeb  c  handi- 
ness,  dexlerity,  adroitness,  nimbleuess.  -^ebé- 
tnnfi  sleight-of-hand  trick. 

Se^ang  e  vt  hang  (round);  gobt  el.  ftærlt  -gt 
(om  ^unb)  long-eared,  with  fine  hangiug  ears; 
•  blioe  -nbc  meb,  fe  ^ængenbe. 

Sei)ø'rig  o  due,   proper;    i  _  gorm,    Dtben  iu 




due  form,  order;  i  _  ©tonb  in  proper  condition; 
paa  ~  TOaabe  duly;  —  adv  duly. 

lBet)«'tic  vt  need,  want,  require,  stand  in  need 
of,  have  occasion  for;  bet  -§  iffe  there  is  no 
need  of  it,  no  occasion  for  it;  ®e  -r  tun  at  6efale 
you  need  only  say  the  word;  bu  -r  itfe  at  fomme 
you  need  not  come;  bet  -r  ifte  at  bære  fanbt  it 
may  not  be  true;  jeg  -r  to  Zirnn  til  ot  it  takes 
me  two  hours  to. 

9ttfe\)'U  vt  plane. 

Seja'e  vt  answer  in  the  affirmative,  assent  to; 
-nbe  a  affirmative;  —  adv  in  the  affirmative. 
■Ife  c  affirmation,  assent. 

Scjamrc  vt  hemoan,  bewail,  lament. 

SBejbfe  vt  {%xæ)  stain;  (Som)  steep;  {%øi)  mor- 
dant.  Sejbfc  c  -r  stain,  wash;  steep;  mordant 
-tttit  spirit  printing.  S3eji>§nittg  c  staining  etc; 
fe  åfBrænbing  met. 

33ejt|e  vi  til  malse  love  to,  vyoo,  court;  fig 
covet,  court;  _  til  enS  ®unft  court  one'.s  favour, 
currv  favour  with  one.  -en  c  wooing  etc, 
couTtship.    -er  c  -e  wooer,  suitor,  lover. 

*»eitc  vt  fe  ®ræife;  fe  Seibfe  (Sej);  —  vi  fe 
®ræ8fe.  —  ^^SBcjte  n  -r  fe  ©ræSning;  (9tqn)  bait. 

SBcitel  c  -er  chisel. 

aSefoi'er  c  J,  tripping-line. 

»cfnffc  vt  fe  aSeftnbe. 

SBetenb'lc  vt  (ttlflaa)  confess;  (goroe)  follow  suit; 
ille  at  _  not  to  foUow^  suit,  to  renounce  el.  re- 
voke;  bet  maa  jeg  _  I  know  it  to  my  cost;  — 
vr  fig  til  en  SReligion  profess  a  religion;  _  fici 
ff^lbig  plead  guilty.  -elfe  c  -r  (Jilftaaelfe,  Zxoh) 
confession;  (af  9Jeligion)  profession;  goa  tit  - 
confess,  make  confession,  make  u  clean  breast 
of  it,  P  own  up;  bringe  en  til  _  make  one  con- 
fess. -elfcéIflS  a  religiously  indifferent.  -clfe8= 
fftiftct  symbolic  books.  -ctfeSftrll*  controversy 
about  the  confession.  -er  c  -e  professor,  fol- 
lower;  t  confessor;  ©bbarb  -en  Edward  the  Con- 

S3elent)t'  a  (well-)known,  (tun  om  SJJerfon) 
noted,  (ifte  om  Sperfon)  familiar;  et  ~  Slnfigt  a 
familiar  face;  bet  i^bet  _  it  sounds  familiar; 
almtnbeltg  _  (oltfor)  bel  -  notorious;  bet  er  al= 
minbeltg  -  ot  it  is  common  knowledge  that;  bet 
er  mig  _  at  I  know  that;  (fao  bibt)  mig  -  at  as 
far  as  I  know;  en  af  be  meft  -e  one  of  the  best- 
known;  fom  ~  as  is  (wellj  known,  as  you  know, 
it  is  well  known  that;  ~  for  famous  for;  _  for 
at  bære  known  to  be;  _  m  e  b  (en  el.  nt)  acquainted 
with;  tiHob  mig  at  gøre  ®em  _  meb  |)r.  N.  allow 
me  to  introduce  you  to  el.  make  you  acquainted 
with  Mr.  N.;  blibe  ~  meb  nt  be  informed  of  st; 
gøre  fig  -  meb  acquaint  one's  self  with,  make 
one's  self  acquainted  with;  gjøre  fig  _  beb  brin.y 
one's  self  into  notice  by;  —  oil  itfe  bære  bet  - 
is  ashamed  to  own  it;  jeg  fan  ifte  boere  ~  at  I 
would  not  have  it  known  el.  supposed  that, 
ilte  biHe  bære  en  _  disown  el.  cut  one;  bu  fan 
itte  bære  ben  Jpat  -  you  cannot  show  your  face 
with  that  hat  on;  bu  fan  itfe  oære  anbet  ~  you 
cannot  in  honour  do  otherwise.  —  SBelenbt  c  -c 
acquaintance;  en  gob  -  a  friend.  -gøre  vt  make 
known,  publish,  notify ;  (i  ffllab)  advertise 
•gørelfe  c  -r  publieation,  notiflcation,  (official) 
notice;  advertisement.  -^cb  c  notoriety.  -manb 
fe  Senbtmanb.  -flttt  n  -er  acquaintance;  (Senbflab) 
knowledge;  gøre  el.  ftifte  -  meb  get  acquainted 
with,  make  the  acquaintance  of;  gøre  nærmeri- 
_  grow  more  familiar,  improve  the  acquaint- 
ance; beb  nærmere  _  on  more  familiar  acquaint- 
ance; jeg  ^ar  intet  ~  til  ^am  I  am  not  acquainted 
with  him.    -ffoB§lreb§  acquaintance. 

aSetige,  Sctifl'c  vt  peer  at. 

Seffafl'n  c  -er  snipe,  Scolonax. 

I^etla'gie  vt  lament,   deplore,    regret,   (en)  be 



sorry  for,  pity;  _  fig  ober  complain  of;  jeg 
meget  at  I  am  very  sorry  that;  bet  er  at  _  it 
a  matter  of  regret;  l^an  er  meget  at  _  he 
greatly  to  be  pitied;  _  fig  for  en  ober  complain 
to  one  of.  -ellg  a  deplorable,  lamentable, 
regrettable.  -elig^eb  c  deplorableness.  -elfe^ 
-r  regret;  -r  lamentations.  -elfeSticerbig  a  pitfl 
able,  to  be  pitied;  fe  -lig.  fl 

SBellat'Ic  vt  blot  et.  spot  with  ink.  " 

^tliaYpt  vt  applaud,  clap. 

SBellem'Ime  vt  oppress.  -t  a  anxious,  nneasy, 
faint,  heart-sick,  down-hearted.  -melfe  o,  -t^i  ' 
anxiety,  uneasiness,  heart-sickness. 

SScttif'Ie  vt  cast  a  blot  et.  stain  on. 

SBclti'ne  vt  daub,  smear. 

a3etli))'^e  vt  clip,   cut,    (^æt   o.   1.)  trim; 

SBeMift're  vt  paste  over. 

aSetlum'ret  «  close,  oppressive,  sultry,  stufify. 

^tUct'it  vt  f.  eta.  en  S8æg,  et  %ax>\i  meb  nt 
paste,  glue  el.  gum  st  on. 

aScttæ'bje  vt  deck,  clothe,  cover;  _  meb  $apir 
paper;.  _  meb  S3ræber,  ^lonter  board,  plank;  _  en 
9Rur  meb  ©ten  line  a  wall  with  stone;  _  meb 
fflJetoH)laber  case;  -  et  ©mbebe  fill  el.  occupy  an 
Office;  SKarter  -bte  meb  SSlomfter  fieids  decked  el. 
enameled  with  flowers;  -bt  meb  en  SBærbig^eb 
clothed,  invested,  vested,  with  offlce,  authority; 
aiiagiproten  er  -bt  meb  benne  rø^nbig^eb  this 
power  is  vested  in  the  magistrate.  -h-elfe  c 
clothing.  -ning  c  (bet  at  b.)  clothing  etc;  concr 
boarding,  lining,    casing,    (inbb.  i  6ttb)  ceiling. 

9Je!tæbntng3|genftonb  article  of  clothing. 
-^jæl))  relief  in  the  shape  of  clothing.  -fette  ^ 
serving-mallet.  -mur  lining-wall,  revetment 
(-wall).  -fftante  textile  plant,  -ften  facing-stone. 
-ftof  textile  fabric  -ftifte  fe  -genftanb.  -isn 

iBetnc'b,  SBetni'6  n:  bære  i  _  be  at  a  pinch, 
J,  jammed  (in).  —  Sctnib'e  vt  stint,  pinch;  ^ 
jam,  stop  in;  ~  fig  »1/  get  jammed.     -t*rn  J,  nip. 

iBctom'Itne  vt  get,  obtain;  agree  with;  benne 
SRet  ^ar  itte  -t  mig  bel  this  dish  has  not  agreed 
with  me,  has  disagreed  with  me;  bet  bil  _  ®em 
bel  it  will  do  you  good;  bet  befom  ^am  ilbe  at 
^an  he  fared  the  worse  for  -ing;  bel  - !  you  are 
welcome  (to  it)  (itte  efter  39orbet),  iron  much 
good  may  it  do  you,  I  wish  you  joy  of  it.  -fl' 
c  sufficiency;  faa  fin  -  have  one's  fill,  have 
enough,  (fin  9{eft)  be  done  for,  served  out. 

SBeloft'le  pay  el.  defray  the  expenses  of;  jeg 
tiar  -t  mig  en  nt)  Sjote  I  have  been  at  the  cost 
of  a  new  coat.  -eltg  o  expensive,  costly.  -eHg= 
^eb  c  costliness.  -tttng  c  -er  cost,  expenses, 
charge;  føre,  fætte  en  i  -  put  one  to  expense; 
gøre  _  '^aa  spend,  lay  out,  money  on;  meb  en 
_  af  at  an  expense  of;  )(>aa  min  ~  (ogfaa  fig)  at 
my  expense  el.  cost;  paa  egen  ~  at  his  own  ex- 
pense; )faa.  _  af  fig  at  the  sacrifice  of;  )(>aa  3an^ 
^ebenå  -  at  the  sacrifice  of  truth.  ■ 

*a5elrabf'c  vt  scratch,  scrape.  ^ 

39c!rott'f|e  vt  wreath,  crown  [with  a  garland. 
-ning  c  wreathing  etc. 

SBefrt'ge  vt  make  war  upon.  -Ife  c  making 
war  upon. 

aSetræf'te  vt  (ftabfæfle)  confirm,  corroborate, 
bear  out;  (bejae)  afflrm;  (bebibnej  certify,  (officielt) 
legalise;  en  -t  ®enpart  a  certifled  transcript,  a 
legalised  copy;  8?t)gtet  ^ar  itte  -t  fig  the  rumour 
has  proved  to  be  unfounded,  there  is  no  corro- 
boration  of  the  rumour;  gormobningen  t)or  itte 
-t  fig  the  conjecture  is  not  borne  out  by  the 
facts;  bet  ^ar  -t  fig  at  it  has  proved  true  that. 
-Ife  c  confirming,  conflrmation,  corroboration; 
affirmation;  verification;  til  bet§  -  in  witness  eli 





liuiouy  whereof.    -nbc  a  affirmative;    —  adv 
the  affirmative. 

■^Sefsem'  a  (paSfcnbe)  flt,    fltting,  proper,  sult- 
le;    I  belejlig)  convenient;   (let)  easy;    (magelig, 

.jgelig)  commodious,  comfortable;  _  til  et  (£m= 

.DC  flt  el.  qualified  for  an  offlce;    gøre  fig  bet  -t 

Miake  one's  self  at  home;    tage  fig  bet  -t  take  it 

■  isy;  I)Dtå  bet  falber  fficm  -t  if  it  suits  your  con- 

■uience.      -Jjeb    c    fitness;    suitableness;    com- 

odiousness.    -me  vr  fig  til  nt  persuade  one's 

if  to,  submit  el.  condescend  to;  -  fig  til  at 
l'ievail  on  one's  self  to,  per.suado  oue's  self  to; 
'-r  ~  fig  efter,  fe  9Jette).  !BeIucinme(tg  a  com- 
modious, convenient,  comfortable.  %iett>enttne= 
ligget)  c  -er  comfort,  convenience,  accommoda- 
tion;  '•■  dwelling,  apartménts;  elfter  (fin)  _  is 
fond  of  (his)  ease;  efter  fin  _  at  his  convenience; 
iiioetg  -er  the  conveniences  el.  comforts  of  life; 
til  _  for  the  convenience  of 

SelQnt'Itre  vt  grieve,  trouble;  —  vr  fig  for  be 
concerued  about;  _  fig  meb  trouble  one's  self 
With;  -  fig  om  care  about,  trouble  one's  self 
about;  ingen  -r  fig  om  at  nægte  no  one  is  con- 
cerned  to  deny;  -r  eber  berfor  iffe  for  ben  ®ag 
i  ?(Rorgen  take  therefore  no  thought  for  the  mor- 
row.  -ret  a  (ooer,  for  -fom)  concerned,  anxious 
(about,  for);  btbl  uærer  iffe  -be  for  noget  be  care- 
ful  for  nothing.  -rtng  c  -er  care,  concem, 
anxiety;  bibl  bu  gar  big  ~  og  Uro  meb  mange 
Sing  thou  art  careful  and  troubled  about  many 

9ttcem'p\e  vt  combat,  struggle  with,  contend 
With.  -cife  c  (af)  fight  (against).  -er  c  -e  ad- 

^tlaa'nt  vt  encvimber. 

93clabt'  a  meb  loaded,  oppressed,  (SQgbom) 
infected,  with. 

©elagt' a  loaded,  furred,  foul  (tongue);  veiled 
(voice).    -tfth  c  foulness. 

Selaft'le  vt  load,  charge;  mere  (enS  Sonto  for) 
debit  el.  charge  (one  el.  one's  account  for). 
•ni«fl  c  weight,  load. 

Setd'tie  vt  prepare;  — -  w  _  fig  paa  prepare 
(one's  self)  for,  make  ready  for;  -t  paa  prepared 
for.    -Ife  c  preparation. 

©ele'  vt  laugh  at,  deride,  ridicule. 

93cle)'lig  a  convenient,  seasonable,  opportune; 
naar  bet  er  ®em  -t  when(ever)  it  is  convenient 
to  you  el.  suits  your  convenience;  gribe  bet  -e 
JCieblif  take  time  by  the  forelock;  adv  oppor- 
tunely,  just  in  time.  -^eb  c  opportunity,  op- 

©elej'rlc  vt  besiege,  lay  siege  to,  beleaguer. 
-er  c   e  besieger.    -Infl  c  -er  siege. 

Se(ej'ring3|arlieibcr  besieging  operations,  -ar« 
Htteri.  siege  artillery.  -batteri  siege  battery. 
'tictt  besieging  army.  -frig  obsidional  war. 
•Ittnfl  art  of  besieging.  -ffijtS  heavy  artillery, 
battering  train.  -tilftanb  state  of  siege;  lille  _ 
petty  s.  of  siege;  erflcere  en  i&t)  i  _  declare  a 
town  in  a  state  of  siege.  -tvopptt  besieging 
forces,    -ticerter  approaches. 

99e(emnit'  c  -er  belem'nite. 

99elcm'r|e  vt  encumber,  lumber,  hamper,  im- 
pode,  burden,  clos,  (fun  fig)  saddle.  -Ing  c 

93ele'n|c  vt  enfeoff,  invest,  -tng  c  enfeoflfment, 

^tieta'qt  c  flrst  floor. 

Sete'oen  «  polite,  courteous,  urbane,    -^eb  c 
politeness,  urbanity,  courtesy. 
-  Oelgijen   n   Belgium.     -er   c   -t,    -erin'be   -r 
Belgian.    -ft  a  Belgian,  Belgic. 

Selgrab  n  Belgra'de. 

Uelig'ge  vt  lie  with. 

9elig'gen|be  a  lying,  situate,  situated;    nær  - 

fe  nærliggenbe.  -^eb  c  -er  situation,  site;  (geogia= 
fifl)  position;  (meb  denf^n  til  SBejr,  ©ol  o.  1.)  ex- 
posure,  aspect;  (58ærelfer8  inbfiQrbeS)  arrange- 

»eliftning  <•  J,  fe  8ift. 

8eti'ti|c  vt  animate.    -et  a  animated,  spirited. 

»caetriff  c  -er  belletrist,    -iff  a  belletristic. 

93cUt@  c  -er  daisy,    »c  gowan,    Belliv  perennin. 

Srlo'bct  [aa]  purt  promised. 

»cltet  the  Belt;  HiHe  «elt  the  Lesser  Belt, 
Little  Belt;  ©tore  «elt  Great  Belt. 

!Settfajar  Belshaz'zar. 

©elub  fd||er  c  -eBiluchee',  Belooche',  Balochi'. 
-iftan  n  Beluchistan  (etc). 

fdtlu'Qa  c  -er  fe  jpbibfifl. 

-fSBetugt'e  vt  smell  at. 

8ettt'r|e  vt  (secretly)  watch  el.  listen  to,  keep 
a  watch  on.  -er  c  -e  watcher,  spy.  -inø  c 

SBel^'fe  vt  light,  light  up,  illumlnate:  fig  throw 
a  light  upon,  illuminate,  elucidate.  SSclQ 'Ætling 
';  lighting  etc,  illumination,  light;  i  biåfe  -er  in 
some  lights.  —  8cI^§ningå=ap<)arot  illumiuatiug 
apparatus.  -gai?  illuminatiiig  gas.  -ubgifter 
lighting  expenses.  -Otebfte  photogen.  -oæfenet 
the  lighting  of  the  streets. 

iBelQ'be  vt  belie. 

aSelfle'bre  vt,  mus  leather. 

93el(rg'  »i  covering,  coating;  (i  |)ofpital  o.  1.) 
number  of  inmates  el.  hånds.  —  iBr(«g|ge  vt 
cover,  coat,  case,  overlay;  (tnbttenbig)  line;  _  meb 
atrreft  put  under  arrest;  '■'  _  en  SBaab  make  fast 
a  boat;  (meb  SSebifer  o.  1.)  support;  _  meb  9911) 
lead;  -  meb  Sroften  o.  1.  pave;  _  meb  SBræber 
board;  _  meb  ©ttater  support  with  quotations; 
_  meb  Srlifer  flag;  _  en  gæftning  invest  a  fortress; 

-  en  ®ru6e  employ  workmen  in  a  mine;  ~  meb 
©ræStøro  sod,  turf,  _  meb  bobber  copper,  sheath 
with  copper;  _  meb  Rbitteringer  furnish  with 
vouchers;  _  meb  fiænfer  load  with  irons;  _  meb 
9Koatter  mat;  _  meb  SJJarmor  pave  with  marble; 
_  meb  et  9?aBn  give  a  name  to;    ^on  »eb  gobt  at 

-  fine  Drb  he  is  a  fair-spoken  man;  \)a\>e  Set  til 
at  _  en  ©eng  (paa  et  4)ofpital  el  I.)  have  the  dis- 
position of  a  bed  (at  an  hospital,  almshouse); 
(meb  ©forpe  el.  1.)  incrust;  (©pejle)  Silver,  -  meb 
en  ©traf  set  a  punishment  on;  belagt  meb  2olb 
charged  el.  burdened  with  a  duty;  fe  SBelagt. 
-gelfc  c  covering  etc.  -nittg  c  -er  covering  etc; 
©fræbberé  _  stay,  tape  and  buckram;  fe  Selagt^eb. 

8elæ'r|e  vt  inform,  instruct,  teach;  labe  fig  _ 

be  taught,  take  advice; enbe  a  instructive, 

(jEone)  didactic  -elfe,  -ing  c  information,  in- 

S5tlæ§'fe  vt  load,  charge,  burden.  -Ife  <■ 
loading  etc. 

SJclæ'ft  a  well-read,  conversant  with  books. 
-^eb  c  (extensive)  reading. 

S3el«'b  n,  pi  =,  amount.  —  9tiabt  ftfl  vr  til 
amount  to,  come  to,  make;  ^tjor  ^ojt  fon  bet  _ 
what  may  it  come  to?' 

)6et«tt'n|e  vt  reward,  recompense,  remunerate. 
-er  c  -e  rewarder,  requiter.  -ing  c  -er  reward, 
recompense,  remuneration,  poet  meed;  (51Jri86.) 
premium,  prize. 

Sem'a|(e  vt  bepaint,  daub.    -Ing  c  daubing. 

Setnan'bje  vt  j,  man.  -fng  c  mannlng;  eoncr 
complement,  crew;  ©fibct  ^ar  fin  fulbftænbtge  - 
the  ship  has  her  complement  of  men.  -ingd= 
tifte  crew's  list.  -ingSregnlatio  scale  of  man- 

SJemelbt"  a  said,  aforesaid. 

IScmcft're  fig  vr  make  el.  render  one's  self 
master  of 

iBemibiet  a  of  means,  well  oflf,  wealthy. 

-^8emo8'fet  a  mossy,  overgrown  with  moss. 




Øem^n'&ige  vt  authorize,  empowcr,  commis- 
sion.  -Ife  c  authorization  etc,  sanction;  concc 
l'ull  power,  power  of  attorney,  warrant,  author- 
ity;  eftei  _  by  authority;  gttie  _  til  authorize. 

^tmanq'c  vr  meb  p  meddle  with. 

83ein(crt'|e  vt  (lægge  SKærte  til)  perceive,  notice, 
note,  (ogfaa  i  23et.  ptre)  remark,  observe;  +  = 
6ett)be;  ieg  tiUober  mig  at  ~  I  beg  to  remark, 
observe,  mention;  bet  fortjener  at  -§  it  deserves 
notice;  gøre  fig  -t  make  one's  self  conspicuous, 
-ellg  a  perceptible,  perceivable,  noticeable.  -elf  c 
c  -r  signification,  meaning,  acceptation,  sense 
■ninfl  c  -er  remark,  observation;  gøre  -er  »eb 
remark  upon. 

tScmøg'e  vt  begrime,  befoul. 

-t-SBemoje  vt,  fe  Umage. 

S3en  n,  pi  ==  {+  joc  -e)  (i  Segemct)  bone ; 
(Sem,  p.  9!J?jøbler,  SSintet  o.  1.)  leg;  gjorbe  lange  _ 
made  good  use  of  his  legs;  et  febt  _  a  good 
prize;  tage  -ene  ub  af  bone;  benne  @ang  er  bet  _ 
of  mine  _  bihl  this  is  now  bone  of  my  bones; 
fpænbe  -  for  en  trip  one  up;  fætte  bet  Bebfte  _ 
foron  put  one's  best  leg  foremost;  orbejbe  i  - 
work  in  bone;  ber  er  ingen  ~  i  bet  it  is  all  plain 
sailing;  ^ar  -  i  Sftæfen  (el.  ^anben)  has  plenty  of 
backbone,  has  a  (little)  will  of  his  own;  tage 
-ene  meb  ftg,  P  stir  one's  stumps;  falbe  o  ber 
fine  egne  _  stumble  over  one's  own  legs;  ^an  er 
altib  paa  -ene  he  is  always  on  the  move;  jeg 
^r  »æret  paa  -ene  ben  fiele  ®og  I  have  not  been 
off  my  legs  all  day;  ^e(e  ^ujet  er  paa  ene  the 
whole  house  is  astir;  fomme  paa  -ene  igen  regain 
one's  feet,  recover  one's  legs;  faa  ®e  er  aEerebe 
paa  -ene  igen  so  you  are  come  round  again; 
hjælpe  en  paa  -ene  (ogfoa  fig)  set  el.  put  one  on 
his  legs;  bringe  el.  ftiUe  en  ^ær  paa  -ene  raise  an 
army;  ton  ifte  ftaa  paa  -ene  cannot  stand  on  his 
legs;  ftoo  paa  fooge  ~  totter,  be  in  a  tottering 
oondition;  ftoo  paa  egne  -  stand  upon  one's  own 
bottom  el.  legs,  stand  alone,  be  self-sustaining 
el.  self-supporting;  man  Ian  ilte  gao  poo  et  ~  joc, 
p  you  must  wet  the  other  eye,  gaar  paa  fine 
flbfte  _  is  on  his  last  legs;  gioe  en  _  at  gao  paa 
make  one  find  his  legs;  toge  -ene  paa  ^llatten  el. 
tage  til  -§  take  to  one's  heels;  er  boorlig  til  -S 
is  a  bad,  poor,  walker;  gøre  fig  ub  til  -i  become 

■*!Be»t  a  straight;  -t  adv  straight,  right. 

9enaa'b|e  vt  (en  gorbr^ber)  pardon;  _  en  meb 
nt  favour,  grace,  one  with  st,  confer  st  on  one; 
_  en  paa  Sibet  pardon  one  his  life.  -etfe  c 
favouring  etc,  favour,  grace.  -ning  c  b.  f.; 
(©ftergioelfe  af  ©traf)  pardon,  mercy. 

S3ettaa'btting§  I  antegning  petition  for  mercy. 
-iteii  letter  el.  charter  of  pardon,  -gcunb  mo- 
tive  for  pardon,  -ret  pardoning  power,  prerog- 
ative  of  mercy. 

93en|aare  vein  of  the  leg.  -agtig  «  bony, 
osseous.  -ant))Uteret  a  with  his  leg  amputated. 
-arlicjtie  bone  articles.  -arbejber  worker  in 
bone.    -flflc  bone-ash(es). 

©c'n|beftabigelfe  injury  to  a  bone.  -bctæn> 
belfc  inflammation  of  the  bone,  osteitis.  -itltce 
gelfe  movement  of  the  leg(s).  -bor  trepan. 
-branb  necrosis.  -brub  fracture.  -brubftyge  fe 
-f!ør^eb.  -brufl  ossein.  -bræl  Sf  c  bog-asphodel. 
Narthecium  oKsifragum.  -bagning  structure  of 
the  bones,  skeleton.  -ccHc  bone-cell.  -bannelfc 
bone- formation,  osteogeny,  ossiflcation. 

Senbe  c  -r,  33enbingfube  basket  for  catching 
snails  on  the  bottom  of  the  sea. 

8e'n|brcjer  turner  (in  bone),  -b^nge  heap  of 
bones,  -b^r  vertebrate  animal.  -e  vi  of  run 
away,  bolt,  leg  it.    -ebber  caries. 

Senebift'  Ben'edict,   Ben'net.    -e   Benedic'ta. 

!IBenebtftt'ner|{(ofter  Benedic'tine   monastery. 


-tnunt  Benedictine  (monk).    -nonne  Benedictine 
nun.    -orben   order  of  St.  Benedict  el.  Bennet. 

»enebilt'Irob,  -urt  fe  sReHiterob. 

©encfl'ce  c  -r  ben'eflt;  t)ar  fin  førfte  _  takes 
her  first  benefit.  -foreftiUiug  benefit,  bespeak 
(night,  performance),  tieket-night.  S3enefl|ce'ret 
®obg  lands  appropriated  to  church  livings  or 
other  public  offiees;  _  (gog  suit  in  formå  pau- 
peris.  -ciant'  c  -er  person  who  takes  the  bene- 
fit. -cla'niuS)  c  ben'eflced  clergyman.  -c'ium 
n  fe  83enefice. 

SBenenbe  c  end  of  the  bone  el.  leg 

i8en|et  »  fe  -ogtig. 

Se'nifcbt  bone  grease,  fe  -olie.  -fil  bone-flll 
med  raspatory,  surgeon's  rasp.  -fiff  osseous  fish 
teleost.  -flif(e)  bone=splinter.  -forbinbelfe  ar- 
ticulation,  -fri  a  boneless;  -t  S!øb  boned  meai. 
-fulb  a  bony. 

aSengailcn  n  Bengal;  -e'fcr  c  -e,  -eferin'bc  -r 
Bengale'se.  -ft  a  Bengal;  n  (6prog)  Bengalee; 
_  3lb  Bengal  lights,  blue  fire;  ben  -e  SSugt  the 
Bay  of  Bengal. 

!iBenget  c  -gier  tvp  bar,  rounce;  (StælbSorb; 
brute,  lout.    -agtig  a  brutish,  loutish. 

S3c  nigflbning  bones  (as  a  manure).  -jIoS 
bone-glass.  -t)oarb  c  hard  as  bone.  -^tnbe 
periosteum.  -^tnbebetcenbelfe  periostitis.  -^ooeb 
anat  condyl.  -t)ug  cut  to  the  bone.  -^nle, 
•^ul^eb  anat  cotyla.  -^uS  charnel-house.  -jorb 
bone-earth.  -terne  centre  of  ossiflcation,  ossifie 
centre.  -Kæber  trowsers,  pantaloons;  torte  - 
breeches,  small-clothes.  -tlæbelomme  trowser.s' 
pocket.  -flæbcflræbber  trowsers-maker.  -tl(ebe= 
iej  stuff  for  trowsers.  -Inap  bone-buttou. 
-tnube  protuberance  on  a  bone;  fe  fbulft.  -træft 
cancer  in  the  bone.  -ful  bone-charcoal.  -ta  = 
ntelle  fe  -plabe.  -lim  bone-glue.  -tære  osteologj-. 
skeletology.  -I«å  a  boneless;  legless;  e  gugle 
beef  olives,  poupics.  -mel  ground  bones,  bone- 
dust.  -malle  bone-mill,  bone-grinding  machine. 
•olie  neat's-foot  oli.  -)>onfer  euisse.  -^»ibe 
cavity  of  the  bone.  -))labe  scale  el.  lamina  of 
the  bone.  -rab  c  &  n,  -er  og  -e  skeleton.  -tap 
a  swift-footed .  -fob  surgeon's  saw.  -ftaal  co- 
tyla. -flabe  ulcer  in  the  leg.  -ffinner  greaves. 
-fl«r^eb  brittleness  of  the  bones,  -fmcrter  bone 
-ache,  osteocope.  -fort  bone-black.  -fpat  bone 
-spavin.  -fplint  splinter  (of  a  bone),  -ftnmp 
stump  (of  the  leg);  fragment  of  bone.  -fttjfte 
bony  piece  of  raeat.  -fteu  bone-dust.  -fubftan§ 
osseous  substance,  bony  structure.  -foulft  exos- 
tosis.  -f^gbom  disease  of  the  bones,  -ftiftem 
osseous  system,  -fem  anut  suture,  -tang  bone 
-nippers  pi.  -tej  F  legs;  gobt  _  streng  el.  well 
-made  legs.  -ubbætft  fe  -fonlft.  -ulb  gare.  *-urt 
fe  Srogetlo.  '•■-beb  c  spindle-tree,  Euonymur,  *fe 
Srifitorn;  (fe  ogfaa  nbfr.). 

93enob'|et  a  uneasy,  nervous,  shaky.  -elfe  c 
uneasiness,  nervousness. 

*S3c'n|beb  (af  S3en  a)  fly  honeysuckle,  Lonicera 
xvlosteum;  fe  Scolttieb.    -bej  short  cut. 

SBenibælft  growih  of  the  bones,  -bærl  goui. 
-bæb  osseous  tissue  el.  texture. 

i8cnt)t'te  vt  use,  make  use  of,  employ:  (fom 
Silbe)  consult,  lay  under  contribution;  _  en  Sej  = 
liglieb  take,  seize  et.  embrace  an  opportunity; 
_  Sejlig^eben  improve  the  occasion;  _  Siben  make 
good  use  of  one's  time,  improve  the  time;  _ 
fin  5Eib  paa  bet  bebfte  make  the  most  of  one's 
time;  —  w  tig  of,  fe  SBentjtte;  profit  by,  take 
advantage  of,  avail  one's  self  of;  _  fig  af  fin 
iJorbel  improve  el.  push  one's  advantage.  -Ife 
c  use,  using  etc,  improvement.  -Ifedmaabe  way 
of  using  st. 

Senji'n  c  ben'zine. 

^enjoe  c  (gum)  benjamin,  benzoin'.    -balfam 






».  )'.  -tilomfter  flo\yers  of  beuzoin.  •gnmnti, 
-tiavpiU  fe  ^Benjoe.  -olie  benzoin  oil.  -furt 
éolt  benzoate.  -ftjre  benzoic  acid.  -tinitur 
virgin-milk.  -træ  benjamin  tree.  -«ter  benzoic 
ether.  —  Scnjoi  c  ben'zole.  —  SSenjoQ'I  n  ben'- 
I     zoyl,  ben'zule. 

^       9tnas't\e  vt  deny,  (ifle  ttlftaa)  disavow.    -elfe 

'     c  -r  denial,    disavowal,    (jur.  Qnblæg)  traverse. 

-e(fe3eb   oath  of  denial.     -enbe  a  negative;    - 

©bor   answer   in  the  negative;    —  adv  in  the 


SenaV'Ine  vt  name,  call,  designate;    (t  fe  S3e= 

TOtnme)     -nelfe   (+-ninfl)   c  -er   appellation,   de- 

siKnation.    -nt  a  (+  =  Semeibt);  _  %al  concrete 

applicate    number;    Slbbition    (ofo.)  i  -e  2oI 

inponnd  addition  etc. 

Stnei't  fiB.  fe  3iøie  Tifl- 

iBeorbre  vt  order,  direct;  -t  til  fiettl^  under 
orders  for  Leith. 

Scpal  |fe  vt  load  el.  fill  with  packages  el.  bag- 
gage,   -ning  c  mi/  fe  Cppofning."; 

©e)>on'f|re  »t,  -ring  fe  $anfre. 

8e()ante  vt  pledge,  mortgage.j 

Sclpel'fct  a  elad  in  furs. 

SeVié'fe  vt  bepiss. 

©eplan'tle  vt  plant;  _  ^jaan^  replant.  -nlng  o 
planting;  concr  plantation. 

©Hjlct'te  if  spot,  stain.    -Ife  c  /^  stainlng. 

+S3cpr>j'J>c  vt  fe  *J5rpbe. 

9e|)ub're  »f  bepowder. 

+8c<»ur'pfe  vt  dress  in  purpie. 

9eraa'be  vr  fifl  paa  (en)  appeal  to,  refer  to, 
quote,  (nt)  plead,  urge;  -nbe  fig  paa  at  under 
the  plea  that.    -Ife  c  appeal. 

Seraa'b  n  deliberation;  meb  ~  deliberately; 
Ⱦre,  gaa  i  -  meb  deliberate  with;  toge  i  -  take 
into  consideration;  jeg  bar  i  _  (meb  mig  felB)  om 
jeg  flulbe  gaa  I  was  irresolute  whether  to  go  or 
not.  —  l^eraab  a  -.  meb  (bel)  _  $u  deliberately, 
advisedlv.  -e  (+-fjøre)  fig  vr  meb  consult.  t-floa 
fe  Saabflaa. 

+S3crom'  n  -.  paa  (et)  _  at  a  venture,  at  random, 
at  hap-hazard;  boa  eget  ~  of  one's  own  accord, 
on  one's  own  authority.  -me  vi  flx,  appoint. 
-melfe  c  appointment. 

Strappe  vt  (TOur)  rough-cast. 

?)erbcr  c  -e  Berber,  (|)eft)  barb.  -i'tt  n  Ba'r- 

©erberlS'  c,  -buff  barberry-  el.  piperidge-bush. 
Berberis  vtdgaris.    -bær  barberry. 

Serbermu^  Barbary  mouse.  Mm  barharus. 

Sere'be  vt  prepare;  -  et  røoaltib  prepare  el. 
dress  a  meal;   _  Sæber  dress  el.  curry  leather; 

-  SSejen  for  en  pave  the  way  for  one;  _  en  nt 
cause  one  st,  bring  st  upon  one;  _  ^am  SSanfIe= 
ligl^eber  throw  difflculties  in  his  way;  _  en  en 
Oberraftclfe  give  one  a  surprise;  _  en  til  Seben 
prepare  one  for  death;  —  vr  fig  paa.  prepare  for; 

-  fig  tit  get  ready  for;  — berebto  paa  prepared 
for.    -Ife  e  preparing  etc,  preparation. 

Sere'ben  a  mounted;  gøre  -  mount. 

Sere'blning  c  dressing,    -ffab  n:  i  _  in  readi- 

ss;  ^olbe  i  -  hold  in  readiness;  ftaa  i  -  meb  at 

in  readiness  to,    on    the  point  of.    -Uinig 

i.  re'bO  a  ready,  willing.    -oiQig^eb  c  readi- 

-s,  willingness,  (frejBig,  glab)  alacrity,  prompt- 


Seregnle  vt  compute,  calculate;  (fiitle  i  8Jeg= 
ning)  put  el.  place  to  account;  _  fig  (i  SBetaling) 
charge;  jeg  ^ar  -t  Sem  bi8fe  SSaret  til  I  have 
charged  these  goods  at;  -8  fom  9Jettelfer  tvp  is 
charged  for  as  corrections;  -t  pao  intended  for; 
t  paa  at  calculated  to.  -elifl  a  calculable.  -enbc 
a  calculating.  -er  c  -e  aetuary.  -et  a  eunning, 
polilic.  -infl  c  -er  computation,  calcuiation; 
toge  i  -  make  allowance  for,  allow  for;  tage  meb 

i  -en  count  with;   tog  fejl  i  fin  _  was  out  in  his 
calculatioiis.    -ingdmaabe  way  of  calculating. 

Sercj'Ife  vt  travel  over,  traverse,  p  do.  -fl  a 
travelled;  en  meget  _  TOanb  a  great  traveller. 

8ercn'b|e  vt,  mil  invest,     -ing   c  investment. 

SBcret'Ite  vt  state,  relate,  report,  record;  _  en 
©t)g  administer  the  sacrament  to  asick  person. 
-»ting  c  -er  statemeni,  account,  report;  aflatgge  - 
om  make  (draw  up)  a  report,  give  an  account, 
make  a  statement  of,  report.  -f-ningSmanb  c  fe 
-ter.  -telfe  c  administration  of  the  sacrament; 
*  fe  gortæHing.    -ter  c   e  relator. 

aSerett  lg|e  vt  entitle;  -r  til  at  liiaalt  at  war- 
rants the  hope  that;  -et  til  at  entitled  to,  war 
ranted  el.  justified  in  -ing;  —  berettiget  a 
legltimate,  lawful;  SereS  3nbbciiBing  er  _  your 
objection  is  sound,    -elfe  c  right,  title. 

•Berg  «,  pi  — ,  fe  SSjærg.  (3  Sammensætninger 
bruges  benne  ^orm  i  SJorge  altib,  Iioor  ber  er  Sale 
om  Sergboefen,  og  meget  alminbelig  ogf aa  i  anbre 

Sergamot'  c  -ter  bergamot.  -olie  (essence  of) 
bergamot.     -tr«  bergamot.  Citrus  bergumia. 

*S5ergc  vt  fe  SBjærge. 

Sergen  n  Bergen,  (i  SSelgien)  Mons.  tSergeflft. 
Scrgfift  fe  SJubfift. 

©erge're  (fr.)  c  -r  easy  chair. 

SBerglfoII  miners;  fe  S3jærg=.  -guarbein  assayei 
of  a  mine.  -g^Ite  c  ballan  wrasse  (»c  berggil), 
Labrus  bergvita. 

SJergi'nejbraS  vi,  cross-jack  (ubt.  crodjec)  brace. 
-rflo  crossjack  yard  (ofb  ). 

39ergjt)au))ttnanb  intendant  of  mines.  *-^attS 
-fnott,  -inauS  hill-top,  rock.  *-tnop  wall  pepper, 
Sedum  acre.  -t^nbig  a  skilied  in  mining;  —  <• 
mineralogist,  metallurgist.  -Ial§  fe  ®\\)\t,  ^1= 
mule.  *-lænbt  a  mountainous.  -manb  miner; 
fe  i8jærg=.  -inefter  superintendent  of  mines. 
-ncebbe  gold  sinny,  Crcnilabrus  norvegicus.  -ret 
bergmote.  -ftob  mining  town;  fe  Sjærg'.  "-fttgje 
fe  -gijlte.  -tørring  drying  on  the  rocks.  -Otecf, 
-Otcrtdbrift  o.  fl.  fe  33iærg=.  -Dæfen  mining 

Seri'be  vt  break;  (Sanbet)  ride  about. 

SBcri'ber  c  -e  mi(  riding  master,  rider,  horse 
-breaker,  rough-rider;  (ftunft=)  circus-rider,  horse 
-rider,  equestrian  performer,  -bane,  -cirhid 
circus.  -foreftiUing  equestrian  performance. 
-funft  circus-rider' s  art.  -funfter  pi  feats  of 
horse-manship.  -Jiift  longe-whip.  -felflab  horse 
-riding  etablishmcnt,  equestrian  company,  Com- 
pany of  riders.  Seriberfte  c  -r  (female)  circus- 
rider  (ofb  ). 

Seri'ge  vt  enrich.  -Ife  c  -r  enriching,  enrich- 
ment.  -IfeSntibbel  means  of  enriching  one's 

a3crig'tige  vt  correct,  rectify;  (betolej  settle. 
-Ife  c  -r  rectifying,  correction,  rectiflcatiom; 
(offentlig,  $roteft)  diselaimer;  til  _  af  in  correc- 
tion of 

©ertng'et  a  bejewelled,  be-ringed. 

33ering§|ftr«bet  Behring's  strait(s). 

Serffl'n  «  bar'racan. 

ScrfeSKbreb)  pi  collars,  claws.  -fr*  poppy 

Serli'n  n  Ber'lin.  ©erli'ner  c  -e  Berliner 
93erliner|blaat  Prussian  blue.  -Mbt  Prussian 
red.    -trattaten  the  Berlin  treaty,    the  t.  of  B. 

Serlot'  c  -fer  watch-lrinket. 

3Jerm(e)  c  mil  berm,  herme. 

33ermu'ba3*erne  the  Bermudas,  Bermuda. 

©em  n  Bern,  Berne.  -er  c  Berne'se.  -er- 
flUjerne  the  Bernese  Alps. 

99crnate(gaaS  brant  goose,  Anser  leucopsis. 

a3ernt)arb  Bernard.  —  99ernt|arbi'ner{mttnt 
Ber'nardlne      -orben  order  of  8t.  Bernard.  — 




(St.)  ®ern^arb§|^ttnt)  Great  St.  Bernard  dog. 
-fre68  te  eremtt=. 

»ernften  fe  atJao. 

©ero'  vi  (finbeS)  be;  (^aoe  fit  gorblibenbe)  stand 
over,  rest,  remain  in  abeyance;  -r  (grunber  fig) 
paa  is  founded  upon;  -r  paa  (afhænger  of)  depends 
on,  (en)  rests  with;  bet  -t  paa  en  SKiSforftaaelfe 
it  is  due  to  a  misunderstanding;  berbeb  maa  bet 
_  there  tlie  matter  must  rest;  labe  bet  -  tit  en 
fluben  ®ang  leave  it  for  another  time.  SSero  « : 
ftiHe  nt  i  _  lay  st  by  for  the  present,  let  tlie 
matter  rest. 

SScto'Itgc  ealm  fdown),  quiet,  tranquillize, 
compose,  soothe,  reassure,  appease,  set  at  rest 
el.  ease.  -nbe  a  reassuring,  comforting;  med 
sedative,  composing;  _  9)ltbbel  sedative,  Jig  og 
F  calmer,  quieter.  -tfe  c  calming  etc;  bet  er 
en  _  at  »ibe  it  is  a  comfort  to  know. 

©erfærf  c  -er  wild  warrior  of  the  lieathen  age, 
Berserk.  ©erfoetf'evgang  fury  of  a  Berserk;  f 
gaa  -  run.  a  muck. 

©ert^a  c  Bertha;  berthe,  bertha. 

SBertle  vt  edge,  border,  burr  up.  ^etttijrntn 

©ertramrob  sneezewort,  bastard  pellitory, 
Achiliea  ptarmici. 

39ertt'f|c  vt  intoxicate,  inebriate;  _  fig  get 
drunk  el.  tipsy.  -elfc  c  intoxication,  inebriation. 
•enbe  a  intoxicating  etc;  _  3)ri!Ie  i.  liquors, 
intoxicants.  -et  a  drunk,  tipsy,  (ogfoa  fig)  in- 
toxicated  (of  with). 

©et^gt'Ct  a  in  bad  repute,  notorious;  _  Sbinbe, 
|>u8  woman,  house,  of  bad  repute,  of  ill-fame. 
-fteb  c  bad  reputation. 

Scr^r  c  -ler  ber'yl.    -jorb  glucine,  glucina. 

+8et'«Be  vt  smoke,  fumigate. 

93crøm'|me  vt  laud,  extol,  commend,  praise; 
~  fig  af  boast  of,  glory  in.  -meU§  o  laudable, 
commendable,  praiseworthy,  creditable,  honour- 
able;  illustrious.  -meng^eb  c  praiseworthiness. 
-melfe  c  -r  (SRo§)  praise,  eulogy,  commendation, 
credit;  (3?at)nfnnbtg^eb)  celebrity,  renown.  8e= 
t«mt'  a  celebrated,  renowned,  famed,  famous. 
©erømt^eb  c  celebrity,  renown;  ($erfon)  ce- 

S3et«'r|e  vt  touch;  fig  (omtale)  touch  on,  hint 
at;  _  ^inonben  touch;  -rte  mig  fmerteligt  made  a 
painful  impression  on  me;  -rte  mig  u6ef)ageligt 
gave  me  a  shock;  ^riferne  -§  itte  af  prices  are 
not  aflfected  by.  -elfe,  -ing  c  touching  etc, 
contact;  ftoar  t!fe  i  nogen  -  meb  has  no  connec- 
tion  with. 

©erø'tingSleleltridtet  galvanism.  -linie  con- 
tingent  line.  -pian  tangent  plane,  -^untt  point 
of  contact.    -»infel  angle  of  contact. 

Serfl'be  vt  deprive  of,  bereave  of,  divest  of; 
~  en  Sioet  take  one's  life.  -Ife  c  deprivingetc, 

8e§'  n  mua  B  double  flat. 

9e\aa'  imp  af  S3efe. 

Stfaa'  vt  sow;  fig  -et  meb  strewed,  dotted, 
overspread  with.    -jtittg  (+-elfe)  c  sowing. 

tStfo'n  fe  aWefan. 

Sefot'  part  fe  SSefætte;  —  a :  possessed;  _  af 
2)jæBeIen  possessed  by  (+  of)  the  devil;  _  af  2®r= 
Berrigl&eb  (o.  fl.)  possessed  with  ambition;  ftrige 
fom  en  -  scream  like  one  possessed. 

©efe'  et  view,  inspect,  look  over;  *  -  fig  paa 
et  6teb  take  a  look  at,  take  a  view  of,  see  the 
sights  of,  a  place;  (éjenbommen)  ton  •§  is  on 

©efeg'Ile  vt  (ogfaa  fig)  seal.    -ing  c  sealing. 

©eftfile  vt  uavigate;  _  paanx)  renavigate. 
+-«Iig  a  navigable.  -ing  c  navigating,  naviga- 
tion; fe  -tngStogt.  -IngåfommiSfton  trial  com- 
mittee.    -ing§ra)))iort  report  on  the  sailing  and 



other  qualities  of  the  ship.    -ingStogt  sailing 
expeditiou,  trial  trip. 

©tfe{'r|r  vt  vauquish,  beat,  {oq\aafig)  get  the 
better  of,  conquer,  overcome,  SSanffeligtieber  sur- 
raount.  -et  c  vanquisher,  victor.  -ing  c  vau- 
quishing  etc;  victory  (af  over). 

©efib'be  vt  possess,  be  possessed  of;  (6e6o) 
occupy;  _  ens  Xillib  possess  el.  enjoy  one's  con- 
fidence;  —  befibbenbe  a:  ben  ~  SloSfe  the 
propertied  el.  property  classfes).  -Ife  c  -r  (ogfoo 
<oncr)  possession;  occupatiou;  enjoyment;  -r 
(Sanbe)  dominions,  dependencies;  tomme  i  _  of 
get  possession  of;  toge  i  ~,  fætte  fig  i  _  of  take 
possession  of,  possess  (atter:  repossess)  one's 
self  of 

a3e|ib'bctfe8|for^olb  tenure.  -leSaunmoneyed, 
unportioned.  -ret  right  of  possession.  -tagelfe 
c  occupation.  -tager  c  -e  occupant.  -ttiOeri 
imlawfuUy  taking  away  one's  own  goods  in 
another  man's  possession.  ©efibber  c  -e,  -inb'e 
c  -r  possessor. 

©efig'te  vt  inspect,  survey.  -Ife  c  inspection, 
survey.  —  ©cfigtelfe^lforretning  survey;  survey 
-report,  -gcfi^r  surveyor's  fees.  -fommiSflott 
board  of  surreyors  el.  inspectors.  -manb  inspec- 
tor,  surveyor.  —  ©efigtige  fe  SBefigte. 

tSBefln'Ibe  vt  consider;  —  vr  fig  (ftifte  ©inb) 
change  one's  mind;  ~  fig  paa  recollect,  call  to 
mind,  think  of.  -bclfe  c  reflection;  recollection; 
to6e  -n  lose  one's  senses  el.  one's  head;  Tomme 
til  _  recover  one's  senses;  come  to  sober  reflec- 
tion; bringe  en  til  -  bring  one  to  his  senses. 
-big  a  considerate,  discreet,  circumspect,  sober; 
cool.  -big^eb  c  discretion,  circumspection;  c 

©efjfl'Iet  a  shawled. 

SBefjæ'I|e  vt  animate.    -cnbe  a  animating.  -ltt| 
c  animation. 

S3cff  a  bitter,  acrid.    -^cb  c  bitternefiS,  acridity. 

©cftabige  vt  (om  bobe  2;ing)  damage,  (Semmer 
0.  1.)  injure,  hurt;  (ftærtt,  »eb  33ef£t)bning)  batter; 
_  et  5DJonument  deface  a  monument;  -t  of  SBanb 
sea-daraaged.  -Ife  c  damage,  injury,  hurt;  de- 

©eftoff'en  a  conditioned;  Sagen  er  faatebeS  _ 
the  matter  stands  thus;  benne  ©ag  er  anberlebes 
_  enb  mon  tror  the  case  is  diflerent  from  what 
it  is  supposed  to  be;  ^Dorlebel  er  bet  -t  meb  !^att§ 
Baget'/  what  is  the  state  of  his  aifairsV  røenneftet 
er  foolebcl  -t  man  is  so  constituted.  -^eb  c  quality, 
condition,  description,  nature;  ©ogenS  - 
nature  of  the  case. 

©ef(ot'|te  vt  tax,  assess,  lay  a  tax  upi 
(gjenbe)  lay  under  contribution;  be  l^øjft  -be  tKe 
highest  tax-payers.  -ning  c  taxing  etc,  taxa- 
tion,  assessment.  -ningémaabe  system  of  taxa- 
tion.  -ning^mqnbigfieb,  -ntng§ret  power  of 

©efte'bcanswer,  information,  (til  unberorbnebe) 
directions;  got)  ^om  ben  _  ot  gave  him  for 
answer  that;  gøre  _  do  good  work,  do  one's 
work  effectually;  gere  en  -  pledge  one;  fenbe 
en  -  send  one  word,  let  one  know;  fige  2;je= 
neren  _  give  the  servant  his  directions  el.  orders; 
ieg  fogbe  ^om  (orbentlig)  _  I  told  him  a  bit  of  my 
mind;  »ibe  gob  -  meb  be  up  to;  be  fom  »ibe  1 
those  who  know;  berom  »eb  jeg  ingen  _  I  know 
nothing  about  it;  jeg  »eb  -  I  know  what  is 
what;  berom  »eb  jrg  _  I  know  all  about  it;  jeg 
»eb  bebre  _  I  know  better;  »ibe  _  i  et  §nS  know 
one's  way  about  a  house;  jeg  »eb  tngeti  _  I)er  I 
am  a  stranger  here;  tnbtil  Bibere  _  till  further 
orders;  *  meb  _  to  good  purpose,  eifectually, 
with  a  vengeance;  *  ber  er  ingen  _  meb  ^am  he 
has  no  energy  et.  eflicieucy  about  him. 

©efle'bcn  a  modest,  unpretending,   unassu 








ing,  uuuoirusive,  mild;  (maabeoolfteii)  moderaie. 
•ftcb  r.  modesty,  bumility. 

33efle'ler  c  -e  stud-horse. 

93effl'|be  vt  p  shite  on.  -bf  a  F  (09faa  fio) 

93'efltf' |fc  p<  order,  arrange,  dispose;  (anfætte) 
appoint,  commission,  (i  en  anben?  ©teb)  substi- 
tute;  jur  serve  a  notice  upon;  _  ftt  JpitS  set 
one's  house  in  ordcr.  -felfe  c  appointment; 
notice;  +  =  Xilffilfelfe.  -fcIfeSBtbne  t  (private) 
witness  to  a  notice.  -ntnø  c  met  mixing  the 
Ores  and  fluxes. 

SJeffin'nc  «<  shine  upon,  irradiate,  illumine. 

SBeffo'  vt  shoe. 

©eflra'be  vt  scrape  (an  oyster-hank). 

8effri't)|c  vt  (ogfaa  geom)  describe,  (ubførligt) 
detail;  (ft)Ibe  meb  Sfrift)  flll  with  writing;  ilte  til 
at  _  not  to  be  described;  jur  6ef!re»et  in  writing; 
—  -enbe  a  descriptive.  -elig  a  describable. 
•elfe  c  -r  description,  account;  jur  copy;  fejlagtig 
_  misdescription;  ooer  al  _  beyond  all  expres- 
sion, -elfelgebijr  copying-fees.  -er  c  -e  de- 

tSeffub':  paa  Bebfte  _  p  at  haphazard. 

tSBfffub'bc,  fe  »effiippe. 

9Jeffu'|e  vt  gaze  at,  view,  contemplate.  -dig 
a  visible,  perceptible.  -elig^eb  c  visibility, 
conspicuousuess.  -f-elfc,  -en  c  viewing,  inspec- 
tion.    -er  c  -e  viewer,  beholder. 

tSeffup'pe  vt  swindle,  cheat. 

©effDul'^e  vt  beat  el.  dash  against,  wash. 

95eff5'b|e  vt  fire  upon  el.  into,  cannonade, 
batter;  _  fangffiB?  rake;  ©tiQing  ^»orfra  fjjeiiben 
fon  -8  langffibø  a  raking  position;  fra  bette  ?fort 
fan  ^ele  Jpibnen  -§  this  fort  commands  the  har- 
bour.  -iting  c  firing  etc,  cannonade;  _  langffibS 
a  raking  fire. 

©cfftjg'Ige  vt  shade,  overshadow.  -gct  a  shady, 

Beff^Ib'c  vt  for  aecuse  of,  charge  \vith,  tax 
with,  lay  to  one's  charge,  -ning  c  -er  accusa- 
tion,  charge,  imputation  (for  of). 

Seff^He  »«  water,  wash. 

Seffflt'te  vt  protect,  guard,  defend;  (Sunfter 
0.  1.  og  iron)  patronize;  _  mob  JRegnen  shelter 
from  the  rain;  _  en  *^effe(  protect  el.  honour  a 
bill;  —  befftjttenbe  a  protecting,  protective. 
-Ife  c  protection,  defence;  patronage;  (mobf. 
gri^anbel)  protection;  unber  kanonernes  _  under 
cover  of  the  guns;  finbe  _  find  shelter;  SBcffelen 
bil  finbe  prompte  _  the  bill  will  meet  with  due 
protection;  tage  unber  fin  _  take  under  one's 
protection,  countenance,  patronize;  føge  _  mob 
seek  shelter  (from). 

9efIqt'teIfeiS|ttg^eb  protective  likeness.  -manb 
protectionist.  -mibbcl  means  of  protection; 
protective  remedy  -ret  right  of  protection, 
protectorate.  -f^ftcmet  the  protection  system, 
protection.  -tolb  protective,  protectionist  cl. 
prohibition  duty,  protection. 

SJeftljt'tcr  c  -e  protector;  patron;  (i  Ur)  shock 
-proteclor.  -inbe  c  -r  protectress;  patroness. 
•Bttnc  patronizing  air.    -tone   patronizing  tone. 

Seffæftige  vt  employ,  (ogfaa  aanbelig)  occupy; 
-t  meb  occupied  in,  with,  busied  in,  engaged 
In,  on,  upon,  taken  up  with;  -be  mig  meget  meb 
l^m  occupied  myself  much  with  him.  -Ife  c 
-r  occupation,  emplojTnent,  pursuit;  uben  _  un- 

Seflcrm'me  vt  shame,  disgrace,  dishonour; 
(gøre  ftamfulb)  abash;  (gøre  til  ©lamme)  put  to 
shame;  hihi  ^aabet  -r  iffe  hope  maketh  not 
ashamed.  -Ife  c  shame,  disgrace,  dishonour. 
-abe  a  shameful,  disgraceful. 

tiBeffæn'f|e  vt  =  beuærte,  6egabe.  -et  a  fud- 
dled,  tipsy,  in  liquor. 

iiarfen:  35anff»(gngelff  Orbbog. 

iBcftære  (-oe,  -t,  -h  iom  ©tære;  allot  (st  to  one), 
bestow  (st  on  one). 

©effæ'rc,  -ffar,  -flaaret  vt  clip,  pare,  trim;  fig 
curtail,  reduce,  pare;  (SSogb.)  cut  (the  edges  of), 
(ftcerft)  crop;  (Srceer)  prune,  lop,  trim.  -ftsbl 
plough,  plough-knife.  -tniU  prnning-knife, 
(33og6.)  edge-tool.  -mafline  cutting  machine. 
-preSfe  cutting  press.  —  iBeffoering  c  clipping 

©eftær'røle  r>t  screen,  shelter,  shield,  protect 
(mob  from,  against).  -elfe  c  protection.  -er  c 
-e  protector,  defender. 

iBeftfljt'  c  -er  bis'cuit. 

93e{laa'  vt  mount,  bind,  (inbfatte)  cswe,  (tnb« 
Penbtg)  line,  (paa  Snben)  tip;  (et  ^ab)  hoop; 
(4)efte)  shoe;  _  meb  ©øm  stud;  ,1,  (©ejl)  furl, 
Olof)  strap;  -et  fig  (meb  53enge)  lined,  (meb  2ær= 
bom)  well  grounded  el.  equipped.  -fejfing  J, 

SBcfla'g  n,  pi  =,  (ifær  til  $rQbelfe)  mouuting; 
(p.  33ør  0.  1.)  iron  work,  butts;  (i  gotm  af  iRing) 
hoop,  (mtnbre,  p.  ©tof  o.  1.)  ferrule;  (p.  $jul) 
tire;  ^I,  (til  5)lot  o.  1.)  strap,  strapping;  (t.  3om= 
fruer)  binding;  (9Irreft)  arrest,  sequestration, 
attachment,  seizure,  fp.  Sfib)  embargo;  lægge  _ 
paa  sequester,  sequestrate,  (ogf.  om  ©fibe)  seize, 
place  el.  put  under  an  arrest,  (belægge  m.  (Em= 
bargo)  lay  an  embargo  on,  embargo,  fio  (ogf. 
tage  i  _)  take  up,  engross,  engage,  claim,  oc- 
cupy, monopolize,  lay  an  embargo  on;  lægge  _ 
paa  enl  ®age  arrest  one's  pay;  lægge  futbt  -  paa 
tax  ...  to  the  utmost.  t-en  a  fe  gorflagen. 
-jammer  shoeing  hammer,  -tægge  vt  seize  (o. 
R.  fe  obfr);  fom  fan  -8  seizable.  -tæggelfe  c 
arrest  (o.  fl.  fe  obfr).  -lære  farriery.  -mefter 
cavalry  farrier.  -fejftng  fe  33eflaa=.  -ffolc  far- 
riery school.  -filtr  horse-shoeing  shed.  -fpcnb 
journeyman  farrier. 

+©efiut':  til  -  fe  -ning. 

iBeflut'Ite  vt  &  i  resolve,  decide,  determine 
(at  that,  meb  Snf-  to,  nt  st,  on  el.  upon  st):  t 
=  flutte;  _  ober  el.  om  decide  on;  —  vr  fig 
come  to  a  resolution,  make  up  one's  mind;  _ 
fig  til,  fe  SBeflutte;  _  fig  til  at  (ogfoa)  make  up 
one's  mind  to;  -t  paa  at  determined  el.  resolved 
to.  -ning  c  -er  resolution,  decision,  (faft)  deter- 
mination; fatte  en  -,  fe  SSeftutte  fig;  tage  _  om 
decide  on;  bet  er  min  fafte  _  at  I  am  determined 
to,  have  made  up  my  mind  to.  -ningébtjgtig 
a:  Pære  _  be  a  quorum.  -ntngSfrtfieb  liberty 
of  decision.  -ningStet  right  of  decision.  +-Som 
a  resolute. 

SBcflæ'bet  a  trained. 

»eflæg'te  vt  ally;  =  flægte  paa. 

Scflæg'tct  a  related,  akin,  allied  (meb  to), 
kindred:  -be  (Smner  kindred  .subjects;  9lrfitefturen 
og  alle  bermeb  -be  S^unfter  architecture  and  all 
the  allied  arts;  _  aJlunbart,  £t)b,  Crb  cognate 
dialect,  sound,  word;  -ebe  ©jæle  kindred  el. 
congenial  souls;  —  c  -ebe  relation,  relative, 
kinsman.    -I)eb  c  relationship. 

+^t\le'te  vt  veil. 

tSScfmitt'Ie  vt  =  belmpffe. 

SBefmttt'e  vt  (fmttte)  infect,  taint;  (befubte)  pol- 
lute,  deflle,  contaminate,  soil;  -be  fin  9©re  soiled 
his  honour.    -Ife  c  pollution,  contamination. 

©efmubf  e,  aScfmufl'e  vt  dirty,  soil. 

f8e\mt)t'U  vt  gloss  over,  colour,  put  a  face 
on,  palliate,  extenuate.  -Ife  colouring,  pallia- 
tion,  extenuation;  gloss,  colour.  -nbe  a  pallia- 
tory,  extenuating. 

SBefm«'re  vt  besmear,   smear.    -Ife  c  besmear- 

^efnal'Ie  vt  talk  over  el.  round. 
ing  etc. 
SSefne'et  a  covered  with  snow. 

-Ife  c  talk- 




iBcfnit'te  vt  \e  SBeffære  2. 

SBcfao'ret  a  laced,  braided. 

^efnu'fle  vt  snifif  el.  snuflfat.  -nittB  csniffing 

SBefnæ'rle  vt  ensnare,  invelgle,  entrap.  -elfe, 
•itifl  c  ensnaritig  etc,  llnveiglemeut.  -entte  a 
ensnaring;  fascinating. 

Sefolb'le  vt  pay.    -ning  c  pay,  payment. 

Scfo'Ue  e<  lie  with;  fe  sBeftiongre. 

!Bef))a'r|e  »t  save,  husband,  eeonomize.  -cnbe 
a  economic.  -elfe,  -ing  c  saving,  economy. 
-tnggftjftem  saving  system. 

tSeftiej'be  vt  |e  Ubfpejbe. 

Sef^t'fle  i;«  feed,  -nlng  c  feeding;  (toft)  fare. 
-ttingSanftalt ,  -ningSforening,  -nitigSfelffnft 
dinner  -  distribution  establishment  el.  society. 
-ttingétcgtcmcnt  dietary. 

fde^po'vet  a  spurred. 

S8ef|pott'|e  vt  mock,  scoflF,  deride,  sneer  at; 
_  ®ub  blaspheme  (God),  -elig  a  blasphemous. 
-elfe  c  -r  mocking  etc;  mockery;  blasphemy. 
•et  c  -e  blasphemer. 

Seftiring'e  vt  cover,  leap,  (om  SBæber  prov) 

SBef^iræng'lc  vt  sprinkle  (over),  besprinkle. 
-ning  c  sprinkling. 

S3ef<)t«J't|e  vt  squirt  over,  bespatter;  (bonbe) 
water;  (meb  ^aanbfprøjte)  syringe,  -ning  c  be- 
spattering  etc. 

SBef^j^'  vt  bevomit. 

SBefii^tt'e  vt  bespit,  spit  on. 

©ef^ænbe  vt  (ipænbe  for)  put  horses  to;  (oni' 
ringe)  surround,  fig  beset;  -bt  af  Sorg  oppressed 
with  grief;  -bt  of  9RælI  distended  with  milk. 

SBef^Jar'ge  fig  vr  inquire;  _  fig  meb  consult. 

Selfaro'fiien  n  Bessarabia. 

93e§fcmer|a^))atat  -oiin  Bessemer  apparatus 
el.  converter.  -^iroceS  Bessemer  process,  bes- 
semerizing.    -ftaal  Bessemer  steel. 

f&tftaa'  vi  (sære  til)  subsist,  exist,  be  in  ex- 
istence;  (oare)  continue,  eudure,  survive;  ^onS 
SRetfærbig^eb  -r  altib  his  righteousness  endureth 
for  ever;  _  af  consist  of,  be  composed  of;  -for 
en  nøjere  SSrøtielfe  bear  a  close  examination;  _ 
for  ^erren  stand  before  the  Lord;  _  i  consist 
in;  bet  fan  if!e  _  meb  it  is  inconsistent  el.  in- 
compatible  with;  _  mob  hold  out  against;  — 
vt  (ub^olbe)  sustain,  stand,  undergo,  go  through; 
(®!§amen)  pass;  _  en  5Prøt)e  stand  el.  meet  a  test. 
-en  c  continuanee.  -enbc  a  existlng;  bet  _  the 
existing  state  of  things;  en  Cmft^rtelfe  of  bet  _ 
(oflf.)  a  subversion  of  upstanding  things. 

SBtfiariling  c  -er  commission,  patent  of  offlce, 
fælge  fin  _  sell  out  (of  the  army).  -ter,  -tet  a 
}oc  duly  appointed,  accredited\ 

93eftanti'  c  continuanee,  durability;  (@fot)>) 
growth,  amount,  stock.  -bel  ingredient,  com- 
ponent  part  el.  element,  constituent  (part);  ubgør 
en  ~  of  enters  into  the  composltion  of. 

SBeftan'big  a  (uortg)  lasting,  enduring;  (flobig) 
constant,  perpetual;  bibl  ben  fom  filiDer  _  tnbtil 
©nben  he  that  endureth  to  the  end;  SBorometeret 
flaar  Jjoa  -t  the  barometer  is  at  set  fair;  —  adv 
constantly;  for  -  for  good,  (ebig)  for  ever.  -^eb 
c  durability;  constancy. 

tSBcfte'be  vt  fe  Stebe.    t-Ife  c  situation. 

93eftem'nt|e  vt  (afgøre;  6.  bibenftobeligt,  aet,  ,1, 
0.  1.;  beDæge)  determine;  (»eb  (Srænfer  og  log) 
deflne;  nærmere  _  deflne  more  closely,  qualify; 
(om  ©tæbnen)  destine;  (foftfcette)  appoint,  settle, 
fix;  -t  (of  Sfæbnen)  destined,  fated;  _  fig  come 
to  a  determination;  Soben  -r  ot  the  law  pro- 
vides  that;  -for  et.  til  intend  for,  (til  et  færligt 
aSrug)  set  apart  for;  _  (beflutte)  fig  for  decide 
upon;  _  forub  (om  ©læBnen)  predestine,  pre- 
determine;  -  om  el.  oBer   determine  on;   _  fig 

tit  determine  el.  decide  on,  make  up  one's 
mind  to;  _  fig  til  at  determine  el.  decide  to; 
-mt  til  (om  3fJeife)  bound  for,  ^  -mt  til  Ublanbet 
foreign  bound,  -t  til  |)iemftebet  homeward  bound; 
S3egrat)elfen    6leB  -mt  til  Srebag   the   funeral  was 

arranged  for  Friday; e  n  b  e  a  determining, 

determinative  (for  of);  _  for  en,  conclusive  for 
one.  -clig  a  determinable,  definable.  -cife  c  -r 
determination;  (ogfoo  Steb)  destination;  (Stæbne) 
destiny;  (^Zjemeb)  purpose;  definition;  qualifica- 
tion;  appointment;  (*JJoliti>  o.  1.)  regulation; 
fiobenS  -r  the  provisions  of  the  law;  bu  moo  toge 
en  _  you  must  come  to  a  decision,  make  up 
your  mind;  tage  anben  _  alter  one's  mind. 
-elfeiSgrttnb  motive.  -elfeSorb  definitive  word. 
-elfeéftcb  (place  of)  destination. 

»eftentf  (part  fe  SBeftemme);  a  Cfaftfot)  flxed, 
appointed,  stated,  set,  certain;  (nøjagtig)  defi- 
nite,  precise;  (og  ingen  anben)  particular;  (faft, 
uforonberlig)  peremptory,  decided,  decisive,  posi- 
tive; (om  Soralter)  determined,  firm;  math  de- 
terminate;  ben  -e  Slrtifel  the  definite  article;  _ 
5|5rt§  flxed  el.  set  price;  -e  Ximer  stated  hours; 
_  ©Bor  positive  answer;  _  Xone  decided  el. 
peremptory  tone;  _  Slfflog  a  flat  refusal;  —  adv 
deflnitely;  peremptorily,  decidedly;  positively; 
jeg  tør  itte  fige  bet  _  I  won't  be  positive;  I  don't- 
know  for  certain.  -^eb  c  precision;  decision, 
determination;  Beb  bet  meb  _  know  it  positively. 
—  tSBefteont  =  SBeftemt  (flxed). 

tSc'ftl|c  c  -r  beast,  brute.  -otite't  c  bestial'ity, 
beastliness.    -o'Ifl  a  beastly,  best'ial. 

SBefti'gle  vt  (^eft)  mount;  (SBjærg  o.  1.,  Srone) 
ascend;  _  en  TOur  scale  a  wall;  _  en  ^ræbifeftol 
go  up  into  a  pulpit.  -elig  «  ascendible,  acces- 
sible.  -clig^eb  c  accessibility.  -elfc,  -ning  c 
ascending  etc,  ascent,  ascension;  scalade,  es- 

SBeftit'  n,  pi  =,  case  (of  instruments);  J,  ((St= 
maalet)  day's  work,  (i  Slim.)  reckoning;  regne 
-fet  do  el.  calculate  the  day's  work;  offætte  -fet 
prick  the  ship's  position;  oære  efter  el.  forub  for 
fit  _  be  astern  el.  ahead  of  one's  reckoning; 
fig  gøre  fit  -  poo  reckon  upon;  gøre  golt  _  reckon 
without  one's  host,  be  out  in  one's  reckoning 
cl.  calculations.  -(rebbe  latitude  by  dead 
reckoning.    -^otb  day's  work;  reckoning. 

SBeftil'fle  vt  stick;  (Brobere)  embroider;  (unber= 
føbe)  bribe,  corrupt,  f  tip,  fig  gain  over,  cap- 
tivate;  —  -enbe  a,  fig  prepossessing,  engaging, 
seductive.  -etig  a  corruptible,  venal.  -elig^eb 
a  corruptibility,  venality.  -eIfe§forf«g  attempt 
at  bribery.    -elfeSf^ftem   system  of  corruption. 

SBeftif'lIufaf  ^  chart-house.  -o))gøc  traverse 
table.  -regning  reckoning.  -febbel  report  on 
the  ship's  reckoning  at  noon.  -tabeller  traverse 

S8eftitt'|e  vt  (ubføre)  do;  (tabe  ubføre,  forlange) 
bespeak,  order,  engage,  (f.  (£t§.  en  5tBi8  p.  en 
Safé)  bespeak;  _  $labfer,  SSærelfer  take  el.  secure 
piaces,  apartments;  jeg  ^or  -It  ^om  til  ^l.  8  I 
have  appointed  him  to  come  el.  to  meet  me, 
at  eight;  ^or  nt  ot  _  has  something  to  do,  is 
engaged;  ^or  meget  at  _  has  a  great  deal  to  do, 
a  great  deal  on  his  hånds;  t)ar  gobt  ot  _  has 
plenty  to  do;  "^Bob  ^or  ®e  !^er  at  _?  what  busi- 
ness have  you  here?  ^abe  at  _  meb  have  to  do 
with,  have  dealings  with;  bet  ^or  libet  meb  ©ogen 
at  _  that  is  little  to  the  purpose;  bit  itfe  ^oBe 
nt  at  _  meb  will  have  nothing  to  say  to;  ^on 
ffal  fao  meb  mig  at  ~  I  shall  give  it  him;  +  bet 
er  flet  -It  meb  Ijonl  ©oger  he  is  but  ill  off,  in  a 
poor  way;  bet  er  fnort  -It  meb  ^om  it  will  soon 
be  over  with  him.  -ing  c  -er  (^forretning)  busi- 
ness,   occupation,   employment;   (Drbre)   order. 





inmission  (Xtaa  for);  ((Smbebe'i  place,  office;  efter 

i  o  order.    -ingSmanb  fuuctionary,  employee. 

Scftjer'net  "  starred,  star-bespangled. 

©eftjæ'Ie  vt  en  for  nt  steal  st  from  one,  rob 
one  of  st;  jeg  er  6Ieocn  Beftjaalen  for  53cnge  I  have 
had  mouey  stolen;  ben  fieftjaalne  the  robbed 

SJeftor'me  vt  storm,  assault;  fip  assail,  impor- 
tune.    -Ife  c  storming,  assault;  Importunlty. 

S3eftroo'l|e  vt  irradlate,  illumine.  -ing  irradia- 

©cftrcng'lc  vt  string,    -ning  c  stringing. 

^eftri'be  vt  (bffæmpe)  combat,  fig  coutest,  im- 
pugn,  dispute.  deny;  (ubfare)  do,  perform,  carry 
on,  manage;  (SSefoftninger)  bear,  defray.  -Ife  c 
combating  etc;  management;  expense. 

93eftrl)'g|e  vt  coat,  spread  over,  daub  over;  _ 
meb  @ummi  gum;  (ftrejfe)  graze;  batteriet  beftrøg 
5DaIen  the  battery  raked  el.  commanded  the 
valley;  _  meb  TOagneten  touch  with  the  load- 
stone.    -ning  c  coating  etc. 

SSeftræ'be  fig  vr  strive,  endeavour,  labour, 
study  (for  ot  to).  -Ife  c  -r  endeavour,  effort, 
exertion,  aim. 

93eftr«'  vt  bestrew,  strew,  (meb  minbre  'Uartifler) 
besprinkle,  sprinkle,  powder;  _  meb  @onb,  ^ub= 
ber  sand,  powder.    -clfe  c  bestrewing  etc. 

a3eftu'»|e  vt  stow.  -ning  c  stowing.  -ningS' 
reglement  stowing  el.  stowage  regulations. 

!&eftt)f'|te  »t  mount,  arm.    -ning  c  armament. 

*S5cftfl'r  n,  pi  =,  ado,  trouble;  avocation. 

Scft^'rc  vt  (^erfte  ooer)  rule;  (gorretning  o.  1.) 
uianage,  conduct,  direct;  (Smbebe)  fill,  admin- 
ister,  perform  the  duties  of;  -nbe  JReber  manag- 
ing  owner.  -Ife  c  rule,  management,  direction, 
administration;  concr  (©elftobS)  managers,  board 
of  directors,  governing  body,  committee;  melbte 
mig  ub  of  -n  resigned  my  seat  on  the  committee. 

8eftt)'relfc8|gren  department.  -tomité  manag- 
ing  committee.  -mcblem  director.  -møbe  meet- 
ing of  directors.  -roob  board  of  directors.  -ttolg 
electlon  of  directors.  —  SBcft^rer  c  -e  (i  211m.) 
manager;  director;  (af  ®foIe;  head-master,  prin- 
cipal; (flf  S8o)  trustee  (to  an  estate).  !8eft^rer= 
inbe  e  -r  directress,  manager;  schoolmistress. 

©eft^r'fc  tt  (Befræfte)  confirm,  corroborate, 
bear  out;  -  en  i  confirm  one  in;  t  =  -ftQrfe.  -Ife 
c  conflrmation,  corroboration,  strengthening; 
til  _  af  in  corroboration  of. 

Seft^rt'le  vt  amaze,  disconcert,  startle,  dis- 
may.  -elfe  <;  consternation,  amazement,  dis- 
may.    -et',  t-fet  a  amazed  (etc.  fe  obfr.). 

3kftænf'|e  c(  besprinkle,  sprinkle,   -elfe,  -ning 


iicfta'bgftl  rough  file,  rubber. 

t*-8cfte'dct  o  =:  ftBbet;  _  meb  powdered  with.  j;, 

SJcftou'tet  a  booted,  in  boots;  ben  -be  Sat  puss 
in  boots. 

Scfta'tining  c  ^  pollination,  fecundation. 

SSefttb'Ite  ctsully,  soil,  befoul,  defile.  -ling  c 
sullying  etc. 

©efuang're  vt  get  with  child,  impregnate. 
-Ife  c  getting  etc,  impregnation. 

Sefoa're  vt  answer,  reply  to;"(»éb  at  gøre  bet 
famme,  f.  ®f§.  31ben,  en  $ilfen.  Salut,  3nbite)  re- 
turn (the  fire,  a  bow,  salute,  lead);  (lefe)  solve. 
-Ife  c  -r  answer,  reply;  solution;  (6e|t3aret  Cpgaoe) 
theme,  paper. 

SBefbi'ge  vt  (for)  defraud  (of),  cheat  (of,  out 
•Ife  c  -r  defrauding,  fraud. 

'^efui'me  vi  swoon,  faint,  fall  into  a  swoon, 
taken  faint.    -Ife  c  -r  swoon,  tainting  flt. 

!8efoo'gr|e  [aa]  vt  ally  by  marriage;  _  fig  ally 

le's  self  by  m.,  beeome  related  by  marriage 
nieb  to);   jeg  er  -t  meb  ^am  we  are  related  by 

marriage.  -elfe,  -ing  c  connection,  alliance  by 

33ef»»æ't  n  trouble,  inconvenience;  gøre  en  - 
trouble,  inconvenience  one;  bære  el.  falbe  en  til 
_  be  burdensome  to  one.  JBefOære  vt  (bettjnge) 
oppress;  (ulejlige)  trouble,  give  trouble;  (plage) 
molest,  vex;  (iiin'Dte,  gøre  befbotrlig)  obstruct;  bet 
-r  TOoben  it  lies  heavy  upon  the  stomach;  bibl 
tommer  ^ib  til  mig  atle  fom  arbejbe  og  ere  -be  come 
unto  me  all  ye  that  labour  and  are  heavy 
laden;  —  vr  fig  meb  trouble  one's  self  with;  ~ 
fig  ooer  complain  of. 

Seftiærg'le  vt  (Slanber)  con'jure,  (bortmane)  ex- 
orcise,  lay;  (bebe)  conju're,  adjure,  beseech;  _ 
©tormen  lay  the  tempest.  -elfe  c  conjuring, 
exorcism,  incantation.  -elfeSformuIar  (formula 
of)  exorcism  el.  incantation.  -er  c  -e  conjurer, 

99eftiis'r|ing  c  -er  complaint,  grievance.  -lig 
a  troublesome;  (btjrbefulb)  burdensome;  (møjfom= 
meltg)  laborious,  toilsome;  ^on  ^ar  en  _  Ubtale 
he  has  a  diflicult  pronunciation;  falbe  -  =  f.  til 
58efBær;  —  t  adv  with  difflculty.  -liggøre  vt 
impede.  -lig^cb  c  -er  trouble,  inconvenience; 
difflculty;  toil,  hardship;  meb  -  with  difflculty; 
9llberbommen3  -er  the  inconveniences  ofoldage. 

SBeft)'  vt  sew,  stitch. 

Sef^n'bcrlig  a  Strange,  curious,  singular,  odd, 
queer;  (t  =  færegen);  -t  not  Strange  to  say;  — 
adv  strangely  etc;  (t  =  ifær).  -^eb  c  -er  parti- 
cularity,  singularity,  oddity;  (ti-  ==  i  Sær= 

SBefQng'e  vt  slng,  celebrate  in  seng. 

8cft)'ti  c  &  n  -er:  faa  fin  _  inbført,  gtbe  fin  _ 
meb  (i  fiagct)  put  in  a  word  or  two,  put  in  one's 
(feeble)  oars,  say  also  one's  say. 

IBefæt'  n:  i  _  beset  by  the  ice. 

SBefæt'ning  c  -er  (bet  at  b.)  trimming;  concr 
(Seftanb)  stock,  (af  Soæg)  live  stock;  (paa  ftaobe 
0.  I.)  trimming;  (i  ©præng^nl)  tamping;  (i  SaoS) 
garnishment,  guards,  wards;  mil  garrison;  J, 
(9J?anbf(ab)  crew,  cpaa  lamp)  pointing;  lægge  _  i 
garrison;  ^ar  for  ftor  -  J^  is  over-manned;  f)ar 
for  libeu  _  is  short-handed;  ^ele  en  omfommen, 
rebbet  all  hånds  lost,  saved.  —  SJefcetning^jbaanb 
braid,  lace,  ribbon  (for  trimming).  -jomfrtt 
trimming-hand.    -ret  right  of  garrisoning. 

Scfat'te  vt  (£onb,  JJæftning)  occupy;  (<piabl, 
aUoUe)  flU  (up);  fubft^re,  pflnte)  trim;  _  SRolIeme 
cast  the  characters  et.  parts;  _  et  ©tib  man  a 
ship;  ^1,  _  en  Snbe  point  a  rope;  -  en  giftebam 
stock  a  pond;  _  et  Kort  stake  money  upon  a 
card;  _  meb  (i  9llm.)  put  st  on,  set  with;  _ 
meb  Kanoner  mount  with  cannon;  _  et  ^u§  meb 
aSagt  station  a  watch  in  a  house;  -  meb  <|Serler 
set  with  pearls;  _  meb  ®ulb=  el.  ©ølofnore  lace; 
_  meb  (JrQnfer  fringe;  _  ^ané  ^lab§  meb  en  anben 
replace  him  with  another;  aHe  i)ani  Simer  ere 
befatte  all  his  hours  are  taken  up;  fe  SBefot  a. 
-Ife  c  occupation;  (af  en  Wonb)  possession;  _  af 
et  (Smbebe  appointment  el.  nomination  to  an 
Office.  -IfeS^ær  occupying  army.  -IfeSret  ad- 

8ef«'g  n,  pi  =,  visit,  call;  (om  Seater,  Sorb 
0.  1.)  atteudance;  boarligt  -  a  poor  attendance; 
aflægge  en  et  _  pay  one  a  visit,  (tort)  call  on 
one;  et  _  ^o§,  i,  paa  a  visit  to;  i  el.  paa  _  l^o§ 
on  a  visit  to;  bar  tommen  i  _  til  ^erregaarben 
had  come  to  visit  at  the  manor;  jeg  er  tun  paa 
_  t)er  I  am  only  visiting  here;  gøre  en  et  ubentet 
_  drop  in  upon  one;  et  talrigt  -  a  large  attend- 
ance. —  a3ef«g|e  vt  visit,  come  el.  go  to  see, 
call  upon  el.  on,  give  a  call;  (et  ©teb  ofte)  fre- 
quent,  (offentligt  ©teb)  resort  to,  (gorelceSninger 
0.  1.)  attend;  -  paant)  revisit;  teatret  bor  gobt 
-gt  the  theatre  was  well  attended.    -elfe  c  visit- 




ing  etc;  9Jlartæ  _  the  Visitation  of  the  Holy 
Virgin;  forbi  bu  ifle  lenbte  bin  §  Sib  because 
thou  knewest  not  the  time  of  tliy  visitation. 
-ettbe  c,  pi  =,  -er  c  -e  visitor;  caller. 

i8cf«r'gc  vt  take  charge  of,  look  after,  (fom 
iOielleminanb)  arrange,  uegotiate;  (fenbt)  forward; 
_  nt  gjort  see  st  done.    -Ifc  c  charge,  care. 

S3et  c  -er  bast;  gøre  _  bast;  blibe  _  be  basted, 
(i  2:refort)  looed;  fig  fætte  en  -er  nonplus,  pose, 

93eta'Q|e  vt  (om  en  gølelfe)  seize,  come  over; 
_  en  nt  deprive  el.  bereave  one  of  st;  _  en  2t)ften 
til  disincline  one  from;  -  en  9Kobet  dishearten, 
discourage  one;  _  en  9Jlælet  strike  one  dumb; 
_  en  en  jTco  disabuse  one  of  an  impression; 
persuade  one  to  the  contrary;  _  en  "^anS  XBioI 
remove  one's  doubts;  _  en  Ubfigten  obstruet 
one's  view;  fig  -  en  Ubfigten  til  take  away  el. 
destroy  one's  chance  of;  _  en  SJejret  take  away 
one's  "breath;  _  en  ^an§  SSilbforelfe  undeceive 
one.  •tn  a  overwhelmed,  overcome  (af  with), 
excited;  _  af  Sulbe  benumbed  with  cold.  -en« 
^cb,  -etdet)  c  rapture,  transport. 

©etaf'fc  fig  vr  beg  to  be  excused,  decllne 
with  thanks;  jeg  -r  mig  I'll  none  of  it. 

S8etai|e  vt  pay;  _  en  35etfel  pay  el.  answer  a 
bill;  -§  éøjt  fetch  high  prices;  bet  ffal  5De  tomme 
til  at  _  you  shall  pay  for  this,  I  will  be  even 
with  you  yet;  _  en  lige  for  hge  pay  one  in  his 
own  coin,  +  give  one  tit  for  tat;  _  for  fig  pay 
one's  way;  ti  lian  ftal  -  '^oer  efter  ^anS  (gerninger 
who  will  render  to  every  man  according  to  his 
deeds;  _  meb  ®ulb  pay  in  gold;  bet  fan  itte  -§ 
meb  $enge  it  is  invaluable,  worth  any  money; 
_  onbt  meb  gobt  return  good  for  evil;  _  fig  pay; 
-It  paid,  (unber  SRegning)  settled,  (poa  58reo) 
prepaid;  gøre  fig  -It  repay  one's  self,  reimburse 
one's  self;  tage  fig  gobt  -It  charge  a  good  price. 
-Bar,  -elig  a  payable.  -et  c  -e,  -erffe  c  -r  payer. 
-ing  c  (§anbl.)  paying;  (ogfaa  concr)  payment; 
(Søn,  ©olb)  pay;  tage  _  for  charge  for;  ftanbfe 
fine  -er  suspend  payment. 

SBeta'ItnflSJbngpay-day.  -frift  respite.  -mibbcl, 
tosligt  _  legal  tender,  circulating  medium,  -rittge 
pi  ring-money.  -flote  voluntary  school.  -ftonb§= 
ittng  suspension  of  payment.  -termin  instal- 
ment.  -tib  time  of  payment.  -ttiltaar  pi  terms 
el.  conditions  of  payment. 

*S8e'tc  n  fe  SSejte. 

tSetc',  ^etee'  vt  show;  _  fig  behave  one's 
self;  hibl  show  one's  self 

SetCfl'Ine  vt  (mærfe)  mark;  (ub»ege)  point  out, 
designate,  indicate,  characterize;  (gøre  SEegn  til) 
iudicate,  signify;  (6ef£riBe)  describe;  (Betljbe)  ex- 
press,  denote,  "signify,  represent,  -nelig  a  de- 
seribable.  -nenbe  a  significant,  suggestive;  - 
for  charaeteristic  el.  significant  of  -nelfe,  -ning 
c  -r  marking  etc,  designation,  indication;  de- 
scription.    -ningSntaabe   mode   of  designation. 

iBetel  c,  -^jebcr  betel.  Piper  betel,  -nebtræ 
betel-nut  tree,  areca  palm. 

*SBetc§marf  c  pasture,  pasture-land. 

SBet^a'nten  n  Beth'any. 

8e'tl)clf!lb  n  beth'el-ship. 

58et«)cå'ba  ®am  the  Pool  of  Bethesda. 

SSetibå'  adv  betimes,  in  good  time. 

SBeti'mcltg  a  timely,  seasonable,  well-timed, 
opportune;  —  adv  in  good  time,  opportunely. 
-^cb  c  timeliness,  seasonableness. 

Seting'le  vt  (aftale)  contract  for,  bargain  for, 
condition,  stipulate,  fleje)  hire,  engage;  (Bære  en 
-elfe  for)  be  the  condition  of;  _  nt  af  make  st 
conditional  upon;  er  -t  af,  -§  af  is  contiugent 
upon;  _  ^øje  $rifer  fetch  high  prices;  -  fig 
stipulate  for  el.  that;  —  fiettngenbe«  condi 
tional;    —    betinget    a    (begrænfet)    qualifled; 

gram  ~   røaabe    conditional    mood.     -elfi; 
condition,    stipiilation,    proviso,    qualiflcatioi 
pi  terms;  (gorbring)  requirement,  requisite;    '^a 
el.  opftjlber  atte  -r  for  has  el.  fulflUs  all  the 
quirements   of;   vcia.  ben  _  at  ^an  on  conditior 
with  a  proviso,  that  ho,  conditionally  upon  his' 
-ing;    uben    -r   unconditionally.      -elfcSfætning 
conditional  proposition.    -clfe8bt§  a  conditional; 
adv  conditionallv.  .^1 

S8etlt'|te»«  (lalbe)  title,  entitle,  style,  intitul«M| 
-e  betitle,    -let  o  (fom  ^ar  en  STitel)  titled.  ■ 

Sctje'Inc  [æ]  vt  serve;  _  en  Sanon  work  el. 
serve  a  gun;  _  9?etten  administer  justice;  kræften 
-r  be  fljge  the  priest  administers  the  sacrament 
to  the  sick;  —  ur  _  fig  af  make  use  of,  employ. 
-ning  c  -er  service,  working;  (DBOartning)  attend- 
ance;  (SefttEing)  offlee,  charge,  employment. 
-nt'  c  -e  (2;jener)  servant,  domestic,  attendant; 
(53eftining§manb)  officer,  functionarj-,  employé, 
F  (politi")  policeman.  ^; 

SBctIc  vt  &  i  beg  (om  for);  ask  alms.  M 

SBctter  c  -e  beggar    (-man,    -woman,    -child)^B| 
mendicant.      -I'    n   begging,    beggary,    mendi- 
cancy.    -munt  begging  friar,  mendicant.    -^ige 
beggar-maid.    SBctterfle  c  -r  beggar-woman. 

SBctort'  [fr.]  c  concrete,  beton,  -arbejbe  Jcon- 
crete  masonry. 

S3eto'|ne  vt  accent,  accentuate;  fig  emphasize, 
lay  stress  on;  -t  Stabelfe  tonic  syllable.  -ning 
c  accentuation,  emphasis. 

Scto'nie  c  -r  bet'ony,  Betonica. 

iBetragt'lc  vt  look  at,  gaze  at,  eye,  scan, 
survey,  (ogfaa  fig)  view,  regard,  (meft  fig)  con- 
template;  _  fom  look  upon,  regard,  take,  as, 
consider,  esteem.  -t-eltg  a  considerable.  -er  c 
-e  regarder,  beholder,  looker-on,  contemplator. 
-ning  c  -er  looking  at  etc;  consideration,  con- 
templation,  (tænfenbe)  reflection,  meditation; 
(SSemærlning)  comment;  onftiEe  -er  ooer  reflect  el. 
meditate  on;  i  _  af  in  consideration  el.  view 
of,  considering;  tage  i  -  take  into  consideration; 
labe  el.  fætte  ub  af  -  leave  out  of  consideration, 
set  on  one  side;  tomme  i  -  be  taken  into  con- 
sideration ,  considered ,  remembered ,  enter- 
tained;  ilte  tomme  i  ~  be  disregarded;  bet  tommer 
minbre  i  _  this  is  a  secondary  consideration. 
-ningSmaabe  view. 

SBetro'  vt  en  nt  (SSaretægt,  ^Berb)  confide  st 
to  one,  commit  st  to  one's  charge,  give  st  in 
charge  to,  (ogfaa  om  Srebit)  trust  one  with  st; 
_  en  at  tell  one  in  confldence  that;  -r  fig  til 
mig  makes  me  his  confidant,  takes  me  into  his 
counsel  el.  confldence.  -elfc  c  coufiding  etc. 
•et  a  (om  ^erfon)  trusted,  confldential;  _  @ob? 
deposit,  trust;  -  StiHtng  position  of  trust. 

iBctr^g'ge  vt  secure.  -Ife  c  securing;  security., 
-nbc  n  sufficient,  satisfactory. 

©etror  n  distress,  strait,  pinch. 

Setræ'be  vt  tread  on,  set  foot  on,   (træbe  ir 
i)  enter,  fig  (Sane  o.  I.)  enter  upon;  4  jur  cateh; 
_  $ræbiteftoIen  mount  the  pulpit;  _  Scenen  tread 
the  stage.    -Ifc  c  treading  etc. 

SBetræff'e  (ub.  ^mp.)  vt,  -nbe  præp  fe  Slngaa. 

SBetræl'  n,  pi  —,  (i  9llm.)  cover;  (p.  SBægge) 
tapestrj^  hangings,  (af  ^opir)  (print-)paper;  mui 
set  of  strings;  |»eftel)aarS  _  {paa  ©tote)  hair  seat- 
ing.  -le  rt  cover,  tapestry;  paper;  -trutten  ^im= 
mel  cloudy  sky,  sky  overcast  with  clouds;  -trutne 
mere  the  drawee.  -tærrcb  sarplier.  -ning  c 
covering  etc.      -^afitr  paper-hangings. 

SBettængt'a  distressed,  oppressed,  hard  pressed, 
in  straits. 

SScttcIftat) :  bringe  en  til  -en  reduce  one  to 
beggary,  beggar  one. 

Setutt'le  vt  confuse,  bewilder,  perplex.    -etfe 





o  confusion,  Dewilderment,  perplexity.  -et  a 
eonfused  etc. 

!Setoino'{e  vt  (unbettbinge)  subdue,  conquer; 
ftolBe  i  %emme)  repress,  check,  curb,  control; 
-  fig  control  one's  self.  -elifl  a  controllable. 
-elfe  c  subduing  etc,  subjugation,  repression. 
•er  c  -e  subduer. 

iBetoiU'le  [*  -i'Ie]  vt  doubt. 

^etq'bje  vt  (^aoe  S8ett)6ning  af;  i  benne  S3et.  imp 
ogf.  6etøb)  signify,  mean,  import,  denote;  (gioe 
at  forftaa)  give  to  understand,  signify,  intimate; 
tjoab  ftal  bet  -'?  what  is  the  meaning  of  that? 
har  meget  at_  is  of  great  consequence;  ^at  meget 
at  -  \)oi  has  great  interest  with;  ^ar  noget  at  - 
is  of  some  consequence,  goes  for  something; 
f)ar  libet  at  -  is  of  little  c,  does  not  tell  for 
much;  ftar  intet  at  -  is  of  no  c,  does  not  signify, 
goes  for  nothing,  (gør  ingenting)  is  no  matter; 
-r  ilfe  noget  gobt  is  a  bad  omen,  bodes  ill; 
noget  fom  ftulbe  _  en  fjrofoft  an  apology  for  a 
brealcfast.  -eltfl  a  conslderable;  en  _  Wanb  a 
man  of  mark,  remarkable  man;  blanbt  be  -fte 
'•Bcerfer  among  the  works  of  chief  mark;  —  adv 
ronsiderably.  -elig^eb  c  importance,  greatness. 
-elfe  r.,  +-enbe  n,  signifying,  intimation.  +-enbe 
a  important,  of  consequence.  -enfjeb  c  signi- 
ficance,  consequence,  import,  moment,  con- 
sideration;  intet  af  -  nothing  particular,  nothing 
of  any  consequence.  -ning  <-■  er  meaning,  signi- 
fication,  sense,  (antogen  -  af  et  Drb)  acceptation; 
fio  import,  bearings,  significance,  importance; 
fe  SBet^bentieb;  i  onb  _  in  a  bad  sense,  i  en  oil  _ 
in  a  sense;  i  Oibere  _  by  extension;  i  _  af  in 
the  sense  of;  lægge  en  onb  _  i  put  a  bad  con- 
struction  on. 

SBetQ'bningSlfiilb  a  signifieant,  important,  full 
of  import,  meaningful;  et  -t  S31tf  a  meaning  el. 
signifieant  look.  -IǤ  a  insigniflcant,  unimpor- 
tant.    -I«8^eb  c  insignificance,  unimportance. 

^et^ng'e  vt  (gere  tung)  make  heavy;  (bebDrbe; 
burden,  load;  (befocere)  weigh  down;  -t  af  ©øon 
heavy  with  sleep;  ftærtt  -t  af  heavily  laden  v/ith. 
•Ife  e  burdening  etc.;  burden,  weight. 

SJetæn'be  vt  inflame.  -Ife  c  -r  inflammation; 
(t  lammer)  dry  rot,  foxey.  -Ifeéfeber  inflamma- 
tory  fever. 

SSctCtnVc  vt  consider,  think  of,  reflect  on,  bear 
in  mind;  _  en  remember  one;  -  en  meb  nt  be- 
stow  st  upon  one;  gtoe  en  at  _  leave  to  one's 
consideration,  put  it  lo  one  to  consider;  naar 
jeg  ret  r  b''t  on  second  thoughts;  —  »r  _  fig 
(ftifte  ©inb)  change  one's  mind,  think  better  of 
it;  _  fig  paa  think  (twice)  of,  consider  (meb  el. 
uben  of),  hesitate  about;  _  fig  )paa  at  hesitate  to; 
bet  »ar  Del  -t  af  ^am  at  he  was  well  advised  to; 
ilbe  -t  ill-judged.  -elig  a  (om  Stng)  critical,  se- 
rious,  problematical,  unsafe,  precarious,  (og), 
om  $er;on)  doubtful;  ^an  bltv  ~  berbeb  el.  bet 
gjorbe  ftam  -  it  made  him  hesitate,  waver.  -eJig' 
^eb  c  (iierfon«)  scruple,  hesitation,  doubt,  uncer- 
tainty,  misgiving;  (Sags)  difticulty,  seriousness, 
doubtfulness;  Qtre  -er  express  oue's  doubts;  ^ooe 
_  BCb  ot  gøre  nt  hesitate.  stop,  before  doiug  st; 
Sagen  ^ar  ben  _  there  is  this  difficulty  about  it, 
what  makes  one  hesitate  about  it  is.  +-en  c 
considering,  hesitation.  -ning  c  -er  hesitation, 
scruple;  ffagf^nbig  ©rflæring)  opinion;  (3nbberet= 
ning)  report;  ftaa  i  -  he.sitate;  gøre  fig  ~  ooer  el. 
oeb,  tage  i  _  at  hesitate,  scruple,  to;  jeg  tager  ilfe 
i  _  at  ertlære  I  have  no  hesitation  in  declaring; 
inbbente  cn8  _  apply  to  one  for  advice;  afgioe  fin 
_  ooer  pass  et.  give  one's  judgment  on;  uben  _ 
unhesitatingly  -ningSfrift  respite.  -ningétib 
lime  for  considering,  for  reflection.  -fom  « 
circumspect,  judicious,  discreet;  (6cnil)n§fulb) 
ihoughtful,  considerate.    -fom^eb  c  circumspec- 

tion,  foreeast  considerateness.  -t  a  (part  fe  ®e-- 
tænte):  Dæte  _  paa  intend,  contemplate;  jeg  maa 
Bære  -  ipaa  at  I  must  be  prepared  to. 

!9et«n'bing  c  buoyage. 

Seun'blte  c«  admire.  -rer  c -e  admirer,  -ting 
c  admiration.  ^-ringiSfuIb  a  full  of  admiration. 
-ring§»ærbig  a  admirable;  —  adv  (t)  admirably, 
to  admiration. 

tSSetJOO'gc  vt  watch  over,  guard. 

^etiaa'gen  a  graciously  el.  favourably  disposed 
towards.    -^eb  c.  favour,  good  graces. 

93ettan'bret  a  (i)  well  versed,  practised,  skilled, 
travelled  (in),  conversant,  familiar  (with).  -Ijeb 
Sebanbring  c  practice  (in),  familiarity  (with), 
experience  (of). 

tS8e»>ant'  a  familiar. 

tSebo'r  »  keeping. 

a3eba'r|e  vt  keep,  preserve;  ®ub  _  ftongen !  God 
save  the  king !  SSot^erre  _  mig !  God  forbid !  ®ub 
-§!  of  course,  most  certainly;  -et  (i  SSe^olb) 
preserved,  extant,  oære  -t  (ogf.)  remain;  -ing  c 
keeping.  -ingdtnibbel  preservative.  -ingSftinner 
J,  whelps. 

iBebenbt'  «:  bet  er  flet  _  meb  l)om  he  is  in  a 
bad  case;  bet  er  iffe  ftort  _  meb  ^ani  ftunbftobcr 
his  knowledge  is  not  much  to  boast  of,  f  no 
great  shakes,  not  up  to  much. 

SBeutb'ne  vt  testify,  aflBrm  (begge  m.  el.  ub.  to), 
certify,  attest,  witness,  bear  witness  to,  (for  iRetten 
ogf.)  depose  to;  (ubtale)  express;  _  ^am  min  9Jgr-- 
bøbigl)eb  pay  et.  present  my  respects  to  him. 
-Ife  c  -r  attestation;  expression. 

93ebibft'  o  oære  fig  nt  _  be  conscious  of  st;  bære 
fig  felo  _  be  in  a  state  of  consciousness;  (faa  bibt) 
mig  _  as  far  as  I  know;  iffe  mig  -  not  that  I 
know  of;  bet  -e  SSreo  the  letter  in  question.  -^eb 
e  consciousness;  mind;  tabe  -en  lose  consciousness 
el.  one's  senses;  become  senseless;  bringe  en  til 
-  restore  one  to  consciousness;  tomme  ttl  -  igen 
recover  one's  senses;  be^olbt  -en  til  bet  fibfte  was 
sensible  to  tbe  last;  i  -en  om  conscious  of;  bet 
er  gaaet  o»er  i  ben  alminbelige  _  it  is  popularly 
believed.  -laå  «  unconscious,  senseless,  insen- 
sible.      -toS^eb  c  uuconsciousuess,  insensibility. 

fStvit'le  vt  enwrap,  wind  about. 

SBcbil'Ige  vt  grant,  concede,  vote;  ben  -nbe 
SKJlQnbig^eb  p  those  who  have  the  power  of  ihe 
purse.  -Ung  c  -er  (til  |)anbel  o.  1.)  license;  (2;il= 
labelfe)  permission,  coneession;  (tf ær  af  5J5enge) 
grant,  pari  vote;  tage  -  fom  SiSfetræmmer  take 
out  a  pedlar's  license;  uben  _  unlicensed.  -Iing§> 
ret  right  to  grant  snpplies. 

-fScutn'be  vt  wind  about. 

!iBeøing'e  vt  fig  wing,  give  wings  to.  -t  a  (ogf. 
fig)  winged. 

SBeoir'fe  vt  effect,  work,  bring  about. 

©ebi'å  n  -er  proof,  evidence  {jpaa,  for  of);  (-grunb) 
argument;  (-førelfe)  demonstration;  (9Jlobtagetfc»=) 
receipt,  acquittance;  (9ttteft)  certificate;  til  _  paa 
in  proof  of;  et  _  Doa  bet  mobfatte  a  proof  of  el. 
to  the  conlrary;  et  -  paa  at  a  proof  ihat;  ber  er 
intet  -  for  at  there  is  nothing  to  show  that;  bteo 
•et  flDlbig  for  at  failed  to  prove  that;  føre  _  for 
demonstrate.  -btjrbe  onus  probandi,  burden  of 
proof,  onus  of  proof.  SJebifle  vt  prove,  demon- 
strate, make  good,  show;  bet  er  -t  at  (ogf.)  it  is 
in  evidence  that;  _  en  en  Sjenefie  do  et.  render 
one  a  service.  _  en  2®re  do  one  honour,  confer 
honour  upon  one;  -  fin  ^oaflanb  establish  one's 
case;  _  at  ^an  er  en  JBebrager  (ogf.)  prove  him  an 
impostor;  —  -enbe  a  convincing,  conclusive. 
-f«re(fe  c  (line  of)  argumentation,  demonstration. 
•grnnb  argument,  -froft  demonstrative  power. 
-H-froftig  fe  -enbe.  -(c)Hg  a  demonstrable,  capable 
of  being  provatl,  evident,  -tiggere  vt  prove. 
•iig^eb  c  demonstrableness;  -er  proofs,  vouchers. 




•tttibbel  evidence,  means  of  proot.  •maabe  mode 
of  arguing,  manner  of  demonstration,  t-ning 
c  -er  proof.  -ftej)  passage  alleged  in  proof.  -teori 
theory  of  evidence. 

^etiogtje  vt  watch,  guard.  -er  c  -e,  -erfle  c 
-r  guard,  keeper,  custodian.  -elfe  c,  -ning  c 
watch,  guard,  custody;  unber  ftreng  -ning  in  close 

^ct>oW\ct  a  covered,  (til  6Iabe)  overgrown, 
overrun.    -nittfl  c  -er  plantation,  stock  oftrees. 

SBettæ'Bnje  vt  arm.  -et  a  armed;  -ebe  «  pi 
armed  men.  -infl  c  arming,  armament;  (9luft= 
ning)  armour,  accoutrements. 

S8eȾ'g|eK<move,  stir;  (formaa)  induce,  prompt; 
-  iliii  og  oib  agitate;  ~  til  jCaarer  move  to  tears; 
i)an  lob  ftg  itle  ~  he  was  not  to  be  moved,  re- 
mained  inflexible;  —  vr  ftg  move  (om  fin  9It8e 
on  its  axis,  om  Solen  rouud  the  sun),  mecA 
travel,  work,  (mooere  fig)  take  exercise;  —  be^ 
bægenbe  a  moving,  motory;  —  bebæget  a 
moved,  afFected;  _  %\t  stirring  period  el.  time(s). 
-f-aorfag  fe  -grunb.  -clig  a  movable,  (nteft  fig) 
mobile;  +  moving,  pathetic;  let  -  impressible, 
susceptible,  excitable.  -eligljeb  c  movableness, 
mobility.  -elfc  c  -r  movement,  motion;  (9iøce) 
stir;  (aréotion)  exercise;  (©inb§=)  agitation,  emo- 
tion, excitement;  fætte  i  _  put  in  motion,  set 
going;  fætte  himmel  og  Qiorb  i  _  move  heaven 
and  earth,  leave  no  stone  unturned;  fætte  fig  i 
_  fip  take  action;  gøre  fig  ~  take  exercise;  ben 
aarlige  -  the  annual  period;  planterne  ^aoe  2tb 
men  itfe  _  piants  have  life  but  not  locomotion; 
oære  i  Beftanbig  _  be  in  constant  motion  el.  al- 
ways  OU  the  move;  |>ærenS  -r  the  movements 
of  the  army. 

93et)æ'gclfe§!at§c  axis  of  rotation,  -etine  power 
of  movement,  locomotion.  -Iraft  moving  force 
el.  power,  motive  force  el.  power,  motor.  -lære 
dynamics.  -f-monb  progressist.  -ntængbe  mo- 
mentum, -ncrtie  motor  nerve,  -^artt  party  of 
movement.    -rcbflafi  organ  of  locomotion. 

SSeUceglgruttb  motive,  inducement.  -fraft  fe 
SebægeljeS'.  -ftang  (®ampm.)  main  connecting 

©ctiært'l  c  vt  entertain,  treat,  regale,  -ning  c 
-er  entertainment;  b.  f.  f.  -ningSfteb  place  of 
entertainment,  refreshment  room(s),  tavern,  pu- 
blic house. 

SBejoa'r  «  be'zoar.  -gcb  b.  el.  mountain  goat, 
Capra  cegagrm.     -ften  b.  stone. 

sficæng'fte  vt  frighten,  alarm,  distress.  -tfe  c 

Seæ're  vt  honour. 

©i  c  -er  bee;  lægge  -er  til  rear  bees. 

9Ji  ado :  ftaa  en  -  assist  one;  stand  by  one; 
^  fulb  og  _  full  and  by;  ligge  ~  lie  to,  lie  by, 
for  %alltl  og  Sod  lie  a-hull;  lægge  ~  lay  to,  bring 
to.  -aarfag  subordinate  cause.  -arbejbe  by-work, 
by-job,  parergon. 

SBiatJl  c  bee-culture,  apiculture,  bee-keeping. 
-er  c  -e  bee-holder,  -master,  -keeper. 

Q3i|begreb  implied  notion,  secondary  notion. 
-ie^olb  n  retention;  meb  ~  af  retaining.  -be^orbe 
vt  keep,  retain.    -be^ol'belfe  c  retention. 

SBibel  c  -Bier  Bible,  -bub  tract-distributor. 
-foft  a  well  versed  in  the  Scriptures;  _  SWanb 
textualist,  textuary.  -faft^eb  knowledge  of  the 
Seriptures.  -forbub  Bible  prohibition.  -fortoll= 
ning  biblical  interpretation,  sacredhermeneutics. 
-^iftorie  biblical  history,  Bible  stories.  Scripture 
history.  -l)Mfar  joc  textualist.  -Iriftne  Scrip- 
turists.  -lærb  fe  -foft.  -læigning  reading  of  the 
Bible;  ^elbe  _  give  instruction  in  the  Bible. 
-orb  scriptural  word.  -oberfcettetfe  translation 
of  the  Bible;  bor  _  the  authorized  version.  -fc(= 
|fnb    Bible  Society.     -ft  a  biblical,   scriptural, 


scripture.  -f))røg  text,  scriptural  sentcnce.  -fteb 
passage  from  the  Bible,  scripture  passage,  -ftærl 
fe  -faft.  -teologi  biblical  theology.  -ubgaoe 
edition  of  the  Bible,  -ubtr^t  scriptural  ex- 
pression.  -bcert  Bible  with  notes,  polyglot  Bible 

S3ibem(crlning  c  iucidental  remark. 

SBibcr  n  a  kind  of  duflfel. 

SBlbcrncI'Ie  c  burnet,  Poterium  »anguiaorba 

a3i|bcffæftigelfe  secondary   occupation.      -bei 
ftanbbct   secondary   element,     -betlibnittg   su 
-audition,   connotation,    by-meaning;   ^abe 

»ibtiolfi'I  c  -er  bib'liophile,  bibliophil'ist. 
-gra'f  c  -er  bibliog'rapher.  -grttft'  c  bibliog'raphy. 
-ma'n  c  -er  biblioma'niac.  -mani'  c  biblioma'nia. 
-te't  n  -er  library,  -tefo'r  c  -er'  librarian.  -telar= 
<)Oft  librarianship.  -tefSaSfiftent  assistant  libra- 
rian, clerk  of  the  library.  -tetS^em^el  stamp,' 
-tefSftigc  book-ladder. 

Sibog  beekeeper's  manual 

SJi'bringe  vt  en  en  fJoreftiEing  give  one  an  idea, 
convey  an  idea  to  one;  _  en  en  SKening  impress 
one  with  an  opinion;  _  en  et  ©lag  deal  one  a 
blow;  ~  en  et  Saor  Inflict  a  wound  upon  one; 
_  en  @ift  give  one  poison;  (lære)  instil  into,  im- 
part  to,  imbue  with,  indoctrinate  with  el.  in. 
-Ife  c  giving  etc. 

SBijb^gning  annexed  building.  -bceger  ^  ca- 

SBtceHe  cell  of  a  honeycomb,  alveolus 

Sic^l'Ic  c  -r  bi'cycle. 

S8ib'  n,  pi  =,  bite;  (agg)  edge;  (}3.  SBtbfel,  SSor; 
bit;  faa  ~  get  a  rise.  Sib'  c  -(b)er  bit,  morsel. 
Sibc,  Beb,  Bibt  vt  &  i  bite;  (om  Wnib  o.  1.)  cut; 
(om  gift,  fe  _  x>aa)\  (bræBe)  kill;  ^an  :^or  ^oerfen 
at  _  el.  brænbe  he  is  starving,  as  poor  as  a  church 
mouse;  _  ab  en,  _  en  af  snub  one,  snap  one  up 
Short;  ~  efter  snap  at;  _  fra  ftg  hold  one's  own; 
_  i  bite;  beb  mig  t  fingeren  bit  my  finger;  Beb  fig 
i  Sæberne  bit  his  lips;  _  fig  faft  i  nt  seize  st  with 
the  teeth,  fig  seize  hold  of;  _  i  fig  swallow,  bite 
in;  _  i  bet  fure  2@BIe  swallow  a  bitter  pill;  _  i 
®ræ2fet  bite  the  dust;  ~  ooer  bite  in  two;  _  paa 
(Srogen)  swallow  el.  take  the  bait,  rise  (to  the 
baitj;  '^an  faar  itfe  mig  til  at  _  x>^a  he  won't  get 
a  rise  out  of  me;  _  paa  lungen  bite  the  tongue; 
gab  t)am  nt  at  _  Xiaa.  gave  him  a  bone  to  pick; 
intet  -r  paa.  ^am  he  is  proof  against  anything, 
thick-skinned;  _  Sænberne  f ammen  set  one's 
teeth  (hard),  clench  the  teeth:  —  BibeS  bite 
each  other;  ^an  er  itfe  gob  at  -5  meb  he  is  an 
ugly  customer;  §  om  nt  have  a  fight  el.  tussle 
for  st;  —  bibenbe  a  (ogf.  fig)  biting,  cutting, 
(fig)  caustic;  en  _  folb  SSinb  a  nipping  wiud;  bet 
er  en  _  Sulbe  it  is  bitterly  cold.  93ibemunb  mouth 
armed  with  jaws.  Siben  c  biting  pain,  smart. 
©iber^boS  a  snappish,  crabbed. 

SBibeOinb  adv  close-hauled,  by  the  wind,  on 
a  wind.  -er  c  vessel  sailing  on  a  wind.  —  SBibe= 
binb§|fejlab§:  t  _  when  sailing  on  a  wind. 
-fciler  fe  -er;  zo  Portuguese  man  of  war,  physaUa. 

JBib^baS  a  very  keen,  sharp;  fig  fe  SBtberfibaS. 

IBi'brag  n,  pi  =,  contribution,  addition,  share, 
(tegnet)  subscription;  lebere  _  til  (Sibftrift  o.  1.) 
contribute  to.  93ibrage  vt  &  i  (ogf.  fig)  con- 
tribute;  fig  be  conducive  to,  instrumental  in.  — 
S8ibrog§|pligtig  a  bound  to  contribute.  -(§)^ber, 
-Qbenbe  contributor;  subscriber. 

Si'bronning  queen  bee. 

SBlbfcI  n  -fler  (TOunbbib)  bit,  (Søjle)  bridle; 
lægge  ~  paa,  toge  -flet  af  bridle,  unbridle  (a  horse) 
-ftang  branch  (of  a  bit).  -Vant  a  used  to  t 

ajibff  a  snappish.    -fteb  c  snappishness. 

tSib^en  c  -er  morsel. 

SBibfle  vt  bridle. 








t»iJ)f»rup  71  Bedlam.  »ibfttu^jSfonblbat  bed- 

Sibtattfl  c  cutting-nippers. 

^ib«r  c  back-door. 

Sic  vi  stay,  wait,  tarry  (poo,  efter  for);  jeg  ^ar 
lært  at  _  I  can  wait;  -enbe  fflJanb  faar  S8»r  every- 
thing  comes  to  him  that  waits;  —  t  »(  bide. 

93ieoenfta6  c  secondary  el.  additional  qualifi- 

8i|ejer  fe  -abler.    -elffer  bee-fancier,  apiarian. 

»iclt)  fe  SBiflob. 

'éitn  c  waiting. 

SBier  [t.J :  een?  _  all  one.  -fiblev  (alehouse) 
fiddler.    -^atie  cock. 

^ter^OcrO  n  extra  source  of  profit. 

Sif  c,  fe  mi 

^ifalb  n  approbation,  approval,  applause; 
(Snigfteb)  assent;  ftæiile  ftt  -  approve  of,  give  in 
one' s  adhesion  to;  finbe  alminbeligt  ~  meet  with 
general  approbation.  93ifalbe  vt  approve  (of), 
as.sent  el.  subscribe  to;  f  (en)  agree  with.  -enbe 
a  approviug:  fe  S^ifalbS-. 

©ifolbélobreéfc  address  of  approval.  -Hap 
pl&uåits  pi.  -mumlen  hum  el.  murmur  of  appro- 
bation, -nif  nod  of  approval.  -orb  word  of 
approbation,  -taab  applause,  acclamation.  -fatbe 
round  of  applause.  -ftorm  roar  of  applause. 
-lutring  bravo,  cheer,  er  applause.  -ticcrbig  a 
worthy  of  approval. 

SBilfag  secondary  branch  (of  knowledge).  -figur 
subordinate  flgure,  accessory.  -flob  tributary, 
aftluent;  -i  ~  sub-afHuent. 

iBifoIt  »1  population  of  bces. 

Sfiforbcl  additional  advantage.  -form  by 
-form.  -formaal  by-end,  secondarj'  object.  -for> 
retning  bv-business.    -fart|enefite  extra  profit. 

»iffteg  fe  »øffteg. 

93ifl)r  n  secondary  light. 

!8tgaarb  c  bee-garden,  apiary. 

^iga'm  c  -h  fe  -tft.  -i'  n  big'amy.  -ift'  c  -er 

^igarr eau'  c  -er  bigaroon,  white-heart. 

SBilgot  n  J,  buU's  eye.    -gat^blof  bee. 

^i'j  gerning  fe  -beftæftigelfe. 

SJigot'  a  big'oted;  hypocritical.  -teri'  n  big'- 
otry;  hypocrisy. 

!@i'{grunb  secondary  reason.  -^anbling  sub 

Si^atie  bee-garden,  apiary. 

Silljavn  subport.  -ftenftgt  by-end,  by-design. 
-ftcnf^n  secondary  consideralion.  -fjerne  cere- 
bellum.    -^jnl  change  wheel. 

!Bi|f|U§,  -iltfttt  shed  for  bees.  -^«ttc  cap  used 
when  tending  bees.  -^«g  pern,  honey-buzzard, 
Pernis  apivorus. 

S8i|inbtægt  perquisite;  ffaffe  fig  -er  eke  out  one's 
means.    -intcreåfc  by-interest. 

93i)outeri'oarer  pi  bijoutry. 

iBitogc  c  honeycomb. 

Slfir  c  polypterus,  bichir. 
Silfe  vi  tilt,  tip  over. 

*33itlje  c  -r  bitch. 

SBi'floo  o  lateral  toe. 

iSi'tItjnge  c  cluster  of  bees. 

!Bi'ton{ta'li  a  bicon'cave.    -tiefS'  bicon'vex. 

iSi'fronblab  n  5*  petal-like  scale. 

•©iffe  c  -r  F  mighty  man,  big  wig,  biggun, 
big  card. 

93ilube  <■  bee-hive,  skep. 

^i'foabrl at  n  biquad'rate.  -a'tiff  a  biqua- 

SSi'!«Ifoin  J,  additional  keelson. 

©il  c  -er  broad-axe. 

!^i(ag  n,  pi  =,  voucher,  appendix,  (til  ©re») 

bilager  n  nuptials  pi. 

iBilan'ce  c  mere  fe  SSalance. 

SBilanb  n  dependency,  dominion. 

Silarue  c  larva  of  a  bee. 

©ilboque't  [fr.]  c  cup  and  ball. 

SJiibrcu  n  j,  builder's  certificate;  certificate 
of  registry. 

tSilb,  »llbe  c  -er  pick,  fiBilbe  vt  pick,  dress 
(a  millstone). 

©iJbe  (te,  -t)  inb  vt  fe  Snbbilbe.  »ilbenbe  a 
(Sunfter)  plastic  (arts). 

tSilbelJaern  pick.    -ffoft  pick-handle. 

©ilbing  c  dressed  side  (of  a  millstone). 

©ileam  Balaam. 

a3tif(crbig  a  ready  from  the  builder's  hånds. 

aSilliggerffe  c-r  concubine.  -(igning«!,:  unber 
_  in  lying-to.    -linie  mus  leger  line. 

iBiliæ'r  a  bil'iary.    ^Uit'é  a  bil'ious. 

Sittarb  c  &  n  -er  (©pil)  billiards;  (Sorb) 
billiard-table;  fpiUe  _  play  at  billiards;  et 
53arti  _  a  game  at  billiards.  -bal  billiard-ball. 
-blttfe  pocket.  -e're  vi  make  a  foul  stroke;  (om 
|)eft)  make  an  outward  sweep  with  the  fore  legs. 
•fabrifant  billiard  table  maker.  -^ut  pocket. 
-tugte  fe  -6aU.  -queue  cue.  -f<)lt  game  of)  bil- 
liards. -Spitiet  billiard-player.  -ftot  cue.  -b«= 
relfe  billiard- room. 

»iHe  fe  SBilbe  vt. 

SBiMe  c  -r  chafer,  beetle.  -bo  horsebane,  water 
hemlock,  Phellandrium  aqvaticum. 

!!8iUcb(e)  n  -er  image,  picture;  portrait;  (Sinb») 
emblem,  type,  symbol;  (Ubtrlgl)  trope,  figure, 
metaphor;  bibl  ubftaaret  ~  graven  image;  @ub 
ffa&te  røenneflet  i  fit  _  God  created  man  in  his 
own  image,  -arbejbe  sculpture;  arch  tracery. 
-orf  sheet  of  prints,  -bibel  pictorial  Bible,  -blab 
illustrated  page;  fe  ttbenbe.  -bog  picture-book. 
•bogftab  hieroglyph.  -b^rtelfe  image  worship, 
idolatry,  iconolatry.  -blyrfer  idolater,  iconolater. 
-fabrifant  image-maker.  -fabritation  image- 
trade.  -fob  pedestal.  -gaabe  rebus.  -gaUtri 
picture-gallery.  -^anbel  image-trade.  -^anbler 
image-vender,  picture-dealer.  -^uggcr  c  -e  sculp- 
tor,  statuary.  -dugger arbejbe  sculpture,  carved 
work,  carving.  -t)uggerinbe  c  -r  sculptress. 
•^uggertunft  sculpture,  statuary.  -((uggermarmor 
statuary  marble.  -tram  aU  sorts  of  pictures, 
prints.  -triEmmer  fe  -fianbler.  SiQeblig  a  figu- 
rative, metaphorical;  -t  UbtrQf  flgure  of  speech. 
9}ilteb|lære  iconology.  -l«8  a  imageless,  uni- 
maginative.  -bragt  (splendid)  imagery.  -rig  a 
figurative,  full  of  images,  -rigbom  fe  -pragt. 
-fal  picture-hall.  -ftaarcn  a  carved.  -ffrift  pic- 
ture-writing.  -ffærer  c  -e  carver.  -flan  a  pic- 
turesque,  lovely.  -fbrog  figurative  language; 
fe  -flrift.  -ften  flgure  stone.  -ftormenbe  a  ico- 
noclastic.  -ftormer  c  -e  iconoclast.  -ftrib  icoru)- 
clastic  war  el.  riot.  -ft«ber  caster  of  statues. 
-ftøberi  statue-casting.  -ftatte  statue,  -tibenbe 
illustrated  journal.  -Uiå  adv  figuratively.  -øcert 
carved  work,  sculpture;  (Sog)  pictorial  work. 

Sillet'  e  -ter  ticket;  (S3re»)  note;  tage  _  til  take 
a  ticket  for,  (3ærn6ane=)  book  for  el.  to.  -!a8= 
ferer  director  el.  superintendent  of  the  box-oifice. 
•lontor  (Seat.;  box-oflice,  ($oft^.,  3ærnb.  o.  1.) 
booking-offlce,  money-taker's  offlce.  -poft  note- 
paper.  -fælger  fe  SBiHettar.  SBillctte're  vt  ticket, 
label;  —  vi  sell  el.  coUect  tickets.  ^Wittta't  c  -er 
money-taker,  ticket-clerk,  check-taker;  (gærnb.) 

93illig  a  (mobf.  b^r)  cheap,  low-priced,  inex- 
pensive;  (rimelig)  equitable,  fair,  just;  _  $ril 
moderate,  reasonable  price;  for  en  _  $rt§  cheap; 
et  -t  gorlangenbe  a  reasonable  demand;  bet  er  itte 
mere  enb  -t  it  is  but  just,  only  fair.  !Billig{e  vt 
approve  of,  assent  to.  -elfe  c  approbation,  ap- 
proval.    -^eb  c  cheapness,  economy;  equitable- 




ness,  fairness;  meb  -  in  fairness;  finbe  fig  i  ~ 
agree  to  what  is  fair  and  reasonable.  -I)eb§= 
f»Ietfe  sense  of  justice.  -tænfentic  «  reasonable, 
impartial;  —  c  reasonable  person.  -»iS  adv  fairly, 
in  reason  el.  justice. 

tSBiUing  fe  »ilbing. 

tSBiUinfl  c  -er  little  bit. 

iBtHto'n  c  -er  billion. 

BiUon'  c  bill'on.    -pulb  base  gold. 

©ilæg  fe  SSilog.  a3t((eglge  vt  (forlige)  adjust, 
compose,  make  up;  (oeblcegge)  accompany  with; 
_  et  ådegnftab  (meb)  be  fornebne  SBebifcr  provide 
an  account  with  the  requisite  vouchers,  -fltlfe 
c  adjustment. 

fSBilfitier  c  under-groom;  (^eft)  third  horse  to 
a  carriage. 

S9i(øfe(ig  a-.  Dpgaeen  er  ~  the  problem  has  a 
second  solution,  two  solutions. 

93il{i§ning  c  second  solution. 

S3tmaane  c  paraselene,  mock-moon. 

iBimonb  c  hiver. 

+!8iralc  vi  jingle,    -n  c  jingling. 

SBimober  c  mother-bee. 

tSJi«H)eI  c  -pier  keg,  cag;  p  qaa  poa  _  go  on 
the  spree. 

SBilm^rc  bee-ant,  velvet-ant,  Mutilla.  -xMi 
bee-moth,  Galleria  mellonella. 

SBtnabn  n  surname;  (^genaBit)  by-name. 

aSinb  n,  pi  ■=,  tie,  ligature,  (for  øjnene,  gor= 
binbing)  bandage;  (poa  Sog)  binding;  (Stog)  vo- 
lume;  (i  %aq)  truss;  bære  Slrmen  i  _  go  with  one's 
arm  in  a  sling;  meb  _  for  øjnene  with  eyes  ban- 
dage d. 

Sinbe,  banbt,  bunbet  vt  &  i  (ogf.  Jig)  bind,  tie 
(fnt)tte);  med  bind,  constipate;  prov  &*  =  ftrtffe; 
_  aSufetler  make  nosegays;  _  gobe  hoop  casks; 
Jig  ~  enS  $ænber  tie  one  down,  fetter  one;  ®j8rfn 
-r  the  door  sticks,  shuts  hard;  Solfen  -r  gobt  the 
mortar  holds  well;  -  Som  bind  grain;  _  ffofte 
make  brooms;  be  £æn!er  ber  batibt  bem  the  chains 
that  held  them  (bound);  _  af  fe  Slfbinbe;  -an 
meb  engage  in  contest,  enter  the  lists,  with, 
(ogf.  om  Sing)  closewith;  _  for  øjnene  blindfold 
one,  bandage  one's  eyes;  _  for  en  @æ£  tie  up 
el.  close  a  sack;  ~  i  nb  bind  (a  book),  slall 
(cattle);  _  o\>  tie  up,  t  (om  So)  dry  up;  ~  |Ⱦnber 
og  gjøbber  paa  en  tie  one  hånd  and  foot;  -  en 
nt  paa  2®rmet  make  one  believe  st,  palm  st  off 
upon  one;  -til  bind  up;  fiabbe  intet  anbet,  ber 
banbt  I)om  til  SiBet  had  no  other  tie  to  life;  _ 
faft  til  tie  on  to;  bu  flal  itle  -  SDlunben  til  paa  en 
Dt§e,  naar  ^an  tærfter  thou  shalt  not  muzzle  the 
ox  when  he  treadeth  out  the  corn;  —  »?•  fig 
bind  one's  selt,  tie  one's  hands;  —  binbenbe 
a  (ogf.  .fig)  binding,  fig  obligatory  (for  on);  (^orb) 
«tiff.  SBinbe|bjælfe  girder.  -bue  mus  bind,  tie. 
-etine  holding  (power).  -foU  binders  (of  sheaves). 
-færbig  a  (om  Som)  dry  enough  to  be  sheafed. 
-gol  a  raving  mad,  stark  mad.  -garn  string. 
■5inbc,  -l)Ub  (|Siet»)  Conjunctiva.  -^unb  chain 
dog,  bandog.  -jcern  cramp-iron.  -!raft  binding 
power.  -Ifb  (connecting-)link.  -Ife  c  constipa- 
tion.  •mibbel  cement,  medium;  (flæbenbe)  ag- 
glutinant;  pharm  excipient.  -n  c  fe  *^inbing. 
■noat  needle  used  in  making  fishing  nets.  -nagle 
wooden  pin,  peg.  -nøglen  the  binding  of  St. 
Peter,  -orb  conjunction.  -<)inb  knitting-needle. 
-tilabe  (t.  SSjælfer)  tie-plate.  -r  c  -e  binder; 
(røurften)  header;  (Semr.)  intertie.  -rent  thong. 
-ften  binding-stone.  -^reg  hyphen;  (i  (Stritm.) 
upstroke.  -tegn  hyphen;  mus  fe  -bue.  -traob 
binding-wire.    -Oæo  flbrous  el.  connective  tissue. 

93tnb{^age  cramp-iron,  SStnbig  a  meb  (jEomr.) 
flush  with.  -ing  c  binding;  (Sommenfajning) 
joining;  mus  fe  SBinbebue. 

SBinbingé|mur  frame  wall.     -fparre  tie-beam. 








-ften  bonder,  bona-stone.  *-ftiffe  knitting-needle. 
-træ  bond-timber.  -uært  frame  work,  brick 
-nogging;  -8  ^u8  frame  house. 

aSinbllit  cement.  -I«é  a  coverless.  -platter 
sticking  plaster,  -rig  fe  -ftært.  -faal,  -Jaale  in 
-sole.  -falat  white  curled  endive.  SBtnbfel  u 
-Ker  bandage ,  ligature,  band ;  constipation. 
93inb|ft(ert  a  voluminous;  ftrioe  -e  SSeger  om 
write  large  volumes  on.     -eHt  smoothing-axe. 

a3ing(e)  c  -er  hutch,  bin;  (i  $ot£)U§)  well 

^Bingelurt  c  dog-mercury,  Mercuriaiis  perennU 

•SBtngfe,  SBinne  c  -r  she-bear. 

SBino'miff  a  binomial;  _  ©tortelfe  binomial. 

SBinijre  c  suprarenal  gland. 

33incc'r  a  bi'nary. 

93tn(ering  c  secondary  tråde. 

SBiolgra'f  c  -er  biog'rapher.    -grafl'  c  -er  biog' 
raphy.     -gra'fiff  a  biograph'ic(al).     -lo'g  c  -er 
biol'ogist.  -logi'  c  biol'ogy.  -lo'giff  a  biolog'ical. 

93i|am{oftninger  acccssory  expenses.  -omftcen> 
big^eb  subordinate  circumstance,  accessory. 

St|orb  adverb.  -perfon  (leot.)  accessory  el. 
secondary  character,  -planet  secondary  planet, 
satellite.  -poft  branch  mail.  -probuft  by-pro 
duet.  -punft  accessory  point,  incident,  -renbe 
by-channel.  -ret  corner  dish,  side  dish,  ho] 

iBirpitt'le  Brid'get.    -i'nert  Brid'getines. 

iBiriliber  ^  secondary  ridges. 

tSBirf  n  -er  a  small  jurisdiction. 

Sirf  c  -e  birch,  Betula;  af  _  birchen,  birch. 

S3trfe{Bar{  birch-bark.    -brcenbe  birch-wood. 

t33irte| bommer, -fogebjudge  ofa  „S8tr!";  bailiff. 
-friJiEb  fe  -rettig^eb. 

S3irIe|Ioft  [6],  *-Hmc  birch-broom.  -olie  birch 

t!8irte!repræfenlont  councilman  in  a  „S3irf 
•rettig^eb  privilege  of  jurisdiction  in  a  „58irt" 

JBirtefoft  c  birch  juice. 

S8trleé=  fe  a3erc^eg=. 

SBirteffoo  birch  wood. 

93lrle|ffritier  clerk  of  a  „S3trt".     -ting  co 
assize  of  a  „S3trt". 

S3irfe| tjære  birch-tar.     -træ  birch-tree;  bi 
-wood.     -»anb  fe  -faft.     -»eb  birch-wood.    -Bi 

iBirma  n  Birma,  Burma,     -'ner  c  -c  Burmea 
-'nfl  Bir'man,  Bur'man. 

a3irmtngl)amcr=3Sarer  Brummagem  goods. 

SBt|rob  ^  adventitious  root.  -rolle  subordinate 

SBirtlie  Bridget. 

Sifag  matter  of  secondary  importance 

SBtfam  (og  ©mf.)  fe  WofluS.     -fr«,  forn  mus' 
-seed.    -punge  cods  of  the  musk-rat.    -ffinb  skin 
of  tbe  musk-rat. 

Siftbber  c  -e  assessor,  judge  lateral. 

iBtffalj'a  Bis'cay.  Sifla^er^bat  fe  SfJorbfaper. 
aSiffaJjift  a :  ben  -e  Sugt  the  Bay  of  Biscay. 

SBiftop  c  -per,  fe  SSifp;  ordinary  tobacco.  -eSfenS 
bishop-essence.  SBiffop'peltgaepiscopal.  iBtffop§= 
fnelte  mitra.  SBiffopOærl  tobacco-cutting  ma- 

S3ifftti't  c  bis'cuit;  ($orceIlæn)  biscuit  (ehina), 
bisque  (ware). 

*a3i'ftetfct  fe  SSiaol. 

iBi'flog  n,  pi  =,  small  porch  el.  verandah, 

SBi'flagtning  c  killing  of  the  bees. 

tSiflopperffe  c  -r  concubine. 

SBi'fmag  by-taste,  smack. 

93t@mer  c  -e  steel-yard,  prov  trone,  -frog  hook 
of  the  Steel-yard,  -lob  weight  of  the  steel-yard 
'■'•-punb  12  pounds.    -ftang  rod  of  the  steelyar " 

SBiémutl)  fe  æigmuti 

Sifogn  n  fe  9tnnef§. 







Sif  ol  c  parhelion,  mock-sun. 

©ifonotSe  c  bison  (i  3lmr.  fejl  «buffalo»),  Bos 

Sif<)  c  -er  (ogf.  ©rif)  bishop;  ^aoe  -en  til  Wor= 
brober  have  a  friend  at  conrt:  fibbe  font  en  -  i 
en  ®Qaferebe  be  in  clover.  —  !Btf))C|bragt  bishop's 
robes,  -bømme  n  -r  bishopric,  diocese,  see, 
(ogf.  om  58ærbig^eben)  episcopate.  •ttiamtn  ex- 
ainination  of  clergymen  before  taking  orders. 
-cmbctie  office  of  a  bishop,  episcopate.  -gaarb 
bishop's  palace,  -liuc  mitre;  ^  mitella.  -taabe 
Vjishop's  mantle.  iBtf^elig  «  episeopal.  SBif<>f  j- 
oritination  fe  -oielfe.  -ornat  fe  -bragt,  -refibend 
fe  -fæbe.  -ftaB  crosier.  -ftol  (bishop's)  see.  -fæbe 
episeopal  residence.  -oielfe  consecration  of  a 
bishop,  -oifttation  visitation  of  the  diocese.  — 
S{f))inb'e  c  -r  bishop's  lady,  bishopess. 

iBt'fp«rg§moa(  n  incidental  question. 

tSBiéfe  c  -r  boor,  cad,  rough. 

iBiéfe  c  -r  (SBjørnefp.)  tooth  (of  a  baby). 

tSiéfe  vi  gad.  -tram  pedlery,  pedlar's  wares. 
-troemtner  pedler,  pedlar,  huckster,  packman. 
-læber,  i)an  i)at  _  i  ©foene  his  shoes  are  made 
of  running  leather.  ^-Itcge  peripatetic  doctor. 
-f99  a  fond  of  gadding  about.  -f»)9e  gaddiug 

Si'ftaa  vt  assist,  stand  by,  back. 

Si'ftabe  n  bee-hive. 

^i'ftanb  c  assistance,  aid,  support;  t)be  en  _ 
give  fl.  lend  one  assistance,  render  a.  to. 

Si'ftaoelfe  c  subordinate  syllable. 

SBi'ficmtne  c  secondary  part. 

SBifter  c-  (yarce)  bistre. 

©iftcr  a  (ov6ragt)  exasperated,  incensed;  (6arff) 
grim,  gruflE",  stem.  -gat  u  raving  mad.  -^eb  c 

iBi'Ifti!  sting  of  bees.    -ftot  bee-hive. 

SBiftouri'  c  bis'toury. 

SBiftre're  vt  bistre-wash,  paint  with  bistre. 

Si'ifoærm  svarm  of  bees.    -fotertner  sesia. 

!!3if(ctntng  c  subordinate  proposition,  relative 

Sifætte  vt  deposit  (a  corpse)  in  a  vault.  -Ife 
c  deposition  etc. 

Sitoa  c  lateral  toe. 

ISi'time  spare  hour,  leisure  hour.  -ting  fe 
-fag.  -tone  rnus  aliquot-tone;  gram  secondary 

Silte  a  very  small;  en  litte  _  (*  _  liben)  Wonb 
a  little  bit  of  a  man,  a  diminutive  man;  tfte  bet 
-rite  not  the  very  least,  not  a  bit  of  it.  JBitte  c 
little  bit. 

S9itter  i  (ogf.  fig)  bitter,  (om  ®mag  ofo.)  acrid; 
_  Snapl,  2)ram,  fe  33ittertnap§  c;  en  _  ©tunb  an  hour 
of  bittemess.  -agtig  a  bitterish,  somewhat  bitter. 
-e§fcn8  bitters,  -^eb  c  bitterness,  (nadnl.  i  Drb) 
acrimony;  -er  pi  bitter  words,  sharp  words. 
-jorb  magnesia.  iBittccIig  adv  bitterly;  _  foibt 
bitter  cold.  S3itter|raonbeI  bitter  almond.  •xncslt 
ox-tongne.  Fieris  hiemcioides.  -folt  Epsom  salts. 
-fmagenbc  a  of  a  bitter  taste,  -fnopig  glass  of 
bitters.  •\^at  bitter-spar.  -ftof  bitter-principle. 
-f«b  «  bitter-sweet,  between  sweet  and  sour. 
-f«b(e)  bitter-sweet,  Solanum  dulcamara.  -faerne 
the  Bitter  Lakes.  -tibfel  bitter  thistle,  Centaurea 
beneUicta.     -ti  bitter  beer. 

SitflU  c  fe  Softarbnattergar. 

Sijubgift  additional  expense.  -tiaane  vt  be 
present  at,  attend.    -oaanelfe  c  attendance. 

SBioalent'  a  chem  diatomic. 

Siorj  c  by-way,  by-road,  by-path. 

Sioen  c  fe  SBielffer. 

Sijoinge  bastard-wing.  -oirtning  secondary 

!Bi  oifer  fe  -bronntng.     -oogter  keeper  of  bees. 

Siouat'  c  -tei  biv'ouac.  -ere  vi  bivouac. 
•ilb  wateh-flre. 

Siloærf  fe  -foge.    -Qngel  brood  ofyounebees. 

Sijar'  a  bizarre,  odd.    -reri'  n  -er  oddity. 

Si|Ccbenbe  a  bee-eating.  -æbet  bee-eater,  Me- 
rop«  apiaxter. 

33i  eiemeb  by  end.    -t\ne  ocelli,  stemmata. 

SBjæf  n,  pi  =,  yelp,  bark.  -fe  vi  yelp,  bark, 
cont  yap;  _  ab  bark  at.    -fen  c  yelping  etc. 

93jælbe  c  -v  jingle,  little  bell;  Itjbenbe  TOalm 
eller  en  fltngenbe  _  sounding  brass  or  a  tinkling 
cymbal.  -Ijatdbaanb  bell-collar.  -tappe  focjl's 
cap  and  bells.  -Hang  jingling,  jingle,  -to  bell 
-cow.     -t«i  harness  with  jingles  (little  bells) 

»jælfe  c  -r  (ogf.  SScegtffoalS)  beam,  (ftor)  balk, 
(ifær  3ærn=)  girder;  t  ogf.  log;  Aer  ordinary;  (i 
SRiffel)  land;  (p.  »Bibfel)  branch.  -anfer  braee, 
campoon.  -baanb  bond.  -branb  dry  rot.  -bugt 
round  of  a  beam.  -bQggct  a  built  of  logs.  -bog 
df  rafting  dog.  -cnbc  beam-end.  -fag  bay. 
-flaabe  timber  raft.  -boDcb  head-piece  of  a  beam, 
corbel.  -tfui  log-house.  -log,  -rab  tier  of  beams. 
-loft  ceiling  of  rafters,  -poalæg  pad.  -rum  space 
between  the  beams.  -ftreng  shelf.  +!8jæl!et  a 
raftered.  8jælfc|tontt  timber  yard.  -oejer, -oæger 
clamp.    -oærf  beams,  timber  work. 

!Sjærg  n  -e,  '^  ogfao  33erg,  pi  =,  mountain,  hill; 
-et  (partiet)  the  Mountain.  (Smf.  ber  ^enftøre  til 
S3ergcæfen,  fe  SBerfl«).  -aanb  mountain-goblin  el. 
sprite,  gnome,  (toinbelig)  oread.  -aaé  ridge. 
-atabemi  miniug  school.  -olun  rock  alum.  -onb 
scaup  pochard,  Fuligula  maril'i.  -arbejbe  min- 
ing.  -arbejber  miner,  -art  rock.  -af(e  fe  -blaot. 
-batfom  naphta.  -befoltning  mountaineers.  -beg 
asphaltum,  asphalt.  -befttger  Alpine  cliraber. 
-beftigning  mountain-climbing;  ascent.  -blaat 
n  mountain  blue,  bice  -bo  c  -er,  -boer  c  -e 
mountaineer,  highlander.  -bor  bore,  borer. 
•brug  minlng.  -brnneUe  alpine  accentor,  Thnr- 
rhaletM  inontwiMus.  -bal  gien,  dale.  -brift 

SBjærge  vt  (rebbe)  save;  (ernære)  support;  (Stoling) 
house,  gather  in;  _  fjjøben  support  life,  keep  soul 
and  body  together,  keep  the  wolf  from  the  door; 
_  Sejl  take  in  sail;  _  fig  manage  to  live,  make 
both  ends  meet.    -fol!  salvors. 

Sjtergegn  c  mountain  distriet,  mountalnous 

SBjicrgelgobå  salved  property.  -tontraft  salvage 
agreement.  33}Ærgelig  a  to  be  saved.  !Biærgc|« 
len,  -penge  salvage.  -r  c  -e  salvor.  -ri',  Sjoergcr- 
lai)  n  salvage  association. 

SBjærget  «  mountainous. 

IBjoergifaar  mountain-sheep,  Ovis  montana. 
•faft  a  solid  el.  firm  as  a  rock.  -febt  mountain 
tallow.  -fin  «  native.  -finf,  -finte  brambling, 
mountain  finch,  Fringilla  monti/ringilla.  -flabe 
table-land.  -flob  mountain-torrent.  -fob  foot 
el.  base  of  a  m.  -folf  =  boere,  -aanber;  fe  SSerg-. 
-fulb  a  mountainous,  hilly.  -f^r  mountain  pine, 
Finus  iiiontatut.  -ffcftning  mountain  fastness,  m. 
stronghold.  -geb  mountain  goat,  Copra  ameri- 
cana.  -grunb  rocky  ground.  -gruppe  group  of 
hills.  -grønt  mountain  green,  -gulb  mine-gold. 
•gult  n  yellow  ochre.  -bule  mountain  cave  el. 
cavern.  -^«j  n  mountain-high,  mouutains  high. 
-t)«r  mountain  tiax,  amianth.  93|aergig  a  fe  -fulb. 
SBjærgjirifl  yellow-beaked  linnet.  Frinpillnflavi- 
rostris.  •talt  mountain  limestone.  -fom  erest 
(of  a  mountain).  -fint  cliff.  -fl«ft  cleft,  ravine, 
chasm.  -tiener  mountain  clover,  Trifolium  mon- 
tanum.  -fnolb  hill-top,  rock.  -tnube  knot  of 
mountains.  -tort  mountain-cork.  -frig  moun- 
tain war  e(.  warfare.  -trt)ftal  rock  crystal.  -fur 
mountain  cure.  -fæbe  mountain  chain  el.  range. 
-lag  layer,    stratum.     -la!8   fe  ®lt)fe,    ftulmule. 




•lonb  mountainous  country.  -Wb,  -libc  moun- 
tain-side.  -lotomottu  locomotive  for  gradients. 
•luft  mountain  air.  -Iceber  m.  leather.  *-Iænbt 
a  mountainous.  •tterfe  Alpine  larli,  Alauda  al- 
pestris.  -manb  fe  -aanb;  fe  SSerg^.  -manbel  drop- 
wort,  Spirært  filipendula.  -met,  -mætt  mountain 
milk.  -mt)nte  marjoram,  Origanum  vu/gare.  -me 
fe  -iiQmfe. 

SBiærgtting  c  salving,  salvage.  —  S3jærgnin9é|  = 
bnm^ftib  salvage  steamer.  -entcujrtfe,  -forening, 
■forrctniufl,  -lortjaration  salvage  association. 
-forf«o  attempt  to  save.  -lontcatt  salvage  agree- 
ment.  -omloftninger  salvage  expenses.  -fag 
salvage  case. 

!8jærg|n^mfe  oread.  -olie  rock  oil.  -orbning 
statutes  for  the  mines.  -^a)>ir  mountain  paper. 
-)>ottict  the  Mountain.  -paé  mountain  pass, 
deflle.  -^Jlante  mountain  plant,  -^ræ&ifenen 
the  sermon  on  the  Mount.  -^uSUng  mountain 
goblin,  dwarf.  -vig  fe  -fulb.  -rié  mountain  rice, 
Oryta  montana.  -rifc  hill  giant.  -rljg  mountain 
ridge.  -rtjie  fe  ©tenoenfaet.  -rar  wood  small-reed, 
Caiamagrostis  epigejos.  -fait  rock-salt.  -fttfc  fe 
-papir,  -ffo  alpine  boot.  -flotte  Highlander. 
-ffraaning  mountain  slope.  -ffreb  mountain 
slide,  -ffrænt  precipice,  brow^  of  a  mountain. 
-flette  table-land.  -ftot  mountain  castle  el.  strong- 
hold.  -flæbe  mountain-sledge.  -fnurr  rock  butter. 
-fne  mountain  snow.    -fnæuring  deflle. 

SBjærgfom  a  thrifty,  acquisitive,  plodding. 
■I)eb  c  thrift. 

a3jærg|fpib§  fe  -tinbe.  -ftab  mountain  town; 
fe  58etg=.  -fti  mountain  path.  -ftot  alpenstock; 
fe  -Enube.  -ftrælning  range  of  mountains.  -ftr«m 
fe  -flob.  -ft^rtning  precipice.  -fooul  native  sul- 
phur.  -fæbe  mountain  soap.  -fe  mountain  lake. 
-tagen  a  spirited  off  into  the  mountain.  -tinbe, 
•top  mountain-top.  -tfære  mineral  tar.  -trotb 
gnome,  -træ  rock- wood.  -tøro  mountain  peat. 
-ugle  eagle  owl,  great  horned  owl,  Strix  bubo. 
-ulb  fe  -f)øt.  -tianb  fe  ®ru6e«.  -bej  mountain 
road  el.  path.  -bin  mountain  wine.  -Uinb  m. 
Wind.  -bof§  mineral  wax.  -bæg  rocky  wall. 
•boer!  mine. 

SjærgbærfSlbiftrift  mining  district.  -brift 
working  of  mines,  -ejer  owner  of  a  mine  el. 
mines.  -tJjnbig  fe  aSergftjnbig.  -felflab  mining 
Company,  -ffolc  mining  school.  -bibenftab 
science  of  mining.    -bæfen  mining  (matters). 

S8jærg|bæfft  fe  -plante,    -æg  mountain  egg. 

*S3jærf  fe  «trt. 

*S8jarI  c  fe  aSirl. 

SBja'rn  c  e  bear;  J[,  (i  9Ker§)  lubber's  hole, 
(til  at  ftrubbe  meb)  bear,  *  fe  ©pilflamp,  f  -£  wind- 
lass-bitts;  F  (fRuS)  a  brick  in  the  hat;  ben  graa 
-  the  grizzly  (bear);  ben  ftore  _  the  Great  Bear,  Major;  ben  liHe  _  the  Lesser  Bear,  Ursa 
miuor;  fælg  itte  -en§  $ub  før  bu  l^ar  fanget  ben 
don't  reckon  your  chickens  before  they  are 
hatehed.  93iørne  vt  J,  scrub  (with  a  bear).  — 
58jartte|aBe  howling  monkey,  Mycetes  ursinus. 
•agtig  a  bearish.  -baøian  pig-faced  baboon, 
Cynocephalus porcariiM.  *-brob  Scottish  asphodel, 
Tofieldia  horealis.  -bær  bearberry,  Arbutus  uva 
ursi,  *  fe  Sorboer.  -bærfpinber  fox-moth,  Gastro- 
pacha  ruhi.  -ban§  bear's  dance.  *-far  track  of 
a  bear.  -fcbt  bear's  grease.  -fcnnilet  bald- 
money,  Meum  atkamaiiticum.  -^i  bear's  winter 
-layer.  -^ibSning  bear-baiting.  -Ijul  J,  lubber's 
hole.  -Ijbalp  bear's  cub.  -jagt  bear-hunting, 
bear-shooting.  -jæger  bear-hunter.  -Ko  bear's 
foot,  Helleborus  foetidus.  (*-Ijæf§)  cow  parsnip, 
Heracleum  sphondylium;  arch  acanthus.  -trcbé 
mother-lobster,  Scyllarus  arctus.  -lab  bear's 
paw.  -tarbe,  *.marf  caterpillar  of  the  tiger  moth, 
Arctia.     -leje  bear's  lair.    -maar  biturong,  Arc 


titis  olbifroiu.  *-ntofe  hair  moss,  Folytrichum. 
•rob  fe  -fennifel.  -fflnb  bear's  skin.  -ffinbSftuc 
muflf-cap,  busby.  -ftinte  bear  ham.  -ff^tte  ie 
-jæger,  -foramcrfugl  great  tiger-moth,  Arctia. 
-fa,  Store  _  Great  Bear  Lake.  -tjcnefte  awkward 
et.  unwelcome  service.  -træfter  bear-leader. 
-unge  fe  -bualp. 

SBlaa  a  blue;  -t  ^elt  azure;  -t  Øje  (af  ©lag) 
black  eye;  _  9?inge  unber  Øjnene  eyes  surrounded 
by  a  blue  circle;  flaa  en  gul  og  ~  beat  one  black 
and  blue;  _  SKanbag,  fe  S8laa=;  i  bet  ~  a  airy,  adv 
airily,  at  random,  in  nubibus.  SSloo  n  -.  §tmIenS 
_  poet  heaven's  azure.  -aaret  n  blue-veined. 
-agtig  «  bluish.  -ot§  moor-grass,  Sesleria.  -baan= 
bet  a  blue-banded.  -bog  Blue  Book.  -but  (3nf.) 
violet  callidium.  -bær  bilberry,  whortleberry, 
se  blae-berry,  amr  blue-berry,  Vaccinium  myrtil- 
lus.  -broSfel  blue-thrush,  Petrocincla  cyana. 
-fait  merlin,  FaUo  (xsalon;  ring-tail,  Circus  cya- 
nens; fe  ®ue-.  -farbe  smalt,  blue-glass.  -farbet 
a  blue;  dyed  blue.  -farbebært  smalt-house. 
-fift  young  Greenland  seal.  -froSfcu  a  blue  with 
cold.  -graa  a  bluish  grey,  blue-gray,  ^  cæsious. 
-gran  «  bluish  green,  glaucous.  -guften  i  livid. 
-^aj  blue  shark,  Carcharias  glaucus;  piokedshark, 
Galeus  acant/iiat.  -^olå  blue-breast,  Sylvia  sue- 
cica.  -^atfet  a  blue-neeked.  -Ijat  devil's  bit, 
Suecisa  pratensis;  scabious,  Knautia.  -^eb  c 
blueness.  t-^jætntet  a  (om  Sbæg)  bluish-gray 
with  a  white  head.  -t|btbrab  a  blue,  red  and 
White,  -iriff  hedge  accentor,  Accentor  modularis. 
-tctte  fe  -ifM.  -ttofte  bluebell,  harebell,  Gampa- 
nula  rotundifolia.  -tobber  blue  copper(-ore). 
-lop  fe  -ntejfe.  -torn  fe  Sornblomft.  *-traotc  fe 
-maoge.  -troet  a  blue-crawed.  -tugter  bluecake, 
blueing,  thumb-blue,  -tabeu  n  bhiish.  t-Ianb 
Africa.  -ter  potter's  clay.  SStaalig  a  bluish. 
SBtaa 1 1^§  blue  light,  -maage  fe  ©bartbag.  -måber 
fe  -ftjerne.  -matet  a  painted  blue.  -manb  kind 
of  sealskin;  kind  of  tobacco;  t  blackamoor. 
-manbag  Saint  Monday.  -måbe  picked  dogfish. 
-mejfe  blue  titmouse,  Pams  ccemleus.  -munte 
sheep's  scabious,  sheepsbit,  Jasione;  fe  ©fabiofe, 
gornblomft,  ©torm^at.  -musling  mussel,  Mytilus 
edulis.  93Iaanc  vi  become  el.  look  blue;  —  vt 
blue.  S3taane  c  -r  bluish  cloud.  !SIaaneIfe  c,  . 
fe  -ftioelfe.  S8taa|papir  carbonic  paper.  -plettet 
a  blue-spotted. 

tS3taat  pi  tow,  hards;  ftitte,  fætte  en  -  i  Øjnene 
throw  dust  into  one' s  eyes,  hoodwink  one,  draw 
the  wool  over  one' s  eyes. 

S3Iaa{raage  rook,  Corvus  frugilegus.  ''--roate 
fe  eHefrage.  -ranbet  a  with  blue  margins,  streaks. 

iØIaaregn  c  glycine,    Victoria  chinensis. 

5Btaar|et  a  towy.  -garn  tow-yarn.  -^egle  tow 
-hatchel.    -(ærreb  tow-linen. 

©taojrubet  a  blue-checked.  -ræb  blue  arctic 
fox,  Vulpes  lagopus.  -rab  a  bluish  red.  -fanb 
eobalt-sand.  -ftmmer  blue  anemone.  Anemone 
hepatica.  -flabe  iudigo-bird,  Gyanopica;  a  kind 
of  pigeon,  -ftimlet  a  dapple-gray.  -fttmmel 
dapple-gray  -flæg  Bluebeard  '*-ftæt  fe 
-musling,  -flaaet  «  livid,  bruised.  -fort  a  bluish 
black.  -fot  cyanosis.  -fpaan  logwood  shavings. 
-fpot(e)  fe  Stfp  (gift),  -fpraglet  a  speckled  with 
blue.  -fpætte  nuthatch,  Sitta  europæa.  -fpættct 
a  spotted  with  blue.  -ftaal  striped  wrasse,  La- 
brus mixtus.  -ften  blue  stone,  blue  vitriol.  -fti= 
belfc  blue,  blue  starch.  -ftibet  a  blue-starched. 
-ftjcrnc  field-madder,  Sherardia  arvensis.  -^ribet 
a  with  blue  stripes.  -ftrubefongerfe-l^alS.  -ftrampe 
blue-stocking.  -fur  SJJæl!  milk  become  sour  with- 
out  curding.  -ftjge  fe  -fot.  -ftjre  prussic  acid. 
-tanb :  ^aralb  _  Harold  Bluetooth.  -tabtet  a 
blue-chequered.  -top  purpie  melic,  Enodivm 
cceruleum.     -træ  logwood.     -trajc  blue-jacket. 






•tætnet  a  blue-checkered.  -urt  fe  fiorn&Iomft. 
♦-»eis  fe  -fimmer.  -Oinge  copper  butterfly,  Ly- 

»Io6re  vi  fe  <lBIapre. 

»lob  n  -e  (af  %xx,  Sog,  SBorb  o.  1.)  leaf;  (of 
folio,  Satå  0.  (.)  blade;  (Slare-)  wash,  blade,  (p. 
éttue)  blade,  arm;  fSfeO  bowl;  (©at)=)  web,  blade; 
(©p^t)')  head;  (3;ræforB.)  scarf;  (i  SBceB)  sley;  ()). 
^iort.)  shoulder;  (Sloiå)  iiewspaper,  paper.  print; 
biåfe  -e  (o.  1.  om  en  SBog)  these  pages;  et  -  ^Cipxt 
&  slip  of  paper;  libet  ~  leaflet;  bet  oanbrenbe  _  the 
walking  leaf,  Phylliuni  sicci/olium;  naot  ^øgen 
^or  -e  when  the  beech  is  iu  leaf;  f^nge,  fpille  fra 
-et  sing,  play,  off,  s.  el.  p.  at  (flrst)  sight;  gangen 
fra  -et  sight-slnging;  tage  et  fra  røunben  speak 
out,  speak  one's  miud;  -et  tan  oenbe  fig  the  tables 
may  turn.  —  SBIabjaare  fe  -neroe.  -agtiga  folia- 
ceous,  resembling  a  leaf.  •anmetbetfe  notice  in 
the  newspapers.  -arttf el  uewspaper-artiele.  -hiUe 
chrysomela.  -bolt  holdfast.  -bMb  newsboy. 
•banttelfe  foliatiou.  -banntt  a  forrned  like  a 
leaf.  -bejg  putt'pasle.  -buff  Sf  coma.  33(abe 
vt  &  i:  tum  e(.  ruu  over  the  leaves;  (om  |)iort) 
troat;  _  af,  fe  9tf6(abe;  _  efter  turn  over  the 
leaves  for;  _  i  turn  over  the  leaves  of;  -  tgen= 
nem  run  over;  -  om  turn  over  (the  leaf);  — 
blabeS  vd  shoot  out  leaves,  come  out  in  leaf; 
med  &  min  exfoliate.  »labebqg  green  barley; 
borge  };)aa  -  eat  the  calf  in  the  cow's  belly. 
93(ab(e)^ang  foliage.  »(aben  c  turning  over  the 
leaves  etc;  troating.  »labeftub  leaflng.  »(abet 
o  foliaceous;  fe  -rig.  »lab(c)tobaI  tobacco  in 
leaves,  leaf  tobacco.  —  »lab |f(ig  lobe  (ofa  leaf). 
•fortnet  a  fe  -bannet.  -fu(b,  fe  -rig.  -fabbebe, 
•f«bberp^phyllopods.  -grant  chlorophyl.  -gu(b 
leaf  gold,  gold-leaf;  uægte  _  leaf-metal.  -Dang 
loliage.  -^ot  agaric.  -bjørne  axil.  -t|a(bcr 
subscriber.  -^ornebe  pi  lamellicorns.  •ttnébiai 
leaf  isinglass.  •it'oepi  s&\v-&y,  T/ientredo.  ^æng= 
fet  foliaged  hinge.  -jotb  leaf-mould.  -faal 
ijorecole.  -!attu3  leaf  cactus,  PkyUocactus.  -la- 
pitai  foliated  capital.  -Ino))  leaf-bud.  -frané 
crown  el.  garland  of  leaves.  -trobe  band.  -IrebS 
glass  crab,  PhyUosoma.  -tul  foliated  coal.  •!«»( 
newspaper  polemics.  -feb  parenchyma,  green 
pulp  of  leaves.  -laff  flat  scarf.  -literatur  jour- 
nalistic  literature.  -la))))e  psylla.  -luå  plant- 
louse,  puceron,  aphis.  -(»8  a  leafless,  aphyllous. 
•ntaoe  manifold.  •mo§  foliaceous  moss.  -neger 
penny-a-liner,  paragraphlst.  -nerbe  nerve,  vein. 
»løbning  c  (bet  at  blabeé)  leaflng;  fe  -en.  »lab]- 
notitå  paragraph.  -næfe  phyllostome.  •orm 
Caterpillar.  •)>tabe  limb.  -plante  fohage  plant. 
-(iragt  leafy  splendour.  -ranb  margin,  »lab're 
vi  fe  aSIabe.  »lab{rebattør  editor  of  a  newspaper. 
-referent  reporter,  -ribbe  ridge.  -rig  a  leafy. 
-rigbom  leaviness.  -rofct  roseite.  -folot  coss 
lettuce.  -flbe  page;  side  of  the  leaf.  -filb  her- 
ring  in  the  second  year.  -ffcbe  sheath  Cof  a  leaf). 
-ffriber  writer  for  a  newspaper,  journalist,  -flæ- 
rer  (sBii  leaf-cutter,  Megachile.  -fiugcr  voracious 
newspaper-reader.  -fmutte  wood-wren,  Sylvia 
sibilatrix.  -fmører  newspaper-scribbler.  '-fop 
fe  -foamp.  -fti(t  leaf-stalk,  petiole  -fuger  fe 
-lobpe.  -fucjfe  vt  lap-weld,  scarph-weld.  -falb 
leaf  Silver;  forgtjlbt  _  party  gold.  -tong  laminaria. 
•tap  pivot  With  cheeks.  -tin  tiu-foil.  -tobo!  fe 
»(abe=.  -torn  prickle.  -ubgioer  fe  -rebaltar. 
-benber  book-marker.  -biller  tortrix.  -binfcl 
fe  -t)iørne.  -bié  adi-  leaf  by  leaf.  -oifer  fe  Su= 
ftobe.    -«je  fe  -fnob. 

»lof '  n  J/  cat's  paw,  slatch  of  wind.  »laffe, 
blafre  vi  (om  iiX)i)  flicker,  (om  Sejl)  flutter,  flap. 

»laffert  c  -er  pop-gun. 

»laf,  -fet  a  fallow,  pale,  (om  ^eft)  dun;  ♦-fen 
the  dun  horse. 

»(atcftob^er  J,  stopper. 

smatte :  falfte  _ !  false  villain. 

»(arne  [fr]  c  -r  censure.  -re  vt  disgrace,  dis- 
honour;  _  fig  make  one's  self  ridiculous. 

»(an^ef  c  -ter  busk. 

»lanbe  vt  mix,  mingle,  blend;  (ftort)  shuffle; 
(SKetoller)  alloy,  amalgamate;  -  fig  i  anbreé  Sager 
meddle  in  the  aifairs  of  others;  6 1  a  n  b  e  t  a  mixed 
etc,  promiscuous;  -  ^nb^olD  miscellaneous  con- 
tents;  -ebe  ©trifter  miscellaneous  writings;  ^unb 
af  -  SRace  mongrel;  J,  _  2uft  cloudy  el.  mixed 
air.  »lanben  c  mixing.  »lanblfober  mixed 
provender,  mashn.  -gabning,  '-gabfel  compost. 
*-g«bfle  vt  manure  with  compost.  »lanbing  c 
-ermixingetc;  mixture,  intermixture, compound, 
blend,  cont  medley;  (af  Wetal)  alloy,  amalgama- 
tion; (fRoce)  hybrid;  -er  miscellanies;  meb  en  _  af 
^aab  og  grijgt  with  mixed  hope  and  terror. 

»Ianbtng8|brøb  maslin  bread.  -bel  ingredient. 
-brit  mixed  beverage.  -b^r  hybrid,  mongrel. 
•farbe  mixed  (^olour.  -folt  mixed  race.  -fordolb 
proportion  (of  parts),  composition.  -form  hybrid 
form.  -gob§  unassorted  goods;  (baarligt)  trash. 
-^agl  mixed  shot.  -forn  mangcorn,  mixed  corn, 
maslin,  meslin.  -ful  throughaud-through  coal. 
-maabe  mode  el.  mannerof  mixing.  •miuifterium 
coalition-ministry.  -orb  hybrid  (word).  -refl= 
ning  alligation.  -fbrog  mixed  language,  -barer 
fe  -gob§. 

»lanb|Iorn,  fe  »lanbingg«.  -fllb  herring  taken 
in  January.    -fæb  fe  »lanbingåtorn. 

»lant  a  (ogf .  om  gebme)  shining,  (tfær  om  9Retal) 
bright;  p  (pengeloé)  cleaned  out,  tight;  -  ®tbe 
blank  page;  -e  ajaaben  swords  and  bayonets;  ti 
-e  2)alere  ten  silver  dollars;  _  forn  et  Spejl  smooth 
as  a  mirror;  labe  ftaa  _  leave  n  blank;  træffe  ~ 
draw;  be  -e  the  vvhite  el.  whites.  —  *»lan!  c  -er 
smolt  (two  years  old). 

»lanta  Blanche,  Blanch. 

»lantjaal  fe  ®aarb«.  -brænbing  glaze-bakiug. 
-(e)b«rfte  pollshlug-brush.  »lånte  vt  polish, 
brighten,  burnish,  furbish,  _  Stader  clean  boots; 
p   -  en  af  clean  one  out. 

»lanfeften  c  ©iff)  pagellus. 

»lonfef  c  -ter  form,  (ogf.  9RQnto.)  blank;  (5Het) 
White  frioassee,  blanquette. 

»lanflftff  sea-monster,  Chimæra  ntonstrosa. 
-gnibning  furbishing.  -tiat  glazed  hat.  -Ijeb  c 
brightness,  polish,  -læber  sleek-leather,  patent 
leather.     »lantning  c  polishing  etc.  (fe  »lånte), 

»lanfo-  blank;  in  blanco  in  blank,  -alcebt 
acceptance  in  blank,  -fulbmagt  authority  in 
blank,  blank-charter.  -trebit  blank  credit.  -tratte 
draft  in  blank. 

»lantjobn  glazing  oven.  -ffure  vt  scour  to  a 
shining  whiteness.  -flibe  vt  polish,  -fob  shining 
soot.  -fort  a  shining  black.  -fbærte,  -bofå 
blacking.  -fbærtcfobritant  blacking  manufac- 
turer.    -ørreb  fe  »lant  a. 

»IttS'  [t.]  a  wan,  pallid. 

»lofe'ret  a  blase,  jaded,  sated. 

»lo§fc|mi'  c  blas'phemy.  -'miff  a  blas'phe- 

»IflpuS  Blaise. 

»le  c  -er  child's  napkin,  diaper,  swaddling- 

»leg  [t  F  ej']  a  pale,  paUid,  (bobbleg)  white. 
(af  ftjgeligt  Ubfeenbe)  wan;  bliue  _  tum  el.  grow 
pale;  _  af  Sfræl  pale  with  terror;  ^an  bles  baabe 
r»b  og  _  his  colour  came  and  went,  he  turned 
all  manner  of  colours;  be  -e  Slnfigter  the  Pale 
-faces.  »leg  c -er  fe  »legebom;  fe -ning.  »leglblaa 
pale  blue.  -barn  fe  »lege=.  -e  c  -r  bleak,  Abra- 
mit  blicca.  *-t  c  -r  whiting,  Gadus  merlangu«; 
fe  *»lant. 

»lege  (ogf.  -t     -t)  vt  bleach.    -bam  bleach- 




el.  bleaching-ground,  bleaeh(ing)-green.  J-foIt 
bleacJiers.  -falf  ehloride  of  lime.  -(«n  bleach 
-money.  -tnantt  bleacher.  -mibbel  bleachlng 
agent.  -Vlobé  fe  -bom.  -^ulucr  bleaching  powder. 
-r  c  -e  bleacher.  -ri'  n  -er  bleachery.  -ttb  bleach- 
ing  season.  -tKJ  bleach-clothes,  bleach-lineu. 
-Oanb  bleaching  liquid.  -»cjr  weatherforbleach- 
ing.    •-»»olb  fe  -plabs. 

iBIcglfeb,  -febtet  a  flabby.  -ftå  P  tallow-face. 
•grøn  a  pale-green.  -gul  a  straw-coloured.  -fteb 
c  paleness,  wanness.  (-^bibt,  fe  S3I50-  -ttnbct  a 
pale-visaged.  -tåben  a  palish,  somewhat  pale. 
-laben^eb  c  pale-facedness. 

tSIcan  c  -er  blain,  blister,  bleb. 

SSIcgJne  vi  grow  el.  turn  pale,  (om  jjaree  og 
fig)  fade.  -nen  c  growing  etc.  SBIe'gning  c 

3?Ic'g|næbfiet  a  pale-looking.  -røb  a  pink. 
-feUcri  common  celery.  -fot  green  sickness, 
chlorosis.    -fottig  a  chlorotic. 

*9Jlci  c   er  vvedge. 

»aSIete  c  -r  fe  »le. 

*SBle!c  c  -r  fe  *931ege. 

*!iBIcmme  c  -r  fe  SSlegn. 

S3(enb|e  et  dazzle;  deceive;  lobe  fig  -  af  be 
deceived  by.  -elfe,  -en  c  dazzling.  -enbe  a 
dazzling;  _  £t)§  d.  et.  fierce  light,  -er  c  -e,  -ing 
c  -er  eye-shade.  -ing  c  -er  nrch  recess,  niche. 
•Iflgte  dark  lantern.  -ramme  blind  frame,  -bært 
illusion,  delusion,  phantom. 

93(enbe  c,  min  blende. 

Slcnbc're,  SBIenbing,  fe  SBlinbere,  SBIinbing  i^arch). 

93Ie8|fe'rc  vt  wound.    -fu're  c  -r  wound. 

Slib  «  mild,  gentle;  (milb,  oenljg)  bland;  (rolig) 

iBIibe  c  -r  catapult,  mangonel. 

»libcHfl,  blibt  ndo  mildly  etc.  (fe  SBItb). 

tSfibemaaneb  February. 

tS3IibeS  vd  fe  JBIibne  vi. 

a3H'b|garc  vt  soften,  mitlgate.  -^eb  c  mild- 
ness,  gentleness;  blandness;  placidity.  -ne  vi 
grow  mild;  soften,  relent;  —  vt  mitigate,  soften. 

S3til'  n,  -fe  look,  glanee  (of  the  eye),  fig  eye; 
oHeS  -te  all  eyes;  ^or  _  for  has  an  eye  for;  meb 
et  -  ({)en)  paa  with  an  eye  to. 

SBtil'  n  fe  aSItnt  n. 

Stil'  n  (SfærnO  whiteiron,  tin,  tinplate;  (i  9tlm.) 
sheet-metal.  -affatb  tin  clippings,  scissel.  -blæ« 
fere  pi  brasses.    -baafe  tin  (box). 

©titgulb  reflned  gold. 

Still  teammer  great  hammer  forbeatingwrought 
-iron  into  piates.  -fjtjtte  sheet(iron)  forge.  -in^ 
ftrument  brass  wind-instrument. 

fdiitte  vi  glanee;  (om  ®Ian§)  twinkle,  shine, 
(6ø(t))  lighten.    -f-Stitfe  c  -r,  fe  2øjer  c 

Stitfcnftoger  tin-man,  tinker.    -i  n  tinning. 

SBtif|raaat  tin-pot,  dipper.  -mager  c  -e,  fe  -fmeb. 
■mJjnt,  -ment  bracteate.  -})tabe  tinned  iron  plate. 
-fafé  plate-shears.    -fmeb  tin-smith,  white-smith. 

Stilftilte  a  calm,  stirless;  bet  Bles  _  it  fell  a 
dead  calm;  —  n  a  dead  calm. 

aSIitffltO  lightened  silver. 

SIit|t«j;  tin  articles.  -»olfcoært  rolling  mill. 
-Ȍrer  tin-ware. 

Slinb  a  blind;  ben  -e  the  blind  man  (woman); 
be  -e  the  blind;  græbe  fig  _  ery  one's  eyes  out; 
-for  blind  to;  ~  paa  bet  ene  |8je  blind  of  an 
eye;  _  Sllarm  false  alarm;  gøre  _  Sllarm  raise  a 
false  alarm;  -t  9tngre6  feigned  attack;  ~  ®ar 
blank  el.  mock  door;  _  ®Qbe  blind  alley;  labe  et 
(Sesæt  t  load  a  gun  with  a  blank  charge;  _  |)øne 
fon  ogfoo  finbe  et  ft'orn  a  blind  man  may  hit  the 
mark;  _  åoerlig^eb  fond  love;  -e  Slipper,  ©tær, 
S?rag  sunken  rocks,  shelves,  wrecks;  _  2omme 
simulated  pocket;  _  S^big^eb  implicit  obedience; 
-  S^tte  mere  chance;  ~  SKotter,  ben  -e  SKonb  the 





blind  man,  dummy;  fpttle  meb  _  9!3t.  play  dummy; 
_  *Pa§tager  stow-away;  t  Stub  blank  shot;  _ 
2;illtb,  Iro  implicit  confidence,  faith;  -i  SBinbue 
mock  el.  wall-eyed  window;  —  blinbt  adv,  _ 
ben  blindly,  heedlessly:  eiiber  -t  has  no  outlet 
Stinblbar  fe  ocfr.  Stinble:  i  _  in  the  dar 
blindfolded;  fig  blindly,  heedlessly.  -e  J, 
spritsail;  fe  -ering.  -e  vt  blind.  •-(e)6ertel  blii 

Slinbelbut  blind  man's  buff,  hoodman-blind, 
blind  Harry,  -gaffet  ^  sprit-sail  gaflf.  -^oftiitat 
blind  hospital,  asylum  for  the  blind,  -inftitut 
educational  establishment  for  the  blind,  -manb 
fe  bitnb  Watter.  -roo  spritsail  yard.  -raanot 
spritsail-yard  arm. 

a3tinbe'r|E    vt,    mil   blind,     -ing    c   blindi: 
blind,  blindage,  mantlet. 

a3tinbc|ffflb§tnoti  J,  spritsail  sheetknot.  -tri: 
spritsail  topping-lift. 

StinbcunberbiSningen   the  education  of 

Stinblfabt  a  bom  blind,  -^eb  c  blindn 
cecity.  Stinbing  c  blinding.  Stinbing  c 
(Sømr)  dowel(-pin^;  arck  facing;  zo  cleg,  Ck 
sopn  cæcutiem.  SIinb{føti  buying  a  pig  in 
poke.  -tanterne,  -t^fltc  dark  lantern.  -ma 
fe  blinb  5Kafter.  -mué  blind  rat,  tSxialax  typhlus. 
-ramme  blind  frame,  -f^it  blindfold  play. 
•f^iiller  (©tot)  blindfold  player.  -tarm  blind 
gut.  -tttft  blind  tooling.  -træ  ground.  -binbuc 
fe  æitnb. 

*Stingf c  «f  squint. 

Stint  »,  pi  =,  glimpse,  gleam,  (of  SJijnilb,  ©f: 
flash,  (meb  øjnene)  twinkle.  *S8Iint  c  -er  bul  _ 
eye,  the  white.  Slintje  vi  gleam,  twinkle, 
glimmer,  (meb  ^Sjnene)  blink,  twinkle;  _  ob  wink 
at.  -en  c  twinkling  etc.  -er  c  -e  mil  skirmisher. 
-ftjr  revolving  el.  intermitting  light;  fe  SSIoolQS; 
-  meb  SSIul  revolving  light  with  flashes.  -fJir^ 
ftagc  blue  light  holder.  -f)inbe  nictitating  mem- 
brane.  *-fI^tter  dead  shot.  -h-ni§  adv  fe  ®Iimt=. 
-«ie  c  blinker,  blinkard.    -ajet  a  blinking. 

-nStire  vi,  fe  531ire. 

Sliå'  c  &  n  blaze.  -anb  widgeon,  Anas  pene- 
lope.  -bttc  blazed  pigeon,  -futb  a  f  disguised 
in  liquor,  foggy.  -gao§  white-fronted  goose, 
Anser  nlbifrons.  -^enc  common  coot,  Fudca 
atra  SBtiéfet  a  blazed,  with  a  blaze  on  |the 
forehead;  fe  -fulb. 

Stifter  c   common  hake,    Merluccius  vulgaris. 

Stifter  n  (Iglofter)  blister. 

*Stiftrc  vi  fe  *pit)ftre. 

Stib  n,  poet  command. 

Stibe,  bleo,  blenet  vi  (^jælpeb.  t.  *l5a§fib) 
(bleo  elftet  was  loved  ofp.);  (forblioe)  stay,  stop, 
remain,  tarry;  (Ccergong  tit  en  anben  2:ilftanb, 
©tiHing)  become,  (plubfelig  el.  uanet  Ooergong) 
turn,  (tun  oeb  Slbj.)  grow,  get  (bet  fibfte  ogf.  m. 
^JSort.);  (6etegnenbe  guturum)  shall  el.  will  be; 
(opftao)  arlse,  ensue,  come  on;  (omtomme,  naenl. 
tilføl)  perish,  be  lost;  bliP  t)er  tarry  el.  stay  here; 
^bor  længe  bleb  bu  ber?  how  long  did  you  stop 
there?  ^on  er  og  -r  en  Star  he  is  a  fool  and  ever 
will  be  (to  the  end  of  the  chapter);  _  ftooenbe 
continue  el.  remain  standing;  _  fionbmonb,  9KiIi= 
tær,  S!ø6monb,  ®nfe,  Sigger  ofb.  become  a  larmer, 
a  soldier,  a  merchant,  a  widow,  a  beggar;  _ 
Songe  become  king;  _  gorræber  turn  (a)  traitor; 
_  ^roteftont,  Sriften  turn  protestant,  Christian; 
~  bleg  (blegne)  turn  pale;  ~  fur  turn  sour;  _  rig, 
fattig  ofb.  grow,  get,  become  rich,  poor  etc:  _ 
breb  grow,  get  el.  be  angry;  blio  it!e  breb  don't 
be  angry;  _  f^g  fall  sick;  bet  r  fent  it  is  growing 
late;  bet  -r  ti  Soter  it  makes  ten  dollars;  jeg  -r 
20  Stor  i  aiiorgen  J  shall  be  twenty  years  to-morrow; 
bet  -r  (bil  ~)  oonfteligt  it  will  be  difficult;  naor  -r 






bet?  when  is  it  to  beV  ber  bien  et  Uuejt  a  storm 
came  on;  ber  6IeB  en  ilbebatSIenbe  SEaoS^eb  an 
ominous  silence  ensued;  ®ub  jagbe:  ftorbe  £p§  ofl 
ber  bleu  iJl)8  God  said,  Let  there  be  light,  and 
there  was  light;  500  røanb  bleb  paa  SBalpIabfen, 
i  ©laget  five  hundred  men  were  left  on  the  fleld, 
fell  in  the  action;  ber  Bleo  ilfe  noget  of  (bet)  it 
came  to  nothing,  was  given  up;  l^Bor  -r  ^an  af? 
what  is  he  about?  ^oor  er  ^an  bleoen  af?  what 
has  become  of  him?  ^toor  er  min  S3og  bleoen  af? 
where  is  my  book  got  (el.  gone)  to?  _  of  meb 
(tobe)  lose,  (_  fri  for)  get  rid  of,  (affætte)  dispose 
of;  -  borte  (ubebliee)  stay  away,  absent  one's 
self,  ';tabe?)  be  lost,  disappear;  _  efter  be  left 
behind;  fall  behind,  hang  back;  _  fra  shun, 
eschew;  blio  mig  fra  Sitiet  stand  off;  for  at  -  i 
Stgnelfen  to  carry  out  the  metaphor;  bibl  i)t)o 
fora  -r  i  ^am  whosoever  abideth  in  him;  -igen 
remain,  be  left;  lab  bet  _  imellem  oS  let  us 
keep  it  between  ourselves;  bette  -r  imellem  oS 
this  is  to  go  no  further;  _  ooer  tarry,  be  delayed; 
fe  Ooerblioe;  -til  (nt)  become,  (fomme  til  SSerben) 
come  into  existence  el.  life;  _  til  3(g,  Sten  ofo. 
turn  to  ice,  stone;  _  til  intet  come  to  el.  end  in, 
nothing;  før  SBjærgene  bleoe  til  before  the  moun- 
tains  were  brought  forth;  _  tilbage  remain,  be 
left;  _  ube  stay  el.  stop  out;  _  (ftaaenbe)  o e b  (nt) 
persist  in,  adhere  el.  stick  to,  abide  by,  (meb  nt) 
go  on,  proceed,  with;  bliO  bcb  go  on;  _  beb  at 
continue  to;  bet  -r  beroeb  it  is  agreed  el.  deter- 
mined;  bet  bleb  iffe  berdeb  that  was  not  all,  the 
matter  did  not  stop  there;  bet  er  bleOen  »eb  iJøftet 
it  has  remained  a  promise  unfulfllled;  bleB  ftabig 
t)eb  at  gaa  kept  moving;  lob  bet  _  oeb  Irubfelen 
coniined  himself  to  the  threat;  alt  bleb  beb  bet 
gamle  everything  went  on  as  before;  —  blibenbe 
a  lasting,  permanent;  616/  bi  ^ave  ijex  iffe  en  ~ 
©tab  here  have  we  no  continuing  city.  93Ittie{' 
fteb  permanent  abode;  grøet  maa  foa§  l;)aa  -et  the 
seed  must  be  sown  on  the  spot  where  it  is  to 
grow.    -tib  stay. 

SBIob  n  blood;  (ubgtjbt,  ftørfnet)  gore;  ubgDbe  - 
shed  blood;  et  ungt  -  a  youngster,  a  damsel; 
røb  fom  et  _  scarlet;  fcette  onbt  -  make  bad  blood, 
breed  ill-blood;  -et  er  albrig  faa  tljnbt,  bet  er  io 
tt)ffere  enb  S8anb  blood  is  always  thicker  than 
water;  close  sits  my  shirt,  but  closer  my  skin; 
-eté  SBaanb  the  ties"  of  blood;  en  $rin8  a  f  -et  a 
prince  of  the  blood  (royal);  en  røanb  af  ^ibfi^t  _ 
a  hot-headed,  hottempered  man;  flaa  SBanb  t  -et 
be  cool;  foømme  i  -  swim,  welter  in  blood;  bet 
ligger  i  -et  it  is  bred  in  the  bone;  er  gaaet  bem  i 
-et  has  become  their  second  nature;  fcette  en 
©træt  i  -et  give  one  a  fright;  ^an§  _  fom  i  8og 
his  blood  was  up;  meb  tolbt  _  in  cold  blood; 
lian  i)ar  faaet  ~  paa  Sanb  he  has  tasted  blood; 
flaa  en  til  -i  draw  blood  of  one;  mit  ~  bleb  til 
3S  my  blood  ran  cold.  —  !BIab|aare  vein.  -aatt= 
hiob  venal  blood.  -aavtbtot  fe  -brof.  -aareftiutft 
varix.  -afgang  loss  of  blood.  -ager  bihl  fleld 
of  blood.  t-oile  vet  red  murrain.  -anfamling 
accumulation  of  blood.  -ati^jetftn  blood-red 
orange,  -bab  camage,  slaughter,  massacre. 
-bebættct  a  covered  with  blood.  +-6cftitgtct  a 
related  by  blood.  -bef^roengt,  -bcftænft,  -bt- 
fubtet  a  bespattered,  sullied  with  blood,  fig 
blood-stained.  -bctteubelfe  phlebitis.  -blanbet 
o  mixed  with  blood.  t-blegn  red  pustule.  -brof 
hematocele.  -brDUu^iet  the  Bloody  Wedding. 
•brætning  vomiting  of  blood.  -bule,  -b^Ib  an- 
thrax.  -bøg  bloody  lieech.  -baab  blood-baptism. 
•bannelfe  sanguiflcation.  -bannenbe  a  blood 
-making,  sanguigenous.  -banner  c  -e  sanguifier. 
-bom  sentence  of  death.  -braabe  fe  a3lob?=. 
•br))p)>cnbe  a  dripping  with  blood.  -eg  scarlet 
oak,    Quercus  coccinea.     -fone  red  flag.    -farue 

c  blood-red  colour.  -faroe  vt  strtin  el.  dye  with 
blood.  -farbet  a  blood-stained,  ensanguined. 
-fattig  a  hloodless,  anæmic;  [t.J  excessively  poor. 
-fatttgbom  bloodlessness,  anæmia,  exsanguinity. 
-fcrffcn  nectarine.  -fjenbc,  -ficnbc  deadly  cl. 
mortal  foe.  -flag  J,  red  flag.  -flob  hemorrhage; 
bibl  is.sue  of  blood.  -forgiftclfe,  -forgiftning 
blood-poisoning,  pyæmia.  -fraabe  Ijloodv  foam. 
-fugl,  fe  SSøbftjært.  -futb,  -fulblieb  fe  -rig.  -f«= 
renbe  «  sanguiferous.  -gang  dysentery,  blood 
■flux;  bibl  the  issue  of  blood.  -gerning  bloody 
deed.  -gerrig,  -grifl,  -gerrig^eb  fe  -tørftig,  -tørft. 
-beftfeS3lobg=.  -^ibfenbe  a  blood-heating.  -^jirfe 
cock's  foot  finger-grass,  Pmieitm  Hnnøiinale. 
■ftoftc  coughing  up  of  blood.  -bunb  blood-hound; 
fig  bloody  tyrant.  -i|aeon  revenge  for  bloodshed. 
•■tiætiner  avenger  of  blood.  Slobtg  a  (i  aHe  »Bet.) 
bloody;  (btobbefublet)  gory;  fe  -tørftig;  en  _  fiamp 
a  sanguinary  struggle;  iDlaria  ben  -e  Bloody  Mary; 
—  adv  -t:  ^æbne  fig  -t  take  a  bloody  revenge. 
!B(ob|igIe  leech,  Éirudo.  -jaf^iiS  bloodstone. 
•fage  crassament.  -far  blood- vessel.  -lirtcl 
ductless  gland.  -fluttt))  clot  of  blood.  -tløocr 
crimson  clover,  Trifolium  incarnatum.  -foaglcr 
2)i  coagula.  -longeftiøner  pi  congestions.  -top 
cupping  glass;  fætte  -per  cup.  -loral  isis.  -!orn, 
•fugle  globule  of  the  blood.  -ful  animal  char- 
coal.  -legeme  blood  corpuscle.  -lub  blood-lye. 
-lubfalt  (gult)  pota.ssic  ferrocyanide,  ^røbt)  po- 
tassic  ferricyanide.  -Iu§  American  blight,  Apkin 
lanigera.  -I«b  fe  -omløb.  -I«8  a  bloodless.  -iS^- 
^cb  bloodlessness,  exsanguinity.  -mabbife  fe 
-orm.  -maltning,  ••røclfning  blood-milking. 
-manb  man  of  blood,  blood-shedder.  -mangel 
fe  -fattigbom.  -madfe  mass  of  blood.  -menne^c 
fe  -manb.  -mlbe  tick,  IxiMies.  •omiei  circulatiou 
of  the  blood.  -o)>taftning  vomiting  of  blood. 
-o))^cmntng  venous  hyperæmia.  -orm  larva  of 
a  midge,  Chironomm.  -oberfQlbning  hyperæmia. 
-^enge  blood-money,  bibl  the  price  of  blood. 
*-<iigger  rudiments  of  feathers.  -<)i8  hæmaturia. 
•put  bloody  stain.  -))lettet  a  blood-stained, 
spotted  with  blood.  -JiriS  exorbitant  price. 
-broti  thrombus.  -<»^t,  -t>«I  pool  of  blood.  -pelie 
btood-pudding,  black  pudding.  -regn  raiu  of 
blood.  -renfenbe  «  that  purifies  the  l)lood; 
_  røibbel  aljluent,  detergent,  -ret  sanguinarj- 
court.  -ribå  red-flowered  currant,  Ribes  nangut- 
neum.  -rig  a  plethoric.  -rigbeb  c  piethora, 
plethory,  fuUness  of  blood.  -rob  septfoil,  tor- 
mentil.   -r«b  a  blood-red,  (om  SRøbme)  scarlet. 

©lobSlbraabc  drop  of  blood;  til  ftbfte  -  to  the 
last  drop  of  my  blood;  Srifti  _  fuchsia;  ber  er 
ifte  en  gob  _  i  ^am  there  is  not  a  partiele  of 
good  in  him.  -foroanbt,  -frænbe  blood  relation, 
-forbanbtftab,  -frocnbffab  consanguinity.  -^eft, 
•iioppe  blood-horse,  -mare. 

3Jlo'b|ffam  incest;  i  _  incestuously.  -ffnb 
lumbago;  fe  -ubtræbelfe.  -ff^Ib  (Strafffljlbig^eb  for 
ubøft  aiob)  blood-guiltiness;  ('5orbrl)belfe,  fom 
ftraffe§  p.  Stbet)  capital  crime.  -fftjlblg  <i,  bihl 
bloody.  -ffænoer  c  -e  incestuous  person.  -ffcenbC' 
riff  n  incestuous.  -f mtttet  a  blood-stained.  -f ottig 
a  dysenteric.  -fbnt  blood-spavin.  -fl»or  track 
of  blood.  -flirængt  a  blood-shot.  -f))t)tning 
spitting  of  l)lood,  hemoptysis.  -fbænbing  fe 
-oberfDlbning.  -ften  blood-stone,  red  hematite. 
•ftigning  determination  of  blood  to  the  head. 
-ftiucnbe  n  blood-stopping,  hemastatic,  styptic; 
_  3Kibbel,  ftraft  stvptic,  stypticity.  -ftjært  fe  Miob-. 
-ftraale  jet  of  blood.  -ftribe,  -^rime  (lilack  and 
blue)  weal.  -ftrem  stream  el.  curreut  of  blood. 
-ft^rtning  violent  hemorrhage,  (fra  Eiomoberen) 
flooding.  -ftænft  fe  -beftænti.  »lobSnbg^belfc 
bloodshed,  effusion  of  blood.  -»^:81ab|fuge  vt 
suck  the  blood  of.    -fnger  c  -e  (ogf.  fig)  l^lood 




-sucker,  vampire,  fio  extortioner.  -fugeri  n 
vampirism.  -f»ont|i  lileeding  cancer,  -foeb  bloody 
sweat.  -ftiulft  varix.  -ftfObom  disease  of  the 
Wood.  -f^nb,  ?e  -ffijlb.  grievous  sin.  -ft^ftem 
circulation.  •fcentning  hypostasis.  +-ftfle  vt 
suUy  in  blood.  -taft  lossofblood,  hemorrhage. 
■træ  blood-wood,  Hæmntoxylum.  -tøtft  blood- 
thirstiness.  -tørftig  a  bloodthirsty,  sanguinary, 
bloody-minded.  -ubtræiclfc,  -unberlelining 
extravasation  of  blood.  -ubtemmelfe  fe  -tab. 
-unberløien  a  Hvid.  -unQ  a  [t.]  very  young. 
•VttUe,  -Vanh  serum,  -uarme  blood-heat.  -beb 
(e  -træ.  -bibttc  martyr,  -borte  ambury.  -bccbffe 
liquor  sanguinis,  plasma.  t-«rn  blood-eagle. 
-«tSt  hist  Bloody-Axe. 

©lol'  c  -le  fi  ailm.;  ogf.  $it8fle=,  ©!arpretterv 
^atte-  09  ^)  block,  (fun  iræflobS,  Sømmer)  log; 
(?llmt§fe0  alms-box;  ((SfomagerS)  boot-tree;  fætte 
poa  _  tree;  J,  -  om  _  block  and  block,  chock 

SSIofa'be  c  -r  blockade;  6rt)be  -n  run  el.  break 
the  b.  -brub  breach  of  blockade.  -brljber 
blockade-runner.  -fort«}  blockading  vessel 
(0.  fl.)    -tilftnnb  a  state  of  blockade. 

S3IoI| beflag  J,  block-strapping.  -bit)  pig-lead. 
■bog  block-book. 

S3lo!e'|re  vt  blockade,  block  up,  tyv  turn. 
-ring  c  -er  blockade. 

99toI|forbanbt  block  bond,  old  English  bond. 
-ftjul  wheel  made  of  a  single  piece  of  wood. 
■^U§  log-house,  mil  block-house;  <^  shell.  -iS 
block  ice.  -farm  bond-timbers.  SB(oIte  vt  (op) 
put  on  the  block,  stretch. 

*'8lD!(fe)bær  fe  WofebøHe. 

SSIoffebrefer,  93IoI|tnager  blockmaker.  -nagte 
pin  for  the  sheave  of  a  block.  -^enge  money 
coUected  in  a  poor-box.  -^oft  Oærnb.)  block 
-system,    -fab  pit-saw. 

"8Io!§bjærg :  ®ib  bu  fab  ^joa  _  I  wish  you  (were) 
at  Jericho 

©lotlfflb  block-ship,  hulk.  -ffibe  sheave.  -ften 
unhewn  stone.  -ftjært  tail  of  a  block.  -tin  block 
-tin.  -tritt  curtail-step.  -træ,  -tømmer  unhewn 
wood  el.  timber.  -tiogn  truck,  drag.  -btcg  log- 
wall.    -bær!  blocks. 

93Iom|Iaat  cauliflower,  Brassica  hotrytis,  (SRet) 
cauliflowers.    -larfe  Indian  cress. 

•SSIomme  c  fe  fjlomme. 

Slomme  c  -r  (i  aSg)  yolk;  poet  =  SSIomft;  lebe 
fom  -n  i  et  2Gg  live  in  clover. 

SBIomme  c  -r  (f!frugt)  plum;  grøn  -  green  gage; 
gul  -  mirabelle;  Bilb  -  bullace  plum.  -mo^  rob 
of  plums.    -punge  (p.  3;ræer)  bladder-plums. 

SBIommet  a  flowered,  sprigged. 

^lommetrce  plum-tree,  Prunus  domestica;  oilbt 
-  bullace. 

SB(omraabben  a  rotten  to  the  core,  thoroughly 

SBIomft  c  -er  flower  (ogf.  fig)  blossom,  (S8lom= 
ftring)  bloom;  (i  2®6le  0.  1.)  core;  (|)areng)  tail; 
(frugttræerne  ftaa  i  _  the  fruit-trees  are  in  blos- 
som el.  bloom. 

tSIomfter  n,  pi  =,  fe  Slomft. 

a3Iom^er|an(icg  parterre  of  flowers.  -bane 
flowery  path.  -bcb  flower-bed.  -begonia  flower- 
ing  begonia.  -btab  (Sron=)  petal;  (83lab  »eb  el. 
mellem  SBlomfter)  floral  leaf.  -borb  flower-stand. 
-bulet  nosegay,  bouquet,  -bunb  fe  grugtBunb. 
-buff  flowering  shrub.  -boeger  calyx.  -bant 
garden-frame.  -bal  flowery  vale.  -bannelfe  flori- 
fication.  -bragt  flowery-garb.  -buft  fragrance 
el.  scent  of  flowers.  -buft  (en  oil  -ftanb)  thyrse; 
fe  -bufet.  -btjgttg  a  floriferous.  -b^r  pi  anthozoa. 
-b^rtntng  culture  of  flowers,  floriculture.  -bæffe 
perianth.  -elflcr  lover  of  flowers.  -eng  flowery 
mead.     -fabritant  maker  of  artiflcial  flowers. 



-fcft  floral  tete.  -flor  show  of  flowers.  -flui 
syrphus.  -fr«  flower-seed.  -f-fulb  a  fe  -vig, 
-gartner  florist,  -qlaé  flower-vase.  -gren  flower- 
ing branch.  -groet  a  covered  with  flowers, 
flowery,  -grubbe  group  of  flowers.  -gubinbe 
goddess  of  flowers.  Flora,  -^anbler  nurseryman 
florist,  -(lanblerfte  flower-seller.  -tiaiK  flowa 
-garden,  -^otber  nosegay-vase.  -^u8  greeuhousi 
-bænget  garland  of  flowers.  -jorb  gardenmould 
■folt  calyx.  -lenber  florist,  -f-tlolte  flower-bell. 
-tl^nge  cluster  of  flowers.  -Kæbe  vt  deck  with 
flowers.  -fttob  flower-bud.  -loft  nosegay.  -tranS 
garland,  wreath  el.  (om  .Jiooebet)  chaplet  of 
flowers;  -Iroue  corol,  corolla.  -lurb  basket  of 
flowers;  ^  head.  -tbarter  fe  -anlæg.  -ft)nbtg 
a  skilled  in  the  knowledge  of  flowers.  -leje 
flowery  couch,  flowery  bed;  ^  receptacle.  -lænte 
poft  chain  of  flowers.  -leg  flower-root,  flower 
-bulb.  -(Ǥ  a  flowerless.  *-maanebMay.  -maler 
flower-p^inter.  -maleri  flower-palnting.  -i-ma(et 
a  painted  with  flowers.  -mel  fe  -ftøo.  -b'ge 
flowergirl.  -binb  prop.  -piattte  fe  -oælSt;  jjhane- 
rogamous  plant,  -potte  flower-pot.  -pragt,  -prtjb 
flowery  pride.  -pr^bet  a  decked  with  flowers. 
•regn  rain  of  flowers.  -rig  a  flowery.  -rige 
floral  kingdom.  -rar  Indian  shot,  Canna.  -fam= 
ling  anthology.  -firater  flower-work.  -ffaft 
peduncle.  -ffebc  spath.  -fmljffet  a  fe  -prflbet. 
-frtor  garland  of  flowers.  -fprog  language  of 
flowers,  floral  language,  -ftanb  inflorescence. 
-ftilt  flower-stalk,  peduncle.  -ftot  prop.  -ftra  vt 
strew  with  flowers.  -ft^fte  flower-piece.  -ftænget 
stem.  -ft«b  pollen,  -ftebpung  anther.  -fælger= 
inbe  flower-girl.  -tegning  drawing  of  flowers. 
-tib  flowering  season.  -torb  flower-market. 
-trappe  flower-stand  el.  -stage,  -tæppe  carpet 
of  flowers.  -ubftiUing  flower-show.  -ur  flower 
-clock.  -oafe  flower-vase.  -U en  lover  of  flowers. 
-Orimmel  profusion  of  flowers.  -bæ!åt  flowering 
-plant,  -bærl  flower-work.  -aje  flower-h)ud, 

SBlomftlre  vi  flower,  blossom,  bloom,  blow, 
fio  (florere)  flourish;  _  af  go  out  of  flower.  -ren 
c  fe  -ring.  -renbe  part  fe  oofr.;  a  (fpottenbe,  om 
Ubfeenbe  og  ©til)  florid;  (florerenbe)  flourishing; 
en  ung  _  ^ige  a  young  blooming  girl;  i  ben  _ 
Sliber  in  the  flower  of  age.  -ret  a  flowered. 
-ring  c  flowering  etc.  -ringStib  flowering  season; 
fio  flourishing  age. 

93Ionb  a  fair,  fair-haired,  fair-complexioned, 
blonde.  S3tonber  pi  fStI!e=)  blond-lace;  (ægte) 
thread  edging-lace;  (uægte;  cotton  edging-lace. 
SBIonbine  c  -r  fair  girl,  blonde. 

SBIoomerié'me  c  bloo'merism. 

SSlot'  a  bare,  naked;  (6ar,  lutter)  mere,  pure, 
sheer;  meb  -  |»ot)eb,  -te  SSen  bare-headed,  bare 
-legged;  en  _  åaorbe  a  naked  sword;  fe  meb  -te 
^jne  see  with  the  naked  eye;  meb  -te  ^Ⱦnber 
with  his  bare  hånds;  tro  en  paa  ^anl  -te  Drb 
believe  one's  bare  word;  ben  -te  Svante  at  the 
bare  idea  that;  af  _  9!Ki§tonfe  from  mere  suspi- 
cion;  _  for  *3enge  destitute  of  money;  gioe  ftg  _ 
expose  el.  commit  one's  self,  lay  one's  self  open. 
!8Iot  adv  only,  merely,  but,  (oieb  9Jøb)  barely, 
(ene  og  alene)  solely;  ifte  _  not  only,  not  merely; 
naar  ~  so  that,  if  only. 

tSto't  n  sacriflcial  banquet.  -bolle  sacrificial 
bowl.  SBlote  vt  &  i  sacriflce,  make  a  sacriflce 
(to  the  heathen  gods). 

+S3Iot'^eb  c  bareness,  nakedness.  SBlot'Iægge 
vt  expose  (to  view),  lay  bare. 

tSfo'tmanb  heathen  worshipper.  3 

SBIotftiUe  vt  expose.  i 

SBtottc  vt  (gøre  6ar)  bare,  denude,  lay  bare;  Ji 
^oDebet  uncover  (one's  head);  meb  -t  .^ooeb  un- 
covered;   -t  (Stilling  0.  1.)  exposed;   6leB  -t  til 






Sfinbet  was  stripped  to  the  skin;  -t  for  destltute 
el.  devoid  of;  -t  for  al  '■JJIigtfelelfe  lost  to  all  sense 
of  duty;  -  fig  for  $enge  come  short  of  money, 
leave  one's  self  without  money;  _  ft  Sanb  for 
Snbbtjggcre  depopnlate  a  country;  -  ftn  Uoiben^eb 
betray  one's  ignorance;  -  en§  Ueiben^eb  expose 
one's  ignorance;  -  jtg  expose  one's  self.  -Ife  c 
-r  baring  etc;  destitution;  betrayal;  exposure. 
élottet^eb  c  nudity;  want. 

8Itt  c  shame,  bashfnlness.  tSIu  a  fe  SIQ  a. 
Sluelfe  c  shame.  ©lueé  vd  blush,  be  ashamed. 
(oeb,  oDer  at  for).  iBIujfær'big  a  bashful,  modest, 
coy.  -fær'bt§^eb  c  bashfulness,  modesty,  coy- 
ness,  pudicity. 

Slumift'  c  -er  florist. 

Slunb  n  &  e,  pi  (+)  =,  wink,  snatch  of  sleep, 
nap;  faa  fig  et  -  take  a  nap;  '^on  el.  .©aafen  - 
the  dustman.  33Iunbe  vi  nap,  doze,  slumber. 
Slunben  c  dozing,  slumbering,  nap. 

*©lu«le  vi  wink;  Jig  flinch  (for  from). 

S3(ué'  n,  pi  =,  CSattd)  torch,  flambeau,  link; 
(3Ib)  blaze,  flash,  flame;  ^  flash;  flange  Stal  Oeb 
«  spear  eels  by  torchlight;  meb  -  faa  ^inb  wlth 
rosy  el.  glowing  cheeks;  f  ^an  ^ar  _  pao  dampen 
he  is  mellow. 

iBIufe  c  -r  smock-frock,  blouse,  blowse.  -for^ 
Ilabe  pinafore.  -fjole  morning  gown.  -Iltebt  a 
bloused.    -flæbte,  -tnienb  pi  blouses. 

©luf  el  c  shame;  (SanSb.)  genitals  pi,  bihl 

S3tu8'lf^t  flash-light.  -ilb  blazing  flre.  -Ian- 
terne,  -l^gtc  flash  pan. 

-^SBIufom  a  bashful. 

33tuS'lr«b  a  fiery  red,  flaming  red.  S3(n3fe  vi 
blaze,  flame;  (i  9lnfigtet)  glow,  bum;  prov  make 
bonfires;  _  op  flare  up,  leap  up,  fig  flre  (up). 
^(uSfen  c  blazing  etc.  SSluSfenie  a  blazing 
etc;  bleO  -  røb  blushed  to  the  roots  of  her 

S3I^  a  bashful,  coy,  retiring. 

331^  n  lead;  af  -  leaden;  tæfte  meb  _  lead. 
-oare  vein  of  lead.  -acetat  plumbic  acetate. 
•agtig  a  resembling  lead,  plumbeous. 

^(^ont  c  (og  n)  -er  (røineral)  plumbage,  blaek 
-lead;  (©I^antSpen)  (black-)  lead-pencil.  -(gne 
red  cedar.  Juniperus  Virginiaiut.  -^olber  port 
-crayon.  -Sbigel  black-lead  crucible.  -f^jtbfer 

93Iflant§H»en,  -ftift  fe  æitjant;  (SRør)  pencil-case. 
•fttcg  pencil-stroke,  pencil-mark.  -tegning  pencil 

ajt^larlieibe  plumbery.  -arbejber  plumber. 
-offe  lead-a.ihes.  -cinnoBer  minium.  -ebbtte 
vinegar  of  lead.  -ertS  lead  ore.  -fatttc  leaden 
colour.  -fortiet  o  lead-coloured.  -forgiftning 

-F93lflfærbigi)Cb  fe  SSIufærbtg^^eb.  *S8I^g  a  bashful. 

i8i>)'igIoné  lead-glance,  galena.  -glaS  l.-glass. 
-glofur  l.-glazing.  -glatte, -gleb  litharge.  -groo 
u  leatlen.    -grube  lead-mine. 

»iBHj'flfom  a  bashful.    *©lt)g'fel  a  bashfulness. 

$lt)  gult  yellow  lead.  -^ot  F  hrick  in  the 
hat.   p  tight  case. 

Sl^^eb  c  bashfulness. 

931^|^olbig  a  leaded.  -^tiibt  white-lead,  ceruse; 
ftr^ge  meb  _  white-lead.  -^oibtfalue  white  oint- 
ment.  -^t)bro£4b  plumbic  hydraie.  -t)t)lfter 
leaden  coating,  -^^tte  house  for  smelting  lead 
ore.  t-ilte  oxide  of  lead.  •tnbfotning  leads  (of 
a  window).  -jobib  iodide  of  1.  -folf  oxide  of 
1.  -fommer  l.-chamber.  -Ilorib  chloride  of  lead. 
-tlumti  lump  of  lead.  -lolil  l.-colic,  belion. 
-trontot  plumbic  cromate,  c.  of  lead.  -fugle 
buUet.  -lob  plump,  plummet.  -utolm  fe  -ert8. 
•mine  fe  grube,  -mønt  1.  coin.  -mærfe  1.  tally. 
-nitrat  plumbic   nitrate.     -ooerilte,    -ooeroc^b 

peroxide  of  i.,  plumbic  p.  -oj^b  oxide  of  1., 
plumbic  oxide.  -plabe  1.  plate.  -)>lofter  dia- 
chylnm  plaster,  -plombe  l.-tally.  -(juloer  1. 
powder.  -rot  glazier's  vice.  -rulle  roll  of  1. 
-r«g  1.  fume.  -fait  fe  -futter,  -fonb  a  kind  of 
grey  heath-sand.  -fegl  leaden  seal.  -ffrue  fe 
-rot.    -ftum  fe  -glub.    -fnor  plnmb  line. 

+i8I^fom  «.  -^eb  >-,  fe  »Itj,  -tieb. 

!Btt)'|ft)ot  fe  -tromot.  -f^lfe  lead-speiss.  -ftang 
1.  bar;  balancing-pole. 

*9JlJ)ftre  vi  whistle. 

!Bl^'|ft«6er  plumber.  -ftflbeti  plumbery.  -futter 
sugar  el.  salt  of  lead,  sal  Saturni.  -fulfat 
plumbic  sulphate.  -fem  pi  lead  nails,  plumber's 
nails.  -tog  1.  roof,  leads.  -tom^  life-preserver. 
-toote  plate  of  lead.  -troob  1.  wire.  -træ  arbor 
Saturni.  -tr«}e  1.  jacket.  -tung  heavy  as  lead, 
leaden.  -tætfer  plumber.  -uonb  Goulard's  ex- 
tract.  -oinbe  fe  -rot.  -oitriol  fe  -iulfat.  -uægt 
leaden  weight.    -Ⱦrt  lead  mine. 

SBlæbe  vt  strip  off"  the  leaves  of 

iBla:(b)e  vi  (om  |)iort)  troat,  bell;  (om  3æger) 
imitate  the  cry  of  the  female  roedeer. 

S3l(Bt  n  ink;  tlart  fom  _  clear  as  mud.  -ogtig 
a  inky.  -fift  fe  -fprutte.  -floffe  ink-bottle.  -t)om 
-t|U§  inkhorn,  inkstand,  (i  et  Stoleborb)  well. 
SBlcctfe  vt  ink;  _  fig  til  black  one's  self  with 
ink.  SBlætiflaf,  -flat  spot  el.  blot  of  ink.  -^lonte 
New-Zealand  ink-plant,  Coriaria  thyntifolia. 
-)>lct  ink-stain,  ink-blot.  -^uloer  ink-powder. 
-fm«rer  scribbler,  quill-driver.  -f^irut,  -fprutte 
cuttle-fish,  squid.  -ftift  indelible  pencil,  -fuger 
blotting  pad,  inkpad. 

♦Slæmme  c  -r,  fe  SSIegn.    -ftoal  fe  S3IcEre>. 

*SBlænfe  >  t  (Sræer)  blaze. 

SBlænter  c  -e  skirmisher,  eclaireur. 

»lære  c  -r  (Suft )  bubble;  (Sable)  blister, 
vesicle;  (Urtn=)  bladder;  (i  3ærn,  ©taal)  flaw, 
blister,  (i  Olal)  bleb;  ($erfon)  bragger,  boaster, 
strutter,  »lære  fig  vr  swagger,  vaunt;  talk  big 
el.  high.  -ogtig  a  vesicular.  -betænbelfe  in- 
flammation of  the  bladder,  cystitis.  -buft  fe 
-bælg.  -bæger  winter  cherry,  alkekeugi,  Phytalit 
Alkekengi.  -bælg,  -bælle  bladder-senna,  Uolutea 
arborescens.  -bounet  a  vesicular.  -fob  thrips. 
-fri  a  flawless.  -føbbcbc  physopoda;  (Snf) 
læmodipoda.  -gru§  gravel,  -grønt  sap-green. 
-^otS  neck  of  the  bladder.  -^oldtirtel  prostate. 
-fotorr^  catarrh  of  the  bladder,  vesical  c,  cys- 
tirrhæa.  -tl«r  fe  -tang.  -forol  Sertularia.  -n«b 
bladder-nut,  IStaphylea.  -orm  hydatid,  Echino- 
coccus;  fe  Koæfe,  Sitnte.  ©tæreri'  n  braggardism, 
rodomontado.  »fære|rob  bladder- wort,  Utn- 
cularia.  -rofcu  oedematous  erysipelas.  -rum 
vesicular  cavity.  -fmælbe  catch-fly,  Silene  inflata. 
-fuegl,  -fneffe  wood-digger,  Bulla.  -ftool  blister 
-Steel,  -ftar  bladder  sedge,  Carex  vesicaria. 
-ften  stone  el.  calculus  in  the  bladder.  -futter 
scum  sugar.  -fæl  rrested  seal,  Vyntofora  cri- 
atata.  SSlæret  o  vesicular,  bladdery.  !Blære|tong 
sea-wrack,  varec,  Fucus  venicidoana.  -træ  fe 
-bælg.  -træffenbe  o  epispastic,  vesicatory,  blister- 
ing; -  Wibbel  vesicant,  vesicatory,  epispastic. 

93læfe,  -te,  -1,  vt  &  i  blow,  -  flcertl  Wow  hard; 
_  S5alb^om  play  the  horn;  _  en  SJrttfe  (i  5)om) 
huft'  a  man;  fabe  fig  _  stand  the  hufi";  bet  -fle 
ftærft  i  3Jat  it  was  a  high  wind  to-uight;  jeg  -r 
ab  ^am,  jeg  -r  ^am  et  StCtfe,  _  Ⱦre  meb  ^am  a 
flg  for  him,  I  don't  care  a  pin  for  him;  _  of 
blow  off";  fe  Slfblæfe;  bet  -r  af  iCften  it  blows  from 
the  East;  -bort  blow  el.  carry  away,  be  blown 
el.  carried  away;  bet  »ar  fom  -ft  bort  there  was 
no  trace  of  it  to  be  seen;  -r  SSinben  fro  ben 
fiant !  oho !  that's  what  you  want:  _  i  trompeten 
sotmd  the  trumpet;  _  i  SSalbftornet  wind  the 
horn;    _   i   SfinQ^f"^   blow    one's   nails;    _    om 




blow  down,  overturn;  _  op  blow  up,  intiale; 
bet  -fte  op  it  came  on  to  blow;  ~  ifiaa  gløjte 
play  on  the  flute;  _  til  ^Iben  blow  the  fire; 
_  til  aingrefi  sound  the  charge;  -nbe  3nftru= 
ment  wind  instrument;  bet  er  font  -it  it  is  as 
clean  as  a  new  penny,  -bolb  balloon.  -bætg 
(pair  of)  bellows.  -^ut  (|)BaIen8)  blow-hole. 
-inftrumcnt  wind-instrument.  -mafline  met  blow- 
Ing-engine;  (tit  Som)  winnowing-maehine.  -n  c 
fe  sBlæSning.  -^»ilic  glass-blower's  pipe.  Slæfcre 
pi,  »)«»  brass(es),  wind-players.  i8læfe|wr  blow- 
pipe.  -oentll  snifting-valve.  ©læåning  c  blow- 
Ing.  SBtæft  c  wind,  blast,  blowiug  weather; 
gøre  _  (af)  brag,  boast  (of),  make  a  fuss  (about), 
Jolæftticjr  biowing  weather. 

fSieb  a  (mobf.  |aarb  og  fig)  soft;  (om  S^oner, 
©prog)  sweet;  -t  ©finb  soft,  smooth,  delicate  skin ; 
_  Srug'  s.,  mellow  fruit;  -e  garber  s.,  mellow, 
delicate  colours;  -t  (Senujt  gentle  disposition;  -t 
fijerte  tender  heart;  blioe  _  om  JpKi^ift  feel  one's 
heart  touched;  _  at  føle  paa  soft  to  the  touch. 
S5l«b  c:  lægge  i  _  soak,  steep;  lægge  fit  ^opeb  i 
_  cudgel  el.  rack  one's  brains.  -ag'tig  a  etfemi- 
nate,  enervated.  -ag'tiggøre  vt  eiieminate,  ener- 
vate.  -ag'ttgflarclfe  c  enervation,  -ag'tig^eb 
c  effeminacy.  -b^r  pulpy  animal,  moUusk.  SBIabe 
e  (33pge)  drenching  shower  (of  rain).  93Iøbe,  -te, 
-t  vt  soak,  steep,  (opløfe)  macerate;  —  vi  J,  wet. 

SBløbc,  -te,  -t  vi  bleed  (ogf.  fig.);  -  fig  tt)iet 
bleed  to  death. 

-HSl«b|cItg  adv  softly.  -e(fc  c  soaking,  mace- 

931eben  c  bleeding.  93Iøbere  pi  persons  suffer- 
ing  from  hemophilia.  SBtøberf^gbom  hemo- 

SSlø'biftnneftffe  malacopterj'gians.  -finnet  a 
soft-finned.  -fiff  (mobf.  tørret)  fresh  flsh.  -g«re 
vt  soften,  moUify.  -g«rcn  c  softening.  -gerenbe 
a  emoUient.  -Ijeb  c  softness;  _  t  hjernen  soften- 
ing of  the  brain.  -{|jertet  a  soft  el.  tender 
-hearted;  t  cowardly.  -fjjcrtct^eb  c  softhearted- 
ness.  -^ubet  a  smooth-  el.  softskinned.  -togt 
a  soft-boiled.  -(obcn,  -f-lig  a  softish.  -mættet  a 
easily  milked.  -munbet  a  soft-  el.  tender-mouthed. 
-munbet^eb  c  tender  mouth.  SBta'bne  vt  &  i 

©(åbning  c  bleeding.  SBløbningåf  aft  bleeding. 

a3(«'bffallet  a  soft-shelled ,  malacostracous. 
-fttnbet  a  fe  -^ubet.  -faben  fe  -togt;  fig  imbecile, 
sottish,  maudlin.  •-tiftet  fe  ©Binemælf.  -pcbbet 
a  soft-wooded. 

S8o  vi  live,  dwell,  reside;  _  til  fieje  live  in 
lodgings;  -  til  Seje  I)o§  en  lodge  with  one;  _ 
fammen  cohabit,  F  (om  ^ommerater)  chum  to- 
gether;  bu  -r  fmutt  ^cr  you  are  nicely  lodged 
here;  jeg  -r  meget  6ttligt  "the  rent  is  cheap;  jeg 
Peb  ilte  §0ab  ber  -r  i  ^am  I  don't  know  what  is 
In  him.  So  c  (33olig)  abode,  fætte,  fæfte  _  settle, 
establish  one's  self.  iBo  n  -er  (3nb6o)  furniture; 
(©fterlabenftab)  estate;  6an§  _  er  forfeglet  his 
eflfects  are  sealed  up;  fibbe  i  uftiftet  _  retain 
undivided  possession  of  the  estate  of  a  person 
deceased;  fe  DpgiPe. 

SBofl  c  -er  (ogfaa  93elilrabe)  boa. 

SBoaå  Boaz. 

SSobi'Ine  c  -r  bobbin.    -net'  n  bobbinet. 

SBoble  c  -r  bubble.  SBoble  vi  bubble.  -n  c 

SBoborctt'e  c  -r  fe  SBlærebæger. 

^iåei  strong  Bavarian  beer. 

S8ob  c  (33ebring)amendment,  correction;  (9lf6igt) 
penance;  (SSøbe)  tine,  mulet,  penalty;  *  (£ap) 
patch;  raabe  _  ^aa  remedy,  correct,  amend; 
gøre  _  do  penance;  ibømme  en  en  ftor  -  fine 
one  heavily;  looebe  _  og  SBebring  promised  to 
turn  over  a  new  leaf. 

SBob  c  -er  (gjælebob)  booth,  stall,  ;!8unt)  shop; 
lutte  fin  _  shut  up  (shop),  -biff  counter.  -breng 

SBobcnffl  Lake  Constance. 

SBobfær'big  o  penitent,  repentant,  contrite, 
•fteb  c  penitence,  repentance,  contrition. 

iBobile  fe  83ubbtte. 

SBo'bteje  shop-rent. 

SBobmeri'  n  bottomry;  laane  $enge  p.  _  tak« 
money  on  b.,  (ublaane)  advance  money  on  b. 
-otteft  certiflcate  of  b.  -6reu  bill  of  b.  •bebitor 
borrower  on  b.  -forbrtng  b.  claim  (o.  fl.) 
-gipcr,  -trebitor  lender  on  b.  -laan  b.  loan. 
-præmie  b.  premium.  -ft'  c  -er,  fe  -trebitor. 
-tager  fe  -bc6itor. 

So'b§|  (og  S9ebe)bog'day  of  prayer  and  repent- 
ance -fængfel  penitentiary.  -grab  degree  of 
penance.  -præbifant  preachor  of  repentance. 
-^»ræbtfen  penitential  sermon,  ser  mon  on  re- 
pentance. -falme  penitential  psalm.  -ftforte 

SBo'bfPenb  shopman. 

S8o'bø|trtn  fe  -grab.  -aPelfe  penitential  exer 
cise,  aet  of  mortiflcation. 

"!8oe  fe  S3aae. 

»ocuf  fe  S3øf. 

SBofaft  a  established. 

SBoftft  c  -er  puck-flst,  puck-ball,  Lyciyperdo; 

tS3og  [aa]  c,  pi  =,  (SBøgefrugt)  mast. 

©og  [aa]  c,  pi  SSøgerbook;  liben  _  booklet;  en 
_  ^apir  a  quire  of  paper;  aJagerneS  _  the  Book 
of  books;  tale  fom  en  _  talk  like  a  book,  talk  like 
print;  fe  Suttet;  jeg  ^ar  a)em  itfe  i  mine  SBøger  your 
name  is  not  on  my  books;  ^olbe  _  o  Per  keep  an 
account  of;  føre  t  i  I  _(S)  book,  enter  in  a  book  el. 
on  the  books,  make  an  entry  of;  ftoa  til  -§  for 
be  hooked  for;  Blep  |oIbt  til  -en  was  educated  at 
a  public  school;  buer  itfe  til  -en  is  unflt  for  study. 
-auttion  book-sale.  -h-aut  literature.  -beflag  "fe 
-fpænbe.    -binb  book-cover. 

©ogbinber  c  -e  bookbinder.  -Iiaut  plow-knife. 
-i  n  fe  -profegfion.  -ten  cost  of  binding,  -pap 
binder's  boards,  -preåfe  bookbinder's  press. 
-profeSflon  bookbinding,  tråde  of  a  bookbinder. 
-fpenb  journeyman  bookbinder. 

S8o'g]6ærer'book-distributor.  •bommer  critic, 
■elffer  lover  of  books. 

©O'gftnte  c  -r  chaffinch,  Fringilla  eceleba 

SBo'glform:  i  _  in  the  shape  of  a  book.  -for= 
raab  stock  of  books.  -fortegnelfe  catalogue  of 
books.  -fare  vt  enter,  book;  ligelpbenbe  -t  passed 
in  conformity.  -fører  book-keeper.  -føring, 
-førfet  book-keeping.  -gnib  leaf  gold.  -gcetb 
book-debt.  -^anbet  book-trade,  bookselling 
tråde;  (®utit)  book-(seller's)  shop;  booksellers; 
ajrøbrene  3i.'å  -  R.  brothers,  booksellers;  til' 
gængelig  i  -en  accessible  in  the  bookselling  tråde; 
er  itfe  længer  i  -en  is  out  of  print. 

©o'g^anbterbookseller.  -forening  bookseller's 
union,  -tatalog  bookseller's  catalogue.  -tommiS 
bookseller's  clerk  (o.  fl ).  -rabat  tråde  discount. 
tSog^anbling  fe  Sog^onbel. 

SBo'gl^olber  book-keeper.  -^otberi'  n  book 
-keeping;  entelt  og  boppelt  _  book-keeping  by 
single  and  double  entry. 

SBo'g^PCbe  c  buckwheat,  Polygonum  fagopyrum. 
-gr^n  b.-groats.    -grøb  boiled  b.-groats. 

S3o'g|b^lbe  book-shelf;  *fe  -reol.  -ftøtersecond 
-hånd  bookseller,  book-hawker.  -tammer  b.- 
room.  -tenber  connoisseur  of  books,  biblio- 
grapher.  -Iræmmer  fe  -^øter.  -funbftab  know- 
ledge  of  books,  bibliography.  -fijnbig  a  versed 
in  books;  c  fe  -tenber.  -tøber  bookbuyer.  -labe 
bookseller's  shop,  amr  bookstore.  -labepriS 
publication  price,   published  el.  selling  p.;  _  3 









Sroner  published  at  3  crowns.  boglig  a  lite- 
rary;  -e  Sunftcr  letters.  +iBogltg{)cb  c  literature. 
JBoflJIuS  psocus.  -lærJ)  a  booklearned.  -tccrbattt 
book-learning,  -lore;  Ijookishuess.  -maal  fe  -fprog. 
-mager  c  -e  book-maker,  book-wri.trht,  literary 
manufacturer.  -mogerl'n  book-making.  -marfet) 
book-market.  -mærtc  book-mark,  (book- jmarker, 
register,  -m«!  plinus;  death-watch,  Anobium. 
-nar  bibliomaniae.  -mt  new  publications. 
•orm  book-worm  (ogf.  fig);  fig  book-huuter. 
-<ja!fe  book-parcel.  *-))erm  b.-cover.  -raferl 
bibliomania.  -reol  bookcase.  -rulle  roll  (of 
Avriting).  -fol  library,  -famler  coUector  of 
books.  -famltng  collection  of  books.  -ffab 
book-press.  -ffat  valuable  collection  of  books. 
•fforpioit  chelifer,  book-scorpion.  +-ffrift  c 
letters,  -flriuentie  a  book-maklng ,  literary. 
-flrtoer  writerof  books,  bookmaker,  -firiucrl  n 
bookmaking,  scribbliug.  -f<)rog  book-language; 
cnfleif!  _  book  English,    -ftiænbe  clasp. 

93ogftao  »i  &  c  -er  letter,  character;  et  ftumt  _ 
a  mute;  ftore  -er  capital  letters;  -en  i^ielflaar, 
men  aianben  leeenbegør  the  letter  killeth  but  the 
spirit  giveth  life;  efter  -en  literally;  meb  latinffe 
-er  in  Roman  lettens);  forfine  (mærfe)  meb  -er 
letter.  -br*I  algebraic  fraction.  -tiue  partridge 
bronze- wing,  Geophapt  scripta.  ^Sogfta'oclig 
a  Uteral;  —  adv  literally,  in  a  literal  sense, 
(fulbftænbig,  ogf.)  positivcly,  in  literal  earnest; 
_  fanbt  strictly  true.  33ogfto'tJcHgt)eb  c  literal- 
ness.  Sogftatic're  vt  spell;  _  fejl  misspell.  i8og= 
ftao'cring  c  spelling.  S3ogftati{fejI  literal  error. 
-forbinbelfe  letter-combiuation.  -fortoltntng 
literal  interpretation,  -falge  alphabetical  order. 
-gaatte  logogriph.  -gummer  nephrops.  -laaS 
letter-lock.  -Icerbom  literal  knowledge.  -om« 
fætning  transposition  of  letters.  -orbe»  fe -følge. 
-overgang  trausmutation  of  letters.  -|iunfc( 
letter  punch,  -regning  algebra  -ret,  -rigtig  a 
literal.  -rim  alliteration.  -ræffe  alphabet.  -ftrift 
(writing  in)  letters,  alphabetic  writing.  -tro 
literal  belief.  -træ  letter-wood,  PjVaJtnera.  -^-^^i§= 
bom  pedautry. 

3}o'g  ftempel  book-plate.  -ftol  reading  desk. 
-ftue  study,  librarj-,  book-room.  -ftati  dust  of 

!Bo'gtr^!!er  c  (master)  printer,  typographer; 
(5nf.)  t.  beetle.  -breng  printer's  apprentice. 
•farbe  fe  -foærte.  -forening  printer's  union,  -i 
n  -er  printing;  (Stebet)  printing  offlce,  printing 
house;  (^oab  ber  ^erer  til  at  træffe)  printing  ma- 
terials.  -funfteu  the  art  of  printing,  typography. 
-tireSfe  printing  press.  -ftot  tail-piece.  -foenb 
journeyman  printer,  -fbitrtc  (printer's)  ink, 

iBo'g't^o  book-thief.  -t^oeri  stealing  of  books. 
-bcrben  world  of  letters.  -biS  adv  by  the  quire. 
-bæfen  book-matters,  literature. 

i8ot)aoe  n  furniture,  (nogelfaft)  fixtures. 

©Oi  fe  S9aj  n. 

SBoja'n  c  -er  demijohn. 

S3o)a'r  c  -er  boiar,  boyar. 

^olar  fe  S3ufar. 

S9o!fe  vi,  -§  vd  box.  -^anbffc  boxing-glove. 
•lamb,  -n  c  boxing;  (9?æbbe=)  boxing-match, 
prize-fight.  -tunften  the  pugilistic  art.  -))Iabfen 
the  prize-ring.    -r  c  -e  boxer. 

iSotSning  c  boxing,  sparriug. 

t©oI  n,  pi  =,  hide  of  land,  small  farm;  *  (om 
^Bepfe  0.  1.)  nest,  (om  Sain)  Iltter. 

9o(ag  n,  pi  =,  partnership,  company. 

93oIb  a  bo'ld,  intrepid. 

»olb  (t  ogf.  SSoIbt)  c  -e  ball;  fpille  _  play  at 
b.;  _  i  ^at  egghat;  Ⱦre  en  _  for  be  the  sport 
of.  -gabe:  sære  paa  fin  egen  -  be  as  at  home, 
in  one's  own  sphere  el.  element,     -^nå  racket 

aorfen:  ^'onft^Sngelft  Crbbog. 

-court,  tennis-court.  -tafter  bowler,  -tap  bat, 
racket,  -fot  tennis  court.  -f<)il  ballplaying; 
ballgame.    -træ  fe  fæp. 

tSBote  vi  have  illicit  intercourse.  -r  c  -c 
paramour,  gallant.  -ri'  n  fornication.  -ti\t  a 
bawdy.  -rffc  c  -r  paramour,  mistress,  leman. 
-bife  love  song. 

SBoIig  c  -er  dwelling,  habitation,  abode,  man- 
sion,  i  min  JflberS  ^u3  ete  monge  -er  in  my 
Father's  house  are  many  mansions. 

*93oIf  c  -er  partition-wall. 

iBoHe  c  -r  ftil  3)titte0Qrer)  bowl,  basin. 

SBoHe  c  -r  (93røby  bun,  muffln,  (tøbO  dumpling. 
-bejg  forced  meat.  -mcelt  boiled  milk  with 

»oUen,  SBoIne  fe  SSuHen,  58ulne. 

-^58oHet  a  dumpy,  chubby. 

SBoIogne'fer  c  -e  Bolognese.  -flaffe  Bologna 
phial.  -ftunb  Bologna  dog,  spaniel,  -ften  Bo- 
logna stone. 

tiBolfi^cr  pi  lozenges,  sugarplums. 

tiBo'ISmonb  small  farmer.    tSSo'Ifteb  fe  SSol. 

Solfter  n  (*  c)  -ftre  f  og  *  =  S^ne)  bolster; 
(S8aar)  bedtick,  ticking.  t-b(øb  a  soft,  downy. 
-b^ne  feather  bed  covered  with  ticking.  -f^tb 
stuffing  for  bolsters,    f-leje  soft  couch. 

SBolt  c  -e  bolt,  iron  pin;  4,  (i  Sejl)  band; 
(9lrm6røft=)  cross-arrow;  (StrtjgeO  heater;  lægge  i 
_  og  3ærn  put  in  irons.  SBoIte  vt  bolt.  —  93oue|  = 
gong  bolt-strake.  -iyammer,  -tluhbe  maul.  -^ooeb 
bolt-head.  -mafline  bolt-screw.  -^labe  washer. 
-fab  iron  bow  saw.  -ffærcmoffine  bolt-screwing 
machine.    -tang  shackle-crow. 

*SBottite  c  -r  dotterel-plover,  Gharadrius  mori- 

93oItre  vt  &  i  roll;  _  fig  roll,  gambol. 

SBoItftttte  c  (®raB=)  round  sculper. 

SBoIué  c  bole,  med  bolus. 

Sotbærl  n  -er  (»eb  6aon)  pier,  wharf;  fort  og 
fig  bulwark.  —  SBo(t)(sr!S{bæmning  jetty.  -penge 

©om'  [6]  c  -me  (©franie,  ©tængfel)  bar;  (paa 
en  9Jej)  turnpike,  toll-bar;  {paa  SSogn)  cheek; 
(SSæberO  beam;  fig  fætte  _  for  put  a  stop  to. 

*SBom'  [o]  c  -mer  miss;  ft^be  _  mdss  (the  mark). 

93omanb  c  husbandman. 

!BDmbarb'(e)  c  -r  mit  &  mtcs  bom'bard. 

©ombarble'rbtUe  bombardier-beetle.  Brachi- 
nus  crepitmn.  -erd^alup,  -ergaliot  bomb-ketch. 
-ement'  n  -er  bomda'rdment.  -e'te  vt  bomba'rd, 
Shell;  joc  pelt.  -e'rer  c  -e  bombardi'er.  -e'ring 
c  bomba'rding. 

SBombarbnn  [6]  c  .|,  boom  quarter-guy. 

SBombaftn'  [fr.]  n  bombazi'ne. 

©ombaft'  c  bom'bast,  rant,  fustian.  -tf(  « 
bombastic,  high-sounding. 

Sombe  [6]  c  -r  shell  {+  bomb);  fafte  r  throw 
Shells,  shell.  -åialxip  fe  *ombarber.  -faft,  -fri 
a  shell-proof.  -fanon  shell-gun.  -tanonbaab 
mortar  vessel.  -laft,  -foftning  throwing  of  shells, 
Shell-firing;  be  bleoe  forbreone  fra  »pen  oeb  -  they 
were  shelled  out  of  the  towu.  -ftfte  bomb-chest. 
-toggeri?  shell-box.    -ere  shell -handle. 

93ora|birf  [6]  J,  boom  topping  lift.  -for<»ogter 
tollkeeper.  -gajer  J,  laz>  guy.  -^uUer  holes 
for  the  capstan-bars.  -^u8  toU-house,  turnpike 
house,  •traoe  mast-rim.  -lærfe  hunting,  Em 
beriza  miliaria.  -manb  turnpike  man,  turnpike 
-keeper,  toll  keeper. 

©omme  [6]  vt  roll  on  the  beam;  4/  _  an  set 
to  (the  planks). 

'*'35omme  [6]  vi  miss  (the  mark). 

©omme  [6]  c  -r  sort  of  wooden  box  with 

trommer  [6]  n  thundering  noise. 




SBommer  [6]  c  fe  *!8om;  +  t».  f.  j.  SSommert  c 
-er  blunder;  6egoa  en  -  make  a  blunder. 

SBommcfan  [6]  c  J,  spanker,  mlzen. 

SBommcft'  n  fustian. 

bomning  [6]  c  rolling  on  the  beam. 

ajomlnot  [6]  boom-end.    -olie  sweet  oil. 

-fSotnli  [6]  n  (c)  thump. 

fBompeuQe  [6]  tumpike  money. 

SBotnrc  [6]  vi  blunder,  t  (Poa  en  Dør)  tbunder. 

SBomlfattel  [6]  stuffed  saddle.  J,  boomsaddle. 
-falUC  cement  for  trees.  -fe}l  boom-sail.  -fejter 
Vessel  with  boom-salls  (mobf.  square-rigged). 
-flo  shoe-piece.  +-ffoIe  fe  Srceffole.  -ftati(c) 

*SBontffub  [6]  n  miss. 

SBomlflag  [6]  (9!KaI.)  foliage.  -flæfier  ^1^  guess 

SBomftiUe  [6]  a  stone-still,  stock-still. 

SBomjftærl  [6]  aexceedingly  strong,  herculean. 
-toti  >%,  swifter. 

a3o«t'«lS>  c  cotton,  c.  wool.  —  S8omnIb§|- 
affalb  waste  cotton.  -agtig  o  cottony.  -aot, 
•b^rfning  cotton  cultivation.  -6nttift  c  cambric. 
-faBrtl  fe  -ft)tnbert.  -flejl  c.  velvet,  Manchester 
Telvet.  -fr«Ioger  cotton-seed  cakes.  -garn  cotton 
(yarn).  -tntiuPrl  cotton  industry,  c.  tråde. 
-Irttbt  gun-cotton.  -lærreb  cotton  fabric,  c. -linen, 
c.  cloth,  long  cloth,  callco.  -plante  cotton-plant, 
Gossvpium.  -fjiinberi  cotton  faetory,  c.  mill. 
•tot  bit  of  cotton.  -traab  c.  thread.  -taj  fe 
-lærreb.    -barer  cottons.    -bisbert  cotton  mill. 

SBomærle  mark  (instead  of  name  or  signature). 

S3o«'  [fr.]  c  -§  bond;  check. 

SBonap'be  bona  fide. 

5Bottabart|i8'ine  c  bonapa'rtism.  -ift'  c  -er 
bonapa'rtist.    -Ifi'ifl  a  bonapa'rtean. 

SBon'bon  [fr.]  n  -I  sugar-plum,  bonbon.  S8on= 
bonSæfle  comflt-box. 

iBonbc  [6]  c,  pi  SJønber,  peasant,  countryman, 
rustic,  farmer,  cont  boor,  clown;  *  yeoman 
(farmer),  freeholder  (of  the  uneducated  class); 
(i  6faf;  pawn;  +  =  ^nægt  (i  Sort);  bet  »tlbe  bære 
at  fætte  -n  paa  ^erremonbcn  that  would  be  rather 
a  downfall;  nojiper  bu  -n,  laa  nappet  t)on  big  (omtr.) 
put  a  beggar  on  horseback  and  he  will  ride  to 
the  devil;  bet  fan  bu  bilbe  S3ønber  inb  go  and  tell 
the  marines!,  Walker!  SBonbejagttg  a  boorish, 
clownish,  rustic.  -agtigl)eb  c  boorishness,  clow- 
nishness,  rusticity.  -almue  peasantry.  -arbejbe 
rustie  work,  country  work.  -barn  (pi  ogf. 
SSønberbørn)  peasant  child.  -brnb  rustic  bride. 
■brug  husbandry.  t-b^  village.  -bæft  boor. 
-bani  rustic  dance.  -batter  daughter  of  a  pea- 
sant el.  yeoman.  -bigter  peasant  poet.  -bont 
fe  -arbeibe.  -bragt  rustic  garb,  dress  of  a  peasant. 
■brcng  peasant  boy.  -fanger  flat-catcher,  amr 
confidence-man,  fool-farmer.  -ftaocr  fe  -blager. 
t-fogcb  village  bailiff.  -freb  peace  concluded 
privately  between  the  country  people  on  the 
border,  -frebril  fe  -tnolb.  -fri^eb  freedom  of 
the  peasantry.  *-fut  a  sharp,  cunning  (in  the 
way  of  rustics).  *-fuI^eb  c  rustic  cunning,  low 
c.  -f«bc  fe  -foft.  -f«bt  a  born  of  peasants. 
-gaarb  (pi  ogf.  Sønbergaarbe)  farm,  (meft  om  Sljg- 
ningerne)  farmstead;  •'freehold  estate  belonging 
to  a  yeoman.  -gerning  fe  -arbejbe.  -gilbe  rustic 
feast  el.  merry-making.  *-gut  country  lad, 
young  country-fellow.  -^gbe  cottage  garden. 
-fteft  farm  horse,  -^obmob  peasant  arrogance. 
-^unb  eur.  -^uS  house  of  a  peasant,  farm-house, 
cottage.  -f^tftte  hut,  cot.  -^ær  army  of  yeomen 
and  peasants.  -^(cnber  pi:  fomme  i  -  comeinto 
the  hånds  of  uneducated  farmers  el.  peasants. 
-l)«jffoIe  fe  golfe=.  *-jente  fe  -jiige.  t-jotte  fe  -tø§. 
t-jorb  farms,  -laar  the  conditions  of  a  peasant. 
-larl  (pi  ogf.   Sønberfarle)  countryman,   rustic. 


■firle  village  church.  -!Iob§  country  bumpl 
c.  clown  el.  lout.  -!Iog  a  fe  -ful,  -Itæbcr  fe 
-bragt,  -tlæbt  a  clad  like  a  peasant  el.  yeoman, 
■fnolb  boor,  churl,  country  bumpkin.  -fone  (pi 
ogf.  58øuber!ouer)  p.  el.  country  woman,  farmeress. 
•toft  rustic  fare.  -Iratn  ware  used  by  the  pea- 
santry. -Irig  war  of  the  peasants.  -tro  country 
alehouse  el.  inn  -fteUing  old  country  woman. 
■fær  a  fe  -benlig.  -feter  cur.  -leg  rustic  game 
el.  sport.  -leonet,  -lib  rustic  life,  life  of  a 
peasant.  -I^ftig^eb  rustic  merriment.  -læS  pea- 
sant's  cart-  el.  waggon-load.  -lønttnel  fe  -fnolb. 
•maat  fe  -fprog.  -manb  peasant,  countryman. 
-manerer  rustic  manners.  -menig^eb  village 
congregation.  -obftanb  insurrection  of  the  pea- 
santry. -tilge  (pi  ogf.  SSønberptger)  peasant  girl, 
country  lass.  -^tager  oppressor  of  the  peasantry. 
-))Iageri  oppression  of  the  peasantry.  -ptceft  fe 
2anb§6Q=.  -raab  rustic  remedy.  f-rebfel  reni 
and  taxes  paid  by  a  peasant.  -rofepeony,  Pæonia. 
-fogcn  the  cause  of  the  peasantry  el.  farmers. 
-fang  rustic  song.  -flaarcn  o  J,  feather-edged. 
-ffif  rustic  el.  country  custom.  -firæbber  country 
tailor.  t-fft)tb  rent.  -flogter  country  butcher. 
*-fIam<>  fe  -fnolb.  -flægt  race  of  peasants  el 
yeomen.  -fmag  rustic  taste,  -fbtog  rustic  el 
country  dialect.  -ftabS  rustic  flnery.  -^anb 
peasantry,  yeomanry.  -ftolt^eb  rustic  pride. 
■f^§fel  rustic  occupation.  -foeber  rustic  manners. 
-fan  son  of  a  peasant  el.  yeoman.  -tjenefte 
service  of  a  peasant.  -tniat  wild  el.  Syrian 
tobacco,  English  tobacco,  Nicotiana  rustica. 
•træt  fe  Xrælbonbe.  -teiptv  fe  -ftobS.  -teS  country 
lass  el.  wench.  -ben  friend  of  the  peasantry. 
-benlig  a  friendly  to  the  peasantry.  -OiS ;  paa.  ~ 
in  a  country-like  way,  after  the  fashion  ol: 
peasants.  -bife  country  ballad,  -sogn  peasant 
el.  country  cart  el.  waggon,  -bccfen  boorishness. 
■«g  jade;  (Stælbl.)  lout.  Sonbff,  *bonb§Iig  fe: 
obfr.  -agttg. 

•Sonbffe  vi  aflfect  to  speak  like  a  rustic. 

SBonbfffieb  c  fe  S3onbeagtig{)eb. 

Sone   vt   polish,    rub   with  bee's-wax.     -| 
polishing  brush,   rubber.    -bolS  polishing-\i 
-tt,  SSontng  c  polishing  etc. 

33onifa'cin8  Bon'iface. 

SBottit'  c  -er  boni'to,  Thynniis  pelaniys. 

SBonilte're  vt  value.    -te't  c  quality. 

SBonjott'r  [fr.]  c  -er  frock-coat. 

!IBonmo't   [fr.]  n  -§  joke,  witticism,  bon'i 
epigram,  good  thing. 

Sottne  c  -r  nurse,  dry-nurse;   nursery  goi 

SBonnet'  c  -ter  J^.bon'net. 

^onbibant'  [fr.]  c  good-liver,  ftee-liver. 

^onn   c    -r   bonze.      -floftcr    monastery 

SBopæt  c  (place  of)  resideuce.  SBo^iætéforon« 
bring  removal;  (3lbertigf.)  notice  of  removal. 

S3or  n,  chem  boron. 

aSor  n  (*  ogf.  c)  pi  =,  bore,  (til  TOet.)  drill; 
liEe  35rtb=  gimlet,  ftort  auger,  (5bingel=  wimble; 
chir  perforator. 

SBora'go,  So'ralurt  c  bor'age. 

SBorar  c  borax.    -bflgfe  soldering-box, 

ajo'rbib  n  bit. 

SBorb  c  -er  bo'rder,  edge,  edging,  trimming. 

SBo'rb  n  -e  table;  J,  board;  *  (pi  =)  board, 
(fun  om  ®ran  og  %t)v)  deal;  bæffe  -et  lay  the  table; 
lay  the  cloth;  fluttet  _  dining  club;  gtbe  en  frit 
_  board  one  gratis;  ^abe  frit  _  ^o§  en  board 
at  one's  house;  folbt  _  a  cold  luncheon  el. 
dinner;  føre  et  gobt  -  keep  a  good  table;  gøre 
rent  ~  make  a  clean  field,  (meb)  make  a  clean 
sweep  of;  tage  af  -et  take  away,  clear  the  table, 
remove  the  cloth;   efter  -et  after  dinner;   ftaa 





(op)  fra  -et  rise  from  table;  ffifleS  fra  _  og  ®eng 
be  separated  from  bed  and  board;  ,X,  fra  -e 
from  alongside;  oflf,  (om  ^riS)  ex  ship;  fjør  -et 
before  diuner,  i  -e  J,  in  the  side;  lægge  9}oret 
i  -e  put  the  helm  hard  over;  fætte  kanonerne  i 
-e  run  the  guns  out;  i  nb  en  -e  onboard,  within 
ship;  om  -  onboard,  aboard,  *  _  om  _  board 
and  board;  fig  gaa  ftærit  om  -e  meb  en  press  one 
hard;  fe  Slare;  goa  ober  _  go  over  board,  by 
the  board;  oDer  -et  fe  nbfr. :  »eb  -et;  fcette  (f.  (£f§. 
SoHerfener)  pao  -et  lay  out  (the  piates);  SKoben 
er  pao  -et  dinner  is  served;  gaa  til  ®ubS,  ^errenS, 
_  partake  of  the  Lord's  supper;  fibbe  til  -§  sit 
at  table;  fætte  fig  til  -§  sit  down  to  dinner  el. 
supj>er,  sit  down  to  the  table;  føre  en  2)ome  tit 
-S  bring  (take)  a  lady  down  to  dinner,  hånd  a  lady 
to  dinner;  læfe  til  -I  say  grace;  ^  til  -e  along- 
side; fætte  ijoben  unber  eget  _  establish  one's 
self  in  life,  have  one's  feet  under  one's  own 
mahogany;  britfe  en  unber  -et  drink  one  under 
the  table;  o  eb  -et  at  table,  during  dinner  el. 
supper;  »arte  op  »eb  -et  wait  at  table;  beb  fluttet 
_  in  private.  —  93o'rb|6en  leg  of  a  table.  -blab 
top  el.  board  of  a  table.  -ben  grace  (before 
meat).  -tiarftc  tablebrush,  crumb-brush.  -batne 
dinner  partner.  -banS  table-turning.  -bril 
table-drink.  -bug  table-cloth.  -bætntng  laying 
the  table.    ©o'rbe  vt  J,  board,  lay  alongside. 

93orbeau'coin  c  claret. 

SorbeC  n  -ler  brothel,  bawdy-house.  -tiært, 
•Dicrtittbe  keeper  of  a  b. 

S3o'rb|cnbe  head  el.  foot  of  the  table.  *-f[aobc 
raft  of  deals,  -flage,  fitfj  leaf  of  a  table.  -fob 
fe  -ben.  -fol!  messmates.  -frugt  table  fruit. 
-fæUe  messmate;  fellow-boarder.  -gæft  dinner 
guest.  -lont  edge  of  table.  -lar  %il  table 
-plate.  -Http,  *-rioff  flap  of  the  table.  -Ilolfe 
O'om  ftaar  pao  SJorbet)  hand-bell;  (5KabfIofIe) 
dinner- bell,  table-bell.  -flæbe  n  table-eover, 
tablecloth.  *-Ilæbc  vt  board,  (ponele)  wainscot. 
*-IIæbning  lining.  -tniU  table-knife.  -tur«  t. 
-basket,  -lampe  foot-lamp.  -leoninger  leavings 
of  the  table,  broken  victuals.  -Itnneb  table 
-linen,  -lægning  saying  grace.  -maotte,  *-inattc 
table-rug.  -mul^f  fe  Soffel-.  -nabo  neighbour 
at  table.  -opfatS  centre-piece,  centre-ornament; 
cruet-stand.  -penge  fe  Soffel-.  -ptabe  table 
slab,  table  top.  '-pram  deal-lighter.  *-rebuf' 
'  tion  calculation  of  the  solid  contents  of  deals. 
-fait  basket-salt,  table-salt.  -famtolc  table-talk. 
•fang  couvivial  song.  -fclftab  dinner  el.  convivial 
party,  -feruice  service  of  plate  (for  the  table). 
-ffit  manners  at  table,  behaviour  at  t.;  ^olbe  _ 
behave  one's  self  at  table.  *-ffri»)cr  overseer  of 
a  timberyard.  -fluffe  table- drawer.  *-ffa;rer 
sawyer.  -fmt)fte  decoration  el.  garniture  for 
the  table.  *-\'p\\xt  strip  of  board,  -fpii^ntng 
dining  (at  a  table).  -fiolpe  leg  of  a  table. 
•-tog  roof  of  boards,  -tale  table-talk;  dinner- 
speech.  *-tojnt  [6]  timberyard.  -tæppe  fe  -flæbe 
n.    -t«j  table  furniture,  t.  utensils. 

Sotbu'n  c  drone;  d.  bass. 

©orburften  c  edge-stone,  cheek-stone. 

*!8o'rb»eb  c  slabs  sold  as  fuel. 

So'tbloen  table  friend,  parasite,  trancher 
friend.    -»in  table  wine.    -el  t.  beer. 

aSore  vt  bore,  pierce,  (i  Wetol)  drill;  (^jerne= 
ffol)  trepan;  (Sønbe)  broach,  (for  ot  ftjæle)  spile; 
(Sfib)  scuttle;  _  en  33rønb  sink  a  well;  _  i  Sænl 
(oeb  $oofejling)  run  down;  -be  ffnioen  i  ^on§ 
fjerte  plunged  the  knife  into  his  heart;  -r  fig 
inb  i,  neb  i  penctrates,  makes  its  way  into; 
bor  op  ftarbuicnl  .i.  prime!  _  ub  bore  out,  up. 
•bitte  anobium.  -bræt  drill-plate.  -brenb  bored 
well.  -bue  drill  bow.  -bænf  boring-lathe. 
•^opeb  boring-block.     -^nl  bore,  auger-hole,  (i 

ilRtne)  blast-hole.  -Jærn  bit;  (til  gjJinering)  borer; 
fe  -ftong.  -fette  heavlng-mallet.  •marine  boring- 
el.  drilling-machine.  -mcftcr  boring-engineer. 
-tttndling  pholas.  -møtte  boring-mill.  -orm 
borer,  ship's  worm,  eopper-worm,  feredo  nava/is. 
-r  c  -e  borer;  zo  cossus.  -ffratte  ratchet-drill. 
-fmeb  fe  53or=.  -fpaan  borings,  -fpibé  boring 
-bit.  -fpinbel  drill-box.  -ftang  boring-rod  el. 
bar.  -ftilling.  -ftol  boring-  el.  drilling- frame. 
-t^P  boring  ihiof.    -pær!  fe  -matte. 

Sorg  c  J,  sling;  (til  35ont)  shroud-stopper; 
(^jælpetoo)  preventer. 

Sorg  c  -e  castle;  bor  (Sub  ^an  er  fao  faft  en  _ 
God  is  our  refiige  in  distress. 

Sorg  «  credit,  trust,  f  tick;  toge  pao  -  take 
on  credit,  borrow;  _  gør  Sorg  he  that  goes  a 
borrowing,  goes  a  sorrowing.  SBorge  vt  (tage 
poo  as  )  borrow;  ((rebitere)  credit,  trust;  vi  -  for 
vouch  el.  answer  for. 

!Borge|leb  castle-gate.  t-Ieje  n  garrison;  fætte 
fig  til  _  sit  down  at  one's  ease. 

Sorg(e)meft'er  mayor,  aldermau,  «c  provest, 
(om  Ub(anbet)  burgomaster.  -b^b:  gorfigtig^eb 
er  en  -  discretiou  is  the  better  part  of  valour. 
-embebe  mayoralty,  aldermanshlp. '  -in'bc  c  -r 
mayoress.  -maage  burgomaster.  Lams  glaucut. 
-maPe  a  big  belly.    -mine  a  lordly  air. 

Sorgen  c  bail,  surety,  security,  caution, 
guarantee,  (!un  jur)  mainpemor;  ftitle  -  give 
security,  find  bail;  gaa  i  _  for  en  be  surety  for 
one,  bail  one;  blibe  løSlabt  mob  ~  be  bailed  out. 

Sorger  c  -e  citizen;  (Sremmeb,  fom  tior  fooet  -ret) 
denizeu;  (i  en  SQ)  townsman,  tradesman,  free- 
man  of  a  city;  (mobfat  Slbelig)  communer;  (t  & 
jur)  burgher,  burgess;  t(Sranber)  pun;  afabemifl 
_  university  man;  Bltoe  _  i  en  Sfl  get  the  free- 
dom  of  a  city;  gøre  en  til  _  i  en  SQ  make  one 
free  of  a  city.  -aanb  fe  -ftnb.  -blob  blood  of 
Citizens,  -brep  freedom  of  the  city,  certificat€ 
of  citizenship;  fe  iHtobemift.  -baab  patriotic  deed. 
-batter  daughter  of  a  tradesman.  -b^b  civic 
virtue.  -eb  citizen's  oath.  -cnfe  widow  of  a 
Citizen  el.  tradesman.  -folt  Citizens,  city  folks. 
-forening  union  of  Citizens,  -fribeb  fe  borgerlig. 
-garbe  civic  guard.  -^elb  national  prosperity. 
-btté  house  of  a  citizen  el.  tradesman.  SDrgcr= 
in  be  c  -r  (female)  citizen.  Sorger jfaptajn  Cap- 
tain in  the  town  militia.  -flaéfe  fe  -ftoiib. 
-fone  citizen's  el.  tradcsman's  wife.  -tongen  the 
citizen  king-  -franå,  -frone  civic  crown.  -frig 
civil  war.  Sorgerlig  a  civil,  civic;  (fom  bebt. 
Sorgerne  i  en  Stab)  municipal;  (jæbn)  homely, 
plain;  bet  -e  Slår  the  civil  year;  bet  -e  i)rama  the 
mingled  Drama;  _  2)øb  civil  death;  _  gri^eb 
civil  liberty,  1.  of  the  subject;  _  ^tcetina  tråde ; 
tale  et  -t  Drb  meb  en  speak  earnestly  with  one; 
_  ©tiHing  position;  ftoa  op,  gaa  til  SengS,  i  -  Sib 
keep  good  hours;  -t  Segteffab  civil  marriage; 
en  -  a  commoner;  —  adv.  ~  bøb  civilly  dead. 
Sorgerligbeb  c  homehness.  Sorger|manb  fe 
Sorger,  -mefter  fe  Sorgc=.  -millté  town  militia. 
-mob  courage  of  a  good  citizen.  -pat  plebeiaus. 
-pige  girl  of  the  middle  dass.  -pligt  duty  of 
a  Citizen,  -repræfentant  municipal  representa- 
tive,  town-councillor,  amr  townsman.  -repræ« 
fentantftab  town  council.  -ret  citizenship; 
(Sorgerftab)  freedom  of  a  city;  Ijar  _  i  has  got 
the  freedom  of,  isjree  of;  Erbet  ftar  faoet  -  ihe 
word  has  been  naturalized.  -rettigbeb  right  of 
a  Citizen;  Xob  af  -er  (^ivil  death.  -famfnnb  com- 
munity  (of  Citizens),  -filfer^cb  civil  security. 
Sorgerftab  n  fe  -ret;  coner  citizens,  citlzenry,  Cor- 
poration, community,  commonalty;  tage  _  take 
out  one's  freedom;  toge  _  fom  Urtefræmmer  (omtr.) 
take  out  a  licence  as  a  grocer;  foo  -  i  en  Sq 
obtain  the  freedom  of  a  town,  be  made  free  of  a 





city;  f bcerge  ~  take  the  oaths  ol  a  citizeu ;  Sort  _ 
er  i  himlene  our  oonversation  is  in  heaven;  d,  -et 
the  idlers.  JBotgcr|fIole  middle-sohool,  middle 
-olass  school.  -folbot  militia-man.  -ftanb  middle 
-class  (of  towns),  oommonalty.  -fan  sou  of  a 
tradesman.  -ttogt  city  guard,  guard  of  Citizens. 
-»cJ  public  weal.  -»en  friend  of  the  people. 
•titcbning  city  el.  townmilitia,  civlc  guard, 
train-band.   -Orerb  worth  as  a  Citizen  or  patriot. 

93orgeftue  c  servant's  hall. 

5Borg|ejcr  \e  '^erre.  -fogcb  steward  ofacastle, 
seneschal.  -frue  lady  of  the  castle.  -frøICR 
damsel.  -fængfel  dungeon.  -gaarb  castle  court. 
-greueburggrave.  -grcDinbc  burggravine.  -greb' 
fiob  l)nrggravate.     -^ctrc  lord  of  the  castle. 

SBorgtætting  c  J:<  sliug  chain. 

ajorgmcft'er  ?e  SBorgemefter. 

SBorglraa  .1,  spare  yard.  -ft«be,  -ftog,  -tot) 
fe  JDJæipe«.    -talje  jigger-tackle. 

S3org  bagt  castle  guard  el.  watch.  -bægtec 

boring  c  boring,  sinking;  concr  bore.  SBoring3> 
biameter  diameter  of  the  bore. 

*S8orIct  a  pale-yellow  with  a  tinge  of  red, 

93o'rfna))  c  auger-head. 

SBorne'rct  a  narrow-minded,  strait-laced.  ©or« 
ne'rt^eb  c  narrow-mindedness. 

SBorre  c  -r  fe  Surre. 

SBo'rlftoft  stock  of  an  auger.  -fmeb  bore- 
smith,   -fttcfte  terebellum. 

S8o'r|fuIflb  boric  sulphide.  -fur  a  borac'ic;  -t 
yfotron  Ijorate  of  soda.    -f^re  hydric  borate. 

SBo'rfbingcI  (breast)  brace. 

SBort  c  fe  S3orb  c. 

Sort  itaa,  *6,  ogfoo  i  atte  be  følgenbe  ©mf.]  adv 
away,  otF;  *  fe  $en;  fomme  _  (fli<)pe  6.)  get  away, 
(gao*  tabt)  be  lost;  t)on  tnao  _  he  must  go;  _■! 
away!  be  gone!  avaunt!  _  meb  fjingrene!  hånds 
ofif!  "fe  SSceg. 

SBortoonbc  vt  breathe  el.  wiff  away. 

SBortatforbere  vt  contraet  for. 

S3ortb(æfc  vt  blow  away  el.  off. 

Sortbringe  vt  bring  away,  carry  away. 

SBorttbrbbc,  -brælle  vt  break  otf. 

©ortbrænbt  part  burnt  away. 

SBottjb^ttc  Dfexchange.    -bytning  c  exchange. 

ajortbære  vt  carry  oiF. 

g3ort]bam^e  vi  evaporate.  -bamvnittg  evapora- 

Sortbanfe  vt  dance  away. 

Sortbrage  vt  move  off,  draw  off;  vi  withdraw, 
retire;  -§  fra  fine  ©ijSIer  be  diverted  from  one's 

Sortbrift  c  drifting  away. 

SSortbribe  vt  drive  away,  chase  away;  —  vi 
be  carried  away. 

SSortbramme  vt  dream  away. 

SBortbunftc  vi  fe  -bompe. 

SBortba  vi  die  away.  -en  c  fra  ©^nb  dying 
to  sin. 

S3ortbefe  vt  doze  away. 

SBo'rte  [ao].  *S8ott'c  [6]  adv  away;  absent;  *  fe 
$enne;  Ⱦre  _  be  lost  el.  gone;  bitbe  _  (ubebliee) 
stay  el.  remain  away,  (gaa  tabt)  be  lost;  "^olbe  fig  - 
frakeep  el.  stand  aloof  from;  langt  _  far  away, 
far  ofF,  bet  ligger  noget  _  it  lies  some  way  off, 
bobbelt  faa  langt  _  at  twice  the  distance;  jeg 
Umx  itle  længe  ~  I  shall  not  be  long;  fig  bitoe 
_  t  bet  be  ready  to  die,  near  fainting;  bibl  be 
i)Me  bereg  Søn  _  they  have  their  reward;  bøb  og 
~  dead  and  gone. 

SBortcbIcticn  part  never  heard  off. 

»ortelbUbctfc,  -bliben  fe  Ubeblioelfe. 

SBortcffamotcre  vt  spirit  away. 

'^Sorteft  a  furthermost. 

i  ]>e  dropper 


Sortlfalb  n,  fe  -falben.  -folbc  vt  ]>e  droppei 
el.  omitted,  fall  to  the  ground,  Ijecome  nuU 
and  void;  bet  -r  we  drop  that.  -falben  c  omis- 
sion,  being  dropped. 

SBortfange  vt  catch  (away). 

SBortifare  fe  gare  Bort. 

Sortifeje  vt  sweep  away.  -fejning  c  sweepi 

SBortfttc  vt  flle  away. 

aSortfiffe  vt  fish  away  el.  off. 

SBortfjofe  vt  trifle  away. 

S3ort| fjerne  vt  remove,  put  out  of  the  wi 
_  fig  withdraw,  go  away.  fjernelfe  c  removi; 

SBortflane  vt  flirt  away. 

SBortfl^  vi  flee,  fly  away. 

Sortflbbe  vi  run  off,  flow  away. 

aSortflJjgte  fe  -ftt). 

SBortlfltjtte  fe  giijtte  bort.   -fletning  c  removi 

SBortlftlobe  fe  gitjoe  bort.    -flaben  c  flying  awi 

SBottfortlare  vt  explain  away 

SBort  I  forlagte  vt  farm,  rent,  let,  lease  o- 
-forpagtning  c  farming  etc,  location. 

SBortfortolIe  vt  iuterpret  el.  explain  away. 

SBortfragt  outward  freight,  freight  out.  -fragte 
vt  charter,    -fragtning  c  charter. 

S8ort|fri)fe  fe  gr^fe  bort.  -fct)§ning  c  destri 
tion  by  frost. 

aSortfærb  c  departure. 

SBortlfæfte  fe  gæfte  bort.  -fæfining  c  hiring; 

SBort|f«re  vt  carry  off;  (flt^gte  meb)  run  away 
el.  elope  with;  tabe  fig  _  af  run  away  with;  et 
S@gteffa6,  ^bor  ?Pigen  er  bleoen  bortført  a  run-away 
match,  -farelfe  c  -r  carrying  off,  (uloBltg)  ab- 
duetion,  (SsinbeS)  elopement  (with).  -fører  ab- 
ductor.    -førfcl  c  carrying  off. 

Sortjgaa  fe  ®aa  Bort.  -gang  c  departure; 
(2)øb)  decease,  demise.  -gangen  part  gone  away, 

Sortgcmme  vt  hide  away. 

SBortgenne  vt  drive  el.  chase  away. 

Sortgtfte  vt  give  away  in  marriage 

S8ort|gtbe  vt  give  away  (to),  bestow,  co; 
(on).    -gioelfe  c,  -giben  c  giving  away. 

Sortglibe  vi  glide  away,  slide  away. 

SBortgnabe  vt  gnaw  away. 

SBortgrabe   vt   dig   away,    (SSonb)    drain 
-grabning  c  digging  etc. 

Sortgræbe  vt  cry  away,  weep  away. 

aSortgijbc  vt  pour  away. 

SSortgøgle  vt  juggle  away,  trifle  away. 

iBortbjæHie  vt  help  off. 

SBortbugge  vt  hew  away,  cut  away. 

SBort^ljre  vt  hire  out. 

Sort^øble  vt  plane  away. 

SBortilc  vi  hasten  away,  speed  away. 

Sortjage  vt  chase  away,  (S^jener)  turn  away, 
(fra  ©tole,  Unib.)  expel. 

Sorttalbe  vt  call  away;  fig  bltbe  -bt  pass  away, 
be  takeu:  ®ub  '^ar  -bt  f^am  God  has  taken  him 
to  himself. 

S3ort!a))tie  vt  cut  (away). 

SBort|Iafte  vt  throw  away,  discard;  bet  er  -be 
^enge  that  is  (so  much)  money  thrown  away. 
-laftclfe  c  throwing  away;  ør  elision. 

SBortjflatte,  vt  *-ftatre  fritter  away;  muddle 
away,  waste. 

Sårtll^nte  vt  whine  away. 

SBorttoge  v  boil  away. 

Sorttomrae  ie  Siomme  Bort. 

S8ortt»)fe  vt  frighten  away. 

SBortftjåfc  vt  kiss  away. 

SBorttflbe  vt  buy  up;  (en)  buy  off. 

Sortlere  vt  carry  el.  cart  away;   — 
1  away.    -tarfel  c  carrying  etc. 




iBortlaane  vt  lend. 

iBortllebe  vt  (aSanb)  drain  off;  (en  giob,  Sonfer) 
divert;  (Wiétanfe)  ward  off.  -Irbnittg  c  draining 
ete.,  diversion. 

^ovtlt^e  vt  trifle  away. 

**ortIejc  i:t  let;  _  igen  relet. 

'£ort  I  licitere  vt  fe  Sicitere.  -licitetinø  o  con- 
tracting,  awarding  to  the  lowest  bidder. 

^octliggenbe  a  distant,  remote;  længft  _  re- 

93ortltfte  vt  steal  away. 

^ortj  lobbe  vt  dispose  of  by  lottery,  put  up 
in  a  raffle,  put  up  to  raffle.  -lobning  c  dis- 
posing  etc,  lottery,  raffle. 

Serttotfc  vt  lure  away. 

^ortlooe  vt  promise  away,  engage. 

^ortluøe  vt  weed  away;  _  Ufrubtet  fra  weed. 

^ortlicgge  vt  lay  by,  put  aside. 

^Bortløben  part  runaway,  fugitive. 

SBortmonc  vt  conjure  away,  (en  onb  9Janb) 

iSortmubre  vt  dredge  away. 

iBortnøIe  vt  dawdle  away. 

tSBortjiante  vt  pawn. 

8ortl)Ioffc  vt  bang  el.  pop  away. 

Sottplulfe  vt  pluck  away. 

^oxtpleie  xt  plough  away. 

!Borti>utte  vt  put  away. 

S3ortt;aabne  vi  rot  away. 

Sortrage  vt  scrape  away;  shave  away;  *rake 

93ortrane  vt  |e  9Jane. 

'•SBortre  a  further. 

SBortlrcjfe  c  departure.  -relfenbe  part  going 
away,  departing.    -tejft  a  gone  away,  departed. 

Sortrinbe  fe  9iinbe  bort. 

l^ortribe  vt  tear  away,  carry  away,  sweep 
away,  carry  ofT;  f  rake  away. 

Sortrufte  vi  rust  away. 

93ortjrtjbbe  vt  clear  away;  fig  remove.  •xXfy-- 
belfc,  -rebning  c  clearing  away  etc,  removal. 

93ortjrl)ge,  -r«gc  vt  smoke  away. 

Sortrtjfte  vt  pluck  away;  (om  Søben)  carry  ofT. 

Sortrljfte  vt  shake  away,  shake  ofF. 

SBortræfonnere  vt  reason  away. 

$3ort|r«mme  fe  fRømnte  vi;  —  +  «f  fe  -r^bbe. 
•rømning  c  escape. 

SBortrøoe  fe  JRaoe. 

JBortfalg  n  sale. 

SBortfat  part  put  away. 

^ortfe  vi\  ~  fra  set  aside,  waive,  look  at  it 
apart  from;  -t  fra  setting  etc;  -t  fra  SBlgeme 
consequences  apart. 

®ortj fejlet  riart  sailed;  (tabt)  carried  away, 
gone.    -fejling  c  sailing  off,  departure. 

!Bort  fenbe  vt  send  away,  despatch.  -fenbetfe, 
■fenbing  c  sending  etc. 

SBortiffaffc  vt  remove,  clear  away;  mat  elimi- 
nate.    -ffaffelfe  c  removing  etc;  elimination. 

Sortftibe  vt  sliip  off. 

JBortffiftc  rt  exchange. 

»ortiffiffe  fe  -fenbe. 

t33ortffot>c  vt  cut  down,  fell  (a  wood). 

33tirtffrobe  vt  scrape  away  el.  off. 

iBortftribc  vi  vauish. 

SBortffroElIc  rt  pare  ofT. 

©ortffræmmc  fe  »SortlQfe. 

©ortftnre  vt  scour  away. 

*»ortftu8Ie  vt  fe  SBorttlatte. 

iBortfttibe  vt  shoot  away;  (ubrflbbe)  destroy  (by 
shooting);  (forbruge)  expend;  fe  Stfotfe. 

8ort:fft)ae  vt  washaway.  -ff^tting,  -fl^lning 
c  washing  away. 

''Sortffæmt  part  spoiled. 

93ortft»nte  vt  give  away,  bestow. 

SBortftære  vt  cut  away  el.  off.  -ffæring  c 
cutting  etc. 

SBortfføbe  vt  convey. 

!Bortf(aaet  part  thrown  away;  (af  ©øen)  carried 

»ortflobre  fe  SBortfnaHe. 

iBortflibe  vt  wear  away. 

SBortfliffe  vt  lick  away. 

!l3ortflut)t>en  part  escaped. 

©ortflicbe  vt  drag  away,  haul  a. ;  (bære) 
carry  oif. 

SBortflænge  vt  fling  away. 

93Drtfmelte  vt  &  i  smelt  away,  melt  away. 

©ortfmilc  vt  smile  away. 

aSortfmugle  vt  smuggle  el.  spirit  away. 

»ortlfmul(br)e,  -fnittl(br)e8  o  moulder  away, 
crumble  away. 

iSortfnatte  vt  talk  away,  chat  away. 

SBort|fna^)»e  vt  snatch  away,  snap  a.  -fnap« 
^lelfe  c  snatching  etc. 

SBortfobe  vt  sleep  away. 

SBortf^jilbe  vt  fe  ©pilbe. 

SortfipiBe  vt  play  away,  gamble  away. 

33ortfi)<rge  vt  jest,  trifle  el.  toy  away. 

©ortftjæle  vt  steal  away. 

SBortftr^ge  vt  (meb  Str^gejærn)  iron  out;  (feje 
bort)  sweep  away. 

©ortftrø  vt  disperse,  scatter. 

SBørtftuoe  vt  stow  away. 

SBortlftøbc  c<  thrust  away,  spurn;  (en)  repulse. 
•ftøbning  c  med  desquamation. 

Sortftøue  vt  dust  ofT. 

SSortfuffc  vt  sigh  away. 

SBortfbinbc  vi  (ftjinbe  bort)  dwindle,  fall  away; 
(forfoinbe)  disappear,  vanish;  ben  -fbunbne  Ungbom 
departed  youth. 

åortlfulre,  -fbacrnte  vt  spend  in  revelling, 
riot,  dissipation. 

Q3ortftiømme  *»  float  away;  swim  away. 

SSortfqnge  vt  sing  away. 

SBortfoslgc  vt  sell. 

©ortltoge  vt  take  away,  remove.  'tfigetfe  c 
taking  away  etc,  removal. 

SBortttnge  vt  let  out,  hire  out;  promise  away 
(at  an  agreed  priee). 

iBortto  vt  wash  away,  wipe  out. 

t33orttog  n  departure. 

^orttrænge  vt  force  away,  dislodge. 

Sorttufte  vt  barter  away. 

SBorttuætte  vt  wash  away. 

SSortJtQbe  vt  explain  away.  -t^bning  c  ex- 
plaining  away. 

©orttærc  vt  wear  out,  consume. 

©orttø  v  thaw  away. 

SBorttørre  vt  dry  up;  wipe  away. 

JBortoaage  vt  spend  in  waking. 

iBortoanbre  fe  SBanbre  bort. 

Sortoafte  vt  wash  out. 

"■Sortoej  fe  ^enoej. 

93ortticjre  vt  blow  away,  scatter. 

!SDrt|t)cnbe  vt  turn  away,  t.  the  other  way; 
fe  Slfoeube.    -uenbetfe  c  turning  etc. 

SBorttJtfte  vt  fan  away,  waft  away. 

SBortlUige  vi  move  away,  depart,  retire. 
-bigelfc,  -Oigen  c  moving  etc,  departure. 

©ortlbife  vt  dismiss,  refuse  admittance,  turn 
away;  reject.    -bidning  c  dismissal,  rejection. 

33ort{tii§ne  vi  fade  away,  wither.  -bUnen  c 
fading  etc 

SJortbcctte  vt  roll  away. 

^orticbe  vt  eat  away,  corrode. 

Sortløbe,  -øbéle  vt  squander  (away),  waste, 
dissipnie.  -øbSlen,  -øbSting  c  squandering, 

So'roinbe  c  (breast)  brace. 

Soå'  n  mech  boss. 




©olfat,  -ftbbenbe  a  resident,  settled,  estab- 
lished;  bære  _  i  reside  in,  +-fibt»elfe  c  settle- 
ment. -ffaJ  n,  fe  -l^ose.  ©o'Slob  share  of  com- 
mon  property,  portion,  (^uftruS)  dower. 

33oåtti|en  n  Bosnla.    -at  c  -er,   -ff  a  Bosnian. 

SBoSViTwS  n  the  Bosporus  el.  Bo.sphorus. 

©oSfet  c  -er  (ftugle  i  fteglefpil)  bowl. 

^o3fe  c  -r  boss.    -'re  •«<  boss,  emboss. 

!^a'fteti  n  -er  resideuce.  ^^oftebSbaanbet  the 
disability  of  non-residents. 

S3ofton  c  (Spil)  boston. 

9of(Et|te  fig  vr  establish  one's  self,  settle, 
take  up  one's  abode.  -ninQ,  -telfe  c  establish- 
ment, settlement,  domleiliation. 

!Bota|Mi!'  c  bot'any.  -'wilet  c  -e  bot'anist. 
•nife'rlaéfe  botan'ieal  colleeting  box,  b.  case, 
botanizing-box.  -nife're  vi  bot'anize,  herborize. 
■nife'ring  c  bot'anizing.    -nift  a  botan'ieal. 

^oteiur  fe  iSutelur. 

'"SBotemibbcI  n  remedy. 

Sotfelbff  SRoe  navew,  Freuch  turnip. 

*33otfo'r  [aa]  c   er  over-boot. 

SBotKiftc  SBugt  the  gulf  of  Bothnia. 

iBouboi'r  [fr.]  n  -er  bou'doir. 

Sottflt'c  [fr.]  c  -er  bougie. 

SouiUon'  [fr.]  c  beef-tea,  gravy  soup.  .^tt§ 
soup-kitchen.    -tager  portable  soup. 

93aulcba'rb  c  -er  boulevard. 

SBourgeoiS  c  tvp  bourgeois'. 

^ouåfote  c  -r  box-compass. 

©out  c  J,  tack,  board;  gaa  ~  tack,  go  about. 
93oute  »t  beat  to  windward,  tack. 

©outeill'e  c  -r  bottle.  -'re  d«  bottle.  -'ring 
c  bottling. 

aSob  c  -e  {paa  S^r)  shoulder;  »^  bow.  -aitfer 
bower(-anchor).  -baanb  J,  breast-hook.  -ben 
shoulder-bone.  -blab  shoulder-blade.  -brubt  a 
galled  in  the  shoulder.  SBobe  vt  (et  Sinter)  af 
take  the  anchor  off  the  bow. 

SBouen-SBooenlr^bé-  -i,  mizen-royal. 

Soucnbram  4f  royal,  -barbun  r.  backstay. 
-brejercb  r.  tye.  -falb  r.  halyard.  -rno  r.  yard. 
-rafte  r.  parralrope.  -fejt  royal,  -ft^be  r.  sheet. 
-ftag  r.  stay.    -tø^Ient  r.  lift.    -bant  r.  shrouds. 

SooentrtibS'  J,  mizen  top-gallant. 

©ooenutegt  c  top-weight. 

SBoti^a(§  c  ^1,  fore-hood. 

»obift  fe  ajoftft. 

SBob] jager  ^t.  bow-chaser.  -lam  a  chest-foun- 
dered.    -tcb  shoulder-joint.    -line  fe  S3ug=. 

tS3eune  vi  belly,  swell,  bulge  out;  :^enbe§  ^tnber 
~  af  Sunb^eb  her  cheeks  are  bursting  with 

!Bo»|fenter  pi  ^  harpings.  -f))rængt  fe  -lam. 
-fVrøb  fe  aSugfprl^b.  -ftag  pi  bowsprit  shrouds. 
■fto|)<)cr.l> stopper,  -ft^lte  shoulder.  -feheadsea. 

*i8ra  adv  fe  Srau. 

•■'SBroa  a  quick,  has  ty. 

»raab'  fe  S3rob. 

SBranb'  c,  *n  fe  SSraabfø;  *shred. 

tSraabe  fe  aSrage  vt. 

tSroobe  c  heap  of  felled  trees  (fe  SBraate). 

©raabifr«  n  o.  fl.  fe  S8rob=. 

Sraabf«  c  -er  heavy  sea,  breaker. 

*S8rooibJ)b  fe  SSrabbtjb.  -gjort  a  done  in  a 
hurry,  hurried.  -^aft  great  hurry.  -Saftig  a 
hasty,  precipitate. 

'•'iBr aat  n  bustle,  ado,  fuss.  !Braat|e  »i  bustle, 
fuss,  '.vorry;  fe  SSrage  vt.    -font  a  bustling. 

*i8raonc  d  melt. 

*SBraa|rig  a  suddenly  grown  rich.  -flnbt  fe 
ajrabfinbet.  -ftanbfe  stop  suddenly.  -ftnp  preci- 

*a3raate  c  -r  heap  el.  a^jjaatis  of  felled  trees 
(for  obstructing  the  passage  of  an  enemy); 
land  on  which  the  trees  are  felled  and  burnt. 

and  com  sowu  in  the  ashes;  heap,  mass; 
Brænbe  -  clear  the  land  by  burning  the  trees, 
amr  burn  brush.  -brcenbing  c  burning  of 
,,S3roate",  +  sartage.    -rug  rye  sown  in  Sb. 

•■'»raatt  fe  »raabfjø. 

*SBraa| batter  a  pretty  at  first  sight.  -benbe  w 
turn  abruptly. 

SBrabant  n  Brabaut.  -er  c  Brabant'er.  -ft  « 

tSBrob  c  -e  joint  (of  meat). 

taSrab  a  fe  S3rat  1.  -bt)b  a  steep-to.  -b«l 
sudden  death. 

33rob'e)bænt  ^  careeniug  place. 

tSBraborbet  a  hasty  el.  intemperate  in  speech 

©rab(c)^)aitbc  c  dripping-pan. 

SBrabflnbet  a  hasty,  touchy,  testy. 

SBrabfpib  n  spit.  i 

SBrabfpil  n  windlass;  S3jørn  paa  _  bitt. 

SBrog  n,  pi  =,  crash,  crack,  ©rage  vi  crash 
(fprage)  crackle. 

!8rage  c  -r  brake.    ©rage  vt  brake. 

©rogcbteger  «,  poet  toasting  cup.  ! 

©ra'gnlng  c  braking. 

©ragt,  bragte,  fe  SBringe. 

©ra^nt{ai§'me  c  Brah'manism,  Brah'minism. 
-an,  -i'tt  c  -er  Brah'man,  Brah'min.  -o'nft, 
-i'nft  a  Brahman'ic,  Brahmin'ic. 

©rot'  imp  af  ©rætte. 

©rat'  a  (om  SBanb)  braekish. 

©rot'  o  (om  3torb)  fallow;  ligge  _  lie  fallow. 
©raf  c  fallow;  ren  -  bare  fallow;  benyttet  _ 
green  fallow.  -oar  fallow-year.  -ager  fallow 

*©rotal  c  alder  buckthom,  Rhamnus  frangula. 

©ratlfrugt  fallow-crop.  -!^arti(e)  breakharroWj 
drag.    ©rotte  vt  fallow. 

©rattc  c  ie  33ara!te. 

©rot|(onb  fallow-land.  -mart  tfe  -ager;  *fi 
-lonb.    ©rotning  c  fallowing. 

©rotlnoEfe  flat  nose.    -næfet  a  flat-nosed. 

©rotl^Jlajc  vt  break  up.  -fbole  pratincole, 
Glareola  pritincola. 

©rottcat  c  -er  brac'teate. 

©rat|»anb  braekish  water.  -oonb§fift  fis: 
that  lives  in  b.  w. 

t©rol'  n   F    fuss,    big  words.    ©raUe  op 
rattle  away,  talk  big;  -  ub  vt  rattle  out. 

©rom'  c  ostentatious  display,  show;  meb  ©raft^ 
og  -  with  flourish  of  trumpet. 

©rom'^  ,%,  topgallant  (ubt.   p  togal'lant) 

©ramoigme  o.  fl.  fe  ©ra^m=. 

©romo'^tft  £oo!?,  ©ra'ma^|taa§  Bramah  lock. 
-(Jreéfc  Bramah-press. 

©ram'orboig  c  -er  braggart.  -e're  vi  brag, 
talk  big. 

©romborbuu  c  topgallant  backstay. 

©rombær  fe  ©rombær. 

©rombrejereb  n  topgallant  tye. 

©rambug  =  Siaonbug. 

©ramfotb  n  topgallant  halyard. 

©romfrt  a  unostentatious. 

©romgoorbing  c  topgallant  buntline. 

©romgooS  c  bernacle  goose,  Bemicla  leucop»is 

©romgiDtob  n  topgallant  clewline. 

©romi'n  fe  ©rajman. 

©romlæfcjt  n  topgallant  studding-sail. 

©romme  vi  meb  boast  of,  make  a  show  of, 
display;  -nbe  a  ostentatious.    -n  c  boasting etc. 

©romlroo  topgallant  yard.  -rattc  t.  parrel 
rope.  -fejl  t.  sail.  -ftebe  t.  sheet.  -ftog  t 
stay.    -ftang  t.  mast.    -bont  t.  shrouds. 

©ranr^c  c  -r  line,  department. 

©ronb  c  -e  fire,  conflagration;  (brænbenbe  @t 
%xx)  brand,  firebrand;  (i  Som)  blight,  blast; 
(i    2t)i)    snuff;    med    mortiflcation ,    gangrene; 










*(StoI)  stock,  beam;  *f  devil  of  a  fellow; 
fætte,  ftiffe  i  _  set  ou  fire,  set  fire  to,  (ogi.  fig) 
fire;  tomme  i  _  catch  fire,  take  fire;  ftaa  i  _  be 
on  flre;  Soten?  -  the  seorching  of  the  sun;  tF 
^an  f)or  en  _  he  is  drunk;  er  en  _  i  9Zæfen  paa 
f)am  is  an  abomination  to  him,  is  a  thorn  in 
his  side;  "•'  ^ete  ^aoet  ftob  i  'Hxaat  og  _  the  sea 
was  all  feather-white.  -aare  iliac  arterj-.  -ofS 
blighted  ear  of  corn.  -allarm  f. -alarm.  "  -aitti  je 
-gaal.  -anorbning  statiite  of  fires  and  arson. 
•anftait  fire  etablishment.  -aéfurance  fe  -for= 
fifring.  -Btegn, -filære  blister,  -bombe  incendiary 
Shell,  -brco  incendiary-letter,  begging-letter. 
-bræber  sheets  of  pasteboard.  -bræt  bum.  -b^Ib 
carbuncle.  -bccger  groundsel,  Senecio  vulg'xris. 
•birettar  firewardeu.  -bragt  fireman's  dress. 
-bræg  fire  grapnel.  SBranbje  vt  snufl:"(a  candle). 
-er  c  -e  (Sfi6)  fire-ship;  (SStttigfi.)  quibble,  pun; 
(-et  3?ue)  fire-baek,  fire-pigeon.  -fattet  firebrand. 
-fare  danger  of  fire.  -farttg  a  inflammable, 
llable  to  catch  flre.  -fafttne  dipped  bavin. 
-feber  inflammatory  fever.  *-fob  brand-iron. 
t-fogeb  village  flre-warden.  -folt  flremon.  -for^ 
ber  examination  in  a  case  of  flre.  -forfttring 
flre-insurance.  -forfttringéfclffab  flre-insurance 
Company,  -fri  a  flre-proof,  gøre  ~  fireproof. 
-gaaS  brand  goose,  Anastidorna.  -gobc  fe  2elt=. 
■gaul  stone  partition  wall  (above  the  roofj. 
•gobS  ,i'  rombowline.  -granat  incendiary  shell. 
-gul  a  orange-coloured;  le  -t  laugh  grimly.  -bage 
fire-hook.  -^ane  fire-plug,  f.-cock.  -tficelp  relief 
to  a  sufferer  by  flre.  -tfui  fusee-hole.  -buå  fe 
(Sprøjte«,  ©roribig  a,  røerf  gangrenous.  S8ronb|  = 
tor  fire-tub.  -tarl  flreman.  -taSfe  f. -Insurance 
fund.  -flotte  fire-bell,  alarm  bell.  -tontingcnt 
premium  of  Insurance,  -torn  blighted  corn. 
•totp^  fire-brigade.  -tugle  fire-ball.  -Hbt  a 
suflferer  by  fire.  -Itlie  orange  lily,  Lilium  bul- 
biferum.  -lugt  burning  smell.  -l^gtc  signal 
lantern  in  cases  of  fire.  -major  chief  of  the 
firemen.  -manb  fe  -tarl.  -mur  fireproof  wall, 
party-wall.  -mu§  field-mouse.  Muh  agrarius. 
•olie  fe  kraniet,  -orbning  fe  -onorbntng.  -Jiil 
fire-arrow.  -)jlabe  flame-plate.  -pUt  bum;  old 
fireplace,  place  of  burning.  -politi  fire  police. 
•pX9Vt  assay.  -raab  cry  of  fire,  alarm  of  fire. 
-ralet  congreve  rocket,  war-rocket.  -rebftab 
fire  implement,  fire  apparatus.  -ret  court  for 
trying  cases  of  fire.  -ruKe  fire-bill.  -rflb  fe 
3lbrøb;  _  9{epubli!aner  red-hot  republican.  -rar 
fuze,  fuzee.  -rørbor  fuze-auger.  -rartit  lute 
for  the  fuze.  -rerSbombe  time-fuzed  shell. 
-rar§fot8  fuze  compositiou.  -rartrætfer  fuze 
-engine.  -faar  bum.  -falue  ointment  for  bums. 
-fotS  composition.  -fejl  fire-sail.  -ftgnal  signal 
of  fire.  -ffab  fire-alarm  (-box).  -flabe  damage 
by  flre.  -^at  forced  contribution.  -ftatning 
c  levying  contributions.  -ftattc  levy  a  contribu- 
tion on,  requisition.  ftib  fire-ship.  -ftifer  coal 
-slate.  -ftilt  badge  worn  by  flremen.  -ftor)>e 
eschar.  -ftrig  fe  -roab.  -ftub  flre-signalling  gun. 
■ftær  gleam  of  (the)  flre.  -ffærra  fire-screen. 
-jlongc  fe  Sprøjte--,  -flutter  fire-estinguisher. 
-flutningérebffab  fe  -rebffab.  -ffianb  fire-bucket, 
leathern  bucket  used  at  fires.  -f<jrajte  fire 
•engine.  -ftation  fire-station.  -fteb  place  of  a 
fire.  -ftifter  incendiary.  -ftiftetfc  incendiarism, 
arson.  -ftige  fire-ladder,  fire  escape,  -ftot  P 
shrew.  -ftorm  furious  hurricane.  -foenb  fe 
-tarl.  -fDcermer  rocket,  -falo  reflned  silver. 
-taage  blighting  fog.  -tatft  Insurance  valne. 
•tegn  fe  -ffitt.  -telegraf  flre  telegraph,  •tomt  fe 
-fteb.  •tromme  flre-drum,  alarm  drum.  •tej 
sulphurated  cloth.  -bagt  watch  el.  guard  of 
flremen;  (entelt  Wanb)  watch,  watchman.  -bæfen 
flre-oflSce,  flre  regulations. 

Srante  vt  (brune)  browu;  (foibe)  singe;  -t  Olie 
empyreumatic  oil;  -t  2ugt,  Smag  empyreuma. 

SBraå  n  (iJqb)  crash,  crackle. 

SraS  c  -er  j,  brace;  luo  _  weather  b.;  læ  - 
lee  brace.  -orm  bumpkin.  -blot  brace-block 
(0.  fl.). 

SBrofe   vi    f    crash;    _   imob   knock  agaiast; 

-  neb  come  down  with  a  crash;  _  fommen 

SBrafe  vt  i,  brace;  _  an  b.  to;  ~  1iai  b.  aback; 

-  btbeoinb,  _  op  b.  in;  _  l^oarbt  an  (ftærpe)  b. 
Sharp  up;  _  fulbt  flll;  _  om  brace  round  el. 

Srofe  vt  fry,  roast,  cook;  ber  -3  og  ftegeS 
beftanbig  i  bet  ^u§  there  is  cooking  from  mor- 
ning to  night  in  that  house;  —  vi  fry;  _  op 
for  en  meb  regale  el.  feast  one  with.  -n  c  fry- 
ing  etc. 

Grafen  c  -er  bream,  Abramin  brama.  -fabe 
quill-wort.  Isoetes  lacuslris. 

Srofl'Ilien  n  Braz'il,  the  Brazils.  -io'ner  c  -e, 
-io'nft  Brazil'ian.    -ietræ  brazil-wood. 

SBroft  c  show,  display,  fe  S8rom.  -e  vi  make 
a  show,  a  dash;  _  meb  make  a  parade  of,  pa- 
rade,   t-er  c  boaster. 

iBroft  indec,  ftaa  2aft  og  -  meb  share  good  or 
bad  luck  with. 

Sroft  iwip  of  SSrifte. 

SBrot'  a  (plubfelig)  abrupt;  faa  en  _  ©nbe  come 
to  an  untimely  end;  —  adv  suddenly. 

©rot'  a  (ftejl)  steep,  precipitous.  -beb  c 
steepuess,  abruptness,  preclpitousness.  '''•(ænbe 
n  steep  ground.  *-(ænbt  a  with  steep  accUvities. 
©rotning,  "iBrotte  c  steep  place. 

SBrotft^  c  -er  viola,  tenor  violin,  -ift  c  -et 
player  on  the  viola. 

!8ro»  a  (mobig)  brave;  (ftiftelig)  honest,  worthy; 
(anfelig)  sufficient,  goodly;  —  adv  not  amis's, 
sufliciently,  rather;  bravely;  bet  er  _  not  that  is 
all  very  well.    -^eb  c  uprightness,  honesty. 

©robo  int  bravo!  •roob  cry  of  bravo.  8ra= 
biS'fimo !  bravissimo. 

©rODU'r  c  bra'very;  mus  bravu'ra.  •arie  bra- 
vura.     -cabcnce  brilliant  el.  ornamental  cadence. 

SBrcccic  c  breecia.  •agtig  a  brecciated.  -mat- 
mor  pebbly  marble. 

33reif)e  c  -r  breach;  gøre,  ft^be  _  make  a 

©reb'  c  -ber  border,  edge,  margin;  (af  ^lol') 
bank;  (af  ^ao)  shore;  (af  ®la§  o.  1.)  brim,  edge; 
t  (af  ©og  el.  ©lab)  margin;  (Sraoen?  _  the  brink 
et.  verge  of  the  grave;  oeb  ^aoetS  _  on  the 
seashore;  gif  ober  fine  -ber  overflowed  its  banks; 
bet  er  bebre  at  fpare  paa  -ben  enb  paa  ©unben  it 
is  too  late  to  spare  when  the  bottom  is  bare. 

©reb  a  broad,  wide;  (om  Stilen)  diflFuse;  f  bet 
-e  ftaar  titbage  the  worst  remains;  fef§  5ob  lang 
og  fire  -  six  feet  by  four;  gør  fig  _  looks  big, 
gives  himself  airs;   fører  en  _  $enfel  is  lavish  of 

his  colours; 1  adv  broadly  etc;    btbt   og   -t 

far  and  wide;  (bibttøfttgt)  at  great  length.  -bile 
ie  -øfle.  •blobet  «  broad-leaved,  (ftnio)  broad 
-bladed.  -bringet,  -brtjftet  a  broad-chested. 
-bnget  a  broad-bellied.    -bqgget  a  broad-built. 

©rebbe  [é]  c  -r  breadth;  (StilenS)  diffuseuess; 
geog  latitude;  h-  =  ©reb;  unber  norbtig  -  in  north 
latitudes.  -cirtel  circle  of  latitude.  -forftet 
difference  of  latitude.  -grab  degree  of  latitude; 
unber  oore  -er  in  our  latitudes.  -iagttogelfe 
observation  for  latitude.  -trebS  fe  -cirtel.  -patai^ 
let  parallel  (unber  on). 

©rebe  -te,  -t  vt  spread;  _  fig  square  el.  spread 
one's  self;  J,  breb  for!  square  away  the  head 
-yards!  _  ub,  fe  Ubbrebe. 

©re'b|f(ab  angler,  Lopkitu  piscatorius.    -flabet 




a  broad-jawed.    -fobet   a   broad-footed.     -fol 

square  sail. 

»rcb'ifttlb,  +-ftjlbt  a  brimful. 

Sre'bjfuret  a  broadfurrowed.  'fælget  a  broad 
-fellied.  -gang  i,  spirketing.  -^anttner  flatteu- 
ing-hammer.  -l)eb  c  broadness.  -tirtclig  broad 
-church.  -fæftct  «  cross-chap  (hand-vice).  -mci' 
fet  broad  chisel.  -morfcl  morel,  Morchella  escu- 
lenta.  -muttbet  a  wide-mouthed.  -næbbet  a 
latirostrous.  -næb^fugt  boat-bill,  Eurilaimna. 
•næfet  a  (Sfo)  square  toed;  zoo  platyrhine. 
■^anbe  broad -nosed  eel,  Anguilla  latirostria. 
•rt^gget  «  broad-backed.  •'[aa  vt  sow  broadcast. 
■foamofftne  broadcast  sowing-machine.  -faaning 
broadcasting.  -ftbe  broadside.  -flulbtet  a  broad 
-shouldered.  -ft^gget  a  broad-brimmed,  broad 
•leaved.  -ffæbe  sledge  with  a  seat  for  two. 
-fnubet  a  square-toed.  -flioret  a  broad-gauge. 
-ftorfcjt  square  mainsail.  +-beb  præp  beside. 
-øoISen  a  squarebuilt.    -flfSe  broad  axe. 

iBrcgne  c  -r  (i  Slim.)  fem;  (ifær  ?5tneb.)  brake, 
prov  bracken.  -Itat  brake.  -ftantme  stipe. 
-træ  tree-fern. 

*£reiSgau  n  Brisgau,  Brisgow. 

fdteUtt'ev  fe  »erloffer. 

S3rem|en  n  Bremen,  -ethtaat  Bremen  blue. 
■iff  a  Bremen. 

SrcrøS,  Sremfe  c  -r  gadfly,  horsefly,  hornet, 
Oestrua;  (til  $eft)  barnacles;  (til  SSogn  ofd.)  brake, 
skid.  Stemfe  vt  brake.  f&ttmU\appatat  brak- 
ing  apparatus.  -r  c  -e  brake(s)mau.  -f!o  brake- 
shoe.  -ftnng  brake  lever,  -tiogn  brake-van. 
-bogtcr  fe  -r.  —  93remSning  c  braking. 

fSvtåtau  n  Breslaw. 

:Sretagn'|e  n  Brit'any.  -er  c  -t,  -ifl  a  Bret'on. 
tSBretlonb  w  poet  Britain. 

©reb  n  -e  letter,  epistle,  missive,  (minbre) 
note;  F  (i  2Qfet)  letter  in  the  candle,  eabbage 
-head;  «)Souli  -e  the  Epistles  of  St.  Paul;  betSIe 
-e  meb  en  correspond  with  one:  gioe  _  xx^a.  give 
in  writing;  et  _  Snappenaole  a  paper  of  pins. 
93reb|aabner  c  -e  letter-opener.  -abel  patent 
nobility.  -abelig  a  of  patent  nobility.  -bog 
letter-book.  -brub  breakiug  of  letters,  -bærer, 
-brager  letter-earrier.  -bttc  earrier  (pigeon), 
homing  pigeon,  -form  epistolary  style;  i  _  in 
the  form  of  a  letter,  -^etnntetig^ebcn  the 
inviolability  of  letters,  the  privacy  of  corre- 
spondenee.    -^ofber  letter-clip. 

93rebia'rittm  n  brev'iary. 

iBre'b{ta3fe  letter-box,  (offentlig)  pillar-box; 
(i  9tt)i§)  eorrespondence.  -fiftc  muniment-chest. 
-fletnme  letter-clip.  -lort  postal  card,  post-card. 
-ntabbc  portfolio.  -naale  pi  paper-pins.  -oblat 
wafer.  -ombeUng  delivery.  -omflag  envelope. 
-t^abir  letter-paper,  note-paper  (2utSu§papir  fancy 
•paper).  -Jjorto  postage,  postage  rate.  -boft  letter 
-post.  -^jrcSfer  paper-weight.  -famling  coUection 
of  letters.  t-famUngéftcbreceiving  house  el.  offiee. 
-flab  n  -e  press  for  letters,  -ftaber  jj?  papers,  deeds. 
-ftribcr  writer,  correspondent.  -ffribning  letter 
-writing,  epistolary  writing.  -forterer  letter 
-sorter,  -fortertng  sorting  of  letters,  -ftemvel 
stamp,  -pil  epistolary  style.  -ftr^ger  paper 
-folder,  -fæl  letter-bag.  -tatft  postage  rate, 
postage.  -toffe  letter-case,  pocket-book,  wallet. 
•t-oeI8et  =  -bef§Iing.  -ocféle  correspond.  -bcl§= 
lenbe,  -betSIer  correspondent.  -oelSItng  corre- 
spondence;  ftaa  i  _  correspond,  cultivate  a 
correspondence.  -blfer  bearer,  exhibitor  of  a 
letter,  -oægt  letter-balance  el.  -scales,  letter- 
weigher;  fe  -prelfer. 

SBribon'  [fr.l  c  bridoon. 

Srtbff  c  mil  platform. 

iBrtbnrt  rupture-wort,  Herniaria. 

Srig'  c  -ger  J,  brig;  rigget  font  -  brig-rigged. 

S8riga'bec-r  brigade,  -t^ef,  -general,  ©rigabe' 

c    erer  (brigadier)-general. 

SBriganti'nc  c  -r  brigantine. 

SBrifllbom  main  boom.    -gaffet  trysail-gaflf. 

SBrtggiff  «  Briggian. 

iBrtgttta  fe  Sirgitte. 

SBrtgjfcjI  boom-mainsail.  -fejt^bom  (S3rig6ora; 
boom-mainsail  boom.  -fejlggaffcl  boom-maiQ' 
sail  gafF. 

SBrit,  ©rilfe  c  -r  wooden  plate;  (i  ©piO  man, 
(naont.  Cfficer)  piece;  (af  $ot)  bottom;  (TOentd. 
blank;  -r  P  (?5enge)  tin. 

SBrifS  c  -er  Harlequin's  wand;  (2eje)  pallet 
couch  of  boards. 

SBrtttant'  a  og  o  -er  brill'iaut.  -garn  tinse 
cord.    -i(b  egret-flre. 

SBriHcr  pi  spectacles,  glasses;  <1>  hawse-pleces 
SBrltte  (Srejeft.)  horse-shoe,  (i  Staf)  fork;  (Solurt 
seat;  -I-  =  SBriUer.  —  93riIIe{bol  fork-chue 
-bl)ller  jackass  penguin,  Spheniecw  dememi. 
■foberal  spectacle-case.  -glaå  spectacle-glass  el 
-lens.  -f-bagc  nose-saddle.  -inbfatning  fe  ftæn 
ger.  -tajman  spectacle-alligator,  ChampHa  acle- 
ropa.  -mager  spectacle-maker.  -flange  hooded 
snake,  cobra  de  capella,  Noja  tripudiens.  -ftættJ 
ger  pi  spectacle-frame.  1 

Sringe,  bragte,  bragt  vt  (i  Slim.)  bring;  takej 
fetch,  carry,  convey;  _  en  fjorbel  benefit  one; 
bet  bragte  lam  2®re  og  ^orbel  it  redounded  to 
his  honour  and  profit;  _  et  Dffer  make  a  sacri- 
fice;  _  bet  bibt  be  very  succesful,  achieve  great 
things,  go  far;  -for  Eofet  bring  to  light;  _  en 
fra  nt  divert  el.  dissuade  one  from;  _  2Q8  t 
clear  up;  ~  i  Srfaring  learn,  ascertain;  _  i 
Stiftem  reduce  to  a  system;  _  inb  bring  in, 
yield;  _  en  inb  (i  ©pil)  put  the  lead  in  one's  hånd; 
_  nt  Oder  fit  ©inb  bring  one's  self  to,  find  in 
one's  heait;  _  en  paa  nt  remind  one  of;  _  en 
paa  ben  Svante  lead  one  to  fancy;  _  en  paa  anore 
2:anter  make  one  change  his  mind;  ~  en  paa 
gobe  igen  retrieve  one's  affairs;  _  til  Stjbig^eb 
reduce  to  obedience;  _  til  gortdidlelfe  drive  to 
despair;  _  til  S^adS^eb  silence;  _  en  til  at  .  .  . 
make  one  .  .  .;  _  nt  til  ©ibe  hlde,  eonceal  some- 
thing;  _  en  til  at  gøre  nt  make  one  do  st;  _  bet 
(ber)tii  at  bring  matters  to  such  a  pass  that;  _ 
nt  ub  iblanbt  goll  spread  abroad;  ^an  -r  raeget 
nb  af  ben  ®aarb  he  makes  a  good  deal  by  that 
farm;  _  en  ub  af  bet  put  one  out. 

a3ringe  c  -r  (paa  ®Qr)  chest.  -brubt  a  galled 
on  the  chest. 

*SBringebær  n  &  c,  pi  =,  raspberry,  -bnfl  r. 
bush,  Rubus  idæus.  1 

SBringebrflj  a  broad-chested.  J 

SBringcr  c  -e  bringer,  bearer.  " 

SBringelrem  breast-strap.  -ftjjlle  brisket.  -ftærl 
fe  brøj.  -taj  breast-hamess.  —  SBring|lobbel  pole 
-straps.  *-loIl  brisket.  -ft^lle  (©elet.)  breast 
-plate,  -strap,    -fele  fe  SBringetøj. 

©rinl  c  -er  brink,  edge,  verge,  (ftejl,  deb  2?anb) 
bluff.    33rtnlet  a  steep,  precipitous. 

tS3rtnt  c  hydrogen.  Srtnt|c(f^re)  hydracid. 
-Inft  fe  iSrint.  -oberitte  peroxide  of  hydrogen, 
hydric  peroxide. 

SBrioi^'e  [ft.]  c  (a  kind  of)  bun,  brioche,  light 
sponge  cake. 

iBriqnett'er  pi  briquettes,  patent  fuel. 

S3ri§(e)  c  breeze.  SBrifc  vi:  bet  -r  op  there  is 
a  breeze,  a  b.  is  coming  up. 

SBrifl  c  -er,  fe  SBrifg. 

*S8rtfl  c  juniper  fe  (Sne^. 

*©rifle  fig  vr  meb  show  oflf. 

ajrtfle|bær  juniper  berry.  -laag  deeoction 
of  j. 

SSrtSling  c  -et  sprat,  Clupea  aprattua.  -fifleri 




SriSfel  c  sweetbread,  pancreas. 

'SBriåfel  c  brazil-wood,  sapau-wood. 

93rift  c  -er  <fe  =,  break,  rent;  fig  defect. 

SBri^e,  braft,  bruflet  (ogi.  >be  -t)  vi  burst,  crack, 
break  (ogf.  fio  ■  om  fjertet);  øjnene  -  the  eyes 
grow  dim;  bet  maa  _  etter  bære  it  must  break  or 
bend,  come  vveal  come  woe;  færbig  at  _  af 
Catter  ready  to  split  his  sides  with  laughing;  _ 
ub  i  flatter,  ®raob  burst  out  (a)  laughing,  crying. 
Stifte  vi  fflaa  fejl)  fail;  bet  -r  Ijam  x>^a.  Ubf)olcen= 
^eb  he  wauts  perseverauce.  -fcerbig  a  ready  to 
burst.  SBriftntnø  c  bursting  etc. 
i  ©ritlonicn  n  Brit'ain.  -ift  a  British,  -te  c 
-r  Briten. 

9Jro  c  -er  bridge;  (^aBiicbro)  pier,  jetty;  (i 
Sebel)  fire-bridge;  (©tenbro)  pavement;  —  fritte 
(Seg)  the  king  and  his  traiu,  thread-the-needle, 
the  bells  of  London;  f(aa  _  otier  throw  a  bridge 
over,  bridge  over.  -aabning  cut.  -aag  pier. 
-anlæg  fe  -bagning,  -baanb  pontoon.  -bane  road- 
way.  -fiue  arch  (of  a  bridge),  -btjgtttng  con- 
struction  of  bridges,  bridge  construction. 

SBtoi^ie  c  -r  brooch.  -c're  vt  sew,  stitch. 
-u're  c  -r  pamphlet.  -utrcarbcjbe  book-sewer's 

Sroti  c  -be  og  -ber  sting;  »(Spire)  sprout;  ftampe 
mob  -en  bihl  kick  against  the  pricks. 

SBrobtie,  *-8rot»  c  -ber  frostnail. 

SBrøbbe  vt  rough-shoe,  sharp-shoe. 

S^rotiben  abrittle,  fragile,  brobne^anber  broken 
heads,  brobne  Sar  i  atte  iionbe  every  country  has 
its  drawbacks;  there  are  black  sheep  in  every 

SBrober  c,  ni  SBrø'bre,  brother;  pi  i  relig.  ©til 
brethren;  (iWunt)  friar;  lijftig  _  merry  fellow, 
jolly  blade;  ^nl  -  cunning  dog;  _  Stberlig  rake; 
barmbjertige  Srobre  charity-friars;  10  S)aler  Ⱦrb 
mellem  SSrobre  10  dollars  and  cheap  at  that 
(price);  ^Ærøbrene  9J.  (girmo)  R.  Brothers,  -aanb 
brotherly  spirit.  -arti  fe  -lob.  -baanb  tie  of 
brotherhood.  -barn  child  ofa  brother.  -batter 

SBrobe're  vt  embroider;  fig  adom.  SBroberi  = 
garn  embroiderlng-thread.  -ntenfter  pattern  for 
embroidering.    -ramme  embroideriiig-frame.  -- 

Sroberen  c  embroidering.  JBrobercrffe  c  -r 

Srober'folt  sister  nation,  -forbunb  fraternity. 
-daanb  fraterual  hånd.  -^ab  fraternal  hatred. 
-^ilfen  brotherly  greeting. 

©roberi'  n  -er  embroldery;  mus  ornaments, 
embelli-shments.  -^anbcl  Berlin  shop.  S5robe'= 
ring  c  embroidering. 

9}rober{(one  brother's  wife.  -farlig  a  brotherly, 
fraternal.  -t(crligl)eb  fraternal  el.  brotherly  love. 
•1^8  fraterual  kiss.  -latt,  -lag  fraternity.  ©rO' 
bertig  a  brotherly,  fraternal.  IBroberltg^eb  c  fe 
-finb.  SroberlliU'e  je  SSror.  -lob  brother's  share 
of  an  inheritance.  -laS  a  brotherless.  -morb 
fratricide.  -morber,  -morbcrfte  fratricide.  -mor= 
ber(i)ff  a  fratricidal.  -Vogt  brotherly  alliance. 
->>art  fe  -lob;  tage  -en  take  the  lion's  share. 
•i»Iigt  u  brother's  duty,  duty  as  a  brother.  -ret 
brother's  right,  -rige  sister  kingdom.  -finb 
fraternal  spirit.  -ffaal:  brtfle  _  drink  eternal 
friendship.  -ffab  n  brotherhood,  fraternity; 
intet  _  i  Sortfptl  I  would  cheat  my  own  father 
at  cards.  -fjiiib,  -ftrib  dissension  between  bro- 
thers.  -fen  nephew.  -tblft  fe  -fplib.  -Dcnffab 
brotherly  friendship. 

iUroblfri,  -lǤ  a  stingless.  -fre  bur-weed, 
louse-burr,  Xanthium  xtmmarium.  -fjtlb  n,  poet 

iBro'ibragcr  girder  (of  a  bridge),  -bælle  plat- 
form, road-\va_y.  -fag  bay  (ofa  bridge),  -fartej 
pontoon.    -flejc  id  water-wings. 

SBrog  c  t  breeches;  ^  breeching.  -beile  breech- 

krøget  [aa]  a  pied,  party-coloured,  motley, 
varicgated;  -be  t^aroer  gaudy  colours;  en  _  ^eft 
a  piebald  horse;  _  So  a  brindled  cow;  bet  fer  _ 
ub  it  has  an  awkward  look;  ^er  gaor  bet  _  til 
these  are  Strange  goings-on;  ^an  gjorbe  mig  bet 
for  ~  he  was  rather  too  bad.  -fteb  c  variega- 

@ro|t)ammer  cross-beam.  -^ooeb  mil  tete-de 
-point,  bridge-head. 

33rof'  c  badger,  fe  ®ræt)ling. 

SBrot'  n  rupture,  hernia. 

SBrofa'be  c  brocadé. 

33ro{taVer  commission-agent's  runner.  -far  fe 

SBrotibaanb,  -binb  truss,  suspensory,  hemial 
bandage,    -bælte  hernial  belt. 

iBroIfugt  c  -e,  fe  fijejle. 

9roti)unb,  fe  ®ræ»lingl)unb. 

iBrol^æuelfe  c  swelling  caused  by  a  rupture. 

iBroftaåfe  c  waste-basket. 

iBrofte  c  -r  fragment,  scrap,  bit;  latinfte  -r 
scraps  of  Latin.  IBroffe  vt  break;  _  fammen 
piece  together.    -bi8  mh  in  fragments. 

Sro'flap  c  leaf,  flap  (of  a  bridge). 

33rofl(ige  c  surgeon  for  ruptures. 

!iBroforn  n  pontage  corn. 

SBrot|)iatient  suflterer  from  hemia.  -ffærer, 
-fniber,  -fnittcr  operator  for  hernia.  -tilfælbe 
rupture,  case  of  hernia. 

a3rolegerac  n  platform. 

SBrolæglge  vt  pave.  -ger  c  -e  pavior.  -ger> 
iomfru  paving-beetle.  -nlng  paving,  pave- 
ment.  -ning^fommtSfionen  the  Commissioners 
of  Paving. 

SSrom'  [6]  n  brome,  bromine. 

!^ro]manb  tollman  (of  a  bridge),  -materiet 
materials  for  ponton-bridges. 

tSrombrlnt  c  hydric  bromide. 

idiombcet  [6]  n  blackberry ,  bramble-berry. 
-buff  bramble(-bush),  blackberry  bush,  Bulnta 
friiticotiiit.  -fommerfugl  brimstone  butterfly, 

SBromefter  c  superintendent  of  bridges. 

SBromjforbinbetfe  compound  of  bromine;  pi 
bromides.  -falium  bromide  of  potassium,  po- 
tassic  bromide.  -metal  bromide.  -fl)re  bromic 
acid.  -f«lt)  bromide  of  Silver,  -»anbftof  fe -brint, 
-æter  bromic  ether. 

SBronift'lter  pi  bronchiæ.  -ia'I  bronch'ial. 
-it'ié  c  bronchi'tis. 

SBronje  c  bronze,  (hard)  brass.  -alberen  the  b. 
age  -fartje  b.  colour.  -farttet  a  b.-coloured. 
-folf  people  of  the  b.  age,  bronze  people.  -for= 
gQlbntng  wash-gilding.  -tultur  bronze-culture. 
•mebatUe  b.  medal.  -pultter  b.  powder.  -'re 
vt  bronze,  -'ring  c  bronzing.  -fager  b.  articlea 
(o.  fl.).  -ftjgbom  bronzed-skin,  Addison's  disease. 
-fam  cast  brass-nail.  -Parer  bronze  articles. 
-uarefabrifant  bronzist. 

!Bre{pcnge  bridge-toU,  pier-money,  pontage. 
-pille  pier  of  a  bridge,  -plabe  mil  bolster-plate. 
-pæl  pile. 

SJror  F  fe  SBrober.  -liUe  good  brother,  brother 

iBro'Iffanfe  fortification  of  a  bridge,  fe  -^otjeb. 
-ffelet  frame  (of  a  bridge),  -ffinne  bridge- rail. 
-flagning  fe  -btjgning.    -fliber  c  -e  lounger. 

!Bro3me  c  -r  torsk,  tusk,  Broamixis  vulgaris. 

SBro  Iftenpaving-stone.  -taarn  barbacan.  -træn 
ponton-train,  bridge-train. 

*3Srott  n,  pi  =,  shred;  breakers. 

99ro|tie)  road-way  (of  a  bridge).  -Pægt  plat- 
form balance,  weighbridge.  -«lne  pi  bridge 




JBroOte  vi  brag,  vapour,  make  a  boast  (aHe: 
af  of),  vaunt  (ub.  præp).  SBrotttcr  c  -e  bragger, 
braggart,  braggadocio,  vapourer.  iBcotiteri'  n 
bragging  etc. 

SBcr!  int  (®t)fen  o.  I.)  ugh!;  fe  fprt. 

!iBcua'tt  c   Malay   bear,    Helarctos    Malavamis. 

©rub'  n,  »«  =,  breach,  rupture  (6egge  ogf.  fig 
Uenigfieb),  fracture  (om  f)aarbe  ®enft.,  éen,  5!JJine= 
ralier);  céten=)  quarry;  (Ooertræb.)  breach;  tci  for 

-  mere  free  from  breakage;  ber  git  _  paa  ben  it 
was  broken;  bet  er  fommet  til  et  _  meHem  bent 
they  have  fallen  out,  quarrelled. 

fStttt  c  -e  bride,  zo  weasel;  ftaa  _  be  married. 

-  Srube|anb  summer  duck,  wood  duck,  Aix 
sponsa.  -blus  bridal  e(.  nuptial  torch.  -borb 
wedding-table,  nuptial  board,  -bæn!  bridal 
seat  -bragt  bridal  dress,  -f  olt  pi  bridal  couple. 
•færb  fe  SrtjEup§=.  -falflc  bridal  procession. 
-farer  he  that  gives  the  bride  away.  -gabe 
bridal  el.  nuptial  present.  -l)u§  bridal  house. 
+-jorafru  fe  -pige.  -tommer  bride-chamber,  nup- 
tial chamber.  f-tart  bride'sman.  -fjole  bridal 
el.  wedding  gown.  -ttceber  bridal  el.  nuptial 
garments.  -tone  married  bride'smaid.  -tranS 
nuptial  wreath.  -trone  bridal  crown.  -I^§ 
bridal  kiss.  -teje  fe  -feng.  -It)§  ^  flowering 
-rush,  Butomus  umbellatus.  -mart^  w^edding 
march,    -nat  fe  S3r^IIup8=. 

SSrub'cn  «  taroken,  fractured;  -bne  %aX  frac- 
tional  numbers. 

Srub'cnber  pi  ends  of  the  fractured  bone. 

S3rube|bar  bridal  pair,  new-married  couple. 
+-<)cngc  fe  -gooe.  -:øtge  bride'smaid.  -^^nt  bridal 
attire.  -ring  wedding-ring.  -fang  nuptial  song, 
epithalamium.  -feng  bridebed,  nuptial  bed. 
-ftammct:  føre  til  -flainlen  marry.  -ftarc  bridal 
procession,  -ftat  dower.  -ffænt  fe  -gaoe.  *-f(aat 
fe  -marc^.  -fler  bridal  veil;  ehalk-plant,  Gvp- 
»ophila.  •\vx'i)tlt  bridal  ornament.  -ftab§  fe  -p^nt. 
-fbenb  fe  -tort.  -tale  nuptial  discourse.  -f-terne 
fe  -pige.  -ubft^r  wedding  outflt  trousseau.  -bcr§ 
fe  -fang.  -btetfe  nuptial  ceremony.  -bife  n. 

ajrubflabe  surface  of  fracture. 

SBrubgom  c  -me  bridegroom.  SrubgomSmanb 

S8rub|grænfc  (f.  (SfS.  3ærn§)  breaking  straiu. 
-ften  quarry-stone.  -ft^lte  fragment,  -ftljtfeogtig 
a  fragmentary.    93rubt  part  af  SSrtjbe. 

SBrng  c  use,  employment;  (Sfif)  practice, 
custom,  usage;  t  (Sebrift)  tråde,  business;  Drbene 
og  bereS  forffetlige  _  the  words  and  their  dif- 
ferent  uses;  gøre  -  af  make  use  of;  til  ~  for 
use;  til  _  for  for  the  use  of;  ingen  ~  for  no  use 
el.  occasion  for;  bet  er  ^er  ©fif  og  ~  it  is  the 
custom  hore;  gaa  af  -  go  out  of  use,  fall  into 
disuse  el.  desuetude;  fontme  i  _  get  et.  come 
into  use.  SBrug  n,  pi  =;,  works,  manufaetory; 
business,  -bar  a  flt  for  use,  usable,  serviceable, 
efflcient;  i  _  ©tanb  serviceable.  -barfieb  c  fit- 
ness for  use,  usefulness. 

SBrngbe  c  -r  fe  SBr^gbe. 

33ruge,  -t'e,  -V  vt  use,  employ;  (for6ruge)  con- 
sume,  ($enge)  spend;  (pleje)  be  in  the  habit  of; 

-  fin  jCtb  bet  make  a  good  use  of  one's  time;  ~ 
nt  mob  en  ©ijgbom  take  something  for  a  com- 
plaint;   _  Soba!,    9jjebtcin  take   snuff,    medicine; 

-  5|5ar^f  wear  a  wig;  -  en  ftreng  S)iæt  observe  a 
strict  regimen;  _  .forben  till  el.  cultivate  the 
ground;  _  SUunb,  *  _  fig  use  bad,  impertinent, 
abusive,  language;  _  58enene  make  use  of  one's 
legs,  p  stir  one's  stumps;  naar  bet  fEal  -§  when 
wanted  for  use;  bet  Ian  ^an  ~  that  is  in  his 
way;  bi  -te  to  ®age  til  at  it  took  us  two  days 
to  el.  we  took  two  days  to;  _  lang  2;tb  til  at  be 
slow  of  -ing;   _  op  consume,  cxpend,   use  the 


whole;  _  fig  exert  el.  bestir  one's  self;  bet  -I 
ifte  l)et  til  SanbS  it  is  not  the  custom  in  this 
country;  brugte  S'læber  second  hånd  clothes; 
-gt  Øaroerbart  spent  tan-bark.  JBrugelig  a  fit 
for  use,  (olminbelig)  customary,  usual,  in  use;  -t 
5Sont  mortgage  of  personalty.  33ruger  c  -e  user; 
fe  J^orDbruger,  (forbruger. 

S3rngS|onbt§ning  directions  for  use.  -eje: 
owner  of  a  manufaetory.  -forening  supply 
association,  -^abcr  usufructuary.  -^eft  work 
-horse.  -t)(ebb  prescription.  -maabe  method 
of  using;  (om  Sorb)  mode  of  cultivation.  -pa- 
tron  fe  -ejer.  -ret  right  of  using,  usufruct.  -ffote 
faetory  school.  -tt)beri  trespass.  -bærbi  value 
for  use  el.  as  an  article  for  use. 

SBrum'  n  growl.  -ba§fe  c  growler;  (Segetøj) 
humming-top.  SBrumle  vt  (fumme)  hum,  buzz; 
(fmaaffænbe)  grumble,  growl.  ©rumlen  c  growl- 
ing.    ©rumme  vi  growl;  fig  grumble. 

t©rttmmcn  de/  f  joc  the  black  hole,  durance 
Vile.  ©rummetur  c:  en  Waaneba  _  a  month  in 
the  black  hole. 

©run  a  brown;  en  _  $eft  a  bay  el.  brown 
horse;  -en  Brownie;  bet  -e  paa  ©tegen  the  crust. 
-agtig  «  brownish.  -alger  pi  fucaceæ.  -blat  a 
fe  -røb.  -bliSfct  a  brown  with  a  white  blaze. 
©rune  vt  brown,  embrown,  ($uben)  bronze; 
(^øb)  brown,  fry;  -t  ©mør  browned  el.  burnt 
butter;  -§,  -  fig  become  brown,  turn  brown; 
SSinb  og  SSejr  ^abbe  -t  ^am  he  was  weather 

©runel'  n  lasting. 

©runett'e  c  ^  self-heal,  Prunella;  fe  Qfærn«'] 

©runc're  vt  brown,  burnish. 

©runet'  «  dark-complexioned.     ©rnnet'te 
-r  brunette. 

©rn'nlgul  a  brownish  yellow,  (om  ^eft)  sorrel. 
-{jaaret  a  brown-haired.  -f)fl  mow-burnt  hay. 
-jærnften  limonite,  bog  iron.  -taal  borecole. 
-tul  lignite,  brown-coal.  -(aben,  -lig  a  brown- 
ish. -tabet  a  of  a  brown  colour.  -male  vt 
paint  brown.  -malt  brown  el.  kiln-dried  malt. 
-natte  widgeon,  Anaepenelope,  fe  Xoffelonb.  -rob 
brown-wort,  Scrophularia.  -rab  a  sorrel.  -r«bt 
red  ochre,  Indian  red.  -fpaan  brazil-  el.  sapaU; 
-wood.    -fpat  dolomite. 

©runft  c  rut,  rutting  season. 

©ru'niftcgt  a  done  brown.    -ften  mauganese. 

©runftig  a  rutting,  in  heat,  in  must. 

©ru'nftribet  a  brown-striped. 

©runfttib  e  rutting  time,  rut. 

©runé'Big  n  Brunswick. 

©runltigret  a  brown-striped.  -e'ytt  a  brown 

©rué  n  rushing  sound,  roar;  *aerated  waters. 

©ru§,  ©rufc  c  -r  (paa  SSanbfanbe  o.  be§l.)  rose. 
©rufle,  -te,  -t  vi  etfervesce,  froth,  foam;  (§aoet) 
roar,  rush;  §anen  -r  fig  op  the  cock  puffs  him- 
self  up;  Salt  -r  meh  ©Qrer  lime  eflfervesces  with 
acids;  {)on  -r  let  op  he  is  apt  to  fly  out,  flre  up; 
-enbe  a  etfervescing  etc;  fig  impetuous,  tur- 
bulent, -en  c  efltervescing  etc;  eifervescence; 
($atiet§)  roaring.  -f|ane  c  rutf.  Machetes  pugnax. 
-^Obeb  hot-headed  person,    -^ene  reeve. 

©rufl  c  gristle,  cartilage.  -agtig  a  gristly, 
cartilaginous.  -betcenbelfe  inflammation  of  the 
cartilages.  -Bæger  whitlow-grass,  Illecebrum. 
-btjr  cartilaginous  animal.  -et  a  fe  -agtig.  -fift 
chondropteryginous  flsh.  -^inbe  perichondrium. 
-lim  chondrine.  -^labe  cartilaginous  lamina. 
-fbulft  enchondroma. 

©rtt'§|limonabe  efi'ervescing  lemonade,  -ning 
c  fe  ©rufen.    -))ulber  etfervescent  powder. 

©ruftet  fe  ©rifte. 








SJruta'I  a  bru'tal,  churlish,  buUying;  en  _ 
*3erfon  a  bully.    -Ite't  c  brutal'ity. 

S9cutto--bel«b  gross-amount  -effelt  gross  efFect. 
-fragt  gross-freight.  •inbtcegt,  -Hbbqtte  gross 
amount  ofreceipts,  gross  earniugs.  -oaegt  gross 

*»r«)  F  ?e  »rQbe  (plage). 

8rl)l>  fe  SBr^bert. 

SBr^'bbar  a  opt  refrangible.  -^eb  c  refrang- 

SSr^be,  6røb,  brubt  vt  &  i  (brælfe)  break;  (om 
£q?et)  refract;  (om  @øen)  break;  (plage)  plagne, 
trouble,  annoy;  _  fit  ^obeb  puzzle,  rack,  cudgel 
one's  brain;  _  ^»r  break  flax:  ~  ©ten  quarry 
stene;  _  Qvti  dig  out  ore;  -  iJaften  J,  break 
bulk;  _  fit  Søfte,  fin  ®b  break  one's  promise, 
oath;  Sabelen  -r  ^eften  the  saddle  galls  the  horse; 
_  fttebfen,  Soget  part  company;  _  Sfen  break  the 
Ice  (ogf.  fig)i  -  SaoSftcben  break  silence;  _  af  < 
break  oflF;  t  (i  Salen)  stop;  meb  SRober  til  ^ojre, 
6r^b  of!  right  file!  -frem  break  forth,  emerge; 
2)agen  6røb  frem  dav  broke,  dawned;  -igennem 
break  through;  _  inb  break  in,  force  an  en- 
trance;  _  inb  i  fianbet  invade  the  country;  _  inb 
i  et  ^u8  break  into  a  house;  _  inb  ooer  break 
in  upon;  _  itu  break;  _  Iø§  break  loose;  _ 
meb  en  break  with  one;  _  meb  en  aSane  break 
(one's  self  of)  a  habit;  ~  neb  break  down;  _  op 
(opSr^be)  break  el.  force  open,  (afmar(^ere)  march; 
(om  Saar)  burst;  Selftabet,  goriamlingen  brøb  op 
the  party,  meeting  broke  up;  3!«"  -'^  op  the  ice 
is  breaking  up;  _  StaOen  ooer  condemn;  -  poa 
bet  Xflfte  have  a  German  accent;  _  ub  (af  5æng= 
fel)  break  (out  of;  prison;  _  ub  i  Satter  burst  out 
laughing;  Qilbcn,  ftrigen  6røb  ub  the  fire,  war 
broke  out;  —  vr  fig  meb  trouble  one's  self 
with;  _  fig  om  care  about,  mind;  aa,  brt)b  35em 
tfle  om  bet!  don't  trouble  yourself,  never  you 
mind;  brpb  big  iffe  om  mig  never  mind  me;  jeg 
-r  mig  iffe  om  bet  I  don't  care  about  it  cl.  for 
it;  jeg  -r  mig  iffe  om  at  gaa  I  don't  care  to  go 
el.  about  going;  —  DrpbeS  be  broken  etc, 
(Samp)  wrestle.  tSBr^bcliboéfe  wrestler.  -fam)) 
wrgstling-match.  -lunft  the  art  of  wrestling. 
-Icg  wrestling.  S3rqbclig  a  frangible.  that  may 
be  broken.  SBrQben  c  breaking  etc;  wrestling. 
Sr^belplabd  wrestling-place.  -ri'  n  -er  trouble, 
pother,  bother.  -ftattg  crowbar.  -tag  (grasp  In) 

Srqblning  c  breaking  etc. ;  wre.stling;  ^jy  con- 
fllct;  HljSftraaleme?  _  refraction  of  light.  -ttingS^ 
Vinlel  angle  of  refraction.    -fom  a  troublesome. 

"8rqe  c  -r  fe  Srug. 

Sr^g'  c  brewing. 

SBr^gbe  c  -r  basking  shark,  sun-fish,  Selachus 

^r^gge  vt  brew. 

SSrQgge  n  CiBp)  Bruges. 

9)rl9gge  c  -r  wharf,  quay,  fublobenbe)  pier,  jetty. 
-onlreg  wharfing.  -ejer  wharf  owner.  -for  pier. 
-mefter  wharfinger.  -leje,  -^enge  pier-money. 
-ti(ab§  wharfage. 

iBrqggetebel  c  brewing  copper. 

S3rt)ggcr  c  -e  brewer.  -gaarb  brewe^J^  -^cft 
brewer's  horse,  dray-horse.  -  (el.  SSr^gOftuå 
brew-  el.  brewing  house,  scullery.  -lar  brew- 
ing vat.  -larl  brewer's  man,  drajnnan.  -tebel 
brewer's  copper.  -tnægt  brewer's  servant,  dray- 
man  -lati  brewer's  Corporation,  -nærttig 
brewer's  tråde,  -oon  brewing-fumace.  -rcbffab 
brewing-utensil.  ISr^ggerS  n  scullery.  SBr^g- 
geriffuffe  sled.  -foenb  journeyman- brewer. 
-bogn  draycart. 

■"érbggEfjoocr  c  quay  porter,  lumper. 

93rt)g!t)ud  fe  SBrpgger-.  -mefter  master  brewer. 
Sr^gning  c  brewing. 

S)rt)Uup  n  -per  wedding ,  nuptials ,  bridal, 
marriage;  fjabe,  ftolbe  -  celebrate  a  wedding,  be 
married,  gøre  _  pay  the  expenses  of  a  wedding; 
bære  til  -  be  at  a  wedding;  -pet  i  ©ana  the  mar- 
riage in  Cana.  —  Sr^QupSiborb  wedding  din- 
ner.  -breu  invitation  to  a  wedding.  -bag  wed- 
ding-day.  -bragt  wedding-dress,  nuptial  gar- 
ments.  -fcft  fe  -^ojtib.  -fol!  wedding  el.  nuptial 
guests.  -færb  wedding  festival,  bridal.  -gilbe 
wedding(-feast).  -gæft  wedding-guest.  -Ijufet 
de/  the  house  in  which  the  wedding  is  cele- 
brated;  bibl  _  bleo  fulbt  af  ®æfter  the  wedding 
was  furni.shed  with  guests,  -^øjtib  nuptial 
festival,  -f  jole  wedding  gown.  -flicber  nuptial 
el.  wedding  garments.  -ticebning  bibl  wedding 
garment.  -nat  bridal  night.  -p^nt  wedding 
finery.  -rejfe  wedding-trip.  -ftilfc  wedding 
ceremonies  el.  customs,  sponsal  rites,  -berl 
nuptial  verse,  epithalamium. 

årq«  n,  pi  =,  (af  en  .&øj)  brow;  (om  SZSjet) 
eyebrow;  (om  ^abet)  expanse,  surface  of  the 
ocean,  fe  Sfoo=. 

!@r^nbe  c  heat,  passion,  lust;  bet  er  bebre  at 
gifte  fig  enb  at  Itbe  -  bibl  it  is  better  to  marry 
than  to  burn.    -t^iBr^nbig  a  fervent. 

*!8rqnc  n  whetstone.  SSr^ne  vt  (ogf.  t  prov) 
whet,  sharpen.    -ften  c  whetstone. 

iBr^nje  c  -r  coat  of  mail,  ruirass.  -ftofer  pi 
mail-hose.  -ttcebt  a  mail-clad.  -trabe  gorget. 
■laå  a  without  a  coat  of  mail. 

!Brqo(ogi'  c  bryology. 

SBr^ff  a  blunt,  churlish. 

»rt)åfe(  n  Brussels.  a3rt)dfeler|fni^linger, 
-tæpper  Brussels  lace,  carpets. 

Sr^ft  n  er  (meft  om  bet  ubBenbige)  breast,  (om 
bet  inboenbige  og  bet  ^ele)  chest;  (3nfeft»)  thorax; 
(poa  93oIt,  Strue  o.  I.)  shoulder;  (p.  9J»gIe)  stamp; 
(p.  fRopert)  transom;  -er  breasts;  gioe  _  give  suck, 
lægge  til  -et  suckle;  flaa  fig  for  -ft  strike  (smite) 
one's  breast;  fjatie  fbagt,  ftærft  _  have  a  weak, 
strong  chest;  booe  ©merter  i  et,  onbt  for  -et  have 
a  pain  in  one's  chest;  bet  falbt  ^am  for  -et  it 
staggered  him;  _  mob  _  breast  to  breast.  -arb 
succession  in  the  descending  line  -orbitig  de- 
scendant.  -ben  breast-bone,  sternum  -betæif 
bclfe  inflammation  of  the  chest,  pleurisy.  -bH= 
lebe  bust,  half  length  picture.  -blol  J^.  shoulder 
-block.  -bolt  shoulder-bolt  (o  fl.).  -bom  yarn 
-beam.  -bugfinncbe  pi  thoracics.  -bljlb  abscess 
in  the  lungs.  empyema  -bælte  breast-band. 
-bær,  -bærtræ  jnjube,  Zizyphus  vulgarin.  -bratt' 
ber  pectoral  essence.  -brit  pectoral  decoction. 
-bug  under  waistcoat,  bosom-friend.  8r»)fte  fig 
vr  draw  one's  self  up,  bridle  up,  (af  nt  i  boast 
of.  Srl)ft|ftnne  pectoral  fin.  -forf«leIfe  cold  ou 
the  chest  -fortøjning,  -fæfte  breast-fast.  -gang 
thoracic  duet.  -gæng^  adv  headlong.  -jammer 
lift  hammer,  -^arnifl  annour  for  the  breast, 
breastplate,  corslet.  -^inbe  pleura.  -I)tnbe= 
betænbetfe  pleurisy.  -Iijnl  breast-wheel.  -Ijnlc, 
-t)ulf)cb  cavity  of  the  chest,  thoracic  cavity. 
-jjoirbel  dorsal  vertebra.  -^«j  a  breasthigh. 
-b«jbe:  i  -  breast-high.  -inbtæg  shirt-front. 
•!oge  pectoral  lozenge;  joc  blow  on  the  chest. 
-lasfe  chest.  -tatarrfi  catarrh  on  the  chest, 
bronchitis.  -tirtet  mammary  gland.  -tiemmelfe 
oppression  at  the  chest.  -Irampc  spasm  in  the 
chest.  -Irabe  shirt-front,  half-shirt  -tap  fe  -bug. 
-lomme  breast-pocket.  -mibbcl  pectoral  remedy. 
-mur  breast- wall,  parapet.  -mnffcl  thoracic 
m\iscle.  -naal  breastpin,  shirt-pin,  brooch. 
Sr^ftntng  fe  -mur.  S3r^ftj;niKgS)panel  back  of 
a  window.  -))labe  breast-piece,  (iampm.)  breast 
-plate.  -^»100  breast-plough.  -rem  breast-.strap, 
poitral.  -ring  (^nf.)  section  of  the  thorax.  -faft 
pectoral   syrup.    -fele  fe  83rtng>.    -ffjolb   breast 




-plate;  (Qii?.)  thorax.  -flajfe  breastknot.  -flet 
«  nun's  stomacher.  -fntcrte  pain  in  the  chest. 
-f  jn«!te  stomacher.  -[1601016  uatural  voice,  chest 
voice.  -fttimtnel  tucker,  modesty-piece.  -ft^tte 
(af  ®i)r)  breast,  brisket;  (3nf.)  thorax;  (-BtHebe) 
bust;  (•^ornift)  breast-plate;  (Sotnpm.)  shoulder 
-piece.  +-fottig  fe  -fi)g.  -futter  sweet  kisses, 
barley-sugar.  -fOog  a  weak-chested.  -ftiag^eb 
weakness  of  the  chest.  -fbing  brace.  -fflg  a 
having  a  complaint  in  the  chest.  -f^gbom, 
-ftlflC  disease  of  the  chest,  chest-complaint. 
-fæt  pleura.  -ia^  (iBr^bn.)  hug.  -tap  shouldered 
tenon.  -te  pectoral  tea.  -tllfæliie  chest  affec- 
tion.  -tone  chest  note.  -Oatterfot  dropsy  in 
the  chest,  water  on  the  c.  -Otnbue  fe  ®abh. 
•oottc  nippie.  -»æt!,  -uærn  breast -work, 

SBræ  c  -er  (38=)  glacier,  (Sne=)  snow-field,  field 
of  eternal  snow,  nevé. 

SBrøebe  vt  tar. 

tiBtæber  pi  boards;  iie  (Scenen,  ogf.  ''•'■)  the 
stage,  the  boards;  Ⱦre  paa  -ne  be  on  the  stage; 
Jig  iian  er  beftanbig  inaa  ~  he  is  constantly  on 
view.  —  !Bræbe|fe6er  stage  funk.  -gulo  deal 
floor.  -ftiHcrum  partition  of  boards,  -ffur 
shed  of  boards,  -oogtt  cart,  waggon,  -uæg 
board-parti  tion. 

SBræge  vi  bleat,  baa;  cont  (om  ^JJftr.)  bray.  -n 
c  bleating,  baaing. 

Sræf  c  &  n,  pi  =,  (iBrub)  break,  rupture, 
breach,  crack,  rent;  (SJeftobigelfe;  breakage; 
(SJiangel)  defect,  imperfection  -jammer  mason's 
hammer,    -jærn  fe    ftong. 

SBrætta'ge  c  brea'kage. 

"■■■SBrættc  c  -r  steep  ascent  (esp  in  a  road). 

SBrætite  [imp  ogf.  brat]  rt  break,  fracture;  vi 
break:  _  golfen  break  one's  neck;  _  $aptr  fold, 
crease  paper;  -  Jtanten  t>aa  snape,  flinch;  _  éul 
paa  en  gioffe  crack  a  bottle;  _  Saften  break  bulk. 
_  et  58reo  break  open  a  letter;    _  fra  break  off; 

-  om,  fe  Dmbrætte;  _  op  break  open;  (tofte  op) 
vomit  up,  throw  up;  tage  inb  ot  _  paa  take  an 
emetic;  w  ftg  vomit,  puke,  p  shoot  the  cat. 
SBrict|IeItg  a  apt  to  break,  frangible,  easily 
broken.  -Itiærn  crushing-mill.  -mibbet  emetic. 
•ntng  c  breaking  etc;  vomiting  etc;  9lnteret  er 
i  _  the  anchor  is  apeak.  -n«b  vomic-nut. 
•pultier  emetic  powder.  -rob  ipecacuanha. 
-ftang  iron  crow,  crowbar.  -fuHet  sugar  boiled 
to  candy  height.  -fir  )e  SBraabfø.  -banb  solution 
of  tartar  emetic.  -Pin  antimonial  wine.  -Pitt= 
ftcn  tartar  emetic.    *-Pogn  break- van. 

S3ræm',  SScæmme  c  -r  border,  edging,  trim- 
ming;  (^rtjnfe)  fringe.  ^tcemmt  vt  border,  edge, 

SBræmé  fe  SBremS. 

iBrænblalberen  the  buming  age,  the  age  of 
flre.  -bor  a  combustible,  inflammable.  -bar^eb. 
c  combustibility,  inflammability. 

SBrænbe,  -te  (='  vi  ogf.  branbt,  branb),  -t  vt 
bum;  seorch,  sear;  commit  to  the  flames;  vi 
burn,  be  on  fire;  (brcenbemærfe)  brand;  (2tg; 
cremate;  (ætfe)  chir  cauterize;  (om  Sfælber)  sting; 

-  Snl  char  wood;  _  <)Sotter,  3;eglften  bake  pots, 
tiles;  _  SSrrenbeOin  distil  spirits;  _  Kaffe  roast 
colfee;  _  og  ftænbe  destroy  with  fire  and  sword; 

-  SSunben  af  et  Stib  bream  a  ship;  _  af  S3egær= 
lig^eb,  SBrebe  burn  with  desire,  anger;  jeg  -bte  af 
Sriger.nob  I  was  flred  with  military  ardour;  bet 
-r  i  Donen  there  is  a  fire  in  the  stove;  bet  ^ar 
-t  i  9Jat  paa  to  Steber  there  was  a  fire  last  night 
in  two  piaces;  |)uiet  -te  af  the  house  was  burnt 
down;  -  af  Oijro.  o.  I.)  let  oft';  -efter  hang 
flre;  ~  efter  at  burn  with  de.sire  to;  -for  flash 
in  the  pan;  I)an(§  fjerte)  -r  for  ^enbe  he  dotes 
upon  her;   bet  ^ar  -bt  for  ^am  there  has  been  a 

flre  at  his  house;  _  inbe  t  fe  3nbe6rænbe; 
perish  in  the  flames;  _  inbe  meb  be  left  with 
.  .  .  on  one's  hånds;  -  neb  burn  out;  _  op  < 
bum,  i  be  burut,  be  destroy  ed  by  flre;  -  paa  i 
bum  to  the  pot;  i  (gioe  Qlb)  fire;  _  fammen  t 
fuse  together,  set,  i  decompose,  diminish  by 
decomposition:  _  \iQ  fig  bum  one's  fingers;  — 
brænbenbea  buming  etc;  -nbe  ftærligljeb  ardent 
aff"ection;  Sf  scarlet  lychnis,  Lyclinis  chalcedonica; 
-nbe  ©pørglmaal  burning  question;  brænbt  Sfabe 
a  burn,  scald;  fe  SSarn;  fig  jeg  er  bleben  -bt  I 
have  burnt  my  fingers,  åjrcenbe  n  t  fire-wood; 
•'■'fuel;  ^ugge  ~  chop  wood;  en  ^a\m  ~  a  cord  of 
wood.  t-affolb  chips.  33r(cnbc{breo  fe  TOoale- 
breo.  -bærer  carrier  of  wood.  -fang  supply  of 
wood.  -gla§  fe  S8rænb=.  -gople  sea-nettle, 
Uyanea  capillata.  -^anbler  firewood-seller.  -^ug= 
ger  woodeutter,  hewer  of  wood.  -^uå  wood 
-house,  -jærn  (til  at  brænbe  TOærfe)  branding 
iron;  vet  cauter;  (StrøUejcern)  curling  tongs. 
-laSfe  firewood-box.  -furo  firewood- basket. 
-f  (elber  wood-cellar,  -hole.  -loft  wood -loft. 
•mangel  scarcity  of  wood.  -material  fe  a3rænbfel= 
emne.  -mefter  fore-man.  -mærfe  brand,  stigma. 
-ttiærfe  vt  brand,  stigmatize.  -mcertning  c 
branding,  stigmatizing.  !!3r(cnbe{n  c  burning 
etc.  -nælbc  nettle,  Urtica.  -olb  fe  iBrænbalber. 
•oplag.  -plabS  wood-yard.  -panbe  crucible. 
-pri§  price  of  fire-wood.  iSrænber  c  -e  bumer; 
j/  portfire.  Srrenberi  n  fe  sBrænbeoinSbrænbcri, 
3;egl=,  talt-  ofo.  ©rænbertlorl  distiller's  man. 
S5rænbe|ffo»  fe  Srænbfelftoo.  -ftærer  sawyer  of 
fire-wood.  -ftabel  pile,  stack  of  fire-wood. 
•tiable  fe  -gople,    -beb  fire-wood. 

93raeHbePin  «  &  c  spirits,  eip  whiskey,  gin, 
ardentspirit(s),  (naonl.  franft) brandy;  gennemfruftet 
meb  ~  brandied.  —  SBrænbcptnélbrænber  distiller 
of  spirits.  -brænberi  distillery.  -brænbing  distil- 
ling,  distillation.  -gloå  dram-glass.  •febcl  still. 
•fur  alcoholism.  J;,  -fælber  spirit-room.  -lugt 
smell  of  brandy,  -manb  (-brænber)  distiller; 
(-^anbler)  dealer  in  spirits.  -panbe  still,  -preber 
alcoholmeter.  *-ret  licence  to  sell  spirits.  -tBlb 
duty  on  spirits.  -t«j  distilliug  apparatus.  -ub« 
folg  selling  of  brandy;  oono  gin-shop. 

SBrænbclttærbt  value  as  fuel.  -aUe  wood 
cutter's  axe. 

SrættbjgtaS  buming-glass,  sun-glass.  -gople 
fe  i8rænbe=.  -^cb  a  buming  hot.  -^ebe  burning 
el.  scorching  heat.  '-licette  fe  Srænbencelbe. 
SBrtenbing  c  burning  etc;  (mob  Stranb  el.  ftlippe) 
surf,  breakers.  SBrænb|linte  caustic  (curve). 
'■■"-neSle  fe  SBrænbenælbe.  -offer  burnt  off"ering, 
holocaust,  -offeralter  altar  of  burnt  oflTering. 
•o»n  furnace,  kiln.    -puntt  focus. 

!Ørænbfel  n  fuel,  firing,  -befparelfe  saving  of 
fuel.  -befparenbe  a  fuel-saving.  -emne  fuel, 
combustible  matter,  -forbrug  consumption  of 
fuel.  -tt«b  scarcity  of  fuel.  -ffoo  a  wood  in- 
tended  for  fuel.  -fpilb(e)  waste  of  fuel.  -ftof 
fe  -emne.    •(é)bærbi  value  as  fuel. 

©rænbifpejl  buming-mirror.  -ftoal  blister 
Steel,  -oable  fe  SSrænbegopIe.  -oibbe  focal  length 
el.  distance. 

"•^'SJræt'  c  og  n  turned  up  (el.  down)  edge,  brim 
el.  end;  lægge  _  i  en  S8og  turn  down  el.  dog's 
-ear  a  page;  fig  lægge  -  paa  lay  stress  on. 

f&tat'  M  -ter  og  Stræber  board;  (SSatfe)  tray; 
paa  et  ~  at  onee,  cff"-hand;  paa  brt  forte  _  in  bad 
odour,  on  the  black  list;  fpilte  føtft  of  -tet  play 
the  losing  game.  -frætS  waste  on  the  work 
-table.    -fpil  draughts,  chess. 

'*©rætte  vt  _  op  tum,  el.  double  up;  -  nel 
turn  down;  undouble. 

•'Srættclgnlo  fe  S3ræbe».    -lægge  vt  board. 

aSrab  imp  af  SSr^be. 





Sr«b  n,  pi  =,  bread;  et  Srob  a  loaf  (of  breadj; 
brt  gi!  af  ?om  cormt  -  it  sold  like  penny  rolls, 
it  sold  like  wildfire;  fortjene  fit  _  earn  el.  make 
oue's  bread;  fibbe  i  et  gobt  -  have  a  good  business, 
a  snug  plac-e  el.  herth;  Dære  i  enS  _  eat  oue'.s 
))read;  tage  -et  af  Wunbcn  paa  en  take  away  one's 
bread;  een  WanbS  -  en  anben  røanbg  Xøb  oue 
man's  breath  another  man's  death;  flaa  et  ftort 
-  op  lav  an  ambitions  plan;  fe  58anb.  !Brøti|aftaIb 
waste  bread.  -bager  baker.  -bagning  baking 
of  bread,  bread-making.  -batte  bread-basket, 
J^  bread  barge.  -bob  baker's  shop.  -boUe 
dumpling,  little  ball  of  bread. 

9t«be  c  fault,  blame,  guilt.  -betinget  -bcbtbft 
a  consc'ious  (of  one's  guilt)  guilly.  -bebibft^eb 
consciousness  of  guilt.  -fri  a  faultless,  blame-,  guiltless.  -fu(b  n  faulty,  guilty,  culpable. 
-fulbbeb  guiltiness.     +-leé  fe  -fri. 

©rebemne  bread-stufl'. 

SBrebeiffljlb  guiltiness.  -fmittet  a  guilt-stained. 
-I-tung  a  guilty. 

©røblforoanbling  transubstantiation.  -frugt 
bread-fruit.  -frugttræ  bread-(fruit)  tree,  Arto- 
carpus  incisa.  -føbe  food  (esp  derived  from 
bread-stuffs),  sustenance.  -føbe  vt  &  r  supply 
With  l)read-stuffs;  maintain,  support;  Sanbet  fan 
i!fe  -  flg  cannot  supply  its  own  population  with 
bread.  -^erre  employer,  master,  -f ammer 
bread-room.  -tniO  bread -knife.  -fone  l^read 
-woman.  -torn  l)read-oorn.  -frumme  crumb  of 
bread.  -turb  bread  basket,  pannier.  -!«j  J,. 
fe  -fammer.  -Icb  flat-oake.  -ia§  a  breadless, 
without  bread;  -e  ^unfter  unprofitable  pursuits. 
•mangel  searcity  of  bread.  -mærte  baker's  mark. 
-ntb  (professional)  jealousy.  -  og  iBtn-))enge 
sacrament-money,  dominicals.  -^^lante  cereal. 
•po^e  bread-bag. 

S3r«'bre  fe  SSrober-  -lag  fe  S3rober=.  -menig^ 
l|Cben  the  United  Brethren.  -ffiftc  division  of 
inheritance  between  brothers.    -prib  fe  a3rober=. 

9rø'b|rug  rye  for  bread.  -fauce  bread-sauce. 
-ftben  the  kissing-crust.  -ftimmet  mould,  musti- 
ness  (of  bread).  -ftibe  slice  of  bread,  (riftet) 
toast.  -fIor))e  crust  of  bread.  -ftrifter  usual 
printing-letters.  -ftærer  bread-cutter.  -fmule 
fe  -frumme.  -forg  fe  giæringSforg.  -ftof  fe  -emne. 
•ftubium  professional  .study.  -fu^fie  panado, 
panade.  -tatft  Ijread-rate.  -trang  fe  -mangel. 
-t^b  (untjttig  ijeuer)  useless  servant,  drone;  (ben 
fom  tager  9iæringen  fra  anbre)  spoil-trade.  -tær= 
ning  cipet.  -uonb  toast  and  water.  -bibenftab 
leamed  profession,    -bogn  bread-cart. 

S3r«t  c  -er  fraction;  uægte  _  improper  fraction. 
-bel  fractional  part,  fraction.    -regning  fractions. 

58r«(  n,  pi  =,  roar,  Ijellow.  S3re(e  vi  roar, 
bellow.  SBrøIeabe  preacher  monkey,  Mycetes. 
^v9Un  c  roaring  etc.    SBrøter  c  -e  roarer. 

!Srenb  c  -e  well  (ogf.  i  giftetbafe  og  HI  ©frue), 
draw-well;  rejfe  til  en  go  to  the  wells,  waters; 
bet  er  for  fent  ot  fafte  -en  tit,  naar  ?}arnet  er 
brufnet  lock  the  stable-door,  before  the  steed 
is  stolen;  after  death  the  doctor.  -aare  well 
-spring,  -anftalt  watering  place.  -borer  well 
-borer,  well-driller.  -graber  well-digger,  Avell 
-sinker,  -grabning  well-sinking.  -gæft  visitor 
at  a  watering  place.  -^age  fe  -trog.  -_^jul  wheel 
el.  pulley  for  drawing  water.  -inbf  atning,  -larm 
brick  work  el.  parapet  round  a  well.  f-jnnge  fe 
-fpanb.  -larfe  water-cress,  Nanturtium  officinule. 
-tifte  basin,  cistern.  -trand  case  of  the  basin. 
-trog  sweephook.  -fur :  bruge  _  take,  el.  drink 
the  waters.  -laag  cover  of  a  well.  -læge  phy- 
sician  at  a  watering-place.  -Ictnte  well-chain. 
-maftine  -i.  trunk  engine.  -mefter  conduit 
master;   (oeb    ©unb^ebSbronb)   inspector   of  the 

pump  room.  -mine  well.  -reb  wellrope.  -fol 

S3rønbfel  c  bur-marigold,  Bidens  tripartita. 

@r«ttb|fmatte  welled  smack  -fpanb  well 
-bucket,  well-pail.  -ftage,  -ftang  well  sweep. 
-ften  compass-l)ricks  pi.  -ftopper  cal)le-com- 
pre.ssor.  -fætning,  -fætter  fe  -graoning,  -graoer. 
-tib  seasou  (for  using  the  waters).  -oanb  well 
-water.    -oinbe  windlass.    -pi^^e  fe  -ftang. 

JBr«f|e  fig  vr  look  big.  -ig  o  haughty,  arrogant, 
-ig^eb  c  arrogance. 

S8r«ft  c  (røaugel)  fault,  defect,  flaw,  imperfee- 
tion;  (©fabe)  hurt,  d9,mage,  detriment,  prejudice. 
-fælbig  o  decayed,  ruinous,  dilapidated.  -f«l» 
big^eb  c  decay,  ruin,  dilapidation.  ^^-Ijolbe  vt 
prejudice.  -t)olben  a  aggrieved,  prejudiced,  not 
satisfied.    -t)olbenbeb  c  prejudice,  disadvautage. 

!8u!  int  bo!  tjan  fon  tjoerfen  fige  ~  etler  S&a  he 
cannot  say  bo  to  a  goose. 

SBubo'n  c  -er  Iju'bo. 

S3u(4ari'ct  n  Bucha  ria. 

iBucfftin  n  Imckskin 

SBub  n,  pi  =,  (iBefaling)  command,  command- 
ment,  order,  behest;  (Sérinbe)  message;  (®enbe=, 
ftontorO  messenger;  (2;il=)  offer;  (seb  3tuftion) 
bid,  bidding;  (9JetS=)  sergeant,  beadle  ofacourt 
(of  justice);  be  ti  _  the  ten  commandments;  gaa 
_  go  on  errands;  -et  Denter  bearer  waits;  !^aoe  _ 
til  fe  Siltale  vt  fig;  fenbe  _  efter  send  for;  fenbe 
el.  ^aoe  _  til  en  send  to  one,  send  one  word; 
lab  ber  gaa  -  efter  l)am  let  him  l^e  sent  for; 
serenS  _  the  dictates  of  honour.  -bringer,  -bærer 
bearer  of  a  message. 

S3ubb^a  Buddha.  -iS'men  def  Bud'dhism. 
■ift'  c  -er  Bud'dhist.  -ift'ifl  Bud'dhist,  Bud-'ic. 

tSubbite  c  -r  box. 

'^JBubej'c  c   r  milkmaid. 

iBubbing  c  -er  pudding.  -form  pudding-form 
el.  -shape.    -ften  p.-.stone. 

t®u'bfogcb  messenger  (of  a  country  jurisdic- 

!iBubget'  n  -ter  bud'get,  (financial)  estimates; 
fe  ginanåfoo.  -aar,  -lomité  fe  5inanl=.  -te're  vt 

!Bu'b|leje,  -l«n  messenger's  fee.  -orb  com- 
mandmeut.  -fenbe  fe:  fenbe  SBub  til.  -fenbing 
message.  -ffab  n  -er  tidings.  -ftiffe  fiery  cross, 
gathering  token.  -ftue  messenger's  el.  door 
-keeper's  room.    -tjenefte  service  of  a  messeuger. 

»ubt  fe  «pbe. 

SBue  c  -r  (til  at  ft^be)  bow;  (Violin)  bow,  F 
fiddlestick;  (.vibæloing)  arch;  (Kirtel')  arc;  (frum 
Sinie)  curve;  (i  SBillarb)  port;  (p.  SSugge)  head, 
arched  top;  wms  tie;  fpænbe  -n  bend  the  bow; 
fpcsnbe  -n  for  ^ejt  aim  too  high,  make  too  great 
pretensions;  ^imlen?  _  the  vault  of  heaven. 
SJue  fig  vr  bow,  arch.  -bannet  a  bowed,  curved, 
arched,  arcuate.  -fil  bow-flle.  -formig  a  fe 
-bannet.  -faring,  -farfel  c  bowing.  -gang  arcade, 
piazza,  portico;  bibl  porch.  -i)pælbing  arched 
vault.  -trum  fe  -bannet.  -Irumning  arcuation. 
-lampe  arc(lamp).  -linie  curve.  -loft  vaulted 
ceiling.  -mager  c  -e  bowmaker,  bowyer,  -mi= 
nnter  pi  minutes  of  arc.  -paéfer  V>ow-compasses, 
wing-compa.sses.  -fob  bow-saw.  -felunber  se- 
conds  of  arc.  -ftoft  bow-handle.  -ffub  bow 
-shot;  art  random  shol.  -ft^bning  archery. 
-ffbbningåfelftab  toxophilite  society.  -ft^tte 
archer,  l)Owman.  -fpænber  rack  for  bending  a 
bow.  -fpænbing  spån  of  an  arch.  -ftilling  arch 
cradling;  (Sat)>)  saw-frame.  -ftreng  bowstring. 
-Prøg  drawing  of  the  bow,  t)0wing.  -ft^tte 
(2;tnp.)    link.     -fqftemet    elect    the   arc    sy.stem. 

93ue'|t  a  fe  -bannet.  -tog  arched  roof.  -tfinbue 
bow-window.    -oært  arched  el.  vaulted  work. 




»uffct  fe  *J5uffer. 

^nfie't  [fr.]  c  -er  sideboard;  refreshment-room. 
-jotnfrit  bar-maid. 

Sug  c  -e  belly,  abdomeu,  paunch;  (af  j?ab) 
bilge;  (af  giafte)  belly;  {\)aa  Sejt)  bunt;  _  mob  _ 
vi.  bilge  and  bilge;  gøre  -en  til  fin  ®ub  make  a 
god  of  one's  belly;  bibl  ^oi8  @ub  er  -en  whose 
God  is  their  belly.  -anfer  bow-anchor.  -Brof 
gastroeele.  ^UQe  vt  op  ^  bulge  up.  SBagct  a 
bellied,  big-,  swag-bellied.  Sug | finne  abdominal 
fin,  ventral  fin.  -flnnel«g  a  apodal.  -fjer  belly 
feather.  -flatte  ventral  surfaee;  3(  eommissure. 
-f J)Ibe  repletion,  surfeit.  -febbebe  pi  gasteropods. 
-gaarbing  ^1<  bunt-line.  -gjorb  belly-band,  girth. 
•Mnbe  peritoneum.  -j^inbebetænbelfe  peritonitis. 
•  ^ule  abdominal  cavity.  -lr«8  mesentery. 
SBugle  fe  S3ule. 

Su'gline  c  ^  bow-line.    SBuglinSIajert  c  bow- 

line  cringle  (o.  fl.). 

Suglleb  diarrhea.    -lajert  4^  buntline  cringle. 

Sugine  vi  bulge,  bend;  be  -nbe  6eil  the  belly- 

ing  sails  el.   canvass;    ©renen  -r  af  gfrugt   the 

branch   bends  under  the   weight   of  the  fruit; 

Sorbet  -r  af  3?etfer   the   table   groans  under  the 

weight  of  the  dishes;   _   ub  swell  out.    -nen  c 

bulging  eto.   -ning  e  er  bulge,  bend,  convexity. 

Sugjorm  belly-worm.    -tern  belly-band.    -fei= 

fJng  bunt-gasket. 

Sugfc'te  vt  tow,  tug.  !Bugfe'r|baab  tow-boat, 
tug(-bpat),  -bamt^er  (steam-)tug.  -enbc  fe  -tou. 
-fortaj  fe  -Baab.  -folt  towers.  -ftog  towing 
-hook.  -line  towline.  -omtoftningec  towage. 
-tiuUert  towing  post.  -tjenefte  towage  service. 
•to»>,  -troSfe  tow-rope,  hawser.  SugfCving  c 

SBtt'glflolbCt  a  (om  %aat)  bare  on  the  belly. 
-ffiølb  zo  ventral  shield,  plastron.  -fnit  incision 
in  the  abdomen.  t-forg  care  of  the  belly. 
-f^t^b  bowsprit.  -f})^t  pancreatic  juice,  -fp^t^ 
lirtel  pancreas.  -fbangerftab  extrauterine  preg- 
naney.  -f«m  ^  ventral  suture;  med  gastro- 

Sugt  c  -er  bend,  turn,  curve,  sweep,  vnnding; 
($at)=)  gulf,  bay;  (i  3;jøramer)  round;  (af  Sob)  5> 
bight,  (opftubt)  fake;  flaa  _  make  tums;  Sejen 
goor  i  -er  the  road  winds;  faa  (+raabe)  _  meb 
manage,  master,  get  the  better  of,  get  under, 
prevail,  have  one's  will  of;  ^an  »il  t)at)e 
-en  og  Begge  (Snbeme  he  wants  to  have  it  all  his 
own  way,  he  wants  both  ends  and  the  middle. 

Stt'gltole  fe-taleri.  -taler  ventriloquist.  -taler= 
agttg  ventriloquial.  -toleri'  n  ventriloquism, 

Sugte  vi  &  r  bend,  turn,  wind,  meander. 
Sugtet  a  curved,  winding,  siuuous,  tortuous,  ^ 
sinuate.  Sugtebtå  adv  in  bends,  turns.  Sugt= 
^»t)I  compass-plane.  Sugtning  c  -er  winding 
etc,  sinuosity. 

Suglulb  underlocks;  -  og  Senulb  locks.  -ttat- 
terfot  ascites,  -ui^j^ic  i,  bunt  whip.  -orib 
gripes,   p  mulligrubs. 

*Su^unb  c  shepherd's  dog,  colley;   zo  triton. 

Sul'  c  -fe  (®ebeB.)  he-goat,  ram-goat;  (Sæber) 
'ram;  (KaaB.)  buck;  (Sfrooe)  horse,  trestle;  ^ 
(til  at  løfte  meb)  sheers;  (ftuffe=)  box;  (Xjenerfæbe) 
dickey;  (i  Solbfpil)  feeder;  (Sambul)  ram;  = 
(SnfeltBetlafin;  fpringe  _  play  at  leap-frog;  flaa  _ 
make,  give,  prolfer  a  back;  ftaa  ~  for  en  give 
one  a  back,  g.  one  a  leg  up;  Begao  en  _  commit 
a  blunder;  bibl  ftiHer  gaarene  fra  -fene  divideth 
his  sheep  from  the  goats.  „ 

Suf  n,  pi  =,  bow;  gøre  et  _  make  a  bow. 

■•■■■■Su'f  fe  MarBut. 

tSufor  c  woodroof,  Asperula. 

Suf'arefl  n  Bucharest. 

Sttfbcetfen  n  hammer-cloth. 

er  boi^ 


•t)at  box-hedge 

■r)  trousers,   panta- 

Snfet'  c  -ter  bouque't,  nosegay.    -kolber 

Suffe  vt  (<PcEle)  ram,  drive. 

Suffc  vt  &  r  bow,  bend;  _  inb  (i  ©Qntng)  turn 
el.  tuck  in;  _  ftg  stoop.  Snffe  vi  bow,  bend 
the  head,  incline  the  head;  _  for  en  bow  to 
one;  _  btjBt  bow  low,  profoundly;  _  unber  suc- 
cumb  (to),  p  buckle  under;  _  unber  for  (nt) 
sink  beneath,  be  overcome  by. 

Sutfellienet  a  goat-legged,  capriped.  -6(ab 
buck  -  bean,  bog  bean,  Menyanthes  trifoliata. 
-6ro  trestle-bridge.  t-b«r  Solomon's  seal,  Poly- 
gonatum.  -^orn  buck's  horn;  ^  fenugreek, 
Fænum  Græcum.   -J)0bcb  A  monkey.   -fJb  he-kid 

Su!fel  c  -fler  fe  trøae. 

Sutfen  c  bowing  etc;  -  og  SfraBen  bowini 
and  scraping. 

Suffcjffinb  -ffceg  goat's  beard. 
•Wxxtv  »i  .sheer-legs.  -faring  caper,  capriole 
•torn  box-thorn,  Lj/cium. 

+Sufl|e  vt  curl.    -et  a  curly.    -er  c  buckler 

Sufning  c  -er  bowing. 

Sufo'Ii|fo  the  Bucol'ies 
poet.    -ff  a  bucolic. 

Sufdbom  c  box,  Buxus. 

SufSer  pi  ('■•  ogf.  SufSe 
loons,  p  pants,  (eg.  fun  om  SnæbufSer)  breeches 
small -clothes;  fnæbre  -  tights;  fruentimmer^ 
Sørne=  pantalets;  fjertet  fant  ^am  neb  i  -ne  his 
heart  went  down  to  his  heels,  to  his  .shoes; 
tonen  ^ar  -ne  )?aa  the  wife  wears  the  breeches. 
—  Suf§e|ben  leg  of  the  trousers.  -feber  F  faa 
_  show  the  White  feather.  -fiffe  fob.  -flig, 
-fla<),  *-f(aff  flap  -fna»)  trousers'  button,  button 
of  the  trousers.  -loar  cannon.  -linning  waist- 
band.  -(omme  trousers'  pocket.  -i«8  a  un- 

Suféelrem  fe  -ftrop.  -feler  braces,  gallowses, 
suspenders.  -ffræbber  trousers-,  breeches-maker. 
•f^jtit  front  opening.  -ftrop  trouser-strap.  -trolb 
child  newly  breeched.    -tej  trousering 

Suff))ringning  c  leap-frog. 

Sul'  c  -le  (af  2;ræ)  trunk,  bole,  stem,  stump 
log;  (af  Søjle)  shaft;  (of  ©fjorte)  body 

Sulbiber  c  -e  bulldog. 

Sulbro  c  log  bridge. 

'^'Sulbon  c  a  kind  of  canvass. 

Sulber  n  noise,  crash,  uproar,  turmoil,  hurly 
-burly;  (af  Sogne  o.  1.)  rumble,  rumbling.  -ba@fe 
blusterer.    -bom  v  blustering,  boisterous. 

Sulbog  fe  SulBiber. 

Sulbre  vi  roar,  rattle;  (fJænbe)  scold,  bluster, 
storm,  race;  _  Xi<^a.  Søren  thunder  at  the  door; 
-nbe  a  rumbling.  -n  c  roaring  etc.  -r  c 

Sule  c  -r  (tnop  paa  SUfetalarbejbe)  boss,  em- 
bossment;  (©butft)  bump,  lump,  protuberance; 
(iubftøbt)  dent;  (i  §at)  knock;  F  low  place  of 
amusement.  -blabet  a  with  convex  leaves.  'iiat 
(battered)  wide-awake,  billy-cock.  -runb  a  con- 
vex.   -t  a  bossed,  embossed;  dented. 

Sulga'ri|en  n  Bulgaria.  -er  c,  -iff  a  Bulgarian. 

Sulf    c    -er    bump,    knot;    (SogB.)   swelling, 
"(inbftøbt)  dent.    Sulfe  vt  make  dents  in;   —  vi 
ub  puff  out.    Suttet  a  rugged,  knotty;  "dented. 
tSuKe  c  -r  castrated  buU. 
SuBe  c  -r  (paoelig)  bull. 
Sulten  a  swollen;    _  ginger  swollen  el.   sore 
finger,  felon,  whitlow;  _  ©tabe  swelling,  tumor 
-^eb  e  swelling.    -ffob  b.  f.;  pus. 
Sulletin'  [fr.]  c  -er  buU'etin. 
Sutme(urt)  henbane,  Huoscyamiis  niger. 
Sutmober  core  (of  a  boil). 
Sutne  vi  swell,  fester.    Snining  c  swelUng. 
Sutter  fe  ^ulter. 









Sttlloattte  mitten,  -»ært  bulwark.  -«f8e  wood- 
rnan's  axe. 

Sum'!  int  bang!  (SrommeS  2^b)  rub-a-dub, 
rat-a-tat,  pit-a-pat. 

''93umanb  c  liusbandman. 

S3ttmbaab  c  bumboat. 

+S3umlc,  93umre  vi  carouse,  make  merry. 

!Bunt^  c  thump.    -e  vi  thump. 

SBttittå  adv  bang!  dash !  slap!  — -t- n  fe  SSumj). 
-e  vi  neb  come  bang  down. 

SBunb  c  -e  bottom;  (af  ®It6)  bottom,  floor;  (af 
Sanon)  breech;  (of  Sønbe)  head,  bottom;  (i  Sej) 
ground,  groundwork;  '^(af  en  SJorb)  inner  end; 
head;  naa  -  (meb  gøbberne)  feel  the  ground;  tfte 
naa  -  be  out  of  one's  depth;  faa  -  (meb  2obbet) 
sound;  fætte  -  i  head;  ftaa  -en  inb  el.  ub  paa 
break  the  bottom  of,  stave  in;  fe  S8ar;  meb  -en 
i  SBejret  bottom  upwards;  til  -S,  tit  -en  to  the 
bottom;  Jiff  thoroughly;  fomme  til  -?  i  get  at 
(el.  to)  the  bottom  of;  i  _  og  ®runb  utterly;  -hov 
widening  bit.  ''-Iiorb,  -bræt  bottom  board. 
•brebtte  breadth  of  bottom.  SBunbe  vi  reach  the 
bottom;  Jiff  -r  i  re.sts  on. 

Sunben  }>art  af  SSinbe;  _  SSarme  latent  heat. 

iBnnblfalb  sediment,  deposit,  precipitate, 
grounds.  -faroe  ground-colour.  -faft  a  (om  3§) 
firm  to  the  bottom.  -fattig  a  utterly  destitute. 
-febe  vt  fatten  up.  -febtting  fattening  up.  -ftabc 
under  surface.  -forbæruet  a  utterly  depraved. 
-forftærlning  (p.  Kanon)  reinforce.  -frife  (p. 
^anon)  base  ring.  -frJjfe  vi  freeze  to  the  bottom. 
-fælbe  vt  precipitate,  throw  down;  -8,  _  fig  be 
precipitated.  -fcclbnittg  precipitation.  -fælb= 
nittgltnibbel  precipitant.  -fæfie  n,  fig  firm  hold. 
•garn  seine.  -garnering  J>  ceiling  of  the  floor. 
•pær  bottom.  -^oor  fe  ®runb=.  -bugge  fe  SRob-. 
-tS  ground-ice,  anchor-ice.  -fomié  fe  -forftær!= 
ning.  -tlsbning  ^,  bottom  plank.  -lobber  copper 
bottoms.  -Ireg  bottom -angle,  -tag  bottom 
layer;  agr  (hard)  pan.  -laft  cargo  uext  to  the 
floor.  -i-lærb  fe  ®ruub=.  -laber  fe  ©ideanb.  -I«8 
a  bottomless,  unfathomable;  Dcere  i  _  Øcelb  be 
over  head  and  ears  in  debt;  -  Ueiben^eb  bound- 
less  ignorance,  -raabben  a  completely  rotten. 
•rebelig  a  thoroughly  honest.  -regn  regular 
dowupour.  -ribere  jj  floor-riders.  -fenter  J, 
floor  ribband. 

93unb§fort)anbt  c  -e  ally,  confederate.  -frtgen 
the  Social  war.    -flab  n  alliance,  confederacy. 

Sunblffrabe(r)  dredge.  -ftcebebaab  trawl-net. 
-ftaber  bottom  staves,  -ftot  tl>  floor-timber. 
•ftollinie  rising  line.  -ftofft«b  floor-head.  -ftot« 
ttæger  bilge-plank.  -ftram  under-current.  -ft^Itc 
bottom  piece,  (af  ^anon)  breech.  t-fulten  a 
ravenously  hungry,  -^-f^g  «  thoroughly  111. 
-fætntng  c  precipitation. 

S3unbt  n  (*c)  -er  bundle,  bunch;  (af  ©traalcr) 
pencil:  et  _  $ø  a  truss  el.  bottle  of  hay. 

33unbtarm  fe  (Snbetarm. 

IBunbte  vt  hundle,  make  up  in  bundles;  _  op 
J,  make  up  (a  sail).    Suttbteoiå  adv  in  bundles. 

S3unbjtilje  ^  floor-board,  bottom  board.  -tem= 
mer  sunk  timber;  J,  floor-timber. 

SBune  c  -r  groin,  breakwater. 

*2)unt  c  -er  fe  »ule. 

SJnntaarer  sweeps  pi. 

^unte  c  hairgrass,  Aira. 

^ante  c  -r  heap,  pile;  famle  til  _  hoard  (up 
money);  —  vt  ~  fammen  heap  up;  _  fig  op  accu- 

'S9unte  c  -r  milk-pan. 

iBuntet  a  k  93roget.  SBunterab :  i  ~  (ladies  and 
gentlemen)  altemately. 

iSuntmager  c  -e  furrier,  skinner,  -^aanboært 
finriers,  skinner's  tråde,    -barer  furs  and  skins. 

•Suorm  c  -e  ringed  snake,  Coluber  natrix. 

Sur  71  -e  cage;  fætte  t  _  cage. 

Surbe  fe  S8ør. 

Surbu'd  adv  bang!  like  a  bolt. 

Sureau'  n  -er  office;  _  SSeritaS  the  Bureau 
Veritas;  SReuterS,  SRtgau«  _  R.'s  Agency.  -cfief 
chief  clerk  of  a  government-oflQce.  iBureaultra't 
c  -er  bu'reaucrat.  -trati'  n  bureauc'racy;  (-Irotiet) 
offlcialdom.  -tro'tift  a  bureaucrat'ic;  joc  red 

SBurett'e  c   r  burette. 

Su'rfugl  c  cage  bird,  cageling. 

93urgi§  c,  ti/p  bourgeois'. 

Surgunb^  -'ien  n  Bur'gundy.  -'er  Burgundian; 
(58tn)  Bnrgundy.    -'ift  a  Burgundian. 

*SJnrtne  c  male  fem.  Polystichum  filix  mas. 

SBu'rtnob  ^  overhånd  knot. 

©urleft    a  burlesque. 

Surnud  c   er  burnoose. 

SBurrc  c  r  burdock,  Lappa;  (frugten  og  fig) 
bur.  -rob  burdock-root.  -fnerre  cleavers,  (?a- 
Hum  Ajiarine. 

tSurft  a  boorish. 

SBuS  c  ^  (i  Sejl)  belly;  (p.  gab)  bilge. 

!i8uS  adv  slap,  bang;  lø6e  _  paa  bounce  against. 
5Bufe  vi  J,  pitch;  fig  _  paa  be  precipitate,  go 
in  head  foremost;  ~  ub  meb  blurt  out. 

*»ttS'  ie  S3n8§. 

Sufemanb  c  fe  58u§femanb. 

SBuågat  n  J,  side-pipe;  stem-pipc. 

SBuff  c  -e  bush,  .shrub. 

SBufta'bS  n  -er  thicket,  (plantet)  shrubhery. 

©uftagtig  a  bushy,  shrubby,  arbuscular. 

"Suffap  c  -er  live  stock;  cattleand  sheep;  herd. 

SSuffjc  fig  vr,  -eS  vd  bush,  (om  ®xxi,  ftom) 
tiller.    -et  a  bushy. 

SBuftct'  n  -ter,  ie  93uffab§. 

SuftlfQr  New  Jersey  scrub  pine,  Pinua  inops. 
•aaUet  a  with  tufted  gills.  -^ugger  hedging-bill. 
-bag  fe  SBarller.  -^ane  brush  turkey.  Talegalla 
Lathami.  -mænbp<  Bushmen,  Bosjemans.  -neUit 
sweet- William,  Dianthua  harbatu«.  -fanger  pine 
-pine,  Drymoiea.  *-ftOæt  c  stone-chat,  Saxicola. 
-fmutte  golden  ruffled  pheasant,  Thamnulæa. 
-fain  wart-hog,  Potamochærus.  -træ  shrub.  -Oiå 
adv  in  bushes.    -oætåt  fe  SSuft.    -bært  shrubbery. 

tSuSmætter  c  gout-wort,  Ægopodium  poda- 
grarin . 

*a3u8§  c  -er  quid  (of  tobaceo). 

*!8u§fe  c  -r:  gobe  -r  great  friends. 

*!Bu§fe  vt  fe  58ø§fe. 

Sudfemanb  c  bug-bear,  bogie. 

S8u§fe]rnr,  -run'be  c  -er  smock-frock,  jumper. 

a3u§fe|trotb  fe  -manb. 

SBttfte  [fr.]  c  -r  bust. 

*!BuftetQng  heather,  heath,  ling. 

•ajuftiuet  c  -er  hedgehog,  land-urchin,  Erina- 
eeus  europæus. 

33ut'  a  (afflumpet)  stubby,  short  and  thick; 
(mut)  sulky,  surly,  snapplsh. 

*»nt'  c  -ter  tul)  (with  a  cover). 

SButit'  c  -fer  shop,  amr  store;  !^olbe  _  keep  a 
shop,  amr  run  a  store.  !Btttit{§)lbreng  shop-boy. 
-ejer  shop-keeper,  -inbentarium  tråde  fixtures. 
-jomfru  shop-woman.  -prié  selling-price.  -ftnffe 
till.  -foenb  shopman,  salesman.  -t^u  shop- lifter. 
-t^tieri  shop-lifting.  -binbue  shop-window,  (bele 
tjorfiben)  shop- front. 

©utiaft  c  i.  butt. 

SButleri'  n  ^^  steward's  room. 

SButfnube  c  dolphin,  Coryphæna. 

aSuttelu'r  c  »1,  bumpkin.  -blotb.-block.  -ftintel 
b. -pendant. 

SButterbejg  fe  Smørbcjg. 

Suttet  a  chubby,  dumpy. 

SJ)  c  er  towu,  city;  bo  i  -en  live  in  to^vn;  ^an 
er  i  -en  he  is  out;  rejfe  fra  -en  leave  town;  Spigen 




er  i  -en  the  maid  is  goue  an  errand;  qaa  i  -eii 
go  on  errands,  t  F  be  ou  the  spree;  gaa  fejl  i 
-en  be  in  the  wrong  box;  tron  gaa  gobt  i  -en  go 
on  a  fool's  errand;  gaa  omlring  -en  walk  round 
the  town,  gaa  omfring  i  -en  walk  about  the  town. 
-Obel  towu-gentry.  -befolfning  towuspeople, 
town  population,  -bo.  -boet  fe  -man6.  -bub 
(ticketjporter,  commissionaire,  »c  cady. 

SBljbe,  6Bb,  bnbt  el.  bubet  vt  (befale)  command, 
order,  bid,  charge;  (inbb^bc)  ask,  invite;  (ttlbtjbe) 
otter,  proffer,  tender;  (gøre  *^ub)  bid,  offer;  _ 
SrobS  bid  one  defiance  el.  b.  d.  to,  brave,  dåre, 
defy;  _  Spibfen  make  head  agaiust;  _  en  ®ob= 
morgen  wish  one  a  good  morning;  og  bet  tør  Se 
-  mig  dåre  you  take  such  liberty  with  me? 
dåre  you  say  that  to  my  face;  ^on  laber  fig  alting 
~  he  puts  up  with  anything;  _  o  <)  raise  the  price 
of;  _  en  op  til  ®an8  ask  one  to  dance;  _  oBer 
et  Jlongerige  rule,  swav  a  kingdom;  _  oBer  (ot)er= 
bljbe)  outbid;  _  paa  bid  for;  ~  fig  til  fe  Xilb^be 
ftg.  -maobc  the  imperative  (mood).  -nbe 'i  com- 
manding,  imperious;  _  *|Sligt,  SKøbbenbig^eb  im- 
perative duty,  necessity;  bet  bleb  en  -  9J.  for  ^am 
it  became  imperative  upon  him.  -nbe  c  bidder. 
-nbe  n  dictates  pi. 

l^Q'Ibreng  errand-boy,  message-lad.  -enbe  end, 
extremity  of  the  town.  -f  ogcb  town  judge.  -folf 
townsfolk,  townsmen;  t  villagers.  -fri^eb  charter 
el.  pri vilege  of  a  town. 

©^g'  n  &  c  barley,  Hordeum. 

SBl^'g  c  buck,  bucking. 

SS^Igabe  street.  -gonfl  (running)  errands;  friot, 

S8^g'|oI§  ear  of  barley.    -br«b  barley  bread. 

SB^gb  c  -er  country  district,  parish.  —  S34gbe|> 
fotf  parishioners.  -la^  district,  neighbourhood, 
county.  -manb  parishioner.  -))0(iti{  vestry 
-politics,  -uej  parish  road,  crossroad.  -boegter 
p.  beadle. 

S^ge  c  -r  (9iegnO  shower;  (SSinbO  squall; 
(Sorben«)  thunderstorm;  bet  træffer  op  til  en  -  a 
squall  is  brewing;  fif  en  _  ooer  fig  was  caught 
in  a  squall. 

SB^ge  vt  buck.  S3tige{tai;  bucking-tub.  -lub 
buck.    -faa,  -tønbe  fe  -for. 

SBljgetiejr  showery  el.  squally  weather. 

^^flfwfll  wryneck,   Yunx  torquilla. 

93qg|fæ(btg  a  dilapidated.  -fætbCtg^eb)  c  decay, 

93^gge  vt  build,  construct;  _  og  Bo  take  up 
one's  abode;  -t  af  Sg,  JJærn  ^  oak-built,  iron 
-built  (0.  fl.);  -t  i  Ublanbet  foreign-built;  »el  -t 
(om  9Kfte)  well-built,  well-knit;  _  op  igen  rebuild; 
~  pao.  fig  rely  on,  trust  to;  _  til  make  additions 
to  a  building.  -arbejbe  building  work;  building 
enterprise.  -fianl  fe  felftab.  -fonb  building  fund. 
-gtunb  fe  -plabS.  -gælb  debts  contracted  by 
buildiug-enterprises.  'ificdp  aid  towards  build- 
ing. -laati  loan  for  building  purposes,  -lob  fe 
S3t)gntng§=.  -I^ft  passion  for  building.  -maabe 
fe  SQgningSmaabe.  -tnateriotierbuildingmaterials. 
-n  c  building.  -oberflag  builder's  estimate. 
-))Iab§  building  ground,  plot  el.  lot,  site.  -r  c 
-e  builder.  -raferi  fe  -foge.  -ri'  n  building. 
-fclffob  building-society.  -fteb  (SS^ggeplobg)  place 
for  building;  (SSolig)  abode,  dwelling  place. 
-ftige  rage  el.  mania  for  building.  -tib  time  of 

StjglgrJjn  barley  groats;  •  ogf aa  Scotch  barley, 
pearl-b.  -grab  barley-meal  porridge.  -^alin  b. 

a3Qgf|erre  c  builder. 

S^QglJorb  barley  soil.  -lom  barley  corn;  ()fOia. 
Øjet)  sty;  (2)rejel)  quilled  linen,  -malt  b.  malt. 
-mel  b.  meal. 

S3t)gmefter  c  builder,  master  builder,  archltect; 
oven  bird,  Furnarius. 

!Bt)gning  c  -er  (bet  fom   er  bljgget)   building, 
strncture,    edifice,  pile,  fabric;    (S55gninglmaabe) 
build,  frame,  construction;  J&nfet  er  unber  _  the 
house  is  building,  is  being  built,   in  process 
construction;    et   fartøj   af   banft  -    a   vessel 
Danish  build;  ^an  er  af  en  foag,  ftærf  _  he  is 
a  delicate,  robust  frame.  —  ©))gning§| afgift  ta: 
on   buildings.     -arbejbe   building  work.     -bel 
structure.     -entre))renør   master- builder.     -fag 
building    tråde,     -ftrlant    block    of  buildings. 
-foll  workmen  employed  in  building.    -for^olb 
(SiegemeS)  structure.  -gruS  rubbish.  -^aanbtxcrtcr 
builder's   workman.     -^fa;t))   fe   SSljgge-.     -^ori= 
font  ground-level.    -inf^iettør  building-inspector. 
-lomntigfion  board  of  works.    -lonbuftør  over- 
seer,   -fontraft  building  contract.    -lunft  archi- 
tecture.    -Itjnbig  a  skilied  in  architecture.    -loo 
building-regulations.     -Iterc  anatomy.     -maabe 
style  of  building,    architecture,   build.     -ma 
bibl  builder.    -fncbfer  joiner.    -fpefulant  je 
builder.    -ftcn  building-stone.    -tegning  draugh' 
working-drawing.     -tomt  fe  SS^ggeplabS.     -tri 
-tømmer  wood  el.  timber  for  building.    -nbf 
plan    (of  construction).      -nbtr^I   architeetura! 
term.     -uboatg    building    committee.     -tiæfen 
(matters  relative  to)  public  works. 

fSBtjgfaab  c  season  for  sowing  barley. 

*93^gffl  c  lease-hold,  lease  (esp  for  life).  -brco 
lease,  -manb  leaseholder.  ©^gfle  vt  lease;  take 
on  lease. 

SBOgiftnb  barley-stubble.  -^uppt  barley  broth. 
-boelling  barley  boiled  in  milk. 

33t)gti(rrf  n  building. 

tSBfllgængcr  c  F  dissipated  fellow 

SBljlJorb  ground  belonging  to  a  town  et.  villagi 
-lommnne  township.    -tbarter  quarter  of  the 

S8t)Ib(e)  c  -er  boil,  blain.    SB^Ibemobcr  core. 

33Q|(tO  town  life.    -loO  municipal  law. 

SB^It  c  -er  bundle,  parcel,  -e  vt  bundle,  til 
up  in  a  bundle;  +  -  paa.  fe  2æ§fe  paa 

S3^|manb  townsman,  town-liver.  t-marl  field 
belonging  to  a  village.  *  cémmon  belonging  to 
a  town.  -menig^eb  town  congregation.  -men- 
neffc  town-bred  man,  cockney.  -nabn  name  of 
a  town. 

SBQnIe  c  mug\vort,  Årtemisia.  -fugt  whin-ehat, 
Motacilla  rubetra. 

©^|n^t  town  news,  news  from  town.  -fatter  t 
out-patient.  -^)oft  town-post,  town  deliver/-. 
-raab  town-council.  -raab§meblem  town-coufi- 

SB^rb  c  (^øbfel)  birth,  descent;  t  (Slffom)  o  5F- 
spring,  progeny;  (Slægt)  relationship,  kindre  1. 

SBtjrbe  c  -r  burden,  load,  charge,  fardel;  SJiett 
er  fiam  til  ~  life  is  a  burden  to  hun;  falbe  til  , 
be  a  burden  to;  fom  ^atse  baaret  ®ogen§  -  og  §e'/! 
who  have  borne  the  burden  and  the  heat  3f 
the  day.  -fnlb  a  burdensome,  onerous,  grievou«: 
-f^-bant  a  accustomed  to  burdens. 

SB^rbig  a  born,  entitled  by  birth  (to).  SJ^rbili 
Obel  nobility  of  birth.  \ 

S8t)lrct  fe  -lob.    -r^gte  town  report,  t.  rumour. 

S^'§|barn  native  of  a  town;  Bi  ere  -børn  fammen 
we  are  fellow-townsmen.  -boer  (fellow-)  towns- 
man.   -foH  fe  33Qfolf. 

S5»)'|ffat  town  rate,  t.  taxes.  -ffraa  fe  -loB. 
-ffribcr  town  clerk.  -flabber,  -fnaf  town  talk, 
-ftæbne  meeting,  place  of  meeting  in  a  village 
el.  town.  -fbaic  martin,  Hirundo  urbica.  -foenb 
constable,  policeman;  t  F  fe  -gænger.  *-fæt_ger 
local  agent,  -telegraf  town  telegraph.  -tt«i 
court  of  a  township. 

SBt)tntng  c  (ex)changing. 








Sutte  n  exchauge;  fftng§=)  booty,  spoil,  prey; 

:  -  for,   i  _  mob  in  exchauge  for;  gøre  ~  make 

inty;  gjøre   et  baarligt  _  change  for  the  worse; 

oære  et  _  for  fig  be  a  prey  to.    5B»)tte  vt  change, 

exchange,  barter;  _  ftg  nt  til  get  in  exchange; 

-  en  Sebbel  change  a  note;  _  §at  ineb  en  (ex)change 
hats  With  one;  *  _  ligt  cry  quits;  jeg  Bilbe  ifle  _ 
meb  fiam  I  would  not  change  piaces  with  him, 
would  not  be  in  his  shoes;  _  ®aarbe,  _  Sæbe 
(Seg)  puss  in  the  comer.  -forfitnbclfc :  ftaa  t  _ 
exchange  their  publications.  -genfianb  (-mibbel) 
medium  of  barter.  -gob§  goods  takeu  in  exchauge. 
•^øttbel  exchange.  -mibbel  medium  of  exchange. 
•tiictb  valne  iu  exchauge,   exchangeable  value. 

—  ©t)tten  c  (ex)changing.  SB^ttittg  c  -er  change- 
ling,  oaf. 

SJul<t)«8e  fe  -f!at.  t-t^r  parish  bull.  -liant  a 
aequaiuted  with  the  town.  t-Ucj  road  from  one 
village  to  another.  -Ocefen  (Slnliggenber)  muui- 
cipal  concerns;  (Sæber)  town  manners. 

SBt),^onit§'  11  Byzantium.  -ti'wfta  Byz'antine, 

SB^ærenbe  n  town-errand. 

»æ!  (SSrægen)  baa!  (fu)  flel  (^aanligt)  ugh; 
(©ørn.)  gere  _  cack. 

Sæger  n  -e  cup,  beaker,  goblet,  chalice; 
^  calyx;  -et  løb  ooer  the  cup  was  full  to  over- 
flowing;  bringe  -et  til  at  fl^be  oder  fig  break 
the  camel's  back.  -ap^^avat  elect  crown  of  cups. 
-bittb  sepal.  -fiælg  ^  glume.  -glo8  goblet. 
-go<)le  lucernaria.  -Hang  ringing  of  glasses. 
'ftiUtt  a  Sf  cup-formed.  -ftiam))  cup-mushroom, 
Peziza.    -f^-foingcr  toper.    -t^SBægte  vt  tope. 

tSBægt  c  batch. 

Sæt'  c  -te  brook,  rill,  beck,  se  bum;  liUe  _ 
brooklet.  -ar»e  waterwort,  .Eiartne.  *-6tt«g  brook 
-lime,  Veronica  beccabunga.  -broSfel,  '''58021^= 
fugl,  fe  SBanbftær.    93ælfebrag  watercourse. 

3}(Elten  n  -er  (metal)  basin;  anat  pelvis;  mus 
cymbal;  (i  S?trte)  box;  ^en^ørenbe  til  -et  pelvic. 
•agttg  a  resembling  a  basin.  -ben  bones  of  the 
pelvis.  -bal  basin.  -forfnættring  contraction 
of  the  pelvis.  -Ubirbel  sacral  vertebra.  -maaUv 
pelvimeter.  •rum  pelvic  cavity.  -{lager  cj'mbal 

Sæt'arreb  c  trout,  Salmo  fario. 

tSælbct  a  (om  guglc)  bald,  callow. 

@(elg  c  e  shell,  pod,  cod,  legume;  _  af  et  3)^r 
skin  taken  off  entire,  case;  (S5om)  bellv;  (i8læfe=) 
bellows.  :SB(Clge  vt  swill;  t  (2®rter  ofb.)  shell; 
-  i  fig,  _  fig  meb  gulp,  swill.  ©ælgeé  vd  pod. 
Sælgctræber  bellows-blower.  SBælg| frugt  pulse, 
podding  grain.  -fulb  a  brimful;  P  dead  drunk. 
•Uonbffe  leathern  mitten,  driving-glove.  -Uooeb 
bellows-head.  -Ta))fet  follicle.  -mørl  a  pitch 
dark.  -mørfe  n  pitchy  darkness.  -^ibe,  -r«r 
bellows-pipe.  -fæb  fe  -frugt,  -plantt,  -urt 
leguminous  plant,  -bante  mitten,  -uentil  clack. 
•bærl  bellows  of  au  organ. 

t»æHe  c  -r  fe  Sælg.  tSJæBe  vt  fe  SBælge. 
Ⱦllntflrt,  -marfc  fe  S8cElge=. 

Ⱦlt  fe  SBeltet. 

Salte  n  r  belt  (ogf.  fig),  girdle,  band,  sash, 
cincture,  baldric;  geog  zone;  $8enu§'g  _  the  girdle 
of  Venus;  CrionS- the  belt  ofOri'on;  ^aoeSSarn 
unber  -  be  in  the  famlly  way  SBælte  vt  belt, 
girdle,  cincture;  +  _  fig,  fé  ©Itjiige  fig.  -b^r  arma- 
dillo,  Dasvpus.  -t)oge,  -trog  belt-clasp.  -mu§ 
chlamyphore.  -|)unfl  pouch  attached  to  the 
belt.  -rofcn  fe  ^elocbeSilb.  -ftiænbe  buckle  of  a 
belt.  -ftcb  waist.  -ften  archæ  oval  whetstoue. 
-toffc  fe  -pung. 

'©ænb  n  .1,  bend.  !5(enbe  vt  bend;  _  inb 
turn  in. 

9(cnbe(  n  -bier  tape.  -mani  fe  aSaanb-.  -orm 
tape-worm,    Tcenia.     -ftribet  a  striped.     -tong 

fiarfeii:  a5anf(.engelft  £rb6og. 

grass-wrack,  Zostera  marina.  Sænble  vt  (SSof?) 
form  into  ri  bisons. 

©ænbfel  c  -er  ^  seizing;  tage  et  af  unseize. 
iotcnbfie  vt  seize,  pass  a  seizing. 

SBænt  c  -e  l)ench;  seat,  (lang  Sfole=)  form;  mil 
barbette;  fpitte  for  tomme  -e  play  to  empty 
benches;  p  barme  -e  sit  out  the  dauce;  fætte  en 
til  -§  p  floor  one,  do  for  one;  ftQbe  noget  )faa 
ben  lange  _,  spiu  out,  protract;  ft^be  ocer  _  fe 
»ant.  -botteri  barbette  batterv.  -bo<)  fe  -liage. 
Ⱦnfe  vt  seat,  bench;  *  J,  _  g^rene  Imuk  the 
fire-s;  _  fig  seat  oue's  self,  take  one's  seat. 

•Sænie  vt  straightén. 

i5(cnle|liiber  woodlouse,  Oniscus.  -breb  deed 
not  legally  published.  t-b^ttc  cushiou  for  a 
bench.  »-forflog  oflF-hand  motion,  -^^nbe  K 
-btjne.  -træffer  silent,  inactive  person  el.  member 
t-bceUtng  hotch-potch. 

!Scen!|$age  hold-fast.  -jammer  beneh-hammer. 
•ftebl  cooper's  plane,    -meifel  cold  chisel. 

»æf  [»ogf.  aSæ'r]  n,  pi  =,  berry.  -bufl  bacci- 
ferous  shrub.  -banuet  a  bacciform,  berry-formed 
■))(ulning  berrying. 

Sære,  bar,  båaret  vt  bear,  carry,  support;  (taale) 
endure,  suflfer;  (tlæber)  wear;  (om  So)  bear; 
_  let  (om  ^eft)  ride  light;  _  gfrugt  Ijear  fruit;  _ 
Sorg,  Soarbe  wear  mourning,  a  sword;  _  et  9lat)n 
bear  a  name;  _  $rifen  carry  off  the  prize,  bear 
the  bell;  +  _  Sbiol  om  entertain  a  doubt  of;  _ 
SBibne  om  bear  witness  el.  testimony  to;  —  vi  _ 
af  ti,  bear  away,  bear  dowu,  bear"  up;  _  fri  af 
>t,  pass  clear  of;  *  naar  ftal  bet  _  of  Steb?  when 
are  you  going?  bet  -8  mig  for  I  have  a  presen- 
timent,  something  tells  me;  *  ^t)or  -r  bet  ^en? 
where  are  we  going?  _  neb  ^jaa  ^  bear  down 
upon;  _  oppe  ^  (vt)  bear  (up);  _  oBer  meb  lÆar 
with;  _  paa  et  fQgt  Segeme  be  of  a  sicklv  eon- 
stitution;  -r  poo  en  Sijgbom  has  a  disease  latent 
in  him;  _  paa  en  $emmeligl^eb  have  a  secret; 
SSinben  -r  paa  §ufet  the  wind  blows  upon  the 
house;  -  runbt  4^  wear  .ship;  Slgeren  -r  »el  til 
the  field  promises  a  good  crop;  part  fe  Saaren; 

—  »r  _  fig  pay,  succeed;  -  fig  felo  fiy  stand  on 
one's  own  legs,  be  self-sustaining;  *  fe  ^amre 
fig;  _  fig  ab  behave,  aet,  go  about  it;  faalebeS  -r 
l^an  ftg  altib  ab  that  is  the  way  he  always  does; 

-  fig  »el  carry  one's  self  well.  JBæréjbaor(e) 
litter.  -b«r  hand-barrow.  -bqgtig  a  -i,  that 
Carries  well;  (2;ræ)  fruit-bearing.  -eunc  bearing 
streugth;  J,  capacity.  -flobe  bearing.  -himmel 
canopy.  -Ijjul  Oærnb.)  trailing- wheel,  -foabc 
baby's  cloak.  -lorm  horse-litter.  -fraft  streugth 
to  bear;  ^  buoyancy.  -{ran§  fe  -pube.  -fum 
dosser,  hamper.  -loger,  -leje  carriage.  -l«n  fe 
-penge,  -n  c  carrying  etc.  -<)eIS  Ijabv's  cloak. 
•penqe  porterage.  -^jube  pad;  *  (|)eft?)  collar. 
■r  c  -e  bearer,  carrier,  porter;  fig  vehicle.  -rem 
fe  fele;  (en  2)ame§)  shawl-straps.  -fele  porter's 
braces.  -feng  litter.  -ftong  bearinglmr,  carry- 
ing-pole.  -fteb  portage.  -ftol  sedan-chair;  ^ 
traveller.  -ft^He  (p.  Sfjorte)  yoke.  -tib  time 
of  gestation.  -bibbe  bearing;  fig  range,  bearing. 
-bogn  fe  -farm. 

Særlformig  a  fe  -bonnet.  -frugt  baccate  fruit, 
berry.  -gult  buckthorn-yellow.  -grønt  sap- 

færing  c  carrying. 

aSærlfarfe  fe  gnbtanff  S.  -Ilofe,  -tlQuge  cluster 
of  berrie.s.    '-'-næbe  tammy  cloth. 

SBærme  c  dregs,  lees;  (SBrænberi=)  grains.  -bab 
grain-  el.  lees-bath. 

SB(er{faft  berry-juice;  (tiHabet)  berrj'-syrup. 
••ftric  tammy  cloth.  -tæge  garden-bug,"  Penta- 
tom«  oleracea.  -bin  wine  made  of  native  fruit, 
domesiic  wine.    -(Cbenbe  a  baccivorous. 





fdce'ft  n  -er  beast,  brute.  -iff  a  bestial,  beastly, 
brutish,  brutal. 

Scetie  vi  tremble,  shake,  quake,  quiver;  _  af 
gfr^gt  shake  with  fear;  _  for  dread.  -Ife,  -n  c 
trembling,  tremor;  meb  %ttiQt  og  _  bibl  in  fear 
and  trembling. 

SBoeuer  c  -e  beaver,  Caator  fiber;  (Sai)  beaver. 
•bo,  -bagning  beaver-hut.  -fælbe  beaver-trap. 
■ganrb  beavery.  -geil,  -gjel  castor.  -Ijnor  beaver. 
-$flt  beaver(-hat),  castor.  -jagt  b. -hunting,  -rotte 
b.rat,  Fiber  zibethicua;  coypu,  Myopotanms  coy- 
pu8.    -fftnb  beaver's  skin. 

SJKOre  vi  fe  Sæbe.  -of^)  aspen,  Populm  tre- 
mula.  -græ§  quaking-grass,  Briza  media.  -«aal 
egrette,  trempling-pin. 

SBab  imp  of  æ^be. 

SBøbbel  c  -bier  hangman,  executioner,  p  Jack 
Ketch;  fig  tormentor,  bloody  tyrant.  -agtig  a 
hangmau-like;  (grum)  barbarous.  -^tenber  the 
executioner's  bands.  -Itiægt  fe  -fbenb.  -^enge 
hangman's  fees.  -f^iil  lanterloo.  -ftienb  hang- 
man's  assistant.  -fDærb  executioner's  sword, 
•af8e  executioner's  axe. 

aSabc  vt  (iftanbfætte)  mend,  patch,  botch;  (gtlbe 
et  |»iinbt)r)  spay;  (Betale  S3øbe)  pay  (a  fine);  +=_ 
for;  —  vi  ~  for  pay  el.  suffer  for,  make  up  for; 
_  for  fig  (tneb)  defend  one's  self  with;  _  meb  £iDet 
pay  -vvith  one's  life,  sufiFer  death;  _  >3aa  en  9KongeI 
supply  a  want,  remedy  a  defect.  S8«be  c  -r  fine, 

93ebfer  c  -e  cooper.  -atbejbe  cooper's  work. 
•bctnl  cooper's  bench.  -ffæ!  stave-wood.  -gobfet 
^  the  cooper's  stores,  -^aanbbætf  cooper's  tråde. 
-tnltJ  cooper's  knife.  -ten  cooperage.  -ntcfter 
(master)  cooper.  -ftienb  journeyman-cooper. 
-txetlfteb  cooper's  shop.  -bærltej  cooper's  tools. 
-a!§e  (cooper's)  adze.  tSSabfre  vi  do  cooper's 

©ef  c,  SBefftcg  beefsteak. 

SBaffel  c  -er  &  -fler  bufFalo,  Bo»  bubalm;  fig 
boor.  -agtig  a  boorish.  -^ub  buffalo's  hide. 
-to  buflfalo-cow.    -Iccbcr  buft  (skin). 

SBag  c  -e  beech,  Fagua. 

tSagc  vi  bellow,  low. 

S3«gc|afle  beech-ashes.  -IiccEnbe  beech-wood. 
t-btolfet  song-thrush.  Turdus  mueicus.  -tnubc 
knotty  lump  of  beech.  -frat  beech-thicket, 
underwood  of  beech.  -lunb  beech-grove.  -olben 
beech-nut.  +-rtg  a  rich  in  beeches.  -ffoo  forest 
of  beech-trees.  -f^inber  tussock  moth,  Daay- 
chira.  -træ  beech-tree;  (-Deb)  beech-wood.  -i-ø 
poet  island  fuU  of  beeches.  '''SBegtroft  fe  8}jeib= 

aSø^mlen  «  Bohe'mia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r, 
•iff  a  &n  Bohemian;  -ifle  Stene  paste  diamonds. 
SSo^tnertootb  the  Bohmerwald. 

SBsj'e  c  -r  (gonge)  bilboes;  ^1,  buoy;  forfine 
(garbanb)  meb  -r  buoy.  -ptttQt  buoyage.  -reB 

SBajc  vt  bend,  (^obebet  o.  I.  ogfig)  bow;  gram 
infiect;  ~  9io!Ie  bend  one's  neck;  _  ftt  ©inb  yield; 
_  en?  Stolt^eb  bring  down  el.  lower  one's  pride; 
_  ^Retten  decline  the  course  of  justice;  _  ftt  jZ)re 
til  give  ear  to;  —  vi  (af)  turn,  deflect,  trend 
(ofif);  -  fig  (om  5[5erfon)  bow,  submit,  defer  (for 
to),  (om  3;tng)  bend,  (om  gloo  "•  '•)  turn.  SBajc- 
Hg  a  flexible,  pliable,  pliant.  S3«jelig^eb  c 
flexibility,  pliability,  pliancy.  SBirjelfe  c  r  (bet 
at  bøje)  bending  etc;  (23ugt,  krumning)  bend, 
curve,  curvature.  a3ii|e{]nuffel  fiexor(muscle). 
-tang  plyers. 

S3«jtc  c  -r  bow;  (til  aSefltjttelfe,  f.  ©18.  p.  ®ebær) 
guard;  {\3aa  Sbærb)  bow,  bar;  j,  (tit  Sæfejllfpirer 
o.  fl.)  boom-iron,  (®mp.)  link,  strap. 

S3«jning  c  -er  fe  SSøjelfe;  gram  &  opt  inflection. 
a3øjning§|enbelfe  termination.     -faft^eb   trans- 




verse  strength.  -form  -lære  accidence 
-maabe  dec^lension  e(.  conjugation.  -mierte  gram 
characteristic.    -f))rog  inflectional  language 

t©«!'  fe  SBuUe  1. 

*S8oIe  c  -r  bin,  crib. 

SBelge  c  -r  billow,  wave;  <!,  sea;  en  _  ftog  ot)i 
©fibet  a  sea  broke  over  the  ship.  93ølge  vi  &  r 
wave,  undulate;  Søen  -r  ftcerft  the  sea  runs  high; 
ben  -nbe  Slette  the  undulating  plain;  -nbe  Softer 
flowing  looks;  -nbe  Sorm  heaving  bosom.  -agtig 
a  billowy,  wavy.  -beoægelfe  undulation,  wave 
-motion,  -fijærg  .summit  of  a  wave.  -btil  cor- 
rugated  plate.  -brub  surf.  -br)|ber  breakwater. 
-bugter.  -Bugtninger  undulations.  -bat  trough 
of  the  sea.  -bannet,  -formig  a  undulating, 
wavy.  -bæn^jer  wave-subduer.  -b^b  poet  deep 
of  the  ocean,  -gang  swell,  sea.  -^ornfnegt 
whelk,  Buccinmn  undatum.  -tatst  wave-crest. 
■taft  ff  -flag.  -linie  wave-line,  undulating  line. 
•længbe  wave-length.  -flrat  wave  ornament. 
■ffOttH)  dash  of  the  waves.  -f[ag  beating  el. 
dashing  of  the  waves,  (fbagt)  ripple.  -flagS 
mær  fer  ripple  marks,  -t  a  undulated,  wav 
•teorien  the  undulatory  theory,  wave-t. 
fe  -lam.    -biS  adv  in  waves. 

*S3«Hng  c  -er  fe  SBuftap. 

tSeUe  c  -r  fe  SBuUe  1. 

tS3«tte  c  -r  whortleberry,  Vacctnium;  esp  ma; 
wh.,    V.  uliginosum. 

tSBaUe  c  -r  (i  §aaret)  buckle. 

•fSBelle  c  -r  (Stcelbå.)  rough. 

S3an'  c  -ner  (t  Stim.  el.  til  ®ub)  prayer;  (i8øn 
falbelfe)  entreaty,  appeal;  (5J5aaIalbelfe)  supplica- 
tion;  (inbftænbig)  solicitation;  (gorlangenbe)request; 
(fireben)  suit,  petition;  ben  førfte  _  (i  gaberbcr)  the 
first  petition;  jeg  ^or  en  _  tit  big  I  have  some- 
thing  to  ask  you. 

SBonber  pi  af  Sonbe.  -barn  o.  fl.,  fe  .aSonbe«. 
-gobS  lease-farms  of  an  estate.  -fmer  ordinary 

SBanfalbc  vt  entreat,  beseech,  implore;  -nbe  o 
entreating  etc,  suppliant;  en  _  a  supplicant. 

SBan^aS  c  -er  bungler,  dabbler. 

SBanl^arc  grant  (a  prayer  el.  petition),  hear, 
listen  to  (one);  blibe  -t  gain  a  hearing,  find  favour, 
be  successful  (in  one's  suit).  -^ørelfe  c  granting 
etc.  JBønlig  o  suppliant,  imploring,  pleading, 

!Øanne  c  -r  bean,  Faba;  (^oS  ^eften)  lampass, 
lampers;  pi  dung  (of  hares  etc),  f  (Snffe=)  coffee, 
berries;  F  blad  -r  nuts.    -ager  bean-field. 

fBønneioQ  c  prayer-book. 

$onne{bæ(g  bean-cod.   -Qalm  b.-straw.  -matm 
pea-ore.    -mel  b.-flour.    -ftage,  -ftang  bean-pole. 
-ftængel    bean-stalk.     -træ   laburnum,    Cytisus 
-urt  fe  Sar. 

S3anflrift  n  petition. 

S8ao'|tien  n  Bæotia.    -icr  c,  -ifl  a  Bæotian. 

S8ar'  vi  burbe,  burbet  ought;  bu  _  gøre  bet  you 
ought  to  do  it;  bet  _  gørel  it  ought  to  be  done; 
fom  bet  fig  l^ør  og  _  as  is  meet  and  proper;  fom 
jeg  burbe  as  I  ought  (P  ought  to);  bet  bør  en^ber 
at  it  behoves  every  one  to. 

93ar  c  -e  barrow;  *(-er)  burden;  t  a  hat  flt 
only  for  a  scarecrow,  tile.  ~ 

S8«r  (gjlebbinb)  c  fair  wind. 

SBar  (gtofterleje)  c  womb,  uterus.    -betænbeH 
inflammation  of  the  womb. 

aSarfaft  a  windbound. 

SBarl^oIé  neck  of  the  womb.   -Irængning  p 
lapsus  of  the  uterus. 

Sa'rn  pi  children;  ^an  fiar  Sone  men  ingen  _ 
he  has  wife  and  no  family.  —  SBamejaar  pi, 
-alber  infantile  years,  years  of  childbood.  -ortt 
children's    share    of  succession,     -ofljt    infant 








-asylum.  -ool,  -attling  procreation  of  children. 
•bttl  children's  ball.  -beg  meconium.  -bog 
children's  book.  -børn  grandchildren.  -bagen 
Innopents'  Dav.  -ctientQr  nursery-tale.  -no( 
crowd  of  childreu,  (large)  family.  -fortæUing 
children's  tale.  -gerning  childlsh  acl.  -gobl 
property  of  minors.  -^abiter  ohildren's  clothang. 
•^obe  k'indergarten,  infant  sohool.  -^jent  fe  -oftjl. 
•^Ofbital  children'.s  hospital.  t-^u8  (i  &bl)m.) 
.house  of  correction.  -IIt|nge  fe  -flot.  -lopf^er 
pi  small pox.  -lær  a  fond  o f  children.  -leg  child's 
play.  -lærbom  what  is  learnt  in  childhood; 
oatechism.  -leS  n  childless.  -morb  massacre  ol 
infants;  bet  bet^Iem.  _  the  murder  of  the  inno- 
cents.  -obbragelfe  eduoation  of  children,  child 
traiuing.  -ortrt  maw-worm,  Aacaria  vermicularie. 
■^laSferffe  c  -r  dry-nurse.  -<>cnge  money  belong- 
ing  to  wards.  -^ulber  composing  powder.  -ran 
kidnapping.  -rebe  l)rood  of  children.  -felflab 
child's  party,  children's  party,  -ffo :  ifav  traabt 
iine  ~  is  no  ohicken,  is  past  childhood,  has  put 
off  childish  ways;  ilfe  at  ^atte  traabt  fine  _  to  be 
in  leading  strings.  -flole  school  for  children. 
-ffrifter  juvenile  pnblications.  -ffraal,  -flrtg 
crj-ing  of  children.  -fpti  fe  -leg.  -f<)rog  children's 
language,  -ftreg  trick  el.  freak,  -ftue 
nursery;  {vaa  ^ofpital)  children's  ward.  -ftiærnt 
bevy  of  children.  -f^gbom  children's  disease, 
childhood's  malady.  -tanb  fe  9JJæltetanb.  -tugt 
education  of  children.  -t^b  kidnapper  (of 
children).  -t^bcri  fe  -ran.  -taj  baby  linen;  ar- 
ticles  of  infant  wear.  -ubfættelfe  exposure  of 
infants,  -ocn  friend  to  children.  -oerbenen  the 
children's  world.  -OiS:  paa  ~  childishly.  -bogn 
peramliulator,  infant-propeller,  -bærf  child's 
work.    -æber  ogre,  -  93ørnltlte!  dear  children ! 

iBø'r§  c  -er  exchange,  'change;  (^ung)  purse. 
•anftion  sale  on  the  exchange.  -bog  pocket 
ledger.  -bog  exchange-day,  'change-day.  -for= 
retninger  exchange-business.  -jobberi  stock 
-jobbing.  ■*tomité  board  of  tråde.  -Iur§  ex- 
change. -raonb  exchange  man.  -mægler  stock 
-broker.    -briå  exchange. 

Sørfbrætfe  c  vulva. 

@ør'S|rl)gte  report  on  'change.  -f^etulant 
speculator  in  the  stocks,  (i  flet  Sget.)  stock 
-jobber,  -fpetulation  speculation  in  stocks. 
-f^iil  stock-jobbing. 

SBørft  pi  F  licking,  thrashing. 

SBørfte  c  -r  (^aar)  bristle;  (til  tlæber)  brush; 
F  boor,  caitiff;  reife  -r  bri.stle  up.  Sørfte  vt 
brush;  »  StøOler  clean  el.  polish  boots;  _  en  af 
thrash  one.  -aftræt  brush-proof.  -ogtig  a 
bristly;  fia  boorish.  -formet  -formig  a  ^  seta- 
ceous.  -^otber  c  tidy.  ^mager 
-maffine  brushing-mill.  SBørftenbinber  brush 
-maker.  SBørftenbinberi  n  brush-making.  8ør-- 
ftenbe  a  bristly.  S8ørpe|orm  chætopod.  -penfel 
painting-brush  made  of  bristles.  -raabnen  wild 
-fire,  -figte  l:>rush  bolter.  -ftB  moss-rush,  Jun- 
CU8  squarrosiM .  -fliue  brush-wheel.  -foin  tenrec. 
-t  a  bristly,  bristled.  -tonb  chætodon.  -oalfe 
fe  -ffice.    SBørftning  c  brushing. 

SBø'r&tib  c  'change  time. 

tSø'rt  c  smack. 

»ørtle  fe  »ettle. 

^eh  a   F  grim. 

S9ø§ning  c  -er  box,  bush,  bushning.  8øS= 
ningSbolt  bush  bolt.    93ø8fe  vt  box,  bnsh. 

SBøSfe  c  -r  box;  ((Sebær)  gun;  fpQtte  i  -n  be  bled 
(freely),  shell  out.  -bor  rifle-borer.  -bænt  ^ 
lower  sill.  -^ane  cock  of  a  gun.  *-^olb  gun 
-reach,  gunshot.  -^^Ifter  gun-case.  -folbe  but 
-endofagun.  -frub, -Irubt  gunpowder.  -tngle 
musket  ball,  musket  buUet.  -laoå  gun-lock. 
■labning  charge  of  a  gun.  -løb  fe  -pt6e.  ♦-moal 
fe  -^olb.  -mager  c  -e  gun-maker.  -banbe  pan 
of  a  gun-lock.  -<)ibc  gun-barrel.  -flgtc  sight  of 
a  gun.  -ffttb  gun-shot.  -flette  rifleman.  -ffæft, 
-flæfte  gun-stock.  -ftæfter  (gun-)stocker.  -fmeb 
gun  smith;  ^  armourer.  -fpl)b  bayonet.  -ftaol 
Steel  of  a  gun-lock.    -ften  gun-flint. 

•©øéftng  fe  SJøSning. 

ajøfte  F  fe  »ørfte. 

taSøtte  c  -r  (gif!)  fe  «J5tg^bar. 

©øtte  c  -r  tub,  coop;  *pail,  bucket;  ($aptrf.) 
vat;  F  (|>at)  tile;  F  ^olt"  b'"  - '  "i^oXA  your  jaw ! 
-Hming  sizing  in  the  vat.    -(^apir  hånd  paper. 


Crb,  font  iWe  finbel  unber  6,  moa  fege?  unber  Jt. 

(S,  c  [6e]  n  -er  (Sogft.  k  mus)  C,  c  [cee].  abbr: 
d  =  e^rtftianS^obn  (suburb  of  Copenhagen). 

(^abota'ge  c  cab'otage,  coasting. 

(5at^ot'  c  -er  cell,  dungeon. 

(Sobcn'cc  c  -T  ca'dence.    -'re  vt  cadence. 

(Sobij  n  Cadiz. 

H-Kajole're  vt  cajole. 

^obetingerne  pi  the  Cape'tians. 

€abU(^on'  c  -er  hood,  capo'ch. 

6arambol{a'ge  c  -r,  (SiHarb)  cannon,  carrom. 
•e're  vt  cannon;  fif/  clash  (with),  run  foul  (of). 

(Sa'rt  Charles;  ~  ben  ©tore  C.  theGreat,  Charle- 

(Saroling'ler  c,  -iff  a  Carlovinglan. 

(Sortefianfl  a  Carte'sian. 

(?af(f)unøb  c  cashew  nut. 

(Jntedin  c  catechu,  cutch. 

(?oubi  nff  a:  bet  -e  $a§  the  Caudine  Forks. 

(fauf  eri'  n  chat.    -eufe  c  -r  settee. 

(Saljen'nebeber  Cayenne  pepper. 

(Seber  c  -bre  cedar,  Pinus  Cedrus.  -ene  Spanish 
juniper,  Juniperua  oxycedrua.  -fugl  cedar-bird, 
Bombycilla  cedrorum.     -liavpiH  cedar-gum. 

(Sebra'ttræ  n  ce  drat,  Citnca  medica. 

gelafi'er  c  staff-tree,  Gelaatrm. 

©elebre're  vt  cel'ebrate. 

(SeHe  c  -r  (i  aHe  SSet.)  cell.  -bannelfc  cell 
-development  et.  -formation,  -bannet,  -formig 
a  cellular.  -fængfel  prison  on  the  separate 
system,  -^inbe  cellular  membrane.  -^i»t  bucket 
-wheel.  -lærne  nucleus.  -f(im  protoplasm.  -f^< 
ftemet  the  solitary  conflnement  system,  -tiogn 
prison- van.    -oæg  cell  wall.    'tfCfo  cellular  tlssue. 

Kellulo'fe  c  cell'ulose. 

6eIfiu§termomcter  centigrade  thermometer. 

6elt  c  -er  archæ  eelt;  fe  ogfaa  ftelt. 

(Sembraf Qr  c  Siberian  stone-pine,  Pinua  Gcmhra. 

(Sement'  n  cement,  -e're  vt  cement,  -e'ring 
c  cementation.  -e'robn  cementing  furnace. 
-lobber  precipitated  copper.    -tiulber  cementing 





powder.  -ftoat  cemeuted  steel.  -tianb  cement 

genbré  a  ash-coloured,  sandy. 

@enf|ør  c  -o'rer  censor;  (af  tr^Ite  Sager)  censor 
el.  licenser  (of  the  press;.  (Senfu't  c  critical 
examination,  censure;  (i  ©folen,  SSibne§6l)rb)  cha- 
racter, certiflcate;  (éoS  Komerne)  ceusorship; 
(^reSfeO  censorship  (of  the  press);  fcette  unber  _ 
subject  to  a  censorship.  -tite're  vt  review, 
examlne;  (bable)  censure.    -ttS  e  census. 

Sentaur'  c  -er  cen'taur. 

©enter,  fe  ©entrunt.  -Bor  centre-drill;  -bit. 
-borb  4>  slidlng-keel.  -ittfttument  J>  centre 
-finder,  -nat),  -ft^He  (Smp.)  centre-boss.  -ta^ 
main  centre. 

©cntilfo'llcrofc  cabbage-rose,  Rosa  cenH/olia. 
-gram'  n  -mer  cen'tigramme.  -lit'et  c  cen'tiliter. 
■mc'tcr  e  con'timeter. 

6cntnet  n,  pi  =,  hundredweight,  Cwt.  -g»æ§= 
lot  red  gourd,  pumpkin,  Gucurbita  maxima. 
•tung  a  heavy  as  lead.  -t^ngbe,  -tiægt  leaden 

(Scnttai  a  cen'tral.  €entrai=  central.  6en= 
tratifere  vt  cen'tralize.  6entcattfc'nng  c  cen- 
tralization.  (Sentra'Ifiunlt  central  point;  focus. 
6entrc're  vt  centre. 

Senttrilfuga'Ifraft  c  centrifu'gal  force,  -fu'ge 
c  -r  (Danish)  cream  separator.  -^ttaXiWt  c  cen- 
tripe'tency.    -ptta'itta^t  c  centripe'tal  force. 

dcntrum  n  -trer  centre;  the  Moderate  party. 
-(8)6or  centre-bit.  -ipattxtt  fe  ©entrum.  -Sntanb 

ScrberuS  Cerberus;  fig  dragon. 

©ereatier  pi  ce'reals. 

6eremont'  c  -er  cer'emony,  rite,  observance. 
Ceremoniel'  nka  ceremo'nial.  (Secentoni'meftet 
master  of  the  ceremonies. 

(Seri'n  n  cerine. 

(Xerne're  vt  surround,  invest. 

©ero'n  c  -er  seroon,  ceroon. 

@erte^arti  n  -er  charter-party;  i  ifølge  _  as  per 
charter;  ligger  unber  _  is  under  charter. 

©ertiftto't  n  -er  certif'icate. 

derut'tcr  pi  cheroots. 

6erticla't<>atfe  c  saveloy. 

6e§'  n  mus  c  flat.    -c8  c  double  flat. 

6et|oce'ernc  the  ceta'cea(n)s.  -o(o'g  c  -er 

@eoen'nerne  the  Cevennes. 

S^ablo'n  c   er  fe  SfaBelon. 

Smågrin'  n  shagreen. 

@l)aife  c  -r  ehaise.  -longne  c  -r  long-chaår, 
chaise-lounge,  couch. 

Q,ftato'  c  -er  shak'o. 

€^alb(e'|a  n  Chaldæa.  -er  c  Chaldean.  -Iff 
a  Chaldaic;  n  (©^jrog)  Chaldee. 

(SfioIonS'  n  (Slags  Søj)  shaloon. 

^lialup'  c  .per  (E^efSO  barge;  fe  3foae.  -roere 

@^attt  bibl  Ham. 

(S^ama'be  c  chamade;  flaa  _  beat  the  c. 

C^antbric're  c  -r  longe  whip. 

KftanttJogn'en  Champagne;  c  (-Din)  champagne. 
-gloé  champagne-glass  (o.  fl.). 

C^am^igno'n  c  -er  (meadow)  mushroom,  Aga- 
ricus  campeatria.  -attter  J/  mushroom-anchor. 
-foucc  ketchup. 

@()once  c  -r  chance  (for,  of). 

@^ang|eant^  -e'renbe  o  shot(-coloured).  -c're 
vi  (JRibn.)  change  hånd,  change  the  horse. 

@^anler  c  chancre,  shanker. 

6t)0))cauba'§  c  opera-hat. 

6^araI)onc'  c  break,  sociable,  waggonette. 

(J^orge'lre  »t  mt^  charge,    -ring  c  charge. 

6^arla|ta'n  c  -er  cha'rlatan,  |quack,  mounte- 

bank.     -taneri'  n   cha'rlatanism,   cha'rlatanry, 

6:^ar(ot'tetage  c  trifle. 

Charmant'  a  cha'rming. 

(J^ornte'r,  ©garner  n  -er  hiuge,  joint,  -fil 
joiut-file.  -jærn  joint-tool.  -tinp  joint-gauge. 
•VoSfcr  joint-compasses.  -ftift  joint- wire.  -toni 

(S^iiatpi'  c  lint;  piEe  _  ravel  lint. 

e^aéfé  (SanI)  figure  in. 

6^au8fé'    c   -er    (built,    macadamized)   roai 
turnpikeroad.    @,^ou§fe'ret  a  causeyed. 

@^anbinidme  c  jingoism. 

g^ef  c  -er  chief,  head;  mil  commander;  (fi 
|)anbeI8|ul)  principal;  (for  CrlogSmanb)  captain 
—  6^e'f§|if)oIu<)  barge.     *-gaarb  c  captain's  el 
colouel's  residence.    -fa^Qt  great  cabiu.    -Icelbcr 
the  captain's  store-room. 

©fterai'fc  c  -r  chemise,  .shift. 

©écniH'e  c  chenille. 

(£^ica'n|e  c  r  chicane.  -e're  vt  chica'ne,  spite^ 
•eri'  n  -er  chica'nery.    -a'8  vexatious. 

G^tffonie're  c  -r  chest  of  drawers,  cheffonier, 

(£Mgno«'  c  -er  chignon. 

@éiltfa())eter  n  nitrate  of  soda. 

6bittt))an'fe  c  chimpanzee,   Simia  troglodytes! 

6fl0C'  n  onset. 

€^oto(a'be  c  choColate.  -fabritant  chocolate 
-maker.  -fartiet  a  chocolate-coloured.  -toge 
tablet  of  c.  -fanbe  chocolate  pot.  -^Jifler  c.-stick, 

€tcero  c  typ  pica;  _  Surfib  small  pica. 

©icero'nc  c  -r  cicerone,  guide. 

(£iceronio'ttf(  a  Cicero'nian. 

Ktber  c  cider. 

Kif ',  -folg  mere  c.  i.  f.  (cost,  insurance,  freight). 

6iffer  n  -fre  flgure,  -I»og  arithmetical  book. 
•breti  letter  in  cipher.  -nøgle  cipher-key.  -ffrift 
cipher,  cryptography. 

6tgar'  c  -er  ciga'r,  sega'r.  -arlbejber  cigar 
-maker.  -afle  cigar  ash.  -bæger  cigar-cup. 
-bæliSblab  wrapper. 

Cigaret'  c  -ter  paper  cigar,  cigarette.  -maffine 
apparatus  for  making  cigarettes.  -))a))ir  smoking 

Cigar'Ifobcral  cigar-case.  -^anblertobacconist. 
-^olber  cigar-holder,  cigar-tube.  -!o3fc  cigar 
-box.  -tnio  cigar-cutter,  -ntager,  -raogerffe 
cigar-maker.  -rutning  twisting  of  cigars,  -r^ger 
cigar-smoker.  -rt)gning  smoking  cigars,  -rar 
fe  -l^olber.  -f<)ib§  cigar-tip,  cigar-end.  -ftum)> 
cigar-end,  topper,  -tofte  fe  -foberal.  -tænber 
cigar-light,  vesuvian,  fusee.    -ttitler  pi  Allers. 

Cilo'bc  c  -r  harvest-fly,  Cicada. 

6ito'rie  c  suc'cory,  chic'cory. 

dimbjrer  c  -e  Cimbrian.  -riff  a  Cimbrian, 
Cimbric;  et  ~  |)Qt  a  furious  war-cry.  < 

Cintmc'rift  a  Cimmerian.  j 

Ktnno'bcr  c  &  n  cin'uabar.  i 

Circctt  fifl  a  circensial,  circensian. 

Kirta  adv  about. 

6irla§'ft|er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r,  -ff  a  Circassian. 
-en'ne  c  wooUen  cloth  like  cashmere  but  lighter. 

©irlel  c  -Her  circle;  flaa  en  _  draw  a  c, 
describe  a  c;  en  glimrenbe  _  a  brilliant  circle. 
-offnit  segment,  -bne  arch  of  a  circle,  circular 
arch.  -bannet  a  circular.  -flabe  circle  plane. 
-gang  circulation,  rotatory  motion.  -Ijug  flourish. 
-toabrant  quadrant  of  a  circle.  -line  .1,  rudder 
-rope.  -linie  circular  line.  -lab  fe  -gang.  -^ro^ 
jettion  circular  projection.  -rnnb  a  circular; 
_  $u§ræffe  circus.  -fab,  (*-fag)  circular  saw. 
-tomme  circular  inch.  -nbfnit  sector.  *-»)eb, 
waste  from  the  circular  saw.  ©irlle  vt  circle. 
Cirtutatio'n  c  circulation.    girtute're  vi  cir'cu.i 












late.  KirI«Iæ're  n  -t  cir'cular.  &ttut<e'ttietSet 
circular  travelling  draft,  circular  note. 

©irfumlflcfå'  c  -er  cir'cumflex.  -))oIa'rfitierne 
circumpo'lar  star.  -tyaUatio'nSlinlt  circumvalla'- 

@irlu8  c  -er  circus,  ring. 

618'  n  mu8  C  sharp.    -iS  C  double-sharp. 

Kifel|e're  vt  chase,  chisel.  -ø't  c  -er  chaser, 

giSfoi'be  c  -r  cls'.soid. 

(5iftercien'fcr(raunl)  c  Cister'cian.  -tlofter  C. 
monastery  (o.  fl.). 

(Sifter'nc  c  -r  cis'tern,  tank. 

6ifttt8rofc  c  rock-rose,  Cistus. 

Sitotier  n  -ler,  cit'adel. 

Sitant'  c  -er  plaintiff.  gttant'jfaliet  the  plain- 

Gito't  n  -er  citation,  quotation.  -io'n  c  cita'- 
tiou;  (StæBntng)  summons.  -io'nStegn  inverted 
commas.  Kite're  ut  cite,  quote;  (for  Sletten) 
summon;  _  of  quote  from;  _  urigtig  misquote. 

(Siter  c  -e  cithern.  -jpiKer  player  on  the 

@itro'n  c  -er  lemon,  citron.  -ioUet  lemon 
dumplings.  -ivøt  lemon  Inscuit.  -fugl  colias. 
-gul  a  lemon-coloured.  -ta^e  lemon-cake.  -(tmO' 
anbe  citron-water.  -mcttSft  common  balm, 
Melissa  officinalis.  -olie  oil  of  citron.  -^»tcSfcr 
lemon-squeezers.  -faft  lemon-juice.  -ffal  lemon 
-peel.  -ffine  slice  of  lemon.  -fomnterfugt 
brimstone- butterfly,  G(mopterv.c  rhamni.  -fut 
ftalf  citrate  of  lime  (o|o.);  -t  ©alt  citrate.  -fijte 
citric  acid.  -træ  lemon-tree,  citron-tree;  (SSeb) 
Jamaica  rosewood. 

6it){'l  a  civ'il;  bære  ttæbt  _  be  dressed  in  plain 
clothes  el.  p  in  mufti;  _  ®ragt,  -bragt  mufti. 
•ingeniør  civil  engineer.  gitillttatio'n  e  civili- 
za'tion.  6i»tlife're  vt  civ'ilize.  Kittilifl'  c  -er 
civil 'Ian.  @ttii{|tamtner  court  of  common  pleas. 
•Ucett  a  fe  eibil;  _  politibetjent  plain- clothes 
man.  -lifte  civil  list.  -pvoccå  civil  proceedings. 
-retten  civil  law.    -fog  civil  suit. 

6lairt)0Qan'ce  c  second-slght,  clairvoy'ance. 

@laq'ue  c,  glaqneu'rer  pi  claque,  claquers, 
hired  applauders. 

(£li(^é  c  -er  cliché,  matrix.  -'re  vt  dab. 
-'ring  c  cliché-casting,  dabbing. 

^oi^eniU'e  c  coch'ineal. 

docon'  c  cocoon. 

€ognac  c  cognac,  French  brandy. 

(Sotffu're  c  head-dress. 

KoloSfcrt'fer  pi  Colos'sians. 

6ongre'Oe|ratet  Congreve's  rocket,  -tvtfl  Con- 
greve  impression. 

Contuma'ciam :  in  _  by  default. 

6oulant'  a  easy. 

(SouV  c  &.  n  hit,  stroke. 

@outié'  c  -er  (railway-)carriage;  compartment 
(of  a  r.  c);  (Srin)  coupee. 

€ottpon'  c  -8  el.  -er  cou'pon,  interest-warrant. 

fourage  c  cour'age,  valour. 

(Sourta'ge  c  mere  brokerage. 

gourti'ne  c  -r  fort  cur'tain. 

^outtt'me  c  usage,  custom;*bet  er  _  at  it  is 
customary  that. 

(S^rewortar'tari  c  cream  of  tartar. 

€reme  c  custard.    rfaroet  cream-coloured. 

@roqui'S  n  (rough)  sketch. 

6rouVic'r  c  -er  croupier. 

6ucuj'0  c  flre-fly  elater,  Pyrophorus  noctilueus. 

Cnl-de-sac  c  turn-again-alley,  cul-de-sac. 

@uraca'o  c  curacoa. 

@urucu  c  trogon,  VuruQua. 

€t)a'n  n  cyan'ogen.  t-brint  fe  -Oanbftof.  -for= 
(inbclfe  fe  -metal,  -jærnfalinm  red  prussiate  of 
pota.*.  -laliunt  cyanide  of  pota.ssium.  -metal 
cvanide.  ,-Oaa)>ftof  hydrocvanic  acid. 

et)Ilifl  a  cyclic(al).  (S^Hoi'bc  c  -r  cy'cloid. 
(Jtjtlo'n  c  -er  cy'clone. 

@9llo'p  c  er  cyclops.  -forbandt  cyclopean 
masonry.     @l)tlo'^tf{  a  cyclope'an. 

@t)Ilu§  c  -Iler  cycle. 

g^lin'ber  c  -bre  cyl'inder.  -blæfer,  -bælg 
blowing-cylinder.  -bælfel  (Smp.)  cylinder-cover. 
-flabe  .surface  of  a  cylinder,  -form  cyliudric'ity. 
-formet,  -formig  a  cylin'driform.  -gang  cylinder 
escapement.  •^at  chimney-pot  hat,  stove-pipe 
hat.  -fammer  art  cylindric  chamber.  -oon 
round  stove.  -fibeftang  (Sntp.)  cylinder-side-rod. 
-^gnal  drum  signal,  -foibning  singeing  on  cyl- 
inders, -top  (Smp.)  cylinder  trunnion.  •tr^t= 
ning  cylinder-printing.  -ur  lever  watch.  (S^lin^ 
brift  a  cylindric(al). 

@))mbel  c  -bier  cymbal. 

6^'n|iter  c  -e  cyn'ic.  -iff  a  cynic(al).  -iS'me 
c  cyn'icism. 

6^<)'ergræ8  n  galingale,  Cyperus. 

e^p'ern  n  Cy'prus.    @t|))ertiitt  Cyprus  \vine. 

($^^rc§'  c  -fer  cy'press. 

Sjar  c  -er  Czar;  $eter  -  the  Czar  Peter,  -inbe 
c  -r  Czari'na. 

Kjeti^icr  c,  pi  =,  -ifl  a  Czech,  Tchek. 

Kæfajrifl  a  cesarean.    -riS'men  c  ce'sarism. 

6æfu'r  c   er  cæsura. 

K«lefti'n  n  cel'estine. 

6elefti'nermun!  cel'estine. 

(J<left)'rien  n  Cælosyr'ia, 

gølibat  n  eel'ibacy. 

J),  b  [3JeJ  n  -er  (SSogft.  og  mus)  D,  d  [dee];  ahhr 
33.  =  Sag  day,  S)ato  date;  b.  =  ben  the,  bøb 
dead;  b.  31.  =  bette  Slar  this  year;  Sbg.  =  danne- 
brog; b.  e.  =  bet  er  that  is;  Sftir.  =  Messrs.; 
S!.  S.  ^.  =  2)erel  SJongelige  ^øit)eb  Your  Royal 
Highness;  3).  9K.  =  SJercS  9Kajeftæt  Your  Majesty; 
b.  9K.  =  benne  ajJaaneb  this  month;  b§.  =  benneS 
inst.;  b.  f.  =  bet  famme  the  same;  b.  f.  f.  =  bet 
famme  fom  the  same  as;  ®.  ©.  S3.  Sanfte  @tat8= 
baner  Danish  Government  Raihvays. 

ta  adv  then;  conj  (paa  ben  Jtb,  ba)  when; 
(efterfom;  iBet)  as;  (ubtrtjffeS  ogfaa  meget  ofte  oeb 
$ræf.  53art.;:  _  jeg  »ar  fraoærenbe,  tunbe  jeg  being 

absent  I  could;  _  bette  for^olber  fig  faa  this  being 
SO;  nu  -  now  that;  -  jeg  bar  93am  when  a  child; 
bet  Bar  _  mærfeligt!  that  is  Strange  now!  og 
^biS  be  _  fan!  when  if  they  sunk;  t  =  ^ont. 

2)ao  c  -er,  fe  S)aabor. 

*2>oa  fe  'iiaat. 

!£)oab  c  baptism,  christening;  (I>e6efont)  baptis- 
mal  font;  ^olbe  ooer  -en  present  at  the  font.  — 
%(xa'M\&tt  aet  of  baptism.  -attep  fe  S)øbe=. 
-brober  one  baptized  at  the  same  time  with 
another.  -bag  day  of  christening.  -formular 
form  of  baptism.  -fiue  christening-cap  fbrugeS 
iffe).    -fjole  christening  gown.    -l«fte  baptismal 




vow.  -^Jdflt  baptismal  covenant.  -ritualet  the 
Baptismal  Sen'ice.    -Uibnc  fe  gobber. 

t)attb  c  deed,  achievement,  exploit,  aet;  i  SRoab 
og  _  in  word  and  deed.  -fulb  a  active,  deed- 
ful.  -leS  a  inactive.  -tøS^eb  c  inactivity.  -rig 
[:  -fulb.  —  S(ia'l)§|Iraft  energy,  enterprise. 
-Iroftig  a  energetic.  -lii)  life  of  great  activity, 
of  great  deeds.  -mattb  (®erning?m.j  doer;  (Jpelt) 
hero.  -trang  restless  activity,  desire  of  achieving 
great  things. 

^oabljr  deer,  fallow  deer,  Genus  dama.  -ffittb 

'Ziaat  c  ^  hiemptnettle,  Oa  eopsis. 

Saai^inb  doe.    -t)jort  buck.    -fatt),  -tlb  fawn. 

SSoanc  vi  swoon,  faint.  -færbig  a  ready  to 
faint.    -Ife,  -n  c  swoon,  fainting  flt. 

+£aaragttg  o  foolish,  nonsensical. 

2)aarc  c  -t  fool;  SBorl^erre  er  oHe  -rS  gormtjnber 
fools  liave  fortune.  2)aare  vt  fe  SBebaore.  -an= 
ftalt  lunatic  asylum,  madhouse,  -færb  folly. 
-fammcr  lunatic's  cell.  -lifte  fe  -anftatt.  t-Iifte= 
forlibt  a  madly  in  love.  -tiftegal  a  raving  mad, 
mad  as  a  March  hare.  -fiftegafffab  raving  mad- 
ness.  -liftelem  bedlamite.  -tiftefnal  foolish  talk, 
nonsense  -tæge  alienist.  -tægeuibcnfEafi  psy- 
chiatry.  -f^it,  -uærl  folly.  -tiæfcn  matters  rela- 
tive to  lunatics. 

2)aa'rltg  a  (taafielig)  foolish;  (flet)  bad,  poor, 
sorry,  worthless,  useless,  (f.  (gt§.  om  aJlaterialter) 
unsound,  (gartoj)  crazy,  shattered;  (ftjg)  ill,  un- 
well,  poorly,  bad;  -t  S8ejr  bad  weather;  en  - 
Unbffplbning  a  lame  apology;  -t  ^ooeb  a  poor 
head;  be  -e  jomfruer  the  foolish  virgins;  bet  er 
fun  -  meb  ^am  i  ®og  he  is  but  poorly  to-day; 
—  adv  foolishly  etc;  jeg  bilbe  lun  ~  Btfe  ofb.  I 
should  poorly  show  etc.  -bom  c  folly;  com- 
plaints.  -^eb  c  -er  folly,  foolishness;  Shiftug  font 
er  J^obernc  en  gorargelfe  og  Øræferne  en  _  Christ, 
unto  the  Jews  a  stumbling-block,  and  unto  the 
Greeks  foolishness.   2)aa'rflab  c  -er  fe  ®aacltgt)eb. 

2)aart)g  c  saddle  of  venison. 

Daafe  c  -r  box;  *(<l?raa§)  dip,  f  soft  fellow, 
nincompoop.  -(ibelte  box  level,  -mab  potted 
meat  etc.  *-tni!tcI  fe  *35oofe.  -nitieau  fe  -ItBeHe. 
-ffilb^obbe  terrapin. 

Jiaabtlbt  n  venison. 

2>aca'))o!  encore!  forlange-  encore,  re-demand. 

Sacier  c  -e,  baclfl  a  Dacian. 

Saba'  c  smack  (bottom),  toco. 

2>abbcl  c  -bier  date.  -frugt  date  fruit.  •palvxt, 
-træ  date  tree,    date  palm,   Phænix  dactylifera. 

Sab'el  c  blame,  censure,  blemish.  -fri  a 
blameless,  irreproachable,  unblamable.  -fri^eb 
blamelessness.  -teS  fe  -fri.  -§»otum  vote  of 
censure.  -uærbig  a  blamable,  reprehensible. 
-Ⱦrbig^eb  blamableness,  reprehensibleness. 

2>able  vt  blame,  censure,  reprehend,  find  fault 
With.  -Itjfl  captiousness.  -n  c  blaming,  etc. 
-r  c  -e  fault-finder,  censurer,  -f^g  a  censorious, 
captious,  fault-finding.  -f^ge  censoriousness, 

25ag  c  -e  day;  ben  ^ete  _  all  day,  the  whole 
day;  ben  l^ele  ufaflagne  ~  the  livelong  day;  i  §ele 
_  all  thls  day;  jeg  gioer  l^om  en  gob  _  (+  Brtjber 
mig  en  gob  _  om  :^om)  I  don't  care  a  fig  for  him; 
gjøre  fig  en  glab  _  make  a  day  of  it;  ftier  anben 
_  every  other  day;  fe  3tar,  ©løn,  ?)berft,  i  Sag; 
alle  -e  any  day;  ^aoe  gobe  -e  live  at  ease,  have  a 
good  time  (el.  happy  days)  of  it;  i  gobe  og  onbe 
-e  through  good  and  evil  report;  enbnu  er  tf  fe 
aHe  -eS  (Snbe  the  end  is  yet  to  come;  enbe  fine  -e 
finish  one's  days;  Hart  fora  -en  clear  as  noonday; 
bet  gr^r  ab  _  the  day  dawns  (breaks),  it  dawns 
(is  dawning);  bette  S3am  er  Råberen  o^  ab  -e  this 
child  is  the  picture  of  his  father,  his  f.  all  over; 
en  af  -ene  one  of  these  days;    pao  benne  Stb  of 


-en  at  this  time  of  day;  Bringe,  toge  of  -e  put  ef. 
do  to  death;  toge  en  of  -e  fig  put  el.  take  one 
down,  cut  one's  comb;  fomme  af  -e  come  by 
one's  death  e(.  end;  fe  5!Kæt;  -  efter  _  day  by 
day,  day  after  day;  -en  efter  on  the  morrow,  the 
next  day;  anben  -en  efter  on  the  secoud  day;  _ 
for  el.  fra  -from  day  to  day;  fomme  for  -en, 
for  en  _  come  to  light,  transpire,  turn  up;  Bringe 
for  -en  bring  to  light,  lay  bare;  |)emmelig^eben 
er  nu  fommen  for  -en  the  secret  is  out  now,  the 
murder  is  out;  lægge  for  -en  display,  manifest: 
fe  ©iben;  fro- til  ~,  fe.-  _  efter-;  i  biSfe-e  lately, 
latterly,  in  these  days;  i  mange  -e  for  many  a 
day,  these  many  days;  i  gamle  -e  in  days  of 
yore;  albrig  i  mine  -e  never  in  my  life;  i  bore  -e 
iu  our  day,  at  the  present  day,  at  this  day;  bet 
gaor  iffe  an  i  bore  -e  .  .  .  it  won't  do  at  this 
time  of  day;  o  m  -en  by  day,  during  the  day,  in 
the  daytime;  2  ©BtH.  om  -en  2  s.  a  day  el.  per 
diem;  i  -  om  otte  -e  this  day  week;  om  nogle  -e 
in  a  few  days;  *^er  om  -en  the  other  day;  poa 
-en  to  a  day;  bet  bar  langt  ub  (^øjt  ob)  poa  -eu 
the  day  was  far  advanced;  til  ^øft  op  '!faa  -en 
till  late  in  the  day;  ^bab  %\a  er  bet  Jjoo  -in?  what 
time  of  day  is  it?  nu  til  -§  now-a-days;  til  -eneS 
SnDe  to  the  end  of  time;  -  ub  og  _  inb  day  after 
day;  beb  ^øj  iQi  _  in  broad  day-light;  beb  -en§ 
SfremBrub  at  dawn  of  day.  2)ag|arbcjbe  day 
work,  day  labour.  -blab  daily  (paper),  d.  print. 
-blibe  the  sun's  meridian  heat  (in  winter). 
-Blinb  a  day-blind;  en  _  a  nyctalops.  -blinb^eb 
day-blindness,  nyctalopy.  -bog  diary,  journal. 
-brælning  daybreak.  -bue  aat  diurnal  arc. 
■cirfel  ast  day-circle.  -brlner  idler,  lounger, 
saunterer.  -briUeri  lounging,  sauutering,  idling, 
dawdling.  -britterlio  life  of  idleness.  -bram 
day-dream.  -b^r  diurnal  animal.  Sage§  vd 
dawn.  !£)agetal  numl>er  of  days;  i  -  day  by 
day.  2)a'giflob  day-tide.  -froft  -gam= 
mel  a  one  day  old. 

Saggeb  c  fe  Strfetjære. 

ISaggert  c  -er  dagger,  dirk,  poniard. 

Sa'glglimt  peep  of  day.  -gr^  fe  -Bræfningl 
beb  -  at  break  of  day.  -fone  char-woman.  -leje 
daily  hire.    -lejer  day-labourer. 

Så'glig  a  daily,  quotidian,  diurnal;  (alminbe= 
lig)  ordinary,  common;  til  _  every  day;  for  e. 
d.  use;  ~  SJebægelie  nat  diurnal  rotation:  -  ®ang 
ast  (Kronometer)  daily  rate;  i  ^sni-  og  Sobbonbe 
daily  flux  and  reflux  of  the  tide;  -  Sale  familiar 
language;  i  _  2;ale  colloquially;  -e  Klæber  every- 
day  clothes.  —  adv  daily;  tre  ®ange  -  three 
times  a-day.  -anlcr  small  bower,  workiug 
anchor.  -bagiS  adv  daily,  every  day;  a  common- 
place.  -^eb  c  dailiness.  -fættiug,  'ton  small 
bower  cable.  -ftue  c  parlour,  sitting-room, 

!Sa'g{(i(ie  day-lily,  HemerocaUia.  +A,X)  shelter 
for  the  day.  -I^§  daylight;  a  bright  as  day. 
-J>)§ntng  daylight.  -lén  daily  wages.  -lønner 
fe  -lejer.  ^•mtyainQ,  t-milbning  fe  -Blibe.  -mober, 
-mor  poet  fe  Worgenrøbe.  -multt  daily  fine. 
-mærfe  day  mark.  -maje  daily  toil.  2)agntng 
c  dawn.  2)aglort  min  air-shaft.  -^aafngleaje 
peacock  butterfly,  Papilio  lo.  -^enge  daily 
pay,  day's  pay.  -<)oft  day-mail.  -vappott  daily 
report,  -rcgifter  diary,  -regning  daily  account. 
-rejfe  (3Jeife  om  Sagen)  journey  by  day;  (S)ag§« 
rejfe)  day's  journey.  -renobation  dust,  -rcno- 
tiationSbe^oIber  dust  bin.  -renotiation§)>lab§ 
dust-yard,  dump.  -rente  daily  interest.  -ro 
rest  by  day. 

2)ag§|arbejbe  fe  -bært.  -befaling  order  of  the 
day.  -blabet  today's  number  el.  impression 
-frift  day's  respite.    -gerning  fe  -oærf 

2»a'gfignat  day-signal. 





+Sfl8éfoIJ)e  c  quotidian  fever. 

Sa'flffolc  c  day  school. 

IJags  foft  day's  food.    -fur§  rate  of  the  day. 

2)o'0,ffJ)  a  shunning  the  light,  -ficer  (S)oggr^) 
dawu:  (oeb  Solnebgang)  evening  twilight,  cre- 
pusciilar  light. 

S!aB§|(ttteratttren  current  literature.  -It)§  day- 
light.  -mor^  march,  -mebct  today's  sitting. 
•nummeret  fe  -Slabet.  -ntj^eber,  -nijt  news  of 
the  day. 

Sagfommerfugl  c  diurnal  l)utterfly,  day  but- 

SagSjorbcn  order  of  the  day;  (ben  opflaaebe) 
the  notiee  paper,  the  business  p.  (for  the  day), 
the  docket,  the  agenda;  Jig  ftaa  ifiaa  -en  be  the 
order  of  the  d.  -)){øintng  one  day's  ploughlng. 
'poft  day's  mail.  -pteé\e  daily  press.  -rejfe 
day's  journey.  -ffole  fe  5Dag=.  -ffær  fe  Saggrq. 
-f))iliie  loss  of  a  day.  -tit)  fmebenS  bet  er  SJag) 
daytime;  (DtS  %\t>  paa  2)agen)  time  of  day.  -tjC" 
ncftc  day  duty, 

Sa'g  ftjernc  c  (i  6egge  SBet.)  day-star. 

2agé!t8gct  today's  train. 

Xxi'g  ftraatc  ray  ofdaylight.  ''"-ftøbt  ado  every 
day,  day  after  day, 

Sagéuærf  n  day's  work;  (^oberi)  a  day's  soc- 

éa'gfDærmer  fe  -fommerfugl.  +-fæt  sunset. 
-time  hour  of  the  day;  -rne  the  hours  from  6 
a.  m.  to  6  p.  m.  +-tinge  negotiate  (of  peace). 
+-tingning  negotiation.  -tjenefte  day  duty.  -t^O 
idler.  -tærfler  thrasher  by  the  day.  -tø  sun 

XingtterrolftHi'  n  er  daguer'rotype.  -tl)^>e're 
vt  daguer'rotype.  -ttiptvinQ  c  daguerrotyping, 
daguerrotypy.  -t^<)i'  c  -er  b.  f.;  fe  3)agiterrot^p. 
•t^pift'  c  -er  daguer'rotj-per,  daguer'rotypist. 

Sa'fliJJogt  day-watch;  ^f,  morning- watch;  (9?on= 
tietS)  ward.  -oanb  surface-water.  -t)i§  adv  by 
the  day.  -Bogn  stage-coach,  -uælgcr  observer 
of  times,    -oærl  day's  work. 

Sagælbenbe  a  then  in  force;  prevalent  at  the 

2)oftl)l  c    er  dactyl.    Doltljiiff  a  dactyl'ic. 

Sol  c  -e  Valley,  vale,  dale,  »c  strath.  j)alarne 
Daleca'rlia.  tial\ho,  -boer,  -bygger  dalesman, 
glensman,    -bunb  bottom  of  a  valley. 

Sole  vi  sink,  go  down;  _  neb  paa  descend 
upon;  ^ani  2t)fle  6cgt)nber  at  _  his  fortune  is  on 
the  wane.    -n  c  sinklng,  descent. 

Soler  c  -e  rixdollar,  dollar  \c.  2  sh.  3  d.]; 
*specie- dollar  (2  rixdollars).  '■'■febbet  specie 
-dollar  note. 

Saleuenbe  a  then  living,  contemporary. 

So'Ijforc  n  -X  (long)  valley,  basin  (ofå  river). 
•grunb  bottom. 

Saliio  Delilah. 

Soiforl  c  Dalecarlian. 

Sotma'ltien  n  Dalmatia.  -ter  c  -e,  -tiflaDal- 
matiau.    -tifo  c  dalmat'ic(a). 

So'llrl)|)e  willow  grouse,  Lagopus  »ubalpina. 
-ftrictning  valley  (of  some  extent).  -ftreg  direc- 
tion  ofa  valley;  fe -ftrætning.    -fænlning  bottom. 

"^alte  vi  dangle. 

Som'  (Spil)  draughts,  checkers;  en  _  a  king; 
fpifle  _  play  at  draughts;  foa  _,  træffe  i  _  go  to 
king:  gare  tit  _  crown, 

Som'  c  -me  pond;  f  og  *  (3)æntning)  dam,  dike. 

Samo'n  c  -er  hyrax,  rock-rabbit. 

Somafce'nerlblomme  c  damson,  dam'ascene 
plum.  -Ktnge  Damascus  blade,  -rofe  dam'ask 
rose.  -ftool  damask  Steel.  Somofce'reB«  damask, 
dam'askeen.    Somofce'ring  c  damaskeening. 

Somoft,  Somoft  n  damask.  -c§-  damask-. 
•fobril  damask-linen  factorj-.    -mønftcr  damask 

pattem.  -tioetier  damask -weaver.  -oæucrt  fe 

Samibril,  -brifle  draught-man. 

Sombrub  n  breach  of  a  dam. 

Sombræt  n  draught-board. 

Some  c  -r  lady;  (i  Kort)  queen;  mine  -r!  Ladies! 
en  -g  SBæfen,  et  58.  fom  en  _  ladylike  manners; 
min  -  (i  ®an8,  »eb  SBorbet)  my  partner;  fpiHe  _ 
aflfect  the  airs  of  a  (fine)  lady.  -ogtig  a  lady- 
like. -biUarb  the  rocks  of  Sciliy.  -bragt  lady's 
dress,  -fobbcr  female  sponsor,  -foretting  ladies' 
union,  -^oonb  lady's  hånd.  -^onb^e  lady's 
glove.  -bot  bonnet.  -f)eft  palfrey.  -jafet  visite. 
-Jeanne  demijohn  -loobe  lady's  cloak.  -tobinet 
lady's  private  room.  -lofé  café  for  ladies. 
-fab^t  ladie.s'  cabin.  -tfole  lady's  dress.  *-lttfte 
fe  -jafet.  -lu^jé  ladies'  compartment.  -Unneb 
chemise.  -nobeUe  lady's  novel.  -^oletot  ladies' 
paletot.  -))erfano(e  staff  of  ladies,  -(lortræt 
lady's  portrait.  -ptfnt  finery.  -fobel  side-saddle. 
-foger  pi  ladies'  things.  -foton  ladies'  saloon. 
•felffob  fe  ?^ruentimmer=.  -fto  lady's  shoe.  -ffræb= 
ber,  -ftræbberinbe,  -ffrcrbberffc  mantua-maker, 
dress-maker.  -ftol  lady's  chair.  -ftøble  ladv's 
boot.  -toffc  work-bag.  -trøje  fe -jafet.  *-tatit: 
^an  I)or  _  he  is  a  favourite  with  ladies,  -oejr 
queen's  weather.  -»en  ladies'  man.  -oerbenen 
the  fair  sex.  -ueft  cardigan,  -bærelfe  ladies' 

Somlftff  pond-flsh.  -ftfferi  pond-fishing.  -grnbe 
(foundry-)  pit.  -jorb  (©toBn.)  pit-sand.  -luttur 
piscicultura  (in  ponds). 

Samma'rbar<)tf§  c  dam'mar,  dam'mara. 

Sommu Sling  c  fresh-water  mussel,  Anodonta. 

Somol'leéfoærb:  fom  et  _  like  Damocles' 
s  word. 

Sam))  c  -e  (SanbO  vapour;  (af  fogenbe  aSanb) 
steam;  (9{øg,  ®unft)  smoke,  fume,  exhalation; 
for  f ulb  -  full  speed;  flijipe  -en  blow  off  the  steam; 
flippe  -en  poa  turn  on  the  steam;  aa6ne  for  -en 
open  to  steam.  -oobning  steamport.  -afflæ= 
ring§a^))arat  expansiou  gear.  -offtæringSoentU 
expansion  valve.  -ogtig  a  vaporous.  -aOting 
fe  -bannelfe.  -boob  steamboat,  steamer.  -bob 
steam-bath,  vapour  bath.  -borometer  elatero- 
meter.  -beforbring  conveyance  by  steam-ship. 
-bel)oIber  steam  chest.  -blegning  l)leaching  by 
steam.  -bugferboob  steam  tovvboat,  steam-tug. 
-CQlinber  steam-cylinder.  -bonnetfc  generation 
of  steam.  -b^rlning  steam  culture.  Sam))|e  vi 
steam,  reck;  (gaa  meb  ®amp)  4^  steam;  (røge) 
blow  clouds;  —  vt  steam.  -en  c  steaming  etc. 
-er  c  -e  »1,  steamer.  -fort  steam  navigation. 
-fortøj  steamer,  steam  vessel.  -flajlc  steam 
whistle.  -form:  i-  in  the  form  of  steam.  -fot- 
tortning  expansion.  -fregat  steamfrigate.  -færge 
ferry  -  steamer.  -gang  steam  port.  -bamnter 
steamhamraer.  -bone  steam-cock.  -Ijttt  steam 
-dome.  -bejfeinbretntng  steamhoist.  -tful  steam 
-hole.  -tnbiabning  iuduction(of  steam).  -fonon= 
boob  steam  gunboat.  -loåfe  steam-kiln.  -lebel 
boiler.  •tttttlpttmpt  donkey.  -filbe  fumarole. 
-togning  steam-boiling.  -lorbet  steam  sloop  of 
war.  -froft  steam-power.  -tron  (til  fiejSning) 
st.  crane;  fe  -fiane.  -fugle  eolipile.  -!ul  steam 
coal(s).  -tttb^jel  steam  dome.  -l«Ifen  steam 
kitchen.  -Itnieffib  steam  line-of-battle-ship. 
-moaler  st. -gauge,  manometer,  -montcl  steam- 
jacket.  -mofttnc  steam -engine.  -moflintære 
steam-engineering.  -møUe  .steam  mill.  Sam))= 
ning  c  steaming  etc.  Som^ilpolet  steam-packet. 
-tioole  steam  gong.  -))ibe  st.-whistle.  -plob  st. 
-plough.  -^rciSfe  steam-press.  -firøber  apparatus 
for  trying  the  power  of  steam.  -(lumtfe  steam 
-pump ,  donkey.  -^ufter  aeolipile ,  eolipile. 
-romme(mafftne)    steam    pile-driving    engine. 




-rum  steam-chest;  steam-space.  -ret  steam 
-pipe,  steam-tube.  -fau  st.  saw-mill.  -f{aaren 
o  mill-sawn.    -ffib  fe  -6aab. 

^ara»)fIH»éic!§^)ebitiott  steam-boat  offlce.  -eU- 
ptbitøx  a  steamer's  agent,  -flaabc  steam  fleet, 
steam  navy.  forbinbelfc  steam  communication. 
•fører  captain  of  a  steamship.  -tom)iagni  steam 
-navigation  company.  -tontrot  inspection  of 
steamships.  -lul  steam  coal(s).  -Icjtig^cb  con- 
veyance  by  steam,  passage  in  a  steamer;  meb 
førfte  _  by  flrst  steamer.  -linie  steam-line. 
-tnarine  steam  navy.  -rum  steam  tonnage. 
•fejlobi?  steam-navigation.  -felftab  fe  -tompaQni, 
-firue  steam  propeller,  screw  propeller,  -trafit 
steam  traflRc. 

I)OttH)|fforften  waste-steam  pipe  el.  funnel. 
-firitebaab,  -ffruefttb  steam  serew  ship,  screw 
boat.  -ffjj  vaporous  cloud.  -f^oroej  tram  line. 
•f))Ort)ogn  steam  tram-car.  -f^jrøjte  steam  fire 
-engine.  -f))(enbing  steam -tension,  -ftcgc  vt 
braise,  stew.  -ftraale  steam  jet.  -ft^ring  slide 
-sweep.  -tap  steam  trunnion.  -trt)!  steam  pres- 
sure.  -trijISmonler  manometer.  -trt)tflala  soale 
of  pressure.  -tærffemaftinc  steam  -  thrashing 
machine.  -tørret  a  steam-dried.  -t«rring§= 
a))parat  steam-drying  stand,  -ubbitting  gene- 
ration of  steam.  -boff  steam-boiling.  -baf{eri 
steam -laundry.  -tientil  steam- valve.  -bogn 
steam-carriage.  -bæbber  steam-ram.  -øbejibc  a 
wasteful  of  steam. 

Samjrcnbe  water-course.  -ro!Ie  apus.  -flufe 
sluice  of  a  pond.  -imppe  long-shanks,  Totanm 

^atnf))il  n  draught-board  and  men. 

Satniften  dam-stone,  bridge,  -tæge  hydro- 
metra.    -tianb  pond  water. 

Sanbt)  c  -er  dandy,  exquisite,  amr  masher. 

^ane  c  -r  Dåne;   -rne  the  Dånes,   the  Danish. 

Sanearb  c  unelaimed  succession  reverting  to 
the  king,  escheat. 

Sanebrog  (Drben)  Danish  order  of  knighthood; 
(glog)  Danish  national  flag.  —  2)onEbrog§|ftti^fta 
White  fuchsia.  -lorS  cross  of  the  order  of  Dane- 
brog.  -manb  one  who  is  honoured  with  the 
Silver  cross  of  the  order  of  Dbg.  -orben  order 
of  Danebrog.    -ribber  knight  of  Dbg. 

Sanefcc  n  treasure  trove. 

Stttielgælb  Eng.  Hist.  danegelt.  t-^of  diet. 
-^ær  Danish  army.  -(r)Iongc  king  of  the  Dånes. 
-bang  poet  Denmark. 

Siangte  vi  dangle,  bob. 

Dontfe're  vt  Danise. 

''■'2)ant  c  -er  F  copper  (-coin). 

*2)ant:  brtBe  -  F  loaf,  idle. 

2)anmart  n  Denmark. 

2>anne  vt  (forme)  form,  shape,  mould,  fashion; 
(6i6rtnge  kultur)  educate,  cultivate,  polish,  reflne; 
gram  -r  guturum  ^oo  makes  el.  forms  the  future 
in;  —  vr  ftg  (o^jftaa)  form;  _  fig  et  SSegreb  om 
form  a  notion  of;  en  bannet  TOanb  a  well-bred 
man,  a  gentleman.  S)annelig  a  pliable,  flexible; 
improvable,  cultivable.  Sonneligljeb  c  pliability. 

Sonnelfe  c -r  (®erningen)  forming,  etc;  (gorm) 
form,  shape;  (Ubbaiiitelfe)  breeding,  reflnement, 
polish,  (liberal)  education;  bette  Crb  er  en  engelft 
_  is  an  English  formative.  —  Sannelfe§{anftalt 
educational  establishment,  -brtft  turn  for  im- 
provement  el.  reflnement.  -etine  educability. 
-fejl  malformation.  -fornt  form  of  culture.  -log 
cambiam-layer.  -lob  law  of  tormation,  -mibbel 
means  of  reflnement.  -))rDCeå  process  of  forma- 
tion el.  development.  -trin  grade  of  civilisa- 
tion,   -oæo  cambium. 

2)anne|manb  e  -mænb  gentleman,  -tbinbe 
woman  of  unblemished  reputation. 

-t-Sanner  c  -e  former. 

!&anni3  a  upright,  worthy,  excellent,  brave. 
-^eb  c  uprightness,  excellence,  worthiness,  ster- 
ling worth. 

2)an§  c  -e  (ben  enfelte  S)ani)  dance;  (^onblingenj, 
dancing;    føre  en  -  op   lead  a  dance;   gaa  bag 
-en  go  down  the  wind,  go  to  the  wall. 

Sianfe  vt  &  i  dance;  (om  ^eft)  prance;  _  ^ 
ober  SBelgerne  skim  (over)  the  waves;  _  efter  eni 
53i6e  dance  as  one  pipes;  fe  5Rofe.  -bol  P  dancei 
-bjørn  dancing  bear.  -bob  low  dancing-house. 
•bame  (en§)  partner,  -brogt  dancing- dress,  -gol 
a  madly  fond  of  dancing.  -glæbe  pleasure  of 
dancing.  -Ijeft  indefatigable  dancer.  -tobaler 
dancer,  partner.  -lunft  art  of  dancing.  -Itjft 
passion  for  dancing.  -lt)ften  a  fond  of  dancing. 
-lærer  dancing-master.  -ntefter  b.  f.;  tech  inside 
and  outside  calipers.  -ntelebi  dance  tune.  -mufti 
dance  music.  jianfen  c  dancing.  SanfebtobS 
dancing-place;  room  for  dancing.  !Sanfer  c  -e 
dancer.  2)anfertn'be  c  -r  (female)  dancer. 
Sanfelfal  dancing- room;  (offentlig)  casino.  -ffo 
pump.  -flole  dancing-school.  •ft)g  a  passiona- 
tely  fond  of  dancing.  -ft)(je  rage  for  dancing. 
-tatt  time  in  dancing.  -time  dancing-lesson. 
-trin  (dancing)  step.  -tur  figure.  -øbelfe  danc- 

Sanff  a  Danish;  en  -  a  Dåne;  bc  -e  the  Dånes; 
paa  ~  in  Danish;  bet  bil  )i!aa.  gobt  -  fige  the  Eng- 
lish of  this  is;  -e  £00  the  old  Danish  statute 
-book  of  1683.  *2)aHfIe  vi  speak  like  a  Dåne. 
!Sanff|en  the  Danish  language;  the  Dåne.  -er 
c  -e  Dåne.  -^eb  c  Danishness;  Danism.  -JKorff 
Dano-Norse.  -flnbct  a  of  the  Danish  party,  pn  ' 
-Danish.    -S^ft  Dano-German. 

2)aniig  n  Dantzic. 

I)arbaneII'ernc  the  Da'rdanelles. 

2)arre  vt  liquate  (copper).    -obu  capelllng 

Iia'rWinIfl  a  Darwin'ian.   -ig'men  Da'nvinis: 
-ift'  c  -er  Da'rwinite. 

2)afe  vi  F  fe  5Døfe. 

2)afl  n  C^c),  pi  =,   slap;   (om  ©ejl)  clout; 
91æDe  (en  2eg)  Hot  Cockles.    Soffe  vt  slap; 
dangle,  bob,  flap.    kaffen  c  dangling  etc. 

Saf^me'ter  n  dasym'eter. 

2)ot'  fe  ®it. 

I)ata'r(iué)  c  da'tary. 

2)ate'r|e  vt  date;  _  fig  date.  -ing  c  dating, 

^attb  c  that  age;  t  gram  imperfect  (tense) 

Satib  c  -er  gram  the  dative  (case);  ftaar  i  _ 
is  in  the  dative.  Satibéenbelfe  termination  o: 
the  dative. 

Snto  fe  ®atum. 

batter  c,  pi  ®øtre,  daughter.  -barn  daughter'i 
child.  -batter  granddaughter  (by  a  daughter). 
-fjerte  daughter's  heart.  2)atterltg  a  daughterly, 
fllial.  2)otter|IǤ  a  daughterless.  -manb  son-in 
-law.  -fbtog  daughter  language,  -føn  grandson 
(daughter's  son). 

2)atum  c  -er  date;  »,  pi  ®ata,  datum  (pi  data), 
faet;  (unber)  Sog§  3)ato  this  day;  til  Sato  up  to 
the  present  dale;  tre  SRaoneber  fra  ®ato  three 
months  after  date;  et  S3ret)  unber  2)ato  .  .  .  a 
letter  bearing  date  .  .  .;  ^^  of  gammel  _  of  long 

2)autt)^e^en  Burchell's  zebra,  Equus  montanus. 

2)obib  c  -er  4>  davit. 

^abib  David,  F  Davy;  »eb,  boor  -  tøbte  ØHet 
p  is  up  to  snuff".    2)abib§l)ar<>e  fe  §orpefneIIe. 

iSabre  c  breakfast.    -borb  b.  table. 

^abærenbe  a  of  that  time,  at  that  time,  then; 
for  the  time  beiug;  ben  _  (Sjer  the  tlien  owner. 

Se  pronpers  they;  (tiltalenbe)  you;  be  felD  they . . . 
themselves;  (®e,  i  Siltale)  you  .  .  .  yourself;  Sei 
bet !  hoUo !  I  say !  —  pron  dem  &  art  fe  Sen 







35ebarle'|re  vt  disembark.  -rinfl  diserabarka- 

Iiebot'  c  -ter  deba'te.    -te're  »<  deba'te. 

Scbduc^ere  fe  ©feje  ub. 

Debet  n  &  c  deb'it;  _  og  ^rebit  dehtor  and 
creditor.  -flbe  deb'it-  el.  debtor-side.  Debite'te 
vt  debit,  (en  for  nt)  carry  el.  plaee  to  one's 
del)it;  fig  aliege,  pretend,  trump  up.  3>tbUov 
c  -o'rer  debtor. 

Dcboudie'rc  vi  mil  debou'ch. 

Sebu't  c  debut,  first  appearauce.  Debutant' 
er  debutant.  Debutantinbe  c  -r  debutant'e. 
Debutere  vi  make  one's  debut  (on  the  stage), 
come  out. 

Dcccm'ber  c  December,  -terminen  the  D. 

Decem|»i'r  c  -er  decem'vlr.  -oiro't  n  decem'- 

Decennium  n  -ier  decade,  decennium. 

Dccentralife're  vt  decen'tralize. 

Dc(t)a  rge  c  discharge,  -^tiicltiing  discharging 

De*iffrc'r|c  et  deci'pher.    -ing  c  deciphering. 

Dectbc're  vt  decide.    -t  a  decided. 

Decimal  a  decimal;  —  c  -er  decimal,  (d.) 
place.  -br«f  d.  fraction.  -regning  d.  arith- 
metic.    -»argt  d.  balance  (o.  fl.). 

Decime  c  -r  mua  tenth.  Decime're  vt  dec'i- 
mate.    Decime'ring  c  decima'tion. 

Dccl'for  c  -o'rer  decider. 

Debicere  vt,  Debitatio'n  fe  Silegne,  -Ife. 

Debuicerc  vt  deduoe.  -ce'ring,  -Itio'n  c  de- 
duc'tion.    -tionSinblceg  declaration. 

Defeft'  o  defective,  imperfect;  —  c  -er  defect, 

Defenj^o'n  c  defence.  -ftonSlinie  line  of  de- 
fence.  -fi't)  a  defen'sive;  for^olbe  ftg  _  stand  el. 
aet  upon  the  d.  -'for  c  -o'rer  counsel  for  the 
defence.    -fora't  n  defence. 

De'ficit  n  deficit,  deflc'iency. 

Defit|é'  c  -r  defi'le.  -ement'  n  defi'lement, 
deflla'ding.  -e're  vi  file  off.  -e'rlng  c  filing  oflF; 
march(ing)  past. 

Definic're  vt  deflne.  -itio'n  c  -er  definit'ion. 
-iti'b  a  defin'itive. 

Deformitet  c  -er,  fe  TOiSbannelfe. 

Degener; atio'n  c  degenera'tion,  degen'eracy. 
•C're  vi  degen'erate. 

Degcr  n  -e  (10,  om  ®finb)  dicker,  daker. 

Deggut  fe  airfetjære. 

tDegn  c  -e  (parish-)clerk,  deacon,  «c  precentor. 

—  Degne!  bolig  clerk's  -embebe  fe  -falb. 
-jorb  clerk's  lot  of  ground.  -folb  clerk's  offlce. 
-offer  oblation  to  the  c. 

Degra'  c  spent  fish-oil  in  shamoy. 

Degrable're  vt  degra'de,  (hin  ^)  disrate;  -  til 
røentg  reduce  to  the  ranks.  -ering,  -atio'n  c 

Dej,  DcJB  c  dough;  lægge  _  prepare  the  dough. 
-et  o  doughy.    -ranb   watery  streak;   2)rcbet  ))ax 

-  the  bread  is  water-streaked,  dough-l>aked. 
-rnHc  paste-roller.  -flrabc  scraper.  -trug  knead- 
ing-trough.  -trugmnSling  mactra.  -teltemaffine 
kneading-machine,  dough -kneader,  -mixer. 

Dejlig  «  beautiful,  beauteous,  charming;  iron 
nice,  fine.    -fteb  c  beauty,  beauteousness. 

4^Dejne  vt  knead  (dough).    -trug  fe  ^ejgtmg. 

Dejfje  ci  tumble,  toppie,  pitch,  ^J,  make  stem- 
way.    -ning  c  J,  stemway. 

De|i§'me  c  de'ism.  -ift'  c  -er  de'ist.  -ift'iff  o 

Defabe  c  -er  deca'de. 

Defaben'ce  c  deca'dence,  decay,  decline. 

2^etae'ber  n  -bre  decahe'dron. 

Defalo'gcn  the  dec'alogue. 

^eta\na't  n  deanship.  -nt'  c  -er  dean.  -nt= 
biftritt,  -nttia;rbigt|eb  deanery.  De'fanuå  c  dean. 

Defote'lre  vt  .sponge  (cloth).  -ring  c  spongiug. 
-ringi^maftine  sponging-machine. 

Dellaml atio'n  c  -er  declama'tion,  recitation. 
-atiou^maabe  elocution.  -ationénummer  subject 
of  declamation,  declamatory  theme;  cont  .spout- 
ing-piece.  -o'tor  c  -er  declaimer,  reciter.  -otO'» 
rifl  a  declam'atory.  -e're  vt  declaim,  recite, 
cont  spout. 

Detlarlatio'n  c  -er  declara'tion.  -e're  vt  de- 
clare,  (f.  (Sfs.  gorlooelfe)  publish,  make  public. 

DctlaSfe'ret  a  degenerate. 

Detiinla'bel  a  decli'nable.  -atio'n  c  -er  grayn 
declen'sion:  attr  declination;  (røagnetn.)  varia- 
tion, declination.  -ationScirfel  circle  of  declina- 
tion. -ationdtabel  table  of  declension.  -e're  vt 
&  i  decline. 

Detott'  n  -er  decoction. 

DefoHete'ret  a  fe  «Kebringet. 

Defompone're  vt  decompo'se. 

Delorlatio'n  c  -er  decora'tion;  -er  the  scenery. 
-ationéforanbring  change  of  scenery.  -ation3= 
maler  ornamental  painter.  -ationS^lante  orna- 
mental plant,  ,-ata'r  c  -er  decora'tor,  ornament- 
ist.    -e're  vt  dec'orate. 

Defort'  c  deduction,  discount,   -e're  vt  deduct. 

Defo'rnm  n  proprlety,  decorum. 

Defrevite're  vi  decrep'itate. 

Detre't  n  -er  decree. 

Delup«'r  c  -er  cutter,  carver. 

Dettt'Irie  c  -r  decury.    -rio'n  c  -er  decu'rion. 

Del  c  -e  (af  et  Jpelt)  part,  portion;  (af  SSog) 
volume;  (9lnbel)  share;  (af  en  ©onate  o.  1.)  move- 
ment;  en  _  some  few;  en  _  beraf  part  of  it;  en 
ftor  _  (SKoengbe)  a  great  deal;  en  ^e(  _  a  good 
deal;  en  af  -ene  one  or  the  other,  (^oilfenfom« 
l^elft)  either;  ingen  of  -ene  neither;  begge  -e  both; 
be  -e  that  sort  of  thiug;  ^aoe  _  i  have  a  share 
in;  tage  _  i  (tjcere  deltoger)  take  part  in,  partake 
of,  be  a  party  to,  share  in,  (oife  Seltagelfe  for) 
interest  one's  self  for,  sympathize  with;  jeg  for 
min  _  personally  el.  for  my  part.  I;  I  for  one; 
for  en  _  partly,  in  part;  for  en  ftor  _  in  a  great 
measure;  for  ben  ftarfte  _  for  the  most  part, 
mostly;  for  ingen  _  by  no  means;  blioe  en  til  _ 
fall  to  one's  lot  el.  share;  til  -i  partly.  -ag'tig 
a  (i)  (belenbe)  partaking  of,  sharing  in;  (tagenbe 
_  i)  concerned  in,  interested  in,  a  party  to, 
accessory  to.  -ag'tiggøre  vt  give  a  part  ia. 
-ag'tig^eb  c  participation,  (i  gorbr^belfe)  com- 
plicity.    -bor  a  divisible. 

Delcre'bere  delcred'ere. 

Dele,  be'lte,  be'lt  vt  divide,  part,  (&aoe  Del  i) 
partake  of;  (meb  el.  imellem)  share;  _  ené  fyolelfer 
share  one's  feelings;  _  en  SKening  concur  in  an 
opinion;  _  af,  fe  9lfbele;  _  i  to  lige  Dele  divide 
into  two  equal  portions,  halve,  oeom  bisect;  _  i 
fire  lige  Dele  quarter;  -imellem  divide  el.  share 
betweeu;  ^an  ftal  -  og  imellem  he  shall  decide 
between  us;  _  ^alot  meb  go  halves  with;  _  ub 
fe  Ubbele;  —  vr  ftg  divide,  (i  ©rene  o.  1.)  braneh, 
ramlfy.    ''Dele  n  fe  Delingålinie. 

Deleglatio'n  c,  jur  delega'tiou.  -e're  b<  del'e- 
gate.  -erebc  pi  del'egates.  -eretmebe  assembly 
of  delegates. 

Delejlig  a  divisible.  -ligbeb  c  divisibility. 
-moffine  dividing-engine,  (Urm.)  watch-wheel 
cutting-machine.  Deler  c,  bibl:  Dommer  eller  _ 
a  judge  or  a  divider.  Defejftitie  division  plate. 
-ftreg  fe  DelingSlinie. 

Delfi'n  c  -er  (ogf.  p.  Kanon)  dolphin,  (^un) 
dolphinet,  DelphinM  delphis. 

Delflff  a  Delphian,  Delphic. 

De'l^aver  c  -e  sharer. 

Delibererenbe  a  delib'erative. 




Setlla't  a  (fin,  fintfølenbe,  Bonffelig)  del'icate; 
(om  ©mogen)  delicious,  dainly,  choice;  en  _  ©ag 
a  delicate  subject;  bet  er  mig  en  _  Sag  at  I  feel 
some  delicacy  in  el.  abont  -ing.  Setilfltere  flg 
meb  feast  on.  —  2)elitatc8fc  c  -r  (Sølelfe);  delicacy; 
(3{et)  delicacy,  dalnty.  SeIifoteåfe|^anbeI,  -^u§ 
Italian  ware-house.  -^onbler  Italian  warehouse- 
mau.    -øarec  Italian-warehouse  goods. 

2)ennB  c  -er  division;  mil  subdivision,  platoon; 
$olen§  -,  the  partitiou  of  Poland;  fptEe  ^)aa  -  go 
halves.  2)etijtg§|ttrttfcl  partitive  article.  -cirfel 
mech  pitch  circle.  -fejl  error  of  division,  -fot' 
tetning  (deed  of)  partition.  -fører  lieutenant. 
-leb  divisional  member.  -linie  division,  dividing 
line.  -lob  lot.  -tnnabe  mode  of  division.  -:|)unlt 
point  of  division,  -regel,  -regning  rule  of  divi- 
sion, -ret  right  of  partition.  -ftreg  fe  -linie. 
■tol  divisor,  -tegn  typ  break.  -tti§  adv  in  pla- 

SetinItJent'  c  -er  criminal,  culprit.  -fog  cri- 
minal  case. 

2»cli'rium  n  delir'ium,  P  horrors. 

S)eltf!  a  Delian. 

Se'lé  adv  in  part,  partly. 

2)cltaformtg  a  deltoid. 

®e'ttag|c  vi  (i)  take  part  et.  share  (in),  partake 
(of),  participate  (in),  -enbe  a  sympathising,  sym- 
pathetic.  -clfe  c  (2;agen  ®el  i)  participation; 
(SJlebfcIelfe)  sympathy.  -er  c  -e,  -erinbe,  -erftc  c 
-r  sharer,  partaker;  (f.  (gf§.  i  Sonturrence,  SSæbbe^ 
fan^j)  entrant. 

2)eltamnflet  c  deltoid  muscle. 

2»e'Itti§  adv  in  part,  partly. 

Sem'  pronpera  them;  (i  2:iltale)  you;  pron  dem 
fe  Sen. 

2>emognctifc'rc  vt  demag'netize. 

Scmalgo'g  c  -er  demagogue.  -gogiff  a  dema- 

25cmant'  fe  Siamant.    -ne  a,  poet  diamond. 

2)emar!atio'n§nnie  c  line  of  demarka'tion. 

2)emof!e're  vt  unmask. 

2)entee't  fe  ®imiti. 

Sentente'rc  vt  disclaim,  disavow.  -ti'  n:  gibe 
en  et  ~  give  one  the  lie. 

2)emtjcon'nc  c  -r  dem'ijohn. 

^emtmon'be  c  demi-monde.    -borne  demi-rep. 

SemiSfio'n  c-,  inbgibe  fin  _  give  in  one's  re- 

^emotva't  c  -er  dem'ocrat.  -i'  n  --ex  democ'- 
racy.    -ifl  a  democTat'ic(al). 

2>emoIe'|re  vt  demol'ish.    -ring  c  demolit'iou. 

2)emonft|ratio'n  c  -er  demonstra'tion.  -ratit) 
a  demonstrative,    -rc're  vt  demon'strate. 

2>eraont|c'rc  vt  dismount.  -c'rbattert  direct 
battery.  -erftub  direct  fire.  -e'ring  c  dismount- 
ing.    -c'rtng§gob§  dismounting  gear. 

®emoraUfe'|re  vt  demor'alize,  corrupt.  -ring 
c  demoraliza'tion,  corruption. 

2)cmoft|c'nifJ  a  Demosthen'ic. 

2)cmo'tiff  a  demot'ic. 

Sen'  pron  dem,  n  bct  that;  pi  be,  iiCta  those; 

—  (abjeltioerneg  6eft.  »rtitel:  ben,  bct,  be)  the; 

—  pron  pers  ben  it  (om  S^r  ofte  he  el.  she),  bet 
it,  pi  be  they;  +  pron  rel  fe  ©om;  ben  (bet)  .  .  . 
felb  it  .  .  .  itself;  ben  fom  he  et.  she  that;  he  el. 
she  who;  ben  TOanb  fom  the  man  who;  bet  fom 
that  which;  ben  Star !  fool  that  he  is;  ben  og  ben 
so  and  so;  F  ben  gaor  itfe  (®ran6erg)  it's  no  go; 
F  ben  oar  Bærre  l  that  beats  all. 

Sena'r  c  -er  denarius. 

3)enbrtt'  c  -er  den'drite. 

Senjgang  adv  then,  at  the  time;  that  tune; 
bet  »ar  ben  gang  times  alter,  you  see;  conj  (ben 
®ang  ba)  when;  _  bet  fiænbte  at  the  time  of  its 
occurence.    +-!«n  fe  SælleSfjøn. 

2)enne  pron  dem,  n  tfctte,  this:  pi  biSfc  these; 





(ben,  be,   fibftnæonte)  the  latter;   ben  6te  -S  ti 
6th  instant  (inst);  benne  ^an§  gejl  this  fault 

2)ent|e  vt  (^anb^er)  tambour,  stitch.    -ning 

Sentift'  c  -er  dent'ist. 

2)enunci|ant'  c  -er  denuncia'tor,  informe^ 
-atio'n  c  denuncia'tion. 

'^epavtement'  n  -er  depart'ment. 

2)epc'(t)e  c  -r  dispatch;  (Selegr.)  mes.sage,  tele 

aJe^jenbe're  vi  depend  (af  on). 

2ic|il«ce«ient'  n  displa'cement.  -Scentrunt 
centre  of  d.  (o.  fl.). 

2)e<)lo^e'|re  vt  deploy.  -'ring  c  deploy,  deploy- 

2)e<jo|ne're  vt  (t  gordaring)  depos'it,  lodge; 
(bibne)  depose;  t  be  matriculated  (at  the  uni- 
versity).  -'nenS  n  deponent,  -nent'  c  -er  de- 
pos'itor;  (SBibne)  depo'nent.  -ne'ring  c  depos'it- 

Se^)ort|atio'n  c  transportation.  -e're  vt  trans- 
port; Blibe  -t  (ogf.)  go  over  el.  aeross  the  water. 
-e'rtng  fe  -ation. 

2>e})0'jl|tum  n  -ta  depos'it.  -tobani  bank  of 
deposit.  -ta'riuS  c  depos'itary.  t-t§'  c  fe  Strtinm^ 
tiepo't  n  -er  depot. 

Se|)rab  1  atio'n  c  deprava'tion,  deprav'ity.  -e'K 
vt  deprave. 

2)eVttt|a't  n  -er  allowance  (granted  to  a  public 
functionary).  -atio'n  c  -er  deputa'tion.  -e'ret 
c  -rebe  dep'uty.  -e'rettammcr  (French)  legislativ^ 

2>er  [ce]  pron  rel  who,  which,  that. 

2)er  [æ]  adv  there;  t  conj  =  33a,  §t)or:  _  t 
Sanbet  in  that  country;  fjoem  _?  who  is  there, 
who  goes  there?  _  er  ^an  there  he  is;  _  er  mange 
there  are  many;  _  ftgeS  it  is  said;  -  fan  figeS 
meget  much  may  be  said;  l^Oo  _  whoever;  ^Bab  - 
what.  -ab  adv  at  it.  -af  adv  of  it,  of  this,  of 
that,  thereof;  _  følger  thence  (it)  follows;  _  at  .  .  . 
følger  iffe  from  the  faet  that  .  .  .  it  does  not 
follow.  -an'  adv  ilbe  _  badly  oflf,  in  a  strait. 
-efter  adv  (bernceft)  after  that,  aftenvards,  subse- 
quently,  thereafter;  (oBerenSftemmenbe  bernteb) 
according  to  that,  accordingly;  =  efter  bette. 
Sloret  _  the  next  el.  following  year;  fort  _  shortly 
(afterwards);  bet  bleB  ogfaa  -  the  result  was  as 
might  be  expected. 

2)ere§  pron  pers  pi  (abjeft.)  their;  (a6foIut) 
theirs;  (tiltale)  (abjeftiBifl)  your;  (abfotut)  yours. 
—  pr  dem  of  those:  _  3tntal  fom  the  number  of 
those  who. 

Se 'r  I  for  conj  for  it,  for  that,  therefore;  on 
that  account,  for  that  purpose;  bet  er  -  ot  this 
is  why;  (=  for  bette).  -forbi  adv  past  there.  -fro 
adv  thence,  from  thence;  rejfe  _  leave  there; 
(=  fra  bette).  -^cn  ado  thither,  there;  labe  ftoa  _ 
leave  undecided;  jeg  arbejber,  ftrceber  _  at  I  make 
it  the  object  of  my  efForts  that;  forflarebe  bet  _ 
at  explained  it  to  the  effect  that;  foranbrebe  fin 
^lan  _  at  changed  his  plan  in  so  far  that. 
-^ennb  adv  in  that  direction.  -^enljdrenbe  fe 
5Dib-.  -Ijenne  adv  yonder,  there.  -^oé  adv  (tæt= 
Beb)  by  it,  hard  by;  (beSuben)  besides,  withal. 
-i  adv  in  it,  in  that,  therein.  -ib(anbt  adv 
among  them,  including.  -igennem  adv  through 
it;  through  there.  -tmeUem  adv  amongst  el. 
between  them.  -tntob  adv  (tmob  bet)  against  it; 
{paa  ben  anben  ©ibe)  on  the  other  hånd,  on  the 
contrary;  jeg  ^ax  intet  _  I  have  no  objection. 
-tnb  adv  in  there,  therein,  into  it.  -inbe  adv 
in  there,  in  that  place.  -tnbefro  adv  from 
within  there. 

2)eri|t)e're  vt  derive;  -nbe  Wibler  deriv'atives, 





counter-irritants.  -batio'n  c  -er  deriva'tion. 
-»a'tum  n  -ta  deriv'ative. 
Xermotoloo«'  c  dermatorogy. 
I>e'r:meb  adv  with  it,  witli  that,  with  this; 
therewith;  (meb  btSJe  Crb)  so  saying,  at  this; 
i)dat)  mener  £e  _?  what  do  you  inean  by  that; 
_  Bil  Ijan  intet  ubrette  he  will  gain  nothing  by 
that;  _  Bar  Sagen  afgjort  thatsettled  thequestlon. 
-neb  "dv  down  there.  -nebe  adv  down  el.  below 
there.  -nebenfor  adv  below  there.  -nebenfra 
adv  from  below  there.  -nebentil  adv  there  at 
the  bottom.  -nteft  adv  next,  iu  the  next  plaee, 
then.  *-najft{mcl)  n  mlddling.  -om  adv  al><)ut 
it,  about  that,  on  the  subject;  of  that  faet;  fian 
_  that's  his  affair.  -omtring  adv  there  about. 
•omme  adv  round  there.  -op  adn  up  there. 
-oV<)e  np  there,  above  there.  -ot)eRt>aa  up  there. 
-Otier  adv  (oBer  til  et  @teb)  over  there,  across 
there;  (oBer  bet)  of  it,  for  it,  etc;  ^unbrebe  og  _ 
■  hundred  and  upwards;  ^Bob  ber  er  -  what  there 
is  more  than  that.  -ottrc  «</<;  across  there,  round 
there,  over  there.  -paa  adv  {x>aa  noget)  on  it, 
on  that,  thereon;  (bernæft)  after  this,  after  that, 
then,  next;  5Dagen  _  the  next  day;  _  foareg  to 
that  the  answer  is. 

Setrit  c  -er  (.8ran)  <ierrick. 

Jicrfora  conj  if,  in  case. 

2)'e'r;fteb§  adv  there.  -til  adv  to  it,  to  that, 
to  that  place;  for  that  purpose;  besides;  _  tommer 
at  moreover,  add  to  this  that;  naar  58ejret  er  - 
when  the  weather  is  favourable.  t-ttlraeb  udo 
moreover,  -ub  adv  out  there.  -ube  adv  without 
there,  out  t.  -ubefra  adv  from  out  there.  -ub- 
otier  adv  over  there,  across  there,  farther  than 
that;  fe  -OBer.  -unber  adv  under  it,  below  there; 
less.  -tjeb  adv  by  it,  thereby;  by  that  meaus; 
nær  _  close  by,  hard  by  there;  lab  bet  blioe  _ 
let  it  (the  matter)  rest  there;  _  er  intet  at  gøre 
it  cannot  be  helped  el.  remedied;  ber  er  ingen 
ftunft  _  that  is  easy  enough;  bet  gobe  _  er  the 
beauty  of  it  is. 

SemtfJ)  c  -er  dervish,  dervis. 

Xe'TOærcnbe  a  of  the  place,  there  (present). 

Se'§ :  Bære  _  be  on  terms  of  „®e",  say  „®e" 
(you,  not  thou)  to  each  other. 

S)e§'  n,  mm  D  flat. 

2)e§'  [é]  fe  Sefto.  -aarfag  adv  on  that  account, 
for  that  reason.    -angaaenbe  adv  respecting  it. 

SeSaooue'Ire  vt  disavow,  repudiate.  -ring  c 

Seébe'bre  adv  so  much  the  better. 

2)eécenbent'  c  -er  descen'dant. 

Xefert  ere  vi  dese'rt.  -io'n  c  dese'rtion.  -«'r 
'•  -er  dese'rter,  runaway,  (tun  ^)  straggler. 

^e8'e§  71,  mus  D  double  flat. 

:5e81forinbe«  ac/»  before  that  time.  -formcbelft 
joc  fe  -aarfag;  _  at  for  the  reason  that.  -forubett 
adv  besides  that,  moreover,  withal,  over  and 

SeSQcU'rre  adv  the  rather. 

Iiefigniatio'tt  e  -er  list,  specification.  -e'ret  a 
des'ignated  (til  for  el.  to). 

Seéinftce'Itc  vt  desinfect;  deodorize;  -nbe  røibler 
desinfectants.    -ttJig  c  desinfection. 

Scffrt|iti'ti  a  descrip'tive. 

;£e§{Itge  a  such,  such  like,  similar,  the  like. 
•li'geftc  adv  likewise. 

Seéman  e  desman,  Mygale  moscfiata. 

2)e8mer  c  civet,  musk.  -agtig  o  musky.  -boofe 
pouncet-box.    -bl^r  fe  -fat. 

Scémc're  adv  the  more. 

SegmerlgræS  fe  -urt.  -lat  civet  (zibet,  genet) 
cat,  Viverre,  civetta,  &  zibetka.  -tuglc  musk-ball. 
■lugt  smell  of  musk.  -^ære  musk-pear.  -rofe 
musk  rose.  -rotte  musk-rat.  Mus  pUorides.  -urt 
moschatel,  Adoxa  moschatellina. 

2)edmin'bre  adv  the  less;  ttle  _  never  the  less, 
notwithstanding  that. 

XeSorgonilfe're  vt  diso'rganize.    -fe'ring,  -fa- 
tio'u  c  disorganiza'tion. 
Seåorientere  vt  put  out,  confuse. 
DcSoEtjbcre,  -riug  fe  3lfilte. 
^cfpeft'  c  disrespect. 

2)cfj)ero't  a  des'perate;  furious.  -io'u  c  despe- 

Iicflio't  c  -et  des'pot.  -i'  n  des'potism.  -if! 
a  dospot'ic(al).    -iS'mc  c  des'potism. 

3)e§fcin  fe  SieSftn. 

Xeåfe'rt  c  dessert,  -fuiu  d.  knife.  -ffc  d. 
spoon.    -totterleu  d.  plate. 

2)csr»«'  [fr.]  n  k  c  design.  2)eéflnotø'r  c  -er 
designer.    JJcSftu'traob  figured  wire. 

Z)eftiaa|tio'n  c  -er  destilla'tion.  -te'r  c  -er 

SefttttCrc  vt  destil'.  -far,  -tcbcl  still.  -!olbe 
alembic,  retort.    -ot)tt  distilling  furnace. 

;£cftinoto'r  c  -er  consignee. 

;5efto  (følger  efter:  jo)  the;  _  6ebre,  mere,  minbre. 
Bærre,  fe;  ®el6ebre  ofB. 

2>eftruc're  vt  destroy. 

SeS'luagtet  adv  notwithstanding  this  el.  that. 
-ttben  adv  besides,  in  addition,  -ttierre  adv  un- 
fortuuately,  I  am  sorry  to  say,  alas!  more's  the 
pity,   p  worse  luck. 

Det'  [F  be]  fe  Sen;  (uperfonl.  $ron.)  it;  bet 
regner  it  rains;  ^Borfor  bet?  whv  so?  ^Borfor 
gjorbe  bu  bet  (meb  Sftertrt)!  );)aa.  „bet")  why  did 
you  do  that?  ixtaa  „gjorbe")  why  did  you  do  so? 
bet  Bar  ^anS  Crb  such  were  his  worils;  Bor  bet 
lians  fibfte  Crb?  were  those  his  last  words?  bet 
Ian  jeg  ogfaa  gøre  I  can  do  as  much;  bet  tænfte 
jeg  nof  I  thought  as  much;  og  ^Bem  Bar  iffe  bet? 
as  (el.  and)  who  has  not?  bet  er  (figteube  til  et 
foregaaenbe  perfonl.  ©ubjeft  el.  Cbjeft)  he  is,  she 
is,  they  are:  bet  er  en  flet  Sari  he  is  a  bad 
fellow,  etc;  bet  er  mig  it  is  I;  bet  er  (Bil  fige) 
that  is;  bet  er  bet,  fom  jeg  Bil  Bibe  that  is  what 
I  want  to  knovv;  ja  bet  er  bet  yes  it  is.  bef  er  bet 
ogfoa  so  it  is  (indeed);  ifte  bet"  jeg  Beb  not  that 
I  know  of,  not  to  my  knowledge;  ifte  bet  jeg 
tror  not,  I  believe;  og  bet  en  Same  and  a  lady 
too;  græbe,  bet  maa  Bi  iffe  weep  we  must  not; 
ja  jeg  Beb  Det  yes,  I  know;  gør  bet!  do!  bet  at 
rejfe  (the  aet  of)  travelling;  bet,  at  l^an  ^ar  rejft 
the  faet  of  his  having  travelled;  fe  SSorte,  ©ibbe. 

Scta(4e|meRt'  n  -er  detaeh'ment.  -'re  vt  detach. 

%tiaii'  c  og  n  -ler  detail,  particular;  fælge  i  _ 
retail;  ^anble  en  gros  &  en  detail  deal  whole-sale 
&  retail;  gaa  i  _  enter  into  details  el.  particulars. 
•tianbcl  retail  tråde.  -Qanbler  retailer.  -lunb' 
ftob  knowledge  of  (all)  details.  JtetaiUc're  vt 
detai'l,  partieularize.  2)CtoiIIc'ret  a  miuute,  ex- 
plieit.  ttetaiUift'  c  -er  -^anbler.  3)etailo|imaa- 
ling  a  minute  survey. 

Sietentio'n  fe  SBaretægt. 

2)ctermin|c'ret  a  deter'mined.  -iS'me  c  deter'- 

Scto|tie're  vi  det'onate;  mus  go  out  of  tune. 
-nc'rtng,  -natto'n  c  detonation. 

Detrouifc'Irc  vi  dethro'ne.  -ring  c  dethrone- 

Sctte  pron  dem  n  this. 

2)ebtatio'tt  c  -er  devia'tion.  2)etitation§|fIitie, 
•rofe  deviation  card.    UetJie're  vi  de'viate. 

2)e»)t§  c  -er  ^  davit. 

^ct)i  fe  c  -r  device,  posy. 

Iieuo'nifl  a  Devonian. 

2)ct)otio'n  c  devo'tion. 

Iiejtrt'n  c  dex'trine. 

Diaba'g  c  di'abase. 

Stabe'm  n  -er  diadem. 




!&iagnø'fc  c  diagnosis;  ftiHe  en  S^gbomS  - 
diagnost'icate  a  disease. 

S)tagonai  a  &  c  -er  diag'onal;  efter  -en  diagon- 
ally.  -baanb  ^1,  diagonal  braoe  (o.  fl.).  •6^9flet 
a  diagonally  Imilt.  -reb  J^  balance  reef.  -f^jantcr 
diagonal  timbers.  -ftog,  -ftiOer,  -ftvcelicr  (Smp.) 
diagonal  stay. 

'Sixanvam'  n  -mer  di'agram. 

Stafo'n  c  -er  dea'con.  -o't  n  -er  dea'conry. 
•iS'fe  c  -r  dea'coness,  -iSfeanftatt  -iSfcftiftcl'fc 
deaconess(es')  institution. 

Siolrit'if!  a  dia(Titic(al). 

Stalclt'  c  -er  di'aleet.    -fotfter  dialectol'oger. 

2)inlel|til'  c  dialee'tics  pi.  -'tt!er  c  -e  dialect- 
ic'ian.    -tifl  a  dialectical. 

25io(o'n  c  -er  dialogue. 

2)toIt)'fe  c  dial'ysis. 

2)iamant'  n  -er  di'amond.  -agtig  a  diamond 
-llke.  -fiorb  diamond  powder.  -brtjUU^  diamond 
wedding.  -fugt  spotted  manakin.  Pardalotus 
punctatus.  -glaSffærer  pencil  diamond.  -grube 
diamond  mine.  -^aarb  a  hard  as  diamond. 
-^olSbaanb  d.  necklace  (o.  fl.).  -^olbig  a  con- 
taining  diamonds.  -tnob  d.  knot.  -naol  d.  pin; 
(Seleg.)  d.  needle.  -ring  d.  ring.  -ff rift  diamond. 
-flange  fe  airguS^.  -ftiber  diamond-cutter.  -flib> 
ning  grinding  of  diamonds.  -fmijtle  set  of  dia- 
monds. -f^at  adamantine  spar.  -ftab  diamond 
powder  el.  dust. 

Siome'Iter  c  -e  diam'eter.  -trn'I  a  diamet'- 
rical;  -t  moDfot  diametrically  opposed  to.  -tra'I- 
^ilo«  i  longitudinal  midship  section.  -tri^  a 
diam'etral,  diamet'ric(al). 

£iana|9tbe  diana  monkey,  spotted  m.,  Cerco- 
pithemm  Diana,    -træ  tree  of  Diana. 

2)iarré  c  diarrhoea. 

Stafto'fe  c  di'astase. 

2>iafU)ic  c  di'astyle. 

2)tatomé  c  -r  di'atom. 

2)iato'ntff  c  diaton'ic. 

Iiiatri'bc  c  di'atribo. 

Diblc  vt  dibble.    -mafline  dibbling  machine. 

2)tb  adv  thither,  there;  I^ib  og  _  to  and  fro. 

2>tbo!|tif'  c  didac'tics.    -'tifl  a  didactic(al). 

I)i'bi^en  adv  thither.  -^ørenbe  a  relative  el. 
appertainlng  thereto.  -iub  adv  in  there.  -tontft 
c  arrival  (there).    -o<)  adv  up  there. 

%xt  c  (mother's)  milk;  giue  _  suckle,  give  suck. 
Sic  vt  suck.  -brober  foster-brother.  -gitienbe 
a  suck-giving.  -gitining  c  suckling,  givlng  suck. 
•lalM  sucking-calf. 

2)ic§  fe  bittes. 

2)icf«fter  c  foster  sister. 

Siffercn'ce  c  -r  difference,  mere  balance.  -for= 
retninger  t>l  speculation  for  account. 

SiffcrenI'  e  -er  diff'erence.  -termometer 
diflerential  thermometer. 

Siffcrctttia'I  n  -er  differen'tial.  ^lfferential= 
differential,  f.  (£f8.  -mefattiSme  differential  gear; 
-regning  d.  calculus,  etc. 

Differentiel  re  vt  differen'tiate.  -ring  c  diffe- 
rentia'tion.    ^iffere're  vt  diff'er. 

2)ifterit|iS  c  diphthe'ria.  -if!  a  diphther'ic, 

2)iftong'  c  -er  fe  Stjel^b. 

Dig  pron,  accus  af  bu,  (fiøitibelig  S^ole,  i 
^Stbelen,  af  S^bætere  og  prov)  thee;  (altn.)  you; 
refi  yourself,  f.  (SIS.  Oaff  big!  wash  yourself. 

Dige  n  -r  t  (opfaftet  S8oIb)  dike,  dam,  amr 
levee;  *ditch.  tDtge  vi  dike,  raise  a  dike.  -oab» 
ning  breach  in  a  dike.  -aniceg  construction  of 
dlkes.  -brub  sea-breach.  -bt^gning  ie  -anlæg. 
-freb  dike-laws.  -graoer  dike-digger.  -greoe 
dyke-grave.  -graft  ditch.  -iufpettar  super- 
intendent of  dikes.    -fam  top  of  a  dike. 

Diget  c  -gier  crucible,  meiiing-pot;  typ  plateu. 

Digeløb  c  dikelaws. 

Diget|obn  crucible-fumace.  -))røtie  assay  of 
metals  -fmettning  melting  in  a  crucible.  -tang 

Digeo<)ft)n  n  superintendance  of  dikes. 

*Dtger  a  thick,  big.    -bøben  the  black-death, 

Digere'rc  vt  digest. 

Digel  ff  at  dike-tax.  -flufe  dike-sluice,  dik 
-drain.    -fmutte  chat,  Saxicola. 

Dtgeft' lerne  the  digests.    -or  c  digest'er 

Digcjfoatedike-swallow,  Hirundo  riparia.  -f^n 
survey  of  dikes.  -oei  dike-path.  -ocefen  dike 
-establishment,  matters  relative  to  dikes. 

Dignito'r,  Dignitæ'r  c  -er  dig'nitary. 

DigreSfto'n  c  -er  digress'ion. 

Digt  adv  ^  close,  chock. 

Digt  n  -e  poem;  (Dpbigtelfe)  fiction,  -art  spM 
cies  of  poetry. 

Digte  vt  (tætte)  chinse. 

Digte  vt  (opbigte)  invent,  romance;  (ftribe  ^Poeft) 
make  poetry  el.  verses,  compose  verse.  -funft 
(art  of)  poetry.  Digten  c:  ol  ^an§  _  og  Iragten 
gaar  nb  pao  his  every  thought  runs  upon. 

Digter  c  -e  poet.  -aanb  poetical  genius,  -aarc 
poetie  vein.  -enne  poetical  talent  el.  turn.  -fag 
department  of  poetry.  -f  jætb  Parnassus.  -ftugt 
poetie  flight.  -frifteb  poetie  license.  -gabe  fe 
-eSne.  -gub  god  of  poetry.  -^aanbbocrtet  the 
poet's  craft.  -^etb  success  as  a  poet.  -ilb  poetie 
fire.  Digterin'be  c  -r  poetess.  Digtcrinbfftjbetfe 
poetical  inspiration.  Digteriff  a  poetical.  Digter|= 
tolb  poetical  vocation.  -Iraft  poetical  power. 
-tranS  poetie  wreath,  the  bays.  -liti  poet's  life, 
life  poetie.  -minbe  fe  -ri),  -natur  poetical  na- 
ture, -nabn  fe  -r^.  otbing  venerable  poet. 
-roé.  -r^,  -rligte  poetical  farne  el.  renown.  -ruS 
poetical  trance,  -fong  poetie  song.  -fan^  taste 
for  poetry.  -ffæl  poet's  soul.  -fnilte  poetie 
genius,  -fprog  poetical  language,  -taltnt  poetie 
talent.  -bi§ :  poo  -  after  the  manner  of  poets. 
-Oærf  poem,  poetical  el.  imaginative  work 

Digt|ning  c  -er  poetical  composition,  poetry] 
-famling  collection  of  poems. 

Ditte  vi  (om  Ur)  tick. 

Ditfeba'rer  pi  F  antics,  capers;  gøre  _  (D 
oeje)  mince  the  matter. 

Diftebiftebit!  ketcher!  ketcher! 

Ditten  c  ticking. 

DitotQiebo'ner  pi  dicotyle'dons. 

Dillta'men  n  dlctation.  -ta't  n  -er  dictation; 
ftriee  efter  ~  write  to  el.  from  d.  -tato'riff  a 
dictatorial.  -ta'tftit  writing  to  dictation.  -tatu'r 
c  dicta'ture,  dictatorship.  -te'rc  vt  dic'tate;  _  en 
en  33jøbe  impose  a  flne  on.  -te'rcn  c  dictation. 
-tio'n  c  dic'tion.    -tionæ'r  c  -er  dictionary. 

Dilb  c  dill,  Anethum  graveolen«;  hibl  anise; 
*  fe  ®iEe. 

Dilem'ma  n  -er  dilemma. 

Dilettant'  c  -er  amateur,  dilettante.  -fore= 
killing  private  theatricals.  -moeSfig  a  amateurish, 

Diligen'cc  c  -er  dil'igence,  (stage-)coach.  -furer 
guard.  -^eft  stager,  -tontor  coach-office.  -fro 
coaching  inn.     -tuft  stage-coachman, 

*DiKe  c  sowthistle,  Sonchus. 

*DiIt  n  slow  trot.    -c  vi  toddle,  dangle 

DiIttbia'I=  dilu'vial. 

Dimenfio'Iner  pi  dimensions,  proportions;  ^ 
(af  dømmer  el.  3ærn)  scantlings.  -nStabel  scale 
of  scantlings. 

Dimin'tttio  n  -er  &  a  diminutive,  -enbelfc 
d.  termination. 

DimiSpræbiten  c  probational  sermon. 

Dtm'iti  n  dimity. 

Dimitte'Ire  vt  (i  Slim.)  dismiss;  (tit  en  et§amen) 
send  up  for  an  examination;  (til  UniD.)  certificate 









e    _ 






for  the  uuiversity.  -nb'  c  -er  candidate  for  the 

Simling  c  -et  treenail,  trennel;  cotter. 

Ximmeluge  c  Holy  Week,  Passion  Week. 

Siinorf  a  dimo'rphous. 

Sin  i'ron  pogK,  n  J)tt',  ji^  btite  (^øjtibeltg  %oXt 
og  i  !i3i6eleii :  (abiettitjift)  thy,  (abfolut)  thine;  (bgl. 
Sale) :  (abjft.)  your,  (abfol.)  yours;  _  9Jar  you 
fool,  fool  that  you  are;  bu  er  -e  t^oe  aiar  you 
are  twenty  years  (if  a  day);  bu  og  -e  you  and 
your  family. 

Stngelbangel  n  (dangling)  gewgaws,  bobs. 

2)ingeting  u  dingdong. 

Siingtc  vt  dangle,  bob,  s^ving  to  and  fro,  (i 
®Qlgen)  swing,  -n  c  dangling  etc.  -^let  rickety 

SinøO  c  dingo,  Canis  dingo. 

-i-!£infel  <■  spelt. 

Sio'geneStrablbc  c  hermit-crab,  Cænobita  Bio- 

Sio^j  ter  n  sight( vane),  diopter.  -lineal  alidad 
rule.    £iio^trift  a  dioptric. 

Siortt'  c  di'orite. 

Siioétu'rerne  the  Dios'curi. 

Xxpiom  n  -er  diploma.  -abel  patent  nobility. 
-o't  c  -er  diplo'matist.  -atartum  n  -ier  coUec- 
tion  of  documents.  -ttti'  c  diplo'macy;  n  di- 
plo'macy.  -atiV  c  diplomacy;  (*JSaIæogr.)  diplo- 
mat'ics.  -o'tiff  a  diplomat'ic(al);  et  _  gif  a  stroke 
of  policy. 

2)H)^eléoIie  c  Dippelli-oil. 

!5iipfomani'  c  dipsoma'nia. 

2)i))tam  c  dittany,  Dictamnus. 

2)iref'jte  a  direct;  adv  d.,  directly.  -tlo'n  c 
-er  (Retning)  direc  tion;  (SBeft^relie)  board  of  di- 
rector.s,  governing  body,  committee.  -to'tiet 
the  Directory,  -tri'ce  c  -r  directress,  directrix. 
-t«'t  c  -er  direc'tor,  manager,  ^irige're  vt  con- 
duct.  Sirigent'  c  -er  (i  9Ilin.)  direc'tor,  (af  SKøbe) 
chairman,  mus  conductor,  band-master. 

^ir'il,  ^irl  c  -er  picklock;  ^L  fe  Sombtrf. 
£itle  vt  (en  2aaS)  pick;  ^  (en  SBom)  top.  -fri  a 
not  to  be  picked,  thief-proof. 

^trre  vi  quiver,  vibrate;  -nbe  £æber  quivering 
lips;  ©trængen  -r  the  string  vibrates.  -n  c  quiver- 
ing, vibration. 

ii§'  ?j,  mus  D  sharp. 

2)ié  fe  ®e'«. 

!£i8  c  -er  myth  goddess. 

Diå  c  haze.  -bante  fog-bank.  -t-b(aa  a  hazy 

2)ifcH>'let  c  -pie  pupil,  scholar,  disci'ple.  -H'n 
c  -er  (2ugt)  dis'cipline;  (5<ig)  branch  of  knowl- 
edge.  -Hnar  (el.  nær)fotfeelfe  breach  of  dis- 
cipline.  -lino'tftr«f  discretionary  punishment. 
-Itne're  vt  disc'ipliue.    -Hnc'ring  c  discipline. 

2)ifct,  2»tftg  a  hazy.    -^eb  c  haziness. 

Iiiél)armo!nc'te  «t  be  discordant.  -ni'  c  -er 
discord,  dishar'mony.    -'niff  a  discordant. 

Siåljonorc're  vt  (*^ef§el)  dishon'our. 

Xiéiå  n,  mus  D  double  sharp. 

^iéjunttiu  a  di.sjunc'tive. 

J)ift  c  -e  (SaEerfen)  small  plate;  (RallO  paten; 
(i  SButif)  counter;  ftitleS  fra  Sug  og  _  be  separated 
from  bed  and  board. 

2)iéfant'  c  -er  treble,  soprano.  -nøgle  soprano 
clef    -ftemme  canto. 

liWtt  vt  _  op  dish  el.  serve  up. 

2)iftcibronning  P,  shop-woman.  -Mo<)  flap 
(of  a  counter).  -manb,  -fpringer  counter-jumper. 

2)tétonita'beI  a  discount'able.  -te're  vt  dis- 
count,   -te'ring  c  discounting. 

Siefontinuc'tlig  a  math  discontin'uous. 

2)i8fon'to  c  -er  dis'count.  -bant  bank  of  dis- 
count, -fob  rate  of  discount,  -forretninger  dis- 
counts, discounting.    -todfe  Office  of  discount. 

-laon  loan  on  discount,  '^t&lotitt't  c  -er  di.s- 
coun'ter,  money-lender. 

Diétob'ermaffine  c  discover-eugine. 

Siétrc't  a  discreet;  -e  Størrelfer  discrete  quan- 
tities.  -lo'n  c  discret'ion,  (2:atil^eb)  reticence. 
-ionæ'r  a  discret'ional,  discret'iouary. 

Tiiétulpe've  vt  discul'pate. 

!£i§tttr|re're  <;»  discourse.  -8' c -er  discour'se, 

2)i§ftt|8rto'«  c  -er  discuss'ion.  -Sfionåfelffob 
debating  society.    -te're  vt  discuss'. 

Sifloægt  c  shop-balance. 

^i&pa'åic  c  -er  statement  of  average.  -^atin 
port  of  adjustment.  Xii\)aå)e't  c  er  average 
stater,  average  adjuster. 

SiSpenlfatio'n  c  -er  dispensa'tion.  -fc'tc  vt 
exempt,  grant  dispensation. 

Si§))o|ne're  vi  dispo'se  (ooer  of),  —  vt  dispose 
(til  to);  flet  -t  in  bad  humour.  -nent'  c  -er 
(acting)  manager,  -ni'bel  a  available.  -fitio'n 
c  -er  disposition;  outline,  skeleton;  (9Jaabig^.) 
disposal;  til  Serel  _  at  your  disposal;  mil  ttl  _ 

£i3))ttt'  c  -er  dispu'te,  argument,  -o'tor  c  -er 
dis'putant.  -a't^  c  -er  disputa'tion;  (Slf^anbl.) 
dissertation,  aet,  thesis.  -e're  vi  dispute,  reason, 
argue  (the  point),  moot;  ^olber  af  at  _  is  fond  of 

XiSfe  pron  dem,  pi  af  ®enne,  these;  cont  - 
meget  fromme  goll  your  very  pious  people. 

*Si8fe  c  -r  swing;  _  vi  swing. 

Xi8fel|e're  vt  dissect.  -tio'n  c  dissec'tion. 
-tionSbcftil  case  of  dissecting  instruments.  -tionS= 
InitJ  scalpel.  -tionSftue  dissecting  room.  -'tor 
c  dissector. 

2ii§fen§'  c  difference  of  opinion.  SiSfen'ter 
c  -e  dissenter,  non-conformist;  f  chapel-goer  ij^ 

SiSfonanS'  c  -er  dis'sonance,  discord. 

2)iftan'ce  c  -r  dist'ance;  fturS  og  -  and 
distance,  -frogt  rateable  freight,  distance-freight. 
-tttaater  distance-meter,  -mærle  bench-mark. 
-obfertiation  astr  (»eb  ©ol)  sun  lunar;  (oeb  Stjerne) 
star  lunar,  -^enge  fe  9J}ile=.  2)iftance're  vt 
dist'ance.    2)iftanceribt  ride  against  time. 

^liftiton  n  -fa  distich. 

2>iftin|gt)e'te  vt  distin  guish.  -goe'ret  a  dis- 
tinguLshed.  -It'  a  distinct.  -Itio'n  c  -er  distinC- 
tion;  mark  of  distinction.  -ItionSflag  dlstinguish- 

SiStrja^e're  vt  distract,  draw  away,  disturb. 
-fti't  [fr.]  a  absent.  -altio'n  c  absence  of  mind, 
ab.sent-mindedness . 

2)iftrilt'  n  -er  dis'trict.  SiftrittSl^^forfamling 
meeting  of  electors.  -beft  cavalry  -læge 
district-physician . 

£)it'  fe  2)in. 

Sit'  og  Sat  one  thing  and  the  other,  sundries, 
odds  and  ends,  odd  snatches. 

Sittttarflen  n  Ditmarsh,  the  Ditmarshes. 

Sit'o  ditto,  the  same. 

Sitte  vt  say  «you»  to;  -i  say  you  to  each 

Sitqratn'jbe  c  -r  dith'yramb,  dithyram'bic. 
-biff  a  dithyrambic. 

Sioa'n  c  -er  divan';  —  n  -et  the  Divan,  -borb 

Siuergle're  vi  diver'ge.    -enS'  c  diver'geuce. 

Sioer'fe  a  sundry.  -tjanbcl  general  shop,  amr 
variety  store.    -t)anblet  sundryman. 

SioertiSfement'  n    er  diver'tisement. 

Sitiijbenb'  c  -er  div'idend.  -ben'be  c  -r  div- 
idend, -be're  vt  divide;  -  16  meb  2  (_  2  i  16) 
divide  16  by  2;  a  -t  meb  b,  a  by  1),  -'8  c,  tvp 
hyphen.  -fio'n  c  -er  dlvis'iou.  -fio'nSt^ef  j, 
commander  of  a  division.    -fionSgencral  divi- 




sionai  general.  -Pon8ftt)!fe  sum  in  division. 
-PonStcgn  sign  of  division,  -'for  c  -er  divisor; 
t]/p  visorium. 

*2)iECl  [e  5E:ængfel. 

2)tæ'refi8  c  diær'esis,  dier'esis. 

2)iæ't  c  di'et;  regimen;  ftreng  -  low,  strict  diet 
el.  regimen;  l)oIbe  _  be  under  diet,  diet,  (ftreng) 
be  on  low  diet;  -er  pi  siibsistence  money,  allow- 
ance.  -e'tift  a  dietet'ic(al).  -fejl  mistalie  in 
one's  diet. 

Siottte  c  -r  junk. 

SjærtJ  a  bold;  7i>in  compact.  -elig  adv  boldly. 
•Iftt  c  boldness.    -talenbe  a  free-spoken. 

Sjaticl  c,  -'Ole  dev'il,  fiend;  en  -§  Sari  a  devil 
of  a  fellow;  -8  Sift  diabolical  art  el.  cunning. 
-in'be  c  -r  she-devil.  -8  hib  devil's  bit,  Scabioaa 
sucoisa.  -ff  a  dev'ilish,  diabolical;  ben  -e  §unb 
(SSog)  tlie  Dog  Fiend.  -ffab  {e  -§  tej.  -8  Her  ^ 
timber-dog.s.  -8  ^lanfer  J,  .shifting-boards.  -å 
taj  n  devilry;  infernal  stufF,  abomination.  -unQe 
c  devil's  imp.  —  2)jæ»le|Beft)ærnelfe  c  exorcism. 
•Befttærgcr  exorcist.  -bcfættetfe  demoniacal 
possession.  -{ilænbt  a  P  devilish,  deuced;  con- 
founded.  -bljrfclfe  devil-worship.  -tnoner  exor- 
cist.  -»10111110  exorcism.  -taaen  Satanstoe. 
-troen  the  belief  in  the  Devil.  -unge  fe  SjiæbelS«. 
-Bi8:  Xio^a  -  diabolicallv. 

2)obbe  c  -r  {)?aa  giftefnøre)  float. 

2)ob6e(  c  game  of  hazard,  gaming,  gambling. 

^obbeft  a  double,  twofold,  +dual;  _  ©pil  double 
-dealing;  _  iBogl^oIberi  book-keeping  by  double 
entry;  -e  2eb  rickets;  —  adc  double,  doubly; 
twice;  fe  -  see  double;  _  faa  mange  twice  as 
many,  double  the  number;  _  foa  meget  twice  as 
much,  as  much  again.  -aarc  paddle.  -SB  double 
flat.  -betfafin  common  snipe,  Scolopax  Gallinaoo; 
*solitary  snipe,  S.  mnjor.  -biUet  return  ticket. 
-btit  double  plato.  -bopftab  ligature.  -bonbe 
doubled  pawn.  -brljbning  double  refraction. 
-bæger  dice-box.  -bæftet  gregot  double-banker. 
-bør  folding-door.  -finnet  «  ^  bipinnate.  -flint 
double-barrelled  gun.  -flijnbrc  double,  -fabbebe, 
-febber  p/ amphipods.  -greb  double  stop.  -gæn= 
ger  alter  ego,  double,  fetch.  -loge  double  chin. 
-fttt!fe  double  pick.  -^arfiet  <t  twice  screened. 
SobbettJjcb  c  doubleness,  (fun  fig)  duplicity. 
2)obbeIt|l)cUing  i,  midshipman's  bend.  -^jttl= 
gang  duplex  escapement.  -^øul  double  plane. 
-jærn  double  iron.  -liffert  binocular,  binocle, 
(minbre)  opera-glass.  -tno^)(per)  double  buttons, 
sleeve-links.  -Ina^^et  a  double-breasted.  -tnube 
double  knot.  -tontroUctt  the  Dual  Control. 
-trone  doul)le  crown.  -trunt  a  of  double  curva- 
ture.  -Ir^bS  mus  double  sharp.  -ftiartet  double 
quartet.  -(orgnet  folders.  -I^b  fe  Sbeltjb.  -tab 
fe  -flint,  -laber  amphisbæna.  -tabet  a  double 
-barrelled.  -mutter  doubleheaded  maul.  -ntant= 
fobbimetallism.  -^junttma«  double-point,  -rebet 
n  double-reefed.  -fait  double-salt.  -ftbig  a  two 
-sided,  bilateral,  -ftoet  a  53um)3e  double-piston 
pump.  -flog  musturn.  -f))at  (Iceland)  calcareous 
spar.  -fblint  ^t■  spring  forelock.  -fvor  double 
track.  -fteg  (af  fjaar)  haunch.  -fting  d.  stitch. 
-ftjerne  double  star.  -ftrccuget  a  (j^mxo)  bichord. 
-f^n  diplopy.  -fæbc  two  seats  back  to  back. 
-taft  persian.  -triHc  double  shake.  *-troft  missel 
-bird.  Turdus  viscivoru8.  -t^big  «  equivocal 
-t\ipe  logotype.  -tiirteube  a  doubleacting.  -et 
strong  beer.    -arn  her  double-eagle. 

Soble  vi  gamble,  game.  Sobter  c  -e  gambler, 

Soc|cnt'  c  -er  teacher,  tutor  (at  a  university). 
-c're  vt  lecture  on,  teaeh;  —  vi  lay  down  the 

Sobber  c  gold  of  pleasure.  Camelina. 

Sobetae'brr  n  dodecahedron. 

2)ot)tntop  n  caput  mortuum. 

SobSljoUcb  n  i  bowsprit  cap,  (af  Særn)  crance. 

Dog  [aa]  conj  however,  yet,  still;  though  (f 
og  alttb  fibft  i  Sætningen)  bet  er  _  farligt  it's 
daugerous,  though;  lut  -  ben  Ser  do  .shut  that 
door;  bu  ^ar  _  faaet  S8reoet?  you  have  received 
the  letter,  I  hope?  og  _  (and)  yet;  nej  _?  you 
don't  say  .so?  'i)mt  er  bet  _?  what  can  it  iie? 
fe  _ !  only  look !  bet  er  -  for  golt  it  really  is  too 
bad;  bet  ffal  jo  _  engang  goreS  after  all,  it  must 
be  done  sooner  or  later;  ^oor  er  ^un  ~  i!fe  tjnbii 
how  lovely  she  is,  to  be  sure;  _  aUigebel  for  al 

2)oge  c  -r  doge.    -b(srbigf)eb  c  dogeate,  dogati 

2)ogge  c  -r  mastiff. 

2)oggerftfter(-fartai)  dogger(-boat). 

2)oglæb  c  dewlap. 

2)ogma|tlt'  c  dogmat'ics.  -'ttter  c  -e  teachef 
of  doctrinal  theology.  -tife're  vi  dogmatize. 
-'tift  a  dogmat'ic(al).    Sogme  n  -r  dogma. 

2iot',  Iiotfe  c  -fer  ^  dock;  tør  _  dry-dock, 
graving-dock;  oaab  _  wet  dock;  ©tibet  trænger 
til  ot  !omme  i  _  the  ship  requires  docking;  gaa 
i  _  dock,  go  into  dock;  tage  ub  af  -fen  undock. 
-afgifter  d.  dues.  -anlæg  dock-works  (o.  fl.). 
Iiottc  vt  dock. 

Slotte  c  -r  (i  Srejeftol)  puppet,  poppet,  mandrel. 
-brcjeftol  mandrel-lathe. 

2)ot|ning  c  J,  docking.  -pæl  bollard.  -fættc 
fe  ®offe  vt. 

2)ottor  c  -er  doctor;  _  i  2;eologien  doctor  of 
theology;  6Itoe  _  become  a  doctor.  Sottoranb' 
c  -er  candidate  for  the  doctor's  degree.  ^ottor|= 
Otteft  doctor's  certiflcate.  -btt)lom  doctor's  di- 
ploma.  -bif^utatS  thesis  for  a  doctor's  degree. 
2>ottore're  vi  doctor.  2)ottor|ftft  surgeon-fish, 
Aeanthurus.  -grob  doctor's  degree,  doctorate. 
-^at  doctor's  cap  el.  hat.  +2)ottDrtn'be  c  -r 
doctor's  wife.  2)ottor|niine  doctorial  air.  -Jjro« 
motion  graduation  (of  a  doctor  el.  doclors). 
■uogn  doctor's  brougham,  joc  pill  box.  -titerbig' 
^eb  doctorate. 

Iiottri'n  c  -er  doc'trine.  -«'r  a  doctrinaire, 
viewy;  c  doctrinarian. 

2>otnment'  n  er  doc'ument,  deed,  paper,  in- 
strument. -bebi§  documentary  evidence.  ^oIn= 
mentc'rc  vt  substantiate,  verify;  ~  fig  prove 
one's  self,  prove  one's  identity.  Siotnmentering 
c  suiistantiation.  Dotumentfalft  n  forgery  (  " 

Sofoægtcr  4f  dock-gate  man. 

*£olborb  n  gunwale,  planksheer. 

Iiolft'n   c   -er  (gift)   dol'phin,    Coryphæna; 
dolphin  buoy;  dolphin  striker. 

J)olt)uå  n  mad-house.  "» 

t;5oll)ærbct  o  prou  case-hardened. 

25olid)Ocefa'liP  a  dolichoceph'alous. 

Solt  c  -e  dagger,  poulard.  —  ^otte| Hinge 
dagger-blade.  -ftit,  -ftab  stab  with  a  dagger. 
Dolt^ole  sword-tail,  Limulus. 

DoUor  c  -g  dollar,  -fugl  dollar  bird,  Austra- 
lian  roller,  Eurystomus  pacificun. 

2)olman  c  -er  dollman,  doliman. 

25olomit'  c  dol'omite. 

2)om'  c  -me  sentence;  judgment,  doom;  (JSen= 
belfe)  award,  decision;  (TOening)  opinion;  philon 
proposition,  judgment;  faa  fin  _  receive  sentence; 
fælbe,  affige  ~  pronounee,  pass  sentence;  fibbe  til 
-8  sit  in  judgmeut;  i  bQre  -me  at  an  exorbitantj 
rate,  at  extortionate  priees;  X>^Oi  -menS  S)ag  in 
the  day  of  judgment;  æber  og  brttfer  fig  feto  til 
eateth  and  drinketh  damnation  to  himself. 

*2)ombjælber  [6]  fe  ®umbjælber. 

;£om|bog  record  ofjudgments.  -breb  fe  SJomSalt.] 

®oracfttt'  c  -fer  domest'ic,  servant,  domesti ' 





Somifccltie  vt  condemn,  convict;  ben  -bte  the 
condemned  party,  the  convict.  •fælbelfe,  -fælb= 
tttng  c  condemnatlon,  conviction.  -fer  a  com- 
petent  to  pass  sentence.  -^akier  c  -e  obtainer 
of  judgment. 

Somficrre  canon.    •Vicrbig^eb  cauonlcate. 

^omtiué  n  judgment  hall,  court-house. 

Somici  I  /t  dom'icile,  address.  -ie'rc  vt,  mere 
make  payable  (at);  -t  SSeKel  addressed  bill. 

Sominjant'  c  -er  dominant,  -ontatlorti  dom- 
inant chord.  -antfe^jtimcattorb  dominant  chord 
of  the  seventh.  -anttretlitng  dominant  triad. 
-e're  vt  domineer,  lord  it  over,  buUy;  mil  com- 
mand.  -eten  c  domineerlng.  -etenbe  a  com- 

Sominifa'nev  c  -e  Domin'ican,  D.  friar.  -finte 
American  cardinal,  Fringilla  dominicana.  -nonne 
D.  nun  (0.  fl.).    2)omt'nifu8  Dom'inic. 

2)omino  c  -er  dom'ino;  (©pil)  dominos.  -Iitit 

2)ont;Ia))iteI  chapter.    -tltfe  cathedral. 

Somtor  n  cathedral  choir. 

Sommcba;}  c  the  day  of  judgment,  fdoomsday. 
Sommeboggjarbejbe  endless  work.  -f(og  stun- 
ning  blow,  stunner.    -ticjr  judgment  weather. 

Sommer  c  -e  judge;  (i  SSæbbeftrib)  adjudicator; 
(i  Sricfet  o.  I.)  umpire;  -en  el.  -ne  (ntobf.  gnr^en) 
the  Bench;  -ne§  iDog  the  Book  of  Judges.  -eb 
judicial  oath.  -embebe  oflice  ofa  judge.  -^oerb 
judicature.  -falb  vocation  of  a  judge.  -magt 
judicial  power,  -mine  judicial  air.  -^(abå 
judges'  box.  -^ligt  duty  as  a  judge.  -<)æt  win- 
nlng-post,  betling-post.  -retttg^eb  fe  33om8ret. 
•^anben  the  Bench.  -foterb  sword  of  a  judge. 
-fæbe  judgment  seat. 

2ompn<)  [6]  c  -per  buUflnch,  Fyrrhula. 

bompenge  pi  judge's  fees. 

SJomprooft  c  dean. 

tSomring  c  judgment-ring. 

ioméott  c  copy  of  a  sentence. 

-fSiomfal  c  court-room. 

Somjftutntng  conclusion  of  a  sentence.  -fteb 
place  wliere  a  court  is  held.  -fiol  tribunal;  bibl 
judgment- seat. 

Somcc'ne  c  -r  (public)  domain,  crown-land. 

t2)ona't  c  accidence. 

jjonotio'n  c   er  dona'tion. 

S>onau  c  the  Danube.  -fqrftenbømmerne  the 
Danubian  principali  ties. 

Sone  c  -r  snare,  gin.  -fangft  snaring  (of  birds). 
-^i  line  el.  series  of  snares. 

♦Soning  c  implements,  tools. 

Sonfeqlmaftine  donkey  engine.  -^nm^ie  don- 

So'ntraft  c  -et  jack-screw;  (TOatroSubtt.)  jack 
-in-the-box.    SonfrnftSfariffj  dumb-craft. 

tSonnemorå  fe  3)unt)ammer. 

tSonncr,  Sonncrt^  c  p  brick  in  one's  hat. 

Sonncrd  adv  f  :  tale  _  til  en  blow  one  up. 

Sonquijotiff  a  quixot'ic. 

Sonft  a:  be  -e  ftofaltet  the  Don  Cossacks. 

Sont  c  task,  business,  work;  polfe  fin  _  mind 
one's  business. 

So^t,  -fto,  fe  ®up,  æupffo. 

"Sor  fe  ®orn.   -e  vt  punch;  _  op  put  a  fid  into". 

Sora'be  c  -r  dorado,  Coryphæna  hippurus. 

Sorg  c  troUing  line.    -e  vi  troU. 

Sori  er  c  Dorian.    -ft  a  Dor'ic,  Do'rian. 

Sorié  c  sea-lemon,  doris. 

♦Sorme  vi  doze. 

Som  [6]  c  punch. 

Sovff  a  indolent,  slugglsh,  slothful,  dull, 
torpid.  Sorftie  vt  &  i  idle.  .^eb  c  indolence, 
duUness,  etc. 

Sortlje  Dorothy. 

Sofiå  c  -fer  dose. 

Soémcr  c  -e  dunce,  dolt.  -agtig  a  stupid. 
-agttgf)eb  c  dullness,  stupidity.  -^ooeb,  -pante 
booby,  noodle,  blockhead.    -febbet  p  reminder. 

Soåfe'ring  c  -er  sloping. 

*So't  c  sport  death,  death  halloo;  tn<erj  mort! 

*Sot'  c  -ter  tuft,  handful;  dough-face,  fellow 
without  backbone. 

SotJKtto'n  c   er  endowment.    -e're  vt  endow. 

So'tfu^j  c  dram  in  celebration  of  the  death. 

Sou6|le  (SB^ift)  double  game.  -lé'  c  double. 
-le're  vt  &  i  double;  theat  under-study;  ^1,  _ 
gjenben  double  upon  the  enemy.  -let'  c  -ter 
duplicate;  (Selfe)  double-barrelled  gun.  -lo'n  c 
-'er  doubloon. 

Sonce  a  soft,  gentle. 

Souceu'r  c  -er  (©oBe)  gratuity;  (SSeljønning) 

Sooen  [aa]  a  lazy,  idle,  slothful,  slnggish; 
(^1  0.  b.)  flat,  Ståle,  vapid.  -abe  loris,  IStenope. 
-bljr  Sloth,  Bradvvus.  -fngl  jacamar,  Galhula. 
-l)eb  c  flatness  etc.  -tvop,  -larå  p  lazy  dog, 
sluggard.  Sooenffob  c  sloth,  laziness.  Sobne 
vi  (bribe)  idle,  loll,  lounge;  (bliue  boben)  become 
flat  el.  Ståle;  *(om  Slrm  el.  S3en)  be  asleep. 

*Sot)ning  c  -er  meeting  of  neighbours,  to  get 
some  job  done  in  a  hurry,  {amr)  bee. 

SottloS  n  dowlas. 

Soj^ooeb  ^  fe  SDobS^obeb. 

Sroobe  c  -r  drop;  en  _  i  ^abet  a  drop  in  the 
bucket.  tSraabe  vt  drop.  -falb  dropping,  drip- 
ping,  trickling,  drip.  -flafte  vial.  -flQbenbe  a 
liquid.  -formet,  -formig  a  droplike.  -flettet  a 
guttate.  -ffittelfe  form  el.  shape  of  drops,  -tot: 
i  -  in  drops,  drop  by  drop.  -tilftanb  liquidity. 
■tæMer  dropping-tube  el.  -glass.    -ni§  adv  fe  -tal. 

-i-Sraob|faIb  fe  !£raabe-.  -fri  a  free  from  drip 
el.  dropping.  -lar  vessel  for  receiving  drops. 
-renbe  fe  Sagrenbe.    -r«r  spout.    -tog  coping. 

Srab  M,  pi  =,  manslaughter,  homicide. 

Srabant'  c  -er  halberdier,  yeoman  of  the 
guard;  cont  myrmidon;  a»tr  satellite. 

SrabcUg  a  doughty,  tremendous,  p  woundy. 

Sra'bétbeberp^  fine  for  manslaughter.  -manb 
homicide,  manslayer.  -fag  suit  for  manslaughter. 
-fteb  place  of  a  homicide. 

Srag  n,  pi  =,  (Sræl)  pull,  tug;  (af  9Jet)  draught, 
haul;  (Slag)  blow,  stroke;  (af  (jigar)  whiff,  pufF; 
(i  Sbjøntn.)  stroke;  ^1,  slatch  (of  wind);  back 
-sweep,  surf;  (©taft  af  2e)  handle;  *  fe  Srcet; 
*()paa  ftøretøj)  shafts;  t  isthmus,  portage;  tømme 
i  eet  ~  drink  at  a  draught.  -baanb  ,1,  axle-tree 

Srage^  brog,  braget  vt  draw,  pull,  drag;  t  = 
Sapetfere;  —  vi  go,  pass,  march,  move;  en  -n 
©abet  a  drawn  sword;  _  et  ©u!  draw  el.  fetch  a 
sigh;  _  ®arnet  draw  the  net;  SJierne  _  |)onmng 
the  bees  draw  el.  extract  honey;  _  en  ©lutning 
draw  a  conclusion;  _  9lanbe  draw  one's  breath; 
-af,  fe  Slfbrage,  _  gorbel  af  derive  advantage 
from;  _  a  f(©  t  e  b)  set  out;  »  6  o  r  t  go  away,  leave; 
vt  fe  SBortbrage;  _  efter  follow;  ~  nt  efter  fig 
draw  st  on,  lead  to  st;  fe  Dmfotg;  -  fra  deduct; 
-  fra  ^inanben  draw  asunder;  fe  gfr  em  brage;  _ 
f)en  til  go  to,  leave  for;  _  i  2;Dibl  call  in  que- 
stion;  _  i  gelten  take  the  field;  _  igennem  pass 
through,  traverse;  _  inb  i  enter;  vt  fe  ^nbbrage; 
_  ober  blow  over;  vt  cross;  +  (élæber)  paa  put 
on;  _  fig  en  umtfe  paa  ^alfen  bring  mischief  on 
one's  own  head;  *_  Senbfel  paa  recognize;  ~  til 
Kcgnffab  call  to  acccount;  -  til  fig  attrået;  _  t  i  1= 
bage  retire,  retreat;  _  ub  march  out,  sally  forth; 
vt  fe  Zixtte  ^en:  -  en  ^emmelig^eb  ub  af  en  draw 
el.  worm  a  secret  from;  —  brageS  dep  fight, 
quarrel;  _  meb  be  afflicted  with;  _  meb  Søben 
be  in  the  last  agonies. 

Srage  c  -r  (S^r)  dragon;  =  -pib;  (Segetøj)  kite; 




(3lebn.)  kite,  life-kite;  fItjDenbe  _  (Suftfon)  boils; 
fætte  -r  op  fly  kites  -ogtifl  a  dragonish.  -6tob 
dragon's  blood.  -6Iob§træ  dragon-tree  Dracæna 
draco.  -btfnte  tarragon,  dragon's  wort,  Artemisia 
dracunculus .  -buKe  propitlous  fairy.  -fifl  dragon 
-fish,  Pegasus  draco.  -^OUeb  (ogf.  plante,  Draco- 
cephalum,  og  Qifl,  Scorpæna  draco)  dragon's  head. 

Sr  og  I  Cif  C  c  bias,  bent,  leaning.  -cnbe  a  attrac- 
tive,  irresistible. 

Scager  c  -e  porter;  arch  traverse-beam,  summer. 
-oag  yoke.  -Ian,  -<)cnge  porterage.  -fetc  porter's 
braces.    -ftanQ  porter's  pole. 

3)rage|fti6  ship  of  war  wlth  a  dragon's  head 
on  the  stem.  -f(t)ngninger  worm-ornaments. 
-fæb  ?e  -tænber. 

t2)ragct  a  (om  Soæg)  broad-striped  el.  streaked. 

2)roge| tænber  dragon's  teeth.    -urt  fe  -6t)itte. 

Sra'gl^jut water-wheel.  -lifte chest of drawers. 
•IttUbc  runnlng  knot.  *-tænre  handcart.  '-not 
fe  -oob. 

2iri»go'n  c  -er  dragoon;  fe  ©Sbragon.  -nobc  c 
-r  dragonnade.   -officer  officer  in  the  dragoons. 

Sra'glrem  rldge-band.  *-fu;  -fug  surf  (on  a 
flat  shore),  sucking  motion  of  the  waves. 

2)rogt  c  -er  (SSQrbe)  load,  burden;  (Klæbning) 
dress,  garb,  costume,  (l^el)  sult  of  clothes;  en  _ 
5|8rt)gl  a  sound  thrashing;   -er  (paa  $ob)  heel(s). 

Sra'gtift  fe  5plot)ttft. 

Sirngtmalcr  c  costume-palnter. 

Sra'gtotJ  n  rope  for  hauling  el.  hoisting. 

2)ragtbi§  adv  in  loads,  by  the  load. 

Sra'gtej  n  hamess. 

Dragu'n  fe  (SSbragon. 

t2)ro'gt)0b  n  drag-net,  sweep-net. 

2)raine  o.  fl.,  Sraifine  fe  Sræ-. 

2)rof  imp  af  S)rtf!e. 

2)ratme  c  -r  drachm,  drachma. 

Srafo'nifl  a  draconian. 

XvaV  n  twist  (of  a  rifle). 

2)rflm'  c  -me  dram. 

2)rama  n  -mer  drama,  -'tifcr  c  -e  dramat'ic 
author.  -tifCre  vt  dram'atlze.  -'tiff  a  dramat'- 
ic(al).  -tur gi'  c  dram'aturgy.  -tur'giff  a  drama- 

Srant  c  (Særme)  grains,  distiller's  wash;  fe 
Sutter  c;   p  ftart  fom  -  as  clear  as  mud. 

SDrantcr  c-e  drunkard,  inebriate,  toper,  drinker, 
tlppler.  -Qaiitai  delirium,  -uæfc  tlppler's  el. 
drunkard's  nose,  portwlne-nose. 

^tap'  n  drab. 

'^tapa  c  &  n  heroic,  laudatory  poem. 

2)roi)|c'rc  vt  drape,  hang  (wlth  drapery).  -eri' 
n  -er  drapery. 

Sra))i)at)re  c  oat-grass,  Avena  elatior. 

Sraftiff  c  drastlc;  fig  strong(-flavoured),  racy. 

tSrat'  n  serap,  slop,  little  bit;  —  t'ra«  slap- bang  ! 
crash!  -fingret  -f^æn'ott,  Srattetioru  a  butter 
rflngered.    Israttc  vt  &  i  drop. 

*!£rattg  c  -er  bogie,  sprite,  se  drow,  kelpie. 

Sran  n  fe  2)rant;  ©oen  brommer  om  _  the 
dreams  of  cats  are  always  about  mice. 

SDraoa't  c  thunder-gust,  sudden  gale  (and  the 
hard  work  in  eonsequence). 

Sro'Utar  n  mash-tub. 

*2)ratitc  c  curds. 

Sra'Utrug  n  mash-trough,  pig-trough. 

*35rei  c  p  blow. 

Sreje  vt  turn;  t  =  9larre;  vi  i,  (regneå)  count, 
run;  |an  forftaar  at  _  fine  Drb  he  knows  how 
to  twist  and  turn  his  words;  _  en  en  Snap  F 
gull  one;  ~  af  turn  aside,  ^  bear  away;  _  af 
a?ejen  strike  off  from  the  road;  ~  ii^  bring  to; 
-  2:alen  £)en  Xi<i<i  turn  the  conversation  upon;  _ 
om  4^  round,  double;  _  om  hjørnet  turn  the 
comer;  _  Siiogten  om  turn  the  key;  -til  SSinben 
^  haul  the  wind,  come  to;  _  til,  fe  _  6i;  SBinben 













^ar  -t  fig  the  wind  has  shifted,  veered;  _  fig 
om  (ogf.  fig)  turn  upon;  Qorben  -r  fig  om  fin  9lf§e 
the  earth  revolves  on  its  axis;  .  fig  om  paa  Jpælen 
turn  round  on  one's  heel;  Samtalen  -r  fig  om . . . 
the  conversation  turns  up»n  ,  .  .;  om  bette  *Pun!t 
olene  -r  Sperglmaalet  fig  the  question  hinges  on 
this  single  point;  bet  -r  fig  om  IjBoroibt  the  que- 
stion is  whether.  -bfcelte  draw-beam.  -bro 
swing-bridge,  turn-bridge.  -bue  drill  bow 
-bænf  fe  jDrejer-.  -f^r  revolving  light,  -gtjnge 
fe  J^arrufel.  -^nge  (Srejn.)  hook-tool.  -I)al8  fi 
2Senbe-.  -færn  tumer's  chisel.  -tanon  swiv(' 
-gun.  -lunft  art  of  turning.  -!up^jcl  revolvi 

ærcjel  n  -er  diaper,  huckaback. 

Srefelab  n  turninglathe,  turn-bench.  JlrejcJi 
a  revolving.    Sirejemoffinc  self-acting  lathe 

2)rcjcr  c  -e  turner,  4j  heaver,  (D?e6cr6.)  laying 
hook.   -arbejbc  turner's  work.   -btenf  fe  2)rejelab 

Sreicreb  j,  tie,  tye.    -ftil  hitch  on  the  bigi 
round  a  yard. 

drejer  I  baattbbærl    turner's    tråde    el.    oral 
-lære :  fætte  i  _  apprentice  to  a  turner,   -lærling 
turner's    apprentice.      -mePer    master    turner. 
-ftienb  journeyman  turner. 

2)rejerttHe  c  ferrule,  ferril. 

2)rejcrtiærtftcb  n  turner's  workshop. 

2)reje|ftH)e  (poa  Særn&anen)  turn-plate,  -tabli 
turning-platform;  (^ottem.)  pallet;  fe  SBæltefjæl 
-fljal^  turning  gouge.  -f|jaoner  turnings.  -f^iejl 
cheval-glass.  -f<)jetb  rotary  valve.  -ftanl  turn'ers 
tools.  -ftift  screw-arbor.  -ftol  turning  chair; 
fe  -lab.  -f^ge  tum-sick,  staggers,  sturdy.  -taarn 
revolving  turret. 

Srejl  fe  SDrejel. 

Strejning    c   -er    turn,    turning,    rotation. 
2)rejning§Tap|)arot  turning  gear.    -^aftig^eb  ro- 
tatory  velocity.    -lob  (for  SSinb)  law  of  gyration. 
-moment  momentum,    -liuntt  fulcrum. 

Sreng  c  -e  boy,  (ftørre)  lad;  t  &  ■*  (servant-) 
man;  (Særebreng)  apprentice;  gomle  -  old  boy: 
ba  jeg  »ar  _  when  (I  was)  a  boy;  fra  ~  af  from 
a  boy;  jeg  bil  iffe  »ære  3)ere§  _  I  won't  be  your 
fag.  —  2)rettge|aar  boyish  years,  years  of  "boy- 
hood;  ftoa  fine  _  ub  serve  el.  serve  out  one's 
apprenticeship  el.  time.  -agttg  a  boyish,  puerile. 
-agtig^eb  c  boylshness,  puerility.  -albercn  boy- 
hood.  -arbejbe  boy's  work.  -barn  male  child. 
■^am;  fom  lige  ^ar  flEubt  -men  who  has  just  cut 
his  eye-teeth,  budding,  -faab^eb  boyish  wan- 
tonness  el.  petulance.  -flæber  boy's  clothes. 
-leg  boy's  play.  *-løn  servant-man's  wages. 
-ffinne  ^J,  preventer  plate.  -ffole  boys'  school, 
school  for  boys.  -ftemme  boy's  voice.  -ftreg 
boyish  trick  el.  prank.  -ftue  servant' s  hall. 
-ftiebc  boy's  whip.  -bærl  boy's  work.  »Dreng« 
loH  old  bachelor. 

*25ref§  c  -er  suit  (of  clothes).    -taj  suiting. 

2)re§f|e're  vt  train,  (naonl.  ©olbater)  drill;  -t 
©ælt)unb  (o.  1.)  performing  seal.  -e'ring,  -u'r  e 
trainlng,  drill. 

2)rcb  imp  af  ©ribe. 

Sreo'  n,  pi  =,  (|»jul)  pinion;  *(3Særf)  oakum; 
*snow  storm;  *8port  beaters  pi.  *-bot  piece  of 

Sreoen  a  expert,  versed.    -;^eb  c  expertness. 

2ireti]fil  pinion  file.  *-Irog  ^  rave-hook. 
*'-mob  4>  shakings.  -^aal  pinion  wire.  -ftof 
trundle-staif.    -tanb  leaf  el.  tooth  (of  a  pinion). 

Drift  c  -er  instinct,  impulse,  bent,  inclination; 
(jDribning)  working,  conduct,  management,  Con- 
trol, economy;  (Sbæg)  drove;  t  =  sBebrift;  geol 
drift;  J,  drift,  (3lfbrtft)  lee-way;  af  egen  -  of 
one's  own  accord  el.  free  wiU,  unbidden;  gaa  i 
_  »1,  go  a  drift;  fætte  i  -  set  a  going;  i  fulb  _ 
in  fall  work;  l^an  fibber  i  ftor  -  he  has  an  exten 





sive  business,  much  upon  his  hånds;  bringe  3orb 
i  _  put  land  in  a  state  of  cultivation;  ber  er 
ingen  -  i  ^am  he  has  no  energy,  enterprise,  go. 

3briftc  vt  winnow. 

'~2irtfte{t»Bnic  owne+'of  „2!riftefæ",  drover.  -fic 
tstray  beast;  *(drove  of)  cattle  fattened  on  the 
mountain  pastures. 

Sriftclfolb  winnowing sieve.  -trufl  %\'lnno\vlug 
trough.    -Uærf  ^vinnowing  machine. 

Srifttg  a  active,  stirring,  driving,  pushing, 
enterprising.  -^eb  c  activity;  fe  9lrbejbfom^eb, 

SriftlomtiaS  n  drift-eompass  el.  -quadrant. 

DriftSjnor  business  year.  -befttjrer  manager; 
trufflc  manager,  -formue  fe  -lajjital.  •^etntneHg- 
^eJ  trade-secret.  -^erre  employer.  -inf))ettør 
(5ærnb.)  inspector  of  the  plant  and  rolling  stoek. 
-jorb  land  under  tillage,  -tapital  stock,  capital 
(for  earrying  on  a  business),  trading  capital. 
•laan  business  loan.  -maabr  mode  of  husbandrj'. 
-materiel  rolling  stock.  -omtoftntngcr,  -ubgtftcr 
workiug  expenses.  -ooerftub  net  profits,  -tib 
time  when  land  is  in  tillage. 

ttiV  c  -!e  drink,  draught,  beverage;  (^anbl.) 
drinking;  ftærfe  -fe  (ardent)  .spirits,  spirituous 
liquors:  ferfalbe,  floa  fig  til  _  take  to,  addict 
one's  self  to,  drinking.  -f ælbtg  a  given  to  drink, 
addieted  to  drinking.  -fælbtg^eb  c  drunkenness, 
addictedness  to  drinking,  addiction  to  drink, 

JJritfe  c  drink.  Dritfe,  btaf,  bruKet  vt  drink; 
_  Se  take  tea;  _  et  ®Ia§  a?tn  take  a  glass  of 
wine;  _  font  en  @Bamp  drink  like  a  flsh;  ^an  -r 
he  is  addieted  to  drinking;  _  en§  ©faal  drink 
(to)  one's  health;  _  tæt  drink  hard  cl.  deep;  - 
fig  fulb  get  drunk;   _  en  fulb  make   one  drunk; 

-  of  glaf!en  drink  from  el.  out  of  the  bottle;  _ 
bort  drive  away  by  drinlung,  drink  down;  _ 
ftg  i^jel  kill  one's  self  with  drinking;  _  et  ®Ia§ 
meb  en  take  wine  vnth  one;  _  op  ($enge)  spend 
in  drinking,  drink  out;  _  ober  Serften  take  a 
drop  too  much;  _  paa  enS  SSelgaoenbe  drink  to 
one's  health;  _  pfl  «"  Stering  };)aa  |)alfen  drink 
one's  self  into  a  consumption;  _  en  til  drink 
to  one;  -Ub  drink  ofF.  -brobcr  pot-companion, 
toper.  -bceger  drinking-cup,  goblet.  -fab  drink- 
iug-trough,  J^  grog-tub.  -fælle  pot-companion. 
-gtlbe  drinking-bout.  -gla§  drinking-glass. 
-ftal  pumproom.  -Qorn  drinking-horn.  -fam)) 
drinking-match.  -tar  drinking-vessel.  -Ing 
drinking-bout.  2)riftclig  a  drinkable.  XvitU- 
Ug^eb  c  drinkableness.  XirilfclT^ft  love  of  drink- 
lug.  -n  c  drinking.  -(lenge  consideration,  drink 
■money.  -ri'  n  (hard)  drinking.  -fong  drinking 
-song.  -felftab  driuking-party.  -fioai  drinking 
-bowl.  -ftiUing  fe  -penge,  -ftie  tap-room.  -f^g 
fe  3)ritfælbig.  -f^ge  passion  for  drink,  dipsomania. 
•trug  drinking- trough.  -Danb  drinking  water. 
-Uonc  habit  of  drinking.  -borer  drinkables. 
-Pifc  drinking  song.  Srifning  c  drinking. 
^rit'offcr  drink  offering. 

Srit'  c  dril),  Papio  leucophæus. 

J)rir  c  -le  drili. 

iril' :  poa  ~  on  purpose. 

Srit'agtig  a  teasing,  irritating.   -!)cb  c  bother. 

Srtt]bar  drill.  -bue  drill-bow.  -^orb  d.-har- 
row.  -tultur  d.-husljandry.  SriUe  vt  (bore  og 
agr)  drill. 

SriUe  vt  (plage)  tease,  irritate,  F  roast.  -plni, 
■tpofe,  -r  c  -e  teaser.  -ri'  n  -er  teasing,  irritation. 
■ftig,  -bom  a  given  to  teasing. 

^riftje  vi  paa  -i-rely  on,  trust  to;  vr  fig  til  pre- 
sume,  dåre,  venture,  -ig  a  bold,  hardy,  daring, 
audacious;  sære  fao  _  at  make  bold  to;  be  -ftc 
goroentninger   the   most   sanguine  expectations; 

—  adv  boldly;  fe  SSooe.   -ig^rb  c  boldness,  hardi- 

Sarfeii:  S!anff«(£ngelft  Crbbog. 

ness,  hardihood,  assurance,  daring(ness),  auda- 
city,  temerity. 

2)ri'b|ant  fe  ®oorb-.  -alSe  driving  nxle.  -anter 
floating  anchor;  drag-sail.  -bcb  forciug  frame, 
hot-bed.    -bott  punch,    -bcent  fe  -beb. 

Sribe,  breo,  brebet,  vt  (bebæge,  ogf.  fig)  drive, 
(toinge)  force,  impel,  (tun  fig)  urge,  prompt; 
(røetal)  chase;  (talfatre)  caulk;  (Woftine)  work; 
—  vi  lounge,  saunter;  »J,  drive,  drift,  be  adrift; 
drag  the  anchor;  f^ooe  2lfbrift)  have  lee-way; 
ber  er  brebet  et  95rag  paa  ©tronben  a  wreck  has 
drifted  el.  has  been  driven  ashore;  Sneen  -r  the 
snow  drifts;  _  et  ^jul  o.  b.  move;  _  en  ®aarb 
raanage  a  farm;  _  en  Seftæftigelfe,  Stubter  pursue, 
follow,  carry  on  an  occupation,  studies;  _  en 
9iæring§bej  carry  on  a  tråde,  business;  -r  bettjbelig 
^anbel  og  gabrifbtrlfombeb  is  largely  engaged  in 
tråde  and  manufactures;  _  SSætlter  force  piants; 
_  bibt  carry  far;  _  bet  bibt  i  noget  make  a  great 
proficiency  in  something;  ~  ai  vt  fe  StfbriPe;  vi 
slink  away;  J,  drift  ofT;  ©iQerne  _  af  S.  58.  the 
clouds  are  drifting  from  the  S.  W.;  Sbeben  -r  af 
l)am  he  drips  with  perspiration;  _  Siben  bort 
while  away  the  time;  -r  for  Slnferet  drags  her 
anchor;  _  en  fra  en  ®aatb  ej  eet  one  from  a  farm; 
_  gjenben  fro  fin  $oft  dislodge  the  enemy;  _ 
frem  propel;  _  igennem  (egl.)  force  through;  . 
igennem  en  Sigte  rub  through  a  sieve;  '^on  breo 
bet  ignmem  he  carried  his  point;  bet  -§  meb 
Sompfroft  it  is  worked  by  steam  power;  _  noget 
meb  Btjft  prosecute  a  thing  with  ardour;  _  Spot, 
Spøg  meb  make  sport,  fun  of;  _  tmob,  inb  poa 
drive  against,  foul;  _  inb  fe  ^nbbribe;  _  om  go 
idling  about;  _  SSiIbt  op  start  game;  -  ffianb  op 
force  up  water;  _  noget  op  (paa  9lBftion)  force 
np  the  price  of;  _  Jfragteme  op  raise  the  freights; 
Uoeiret  -r  o  ber  the  storm  will  pass  over;  fig  lobe 
Ubejret  -  ober  let  the  storm  blow  over;  _  paa 
(en)  urge  on,  (nt)  hurry  on;  *-  poa  nt  be  occu- 
pied  el.  engaged  in;  _  pao  Slugt  put  to  flight; 
_  et  SSaonb  poo  drive  a  hoop;  _  bet  til  Slolefærer 
attaln  the  rank  of  a  schoolmaster;  _  bet  til  at 
ftoo  op  manage  to  get  out  of  bed;  _  tilbage 
drive  back,  repel,  repulse;  -  ®iæBleub  cast  out 
devils,  exorcise;  bet  goor  bribenbe  it  goes  on 
swimmingly,  like  a  house  on  fire;  ^on  t)ar  en 
-nbe  9læring  he  has  a  brisk  tråde;  -nbe  baob 
dripping  wet;  *-nbe  bbib  white  as  the  falling 
snow;  Ⱦre  bretien  i  noget  V>e  well  skilied, 
practised  in;  breoet  Strbejbe  embossed  work, 
chasing.  Dribe  c  -r  drift,  -ambolt  fe  Srioftot. 
-bro  fe  gitjbebro.  -fjebcr  fe  ®riD-.  -fegle  triblet. 
-Ille  wedge.  -tit  cement  for  chasing.  -traft  fe 
Srio-.  -iHgU  (®ulbfm.)  pitch-block.  -mibbel 
cathartic.  -n  c  driving  etc.  t-butber  purgative 
powder.  -^unfcl  chasing  chisel.  Griber  c  -e 
lounger,  idler;  (Sbæg«)  drover;  (Slapj.)  beater, 
^1,  (Sejl)  ring-tail,  fe  kalfatrer.  Sribcrbom  J.. 
ringtail  boom.  Drioeri'  n  -er  (Srio'^uS)  hothouse, 
forcing-house;  (poa  ®aben  ofb.)  lounging,  saun- 
tering.  2)ribert  c  -er  idler.  2iribe|rum  4j  sea 
-room.  -»ej  drift-way.  -bægt  weight  (for  im- 
pelling  machinery). 

2)ri'b|fjcber  spring;  fig  incentive,  spring  of 
action,  inciiement,  motive,  impulse.  -færge 
flying-bridge.  -gom  drift-net.  -I)ommcr  cha.sing 
-hammer,  -^jttl  driving-wheel;  fig  motive  power. 
•liiiU  setter,  typ  shooting-stick.  -^u8  forcing 
-house,  hothouse.  -^uiSfrugt  forced  fruit.  -^K§' 
plonte,  -ftu§bætft  hot-house  plant.  -t8  drift-ice, 
floating  ice.  -jærit  caulking  iron.  -taSfe  (®ortn.) 
forcing-frame;  (p.  S)ør)  swing  centre,  -troft 
moving  power,  motive  power.  -moo(  (Urm.t 
pinion  gauge,  -jttur  espalier  wall.  -tiing  c 
driving  etc.  -obn  reflning  furnaee.  -punfcl  fe 
3)rioe-.    -rem  driving  strap,  driving  belt,  wheel 




-band.  -fanii  drift  sand.  -fntS  bur.sting  charge. 
-yeit  drag-sail.  -ffrwc  ^  screw,  screw-propeller. 
-f!^  scud,  rack.  -fnor  driving-cord.  -ftang  con- 
necting  rod.  -ftol  chasing  stake,  case-stake. 
•ttt\>  punch,  -træ  Avooden  setter,  -tømmer 
drift  timber,  floating  timber.  -tiaab  n  trawl-net. 
•Ooob  «  dripping  wet.  -ttcb  drift  wood.  -tiærbffl 
a  worth  working  el.  carrying  on.  -bærf  ma- 

Srog  imp  af  ®rage. 

XtOQ  [aa]  n,  pi  ==,  good-for-nothing,  useless 

J)rogbejt  the  Grounds. 

2)rogu]cr  [aa],  -eri'burcr  pi  drugs,  -c't  n 
drug'get..    -ift'  c  -er  drug'gist. 

2)romcba'r  c  -er  drom'edary. 

f^romunb  c  large  ship  of  war. 

25rotte  c  -r  drone.  -ccKe  d.  cell;  -r  d.  comb. 
•ftajj  killing  of  the  drones. 

JJronning  c  -et  queen;  -enS  Sttarter  J,.the  port 
watch;  gøre  til  -  CBtat)  queen;  SSaKetl  _  the 
belle  of  the  ball.  -bonben  the  Queen's  pawn. 
-bt(tte  ehange  ofqueens.  Srottntngltig, -mæSftg 
a  queen-like,  queenly.  •\ls\tn  (Sfot)  the  Queen's 
side.  -btS :  paa  _  in  a  queenly  manner.  -bitlb 
Wind  right  aft. 

^Srontc  c  dodo,  Didua  ineps. 

*t)vopUt  pi  dapples.    2)ro|)Iet  a  dapple. 

f)roi)§  pi  drops. 

Proffe  c  -r  cab,  fly,  fourwheeler,  p  growler. 
-^eft  cab-horse.  -^otbc^(ob§  cab-stand,  -ftifl 
cabman.  -talSt  cab  fare(s),  (trt)ltj  table  el.  book 
of  (cab)  fares. 

Droåfcl  c  -§Ier  thrush,  Turdus.  -fang^  catch- 
ing  (of)  thrushes.  -Uap  throttle-valve.  -maffinc 
fe-fio(.  -fanoer  reed-sparrow,  Syloin  amndinacea. 
-ftoI  throstle-frame.  -ftær  rose-eoloured  grackle, 
Pastor  roseua. 

t2)roft  c  -er  Lord  High  Constable. 

2>rot'  c  -ter  poet  lord,  king. 

2)rue  c  -r  grape;  iXiaa  Sanon)  button,  grape. 
•a^t\^  a  resembling  a  grape,  botryoidal.  -blob 
juice  of  the  grape,  -bor  wimble.  -broenbcbin 
brandy,  cognac,  -bær  grape,  -bajlc  art  neck 
-ring.  -cg  chestnut  oak.  -formig  a  grapelike. 
•fulb  a  covered  with  grapes.  -^agc(  grape-shot. 
-^aI8  art  neck.  -ftinbc  uveous  coat.  -^^acint 
grape-hyaeinth,  Hyaeinthus  botryoide«.  -^l)lb 
red-berried  mountain  elder,  Samhumn  raeemosa. 
■^øft  vintage.  -lam  grape-stalks.  -lerne  grape 
-stone,  -tirtel  conglomerate  gland.  -!lafc  cluster 
of  grapes.  -lur  grape-cure.  .  -ItiaS  busks  of 
pressed  grapes.  -længe  ^1,  neck-sling.  -ntoft 
unfermented  wine,  must.  -munte  bane-berry, 
Actæa  spicata.  -orm  vine-fretter,  vine-grub, 
Eumolpus  vitis.  -flutter  grape-gatherer,  vintager. 
-robtuS  phylloxera.  -foft  juice  of  the  g.  -fllm= 
mct  grape-mould,  Botrvti»  vulgaria.  -flub  grape 
-shot.  -f^jrit  spirit  of  wine.  -ftilt,  -ftængel 
grape-stalk.  -fnifter  sugarof  grapes,  grape-sugar, 
glucose.  -fbam^)  vine-mildew,  Oidium,  Tuckeri. 
■fbtttft  grape-swelling.  -fljreracemicacid.  -balfc 
zo  botryllus.  -bi§  adv  in  clusters,  in  the  form 
of  grapes. 

2)rui'bcr  pi  Dru'ids. 

Sruflen  a  drunk  (præbifat.),  drunken  (attrtBut.), 
tipsy,  intoxicated,  (disguised)  in  liquor,  the 
worse  for  liquor;  ~  of  ®Iæbe  intoxicated  with 
joy;  ^alb=  _  half  drunk,  nearly  intoxicated,  half 
seas  over;  briffe  fig  _  get  drunk;  noor  ^an  bar  _ 
in  his  drink,  -boift  drunkard.  -bibrit  tosspot. 
-t-^cb  b.  f.  f.  -flab  c  drunkenness,  intoxication, 
inebriation.    2)rtt!Iet  sup  of  ®rttte. 

S)rulne  vt  drown;  vi  be  drowned;  -be  pi 
drowned  persons;  ben  -r  ej  font  ^ænge§  f!ot  he 
who  is  born  to  be  hanged  will  never  be  drowned; 

fe  .galmftroo.   -^u8  morgue.   Jlrufntng  c  drown- 

2)rnmmonbff  2t)§  Drummond-light. 

2)runte  vi  lag,  loiter.    -r  c  -e  lagger,  loiterer 

2)rufelf|Ul,  -rum  druse. 

2>ruier  «  Druse. 

2)r>)a'be  c  -r  Dry'ad. 

*2)rtjg  a  fe  3)røi. 

2)rt)^'  c  -jer  og  n,  pi  =,  drop,  drip.  -ning  < 
dripping.    -næfct  «  suivelling,  snivelly. 

2)rt)<)<)e  vi  &  t  drip;  _  en  ©teg  baste  a  roast. 
-hat  drop-bath.  -fab,  -^janbe  dripping  pan. 
■tfe,  -n  c  dripping  etc.   -rt  c  -er  clap,  gonorrhea. 

3)rt)))|renbe  gutter,  -ftag  one  beat  of  the  drum, 
■ften  stalactite.    -bær!  drying-house. 

Sr^Sfe  vt  sprinkle;  vi  drop  el.  fall  (in  sma 
particles).    t-flc  fe  @trø=. 

tSræ  vi  flower,  be  in  flower.  '^t(t  o  flowei 
ing  (season,  esp  of  the  rye),  florescence. 

!£ræb|e,  -te,  -t  vt  kill,  slay,  put  to  death;  _• 
meb  ©nol  bore  to  death  with  talking;  _  Skiben 
kill  time;  -nbe  mortal,  deleterious,  .^e- tiresome. 
-er  c  -e  fe  SrobSmonb;  ^t*  norman.  +-ning  e 

2>ræg'  c  -ge  4j  grapnel,  creepers,  drag.  -ge 
vi  drag.    -tlev  claws  of  a  grapnel. 

t2)rægt  c  -er  (Sulb)  litter;  (^ort)  impetus. 

2)rægtig  a  with  young;  4>  (font  lofter  gobt) 
burdensome;  100  j;on§  _  of  100  tons  burden. 
-^eb  c  State  of  belng  with  young;  tonnage 

2)rægtoO  n  J^  grapnel-rope. 

tliræne  vi  hum,  buzz. 

t2)ræn|e,  *-c'rc  vt  drain.  -ing,  -ering  c  drain 
ing.    -ertngSrar  fe  ®rænrør. 

tSræning  c  fe  ®rce. 

tliræntle  vt  tread.    -»fwfl  c  treading;  (i 

2)ræ'tt|r«r  drain(ing)-tile  el.  -pipe.  -banb  drain 

t2>ræ<)eriobe  fe  ®ræ  c 

Sræfl'ne  c  -r  velocipede;  (^ærnb.)  troUy 

2>ræt'  c  &n  (gtffe=)  draught,  haul,  take;  (gober)' 
lining;  (S8ogn§  o.  I )  draught;  fe  Dpbræt. 

t2)rættb  fe  ®ræ  c. 

2)rætte  vt  line. 

2)ræbe  vi  drawl.  -n  c,  -ri'  n  drawl.  -nbe, 
•tiorn  a  drawling. 

"Siveiet,  2)rabet  e  -er  uvula;  (®ntb.)  throttle 
-valve.  .falb  relaxation  of  the  uviila.  -bentit 
fe  ®rø6el. 

2)r«ft|e  vt  inquire  into,  sift,  canvass,  talk 
over,  compare  notes  on;  fe  Stifte,  -elfe,  -ning 
c  -er  inquiry,  sifting  etc. 

2)r«T  a  (fbær)  substantial,  large,  heavy,  stout; 
(font  ræ!!er  langt)  that  goes  a  long  way;  (følelig) 
hard,  smart;  fige  en  -e  Drb  use  strong  language 
to  one;  et  -t  Sttbejbe  a  tough  piece  of  work. 
2)raibe  c  heaviuess,  stoutness;  ^an  fior  bet  i  -n 
he  makes  up  in  breadth  for  what  he  lacks  in 
height.  2)r«ie  vt  &  i  make  a  thing  go  far;  go 
a  long  way.  2)r«jetfe  c;  ber  er  ingen  ~  i  it  goes 
but  a  little  way.  Srajfieb  c  substantiality; 

I)r«m'  c  -me  dream;  i  -me  in  a  dream,  in  my 
dreams;  Itgefotn  i  -me  like  one  in  a  dream; 
-ntencS  Sonb  dreamland;  boogne  -me  day-dreams. 

Xtemme,  -te,  -t  vi  dream,  be  in  a  dream; 
brøm  beSageltgt!  pleasant  dreams  to  you. 

2)rømme|agttg  a  dream-like.  -bitteb  vision, 
phantasm.  -bog  book  of  oneiromancy,  dream- 
ing  book.  -fri  a  dreamless.  -fugl  white-backed 
barbet,  ChelidojJera  tenebrosa.  -^jent  fe  -Berben. 
+-Jær  o  fond  of  dreaming.  -lib  dream-life.  -(«§ 
a  dreamless.  -n  c  dreaming.  -nbe  a  dreamy.  -r 
c  -e,  -rffc  c  -r  dreamer.    -ri'  n  -er  reverie,  day 










-dream,  -rige  l'e  -oerben.  Z)remmetiff  a  dreamy. 
SremmCjflvit  fe  -scerf.  -f);inb  chimera.  -ffln 
vision,  -taage  mistiness,  dreaminess.  -tanfer 
reverie.  -tllftanb  dreamy  state  of  mind.  -totier 
c  -e  interpreter  of  dreams,  oneirocritic.  -t^ttcri 
n,  -tqbning  interpretation  of  dreams,  oneiro- 
mancy.  +-»onbrer(f!e)  fe  ©øsngcenger.  -oerbett 
dream-land.     -Vært  vision. 

2)røni))e(  c   pier  ,t,  upper  (port-)sill. 

2>r«n  n,  pi  =,  boom.    !Sr«ne  vi  boom. 

Srønnert  c  -er  drone,  sluggard. 

Srøfe  ?•»■  dawdle.  -|)int»  dawdle,  dawdler.  -ri' 
n  dawdling.    -tiorn  a  dawdling. 

tirett  n  end;  t^gge  _  chew  the  cud,  ruminate; 
fie  harp  fpaa  on). 

Sr«lie(  fe  2;røbel. 

+$r«oe(fe  fe  »ebrøBelfe. 

2)røo(e  vt  C^mp.)  throttle  (the  steam). 

Sr«'t)jt»)9fle  vt  ruminate;  fia  harp  on.  -t^g« 
grnbe  -»  ruminating,  niminant,  cud-chewing. 
•tl)gger  c  -e  ruminant,  cud-chewing  animal. 
-tiggeri'  n  harping.  -tagget  a  ruminated;  fig 
hackneyed,  often  repeated.  -tegning  c  chewing 
the  end,  rumination. 

!Sf4tgatai  c  dziggetai,  Eqiius  hemionus. 

2)fi^tngi§fan  Genghi.s  Khan. 

Xtt  pron  iters  (i  ^ejtibeltg  Sole,  i  SiBelen,  af 
SocEferne  og  prov)  thou;  olm.  you;  bu  .  .  .  feltJ 
thou  .  . .  thyself;  you  .  .  .  yourself;  bu  gobe  ®ub ! 
great  heaverus! 

Sua(|i§  c  the  dual  number.  -iS'me  c  du'al- 
ism.  -ift'  c  -er  du'alist.  -Ift'ifl  o  dualist'ic. 
-ite't  c  dual'ity. 

*SttbBe  vi  nod;  fe  fiiiifSe. 

*2)n66€(  71  fe  globfiolt. 

S»6bcl,  2)ub(ct  0.  fl.  fe  S)ou>. 

Suble'g  a  donbtful. 

Sttbaim  bibl  mandrakes. 

tSubc  c  damel,  Lo/ium  temulentum. 

tSubelfal  c  fe  Sæftepifie. 

Sttbu  fe  Sronte. 

Sue  c«  be  good,  be  flt;  bet  -r  ifle  til  noget  it 
is  good  for  nothing,  F  it  is  no  good;  bet  -r  tl!e 
at  it  doesn't  answer,  it  won't  do  to. 

®ue  c  -r  pigeon,  dove,  Columba-,  fponft  _  runt. 
•ogtig  a  dove-like.  -ort  species  of  p.  •elftev 
pigeon  fancier.  -folf  fe  2$anbrc=.  -fiol  fiight  el. 
floek  of  pigeons,  -fob  pigeon-foot.  Geranium 
molte.  -frifaéfé  stew  of  pigeons,  -from  «  gentle 
as  a  dove.  -fuglene  the  columbidæ.  -^uå  pi- 
geon-house, dovecot.  -^ag  goshawk,  Aatur  pa- 
lumb-irius.  -tricmmer  dealer  in  pigeons,  pigeon 
-fancier.    -furrcn  cooing  of  doves. 

2)uel'  c  -ler  du'el  (poa  with). 

Suetig  a  flt,  apt,  able,  capable;  _  til  flt  for, 
capable  of.  -ftcb  c  fltness,  aptness,  ability,  ca- 
pability.    -ftebSotteft  certiflcate  of  competency. 

Suelllont'  c  -er  dn'ellist.  -te'ttvi  duel,  flght 
a  duel  el.  duels.  -Ic'ren,  -Icrtng  c  duelling. 
-'roferi  mania  for  duelling. 

Suejntøg  pigeon's  dung.  -par  pair  of  pigeons. 
'poft:  meb  _  by  carrier  pigeons,  -poftej  pigeon 
-pie.  -rebe  pigeon's  nest.  -ftnbiofe  small  sca- 
bious,  JScabiom  columbaria.  -ffljbnittg  pigeon 
■match,    -flag  fe  -IiuS.    -fteg  roast  p. 

2)uct'  c  -ter  duet'. 

I>UC|'troft  missel-thrush,  Turdm  viicivorus. 
-uwge  young  pigeon,  -urt  willow-herb,  Epilo- 
bium;  fe  ^rebloS;  03ulbbuff.    -oeg  pigeon's  egg. 

_$uft  c  -er  fragranoe,  odour,  perfume.  2)uft|e 
vi  exhale  odour  et.  fragrance;  bet  -be  of  fRofer 
there  was  an  odour  of  roses,  -en  c  (exhalation 
el.  breath  of)  odour  e(.  fragrance.  -enbe,  -fulb, 
(■+-ig;,  -rig  '<  fragraut,  odoriferous,  balmy, 
■')u.s.    -tiaubebiQe  cont  sentimental  operetta. 

Sng  c  -e  cloth;  (Sejl)  canvas;  firebe  -en  spread 
the  cloth. 

2>ttg'  c  dew.  -braabe  dew-drop,  pearlofdew. 

2)nge  vt  spread;  <i,  _  op  bunt. 

•2)ugc  vi  fe  ®ue. 

Siug'Ifalb  de\v(  fall).  -fnlb  «  dewy.  -ge  vt 
bedew;  vi,  impers  bet  -r  the  dew  is  failing. 

2>ugge  vi  op  tntob  SSinben  bibl  bear  up  into  the 

2)ttg|get  a  dewy.    -tnaaler  drosometer. 

Sugmager  cloth-wprker ,  clothier.  -foenb 
clothier's  joumeyman. 

Sug  I  perle  fe  -braobe.  -pil  violet  willow,  Salix 
daphnoides.  -puntt  dew-point.  -røbber  surface 
roots.  -røbning  dew-retting.  -{laaet  a  dewy, 

t2)u  gfuenb  c  sewer. 

jiugt  c  -er  strand. 

tiugluaob,  -uæbet  a  moistened  Avith  dew, 

X)ut'anb  fe  5J5ofonb. 

2)uta't  c  -er  duc'at.    -gulb  dueat  gold. 

tnttt  vt  duck,  plmige,  souse;  vi  (b^ffe)  dive, 
_  frem  pop  out;  -  op  rise  to  the  surface,  emerge, 
turn  up;  _  meb  ^oaebet  stoop. 

55uffe  c  -r  (£ege=)  dolf;  (røenneffefigur)  dummy; 
(9)?arionet=  og  i  ©rejerb.)  puppet;  (^IJille)  bahister; 
(SroobO  skein;  J,  (p.  ©ongfpil)  drumhead.  Sutfc 
vt  wind  up  into  a  skein.  -agtig  a  doU-like. 
-anftgt  doll's  face.  -barn,  -btUebe  doll.  -l)jcm 
fig  doU's  house,  -^ooeb  doU's  head.  -l)tt§  baby 
house,  doll's  house,  -leg  play  with  dolls. 
-mager  c  -e  doll-maker. 

2>ufter  c  -e  fe  ©uffert;  unkumbi,   Cephalopw. 

2)u!lert  c  -er  F,  header,  gibe  en  en  _  duck 
one;  toge  fig  en  _  take  a  header. 

2)utte|f{ab  press  for  doll's  clothes;  (^t)ggeligt 
SSccrelfe)  suuggery.  -fpil  puppet-show.  -ftobé, 
-tøj  doll-finery;  (ijegetøj)  toys,  baubles,  pi.  »oogn 
doll's  perambulator. 

Sufnaffet  «  stooping,  poke-neck. 

Sufå  c  -er  head(-boy;,  captain;  (SfoIenS)  senior; 
_  i  fjette  ftlagfe  head  of  the  sixth. 

Dufé^ooeb  J,  buU's  eye;  fe  35obé>. 

:Bulftett  c  tuflfa. 

2)utt  fe  Sugt. 

Ssulcia'n  c  -er  dulcian'a;  kind  of  old-fashioned 

2)Htgt  (part  of  S)oIge);  a  reserved. 

^Xiulticevhet  a  case-hardened. 

25ttllc  P  c  -r  doxy,  truU. 

Stttme  vt  assuage,  allay,  soothe;  vi  abate,  sub- 
side, -tt  c  abatement,  alleviation.  -abe  a  sooth- 
ing.    +-t  c  soother. 

2)um'  a  stupid,  stolid;  (boorlig)  foolish;  tdull, 
dim;  _  Streg  folly,  foolish  prank;  _  Snof  stuflf, 
nonsense;  meget  ~  a  great  fool;  -  nof  til  at  fool 
euough  to;  bet  »or  -t  of  mig  ot  1  was  foolish  to; 
i!(e  foo  -t  not  half  bad;  iffe  foa  -  fom  l)on  fer  ub 
til  not  such  a  fool  as  he  looks;  t  (bibl)  -me  ^jne 
set  eyes. 

■liumbjælbe  c  -r  harness  jingle,  sleigh-  ef. 
sledge-bell.    -franS  string  of  sleigh-bells. 

2)um{brtfttg  «  fool  hardy,  rash.  -briftig^eb  c 
fool-hardiness,  rashness.  -^eb  e  stupidity;  (bum 
©treg)  folly,  foolish  thing,  blunder,  -f-tlog  a 
sage.  t2)umme  vt  duU.  2>nmmer^aoeb  n  fe 

'^Snmp  c  fore-end,  bottom  of  a  sledge  e(. 

S^ump  a  (i  9IIm.)  dull,  (fun  om  fl^b)  low,  hollow. 

!£ump  c  thump,  plump,  -e  vi  thump,  plump; 
F  (tit  &Uam.)  be  plucked  el.  ploughed;  —  vt  ~ 
en  fionon  dip  a  gun, 

-i-2)umpl|eb  c  duUness. 

H-Snmre  vi  roar,  rumble. 





2uttt|rtan  c  -er  fool,  dunderhead,  blockhead, 
loggerhead.  -ftott  a  bumptious.  -ftoltfieb  bump- 
tiousness.    -Oigtig  a  consequential. 

!£un  c  og  n,  pi  =,  down.  -blabet  a  downy 
-leaved.    -o(«J)  a  downy. 

ISunberS  adv  f  -.  tale  -  til  en  blow  one  up. 

^unbre  vi  thunder,  rattle;  _  Iø8  (paa  S^romme) 
leather  away;  en  -nbe  Søgn  a  swinging  lie;  en 
-nbe  jpooebpine  a  splitting  headache.  -w  c,  Sun&et 
n  rumbling  sound,  roar. 

Xu'nUj^nc  down-bed.  S«n|e  v«  make  downy. 
-et  a  downy.  -fjeber  downy  feather.  -fugl  bird 
from  whieh  down  is  obtained.  -iiattvet  a  downy, 
pubescent.    •tfttQtt  a  having  down  on  the  chin. 

2)utt^ammejr  reed-mace,  cat'stail,  Tvpha  lati- 

I>UrtI  c  -e  stone  bottle  el.  jar;  (af  %x(z)  keg. 

2iutt!  n  &  c,  pi  =,  thump,  knock.  ^unte  vt 
&  i  thump,  knock;  vi  (om  t5ul§  o.  I.)  throb. 

;5uttlcl  a  dark,  dim,  obscure;  en  -  (Sttnbring 
a  dim,  faint  el.  vague  recollection.  -filoo  a 
dark-blue.  -gtøn  a  dark-green  (o.  f[.).  -^eb  c 
darkness,  dimness,  (ogf.  conc)  obscurity. 

iCunferque  n  Dunkirk. 

*I>tt'nfje»tc  fe  ffiun^ammer. 

2)u'nlroft  fe  Soniraft. 

+2)Uttfc  vt  thump. 

^K'Jtlfcng  down  bed.    -flæg  down. 

!£unft  c  -er  vapour,  exhalation;  (^agD  dust 
-shot;  -er  effluvia.  -Bob  shower-bath.  Sttnft|e 
vi  (6ort,  ub)  evaporate.  -fri  a  free  from  vapours. 
•fulb  'i  vaporous.  -^agl  dust-shot.  -fful  pore. 
-frcbS  atmosphere.  -tna^fe  volume  of  vapour. 
•rar  fe  (£m=.    -f!^  cloud  of  vapour. 

*Sji'noær  n  place  where  down  is  gathered. 

2)uo]be'cime  c  -r  twelfth.  -bccimo'I'  duodec'i- 
mal.  -bes  c  (gorntat  og  SSog)  duodecimo  (12mo). 
-bes=  duodecimo.  -bejf^rfte  princeling.  -bejftat 
petty  State. 

^up'  c  -per  tack,  knob,  button,  (af  %i«)  dowel, 
coak;  (i  Kompas)  cap. 

■■*£uv'  "  nod;  curtsey. 

^u^e'rc  vt  dupe,  impose  on. 

£uplcf§gang  c  duplex  escapement. 

2)u^HI'  c   ter  rejoinder.    -a't  n  -er  dup'licate. 

Duplo:  in  ~  in  duplicate. 

SiuptǤ  a  buttonless. 

*^ttppe  vt  dip  (bread  in  sauce  etc);  —  vi  nod; 
fe  SniKe.    Su^))e  c  dipping  sauce,  dip. 

Su^Jlpc  vt  stud  With  tacks.  -ptt  a  knobbed, 
studded.    -ffo  ferrule. 

Sur  c,  mus  major;  §  3)ur  B  major;  p  flaa  ofter 
i  en  anben  _  change  one's  tone. 

*£ur  c  roar  (low  thundering  noise).  2)ure  vi 

Sura'bet  a  du'rable,  lasting. 

'£urtl  c  -fer  cock  pigeon. 

^url  adv  p  :  -  igennem  straight  through;  løBe 
_  run  away.  -brctien  a  arrant,  thorough(-paeed). 
(2)nrc^)-Iau(1ft'ttg^eb  c  Highness.  -tøb  diarrhoea. 
-neje  vt  double-stitch.  -flag,  -flager  punch;  fe 
©ørflag.    -fnit  punching-machine. 

Surra  c  durra,  Guinea  corn,  Sorghum. 

Stt'r|tonort  major  key.    -tretlang  m.  chord. 

Dug:  letje  i  ©u§  og  _  lead  a  life  of  riot,  of 

Stté:  tjære  ~  meb  en  say  thou  and  thee  to 
one,  thou  one,  be  on  terms  of  intimacy  with 
one.  -brober  intimate  friend  (with  whom  one 
is  „®u§"). 

Xuf(!^  c  -er  douche. 

•2)ufe  vi  doze. 

2)ufi'n  n,  pi  =  el.  -er,  dozen.  -arbejbe  trum- 
pery.    -biS  adv  by  the  dozen. 

3)nff  c  -e  tuft,  (til  ©tabS)  tassel.  -et  a  tufted, 

2)u'Sfammerat  fe  5J!u§6rober. 

2)uffle,  -regue  »i  drizzle.   -regn  drizzle, 
ing  rain. 

*I)uft;  ilfe  en  _  not  a  particle. 

2)uf«r  fe  2)ouceur. 

Jiutc,  butte  vt  (fige  bu  til)  thou;  _  en  noget  pad 
father  something  on  one,  saddle  one  with.  -n 
c  thouing. 

3>uum't)i|rer  pi  duum'viri.  -ra't  n  -er  duum'- 

J)ub|c  .1,  vi  pitch;  (fætte,  ftampe  i  ©øen)  send^ 
—  vt  drive,  push;  _  an,  fe  Stnbube.  -niufl  « 
pitching.  j 

*2)tttil  n,  fe  gl^b^olt.  ' 

Sbate  c  lethargy,  torpor;  (unaturlig,  magnetift 
el.  beSl.)  trance;  ligge  i  _  (ogiaa  fig)  lie  dormant, 
(om  3)^r)  be  torpid,  falbe  i  -  become  torpid. 
■Bær  mandrake.  -bril  soporific.  -lignenbe  a 
lethargic.  -lib  dormant  life.  -tib  season  of 
torpor.    -tilftanb  torpid  el.  dormant  state 

25»aff  a  dnll,  indolent,  supine.  -^eb  c  dulll,  indolence,  supinoness. 

2)bcil  c  fe  5DdceI. 

2)U(eIe  vi  tarry,  linger;  fig  _  seb  dwell  (up)on 
-n  c  tarrying  etc.    +-r  c  loiterer,  lingerer, 

2(bæl,  2)b(clg  c  ^  mop. 

Sbælg  11  buckram. 

2)bærg  c  -e  dwarf.  -agtig  a  dwarflsh.  -onti 
itpt  bush-buck,  Cephalophue.  -birt  dwarf-birch, 
Betula  nuna.  -Bønne  French  bean,  Phmeolu« 
compressica.  Sbærgemaat  <dwarf-talk»,  echo. 
JibærgcjjælSt  dwarflsh  growth.  2)bærglfalt 
merliu,  Falco  æsnlon.  -flngcrmuS  pipistrel, 
Vespertilio  pipistrel  his.  -gaa§  white-fronted 
goose.  Anser  erythropus.  -glente  harpy,  Circus 
æruginosus.  -gren  stunted  branch.  -^ejre  crab 
-eater,  Ardea  minuta.  -^^æne  aard-wolf,  Pro- 
teles  {Lalandii).  -^«ne  bantam.  StJCergin'be  c 
-er  female  dwarf.  2)t)(crg|tont  nassa.  -læmVer 
(^ane)  game  bantam.  -ntibc  water-bear,  tardi- 
grade.  -mlfVel  dwarf-quince,  Mespilu«  cotoneaafer. 
-mu§  little  mouse.  Mus  minutus.  -natrabu  ægo- 
theles.  -palme  dwarf  fan-palm,  Ckaniærops  ku- 
milis.  -papegøje  love-bird,  Psittacula.  -plante 
dwarf  plant,  -r^le  little  stint,  Tringa  minuta. 
-^Ifeanb  little  grebe,  Podioeps  minor.  -ffiltelfe 
dwarflsh  figure.  -terne  les.ser  tern.  -trap(pe) 
fleld-duck,  Otis  tetrax.  -tr«  dwarf-tree.  -ugli 
fe  ©purbe=.    -bagtet  hemipode. 

2)^  fig  vr  be  quiet,  restrain  one's  self. 

Sflo'blff  a :  _  Solfqftem  binary  arithmetic. 

t)t)i  a  deep,  (meft  fig)  profound;  Biioe  -ere 
deepen;  en  -  .^emmeltg^eb  a  profound  secret;  _ 
S^abé^eb  deep  el.  profound  silence;  -  @ø»n  deep 
el.  fast  sleep;  -  ©org  extreme  grief,  (^bre)  d. 
mourning;  _goragt profound,  sovereign,  supreme, 
contempt;  _  (Slenbig^eb  extreme  misery;  et  -t 
aianbebrag  a  long-drawn  breath;  et  -t  Sut  a  low 
el.  profound  bow;  et  -t  ©ut  a  deep  sigh.  S^B 
n  deep,  depth;  -et  the  deep;  bibl  D  MigbomS 
_  O  the  depth  of  the  riches.    -Bio«  a  deep-blue. 

2)^Bbe  c  -r  depth;  profundity;  ^aoetS  -  the 
depth  of  the  sea.  -forBolbene  ^  the  soundings. 
-lurbe  fiurve  of  soundings.  -lob  ie  2)^6Iob.  -maol, 
-maaler  sliding  square.    -baab,  -bob  fe  35t)6oab. 

I)^[Be  vt  deepen;  chase,  emboss.  -Rommer 
chasing-  hammer. 

!&b^cl  c  dowel(-pin),  treenail. 

2)^'B|fob  deep  dish.  -goocnbe  a  (om  Møbber) 
striking  deep;  ^  deep-drawing,  deep.  -gooenbc 
n  4.*  draught.  -Rommer  chasing-hammer.  -f)eb 
c  -er,  fe  SQbbe.  -tultur  deep  culture.  -loftet  a 
^  deep  el.  heavily  load  ed. 

S^Ble  vt  dowel. 

^^'6|*line  night-line.  -lob  n  ,1^  deep-sea  lead. 
•tobntng  deep-sea  sounding.    *-lænbt  a  (3orb) 






(leep.  -ninø  c  deepenlng;  chaslng,  embossing. 
•r»)gget  a  saddle-backed.  -røbbet  a  deep-rooted. 
X'qblagn  hook  and  line  for  deep-sea  flshing. 
2i)b  fccnbe  o,  fe  ®t)6t'.  -finb  ?e  ftnbigl}eb.  -fin'big 
■  proionud.  -fttt'btg^cb  c  depth  of  uuderstauding. 
Snbélob  ?e  Xt)blob.    2)^bå»ob  fe  ©Qboob. 

Dqbt  adv  deeply,  deep;  -  inb  i  Stouen  far  into 
the  wood;  Sftbet  ftitfer  for  _  the  ship  bears;  fig 
t)an  ftifter  it!e  _  he  is  no  conjurer,  he  will  never 
set  the  Thames  on  fire;  fuffe  _  heave  a  deep 
sigh;  føle  -  feel  keenly;  Biøje  fig  _  bend  low; 
f^nte  ~  t  enS  SIgtelfe  sink  low  in  one's  esteem. 
-gaaenbe,  -taftet  fe  5Dt)b'.  -liggenbe  «  (jZijne)  deep 
-set,  deeply  recessed.  -fcenbe  a  penetrating. 
■ftitfcnbe  fe  3)flb=.  -fargenbc  a  deeply  afflicted. 
-tonenbe  a  deep-sounding.  -ttcnienbe  a  profound, 
meditative,  coutemplative.  SJ)'b|baob,  -bob 
deep-sea  flshing-net. 

2)J)'bbanbéibof  deepwater  deck.  -fiffet  deep 
-sea  flshiug  vessel.  -tfavn  deepwater  harbour. 
•(obninger  deep-sea  soundings.  -(«b,  -renbe 
deepwater  chanuel.  -termometer  submarine 
th.  -unberføgelfer  deep-sea  explorations  el.  re- 

!J^b  c  -er  virtue;  -en  virtue;  bet  er  juft  -en  berbeb 
that  is  jnst  the  beauty  of  it.  SiQbefuIb,  2)^big 
a  virtuous.  XQbig^eb  c  virtuousness.  —  ^^'bå|-- 
^elt,  -menfter  patteru  el.  paragon  of  virtue. 
•ptæbifant  moralizer.  -^rtebifen  moralizing  ser- 
mon.    -tfrccmie  prize  for  virtue. 

XH)ffeI  c  duffel,  duffle. 

-f2)^gge  vt  sprinkle,  bedew. 

l!»)go«g'  c  dugong,  Indian  walrus,  Ualicore 

Sujgtig  a  elever,  al)le,  capable,  efflcient;  (an= 
felig)  goodly;  _  i  SJfatematif  elever  at  mathema- 
tics;  en  -  Sone  a  notable  woman;  en  _  portion 
a  goodly  portion;  ban  fif  _  SSanf  he  got  a  sound 
drubbing;  fom  _  ©utfer  i  33ubbingen  put  plenty 
of  sugar  in  the  pudding;  adv  very,  remarkably; 
sufficiently;  _  ftor  el.  ftærf  bouncing,  strapping; 
^an  bleb  _  boab  he  got  a  complete  soaking. 
•fl«re  vt  render  capable  (til  ofj.  -^eb  c  fitness, 
aptness,  ability,  efflciency,  capaeity.  -^ebSatteft 
certificate  of  competency. 

25t)f'|anb  c  sea-duck.    -fe  fe  ®utte  vi  &  t. 

2)t)ffet  pi,  fe  Sqtferter. 

Ji^ffer  e  -e  diver;  (5ugl)  diver,  hibl  cormorant. 
-ap)>arat  diving  apparatus.  -bragt  diving  dress 
(0.  fl.).  -ebberfo))  water  spider,  Argyroneta 
■qwttica.    -i'  n  diving.     -ftotfe  diving-bell  ofo. 

25t)tfcrter  pi  brads,  sprigs. 

Sflfnagel  c  nail-driver. 

2)t)tning  c  diving.    •§■■  fe  3)^tter=. 

'tifU  c  -r  dowel-pin,  treenail. 

'JnjUc  fe  Sitle. 

I)t)nam|if'  c  dynam'ics.  -ifeffcft  gross  effect. 
-it'  c  dyn'amite.  -ttattentat  dynamits  outrage. 
-ttmanb  dynamiter,  dynamitard.  -ometer  n 

;Jl)naft|t'  n  -et  dy'nasty.    -'iff  a  dynastic. 

2)flnb  n  mire,  mud.  -agttg.  -et  a  miry,  muddy. 
•bob  mud-bath.  -tutling  sea-gudgeon,  Perioplt- 
fhalmm.  (-<»tt§  t).  -bflt,  -pøl  slough.  -fftlb))abbe 
mud-turtle.  -fmerltng  mud-flsh,  Cobitis  j ossiliH . 
•urt  mudwort,  Limoaella.    -bulfan  mud  volcano. 

Stine  c  -r  (Sanb-)  dune.  -rne  pi  (i  ben  brit. 
rtanol)  the  Downs. 

S^ne  c  -r  feather-bed,  down-bed,  eiderdown, 
duvet;  fomme  fra  -n  i  palmen  fall  out  of  the 
fr>iug-pan  into  the  fire.  -f^lb  stufflng  for  a 
feather-bed.  -baor  of  a  feather-bed;  (Søjet) 
bed-tick,  bed-sacking. 

iStjnge  c  -r  heap,  mass,  pile.  Stjngc  vt  op 
lieap,  amass,  accumulate;  _  $enge  fammen  hoard 
up  money;  _  fig  op  accumulate.   -bannere  archæ 

mound-builders.     -tol:  i  -,  -bW  adv  in  heaps. 

!&bngbaab  a  wringing  wet,  drenched. 

2>bntng  c  fe  Sunning. 

25»)nfe  prov  &  *  fe  Sbgge. 

tS»)nnife  c«  plaster,  stucco.  -bærf  stuccowork. 

!£»jpH)e  vt  dip;  plunge,  immerse.  -ning,  -<)elfe 
c  dipping  etc;  (til  Stege)  sauce  for  roast. 

XifV  a  dear,  expensive,  high-priced;  en  -  (Sb 
a  solemn  oath;  ^an  er  _  he  is  dear;  gere  -ere 
raise  the  price  of;  ^er  er  -t  it  is  dear  living  here; 
bet  er  -e  Siber  oi  leocr  i  it  is  dear  living  now-a 
-days;  ^eften  toftebe  100  ^nnt,  og  bet  bar  itfe  -t 
and  was  not  dear  at  the  price;  fe  SRaab,  J)om; 
—  b^rt  ndv.  bet  tom  ^am  -  at  ftoa  it  cost  him 
dear,  he  had  to  pay  dear  for  it;  foærge  fiøft  og 
_  take  a  solemn  oath;  fe  gorfitre. 

2)l)r  n  pi  =,  animal;  (meft  om  ftørre  *l5attebt)r) 
beast;  (af  $jorteflægten)deer;  (firføbbet)  quadruped; 
(meget  lille)  animalcule;  cont  brute,  beast;  bibl 
®t)ret8  %al  the  number  of  the  beast.  —  S^re|art 
species  of  animals.    -bob  animal  bath. 

S^rebor  a  (t  foftbar)  costly,  sumptuous,  ex- 
pensive; fig  dear,  dearest. 

Si^relbeft^ttelfeåforening  Society  for  preven- 
tion  of  cruelty  to  animals.  -tpoh  beast  epic. 
-fægtning  baiting  of  wild  beasis.  -gom  net  to 
catch  deer  with.  -gnott  gnawing  of  animals. 
-grob  pitfall  (for  catching  wild  beasts).  -^ogl 
buck-shot.  -^obe  zoological  garden;  (^nbeluffe 
til  SSilbt)  park.  -^ob§mon«bre  sham-fight.  -l)i> 
ftorie  fe  -lære.  -^obeber  animals'  heads.  -^ub 
fe  -ffinb.  -^ule  den  of  a  wild  beast.  -Ijué  pen. 
-tamp  fe  -fægtning,  -femi  animal  chemistry, 
zooehemy.    -feer  a  fond  of  animals. 

Sflre|fia8fe  class  of  animals.  -frebS  a»<  zodiac. 
-f(cm))er  beast  fighter.  -f«bt  a  dearly  bought 
el.  purchased;  bibl  ^  ere  -e  ye  are  bought  with 
a  price.  -føb  venison.  -t«Ue  haunch  of  venison. 
-leie  lair.  -tignenbe  a  brute-like,  animal-like. 
-libet  animal  life.  -natur  animality,  animal 
nature,    -nabn  animal-name. 

£l)renbo(  c  -er  joo  trusty  sword,  pamp. 

2)^re!oHe  animal  oil.  -rige  animal  kingdom. 
-rtig  saddle  of  venison.  -fforn  up  fumets.  -ffit= 
telfe  form  el.  shape  of  an  animal.  -ffinb  deer 
skin.  -flægt  genus  of  animals.  -fteg  roast  veni- 
son. -ftemme  voice  of  animals.  -ticn  friend  of 
animals.  -berben  fauna;  -en  the  animal  world 
el.  creation.    -bogter  game-keeper. 

S^'rfieb  c  dearness,  expensiveness. 

X^rlfl  a  animal;  brutish,  bestial.  -I)eb  c 

<'S^'rfoIb  reindeer  calf 

3Qrt|bar  a  arable.  S^rf|e  vt  Oorben)  cultiv- 
ate,  till;  (Som  ofo.)  grow;  (fiunfter  ofo.)  study, 
cultivate;  (@ub)  worship.  SiQrfeltg  a  fe  ©tjrfbar. 
S^rfelfe  c  cultivation,  culture,  tillage;  study, 
pursuit;  worship.  S^rfjer  c  -e  cultivator;  tiller; 
votary;  worshipper,  devotee.  -nlng  c  cultivation. 
-ninglmoobe  mode  of  cultivation.  -ning^tilftonb 
State  of  cultivation. 

2)l)'r|*foae  hind.  -lignenbe  fe  3!t)re'.  -tibet 
animal  life.  -tæge  veterinary  surgeon,  farrier. 
-lægcfunft  veterinary  art.  -(ægeffolc  veterinary 
school.  -lære  zoology.  -maler  animal-painter. 
•piagtv  tormentor  of  animals.  -blogeri'  cruelty 
to  animals.  •(e)))(ante  zoophyte.  -ffue  cattle 
-show.     -^^tte   painting  representing   animals. 

2)t)'rtib  c  dearth,  scarcity,  high  prices;  ber  er 
_  boa  9©g  eggs  are  scarce.  —  Sttirtibélbrifer 
famine  prices.  -tiUæg  increase  of  salary  (in 
consideration  of  high  prices). 

2)^'r|tæmmcr  tamer  of  wild  beasts.  -bogtcv 
fe  ®t)re=.    -ubfto^J^ier  taxidermist. 

tDb'rbærbig  o  precious. 

jljfenteri'  c  dys'entery. 




S>99f)eti|{{'  c  dyspep'sy.    •tittt  c  -e  dyspep'tic. 
S^éfe   c   -r    barrow,    cairn,    (feltift;   dolmen, 

2)»)8fe  r«  luU,  hush;  _  i  Sø»n  hush  el.  lull 
Rsleep;  ^fc  send  to  sleep;  -  et  Slagte  neb  hush 
up  a  report,    -n  c  luUing,  etc. 

®l)ft  c  (Jtomp)  com)jat,  fight,  tilt,  joust;  brush, 
bout;  (©ommenfljøby  set-to,  shock,  brunt;  Jig 
batile;  tjotie  en  _  meb  en  venture  a  bout,  run  a 
tilt,  try  a  fall,  with  one. 

+2)1)  ft  c  (fint  9KeI)  fine  flower  cl.  meal;  en  _ 
9?egn  a  shower.    2)l)fte  vt  sprinkle. 

+;5t|ftc  vi,  fe  æt)ftrcnbe. 
DQtter  a  sombre,  gloomy. 

S>j)ft|l«b,  -rcnben,  -rtbt  tournament,  tilting, 
jousting.    -rcnbc  vi  tilt. 

*2)^ttc  vt  stop  up,  stuff. 

Stjnctåltiræt  c  asa  foetida,  stinking  assa.  -Kar 
^  fe  æiæoell^. 

2)«B8C  vt  (opfoftte  beb  fremmeb  TOælf)  cade;  fig 
~  for  coddle.  -6orn  foster-child.  -^orn  sucking 
-bottle.  -lam  pet  lamb;  fip  darling,  pet.  +-ntttin 
pet  uame. 

Xcet  n,  pi  =,  deck;  forfinet  meb  _  decked; 
uben  -  undeeked. 

Sæflbcjbferesist.  -Blob  J, bract; (Eigar) wrapper. 
-fart)e  body-colour.  -fjcbcr  covert,  pi  tectriees. 
-frecbc  pi  ^  angiosperms.  -grunb  ground. 
-^aar  dog-hair,  overhair. 

^octte  vt  cover,  (Ubgtfter)  meet,  cover,  (Sfof) 
protect,  (en  Kant)  overlap,  (om  (Senær)  fe  ©amte; 
_  aSorbet  lay  the  table;  -  røibbagS-,  grofoftfiorbet 
lay  tbe  dinner,  the  breakfast;  ber  er  bætfet  for 
20  ^evfoner  the  table  is  laid  for  20;  -t  af  under 
cover  of,  -t  i  9iQggen  af  backed  against;  _  fig 
reimburse  one's  self;  _  fig  for  2^a6  secure  one's 
self  against  loss;  bet  Bil  næppe  -  fig  it  will  hardly 
cover  the  expenses;  —vi:  _  a  f  take  away;  _ 
op  for  en  treat,  regale  one;  -til,  ober  veil. 
Sætfe  n  -r  cover,  coveriug;  (8ag)  layer,  coat; 
t,  fe  Sccppc;  fpiHe  iinber  _  collude;  SpiUen  unber 
_  collusion;  ipiHe  unber  _  meb  Iiinanben  play  into 
each  other's  hånds,  -fab  dish-cover.  -gatn  bird 
net.  -turP  table  basket.  -I  c  fe  Stubel.  -Ifc  c 
covering,  reimbnrsement.  -n  n  -er  horsecloth. 
25æ»cttBJorb  c  girth.  2)aettentøj  n  (horse-)rug. 
2>«ltei9\  table  linen.  2)(Ctfraft  (ffllal.)  covering 

SæMaå  a  without  a  deck. 

Scetlning  c  covering;  (©uti.)  claying;  føge  _ 
mil  seek  cover,  mere  reimburse  one's  self.  -filabe 
cover-plate;  (p.  §o»I)  break-iron.    -§  fe  -Blab. 

2)æts|tiaob  decked  boat.  -baanb  deck-hook. 
-tjæltc  deck-beam.    -brebbe  breadth  of  beam. 

2)æffcl  n  cover;  (oBer  ^æng^ul)  apron. 

2)æté|fartirj  decked  vessel.  -ftff  p*;  partners. 
•flabe  area  of  deck.  -gloS  deck  light,  -^ué 
deck-house,  round-house.    -^ejbe  freeboard. 

Iiætftrup  c  treacle. 

Jiæléjfalitjt  poop.  -Inæ  deck-knee.  -trabel 
carling.  -loft  deckload,  deck-cargo.  -naab,  -itab 
deck-seam.  -^aSfager  deck  passeuger.  -plante 
deck-plank,  -port  side-port,  (i  33oBen)  bow-port. 
-pǤ  wa.shdeck  bucket.  -riBbe  ledge.  -ruf 
round  house.  -fVrejte  wash-deck  pump.  •^ettt 

f)æl[ftcn  cover.    -ftiHing  covered  position. 

Sætijipatcrborbwaterways.  -bæger  deck clamp. 

Sæflbaaben  weapon  of  defence.  -binge  wing 
-sheath,  elytrum.    -oærf  covering. 

^æmimc  vt  dam.  -ning  c  -er  (^anbl.)  dam- 
ming;  conc  dam,  embankment;  fig  fætte  en  _  for 
put  a  stop  to. 

2)æmon  c  -er  demon.  Xxsino'niff  demo'niac, 

^æmplc  »f  quench,  sufFocate,  smother,  (STorer, 


Cl  . 


SEromme)  mutfle,  (en  Stjb)  deaden,  (et  Snftr 
mute,  (Sejl)  spill;  _  ^Mtn  subdue  the  fire;  _  et 
Dprjør  quell  an  insurrection,  suppress  a  riot;  _ 
fine  £ibenfta6er  subdue  one's  paxsions;  _  en?  ^08= 
mob  humble  one's  pride;  _  .^eben  moderate, 
temper  the  heat;  meb  -t  SRoft  in  a  subdued  el. 
muiHed  tone,  in  an  undertone,  -er  c  -e  nm> 
sordet,  sordine,  mute,  fogf.  Spjcelbog./?(7)  damper 
-gaarbing  c  -er  ^  spilling  line.  -nittg  c  quen- 
ching  etc,  suppression. 

Jiæraraerffær    n    poet    faint    glimmering 
2)æm|re   vi  grow   dark,    darken;    dawn;   — 
poet   dim.     -rcnbe  a   dim.     -ring   c  twilighi 
(SWorgcn)  dawn.    -ringglQd  faint  light. 

2>ænge  vt  heap,  pile;  _  en  til,  _  poa  en,  - 
thrash  one. 

'S)6  vi  -be,  -et,  part  -b  die;  _  af,  ^en  (om  SBinb) 
die  away;  ~  af  kolera  die  of  cholera;  _  af  2atter 
die  with  laughter;  _  bort  die  el.  drop  off;  _ 
for  2fri^eben(§  8ag)  die  in  the  cause  of  liberty; 
-  ^en,  ub,  fe  ^enbø,  Ubbe;  fian  ftal  iOe  _  I  S^nben 
he  will  catch  it;  jeg  oil  _  x>0-<i  at  bet  er  fanbt  let 
me  die,  if  it  be  not  true;  en  -enbe  a  dying  man 

£«bc,  -te,  -t  vt  baptize,  Christen;  J,  (Sfib) 
name,  christn,  (Beb  Sinien)  duek;  joc  (gi»e  JSge« 
noBn)  dub.  -atteft  certificate  of  baptism,  bap- 
tismal  certificate.  -bog  fe  Sirfebog.  -bragt 
christening-gown.  -fab  baptismal  basin.  -font 
(baptismal)  fout.  -^anbling  christening,  baptlz- 
ing.  -^ttc  fe  ®aa6§=.  -fapel  baptistery.  -Ijole 
fe  -bragt. 

£ebe(  c  dobule,  Lendscua  dobula. 

2)øbc|naUn  Christian  name,  baptismal  name. 
•r  c  -e  baptizer,  baptist;  3(o^anne8  ben  _  John 
the  Baptist,  -febbcl  fe  -atteft.  -ftcn  fe  -font. 
•banb  water  for  baptizing. 

Sab  c  death,  decease,  demise,  end;  ben  ebige 
_  perdition;  ben  forte  -  the  black-death,  the 
plague;  |an  fit  en  let  -  he  died  an  easy  death; 
Ian  tog  fin  -  berober  it  was  the  death  of  him; 
finbe  fin  -  meet  one's  d.,  perish;  ben  BiSfe  ~  cer- 
tain  death;  Bi  er  2?or^erre  en  -  ftQlbige  we  all 
owe  Heaven  a  death;  _  og  'ilJlage!  zounds!  the 
deuce!  by  Jove!  35u  er  -fenS  you  are  a  dead 
man;  -fen?  Sugt  bibl  the  savour  of  death;  ligge 
for  -en  be  on  the  point  of  death,  at  death's 
door;  jeg  Ian  for  min  _  ifte  ubftaa  ^om  I  can't 
abide  him  for  the  life  of  me;  gaa  i  -en  meet 
death;  tro  inbtil  -en  (bibl)  faithful  unto  death; 
mob  -en  gror  ingen  Urt  there  is  no  medicine 
against  death;  græmme  fig  til  -e  grieve  one's 
self  to  death,  die  of  a  broken  heart;  febe  en  til 
-e  })ore  one  to  extinction  (death);  afgaa  oeb  -en 
depart  this  life.  2)«b  a  dead,  inanimate;  en  - 
a  dead  body,  a  corpse;  be  -e  pi  the  dead;  ben 
-e  the  dead  man,  the  deceased;  ligge  fom  -  lie 
as  one  dead,  lie  as  if  dead;  be  -e§  Kige  Hades; 
~  garbe  dull  colour;  _  ©ang  meo  cnd-play;  _ 
'i<in!el  unflanked  angle;  -t  ©!ib  abandoned  vessel; 
-t  Søb,  ^nnft  fe  Søbføb,  -punft;  -t  Søb  dead  heat; 
oberbrage  til  ben  -e  $aanb  transfer  in  mortmain; 
bet  -e  $ab  the  Dead  Sea.  -bagt  a  dough-baked, 
slack-baked.  -biber  drone,  snail,  fogie;  J^  slow 
sailer.  -bloa  a  livid,  -bleg  a  deadly  pale,  with 
blanched  cheeks.  -blunb  sleep  of  death.  -brin= 
genbe  a  fatal,  lethal,  -brænbt  a  overburnt. 
-brutfen  a  dead  drunk,  blind-drunk. 

Sabc  vt  put  to  death,  kill;  fig  mortify;  @ub  _ 
mig  !  upon  my  word ! 

éabclbag  day  of  death.  -banfen  the  Dance 
of  Death,  the  Dance  Macaber,  the  Dutch  series. 
Søbelig  a  deadly,  mortal;  (bøbfiringenbe)  fatal; 
-t  éaar  mortal  el.  lethal  wound;  _  gjenbe  deadly 
el.  mortal  enemy;  en  _  a  mortal;  —  adv :  _  faaret 
mortally  wounded;  _  forelffet  over  head  and  ears 





in  love,  (i)  dying  for.  2)aJ»e|UgljClJ  c  (Mortalitet) 
(rate  of j  mortality,  death-rate^s);  (at  bcere  bræbenbe) 
deadliness.  -HoflEbSforllotbenc  the  death  rate. 
-ligljebåtabet  bill  of  mortality.  -lifte  list  of  the 
dead,  death-roU,  obituary;  (otier  J!obe  i  en  Bi« 
lib)  bill  of  mortality.  "  -Ifc  c  mortiflcation. 
-fang  death  song. 

Xe  t)  faruc  lividness.  -fottjet  a  Hvid,  eadaver- 
ous.  -froéfcn  a  frozen  to  death.  -futifcf  still 
birth.  -ftfbt  a  still-born,  dead-bom.  -()e5)  c 
deadnes'i,  heaviness.  -ftotJCb  (Støb.)  runner, 
feeding-head;  chem  fe  3)obenfop.  -Iiotjebet  a  duU. 
-fotb  a  deadly  cold.  -!uUer,  -fulret  fe  JiuHcr,  -ff. 
-tab  prond  flesh;  ''fia  ^aoe  ~  i  ftg  be  of  a  sluggish 
disposition.  -Iigncnbe(+-lig)adeath-like.  +-manb 
fe  2)øbntng.  -møtte  darkness  of  death.  -noelbe 
fe  3?øt)^. 

2!£bntng  c  -er  (Sig)  corpse,  dead  body;  (®en= 
fldiigeri  ghost,  speclre.  -(e)agttg  a  cadaverous. 
-onfigt  cadaverous  face.  +-baave  bier.  -ben 
bones  of  a  skeleion,  dead  men's  bones;  (for§= 
lagte)  cross-bones.  -bille  church-yard  beetle, 
Blap«  mertiiaga.  -bleg  fe  ®ob-.  -bOtt§  fe  S)obe=. 
-fortie  cadaverous  hue.  -fjaanb  (ftorali  dead 
man's  toe,  Alcyonitim  dipitatum.  -l|ot)e  eemetery. 
-I)0t>cb  death's  head,  scuU;  zo  death's  head  moth, 
iiiihinx  atrofios.  -^uib  a  white  as  a  corpse. 
-fifte,  -flolfc,  -flæber  U  £ig=.  -f notler  fe  -ben. 
-lugt  cadaverous  smell.  -rab  skeleton.  -ret: 
l&olbe  _  sit  in  judgment  on  the  dead.  -fftb  fe 
Sobéfejler.  -ffrin  poef  colfin.  -ffccr  cadaverous 
light,  -flag  dead-stroke.  +-færf  shroud.  -ur 
death-walch,  Ånobium. 

!5«'bU)labe  (25mp.)  dead-plate.  -))Uttft  dead 
-point,  centre. 

Sabéaar  «  year  of  death. 

2)e'bfoorct  a  mortally  wounded. 

^abéloorfag  cause  of  death.  -angft  (9lngft  for 
3}øben)  horror  el.  dread  of  death;  (bobelig  91.) 
mortal  dread  el.  fear.  -anmclbetfe  obituary 
notice.  -atteft  certiflcate  of  death.  -betragtning 
meditation  on  death.  -bo  estate  of  a  person 
deceased.  -bogen  the  Book  of  the  Dead.  -bub 
(a3ubf!ab)  tidings  of  death;  {[^tati  ber  bebuber  ®.) 
forerunner  of  death.  -bog  day  of  death,  dying 
day.  -bom  sentence  of  death,  death-warrant. 
-boole  death-llke  sleep  el.  lethargy.  -bumt  a 
sentenced  to  death,  fig  doomed.  -efterretning 
news  of  the  death. 

J)«'b!fejler  c  ^  \i  biber. 

25obé  I  engel  angel  of  death.  -falbfe®øb.  -fore 
dauger  of  death,  mortal  peril.  -flcnbe,  -fjcnbe 
mortal  enemy.  -foragt  contempt  for  death. 
-fr»)gt  fear  of  death.  -i-færb  fatal  errand.  -gooe 
donation  mortis  causa,  -fomp  (©trib  meb  35øben) 
agonies  (of  d.);  (8amp  for  iJiDet)  mortal  strife, 
deadly  struggle.   -fromme  convulsions  of  death. 

-f^2)«'blftub  fatal  shot.     +-ftubt  a  shot  dead. 

J)«b§'fulbe  chili  of  death.  -foolpangsof  death. 

2)<i'b  ffljlb  capital  crime.  -ff^lbig  a  guilty  of 
a  capital  crime. 

Jiobéilejc  death-bed.  -moobe  manner  of  death. 
-mibbel  means  of  death.  -mulm  poet,  fe  3)øb= 
mørfe.  -not  night  of  death.  -neb  fe  fore.  -pa 
|)t)rné  the  Book  of  the  Dead.  -^jrocent  death 
-rate.  -rollen  dcath-rattle.  -ret  fe  Søbning--. 
-rune  obituary.  -foar  mortal  wound.  -fog 
mortal  offence.  -falme  fe  £ig=.  -fong  death 
-song.  -fejler  phantom  ship.  -feng  bed  of  death, 
deathbed.  -ffrig  death-shriek.  -ffræf  fe  -angft. 
•ff^ggc  shadow  of  death.  -fmerte  fe  -toal.  -fptre 
death-genn.  -ftil^eb  dead  sileuce.  -ftille  a  silent 
as  the  grave,  -ftiu^eb  cadaveric  rigidity.  -ftrof 
capital  punishment;  unber  _  on  pain  of  death. 
-flrib  fe  -famp.  -ftunb  hour  of  death.  -ft«b  death 
-blow,  -stroke.    -fut  dying  groan.    -føonger  a 

deleterious,  lethal,  -focb  sweat  of  death,  death 
damp.  -fjjg  a  mortally  111.  -ftjgbom  mortal 
illness.  -fijnb  mortal  sin,  deadly  sin.  -feon 
sleep  of  death.  -tonlcr  thoughts  of  d.  -tegn 
sign  of  d.   -tib  fe  -flunb.   -tibenbe  fe  -efterretning. 

2)«'biftinc  a  silent  as  death;  —  n  J,  dead 

2)«b8|time  fe  -ftunb.  -traft  consolation  in  death. 

2)e'bf>jg  a  fe  5Deb§=. 

2)ob8!»arfel  forerunner  of  death.  -øjeblif 
moment  of  death 

2)ø'bjtoP8  a  silent  as  the  grave,  -træt  a  dog 
•tired.  -ulb  wool  of  diseased  animals.  -ponb, 
-ttonbe  dead-water;  fig  ligge  i  -et  hang  fire.  -bejr 
J,  calms.  -Binb  4> ;  faa  fine  Sejl  i  -en  af  et  Slib 
be  becalmed  by  a  ship.  -tisgt  dead  weight. 
-ejet  o  dulleyed. 

2)øgcnigt  c  -er  good  for  nothing  (fellowl. 

!Sø'gling  c  -er  beaked  whale,  Hyperoodon  ro- 

2)øgn  n,  pi  =,  day  and  night,  24  hours;  fire 
Sinter  i  -et  four  hours  in  the  twenty  four;  -et8 
Smag  the  fashion  of  the  moment,  of  the  day. 
•blob  ephemeral  print,  (-t-btjr),  -flue  ephemera. 
-flqgtig  a  ephemeral.  -gammel  «  a  day  old. 
-long  (i  of  twenty-four  hours,  ephemeral.  -lite= 
rotnrcn  current  llterature.  -lio  ephemeral  life. 
-orb  ephemeral  word.  -preéfen  fe  Sagé=.  -ffrift 
paltry  pamphlet.  -ffribent,  -ffribler,  -ftrioer 
paltry  pamphleteer.  -ftabber  gossip  el.  rumours 
of  the  day.  -borig  a  ephemeral.  •■-oilb  o  uncer- 
tain  whether  it  is  night  or  day  el.  what  day  of 
the  week  it  is.  -tiKrb  ephemeral  worth.  -bæfen 
e.  being. 

Seje  vt  (finbe  fig  i)  brook,  put  up  with;  (libe) 

£«jt  c  doit,  farthing. 

*2)«'l  c  -er  dalesman,  daleman. 

Dal'  fe  5E)ølIe. 

2)alg  n  fe  SøtgSmaal. 

2)algc,  bulgte,  bulgt  vt  conceal;  røorb  Ian  ej  -8 
murder  will  out.  —  Dalg8|mofll  n  concealment; 
lægge  -  poa  make  a  secret  of,  conceal;  føbe  i  _ 
be  delivered  under  concealment  of  pregnancy; 
gøbfel  i  _  concealment  of  birth,  concealing  birth. 
-monb  concealer;  (Jpæler)  receiver  (of  stolen 

HøUe  c  -r  socket. 

2)«mme,  bøntte,  bøntt  vt  &  i  (bebømme)  judge, 
form  a  judgment  of;  (om  Somftol)  vi  pronounce 
judgment,  pass  sentence,  vt  sentence,  judge; 
(fælbe)  condemn;  børn  felo  judge  for  yourself; 
foat)ibt  man  fan  bømme  af  ei.  efter  bet  Ubbortcl 
to  judge  from  appearances;  _  en  fra  Sibet  pass 
sentence  of  death  on  one;  _  i  SBøber  fine;  _  en 
i  en  aSøbe  af  femti  *3unb  Ane  one  fifty  pounds;  _ 
om  judge  of.  -fraft  c  judgment.  -fflg  a  cen- 

Dan'  n  rumbling,  booming.  Dåne  vi  rumble, 

Daning,  Danning  c  -er  swell. 

Dar'  adv  4j  ■  ^olf  -  h*ul  in  the  slack,  haul 
handtight,  (Salje)  round  up,  round  in. 

Dar'  c  -e  door;  ^  (Sanonport)  port-lid;  ber  er 
-en  you  knovr  where  the  door  lies;  bife  en  -en 
show  one  (to)  the  door;  man  fan  ^oerfen  fe  _  eller 
Sag  it  is  dark  as  a  pit;  fig  ftaa  for  -en  be  at 
hånd;  luffe  -en  for  9Jæfen  af  en  shut  the  door 
upon  one;  feje  for  fin  egen  _  sweep  before  one's 
own  door;  for  luffebe  -e  with  closed  doors,  pri- 
vately;  for  aabne  -e  with  open  doors;  gaa  en8  _ 
forbi  fig  give  one  the  go-by;  man  fan  renbe  -e 
i  nb  (el.  op)  meb  ^om  he  is  a  dunder-pate,  a 
beetle-head;  inben  -e  wllhin  doors;  fibbe  lunt 
inben  -e  be  in  easy  circumstances;  fætte  fin  %ot 
in  benfor  enS  _  darken  one's  doors;  folbe  meb 




-en  inb  i  |)uict  drop  in  upon  one  like  a  bolt,  in 
an  abrupt,  unceremonious  manner;  60  -  om  - 
OTfb  en  live  next  doer  to  one,  be  one's  ncxt 
door  neighbour;  joge  paa  -en  turn  one  out  of 
doors;  banfe  paa  -en  knock  at  the  door;  renbe  en 
paa  -en(e)  pester,  bore  one  with  visits;  følge  en 
tit  -en  see  one  out.  •aabning  door-way.  -at^et 
ie  ftabel.  -anflag  door-folding.  -Ibeflag  mounting 
of  a  door.  -briser  door-securer,  door-weight. 
•falb,  -fuwg  jambs  of  a  d.  -ftej  leaf  of  a  foldiug 
d.    -ftjtbing  panel  of  a  d. 

'^Starfle  fe  ®orge. 

Sararefi  n  door-handle. 

2)«rflalc  »I,  fe  Sut  adv. 

'^ev\t)ammtt  knocker,  rapper,  -ftanf  door 
-handle,  -^of^ie  door-hinge.  -Ijttt  fe  -aobning. 
-^(cngfet  d.-hinge.    -inbfatnittø  door-case. 

^arf  c  the  gunner's  store-room. 

!£«r|tarm  door-case,  frame  of  a  door.  -flinfe 
latch  of  a  d.  -tiolle  door  bell.  -titebtting  fe 
-fQibing.  -(ob  d.-weight.  -maatte,  »-matte  door 
-mat.    'plabe  door-plate.    -|)oft  fe  -ftolpe. 

2)«rrc  fe  Sorge. 

2)ar|ffrober  scraper.    -ftoo  bolt. 

2)«r|flag  «,  pl=,  sieve,  colander.  -f(ag,  -ftagev 
fe  ®ur{>.    -ftrtg^ammer  flattener. 

2>ar|f^)cjt   fe  -f^Ibing.    -fpratlte  chink  (of  the 

@,  e  «  (S3ogft.  &  mus)  E,  e  [ee];  abbr:  e.  = 
efter  after,  er  is;  ®ft.  =  ©fterntibbog  aftemoon, 
p.  m.;  el.  =  eEer  or. 

(Bbbe  c  ebb,  ebb-tide,  low  water;  _  og  glob 
flux  and  reflux  (of  the  tide),  tide;  bet  er  _  the 
tide  goes  out;  ber  er  _  i  SaSfen  I  am  low  in 
funds,  ©bfie  vi  &  impers  ebb.  -ifOtt  tail-gate. 
•ftrarø  ebbing  stream.  -tib  ebb-tide;  bet  er  _ 
the  tide  is  ebbing. 

@6tonit'cr  pi  E'bionites. 

©bonit'  c  indurated  India  rubber. 

(Sbtce  et  c  -e  He'brew. 

&(tiappa'be  c  -r  slip. 

&<tiappement'  n  esca'pement.  &(SfappemcntS- 
^jut  scape-wheel. 

&d)0  fe  (Sfto. 

©(^auffe'ret  «  hot. 

@cIo't  c  noise,  show,  flourish,  eclat.  -attt'  a 
striking,  startling,  conspicuous;  leb  et  _  Sfleberlag 
was  signally  defeated. 

@b  c  -er  oath;  falft  _  perjury;  aflægge  _  take 
one's  oath,  swear,  be  sworn;  ajlægge  -  paa  (tit) 
^onftituttonen  take  the  oath  to  the  constitution; 
gøre  fin  -  paa  at  swear  that;  jeg  bit  gøre  min  _ 
berpaa  I'll  take  my  oath  of  that,  I'U  be  sworn 
to  that;  gøre  faljl  _  perjure  one's  self;  belræfte 
nieb  ~  afflrm  by  oath;  toge  en  i  _  take  one's 
oath,  put  one  to  his  oath,  swear  one  in;  unber 
-8  Stibub  upon  oath.  -ir^ber  violator  of  oaths. 
-Bunben  a  bound  bv  oath. 

(Sbba  the  Edda.    ebba^  Eddie. 

6bber  c  (®ift)  venom;  (SKaterie)  matter,  pus; 
fætte  _  matter,  fester,  suppurate;  Jig  \pi)  _  og 
tJorgift  vent  one's  venom.  -agtig  a  purulent. 
-6t)fb  boil.    -bannelfe  formation  of  pus. 

©bbcrfugl  fe  (£ber=. 

(Sbberjfljtbt  a  venomous.  -Inol  qtiittor-bone. 
•top  spider.  -to))urt  spider-wort,  Ånthericum 
ramosum.  -mtfve  reå  ant,  Formica  rubra.  -flange. 

door).  •ftabel  pivot  of  a  d.  ••■-fto!  fe  -toerftel. 
-ftot^e  door-post.  -fttjtte  painting  over  a  door. 
t-fttcnb  fe  -Bogter.  -tribfe  pulley  for  a  d.  -trin 
fe  -tærftel.  *-trt)!fcr  fe  -greb.  -træ  lintel.  -tæppe 
door-curtain.  -tærffct  threshold.  -Uinbue  window 
in  a  door.  -ttogtec  door-keeper,  porter,  janitor. 
■uogterffe  portress,  jauitress.  -tiribei  fe  -greb- 
-Ⱦgt  fe  -tob. 

2)e§  c  (State  of)  drowsiness.     ®«f|e  vt  & 
doze,  mope;  _  6ort  ^en  doze  away.   -en  c  dozing 
-ig  a  drowsy;  _  Slb  smouldering  fire.    -ig^eb 

2)atte  pi  af  Slatter,    -ffolc  ladies'  school. 

2)eti  «  deaf;  _  SRøft,  tioffe  duU-toned  voice 
bell;  _  æg  duU  edge;  _  for  deaf  to;  bære  _  fof_ 
nt,  beube  bet  -e  ^re  tit,  bære  _  pao  bet  lixe  turn 
a  deaf  ear  to  st;  _  paa  bet  ene  S2re  deaf  of  an 
ear,  deaf  in  one  ear.  XøPe  vt  deafen,  (bæmpe, 
linbre)  deaden,  (fløbe)  blunt,  (©ejl)  spill,  smother; 
(3lb)  spill,  smother.  ^Battcbri!  anodyne  draught. 
i«ti|elfe  c  deafening  etc.,  apathy,  torpor.  -firbt 
a  born  deaf.  -gure  vt  deafen,  deaden,  dull. 
-^eb  c  deafness,  surdity.  -noetbe  dead  nettle; 
Lamium  album,  -ftunt  a  deaf  and  dumb,  deaf 
-mute.  -ftumnteonftolt  deaf  and  dumb  institu- 
tion,   -ftummetærer  deaf  and  dumb  teacher. 


-fnog  venomous  serpent.    -f^iænbt  a  venomous. 
-fcetning  festering,  suppuration. 

©bbile,  *ogfaa  (Sbbtf,  c  vinegar.  -oal  micro- 
scopic  eel  in  vinegar.  -agurt  gherkin.  -bofe 
acidifiable  base.  -brljgger  vinegar  manufacturer 
surly  fellow.  -br^ggeranftgt  surly  countenance 
-brtiggeri  v.  manufactory.  -bannelfe  acetiflca 
tion.  -banner  acetifier.  -fabrilatton  fe  -bryggeri 
■floffe  V.  bottle,  (liben)  v.  cruet.  -gæring  acetous 
fermentation,  -honning  oxymel.  -Hrfcbær  cher 
ries  preserved  in  vinegar.  -trnltc  vinegar  jar, 
•maaler  acetimeter.  -nafta  fe  -æter.  -rofc  French 
rose,  Bosa  galtica.  -falntiat  acetate  of  ammonia 
-fait  acetate.  -firu<)  oxysaccharum.  -flirit  ace 
tone.  -fur  a  sour  as  vinegar,  acetous;  chem 
acetic;  fig  vinegary;  -t  ©alt  acetate;  -t  S31I)  ace- 
tate of  lead,  etc.  -fooolftire  sulphacetic  acid. 
-fjjre  acetic  acid.  -tønbe  vinegar  barrel.  -æter 
acetic  ether. 

®bbre  fig,  @bbre§  vd  fester,  suppurate. 

@bettg  a  on  oath;  _  gorllaring  deposition, 
(ubenfor  SKetten)  affidavit;  —  adv.  _  befræftet  af 
verifled  upon  the  oath  of. 

©ben  n  Eden. 

@ber  pron  you.    -§  adj  your;  obs  yours. 

@ber{bun  eider  down.  -fngt  eider  duck,  amr 
St.  Cuthbert's  duck,  Somateria  mollissima.  -longe 
king  eider,  S.  spectabilie. 

(S'blfæfte  vt  swear,  swear  in;  bære  -t  be  upon 
one's  oath.    -fæftelfe  c  swearing-in. 

@bilt'  n  -er  e'dict. 

S'binborg  n  Ed'inburgh. 

©bomit'er  c  -e  Ed'omite. 

(gbreS  vd  fe  ebbreS. 

@'b§jaf(æggelfc  taking  one's  oath.  -itxvi^  viola^ 
tion  of  an  oath.  -forbunb  (Helvetic)  confederaey, 
confederation.  -formular  formulary  of  an  oath, 
oath-formula.  -pagt  contract,  sealed  by  a  sole: 





©'tifuorlen  «  sworn;  c  juror,  juryman;  -rneS 
fienbelie  verdict.    -neret  c  jury. 

@'béD(egring  c  refusal  to  take  the  oath. 

6'i>tag|elfe  e  administering  of  an  oath.  -en 
a  sworu. 

6cn,  ttt,  og  SmI.  fe  ©n, 

©femc'r  a  \e  -ift.  -i'ber  jj/,  a««  &  lit  ephemer'- 
ides.    -iff  a  ephem'eral. 

(gfeifnS  ji  Ephesus.   -'fer  c  -e,  -'fifl  a  Ephesian. 

@feu  c  ivy. 

@ffelt'  c  efifect;  for  -en§  Sf^Ib  for  efifect;  joge 
efter  -  strain  after  effect.  -er  pi  eff'ects,  chatteis; 
(Cblig.)  stocks.  •fult«  a  full  of  effect,  impressive, 
telling.  -i'tt  a  effec'tive,  eflicient.  -iulle't  c 
effectiv'ity,  efficiency.  -jagert  straining  after 
effect,  sensationalism,  claptrap.  -tonto  stock 
-account.  -mager  c  -e  performer,  -fteb  telling 
passage,  -ue're  vt  effect,  mere  execute,  -ue'ring 
c  execution. 

©ffcK  a  even;  _  eUer  u=  odd  or  even. 

Effl'gie:  in  _  in  ef'figy. 

®fo  r  c  -er  ephor. 

6fter  prctp  (Steb,  Sib,  gelge)  after;  (bog)  be- 
hind;  (,ncefte|ter>  next  to;  (fom  ©fterfefger)  after, 
in  succession  to;  (ifølge)  according  to;  ben  ene  _ 
ben  anben  in  succession;  Sfppetit  _  appetite  for; 
inbfinbe  ftg  -  et  Stoertiéfement  call  in  answer  to 
an  advertisement;  _  SBefaling  by  command;  bt' 
gcerlig  -  desirous  of;  _  a3ef)ag  as  you  please;  at 
pleasure;  -  8agenS  i8eftaffen£)eb  as  the  case  may 
be;  -  SSogftaoen  literally;  _  Xiftot  to  dictation; 
bømme  -  bet  UboorteS  judge  by  el.  from  appear- 
ances;  _  bet  gronffe  from  the  French;  _  ®obt= 
6efinbenbe  at  discretion;  gribe  _  catch  at;  ^onble 
-  et  princip  aet  up  to  a  principle;  ^eb  ^ot)n  - 
fin  gaber  was  called  J.  after  his  father;  8  jiage 
_  ^inanben  8  days  running  el.  in  succession;  _ 
^ufommelfen  from  memory;  _  ^Oob  jeg  ^ar  ^»rt 
by  el.  from  what  I  have  heard;  3(Qr  -  Sfrifti 
Søbfel  in  the  year  of  our  Lord;  _  SJejltg^eb  as 
suits  your  conveuience;  libt  _  libt  by  little  and 
little,  by  degrees;  _  Soden  according  to  law; 
*Iøfte  en  _  |2rene  lift  one  by  the  ears;  _  min 
9Kentng  in  my  opinion;  ^on  er  en  SiJor  ~  he  has 
a  mania  for;  _  9Jaturen  from  nature;  fljnge  _ 
9lober  sing  by  note;  gaa  _  Diæfen  foUow  one's 
nose;  -  bette  ^princip  upon  this  principle;  _  benne 
9JegeI  by  this  rule;  fige  -  repeat;  flaa  _  aim  a 
blow  at;  floa  3)eren  i  _  en  slam  the  door  on  one; 
_  min  Smag  to  (el.  in)  my  taste;  ftille  Uret  _  .  .  . 
regulate  the  watch  by;  tale  _  speak  in  imitation 
of,  mimick  one's  speech;  _  %\xx  by  turns;  _  mit 
Ur  by  my  watch;  _  iBægt  by  weight,  ^an  Bar  _ 
fiam  he  gave  it  him;  politiet  »ar  _  ^am  was  on 
his  tracks;  Pære  _  jÉnfte  answer  one's  wishes; 
lanbre  58er6er,  Subft.  og  Stbj.  i  %mh.  meb  ©fter, 
fp  biSfe);  —  adv :  9laret  _  next  year;  gøre  nt  _,  fe 
eftergøre;  bab  SSønnetne  _  repeated  the  prayers 
(after  him);  feile  9iorb  _  stand  to  the  north;  — 
conj:  efter  at  !^abe .  .  .  after  having  .  .  .  (©fterat, 
fenbfr.);  (alt) -fom  according  as  ((Sfterfom,  fenbft.) 

(Sfteraar  «,  pi  =,  autumn,  amr  fall  (of  the 
year).  -lig  o  autumnal.  —  (gftcraarålagttg  « 
autumnal.  -arbejbe  autumn  work.  -blomft  au- 
tumnal fiower.  -bag  autumn  dav.  -jceonbøgn 
autumnal  equinox.  •jæonbøgné^juntt  autumnal 
point,  -fol  c  autumn  sun.  -ftorin  autumnal 
gale.  -træ!  autumn  fiight.  -»ejr  autumnal 

©fterabe  vt  ape,  mimic.  -Ife  c  aping  etc. 
-r  c  -e  aper,  mimic. 

(Sftcrat  conj  after,  when. 

(ffterbcftiUing  second  order. 

(Sffcrbctalie  vt  pay  in  addition,  -ing  addi- 
lional  payment. 

Gftcrbltpe  vi  remain;  be  -nbe  the  survivors. 

@fterbIomftrtng  second  blossom. 

@fterb(øbtting  secondary  hemorrhage. 

-^Gfterborb  dessert. 

Cffterbrtig  small  beer. 

eftcrbrl)Ilup  fe  9lnbenbag§=. 

Sftcrbrccnbing  hanging  fire. 

(Sfterbub  bid  after  the  fall  of  the  hammer. 

Sfterbqrb  after-birth,  secundine. 

@fUrbag3  adv  henceforth,  in  future. 

©fterbanne  vt  counterfeit.  -Ife  counterfeiting; 
gram  development. 

@fterbater|e  vt  overdate.    -ing  overdating. 

@fterbi'  conj  since,  as,  whereas. 

(Sftetbigt|e  vt  imitate,  copy  (poetry).  -ning 

©ftcrbren  after  peal. 

t@fterb«rame  n  example,  pattern. 

Sfterbøn  fe  -brøn. 

@fter=@nboéfcment  subsequent  endorsement. 

©ftcrfare  vt,  min  explore. 

Gftcrforffje  vt  investigate,  explore,  scrutinize, 
seareh.    -ning  iuvestigation,  exploration. 

©ftcrfroft  unseasonable  frost. 

(gfterfljlbe  vt  fill,  add  (wine)  to. 

@ftcrf«bntng  c  late  bom  child,  posthumous 

@fterf«telfe  (af  et  Saar)  pain  of  a  healed  wound. 

efterffltjge  vt  (følge  ogf.  fio)  follow,  (i  (Smbebe) 
succeed,  (føge  at  ligne)  imitate.  -ge  c  succession. 
-gelfe  c  following,  imitation;  Srifti  -,  imitation 
of  Christ.  -gelfelocerbig  a  worthy  of  imitation. 
•genbe  o  subsequent,  -ger  c  -e,  -gerinbe,  -gerffe, 
-r  foUower,  successor;  imitator. 

@fterf«rfel  c  carrying  after. 

©ftcrgoa  vt  inspect,  examine. 

@fterjgttie  tt  remit,  pardon,  excuse;  (opgioe) 
give  up,  yield;  t  be  inferior  to.  -gibelig  a 
remissible,  dlspensable;  venial.  -gioelfe  c  remis- 
sion.  -gibenbe  a  indulgent,  yielding,  pliable, 
compliant.  -gibenijcb  c  compliance,  indulgence, 

@fterglan§  reflection,  reflex. 

®ftcrglattc  vt  smooth  over. 

@fterglimt  after  glimpse. 

©ftergranftlc  vt,  -ning  fe  Sfterforfle. 

@ftergra»>|c  vt  dig,  excavate.  -ning  c  -er  dig- 
ging,  excavation. 

©ftergrunbc  vt  ponder,  meditate. 

@ftergtæ§  after-math,  rowen.  -ning  grazing 
on  a  mowed  field. 

@ftergrabe  after-crop. 

(Sftergicring  second  fermentation. 

(Sfterg«r|c  vt  counterfeit,  forge;  (efteiabe)  im- 
itate, ape;  gjorte  SSarer  counterfeit  articles.  -elfe 
c  forgery,  forging,  imitation,  aping.  -er  c  -e 
counterfeiter,  forger,  imitator.  -lig  a  that  may 
be  counterfeited,  imitable. 

®fter|t)oan'ben,  -fiaanbS'  adv  by  degrees, 
gradually,  by  and  by. 

©ftcr^arbe  vt  harrow  over  again. 

©ffcr^ebc  after  heat. 

©ftcrljige  vt  covet  vehemently.    -n  c  coveting. 

@ftert)jæH)  c  after-help.    -e  vt  touch  up. 

(Sfterbugfi  second  felling. 

■'■■(Sfterljbert'  adv  regularly,  successively,  by 
little  and  little;  _  fom  according  as. 

Sftcrtjcengenbe  a  importunate. 

@ftert)ø  aftergrowth  of  hay. 

@ftert)øft  after-crop. 

Sfterfage  vt  chase,  pursue,  hunt  after.  -n  o 
chasing,  pursuit. 

@fterftang  resonance;  Jig  re-echo. 

etterfline  fe  Xiltline. 

@ftertlog  a  afterwise;  bet  er  ingen  ©ag  at  otere 
_  if  things  were  to  be  done  twice,  all  would 
be  wise;  it  is  easy  to  be  wise  after  the  event. 




@fterfomme  vt  complj-  with,  perform,  observe; 
iffe  -  disobey.  -Ifc  c  complying  etc.  -nbe  a 
suceeeding,  subsequent.  -r  c  -e  successor;  (tøbelig) 
descendant;  -e  pi  posterity. 

(gftcrtralt  after  claim;  Beregne  Dmloftningerne 
font  -,  tage  _  take  charges  forward. 

@ftcrfull>c  unseasonaVjle  cold,  May  cold. 

Sfterlubc  vt  &  r  leave,  leave  behind,  Ceftergitie) 
remit,  (fovfømme)  neglect,  leave  undone;  -bte 
Sfrifter  posthumous  works;  be  -bte  the  survivors. 
-Ife  c  remission,  neglect,  omission.  -IfeSfQttb 
sin  of  omission.  -n  a  negligent,  remiss,  -nticb 
c  ncgligence,  remissness.  -nftab  n  -er  property 
left,  effects;  Itterære  -er  posthiiimous  works. 

®ftcrtcbe  vt  (tebe  efter)  search,  seek  after,  look 
for;  (Søger)  look  over,  turn  over. 

t@ftcrlcn  arriere-fief. 

©ftcricue  vt  fe  -fomme.  -Ife  c  compliance, 
observance.    -nbe  a  surviving;  be  _  the  survivors. 

©ftcvlcbering  later  snpply. 

t@ftcr(cBcrftc  c  -r  relict. 

©ftericnutng  fe  Seontng. 

©ftcrtigitic  vt  imitate,  copy.  -elig  a  imitable. 
-elfe  imitation,  copy.  -clfeSbærbig  a  worthy  of 
imitation,  -cnbc  a  imitative,  -er  c  -e  imitator, 
copier.    -tng  fe  -elfe. 

©ftcrtoblbc  vt  resolder.    -nittg  resoldering. 

©ftcrhtgning  second  weeding. 

+(gftcrlMUc  fe  -nt)nne. 

@fterlt)b  c  after  sound,  echo. 

@ftcrl»)f|c  vt  advertise.    -ning  advertisement. 

t@ftcrlængte  vt  long  for. 

(Sfterlæf  |c  vt  peruse,  read  over.    -ning  perusal. 

@fterl«bntng  c  (af  Staal)  subsequent  colouring. 

©ftcrian  c  pension,  -ne  vt  pension,  -ning  c 

@ftcrmaal|e  vt  re-measure.  -ing  re-measure- 

©ftcrmaaléraanb  c  prosecutor. 

©ftermaaltib  after-meal. 

(gftcrmob  second  dish;  meat.- 

@ftcrmoI|c  vt  (male  ont)  -paint  over  again; 
(fopiere)  copy.    -ing  c  paintiiig  etc;  copy. 

©ftermonb  foUower,  (efterfølger)  successor,  (i 
®eleb)  rear-rauk  man;  (^.  SBet^el)  subsequent 

@ftenntb|bag  afternoon  (b.  e.  Xiben  efter  SI.  2 
eHer  ntedent  lunch  og  9Kibbagen);  bet  f!ete  ftl.  3  _ 
it  happened  at  three  o'clock  P.  M.  -bagS=  after- 
noon; post-meridian,  after-dinner. 

-fSfterminbc  fe  ©ftermæle. 

(Sftcrntobnc,  -§  vi  ripen  in  the  sheaf. 

©ftcrmoft  ciderkin. 

©ftermccle  posthumous  farne,  renown,  name. 

©fternterlne  vi  darken,  grow  darker. 

(ffternatin  surname,  family  name. 

@fternttbc(fe  after-enjoyment. 

@fter«»jnnc  vt  hum  after. 

Sftcrnøtcr  laggard,  straggler,  marauder. 

*@ftcr))aa  adv  afterwards. 

©ftcrtilajj'c  vt  plough  over  again.  -ning  second 

®ftcrrcgn|c  vt  count  over.  -ing  counting  over; 

©ftcrret  third  dish,  dessert. 

©ftcrrctning  c  -er  (intelligence)  (uben  pi),  ac- 
counts,  advice,  notice,  information,  news;  en  _ 
a  piece  of  intelligence;  ben  fibfte  -  fra  ^talten 
the  iatest  news  from  Italy;  _  for  ^JSuBIifum,  for 
©øfarenbe  notice  to  the  public,  to  mariners;  til 
S)erel  _  for  your  government. 

®ftcrret'(tc)lig  a  to  be  relied  on;  fiolbe  fig  en 
SBefaling  ~  observe  an  injunction,  attend  to  an 

Gftcrrljffenbe  part  marching  after,  following. 

eit;  (t  en 

©fterfaa  vt  sow  over  again,   resow.     -nii 

(gftetfagn  fe  eftermæle. 

(Sf tcrfanll c  »«  pickup,  glean.    -crc-eglea: 
-ning  c  gleaning. 

©ftcrfe  vt  Inspeet,  examine,  see  to. 

@fterfcnbc  vt  send  after  el.  later. 

©ftcrfigc  vt  repeat;  say  after  one.    -Ife 

®fterriflt»ef§el  bill  payable  after  sight 

©ftcrftabc  vt  create  in  imitation. 

Sftcrffin  reflection. 

(gftcr]f!rift  c  postscript,  -ffribe  vt  Imitate  (a 
handwriting);  forge,  counterfeit;  _  en§  Drb,  3;ale 
take-  down  one's  words;  -ftretjne  the  foUowi: 
the  subsequent.  -flribning  imitation  of  hai 
writing,  forgery. 

©fterlffnb  after-payment.    -ffubSbont  supp] 
mentary  sentence. 

®fter|f(aa  vt  (9Jiønter)  forge,  counterfeit;  (i  en 
S3og)  look  for.    -flag  after-note. 

(gfterflægt  posterity. 

©ftcrflæng  train. 

(Sftcrftæt  c  after-math. 

©ftcrfmag  after  taste;  tang. 

(gfterfmæt  n  ('ogf aa  c)  after-clap. 

@fterfnat  c  after-talk.  -fe  vt  echo,  copy,  par 
rot.  -tct  o  repeater  (of  what  has  beeu  said), 
copyer,  parrot.    -fen  c,  -feri  n  echoing,  parrotry. 

©ftcrfom  conj  whereas,  as,  since,  inasmuch 
as,  seeiug  that. 

(£f  tcrf  omnter  end  of  the  summer;  after-summi 
Indian  summer. 

©fterforg  after-care;  gorforg  er  6ebre  enb 
.  stiteh  in  time  saves  nine. 

@ftcrf<)cjbe  vt  spy  after. 

@ftcr|ftiil  after-)5iece,   after-play,   conclusl 
mufi  postlude.    -fritte  vt  play  over  again, 

@ftcrf^)or|e  vt  (ogf.  fig)  track,  fig  trace  o 
-cifc,  -en,  -ing  c  tracking  etc.    +-er  c  tracer. 

@ftcrfti«rg|c  vt  inquire  after,  ask  for,  make 
inquiry;  btåfe  SSorer  ere  meget  -fpurgte  these  goods 
are  in  great  demand,  request,  favour,  are  much 
run  after.  -fel  c  inquiry;  demand;  gøre  _  om 
make  inquiry  about;  ber  er  ringe  _  efter  there 
small  demrtnd  for. 

@ftcrft0(jcnbe  a  remaining;  following. 

-fSftcrftanb  remainder,  arrear. 

eftcrftabelfe  afflx. 

(Sftcrjfti!  copy  (of  an  engraving).  -^iflc  vt 
copy  (an  engraving);  touch  up. 

©ftcrfttng  back  stiteh. 

Sftcrftræbe  vt  (ftræ6e  efter)  aim  at,  aspire  to, 
aflfect;  (forfølge)  persecute;  _  en§  fltB  plot  against, 
attempt  one's  life.  -Ife,  -n  c  aspiration,  plot, 
attempt;  persecution.    -v  c  -e  persecutor 

(gftcrfttæfning  second  stretch. 

©fterftfltfc  afterpiece. 

©ftcrftccr  secondary  calaract. 

efterft«b  afterthrust. 

(Sftcrfoærm  after  swarm. 

©ftcrfljbning  c  re-evaporating  wash. 

©ftcrf^gbom  secondary  disease. 

©ftcrffln  inspection;  til  ~  for  in.spection,  on 
vievv,  to  be  viewed. 

©ftcrftjnge  vt  sing  after. 

©fterfæb  late  sown  seed. 

©fterfcctning  consequent  clause,  apodosis 

(gftcrfætte  vt  pursue. 

($ftetf«g|c  vt  search  after.  -elfc,  -en,  -ning  c 
searching  etc,  search. 

©ftertnlc  ill  repute  el.  report;  (tit  S3og)  final 
address,  postscript. 

©ftertnnfe  reflection,   meditation;   gøre  fig 
om  pay  attention  to. 








@ftcrtcfln|e  it  copy  (a  drawing).    -ing  copying 

■.;   cm;  copy. 

(Sftcrtit)  after  times,  after  ages;  for  -en  in 

+(fftcrtrao  vt  covet. 

@ftcvtragt|e,  -ninB  fe  -flræbe. 

©ftcrtrao  rear. 

Sftcrtrop  small  party  in  tlie  rear. 

(5ftcrtr»)f  n  (g^nb,  S3etoning)  emphasis,  stress; 
(af  *og)  piracy;  lægge  _  paa  lay  stress  upon, 
emphasize,  accentnate:  -fe  vt  pirate.  -ter  c 
piratical  printer,  pirate.  -ftlig  a  emphatie(al), 
lorcible,  -ning  c  piracy.  -dubgaOe  pirated  edi- 

Gftertræjbc  vt  succeed.    -bcr  c  -c  successor. 

(jcftcrtrængcnbc  part  pressing  on  (behind). 

(Sftcrtæljlc   vt  count   over,    re-count.     -liBg 

imtiTis  over,  reconnting. 

CSftcrtccnljc  vt  reflect  on,   consider,   ponder, 

'■igh.  t-eltg  a  dabions,  problematical.  •tn, 
-ning  reflection,  consideration.  -font  a  thought- 
fiil,  circumspect,  pensive.  -font^eb  thought- 

©ftcrfarft  thirst  consequent  on  hard  drinking. 

(Sftcruaar  second  spring. 

(fftcrualg  .second  election. 

@f tcroccr  after-pains;  Jig  after-cost;  føle  _  efter 
sutter  trom  the  effects  of. 

(Sfterucjic  vt  weigh  over  again.  -ning  weigh- 
iiig  eto. 

(gftcrticrbctt  posterity,  after-ages. 

Gfteruin  after-wine. 

(£f tcrDfntcr  end  of  winter,  after-winter,  second 

©ftcmirfntng  after-eflFect,  secondary  effect, 

+(gftcroifc  i:t,  -Hg  a  \e  <|3a4l)ife. 

+@ftcr»r(cnge  vt  carieature. 

©fteroæfft  after-growth. 

©ftcrBærcnbe  «  succeeding,  future. 

■(éfugl  fe  (SBer--. 

®'g  <-■  -e  oak,  Quercua. 

(Sqai  a  equal,  even.    -itc't  c  evenness. 

@ge  c  -r  spoke;  fætte  -r  i  et  ^jul  put  spokes 
to  a  wheel. 

@gc  c  -r  canoe,  punt. 

Sgejbart  oak-bark.  -blab  oak-leaf.  -borb  oak 
table,  *(3Jroet)  oaken  board,  -garbct  a  tanned 
In  oak-bark.  -tranS  wreath  of  oak -leaves. 
•Innb  grove  of  oaks.  -liib  oak-leaves.  -malet 
a  oak-painted,  wainscoted. 

@gcn  ot,  n  eget,  pi  egne,  own,  proper;  (eicn= 
bomntfltg)  peculiar  (for  to);  (færegen)  particular; 
bet  blioer  ftrebet  i  en  -  Sog  it  is  written  in  a 
separate  book;  et  -t  SUJenneffe  an  odd  character; 
*bet  er  -t  it  is  Strange;  ^an  er  fin  -  egen  Jperre  he 
is  his  own  master;  Ijan  i)at  (fit)  -t  ^u8  he  has  a 
house  of  his  own;  paa  ~  Setoftning  at  one's  own 
cost  el.  expense;  et  -t  Ubtrqf  i  et  Sprog  an  idiotism; 
en  _  ©ag,  faa  fin  ~  Sag  an  awkward  thing;  fe 
fiaonb,  ^erfon.  -t-ort  peculiarity.  -artet  a  pe- 
culiar. -bcDcegcIfc  proper  motion,  -farbe  self 
-colour.  -forbel  self-interest.  -^anbcl  business 
on  one's  own  account.  -^eb  c  -er  peculiarity, 
oddness,  singularity,  idiosyncracy.  -^aenbtg  a 
done  (written)  with  one's  own  hånd,  in  (one's) 
own  -writing,  autograph;  -,  UnberfCrift  one's  own 
signature,  sign  manual;  _  Sfriaelfe  autograph 
(letter),  holograph;  maa  inbgioe  _  Slnføgning  must 
apply  in  their  own  hånd  el.  writing.  -lunbflab 
fe  Seli)=.  -lær,  -færlig  a,  egotistical. 
-t(crtigt)eb  seltishnes.s,  egotisra.  t-morb  ie  Selv-. 
-m^nbtg,  -mqnbiglieb  fe  -mægtig,  -mægtigl)eb. 
-mægtig  n  arbitrary,  absolute,  despotic,  high- 
handed;  —  adv  arbitrarily;  _  at  ffaffe  fig  SKet  to 
take  the  law  in  one's  own  hånd.    -mægtigljeb 

arbitrariness,  arbitrary  el.  high-handed  pro- 
ceeding.  -nabn  proper  name.  -ntjtte  self-interest, 
selfishness,  self-seeking.  -nt)tttg  a  selfish, 
interesled,  self-seeking.  -n))ttig^eb  fe  -nptte. 
■raabig  a  will'ul,  self-willed,  arbitrary.  -raabig- 
bcb  wilfuluess,  arbitrariness,  6j7>/ self-will.  -ret= 
focrbig^cb,  -roé  fe  Selo--.  -t^-finbct  fe  Bxt-.  -fltt= 
btg  a  wilftil,  self-willed,  obstinate.  -ftnbig^eb  c 
wilfulness,  self-will,  obsliiiacy.  -ffab  c  -er 
quality,  property,  point;  gubbommelig  -  divine 
attribute;  i  _  af  in  the  capacity  of.  -ffabéorb 
adjective.  @gentlig  u  proper,  real,  precise; 
ben  -e  SSærbi  the  iutrinsic  value;  bet  -e  SJanmarf 
Denmark  proper;  be  -e  M6er  the  monkeys,  pro- 
perly  so  cailed;  i  Crbeté  -e  SUettjbning  emphati- 
cally,  in  the  true(st)  sense  of  the  word,  lite- 
rally;  bet  -e  35rama  the  legitimate  drama;  —  adv 
properly,  really,  by  rights,  after  all;  ~  talt  prop- 
erly  el.  strictly  speaking;  ifte  -  not  precisely, 
not  exactly,  not  quite,  scarcely.  @gen|tt)Ife 
self-conceit.  -barme  specific  warmth.  -oetået 
promissory  note.  -bitje  (egen  aStlje;  freedom 
of  will;  (Sgenraabig^eb)  wilfulness.  f-biUig, 
-bidig^eb  fe  -raabig,  -roabig^eb.  -bagt  specific 
gravity  el.  weight.    -^-b^rt  original. 

@ge|'^n«b  acom.    -plantt  oaken  plank. 

@gern  n  -er  squirrel.  -abe  squirrel  monkey, 
Cai tithri.r  sciureus. 

@ge|f!ob  oak  wood,  oak  forest.  -ftamme  trunk 
of  an  oak.  -ftært  a  strong  as  an  oak.  -fbamp 
oak-ngaric,  Agaricus  quercinvs.  -træ  (©g)  oak 
tree;  iSSeb;  oak  wood,  fubenlanbfl)  wainscot. 
-tammer  oak  timber.  -oitler  leaf-rolling  Cater- 
pillar, Tortrix  viridnna. 

QS'g^jort  stag  beetle,  Lucanns  cervun. 

@gn  c  -e  country,  region,  parts,  neighbour- 
hood;  fter  paa  -en  in  these  parts;  en  Wanb  ber 
paa  -en  a  man  of  those  parts. 

@gne  vt  &  impers  beseem;  _  fig  vr  (for,  til) 
be  tit  for,  adapted  to,  lend  itself  to;  -t  til  at 
calculated  to. 

@go|i§'me  c  eg'otism,  eg'oism.  -ift'  c  -er 
eg'otist,  self-seeker     -ift'iff  a  egotistic(al). 

@jrene'ring§maffine  cotton-gin. 

@j  adv  not;  ej  IjeEer  nor,  neilher;  ej  alene  not 
only;  ej  engang  not  even. 

@j !  ini  ah !  oh !  aha !  why !  eigh !  ej,  ej ! 
indeed !  bless  me ! 

(£ja !  hey !  hey-day ! 

@|b  n,  pi  =,  isthmus,  neck  of  land,  spit  of 

©j'bameroft  c  Dutch  cheese,  Edam  cheese. 

@|bcrcn  c  the  Eyder. 

(Sje  n,  te,  possession;  gtbe  noget  i  9lrB  og  - 
grant  in  heritable  possession.  ffije  vt  own, 
possess;  alt  Ijoab  jeg  -r  og  ^ar  all  my  worldly 
possessions.    -form  c  Cthe)  genitive  (case). 

@jegob  a  sweet-natured,  tender-hearted,  be- 
nign.   -Ijeb  c  tender-heartedness,  mildness. 

@tenbe(  c  -e  property  (ub.  pO,  possession. 

(£jen|bom  c  -me  possession,  property;  engelft, 
tqft  _  (om  ©!ib)  British-,  Gcrman-owned ;  bibl 
^  fluQe  bære  mig  en  _  ye  shall  be  a  peculiar 
treasure  unto  me;  git  ooer  til  at  Ⱦre  SR'i  ~  was 
appropriated  to  N.  -bom  ntcltg  «  peculiar, 
characteristic(al),  individual.  -bom'mc(igi)eb  c 
■er  peculiarity,  (peculiarj  feature,  characteristic, 
distinction.  —  @jenbom&|beftbber  proprietor, 
lord  of  the  manor.  -folt  l/ihl  peculiar  people. 
-fri^eb  fuU  and  free  right  of  possession.  •^æUtå- 
ffab  commuuity  of  goods.  -gaarb  allodial  el. 
freehold  farm,  freehold.  -gobS  allodial  el.  free- 
hold  estate.  -grænfe  boundaries  el.  limils  of  an 
cstate.  -^errc  lord  of  the  manor.  -inbgreb 
Irespass.  violatiou  of  the  right  of  possession. 
-tommis fionær    solicitor.     -t«å    fe    a^efibbelfeé-. 




•mæglet  estate  -  agent,  -otierbragclfe  fe  -falg. 
•oDerøang  appropriation.  -))roHamen  possessive 
pronoun.  -ret  right  of  possession,  ownershlp; 
Sooen  om  ben  literære  -  the  Copyright  Aet;  -ten 
til  Singen  the  property  in  the  thing.  -folg 
estate  sale.  -flot  property-tax.  -ftøbe  deed  of 

.  (g}er  c  -e  owner,  proprietor;  Ⱦre  _  af  be  the 
owner  of,  possessor  of;  ftifte  ~  change  hånds. 

•Gjergrljn  c  semoule,  semolino. 

(gjcriK'be  c  -r  owner,  proprietress. 

@jcrl(fl8  a  unowned,  unclaimed.  -ntattb  fe 

©jefteborJ)  n  possessive  pronoun. 

©fn^crier  myth  dead  warriors. 

@'ié  mw  E  sharp. 

@jfcn|frc§fer  c  braggadocio,  swashbuckler, 
fire-eater.    -garn  lustred  yarn. 

''©itcl  fe  ftertcl. 

'^®t,  mt  fe  ©g,  (gfle. 

etlel'tilfcr  c  -e,  -ft  a  eclectic. 

@fli<)'|fe  e  -r  eclipse.  -til'en  the  eclip'tic. 
■tilffraa^cben  the  obliquity  of  the  ecliptic. 

@I(o  11  echo. 

(Sttamt)ft'  c  eclamp'sy. 

@f(a'ge  c  -r  ec'logue. 

"(gfonfle  fe  ©berfugl. 

*@font  c  og  n  -er,  fe  ©gern. 

©ffta'fe  c  ecstasy;  falbe  t  _  go  (oflf)  into 

@f§=  (forfjenoærenbe)  ex-,  late. 

@t§aIt|atio'n  c  over-excitement.  -e'tet  a  over 
excited;  wild,  fantastical. 

©t§a 'racti  c  -er  el.  -mina  examina'tion,  +exa'- 
men,  F  exam;  unberfofle  fig,  toge  -  pass  (an 
examination).  @t§amen3latte^  passing  certi- 
fieate.  be))utation  fe  -tommiSfion.  -feber  ner- 
vousness  before  examination.  -geb^r  fee  on 
examination.  -tarotter  marlj,  class.  •tommi§= 
fion  Examination  el.  Examining  Board,  B.  of 
examiners.  -o^jgabc examination  paper.  -f^erg§= 
moal  examination  queslion. 

@l8om{n|oitb'  c  -er  examinee,  candidate.  -a= 
tio'n  c  examina'tion.  -a'tor  c  -o'rer  exam'iner. 
•c're  vt  exam'ine,  catechize,  try;  btiee  -t  {)^Oia. 
©folen)  be  on,  be  cailed  up. 

tStée  vt  &  i  shift,  warp, 

t@tée  vt  fe  ^oBmefterere. 

(Sl8ef|utio'n  c -er  distress,  attachment,  seizure, 
(ogfaa  om  ®Bblftrof)  execu'tion;  gere  -  put  in  an 
execution,  a  distress;  gøre  _  i  distrain.  -ution§> 
bom  fieri  facias.  -utionSforretnittg  distress. 
■ttti'O  a  exec'utive.  -uti'umagten  the  exec'utive 
(power),  -uto'r  (testamenti)  c  -er  exee'utor. 
■Uta'r  ';  -er  performer,  exec'utant.  -oa'titr  n 
exequatur.    -ttc're  vt  ex'ecute. 

@t3em'^el  n  -pier  example,  instance,  (tibligere) 
precedent;  uben  _  fe  -Iø§;  for  _  for  instance,  for 
example,  say;  et  _  )f<!i(x  bet  mobfatte  an  instance 
to  the  contrary;  onføre  foni  _  instance,  exemplify; 
opl^fe  beb  -pier  exemplify,  illustrate;  toge  ~  af 
take  e.  by  el.  from;  ftotuere  et  _  '^o.a.  en  make 
an  example  of  one;  følge  -plet  follow  suit.  -I«å 
a  unparalleled,  unexampled,  unprecedented. 
-bl§  fidv  as  an  example.  @t^emp(a'r  n  -er  (of 
9Jog)  copy,  +exem'plar;  (f.  ©tS.  af  *piante)  speci- 
men;  (Wønfter)  exemplar.  (SlScmpla'riff  a  ex'- 
emplary.    @téem))(a'riff^eb  c  ex'emplariness. 

@?§erce'rle  vt  &  i  ex'ercise,  drill.  -^uS  drill 
-room.  -mefter  drill  serjeant,  master  at  arms. 
-Vatr OM  dumb  el.  blank  cartridge.  -plab^  drill 
-ground.  -reglement  drlll-book.  -fltb  drill-ship. 
@fåerct'§  c  ex'ercise,  drill. 

©tél'l  n  -er  ex'ile. 

@féfftett&'  c  exist'ence.  -mibbel  means  of 
subsist'ence.    (StMfte'te  vi  exist. 

(SISIlttlbe're  vt  expel,   af  ftlub  unelub. 
ring,    -fio'n   c   expulsion.     -fi'be    adv    e 
sive  of. 

©lélommnnilcc're  vt  excommu'nicate. 
ring,  -latto'n  c  excommunica'tion. 

©fgfremen'ter  pi  ex'crements,  fæces,  excre'i 

(ftétur|3'  c   er  excursus.    -fio'n  c  -er  excc 

(StSoQC'n  a  exog'enous;  _  ^lonte  ex'ogen. 

(gtéotc'rift  a  exoter'ic. 

(gféo'tiff  a  exot'ic. 

@{S))anfto'n§|a)>)iarat  expan'sion-gear  (o. 

@t§^)eb|e're  vt  dispatch,  ex'pedite.  -ient' 
-er  clerk.  -tf  a  expeditious,  prompt,  business- 
like.  -itio'n  c  -er  expedit'ion;  (bet  ot  elipebere) 
forwarding,  sending;  (ftontor)  offlce.  •itio'né= 
afgift  duty  of  expedition.  -itionSforretning 
commission-agency.  -itionåfonlor  offlce.  *-itionS= 
felretær  Secretary  (of  a  Government  Office). 
-it«'r  c  -er  agent. 

@t§))eltan'{ce  c  -r  expec'tancy,  (poa  Strd)  rever- 
sion,   -t'  c  -er  expec'tant;  reversioner. 

@t!^))ettor|atio'n  c  -er  med  expectora'tion;  pi 
fig  oulpourings.  -e're  fig  vr  unburthen  one's 

@f§<)eriment'  n  -er  exper'iment  (meb  on).  -a'I= 
fjjfll  experimen'tal  philosophy.  -e're  vi  ex- 
per'iment.   -e'ring  c  experimenta'tion. 

@t§|»Iobe'r|e  vi  explode.    -enbe  a  explo'siv 
_  ©ager  explo'sives.    -Ing  c  explo'sion. 

@lS<)Ioite're  vt  make  capital  out  of;    (SWti 

(gfS^Iolfio'n  c  -er  explo'sion.    -fto'nSfri  a 
explosive.   -fto'népunlt  explo'sive  point,   -ft'* 
pi,  gram  stops.    -fl'Uftof  explosive. 

@t8^)on|ent'  c  -er  index,  expo'nent.  -entia'l- 
ligning  exponen'tial  equation.    -e're  vt  expose. 

@l8port'   c   exporta'tlon.     -e're    vt    expo'rt. 

-forretning  export-house.    -«'r  c  -er  expo'rter. 

StépreS'  c  -fer  express;   meb  _  by  e.;   —  adv 

expressly.    -tugter  pi  Jacob's  shells.    -tog  ex- 

press  train, 

®Upx9pvi\atWn,  -e'ring  c dispossession. 
vt  (en)  dispossess;  (Oruno)  appropriate  to  put 

@f8tcm'<)ore  a  extempora'neous,  extem'p 
rary.  —  adv  extem'pore,  off-hand,  on  the  spur 
of  the  moment,  -'re  vt  k  i  extem'porize, 
speak  extempore.  -'ring  c  extemporiza'tion. 
@tStempora'lftiI  unseen  el.  sight  translation. 

@tétintt«'r  c  -er  fire-extinguisher. 

@Btir))a'tor  c  -er  grubber. 

@tStra  ado  &  a  extra.    @fåtra=  extra. 
additional  dues.    -arbejibe  overtime  work. 
supplement;  fly-sheet. 

@tétrabe're  vt  surrender. 

©tStrafln  a  superfine. 

®fStrat)c're  vt  extract. 

@t§trat«I  c  bilge  keel, 

Slétraft'  c  -er  ex'tract;  (Ubtog)  abstract.    -io' 
c  extrac'tion.    -i'Oftof  extrac'tive  (principle  et 

@tdtramanbftab  n  extra  hånds. 

©fgtra'nftole  c  day-school. 

@tåtra|orbinæ'r  a  extrao'rdinary,  exceptional. 
-|>oft:  rejfe  meb  _  post.  -ret  jvr  a  speeial  sitting 
(of  the  court).  -tib  over-time.  -tiUtrg  gratuity. 
•tog  speeial  train.  -ubgifter  pi  extraordinary 
expenses.  -ntcri'nfbongerftab  extrau'terine  preg- 
nancy.  -bagan'ce  c  extrav'agance.  -bagant'  a 

@fåtre'm  n  -er  &  a  extreme.  -ite't  c  -er  ex- 

@tbii>{a'ge  c  -r  eq'uipage,  carriage.    -agemefti 
J,  master  of  ordnance.    -e're  vt  equip,  flt  o 
•e'ring  c  equipment,  fltting  out.  —  (Itoiperingi 










^anbel  outfltting  etablishment.  -^anbter  out- 
fltter.    -t)cnge  outfit. 

@fuit)0l'  a  equiv'ocal;  indelicate. 

®f,^e'm  n  ec'zema. 

t®i'  '■  -ler  alder,  Alnw). 

Srai'n  c  ela'ine.    -f^re  elaid'ic  acid. 

@Ianti  c  eland,  Antilfype  or  eau. 

(glaff  c  elastic  string  el.  band.  -icite't  c 
elasticity,  springiness.  -icitc'tSgrcenfe  limit  of 
ela.sticity.  -il'  c  fe  Slaft;  caoutchouc  tissue.  -Ifl 
a  elastic,  springy. 

eibcn  c  the  Elb. 

©Icfant'  c  -er  el'ephant;  gøre  en  glue  ttl  en  - 
make  a  mountain  of  a  mole-hill.  -farer  ele- 
phant-driver.  -orben  order  of  the  Elephaut. 
-ribber  knight  of  the  Elephant.  -fnabel  trunk, 
proboscis  of  an  e.  -f^fle  elephanti'asis.  -tanb 
elephant's  tooth  el.  tusk. 

@{eg|ant'  a  el'egant.    -an§'  c  el'egance. 

®tcgt'  c  -er  el'egy.  -btgter,  (Sle'gtfer  c  -e 
writer  of  elegies,  el'egist.  ©le'giff  a  elegiac;  -e 
SJerS  elegiacs. 

©leftricUe't  c  electric'ity.  -§bærer  electro- 
ph'orus.  -Slebet  conductor.  -Smaalec  electro- 

@le('tri[!er  c  -e  electric'ian.  -fc'rc  vt  eleC- 
trify.  -fe'ring  c  eleotrifica'tion.  -fermaffine  c 
elec'tric(al)  machine.    -fl  a  elec'tric. 

©leftro'be  c  elec'trode.  @(eItro|b))namif' 
electrodynam'ics.  -fo'r  c  -er  electroph'orus. 
-fetni'  electrochem'istry.  -I^'fe  c  electrol'ysis. 
-magnet  electro- mag'net.  -magne'tifl  a  electro- 
magnet'ic.  -magnetiS'me  c  electromag'netism. 
•tnotø'rtft  electromo'tive.  -pltt'  electroplated 
work.  -tiuntte'ring  electro-punctura'tion.  -flo'<> 
n  elec'troscope. 

element'  n  -er  el'ement.  -(a'r)aanb  element'al 
spirit.  -a'rbeg  primer,  -o'riærer  teacher  of 
the  rudiments,  -a'rffole  primary  school.  -ften 
precious  opal.    -æ'r  a  element'ary,  primary. 

@Ien'|be  c  {+)  fe  -bigfieb.  -big  a  wretehed, 
miserable,  piteous.  -big^eb  c  wretchedness, 
miser  y. 

©leono're  Eleanor. 

Sicuft'nflc  aK^fterter  the  Eleusin'ian  mysteries. 

(SIc'tJ  c  -er  pupil,  scholar,  learner;  min  _  my 
pupil  (ifte  s.  el.  1.).    -ttrbejbe  pupils'  work. 

@(etiatto'n  c  art  eleva'tion;  meb  ftor  _  at  high 
elevations.  —  @Iet>ation§|cQlinber  tangent-sight. 
-ftttte  elevating  screw.  -ffub  tangent  firing. 
-ttinlel  angle  of  elevation.  —  @Ieb{a'tot  c  -er 
el'evator,  lift.    -e're  vt  el'evate. 

@(e'Oloncert  students'  concert. 

@(fenben  n  ivory;  funftigt  _  protean  stone. 
•§=  ivory.  —  eifcnbcnSll^ften  the  coast  of  Ivory. 
-næb  ivory-billed  woodpecker,  Campephaga  im- 
perialis.  -neb  ivory-nut.  -)>a))ir  ivory  paper. 
•piantc  phytelephas.    -fort  ivory-black. 

®Ig  c  -er  elk,  (anterilanft)  moose(-deer),  Cervui 
alces.  -antilotie  fe  (Slanb.  -to  female  elk.  -olSe 
male  elk.    *glg§btal  (om  ^eft)  grey  like  the  elk. 

@Ii'a§  Elias,  bibl  Elijah. 

©libe're  vt  elide. 

©Hfét'r  c  -er  elix'ir. 

Gltmine're  vt  elim'inate,  exterminate. 

ett'fa  Elisa,  bibl  Elisha. 

©llt'e  c  pick,  elite.    @{ite'  picked,    F  crack. 

teHe  fe  ei.    eae=  alder. 

tSUelbanå  c  fairy  dance;  (Oræiplet  paa  (Ingen) 
fairy  ring,  fe  gjellifefDQmj).  -(eiDer)foIt  fairies, 
elves,  fays.    -(®It)er;longe  fairy  king. 

t(£Ke|froge  roller,  Voracias  garrula.  -frat 
alder-grove,    -ntofe  bog  surrounded  with  alders. 

®ac(eioer)»)tge  fairy. 

(Stter  conj  or;  _  ogfaa  or  else;   enten  ^an  _  jeg 

either  he  or  I;  l^berfen  ^on  _  jeg  neither  he 
nor  I. 

@I(er8  adv  else,  otherwise,  (for  jøorigt)  for  the 
rest,  (til  anbre  Jiber)  ordinarily,  generally;  (i 
mobfat  Sfalb)  or;   _  %at  thank  you  all  the  same. 

-  ingen,  intet  nobody,  nothing,  else;  er  ber  _  nt  ? 
anything  else? 

teaeffubt  a  elf-shot. 

tSttetrunte  c  stump  of  an  alder;  man  ftal  længe 
l^ugge  i^aa.  en  _,  inbcn  man  faar  en  SSifbærm  beraf 
it  is  hard  to  make  a  silk  purse  of  a  sow's    ear. 

(&Ufot  elev'en.  -aarig,  -aarå  a  eleven  years 
old.  -lont  endecagon,  hendecagon.  -tantet  o 
hendecagon.  -ftaoelfeS  hendecasyllabic.  (SUeote 
eleventh;  tiott)  _  ten  and  a  half;  ben  -te  Sluguft 
the  eleven  th  of  August,  August  Uth.  SUebtebel 

@IIeut(b  a  crack-brained;  _  of  Olæbe  mad 
with  joy. 

@nt<)'|fe  c  -r  gram  ellipsis,  geom  ellipse.  -fo> 
gro'f  e  -er  trammel.    -foi'bc  c  -r  ellip'soid. 

eim  c  fe  aeim. 

eim§ilb  c  Elmo's-fire. 

t@Iritfe  c  minnow,  Cydrintis  phoxinus. 

(S{fa§  n  Alsa'tia,  Alsa'ce.  -er,  -etin'be,  -ift 
Al  satian. 

(gt§bl)r  n  fe  etg.    -8=  fe  ©Ig«. 

-'■'(glff  c :  lægge  _  paa  take  a  fancy  to. 

@Ifte  vt  love;  -H  _  op,  fe  Opelfte;  fiøjt  -t  dearly 
beloved;  gøre  fig  -t  af  win  the  love  of,  endear 
one's  self  to,  ingratiate  one's  self  with;  min  -bc 
my  darling,  my  lady-love;  be  -nbe  the  lovers. 
-funft  art  of  love,  @(^eUg  a  amiable,  lovely, 
bibl  beloved;  til  0§  -e  .  .  to  our  well-beloved  .  . 
@lf(eltgl)eb  c  amiability,  loveliness,  amiableness. 

—  ffilfler  c  -e  lover,  (af  noget)  admirer,  -faget 
lovers'  parts.  ©Ifferin'be  c  -r  sweetheart,  mis- 
tress.  @(f!erH)ar  coupleof  lovers.  -roHe  lover's 

@If(ott  c  love;  fatte  _  for  el.  til  fall  in  love 
with.  —  @Iftoti§|liaanb  tie  el.  band  of  love. 
-barn  love-child.  -bttf  amorous  glance.  -bre» 
love-letter,  billet -doux.  -br^nbe  hist.  -bigt 
love  poem,  erotic  poem.  -brif  philter,  love 
-potion.  -brulten  a  glowing  with  love.  -brøm 
dream  of  love.  -ertloirtng  declaratiou  of  love. 
-f-fongcn  a  in  the  felters  of  love.  -feber  amorous 
fever.  -f(amme  love-flame.  -for!)Olb  amour, 
intrigue.  -fulb  a  amorous.  -garn  love-net. 
-glab  amorous  ardour.  -gub  god  of  love,  Cupid. 
-gubtnbe  goddess  of  love.  -Ijanbel  amour,  love 
-affair.  -^eb  a  burning  with  love.  -^iftorie 
love-tale;  love-affair.  -ilb  fire  of  love.  -Kage 
amorous  complaint.  -tunft  fe  (Stfte-.  -Itjab  fe 
-bigt.  -luat  torture  of  love.  -lue  fe  flamme. 
-Itcngfet  lovesickness.  -mtbbel  aphrodisiac. 
-tttinbe  memorial  of  love.  -mebe  lovers'  meet- 
ing, -orb  pi  words  of  love,  loving  words.  -pant 
pledge  el.  token  of  love.  -<til  love-shaft.  -rib= 
ber  knight-errant,  gay  Lothario.  -rig  a  amor- 
ous. -ruå  love  raptures,  -faoret  «  love-stricken . 
•faget  love  affairs.  -fang  love-song.  -fmerte  fe 
-tbal.  -ftraaicnbe  a  beaming  with  love.  -fnl 
love-sigh.  -fflg  a  love-sick,  love-lorn.  -f^gc 
love=sickness.  -tale  the  language  of  love.  -tan= 
!et  love  thoughts.  -barm  a  glowing  with  love. 
-Uife  love  ditty. 

©Iffbær'big  a  lovely,  amiable,  lovable,  attrac- 
tive,  sweet,  likable;  (om  en  røanb)  genial,  -^eb 
c  loveliness,  amiability,  lovableness,  attractions; 

©Inbere  vt  elu'de. 

etb  c  -e  river.  eibe=  river  .  —  eibe(®lb)|bteb 
margin,  bank  of  ar.  -btttb  n  overflowing,  inun- 
dation  of  a  r.  -brag  course  of  a  r. ;  water 
-course.    *-fat  river-bed.    -flom  freshet(s)  of  a 




r.  -fønge  fe  SBonbftær;  ^  reed  meadow-grass, 
Olvceria  aquativa.  -I«b  course  of  a  river;  river 
-channel.  -munbing  mouth  of  a  r.,  estuary. 
'■■-mæt  (steep)  river-bank.    ••'-08  fe  -munbing. 

@(Bcr|agt{g  a  fairy-like.  -banS  0.  jT.,  fe  eile=. 
-Ija]  fairy-hillock.    -flub  elf-shot. 

(glBejfeHg  bed  ofa  river,  "'-f««  f«  ©""•  -ftr«« 
stream.  -fuS  murmur  el.  (ftærfere)  roar  of  the 

®llij'f|tutn  n  elysium,    -iff,  -æ'ifl  a  elys'ian. 

(g'm  o  vapour. 

emai't(Ie)  c  enamel.  -e'rob«  fe  9!Kuffel=.  'fortie 
enamel-colour.  -Jrtuter  euameler.  -malning 
enamel  (painting).  -'re  vt  enamel.  -'rer  c  -e 

(Smanatio'tt  c  emana'tion.  •S'teorien  the  doc- 
triue  of  emanation. 

@manci))|aHo'n  c  emancipation,  -c're  vt 

©manere  vi  em'anate. 

(S'vaa\x%  n  Emmaus. 

(Smballla'ge  c  packing.    -e'rc  vt  pack  (up). 

©mbar'go  c  emba'rgo;  lægge  _  pa<i  lay  an 
embargo  on. 

@mbarfer|e  vi  embark.    -Ing  c  embarkation. 

@mbebe  n  -r  office,  plaoe,  post;  Detlæbe  et  _ 
hold,  flll  an  office;  føge  et  ~  apply  for  an  office; 
foreftaa  et  -  discharge  el.  flll  an  ofHce;  affætteS 
fra  et  -  be  dismissed  from  office;  anfætteå  i  et  - 
be  appointed  to  an  office;  ube  af  _  out  of  office. 
—  @mbeb8|aor  years  of  being  in  office.  -albcr 
age  requisite  for  obtaining  offlce.  -anf^ger 
candidate  for  (the)  offlce.  -bone  official  career. 
-beretning  official  report,  -bcfættelfe  appoint- 
ment.  -bolig  official  residence.  -breb  official 
letter,  -brober  colleague.  -bflrbc  burden  of 
offlce,  charge,  -bragt  official  costume.  -buettg= 
()eb  official  ability.  -eb  oath  of  office,  official 
oath.  -efSomen  degree  examination.  -fejt  offi- 
cial mistake.  -folt  men  in  offlce.  -forretning 
function,  official  duty.  -fortobelfe  discharge 
(from  offlce).  -f«relfe  discharge  of  offlce.  -gaorb 
fe  -bolig,  -gerning,  -Ijwerb  fe  -forretning.  -tnb= 
tomft  emoluments  of  offlce.  -iber  official  zeal. 
•jæger  place-hunter.  -jagt,  -jægeri  place-hunt- 
ing.  -lontor,  -lofole  offlce.  -lebig^eb  vaeaney. 
-la§  a  unplaced.  -monb  functionary,  (public, 
government-)  officer,  placeman,  (civil  el.  public) 
servant,  offlce-bearer;  en  ^øj  _  one  high  in 
offlce,  -monbig  a  authoritative.  -manbigbeb  c 
offlcialism.  -mine  official  mieu.  -misbrug  abuse 
of  authority.  -mtinbig^eb  official  authority. 
-JjUgt  oBieial  duty.  -rang  official  rank.  -rejfe 
official  tour.  -fog  official  business,  -fegl  seal 
of  office.  +-ffrift  official  document.  -ftribclfe 
official  letter,  -ftonben  the  Civil  Service;  the 
public  fnnctionaries.  -ftll  official  style.  -ftiUing 
(an)  official  situation;  uben  _  unplaced.  -ftjSfcl 
fe  -forretning,  -tib  period  of  office.  -tiltræbelfe 
enteriils^  into  offlce.  -troffob  fldelity  in  the 
discharge  of  offlcial  duties.  -begne:  Xft^a.  ~  in 
virtue  of  one's  offlce,  officially.  -bej  offlcial 
career.  -berbenen  the  world  of  offlcialdom. 
-oirffom^eb  offlcial  labours.  -bæfen  cont  offl- 

©mble'm  n  -er  em'blem. 

©mbonboint'  [fr]  71  stoutness. 

ffimbr^ologi'  c  embryol'ogy. 

©mbi^on  n  -er  embryo,  -nifl  a  embryonic, 

(Smbc  c  -r  orf,  Ide,  Leucisctm  Idua. 

(Sme  vi  steam,  reek. 

@mcnb|otio'n  c  -er  emenda'tion.  -e're  vt 

@me'rittt§  a  retired. 

(gme'tiff  a  emet'ic. 

ffimfo'lfe  c  em'phasis.    -tlff  a  emphat'ic. 

@jnfint'lig  "  sensitive. 

©mftjfe'm  n  emphysema. 

©mljat  c  ventilator. 

©migrant'  c  -er  em'igrant.  -agent  emigration, 
ageut  -bcforbring  conveyance  of  emigrants 
-forten  the  emigration  tråde,  -fodrer  emigrant 
-runner.  -fommiSfton  Emigration  Commission 
ers.  -flib  emigration  ship.  -Dcefenet  emigration;- 
the  Government  Emigration  CommisslonersJ 
(Smigre're  vi  em'igrate. 

(fmi'l  Emil'ius.    -ie  Em'ily. 

(Sminen'Ice  c  Em'inence.    -t'  a  em'inent. 

@mi'r  c  -er  Ameer,  Emir. 

@mi§f|io'n  c  emis'sion.    -æ'r  c  em'issary 

^m\talfpt  fe  -^at.    -tlov  ventilator- valve. 

{£mmc  c  &  vi  fe  (£m,  (£me. 

*@mmcn  «  mawkish. 

@mmcr  pi  embers. 

@mmert  o  -er  (i  *)gunH)e)  lower  box. 

@mne  n  -r  subject,   theme,    matter,   subjei 
-matter;  *material,  stuflf.    *@mne  vt  intend  (for). 
'^@mning8|træ,  -beb  wood  for  implements 

*@mDlct'  c  F  multiplication-table. 

@molumcn'ter  pi  emoluments. 

@nH)i|ri'  c"  empiricism.  -riter  c  -e,  -'rift  a 
empir'ic.    -riS'me  c  fe  -ri. 

@m))loi'  c  employment.    -e're  vt  employ 

@'mr«r  n  ventilation-pipe. 

+@mftg  [t.]  a  fussy,  bustling. 

t@mter  pi  chafF. 

(Smu  c    er  emu,  Cmuariua  emeu. 

@n  art,  n  et,  a,  an;  for  en  t^be  %ax  fiben  som 
twenty  years  ago. 

@n  &  een  card  num  &  pron  ind,  n  et,  eet  one; 
_  @ang  once;  _  ®ang  -  er  -  once  one  is  one; 
_  ®ang  to  er  to  once  2  are  2;  _  for  -  one  by 
one;  100  foc  -  a  hundred  if  one;  -  og  t^oe 
twenty  one;  _  imob  -  og  to  imob  ganben  two  to 
one  is  odds;  _  unberlig  ~  an  odd  fish;  -  pao 
^ret  a  box  on  the  ear;  bet  lommer  ub  ipaa  eet  it 
is  all  one,  it  comes  to  the  same  thing;  eet  er 
fornøbent  one  thing  is  needful;  @ubé  iJoD  er  eet, 
WenneftetS  2oti  er  et  anbet  there  Is  God's  law  and 
man's  law;  eet  er  bet  ot .  .  .  et  anbet  it  is  one 
thing  to  .  .  .  another  to;  eet  of  to  take  your 
choice;  ol  Eing  løber  i  eet  for  mine  ^ine  my  head 
is  all  in  a  whirl;  meb  eet  all  at  once;  unber  eet 
together;  be  fcelgeS  unber  eet  they  are  sold  in  a 
lot,  mit  ene  Sen  one  of  my  legs;  ben  ene  meb 
ben  anben  one  with  another,  on  an  average;  bet 
ene  meb  bet  anbet  one  way  and  another;  og  bet 
ene  og  bet  anbet  and  what  not;  fe  911.  -oarig  « 
one  year  old;  anuual;  _  SSæfft  anuual.  -oft§= 
one-aet.  -ormet  a  one-armed.  -booren  a  only 
begotten.  -bojlff  a  monobasic.  -té«et  a  one 
-legged.  -biobet  a  one-leaved,  (Sirone)  mono- 
petalous,  (SBæger)  monosepalous;  (aSærftøj)  one 
bladed,  single-bladed.  -blomftret  a  uniflorous. 
-bo  monoecia.    -bo^lonte  monoecian. 

©nc^c'llco  c  encyclical  letter. 

@nctjclo<)CC|bi'  c  -er  encyclopæ'dia.  -'biff  a 
encycloped'ic.    -bift'  c  -er  encyclope'dist. 

@nb  conj  &  adv  (efter  ^omparatiu)  than;  (foran 
ftomp.)  still,  even;  b.  f.  f.  enbnu;  onbre  _  others 
than  el.  besides;  _  om  what  if,  suppose;  ~  "iiil- 
letterne?  how  about  el.  with  the  tickets?  ifte 
anbet  _  nothing  but;  tjoob  anbet  _  what  else  but; 
ingen  anben,  ingen  onbte  _  none  but;  fionb  ber  _ 
ftal  ^ænbeå  happen  what  may,  whatever  may 
bappeu;  fifor  meget  jeg  _  Icefer  however  much  I 
read;  om  ^an  _  bøb  mig  nof  foa  meget  even  if  he 
ofFered  me  ever  so  much;  _  en  jtng  maa  jeg 
omtale  one  thing  more  I  must  mention;  -  ifte 
not  even;   _  ftørre  still  greater;  _  fi(g)e  to  say 




nothiug  of,  not  to  mention,  let  alone;  ~  Dibere 
moreover,  again.  -ba'  «dv  even,  still,  even 
then;  itte  _  not  even  then,  not  yet;  énben  er 
iffe  _  the  end  is  not  yet;  ifte  faa  gal  _  not  so 
bad  after  all;  6»iS  ^on  _  .  .  .  if  he  only.  -bo'jj 
vonj  though. 

énbe  c  -r  end,  termination:  (Qberfte  _)  extrem- 
Ity;  F  (Sagbel)  fundament;  sp  antler;  J;,  rope, 
rope's  end;  foiitbe  en  -  spin  a  yarn;  SSerbenS  _ 
the  ends  of  the  earth;  bet  foar  bel  en  @ang  en  _ 
it  is  a  long  låne  that  has  no  turning;  Dor  2;oiBl 
fif  en  _  our  doubts  were  set  at  rest;  tage  en 
torgelig  _  come  to  a  sad  end;  naar  -n  er  gob,  er 
Qlting  gobt  all's  well  that  ends  well;  fro  _  til 
onben  from  end  to  end;  fe  D»erenbe;  bet  retter  (el. 
gioer)  fig  i  -n  in  the  end  things  will  mend;  i;)aa 
_  an-end,  on  end;  gare  _  paa  put  au  end  to, 
make  an  end  of;  gøre  en  _  )faa  fine  Sitbelfer  put 
one's  self  out  of  pain;  faa  _  paa  en  fcbfommelig 
SJag  get  through  a  tedious  day;  ^an  ftt  fnart  _ 
t>aa  fin  formue  he  soon  ran  through  his  fortune; 
til  ben  _  for  that  purpose,  to  that  end,  to  the 
end;  »ære  til  _  be  at  an  end;  ^ør  mig  til  _  hear 
me  out,  hear  me  to  an  end;  6on  Bil  næppe  leoe 
benne  2)ag  til  _  he  will  hardly  live  the  day  out; 
fomnie  til  _  meb,  bringe  tit  _  finish,  terminale, 
conelude,  bring  to  an  end,  put  an  end  to. 
(Snbe  vt  &  i  -te,  -t  end,  finish,  close,  terminate, 
conelude;  F  l^Borban  man  -r  og  benber  bet  what- 
ever  way  you  turn  it;  _  meb  result  in;  ,  meb 
at  Oae  finish  by  saying;  -paa  end  el.  terminate 
in.  -artitel  suffixed  article.  -bancgaarb  ter- 
minus, -(ogftav  last  letter,  final  letter.  -6olt 
butt-bolt.  -beiet  a,  gram  terminally  inflected. 
•bøjning  bend  el,  curve  at  the  end;  gram  ter- 
minal inflection.  -f(abe  terminal  face.  *-frem 
a,  fe  Sigefrem.  -daftig^eb  terminal  velocity. 
-fant  extreme  edge.  t-ftemt  a  in  a  mortal 
funk.  'tnop  terminal  bud.  -fnube  knot  at 
the  end. 

©nbci  a  a  deal  of,  some;  —  adv  rather, 

@nbe|teb  (ogf.  fig)  last  link,  extreme  link, 
(3nf.)  tarsus.  (Snbelig  a  (begrcenfet)  finite, 
limited;  (til  Slutning)  final,  ultimate,  definitive; 

—  adv  at  last,  at  length,  finally,  in  fine,  ulti- 
mately;  (forreften)  indeed;  ^an  Bil  _  rejfe  he 
must  needs  go;  ^un  Bilbe  _  ^abe,  ot  jeg  ffulbe 
trine  inb  she  would  absolutely  have  me  step  in, 
insisted  upon  my  Stepping  in;  bet  mao  ffie  _  iffe 
glemme  be  sure  not  to  forget.  Snbelig^cb  c 
finiteness;  end,  conclusion.  (gnbclligt  n  end, 
death.  -Ifc  c  -r  termination,  desinence.  -leé  a 
endless,  interminable;  _  @abe  bUnd  alley.  -maai 
end,  object,  aim,  goal. 

@nbe'miff  a  %ndem'ic(al). 

@nbe|  moræne  terminal  moraine.  -puntt  ex- 
treme point,  terminus,  -rim  concluding  rhyme. 
-ffitie  top-cut  (of  a  loaf).  -ftation  terminus. 
■ftooelfc  final  .syllable.  -ftiHet  o  terminal,  -ftfllfe 
end  piece.  -torrø  rectum.  -tiOceg  sufflx,  postfix. 
•træ  end-grain.  -oeube  vt  turn  upside  down, 
capsize;  put  the  back  part  foremost,  ^J,  turn 
end  for  end.  -oirtning  final  effect.  -»olol  end 
vowel.    -uæg  endwall. 

Snbi'Oie  c  en'dive,  Ciehorium  endivia. 

(Snblminbre  adv  still  less.  -nn'  udv  yet,  as 
yet,  still,  even  now;  _  en  Sing  one  thing  more; 
_  en  ®ang  once  more,   once  again,   over  again; 

-  en  ®ang  fao  ftor  as  big  again;  _  i  gftermibbag 
(ifte  længere  fiben)  only  this  afternon,  (oHerebe) 
this  very  a.;  -i  forrige  2larl).  as  late  as  the  last 
Century;  _  minbre  still  less,  even  less.  -o'g, 
•og'faa  even. 

(gnbogmo'fe  c  endosmosis. 

@nboåfe'|re  vt  endorse,  back.   -ment'  n,  -'ring 

c  eudorsement.    -nt'  c  -er  eudorser. 

(Snbrtcgtig  a  harmonious.  -Ijeb  c  harmony, 

'^©nbffab  c  end,  termination. 

®nb|ff«ttt'  CO/y  though,  although,  notwith- 
standing,  albeit.  -'ttibere  further,  again;  -'^bci:= 
mere  still  further,  still  more. ' 

@ne  c  -r  juniper,  Juniperua  conimunis.  -iav 
j.  leaves. 

@ne  a  &  adv  alone,  by  one's  self;  (fun)  only; 
_  og  alene  solely;  _  og  alene  for  at  for  the  sole 
purpose  of.  -befalenbe  o  sole  in  command.  -be- 
rettiget a:  Bære  -  til  have  the  monopoly  el. 
exclusive  privilege  of.  -bo  n  fe  -bolig,  -boer  c 
-e  anchorite,  hermit,  reeluse;  (2fugl)  solitaire, 
Didus  solitarius.  -boertiø  solitary  life,  hermit's 
llfe.  -boerffe  c  -r  hermitess,  anchoress.  -botig 
hermitage.    -brug  sole  use. 

Snebær  n  juniper  berry.  -buff  fe  6ne.  -brænbe- 
bin  gin,  (bebfte)  Hollands,  -olie  juniper-oil.  -rig 
fe  ®ne=.    -træ  juniper-tree. 

©nelfor^anblcr  sole  seller  el.  vendor.  -^anbel 
monopoly.  -fjerre  sole  master,  autocrat.  -derre= 
bomme,  -fjcrftob  sole  sway,  autocracy.  -^erffcr, 
-{(erfferinbe  absolute  monarch;  sovereign.  -jogt 
exclusive  right  of  sporting,  -lavixlf  single  combat. 
-fongc  sole  king.  -(tb  solitary  life.  -magt 
sovereignty.    -mægtig  fe  -raabig. 

(gncmærfer  pi  preeincts,  domain. 

(Snepige  c  maid  of  all  work,  general  (servant). 

"Sner  (2:ræ)  f<r  (Sne. 

@ne!r  c  -e  one,  unit.  -raabenbe,  -raabig  a 
uncontroUed  (master),  -raabig^eb  independent 
power,  -ret,  -rettigljeb  monopoly,  exclusive 
right  el.  privilege.    -retébe»)iUing  monopoly. 

©nergi'  c  energy.  (5ner'gift  a  energet'ic, 
earuest;  —  adv  energetically. 

@ner^eber  c  sole  owner. 

SneriiS  n  juniper  twigs.  '^(Snevlaug  decoction 
of  juniper. 

éneroe'r|e  vt  ener'vate.    -ing  c  enerva'tion. 

(Sneå  vd  agree. 

@nejfamtale  private  conversation.  -ftaaenbe 
a  solitary;  (enefte  i  ftt  ©1.)  unique,  exceptional, 
phenomenal,  isolated;  er  -  stands  by  itself 

(Snefte  a  only,  sole,  single;  ilte  en  _  not  one; 
iffe  en  _  Stjerne  not  one  (single  el.  solitary) 
star;  en  -  (Sang  only  once;  ben  _  the  only  (one), 
the  one;  be  _  the  only  (onesj;  _  i  ftt  Slogé 
unique,  only  one  of  its  kind;  ^Ber  -  every 
(single);  f)Ber  _  en  every  one,  (all)  to  a  man; 
bet  -  the  only  thing;  bet  _  mærtelige  Bcb  the 
only  remarkable  thing  about;  bet  _  ftau  nu  ^abbe 
at  tt)  til  the  only  (el.  one)  recource  left  to 
him;  £)an  bar  ~  SSarn  he  was  an  only  child. 
t-gaarb  isolated  farm  (outside  of  the  village). 
t-ffiUlng  farthing. 

@ne|ftue  private  room.    -ftljrmanb  only  mate. 

(gnetageå  «  one-storied. 

@ne|ta(e  soliloquy,  monologue;  fe  -famtale. 
-ubfaJg  sole  vendors.  -ttanbring  solitary  walk. 
-boIbS^erre  absolute  monarch.  -uolbé^crrc- 
bømmc  absolute  rule,  autocracy.  -ootbåtonge 
ab.'iolute  king.  -tioIbSmagt  absolute  power. 
-OolbSregering  absolute  government.  -bælbe  ie 
-bolbSmagt.  -oælbig  «  absolute,  uncontroUed, 
-bæreffe  fe  -ftue. 

©nforbet  a  onecoloured. 

©nfile're  vt  enfllade. 

@n|folb  (+-foIbigI)eb)  c  simplicity.  -fol'big  « 
simple,  silly;  en  -  Stottel  a  simpleton;  -e  fom 
3;uer  bibl  harmless  as  dovcs.  -foCbig^eb  c  sim- 
plicity, silliness.  -frøb(abet  a  monocotyled'on- 
ous.  -frøet  a  one-seeded,  monospermous.  -fflb= 
bet  a  one-footed. 




Sttfl  a  narrow;  -ere  fio  restricted,  circum- 

@ng  c  -e  meadow. 

@nga8C|ment'  n  enga'gement,  (af  Sagfører) 
retainer.  -'re  vt  engage,  (Sagfører)  retain. 
-'rittfl  c  fe  -ment.    -tingébureou  general  agency. 

(Sngang'  ndv  (en  en!elt  @ang)  once,  on  one 
occasion;  (i  gorttben)  once,  one  day,  sometime; 
(een  Sib)  at  one  time;  (i  gfremtiben)  one  day  (or 
other),  sometime;  ber  oar  ~  once  upon  a  time 
there  was,  el.  there  was  once;  foreftil  2)em  - 
well!  imagine;  i!fe  _  not  even;  tænl  -  only 
think;  tommer  ®e  enbelig  _  liere  you  are  at  last; 
~  imeåem  now  and  then,  sometimes;  -  foa  meget 
as  much  again;  fe  ®ang. 

Snglilotnine  globe  fiower,  Trollius  europæm. 
-blomft  meadow  flower. 

®nfl6rl)ftet  o.  fl.  fe  9{ng--. 

(Snglbunb  meadow  land.  t-bronning  fe  9Rjøb» 
urt.    -bt)rtntng  meadow  culture.  • 

@nget  c  -gie  angel. 

(Sngel^borg  the  Castlcof  Saint  Angelo. 

@ngclft  a  English;  paa  _  in  English;  _  £)ber= 
fættelfe  E.  translation,  Englishing;  ben  -e  fi!irte 
the  Angliean  Church,  tbe  Church  of  England; 
-  3orb  rotten-stone;  ~  Sæber  sateen;  _  ^lafter 
court-plaster,  sticking  p.;  _  Salt  (Epsom)  salts; 
~  Sbeb  sweating  sickness;  _  S^ge  rickets;  fom 
Itber  af  _  Sijge  rickety;  _  %ap)pe  British  carpet. 
-amerita'nfl  Anglo-American.  •ftlaat  a  china 
blue.  -JXJnfl'  a  Anglo-Danish;  _  Drbfeog  English 
and  Danish  dictionary.  -fjranfl'  Anglo-French 
(o.  fl.).     -gricS  thrift,  Armeria. 

(Sngelf!|manb  EnglLshman,  amr  Britisher;  J, 
blackwall  hitch.  -r«bt  brown-red.  -ftnbet  a 
Pro-English,  &  c  Anglophil. 

t@ngelftæi;  c  angelica. 

Sngellføb  c  polypody.    t-urt  fe  -ftær. 

@ng|grunb  fe  -Bunb.  -græ§  meadow  grass. 
-t)or»(c)  busb-harrow.  -liatie  enclosed  meadow. 
•^ttttre  meadow  oat- grass,  Avena  pratensis. 
t-^olm  plot  of  grass  land. 

@ng^oti  c  contracted  feet. 

@ng{t).e  (natural  grasses-)meadow-hay.  -Jjetil 
mole-plough.  -forfe  cuckoo-flower,  Cardamdne 
pratensis.  -nofter  wateravens,  Geum  rivale. 
-fløucr  meadow  trefoil.    -lonb  fe  -Bunb. 

(Snglattb  n  England. 

(fugUlagtig  fe -lig.  -Barn  li ttle  angel.  -from, 
-gob  a  good,  sweet  as  an  angel.  -fromljeb,  -gob= 
^eb  angelic  goodness  el.  sweetness.  -I)oticb  arch 
cherub's  head.  -for  chorus  of  angels.  @ng(e= 
Hg  a  angelic.  @ngle|{tti  blissful  life.  -Iceren 
angelol'ogy.  -magerf(e  c  -r  baby-farmer(ess). 
-mitb  a  angellcally  mild.  -ren  a  pure  as  an 
angel.  -raft  angelic  volce.  -fang  song  of 
angels.  -fjæl  angelic  soul.  -ffarc  host  of 
angels,  -ftan  a  angellcally  beautiful.  -fntil 
angelic  smile,  -ftemnte  fe  -røft.  -tiingcr  angel's 

(Snglife'r|e  vt  (en  $eft)  dock.  -in§  c  docking. 
@ngtKnber  c  -e,  -in'be  c  -r  Englishman,  English- 

@ng|*Iærfe  fe  ©ang=.  *-I«p  streaked  field 
-garlic,  Alliuin  oleraceum.  -nettlf(C)  ragged  robin, 
Lychiiis  flos  cuculi.  -nclliterob  fe  -flotter,  -^jibcr, 
-plptærfe  titlark.  -plante  meadow-plant.  -vap= 
græS  smooth  meadow  grass,  Poa  pratensis. 

©ngro'éiforrcining  wholesale business,  -^anb- 
Icnbe  w.  dealer,    -pt'x^  w.  price,  tradep. 

©ngiffifte  meadow  lot.  -(c)ffær  saw-wort, 
Serratula.  -fnarrc  fe  35agteIfonge.  -ftjcrne  bird's 
eye  primrose,  Primula  farinosa.  -ft^ffe  fe  -fttfte. 
•fotngef  meadow  feseue-grass,  Festuca  pratensis. 
-f^re    common    sorrel,    Humex    aoetosa.      -ulb 










cotton-grass,    Eriopkorum.    -ttanbtng    irrigatio: 
of  meadows. 

@ng|t)iol  marsh  el.  bog  violet.    Viola  pahtstrit, 

@'nl)annct  -j  monandrous. 

gntjarmo'niff  a  enharmon'ic(al). 

@'n|^eb  c  -er  unity;    (®genffa6en)  oneness, 
Sompofttionen)    fusion;    ((Sner)    unit.      -f)eb@t)(Erf 
work  of  uniflcation.   -^eft§=  one-horse.    *-ftinIer 
c  -e  unicycle.    -^jørning  c  unicorn:   fe  9fart)Bal. 
-^ornet  a  unicornous.    -^oOet  a  whole-hoofed. 

(Sntfttn'  pron  every;  (nabnl.  en^oer  ifær,  en^oer 
af   begge)    each;    (tun    fubftanttoift)    every    one,i 
everybody,  any  one,  anybody;   olte  og  _  evei 

@'nt)ænbet  a  onehanded. 

@nig  a  (om  flere)  unanimous;  jeg  er  _  meb  ^a 
I  agree  with  him,  am  at  one  with  him;  Ⱦre  .i' 
(om,   om  at)  be  agreed  (about,    that);    Blibe 
come   to  an  agreement  et.  to  terms;    blioe  -  om 
agree  el.  contract  for;   Ⱦre  _  meb  fig  felo  have 
made  up  one's  mind;    6Ie»  _  meb  mig  felB  o 
resolved  within  myself    -^eb  c  concord,   ha; 
mony,  union,  agreement. 
•  (Sning  c  agreement.    -f@ning§orb  parole. 

@nfauft|il'  c  encaust'ic.    -'iyt  a  encaustic. 

@nfe  c  -r  widow;  widow-bird,  Vidua;  ftbbe 
live  in  widowhood;  eftetlaber  fig  _  leaves  a 
widow.  -aat  years  of  widowhood.  -ho  widow's 
estate.  -botig  widow's  el.  dowager  mansion; 
widows'  asylum.  -Brub  widow  bride.  -bragt 
widow's  weeds.  -bronning  queen  dowager, 
(Kongens  iOJober)  queen  mother,  -frue  widow 
-lady,  dowager  (itte  fom  jTitel).  -faSfe  widow's 
fund.    -feinbe  bibi  widow  woman. 

*@nfct  a  simple,  plain.    -ftcb  c  plainness. 

@nfeft  a  single;  (itte  fammenfat)  simple;  (fær= 
egen,  perfonltg)  individual;  (enfom)  solitary;  _ 
Srøenneffe  single  man;  en  og  anben  _  Soinbe  in- 
dividual women;  et  -  SBinb  (af  en  fRcetfe)  an  odd 
volume;  en  ~  ®ong  once  in  a  way;  tjoer  _  every 
single  el.  individual;  -e  some,  a  few;  ingen  ~ 
røanb  no  one  (single)  man;  -e  SHemærtninger  a 
few  (stray)  remarks;  nogle  -e  ®ange  occasionally, 
ben  -e  the  individual;  i  ^bert  -t  Silfælbe  irx  each 
individual  case;  i  bette  -e  Xilfælbe  in  this  partic- 
ular  case;  gao  i  bet  -e  enter  into  details.  -beffa» 
fin  t  jack  snipe,  judcock,  Scolopax  gallinula, 
*common  snipe,  S.  gallinago.  -biUet  single 
(journey)  ticket.  -breo  single  letter,  -bcefter 
single-decked  vessel.  -bæffet  a  slngle-decked. 
-garn  single  yarn.  -l)eb  c  singleness,  simple- 
ness;  {pi  -er)  detail,  particular,  incident,  -tjøjbe 
^1,  single  attitude.  -tna^Jt^ct  a  singlebreasted. 
-manb  the  individual.  -rebet  a  single-reefed. 
"■•fflUing  fe  (£nefte=.  -ftoaenbe  a  isolated.  -tal 
the  singular  (number).  -kiirtenbe  a  single-acting 
el.  -action,    -ttiå  adv  singly.   -bcefen  individual. 

(gnte|manb  widower.  -ntanbSftanb  widower- 
hood.  -monbSftøb  knoek  on  the  funny-bone. 
•benfton  widow's  pension,  -feng  widowed  bed. 
-ftanb  widowhood.  -fæbe  dowager  seat  et.  man- 
sion; t  fe  -ftanb. 

@'n|fimblabet  a  fe  -frøblabet.  -Kang  unison, 
concord.    -fennet  a  unisexual. 

(Jnfla'be  c  -r  part  shut  in  by  foreign  territory. 

@nflil'iff  a  enclit'ic;  -  Drb  enclitic. 

e'n]fni^)bcbc  pi  ^  monadelphia.  -forn  one 
-grained  wheat,  Triticum  monococcum. 

(S'nlig  a  lone,  solitary,  single,  lonely,  lone- 
some;  ben  -e  Stanb  the  single  state,  celibacy, 
joc  single  blessedness;  to  -e  fjolf  a  married 
couple  without  children.  -^eb  c  ((gnfom^eb) 
loneliness,  solitude;  (ugift  Stanb)  celibacy. 

@'n|maftct  a  single-masted.  -mægtig  a,  chem 

@norra'  a  eno'rmous. 





En  passant  in  passing,  by  the  way;  _  Slag 
(Sfat)  takiug  in  passing. 

@'n{rum  privaey;  i  _  in  private,  privately. 
-rummet  a  ^  one-celled. 

@'«é  adj  &  adv  ideutical,  the  same;  fe  ©nij; 
bet  er  mig  gaitfte  _  it  is  all  one  to  me;  aEe  S8ijr= 
nene  gaa  _  flæbte  the  children  are  all  dressed 
alike;  *  _  SGrenbe  particularly,  on  purpose. 
-artet  a  homogeneons,  of  the  same  species. 
•artct^eb  c  homogeneousness.  -beligøenbc  a 
(SSinller)  opposile  (angles).  -IbetQbenbe  a  syn- 
onymous.    (+-ban),  -bonnct,  -formet  a  uniform. 

@nfcrø'6te  n  ensemble,  whole,  eutirety,  ag- 

enélforoct  a  of  one  colour;  _  Dragt  dittos. 
-formtg  «  uniform,  monotonous,  same,  un 
diversilied.  -førmigf)Cb  c  uuiformity,  monotony, 
sameness     -^eb  c  sameness,  unily,  identity. 

ffi'nifibet  a  one-sided.  -ftbig  a  partial,  one 
-sided,  unilateral,  f  all  one  way,  (om  ^erfon 
og|.)  of  one  idea;  3<  unilateral,  secuud.  -flbtfl' 
^eb  c  partiality,  one-sidedness. 

@nft(a'ge  c  ensilage,  storage  in  pits  of  foddei; 
for  cattle. 

©itjffallet  a  univalve,   be  -be  the  univalves. 
■ffiUing  ie  (£nefte=. 
(Snéng  fe  (Snlig. 

©'néiliggenbe  fe  -fieliggenbe.  -Iijbcnbe  a  of  a 
similar  sound,  consonous.  -Ubct  a  of  one 

@'nifom  a  lonely,  lonesome,  loue,  solitary; 
f)ec  blioer  faa  -t,  naar  we  shall  be  so  lonely 
when.  -fomljeb  c  solitude,  loueliness.  -fixrnbcr 
c  -e  ($eft)  a  single  horse  (put  to  a  vehicle). 
•fpoenbertiagn  one  horse  el.  single-horsed  chaise 
el.  cart. 

6'néfinbct  a  of  one  mind. 

@'n:fto»)cIfeé  monosyllabic.  -ftoDetfeSorb  mo- 
nosyllable,  one-syllable  word.  -ftebS  somewhere. 
-ftemmig  a  unanimous;  mus  for  one  voice;  unison, 
in  unison,  -ftemmigt  adu  unanimously,  with 
one  voice  el.  accord;  mus  in  unison.  -^emmig= 
^eb  c  unanimousness.  -ftrcflct,  -ftrfiget  c  middle 
c,  c  with  one  stroke. 

@'nS  tQbig  «  synonymous,  convertible.  -t^big' 
^eb  c  syuonymy.  -tiinget  a  homopterous;  -ebe 
pi  homopters,  homoptera. 

G  nfojbet  a  having  one  seat. 

CSntablcment'  n  entab'lature. 

6'Jttal  n  the  singular  (number). 

(Snten  conj  either;  (^tiab)  _  bet  er  rigtigt  el. 
galt  whelher  (it  be)  right  or  wrong. 

entdolbe  [t.]  joc,  fe  Slf^olbe. 

(Sntia  tt  c  gentian,  baldmovne. 

(gntlebtge.  -Ife  [t.]  fe  Stfffebige. 

(S  n ;tom[mej§  a  one-inch. 

(Sntomo  tog  c  -er  entomol'ogist.  -logi'  c  en- 
tomorogy.    -to'giff  a  entomolog'ical. 

G'ntontg  a  monotonous.    -^eb  c  monotony. 

(£tttoutca'3  jr.]  c  sun-shade,   small  umbrella. 

(Sntre  ot  k  i  (fiatre)  ascend,  climb;  .j^  _  op  i 
{Rejsningen  mount  the  riggiug;  ~  ub  (poa  en  9iaa) 
lay  out  fupon  a  yard);  _  tnb  (paa  en  JRaaj  lay  in 
(off  a  yard),  (et  fjenbtligt  etib)  board;  fom  fan  -8 
boardable.  -611(6)  poleaxe,  tomahawk.  -6om= 
mer  fire  booms,    -bræg  grapplingåron. 

@ntré  c  -er  (Jorftue)  entry,  (entrance)hall, 
lobby;  (9lDgang)  admission,  admiltance;  admis- 
slon-money;  ®aé  i  -en  hall  gass.  -billet  admis- 
sion-iickei.     -nøgle  latch-key. 

tentrc(t)o't    fr.j  n  cross-caper,  cut. 

6ntrc  gofter  pi  boarders,  -^age  grapple. 
-manbftabet  the  Ijoarder-s.  -net  boarding-nett- 
Ing     -pig,  -pite  boarding-pike. 

@ntrepo't  ifr  ]  n  V.)onded-warehouse,  entrepot. 

@ntre{prenant'  a  enterpri'siug.  -^ren^'r  c  -er 

Sarfen:  Danft-engelft  Crbbog. 

enterpri'ser,  uodertaker;  (af  Slrbejbe,  JUeeerance) 
contractor.    -pri'fe  c  -r  en'terprise. 

@ntrtng  c  -er  j,  boarding.  -Sforføg  attempt 
at  boarding. 

@'n|turtg  a  ^aai  single  lock.  t-pongdbrug 
one-course  system,    ••piå  a  fe  ©genfinbtg. 

@ntuftaå  |me  c  enthu'siasm.  -t'  c  -er  enthu'- 
siast.    -tiff  a  enthusias'tic. 

@nPot)c  c  -er  en'voy. 

@'n|pærbtg  fe  -mægtig,  -ajet  o  one-eyed.  -«rct 
a  one-eared. 

(Spalte  c  -r  ep'act. 

(Spaulef  c  -ter  ep'aulet,  shoulder- strap, 

@pauletteftær  c  red-winged  starling,  Agelaiua 

@ptc)il  |el  c  -tier  epicy'cle.  -loi'be  c -r  epicy'- 

@ptbe|mt'  c  -er  epldem'ic.  -'miff  a  epidem'- 
ic(a!),    , 

@piber'ml§  c  epide'rpiis,  ep'iderm. 

(Spigo  ner  pi  epig'oni. 

©pigram'  n  -mer  ep'igram  -btgter  epigram- 
matist.    -ma'tiff  a  epigrammat'ic(al). 

@ptter  c  -e  ep'ic  poet. 

@pi!uræ'|er  c  -e  Epicure,  Eplcu'reau.  -iff  a 
Epicurean.    -iS'me  c  ep'icurism. 

@pilep|ft'  c  ep'ilepsy,  falling  siekness.  -'tifcr 
c  -e  epilep'tic.    -'tiff  a  epileptic(al). 

©pilo'g  c  -er  ep'ilogue. 

(gpift  a  ep'ic;  _  2)igt  epic  (poem). 

Gptffopa  t  <i  epis  copal. 

@pifo'bje  c  -r  ep'isode.    -fff  a  episod'ical. 

©pift'el  c  -ftler  epistle. 

(gpita'f  n  -er  ep  itaph. 

@pttt)e  I  n  epithelium. 

(gpit^'cton  11  -ta  ep'ithet. 

@po  be  c  -r  ep'ode. 

©po'tc  c  -r  -ep'och;  gøre  -  form  an  era.  -ge- 
renbe  a  epoch-making. 

(fpopé  c  -er  epopæ'ia,  ep'opee. 

@  poS  n  ep'ic,  ep'os. 

(gr  [op]  feg  er,  fe  SJære. 

er'  c  fe  3r. 

(£rag'te  vt  rule.    @ragtntng  c  rule. 

(Srbormrlig  [t  ]  a  miserable. 

©reftio  n§potent  deed  of  entail. 

(gremif  c  -er  he'rmit,  anchorite.  -boltg  her- 
mitage.    -trebd  hermit-crab,  Pagurus. 

(frfa're  {imp  ogf.  erfor)  vt  experience,  (faa  at 
tiibe)  leam,  ascertain,  understand,  -n  a  ex- 
perienced.    -n^eb  c  experience. 

@rfa'ring  c  -er  experience,  practice;  -en  ex- 
perience; tomme  til  -  om,  bringe  i  _  get  informa- 
tion of,  come  to  the  knowledge  of,  leam;  tale 
af  -  speak  from  e.;  jeg  »eb  af  førgeltg  -  I  know 
to  my  cost.  —  (SrfaringSj begreb  empiricai  idea. 
-bepil  proof  from  experience.  -gen^anb  subject 
of  experience.  -trebd  sphere  of  (one's)  experi- 
ence. -tnnbffali  empiricai  knowledge.  -mæSftg 
a  empiricai.  -fætning  empiricai  maxim.  -per= 
ben  external  world.  -Pibenffab  empiricai  science. 

tGrgang'en  a  [t.]  passed  (judgment) 

ér^oljb'e  vt  obtain,  get;  -  fig  b.  f.;  (mobtage) 
receive.  -belig  '«  obtaiuable,  (gorbrtng)  reco ver- 
able,   -belfe  c  obtaiuing  etc,  obtainment. 

(grijuerp'  n  tråde,  livelihood;  t  fe  -elfe.  (&t- 
^peruje  vt  acquire,  earn,  gain.  -elfe  c  acqutring, 
etc,  acquisitiou,  acquirement.  —  ér^PeroSlbrift 
instinct  of  acquisition.  -gren  branch  of  industry. 
-filbc  source  of  gain,  means  of  livelihood  el. 
subsistence,  support,  dependence.  -l*å  a  un- 
employed.  -laåljeb  c  want  of  employment. 
-Pirtfomfieb  industry. 

@rie|f«en  Lake  Erie.     -fanalen  the  E.  Canal. 

@'rll  Er  ic. 




@rif'a  c  ^  eri'ca. 

©rilSgabe  c  royal  progress. 

@rin  b|ret)«  remember,  recollect,  calltomind; 
(om)  remind,  put  in  mind  (of);  faabibt  jeg  fon  _ 
to  ttie  best  of  my  recollection;  ^abe  nt  at  _ 
have  st  to  say;  mart  maa  ~  let  it  be  remembered. 
(+-rcn),  -ring  c  -er  remembrance;  recollection, 
reminlscence;  (?paamtnbelfe)  admonition  (alle:  om 
of);  (®at)e)  keepsake;  til  ~  om  in  memory  of; 
baDe  i  ~  bear  in  mind;  6ringe  i  -  remind  of, 
bring  to  memory.  —  (StiitbringSlbog  memoran- 
dum-book. -Iraft  memory.  -ffrtUcIfc  monitory 
letter.  -tCfltt  memorial,  token  of  remembrance, 

©rritt'n^erne  the  Erinnyes. 

@rlc=  præf  (forftcerfenbe)  arrant,  the  veriest; 
(fjørft  el.  fornemft)  arch.  -biffo)),  -Iiif^i  arch-bishop. 
-i)i\toppet\Q  a  archiepiscopal.  -Bif^ebflmmc  arch- 
bishopric.  -begn  archdeacon.  -bnm  a  amaz- 
ingly  stupid,  -butnlteb  amazing  stupidity.  -engel 
archangel.  -ficnbe,  -fjcnbe  archenemy.  -fæ 
arrant  fool.  -fæbrcne  the  patriarch.s.  -gabtt)t( 
arrant  knave.  -^ertug  archduke.  -^ertugb«mme 
archdukedom.  -hertugelig  a  archducal.  -hertug' 
inbe  archduchess.  -tujon  arrant  coward.  -tæt« 
tring  ?e  -gaot^o.  -lætter  rank  heretic.  -I«gnec 
arch-liar.  -nar  arrant  fool.  -ftælm  arch  rogue. 
•ftift  archdiocese.  -fæbe  archiepiscopal  see. 
-toSfe  fe  -fæ.    -t^b  arrant  thief. 

(frfcnb'le  vt  acknowledge,  own,  admit,  re- 
cognise,  (for  fig  felo)  feel;  (fatte)  apprehend,  com- 
prehend.  -etfe  c  acknowledgment,  admittance, 
cognition,  recognition;  apprehension,  compre- 
hension,  understanding;  bringe  en  til  _  of  nt 
bring  st  home  to  one.  +-en  c  apprehension. 
-tUg  a  thankful,  grateful.  -tlig^eb  c  gratefulness, 
thankfulness,  acknowledgmeiits  pi. 

@rllær'|c  vt  declare;  ~  en  for  declare  one  to 
be,  post  one  as;  -8  alminbelig  for  is  generally 
voted;  _  ftg  (fri)  propose,  declare  one's  self;  ~ 
fig  for  en  declare  for  et.  in  favour  of  one;  _  fig 
ft^lbig,  itfe  ffqibig  plead  guilty,  not  guilty;  _ 
åvig  declare  war;  -be  (Snglanb  Srtg  declared  war 
against  el.  on  E.;  ~  i  JRigetS  9tlt  put  under  the 
ban  of  the  empire;  en  -t  |)aber  af  an  avowed 
enemy  to.  -tng  c  -er  declaration;  opinion;  certi- 
flcate;  biiJlomatift  _  note;  offentlig  _  manifest, 
public  declaration,  statement. 

@rf  tjn'bige  (t  vt  inform)  vr  fig  om  inquire  about 
el.  in  to,  make  inquiry  after. 

tSrlang'e  [t.]  fe  Dpnaa. 

(Srle  c  -r  wagtail,  Motacilla. 

©rlæg'ge  vt  pay  do\vn,  disburse.  -Ife  c  pay- 
ment,  disbursement. 

@rnæ'r|e  vt  maiutain,  support,  (f^fiff)  nourish; 
p  cater.  -elfe  c  fe  -tng.  -er  c  -e  supporter, 
maiutainer,  breadwinner.  -ing  c  maintenance, 
support;  nourishment,  med  uutrition.  -ingSIttiet 
nutrition.  •ingSorgan  organ  of  nutrition.  -tng§' 
tilftanb  (state  of)  nutrition. 

(gro'brectconquer.  -HjftfeeroBringS«.  ©robrer 
c  -e  conqueror.  @robrittg  c  -er  conquering,  con- 
quest.  —  @robrtng§|Irtg  war  of  conquest.  -t^ft, 
•f^ge  passion  for  conquest.  -ret  right  of  c. 
-tog  invasion  for  conquest. 

Srofto'n  c  ero'sion.  ©rofto'nSbal  valley  of 

©ro'Itiff  a  erot'ic(al);  _  ®igt  erot'ic  (poem). 
-tit  c  love,  love-making. 

©rra'tiff  a  errat'ic(al). 

@rrc  vt  (Srret,  fe  3rre,  ^rret. 

@rftat'|tc  vt  (bet  manglenbe)  replace  (the  want 
of);  (gttie  ©rftatning)  compensate  (one  for  el. 
something),  indemnify  (one  for),  make  good, 
make  up  for,  -telig  a  reparable,  -ning  c  -er 
compensation,     indemnification 

(grftatningé|trab  claim  for  compensation;  g; 
_  gælbenbe  sne  for  compensation,  claim  damagi 
-^tigt  liability.  -t^Ugtig  a  liable  (to  make  coi 
pensation).    -fagSmaol  action  for  damages. 

•'@rte  vt  tease.    -Irof,  -ftilfe  c  teaser. 

@rté  c  ore,  metal,  -aaremetallicvein.  -^oI> 
a  containing  ore,  metalline. 

©r^t^e'm  «  erythema. 

@å'  n:  i  fit  _  in  high  spirits;  tf  fe  i  fit  -  oi 
of  sorts,  not  himself;  jeg  er  itfe  rigtig  i  mit  -, 
don't  feel  quite  myself. 

@§  n  (*  ogf.  c)  -fer  ace;  fer  alle  ambsace;  J 
fjerbc  ace  three  small  ones. 

@8'  mm  E  flat.    -eS  E  double  flat. 

(Sfal'aS  Isai'ah. 

@8bugt  c  (Sømr.)  S-rounding, 

©ft^el  n  zafflr. 

@§brago'n  c  dragons  wort,  tarragon,  Årtemii 
Draeunculua.    -ebbife  tarragon  vinegar. 

(gfing  fe  ©Sfing. 

@ffa  bre  c  -r  J,  squad'ron.  -d^ef  commanc 
-in-chief,  Commodore.  @f(abro'n  c  -er  squadr< 
@ffabroné'(^ef  major. 

©ffamote're  vt  fe  a3ort=. 

(gff(tr'<)C  c  -r  esca'rp,  sca'rp. 

@fftmo'  c  -er  Esquimau,  pi  -aux. 

(gftorte  c  es'cort.  -'re  vt  esco'rt.  -Ting  c 

©åo'tcrif!  a  esoter'ic. 

(gf^jnlier  n  er  espalier;  (om  9KfIr.)  (double) 
row.  @fV(ilfe'r|e  vt  espal'ier,  nail.  -frugt  wall 
-fruit.     -tjæg  fruit-wall. 

@fVarfet'(te)  c  sainfoin,  Onohrychis  »ativa 

@8plono'be  c  -r  esplanade. 

@éfe  c  -r  forge,  fumace.  -loft  sprinkle,  -fri 
sweepings  of  furnaces. 

ffiSfenI'  c  -er  es'sence. 

(£§fctrug  n  smithy-trough. 

t@§flg  a  P  fussy,  sharp.  _ 

(SSftng  c  -er  gunwale.    -3^lante  sheer-strake. 

©ftafabe  c  -r  stockade. 

(gft|lanb  n  Estho'nia.    -lanbff  a,  -lænber 

©ftro'be  c  -r  estra'de,  stand. 

©ftragon  fe  ©Sbragon. 

@t  &  eet  fe  @n  one.  -aarig  a  of  one  year. 
-oar8  a  one  year  old. 

@toB|le'rc  vt  estab'lish;  _  fig  settle.  -le'rittg 
-tlåfement'  n  -er  establishment. 

@ta'gc  c  -r  story,  floi)r,  flat;  i  neberfte  _ 
the  ground-floor;  anben  ~  the  flrst  floor,  am 
the  second  story,  (i  S^eot.)  second  circle  el. 
tier,  upper  dress-circle;  øoerfte  _  fig  (^otiebet) 
the  upper  story;  en  fmnf  _  a  flne  suit  of  rooms. 
-'re  c  -r  Canterbury,  etagere,  whatnot,  (til  9lober) 

(gtamin'  [fr.]  n  tammy. 

@taV{f)'c  c  -r  halting-place. 

^ta't  c  er  service.  ©tatSranb  c  -er  (tltular) 
councellor  of  state. 

@tbær  n  herb  paris,  Paris  quadrifoUa. 

etljbert  fe  (SnIiBer. 

@tit'  c  eth'ics  pi.    @'tifl  a  eth'ic. 

©tifet'te  c  etiquette,  conventionality;  (©ebbel) 
label,    -'re  vt  label. 

©tmool  n  ^  24  hours;  (SBeftif)  day's  worl 
6tmoal§VEnOC  day's  pay. 

@tno|gra'f  c  -er  ethnog'rapher.  -grafl' 
ethnog'raphy.    -grofift  a  etnographlc. 

@tru'|rift,  -ff'iff  «,  -fl'cr  c  Etruscan,  Etrurian 

®tftf)  c  (globen)  the  Adige. 

@t|^eb§  adv  somewhere.  -tot  (number)  om 

@tu'be  c  -r  stud'y,  exercise. 

@tui'  n  -er  case. 

@t^»io|to'g   c  -er   etymol'ogist.     -løgi' 










etymol'og:y.  -lofltfe're  vi  etymol'ogize.  -lo'gift 
a  etymolog'ieal. 

@ufcnti§{m'e  c  -r  eu'phemlsm.  -ft'ifl  a  eu- 

@ufor  bia  c  ^  spurge. 

(Sttftot  c  the  Euphra'tes. 

@ugc  n  Euge'ne. 

eumenl'bernc  the  Furies,  the  Eumen'ides. 

@unul'  c  -er  eu'nuch. 

@uro')){a  n  Eu'rope.  -«'er  c  -e,  -cf'iflaEuro- 
pe'an;  _  9}u»Ianb  Russia  in  Europe. 

@ufta'(^ifl  Siør  Eustachian  tube. 

ffitjfl  Eve.    -batter  daughter  of  Eve. 

@Bofne'|re  vt  evac'uate.    -ring  <■  evacua'tion. 

©»ange'ltifl  «  evangelicfal).  -lift'  c  -erevan'- 
gelist.  -lium  n  -ter  gospel;  fflfatt^æi  _  the 
gospel  according  to  St.  Matthew. 

@Oenttt{a'Iiter  adv  even'tually.  -atite't  c  -er 
conlingency.    -el'  a  even'tual. 

@t)cntt)r  n,  pi  =,  {§ænbelfe)  adven'ture;  (f!for= 
tælling)  (fairy-,  nursery-)  tale,  (fire-side)  story; 
gaa  uC  paa  ~  go  in  search  of  adventures,  go 
seek  adventures;  t  paa  eget  _  at  his  own  risk. 
-agtig  a  fanciful,  unreal.    -bigter  story-teller. 

@»)entl)'|rc  vi-  fig  venture,  -'rer  c  -e  adven'- 
turer.    -'rerftc  c  -r  adven'turess. 

eucntl)r|forfatter,  -fortæaer  fe  -bigter.  -lomebie 
fairy  comedy.  @uejttq'rlig  a  romantic,  marvel- 
lous  @t)cutl)'r(tgt)eb  c  adventurousness;  Oor= 
unberlig^cb)  marvellousness.  @tientl)roetben  fairy 

@ttert  c  -er  wherry-boat. 

@Oib|en§'  c  obviousness;  til  _  to  demonstra- 
tion,   -env  a  ev'ident. 

*@t»'te  c  -r  eddy;  creek. 

@t>ig  a  eternal,  perpetual,  everlasting;  bet  -e 
£ik)  lite  eternal  el.  everlasting;  ben  -e  5orbJørn= 
ntelfe  perdition;  ben  -c  3Ib  everlasting  fire;  ben 
-e  Sne  perpetual  el.  perrennial  snow;  ben  -e  ©tab 
the  eternal  city;  ben  -e  Qabe  the  wandering 
Jew;  _  ©fat  perpetual  check;  til  _  Stb  to  all 
eternity;  gaaet  til  fit  -e  Jpjent,  ben  -e  |)t)ile  gone 
to  his  long  home;  bet  Dilbe  oære  en  _  Stabe  it 
would  be  a  thousand  pities;  for  _  for  ever  (and 
ever),  etemally;  ^»er  -e  en  every  mother's  son 

(of  them);  ^ocr  -e  "diat  every  mortal  liighl,  — 
adv  (og  altib)  eternally,  for  ever;  f  ben  er  _  gob 
that  will  do  wonderfiil.  -glab  a  P  joUy.  -grøn 
a  evergreen,  -^eb  c  eternity;  t)Bor  i  al  ~  er  bet 
•muligt?  how  in  the  name  of  wonder  is  it  pos- 
sible;  en  (^cl)  _  an  age,  (untold)  ages;  albrig  i  _ 
never;  bibl  i  atte  -er,  tnbtil  -ei8  _  world  without 
end.  -^ebSblomft  everlasting,  goldylocks,  Gna- 
phalium.  -^cbSffrue  endless  screw.  -borcnbc  a 
everlasting,  eternal. 

@&in'be(ig  a  continual,  perpetual;  adv  eter- 
nally, to  all  eternity.  -^cb  c  fe  Saig^eb;  i  en  _ 
for  ever. 

@t)«C  c  -r  ability,  power,  faculty;  (SRaab)  means; 
^ar  -  tit  at  has  the  faculty  of  -ing,  has  it  in 
him  to;  gobe  -er  good  parts;  bet  ooergaar  min  ~ 
that  exceeds  my  ability,  it  is  beyond  my  reach; 
efter  -  according  to  one's  means;  to  the  best  of 
one's  ability.  @bnc  vt  &  i  be  able,  have  the 
ability.  -laS  a  without  ability;  without  means 
et.  fortune.  -løS^eb  incapacity.  -rig  a  gifted, 

@Datutio'n  c  -er  evolution,  -teorien  the  e. 

ejont^e'ttt  n  exanthema.  -o'tifl  StjfuS  spotted 

@jcel|len'ce  c  ex'cellence,  ex'cellency.  -lent 
a  ex'ceilent.    -le're  vi  excel'. 

@Ecen'ter|ring  excentric  ring.  -flltte  e.  (wheel). 
-ftang  e.  rod.    -»anbring  throw  of  e. 

@ECCn|tricite't  c  eccentric'ity.  -rif  c  eccen'- 
tric.    -ril'ftang  fe  ®jcenter=.    -'rifl  a  eccentric. 

©jce^Jtion  c  -er  jur  demurrer. 

@jccr<>ie're  vt  extract'.  -e'ring  c  extractiou. 
-t'  c  -er  ex'tract.    -tbog  commonplace-book. 

©jrceS'fcr  pi  outrages. 

©jci^JC'rc  vi  demur. 

©jegc'jfc  c  exegesis.    -tiff  a  exeget'ic(al). 

©jcr'guc  c  exergue. 

®Stgi  bet  a  exigible. 

Extenso :  in  _  in  detail;  at  length,  at  large. 

©Etcrritoria'lrct  exterritorial'ity. 

ese'^icl  Eze'kiel. 

©Sefi'aS  Hezekiah. 


{?,  f  [et]  n  -fer  (»ogft.  &  mus)  F,  f;  abbr:  f.  = 
føbt  bom;  f.  91.  =  forrige  2lar  last  year;  f.  @.  = 
for  ©tSempel  for  instance,  e.  g.;  gbtr.  =  gjerbtng= 
far;  ff.  =  fotgenbe  the  following;  f^B.  =  forften= 
Ⱦrenbe  late;  f.  3Sl.  =  forrige  Waaneb  last  month, 
nit.;  i^m.  =  gormibbag  forenoon,  a.  m.;  f.  n.  = 
fra  neben  from  bottom;  f.  o.  =  fra  oben  from 
top;  %t.,  grt.  =  grøten  Miss. 

^aa  a  few;  færre  fewer;  færreft  fewest;  nogle  _ 
a  few;  ifte  _  not  a  few;  nogle  _  uboatgte  a  select 
et.  chosen  few;  nogle  ganfte  _  a  verj'  few;  _  etter 
ingen  few,  if  any;  mcb  _  Drb  in  a  few  words, 
brief!  y. 

^aa,  fit,  faa(e)t  vt  (i  9(lm.)  get;  (mobtage)  re- 
ceive;  (opnao)  obtain,  gain;  (er^oeroe)  acquire; 
F  35u  ftal  - !  have  at  you !  lab  o§  _  iibt  gtofoft 
let  us  have  some  breakfast;  jeg  fit  et  S3re6  I  had 
a  letter;  *_  fig  take;  _  Unger  bring  forth,  pro- 
duce  young;  _  ^oalpe  whelp;  _  gøl  foal;  _  ®rife 
pig,  farrow;  _  £am  lamb;  _  Søn  fom  forfftjlbt  cl. 

fin  fortjente  £øn  be  rightly  served,  get  one's 
desert;  _  ©obfjeb,  9lfft^  for  take  a  liking,  an 
aversion  to;  -  iiQft  til  take  a  fancy  to;  jeg  I)ar 
-et  min  grotte  rej)areret  I  have  had  my  coat 
mended;  naar  jeg  -r  93ogen  læft  when  I  shall 
have  read  the  book;  jeg  -r  bel  (at)  gore  bet  I 
suppose  I  shall  have  to  do  it;  bet  -r  bære  fom 
bet  Bit  be  that  as  it  may;  bet  r  at  bære  let  that 
pass;  bet  -r  t)ære  titlabt  at  it  must  be  allowed 
to;  _  at  fe  get  a  sight  of;  Bi  -r  at  fe  we  shall 
see;  *  Ijan  -r  fpife  gfifl  he  is  allowed  to  eat  fish; 
*■•  bu  -r  blioe  {)iemme  you  must  stay  at  home;  _ 
nt  at  Bibe  el.  ^ere  hear,  learn  st,  be  informed  of 
st;  t)an  funbe  flet  itte  faa  ben  Sante  af  |)ooebet  he 
never  could  divest  himself  of  the  idea;  _  en 
fra  nt  turn  one's  mind  from  st;  _  et  Drb  frem 
utter  a  word,  get  in  a  word;  _  igen  recover, 
regain,  (Smaapenge)  receive  (in)  change;  _  meb 
not  to  leave  el.  omit;  fif  ^am  meb  made  him 
come,  brought  him;  _  en  til  (at  gøre)  nt  make 






one  do  st;  ~  til  at  le  set  oue  laughiug;  jeg  fan 
il!e  -  bet  til  1  cannot  get  on  with  it;  jeg  tan 
tfte  -  nt  itb  af  bet  I  can  make  nothing  of  it. 

$aa  {*fisngt  a  vain;  adv  in  vain.  -^eb  c 
paucity,  fewness-  +ft)nbi8  a  ignorant.  +-lt)ntilfl' 
t)eb  c  ignorance.  *-ma;It  a  fe  -orbig.  *-mænbt  a 
fe  -tattig.  •■n^tte:  til  _  to  little  purpose.  -orbig 
(i  taciturn,  ciiary  of  words. 

%aav  n,  pi  =,  sheep,  (§unbQret)  ewe;  et  btæg= 
tigt  -  a  ewe  with  lamb.  —  fjodrelagtig  a  sheep- 
ish.  -onfigt  sheepisli  face.  -art  breed  of  sheep. 
•at>i  breeding  of  sheep.  -Bob  shoulder  of  mutton. 
■btcm§  trumpet-fly,  Oestrua  ovia.  t-btciig  shep- 
herd  boy.  -flo!  flock  of  sheep.  -fltjtiber  finke, 
Diitoma  hepaticuin.  -folb  sheepfold.  -QVtt^QanQ 
sheepwalk.  -gøbning,  "-gflbfcl  sheep's  dung. 
-Ijjlorb  fiock  of  sheep.  -Ijolb  sheep-farming, 
breeding  ofsheep;  numberof  sheep  kept.  -^ubcb 
fig  blockhead,  ninny.  -t|ttnb  shepherd's  dog, 
sheep-dog.  -tiuS  sheep-cot.  -^^rbc  shepherd. 
-Ij^rbinbc  shepherdess.  -IH^nittg  sheep-shearing. 
-tUppet  sheep-shearer.  -tlotte  sheep-bell.  -Hæber 
bibl  sheep's  clothing.  -topper  tag-sore.  -iQUing 
cricket,  Gryllus.  -f«b  muttou.  f-tøUi  leg  of 
mutton.  -laar  fe  -løEe.  t-leger  thrift,  Armeria. 
-Icber  sheep's  liver.  -Itt§  sheep-tiek,  Hippohosca 
ovis.  t-woaneb  April,  -mælt  sheep's  milk. 
-«^te  sheep's  kidney.  -oft  sheep's  milk  cheese. 
■pile  OaaretS  $el8)  fleece;  (gaareftinbSpell)  sheep- 
skin  jacket  el.  coat.  -race  breed  of  sheep.  -fobel 
saddle  of  mutton.  -fafS  shears.  -ftob  scab  (on 
sheep).  -fflnb  sheep-skin.  Mwc  April  snow. 
*-foV  polyporus.  -ftatb,  -fti  sheep-cot,  -pen, 
-fold.  -fteg  leg  of  mutton.  -foingcl  sheep's 
lescue-grass,  Featuca  ovina.  -fflgc  (^D§  gaaret)  rot; 
(l)og  røeitneftet)  mumps.  +-t  a  sheepish.  -talg 
mutton  tallow.  -tunge  sheep's  tongue;  t  fe  SSep 
6reb.  -t>)0  sheep-stealer.  -tt)tied  sheep-stealing. 
•tæge  fe  -lu§.  -ulb  sheep's  wool.  -baflnittg 

5ao'*|ft^rc  oligarchy.  -talenbe  a  fe  -orbig. 
-taUig  a  small  in  number.  -taUig^eb  fe  goa^eb. 
-oætbe  oligarchy. 

Isabel  c  -Bier  fable;  fig  story,  tale.  -og'tig  a 
fabulous.  -ag'tig^eb  c  fabulousness.  -alber 
fdbulous  el.  mythical  age.  -bigt  poetical  fable. 
-bigtec  fabulist,  wrlter  of  fables.  -bt)t  fabulous 
animal.  -fiattS  story-teller.  -berben  world  of 
fable,  -bær!  fable,  idle  tale.  -bæfen  fabulous 
being.    ^aiit  vi  fable. 

^ahvit  c  -ter  manufactory,  (ftor)  factory.  {5a= 
brifunt'  c  -er  manufacturer,  maker.  —  $abtit(§)' 
arbejbe  factory-work;  mill-labour;  (literært)  hack- 
work.  -arbe|betr  factory-hand,  f.  operative. 
•a't  n  -er  mamifacture.  -atio'n  c  manufacture, 
manufacturing,  -befttjrer  manager  of  a  factory. 
-b^  manufacturing  town.  -bagning  factory 
-building.  -brift  manufactures,  manufacturing 
industry.  -ejer  owner  of  a  manufactory.  -CfC 
vt  manufacture;  fig,  cont  fabricate.  -gulb  strong 
gold-leaves.  -lonb  manufacturing  country. 
-meftcr  overseer  in  a  m.;  J^  surveyor  of  the 
navy.  -mærte  fe  -ftempel.  -mæSflg  a  &  adv 
Wholesale,  in  a  manufactory  way.  -^igc  factory 
girl.  -<>rtå  manufacturer' s  priee,  factory  price, 
prime  cost.  -fforften  factory-chimney.  -ftab  fe 
-6i).  -ftem^jel  tråde  mark.  -ubfalg  wholesale 
depot  cl.  warehouse  (for  for  [the  sale  of]). 
■barer  manufactured  goods^  -boff  washing  at 
the  manufactory.  -bæfen  manufacturing  in- 
dustry.   -ex  c  -er  fe  -ant. 

jJaQa'bc  c  -r  front,  frontage.  -ften  facing 
-stone.  Face:  en  _  fuU  face.  {5acet'(te)  c  -r 

IJacit  c  og  m  answer.    -bog  answers,  key. 

make,    cut.     -ttC'ret 
-tvaab  figured  wire. 

fJoQon'   c   -er   shape, 
figured.    -ften  fe  5orm=. 

JJnb  a  vapid,  insipid. 

iJob    n  -e  (ftor  SaHerfen)  dish;  (Xønbe) 
butt,  hogshead,  puncheon;  *  fe  Unberfop;  i 
-et  beer  from   the  wood,   draught  beer;   fomij 
til   -et   come   in   for  a  share;   fø6e  af  -  fig  pr 
together.    -blnber  cooper.    -Brret  shelf  for  plat 
and  dishes. 

{Jobber  c  -e  god-father,  god-mother,  sponso 
ftoa,  bcere  ~  til  et  S3arn  stand  el.  be  god-fath« 
god-mother  to  a  child;  Bebe  en  til  ~  ask  one 
stand  god-father  etc.  -breb  christening  _ 
-grtbc  christening  present,  -gilbe  christening^ 
party,  -flob  spousor.ship.  tffobberffe  c  -r  god 
-mother,  gabberlflabber,  -fnat  gossip,  gossiping. 
•ftabS  fe  -gilbe.  ~ 

IJrtbe  vt  barrel. 

|yabe|bur    pantry.      -bttrS))ige    housekeep^ 
-Inag  dish-cover.    -tcenge  ^1,  casksling. 

iJaber  c,  pi  gæbre,  father,  parent,  (poet  og 
|)eTte)  sire;  gæbre  i^l  fathers,  ancestors;  _  til  tM 
father  of;  er  gaaet  til  fine  gæbre  has  been  gathered 
to  his  fathers,  F  has  joined  the  majority;  i^æbrene 
our  fathers.  -btittblicb  fatherly  Vjlindness.  -brQft 
paternal  breast.  -iuti  father's  command.  -fabtt 
paternal  embrace.  -frJjb  paternal  delight, 
father's  joy.  -falelfe  paternal  feeling.  -glæbe 
fe  -fr^b.  -t)aanb  fatherly  hånd.  -^eft  sire.  -{|jpm 
parental  home.  -Ijierte  father's  heart,  paternal 
heart.  -Iju  fe  -finb.  -i-^ulb  a  kind  as  a  father. 
-fofrllg^eb  paternal  love.  jjaberlig  a  fatherly, 
paternal,  parental.  Ifoberligbcb  c  fatherliness, 
parental  kindness.  ^abcr{It)tte  paternal  happi- 
ness.  -laS  a  fatherless,  bereaved.  -mogt  paternal 
authority.  -milb^eb  fatherly  gentleness.  -ntorb 
parricide.  -morber,  -niorbcrffe  parricide.  -mor« 
bcre  pi  f  side-boards,  -morbcrff  a  pan-icidal. 
-nabn  name  of  father.  -omf)U  paternal  solicitude. 
-^Hgt  duty  of  a  father.  -fiKb  fatherly  aifection. 
•ftott^eb  fatherly  pride.  -bor  n  the  Lord's  prayer; 
tro  fom  fit  _  believe  like  gospel;  funne  nt  fom  fit 
_  have  st  at  one's  Angers'  euds;  fan  mere  enb  fit 
_  is  up  to  snufF,  up  to  a  thing  or  two.  -øit 
fatherly  eye,  father's  eye. 

IJabcbært  n  casks  pi.  —  ^o'blfulbt  n  dishful. 
-^al§  quarter  of  a  cask.    -^^Ibe  fe  -bræt. 

IJabtng  c  -er  body  (of  a  carriage). 

§ft'b|llub  fe  Sarflub.    -furb  basket  for 
and  piates.    -maaling  gauging  of  casks. 
c  barreling.    -fmag  taste  of  the  cask. 
harness  hitch. 

JJabæ'fe  c  -r  blunder,  solecism. 

^aiitott  c  -er  phaeton. 

gog  n,  pi  =,  (i  ©tjgning)  bay,  window;  (i  'Sti 
0.  1.)  pigeon-hole;  (i  ©fole)  subject;  (Dmraabé^ 
department,  line,  subject,  proviuce,  profession; 
tvp  box;  to  _  SSinbuer  two  Windows;  et  -  ®ar= 
biner  a  set  of  curtains  for  a  window;  af  -  by 
profession;  bet  er  ubenfor  mit  ~  it  is  out  of  my 
way  el.  line;  orbnet  efter  _  arranged  according 
to  subjects.  -baMncIfc  professional  education. 
-bannet  a  professional,  -bommer  professional 

tage  a  poet  quick,  fleet;  —  adv  quickly. 
ager  o  fair,  beautiful.   -gaa§  shelducii,  Anas 
tadorna.     -^cb  c  fairness. 

Ua  giforening  trades-union.   -funbftab  profo 
sional  el.  special  knowledge.    -tt)nbig  «  expei| 
-lærb  c  professional  student,    -lærer  special 
professional  teacher.    -manb  professional  (maa 
-mæ^fig  a  special,  professional. 

iJagot'  c  -ter  bassoon.    -ftiiQer  performer 
the  b.,  bassoonist 

{Ja'gjregifter  index  of  subjeats,  subject-ind« 






-ffote  special  school.  -ftjergSmaal  professional 
questiou.    -ftubium  professional  study. 

fagter  pi  (+  tragte  c)  grimaces,  antics. 

i^ag{nbtrt)t  technical  term.  -uibenffab  special 
branch  of  science.  -Ui8  ndv  by  compartments. 
•Oærf  fe  Stnbing?'.    -oærfdbro  lattice-bridge. 

I^a^tllteber  shaft-leather.    -malm  fahlerz. 

tlojance  c  crockery,  Delft-ware,  delf.  -fatrit 
delft-manufactory.    -^rtnbler  crockery-ware  man. 

^afibue  batters  bow.    -ijolbrr  bowbat. 

»aft'r  c  -er  fakir,  fakeer. 

*3raffe  vt  catch,  nab,  take  up. 

i^ottet  c  -fler  torch,  flambeau,  link,  cresset. 
-bærer  torch-bearer,  link-boy.  •tianS  dance  with 
torches.  -brager  fe  -bærer.  -ItjS,  -ffln  (glare  of) 
torch-light.    -tog  torch-light  processlou. 

{gafning  c  (gattern.)  bowing. 

^rttpm'tle  n  fae-simile.    -'re  vt  fac-sim'ile. 

^attageoogn  parcels-delivery  cart. 

tiattto'n  e  -er  fac'tion. 

goftif!  n  founded  on  faet;  bet  er  _  't  is  a 
faet;  et  -  ®ruithlag  a  substratum  of  faet,  a  found- 
ation  in  faet;  ben  -e  ©jer  the  virtual  possessor; 
—  adv  as  a  matter  of  faet.  f^aftor  c  -o'rer 
factor;  (93ogtr.)  overseer,  {^aftori'  n  -er  fae'tory. 
^aUo'tnm  c  &  n  all  in  all,  factotum.  ^altum 
n  -a  faet. 

tJrdtttt'ra  c  -rer  invoice.  -bog  invoice  book. 
•beløb  amount  of  i.  -<>rl8  i.  price.  fjatturc're 
vt  invoice. 

fjrafut'itatib  <»  optional.  -te't  n  -er  fac'ulty; 
bet  jitribtffe  _  the  faculty  of  law  (ofb.).  -te't§= 
beflutntng  resolution  of  the  f. 

tt?al  a  &  ndv  for  sale,  to  be  sold,  venal  (fe 
lilfal?).     ' 

•gfal  c  -er  (poa  6»3t>b  o.  b.)  socket. 

^alanlS  c  -er  pha'lanx,  phal'anx. 

^alaffe  c  white  ashes. 

^alb(e)labe  c  -r  furbelow,  flounce;  befætte  meb 
-r  furbelow,  flounce. 

l^albQbe  vt  oflFer  for  sale,  expose  to  sale.  -(fe 
c  oflFerings  for  sale. 

*{?olb  c  -er  hem,  welt. 

5olb  n,  pi  =,  fall,  downfall,  (oberenbe)  tumble; 
(Silfælbe)  case;  (Sonefalb)  cadence;  J,  haliard, 
(af  en  SaljelBber)  fall,  (af  Stæbn,  Waft)  rake;  gøre 
et  -  have  a  fall;  bet§  _  Bar  ftort  bibl  great  was 
the  fall  of  it;  ftaa  poa  _  be  on  the  point  of  fall- 
ing;  i  _  in  case,  in  the  event;  i  (oa  ~  in  that 
case;  i  anbet  -  otherwise;  i  al  _  at  all  events, 
at  any  rate;  i  mobfat  _  on  a  contrary  supposi- 
tion, if  not,  on  the  other  hånd;  i  paafommenbe 
_  on  an  emergency.  -beti(cgc(fe  falling  motion. 
-bom  portcuUis.  -borb  folding-table.  -bro  draw- 
bridge, -bitr  fowling-cage.  -brægtig  ^  fe  ^f= 
falben.    -bar  trap-door. 

*8ralbe  vt  hem. 

{^albe,  -bt,  -bet  vi  fall,  drop,  tumble;  (i  Srig) 
fall,  be  killed;  Rbægføltjet  -r  the  mercury  is  fall- 
ing; Steppet  -r  the  curtain  deseends,  drops;  ber 
falht  en  ftærf  ajegn  there  was  a  heavy  fall  of 
rain;  ber  foibt  nogle  Crb  some  words  passed; 
iiani  Srebit  -r  his  credit  is  falling;  ber  er  -n  35om 
i  Sagen  the  cause  is  adjudged;  2)ommen  faibt 
fiam  imob  the  sentence  went  against  him;  ^an§ 
©age  -r  fire  (Sange  om  Slaret  his  salary  is  payable 
quarterly;  tage  bet  fom  bet  -r  take  it  as  it  comes; 
ber  -r  gob  ©æb  i  benne  Sgn  this  country  produces 
fine  corn;  9?ugen  -r  maabelig,  jæbn,  ganf!e  gob  the 
rye  tums  out  but  indifferent,  ordinary,  pretty 
fair;  S8erfet  -r  tnngt  the  line  is  heavy;  ftjolcn  -r 
it!e  gobt  i  Stiggen' the  coat  does  not  fit  well  in 
the  back;  bet  faIbt  mig  forunberligt  I  thought  it 
Strange;  bet  -r  mig  let  I  find  it  easy;  bet  faIbt 
meget  bi)rt  it  came  very  expensive;  feSiang;  labe 
en  ©ag  -  drop  an  affair;  labe  et  gorfæt  _  relinquish 

a  design;  jeg  lob  nogle  Crb  -  berom  I  let  fall  el. 
drop  a  few  words  about  it;  labe  Wobet  -  lose 
heart;  ,1..  lab  ~!  keep  her  oft"!  ~  of  fall  off,  (om 
^aor  0.  1.)  come  off,  (ofmogreS)  fall  away;  ^tob 
ber  -r  af  leavings,  shavings,  remnants,  (Qnbtægtcr) 
extras;  _  af  .1.  fall  oft",  keep  away,  keep  off,  (i 
iJetning)  cast;  bet  -r  af  ftg  felb  it  is  a  matter  of 
course,  that  goes  without  (the)  saying,  fia  _ 
bagober  be  taken  ahack;  _  Bort  cease,  drop; 
bet  -r  bort  meb  3lnrene  it  wears  off  with  age; 
~  for  gienben§  ©bcerb  fall  by  (beneath)  the 
sword  of  the  enemy;  _  for  occur,  happen,  turn 
up;  fe  33rt)ft;  noor  Sere§  SSej  -r  forbi  when  you 
come  my  way;  _  fro  desist  from;  (blioe  oprorff) 
rebel;  (fra  fin  Zxo)  apostatize,  fall  off  from;  (bø) 
die,  drop  off;  _  ^en  (til)  take  to,  addict  one's 
self  to;  (f^gne  t)en)  fall  el.  pine  away;  _  i  (paa 
38)  fall  through;  _  i  ^ænberne  poa  en  fall  into 
one's  hånds;  -r  gobt  i  Jpoonben  is  handy;  bet  -r 
i  bet  forte  it  has  a  shade  of  black;  bet  -v  i  bet 
pøbelagtige  it  savours  of  vulgarity;  bet  -r  i  min 
©mag  it  suits  my  taste;  bet  -r  goiiffe  i  IjonS  ©mag 
it  falls  in  with  el.  is  quite  in  his  taste;  _  i 
øjnene  _  strike  el.  cateh  the  eye,  be  conspicuous; 
_  i  S^onfer  fall  into  a  revery;  ~  i  f^orunbring,  i 
©taber  be  struck  with  astonisbment;  --  tgen^ 
nem  (blibe  fortaftet)  be  rejected;  (Sorflog)  belost, 
defeated;  (»eb  58alg)  be  thrown  out;  (»eb  53allO' 
tering)  be  blackballed;  (oeb  ©fSomen)  be  refused, 
rejected,  plucked,  ploughed,  fail;  ~  inb  happen, 
occur,  fall;  (meb  Crb  og  mui)  come  in,  strike  in, 
fall  in,  (meb  Crb)  interpose;  3ulebag  -r  inb  paa 
en  Sørbog  Christmas-day  falls  on  a  Saturday; 
_  en  inb  enter  into,  come  into,  cross,  one's 
mind;  bet  -r  mig  inb  it  strikes  me,  it  occurs  to 
me;  bet  funbe  olbrig  Ijobe  folbet  mig  inb  it  could 
never  have  come  into  my  head;  bet  falbt  mig 
plubfelig  inb  it  flashed  upon  me  on  a  sudden; 
-  en  inb  t  6an§  ©mbebe  interfere  with  another's 
official  duties;  _  en  inb  i  ^an§  S^ale  interrupt 
oue;  -  inb  i  et  £anb  invade  a  country;  _  inb  paa 
fall  upon,  charge  (an  enemy);  _  inb  unber  fall 
under;  fe  S;ør;  ~  neb  come  down;  -om  fall 
down,  (om  Stng)  tumble  over;  -bt  mig  om  golfen 
threw  himself  about  my  neck;  _  otjer  fall 
upon;  -  paa  hit  upon,  think  of,  bethink  one's 
self  of;  ^on  foIbt  paa  ot  gifte  ftg  he  took  it  into 
his  head  to  marry;  ^oorlebeS  -r  bu  poa  bet?  what 
makes  you  think  of  that?  ba  falbt  en  Koebfel  taa 
fiam  then  a  dread  came  over  him;  DIatten  -r  poa 
night  is  coming  on,  closing  in;  <£fQlben  Bil  _ 
paa  2)em  the  blame  will  be  laid  on  you;  _ 
fammen  collapse;  _  fommen  meb  coincide  with; 
be  identical  with;  ~  til  (f.  S!§.  en  galbbør)  shut, 
close;  bet  -r  mig  til  it  falls  to  my  lot;  _  en  til 
SSefBoer  be  troublesome  to  one;  _  tilbage  fall 
back  (om  ©tjgbom)  relapse;  _  tilbage  paa  fig 
recoil  upon;  Senet  -r  tilbage  til  Kongen  the  fief 
reverts  to  the  crown;  _  n  b  fall  out,  come  out; 
Jig  turn  oxit,  fall  out;  _  nb  i  (om  J^lober) 
fall  into;  ben  er  -n  unber  ^ingften  91.  og  en 
bouft  ^oppe  he  is  by  A.  from  a  Danish  mare;  — 
vr  fig  fall,  come,  chance,  happen;  naar  bet  -r 
fig  faa  in  good  time,  when  occasion  offers;  — 
fol  ben  ®ngel  fallen  angel:  -n  ^ige  ruined  girl; 
folbenbe  ©^ge,  fe^albfot.  f^olbelfærbig  atnrable- 
down;  in  a  state  of  decav,  rninous.  +-graO  fe 
^olbgrube.  -^at  fe  ?^alb  .  "gfalbcn  c  falling,  fall. 
f^alblgerrig  a  J,,  fe  Slffolben.  -gitter  portcullis. 
-grube  pitfall.  -tiaftigbcb  falling  velocity.  -ftat 
(child's)  pudding-hat,  pad.  -fjojbe  height  of  a 

taftiiftolium  «  faldstool. 
aIb|t(ob§  monkey.   -froft  gravitation,    -taag 
lid    on   hinges.     -lem,   -luge    hatch  on  hinges. 
-net  vi,  (overhead)  netting,   -poter  p'  dropping 




pawls.  -povt  large  trapdoor,  J,  hanging  port 
-lid.  -(e)rc6  J,  gangway;  et  ®Ia§  paa  -et  a 
parting  cup,  stirrup-cup.  •rebSbteng  side-boy. 
-xebhtttob  manrope  knot.  -rcbSIejber  side-ladder, 
•teiå^Ctptet  manrope  stanchion.  -rebétoo  man 
-rope.  {e)tth^ttappe  accommodation  ladder. 
-rcbétrln  steps   for  the  side.    -vet  waste-pipe. 

f]faUiå|borin  J,  bead.  -blof  ^  halyard  block. 
-Jolt  4j  head-lining,  -^orn  ^t*  head.  ^alt- 
ftærrø  parachute.  {JalbélUjctt  J,  head-eringle. 
-moal  n,  -maoI§6abc  fine  for  contempt  of  court 
el.  contumaey. 

(Jalblfot  epilepsy,  falling-sickness.  n-fottifl  o 
epileptic,  -ftritfe,  snare,  trap.  -tot)  ^  middle 
rope;  man-rope  -trampe  trap-stairs.  •Oinbite  sash- 
window.    -Uærf  stamp(ing).    -etåe  guillotine. 

gfaI|{|o(J)e  vt  fe  -6i)be. 

^ol!  c  -e  falcon,  hawk;  (p.  Kanon)  sight;  af= 
rette  en  _  reclaim  a  h.;  fætte  .5ætten  paa  el.  tage 
ben  af  en  ~  hood  el.  unhood  a  h.;  lotte  en  _ 
lure  a  hawk;  Blinbe  en  ~  seel  ah.;  labe  -en  ftige 
cast  the  hawk;  inbfætte  en  _  mew  a  h.;  -en  flaor 
neb  the  hawk  pounces. 

^aita  be  c  falcade. 

^•»HcH'jælbe  hawk's  bell.  -blif  hawk's  eye 
et.  glanoe.  -fænger  c  -e  falconer.  -gaarb  hawk- 
ing  establishment.  -^ttS  mew  for  hawks.  -tfattt 
hood.  -jagt  hawking.  -jæger  falconer.  -Uap 
fe  -^ætte.  -tlo  talon  of  a  h.  -mefter  chief  fal- 

^alfcne'r  c  -nerer  falconer.  -mefter  fe  galle- 
mefter.     -tunft   falconry.     -taffe  hawking  bag. 

ivatlcnterS  c  worm,  wad-hook. 

galfc're  vi  make  falcades. 

5altc|rcm,  -ffo  jess.  -flag  pounce,  swoop  (of 
a  hawk).  -ftang  perch  for  a  hawk.  -f^n  fe 
-blit.  -unge  young  hawk,  eyas.  -ttogter  keeper, 
feeder  of  hawks.    -øjttc  hawk's  eyes. 

gaItIonb§flcrnc  the  Falkland  Islands. 

yialloncr  c  fe  ^alfener. 

^alfonct'  c  -ter  fal'conet. 

gattc  c  -r  bolt.    -Iaa8  trunck-lock. 

5oKent'  '•  -er  bankrupt.  fjotte're  vi  fail  (in 
business;,  become  bankrupt,  break.  fJailiSfe- 
ment'  n  -er,  {Jottif  c  -ter  failure,  bankruptcy, 
insolvency;  gaa,  gøre,  f^JiEe  ~,  fe  ^JnHere.  ^aUtt' 
o  bankrupt,  erflære  fig  -  file  a  declaration  of 
bankruptcy,  file  one's  balance-sheet;  ertlære  en 
-  (om  Sletten)  adjudge  one  (a)  bankrupt;  forlange 
en  erllæret  -  present  a  bankruptcy  petition 
against  one. 

Uallitl'be^anbting  bankruptcy-inquiry;  :^on§ 
unber  _  Ⱦrenbe  S3o  his  insolvent  estate.  -fio 
bankrupt's  estate;  ^rebitorerne  i  ^an§  _  the 
creditors  under  his  bankruptcy;  SSeft^rer  af  - 
liquidator.  -ertlæring  declaration  of  bankruptcy, 
Schedule;  fig  confession  of  ignorance  el.  in- 
competency.  -tot)  insolvency  aet,  law  of  bank- 
ruptcy, bankrupt  law.  -(oogittttingen  the  bank- 

goMo'^iiffc  3(}jør  fallopian  tubes. 

^atme  vi  fade;  l)an§  Slnftgt  -be  bibl  his  counte- 
nance  fell.    -tt  c  fading. 

t5oI§  c,  fe  galft. 

55ol§  c  -er  (»ogb.  og  Siob6erfI.)  fold;  (Sømmerorb.) 
groove,  channel,  notch;  (iJIange)  flange,  -ben 

{Jttlfc  vt  fold;  groove,  notch.  -bræt  (93ogb.) 
folding-board;  (®ort).)  wooden  leg.  -jammer 
soldering-hammer,  -jæm  groover;  folding-tool. 
-maftine  folding  machine. 

gatfet'  c  falsetto,  head-voice. 

gal§^«»l  c  notching-plane,  flllister(-plane). 

§otff  a  false,  (uægte)  spurious;  (eftergjort) 
counterfeit,  forged,  anir  p  bogus;  (urigtig)  false, 
wrong,  unsound;  _  9)Jønt  false,  base,  counterfeit 

coin;  -e  ©ebler,  95eI§Ier  forged  notes,  bilis; 
aitbben  bastard  el.  false  ribs;  -e  ftinbtcenber  pre 
molars,  e  Sianianter  mock  diamonds,  paste;  et 
-t  TOennefte  a  double-dealer,  a  false  man;  _  Spiller 
card-sharper;  _  Spil  card  sharping;  føre  _  glag 
carry  false  colours;  -e  Saorer  sham  tears;  -e  Soner 
discordant  notes;  _  Stngtuelfe,  UbtQbning  misstate- 
ment, misinterpretation;  —  adv  falsely,  wrong; 
fpille  -  cheat  at  play;  fsærge  _  perjure  one's 
self,  swear  falsely;  fljnge  ~  sing  out  of  tune. 
Q'ttlft  c  ub  pi  (gorbr.)  forgery,  falsification; 
(galft^.)  falseness,  duplicity;  _  flaar  fin  egen  |)erre 
paa  Jøal?  treasou  does  never  prosper.  ^alfte  fe 
gorfalffe.  Sfatffelig  adv  falsely.  galff^eb  c  (tun 
om  ^erfon)  falseness,  duplicity:  (Urigtigljeb)  fals- 
ity,  fallacy.  3falff|mi)ntcr,  -mentner  c  -e  (counter- 
feit) coiner,  p  smasher,  -m^nteri,  -tn«ntneri  n 
coining.  -ner  c  -e  forger,  falsifier.  -neri'  i> 
forgery,  falsification. 

{Jolåitittg  c  folding  etc.  (fe  ijalfe). 

§atfttm  n  forgery. 

familie  o  -r  family;  i  _  meb  related  to,  a 
relation  of;  af  gob  -  well  connected;  i  min  -8 
Støb  by  my  own  tireside.  -angaaenbe  fe  -fag. 
-bfttttib  family-tie.  -bcgrabelfe  fe  grarfteb  -faber 
father  of  a  family,  paterfamilias;  -fæbre  lieads 
of  families,  -fejl  family  failing.  -forbinbclfe 
connection.  -forf)olb  family  relations.  -gob§ 
family -estate.  -grabfteb  family-vault.  -!rebå 
domestic  circle.  -Hg^eb  family  likeness.  -ItO 
domestic  life,  home  life.  -naott  family-name, 
surname.  -paQt  family-compact.  -^ara^l^  family 
umbrella,  joc  Mrs.  Gamp.  -raab  f.  council.  -fag 
family-affair,  f.  concem.  -fammettfomft  family 
-reunion,  -ffab  n  relationship.  -forg  mourning. 
-ftoUfteb  family  pride.  -ftQffe  (en  ^el  gamilte) 
family  piece;  (Strb)  heirloom.  -fQgbont  family 
complaint,  hereditary  disorder.  -ttiift  family 
discord,  -oaaben  family-arms.  fjarøitiæ'r  a 
familiar,  free  and  easy. 

{^amle  vi  grope,  fumble  (efter  for);  (i  Solen) 
falter,  hesitate;  _  »eb  fumble  at,  finger,  handle. 
-n  c  groping  etc,  hesitation.  -bom,  fantmel 
fingret  a  who  has  itching  fingers. 

^amntuS  c  amanuensis. 

^ame'é  a  infamous. 

^ana'tijler  c  -e  fanat'ic.  -fere  vt  fanat'icize. 
-fl  a  fanatic(al).    -§'me  c  fanat'icism. 

^anben  the  devil,  the  fiend,  the  deuce,  old 
Harry;  for  _!  confound  it !  _  og  ^anS  Dlbemober 
the  devil  and  his  dam;  _  til  g^r  the  devil  of  a 
fellow;  bet  Bar  fom  _!  the  deuce;  fejgt  fom  bare  _ 
deucedly  tough;  ftinter  fom  bare  _  stinks  like  heil; 
ingen  ~  the  devil  a  one;  fQ  for  ~ !  fy !  shocking ! 
goa  ~  i  58olb !  go  to  the  devil;  you  be  hanged ! 
be  hanged  to  you ;  taf  "^ani  ~ !  small  thanks ! 
_  ^etler  devil  a  bit;  bet  gør  ^on  _  itte,  _  ^eller 
the  deuce  he  does;  _  tage  el.  g  ole  mig,  om  jeg 
gør  I  will  be  hanged  if  I  do,  I  will  see  you 
hanged  flrst;  _  er  lø§  the  devil  to  pay;  noor 
mon  taler  om  ~  (moler  _  poo  SBæggen)  er  bo" 
nærmeft  talk  of  the  devil,  and  he  will  either 
come  or  send,  and  his  imp  appears,  and  he  is 
sure  to  appear;  jeg  tror  _  plager  (riber)  big!  are 
you  stark  raving  mad?  bet  br^ber  jeg  mig  -  om 
(I  don't  care)  a  fig  for  it!  bet  maa  goo  til  meb  -8 
^unfter  the  devil  must  be  in  it;  før  .  foor  Sto 
poo  at  an  unearthly  hour  in  the  morning,  at 
some  unholy  hour;  _  ^Qtter  el.  hjælper  fine  el. 
naor  mon  ^or  -  til  røorbrober  . .  .  the  old  Gentle- 
man helps  his  own;  noar  mon  gioer  ~  ben  lille 
ginger  of».  give  the  devil  an  inch  and  he  will 
take  an  ell;  noor  mon  toger  _  poo  ^Ratten  oft).  he 
that  has  taken  the  devil  into  his  boat,  must 
carry  him  over  the  sound;  ^Bob  bor  itte  -  ot  be= 
fliUe  Satan  flnds  some   mischief  still   for  idle 







hånds  to  do;  fnafle  _  et  jZtre  af  talk  the  leg  ofiF 
an  iron  pot;  —  ganbeng  devilish,  diabolical; 
en  -§  fiarl,  ©tøj  a  devil  of  a  fellow,  noise;  t  -8 
fi'ernemcelf  ('SJorteurt)  spurge;  -i  ajJæltebotter  (2KBe' 
tanb)  dandelion.  -iDolbff '/ p  dare-devil.  -ittolbft^ 
^et»  c  recklessness,  fire-eating. 

^anbt  imp  af  ginbe. 

*gf«ne  ie  gfonn. 

3fa«e  c  -r  banner,  standard,  colours,  ensign, 
gonfalon;  (Jpaa  ^m)  beard,  vane;  «p  tail; 
^  standard;  f  _  gobfolt,  3}Qttevi  company  of 
soldiers,  troop  of  horsemen;  fnærfle  til  -n  take 
a  military  oath;  meb  flUBeiibe  -r  og  flingenbe  ©pil 
with  colours  flyiug  and  drums  beating.  -bctræt 
case  for  the  colours.  -bærer,  -brager  standard 
-bearer.  -eb  military  oath.  -inbt)ie(fe  benedic- 
tlon  of  the  colours.  -juntcr  non-commissioued 
officer,  who  carries  the  standard,  colour-sergeant. 
-len  feoff  by  knight's  service.  -I«é  a  bannerless. 
-mard)  march  played  when  the  colours  are 

{^aneroga'm  o  phauerogam'ic,  phanerog'amous. 
-er  pi  p.  piants. 

Ofanejfto  sheath  for  a  banner,  -ftang,  -ftol 
stafl"  of  a  standard,  -tog  procession  with  flags. 
-tiagt  colour-guard. 

{(anfa'Ire  c  -r  fanfare,  flourish.  -ronnabe  c 

+i^ang  «  handle. 

*iJonB  n,  ie  Støb;  fe  J<fOlbfot. 

t^angjarm  teutacle.  -ben  preheusile  palpus. 
-bæger  cup  (and  ball).  -(ejbæmning  batterdeau, 

$ange  vt  catch,  capture;  t  fe  ^ao;  ^olbe,  bringe 
en  -n  keep,  bring  one  prisoner;  er  -n  /ig  is  in 
the  toils;  gamle  5ugle  ere  if!e  faa  lette  at  -  old 
birds  are  not  to  be  caught  with  chafiF;  Sorbet  -r 
any  card  that  has  touched  the  board,  is  deemed 
to  be  played,  _  giuer  catch  flies,  fig  stand 
gaping;  _  af  =  gibe  ?fangft,  fe  Sangft;  -  an  F 
begin,  take  to,  go  about.  JJange  c  -r  prisoner, 
captive;  tage  en  til  ~  make  one  prisoner;  blitie 
tagen  til  _  become  a  prisoner;  bortfare  fom  _ 
carry  away  prisoner;  Ijan  gab  fig  til  _  he  surren- 
dered himself  prisoner.  •'■■■IJangc  n  -r  armful. 
-blære  (Greenlander's)  buoy.  -bolig  prison.  -bolt 
^  norman,  -bræt  pin-rack.  -bur  cage  (for 
confining  prisoners;;  fig  dungeon;  (til  gugle) 
fowling-cage.  -bag :  bet  er  ^ber  ®ag  JJagebog, 
men  itte  boer  ®og  _  you  may  hunt  long  before 
y OU  catch.  -fogeb  jailer,  turnkey.  -Ijul  dungeon. 
-^u8  fe  -bolig,  -jærn  irons,  felters  p^;  (til  gangft) 
Steel-trap.  -tlatn))e  .1.  thumb-cleat.  -foft  prison 
diet  el.  fare.  I^angelig  a  to  be  caught.  I^angel- 
Une  line  for  catchiug;  J,,  painter.  -lib  prisoner 
life.  -lænfe  chain,  fetter.  -net  (spider's)  web. 
Sratigenftab  m  captivity,  confinement,  imprison- 
ment  -fflb  pri.son  ship.  -taarn  prison-tower. 
-traabe  (p.  9»ebufer)  filaments,    -bogtec  fe  -fogeb. 

jjongcr  c  -e  sealer. 

^ang  tine  ie  gange,    -ntng  c  i,  stop,  seizing. 

'ifongfttnb  fe  ©føbfttnb. 

?^angfnor  mil  (helmet)  line. 

{^angft  c  (bet  at  fange)  catching,  taking;  (83l)tte) 
capture;  (af  gift)  catch,  draught,  haul,  take; 
fig  wlndfall,  hit;  (^unbeneS  3)el)  quarry;  gibe 
fjorten  _  give  (the  deer)  the  knife.  -boob 
whaling-boat.  -c!d|)ebition  flshing  expedition; 
whaliug  el.  sealing  e.  -fartøj  whaling  el.  sealing 
Vessel,  -felt  fe  -plobS.  -fnib  hanger.  -trog  galf, 
«c  clip.  -ntænb  whalers;  sealers.  -))(ab§  whaliug 
el.  sealing  ground.  -rcbftaber  flshing  gear; 
whaling  el.  sealing  gear.  -tiben  the  whaliug  el. 
sealing  season.  -tur  whaling  el.  sealing  ex- 
pedition el.  voyage. 

*Sfann  c  -er  drift  (of  snow). 

*t5«nt  c  -er  tramp,  gipsy;  p  «  &  adj  impecu- 
nious  beggar,  not  worth  a  farthing. 

3fanto|fe're  vi  (poa  ^nftrument)  play  volun- 
taries;  rove,  extemporise;  (i  SStlbelfe)  rave,  be 
delirious  el.  incoherent.    -frren  c  raving. 

3rOntafi'  c  -er  fan'cy,  fan'tasy,  imagination; 
(paa  3;nftrunient)  fanta'sia,  volun tary;  efter  -en 
from  imagination.  -biUebe  chimera.  -bragt 
fancy  dress,  -garn  faucy  yarn.  -(«8  a  tniimagi- 
native.  -fnlb,  -rig  a  imaginative.  -rigbom 
imaginativeuess.  gantaft'  c  -et  visionarv,  fancy 
-monger.  ^antafteri'  n  fantast'icalness;  "fancies. 
^antaft'iff  a  fantastic(al),  whimsical. 

*5ante|felge  n  gang  of  gipsies.  -gut  gipsy 
boy.  -tiærring  old  gipsy  woman.  -orb  taunt. 
-ri  n  fe  9?arreri. 

^anto'm  n  -er  phan'tom. 

*f5ar  «,  pi  ==,  track. 

5ar  P  for:  gaber;  nej,  min  gar!  (t  garltl, 
*-5arinin)  no,  old  fellow! 

{farao  Pharaoh;  (©pil)  faro.  -rotte  ichneumon, 
nems.  Herpestea  Pharaonis.. 

tJa'rbar  a  passable,  practicable;  navigable, 
-gere  vt  make  passable. 

{farbrober  c  brøbre  father's  brother,  paternal 

»farce  c  (S)jb=),  fe  garS 

garce  c  -r  theat  farce,    -agtig  a  farcical. 

^a'rbag  (gi^tte=)  removing  day;  (SfifteO  hiring 

t55"rE  ^«  (oiit  ©oen)  farrow. 

^are,  for  (+  -be),  -t  vi  (reife)  go,  travel;  (om 
Sftb  og  ©øfolf)  sail;  (fttjrte,  ile)  rush,  dart,  dash, 
bolt,  bounce;  labe  _  desist  from,  drop,  abandon, 
relinquish,  give  up;  _  ilbe  sufi'er;  Sonen  for  ilbe 
the  woman  miscarried;  lomme  -nbe  come  full 
speed;  tomme  -nbe  inb  rush  in;  Drbet  for  fiam 
a  f  røunben  the  word  slipped  out  of  his  mouth; 
-for  9iejfen  ,1,  be  engaged  by  the  run;  _  for  (el. 
fom)  Sot  j,  be  engaged  as  cook;  -h  _  fort  go  on; 
-  f rem  ^ff  behave,  aet,  proceed;  _  i  Tlaq  go  on 
leisurely;  _  i  greb  bibl  depart  in  peace;  _  2anbet 
igennem  traverse  the  country;  _  langS  meb 
Si)ften  coast,  sail  along  the  coast;  _  meb  fiom 
be  engaged  in  the  corn  tråde;  _  meb  et  ©fib 
sail  in  a  ship;  _  meb  Sagn,  ©anb^ub  tell  Iles, 
truth;  _  Bel,  ilbe,  lempelig  meb  deal  well,  ill, 
gently  with,  use  well,  ill;  ^un  for  ^am  om 
^alfen  she  threw  herself  about  his  neck;  _  op 
start  up,  spring  to  one's  legs,  (i  gorftrætfelfe) 
jump,  (i  SSrebe)  flre  up;  ®øren  for  op  the  door 
flew  open;  _  paa  ©fterføen,  ©ronlanb  Irade  to 
the  Baltic,  Greenland;  _  paa  en  rush  at  one; 
_  f  am  men  start,  get  a  start;  _  til  ©ø§  be  a 
sailor,  be  at  el.  to  sea;  _  til  ^iramelg  aseend 
into  heaven;  _  til  ^clPebe  go  to  heil. 

{fare  c  -r  danger,   peril,   jeopardy,    hazard, 
risk;   ftaa  (i)   -  for  be  In  danger  of;  løbe  ~  for 
run  el.  incur  the  risk  of,  stand  the  change  of; 
gaa  -n  i  9Købe  face  the  danger;  bringe,  fcette  i  _ 
endanger,    peril,    hasard,    place    in   jeopardy, 
jeopardize;  bet  iiar  ingen  _  there  is  no  danger, 
no  fear;  meb  _  for  at  the  risk;  uben  _  without 
danger,    with   impunity;   out  of  danger;   +  paa 
egen  ~  at  his  own  risk;  forbunben  meb  _  perilous, 
dangerous;  -fri  a  free  from  danger,  safe.    -fri^cb 
safeness.     -fulb   a   fe   garlig.     -(«8   a   without 
^arcn  a  »el,  ilbe  _  well,  badly  oif. 
{farcKftebt  a  in  danger.    -truenbe  a  perilous. 
ifarfabcr  c  grandfather. 
{fa'rgobS  n  luggage. 

tori'n  n  (gufler)  bastards,  moist  sugar. 
orifæ'ler  c  -e  phar'isee.    -if!  a  pharisa'ical. 
-iS'tne  c  phar'isaism. 




*iJo'r|toft  je  -tøj.  -teb  c  course,  track,  direc- 

Øra'riig  «  dangerous,  perilous,  hazardous; 
P  en  -  JpoBeii  5[Senge  an  awful  lot  of  money;  — 
adv  dangerously;  P  immensely,  excessively. 
-garc  vt  endanger,  imperil.  -^eb  c  dangerous- 
ness,  perilousness. 

tgartil(Ie)  fe  gar  2. 

*l5(mn  c  eargo,  load. 

$arma|c(u't  c -er  pha'rmacist,  pharmaceu'tist. 
-ceu'llff  a  pharmaceu'tic(al).  -cl'  c  phar'macy. 
•fologi'  c  phannacorogy.  -fo^jé  c  pharmaco- 

Stn'rniattb  c  traveller. 

jjotmobcr  c  grandmother. 

l^arnCflft  a  Farnese. 

55ar8  c  forced  meat.    -e're  vt  force,  farce. 

|?a'rfot  c  epidemic. 

g-arSreremnftine  c  sau.sage  machine. 

IJo'rt  (og  Sort')  c  -er  (et  ©tibS)  head-way,  way; 
(S.  nol  til  ot  flQre)  steerage-way;  (Søfart)  naviga- 
tion, tråde;  (^ofttg^eb)  hurry,  rate,  speed;  im- 
petus,  momentum;  (9?ejfe)  voyage;  nteb  en  _,  i 
en  _  in  a  hurry  el.  trice;  meb  en  -  af  at  the 
rate  of;  ^an  fom  tnb  meb  en  faoban  -  at  with  so 
much  way  upon  him  that;  i  fulb  -  (at)  full 
speed,  p  fuU  tilt;  i  ftr^genbe  _  at  a  flying  el. 
dashing  rate;  fomme  i  _,  ftQbe  _,  begt^nbe  at  fftibe  - 
put  on  the  pace,  ^L  gather  way,  fetch  headway; 
gør  gob  ~  i-  has  good  way  on  her;  ©libet, 
©trømmen  I06  meb  ftjt)  9JJiIe§  _  the  ship,  the 
tide,  went  at  the  rate  of  seven  miles;  fætte  et 
5Sam<)ffi6  i  -en  commenee  running  a  steamer; 
benne  _  opfører  næfte  Waaneb  this  service  will 
cease  next  month;  bære  paa  -en  be  on  the  move. 
(5(»rt|e  vi  (omfring)  gad  about.  -linie  route. 
-maalev  J/  sillometer.  -ptatt  time  table.  -tibeit 
the  season  (of  sailing). 

{Jo'rltsi  boat,  vessel,  craft;  -er  (ogf.)  shipping. 
-t«j§f(ag  boat's  flag.  -teiéptop  (boat's)  plug 
(0.  fl.).  -Onnb  waters,  sea,  seas,  seaway;  ^olb 
©em  mibt  t  -et  lieep  in  the  middle  of  the 
channel,  in  the  fairway;  -et  er  frit  fig  the  coast 
is  clear.  -tiatib§beffritjc(fe  sailing  direction. 
•J)0nb8mærfc  fair\vay-mark. 

fortie  c  -r  colour,  hue;  (garbeftof)  dye;  (SKaling) 
paint;  (i  ^ortfp.)  sult;  fe  33efenbe;  meb  gløbenbe  -r 
in  glowing  colours,  f!ifte  -  change  colour;  tjaue 
en  fmuf  9lnfigt§=  have  a  fine  complexion;  fætte  _ 
paa  fig  colour.  {Jatue  vt  dye,  colour,  stain;  (om 
%e)  face;  _  ob  new-dye;  en  -t  a  coloured  man, 
a  man  of  colour;  -be  people  of  colour;  fig  -t  af 
tinctured  with;  —  vi  ~  of  rub  off,  lose  colour, 
be  discoloured.  -abf))rebe(fe  dispersion  of  the 
coloured  rays.  -afrcnbring^  -anftr«g  tinge. 
-Blattbet  a  of  mixed  colours.  -btanbing  mixing 
el.  mixture  of  colours.  -bleg  a  pale-coloured. 
•blinb  a  colour-blind.  •blinb^eb  colour-blind- 
ness,  daltonism.  -bog  treatise  on  dyeing.  -bt^b^ 
niwg  refraction  of  colours.  -brrCHbt  a  stained. 
-bræt  pallet,  -cg  quercitron,  Quercus  tinctoria. 
•pnfe  tanagra.  -fotogrofi  coloured  photograph 
-fri  a  colourless.  -gtbning  colouring.  -glan§ 
vividness  of  colours.  -gl«b  glow  of  colours. 
-grunb  priming,  ground.  -^anbcl  colour  shop. 
•lanblcr  colour-man.  -jorb  earth  coloured  by 
a  mixture  of  metal,  -faéfe  paint-box,  colour 
-box.  -fcbet  dyer's  vat.  -Ittib  horn-spattle. 
■tnnft  art  of  dyeing. 

^arbct'  int  &  n  good-bye,  adieu,  good-day, 
(l^øjtib.  og  poet.)  farewell,  p  bye-bye;  _  foa  længe 
good-bye  for  the  present  el.  till  we  meet  again; 
lige  _  til  bid  farewell  to. 

3fart)e{liibe  fe  -fasfe.  -iDSntng  light,  -tære 
science  of  colours.  -Ian  cost  of  dyeing.  -laå  a 
colourless;  (om  optifte  ®fal)  achromatic;  fig  neu- 

tral. -I«el)cb  colourlessness;  neutralily.  -mob=  I] 
fætning  coutrast  of  colours,  rolour-contrast.. 
-møUc  colour-mill.  -nuance,  -obergang  shada 
of  colour.  -iJOtte  pot  of  paint.  -pragt  brilliaucj^ 
of  colour(s).  -i-t)c(egtig  a  rich,  bright.  -brøbe  test 
of  colours.  {^arber  c  -e  dyer.  $^aroe|ranb  iriaj 
f^arberbreng  dyer's  apprentice.  f^arbe|ri  n  -et 
(©tebet)  dye-house;  (Slunft)  (art  ofj  dyeing.  -rig 
a  richly  coloured.  -rigbottt  richness  of  colour. 
•ringe  coloured  rings,  -ribct  c  -e  colour-grlnder; 
-ribning  c.-grinding.  < 

tjarbcrilan  cost  of  dyeing.  -reb,  -rebe  madders 
-fbcnb  journeyman-dyer. 

55orbC!fan§  sense  of  colour,  colour-sense.  -ffafl 
colour-shell.  -ffnld  scale  of  colours.  -ffiftninffi 
change  of  colour.  -ft^gning  'bet  at  idiattere) 
shading;  (©Mattering)  shade.  -ffær  tinge.  -f^Jil 
play  of  coloure.  -fprebenbe  «  disperi^ing  the 
colours  of  the  light,  -ften  painter's  grinding 
-stone.  -ftift  crayon.  -ftof  dye,  dye-stuff;  pig- 
ment, colouring  matter,  -ftraate  ray  of  colour. 
-ftreg  laying  on  of  colours.  -fupbc  bath,  dye. 
-tibfcl,  -tiftel  safflower,  Carthamun  tinctorivg. 
-tone  tone  of  colour.  -trtif  lithocromy,  colour 
-printing.  -tr^ft  a  printed  in  coloTir(s),  colour 
-printed.  -træ  dye-wood.  -te|  stult'  dyed  el.  to 
be  dyed.  f-Mft  fe  SSortemælf.  -urter  dyer's  weeds. 
-bajb  woad,  Isntis  tinctoria.  -barer  dry.saltery 
goods.  -bOU  weld,  yellow-weed.  Reseda  luteota. 
-birtning  eifect  of  colour.  -biSfc  green-broom, 
g^reen-weed,  Oenista  tinctoria.  f^arbning  c 

5$ofa'n  t  -er  pheas'ant;  nng  _  pheasant-powt. 
fjafaueri'  n,  ^afa'nlgnarb  pheasant  walk, 
pheasantry.  -jagt  pheasant-shooting.  -mefter 
breeder  of  pheasants.  M 

gaébinber  fe  t^abbinber.  ■ 

gaScilel  c  -fler  bundle.  ■ 

^afe  c  -r  phase. 

{Joffi'nc  c-rfascine.  ^oflin|arbeibe,  -binbino 
fascine  work,  f.-making.  -baanb  fagot-band. 
•bu!,  -bænl  tressel  for  fascines.  -fnib  bill-hook. 
handbill.    -bærf  f.-work. 

fjafong  fe  5a?on. 

-ffjaft  adv  fe  9?æften;  prov  &  *  fast,  quickly; 
—  conj  although. 

?5aft  a  (ogfaa  fig)  firm;  (mobfat  fltjbenbe)  solid; 
(tæt)  compact;  (ftanbt)afttg,  ubebægelig,  befæftet) 
fast;  foftfat,  beftemt,  afgjort)  flxed;  en  _  8lnfættelfe 
a  permanent  situation,  a  regular  employment. 
_  årbejbe  regular  el.  permanent  work;  -e  9trbejbere 
regular  el.  established  labourers  el.  hånds;  be 
-e  5£)cle  the  solid  parts;  -e  (Sjenbomme  real  pro- 
perty;  fætte  i  -e  (Sjenbomme  put  out  at  mortgage; 
_  gob  a  firm  footing;  et  -  gorfæt  a  firm  el.  flxed 
purpose;  ~  fortøjning  a  flrm  mooring;  _  gtjr 
^1,  flxed  light;  en  -  liUe  g^r  a  tight  little  fellow; 
_  gøbe  solid  food;  _  (Srunb  flrm  ground;  en  ~ 
$aanb  a  steady  hånd;  meb  -  Jpooeb  (om  fiaot) 
close  hearted;  x><i<i  -e  |>ænber  in  safe  hånds;  _ 
38  flrm  ice;  ben  -e  Søl  the  main  keel;  en  _ 
ffiunbe  a  regular  customer;  bet  -e  8anb  the  main 
land;  -e  Segemer  solids;  ~  Søn  a  flxed  salary; 
-e  Srøebarbejbere  (»eb  SJlab)  staff-writers;  _  CBer= 
betiiSning  firm  conviction;  »J,  ben  -e  $art  the 
standing  part;  -e  '•Brifer  flxed  prices;  -e  JRegler 
established  rules;  en  -  ©tab  a  well  fortifled 
town;  et  -  ©teb  el.  $untt  a  fortress,  fastness, 
stronghold;  bet  er  ^anå  -e  ©teb  his  usual  haunt; 
_  %xo  flrm  belief  el.  (relig.)  falth;  blioe  _  beb 
persist  in;  blibe  ~  ^o§  fin  Jpuftru  bihl  cleave  to 
his  wife;  gøre  -  fasten,  make  fast;  .X.  make 
fast,  belay;  Ijolbe  _  tjeb  el.  t>aa  (^olbe  fig  i)  hold 
on  by,  fig  adhere,  stick  to;  fibbe  _  stick  (fast), 
i  ©abelen  have  a  flrm  seat;  flaa  _,  fe  gaftfloa; 
ftoa  -  fig  be  at  a  dead  lock;  bet  ftaar  ~  it  is  an 




i^<tablished  faet;  ftao  ~  paa  insist  on,  ot  i.  ihat; 
vtte  _  comniit  to  prison;  fip  puzzle,  non-plus, 

ise;  fcEtte  fig  -  settle  one's  self,  mil  \oåge  one's 

If;    fatte    fig    mere   og    mere   _    i    l)an8    ?)nbeft 

lengthened  her  hold  on  his  atfection;  —  ndv 

rraly,  5oft|btnbc  vt  tie.  -boenbe  <i  having  a 
iixed  habitation.    •boltet  a  secured  bv  bolts. 

gfa'ftc  (03  gaft'e)  vi  fast.  JJafte  c  fast;  (gafte= 
tiben)  lent,  quadragesima.  -bag  fastday.  -toft 
lenten  food.    -tringltr  lent-eraclviiels. 

goftclflbn  ' '-aun;  e  shrovetide;  løbe  _  mask 
and  miim  at  shrovetide.  —  |^afteIatin3|bol(e  biin.  -manbag  Shrove-^tonday,  CoUop 
Monday.  -leg,  -tflbcn,  -lejer  shrovetide-sports, 
■nar  merry  Andrew,     -fanbag  Quinquagesima, 


5afte|nbe  «  jeg  er  _  I  have  not  yet  eaten 
auylhlng,  I  have  not  broken  my  fast;  paa  ~ 
fjerte  on  an  empty  stomach,  the  first  thing  in 
the  morning,    -præbiten  lent-sermon. 

I^after  c  -e  father's  sister,  paterual  annt. 

^aftejfponter  jV  ^  frameUmbers.  -ftag  fore 
and-aft  stays.  -ftopper  deck-stopper,  -ftcenger 
topmasts,    -ftæbncn  the  main  post. 

faftetib  time  of  fasting. 
ftftlfroéfeu  «  frozen  fast.  -f>)r  fixed  light. 
•groet  a  grown  fast,  rooted.  -gcetlebc  pi  having 
the  gills  fixed.  -gare  vt  make  fast,  secure,  fasten. 
-fteb  c  flrmness  (ogf.  om  fiaraft.);  solidity;  com- 
pactness;  fastness;  fixedness.  -^olbe  vt  (Cp> 
mærffomtjeben)  fix  (the  atteniion);  {^paaftanb  0. 1.) 
stick  to,  insist  on;  _  at  insist  that,  -t)D(be(fe 
c  insistiug  (af  on).  -^otber  cramp.  -^æftc  vt 
fasten,  •j^iengen  c  clinging  (tieb  to),  -file  vt 
wedge  tight,  secure  by  wedgcs.  -tntfttet  n  tied. 
-fæbebe  pi  plectognaihs.  -tabet  a  brawny. 
-lanb  main,  mainland;  (ftørre  '%.,  SSerbenSPel) 
contiuent;  tet  europceifTe  _  the  continent,  Con- 
tinental Europe.  -lanbå  continental.  -nagle 
vt  nail  fast;  -t  fig  rooted  to  the  spot,  fixed  (with 
horror),  -ne,  -neé  vi  consolidate;  +  vt  fe  gæftne. 
•ruftet  a  fixed  by  corrosion.  *-ftole  permanent 
el.  regular  school.  -ftruet  a  screwed,  fastened 
by  screws.  -flaa  ««  fix,  secure,  fig  etstablish;  et 
(ogf.)  conventional,  stereotyped.  -ftaacnbe  a 
stationary.  -furre  vt  lash,  secure;  -fættc  vt  (en 
Sib)  appoint,  flx;  (en  %ni)  fix,  settle;  (»etiti^ 
gelfer)  stipulate;  (9iegler)  establish,  lay  down;  _ 
ijønnen  til  flx  the  wages  at.  -f æltelfe  c  appoint- 
ing  etc.;  appoiutment,  fixation;  settlement; 
stipulation;  establishment.  -femme  vt  nail. 
•trallet  a  charmed  to  the  spot.  -botéet  a  grown 

IJat'  adv.  bet  er  iffe  faatebeS  _  that's  not  the 
way  of  it;  ^DorlebeS  er  bet  -  meb  ^am  how  is  it 
with  him?  bet  er  galt  -  meb  I)am  all's  not  right 
with  him;  gri6e,  toge  _  paa  catch  hold  of,  (om 
Slrbejbe)  turn  to,  set  to  work  with;  ftaffe  -  paa 
fetch,  produce;  faa  _  i  get  hold  of;  jeg  Peb  iffe, 
^Dot  jeg  ffal  faa  -  paa  ^am  I  don't  know  where 
to  flnd  him;  ^oor  fiar  Se  faaet  _  paa  bet  where 
did  you  come  by  it? 

^aiti  f>l  fortunes,  adventures. 

9atai  a  nnlucky,  unfortunate,  calamitous; 
(ubehagelig)  odious.  -iå'me  c  fa'talism.  -ift'  c 
-er  fa'talist.    -tte't  c  -er  calamity,  adversity. 

gatigere  vt  mix  (salad). 

t^atning  c  composure,  self-possession;  bringe 
ub  af  -  disconcert,  discompose,  put  out  of 
countenance,  (»eb  SSltfte)  stare  out  of  coun- 
tenance,  outface;  meb  ~,  uben  at  tabe  -en  with 
composure,  composedly,  coolly. 

gfatte  vt  (gribe)  catch,  apprehend;  (forftaa) 
comprehend,  understand,  conceive,  imagine; 
jeg  -r  ilte  I  cannot  conceive;  -r  let  is  qui(;k  of 
apprehension;  _  fig  compose  one's  self,  be  com- 

posed,  p  come  to;  _  Wob  take  courage;  -  Sil- 
bøjeligljeb  for  form  an  attachment  for  (el.  to);  _ 
Særligtjeb,  Ubilje  take  a  fancy,  a  dislike  (to); 
_  en  ^^eflutning  come  to  a  resolution;  _  et  gorfæt 
form  an  intention,  resolution;  for  at  _  mig  i 
SSort^eb  to  be  brief;  _  om  clasp  ronnd.  -ebne 
apprehension,  capacity.  -frebS  reach.  t^attetig 
a  comprehensible,  intelligible.  Jfitteligljeb  o 
comprehensibility,  intelligibllity. 

pjatter  c  p  paterfamilias,  the  governor,  the 
old  man. 

j|atterebftab  n  prehensile  organ. 

5atte8  vd  (mangle)  lack,  want;  (faoneS)  be 
missing,  wanting;  ber  -  meget  i  it  is  far  from; 
Ijoab  _  Sem?  what  ails  you,  what's  the  matter 
with  you?  bet  -beS  ^am  iffe  pao  35t)gtig^eb  he 
was  not  wanting  in  capacity. 

fnattet  a  composed,  coUected.  -^eb  c  coUect- 
edness,  composure. 

{jfatttg  a  poor,  needy,  indigent,  portionless; 
ben  -e  the  poor  man,  person;  be  -e  the  poor; 
be  -e  i  Slanbcn  bibl  the  poor  in  spirit;  -  paa  de- 
ficient  in,  destitute  of;  gøre  _  impoverish;  efter 
_  Siejlig^eb  to  the  best  of  my  poor  ability;  fe 
9?ibber.  -anftalt  fe  -f)u8.  -befoltningen  the  poor 
(people).  -blot,  -\>eé\t  poor-box,  alms-box. 
•borgerme^er  alderman  for  the  charities  (in 
Copenhagen).  -bQrbe  (heavy)  poorrates.  -b{= 
ftritt  poor-law  district,  union,  -bom  c  poverty, 
penury,  indigence.  -fogeb  (parish-)  beadle.  -folt 
pi  the  poor,  the  indigent.  -fornem  a  shabljy 
-genteel  -forftanber  overseer  of  the  poor,  re- 
lieving  officer,  poor-law  inspector.  -forfergelfe 
provision  for  the  poor.  -gaarb  fe  fjué.  -^eb  o,  poverty.  -Ijjælp  parish  relief,  (i  hjemmet) 
out-relief,  out-door  relief.  -Qofpital  hospital  for 
the  poor.  -^nS  poor-house,  alms-house.  -taSfe 
fund  for  the  relief  of  the  poor.  -tirtegaarb 
paupers'  side  (of  the  churchyard).  *-tjærrtng 
(old)  beggar  woman.  -tolont  colony  of  poor 
people.  -tommtéfton  Board  of  Guardians,  -tbar' 
ter  poor  quarter.  -lem  pauper.  -loogtDningen 
the  Poor  Laws.  -læge  parish  doctor.  -manb 
poor  man.  -manbigbattetfe,  -mænb  pi  fleadcakes. 
-onbet  pauperism.  -pleje  care  of  the  poor.  -f(at 
poor-rates.  -ffole  charily-school,  ragged-school. 
*55ottig§ltg  a  shabby,  threadbare,  seedy.  Qfat- 
tiglftiftelfe  fe  -anftalt.  -unberftettelfe  fe  -^jælp. 
-bcefen  institution  for  the  relief  of  the  poor, 
the  charities;  Unberftøttelfe  af  -et,  fe  -^jcelp. 

gatum  n  fate. 

^aun  c  Faun.  {^auna  c  fauna;  35anmarl§  _ 
the  fauna  of  Denmark,  f^aunabe  sapajou,  C'e^us 

ffatttcfragt  dead  freight. 

tffauer,  faur,  fober  a  fe  gager. 

{^aon  c  -e  (gauntog)  embrace;  (9Kool)  fathom 
{pi  fathoms  og  fathom);  en  _  ^rænbe  a  cord  of 
wood  (cord  =  8x4x4  flfob;  goon  =  6x6x2 
å  Va  feet);  paa  9  -e  SSanb  in  nine  fathoms  (of) 
water;  ftprte  fig  i  ené  ~  rush  into  one's  arms; 
tog  t]om  i  ~  took  him  into  his  arms.  {^aone  vt 
embrace,  cla.sp,  hug;  4,  _  inb  fathom  in;  _  op 

{>aone|br(enbe  cord-wood.  $abn(e)Iang  a  a 
fathom  long.  -maat  fathom;  cord;  cord-piling 
frame,  -ramme  cord.  -fttjtte  piece  of  cord 
-wood.  f$atin(e)tt)t  n  a  fathom  thick.  -beb  fe 
-brænbe.  -biS  wlv  by  fathoms.  —  {^attnfcette 
vt  cord  (wood).  -(e)f  ætter  wood-measurer,  corder. 
-tag  embrace,  hug. 

I^aoorja  bel  a  favourable.  -ife're  vt  fa'vour. 
■it',  -itin'be  c  -er,  -t  fa'vourite,  minion.  -it'= 
bcefen  fa'vouritism,  3f"be'r  c  mere:  i  min  _ 
to  my  credit;  tage  -  gain  favour,  take  well 
with  the  public. 




*{JaE  n,  p(  =,  mane. 
{?e  c  -er  fairy.  -ogtig  a  fairy-like. 
rJcficr  c  -Bre  fever;  let  -  febricula;  faa  _  take 
a  fever.  -agtig  a  fevurish;  i  _  Spænbing  in  a 
fever  of  expectation.  -anfalb  paroxysm  of  fever. 
-Iianlenbe  »j  feverishly  throbbing.  -i'att  Peruviau 
bark,  Jesuit's  bark.  -f-blu§fcn  feverish  glovF. 
-bog  day  on  which  the  fever  comes  on.  -btæt 
fever  diet.  -brtktenbe  fe  -ftiaciibe.  -bretn  feverish 
dream,  delirium,  -teé  fe  tlummet.  -fantofl 
feverish  haUucination.  -fornemmelfe  feverish 
symptom  cl.  sensation,  -fri  a  free  from  fever 
-Bflfcn  shivering  fit.  -^oft  feverish  haste,  -^eb 
a  feverish.  -^cbe,  -llb  fever-heat.  -tutte  cold 
fit.  -mtbbcl  febrifuge.  milgtur  cooling  mixture. 
-grttient  fever-patient.  -|>ul§  feverish  pulse. 
-flummcr  sleep.  -ftlMcnbe  a  febrifuge, 
antifebrile.  -fuag  a  debilitated  by  fever  -fho 
«  fever-sick;  c  fe  -patient;  Bære  _  be  ill  (sickj  of 
a  fever.  -tilftonb  febrile  state.  -tarft  feverish 
thirst.  -urt  skull-cap,  Scutellaria;  fe  ©foo« 
oncmone.  -uirbclfe  delirium, 
»tcfirufl'r  c  Feb  ruary. 
Øeb'  [é]  n  (low)  isthmus. 
Cfeb'  [é]  n,  pl=:,  skein,  lea:  measure  of  varn, 
288  yard;  f3Je6fl.)  haul. 

fjeb  a  fat;  tt)!  d«  ~  stout;  _  ©frtft  large,  heavy, 
fat  faced,  type,  blacker  type;  _  Soft  rich  diet; 
high  living;  ben  9}et  er  mig  for  _  that  dish  is 
too  rich  for  me;  et  -t  embebe  a  lucrative  office 
-  3orb  rich  soil;  bu  er  en  -  Sari  you  are  a  nice 
fellow  (you  are);  lige  -t  f  all  one;  Blibe  ~  fatten 
(af  on).    -ngtig  a  fattish. 

fjebbc  vt  bind   into   skeins.     -baanb    thread 
??cbbel  fe  3ebel. 

^ebe  vt  fatten,  fat  (nteb  on).    -cbne  fattening 
power,    -gaorb  grazing  farm.     -tnltj    fatted    el. 
fattening  calf    -fut  baking  coal.    -ttxeq  fat  el 
fattening  cattle. 
+I5cbcl  c  fiddle;  t  kind  of  pillory. 
gfcbclftlnb  skin  of  a  fat  calf    -flue  fat-cattle 
show.    -ftalb,  -ftl  fattening  stall.     -ftub   fat   el. 
fattening   buUock.     -fnin   fat   el.   fattening  pig. 
-tib  fattening  season.     •■■ttrSbag   fe   SebttrSbag. 
•Horer   fat  goods,   provisions,  chandler's  wares. 
Ite'bl^eb  c  fatness.    -loben  fe  -agtig. 
??cble  fe  me- 

fjcb'me  [éj  c  fatness;  2anbet§  _  bibl  the  fat  of 
the  land. 
5?e  bning  c  fattening. 
>|e'bronning  c  fairy-queen. 
itebt  [é]  n  fat,  grease;  faa  fit  _  catch  it;  bQ»pe 
en  i  ^ang  eget  _  pay  one  in  his  own  coin.     -of= 
lejring  layer  of  fat.    -offætning  fe  -begeneration 
-ogtig   o    fatty.     -bille   bacon-beetle,    Dermestea 
lardariuK.    -brol  steatocele.    -bunb  cake  of  fat 
-celle  adipose  cell.    -bouuclfe  formation  of  fat 
-begenerotion  fatty  degeneration,     -broober   (i 
5KeIf)   oil-globules.      fjtbte   vt  grease,   besmear 
With  grease;  t  vi  dally,  trifle. 

t3febte|bob  paltry  shop.  -brøb  greased  bread. 
-foor  fat  sheep;  fe  -per.  -fob:  tomme  i  -et  P 
get  into  a  sad  mess  el.  scrape.  -glab  n  joyous, 
jubilant.  -greber  pi  greaves.  -IruHe  grease 
-pot.  -fræmmer  skinflint.  -lom :  P  6ære  _  carry 
a  child  on  one's  back.  -Ife  c  grease,  fat.  •ptv, 
'px'm^  fumbler.    -ri'  n  bungling,  botchery. 

tJcbtet  a  greasy;  (om  Ulbgarn)  in  oil;  t  fig 

55febt|fr«be  lard-cream.  -fugl  guacharo,  Stea- 
torms  caripenns.  -gooé  penguin,  Aptenodytes. 
-jotet  a  fat-tailed.  -Ijinbe  adipose  membrane. 
■Ijjcrte  fatty  degeneration  of  the  heart.  -bom 
grease  horn. 




;  vi 


*??e'btirSbog  Shrove-Tuesdav,  Pancake-Tues- 

^ebt|Iirtel  sebaceous  gland;  oil-bag.  -flumy 
lump  of  fat.  -tugler  oil-globules.  -ler  bole. 
-leber  fatty  degeneration  of  the  liver,  -lubmcl 
Bilicated  soap.  -læber  greased  leather.  -pUt 
spot  of  grease.  -|)ubefoor  fat-rumped  sheep, 
OntH  Htentopvga.  -ften  elaolite.  -ftof  fatty  sub- 
stance  el.  principle.  -ftreug  lock  (of  wool).  -fur 
a  talt  sebate  of  potash  (ofo.).  -foulft  steatoma, 
lipoma.  -fijge  obesity,  corpulence.  -f^re  sebacic 
el.  fatty  acid.  -ulb  wool  in  the  yolk.  -bo'" 
adipocere.    -uæb  adipose  tissue. 

JJe'bucb  re.sinous  wood. 

^eeri  n   er  fairy-scene.  {Jeebentflr  n  fairy-tale 

*3rei  c:  i  en  -  p  in  a  twinkling,  with  great 

5?ejbe  c  -r  quarrel;  (meCem  Stammer,  gamilier) 
feud;  (Srig)  war;  (literær)  controversy;.    ^tejbe  vi 
make  war.    -breb  (letter  of)  challenge.    +-fæt: 
a  warlike  expedition.      -^-^onbfte   glove 
time  of  war. 

%e\t  vt  sweep;  (om  ^jort)  rub  (oflf  the  skin  o,„ 
-  af  sweep  off;  p  send  (one)  about  his  business; 
slur  over;  _  of  ©teb  sweep  along;  _  ub  sweep 
out,  fig  sell,  pawn.  -binB(e)  dust  hole,  dust-bin. 
-børfte  dust-brush.  -fone  womau  hired  for 
sweeping.  -toft  broom,  besom.  -l«n  pay  for 
sweeping.  -nbc  a  (of  Ubfeenbe;  dashiug;  bet  gtt 
_  it  went  on  swimmingly.  1 

*f^eier  c  -e  country-dance.  \ 

{Jejelfonb  scouring  el.  fine  sand.  -fforn  sweep- 
ings.  -ffuffe,  -f^jonn.  -fpobe  dustpau.  -ugle 

fcjg  a  eowardly,  dastardly,  recreant,  craven; 
*  fated  to  die  (»c  fey).  -beb  c  cov/ardice, 
poltroonery;  oife  _  p  show  the  white  feather. 
-Ijjertet  fe  gejg. 

|?ejl  c,  plr=^  fault,  (gejltagelfe)  error,  mistake; 
(legeml.)    defect;   (l)og   $efle);    for  en  -§ 
©rijlb   for   a   safety;    iron   as   it   happens,    it   is 
true.    gejl  cj  wrong,   erroneous,   incorrect;    iffe 
faa  _  F    not  amiss,    not   half  bad;  _  9lfIeBering 
misdelivery;  gøre  _  ajegning  fig  be  out  in  one's 
calculations;  flere  fIJlinuter  ~  several  minutes  in 
error,    g^ejl  adv  amiss,  wrong,   erroneously,    p 
little;    afleoere   _   misdeliver;   offtrtoe  ~  miscopy; 
tage  _  mistake,  be  mistaken,  be  wrong;  ®e  tager 
ftorltg  -  you  are  grossly  mistaken;  tage  -  af  2:iben 
mistake   the  time;   toge  _  of  en  be  mistaken  el. 
deceived  in  one,  mistake  one;  jeg  tager  _  I  am 
wrong;  ^an  tog  ifte  meget  _  he  was  not  far  wrong 
el.  out;  om  jeg  ifte  agter  _  if  I  mistake  not;  bet  bil 
ifte  flao  _  ot  bon  fommer  he  will  be  sure  to  come; 
batere  _  misdate,  goo,  tore,  ribe  _  go  the  wrong 
way,    miss   the  way;   l^ugge  ~  miss;   børe  -  mis- 
hear;  fe  _  be  mistaken;   opgioe  _  misstate;    ffijbe 
-miss  (the  mark);   træbe  -  make  a  false  step, 
slip;  flao  _  fail,  miscarry,    prove  abortive;    botS 
iffe  min  $ufommelfe  floor  mig  _  unless  my  memory 
play  me  false.     (^ejl|og'tig  a  faulty,  erroneous, 
mistaken,    wrong;    -t    Dpgioenbe    misstatement; 
+  Slnoenbelfe  misapplication  (o.  fl.);  —  adv  mis- 
takenly,  in  error;  fremftiUe,  opfatte  -  misrepresent, 
misconceive  (o.  fl).    -og'tigbeb  c  error,  incorrect- 
ness.    -bor  a  fallible.    -borficb  c  fallibility.   -bo= 
tcre  vt  misdate.    {Jejl|e  vi  (begaa  Uogtfombeb)  err; 
(Woolet)  miss;  (fatleé)  want.  be  wanting;  bet  fon 
itte  _  at  bon  t)ar  .  .  .  he  is  sure  to  have  .  .  .; 
ber  -be  meget  i  at  ^an  bar  .  .  .  he  was  far  from 
being  .  .  .  —  vt  ail;   (forfejle)  miss;   bet  -be  bom 
ifte   poo   he  was  not  wanting  in;   ^oob  -r  ®em 
(el.  2)e?)  what  ails  you,  what  is  the  matter  with 
you?   -er  c  -e  P  miss;  mistake.    -fri  a  faultless, 
without  a  fault.    -fri^eb  faultlessness.    -fulb  a 
faulty,  fulloffaults.  -gibning  c  (i  Sort)  misdeal. 





-flreb  error,  mistake,  slip.  •l)Mftning  slipofthe 
mimory.  -loft  miss.  -ftlt>e  source  of  error. -Iæå= 
iiing  misreading.  -rcgninø  miscalculation.  fen  = 
beife  mi.ssending.  -fenbt  part  missent.  -ffrlft  c, 
-ffrivning  slip  of  thepen,  raisscript.  -ffub  miss. 
-flag  (Seglefp  )  miss  -flaaet,  -flagen  u  disap- 
pointed,  baulked;  _  tJorftaabniiig  disappointment. 
•flutning  erroneous  iuference.  +-f^or  fe  SBilb-. 
-fting  wTong  stitch.  -ftqring  wrong  steering. 
•ftaJ)  (^Bittarb)  miss.  -ft)n  error  of  the  eye;  jig 
misiinderstanding,  error  in  judgmeut.  -taliel 
tahle  of  errors.  -tagelfe  c  -r  mistake;  af  en  - 
iiy  mistake;  gribe  en  i  en  _  catch  one  tripping. 
-trin  false  step,  slip.  -tr^f  foul  impression. 
-trcef  iSfat)  wrong  move. 

rycjning  c  sweeping. 

Tjycjr  "  fair,  blooming,  beautiful;  i  fin  -e  Ungbom 
in  thc  bloom  of  youth,  in  the  flower  of  his  age. 

(^cjre  vt  celebrate,  solemnize,  keep.  -t  a 
popular,  much  admired. 

^■clanb  n  fairy-land. 

Jyclbereb|cr  c -e  currier,  leather-dresser.  -ning 
c  It'iuher-djessing. 

*i5clb  c  -er  large  skin  with  the  fur  on;  pelt; 
bed-cover  made  of  skins. 

5>clbfV0t  c  felspar. 

*^ele  c  -r  F  fiddle. 

^elpel  c  long-poil,  fcather-shag. 

5elt  n,  pi  =,  her  field,  compartment;  (i  SRiffel) 
land;  (i  S3rætfpil)  square;  fig  department,  pro- 
vince,  sphere,  fleld;  i  blaat  _  azure;  i  ^Btbt  - 
argent  (oft).). 

5elt  c  field;  brage  i  -en,  til  -i  take  the  fleld; 
ligge  til  -8  lie  in  a  camp.  -a^otet  medieine 
chest  of  an  army.  -artiUcri  field-artillery. 
-Ibager  army-baker.  -boflcri  military  bakehouse. 
•brobaab  pontoon.  -flaffe  cantoen,  -fob :  »ære, 
ftaa  paa  -  be  on  the  war  establishment;  lebe 
)faa  _  live  as  in  a  camp.  -gubdtfcnefte  divine 
service  in  the  camp.  -^errc  commander,  gene- 
ral, -^errebljgtig^eb  generalship.  -^erretunft 
strategic  art.  -t)of))ita(  field-hospital.  -t)ue 
foraging  cap.  -tftftU  hut  (for  a  soldier).  -jttrn 
hånd  cuffs.  -fanon  field-piece  el.  -gun.  -tappe 
capote.  -taSfe  military  chest.  -tiltect  field-glass. 
-lebel  camp-kettle.  -tot  army-cook,  sutler. 
-tøtten  tield-kitchen.  -tafarct  fe  -^ofpital.  -lejr 
camp.  -libct  camp  life.  -læge  army-physician. 
-manøber  sham  fight,  -marftat  field-marshal. 
•patt  camp  park.  -poft  army-post.  -Dræft  army 
-chaplain.  -raab  watch-word,  pass  word,  parole, 
(meft  Jig)  legend.  -feng  camp-bedstead.  -ffonfe 
iield-redoubt,  iield-work,  -ffole  camp-school. 
•ftlftS  field-pieces  pi.  -ffæt  c  -er,  -ffærer,  sur- 
geon.  -flagbattle.pitehedbattle.  -flange culverin. 
-ftttebje  forge  of  au  army-blacksmith.  -folbat 
soldier  of  the  line.  -ftol  camp-stool.  -ftt)Ite 
fleld-piece.  -tegn  sword-knot.  -telegraf  fleld 
-telegraph,  -tjenefte  aciive  service,  service  in 
the  fleld,  field-duty.  -tog  campaign.  -tOQéplan 
plan  of  operations,  plan  of  campaign.  t-t«j 
army-stores.  t-tøjmefter  master  of  the  ordnance. 
-bogt  outpost.    -bogn  ammunition  waggon. 

t^eiut(t)  c  -r  felucca. 

5em'  7iuni  flve,  (i  S^ærningfp.)  cinq;  ^an  tan  tffe 
tæEe  til  _  he  does  not  knovv  B  from  a  battle- 
door  el.  a  hawk  from  a  hand.saw;  labe  -  nære 
lige  care  about  nothing;  gaa  fro  fine  -  stray  from 
one's  flve  wits;  ^an  er  itfe  beb  fine  fulbe  _  he  is 
not  In  his  right  senses  el.  mind;  be  -  ^adne  (i 
Snglanb)  cinque-ports.  $em|aar  luslrum,  quin- 
quennium.  -aarig  a  flve  years  old;  (fom  inb= 
træffer  ^oert  femte  eller  barer  fem  91.)  quinquen- 
nial.  -aaring  c  -er  flve  years  old  (horse),  -aat^- 
beretning  fiveyearly  report.  -ottS  a  five-act. 
•armet  a  five-armed.   -blabet  o  quinquefoliated, 

flve-leafed.  *-b«rtng  c  -er  ten-oared  boat.  -belt 
a  ^  quinquepartite.  -bobbclt  ic  -folb.  -boble 
vt  multiply  flve-fold.  t-fingerurt  cinqnefoil, 
flve-finger,  Potentilla  reptaivi.  -fingret  n  quinate. 
-fobct,  -føbbet  SSer«  pentameter.  -folb,  -folbig 
a  flve-fold,  quintuple.  -grenet  u  fivcpronged; 
ben  -be  Oaffel  the  fingers,  -trannet  a  pentandrian. 
•Runnet  n  pentag>-nian. 

t^emtninum  n  the  feminine  gender  el.  form; 
et  -  {id  -\\a  &  -ner)  a  feminine  noun;  er  -  af 
is  the  feminine  of. 

{(emltant  pentagoii.  -lantet  a  pentagonal. 
•loblct  fe  fingret,  -fort  pope-joan.  -iappet  a  ^ 
flve-lobed.  -Ung  c  -er  knottedspurrey,  Spergella; 
-er  flve  children  at  a  birth. 

{^emmcl  c  fimble-hemp. 

§em|mer  c  -e  five.  -ogt^øeere  S'/s  d.  -pXaxA' 
tegeme  pentahedron.  -))unbig  a  åanon,  -|iun« 
binger  c  -e  five-pounder,  -bunbd  5lote  flve-pound 
note.  -ribbet  a  flve-ridged.  -flbet  a  pentahedral. 
-ftabelfeå  a  of  flve  syllables  -ftemntig  a  for 
flve  voices  el.  parts,  -tal  the  nnmber  five. 
-talébtanter  pi  dicotyledons  -tanbet  «  flve 
toothed,  quinquedentate.  {^etnte  c  num  fifth; 
bet  _  Sgnb  the  sixth  commandment;  _  røofebog 
Deuteronomy;  for  bet  -  flfthly,  in  the  fifth 
place;  (<om)  bet  -  .^jul  til  en  SBogn  one  too 
many;  Sonqe.  Same  -  King,  Queen,  three  small 
ones;  finegten  -  i  ftlober  four  clubs  to  the  knave. 
gemtcbel  '■  fifth  part,  a  fifth,  g-emten  num  fifteen. 
55-emtenbe  the  ftfteenth.  fjemte^iart  fe-bel.  t^entti 
flfty.  JJemtienbe  flflieth.  f5em|«rc,  *-øring  copper 
coin  worth  5  S2re  or  ^/s  d. 

{^cnber  c  -e  ^  fender.  -Jinbe  skid,  -ftit  cuck- 
old's  neck.    g-enbre  af  vt  fend  oflf. 

(genier  c  -e  Fenian. 

t^ennet  c  fennec,  Uanis  fennec. 

tJirenncr  pi  fens 

i^cnnitct  c  fennel,  Foenicmwn  anethwu  -olie 
f-oil.    -banb  f.-water. 

grebalabå  n  fairy-palace. 

iJcric,  {ferier  pi  vacation,  holidays;  (i  en  9Jet) 
nonterm;  (<l5orlamentet§  recess;  l^oer  _  every  holi- 
days; rejfe  ^jem  i  -rne  go  home  for  the  holidays. 
-beføg  holiday  visit,  -bag  holiday.  -gæft  visiter 
during  the  holidays.  -lægning  study  during 
vacation.    -rejfe  vacation  tour. 

jterle  c  -r  ferule. 

tfernt  a  smart,  elever  (i,  til  at). 

i^ernta't(c)  c  -r  pause,  hold. 

ferment'  n  -er  ferment. 

^ermbeb  c  cleverness. 

^ernambnl  c  brazil  (wood). 

fernis  c  -fer  varnish.  -bat  ball  for  varnishing 
the  copper-plate.  -fere  vt  varnish.  -fe'ring  c 

f^erriltlorib  ferric  chlorid,    -fait  ferric  salt. 

t^errolc^an  ferrocyanogen.  -tarbonat  ferrous 
carbonate  (o.  fl.) 

55erff  a  fresh,  sweet;  *  fe  ogf.  J^rift  (ni),  u6e= 
bæroet);  Jig  green,  verdant;  en  _  ©ø  a  freshwater 
lake;  -t  Sømmet  unseasoned  timber;  gribe,  an' 
^olbe  paa  ~  ®erntng  take,  seize  in  the  very  aet, 
red-handed.    Jferffe  vt  fe  griffe. 

IJerften  c  -er  peach.  -blomft  p.  flower;  (Sar= 
toffei;  peach-hlow  -manbei  nectarine,  Fersica 
Icevis.     -træ  peach-tree,  AmygdalitH  pemica. 

t^erfll^cb  c  freshness,  sweetness,  -ning  ie  5rift= 
ning.    -banb  fresh  water.     -banb§    freshwater. 

ge§'  n,  mus  F  flat.     -eS  n  F  double  flat. 

i|e'fIot  n  fairy  palace,  enchanted  castle. 

5eft  c  -er  feast,  festival,  féte,  celebration; 
beeægelige  og  ubeoægelige  -er  movable  and  im- 
movable  feasts.  -aften  festive  night.  -arran- 
gcnr  master  of  the  ceremonies.  -bag  festival 
-day,  holiday.    -beltager  guest,    -bragt  festival 




atlire.  -forcftiUing  special  performance,  -glæbe 
festive  joj'.    -græa  holy-grass,  IJierochloe. 

(Jeftittiltc't  c  -er  festlv'ity,  entertainment.  •tet$- 
fal  fe  f^eflial, 

{Jcftlfantflte  festival  cantata.  -fomité  féte 
committee.  t^eftlig  a  festive,  festal,  solemn; 
adv  -  fm^ffet  festively  decorated.  fjcftllgfteb  c 
■er  festivity.  gfeftttgdolbe  vt  celebrate.  {jcftl- 
maa(ti))  feast,  banquet,  festive  eutertainment. 
-ntarffal  marshal,    •nttbbag  festival  dinner. 

jjcfton'  [fr.]  c  -er  festoon. 

^cftlOMtterture  festival  overture.  -^itabS  place 
of  festival.  -)>roQram  programme  of  tlie  enter- 
tainment. -fol  banqneting  hall;  UniBerfitetS  - 
the  University  Festival  Hall.  -fang  festal  song. 
-flaat  principal  toast,  toast  of  the  evening. 
•firtft  coramemorative  writing.  -tale  principal 
speech.    -tog  procession. 

{Jetc're  vt  malie  much  of,  féte. 

?5cti(i&b»)rfclfcn  c  fetichism. 

^ettrtag  n  purlin-roof. 

gctt  [fr  ]  c:  \)an  ^ar  foa  meget  i  ~  he  has  so 
much  each  time  he  plays. 

geubni  «  feu'dal. 

^euillcton'  c  -er  «feuilleton»,  literary  portion 
of  a  nevvspaper. 

jjctterben  c  fairy-world,  fairy-land. 

»Jia'frc  c  -r  cab. 

^ioS'fo  c  failure,  fiasco;  gøre  _  fail  (egregiously, 

ttbcl  c  (Sefteftjgb.)  vives  pi. 
tBcl  c,  -itcet  primer,  hornbook. 
3ri|6er  c  -Bre  fibre,    -ri'n  c  fibrine. 
^tdju'  »1  (threecornered)  neckerchief. 
ti^tbbcl  te  ffebel. 

{JibctlommiS'  »i  fer  entail,  feoffment  in  trust. 
-fieftbbcr  feoffee  in  trust,    -fa'rift  «  of  entail. 

fibc  I  ■'  jolly. 
ibtbuS   c  -er    papermatch,    spill,    (candle-) 
lighter;  pipe- light. 

tgibfel  c  -fler  fibre. 

*|ji'cnbe,  fi'enbtltg  o.  fl.  fe  Sfienbe. 

^if  n,  pl=,  contrlvance,  craft,  finesse.  *-b(iine 
fashionable  el.  stylish  lady.  *-fc  vt  dress,  make 
smart,  -ftg  a  sly,  crafty,  cunning;  '''smart,  stylish. 
-ftlu§  c  cunning  dog. 

*5?ig  c  !e  |25reftgen.     JJige  vi  box  one's  ears. 

5Jigcn  e  pi  =  &  -er  fig.  -blab  fig-leaf.  -pate 
fig-pear.    -træ  flg-tree. 

iJigu'r  c  -er  fig'ure,  shape  (fiinietegning)  dia- 
gram, flgiire;  ^Portræt  i  ftel  -  full-length  portrait, 
i  6qIo  ~  half-length  portrait;  (i  Sortfptl)  court 
-card,  honotir.  Stgwroifang  ornamented  chant. 
i^igur{ant^  -nnttnbec-eroperadancer,  flgurant'; 
fe  Stotift.  -e're  vt  &  »'  fig'ure;  _  for  (i  ®an§)  set 
to;  bet  mao  _  fom  It  is  posed  as;  -be  Za\  figurate 
numbers.  -atio'n,  -e'ritig  c,  mui  flgura'tion. 
-iftæt  shoot  for  figuring.  -!æbe  fig  ured  v^arp. 
t^igurlig  u  figurative,   ^tgur^jreéning  gofi'ering. 

§if  imp  of  2faa. 

H-tJilfe  c  -r  fob. 

5i!§  a  fixed;  F  smart;  _  ^bé  flxed  idea,  mo- 
nomania,  crotchet;  en  aJJonb  tneb  -e  3beer  mono- 
maniac,  f  crotcheteer;  -  og  færbig  qulte  ready, 
trim  and  tight,  cont  cut  and  dread;  _  Sjuft  flxed 
air;  p  -  eller  nij  either  or.  ffilS  c  (^nnb)  fe 
©<)ib§.  {Jtléatto'tJ  c,  chem  fixa'tion.  fjltée  op 
vt  f  dress  up,  make  smart,  (awr)  fix  (up). 

fjifåe'r  c  -erer  puzzle.  -btllebe  photographic 
puzzle.  -bæger  Tantalus'  cup.  -baofe  puzzle 
-box.    -gla§  anaclastic  glas.    -laaé  puzzle-lock. 

i5if§|e're  vt  fix;  stare  at,  look  hard  at;  trick, 
dupe.  -foféerter  pi,  F  tricks,  dodges.  -ftjcrtte 
flxed  star. 

Sttftto'n  c  -er  flc'tion. 

5?ll  c  -e  file. 


-er  philan'thropist.    -ifl  a  philan- 




fjilc  vt  (ile,  Jig  polish;  F  -  (fig)  snatch,  pilfer. 
•htsnt  vice-holder.  -tiug  cut.  -dugger  file-cutter. 
-Ho,  -flotj,  hand-vice.  -mrtfflne  filing-machine. 
■musling  lima 

JJtle're  vt  net.   -t  n  net-work;  c  (9tet)  undercu 
flllet;  CSogb.)  back-tool. 

f^tletræ  n  filing-board,  -block. 

StifraS  fe  ??ie!bfra8. 

^^illlmrmo'ntff    «    philharmon'ic      -deKen 

fi  l{(ug,  -tiugger  fe  f!ftfe=. 
Illal  c  -er  snbordinate  institution  el.  establis' 
ment,  branch  (offlce).   -bant  branch  bank.    -fef 
ffab  branch  society,  afflliation 

5fligra'n|(oj;bejbe)  n  flligree,  flligrane.  -glaS  fe 

l^iling  c  filing. 

I^ilip  Philip. 

5JtlH)cn§'  c   er  pimple;  fulb  af  -er  pimpled 

f^ilt<»pcn'fcrnc  bibl  the  Philip'pians. 

Siltp'pita  c  phillipic. 

I^iltppt'ttc  c  -r  philopene,  filipeen. 

tV'ilipiji'Jterne  the  Philippines. 

?ftlift'er  c  -e  (ogf.  fig)  Philistine,  fig  cit,  snob, 
narrovv-minded  person,  -agttg  a  narrow-minded, 
matter-of-faet,  -agtigt)eb  c,  -i'  n  philistinLsm. 
-berbenen  Philistia.    {^iliftrø'§  fe  -ogtig. 

J^t'lilarbe  flle-oard.    -tlo,  -flob  fe  gire= 

*^tlle  c  -r  rag,  tatter,  -enbe  fag-end 
c  tatterdemalion.  -gant))  worthless  nag. 
useless  traps.  -i)nl  paltry  el.  nasty  place. 
paltry  craft.     ^^tQet  a  ragged. 

{Ji'lnijtg  c  flling. 

g^ilolo  g  c  -er  philol'ogist.  -i'  c  philol'ogy.    -i 
a  philolog'ic(al). 

fjtlofo'f  c  -er  philos'opher.  -e're  vi  philos'- 
ophize.  -i'  c  (mental)  philos'ophy.  -ifl  a  philo- 
soph'ic  al), 

{Ji'llffrue  hand-vice.  -fmeb  fe  -fiugger.  -fbaa= 
Her  filings.    -ftr«g  file-stroke.    -ftøt)  file  dust. 

^ilt  c  felt.  ^tlte  vt  felt;  _  fig  beeome  matted, 
en  tangled. 

fjtltcr  n  -e  filter,  strainer. 

5t(t|eri'  ?4  F  entanglement,  bother.  5?tl*|eta 
3(  felted,  toraentose.  ^ittebalfcr  pi  (^Qp.)  felted 
cylinders.  JJi'tlMt  felt-hat.  -jærn  ba.sin.  -flæbe 
felt-cloth.  -mager  c  -e  felt-maker.  -mafCttte 
hardener.  -ning  c  felting.  -re  vt  entangle, 

filtrat  n  -er  filtrate.  —  |?iltrer|at»<)flrat, 
-maffinc  filtering  machine.  -(la^ir  filtering 
-paper.  -blabe  rose,  strainer.  -^ofe  filtering 
-bag,  Hippoerates'  sleeve.  -ften  flltering-stone. 
iJiltre're  vt  filter,  strain,  percolate.  f^iltre'ring 
c  filtration,  percolation.  IJil^rutn  n  flltering 

5>tlt|faal  felt-sole.  -(§)bng  parting  cloth.  -ffo 
felt-shoe.  -tappe  felt-carpet;  (©enge=)  blanket. 
•ulb  wool  for  making  felt. 

JJtlu'r  c  -er  sly  dog,  wily  rogue.  -erl'  n  \vile(s), 
trick(s),  dodge(s). 

{Jtntre  vi  vibrato,  quiver.     -bebægetfe  ciliary 
motion.      -celle    ciliary    cell.      -e^iitel    ciliated 
epithelium.      -^aar  pi    fvibratile)    cilia.      -n 
ciliary  motion. 

trJtmfe  P  vi  flzzle.    -t  P  a  stinking. 

SJln'  c  -ner  Fin,  Finn,  Finlander;  *Laplander. 

Ijin  1  fine,  delicate;  ben  -e  SSerben  the  fashion- 
able, polite  world;  society;  -t  SBæfen  elegant 
address,  genteel  manners;  en  _  ©iplomat  a  subtle 
diplomatist;  en  -  ^enttjbning  a  sly  allusion,  hint; 
en  ~  ®tftinftion  a  nice  distinctioii;  -t  ®ulb  pure 
gold;  et  -t  Jpaanbflæbe  a  smooth  towel;  -t  ^apit 
mere  first-rate  paper;  _  jporelfe  a  quick  ear; 









-  iagttaget  a  shiewd  observer;  F  en  -  ^onbitor 
u  knowing  haud,  a  deep  ene. 

^ittO'le  c  -r  finale. 

fVinnn'fcr  pt  flnanees.  {^-inanglaar  fiscai  el. 
fiuancial  year,  revenue-year.  *-(09  XoIbOJ'f<">t= 
tcutent  {e  -minifterium.  -emliebiSmanl)  flnanei'er. 
-id'  a  fiuan'cial.  -fotnité  committee  on  ways 
and  means.  t-Iotten  the  budget;  naax  .  er  t)eb= 
taaet  when  Supply  is  voted.  -manb  financi'er. 
-miniftcr  minister  of  finauce,  fiuanceminister; 
i  (Snglanb)  chancellor  of  the  Exchequer.  -mini- 
fterium ministry  of  finauce,  treasury.  -plan 
fiuancial  scheme.  -Volitif  financial  policy.  -ub= 
\)aiQ  ie  -tomité.  -ttibcnffab  science  of  finauce, 
politicai  ecouomy.  -Uæfen  fiuance,  financial 

tVi'nbrænbe  vt  refine. 

jinbe,  fanbt,  funbct  vt  find;  _  ^urtig  9Ifiætntiig 
meet  a  ready  sale,  -  2)øben  meet  one's  death; 
_  Søbere  meet  buycrs:  -  Sejltgljeb  meet  with  an 
opportunity;  -  Steb  take  place,  _  Sib  til  make 
time  to;  _  iilflutuing  meet  with  encouragement; 
berfom  Se  r  for  gobt  if  you  think  proper,  if 
you  choose,  see  good;  *_  frem  fetch  out,  bring 
to  light;  _  igen  recover;  _  inb  find  one's  way 
in;  _  pQQ  think  bf,  hit  upon,  bethink  one's  self 
of;  ^on  faiibt  paa  at  he  took  it  into  his  head  to; 
_  til  fiud  one's  way  to;  t-r  libet  til  does  nol 
mind  much;  ~  tilbage,  ub  find  one's  way 
back,  out;  -  ub  (ubfinbe)  make  out;  _  ub  of  make 
r>\\t,  unravel;  fan  ^oerfen  -  ub  eller  inb  can  make 
wothing  of  il;  —  vr  ~  fig  i  pul  up  with,  ac- 
luiesce  in,  submit  to;  jeg  tau  it!e  -  mig  i  I  cannot 
away  with;  l^an  fanbt  fig  bel  beroeb  (bet  befom  ^am 
cel)  it  did  him  good,  (bet  foorebe  8iegn.)  he  found 
his  account  in  it;  —  ■yp  ber  fiubeS  .  .  .  there  is, 
are  .  .  . ;  Orbet  -8  enbnu  i  ^^tlanb  the  word  re- 
mains  (survives,  is  still  to  be  found)  in  Jutland; 
Bi  ffal  uof  -§  we  shall  meet  again;  ben  birtelige 
SBefoftning  ton  -8  »eb  at  the  proper  cost  may  be 
aiTived  at  by.  5lnt'*8«'i>§  ^e  JpittegobS.  {^inbclig 
a  to  be  found. 

St'nbeltng  c  comminution. 

ginbe.lan  finder's  fee.  |^inbe|r  c  -e  finder. 
-fteb  finding-place;  habitat,  station.  {Jfinbtng  c 
finding.  l^tnbingSret  finder's  right,  ^inbling 
c  -e  erratic  block. 

fl^i'nbrioning  c  cupellation. 

^ittc  r  c  -erec  veneer.  -erfatt  veueer-saw. 
-ere  vt  veneer.  -crct  c  -e  inlayer.  -ering  c 

gineé'fe  c  subtlety;  (pi  -r)  nicety. 

^tnfiff  c  rorqual,  Balænoptera. 

S«'nf«lElfc  «  delicacy. 

gtngcling  c  J,  gudgeon,  pintle. 

tvinger  c  -gre  finger;  l^aoe  lange  -gre  be  light 
-fingered;  Bil  iffe  røre  en  ~  for  at  will  not  lift  a 
finger  to;  giB  ^om  en  _  og  t)an  tager  ^ele  |)aanben 
irive  him  an  inch  and  he  will  take  an  ell;  ))ege 
ire  ab  point  at;  -ne  af  gabet!  hånds  off!  paws 
Ulf!  flitfe  -rene  efter,  gere  lange  -re  efter  whistle 
for;  ^anl  -gre  fler  efter  at  he  is  dying  to;  faa  -e 
i  lay  hånds  on;  ^oBe  en  _  i  (Suppen,  meb  i  SpiHet 
have  a  finger  in  the  pie,  in  it;  fe  igennem  -gre 
meb  connive  at,  wiuk  at;  Seen  igennem  -gre  meb 
condonatiou  of;  itte  Icegge -rene  imellem  handle 
(one,  somelhing)  without  mittens,  not  spare 
one;  fnor  6am  om  ftn  lille  _  turns  him  round 
lier  little  finger;  faa  oBer  -grene  gel  a  rap  on 
the  knuckles;  tælle  paa  -ne  count  ou  the  fingers; 
l)an  Beb  bet  paa  fine  -gre  he  has  it  at  his  fingers' 
ends,  he  is  letter- perfecl  in  it;  fe  en  paa  -ne 
watch  one  closely,  have  an  eye  upon  one;  ^ar 
et  pje  Jiiaa  ^Ber  _  has  all  his  eyes  about  him; 
fiaa  en  paa  -grene  rap  one  on  the  knuckles.  -olå 
finger-grass.    Digit iria.     -breb    a   of  a   flnger's 

breadth.  -(S)brcb  c  flnger's  breadth.  digit.  -6fll 
n,  -bølle  c  Humble;  ^  fox-glove.  Digitalis  pur- 
puren.    -bclt  a  ^  digitale,  flnger-parled. 

^iwflcrc  vt  feigu. 

gingcrienbe  finger's  end,  finger  tip.  -c're  rt 
F  fe  gingre.  -formig  n  digitale,  -flint,  -fterbig 
a  dexterous.  -f(trbigt)eb  dexlerity,  mus  skill  of 
execution.  -(janbfle  (fingered)  glove.  -^Qtte, 
-l)(ctte  fiuger-stall.  •Uampe  thumb-cleat.  -tt»e 
itchiug  fingers,  -f^§  blown  kiss.  -leb  finger 
-joint.  -(ebJ^ben  pi  phalangeal  bone.s,  phalauges. 
-nem  a  handy,  -nemljeb  handiness.  -ptQ  hint. 
-ting  finger  ring.  -f^jibS  fe  -enbe.  -f))rog  finger 
language,  dactylologj',  manual  alphabel.  -ftt)tle 
slrenglh  of  fingers,  -ftær!  a  slrong-fingered. 
-ftiam^,  -"fo^i  clavaria.  -fcetning  (paa  <l5iano) 
flngering.  -fætte  vt  finger,  -tegn  sign  wilh  the 
finger.  *-top,  -tup  fe  -enbe.  -ttft  a  thick  as  a 
finger.  *-uoatt,  -uante  wollen  glove.  -øt)e(fer 
1)1  finger  exercises.  {fingre  vt  finger,  {fingret 
a  digitale. 

i^i'nl fattet  a  chopped  small,  -^eb  c  flneness, 
delicacy.    -^ubet  a  Bcere  -  have  a  delicate  skin. 

i^int)t)al  c  finback,  finner,  rorqual. 

Ifri'nljotb  fine  mould,    -tam  small-tooth  comb. 

>|inte  c  -r  finch,  FringiWt.  -^eg  sparrowhawk. 

ginlcl,  F  -jotum  c  bad  brandy. 

t^intenet  n  J,  netting.  —  $intenetS{t(æber 
hammock-cloths.  -lifter  quarter-rails.  -rætte 
lopgallaulrail.    -fe^Jtcrc  hammock-slanchions. 

>|intcr  pi  mineed  liver  and  lights. 

tjitttcribber  c  braggadocio. 

*{5iw'jæntng  c  Lapp  woman. 

{JinltorttCt  a  finegrained.  -trufct  a  fiuely 
rippled  el.  ruffled. 

{^in|(anb  Finland,  -(rmbft  a  Finland  'lap 
*Laplauder,  Lapp,  tFinlander.  t-lapptttav 
wooden  utensils  made  in  Finland.  i-lapptV' 
ftube  Finland  bark.  -lænber  c  -e  Finlander. 
•mårten  n  Finmark.  -marte))oft  ^  fe  ?5oft. 
*-mut,  -mubb  fur-cloak  with  the  fur  turned 
out     fjinne  c  -r  Finlander. 

t?innc,  *^\nxi  c  -r  (i  Slnfigtet)  pimple. 

f^inne  c  -r  fin.  -tittal  fe  gin^oal.  -ftraate  fin 
-ray     f^innet  a  ^  pinnate,  piunaled. 

$^innet  a  (i  Slnfigtet)  pimpled. 

jjittift  a  Finnish;  n  (the)  Finnish  (language); 
ben  -fte  58ugt  the  Gulfof  Finland,  -fto  Laplander's 
moccasin,     *-ftæg  mat-grass,  Nardus  stricta. 

{Jinlftruc  adjusting  screw.  -fnebter  cabinet 
-maker.    -f^unben  a  fine-spun. 

^inftcrc  vi  J/  stern-windows. 

tJi'nlftabt  o  flnely  powdered.  -tanbet  a  fine 

f$i'nt{(t)gget  a  fiuely  moulded.  -bannet  a 

%intt  c  -r  (i  gægtetuuft)  feint;  (Sift)  trick,  fetch; 
(Stofe)  wipe,  snéer,  skil;  gioe  en  -r  sneer  at. 
%\\\it  vt  sneer  at. 

5i  Htlformet  n  finely  moulded  el.  chlselled. 
-f«Ienbc  a  sensitive,    -mærtenbe  a  sensitive. 

^into:  Sonto  -  pro  formå  account  sales. 

t^t'n|ulbct  a  fine-wooUed.  -tooft  washing  of 
fine  clotlies. 

5>ioi  c  F  =  SSiolin;  labe  -en  førge  F  drive  duU 
care  away. 

%\olt  c  -r  phi'al. 

l^ioci'ngrÆS  fl'orin-grass.  Agrostis  stoloni/eru . 

,jit)'  c  -per  tip.  -fif æg  chintuft,  (flørre,  paa 
^ogen)  goalee. 

$ir{aaret  a  ^1,  four-oared.  -aarig  a  four  years 
(old);  (fom  gentager  fig  ^Bert  4be  eller  Barer  i  4 
2lar)  quadrenuial.  ^-aaring  c  -er  four  years  old 
(horse).  -Ben  lizard,  L-icerta.  -benet  a  four 
-legged.  *-liIab  herb-paris,  oneberry,  true-love, 
Paris  Quari/olia.    -btabet  a  four-leaved,   telra- 





phyllous,  (^ft^rone)  telrapetalous,  (sBæger)  tetra- 
sepalous;  (©frue)  four-bladed.  -btte  vt  quarter. 
•bcHng  quarteriug.  -t»elt  «  quartered.  -bobbtU 
a  quadruple,  fourfold.  -tiol6(e  vt  multiply  four- 

Iffre  vt  J,  ease  oif,  lower,  veer,  veer  away; 
fia  (for)  yield,  give  way,  give  up  (to);  _  af  cast 
off;  fir  neb !  lower  amain !  fir  roj! !  lower  cheerly; 
fir  \aa  fmaot!  lower  handsomelyl  _  paa  Stanb 
lower  on  the  cap;  ~  Slnferet  for  kranen  cock-bill 
the  anchor. 

^ire  nnm  four;  en  _  (i  Sortfpil)  a  four;  paa  aUe 
_  on  all  fours;  tøre  meb  ~  drive  in  a  coach  and 
four,  (om  Suiten)  drive  four  in  hånd;  ffcere  i  _ 
S)ele  quarter.  -aarig,  -aorå  four  years  (old). 
-bett  (o.  fl.)  fe  ??ir=;  ~  Saft  quadruple  time.  -folb 
fe  i5trbo6beIt.  -gungS^ane  four-way  coclc.  -tnap^ 
^anbffer  four-bulton  gloves.  -mattbS  (SS^ift)  four 
-handed  (whist),  -manbéfterøttel  four-handled 

giren  c  easing  etc. 

^ire|ogfeIéttenbebeIå  Sfobe  semi-demisemi-qua- 
ver.  -ogfefSttcnbcbd^  ^auje  semi-demisemi- 
quaver  rest.  -rabaarct  Sfib  quadrireme.  — 
^t'rlfobet  fe  -fabbet;  ~  58er8  tetram'eter,  verse 
of  four  feet.  -folb  fe  -bobbelt.  -fraet  «  tetra- 
spermous.  -febbet  a  fourfooted;  et  ~  ®l)r  a  qua- 
druped.  -grenet  "  four-branched.  -fannet  a 
tetrandrous.  -liiulet  a  four-wheeled.  -^ooebet 
a  four-headed.  -^ugget  a  square.  -l^unnet  a 
tetragynous,  tetragynian.  -^(enbet  a  quadruma- 
nous,  four-handed.  -t^ænbig  <i  fe  -^ænbet;  mus 
for  four  hånds;  —  adv  fpiUe  -  play  duets,  -^{rjene 
the  corpora  quadrigemina.  -tottt  square,  qua- 
drangle,  four-sided  figure;  ti  gob  i  -  ten  feet 
square.  -fant.  ndv  J,  square;  brafe  en  SRaa  ~ 
square  a  yard.  -tantet  a  square,  quadrangular. 
•tantfil  square  file.  -tantjofrrt  square-iron.  -tlang 
chord  of  the  seventh.  -tlflOet  four-leaved  clover; 
Jiø  quartett.  {firling  a  pearlwort,  Sagina.  ^\f 
lingcr  pi  four  (children)  at  a  birth.  {^trlebet 
a  fe  -traabet. 

I^irma  n  -er  firm. 

I|irniatnent'  n  fir'mament. 

f^irntan  «  firman. 

tSirmc  vi,  prov  fe  SSimfe. 

{5t'r|*menning  c  -er  thlrd  cousin.  -mægtig 
S-  a  tetradynamous;  chem  fe  -tiærbig.  -plan^' 
legeme  tetrahedron.  -)iunbig  a  of  4  pounds 
weight;  en  -  ^onon  ((^ire^junber)  a  four-pounder. 
-reliet  a  four-reefed.  -é  p  fe  -finb§t^de.  -(e)fibet 
a  four-sided,  quadrilateral.  -finbéttjtie  mim 
eighty,  fourscore.  -flnbét^Ocnbeeightieth.  -flnb8= 
ttjOeaarig  «  of  eighty  years;  en  _  Clbing  an  oc- 
togenarian.  -ftaaren  n  (om  jEømmer)  square;  fig 
square-built,  squarely  built,  thicli-set.  -h-ftaaren= 
^cb  c  squareness  (of  build).  -ftoft(et)  o  twilled. 
-ftot  four  handed  chess.  t-ftidtng  silver  coin 
of  4  „©tiaing".  -ffibet  a  (S3lof)  four-fold.  -ftoet 
(om  ®t)r)  shod  on  each  foot.  -flaaet  fe  -traabet. 
-f^altct  a  in  four  columns.  -f)>anb  team  of  four 
horses;  føre  meb  _  drive  four-in-hand.  -f)>ting: 
i  _  at  a  gallop,  at  full  speed,  -f^ænb  fe  -fpanb. 
-fliænbt  a  drawn  by  four  horses;  _  Såret  coach 
and  four.  -ftattelfeåorb  word  of  four  syllables, 
tetrasyllable.  -ftemmig  a  four-part.  -ftolet  fe 
-fæbet.  -ftrenget  a  four-stringed.  -ftr«gnc  C,  C 
With  four  strokes.  -fæbet  a  having  four  seats, 
seats  for  four,  four-seated.  -taaet  a  four-toed. 
-tal  number  four.  -tom(mer)§  a  four-inch. 
-traabet  a  of  four  threads.  -tiingeta  four-winged, 
tetrapterous.  -bintlet  a  quadrangular.  -bcerbig 
a,  chem  tetratomic.  *-ærtng  c  -er  four-oared 
boat,  four-oar.    -ø{e  anableps. 

gi§'  n  mus  F  sharp.    -t§  n  F  double-sharp. 

iJié  c  fizzle.    -c  vi  fizzle,  fizz,  foist. 

f^ifet'tr«  n  t'ustic. 

5ift  c  -e  el.  pi  =,  fish  (ogfaa  i  Sort);  J,  (i  3)cef 
etc.)  partner;  tvi>  pie;  -ene  aH  pisces;  foa  friff  fom 
en  ~  as  sound  as  a  roach  el.  trout;  'en  ful  _  a 
sly  dog;  tage  -en  play  at  cat's  cradles;  *tage  for 
gob  -  F  put  up  With,  be  aatisfied  with,  be  put 
oft'  with;  ^»erfen  ijugl  cEer  _  neither  fish  nor 
flesh  (nor  good  red  herring),    -agtig  fe  giile=. 

55>ffa'l  c  -er  prosecutor  for  the  crown;  (i  @ng< 
lanb)  Attorney  General,    {^tfta'l  a  fls'cal. 

JJIfte  vt  fish;  angle;  (iieg)  play  at  ducks  and 
drakes;  -  (efter)  2:orf(,  Sfborrer  ofb.  fish  for  cod, 
perch;  _  t  rørt  S8anbe  fish  in  troubled  waters; 
J,  -  et  2tnfer  op  fish  an  anchor;  _  efter  et  8(. 
sweep,  drag  for  an  a.;  -  nt  (tomme  uflar  af  nt) 
foul;  _  ©ejlet  inb,  _  fammen  poo  ©ejlet  trice  up 
the  bunt  of  the  sail.     t?ifte  n  fishing,  fi.shery. 

{^tftelaffalb  offiil  of  fish.  -aftog  fish  water. 
-agn  bait.  -agtig  a  fishy;  fish-like,  ichthyoid. 
-anb  (ftor)  goosander,  Mergus  merganier,  (liHe) 
redbreasted  merganser,  Mergus  serrator,  (^bib) 
smew,  white  nun,  Mergus  albellus.  -art  species 
of  fish.  -attl  fish-culture,  pisciculture.  -aoler 
pisciculturist.  -Ben  fishbone;  (tilberebt  .pbalbavbe) 
whalebone;  ^bibt  ~  cuttle-bone.  -benéftørt  hoop 
-petticoat,  farthingale.  -bcftriuelfe  ichthyology. 
*-t»iærg  «flsh-mouutain»,  enormous  shoal  of  fish. 
-bjørn  tish-louse,  Æga.  -blære  fish-bladder. 
-blaber  preparer  of  stockfish.  -boQe  flsh-ball. 
-bouillon  fish-stock.  *-brl)gge  fish  quay.  -bub« 
bing  fish-pudding.  -bugftinne  belly-rail.  -bag 
flshday;  fishing  day.  -barn  fish-pond.  -batiib 
fish-davit.  -bræt  draught  of  f.  -fab  fishdisii. 
-fangft  fishing,  fishery.  -far§  mineed  fish.  -flue 
fishing  fly.  -fritabcUer  fried  fish-balls  el.  -cakes. 
-gaarb  wear.  -garn  fishing-net.  *-greier  pi 
fishhig-gear.  -grunb  fishing-ground.  -guano 
fish-guano.  -gælle  gill.  -gøbning  fe  -affalb.  -^al 
fishmonger's  shop.  -Ijale  flsh-tail.  -^alebrænber 
fish-tail  burner.  -^anbler  fishmonger.  -tjanb^ 
lerfte  fishmongeress.  -tjejre  grey  heron,  Ardea 
cinerea.  *-^jetb  fish-flake.  -l)ob  landing-net. 
-ftub  (®t)gb.)  ichthyosis.  -^u§  fishmonger's  shop. 
-igle  fish-leech,  Pisdcola.  -jagt  fishing  smack. 
*-jon  fe  -ørn.  -tager  fe  -fritabeller.  -tebel  fish 
-kettle.  -tifte  cauf  -trobbe  fisherman's  wooden 
grapnel.  -trog  fish(ing)-hook.  -tunften  the  pis- 
catorial  art.  -turO  flsh-basket,  creel.  -tbafe 
woU-boat.  -t))nbig  c  ichthyologist.  -leg  spawn. 
-lim  isinglass.  -lob  share  of  a  take  of  tish. 
■lugt  fishy  smell,  s.  of  fish.  -maage.  -maafe 
common  gnll,  Larus  canus.  -maaueb  September. 
-mab  fish  diet.  -mabing  bait.  -mel  powdeied 
fish.  -mcfter  superintendent  ofa  fishery.  -mælt, 
-mælte  milt.  -obber  otter,  Lutra.  -patt  fe  -bom. 
-tiattcbt)r  pi  aquatic  mammalia.  -(»enfel  flteh 
-pencil.  -^labS  fishing-ground.   •po\tt\  fish  patty. 

iJifter  c  -e  fisherman;  angler;  zo  fe  jjiffetiæfel. 
-baob  flshingboat,  (minbre,  flabbunbet)  coble. 
-breng  fisher-boy. 

|^tfte|rebftab  fishing-tackle.  -ret,  -rettigtieb 
right,  privilege  of  fishing. 

?Jifter|fart«j  fishing-vessel  el.  -craft.  -ftaabe 
fleet  of  fi.fhing- Vessels,  -f^r  fishing  light,  -garn 
fishing  net.  -gut  fisher-boy.  -ftu§  (giflers  $).) 
fisher's  house  ef.  hut;  (Jp.  ^oor  ber  fælgeS  2ffff) 

5Jtfteri'  n  fishing,  fishery;  angling.  -bebrift 
fishing  tråde.  JJift'erig  a  abounding  in  fish. 
^ifteri'ubftiUing  Fisheries  Exhibition. 

jjifterllone  (SifterS  S.)  fisher's  wife;  (M.,  ber 
fælger  gift)  fish-woman.  -tbafe  fe  gifte-,  -tælling 
(©tælbSorb)  fish-wife,  fish-fag.  -leje  fishing- village 
el.  hamlet,  -lugger  fishing  lugger,  -wanb  fe 

§tfferogn  fe  SRogn. 




J^ifteriviflc  fishermau's  daiighter.  -rin§  papal 
eal.  -ffufie  flshing  vessel,  dogger.  -fmatfe 
rishing-smack.  -ftit  sheet-bend.  -ftøoler  fisher- 
man's  boots.    -fan  son  of  a  flshermau. 

giffel  ruf  e  fe  SHufe.  -felftab  lishuig-company. 
-ftc  lishslire,  fish-trowel.  -ffifer  cupriferous 
slate.  -ffinb  fish  skin.  -ftæt  scale  of  a  flsh. 
•ftær  fishing-bank.  -fnor,  -fnflre  fishing-line. 
•(pabt  fe  fte.  -f})ife  fe  -mab.  *-f4)or,  t-f<>ore 
caudal  fin,  tail.  -ftang  angling-rod.  -ftatton 
flshing  station,  -fteb  firfiing-place.  -ftit  fegifter=. 
-fiim,  -ftime,  -ftimmel  shoal  of  tish.  -ft^tte  4/ 
coaming  (of  a  mast-coat),  -fufi^c  fish  soup. 
•tolje  fish-tackle.  -tegn  fishing-ticket  el.  -permit. 
-tene  fe  Sene.  -tib  fl.shing  season.  -tienbe  fish 
-tithes.  *-tite  common  sandpiper,  Totanui  hypo- 
leucos.  -totptto  fish-torpedo.  -tortt  fish-market. 
-tran  cod-liver  oil,  fish-oil.  -tra^))e  fish-ladder. 
-titnge  sole,  Solea.  -tur  fishing  expedition; 
fishing  excursion.  -t^b  black-fisher.  -tl)bcri 
black-fishing.  -tenbe  tish  barrel.  •ubtlccttting 
flsh-hatching.  -banb  fishing  water.  -»orcr  fish. 
t-Bob  fe  SSob.  '-bær  fishing  station,  -bæfct 
wood-shock,  pekan,  Martes  canadensia.  -bngcl 
fry,  young  fish.  -æbenbe  a  piscivorous.  -æber 
ichthyophagist.  -egle  ichthyosaurus.  -eie  feld- 
spar  adular.  -am  osprey,  bald  eagle,  Pandion 

tiffué  c  fise. 
ifle  vi  p  baekbite.    -»  c  backbiting,    -ri'  n 
scandal.    -r  c  -e,    p  {JiSfeltub  scandal-monger. 

Jfiftel  c  -tier  flstula.  -agtig  a  fistulous.  -fnit 
syringotomy.     -foulft  fistulous  ulcer. 

Stftel(ft«»n«f)  c  falsetto.  -tone  falsetto  tone. 
giftulere  vi  sing  falsetto. 

fjante  c  -r  fool,  silly  person.  I^jante  vi  be- 
have hke  a  fool.  -agtig  a  foolish,  silly.  -ri'  n 
foolery,  tomfoolery,  foolish  behaviour.  -fnat 
nonsense,  stuflf.  -t,  -born  fe  =agtig.  I^fantet^eb 
c  foolishness.    gjantebæfen  foolish  manners. 

{5io8  n  foolery,  nonsense;  p  bet  er  -  meb  6am 
(■Éielbreb)  he  is  poorly,  (ftoar)  he  is  poorly  off. 
IJjafc  vi  trifle,  toy. 

fjcb  n,  pi  =,  step,  (©por)  foot-print. 
je(be)r  ['''æ]  c  -bre  feather,  plume;  (j^jeberBuf!) 
plumage;  (xiaa.  Saal,  SSogn  ofo.)  spring;  (^øulet) 
tongue;  -bre  pi  (Juglé)  plumage;  lige  tommen  ub 
of  -ne  just  turned  out;  træffe  -en  of  el.  ooec  over- 
wind the  watch.  -agtig  a  feathery.  -arbejber 
feather-maker.  -bcbætning,  -betlæbning  plumage. 
•bløb  a  soft  as  a  feather,  downy.  -bolb  shuttle 
-cock;  fpiUe  ~  play  at  battledoor  and  shuttle 
-eock.  -bolt  holdfast.  -buft  tuft  of  feathers, 
plumage;  willow-leaved  dropwort,  ISpircea  sali- 
ci/olia.  -bannet  a  penuiform.  -bragt  plumage. 
-b^ne  feather-bed.  -fil  spring-file.  -fliget  a 
pinnatifid.  -fjjlb  stutfing  for  feather-beds.  -fæl= 
bing  fe  -tab.  -ftage  spring- trigger,  -^am  feather 
-dres.s,  wings;  Ae/- allerion.  -^anb el  feather- tråde. 
-Ijaubler  dealer  in  feathers,  plumassier.  -i^at 
hat  with  feathers.  -^ue  plumed  cap  el.  honnet. 
-ftttS  (i  Ur)  barrel.  -^bibt  stone-alum.  -ftabt 
tongue-plane.  -tla:bt  «  feathered;  meb  _  91Keliem= 
fob  bracoate.  -toft  featherbrush.  -traft  elasti- 
city.  -trabe  coUar  of  feathers,  haekle.  -treatur, 
-træ  poultry.  -træabl  poultry-breeding.  -laal 
spring-lock.  -lampet  m  ^  sinuate.  -let «  feathery, 
light  as  a  feather.  -løg  a  featherless,  callow. 
-mabra§  spring-mattress.  -mel  pterophorus. 
-neUitC  (common)  pink,  Dianth^is  plumariua. 
■VaSfer  spring-divider.  -ptli)scext  feather-furs. 
•pen  quill(pen),  Dutch  pen.  -polt^p  sertularia. 
-iofe  feather-bag.  -progt  brilliancy  of  plumage. 
-feng  featherbed.  -ffifte  moult.  -^t)  cirrhus. 
-ftaat  spring-Steel,  -ftobler  side-spring  boots, 
elastic   boots,    congress-boots.     'tab   moulting. 

-tang  com-tongs.  -top  tuft  of  feathers,  crest. 
-bifte  feather  fan.  -bilbt  wild  fowl.  rbinge 
feather-broom,  duster;  fe  -mel.  -bogn  spring-cart. 
•uægt  spring-steelyard.  -øre  (^ugl)  ptilotis.  — 
{Jjebre  vt  feather;  vi  _  el.  _  fig  be  .springy  el. 
elastic,  bend;  -§  get  feathers.  -nbe  «  elastic, 

gjenbe,  t  &  *  fji'enbe  c  -r  enemy,  foe;  bære 
en  _  af  be  an  enemy  to;  ftabe  el.  ftoffe  fig  -r  make 
enemies;  gere  en  til  fin  -  make  an  enemy  of 
one.  -blob  the  bloqd  of  enemies.  -gabe  the 
gift  of  an  enemy.  -t)aanb:  falbe  i  _  fall  into 
the  hånds  of  an  enemy.  -Ijatr  hostile  army. 
•lonb  a  hostile  country,  -oolb  fe  -^aonb.  t$rl<nbfl, 
fienbft  o  inimical.  f^feubftab  n  enmity;  leDe  i  _ 
meb  live  at  enmity  with.  f^jenbtlig  a  hostile; 
(fjenbft)  inimical;  be  -e  Sfibe  the  enemy's  ships. 
t^fenbtligbeb  c  -er  hostility;  ophore  meb  -erne 
cease  hostilities. 

Sjer,  fe  gjeber. 

^je'rbe  [æ]  num  fourth;  bet  _  93ub  the  flfth 
commandment;  _  9JJofebog  Numbers;  for  bet  _ 
in  the  fourth  place,  fourthly.  -bel  fourth  part, 
fourth,  quarter;  -8  9lobe  crotchet,  quarternote; 
-§  $aufe  crotchet  rest;  tre  -I  Saft  three  crotchets 
time.  -ntanb  the  fourth  (man);  oære  _  make  a 
fourth.    -part  fe  -bel. 

i^je'rbing  [æ]  c  -er  quarter;  '•'(Norwegian) 
quarter-mile;  en  _  Smør  a  firkin  of  butter.  -aar 
quarter  of  a  year,  three  months;  fem  -  fifteen 
months.  -aarlig  a  quarterly;  ado  quarterly, 
every  three  months.  -tor  half  a  peck.  -mit 
(Dan.  et.  Norw.)  quarter-mile.  -Sf^rfte  tetrarch. 
-iSpunb  quarter  of  a  pound.     -bej  fe  -mil. 

{Jjeribragt  o.  fl.,  fe  f^jeber=. 

tifjermer  a  (^eft)  oiT  (horse). 

f^jern  a  far,  far-ofi",  distant,  r'emote;  i  bet  -e 
in  the  distance;  ber  er  en  _  SlJulig^Cb  for  at  it  is 
remotely  possible  that;  iffe  -efte  3bé  om  not  the 
remotest  idea  of;  iffe  i  -efte  SRoabe  not  in  the 
least;  iffe  -efte  @runb  not  the  shadow  of  a  reason. 
?5iernie  d<  &  r  (_  fig)  remove,  retire,  withdraw. 
+-e  n  distance,  -elfe  c  removal,  withdrawal. 
•beb  c  remoteness,  distance,  -f^n  prospect. 
-f^nct  a  far-sighted.  fjernt  adv  far,  far  oflE", 
remotely,  distantly.  {5jcrnt|boenbe,  -liggenbe  a 

jtje'ripaSfer  o.  f(.,  fe  gicber=. 

y-jcrt  c  -e  fart.    -c  vi  fart,  break  wind. 

*y-jettret  a  spell-bound,  laid  under  a  spell. 

gjog  [aa]  n  dolt,  booby.    -et  a  doltish. 

5'joUe  vi  F>  behave  like  an  idiot.  *^ioU  n 
nonsense.  {^loUet  a  idiotic(al),  silly,  sottish. 
t^joHet^cb  c  Imbecility.    tf^jo'^  »  fool- 

{^jong  a  stylish,  smart;  —  «:  fætte_  paa  make 

^jor  indec:  i  _  last  year;  i  -  §øft  last  autumn. 

^jo'rb  c  -e  bay,  frith,  fjord,  estuary,  inlet. 
-fart  frith  navigation.  *-^eft  pony  of  the  sea- 
side  breed.  -ié  ice  on  the  frith.  -munbing 
mouth  of  a  frith,  estuary.  -fæl  (common;  seal, 
Phoca  vitulina. 

I^jo'rlgantmel  o  a  year  old,  (om  $Qr)  yearllng. 
-taio  yearling  calf. 

i^jo'rten  fourteen;  om  _  2)age  in  a  fortnight. 
-aarig,  -aarS  a  fourteen  years  old.  -baglig  a 
fortnightly.  -bagSftrift  fortuightly.  -be  four- 
teenth.    -bebel  c  fourteenth. 

^iottt  vi  drivel,  gfottet  a  silly,  drivelling' 
gjottet^eb  c  silliness. 

Sjæl  c  -e  &  -le  (thin)  board. 

ijjælb  n  -e  mountain,  hill;  (om  ©runben)  rock; 
til  -§  on  the  mountains.  -anå  mountain-ridge. 
*-beite  m.  pasture.  -beftigcr  Alpine  climber. 
-bo,  -bonbe  mountaineer,  highlander.  -bt)gb 
(inhabited)   mountain   district.     -bagning   oro- 




graphy.  -bol  m.  valley.  -beten  laf  Smbingbeuet) 
the  petrous  portion  (of  the  temporal  bone). 
-bOttt^aV  pine  bullflnch,  Corvthus  enucleator. 
•broSfel  fleldfare,  Turdus  pilaris.  -bue  rock 
dove,  Columha  Hvin.  *-buff  fe  -frue  -egn  m. 
region,  m.  tract.  -eltt  fe  -flrøm.  -JJin  fe  -lap. 
*-fiot  Jacob's  ladder,  Polemonium  ca-ru/cum. 
-fro§  glulton,  Guio  lusens.  -frue  navelwort, 
lady's  cu.shion,  Saxifraga  Coty/edon.  -gaa§  fe 
ffirærgfloaS.  -gang  ascent  of  a.  m.  -gcb  moun- 
taiu  goat,  Capra  ihex.  -grceS  mountain  grass, 
•gricoling  hyrax.  -^amtnec  crag.  *-t)jer^e  fe 
^iejle.  -faabe  Alpine  lady's  mantle,  Alchemilla 
alpina.  -tam  crest  of  a  m.  -tiøft  ravine,  moun- 
tain cleft  el.  fi.ssure.  *-!nof  crag.  -loJ>  mountain 
Laplander.  -liti  mountain  life.  *-lo  fe  ^jeile. 
-manb  mountaineer.  *-rao(r)  ^  grass-willow, 
Salix  herbacea.  *-nttt  fe  -tinb.  "-pm,  -pltf^Xt 
fe  Jpjejle.  *'tatte  fe  -ræb.  -rejfe  excursiou  in  tlie 
mountains.  -tibS  m.  currant,  Ribes  alpinum. 
*-rofe  fe  -frue;  mountain  avens,  Dryas  octopetala. 
-totte  fe  iietuming.  -t^g  ridge  of  a  m.  -vttpe 
plarmigan,  Lagoxnis  alpina  -ræb  polar  fox, 
Canis  lagopus.  ''-ffar  mouutain-pass ,  gien. 
*-f(arb  fe  -rQpe.  -ftrcb  mountain  slide,  -ffrænt 
cliflf,  precipice.     -flette  table-land     •\nappe  fe 

toibflire.  *-fo(«j  bultercups,  Ihinunculus  bul- 
osus.  -fti  mountain-path.  -ftrætntng  mountain 
range,  -ftrain  mountaintorrent.  -ftue  m.  sta- 
tion. *-fl)rc  mountain  sorrel,  Oxyria.  -tinb(e) 
m.  peak.  -Up  m.  top,  hill-top.  '-tralt  fe  -egn. 
*-trofl  fe  -broSfel.  *-»oflg(c)  rough-legged  buzzard, 
Bvteo  lagopus.  *-bOttb  m.  lake.  -bej  m.-road. 
*-t>ibbe  vast  mountain  wilderness.  -bæg  rock 
wall,  bluff  -btctte  mountain  sprite, 
tain  desert. 

-f-f5i*Jc  «*  hide.    -fteb  hiding-place. 

fJjæt(I)e|bob  booth  (of  boards), 
farce.  -bob§tentcr  canvas-theatre, 
booth,  penny-gaff.  -bro  bridge  of  boards.  -guIo 
deal  floor,  -Ij^tte  booth,  shed.  -loft  ceiling  of 
boards,    -bogn  cart  made  of  boards. 

55jær  fe  gjeber. 

*^iære  c  ebb,  ebb-tide;  beach,  strand,  sands. 
•matt  c  lug,  lug-vvorm,  Arenicola  piscatorum. 
-tnu§,  -:bUt  purpie  sandpiper,  Tringa  maritima. 
•urt  Dover  catchfly,  Silene  nutans. 

gjæ'rlf^tb  0.  fl.,  fe  gjebet=. 

gjærfing  fe  gjæfing. 

{jjccS  n,  pi  =,  p ,  face,  physiognomy,   p  phiz. 

t^jæfe  vi  hang  in  shreds.    »Jjæfcr  p'  shreds. 

piæftng  c  -er  sting-bull,  Trachinus. 
ai*^  "'  P^  '^i  ^yr^,  cow-house. 

t#j«fe  fe  gfiæfe. 

%\aa  vt  flay,  skin;  .lig  fleece;  _  af  strip  off. 

*i51oa  a  shallovv.    -bt)gget  a  flat-built,  shallow. 

tJlaob'  n  flux;  (p.  giftefnørej  float;  bet  :^otbe  ~ 
the  Whites. 

$Iaabe  <■  -r  (Stntal  Stibe)  fleet,  squadron;  (en 
6tat§)  navy;  (^offarbifl.)  fleet  of  merchantmen; 
liile  ~  flotilla;  (Søinmerfl.)  float,  raft;  (?lrbejb§f.) 
floating  stage;  —  vt  float,  raft.  -ofbettng  divi- 
sion of  a  fleet,  naval  armament.  -bro  floating 
bridge,  -brænbe  floated  firewood.  -bygger  raft 
-builder.  -betnonftratton  naval  demonstration. 
-fører  raftsman.  -boge  raft-dog  *-ftotbcr  ^ 
slow  ship;  fig  mediocrity.  -inf<)e!t«r  inspector 
of  the  navy.  -tictting  raft-chain.  -leje  roads. 
-moferiet  materiel  of  a  navy.  -minifter  fe  'Siia- 
rtne=.  -mirnftrtng,  -reb^  uaval  rcview.  -ftotion 
naval  station,     -ft^rte  naval  force. 

i^loob'IgoQe  wind-gall,  vessignon.    -i^^lt  float. 

f^IoOjCr  c  -e  usurer.  *-^ofte  vt  pare  (grass 
-land),  -^otte  c  mattock  for  paring.  -gafning 
paring.    -Inib  seal  knife.    -ning  c  flaying  etc. 

-art  moun- 



'''^\aai  c  -er  malapert.    -et «  malapert,  har 

t^loote  c  -r  tick,  Ixodes  rieimis. 

y-Iob   (og    J^Iob')    c  chaps;    £)olb  _    p  none 
your  jaw;    en  _  P  ^s  a  malapert.    -et  a 
pert.     -o<)  c  p  slap  in  the  face. 

glocon'  [ft.]  e  -er  small  (scent-)bottle. 

{ytob  <i  flat;  p  (floB)  blank,  nonplussed,  shee 
ish;  føle  fig  _  feel  sat-upon;  ben  -e  ^aanb  the 
palm  of  the  hånd;  -t  Sonb  level  land;  -t  3Soub 
shallow  wator;  flaa  _  flatteu;  folbe  -t  ueb  fall 
flat.  -ogtig  rt  flattish.  -boob  punt,  flat-bottomed 
boat.  -brijftet  «  flat-breasted.  -brættbcr  flat 
flame  buruur.  -brøb  flat-cake,  bannock.  -bnttbet 
a  flat-bottomed.  *-bl)gb  flat,  opeu  tract.  -bbøget 
a  flat  built.    -bælg,  -biclie  sweet-pea,  Lathyrus. 

JJlobbermlne  c  fougade. 

I^lobc  c  -r  flat,  plane,  plane  flgure;  (ben  flobe 
Sibe)  flat  side;  -n  af  ©ablen  the  flat  of  the  sword. 
-t-i?labe  fig  (af)  vr  flatten.  -inb^olb  superflcial 
content,  area.  -l^n  sheet-lighluing.  -tnoot 
surface  measure.  -mooling  planimetry.  -rum 
fe  -inb^olb.    -bentil  disk- val  ve. 

{Jlo'blfll  flat-file.  -fift  flatfish.  -fobet  a  flat 
-footed.  -liatnmer  set  hammer,  -tjomre  et  flatten. 
-^eb  c  flatness.  -^obcb  scupper-nail.  -^obtt  a 
flat-hoofed.  -jærn  flat  iron.  -tont  (af  SSjælle  el. 
©ten)  broad  side.  -tno^  butterfly  orchis,  Pla- 
tanthera.  -trobet  a  3(  salvershaped.  -lowb  level 
country  plain.  -linie  level  line.  -InS  crab 
louse,  Pediculus  puhia.  -Icenbet,  *-tænbt  a  flat, 
level,  -løb  flat  race,  f.  racing.  -ning  c  -er  bot- 
tom.  -næb  tody,  Todus.  -næfet  a  flat-nosed. 
-orme  pi  plauaria.  -^nQct  a  flat-crowned.  -fcng 
shakedown.  -fiben  the  flat  (side),  -ffinne  plate 
-rail,  flat-rail.  -ftcm^cl  flatter,  -ftif  te  flat  .scooper, 
flat  sculper.  -ftlng  broad  stitch.  -ftjernc  stitch- 
wort,  Stellaria.  -f^ning  broad  stitch.  -føm  flat 
seam.  -toget  a  flat-roofed.  -tong  flat(-nosed) 
pliers.  -toppet  a  flat-tooped.  -troobt  a  fig  hack- 
neyed.  -træfning,  -trljftbeb  c  flattening,  com- 
pression;  ^ovbenl  _  the  oblate  form  of  the  earth. 
-tr^tt  a  flattened;  matk  oblate.  t-bonb  shallow 
water.    f-bonbet  a  shallow. 

glog  n,  pi  =,  flag;  (^ampagneflag)  ^I,  ensign; 
(9lation§fI.)  colours;  ^ejfe  _  hoist,  heave  out  the 
flag  el.  colours;  ftrijge  _  strike,  lower  the  flag 
el.  colours;  føre  falff  _  wear  false  colours.  -bng 
hunting,  {^logc  vi  hang  et.  put  out  a  flag  el. 
flags,  J/  dress  a  ship,  display  colours;  bet  -r  i 
aSnen  the  town  is  decorated  with  flags,  is  flagged. 

iJlogc  c  -r,  *5log  n,  pi  =,  flake;  (ftor  3SfIage) 
floe.    t-Ieb  hurdle-gate. 

g-logeltont'  c  -ec  flag'ellant. 

flageolet'  c  -ter  flag'eolet.    -tone  f.  tone. 

|jlagermu8  c  bat,   Vespertilio.    -ben  pterygojy 
bone.    -brænber  bat's  wing  bumer. 

JJlo'glfalb    ensign-haliard.     -gaffel    flag-gq 
monkey  galT. 

?Jlaggc  fe  gtoge  vi. 

t^-lo  glfoVtojn  flag-captain  -lifte  coloui-chest. 
-tnap  truck  of  the  flag-stafi".  -mager  c  -e  flag 
-maker.    -manb  J>  signal-man;  fe  flib. 

*J5logne  vi  flake,  peel  el.  scale  oif. 

JJlagofficer  c  flag-offlcer. 

tylogront'  «  flagrant;  in  fiagranti  in  the  ve 

i^tagrr  vi  (uroligt  ^ib  og  bib)  flicker,  (ogi.  figj 
flutter;  (flaa  meb  pingerne)  flap;  (flamme  uftabigt) 
flare;  en  -nbe  iiue  a  flickering  flame;  2t)fet  -r  the 
light  flares;  nbe  Sof fer  flowing,  dishevelled  locks. 
•ahe  flying  lemur,  GaleopitfieMs.  -baanb  flow- 
ing ribbon,  -egern  fe  5lt)t>e=.  -gulb  fe  glitter-. 
-^inbe,  -^ub  flyiug-membraue.  -l^ft,  -f»)ge  fick- 
leness.  -^ungobe  flying  phalanger,  Petaurua. 
-born  a  fickle.  a^ 





^(aglftib  flagship.  -fniQttct  a  beflagged. 
-fvæt(tc}  woodpecker.  -fvil,  -ftong  llag-stafT. 
■fV«léfntt|)  truck  of  the  flagstaft". 

^laV  a  flat;  ^  flat,  shallow,  shoal.  {Jtaf  n 
:    flat. 

^JflUe  vi  roam,  rove,  ramble,  +  [t.]  flicker. 
•Jflft  rambling  propenslty.    -n  c  roaming  etc. 

■fylaffe  vi  flap;  _  meb  SJingerne  flap  the  wings. 

S-latt,  f^Iafte  fe  giætfe. 

{Vlontingo  c  flamingo,  Phcenicopterus. 

jjlomlænber  c  -e  Fleming. 

flamme  c  -r  flame  (og!,  fig  Silbebte),  blaze; 
(i  Sfi)  wave;  (i  %xce.  ©ten)  vein,  streak,  wave; 
jrænbe  meb  -  burn  with  a  flame;  ftaar  i  _  is  in 
flames;  bringe  i  _  inflame.  f^Iamme  vi  flame, 
blaze;  en  -nbe  3Ib  a  roaring,  blazing  fire;  _  i 
SBejret  flare  up.  -aabning  fe  -bul.  -blil  flaming, 
fiery  look.  -bab,  -grou  poet  death  in  the  flames. 
•tta\)  ocean  of  fire.  -^ul  fire-hole.  •tattoffel 
fluke.  -nbe  a  flaming  etc;  her  inflamed.  -opal 
flre-opal.  -ottn  carbonating  fumace.  -ffrift 
indelible  characters.  -foibning  gassing.  -t  a 
veined,  waved,  streaked,  curled. 

I^Iatnft  a  Flemish. 

I»(anber{n  n  Flanders.    -fl  a  Flemish. 

Ijlone  c  -r  giddy  girl,  flirt,  coquette,  fizgig. 
I^Iane  vi  flirt. 

j|loneI'  fe  glonel. 

tvlane're  vi  lounge. 

jjlnnelrt'  n,  -tiæfen  levity  of  manners.  -born 
a  giddy-headed,  coquettish. 

JV-Iongc  c  -r  flange. 

^•lanfe  c  -r  flank;  falbe  i  -n  take  in  flank. 
-angreb  attack  in  flank.  -batteri  flanking  bat- 
tery.  -btcfning  flanking.  f^tanferftl  thinning 
file.     plantere  vt  flank;   P  vi  louuge. 

x^ianø'v  c  -er  loafer,  man  about  town. 

*55Io«  n  dandrifl-. 

5lof!e  c  -r  bottle,  flask;  (3tpoteterf.)  phial; 
lomme  paa  -r  bottle.  ^taite  vt:  ~  op  (et  ^axn) 
bring  up  by  hånd,  dry-nurse;  _  fig  F  succeed; 
bet  bil  iffe  _  fig  it's  no  go.  -agurt  calabash 
-balle  bottle-tray.  -breu  4^  bottlepaper.  -bug 
belly  of  a  bottle.  -biirfte  bottle-brush.  -bannet 
a  bottle-shaped.  -fober  bottle-case,  celiaret. 
-formet  fe  bonnet.  -grceiSfar  calabash,  Cucurbita 
lagenaria.  -grøn  a  bottle-green.  -^atS  neck  of 
a  b.  -b^Ifter,  -ta))fet  capsule  for  bottles.  -Iflut= 
fc^ul  raw  caoutchouc.  -I«rt)  bottle  basket.  -la! 
sealing-wax  for  bottles.  -Ittfle  bottlestopper. 
-tnatie  belly  of  a  bottle.  -ntoben  a  ripe  (for 
bottling).  -ptnp  cork,  stopper,  -febbel  J,  bottle 
-paper.  -ftaar  pi  broken  bottles,  bottle-ends. 
•flllt  label.  -ffl)lntng  bottle-washing.  -ftatio 
bottle-stand.  -tol  fe  -prop.  -træ  sweet-sop, 
sweet-apple,  Anona  aguamosa;  calabash-tree, 
Crescentia  cujete.  -træt  tackle,  block  and  puUey. 
t-treje  lapelied  bodice.  -æble  (a  kind  of)  me- 
lon-apple.    -el  bottled  beer. 

*^late  fe  giaate. 

tiatte're  fe  Smigre. 
le'bferje  fig  vr  surrender  real  property  for 
a  pension,    -cife  c  commutation  of  real  prop- 
erty for  a  pension,    -ing   c  -er  one  who  has 
surrendered  etc. 

I^leget  c  -gier  lout. 

|ylegma  c  &  n  phlegm,  dullness,  indiflFerence. 
•'titer  c  phlegmat'ic  person,  -'tift  a  phleg- 

*SIeinftaIbet  a  fe  glenffalbet. 

ivlctte  o  -r  non-corporate  to^,  borough. 

i>lcfte're  vt  inflect. 

tJylEK  c  -e  prong,  tine. 

5>len8  fe  Slange. 

jlenfle  vt  flense.  -er  c  -e  flenser.  -ning  c 

Sarfeit:  2)anfl>®ngelff  Crbbog. 

5?le'nftalbrt  a  bald-pated. 

^let,  flere  (compar  of  ilRonge)  more;  itte  _  no 
more;  (abftiHige)  several;  (forffellige)  various;  ~ 
®Qnge,  ^IJerfoner  several  times,  persons;  bbem  _? 
who  else?  efter  _  fflJaoneberS  graoærelfe  after 
months  of  absence;  fe  Somme  fra.  —  Orlei^ldoHfl 
a  of  several  years,  several  years  old;  _  plante 
perennial.  -baftft  a  polybasic.  f^lereftebl  adv 
in  several  piaces.  $ler|gttberi'  n  polytheism. 
-^eb  c  majority,  plurality,  generality;  ben  ftore 
_  af  the  general  run  (f  ruck)  of.  -tantet  a 
polygonal.  -tnititict  a  ^  polyadelphian,  polya- 
delphous;  be  be  polyadelphia.  -toneri'  n  poly- 
gamy.  -btandlegeme  polyhedron.  -flbet,  -fibig 
c  many-sided;  fig  varied,  multifarious;  (om  ^er- 
fon)versatile.  -ftattelfcSorb  polysyllable.  -ftent' 
mig  a  polyphonous;  _  Sang  partsinging;  (Sang 
ubfot  for  flere  Stemmer)  part-song,  descant.  -tal 
gram  the  plural  (number);  fe  -beb.  -talåtiælbe 
the  rule  of  the  majority.  -tQbig  a  of  different 
meanings,  ambiguous.  -t^big^eb  c  ambiguity. 
-Oierbig  a,  cken  polyatomic. 

t^tefe  fe  gicefe. 

IJle'ft  [ogf.  fléft'  &  flceft']  a,  superl  af  3Kange, 
most;  fom  Sfoll  er  -  like  the  common  run,  the 
generality  of  people,  the  rank  and  file  of 
humanity;  be  -e  most  people;  mine  e  SBøger  most 
of  my  books. 

{flette  vt  plait,  plat,  braid;  _  en  Surb  make  a 
basket;  _  en  ftranS  wreath  a  garland;  -  et  Oærbe 
wattle  a  hedge;  _  inb,  fe  ^nbflette.  *?JIette  c  -r 
plait,  braid.  -baanb  braid.  -gærbe  hurdle, 
wattle.  -tone,  -t»ige  plaiter,  braider.  -t«)  braid. 
-bært  plait,  hurdle-work.  {fletning  c  (bet  at 
flette)  plaiting  etc;  (bet  giettebe,  pi  -er)  plait, 

{^tcrio'n  c  -er  inflexion. 

*5lt  vt,  fe  git)  vt  2. 

glibuffier  c  -e  filibuster,  freebooter. 

§lib  c  diligence ;  (Slrbejbfombeb)  industrj', 
(9lanblanftrengelfe)  application;  meb  _  on  purpose, 
purposely;  gøre  fig  megen  _  take  great  pains.  — 
3rti'b81arbcjbe  painstaking  work.  -belønning, 
•præmie  prize  for  diligence. 

f^IieS  c  &  n  bet  el.  ben  g^lbnc  -  the  golden 

iJIig  c  -e  lap;  comer;  (p.  |)ot)ebtøi)  lappet;  (p. 
Sinter)  fluke,  (p.  SRor^age)  arm.  -et  o  ^  lobate, 
lobated.  -læbe  twayblade,  Listera.  -tore  pepper 
dulse,  Laurentia  pinnatifida. 

S^lit'  c  -fer  patch. 

||litflat  n  cross-caper. 

glitte  vt  (lappe)  patch,  piece,  botch,  vamp  up, 
(©fo)  cobble;  _  inb  fig  insert,  cont  foist  in. 
-orb  expletive.  55fW<|f  c  f  patcher,  botcher, 
vamper.  •ri,  -bært  n  patching,  patchwork, 
i^litning  c  patching  etc. 

I^limmeropal  c  Oriental  opal. 

i^limre  vi  glimmer. 

tl^lin  n  p  grin.    gfline  vi  grin. 

f^lint  a  smart,  quick,  brisk,  active;  elever, 
able;  _  i  ^iftorie  elever  at  history.  {^lintje  (op) 
vt  brush  up,  make  smart,  -^eb  c  smartness, 
quickness,  briskness,  activity;  clevemess,  ability. 

(^lint  c  -e  flint;  »ære  nær  beb  at  fpringe  (el. 
fl^oe)  i  _  be  bursting  with  rage. 

gUttt  (®et)ær)  c  -er  gun,  musket,  fowling-piece. 
—  gflinte|ba§fe  b.  f.  -tolbe  butt-end  of  a  gun. 
•tngle  bullet,  musket-ball.  •Iaa8  flintlock.  -leb 
gun-barrel.  -ftub  musket  shot,  gun-shot;  pao  -8 
9lfftanb  within  gun-shot     -ften  gun-flint;   flint. 

glintlfliS,  -flætte  spall,  (regelm.  tilbannet)  flint 
flake.  -(e)glaé  flint-glass.  -Ijaarb  a  hard  as 
flint,  -terne  archce  flint  core.  -tnlb  f.  knife 
(0.  fl.). 

^Hp'  c  -per  flap;  en  _  (et  $or  gltpper)  a  shirt 




-coUar;  _  af  et  SCørJIcebe  corner  of  a  handkerchief. 
-Iraue  false-collar,  gills;  (plante)  candy-tuft, 

^Ute  c  -r  young  bream. 

*{JIlre  vt  F  langh,  grin. 

5tli8  c  -et  splinter,  flinders  pi. 

IjHfe  c  -r  flag  (-stone);  (i  ®(o8  ofD.)  flaw;  fe 
gliS;  Éelcegfle  meb  -r  flag.  |^(ife  vt  &  i  splinter. 
-belagt  a  flagged.  -brotæøning  flagway.  -guitt 
floor  of  flagstones,  flagging.  -lægge  vt  flag. 
-ræl!e  flagging,  footpath.  -ften  flagstone;  kerb 
-stone.    -t  a  splintery. 

flitsbue  c  cross-bow,  boy's  bow.  -lolbe  stock 
(of  a  cross-bow).    -Jill  arrow. 

jtnttc  c  -r  fleam. 

I^littcr  c  tinsel.  -ot3  melio-grass,  Melica. 
+-t)t)l)er  p?  sham  virtues.  -gultt  leaf-brass.  -friim. 
-ftobg,  -tant  tinsel.    -bib  false  wit. 

f^Iittig  a  diligent;  studious;  industrious,  sedu- 
lous;  _  Seføger  frequeut  visitor;  —  adv  diligently 
etc;  ftubere  -  study  hard.    -^eb  c  fe  glib. 

Sjiob'  n  fe  glaab=. 

Ijtob  c  (mobf.  (£6be)  flood-tide,  flood;  (SSanbft.) 
inundation;  bet  Bar  ~(-tib)  the  tide  was  in. 
^lob  c  -er  river;  beb  en  _  on  a  river,  -anter 
flood-anclior.  -orm  branch  (of  a  river),  -baab 
river-boat.  -bob  river-Vjath,  bathing  in  a  river. 
-breb  river-bank,  river-side.  -bugt  Winding  of 
a  r.  -bæltcn  basin  (of  a  r.).  -bølge  tide  wave. 
-bomber,  -bom))ffib  river-steamer.  -belto  river 
delta,  -bige  dike,  embankment  of  a  r.  SfJo**!' 
et  vt  flow;  naar  »il  bet  _  i  2)ag?  what  time  will 
the  tide  flow  to-day.  -fort  r. -navigation,  -fortøj 
river-eraft.    -fifl  river-flsh.    -f^r  tidal  light. 

globlgoHc  fe  glaab=. 

^lo'blgcbet  river-basin.  -gub  river-god.  -gub= 
inbc  r. -goddess.  -^cft  river -horse,  hippopo- 

5«Iob|boIt  fe  giaab=. 

ijlo  b|()btr»cl  eddy,  vortex.  -ilber  mink,  Vison 
lutreola.  -inf^cttar  inspeetor  of  a  river.  -!reb§ 
crayfish,  Astacua  flvviatilia.  -lambrct  river-lam- 
prey,  Petromyzon  fiuviatilis.  -leje  river-bed. 
•lobS  r. -pilot.  -løb  river-course.  -(e)moal  high- 
water  wark.  -mooler  tide-gauge.  -munbing 
mouth  of  a  river,  -mærfe  high-water  mark, 
•negenøjcn  fe  -lampret,  -ntimfe  water-nymph. 
•^jerlcmuéling  fresh-water  mussel,  Unio.  -^lotiti 
river  police,  -renbe  channel  of  a  r.  -rig  a 
abounding  in  rivers,  well-rivered.  -fonb  river 
-sand.  -fejtobS  river-navigation,  -fcttg  fe  -leje. 
-fignol  high  water  signal,  -ftilbbobbe  marsh 
tortoise,  Trionyx.  -fbin  wart-hog,  Potamochærus; 
fe  ftapioari.  -ftjftem  river  system,  -tib  flood 
■tide.  -ttit  miller's  thumb,  (Joitus  gobio.  -bonb 
river-water.  -bej  passage  by  a  river,  -ørn  osprey, 
Pundion  haiiaetus. 

{?lol'  c  -ler  (om  Ulb)  flock. 

glol'  c  -fe  flock;  (gugle)  flight,  wisp,  (p.  3or= 
ben)  pack,  (SBagtler)  bevy,  (f.  et«.  SIgerf)øn§) 
covey;  (Store)  swarm,  troop,  party;  i  -  og  gølge 
in  Company. 

'■■{Jiote  c  -r  tangle,  snarl;  —  vt  tangle,  snarl; 
■8  tangle,  get  tangled.    -t  a  taugled. 

tlofle  c  fe  giof  1. 
lotte   vt  gather,    colleet;    _  fig  vr,    -te§  vd 
flock,  crowd,  throng;    gfuglene   ^ooe  begtjnbt  at  - 
ftg  to  pack.    -tol :  i  ~  in  crowds,  flocks.    *'-troft 
fe  SJælbbroSfel.    -bié  adv  in  flocks. 

^lotrøbt  n  nacarat  of  red  flock. 

•'•■■tJlofS,  {Jlotfe  [6]  e  romp.    -e  vi  romp. 

?Jlot|ftIte  floss-  {flock-,  flox-)  silk.  -tapeter 
flock- paper  hangings.    -ulb  flock-wool. 

{JloW  [''6]  c  -mer  water-meadow,  swamp; 
waterflood.  inundation,  freshet,  owerflow.  -me 
vi  be  flooded,  swollen. 


JJlomme  c  -r  leaf,  inside  fat,  prov  flead.  -fiU 

>|(Dmttb  c  season  of  freshets. 

»ilioner  .n  flan'nel.    ■4'  flannel. 

glor  n  crape,  gauze;  (SBcetin.)  pile. 

5lor  c  bloom,  flowering,  blossom;  fig  flourish 
ing  State,  prosperity,  success;  ftao  i  _  bloom,  b( 
in  full  blow.     {Jloro  c  ^  flora. 

'^fjlore  e  ^  tier. 

{^lorcnce  n  {%e\)  Fior'ence  tatfeta. 

5lorcn|é  n  Fior'ence.  -ti'ncr  c  -e  Flor'entin« 
-tincrftoftc  Florentine  receiver,  Florence-flasli 
-tincrin'be  c  -r  Florentine.    -tinerlot  round  lakf^ 

J^lorerc  vi  flower;  fig  flourish. 

floret'  c  -ter  foil. 

gloret'lboonb  gauzeribband.    -filte  floss-sills 

J^Io  riflucr  fe  -otnger. 

•■'■^loring  fe  giore. 

J^lormcl  n  fine  flour. 

tlororabuKbcn  a  draped  with  crape. 
lo'r^lboonb  n  gauze-ribbon;  (til  ©org)  crape 
-band.  -^ot  gauze-  (crape-)  honnet,  i^lorftgtc 
fine  sieve.  {JlorSltobbe  gauze-cap.  -flør  gauze- 
(crape-)veil.  JJlorbtnge  lace-wing  fly,  Hewie- 
robim.  {^lorboetier  gauze-weaver. 
n  (i  ^oaret)  dandrifi". 
n  -fer,  (%e\)  plush;  {Xe\,  2u)  shag;  (l»8. 
ftibte  Sraabenber)  frayings.    -^ot  plush  hat 

jttoftel  c  -tier  mere  phrase,  set  phrase. 

i(lo§fe  vt  shag;  vi  fray,  fuzz. 

tjlot'  a  J,  afloat;  (SBceon.)  loose;  fig  free,  fr 
and  easy,  cavalier;  jaunty,  dashing,  smartj' 
rakish,  fast;  _  *l5aaftQnb  otf-hand  assertion;  — 
adv  vL  afloat;  cavalierly  etc,  fast,  extravagantly; 
gøre  et  Stib  _  set  a  ship  afloat;  leoe  _  live 
luxuriously;  bringe  _  vt  set  afloat.  -^eb  c  non- 
chalance, jauntiness,  extravagance.  *-^oIt  n 
float.  %iottt  vi  meb,  fe  |Z)bfIe;  —  vr  fig  spread 
one's  self;  -  fig  mib  sport. 

glottU'e  c  -r  flotilla. 

glottø'r  c  -er  float. 

Jjlob  a  flat,  vapid,  insipid;  niere  dull,  flat; 
ben  -e  2ib  the  dull,  silly  el.  slack  season;  _  SSinb 
light  wind;  _  S5itttg^eb  bad  joke;  gøre  _  em- 
barras;  blioe  _  be  ashamed,  feel  sheepish;  en  _ 
^erfon  a  silly,  insipid  person;  fe  -  ub  look 
sheepish,  blank,  small,  foolish,  sold;  jeg  er 
ganffe  -  I  feel  qnite  faint.  |$tob|e  vi:  SBinben 
-be  (af)  the  wind  fell  light;  —  +  vr  fig  Oeb  at  be 
ashamed  to.  -beb  c  flatness,  vapidness,  inslpid- 
ity;  dullness;  faintness,  faintishness.  -fer  pi  f 

'■"gloj  fe  giotl. 

•■'■§lu  c  -er  half-tide  rock;  bait.  Qflu  vt  hai 
(the  ground). 

{Jlue  c  -r  fly;  fe  ®<)anftflue;  ftoa  to  -r  meb  eet 
©mæl  kill  two  hirds  with  one  stone,  two  flies 
with  one  flap;  '^atje  -r  i  Jpobebet  have  a  bee  in 
one's  honnet,  have  one's  head  full  of  wasps; 
fætte  en  -r  i  |»otiebet  t>irn  one's  head;  bøbe  iom 
-r  died  like  flies.  '''-oot  limacina  arctica.  -ben 
fly's  leg.  -blomft  fly  orchis,  Orchis  bifolia. 
-bæltcn  fe  -net.  -fanger  ^  fly-trap,  Bionæa 
mu'cipula;  fe  -fnapper.  -fifler  fly-fisher.  -ftffcrl 
fly-flshing.  -gift  fly-poison.  -\\oti,  -letfer  fly 
-catcher,  butterfly-net.  -Iboft  fly-flap.  -woger 
c  -e  fly-tier.  -net  fly-net.  -bapir  poisoned  paper 
for  flies,  fly-paper.  -plafter  blister,  (langfomt 
trætfenbe)  blistering  plaster,  -flob  meat-safe, 
meat-screen.  -ftorn  fly-specks.  -fmælle  fly-flap: 
fe  -fanger  ^.  -fnobper  fly-catcher,  Muscicapa. 
*-fo<>  fe  -foamp.  -fbl)  fly-blow:  belagt  meb  _, 
forbætdet  (om  gøbemibler)  fly-blown.  -ften  me- 
tallic  arsenic.  -fbom^  flymushroom,  toad-stool, 
Agaricus  7>iu8cariu».  -trtt  quassia.  -bif le  fly-fan , 
fly-flap,  fly-whisk. 





iylngt  c  (Unbflugt,  SRømning)  escape;   (giogten, 

'Di'en)  flight;  ftoj  fir.,  gItjBen  i  58ejret;  ogfaa  ^c) 
soiiriug;  ^(/  spirit,  vigour;  tage  en  take  to  one's 
heels,  take  to  flight;  i  Oilb  -  in  rout,  completely 
routed;  flaa  gjenben  tiaa  _  put  the  eneray  to 
flight  ftobe  en  gugl  i  -en  shoot  a  bird  flying  el. 
on  the  wing;  gribe  i  -en  yig  cateh  by  the  fore- 
lock;  guglene  ere  t>aa  ~  Iiele  Sagen  the  birds  are 
on  the  wing  the  whole  day;  i  _  meb  flush, 
level,  even,  in  a  line  with.  ^^"8*1^  '^i  (meb)  be 
flush  (with);  run  (parallel),  -ffub  flying  shot. 
-flQbning  flying  shots,  shooting  on  the  wing. 
-fnor  line.  -ftol  ladys  chair.  -tib  art  time  of 
flight.    '^-t)8t§en  a  fledged. 

^lutbutn  n    ta  fluid. 

jjlufé'  adv  immediately,  straight,  forthwith. 

J^luftu|otio'tt  c  -er  fluctua'tion.  -e'te  vi 
flue  tiiale. 

S^lunft  vi  sparkle;  -cnbe  n^  fire-new,  bran-new, 
spiek-and-span  new. 

gfluor  ti  fluorine.  -aluminium  (ofb.)  fluoride 
of  ahiminiiim  (etc.).  t-brint(e)  fe  ^luSftjre.  -for- 
Binbelfe  fluoride,    -'-»janbftof  fe  gUtSftjre. 

^laé'  c  flux;  chem  calcined  potash.  -mibbel 
flux.  -fVat  fluor  (spar),  -ftaol  flowing  steel. 
•fljre  hydrofluoric  aeid. 

^(ujionércgning  c  fluxions. 

*3rllJ  c  -er  moor. 

510  «»'  flee,  fly,  run  away,  escape;  —  vt  flee, 
avoid,  shun,  eschew. 

^l^  vt  hånd,  give;  t  set  in  order,  trim,  make 

gl^bc  (fløb,  flljbt)  Cl  flow,  run;  (paa  SSanbet) 
float;  _  af  result,  foUow  from;  ber  Dil  _  S3Iob 
blood  will  be  shed;  ©ulcet  -r  meb  SSanb  F  the 
floor  is  overflowed  with  water;  _  ober  run  over, 
overflow;  -  op  rise  to  the  surface;  Salen  r  gobt 
for  ^am  he  has  a  good  flow  of  words;  ^eraf  -r 
hence  it  follows;  _  fammen  Jig  run  into  one 
another.  -batteri  floating  battery.  -bom(floating) 
boom.  -bro  floating  bridge,  -bof  floating  dock. 
-bcemning  floating  dam,  caissoon.  -CDnc  buoy- 
ancy.  -fjjr  floating  light,  -foti  cork-float.  -mine 
buoyant  mine,  -H  c  flowing.  -nbe  «  (mobfat 
faft)  fluid,  liquid;  (Jale  ofo )  fluent;  en  _  Jpaanb 
a  current  hånd;  i  _  Silftanb  in  a  liquid  state; 
-  iJegemer  fluid  substances,  fluids,  liquids;  — 
adv  fluently.  $I)|bent)cb  c  fluidity;  (om  Sale) 
fluency.  ^(t)brjr  c  -e  float.  -fanb  quioksand. 
-baser,  -barbe  floating  beacon.  -bægt  hydro- 
meter, -e  floating  Island,  ^t^bl^olt  n  float. 
3f(l)bntng  c  flowing;  floating. 

Jflflgel  n  -gier  grand  (piano;,  -banfer,  -ffttt 
harmonious  blacksmith.    -f)orn  bugle-horn. 

J5It)pt|e  vi  flee,  fly,  run  away  (for  before); 
_  fra  iJanbet  flee  the  country,  -tg  a  (flQgtenbe) 
fugjliivp,  vagabond;  (let  bortbunftenbe)  volatile; 
(roeftanbig)  inconstant,  fleeting,  transitory;  (om 
Saraft.)  giddy;  (^oftig)  hasty,  cursory;  et  -t  33eføg 
a  flying  visit,  et  t  Ubfoft  a  rough  sketch;  —  adv 
cursorily,  hastily,  in  passing;  betragte  -  take  a 
cursory  view  of.  -ig^eb  c  volatility,  giddiness. 
-ning  c  -er  fugitive,  refugee. 

^Iflnber  c  -bre  flounder;  fig  block-head;  J,  log 
-chip,  (til  Sor)  yoke,  (til  ©olfejl)  euphroe,  awning 
-flsh.  -b^g  fe  *ifte=.  -ft|ge  core.  '^{Jtflnbre  c  -r 
fe  fjlflnber.  ^{JUjnbre  vi  play  at  ducks  and 

gfl9*l*6ar  o  fe  SflOttelig.  -bar^eb  c  removability. 
-(abtier  pi  nomadizing  Lapps.   *-manb  ferryman. 

{jUjtning  c  -er  moving,  removal,  transfer, 
movf,  flitting. 

{5l»)tte  vt  &  i  move,  remove,  shlft,  se  fllt; 
(om  Ijeneftefol!)  leave,  quit;  (i  Sfaf  0.  I.)  move; 
(forlægge,  forflytte)  transfer,  bet  er  2)em  fom  ftal  _ 
it  is  your  move;   _  inb   take  possession,   move 

in;  _  neb  (©ubtr.)  carry;  _  til  (ogi.)  go  to  live 
in  et.  (til  en)  with;  _  (»ao)  fig  move,  make  room. 
-barbuncr  travelling  gnys.  -bebiS  certiflcate  of 
changed  residence,  pass-note.  -bag  rcmoving 
day.  -folb  movable  sheep-fold.  -folt  porters 
(for  removing  f\irniture).  -fri^eb  right  of  eml- 
grating.  -færbig  a  ready  to  move.  -gobå  fumi- 
ture  a-moving.  {^Ibttetig  «  removable  ^t\fttt\- 
I(cå  waggon-load  of  furniture.  -omntbUiS  fumi- 
ture  van.  -ri'  c  (bustle  and  trouble  of)  moving. 
-ft«»  moving  dust.  rtib  moving  (el.  leaving) 
time.    -bogn  spring-van. 

^ttfr)t,  floi,  fløjet  vi  fly;  _  fiøjt  soar;  ©Itbet  fløj 
i  iiuften  the  ship  blew  up;  _  ^en  paa  fly  on  to; 
_  op  (Sugl)  take  wing  el.  flight;  Søren  fløj  op  the 
door  flew  open;  ^an  fløj  op  he  started  to  his 
feet;  _  paa  en  fly  at  one.  -blab  pamphlet,  fly 
-sheet.  -bio!  ^t,  fly-block.  -bur  aviary,  flight. 
■egern  flying-squirrel,  Fterompi  volann.  -cbnc 
faculty  of  flight.  -ftft,  flpoenbe  gift  flying  flsh, 
Exocetua  volitnnn.  -fob  fore  limb  specially  modi- 
fled  for  flight.  -færbig  a  ready  to  fly;  (om  gugle> 
unger)  fledged.  -f«r  a  fledgod.  -gigt  flying 
rheumatism.  -griQe  fancy,  whim,  caprice.  -^nji 
chimæra.  -^aft  violent  el.headlonghurry.  t-^abre 
wild  oats,  Avenn  fatwt.  -^ebe  sudden  fever 
■heat.  -biib  wing-membrane.  -!|ul  entrance  of 
a  bee  hive.  -()unb  fe  -nbe.  -inbfa(b  passing 
fancy,  conceit.  -tnur  flying  gurnard,  Dactyl- 
opterua.  -tuUcr  mad  staggers.  -lun^  art  of 
flying.  -tterligbeb  fleeting  passion.  -I^ft  sud- 
den fancy,  transient  desire.  -maflinc  flying 
-machine.  JJIbben  c  flying,  flight;  _  i  SJemmerne 
shooting,  shooting  pain.  i^I^benbc  a  flying; 
her  flotant;  _  Slngrcb  (2aa8)  movable  toe;  _ 
aSro  tiying-bridge;  _  ^aner  flying  colours,  colcurs 
flying;  i  _  Sart,  .gaft  in  a  great  hurry,  post 
haste;  ~  gærge  flying  ferry-boat;  _  gal  in  a 
towering  passion;  _  ^nnb,  IRæti  foxbat,  Pteropus; 
-  ftlQOer  jib-topsail;  _  Sorpg  flying  party  el. 
camp;  _  Segl  flying  seal;  _  (smerter  shooting 
pains;  _  ©ommer  gossamer.  ØflQbe{pungegern 
flying  phalanger,  Petaurus  »ciureus.  -rcbflab 
organ  of  flight.  -rtigte  idle  report,  -fanb  quick 
•sand.  -ffrift  pamphlet.  -flette,  -flettet  fly 
•shuttle.  -fpring  fuU  gallop,  full  speed,  -tatlel 
single  burton.  -tante  passing  el.  fleeting  thought. 
tibenbe  fe  -rtjgte.    -ulf  fe  -fnur.    -«gJe  pterodac- 


f^Iæb  n 
berer.    -ri' 

fe  -er.  JJIæbe  vi  pule,  blubber.  — 
puling  poem.  -t  c  -e  puler,  blub- 
n  puling. 

tOrlæg  c,  pf  =,  (gul  ©oærblilje)  yellow  flag, 
water-flag.  Iris  pneudaeorua;  fe  ^alamuS. 

••'5?l«l'  c  -fer,  fe  53Iet. 

»læ!-  pi  fe  93øbrer=. 

glatte  (oflfaa  flofte,  flatt)  vt  split,  cleave ; 
(Sømr.)  chamfer;  flaft  jSrn  spread  eagle.  t^lrxlfe 
c  -r  archæ  flake. 

gflæffe  c  fe  glefte. 

"glæfffbar  a  fe  »arflællet. 

$$l(efte|fi(b  spil t-h erring.  -ærter  split-peas. 
Sflætniug  c  splitting  etc.  ^læXnxnqiplantt  ^ 
lalse  post. 

tgtæn  fe  gien. 

5Jlæng  « :  i  _  indiscriminately,  promiscuously. . 

tolænge  e  -r  slash,  gash.    {(Itenge  vt  slash. 

•■{Jlære    Qflærre  c  -r  tear,  rent.    -t  a  tom. 

SJIæfc  c  plaited  flounce. 

5Iæft  n  pork,  bacon.  tSflofffe  ©»  p :  _  i  mangle, 
laceraie ,  slash;  _  op  swear,  blaspheme.  — 
{^(æffelagtig  «  resembling  pork.  -bob  shoulder 
of  a  hog.  t-fante  (©lælbSorb)  beast.  -febt  fat 
of  pork.  -foge  omelet  with  bacon,  -flanner 
bacon  beetle,  Dermeste«  lardariun.  -olie  lard 
-oil.     '-(lanbefage  fe  'foge.    -rib  roast-rib.    -r^g 






chine  of  pork.  -fibe  side  of  bacon,  -fftnte 
ham,  gammou.  -ftefl  roast-pork.  -ftrittttnel  slip 
of  bacon,  -fttfilie  pork-soup.  -foæt^  (*-ft)or) 

*3fl«  vi  \i  giobe. 

ØI«1)  tmp  af  gi^be. 

*3fl«l)e  u<  float  (timber  down  a  river). 

iliøbe  c  cream;  fætte  -  cream;  font  en  _  as 
easy  as  kiss  hånd;  fluntme  -n  af  (ogfaa.^«;)  cream 
off;  —  vt  fe  SIffløbe.  -afffctning  creaming,  rislng 
of  cream.  -ibonbe  milk-man.  -iS  ice-cream. 
-lage  cream -cake.  -tanbe  cream -jug,  -ewer. 
-f«fer  cream  -  cooler.  -lap  fe  -tage.  -1)100161 
cream-meter.  *-rattflge,  *-n(eif>t  fe  -fanbe.  -ofi 
cream  cheese,  Bath  c,  rush  c.  -potte  c.  -pot. 
-:^ubi)ing  clouted  cream,  clotted  cream. 

'■'{Jlat»er  c  -e  (amr)  river-driver. 

f^tøbelfauce  bechamel.  -fle  cream-ladle.  -fllttb 
skin  of  boiled  cream.  -flum  whipped  cream, 
whip.  -flæg  milk-sop.  -fftegget  a  beardless, 
eifeminato.  -tterte  cream-tart.  -ubftiHer  cream 
-separator.    -ubfltUing  separation  of  cream. 

*fjte'bnina  c  floating,  flotage.  {$I«bning3bej: 
flotage  way. 

^løa  a,  prov  fledged. 

§I«j  c  (-(-  n)  -e  (SBinbO  vane;  (af  giaobe,  |)«r, 
SStjgntng)  wing;  (af  SSorb,  Dør  ofb.)  leaf;  (beb 
©ro)  water-wing.  -abiutant  aid-de-camp.  -6orb 
folding  table.  -!bt)gning  building  with  several 
wings,    -bar  folding  door,    double-leaved  door. 

%ie\,  f(«}Ct  imp  &  part  af  gl^De. 

3^I«ienjtti  c  ^  jib-topsail. 

*{5Iajfme  c  Street  wench. 

SrUiJIPfl  dragonet,  GaUionymus.  -!na|)  acorn, 
truck,  -manb  fugleman,  flugelman,  file-leader, 
corner  man.  -ntur  wing-wall.  -møtrit,  -fftue 
thumb-nut,  wlnged  screw.  -paxt  folding-gate. 
-f^inbel  vane-spindle.  -ftang  vane-staff;  vane 
-spindle.    -tap  fe  -fpinbel. 

55I«}I  n  velvet.  —  fløjts  I  agtig  o  velvetlike. 
-onb  velvet-duck,  Anas  fmax.  -lidtixCb  velvet 
ribbon.  -befoettting  velvet -trimming;  meb  ~ 
trimmed  with  velvet.  -blotnft  velvet  flower, 
French  marigold.  Tagetes,  -blab  a  soft  as 
velvet.  -børfte  velvet  brush.  -bragt  v.  dress. 
-fugl  pipra.  -grcEd  softgrass,  Holcus  lanatus. 
-grøb  (a  kind  of)  hasty-pudding  of  flour  and 
butter.  -^anbffcr  pi:  tage  meb  _  paa  handle 
very  leniently.  'ffttt  velvet  hat.  -^hc  v.  cap. 
■fjoU  velvet  coat;  v.  dress,  -mibe  taint,  Trom- 
bidium.    -naal  cleaning-pin.    -fort  velvet  black. 

-fjjlalt  n  whistle. 

iJløjte  c  -r  flute;  (5|5i6e)  whistle;  p  ftære,  fælge 
en  _  take  one  in;  —  vi  k  t  whistle,  pipe;  '~  ab 
en  §unb  whistle  for  a  dog;  _  for  p  curry  favour 
with.  -blæfer  fe  -f^jtller.  -ftff  tobacco-pipe  fish, 
Fiatularia.  -fugl  piping  crow,  organ  bird, 
Gymnorhina  tibieen.  -flap  flute-key.  -ntager  c  -e 

^l«j|ten  fe  »fpinbel. 

flejten  adv  p  gone  off;  gaa  _  be  lost. 
Iø|te|n  '!  whistling.  -nbc  adv  f  utterly, 
excessively.  t-«tft  c  -er,  fe  -fpiHer.  -otulation 
flute-grafting,  -plit  (Drg.)  labium-pipe.  +-fang 
flute-like  song.  -ffole  tutor  for  the  flute.  -^pU 
playing,  performance  on  the  flute.  -^piUer 
player  on  the  flute,  flutist,  flautist.  -ftemnte 
flute  part.  -tone  tone  ofa  flute,  flute-like  note. 
■bær!  flute-stop.    {JI«jtf!i6  flute. 

f^Iejtiinbue  n  French  window. 

*Sl«8'  n  dandriff. 

t||l«'8  c  -e  gaping  mouth;  jfig  puppy,  jacka- 
napes.    -et  a  stuck-up. 

§I«'ftæI  c  limpet.  Patella. 
*55tøt  n,  pi  =,  float. 

OfI«tS  c  -er  stratum,  layer,  fletz.   -bjcerg  moun- 

tain  formed  in  horizontal  strata,  -førmation 
fletz-formation.  -tatt  common  limestone.  -fattb= 
ften  new  red  sandstone. 

tJnat'  n  itch,  scabies,  psora.  -b^lb  psoric 
pustule.  -ntibbel  cure  for  the  itch,  psoric. 
-mibe  itch  mite,  Sarcoptea  scabiei.  -falbe  salve 
against  the  itch.  -tet  a  itchy;  _  Ubflæt  scabious 

55»ife  vi  titter,  giggle.  -n  c  tittering,  titter, 

jVho!'  c  ^  pappus.    -urt  sky-flower,  Cineraria. 

Ijfnug'  n,  pi  =,  flue,  mote;  fe  gnol.  -get  o 
flufl'y.  -let  a  light  as  thistle-down.  -piUex  c  -e 
precisian.    -famUtt  med  flocclllation,  tilmus. 

■fiJttuftregn  p  drizzle. 

gn^fe,  fnoS  (fnljfte),  fnQft  (fn^fet)  vi  snort, 
snufF;  Jlg  fret  and  fume,  chafe.  -n  c  snorting 

Stab'  mere  free  on  board. 

Ijob  c,  pi  gøbber  (9Kaat  paa  =)  foot;  (S3orb) 
leg;  (®Ia§)  stem;  (9Kaft)  heel;  »p  scent,  faa  _ 
flnd  a  scent;  tage  _  i  ^aanb  (^oben  paa  klatten) 
quicken  one's  pace,  take  foot  in  hånd;  gifte 
Sebber  at  gaa  paa  make  one  find  his  legs,  (om 
$enge)  run  through;  fæfte  _  make  a  foot-hold; 
fætte  fin  _  i  set  foot  in;  _  for  _  slowly,  step 
by  step,  at  a  foot  pace,  foot  by  foot;  jeg  taftebe 
mig  for  "^anS  gøbber  I  threw  myself  at  his  feet; 
l^ugge  neb  for  -e  cut  down  indiscriminately;  gaa 
paa  fin  ~  go  on  foot;  tomme  paa  -e  recover 
(from  embaiTassed  circumstances),  retrleve  one's 
self;  l^iæl<)e  en  paa  -e  help  one  on  his  legs,  set 
one  up;  paa  ftaaenbe  _  os'-hånd,  out  of  hånd, 
extempore;  ftaa  paa  en  gob,  flet  _  meb  en  be  on 
good,  bad  terms  with  one;  paa  en  fortrolig  _  on 
terms  of  intimacy;  ^joa  en  meget  fortrolig  ~  on 
terms  of  great  intimacy;  ftaa  paa  foage  gføbber 
be  shaky;  tomme  paa  fri  _  be  set  at  liberty,  be 
released;  oære  paa  fri  _  be  at  large;  lebe  paa  en 
ftor  _  live  in  high  style,  in  a  magnificent  style; 
bære  paa  lige  _  (meb)  be  on  an  equal  footing, 
on  a  footing  of  equality  (with);  ftiQe  paa  lige  _ 
meb  place  on  an  equality  with;  falbe  til  -e  sub- 
mit,  yield,  humble  one's  self;  til  -§  on  foot, 
afoot;  Bære  raff,  foag  til  -8  be  a  good,  bad  wal- 
ker;  tjene  til  -8  serve  in  the  infantry;  træbe 
unber  gøbber  trample  under  foot;  fe  SSorb; 
(»ebær  beb  -I  oeb  -en  ®et)ær!  ground  arms! 
-anget  man-trap,  caltrop;  (^Slante)  hen's  foot, 
Caucalis.  -bob  foot-bath.  -batbe  ball  of  the 
foot.  -bebbing  J,  bowsprit-partners.  -bebtelning, 
■ficflæbning  fe  tøj.  -blab  fe  faal.  -blot  "i. 
leading  block.  -bolb(t)  foot-ball.  -bolt  J,  foot 
band.  -breb  (-Sbreb)  foot-breadth.  -bro  J, 
sholes  pi.  -bræt  foot-board  (of  a  waggon);  fe 
-lifte,  -bælten  foot-basin.  -^gfJ)b|e  vi  set  foot. 
-enbe  foot. 

tJobcr  n  fodder,  provender,  forage;  et  _  ^abre 
a  teed  of  oats;  fætte,  l^olbe  en  §eft  paa  ~  put 
out,  keep  a  horse  at  livery;  bi  ftonbfebe  for  at 
gibe  ^eftene  et  _  we  stopped  to  bait;  gaar  fra  -et 
is  oS  his  feed. 

fober  fe  goer. 
obera't   n    -er   case,    casing.      -mager   c   -e 

3fobcr|art  species  of  fodder.  -htit,  *-httt  cattle 
beet.  -brug  fe -bQrtning.  -bønne  horse -bean,  Vi- 
cia  faba.  -b^rtntng  culture  of  forage.  'tmnt  fe 
-ftof.  -gang  foddering  passage.  -grccS  herbage. 
-^aore  oats  of  fodder.  -^æf  rack.  -farl  fod- 
derer.  -fifte  bin.  -Inap  fe  -trong  a;  -t  Slår  year 
of  scarcity.  -Ina))beb  fe  -mangel,  -fnægt  fe  -tarl. 
-Ir^bbe  mauger,  erib.  -tr^bberi  seasoning  for 
the  fodder.  -tbæg  stall-fed  cattle.  -lebe  want 
of  appetite.  -leje  fe  -løn.  -lo,  -loft  hayloft. 
•mangel,  -n«b  scarcity  of  fodder.    -mefter  dairy 






-manager,  -ntibbet  fe  -ftof.  -plante  fodder  el. 
forage  plant;  greeu  cl.  forage  crop,  -^lofe  nose 
-bag.  -rob  forage  root;  root  crop.  -toe  turnip. 
-^anb  condition.  -ftof  feeding-stuff.  -ftttb  stall 
-fed  buUock.  -fæl  fodder-bag.  -trang  fe  mangel. 
-trang  a  deflcieut  in  fodder.  -urt  fe  -plante. 
-tiilte  common  vetch,  Vicia  aativa.  -tltctft  fe 
-plante,    -ært  field-pea. 

{^o'bjfatb  prostration ;  gøre  -  for  prostrate 
one's  self  before.  -fafl  a  sure-footed.  -folt  pi 
foot,  infantry,  foot-soldiers;  en  Srop  gobfott  a 
body  of  foot.  -fæfte  footing,  foothold.  -flang 
foot-pace.  -garbe  foot-guards.  -gigt  gout  in 
the  feet,  podagra,  -giutoo  J,  foot-brail.  -gæn' 
ger  c  -e  pedestrian,  (foot-)passenger,  man  ou 
foot;  fiurtig  _  fast  walker.  -jammer  chasing 
-hammer.  +-l)fl;r  infantry.  -jærn  iron  anklet. 
-flatiiatur  pedals  pi.  -lolb  a  feet  -  chilling. 
-tnibe  cold  feet.  -H8  footkissing,  kissing  the 
(Pope's)  foot.  'Mag  action,  -lager,  fe  -leje.  -leb 
ankle-joint.  -teje  step.  -let  a  nimble- footed. 
-lifte  skirting-board.  -Itente  fatters.  -I«8  a 
footless.  -ntaal  foot-measure.  -ntuPel  muscle 
of  the  foot.  -mærter  J..  fe  Slinning«--.  -^janbe  fe 
-leje.  -tianel  fe  -lifte.  -JiaSfer  inside  calipers. 
•plabe  foot-plate.  -tiofe  footbag,  foot-mufif. 
■poft  foot-post,  town-post.  -^ube  foot-cushlon. 
-^unb  footpoiind.  -^untt  ast  nadir;  geom  foot 
(of  a  perpendicular).    -ttip  fe  -fnar. 

I^o'bre  vt  fe  fjore. 

50'bre,  fore  vt  fodder,  feed;  _  vi  feed;  _  af, 
fe  Slffobre. 

I^o'blrejfe  journey  on  foot,  pedestrian  j. 
-rejfenbe  c  pedestrian. 

(^o'bring  c  feeding.  gfobring8|forf«g  feeding 
experiment.    -ntibbet  fe  goberftof. 

^o'blrob  tarsus.  -ruftning  greaves  pi.  -r^g 
upper  part  of  the  foot.  {Jobé  n  klck.  {5obfaal(e) 
sole  of  the  foot.  {JobSbreb  fe  gobbreb.  3fobfe 
vt  kick. 

3fo'b|*fib  a  reaching  down  to  the  feet.  -ffabc 
a  bad  foot.  -ffamntcl  foot-stool.  -ffifte  pace. 
-ffibe  (p.  3gle)  (posterior)  sucker.  -ffrober  sera- 
per.  -flrne  foot-screvv.  -flag  foot-fall.  -fnar  « 
swift-footed,  fleet.  -folbat  footsoldier.  -f^art 
kick.  -ipov  foot-step,  footprint;  træbe  el.  gaa  i 
enS  _  walk  in  el.  follow  (in)  one's  footsteps. 
•fti  foot-path.  -ftt)I!e  foot;  (Sømmer)  ground 
-plate  el.  -sill.  -ftub  support  for  the  feet.  -fttr= 
ting  J,  heella-shing.  -fueb  sweating  of  the 
feet.  -fæl  fe  $ofe.  -talje  heel- tackle,  -tap 
lower  gudgeon.  -tot«  heel-rope.  -trin  footstep, 
footfall,  tread.  -træ  ground-plate.  -tnr,  fe  Oan= 
bring,  -tuæt  washing  of  the  feet.  -tæ^<>e  carpet, 
foot-cloth.  -tej  boots,  shoes.  -tøjS^anbel  shoe- 
maker's  shop.  -tømmer  timber  for  ground 
-piates.  -oabflning,  fe  -tboet.  -oanb  water  for 
(washing)  the  feet.  -banbrcr,  fe  -gænger,  -»an- 
bring journey  on  foot,  pedestrian  tour,  walking 
tour.  -))armeoiin  c  foot  stove.  -bormcr  foot 
-warmer,  foot-stove.  -bentit  (2)mp.)  foot-valve. 
-»rift  instep.    -bær!  pain  in  the  foot. 

jVog'  n  spray,  shower,  drift,  storm. 

||ogberi'  n  -er  bailiwick,  vogtship. 

9ogeb  c  -er  bailiif;  ''nærmere  sheriff;  fiongenS 
_  Kings  Bailiif.  -forretning  distress.  -tjcnefte 
offlce  of  a  bailiif. 

SJof  c  -fe  J,'  foresail,  forecourse. 

^ola'Ibiftance  fo'cal  distance. 

;jfotte|bra@  fore-brace  -bnggaarbing  fore-bunt- 
line.  -bngtinc  f.-bowline.  -brcjereb  f.  -jeers. 
-folb  fore-halyard,  -giutov  f.-clewgamet.  -^alå 
f.-tack.  -maft  -nolgaarbing  f.-leech 
line.  -ptTt  fore-yard  footrope.  -raa  f.  yard. 
•rafle  f.-truss.    -r«ft  forechains.    -f(«be  f.-sheet. 

-ftagfejt  f.-staysaU.  -to|»Ient  f.-lift.  -bant  f. 
shrouds.    -æfel^obeb  fore-cap. 

^otud  n  focus,  pi  foci  &  focuses. 

gotb  c  -e  (Saaref.)  fold,  pen. 

y^olb  pi:  giee  fem  _  yield  flve  times  the  seed 
sown,  t  yield  flve  „Sønber"  a  „3;»nbelanb". 

tjotb,  3rOtbe  c  -er  fo'ld,  plait,  crease;  _  paa  et 
Slab  doubling-down  of  a  leaf;  lægge  i  er  plait; 
faa  -er  take  creases;  flaa  -er  pucker;  fig  flaa  fine 
-er  disport  one's  self;  lægge  fit  Stnfigt  i  aloorlige 
-er  put  on  a  grave  face;  ^jærteté  l)emmeligfte  -er 
the  recesses  pf  the  heart;  tomme  i  ftne 
gamle  -er  igen  settle  down  (once  more)  in  one's 
old  ways;  t  lægge  _  til  lay  strees  on.  -blab 
white-hellebore,  Veratrum.  fjolbe  »;<  fold,  plait; 
_  jpænbeme  fold,  clasp  one's  hånds  together;  _ 
Rlæbi^rne  op  om  fig  gather  up  one's  clothes;  _ 
et  33reB  fa  mm  en  fold  up  a  letter;  _  ub  unfold. 
—  $atbe|taft  folding  of  drapery.  -tnib  clasp 
-knife,  spring-knife.  -trabe  ruille,  plaited  frill. 
-måbe  tripe.  -rig  a  richly  folded.  -feng  fold- 
ing-bed.  -fnegl,  -fnette  volute.  -ftot  camp 
-stool.  -tabte  folded  tablet,  diptych.  -»i8  adv 
in  folds.  IJoti'f''*  White  gentian,  laser-wort, 
Laserpitium.  ^olb^at  false  morel,  Helvella. 
^otbning  c  folding. 

550te  c  -r  colt.  +3fote  vi  foal.  -tib  foaling 

{^otianf  c  -er  fo'lio.  »Jolie  c  foil;  tjene  fom  ~ 
for  fig  serve  as  a  foil  to.  (5olie))aiIIetter  pi 
foils.  ^otie're  vt  (SSog)  folio;  (Spejl  0.  (.)  follate. 
■e'ring  c  folioing;  foliating. 

foling  c  foaling. 

y^olie  c  folio;  (i  SSanten)  account.  -format 

tJott  n,  pi  —,  (SSlaiio-n)  people;  (93Jennef(er) 
people,  folk;  (95efætning)  crew,  hands;  (Slrbejbere) 
hånds;  (SjenefteO  -ene  the  servants;  J^  mangle  _, 
^aoe  for  faa  -  be  shorthanded;  _  figer  people 
say;  jeg  tenber  mine  -  I  know  whom  I  have  to 
deal  with,  whom  to  trust;  f)a»e  bæret  iblanbt  _ 
have  seen  company,  the  world;  naar  fligt  iRQgte 
tommer  ub  iblanbt  _  if  such  a  report  should  get 
abroad  el.  transpire;  "^'ber  bliber  albrig  _  af  ^am 
he  will  never  do  good.  "^olle  fig  vr  get  more 
mannerly.  —  $otte|aanb  national  spirlt.  -of- 
ftemning  vote  of  the  people.  -beftntning  decree 
of  the  people,  plebiscitum.  -bebibfttfeb  popular 
instinct  el.  mind.  -beoægelfe  national  move- 
ment.  -btab  popular  uew.^paper.  -btanbing 
commixtion  of  nations,  peoples.  -bog  popular 
book,  people's  book.  -bannelfe  civilization. 
-bigter  popular  poet.  -bigtning  popular  poetry. 
-bom  lynch  law.  -bragt  national  dress  el. 
costume.  -bøb  pestileuce.  -egen^eb,  -ejenbom^ 
metigdeb  nationality;  national  pecuiiarity.  -ett)= 
motogi  popular  el.  folk-etymology.  -fattig  a 
thinly  populated.  -fep  national  festival,  public 
rejoicing.  -forbnnb  confederation.  -forening 
popular  association,  -forfarer  seducer  of  the 
people.  -formeretfe  inerease  of  population. 
•fortljftelfe  popular  amusement  el.  sport.  -for= 
famting  assembly  of  the  people,  public  meeting. 
-fri^eb  national  liberty.  -færb  tribe.  -f«be 
food  of  men.  -føtetfe  popular  feeling;  national 
feeling.  -gabe  gift  of  the  people.  -gabn  public 
weal.  -gnnft  popularity,  popular  favour.  -^ab 
public  hatred.  -^errebømme  democracy.  -ttialp 
assistance,  hands.  -^ob  crowd  of  people.  -l)otb 
number  of  servants  el.  hands.  -^Qtbing  public 
homage.  -I)l|re  wages  for  the  crew.  -^æber 
national  glory.  -^-ejtlole  »Popular  High  School«, 
school  for  young  men  of  the  agricultural  classes. 
•^øbbing  chief  of  a  people.  -taaren  a  fe  -oalgt. 
-tatenber  people's  ealendar  el.  annual.  -fammer 
servants'    hall    eL    room.      -taratter    national 




character,  '-tir  e  national  church,  established 
church.  -Ilaåfe  class  of  the  people.  -tomebie 
popular  comedy.  -toncert  people's  concert.  -lær 
a  popular,  beloved  by  the  people.  -teber  dem- 
agogue.  -leg  popular  game.  f^oltelig  a  popular; 
"•■'decent,  mannerly.  |}oIfe(igt)eb  c  popularity. 
{^oltelUfte  mustec  roll.  -lit)  manners,  customs 
of  a  people.  -(ugar  foreca.stle.  -lufafernc  pi 
the  men's  berths.  -(t|tte  national  prosperity. 
•lærer  teacher,  instructor  of  the  people.  •iæi- 
ning  popular  reading.  -Ian  servants'  wages. 
-magt  democracy.  -mangel  paucity  of  inhabit- 
aiits.  -martet)  statute  fair.  -maSfe  crowd. 
-mening  public  opinion,  -minbe  memory  of 
man.  -munbC:  Bære,  tomme  i  _  be,  become  the 
common  talk.  -mængbe  population  -møbe 
popular  meeting  el.  assembly.  -natin  gentile 
noun.  iJottenS!  f  boys!  55olte|n«b  public 
distre&s.  *-onb  a  (om  iButfe  o.  t.)  vicious.  -oji' 
brager  educator  of  the  people.  -o))(t)§ning  en- 
lightenment  of  the  p.  -ooertro  vulgar  super- 
stition.  -tjarti  popular  et.  democratic  party. 
-Voefl  fe  -bigtning.  -race  race.  -regering  demo- 
cracy. -rejfning  rise  of  the  people.  -religion 
national  religion.  -rei^irKfcntant  deputy,  re- 
presentative  of  the  p.,  member  (of  parliament). 
-re^jræfentatton  legislature.  -ret  lavv  of  nations, 
international  law.  -retlig  a  of  international 
law.  -rettig^eb  popular  right,  -rig  o  populous. 
-ro8  popular  applause.  -tum  J,  crew  spaee. 
-r«re  fe  -6eoægeIfe.  -fag  national  affair  el. 
question;  national  cause.  -fagn  popular  tradi- 
tion, legend.  -famfnnb  community.  -fang 
national  song.  -fanger  popular  bard.  -feng  ser- 
vant's  bed.  -^are  crowd  of  p.  -ftl!  national 
custom;  *(good)  manners.  -ffole  (offentlig  ©1.) 
public  school;  (©ogneft. )  parish  school.  -flribent 
popular  writer.  -ffrift  popular  book.  -ff^  a 
shy.  -ffqljieb  shyness.  -flag,  -n-flægt  people, 
nation,  tribe.  -ftcegtninge  kindred  nations. 
-fnal  idle  report(s),  (town)talk,  seandal.  -forg 
national  mourning.  -f^rog  popular  language. 
-ftamme  tribe.  -ftemning  popular  feeling.  -fttm- 
mel  crowd,  throng.  -ftne  servants'  room.  -ftfl= 
relfe  popular  govemment.  -ft^rer  ruier  of  a 
people.  -ftcEOne  fe  -møbe.  •fuoercenitet  sove- 
reignty  of  the  people.  -fuærm  swarm  of  p., 
crowd.  -ft)gbom  epidemic.  -taler  public  orator, 
p  stump  orator,  -tarb  public  requirement  el. 
interest.  -tibenbe  national  gazette.  -ting  lower 
house  (of  the  Danish  parliament).  -ting^manb 
member  of  the  lower  house,  -tog  public  pro- 
cession, -tom  a  depopulated,  deserted.  -tribun 
tribune  of  the  people.  -tro  popular  belief. 
-tælling  census.  -tceUingSlifte  census  paper. 
-ubgaoe  people's  edition,  -jjalg  public  election. 
-ttafgt  o  elected  by  the  people.  -oanbring 
migration  (of  nations,  tribes).  -tiant  a  accu- 
stomed  to  associate  with  people  -bel  public 
weal.  -ticl^anb  national  prosperity.  -oen  friend 
of  the  people.  -bilje  national  will.  *-»iå :  paa 
-  decently,  like  rational,  civilized  people.  -t)t§= 
bom  popular  wisdom.  -uife  popular  ditty. 
-bittig^eb  popular  humour.  -'-Oonb  fe  -onb. 
-tjrimmel  throng  of  people.  -tiæbning  arming 
of  the  people.  -uærbig^eb  national  dignity. 
-uærge  defender  of  the  people.  -^nbeft  popular- 
ity.   *j5fOltfom  full  of  people,  much  frequented. 

øfoUi|t'el  c  -tier  foll'icle.    -Inlæ'r  a  foUic'ular. 

*gfonb  c  fe  gonn. 

|Vonb  n  &  c  -8  fund,  stock;  back,  back-ground. 

||onbå|biir§,  -marleb  stock  exchange. 

5one|ti!'  c  phonet'ics.  -'liter  c  -e  phono- 
logist.    -'tifl  a  phonet'ic. 

*5own  c  -et  field  of  eternal  snow;  fe  %o.xm. 

3font  c  font,  baptismal  font. 

ffontanell'e  c  -r  issue. 

j|ont(e'ne  c  -r  foun'tain,  jet,  jet  d'eau. 

j¥or  i"V  of  gate. 

»jor,  Sfober  n,  vi  =,  lining;  (SBøSfem.)  frame, 
-tattun  sarsenet.    -larreb  (linen  for)  lining. 

JJor'  vræo  fo'T,  before,  to  (o.  fl.);  f  =  før;  — . 
/or:  en  ®ang  _  olie  once  for  all;  _  ftebfe  for  ever; 
ilfe  -  albrig  bet,  ilte  -  olt  i  SSerben  not  for  the 
world;  ogtet  ~  fin  SGrlig^eb  respected  for  his 
honesty;  tunbe  ifte  toie  _  ®raoD  for  tears;  ^Bor 
meget  ftal  2;e  fiaoe  _  bet?  what  do  you  charge 
for  it?  ~  mit  SBebtommenbe  as  for  me,  for  my 
part;  —  be/ore:  lige  -  mig  straight  before  me; 
~  en  let  iStiS  before  a  light  breeze;  møbe  -  en 
Sommer  appear  before  a  judge;  forioinbe  ~  vanlsh 
before;  —  to:  lige  (oBer)  _  right  opposite  to, 
over  against,  facing;  bet  er  let  -  bom  it  is  easy 
to  him;  bet  er  bet  famme  -  mig  it  is  all  one  to 
me;  fremmeb  _  a  stranger  to;  of  SBtgtig^eb  _  of 
importance  to;  ftljbe  _  gugle^unb  shoot  to  a 
pointer,  shoot  over  a  dog;  tog  gatten  of  ~  took 
oflf  my  hat  to;  —  at .  ~  min  ^aanb  at  my  hånds; 
_  ncerBærenbe  at  present;  _  mine  Sebber  at  my 
feet;  _  en  ^xiS  of  at  the  rate  of;  —  of:  x  SJiorb  _ 
north  of;  bonge  _  afraid  of;  ®enftonb  -  subject 
of;  til  ®unft  -  in  favour  of;  bliBe  fri  _  get  rid 
of;  —  in:  _  foo  Bibt  in  so  far  as;  _  bet  førfte, 
anbet  in  the  flrst,  second  place;  _  en  25el  in 
part;  I)on  totte  _  ^om  he  spoke  in  his  behalf; 
ftnbe  SJoobe  _  en§  pjne  find  favour  in  one's  sight; 
_  SllBor  in  earnest;  —  by :  l)Qn  bor  _  fig  he  lives 
by  himself;  _  ftg  felB  by  one's  self;  J)og  _  SDog 
day  by  day;  _  olting  by  all  means;  —  from : 
beBore  _  save  from;  fljule  _  conceal  from;  — 
over :  3!ogt  -  ^unb  sport  over  dogs;  —  on :  luffe 
®øren  -  (SiJæfen  of)  en  shut  the  door  on  one,  in 
one's  face;  —  as:  onfe  -  afgjort  consider  as  sett- 
led;  tjene  -  ©tuepige  serve  as  house-maid;  — 
^oob  er  bette  _  nt?  what  is  this?  ^Bob  er  bette  _ 
en  ^erfon?  what  sort  of  person  is  that?  jeg 
^olber  bet  ifte  _  roobeligt  I  don't  think  it  ad- 
visable;  ~  mig  gerne  -with  all  my  heart;  nt  _  nt 
give  and  take;  jeg  er  ilte  meget  ~  bet  I  don't 
much  like  it;  _  længe  fiben  long  ago. 

^ov'  adv  (foron)  before;  ^  (mobfot,  agter)  fore; 
(oltfor)  too;  _  fongoinf!  too  sanguine  el.  over 
-sanguine  (o.  fl.);  boBe  noget  _  be  about  some- 
thing,  have  something  in  band  el.  afoot;  (i 
©folen)  Bi  ^or  tre  ©iber  -  our  lesson  is  three 
pages;  meb  ©orbinerne  -  with  the  curtains  drawn; 
ben  ©og,  fom  nu  tigger  -  the  matter  now  before 
us  et.  in  hånd;  ©ogen  Bor  _  (i  SRetten)  the  case 
was  heard;  jeg  ton  itfe  gøre  ~  I  cannot  help,  it 
is  not  my  fault;  jeg  er  itfe  meget  _  at  I  do  not 
much  like  to;  ber  er  itfe  anbet  _  enb  there  is  no 
alternative  but,  nothing  for  it  but;  J,  fortøjet 
agter  og  _  moored  head  and  stem;  ©løbet  er  _ 
the  sheet  is  home. 

gfor'  conj  f  (forbi,  t^i)  because,  for;  _  at  that, 
in  order  that,  (meb  3nf.)  to,  in  order  to;  _  at 
ifte  lest;  »  itfe  at  not  to;  ~  ot  gorføgene.  ftol  blioe 
tilfrebSftiEenbe,  er  bet  nøbflenbigt  for  the  experi- 
ments  to  be  satisfactory  it  is  necessary. 

gor  imp  of  gore. 

§or'aar  n,  pi  =,  spring;  om  -et  in  the  spring. 

I^oraarfa'ge  vt  cause,  occasion. 

jfrormanb  c  carrier. 

i^orbært  n  fur. 

tjor  aar§|agttg  a  vernal.  -arbejbe  spring- work. 
•bebuber  harbinger  of  spring,  -blomft  vernal 
el.  spring  flower.  -feber  springfever.  -frif!  a 
alting  er  -t  there  is  the  fre.shness  of  spring  about 
everything.  -jceonbøgn,  -jæ»nb«gnå<)ttnttet  the 
vernal  equinox.  -luft  vernal  air.  -regn  spring 
rain.  -rengøring  spring  cleauing.  -fol  vernal 
sun.     -ft^lte   spring  garment.     -f^ning  spring 






uork.    -tib  spring-time.    -tibflitling  spring  ex- 
hibition.    -Hejr  spring-weather, 

{Jforagf  c  contempt  (for  for  [ifær  om  ^gerfoner], 
of),  disdain,  scorn;  nære  _  for  en  hold  one  in 
outempt;  meb  _  for  in  contempt  of  {foragte 
■  t  despise,  contemn,  disdain,  scorn,  hold  in 
contempt;  iffe  at  -  not  to  be  despised.  ^ov- 
agttlig  a  (font  fortiener  Soroflt)  contemptible, 
despicable;  (fom  Oifer  foragt))  contemptiious, 
seornful,  disdainful.  t^oragteltg^cb  c  contcmpt- 
ibleness.  tSoragtelfe  c  fe  goragt.  foragter  c 
-e  despiser|»contemner. 

tot  atétl  c  fore  axle. 
or'an  præp  before,  in  front  of,  in  advance 
of;  —  adv  before.  In  front,  in  advance;  -  i 
Sogen  somewhere  in  the  earlier  part  of  the 
book;  Bære  _  lead;  goa  _  take  the  lead;  fomme 
_  get  the  lead;  bolbe  fig  _  keep  the  lead. 

{^oran'lberlig  a  changeable,  variable;  flckle, 
inconstant,  be  -e  S8inbe§  iStreg  the  variables;  t 
(p.  Sarom.)  ohange.  -berUgtteb  c  changeable- 
ness,  variableness,  rautability.  -bre  vt  change, 
alter,  convert,  shift;  _  fig  change,  alter;  P 
marry,  alter  one's  condition;  SSinben  "^ar  t  fig 
the  Wind  has  shifted;  _  iSrebbe,  Sængbe,  raake 
northing,  southing,  easting,  westiug.  -bring  c 
-er  alteration;  (CmoetSIing)  change;  (9tfoigeIfe) 
variety;  (nQ  Qnbreining)  innovation;  gure  -er  i 
innovate  on;  pi  fe  WaonePåflob;  til  en  _  by  way 
of  a  change  el.  variation,  for  a  change;  _  fr^ber 
variety  is  charming. 

jjoranf'lre  vt  anchor.  -ring  c  staying;  conc 
stays,  grappling-irons. 

t^oranlebjige  vt  occasion,  give  rise  to,  initiate; 
jeg  finber  mig  ttfe  -t  til  ot  I  see  no  occasion  to, 
I  dou't  find  myself  cailed  upon  to.  -ning  c  -er 
occasion,  cause;  Deb  minbfte  _  on  the  slightest 

t^oranftalt'le  vt  cause  to  be  done,  see  done, 
arrange,  direct.  -ning  c  -er  Onbretntng)  con- 
trivance;  (5or^oIb§regei)  provision,  measure,  ar- 
rangement, plan,  pr'eparatiou;  (SBirfen,  Crbntng) 
agency,  direction;  paa  min  -  by  my  directions; 
t)aa  ~  af  through  the   instrumeutality  of;   træffe 

-  take  el.  adopt  measures,  take  action. 
^or'arbejbe  n  -r  preparatory  el.  preliminary 

work;  -rne  the  p.  work. 

tJorarbcj'be  cMvork,  manufacture,  make.  -Ife 
c  workiug  etc;  manufacture. 

Ofor|ar'ge  uf  scandalize,  give  ofifence  el.  scandal 
to,  bibl  offend;  -i  (_  fig)  oDer  be  scandalized 
at;  bibl  be  -be§  paa  fiam  they  were  oflended  in 
him.  -argelig  «  scandalous,  oftensive.  -argelfe 
c  -r  scandal,  ofifence;  Bæfte  _  give  scandal;  toge 

-  af  take  ofifence  at,  be  scandalized  at. 
t^for'arm  c  forearm. 

øorar'me  vt  impoverish.  -tfe  c  impoverish- 
ment     -t  a  impoverished. 

J^ora'fe  vt  knock  up,  jade. 

^oraff  ning  c  incineration. 

Jforba'ge  vt  (bage  op)  consume,  use  for  baking; 
(bage  for  meget)  overbake. 

{Jorbon'bc  vt  damn,  curse,  execrate;  _  fig  paa 
swear  to  el.  that.  -Ife  c  r  curse,  imprecation, 
execration;  iQfe  -  ooer  imprecate,  execrate,  curse, 
Invoke  el.  imprecate  evil  upon;  mit  fiio?  _  the 
bane  of  my  existence;  forbanbet  a  damned, 
cursed;  f  a  k  adv  eonfounded,  deuced,  devil- 
ish.    -Ifeéoærbig  a  execrable. 

jjorbanb(t)'  n  bond. 

fjorbar'me  fig  vr  ooer  pity,  commiserate,  com- 
pas.sionate,  (i  ®erntng)  take  pity  on;  bibl  have 
mercy  on;  @ub  -  fig,  i^  bu  -nbe  (®ub)!  God 
bless  me!  (God)  bless  my  soul!  faa  ®ub  maa  fig 

-  8hocking(ly),    to  make  one's   hair  stand   on 

end.  -Ife  c  compassion,  commlseratlon,  pity. 
-r  c  commiserator;  ben  enige  _  the  God  of  mercy. 

tJforbao'Ife  vt  amaze,  astonish,  asiound;  — 
-fenbe  a  amazing  etc;  —  adv  amazingly, 
wonderfully;  -fet  a  astonished,  amazed.  -felfe 
c  amazement,  astonishment,  (ijberlig)  stupefac- 
tion;  fætte  en  i  _  set  one  wondering.    • 

jtor'beber  c  -e  intereessor,  mediator. 

t^orbe  IbcrHg  «  improvable.  +-ber(ig^eb  c  Im- 
provableness,  improvability.  -bre  vt  better,  Im- 
prove,  amend,  ameliorate;  (frembringe  noget  bebre 
enb)  improve  upon;   F«(et  @lo8)  replenish,  reflU; 

-  fig  improve,  amend;  _  fit  SJebneb  mend  one's 
mauners,  reform;  _  fine  Snbfomfter  Increase  el. 
better  one's  income.  -brer  c  e  improver,  re- 
former, -bring  (+-brelfe)  c  -er  improvement, 
amelioration,  ameudment.  -bringdanftatt  re- 
formatory.  -bringStiu^  house  of  correction. 
-bring81)uåarlieibe  fe  2Bang8=.  -bringéftib  re- 
formatory  ship. 

((orbe^'anbling  c  preliminary  treatment. 

5orbe|t)Olb  n  reservation,  salvo,  clause;  (SSit» 
foar),  restriction;  bemmcligt  -  mental 
reservation;  meb  _  af  reserviiig;  uben  _  un- 
reservedly;  jeg  figer  bet  meb  (alt)  ~  I  speak  under 
correction;  tage  -  imob  take  exeeption  to.  -^otb'e 
vt  (en,  fig)  re.'serve,  keep  (for  one,  to  one's  self); 
_  fig  at  make  it  a  condition  that;  bibl  l^Bilte 
goberen  tjaBer  bt  fin  egen  ffllogt  hath  put  in  his 
ovFn  power,  -^ol'belfe  c  reserving.  -l)o(ben  a 
reserved,  close,  reticent.    -i)ol'ben^eb  c  reserve. 

f^orbejbfe  c  weak  mordant. 

^ørbemclbt  a  before  mentioned,  above  men- 
tionid,  aforesaid. 

H-t^orbcmccrtning  c  preliminary  remark. 

gorbcn  n  fore  leg. 

5orbe'|ne§  vp  ossify.  -ning  c  ossification. 
•ning@)iunft  centre  of  ossification,  ossifie  centre. 

t^orberebe  it  prepare,  arrange;  -  en  til  el.  poa 
nt.  prepare  one  for  something;  (paa  en  S^itenbe) 
break  the  news  to  one;  _  ©agen  break  ground; 
_  fig  til  prepare  (one's  self)  for;  _  fig  get  up 
one's  lessons;  _  fig  paa  en  STale  prepare  a  speech. 
-tfe  c  -r  preparation,  preparative,  arrangement; 
ulben  -  off-hand.  —  |jorbere'bcIfeé|aor  year  of 
preparation.  -elSamen  fe  $reltminær=.  -KaiSfe 
elementary  form  el.  class.  -fignat  preparatory 
signal,    -fiote  preparatory  school,  dameschool. 

—  Qforberebenbe  a  preparatory,  initiatory. 
3forbett)b|e  {+)  vt  foreshadow.   -ning  c  forebod- 

ing,  omen,  prognostic. 

i^orbi'  t)ræp  &  adv  past,  by;  adv  (tit  @nbe) 
over,  at  an  end;  tomme  -  pass;  labe  en  flejlig^eb 
gaa  _  let  slip  el.  neglect  an  opportunity;  gaa  _ 
(Beb  SlBancement)  step  over  the  head  of;  bet  er  - 
meb  bam  it  is  all  over  with  him,  he  is  a  dead 
el.  gone  man;  gere  bet  _  (om  gorlodelfe)  break 
it  oflf;  ff^be  _  miss.  $orbi  c  -er  miss;  fteb  flere 
-er  i  9?ab  missed  several  times  runniug. 

Sfarbijbe  vt  bite  severely;  -bt  af  Sopper  flea 

tVorbi'e  vr  fig  prov  lose  time. 

{forbi'lforenbe,  -ftljbenbe  a  o.  fl.  going,  flying 
past,  by.  -fort:  i  -en  in  passing.  —  t^or'bijgaa 
vt  (fpringe  oBer)  pass  (over);  (oBerfej  overlook; 
(ubelutte)  omit,  leave  out;  -  nt  meb  SaBSbeb  pass 
by  st  in  silence.  -goaetfe,  -gaaen  c  neglect, 
omission.  -gaaenbe  a,  fie  temporary,  transitory, 
transient;  en  -  (ogf.  forbi'-)  a  passer  by;  t  ~  in 
pHSsing,  as  I  pass,  by  the  way,  incidentally. 
$orbi  gang  c  passing  by.  f^or'bigangen  «  past, 
by-gone;  lab  08  ilte  tale  mere  om  bet  -gangne  let 
bygones  be  bygones;  bibl  bet  gamle  er  -et  old 
things  are  passed  away.  {Jforbi'tørenbe  a  pass- 
ing, driving  past. 

gforbitteble    n    (paa     nt    tiltommenbe)    type. 




prototype;  (røønfter)  model,  pattern;  toge  en  tit 
_  take  one  for  a  model;  bibl  bi?fe  Siiig  ere  6Iebne 
-r  for  08  these  things  were  our  examples.  -lig 
a  typical,  signlficant. 

^orbintt'le  vt  connect,  combine;  _  et  ©oor 
dress,  bandage  a  wound;  _  Jjaon^  rebandage; 
jeg  -r  ingen  beftemt  gorefliHing  bermeb  it  conveys 
to  me  no  (very)  definite  idea;  _  fig  meb  league 
one's  self  with;  _  fig  tit  bind  one's  self  to, 
pledge  one's  word  to;  -Bunben  nteb  (f.  ®t§.  gare) 
attended  with;  ben  bermeb  -Bitnbne  %axt  the 
danger  involved  in  it,  incident  to  it;  jeg  er  2)em 
meget  -bunben  I  am  very  mucli  obliged  to  you; 
be  -6unbne  the  allied.  -elfe  c  -r  (at  forbinbe) 
combining  etc;  (gorening)  connection,  combina- 
tion;  ([Jorbunb)  league,  association;  (©amfærbiel) 
communication;  chevi  compound;  i  benne  -  in 
this  connection;  i  _  meb  together  with,  coupled 
■vvith,  concurring  with;  fætte  i  _  connect;  fætte 
ub  af  -  disconnect;  fætte  fig  i  _  meb  communi- 
cate  with,  establish  a  connection  el.  communi- 
cation with.  —  ^orbinbelfe^ltiane  link  line. 
-let)  link  of  connection.  -^untt  point  of  union. 
-fiang  (®mp.)  connecting  rod.  -ftoHe  thurl.  -»ei 
road  of  communication.    -bicgt  fe  Sltom-. 

t^orbinbino  c  (af  ©aar)  dressing,  bandaging; 
(af  Scmmer)  binding.  —  (^or{iinbing§|bolt  brace 
-bolt.  -Inæ  (binding)  knee.  -fttlaf  cock-pit. 
•fHttnet  diagonal  riders. 

{Jorbittb'Ifager  pi  dressing- apparatus.  -ftoffet 
dressings,    -taffe  dressing-case. 

{Jrorbinbt'Iig  n  obliging,  complaisant;  —  -ligf  t 
adv  (Unberftr.)  yours  truly.  -f)eb  c  -er  (gorpltg^ 
telfe)  obligation;  (^eflig^eb)  obligingness,  com- 
plaisance;  jeg  fftjlber  '^am  megen  ~  I  am  under 
many  obligations  to  him;  J)aalægge  en  _  lay 
oue  under  obligation;  uben  _  mere  without  pre- 

t^erIii1))aSferenbe  a  passing;  be  ~  the  passers 
-by.  -tcjfc  c  joumey  past  (a  place).  -fejlenbc 
part  passing.  -fejUng  e:  unber  -en  in  passing; 
©liBe  i  -  passing  vessels. 

JJorblft'ret  a  (forbanbet)  confounded,  dashed; 
^  =  gorbitret;  —  adv  confoundedly,  desperately. 

{Jorbtt'Ire  vt  (gøre  bitter  og  fig  embitter; 
(o<)ægge)  exasperate,  provoke.  -relfe  c  exaspera- 
tion.  -ret  a  exasperated  (poa  against,  ober  at), 
enraged,  furious. 

i^orbjierg  n  promontory,  cape,  headland,  fore- 

jfDrbjærgetr  c  foreman  of  the  salvors. 

Iforblanbje  vt  confound.  -elfe,  -ing  c  con- 

^orbtinb'le  vt  blind,  hoodwink.  -elfe  c  (®er= 
ningen)  blinding;  (Sgenffoben)  blindness,  infatua- 
tion.  -et  a  blinded,  infatuated.  {^otblinbet^eb 
c  infatuation. 

I^orbli'be  vi  remain,  stay,  abide;  berbeb  maa 
bet  _,  ^obe  fit  -nbe  there  the  matter  must  rest. 

Oforblom'ntet  part  expressed  by  innuendo, 
covert,  ambiguous;  _  S^ale  enigmatical  speech; 
gibe  at  forftaa  pua  en  ~  9Kaabe  hint  darkly. 

S^orblt^'ning  c  leading. 

^orbticnb'lc  vt  face.  -ingSften  facing-stones 
el.  brieks. 

t(orbI(efer  c  bandmaster. 

tjotbl«'b|c  vi  _  fig  vr  bleed  to  death.  -ning 
c  hemorrhage. 

f5ot|blaff|e»ttakeaback,  disconcert,  bewilder, 
P  flabberghast;  uben  at  labe  fig  ~  nothing  daunted; 
-bløffet  a  disconcerted,  tak  en  aback,  aghast. 
-bl«ffelfe  c  bewilderment. 

gorbob'mc  vt  (mortgage  by)  bottomry. 

Ijorboflfta«  n  initial. 

fforborne  fe  ^orbulne. 

i(orborte  vt  bolt. 



Øorbor  n  pitching-borer. 
g-otborg  c  l)astion;  fig  Ijulwark. 
{forborgen  a  hidden,  concealed,  occult. 
c  concealment. 
forbon  c  fore  part  of  the  shoulder. 
§orbrofer  pi  J,  head-braces. 

tarbrog  c  J,  fore-hook,  breast-hook. 
orbrug  c  consumption.  JJorbrnglc  vt 
bruge)  eonsume,  use  up;  (opflibe)  wear  out, 
c  -c  consnmer.  -ning  c  consumption.  —  gfor» 
brngSlartiflcr  articles  of  consumption;  ,1,  stores, 
•forening  cooperativesociety.  -ff at  excise.  +%0V' 
brugt^eb  c  triteness. 

{Jorbrtj'be  vt  (fortabe)  forfeit;  ^oob  bar  jeg  for« 
brubt?  what  is  my  offence  el.  crime?  —  vr  .. 
fig  oflfend,  trespass.  -Ifc  c  -r  crime.  -r  c  -e 
criminal,  malefactor,  wrongdoer;  poltttfte  -re 
politicai  offenders.  —  ^orbr^berjanfigt  hangdog 
face.  -banen  evil  courses.  -emne  imp  of  de- 
pravity.  -toløni  convict  colony.  -Hbet  criminal 
life.  -ff  a  criminal,  guilty;  bet  -e  beri  the  crimi- 
nality  of  it.  {Jorbr^berffe  c  -r  criminal.  §or= 
brtjberflib  convict  ship. 

IJorbrljft  (b.  Sbceg)  brisket;  (gugl)  upper  part 
of  the  breast;  (^nf.)  first  section  of  the  thorax. 

5orbrcenb'|e  vt  burn,  scoreh;  —  v%  lie  destroyed 
by  fire;  forbrænbt  a  burnt,  adust,  (af  ©olen) 
parched.  -etig  a  combustible.  -ing  c  (bet  at 
forbrænbe)  burning  etc;  (SBranb)  combustion. 
-ingdproccSfen  the  processof  combustion.  -ing3= 
barme  heat  of  c. 

{^orbub  n,  pi  =,  prohibition,  interdiction; 
(t)borBcb  nt  ftanbfeS)  inhibition;  gere  et.  neblægge 
_  imob,  fe  gorbbbe. 

{(orbub  n,  pi  ^=,  order  for  (el.  messenger  for 
ordering)  relays  of  horses;  (Sammerfourer)  har- 
binger,  (SBebuber)  forerunner,  precursor,  harbinger 
(\)aa,  for  of).  —  *55orbubé|læ8  load  of  luggage 
sent  as  „gorbub".    -febbe(  written  ,,j5orbub". 

^orbut'Iet  a  bent,  distorted. 

I^orbul'lne  vi  suppurate.    -ning  c  suppuration. 

I^orbunb  n,  pi  =,  alliance,  league,  confede- 
racy,  eonfederation;  (^ogt)  covenant;  inbgaa, 
flutte,  br^be,  op^cebe  et  _  enter  into,  form,  break, 
dissolve  a  league  etc;  bet  t^bfte  _  the  German 

^orbunben  part  (JJorbunben  fe  gorbinbe) :  meW] 
-bne  |3ine  with  (my)  eyes  bandaged.  ' 

$orbunb§|brub  breach  of  alliance,  -bog  (Ger- 
man federal)  diet.  -forfatning  federal  constitu- 
tion.  -forfamling  federal  assembly.  -fijrfte 
prince  of  the  Confederation.  -foeUe  ally,  con- 
federate.  -fæftning  federal  fortress.  -(»ræfibent 
president  of  the  Union  el.  Confederation.  -rcge» 
ring  federal  government.  -ftab  federal  town. 
-ftat  federal  state.  -tro))^er  federal  troops. 
+-t}txt  fe  -fæEe. 

5orbnnb(t)'  n  indentures  of  an  apprentice; 
ftaa  i  -  be  indentured;  plante  Sræer  i  _  plant 
trees  in  a  quincunx.    -ter  c  -e  turn-over. 

fjorb^'be  vt  forbid,  prohibit,  interdiet,  inhibit; 
_  en  at  forbid  one  to,  _  tjam  mit  |iu§  forbid 
him  my  house;  bet  -r  fig  felb  it  is  simply  im- 
possilile,  out  of  the  question;  -bubne  SBarer  pro- 
hibited  goods,  contraband  (goods);  -buben  gfrugt 
forbidden  fruit;  ben  -bubne  Stib  close  time. 

forb^'be  fig  vr  bid  too  much. 
orb^g'ge  vt  ~  S^Smngen,  Ubftgten  for  en  9Uabo 
shut  out  the  light,  prospect  from  a  neighbour 
(by  building);  —  »r  _  fig  build  to  bad  purpose, 
waste  money  in  building. 
5-orbt)gning  c  front-building. 
y-orbflt'jte  vt  change,  _  fig  make  a  bad  ex- 
change.    -ning,  -telfe  c  changing,  change. 
IJorbænb'e  vt  ^  turn  up,  turn  in. 




QporBot're  ftg  vr  injure  one's  self  by  carrying 
too  heavy  a  load. 

j^orbei'ning  c  -er  bow. 

t^orbøn  c  intercession,  mediation;  gøre  -,  gaa 

-  for  intercede  for  el.  in  favour  of. 

^orce  c  force;  ^  (af  Sejl)  press,  crowd  of 
canvass;  (i  Sort)  strong  suit,  great  suit;  Jiø  forte 
(ftumt  e),  strong  point,  -'re  vt  force;  _  Spittet 
win  the  game  by  force;  ^  (©eil)  press,  crowd 

$oriiant'ti|c  vt  evaporate,  vaporize;  vi  evapo- 
rate.  -ning  c  evaporation,  -ning^o^tjairat  eva- 
porating  apparatus.  -ningSetine  evaporative 

^orbonnelfe  c  preparatory  instruction. 

^orbanfe  ftg  vr  dance  to  excess,  overdance 
one's  self. 

((arbanfer  c  leader  of  a  dance. 

^orban'ffje  vt  translate  el.  do  into  Danish; 
{gøre  banft)  Danize.  -ning,  (+-elfe)  c  translating 
etc;  conc  Danish  translation  el.  version. 

^orbc(  c  (forrefte  ®el)  fore  part,  front;  (SJinbing) 
gain,  advantage,  profit;  (®unft)  behalf,  favour; 
meb  -  profltabiy,  to  advantage;  til  ~  for  for  the 
benefit  of;  Bife  ftg  til  fiit  _  appear  to  advantage; 
^aoe  _  for  ett  attbett  have  the  advantage  of 
another;  fiøfte  _  of  derive  advantage  el.  benefit 
from,  profit  by;  altib  at  fe  paa  fin  _  always  to 
have  an  eye  to  the  main  chance;  ieg  fer  tnin  - 
»eb  at  I  see  it  to  my  interest  to;  foranbre  ftg  til 
fin  _  change  for  the  better.  -ag'tig  a  advan- 
tageous,  profitable,  lucrative;  bife  ftg  fra  ben  -fte 
Sibe  appear  to  the  best  advantage;  -e  Settngelfer 
liberal  terms;  et  -t  ?)bre  a  prepossessing  appear- 
ance;  —  adv :  ~  Betenbt  favourably  known.  -09'= 
tig^eb  e  profitableness,  advantageousness. 

tjorbe'llc  vt  (ubbele)  distribute,  apportion, 
divide,  -  paant)  redistribute  etc;  (fprebe)  dls- 
sipate,  disperse;  med  discuss;  _  9Jollerne  assign 
the  parts;  _  ftg  disperse,  -enbe  «  med  discus- 
sive,  discutient;  _  røibbel  discutient.  -ing  c  -er 
distribution,  division,  apportionment;  disper- 
sion; discussion. 

iJorbelSfag  c  object  of  profit. 

^orbctiinb  adv  before  the  wind.  -Sfejler  vessel 
running  before  the  wind. 

^orbi'  conj  because;  jeg  6eunbrer  ^ant,  _  ^an 
er  .  .  .  for  being  .  .  . 

+{5orbjæ't)Iet  «  &  adv  fe  gorbanbet. 

i^orbob'lle  vt  double,  redouble;  J^  line;  ~  fig 
double.    -Itng,  -f-Ielfe  c  doubling;  lining. 

torbotfe  c  front-  el.  fore-puppet. 
orbotn  c  -me  prejudice,  prepossession.    Qfot-- 
bomSlfri  a  unprejudiced;  unconventional.   -fri= 
ftcb  unprejudicedness,  freedom  from  prejudice. 
•fntb  a  prejudiced.    -fulb^eb  c  strong  prejudices. 

^orbraaber  pi  singlings,  low  wine,  strong 

i^orbra'g  n,  pi  =.  convention,  compact,  treaty. 

3^orlbra'ge  vt  bear,  endure;  jeg  fan  it!e  _  Sin, 
glæfl  I  have  an  aversion  to,  a  dislike  to  wine, 
pork;  faa  3  -  ^oeronbre  i  Særlig^eb  bibi  forbear- 
ing  each  other  in  love;  -brage 8  vd  agree. 
-bragelig  a  tolerant;  -nbearable.  -bragetig^eb  c 
indulgence,  toleration. 

^OTbre  vt  claim,  demand,  require;  (meb  9)Jl)n= 
biglieb)  exact;  _  for  9?etten  cite,  summon;  _  en 
ub,  fe  Ubforbre;  -  9Jegnf!ab  af  eall  to  account. 

5?orbrej'e  vt  egl.  og  jio  distort,  twist;  (tun  fig) 
pervert,  misrepresent,  put  a  false  construction 
on;  _  jSjnene  roll  one's  eyes;  _  ^otjebet  paa  en 
turn  one's  head.  -Ife  c  -r  distortlon,  contortion; 
fio  perversion. 

^orbting  c  -er  (Sratj)  claim,  demand,  debt; 
(til  fine  SKebmennefter,  ^rætenfioner)  pretension; 
(^oab  ber  ubforbreS)  requirement;  jibenS  -r  the 

exigencies  of  the  times;  gøre  _  paa  lay  claim 
to,  put  in  el.  advance  a  claim  to;  gøre  _  poa  ot 
bære  claim  to  be;  gøre  altfor  ftore  -er  til  exact 
too  much  from  el.  of;  gøre  fine  -er  gælbenbe 
prefer  el.  put  in  a  claim.  —  $orbrtng§|fri  a 
unpretending,  unassuming;  unambitious;  +  =s 
®ælbfrt.  -fulb  a  fuU  of  pretensions,  preten- 
tious,  assuming;  exacting,  exigent;  ambitions. 
-fulb^cb  preteutiousness,  exactingness.  -tiatiet 
c  -e  creditor.  -leS  a  unpretending,  unostenta- 
tious,  unambitious,  quiet.  -(tfS^eb  unpretend- 
ingness.    -fætning  postulate. 

jVorbrift'e  fig  vr  make  bold,  venture,  presume. 

§orbri't»e  vt  drive  away,  expel,  oust;  mil  (fra 
en  Stilling)  dislodge;  (abfprebe)  dispel;  (<l5lanter) 
over-force;  61eb  -breben  af  fin  SurS  was  driven 
out  of  her  course:  _  Siben  while  away,  pass 
(away),  time,  beguile  time;  _  et  gofter  procure 
abortion;  -  en  ©Qgbom  remove  a  disorder;  _ 
Jlfaroerne  blend  el.  soften  the  colours;  .  SRegen 
drive  out  the  smoke;  fe  Onb.  -Ife  c  (bet  at  for« 
bribe)  driving  etc;  expulsion.  -t  c  -e  softening 

{Jotbrttl'fen  n  drunken,  sottish.  -^eb  c  drunk- 
enness,  addiction  to  drink,  t^ofbrurne  vi  be 

I^orbrunt'mei^  vp,  min  throw  ofF  branches  into 
the  rock. 

I^otbttf  te  vt  evaporate;  joc  vanish  (into  thin 
air),  make  one's  self  scarce. 

{^orbum  adv  anciently,  formerly,  of  yore. 

{^orbum'me  vt  make  stupid.  -8  vp  become 
stupid,    -(fe  c  stupefaction. 

{^orbumé  o  former,  quondam;  i  ~  Sib  fe 

i^orbunt'lle  vt  (gøre  bunfel)  darken,  obscure; 
(beb  ftcerfere  8^8)  eclipse,  outshine,  throw  into 
the  shade,  F  take  the  shine  out  of.  -ling  c 
darkening  etc. 

tJorbunft'le  vi  evaporate;  fe  gorbufte.  -ning  o 

^otbt)'h\e  vt  deepen;  —  »r  _  fig  i  lose  one's 
self  In,  be  absorbed  in,  absorb  one's  self  in, 
dive  Into;  ~  ftg  i  en  ©fob  dive  into  a  forest;  _ 
ftg  i  fig  felb  be  wrapped  up  in  one's  own 
thoughts;  -et  sunk,  dished;  fig  -t  i  deep  in, 
buried  in;  -t  i  8Jetragtninger  lost  in  meditation; 
-t  i  en  93og  intent  upon  a  book.  -elfe  c  deep- 
ening;  absorption. 

{Jorblj'bling  c  (Xømr.)  pegging. 

^orb^'bning  c  -er  deepening;  conc  groove,  de- 
pression, (beb  ©tøb,  Srt)t)  indentation,  dent  (i 
58æg)  recess,  (i  globs  ^abbunb)  pool. 

gforbtj're  vt  enhance  tbe  price  of;;  -reS  become 
dearer,  rise  (in  price).    -ring  c  rise  in  price. 

S^orbceg'tig  [t  ],  fe  9Ktltænfeltg. 

^orbæl  n  fore  part  of  the  deck. 

^orbæft'  a  og  adv  covertly. 

^orbæm'nte  vt  dam  (up),  -ning  c  damming 
up,  (af  eprceng^ul)  tamping. 

IJorbær«  c  &  n  fe  elfe.  J^orbærb'e  vt  spoil, 
damage,  (moralft)  corrupt,  deprave;  (ffllobet  0.  1.) 
vitiate;  (9Raben)  disorder,  derange;  (®læbe  0.  I.) 
distiirb,  mar;  ~  bet  meb  en  get  in  bad  odour 
With  one.  -elig  a  (fom  Ian  forbærbeS)  eorruptible; 
fftabeltg)  pernicious,  ruinous,  fatal;  let  -e  SJaret 
goods  easily  spoiled  el.  damaged,  perishable 
goods.  -elfe  e  (^belæggelfe)  ruin,  destruction; 
(5J:tlft.  at  bære  forb.)  corruption,  depravation,  de- 
pravity;  (i8efmtttelfe)  vitiation;  ft^rte  en  i  _  ruin 
one.  -er  c  -e  spoiler,  comipter,  depraver,  -et 
a  (moralft)  depraved,  corrupted,  demoralized;  _ 
Søb  tainted  meat;  flaa  _  hurt  severely  (by  beat- 
ing),  maul;  le  fig  ~  be  ready  to  die  with  laugh- 
ing;  arbejbe  fig  _  work  one's  self  to  death. 

i^orbøj'le  vt  digest.   -elig  a  disgestible.   -elig« 




l^cb  c  digestibility.  -elfc  c  digestion;  baarltg  _ 
indigestion.    —    {Jfarti«ieIfe§|befU(Ertig[t)e)>er   in- 

digestion,  dyspepsy.  -tanai  digestive  tube, 
alimentary  canal.  -traft  digestive  power,  -mibtiel 
stomachic.  -organ,  -rebffab  digestive  organ. 
-:))roced  process  of  digestion,  -f^ftem  digestive 
apparatus.    SrOtbojer  c  -e  digester. 

SfovbøCge  et  conceal  (for  from).  -Ifc  c  conceal- 
ment.    -r  c  eoncealer. 

i^orbøm'lmc  tt  condemn,  doom,  616/  damn; 
forbømt  a  (bømt)  condemned;  (for6anbet)  con- 
founded,  damned;  ~l  damn  it !  confound  it;  be 
-te  the  damned.  -metig  a  eondemnable,  cul- 
pable.  •meligt)eb  c  wickedness.  -ntelfe  c  con- 
demnation;  btbl  damnation,  -tnelfedbom  vote 
of  censure.    -metfeSftjgc  censoriousness. 

ttjoi^f  c  guise,  presence. 

ijforle  vt  line,  (meb  $eISoært;  fur,  (meb  S8at) 

3fore<  [ao]  ,1,  fore.  (SSeb  Iø6enbe  el.  ftoaenbe 
®ob8,  ber  bruges  foabel  )?aa  Stor=  (om  ipaa  %oz' 
toppen,  fan  man  i  JReglen,  naar  man  t)av  (eloe 
Orbet,  fætte  «fore»  foran,  ^oor  ber  paa  5Danft  ftaor 
„gore").  -^oMtnhvam-  fore-royal.  -iBoiienbram- 
fcjt  fore-royal.  -iSram-  fore-top-gallant-.  -brafet 

|Jforc|bringe  [aa]  ?j«  advance,  state;  bet  er  Bleoen 
mig  -bragt  at  I  have  been  told  that.  -bringcnbe 
n  statement.  -bQgge  vt  prevent,  obviate,  pre- 
clude;  -nbe  9JJibbel  preventive.  -b^ggelfe  c  pre- 
vention.  -b^ggelfe^mibbct  preventive;  prophy- 
lactic.  -brag  n  pi  =,  (9Jlaabe)  delivery,  elocu- 
tion,  diction;  mus  execution;  (gorelæSning)  dis- 
course,  lecture;  paper,  frit  _  extemporaneous 
discourse;  ^olbe  _  ober  deliver  a  discourse,  lec- 
ture upon.  -brage  vt  deliver;  mut  execute;  (t 
=  tJoretrælfe),  -braggforening  lecturing  society. 
»bragé^olber  c  lecturer.  +-b«mme  n  example. 
-falbe  vi  happen,  occur,  take  place,  pass;  (ft)ue§) 
appear;  oiHig  tit  at  gøre  ^tiab  ber  -r  willing  to 
make  himself  generally  useful.;  oeb  -nbe  fiejltg^eb 
as  opportunity  offers;  bet  -bne  vphat  has  taken 
place.    -ftnbe  vt  find,  meet  with,  fall  in  with. 

tor'cftcr  adv  4,  forward. 
oregaa  [aa]  vi  take  place,  go  on,  be  in  pro- 
gress;  -  vt,  _  onbre  meb  et  gobt  (Slåempel  set  a 
good  example  to  others.    -enbc  a  (forubgoaenbe) 
preceding,  foregoing;  ben  _  ®ag  the  day  before. 

ffore=@affet'  [aa]  J>  fore- spencer-,  fore-gaff-. 
-©affclfejl  fore-spencer. 

-i-fj'oregang  [aa]  c  incidence,  faet. 

3fi)re|gi»e  [aa]  vt  pretend,  allege,  give  out; 
-n  pretended,  sham,  supposed.  -gioenbe  n  alle- 
gation, assertion;  (55aaflub)  pretence.  -gribe  vt 
anticipate,  discount,  forestall;  _  Sefuarelfen  af 
©pørgSmaalet  prejudge  el.  (petitio  principii)  beg 
the  question.  -gribelfe  c  anticipation,  fore- 
Btalling.  -gøgte  vt  (en  nt)  delude  (one  with  st), 
conjure  up  st  before  one.  -^abenbe  part  in- 
tended;  —  tt  -r  intention,  purpose,  project. 
-^Olbe  vt  represent  (to  one),  expostulate  (with 
one  for),  tax  (one  with),  reprove  (one  for),  re- 
monstrate  (with  one  ag^nst  el.  on.  -Ijolbelfe 
c  representation.  -fafte  vt  (en  nt)  upbraid  (one 
With),  -foftclfe  c  upbraiding.  -lomme  vt  (tomme 
i  gorføbet)  anticipate,  be  beforehand  with; 
(^tnbre)  prevent,  hinder,  obviate;  —  vi  (inbtræffe, 
finbeS)  occur,  be  met  with,  be  found;  (ftjneé) 
seem,  appear;  -r  meget  ofte  is  of  very  frequent 
occurrence.  -!omrae(fe  c  anticipation;  preven- 
tion.  -tommenbe  «  obliging,  complaisant.  -fora= 
men^eb  c  obligingness,  courtesy,  kind  atten- 
tions.  -tomft  c  occurrence.  -tigge  vi  lie,  be, 
be  placed  before;  ben  -nbe  ©ag  the  matter  at 
issue,  In  question,  in  hånd,  now  before  us, 
tmder  consideration;  bet  (nærmeft)   -nbe  ®pørg8- 

maal  the  immediate  que.stiou;  ber  -r  intet  SJcoij] 
there  is  no  evidence  forthcoming;  i  bet  -nbe  3;il» 
fælbe  in  our  case;  fom  bet  (SBærfet  el.  I.)  nu  -r  as  '■ 
it  now  stands,  in  its  present  state. 

fVoreH'e  c  -r  trout,  iSalmo  fario. 

{jorelfle  fig  (i)  vr  (+-e§)  fall  in  love  (with). 
-elfe   c   -r  love,   falling  in  love,   love-rapture,  ■ 
love-sickness.    -et  part  in  love  (with),  smitten.- 
(with),  enamoured  (of,  with). 

55ore'(J)Oe  [aa]  vt  palm  (a  lie)  upon.  -lag  n, 
fe  -læggelfe;  *8tatement.  -(ægge  vt  produce, 
present,  (en)  bring,  place  el.  lay  before,  submit 
to;  t  repeat  the  summons;  _  en  et  ©pørgSmaal; 
put  a  question  to  one.  -Ife  c  bringing  etc. ' 
-læfe  vt  read,  recite  (to).  -Icefer  c  reader,  lec- 
turer. -((Cdning  c  reading;  lecture;  amr  recita- 1 
tion;  ^olbe  -er  ooer  give  lectures  on,  leeture  on;» 
gaa  i?aa  -er  attend  lectures.  -(æ§ntng§fata(og 
university  programme,  lecture  list.  -løbig  a 
preliminary,  provisional;  (SJeeiå  0.  I.)  prima 
facie;  adv  temporarily,  pro  tern.,  provisioiially, 
for  the  present,  -male  vt  draw,  paint  before 
(one);  fig  depict,  represent  (to  onej.  -9)ler§  n 
J,  fore-top.  -aRerfe^  fore-top-,  fore-topsail-.  jj 
-3«créfejl  fore-topsail.  al 

IJoretibe  c  front  part;  <1>  head,  bows.  ^| 

It^orenbt'  part,  »p  dead. 

^ore'n|c  vt  (famte,  forbinbe)  unite,  join,  com- 
bine,  connect;  (forfone)  reconcile;  -  fig  unite;  _ 
fig  meb  join;  labe  fig  _  meb  be  consistent  with, 
stand  together  with;  alting  -r  fig  om  at  every- 
thing  combines  to;  -e§  (eneS)  agree,  (glober, 
ijinjer)  meet.  -ebe  ©tater,  be,  the  (United)  States. 
-elig  a  reconcilable,  consistent,  compatible 
(with).    -elig^eb  c  consistency,  compatibility. 

*{Jor'en|for  præp  before,  forward  of  -fro  adv 
from  forward. 

i^ore'tting  c  -er  union,  combination  junction; 
association;  felftobelig  _  society,  club:  i  _  com- 
bined,  jointly,  in  concert,  between  them;  fig  i 
~  meb  coupled  with.  —  {Jore'ning§|aanb  spirit 
of  association,  -aft  aet  of  Union,  -aniiggenbe 
affair  of  the  society.  -baanb  bond  of  union. 
-lofate  club-room(s).  -mibbel  means  of  union, 
uniting  medium,  -pvintt  point  of  union;  anat 
commissure;  phys  focus.  -ret  right  of  association. 

*}5or'enom  præp  ^  forward  of,  ahead  of.         SI 

t^otepvcetc  [aa]  vt  f  din  into  one's  ears.  -Ui^ 

torcrinbrtng  c  preface.  ■' 

ore|raofejI  [aa]  head  squaresail.    *-r«jeI  fore 

55orcrté'|e  vt  mineralize.  -ning  c  mineraUza- 

3fore|fat  [aa]  c  -te  superior,  superior  otBcer. 
-fige  vt  dictate  to.  -ffribe  vt  (fErioe  for)  show 
one  how  to  write;  (sBefalinger)  prescribe  (st  to 
one),  order;  £oOen  -r  the  law  provides;  -flreoet 
prescribed,  (obenftrebet)  above  written,  above 
mentioned.  -fltjbc  vt  plead,  allege.  -flaa  vt 
propose,  move;  -  en  til  et  ©mbebe  present  one 
to  an  Office;  ~  en  til  Dptagelie  recommend  one 
for  admission,  -fnatte  vt  talk  (a  great  deal)  to 
one  about,  din  one's  ears  with,  talk  one  into 
the  belief  that.  -fpejle  vt  hold  out  (the  pro- 
speet  of  st)  to  one.  -fpejlittg  illusion,  vision. 
-f^iiUe  vt  play  to.  -f))ørge  vt  &  r  inquire;  _  fig 
iioi  en  om  nt  inquire  of  one  about  st.  -fp«rger 
c  questioner,  inquirer.  -fpørgfel  c  -fler  inquiry. 
-ftoa  vt  (ftaa  i  ©pibfen  for)  mauage,  conduct,  be 
at  the  head  of,  in  charge  of;  _  et  (Smbebe,  fe 
iBetlæbe;  —  vi  (bære  nær)  draw  nigh,  be  at  hånd, 
approach;  be  imminent;  ogfaa  t :  |bab  ber  -r  mig 
what  awaits  me,  is  before  me,  in  store  el. 
reservefor  me.  -^aaenbe  a  ensuing,  approaching, 
forthcoming,  (truenbe)  imminent.  -ftooe  vt  spell 
before,  dictate  to  (one).  -ftille  vt  Cigerfoner)  pre- 




sent  (to);  introduee  (to);  (ftttte  til  Stue)  exhibit; 
(foreftolbe;  foreftille  en  5?erfon)  represent;  ^oab  ffal 
bet  -?  what  does  it  (all)  mean?  -  ftg  conceive, 
imagine,  picture  el.  figure  to  one's  self.  realize; 
S)e  fan  nof  _  35em  you  may  easily  imagine. 
-ftiUing  c  -er  presentation,  introducti'on;  exhibi- 
tioD;  representation;  Onbfigeife)  remonstrance; 
(flrift(ig)  memorial;  (Sfuefpil)  performance,  play; 
(SBegreb)  apprehension,  oonception,  percept, 
idea;  -en  begtjuber  SI.  7  to  commeuce  at  7;  falfl, 
urigtig  _  misrepresentation,  misconception;  gøre 
flg  en  _  om  form  a  coneeption  of;  gøre  en  -r 
remonstrate  With  ene;  oæfle -en  om  be  suggestive  of. 

SforefttUingSlbag  [aa]  day  of  repre.sentatiou. 
•eonc,  -troft  apprehensive  faculty.  »{rebS  range 
of  ideas. 

SprC'Stængcftagfejl  [aa]  fore-topmast-staysail. 

t^arclfoicDe  [aa]  vt  flit  et.  be  before  one's  eyes, 
wander  before  el.  be  present  to  one's  mind;  bet 
-r  mig  (bunfelt;  at  I  have  a  dim  notion  that. 
-fQnge  vt  en  nt  sing  st  to  one.  -foEtte  vt  {fxem- 
fætte  for)  set  before,  place  before;  (beftemme) 
prefix,  appoint;  _  fig  propose  (to  one's  self), 
determine.  -toge  vt  &  r  undertake,  institute, 
make,  go  through,  take  in  hånd;  Sagen  ftal  -g  i 
SWotgen  the  cause  will  come  on  to  morrow;  jeg 
Bil  intet  _  i  Sagen  I  will  take  no  action  (in  the 
matter),  •togelfc  c  undertaking  etc.  -tagelfed= 
nattb  (spirit  of)  enterprise.  -tagelfedl^ft  enter- 
prise.  -tagenbe  n  -r  undertaking,  enterprise, 
venture,  -tagfom  «  enterprising.  -tagfom^eb  c 
enterprise.  -teelfe  c  -r  phenomenon,  appear- 
ance.  -Xo))fej(  square-topsail.  -træbe  n,  fe 
2(ubien8.  -træfle  vt  (for)  prefer  (to);  er  at  _  is 
preferable.  -tqgge  vt  repeat,  explain  over  and 
over  again  (to  one).  f-uenbe  vt  fe  -gioe.  -^-^>tn■ 
bing  c  pretext.  t-oibenbe  n  forekno wledge, 

^occoige  vt  etemize,  immortalize,  perpetuate. 
-Ife  c  eternizing  etc,  perpetuation,  immortaliza- 

tJorebifie  [ao]  vt  show,  exhibit.  -et  c  -e  ex- 
hibiter;  (af  SgrofeSfton,  omrfjienbe)  showman;  (af 
93reD  o.  I.)  bearer.  -ning  c  -er  (bet  at  f.)  show- 
ingetc.;  (UbftiUing)  exhibition.  -ntng§))aategning 
visa,  vise;  forfljne  meb  _  visa,  vise. 

^orfalb  n  impediment,  hinderance;  jur  (IoO= 
ligt)  _  (sufiBcient)  excuse;  faa,  ^abe  _  be  pre- 

t^orfalb'  n  (bet,  at  noget  forfalber)  decay,  dis- 
repair;  fig  decline,  decadence;  et  £en§  -  escheat, 
reversion  (of  a  feoflFj;  en  95eKe(å  _  expiration, 
maturity  (of  a  bill);  i  _  in  a  state  of  decay,  on 
the  deeline.  f$orfa(b|'e  vi  (gaa  ttlgrunbe)  decay; 
(ftjemfalbe)  be  forfeit;  (SScféel  etc.)  become  due, 
fall  due,  expire,  mature,  come  to  maturity;  J^ 
make  the  land;  _  til  take  to,  addict  one's  self 
to,  give  one's  self  up  to.  -en  «  ruinous,  de- 
cayed,  delapidated,  out  of  repair,  payable,  due, 
matured,  (ooet  3;iben)  overdue;  addieted,  given 
to  (esp  to  drink),  -entjeb  c  decay,  delapidation, 
ruinous  state;  addiction  to  drink.  —  {5orfolb§'|  = 
bag  mere  day  of  payment.  -periobe  period  of 
decadence.  -tib  maturity,  time  of  payment; 
beb  _  at  maturity. 

3forfaIff'|e  vt  falsify,  forge,  (naonl.  om  58arer) 
adulterate,  sophisticate,  F  doctor,  (meft  om 
SKont)  debase;  _  en  3;æming  cog  a  die.  -et  c  -e 
fialsifler;  forger;  sophistirator,  adulterant.  -ning 
c  -er  falsifieation;  forgery;  adulteration,  sophist- 
ication.    •ntngSmibbel  adulterant. 

Oforfang  n  (p.  giffefnore)  bottom,  footlength, 
snood . 

Ororfang'  n  injury,  detriment.  -en  a  (om  $efte) 
foundered.    ^orfangen^cb  c  founder. 

Ororfongft  c  first  catch.  -ret  right  of  first 

t(orfa'r|c  vt  (prøve)  examine,  tleam,  be  ap- 
prised  of;  —  vi  4.'  Aeet,  shift;  f  (t)anble)  deal, 
proceed.  -en  a  experieneed,  versed,  tried.  gfot« 
faren^eb  c  experience.    +-ing  c  knowledge. 

Ororfat'ning  c  -er  (Silftanb)  state,  condition, 
plight;  (Stat?=)  constitution,  ^on  er  i  maabetig  _ 
he  is  in  poor  circumstances.  —  grorfotninflélbrnl) 
infringement  of  the  constitution.  -fjenbff  a  anti- 
constitutional.  -lam})  constitutional  struggle. 
•tov  constitutional  law.  -mæåfig  a  constitu- 
tional. -fiartiet  the  coiistitutionalists.  -ftribig  a 
unconstitutional,  anticoustitutional.  -ftribigljeb 
unconstitutionalty.     -tro  c  conslitutlonalist. 

Srorfat'te  vt  compose,  write,  pen,  indite.  -Ife 
c  composition.    -r  c  -e  author,  composer,  writer. 

—  {^orfatter|forfængeItgl)rb  author's  vanity.  -^o» 
norar  author's  fee,  seigniorage.  -i'  w,  cont  book 
-writing,  -in'be  c  -r  (lady)  author,  woman 
writer,  authoress.  -letåif on :  3)anft :  _  dictionary 
of  Danish  authors.  -It)ffcluck  as  an  author.  -naon 
author's  name.  -retttg^eb  author's  rights.  -flob 
n  authorship.  -talent  literary  powers,  -birf- 
fonttieb  literary  efforts. 

JJorfcjtlc  vt  miss,  tail  in,  fall  short  of.  -et  a 
mistaken,  a  failure     -ing  c  missing  etc. 

^orftl  c  bastard  flle. 

Sorft  ne  vt  refine.    -Ife  c  refinement. 

Prot\ip9'\tt,  -elfe,  -et^eb  c  fe  befippet. 

5«>rfjam'|fe,  -fte  vt  confuse,  bewilder;  -ftet 
a  confused,  bewildered.  -flelfe,  -fining  c  con- 
fusion,  bewilderment. 

øørfjerbing  c  fore  quarter,  shoulder. 

forfjor;  i  _  the  year  before  last. 

{Jorflabe  c  front. 

4^5orflo'be  vt  flatten. 

JJorfle're  vt  multiply.    -^-Ife  c  multiplication. 

•f^orftiffe  vt  patch  up. 

S^orflQg'tige  vt  &  i  (+  ~  pg)  volatilize.  -Ife  c 

{Jorjl^tt'e  vt(en  S3if!op)  translate,  (©nibebSmænb) 
remove,  (fRe^eringenS  Sæbeofb.)  transfer,  (Sropper) 
dislodge;  bltoe  -t  til  (om  Officerer)  exchange  into. 
•Ife  c  translation;  removal;  transfer;  dislodge- 

^orflrt'vt  ftfl  (+)  vr  stray.  $$orfIø|'en  a  giddy, 
heedless;  volatile,  harum-scarum;  en  ~  ftugte  a 
random  ball;  en  _  ?)tring  a  heedless  word;  en 

-  J?bé  a  whimsical  idea. 
(^orfob  c  forefoot. 
"•'tjorfobe  vt  fe  ^^orfobbe. 

gorforbeI|e  vt  prejudice.    -ing  c  prejudice. 

|lorforrig  a.  -e  Uge  the  week  before  last. 

forfra  adv  (mobfat  bagiraj  from  before,  in 
front;  (om  igen)  over  again,  from  the  begin- 
ning;  ^  from  forward;  from  ahead;  labe  _  load 
at  the  muzzle,  beg^nbe  Sioet  -  begin  the  world 

gforfrag'tie  vt  charter,    -ning  chartering. 

§orfron'ff|e  vt  frenchify.  -ning  c  freuchifying, 

Slorfrem'me  vt  (fremme)  further;  fbeforbre)  ad- 
vance,  prefer,  promote.  -Ife  c  -r  promotion, 
advancement,  preferment.    -r  c  promoter. 

Sforfriff'le  vt  refresh,  recreate;  ^  -  tlt)bfet 
freshen  the  hawse;  -enbe  a  refreshing.  -elfe  c 
-t  (bet  at  forfrifte)  refreshing,  (Opmuntring)  recre- 
ation.    -ning  c  -er  refreshment. 

^orfroS'fen  a  frozen,  benumbed  wlth  cold; 
chilly,  shivery;  (til  Sfabe)  frost-bitten,  -^eb  c 
chilliness.    Sforfr^dning  c  frost-bite. 

t^orfuie  vi  putrefy. 

{Jorfufll'e  vt  bungle,  botch.  -ning  c  bungUng 

3fotf9lb|e  vt  fe  Doerftjlbe. 




5¥orfl)'ret  a  eaten  away  by  dry-rot. 

gorfæbrc  pi  forefathers,  ancestors. 

iJorfæfl'Ite  vt  defend,  assert,  maintain,  vindi- 
cate,  advocate,  champion.  -Ife  c  defence,  vin- 
dication,  maintenanee.  -r  c  -e  defender.  asser- 
tor,  vindicator,  advocate  (of),  atickler  (for). 

{Jorfæng'elig  a  vain;  tage  (®ub8  gJoBn)  _  take 
in  vain;  Ⱦre  _  df  pique  one's  self  on.  -l)eb  c 

5orfær'b|c  vt  terrify,  appal,  affriglit,  dismay; 
-S  (+  _  fig)  be  terrifled  etc;  ftoa  ganffe  -t  stand 
aghast,  be  struck  aghast  (oBer  at),  -dig  a 
terriflc,  appalling,  friglitful,  liorriflc,  dreadful; 
(umaobelig)  monstrous,  tremendous.  -etig^eb  c 
friglitfulness.  -etfe  (+-n)  terror,  liorror,  fright, 
consternation,  dismay;  bet  tog  en  ©nbe  mcb  _ 
the  end  was  terriflc.    +-r  c  affrighter. 

gorfærbtge  vt  make,  manufacture.  -Ifc  c 
making.    -t  c  -e  maker. 

Qrorfob'Ibc  «;«foot,  refoot,  new-front,  new-foot. 
-nittfl  c  footing. 

l5orf«i'|e  ftg  vr  repalr,  betake  one's  self  (to  a 
place);  (ft^gte)  be  ofif,  decamp.  -f-ning  c  -er,  fe 

{Jorfel'gle  vt  (iage)  pursue,  (en  ©ag,  en  for 
ajetten)  prosecute,  (en  i  Slim.)  persecute,  (©jior 
o.  I.)  trace,  (brise  igennem,  itte  opgioe)  foUow  up; 
Santen  -r  mig  the  idea  haunts  me;  -fulgt  af  fire 
©olbater  with  four  soldiers  in  pursuit;  _  tilbage 
til  trace  to.  -cife  (-(-ett)  c  -r  pursuing,  etc; 
pursuit;  persecution.  -elfcSaanb,  -clfeSl^ft  spirit 
of  persecution.  -er  c  -e  pursuer,  persecutor. 
-erftc  c  -r  persecutrix.    -ning  c  proceedings 

ijforfa'rc  vt  (^einbe)  seduce,  debauch;  _  en 
til  at  gøre  gale  (Streger  lead  one  astray.  -Ife  c 
-r  seduction.  -IfeStunft  art  of  seduction.  -nbe 
a  seductive.  -t  c  -e,  -rftc  c  -r  seducer,  debau- 
cher,    -rif!  a  seductive,  fascinating. 

^orgaa'  vi  (om  Siben)  pass  away,  elapse;  (gaa 
til  ®runbe)  perish;  "_  fig  offend;  Saalmobiglieben 
-r  mig  I  lose  all  patience;  -  af  ftulbe,  ©nit 
perish;  starve  with  cold,  hunger;  _  af  |)ebe  die 
of,  expire  with  heat;  _  af  ^RQIgerrig^eb  die  with 
curiosity;  er  færbig  at  _  af  SJijSgertigtieb  efter  at 
uibe  is  dying  to  know;  ©merten  r  meb  Siben  the 
pain  will  wear  off  in  time;  forgangen  S)ag  the 
other  day;  forgangen  Uge,  røaaneb  last  week, 
month,    -elfe  c  offence. 

^organrb  c  -e  anterior  court,  fore-court;  bibl 
(SempletS)  court. 

(Jorgaaré :  i  ~  adv  the  day  before  yesterday; 
i  _  9Korge§,  i  _  9Ribbag  the  day  before  yester- 
day in  the  morning,  at  noon. 

3rOC|ga|be  fig  vt"  (-1-8)  i  dote  on,  be  foolishly 
fond  of;  -gubet  a  (i)  doting  upon,  taken  with; 
■gabelfe,  -gabet^eb  c  infatuation  (i  for). 

forgaffel  c  J,  fore-gaff. 

I^Btgang  (+)  c  precedence;  *t)at)e  faa  meget  til 
-§  be  so  much  ahead,  have  so  much  on  hånd. 

forgang'en  a  fe  gorgaa.    -^eb  c  fe  gortib. 
orgatie^jarti  n  handicap,   match,   game   at 

t^orgemat  n  antechamber,  anteroom. 

§orgemt'  kept  too  long;  (om  SSarer,  aKab  09 
©ritte)  stale;  -e  25arer  F  shop-keepers. 

{Jorgiff  fe  (Sift.  3forglft|c  it  poison,  envenom. 
-elfe  e  poisoning.  -et  a  poisoned.  -h-ig  fe  ®iftig. 
-iting  c  poisoning.  -ningSforføg  attempted  poi- 
soning    -ningStilfielbe  case  of  poisoning. 

gforgi'be  vt  (meb  @ift)  poison;  _  fig,  _  ftortene 
make  a  misdeal. 

tøorgjeftc  fe  forglemme. 

Sorgloé'Ifc  vt  vitrify.    -nijtg  c  vitrifaction. 
orglem'Ime  vt  forget;  itte  at  _  last,  not  least. 
-wetig  a  to  be  forgotten.    -tnelfe  c  (®Iemfom^.) 
forgetfulness;  (®lemfel,  ®temme)  oblivion;  beb  en 

forgetfulness.    -itttgei 
(SngO  forget-me-not, 

flrst     fire« 

_  inadvertently.  -i-incn  c 
c  scorpion-grass,  Myosotis 
M.  pnlustris. 

55orgl«'bining    c    biscuit-baking 
-ni«a§o»n  biscuit-kiln. 

forgna'be  vt  gnaw,  corrode. 
orgobt'beflttbcnbe :  efter  _  at  pleasure;  ^anb 
efter  eget  _  use  one's  pleasure,  dlscretion. 

jjor'grab  a  fore  mop.t. 

|jorgre'n|e  fig  vr  ramify,  branch  (off).  -et 
ramifled;  »ibt  _  far  branching.  -ing  c  ramiflc; 

J^orgti'be  pg  «"•  (paa  fremmebeS  <l5enge)  make 
free  (with  the  money  of  others);  (paa  Retlige  Sing) 
profane;  (i;)aa  en)  lay  hånds  on,  outrage,  use 
violence  against.    -Ife  c  outrage,  violence, 

IJorgro'  vi  (om  8lr)  flll  up. 

t^orgrunb  c  foreground;  (af  ©tueplabfen)  from 
of  the  stage. 

t?orgra5bt'  a  red  with  weeping 

t^orgræm'met  a  worn  out  with  a  grief,  grief 

tJorgu'be  vt  deify;  fig  idolize.  -Ife  c  deiflca- 
tion,  apotheosis.    -r  c  idolizer. 

fforlg^l'be  vt  gild;  _  op  regild;  -gljibt  o  gilt; 
©ølb  -t  Silver  gilt.  -gliber  c  -e  gilder.  -g^l= 
bertienfel  brush  for  gilding,  -g^lbning  c  gilding; 
baab  ~  water-gilding. 

t?orgælb'et  a  in  debt,  involved  in  debt. 

ijorgængelig  a  perishable,  transient,  transi- 
tory,  passing.  -^eb  c  perishableness,  transitori- 

{forgænger  c  -e  -fle  c  -r  predecessor,  fon 

gorgæ'beé  a  vain;  —  adv  vainly,  in  vain. 

§org«'re  vt  bewitch;  +_  fit  2ib  forfeit  one's 

^or^aabje  vt  expect.  -entlig  adv  it  is  to  be 
hoped.  -ning  c  -er  hope,  expectation;  imob  al 
_  contrary  to  all  expectation;  gere  fig  ~  om 
expect;  ber  er  ingen  _  om  SBefrielfe  there  is  no 
hope  of  deliverance;  en  ung  TOanb,  ber  gioer  be 
Bebfte  -er  a  young  man  of  the  fairest  promise. 
-ningSfulb  a  hopeful. 

(^orliaanb  c  (i  ffort)  lead,  elder  hånd;  (p.  .geft, 
Slbe)  forehand;  ^abe,  oære  _  have  the  lead;  fio 
)faa  -  beforehand,  in  advance,  by  anticipation, 
(a  priori)  at  the  outset. 

ijortiaon'ben  adv  (oeb  ^aonben)  at  hånd;  (ncEr= 
foreftaaenbe)  approaching.  -ttcetenbe  a  at  hånd, 
present,  existing,  extant. 

55or^aanbS|bwgt  J>  range,   -bom  prejudgment. 

g^orlma'nc  vt  scotf,  mock,  insult.  -Ifc  c  -t 
insult,  contumely.    -r  c  -e  scoffer,  mocker. 

{Jor^aor  n  front  hair. 

gorljabt'  a  (^abet)  hated,  detested;  abhorred; 
(ube^ogelig)  odious;  gøre  fig  _  fioS,  af  make  one's 
self  odious  to. 

gor^ol'te  vt  hack. 

^OT^al  c  -ler  entrance  hall,  vestibule. 

^or^a'tle  vt  protract,  prolong,  retard;  J,  shift, 
move,  warp  away;  —  +  vi  stay.  -er  c  -e  J,  guy. 
-ing  c  -er  protraction,  retardation;  J,  shifting 
etc.  —  ^or^alingSlgobå  warping  gear.  -tlampev 
transportiug  chocka.     -pat  warping-post. 

{^ortjalS  fore  part  of  the  neck;  J,  fore-hood. 

^orMmmcl  c  fe  gorftær. 

tgforl)ttmmcr  c  -e  sledge-hammer. 

jjor^anb'lle  it  (af^anble)  transact,  treat,  nego- 
tiate;  (fælge)  sell,  dispose  of.  -ler  c  -e  vendor, 
vender.  -Ung  c  -er  transaction,  negotiation; 
sale;  (®røftelfe)  discussion;  -er  (f.  et§.  55arla« 
mentetS)  proceedings;  fiaee  58arer  til  _  have  goods 
on  commission.  —  |^or4anbltng§|emne,  -gen« 
ftanb  subject  of  discussion.  •:prototat  minutes, 
journal  of  proceedings.    -regning  account  sales. 







{Jor^oft'c  fig  vr  be  in  too  great  a  hurry,  be 
too  hasty,  overhurry  one's  self;  -be  fig  itte  meb 
at  was  in  no  great  haste  to.  -Ife  c  precipitation, 
overhastiness.  -t  a  precipltate,  hasty,  prema- 
ture;  _  ©fterretntng  premature  report;  _  ©lutntng 
hasty  inference;  gøre  -be  ©lutninger  jump  at  el. 
to  conclusions. 

>Vor'I)atie  c  garden  before  the  house. 

Jfot^cf'te  vt  stitch  wrong.    -Ife  fe  S3e^eftelfe. 

tS'Or^cj'Ie  vt  fe  gorfæle. 

»>orlicfS'|c  vt  bewitch,  enchant.  -elfe,  -niitfl 
c  bewitching,  enchautment. 

i^Dc^en  adv  formerly,  before,  heretofore.  -tȾ= 
renbe  a  former,  quondam,  sometime,  past,  (iiQlig) 

jJ'Orftcr'Iige  vt  glorify.    -Ife  c  gloriflcatiou. 

||pr4erftenbc  fe  grem^erftenbe. 

y-or^in'ibre  vt  hinder,  prevent  (i  from),  im- 
pede  (iffe  tneb  $erf.  font  Obi.).  •bring  c  -er 
hinderance,  impediment,  obstacle;  meb  -er  joc 
under  difficulties;  SBæbbeløB  meb  -er.  -bringStob 

^otii'xpp'ltt  a  (}?aa)  eager,  eagerly  desirous  of, 
bent  upon,  intent  upon,  mad  about.  -cife  c 

5orlftifto|rie  c  previous  history.  -rifl  a  pre- 

gorljjaff'c  vt  fe  goriafle. 

IVor^jernc  c  fore-brain. 

?fort)jul  n  fore-wheel;  ()?.  JRapert)  fore-truck. 

JV-orljjæt '^JC  vt  help  (til  in  obtainingj. 

Øorftjarnc  n  fore  corner. 

ttorftolb  n,  pi  =  el.  -e,  (§anbIemaobe)  conduct, 
behaviour,  (m.  ^.  t.  ©tørrelfe)  proportion;  (Slægtl« 
for^olb  ofo.)  relation,  connection;  (Dmftænbigljeb) 
faet,  circumstance;  pi  (Silftanb)  affairs;  condi- 
tions,  circumstances;  -ene  li>aa  goftlanbet  (the) 
Continental  aflfairs;  math  rate,  ratio;  genftbigt  _ 
correlations;  i  _  'til  in  proportion  to,  propor- 
tionale to;  ftoa  i  -  til  be  proportionate  to  el. 
commensurate  with;  (et  fruentimmer)  have  a 
love  intrigue  with;  ftoa  i  et  gobt  _  til  be  on 
good  el.  friendly  terms  with;  ^Borlebe?  Bar  -et 
imeEem  ?  what  were  the  relations  between  ?  bort 
_  er  oenflabeltgt  we  are  upon  friendly  terms, 
upon  a  friendly  footing;  -et  mellem  ^erre  og 
Xiener  the  relations  of  master  and  servant;  -et 
er  at  the  faet  is  that;  og  ...  i  _  berttt  (i  famme  -) 
and  ...  to  match,  corresponding;  efter  Bore  fmaa 
_  in  our  little  way. 

^ottfolbt  vt  (ftolbe  tilbage)  withhold  (en  from 
one);  —  vr  -  fig  (bære  fig  ob)  behave  el.  conduct 
one's  self;  ©agen  -r  fig  faalebe?  the  matter  stands 
thus;  naar  bet  -r  fig  foalebe?  when  that  el.  such 
is  the  case;  tiBorbon  mon  ©agen  egentlig  -r  fig? 
I  wonder  what  are  the  real  facts  of  the  case 
_  fig  rolig  keep  quiet;  ^an  ^ar  t  fig  meget  for 
figtig  he  has  acted  very  prudently;  _  fig  til  ^in^ 
anben  fom  Slarfag  og  SSirfning  stand  in  the  rela 
tion  of  cause  and  effect;  10  r  fig  til  5,  fom  16 
tit  8,  10  is  to  5,  as  16  to  8;  r  ftg  birelte,  omBenbt, 
fom  ftBabraterne  is  in  a  direct,  inverse,  ratio  to 
the  squares.     -Ife  c  retention,  withholding. 

j^or^alberl^ammer  c  holding-up  hammer. 

^otifoii^latteft  character,  -^befaling  directions, 
instructions  pi.  -form  case.  -mocSftg  o  pro- 
portionate, proportional,  comparative;  -  Slnbel 
quota.  -orb  gram  preposition.  -orbre  fe  -befa= 
ling.  -regel  measure.  -rigtig  a  proportionate, 
proportional,  -ffuffc  (Sanonft.)  stopper.  -ftiO= 
renbc  fe  -mceSfig.  -tal  number  of  the  ratio. 
-tatSOaig  proportional  representation.  -tjiå  adv 
proportionally,  proportionately,  in  proportion, 
comparatively;  _  faa  comparatively  few  el.  a 
comparative  few. 

i^or^O'ret  a  debauched. 

t(ori)o'rnet  o  horny. 

jjorftoo  c  toe. 

§or^O»)Cb  n  front  part  of  the  head;  anat  sin- 

I^or^ttb  c  foreskin,  prepuce;  fig  uncircumci- 

$or^tt'b|e  vt  sheathe,  metal  (a  ship).  -ning 
c  sheathing.  -ningé))Iaber  sheets  of  metal. 
-ningSføin  sheathing  nails  (etc). 

{^or^ug'  n,  pi  =,  barricade,  (of  felled  trees). 
-ge  vt  spoil  by  cutting,  hack;  _  en  SSej  barricade 
a  road  (with  felled  trees).  -ning  c  spoiling  etc; 
fe  gorfiug. 

Øor(|u(  n  i,  stay-hole. 

§orl)ttng'ret  a  famished,  hunger-bitten,  (hun- 

gor^uå  n  front  building. 

^or^uff'c  fig  vr  mis-remember.  -Ife  c  lapse 
of  memory. 

{}orl)ut'|Ie  vt  spoil,  bungle.  -ling  c  spoiling 

j|ort)ber't>e  vt  fe  (Sr^BerBe. 

|for^9'r{e  vt  J,  hire,  engage,  ship;  _  paan^  re 
-engage;  _  fig  ship  (one's  self).  -er  c  -e  ship- 
ping-master. -Ing  c  engagement.  -ingSføntor 
shipping  Office.  -ingSIontralt  shipping  articles 
pi.    -tngSoiltaar  terms  of  engagement. 

{Jorljæng  n,  pi  =,  curtain;  bibl  (2:em<)Iet§)  veil. 
§or^æng§feng  fe  Dm^ængg=. 

f^ort^ængt'  «  (Søb)  hung  too  long. 

gor^ærb  c  fore-hearth. 

Horl^ær'be  vt  harden,  indurate;  -l^ætbet 
a  hardeued  etc,  obdurate,  case-hardened,  cal- 
lous.  -^cerbelfe  c  induration;  fig  obduracy;  (of 
^uben)  callosity. 

t^orl^øj'e  vt  (gøre  l^øjere)  heighten;  fSøn,  5|Jri8 
ofB.)  raise,  enhance.  -^«jct  a  mus  (\.  Sfg.  SBatt) 
fe  ^orftørret.  -^«|elfe  c  heightening  etc;  en- 
hancement,  -bøjning  c  -er  (83atfe,  "^øjt  ©teb) 
rising  ground,  eminence;  (t  Stue  ofB.)  platform. 

t^or^ø'r  n,  pi  =,  examination;  tage  i  _  examine. 
-e  vt  examine,  interrogate;  vi  f  ask,  inquire, 
make  inquiry;  _  fig  make  inquiries:  mishear. 
-^«r§bommcr  examining  judge,  e.  magistrate, 
examiner.  -^erS))rotaIol  record  of  evidence, 
process  verbal. 

tfjor'ilte  n  protoxide. 

^or'inb  adv  J;  ahead. 

tyortn'ben  adv  (om  Siben)  before,  ere  (that 
time),  first;  (inboenbig)  within,  inside;  —  fpræp 
within;  —  conj  before. 

Horinbien  n  India. 

lyoring  c  lining,  J,  ceiling,  foot-waling. 
|^ortng§|)Iante  ceiling-plank. 

{^ortB're  fig  vr  grow  too  warm,  fire  up.  -Ife 
c  heat,  fit  of  anger;  hotheaded  blunder. 

IJorja'ge  «( fe  tjorbrioe;  over-ride,  jade;  -t  (ogf.) 
hurried.    -Ife  fe  gorbriBclfe. 

5?orjaft'e  vt  soil,  tumble,  rumpie. 

^orj^nge  et  diminish,  contract. 

t^orjæt'te  vt  promise;  bet  -be  2anb  the  land  of 
promise,  the  promised  land.  -Ife  c  -r  promise. 
-Ifcéfttlb  a  fuU  of  promise. 

SJorl  c  -e  pitchfork. 

^orla^qt  c  fore  cabin. 

|>ortalt'|e  vt  calcine.  -ning  c  calcination,  (i 
2larerne)  phlebolite. 

I^orfammc  iJ^,(S8æBn.)  lowering-healds. 

^orfammer  n  antechamber,  anteroom,  lobby; 
^jærtetS  -mre  the  aurieles  of  the  heart. 

jVorfant  c  fore-side. 

lyortarl  c  foreman. 

jjorloft  n  first  cast,  f.  throw. 

tfortaft'je  vt  reject,  (gorflog)  negative,  (Sobf.) 

throw  out;   gorflaget  bleo  -t  (ogf.)   the  motion 

i  was  lost;  en  for  længe  fiben    t  SCeori    a  theory 




long  since  exploded.  -elig  n  objectionable,  im- 
proper.  -elig^cb  c  impropriety.  -elfe  c  rejec- 
tlon.    -elfeSbom  condemnatory  judgment. 

{Jorfert  a  wrong,  preposterous,  absurd;  bet 
er  ben  -e  SSerben  it  is  the  world  turned  upside 
down;  —  adv  wrong,  the  w.  way;  6egl)Ube  _ 
begln  at  the  wrong  end.    -^eb  c  absurdity. 

^orti'llc  vt  wedge,  key.    -Hng  c  wedging. 

t^Jorfloff  c  vt  calumniate. 

i^ottta'ge  vt  prefer  a  complaint  against,  com- 
plain  of,  tell  of.    -Ife  c  complaint. 

tortlam'Ve  »*  chock  (off),  (S!o)  cleat. 
orlla'Ire  vt  explain,  expound;  (for  SRctten) 
depose,  give  evidence;  (^erliggøre)  glorify,  trans- 
figure;  jeg  fan  itfe  _  mig  bet  I  cannot  account 
for  it;  ^an  be  (for  SRetten)  at  ^atte  fet  he  spoke 
to  having  seen;  -renbe  a  explanatory,  illustra- 
tive; -ret  a  beatified.  -relfc  o  transfiguration, 
gloriflcation.  -rer  c  explainer,  commentator. 
-ring  c  -er  explanation;  (©»=,  Srflæring)  declara- 
tion;  (SSibneO  evidence,  deposition,  -tiig  a  ex- 

%oxUt\'nt  vt  disparage,  belittle.  -tfe  c  dis- 
credit,  reproach,  disparagement. 

gorflctn'me  vt  jam,  pinch. 

%Otti\Ypt  vt  spoil  in  cutting. 

*iJortIift'ret  a  eflfeminate. 

i|Drf(o  c  fore  claw. 

i|ortlog  a  provident.    -ffoB  forethought. 

gorflou  c  fore-hoof. 

|jorf(ub'|re  vt  bungle,  murder,  make  a  mess 
of.    -ring  c  bungling. 

I^orttæbe  n  -r  apron,  (SornS)  pinafore;  meb  _ 
aproned,  pinafored.    -iaanb  apron-string. 

{forIfæ'b|e  vt  disguise;  -bt  font  in  the  disguise 
of.    -ning  c  disguise;  unber  benne  _  in  this  d. 

S?ortttal>  c  4^  fore-truck. 

jjorfttift'rc,  fjorlntt're  vi  decrepitate. 

||oTfnu  ge  vt  hurt  by  squeezing,  pinehing. 

jtorfnu  f|c  et    -ning  c  crushing. 

gorfntjt'  "  dispirited,  cowed,  faint-hearted. 
-^eb  c  laint-heartédness.  -te  vt  (gøre  mobløS) 
dishearten,  dispirit;  (ftanbfe  i  S8æt§t)  stunt  (the 
growth  of).    'ttt  a  stunted  (in  growth). 

gorlnæ  n  knee. 

ijorfobrc  vt  copper. 

||orfo'ge  vt  overboil. 

j*or(og'(c  vt  bewitch. 

^oxlom  \mtvt  &  i  (forlægge)  mislay;  (bitbe  Borte) 
be  lost,  miscarry;  (omtomnte)  be  dying,  starving. 
-wclfc  c  miscarriage.  -men  «  exhausted,  starv- 
ing, overcome  (af  with),  (af  Sulbe)  benumbed 
(with  cold);  (af  ©ult)  famished. 

fjorlorn  n  light  grain. 

tgorfott'  fe  Siltort. 

%ottoxt'\t  vt  shorten,  abridge,  (ogf.  om  S3røt) 
abbreviate,  (3:egn  )  foreshorten;  _  STiben  beguile 
time.  -clfe,  -ning  c  -er  shortening,  etc,  abridg- 
ment,  abbreviation:  foreshortening,  -ningdtegn 
sign  of  abbreviation. 

jjorfrab'fle  vt  scratch;  -et  a  full  of  scratches. 
■ning  c  scratching. 

j^ortrflm'mc  u  ruflle,  squeeze. 

gortriftclig  «  pre-Christian(ic). 

|5or!ro<>  c  fore  part  of  the  body;  OnfeWerS) 

gorfr^ra'<)et  a  stunted. 

ijerfr^Ptiet  a  bent  to  right  angles;  -  6taoI 
(2)rein.)  hook(-tool). 

torfr^ft'e  vt  hurt  by  squeezing. 
or!ræn'fc|llg  a  corruptible,  perishable;  bette 
-e  this  corruptible.    -lig^eb,  -Ife  c  corruption. 

fnvltthtn  a  hidden. 
ortr«b'|Ie  vi,  -g  vp  shrivel,  become  stunted 
el.  dwarfed;  -let  a  stunted,  scrubby. 

i5or!r«n'|e  vt  crumple,  rumpie,  tumble,  -in 
c  erumpling  etc. 

iJorlftt'e  vt  stunt  in  growth;  ((ue)  cow,  keep 
under;  -fuet  a  (forln^t)  cowed;  (bantreUcn) 
stunted.    -fuelfe  c  stiinting  etc;  oppression 

-Hjjorlulb'ct  (1,  fe  gorfrosfen. 

fJorfuH'le  vt  carbonize.  -et  n  eharred.  -ing 
c  carbonization.  -ingåtirDCCå  process  of  carbonr 

fjorlunbflab  c  foreknowledge,  previous  know 
ledge;  pi  -er  rudiments  el.  elements  of  know 
ledge,  preparatory  knowledge,  precognlta 

l^orlunft'lle  vt  over-reflne;  -t  over-reflned, 

IJorlbaf'lIc  vt  mismanage,  bungle,  spoil.  -Ung 
c  misraanaging  etc. 

fjortoit'ning,  t  ^or^bægning  c  amalgamation, 

IJorfJjn'bc,  -te,  -t  vt  announce,  proclaim,  jur 
serve  (on  one);  _  Drbet  preach  the  word.  -belfe 
c  -r  announcer;  prophet;  preacher,  minister 

tlJorftj'ft  part  frightened. 

jfor!bé'fe  vt  kiss  to  excess. 

jjorfce'Ie  vt  spoil  (by  indulgence),  pet,  coddle; 
_  fig  nurse  one's  self  too  much;  -t  33arn  spoiled 
child.    -Ife  c  petting  etc. 

jjorfæntber  c  -e  champion,  advocate. 

ijortærliglieb  c  predilection  (for),  partiality 
(to),  prejudice  in  favour  of. 

torfærre  fe  ^SloBtoerre. 
ortæt'Irc  vt  (anflage  for  ftætten)  accuse  of 
heresy;  (en  £ære)  stigmatize  as  heretical;  (ncbfætte) 
decry,  disparage,  denounce,  -relfe,  -ring  c  accu- 
sation  of  heresy  etc.    -rclfeåftjge  zealotism. 

IJorfab  n,  pL  =,  (gorfø6§ret)  pre  emption;  (gor= 
»rangj  forestalling;  fomme  en  t  -et  forestall  one, 
be  beforehand  with,  gain  a  march  on. 

jtorfa'bc  fig  ir  buy  too  dear. 

^or'tobéret  c  (right  of)  pre-emption,  refiisal- 

gorfflb  n  meat  of  the  forequarter  (shoulder)  • 

g^orfa'Iie  vt  chili;  _  fig  catch  el.  take  (a)  cold; 
-et  a  blioe  _  catch  el.  take  cold,  get  a  cold;  jeg 
er  _  I  have  (got)  a  (bad)  cold.  -elfc  c  r  cold, 
chili.  -clfcSfebcr  feverish  cold,  catarrhal  fever. 
-elfeSf^gbom  disease  arising  from  cold. 

^orta're  vt  overdrive. 

gorlabc  vt  (gaa  bort  fra)  leave,  quit;  (fbigte) 
forsake,  abandon,  desert;  (et  (Smbebe)  vacAte; 
(5artej  i  ©øen)  abandon;  (lilgtoe)  pardon,  forgive; 
-  bette  Steb  leave  here;  _  bette  SiD  depart  this 
life;  ^ermeb  -r  oi .  .  .  (et  Smne)  so  much  for  .  .  .; 
forlab  o?  »or  ©!t)Ib  forgive  us  our  trespasses; 
l^oeni  3  -  St)nberne,  bem  ere  be  -bte  whose  soever 
sins  ye  remit,  they  are  remitted  unto  them; 
■^ele  SSerben  l^ar  -bt  Ijam  he  is  forsaken  by  every-i 
body;  alt  -bt !  all  right !  (fe  Sorlabt). 

fjorla'be  fig  vr  poa,  -Hil,  rely  el.  depend  on, 
trust  to. 

forlabclgctiær,  -lanon  muzzle-loader. 
orlabclfe  c  pardon,  forgiveness;  @t)iiberne§  _ 
the  forgiveness  of  sins;  (jeg  beber)  om  -  (I  ask 
el.)  beg  your  pardon;  jeg  beber  tufenbe  (Sange  om 
_  I  beg  you  a  thonsand  pardons. 

SJorlabelr  c  -e,  -riffel,  -baoben  muzzle-loader. 

I^Drlabning  c  -er  wadding,  wad.  {^ortabning§|  = 
geboer  o.  fl.  fe  J^orlabe'.    -net  wad-net. 

^orlobt'  a  forsaken,  abandoned,  (©fiB)  dere- 
lict,  (9trb)  unclaimed;  -  ©fib  derelict.  -J)eb  c 

I^orlag  n  (af  Søger)  publishing;  fe  -Sartttler; 
chem  receiver;  ubgibe  ix^a  eget  _  publish  at  one's 
own  expense;  tif^a  forfatterens  _  printed  for  el. 
published  by  the  author;  benne  S3og  er  ubtommen 
pao  ^an§  _  he  is  the  publisher  of  this  book; 
føBe  -et  purchase  the  copyright.  —  {JorIogé|  = 
artifel  publication,  publisher's  work;   ^an§  -tier 





his  publieation  stock.  •bog^anbcl  publishing 
-firm;  publishing-business.  -bogltanbler  pub- 
lisher.  -bureau,  -forening  publishing  company. 
•lataløg  publisher's  catalogiie.  -øntloftningcr 
publishing  expenses.  -ret  copyright,  -ffrift  fe 

Storlanb  n  foreland,  headland. 

Ij^oriang'le,  -te  -t  vt  (begære)  ask,  demand,  ask 
for,  call  for;  (attrao)  deslre;  f^an  -gte  2  «l5unb  (af 
tnig)  for  bet  he  charged  (me)  2  pounds  for  It; 
faa  frebelig  fom  nogen  fan  _  as  peaceable  as  need 
be;  bet  er  iffe  for  meget  -t  for  bent  they  are  not 
dear  at  that  prico;  bet  er  for  meget  -t,  at  it  Is 
an  unreasonable  demand  that;  t  [t.]  bet  ftal  _ 
mig  I  wonder.  -enbc  n  -r  request,  demand;  taa 
_  when  required,   if  demanded.    -fcbbel  order. 

^orla\;)'ptt  a  full  of  patches. 

jtortaft  c  ti.  fore-hold. 

(Jortaftet,  forlaftig  a  trimmed  el.  loaded  by 
the  head. 

I^orleb  n,  mat  antecedent. 

jjorle'bc  vt  beguile,  mislead,  seduee.  -Ife  c 
misleading  etc. 

Jtorleben  a  (©ag)  the  other  day. 

Storlc'et  a  exhausted  with  laughter. 

Ijorle'gen  [æ]  a  (ufiffer)  embarrassed,  at  a  loss, 
puzzled,  perplexed,  put  out;  (af  SJæfen)  shame 
-faced;  (begærlig)  anxious,  eager  (efter  at  to);  bære 
_  meb  et  eller  anbet  not  to  know  what  to  do 
with  a  thing;  _  for  $enge  in  want  of  money; 
olbrig  -  for  Sdar  never  at  loss  for  an  answer. 
-^eb  c  (Pforbirrtng)  embarrassment,  perplexity; 
(Snibe)  dilemma;  (Srang)  want;  bære  i  _  be  at 
a  loss,  (for  $enge)  in  want  of  money;  fætte  i  _ 
perplex,  puzzle,  embarrass. 

t^orlent  n  fore  limb,  anterior  extremity. 

^otlcnlt  vt  (gibe  til  2en)  enfeofif;  (flænte)  grant. 
•ing  c  -er  enfeoffment;  fief. 

tgorlet'te  fe  fiette. 

^orlli'bc  fig  vr  i  take  a  fancy  to.  -libelfc  c 
fancy.    -libt'  a  smitten  (with),  spooney  (on). 

Stdrlibc  vi  elapse. 

forlig  n  J,  fore-leech,  luff. 

forlig  adv  before  the  beam,  ahead. 

t^orli'g  n,  pi  =,  agreemeut,  adjustment,  re- 
conciliation,  accommodation;  art  dispart;  gøre, 
flutte,  inbgaa  _  meb  make  up  a  difference,  come 
to  an  agreement  with;  bet  fom  til  _  matters 
were  accommodated.  ^orlt'g|e,  -te,  -t  vt  recon- 
clle;  -  fig  meb  be  reconeiled  to;  -e§  vd  agree. 
-elig  a  placable.  -eltg^cb  c  placability.  -cife 
c  reconciling,  reconciliation.  •clfcétomtntéfær 
commissioner  of  a  Court  of  Conciliation.  -(elfc)å= 
lomnttSftøn  Court  of  Conciliation  (iffe  i  (Snglanb). 

t^orltg  ge  vi:  -nbe  (om  SBarer)  lying  on  hånd; 
-be  SSarer  stale  goods,  old  goods  spoiled  by 
keeping,  shop-keepers. 

{Jorli'gSlllnge  declaration  (before  a  Court  of 
Conciliation).  -!reb8  jurisdlction  of  a  Court  of 
C.  -mægter  mediator.  -mægling  mediation. 
-møbe  appearance  before  the  Court  of  C.  -^jrabc 
attempt  at  conciliation.  -billaac  pi  terms  of 
accommodation.    -Oiefen  Conciliation  system. 

3forIi'§  n,  pi  =,  (2;a6)  loss;  (6fibbr.)  shipwreck. 
gorliflc,  -te  -t  vt  lose,  (©tang  o.  1.)  carry  away; 

—  vi  be  lost,  wrecked.     -ning  c  shipwreck. 
{^orlobS  ndv  in  advance,  beforehand,  by  anti- 
cipation;  ^an  ffal  fjooe  _  faa  meget  af  S8oet  he  is 
to  have  so  much  paid  him  before  the  division 
of  the  estate  el.  in  priority  to  all  other  claims; 

—  n  reference  legacy. 

^otloWt  vt  entice,  (nabnl.  9}ige)  seduee.  -tfe 
c  -r  enticement. 

tfjorlore  vt  lose. 

{Jorlo'ren  a  (fortabt)  lost;  (falff)  false,  mock, 
sham;   ben  -rne  ©øn  the  prodigal  son;   -t  ^aar 

false  hair;  _  9f  æfe  sham  el.  false  nose;  -  ©filpabbe 
mork-turtle;  _  ©tøbeform  broken  mould. 

^orlo'b  [aa]  c  &  n  leave,  permission;  furlough, 
leave  of  absence;  meb  -  with  (et.  by)  your  leave. 

{J-orIi)'t)e[aa]?7«(trotobe)betroth,  afflance,  engage 
(to);  (nt)  forswear,  abjure;  jeg  bar  -t  at  fomme  ber 
tiere  I  have  made  a  vow  not  to  go  there  any 
more;  -t  meb  engaged  to  (marry);  ^an#  -be  his 
promlsed  brlde,  his  intended,  his  sweetheart. 
-Ife  c  -r  betrothment,  engagement.  —  i^orlotiet' 
fc8|bag  day  of  betrothment.  -gilbe  feast  of  be 
trothai.  -fort  card  of  betrothai.  -f-maal  en- 
gagement,   -ring    espousal-ring,   engaged-ring. 

?^orlot)cr  [ao]  c  -e  sponsor;  he  that  gives  the 
bride  away;  (S3rubgommen§)  best  man,  bride- 
groom's  man. 

Srorluge  c  -r  fore-hatch;  (9labningen)  fore 

gortulaf  w  forecastle. 

tf  orIl)b  c,  gram  initial  articulation;  i  _  at  the 
beginning  of  words,  when  initial;  bi  _  initial  b, 

IJorl^'be  V  imp  bet  -r  it  is  reported,  understood; 
labe  fig  _  meb  hint,  intimate,  give  to  understand. 
-nbe  n:  efter  (ftftert)  -  according  to  (authentic) 

{?orIflft'e  vt  delight,  divert,  gladden;  vr  _  ftg 
amuse  one's  self  (meb,  beb  in,  with).  -Ife  c  -r 
delight,  amusement,  recreation;  offentlige  -r  pu- 
blic amusements.  —  ^forl'Jftf'ft^Ift'''  "  place 
of  amusement,  (p.  of  public)  resort,  -ftjg  a  plea- 
sure-seeking;  -t  9JJenneffe  pleasure-hunter.  -f^ge 

tortÆber  n  splash-leather. 
ortng'ge   vt   (flette)   transfer,    remove;   {l^aa 
urette  ©teb)  mislay;  (et  ©frift  —  i  benne  aSet.  ogfaa: 
forlægge)  publish.    -Ife  c  -r  removal;  mislaying. 
Jfor'tægger  c  -e  publisher;  (®rejn.)  rest. 

5orlægger|®Ic,  *-»fe  soup  ladle,  divlding 

^orlæl'ning  c  lenkage. 

Ij^ortæng'e  vt  lengthen,  elongate,  prolong, 
ceoM  produce.  -Ife  c  lengthening  etc,  prolonga- 
tion; production.  -IfeiSfebbel  mere  rider.  -Ife§« 
ftljffc  lengthening  piece. 

^orlæng'cå  vd  fe  2ænge§. 

«orfæng§  fe  gorlæn§. 

Ijorlænl  a<lv  forwards;  pbbe  -  i  en  SSogn  sit 
on  the  back  seat  of  a  carriage. 

gorlrtngft'  adv  long  ago. 

^orlæ'fc  fig  vr  read  too  much,  overread  one's 

{forlæS'Ifc  vt  overload,  surcharge,  -nfng  o 

gfortæft'  a  knocked  up  with  reading;  over 
-stufFed  with  reading,  the  worse  for  excessive 

iVorltfb  n,  ap  fore-leg. 

§ort«'b  n  expiration,  lapse;  (®ang,  f.  Sf§. 
®t)gbom2)  course,  progress.  ^orIøb|e  vi  (om 
2:iben)  pass  away,  elapse,  expire;  bill  pocket 
one's  own  ball,  make  a  losing  hazard;  —  vt 
(Sømr.)  overlap;  overlaunch;  _  Safterne  give 
shifts  to  the  scarphs;  —  vr  ~  fig  put  one's  foot 
in  it,  commit  one's  self,  blunder;  (løbe  for  meget) 
hurt  one's  self  by  running;  _  fig  mob  fin  Cber« 
manb  happen  to  olfend  a  superior  (by  presump- 
tuous  manners  el.  language),  -etfe  c  -r  blunder, 
indiscretion.  -en  a  (røennefte)  vagabond,  vagrant; 
(Sbæg)  stray.    -er  c  -e  hill  losing  hazard. 

fortaber  c  -e  forerunner,  precursor;  (om  ^efte) 
leader;  ^1«  stray-line,  (til  ^arpun)  foreganger. 

gorlø'bntng  c  (Jemr.)  overlapping. 

Øorlafte  n  -r  surety;  bail. 

%ox\eytt  fig  vr  overstrain  one's  self  by  lifting; 
fig  _  fig  )()aa  break  down  in.  -Ife  c  strain;  fin 
breakdown,  failure. 




+3forIai'et  a  sham.  -^cb  c  sham,  pretence, 

t5forI«'f|e  vt  release,  (ogfaa  om  Søbfel)  deliver, 
(naonl.  rel)  redeem;  bliue  -t  iticb  be  delivered  of, 
brought  to  bed  of.  -er  c  redeemer,  deliverer. 
•ttfnfl  c  redemption,  deliverance;  (Steblomft)  de- 

ttJorI«'tie  vt  furlough;  _  en  fra  ftt  ©mbebe  grant 
leave  to  retire  from  office.    t-Ife  c  furlough. 

{Jfornt  c  -er  fo'rm;  make,  shape;  (SteSef.,  ogf. 
fig)  mould;  tpp  form,  chase;  (i  Qilbfteb)  twyer;  i 
-en  in  form;  for  en§  <Blt)\t>  for  form's  sake,  as  a 
matter  of  form. 

Ofortnaa'  vt  -tbe,  -et  (at)  be  able  (to),  capable 
(of);  (en)  prevail  on,  persuade,  induce,  bring;  _ 
meget  ^o^  en  have  great  influence  el.  interest 
With  one;  alt  l^Bab  man  -r  all  in  one's  power; 
itfe  _  ot  be  unable  to;  jeg  -r  itfe  at  fe,  inbfe  I 
fail  to  see,  understand;  bu  maa  tage  tiltalfe  meb 
l^tiab  ^ufet  -r  you  must  take  pot-luck,  -en  c 
ability.  -enie  a  influential.  -i-f^otmaaen^eb  c 

fortnaat  n,  pi  =,  object,  aim,  end. 
ormaa'Ie  vt  measure  wrong;   _  fig  measure 
to  one's  owu  prejudice. 

+f^ormaa(S|aarfag  c  final  cause.  -tjenlig, 
-tienlig^eb  fe  ^enfigtSmæSfig. 

j^orntab  c  flrst  dish;  (©ø6emob)  spoon-meat. 

Ijormaic  vt  grind. 

tjjormatcbt'bet  a  =  fifor6anbet. 

{^orma'jlier  pi  formarities.  -life're  fig  vr  oser 
find  fault  With.  -118'mc  c  fo'rmalism.  -lift'  c 
-er  fo'rmalist.  -'titet  [I.]  adv  formally,  in  form. 
-lite't  c  -er  formal'ity,  ceremony,  (matter  of) 

Øormanb  c  -mænb,  (gorgænger)  predecessor; 
(»eb  Jpaanboærf)  foreman,  head  man;  (i  gorfam= 
ling)  chairman,  president,  leader;  (i  Unber^ufet) 
speaker;  {ifaa  S8ef§el)  preceding  indorser;  *council- 
man  (of  a  division,  town,  county),  member  of 
the  local  government  board,  -ffab  n  presidency, 
leadership;  *(town-,  division-,  county-)  council, 
local  government  board.  {JorraonbSHJoft,  -jxer- 
big^eb  presidency;  speakership. 

^orma'nle  vt  exhort,  admonish,  wam.  -er  c 
-e  exhorter,  admonisher.  -ing  c  -er  exhortation, 
admonition.  (formanings Iftriuelfe,  -taleadmoni- 
tory  letter,  speech  el.  discourse. 

gormoft  c  -er  foremast. 

Sormaft'le  fig  vr  presume,  have  theaudacity. 
•elTg  a  presumptuous,  audacious.  -elig^eb,  -elfe 
c  presumption,  audacity,  efFrontery. 

Iførtna't  n   er  size  (of  a  book). 

^^ormatio'n  c  -er  forma'tion. 

gormabe  c  antestomach. 

^ormbræt  n  moulding-board. 

§ormc  vt  (banne)  form,  fashion,  shape;  (ftøfie 
efter  Wobel  el.  i  2rorm)  mould;  —  vr  ~  fig  form, 
take  form. 

5|orme'bcIft  præp  on  account  of,  owing  to. 

Sormceunc  c  forming  power. 

§orme'get  adv  too  much. 

^or'mcl  c  -mier  fo'rmula,  form. 

gormel'  a  fo'rmal. 

^ormelb'e  vt  announce,  report;  _  en  ^ilfen 
give  el.  present  compliments. 

t^ormelig  a  fo'rmal,  in  due  form,  (Biilelig) 
actual,  positive,  regular;  —  adv  formally,  in 
due  form;  p  absolutely,  fairly,  positively. 

formcI^S  fe  gormlqs. 
orme'ne  vi  (mene)  deem,   hold,  opine,  be  of 

(Jorme'ne  vt  (forbtjbe)  forbid,  prohibit.  -Ife  c 

formening  c  opinion,  judgment;  efter  min  _ 
in  my  opinion;  jeg  ftob  i  ben  -  I  was  under  the 

impression;  jeg  er  af  ben  Beftemte  _  at  I  am  of 
decided  opinion  that. 

j^ormenneffetig  a  pre-human. 

tjorme'nl,   -tig  «  presumed,   supposed.     -li 
adv  I  believe,  I  think,  I  presume,  I  submit. 

{former  c  -e  ($aptrf )  vat-man. 

Jjorntere  vt  (banne)  form;  _  ®eleber,  Sinté  fal 
in  rauks,  in  line. 

{Jormc're  vt  &  r  (forege)  increase,   multipl; 
(SScefSter)  propagate,  ralse.    -Ife  c  increase 

Iforme'ring  c  formation. 

Jjorme'ring  c  increase;  propagation.  —  gfo: 
jncring§|cune  powers  of  multiplication.     -^ 

SJormeS'finge  vt  coat  with  brass. 

§orm|fcjI  iuformality.  -flaffe  flask.  -for= 
anbring  4>  change  of  figure.  +-f nlb  a  courteous. 
-fulbenbt  a  formally  perfect,  finished,  artistic. 
-gibning  c  fashioning.  -^ogl  mould-shot.  -^nl 
(3Ibft.)  twyer-hole. 

IVormiba'bet  a  fo'rmidable. 

^ormibbag  c  forenoon,  morning,  A,  M 
i  -i  this  morning;  SI.  ti  om  -en  at  ten  (o'clocl 
in  the  morning,  10  A.  M.  —  (^ørntibbag§|gubå 
tjcncftc  morning  service,  -ntøbe  morning  sitting. 
•ptøve  morning  rehearsal  (etc).  -bagt  J,  fore- 

IJormib'lle  vt  mediate.  -ler  c  -e  mediator. 
-ling  c  mediation. 

(Jormil'bc  vt  soothe,  soften,  mollify,  appease, 
assuage,  aUeviate,  temper,  mitigate;  -nbe  Dm« 
ftænbig^eb  extenuating  circumstance,  extenua- 
tion.    -tf c  c  mitigation. 

Sorrainb'ffle  vt  diminish,  lessen,  extenuate, 
take  from,  detract  from;  -er  ifre  takes  nothing 
from;  _  fine  Ubgifter  retrench  one's  expenses; 
-et  a  mus  diminished;  -t  røaaleftof  reduced  scale; 
{  -t  røaaleftof  on  a  small  scale.  -elfe  c  diminu- 
tion,  reduction,  retrenchment,  abatement.  -elit^' 
enbetfe  diminutive  ending.  -elfeéglad  diminish- 
ing-glass.  -elfeSorb  gram  diminutive,  -ning  c 
fe  -elfe. 

{Jorm|Ia8fe  art  moulding-box  el.  -!it 
moulding-clay.  -labc  fe  -faife.  -lig^eb  simila- 
rity  of  form.  -I^§  mould(-candle).  -tære  gram 
etymology,  accidence.  -l»8  a  formless,  shape- 
less,  amorphous;  informal,  irregular,  immethod- 
ical.  -Iø§I)cb  c  formlessness;  iuformality.  -mager 
c  -e  form-maker.    (formning  c  forming,  etc. 

(Jormo'ble  vt  suppose,  surmise,  conjecture, 
presume;  -t  ©elBmorb  constructive  suicide.  -entlig 
a  probable,  likely.  -enttig(en)  adv  probably, 
presumably,  most  likely,  in  all  likelihood,  I 
suppose.  -ning  c  -er  supposition,  surmise,  im- 
pression, guess,  conjecture,  theory;  imob  al  _ 
contrary  to  all  expectation;  banne  fig  et  ®Iag§  ~ 
om  form  some  guess  at.  -f-ningåbiS  adv  con- 
jecturally,  by  guess. 

?formH»re§fc  goldbeater's  press.  -ramme  tvp 
chase.  -reol  tvp  form-rack.  -rig  a  rich  in  forms. 
-rigbom  richness  in  forms,  -fag  matter  of  form; 
(gøre  nt)  fom  en  ren  _  in  a  perfunctory  manner. 
-fanb  moulding-sand.  -fan8  sense  for  beauty 
of  form.  -fte  founder's  scoop,  -ffærer  carver. 
-ffærcriunft  art  of  carving  in  wood.  -fføn  a 
beautifully  formed,  beautiful  in  form.  -ffantjcb 
beauty  of  form.  -f))inbet  (Støbn.)  spindle. 
-fbørgSmaal  question  of  form,  formality.  -ftcn 
mould-stone,  form-piece;  (2;egl.)  clinker,  moulded 
brick.    -traab  ($ap.)  wire  (of  the  mould). 

fjormue  c  (Wibler)  fortune,  property;  (®bne) 
ability,  power;  l^aBe  en  _  paa  10,000  53unb  be  worth 
10,000  pounds.  -nbcawealthy,  opulent.  (yormucn= 
^eb  c  wealthiness,  opuleuce;  +  ability.  ^orm«e§= 
fæUcSffab  community  of  goods.  (^ormueftat 
property  tax.  —  gformne8|omftænbig^cbercircum- 





stances.  -raabtgl)ci)  power  of  managiug  one's 
owa  eslate.  -UiTfaar  circumstauces.  —  H^ormue^ 
Iftraf  fine.    -tab  loss  of  property. 

t^ormula  r  c  -er  fo'rmula,  form.  -bog  fo'rmu- 

J^ormulb'nc  vi,  -S  vd  moulder,  crumble. 

jJormule'r|c  i-f  fo'nnulate.    -tng  cformula'tion. 

formum' mc  tt  mask,  dtsguise.  -melfe, -ning 
c  ma.skuig,  disguising,  mummery. 

gormitr  c  -e  front  wall;  fig  bulwark. 

gormuæfen  n  formality. 

5orml)i  n  fo'rmyle. 

^ormqnbcr  c  -e  guardian.  -Bcfli!fclfc  appoint- 
ment  of  a  guardian;  guardian's  warrant,  -i'  n 
fe  Coertorniqnbett.  -regering  regency.  -falær 
guardian's  salary.  -ffab  n  guardianshlp.  {5or= 
mtintterffe  c   r  (female)  guardian. 

^■ormæ'IIc  vt  espouse.    -ing  c  nuptials. 

^•ormær'le  vt  perceive,  notice. 

i^'Drmæftctar  n  steeping-trough. 

(I^ortttar'fe  vt  darken,  obscure,  eclipse.  -Ifc  c 
darkening;  (om  Solen,  røaatien)  eclipse;  (om 
©tjemer)  occultation. 

3fornag'|(e  vt  (ttljpigre)  nail  up;  _  en  ^eft  prick 
a  horse  in  shoeing;  _  en  Sonon  spike  el.  nail 
a  gun.  -Ung  c  nailiug;  pricking;  spiking.  -tingd- 
f)jigcr  spikes  for  nailing  guas. 

(^ornatin  n  Christian  name,  flrst  name. 

iVornc'&en  w/v  below. 

^orne'brle  vt  lower,  debase,  abase,  degrade, 
humble;  6bo  fig  felB  opftøjer,  flal  -S  whosoever 
shall  exalt  himself  shall  be  abased;  -enbe  a 
degrading.  -elfe  c  abasement,  debasement,  de- 
gradation, -elfeéttlftanb  state  of  degradation. 
-ing,  fe  -elfe. 

t^ornem  a  of  quality,  of  distinction,  of  posi- 
tion, of  rank,  p  swell;  en  _  iOlanb  a  man  of 
rank  el.  quality,  P  a  swell;  leoe  -t  live  in  style; 
_  SJJine  an  air  of  superiority,  a  stately  el. 
superior  air;  ben  -me  SSerben  the  fashionable 
world,  (high)  society,  high  life;  l^an  poatager  fig 
et  -t  33æfen  he  plays  the  fine  gentleman;  -fte 
super/  chlef,  principal,  main. 

JJorncnfmc  (ogf.  -nam,  -nummetj  vt  (f»Ie)  feel, 
be  sensible  of,  (erfare)  perceive,  notice;  t  inquire. 
-mclig  a  pereeptible. 

jjorncm'meltg  adv  chiefly,  principally,  mainly. 

^orncm'metfe  c  -er  feeling,  perception;  Oorubf .) 
presentiment;  ftne    er  high  notions;  fine-ladyism. 

Øo'rnet  u  fe  grønnet. 

^otnit  \Uvt nickelplate.  -Ung c uickel-plating. 

l|o'rnlct)ntnger  pi  antlqulties 

^ornorftc  vt  Norwegieize,  Norvvegianize. 

fornuft  c  reason;  ben  funbe  -  common  sense; 
tole  -  talk  sense;  bringe  en  til  _  bring  one  to 
reason  el.  to  his  senses,  restore  one  to  sanity; 
toge  imob  -  listen  to  reason;  bære  oeb  fin  (fulbe)  - 
be  in  one's  (right)  senses  -begreb  Idea.  -beoiS 
rational  proof  -bub,  fe  -loo.  -giftermaat  marri- 
age  of  convenience.  -grunb  rational  argument. 
-ig  a  rational,  reasonable,  sane,  sensible;  dis- 
creet, judicious;  et  -t  SOr,  SScefen  a  rational  ani- 
mal,  being;  intet  -t  Wenneffe  no  one  in  his 
senses;  »ære  faa  -  at  have  the  sense  to;  —  adv 
rationally  etc.  -ig(|cb  c  rationality.  -tgbtS  adv 
reasonably,  in  reason.  -loo  lawof  rea.son.  -lære 
logic.  -Ie8  a  irrational.  -leét)Cb  c  irrationality. 
-ntcedfi^  «  rational  -micSfigi^cb  c  rationality. 
•))artt  \i  -giftermaal.  -t-tiræg  stamp  el.  colour  of 
rationality.  -religion  rational  religion,  -fanbijeb 
tnith  foimded  on  reason  -flutning  syllogism. 
-ftribig.a  contrary  to  reason.  -tro  rational  be- 
lief.  -oibenftab  speculative  science,  -bæfen 
rational  (being). 

t^ornQ  (e)  vt  renew,  renovate,  (SKelSel)  prolong, 
■(fiotterifcbbel)    renew;   -   ^Ingrebet  return  to  the 

Sarfen:  ffiQnft=(£ngelff  Crbbog. 

charge;  -t  Dberbeielfe  reconsideration;  tage  unber 
-t  C.  reconsider,  think  better  of.  -tfc  c  renewal, 

l5orn»)iig,  ^orn^å',  fe  9^t5lig,  'ifqi. 

Ijornæg'tie  vt  (nægte,  ej  oiHe  tilftaa  of».)  deny, 
disown,  disavow,  disclaim;  (forfage,  ej  debfenbe 
fig)  renounce;  bibl  (om  <JSeter)  deny;  _  fig  felo 
deny  one's  self,  practice  self-denial.  -Ife  c 
denial;  (®ub§-)  atheism.  -er  c  -e  denier;  (af 
®ub)  atheist. 

^ornær'ttt|e  vt  oflfend,  (ftærfere)  insult,  affront. 
-eltg  a  insulting,  otTensive.  -elfe  c  -r  insult, 
affront;  bet  er  en  _  imob  (ogf.)  It  is  a  libel  upon; 
-er  c  -e  offender,  insulter,  -et  a  offended  (paa 
With,  ooer  at);  blibe  _  ober  take  offence  at. 

^ornæont  a  before-mcntioned,  aforesaid. 

^ornø'ben  a  requisite,  needful,  necessary; 
^a»e  _  be  in  want  of;  gøre§  _  be  needed;  f)aie 
bet  -ne  have  a  competence;  nægte  fig  bet  -ne  deny 
one's  self  the  necessaries  of  life;  i  -t  5alb  in 
case  of  need,  if  need  be;  gøre  fit  -ne  case  one's 
self.  -^cb  c  -er  necessity,  requirement;  iiibeté  -er 
the  necessaries  of  life. 

?forn«i'|e  vt  (tilfrebSftiHe)  content,  please;  (glæbe) 
deUght,  gratify;  -  fig  enjoy  one's  self;  _  fig  meb 
amuse  one's  self  with;  _  fig  ober  be  delighted 
With,  at;  bet  -er  mig  at  I  am  glad  (to  hear)  that. 
-elig  a  fbe^agelig,  morenbe)  delightful,  pleasant; 
+  (nøjfom)  contented.  -elig^eb  e  delightfulness; 
contentment.  -elfe  c  -r  pleasure,  gratiflcation; 
dellght;  (gorlQftelfe)  diversion,  amusement;  finbe 
_  i  take  pleasure  in.  delight  in;  i)Me  -  af  derive 
satisfaction  from;  gøre  fig  en  _  af  have  pleas- 
ure in;  bet  er  mig  en  ftor  _  at  it  gives  me  great 
pleasure  to;  jeg  ^ar  iffe  ben  -  at  !enbe  ^am  I 
have  not  the  pri^ålege  of  knowing  him;  (ja) 
meb  -  with  all  my  heart,  by  all  meaus;  gob  _ ! 
I  wish  you  may  enjoy  yoursélf.  -et  o  delighted, 
pleased,  happy  (at),  glad  (of);  (tilfrebS)  content, 
contented;  berfom  man  il!e  er  _  meb  bem  if  they 
do  not  give  satisfaction. 

{Jor'lommeibt,  -omtalt  a  fe  gornæont. 

§or'orb  n  (fortale)  preface,  prefatory  note; 
Oorbetiolb)  proviso,  condition;  meb  -  with  a 
proviso;  _  br^ber  (ingen)  Xrætte  contract  makes 
the  law  void. 

f^ororb'lne  vt  ordain,  order,  (om  Sægen)  pre- 
scribe.  -ning  c  -er  ordlnance,  edict,  order  in 

aoro  »en  adv  above,  at  the  top. 

I^or'ooer  adv  forward,  ^1,  løbe  (lægge,  ligge) 
^Ontenj  weather  the  point,  -bøjning  c  bending 

fjorpoo  adv  in  front. 

§or^agt'|e  vt  farm,  rent,  take  a  lease  of.  -er 
c  -e  tenant,  (tenant)  farmer,  lessee;  -ne  the 
tenants,  the  tenantry.  -ergaarb  farm,  holding. 
•erffe  c  -r  farmeress.  -ning  c  -er  (bet,  at  forp.) 
farming;  (^Jlfgift)  rent;  t)ODe,  tage  en  Oaarb  i  - 
rent  a  farm;  ^an§  _  er  fnart  ube  his  lease  will 
soon  expire.  -ningSofgift  farm-rent,  -ningS^ 
fontraft  lease-contract.   -ningdtib  term  of  lease. 

^otpaVte  vt  over-pack. 

torpart  c  ^  fore-body. 
orpa^'fe  vt  (et  ©pil;  throw  away  a  game  by 
passing;  +  (2iarer)  pro  vide  a  permit  for  (goods). 

^otpoS'fet  a :  kjolen  er  _  the  coat  does  not 
fit  well,  is  a  misfit,  a  bad  fit. 

aørpe'bre  vt  pepper  too  much. 

^orpeft  |e  vt  poison,  infect.   -ning  c  infection. 

^orpig  c  i«  fore-peak. 

tgorptt  fet  a  fe  gor^ippet. 

-j-t^orpitn'tjet  a  sottish  (with  drink). 

f|or)it'nt  a  tortured,  racked;  (om  3orb)  ex- 

3ror|)iff'e  vt  lash,  scourge;  -  Sorben  exhaust, 





-tap  jaded,  fatigued;  hack- 
-niitfl  c  tumb- 

scourge  the  soil 

^frVjMflc  vf  tumble,  rumpie 
ling  ete. 

3fortitttnt'c  vt  (omplante)  transplant;  (ubbrebe, 
formere)  propagate;  (ooerføre,  tjene  iom  ®ennem= 
gangSleb  for)  transmit;  -§,  _  fig  vr  (om  5E)Qr)  breed, 
propagate,  (om  Sing)  be  transmitled,  spread. 
-etfe,  -ninø  c  transplantation;  propagatlon;  trans- 
mission. —  gorjplfintningélbrift  instinct  of  pro- 
pagation.  -bflfltigacapableof  procreation.  -eune 
procreativeness,  power  of  propagating  its  kind. 
-rebffabcr  sexual  el.  reproductive  organs.  •\i)- 
ftemct  the  reproductive  system. 

5Jor<>Ui'|e  vt  (forfurge)  maintain;  (pleje)  nurse, 
attend.  -ning  c  nursiug,  attendance;  mainten- 
ance.  —  5Jorptcjnin8§|Ila§fe  class  of  patients. 
-for^>§  commissariat.  -omtoftninger  costs  of 
maintenance.    -Uæfen  commissariat. 

i^or^Iigt'e  vt  bind,  engage,  oblige;  —  vr  -  fig 
pledge  one's  self,  engage,  covenant;  -t  (in 
duty)  bound.  -tfe  c  -r  obligation  (imob,  operfor 
to),  engagement,  liability;  -r  responsibilities; 
I)aPe  en  _  (pao  fig)  til  at  be  under  an  obligation 
to.    -ttbe  a  binding,  obligatory. 

I^or^toi)  c  -e  plough-head. 

+^orplum'pt  vt  vulgarize. 

tJor^ilttm'Ite  vt  render  muddy;  fig  confuse, 
disturb,  mar,  make  a  mess  of;  _  fig  entangle 
one's  self,  get  confused,  make  a  mess  of  it. 
-ret  a  perplexed.  -ring  c  confusion;  perplexity, 

+l5orVIufl'et  a  fe  gorpjuflet. 

Sor))iø)ning  c  -er  headland. 
orvommcrn  n  anterior  el.  nearer  Pomerania. 
I^orport  c  front  gate. 

fjor^oft  c  outpost,  advanced  guard;  paa  _  on 
outpost   duty.     -fægtning   affair   of   advanced 
guards.    -læbe  line  of  outposts.     -tjcnefte  out- 
post duty.    -Pflgt  picket. 
^orljote  c  fore  paw. 

tOTlprang  c  forestalling,    -er  c  -e  forestaller. 
ovpxo\)'pe  vt  stuff,  cram.    -Ife  c  stufling. 
foriinff'c  vt  (ftøbe)  buffet  severely. 
orVttf'ife  vi  chem  detonate.    -ni«g  c  -er  de- 

||0];t)tt))'|))e  fig  vr  pass  into  the  chrysalis  state. 
-ning  c  -et  pupa  change. 

5yor|)ur'r|e  vt  frustrate,  foil.  -elfc,  -ing  c 

{Jorpuft'ct  a  breathless,  out  of  breath,  blown. 
-^eb  c  breathlessness. 

tor^jut'te  vt  mislay. 
orfpæ'Ile  vt  pile.    -ing  c  -er  piling. 

-h{Jor<Ⱦ'ne  vt  fe  SBefm^fte. 

{Jorroob  n  (&  c),  pi  =,  supply,  store,  provi- 
sion, ^aoe  i  -  have  a  store  of,  have  in  haud. 

^otraa'be  vt  betray.    +-lfe  c  betrayal. 

^orroab'lne  ii  fe  SRaabne.  -nelig  a  putres- 
cible,  corruptible.  -nelfe  c  putrefaction,  corrup- 
tion;  fom  foufiinbrer  _  antiseptic,  goo  i  _  putrefy. 
—  jyortaabnelfeéllialtcner  bacteria  of  putre- 
faction. -feber  putrid  fever.  -gæring  putre- 
factive  fermentation.  -^jroceS,  -vrobult  process, 
produet  of  putrefaction.  {Jorraabnet  a  rotten, 
putrefled,  corrupted. 

Uorraob§ll}n&  magaztne,  store.  -lammer  store 
-room.    -tælbrr  store-cellar.    -fteb  store. 

t^orrang  c  precedence;  ftaoe  -en  for  take  p.  of. 

*{Jorrong'let  a  knocked  up  (with  revelry). 

t^orroff'c  vt  take  by  surprise. 

gorrc'  ^  fe  gore=. 

tiJorrebe  n  (gorploo)  plough-head;  (gorPogn) 
fore-carriage;  (af  2)pr)  fore  part  (of  an  animal). 

I^orreg'lne  fig  vr  miscalculate,  misreckon;  bu 


^ar   -t  big  you    are    out    in   your 
-nelfe,  -ning  c  miscaleulation. 

t^or'rrjSning  c  -er  ^  fore-rigging. 

gorrejft'  a  knocked  up  with  travelling; 
»ortreift;  Setejft. 

forrcnbt'  a  tired  with  running,  jaded. 
orrcnt'le  vt  pay  interest  on;  _  meb  6  procent 
pay  6  percent  on;  —  vr  ~  fig  yield  interest;  _ 
fifl  gobt  yield  good  interest  el.  a  good  return.i 
-ning  c  payment  of  interest;  interest.  i 

^orreft  a  foremost,  front;  ben  -e  the  leader;  -i 
adv  foremost.  ' 

iJorreft'cn  adv  for  the  rest,  as  for  the  rest, 
otherwise;  however,  be  it  said,  by  the  bye,  by 
the  way;  _  ogfaa  indeed;  ifte  bet,  forreften  |oab 
J^  Pil  not  that,  anything  else. 

JJorret  c  (ælbre  Siet)  prior  right;  ( 'Brærogatio) 
prerogative,  privilege. 

JJorret  c  -ter  tirst  dish,  entrée. 

^orret'ning  c  -er  (i  Slim.)  business;  (^aanb 
teruig,  SiæringéBej)  tråde;  (Solb,  S3eftæftig.,  ^aanbt.) 
vocation;  (Sag,  Stffære)  affair;  (®mbeb§-)  function, 
duty;  fe  Slrreftv  SluttionSv  6pn8=;  en  ftor  _  a  large 
concern;  gøre  -er  do  business;  tjaoe  mange  -er 
have  a  great  deal  of  business;  l^ar  to  -er  has 
two  businesses;  i  -er  on  business;  gøre  gobe  -er  do 
a  good  business;  lian  gør  en  gob  ~  oeb  ot  he  is 
making  a  good  thing  (for  himself)  in  -ing;  -erne 
(i  Slim.)  tråde  (and  commerce).  {5orretntng§|  = 
anliggenbe  affair.  -brep  b.  letter,  -bame  money- 
taker.  -bt)gtigf)eb  ability  for  b..  business  quali- 
fications,  business  powers,  -f oH  men  of  b.  -for- 
Ijolb :  ftaa  i  -  fammen  be  in  business  relations  with 
eachother.  -f«rer  manager  (of  ab.),  -gongcourse 
of  b.,  routine  (work).  -gren  line  of  b.  -^aanf' 
b.  hånd,  round  hånd.  -{parter  b.  quartei 
-Itjnbig  skilled  in  business,  -lotate  shop,  offio 
-Hp  business  (-life),  tråde.  -l«8  a  duU.  -laål) 
trade-depression.  -manb  man  of  business,  -mi 
fig  a  business-like.  -orben  fe  -gang;  ^arlamenti 
_  Parliamentary  Procedure,  -rejfe  commercial 
trip.  -fog  b.  affair,  matter  of  b.  -ftil  official 
style.  -ftrug  b.  neighbourhood.  -ttb  business 
hours.  -pant  a  experienced  in  business.  -Pe« 
b.  friend  el.  connection.    -pærelfe  fe  -lofale. 

tjorret'tc  vt  perform,  dischai-ge,  execute;  —  vi 
oflficiate;  ben  -nbe  $ræft  (ogf.)  the  celebrant;  6an 
lom  t)iem  meb  Pet  -t  Sag  he  returned  home  after 
having  fuUy  accomplished  his  purpose. 

t^orretttgijeb  c  prerogative,  privilege 

J^orre'Pen  a  scratched,  torn;  (om  Stjft)  rugged 

torri'be  vt  override. 
orrtber  c  -e  (fom  riber  foran  SKognen;  out-riderj 
(fom  riber  paa  bet  forrefte  Spanb  J&efte)  postillion 

•IJorrtg  c  ,^  fe  gforrejSning. 

forrige  a  def  former,  previous;  _  8lar,  Uge 
last  year,  week;  ben  4be  i  _  SKaoneb  the  4th 

-ffjorrt'gelfe  c  enriching. 

gorring'e  vt  (om  SRønt)  debase;  (nebfætte,  for= 
minbfte)  disparage;  detract  from,  derogate  from; 
-§  deteriorate;  tjara  bør  at  potée  men  mig  at  -§  he 
must  increase  but  I  must  decrease.  -Ife  c  de- 
ba.sement;  disparagemeut,  derogation. 

forri'pe  vt  tear,  scratch,  -r  c  (guP.)  flattener. 
orro  c  (®ep.)  fore  notch. 
IJorro'be  vt  (om  ©Pin)  damage  by  rooting 
^orromerft  a  pre-Roman. 
§orro'ft  a  bepraised,  belauded. 
gorrum  n  J,  fore-hold. 
gorruft'e  vt  rumpie,  tumble. 
Ijorruft'le  vi  rust;  -t  rusty.     -ning  c  rusting, 
gor'r^g  c  fore  part  of  the  back. 
i^orr^'genbe  a  furious,  tremendous. 








3'0rrt)!'!fe  vt  displace,  disHirb,  start,  -tetfc, 
-iiing  <•  displacement;  min  flooking,  thrum. 

JJorrJjIt'  «  crazy,  cracked,  crack-brained.  -^el» 
c  craziuess. 

3forrac'b|er  c  -e  traitor  (mob  to),  betray  er  (of). 
-eti'  n  treason,  treachery.  -erff  a  treacherous, 
traitorous,  treasonable;  —  ad»  treacherously  etc. 
•erflie  <.■  -r  traitress,  betrayer. 

jiorrceer  pi  fore-yards,  head-yards. 

||orr(et'{e  vt  strain.    -Ife  c  strain. 

tyorre'get  «  smoky,  impregnated  with  smoke. 

^orfaa'Ije  vt  sole.    -ing  c  soling. 

t^orfaaOibt'  conj  in  so  far  as;  provlded  that; 
iiben  _  any  farther  than. 

(Jorfa'ge  vi  (tabe  9Kobet)  despond,  lose  heart; 
t  -  om  despair  of;  t  _  ifaa  forego. 

J^orfa'ge  vt  forsake,  abandon;  _  ©iæbelen 
renounce  the  devil;  t  -  fifl  be  self-denying. 
-Ife,  t-it  resignation;  reuunciation. 

tjjorftt'gen  c  despondency. 

ti^orfagt'  «  aforesaid;  •  arbejbe  ifaa  _  work 
by  the  lump. 

$orfagt'  a  despondent,  disheartened,  dispir- 
iled.    -Ijeb  c  despondency. 

{Vorfaf   c   -e  antechamber,    anteroom,   lobby. 

{Vorfolt'e  vt  oversalt. 

^orfamic  vt  assemble,  congregate,  gather  to- 
gether;  _  igen  re-assemble;  _  fig  meet,  assemble. 
^orfamling  c  -er  assembly,  assemblage,  meeting, 
convention,  gathering.  —  (Jforfamlingélbag  day 
of  meeting,  -fri^eb  right  of  public  meeting.  -^itS 
house  of  assembly,  meeting-house.  -))IabS  meet- 
ing-place.  -f ttl  meeting-hall.  -fteb  meeting-place. 
-tib  time  of  meeting. 

tgorfonb'  for  fanb  adv  truly. 

Sorfanb'eå  vp  be  flUed  el.  choked  up  with 

tt^orfang  c  proem  (in  verse). 

^orfanger  c  leader  of  the  choir,  precentor. 

fforfatélbtab  fly  leaf,  blank  leaf.  -bar  double 
-door.  -popir  end-paper.  -øinbue  inside  window. 

^orfe'  (ig  vr  do  amiss,  do  wrong,  make  a 
mistake;  _  fig  X)<y(t  look  too  long  at,  fall  in  love 
with,  (unber  Soongerft.)  take  fright  at,  get  a 
shock  from;  Bel  -t  J,  in  proper  condition.  -elfc 
c  -r  mistake,  oversight,  fault,  error,  slip;  ingen 
_!  no  offence. 

{^orfeg'lle  vt  seal;  seal  up.  -Ung  c  seaUng; 
unber  ~  under  seal,  seal  ed. 

torfefl  n  „I,  fore-sail,  head-sail. 
orfcj'te  vi  shift,  move^  sail. 

gforfenb'e  vt  send  off,  dispatch,  forward, 
transmit.    -Ife  c  sending  etc.,  transmission. 

fVorfc'nt  ndv  too  late. 

{Jorftb'be  vt  press  down  by  sitting  on.  -t  a 
tired  with  sitting. 

{^orfibe  c  front,  fore  part,  foreside;  (SlberS) 
the  obverse  (side). 

t^orftg'tig  a  cautious,  circumspect,  prudent, 
wary,  guarded;  _  meb  ^oab  .  .  .  cautious  in 
what  .  .  . ;  bet  er  bebft  at  bære  _  it's  as  well  to 
be  on  the  safe  side;  _!  (JUaoftrift)  with  care. 
•^eb  c  caution,  circumspection,  prudence,  wari- 
ness.  -IjebS^enf^n  pi-  prudential  motives.  -I}eb3= 
regel  c  (measure  of)  precaution,  precautionary 
measure  (træffe  take).    -(--»tå  adv  prudently. 

3fi>rflt'|re  vt  assure,  protest;  ~  Ijojt  og  b^rt 
vow;  -  en  om  assure  one  of;  _  fig  enå  ^g^ifon 
secure  one's  person;  _  et  ^u8,  Stib  insure  a 
house,  ship;  ben  -be  the  insured,  the  insurant. 
-ret  c  -e  uuderwriter,  insurer.  -ret  a  insured. 
•ring  c  -er  assurance,  protestation;  (mob  3lb  ofo.) 
insurance,  assurance.  —  JJorfttringSl agent  agent 
of  an  insurance-company.  -anftait  insurance 
-Office,  -beulé  fe  -police.  -Råberen  the  insured 
(party),   -police  insurance-policy,  p.  of  insurance. 

-|)ræmie  premium  of  insurance.  -felffab  insur- 
ance Company,  -funt  insurance-sum.  -Dcefcn 
insurance  matters;  system  of  insurance. 

•5?orftm'ple  vt  simplify. 

*^orftnt'c  vt  fe  gorfæiite. 

iJørfinfe  vt  retard,  delay;  -t  (om  Sfib,  5JJoft) 
late,  belated,  behind  (its)  time,  after  its  time, 
overdue.    -Ife  c  -r  delay. 

?5orfi'r|e  rt  ornament,  decorate.  -ing  c  -er 
(®ern.)  ornamenting  etc,  (ogf.  conc)  decoration, 
embellishment,  (fun  conc)  ornament. 

tjorftoone  vt  spare;  (en  for)  exempt  (one 
from);  forftaan  mig  for  flig  Sale!  pray,  forbear 
talking  so  to  me,  spare  me  from  such  language ! 
-Ife  c  sparing;  exemption. 

-^gjorftnbet  «  aflected. 

JV-orftaff' e  fe  ©taffe  vt. 

J^orffaif'e  fe  ©talte. 

tSorftarilc  vt  board,  line  el.  cover  with 
boards,  -ting  c  boarding,  -ling^brceber  boards, 

SorftanI  c  shin. 

jjorffanf'je  vt  intrench  (ogf.  fig),  barricade. 
•ning  c  -er  intrenchment,  barricade,  pi  defences. 
-ningSlinie  lines. 

iJorffe  vt  i  inquire  into,  investigate,  explore; 
_  efter  search  for;  -nbe  «  searching  (look), 
inquiriug  (spirit).  -l^ft  love  of  research,  -r  c 
-e  inquirer,  searcher,  investigator,  philosopher. 
—  |(orf(er|aanb  spirit  of  inquiry.  -blit  searching 
glance.     -aje  searching  eye. 

i?orf!e(  c  -le  difference;  (Slbftittelfe)  distlnc- 
tion;  -  i  atlber  difference  of  age;  _  i  Slår  differ- 
ence in  years;  til  -  fra  in  contradistinction  to; 
gore  _  paa  eller  imellem  distinguish,  make  a 
distinction  between;  uben  -  indiscriminately; 
bet  er  mig  uben  _  it  is  indifferent  to  me;  ber  er 
Iiben  -  there  is  llttle  to  choose  between  them; 
til  -  fra  by  way  of  distinction  from.  -'lig  a 
different  (from  el.  to);  (beftemt,  tpbelig  abftilt) 
distinct;  (abftiHige,  alle^oanbe)  various,  miscella- 
neous;  bære  _  differ;  xiaa  ~  9Kaabe  difterently; 
)^aa  -e  SKaober  in  various  ways.  —  {$rorftel'(ig|' 
ortet  a  varied,  heterogeneous,  heterogeneal, 
diversifled.  -farbet  a  of  different  colours.  -fot» 
mct  a  diversiform.  -^eb  c  -er  diversity,  fe  fjor« 
ftel.    t^orffctélaé  a  indiseriminate. 

tJorffert'fe  vt  forfeit,  lose  by  one's  own  fault. 

^orffib  n  head,  fore-part  of  a  ship. 

^orftning  c  -er  inquiry,  investigation,  research. 

JJorffo  c  foreshoe.  fjorflo  vt  shoe  the  fore 
feet  of  (a  horse). 

+f5orffDlb'e  vt  fe  Stolbe. 

Storflole  c  fig  preparation,  trainlng. 

§orffot  c  i  fore  bulkhead. 

^orffvaa'le  fig  «r  bawl  one's  self  hoarse. 

gorftre  gen  a  (©temme)  over-strained. 

^orftrift  c  -er  (i  ©tole)  copy,  copy-slip,  copy 
-head;  fig  directions,  instructions  pi,  precept, 
(Sægeå)  prescription. 

^orffri'ge  fe  ^otftraale. 

JJorf(ri'»|e  vt  (3Sarer)  bespeak,  order,  write 
for;  (ocerbrage  fom  $ant)  mortgage,  pledge, 
pawn;  (ftrtoe  fejl)  write  wrong;  —  vr  fig  make 
a  slip  of  the  pen:  _  fig  til  Siæoelen  make  a 
compact  with  the  devil,  make  a  bargain  with 
the  evil  one;  _  fig  (til  noget)  bind  one's  self  by 
bond,  enter  into  a  bond.  -elfe,  -ning  c  order; 
bond;  slip  of  the  pen. 

{Jorffru'le  vt  over-screw;  -  |»oBebet  pao  en 
turn  one's  head;  ^un  er  -t  af  SRomauleeSning  her 
head  is  turned  with  novel-reading.  -et  a  fi^ 
excentric,  extravagant,  high-flown.  -elfe,  -et^eb 
c  extravagance,  excentricity. 

{Jorflræt'Ile  vt  frighten,  terrify.  -elig  a  fright- 
ful,  terrible,  dreadful,  horrid,  grievous.    -elfe  c 





-r  fright,  terror;  jeg  fif  faoban  en  _  p  it  gave 
me  such  a  tum. 

^ørffræmt'  a  scared,  frightened. 

Ijorffttb'lJe  ftg  vr  shift,  V)e  displaced. 

JJorftut)  n,  pi  =,  advance  (of  money);  (paa 
?^ugl)  rockeling  shot;  gure  _  advance  (money); 
ftaa  i  -  come  el.  be  under  advance.  5JorffuJ»8|  = 
forening  loan  society.  -ptcemie  premium  to  be 
paid  in  advance.  -Ui§  udv  as  an  advance,  by 
way  of  advance,  by  anticipation. 

^ot\tump'\et,  -let  a  shaken  to  pieces. 

^otff^'blc  vt  (fra  fin  $lab8)'displace;  .^S'  cast 
off,  disown,  repudiate,  put  away;  _  $enge  ad- 
vance money;  ben  ©ten,  fom  S^gninglmænbene 
-ffjøbe  which  the  builders  rejected;  fji^egatten  Bar 
albeleS  forftubt  the  frigate  was  cut  to  pieces, 
crippled;  SIroget  bar  forftubt  shc  w^as  cut  up  in 
the  huU;  Sefætningen  ^adbe  forftubt  Sfrubt  og 
St'ugler  the  garrison  had  spent  all  their  powder 
and  ball;  —  vr  ^  fig  get  out  of  his  place,  get 
displaced,  J,  (om  Saften)  .'shift.  -dig  a  sliding, 
shiftable.  -clfe  c  repudiation.  -ntng  c  shifting. 
-ntngSUjfSxJl  soft  pedal. 

iJorfiEl)U)'|e  vt  (fortjene)  deserve,  merit;  (en 
noget)  reward,  remunerate;  !^an  fif  fin  -e  ©traf 
he  suflfered  condign  punishment;  Søn  font  -t; 
F  serve  him  right,  -t  a  well  deserved,  richly 

*5?otfIt)'»|e  vt  displace.  -clifl  a  fe  gorfttjbelig. 
-ning  c  displacement,  min  flooking. 

5?orfIæfte  n  fore  end  of  the  stock. 

tjforflær  n  master-bar. 

jjforffæ'rc  vt  spoil  in  the  cutting,  (SSog)  crop; 
(S5tn)  adulterate;  —  *  »r  _  fig  (om  SSaab)  sheer 
across  the  sea,  broach  to. 

t?orfIæret  c  -e  carver.  -gaffel  carving  fork. 
-!ntO  carving  knife,  carver.  -funft  art  el.  science 
of  carving.    -faf§  tendon  separator. 

tJorflcE'ring  c  spoiling  etc;  adulteration. 

tJorffatier  pi  ^  head-sheets. 

tjorffan'ne  vt  embellish,  grace,  beautify. 
-tfc  c  -r  eml)ellishment,  beautiflcation.  -tfel= 
mibbel  n  cosmetic. 

IJorflaa'  vi  sufiBce,  be  sufficient,  avail;  faa 
^^fngene  til  at  -  make  the  money  go  a  long 
way;  _  meget  libt  go  a  very  little  way. 

Qfotflaa'  vt  bruise,  hurt  (by  beating);  _  Skiben 
kill  time;  _  Sorgen  drive  away  care;  -  en  Salje 
shift  a  tackle;  -et  (af  SSiub)  blown  off  (her 
course);  —  vr  fig  hurt  one's  self. 

^OTJIag  n,  pi  =,  proposal,  (om,  til  for,  of), 
proposition;  (ifær  i  raabfl.  gorfaml.)  motion; 
(8oD=)  bill;  (fjørfle  ©lag)  flrst  stroke;  _  mus 
appoggiatura,  grace-note;  art  wad;  giJte  en  et  _ 
make  a  p.  to  one;  bringe  i  _  propose,  (i  ^arla= 
ment)  move;  ftiUe  et  -  make  a  motion;  er  paa  ~ 
til  is  in  nomination  for. 

^orflo'g  n,  ber  et  intet  _  i  pengene  the  money 
goes  but  a  little  way. 

f(orf(a'gen  a  cunning,  subtle,  crafty;  (ogf.  = 
gorflaaet).    -^eb  c  cunning,  subtlety,  craft. 

torflag'gc  vt  scorify. 
ocftagi^lcet    right    of    proposing,    initiative. 
-ftitter  c  mover. 

forflant'Imeå  vp,  art  get  foul.  -ning  c  foulness. 
orfii'be  vt  spoil  by  grinding. 

ijotfli'lbe  fig  vr  overwork  one's  self.  -bt  a 
worn  out;  fig  hackneyed,  stale,  trite,  well-worn, 

tJotfIi'm|c  vt  fill  with  phlegm,  mucus.  -ning 
c  fllUng,  stopping  with  phlegm  el.  mucus. 

t$orf(tt'ge  fig  vr  gorge  one's  self.  -Ife  c  sur- 
feit.  -n  o  greedy  {paa  op,  voracious.  |^orf(ugen' 
Ifttt  c  greediness,  voracity. 

%ovii(e'it  fig  vr  overwork  one's  self. 





^orfmoa'  vt  slight,  disdain,  refuse;  bet  er  itfe 
at  -  it  is  not  to  be  sneezed  at. 

{^otfmag  c  foretaste,  eamest,  installment 
(paa  of). 

fjorfmul'irc  vi  crumble,  moulder.     -ring 

gorfmæ'bcllig  a  disgraceful,  ignominious;  ia 
supportaljle.    -iffc  c  ignominy,  disgrace. 

^orfmægt'c  vi  languish,  pine  away,  starve, 
die  (af  with);  bibl  naax  Wenneffene  _  af  Srljgt 
men's  hearts  failing  them  for  fear. 

JV-orfmccffc  c  front-board  of  a  cart. 

{Vorfnablifc're  fig  vr  f  fe  gorfnatfe  fig 

JJorfnoI'fe   fig   vr   (tole  fejl)   mistake,   err  i 
speaking,  make  a  slip  of  the  tongue;  ^an   be  fig 
his  tongue  tripped;    (fige,   ^Bab    man   iffe   ftulbe) 
babble  out  el.  let  out  a  secret,  let  the  cat  out, 
of  the  bag.     -Ife  c  -r  slip  of  the  tongue. 

JJorfno'  vt  twist  too  hard. 

^orfnæt)'r|ct  a  (|)0B)  contracted  (feet).  -ttti 
c  med  contraction. 

f^orfna're  vt  lace  too  tightly. 

Sorfoff'en  a  F  drunken,  sottish,  vinous 

J^orfolb'et  a  fe  gorfBiret. 

SJorfommer  c  early  (part  of)  summer. 

^5orfo'n|c  vt  (forlige)  reconcile;  (iformilbe)  pro- 
pitiate,  conciliate,  appease;  (©^nber)  atone  (for), 
expiate;  —  vr  fig  meb  en  be  reconeiled  to  one; 
_  fig  meb  (nt)  reconcile  one's  self  to;  labe  ftg  _ 
relent,  -nbe  jEræl  redeeming  feature,  -er  c  -e 
atoner,  expiator.  -ing  c  -er  reconciliation,  pro- 
pitiation;  atonement,  expiation.  —  fjorfoningål« 
bag  day  of  atonement.  -b«b  expiatory  death. 
■fcft,  -^ajtib  feast  of  expiations.  -lære  doctrine 
of  atonement.  -mibbel  expiation,  atonement. 
-offer  sacrifice  of  atonement.  -trang  need  of 
atonement.  -»ærl  work  of  atonement.  —  fjorf on= 
lig  a  placable,  conciliatory.     -^eb  c  placability. 

fjorfo'ren  a  f  rakish,  dare-devil,  swaggering, 
-^cb  c  swagger. 

»torforg  c  (provident)  care. 

^orfo'bc   fig   vr  over-sleep  one's  self.     -t 
(Bære)  have  slept  too  much;  fe  _  nb  look  drowsy,' 

{Jorlf^janb  n,  pi  =,  team;  (forrefte  fiefte)  leaders; 
(til  at  fttfte  meb)  relay.  -f^anbStieft  additional 
horse;  (frift  -)  relay. 

Uorflpil  n  (ogfaa  fig)  prelude;  {paa  Seatret) 
introduetory  piece;  4j  fore  capstan. 

5>orf<)i(b'c  vt  (for  fig  felB)  forfeit,  lose;  (for 
anbre)  spoil,  mar;  et  -t  SiB  a  life  run  to  waste, 

^orf^ltt'c  vt  (fine  Sort)  spoil  (one's  hånd); 
fig  blunder  (at  cards). 

Sorfvittcr  c  leader  of  a  band  of  music. 

torf^ittb'e  vt  spin,  consume  in  spinning. 
orfpinbe  vt  rove.    -maffine  (roving-)  bill; 
grorfvinbing  c  roving. 

forfbi'fe  fig  vr  overeat  one's  self. 
orfprtng,  -'JJorf^jrang  n  start,   lead;   ftaoe   _ 
for  have  the  start  of;  faa  _  for  get  the  start  of, 
steal  a  march  upon;  faa  et  S'BarterS  _  for  en  gel 
the  start  of  one  by  a  quarter  of  an  hour;  fee^olbe 
-et  keep  the  lead. 
gorftiring'e  fig  vr  hurt  one's  self  by  a  leap 
gorf^ræng'e  vt  overstrain. 
||orfvrængt'  a  mil  routed,  scattered. 
gorfvcenb  fe  gorfpanb. 

gorf|>ættb'e  vt  overstretch,   overstrain.     -i«! 
c  overstretching,  etc. 
gorfpænbling  c  putting-to.    -t  a  put  to;   ber 
the  horses  are  put  to;  en  Ineb  fire  $efte  - 
a  carriage  and  four. 
liforfliær'ring  c  lock-security. 

torfiwrg'e  fig  vr  ask  blundering  questions. 
orftoa'   vt  understand;  -r  ®e  bet?  do  you 
understand?  ^on   -r  ot  he  knows  how  to;  gioe 









at  -  give  to  understand;  ^oab  -r  man  oeb?  what 
is  meant  by?  bog  iffe  faa  at  _  at  it  does  not 
on  that  account  follow;  efter  alt  ^Dob  man  fan 
_  to  all  seeming;  —  vr  bet  -r  fig !  of  eourse! 
bet  -r  fig  af  fig  felD  that's  a  matter  of  eourse, 
that  goes  wishout  (the)  saying;  _  fig  paa.  under- 
stand about,  be  a  judge  of,  have  a  knowledge 
of,  be  skilied  in;  _  fig  xiaa.  jpefte  F  be  a  judge 
of  horse-flesh;  (abe  fig  _  meb  hint,  intimate. 
■cltfl  a  intelligible;  gøre  ftg  -  make  one's  self 
understood.  -elig^eb  c  intelligibility.  -elfe  c 
understanding,  intelligence;  tomme  til  _  come 
to  an  understanding;  leoe  i  gob  -  meb  live  on 
good  terms  with;  ^an  Bat  i  _  meb  gjenben  he 
intrigued  with  the  enemy. 

fVoi'ftaa'tIe  vt  steel.    -i«g  c  steeling. 

IJorftab  c  suburb  —  ^orfta^SI  suburban.  -bc= 
boer  c  suburban,  inhabitant  of  a  suburb. 

tVorftag  n  ^  fore-stay,  head  stays,  -fejl  head 

Oforftanb'  c  understanding,  intelleot,  sense; 
(SDiening)  meaning,  sense;  min  _  ftaar  ftille  I  give 
it  up;  gob,  funb  _  good  sense,  common  sense; 
en  SKanb  af  -  a  man  of  sense;  gob  til  ot  faa  _  af 
full  of  meaning;  efter  min  ringe  _  in  my 
humble  opinion,  gaa  fra  -en  lose  one's  senses, 
wits,  go  out  of  one's  mind,  run  mad;  oære  fra 
_  be  deranged;  i  egentlig  _  in  the  proper  sense 
of  the  word;  i  en  Di»  _  in  one  sense;  ^an  fianblebe 
meb  megen  _  he  acted  with  great  judgment; 
bet  gaar  o  o  er  min  _  it  is  above  my  comprehen- 
sion,  is  beyond  me;  bet  gaor  oBer  min  -  ^oorlebeS  it 
passes  me  to  understand  how;  tiaae  _  )faa  be  a 
judge  of;  tage  Sfabe  xiaa.  fin  _  take  leave  of 
one's  senses;  bu  taler  fom  bu  ^ar  _  til  you 
speak  according  to  your  lights;  elever  fellow! 
a  bright  idea!  Ijan  et  iffe  Beb  fin  fulbe  _  he  is 
not  in  his  right  senses,  not  of  sound  mind. 

I^orftanber  c  -e  manager,  director,  super- 
intendent, -^c  c  -t  directress,  superior.  -flab 
n  direction,  management;  directors. 

{^orftan'big  o  sensible,  intelligent,  -^eb  c 
sensibleness,  good  sense.  —  {JorftanbSllicgreb 
intellectual  notion,  idea.  -conc  intellectual 
faculty,  intellects.  -menncfle  matter-offact  per- 
son, unimaginative  p.,  hard-headed  man, 
Avoman.  -tnæåftg  a  rational.  -f<>il  intellectual 
game.    -flOelfe  mental  exereise. 

J^orftnng  c  ^  fore-topmast. 

t^orftjanorbning  ordinance  relative  to  woods 
and  forests.    -aSft^ent,  fe  -betjenf.' 

I^orftatielfe  c  prefix. 

gorftatin  c  bow,  fore  end,  prow. 

t5orft|6ctjent  forester,  forest-offlcer,  ranger. 
■Buffc  zo  prionidæ. 

tjorfte  gc  vt  over-roast. 

^orft|eleu  <;  student  of  an  academy  for 
forestry.  -etnbebe  ofHce  of  a  ranger  (of  a  royal 

JJorlftem'me  vt  mistune,  (ogf.  fio)  put  out  of 
tune;  benne  efterretning  -te  ^ele  ©elffaéet  this  in- 
telligence cast  a  gloom  over  the  whole  Com- 
pany, -ftemning,  fe  -ftemt^eb.  -ftemt  a,  mus  out 
of  tune;  fig  Bære  -  be  low,  out  of  tune,  out  of 
spirits,  in  low  spirits.  -ftemtljeb  c  low  spirits; 
dejection  of  spirits. 

?Jorfte'n|c  vt  (+  vi)  petrify,  turn  to  stone,  fossi- 
lize;  fig  -t  (af  Stræf)  petrifled,  (om  3tnffuelfer  o.  1.) 
fossilized.  -h-clfc  c  fig  fossilizatiou.  -ing  c  -et 
petrifaction,  fossilizatiou.  -ing§førenbc  «  fossili- 

gorftit'te  vt  sting  all  over;  —  vr  fig  hide 

t^orftit'le  (-^  vt  disguise)  vr  fig  dissemble, 
feign,  simulate,  sham.  -Ife  c  dissimulation, 
sham.    -Ife^tunft  dissimulation. 

3for|fKaing  art  limbers.   -ftiaittflØfoSfe  limber 


Qrorfttlt'  n  feigued,  sham.  +-6eb  c  fe  (?or= 

fforfting  n  running  stitch. 

ijorft|fonbtbot  graduate  in  forestry.  -toittorct 
the  Office  of  Woods,  •manb  forester,  one  versed 
in  forest-matters,  forest-engineer,  -meftec  ver- 
derer,  inspector  of  woods  and  forests.  -ffole 
school  of  forestry. 

I^ocftot'ltet  a  hardeued,  obdurate,  callous. 
-elfe  c  obduracy. 

??orftolpe  c  front  post. 

Sorftoti'|)e  vt  choke  up,  obstruct,  stuff;  _ 
UnberliBet  bind  the  bowels;  Bære  -t  be  costive, 
bound,  coufined  in  one's  body.  -Ife  c  obstruc- 
tion, constipation,  costiveness.  -i  «  fe  oBfr.; 
darned  all  over. 

^ocftraab  commissioner  in  the  offlce  of 

totrftram'me  vt  overstretch. 
orlflranb     c    foreshore,     sea-shore,    beach. 
-ftranbéejer   lord   el.   proprietor  of  the  shore. 
-ftcanbSret  right  to  stranded  goods. 

^orftræl'lfe  vt  (ftræffe  fot  meget)  overstretch; 
(en  Slrm  ofB.)  strain,  sprain;  (isenge)  disburse, 
(en  meb)  advauce  (to  one),  help  one  out  in. 
-felfe,  -ning  c  strain,  sprain,  elongation;  ad- 

I^orftubier  pi  preliminary  studles. 

Sorftubtrij!  term  in  woodcraft. 

j?orftu'e  vt  strain,  sprain. 

Sorftu'e  c  -r  entry,  (entrance-)  hall,  lobby.  -b«t 
hall  door.  -fttale  house  el.  chimney  swallow, 
Hirundo  rustica. 

tJojrftum'me  vi  (om  $erfon)  be  mute,  be  struck 
dumb;  (om  S^b)  die  out;   Bringe  til  at  _  silence 

{^ot-ftumti  c  close-reefed  fore-topsail. 

i$orftu'0{e  vt  strain,  sprain;  J,  stow  away, 
cover  up.    -ning  c  sprain. 

tJorftUjtbenffoD  science  of  forest  matters, 
forestry,  forest  science.  -Oisfen  woods  and 
forests,  forest  matters,  woodcraft,  forestry. 

•JJorft^g'ge  vt  render  ugly. 

JJorft^ffc  n  frout-pioce;  {j^aa  Sanon)  chase; 
(j)aa  Waft)  front-fish,  paunch,  (paa  ©lagtef.)  fore 
-quarters;  theat  first  piece. 

{Jorfttjt'lre  vt  (afbrijbe,  ^inbre)  disturb,  inter- 
rupt,  interfere  with;  (bringe  i  Uorben,  forBitre) 
disorder,  derange,  discompose,  ruftie,  distract; 
_  et  9lnf(ag  frustate  a  plan;  t  (øbelægge)  demol- 
ish;  jeg  ^aabet,  jeg  iffe  -t  I  hope  I  don't  in- 
trude;  -nbe  ©ftetretninget  cross-associations.  -relfe 
c  -r  dlsturbance,  interruption;  disorder,  derange- 
ment,  distraction;  bringe  _  i  derange,  throw 
into  disorder.  -rer  c  -e  disturber,  interrupter; 
deranger,  -ret  a  confused;  (i  ^oBebet)  distracted, 
deranged,  light-headed. 

{Jorftærf'le  vt  strengthen,  fortify;  (gøre  tal= 
rigere)  reinforce;  (Ubtrt)t)  give  force  to.  -ning  c 
-er  reinforcement;  (bet  at  f.)  strengthening;  mil 
militia;  gaa  oBer  til  -en  joc  (bø)  join  the  major- 
ity.  -ntngSbue  binding-arch.  -ningSta^  J,  band. 
-ningSmanb  militia  man. 

t^orftæon  c  ^  stem.  —  0ror^«tin3|fob  stem 
foot.    -trær  stem  pieces  (o.  ff.). 

j^orft«b  n  (Stræb.)  edging. 

|jorft«'be  vt  (forflaa)  bruise,  batter;  (forft^be) 
cast  olf,  disown;  -  fin  §uftru  *epudlate  one's 
wife.    -Ife  c  bruising  etc;  repudiation. 

3forfter're  vt  enlarge;  (ogfaa:  forøge)  magnify; 
-t  mus  augmented.  -Ife  c  enlargement;  unber 
ftært  _  under  high  magnifying  powers.  -Ife8= 
g(a§  maguilying-glass,  magnifier,  microscope. 

Srorftøt'Ite    vt   steady,    secure;    (meb    Støtter) 




shore  (up),  -ning  c  steadying  etc.  •ningd^om 
J,  outrigger.    -nittflSftræbcr  J,  pointer. 

55orftø't)et  a  dusty,  oovered  with  dust. 

^orful'ten  a  starved,  famished,  hungered, 
ravenous,  sharp-set. 

+gri)rfu'te  vt  embitter. 

t^orfbar  n  defence;  tage  en  i  _  undertake 
one's  defeuce,  stand  up  for  one;  labe  fig  til  _ 
prepare  for  defence;  fige  til  ~  for  say  in  defence 
of;  til  fit  _  in  et.  for  his  defence;  inbftrænie  fig 
til  _  stand  on  the  defensive. 

{Jorfuo'rlc  vt  defend;  (retfærbiggere)  justify, 
(en  røening)  advocate;  jeg  fan  ifle  ~  at  I  cannot 
in  conscience,  I  am  not  justifled  in  -ing;  fon 
itfe  -§  is  unjustiflable;  Di  })aatoge  o§  iffe  at  _ 
(ogf.)  we  hold  no  brief  for;  -  fin  $labé  stand 
one's  ground,  hold  one's  own.  -er  c  -e,  -eritt'tie 
-r  defender;  (SalSmanb)  advocate.  -Hg  a  defen- 
sible,  warrantable,  justiflable;  (orbentlig)  credit- 
able,  unexceptiouable,  p  (antagelig)  goodly;  -t 
Slrbejbe  warrantable  el.  creditable  work;  i  _ 
©tanb  in  proper  condition;  —  adv  properly, 
warrantably,  unexceptionably. 

tJorftiarå|ottftattcr  mcasures  of  defence.  -ettne 
defensibility,  defensive  power,  -forbunb  defen- 
sive alliance,  -grunb  defensive  argument.  -J)ær 
defending  army.  -tamti  defence.  -froft  fe  -etrne. 
-f  rig  defensive  war.  -linie  line  of  defence.  -laS 
a  defenceless.  -r«8l)cJ>  cdefencelessness.  -tnitibel 
means  of  defence.  -pian  plan  of  defence.  -ret 
right  ofself-preser vation.  -ftrift  apology.  -ftattb 
State  of  defence;  fætte  i  -  put  into  a  s.  of  d. 
•ftitting  posture  of  defence.  -tolc  apologetical 
discourse.  -tiaabett  defensive  weapon,  weapon 
of  defence.  -tiiå  adv  in  defence;  gao  -  til  SJærfS 
aet  on  the  defen.sive.    -ttærfcr  ik  defences. 

^orftieb'bc  vt  ,1.  shore  olf. 

jforfbcbt'  a  perspiring  all  over. 

torflicn  ffc  vt  Swedishize. 
orfbtnb'lc  vi  disappear,  be  lost  to  sight, 
(plubfelig)  vanish;  forfoinb !  make  yourself  scarce ! 
-en,  +-elfc  c  disappearance.  -enbe  a  vanishing; 
fig  infinitesimal,  evanescent,  minimal.  -ingl= 
^unlt  vanishing-point. 

tjorfui'ret  a  knocked  up  by  revelry,  dissipated, 

5JorftȾr'gc  vt  forswear;  jeg  bilbe  ^abe  forfooret, 
at  bet  »ar  ^ant  I  could  have  swom  it  was  not 
he;  man  ffal  ingenting  -  let  us  svvear  no  oaths 
about  it;  vr  fig  perjure  el.  forswear  one's  self, 
(til  S)iæt3eten,  fe  gorffribe).  -Ife  c  (bet  at  forfo.) 
forsweariug;  (falff  (£b)  perjury. 

jjorftiærm  c  first  swarm. 

jforf»)n  H  providence;  -et  Providence. 

*iJorft)n  c  bottom,  foot-length,  snood. 

iforf^nb'e  fig  vr  sin,  offend.  -Ife  c  -r  sin, 

55orf^'n|e  vt  supply,  furnish,  provide,  (raeb 
£eonet§mibler)  victual,  provision,  (toeb  SSorbet)  help 
(meb  to);  forfin  ®em !  help  yourself;  Del  -t  (meb 
a^arer)  well  assorted;  -t  meb  (Silbe^ør)  fitted  with; 
gobt  -t  meb  ^  well  found  in;  gobt  -t  meb  Slæber 
well  set  up  for  el.  with  clothes;  Del  -t  meb  ©tolt^eb 
well  equipped  in  pride.  -cife,  -ing  c  supply, 
provision,  -tig  a  provident,  prudent,  cautious, 
careful.  -Ug^eti  c  (Dmforg)  providential  care; 
(iJorfigtigljeb)  circumspection. 

{forfJjnStro  belief  in  Povidence. 

Sorfl/'rc  vt  sour,  make  too  acid. 

jjorfæ'bntng  c  sapouification. 

^orfæbc  n  -r  front  seat;  presidency,  chair- 
mauship;  IjaDe  ~  preside,  take  the  chair;  unber 
~  af  en  StbDofat  a  barrister  presiding,  with  a  b. 
in  the  chair. 

torfæt'ge  fig  vr  sell  with  loss. 
orfænt'lc   vt  sink,   (unber   SSanb)  submerge; 

tech  counter-sink.  -er  e,  t,  -erbor  counter-sink 
(drill).  -ning  c  sinking,  submersion;  counter 
-sinking;  (^ul)  counter-siuk  el.  sunk.  -ning^bor 
fe    er. 

t^orlfæt  n  -ter  {vpl-o=)  purpose;  meb  ~  on  pur^ 
pose,  purposely,  of  set  purpose.  -fætitg  a  inten- 
tional,    wilful,    studied;   jur   prepense;    meb 
Dnbftob   with    malice    prepense.      -fæt'Iig^eb 
premeditation;  deliberateness. 

I^orfcetning  c  -er  gram  <fe  log  antecedent. 

^orfæt'ning  c  ^  drift,  deflection;  (aHafetS) 

I^orfætning^tegn  pi,  mun  marks  of  transposl 

gorfætéblab  n  fly-leaf. 

gorfæt'tc  vt  (fætte  fejl)  misplace;  (forfltjtte) 
remove;  (om  ©trøm)  drift,  (om  5Btnb)  blow  off 
(her  course);  _  fiobber  (meb  2;in)  alloy  copper 
with  tin;  _  en  gob  3?tn  meb  en  ringere  dilute  good 
wine  with  an  inferior  sort;  -é  i  fin  SBcefft  be 
stunted  in  growth.    -Ife  c  misplacing  etc. 

forfatter  c  -e  (Srejn.)  rest;  foft  _  slide- rest 

5orf«'be  »« make  sweet,  edulcorate,  (ogfaa.^flr) 
sweeten.    -Ife  c  sweetening. 

fjorfa'g  n,  pi  •=,  trial,  experiment  (meb  on,  of), 
attempt  (paa  at),  essay;  bet  er  et  -  bærb  the 
attempt  is  worth  making.  f^orfege  vt  try,  essay, 
attempt;  _  i^aa,  b.  f.;  ~  fig  i  try  one's  hånd  at. 
—  5orf«g§|-  trial-.  .onftitter,  -Icber  c  experi- 
menter,  experimentalist.  -b^r  experimental 
animal.  -marf  experimental  plot  el.  fleld. 
■rætte  series  of  experiments.  -ftation  experi- 
ment station.  -tii§  adv  experimentally,  by  way 
of  experiment.    ^orføgt  a  experienced. 

iJorfalB'le  vt  plate,  silver  (over),  -er  c  -e 
silverer.    -niug  c  piating. 

jjorfam'imc  vt  neglect,  (unblabe)  omit;  _  fig, 
_  ben  belejlige  Sib  let  the  opportunity  pass  el. 
slip;  -  en  Jime  miss  a  lesson;  benne  8ærer  -r  ofte 
fine  Simer  this  teacher  is  very  remiss  in  his 
attendance;  ber  er  ingen  £ib  at  _  there  is  no 
time  to  be  lost;  —  vr  fig  miss  the  opportunity. 
•metig  a  negligent,  neglectful,  remiss,  -melig^eb 
c  neglectfulness,  remissness.  -mclfe  c  neglect, 
negligence,  omission  -t  a  neglected;  inb^ente 
bet  -te  make  up  for  the  lost  time. 

^orfar'gc  vt  provide  for,  take  care  of,  main- 
tain,  support;  faa  en  ®attet  -t  get  a  daughter 
off  one's  bands,  setiled  (in  life),  well  married. 
-Ife  c  provision,  support,  maintenance.  —  %ot= 
førgelfe@|anftalt  charitable  institution,  asylum. 
-bercttigclfe  fe  -ret  -berettiget  a  entitled  to 
parish  relief,  settled.  -forening  provident  so- 
ciety.  -forftanber  overseer.  -l)icm,  -fommune, 
-fteb  place  of  settlement,  -ret  settlement.  — 
tjorførger  c  -e,  -inbe,  -fle  -r  provider,  supporter, 
maintainer,  breadwinner. 

iJorfar'get  a  worn  out  el.  bowed  down  with 

gort  n  -er  fo'rt. 

gort  [*6]  adv  off,  on,  forward;  (^urtig)  fast, 
quickly;  fare  _  continue;  læ§  Dibere  _  go  on;  og 
fao  Dibere  _  and  so  on,  and  so  forth. 

t^ortaa  '■  fore-toe,  toe  anteally  directed. 

^otta'\ie  vt  (tabe)  lose;  -eS  bibl  perish;  —  vr 
_  fig  i  l)e  lost  in.  -belig  a  losable.  -belig^eb 
c  amissibility.  -belfe  c  loss;  ebig  _  perdition, 
damnation;  jur  unber  2iD§  og  96re§  _  on  pain 
of  forfeiting  life  and  reputation;  bet  er  £ib§ 
_  it  is  as  much  as  your  (my,  his)  life  is 
worth.  -bf  (part  fe  obfr.)  a  (^enfunfen)  lost  (in); 
(mobløS)  disheartened,  dejected;  ^an  er  -  he  is 
lost;  jeg  giber  - !  I  give  it  up !  be  -e  gfaar  af 
3fgrael8  Jpu8  the  lost  sheep  of  the  house  of 

I^orta'ge  vt  remove,  relieve;  —  vr  fig  over 










strain  one's  self;  (om  Sorg  o.  1.)  pass  away, 
vanish,  wear  oft'. 

fVortal  n  first  number  of  an  „9lm6e". 

JV-ortale  c   r  preface. 

3-ortaIc  vt  {e  Sagtote;  —  vr  fig  fe  gorfiiatte 
fig;  man  fan  Jnarere  _  enb  fortie  pg  least  said 
safest,  1.  s.  soonest  mended.  -Ife  c  -r  slip  of 
the  tongue. 

+S5or'taler  c  advocate. 

!\rortanb  c  front  tootli,  fore  tooth. 

J^ortnnb'ing  c  dove-tailing,  scarflng. 

^ortang  c  (^øol.)  large  screw. 

5-ortc  ré]  vi  bet  -r  iffe  for  tfam  he  makes  slow 
proeress;  —  *vr  fig  (om  Ur)  gain. 

*5ortc  [6]  fe  gurte. 

^ottt  ailv  mus  fo'rte. 

fortegn  n,  pi  =,  mus  sharp  or  flat,  signature; 
math  sign. 

^fortegne  vt  fe  Cptegne.  -Ife  c  -r  catalogue; 
inventory,  list;  o))tage  ~  otter  make  an  inven- 
tory  of 

^ortcg'nle  vt  draw  incorrectly.  -et  a  incor- 
rectly  drawn,  out  of  drawing.  -ing  c  -er  in- 
correct  drawing. 

ifortrgning  c  -er  drawing  copy. 

{JorteHjebat  damper  pedal,  -{li'ano  fe  piano- 

i$ortgang  [*6]  c  progress,  dispatch. 

tJorHb  c  time  of  yore,  olden  time(s),  times 
past,  the  past;  leoe  i  -en  live  in  the  past;  ftanS 
_  his  past  life.  —  grortib^llctininger  pi  an- 
tiquities.    -minbe  monument  of  antiquity. 

JJorti'e  vt  conceal  (for  from),  keep  secret, 
suppress,  he  silent  on;  —  tr  fe  f^ortole  fig.  -Ife 
c  concealment,  suppression. 

3fortiftta|tto'tt  c  fortiflca'tion.  -tiønéarbeibev 

I^ortii  udv  before,  in  front. 

■rjyorttlfælbe  n  precedent. 

J^orttrt'ltie  vt  tin,  (meb  Sinamalgam)  platinate. 
-ner  c  -e  tinner.    -ning  c  linning. 

5ortic'Jt|e  vt  (f.  ®t§.  ^enge)  earn,  gain,  make; 
(gore  fig  oærbig  til)  deserve,  merit;  -  mange 
$enge  make  a  good  deal  of  money;  nt)ber  -t 
2tgtelfe  is  deservedly  esteemed;  (fe  -t).  -efte  c  -r 
eamings,  gain,  profit;  merit,  desert;  ^abe  gob  _ 
af  make  a  good  deal  V)y;  ^ar  ftore  -r  af  has 
rendered  great  services  to;  bette  »ar  fteie  min  _ 
that  was  all  I  made  by  it;  bet  er  iffe  bin  -  it 
is  not  your  merit;  regne  fig  nt  til  ~  make  a 
merit  of;  be^anble  en  efter  _  (tron)  give  one  his 
deserts;  bcrfom  bet  gil  oi  efter  _  if  we  had  our 
just  deserts;  ooer  _  beyond  his  desert.  —  gor- 
t|enft|fu(b,  -tig  a  deserving,  meritorious.  -me= 
balje  medal  of  merit,  -orben  order  of  merit. 
fortjent  a,  en  meget  _  Wonb  a  man  of  great 
mfrit:  gore  fig  _  af  deserve  well  of. 

{yortiobenbe  [*6]  a  progressive,  continuous. 

Sortne  [*6]  vt  accelerate;  fe  gorte  vi. 

^ortoft  c  grass-plot  iu  front  of  a  house. 

^ortofte  c  fore  thwart. 

{^ortoib'le  vt  pay  duty  (for),  pay  the  customs 
el.  duties  on.  -er  c  -e  the  party  paying  the 
duty.  -et  a  duty  paid.  -ning  c  payment  of 
duty;  angitie  til  _  enter  at  the  custom-house; 
Slngioelfe  til  _  duty  entry. 

gortolt'lc  ^'  interpret,  expound,  (ubttjbej 
coustrue.  -er  c  -e  interpreter,  expounder.  -ning 
c  -er  interpretation,  exposition;  coiistruction; 
-  af  S3i6elen  exegesis.  -ningSfunft  science  of 
interpretation,  theol  hermeueutics. 

t^orto'lne  +  vt  slur;  —  vr  ftg  loom,  appear, 
stand  out;  +  die  away.  -ning  c  -et  looming, 

^or|to<i  c  .^  fore-masthead;  forerigging. 
•to<)§gaftec  pi  fore-top  men. 

j^ortong.  (Jrertoti  n  i«  fe  gortroåfe. 

If ortou  n,  pi  =,  footway,  footpath,  (flifebetagt) 
(foot-)pavement,  running  pavement,  amr  side 
-walk.  —  ffortouålflifer  flagstones.  -ret  right  to 
keep  one's  way  on  the  pavement  (having  the 
roadway  on  the  right  hånd. 

^ottxam'pet  a  trampled  under  foot,  down- 

$\fortraO  n  fe  gortro»). 

3'Ortrin  n,  pi  —,  (gioet  en)  preference;  (gof 
rang)  superiority,  advantage,  preeminence;  (for- 
ret) privilege;  (fegcnftab)  advantage,  excellency, 
merit.  -'Ug  a  superior,  excellent,  capital;  — 
adv  eminently,  preeminently;  capitally,  excel- 
lently.  -'(ig^eb  c  preferableness,  superiority, 
excellence.  —  3fortrtné|ret  right  of  preference, 
especially,  above  all  others,  emphatically,  by 
way  of  eminence. 

3for|tro'  vt  intmst,  confide;  fe  Setro.  -trolig 
a,  en  _  SRebbelelie  a  coufldential  communication; 
en  _  SSen  an  intimate  el.  familiar  friend;  fomme 
paa  en  _  Job  meb  become  familiar  with,  on 
intimate  terms  with;  gøre  fig  _  meb  make  one's 
self  familiar  with,  iamiliarize  one's  self  with 
el.  to.  —  c  -e  eonfldant;  jeg  gjorbe  Ijam  til  min  -e 
I  made  him  my  eonfldant,  took  him  into  my 
confldence.  -troligtieb  c  confldence;  familiarity, 
intimaey;  t)aoe  _  til  have  confldence  in;  i  _  in 
confldence,  confidentially. 

+55ortrott'c  vt  fe  gor^efåe. 

{fortro))  c  -per  vanguard,  van  (of  an  army). 

ffortroåfe  c  -r  bow  fast,  head-fast. 

jfortruf'ten  a  distorted,  fe  gortræffe. 

tyortrtibjc,  -trob,  -trubt  «<  rue,  repent,  regret, 
be  sorry  for;  _  )paa  take  oft'ence  at;  _  paa  en 
onbeng  Sljtfe  grudge  one  his  good  fortune,  -elig 
a  oifended  (paa  with),  vexed,  hurt,  piqued;  tiære 
_  paa,  ogf.  sulk  with  one;  tage  _  op  take  ill,  in 
bad  part;  joc  ^aobe  melbt  fig  -  was  not  forth- 
coming,  was  conspicuously  absent.  -f-etig^eb  c 
resentment.  -clfe  c  (9lnger)  regret,  repentance; 
(TOiéfornøjelfe)  displeasure,  resentment;  uben  _ 
without  oflfending,  by  your  favour;  af  megen 
Sale  tommer  _  silence  is  gold. 

Srortrt)!'  n  oppression,  gfortr^f'fe  vt  (trtjfle 
ftærtt)  press,  crowd;  (unbertruffe)  oppress,  grind; 
(trtjtfe  fejl)  misprint,  -telfe  c  oppression,  -t  a 
oppressed;  (i  8inbet)  depressed,  bowed-down; 
i  -tte  Saar  iu  straitened  circumstances. 

^ortrQtt'e  vt  charm,  enchant,  fascinate.  -(fe 
c  -r  charm,  enchantment,  fascination;  ftæbe  -n 
disenchant  one.  -nbc  a  charming,  enchanting; 
etc.    -t  a  charmed,  enchanted,  etc, 

{fortræb  c  harm,  mischief,  hurt;  trouble, 
annoyance,  vexation;  gøre  _  do  harm;  Polbe  _ 
annoy,  cause  annoyance. 

{fortræ'be  vt  tread  down;  _  goben  sprain  one's 

(fortrte'blelig  a  (titmobe)  cross,  outofhumour; 
(ubehagelig)  troublesome,  vexatious.  -elig^eb  c 
ill-humour;  jd  -er  vexation,  trouble,  annoyance. 
-ige  vt  hurt,  annoy,  injure,  vex,  interfere  with. 

{fortroe'bning  c  spraining. 

Q^ortræ'eå  vp  become  wooden,  lignify. 

{fortræffelig  a  excellent.    -t)eb  c  excellence. 

tortræfning  c  affair  of  advanced  guards. 
ortræt  ?t  flrst  move. 

|f  ortrirtte  c  series  of  forts. 

jfortræl  |fe  et  (brioe  ooer)  pass  over;  (brage 
Bort)  depart;  ^an  maattc  -  he  was  obliged  to 
withdraw,  to  take  himself  off;  —  vt  distort, 
twist,  _  Slnfigtet  make  a  wry  face;  uben  at  _ 
en  TOine  without  <V'incing,  without  moving  a 
muscle  of  his  face.  —  vr  fig  (i  iBrætfp.)  make 
a  wrong  move;  (om  Slnftgt)  be  distorted.  -ning 
c  -et  contortion. 




^ortræfSgarbin  n  short  bedroom  curtaln, 
straight  ciirtain. 

IJovtrofng'e  vt  (brtoe  ub)  expel,  dislodge,  dis- 
place,  (og  inbtage  $Iabfeii)  supplant,  supersede. 

+fJortr«'bcn  a  unwilling,  loath. 

{Jortr«ft'|c  vr  fig  trust,  put  confldence  (paa, 
til  in),  -ning  c  confldence,  trust,  reliance  (in). 
-tting^^fttlti  a  confident. 

^ortfKtte  vt  continue,  prosecute,  carry  on, 
proceed  with,  (fjtior  en  onben  flap)-take  up;  _ 
fin  aiejfe  proceed  on  one's  journey;  (3lrttIIen) 
-8  to  be  continued.  -Ife  c  continuation,  prose- 
cution,  pursuance;  en  _  af  (f.  (StS.  en  anben  SRoman) 
a  sequel  to.    -r  c  -e  continuator. 

•Øortutt'et  o  bewildered. 

{Jortumiet  a  confused,  perplexed;  (ør  af  ©tøj 
el.  ©lag)  stunned;  oære  _  i  ^ooebet  (forbirret)  be 
out  of  one's  mind,  wits,  (raabbilb)  not  know 
which  way  to  turn,  what  to  do. 

Fortuna  Fo'rtune;  gru  _  Dame  _.  •'tnépunq 
Fortunatus's  purse. 

*Øotturncr  [t.]  c  leader  (of  gymnastics). 

t5ort»Jit)'I|e  vi  despair  (om  of);  tit  at  _  enough 
to  drive  one  to  despair.  -et  a  desperate;  (af 
©org)  broken-hearted,  disconsolate,  in  despair; 
(abfurb)  preposterous;  —  adv  desperately,  heart- 
brokenly.  -clfe  c  despair,  desperation;  "-n§  9Kob 
the  courage  of  despair;  6ringe  til  _  drive  to 
despair.  +.clfc§fulb  a  despairing.  -elfeS^rig  n 
cry  of  despair. 

*5Jortt)ce!  adv  incessantly. 

tortt)g'ge  vt  spoil  by  chewing. 
orttit'lie  vt   thicken,   inspissate;   —  +  vr  fig 
thicken.   -!elfe  c  thickening,  inspissation.    -ninfl 
c  fe  Sijftiing. 

gort^nb'le  vt  dilute,  thin;  (Sømr.)  diminish, 
beard;  _  Suften  rarefy  the  air.  -elfe  c  dilution, 
attenuation,  rarefaction.  -et  a  dilute,  diluted. 
-ing  c  J,<  scrape-strakes  pi. 

{Jortt(ff'|e  vt  (gøre  t^fl)  germanize;  (oberfætte) 
translate  into  German.  -ning  c  germanization; 

+§ort»)§'fe  vt  hush  up. 

tortætt'e  fig  vr  miscount,  misreckon. 
orticU'e  vt  tell,  relate,  narrate,  recount; 
_  igen  repeat;  fort  ot  _  to  shorten  matters;  t)an 
-r  gobt  he  tells  a  story  well;  Rimtene  _  ®ubS 
S(£re  declare  the  glory  of  God;  -enbe  ©til  nar- 
rative style.  +-maabett  the  indieative  (mood). 
-r  c  e  tell  er,  narrator,  relater.  ^ottceUtt- 
b^gtigdeb  c  power  of  narrative.  l^ortceUing  c 
-er  tale,  narrative,  narration,  relation. 

^ovtant'c  vt  (en  i)  blame  one,  find  fault  with 
one  (for).    *55ortænft  «  puzzled. 

jiot't(t\)pe  c  curtain,  aet  drop. 

§ortæ'r|e  vt  (øbelægge;  forbruge)  consume;  (op= 
æbe)  devour;  -S  (om  UMital  o.  1.)  waste,  be  eaten 
away.  -etfe  c  consumption.  -iitg  c  consump- 
tion;  expenses;  betale  _  og  Sogi§  pay  board  and 

gortter'flet  a  hackneyed,  trite,  well-worn. 

^ortæt'lning  c  condensation;  solidification. 
•ninQ^ttppatat  condensing  apparatus.  -ning§« 
^um))e  pneumatic  condenser.  -ningSuanb  waste 
water.  -te  vt  condense.  -ter  c  (®mp.)  condenser; 
9Kaftine  _meb  ~  condensing  engine. 

fortøj  n  breast-strap. 

§ottej'|e  vt  ^  moor;  (SSaab)  make  fast;  _ 
paantj  remoor.  -ning  c  -er  mooring.  —  ^or-- 
t«jtting§|ofgtft  moorage.  -gobS,  -inbretninger 
moormgs.  -fætting  mooring  chain  (o.  ff.). 
-ningS)icnge  moorage.  -platS  moorage.  -pott 
bridle-port.    -toO  fast. 

r^ortømme  c  -r  (p.  ©nøre)  bottom,  foot-length, 
snood,  (p.  ^arpuntine)  fore-ganger,  (til  Sortøjn.) 
mooring-bridle,  collar,  casting-line. 

•Ife  c  drying  eti 


(^ortem'Jre  vt  ^J,  repair  (extensively) 
-er  (extensive)  repairs;  Unberlag  sleepers 

5?ortflc'n|e  vt  offend,  provoke,  anger,  exasp& 
rate;  ■§,  blioe  -t  be  offended,  take  olTence  (coa 
with,  ober  at),  -t-elig  a  provokable.  -elfe 
c  resentment,  displeasure.  -et  a  exasperated, 

3fort«r're  vt  dry  up,  parch. 

+{Jort«'»ic  fe  Søbe. 

Uor'ub  adv  in  advance,  ahead,  before,  befo: 
hånd;  (i  ©tib)  forward;  _  for  ahead  of;  ( 
Slronom.)  fast  of;  en  ©efler  _!  a  sail  ahead! 
gregatten  er  -  for  o§  the  frigate  is  ahead  of  us ; 
gaa,  rejfe  -  go  (on)  before;  betale  _  pav  in  ad- 
vance; gibe  en  nt  _  give  one  odds;  faa  100 
<|5oint  _  receive  100  points  start;  _  for  fin  2ib 
in  advance  of  one's  age;  fom  ligger  _  for  anterior 
to;  en  Sing  £)abbe  ^an  _  for  mig  one  thing  he 
had  before  me;  ^an  ^ar  bet  _  at  lian  er  rtg  he 
has  the  advantage  of  being  rich;  abbore  _  fore- 
wara.  -anelfe  presentiment.  -beregne  calculate 
beforehand.  -beregning  previous  calculation. 
■beftemme  foreordain,  preordain,  predetermine, 
predestine,  predestinate.  -bcftcmmelfe  foreor- 
daining  etc,  predetermination,  prcdesti nation. 
-beftemt  a  foreordained  etc,  predestiuate(d), 
predeterminate.  -beftiUe  bespeak,  secure,  (en) 
pre-engage.  -befttUtng  previous  order.  -betale 
pay  in  advance.  -betaling  payment  in  advance, 
prepayment;  mob  _  on  pr.  -betalt  pre-paid. 
-bettibning  fe  gorbet^bning.    -batere  vt  antedate. 

^orn'ben  adv  (ubbcnbig)  outside,  without;  præp 
(uben)  without;  (beb  ©iben  af)  besides,  in  addi- 
tion to,  independent  of;  (efter  9Jægtelfe;  but,  save; 
bære  nt  _  do  without  st;  _  at  besides  that. 

{Jor'ublfattct  a  preconceived;  _  Wleninq  pre- 
conceit,  prejudice.  -fort^nbe  ««  -for= 
Il)nbetfe  prophesying,  prophecy.  -fele  anti- 
cipate.  -følelfe  presentiment,  anticipation. 
-gaaenbe  part  foregoing,  preceding,  antecedent. 
-gangen  part  former,  previous,  (bøb)  departed. 
■H-gribe  fe  fjoregrtbe.  -t)otb  mua  suspension,  svn- 
copation.  -inbtage  (for  et.  imob)  preposséss, 
prejudice  (in  favour  of,  against).  -lo»e  vt  pro- 
mise  beforehand.  -n^bc  anticipate.  +-Optaqe 
anticipate.  -fat  at  provided  et.  supposing  (that), 
if,  if  so  be(that).  -fe  foresee.  -fe'eltg  a  that  may 
be  foreseen.  -feen  c  foresight.  -fcenbe  a  fore- 
sighted,  provident.  -fcenbcb  c  foresight.  -fenbe 
fe  -ffitte.  -ftgc  vt  foretell,  predict,  prognosticate. 
-figelfe,  figen,  c  prediction.  -ffilfe  send  on 
before;  fig  premise;  _  ben  SBemærfning,  at  pre- 
mise  that.  -ftjn  foresight.  -ftctning  c  suppo- 
sition, assumption,  presupposition,  hypothesis 
theory;  (fom  træbeg)  qualilication.  -fortningglaå 
a  unbiassed,  unprepossessed.  -fætningéuié  ndv 
hypothetically.  -fætte  suppose,  presuppose, 
assume,  (meb  SRøbb.)  postulate;  bette  -r  this 
implies;  jeg  -r  (fom  gibet)  I  take  it  for  granted. 
-tilbterelfe  pre-existence.  +-»ibe  foreknow.  -oi. 
benbe  a  prescient.  -»iben,  -titbenbeb  cprescience, 

5?ornlei'Iige  vt  trouble,  incommode,  incon- 

forulempe  vt  annoy,  molest.    -Ifc  annoying. 

S?orut^f'|fr  vi,  -e§  vd  fail,  miscarrv;  ©tibet 
-beå  the  ship  was  lost,  wrecked.  -et  a  (mtSlotfet) 
unsuccessful;  (omfommet)  perished;  (moratff)  gone 
to  wreck,  decayed;  ^an  er  -  paa  SSejen  he  perished 
on  the  way. 

||orum  forum,  pi  forums  &  fora 

Øorutt'be  vt  grant,  vouchsafe. 

I^ornn'berlig  a  wonderful,  marvellous,  strangej 
surprising;  (unberlig)  singular,  odd;  —  adv 
strangely,    singularly;    _    not   Strange   to    say. 








-^eb  <•  marvellousness,  strangeness.  quaintness; 
singriilarity,  oddity. 

^or'ttnbcrføgelfe  c  preliminary  inquiry. 

^orun'lbrc  vt  surprise;  bft  -r  mig  at  I  am 
surprised  that;  —  vr  fig  (oBer)  wonder,  marvel, 
be  surprised  (at),  -bring  c  wonder,  surprise; 
ialbe  i  ~  be  struck  with  surprise.  —  ^orun- 
brtngéjfulb  a  flUed  with  wonder.  -ttflit  sign 
of  surprise,  •ubbrub  exclamation  of  surprise. 
+-0(trbig  a  remarkable,  surprising. 

gorure'lnc,  -n'fe  vt  foul,  pollute,  contaminate. 
-ning-  -nfelfc,  -ndning  c  pollution,  contamina- 

tjorurct'te  vt  wrong,  injure,  aggrleve,  pre- 
judice.  -Ife  c  -r  wrong,  injury,  grievance.  -v 
c  injurer. 

^oruro'Hge  vt  make  uneasy,  disquiet,  alarm; 
_  tvjenben  harass  the  enemy.  -Ife  c  disquiet, 
uneasiness;  harassing.    -nbe  a  alarming. 

^orooogct  a  exhausted  with  watchiug. 

i^oroalt'je  vt  administer,  manage.  -er  c  -e 
steward,  manager,  agent;  vL  paymaster  (and 
purser);  bibt  ten  utro  -  the  unjust  steward. 
-ning  c  administration,  management,  steward- 
ship.  -nt«g8om!oftningcr  costs  of  administra- 

f^OTtianb'iIe  vt  transform,  change,  convert, 
transmute,  metamorphose,  (til  6fabe)  reduce; 
-8  be  trausformed  etc,  change.  -ling  c  -er 
transformation,  transmutation,  methamorphosis. 
-iingSfccne  transformation-scene. 

+?yorBonbt',  -ffab  [t]  fe  Seflcegtet,  ©Iægtffa6. 

^oruon'iffe  vt  distort,  disfigure,  misrepresent; 
(betroet  @ob'5)  embezzle;  _  en  f  efSt  doctor,  garble 
a  text;  lefSten  er  -t  the  text  is  corrupt.  -ning 
c  -er  distortion,  misrepresentation,  perversion. 

♦JJorCT  n  fe  goroaring. 

{Jor»n'r|c  vt  (gemme)  lay  by,  keep  safe;  (6et)are) 
preserve;  —  vr  iiq  mob  beware  of,  guard  against; 
i)an  et  ifte  Bel  -t  his  head  is  not  quite  sound. 
-ing  c  keeping,  (safe-)custody,  safe  keeping, 
charge;  preservation;  gioe  en  nt  i  _  commit 
el.  intrust  to  one's  keeping  etc;  ^oBe  i  -  have 
in  charge,  be  in  charge  of;  fætte  i  -  take  into 
custody.  -er  c  -e  custodian,  -ingSfteb  reposi- 
tory,  plaee  of  custody.     +-ng  a  cautious. 

toroarnter  c  -c  (SJmp.)  feed-heater. 
oroarlfel  n  presage,  omen,  foreboding;  pre- 
moniiory  symptom.    -8Ie  vt  fe  SSarSIe. 

tortieb  w/v  before,  in  front. 
orDcjcn:  i  ~  (Steb  og  %ib)  before,  (Sib)  be- 
forehaud,  (tibltgere)  prevlously. 

5ortictå']Ie  vt  mistake  (meb  for),  confound. 
-ling  c  -er  confounding;  mistake  of  identity. 

i^OTUenb'e  vt  (forbreje)  distort,  wrest,  pervert; 
(betroet  ®ob§)  divert,  (tilegne  fig)  embezzle;  - 
aSetten  pervert  justice;  _  fit  Wale  disguise  one's 
voice.  -Ife  c  -r  distorting  etc,  distortion,  per- 
version, ^oroenbt  a  (f.  ®fé.  ©inb)  perverse. 
{Jfort)cnbti)eb  c  perversity,  perverseness. 

|>orocn't|c  vt  expect.  -ning  c  -er  expectation; 
ffuffet  _  disappointment;  bet  foarebe  tfle  til  min  _ 
it  fell  short  of  my  expectations;  imob  ~  contrary 
to  my  (his  etc.)  expectationfs;;  ooer  _  more 
(better  etc.)  than  could  be  exspected;  i  _  af 
awaiting.  -ning§fu(b  a  expectant,  full  of  ex- 
pectation; en  _  Saoétieb  a  hush  of  expectation. 

t^orocrben  c  -er  former  age(s),  former  world, 
antediluvian  world. 

^orutl'llc  vt  entangle,  complicate.  -ling  c -er 
complioation,  intricacy. 

jjoruilb'lc  vt  (bringe  )paa  SBilbfpor)  lead  astray, 
mislead;  (bringe  i  25ilberebe)  bewilder,  perplex; 
—  ep  &  r  -§  el.  _  fig  lose  one's  way,  stray,  go 
astray.  -elfe  c  leading  astray  etc.;  bewilder- 
ment,    perplexity;    Ungbomé    -r    aberrations   of 

youth.  -et  part  run  astray  etc;  (bicoen  Bilb)  run 
wild,  unmanageable;  jeg  er  ganffe  -t  i  ^obebet 
my  head  is  quite  bewildered. 

goroil'tret  «  wild,  run  wild. 

jfrOr'Uin  c  fore-runnings. 

t^oroinb'ie  vt  recover,  overcome;  (Sorg)  get 
the  better  of,  live  down;  _  et  Zab  recover  a 
loss;  _  en  Sijgbom  recover  from  an  illness.  -ellg 
a  recoverable,  retrievable.     -elfe  c  recovery. 

SrorOinge  c  fore-wing,  anterior  wing,  front 

+^''r»>tnter  early  winter. 

ijoroir'lre  vt  confuse,  (bringe  t  Uorben)  derange, 
(en  Spillenbe)  o.  I.)  put  out.  -relfe,  -ringe  con- 
fusion,  bewllderment;  derangement;  bringe  _  i 
nt  throw  st  into  confuslon.  -ret  a  confused, 

tjortii'fe  vt  banish,  exile;  _  til  (ogf.  fig)  rele- 
gate  to. 

Qforuijl'e  vt  rub,  fig  obliterate,  eflface. 

+I58r»i§'ne|lig  a  perishable.    +-lfc  c  decay. 

^orbi'^ning  c  -er  banishment,  exlle.  -Ifteb 
exile,  place  of  banishment. 

$oroi$'|ning  c  -er  assurance,  ascertainment. 
•fe  vt  assure;  _  fig  om  assure  one's  self  of, 
ascertain,  make  sure  of;  Bære  -t  (om)  be  sure 
(.of);  35e  fan  Bære  -t  om  at  you  may  rest  assured 

{^orOift',  for  Uift  adv  for  certain,  for  a  cer- 

Sroriii'itre  vi  weather,  decay,  be  desinte- 
grated  (by  the  operation  of  the  atmosphere). 
-tring  c  disintegration. 

^oroogn  c  the  fore  part  of  the  vehicle. 

^oruotå  n  bee-glue,  propolis. 

|jortioI§'|c  vi  fe  gorgro :  et  -et  SBorn  a  deformed 
child.    -rn^eb,  -ning  c  deformity. 

{Jortiolb'j  vt  occaslon,  cause,  be  the  occasion 
of;  _  en  UIetltgt)eb  give  one  trouble. 

t^ortior'pen  a  depraved,  reprobate.  -^eb  c 

^oruo'Ocn  [aa]  a  adventurous,  venturesome, 
daring,  rash,  audacious.  -^eb  c  rashness,  temer- 
ity,  daring,  audacity. 

{$fort)ri'b|e  vt  (ogf.  fig)  twist,  (af  £eb)  dislocate; 
fig  warp,  pervert.  -ning  c  twisting  etc;  disloca- 
tion, luxation. 

$ort>risng'|e  vt  distort,  twist,  -er  c  -t  dis- 
torter,    -ning  c  distortion. 

IJororøule  vt  throw  into  a  hopeless  jumble, 
make  an  absurd  mess  of;  —  vr  fig  blunder, 
make  a  mess  of  it. 

='5orȾtl'e  vt  parboil. 

5orȾn'|ne  vt  spoil  (by  Indulgence),  coddle, 
-nclfe  c  spoiling.  -t  (fortcelet,  om  Søm)  spoiled; 
(Stppetit,  Smag)  pampered,  dainty;  (om  ^elbreben) 
effemlnate.  ^ortxent^eb  c  pampered  taste;  ef- 

I^oroceretfe  n  anteroom. 

^otttatt  n  outwork. 

^oruært  ie  goevoærf. 

iforoær'irc  vt  make  worse,  deteriorate,  (en 
Sag)  aggravate,  vted  exacerbate.  -reå  ip  grow 
worse,  deteriorate,  worsen.  -relfe,  -ring  c  (bet, 
at  forocerre)  making worse  etc;  (3;ilftanb) deteriora- 
tion,  worsening;  exacerbation. 

t^or^ng'e  vt  make  young,  rejuvenate,  renew. 
-å  vp  grow  young  again.  -Ife  c  renewal  of 
youth,  re.juvenescence. 

$^ori(int'|e  vt  zink.  -ning  c  zinking. 

^oræ'lbe  fig  vr  overeat  el.  gorge  one's  self. 

0>oræ'b{le  vt  refine,  improve,  ennoble,  elevate, 
(om  fRace  o.  I.)  improve.  -ling  creflnement,  im- 

^oricbt'  a  over-fed,  over-gorged,  pampered, 
(t^t)  obese.    -^eb  c  over-feediug. 




t$for(C(b'|c^  vd  become  antiquated,  obsolete, 
•elfe  c  obsolescence,  obsoleteness;  yur  extinetion. 
•et  a  antiquated,  obsolete,  out  of  date;  cont 
(falferet)  exploded;  jiir  lost  by  prescrlption, 
extinguished.     {^ortelbcttiet)  c  obsoleteness. 

^orærbre  pi  parents.  -I«§  a  orphan;  et  -t 
iBarn  an  orphan. 

{Joræ'rc  vt  en  nt  make  one  a  present  of, 
present  one  with  st. 

{forærg'rct  a  vvorried,  fretful. 

ijoræ'vtng  c  -er  present,  gift;  fao  tit  _  get 
as  a  present;  gøre  en  en  _  nteb  make  one  a  pre- 
sent of. 

3for«'b|e  vt  (i  9t(m.)  waste,  (!un  om  *J3eitge  o.  I.) 
dissipate,  squander,  consume.  -Cife  c  wasting, 
dissipation,  consumption.  -er  c  -e  waster,  squan- 
derer,  spendthrift.    -Hing  c  fe  -elfe. 

tjora'ge  vt  increase,  augment,  add  to;  -S  in- 
crease;  -t  ^nteregfe  additional  interest;  -t  Ubgabe 
enlarged  edition.  -Ifc  c  -r  increase,  augmenta- 

forønft'et  a  wished-for,  desired. 
ora'UC   vt  commit,   perpetrate.     -Ifc  c  com- 
mission,  perpetration. 

^or'attetfc  c  preliminary  exereise. 

gorab'riflt  fe  ^brig. 

§08  c  -er  losing  card. 

j¥o8'  c  -fer  waterfall,  cataract. 

gofe  vt  fe  gobfe. 

tjoéfo't  n  -er  phos'phate. 

^oéfor  c  phosphorus;  forbinbe  meb  _  phos- 
phorate.  -agttg  a  phosphor'ic.  t-Brint  hydric 
phosphide.  -bronze  phosphor-bronze.  -cSccrc 
vi  phosphoresce'.  -forfitnbclfc  phosphide.  -\ov- 
giftntng  phosphorus-poi.soning.  -itte,  -oj^b 
oxide  of  p.  -fur  a  phosphorated;  _  UaVt,  SJatron 
ofb.  phosphate  of  lime,  p.  of  soda  el.  caleic 
phosphate,  sodie  ph.  (etc);  -t  Solt  phosphate; 
furt  -t  ©a(t  superphosphate.  -f^re  phosphoric 
acid.  -ft)reant)t)brib  phosphoric  anhydride.  -f5r= 
ling  phosphorous  acid.  -oanbfiof  fe  -brint.  -tiin» 
furt  ©alt  phosphovinate.  -uinfQre  phosphovinic 

''•'tJo§|toge  vi  boil  violently.  -fe  vi  stream  in 
torrents,  foam,  boil.  —  |^a§fe|bur  roar  el.  hum 
of  a  cataract.  -folb  n  waterfall.  -grim  c  nick, 
water-sprite.    *-iaU.  c  fe  SSanbftær. 

|?o§fi't  a  fos'sil.  —  n  -ier  fossil. 

5oft|brober  [*6]  fe  gofter=;  sworn  brother.  -Iiro= 
berlag,  -broberffab,  -brøbrelag  n  sworn  brother- 

IJofter  [*6]  n  -ftre  fetus;  (umobent)  embryo;  fig 
production;  et  -  af  ^an§  JfnbbilbntngSfraft  a  phan- 
tom  of  his  imaginatiou;  *paa  _,  fe:  i  55Ieie.  -baru 
foster-child.  -brobcr  foster-brother.  -batter  foster 
-daughter.  -faber  foster-father.  -forbrtbelfc  feti- 
cide,  criminal  abortion,  aborticide.  -forbrioenbe 
a  abortive.  -forælbrc  foster-parents.  -føbenbe 
a  viviparous.  -gemme  fe  -leje.  -^inbe  awit. 
(Starel^tnDen)  chorion;  (Samme^tnben)  amuion. 
■iorb  native  soil,  n.  land.  -lonb  native  land, 
n.  country.  -(anbfC  a  native.  -leje  uterus, 
womb.  -titJ  life  of  the  fetus.  -tære  embryo- 
logy.  Aen  pay  for  an  infant  put  (out)  to  nurse. 
-mobcr  foster-mother.  -morb  fe  -forbritielfe  -t>enge 
fe  -løn.  -ftiUing  presentation.  -\\>an  fe  -t)inbe. 
-feu  foster-son.  -f efter  foster-sister.  -tilftanb 
embryo(nlc)  state.  -oanb  amniotic  fluid,  liquor 
of  thfe  amnios.    {?oftrc  fe  Cpfoftre;  breed. 

Uotogra'f  c  -er  photog'rapher,  photog'raphist. 
-e're  vt  phot'ograph.  -i'  c  ub.  pi  photog'raphy; 
n  -er  phot'ograph,  p  photo,  (i  SJifittortf.)  carte; 
(i  profil  meb  ftcerlt  inbfalbenbe  SelRSning)  a  Rem- 
brandt. -l'=9l(bum  photograph-book.  -ift  a 

øotolgrouure  c  photo-engraving.    •litografi' 




photolitog'raphy.    -ffæ're  phot'osphere.    -t^ 
c  phot'olype. 

^oura'ge  c  for'age.    -'re  vi  forage.    -'ring 
foraging.    -'ringå-  foraging. 

JJoure'r  c  -er  ($of=)  harbinger;  (Unberoff.)  q 
term  as  ter. 

fouruere  vt  fumish. 
ol)C'r  c  (SfuefbitterneS)  greenroom;  ($u6litu: 
refreshment-room,  foyer,  lobby,  saloon. 

^xa  præi)  from;  _  obeii  from  above,  from  on 
high;  _  neben  from  beneath;  tjan  er  _  ftoben^oon 
he  is  from  Copenhagen,  a  native  of  C  , 
til  anben  from  time  to  time;  _  t  Sog  of  from  t 
day;  _  ben  Sib  of  since  (that);  -  nu  af  henci 
forth;  ^øjft  12  Slien  fro  3?inbuet  within  S  yan 
of  the  window;  _  min  Ungbom  of  from  my  youth 
up;  Bære  -  fig  felB  be  beside  one's  self,  _  %\\\- 
onben  asunder,  in  two;  ffiEeS  _  ^inonben  sepa- 
rate, part;  —  adv.  _  og  til  to  and  fro;  bet  gør 
^oerten  _  etter  til  that  is  neither  here  nor  tliere; 
træffe  fra  deduct  (i  from  el.  of);  —  conj .  _  jeg 
bar  4  9lar  gommel  since  I  was  four  years  old; 
_  jeg  bar  SBarn  from  a  child. 

graabe  c  (t  groob  n)  froth,  foam;  -n  ftob  ^i 
om    Wunben    he   foamed    at   the   mouth;   — 
froth,  foam. 

)|raabften  c  calcareous  tuif. 

^raafe  d  gormandize,  gorge  one's  self; 
_  t  re  vel  in.    -re  -e  gormandizer,  glutton,  hu: 
feeder.    -ri'  n  gormandizing,  gluttony  etc 

{^rabcbe  fig  vr  (forfiljbe)  depreeate,  prohibit; 
(offlaa)  decline;  maa  jeg  _  mig  bet  en  onben  (Sang 
take  eare  not  to  do  that  again;  moo  jeg  -  mig 
bine  Uforftammetfteber  a  truce  with  your  inso- 
lence  M 

^rabo'rbe,  fro  33orbe,  fe  SBorb.  1 

-*-5Jra'br>)be  vt  break  ofif.  " 

^xa'bxalUt  purt  broken  off. 

J^ra'brag  n,  pi  =,  deduction,  abatemeut;  efter 
_  af  Omfoftntnger  deductiug  expensés.  j^rabragje 
vt  deduct,  abate.    -elfe  c  dedueting,  deduction. 

{Jrabamme  vt  condemn  one  to  lose  et.  forfeit; 
fig  fe  grotenbe.    -Ife  c  condemning  etc. 

gralfnlb  n,  pi  =,  falliug  oif,  defection;  (fro 
fReligion)  apostasy;  +=  aiffolb.  -falbe  vt  (opgioe) 
give  up,  abandon;  (træffe  fig  tilbage  fro)  withdraw 
el.  secede  from.  -falben  u  &  c  apostate,  rene- 
gade,   -falbelfe  c  abandoning,  giving  up. 

iJra'fltjtlte  vt  leave,  remove  from.  -uing  c 

{^rogaa  vi  (frobrageS)  be  deducted;  — -  vt  (itfe 
Bebgoo)  disavow,  recede  from;  (benægte)  deny. 
-elfe  c  disavowal;  (of  foregoacube  Jilftoaelfej  de 
nial  (of  a  previous  confession).  *-enbe  a  (fra- 
træbenbe)  retiring.  Ifragang  c  (fifrabrog)  dedu( 
tiou;  (gratræben)  retirement. 

-fjjro'glibe  vi  glide  away  from. 

^rogment'  n  -er  fragment,  scrap.     -a'rifl 
frag'mentary,  scrappy. 

-f^Jrn'groue  vt  dig  off. 

f^rogt  c  -er  freight,  (tittanb?)  carriage;  (2abning) 
cargo,  freight;  (for  $a§fager;  fare,  passage  money; 
til  ^øj  _  at  a  high  rate  of  fright.  -rtSfurance 
insurance  of  freight.  -(e;baab  lighter,  barge. 
-bctøb  amount  of  freight.  -beretning  freight 
-report,  -betingelfer  terms  of  freight.  -bog 
cargo-book.  -breu  (ttUonbé)  bill  of  carriage,  amr 
way  bill;  J/  bill  of  lading.  fragte  vt  freight, 
charter.  *^ragtemanb  barge-man,  master  of  a 
barge.  Ørogt|*farer  J/  carrier.  -fart  earrying 
tråde,  -fartoj  trading-vessel.  -forbring  claim 
for  f  -f  orbolbene  the  state  of  the  freight-market. 
•forbøjclfe  increase  of  f.;  rise  of  freights. 
-forretninger  freighting  business,  -forfitring  fe 
-oéfuronce.  -fri  a  freight-free;  (tittonoéj  carriage 
-free.    -gobå  goods  (on  freight);  StQtfe  -  package. 







-6anbe(  fe  -fort.  -tontratt  .i.  contract  of  atfreight- 
ment,  charter- party,  -fufl  carrier,  wajfgoner. 
-farfel  carriapre  of  goods  by  land.  -Icbig  a 
inieugafjed.  -lifte  list  of  freights.  -(Ǥ  a 
f; eightless.  -mnnb  fe  -fiift.  -mnrfcb  freight 
luarket.  -mcEgler  chartering  broker.  -nins  c 
freighting,  chartering.  -noteringer  quotations 
(of  rates).  -o|pgat)er  freight-reports.  -falbo 
balance  of  freight  earned.  -fotfer  rates  (of 
freight).  -ffib  tråder,  merchant-mau.  -flutning 
chartering.  -føgcnbc  a  seeking  (freight).  -Uejen : 
i  _  in  the  carrying  tråde.  -Vogn  (carrier'sj 

I^ra^egne  vt  hedge  off. 

(vratjugge  vt  hew  ort",  cut  off. 

^■rnf  c  *  &  t  =  graffe. 

lyra'fenbe  vt  en  nt  pronounce  one  destitute^ 
of;  man  fan  t!fe  -  l)am  Stjgttgljeb  his  ability  is 
unquestionable,  undisputable;  fe  grabflinme  -Ife 
c  disputing. 

{frotfc  c  -er  (frock-)  coat.  -tlæbt  a  dressed  in 
a  frock-coat,  frock-coaied.  -traøe  coat-coUar 
(0.  fl.).  -opflaa  cuff.  -f!«b(c)  coat-lap.  -t«j 
cloth  for  a  frock-coat,  coating. 

{{fra'(U)){))e  vt  cnt  off,  detach.  -ning  c  cutting 
off  etc.    -ntngdbeoi^  interest  warrant. 

t^ralontme  vi  be  lost,  itogen  er  mig  -n  I  have 
lost  the  book. 

^tattio'n  c  -er  frac'tion;  section. 

^rafttt'r  c  Gothic  letter,  black  letter;  med 
(pi  -er)  fracture.  -feng  fracture  bed.  -ftne 
surgical  ward. 

+^xtt'tebe  vt  purchaee  from;  _  fig  pnrchase 
freedom  el.  exemption  (from). 

{Jralonbé  a  -.  _  ©lag  sea-board;  _  ©trøm  offset; 
-  SSinb  land-breeze. 

ifraltggenjbe  u  distant,  rémote.  -^eb  c  distance. 

gralilte  vt  trick  (one)  out  of;  -  en  en  $emme= 
ligbeb  draw  (out)  a  secret  from  one. 

tralobbc  vt  unsolder. 
raloffe  vt  en  nt  wheedle  one  out  of  st. 

-fJJrolJjue  vt  en  nt  cheat  one  out  of  st  (by 

fjrtalæggc  fig  w  disavow,  diselaim,  clear  el. 
exculpate  one's  self  (from),  -tfe  c  disavowal 
etc,  disclaimer. 

3>ranarre  vt  en  nt  dupe,  guU  el.  trick  one 
out  of  st. 

^roncai'fe  c  -r  quadrille. 

^rancift'a  Fran'ces,  Fanny. 

tjfranciffa'ner  o  -e  Francis'can  (monk).  -!Ioftcr 
convent  of  Franciscans.  -muni  fe  granciffoner. 
-nonne  F.  nun.   -orbenen  the  order  ofSt.  Francis. 

t^rant  a :  _  og  fri  (quite)  independent,  free  and 

gfrant  c  pi  =,  franc. 

I^rantjen  n  Frankonia.    -er  c,  pi  =,  Frank. 

{jranfc'Ire  rt  frank,  pre-pay.  -ring  c  prepay- 
ment  (of  postage),  -ringéfri^eb  c  payment  in 
advance  optional. 

Sfrantfurt  am  røain  n  Frankfort  on  the  Main. 
-erfort  German  black. 

^rantift  a  Franconian,  Frankish. 

yfrnnfo  adv  (om  SreBe)  (post-)paid,  prcpaid; 
(om  *J5atIer)  carriage-paid.  -toang  payment  in 
advance  compulsory. 

Sfrantrig  m  France. 

^xané  fe  ^franta. 

$ranf{  a  French;  pao  _  in  French;  oOerfcette 
ipaa  ~  translate  into  French;  _.  SSrænbeUin,  Øulb, 
fe  nbfr.;  _  ftant  (Irælafl)  balk;  .  SaaS  French 
lock.  -bager  baker  of  wheaten  bread.  -binb 
calf-binding,  ^alot  -  half-blnding;  inbbnnbet  i  ~ 
bound  in  calf,  (^elt)  -  whole-bound,  -brcenbeuin 
(French)  brandy,  -breb  French  roll  -eng'clff  a 
Franco-English.    -f-e§  vd  speak  French.    -gulb 

similor;  (Slabg.)  binding-gold.  -manb  French- 
man;  -mæiibene  the  French.  -manbtn'bc  French- 
woman.  -tl)ft'  >i  Frauco-Germcn.  -flnbet,  -uentig 
a  pro-F^ench.    -»in  French  wlne. 

jVrontS  Francis,  Frank. 

»^ronso'fcr  pL  syphilis,  the  pox. 

I^ritnobe  vt  extort  from,  wring  from. 

{VraViUc  "*  pluck  off,  pick  off. 

?fraj)ti|ont'  a  striking.    -e're  vt  strike. 

^ra|jire8|fe  vt  press  from,  express.  -ning  c 

^raraabe  vt  en  nt  dissuade  one  from  st.  -Ifc 
c  dissuasion. 

jjraranc  vt  en  nt  rob  et.  despoil  one  of  st. 

fraregne  vt  deduct,  abate.  -t  without  taking 
into  account  el.  consideration,  excluding,  apart 
from.    -Ife  c  -r  deduction. 

{^rarcnfle  vt  clear  from,  clear  away.  -ning  c 
clearing  etc. 

jVrarioe  vt  tear  el.  wring  »rom. 

t^rarumme  vt  run  away  from. 

graraoe  fe  grarane. 

Jjrafagn  n  legend. 

+grafe  vt  set  aside,  disregard. 

*5rofc  vi  crackle,  .sputter. 

i^rafe  c  -r  empty  phrase,  set  phrase,  fine 
phrase;  -r  cant,  words  of  coursep/.  -agtig  a  hol- 
low,  mouthy.  *-fIom  torrent  of  empty  phrases. 
-fulb  a  ranting,  frothy.  -^elt,  -mager  phrase- 
monger,  ranter,  maker  of  fine  phrases,  would 
-be  fine  speaker,  -mageri'  n  rant.  -ologi'  c 
phraseorogy.    -rig,  -ftært  n  fe  -fulb. 

Srafcvarcret  <i  divorced. 

^rafe're  vt  mark  the  phrases  of. 

gårafte  vt  strain  off. 

■(■{Jraftge  vt  en  nt  deny  st  to  one. 

t^raftge  ftg  vr  renounce,  relinquish,  resigrn. 
-Ifc  c  reuunciation,  resignation,  relinquishment. 

JJraftgte  vt  sift  off. 

ijra'fiiftle  vt  divide  el.  partition  off;  change 
(one's  situation);  en  -t  Sjenefteptge  a  servant  who 
has  changed  her  situation,  -ning  c  partitioning 
off,  separation. 

gfra'ftil|le  vt  separate,  part;  -t  (om  ægtefolf) 
divorced.  -lelig  a  separable.  -Iclfc  c  .separa- 
tion, divorce. 

I^raflriae  vt  fe  gratenbe;  —  vr  fig  sign  away, 
renounce,    -tfe  c  reuunciation. 

t^Jraffræffc  vt  fe  Slfffrætfe. 

f^ra'ft^Ue  vt  wash  away. 

gra'flærc  vt  cut  away. 

|jra'ff«be  vt,  jur  convey  el.  transfer  from;  — 
vr  fig  make  over,  convey  (real  property  by 
legal  deed). 

^ra'ftaa  vt  J,  unbend  (sails),  unlash  (a  block), 
knock  off  (a  plank). 

tra'flibe  vt  tear  away. 
ra'fnoffc  vt  en  nt  talk  one  out  of  st. 

f^rofna^j^ie  vt  en  nt  snatch  st  away  from. 

gra'fnige  vt  en  nt  trick  one  out  of  st. 

^raforterc  vt  sort  off. 

|^ra'f)>a?nb|e  vt  (|)eft)  unharness,  (fra  Staget) 
unyoke;  (SSogn)  unhorse.  -ing  c  unharnessing 

+fJro'ftaa  vt  resign,  renounce,  relinquish. 

{Jrtt'ftanb  c  distance;  i  _  at  a  distance. 

j|ra  ftifteå  vp  J>  be  slipped. 

gro'ftjælc  vt  en  nt  steal  st  from  one. 

-i-$ra'ftr«inning  c  outfiow. 

i^raftøbje  vt  repel,  repulse.  -enbe  a  (ogf.  magn) 
repellent,  fig  repulsive.  -ning  c  repulsion;  (af 
)8aab)  shoving  off. 

$ra  focerge  fig  vr  deny  on  oath.  -Ife  c  deny- 
ing  on  oath, 

{^rafcetning  c  .X«  disconnecting  (of  a  paddle 
wheel),    '^alfpatat  disconnecting  gear. 




l^ratage  vt  en  nt  take  st  away  from  one, 
deprive  one  of  st.     -Ifc  c  deprivation. 

grotcrnife're  vi  fratemize. 

^ta'tvceie  et  retire  from,  withdraw  froai,  leave, 
relluquish,  resign.  -Ife  c  retirement,  withdraw- 
ment,  resigument. 

gra'trætlfe  vt  deduct.    -ning  c  deduetion. 

gra'trængc  vt  force  away. 

§ro'toinge  vt  en  nt  extort  el.  force  st  from 

^tatæUe  vt  count  ofif. 

^raunftofcrff  a;  be  -e  Sinter  tlie  Praunliofer 

{^rauenbe  et  (bortuenbe)  avert,  turn  away;  _  en 
nt  defraud  one  of  st. 

{Jrotiige  it  depart,  deviate  from;  (2;jenefte)  run 
away  from,  abandon.  -Ife  c  departure,  devia- 
tion; abandonment. 

graolnbe  vt  en  nt  win,  gain  st  from  one. 

I^ro'tjrifte  vt  en  nt  wrest,  wring  st  from  one. 
-Ifc  c  wresting  etc. 

f^raoænne  vt  disuse,  disaccustom;  (S3arn)  wean, 
ablactate.    -tf c  c  disusage;  weaning,  ablactation. 

fjrauærielfc  c  {■■'  ogf.  ^frntiær  n)  absence;  (Ube= 
BliOelfe)  non-attendance;  fliimre  »eb  fin  _  be  con- 
spicuous  by  one' s  absence,  be  conspicuously 
absent.  -enbc  a  absent;  be  -  the  absent,  those 
absent;  en  -  (fom  ifte  burbe  sære  bet)  an  absentee; 
be  ~  t)at)e  oltib  Uret  the  absent  are  always  at 

{Jreb  c  peace;  en  -en§  TOanb  a  man  of  peace; 
ber  er  _  imeEem  bem  they  are  at  peace;  fiaoe  - 
nteb  be  at  peace  vvith;  beb  -en  i,  i  -en  til  S.  by  the 
peace  of  K.;  bære  i  ~  be  at  peace;  tabe  en  »ære 
i  _  leave  one  in  peace;  tjolbe  ~  keep  the  peace; 
^olbe  _  oser  keep  in  preservation;  ftifte,  ftutte  _ 
make  peace,  conelude  a  peace,  (meft  fig)  make 
one's  peace  with;  Itjfe  ~  ouer,  fe  greblQfe;  man 
^at  tife  _  Ictnger  enb  3iaBoen  Oil  nobody  can  live 
in  peace  longer  than  his  neighbour  pleases; 
troebe  ber  oar  -  og  ingen  gare  thought  all  safe. 

i^rebag  c  -e  Priday;  i  -8  last  Friday;  ^)ao  ~  on 
F.,  next  P.;  om  -en  on  Fridays. 

^reb|e  vt  (ftcerme  »eb  ^nb^egning)  fenee,  en- 
close  with  a  fence;  ~  el.  vi  ~  om  (6e»are)  fence, 
preserve,  protect.  -egob  a  peaceable.  -dig  a 
peaceful,  paciflc,  peaceable.  -eiig^eb  c  peace- 
iiilness,  peaceableness.    -elflenbc  a  peaceable. 

{5reb(c)rtl  Frederic,   F  Fred.    -'le  Prederica. 

|frc'b|i)cUig  a  sacred,  inviolate.  -Holfc  matiu 
et.  vesper  bell.  -lær  a  peaceable.  -f«b  purchase 
of  peace.  -tanb  free  asylum.  -ttjfe  vt  pro- 
claim  inviolate,  preserve.  -tcegge  vt  pacify.  -leé 
a  outlawed,  proscribed;  en  _  (Serntng  an  aet 
punishable  by  outlawry;  gøre  _  outlaw,  pro- 
scribe;  en  -  an  outlaw.  -l«8  c  loosestrife, 
Lynimachia.  -tø^^eb  c  outlawry,  proscription. 
•ntilb  a  peaceful.  -ning  c  feneing  etc,  protec- 
tion.    -ningStib  fenceseason,  close  season. 

55reb§  I  nar  [é]  yearof  peace.  -ortitet  article  of 
peace.  -bebrtft  work  of  peace.  -bettngelfe  con- 
dition  of  peace.  -brub  breach  of  p.  -brt)ber 
peace- breaker.  -bnb  messenger  of  peace.  -bub= 
ftab  news  of  peaee.  -bommer  jiTstice  of  the  p. 
-bragt  dress  of  p.  -efterretning  fe  -Bubffab.  -fcft 
celebration  of  p.  -flng  flag  of  truce.  -fob  peace 
establishment,  peace  footing;  fætte^  »ære  l?a(x  ~ 
put,  be  on  the  peace  establishment,  -forbunb 
treaty  of  peace.  -for^olb  paciflc  relation.  -for= 
flag  overtures,  proposals  of  p.  -forft^rrcr  dis- 
turber  of  the  peace,  (i  ©elffaB)  trouble-feast, 
mar-joy.  -fragt  peace  freight.  -f^rfte  prince 
of  p.    -fongreS  congress  of  p. 

fre'bftoo  c  enclosed  wood. 
rebéjtoé  [é]  kiss  of  peace.   -tnægter  mediator, 
of  p.    -ntægting  mediation  of  p. 



Ureblfont'melig  -i-fjrc'bfom  n  peaceable;  faltge 
ere  be  e  blessed  are  the  peace-makers.  -fomme' 
Itglieb  c  peaceableness. 

{5reb§|ipagt  [é]  fe -forbunb.   -<)aragrafparagraph 
of   the   peace.     -paitx   peace-party.     -pxit  pipe 
of  peace,   calumet.     -^olitit    policy    of  peae 
-^rætimiuarier  pi  preliminaries  of  peace.    -fl| 
ning  conclusion  of  p.    -ftlftcr  peace-maker. 

fjre'bftcb  n  sanetuary. 

|5reb§  I  tanter  [é]  peaceable  thoughts.  -tegn 
loken  of  p.  -ttber  times  of  p.  -tilbub  oifer  et. 
protfers  of  peace.  -titftanb  state  of  p.  -trattat 
treaty  of  peace.  -ubftgter  prospects  of  peace. 
-unber^anbler  negotiator  of  p.  -unber^anbltng  c 
negotiation  for  peace.  -oenneme  the  Peace 
Society.  -Oittaar  terms  of  peace.  -bærl  work 
of  p.;  conclusion  of  p. 

JJre'bfæt  a  peaceful. 

fregat'  c  -ter  frig'ate;  -ten  Ørnen  the  Eagle 
frigate.  -fngl  frigatebird,  man-of-war-bird, 
Tachypetea  aquila.  -fa^Jtajn  Captain  of  frigate, 
post  Captain,  -rejéning:  5Dampfti6  meb  _  full 
-ship  rigged  steamer.    -ftib  full-rigged  ship.   ^, 

IJrcgne  c  -r  freckle.  -blonb  a  fair  and  freckl^B 
■t  n  freckled.  ^Bl 

greiburg  n  Friburg.  ^^' 

Ijrcjbig  a  (uforfærbct)  intrepid,  dauntless,  un- 
daunted;  (tilltbgfutb)  confldent,  cheerful.  -^eb  c 
intrepridity,  dauntlessness,  confidence. 

|5retben|§'  c  attendance.  -'tatiu  «  &  n  -er 
frequentative.  -te'rcuiattend,  frequent,  resort  to. 

tfjretå  a  free-born. 

^retfc  c  fSRebning)  rescue,  preservation;  libe 
tion;    (©aliggørclfe)   salvation;   (©itter^eb)  safe 
jur  freedom;    -n8   8lrmé   et.   ^oer  the  Salvatioii 
Army.    fjrctfe,    -te,   -t  vt  (fra  noget  onbt)  save, 
preserve;  (befri)  free,  rescue;   en  -ft  Sam»itttg^eb 
a  safe  conscience;  bin  Sro  ^a»er  -ft  btg  thy  faith 
hath  made  thee  whole.     -nbe  a  saving;  _  ©ngel 
saving    angel.      ^retfer    c     e    saver,    preserv^ 
rescuer;    SBor   _   Our  Saviour.  —  {Jrelfcrj^cei 
the  Salvation  Army.    -manb  fe  grelfer. 

JJrera'  adv  forth,  forward,  on;  tænger  -  furtli 
on;  _  meb  jer!  get  out!  _  og  tilbage  backwards 
and  forwards,  to  and  fro,  up  and  down;  fnatte 
-  og  tilboge  shuffle;  ber  er  langt  _  we  have  a 
long  way  before  us;  tæmpe  fig  _  fight  one's 
way;  *3?intcren  _  igennem  in  the  course  of  the 
Winter;  fig  _ !  say  oa ! 

JJrem'aanbe  vt  breathe  forth. 

I^rem'ab  adv  forward,  onward.  -flribcnbe^ 
advancing,  forward. 

ijrem'aféel  c  fore  axle. 

^rem'arbejbc  vt  work  out. 

grem'aro  c  succession  of  descendants. 

ifrem'arbing  c  heir  in  the  descending  line 

§rem'ab|Ie  vt  beget,  engender,     -ting 

t^rentben  n  fore  leg. 

^rentblif  n  prospective  glance. 

Q^rerabtomlftre  vi  put  forth  blossoms,  fig  rise, 
spring  up.    -ftrtng  c  fig  rise,  growth. 

-t-l^rembtuSfe  vi  blaze  forth. 

+t?rembobIe  vi  bubble  out. 

fjrembrtnge  vt  produce,  yield,  generate;  (bringe 
frem)  forward;  (fremfætte  f.  (£té.  et  affirinbe)  set 
fortil.  -Ife  c  -r  producing,  productlon;  conc 
produce,  produet.  -tfcåcbne  c  productive  powe 
-r  c  -e  producer. 

+{Jrembrtfte  vi  burst  forth. 

^JrCBibrub  n  outbreak;  ®agen§  ~  peep  of  da^ 
day-break;  »eb  ffl}»rtet§  -  at  nightfall;  SSinteren 
»ar  i  _  the  winter  was  setting  in. 

jyrcmbrummc  vt  growl  forth. 

^rembrufe  vi  swell  forth. 

^rembr^be  vi  fe  SBr^be  frem.    -n  c  fe  grembrub. 












lyccmtiqbc  vt  present,  ofier.  -Ifc  c  preseula- 

5rcinb(tr|c  vt  (6ære  frem)  bear  el.  carry  for- 
ward; (til6i)be,  ubtaie)  present,  oifer.  -ing  c 

t^rembøjc  vt  bend  forward. 

jrcmbeleS  adv  (enbnu)  still;  (enobiberej  more- 
(iver,  fiirlhermore;  further,  again;  t,ertil  tommer 
_  add  to  this;  og  foa  _  and  so  forth,  and  so 
OU;  ^un  Bifte  fig  -  itfe  still  she  never  appeared; 
—  +  a  continuing. 

i^rembrage  vt  (brage  frem)  draw  forth;  (bringe 
for  2)ageu)  elicit,  bring  to  light;  —  +  vi  advance. 
-Ife  c  drawing  etc. 

f^rembttoie  vt  propel;  fig  drive  el.  urge  ou, 
impel,  (*)SIanter)  force,  -ning  propelling  etc, 
propulsiou.  -ningdtraft  power  of  propulsion; 
urt  projectile  force,  -ningdmibbel  means  of 

+;>cembut{e  vi  fe  3)ufte  frem. 

*^rembør  c  street  door. 

iJrem'elfte  vt  (opelfle)  rear,  grow;  (fremme) 
cherish,  promote. 

tremfalb  n  prolapsus. 
remfarje  +  vi  pass  (on).    -e«  a  by-gone,  past. 
•enbe  a  rushiug  forward;  biU  et  _  dælbigt  SKejr 
a  rushing  mighty  wind.    +-en^eb  c  impetuosity. 
-t  c  progress. 

*3frfJnfI«i>E  vt  float  down. 

jjrcmfob  c  fore  foot. 

fremfor  præp  before,  above,  beyond,  in  pre- 
ference  lo,  preferably  to,  rather  than;  *(om 
©teb)  before;  _  alt  above  all. 

+|5re«tforbre  vt  call  forward,  summon  forth. 

-(^$reinfor)>agt{e  vt  underlet,  sublet.  -ning  c 
underlease,  .sublease. 

{^remfufe  +  vi  rush  forth.  -nbc  a  headlong, 
precipitate,  impetuous.  ^rcmfnfenlieb  c  pre- 
cipitancy,  impetuosity. 

^^remfærb  c  conduct,  proceeding;  *'energy, 

'-■{Jremfabt  part  wintered. 

f^remføre  vt  (frembringe)  produce;  (Qtre)  utter; 
(®runbe  o.  1.)  adduce,  advance;  -  ftt  2®rinbe 
State  one's  errand.  -Ife  c  produclng  etc.,  pro- 

^rentgaa  vi  (træbe  frem)  advance,  step  forth; 
bet  -r  af  l)»ab  ^an  ftger  it  is  evident,  it  appears, 
from  what  he  says,  his  words  prove,  show. 

+f^rcmgabe  vt  yawn  (forth). 

^remlgang  c  progress,  proflciency,  advanee- 
ment;  meb  -  successfully;  iiben  _  unsuccesfully; 
fiabe  gob  -  i  et  Sforetagenbe  succeed  well  in  an 
undertakiug;  gore  _  make  progress  el.  way. 
-gangSmaabe  mode  el.  manner  of  proceeding, 
plan,  method,  line  of  action,  modus  operandi. 

>|remg(ibe  vi  glide  on  el.  fonvard. 

||remg(imtc  vi  shine  el.  twinkle  forth. 

t^remgrauc  vt  dig  out. 

tremgrq  vi  dawn. 
rem^aftc  vi  hasten  el  hurry  on. 

T^rcmtjente  vt  fetch. 

^remljerftenbe  a  predominant,  prevalent,  domi- 
nant, prominent,  paramount. 

3rrem|t)i(slp  c  help,  assistance.  -4j(El))e  vt 
help  on  el.  forward,  forward. 

gfremljolbe  vt  ftræfte  frem)  hold  forth  el.  out; 
*  (blibe  oeb  mebj  hold  on,  continue. 

5rcmt)»iffe  vt  whisper. 

^remti^fie  vt  sham,  feign,  make  a  hypocrit- 
ical  shov/  of. 

Srcem^ceoe  vt  set  oflf,  show,  throw  el.  bring 
into  (strong)  relief,  give  prominence  to;  (lægge 
5Bægt  paa)  lav  stress,  empbasis  upon,  emphasize. 
•Ifc  c  setting  etc. 

*{Jremigen'ncm  præp  all  through;  in  the 
course  of. 

{Jretnilc  ie  gieml)afte. 

^remlalbe  vt  {talte  frem)  call  forth;  (for  SRetten) 
summon;  (\)aa  Seotret)  call  out  el.  for,  recall, 
call  before  the  curtain,  summon  to  the  foot- 
lights;  (foranlebtge,  frembringe)  occasion,  produce, 
elicit,  call  forth;  phot  develop.  -Ife  c  calling 
forth;  summons;  recall,  call,  phot  development. 
-elfeårnm  phot  developing  room.  -er  c  phot 

^remtafte  vt  throw  out. 

^remtoglc  vt  conjure  forth;  c.  up. 

Ijretnfomlmc  et  (træbe  frem)  come  forward, 
step  forth;  (opftaa)  arise;  _  meb  bring  forward, 
produce.  -'mclig  a  passable,  practicable,  avail- 
able;  +  =  Webgørlig;  ^er  er  itte  t  there  is  no 
passing  this  way.  -'nteltgt)eb  c  practicability. 
•ft  c  forthcomiug,  appearance,  arrival. 

i^renttrQbenbe  jxirt  creeping  out,  crawUng 

$remlunftl|e  vt  aflfect,  feign.  -ling  c  affecta- 

-^fjremtbælbc  vi  fe  grembælbe. 

tremlaan  n  loan  at  second  hånd. 
remlager  n:   meb  _  to  l)e  warehoused   for 
some  time. 

t^remlebe  vt  (lebe  frem)  lead  forward,  guide; 
(frem(øge)  search  out. 

Srremleje  vt  underlet,  sublet.  —  c  under-letting, 

fremliggenbe  a  Sf  procumbent. 
remlofie  vt  lure  out,  1.  forth,  elicit. 

Sremlflb  c  gorlQb. 

l^remlQne  vi  pass  with  the  swiftness  of  light- 

t^rentl^fje  vi  (fremftinne)  shine  forth;  (fremgao) 
appear  (clearly);  vt  (i  9JbiS)  advertise.  -ning 
advertisement  of  articles  found. 

t^remlceg  +  n  papers  produeed  in  court.  -ge 
vt  produce;  lay  on  the  table.  -gclfe  c  produc- 

IJrctnlæé  n  fore  part  of  a  load. 

Ifremlab  n  run,  flow. 

{Jremmonie  vt  conjure  forth,  c,  up.  -ing  c 
conj  uring  etc. 

t^remme  ade  in,  out,  there,  on  the  spot;  labe 
nt  ligge  _  leave  st  about;  ^an  bor  _  i  fjirfle  9lft 
he  was  on  (the  stage)  in  the  first  aet;  langt  _ 
far  forward,  fig  (fremftreben)  in  a  forward  state. 
i^remme  vt  forward,  further,  promote,  advance; 
(-(^orflag.  Sag)  take  in  hånd.  Øremme  c  &  n 
furtherance,  promotion,  encouragement,  ad- 
vancement;  nljbe  _  be  taken  in  hånd. 

{^rentmeb  a  (naonl.  ubefenbt)  Strange;  (nabnl. 
ubenlanbft)  foreign,  alien;  (ifle  l^ørenbe  til  Sagen) 
extraneous,  _  (Sjenbom  other  people's  property; 
et  -  Slnfigt  an  unfamiliar  face;  unber  ei  _  ^abn 
under  an  assumed  name;  tolb  og  -  cold  and 
distant;  en  g-  a  stranger,  (Ublænbtng)  foreigner, 
(Ublænbing,  fom  itfe  ^ar  borgerret)  alien,  (S8e= 
føgenbe)  visitor(-ter);  bilb  2f-e  entire  strangers; 
bebe  -e  invite  company;  ^an  ^ar  mange  e  ^oS  fig 
i  Siften  he  has  a  numerous  party  this  evening; 
jeg  er  ~  ^er  I  am  a  stranger  here;  jeg  er  -  for 
I  am  a  stranger  to;  bet  foretommer  mig  -  it  seems 
Strange,  is  unfamiliar,  to  me;  bet  er  mig  (min 
9Jatur)  _  it  is  foreign  el.  alien  to  my  nature; 
falbe  i  -e  ^ænber  fall  into  other  hånds;  bu  f!ai 
itfe  i)at}e  -e  ®uber  for  mig  thou  shalt  have  no 
other  gods  before  me.  ^remmeb|aag  foreign 
yoke.  -agtig  a  strauge,  outlandish.  -artet  a 
hetereogeneous.  -bog  visitor's  book.  -n-gøre 
vt  estrange  (for  from),  alienate.  -^errebøntme 
foreign  dominion;  -laben  fe  -agtig.  -legion 
foreign  legion.     -looen  the   Alien   Bill.     -orb 




foreign  word.     •orbborg   dlctionary   of  foreigu 
words.    -oætbe  foreigu  dominion. 

Ørcmmcllig  a  advanced,  forward,  -re  comp  (af 
grem)  a  fore,  anterlor;  adv  more  forward,  -ft 
auperl,  a  &  adv  foremost;  førft  og  _  primarily, 
before  all,  in  the  flrst  instance. 

fremmiQibre  vi  issue  forth  in  swarms. 
remmøbc    vi    come,    appear,     make    one's 
appearance.  — *  n  appearance,  attendance. 

•jtremouer  adv  forward. 

•{jrenHino  præp  &  adv  in  front,  on  the  fore 
part  (of). 

I^ccm^ant  n  pawn  at  second  hånd,  pawnlng 
of  borrowed  articles. 

{^rcm^ible  vi  ooze,  dribble  el.  Irickle  out, 
-n  c  ooziug  etc. 

grcmlJinc  vt  extort,  wring  out. 

tVremjito^jrc  vt  babble  out. 

{^remprcéfc  vt  express. 

^remrag|e  vt  rake  forward,  -eti  e  beetling, 
projection;  Jig  prominence.  -enbe  a  projecting, 
jutting  out,  beetling;  Jig  prominent,  eminent, 
leading;  foremost,  outstanding.    -ning  fe  -en. 

*{5rcmrc  fe  ^remmere. 

t^rcmrcbc  fe  gorrebe. 

f^remrejfe  c  onward  journey;  journey  from 
home,  »If  outward  passage,  passage  out. 

tcetnrobe  vt  dig  out. 
cemrQtIfe  vt  &  i  advance,  move  forward. 
-tet  (I  advanced.    -fen,  -ning  c  advance,  onward 
IJremvættc  vt  stretch  out,  hold  forth. 
^remfalg  n  resale,  sale  at  second  hånd. 
-f^Jrcmfogt  a  outspoken.     -^eb  c  outspoken- 

fremfeenbe  a  foreseeing,  forecasting. 
remfenbe  vt  forward,  transmit.    -tfe  c  for- 
warding,  transmission. 

*^reraftbc  c  foreside,  front(side). 

iJremftge  vt  recite,  deliver.  -Ifc  c  recital, 
recitation,  deUvery.    -r  c  -e  reciter. 

t^remftaffc  vt  procure;  forward. 

J^rcmfftnnc  vi  shine  forth. 

*|5rcmffot  c  bow  (of  a  boat). 

{Jrcmiffrebcn  a  advanced,  forward,  -flribe 
vi  advance,  proceed.  -ftriben  c  progression. 
-fttibenbc  a  advancing.  -ftribt  n  (f^remgang) 
progress,  way,  advance,  proficiency;  (©Iribt  frem, 
ogf.  yig)  step  in  advance  el.  forward;  gøre  - 
make  progress  el.  way,  go  on;  Cpt^gningenå  _ 
the  march  of  intellect.  —  ^remf(ribtå|btplorø 
diploma  for  progress.  -{btnbe  emancipated 
woman,  advanced  woman.  -Ujft  go-ahead  spirit. 
-liften  a  go-ahead,  -manb  go-ahead  man,  pro- 
gressionist,  progressist  -ntebalje  medal  for  pro- 
gress.   -<)r«rti  progressive  party. 

tremffuenbc  a  far-seeing,  -sighted. 
remff^bc  vt  push   on,   p.   forward,    propel; 
+  Cubfætte)  put  oflf,  defer;  —  vi  (fpire  frem)  shoot 
forth;  -ftiiM  $oft  advanced  post. 

+^Jremfft)Hc  vt  wash  forward. 

^remffqnbe  vt  hasten,  accelerate,  expedite, 
quicken;  help  on,  hurry  on,  precipitate.  -tfe  c 

-^fjrcmffælbe  vt  call  forth  by  scoldlng. 

tjtcmflæbc  vt  drag  forth. 

*JJremf(ængc  c  -r  yonng,  growing  girl,  bread 
-and-butter  miss.  -ftccngSaarene  pi  the  hobble- 
dehoy  age. 

+i5re>nfmite  vi  look  forth  smiling. 

{^remfnige  fig  vr  creep  forth,  sneak  forth, 
steal  forth  et.  along. 

{5reJttft>ir|c  '»i  shoot  up,  sprout,  spring  forth, 
germinate.  -en,  -ing  c  shooting  etc;  germina- 

+t5remf1>otc  vt  egg  on,  spur  on. 

-færinge  vi  (fpringe 
f<)ringenbe  a  (freni' 




lorent  I  fjpring  n  projection 
frem)  spring  el.  leap  forth. 
ragenbe)  projecting,  salient. 

5?tetnftirubc  vi  burst  forth,  spout  f. 

5?rc«tfvrublc  vi  gush  forth,  well  f. 

{^rcmft  fe  gremmeft. 

I^remftaa  vi  advance,  step  forward,  step  forth, 
present  one's  self,    arise.     -enbe   a   projecting, 
jutting  (out),  prominent,  outstanding;  _  Unbi 
fæ6e  underhung  jaw.    +-cnfteb  c  er  protuberan 

IJremftamme  vt  stammer  forth,  out 

{jremfHge  vi  step  forward,  advance;  i)an  tol 
-nbe  meb  lange  ©!rtbt  he  came  stalking  el.  stri 
ing  along. 

{Jremftiffe  vt  thrust  forward;  t  vi  fe  Stiffe  frem' 
-nbe  a  projecting. 

i^remftillle  i;f  bring  forward,  produce,  present; 
fig  represent,  (9JoKe)  personate,  embody;  chen 
exhibit;  —  vr  fig  appear,  present  one's  self; 
represent  one's  self;  fe  Stille  fig;  en  Setragtning 
-r  fig  a  consideration  occurs.  -ler  c  -e,  -leriwbc 
-r  faf  9ioHe)  exponent,  impersonator,  interpreter. 
-Ung  c  -er  producing  etc,  presentation;  repre- 
sentation;  impersonation,  personation,  embodi 
ment,  presentment;  view,  picture,  sketch.  — 
^remftiQing^letine,  -gatie,  -tnnft  descriptr 
power,    -tttaabe  style. 

^rcmftimle  vi  issue  forth  (in  shoals). 

JJrerøftraale  vi  beam  el.  shine  forth. 

+t5rcmftræbcn  c  struggle  (to  get  on).  -be 

+J5remflræ!!e  vt  stretch  forth. 

IJremftramme  vi  stream  el.  gush  forth. 

+{Jremft»)rt|e  vi  rush  forward,    -ning  c  rusl 

{^rcmlftob  n  impulse,  impetus,  spurt,  -ftøbe 
vt  thrust  el.  push  forward,  propel,  (BQb,  Drb) 
emit,  throw  out. 

f^rentfoing  n  forward  swing. 

-^^Jrcmf^)^^)e  vi  glide  forward 

JJremf^n  n,  pi  — ,  prospect,  prospective  vie 
foresight.     -et,    *-t  a   (forubieenbe)   fore-sighted, 
far-seeing,  far-sighted,  prospective;  (fQnft)  second 

Jfrcmfljngc  vt  sing  out. 

-fjjremf^ning  c  -er  phenomenon. 

gfremfætte  vt  (fætte  frem)  place  on  the  table;' 
(gorflag,  9Rentng)  propose,  propound,  advance, 
State,  seth  forth;  p'irl  bring  iu;  (9lnmobning,  S3e; 
fiplbning)  prefer.    -Ifc  c  placing  etc. 

fV-temføge  vt  search  out,  seek  out. 

{j-remtogc  vt  take  out,  produce.  -tfe  c  pn 
ducing,  production. 

frcmtarti  n  advancement,  benefit 
remtib  c  future,  futurity;  gram  future  (tense)J 
i  el.  for  -en  iu  future,  for  the  future;  en  SKanb 
meb  en  -  a  rising  man;  i  en  ifte  fjern  _  at  some 
not  very  distant  day.  -ig,  -§=  future,  coming. 
—  |$remttbd|btllebe  vision  of  the  future.  -bage 
coming  deys.  -brirm  dream  of  the  future.  -^aob 
hope  for  the  future.  -liti  after-life,  future  life. 
-tob  future  lot.  -manb  man  of  the  future, 
coming  man.  -mufti  music  of  the  future.  -»Ian 
plan  for  the  future.  -ffæbne  fe  -tob.  -ftat  state  of 
the  future. -fljn  fe -bittebe -ubjtgter  future prospects 

l^remttnbre  vi  sparkle  et.  shine  forth. 

Øremtittc  vi  peep  forth. 

-i-$^remtoø  n  advance,  onward  march. 

tremtomng  c  -er  phenomenon. 
reratorbne  vt  thnnder  forth. 
gremtrine  vi  step  forward. 
^remtrue  et  compel  by  threats. 
T^remtcQUe  vt  conjure  forth. 
{^■remtræbe  vi  (træbe  frem)  come,  stand  el.  step 
forward  el.  forth,  advance;  (tomme  tit  Stjne) appear, 
make  one's  appearance,  present  one's  self    -Ife, 
•n  c  Stepping   forward  etc,  advance;  appear- 
















ance.  -IfeSform  outward  form.  -wbc  a  salient, 
prominent,  boldly  defliied,  conspicuous,  em- 
phasized,  proiiounced,  marked,  distinctive;  Bære 
flærft  -  come  out  strongly;  fpille  en  -  9JoIIe  play 
a  prominent  part,  flgure  prominently;  i  _  ®rQb 

gremfraclfc  vt  drag  forward. 

^rcmtrænge  vt  &  i  press  forward;  vi  issue  forth; 
+  vr  fig  press  forward,  obtrude  one's  self  -n 
c  progress. 

{Jfrcmturc  vi  (i)  persist,  persevere  (in),  -n  c 

{^rcmtkiinge  vt  force  out,  force  on,  compel, 
enforce.    -Ifc  c  compulsion. 

■»IJreratccntt  a  provident,  far-sighted,  long 

+|^remt)anfc  vi  stroU  forth. 

I^rcmoirtle  et  efifect,  bring  about.  -iting  c 

tremoiå  a  provident. 
ccmuifle  vt  produce,  exhibit,  display.  -Minfl 
c  -et  exhibition,  display. 
I^rcmoofln  Je  Jotuogn. 

Ijrtnwotåc  vi  (ootée   frem)  grow  forth;  (gøre 
gremganq)  make  progress. 
{Jremuæfét  c(gremgang)  advancement,  progress. 
^rcmoæJtic  vi  gush  forth,  pour  f. 
Sremoælte  it  ii  i  roll  on,  along,  forth. 

trcmæft'e  vt  summon  forth,  challenge. 
renoto'g    c  -er  phrenol'oger,   phrenol'ogist. 
•i'  c  phrenol'ogy.     -tff  a  phrenolog'ic(al). 

^JreSfo  n  fresco;  male  i  _  paint  in  fresco, 
fresco  vt.  •maler  fresco-painter,  mural  painter. 
-maleri  n  fresco-paintiug,  p.  in  fresco;  fresco 

fjri  'i  free,  (fritaget)  exempt  (from);  (flår)  clear; 
(af  SBcefen)  free  and  easy,  bold,  fast,  emancipated; 
_  9tbgang  til  free  access  to;  ^ate  _  ^bgang  tit  !8e= 
nQttclte  af  (et  $ué  o.  1.)  have  the  run  of,  be  free 
of;  fe  %ot,  gorebrag;  en  _  ®ang  an  easy  gait; 
fiaoe  -  @ong  i  have  the  run  of;  fe  gri^aanb, 
jpaanb;  mit  Jpjette  er  -t  my  heart  is  disengaged; 
_  ^iogt  free  chase;  _  Scerlig^eb  free-love;  be  -e 
ftunfter  the  liberal  arts;  _  fiuft,  bet  -e  the 
open  air;  gioe  -t  Beb  give  full  play,  free 
scope  to;  gioe  fine  Xaarer  -t  Høb  give  vent  to 
one's  tears;  fe  9Kanbag,  3f{Qg;  -t  ©fib  gør  _ 
£abntng  free  ship,  free  goods;  fe  Spil;  l^aoe  -t 
Sprog  have  a  liceused  tongue;  _  i  fin  Sale 
free-spoken;  bet  -e  Sartori  Independent  Tartarj'; 
-  Ubfigt  a  free  el.  open  prospeet  el.  view;  fe 
SBalg;  -  SKarme  sensible  heat;  fe  SSilje;  fejle  meb  - 
SSinb  be  saillng  free;  —  i  bet  -e  in  the  open  air; 
og  alting  -t  and  all  found;  meb  Slrmene  _  with 
their  arms  at  liberty;  faa  _  (løS)  clear;  falbe  i 
bet  -e  become  public  property,  lapse;  goa  _ 
come  oft"  el.  pass  scot-free;  oi  |ar  -  we  have  a 
hollday;;  et  ^or  -  i  ®ftermtbbag  we  have  a  half 
-holiday;  ben  ^aanb  jeg  l)aot>e  ~  my  disengaged 
hånd;  maa  jeg  »ære  _  I  beg  to  be  excused;  maa 
jeg  bære  faa  _?  may  I  take  the  liberty?  _  af  *1> 
clear  of,  l)olbe  (fig)  _  af  keep  clear  of;  fcette  _  af 
clear  from;  -  for  free  from  lel.  of);  _  for  Sfatter 
exempt  from  duties  el.  taxes;  mao  jeg  bære  -  for 
.  .  .  a  trace  with  .  .  .;  bet  er  tf  fe  -t  for,  at  '^an 
btifter  he  is  not  free  from  drinking;  bet  ftoar 
SJem  -t  for  at  gøre  bet  you  are  free,  welcome,  at 
liberty  to  do  it,  it  is  competent,  open,  optional 
to  you,  you  have  the  option  of;  t)olbe  en  _  for 
nt  secure  one  against  st;  bære  for  _  imob  en 
make  too  free  with  one;  —  adv  grit  fe  nbfr. 
3rri  vt  free,  set  free,  liberale,  deliver  (for  from); 
_  en  (ub)  af  Sangenff  ab  release  one  from  captivity. 

3fri  vi  propose,  make  an  oflfer  (til  to),  f  pop 
the  question. 

Sfriaf ten  c  (ets.  SfuefpiUer?)  off  night 

f^riaul  n  Friuli. 

|^ri|6aarett  a  free-born.  -bager  baker  who 
does  not  belong  to  the  guild.  -biUet  free  ticket, 
free  admission,  order,  f  (free"i  ivory,  bone;  bcr 
er  ingen  -ter  there  is  no  free  list;,  free  list 
suspended,  p.  3*t:nBane  free  pass.  -blabct  a  ^ 
polypetalous;  polysepalous.  -iolig  free-lodging; 
-bønbe  tpeasant  free  from  soocage:  (Sfaf)  pas- 
sed  pawn.  -6orb  .!>  freeboard.  -liretJ  (patent) 
patent;  fgri^cbsbreO)  charter,  -brigger  brewer 
who  does  not  belong  to  the  guild.  -6l)tter  c  -e 
freebooter.  -batteri'  n  freebooting.  -bqtterffib 
corsair,  pirate.  -bag  holiday,  liberty  day,  (Stjcnbeé) 
day  out.  -b^mmc  fe  -feube.  -eleu  free-scholar, 
foimdationer.    -eleoptabiS  free-place. 

farter  c  -e  suitor,  wooer.  t-abå  c  fe  -i.  -agtig 
a  suitor-like.  -brcu  proposing  letter  -bage 
days  of  courtship.  -feber  uervousness  (before 
proposing;.  -fob,  -f«bber :  gaa  \>aa  ~  go  a-wooing; 
be  looking  out  for  a  wife.  -i,  n  courtship, 
wooing;  proposal,  demand  in  marriage;  gaa  x^^a 
~,  ie  -føbber.  -tanfer:  gaa  i  _  Ihink  of  marrying; 
be  in  a  brown  study. 

f^ricé  n  frieze,  dreadnought. 

|jrl|efåemt)Iar  presentation-copy.  -farnct  a 
free  coloured.  -^nbc,  -finbelfe  fe  -fenbe,  -fen« 
belfe.  -fol!  men  on  leave.  -forefttHing  free 
-performance,  -fabt  a  free-born.  -gibc  vt  free, 
release;  (af  Srælbom)  emancipate,  manumit, 
-giuelfe  c  release,  emancipation,  -giocn  c  freed- 
man.  -gteUet  a  with  free  gills.  -gænger  c  -e 
holder  of  a  complimeutary  ticket.  -gare  vt  set 
free;  (SlireB)  prepay;  _  fig  for  emancipate  one's 
self  from;  _  fig  for  ben  Sanle  divest  one's  mind 
of  the  idea.  -garelfe  c  emancipation;  prep«y- 
ment.  -^aanb:  Xio-o-  -  off  hånd.  -baanbSfaaning 
broadcast  (sowiug).  -tjaanb^tcgning  freehand 
drawing.  -Ijatcr  ^  jib-brail.  -ijattbel  free  irade. 
•l)onbc(éf»ftcmct  the  free-irade  system.  -banbelS 
»en  free-trader.  "■•■-banblcr  uulicensed  trades- 
man.    -bobtt  free  port. 

{Jril)cb  c  -er  freedom,  liberty;  (Spillerum)  lati- 
tude;  bigteriff  _  poetical  Ucense;  tage  fig  ben  -  at 
take  the  liberty,  make  free  el.  bold  to;  jeg  tager 
mig  ben  _  at  I  beg  leave  to;  fætte  i  _  set  free,  at 
liberty,  at  large,  release;  tage  ftg  -er  take  liber- 
ties.  —  fjrif)eb§|aanb  spirit  of  liberty.  -alber 
age  of  liberty.  -begcjftring  rage  for  liberty. 
-beraoclfe  (ulbblig)  false  imprisonment.  -breo 
(Sreo,  l)Ooroeb  fyrifteb  el.  politiffe  aiettiggeber  ffænle«) 
charter:  (>8reD,  booroeb  ^l^viDitegtum  gtoeé^  pri vi- 
lege, -brift  instinct  of  liberty.  -f  jenbft  a  inimical 
to  liberty.  -felelfe  fe  -aanb.  -Ijelt  champion 
of  1.  -biie  cap  of  1.  -J(flmne  h>-ma  of  1.  -lam)* 
strnggle  for  1.,  war  of  independeuce.  -frig  war 
of  independeuce.  -tæmper  champion  of  (for)  1. 
-færUg^eb  love  of  liberty.  -l^ft  love  of  1., 
passion  for  1.  -manb  liberal,  democrat.  -minbe 
monument  of  1.  -princip  prineiple  of  1.  -prce- 
bitant  bepraiser  of  1.  -ret  right  of  1.  -rtt§  in- 
toxication  of  1.  -fang  song  of  liberty.  -ftnb 
love  of  1.  -flin  show  of  1.  -ftanb  state  of  1. 
-ftrof  imprisonment.  -ftjge  for  1.  -tab 
loss  of  1.  -tib  period  el.  era  of  1.  -tilftanb  state 
of  1.  -trang  thirst  for  liberty.  -træ  tree  of  1. 
-ben  fri  end  of  el.  to  liberty. 

£rri|berre  baron.  -berrebreD  patent  of  baron- 
age. -^erfrOlig  a  baronial.  -bcrrin'be  c  -r  bar- 
oness.  -berftab  barony.  -bolber,  -^ott  vD  fender. 
-bøltdpube  skid.  -jorb  free  burial  ground,  pau- 
pers'  side. 

i^rifabeU'e  c  -r  fried  forced-meat  ball;  bet  er 
Slag  i  -n  P  it's  a  jolly  go. 

{JrilaSlfé  c  -r  fricassee.  -fe're  vt  fricassee, 

^rit'atib  c  -er  fticative  consonant. 




gfti|ttrte  congregational  church.  •Itrtetig  n 
congregational.  -tenbe  vt  acquit,  discharge. 
•tcnbetfe  acquittal,  non  conviction.  -totp^  vo- 
lunteer-corps.  -fort  winning  eard,  king  card. 
-Ironblabct  a  polypetalous.  -iebc  (f.  fri)  buy 
one's  freedom;  (fra  Xjenefte  el.  I.)  buy  off;  (Ie§= 
løbe,  itbl»fe)  ransom.  -labclfc  c  buying  off,  ran- 

girittio'n  c  fric'tiou.  —  JJriftiongifljrftitfcr  fric- 
tion  el.  lueifer  matehes.  •{f(enQ)tev  friction  tube. 
'ftitxl  friction-wheel.  -lobting  friction  coupling. 
-ttttfe  friction  roller,  -ffioe  friction  plate.  -Dinlel 
angle  of  friction  el.  resistance. 

?5ri|fugle  charmed  bullet.  -Ibarter  play-time, 
quarter  of  an  hour  for  play,  break,  recess. 
•lager  bond,  bonded  warehouse.  -lanb  open 
ground;  i  _  in  the  open.  -tonb§^)Iantcr,  -tantiå= 
urter  pi  garden  piants  el.  stulf.    -Ictt  frank  fee. 

{JriMe  c  -r  concubine,  mistress.  -baaren  a 
illegitimate,  bastard,  -barn  illegitimate  el.  nat- 
ural  child.  -lonc  fe  grille.  -Ictinet.  -lit)  con- 
cubinage.    -f«n  illegitimate  son. 

5Jri|lDi>  (poa  ©eSftonen)  lot  exempting  one 
(from  being  a  soldier);  (i  2otteriet)  free  lottery 
ticket.  -lobSmanb  one  exempted  by  lot  from 
being  a  soldier.  -Iuftå=  out-door.  -luftSItO  open 
-air  existence.  -ntanb  soldier  on  leave,  ^  man 
off  duty.  -manbag  Saint  Monday.  -marfcb  free 
fair.  -menig()eb  free  parish,  independent  con- 
gregation-  -mcnigljebé^jrceft  independent  mini- 
ster, -meftcr  free-master.  -ntinuter  minutes 
for  play,  recess.  ^  -nto'big  a  frank,  open,  free 
-hearted,  cheerful,  fearless,  of  good  cheer. 
-nto'bigt)eb  c  frankness  etc. 

iJrimttrcr  c  freemason,  mason.  -feft  masonic 
festival.  -gla§  large  old-fashioned  wine-glass. 
-i'  n  freemasonry,  masonry.  -læbc^o  fraternity. 
•loge  freemason's  lodge;  (fun  om  Sotalet)  masonic 
hall.     -f))rog  cant.    -tegn  masonic  sign. 

fyrilmærfe  «  stamp,  post-stamp,  -mccrfclon- 
boTut  stamped  envelope,  post  envelope.  -mærfe= 
famler  stamp-collector.  -mosrfefamltng  collec- 
tion  of  stamps.  -<»a§  ("^ai)  pass-port;  (SoIbatS) 
discharge.  -^j(ab§  gratis  place;  Cteat.)  free  ad- 
mission. -<)Oft'ig  a  impudent,  bold-faced. 
-^joft'igdeb  c  effrontery.    -^rccft  fe  grintenig^eb§=. 

grifc  c  -r  arch  frieze;  (paa  ^anon)  moulding. 

^rifcbbet  J;«  bill  of  sufferance;  mil  permission 
to  marry. 

iJrifer  c  Frieslander,  Frisian. 

§rifc'rc  vt  dress  (the  hair).  —  |Jrifér|jærtt 
curling  iron.  -faabc  dressing-gown.  -fam  dress- 
ing-comb.    -Jjunfel  friezing-tool.    -u(b  hair  wool. 

frifc'rerffe  c  -r  hair-dresser. 
rifinbet  a  liberal(-minded);  catholic(-minded), 
broad.    -^cb  c  liberality,  liberal  views. 

??riftfl  a  Frisian. 

§rifl  a  (i  Slim.)  freshp  (funb,  rafl)  well,  hale, 
hearty;  (ubebærbet)  sound,  sweet;  -e  2®8  new-lald 
eggs;  -t  SSrøb  new  bread;  -t  ©mør  sweet  butter; 
-e  2;rD>)per  fresh  troops;  _  SSinb  fresh  breeze;  fe 
2fiff;  gribes  :paa  _  ©erning  be  caught  in  the  aet; 
^aoe  nt  i  -t  SOftnbe  have  a  lively  recoUection  of 
st;  Bære  »eb  -t  SUlob  be  of  good  cheer;  trætte  _ 
2uft  take   the   air   e[.    an   airing;   —  adv  _  »æt 

without  ceremony;  promiscuously, nnt  _  op ! 

cheer  up !  ^ti\t  c  f  begtjnbe  iaa  en  _  (igen), 
'■'paa  at)  _  start  afresh  el.  in  fresh.  -afflaarcn  a 

f^ri'flare  c  free-corps.    -manb  volunteer. 

Srifibrænbt  a  recently  burnt. 

grifle  vt  freshen,  (^ærn)  fine,  refine,  (fRiffeUob) 
new-rifle;  _  op  refresh,  revive;  ^J.  -  gtjrene  ripe 
the  flres;  _  58anb  i  ^Pumperne  feteh  the  pumps; 
'•'■  ~  ^ort  call  lor  a  tresh  deal;  —  vi  ~  i  ^iQbfet 

,  om  (SSinbenT 

^1,  freshen  the;  _  i,   op,  poa,   om  (SSinbei 
freshen.    -balle  steep-tub. 

55rtft|f>)r  (unceremonious)  coxcomb,  swell. 
-ft)reri'  n  -f^rSbotfcn  coxcombry,  flippaucy,  free 
and  easy  proceeding.  -Ijeb  c  (i  SUm.)  freshness; 
(SJørig^cb)  vigour.  -^ærb  finery.  -jærn  fine-iron, 
-ning_  c  refining. 

{Jri'Iffole  free  school,  national  school.     -fli 
fe  Srebftob. 

^riflftagger,   -fla!fer   refining-cinders.     -^i 
rough  Steel. 

|?ri'|*flQb§  fe  -ægt.   -flt)tte  fe  Sr^bffutte; 

jjri'flagtcr  c  butcher  who  does  not  belong 
the  guild. 

?Jri'§(anb  n  Friesland. 

3^ri§Ier  pi  miltary  fever. 

^ri'lflufe  flood-gate.    -f<)0§:  ^ar  (fin)  _  has 
all  his  own  way.    -f^»itter  fe  -lobémanb;  (i  Strofet) 
rover.    -f|)rog :  ijan  i)av  ~  he  may  speak  freely, 
he  has  a  licensed  tongue. 

I^rift  c  respite,  grace,  delay,   f  law;  (SRo) 

gri' I ftaaenbe  fe  gritftaaenbe.     -ftab  free  ci* 
free  town.    -ftat  republic,  commonwealth 

fjriftc  vt  (Sioet)  sustain,  support  (life,  nature) 
(libe)  experience;  (en)  tempt,  tempt  on;  (prøpe) 
try;  følte  fig  itte  -t  til  at  was  under  no  tempta- 
tion  to. 

{Jri'ftcb  n  sanctuary,  (place  of)  refuge,  reso; 

ijriftlelfe  c -r  temptation;  t  fe  Stemme;  lebe 
bibi   lead  into  t.;   falbe  i  _  fall  el.  enter  into 
-er  c  -e  tempter.    -erinbe  c  -r  temptress 

fJri'ftiWer  c  -e,  fe  gritort. 

§rlfu'r  c  style  el.  mode  of  dressing  the  h; 
head  of  hair. 

grifanbag  (SieneftepigeS)  Sunday  out. 

Urifar  c  -er  hair-dresscr. 

§rit  adv  freely  etc;  gratis;  _  omborb  free  on 
board;  _  fraborbe  free  ex  ship;  rejfe  _  meb  en 
anben  travel  at  another's  expense;  gao  _  omlring 
i  have  the  run  of;  ftaa  _  (om  ^ul)  stand  isolated, 
detached,  be  exposed  to  view. 

^ri|tage  vt  exempt  (from),  excuse  (from),    -ttt' 
gclfe    c    exemption,    dispensation,    immunity 
-talenbe  a  freespoken,   outspoken.    -talen^eb 
freedom  of  speech,  outspokenness. 

IJritbor  fe  SribBor. 

{Jri|tib  leisure  time,  off-time;  (i  Stole)  pla^ 
-hour.  -time  leisure  hour,  spare  h.,  interval  of 
leisure;  (SægeS'  free  hour. 

55rit|Itggenbe  a  detached,  isolated.  -omborb- 
falg  free-on-board  sale. 

5ri'tra<>4)e  c  fliers. 

§rité  Fritz,  Fred. 

^ritftaaenbe  a  detached,  isolated;  ~  grugtt 

{Jrittc  c  -r  (®^r)  ferret,  Mustela  furo 

fritte  c  teehn  frit. 

fritte  vt  question,  interrogate,  _  ub,  fe  llbfritti 
-n  c  questioning. 

S^ritte|ot)n  calcar.     -^JorceHæn  frit  porcellain. 

Ijritteir  c  -e  (incessantj  questioner,  querist. 
-ri'  n  inquisitiveness.    -fl)g  «  inquisitive. 

fjri|tænter  freethinker.  -tænleri  n,  -tcentning 
freethinking.  -tæntcrift  a  freethinking.  -»agt .%. 
watch  below.  -uagt§t«arteret  the  watch  below. 
-billig  a  voluntary,  spontaneous,  free-will.  -billig 
c  volunteer.  -bittig^eb  c  voluntariness,  spon- 

immoral.  -ite't  c  looseness,  immorality;  pi  -er 

f^rijoægt  weight  allowed.  -ægt  free  convey; 

%xo  a  poet  gay,  cheerful. 











iJfrobtg  u  vigorous,  luxuriant,  (ooecuoetted)  rank. 
•^eb  c  luxuriatice. 

(Jfrofoft  c  breakfast,  (ben  anben)  luncheoa, 
lunch,  lifliu;  fpife  _  breaklast,  luucli;  tolb  _  cold 
follatiou;  f)Dab  i)at  bu  ipift  til  _  what  have  you 
had  for  breakfast,  luncheou.  -borD  breakfast 
table  (0.  fl.).    -bug  b.  cloth.    -c'rc  vi  breakfast. 

Srront'  i*  6]  u  (blib)  gentle,  meek,  mild,  (gub« 
fr^gtiti)  pious;  iiuooig  ben  -me  Louis  the  Geutle; 
et  -t  CiM'te  c  vaiu  wish;  et  -t  sBebrog  a  pious  fraud. 

fromage  c  creams. 
romljeb  c  geutleuess,  milduess;  piety.  +-lobeit 
a  sauctimonious. 

Urromme  [*  6]  c  advantage;  paa  iJpfte  og  _  at 
random,  at  a  venture,  at  hap-hazard;  lobe  bet 
lomme  an  paa  £pffe  og  _  trust  to  the  chapter  of 
accidents,  take  one's  chance,  {fromme  vt  benefit. 

i^ront  c  -«r  front;  gere  _  (imob)  turu  head 
(against),  face.  'foranbring  changiug  front, 
change  of  front. 

{^rontifvi'cc  c  -r  froutispiece. 

^rontiiinie:  i  _  ^  abreast.    -mavåt  march  in 
*   gronton'  c  -er  fron'ton,  pedimeut. 

Øco'tJcæbtfen  c  matins. 

$rof^  <^  '""*  uui. 

'{Jrroff  c  -er  frog,  Kmna. 

t^cotffcn  [6j  part  af  grtjie.  +-^eb  c  fig  coldness, 
frigidity.    -l)inb  F  chilly  el.  shivery  body. 

groft  c  frost;  (JorfrQåning)  frost-bite;  i  ftærl  _ 
during  a  severe  frost  el.  severe  frosts;  ^aoe  -  i 
Jpænberne,  Jobberne  have  chilblains  on  the  hånds, 
feet.  *-oar  year  wheu  corn  gets  frozen.  -aflebec 
protection  against  frost  (for  fruit-trees).  -agtig 
a  frosty.  -bunbcn  a  frost-bound,  frozen.  -bfllb 
ulcerated  chilblaiu,  kibe.  -bog  day  of  frost, 
day's  frost,  -bottnelfe  frost  formaliou.  -flettet 
c  -e  cryophorus,  frosl-bearer.  -fri «  frostless.  +-ig 
u  chilly.  *-Ienbt  ie  -nem.  -tnube  chilblaiu. 
■Itift  te  -oejr.  -maalcr  a  kind  of  looper,  Geometra 
bruniaria.  -mibbet  remedy  for  chilblains.  -not 
night  of  frost.  *-nej«  a  exposed  to  frost,  -reb, 
-teone  (i  Sommer)  frost-cleft,  shake.  *-r«g  frost 
-mist,  frost-smoke.  -faar  sore  produced  by  cold. 
chilblaiu;  kibe.  -faloe  ointnieut  for  frost-bite. 
-ffabe  frost-bite  ■■■-ffobbe  fe  -rog.  -fne  snow 
(ihat  falls)  in  frosty  weather.  -fomnterfugl  fe 
-muoler.  -taage  fe  -reg.  -t»anb  wash  el.  lotion 
for  chilblaius.  -bejr  frosty  weather.  -binb  frosty 

grotte'rie  t)trub.  -barfie  flesh-brush.  -^anbfte 
flesh  glove.    -ing  c  rubbing. 

Sfrue  c  -r  (Jousfnie)  mistress;  (abelig  Same)  lady; 
en  ung  -  a  young  married  lady;  oor  _  (jomfru 
3)iaria;  Our  lady;  ^x\i  'il.  Mrs.  N.;  er  -n  biemme 
is  Mrs.  X.  el.  (til  Sjener)  your  mistress,  at  home? 
mia  ~!  madam;  naabige  -  your  ladyship;  Jlereg 
gru  9)Jober  your  mother;  joc  gru  gortuno  Dame 
Fortuue;  Bor  -i  Sengehalm  lady's  bedstraw. 
Thymus  serpyUum.  t-b(tr  stone  bramble,  Rubus 
»oxatilii.  -bag  (2.5  aJiarté)  lady-day;  (2  3ult)  the 
Visitation;  (1-3  Slug.^  the  A.ssumpiion.  -glad  fe 
^tarteglas.  -l)aar  ^  maideuhair,  Adiantum  ca- 
piUus  Veutrii;  fe  3omitul)aar.  -lirle  Our  Lady's 
church.  -floftcr  foundatiou  for  widowed  ladies. 
-nober  fe  -nijfter.  grucni»arbe)ber  womeu's  shoe- 

fruentimmer  n,pi^  k  -timre  woman,  female; 
t-et  (ihej  \somen.  -agtig  «  womanish.  -arbejbc 
female  work,  woman's  w.  -bragt  female  attire, 
f.  apparel.  -tjaanb  lady's  haud,  female  haud. 
•^aber  woman-hater,  misogynist.  -^anbfte  wom- 
an's glove.  •ta\>pe  woman's  cap.  -tjole  (lady's) 
dress,  -netlieber  pi  faucy  work.  -roUe  female 
part.  -fobel  side-saddie.  -felffab  ladies'  party; 
ladies'  compauy.   -fto  womans'  shoe.  -ffræbber, 

2arien:  2)anft«(£ngelft  Crbbog. 

-ffræbberffe  dressmaker,  mantuamaker.  -fnat 
women's  uousense.  -ftemme  female  voice.  -fljg- 
bomme  diseases  of  women. 

t^ruelnbffer  fine-ladyism.  iVruerbur  lady's 
bower.  grucrftunb  lap-dog.  ^ruerpige  lady's 
maid.  {(ruerftue  gyueceum.  ^Jruetfto  ^  lady's 
slipper,  Cuiiripedium.     -ftanb  wifehood. 

?5fruga'I  a  fru'gal.    -ite't  c  frugality. 

(^rugt  c  -er  fruil;  fig  product,  benefit,  profit; 
forbuben  -  fmager  bebft  forbidden  fruit  is  sweet, 
stolen  things  are  sweet.  -oor  fruit-year.  -aul 
fruit-horticulture,  orcharding.  -bar  '«  fruitful, 
{o^\aafig)  fertile;  ^om  SSætltec,  3)t)r)  proliflc.  -bar' 
g«rc  of  fertilize;  CCenge)  invest,  -bargøretfe  c 
iertilizalion.  -bargørenbe  «  fertilizing.  -bart)eb 
c  fruitfulness,  fertility,  fecuudity.  -blab  carpel. 
-blomft  fe  jpun=.  -bringcnbe  a  productive,  pro- 
fitable, -bunb  ^  receptacle,  thalamus.  -buft 
fruit-shrub.  -btereube  a  fructiferous.  -bannelfe 
fructification.  -bro^ié  fruitdrops.  -bQrfning  fe 
-aol.  {(rugt|c  vi  avail,  prolit.  -eSIeé  a  fruitless, 
bootless,  unavailing.  -e§l«é^cb  c  fruitlessness. 
-følge  rotation  of  crops.  -gemme  ^  pericarp. 
-gren  fructiferous  branch.  -^anbei  fruit-trade. 
tråde  in  fruit.  -^anbler  c  -e  fruiterer.  -ijanblerffe 
c  -r  fruiteress.  -^a»e  orehard.  -pob  ^  cluster. 
-ftu§  greeuhouse.  -t)«ft  gathering  of  fruits. 
-tage  fruit-cake,  tart.  -tammer  fruitery,  fruit 
-loft.  -terne  fruit-kemel.  -tnio  fruit-knife. 
-Ittop  fruit-bud.  -tnube  ^  germ,  ovary.  -tone 
fruit-woman.  -turb  fruit-basket.  -tielber  fruit 
-cellar;  fe  -ubfalg.  -t«b  pulp.  •«-Ieje  ^  thalamus. 
-I«å  a  fruitless,  bootless.  -maler  fruit-paiuter. 
-mober  fe  -eje.  •op\até  fruit-stand.  -rig  a  fruit- 
ful, aboundiug  in  fruit.  -rtgbom  abundauce 
of  fruit.  -fom'melig  o  pregnant,  with  child,  in 
the  family  way;  (i  Soofpt.)  enceinte;  fig  gaa  _ 
meb  be  big  with,  meditate  on,  brood  on,  be 
gestating.  -fom'melig^eb  c  pregnaucy.  -fort 
kind  of  fruit.  -ftanb  fruit-bearing.  -ftilt  fruit 
stalk.  -ft^tte  fruit  piece.  -futter  glucose.  -Saptft 
fruit  soup.  -fætning  fe  -bannelfe.  -tallecten  dessert 
plate.  -tib  fruit-season.  -træ  fruit-tree.  -t«r= 
ring  drying  of  fruits.  -ubfalg  fruiterer's  shop. 
-bin  friiit-wine,  domestic  wine.  -(tbenbe  a  frugi- 
vorous.    -«je  i(  gem. 

%tt(tt  c  joy,  delight,  {^r^be  vt  rejoice,  gladden, 
cheer;  —  «r  _  fig  (el.  -é)  oeb  rejoice  at.  SrrQbei- 
fulb  «  joyful,  joyous.  -flang  joyful  tone. 
Jfr^bcltg  a  joyful,  joyous.  gr^belroab  shout  of 
exultation.  -fang  song  of  joy.  -ftrig  fe  -raab. 
-(-iJrt)bt«é  «  fe  ©læbeloé. 

t^rqglicn  n  Phrygia.    -ier  c,  -ift  a  Phrygian. 

grbgt  c  fear,  dread,  fright,  alarm,  apprehen- 
sion  (for  of,  ffor  tni  ©tt)lb]  for);  »ære  i  _  for  be 
in  fear  of,  afraid  of;  af  -  for  for  el.  from  fear 
of,  iu  apprehension  of;  af  -  for  at  lest,  for  fear 
that;  inbiage  en  _  put  one  in  fear;  jeg  nærer 
ingen  _  for  at  I  am  under  no  apprehensious  that; 
SKibberen  uben  _  og  Sabel  without  fear  or  re- 
proach.  -ogtig  a  timorous.  -agtigf)eb  c  timo- 
rousuess.  §r^gt|e  vt  fear,  dread,  apprehend;  _ 
for  (frl^gte)  fear,  (noget)  be  appreheusive  of,  (for 
enå,  en  SingS,  ©foib)  anxions  about.  -blanbet  u 
-  ©læbe  fearful  joy.  grt^gtefig  <i  fearful,  frightful, 
dreadful,  formidable,  redoubiable.  -fjyrtigtlfutb  a 
apprehensive.  -I«8  a  fearless.  -font  u  timid- 
-fombeb  c  timidity. 

grrbnfe  c  -r  fringe;  befætte  meb  -r  fringe.  -eg 
Turkey  oak,  Querciu  cerrii.  -uæb  fringe  loom. 
-bceoer  fringemaker. 

i^rQfe,  fra§,  frolfet  vi  &  impers  freeze,  congeal; 
(om  en  <JJerfon)  be  cold,  feel  cold,  be  chilled, 
feel  chilly;  bet  frøé  ftærit  it  froze  hard;  bet  -r  4 
©råber  it  is  9  degrees  below  the  freezing  point; 
jeg  fab  og  fr»g  pao  SSognen  I  sat  on  the  waggon 





starving  with  oold;  _  6ort  be  destroyed  by 
frost;  il|jel  be  frozen  to  death;  ©Ii6et  frøg  inbe 
the  shlp  was  frozen  in;  t)an  frøg  om  ^ænbenie 
his  hånds  were  cold;  jeg  -r  meget  pao  mine 
Jg>cenber,  iJøbber  my  hånds,  feet  are  perishingr 
with  cold;  _  til  be  frozen  up,  covered  with  ice; 
•  vt  filte  ^ren,  oJ».  get  one's  ears  etc.  frozen. 
-iot  ice-house,  ice-room.  -Bette  freezing-pot. 
-titofftne  freezing-apparatus,  freezer.  -:|)nnlt 
freezing  point,  -ftoli  ice-chest,  refrigerator. 
5rJ)§niJtg  c  freezing. 

j^rtitte  c  woodrush,  Luzula. 

ifræl  a  audaeious,  impudent,  forward;  shame- 
less.  -^cb  c  audacity,  impudence;  F  front, 
cheek;  meb  ben  ftørfte  _  as  bold  as  brass. 

I^rænbc  c  -r  kinsman,  relative,  relation.  -Bob 
weregild  for  a  kinsman.  -trcbS^  -lag  family 
party.  -Ia§  a  without  relations,  -tnerb  murder 
of  a  kinsman.  -famfunb  society  of  relations. 
■ftætJtte  meeting  of  relations,  fjrænbffab  c 
kindred,  relatlonship.  JJrænfc  c  -r  kins-woman, 
female  relation. 

*Sræfe  vi  hiss 

{Jræfe  c  -r  cutting-file,  eircular  cutter.  JJrtcfe 
vt  cut.    -tnafline  cutting-engine.    -foti  fret-saw. 

^Vt>  c  -er  frog,  Rana. 

§r«  n,  pi  =,  seed;  goa  i  _  run  to  seed.  -flf^ 
rcnSning  waste  seed.  -abl  cultivation  of  piants 
for  seed.  -beb  seed-bed.  -beibSntng  steeping  of 

i^rdbib  ^  frog-bit,  Hydrocharis. 

^ra|billc  seed-beetle,  Brurhus  pranarina.  -blab 
^  seed-leaf,  seed-lobe,  cotyledon.  -btattbittg 
mixture  of  seeds.  -bælg  pod.  -baMttelfc  forma- 
tion of  seeds.  -bæWe  fe  -iappe.  -forfolffning 
adulteration  of  seed.  -getnme  §<  seed-vessel, 
pericarp.  -Ijale  ^  persistent  style.  -^anbel  seed 
-tråde,  -^anbler  seedsman,  seed-merchant.  -^ub 
fe  -!appc.  -I)tt§  ^  core.  -IiBtbc  albumen.  -^bibe. 
iǤ  a  exalbuminous.  -^Ijlftcr  perisperm.  -tati^e 
seed- coat,  aril.    -tap\tl  capsule. 

5Jr«!en  c  -er  (unmarried)  lady;  en  obelig  -  a 
nobleman's  daughter;  _  'il.  Miss  N.;  3)ere§  _ 
t)atter  your  daughter;  min  _!  madam!  -Itoper 
foundation  for  unmarried  ladies. 

fJr«'|!nop  seed-bud.  -lortt  grain  of  seed;  *seed 

55r«'|l»æf  croaking  of  frogs.  -feer  n  frog 
-pond.  -taor  hind  leg  of  a  frog.  -leg  spawn 
of  frogs. 

JJremængbc  c  quantity  of  seed. 

§r«nn|eS  vd  become  brittle  el.  rotten,  -et  a 
brittle,  rotten. 

frøolie  c  rape-seed  oil. 

{Jrevcbct  c  lesser  spearwort,  Ranunculus  Flam- 

{jM'Ujlantcr  pi  piants  left  for  seed.  *-<)i)tetc§ 
sets.  -px'x^  price  of  seed.  -fEfll  shell  of  a  seed. 
■fJEibc  lamel,  -ftole  seed-plot,  seminary.  -fort 
kind  of  seed.  -fvrebittng  semination.  -ftilf 
seed-stalk.  -ftjcrnc  meadow  rue,  Thalictrum 
flavum.  -ftol  ^  columella.  -træ  seed-  el.  stock 
-tree.    -æbenbe  a  granivorous. 

iJiK^fta  c  fu'chsia.  i^ud)fi'tt  n  fu'chsine, 
fu  schine. 

fjuga  c  -er  fugue. 

^vCi^t  c  -X  groove,  furrow;  (©nebf.,  TOur.)  joint. 
S-uge  vt  (©nebf.)  joint;  (Wur.)  point,  -banf 
(gug6anf)  c  jointer.  -bul  shooting  trestle.  -b«»I 
long-p!ane.    -jærn  jointer. 

(jugere  vt  treat  el.  compose  in  the  style  of  a 
fugue.    -t  part  in  the  style  of  a  fugue. 

^ugcfle  c  pointing-trowel. 

§ugl  [F  ubt.  gu'gl  el  gul]'  c  -e  bird,  fowl, 
(Sl^befftoe)  popinjay;  gammel  _  er  ej  let  at  fange 
old  birds  are  not  to  be  caught  with  chatF,  een 


_  t  ^aanben  er  6ebre  enb  ti  i  Suften  one  bird  in 
the  hånd  is  worth  two  in  the  bush;  jeg  ^ar  fiørt 
en  _  ffinge  om  I  have  heard  it  slily  hinted;  lab 
ben  ~  fItjDe  think  no  more  of  that;  ber  tar  iffe 
-§  i^øbe  paa  ^an§  ^notler  he  was  mere  skin  and 
bone.  ^Mflltlflflt'g  «  birdlike.  -bjærg  fowling 
clitf.  -bur  bird-ca,ge.  -bær  wild  cherry,  bird 
-cherry,  -bærtræ  wild  cherry,  Frunug  avium. 
-bøgfe  fowling-piece.  -bunft  dust-shot.  -ebber- 
fo^  bird-spider,  Mygale.  -Ciffer  bird-fancier. 
-fangft  birdcatehing,  birding.  -fauna  avifauna. 
-fjælb  fe  -Bjærg,  -flint  fe  -BøSfe.  -f(ol  flock  of 
birds.  -flugt  flight  of  birds.  -fob  bird's  foot. 
-form  form  of  birds.  -fr«  bird- seed;  *knot-gras8, 
Polygonum  ovicidnre.  -fænger  bird-catcher, 
fowler;  |»enrit  _  Henry  the  Fowler,  -firbe  food 
for  birds.  -garn  fowler's  net.  -glaS  seed-glass, 
water-glass.  t-græ§  chick-weed,  Ahine  media. 
-g«bning  bird's  dung.  -^agct  bird-shot.  -iftom 
skin  of  a  bird.  -tjanbel  dealing  iu  birds. 
-banbler  dealer  in  birds,  bird-fancier,  bird-seller. 
-^u§  aviary.  -jagt  fowling.  -jngtSboab  ducking 
-punt.  -lenber  ornithologist.  -lirfebær  fe  'bær. 
-flo  bird's  claw;  ^  bird's-foot  Ornitkopm. 
-longe  (j^ugl)  regulus,  kinglet,  golden-crested 
wren,  RegiUuR  cristatus;  (i  ©ftjbefelflQB)  eaptain 
of  the  popinjay.  -Iro  crop  el.  craw  of  a  bird. 
-Iræmmcr  fe  -tianbler.  -fbtbbcr  chirping  of  birds. 
-let  (1  light  as  a  bird.  -lim  bird-lime.  t-tnælt 
star  of  Bethlehera,  Omithogalum.  -møg  fe  -ffarn. 
•net  fe  -garn.  -næb  beak  (of  a  bird).  -orgel  bird 
-organ,  -ptbtx  bird  pepper,  Capaicum  baceatum. 
-^jerf^ettib  bird's-eye  view.  -<)ibe  bird-call.  -rcbc 
bird's  nest,  (ogfaa  ^,  Neottia  nidns  avis),  t-ræ, 
-ræbe  fe  -ftræmfel.  -famling  collection  of  birds. 
-fnng  song  of  birds,  singing,  warbling  of  birds. 
-ffore  fe  -flof.  -ffarn  bird's  dung.  -ffinb  bird 
-skin.  -fiErtg  sereeching  of  birds.  -ffræmfel, 
-ffræmrøe,  -fffræl  scare-crow.  -ffijbning  shoot- 
ing at  a  wooden  bird.  -fCægt  genus  of  birds. 
■fnar  a  swift  as  a  bird.  -fnare  snare,  gin. 
-fntjlter  bird-parasite.  -f^aabom  augury.  -f))aa= 
manb  augur.  -fjiib  spit  for  roasting  birds.  -ftang 
bird-pole.  -fteg  roast  fowl.  -ftemme  voice  of 
birds.  -ftof  bird-trap.  -ftrube  bird's  throat. 
■ft«»  fe  -bunft.  -foærm  flight  of  birds.  -føbu 
sleep  of  birds.  -tai  sp  fe  -ftarn.  -t-tone  bird's 
note.  -træf  passage  el.  roading  (of  birds). 
-tunge  bird's  tongue;  _  (=ftl)  cross-file,  entering 
-file.  -tt)^en  the  avian  type.  -unge  young  bird, 
nestling.  -barfcf  augury.  -bejcn  Beft.  as  the 
erow  flies,  the  bee-line.  -biffc  wild  vetch, 
Vicia  cracca  o.  fl.  -btibt  wild  fowl,  game  birds. 
-btnge  wing,  pinion  (of  a  bird).  -Urimmcl  swarm 
of  birds.  '-bær  place  where  down  and  eggs  of 
sea-birds  are  gathered.  -æg  bird's-egg.  -ærter 
fe  -Pifter,  -fljetræ  bird's-eye  maple,  Acersaccka-, 
rinum.  i 

*|Jugt  c  fe  gugtig'&eb.  | 

flugte  vt  moisten,  wet. 

i^ugtcl  c  whipping,  punishment. 

fugtig  n  moist,  damp,  humid,  dank;  en  _ 
SBrober  a  thirsty  soul,  -fjcb  c  dampness,  humid- 
ity,  conc  mois ture.  -deb^grab  degreeof  moisture 
-bcbSmoalcr  hygrometer,  bugtning  c  -er  molsten 

t^ugtlle  vt  beat  Avith  the  flat  of  the  sword 
whip,  beat.    -Ung  c  beating  etc. 

IJufS'  c  -er  (|»efl)  sorrel  horse,  chestnut,  (i  ©fole) 
dunee,  ►i,  fox.  JJuf^le  vi  vi,  make  foxes.  -reb 
a  chestnut,  sorrel.  -fban§  whip-saw.  -fbonfe  vi 
fawn,  sycophant.  -fbonfcr  c  -e  toad-eater,  syco- 
phant.    -fbejf  fe  -ftjanø. 

55ul  n  foul,  nastv;  *wi1v.    '*|?ula§  c  sly  dog. 

^nlb  a  (opftjibt)'  full  (åf  of),  replete  (with); 
(fuibftænbig)  complete;  (Berufet)  drunk;  (om  Waa-- 






.    ..ut;  fuU,  at  fnll;    _  og  6i!    J^  fiiU  and  by;    løbe 
fulb  (af  SSanb)  fill,    become  water-logged,    (om 
9?aab)  be  swamped;    briffe  fig  _  get  dnink;    IQoe 
-r  -  stuff  one  with  lies;    flaaS  _  (om  ®Oflb)   be 
imped;  fiaue  -t  op  (af)  have  plenty  of,  abiind- 
10  of;    i  CrbetS  -e  S8ett)bntiig   in  every  sense; 
tiorten  -c  SJoge  fourteen  clear  days;    et    t  ®Io§  a 
full  glass,   bumper;    ffrigc  af  _  ^aU   roar;    fpille 
for  -t  ^ui  play  to  crowrted  houses;  meb   e  Jpænbcr 
freely;  i  -t  røaal  to  the  full;    -e  Ulami  name  in 
full:    en  -  l^img   a  long  purse;    meb  _  Set  with 
perfect  justice;  i  _  jRuftning  armed  cap-a-pie;  ben 
-e  ©onb^eb  the  whole  truth;  -e  Sejl  J/  f'iH  sails; 
-e  ©ejl !  ^olb  fulb !  keep  her  full !  for  -e  ©ejl  with 
all  sails  set;    aaa  for  -e  ©ejl  go  under  press  of 
sail;   toge  Stribtet  -t  ub  go   the  whole  leiigth; 
ftaa  -t  ©lag  (om  Slotfen)  strike  the  hour;  en  Sæt 
_  a  sackful;  —  fulb  t  adr  fully,  quite;  ilte  -  not 
quite;  _  ub  fully,  every  bit,  (in  extenso)  in  full; 
fulb(t)    »el    perfectly;     -t    og    faft    firmly,    fully, 
quite;  fom  be   t  og  foft  troebe  ifi^a  to  which  they 
pinned  their  faith;  lige  -t  none  the  less.    -baarcn 
a   full-grown   (fetus).    -tiarmet   n    full-breasted. 
•befaren  a  (Watroå)  ahle  (seaman),    -blob :  af  _, 
ie  -bIob§,    -blobtg  a  full-blooded,  plethoric.    -bIo= 
big^eb  c  plethory,  piethora,    -bløbd  a  thorough 
-bred;  fig  en  -  ^anfee,  3;ort?  (o.  fl.)  a  Yankee  of 
the  Yankees,  a  Tory  of  the  Tories.    -blobéaaring 
blood  yearling.  -blåb^bcft  thorough-bred  (horse;, 
blood- horse.      -bringe    vt   complete,    perform, 
accomplish;    bet    er   -bragt    hihl   it   is   flnished. 
-bringclfc  c  completion,  consummation;  accom- 
plishment.    -t-brtnger  c  accomphsher.    -brobcr 
full  brothcr.    -bQggc   vt  complete  (a  building); 
-t  full-built.    -btjrbe  vt  accomplish,   perform;    _ 
et  SJGgteftab   consummate   a   marriage;    ben   -nbe 
Wagt  the  executive  power,  the  oxecutive.    -b^r-- 
bctfc  c  performance,  accomplishment;  (af  9.6gte= 
ffab)    consummation.     -bt)rber    c    -e    execuior. 
-bannet  «   fully  formed.    -cU§  adv  fully;   +  a 
full,  perfect.    -enbc  vt  complete,  finish;  "oel  be- 
gt)nbt   er   IjolB  -enbt   the   beginning   is   half  the 
battle;    Avell    begun    is    half  done.     -enbetfe  c 
completion,  consummation.    -enbcr  c -e  flnisher, 
completer,     -cnbt   a   accomplished,    (ogf.    i   onb 
18et.)    consummate,    perfect.    -febet   a   finished. 
-frerbtg  a  complete;    ready  made.    t-færbtge  vt 
complete.    -fare  vt  (ubføre,   ioærffættc)   execute, 
carry  into  efl'ect;  (fulbenbe)  compUte     -farelfc  c 
executiou,   accomplishment.    -gebattig   a   stan- 
dard,   -gob  a  quite  good    enough,    very  good. 
•gl)Ibtg    a    perfectly   valid,     -g^lbig^eb"  perfect 
validity.      t    k    *'-g«rc    vt   ffulbenbe)    complete, 
finish;  (opft)Ibe)  fulfil     -l)cb  c  fnllness,  plenitude. 
•^OB  pumiced   el.  convex    foot     -t)00ct   «    with 
p.  feet.    -tantet  a   squared.    -tlog   n   of  sound 
mind.     -llubrc   vt  scribble   full.    -toge   vt  boil 
thoronghly     -togt  a    quite  done.    -tomme  (-be) 
vt  perfect,  accomplish,  complete.     -tommclfe  c 
perfection,  accomplishment,  completion.    -tom- 
men o  perfect,  complete;  p    (naonlig  om  jllæber) 
wide,  ample;  —  adn  perfectly,  to  the  full,  fi.lly; 
_  lige   faa  F    every   whit   as.     -tomntcngerc   vt 
perfect.     -tomntenbeb   c  -er  perfection.    -^-traft 
full    power.    +-trofttg.    -frnftS  n  fnll  powercd. 
-tugte  round  shot.    -loftet  a  fully  laden,    -lært 
a  fiuished,   a  master.     -Ifibtg  a  standard,    sterl- 
ing,    -maane    full    moon.     -maaneanftgt   full 
-moon  face.    *-mobet  n  full-earod.    -magt  full 
powers,  power  of  attorney,  authority,  warrant, 
proxy.    -magtdbrct)  power  of  attorney.    -moben 
«   fully  ripe.     -mobnc    vt  ripen  fully,    mature. 
•mt)nbig  «  (ben  ber  t)ar  gulbmagt)  invested  with 
fuU    powers ;     (miiubig)    of    age.      -mtinbigbeb 
full    power,     -mtcgttg    c     e    {^aa   fiontor)    head 
clcrk,    first   el.   leading  c;    (SJefulbmægtiget)  at- 

torney, agent,  -nær  a  &  adv  very  near,  well 
nigh.  -pattet,  -pvoppet  o  crammed,  full-stuflFed. 
•pretet  «  fully  tried.  -raabig  a  having  the 
disposal  fl.  command  (of).  -rigget  a  full-rigged, 
completely  rigged.  -ftob  c  drunkenness,  ebriety, 
inebriety.  -ftrioc  vt  (ffriBe  fulb)  fill  with  writ- 
ing;  (ftrice  færbig)  complete,  finish,  -ftæg  a  full 
beard.  -ftæntet  c  brimful,  owerflowing.  -flag: 
filoltcn  flaor  _  the  clock  strikes  the  hour.  -fnet 
a  full  of  snow.  -fnube  F  drunken  fellow. 
•fbunben  «  fully  spun.  -ftcgt  a  quite  done. 
•filemmig  a,  mus  harmonized.  -poppet  a  stuffed 
full.  -ftubet  a  stowed  full.  -ftænbig  «  complete, 
full,  entire,  thorough,  utter,  out  and  out;  — 
adv  completely  etc;  f(ao,  oberoinbe  en  _  f  beat 
one  hollow.  -ftæn'btggere  vt  complete,  make 
complete.  -ftænbtgl|eb  c  completeness,  fulness. 
-ftabt  a  fully  cast.  -faftenbc  full  brothers  and 
sisters.  -totte  vt  render  due  thanks.  -tatlet  a 
full-rigged,  completely  rigged.  -taUig  a  com- 
plete in  number,  ©arntfonen  er  _  the  garrison 
are  at  their  complement;  -t  9Købe  a  quorum. 
-tallig^eb  c  completeness  in  number.  {jfu(bt= 
bemanbet  a  full-manned.  $ulb|tegnet  a  sub- 
scribed  to  the  full.  {Julbtifærbig  a  fe  gulb= 
færbtg;  -e  9JJentnger  cut  and  dried  opinions.  -to= 
nenbe^  -tonet,  -tonig  a  fuU-toned,  sonorous. 
-tro  a  trusty.  ^ulbtnbf))rungcn  fuU-blown. 
|^ulb{be(  ndv  perfectly.  +-t»ié  a  assiired;  ben  -fe 
3nbfigt  bibl  the  full  assurance  of  understandlng. 
-tjotécn  a  full-grown.  -btegtig  «  of  the  full 
weight.    -bægtigbeb  full  weight. 

{^u'lljcb  c  ugliness;  *cunning. 
55nlmtnant'  a  ful'minating,  thundering.   -na't 
71  -er  ful'minate. 

gumarole  c  -r  fu'marole. 

i$uma'rfl(re  c  fumar'ic  acid. 

-fjjuntlc  vt  fumble. 

I^unb  n,  /)/  =,  finding,  discovery;  thing  found, 
find,    *  lomme  unber  -  meb  discover,  find  (out). 

t^unboment'  n  -er  foundation,  basis.  -a'I  a 
fundament'al.  -a'Oob  (o.  fl.)  fundamental  law 
(etc).  -bolt  foundation-bolt.  -))Iabe  foundation 

{^unblotio'n  c  foundation.  -a'té  c  -er  charter 
of  foundation.  -c'rc  vt  found;  (om  $enge)  fund; 
fiff  Bel  -t  well  grounded;  —  *vi  miise,  meditate. 
-c'ring  c  foundation. 

t^unbgrube  c  fig  mine. 

iVungerc  vi  aet,  offlciate,  hold  offlce,  func- 
tionate,  function;  ben  -nbe  .  .  .  the  acting  .  .  ., 
the  ...  in  charge,  for  the  time  being. 

{Junte  c  -r,  fe  ®nift. 

*tJuntct  c:  en  liberlig  _  a  shameless  rake. 

i>nnt{le  vi  sparkle,  glitter.  -len  c  sparkling 

|?«nttio'n  c -er  duty,  (oq\aa  math  &  phv»)  fauc'- 
tion;  i  _  in  charge.  -«'r  c  -er  func'tionary, 
officer,  offlce-holder,  offlce-bearer,  employee. 

3"Un'tué  interj  eure'ka. 

t3-ur  n  F :  fao  -  be  sent  packing,  turned  out. 

jT'Wrn'ge  c  provender.    -ffib  provender-ship. 

§urc  vt  F  tum  out;  _  ub  J,  rig  out. 

•{Jurc  fe  f!ft)r  4. 

Sure  c  -r  furrow.     {?ttre  vt  furrow. 

Sfuré'r  c  -ercr  quartermaster-sergeant.  -flette 
oflicer's  servant. 

t^urrjnæb  keel-bill,  Crotophaga.  Øuret  n  fur- 
rowed;  be  gitter  fluted  columns.  $^urc|tr(Ctntng 
opcning,  drawing  of  furrows.  -bf§  adv  in 

{^urie  c  -r  fury.    -ogtifl  a  furj-like. 

?furtng  c  furrowing. 

55uro're  c  sensation;  gøre  -  make  a  sensation, 
be  all  the  rage. 

'■'SfMtte  vi  sulk.    *-n  a  sulky. 





'■'SMru  fe  %\:)t  4. 

J^urun'fcl  c  -flet  fu'runcle. 

J^ttfc  vi  rush,  gush;  _  frem  rush  forth,  fig  be 
precipitale;  -  ub,  fe  S8ufe. 

{^ufel  c  fusel,  -fri  a  free  from  fusel,  -olie 

^ufcntaft  c  -er  hare-brained  fellow,  harum 
-scarum  f.,  mad-cap.    -eri'  n  giddiness. 

t^ufiUerc  vt  fusllla'de,  shoot  down. 

jjuflo'n  c  fu'sion. 

■•■•{Juff  ri,  fe  guftert. 

^ufte  vi  (ntcb,  i)  dabble  in,  bungle  at;  (paa 
Stolen)  crib,  cog;  _  en  i  ^»aanboærret  spoil  one's 
tråde.  —  {Jwf  f  ^  c  -e  dabbler,  bungler,  smatterer. 
-ogtig  a  bungllng,  unworkmanlike.  -ortiejbe 
bungling  work.  -i'  n  bungliug.  -ttop  awkward 
squad.    -uærl  fe  -arbejbe. 

t^ufta'ge  c  -r  cask,  barrel. 

?^uftc  c  -r  (Sortøi)  foisi. 

fjuftf)ammcr  c  hammer  for  beating  out  the 

5?Ufti  c,  mere  tret. 

Suftiftræ  »j  fustie. 

f$Ut'  n  f  puff;  fig  f  spunk;  rå<  crack!  whizz ! 

^uti'l  «  fu'tile.    -ite't  c  futil'ity. 

Øuttc  vi  burn  e(.  flash  with  a  pufif. 

^nttcta't  fe  goberol. 

t|utu'r|um  n  the  fu'ture  (tense).    -ifl  o  future. 

gt) !  int  fy !  _  ftom  big  !  shame !    fy  upon  you ! 
fy  for  shame  1 
■  -'g^B :  faa  -  F  fe  Sur. 

SflflC  (ogf-  fjØfl.  faget)  vi  drift;  p  rush;  _  inbe 
be  suovved  up.  -fne  drift  snow.  -»ejr  n  a  drift 

IJ^Ib  c  &  n  (i  S)t)ne)  stufflng,  (i  9!Kur  o.  I.) 
paeking;  (S8ei=)  ballast.  {jQlbc  c  ^rigelig  TOængbe) 
plenty,  abundance;  (gulbfommentjeb)  fuUuess, 
plenitude;  XibenI  -  the  fullness  of  time;  Uæx- 
lig^eb  er  fiooenå  -  love  is  the  fulflDiug  of  the 
law.  U^tbe  -te  -t  vt  fiU,  replenish;  _  SSiii  om 
rack  oft"  wine;  _  en  @ao§,  taifun  stuff'  a  goose, 
turkey;  -  SaHet  complele,  make  up  the  number; 
_  en  Satton  inflate  a  balloou;  fijlb  eberS  ®Iag! 
charge  your  glasses;  SSarnet  -r  i  ©ag  to  2tar  the 
child  completes  its  second  year  to-day;  ^av  n^Iig 
-bt  fit  it)ttenbe  Star  is  just  enteriug  on  her 
eighteenth  year;  _  paa  gabe,  2:ønber  put  into 
casks,  barreis;  -  åul  eoal;  Sfibet  maatte  _  SSanb 
ber  the  ship  was  obliged  to  water  there;  gartøjet 
•bteS  og  fant  the  boal  filled  and  went  down;  — 
vi  -r  ilte  meget  does  not  take  up  mueh  room; 
-  0))  be  bulky;  —  f^lbt  n  ^  double,  fuU.  — 
{Jjjlbelbufl  glutton,  guttier.  -iatte,  *-fm«  -W^. 
•t)unb  (®rntfen6olt)  guzzler,  swiller.  -^orn  fe 
Coerfløbig^ebg=.  -^ul  tap  (of  a  shell),  -talt 
botch,  Alling  up  stufl",  expletive,  make-weight, 
garnish,  padding.  -{ammer  fllling-room.  -mab 
stufflng,  forcemeat.  -orb  expletive,  redundant 
word.  -ri'  n  (meb  9Jiab)  stufflng,  cramming; 
(meb  ©rit)  swilling,  guzzling.  -fo  (female) 
guzzler.    -f)tant  fllling(-in)  timber. 

{^Qlbeft  c:  gøre  ~  give  satisfaction,  be  satis- 
factory,  up  to  the  mark,  (for,  i  ©teben  for)  serve 
instead  of  replace,  (Srftatning)  give  satisfaction 
for;  ^an  gør  _  for  to  he  is  worth  two;  faa  -  for 
fine  *Penge  get  the  worth  o£  one's  money:  +  tage 
for  ~  be  satisfled  with.  -jjlire  vt  (en)  satisfy, 
compensate,  indemnify;  (en  gorpligtelfe)  fulfll, 
dischaige.  -girrelfe  c  satisfaction,  atonement. 
•gørenbe  «  satisfactory. 

S^Jbeltommcr  fe  -fpant.    -»om  glutton. 

I^^lbjig  a  plump;  full,  complete,  copious;  (om 
S8in)  of  a  good  body.  -tg^eb  c  plumpness  etc. 
-ing  c  -er  stufflng;  (i  2)ør)  panel.  -ing§bør 
panelled  door.  -ingreb  suppletory  oath .  -ingé= 
fab  4>  gang-cask,    -ingSf^iant  fe  g^Ibe-.    -ning 

c  Alling  etc.  (fe  %t)\be  vt),  inflation.  {J^Ibt  a  ^ 

f5r>)lgje  c  -r  fetch,  attendiug  spirit. 

Sffllfe  n  -r  ant  county,  shire,  Or^^^k  »'  draw 
up  (in  battle  array),  -ing  c  -er  line,  battle 
array,  battalion. 

^i)n  n  Funen  (the  island  of).  -6o  c  -er  native 
of  Funen. 

3r9nb  c  emphasis,  pith;  ber  bar  _  og  ftlem  i 
ftan?  Sale  his  discourse  was  very  impressive, 
pithy.  -ig  a  pithy,  emphatic;  miii  metallie,  rich. 
-igtjcb  c  pithinass,   raciness.    -fprog  apothegm. 

tfl'nft  a  (of  the  isle  of)  Funen. 
ttv  c  (^erfon)   e  &  -er  fellow,  f  chap. 

g^r  (3;ræft3gbom)  dry-rot. 

5^r  c  (gib)  flre;  gioe  _  fire;  ^an  er  lutter  _  og 
glamme  he  is  all  flre  and  flame. 

{J»)r'  c,  »Jfttru  -er  flr,  Scotch  fir,  Pinwi  syl- 
vestrii;  (Sræfort)  pine(-wood),  red  deal. 

5V»)r  n,  pi  =,  light,    -afgift  fe  -penge. 

{^^raf ten  c  time  for  leaving  off  working;  ^olbe 
_  leave  off  working. 

fJi)'r|a^Varat  light  apparatus.  -autoriteterne 
the  lighthouse  aulhorities.  -betjent  lighthouse 

^Q'r|6cetlen  warming-pan.  -bøber  flre-maker; 
(3)mp.)  flreman,  Stoker.  -Itoberformanb  leading 

5Vt)rbireftør  o  superintendent  of  lighthouses. 

gfl'rbar  o  flre  door. 

|jt)r|e  vi  Are,  heat;  (fttjbe)  fire;  for!  flre!  give 
flrel  _  af  Are,  discharge;  ~  i  ^attelobnen  light 
the  flre,  heat  the  stove;  _  op  flre  up;  _  (flQbe) 
paa  flre  at.  -en  c  flring  etc.  -fab  chafing-dish. 
-folt  Aremen,  Stokers. 

JJlj'rforbalter  c  lighthouse-keeper. 

t^Q'rgrttO  c  (^lærnb.)  ash-pit,  engine-pit. 

g^rig  a  p  out  of  work. 

I^^rig  a  Aery,  high-spirited,  ardent,  fervid; 
(om  aJin)  racy,  geuerous;  (jpeft)  flery,  high-mettled. 
-^eb  c  fire,  ardour,  fervour. 

t$t)ring  c  flring,  stoking. 

§^'r|"fn«ft  fe  -foamp.  -tnt  steam  coals.  -Iaa3 
match  look. 

IJtl'rpenge  light-money,  light-house  charges 

§^'r|plabe  stove-plate;  flre-plate.  -plabå  stoke 

j^Qrre  p  fe  fi^rretque;  i  -rne  in  the  forties. 

^t)Vtt\,  •§urtt|Borb  deal-table;  *  fe  -bræt 
-brænbe  flr-wood.  i-hvat  deal-board;  -bræbber 
red  deals,  -tnopper  pine-nuls.  *-mo  Ar-barren. 
-noat  flr-leaf.  -pinb  deal-peg,  deal-pin.  -plante 
deal-plank;  pi  -c  red  deals,  -plantning  flr-planta- 
tion.  -ffo»  forest  of  Ars.  -fpaan  deal-sbavings 
el.  chips,    ■■■-ftol  Ar  log. 

I^qrreti,  f5*)"^ft50e  card  mim  forty.  -aarig  a 
forty  years  old.  -aaréalberen  the  age  of  forty. 
-nbe  ord  Hum  fortieth. 

3f9rre|træ  Ar-tree.  -ugle  pine-caterpillar,  Tru- 
chea  piniperda.     -Oeb  fir-wood. 

S^'rftib  n  light-ship,  light-vessel. 

S^rlfpib  pricker(-bar).    -ftaal  flre-steel. 

^fl'rftation  c  lighthouse  station. 

I^Drfte  c  -r  prince.  -barn  child  of  a  prince. 
■biffop  prince  bishop,    -blob  princely  blood. 

tjO'rfteb  n  furnace,  Are-place. 

S^rftelforbnnb  league  of  princes.  -gunft 
favour  of  priuces.  -Ijober  hater  of  princes.  -f-ljat 
prince's  coronet.  -^ué  princely  house,  'taaht 
robe  of  a  prince.  JJflrftelig  a  princely.  {Jt)rfte» 
Ug(en),  -ligt  adv  in  a  princely  manner.  -magt 
princely  power. 

t^'rftcn  c  flint. 
^rfte|nb«mme/t-rprincipality.  -fliegt -ftamme 
race  of  princes.    -OiErbig^eb  c  princely  dignity. 
-æt  fe  -flægt. 










;V»)'r|fti<:,  -ftiffe  c  (lucifer)  match;  ftr^ge  en  - 
M  strike  a  light. 

Jtjrftinb'e  c  -r  princess. 

5t)'rf»atm>  c  oak  agaric,  amadon,  spunk, 
Germaii  tinder. 

5^'rlft)ftcm  h'ght(house)-system.  -taarn  light 

^t)'t\iei  apparatus  for  striking  fire.  -t«nbe 
tinder  box. 

fjtj'rtiogtcr  c  light(house)-keeper. 

g^'ruærlcr  c  -e  pyrotechnist,  fire  worker.  -i' 
n  fireworks  p/.    -funft  pyroteehnics. 

g;^'r|Ⱦfcn  lighthouse  system  el.  establish- 
ment; fe  -autoriteterne. 

Jl^é^armD'ntfa  c  harmouium. 

5^flf '  c  phys'ics /)^,  natural  philosophy.  -n'Iff 
fe  5i)fift.  -n't  n  Office  of  a  head  physician.  5^'= 
Pter  c  -e  natural  el.  physical  philosopher,  phy- 
sicist.    {Jlj'fttttS  c  head  physician  (of  a  district). 

t^qfiol gnomi'  n  er  physiog'nomy,  countenance. 
•gnomit'  c  physiogn'omy,  physiognom'ics.  -lo'g 
c  -er  physiologist.  -logi'  c  phy.^iol'ogj'.  -Io'= 
giff  a  physiolog'ical. 

{Jl)'ftf!  a  phys  ical;  i  _  Jpenfeenbe  physically;  _ 
Snftrumcntmager  philosophical  instrument-maker. 
•geogro'ftft  a  physico-geograph'ical. 

^æ  n  cattle,  beast;  .fig  ass,  booby,  block-head. 
-OUl  breeding  of  cattle. 

Sæc'alftoffer  fe'cal  matter. 

ifætirc  pi  af  5aber.  -(ne)arti  patrimony,  pa- 
ternal  inheritance.  -gaart),  -gobé  paternal  farm, 
estate.  -g«J)  bibi  God  of  my  fathers.  -f-^aUn 
native  port.  -lijem,  -fiu§  paterual  el.  ancestral 
home,  house,  -jorb  hereditary  soli;  native  s. 
•f^ft  native  coast.  -lonb  (native)  country,  land 
of  one's  fathers,  fatherland.  -Ianb§^iftorte  na- 
tional history.  -lonbff  a  (fom  tilfiører  f^ofbrel.) 
native;  fpatriotift)  patriotic.  -lanliStærHgljcb 
patriotism,  love  of  (one's)  country,  -lanbdfinb 
patriotism.  -(anbSfinbet  a  patriotic.  -(anbSoen 
patriot,  -magt  paternal  power  el.  authority. 
•naon  ancestral  name. 

Sfæ'brene  a  paternal,  ancestral.  -artt,  -^jem 
0.  fl.,  fegæbre=.  -maol  native  language,  -flbcn: 
paa  ~  ou  the  father's  side.  -ftab  ancestral  city. 
•tro  faith  of  one's  fathers. 

{^æjbrift  grazing.  •brioer  drover.  -fob:  ligge 
for  _  lie  in  pasture.  -flatig  ((Sræegang)  pasturage; 
(SBei)  path  for  cattle. 

^ægtc  vi  (fæmpe)  fight,  combat;  (fom  S3Delfe) 
fence;  f  go  begging;  _  i  Suften  battle  with  air; 
—  rr  _  fig  frem,  igennem  fight  one's  way  on, 
through,  -bane  fencing-ground.  -fjanbfle  fenc- 
ing-glove.  -faarbe  foil.  -funft  art  of  fencing. 
-raeftcr  feneing-maister.  -«  c  fighting;  fencing. 
•(ilabé  je  -bane. 

{fægter  c  -e  fighter;  fencer;  P  beggar.  -i-gaarb 
fe  SJægtebane.  -tam))  fencing-match.  -fncb  feint. 
•f-frebé  fencing-ring.    -leg  gladiatorial  game. 

tljfægtelfttt  fencingroom.  -ffole  fencing-school. 
-«uelfe  practice  in  fencing. 

Srtegtning  c  er  fighting;  fencing;  (Sræfning) 
fight,  engagement,  combat. 

I^Kl^aar  cowhair.  -^anbet  tråde  in  cattle. 
-ftabe  enclosed  field  for  cattle,  paddock.  -^olb 
fe  -at)l.  -^oueb  blockhead,  dunce.  -t)unb  shep- 
herd's  dog;  F  fe  -f)o»eb.  -^uS  stall  el.  stable 
for  cattle.  -^t)rbc  herds-man.  -ti.øDeb  fe  Jpøocb. 
•i\t  a  bestial,  brutish;  stupid,  -tff^cb  c  bestial- 
ity,  brutality;  stupidity.  •-for!  drover.  -treatuc 

3fæl  a  disgustiug,  hideous,  ghastly,  grim, 
horrid,  forbidding.  -t  adv  disgustingly  etc;  p 

$ie(b  c  decay,  dilapidation.  Sralbe  c  -r  trap; 
fig  pitfall;   gaa  i  -n   be  caught  in  the  trap,    fall 

into  the  trap;  fætte  -r  set  traps;  gommel  9{cet) 
gaar  ej  i  n  old  birds  are  not  to  be  caught 
with  chafF.  JJælbe  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  (om^uggc)  fell; 
(bræbe)  strike  down,  slay;  cfiem  fe  4*unbs  - 
Saarer  shed  tears;  _  Saionetten  level  the  bayonet; 
_  Som  pass  sentence;  bctte  SBibne  -be  {)am  he  was 
convicted  on  that  evidence;  _  93Iabe,  lænber, 
Sloffer  shed  leaves,  teeth,  horns;  -  Sjebre,  ^oar 
moult;  _  inb  let  in,  (Snebt.)  mortise  in,  inb  i 
into;  _  f  ommen  fay  (together).  5'tJl"*^'' mo"W- 
ing  season.  {((Clb|ing,  (-^•eIfe),  -ning  c  felling 

'"{Jælen  a  frightened. 

^(Clge  c  -r  felly. 

^(e't^eb  c  hideousness,  ghastliness. 

tJæUe  c  -r  fellow,  companion,  associate. 

^(cUeb  c  -er  common. 

j^aUtS  a  common,  joint;  bet  gaor  paa  ~  S8f» 
foftning  the  charges  are  borne  in  common;  »eb  _ 
^iælp  between  them  (us  etc);  _  ffliool  mafh  com- 
mon measure;  -  9tt)belfe  jur  joint  use;  for  _  ?Reg> 
ning  on  joint  account;  gøre  ~  Sag  meb  cast 
one's  lot  with;  nor  -  S5en  our  mutual  frlend; 
Bære  _  om  nt  have  something  in  common. 
-bageri  cooperative  bakery.  -begreb  common 
-notion,  -beftijrelfe  joint  administratiun.  -bo 
joint  estate.  -bom  children  of  the  same  pa- 
rents. -eje  joint  property.  -forfatning  common 
constitution.  -gcrmanift  a  Teutonic,  Germanic. 
•gobiS  c.  property.  -f«n  gram  c.  geuder.  -maal 
math  common  measure.  -maattib  public  din- 
ner.  -mærfe  common  characteristic.  -nabn  c. 
name;  gram  appellative,  common  noun.  -norbiff 
a  Scandinavian.  -naoner  common  deuominator 
el.  divisor,  -prteq  common  stamp,  -flob  n 
fellowship,  community;  _  i  ^onbel  partnership, 
Company;  inbgaa  et  _  meb  enter  into  partnership 
with;  i  -  jointly.  -f^i^ntng  fe  -maottib.  -fprog 
C.  language,  -ftue  (ipofp.)  common  ward.  -titel 
general  title.  -unbcrDidning  system  of  mixed 
schools.    SæQig  c  fe  gælleiftab. 

{5æ|*Iægcr  n  cattle-station,  drover's  hut,  d.'s 
station  (on  the  hills).  -marl  field  for  cattle, 
pasture.    -marfeb  cattle  market. 

jjænbrit  c  -er  ensign;  »eb  9it)tteriet  (tibligere) 

(}isng|bar  a  iuflammable.  -bar^eb  c  inflam- 
mability.  {^æng|e  vi  catch  fire,  take  f,  ignite, 
kindle.    -elig  a  ie  -bor.    -^nt  touch-hole,  vent. 

|$(eng^u(S|bor  vent-bit.  -bom  bouch.  -bcctfet 
apron.  -fanal  match-hole.  -naber  fe  -bor.  -ptop 
vent-plug.    -ft^tfe  vent-pieee.    -torn  fe  -bom. 

iJængi^ætte  (percussion)  cap.  -lånt  flat.  -frubt 
priming;  lægge  _  paa  prime,  -naat  needle. 
•naalégebtcr  needle  gun.  -))anbe  fire-pan.  -r«t 
tube.    -rarSbaafe  tube  box. 

gfængfel  n  -fler  (©tebet)  prisou,  jail;  (>5ongen= 
ftab)  imprisonment,  conflnement;  bømt  til  6  5[)Jaa= 
neberg  _  sentenced  to  slx  months'  prison;  i  =flct 
in  prison.  -i-bunbcn  «  imprisoned,  confined. 
—  JJængfelSlgaorb  prison-yard.  -firle  prison 
-chapel.  -Hbet  prisou  life.  -mur  prison  wall. 
-^rteft  prison- chaplain.  -fclflab  discharged  pris- 
oner's  aid  society.  -ftraf  penalty  of  imprison- 
ment. -tib  time  of  i.  -tjæfenet  prison  matters, 
the  prisons.  ^cenøle  vt  imprison,  commit  to 
prison,  incarcerate;  _  Cpmærlfom^eben  fix,  eu- 
gross,  absorb,  rivet  the  attention;  IjenbeS  Sføn» 
^eb  -be  t)am  her  beauty  captivated  him;  — 
fængglenbe  a  engrossing  etc,  enthralling. 
t  &  "-SjetBStifl  "<lv :  -  ont)olbe  take  into  custody. 
^ængéling  c  -er  imprisonment,  incarceration. 

tS«««"f  c  -r  pennon. 

i$ænome'n  n  -er  phenom'enon.  -at  a  phe- 

{Jocrb  (ogf.  gæ'rb)   c  (SRejfe)  expedition;    (Cp= 




f»r?el)  conduct,  behaviour;  (gremgangSmoabe) 
proceeding;  *  (Spori  track;  fra  førfte  _  from  the 
beginnlng,  from  the  very  outsei;  Sære  i  _  ineb 
be  about;  giSe  fig  i  _  mcb  set  about,  embark  on, 
address  one's  self  to;  giBe  fig  i  _  meb  flette  gfolt 
take  up  el.  associate,  with  bad  compauy;  i)\iat 
er  ber  paa  -e?  what's  the  matter?  ber  er  noget 
(galt)  poa  -e  there  is  something  amiss  el.  wrong; 
ber  er  f^ore  ^joa  -e  there  is  danger  afoot,  mischief 
afoot  el.  brewing;  Ijaii  et  alt  paa  -e  he  is  stirring 
fl.  astir  already.  -en  c  doings,  dealings.  -el 
vd  (rejfe)  journey,  travel;  (bære  t  a3cBægelfe)  be 
in  motion,  on  the  move.  *eiSmanti  traveller. 
•eiStiogn  opeu  travelling  car. 

{Jærbifl  a  (rebe)  ready,  prepared,  in  readiness; 
(fulbenbt)  flnished,  done;  (øbet)  expert,  adroit, 
dexterous;  txere  -  meb  have  el.  be  done  vrith; 
gøre  _  (rebe)  get  a  thing  ready,  (fitlbeiibe)  tinish; 
^olbe  fig  _  be  in  readiness;  tjære  _  i  be  expert 
at;  _  (nær  oeb)  at  ready  to;  f  iian  er  ~  he  is 
finished,  done  for;  _!  (Sommanbo)  ready!  _ 
Oeoær !  make  ready !  — (t)  adv  dexterously;  tolc 
_  speak  fluently.  -Bljgget  «  ready  bailt,  com- 
pleted.  -gjort  «  ready-made.  -^cb  c  dexterity, 
skill,  adroitness,  expertuess,  address;  befibbe  -er 
possess  accomplishments.  -mager  c  -e  flnisher. 
-ff retten  a  finished,  all  written.  -f^et  a  ready 
made.    -trtjlt  «  ready  printed. 

*55æ'rbinflém(»nb  c  traveller. 

^ærbfel  c  roadtrafflc.  {JærbfcISmiblcr  means 
of  eonveyance. 

t^cerge  c  -r  ferry-boat,  wherry,  ferry.  IJærgc 
vt  (oDer)  ferry  (over),  -baat  fe  fjærge  c  -tto, 
-brygge  pier,  jetty  (at  a  ferry).  -bampftib  ferry 
-steamer.  -fart  passage  of  a  ferry.  -fotf  ferry- 
men.  -goarb,  -^uS  ferryman's  house,  -fatl 
ferryman.  -latt  ferrymen's,  watermen's  Corpora- 
tion. -I«6  sound,  -ten  ferriage.  -ntanb  ferry- 
man, waterman.  -ftcb  ferry.  -taift  ferry  tariff. 
•tolb  ferry-toU.  -toti  ferry-rope,  -OOEfen  ferries. 
-ffJærBntng  c  ferry ing. 

i^-certng  c  -er  Faroe  islander,  Faroese. 

*$æriiio  '•  -er,  fe  ^itæring. 

55ærrE,  JJærrcft  fe  %aa  a. 

^ætt  c  scent. 

i|ærøcrne  the  Faroe  Islands. 

gæ'ftatb  fe  ■'i)\x%. 

§(eftc  n  -X  (noget  at  fæfte  nteb)  fasteuing;  (for 
i)ænberne,  gøbberne)  hold;  (paa  ®a6ei)hilt,  handle; 
Oorpogtning)  lease;  Onbfæftning)  fine;  til  _  for 
for  securiug;  gioe  i  -  let  on  lease;  l^abe  i  _  hold 
on  lease,  ^æfte  vt  (befæfte)  fasten,  fix,  secure, 
(meb  SZaale  el.  Kiefttng)  fix;  (tage  i  _)  take  on 
lease,   secure  the  lease  of;   (en  Stærefte)  betroth; 

-  en  (Snbe  fasten  a  stitch;  _  (^ob  i  make  a  foot 
-hold  in;  -  9Job  take  root;  -  3;jencftefolt  engage 
servants;  _  *.8ærelfer  hire  rooms;  ~  en  ®aarb  bort 
lease  a  farm,  let  a  f.  on  lease;  _  ^aaret  o'p 
fasten  the  hair;  _  fine  ^jne,  fit  ^aai  x>0-0-  fix;  one's 
eyes,  one's  hope  upon;  ~  paa  nt)  refix;  refasten. 

—  vr  _  fig  bort  hire  one's  self;  -  fig  i  ©rin- 
bringen  taj^e  hold  of  the  memory.  -afløSning 
purchasing  the  freehold.  -bonbc  leasehold 
farmer.  -6rct)  lease-contracl.  -ejenbom  lease- 
hold property  el.  estate.  -foW  betrothed  per- 
sons. -forl)Olbet  the  relations  of  landlord  and 
tenant.  -gaarb  leasehold  farm.  -gob§  fe  -ejen- 
bom. -inbrctningcr  i.  moorings.  -fone  keeper 
of  a  registry  for  servants.  -fontor  registry 
-ofiSce,  registry  for  servants.  -Icbig  a  not 
leased.  -loo  leasehold  law.  -Ife  c  flxing,  at- 
taohment.  -manb  fe  -lone;  (iorlouet  Wanb)  be- 
trothed (man),  -niibbcl  n  fixalive.  -ma  be- 
trothed (maiden).  {JæftcnSgatie  gift  at  the 
celebration  of  betrothment.  JJ^^ftcnSgitbe  feast 
of  betrothai.   (^æ^euSring  ring  of  betrothment. 


fJæftcHjengc  earnest-money,  "fastening-penny 
■VHgt  fe  -tbong.  ^K^Xtv  c  -e  tenant,  less 
leaseholder.  ^'"^fterctttg^cb  right  of  leasin; 
'^ijæftcral  fe  gæftenSgilbe.  $æfte|fag  leaselio! 
case.  -tib  period  of  service,  -toang  compulso: 
letting  on  lease.  -Oicfen  leasehold  matte 
*5'æftigftebcr  pi  fastenings;  Oortajninger)  mooi 
ings.    Øæftne  vt  fasten;  solidify. 

JV-æftning  c  -et  fortress,  fort.  —  ^æftningS|« 
agat  foriitication  agate.  -anlccg  fortification. 
-orbejbc  fortification;  bomraeS  til  _  be  sentenced 
to  hard  labour,  -arreft  couflnement  in  a  fortress. 
•artttteri  garrison  artillery.  -fange  fe  -flaoe. 
-flrtanten  the  Quadrilaterai.  -grao  ditch,  moat 
(of  a  fortress).  -fommanbant  commandant  (of 
a  place).  -mur  fortress  wall.  -ffijtå  fe  -artilleri. 
t-flauc  hard -labour  con  viet.  t-f(aucrt  hard 
labour.  -oolb  rampart.  -VatUv  fortiflcations, 

fætter  c  e  cousin;  F  en  fnurrig  _  a  queer 
chap.  -f-lig  a  cousinly.  -flo6  n  cousinship, 
eousinhood.    -(-{Jætterfle  c  -r  cousin. 

5?æ|tiang  fe  -mar!. 

^ebe  c  food,  aliment;  (5)mp.)  feed;  tage 
fig  take  food;  man  ftal  gøre  noget  for  -n  rooi 
hog,  or  die !  one  must  do  something  for  a  liv- 
ing.  ^«bc,  -tt,  -t  vt  (nære)  feed;  (bringe  til  SBer^ 
ben)  bear,  bring  forth,  give  birth  to;  -  af  fig 
give  rise  to,  engender;  —  føbt  born:  ^an  er  eii 
føbt  ©nglænbet  he  is  a  native  of  England,  he  is 
an  Englishmau  born  el.  by  birth;  ^an  et  føbt  i 
2onbon  he  was  born  in  London;  iffe  føbt  not 
high-born;  gru  21.  føbt  33.  Mrs.  A.  late  Miss  B. 
-a)i))arat  feeding-apparatus.  -bj)  native  tovvn. 
-bal  native  valley.  -egn  native  place.  -^anc 
(®mp.)  feed-cock.  -^ué  house  of  one's  birth. 
-jorb  native  soil.  -torn  fe  SBrøbtorn.  -Iran  fe 
-|ane.  -lanb  native  country,  birth-country;  for^ 
lob  -et  left  his  n.  c.  -linie  Clel.)  feed-line. 
-mangel  scarcity  of  food.  -maftine  feed-engine. 
-mibbct  article  of  food.  -mtcngbe  quantity  of 
food.  -naon  born  name.  -n«b  stallfed  ox;  f 
fig  idler.  -)f\im'ift  feed-pump.  *-raab  n,  -roabå^ 
manb  o.  fl.,  fe  aiftægt. 

5J«bcr|alift'  c  -er  fed'eral.  -atio'n  c  -er  federa'- 
tion.    -ati'J)  a,  -att't>=  fed'eral.    -e'tet  a  fed'erate. 

08be|rtg  a  (rig  TfCia  Søbe)  abounding  in  food; 
(nærenbe)  nutritious.  -r«r  feed-pipe.  -fogn  native 
parish.  -ftab  native  town  el.  city.  -ftaOn  native 
soil.  -ftcb  native  place,  birthplace.  -fæb  fe 
i8røb!orn.  -»alfe  feed-roller.  -uanb  feed(-water). 
-tiårer  pi  provisions,  vintuals.  -uentit  feed-valve. 
•a  native  isle.  *{f«bf(æl  fe  TOobermærle.  5<b 
ning  c  (®mp.)  feediug. 

{J«bfcl  c  -fler  (9Jebtomft)  delivery,  parturitio; 
(SSljrb)  birth,  nativity;  ubetimelig  _  miscarrlag« 
abortion;  oeb,  efter  -en  at,  after  birth;  af  _  by 
birth;  3)anf£  af  _  a  native  of  Denmark.  — 
{Jebfetéjaar  year  of  (one's)  birth.  -abcl  nobility 
of  birth.  -atteft,  -breti  certiflcate  of  birth.  '"oac^ 
birthday,  natal  day.  -bag^barnet  the  hero  oi 
the  day.  -bagSgaoe  birthday  present,  -bele  iit 
(female)  parts  of  generation,  -fcft  birthday-feast. 
-bjOfHi  obstetric  aid;  fe  -oibenftab.  -^jæHier  man 
-midwife,  accoucheur,  obstetrician.  -bjæl|)erffe 
midwife,  obstetrician.  -tiøitib  fe  -feft.  -lem 
genitals  pi.  -linie  springing  of  an  arch.  -læge 
obstetric  physician.  -n«b  labour,  travail.  -ret 
birth-right.  -fmerter  pains,  throes  of  childbirth, 
birth-throes.  -fteb  fe  gøbefteb.  -ftiftelfc  lying-in 
hospital  el.  institution,  -ftunb  time,  moment  of 
(one's)  birth.  -tang  forceps,  extractor.  -tib 
time  of  birth,  of  delivery.  -time  natal  hour. 
-Bcer  fe  -fmerter.  -ttibenftåb  midwifery,  obstet- 
rics  pi,  obstetric  medicine.  -øjeblit  moment  of 
birth  el.  delivery. 







^«j !  int  {e  g^. 

j«ic  o  little,  small,  short;  —  adv  slightly,  a 
-hort  time. 

3>flje  c  (Starfag)  reason,  cause;  falbe  til  -  yield, 

3r«ie  vt  (fommfii)  join,  connect,  unite,  put 
togelher;  fpa^if)  adupt,  flt,  siiit;  (6ef!illc)  ordaln, 
dispose,  (rette  ftg  efter)  humour,  favour;  _  fine 
Crb  turn  one's  words;  _  til  add;  _  Slnflalt  tit 
take  measures  for;  —  vr  fig  efter  conform  to, 
accommodate  one's  self  to,  humour,  comply 
with  one's  humour;  bet  -be  fig  faalebeé  it  so 
happened;  _  ftg  t  fe  gorfuje  fig.  føjelig  a  (oiQig) 
indulgent,  compliant,  complying,  accommodat- 
ing;  (gunftig)  favourable,  propitious;  (betoem) 
convenieut,  suitable;  meb  førfte  -e  SSinb  with  tirst 
fair  Wind.  {^øjcttg^cb  c  pliancy,  complaisance. 
^■ojntng  c  joiniug. 
,  *5'8ife  vt:  eit  ub  turn  one  out. 

^•ojtc  vi  gad;  +  c  gadabout.    -n  c  gadding. 

5øt'  n,  pi  =,  foal;  (ifcer  ^ingfto  colt;  (|)oppeO 

Sølt'ttt  «  tangible,  pereeptible. 

55«le,  fa'Ite,  ia'lt  vt  &  i  feel;  ^an  -r  Sinbriiig  he 
feels  reheved;  -  btjbt  be  keenly  alive  to;  t)au  »il 
not  tomme  tit  at  _  bet  he  will  smart  for  it;  jeg 
Ijat  faaet  at  _  I  kuow  to  my  cost;  ben,  ber  itfe 
Dil  i)i>xe,  maa  ~  he  who  will  not  hear  advice 
must  suti'er;  _  paa  feel;  tit  at  tage  og  -  poa  pal- 
pable;  -  en  paa  Sænberne  sound  one;  bet  er  Ijaarbt 
at  _  paa  it  feels  hard,  it  is  hard  to  the  touch; 
ben  -teg  Barm  it  touched  warm;  —  ■»?•  fig  have 
a  high  opinion  of  one's  selt;  _  fig  fornærmet  feel 
injured,  _  fig  forpligtet  feel  bound  (o.  fl.);  -  Tig 
fom  et  ganfte  anbet  'DJlennefte  feel  quite  another 
person;  _  fig  for  el.  frem  feel  one's  way  el. 
ground.  $ølc|ct)ne  faculty  of  feeling,  tactual 
power,  -ttaat  pi  feelers,  tentacles.  -^orn  p( 
feelers,  autennæ.  ^eltliQ  a  that  may  be  felt, 
sensible,  pereeptible;  -t  %ab,  Stob  severe  loss, 
blow;  en  _  Srang  a  pressing  want;  »ar  meget  -t 
was  severely  felt.  {^«le|lfe  c  -r  (i  aEe  S8et.j  feel- 
ing; (gornemmelfe)  sensation;  (Stnblbeoægelfe) 
emotion;  (i  Ubtrijttet)  pathos;  (tun  om  ©anfen) 
touch;  fin  -  sensibility;  meb  -  feellngly;  bet  Ijar 
man  paa  -n  that  is  a  malter  of  instinet;  jeg  ^ar 
en  _  fom  om  I  feel  as  if;  jeg  ^abbe  en  ftært  _  af 
at  the  feeling  was  strong  upon  me  that;  jeg  ^ar 
en  ftærtere  og  ftærfere  -  af  at  it  begins  to  grow 
upon  me  that.  -tfeStiO  emotional  nature.  -Ifcå^ 
menneffc  suseeptible,  impulsive  man  (el.  womau;, 
emotional  man  uvoman).  -tfcdfag  matter  of 
sentiment.  -Ifesfibcn  the  emotional  side  (of 
human  nature).  -Ifcéttbbrub  outburst  of  feel- 
ing. -nbe  o  sentient;  (aanCelig)  of  feeling. 
-neruc  sensoiy  nerve,  -rebffab  fe  -traab.  -ri'  n 
sentimentality.  -foné  sense  of  touch.  -8la§  a 
unfeeling,  insensible,  apathetic,  cailous.  -ét«§= 
^eii  c  in.sensibility,  apathy.  -traab  feeler,  teu- 
tacle.  -»ifer  (Siejn.)  instrument  of  precision. 
-oortc  seusory  papilla. 

tS^lfob  (»Islonte;  coltsfoot,  Tussilago. 

følgagtig  u  compliant,  obedient.  -^eb  c 
obedieucc,  compliauce. 

5«lgc,  fulgte,  fulgt  vt  &  i  (tomme  efter)  foUow, 
succeed,  eusue;  (lebfage)  attend,  accompauy; 
(fRaab,  Siinf)  aet  on,  follow,  take;  _  pjebliffet« 
Qnbff^belfe  aet  on  the  spur  of  the  moment;  _ 
en  til  35øren  see  one  out;  _  fit  eget  jpooeb  have 
one's  own  way;  _  en  ^jem  see,  bring  el.  attend 
one  home;  _  iiig  attend  a  funeral;  følg  mit  8iaab ! 
take  my  advice!  —  vi:  ^on  foarebe  fom  -r  he 
answered  as  foUows,  to  the  following  efifect,  in 
this  wise;  bet  -r  af  fig  felo  that's  a  matter  of 
course,  goes  without  the  saying;  ^eraf  -r  hence 
it  folio ws;    _   efter   come   after,    follow,    (fom 

efterfølger)  succeed;  efter  SRegn  r  Solftin  after 
rain  comes  sunshine;  _  meb  fig  follow,  keep 
pace  (with);  _  meb  (Siben)  keep  abreast  of  the 
times,  move  el.  go  with  the  times;  -paa  follow; 
bu  maa  tage,  ^oab  ber  -r  paa  you  must  take  the 
consequences;  —  vd:  -§  ob  go  together,  fig  run 
el.  go  together;  -§  meb  go  along  with;  —  iKirt 
-nbe,  fe  nbfr.  ^ølge  c  -r  (efter  ^inanben)  succes- 
sion; (Sicette)  series;  (iKefultat)  result,  consequeace; 
broge  til  _  serve  as  a  precedent;  tage  til  _  comply 
with;  ^ar  til  -  at  leads  to  the  consequence  that, 
results  in;  bet  tan  ^aoe  Oigtige  -r  it  may  be 
attended  with  important  consequences;  fom  _  af 
consequent  to;  fom  _  ^eraf  in  consequence,  con- 
sequeutly;  fe  i  gølge.  ^^ølge  n  -r  (©elftab)  Com- 
pany; (be  lebfagenbej  retinue,  suite,  train,  attend- 
ance,  foUowers;  *(?flot)  multitude,  gang;  i  _  meb 
in  the  c.  of;  gøre,  *flaa  _  join  company;  gøre  _ 
meb  accompauy;  :^olbe  ~  meb  keep  company  with, 
(famme  ^urtig^eb)  keep  up  with;  the  dogs  went 
rather  slow  and  the  horses  were  able  lo  live 
with  them;  J,  uben  leoenbe  %o\ti  ~  ■  abandoaed. 
•blab  accompanying  paper.  -brcu  accompanying 
el.  covering  letter,  fjøtgelig  adv  (-*■  a)  conse- 
quenlly,  in  consequence.  i^ølgcjnbe  a  follow- 
ing; -  Orb  the  following  words;  i  bet  _  ftapitel 
in  the  ensuing  chapter;  _  er  en  gortegnelfe  ooer 
the  following  is  a  list  of;  i  bet  -  in  the  sequel; 
paa  fjinanben  _  successive,  -rig  a  pregnant  with 
consequences.  -ret,  -rigtig  a  (rigtig  fluttet) 
rightly  inferred;  (fonfetoent)  consistent.  -rigtig< 
^eb  consistency.  -ræl!e  succession,  series,  -feb' 
bel  accompanying  note;  (SolbD.)  shipping  note. 
-ffab  n  fe  gølge  n.  -ffrioelfe  fe  -breo.  -flutning 
conclusion,  inference.  -ftreng  n  fe -rigtig,  -foenb 
foUower,  attendanl,  companion,  fig  accompani- 
ment.  -fætning  c  consequent.  +-tu«g  a  fe  -rig. 
-Pirtning  consequent  effect.  -psrbig  a  worthy 
of  imitation.    -i-{i^ølgfom  a  obedient. 

iJølljDppe  brood  mare. 

føling  c,  mil  close  position. 

Søtjctott  fe  geuilleton. 

*gf«ae  vt  foal. 

550  Ifom  a  (meb  fin  ^øletfe)  feeling,  emotional, 
(ogjaa  om  3"ftrum.)  sensitive;  (affetteret  -)  senti- 
mental, -^eb  c  feeling,  sensibility,  sensitiveuess; 

i^ø(|tanb  colt's  tooth.  -'-unge  foal.  -øg  fe 

3rønic'i|en  n  Phenicia.    -er,  -fl  Phenician. 

tør  a  stoul. 
ør  præp  before,  prior  to,  previous  to;  adn 
before,  previously,  formerly;  conj  before,  ere; 
(l)etlere)  rather;  _  Bil  jeg  fulte  I  will  rather  starve 
el.  I  will  starve  flrst;  jo  _  jo  deller  the  sooner 
the  betler;  _  eller  filbigere  sooner  or  later;  lige  _ 
on  the  eve  of;  t  jeg  Bor  _  Beb  ^ani  ®ør  I  was  at 
his  door  a  while  ago;  forfteUige  fra  -  dififerent 
from  what  they  used  to  t)e.  t-btttib  gram  the 
pluperfect  (tense). 

^e'vbav  a  transportable. 

tJørc,  fø'rte,  fø'rt  vt  convey,  bring,  carry;  (lebe) 
guide,  conduct,  lead;  Søreturen  -te  oi  gennem  en 
©loo  our  drive  look  us  through  a  wood;  _  et 
gartøj  command  a  vessel;  _  $taarben  wield  the 
sword;  bette  gortøj  -r  40  Sanoner  this  vessel 
mounts,  Carries  40  guns;  -  ftorrefponbaucen  carry 
on  the  correspondence;  _  8rig  make  war,  wage 
war;  _  en  SJabning  carry  a  cargo;  _  et  gubfrtjgtigt 
£iB  lead  a  pious  life;  -  et  9iaon  bear  a  name; 
_  Orber  speak,  be  the  spokesman;  _  bet  ftore 
Drb  lay  down  the  law;  _  ^JJeunen  wield  the  pen; 
_  ftor  ^Bragt  live  in  grand  style;  _  55roceé  carry 
on  a  lawsuit;  _  JRegnftab  keep  accounts;  _  ©cep= 
teret  wield  the  sceptre;  _  et  Sfib  command  el. 
sail  a  ship;    .  et   ^øjt  ©prog    speak  in  a   lofty 




strain;  -  ufFtnmeltg  Sale  use  indecent  language;  | 
_  aSooBen  carry  arms;  _  en  SSorc  deal  in  an  ar- 
ticle,  kecp  an  a.  on  sale;  -  SSibner  produce  et. 
call  witnesses;  _  of,  \e  9lfføre;  _  an  lead  the 
way;  _  6ort,  fe  SJortfere;  _  frem  for  en  ushcr 
into  one's  presence;  -r  t)en  til  leads  to,  takes 
von  to;  _  i  SSnifl  hring  into  vogue,  introduce; 
L  i  9Bennen  pen;  '^Bab  t)an  -r  i  fit  ©fjolb  what  his 
intentions  are;  -  i  fl  en  nem,  fe  (Sennemfere;  _ 
i  nb  introduce,  (i  9iegnffo6)  enter;  _  meb  fig 
bring  along  with  one,  (Ⱦre  lebfaget  af)  be  attended 
with;  fiff  render  it  neeessary;  _  neb  til  lead 
down  to;  -rte  08  omf  ring  tiao  ©jenbommen  walked 
ns  over  the  estate;  -te  o§  omfring  i  Sirlen  took 
us  through  the  church;  _  op  (i  ®an8)  lead  the 
dance;  _  (Ult)ffe  0.  1.)  o»er  bring  upon;  -  )paa 
strain;  _  fammen  bring  together;  _  til  lead  to, 
result  in;  -  tit  Stibtægt,  Ubgift  place  to  the 
account  of  ineome,  expenditure;  -  11  b  bring 
out;  fe  Ubføre;  ~  nb  i  SiBet  realize,  bring  into 
concrete  existence;  SJcerctfet  -rte  ub  tit  en  Sorribor 
the  room  opened  upon  a  corridor;  _  el  SSarp  ub 
4>  run  out-  a  warp;  _  et  9tn!er  nb  carry  out  an 
anchor;  _  bitb  lead  astray;  —w  fig  carry  one's 
self;  +  &  bibl  -  fig  af,  -  fig  i  put  ofif,  put  on. 

^$te  n  (State  of)  the  roads,  wheeling,  ''sleigh- 
iDg;  i  gobt  -  fører  man  SBejen  )iiaa  to  Ximer  it  is 
a  two  hours'  drive  when  the  roads  are  in  good 
condition;  bet  er  baartigt  -  it  is  bad  walking, 
the  roads  are  in  a  bad  state;  bet  er  Baabt,  følet 
_  it  is  wet,  dirty  under  foot.  *-f(Jlb  n  bad  state 
of  the  roads  in  spring  (when  the  sleighing  fails). 

t«relfc  c  fe  gør'^eb. 
«rclfc  c  guidance,    conduct,    directlon,   ma- 
nagement;   (af   et  Sfib)   command;   (®ub8)    dis- 

{^ørenb  conj  before,  ere;  +  præp  before. 
{^ørcr  c  -e,  fe?lnfører;  4>  master,  commander; 
mus  (i  %na)  subject.    -inbe,  -fic  c  -r,  fe  Stnfører. 
•^>oft  c,  -fiol)  n  command,  leadership. 

5V«'rt|Cb  c  stoutness,  corpulence. 

gering  c  -er  load,  burden,  cargo,  freight; 
(aSefætningenS)  venture;  prov  presents;  fe  ogfaa 
fjørelfe.  —  ^øtinQ^l'baa'o  lighter,  cargo-boat. 
-f ott  passengers.  -l«tt  carriage,  porterage,  freight. 
-inanb  carrier.    -^enge  fe  -tøn.    *-»)ratn  fe  -baab. 

5Ja'r|Ioben  a  stoutish,  stout.  -labcntieb  c 
stoutness.  -lemmet  a  stout,  large-limbed.  %st- 
lig  a  stoutish;  (raft)  hale,  hearty.  ?J«rIig^eb  c 
health,  vigour;  (om  SoBe  0.  I.)  size;  jeg  ^ar 
miftet  -en  i  mit  Benftre  5Ben  I  have  lost  the  power 
of  my  left  leg.    ^etliQitttåtabti  J,  scheme  of 

{^H'tlnutib  pram  the  perfect  (tense).  -omtalt 
n  before  mentioned. 

Jferfel  c  -fter  transport,  conveyance,  carriage. 
—  5«rfet8|et)ttC  carriage,  carrying  capaclty.  -foll 
carriers.  -f!lb  transport.  -Ub  season  for  trans- 

55«rft  adn;  (i  ?5ørftntngen)  at  first;  gaa  _ 
lead  the  way;  _  t>aa  SSinteren  at  the  commence- 
ment  of  winter;  _  i  røaj  early  in  May,  (meb 
Sonen  paa  „9JJai")  not  before  May;  ^an  fom  ~  fot 
en  ^alB  Xime  fiben  he  came  only  et.  but  half  au 
hour  ago;  nu  _  now  for  the  tirst  time,  now  at 
last;  _  nu  but  now;  ba  _,  -  ba  adv  not  till, 
then,  conj  only  when;  naar  -  (when)  once; 
nfttig  but  recently;  _  jeg  faa  I)om  when  I  first 
saw  him;  as  soon  as  I  saw  him;  be  ftntle  _  '^aBe 
SBrtjtlup  om  et  t)atBt  9tar  they  are  not  to  be 
married  for  six  months  yet;  fra  _  af  from  the; 
first,  at  first,  in  the  first  case  et.  instance^ 
originally,  from  the  beginning,  at  (el.  from)  the 
outset;  fra  _  til  fibft  from  first  to  last;  fe  SSroet, 
TOøHe.  |j«rft  ord  nutn  first;  -e  Wofebog  Genesis; 
fra  min  -e  SBarnbom  from  my  earliest  childhood; 
ben  -e  ben  bebfte  the  first  that  offers,  any  one; 
for  bet  -e  in  the  first  place,  first,  flrstly,  to  begin 
with,  for  one  thing;  ttfe  for  bet  -e  not  yet  awhile; 
bet  -e  jeg  fer  Iiam  the  first  time  I  sce  him;  meb 
bet  -e  as  soon  as  possible,  at  an  early  day, 
shortlv;  nt  af  bet  -e  fian  fagbe  one  of  the  first 
things"  he  said;  nt  af  bet  -e  be  gjorbe  one  of 
their  earliest  acts;  of  -e  Sort  first-rate;  F  tip-top; 
en  -e  tIaSfeS  <lBa§fager  a  flrst-class  (passenger); 
Beb  -e  S*ejtigt)eb  at  the  first  opportuniiy;  et  af  be 
-e  9lumre,  éapitter  an  early  number,  chapter;  en 
af  be  -e  ©age  at  an  early  day;  i  be  -e  ®age  of 
Sluguft  in  the  early  days  of  August;  -e,  onben, 
trebje  ®ang  (Beb  Stuftion;  going,  going,  gone;  -e 
Wb  (i  ©ejt)  first-reef;  en  ©tjerne  af  -e  ©tørrelfe  a 
star  of  the  first  magnitude.  —  garftelforeftiUing 
first  performance  (of  a  play).  -fabcttbe  c  primi- 
para.  -f«b(et  primogeniture;  bibl  birth-right. 
-f«bfel§ret  (right  of)  primogeniture.  -f«bt 
first-taorn;  bet  -e  (bibl  om  S^r)  firstlings.  -grebi 
first  fruits  pi.  -^nanbé  a  flrst-hand,  original 
t-farl  foreman,  head  servant  (on  a  farm),  -fa: 
mer  upper  house.  -lærer  head  teacher.  -mon' 
the  first  man;  ^  jeg  er  -  I  have  got  the  first 
turn.  -minlfter  premier,  prime  minister.  -rongiS 
a  first  class.  -fccne  first  el.  principal  theatre. 
-ftflrmonb  first  mate,  chief  officer,  -»ogt  ^  first 
watch.    -Bcrtlfolen  Jj  the  prime  vertical. 

{Jarftltommenbe  a  next,  ensuing;   ben  3bje  ~ 

on  the    3rd   prox(imo).     -ning;    i   -en   at  first. 

•nættnte  a  the  first  mentioned  et.  named,  (of  to) 

the  former,    -^jræfen  first  service. 

•{Jaftre  n  brood.    -tiben  the  brooding  season. 


@,  g  [®e]  n  -er  (SSogft.  &  m«/»)  G,  g  [jee];  abbr: 
gt.  =  gammel,  old;  g.  9«.  =  geografift  gUil;  ®r. 
=  ®rab,  degree. 

@oa  vi  gif,  goaet  et.  gaat  (t  imper  gaf!  (t 
2ttm.)  {,-0;  (fun  om  ®ang  [pao  gøbberne])  walk; 
(pogfere)  pass;  (ftræffe  fig)  run;  (om  Wafttne  0.  I.) 
move,  work;  bet  mao  —  fom  bet  Bil  happen  what 
may;  bet  gif  foolebeg  tit  it  was  on  this  wise;  bet 
gif  ftet  meb  bet  ^oretogenbe  that  enterprise  did 
not  succeed;  bet  gif  fom  jeg  tænfte  it  fell  out  as 
I  expected;   iootebeS  -r  bet  (i  SBerben)  that  is  the 

way  of  the  world;  ^Borlebeg  -r  bet  big  (tS8erben)? 
how  goes  the  world  with  you?  f  bet  -r  iffe  it's 
no  go;  bet  gif  iffe  it  didn't  answer;  bet  -r  not  it 
will  be  all  right;  Døren  git  the  door  was  opened, 
shut;  Srommen  git  the  drum  was  beat;  Siben  -r 
time  flies  (fast);  faa  Siben  til  at  _  while  away 
time;  ©tormtlolten  git  the  alarm  bell  was  rung; 
®am>3f{ibet  -r  ttoffen  1  the  steamer  sails  et. 
leaves  at  one  (o'clock);  benne  Wønt  -r  iffe  ficr  i 
SJanbet  this  coin  is  not  current  in  this  country; 
33.  -r  (S^eat.)  Exit  B.;   2t.  og  83.  gao  Exeunt  A. 




and  B.;  bettc  Stt)ffe  gif  tt)t)e  (Soiige  i  Sræl  this 
play  ran  for  twentj-  nights;  goreflillingen  gif 
ganfte  gobt  the  performance  went  offpretty  well; 
Uret  -r  ganfte  gobt  the  watch  kceps  time  well 
enouprh,  -r  noget  I)urtig  is  rather  fast;  ©øen  -r 
■^øjt  the  sea  runs  high;  a3rt)ftet  gil  ftærtt  paa  fiam 
his  chest  heavcd  violently;  _  lebig  be  idle;  labe 
_  (i  Jfort)  pass:  lab  _  4>  let  go!  Jig  lab  _!  here 
goes!  men  lab  bet  -  but  let  that  pass;  —  vt  - 
Pn  S8ej  go  one's  way,  come  away;  _  Sejl  weigh; 
fe  9®rinbe,  Støble;  —  vr  ~  fig  "en  Jur  take  a 
walk;  -  ftg  træt  tire  one's  self  with  walking;  — 
fmrt  -enbe:  Ijolbe  bet  -enbe  keep  the  pot  boiling, 
the  game  alive;  ^itn  ^atJbe  ©jjttlct  -enbe  she  had 
the  game  in  her  own  hånds;  her  -enbe  passant; 
—  (meb  prcrp  og  adv) :  t)t)ab  -r  ber  ob  (el.  af)  ^am? 
what's  the  matter  with  him?  what  has  come 
to  the  man;  ber  -r  en  Ijøj  Seje  af  benne  Øaarb 
this  honse  el.  farm  yields  a  high  rent;  _  af  (af= 
gaa)  retire,  (fraregne?)  be  deducted;  '-'('tu)  break, 
sn^,  part;  a3øéfen  gif  af  the  gun  went  olf;  ^fltfen 
-r  af  the  colour  comes  oiT,  rubs  olf;  alting  gif 
bel  af  every  thing  went  oft"  well;  bilfe  SSarer  _ 
ftærft  of  these  goods  sell,  go  off,  rapidly;  _  of 
ftn  SBej  go  out  of  one's  way;  SBejen  -r  af  til  t)en= 
ftre  the  road  branches  otf  to  the  left;  _  af  meb 
carry  oiF;  -  af  meb  ©ej ren  carry  the  day;  _  af 
9Kobe  go  out  of  fashion;  -r  af  ftg  felb  is  mere 
child's  play,  as  easy  as  kiss  hånd;  _  an  *  (tage 
fat)  tum  to;  bet  -r  an  it  will  do,  it  answers  well 
enough,  it  is  pretty  fair;  gaa  an!  (S)mp.)  go 
ahead;  bet  -r  albrig  an  that  will  never  do;  _  6ag= 
ooer  fiff  be  taken  aback;  _  b  o  r  t  go  away,  leave; 
gaf  bort  og  gør  bu  ligefaa  bihl  go,  and  do  thou  like- 
wise;  -  6ort  =  bø;  -efter  (t)ente)  go  for,  (rette  fig 
efter)  go  by,  (unberføge)  look  into;  ber  er  -et  S9ub 
efter  ^am  he  has  beeu  sent  for;  Jig  ^abe  noget  at 
_  efter  have  something  to  go  upon;  _  efter  enS 
SRoab  follow  one's  advice;  alt  er  -et  ^am  efter 
Pnfle  everything  has  succeeded  to  his  wishes; 
*  _  efter  en  ©ti  follow  a  path;  _  efter  Stjben 
follow  the  sound,  go  after  the  sound;  _  for  go 
before,  have  precedence  of,  (om  SJtønt)  be  worth, 
be  current  at,  (paa  Sluftion)  be  knocked  down 
at;  _  og  gælbe  for  pass  for;  ^an  -r  for  en  rig 
SRanb  he  is  looked  upon  as  a  wealthy  man;  _ 
for  en  go  -for  one,  go  in  another's  plaee;  fe 
TOogt,  fieje;  l^sab  -r  ^er  for  ftg?  what  isgoingon 
el.  forward  here?  naar  ffal  bet  _  for  fig  when 
is  it  to  come  off?  *'  bet  -r  for  fig,  fe:  bet  -r  on; 
_  foran  (præp)  go  before,  precede;  fig  be  para- 
mount  to;  (adv)  lead  the  way;  -forbi  go  el. 
pass  by;  labe  fiejlig^eben  _  forbi  let  the  oppor- 
tunity  slip;  _  forub  for  precede;  _fra  leave,  1. 
behind;  (fraregne!)  be  deducted;  _  fra  ^ceranbre 
(itu)  go  to  pieces;  _  fra  Sone  og  SSarn  desert  wife 
and  children;  _  fra  fin  3Jotle  be  out  of  character, 
of  one's  cue;  _  (fjelt)  fra  bet  break  down;  -r  fra 
groberet  is  otf  his  feed;  _  fra  et  Møb  recede  from 
a  bargain,  retract  a  bargain;  _  fra  fit  Drb  dis- 
avow,  deny  el.  go  back  from  one's  word;  l)an 
gif  fra  ®aarb  og  (Srunb  his  estate  went  to  the 
hammer;  _  fra  91rt)  og  ®ælb  renounce  inherit- 
ance  and  liabilities;  ban  -r  næppe  berfra  meb 
Sitjet  he  will  hardly  get  over  it,  survive  it;  _ 
fra  fig  felB,  fra  gorftanben  run  et.  go  mad;  -frem 
go  on,  get  on,  advance;  (bære  fig  ab)  go  about 
it,  work,  aet,  behave;  _  fremab  progress,  make 
progress;  _  fremfor  go  before;  -  ^en  (om  Siben) 
pass,  go  by,  elapse;  _  ubemærfet  ^en  pass  un- 
notieed;  -  uftraffet  l^en  go  unpunished;  ^Bor  -r 
bu  6en?  where  do  you  go  to?  whither  are  you 
bound?  _  iffe  f)en  og  blio  ftjg  don't  go  and  fall 
sick;  -  let  ^en  ooer  touch  lightly  upon;  _  ^jem 
(i  ftort)  come  home;  _  i  |)unbcne  go  to  the 
dogs;    ^un  -t  i  fit  18be  3lor  she  is  in  her  18th 

year;  ©pejlet  gtl  i  30  SJaler  the  glass  fetched  30 
dollars;  ®øren  er  -et  t  SSagtaaS  the  lock  (of  the 
door)  has  slipped  el.  caught;  ^eftene  _  i  Jgiars, 
^lot)  the  horses  are  used  to  the  harrow,  plough; 

-  i  5Drift  J^.  go  adrift;  -  i  ©org  be  in  mourning; 
_  i  femte  SEIaéfe  be  in  the  tifth  class;  _  i  Slofler 
take  the  veil;  turn  monk;  _  i  SJejret  go  up, 
rise;  ber  r  3  ^Potter  i  Sruften  the  jar  holds  three 
quarts;  ber  gif  Crm  i  it  became  worm-eaten; 
ber  gif  Solbbranb  i  mortification  set  in;  -  i  ftg 
felt)  think  better  of  it,  repent;  -  igen  (om 
Slanber)  reappear,  haunt  the  house;  -  igennem 
go  through,  get  through,  pass  through,  (libe) 
undergo,  (om  en  Sone  el.  1.)  pervade;  33e  I)ar  -et 
meget  igennem  you  have  had  great  trials;  ^an  -t 
bet  næppe  igennem  he  will  hardly  puU  through; 
fe  ®ennemgoa;  gorflaget,  Slnføgningen  gif  igennem 
the  motion  was  carried,  the  petition  was  granted; 
_  imellem  go  between,  interfere,  intervene;  - 
imob  go  against,  towards,  *(i  SKøbe)  go  to  meet; 
bet  -r  imob  SSinteren  winter  is  coming  on;  ©fæB= 
nen,  Sommen  gif  !^am  imob  things,  judgment, 
went  against  him;  _  inb  (træbe  inb)  go  in,  en  ter, 
(Beg^nbe)  set  in,  begin;  ©elftabet  gif  inb  the 
society  expired;  _  inb  af  IRaaen  lay  in  olf  the 
yard;  _  inb  paa  SRaaen  lay  in  upon  the  yard;  _ 
inb  i  go  into,  enter;  -  inb  paa  (en)  fall  el.  set 
upon,  (nt)  agree  to,  fall  into,  submit  to,  (en 
©pøg  0.  I.)  fall  into,  humour,  enter  into  the 
spirit  of,  (be^anble)  go  into;  jeg  -r  nøbig  inb  paa 
at  it  goes  hard  with  me  to;  ~  inb  i  en  ^obn  put 
Into  a  harbour;  ^an  er  n^lig  -et  inb  i  fit  18be  3lar 
he  has  entered  his  18th  year;  bette  gorfæt,  benne 
$lan  gif  inb  igen  that  project,  plan  was  aban- 
doned;  SBarerne  gif  inb  paa  9luttionen  the  goods 
were  withdrawn  at  the  auetion;  -  inb  meb  9ln» 
føgning  apply,  make  application;  _  inb  meb  ftlage 
prefer  a  complaint;  gat  inb  til  bin  ^errel  (Slæbe 
bihl  enter  thou  into  the  joy  of  thy  lord;  _  itu 
break;  -  meb  (en  ^erfon)  go  along  with,  join; 
(Slæber  ofb.)  wear;  maa  jeg  -  meb?  may  I  go 
with  you?  faa  længe  £i)ffen  gif  ^am  meb  while 
fortune  favoured  him;  iftan  -r  meb  ^iftoler  he 
Carries  pistols  about  him;  ^un  -r  meb  ftt  trebje 
Sam  she  is  pregnant  with  her  third  child;  _ 
meb  en  Særtng  i  Kroppen  have  a  disposition  to 
consumption;  ^t)orIebe§  -r  bet  meb  ^elbreben?  how 
is  your  health?  meb  ^roceéfen  how  do  you  get 
on  with  your  lawsuit?  faalebeS  -r  bet  meb  be 
flefte  that  is  the  way  with  most  people;  l^ele 
©ommeren  -r  meb  it  takes  all  summer;  bet  -r  meb 
(paa  Søbet)  that's  thrown  in;  ber  r  meget  meb 
much  is  consumed;  -  neb  (om  ©olen)  go  down, 
set;  (om  Ur)  run  (itself)  out;  SKinben  er  -et  om  til 
giorben  the  wlnd  has  gone  about,  shifted, 
changed,  to  the  north;  inben  3laret  -r  om  before 
the  close  of  the  year;  -  ftabig  om  en  be  conti- 
nually  about  one;  _  om  igen  go  back  again,  be 
reversed;  _  om(fring)  go  about;  go  round;  jeg  -r 
om  meb  en  51Slon  I  have  a  scheme  in  my  head; 
-Op  (om  SSinbuer,  Jjøre)  open,  fly  open,  •  (om 
J?l)  break  (up);  (om  (Slb,  ®ø)  open;  (©ol,  Sæppe, 
^ri?)  rise;  (om  Snube)  come  untied,  (om  ^anbfle) 
come  unbuttoned;  S)øren  gif  op  og  i  the  door 
opened  and  shut;  bet  er  -et  op  i  ©ømmen  the 
seam  has  given  way,  has  become  unsewn;  bort 
iiele  gorraab  er  -et  op  our  whole  stock  is  con- 
sumed; -  op  ab  ascend;  7  -r  op  i  49  7  measures 
49;  _  op  i  (fmelte  fammen  meb)  be  merged  in, 
(blibe  optaget  af)  be  swallowed  up  by;  _  op  i 
SRøg  end  in  smoke;  -  op  imob  counter-balance, 
be  set  off  against;  -  op  til  (Sféamm)  go  in  for, 
up  for;  bet  gif  op  for  mig  it  dawned  upon  me,  I 
became  conscious  (of  el.  that),  began  to  realize; 

-  lige  op  balance;  fig  bet  -r  lige  op  (*op  i  op)  it  is 
an  even  balance;   _  ober  cross;   (obergaa,   ober« 




fEribe)  exceed,  surpass;  (i  ©tljffet)  snap,  break; 
(©merte)  cease,  go  oflf;  (SSrebe)  vanish,  pass  away; 
(Uoejr)  cease,  subside;  ftil  gjeiiben)  go  over  (to 
the  eneiny);  (til  en  Wcuiiiq)  come  round  (to  an 
opiuion);  (f.  (£!8.  til  et  Dcbfprog)  pass  into  (a 
proverb);  (til  en  Keligion)  embrace,  adopt  (a 
religion);  (til  noget  anbct)  turn,  go  on,  proceed 
(to);  :^on  lob  tjenerne  -  otiet  alt  he  eutrusted 
every  thing  to  his  servants;  bet  er  -et  ooer  i  »ort 
©prog  it  has  passed  into  our  language;  biSfe 
S3ett)bninger  _  obet  i  ^inanben  these  meanings  run 
into  each  other,  iatermerge;  je  >J3reb  c,  Doergaa; 

-  poa  (fremab)  go  ahcad,  go  on,  make  play,  (om 
en  |)a!ibffe  o.  be?l )  go  on;  i)an  lob  fig  iffe  _  paa 
he  stood  his  ground  like  a  man,  was  equal  to 
the  oceasion,  a  match  for  .  .  .;  ~  paa  39al  go  to 
balls;  fe  @rce§,  3;agt;  _  paa  SBærtg^ufe  frequent 
public  houses:  _  løg  oao  go  for;  bet  -r  paa  Sioet 
Ijøg  it  is  a  matter  of  life  and  death;  Ijan  -r  lige 
lø§  paa  Sagen  he  does  not  beat  about  the  bush; 

-  paa  (et  oift  Drb)  refer  to;  bet  -r  paa  fiang  $ung 
his  purse  sufters  for  it;  bet  -r  paa  f)an^  fliegning 
it  is  placed  to  his  account;  TOunben  -r  paa  ^am 
he  rattles  away;  bette  er  £)aarbt  at  _  paa  this  is 
hard  lines;  bet  -r  for  tibt  paa  it  happens  too  fre- 
quently;  ber  -r  20  ©Rining  paa  et  *J3unb  20  shill- 
ings make  a  pound,  go  to  a  pound;  SSifen  -r 
paa  SDJelobien  ...  is  suug  to  the  tune  of  .  .  .; 
tabe  et  Sompftib  _  paa  ftøBen^otin  run  a  steamer 
to  Copenhagen;  -til  fet  Oift  9lar)  come  down 
to;  SBanbet  gi!  f)om  til  |)alfen  the  water  reached 
up  to  his  neck;  ber  -r  mange  $enge  til  it  takes 
a  good  deal  of  money;  Iioor  meget  %sii  -r  ber  til 
Sjolen?  how  much  cloth  is  required  for  the 
coat?  ^uorban  -r  bet  til?  how  is  itdone?  faalebeS 
git  bet  til  at  thus  it  happened  el.  came  to  pass 
that;  faalebeS  -r  bet  til  t  SBerben  that's  the  way 
of  the  world;  bet  git  muntert  til  it  was  s.  ^olly 
atfair;  bet  gtf  unberligt  til  meb  ben  ©ag  it  was  a 
queer  business;  t  -  til  (forftærte  fin  ®ang)  quicken 
one's  pace;  Sloffen  -r  til  12  it  is  past  eleven 
(o'clock),  it  is  getting  on  for  twelve;  _  til  Zea- 
tret  become  an  actress;  _  til  SiiPart  of  4>  weather; 

-  tilbage  (om  §anbel  etc.)  go  back,  be  broken 
ofF,  go  oflf,  (om  SSanbet)  recede;  bet  er  -et  tilbage 
meb  l)am  his  afltairs  are  in  a  reduced  state,  he 
has  goue  down  in  the  world;  ^Plantente  git  ub 
the  piants  died;  3lben,  2l)fet  git  ub  the  fire, 
candle  went  out;  _  ub  og  inb  run  in  and  out,  (i 
et  ^u§)  have  the  run  of  a  house;  ~  ub  af  go 
out  of,  leave;  jeg  -r  ub  fra  my  starting-point  is, 
I  start  by  understanding,  I  take  it  for  granted 
(at  the  outset;;  I  write  upon  the  footing  that; 
^an3  Dnbftab  git  ub  otier  j^am  felo  his  malice 
recoiled  on  himself;  bet  tiil  _  ub  otier  ^am  he 
will  have  to  suflfer,  he  will  be  the  sutTerer,  the 
person  to  sutfer;  labe  bet  _  ub  otier  en  fall  upon 
one;  labe  fit  Siaferi  _  ub  otier  vent  el.  visit  one's 
rage  upon;  _  ub  pan  tend  to,  terminale  in;  _ 
ub  paa  en  9Jaa  lay  out  upon  a  yard;  ^onS  ©træben 
-r  ub  paa  his  object,  aim  is;  ©oaret  git  ub  paa  at 
the  answer  was  to  the  eflfect  that,  .  .  .  paa  at 
beoife  Avas  directed  to  the  purpose  of  showing; 
jeg  faa,  Ijoab  alt  bette  gi!  ub  paa  I  perceived  the 
drift  of  all  this;  SSinbuet  -r  ub  til  Jpatien,  (Saben 
the  window  looks  into  the  garden,  street;  ®øren 
-r  ub  til  ©aleriet  the  door  opens  into  el.  on  the 
gallery;  -ube  be  out;  iCijen  git  unberthetown 
was  destroyed;  ©tibet  git  unber  the  ship  went 
down,  the  ship  foundered;  Ijan  -r  unber  'kam  af 
he  is  known  el.  goes  by  the  name  of;  labe  ~ 
tiibere  pass  on. 

@aatie  c  -r  riddle,  enigma;  gætte  el.  løfe  en  _ 
guess,  solve,  find  out,  a  riddle;  bet  er  mig  en 
etiig  _  it  is  a  wonder  of  wonders  to  me,  it  is  a 
perpetual   mystery    to   me.      -Jog    riddle-book. 





■fulb  a  (mørt)  enigmatical;  (ufortlarlig)  mysieri- 
ous;  (oanftelig  at  finbe  ub  af)  puzzling.  -fulblieti 
c  mysteriousness.  -løbning  .'<olution  ofa  riddle. 
-orb  explanation  of  a  riddle.  -rim  enigma  in 
rhyme.  -ftrift,  -ftirog,  -f»ar,  -tale  enigmatical 
writing,  language,  answer,  speech. 

&aav  fe  3  ®aor. 

&att'tb  c  -e  (SRummet)  yard,  court,  court-ya 
(^uS);  (gorpagter-)  farm,  farmstead;  (Séf 
ejer-)  freehold,  (ftørre)  estate;  (om  ©ol  el.  Waam) 
halo;  rejfe  af  -c  decamp;  tjene  fammen  i  -e  be 
fellow-servants;  gammel  i  -e  an  old  resident; 
SBærelfe  til  -en  back-room.  t-oal  river-eel,  An- 
ffuilla  vulgaris.  f-beboer  occupant  of  an  entire 
farm.  -bruger  farmer.  +-brl)bcr  fence-breaker. 
•bunbeu  a  fe  StaonSbunben.  -bar  yard-door.  -ejer 
(i  S3i)en,  paa  2anbet)  owner  of  a  house,  farm. 
-fol!  farmer  and  his  wife.  -frcb  fe  |»uéfreb. 
•fugt  domestic  fowl.  t-fælb  fe  Sælb.  -fæfter 
lessee  of  a  farm.  -fæftning  leasetaking.  -^o 
barn-yard  el.  farm-yard  cock.  -^unb  hou-se-d^ 
watch-dog.    -^«ne  barn-door  fowl. 

@aa'rbtng  fe  ®orbing. 

(Sao'rb Tjente  girl  who  is  (el.  is  to  be)  owner 
of  an  estate,  an  heiress.  -tone  farmer's  wife  el. 
widow.  -lab  purchase,  farm.  -ntanb 
(©eltiejer)  freeholder,  t  (gæflebonbe)  farmer,  te- 
nant.  -manb§cttte,  -mnubgfoue  fe  -tone.  -niSfe 
fe  giigfe.  -fatg  (i  SQen,  poa  Sanbet)  sale  " 
house,  farm. 

@aa'rbS|brug  husbandry.    *-brenfl  head     

vant  (on  a  farm);  fe  -tarl.  t-fang  ground  be- 
longing  to  a  farm.  -folf  farm  servants.  '■'-gut 
farm-boy.  -jorb  land  belonging  to  a  farm. 
-tort  man-servant,  ontdoor-servant,  (i  en  ®æft' 
gitiergaarb)  hostler.  (JJaarbftel  boundary  of  a 
farm.  ©oarbflagter  country  butcher.  @aarb8|  = 
lob,  -^jort  farm  lot.  -vlabå  court  yard.  -reb= 
ffaber  farming-implements.  -rum  fe  -plabå. 
@aarb|tiinbue  back  window.  -bærclfe  back 

©aa'rSlaftcnen  yesterday  night.   -blab  fe  num» 
mer.     -bagen    yesterday.      -bato :    af    _    dat 
yesterday.    -nummer   impression   of  yesterd 
-(»oftcn  yesteiday's  post  el.  mail. 

Qiaaé  c  ®æ§'  goose,  4,  wad;  fio  gopse,  simpli 
ton,  ninny;  bet  er  foM  at  flaa  SBanb  paa  -en  it's 
like  pouring  water  on  a  duck's  back.  —  @(aafe|- 
agtig  «  silly.  -at»t  breeding  ofgeese.  -btomme, 
-btomft  whitlow  grass,  braba;  *  thrift,  Ariueria 
maritima.  -brtjft  breast  of  a  goose  (smoked). 
-btlb  mayweed,  Anthemis  cotida.  -breng  fe 
-tiogter.  -bnn  goose- down.  -fcbt  goose  fat. 
-fjeber  goose-feather,  (ftor,  til  %m)  goose-quill. 
-flo!  flock  of  geese.  -fob  ($lonte)  goosefoot, 
Chenoiiodium,  ftintenbe  _  notch-weed,  C.  vulvjiria; 
(ijob  of  en  ®.)  foot  of  a  goose.  -forftanb  brains 
of  a  g.  -f^tb  goose-feathers.  -gang  single  file, 
Indian  file,  goose-step,  follow-my-leader;  goo  _ 
walk  in  single  file,  walk  in  a  line,  one  after 
the  other.  -^age(  goose  shot.  -Ijotå  gooseneck. 
-tjalg^atle  gooseneck  hoe.  -i^anbler  dealer  in 
geese.  -^ub  vied  goose-skin,  goose-flesh.  -iftev 
inside  fat  of  a  goose.  -tamiUc  le  -bilb.  -fone 
fe  -bonbler.  -traafcr  (goose)  giblets.  -lab  goose 
(-flesh);  fe  -^ub.  -laar  thigh  of  a  g.  (smoked). 
-tcocr  g. -liver.  -Icber^oftej  g. -liver  pie,  Stras- 
burg  pie.  -mab  food  for  geese;  t  wall-eress, 
Arabis.  -raartcb  g. -fair.  -mari^  fe  -gong.  -Ven 
goose-quill.  -<»igc  fe  -tiogter.  -))Iutn{ng  plucking 
ofgeese.  -potentU  silverweed,  FotentiUa  anserina. 
-polfe  sausage  (stuffed  in  the  swallow  of  a  g.). 
-ftrtg  noise  of  geese.  -i-fnaf  silly  talk,  twaddle. 
-ftcg  roast  g.  "'-flegg  gander.  -ftl  pen  for  geese. 
-t  a  silly.  -ugle  eagle  owl,  Strix  bubo.  ''-unge 
(ogfao  afJa!Ie)  gosling.   t-urt  fe  -bilb;  daisy,  Bellis 






perenni'i;  oxe-eve,  Uhryxaiithe'nuvi  lencuntkemum. 
-otn  Adam's  sle,  water.    •uinge  (ogfaa  J,)  goose 
wing.    -Dogtcr  tender  of  geese,  gosherd.    -ejne 
,::rBrfcIitcgn)  inverted  commas,  signs  of  quota- 
II.     -evn  sea-eagle,  Åquiln  albicilla. 
i*!ab  n,  pi  =,    (^JJhtnb)   moiith,    throat   (of  an 
imal);  (9la6iiing)  gap,  opening,    chasm;  3!øren 
ar  pao  Btb  -  (el.  ®aDl)  the  door  is  wide  open; 
ubc  i  -et  in  the  ofling. 
'*!abbro  c  gabbro. 

ii5al)C  vi  gape;  (af  SøBittg^.)  yawn;  _  pao  gape, 

ue    at;    —   part   -nbe    ^  ringen t;    -nbe  ©aar, 

■  itlg    yawniug   wouud,    gnlf;    mcb    -nbe  9Kunb 

.ape.    -flov  5«  58rønbfar|e.    +-lt)ftett  o  gaping. 

-u   c  gaping  etc.      -næb   opeu-bill,    Anantomuo. 

+-r  c  -e  gaper.    '^tol  pillory;  ftaa  i  -fen  stand  in 

el.  on  the  p.;    icctte  i  -fen  pillory.    *-ftrcger  pi 

mischievoiis  pranks.    -ftige  inclination  to  yawn. 

Q)a'b{ftab  chatterVjox,    -flabet  a  chatty,   tatt- 

ling.    -munb  (ben,    fom  altib  f)ar  ilRunbcn  aabeu) 

iiaper;  iig  blab,  tattler.    -munbet  o  babbling. 

©abbor  o.  fl.  fe  ®at. 

@abc  c  -r  Street;  ifaa.  -n  in  the  street;  gaa  om- 
frtng  i  -rne  walk  about  the  streets;  fig  goa  om  i 
en  anben  -  veer  about,  make  a  change;  ©tue, 
SSærelfe  til  -n  frontparlour,  front-room,  +  street- 
ward  .silting-room.  -belQ^ntng  lighting  of  the 
street.s.  -betjent  street-ward.  -breng  street-boy, 
(street)  ^\jdb,  blackguard  boy.  avir  guttersnipe. 
-brengeftrcg  blackguard  boy  s  trick.  -b«r  s. 
-door.  -bar§n«glc  key  of  the  street.  -fejer 
street-sweeper,  seavenger.  -fejning  sweepiug 
of  the  streets.  -fejnlngSmaffine  din-scraper. 
•^guv  street  character,  -færbfcl  street-traftic. 
•-gnt  fe  -breng.  -fjerne  corner  of  a  s.  -^orc  s. 
-walker.  -junfer  ie  -ftruger.  -fantV  street  fight. 
t-I«r  pool  of  water  (in  a  village).  -lebning 
street  main.  -l^gtc  s.  lamp.  -løben  gadding 
about  the  streets.  -mufit  s.  mnsic.  -møbe 
appointment  to  meet  in  the  street.  -net  plexus 
of  streets.  -o^leb,  -o^Jtøjer  street  riot.  -ifovt 
gate  to  the  s.  -Jjoft  s  -pump.  -proebtfant  street 
-preachor,  p  tub-thuraper.  -raabcn  s.  cry.  -rcnbc 
gutter,  kennel,  -rcnoootion  fe  -f!arn.  -rljgte 
flyiug  report,  -fang  s.  minstrelsy.  -fanger, 
-fangerinbc,  -fangerffc  s.-singer.  -ffarn  sweep- 
iugs  of  the  streets.  -fnof  idle  talk.  -fnauS  fe 
-ffarn.  -fpejl  ie  9{ef(eftionS=.  -fprog  s.  slang,  s. 
parlauce.  -ftCK  paving  stone.  -ftrflger  s.  lounger, 
gentleman  of  the  pavemenl.  -fjæn!  of 
mud.  t-ftæune  fe  23Qftæ»ne.  -fælger,  -fælgerffe 
costermonger,  coster,  street-seller.  -tigger  s. 
beggar.  -tra))))e  steps  of  a  door,  amr  stoop, 
-tøjte  s.  walker,  lady  of  the  street,  girl  of  the 
pavement.  -tøé  s.  wench.  -tiinbue  front  window. 
-t»ife  s.  ballad,  -»ogn  (t)Dorpaa  ©abeffam  bort« 
forel)  scavenger's  cart.  -ttcegter  watchman. 
@abftaal  »j  gad-steel. 

@offcl  c  -flet  fork;  ^  (til  ©ejl)  gaflf,  (eUerS) 
crutch.  -angreb  (Sfaf)  fork.  -baanb  vi,  mast 
-hoop.  -borg  J^  trysail  sling,  -buf  prongbuck, 
Anti/oc'ipra  furci/era.  -bannct  n  forked,  fur- 
<;ated.  -bele  fig  vr  bifurcatc.  -beting  bifurcation. 
-Pl  tongue.  -fof  fore-trysail.  -formet,  -formlg 
a  fe  -bonnet.  -frotoft  meat-l)  -giototi 
J,  peak-brail.  -gjorb  J,  hauk.  -gren  prong  (of 
afork).  -gærbcr  vi,  vang.  -^jort  pricket,  brockel. 
•laol  Jack- by- the-hedge,  ÅUinria  oificinalw. 
-foré  her  pali.  -fratic  »f,  tumbler,  -lig  ^  head; 
head-rope.  -maal  instrument  used  in  measuring 
the  diameter  of  trees  -mab  solids.  -nof  J,  galt" 
-end.  -ftctiter  J>  crutch.  -fejl  gafif-sail;  trysail. 
■fejlSfalb  trysail  halyard  (o.  fl.).  -ffaft  handle 
of  a  fork.  -fnube  glittering  goliath  beelle, 
Dicronorrhina.  -fttUing  (Staf) :  i  -  forked.  -ftor^ 
fejlmain-trysail.   -ftorfejlS' main-trysail.  -tofifejl 

gatf-topsail.  -to))fejlS=falb  gaft-topsail  halyard 
(0.  fl.). 

@aga't  c  jet. 

@afle  D(  F  -  i  fig  fork  up. 

@age  c  r  salary,  pay,  wages,  stipend.  -'re  vt 
pay.  -regulatib  pay-table.  -'ret  a  (n^benbe 
aarlig  2on)  .salaried. 

*@alcr  c  J>  guy. 

t@al'!  imper  af  ®oa. 

®ol  n  crow. 

@al  a  (forrijft;  rafenbe)  mad;  rabid,  frantic; 
(fejl)  wrong,  improper;  en  _  ilKanb  a  lunatic;  en 
_  ^unb  a  mad  el.  rabid  dog;  \aa.  -t  ^ar  man  fet 
før  such  things  have  been;  blitje  -  go  mad, 
(breb)  fly  into  a  passion;  intet  ec  faa  -t,  at  bet  jo 
er  gobt  for  noget  it  is  an  ill  wind  that  blows 
nobody  good;  bet  er  alt  for  -t  Ihis  is  too  bad; 
bet  fer  -t  ub  things  have  a  bad  look;  bet  er  -e 
2;iber  the  times  are  out  of  joint;  naar  -t  ffal 
Bære  you  may  as  well  be  hung  for  a  sheep  as 
a  lamb;  tjcere  _  efter  be  foolishly  fond  of,  be 
mad  after  el.  about;  ^oab  -t  er  ber  i  bet?  where 
is  the  harm;  t  -  •  Jpotjebet  angry,  amr  mad;  bet 
er  til  at  blibe  _  ooer  it's  enough  to  drive  one 
mad;  it  is  quite  maddening,  that  way  madness 
li  es;  -  x>(io.  en  angry  with  one;  bet  er  bet  -e  beb 
bet  that  is  the  devil  e(.  trouble  of  it.  —  galt 
adv  wrong;  tomme  -t  af  ©teb  get  into  a  scrape; 
om  al  Sing  git  -t  even  if  the  worst  came  to  the 
worst:  ftlotten  gaar  -t  the  clock  is  wrong. 

Q)ala'n  c  -er  paramour,  gallant'. 

@alan'gc  c  galangal,  galanga. 

@alant'  a  polite,  complimentary,  (fun  mob 
Samer)  gallant'.  -eri'  n  politeness,  gall'autry. 
—  (iJalanterijljanbel  fancy-shop.  -ftanbler  fancy 
•stationer,  dealer  in  fancy  articles.  -faarbe  dress 
sword.    -tiårer  fancy  articles,  trinkets. 

@alantt  ne  c  galantine. 

©alat'ler  pL  Galatians.    -ien  n  Galatia. 

Q)albanum  n  galbanum. 

*(S)albc  fe  ®alber  1. 

@albc  c  gall,  bile;  fig  ~  og  røalurt  gall  and 
wormwood,  wormwood  and  bitter  aloes;  bringe 
ens  -  til  at  løbe  ooer  stir  one's  bile;  ubøfe  fin  - 
vent  one's  spleen,  -agttg  a  resembling  bile. 
-beff,  -bitter  «  bitter  as  gall.  -blanbet  «  mixed 
with  gall.  -blcere  gall-bladder.  -bær  bryouy. 
-brtl  bitter  draught.  -feber  bilious  fever.  -fcbt 
cholesterine.  -ftftel  cystlc  fistula.  -fri  a  free 
from  bile.  -fnlb  a  aboundiug  with  bile.  -gang 
biliary  duet.  -grøn  «  green  as  gall.  -folit 
bilious  colic. 

@alber  c  (hanplanten  af  ^amb)  fimble. 

@alber  c  (irolbbom  ofb.)  witchraft,  sorcery. 

@alb|efinag  bilious  taste,  -fot  fe  -fijgbom. 
-f|>rccjtgt  a  tainted  by  breaking  of  the  gall 
-bladder.  -ften  gallstone.  -f^g  a  bilious.  -fi)B= 
bom,  -ftige  bilious  complaint.  -fljre  choleic  acld. 
-tarm  duodenum. 

t@albrc  vt  (^amp)  puU  (flmble-hemp). 

(JJalbrc  vi  (bruge  3:rolbbom)  practise  sorcery. 
-roefter  wizard,  sorcerer. 

@ole  (ogf.  gol)  vi  crow. 

©olea'S,  ©alea'fc  c  -r  (for)  gal'eas;  (nu) 
hermaphrodite  schooner. 

@alc|l)of))ital,  -liuå  lunatics'  asylum. 

@alej'  c  -er  (ogfaa  tvp)  galley;  ^»ab  oilbe  f)an 
paa  ben  _?  why  would  he  meddle  with  that 
affair?  what  business  had  he  there?  gaa  jjao  -en 
P  lead  a  wild  life.  -bænf  bench  of  a  galley. 
■flaabe  fleet  of  galleys  -otin  galley -furnace. 
•flaoe  galley  slave,    -flabcfængfel  bagnio. 

(^alen  c  crowing. 

OJalen  «  fe  ®al.  -ffab  fe  (Salftob.  ©alerøjé  F 

(Maleri'  n   -er   (ogfao  min  og  vi,)  gallery;    -et 




thea  the  gallery,  joc  the  (theatrlcal)  gods. 
-»inbuc  ^  g.  light. 

©aict'tc  c  hood,  hat-body. 

©aifranbS  c  madcap. 

@a(ge  c  -r  gallows,  gibbet;  Bringe  en  til  -n 
liang  one.  -bflffc  place  of  execution,  gallows. 
•formet,  -formfg  a  having  the  form  of  a  gallows. 
—  ©olgcnlfjæå  hangdog  look.  -frift  a  short 
respite.  -fufll,  -tontitbrtt,  -Incbcl  gallows-bird, 
hangdog,  Newgate-bird.  -tfutnor  grim  humour. 
@algc))re§fc  lithographic  lever-press.  @a(ge> 
ft*tter  Jy  gallows-bltts. 

@o'I{)Dt)cbct  a  crack-brained. 

©nltmepS  je  ®oIIeI)Bep8. 

@aUc'ia  n  Galicia. 

@alttæ'|a  n  Galilee.    -er  c,  -ifl  «  Gallle'an. 

(^alimati'aé  n  gibberish,  galima'tias. 

@aitj;'i{en  n  Galicia.    -er  c,  -ff  a  Galician. 

®aVia  c  State,  -bag  court-day.  -bragt  oourt 
dress;  fuU  dress,  evening  dress.  -foreftiUing 
galarepresentation  (o.  fl.).  -faarbe  dresssword. 
-Mniform  dress  uniform,    -tiogn   state-carriage. 

@al(e  c,  vet  wind-gall. 

®aVit  c  gall  (-nut).  -^tie<)§  gall-fly,  Cynips. 
-mijg  gall-gnat,  Cecidomyici . 

©atter,  -ijam^  fe  (Salber  I. 

©aUer'te  c  jelly. 

@all|ien  n  Gaul.  -ictS'mc  c  gall'icism.  •(l)er 
c,  -erin'be  c  -r  Gaul.    -i'toitff  «  Gall'ican. 

©attio  n  c  -er  ^  head  of  a  ship.  —  @attto'n§|< 
Borb,  -fircebcr  %>l  head-boards  (o.  fl.).  -figur  J/ 
figure  head,  flgure.  -!r«I  scrole(-head).  -))utn))e 
head -pump.  -ribBer,  -rælfer,  -ræling  head 

©attiot'  c  -er  (6!i6)  gall'iot. 

@att|iff  a  Gaulish,  Gallic.  -oma'tt  c  -er  &  a 
Galloma'niac;  ^on  er  _  he  has  been  bitten  by  a 
mad  Frenchman,  he  has  France  on  the  brain. 
•omani'  c  Galloma'nia. 

©atton  c  (Waal)  gallon. 

(Dflttuåf^rc  c  gallic  acid. 

@a'lmanbé|fnal,  -tale  galimatias,  nonsense. 
-tiærl  aet  of  a  madman. 

©altnej'  c  calamine.    -ftcn  calamine  stone. 

©almt)g  fe  ©aEent^g. 

©alnebrer  deadly  nightshade,  Atr<ypa  Bella- 
donna,    ©a'lntng  c  -er  madman,  madcap. 

©alodj'ler f)^  galoshes,  -c're  vttoe 
-cap,  fox. 

©alo'n  c  -er  (gold  el.  silver)  lace.  -e'rct  a 
(gold  el.  silver)  laced. 

©olo^j'  c  &  n  canter;  (fulb,  ffroft;  ogfaa  ®ang) 
gall'op;  fort  el.  famlet  _  canter;  i  _  at  el.  in  a 
canter;  i  fulb  _  at  full  gallop;  ribe  i  fort  - 
canter;  fatte  _  fall  into  a  canter;  fætte  i  ~  put 
on  the  gallop.  -(»a'be  c  -r  gall'opade,  gallop. 
'pt'vt  vi  gal'lop;  -nbe  Sbinbfot  the  rapid  decline, 
galloping  consumption,  acute  phthisis. 

t@al})C  vi  vociferate,  bawl. 

©a'lffafi  c  (SSanOib)  madness,  frenzy;  (gat  Streg) 
mad  prank. 

@olt  c  e,  *'@alte  -r  hog,  barrow,  ♦ogfaa 
boar.  ©altejgriS  gelt  pig;  »male  pig.  -fna^) 
dropwort,  Spircea  Jilipendula.  *-tanb  wound- 
wort,  all-heal,  Stachys. 

@alt)a|nife're  vt  gal'vanize.  -nife'ring  c  gal- 
vaniza'tion.  -'nifl  a  galvan'ic.  -ntS'ntc  c  gal'- 
vanism.  -notauftif  c  galvanic  etching.  -no= 
nie'tcr  n  galvanom'eter.  •noplaitit'  c  galvano- 
plas'ties.  -noVlaft'tfer  c  electrometallurgist. 
-noplaft'iff  a  galvanoplastic. 

©al'æble  n  -r.  fe  ©atte. 

©omaff'cr  pi  gaiters.  ©amaffefielt  carpet 
soldier,  martinet. 

©antbe  c  -r  bass-viol,  (i  Orgel)  gamba  f-stop). 

©ambit  c  -er  (©faf)  gambit. 

©amling  c  -er  P  old  man,  old  fellow;  -en  | 
the  governor. 

'"©amme  c  -r  (Laplander's)  turf-hut. 

©ammcf  a  old;  (fra  -le  ^iber,  oelbgamméi] 
ancient;  (bebaget)  aged;  (fra  Clbtiben,  gammel- 
bag§)  antique;  (fom  {)ar  feeftaaet  længe)  long  es- 
tablished,  of  long  standing;  -t  iBrøb  stale  bread; 
-  2;o6at§røg  stale  tobacco  smoke;  -t  iSit),  etc. 
broken  lead  etc;  40  2lar  _  forty  years  of  age, 
aged  forty;  for  -  too  old,  superannuated;  i  bet 
-le  3Hom  in  ancient  Rome;  fra  -  Xib  of  old;  be 
-le  (fom  t)at)e  leuet  i  55ortiben)  the  ancients;  ben 
-le  Wanb  the  old  man;  ben  -le  af  Sage  the 
ancient  of  days;  aHe  be  -le  og  fattige  all  the  old 
and  poor;  fom  be  -le  fjunge,  faa  fbibre  be  unge  as 
the  old  cock  crows,  so  cackles  el.  crows  the 
young ;  ben  -le  ^iftorie  ancient  history ,  (ben 
famme)  the  old  story;  oeb  bet  -le  as  usual;  tian 
bleb  ben  -le  he  remained  jnst  the  man  he  was; 
paa  fine  -le  Dage  in  his  old  age;  t  -le  2nge  in 
olden  time,  of  old,  in  old  times;  f  fnatfe  -t 
talk  over  matters,  have  a  friendly  talk;  for  -t§ 
©fljlb  for  the  sake  of  old  times,  aukl  langsyne; 
t  en  _  a  ducking;  a  drubbing.  -agtig  a  elderly, 
oldish.  t-alber  old  age.  -bagå  a  old-fashioned, 
antiquated,  old-world;  adv  in  an  old  fashioned 
manner,  style.  -banff,  -cngelfl  ofb.  old  Danish, 
old  English  etc.  -(Snglanb  old  England,  -grif 
F  old  Nick.  -fflbcr  prov  fe  33ebfte^.  •tatoliter 
Old  Catholics.  -fcnbt  a  old  familiar.  -tlog  a 
precoeious,  old-fashioned.  -manb^^  of  old  age, 
senile,  -raanbéfan  old  man's  only  son.  -mober 
prov  fe  SSebfte.  -mobtg  "  old-fashioned.  -oft 
old-milk  cheese.  -ftranb  (S6^.)  Billiiigsgate. 
•teftamentlig  a  old  testament,  of  the  o.  t.  -bin 
French  wine.    -al  old  beer. 

©ammen  c  mirth,  merriment;  Tebf  i  f^rljb 
_  have  a  merry  life  of  it.  ©ammendjorb  mer 
playful  word.    -tale  merry  talk. 

*@am^  c  -er  F  jade,  nag. 

t©am8  n  snap  (of  a  dogj.    ©amfe  vt  sna 
snatch . 

"'©an  c  (Laplander's)  sorcery. 

*©0U  c  og  ra  offals  (of  flsh).    -e  vt  gut,  gip. 

©ane  c  -r  palate,  roof  of  the  mouth.  -ben 
palate  bone.  -bogftao  palatal  (letter),  -bue, 
-Ijbælbing  arch  of  the  palate.  -tirtel  fe  Wonbel. 
-Hjb  palatal  sound.,  ,-fejlct  the  soft  palate. 
'■^paiie  cleft-palate;  ftan  ^ar  _  he  has  no  roof  to 
his  mouth. 

©ang  c  -e  (®erningen)  walk;  (9JJaabe  at  gaa 
ipaa)  gait;  (i  Ur)  escapemenf;  (SibenS,  2;ingen8 
@.)  course;  (SronometprS)  rate;  (©lagets,  @Qgbom= 
men§)  process;  (i  Stoo  eller  ^abe)  alley;  walk; 
(i  $u§)  corridor,  passage,  (ftarre)  hall;  (*151ante>) 
J,  strake;  (4)Cfteffo)  round;  (i  SBjærgeært)  vein, 
lode,  stratum;  (i  ftirte)  aisle;  (i  SSætierftol)  portee; 
(f.  (5f§.  ©trittepinbe)  set;  (f.  (S!§.  jCl)  round;  (@en-- 
tagelfe)  time;  -e  616/  goings;  i  _  in  motion,  in 
operation;  fætte  i  -  set  a  going,  set  on  foot, 
put  in  train,  (©mp.)  start;  fæt  9Jiaftinen  i  _!  set 
on !  ^olbe  nt  i  -  keep  st  going;  ©fibet  er  t  ~  the 
ship  is  under  way,  under  steam;  §eflen  bar  en 
gob  -  the  horse  has  a  good  pace;  paaffQnbte  fin 
_  quickened  his  pace;  jeg  fenber  ^am  poa  -en  I 
kuow  him  by  his  step;  goa  i  _  meb  set  to  work 
to,  set  about  -ing;  er  gobt  i  _  meb  at  is  iu  a 
fair  way  to;  i  fulb  _  in  full  activity;  fomme 
rigtig  i  -  get  into  working  order;  babe  fin  _  i  et 
|»u8  have  the  run  of  a  house;  9{etten  ftat  baoe 
fin  -  the  law  shall  take  its  course;  ©ageu  ^ar 
faaet  en  anben  ~  the  business  has  taken  another 
tum;  Siben  git  fin  -  time  rolled  on;  labe  bet  gaa 
fin  _  let  the  matter  take  its  course,  let  things 
take  their  own  course;  gao  en  en  fjøi  _  rival 
one  (closely),    run   one  hard,   run   one  a  close 

b  00 





race;  gaa  al  ^øbet§  -  go  the  way  off  all  flesh; 
SBegiDeuIjcficrneS  _  the  march  of  eveuts;  faa  er 
JBerbeiiå  _  that  is  the  way  of  the  world;  faa  er 
étigciiÅ  _!  the  fortuue  of  war!  een  ~  once;  een  _ 
er  ingen  _  once  does  not  make  a  habit,  once  is 
no  custom;  een  ab  -en  oue  at  a  time-,  to  -e  twice; 
jeg  lob  mig  bet  itfe  ftge  to  -e  I  ueeded  no  second 
invitation  el.  bidding;  tre  -e  three  times,  thrice; 
3  -e  2  er  6  three  times  two  are  six;  a  -e  6  a 
iuto  b;  een  _  for  alle  for  good  and  all,  once  for 
all,  deflnitely;  en  anben  _  auother  time,  (i  grem= 
tiben)  some  other  time;  en  og  anben  -  occasiou- 
ally,  once  in  a  time;  meb  een  -  at. once;  paa  en 
_  at  once;  together;  for  een  -S  Sfqlb  for  once 
(and  away;;  een  _  til  faa  meget  as  much  again; 
en  -  til  el.  enbnn  once  more;  _  efter  _  over  and 
over  again;  benne  ene  ~  this  once;  ben  ene  - 
that  once;  for  benne  -  for  this  once;  ifte  en  enefte 
_  never  once;  ^ber  -  jeg  faa  ^am  every  time  el. 
whenever  I  saw  him;  fe  (Sngang.  ($ang|art 
(^eftS)  pace;  fnin  gangue.  -atScl  woigh-shaft. 
-baarc  fe  ifiæreftol.  -har  a  curreut,  marketable; 
(om  S5ej)  practicablc.  -barket)  c  ciirreucy.  -borb 
fe  -bræt.  -bro  fool- bridge,  -bræt  plank  (across 
a  ditch);  J,<  gang-board,  gangway.  -bagning 
archce  chamber,  passage-buildiug.  -bag  soccage 
day  without  horses;  f-ene  rogation  week.  -bflr 
passage  door.  (^ange  vi,  poet  fe  &aa.  @anger 
c  -e  steed;  *a  kind  of  rustic  dance  el.  march; 
fHoIf  -  RoUo  the  Walker.  @)angcrgang  amble, 
ambliug  pace.    @angerpilt  poet  eiTand  boy. 

&anQCé  c  the  Ganges. 

(^angfiabe  flooring.  -fob  ambulatory  foot. 
-far  a  able  to  walk.  -^jttl  tread-wheel;  (i  Ur) 
count-wheel.  -jærn  hiuge.  -tiæbcr  wearing 
apparel,  clothing,  J^.  slops.  -fenc  (Dagloniierfte) 
charwomau;  (paa  ^ofpital)  hospital  nurse,  -futti 
go-carl  (of  wicker-work).  -lem  ambulatory 

Ganglie  c  -r  gauglion.  -celle  gangliou'ic  cell. 
-f^ftem  gangliouic  system. 

@ang|linncb  linen  clothes.  -lob  weight  of  a 
clock.  -inaSfc  gangue.  -poft  foot  post.  -rum 
room  for  walking. 

Giangræ'nc  c  gan'grene. 

@ang|f))it  J,  capstan.  -fyilbom  capstan  bar 
(0.  fl.).  '■'•ipatte  c  stitfuess  after  walking.  -ften 
gangue-stoue.  -fti  fool-palh.  -ffln-  t)an  t)ar  _ 
he  eau  see  to  walk  abofit.  -træ  foot-bridge.  ■ 
-t«i  fe  -flæber,  -»ej  foot-way.  -tiogn  go-cart. 
-øfcrf  wheel-work,  movement. 

(dannet  c  (gugl)  gannet,  ^ula. 

(^anoi'bcr  pi  gau'oids. 

@anfte  a  whole,  entire;  af  mit  _  Jpjerte  with 
all  my  heart;  —  adv  quile,  entirely,  whoUy; 
pretty,  fairiy,  enough,  sufficiently;  _  anbre  far 
other,  quite  different;  _  anberlebeS  far  otherwise; 
noget  _  anbet  something  quite  different;  _  oift 
certainly,  to  )je  sure. 

@ante  c  -r  fool,  sirapleton;  *JSer  -§  ©enoej  a 
roundabout  way.  +&ante  vt  make  a  fool  of. 
•ri'  n  -er  foolery.  -8  vd  toy,  play,  fool.  -fnat 
foolish  talk.    -uoru  a  foolish,  silly. 

©aiUjmebe^S  Ganymede. 

&av  a  (Øoru.)  dres.sed;  (9KetaI)  good. 

(Karanf  c  er  guar'antor.  -c'rc  vt.  guarantee', 
guar'anty.  -e'ring,  -i'  c  -er  guarantee',  guar'anty. 
-i'fcbbcl  luggage-ticket. 

(iia'rbrccnbing  c  hardening  on. 

(iJor<;on'  c  -er  waiter;  bachelor. 

Qiarbaføen  c  Lake  Garda 

Qiarbe  c  -r  guards,  guard;  _  til  -ocft  horse 
-guards;  _  til  gobé  foot-guards.  -^ufar  hussar 
in  the  horse-guards.  -fafernc  barracks  of  the 
guards.  -officer  othcer  of  the  guards,  guards- 
man.    -r  c  -e  guardsmau.    -'re  vt  guard,    (ogfaa 

i  Sfal)  protect.  -regiment  regiment  of  the 
guard.  —  (i)arberl6ajbe  height  requisite  for  a 
guardsman.    -tarl  fe  -r.    -maal  fe  -^ejbe. 

@)arbero'bc  c  -r  wardrobe;  (Særelfe)  cloak 
-room,  crush-room,  wardrobe.  -forbaltcr  ward- 
robe-keeper.  -Ijolber  clothes-stand.  -ocerelfe  fe 

^arbi'tt  n  -er  ourlain;  (SRuUeO  blind,  -bejle 
c. -baud.  -bolbcr  c.-rest.  -ta|)Ve  valance.  -toafter 
etassets.  -))r(ebiten  c.-lecture.  -ring  c.-ring. 
-fnor  c.-siring.    -ftang  c-rod.    -ftol  roller. 

©arblft'  c  -er  gua'rdsman. 

@o'r|e  «<  refine.  -gong  regular  process.  -^terb 
fiuery  hearth. 

@)aribalbift'  c  -er  Garibal'dist,  Red-shirt. 

@$arij(im  bibl  Gerizim. 

Qia'rfobber  rose-copper,  refined-copper. 

@o'rn  n  yarn,  thread,  cotton;  pi  =,  (gifteg.) 
net;  fange  en  i  fit  _  entangle  one  in  one's  toils, 
meshes;  {)un  lægger  fine  _  ub  efter  ^am  she  sets 
her  cap  at  him.  -baab  seine-boat.  -binber 
netler,  uet-knitter.    -bom  spread-beam. 

(*>orne'r|e  vt  trim;  J;,  dunnage.  -ing  o  -er 
trimming;  flounce,  ruffle;  (for  SJabning)  dunnage, 
(faft)  eeiling. 

(i)o'rn|'"fiffe  net-flshing.  -tjanbet  tråde  in 
yarn.  twist  etc.  -^anbler  hosier.  -Qaf))e  hasp. 
■'-bæfve  skein. 

(^arnifo'n  c  -er  gar'rison.  -e're  vi  (i)  be  gar- 
risoned,  quartered  (in,  at).  —  @arnefonå{lttiet 
garrison  life.  -^»ræft  garrisou  chaplain.  -fteb 
garrison.    -tjenefte  service  in  garrison. 

@arnitu're  c,  fe  (Garnering;  (©uite)  set. 

Q)a'rn|nøgle,  ''-n«fte  ball  of  yarn.  -))redfe 
bundling-press.  -renbe  reel.  -rufe  fe  3letrufe. 
-filb  (large)  herring  canght  in  nets.  -ffiole 
spool.  -^ang  pole  el.  rod  to  hang  fishing-nets 
on,  -fo^tning  c  laying  el.  spreading  of  nets. 
*-»ofe  tangle  of  nets.  -tiinbe  reel.  -bægt  quad- 

@arobn  c  refining  fumace. 

@arpe  vi  croak,  caw. 

@arrot|e're  vt  garro'te.    -«'r  c  -er  garro'ter. 

@artner  c  -e  gårdener,  -bolig,  -l)uå  gar- 
dener's  lodge.  -breng  g. 's  apprentice  el.  man. 
-i'  n  gardeuiug,  horticulture.  -forl  gardener's 
man.  -!ni»  garden -knife.  -tunft  gardeuiug, 
gardener's  art.  -fob.  ,*-f<ig  garden-saw.  Qiavt-- 
nerffe  c  -r  (female)  gårdener;  gardener's  wife. 

(Sarbe  vt  (Jpuber)  tan;  (©!inb)  dress;  (Staal) 
tilt:   F  _  en§  §iQgfti)ffer  tan  one's  bide. 

@arber  c  -e  tauner;  saw-beetle,  Prionus  cori- 
ariux.  -bort  tan.  -blot  paring-bench.  -brcng 
tanner's  apprentice.  -fcbt  fe  2)egra.  -gaarb  tan 
-yard.  -^aanboært  tanner's  tråde,  ©ortierl'  n 
-er  (iBærfftebet)  tauuery;  fe  -^aanboært.  @arber|= 
jærn  tanner's  shaving- knife.  -falf  chalk-lime. 
-for  tan-vat.  -tule  tan-pit.  -loo  company  of 
tanners.  -Inb  ooze.  -lærling  fe  -breng.  -malle 
bark  mill.    -foenb  journeyman  tanner. 

@aroe{ftaal  German  steel.  -ftof  tannin.  -ftof> 
^olbig  a  containing  tannin,  -fumottræ  tanner's 
sumach,  Bfiug  coriariu.  -f^re  tannic  acid. 
-btebfte  tan-liquor.    Qiorbning  c  tanning. 

@a§'  c  -fer  gas;  her  lugter  af  _  there  is  an 
escape  of  gas.  -ogtig  a  gaseous.  -obporot  gas 
-cooking-apparatus.  -orbejber  gas-fitter.  -art 
kind  of  gas.  -bob  gas-bath.  -bebolber  gaso- 
meter.  -belQigning  gaslight,  lighting  with  gas. 
-befporenbe  «  gas-saving.  -bluS  gas-light,  gas 
-jet.    -brænber  fgas)  burner. 

@)o§cogn'e  «  Gascony.    -r  c  Gas'con. 

(i)a$ibannelfe  gasification.  -fitter  gas-fitter. 
-flamme  fe  -61u§.  -forbrug  consumption  of  gas. 
•formet,  -formig  a  gaseous.  -^one  fe  -brænber. 
•i)olber  fe  -be^olber.    -^olbig  a  containing  gas. 




-Inblænntng  laying  on  of  gas.  -foJI  gas-lime. 
•fonbclabcr  gas-chandelier.  -tøfeS  gas  coke. 
-tom))agnt  gas-company.  -Iraftmaftine  gas 
-motor,  -trone  gaselier.  -ful  gas-coal.  -Iam:pe 
gas-lamp.  -(ctining  gas-delivering  pipe,  main 
-plpe.  -lugt  smell  of  gas.  -ItiQte  gas-lamp.  -10 
gas-liglit.  -maaler  gas-meter,  -mnffine,  -motor 
gas-motor,  -meftcr  gas-fitter.  -olie  gas-oil. 
-orae'ter  n  gasom'eter.  -ottn  gas-furnace;  gas 
-stove.  -regulator  gas-govemor.  -rar  gas-pipe; 
-ene  the  gas-piping. 

@(jéfe  c  -r  gander. 

t@o8|fe  vi  he  delicious;  _  ftg  vr  luxuriate,  fe 
©otte  fig. 

@a§|foI  star  of  gas-burners.  -f^Jilb  waste 
of  gas. 

@aft  c  -er  F  wight,  customer;  J^  man,  hånd. 

*@flftere're  vi  J>  banquet. 

@a§tilberebning  c  gas-making. 

©oftriff  o  gastrlc. 

@aftro|no'nt  c  -er  gas'tronome,  gastron'omer, 
gastroii'omist.  -nomi'  c  gastron'omy.  -no'utiff 
a  gastronom'ic(al). 

@a8|tæt  <i  gas-tlglit.  -ubftr«mntng  escape  of 
gas.  -ubtttfling  generation  of  gas.  -ur  fe 
-iiiOQler.    -ooub  gas-water.    -Dcrrt   gas-works  pi. 

@at'  e  Se  n  hole;  anus;  narrow  inlet.  -bov  n 
anus.    -finne  anal  fin.    -tirtcl  anal  gland. 

Qiatt  (t  *  &  t  elever. 

©aufrc're  vt  gauffer,  goffer. 

*@oul,  @)augl  c  brent  goose,  Bernicla  torguata. 

*@aupe  c  -r  lynx. 

@aur  c  gaur,  Bos  gaurui. 

@atic  c  -r  (©fænf)  gift,  donation,  endowment; 
(goræring)  pre.sent;  (^Woturg.)  endowment,  turn, 
talent,  genius,  gift,  pi  parts;  milbe  -r  charitable 
donations;  ^atje  ®ub8  -r  af  nt  have  abundauce 
of  a  thing,  have  st  galore;  man  ffal  ej  lafte  gioen 
_  one  must  not  look  a  gift  horse  in  the  mouth; 
6a»e  -r  for  have  the  gift  of.  -Bog  register  of 
gifts.  -Ibrett,  -lontraft  deed  of  gift.  -Ie§  a  gift- 
less.    -rifl  a,  poet  fe  (Saomilb. 

@a»lo'l  c  ga'vial,  garial. 

@otiI  c  -e  gable(end;.  -mur  g.  wall.  -flbe  g. 
side.  -fliiiiS,  -f<>ir  g.-head.  -tog  g.  roof.  -»lU' 
bue  g.  window. 

@a't)milb  a  liberal,  munificent,  bounteous, 
bountiful,  free-handed,  open-handed.  -^eb  c 
muniflcence,  bountifulness,  bounteousness. 

@at)n  n  {+  c)  (SSebfte)  beneflt,  good;  (gotbel) 
gain,  advantage,  profit;  bære  til  _  for  en  benetit 
one,  be  of  b.  to  one;  feaoe  _  af  nt  beneflt  el.  be 
beneflted  by;  bet  gor  mig  ^Berten  ~  eller  ©fabe  it 
does  me  neither  good,  nor  harm;  gøre  ~  work, 
make  one's  self  useful;  gør  _  for  to  is  worth 
two;  t)an  gjør  albrig  -S  ®erning  he  never  does 
any  good.  —  @aunc  vt  &  i  beneflt,  advantage, 
be  of  advantage  to;  £)Dab  -r  bet  TOenneftet  ofo.  bibl 
what  is  a  man  advantaged,  if  he  gain  the 
whole  world.  @atinctJ)ft  desire  of  being  useful. 
@at)ngdrenbc  o  serviceable,  @at)ntt(|  a  (forbeI= 
agtig)  beneficial,  advantageous;  (ntjttig)  service- 
able; (iitbbringenbe)  profitable,  gainful;  mit  9lag 
er  -t  og  min  33l)rbe  er  let  bibl  my  yoke  is  easy 
and  my  burdeii  is  light.  @atinlig(|cb  c  service- 
ableness,  profitableness,  usefulness.  @at>n|løS 
a  profitless,  unserviceable,  unprofitable.  -løS^eb 
c  unprofltableness.  -rig  a  useful,  profitable. 
-ffou  forest  of  timber  trees.  -træ,  -tirmmcr,  -ucb 

©obot'te  c  -r  gav'ot. 

©ooftrit  c  -fer  rogue. 

@oOtt)t)  c  knave,  sharper.  —  @aOtt)tie{ agtig  a 
knavish.  -anfigt  hang-dog  look.  -ri'(cr)  (pi) 
knavery.  -ft>rog  thieves'  slang,  -ftreg  knavish 
trick.  I 

ive;  fi9É\ 


@at)a'l  c  gayal,  jungle  ox.  Bos  frontalis 

(SJajc  c  gauze. 

©a^el'de)  c  -ler  gazel,  gazelle. 

©aset'te  c  -r  gazette. 

©eic't  n  -er  territory,  fio  (en?)  domain. 

®cbi§'  [t.]  n  set  of  teeth. 

t®ebom'racrHfl  [t.]  «  F  tremendous. 

®cbrot'fcn  [t.]  a  broken;  pao  -t  ®anft  in  broke^ 
Danish;  tale  -t  Sanft  jabber  Danish. 

©ebræf'telig  [t.]  a  crippled,  inflrm. 

(45cbu'rt8bao  [t.]  c  birth-day;  @mf.  fegobfelSbafl 

©cbtj'r  [t.]  n  -er  fee. 

©cbær'be  fig  [t.]  vr  gesticulate;  _  fig  fom  o« 
take  on  as  if.    -r  pi  gestures. 

@cb  c  -er  (she-)goat,  nanny-goat. 

@cbatt  [t.]  c  -er  stopped  register. 

@ebbe  c  -r  pike,  Ehox  lucius. 

@cbe  c  sap-wood,  alburnum,  blea 

©ebeiblab  ^  honey-suckle,  woodbine,  Lonicen 
periclymcnum  (og  Oaprifolinm).  -hvit  he-goat 
billy-goat.  -flot  fe  -^jorb.  -fob  goat's  foot 
(SBærlt.)  parting  tool.    -^oar  goat's  hair 

@ebe^ant§  c  -e  wasp,   Vespa  crnbro. 

@ebc|()jorb  flock  of  goats.  -tj^rbe  goatherd.' 
-fib  kid,  kidling.  *-Hao  fe  SButfeblab.  ^-maittt 
fe  Sfatraun.  -mætt  goat's  milk.  -oft  goat's  milk 
cheese.  -ramS  rose-bay,  Epilobium  anpusti/olium. 
-ffæg  goat-marjoram,  goat's  beard,  Tragopogon; 
salsify,  T.  porrifolius. 

©ebi'gen  [t  ]  a  (Særn,  Sølo^ofb.)  native;  A 
genuine,  pure,  sterling. 

tdJe'bing  c  -er,  fe  ®ebe^am§. 

@ebult'  [t.]  a  p  secret. 

@ccft  c  high,  dry  land,  geest-land. 

©cfal'bc  [t.)  vt  f  be  to  one's  taste. 

©efrejber  [t.]  c  lance  corporal. 

©cfæ'rltg  [t.]  a  &  adv   f    desperate, 
rately.    -I)cb  c  fe  garltgl^eb. 

@cf)alt'  [t.]  c  alloy;  fig  worth,  value. 

©eljcj'm  [t.]  a  privy,  secret.  —  @cf|eime|ar{iti 
privy  archives  el.  records.  -arfibar  keeper  of 
the  privy  archives.  -hoQ  secret  journal,  -raab 
c  -er  privy  counsellor. 

@et)æng'  [t.]  n  sword-belt. 

@cJ;«'r  [t.]  n,  w?«  ear;  sp  ears;  fpiCe  efter  _ 
play  by  (the)  ear;  finbe  -,  ftaffe  fig  ~  find  a 
willing  ear,  a  hearing. 

@cjl  a  (om  S)Qr)  ruttish;   (om  5DSennefter)  sala- 
cious,  lustful,  lascivlous,  goatish;  (om  5J5Ionter  og 
3orb)  rank.    -^eb  c  salacity,  lasciviousness,  lust- 
fulne.'is;  rankness. 
©cjrfugl  great  auk,  Alca  impennis. 
@cjfer  c  -e  geyser. 

QJcjft  [t.]   c  -er  t  &  cont  fe  9Ianb.    ©ejftlio  a 
clerical,  ecclesiastical;    ben  -e  ©tanb  the  clerical 
order;  inbtræbe  i  ben  -e  ©tanb  take  (holy.i  orders; 
-  SSelfolenpeb  spiritual  eloquence;  en  -  a  clergy 
man,    divine;    -e  ®obfec   church-property; 
fRet  a  spiritual  rourt;   be  -e  ^errer  the  lords  spi 
ritual,    ^ejftlig^eb  c  clergy. 
©ejtfcr  [t.]  c  small  side-shoot. 
@cno  c  -er  gecko,  Åscilacotes. 
@e(a§'fcn  [t.]  «  F  tranquil,  compliant. 
@elati'n  c  gelatine.    -a§  a  gelat'inous. 
©elbcrn  n  Guelderland;  (58l)en)  Guelders. 
@ele'b  [t.]  n  -er  rank,  (i  Stjbben)  file;  træbe  nb 
af  -et   quit  the   ranks;    træbe  t  _  fall   in  rank; 
flutte  -erne   close  the  ranks,    i  entelt  -   in  single 
file;  aabne  -erne,  marc^!  open  order!  march! 

@elé  c   er  jelly,  glaze;   banne  ~  jelly;   .  .  .  i  ~ 
aspic  of  .  .  . 
©clcj'bc  [t.]  n  es'cort.  —  vt  esco'rt. 
©elæu'bcr  [t.]  n  -e  balusters,  bannisters,  railing. 
@cra'  n,  piet  fe  ©émnie  n. 
@emat'  [t.]  n  -fer  apartment. 
@cma'l,  -inbe  [t.]  c  -er  consort,  spouse. 





OJcme'n  a  low,  mean,  vile;  (u6ø»ifl)  gross, 
dirty;  _  Solbat  private  (soldier);  joc  bet  -e  bebfte 
the  public  good;  gøre  fig  _  demean  one's  self. 
-Iicb  c  vulgarity,  meanness;  -er  dirty  language. 
@eincnHg(en)  adv  joc  commonly.  -ffaB  n  con- 

@einnte,  -te,  -t  vt  keep,  lay  by,  hide,  treasure, 
save;  -  pQO  keep;  _  fig  hide  (away);  benne  ^x\xqt 
fon  -§  Sinteren  o»cr  this  fruit  vvillkeep  throughout 
the  Winter  @rmtne  n  -r  (Sorroring)  keeping, 
custody;  (-ftcb)  depository,  repository,  receptacle; 
gite  en  nt  i  ~  give  one  a  thing  to  keep,  commit 
a  thing  to  one's  custody.  Q)emmelfrugt  fruit 
that  will  keep.  -flobS  deposit.  -fteJ),  @cmfcl  c 
fe  ©emme  n. 

@emme  c  -r  (cut)  gem. 

®rtnfe  c  -r  chamois,  Capra  rupicapra.  -ffotn 
chaniois  -  horn ;  mus  organ  stop  with  conical 
pipes.  -jnflt  chamois-hunting.  -jæger  chamois 
-hunter.  -tugter  German  bezoar.  -læScr  chamois 
(-leather).  -toi,  -nrt  leopard's  bane,  Amtca 

@emJ)'fe  [t.]  n  fe  ©ranfager. 

@eBil)t'  [t.]  n  -ter  temper,  disposition,  mind; 
feeling,  sensibility.  @cmqtltg  a  (fitii^gelig)  snug, 
pleasant,  eomfortable;  (ftjertelig)  hearty,  genial, 
open-hearted,  Q)cm^tltgt)eb  c  agreeableness, 
comfort;  good-nature,  kindness,  geniality. 

@en'  a  (fort)  short,  (let)  easy. 

©en'nnbning  c  re-opening. 

©en'offtaaeUe  c  retrocession. 

@rnbefeltntng  c  re-population. 

©cnbefeg  n  return  visit. 

@enbet)iiltng  c  new  vote. 

@)enbil(ebe  n  impress,  image. 

@cnblomftrc  vi  reflourish. 

@enbo.  -crffe  c  -er  opposlte  neighbour. 

(^enbog  fe  Siontrabog. 

(^enboffab  n  the  people  living  (sitting)  oppo- 
site  to  oue,  opposite  neighbours. 

©enbreti  n  receipt,  acknowledgment. 

@cnbringc  vt  bring  agaiu,  bring  back. 

@enbub  n  fe  Slfbub. 

@enbl}rb  c  regeneration. 

(^cnbaab  c  fe  ®enbø6ning. 

@enbanne  vt  re-form. 

@enbartn'  c  -er  genda'rme,  armed  policeman, 
(i  3rlQnb)  constable.  -eri'  n  genda'rmery,  (i 
Qrlanb)  constabulary. 

@cnbtgtc  <  t  recompose,  reproduce,  re-create. 

©enibritie  vt  confute,  refute,  disprove.  -bti'< 
uellfl  u  refutable.  -britoelfe  c  refutation,  dis- 

@enb«b|e  vt  rebaptize.  -er  c  anabaptist.  -er» 
lofrc  c  anabaptism.  -ntng,  @enbaab  c  rebapti- 

@ene  ;fr.]  c  restraint,  inconvenience. 

@enca|lo'g  c  -er  geneal'ogist.  -logi'  c  -er 
geneal  ogy.    -(ogtfl  a  genealog'ical. 

tSene'gen  [t.]  a  incliued,  disposed. 

QJenelffe  vt  love  in  return. 

©enero't  c  -er  gen'eral.  ©eneral  a  gen'eral; 
<!.  ben  -e  fiurS  the  average  course;  ben  -e  SJiftance 
the  distance  run.  -abjntant  adjutant-geueral. 
-angioclfe  general  entry,  -aubtter  auditor-gene- 
ral -baS  thorough-bass.  -fclt'morftall  fleld 
-marshal  general,  -felt'tejmeftcr  master- general 
of  theordnance.  -ftffal  solicitor-general,  attorney 
-general,  -fortiagtcr  farmer-general.  -forfom= 
Ung  general  assembly,  g.  meeting,  -fulbmagt 
general  power  of  attorney.  -gttt»ern«r  governor 
-general,  -inb'e  c  -r  generals  lady;  gru  _  9i. 
Mrs.  (ieneral  N.  •intenbant  superintendent  of 
the  commissarj'-department.  -ifatio'n  c  gene- 
raliza'tion.  -IfeTc  vi  gen'eralize.  -iS'flmuS  c 
generalissimo,    commander   in    chief.     -ite't    m 

war-office.  -tommanbo  office  of  the  commander 
-in-chief.  -tonful  consul  general,  -tonfulat 
consulate  general,  -torref^jonbancen  [amr]  the 
Associated  -tort  g.  map,  g.  chart.  -frig'> 
tommiSfier  commissary-general  of  war.  -lurS 
average  course.  /tDartermefter  quartermaster 
general,  -tbitterin^  acquittance  in  fuU,  receipt 
in  fuU.  -lejtnant  lieutenant-general.  -major 
major-general,  -marci^  general,  floa  _  beat  the 
g.  -næoner  common  denominator.  -))arbon 
general  pardon.  -))aufe  pause  for  all  the  per- 
formers. -))oft'bircttorat  General  Post  Office. 
•<)oft'birett«r,  Jioftmcftcr  postmaster -general. 
•profoé  provo.'^t-marshal.  -preoe  dress-  el.  fuU 
rehearsal.  -regiftrotor  Registrar  General.  (i5ene= 
ralSct)auIct  general's  epaulet.  @cncralffib§= 
tttaaler  Surveyor-Generalof  tonnage  (Scncralé« 
officer,  -8()crfon  general  oflBcer.  @cneral|ftab 
the  (general,  general's)  stafif.  -ftobétort  ord- 
nance  map.  -paterne  the  States  General,  -ftat- 
^olber  regent;  (^Jeberl.)  Statholder-general.  @ene= 
ralétttel  title  of  general.  @encraI|ftorm  general 
assault;  vi.  tremendous  gale  of  wind.  -ftttier= 
intenbent  superintendent-general.  @cneraI8= 
tiarbigbcb  dignity  of  a  general.  @enera(Ditar 

©cncratto'n  c  -er  genera'tion.  @encrationd|- 
ftiftc,  -tjctéel  altemation  of  generation.  @enera- 
tri'ce  c  geom  gen'erant,  genera'trix. 

®e«e're  vt  constrain,  cramp,  hamper,  annoy, 
embarrass,  inconvenience,  incommode;  ©tejen 
-r  mig  I  cannot  stand  the  noise;  _  fig  feel  embar- 
rassed,  constrained;  -r  £em  itfe  dou't  put  your- 
self  out,  don't  mind  me;  make  yourself  at  home; 
jeg  -r  mig  for  at  I  am  ashamed  to  el.  shy  of;  jeg 
-r  mig  i!fe  for  I)am  I  don't  mind  him. 

©enerel'  a  gen'eral. 

(Dener^olbc  vt  get  back,  recover.  -Ife  c  re- 

©cner^uerbe  vt  regain,  recover.  -Ife  c  re- 

@en'crin|bre  vt  recall,  call  back  to  mind. 
-bring  c  recoUection. 

@cue  rift  «  gener'ic. 

@cn'crob|re  vt  recapture.    -ring  c  recapture. 

©cncrlofite't  c  liberality,  geueros'ity.  -fl'g  o 
liberal,  gen'erous. 

@ene'rt  a  embarrassed.   -^eb  cembarrassment. 

®eneft§  c  genesis;  bibl  Gen'esis. 

©ene'tift  <«  genetic(al). 

©enet'tc  c  -r  gen'et,    Viverra  genetta. 

©cnc'ber  c  gin;  (bebfte)  Hollands,  geneva. 

©rnc'jaretl)  n  Gennes'aret;  -  ©8  the  lake  of  G. 

@cnf  n  Geue'va.  @cnfer|  c  -e,  -inb'e  c  r 
Geue'van;  -erne  the  Genevese.  -taté  char,  Salrno 
umhl'i  -faen  the  Lake  of  Geneva,  Lake  Lemau. 
©cnfift  <i  Geneve'se. 

@enfalb  fe  Xilbagefalb. 

@)enfinbe  vt  find  again,  refind.  -Ife  c  (maa 
omftriBeg  f.  ef§.)  _  er  umulig  it  is  impossible  to 
find  (it  el.  him  ofo.)  again;  jeg  ^aaber  paa  ~  I 
hope  to  find  (it  el.  him  ofo.)  agaiu;  -n§  pjebltt 
er  for^aonben  the  moment  is  near,  when  they 
shall  find  each  other  again. 

©cnforbinbe  it  re  join. 

©cnforbre  vt  reclaim  -ring  c  reclamation; 
(Wobtorbring)  counter-claim. 

GJcnforcnle  vt  reunite,  rejoin.  -ing  c  reunion, 

©cnforfltlre  vt  re-insiire..    -ring  c  relnsurance. 

(UcnfortæUie  vt  re-narrate,  re-tell.  -ing  re 

6(rnfrcmbringe  vt  reproduce.  -Ife  repro- 

©enfrcutftille  vt  reproduce. 




©enfærb  n  (t  c),  p/  =,  apparition,  spectre, 
ghost;  bang  _  his  ghost,  spirit. 

(yenfii|J)C  vt  regenerate.  -bctfe  c  regeneration; 
-n§  *Sab  the  washing  of  regeneration,  -ber  c  -e 
regenerator,    -bt  a  regenerate. 

@cnf«te  t><  feel  anew. 

(genganger  c  -e,  Je  ®enfærb.  -agtig  «  spec- 

(Sengifte  n  remarriage. 

@engiDe  vt  (gtoe  tilbage)  give  back,  return, 
restore,  render  (baclj;);  (ubtrtitte)  express;  (ot)er= 
frette)  render,  trauslate  (caa  into);  _  ijiaa  (Sngelft 
English;  _  grt^eben,  ©unb^eben  restore  to  liberty, 
health;  bette  Drb  er  flet  -t  this  word  is  misren- 
dered.  -clfc  c  reddition,  restitution,  return; 
(gremftiHing)  representation;  (af  ?)tiing  o.  1.)  ac- 
count,  repetition;  (Dnerfættelfe)  version,  rendering; 
®iinbfteben§  _  restoration;  Sri^ebenS  _  liberation. 

@engialbe  et  resound,  re-echo. 

@eng(tmt  n  reflexion. 

@engraning  fe  ©enuætJt. 

(Sengcelb  c  (og  «)  requital,  return,  retribution; 
gøre  _  make  a  return,  retaliate;  tage  _  take  one's 
revenge;  til  -  in  return,  (coa  ben  anben  ©ibe)  as 
a  set-off.  @cngælb|e  vt  requite,  return,  repay, 
(om  ^Blelfer  o.  beSl.)  reeiprocate;  -  Dnbt  raeb  ©obt 
return  good  for  evil;  ben  -nbe  Éetfcerbigl^eb  retri- 
butive  justice.    -er  c  -e  requiter. 

@ent)age  c  (e  Wobftoge. 

@en^tl{e  vt  return  one's  salute  el.  greeting. 
■n  c  return  greeting. 

(Dcn^olb  n  counterpressure. 

@ent'  n  -er  ge'nius.  -a't  «  ingenious.  -alite't 
c  genius,  iugeniousness,  ingenuity.  -a'Iff  fe  -al. 
-ftreg  stroke  of  genius. 

@en'inbføt|e  vt  reintroduce,  revive,  renew, 
(S8arer)  re-import,  -cife  c  reintroduction.  -fel  c 

@eninb(abning  c  re-loadlng,  reshipment. 

@en'inblemme  vt  re-iucorporate. 

6)en'tnb)^obning  c  revaccination. 

@)en'tnbftut)ning  c  re-stowing. 

®cninbfættc  vt  replace,  restore,  reinstate. 
-(fe  c  restoration,  reinstatement. 

@enitiki  c  er  prnm  the  genitive  (case);  ftaar  i 
_  is  in  the  g.     -ift  a  genilive,  genitival. 

@eniud  c  -ter  genius,  pi  genii;  guardian-angel. 

©enfolb  fe  -clfe.  @cnIoIb|e  vt  (tilbagefalbe) 
revoke,  retract,  recant;  -  en  nt,  -  nt  i  ené  ©c« 
inbring  remind  one  of  st,  recall  st  to  one's 
mind;  _  fig  recall,  call  to  mind,  carry  one's 
recoUection  back  to.  -'dig  a  revocable.  -'clig= 
l)eb  c  revocableness.  -elfc  c  recoUection,  re- 
miniscence;  revocation,  retraction,  recantation. 

@)en{tcnbe  vt  recognize,  identify.  -ten'belig 
(I  reeognizable.  -fenbelfe  c  recognition.  -ten^ 
belfcétcgn  sign  of  recognition. 

@ent(ErHg^eb  c  return  of  love. 

@en|feb  n  repurchase.  -tebe  vt  repnrchase, 
ransom.  -tøBetig  a  redeemable.  -lablret  right 
of  repnrchase. 

©enflagc  fe  røobtlage. 

@enflang  c  eeho,  resouance;  /iø  sympathy, 
approbation,  responsive  echo,  response;  fanbt 
ingen  _  l)o§  elicited  no  response  from. 

@enfltnge  vi  resound,  re-echo;  Jig  strike  a 

@euIom{me  vi  return,  come  again.  -ft  c 

@entrat)  n,  pi  =,  (bet  at  fræue  tilbage)  reclama- 
tion;  (ffltobfætuing)  counterclaim. 

©entræue  vt  reclaim. 

@en{Iet)e  vt  live  over  again.  -lebenbe  c  sur- 
vi  vor. 

@en|lQb  c  echo,  resonance.  -Il)be  vi  echo, 
resound,  ring,  reverberate,  be  resonant  (af  with). 

(SJcntafte  n  counter-promise. 

@5culef|c  vt  redeem  (ogf.  hibl),  ransom.  -er  o 
rodccmer.    -niug  c  redemption. 

OJcnmutbcé  vd  recall,  call  to  mind,  recollect. 

tycnminc  fe  Soutramine. 

©enrnætc  n  reply;  tage  til  _  reply.  —  vt  &.  i 
reply.  ,  , 

@enne  vt  drive,  chase;  _  paa  en  urge  one  on. 

gennem  præp  through;  *_  gob,  ærlig  o.  fl., 
thoroughly  good,  honest  etc. 

@enncmaanbe  vt  breathe  through;  (meb  s8ct 
lugt)  perfume. 

@ennemarbejbc  vt  (bearbejbe  tilgabnå)  workj 
thoroughly  el.  well;  (bearbejbe  ^elt  igennem)  go^ 
el.  work  through. 

©cnncmbagc  vt  bake  through,  thoroughly. 

©enncmbartc  vt  tan  through. 

(ijeutiembcjbfe  vt  mordant  thoroughly. 

©cnncmbibe  vt  bite  through. 

©cnncmblable  vt  (en  a3og)  turn  over  the  leaves' 
of  (a  book),  -ning  c:  oeb  -  af  SSogen  in  turning 
over  etc. 

@ennemblKf|e  vt  blow  through,  -ning  biow- 
ing through,  -ningi^tran  (o.  fl.)  blow-through 
cock  (etc.) 

@ennem|bløb  a  wet  through.  -b(«be  vt  soak 
through,  -bidbning  c:  ^an  fi!  en  gob  _  he  got 
a  good  wetting. 

^enncmbor|e  vt  (bore  igennem)  pierce  through, 
perforate;  -  en  stab  one,  run  one  through  (the 
body,  with  a  sword);  Jig  bisfe  Drb  -  mig  these 
words  cut  me  to  the  heart;  -nbe  S3Ii!  piercing 
look  el.  glance;  fafte  -enbe  Slifle  paa  en  look 
daggers  at  one.  -ing  c  (bet  at  g.)  piercing  etc; 
(^ut,  tMobning)  perforation. 

Qiennembrub  n  breaking  through;  Onbjnit) 
cut,  cntting;  (©Qgbomé)  breaking  out:  (aanbeligt) 
awakening,  revival,  transformation;  fomme  til  ~ 
Jig  break  forth,  b.  out,  lorce  its  wdy,  prevail. 

©cnucmbrnfc  vt  roar  el.  rush  through. 

(|Seuuembrt)be  vt  break  through;  _  ben  fjenbt-- 
lige  iiinje  break  the  enemy's  line;  gennembrubt 
3lr6ejbe  open,  latticed,  reticulated,  work. 

@ennembrcenbe  vt  burn  el.  bake  through; 
burn  thoroughly. 

@ennembugte  vt  meauder  el.  wind  through. 

(iJcnnembæoe  vt  shake,  thrill,  agitate. 

(ijennenibam^e  vt  saturate  with  vapour. 

Wennembanuet  a  (highly)  accomplished. 

C^cnucmbrage  vt  traverse,  pass  el.  march 
through;  fe  (Sennemtrætfe.  Å 

GJcnncmbriuc  fe  Sriue  igennem.  i 

CSJenuembrafte  vt  discuss  thoroughly.  " 

@enncnibr«mme  vt  pass  dreaming. 

OfJcnncmfotb  n  falling  through. 

®cnncntfar|c  vt  traverse;  fiu  pass  through 
(one's  mind;,  thrill.  -rt  o  passage,  thorough- 

@)ennemfcb  a  thoroughly  fat. 

(4)ennemft(e  vt  file  through. 

©cnneraflagrc  vt  flutter  through. 

©cnucmflette  vt  braid  (into), 

©ennemflugt  c  flight  through,  passage. 

@ennemftl)be  vt  flow  through. 

(iJennemfll)ue  vt  fly  through. 

@enncmforff|c  n  search  through,  search  into, 
sift  to  the  bottom,  sift  thoroughly.  -ning  c 
searching  etc. 

^ennemfroéf en  n  thoroughly  frozen;  (forfroSjen) 
thorouglily  chilled. 

©enncmfugtc  vt  moisten  el.  damp  thoroughly. 

(iJennemfuntlc  vt  cudgel  soundly. 

(ijenncmfugtle  vt  furrow,  mark  with  furrows. 

@ennemfj)ibe  vt  flll  up. 

(ijcnnemfærb  fe  ®ennemrejfe. 




(^cnncmfærttfel  c  thoroughfare,  passage. 

@enncmf«lf  vt  feel  iutensely. 

6)tnnemfør|e  vt  (ogfaa  fio)  carry  through;  fia 
carry  el.  work  out,  accomplish,  go  through  vrith, 
effect.  -elfc  c  carrying  out,  accomplishment. 
-fcl  c  carrying  through.    -fclétoIJ)  trausit-duty. 

(Hcnnemgaa  vt  (i  2llm.)  go  through,  (libe,  ogf.) 
lier,  undergo;  (gentiemie)  go  over,   look  over, 

'  through;;  (f.  (St8.  et  fiuri'ui)  pass  through  (a 
course  of  study);  _  en  Seftie  meb  en  go  over 
a  lesson  with  one.  -enbe  a  (all-)  pervading, 
thorough  (going);  _  SSillet  through  ticket;  fælger 
3)e  _  SBiHetter  til  Sonbou?  do  you  book  through 
to  L.V  -  JReparotion  thorough  repairs;  _  (SobS 
transit  goods  pt.  —  adv  (i  Stim.)  generally;  uni- 
versally;  (^elt  igennem)  from  the  beginning  to 
the  end,  throughout,  altogether;   f  all  round. 

(gennemgang  c  -e  going  through;  (Slebet) 
passage;  thoroughfare;  (^rt)ftal§)  cleavage;  aatr 
transit.  —  Qtennemganadjattorb  transient  chord. 
-tieforbring  through  couveyance.  -btQet  through 
ticket.  -fertiinbelfe  through  communication. 
•fragt  through  freight.  -teb  connecting  link. 
-i)unft  point  of  transition,    -tolb  transit  duty. 

@eKnetngaroe  rt  tan  thoroughly. 

@cnnemg(«be  vt  heat  through;  fio  inflame, 

6)cnncmgnaoe  vt  gnavv  through. 

@enncmgab  i  thoroughly  good. 

©cnnemgranffe  |e  ®ennemforfIe. 

@cnnemgrati{e  vt  dig  el.  cut  through;  (gen« 
nemffære)  iutersect.    -ntng  c  digging  etc. 

@ennemgrt6enbe  a  energetic,  decisive,  thor- 
ough, nidical,  sweeping. 

(iicnncmgroct  a  overgrown. 

©cuncmgrunbe  vt  consider  thoroughly. 

(ycnnemljnftc  vt  hasten  el,  hurry  through. 

@cnncm!)cb  a  thoroughly  hot. 

©ennemljcbe  vt  heat  through. 

QJenncmtjcglle  vt  hackle  thoroughly;  fig  lash, 
cut  up,     -ling  c  lashing  etc, 

©enncinJjerfe  vt  f,  toil  through. 

@ennem^ug  n  cut  through,  -gc  vt  hew  el. 
cut  through;  _  en  ©foB  cut  an  opening  in  a 
wood.  -ning  c  -er  cutting  through,  (i  ©fob) 
glade,  vista, 

@enncml)ulc  vt  hollow  through. 

@e«ncml)uUet  a  perforated,  riddled. 

tiJcnncmOærbe  vt  harden  thoroughly. 

®cnncmile  vt  \e  ®cnnemMte. 

(iJcnncraiéne  vt  chili. 

@ennemjage  vt  chase  el.  hunt  through;  _  et 
Slrbejbe  hurry  over  a  work. 

@)ennemt(emme  vt  comb  out. 

(Senuetnfccmtie  vt  struggle  through. 

©cnnemfarfcl  c  (bet  at  føre  igennem)  driving 
through;  (Stebet)  passage  for  carriages;  _  for= 
b^beS  no  tiioroughfare. 

(Bennemtlinge  vt  sound  through. 

-Htytnncmtfoftet  «  flssured. 

(Jicnncmtogc  vt  boil  thoroughly. 

©enncmfolb  a  thoroughly  cold. 

@enncmfom))oncrr  vt  set  (a  song),  through 
all  ils  sliinzus,  to  music. 

©enucnitrabfe  vt  scratch  through. 

©cnncmfrcbfe  vt  sweep  through. 

@cnncmfrl)be  vt  creep,  crawl  through. 

(Scnuemfrijbfe  vt  traverse. 

H-(*Jcnuemfulbet  i  chilled. 

©cnncmlobc  vt  transmit. 

©cnnemicbc  vt  search. 

(iJcnncmlcue  vt  live  through,  pass. 

+@enncmlibe  vt  sulfcr,  undergo. 

@cnnem  ligge  fig  vr  get  bed-sores.  -liggen, 
•ligning  -•  hcd-sores. 

^CiJcnnemlue  vt  inflame,  kindle. 

Sarien :  3)onff>ffingeIff  Orbbog. 

®ennemlHfte  vt  air  thoroughly. 

@ennem(Qbe  vt  resound  through. 

^ennemlqne  vt  flash  through. 

@ennemtqfe  vt  (oplijfe)  illumine,  illuminate; 
(febe  beb  ^jælp  af  2\)i)  search  by  candle-light. 

@ennem((Ef  |e  vt  read  through,  peruse;  _  paaxit) 
reperuse,  -ning  c  reading  etc,  perusal;  fornyet 
_  reperusal. 

@enncml(øb  n  (bet  at  løbe  igennem)  running 
through;  (©tebet)  passage.  -I«be  vt  run  el.  travel 
over  el.  through;  traverse;  (.gennemfe  f)aftig)  glance 
el.  look  over;  ^on  -løb  S9ogen  he  dipped  into  the 
book;  ^an  -løb  ©rebet  he  ran  his  eyes  over  the 

-i^@ennetnmaal  n  diameter. 

@enncmmar((|  c  march  (through). 

@cnnemtn(ette  vt  satiate  thoroughly;  fig  sat- 
urate  th, 

@ennemnt)be  vt  enjoy  thoroughly. 

6$ennent|)iffe  vt  whip  el.  lash  soundly;  -?  of 
SJegn  be  soaked  el.  drenched  with  rain. 

@cnuem))t«i|e  ?;«  plough  thoroughly;  fig  toil 
el.  labour  through,    -ning  c  ploughing  etc. 

@enncmVre§fc  vt  pre-ss  el.  squeeze  through. 

©cnncmpritfc  vt  prick  through. 

dJenncmprijglc  vt  drub  soundly. 

6(ennemraabben  a  thoroughly  rotten. 

+@cnncmrage  vt  stir,  rake. 

gennemregne  vt  reckon  over. 

(gennemregnet  a  soaked  with  rain. 

Q)enncmregning  c  reckoning  over, 

@ennem|rcjfe  c  jouruey  el.  passage  through. 
-rejfe  vt  travel  el.  pass  through. 

-i^@ennemrcnbe  le  ®ennemløbe. 

@ennemrenf|e  vt  cleanse  thoroughly.  -ning 
c  thorough  cleansing. 

@ennemrib|e  vt  ride  through. 

(SJennemrobe  vt  (gennemføge)  rummage;  (om 
©btn)  root  through. 

@)ennemruftcn  a  rusted  through,  rust-eaten. 

@enncmrl)fte  vt  shake  thoroughly. 

@ennemrøge  vt  smoke  thoroughly. 

@ennem|falt  a  salt  throughout.  -foltc  vt  salt 

@)ennemfao|e  vt  saw  through,  •ning  c  sawing 

@)ennemfe  vt  see  through,  look  over,  inspect, 
revise;  -t  Ubgaoe  revised  edition. 

@ennemfei({e  vt  sail  through,  traverse.  •ing 
c  sailing  through,  passage. 

©ennemfle  vt  filter  el.  strain  through. 

@(ennemftgt  c  vlew  el.  prospect  (through  an 
opening),  vista. 

©ennemfigtc  vt  sift. 

(gennemfigtig  a  transparent,  pellucid,  dia- 
phanous.    -Ijeb  c  transparency,  pellucidness. 

6)ennemfttre  vt  thrill. 

@ennemftb|e  vt  percolate,  ooze  through,  -ning 
c  percolation;  phys  osmose  (endo.^,  exos- 

@ennemffin  n  light  (shining  through  a  pel- 
lucid body).  •nc  vt  shine  through,  -nenbe, 
-nelig  a  tnmslucent. 

©ennemftribc  vt  stride  through,  traverse. 

©ennemftnc  vt  see  through  el.  into.  •Ug  a: 
let  ~  easily  seen  through. 

@ennemf{qb|e  vt  shoot  through;  _  en  SBog 
(meb  rent  $apir)  interleave  a  book.  -ning  c 
shooting  etc, 

^ennemffqae  vt  wash  el.  rinse  thoroughly. 

^^(gennemffælue  vt  thrill. 

-»^©cnncmffær  n  glimmering. 

©enncmffærje  vt  cut  (through),  intersect, 
(om  (>Iob)  traverse,  permeate;  _  JBølgeme  cleave 
the  waves,    -tng  c    er  cut,  cutting. 

t(gennemflaa  vt  te  ®ennemblabe. 





(Scjtuemflibc  vt  grind  through. 

©eiijtemtlijitgc  vt  interlace. 

(i5en«cm|fittt  n  (@iitt  cut  through;  (2:BærmaaI) 
diameter;  (i  3;e8ning)  profile;  (TOibBeUat)  average; 
i  _  on  an  average,  at  the  average;  i  _  telube  ftg 
til,  brtoe  bet  til,  ofo.  average.  -fnitltg  a  average, 
mediura;  ad  ■  on  an  average.  -fnitSbt)I)be  (o.  fl.) 
average  depth  (etc.)-  -fnltéflabe  section.  -fnltS= 
tegning  sectional  view. 

©cnncmfnufe  vt  pry  into. 

@enncmf>)cjbe  vt  reeonnoitre. 

©cnncmftatie  vt  spell  one's  way  through. 

©cnncmffegc  vt  roast  thoroughly;  -gt  done. 

©cnncmftiffe,  -fttnge  vt  run  through,  pierce. 

+@enncmftirre  vt  stare  through. 

©cnnemftraolc  fe  Øennemfttiine. 

©enncmftrcgc  vt  (ftr^ge)  cross;  (en  SSog)  rule 

©cnncmftrejfe  vt  roam  et.  rove  through. 

®cnncm!ftr^ge«t(ftr^geig»'nnent)sweep  through; 
(gennemftreife)  overrun,  scour.  -ftrog  sweepiug 

©cnncmftrentme  vt  flow  el.  run  through;  fig 
(om  gjøletie)  thrill. 

©cnncmftfltic  vt  beat  through,  explore. 

©cnncnifur  a  completely  sour. 

©enncmtufc  vt  whistle  el.  sigh  through. 

©enncmfuebe  vt  soak  with  sweat. 

@cnnctnft)CJ)t  a  perspiring  all  over. 

+@enncmfȾrntc  vt  spend  in  revelry. 

©cnncmfuærtc  vt  hlacken  thoroughly. 

@enncntft)tEtte  vt  float  el.  soar  through. 

@cnncmf»«ntnte  vt  swim  through. 

©cnncmfl)  vt  sew  through. 

©cnnemf^n  «  seeing  through;  (Unberføgelje) 
inspection,  examination. 

©cnncmftingc  vt  sing  through. 

©cnnentfflntng  c  sewing  through. 

@cnncmf^r|e  vt  saturate  (with  an  acid);  (meb 
Surbejg)  leaven;  jfig  leaven,  interpenetrate.  -ing 
c  saturation. 

@ennemfag|e  vt  search  (through),  (efter  S8ilbt) 
draw     -ning  c  searching  etc. 

6ienncmtegn|e  counter-draw,  trace,  -ing  c 

©cnnemtcr^je  vt  f  toil  through. 

@cnnemtDg  n  march  (through  a  country). 

©cnwcnttonc  vt  sound,  resound  through. 

©enncmtr^t  fe  Italferiiig 

©cnnemttæt  c  thorough  draught.  -le  vt  fe 
-brage;  lobe  tioget  -§  of  en  SSæbffe  impregnate  el. 
saturate  with  a  fluid;  -truffen  og  forfeglet  (^rotolol) 
tapcd  and  sealed.  -ning  c  saturation  (with  a 

@ennettttrcengc  vt  penetrate,  pierce,  permeate, 
(om  SSæbffe)  soak,  saturate.  -lig  a  penetrable; 
permeable.  -IfcSfroft  penetrating  force,  -nbe 
a  (Sulbe,  Sljb)  piercing  (cold,  sound). 

©cnncmtræt  a  dog-tired. 

@cnncmtt)tnge  vt  carry  through  (with  the 
high  hånd),  force. 

@cnnemtt)gge  vt  (t^gge  Bel  igennem)  chew  el. 
masticate  well;  (møjforamelig  gennemgoo)  toil 
hrough;  (gentoge  ofte)   repeat  again  and  again. 

@>enncmtæl|Ic  vt  count  over.  -Hng  c  count- 
ing  over. 

@enncjntcen!|e  vt  ponder,  meditate  upon, 
consider  thoroughly.    -ning  c  pondering  etc. 

QJcnnemtærffe  vt  thrash  thoroughly;  fe  -pløie, 

@cnncm|t«r  a  thoroughly  dry.  -tørre  vt  dry 

@cnnetttl)aaii  a  wet  through,  wet  to  the  skin, 
drenched,  soaking  wet. 

Q)cnnenttiaage  vt  (^Katten)  spend  (the  night)  in 
watching,  pass  (the  night)  without  sleep. 



@)ennemuaiic  vt  wade  through. 

©enncmualfc  vt  full  completely. 

@cnncmuan|bre  vt  wander  el.  roam  through, 
over,  perambulate.  -bring  c  wandering  etc, 

©cnneminarm  «  warm  through,     -oarme 
warm  e(.  heat  through. 

@ennemt)ej  c  passage,  thoroughfare. 

+(SJcnncntUiftc  vt  breathe  through. 

©cnnentBirle  vt  (oirte  ^e(t  igennem)  operai 
throughout;  STce^jperne  Bore  -be  meb  SBIomfter  ti 
carpets  were  wrought  with  flowers. 

©enncmlttofSen,  -tiofSet  a  grown  through; 

@ennettitiæbe  vt  wet  el.  moisten  thoroughl; 
drench,  soak. 

@ennentt)æt)e  vt  interweave. 

©cnncmæbe  vt  corrode. 

@enHcntælt|e  vt  knead  thoroughly.  -ning 
thorough  kneading. 

+@cnnenicEngftc§  vp  be  terrifled. 

©enncmærlig  a  thoroughly  honest 

Qien'opbiué^cn  c  resuscitation,  reawakeuin, 
•be  prrt  reawakened,  rekindled. 

(ijcn'o^jtijjggc  vt  rebuild. 

©en'opboge  vt  rediscover.    -Ife  c  rediscove: 

@en'oi)finbe  vt  invent  anew.  -Ifc  c  second 

©en'ovfriffe  vt  fe  Dpfrifte. 

@cn'o<)fflrc  vt  rebuild,  re-erect. 

©cn'olpttoring  c  clearing  up  again. 

@cn'oi)lct)e  vt  live  to  see  again. 

@en'o)ilit)e  vt  revive,   resuscitate.    -Ife 
vival,  resuscitation,  revivification. 

®eM'ot)rej§ning  c  re-erection;  fig  redress 

©en'oprctte  vt  re-establish,  restore.  -Ife  o 
re-establishment,  restoration.    -r  c  restorer. 

(SJen'o^jfttUe  vt  reset. 

©cn'o^toge  vt  take  up  again,  resume ;  (et 
©tt)ffe)  revive;  (i  et  ©elftob)  re-admit;  -  ffiiSfuS^ 
fionen  af  rediscuss.  -Ife  c  resumption;  (i  et 
©elffab)  re  admittance,  re-admission;  (of  ©tljffe) 
revival.  _ 

©cn'o^træben  c  re  appearance.  J 

■(-©cnorbning  c  reorganization.  M 

©en'oticrfætte  vt  re-translate,  put  back.         " 

(JJcn^art  c  -er  copy,  transcript,  duplieate; 
toge  en  _  af  draw  up  a  copy  of,  copy  out. 

@cnre  c  -r  style,  manner.  -maler  painter  of 
genre,    -maleri  genre,  painting  of  incident. 

@cnrejf|e  vt  re  erect.    -ning  c  re-erection. 

(Senrunge  vi  resound,  ring. 

@cnfe  vt  see  again,  meet  again ;  -8  meet 
again,  see  each  other  again.  M 

©cnftbben  c  (xiaa  Stolen)  detention.  ■ 

@enfib[e§  adv  fe  -ig  adv.  m 

©enflbig  a  mutual,  reciprocal,  on  both  sides; 
—  adv  mutually,  reciprocally.  -l^eb  c  reci- 
procity.  -^cb§|)rittci|>et  the  reciprocity  prin- 

©cnffabe  vt  re-create. 

©enfftn  n  reflection.    -ne  vi  be  reflected. 

©cnffrolb  n  re-eehoing  crash. 

©cnffænfe  vt  (en  nt)  restore  (st  to  one) 

4@cnff(er  n  (faint)  reflection. 

©cnflaj  n  return  blow;  fe  Silfiageflog. 

©enfmtlc  vi  smile  again. 

dJcnf^JCJI  e  vt  reflect,  mirror.  -ing  c  reflec 

©enftonb  c  -e  (gormool)  object;  (fom  Bifer  fig 
for  ©onferne;  ®mne)  subject,  topic,  matter,  sub- 
ject  matter;  Bæve  ~  for  SSagtoIelfe  be  the  object 
of  calumny;  er  _  for  megen  S^oiol  is  a  subject  of 
much  doubt;  bet  er  fo  ingen  ~  it  is  not  worth 
mentioning;    SJBenge  er  ingen  _  for  mig  money  is 






oiiject  With  me.   —  @cnftanb§|form  ffram 
acciisative  (case)     -orb  pram  object. 

i'Scnfti  c  -er,  fe  ©eiibej. 
Wcnftifter  c  refounder. 
iJcnftraole  vt  reflect,   image  back;    vi  l)e  re- 

'*!cnftritiiga  refractory,  recalcitrant,  obstinate, 
live,  stubbo"u.  -ffti  c  refractoriness,  ob- 

OknftcctmiJtfl  c  conuter-summous. 

(ycnftflb  n,  i>l  =,  counter  thrust  el.  shock. 

t^cnifunr  n,  })/.=,  rejoiiider.    -fuare  vt  rejoin. 

Wcnfijn  n  meeting  (again). 

^Wcnfagc  vt  rescek,  return  to. 

(^cnt  n  Gheut. 

I  ^' en  tage  vt  repeat,  reiterate;  ~  fig  recur;  -gne 

.  igc  repeatedly,  again  and  again.  -Ifc  c  -r 
lupctitiou,  reileration;  recurreuce.  -(feStegn 
sign  of  repetition;  mus  repeat.  -nbe  (+  -nt)  adv 

©enti't  a  genteel. 

©cntjenefte  c  return  el.  requltal  of  service, 
jeg  fti)Iber  fjant  en  _  I  owe  him  a  good  turn. 

(Sentone  fe  (Seninbe. 

@entr4t  n  reprint;  ti/p  inner  form,  second 

+@cnt(cnbc  vt  rekindle. 

@c'ntt|aHGeu'oa.   -e'fcr  c -e,  -e'flff  a  Genoese. 

©en'ubbrub  n  breakiug  out  again,  renewal. 

©enubf^rje  vt  re-export.  -fel  c  re-exporta- 

©cn'ubgiDe  vt  re-edit,  re-issue. 

(Scnué  n  genus. 

@)cnualg  n  reelection. 

©cnbej  c  Short  cut,  ft^be  -  make  el.  take  a 
Short  c-ut. 

+@cntiiftc  vt  waft  back. 

@entitnbe  vt  regain,  recover,  retrieve;  _  fin 
^elbreD  be  restored  to  health. 

@cnbtrlning  c  reaction. 

Oienbifit  c  return  visit. 

@ent)or'btg^eb  c  -er  adversity,  tribulation, 
misfortune,  cross,  trouble. 

@cnba:fte  vt  reawaken. 

@cnU(Cfft  c  reproduction. 

6)cnt)(elgje  vt  re-elect.  -e(tg  «  re-eligible. 
•eligbeb  c  reeligibility. 

@co|ccn'trift  a  geoceutric.  -'bc  c  -r  ge'ode. 
•bæjl'  c  geod'esy.  -bæ'tift  a  geodet'ic.  -gnofi' 
c  geog'nosy.  -gnoft  c  -er  ge'ognost.  -gro  f  c 
-er  geog'rapher.  -gtafi'  c  geog'raphy.  -gr«'ftfl 
o  geographical;  _  Crb6ug  gazetteer;  en  _  SJlil  = 
4  geographical  miles.  -log  c  -er  geol 
•logi'  c  geol'ogy.  -lo'giff  a  geolog'ic(al).  -tnant' 
c -er  ge'omancer.  -manti' cge'omancy.  -metri' 
c  gcom'etry.    -ntc'triff  n  geomet'rical. 

@c'org  George,  -'ten  n  Geo'rgia.  -ier  c  -e 
Georgian.  -Ifa  pi  the  Geo'rgics.  -i'ne  c  -r 
dahlia,    -'iff  a  Geo'rgian. 

@c))arb'  c  -er  cheetah,  hunting  leopard,  Felis 

@C<H't  n  guipure. 

@et  c  {%emx.)  feather-edge. 

©etao'be  [t.]  vi  (i)  fall  (into);  bet  -r  ^am  til 
megen  2®re  it  redounds  much  to  his  honour, 
reflect-s  great  credit  on  him;  _  i  2lnnob,  2SiIb= 
farelfe  fall  into  poverty,  error. 

@cra'ntum  c  -ier  geranium. 

©cre're  po  »"•  F  behave. 

Qicriiarb  Gerard. 

®erigt',  @crllt'  [t.]  c  -er  mop-board. 

@erttta'n|cr  p'  Teutons,  (ancient)  Germans. 
•ife're  vt  ger'manize.  -ifl  a  Teuton'ic,  German  ic. 
-iS'mc  c  -r  Ger  manism.    -Ift'  c  -er  ger'manist. 

@erne  [ce]  udv  wiUingly,  fain,  readily;  (fom 
ofti'ft)  commonly;    ^ellere   enb  -   most  willingly; 

bet  tror  jeg  _  I  dåre  say;  bet  Ion  bu  -  gøre  you 
may  do  that  if  you  like;  fan  ~  figel  at  bære  .  .  . 
may  fairly  1)6  said  to  be  .  .  .;  for  mig  _  I  have  * 
no  objection;  faalebeS  gaar  bet  -  that  is  com- 
monly the  way;  jeg  uilbe  -  oibe  I  should  like  to 
kuow,  jeg  jønftcr  meget  -  I  wish  very  much;  ^Bor 
_  jeg  enb  t)ilbe  with  every  wish  to;  lige  fao  _  as 
soou,  (ju.'^t)  as  well,  (oillig)  as  lief;  fjerten?  _ 
with  all  my  heart,  bet  fan  _  Bære  it  may  be,  it 
is  quite  possiljlc;  Ijan  riber  _  he  is  fond"  of  rid- 
ing;  ^an  er  ~  Iijemme  <)oa  benne  Jib  he  is  wout 
to  be  at  home  about  this  time;  tian  tom  -  om 
9lftenen  he  would  come  in  the  evening. 

@erning  c  -er  deed,  aet,  action,  doing,  work; 
!^an  ^ar  Bift  bet  i  -  he  has  given  actual  proofs 
of  it;  X)0iOi  ferff  _  in  the  very  aet;  i  Crb  og  _  in 
word  and  deed;  3lpoftIene§  -er  the  Acts  (of  the 
Apostle.'*);  Segn  og  unberlige  -er  signs  and  wonders; 
en  gob  _  a  good  action;  gjort  -  ftaar  iffe  til  at 
cenbre  wbat  is  done  cannot  be  undoue;  it  is  no 
use  talking  of  spilt  milk;  Bi§  mig  bin  %x.o  af 
bine  -er  hiU  show  me  thy  faith  without  thy 
works(!);  tion  Bifte  fin  Sro  i  fine  -er  his  practice 
attested  his  belief,  he  showed  his  faith  by 
his  works;  ^an  ligger  poa  fine  -er  he  has  got 
his  deserts.  @erning@|-i-Iraftig  a  vigorous. 
-tttanb  doer,  perpetrator.  -orb  gram  verb.  -t-fog 
faet.  -fteb  place  of  perpetration.  -ftjnb  sin  of 
commission,  actual  sin. 

©crrig  a  avaricious,  niggard;  (^aBeftjg)  covet- 
ous;  _  x><^a.  niggard  of  -^eb  c  avarice;  covet- 

@ert  fe  eser^arb. 

©ertrub  Gertrude  *-8fu9t  great  black  wood 
-pecker,  Picw  martiua. 

©etutt'btlttm  n  the  ger'und.  -'biff  a  gerun'- 

@c8'  n  VIU8  G  flat.    -cS  G  double  flat. 

©efanbt'  [t.]  c  -er  ambassador,  minister,  envoy. 
-ffab  n  -er  embassy,  legation.  -ffabS^otel  em- 
bassy,  legation,  -ftabå^joft  post  of  an  ambas- 
sador, embassy. 

©efcl'  ft.]  c  -ler  cont  journeyman. 

©cfcuf '  ft.]  n,  min  socket.  -jammer  top-swage. 

©cftmå'  c  -er  cornice.  -Ijabl  comice  plane, 
sash-plane.    -lift  ogeo.    -ftcn  mould-brick. 

©cffæft'tg  [t.]  a  busy,  fussy,  offioious,  meddl- 
ing,  spofTish;  én  _  $etfon  a  busy-body.  -^eb  c 
fuss,  eagerness;  meddlcsomeness. 

©cfpcnft'  [t.]  n  -er  joc  ghost,  spectre. 

©eftatt'  [t.]  c  -er  figure.  -e  fig  vr  take  shape; 
-  fig  til  take  the  shape  of. 

©efter  [t.]  n  (i  Ur)  frame. 

©eftituilatio'n,  -e'tfng  c  -er  gesticula'tiou, 
action,  -t  te  vi  gestic'ulate.  ©cftuS  c,  pi  =, 

ejefolnbt'  [t.]  fe  ^urtig. 

(SJcfborncr  c  -e  surveyor  of  mines. 

©ct^fentane  ?j  Gethsem'ane,  the  garden  of 

©cbaCbigcr  [t.  I  c  -e  overseer  (of  convicts). 

QUevaW  [t.]  c  F  violence;  -!  police!  -ig  a  <& 
adv  f  tremendous,  -ly. 

@ebanbt'  [t.]  n  -er  raiment,  drapery. 

©ebt'ert  [t.]  c  -er  tuv  M-quadrat. 

@cdtnb(t)  [t.]  n  -et  (p.  ©frue)  turn,  worm; 
(Efiarnier)  joint. 

©ebinft  [t.]  c  -er  profit,  gains;  (i  Sotteri)  prize; 
ublomme  meb  -  come  up  a  prize. 

©ctii'r  [t  ]  n  horns  pi,  head  (of  a  deer). 

©rtiorb'en  [t.]  a  enlisted;  F  pao  -  Sfob  in  a 
high-handed  manner,  with  military  rigour. 

(JJctiæfft'  [t.]  c  -er  excrescence. 

©etjce'r  »i  -er  musket,  gun,  firelock;  _  i  ^Bil! 
slope  arms  1  _  Beb  %oi !  Beb  Soben  _ !  ground 
arms!   _   \iaa   Sfulber!   shoulder  arms!   fcelb-! 





bayonet  in  charge !  prefenter  _ !  present  arms ! 
^_  i  ^ejre  J&amtb!  trail  arms!  ftoa  unber  _  be 
vinder  arms;  ftrcelfe  -  lay  down  one's  arms; 
raabe  i  _  oall  to  arms.  -efgcrcltS  small-arm 
drill.  -falirit  manufactory  of  arms.  -orcB 
movement;  -ene  the  manual  exercise.  -qane 
f'ock(ofagun).  -fiflifter  gun-ease.  -ilb  musketry. 
-faSfe  gun-box.  -fifte  armehest.  -tolbe  butt 
-end  of  a  musket  el.  gtin.  -Irabftr  wad-hook, 
worm.  -frultt  gun-powder.  -fugle  ballet,  -laaé 
lock  of  a  musket,  -ttjfelugle  flre-ball.  -l«6  gun- 
el.  musket-barrel.  -metaniåme  mechanism  of 
the  gun.  -patton  musket  cartridge.  -^ibe  je 
-lø6.  -iiro^)  plug.  -|)røue  proof  of  muskets. 
•pflramibe  pile  of  arms.  -rem  sliHg  (of  a  gun). 
-rætfe  gun-rack.  -faltie  volley  of  musketry. 
-flub  gun-shot,  musket-shot.  -ffæfte  gun-stock. 
•fmeb  (93ø5femager)  gun-smith;  (S8ao6enfmeb)  ar- 
morer,    -ftcl  fe  -ræ!fe. 

@t)t6et(i'ner  c  Ghib'elline. 

■m  5e  eSie. 

©iou'r  c  -er  glaour. 

mbtt  vt  ^  (@ejl)  gybe,  jibe. 

@ibbon  c  gibbon,  Hylobates. 

m^i  fe  ®igt  2. 

@lb  interj  would;  I  wish;  O,  that;  _  l^an  bar 
^er  would  et.  O,  that  he  were  here!  _  ganben 
liabbe  ^om!  confound  him! 

@ibe,  gab,  gibet  vi  (obertale  fig  til)  induce  one's 
self  to,  prevail  upon  one's  self  to;  (Ijobe  S^ft  til) 
have  a  mind  to,  feel  inclined  to;  jeg  -r  itte  I 
will  not,  won't,  I  do  not  choose  to,  cannot  bo 
bothered  to;  jeg  gab  oibe  I  should  like  to  know, 
I  wonder,  ^an  -r  gerne  fpije  gobt  he  likes  good 

©ibfel  fe  ®i8fel. 

@ie  c  ^  purchase.  -btol  purchase  -  block. 
-laber  p.-fall. 

@ictob  n  J>  fe  @it)toB, 

@tft  a  married  (mefe  to). 

@tft  c  -er  +  (nt  gioet)  gift;  +  (af  gober)  feed; 
(i  tortyiiand. 

@ift  c  -er  polson,  venom;  fptj  _  og  ®albe  vent 
one's  venom  el.  rage;  P  bet  Ian  bu  toge  _  paa.  I 
promise  you,  you  may  take  your  oath  on  it, 
amr  you  bet.  -blatttter,  c  -t,  -blanberfle  c  -r 
poisoner.  -blanberi  «  poisoning.  -blanbtng 
(®tft6lanberi)  poisoning;  (felBc  asianbingen)  poi- 
sonous  mixture,  -blomft  poisonous  flower. 
-blære  poison  bladder  el.  -bag.  -braab  venomous 
sting,  -bæger  poisoned  cup.  -bær  poisonous 
berry.    -%v\l  poisoned  draught. 

@ifte  vt  marry,  wed  (mcb  to);  _  bort  give 
away  in  marriage;  -8  marry,  be  married;  _  fig 
(meb  en)  marry  (one);  _  fig  igen  remarry;  _  fig 
5Senge  til  get  money  by  one's  marriage,  marry 
a  fortune.  @lfte  n  -r  marriage.  @ifte|færb 
marriage  preparations.  -færbig  o  marriageable. 
-gal  a  mad  to  get  married,  insanely  eager  for 
matrimony.  -griQer  fe  -tanfer.  -fttiJ«  marriage 
-maker.  -Iflft  longing  for  matrimony.  -Iflften 
a  anxious  to  get  married,  eager  for  matrimony. 
-ntjifcr  connubial  fancies.  (Siftermaal  n,  pi  =, 
marriage.  ©iftcrmaaléfogcr  matrimonial  snits, 
m.  cause.s,  @tftermAaldttllabelfe  permission  to 
marry.  @ifte|fflg  fe  liften,  -tanfer:  gaa  i  _  be 
absent  (like  a  person  on  the  eve  of  marriage), 
be  in  the  clouds.    -tib  marrying  time. 

©iftlfangcr  chimney  to  catch  the  arsenic. 
-fri  a  non  -  venomous.  A^X^ttt  arsenic -works. 
t-bætte  fe  Stormhat. 

©iftig  a  poisonous,  venomous;  fig  venomous, 
virulent,  -fleb  c  poisonousness,  venomousness, 

@tftig  a  (om  5pianter)  ylelding,  productive, 

fruitful;   (om  3orben)  rich,  fertile,    -fleb  c  yield' 
ingness,  produetiveness;  richness,  fertility. 

@ift|firtel  poison-gland.  -1«8  fe  fri.  -mel 
vvhite  arsenic.  -mibbcl  (TOobgtft)  antidote,  coun 
terpoison.  -morb  murder  by  poison,  poisoning 
-morber,  -morbcrffe  poisoner.  -n«b  vomic-nut 
■t)tl  poisoned  arrow.  -plante  poisonous  plant 
-rob  swallow-wort,  Anelepins  vincetoxicum.  -flange 
venomous  serpent.  -fnog  venomous  snake.  -fpfl 
enbe  a  virulent,  venomous.  -ftof  virus,  -fumaf 
polson-ash,  Rhm  toxicodendron.  -tanb  poisou- 
fang.     -tr«  upas-tree.     -tflbe   cowbane,    C'icuta 




@lg'  c  -ger  (køretøj,  SBaab)  gig;   (Salje)  jigger, 

Oigant'  c  -er  gi'ant.    -Iff  a  gigantic. 

@tge  '■  -r  fiddle;  (SJanS)  jig. 

@igge  vi  ^  clue  (up). 

@igt  c  (SR^eumattSme)  rheumatism;  (birlelig  ® 
gout,  (Sebe=)  arthritis. 

@igt  c  (8ag  i  WaSoon)  charge;  b.  f.  f.  -oab 
ning  furnaoe-top,  mouth. 

@igt|anfalb  attack  of  (the)  gout.    -bær  fe  ©ol 
Bær.   -feber  rheumatic  fever.    -flff  Indian  brea: 
Platax  arthriticua. 

@igt{flamme  top-flame.    -gaS  waste  gas, 

@igt|græ§  lesser  spearwort,  Ranunculus  ftam- 
mula.  -iff  a  gouty.  -tnnbe  articular  node. 
-fæbe  antarthritic,  galvanic  el.  voltaie  chain. 
-mtbbel  antarthritic.  -plafter  plaster  for  the 
gout.  -ring  galvanic  el.  voltaie  ring.  -rofe  fe 
$ion.  -fmerter  pains  of  the  gout.  -fuag  a  af- 
fected  with  rheumatism.  -ftjg  a  gouty.  -taft 
antarthritic  taflfeta.  -tilfælbe  gouty  el.  rheu- 
matic aifection.    -Uat  gout-wadding.  ■ 

®ilb  o  able,  perfect,  excellent.  ■ 

@ilbe  vt  geld,  castrate,  m 

@llbe  n  -r  (®æfte6ub)  feast,  bauquet,  merry 
-making;  (SJroberftab)  guild,  fraternity;  l&on  tora= 
mer  til  at  betale  -t  he  will  have  to  pay  the 
piper;  ftal  ber  oære  _  foa  lab  ber  bære  - !  here 
goes!  -brober  guild-brother.  -freb  safety  en- 
sured  to  guild-biothers.  -gobé  lauds  belonging 
to  a  guild.  -(é/gæft  guest.  -fln8  ($u§,  ^»ort  ber 
^olbeS  ®itbe)  house  of  festival;  (®ilbebrøbreneé 
|)n§)  guildhall.    -(§)lag  fe  ®ilbe;  party. 

@ilber  n  -bre,  fe  ©ilbre  c 

Oilber  c  -e  gelder. 

@(ilbe{ffraa  statutes  ofa  guild.  -ftne  banque' 
ing  room. 

@iibing  c  -er  eunueh.  @ilbning  c  gelding^^ 

©ilbre  c   r  trap. 

©ilfar,  ©ilfoa  fermenting  vat,  f.  tub 

©itttng  c  ^  counter.  @Silltng§|planfe  c.  plank. 
-træ  c.  timber. 

(Kimmer   c  ewe   (that    has    not   lambed) 
gimmer.    -lam  ewe-lamb. 

@impe  vi  &  i  whip  about  with  silk. 

t@tmpe  c  -r  see-saw.  -turæt  see-saw,  rockini 
-board.    -møUe  see-saw. 

@impenaaf  n  tool  for  twisting  fringes. 

t@lmfe  vi  (om  §efie)  toss  the  head. 

@ingang  n  gingham. 

@tnfeng  c  ginseng,  Panax  gmngue/olium. 

@ipé  cgypsnm;  (Brænbt,  til  9lfftø6ningerj  plaster 
(of  Paris),  -afft^bning,  -oftrflf  plaster-cast,  gypso- 
plast.  -agtig  u  gypseous.  -arbefbe  plaster-work, 
stueco-work.  -arbejber  plasterer.  -banbage 
plaster  of  Paris  el.  gypsum  bandage,  -billebe 
plaster-flgure.  -blomfter  gypseous  spar.  -brub 
gypsum  quarry.  -bætte  fe  -loft.  @tpf|c  vt  over- 
lay  with  plaster,  (ogf.  om  SSin)  plaster,  -er  c  -e 
plasterer.  -figur  ie  -billebe.  -form  mould  for 
plaster-work.  -jorb  gypseous  earth.  -loft 
plastered   ceiling.     -marmor   artificial  marble. 









•mafte  plaster-cast.  -tnel  powdered  'gypsum. 
•tnobel  plaster-cast.  -ning  c  plastering.  -otin 
gypsum  furnace.  -r«!  plastering  reeds.  -^atue 
plaster -statue,  -fttn  gypsum,  plaster  -  stone. 
-trttg  hod.  -ittt  gypsophila.  -ttærl  work  in 

@ir  c  4^  yaw,  sheer;  f  tiatie  en  _,  Ⱦre  paa 
en  -  have  a  brick  in  the  hat,   be  a  little  tipsy. 

@iraf'(ff)  c  -fer  giraflfe,  camelopard,  Giraffn 

Qiirant'  c  -er  endorser. 

(3\tt  vi  .^  yaw,  sheer. 

©Ire're  vt  endorse.  ®iro  c  endorsement. 
@itobant  circulation-bauk. 

@i8'  n,  mus  G  sharp.    -I§  n  G  double  sharp. 

@i§{ne  fe  ®t§fe.  -nlnj  c  -er  guessing;  conc 
guess,  conjecture;  J,  reckoning;  (ifieftif)  dead 

©if^i  n,  pi  =,  gasp.  @if)i|e  vi  gasp;  +  (gabe) 
yawn.    -en  c  gasping. 

@i§fe  vt  guess;  ^I,  reokon;  -t  SBrebbe  latitude 
by  account,  by  dead  reckoning. 

@lSfcl  c  &  ti  -fler  hostage. 

©iåfen,  gifte«  a  cracked,  leaky.  @ifine  vi 
become  leaky. 

@ttor'  fe  ®uitar. 

@«tre  vt  ^  skeet.    -r  (®itter)  c  skeet. 

@itrr  vt  grate,  lattice. 

®itter  n  tre  (9JætDærf)  railing;  (l^tjorbeb  ^er= 
foner  el.  Sing  inbefl.)  grate;  (Sralocerf)  trellis, 
lattice.  -bjælte  lattice-girder.  -bro  lattice-bridge. 
-brager  fe  -bjoelfe.  -bflr  grated  door.  -Regnet  o 
railed  in.  -port  trellised  gate,  iron  gate.  -pol 
latticed  pew.  -Oinbue  lattice  window.  -oærf 
(Srolbærlj  lattice  el.  trellis  work;  (Siæfoærl) 

@toagt'  n:  SBataiHonen  ftob  i  _  the  battaUon 
was  at  attention.  @(t'tibam  c  the  losing  game 
(at  dranghts). 

@i»!c,  QM,  gioet  vt  (i  Slim.)  give,  (tjbe,  frem= 
bringe)  yield,  produce,  (betale)  pay;  (Sort)  deal 
(cards);  _  galt  make  a  misdeal;  6et  er  33em,  fom 
f{al  _  it  is  your  deal;  ®nb  _  God  grant,  would 
to  God;  bet  -r  ben  funbe  j^ornuft  common  sense 
teaches  it;  bet  oil  Siben  _  time  will  show;  jeg 
ffal  _  bom  F  (tmenbe)  I'll  give  it  him,  have  it 
out  of  him  el.  with  him;  boab  gi'er  ^  mig!  F  I 
like  tlmt  (now) !  ~  et  ©tSempel  set  an  example; 
_  grngt  yield  fruit;  _  fulbt  J/  keep  well  full;  _ 
jpaab  om  hold  out  a  hope  of;  _  en  ;£iaanben  shake 
hånds  with  one;  _  ben  rige  9Kanb  play  the  rich 
man;  -  TOening  make  sense;  jeg  -r  35em  Sftet  I 
grant  you  are  right;  _  en  SRolle  aet  el.  play  a 
part;  _  et  Stt)ffe  aet  a  play;  _  af  fig  yield,  pro- 
duce; _  fin  33atter  bort  give  one's  daughter 
away  in  marriage;  _  efter  give  way,  yield;  ^an 
-r  ingen  efter  i  iJærbom  he  is  second,  inferior  to 
none,  yields  to  none,  in  learning;  _  en  et  Sir« 
bejbe,  en  fieftie  for  give  el.  set  one  a  task,  a 
lesson;  ~  forub  give  el.  concede  points,  be 
handicapped;  _  fra  fig  give  up,  surrender;  _ 
iit)b  fra  fig  emit  a  sound;  _  ftt  2iX)  ben  saerifice 
one's  life;  -  igen  give  back,  return;  _  *Penge 
igen  give  one  change;  jeg  tan  i!te  ~  igen  I  have 
no  change;  -  en  nt  inb  give  one  physic;  _  inb 
4^  brail  in  el.  up;  _  en  nt  meb  give  one  some- 
thing  to  take  along  with  him  el.  on  departure; 
_  en  meb  ftg  share  with  one;  _  neb  ^  send 
down;  _  om  (ftort)  deal  over  again;  ber  b(eo  -t 
om  there  was  a  fresh  deal;  -  op,  fe  Cpgioe;  _ 
iCoIben  op  give  el.  deliver  the  ball,  feed;  t  - 
2(Soreb  op  tum  the  cattle  into  the  rowens;  fip 
give  over,  give  it  up  fas  a  hopeless  case,  a  bad 
jobj;  _  (Sejlet)  op  j,  clew  up;  _  paa  go  on, 
continue;  _  til  give  more,  add;  _  tilfenbe  make 
known;    -  tilbage,    fe   _  igen;    _  ub  lay  out. 

expend,  utter;  _  en  S3og  ub,  fe  Ubgioe;  -  ub  for 
give  out  el.  pass  olT  for;  —  vn  bet  -r  fig  (af  fig) 
felt)  that  is  a  matter  of  course;  _  fig  (tabt)  give 
up  el.  in,  (rætfe  fig,  fao  et  ^ælb  et.  en  SRebne)  give 
way,  (gaa  ooer)  wear  off,  (om  ©torm)  moderate; 
_  fig  af  meb  meddle  with,  have  to  do  with;  ^an 
-r  fig  ilte  let  ben  he  does  not  wear  his  heart  upon 
his  sleeve;  gao  fig  felb  ben  for  o8  bibi  gave  him- 
self  for  us;  -  fig  t  Slofter  retire  into  a  convent; 
_  jig  2:ib  take  time;  _  fig  af  Smerte  groan  with 
pain;  bois  en  fiejligbeb  ftulbe  -  fig  should  an  op- 
portunity  present  itself  el.  offer;  bet  Ian  »el  _ 
fig  it  may  so  happen;  bet  oil  _  fig  meb  Siben  it 
will  appear  in  time;  _  fig  i  Seere  boS  en  bind 
one's  self  apprentice  to  one;  -  fig  i  Sale  meb 
enter  into  con  versa  tion  with;  _  fig  (Sub  i  SSolb 
commend  one's  self  to  God;  _  ftg  til  take  to, 
betake  one's  self  to,  give  one's  self  up  to;  _  fig 
til  ot  f^nge,  græbe  fall  a  singing,  crying;  _  fig  ub 
for  (nt)  pass  one's  self  off  for,  give  one's  self 
out  for,  set  up  for  .something,  (en)  personate 
one;  —  ber  gioeS  there  i.s,  there  are;  —  gioenbe 
part:  faa  til  _  get  as  a  present;  jeg  Bilbc  iffe  ^ane 
bem,  om  jeg  fit  bem  til  _  I  would  not  have  them 
at  (el.  as)  a  gift;  —  gioen  part:  unber  be  gione 
Cmftænbtg^eber  under  the  panicular  circum- 
stances;  en  -n  Sag  a  matter  of  course,  a  fore- 
gene conclusion,  bet  er  itte  enl^oer  -et  it  is  not 
given  to  everybody;  antage  for  -t  take  for  granted; 
-n  ^eft  f!al  man  ilte  fe  i  røunben  you  must  not 
look  a  gift  horse  in  the  mouth.  —  @iO{er  c  -e, 
•erinb'e  c  -r  giver,  donor;  en  glab  _  a  cheerful 
giver,  -ning  c  (i  Sort)  deal.  -Hg  fe  ®iftig  2. 
-tOO  n  ^.  clueline;  _  til  Unberfejl  clue  garnet;  - 
til  Stag=  og  ©affelfejl  brail. 

®ial1>  n,  pi  =,  shout,  shrill  sound.  @)albe 
vi  ring,  resound,  echo,  reverberate. 

*@jeb  c  wry  mouth,  grimace;  brage  paa  -en 
b.  f.  f.  ©iebt  vi  make  a  w.  m.,  a  grimace, 

*@ien'  J,  fe  (Sie. 

■^©jenblot  fe  @i  blof. 

*@jenlaber  fe  ©ielober. 

*@lennentflle  fe  ©ennemfie. 

@jo'rb  c  -er  (oceoet)  girth,  (af  Sræ,  SWetal)  hoop; 
*flaa  _  trundle  the  hoop.  -ftne  transverse  arch. 
@)orbe  vt  gird. 

'■■■'@jælb  n,  pi  =,  parson's  district  (one  or 
several  parishes). 

*@jælb  a  (om  So)  barren,  dry,  farrow. 

■■@ial\>h»t  c  wether. 

*@i«Ibe  vt  fe  ©ilbe. 

*®iælb|!ar»e  fe  ^gimpinetle.    -lo  barren  cow. 

*@tæIbo!§e  c  buUock. 

•@jælb»æber  c  wether. 

*@jærbc8gflarb  fence. 

*@jæép|e  vi  yawn.    -ning  yawniug,  yawn. 

*@jæte  vt  &  i  tend,  guard  (grazing  animals), 
shepherd,  graze.  -r  c  -e  herd,  shepherd.  — 
@j(eter{gut  shepherd  boy,  young  herdsman. 
-{ente,  -pfge  shepherd  girl.  ^jæ'tning  c  tend- 
ing,  shepherding. 

*@j«be  fe  gebe. 

*@j«b|!oltt  fe  gebe'.  -ning  c  fattening.  -oje 
fe  gebeftub.  -fle  vt  manure,  dung.  -ffing  c 
manuring.    -ftt  fe  gebefti. 

®j«g  c  -e  cuckoo,  CucuIm;  *  F  chap,  customer. 

*®jømaaneb  c  February. 

♦©jan  n  F  briPe  _  meb  have  fuu,  sport  with 
one.    ®i«ne  vi  b.  f. 

*@i«r«te  c  dregs;  mud,  mire.  -t  a  muddy, 

*@|«rå,  @J«8  c  -er,  fe  Sanbart. 

©locébanbfter  pi  kid  gloves;  F  kids. 

®Iacta  liformation  gla'cial  formation  (o.  fl). 
-flen  erralic  i)lo<-k. 




@rocl  8  n  glacis. 

@(ab  a  glad',  joyful,  joyous;  bære  _  rejoice; 
bære  -  ober,  oeb  (^*  oflfaa  -  i)  be  glad  of  cl.  at, 
be  delighted  with,  at;  gere  fig  en  -  ^ag  make 
a  day  of  it;  Icbebe  i  ben  -e  3;ro  fondly  imagined. 
-elifl,  -Cliflcn  adv  gladly  etc. 

&iai>ia'tov  c  -o'rer  gladiator,  'tamp  gladia- 
to'rial  combat. 

@(am  n  C^iinbe  )  baying. 

^(ani^ul  »  louver-window. 

@tamtne  vi  bay,  bark. 

&\ane  vi  stare. 

@Ian§  c  (egentl.  og  fig)  splendour;  (Straale= 
glans,  $ragt,  Serøinmelte)  lustre;  (of  Zøi)  gloss; 
("JSoIilur)  polish;  fætte  _  paa  give  a  gloos  to;  tage 
-en  af  take  the  gloss  oflf,  bifte  fig  i  al  fin  - 
appeared  in  all  liis  glory;  gøre  nt  meb  -  do  st 
in  grand  style;  tomme  fra  nt  mcb  _  come  out  of 
st,  come  off,  with  flying  colours.  -!6aanb  glossy 
ribbon.  -btUe  sparkler,  Nitidula.  -blab  tin-foil. 
-Btfrfte  polishing  brush.  -fafan  monaul  lopho- 
phorus.  -fifl  king-flsh,  Luviiii-in  onttattis.  -fftte 
glow  worm,  Lampyrin.  -forgtjtbuing  false-gild- 
ing, -fugt  jaeamar,  Gdbula.  -fulS  a  glossy, 
lustrous;  fig  splendid,  illustrious;  -garn  glacé 
-thread.  -^ot  glazed  hat.  -t)t>tb  a  glossy  white. 
■lanio  glazed  calico.  -fanttUc  gold  el.  silver 
purl.  -fo6oU  shining  cobalt-ore.  -!ttt  glance 
-coal,  aiithracite.  -læber  patent  Icather.  -lærreb 
glazed  linen.  -Ia§  o  lustreless,  lacklustre;  duU, 
dead;  fig  without  splendour  el.  pomp.  -IǤ^cb 
c  deadness.  -^ja^iir  glazed  paper.  -^eriobe  days 
of  glory,  palmy  days.  -^unft  crowning  effort, 
crowning  hit,  noblest  feature,  acme.  -rifl  a  fe 
•fulb.  -roMe  crowning  performance,  favourite 
part.  -ftbc  glossy  side;  fig  bright  side.  -ftifinlng 
burni.shing.  -fncgl  agatc  suail,  Achatina.  -fob 
shining  soot.    -fttuclfe  glazed  starch. 

@(a^fti  c  bewildering  path;  ©enfii  6liber  ofte 
_  a  short  cut  is  often  the  longest  way. 

@Iar  (t  k  poet)  n  glass.  -Ijoti  bM  sea  of 
glass.  -Ijinbe  fe  ®Ia§=.  -meftcr  glazier.  -mcftcr= 
biamant  glazier's  diamond.  -mcftcrftt  glazier's 
putty.  -fpcjl  voit  glassy  surface.  -bcebfle  fe 
®la§legeme.    -fljne  speetacles. 

@Io§'  n,  pi  =,  glass;  (<Z>rgla8)  tumbler;  ^1,  bell; 
flaa  fi'!§  ~  strike  six  bells;  fætte  i  ~  og  SRamme 
frame  and  glaze;  i  _  Ofl  9{amme  framed  and 
glazed;  et  -  SJanb  a  tumbler- ful  of  water;  britte 
et  _  meb  en  take  (a  glass  of)  wine  with  one; 
blibe  til  _  vitrify.  -ont  Anglesea  morris,  Lejito- 
cephalua.  -affalb  glass  cuttings,  cuUet.  -agtig 
a  glassy,  vitreous,  glass-like.  -arBejbe  working 
in  glass;  glass-work.  -arbejber  glass  worker. 
-brcenbing  auncaling.  -J^g  hard  barley.  -bio- 
ntant  glass- diamond,  paste.  -braatier  glass  tears. 
-bar  glass-door.  -eleftricltct  vitreous  electrieity. 
-e'rc  fe  -fere.  -fobrit  glass- works  pi.  -fabritation 
glass-making.  -fnrtie  glass  et.  bottle  green. 
-fartitting  glass  staining.  -flaffc  glass  bottle. 
-flis  shive  el.  splinter  of  glass.  -f(uå  pa.ste  (of 
glass).  -gaBe  sandiver,  glass-gall.  -gran  a  glass 
el.  bottle  green,  -^aorb  hard  as  glass.  -^anbel 
(§onbel  meb  ®l.)  glass  tråde;  ((Slalubfatg)  glass 
shop.  -^anbler  glass  man,  glass-.seller.  -^ar- 
monita  musical  glasses.  -^inbe  hyaloid  mem- 
brane.  -^ué  glass  house,  -^t^ebe  hard  wheat. 
-ft\ftte  glass  house,  -for  glass-vessel.  -!o§fe 
glass  oase;  (til  ®lo§)  cage  for  packing  glass. 
*-ltttit  glass  float.  -lirfebær  egriot.  -fifte  fe 
-toéfe.  "(it  glass-cement.  -flar  a  clear  as  glass. 
•UotU  bell  glass,  glass  shade;  (til  at  fætte  ober 
planter)  (hånd)  glass.  -folbe  balloon.  -totai 
glass-bead.  -fratn  glass  ware.  -fran  glass 
water-gauge.  -trufle  glass  jar.  -frsmmcr  fe 
-^onbler.     -tugle  glass-globe  el.   -ball.     -tnppct 

(til  Ur);  (til  fiampe)  lamp  glob« 
-fur»>  glass-basket;  (til  ^forfenbelfe)  crate.  •(egcM 
vitreous  humour  (of  the  eye).  -l^gte  glm 
lanteru,  -mager  fe  -bUfter.  -moler  painter  o 
glass.  -moltri,  -moling,  -motning  glass  pa in 
ing.  -malm  silver-glance.  -moSje  glass-metai 
frit.  ■■■■-mcfter  fe  ®(armefti>r.  -mofoif  glass-mosaia 
■Opal  hyalite.  -obn  glass  fiirnace.  -papir  glai 
-paper.  -pofte  fe  -flug.  -perle  glass-bead.  -ploj 
glass-plate.  -priéme  glass  drop.  -pufter  gla« 
blower.  -pufteri  n  glass-blowing,  glass-worki 
-puftcrlompe  enameller's  lamp.  -puflerrør  glas 
-blower's  pipe.  -rube  pane  (of  glass).  -rt 
glass-tube.  -foger  glass-ware.  -fe're  vt  glaz< 
(obertræffe  meb  Sutlcr)  iee.  -fcring  c  glazing 
(glaéferct  ©utfer)  ice.  -fet  a  glassy.  -ffaol  glass 
•ci:p.  -ffflor  fragment  of  glass,  pi  cullet.  -ftob 
glass    press,    g.    cabinet,   g.    case.     -ffipe   gla^ 

plate.    -ffum  fe  -goDle.     -ff«r  a  brittle  as  glasa 
•flange  glass-snake,    Oijhiosaurvs.     -ftiber  glafl 
-grinder,    -fliberi,  -flibning,  glas" 
-cutting.    -fncgl  Venus'  ehariot,    llynlea.    -fnog 
fe  -flange.     -fpUnt,   -ftump    splinter    of    glass. 
-ft^fte  piece  of  glass.     (ijlaéfu'r  c   fe   ®lafut. 
@to8|fpærmer  sesla.    -toorer  fe  -braaber.    -tag 
glass-roof.    -tegning  drawiug  on  glass.    -troab 
glass-thread.     -trogt    glass-funnel.     -ubfolg    fe 
-ftanbel.  ©lofu'r  glazing,  glaze,  (^TænberS)  enarael. 
@(o§|urt  glass-wort,   Salicomia.     -Porer  glass 
ware.   -Pogn  glasscoach.  -pæbffe  fe  -legeme.  -Pæg 
glass  partitiou.    -bærf  glass-works.    -æble  glass 

apple.  -ætfcr  glassengraver.  -«je  glass-eye; 
(fio8  Jpefle)  wall  eye.    -«{et  a  wall-eyed. 

@(ot'  a  smooth;  ^  glabrous;  fig  insinuating, 
oily;  _  ®æt  flush  deck;  _  Sag  J>  broadside;  _ 
Sitop,   Siiig,    Silfetøi    plain   button,   ring,    silk; 

-  ^aor  straight  hair;  _  3S  slippery  ice;  _  Sjunge 
smooth  tongue;  _  font  en  9tal  slippery  as  an  eel; 

-  at  gaa  slippery  walking;  —  adv  smoothly;  ^an 
^uggebe  bet  -  af  he  cut  it  clean  off;  bet  gif  itfe 
faa  -  it  was  not  all  plain  sailing.  @tat|benct  <i 
smooth-legged.  -brænbinghardeningon.  -bælg, 
-bæUe  V)itter  vetch,  Oroim.  -bætétoruct  fiush 
deck  corvette.  -fil  smoothing  file.  -file  vt  file 
smooth.  -^ooret  a  smooih-haired,  sleek-haired. 
•^ogct  u  smooth-chinned,  smooih-faced,  beard- 
less.  •f)a[  smooth  dog-flsh,  Musteiua.  -^eb  c 
smoothness.  -^ubet  a  smooth-sklnned,  sleek 
-skinned.  -^ugge  vt  hew  smooth.  -^flpl  smooth- 
ing-plane.  -^DPle  vt  plane  smooth.  -i§  glazed 
frost;  bringe  pao  -  tempt,  put  to  the  test,  lead 
into  a  scrape.  -læmmct  a  straight  combed. 
-l«bet  a  smooth  boreld);  _  ®ebær,  Sanon  smooth 
bore.  -ning  c  smoothing.  -roget  a  clean-shaven, 
smooth-shaven,  clean  shorn.  -rebt  fe  -fæmmet. 
-roffc  skate,  E<xja  butis.  -fieben  a  polished. 
-flibning  polishing.  -toicnbe  a  smooth-spoken. 
GJlotte  vt  smooth.  @latte||ærn  smoothing  iron. 
Q)latteften  sleek-stone,  smoolhing-stone.  ©lotte- 
træ  burnishing  stick,  ©lotltungct  a  smooth 
-tongued.  -tunget^eb  c  smoothness  of  tongue. 
-Oæf  adv  without  further  ceremony  el.  ado,  qulte 

@lauberfalt  n  Glauber's-salt,  sulphate  of  soda. 

@)laPinb  n,  pi  =,  poet  glaive. 

@tcb  fe  ®lib. 

klemme  »  oblivion,  forgetfulness;  bet  er  gaaet 
mig  i,  ab,  af  ~  I  have  forgotten  it,  it  has  escaped 
my  memory;  bet  er  gaaet  i  -  {\)oi  %M)  it  has 
lapsed  out  of  memory.  (Slemme,  glemte,  glemt  rt 
forget,  (^bab  mon  ftor  lært)  unlearn;  gemt  er  ilfe 
glemt)  omittance  (forbearance)  is  no  acquiltance, 
all's  not  lost  that's  delayed;  jeg  fior  glemt  ^an§ 
9Jabn  I  forget  his  uame;  bet  ^abbe  jeg  vent  glemt 
I  quite  forgot  that.  -bogen:  ffribe  i  _  forget, 
consign  to  oblivion.  —  -f@)(em{migc)  c  -er,  fe  '^ox-- 



glemmigej.  -fet  c  oblivion,  forgeifulness.  -fottt, 
*.ff  a  forgetful,  oblivious.  -fom^cb  c  forgetful- 
ness,  oWiviousness. 

@Unte  c  -r  kite,  Miivm. 

(^Ictfc^er  c  -e  glacier.  -bannetfe  glacial  forma- 
tion. -r(»  glacier-torrent.  -fttibe  glacial  scratch- 

*Qiiettt  c  (i  fluften)  clear  interval. 

Oiiib  c  e  purse  net,  catcher;  gaa  paa  _  catch 
With  a  purse-net.    @ltbe  vt  b.  f. 

@Ub  n  slip;  \>aa  -  a  going,  in  train;  foa  pQO  - 
set  a  going,  draw  out. 

@Iibc,  gleb,  glebct  vi  ubilfaarltg)  slip;  (glibe 
paa  38,  gaa  fagte,  fnige  ftg)  slide;  (beoæge  pg  let) 
glide;  -  ub  slip;  _  let  i)m  otter  touch  lightly 
upon,  slide  over.  -bane  slide;  glite  paa  en  _  go 
down  a  slide,  -bro  (p.  9>ogn)  sweep-bar.  -flabe 
slide,  -jærn  sweep-bar  plate.  -tontaft  sliding 
fWction.    -tei  sliding  keel.    -rt  c  gilding,  sliding. 

@i(tber  c  -e  mec  slide,  -aabning  slide-bridge. 
-orm  (slide-)valve  lever,  -flobe  slide-face.  -folfe 
(0.  fl.)  slide-casiug  (etc ).  -flag  slide-stroke. 
-fiang  (slide-)valve  rod.  -fitjring  gab  motion. 
-Vanbring  travel  of  the  slide.  —  @libe|ffala 
sliding  seale.  -tienti(  sliding  valve.  QJHbning 
c  gliding,  slide,  (SfruenS)  slip. 

(SUrbcrmanb  [t.]  c  lay-figuie. 

@limc  c  -r  glade. 

©Itmmer  c  (fuagt  Sfin)  glimmer,  glitter;  (falff) 
false  lustre,  linsel;  7nin  mica,  glimmer,  -blomft 
showy  tlower.  -gncjS  micaceous  gneiss.  -gulb 
yellow  glimmer.  -ler  micaceous  clay.  +-leé  fe 
i8ramfri.  -pxaqt  tawdriness.  -fonb  glittering 
sand;  micaceous  sand.  -flifer  mica-slate,  -schist. 
•fiabé  tawdry  finery.  -ftcn  glimmer,  mica.  -f«lb 
argentine  mica.    -bib  flashy  wit. 

@(limrc  vi  .glitter,  glisten,  glister;  Jig  shine; 
fe  @ulb,  grottærelie.  -nbc  a  glittering  etc;  Jig 
brilliant,  splendid,  rich.  -tljft,  -f^ge  love  of, 
passion  for,  show  el.  display. 

@Iimt  n,  pi  ==,  gleam,  glimpse,  flash,  »c 
glint;  foa  et  _  af  catch  a  glimpse  of;  gpret  Btfer 
et  _  fibert  røinitt  the  light  exhibits  a  flash  every 
minute.  @limt|e  vt  gleam,  flash;  bet  beg^nber  at 
-  af  5;agen  day  begins  to  dawu.  -en  c  gleam- 
ing  etc.  -f^r  n  flashing  light-  -OiS  adv  by 

@Itnfe  vi  glisten,  shine. 

(i)Iit»'  adv.  gaa  _  af  miss,  fail  of;  bet  flog  - 
for  liain  he  failed,  he  was  dissappointed.  -^le 
(+  •&  *  glap)  vi  (flaa  glip)  fail;  (om  Sinter)  slip, 
give  way,  start;  —  -f-  vt  fail,  forsake. 

Qdipfe  «»  (web  øjnene)  blink,  wink,  twinkle. 

(lilidfan'bø  adv,  mus  slurred,  in  a  gliding 

*@aéfen  fe  ®rt§fen. 

@Htre  vi  glitter,    -tt  c  glitter,  glittering. 

@(ttte  vt  caiender,  glaze.  -al  broach.  -folbe 
polishing-iron.  -ittaftine  glazing-calender.  -r  c 
-c  calendrer.  -ften  smoothingstone.  @(ttning 
c  calendering  etc. 

@Io'  vi  (ftirre)  stare,  gaze,  gape;  (ffinne  i  øjnene 
glow,  shine,  -bift  c  -er  F  gaper,  gaping  sim- 

@(obud  c  -er  globe. 

*(iJlo(b)  c,  pi  ®løber  (®løer)  meb  ®mf.  fe  ®t»b 
(bog  itfe  Ae). 

@i(o|en  c  staring.  -enbe  a  (ffinnenbe)  glowing; 
(glsbenbe)  red-hot;  _  Sugter  red-hot  balls;  _  r»b 
fiery  et.  flaming  red.    -fleb  a  glowing. 

*(i$Ii)r  n  gaudiness.  @ror|e  vi  glare.  -et  a 
gaudy,  glaring. 

@(orie  c  (ogf.  Jia)  glory,  halo,  nimbus  (om 
fiele  ypgemet)  aureola.  @tor|rlg,  -bærbig  a 

H-®Jor»b  a  fiery  red. 

@Iofe  c  -r  vocable;  p  taunt.  t@Jofe  vi  sneer 
(ober  at),  -bog  vocabulary,  glossary.  -førraab 
vocabulary.    -fræmmer  vocabulist. 

@(ogfa'r(,ium)  n  ier  glos'sary.  @(odfe  c  -r 

@i(u6|enbe  a  ravenous,  ferocious;  _  Uloe  hibl 
raveniiig  wolves.  -ft'  a  ravenous,  rabid,  vora- 
cious,  ferocious;  bft  er  en  ~  Sulbe,  _  (adv)  lolbt 
it  is  villaiuously  et.  biting  cold.  @lttbfl^cb  c 
ravenousness,  ferocity,  voraciousness. . 

H-@luffe  »t  jeer,  flout.    -r  i?/ jibes,  jeers,  flouts. 

@tttg,  *@Iugge  c  -ger  hole,  aperture;  pi  p 
(goggle-)eyes.  -Ijul  peep-hole.  -maaneb  January. 
-Oinbue  small  window. 

mnt'  c  (liUe  83orn)  babe,  baby;  (ftælcorb) 

@(ut'cn  n  gluten,  -tvett  gluten  bread. 
(Stuttnø'3  a  glu'tinous. 

@(utfn(et)))e  c  greenshank,  Totanua  glottis. 
®l^ecrl'n    c    glyc'erine.     -olte    glycerine-(oil). 
-f«be  glycerine-soap. 

*@tDe  c  jelly. 

Q)lQfo  1  n  gly'col. 

@lfl|>tote'I  n   er  glyptotheca. 

@l^fe  c  poor,  Gadus  minvtu«. 

®H)t,  ©Itjtte  fe  ®løt. 

©læbe  c  -r  joy,  delight,  pl'easure;  ^engioen  til 
S3orbet3  -r  given  to  the  luxuries  of  the  table; 
bet  er  mig  en  _  at  I  am  happy  to,  it  gives  me 
great  pleasure  to;  bet  bteb  en  _  there  was  great 
rejoicing;  ube  af  fig  felt)  af  _  beside  one's  self 
With  joy;  grcebe  af  -  weep  for  joy;  finbe  (Rn)  -  i 
delight  in,  take  delight  in;  jeg  ^ac  ingen  _  af  .  ., 
.  .  gives  me  no  satisfaction;  meb  _  gladly;  til 
ftor  _  for  to  the  great  delight  of  (Mlcebe  vt 
gladden,  cheer;  bet  -r  mig  I  am  glad  of  it;  bet 
-r  mig  at  I  am  glad  to  el.  thai;  —  vr  _  fig 
rejoice;  -  fig  beb  el.  ober  rejoice  at;  (funne)  _  Rg 
Beb  (beftbbe)  rejoice  in,  enjoy;  -r  eber  meb  be  glabe 
rejoice  with  them  that  do  rejoice;  -  fig  til  look 
forward  (with  pleasure)  to.  -6ri«gcnbe  a  gladden 
ing.  -brulfen  n  intoxicatert  with  joy.  -fttlb,  -lig 
ajoyful,  joyous.  -leå  a  joyless,  cheerless,  dreary. 
-rig  fe  -fuib. 

&icebei\iaal,  -bIttS  bonflre.  -bub  messenger 
of  joy.  -bub(ffab)  joyful  message.  -bæger  cup 
of  joy.  -bag  day  of  rejoicing.  -feft  festival, 
rejoicing,  jubilee  -F-flamme  transport  of  joy. 
•graab  tears  of  joy.  -tiaab  joyous  hope.  -ilb 
bonfire.    -flang  fe  -iQb. 

@Icebe^t)  a  joy  shunning. 

@l(ebeé{ll)b  joyous  sound,  -tnaaltib  festive 
entertainment.  -orb  pi  joyful  words  pi.  -<(ige 
prostitute.  -raob  fe  -firig.  -rtt§  transport  of 
joy.  -fang  song  of  joy.  -ftrig  shout  of  joy. 
-ftnb  festive  salute.  -taarer  tears  of  joy.  -ttqn 
token  of  joy.  -tib  time  of  rejoicing.  -time  hour 
of  joy. 

6(lrebe|ftraalenbe  a  beaming  with  joy.  -i-f»an« 
ger  a  fraught  with  joy.  @l(Cbe§Qtring  expression 
el.  demonstration  of  joy.  @l(cbetoin  a  joyless, 
cheerless.     @l(ebfta6  c  rejoicing,  merriment. 

*@læf8  M,  1)1  =,  (om  |)unbe)  snap,  (short)  bark. 
©Iceffe  vi  snap;  —  vt  ~  i  fig  devour  ravenously. 

@l(enS|e  vt  polish,    -ning  c  polishing. 

©lætte  fe  93lbglætte. 

@l«b  c  -er  live  coal;  (pi)  embers  pi;  Jig  glow; 
fibbe  fom  paa  -er  sit  upon  thorns. 

@Ube  vt  make  red  el.  white  hot,  make  glow- 
ing hot;  —  (ogf.  Jig)  glow;  Jig  bum  (af  with); 
jeg  -be  af  fiampiber  I  was  flred  with  military 
ardour.  -faroe  heat  colour.  -tampe  glowing 
•lamp,  incandescent  light,  -n  c  glowing.  -nbe 
a  red  hot;  buming.  —  @l«b|edfe  annealing  hearth. 
-^eb  a  glowing,  red  hot.    -^ebe  red  heat.    -ilb 




red  hot  embers  p^.  -ninfl  e  ignition,  heating. 
-ningStal)  loss  by  heating.  -ot)«  heating-furnace. 
-rab  a  red  hot.  -ffal  iron-scale.  -pool  pig  steal. 
-t»D!§  gilder's  wax.    -uofSning  vvax-gilding. 

*®l«fl'  a  shrewd,  sharp,  smart;  (om  3nftr.) 
sensible,  quick.    -f^nt  sharp-sighted. 

*@let:  paa  ~,  fe:  paa  Stiem.  @(øtte  »i  peep; 
_  paa  S)øten  open  the  doer  ajar. 

"®naaU  vi  hum,  sing;  Jlg  harp,  beg  con- 
tinuously.    @naat  »»  humming  etc. 

+@nol»ire  vi  f  grumble,  growl.  +-riB  a  fe 

*@ttaa  n  bother,  Importunity. 

+@naib,  @ttoIl»cc-er  bit,  morsel.  ®Katt>\cvt 
nibble.    -ing  c  =er,  fe  ®nalb. 

@n(if{e  vt  (i  fig)  cruneh.  -n  c,  -ri'  crunching, 

@nat)  c  og  n   p  grumbier;  n  gnawing. 

Qina\}t  vt  (meb  5rænberne)  gnaw;  (beb  ®nibning) 
fret,  chafe,  gall;  —  vi  f  grumble  {paa,  oser  at) 
fret.  -ben  bones  to  gnaw.  @naben  a  (of  SJatur) 
fretful,  peevish,  querulous;  (©temning)  sulky; 
»ære  _  sulk.  ©natien^eb  c  fretfulness,  peevish- 
ness.  @)nat)c^otte  c  grumbier.  @nat)er  c  -e,  fe 
®naO;  (®^r)  rodent,  gnawing  animal.  —  @nauer|> 
afit  aye-aye,  Uuiromys.  -^inbfotn  porcupine, 
Hyitrix.  -))ungbQr  wombat,  Phancolomyt .  @nati' 
faar  n  raw. 

t®ttob|fer  c  -e,  -fet  a  fe  ®nier,  ®nibff. 

@nei§  c  gneiss. 

@nib'  n  -ber  nit. 

@ntbe,  gticb,  gnebet  vt  rub;  (foc  ot  barme)  chafe; 
_  IbS  (f.  ®l§.  paa  SBiolin)  scrape  away;  _  fig  i 
^ænberne  rub  one's  hånds;  fig  _  fig  op  ab  en 
scrape  acquaintance  with  one,  rub  shoulders 
with  one;  _  efter  rub  over.  -billebe  rubbing. 
-flabe  sliding-face,  rubbingpart.  -ftcn  sleek 
-stone.  -taj  rubber,  cushion.  @ntbntng  c  -er 
rubbing,  friction.  —  @nibntng§{eleftricttet  fric- 
tional  electricity.  -U)b  fricative  consonant;  med 
rubbing  sound,    -mobfianb  friction. 

dJnibrc  vi  write  a  close  and  crabbed  hånd. 
-t  a  close  and  crabbed  (hand-writing). 

@nibret  a  (af  @tiib)  nitty. 

(ijnibf'cl  c:  ®raab  og  SænberS  _  weeping  and 
gnashing  of  teeth.  ®nibff  «  niggardly,  stingy, 
sordid.  @$nibffi)eb  c  niggardliness,  stinginess, 
sordidness.  @nibfle  vi  (meb  jCænberne)  gnash 
the  teeth.  (SJnie  vi  pinch,  be  stingy  (poa  of). 
Q}nie))inb  c  niggard.  (SJnicr  c  -e  miser,  niggard, 
hunks,  curmudgeon,  screw.  gnieragtig  a  fe 
®nibff.  ©nieragtigJjeb,  @nieri'  n  fe  @nibftt)eb, 
©niffc  vt  rub  (frequently).  *@nilfc,  ©niSfe  vi 

tGJnifVe  c  fe  ^oærgterne. 

@nift  c  -er  (ogf.  fig)  spark,  scintilla;  fig  vestige, 
remnant;  af  liben  _  tommer  ofte  en  ftor  3Ib  a 
small  spark  makes  a  great  fire;  ~  af  ^aab  ray 
of  hope.  -fanger,  -fænger  spark-catcher,  bonnet, 
sparker,  spark-arrester,  -re  vi  sparkle,  *whine; 
"^anS  ISjne  -be  af  SStebe  his  eyes  iiashed  with 
anger,    -regn  shower  of  sparks,    -ren  c  sparkling. 

+@nitre  fe  knitre. 

@no|tn(e)  c  -r  gnome.  -fttciS'me  c  gnosticism. 
-ft'i!er  c  -e,  -ft'ifl  a  gnostic. 

@nu  c  -er  gnu,  Catoblepas  gnu.     -itfv  n  b.  f. 

&nuf)\>t,  -gnngge,  *gnure  vt  rub,  chafe. 

@nt)  n  din,  clamour. 

@)n(egge  vi  whinny. 

*®nælb  n  whine.    -e,  -te,  -t,  -re  vi  whine. 

@obeIinS'  tapeter  gob'elins. 

®ob  a,  comp  bebre,  sup  Bebft  (+  &  joc  gobefte), 
(i  3llm.)  good,  (tun  om  hjertets  ©ob^eb)  kind;  ben 
-e  the  good  man;  be  -e  the  good;  ?l!Kanben  er  _ 
nol  the  man  is  safe  enough;  t)on  bliBer  fnart  ~ 
igen    he   is   easily  reconciled,   he  soon  comes 

round  again;  l^an  er  ilfe  ~  at  fomme  nær  he  is 
rough  customer;  te  er  (begge)  lige  -e  they  are 
pair  el.  of  a  pieee;  p  ben  er  _  that  is  a  goo 
one  I  I)an  er  mig  itfe  ~  I  am  not  in  his  favor 
not  in  his  good  graces;  bær  faa  -  be  so  kind 
to  .  .  .,  please,  if  you  please;  Bær  faa  gob  at  laB 
mig  Bibe  kindly  let  me  know;  foa,  bet  er  got 
there,  that  will  do;  bet  er  meget  -t !  I  like  tha 
(now) !  bet  er  -t  not  that  is  all  very  well,  so  fa 
so  good;  bet  er  lige  foa  -t  at  it  is  as  well  to;  fo 
-t  for  good  (and  all);  lab  bet  Bære  -t  let  tha 
pass,  never  mind  that,  say  no  more  about 
bet  Bar  -t  at  bu  tom  I  am  glad  you  came;  be 
Bor  itte  -t  om  it  would  not  be  well,  it  would  be 
a  bad  thing,  if;  bet  er  itte  -t  ot  Bibe  it  is  hard 
to  tell;  mere  enb  -t  er  more  than  is  good  and 
needful;  ^an  gor  meget  -t  he  spends  much  money 
in  works  of  charity,  he  does  a  great  deal  of  good; 
ben  Bil  itte  gure  -t  it  doesn't  answer  el.  work, 
won't  do;  enfte  en  olt  -t  wish  one  every  happiness; 
gare  -t  igen  make  amends  for;  bet  Bil  gøre  alt  -t 
igen  that  will  set  all  to  rights  again;  jeg  goB 
^am  bet  lige  faa  -t  igen  I  gave  him  as  good  as 
he  brought:  ^oBe  -t  of  derive  benefit  from,  profit 
by;  bet  Bil  S!e  ^oBe  -t  of  it  will  do  you  good;  bet 
Bil  S)e  itte  ^auc  -t  of  that  will  do  you  no  good; 
mere  enb  l)an  ^or  -t  of  more  than  is  good  for 
him,  agrees  with  him;  ntjbe  -t  of  have  the  benefit 
of;  bet  |or  fton  -t  of  it  serves  him  right;  ^oob  fa'  ^on 
for  et.  til  -t?  had  he  any  good  news?  bet  gobe 
good,  what  is  good;  for  meget  of  bet  -e  too 
much  of  a  good  thing;  overdoing  it;  gere  for 
meget  of  bet  -e  overshoot  the  mark;  bet  er  itfe 
for  bet  -e  it  is  for  no  good  purpose,  mon  ftønner 
itfe  paa  bet  gobe  førenb  mon  Ijor  miftet  bet  the 
worth  of  a  thing  is  best  known  by  the  want; 
we  never  know  the  worth  of  water  till  the 
well  is  dry;  meb  bet  -e  by  fair  means,  amicably; 
meb  bet  -e  eHer  onbe  by  fair  or  foul  means;  _ 
35og!  good  morning!  (om  (Sfterm.)  good  after- 
noon;  (good  day  og  good  night  tun  Beb  Slffteb); 
how  do  you  do!  fige  _  Sog  say  how  do  you  do; 
jeg  gioer  ^om  en  _  2)og  I  don't  care  a  rush  el. 
straw  about  him;  naor  Snben  er  _  er  alting  -t 
airs  well  that  ends  well:  mongen  en  ~  ®ong  many 
a  time  and  oft;  bu  -efte  ®ub !  good  gracious ! 
noget  gobt  Quti  precious  trash;  -t  S'ort  winning 
card,  king  card;  en  _  ajJil  a  good  el.  full  mile, 
a  good  long  mile;  Bær  Beb  t  SKob  be  of  good 
cheer;  en§  -e  JJoBn  og  9{l)gte  one's  fair  name, 
fair  fame;  for  et  -t  Drb  for  a  trifle,  for  an  old 
song,  for  the  asking;  bet  er  itte  ot  foo  for  ^enge 
etter  -e  Crb  it  is  not  to  be  had  for  love  or 
money;  giBe  -e  Orb  give  fair  words,  speak  one 
fair;  en  -  Stunb  rather  a  long  time;  bet  ^ar  _ 
Sib  it  is  time  enough;  i  -e  ti  Simer  for  (a)  good 
ten  hours;  jeg  Bor  en  ~  Solfe  a  precious  fool  I 
was;  et  -t  Ubfalb  a  happy  issne;  -t  Ubfomme  easy 
competency;  f)an  f)ar  et  -t  Ubtomme  he  is  well 
off,  well  to  do;  bet  ^or  -e  SBeje  that  is  all  right, 
never  mind  that;  -t  SSejr  fine  weather;  p  bebe 
om  -t  SSejr  cry  mercy;  meget  -e  SBenner  great 
friends;  _  SBinb  fair  wind;  itfe  meb  min  -e  SBtlje 
not  willingly,  not  if  I  can  help  it,  not  if  I  know 
it;  _  of  fig  good-natured;  Bære  _  for  (foo  og  foa 
meget)  be  worth  .  .  .:  goo  el.  fige  _  for  stand  bail 
for;  en^Ber  er  _  for  fig  every  one  is  good  for 
something;  Bære  -  imob  (*  ogfoa  meb)  be  kind 
to;  be  er  lige  -e  om  bet  p  they  are  in  the  same 
boat,  *  ^on  er  itte  _  poo  mig  I  am  not  in  his 
favour,  not  in  his  good  graces;  jeg  ^olter  mig 
for  _  til  at  I  am  above  ing;  bu  bor  -t  Beb  ot 
tale  (om)  that  is  all  very  fine  ibr  you  (to  speak 
of);  —  gobt  adv  fe  nbfr.  —  @ob|of'ten  n  good 
evening.  -artet  a,  med  mitigated,  benign,  mild. 
'^-bib  dainty  bit,  d.  morsel.    -bag  n  fe  oofr.  @ob 




Sag.  -bæ'big,  -bæ'btgfteb  fe  -gorenbe.  ©obe  n 
-r  good,  benefit,  blessing;  bet  ^Bjefte  _  the 
supreme  good;  tit  _  due,  fe  Stigobe;  ^olbe  til  - 
overlook,  bear  with,  make  allowanee  for;  gøre 
fig  til  -  indulge  el  regale  one's  self;  gøre  en 
til  _  benefit  one;  fe  til  _  treat  well;  jeg  lob 
JuiDten  rømme  barn  til  _  I  gave  him  the  benefit 
of  the  doubt;  bet  løm  mig  til  _  at  it  was  for  my 
advautage  that. 

t@obc  c  -r  (heathen)  priest. 

@Dbc|raab^  -raabStaser  waffles.  -raabSjærn 
walUe-irons  p/. 

@o'b'''|f  jot  o  meek  fellow,  dough-face.  *-gj«re 
fig  vr  improve,  seasou;  _  fig  meb  enjoy.  -gertnbe 
a  beneflcent,  charitable.  -gørcnticb  c  lieneti- 
cence,  charitableness.  -^cb  c  goodness;  kind- 
ness;  fatte  _  for  take  a  liking  to;  jeg  ^ar  megen 
_  for  ^am  I  have  a  great  regard  for  him;  ^aO 
ben  -  at  be  so  kind  as  to,  have  the  goodness 
to;  en  SSoreS  ~  the  quality  of  an  article.  +-^cb9= 
fttlb  n  kind.  -fjertet,  -^jet'tig  a  good  hearted, 
kind-hearted.  -^jertigtieb  c  goodness  of  heart, 
good-heartedness,  -lenbe  vt 
sanction,  approve  (of),  endorse;  iffe  -  disapprove 
of  -lenbelfe  c  sanction,  approval.  -librnbc  fe 
•mobig;  *pleasant.  •libenl)cb  fe  -mobig^eb.  *-Hnt 
a  good-tempered.  -(oenbt  a  (om  jSorb)  of  good 
quality.  •mobig  a  good-natured,  sweet-tempered. 
-mobtg^cb  c  good-nature.  -mor'gcn  n  good 
morning,    -nat'  n  good  night. 

@ob§  »  goods  pi;  J;,  stores;  (til  Sfartej,  Sejl 
ofB.)  gear;  (3;oooært)  rope,  cordage;  {i^iaa  Sanon) 
metal;  elenbigt  -  wretched  stufF;  bet  bjærgebe  - 
the  property  saved;  -et»  ST^ffelfe  art  the  thick- 
ness  of  metal.  —  @obd  n  -er  estate,  landed  prop- 
erty. -bcftbber  fe  -ejer.  -beft^rclfe  estate  manage- 
ment, -beft^rer  fe  -foruatter.  -ejer  landed  pro- 
prietor,  estate  owner.  -cjcrffe  proprietress  (of 
an  estate).  -cjerartfto!roti  landed  aristocracy, 
gentry,  squirearchy.  -elå^jcbient  (3ærn6.)  goods' 
service.  -et§<)ebit«r  goods'  manager,  -foruolter 
land-steward,  agent;  (g[ærn6.)  goods'  manager. 

@D'bftnbct  u  good-tempered. 

@ob8ltnf<)e!t«r  fe  -foruolter. 

@objf!rit>e  vt  credit,  give  credit  for.  *-8'Ug 
fe  -mobig;  t  +cosy.  -*fnatfe  vi  meb  en  speak  one 
fair,  coax  one. 

@obiS{tog  goods- train,  luggage - traln ,  amr 
freight-train,  baggage-train.  -troftf  goods  traffie, 
carrying-traific.  •tratiS^ort  transportation  of 
goods.  -ttjftelfe  thickness  of  metal,  -uogn  (p. 
3lcernb.)  luggage-van,  goods-wagon,  goods-van, 
at»r  baggage-car,  -waggon,  freight-car,  caboose; 
(aaben)  goods-truok,  carriage-truck. 

@obt  n  (fe  ®ob);  —  adv  well;  babe  bet  _  be 
well  ofT,  be  oomfortable;  _ !  good !  fort  og  _  in 
Short;  -  og  Bel  something  more  than;  (faa)  -  fom 
as  good  as,  all  but,  practically;  faa  _  fom  ingen 
scarcely  anv;  for  faa  _  fom  ingenting  for  half 
nothing;  fobe  -  sleep  soundly;  mene  bet  _  meb  en 
mean  well  by  one.  -brfinbenbc  a  discretion, 
plea.sure;  efter  eget  -  at  will,  at  pleasure.  @ab|te 
ftg,  fe  ®otte.  -er  pi  F  goodies,  sweetmeat.  -fott 
(good)  people,  boor  _  er,  (ommer  _  efter  birds  of 
a  feather  flock  together.  -gom  ^  robbins. 
-g«te  vt  (erftatte)  make  good,  (en  nt)  indemnify 
(one  for  st);  (beoife)  prove,  substantiate,  make 
out,  establish.  -g«re(fc  c  ((jrftatning)  compensa- 
tion,  amends  pi,  allowanee.  -tøb^morat  cheap 
moral  (o.  fl.).  -fabSroman  shilling  dreadful. 
-løbdttbgatte  penny- edition,  cheap  e.  'ttii^- 
ubfalg  cheap  shop.  -roob  water-plantain,  Ålisma 

@o'b|troeitben,  -troejibcbcfeXroftblbig.  @obt'= 
ffritte  vt  credit  (something  to  one).  <Sobt'«I 
streng  beer.    @o'b|t^ftc  fe  ®obtbefinbenbe.    *-Bcb 

heart-wood.  ^-toejr  fine  weather.  *->iejr6bog 
fine  day.  *-tte|rSIanten  the  fine-weather  quarter. 
••»cjtSftbt«  the  fine-weather  side.  *-l)eir8fI^er 
fine-weather  clouds.  *-Oi(ie  hearty  good  will; 
lægge  -n  til  go  at  it  with  a  will.  -tiiltig  a 
voluntary,  willing.  -ttiQig^eb  ^villingness,  volun- 
tariness.    -txegt  mere  cloff. 

©offrc're  vt  gofler,  gauffer. 

@oib  a  (ufrugtbar)  barren,  sterile;  (om  ftøt) 
dry,  farrow.  -a!8  (9tr§  uben  Særne)  barren  ear; 
^  wall  barley,  Hordeum  murinum.  •dVXVXi  dry 
nurse.  @oIb{e  vt  dry  up  (a  cow).  -eS  vp 
(om  ftør)  become  dry.  -^cb  c  sterility,  barren- 
ness.    -mtelfet  a  nearly  dry.    -flttfc  flood-gate. 

@oIf  c  -er  gulf. 

©olffVll  n  golf 

@oIfftr«mmett  the  Gulf-stream. 

@otgatba  n  (Mount)  Calvary,  Golgotha. 

©oltotft  Goli'ath. 

@onbo'(  c  -er  gon'dola;  car  (of  a  balloon''. 
-e'rcr,  -faret  c  -e  gondolier.  -fatt  row  el.  ex- 
cursion  in  a  gondola.    -fang  ba'rcaroUe. 

@ongong'  c  -er  gong,  tamtam. 

@D))le  c  -r  jelly-fish;  *throatwort,  Campanulia 

@arbing  c  -er  ^  (Sug=)  buntline;  (9JoI=)  leech- 
line.  —  @orbtng§|b{ot  buntline  el.  leechllne 
block  '0.  p.).    -bænb,  -ftil  clinch. 

©orbtff  a  Go'rdian. 

@orgo'n|e  c  -r  Go'rgon.    -ifl  a  Gorgo'nian. 

*@oring  c  -er  J,  gore,  goring-cloth. 

*@orHm,  @orfqte  c  -er,  -r  fe  ©Iritfe. 

@(ofen  n  (the  land  of/  Goshen. 

©otfreb  Godfrev,  Geoffrey. 

@o't(^)|cj  c,  pi  =,  Goth',  -if  c  Goth'icism. 
-iff  a  Goth'ic;  -e  SBogftaøer  black  letter;  _  %of 
banbt  Flemlsh  bond.    -lanb  Gothland. 

@)otte  vt  delight,  lickle;  —  er  _  fig  enjoy  et. 
regale  one's  self;  -be  fig  »eb  Sanfen  om  hugged 
themselves  with  delight  at  the  idea  of. 

@oua'(l^etnaIeri  n  gouache-painting. 

@outmanb  [fr.]  c  -er  gastronomist,  epicure. 

@Out  [fr.]  c  relish,  gusto.    -c'rc  vt  relish. 

Q)raa  a  gray,  grey,  grizzled;  -t  ^apir  brown 
paper;  jparen  er  _  the  hare  is  brown;  -t  ©tøbc 
jærn  foundry-pig;  -t  SScjr  dark  el.  cloudy  weather; 
bfu  ~  Olbtib  remote  antiquity;  bet  fætter  bom  _ 
^aax  i  ^ooebct  it  troubles  him  sorely,  joc  he  is 
greatly  exercised  about  it;  fatb  ^am  .  og  lab  %am 
gaa  let  him  pass  scot-free;  -tit  monochrome, 
Indian  painting;  fig  male  -t  i  -t  paint  in  dark 
colours.  -agtig  «  grayish,  grizzly.  -onb  wild  duck, 
maliard,  Anas  boschnn.  -off  (amerifanft)  American 
red,  Fraxinw  pubetcens.  *-bElt  c  wolf. 
*-bcnftIb  spring  herring.  -blaa  a  bluish  grey. 
-blaffet  a  dingy  grey.  -bitifet  a  gray  with  a 
White  blaze.  -brun  a  brown.  -brøbre  pi  Gray 
Friars.  -b^nfe,  *-bu  mugwort,  Artemitia  vvl- 

@raab  e  weeping;  brifte  i  _  hurst  into  tears. 
•bfanbet  a  mingled  with  tears.  -fnlb,  -f^lbt  a 

@raabig  a  greedy,  voracious.  -beb  c  greedi- 
ness,  voracity,  avidity. 

®raab|ftiaU  a  stifled  by  sobs.    -f«é  a  tearless. 

@raa|*bt)r  reindeer.  t-el  white  alder,  Ålnua 
incana.  -filtet  ^  glaucous  and  downy.  -fiffer 
pied  kingfisher,  Ceryie  rudin.  -gaaS  wild  goose, 
Anser  cinereu«.  -grib  ash  vulture,  Vvl  tur  cine- 
reuK.  -grimet  a  gray  with  white  (et.  black)  streaks 
across  the  head.  -grøn  a  glaucous.  -gul  o  yel- 
lowish  grey.  -baaret  «  gray-haired,  hoåry. 
■l)are  common  hare,  Lepiin  timidvu.  -Iieb  o 
grayness.  -ftejre  fe  Jifte-.  t-bj»tn»ct  «  (om  Soneg) 
gray  with  a  white  head.  -boocb  grey-headed 
man.    -^ooebet  «  gray-headed.    -^oibt  a  grayish 




White,  -^ærbct  a  hoarv,  gray-headed.  -Irif!  fe 
Stift;  fe  Særnfpurt).  •-!jcH)  fe  Sebfien.  -ftæbt  a 
dressod  in  gray.  •-folbt  a  n  raw  eold,;.  raw 
chilly.    -frage  fe  Sirage. 

®vaai  c  fe  ®ral. 

@raa|tabcn,  -lig  a  grayish,  grizzly.  -(alSgrey, 
Salmo  eriox.  *-It)fln8  early  dawn,  dusk  of  tiie 
morning,  grey  liglit  of  dawn.  -maage,  •■■-martfe 
herring  gull,  Larii9  argentatun;  fe  giffcn^'ioge. 
-melfe  fe  Sump=.  -meleret  a  mixed  grey.  -munt 
gray  friar.  -natte  fe  gtftemaoge.  -nc  vi  (Blitte 
graa)  turn  gray;  (om  ^Sejret)  have  a  gray  el. 
cloudy  appearance.  *-or  fe  -el.  -pil  sallow,  Salix 
cinerea.  -plettet  a  spotted  with  gray.  -poppel 
gray  poplar,  Foimlun  cane^cens.  -priltet  a  dotted 
with  gray.  -pære  Lammas  pear.  -tiS  creeping 
willow,  Salix  repen».  -falue  blue-butter.  -fanger 
whitetliroat,  »SV/«'«  cmez-ea.  -fej  feSejufS.  -fiSgcn, 
••flfit  redpole,  Fnngilla  limirin.  -fttmmel  gray  -ftinb  fe  -bcert.  -ftæg  c  gray-beard.  -fTfæg= 
net  a  gray-bearded.  -fo  lump-flsh,  Cyclopterua 
himpus.  -fpraglet  a  motled  gray.  -fprængt  « 
mixed  with  gray,  grizzled.  -fpurO  sparrow. 
-fpæl(tc)  gray  woodpeelier  Ficus  canus.  -fpættet 
a  spolted  with  gray.  -ften  fe  Sampeften.  -ftrl6et 
a  striped  with  gray.  -fæl  gray  seal,  Halichærua 
ørvpvi.  -taolet  «  dapple  gray.  -ttgret  a  gray 
-striped.  *-troft  fieldfare,  Turdtig  pilaris.  -tætnet 
a  gray-checquered.  •-Bogten  .i,  the  larbowliues. 
-Oalte  gray-wacke.  -tJcir  gloomy  el.  cloudy 
weather.  -bejrSbag  gloomy  day.  -blbjc  fe  -pil. 
-ttært  gray  fur,  minever.  -celltng  wild  duckling. 
-«jet  a  gray-eyed. 

@rob  (©nebt.  o.  f(.),  fe  ®rat. 

@rab  c  -er  (g^f.,  ©eogr.,  Slftron.,  ®ram.,  Sltabem. 
og  i  3tlm.)  degree;  (Siang)  rank,  grade;  (om  Slægt- 
f!a6)  remove;  i  ben  _  to  such  a  degree;  til  en 
bis  _  in  measure,  in  degree,  to  some  extent, 
to  a  certain  extent;  i  ^»j  _  highly,  eminently; 
i  ^tior  ^øj  _  to  what  extent;  i  ^»jefte  _  in  the 
highest  el.  last  degree,  to  a  degree,  excessively; 
fire  -er§  Sulbe  nine  degrees  of  cold;  en  _  (et 
9iummer)  ftarre  a  size  larger.  -atio'n  c  -er 
grada  tion,  climax.  -(ejbne  graduated  sector  of 
a  circle;  arc. 

QJra'bbne  c  arch  fe  ®rat=. 

@ra'bl6«jning  comparison.  -e  vt  gauge,  -e're 
vt  graduate.  -ereoært  drying-house.  -c'ring  c 
graduation,  -inbbeling  graduation,  -maal  scale. 
-maaling  measurement  of  degrees.  -ning  c 
gauging.  -(e)plabe  index-plate.  -éforflel  diflfe- 
rence  in  degree.  -fttbe  side-scale.  •(e)ftot  water 
-poise.  -tal  reading.  -ua'te  n  grad'ual.  -uc'rct 
a  grad'uated.  -tiiS  a  gradual;  adv  gradually, 
by  degrees. 

©raflfl  a  graph'ic(al). 

øJrafit.  c  graphite,  black-lead.  -papir  earbonic 

©raj'ift  a;  be  -e  9tlper  the  Graian  Alps. 

@ral  c,  ben  ^eEige  _  the  holy  grail. 

@ram'  n  -mer  el.  =,  gram,  gramme. 

-t-@ram'  a  wroth. 

@rammo|tit'  c  -fer  gram'mar.  -titaift  a  gram- 
mat'ical.  -t'ifcr  c  -e  gramma'rian.  -fifl  a  gram- 

@ramp{anbjærgcne  the  Grampians. 

@ram§  n  snatch;  fafte  <genge  i  _  (f.  (Sf§.  til 
©renge)  throw  (boys)  money  for  scrambling,  fig 
play  at  ducks  and  drakes  with  money.  @)ramfe 
vt  &  i  snatch,  snap,  grab;  _  paa  grabble  on, 
paw.  @ramfen  c  grabbling.  @ramfetag  snatch- 
ing  ete, 

@ran'  n,  pi  —,  atom,  smallest  particle;  (SSægt) 

©ran  c  -er  (Sræet)  spruce  fir,  (Norway)  spruce, 




Abies  excelaa;   (I»mmerfort)   fir,    white  Norwi 
deal,  Christiania  e(.  Danzig  deal. 

@ran'  «  fe  ®ranb. 

©ranabirtræ  fe  ®renabtltræ. 

(l)rana  t  c  -er  (Sebelften)  ga'rnet;  (grugt)  po: 
granate;    mil   grenade,    shuU.      -blont^    po 
granate  flower.  -ftnte  grenadier,  Fringilla  grana 
tina.   -tanon  shell-guu.   -tarteftc  .shrapnel  shell 
-træ,  -æble  pomegranate. 

Q)ra'n{bab  needle  bath.  -bar  leaf  of  ti 
spruce.  -bart  baiK  of  the  spruce.  -borb  d 
table;  *deal-board.    -bræber  deal-boards. 

®ran(b)  a  plain,  distinct,  accurate;  'slend 

(iJranbc  c  -r  (fpanft)  grandee'. 

©ranbe  c  -r  neighbour.  -tone  neighboufT 
-IttO  neighbourhood.  -manb  neighbour.  -m«be, 
-ftæbne  public  meeting  of  neighbours  (for  the 
adjustment  of  differences). 

(^ran(b)!gi'Uelig  a  plain,  obvious,  manifest; 
adv  nicely;  accurately.  -gi'belig^eb  c  accuracy. 
-f-'^*r  a  quick  of  hearing. 

©ranbio '3  «  grand,  grandiose. 

@ron(b)t    adv     nicely,     accurately,     plainl; 
distinctly.     -feenbe,    -ftnenbe  a  sharp-sight 
keensighted.    @ran(b)botéett  o  slender. 
-(^©ra'n^ang  allty  of  spruces. 

(*5rantt'  c  gran'ite;  {Zey)  oatmeal  cloth.  -bjærg 
fe  -fjælb.  -blot  block  of  granite.  -brub  granits 
-quarry,  -faft  a  firm  as  granite.  -fjælb  granitic 
rock.    -gncj§  gneissoid  granite.  -tft  a  granitic(al). 

@ra'n|to8le  cone  of  the  spruce.  -torénæb 
common  crossbill,  Loxia  curviroatra.  -ruoe  fir 
-resin.  -Inå  chtTmes.  -mejfc  coal-mouse,  Farus 
ater.  -naalebab  fe  -6ab.  -fanger  yellow  warbler, 
Sylvia  abietina. 

@ronft|e  vt  inquire  iuto,  search  into;  —  vi 
~  efter  search  for.  -en  fe  -ning.  -er  c  -e  inquirer, 
student;  benne  S8erben§  -e  bibl  the  disputer  of 
this  world.  @ranfter|aonbinquiringspirit.  -bllt, 
-flje  searching  glance;  investigating  eye.  @ronff» 
-ning  c  -er  inquiry,  research.  QSranftningSebne 
power  of  research. 

©ranftob  c  spruce- forest. 

@ront  fe  ©ronbt. 

(iJro'ntræ  fe  ®ran. 

©ranul  I  otio'n  c  granulation,    -e're  vt  grau' 
late.    -e'ring  c  gran'ulatlng. 

©ra'nbcb  fir-wood. 

(SJraptolif  c  -er  graptolite. 

@ra§|fa't  adv.  gaa  el.  løbe  _  run  riot,  run  a 
muck.  -fe're  vi  rage,  be  prevalent,  prevail; 
cont  be  rampant,  run  rampant. 

@rat  c  er  (paa  en  9ffig  o.  1.)  burr;  (©nebt.) 
rabbet;  arch  arris.  -bue  curved  arris-rafter. 
•l)«bl  rabbet-plaue. 

(^ratjtale  n  -r  gratuity.  @ta't|ie  c  grace. 
-ier  pi  the  Graces,  -ifitatio'n  c  -er  gratuity.  -tå 
adv  gratis,  gratuitously.  -ttft'  c  -er  free  scholar. 
■ift'plabå  free  place.    -t«'§  a  graceful. 

@ra  tifab  saw  for  cutting  grooves.  -fpær  hip 
-principal.    -ftitSbjælte  hammer  arris-beam. 

Q)ratul{ant'  c  -er  vt  congratulator.  -atio'n  c 
congratulatiou.  -e're  -it  congratulate  (meb,  til 
on),  (n'eft  iron)  give  one  joy  (of). 

@raubiinben  n  the  Grisons. 

©røb  c  -e  (5orbt)6ning  i  forben)  pit,  ditch, 
trench;  (for  bebe)  grave,  tomb,  (ifær  om  Dibtiben?) 
sepulchre;  (gæflningg=)  moat,  fosse;  ben  Retlige  _ 
the  (Holy)  Sepulchre;  jeg  troebe,  ben  Retlige  _  Bar 
bel  foroaret  I  thought  all  danger  was  past;  tab§ 
fom  -en  as  silent  as  death;  fafte  en  _  dig  a  grave; 
følge  til  -en  attend  at  a  funeral;  Bære  paa  -eng 
fRanb  be  on  the  brink  of  the  grave;  ftao  meb  ben 
ene  3fOb  i  -en  have  one  foot  in  the  grave;  fig 
lægge  en  i  -en  bring  one  to  his  grave;  fe  ub  fom 
en  ber  l^ar  ligget  i  -en  look  like  one  risen  from 





the  dead;  ben  fom  graoer  en  -  for  onbre,  falbcr 
felt)  i  bfu  harm  wtitoh,  harm  catch;  he  sets  a 
trap  to  catch  his  own  feet.  -anb  shelduck 
Anas  tadoma. 

@ratie  (ogf,  groo)  vt  dig,  +delve;  _  inb,  neb, 
o  p ,  fe  3itb=,  yiet)--,  Cpgroee;  _  o  nt  dig  over  again; 
_  aSoiibet  ub  af  en  SØlo\e  drain  a  bog;  —  vi  dig; 

-  (robf)  i  poke  about  in;  —  rr  -r  fig  inb  i, 
igenutm  o.  P.  digs  his  way  into,  through  etc; 
part  -nbe  «o  burrowing,  fossorial.  -6ett  fossorial 
llmb.  -bi  burrowing  bee,  Andrena.  -fob  fos- 
sorial foot.  -mnfline  excavator.  -mu3  tucutuco, 

©rotter  c  -e  sexton;  zo  fossorial. 

@raoe  re  vt  engrave. 

Wrnoerenbeflt:  -  33efft)Ibningergiievous  charges; 

-  Cmftaiibigheber  aggravating  circumstances. 
(iJraoerforl  c  grave-digger. 

(iJra  blfrcb  secnrity  of  cemeteries,  peace  of  the 
grave,  -funb  grave-find.  -gnaåfe-onb.  -gclænber 
n  grave  railiug.  -ftulc  crypt.  -^t)ætt)ing  bnrial 
vault.  -Ijej  (ftocinpf^ej)  Irørrow,  tumuliis,  burial 
-mound;  (liQe  Jpuj  otier  en  (Srati)  rnound,  hilloek. 

©rouiå  c  grave  accent. 

@rat)tt|aHo'n  c  gravita'tion.  -e're  vi  grav'i- 
tate.  -et  c  grav'ity,  solemnity  (of  deportment). 
•e'ttff  «  grave,  solemn;  ndv  gravely,  solemnly. 
-e'tåcrntrum  centre  of  gravity. 

@ra'U;jagt  c  hunting  burrowing  animals. 
-(ammer  sepulchral  chamber,  archæ  chambered 
tomb.  -fa^jcl  mortuary  chapel.  -tlfte  (af  Sten) 
sarcophagus,  arckre  sepulchral  cist.  -flotfe  pass- 
ing  bell.  -forå  monumental  cross.  -lampe  se- 
pulchral lamp.  -liflttenbe  <i  tomblilje.  -fuft 
sepulchral  air.  -lugt  sepulchral  smell.  -ltt«b 
sepulchral  grove,  -(ægge  vt  commit,  cousign 
to  the  tomb.  -læggelfe,  -lægning  sepulture, 
interment;  ftriftt  _  Entombmont  of  Christ.  -mart 
bnrial- gronnd.  -miube,  -monument  (.sepulchral) 
monument,  -mutm  darkness  of  the  grave. 
-malt  (®-|lrift)  epitav)h;  fe  -minbe.  -merle  dark- 
ness  of  the  grave,  -ning  c  digging,  excavation. 
-ron  violation  of  tombs.  -ruft  (corrodent) 
rust.  -raft  sepulchral  voice;  meb  _  in  a  s.  v. 
-røber  violator  of  tombs.  -falme  funeral  hymn. 
-fonb  pit  sand.  -fang  dirge.  -ffif  funeral 
rite.  -ffrift  epitaph.  t-fo  p  (ftiinff  gruen= 
timmer)  slut.  -fort  a  funcrcal,  lugubrious.  -fteb 
burial  place.  -ften  tomb-storie,  (opretftaaenbe) 
head-stone.  -f»i(,  -ftilfe  c  burin,  graver,  -ftue 
fe  -lammet.  -fl«tte  (.sepulchral)  monument,  -fætte 
vt  entomb,  iuter.  -fson  slumber  of  death,  slecp 
of  deaih.  -tadS^eb  silence  of  the  grave,  -urne 
sepulchral  urn.    -«(  funeral  (feast). 

@rati«'r  c   er  engraver. 

*@raE  c  grounds  pi. 

@reb  c    e  dungfork. 

@reb  n,  pi  —,  (efter  noget)  grasp,  gripe;  {^aa 
©tiærb)  hilt;  (paa  Ser)  handle;  ()faa  SofS)  branch; 
fe  ®eBærgre6;  ^ooe,  t)tbe  bet  rette  _  poa  have, 
know  the  knack  of,  have  a  knack  at  (-ing); 
gøre  et  falft  -  take  a  wrong  note;  et  ^elbtgt  _  a 
happy  hit;  meb  fiOert  -  with  an  unfailing  grasp. 
-bræt  finger-board. 

t@rebe  vt  fork. 

@reben  part  fe  ®ri6e.  ©rebct^eb  c  rapture, 

(Ure  bifpibå,  -tunge  tang. 

(Gregor  Gregory,  -ta'nfl  a  Grego'rian.  @re= 
go'riuS  Gregory, 

*@rei  (^greib)  a  disentangled,  ready,  straight, 
orderly,  clear;  clear-headed,  expeditious,  straight 
-forward.  Q)rei{e  tt  disentangle,  clear,  make 
clear,  -e  c  -r  order;  pi  tools,  traps,  gear,  tackle, 
apparatus;  matters;  fe  Sirbe.  -e  n  -t  harness. 
-marf  fe  inglorm. 

©rejfer  c  -c  mottled  pigeon. 

@rel'  a  (ogfaa  fip)  glaring,  striking;  (VM.) 
crnde;  ftilbre  meb  -le  fifartjer  overdraw;  ftitfe  -t  af 
imob  contrast  fstrongly)  with.  -fteb  c  glaring- 
ness,  crudeness. 

©ren  c  -e  (i  Slim.)  branch,  (luu  af  %xæ)  bough; 
(of  ®affel)  prong;  fig  branch;  bele  fig  i  to  -e  bifur- 
cate;  t  bømraeS  til  ®alge  og  -  come  to  the  gal- 
lows;  fe  @røn. 

©renabe'r  c  -er  grenadier.  -mæSfig  a  grena- 

©renabtt'trce  n  red  ebony. 

@rcn|c  fig  vr.  -eS  vd  branch,  ramify. 

@rene|l)rænbe  brushwood,  faggots.  -1*8  a 
branchless.  -fprebning  ramification.  —  @ren|et, 
-futb  a  branchy,  ramified.  -ff^benbe  a  branching. 
-torn  thorn.    -uæt^t  growth  of  branches. 

©retc  Margaret,  Meg. 

©retie  c  -r  count;  (i  ©nglonb)  earl;  f  i  enS 
%\t  in  an  evil  hour;  *  in  the  niek  of  time. 
-batter  count's  el.  earl's  daughter.  -trone  coronet. 
©reoelig  a  of  a  count,  belonging  to  a  count; 
adv  like  a  count. 

t@re»)er  pi  greaves,  graves. 

©rebelftanb  rank  of  a  count.  -fæbe  count's 
seat.  -titet  count's  title.  ©rebin'be  c  -r  count- 
ess.  ©re'bftab  n  -er  (@ob8)  count's  estate;  (^ro« 
btn8)  county,  shire. 

©rib'  c  -6e  vulture.  ©ribbelfolt  carrancha, 

©ribbenlH'e  c  -t  termagant,  vixen. 

©ribbelperteftøne  vulturine  guinea  fowl.  Nu- 
mida  vxtltcrina.  -rflbn  white-necked  råven, 

©ri  bbtæt  fe  ®reb6ræt. 

©ribe,  greb,  grebet  vt  &  i  (i  Stim.)  catch,  seize, 
pounce  upon,  grip,  (meb  et  foft  lag)  grasp,  gripe, 
(paagribe)  apprehend,  (om  Sinter)  take  hold, 
bite;  fia  affect;  _  en  Seilig^eb  seize  el.  embrace 
an  opportunity,  avail  one's  self  of  an  o.;  -  en 
Jonfe  take  up"  an  idea;  _  a  n  go  about,  attack; 

-  éagen  an  pao  ben  rette  Waabe  go  the  right  way 
to  work;  _  efter  catch  at;  _  fat  paa  take  el. 
lay  hold  o£;  greb  for  fig  held  his  hånd  before 
him;  -  i  fiommen  thrust  one's  hånd  into  one's 
pocket;  -  i  ftn  fQf«  Sarm  search  one's  own 
bosom;  -  en  i  Søgn  catch  one  lylng  el.  in  a  lie; 

-  inb  i  cuter  into,  bear  on,  (utilbørligt)  encroach 
el.  intrench  upon;  _  inb  i  ^inanben  work  into 
each  other,  catch;  _  inb  {abs)  interfere;  _  o  m  fig 
spread;  _  til  et  ^Jlibbel  resort  to,  have  recourse 
to  nu  expedient;  _  til  iBaaben  take  (up)  arms; 
_  til  Slugten  take  to  flight;  _  ub  (i  ©ridet)  catch 
out;  grebet  ub  af  Siitiet  true  to  life;  fe  2uft;  _  en 
unber  Slrmene  fig  lend  one  a  helping  hånd;  — 
vr  _  fig  an  exert  one's  self;  -  fig  f  am  men  shake 
one's  self  up  el.  together,  bestir  one's  self;  — 
g  rib  en  be  part  affecting,  Impressive,  thrilling. 
©ribe|bræt  fe  ®rebbræt.  -eone  power  of  prehen- 
sion.  -folé  catch.  -ftale  preheusile  tail.  -Wo 
prehensile  claw.  -tnaft  catch.  ©ribelig  a  seiz- 
able.  ©ribeilfe  c  .seizure.  -n  c  catching  etc. 
-r  c  -e  (©^m.)  catcher;  (Sridct)  fleld(sman).  -reb« 
ftab  prehensile  organ,  ©ribermaffine  sewing 
machine  with  catcher.  ©ribeftrop  ^1,  slipping 

©ribft  a  (efter,  poo)  greedy  (of).  -Ijeb  c  greedi- 

©rif  c  -fer  griffin,  griflfon. 

©riffet  c  (&  li)  -Per  slate  pencil;  (St^tuS)  style; 
^  style.  -formet,  -formig  «  styliform,  styloid. 
-ftolber  port  crayon.  -ftifer  clay-slate  for  pencils. 
-^«tte  column. 

t©rille  vt  (pine)  grill. 

©rille  c  -r  whim,  vagary,  crotchet,  fancy, 
crack;   fætte  en   -r  i  |»otiebet  turu  one's  head; 




fange  -r  indulge  in  fancies,  in  fancied  cares. 
-ftenger  c  -e  one  full  of  whims  and  crotchets, 
crotcheteer.    -ftcngeti'  whims. 

©tiHe'te  vf  grill. 

©riDettætt  n  fancies,  whims  pi. 

@rim'  a  ugly,  (fæl)  hideous;  (i  minbre  Q^xat, 
om  Stiinbe)  plain(-featured),  homely. 

@(rima'ce  c  -r  grimaee;  gere  -r  make  grimaees, 
make  wry  faces. 

@rime  c  -r  (til  ^efte)  halter;  (©treg)  streak, 
stripe;  (i  iJtffenet}  large  mesh  of  a  fishing  net; 
lægge  _  poo  halter.  +@cimc  vt  streak,  besmear. 
■ftoft  halter  rope.   -t  a  (ftribct)  striped,  streaked. 

@rtin|^eb  c  ugllness,  hideou.sness;  plainness; 
-rinn  c  -er  ugly  fellow,  fright,  scarecrow. 

®rln  n  grin';  F  fun.  -ngtig  a  funny.  '''@ri- 
no'tuS  c  5e  @rine6iber(*). 

*@r{ni>  c  -er  gate,  lattice-door;  (ij)aa  Sab) 
frame,  sash;  pi  pen,  fold.  -e  c  -r  ca'ing  whale 
(ubt.  cawing  w.),  Delphinwi  globiceps.  @rlnbe= 
fangft  capture  of  the  ca'ing  whale.  @rin))e^bat 
fe  e.  ©rinilfag  frame  saw.  -fagblab  web. 
•ftol^c  gate  post.    -bøgter  gatekeeper. 

@rtne  (ogf.  -te,  -t,  *  ogf.  gren)  vi  grin,  simper; 
*turn  up  one's  nose,  frown,  F  weep;  bet  er  ifte 
®røb  at  -  ab  it  is  not  to  be  sneezed  at;  Jft'jolen 
-r  the  dress  gapes.  -Biber  c  -e  grinner;  "cross 
-grained  person,  -n  c  grinning  etc.  -r  c  -e 

@ri))o'menu§  c  -er  F  myrmidon  (of  the  law). 

@rtå  c  -e  pig;  (om  ^erfon)  beast;  money-box; 
(i  røoltløtte)  brick  vault  in  a  malt  kiln;  (i  SBiUarb) 
fluke,  en  ielbig  _  a  lucky  dog.  @rife  vt  ~  til 
dirty;  *vi  farrow.  —  @rife|6oI  pig's  litter.  =''-buft 
(hog's)  bristles.  -fabber,  *-taBber  pig's  pettitoes. 
•mob  pig'meat.  *-pttrIe  fe  -fo.  -ri'  n  nastiness. 
-fo  sow  With  pigs.  -f^lte  soused  pig.  -ftcg  roast 
pig.     -t  a  dirty. 

©rifet'tc  c  -r  grisette. 

©rifeltær  pi  fe  -føbber.    *-ttnge  little  pig. 

*@rt§'gr^n  fe  ©emoulegr^n. 

©riSfel  c  -§Ier  (baker's)  peel. 

*@rtéfctt  a  thin,  wide  apart,  loose  textured. 

*@rD  c  -er  og  ©rør  toad. 

®ro  vi  grow;  *  (fpire)  sprout;  (6ele§)  heal;  _ 
foft  become  fixed,  strike  root;  Soaret  er  -et  fam= 
men  the  wound  is  healed  up. 

@ro'b(r)tan  c  -er  churl,  brute. 

@rD'{bIab  waybread,  Plantago.  *-bb  part 
healed;  sprouted.  *-c  c  sprout;  young  grass  el. 

@rog'  c  grog. 

@ro|'''t)olb,  -f«b;  gobt  _  easily  healing  flesh, 
disposition  to  heal  quickly.  -ning  c  growing, 

■•■'@ro'^  c  -er  eavity,  groove,  hollow. 

@ro'é  [fr.] :  en  ~  wholesale.  @ro8'  n,  pi  =, 
gross  {12  dozen);  Slrmeen?  -  the  bulk  of  the 
army.  ©roå'Ufliibel  cwholesale-business.  -^anb= 
ler  c  whole-sale,  dealer,  (wholesale-)merchant. 
■l^akiari  general  average.  ®ro'3in(cgtig  [t.]  F 
high  and  mighty.    @ro8fe'rcr  c  -e,  fe  -^anbter. 

©roteff'  a  grotesque. 

©rotte  c  -r  grotto,  grot. 

@rob  [ao]  a  (egl.  og  fio)  coarse;  (uanftænbig; 
utiHabettg  fior)  gross;  (ufiuflig)  rude;  (focer)  large, 
big;  -t  ^trbejbe  drudgery;  -t  93ebrageri  palpable 
cheat;  -t  S3røb  coarse  bread;  _  %e\l  grave  mis- 
take;  -  f^orbrtibelfe  high  misdemeanour;  _  gøbe 
coarse  food;  t  $aanbflæbe  rough  towel;  _  ftort 
coarse,  rude  fellow;  -t  Slæbe  coarse  cloth;  _ 
Surant  large  money;  -t  Bærreb  coarse  linen;  _ 
Søgn  gross  lie;  -  Søgner  impudent  liar;  -t  ©ttnb 
rough  skin;  -t  SftjtS  heavy  ordnance;  en  _  ©pøg 
a  rude  joke;  _  2:one,  ©temme  rough  tone,  voice; 
-e  2^ræt  coarse  features;   _  SSilbfarelfe  gross  el. 

n  u 




grave  error;   bet  er  for  -t  that's  too  bad.    -hti 
coarse,  brown  bread. 

*@robelr  fe  ©røbebeir. 

@roo|eligen  [aa]  adv  gro-ssly.  -fil  bastard  flleT 
(grotiefte)  rough  file.  -^eb  coårseness;  grossness; 
rudeness;  roughness;  pi  rude  behaviour,  lan- 
guage; fige  en  -er  be  rude,  say  rude  things  to 
one.  -^ubet  a  coarse-skinned.  -Ijoot  rough 
plane,  -talt  coarse  .shelly  limestone.  -tornet  a 
coarse-grained.  -ful  clod-coal.  -labcn  «  coarse 
-featured.  -lemmet  a  large-limbed,  raw-boned. 
-malet  «  coarsely  ground.  -mælet  o  having  a 
coarse  voice.  -ftgtc  c  coarse-sieve.  -floorcn  a 
coarsely  cut.  -fmcb  blacksmith,  -{mebearbejbe 
blackwork.  -ffitnb  coarse-spun.  -f^inbe  vt  slut 
-talenbe  a  foul-mouthed.  -traabet  a  coar 
-threaded.  -tterenbe  «  voracious.  -ulbet  a  coar 
-wooled.    -æber  c  glutton. 

@rtt   c  horror,   terror,   bet  er  en  _  at  fe  it ; 
horrible,  shocking  to  behold. 

t@rubbe  vt  hull  (grain).  -gtljn  peeled  barlesl 
Scotch  b,    -tttærn  hulling-mill.    -mel  pollard. 

©rubber  c   e  grubber. 

©rubbetjoerf  n  machinery  for  hulling  grain. 

©rube  c  -r  (i  forben)  pit;  (©jærgoærfSO  mine; 
(2forb>)bning  i  9llm.)  hollow;  (i  Kanon)  honey 
-comb.  -orbejbe  mining  (work).  -atbejber  miner, 
pitman.  -bljgutng  timber  work  in  a  mine.  -brift 
working  of  mines,  -felt  allotment.  -foll  miners 
pi.  -ga8  fire  damp.  -iuffieltøt  mine -Captain. 
-lob  share  in  a  mine.  -l^g  miuer's  candle. 
-rcbftab  miner's  tool.  -ftol))e  pit  prop.  -føger 
gun-searcher.  -t  o  (om  Sonon)  honeycombed. 
-tømmer  pitprops.    -oanb  water  in  mines. 

©rub|le  vi  (ooer,  paa)  muse,  ponder,  brood, 
ruminate  (on).  -len  c  musing  etc.  -lenbe  a 
brooding.  -ler  c  -e  muser.  -Icri  n  -er  musing, 
revery.    -life're  vi  F   fe  ®ru6le.  h 

©rubning  c  hulling.  fl 

*©rub  fe  ®rugg.    -et  a  full  of  gfounds.         ^ 

t©rubtc  vt  grind  coarsely. 

©rut  vi  for  dread,  tremble  at,  shudder  at; 
—  vd  jeg  -e§  oeb  at  tænfe  poa  .  .  .  it  makes  me 
shudder  to  think  of. 

©rue  c  hearth,  hearth-stone,  fire-place.  t-Iebel 
c  range-boiler. 

©ru|eltg  a  horrld,  horrible,  shocking.  -elig= 
^cb  c  horror,  enormity.  -elfe,  ©men  c  honor, 
shuddering.    -fulb  a  horrid. 

*®rugg,  ©rugge  c  grounds  pi. 

©rum'  a  cruel,  atrocious,  ferocious,  fell;  *  P 
splendid,  superb,  -^eb  c  cruelty,  ferocity.  -me 
adv  very,  exceedingly.    -t  adv  atrociously  etc. 

@rum§  n  (+  c)  sediments,  grounds  pi.'  -et  a 
muddy,  thick,  turbid. 

©runb  c  -e  (Sunb)  ground;  (3orb)  soli;  (S3l)g-- 
ning§.  o.  bell.)  ground,  plot,  site,  amr  lot; 
(gornuft.)  reason;  (-lag)  fonndation,  (-log  i  iOJalinfl) 
priming,  ground;  (i  .f»at)et)  bank,  shoal;  bet  ftifle 
SSanb  ^or  ben  b^be  _  still  waters  run  deep;  be 
førfte  -e  the  elements;  33e  fpørger  om  mine  -e  you 
ask  my  reasons;  faa  af  _  ^  get  afloat,  get  ofF; 
Slnferet  er  of  -  the  anchor  is  atrip;  af  J^jertenS 
_  from  the  bottom  of  my  heart;  af  ftotlten  -  ? 
for  what  reason?  fro  -en  of  radically;  forftao 
noget  fro  -en  af  el.  til  -e  understand  thoroughly, 
perfectly;  i  -en  at  bottom,  in  the  main;  aftér 
all,  considering  all  things;  i  SBunb  og  -  utterly, 
totally;  meb  ~  reasonably;  meb  gob  -  very 
reasonably,  with  good  reason;  meb  en  t)t§  _ 
plausibly;  poo  ^bib  _  on  a  white  ground;  poa 
min  -  on  my  premises;  paa  2)anft  _  on  Danish 
soil;  tomme  poo  _  run  aground,  strike;  ftoo  poa  - 
be  aground,  on  shore;  fætte  paa  ~  ground,  run 
aground;  poa  -  of  on  account  of,  owing  to,  by , 
reason   of,    (at)   on    the  ground  that;  gao  til  -el 




fig  be  ruined;  ®Ii6et  gil  til  e  the  ship  foundered; 
lomme  til  -en  i  en  Sag  get  to  the  bottom  of  a 
thing;  ligge  til  _  for  underlie;  lægge  til  -  foUow, 
take  for  one's  base,  make  .  .  .  the  Ijase  (for  of), 
use  as  a  text-book:  take  as  a  text;  lægge  -en  til 
lay  the  foundation  of;  -en  til  at  the  reason  why; 
ber  er  ingen  _  til  at  there  is  no  reason  why; 
jeg  ^ar  ingen  -  til  at  I  have  no  reason  el.  oeca- 
sion  to.  @runb  n  (om  SSanb)  .shallow,  shoal, 
shoaly;  ^Banbet  blider  -ere  the  water  is  shoaling. 
-aarfåg  (jpotiebaariag)  principal  cause,  main 
causc;  (oprinbelig  Slarfag)  original  el.  primitive 
eauso.  -abcl  landed  nobility  el.  gentry.  -afgift 
fe  -flat.  -aftorb  primitive  el.  fundamental  chord. 
•anftuclfe  principle.  -orbcjbe  work  at  the 
foundation  of  a  building.  -areal  area.  -boa 
fundamental  base.  -begreb  fundamental  notion. 
•bemærtelfe  fe  -Betiibning.  -bcftbbelfc  landed 
property.  -beffaffenfieb  esseutial  nature.  •bc= 
ftanbbci  primary  component.  -beftcmmelfe  cate- 
gory.  -betingelfe  esscntial  el.  elementary  condi- 
tlori.  -betragtning  printiple.  -bet^bning  pri- 
mary signiflcation.  -bjærg  fe  Urbjærg.  -billebe 
prototype,  -blanbing  mixture  of  soils.  -bolt 
form-bolt.  *-braab  n  ground-swell.  -btigntng 
foundation.  -bet  atom.  *-biget'«  drain,  thorough 
-drain.  *-bigning  thorough-draining.  -brog  fe 
-træf.  -brift  innate  instinct.  '©runbe  c  -r  shoal, 
shallow.  @runb|e  vt  (grunblæage)  ground,  found, 
establish,  lay  the  foundation  of;  (i  TOaling) 
prime,  ground;  fig  ~  )()CLa.  found  on;  —  et  reach 
the  bottom,  ground;  {xiaa)  ponder  el.  meditate 
on;  _  op  (tt)  silt  up;  {vi)  bet  -r  op  the  water 
shoals;  —  »r  _  fig :  ^obnen  -r  fig  op  the  harbour 
is  shoaling  up,  silting  up;  2anbet  -r  ftg  nb  the 
land  shoals  out;  _  fig  paa  rest  on,  be  fonnded 
on,  based  on;  —  grunbet  part  &  a  en  -t  9JJi§- 
tanfe  a  well  fonnded  suspicion;  pro-p  -t  paa  in 
consequence  of.  -t^-egen  a  original,  -egenflab 
essential  quality.  -ejenbom  landed  property. 
-ejer  (i  i8t))  house-owner;  (Sjer  af  3orb)  landed 
proprietor,  (ground)  landlord.  -emne  fe  -ftof.  -en 
c  pondering,  meditation,  -ere  vt  prime,  ground. 
-etinc  primary  faculty.  -falff  a  radically  false. 
-fttttie  (ben  Sar»e,  ^Poraf  anbre  opftaa  »eb  "iblonbing) 
primitive  el.  primary  colour,  (frem^erffenbe  S.) 
predominating  colour;  ('.BunbfarP  ground  (in 
painting).  -foft  a  fixed.  -fejl  radieal  fault.  -fil 
hollowedge,  equalling  file.  -fiff  bottom 
-fjalb  fe  Urbjærg.  -flabe  basis,  base.  -fonb  fe  fapi= 
tal.  -forbebre  vt  (Sorbbunben)  improve  (the  soil); 
(moralfl)  improve  radically.  -forbebrlng  improve- 
ment  of  the  soil;  radieal  improvement.  -for« 
bring  essential  requirement.  -f orbærtiet  a  utterly 
demoralized.  -fereftiding  fundamental  idea. 
-form  primitive  form.  -forffcl(ltg^eb)  funda 
mental,  essential  el.  deeply-rooted  difference. 
-forflellig  n  esseutially  el.  intrinsieally  different. 
-fugtig^eb  dampness "  of  the  soil.  -f æfte  n  fe 
-DOlb.     -fæfte   vt   build   on   a   solid    foiuidation; 

—  vr  ^  Hg  consolidate.  -fæftelfe,  -fæftning 
establishment  (on  a  solid  foundation).  -f«lelfe 
predominant  feeling.  -gaaenbe  n  light  draught 
of  water  (o  fe  @rnnbt=).  -gerrig  a  miserly.  -gob 
a  extremely  good.  -gob§  jur  jetsam.  -graoet 
work-man  at  the  foiindatiou  of  a  building, 
excavator.  -gratining  working  at  the  founda- 
tion. -^aor  the  coat,  the  real  fur.  -^eb  c  shallow 
ness.  -^erre  fe  -ejer  (Sjer  af  3orb).  -^ug  flrst 
course.  -^»ttl  router-plane.  -ibé  fundamental 
idea.  @runbig  a  profound,  solid,  thorough 
-goiug,  en  -  ^elbrebelfe  a  radieal  cure;  -(t)  arf» 
thoroughly;  jeg  ftaber  ^am  -  I  hate  him  from 
the  bottom  of  my  hearl,  most  cordially;  febe  fig 

-  be  bothered  toextinction;  -  tiabet  well-haied. 
Qtrunbig^eb  c  profoundness,  profundity,  solidity. 

thoroughness.  @runbing  a  primiug.  @runb|i3 
ground-it-e.  -iflæt  bottom-shoot.  -Ia))itat  stook, 
funds,  paid  up  capital.  -faratter  essential  char- 
acter, -febelig  a  utterly  tiresome.  -tilbe  funda- 
mental source.  -Hang  fe  -tone.  -lomifl  <»  highly 
comical.  -troft  elementary  power,  -lag  base, 
basis,  foundation;  paa  -  af  on  the  basis  of. 
-(abine  avalanehe.  -leje  ground  rent.  -Ifng  c 
-er  gudgeon,  Gohio  vulgaris.  -linie  math  base. 
-lo«  fundamental  law,  constitution.  -lotjgioenbe 
gorfamling  Constituent  Assembly.  t-loblig  fe 

©runblobSlbeftemmelfe  provision  of  the  fun- 
damental law.  -brub  vlolation  of  the  f.  1. 
-bag  Constitution  Day,  the  anniversary  of  the 
Constitution.  -fjenbff  a  anticoustitutional.  -for= 
anbring  amendment  of  the  fundamental  law. 
-fort)«r  preliminary  examination  (of  a  prisoner). 
-ntædfig  «  constitutional.  -ftribig  a  anticonstitu- 
tional.    -tro  a  constitutionalist. 

@rnnb|luft  bottom  air.  -lt)b  fe  -tone.  -lægge 
vt  found,  lay  the  foundation  of.  -læggelfe, 
-lægning  c  foundation.  -lægger  c  -e  founder. 
*-lænbt  a  (om  3orb6unb)  shallow.  -lærb  a  pro- 
foundly  learned,  erudite.  -lærbom,  -lære  fun- 
damental doctrine.  -1«3  a  groundless,  baseless. 
-l«3beb  groundlessness.  -maling  priming,  under 
coating,  -mangel  fundamental  want  cl.  defect. 
-maSfe  elementary  matter,  -mur  brick  wall, 
*'  fundament,  -muret  a  brick-built;  fig  flrm, 
deep-rooted,  unconquerable.  -nerbe  fio  vital 
element,  -onbe  radieal  evil.  -o^ifattclfe  fun- 
damental view.  -orb  (Stommeorb)  primitive 
word;  (Subjeft)  subject.  -<>ille  main  pillar,  m. 
prop,  -plan  ground-plan.  -princip  fundamental 
principle.  -))ræg  essential  stamp,  e.  feature. 
-pæl  pile.  -pæling  driving  of  pile.s  luto  the 
ground.  -raabben  a  thoroughly  rotten,  -reb' 
fifober  fe  -ffafter.  -regel  fundamental  rule.  -ret= 
ning  elemental  bias.  -ribé,  -ribSning  ground 
plan,  draught,  (ogf.  fig)  outline.  *-rig  a  very 
wealthy.  -fanb^eb  fundamental  truth,  axiom. 
•fance  permanent  sauce,  -ffafter  ground-leaves. 
-ffat  land-tax.  -ftrift  original  text.  -ftnb  shot 
between  wind  and  water.  -ff æu  a  fig  thoroughly 
perverse,  utterly  p.  -fmag  (SSinS)  raciness. 
-fpire  germ.  -fprog  (bet  ©prog,  ^bori  en  Bt§  SJog 
er  flreoen)  original  language;  fe  ©tammefprog. 
-ftamme  stock.  -ftemme  bass,  base.  -ftemning 
vein.  -pen  foundation  stone,  flrst  stone.  -ftof 
element,  -ftreg  ground  stroke.  -ftt)!fe  piece  of 
land;  base  of  a  column,  -ftær!  n  (ftærf  i  ®runb= 
oolben)  having  a  strong  foundation;  (meget  ftær!) 
very  strong.  -ftob  »X,  striking  the  ground.  -ftøbe 
vi  .strike  the  ground,  ground.  -ft^tte  fe  pille. 
-f^n  fundamental  view.  -fætning  principle, 
maxim;  math  axiom;  en  TOanb  uben  -er  an  un- 
principled  man.  -fætte  vt  ^  run  aground.  -f» 
ground-swell.  -tafåt  as.sessment  of  grround  rent. 
-tal  cardinal  number.  -taljer  <!,  relieving  tack- 
les, -tante  fundamental  idea  el.  notion,  -tap 
plug-tap.  -tegning  fe  -rib8.  -tetSt  fe  -ffrift. 
@runbtgaaenbc  «  drawing  little  water,  shallow 
-draughted.  @rnnb|tone  keynote.  -toU  ^t,  re- 
lieving tackle.  -tr^I  original  edition,  -træt 
outline,  sketch;  characteristic,  essential  feature. 
•-bab  seine.  -banb  (under)ground  water;  J, 
bilge-water.  -banbflanben  the  height  of  the 
undergroiind  water.  -bibenftab  fundamental 
science,  -bilbforelfe  fundamental  error,  -oolb 
foundation,  basis,  base,  groundwork.  -vært 
(®runbloget  for  bet,  ber  btjggeS  i  SJanbet)  ground- 
work, substructure.  -oæfen  (i'iberfte  SJæfen) 
esseuce;  (førfte  fflrunb,  Dpljae)  principle.  -næb 
parenchyma.  -bæoScelle  pareuchymous  cell. 
•ærlig  a  perfectly  honest. 




@rttttlev  pi  boards  of  mouey,  p  tin. 

@ruo))k)ætteni)e  a  shocking,  horrible,  horrid, 

@tu^tic  c  -r  group.  -))Iante  group-plaut.  -'re 
vt  group,    -'ting  c  grouping. 

@rtt§  n  (fmaa  ©ten  og  ©aiib  ogfaa  ©Ijgb ) 
gravel;  (9Wur=.)  rubbish;  Slottet  ligger  i  -  the 
castle  is  a  heap  of  ruins;  ft)iife  i  _  fall  to  ruins; 
ftQrte  i  ~  lay  in  ruins.  -aQtig  a  gravelly.  -haltt. 
■bante  gravel  bank.  -belægning  c  gravelliug, 
(3ænib.)  ballasting.  -Iiunt)  gravelly  bottom. 
-tinnte,  -b^nge  heap  of  gravel.  @rufc  vt  gravel. 
@rufet  a  gravelly.  @ru  §|gong  gravel  walk. 
-^rau  gravel-pit.  -tjar^ie  screen  for  sifting  gravel. 
-jorb  gravelly  land.    ©ru'éntng  c  gravelling. 

@)rufom  a  CTuel.  -I^eb  c  cruelty;  en  -  an  aet 
of  cruelty. 

@ru  8|tng  je  grao.  -ucj  gravelied  road.  -»og« 
OcernO.)  ballast  waggon. 

@tut'  11  bruised  graiu. 

*@rut  n  grounds. 

©rutte  fe  ®rubte. 

@rl)  vi  dawn,  break,  peep,  ®ogen  -r  el.  bet 
-r  ab  £ag  the  day  dawus,  the  day  is  breakiug, 
it  dawus.    @rt)  n  Je  ®Qg=,  TOorgengr^. 

*@rftbing  c  ^  score. 

@)rt)be  c  -r  pot;  fmaa  -r  '^abe  ogfaa  ^ren  little 
pitchers  have  large  ears.  -ben  leg  of  a  pol. 
-fob  trivet;  fe  -6en.  -frog  pot-hook.  -laag  pot 
lid.  +-Icr  potter's  clay.  -malm  metal  for  pots. 
-OOtt  oveu  made  of  eartben  pots.  -fle,  -fleti 
ladle.  -fteg  meat  baked  in  a  pot.  -ften  pot 
-stone.  -fteder  irou-pot  fouuder.  -ftirberi  iron 
-pot  foundry.    +-Ocn  trencher  friend. 

@r^n  n,  pi  =)  groat,  grit;  f  (®runter)  tin. 
-et  a  gritty.  -grirb  boiled  groats.  -^anbtei* 
dealer  in  grits.  -iDæler,  -mølle  grit  mill.  -paiSt 
White  pudding.  *-fob  (bb)  broth.  -fu^))e  sweet 

@r^nt  n  grunt.  @r^ttt|e  vi  grunt.  -en  c 
granting.  @rqnteofée  grunting  ox,  yak.  Bos 

©r^'ntromle  c  bolter. 

@rie'bning  c  gutter  for  dung. 

@ræbe,  græbc  (*  f  graot),  græbt  /»  cry,  weep; 
(oDer  for,  af  ®læbe  for  el.  with  joy):  _  ub  weep 
one"s  flll;  —  wr  _  fig  blinb  cry  one's  eyes   out; 

—  græbenbe  pirt:  meb  _  Jaarer  weepiug, 
dissolved  in  tears.  —  @r(ebe|bag  day  of  mourn- 
ing.  -foerbtg  a  ready  to  cry.  -^oOeb  fe  -føfter. 
-tone,  -toinbe  hired  mourner.  -nem  a  easily 
moved  to  tears.  -|)tt  weepiug  willow,  Salix 
bahylonica.  +-r  c  -e  {bihl)  mourner.  -ti'  n 
weeping.  -ftlitte  tear  distilling  drama,  lachry- 
mose  piece.  -føfter  lachrymose  womau.  -ttife 
dirge,  fig  lameutatiou.  -tiorn  a  lachrymose. 
-»orn^eb  c  lachrymo:;ity.  ©rrsbøjet  o  tearful, 
tiu.'ihed  with  tears. 

@ræf|cnlanb  n  Greeee.    -er  c  -e  el.  =,  Greek. 

—  @ræfcr|inbe  c  -r  Greek  woman.  -tten  friend 
of  Greece,  philhell'enist. 

bræmme  vt  grieve,  vex;  _  fig,  -8,  grieve, 
repine  (ooec  at);  _  fig  i^jel  die  of  a  broken 
heart.  -Ug  a  vexatious,  grievous,  distressing. 
-Ife  c  -r  vexatiou,  tribulation,  affliction. 

*@rænb  c  -er  neighbourhood.  -fo(t  neigh- 

©rænfe  c  -r  frontier,  conflne,  (ogf.  Jlg)  limit, 
bouud,  boundary,  border,  ooer  aHe  -r  out  of  all 
bounds;  l^olbe  fig  inbenfor  en  bi?  _  keep  within 
(certain;  bounds;  fcette  -  for  set  bounds  to;  man 
maa  et  ©teb  fætte  en  _  you  must  draw  the  line 
somewhere.  @rænfe  m  til  be  bounded  by  (ogf. 
fio)  border  on;  bet  -r  til  bet  bibunberlige  it  is 
Uttle  Short  of  a  miracle;  _  ftcerft  til  go  to  the 
verge  of,   TOiStanJe,  ber  -r  til  SSiS^eb  suspicions 







>e  a^ 

almost  amountltig  to  certainty.  -banegao 
frontier  station,  -(be)boer  borderer.  -bcfartng 
iuspeclion  of  the  fronliurs.  -bt)  frontier  town. 
-egn  frontier.  -flob  boundary  river,  -fæftning 
frontier  fortress.  -grøft  boundary  ditch.  -^egn 
bouudaryhedge.  -tommiSflon  boundary  coni- 
mission.  -!rlg  border  war.  -lanb  border-land. 
•linie  boundary  line,  line  of  demarcation.  -løs 
a  boundless;  (ot)ert)cette§)  inordinatc,  excessive. 
-løS^eb  c  bouudle.ssness.  -meribian  graduated 
meridian,  -mnr  frontier  wall,  boundary  wall. 
-møbe  meeting  ou  the  horders.  -o))maaling 
survey  of  the  boundaries.  -)7araUe(  graduated 
parallel.  •)fctl  boundary  post.  -regulering 
settling  the  boundaries.  -ftel  bound,  lim' 
•f<>ørglmoal  boundary  question.  -ftab  frontl 
town.  -ftat  frontier  State,  -ften  boundary  sto 
-ftrib,  -ftribig^eb  disputeabout  boundaries,  bou: 
dary-dispute.  -tolb  frontier  toU.  -»agt,  -Oogter 
frontier  guard.  -Oolb  rampart  markiug  a  boun- 

@ræ§'  n  -fer  grass,  herbage;  flaa  ~  mow  gri 
cut  grass;  fore  ^tjæg  X>(^a  ~  drive  cattle  to  grazi 
fætte  J)ao  _  turu  out  to,  gaa  poa  _  be 
grass;  bibc  i  -fet  bile  the  dust;  i)a\it  $enge  fom  - 
roll  in  money;  tjene  $enfie  fom  -  make  hoaps  of 
money;  Sioen  ber  mong  -fet  gror  while  the  grass 
grows,  the  steed  slarves.  -oar:  et  gobt  -  a  good 
year  for  grass.  -oger  grass-field,  lea.  -onb 
gadwall.  Alias  »trepera.  -art  species  of  grass. 
-boring  grass-plot,  glade.  *-biørn  young  bear. 
-blab  blade  of  grass.  -bianbing  mixture  of 
grasses.  -bleg  c  grass-bleaching.  -bleget  pait 
grass-bleached  -blomft  grass-flower.  +-bløb  « 
poet  soft  grassy.  -bunb  grass  land.  -bunben  a 
overrun  with  grass.  -btent  grass-seat,  sod  seat. 
'•"-b^r  fe  -bjørn,  -enie  grass  widow.  -familien 
the  grasses.  -farbc  grass-greeu  colour.  -fattf 
a  scautily  gra.ssed.  -febuing  falteniug  on  grai 
-fil)  fe  -ugle.  -fober  pastnre  -fr'.fl  a  gru 
grass-green.  -frugt  caryopsis.  -frø  n  grass-see^ 
-gaarb  grazing  farm.  -gang  pasture.  -groet  a 
grass-grown.  -grøbc  fe  bæfSt.  -grøn  a  grass 
■green,  prasinous.  -gætb  grazing  money.  4-^eft 
grassfed  horse.  -l)OV))e  gra.sshopper,  Acriditim, 
(ægte  ®.)  locust.  -t)o\»ftftæv  bastard  bird  of 
paradise.  Pastor  triatis.  -tioppett«  locust-tree, 
Ilvmenwa  courharil. 

@ræ'ff  a  Greek,  Grecian;  _  ^Ib  Greek  fire. 
@ræft  11  (Sprog)  Greek.    -lati'nft  a  Greco-Latiu. 

@ræ8|fant  grass-border.  -lar  gourd,  pumpkin, 
Vucurbita;  ^jerfift  _  vegetable  marrow,  U.  ovi/era. 
-tarflofte  gourd-bottle,  calabash.  -Ilæbt  o  grass 
-growu,  verdaut,  grassed.  t-forn  fioallug  sweet 
-grass,  Glyceria  fluitans.  -lOieg  grass-fed  cattle. 
-lanb  grass-land.  -leje  lea.  -Ircrrcb  grass-cloth. 
-løg  chives,  Allium  sohoenoprasum;  fyellow  star 
ofBethlehem,  Ornithogalum  luteum.  -løå  a  gras.s- 
less.  *-maoneb  April,  -mart  grass-land,  tgrass 
field.  -mcclt  milk  of  cows  at  grass.  -mibe 
harvest-bug,  Leptus  ivtumnalia.  -neUife  fe  (Sng^ 
neflite.  -ning  c  grazing,  pasture.  -ningSret 
commonage.  -ttingiStib  grazing  time.  -otSe 
grassfed  ox;  -øllne  bibl  oxeii  out  of  the  pastures. 
-olie  lemon-grass  oil.  -»avegøje  grass  pan-akeet, 
Eupheiiia.  -))enge  fe  -gælb.  -plante  grass  -pUt 
grass  plot.  -Iplnne  lawn.  -))lænetlt))per  lawn 
-mower.  -rig  a  grassy.  -rob  grass-root.  -rtitter : 
blioe  ~  be  unhorsed.  -^-r^tteri  a  fall  from  the 
horse.  @ræ8|fe  vt  &  i  graze,  pasture,  (lun  vi) 
browse,  (om  S'ug(e)  rebound,  skip.  -febbcl  grazing 

©ræSfelig  a  horrid,  shocking.  -l)eb  c  horrid- 

@ræ§|fet  a  grassy,  grass-grown.  -fibc  grassy 
side  (of  a  sod).    *-plb  small  herring.    -ftaaning 







grass-mowing.  -flette  grassy  plain.  -fmofl  grassy 
taste,  -fmutlc  pettychaps,  iSV»«a  curru  ri.  -fmør 
May  butter.  -fommcrfugt  meadow  brown,  Hip- 
parchia.  -ftroa  stalk  of  grass;  l)lade  of  grass. 
•tang  grass-wrack,  ZoHera  murina.  *-torO  fe 
-tjøro.  -ton  ooir-rope,  -tappe  carpet  of  turf, 
velvet  lawu.  -tflr«  green  turf,  sod.  -terojorb 
green  mould.  -ugle  grass-moth,  antler,  Chiræns 
graminis.  -tior|»etro&fe  coir  warp.  '^uolb  green- 
sward,  green,  lawn.  -tiæfdt  growth  of  grass. 
•(Cbenbe  o  gramiuivorotis,  herbivorous. 

brætten  a  F  peevish,  cross,  whimpering. 

*@ræD  n,  pi  =,  pick,  mattook;  {paa  ©fo)  ealk, 

@r(etiltng  c  -er  badger,  grey-brock,  Meles 
iixua.  @rætiHng(e)!grau,  -Ijnte  badger's  bnrrow. 
•^nnb  badger-dog,  dachs-hound.  -jagt  hunting 
the  badger,  badgerhunt     -ffiitl)   badger's  skin. 

@reb  c  (af  SDlel)  boiled  groats,  stirabout,  por- 
ridge,  hasty  pudding;  (af  3rugt)  marmalade, 
jelly;  fe  ®rine,  ftat.  -agtig  a  thick,  pulpy, 
pappy.    -bage  pi  »J,  banian  days. 

@røbe  c  -r  (SSætSt)  crop,  produce,  produot, 
production;  t(9?of§efraft)  vegetation,  growth;  ftaa 
i  _  be  growing,  t-aor:  gobt,  flet  -  productive, 
unproduetive  year.  t-brloenbe  a  promoting 
vegetation.  t-f>«Ii>  ''  productive,  fruitful.  f-Iroft 
productive  power,  t-rcgn  fruitful  rain,  -tig  a 
fruitful.    t-^  vd  vegetate. 

@røbet  a  fe  ©røbagtig. 

t@r«bc|tib  season  of  vegetation,  -uejr  genial 

©ra'bifob  dish  of  stirabout.  -gr^be  pot  of 
stirabout.  -t)Oøeb  booby,  bloekhead.  -iS  brash. 
•tn«If  milk  to  be  eaten  to  porridge.  -ntttttb 
lover  of  stirabout  -munbet  a  haviug  a  thick 
utterance.    -omflag  ponltice. 

@r«ft  c  -er  ditch,  trench.  @r«fte  vi  &  t  ditch, 

t®raflc  vt  fe  ®rutte. 

@r«fte{gratier  ditcher.  -lånt,  -ranb  edge  of 
a  ditch.  -Bonb  ditch-water.  -tiolb  bank.  @r«ft= 
ning  c  ditching. 

@ran'  a  (ogf.  fig)  green,  (fun  om  ®ræl  og  Jig) 
verdant;  tage  ub  i  bet  -ne  take  a  trip  into  the 
country;  fomme  paa  (en)  _  ®ren  el.  fioift  prosper, 
thrive;"  p  fooe  paa  ftt  -ne  ^re  be  fast  aslecp;  jor 
oeb  min  -ne  @ibe  beside  me;  bet  -ne  gorbjærg  Cape 
Verd;  i  IjanS  -ne  Ungbom  in  his  salad  days;  gør 
mon  bette  meb  bet  -ne  %xce,  ^»ab  bil  ba  fte  meb  bet 
tørre  if  they  do  these  things  in  a  green  tree, 
what  shall  be  done  in  the  dry;  fe  ®ul.  *-aat 
year,  when  the  corn  does  not  ripen.  -agtip  a 
greenish.  -algcc  pi  green-spored  algæ.  -Bdnb 
a  green-blind,  -fortiet  a  dyed  green;  green 
-coloured.  -finl(e)  fe  -irtft.  -fober  green  crops, 
a  green  crop;  green  food  el.  fodder.  -fobre  vt 
feed  on  green  food,  soil.  -fobrtng  soiling.  -g«b= 
ning  green  manure  -graa  a  greenish  gray. 
-guf  a  greenish  yellow.  -Ijeb  c  greenness,  virid- 
ity.  -irif!  green-finch,  Fringilht  chloris.  -jorb 
agr  (old)  lea;  min  green  earth,  glauconite.  -lottl 
kali,  kale,  borecole,  {<B\ippi)  spring  soup.  -Kæbt 
a  (tlæbt  i  ®rønt)  dressed  in  green;  (om  SSaffer 
ofo.)  grass-grown.  -lone  herb-woman.  -føbct  a 
green-fleshed  -labcn  a  greenish.  -lanb  fe  jorb 
aor;  n  propr  Greenland.  -lanbSbue  little  ank, 
Mergvlna  alle.  -lanb^farer  Greenland  man, 
whaler.  -lanbS^tial  Greenland  whale,  common 
whale,  Bilæna  wvHticetu».  -lanbff  a  Greenland. 
•lanbSftil  J..  carrick  l>end.  -lonbSfæt  harp  seal. 
Phoca  groenlandi'-a.  ©røntig  a  greenish.  @)r<n= 
loenber  c  -e  -tocnbcrinb  e  c  -r  Greenlander,  -ntalt 
green  malt.  ^-nt  vt  green,  make  green;  _  fig 
b.  f.  f.  -nc8  vd  become  green,  tum  green,  -ning 
c  -er  green.    -pUttet  a  with  green  spots,    •frittet 

a  dotted  with  green,  -fager  greens,  vegetables 
pi.  -fattet  ((  corned.  -fanb  greeu.sand.  @rønfe( 
n  greens,  ©rønftften  fe  Siften.  *@r«nffc  c  ver- 
dure;  green  stain;  green  confervæ. 

@r«nffoUing  c  -er  greenhorn,  puppy. 

@r«n|fnubc  fe  ©rønftolling.  -ftiæt(te)  green 
woodpecker,  Fictin  viridis.  -^pattet  »  green 
-spotted.  -ftcn  greenstone.  -ftribet  a  green 
-striped.  -f»ær  c  &  n  green-sward,  sod.  -f«Je 
soft  soap.    -t  fe  tager,    -ternet  a  green  checkered. 

—  @r»ntfober  fe  Øronfober.  -^anbter,  -^anblerfte 
green-grocer.  -tuting  ensilage  -folg  se'ling 
greens.  -tortJ  vegetable  market.  @rentørt) 
green  sods.  ©røna'rtcr  green  peas.  @r« nejet 
a  green  ey ed. 

'''@r«(»  n,  pi  =,  hole  in  the  road. 

•GJrø^e  vt  grind  coarsely. 

''@r«§'  n  r  sh adder.    @re§fc  vi  p  shudder, 

*@r«  tftcn  c  pot-stone,  soapstone. 

QJuajal  IfiarVitå  guaiacum.    -tr«  pockwood. 

@uoja  ttotræ  n  gua'va. 

@uarbein'  c  -er  assayer. 

@ut)6e  c  -r  old  man,  veteran. 

@ub  c  -er  God;  _  fte  Soti!  -  bære  lobet!  thank 
God,  God  be  praised !  -  befalet !  farewell.  God  be 
with  you;  _  bebare  mig!  bless  me!  dear  me!  ja 
_  Bebar'8  by  all  means,  most  certainly;  bet  for- 
bl)be  _!  Heaven  forljid!  fe  ®ibe;  »eb  -  by  God! 
faa  fanbt  ^joelpe  mig  - !  so  help  me  God;  _  for= 
barme  fig!  Good  gracious!  mercy  on  us!  il),  bu 
gobefte  -  p  my  goodness  me!  jeg  talfer  min  - 
I  thank  my  "stars;  min  - !  my  stars !  dear  me  I 
_  ftal  t)ibe  Heaven  knows;  _  beb,  _  maa  Bibe, 
l^bab  Heaven  knows  what;  ja  bet  beb  _  jeg  bil  I 
will,  most  certainly,  most  decidedly;  ^an  ^ar,  _ 
beb  af  ^oab  ®r«nb  !  .  .  he  has,  for  some  reason 
best  known  to  himself;  -  og  "^ber  9Kanb  befenbt 
notorious,  om  -  bil  please  God,  please  Heaven, 
God  willing;  -  gioe  would  to  God,  God  grant; 
gibe  fig  _  i   SBolb  comraend  one's  .self  to  God; 

-  gaber  God  the  Father;  -  @øn  God  the  Son; 
3  ®uber!  ye  powers  (above),  bet  ligger  i  -erneS 
éføb  el.  ^næ  it  lies  on  the  knees  of  the  gods; 
et  ©^n  for  -er  a  sight  to  see;  et  @ub8  33arn  a 
child  of  God;  meb  -8  ^\(&\p,  fe;  om  -  bil;  -8  Søb! 
's  death!  -8  2am  the  lamb  of  God;  en  -8  SQffe 
a  most  fortunate  thing;  benne  -8  9Kanb  this  godly 
man;  -8  TOober  the  Mother  of  Our  Lord;  ^bob  i 
-8  9Jaon  .  .  .  what  on  earth  .  .  .;  bet  er  en  -8 
Sanb^cb  it  is  true  before  God;  for  -8  ©tijlb  for 
God's  sake,  for  the  love  of  God;  -8  Stlftinelfe 
divine  dispen.sation;  -8  Unber  miracle;  bet  bar  et 
-8  Unber,  ot  ^an  unbflap  he  had  a  miraculous  el. 
providential  escape;  et  -8  SBejr  a  furious  storm; 
jer  er  -S  58elfignelfe,  -8  ®aber,  af  ©tole  here  is  plenty 
(et.  foison  plenty)  of  chairs,  here  are  chairs 
galore.  @ub|barn  godchild.  -f-be^agelig  a 
pleasing  in  the  sight  of  God.  -n-betiibft  a  con- 
scious  of  God.  -batter  goddaughter.  -bom  c 
-me  godhead,  deity,  divinity.  -bom  mclig  a 
divine.  -bom'tttelig^eb  c  divinity,  deity;  f  bltbe 
beb  i  en  _  go  on  without  intermission;  speak 
on  without  stopping  to  take  breath.  —  ©nb- 
bomSlftjlbe  fullness  of  the  Godhead.  -f-ftjlbt  n 
divinely  giftcd.  -glanS  divine  effulgeace.  -gnifl 
spark  of  divinity.  -!raft  divine  power,  -orb 
divine  word.    -ucelbe  divine  power. 

©ubelbarn  child  of  a  god.  -biHebcidol.  -bril 
nectar;  fig  delieions  drink.  -^uS  temple.  -lam)) 
divine  combat,  battle  betwecn  gods.  @ubelig 
a  godly,  pious;  (anbægtig,  opbyggelig)  devotional, 
cont  goody.  @ubeligl)Cb  c  godliness,  piety. 
@ube{(it)  life  of  (the)  gods.  -f-tnnb  holy  grove. 
-lære  mythologv.  -maaltib  banquet  of  the  gods. 
-fagn  myth.  -florgt  race  of  gods.  -f))ifc  am- 
brosia,  food  for  gods.     -fen  son  of  (a)  God- 




•tierben  world  of  gods,  mythic  worid,  mytho- 

©u'blfaber  godfather.  -forlabt  a  god-forsaken, 
godless.  -frtjg'tig  '/  godly,  pious,  god-feaxiug. 
-frljfl'tigljeb  c  godliness,  piety,  -  et  nl5ttt9  til 
alle  Jing  godliness  is  profitable  unto  all  things. 
-t)engitien  a  resigned  (to  the  will  of  God). 
-^cngi'uen^eb  c  resignation,  -fierren  the  Lord 
God.  -itt'be  c  -r  goddess.  -ittbtiiet  «  consecrated 
to  God,  devoted  to  God.  @ubtig,  (i)ub|Itgnenbe 
a  god-like.  -I«§  a  godless,  impious.  -(eé^eb 
c  godlessness,  impiety.  -mennefte  God-man, 
God  aud  man.    -tttobcr  godmother. 

@ub8|6orn  child  of  God.  -:6egreli  notion  of 
God.  -tief|)otte({g  a  blasphemous.  -bcfpottelfe 
blasphemy.  -beftiotter  blasphemer.  -bctJlbftfjeb 
notion  of  God.  -borb  the  Lord's  supper  el.  table. 
-Bttb  commandment  of  God.  -bom  judgment  of 
God,  ordeal.  -b^rlclfe  divine  worship.  +-bt)rler 

©u'bfettbt  a  sent  by  God. 

@ttb§|enflcl  angel  of  God.  -foragter  despiser 
of  God.  -forgaaen  a  graceless,  abandoned, 
anointed.  -forgaacn|eb  c  gracelessness,  deprav- 
ity.  -forljolb  religious  position,  -forlabt  fe 
®ub«.  -fornægtelfe  atheism.  -forncegter  atheist. 
-freb  truce  of  God.  -fr^gt  fear  of  God;  -  meb 
SJiøjJom^eb  er  en  ftor  SSinbing  bibl  godliness  with 
contentment  is  great  gain.  -^u§  the  house  of 
god,  place  of  (divine)  worship.  -iam'merlig  a 
pitiful,  miserable.  @u'bffabt:  ^ber  -e  2)ag  every 
blessed  day. 

@ubf!e  vt  ($op)  couch.    -r  c  -e  coucher. 

@ubd|tunbfla:6  knowledge  of  God.  -lam  0)0^ 
Sototiferne)  Agnus  Dei.  -ttftte,  -manb  |e  £)rb. 
■orb  word  of  God;  F  _  fra  2anbet  innocent. 
-fanb^eb  fe  ®ub.  -tjcncfte  divine  service;  efter 
-n  after  church;  -n  éeg^nber  .  .  .  divine  service 
begins  .  .  .  -tjenftlig  a  ritual,  liturgicai.  -un'ber, 
■bcjr,  -bclfignclfe  fe  ®ub. 

@u'b|fen  godson.    -føflenbe  fe  ®aa6§føftenbe. 

@ueriU'a|trtg  guerilla.  -totpS  guerilla  band 
el.  party. 

©uerre;  a  la  ~  {bill.)  pool. 

®»ffc,  ©ttflc  vt  ~  i  fig  gulp. 

*@uf8  c  -et  gust,  puff  of  wind. 

®uibe  c  -r  (ogf.  mil)  guide;  (®mp.)  motion 
-har.    -Hob8,  -Pt(l!e  guide-block,   motion-block. 

@utbo  Guy. 

@ttittoii^e'|re«tguilloshee'.  -ring  c  guilloshee- 
ing;  conc  guillo'che. 

©uittoti'ne  c  -t  guill'otine.   -'re  vt  guilloti'ne. 

©ttlne'o  n  (Stjften  i  Slftifa)  Guin'ea.  -bugten 
the  Gulf  of  Guinea,  -orm  Guinea-worm,  Filaria 
medinensiH.     -fOtn  Guinea-pig,  Gavia  cobayia. 

Ottiné  c  -t  (TOønt)  guin'ea. 

©ttlrlan'be  c  -r  gar'land,  festoon. 

©ultar'  c  -et  guita'r. 

@ut  a  yellow;  flaa  en  -  og  6Iaa,  _  og  grøn 
beat  one  black  and  blue;  fian  ætgrebe  fig  -  og 
grøn  it  irritated  him  beyond  endurance;  ben  -e 
SeBet  the  yellovt^  fever,  Yellow  Jack;  bet  -e 
yellow,  the  yeilow  colour.  -agtig  a  yellowish. 
-Ol8  spring-grass,  Anthoxanthum  odoratum.  -tiaan* 
bet  a  yellow-banded.  -btomftret  a  yellow-flowered. 
•brun  a  tawny.  -brænbe  vt  pickle.  -brcenbing 
dip,  pickle.  -bug  fe  SBaftarbnattergat.  -bær 
Avignon  barry,  (STtceet)  dyer's  buckthorn,  Rham- 
nus  infectoria. 

@ulb  n  gold;  her  or;  bet  et  ttte  alt  _  fom 
glimret  all  is  not  gold  that  glitters;  looe  -  og 
grønne  ©fobe  promise  wonders,  mountains  of 
gold;  tro  fom  -  true  as  steel;  bet  et  _  oærbt  it 
is  worth  its  weight  in  gold.  -aore  vein  of  gold. 
■agtIg  a  gold-like.  -alber  golden  age.  -amalgam 
amalgam  of  gold.     -arbejbe  goldsmith's  work. 


-arbejber  worker  in  gold,  goldsmith,  -bnank 
gold  band.  -boanb§tiIje  gold-striped  lily,  Liliun 
aurutum.  -bab  gold-bath.  -bantam  gold  bantam. 
-barre  ingot,  Ijar  of  gold.  -ba8fe  rosebug, 
Cetonia  ourata.  -beflogen  a  gold-mounted.  +-be-- 
ftu!Ien  fe  -brobetet.  -biUe  golden  beetle,  Chrv 
somela.  -blab  gold-leaf.  -blant  a  bright  as 
gold.  -blit  plate  of  gold.  -blomme  arnica. 
-bogftab  golden  letter,  -bort  fe  -bræmme  -brnnb 
ring-finger,  -brafen  gilt-head,  Sparus  aumta. 
-bregne  rue-leaved  fern,  Gi/mnooramma.  -briller 
gold-rimmed  spectacles.  -broberet  c  embroi- 
dered  with  gold.  -broberi  gold-embroidery. 
-br^Uu))  golden  wedding'.  -brbUu))§bag  golden 
wedding-day.  -briemme  gold  lace.  -bræmmet  a 
trimmed  with  gold  lace.  -broéfel  golden  oriole, 
Oriolus  galbula.  -buff  loose-strile,  Lysimachia 
thyraijiora.  -btjuge  heap  of  gold.  -ertS  ore 
containing  gold.  -f-fager  a  beautiful  golden. 
-farbet  a  gold-coloured.  -fafan  golden-phea.'iant, 
Thaumalea  picta.  -finger  fe  -bronb.  -fift  gold 
-fish,  Cyprinua  auratus.  -fob  gold  standard. 
-folie  gold  foil.  -frtjnfe  gold-fringe  -fnnb  Hud 
of  gold.  -førenbe  a  auriferous,  gold-bearing. 
-galon  gold  lace.  -glonS  golden  lustre.  -glimmer 
yellow  mica.  -gtinfenbe  «  glittering  as  gold. 
-gt«b  Utharge.  -gratier  (gold-)digger.  -graoeri, 
-grauning  gold-digging.  -grube  goldmine,  amr 
(ogfaa  fig)  placer,  -grunb  gold-ground;  gold  size. 
-gul  a  golden  (yellow).  -gQiben  gold  florin, 
guilder.  -gflg  gilded  cuckoo,  Gkrviococcyx. 
•^aor  (glente)  goldy-locks,  Chryaocoma.  -f|oaret 
a  golden-haired.  -^are  agouti,  Daayprocta  agtui. 
-barpe  golden  harp.  -baore  yellow  oats,  Avena 
flaveaoens.  -^otbenbe^  -t)olbig  a  containing  gold. 
-bom  golden  horn.  t-^u§fa§fe  hair-bag.  -iittepé 
golden  wasp,  Ckryiia.  -I)«ne.  -bøn§  fe  -bifle. 
-inbfatning  golden  setting.  -inboæoet  fe  -otrlet. 
■lalb  golden  calf.  -fantgiltedge.  -ta^jfel  golden 
case.  -farbe  fe  -fift.  -tarfc  worm-seed,  Ery- 
aimum.  -flang  ring  of  gold.  -tinrnp  (gold) 
-nugget.  -!naii  gold  button.  -tnapptt  a  (Sto!) 
gold-headed  (cane).  -forn  grain  of  gold.  -trone 
gold  crown.  -Itjften  the  Gold  Coast.  -læbe  gold 
chain.  -tog  auriferous  layer.  -la^n  flattened 
gold-wire.  -Io!3  argentine,  Argentina.  -lanb  gold 
-country,  gold-fields;  fig  eldorado,  -leje  gold 
-diggings.  -lifte  gold  cornice.  -lolfet  a  with 
golden  locks,  golden-haired.  -læber  gilt  and 
flgured  leather.  -lag  fe  -rob.  -mager  c  -e  alchy- 
mist.  -mageri,  n  -magerlunft  alchymy.  -målret 
dolphin.  uoryphæna  hippuria.  -mebalje  gold 
medal;  bttffet  til  ben  ftore  ~  drinks  as  for  a  wager. 
-mine  gold  mine.  -monotlorib  aurous  chloride. 
-mor  tissue,  gold  brocade.  -mnlbbar^i  Cape 
mole.  Vhryaochloria.  -mu^  sea  mouse,  Aphro- 
dite  aculeati.  -mønt  gold  coin.  -oblflSning 
solution  of  gold.  -obtagcr  fe  gorgtjlberoenfel. 
-ojt)b  oxide  of  gold.  -o^QbuI  protoxide  of 
gold.  -)ia)>ir  gold  paper.  -)ienge  goldmoney. 
-^lirol  fe -broéfel.  -<ire»egold-test,  assay.  -^ulber 
gold  powder.  -purpur  gold-purple.  -ranbet  a: 
_  ©!q  gold-tipped  cloud.  -rafj)  bookbinder's 
rasp.  -regn  golden  shower;  (plante)  laburnum. 
-rig  a  rieh  in  gold.  -rob  (root  of  the)  martagoa 
lily.  -reb  a  gold-red.  -fanb  gold-sand,  yellow 
shining  sand.  -ftræ^be  golden  dock,  Rumex 
muritimua.  -flaaet,  -flogen  a  mounted  with 
gold.  -flager  c  -e  gold-beater.  -flagertjub  gold- 
beater's  skin.  -fmeb  jeweller,  goldsmith;  On- 
fett)  dragon  fly,  LibeUuia.  -fmebebutif  jeweller's 
shop.  -fmeb(c)ftienb  working  jeweller.  -fnit  gilt 
edges;  meb  -  gilt-edged.  -fpinb  spuu  gold. 
-fVurb  fe  ©ulfputo.  -ftabS  gold-jewelry.  -ftong 
fe  -batte,  -ftjerne  star  of  Bethlehem,  Gagea. 
-ftof  fe  ©Qlbenftijffe.    -ftol  golden  chair;  fe  3orbe= 




moberftot;  fio  a  king's  cnshion;  bære  poa  el.  i  - 
chair.  -ftribe  gold  stripe.  -ftrtbct  o  gold-striped. 
-ft^ffc  gold  piooe.  -ft«U  gold  diist.  -ftjre  aurin 
aoid.  -fffbc  silversmith's  soap.  -f»gcr  gold- 
seeker,  gold-hunter,  -tinftur  thictiire  of  gold, 
potable  gold.  -lorbift  fe  -6a?fe.  -traab  gold 
wire;  (fpuitbeit)  goldthread.  -trcSfe  gold-lare. 
-triffortb  auric  chloride.  -trtfulfibauricsulphide. 
•tr^l  gold-printing.  -træfter  c  -e  gold-(wire) 
drawer,  goldlaoeman.  -t«j  gold-plate.  -tarft 
thirst  of  gold.  -ugtc  gamma  raoth,  Plusia 
gamma,  -ulo  fe  Sjafol.  -ur  gold  watch.  •babffcr 
gold-washer.  -ttabffcrt,  -tiabflning  gold  washing. 
-tiinge  fe  -bille,  -ulrfct  «  wrought  with  gold. 
-»agt  assay  balance,  gold  weight;  lægge  fine  Drb 
Vaa.  -  weigh  every  word.  •stn  golden  eagle, 
Aqtiila  fiilva. 

©ullerleyellow  wagtail,  .¥•  ta'illa  flova.  -erob 
carrot,  Davcus  cnr;,ta.  -fortiet  a  yellow-coloured; 
dyed  yellow.  -groa  a  yellowish  grey.  -grøn  a 
yellowish  green,  -ffaa  king  of  the  herrings, 
Ckimwra  monxtrosa.  -fjaaret  a  yellow-halred. 
-tialct  a  yellow-tailed.  -beb  c  yello\vness.  -^Uib 
a  oream-ooloared,  oreamywhite.  -jærnftcttswamp 

®ul!  c  maxillary  sinus. 

@ui!l(fl»er  yellow  clovcr,  hoptrefoil,  Tri''olium 
procumheiiH.  -!rflbct  a  (Stpole)  yellowtopped. 
-froet  a  vellowcrawed.    -labe«  fe  -agtig. 

(iJuUonb  n  Gothland. 

Wu Mig  fe  -agtig.  -mole  vt  paint  yellow. 
•-mnure  yellow  lady's  bedstraw,  Galium  verum. 
-moben  a  yellow-ripe.  -«e  o»  turn  yellow;  +  vt 
make  yellow;  -ne3  vd  tum  yellow.  -nen  c 

@ttH)  n,  pi  =,  gulp.  @uH)e  vi  k  t  (op)  gulp 
(up),  disgorge. 

@U'l'pil  golden  osier,  Salix  vitelUna.  -rob  fe 
Øulerob.  *-ftlre  yellow  mountain  saxifrage, 
Saxifraga  nizoides.  *-ftmmer  yellow  anemone, 
Anemone  rannncnloi/les.  -fot  jaundice;  '^ol  Sbceg) 
yellows  pi.  -fottig  a  jaundiced.  -fpuro  yellow 
-hammer,  Emheriz'i  citrinelli.  -ftribct  't  yellow 
-striped.  -ft«nf ct  a  yellow-spotted.  -f ccbe  yellow 
soap.    -træ  fustic,  yellow  wood. 

©ulO  n  -e  floor;  (ægge  -  i  floor;  gao  oeer  -et 
go  aoross  the  room.  -bjælfc  fe  -ligger,  -bræber, 
*-borb  flooring-boards.  -fjæl  flooring-board. 
•flabe  floor  area.    -flUe  floor-stone. 

®u  l»»i§fe  fe  garoeoiéfe. 

©ulutlub  rubbing  cloth.  -frætå  sweepings. 
-logt  o  floored.  -ligger  joist,  floor  timber.  -Iæg= 
ning  floor-laying,  flooriiig.  -tnoatte,  »-motte 
mat.  -moottctei  matting.  -plobe  floorplate. 
■plante  flooringplank.  -rum  floorage,  floor 
spare,  -fonb  white  sand  -firubbe  scrubbing 
bnish,  -fprælte  crevice  in  the  floor.  -fflm 
brad.  -tæppe  carpet.  -tceppetej  rarpet,  car- 

C^u'lbcerling  fe  Oulfpurti. 

(,9um;le  it  mumble.     -Icti  c  mumbling.    -Icre 

,  zo  edentates     -ling  c  -er  morsel,  little  bit. 

(*)umme  c  -r  gum,  +  roof  of  the  mouth;  p  fao 
t>aa    erne  get  a  drnbbing. 

©ummc're  vt  gum;  -t  ffonbolut  adhesive  enve- 

@ummtfOulft  c  lampass. 

Q(ummi  n  -er  (i  9t(m.)  gum;  fe  -elaftituni;  Carobiff) 
gum-arabic;  (opløft)  gura-paste,  liqnid  gum.  -agtig 
o  gummy,  gummous.  -eloftitum  oaoutchouc, 
India-rubber,  gum-ela.stio.  -flob  exudalion  of 
grum,  gumming.  -goloi^c  India  rubber  galoche 
el.  shoe,  'IndiaOnib^er.  -gut  (j^aroej  damboge. 
-Qarpitd  gum  resin.  -lof  gum  lac.  -plafter  gum 
-pla.«ter,  galban  plaster,  -fpctf  sheets  and  blocks 
of  India  rubber,     -ftrampcr  elastic  stocking^s. 

fiarfen  :  Tonf^Sngelft  iCrbbog. 

-tr«  gum-tree,  gura-wood,  Ficua  elaitica  -taj 
caoutchouc-tissue.    -Danb  gum  water. 

(i)nmp  c  rump. 

t@umpe  vi  p  jolt.  -fob  (gugl)  grebe.  -foSfe, 
-færre  tnmbrel,  cart  with  two  wheels. 

Q)ump|t)øne  tailless  fowl,  Persian  fowl,  Galhit 
ecamiatUR.     -fttjffe  rump. 

@uitge  c  -r  quagmire. 

Q(ungre  i;t  resound.    -n  c  resounding. 

@ttnp  c  'ub.  pi)  favour:  til  _  for  in  favour  of; 
til  -  for  mig  in  my  favour;  ftaa,  fomme  i  _  ^08 
be  in  f ,  obtain  f.,  with;  _  og  ®aDe(r)  favouritism, 
venality;  ftob  i  boi  -  ^o3  was  high  in  the  good 
graces  of.  -bebiSning  (mark  of)  favour.  -ig  a 
favourable,  propitious;  -e  SJæfer!  courteous 
reader!  _  ftemt  for  in  favour  of,  friendly  to. 

®urgle  fig  vr  gargle.  -n  c  gargling.  -banb 

@ur!emcfe  c  turmeric. 

*@urme  fe  Øjørme. 

@urtbuc  c  transverse  arch. 

(Sufe  fe  Jøatjgufe. 

'•@uft  c  er  breath  of  air.  @ufte  vi  blow 

@uftab  Gusta'vus. 

@uften  a  sallow,  wan.  -^eb  c  sallowness, 
wanness.    -f@uftnc3  '  rf  grow  sallow.  • 

@ut'  c  -ter  (ifær  *)  boy,  lad,  fe  55reng. 

(^uttaperta  c  gutta-percha.  -manb  contor- 

•@tttte!arbcjbe  boy's  work,  (for  ^iger)  tomboy 
work.    -floj  romp,  tomboy.    (Sututtge  little  boy. 

Guttural  a  &  c  -er  guttural,  -bogftoti  gut- 
tural (.letter). 

@uliern|an'te  c  -r  gov'emess.  -emcnt'  n  -er 
gov'crnment.  -e'v  c  -er  gov'ernor.  -ørin'be, 
•a'rSfrue  c  governor's  lady. 

®l)be  c  -r  låne,  close,  «c  wynd. 

@»)be,  g(j)øb,  g^bt  t.t  pour,  shed;  (om  gift  "•  I ) 
spawn.  -fifl  spawner,  spawning  flsh.  -færbig  a 
rcady  to  spawn.  -fanbe  ewer  -tib  spawning 
season.     @^bntng  c  pouring  etc. 

©tjlbctt  'i  golden,  gold;  ben  -ne  2lare  the 
piles,  hæmorrhoids,  pl\  bet  -ne  Sfinb  the  golden 
fleece;  en  -  SJejIig^eb  a  golden  opportunity;  -ne 
®age  palmy  days,  p  piping  times;  -ne  Crb  words 
of  gold;  brn  -ne  røibbeioej  the  golden  mean;  bet 
ne  f»orn  the  Golden  Horn.  QjQlben  c,  pi  =, 
florin,  guilder.  +-btanf  a  glittering  as  gold. 
+-gHl,  -loffet  fe  fflulb-.  -lof  wallflower,  Gheiranthw 
cheiri.  -læber  te  ®ulblccber.  -rl§  golden-rod, 
Solidago  virgavrea.  -ft^ffe  gold  brocade,  cloth 
of  gold,  -tal  golden  number.  -bonb  Dantzic 
brandy,  gold-water. 

@t)lbig  a  valid,    -^eb  c  validity. 

-fØ^lbne    t  gild. 

@t)lp  c   er  (Sfrceb.)  fly. 

@l)lpe  fe  ®ulpe. 

*(iJ^ltc  c  wrasse,  rock  flsh,  Lahrus. 

(9l)mno'|fium  n  ier  gymnasium,  -ftlcere  vi 
practise  athletic  exercises.  -ftif  c  athletios, 
gymnas'tics.  -ft  ifcr  c  -e  gym'nast,  gymnast'ic. 
-ftlf  lofale  gymnasium,  -ftiflærer  teacher  of 
athletics.  -ftif  ffo  athletic  shoes  (0.  fl.).  -ft'ifl 
a  g^ymnastic. 

t@l}rapcl  fe  ®runbling. 

@pnge  vt  &  »'  swing,  rock;  -nbe  ®runb  unsafe 
ground,  a  quagmire.  @^nge  c  -r  swing;  P  fomme 
i  -n  get  into  hot  water.  -boob  swing-boat.  -bræt 
see-saw  (board),  -fteft  rocking  horse.  -ferne 
rocking  churn;  oscillating  churn.  -n  c  swinging. 
-pot  rocking-chair. 

@t)nterffala  c  Gnnther's  scale. 

Q)t)nætolo'g  c   er  gynecol'ogist. 

*(^t)p(ing  c  -er  young  greenhom,  whelp. 

©flroffo'p  n  -er  gj'roscope. 





@t)8  n  shudder.  @^f|e,  -te  &  908,  -|et  &  -ft  vi 
shudder;  bet  -er  i  mig  I  shudder;  _  tilbage  for 
shrink  from.  -clig  «  horrible,  -eligdeb  c  er 
horror,  -en  c  shudderlng,  shudder.  -111119  c  -er 

*®t)t\e  c  mud,  mire,    -bob  mud-bath. 

@t)tre  vt  ^1,  skeet.    -r  c  -e  skeet. 

*@9t>e,  gjøt),  giø»)et  vi  (om  Støt)  0.  beSI.)  be 
driveu  by  the  wiud,  whirl. 

@qtiel  c  broom,  JSpartium  scoparium.  -loft 
broom.     -Itiæler  broom-rape,  Orobanche. 

®ctV  c  -fe  (3;aoBe)  fool;  (Spøgefugl)  wag,  jester, 
butfoon;  (i  £aa§)  tumbler;  flaa  -leii  Ifl§  indulge 
in  jesting,  make  fun;  bride  -  mcb  make  fun  of. 
-le  vt  fool,  dupe.  -n-tcé  vd  jest,  joke,  play  the 
fool.  -telifl  a  foolish.  -leri'  n  -er  (SDaarftab) 
foolery;  (SpoS)  droUery,  waggery.  -urt  fe  S8inter= 

d)(elb  c  debt;  lomme  i  -  get  el.  run  Into  debt; 
Bære  i  en§  ~,  ftaa  i  _  til  en  be  in  one's  debt, 
Btand  indebted  to  one;  fibbe  i  BunbløS  -  be  deeply 
in  debt;  gøre  -  contract  debts,  run  into  debt; 
oftit)  ~  claims;  l)o§fit)  -  liabilities.  -bog  debt 
-book,  account-book. 

(Scelbbunben  a  iuvolved  in  debt,  encumbered 
With  debt. 

@(clbe  (gfalbt  &  gælbte,  gælbt)  vi  _  for  pass 
for,  be  looked  upon  as;  bet  -r  (iBørnefp.  „gælbS") 
iffe  that  goes  for  nothing;  bet  tan  itte  ~  for  noget 
SSeOié  that  cannot  be  taken  as  a  proof;  benne 
2oti  r  ilfe  mere  this  law  is  no  longer  in  force; 
naar  bet  -r,  ffal  mon  finbe  mig  when  wanted  I 
shall  be  found;  ^er  _  bet  at  ^aoe  5!Kob  here 
all  depends  on  courage;  bet  -r  om  fioem  .  .  . 
the  point  is  who  .  .  . ;  for  \)av\  gjalbt  bet  the 
question  with  him  was;  ^bor  -r  SJejfen  ^enV 
where  are  you  going?  where  are  you  bound? 
bet  -r  ogfaa  om  bette  it  holds  good  of  this 
too,  will  apply,  is  applicable,  relevant,  to  this 
too;  nu  -r  bet  now  for  it;  —  vt  (oære  bærb) 
be  worth;  (ongaa)  apply  to,  refer  to;  l^Bab  -r 
^oeben?  what  is  the  price  of  wheat?  _  meget 
Iftol  en  have  great  influenee  with  one;  ^anS 
SRening  -r  meget  his  opinion  carries  great  weight 
(with  it);  bet  -r  I)an§  2®re  his  honour  is  at  stake, 
his  honour  is  coucerned;  fom  om  bet  gfalbt  ^an8 
fiib  for  dear  life,  as  if  his  life  depended  on  it; 
om  bet  -r  (gjalbt)  mit  Siib  to  save  my  life;  bet  -r 
mig  it  is  aimed  at  me,  (angaar  mig)  it  concerns 
me;  ^oab  -r  bet,  Ijan  tommer  i  Sag?  what  will 
you  bet  he  comes  to-day;  bet  -r  et  Sorføg  let  us 
try;  —  part  gælbenbe  (SiUet)  available,  (SJoo) 
in  force;  gere  -nbe  (f.  (£t§.  ^aaftanbe)  maintain, 
urge,  (en  gforbring)  advanee  (a  claim);  ffunbffaber, 
Stønl^eb)  set  off,  (GSrunbe  ofo.)  enforce,  urge,  (fom 
Unbftijlbning)  plead;  gøre  fig  -nbe  assert  one's 
self,  put  one's  self  forward. 

@ælb|frt  a  free  from.  debt,  out  of  debt;  -t 
®ob8  unincumbered  properly.     -^ctre  creditor. 

+@ælbner  c  -e  debtor. 

QiælbSlbetitS,  -breu  bond.  -fange  prisoner  for 
debt.  -forbrtng  claim.  -for^olb :  ftaa  i  _  til 
en  be  in  one's  debt.  -forffritinlng  fe  -BebiS. 
-faengfel  debtor's  (debtors')  prison;  imprisonment 
for  debt.  -loU  law  of  debtor  and  creditor.  -^>oft 
item  (of  a  debt).    -fog  action  for  debt. 

@æl|er  c  Gael.    -iff  a  &  «  Gaelic. 

@(cUe  c  -r  giU.  (KceHe  vt  remove  the  gills. 
-aobning  gill  opening.  -oonbenbe  «  breathing 
by  gills.  -blob  gill  fibre,  -bne  gill-arch,  brau- 
chial  arch.  -føbber  pi  branchiopods.  -^inbe, 
-l)Ub  gill  flap.  -loog  gill-lid.  -(oogiilien  oper- 
cular  plate.  -laå  a  abranchiate.  -orme  pi 
lerneans.    -flotte  gill-cleft,  branchial  cleft. 

@icnge  c  -r  {)faa  Sfrue)  thread,  groove;  (poa 
Stæbe)  runuer;   (paa   SBugge)  rocker;  —  ub.  pi 

3e  of 


(fremgang)  course,;  gaa  el.  ^at)e  fiij 
take  its  course.  Q)(tng§  a  current,  prevale 

@ær  c  yeast,  barm,  ferment.  -ceBe  yeå 

@æ'r :  i  ®ære  in  progress,  going  on,  brewl 
in  the  wind. 

@æ'rbe  c  J,  vang. 

©æ'rbe  n  -r  fence,  (tctienbe)  hedge;  (i  Srtd 
wicket;  ^Bor  -t  er  laBeft  Bide  aHe  ooer  the  weakest 
goes  to  the  wall,  where  the  hedge  is  lowest, 
men  commonly  leap.  @ærbe  vt  k  i  fence.  -brnb 
breaking  of  fences.  -fong  materials  for  fencing, 
brushwood,  amr  fencing.  -^otb  maintenance  of 

©æ'rbejg  c  leavened  dough. 

@(e'rbe{Vltgt  obligation  to  maintain  fenc 
-Vofl  hedge  stake.  -riS  fe  -fang.  -fonger  wht 
throat'  Sylvia  eurruca. 

@æ'rbcffin!ct  c  ^  vang-pendant. 

©æ'rbeffet  boundary  fence.  -fntut(te)  M'ren, 
kitty-wren,  Troglodytes  vulgaris.  -fncric  bind- 
weed,  Oonvolvolus  sepium.  -ftoge,  -ftoti,  -ftot) 
fe  -pæl.  -ftænte  stile  across  a  fence.  '-'-ftei 
-pæl.    ""^joerbei^oinbe  fe  -fuerle. 

©æ'rbctolje  c  J>  vang  tackle. 

©ærbfcl  n  fe  ©ærbefang. 

@ærc  vi,  -c§  vd  ferment,  work. 

@ære  vt  (5E:ømr.):  _  fammen  mitre,  sypu 
-maol  mitre  square.    @ærtng  c  -er  mitre. 

Q)uertng  c  fermentation.  —  @æring§|tar 
menting  tun.  -Ifl<)  dyer's  steeping-vat.  -mibbel 
ferment,  -mccgttg  a  fermentable.  -JjroceS  fer- 
mentative  process.  -ftof  ferment,  -tib  time  of 
fermentation,    -tiætter  ferment.  ^H, 

@æ'r|fælbcr  fermenting  cellar.    -plante  ye^|l 
plant,    -^jultiei;  yeast-powder.    -fkiont^  fe  -plowH 

©æSIing  c  -er  gosling.  -btomft  whitlow-grass, 

Draba  verna. 

@æft  c  -er  guest;  (Sefegenbe)  visitor,  visitant; 
(t^fremmeb)  stranger;  (i  S8ært§^u§)  visitor,  customer; 
B^be  en  til  _  iuvite  one  to  dinner  (lunch  etc); 
uBuben  _  intruder.    @æftc  vt  visit  (+  fe  Seoærte). 

©æftelborb  table  for  guests.  -bnb  bauquet, 
feast.  -^jem  free  hostelry.  -t)U§  inn.  -tommer 
room  for  guests,  spare-room,  guest-chamber. 
-re're  vi  feast,  banquet.  -ret  right  of  hospitality; 
special  (sitting  of  a)  court  in  the  case  of  a 
stranger,  .special  session,  -retdbom  judgment  of 
a  „®æfteret".  -retåfog  case  before  a  „éæfteret". 
-ri  M  (3orbbrotten§  l)o8  SBønberne)  coshering.  -rotte 
part  performed  by  a  stranger,  starring  part;  giBe 
-r  star  it.  -fol  apartment  for  guests.  -feng  bed 
for  guests,  spare  bed.  -ftolb  stable  for  travellers' 
horses,  -ftne  travellers'  room,  common  room 
(at  an  inn).  -tten  guest.  -Oentig  a  hospitable. 
-benflob  hospitality.    -btcrelfe  fe  -tammer. 

@æft|fri  a  hospitable.  -fri^cb  c  hospitality. 
-gioer  innkeeper,  inuholder;  landlord,  host. 
-gitierBorb  ordiuary  at  an  inn.  -giuergoorb  inn. 
-gitieri'  (^aonbteringen)  inukeeping;  (@æftgiBer= 
gaarb)  inn.  -gitjcrffc  c  -r  innkeeper;  landlady, 
hostess.    -milb,  -milb^eb  fe  -fri,  -fri^eb. 

@(et'ning  c  -er  guessing;  guess,  conjecture. 

@(ette  vt  guess,  divine;  _  fig  til  guess,  _  en 
(Boabe  solve  a  riddle;  jeg  -r  ifaa  ^am  I  guess  it  is 
he.  -ctine,  -goBe  power  of  divination,  -tunft 
art  of  divination,  -leg  playing  at  riddles.  @æt= 
telig  a  that  may  be  guessed.  @(ettc|n  c  gues- 
sing.   -ri'  guessing.    -tiærl  guesswork. 

@ætJ  a  (BBBerlig)  excellent;  (Brao)  gallant. 
-^eb  c  excellence;  gallantry. 

@ø  vi  bark,  bay  (ab  at);  ben  ^unb,  fom  -r, 
biber  ifte  barking  dogs  seldom  bite. 

(Døbe  vt  manure,  dung;  *fe  gebe.  +-bonbC  vt 
water  with  liquid  manure.     @øbning  c  manur- 





ing;  manure,  duug;  *fattening.  —  @ebning3|  = 
itent  fe  Wiftbænf.  -emne  manure,  fertilizer, 
manurial  substanee.  -grube  manure  pit.  -larfel 
cartlng  of  manure.  -traft  cuUivntion,  -mtbbcl, 
-^of  fe  -emne.  -tiicrbi  manurial  value.  @«bfe(, 
t@«i»ffe  c  manure.  dung.  t@øbfltttng  c  manur- 

(Søen  c  barking  etc,  bark. 

(Deg  c  -e  cuckoo,  C'uculua;  *  f  ohap,  customer, 

-  @«ge|bIomft  fe  dngfarfe,  f  fe  urt.  -Ulje 
butterfly  orchis,  P/atnntkera.  t-ntab  cuekoo's 
meat,  wood  sorrel,  Oxalis  acetosella.  -ntober 
pelty-chaps,  Sylvia  curruca.  -rolfe  fuller  ray, 
Raja  fuilonica.  -f^Jflt  cuckoo-spittle.  -f^ætte 
gold-wluged  woodpecker,  Colaptes.  -f^ættet  a 
cuckoo-spotted.  *-f5re  fe  -mab.  -ur  cuckoo 
-clock.    t-nrt  orchis. 

@«gl  H  humbug;  fe  (SøglPri- 

@«gle  vi  (gøre  SEafteufpincrfunfter)  juggle; 
(briDe  9iarrefpil)  play  the  buffoon.  -biUebe 
phantom.  -tunft  art  of  juggliug,  legerdemain, 
sleight  of  band.  -I^å  fe  Etjgteinanb.  -n  c  fe  -ri. 
-r  c  -e  juggler;  buffoon,  merry  Andrew,  -ri'  n 
juggliug;  buflfoonery,  antics.  -rff  a  delusive. 
@øglecffe  c  -r  juggleress.  @egIertro)i  band  of 
jugglers.  @øglcrørn  Afriean  eagle,  Helotarsua 
ecaudiilus.  @egle|f))il  juggliug  tricks,  -f^« 
phantasm.    -txett  juggling. 

@«re,  gjorbe,  gjort  vt  (i  9IIm.  og  uobnlig  om 
abftrafte  SSegreber)  do;  (om  en  fpeciel  9Jtr!en  og 
nabnl.  om  fonfrefe  ®enftanbe)  make  (gorft.  omtr. 
fom  mellem:  f^un  og  machen);  -  en  SBol  hole 
a  ball;  -  fin  SDøn  say  one's  prayers;  _  ^Ib  light 
a  fire;  -  Sanb  make  the  land;  bette  i)ax  gjort 
l^onS  S!Qf!e  this  has  been  the  making  of  him; 
_  mange  Drb  use  many  words;  .  ^lati  make 
room;  tian  ger  fine  Sager  gobt  he  plays  his  part 
well,    does  very  well;  -  et   S!ribt  take   a   step; 

-  eu  et  ©pørgSmaal  put  a  question  to  one, 
one  a  question;  _  en  Ulejligfieb  give  one  trouble; 
_  Seg  lay  eggs;  -  lo?,    fafl  ^  make   loose,    fast; 

-  en  l^llelig,  rig,  ofo.  make  (ogfaa,  om  »arigere 
Sitrtning:  render)  one  happy,  rich  etc;  it!e  faa 
rig  fom  man  gør  ^am  not  so  rlch  as  people  make 
him  out  to  be,  ~  en  gal  drive  one  mad;  6an 
gør  big  i!te  noget  he  will  do  you  no  harm;  bet 
gør  onbt  it  hurts;  bet  gør  mig  onbt  I  am  sorry; 
bet  gør  mig  gobt  it  does  me  good;  bet  gør  ingen- 
ting it  is  no  matter;  bet  gør  intet  til  ©agen  that 
is  nothing  to  the  purpose;  it  is  no  odds  at  all; 
^Oab  gør  bet?  whal  of  that?  what's  the  odds? 
bet  gør  ^t)er!en  fra  eller  til  that's  nelther  here 
nor  there;  ^an  »ibfte,  ^bab  !^an  gjorbe  he  knew 
what  he  was  about;  Ian  iffe  minbre  _  bet?  won't 
less  content  you?  can't  less  do  the  tum?  ^an 
gør  bet  ilte  længe  he  won't  last  long,  he  is  going 
fast;  jeg  gør  bet  i!fe  (Slfflag)  I  shall  do  no  such 
thing,  I  shall  do  nothing  of  the  kind;  bebrage 
gør  l^an  he  does  cheat;  og  bet  gjorbe  Bi  and  so 
we  did;  gør  fom  kræften  prcebifer  og  ifle  fom  ^an 

Iianbler  do  as  the  friar  saith,  and  not  as  he  doeth; 
bftte  gjorbe  at  this  had  the  eff'eet  that,  did  so 
much  that;  bet  maa  -i  it  must  be  done;  -  fig 
elflet,  fragtet  make  one's  self  beloved,  feared; 
~  ftg  gal,  fQg  pretend  to  be  mad,  ill;  _  fig  fflegreb 
om  form  an  idea  of;  _  [tg  ben  Ulejtiqpeb  take 
the   trouble;    _    pQ   et   2©rinbe   feign  an  errand; 

-  ftg  en  2®re  af,  _  ftg  til  af  take  pride  in,  pride 
el.  plume  one's  self  on;  bet  laber  ftg  iffe  _  it 
cannot  be  (done),  is  not  to  be  done;  faa  Dtbt  bet 
laber  ftfl  -  as  far  as  practicable;  _  fig  «b  til  éen« 
set  one's  self  againsl  it,  prove  refractory;  _  af 
en  like  one,  make  much  of  one,  joc  be  sweet 
upon  one;  ^»or  ^or  bu  gjort  af  .  .  .?  what  have 
you  done  with  .  .  .  ?  where  have  you  put,  left 
.  .  .  ?  jeg  bibfte  iffe,  ^oor  jeg  ftulbe  _  af  mig  I  did 
not  know  what  to  do  with  myself;  '^an  gør  mig 
for  meget  af  bet  he  bothers  me  too  much;  _  bet 
af  meb  make  away  with,  dispose  of,  _  nt  af  meb 
en,  fe  2tfgøre;  -  efter,  fe   ©ftergøre;   jeg   fan   iffe 

-  for  bet  I  cannot  help  it,  it  is  not  my  fault; 
naor  jeg  f)ar  gjort  bet  fra  mig  when  I  have 
finished  it,  done  with  it,  got  it  olF  my  hånds; 

-  (forretninger)  i  tråde  in,  deal  in;  _  i  $enge 
tum  into  money;  gjorbe  bel  i  ot  did  well  to; 
gjorbe  iffe  flogt  i  was  not  doing  a  prudent  thing 
in;  _  en  imob  offend  one;  _  alting  meb  do  as 
others  do,  be  up  to  everything;  fiabc  meb  at  _ 
have  to  do  with,  be  coneemed  with;  -  et  meb 
en  make  common  cause  %vith  one;  be  gjorbe  meb 
■^am,  f)Oab  be  »ilbe  they  had  their  will  of  him; 
bet  er  iffe  gjort  meb  at  fuaffe  talking  will  not  do 
it;  ijau  færtegnebe  Stgeren  fom  jeg  funbe  ^abe  gjort 
meb  en"  ffattefiHing  as  I  would  have  done  a 
kitten;  gør  mob  anbre,  fom  bu  Bil,  be  ftuHe  _ 
mob  big  do  unto  (el.  by)  others  as  you  would 
be  done  unto;  _  om  alter;  bet  er  mig  om  at  _ 
it  is  an  object  with  me,  I  am  anxious  about  it; 
^oab  ber  er  ffet,  fan  ej  -§  om  Avhat's  done  can't 
be  undone;  _  op,  fe  Opgøre;  _  op  meb  en  settle 
accounts  with  one;  -.  en  til  fin  S3en,  gjenbe  make 
a  friend,  enemy  of  one;  ban  ^or  gjort  fienbe  til  fin 
ftone  he  has  made  her  his  wife;   bet  fan  ingen 

-  noget  til  nobody  can  help  it;  _  oeb  et  Ur 
repair  a  watch;  bet  fan  jeg  iffe  _  beb  I  can  do 
nothing  to  that,  I  cannot  help  that;  berbeb  er 
intet  at  _  it  cannot  be  helped;  boab  bar  bu 
gjort  Beb  Sarnet?  what  have  you  done  to  the 
child?  Qiørejntaal  n,  pi  =,  business,  avocation, 
duty.  -n  c  doing  etc;  ^an§  _  og  fiaben  his 
actions,  his  goiugs  ou,  sayings  and  doings.  -r 
c  -e  doer;  oorber  DrbetS  e  be  j'e  doers  of  the 
word.  ®9tliq  a  practicable,  feasible.  @ar» 
(ig^eb  c  practicability,  feasibility,  feasibleness. 

®ertUv  c  -e  brazler. 

@øå  c  ^  (union)  jack.  -folb  jack  halyard. 
-ftage,  -ftot  jackstafif. 

@øta|e(OCn  the  (river)  Gotha,  the  Gotha  river. 
•lanatcn  the  Gotha  el.  Gotha  canal.  Gøteborg, 
n  Goth'enburg. 


^,  tf  l^aa]  n  -er  (93ogft.)  H,  h  [aitch],  mus  B; 
abbr :  jp-  =  fiefte  part;  ^bé.  9Kaj.  =  f»enbc» 
OTajeftæt  Her  Majesty;  $.  m.  el.  ^i.  TOaj.  =  ^ani 
^IKajefiæt  His  Majesty;  ^r.  =  ^err  Mr. 

■^al  interj  ha!  aha! 

'"■>ao  c  -er  shark,  dog-fish,  hoe,  Svttaius. 

*4&ao  c  rowen,  aftermath. 

^oab  n,  pi  (+)  =,  hope;  gøre  pfl  -  om  hope 
to  obtain,  have  hopes  of;  i  _  om  at  in  the  hope 
that,  in  hopes  that;  jeg  ^ar  _  I  have  some  hope; 
nære  _  be  in  hopes;  nære  gobt  ~  be  in  good 
hope,  nære  gobt  _  om  be  sanguine  of  el.  as  to; 





o()gioe  -et  lose  hope;  fætte  fit  _  til  hope  in,  set 
one's  hope  in;  jeg  fætter  alt  mit  _  til  I  have 
flxed  all  my  hopes  on;  bet  gobe  -8  gorbjærg  the 
Cape  of  Good  Hope;  en  ^Kinifter  i  -et  a  would-be 
minister;  fe  Jøeffcemme. 

'^aaiaU  c  -er  midsummer  (time  between  the 
so  wing  and  hay-cutting  seasons). 

^aab\e  vt  hope,  trust,  (meb  Obieft)  hope  for; 
bet  bil  ieg  _  I  hope  so;  bet  Bil  jeg  (bo)  ilfe  _  I 
(should)  hope  not;  bet  er  at  -  it  is  to  be  hoped; 

-  paa  ®ub  hope,  trust  in  God;  _  til  @ub 
at  hope,  trust,  to  God  that.  .&oab|efuIl)  a 
hopeful,  promising.  +-cn  c  hoping.  -fuHi  full 
of  hope.  +-§limt  ray  of  hope.  -(ø8  a 
-I*§^fb  c  hopelessness. 

*^aab'oa  fe  §aobaa. 

*^oa  brnnb  fe  ijaamær. 

^aaq  n  the  Hague. 

4aai*g»)Uinfl  fe  ©ulliaa.  -ijlitfl  long  dab,  Pleu- 
rovectei  limandoide».  ''-fad,  ••'-fjærring  Green- 
land shark,  Scymnus  glacialig.  -frog  shark 

*.§aal  a  slippery.  -l'e  c  slipperiness  (of  ice), 
glazed  road.    -f'ct  a  frozen  and  slippery. 

Saamoer  c  porbeagle,  Lamna. 
aon  c  scorn,  disdain.    -hlit  scornful  glance 
cl.  look. 

.^aanb  c  ^ænber  hånd;  ben  flabe  ~  the  palm; 
ben  ^ule  _  the  hollow  of  the  haud;  gibe,  rælfe  en 
-en  shake  hånds  with  one;  gioe  ^inanben  -en 
shake  hånds;  rcefte  en  en  licefpcnbe  _  stretch 
out  a  helping  hånd  to  one;  fe  SSabfte;  flaa  -en  af 
en  forsake,  abandon  one,  cast  one  ofF,  throw 
one  over;  for  _  by  hånd;  bø  for  en§  ~  die  at 
one's  hånds;  gaa  ub  for  -en  mob  en  go  out  with 
one;  bet  ferfte  ber  falbt  '^am  for  -en,  i  §ænberne 
the  flrst  that  came  to  hånd,  oame  handy;  jeg 
!unbe  ifte  fe  (en)  -  for  mig  I  could  not  see  my 
hånd  before  me;  fra  en  og  i  'iKunben  from 
hånd  to  mouth;  gaa  fra  -en  go  otT,  sell  (om 
SSarer);  faa  fra  -en  get  out  of  hånd;  9(r6eibet  gaar 
^am  gobt  fra  -en  he  is  getting  on  well  with  the 
work;  ben  git  fra  _  til  ~  it  was  hauded  about; 
jeg  t)ar  bet  fra  en  meget  filter  -  I  have  it  from 
very  good  authority;  tage  fin  _  bort  fra  en,  fe: 
flaa  -en  af;  fra  ferfte  -  from  the  best  authority 
el.  source;  tage  i  ~  shake  hånds  with  one; 
jeg  tog  bet  i  -en  I  took  it  in  my  hånd;  meb  fraftig 

-  with  a  vigorous  hånd;  ^an  loBebe  meb  -  og 
iDlunb  he  plcdged  hi.s  word;  meb  egen  _  with 
my  own  hånd;  ffreOft  meb  ^anS  -  written  in  his 
hånd;  meb  »æbnet  _  arms  in  hånd;  _  otjer  (for, 
om)  _  <i,  hånd  over  hånd;  ^olbe  fin  -  ober  hold 
out  a  protecting  hånd  over;  ^aa.  egen  -  of  one's 
own  accord;  for  himself;  at  one's  own  risk; 
(alene)  single-handed;  X'M  ^øjre  -  on  the  right 
hånd;  pna  rebe  -,  Jp''^"^^'^  **  hånd,  handy;  )^aa. 
fri  _  by  hånd,  only  with  the  hånds;  tegne  );)a(x 
fri  -  draw  without  the  aid  of  rule  el.  compass; 
f!tjbe  "^aa  fri  _  shoot  without  rest;  poa  anben  _ 
at  second  hånd;  gibe  $enge  '^aa.  -en  give  money 
in  hånd;  fe  Sagpaa;  længe  _  pao  noget  take  in 
hånd;  lægge  _  paa  en  lay  (violent)  hånds  on 
one;  lægge  en  poa  SSærtet  put  one's  shoulder  to 
the  wheel;  lægge  ben  ftbfte  -  paa  put  the  tinishing 
stroke  to;  -en  paa  fjertet!  honour  bright!  til 
benftre  -,  fe  SSenftre;  u  n  b  e  r  ^anS  _  og  Segl  under 
his  hånd  and  seal;  fe  Unber^aanben;  beb  -en  at 
hånd,  handy;  —  gaa  en  til  .giaanbe  assist  one; 
■^olbe  en  noget  til  -e  hold  something  at  one's 
disposal;  bet  er  fommet  mig  af  §ænbe  I  have 
lost  it;  tomme  en  i  ^ænbe  come  to  hånd;  —  ^aoe 
frie  Jpæn ber  be  one's  own  master,  afree  agent; 
gibe  en  frie  ^ænber  til  at  leave  it  optional  with 
one  to;  ^ænberS  ®erninger  handiwork;  leber  af 
fine   -r8  ®evninger    lives  by  the  labour  of  his 



fall  IS 

hånds;  ^ar  -tie  fulbe  has  his  hånds  full;  flap: 
-ne  clap  one's  hauds;  falbe  i  -ne  paa  en  fall  1: 
one's  hand.s;  fpiHe  en  nt  i  -ne  play  st  into  oneT 
hånds;  ^an  fif  iroen  i  -ne  r.onviction  was  brought 
home  to  him;  (ægge  .fiænberne  i  Sføbet  sit  idle; 
^abe  $enge  imellem  Jpænber  have  money  in 
hånd;  bteb  borte  imellem  ne  paa  mig  slipped 
through  my  fingers;  meb  Jpænber  og  Jøbber  tooth 
and  nail,  with  might  and  main;  tage  imob  et 
Silbub  meb  begge  ^ænber  jump  at  an  offer;  bunben 
paa  $ænber  og  (Jobber  tied  hånd  and  foot;  gaar 
paa  -ne  walks  on  his  hånds;  bære  paa  -ne  fig 
dote  upon,  bibl  in  their  hånds  they  shall  bear 
thee  up;  paa  fafte  -er  mere  not  in  the  market; 
flaa  ^ænberne  fammcn  af  gorfærbelfe  hold  up  one's 
hånds  in  horror;  ^Mt  et  9trbejbe  nnbcr  .§æn= 
ber  have  a  work  in  hånd,  be  engaged  in  el.  on 
a  work.  —  .^aaub|aare  scull.  -alfabet  manual 
alphabet.  -arbcjbe  (St)arbejbe)  ncedlework; 
(mobfat  9Kaftinarbejbe)  work  done  with  the 
hånds,  -arbcjbet  operative,  •armatur  small 
arms.  -atta8  hand-atlas.  *-bo9  bai'k  of  the 
hånd.  -Balbe  ball  of  the  hånd.  -bepægelfc 
movemeut  of  the  hånd,  gesticulation.  -btbliO' 
tcf  reference  library,  -bil,  *-bile  hatchet. 
+-btab  fe  -flabe,  -bog  manual,  hand-book,  handy 
book,  text  book.  -bteb  c  handbroadth.  -brcb 
a  broad  as  the  hånd.  -breu  autograph  letter. 
■b\xt  (hånd)  bow.  •■■■-bunbctt  a  knit  l)y  hånd. 
-bæften  washhand-basin.  -bajlc  (p.  Sabel)  bow; 
fe  -jærn.  -baff  slap.  -belt  a  palmate.  -bonlraft 
hand-screw,  jack-screw.    -bug  towel. 

$aanbe|tag,  -lab  handiness,  manual  adroit- 
ness.  -Hg  a  fe  ^anbelig.  -penbing:  i  en  _  in  no 
time,  in  the  turn  of  a  hånd,  in  the  twinkling 
of  an  eye;  joc  in  the  twinkling  of  a  bedpost. 

.gaanblfaaet  a  ^ont  pawn.  -fang  handle,  -faji 
a  strong,  stout,  +  håndfast,  -faft^cb  stoutness. 
-pi  haud-file.  -flabe  palm  of  the  hånd.  -for= 
arbejbet  a  hånd  made.  -fotmig  a  hand-shaped; 
fe  -belt;  -t  tløbet  ^  palmately  cleft.  -fulb  c  -e 
haudful.  -fulbcbiS :  i  -  by  handfuls.  -fæcbig 
'i  handy,  -færbigftcb  handiuess.  -fæfte  hold. 
-fæ^ning  c  charter,  -gangen  a  ont  belonging  to 
the  king's  household;  fig  bære  en  _  render  one 
suit  and  service,  -gemæng  n  fray,  souffle;  mil 
close  combat  el.  fight,  haud-to-hand,  come  to 
close  quarters.  -8crrting(§arbcjbe)  manual  work 
el.  labour.  -gerningSmanb  handicraftsman. 
-gcrningiffote  school  of  handicrafl.  -gcoac 
hand-weapon.  -granat  hånd  grenade.  -greb 
(fang)  handle;  (paa  ©bærb)  hilt;  (®re6  meb  §.) 
grasp;  fig  knack,  dexterity;  mil  movement;  pi 
the  manual  exercise(s);  labe  en  gennemgaa  -ene 
put  one  through  the  manual  exercises.  -gri'be« 
lig  a  palpable;  _  Spøg  practical  joke.  -gri'be- 
(tg^cb  palpableness,  obviousness;  pi  bet  tom  til 
-er  they  fell  to  loggerheads.  ingen  -er  no  fight- 
ing.  -^affe  hand-hoe.  -batfe  vt  hand-hoe. 
-^eft  led  horse,  -tjjcelp  manual  assistance;  (9?ibn.) 
appui.  -bceoe  vt  maintain,  as.sert,  vindicate. 
-^æbelfe  maintaining  etc  ,  maintenance,  asser- 
tion, vindication.  -^æper  c  -e  maintainer,  vintit- 
cator,  asserter;  DrbenenS  -  the  custodian  of 
order.  -jolle  .1,  hauling-line;  whip.  -jærn  ma- 
nacle,  handciiff,  hand-fetter;  lægge  _  poa  raa- 
nacle,  handcuff.  +-famp  fe  -gemæng.  -faft  stone's 
throw.  -tcbrlpumpe  boiler  haud-pump.  -Hap, 
-f-flappcn  clapping  of  hånds,  handclapping. 
-flæbe  towel,  (nben  (Snbe)jack  towel,  roller-towel. 
-flæbcbrejel,  -flæbet«)  towelling.  -flæbe^olber 
towel-horse.  -fniplct  a  hånd  made  (lace).  -fort 
pi  (i  Spil):  gobe  -  a  good  hånd.  -foft  short 
-handle  broom.  -fraft  .strength  of  hånd;  (mobf. 
2)amp=,  Waftin )  hand-power;  meb  _  by  band 
-fttffcrt  portmauteau.  -f urb  hand-basket.  -fbæt) 

,a.,  I 





hand-mill.  -fljS  kiss  on  the  hånd.  •t^i^ning 
kissing  of  hånds,  -færre  hand-cart,  truck. 
•tob:  fælge  i  _  sell  over  the  counter.  *-Iofl  fe 
.£iaanbc!Q6.  -langer  c -ehelper,  assistaut,  tender, 
(Wiirf).)  hodman.  -leb  wrist.  -letSitDii  fe  -ore- 
bog.  '••'-Ume  fe  -!ofl.  -linie  line  of  the  hånd. 
-linning  wristbaud.  -lifte  guard.  -lob  hånd 
-lead.  -lobline  hend-line.  -lugning  weeding 
by  hånd.  -Jljgte  hand-lanteru.  -lænifc  fe  -jærn. 
-I«5  a  handless.  -(d)magt  fe  -traft  -niejfcl 
hand-chisel.  -ntcenge)  fe  -gemæiig.  -meUe  hånd 
■mill.    +-nem   a   handy,    adroit.     -orbbøg   com- 

fjendious  dictionary.  -orgel  hand-orgau.  -pant 
e  -faaet  $ant.  -Iienge  earncst  (money),  arle^s)- 
peuny,  hånd  money;  (til  Solbater)  press-money, 
bounty.  -<jig  fe  -fjjtjb.  -plotf  hand-plougii. 
•po]t  handbag  -^ireSfe  hand-pres.«.  -))um))e 
hand-pump.  -pufter'  hand-bellows  p(.  -peå 
bueket.  -ramme  fe  SRombut.  +-ring  bracelet 
-rob  wrist,  carpus.  -robSabe  tarsius.  -robében 
bone  of  the  carpus.  -ruUe  mangle  -rætning 
aid,  assistance,  hånd,  hand's  turn.  -faaning 
(sowing)  broadcast  -fab,  "-fag  handsaw.  '-fag 
flflcrer  hånd  sawyer. 

toonbébreb  fe  ^aanbbreb. 
aanbifctrctcer  private  secretary  -ftiUing 
pocket-money.  -fliDe  hand-driim.  -ffjolb  target. 
•.ffreoen  a  manuscript  -ffrift  n  manuscript,  c 
handwriting;  (gorftribning)  note  of  hånd.  -ffrift' 
Irebitor  creditor  by  note  of  haud.  -ffriftUg  a 
manuscript.  -ffriftlteSning  reading  of  mann- 
scripts  -ffrifffamlerautograph-collector.  -ffrift= 
btbenffab  pakography,  -ffribelfe  fe  -breo.  -ffri 
bor  clerk,  amanuensis,  -ffrne  handscrew. 
-ffqbebaaben  pi  hånd  fire-arms,  small  arms. 
•ffærm  banner-screen.  -flaart  a  hand-laid. 
•flag  (Slag)  hand-blow;  (^■>aanbtr^t)  sqnceze  el. 
shake  of  the  hånd;  (SJefte)  solemn  promise 
•ffynge  sling.    -fn«re  hund  line. 

f^aanb^io^rætning  show  oi  hånds,  -paalaq 
fe  imposition  (of  hånds). 
"  {-iaanbif)>a}e  small  spade,  -f^iag  e),  -ftiigcr 
hand-spike.  -f}>ejl  hand-glass.  -fpil  ^  hånd 
•crab.  -^pttitt  squirt;  (mob)'.  Samp  )  hand-eugine. 
■ft^nnben  a  hand-spun.  -fv^b  short  spear,  half 

^^aoiibårætning  c  a  hand's  turn,  a  hånd. 

^aanbiftige  small  ladder     -ftor  a  as  big  as  a 
li>l.     -ffærf    a   strong-handed.      -fueb    hidrosis. 
•ftitcrmer  squib.    -fqet  a  hånd  sewn  el.  -made. 
-fqning   hanJ-work.     -tog   fe   -greb,    -trtjf,    (til 
Sønbebaonb)  hoop-slick.    -tage,  -tatte  c  stroke  on 
the  hånd.     -talje  ^.  burtou     -tegning   design, 
sketch,    (Jrifjaaiibstegning I    free-hand    drawing, 
drawlng.    -ten  distaft",    -tc're  vt  handle,  manage, 
wield.    -te'ring  c  -er  handling  etc;  (|)aaiibDærf) 
tråde,  craft,  handicraft.    -terlig  a  manageable. 
•tot  a  i,  hånd  tight.    -tromle  hand-roller    -Ir^f 
squeeze,    presning    el.    pressure    of   the    band, 
handshake,   hand-grip.    -toætning    washing    of 
hånds       -tttrffn'ng    thrashing    by    hand-flail. 
•ubgaoe  compend  ous  edition,     -oaaben   hånd 
■\veapou,  pi  small  arms,   p')rtable  arms.    -babff 
ning  fe  -toætning.    -binbe  wiaci,  (til  23or)  hånd  ; 
-brace.    -binget  a  hånd  winged,   cheiropterous.  i 
-bifcr   Index,     -bogn   hand-cart.        oot   handle  I 
(of  a  flail).    -btcgtcr  pi  dumb  bells.    -bærge  fe  1 
-baobeii.    -bart  tråde,  handicraft,  craft.  | 

^aanbocerfer   c  -e   mochanic,   artisan,    crafis-  | 
man,    handicraftsman,    tradesman,    mil   &    ^. 
arlificer.      -bragt    artisan's    dress.       -forening 
mechaiiics"  association,  tråde  s;-union.    -i  u  -er,  I 
fe   ^aanboært.     -lære   apprenticeship,    bære  i  _  I 
RcTve  oue'sai>prenliceship.    -ftiftelfc  mechanics' 
asylum  I 

^aanboarfdibrcng  appreatice.     -b.'tft  tråde,  i 

-bt)gtigt|cb  mechanical  skill.  -foH  mechanics, 
craftsmen.  -lob  trade's  Corporation,  craft-gruild. 
■manb  fe  ^Qanbbærfer.  -mefter  master  mechanic. 
-mieSfig  a  mechanical.  -ffole  industrial  school, 
school  of  arts.  -f))rog  mechanics'  language, 
-ftanb  industrial  class.  -ftof  stafl"  of  artificers. 
-fbenb  journeyman.  -barer  tradesmen's  goods 
(for  sale). 

$aanb{bæb(erftoI)  handloom.  -bcebet  a  wovea 
by  hånd.  -eUt  hatchet,  handy  bill.  -e^itt  a 
skilled,  expert. 

^aanectscorn,  scoff  at.  —  ^aa'nlfnlb,  4-f>)Ibt 
a  seornful,  disdaiufnl.  -^eb  ((foragt)  scoru,  dis- 
dain;  +(Stam)8hame.  -latter  seornful  laugh(ter), 
sneer.  ^aanlig  a  &  adv  fe  -fulb;  -  omtale  be- 
little  ^aanlffrig  hooting.  -fmil  disdainful 
smile,  sueer  -éorb  seornful  words,  tannts  pi. 
•Sttbtr^f  contemptuous  expression.  -t  ado  *orn- 
fully;  labe  -  om  disdain,  disregard,  make  light 
of,  think  scorn  of,  pooh-pooh  (om  at  to). 

^oor  n,  pi  =,  hair;  fætte  fit  _  dress  one's 
hair;  ribe  ftg  i  -et  tear  one's  hair;  paa  et  _  lo  a 
hair;  paa  et  ^ængenbe  _  within  a  hair's  breadth, 
within  an  ace;  ^an  er  ifte  et  ~  Bebre  he  is  no 
whit  better,  there  is  not  a  pin  to  choose  be- 
tween  them;  fig  træffe  iitb  efter  (oeb)  -ene  drag  in 
by  the  head  and  shoalders;  truffet  Beb  -et  far 
-fetched;  tomme  i  -ene  fammen  fall  together  by 
the  ears,  come  to  loggerheads;  ligge  i  -ene  paa 
fitnanben  be  at  loggerheads  el.  by  the  ears;  fætte 
^olf  i  -ene  paa  ^oeranbre  set  people  by  the  ears; 
fætte  gatten  paa  tre  -  cock  one's  hat  (on  three 
hairs);  -ene  rejfte  fig  paa  mit^oseb  my  hairstood 
on  end,  meb  |»ub  og  _  skin  and  all.  ^aar|affalb 
mel  alopecy.  -arbejbe  hair-work.  -arbcjber 
artist  in  hair,  -baanb  hair  band;  (til  ^oaret; 
headband.  -bellæbning  hairy  coat,  pile.  -be= 
bofået  o  hairy.  -bulb  hair  ball.  -butfel  buckle, 
cnrl.  -bunb  roots  of  the  hair,  scalp.  -bælte 
helt  of  hair  cloth.  -bojle  hair-slide.  -børfte 

;&aa'rb  a  hard;  (ftreng)  harsh,  severe;  _  ©ebn 
heavy  sleep;  -t  SSejr  hard  weather;  -e  S?er§  rough 
versc;  bette  er  en  -  jTale  bibl  this  is  a  hard 
saying;  _  imob  hard  upon,  harsh  to,  ^olbe  ftg  _ 
stand  out  (against);  .f)at)e  -t  fiio  be  costive;  bet 
bilbi-  Ⱦre  -t  om  it  Avould  be  hard  lines  if;  -t 
imob  -t !  F  pull  devil,  puU  baker,  fætte  -t  imob 
•t  repel  force  by  force,  —  ^aarbt  adv  hard, 
hardly  etc  ;  bet  git  -t  til,  "^olbt  -t  it  was  with 
difficulty,  with  much  ado,  jeg  foonebe  -t  I  sorely 
missed,  j..  -t  SBogborb  hard  a  port;  -t  i  £æ  hard 
a-lee,    -agttg  a  hardish. 

^oa  rbannet  a  capillary. 

^aa''rb!barfet'jhard-riuded;  callous,  hardened, 
case-hardened  -brænbt  a  annoaled;  -e  Wurften 
clinkers.  -bunbSeng  upland  meadow.  -bunioti« 
upland  hay.  ^aarbcltg  ot/^' hard.  ^aarb|fro3fen 
a  hard-frozeu,  congcaled.  -f«r  a  hardy.  -for^ 
]^eb  hardiness  -Ijeb  c  hardness ;  (Strengl^eb) 
harshness,  roughness.  -fjertet  a  hardhearted. 
-tljcrtetl)cb  c  hard  heartcdness.  -ftubct  a  hard 
-skinned,  callous.  -^ubcttjcb  c  callosity.  -^ornbet, 
*-t)ænbt  a  hardhanded  -fnnbc  "  hardknot. 
-foge  vt  boil  hard.  -togt  a  hard  boiled;  (t)anfte= 
lig)  hard  of  cooking.  -tibct  a  costive,  belly 
-bound,  confined  in  the  bowels.  -lioet^eb  c 
costiveness,  constipation.  -munbet  o  hard 
■mouthed.  -mæltet  a  diflicult  to  milk  cl.  to 
suck.  -nattet  o  stiflfnecked,  obstinate,  persi- 
steut,  —  adv  obstinately;  kolber  ~  fafl  paa  ben 
Jro  at  persists  in  believlng  that.  -naffen^eb, 
-naftet^cb  c  obstinaey,  stubboruness,  persistency. 
-nc  vi  harden  -raabc  hist  ^axa\t  ~  Harold  tlie 
Tyrant,  Harold  llardrada. 




t^ao'rbrag  n  pulling  by  the  hair.  -e  vt  pull 
by  the  hair.    -el  vd  pull  each  other  etc. 

^aarblfaltct  a  strongly  salted.  -flnbct  fe 
-l^jertet.  -flaUet  a  hard-shelled.  -fmelteUg  a 
diflicult  of  fusion.  -ftQlIe  copper-brick.  -jtattt 
n  case-hardened.  -talentte  «  speaking  iu  a 
harsh  voice  e(.  tone.  -traOenbe  a  hard-trotting. 
high  -  Stepping,  -tvaoer  high  -  stepper ,  hard 
-trotter.  ^oatbt'faarct  a  severely  wounded. 
.gaa'rbtugtet  «  undisciplinable. 

^aa'rlbMfl  hairclolh,  horse- hair;  (til  Sflog) 
buntitig.    -buff  tuft  of  hair. 

j^norbUcbbet  a  hardwooded. 

4»aorc  vi  shed  the  hair. 

toavct  >i  hairy.  -^eb  c  hairiness,  pilosity. 
aarlfagcc  a-.  ^aralb  ~  Harold  Fairhair.  -falb 
falling  off  of  the  hair,  alopecy,  fox-evil.  -farbc 
colour  of  the  hair.  -farbc,  -faconingSmibbcI 
hair-dye.  -fcbt  grease  for  the  hair.  -fltt  hair 
•felt.  -fin  a  fine  as  a  hair,  capillary;  fig  ex- 
tremely  nice.  -fletning^  '''-flette  braid  of  hair. 
-formig  fe  -baniiet.  -forretning,  fe  -^anbel.  -fri' 
fererffe,  -frifur,  -frifirr  fe  griferetfte  oft).  -f^lbe 
profusion  of  hair.  -fælbntng  shedding  the  hair, 
(om  ®l)r)  moulting.  -QopU  fe  S3rænbc=.  -^anbcl 
hair-trade,  tråde  in  hair  t-()ue  hair-cap.  -lam 
hair-comb.  -!r»r  capillary  (vessel).  -Hi^ntng 
haircutting.  -fliV^'emaftinc  hair-cutting  ma- 
chine, -flæbe  fe  -bug.  -Uttiet  c  -e  hair-splitter. 
-tløbcri  n  hair-splitting.  -lleoenbe,  -llflberift  a 
hair-splitting.  -tru^ntng  frizzling.  -trøUe  curl, 
(^ængenbe)  ringlet,  -fnnftner  hair-dre.sser.  -lof 
look  of  hair.  -lag  hair-bulb.  -l«8  a  hairless. 
-leSlfeb  -mabraå  hair-mattress.  -naol 
hair-pin,  blackpin.  -net  net  for  the  hair,  hair 
-net.  -olie  oil  for  the  hair.  -orm  Guinea-worm, 
Filaria  tuedinensin.  -pt\x\ii  hair  pencil.  -^)il 
arrow  for  the  hair.  -^jiff  pigtail,  queue.  -)>leje 
care  of  the  hair.  -pubber  hair-powder  -)iung 
hair-bag,  -<)unfel  liurnisher.  -pl)nt  dressing  of 
the  hair,  hairdress.  -rem  hairy  side  (of  a  hide 
or  skin),  -riflc  hair-rifle.  -rig  u  hairy.  -rig= 
bom  hairiness.  -ring  ring  made  of  hair;  ring 
With  hair.  -rob  (iHobeii  af  et  Jp.)  root  of  a  (the) 
hair;  (3fobtreBl)  rootlet.  -robftebc  foUicle  (of 
the  hair).  -rar  capillary  tube.  -rarSfroft  ca- 
pillary action.  -foI§  hair-scissors.  -faloe  poraa- 
tum,  hair-ointment.  .^aarSbreb  hair-breadth,  !g 
shade,  degree.  .^aorlfibe  fe  -rem.  -ft,  -ftgte  hair 
sieve,  tammy.  -fimc  (til  9Jlenueftet)  seton;  (til 
æ^r)  rovvel.  -ffaft  hair-shaft.  -ftel,  -ftitning 
partiug  of  the  hair  (on  the  head),  ffforte  hair- 
cloth  shirt.  -ftæt  dandriff.  -ftærer  hair-dresser. 
flajfe  bow  of  ribbou  (on  the  hair)  *,^aarSmon 
fe  .gaorSBreo.  .&oarjfnor  cord  of  hair.  -fnarc 
hair-line.  -folb  coarse  hair  sieve.  -ffiatier  pi, 
typ  hair-spaces.  -fpibS  point  of  the  hair;  Jig 
lige  ub  ti!  -erne  every  inch  of  him.  -ften  needle 
-stone.  -ftill  fe  -ftaft.  -ftjerne  hair-star,  Uoma- 
tula.  -ftraa  (single)  hair.  -fæf  haircloth  sack; 
(i  ^uben)  hair-bag,  foUicle.  -taub  chætodon. 
•tang  tweezers.  -tabe,  -tjaoS  luft  of  hair.  -to|) 
toupee.  -tot  knot  of  hair.  -trutten  «  far-fet- 
ched.  -tur  tour,  tete.  -tæppe  coverlet  made  of 
hair.  -ulb  hairwool.  -babft  washing  of  the 
head.  -oolt  roller,  -oanb  hair-wash.  -bilbt  four 
-footed  game.  -bolS  pomatum.  -bæl^  growth 
of  hair. 

*^aa'fljærbing  c  fe  ^aatott. 

*^aa'fmar  a  August  butter., 

^aatorft  <-•  dog-flsh,  Spinax. 

'.^aaM  fe  |»ob  1. 

Jjjabengut  [t.]  «  goods  and  chatteis. 

.^abi'l  a  able.  -ite're  vt  qualify.  ^abit'  c  -er 
habit.    4?a'6itu§  c  hab'it. 

.^ai^rS  [fr.]  c  hash. 






•tap  tenoa 

^ob',  *^a'b  n  hatred  (til  for,  of,  against,  to 
hate,  spite  (against);  læggeé  for  _  incur  odiur 
be  subject  to  hatred;  nære  -  til  hate,  be 
hatred  towards.  ^abe  vt  hate;  (Sræer)  fe  3)é 
ftæte.  ^obcfulb  a  spiteful.  f.§abcgaa3  outcast, 
héte  noir.  ^abclig  a  odious.  \^aber  c  -e  hater 
(of),  enemy  (to),  ^abft'  a  rancorous.  \!^abft4e| 
c  rancorousness. 

Saft  fe  §aDe  v.  _ 

age  c  -r   (Srog)   hook;    (poa   ^efteffo)   calk, 
calkin;  {•^aa.  gjet)  barbule;  Jig  drawback.    .^age 
vt  hook;  _  ftg  faft  i  hook  on  to;  _  ftg  frem  hau^ 
along  (with  the  boat-hook). 

*j&agc  (|)at)e)  c  -r  enclosure,  enclosed  pastur 
(minbre)  paddock. 

.^age  c  -r  chin.  -baaub  tie  riband;  fe  -rem. 
-ben  jaw-boue,  maxillary.    -binb  chin-cloth. 

$age|blab  hook-scarf.  -blot  hook-block.  -bol 
(®mp.)  hook-bolt.  -bar^e  hooked  bristle.  -baål 

6agc|bug  bib.    -bun  down  on  the  chin. 

éagejfiff  old  male  salmon,  kelt.    -tile  J,  gl| 

^ageitlaft  <:  dimple. 

^agetoré  «  cross  cramponee,  cross  with  hooi 
hooked  cross. 

Æagel  c  fe  røeife^ogel. 

fiagel  fe  ^ogl. 

^ogellaff  fe   blab.    '■■-lotS  fe  -ftft. 

jpogc|rcm  chin-straps.    -ftinne  fe  -ftljtte.    -ft« 
beard  (ou  the  chin),  p  goatee. 

^agefft)tte  c  arquebusier. 

.^ogefmættc  c  bib,  feeder. 

^ageftang  c  (p.  Sonfraft)  spear. 

.ijagcftljtfe  n  chin-pieoe. 

.^ogelftab  hook-butt.    -t  a  hooked. 
-too  liook-rope.    -aje  cye  of  a  hook. 

^agl  n  &  c,  pi  =,  liail,  (et  enfelt)  hailston<( 
(til  at  fJ^be  meb)  (small)  shot.  -beftabiget 
ravaged  by  hail.  -blanbet  a  mixed  with  hail. 
•bJjgc  hail  shower,  hail  storm.  •baSfe  fowling 
-piece,  shot-guu.  ^agl|e  vi  hail;  (om  Sugler) 
fall  like  liail,  like  a  shovver,  patter;  ©tjeben  -be 
af  liam  perspiration  streamed  down  his  face. 
-fabrit  shot-mauufaclory.  -forfitring  hail-insur- 
ance.  -gebær  fe  -bosfe.  -iling  fe  -6t)ge.  -foru 
hail-stone.  -(åbning  charge  of  shot.  -maal 
(sliot)charger.  -pofc,  -pung  shot -bag,  shot 
-pouch.  -ftabe  damage  done  by  hail.  -^abelibt 
a  raviiged  by  liail.  •■'-ftur  fe  -Btjge.  -ft^  hail 
-cloud.    -ftorm,  -bejr  hail-storm,  haily  weather 

*$agtorn  c  hawthorn,  Cratoegu*  oxyacantlia. 

$ai  c  -er  shark,  Sgualui.  -ftft  b.  f.  -trog 
shark-hook.  -Hue  shark- line.  -taub  shark's 

^aV  n,  pi  =,  hack,  notch,  indentation. 

éatelba'ma  bibl  Acel'dama. 

Aotfrugter  pi  lioed  crops. 

.patte  c  -r  pickaxe,  mattock.  .^atfe  vt  &  i 
hack,  hoe,  grub;  (om  Sugle)  peck  (paa  at), 
(tob)  chop,  mince;  (i  2;aleu)  slutter;  jeg  -r  3;ænber 
of  Sulbe  my  teeth  are  chattering  with  cold;  _ 
paa  fig  carp  at;  _  SSefte  make  vests  of  Turkish 
crochet.  •blot  chopping-block.  •bolt  «t  rag 
-bolt.  -bræt  chopping-board;  viug  dulciinBr;  J, 
taiTrail.    -luib  chopping-knife. 

^attelfc  c  chaflf;  ffære  -  chop  straw.  -tifte 
(©tære!ifte)  chaff-cutter;  (til  at  gemme  ^.)  hin 
for  chaff.  -fnio  chopping-knife.  -maftine  chatf 

.§atle|mab  miuced  meat,  mince -meat;  fig 
gallimaufry.  -palfe  white  pudding;  «c  (et  eget 
Slagé)  haggis.  -ri'  n  stuttering,  hemming  and 
huwing.  "•'•fpæt  woodpecker,  Picug.  .fatning 
c  hacking,  etc. 

Sol'  c  -ler  large  saloon,  hall. 
al  n  pull. 




*^aii  n  pairing  season  of  the  reindeer. 

^alt  vt  &  i  lianl,  piiU;  ~  an  Unberfløbcr  ^t 
haul  aft  sheets;  _  bør  ^  haul  iu  the  slack  of; 
round  in,  round  up;  -for  TOerief!øber  ^  slioet 
home  the  topsails;  _  I  fine  S9ul§er  hitcli  up  oue's 
trowsers;  -  inb  vt  haul  in;  vi  )faa  et  Sti6  gain 
upon  a  ship;  F  -  (en)  inb  overtake;  _  neb  haul 
down;  _  ub  delay,  put  oflf,  et  step  out,  strike 
out,  (\)aa  3torerne)  stretch  out,  lay  out;  — 
l^alenbe  a  ($art)  vt  hauling  (part). 

^ait  c  -r  tail,  (SRæsenS)  brush;  meb  -en  mellem 
S3enene  with  his  tail  between  his  legs.  -6ett 
rump-bone.    -brnab  caudal  sting. 

+.^otc6ri)  c  ferry-bridge. 

.^olelbaffjcber  tail  covert.  -finne  tail  fln. 
•fieber  tail  feather. 

taicgat  n  ^  transporting  cliock(s). 
atc{t)OirOel  caudal  vertebra.  +-q(en9er  echo, 
imitator.  -Irage  New  Zealand  erow,  Glaucopin. 
+-\tm%  ie  Sangfialet.  Aeé  a  tailless.  -mcife  long 
-tailed  titmouse,  Purim  ciudatun.  •utQtt  tailed 
negro,  -rtm  crupper.  -ft^tfc  aitch-bone. 
^aUt9\)  ,i,  swifler. 

^alcjtubfe  tadpole.  -oentil  tail  valve.  -OiMer 
fe  JVinfoiu. 

SaUe  P  for  ^al. 
aUeluia !  hallelu'jah. 
'•'^aUinfl  c  -er  iuhabitant  of  Hallingdal;  a  kind 
of  rustic  solo-danco.    -manb  fe  Spræacmonb. 

fatio'  int,  «p  tallyho!;  fe  Jpattøj ! 
alluctnation  c  -er  hallucination. 
,paUai',  ^attøi!  tnMialloo,  hollo,   holloa!  — 
n  uproar,    hubbub,  row;    gøre  _  kick  up  a  row. 
-^at  wide-awake.    -mogcr  c  -e  rioter. 

^aXm  c  (-)-  n)  straw,  haulm;  (Stfgrøbe)  crop. 
-baanii  straw  band.  -btjne  straw  mattress,  pal- 
liasse.  -et  a  strawy.  -fober  (feeding  on)  straw. 
t-^æé  stack  of  straw.  -fnit^pe  bundle  of  straw, 
-fnrtt  straw-basket.  -tæS  cart-  el.  waggon-load 
of  straw.  -utoalte,  *-matte  straw  mat.  -neg  fe 
-Intppe.  -)>ril  beacon  surmouuted  by  a  bundle 
of  straw.  -reb  straw  rope.  -rijfter  c  -e  slraw 
-shaker,  -ftraa  straw,  halm;  ben,  fom  er  næroeb 
at  brntne,  griber  efter  tt  _  a  drowning  man  will 
catch  at  a  straw.  -f«t  straw-bed.  -tog  thatched 
roof.    -ttift  wisp  of  straw. 

Salot'bfatt  n  ha'loid  salt. 
ol«  c  -e  (i  %\m.)  neck;  (©truben)  throat;  {)(iaa 
globe)  stem;  ^  (til  gefl)  tack;  (xiaa  ®affel,  Stnfer) 
throat,  (pao  5ab)  quarter;  -er!  ^  raise  tacks 
and  sheets!  bræffe  -en  break  one's  neck;  gibe  _ 
give  tongue,  challenge  {'s>a<\  to);  gøre  _  stretch 
out  one's  neck;  fnælfe  en  xtaa.  en  ^\a\tt  crack  a 
bottle;  rælfe  _  pay  the  penalty  of  death,  P 
kick  the  bucket;  en  {)aarb  -  a  rough  customer; 
raabe  o  f  fulb  _  cry  out  at  the  top  of  one's  voice; 
le  af  fulb  -  roar  with  laughter;  lugte  ub  af  -en 
have  a  foul  breath;  ^aoe  onbt  i  -en  have  a  sore 
throat;  lomme  i  ben  gole  ~  go  down  the  wrong 
way;  ^elbe  i  -en  )faa  en  pour  down  one's  throat; 
aaben  i  -en  open  at  the  neck;  meb  fjertet  i  -en 
with  my  heart  in  my  mouth;  fe  2øgn;  ligge 
meb  gttjrborbé,  'JBagborbS  ^alie  J^  be  on  the 
starboard  el.  port  tack;  falbe  en  om  -en  fall 
upon  one's  neck;  throw  one's  self  about  (upon) 
one's  neck;  breje  -en  om  Xiaa  wring  the  neck  of, 
one's  neck;  Ⱦre  om  en  -  be  undone;  fttffe  -en 
op  J,  raise  the  tack;  ooer  -  og  .ipoDeb  in  hot 
haste,  precipitately,  in  a  great  hurry,  with  the 
utmost  speed,  (om  !2øb)  head  over  heels;  ^abe 
(faaet)  paa  -en  be  encumbered  with,  have  got 
upon  one's  hands;  faa  en  3feber  paa  -en  get  a 
fever;  berbeb  ftt  ^an  monge  golf  paa  -en  by  this 
he  made  hlmself  a  great  many  enemies,  brought 
the  world  about  his  ears;  ftaffe  en  (nt)  paa  -en 
saddle  one  with,  plague  oue  with;   Ⱦre  en  paa 

-en  do  all  one  can  to  injure  one;  ^an  er  en 
Specialift,  en  Sort)  (o.  fl.)  paa  fin  _  he  is  a 
specialist  of  the  specialists,  a  Tory  of  the 
Tories,  etc;  ^an  er  en  (Sngelffmanb  paa  ftn  _  he 
knows  English  thoroughly;  ribe  -en  unber  vl> 
board  the  tack;  _  unber!  ^  board  tack!  ^atSI* 
oag  (neck-)yoke.  -aare  jugular  (artery).  -baanb 
(til  ftbinbet)  necklace,  necklet;  (til  ^unbe)  collar; 
(paa  S!anon)  astragal.  •baanbSpapegøje  rose 
-riuged  parrakeet,  Palæornis  torquatut.  -barttt 
^  tack.  -ben  vertebra  of  the  neck.  -betænbelfc 
inflammation  of  the  throat.  -binb  stock.  -blof 
tack-block.  -bolt  tack-piece.  -btJjnbe  water 
-brash,  black  water.  -brqnie  gorget.  -bræffenbe 
a  breakneck.  *-brænbe  fe  -brtjnbe.  -bugftnnebe 
p^Hgtilars.  -b^lb  boil  in  the  throat.  -bænbfcl,!, 
tack-seizing.  -bug  fe  -tlub.  ^olfe  vi  give  throat 
el.  tongue,  bay;  j,  wear  ship;  _  hoffen  unber 
board  the  fore  tack.  .^alfefot  fore-trysail.  .^atfe- 
f^ge  fe  .&al8ft)ge.  ^olfetræ  ^  bed.  ^ol^lflnneflfl 
fe  -bugfinnebe.  -fjeber  neck-feather.  +-fober  fur 
cover  for  the  throat,  comforter.  -grube  throat 
-pit.  -^ugge  vt  behead,  decapitate.  -fugning 
c  decapitation.  -^OtrVet  vertebra  of  the  neck. 
-jærn  iron  collar.  -Ilrtel  jugular  gland,  tonsil, 
almond.  -f tampe  .J,  chess-tree.  -flub,  -flæbe 
fe  -tørtlæbe.  -fnob  »f,  crowned  wallknot.  +-In^t= 
ter  neck-tie.  -lobbet  collar.  -fro»e  false  shirt; 
(af  ^JSelåoærf  et.  1.  for  Samer)  tippet,  victorine. 
-fæbe  neck-chain.  -teje  collar,  bolster,  -tinning 
band  of  a  shirt.  -t^b  fe  Strube«,  -tfljert  S 
tack-cringle.  -t«å  a  neckless;  _  ®erning  capital 
ofience,  hanging  matter  el.  affair.  -muftel 
cervical  muscle.  -onbe  complaint  in  the  throat. 
-o^^nter  J,  tack  tricing-line.  -perter  beads  of 
a  neck-lace.  -piht  guUet.  -pig  (paa  ^unbe? 
jpalSbaanb)  spike.  -pine  sore  throat.  -pnbe  (i 
^algtørtl.)  stiffener;  {)^aa.  Seletøj)  pad.  -ranl  « 
straight  necked.  -rem  throat  band.  -(og  $aanb§)" 
ret  power  of  life  and  limb,  of  life  and  death. 
-rtng  ring  for  the  neck,  collar.  -rljg  back  of 
the  neck.  -ft«jfc  neek-knot.  -fmerte  sore  throat. 
-fmtjflc  ornament  for  the  neck.  -fnor  string 
woru  round  the  neck.  -ftarrig  a  stubborn, 
obstinate,  stiff-uecked,  mule-headed.  -ftarrig^ 
^eb  c  stubbornness,  obstinacy.  -ftemme  falsetto, 
head -voice.  -ftiPiieb  stitfness  of  the  neck. 
•ftoppcr  J>  preventer-stopper.  -ftrtmmet  frill, 
rufl",  -ft^tfe  (af  flagtet  Sqr)  neck.  -f^gbom,  -fftge 
complaint  in  the  throat,  (onbartet,  *tronb^jemft) 
diphtheria.  -talje  tack -tackle.  -top  upper 
gudgeon.  -titfætbe  complaint  el.  disease  in  the 
throat.  -tone  falsetto  note.  -tr«  »1,  bed.  -t<r» 
tl«be  neckcloth,  neck-handkerchief,  necker- 
chief,  necktie,  (tun  TOanb§)  cravat,  (!un  3)ame§) 
flchu,  ^ftri^fet)  comforter,  mufller.  -urt  throat- 
wort,   Campanvla  Trachelium. 

^ait  a  lame  (of  a  leg),  halting,  hihl  halt;  _ 
poa  bet  ene  iiJen  lame  of  oue  leg.  fiotte  vi  halt, 
limp,  hobble,  walk  lame,  go  halt;  Slotfen  -r  the 
clock  is  out  of  beat;  -ube  Signelfe  halting  com- 
parison;  en^ber  S.  -r  every  c.  halts;  _  paa  begge 
Siber  bibl  halt  between  two  opinions,  .^alte« 
fonben  the  Devil  on  two  sticks.  ,@atten  c  halt- 
ing  etc,  limp.    ^ott^eb  c  lameness. 

Sotunf  c  -er  villain,  scoundrel. 
olt)  a  half;  en  _  Stien  half  au  ell;  _  Sorg 
half  el.  second  mourning;  .  ^ri§  half-price; 
for  _  $ri8  half-price;  _  Solb  half-pay;  _  ^gaufe 
minim  rest;  -e  gor{)olb8regler  half- measures; 
ben  -e  Sllobe  half  the  globe;  bet  -e  55anmarf 
half  Denmark;  to  og  en  _  Wil  two  miles  and  a 
half,  two  and  a  half  miles;  to  og  en  _  ^ennt) 
twopence  halfpenny;  en  _  ®ang  til  faa  lang  half 
as  long  again;  filolfen  er  _  tolu  it  is  half  past 
eleven  (o'clock);   bet  -e  half  (of  it);    Ham  bet  -e 




childreu  half-price;  bet  -e  »ar  not  it  is  too  much 
by  half;  ^t)cr!cn  f)eU  filer  -t  neither  bere  nor 
tbere;  aabne  pao  -  halfopen;  ^anen  ftaar  paa  - 
the  lock  is  at  halfcock;  —  adu  I)alO(t)  (t  IjQlOc) 
half;  ~(t)  om  -(t)  nearly,  well  nigh;  bele,  ^olbe, 
»ære  -t  go  halves,  f  go  suacks  (willi);  tian  g»r 
ingenting  -t  he  docs  uothing  by  balvci.  ^alu|' 
oabett  a  half-open.  -aar  balf-ear,  six  mouths. 
-aatig  a  half  a  year  old.  -aarlig  a  balf-yearly, 
semi-annual;  adv  half-yearly.  -ooré  a  of  six 
months.  -aarSctSamen  sessioual  examination, 
•aarSOiS  adv  half-yearly.  -abe  lemur,  maki. 
•an'ben  one  and  a  half-,  _  ^enni)  penny  half 
-penny,  a  penny  halfpenny,  three  halfpence. 
-anter  half  a  firkin.  -arl  half  sheet.  -atloft 
satinet,  -iaaren  a  (om  gofteret)  half- gro wn. 
•bob  demi-bath.  -boloncc  J^  half-beam.  -barbar 
semi- barbarian.  -befaren  (røatros)  ordinary 
(seaman;;  -bemanbct  n  half-manned.  -bcbibft 
a  half  conscious,  semi-conscious.  -blinb  a  pur- 
blind,  parcel-blind,  -blob  n  half  blood  -blobé 
a  half-blood,  half-breed,  half-blooded.  -bra! 
bastard  fatlow.  -brigabe  demi-brigade.  -brobcr 
half-brother.  -brugt  a  half  worn.  -bufl  low 
shrub,  undershrul).  *-bl)8  mangcorn,  oats  and 
barley,  dredge.  -cabcncc  half-cadence.  -eirfel 
semi-circle.  -cirfelformig  asemiciicular.  -ct|tin= 
ber  semi  cylinder,  -cijlinbriff  a  semicylindrical. 
*-boIer  half  a  {specie-)dollar.  -baraafl  half 
-damast.  -bannclfe  superficial  education,  demi 
-civilizdtion.  -bounct  a  half-bred,  half-edueated, 
under-bred.  -babib  J/  half-davit.  -bel  half, 
moiety;  -en  one  half;  -en  of  bem  fom  half  those 
who.  -beJe  vt  halve,  divide.  t-belå  adv  fe  -bej8. 
-biameter  semidiameter.  -brulten  a  half-drunk. 
-buntel^eb  c,  -H-buntcI  »  half-llght,  dimness. 
-bæt  half-deck.  -bætébjæltcbreast-beam.  -bælS 
tætfe  breast  rail.  -b«b  a  half-dead.  -bet  half 
-door,  hatch.  -ebbe  half  ebb.  -ericbte  ten  and 
a  half  '^-ettfelt  a  SSeffofin  jack-snipe,  judcock, 
Hcolopax  Gallinula.  .galue're  r.t  halve,  blsect. 
Æalbletage  entresol,  mez^anine.  -feb  a,  tvp 
full-face.  -fem§,  -femfinbét^bc  ninety.  -fem'= 
flttOét^benbe  ninetieth.  -fem  te  four  and  a  half. 
-ftnnet  a  ^  pinuatifid.  -fjante  half  idiot,  -fjantet 
o  half witled.  -fjc'rbe  three  and  a  half.  -fjcr^ 
bing  half-firkiu.  -fjerbé', -fjerbf'inbéttjoeseventy. 
-f jerbf  inbétJ)Ucnbe  seveniieth.  -fjcrbf'inbéttibC' 
aarig  a  septua^'euary;  _  Clbing  septuagenariau. 
-flaftc  half-bottle.  -ffob  half-flood.  -fUjbenbc  a 
semi-fluid.  -forbærbet  o  halfspoilt.  -forflæbe 
half-aprou  -fulb  a  half  fuU;  (om  et  fflienneffe) 
half  drunk,  halfgone,  half  seas  over.  -franff- 
binb  half-biudiug.  -fierbig  ,a  half  done,  half 
-finished;  jeg  er  ilte  ~  meb  at  fpife  1  have  not 
half  done  eating.  -fætter  second  cousm.  -gaaen 
c :  fttoHen  er  _  12  it  is  half  pas  11;  fiuu  er  -  she 
has  gone  half  her  time.  f-gaarb  (farm  of)  half 
a  hide.  -gal  a  half  mad,  half  gone,  F  ^an  er 
jo  -  (ubeftiibig)  he  is  so  extravagaut,  whimsical, 
(uiornuftig)  he  is  so  senseless.  -gammel  a  oldish. 
•gennemfigtig  «  trauslucent,  semi-trausparent. 
-gcnnemfigtigljci.  semi-transpareucy.  -geoiert 
semi-quadrat.  -gjort  a  half  done.  *-grt)n  crushed 
barley-groats.  -græé  cypcraceous  plant,  cypera- 
ceæ  pi.  -gub  demi  god.  -^anbfte  milt.  -^eb  c 
incompleteness,  fiy  iudecision,  vacillation;  half 
-measures.  -^ollKnbcr  washingengine.  -t)un- 
brebe  fifty.  -^unbrebaarig,  -^unbrebaariS  a  of 
fifiy  years,  fifiy  years  oid.  -bunbrebaarébaflcu 
the  fiitic-ih  auniversary.  -Jjné  tuefall.  -tjojobii 
low  blast-furnace.  •\\é\t  adv  in  a  halfwhisper. 
•tamgarn  fe  SKaflmagergarn.  -la<)un  half-gelded 
cock.  -faéfe  typ  half  case.  -flår  a  dim.  -flobe 
hcmisphere.  -flæbe  kerseymere.  -tnob  half-knot. 
-foflt  a   halfboiled.    •fottge  half  kiug.    -IrebS 

cmia.     -fttflle 



semi-circle.  -frebSrunb  fe  -cirtelformig.  -fugle 
hemisphere.  -fuglcformig  a  hemispherical,  semi 
-globular.  -fuVé  compartment.  -fnfine  second 
cousin.  -fbait  a  half-smothered.  -fbæbet  o 
half-suug;  t)an  forftaar  en  -t  SBiie  he  eau  take  a 
hint.  -lang  a  halflong.  -Hnbfil  second-cut 
file.  -Iflé  n  half-liglit,  dim  light,  -lærb  a  half 
-learned.  -lærbom  semi-learning.  -lærreb  half 
-Huen  cloth.  -niaane  half-moon,  cresce 
-maancblig  a  halfmouthly ,  semi-monti 
-maanebannet,  -maaneformtg  n  crescent  shap 
semilunar,  crescentic.  -manb  demi-man.  -ma 
half  mask.  -menneffc  demi-man.  -menncffelig 
a  semi-humau.  -metal  semi-metal.  -metalliffa 
semi-metallic.  -mil  half-mile.  -mobcn  a  half 
ripe.  -moé  liver-wort  -mærå  half-top.  -mæt 
a  half-satisfied;  jeg  er  iftc  ~  1  have  not  half 
done  eating.  -morte  twilighl.  -ni'enbe  eight 
and  a  half.  -nobe  nmx  minim,  half-note.  -negen 
n  half-naked.  -ottab  semi-octave.  -onfcl  half 
-uncle.  -Otial  semi-opal.  -o|)^ejet  n  mezzo 
-relievo,  demirelief;  -  Slrbcjbe  b.  j.  -otting  peck. 
-<»art  ie  -bel.  -ptXoion  section.  -^ig  half  pike. 
-:plan  half-breadth  plan.  -<)ot  pint.  -(»otteflaffe 
pint  bottle.  -<)ort  half  port.  -Jirofil  half-face 
el.  -profile.  -væ(gejl  gill.  -raa  a  half  raw;  fig 
semi-barbarous  -raabben  a  half  rotten,  -rim 
assonance.  -ring  fe  -trib».  -ro  half-cock.  -rO' 
terenbe  a  semi-rotatory,  -runb  a  semieircular. 
*-faolc  vt  half-sole.  •-faalc  (new)  sole.  -fagte 
adv  in  an  under  tone.  -fanb  a  half- true.  -felb-- 
lt)b  fe  -uofal.  -fibe  columu.  -filte  silk-cotton. 
-fira^el  a  ^erjon  cad.  t-ftiUing  half-skilling. 
-ffjorte  half-shirt.  -fttjggc  half-shade,  astr  pe- 
numbra. -ftæ»)pe  peck.  -ffcerm  ^  corymb. 
-flag  ^  halfhitch.  -flibt  a  half-worn.  -fleb  a 
half-idiotic.  -folb  half-pay.  -forg  half-  el.  second 
mourniug.  -f obe  »j  doze,  be  halfaslecp.  -f^ont 
half-frame.  -fvænbving)  half-cock,  fætte  i  -  half 
-cock.  -ftammet  a  half-grown.  -ftif  half-hiich. 
-ftof  f^apiif.)  first  stuflf.  -ftreg  (somp.)  half 
-point,  -ftrofe  half  stanza.  -ftrømbe  sock. 
-ftuberet  a  half-learned ;  _  iKøuer  (SfælbSorb) 
smatterer,  sciolist.  -ftum  «  half-mute,  semi 
-mute.  -ftflble  half-boot.  -ftiab  fool's  parsley, 
Aethuaa  Cyiinpium.  -ft)n  hemiopia.  -f^re  oxide. 
■f«jlc  semicolumn.  -feftcnbc  half-sisters  and 
half-broihers.  -f«fter  halfsister.  -faou  slumber, 
doze;  i  -e  half  asleep.  -t  c  fe  -bel.  -taft  semi 
-sarcenet.  -tag  peut-roof,  lean  to  roof,  slæd 
-roof.  -talje  guu-tackle  puichase  -time  half 
(an)  hour;  ^L;er  ~  half-hourly.  -tinte  half-tint. 
■tolb  (omtr.)  vingt-ei-un  -tone  semi-toue  •ioé\t 
simpleton,  half-witted  person  -toéfet  a  fe 
•fjantet;  F  b"  er  not  _  you  are  not  iu  your 
right  mind!  you  are  not  quite  right !  -trebje 
t'.vo  and  a  hiJf  -  *l5ennQ  twopence  halfpenny. 
-trcb§',  -trebf  inbéti)»cniiy.  -trebf  inbétflbcaarig 
a  fiity  years  old.  -trcbfiu6ét»)bcnbc  fiftieth. 
-trinb  a  ^  half-terele.  -tej  (e  -fto;.  -tammcr  ^ 
half-timber.  -tonbe  half  (a)  barrel,  kilderkia. 
-t«rn  i.  half-hitch.  -ulb  half-wool.  -ulbcn  a 
haU-wool.  -baagcn  o  half  awake.  -»ogt  half 
watch.  -uej ;  paa  -en  half-way,  midvvay.  -»ejS 
adv  halfway,  midvvay,  (næften)  almosi,  iu  some 
degree,  iu  a  manner;  _  tro  hall'-believe  o.  fl.; 
jeg  ^(Xi  ~  £Qft  til  at  I  have  half  a  mind  to.  -ttcrå 
hemistich.  -biben  half-knovvledge.  -bilb  a  &  c 
semi-savage.  -binbuehalf  wiudow.  -bingebættebe 
pi  hemiplers,  hemlpteiaus.  -Uotal  semi-vovvel. 
-ootøen  a  haltgrowu.  -æbclften  half-precious 
stoue.  -ærme  half-sleeve.  -æfet  dziggetai,  Equus 
keniionuH.     •«  peuinsula. 

^om'  prou  pers  him;   bet  er  ~  it  is  he,    F  it's 

j£»ara'  c  -me  slough;  ft^be  -  cast  the  s.  el.  skin, 




.Oomabrjja'be  c   r  ham'adryad. 

•tiamborg  71  Hamburgh.  -er=  Hamburgli.  -cr> 
lilaat  neutral  Berlin  blue. 

4Samlc  vi:  funne  -  op  nteb  be  able  to  cope 
\\[\\\,  be  a  match  for,  be  evcn  with. 

*i-)amle  vi  back  water.    -baanb  oar-grummet. 

t^iammcl  a  (om  ftorit/  fuU  ripe. 

.tiammcl  c  iiUcr  splinter-bar.  -bolt  draught 
1  oi:,  d.rauglit-htaple.  -Io^)Vc  swingle-tree  clasp. 
-reb  trace,    -ftof  wliipple-tree,  swingletree 

.(•ammer  c  -mre  hammer;  (paa  2^ør)  knockcr, 
(i  5~retj  mallens,  hammer;  (?}Jiaiiof.)  jaek,  hammei, 
j,  fi  SBfbbing)  striugs  pi;  (*r^ggc^oueb)  pier-head, 
(SræO  mallet;  {**jergO  crag;  fe  9luftioni=.  -bar 
a  malleable.  -bolt  fe  Sobbe.  -formet  a  liammer 
-shaped.  -gar  a  at  tough  pitcli.  -flcftct  liammer 
-frame,  -l^aj  liammer -head,  Zyyana.  -I)ate 
hammer- tail  -Ijobcb  hammer- head.  -Ijjjlfter 
helve-riug.  -tlabcr  fe  gltjgcl.  -muéliiifl  mallens. 
•mærte  blaze.  -m«Ue  forge.  -ffaft  liandle  of  a 
hammer,  -ffæl  scales  of  iron.  -flag  stroke  of 
a  hammer,  -legn  sign  of  the  hammer,  -tiært 
fe  -m»ne.  -aje  eye  of  the  hammer.  -etSe 
hammer-axe     -afteré   fe  -musling. 

$am^  e  hemp;  af  -  hempen.  —  ^ampc|abl 
growing  of  hemp.  -blaar  hemp  tow,  codilla 
of  hemp,  -bug  hempen  canvas.  -fr«  hemp 
-seed  -garn  hemp  yarn.  -lærreb  hemp  linen. 
-ttdclbc  hemp-nettle,  Gaieopnn.  -olie  hemp-seed 
oil  -reb,  -ftriftc  hempen  cord.  -fjæl  hemp 
-core.  Mtt^  fe  -6!aar.  -ftængcl  hemp-stalk. 
-fbingel  swingle.    -lob,  -troSfc  hemp  rope. 

J&arolpiljanblcr  hemp-seller.  -Ijcgle  hemp-comb. 
•!ogc  hemp-seed  cake.  -mcjfc  fe  Sump  .  -^at 
ning  hemp-packing.    -plante  hernjt. 

.^amrc  vt  hammer,  -  \ni  paa  Jangeiiterne  pound 
away  al  the  keys.  .jamren,  .^amrtng  c  ham- 

*^am8  c  huU. 

4;-»amfftfie,  -fttftning  moult,  moulting,  mewing. 

^amfter  c  e  hamster,  German  marmot,  Urice- 
tUi  irumentarius. 

^on'  pron  itera  he;  fioii  .  .  .  felti  lie  .  .  .  himself. 
^an'  c  -lier  he,  male,  (om  btgfe  gugle)  cock. 
-bi  drone(-bee).    -blomft  male  flower. 

Sanbcl  c  -er  (Jpaaubtag)  handle. 
anbel  c  er  og  bier  tråde,  commerce,  traffic; 
(eu  -,  Slftale;  bargain;  t  (Sag)  afl'air,  business, 
fluUe  eii  -  strike  a  bargain,  gøie  en  gob  -  (om 
Rober)  buy  a  bargain,  (om  Sælger;  make  a  good 
luarket;  ftaa  i  -  om  be  bargaining  for,  oære  beb 
-en  be  employeJ  iu  tråde;  brioe  -  carry  on  tråde; 
biiue  -  mcb  (f  618.  Cfie;  cairy  on  the  tråde  el. 
business  of  (a  cheese-monger);  lomme  i  en  come 
into  the  market;  er  itte  i  -eu  is  not  in  the 
luarket,  -  0|j  isaubel  couduet,  habits;  i  -  og  85. 
iu  tiade,  in  business,  in  commou  intercouise. 

^anbriig  a  manageable.  -^eb  c  manageable- 

4janbeléiaonb  eommercial  spirit.  -abrcéfcbog 
(.immercial  directory.  -offærc  fe  -onliggenfte. 
-agent  commercial  agent,  -atabcmt  mcrcautile 
academy,  commercial  trainiug  college,  -anlig 
gcnbe  commercial  aftair,  malter  of  tråde,  -ar- 
tilel  article  of  Irade,  commodily.  -balance  ba- 
lance of  tråde,  -beretning  commercial  advice 
el.  report,  -berettiget  a  liceused  tråder,  -bctjcni 
merehant's  clerk,  shop-man.  -blotabc  commer- 
cial blocade.  -bog  merehant's  book.  -borger 
tiade^man.  -breo  commercial  letter,  -brug. 
•couiume  custom  i u  tråde,  tråde  u.Nage  -bamp 
fttb  merchant  steamer.  -bomftol  tribunal  of 
commerce,  commeiciai  court.  -briitigOcb  com- 
mercial enlerprise.  -brioenbc  a  tradiug,  com- 
mercial. -fag  mercantile  line  -fart  mercantile 
tråde,    -firma  firm.    -flaabc   fieet   of  merchant- 

men;  mercantile  marine.  -flOB  merchant  flag. 
•foU  commercial  nation;  tradesmen.  -forblnbelfe 
commercial  conneciion.  -foretagenbe  commer- 
cial enterprise.  -forretning  mercantile  busiuess. 
-fri^cb  (^riftanbel)  free  tråde;  i'5^rif)eb  til  at  ftanble) 
liceuce  of  trading.  -fulbmargtig  head -clerk. 
-f^rfte  naercantile  i)rince.  -fælle  partuer  in 
tråde,  -gabe  thoroughfare  of  tråde,  -gartner 
florist  and  nursery  man,  market-gardeuer.  -gart^ 
ncri  market  gardeniug  -geografi  commercial 
geography.  -gren  branch  of  commerce.  -gab' 
ning  artificial  maimre.  -^atin  trading  cl  com- 
mercial port.  -biftoric  commercial  history.  -^u& 
commercial  house,  firm,  mercantile  establish- 
ment, -inftitut  fe  -ftolo.  -talcnbcr  commercial 
directory-  -lammer  chamber  of  commerce, 
board  of  tråde,  -tapital  stock  in  tråde.  <'-fotl 
(travelling)  country  tråder  -toUegium  fe  -fam^ 
mer.  -fompagni  (gæUcSftab  i  ^.)  partnership; 
({).'felftab)  trading  Company,  -fone  tradeswoman. 
-torrcfponbance  mercantile  coirespondence.  -fri= 
fié  commercial  crisis.  -fQnbig  a  commercial. 
-Il)nbigl)cb  commercial  knowledge.  -lanb  com- 
mercial country,  -lef^ifon  fe  -oibbog.  -literotiir 
commercial  literature  -loo  commercial  law. 
-lottgioning  commercial  legislature.  -lære  (^.= 
bibenffab)  commercial  science;  fcette  i  ~  bind  (one) 
apprentiee  to  a  shopkeeper;  f)an  er  i  -  he  is  in 
apprenticeship  with  a  shopkeeper,  -lærling 
appreulice  to  a  merchant.  -magt  commercial 
power,  -manb  merchant,  tråder,  -marine 
mercantile  marine,  -miniftcr  Mini.ster  of  Com- 
merce -monopol  commercial  monopoly.  -nattn 
firm.  -omfætning  commercial  trausaction(s), 
business,  tråde,  -opbæoelfc:  Ubfalg  paa  QSrunb 
of  -  will  sell  off  at  a  great  reductiou,  on  ac- 
couut  of  giving  up  business  -orbbog  commercial 
dictionary,  -plabé  place  of  tråde,  emporium, 
trading  station,  -politif  commercial  policy. 
-regning  merchants'  aecounts.  -rejfe  commer- 
cial journey.  -rcjfcnbe  travelling  clerk,  (com- 
mercial) traveller,  bagman,  ami-  cont  drummer. 
-ret  (Souc)  commercial  law,  (iRettigbeb,  license 
for  trading;  fe  -bomftol.  -retttgljeb  fe  -ret,  pi 
commercial  pri vileges.  -famttJcm  commercial 
intcrcourse.  -fclftab  tradiug  company,  commer- 
cial association,  -ftib  meichautmau.  -ftibé^ 
faptejn  master  (of  a  merchantmau)  -ffibéfart 
commercial  navigation  -ftit  fe  -brug  -ftole 
commercial  school.  -fpctulation  tråde  venture. 
-fprog  mercantile  language  -fpærring  embargo 
on  commerce.  -ftab  .commercial  city  cl.  town. 
•flanb  mercantile  class.  -flat  commercial  siate. 
•ftatiftit  commercial  siatistics.  -f^ftcm  commer- 
cial system,  -tibcnbe  commercial  gazctte.  -tral= 
tat  c.  trealy.  -tribunat  fe  -bomftol.  -toang  res- 
traint  on  commerce.  -ubtrQl  mercantile  term. 
-ufoncc  fe -6iug.  -tinre  merchaudise  -bcj  route, 
thorougfare  el.  highway  of  commerce.  -pcjblfer 
commercial  directory,  -pen  friend  iu  business, 
commercial  friend,  correspondeut  -berben  com- 
mercial world.  -Pibcnftab  science  of  commerce. 
-Ptrtfomt)eb  commercial  tiansactions  el.  opera- 
tions, -»ægt  avoirdupois.  -bælbe  fe  -magt- 
-bærbi  value  in  commerce.  -pæfcn  tråde,  com' 
merce,  commercial  matters,  -ærcnbe  commer- 
cial errand.  -«jemeb :  i  _  for  purposes  of  tråde. 
tanbllauger  fe  ^aanb  . 
anblc  tt  &  i  (i  8llm.)  aet;  (omgaaS  meb)  treat, 
use,  deal  with;  (briOe  ^anbel)  tråde,  deal,  traffic; 
_  efter  aet  ou,  _  efier  eget  2i)tte  use  oue's  owu 
discretion,  _  meb  (ut)  deal  in;  _  nieb  (en)  do 
bu.siness  with;  _  om  be  about,  treat  of,  be  -nbe 
5|5erionec  the  dramatis  persouæ,  the  actors.  -b^g- 
tig  a  vigoroiis,  energetic.  -bl^gtig^eb,  -ebne  ac- 
tlvlty,  energy.    -form  øram   the  aciive   (voice) 





-frltieb  freedora  of  actiou.  -Irnft  fe  -bDgttg^eb. 
+.Iraftifl  a  energetic.  -maaSe,  +-ttté  proceeding, 
way  of  proceeding.  -nic  c  tradesman,  mer- 
chant;  be  _  the  tråde,  .gaubling  c  -er  action, 
aet;  (i  S!uefptt)  plot,  action,  business,  story;  -en 
foregaat  paa  the  scene  of  action  is  laid  at;  bcr 
er  9JJangct  poa  _  (i  ©ttjtfet)  there  is  a  deflciency 
of  action  (in  the  play);  en  -enS  9Ranb  a  man  of 

^onbfet  c  handsel,  earnest. 

^anbfle  c  -r  glove;  goa  meb  -r  use  gloves;  ttl= 
lafte  en  -n  tlirow  down  tlie  gauntlet  to  one; 
optage  -n  talie  up  the  gauntlet;  trælte  -r  (fiegj 
bread  and  cheese.  -butit  glove-shop.  -fairit 
glove-manufactory.  -finger  stall.  -tna))))et  c  -e 
button-hooli.  -tort  promissory  card.  -mager  c 
-e  glover.  -magert  n  glove  maliing.  -fItnJ)  glove 
leather.  -ftiag  glove  stitch.  -(ub)oii>er  c  -e 
glove-stretclier,  -widener,  -stick. 

.§anlt»ue  cocli-pigeon.    -i»t)r  male. 

^anc  c  -X  cook;  (vaa  Zønte  o.  b.)  (stop-)cock; 
screw-tap,  faucet;  fpænbe  -n  )faa  et  ØeBoer  cock 
a  gun;  fætte  -n  i  fRo  half-cock  the  gun  el.  the 
lock;  fia  ben  røbe  -  the  flre;  førfte  _  i  ffurden 
the  cock  of  the  walk,  the  captain  of  the  show, 
the  head  of  the  drum.  -ben  F  g«re  _  ti(_  pay 
one's  adresses  to,  make  sheep's  eyes  to.  -bjcette 
collar-beam.  -bjælfcloft  cockloft.  -bom  mil 
cock-stake.  -f|cb  cock-stride  el.  cock-step;  fiff  a 
very  short  length.  -fob  cock's  foot;  vf,  crow 
-foot,  (meb  to  ®rene)  spån;  ^  upright  crowfoot, 
Ranunculus  acrin.  -fægtning  cockfighting,  cock- 
flght.  -gal  cock-crow;  (Siben)  cock-crowing. 
•lam  (ogfaa  *l5lanten)  cock's  comb,  Celosia  cri- 
statn.  -tamp  ?e  -fægtning,  -fro  cock's  craw;  fe 
^ompenælbe.  -ttjUing  cockerel.  -mart^  goose- 
step.  -mule  jaws  (of  the  gun-cock).  -ffruc  fe 
9?Bbbe=.  -ffæg  wattle.  -ipat  fe  -trit.  -f^jore 
cock's  spur;  fe  Welbrøje.  -ftift  comb  (of  a  cock). 
•trin,  -trit  string-halt,  spring-halt.  -«g  cock's 

^anlfafan  cock-plieasant.  -fiff  milter.  -fugl 
male  (bird),  cock.    -f«t  colt. 

.^ang  n  bent,  bias,  inclination,  propensity; 
+  fe  58lQb{)ang. 

fanger  o  -e  ^  pendant;  (til  Unberraa)  sliug; 
(Sømr.)  lenghtening-piece.  -blot  hanging  block. 
-ring  sling. 

*.$angle  vi  shift;  i)an  -r  fig  frem,  igennem  he 
makes  a  shift  to  get  od,  to  make  both  ends 
meet.     -ftjge  sickliness. 

.^anga  Cbbc  Hango  Head. 

^antjare  «  buck-hare,  male  hare. 

$anf  c  -e  handle,  ear;  "hank,  ring;  ^aoe  §aanb 
i  -e  meb  en  have  a  hold  of  one,  have  a  person 
under  one's  thumb. 

^an|tanin  buck-rabbit.    -lat  tomcat. 

.&anfe| balje,  -IttrU  o.  fl.  tub,  basket  etc.  with 
handles,    -leé  a  without  a  handle. 

.^antøn  male  sex,  male  gender;  yram  the 
masculiue  gender.  -(-.^anlig  a  male.  .ganmQnbe 

.^anna  Jane,  Joan,  Hannah. 

^anno'Uer  n  Han'over.  -a,ner  c  e,  -onfl  » 

^an'lobber  dog- otter.  -Diante  male  plant. 
-rafle  male  catkin. 

.^anrcj  c  er  cuckold;  gøre  ttI_cuckold.  -ffab 
n  cuckoldom. 

.^anrcet)  c  he-fox,  dog-fox. 

^an§  pron  pots  his;  i8roberen§  og  _  SBrebe  his 
brother's  letters  and  his  own. 

ton§  John,  Jack,  Haus. 
anfe  c  Hanse.    -a't  c  -er  native,    inhabitant 
of  one  of  the  Hanse  towns.    -a'tiff  «  hanseat'ic; 




bet  -e  gor6unb  b.  f.  f.  -forbunbet  the  Hanseatic 
League.    -ftab  Hause  town,  Hanseatic  town. 

.^anlffrue  male  screw.    -f|)nrb  cocksparrow. 

.^anStittrft  a  Jack-pudding,  merry-Andrewj 

.^an'lunge  male  young.    -æfel  jack-ass. 

é)ap'  n  pufF  of  wind;  fe  ^'\p. 

^appt  vi  stutter. 

tor  præs  af  ^aoe  (I)  have,  (thou)  hast,  (he)  h; 
ar'alb  Harold. 

■garang'   c   -er    harangue,    screed.     -e're 

parcel  I  a'8    c   bauter,    chaff.     -e're   vt   tea 
worry;  *chaif,  make  fuu  of. 

.garbefnub  Hardicanute. 

SnrbieS'fe  c  boldness,  hardihood. 

§are  c  -r  hare;  mange  ^unbe  er  -nS  ®øb  twi 
to  one  are  odds;  ^Dem  »eb,  fibor  -n  gaar?  where 
\ve  least  think,  there  goeth  the  hare  away 
■bælg  fe  -ftinb.  -fob  (ogfaa  *J5lanten)  hare's  foo 
Tri/olium  urnerne;  ftr^ge  en  om  rønnben  meb 
_  put  one  off  with  empty  promises;  fatc  nogi 
ober  meb  en  -  do  a  thing  careles.sly.  -gorn  n( 
for  catching  hares,  -^anr  hare-wool.  -^aget 
hare  shot.  -fjerte:  fig  ^oce  et  _  be  chicken 
-hearted,  hare-hearted.  -fjertet  n  chicken 
-hearted  etc.  -^unb  harrier.  -jogt  hare-hunting, 
hare-shooting.  -taal  fe  -mab.  -fiUing  leveret. 
-flaber  fe  -fob;  kidney-vetch,  Anthyllis.  ''-lab 
hare's  foot;  cudweec^,  everlasting,  Gnaphalium . 
-leje  form  of  a  hare. 

.^arcm  n  -er  harem,  seraglio.  ^aremSfbinbe 
woman  of  the  harem. 

.^arclmab  nipplewort,  dock-cress,  Lapm- 
communiR.  -munb  fe  -flaar.  -mu§  chinchilli 
fe  *)Si6et)are.  *-m>)nbt  «  harelipped.  "-mQnbt^i 
fe  -ftaar.  -ragout  jugged  hare.  -ren  «  free  fro' 
the  propensity  to  trace  hnre.  -rug  alpine  bistort, 
Folygonum  viviparum.  -ffaar  lagostoma,  harelip; 
^aoe  _  be  harelipped.  -ffinb  hare's  skin.  -fffl 
a  timid  as  a  hare.  -fpor  trace  el.  print  of  a 
hare.  -fVring  hare's  leap.  -fteg  roast  hare. 
-unge  young  hare,  leveret.  "-Pippe  hare  springe. 
-are  (ogfao  planten)  hare's  ear,  Bup/eurum. 

^a'rfang  c  fe  ©ncugle. 

.^arfe  vi  hawk,  force  up  phlegm.   -n  hawking. 

.^orlelin  c  -er  harlequin;  fe  -fpinber.  —  ^arle= 
final lajer  buffoonery.  =''-fncp|>e  dusky  gambet, 
Totanut  /uscuk.  -^pinhtv  tiger  moth,  Geometra 

$arm  a  wroth;  "vexed,  grieved.  4^0"n|e  o 
wrath,  ire,  resentment.  -e  vt  anger,  exasperate; 
—  vr  _  fig,  -eå  vd  feel  indignant,  be  vexed. 
-elig  n  (fom  eolber  |»arme)  vexatious.  -fri  «  free 
from  grief.  -fulb  a  ireful,  wrathful,  reseutful, 
indignant.     -Ia8   (eng.)  «  harmless,  inoffensive. 

.^ormo|ne're  vi  harmonize;  fig  be  in  liarmony, 
character  el.  keeping  with,  -i-  jump  with;  ifte  _ 
meb  be  out  of  keeping  (etc.)  with;  _  meb  en 
sympathize  with  one.  -ni'  c  -er  ha'rmony,  con- 
cord,  unison.  -'nifo  c  harmon 'ica,  {®lai') 
musical  glasses  el.  accordion.  -'nifcr  c  -e  ha'r- 
monist.  -ni'lccre  harmonics  pi.  -ui'mufif  har- 
mony  of  wiud  instruments,  -nl'orfefter  brass 
-band,  wind-band.  -nifc're  vt  ha'rmonize.  -'niff 
a  harmo'nious.    -nium  n  harmonium. 

^arnift  n  -er  armonr;  i  fulbt  -  in  full  armour, 
armed  cap-a-pie;  bringe  i  _  provoke,  enrage; 
fomme  i  -  fire  up.    -flæbt  (-i-ct)  a  mail-clad. 

^avpe  c  -r  (Qnftrument)  ha'rp;  (®ru5=,  tnl= 
0.  b.)  screen;  fpifle  paa  ~  play  on  the  harp,  Imrp. 
.^ar))e  vt  screen,  -affalb  screenings,  -flang 
sound  of  the  harp.  -leg  fe  -fptl.  -niff  c  er,  fe 
-fptCter.  -fnegl,  -fnæffe  harpshell,  Harpa  -flog, 
■\pH  playing  on  the  harp.    -f^jiBer,  -fpilterinbe. 




-ftiillevfte  c  -r  harpist,  harper.    -fti»  a  ^  tight 
as  a  harp-strinsr. 

^art>ild  c  &.  n  -n  resln,  (renfet)  rosin,  -agtig 
a  resinous.  ^or)>tlS|e  vt  rosin,  -elcltrtcitet 
resinons  electricity.  -olie  oil  of  resin.  -fæfic 
resinous  soap. 

^arpu'n  c  -er  harpoon.  -c're  vt  harpoon. 
•{e'rjer  c  -e  harpooner.  -e'rtngé^olb :  fomnie  paa 
»  get  within  harpooning  distance.  -Jffirit  har- 
poon head.    -lofter  ?e  -erer. 

^arpfl'er  pi  ha'rpies. 

••'■^porr  c  grayling,  Thymnllw. 

^arft  n  rancid.  -fteb  c  rancidness,  rancidity. 
.•«e  vi  become  rancid. 

t43att  "(tv  close,  hard,  fe  Jpoarbt. 

.ftortnb  ridv  nearly,  well  nigh. 

.Vtnrttiugger  c  -e  stone-cutter,  (stone-)mason. 

.^arfforn  n  (Danisli)  standard  of  land  tax; 
lægtje  ©fat  \)aa  ~  tax  the  laud  according  to  its 
quality;  teniie  ®aorb  ftaor  fiøjt  i  _  this  farm  is 
rated  high;  ,fiff  ftaa  i  -  liimp  together. 

>&arH«bcr  c  hard-runner. 

.^nrt),  .fortie  c  -e  og  -r  liarrow.  ^artie  vt 
barrow.  ^or»ie|*brnnb,  t-bul  harrow-beam  el. 
-bar.  -brag  draw  of  the  harrow.  -trog  harrow 
-hook.  -tanb,  '-tinbc  tooth  cl.  tine  ofa  liarrow. 
^aroitin^  <•  harrowing. 

^ar,Vbt(ergene  the  Hartz  monntains.  -en  the 

.^03'  (t  &  '\^a'é):  faa  -  paa  dispatch,  make 
and  end  of;  jeg  fan  ilfe  faa  _  paa  Siben  (my) 
time  Iles  heavilv  in  my  hånds. 

*.&ofotb  fe  afalb. 

^oforb  c  haz'ard,  chance,  risk.  -e'ret  a  bold, 
daring.  -tøntraft  aleatory  contract.  -f^ill  game 
of  chance;  gambling,    -flitter  gambler. 

t^ofc  c  -r  (9f Bbbe )  hull.    ^ofe  vt  hull. 

^aé,  ^flfe  c  -r  C£ene)  hamstring,  tendou  of 
the  ham;  (iieb)  hough,  ham;  ficere  -rne  ooer  paa 
hamstring;  fmare  -r  f  take  to  one's  heels,  cut 
and  run,  cut  one's  stick,  turn  tail.  •binbe  vt 
tie  the  fore  leg  to  the  hough  of  an  animal. 
-leb  fe  ^aic. 

^a\p  C)  c  -r  (til  Sør)  ha.sp;  (til  ©ovn)  reel, 
hasp.  ^a^pe  vt  reel;  Jiy  -  af  rtel  off.  -gren  arm 
of  a  reel.    *-l  c  -er  skein.    -pinb  spindleholder. 

>6aSfcl  c  -er  el.  Rasler  hazel,  Corvlun  Avelhma 
-buff  hazel  bush.  -febt  p  stirrup  oil.  -^«nc  fe 
3lgerf)tine.  -frot  hazel-wood.  'tap  hazel-stick. 
-mué  dormouse,  Myoxw;  liHe  -  fe  -fotoer.  -n«b 
hazel  nut.  -rafle  catkin  of  the  hazel.  -rob, 
•urt  asarabacca,  ADarum  eiiropamm.  -fobcrcom- 
mon  dormouse.  Muscrditius  uvellanariun.  -ftage, 
-baanb  hazel  rod,  switch. 

^oft  c  hurry,  speed ;  bet  ^ar  ingen  _  there  is 
no  hurry;  i  _  in  a  hurry;  i  rinenbe  ~  in  hot 
haste;  ^»orfor  ^ar  2!e  foaban  -?  why  are  you  in 
such  a  hurry?  tjan  ^ar  ingen  _  meb  ot  he  is  in 
no  hurry  to.  -arbejbe  hurried  work,  (nben  bobl. 
SBet.)  work  of  dispatch.  -bub  fe  3l6ub.  ^aft|c 
vi  &  imp  hasten,  hurry,  speed,  haste;  -r!  (wa 
SBreo)  immediate,  urgent;  bet  -r  ilfe  there  is  no 
hurry;  bet  -r  i^ieb  benne  ©ag  this  business  requires 
dispatch.  -Ctt  c  hurry.  -f-^aoenbc  a  pressed  for 
time.  -fecrbig  fe  Qlfcerbig.  ^aftig  a  hasty;  adv 
hastily.  ,&afttg^cb  c  Olfinbetljeb)  hastiness  (31) 
velocity,  speed,  .^aftutcrt  hurry,  haste;  ^ane  meget 
flort  -  be  in  great  haste;  -  er  fiaftuærf  haste 
makes  waste,  good  and  quickly  seldom  meet. 
^aftuærfåarbcjbe  fe  -arbejbe. 

^ot'  c  -te  hat;  (2!nme-)  honnet,  hat  (naar  ben 
mere  ligner  en  fierre^at);  fig  (^cctte,  ®æffe  of 
fotff.  Slog*)  hood,  cap,  top;  toge  -ten  af  lift  el. 
take  off  one's  hat  (for  to),  +unhat;  tage  til  -ten 
touch  one's  hat;  fætte  -ten  »ao  put  on  one's  hat; 
ttljlfe  -ten  neb  i  gjnene  slouch  one's  hat;  floa  -ten 

ober  SDinene  paa  en  honnet  one;  f  Ⱦre  paa  -ten 
meb  have  a  nodding  acquaintance  with;  bet  er 
ifte  Uærbt  at  tage  -ten  af,  for  man  fer  TOanben  it 
is  time  euough  to  bid  the  Devil  good  morning 
when  you  meet  him;  Dcere  fiarl  for  fin  -  hold 
one's  own;  gioe  en  nt  at  fiængc  fin  -  poo  give 
one  a  handle.  —  ^attejbaattb  hat. band.  -be- 
fenbtffab  hat-touching  acquaintance.  -befcetniitg 
hat-trimmings,  -bio!  hatter's  block.  -brll 
bottom.  -bue  hatter's  bow.  -bflrfte  hat  brush. 
-fabrit  hat-manufactory.  -filt  hat  felt.  -fjcber 
feather  on  el.  for  a  hat,  plume.  -fober  litiing 
of  a  hat.  -form  (Slof)  block;  (Ja^on)  form, 
.shape  of  a  hat.  -foberal  hat  box.  -fioenger 
c  -e,  fe  -ftatio.  -tnage  hat-peg.  -Irampe  loop  of 
a  hat.  -mager  c  -e  hatter.  -magerbutif  hatter's 
shop,  hatting  establishment,  -magert  »i  hatting, 
manufacture  of  hats.  -magcrfocnb  journeyman 
hatter.  -noat  hat-  el.  bonnet-pin.  -oQcrtræl 
case  of  a  hat.  -ptxl  crown  of  a  hat.  -b^nt 
trimming  of  a  honnet,  -ffrue  hat-stretcher. 
•ffflflflc  brim  of  a  hat,  (poo  3)ame£)at)  front. 
-ffoeg  curtain.  -flejfe  eockade.  -fnor  hat-string. 
-fttttiu  hat-stand,  -ftel  fe  -form.  -fbam))  pileate 
fungus.  -æflc  (til  ^(txef^at)  hat-case;  (til  S)ame= 
flot)  band-box. 

*.&aubit  n  fe  |)0l86rt)nbe. 

.^aubité  c  -er  howitzer.  -baob  howitzer-boat. 
-blol  bed  for  a  howitzer.  -granat,  -tugle 
howitzershell  (o.  fl.j. 

*.&oug,  ^oug  c  er  hillock;  heap;  heaped 
measure     -foH  elves,   good  people.     -((Cgge  fe 

*fiaufe  vi  shout. 

*4jauS  c  -er  scull;  hummock. 

.^auåfe  c  rise.     -f^jetulant  bull. 

éoutrclief  n  alto-relievo,  high  relief. 

^ati  n,  -e  (i  Slim.)  sea;  (SSerben§l)00)  ocean,  main; 
1000  gob  oper  -et  1000  feet  above  the  level  of 
the  sea;  til  -§  at  sea. 

*^ar)  n,  pi  =,  (pao  Sponb  o.  b.)  bail.  -oal 
conger(-eel),  sea-eel,  Uonøer.    -onb  sea-duck. 

.^aban'na  n  (the)  Havana.  -bruu  a  cigar 
-coloured,  -cigor  havana.  .^aOane'fcr  c  -e 
Havanese;  liavana. 

.^abare'rct «  damaged,  (om  Sarer)  sea-damaged; 
i  -  Silftanb  in  a  damaged  state. 

^aøari'  n  -er  mere  average;  _  gronae  general 
average,  gross  a.;  _  particuliere  particular 
average;  -  ordinaire  petty  average;  unbec  _ 
under,  with  el.  upon  average.  -atteft  (o.  fl.) 
average  certiflcate  (etc.)     -fog  case  of  average. 

^00 1  orm  arm  of  the  sea.  -boob  sea-going 
boat.  -blif  (deadi  calm;  bet  bleb  _  it  fell  a  dead 
calm.  -bo(er)  c  one  who  lives  by  the  sea-side. 
-brofeu  sparoid.  -breb  sea  shore,  beach.  "-bro 
c  (exteiisive)  banks.  -bru§  roar  of  the  sea. 
-brJ)n  sea -margin,  -bugt  bay,  golf.  -bunb 
bottom  of  the  ocean,  sea-bed.  -bojnbel  grass 
-wrack.  -bølge  blllow,  wave  of  the  sea  -babbel 
pholas.  -brage  enaliosaur(ian).  -b^b  the  deep, 
depths  of  the  ocean;  Unberføgelfer  af  -ft  deep-sea 
explorations.  -b^ub  sea-mud.  -bruning,  b«n= 
nlug  ocean  svvell.    -b^r  marine  animal. 

.^atte,  ^or,  tiaobe,  Ijoft,  vt  &  anxi'.  have;  iSrebet 
^or  ben  ®ato  the  letter  bears  that  date;  ^on  bor 
(ejer)  intet  he  does  not  possess  anything,  he  is 
worth  nothing;  ban  I)or  ingen  "Benqe  he  has  (got) 
no  money;  i)at  bu  en  finio?  *Éenge?  have  you 
got  a  knife?  auy  money?  -  Cmgang  meb  asso- 
ciate  with,  keep  company  with;  ^oob  oil  l!e  _? 
what  do  you  want?  (om  Wob  eller  ®ritfe)  what 
will  you  take?  lioob  ftol  De  _?  (iBetoling)  what  is 
your  charge?  'iia,  ben  fom  ^oobe  en  Stol!  O  for 
a  chair!  ber  fiar  bu!  take  that!  ^an  Oil  -  at  jeg 
.  .  .  he  will  have  it,   that  I  .  .  .,  he  wants  me 




to;  mon  ttil  -,  <xt  jeg  ftal  .  .  I  am  required  lo 
.  .  .;  ^an  ^ar  bet  flobt,  flet  (om  ^elbreb)  he  is  well, 
poorly,  (om  ftaar)  he  is  well  off,  ill  off;  ^oorlebeg 
Ijar  %i  bet?  how  are  you?  nu  t)av  jeg  bet  I  have 
it;  ber  %ax  »i  bet  that's  it;  fe  ^eb;  bet  ^ar  jeg 
forbi  jeg  that  is  the  cousequence  of;  l)an  ^or  bet 
i  2)tBJben,  fe  2)røjbe;  :^Bab  l^ar  ®e  at  befale  V 
what  are  your  commands?  ^bab  gobt  t)ot  ®e 
ber  af?  what  are  you  the  better  for  it?  fe 
®ob,  Onb;  bet  :^ar  l^an  efter  fin  gaber  in  that 
he  takes  after  his  father;  ^oab  ^or  ®e  for? 
what  are  you  about!  bi  ~  enbnu  langt  ^jem 
we  are  still  far  from  home;  bu  ^ar  en  ftor  S3e= 
unbrer  i  ^am  he  is  a  great  admirer  of  yours;  jeg 
l^ar  ifte  meget  igen  I  have  not  much  left;  jeg 
"^ar  intet  imob  at  I  have  no  objection  to,  jeg  ^ar 
intet  imob  6am  I  have  no  quarrel  with  him;  jeg  ^ar 
meget  imob  I  object  strongly  to;  _  inbe  occupy, 
(ogf.  fig)  be  master  of;  tjar  bu  58ogen  meb?  have 
you  brought  the  book?  ^an  ^aobe  fort  §at  paa 
he  wore  a  black  hat,  ^an  Ijaobe  gatten  Xiaa  he 
had  his  hat  on;  l^ar  S)e  ftnio  paa  (]&oé)  ®em?  have 
you  a  knife  about  you?  bet  l)ar  itte  flort  X"^a  fig 
it  is  no  great  matter,  of  small  conseqnence, 
comes  to  very  little,  ^un  "^ar  4  Uger  tilbage 
(om  frugtfommelige)  she  is  within  four  weeks  of 
her-  eonfinement;  jeg  t)ar  lun  to  tilbage  1  have 
ouly  two  left;  alt  ^oab  jeg  ^ar  tilbage  all  that 
remains  to  me;  bi  ~  ingen  5[5enge  tiloberS  we 
have  no  money  to  spare;  !)an  ^ar  meget  tiloberS 
for  mig  he  is  very  fond  of  me,  he  has  a  great 
regard  for  me;  l^an  ^ar  intet  tilooerg  for  mig  he 
does  not  care  for  me;  ^an  ^ar  onbt,  tungt,  banfte= 
ligt  beb  ar  he  has  some  difliculty  iii;  ^aw  ^ar 
gobt,  let  beb  at  it  is  easy  for  him  to;  I)an  ^ar  noget 
^enimelig^ebéjulbt  beb  fij  there  is  some  mystery 
about  him;  —  vr  lioorlebeg  fiar  bet  fig  meb  benne 
@ag?  how  stands  this  matter?  —  vp  bet  ^aoeé 
itte  Der  it  is  not  to  be  had  el.  found  here; 
ben  bebfte  Orammatif  fom  -i  the  best  grammar 
ex  tant. 

t^aJje  c  -r  (poa  Siogn)  raok. 

|>at>e  c  -r  garden;  t  &  *  fe  ^oge.  -anlæg 
garden  plot,  parterre  -arbejbe  garden  work. 
•haltt  terrace.  -beb  garden-bed.  -blomft  garden 
flower.  -6o8  gardening  book  -brug  fe -b^rtning. 
•hrugåtanbibat  certificated  gårdener,  -bruøl- 
ttbcnbr  fe  -tibenbe  -IirugéubfHEing  horticuUural 
exhi bition.  -bagning  (ornamental)  garden  build 
iug     -bænt  garden-seat. 

tabcbberlov  crab-spider,  Fycnoi/onum . 
aoejblirter  horticulturist.  -bt)rfning  horti- 
culture,  gardening.  -b«r  garden  gate.  -frugter 
fe  -tager,  -fr«  garden  seeds.  -gang  garden  walk. 
-gr«nt  garden  stufF,  vegetables  pi.  -gærbc 
gardenfeace.  -^ot  garden-hat.  -ftu§  garden  el. 
summer  house,  -jorb  garden  mould.  -jorbbær 
garden  strawberry.  -taol  cabbage.  -tarl  garden 
labourer.  -tarfe  garden  cress,  Lipidium  gativum. 
-Inib  pruning- knife.  -lonc  weeder.  -fultur 
horticultiire.  -tunft  hortioulture;  ben  flonne  - 
ornamental  gardening.    -laagc  garden-gate. 

J^ati{clefant  sea  elephant,    Cystophora  proboa- 
ea.    *-eHc  fe  .©ablit. 
SttUelob  c  garden  plot. 
ao'elot  c  iuveruess. 
-f^atjclfe  c  having 

^atie|manb  fe  -larl.  -niclbe  garden  oraehe, 
Åtripiex  horteiidia.  -muv  garden  wall.  -mt)Hte 
spear-mint,  Mentha  viridis. 

tabengel  c  augel-flsh,  Siuutina  anoelua. 
abei))Iante     garden    plant.      -^jIoJj    garden 
plough.    -)>Iænc  garden-lawn.   -))cobufter  garden 
produce.    -rebflab  garden  implement. 

*^otiicrtn,  -crt  c  great  (bearded)  seal,  I'lioca 




.^abe|rofe  cabbage  rose,  lioaa  centifolia.  -fager 
garden  produce.  -fongcr  becafico,  Sylvia  kor- 
ttnaia.  -fob,  *-fa8  gardener's  handsaw.  -foIS 
garden(er's)  shears.  -f ciftab  horticuUural  society. 
-ffabc  fe  Wunftfugt.  -fmutte  fe  -fanger,  -fnegt 
(garden)  suail,  Helix.  -ftol  garden-chair.  -ft« 
garden  room. 

^abelfqg  a  covetous.    -f^ge  c  covetousness. 

J&abc|tibenbc  gardener's  chronicle.  -trotttr 
garden  roller,  -urt  pot-herb.  -tiælft  garden 
plant,  -»æfrn  gardening,  horticultme.  -ærter 
garden  peas. 

.^o'tiififf  seå-flsh.  *-fiffc,  -fifteri  sea  fishiE 
-flobe  level  of  the  sea.  -flob  inundation  of  tJ 
sea.  -foll  pi  af  -monb  -frue  mermaid.  -frtt- 
fang  a  mermaid's  soug.  -fugl  seafowl.  -gaarb 
ring  about  the  moon.  -gnSfc  fe  Som,  Sifteanb; 
fisherman,  sea-dog,  fio  shrew,  scold,  termagant. 
-græé  ta8.sel-poudweed,  Itnppin.  -gr^n  a  sea 
■green,  glaucous.  --gub  seagod.  -gubbom  sea 
-deity.  -gubinbe  sea-goddess.  "*-guIe  sea-breeze. 
-gufe  sea-fog.,  -tjeft  (gift  og  Sa6clbt)r)_  sea-horse, 
liippocampus,  {%\X,\\)  fulmar,  Procellaria  glaciiiis. 
-^birbcl  Whirlpool,  eddy.  -immer  great  uorthern 
diver,  Co/ymbuH  glaciu/is.  -ié  sea-ice.  -juuter 
julis,  raiubow-flsh.  Julis  meditenanea.  -lol, 
-tolb  greenland  shark,  Scymnua  glacinliH.  -lont : 
beb  -en  at  the  sea.side.  -lat  wolffish,  Anxn-hicat 
lu/tui;  fe  ©ultiaa.  . -tttt  down.  -lo  soa-cow, 
manatee,  Munitua  -Iritljme  samphire,  V/irithmum 
m<tritiiiium.  -toabbc  rockling,  Motella.  -!J)ft  fe 
©tioubbreb.  -lanttiret  lamprey,  I'etromyzon  ma- 
rinua.  -leoparb  sea- leopard,  Utenorhynchua  leo- 
pardinua.    -lig  fe  ©tranboabfter. 

.^ab(tt(anb)  c  long-tailed  duck,  Aam  glacinlia. 

^a'ulluft  sea  air.  -I«g  fe  ©tranbløg.  -maage 
black-backed  gull,  Lama  marinna;  herring-gull, 
L'irua  arpentatiia.  -ttiaub  merman.  -ntué  fe 

^abn  c  -e  (egl  og  fio)  harbour,  port,  haven; 
ligge  i  -  be  in  port;  beliggenbe  beb  en  -  situatcd 
on  a  port  _ 

'^^obrt  c  pa-ture.    ^abnc  vt  pasture.  Æ 

^abne  vi  put  into  a  harbour,  enter  a  po^| 
fig  find  et.  get  rest;  -  i  end  in. 

^abne|abmiral  portadmiral,  -afgifter harbour 
dues,  port  charges,  -anlæg,  arbcjber  pi  harbour 
-works  -anorbning  harbour  regulation.s,  -an- 
toritcter  harbour  authorities.  -befæftniug  har- 
bourdefence.  -bcfttjrclfe  harbour  administration, 
-betjent  harbour  offi:er.  -bom  boom.  -btjgmefter 
builder  of  a  harbour  -bqgntng  building  of  har- 
bours. -bircttton  fe  -fommigfion.  -birclt«r  direc- 
tor  of  harbour-woiks  -bccrautng,  mole,  jetty. 
-fogeb  harbour  master,  -fororbninger  harbour 
regulatiou.^  -forfbar  fe  -befæftiiinj.  -ftjr  harbour 

*^obncfæ  n  grazing  cattle. 

'^^atincfæftig^cbcr  mooriugs,  M'harfs  and  quays 
of  a  harbour. 

'•'^otineBnug  c  pasture. 

^at)Me|ljotJcb  pier-head.  -iubtobet  the  entrance 
to  the  harbour.  -Inptajn  port-captain  -laj  quay 
(of  a  harbour)  -Ia§  e  harbour  funds.  -tommiS- 
fton  Harbou:'  Commissioners.  -fontor  harbour 
-master's  oflioe  -fæbe,  -fættino  chain  of  a 
harbour.  -lobé  harbour  pilot,  -lebthe  fairway  of 
a  harbour.  -leå  a  harbourless.  -meftcr  harbour 
ma.ster.  -mole,  -utolo  mole.  -niunbing  fe  -Wb. 
-mærfe  harbour  beacou.  -obJ»Mbring.  -ojirenS 
ning  cleaning  out  of  a  port.  -penge  fe  -afgiiier. 
-plabS  harbour  aceommodation.  -pæl  mooring 
dolphin.  -fpærring  blockade  of  a  harbour. 
-ftab  seaport  towu.  -toib  fe  -af^fuT  -t«nbc 
harbour  buoy.    -pagt  port-guard.    -bæfenet  the 




administration  of  harbours;  the  harbour  au- 
thoriti(  s. 

*^o»ni«fl  c  pasturing;  pasture. 

^o'olJitjmfc  sea  nymph.  -obber  sea  otter,  En- 
hydrn  mnrina.  -Olfe  fe  fo.  -omtxcltet  Dntf(t)bt, 
-omtraiifet  a  sea-girt,  sea-(en;circled,  sea-sur- 
rouuded.  -^abbe  lump  fish,  UydoiJterus  lumpus. 
■plantt  sca-plant. 

^aore  c  oats  pi,  +  oat.  -afler  oat-field.  -brab 
oaten  bread.  -bt)rfning  growing  el.  cnltivation 
of  oats.  -fttfli  wag-tail,  Motncil/a  albt.  -gaad 
barnacle  goose,  Awxb  bernida.  -gr^tt  ^oaten) 
groats,  grits.  -græd  fe  .ipeire  (Utrubt);  l^lttterafé, 
■grab  stir-about,  (oatmeal)  porridge;  (til  Dmflag) 
(boiled)  groats  pi.  -^a(m  oat-.straw.  -^«ft  oat 
Prop;  bringing  in  of  the  oats.  -jorb  oat  soil. 
•lage  oat  calce.  -lifte  oatbin.  -tnufer  oat 
crusher.  -forn  oat-graiu.  t-ntarl  oat-fleld. 
-mtl  oatmeal.  -muå  fe  'DBoeramu«.  -ttriS  price 
of  oats.  -rob  goat's  bcard,  Trngopogon.  -firaa 
oats  coarsely  ground.  -ftraa  oat-straw.  -ftub 
oat-stubble.  -fuptie  (water)  gru  el.  -fæb  oat 
crop;  sowing  of  oats.  -fæt  sack  for  oats. 
•liælliug  oatmeal  pap.    -tttm))e  fe  -fugl. 

.^a'U'rflpe  ivory  gull,  Lnrus  ehnrneus.  -fait  sea 
-salt,  bay  salt.  -fonb  sea-sand.  -^.^abSbøtge  fe 
-børge.  .^otjjfibe  sea-side.  -ffllb^iobbe  (sea-)turtle, 
Chelonii.  -ffomagcr  cobbler-flsh,  Ji/epharii  cili- 
aria.  -ffunt  foam  of  the  sea.  -ftæftt  sea-quake. 
-flange  water-snake,  Hydrophis.  -^nctppe  snipe 
-fish,  sea-snipc,  CentrUcus  »colopa.v.  .^attSnøb 
distress  'at  sea),  .gaolfommerfugl  butterfly-flsh, 
Blenniux  ocellarig.  -ftiHe  calm.  -ftot  (alluvial) 
beach,  down,  sea-margin.  -ftræfning  sheet  of 
water.  -ftrøg  region  of  the  oisean.  -ftr«m  oceanic 
ourrent,  sea-current.  -fule  gannet,  Sula  Bih- 
sann.  -taage  sca-fog.  -taffc  fe  33rebfla6.  -terne 
common  tern,  Sterna  hirundo.  -tom  sea  buck- 
thorn, Hippophaé.  -banb  sea  el.  ocean  water. 
-blnb  sea-breeze.  -«gle  fe  -leguan,  -am  sea 
-eagle,  Ilnliaetus  nlbicilla. 

^cbra'lifl  a  Hebrew,  Hebra'ic;  »  (Sprog) 
Hebrew;  bet  et  -  for  mig  it  is  all  Greek  to  me. 
-iå'me  c  -r  He'braism.    .^ebr«  er  c  -e  He'brew. 

^ebrl'berne  33^  the  Heb'rides  pi. 

.§eb  'i  hot;  -e  SSine  hcady  wines;  ben  -e  Qone 
the  torrid  zone;  F  _  om  ^reneuneasy,  nervous; 
bet  er  meget  -t  imellem  bem  they  are  very  thick; 
bet  er  itte  allfor  t  imellem  bem  there  is  no  love 
lost  between  them;  —  ^ebt  ndv  bet  gif  -t  til  it 
was  hot  work;  jeg  ^ar  bet  iffe  faa  -t  I  am  not 
so  hot  upon  it  (as  that  comes  toj. 

.^ebbe,  *ftebe,  ^eb  [''ogf.  ^ebte],  ^ebbet  k  ^ebt  vi 
&  impers  be  called,  be  named;  ftbab  -r  S)e? 
what's  your  name?  600b  r  bet  paa  3)oiifI?  how 
do  you  call  that  in  Danish?  what  is  the  Danish 
for  "that?  bet  -r  (fig)  at  it  is  said  that,  the  tale 
is  that;  fom  bet  -r  i  2Stfen  as  the  song  has  it,  as 
the  old  song  gocs;  bet  -r  i  bet  gamle  Seftomente, 
at  (ogf  )  it  says  in  the  old  testament  that. 

■fifbe  f  heat;  tage  _  heat,  got  heated;  i  ben 
føvfle  ~  in  the  flrst  transport.    ,^ebe  vt  heat. 

•Sebe  c  -r  heath.    -batte  heath-clad  hill. 

.^cbfblcgn  c  pimple. 

.^ebeblomft  heath-flower.  -boer  inhabitant  of 
a  heath.  -branb  heath  fire.  -brag,  -egn  heathy 
country,    -faar  (Jutland)  heath-sheep. 

t^ebcflabe  c  heatiug-surface. 

^ebe  l}u§  house  on  the  heath.  -lanb  heath 
-land.  -It)ng  heather,  heath,  GMuim  vulgarin. 
-lærte  wood-lark,  Alnuda  arborea. 

.^eben  adv  hence. 

.^rbcn  a  t,  fe  -ff.  -bont  c  paganism,  heathen- 

^ebenfaren,  -gangen  a  departed,  deccased. 
-fart,  -gang  (2;øbj  deccase,  death. 

^ebenlforb  unconsecrated  ground.  -olb  hea- 
then ages  pi.  -fl  a  heathen,  pagan,  heathenish, 
gentile,    -ftab  n  fe  -bom. 

^ebenælbe  c  great  neltle,  Urtica  dioica. 

.gebcjooerftabc  fe  -flobe. 

.^ebejplantning  planting  of  heatbs.  -))(et  patch 
of  heath.  -fetffob  society  for  cultivation  of 

Sebeflag  n  sun-stroke. 
cbcfe  c  heath-tam. 
.^ebetø]  n  rash,  prickly  heat. 
$cbc|tartt  peat.   -ugle  fe  Sumpugle.   -urt  heath 

tcbcbarme  c  baking  heat. 
ebning  [é]  c  -er  heathen,  pagan,  gentile.  +-(e)« 
bom  fe  ^ebenbom.  —  .^ebninge|friftne  Gentile 
Christians,  -miéfionen  the  mission  to  the  hea- 
then. —  .gebningl^nnb  pagan  dog.  -lift  hea- 
thenish li  fe. 

te'bfpore  c  Hotspur. 
efte  n  -r  (®el  af   23og)  part,   number;   (33og) 
pamphlet  el.  (stitched)  manuscript;   (paa  Sbærb) 
hilt,  handle. 

•^efte  vt  retard,  delay,  detain;  -e8  vp  be 
detaiued,  stop. 

^efte  vt  (i  2llm.)  fix,  attach,  fasten;  (meb  Sroab) 
baste;  (flæbe)  stick;  'SBog)  stitch,  sew;  (arreftere) 
arrest;  _  meb  Snappenaale  pin;  _  op  tuck  up;  _ 
Øjnene  paa  fix  one's  eyes  upon;  —  vi  stick;  _  for 
be  liable  for;  _  paa  be  a  charge  upon;  ber  -r  en 
ftor  @ælb  paa  benne  ©jenbom  this  estate  is  greatly 
encumbered.  -bllt  plate-points.  -bænl  sewing 
-board,  -trog  fasteuing  hook.  -lob  fe  -6ænf. 
-Ife  c  -r  (Sængfltng)  arrest;  (®ælb)  lien,  encum- 
brance,  charge,  (iganteO  mortgage.  -maftine 
sewing-machine.  -naal  stitching-needle.  -plafter 
sticking- plaster,  adhesive  p.  -rob  rootlike  fibre. 
-ftitte  (f)o§  Crme)  foot.    -fnor  (SSogb.)  cord. 

fieftctttå  adv  in  parts. 

.pcftiga  vehement  violent,  impetuous;  (smerte 
0.  l.)  acute,  insense,  severe;  bltbe  _  get  into  a 
passion.  -f)eb  c  vehemence,  violence,  impe- 
tuosity;  intensity.  -t)eb§ubbrub  outbreak  of 

,^cft!ntng  c  flxing  etc     -plafter  fe  Jøefte=. 

*,&cftfom  <x  time-wasting. 

,&cgclta  ncr  c  -e  Hege'lian. 

hegemoni'  n  supremacy. 

.!^egle  c  r  hatchel,  hackle;  fig  en  gammel  -  an 
old  termagant.  ^egte  vt  hatchel,  hackle;  fig 
{X>aa)  carp,  cavil  (at)  _  igennem,  fe  (Gennemhegle. 
-bænl  hackling-machine.  -^obeb  (Stælbéorb) 
carper,  scoldcr.  -tant  gill.  -mager  hatchel 
•maUer.  -mafttne  fe  -bænf.  -mefter  master 
(overseer)  of  a  hatcheling  concern.  -r  c  -e 
hateheler.  -ri'  n  hatcheling  concern;  carping. 
-tanb  tooth  el.  prickle  of  a  hatchel.  ^egling  c 

.§egn  n,  pi  =,  fence,  enclosure;  (leoenbe)  hedge. 
i^egnle  vt  fence,  enclose;  —  vi  ~  om  screen. 
-traab  fencing  wire.  -traab^tUpper  strong  cut- 

ficøte  fe  $ægte. 

éej !  ^cjba !  ho  I  halloh ! 

*.^el  c  -er  (broad,  flattish)  mountain  ridge. 

Sejbelom  c  p  thrashing. 

Se|but(te)  c    r  heiduke. 

,^e|gut:  p  fpiHe  -  mib  en  make  a  foolofone. 

^ejle  c  fe  ^jejfe. 

t^ejte  vi:  -  ot)er  coddle,  pet.  -^oUeb  mllk 
-sop.    -ri'  coddling,  petting,  effeminacy. 

*fieito  c  -er  golden  plover,  Chiradriua  plu- 

.&cjre  c  -r  (5"gl)  heron,  Ardea;  fe  -græé.  -fjer 
heron's  feather.    -groed  brome-grass,  Bmmus;  fe 




©oimliiig.    -Jnflt  heron-shooting.     •nceb  heron's 
bill;  (plante)  storksblU,  Erodium. 

^ejfe  vt  hoist;  (om  SIao  ofl  lette  j£ing)  ruu  up; 
-nbe  ^art  J>  hoist.  -aV^ornt  hoisting  apparatus, 
hoist;  elevator,  -bom  derrick.  -bro  J,  skids 
pi.  -but  ^  sheers.  -flaatie  ^t<  floating  stage. 
-gaffet  ^  spider.  -Ijjut  gin.  -joltc  J,  whip. 
•mafline  ^  stem-hoist.  -^ttop  ^  giu-chain. 
-ttærf  fe  -aopotat.    .&c}§ni«g  c  hoisting. 

•^efofom'bc  c  -r  hec'atomb. 

^cffcnfclbt  n  (Hekla);  p  gaa  ab  ~  til  go  to 
the  deuce. 

^efle  fe  ^ætle. 

^etS  c  -e  witch,  hag,  sorceress;  ^1,  (connnect- 
ing-)  shaekle;  F  ®u  lille  .!  you  little  rogue, 
minx,  el.  gipsy!  en  gammel  _  an  old  hag. 

^ttSalc'bet  n  -bre  hexahedron.  -c'briff  a 
hexahedral.  -c'meron  n  hexahem'erou.  -go'n 
I-  -er  hex'agou.  -gona'I  a  hexag'onal;  bet  -e 
©tjftem  cfiem  the  rhombohedral  system,  -int'ter 
n  -t  hexam'eter.     -mc'triff  a  hexamet'ric(al). 

^e!§e  vi  praetise  witchcraft;  ttoil,  fag;  ^an 
fan  -  he  is  a  sorcerer;  —  vt  call  up;  jjroduce, 
convey;  change  etc.  by  magic;  ^  shaekle,  - 
Ib§  unshaekle. 

$etåe|bab  fe  -^jrese.  -bog  conjuring  book. 
•brænbing  burning  of  witches.  -bær  cuckoo 
•pint,  Arum  maculatum.  -baitS  witches'  dance. 
-brit  charmed  potiou.  -^tftorie  story  of  witches. 
-Inube  magic  knot.  -Iraft  power  of  witchcraft. 
-Ircbé  magic  circle.  -tuttft  witchcraft.  -tunfter 
pi  spells,  charms,  pi.  -tbtnbe  witch.  -l^gte 
magic  lanteru.  -mel  vegetable  sulphur,  witch 
-meal.  -mefter  wizard,  sorcerer,  necromancer, 
conjurer;  iian  er  ingen  _  he  is  no  conjurer. 
•mtevte  witch's  mark.  -orb  i>l  conjurations, 
incantations,  i^Z.  -proccå  trial  of  witches.  -pteve 
witches'  ordeal.  -ri'  n  witchcraft,  witchery, 
sorcery,  necromancy,  art-magic;  bet  er  intet  _  "it 
is  easily  done,  therc  is  no  sorcery  el.  witchcraft 
iu  it.  -ring  fairy  ring.  -fabbat  witches'  sabbath. 
■fong  incantation.  -ftob  magic  wand.  -fting 
herring-bone.   -æg  stinkhorn,  Phallus  impudicvs. 

^c!ti!'  c  hec'tic.    ^eftiff  a  hectic. 

^cftogra't  c  -er  manifold-writer.  -c're  vt  copy 
with  a  manifold. 

4?er  myth  Hel,  the  abode  of  the  dead. 

^el  a  whole,  entire;  -  9tobe  whole  note,  semi- 
breve;  _  (Jofét,  ^Paufe)  bar-rest,  semibreve  rest; 
-t  2:ol  whole  el.  integral  number;  integer;  -e 
SJerben  all  the  world.  the  whole  world;  -e  ben 
5Cib  (for)  the  whole  of  that  time;  ben  -e  %ib  all 
along;  -e  3)anmarf  the  whole  of  Denmark,  i  -e 
Sanmari  in  all  Denmark;  fire  -e  ®age  four  clear 
days;  -e  tnoe  as  mauy  as  twenty;  i  -e  Uger, 
SJlaaneber  for  weeks,  months,  H  -e  ®aor  all  (day) 
yesterday;  -e  9loret  igennem  throughout  the  year; 
en  ~  35el  a  great  deal;  en  _  ®el  længere  p  ever 
so  much  longer;  en  -  Sfælbenfieb  quite  a  rarity; 
en  _  SJlængbe  quite  a  number;  et  -t  ©))cftotel  a 
regular  row;  bet  -e  the  whole  (thing);  i  bet  -e 
(i  alt)  altogether,  in  all,  on  el.  in  the  whole, 
(i  bet  -e  taget)  upon  el.  on  the  whole,  (i  SSetin-- 
gelfeSfætn.  og  efter  Supert.)  at  all;  ^an§  Ubfeenbe  i 
bet  -e  his  general  appearance;  Samfunbet,  SSerben 
i  bet  -e  society,  the  world,  at  large;  bet  er  bet 
-e  that  is  all  (about  it);  _  og  t)Dlben  safe  and 
sound,  adv  eutirely;  —  ^el  arf»  quite,  perfectly; 
—  ^elt  adv  quite,  totally,  entirely;  g»r  -t  om» 
(tring)  face  about;  t  op  right  up;  -t  ooer  right 
across;  laa  -t  ober  ^  lay  on  her  beam  ends;  -t 
forub  J,  chock  forward;  -t  ogter  chock  aft;  -t 
igennem  right  through,  (fulbftænbig)  all  through, 
throughout;  -t  eHer  beti'iS  in  whole  or  in  part. 
,&el|befarcK  ^  able.    -befarenbcbSgcab :   ^ar  _ 

-brat   bare  ■ 
)0b  _  iu  goOT 


is  rated   as   an   able   seaman. 
nakod  fallow. 

^clbrcb  c  &  ?j  health;  oeb  gob  _  lu  god 
health.  ,gelbrcbe  vt  (^e(e,  læge)  heal;  (furere) 
cure.  ,^clbre'bclig  a  curable.  ^clbre'blelig^eb  c 
curability.  -cife  c  (bet,  at  l)ct6rebe)  cure,  healing; 
(bet,   at  tomme  fig  el.  bære  fonimet  fig)  recovery. 

—  ^elbrcb§|l)cnft)n  :  af  -  from  motivts  of  health^ 
-tilftatib :  t)an§  _  the  state  of  his  health. 

6c'I|brober    fuU    brother.     -cabence 

^elb  n  good  luck,  success;  et  -  a  piece  of 
good  fortune;  fibbe  i  _  be  iu  luck;  ^abe  _  meb 
succeed  in;  ^ar  altib  _  meb  fig  is  always  in 
luck' s  way;  fiabbe  bet  -  at,  l^obbe  -  til  at  had 
the  good  fortune  to;  til  alt  _  as  good  luck 
would  have  it,  fortunately;  _  ben  fom  happy 
the  man  who;  _  Sanmort,  om  happy  were  it 
for  Denmark,  if  -bringcnbe  a  salutary,  bene- 

^elbig  n  lucky,  fortunate;  successful;  (Ubtrfll 
0.  1.)  felicitous;  bar  if!e  -  (i)  failed  (in);  »ar  ifle 

—  meb  3Jejret  was  not  fortunate  as  to  the  weather; 
ben  Slags  Stoler  er  itte  -e  thai  kind  of  schools 
are   a   mistake;   et  -t  ?)bre  a  winning  presence; 

—  adv:  bet  gif  _  it  turned  out  well;  l^uiS  bet 
gaar  ~  if  fortune  favours;  bet  flap  bu  -  fra  you 
had  a  narrow  escape  there.  -^cb  c  luckine 
successfulnes;  feliftitousness.  -bt8  adv  lucki 
fortunately,  as  good  luck  would  have  it. 

^c'Ilbæffct  n  flush-decked. 

.^elc  n :    et    fammen^ængenbe   _   a    connect 

4?elc  vt  heal;  -é  be  healed,  heal  up. 

^cle'no  Hel'ena,  Hel'en. 

.^c'Iflaflc  c  large  bottle. 

^elfcerb  «  poet  descent  to  the  lower  region 

*.&Elg  e  -er  holiday,  feast,  the  Sabbath. 

^clgcn  c  -er  &  -e  (+  &  t  =)  saint;  aUe  -é  Sag 
All  Saluts' Day.  -ben  j:*^  relics  of  saiuts.  -biHcbc 
image  of  a  saint.  -bag  saint's  day.  -b^rtelfe 
dulia.  -g(an§  glory.  -glorie  halo  of  glory. 
-grab  saint's  grave.  -Ijiftorie  hagiology;  fe  -fagn. 
-tn'bc  c  r  (female)  saint.  -(cgenbe  fe  -fogn.  -leb^ 
winger  pi  relics,  -lib  saintly  life.  -fagn  legend. 
-h-ffab  n  sainthood,  saintship.  -ftin,  -ftær  fe 
-glans,  -ffrln  shrine,  reliquary.  -tilbebelfe  fe 
-btjrfelfe.  -bie  vt  canonize.  -bietfe  canouiza- 

4je'Igeolrt  c  tvp  quadrat. 

^elgolonb  n  Heligoland,  Helgoland. 

••■.&ergr^n  fe  ^anteb^g. 

^e'l^eb  c  -er  totality,  entireness,  concr  entirety; 
i  fin  _  in  its  entirety,  iu  whole. 

.©eltieft  c  fabled  three-legged  horse. 

,^e'I^oIIænber  c  (*$apirf.)  finisher. 

^clio|cen'triff  o  heliocentric(al).  -fo'b  c  -er 
albino,  -grabu're  heliograph'ic  engraving. 
-tromi' c  helioch  romy.  -fta't  c  he'liostat.  -'ttff 
a  heli'ac(al).  -tro'^  c  er  (3nftr.)  he'liotrope; 
S(  he'liotrope,  turnsole,  Heliotropium;  min  helio- 
trope,  bloodstone. 

.^eltronet  a  ^  gamopetalous. 

'^^ettc  c  -r  flat  stone  el.  rock,  slate,  slab. 

•éeOe  vt  i,  bend  (a  rope  to  another). 

•éeUe  min  2eg!  (Sornefpr.)  barley! 

éeHcbarb'  c  -er  hal'berd.    -Ift'  c  -er  halberdier. 

^eHebænbSIer  pi  ^1,  throat  and  end  seizings; 
cross  and  round  seizings. 

^eltcflint  c  chert,  horu-stone. 

.§ctteifl»jnber,  '^-fl^nbre  halibut,  holibut,  Hip- 
})0(/lo88U8  vulgaria. 

,&ellegat  n  4,  store-room. 

t^eUetno^)  c  wall-pepper,  Sedum  acre. 




^cBemfSfc,  *$eIgemeS  c  p  All  Saints'  Day; 
t8C)rr\-  horse. 

^citcnbc  adv  very,  extremely;  _  fulb  dead 

^eUenlcr  c  -e  Greek,  Greciau;  -erne  the  Hel- 
lenes.  -Ifl  «  Helleu'ic,  Hellenian.  -Ift'  c  -er 

^cUer  conj:  ~  ilfe  nor,  no  more;  _  ille  jeg  nor 
I  (either,  neither),  _  iffe  jeg  fagbc  et  Crb  and  I 
too  said  no  word;  ^oerfen  .  .  .  cUer  ...  og  _  tife 
neither  .  .  .  nor  .  .  .  nor  yet;  ifte  -  nor,  neither; 
_  ingen  =  _  iffe  nogen;  bet  ^ar  -  albrig  Ⱦre* 
paoftaoet  nor  has  it  ever  been  asserted;  bet  fior 
jeg  -  iffe  fagt  Indeed,  I  have  said  uo  such  thing; 
loab  -  whether. 

^ellcre  adv,  comp  rather,  sooner;  _  enb  gerne 
most  williugly;  jo  før,  jo  -  the  sooner,  the 
better;  oi  mao  -.  gaa  we  had  better  go. 

$eKerift|ct  o  engrav  ed  on  a  rock.  -ninger  pi 
aucient  engravings  on  rocks,  rock-sculptures. 

^eUcfVont'  Hell'espout.  -if!  a  Hellespon'- 

^ellig  a  holy,  sacred;  onftille  fig  -  F  saint  it; 
intet, er  ^am  -t  uothing  is  sacred  to  him;  neb  alt 
!&DQb  -t  er  by  everything  sacred,  by  all  that  is 
sacred;  ben  -e  Slanb  the  Holy  Ghost;  ben  -e  SlHiance 
the  Holy  Alliance;  bet  -e  Sen  the  (os)  sacram; 
ben  -^  jomfru  the  blessed  Virgin,  the  Holy  Virgin; 
_  Srig  holy  el.  sacred  war;  bet  -e  fionft  (the)  holy 
land;  ben  -e  ©frift  holy  writ;  ben  -e  Stab  the 
holy  el.  sacred  City;  ben  -e  Stol  the  Holy  See; 
ben  -e  3(Sgteftanb  the  holy  state  of  matrimony; 
finbDig,  Claf  ben  -e  Louis,  Olaf  the  Saint;  be  -e 
the  saluts,  (ftin^ellige)  devolionists,  religionists; 
be  ftbfte  Sageé  -e  the  Latter-day-saints;  bet  -e  bibi 
the  Sauctuary;  bet  -fte  bibl  the  most  Holy;  _=5E:rc- 
ftonger«'3;ag  Twelflh  Day,  Epiphany;  ~=3tnberS 
Saint- Andrew;  —Retligt,  ^elligen  adv.  looe  ~ 
promise  solemnly.  -aanb  ?e  ot)enfor  -aftcu  eve  of 
aholiday.  -brabc  (i  Vllm.)  sacrilege;  (f»enigbagé=) 
(fine  for)  sabbath-breaking.  -bag  (ogj.  gribag) 
holiday;  l)8i  _  festival.  -bagStlæber  holiday 
clothes.  -bom  c-me(©teb)  sanctuary;  (Stng)  sacred 
thing.  ^ellige  vt  (IjeEiggore)  hallow,  consecrate, 
sanctify;  (l)olbe  l)ellia)  keep  holy,  observe;  (inboie) 
devote,  dedicate  (to);  ^enfigten  -r  5DlibIet  the  end 
justifies  the  means;  _  bem  i  bin  SanMjeb  sanctify 
them  through  thy  truth;  -t  oorbe  bit  SJatjn  hal- 
lowed  be  thy  uame;  -t  til  (ogf.)  sacred  to.  ,^elltg|= 
gere  vt  hallow,  sanctify.  -gerelfe  c  hallowing, 
,  sanctitication.  -gører  sanctifier'  -^cb  c  holiness, 
sacredness,  ^an§  -  His  Holiuess.  -^o(be  vt  keep 
holy,  observe;  celebrate.  -^otbelfc  c  keeping 
holy,  observance;  celebration. 

Jelling  c  ^  hawser-bend;  temporary  bend  fe 

^c'Uærrcb  all-linen. 

tjpclme  f»  f  cease,  leave  ofF. 

t-&clmtéfc  c  -t  sorry  horse,  jade. 

^cinobe  c  semibreve. 

éc'fot  c   er  He'lot,  Hel'ot. 

éciranbct  a  3(  eutire. 

^elfcn,  *^tUc  c  health;  Ⱦre  beb  _  be  in 
health;  faa  fin  -  igen,  tomme  til  -  igen  recover. 
—  '^^eifeltiob  healing,  beneflt  to  the  health,  cure, 
remedy.  "••■■-bag  day  of  good  health,  day  free 
from  sickness.  •-laå  a  broken  in  health,  in- 

$ei|fibet)iaebe  full-page  illustration  el.  picture. 
■Pltc  allsilk,  pure  silk. 

4^elfin9ø'r  n  Elsinore. 

^e'lifhnbct  a  with  a  wholeskin.  -ft^ggcper- 
fect  shade,  umbra. 

^tlfot  c  mortal  disease. 

^e'Ui>arnb(tng^  full-cock;  i  _  at  fuU-cock. 

éelfpættcr  i>l  petechiæ  pi. 

^elft  adv  (sup  af  ^eUeie)  preferably  (+);  jeg 
Dilbe  ~  I  should  prefer;  -  en  ugift  Tlant  (Stoert.) 
unmarried  man  preferred;  bu  maatte  _  you  had 
best;  (ifær)  especially;  ^Do  fom  -,  noar  fom  _  ofo. 
fe  |»Bo,  gtaar  ofo. 

^e'Ilftat  whole-state.  -ftatlig  a  whole-state. 
-ftof  (^Isoptrf.)  pulp.  .ft«bt  a  (all)  of  one  piece; 
fig  foursquare.  -^øbti^eb  c  wholeness,  fusion. 
-faffcnbc  fuU  brothers  and  sisters.  -føftcr  full 

;&elt  c,  pi  ==,  gwiniad,  freshwater  herring, 
Coregonus  lavaretus. 

^elt  c   e  hero. 

Se'Itog  n  square  roof. 
eltcjaanb  heoric  spirit,  heroism.  -alber 
heroic  age,  age  of  heroism.  -Iiane  heroic 
career.  -baab  heroic  deed,  exploit.  -bigt  epic 
(poem),  heroic  poem;  fomift  _  heroicomic 
poem.  -bigtning  heroic  poetry,  -b^b  heroic 
virtue.  -b^ft  heroic  combat.  -bab  death  of  a 
hero.  -flof  fe  -ffare.  -folt  heroic  people,  nation 
of  heroes.  -færb  heroic  deeds.  -gerning  fe 
-baab,  -grat)  hero's  grave,  -^iftorie  heroic 
story,  -fjerte  heroic  spirit.  •f-^sj  te  8æmpe=. 
-{amt*  heroic  combat.  -Itiab  heroic  poem. 
-H^ettelig  a  heroic  ^ctte|Ht>  heroic  life.  -mob 
heroic  courage,  heroism.  -mobig,  -mæ§fig  a 
heroical.  -m«be  meeting  of  heroes.  -natin 
heroic  name.  -olb  heroic  age.  -rang  the  rank 
of  hero.  -roHc  heroic  part.  -r^,  -rt)gte  heroic 
fame.  -fagn  heroic  legend.  -fan^  song  in 
praise  of  a  hero  -finb  fe  -aanb.  -fjæl  heroic 
soul.  -flare  band  of  heroes.  -ftittelfc  heroic 
flgure.  -{lægt  race  el.  line  of  heroes.  -ttb  fe 
-alber.  -»iS:  jjaa  -  heroically.  -tet  fe  -flægt. 
..^cltin'be  c  -r  heroine. 

^eiltonc  whole  tone.  -Wj  fe  -ftof.  -nlb,  »Iben 

$elOeb|e  n  heil;  rej8  ab  _  (til) !  go  to  the  de  vil ! 
you  be  hanged !  gøre  en  -  ^ebt  lead  one  a  life. 
-angft  mortal  fear.  -cS  a  &  adv  devilish;  en  _ 
åarl  a  devil  of  a  fellow.  —  .geIt)CbeS|(iranb  heU 
houud.  -ilb  hell-fire;  (©Qgb.)  shingles.  -mnfline 
iufernal  machiue.  -olie  worst  oil.  -ften  lunar 
caustic.  -ftcnéftolbcr causlic-case.  —  $clt>cb{fart 
(Christ's)  descent  into  heil.  -luol,  -^Jinc  infemal 
tormeut.    'pel  pit  of  heil. 

SeH>e't|ttn  n  Helve'tia.    -tfl  a  Helvet'ic. 
eloingebæftet  a  coleopterous;    be    -be   the 

tcmtffte  rc  c  -r  hem'isphere. 
emme  vt  check,  repress,  restraiu,  hamper. 
,^cm(mc)læbc  c  drag-chain. 

hemmelig  a  (lenlig)  secret;  (i  ©mug)  clande- 
stiue;  (mob),  offentlig)  private;  -t  SGgtcftab  private 
marriage;  -t  Sfriftemaal  auricular  confession;  en 
_  9)M§tanfe  a  lurking  suspicion;  —  adv  secretly 
etc,  (unbcr  fire  §2ine,  i  ©tilfi.)  in  private,  -^eb 
c  (bet  at  Bære  el.  ^olbeé  ftemmeligt)  secrecy,  pri- 
vacy;  pi  -er  (noget,  fom  ^olbeg  el.  bør  ^olbeS 
^emmeligt)  secret;  (9JfQfterium)  mystery;  gjorbe 
ingen  _  beraf  made  no  secret  about  it;  gøre  en 
b^b  -  af  noget  keep  something  a  close  secret; 
i  al  -  secretly,  by  stealth;  ^aoe  en  ~  for  en  have 
a  .«ecret  from  one.  -^ebSfulb  a  mysterious;  (af 
(Saratter)  secretive;  en  -  9Kine  an  air  of  mystery. 
-IjcbSfuIb^eb  c  mysteriousness.  -^cbSIræmmer 
secretive  person,  -^ebdtræmmeri  n  secretive- 

.^emue  fe  ^æmpe. 

|iem|f!o  (ogf.  Jio)  drag,  clog.  'tuttt  escape- 

'•'^cn  c  -er  whetstoue,  bone. 

.^en'  adv  (bort)  away,  ofF;  (frem)  on;  længere  _ 
farther  on;  fcnere  -  later  on;  boor  gaar  2!e  fienV 
where  are  you  going?  where  el.  wliither  (are 




you)  bonnd?  ijan  er  gaaet  _  ofl  .  .  .  F  he  has 
been  and  .  .  .;  foinbe  ~  dwindle  away,  waste 
away;  træffe  Siben  _  dravv  out  the  time;  ^bor  jeg 
enb  benber  mig  _  where-soever  I  turn;  fe  og!aa  (Sive, 
$oIbe  0.  fl.  SBerSer;  -  ab  SSejen   along  the  road; 

-  ab  9lften  towards  evening;  _  efter  9ll5taar 
some  time  after  new  year;  (tirre  lige  -  for  fig 
stare  at  vacancy,  at  mid-air;  _  intob  (Steb)  to, 
towards,  (S^ib)  against;  gaa~  otier  cross;  tængere 
~  paa  9taret  later  in  the  year;  _  til  to;  gaa  _ 
til  en  go  up  to  one;  ieg  tnaa  -  til  I  must  go  to; 
I  must  be  off  to;  jeg  ffal  ~  til  I  am  going  to; 
fe  -  til    look  to,  ronsider. 

.§cn'aartS)C  vt  breathe;  let  -be  Orb  words 
scarcely  breathed. 

fcn'nb  præp  fe  otofr.  §en  ab. 
enbttt  n  look,  regard  (to),  consideration  (of); 
meb  -  pao  taking  into  consideration. 
+.§cnBoItreå  vp  fe  JpeutumleS. 
Acnbrtnge  vt  (Bringe  ^en)  bring,  convey;  +(S:ib), 
fe  Silbringe. 
+.§en6rttfc  vi  rush  along. 

trnfiære  t*  bear,  carry. 
enti«)et  o  (ocer)  bent  (over). 
enhøiQe  vi  wave. 
tnbaane  vi  faint  away. 
enbanfe  vi  dance  along;  —  vt  dance  away. 
enbc  pron  pers  her.     .^enbeS  pr  poss   her; 
(obfol.)  hers. 

•genbruge  vt  (brage  efter^aonben  6ort)  draw  off, 
carry  away,  (fcben,  Sibet)  spend;  vi  go,  re- 

+^cttbrej|c  vt  fe  Srefe   ^en.     -elfe   c   turning 
.Scttbritic  vt  idle  el.  while  away,  waste. 
.pcnbrømmc  vt  dream  away,  pass  in  dreaming; 

—  +  vi  indulge  in  revcrie. 

Scnbtjåfe  vt  luU. 
enbo  vi  die,  die  away,   expire;   en  -nbe  3;il= 
bærelfe   a   languishing   existence.     -en  c  dying 

fenbømnte  vt  sentenee. 
cnb«fe  vt  doze  el.  drowse  away. 

'.6cne  vt  whet,  hone. 

+.§ett'egne  vt  refer,  apply. 

^enfntbe  vi  +  fall  away,  decay;  _  til  addict 
one's  self  to,  take  to;  _  i  SJanfer  fall  into  a 
reverie.  -n  a  emaciated,  fallen  away;  ~  til 
addicted  to,  given  to. 

.^cnfalme  i-i  fade  away. 

^Cttifore  vi  pass  away.  -farett  a  past,  de- 
parted,  by-gone;  (afbøb)  departed,  deceased. 
-fort  c  departure;  .Jj,  passage  out. 

.ftctiffagre  vi  ilutter  (along);  —  vi  trifle  away. 

ÅcnfJt)  vi  have  recourse  to,  resort  to. 

.pcnfltjbe  vi  flow  away,  glide  away;  _  i  S:oQrer 
dissolve  into  tears;  -nbe  Salte  deliquescent  salts. 

<^e)iflt|t{tiing  c  removal,  transportation.  -te  vt 
remove,  transport;  —  vi  remove  el.  move  (into, 

.gcnflljBe  vi  fly,  pass  away,  glide  away. 

+.§cnfrifte  vt  go  through. 

.§enfar|e  vt  (til  et  ©teb)  convey;  Jig  _  til  refer 
to.  -elfe  c  reference,  relation,  -lig  o  referable, 

.^cnlgan  vi  elapse,  pass  away;  ber  ^engil  megen 
Sib  meb  a  long  time  was  passed  in;  _  uftraffet 
pass  el.  go  unpunished.  -gang  c  going  (to  a 
plane),    -gangen  a  fe  |»ebengangen. 

.gcngetnme  vt  lay  by. 

.^cngit»|e  vt  (obergibe)  give  up,  resign;  vr  fig 
til  abandon  one's  self  to,  indulge  in,  give  one's 
self  up  to;  (for  anbre)  sacriflce  one's  self.  -elfe 
c  resignation.  +-elfe§futb  a  resigned.  -en  a 
(til)  given,  addicted  (to);  (en-)  attached,  devoted, 
well-affected  (to).  —  .^engiuenl^cb  c  (til  Spil,  ®ril) 


propensity;  (58onffa6)  aifection,  attachment,  devo- 
tion, devotedness;  (^engibelfe)  resignation;  jeg 
bonbt  f)an§  _  I  attached  liim  to  me.  -^cbSforftoIfc 
(mutual)  attachment. 

.^cnglibe  vi  slide  el.  glide  away.   -n  c  glid| 

.^cngræbc  vt  weep  el.  cry  away,  pass  in  ten 

+^tn(ivammc  vt  pass  in  grief. 

-•.^cngiibe  vt  pour  out. 

©cnftale  vt  haul  (oft"). 

tenftjaftet  fe  §eniaftet. 
enléolb  n:  i_tilwitii  reference  to,  pursuant 
to.  -^olbe  vt  (fort)ate)  put  off;  —  vr  ftfl  til  refer 
to,  appeal  to;  feg  -r  mig  til  mit  39reb  af  I  beg 
reference  to  my  letter  of.  -IjoIbSbiS  adv  j^ 
spectively.  '^M 

tenduile  vi  rest.  V 

en^t)ir))(e  » t  wbirl  aloug. 
.§enl)erc  vi  til  appertaln  to,  relate  to;    Sagen 
•r  unber  en  anben   SRet  the  cause  comes  within 
the  jurisdiction  of  another  court. 

tcn'ile  vi  hasten;  -nbe  (2:ib)  fleeting. 
enimob   adv   (nærbeb,   næften,   ^enbeb)  neaT. 
nearly,  almost,  towards. 
.écnjamre  vt  pass  in  wailing. 
écnjaftet  a  slovenly  done. 
.penfaibe  vt  call  away,  summon  (to), 





§cttfafte  rt  (fafte  bort)  cast  away,  filng  away; 
(et  !8int)  let  fall,  throw  out,  drop;  (paa  ^JSapiret) 
wiHte  down  hastily;  _  fig  throw  one's  self,  let 
one's  self  fall;  en  løft  -t  ^i^eflning  a  sketch;  -t 
?)tring  casual  remark;  -t  Drb  chance-word;  i  en  -t 
J^one,  -nbe  odv  carelessly,  in  an  off-hand  way, 

-^>§Cttf^nge  vi  ring. 

<6cnfl^nte  vt  fe  .Jienjamre. 

.pcnfogle  vt  &  i  (bortfoge)   boil  away;   -t     

preserved  meat;  -gte  t^øbebarer  preserves.  -ning 
c  boiliug  away;  preservation. 

tentomft  c  coming  fto),  arrival  (at). 
cnf«r|e  rt  &  i  fe  SSorttore.    -fet  c  drive  (to 
a  place. 

^entcb|e  vt  (lebe  fien)  convey,  conduct,  lead; 
fig  direct;  -  Salen  pi^a  turn  the  conversation  on; 
_  Dbmærfjom^eben  paa  direct,  draw  el.  invite 
(the)  attention  to.  -elfe,  -ntng  c  conveyance 

tenicfte  vt  trifle  away. 
enlege  vt  trifle  away  (time). 
.^enlcbe  vt  pass  (one's  life),  —  vi  live;   jeg  -r 
(ofb.  i  SJrebe)  I  remain. 

.genlliggc   vt  lie,   remain.     -liggen  c  (Sfibi) 
stay,  detention. 
^cnlifte  fig  vr  steal  away. 

tcnloffe  vt  allure. 
cntcegge  vt  lay  by,   put  away,   put  aside, 
place,  -  Scenen  til  lay  the  scene  at  el.   in.    -Ife 
c  laying  etc. 

.genne  adv  away;  t  &  prov  lost,  departed;  jeg 
beb  ifte,  ^bor  ^on  er  -  I  don't  know  where(about) 
he  is;  ^bor  ^or  bu  bæret  ~  where(eyer)  have  you 
been?  bi  ere  langt  ~  i  TOaaneben  we  are  far  ad- 
vanced  in  the  month;  ^tft  ~  there,  yonder; 
længere  _  (i  Sfrift)  hereafter;  ^un  er  3  TOaaneber 
_  p  she  is  .3  months  gone. 

.ficnottcr  fe  $en. 

.éenplantc  vt  plant  (out;. 

fienroabne  vi  rot  away. 

éenrcgne  vt  (til)  reckon  el.  class  (among). 

.penircjfe  vi  go  depart.    -rejfe  c  (tiHanbS)  jour- 
ney  (to    a  place);   (tilfø?)  passage  out;  passa] 
there,  outward  route. 

cigenrctte  execute.    -Ife  c  -r  execution 

+.6enribe  vi  ride  (off). 

+4enriet'te  Harriet,  Henrietta.    .§cnrt!  Hei 





4>cnrin&e  »•  ^rinbe  tjen)  flow  along;  (om  Siben) 
elapse,  glide  el.  slip  away. 

jgenriéle  vi  ripple  along. 

•Ofnrioe  vt  (om  fitbeiiftafier  ofD.)  oarrj-  away, 
iransport;  (fortrtjUe)  fascinate,  enrapture,  charm, 
-nbe  a  fascinatlng,  cliarming,  ravishing. 

.'penrulle  et  &  »'  roll  along. 

.^•icwrfllle  vt  (egl.  og  fig)  transport;  fig  charm, 
fascinate,  enchant,  enrapture;  ftrotS  -fteS  jeg  hibl 
immediately  I  was  in  the  Spirit;  -ft  inbtil  ben 
trebjc  Jpimmel  bibt  caught  up  to  the  third  heaven; 
Ⱦre  albeleS  -tt  ooet  go  into  ecstasies  over.  -tfe 
<■    r  transport,  rapture,  ecstacy. 

•Ocnræflfe  vt  stretch  forth,  extend.  -ning  c 
stretehing  etc,  extension. 

jjenfe  vi  til  regard,  consider;  _  meb  83etaltngen 
grant  a  delay.  -'cnbc  c  -r  respect,  regard;  t  = 
©enffin;  i  -  til  in  regard  to,  with  respect  to,  in 
respect  of,  in;  i  ben  _,  i  'iaa  _  in  that  respect 
el.  particular;  t  alle  -r  in  all  respects;  i  monge  -r 
on  many  accounts;  i  en^oer  _  (in)  every  way; 
i  »iSfe  -r  er  bet  nijttigt  for  certain  purposes  it  is 

tficnfe^ne  vi  sink  down. 

^écnfcilc  vi  sail  (awayl 

•C-iénfcnbe  vt  send,  dispatch. 

Jpcnftbbe  vi  remain;  _  i  uftiftet  93o  Jur  retain 
tlie  estate  (of  a  deceased  person)  undivided. 

.^cnftgt  c  -er  intention,  design,  purpose,  intent, 
view;  meb  _  on  purpose,  intentionally;  uben  _ 
unintentionally;  i  ben  _  at  with  the  intention 
el.  for  the  purpose  of  -ing;  ftobe  til  _  at  intend 
to,  el.  -ing;  jeg  gjorbe  bet  i  ben  6ebfte  -  I  acted 
for  the  best;  reelle  -er  honourable  intentions.  — 
-t-^enftgtStlar  a  having  a  deflnite  object  in 
vlew.  -Ia8  a  without  purpose,  aimless,  pur- 
po.seless.  -(dS^eb  c  purposelessness.  -mfeSffg  a 
suitable  to  the  purpose,  adequate,  appropriate, 
effective,  serviceable,  convenient,  (5remgangi= 
moabe  o.  I.)  expedient;  Ⱦre  _  answer;  bet  t)tlbe 
Ⱦre  -t  at  it  would  be  a  good  plan  to;  Jpfifjnst 
til,  ^Bab  ber  er  -t  the  consideration  of  expediency; 
•msSfig^eb  c  suitableness  to  the  purpose,  fitness 
to  funetion,  suitability,  adequacy;  appropriate- 
ness,  policy,  expediency.  -fttibig  a  contra^  to 
the  purpose,  inappropriate.  -ftiarenbe  a  fe 

.6enfftlfe  fe  ^enienbe. 

4c«ffribc  et  fig  (om  Siben)  glide  away,  steal 

4^enflri)ie  vt  write  down. 

-H^cnffue  vi  look,  glance,  gaze.    -n  c  gaze. 

^enflqbe  vt  (slqlDen  );>aa)  throw  (the  blame 
on),  impute  (the  fault  to);  _  fin  ®ag  appeal; 
_  fig  vr  appeal,  resort  (to);  _  fig  bag  nt  shelter 
one  s  self  under  plea  of. 

tenffQfie  fe  Stalle  v.  ■ 
enflibe  vt  (ftn   Sib,   pt  Sib)   drag  on  (one's 

^enfltttnre  vi  fall  into  a  slumber;  fig  die;  -be 
kræfter,  Siibenffabet  dormant  powers,  passions. 
—  +  vt  doze  away. 

^enftæbe  vt  drag  away;  fe  ^enflibe;  -  ftfl  drag 
OD,  drag  its  slow  length  along. 

^enflcenge  vt  fling,  throw  (away). 

^enfmelte  vi  (fmelte  bort)  melt  away;  (om  Soner) 
die  away  (gradually);  _  i  Saarer  melt  el.  dis- 
solve  into  tears. 

^enlfmulbre,  (-^•fJntt^bne)  otcrumble,  moulder 

+^enfmtttte  vi  steal  away. 

4^enfmccgte  vi  languish  away;  vt  .  pt  2ib 

■ftcnfnige  fig  vr  (om  Siben)  steal  away,  creep  on. 

C^cnfoue  vi  fig  die;  —  vt  sleep  away. 
Oenfpille  vi  paa,  fe  ^ent^be. 

iiarfen:  S)anff«(£ngelff  Orbbog. 

tenftirebe  vt  scatter,  disperse, 
cnfixge  vt  trifle  away. 
.øenftaa  vi  (forblioe  rolig)  stand  still;  (forbolel) 
stand  over;  labe  _  ufortlaret  leave  unexplained. 

ten^anb  c  respite,  prolongation. 
en^tl|Ie  vt  (^enfætte)  put  down,  place;  _  til 
en«  »Bebømmelfe  leave,  submit,   defer  el.  refer  to 
one('s  judgment),   put  it  to  one.    -le«,  -HuB  c 
putting  etc;  reference. 

+4?c«ftirre  vi  gaze.    -n  c  gazing. 

-^^enftroate  vi  radiate. 

^enftrætfe  vt  -.  fienftraft  outstretched,  measuring 
his  length. 

^enftre  vt  scatter  about. 

.^enftttoe  vt  stow  away. 

Senftæune  vt  fe  Stæone. 

éenfutte  vt  sigh  away,  pass  away  in  sighing. 

^enfufe  vi  buzz  el.  rush  along. 

.penfbinbe  vi  dwindle  away,  fade  away;  (om 
Siben)  pass  away,  glide  away.  -n  c  dwindling 

.^enfttcerme  vt  pass  (away)  in  revelling. 

.^enfoæoe  vi  glide  along. 

-(^.^enfoømme  vi  i  Saarer,  fe  ^enfmelte. 

^enf^gne  vi  droop,  languish,  decay.  •«  o 

tenfQitle,  -wing  fe  S^tte. 
enf^n  n,  pi  =,  respect,  regard,  considera- 
tion; af  _  til  out  of  regard  to,  on  the  score  of, 
in  view  of,  (fttjlbigt  ^enf.)  in  deference  to;  meb  _ 
til  with  r.  to,  in  reference  to,  relative  to,  as  to; 
uben  _  til  without  r.  to,  regardless  of,  irrespec- 
tive  of;  uben  -  til  om  no  matter  whether  ...  or 
not;  ^aoe  _  til  (t  paa)  refer  to;  tage  _  til  (t  paa) 
take  into  consideration  el.  account;  pay  el.  have 
regard  to;  pay  attention  to;  provide  for;  make 
allowance  for;  naar  tilbørligt  _  tageS  til  maklng 
proper  allowance  for;  ber  tageS  intet  _  til  no 
count  is  taken  of;  ber  tage§  intet  -  til  Slagen 
the  complaint  will  not  be  entertained;  naar  »i 
tage  _  til  respect  being  had  to,  when  we  con- 
sider; -et  til  bore  egne  ^ntereSfer  a  regard  for  our 
own  interests. 

tenftjnge  vt  pass  (away)  in  singing. 
enftjute   vi  sink;  fig  lose   one's  self  (i  in); 
-funten  i  lost  in,  absorbed   in,   wrapt   in.     -n   e 
sinking;  abstraction. 

^enfqnglform  gram  dative  (case),  -fttlb  a 
respectful,  considerate.  -fulb^eb  c  respect,  con- 
sideration, deference.  -Ia§  a  regardless,  heed- 
less,  reckless,  indiscriminate,  uncompromising, 
rough.  -(øS^eb  c  regardlessness,  heedlessness, 
reckles.sness.  —  .^enfqn|tagenbe  a,  -tagen  c  fe 
$enft)nSfulb,  -^eb. 

^enftette  vt  (fcette  !^en)  put  away,  put  by;  (ogf. 
fig)  transport,  transfer,  remove;  -i  i  gængfel  be 
lodged  in  prison;  (i  Sanfen)  _  fig  til  transport 
one's  self  in  imagination  to,  imagine  oneself 
in.    -Ife  c  putting  etc,  removal. 

^enførge  vt  pass  (away)  in  sorrow. 

t<^etttage  vt  take  away;  fig  transport. 

.^énte  vt  fetch,  go  for,  come  for;  _  en  SBogu 
cali  a  cab;  _  fig  en  gortøletfe  catch  a  cold;  _ 
Stæring  fra  draw  nutriment  from;  _  Unberretning, 
et  93et)iå,  fra  derive  information,  an  argument, 
from;  ber  er  intet  at  _  there  is  nothing  to  he 
gained;  fjanben  _  hang,  confound. 

gentog  »  march  out  el.  thither. 

+^tntone  vi  ring. 

^entr^Ue  vt  enchant,  fascinate. 

-(-.gentræbe  vi  step  on. 

-»^^entttmte  vt  pass  in  riot;  -§  be  tossed  about, 

tenti)  vi  have  recourse,  resort  (to). 
entqble  vt  apply  (til  to);  vi  (figte  til)  allude, 
advert  (til  to),   -»ing  c  -er  application;  allusion, 





.^ent(cr{e  vt  waste,  consume;  -8  waste  away, 
pine  away.     -ing  c  wasting  etc. 

.6c«t«r|re  vt  dry  up.    -ring  c  drying  up. 

^en))aage  vt  pass  in  waking. 

^enoanbce  vi  wander  away,  depart;  —  vt 

J^rntieb  adv  about,  near,  nearly,  towards. 

J^enuej  c  way  out;  poo  -en  og  ^jentbejcn  on  the 
way  out  and  the  way  home. 

.!^cnt)ejre  vt  blow  away,  waft  away. 

^entienbc  vt  (xiaa)  turn,  direct  (to);  _  fig  tit 
address  one's  self  to,  apply  to,  communicate 
with;  _  fig  om  apply  for.  -Ife  c  appllcation, 
communication;  beb  ~  til  upon  appllcation  to. 

+6entiifte  vt  waft  away. 

+^ettBinIe  vt  beckon. 

^cnoifc  vt  (anoife)  direct;  (til  JpjemtneBmanb, 
©frift,  SSolbgiftStttanb,  Komité)  refer  (to);  Bære  -t 
til  be  reduced  to,  cast  upon,  beholden  to,  (til 
at)  under  the  neceasity  of. 

.^etttJiStic  vi  wither,  fade  away,  decay.  -lig 
a  evanescent. 

.§CK»)t§tting  c  -er  direction;  reference;  (til 
anbet  Orb  i  Sflegifter,  DrbBog)  cross-reference. 
-8tegn  reference. 

^cnUælte  vt  roll  on. 

^tpiavli'tt  the  hep'tarchy. 

4er  [ce]  adv  here;  _  i  sB^en,  SJonbet  in  this 
town,  country:  _  fra  SBtjen  from  this  town  (of».); 
_  og  ber  here  and  there;  rejfe  mig  _  og  rejfe  mig 
bcr !  travel  1  tiddle-stick !  _  og  fiSfet  here  and 
hereafter,  in  this  world  and  the  world  to  come; 
*_  om  ®agen  the  other  day,  -af  hereof,  of  this, 
from  this. 

.§er8lJ)|il'  c  her'aldry.  -iler  c  -e  one  skilled 
in  heraldry,  her'ald.    -'ift  a  heral'dic. 

^eroH' :  iibe  -  ill  ofif,  in  a  sad  pllght;  fom  - ! 
come  on ! 

■SerBoTium  n  -ier  herbarium,  hortus  siccus. 

©cr6erg(e)  «  -er  (SBcertSfiuS)  inn;  (Soarter) 
lodging,  quarters,  pi;  (2aB§^u§)  hall  of  a  Cor- 
poration, house  of  a  call.  J^cr6erg|e,  -e're  vt 
harbour,  lodge,  quarter.  -e'rcr  c  innkeeper. 
-mobcr  hostess  of  a  house  of  call. 

^ercij'ttift  a:  ben  -e  Stos  the Hercyn'ian  forest. 

éerb  c  -er  hearth. 

©erbc  c  theat  lattieing. 

.§erb|forrøtttiifl  open  send-moulding.  -otm 
forge-hearth.  -foot  hearth-plate.  -fanb  river 
-sand  for  air-furnaces. 

^cr|eftcr  hereafter,  henceforth,  after  this,  in 
future.  -eftcrbngS  fe  ©fterbogS.  -for  for  this. 
-fra  from  hence,  from  here,  from  this;  naar 
rejfer  ®e  -?  when  do  you  leave  here,  el.  1. 
this?  -frettt  this  way.  -^en  here,  this  way, 
hither.  -^tb  hither.  -I)iem'me  at  home.  -I)0§ 
(tæt  ^erueb)  close  by,  hard  by;  (beSuben)  besides 
this,  moreover,  add  to  this;  (i  SSreO)  annexed, 
under  this  cover,  -i  herein,  in  this.  -tHIanbt 
among  this  el.  these.  -igennem  through  here. 
-imeKem  between  these.  -Imob  against  this. 
-tnb  herein,  in  here.  -inbe  withln,  in  here. 
■inbefra  from  within  here.  -inbenfor  within 
here;  in  here. 

J^erlomft  c  descent,  parentage,  extraction, 

J^er!ttle§  Hercules;  _'  Støtter  the  pillars  of 
Hercules.     ,§erftt'liff  a  Herculean. 

^erltg  a  excellent,  glorious,  grand,  magni- 
ficént;  _  (-t,  t  -en)  adv  gloriously  etc;  Icbebe 
\)'oix  Sog  -en  og  i  (Slæbe  bihl  fared  sumptuously 
every  day.  -g«re  vt  glorify.  -garelfc  c  glori- 
fication.  -^eb  c  -er  excellence,  glory,  magnifl- 
cence,  grandeur;  bibl  glory;  (et  ®obfe§)  manorial 
rigilt;  bet  er  ^ele  -en  that's   the  whole  concern; 

ber  ligger  fiele  -en  there  it  lies    (all   .smashed)! 
^an§  _  his  lordship.    -^ebSret  manorial  right. 

^ermafrobit'  c  -er  hermaph'rodite.    -6rtg 
brig,  brigantine. 

.^crme  c  .r  Hermes,  Herma  (pi  Hermæ). 

termcb  adv  lierewith,  witli  this;  so. 
erntelin  c   -er  ermlne,    Muatela   eriminta; 
-Sftinb    —  .!&ermeliK8|faatte  robe  el.  cloak  lin| 
with  ermine.    -ftinb  ermine. 

^ermeneu|til'  c  hermeneu'ties.    -'tiff  a  hi 

SertneSftau  c  Mercury's  rod,  caduceus. 
erme't|ifl  a  hermet'ic(al);  _  ncblagt  Søb  p^ 
served  meat;  _  luffet  hermetically  sealed. 
c  hermetic  philosophy;  h.   medicine;  preserv| 

^er|ncb  adv  down  here.   -nebe  adv  down  he* 
-ne'ben  adv  here  below.    -ne'benfra  adv  from 
here  below.   -næft  adv  next,  in  the  next  place^ 

.gcro'IbeS  Her'od:  fenbe  fra  _  til  *pitatu§  sej  ' 
on  a  sleeveless  (el.  bootless)  errand,  from  pil'' 
to  post.    -bia'ner  c  -e  Hero'dian. 

fierobo't  Herod'otus. 

écro|t'bc  c  -$  her'oide.     -iSnte   c   her'ois 
-'\\t  a  heroic(al). 

,^erolb'  c  -er  her'ald. 

,per|om  (om  bette)  about  this,  hereon,  onthis. 
-ora(røe)  fbenne  58ej)  round  this  way.  -omlrinfl 

.^eron8|br«nb   fountain  of  Hero,  circulat 
fonntain.    -tugte  eolipile. 

6er|o<),  -o<)^e  adv  up  here. 

éerog  c  -o'er  hero.    •tuttuS  hero-worship. 

.§er|o»er  adv  over  here;  hereat,  hereon. 
-oWerfor  adv  opposite,  on  the  other  side. 
-otire  adv  here,  over  here,  on  this  side.  -Ifaa 
adv  hereon,  here  upon,  upon  this,  on  this. 

tttpop  c  fe  ^ærfugl. 
erre  c  -r  (Ober^erre)  lord;  (mobf.  Sjener,  fJSl 
Unberfaatter,  |»u§faber)  master;  (3!Kanbfotf)  genf 
man:  -n  the  Lord;  SBor  ~  our  Lord,  God,  the 
Lord;  bet  maa  S8or-  oibe!  God  knows,  goodness 
knows;  SBor-  ftal  bibe!  goodness  knows;  S5or-  er 
alle  2)aarer§  gormtjnber  fortune  favour  fools;  -n8 
SSorb  the  Lord's  Supper;  -ni  S8øn  the  Lord's 
Prayer;  nS  ©albebe  the  Lord's  anointed;  et  -ni 
SSejr  awful  weather;  i  mange  -ni  9lar  (for)  many 
a  long  year;  i  bet  -ni  8lar  ...  in  the  year  of 
Our  Lord;  -ni  SSilp  fle!  the  Lord's  will  be  done  I 
gfJoabige  !  my  ijord!  Wm  _!  Sir!  9Kine  -r ! 
Gentlemen;  røine  -r  og  ®amer  Ladies  and  Gentle- 
men! benne  ~  this  gentleman;  §r.  SJl.  Mr.  N., 
(Ubffrift  tit  golf  ober  ben  labere  TOibbelftanb)  N.  N. 
E.sq.;  ^r.  ®eneral  S'S.  General  N.;  |)r.  ®enerol! 
(SBorgmefter  ofb.)  Sir!  ®erel  §r.  gaber  (Mr.  N.) 
your  father;  be  -r  (i  Siltale)  gentlemen,  you  .  .  .; 
be  -r  31.  og  S9.  Messrs.  A.  and  B.;  _  og  grue 
master  and  mistress;  bære  fin  egen  _  be  one's 
own  master,  (om  Kbinber:  mistress);  be  a  free 
agent;  bære  ~  ober  fig  be  master  of,  master; 
blibe  ~  Ober  get  the  better  of;  Slibe  _  ooer 
3lben  get  the  flre  under;  fpiEe  _  lord  it  (over), 
carry  it  high;  en^oer  er  _  i  ftt  ^ul  every  man's 
house  is  his  castle:  Sonen  er  _  i  ,g»ufet  the  wife 
rules  the  roast,  the  gray  mare  is  the  better 
horse;  fom  -n  er,  faa  følge  I)am  Sbenbe  like  master, 
like  man.  .!^erre|agttg  «  cavalier.  -arbejber 
(Sfom.)  man's  man.  -babe  gentlemen's  baths. 
-barn  nobleman's  child,  gentleman's  child. 
-Blab  fe  -tort.  -borb  a  great  man's  table.  -borg 
nobleman's  castle.  -bub  order  of  a  master. 
-f-bljrb  noble  parentage.  -ban  request  of  a 

ferreb  n  -er  district,  hundred,  division. 
erre|bag  (t)  diet.    t-bom  fe  -bømme.    -bragt 
gentleman's  costume,,  man's  dress. 










.^errebSlfogeb  judge  of  a  distriet.  •fulbmægtia 
fe  -ftriDer.  -grænfc,  -ffel  boundary  of  a  d. 
t-ffriuer  clerk  of  a  d.  •-ftijrelfc  local  govern- 
ment  board,    t-ting  court  of  a  distriet. 

^errelbamme  n  sway,  rule,  dominion;  mastery, 
command,  grasp;  -  oBer  ©proget  command  of 
language;  _  otier  ftg  felo  self-possession,  self 
-command,  self-control;  ^or  et  ftort  _  otier  ^oin 
has  el.  exercises  a  great  ascendency  over  him; 
fior  _  otjer  |)eftene  has  the  horses  well  in  hånd. 
-folf  quality  folks,  people  of  rank.  t-færJ)  fe 
jpærfcerb.  -f«be  a  lord's  fare.  -gaarb  manor, 
manorial  e.«tate,  gentleman's  seat,  manor-seat, 
manor -house.  -goorbéff^ttc  game -keeper. 
•gaarttiSfmør  prime  butter.  -gtlbc  lordly  ban- 
quet.  -gub  int  dear  me!  well!  -gunft  favour 
of  the  great.  -^anbffer  gentlemens  gloves. 
-^ttS  House  of  Lords,  -fmlhtit  fe  -gunft.  -Ijole 
coat.  -Kofter  abbey.  -ticeber  (foftbare  Slæber) 
lordly  attire;  fe  -bragt,  -fort  court-card,  face 
-card.  -foft  fe  -føbe.  -leonet,  -liti  lordly  life,  easy, 
luxurious  life;  føre  et  ~  live  like  a  lord.  -I«fie 
great  man's  promise.  -loS  a  ownerless,  un- 
owned,  masterless;  en  ~  ^iinb  a  stray  el.  owner- 
less dog  -maaltib  lordly  repast.  -nitab  fe  -føbe. 
-magt  lordly  power,  -manb  lord  of  a  manor, 
landed  proprietor,  squire.  -t-manbig  a  squirely. 
-manbéftanb  gentry.  -mibbag  gentlemen'sdinner. 
-nober,  -natter  lordly  caprices.  -potttæt  gentle- 
man's portrait.  -pragt  lordly  pomp.  -retcdelici- 
ons  dish,  feast.  -fal  lordly  hall.  -fclftafi  gentle- 
men's  party;  gentlemen's  compapy.  -flifte  change 
of  masters,  -ffjolb  armorial  bearing,  escutcheon; 
t  fe  ^ærfljolb.  -ffræbbcr  (gentlemen's)  tailor. 
-ff«nt  lordly  gift.  -ftot  fe  -borg.  -ftab§  fe 
-progt.  -ftanb  noble  rank.  -fæbe  manor-house, 
lordly  seat.    -OiS:  paa  _  in  a  lordly  manner. 

,&errnl)utcr  c  -e  Moravian. 

éerfe  vi  (t  bet)  grind,  cream  one's  self. 

tcrfe  <■  fe  .perbe. 
erflab  n  -er  (^errebotnraé)  dominion;  (ijatnilie) 
master  and  misiress,  my  lord  and  my  lady;  be 
fteie  -er  the  royal  family.  .^erfla'belig  a  (font 
tilhorer  et  abeligt  ^crflafi)  seigneurial,  manorial; 
_  93oltg,  2eiligl)eb  gentleman's  residence,  aristo- 
cratical  mansion.  —  $erffab§|6oIig  fe  ^crflobelig. 
-borb  the  ma.ster's  table.  -^u8  gentleman's 
house,  -jteger  game-keeper,  -fof  gentleman's 
cook.  -tuft  coachman.  -føffen  gentleman's 
kitchen.  -tjener  footman.  -bogtt  a  nobleman's 
(gentleman's)  oarriage. 

^erffe  vi  (regere)  sway,  rule;  (IjaBe  Otjerljaanb) 
reign,  prevail,  predominate,  obtain;  ben,  ber  -r 
ooer  fin  9{anb,  er  bebre  enb  ben,  ber  inbtager  en 
Stab  bibl  he  that  ruleth  his  spirit  is  better  than 
he  that  taketh  a  city.  -tær  a  domineering, 
imperious.  -l^ft  fe  -ftige.  -nbc  a  reigning  etc, 
prevalent;  ten  ~  ^Religion  the  established  el. 
prevailing  religion;  et  af  be  _  golt  i  Drienten 
one  of  the  imperial  nations  of  the  East. 

i^erffer  c  -e  sovereign,  master,  ruier,  despot. 
-aanb  ruler's  spirit  -bli!  commanding  look. 
-bub  command  of  a  sovereign.  -in'be  c  -r 
mistress.  -traft  ruler's  energy.  -ItO  life  of 
a  sovereign.  -magt  supreme  anthority,  sove- 
reignty.  -mine  look  of  a  ruier,  commanding 
air.  -jtnb  soul  of  a  ruier,  imperious  mind. 
-fisgt  race  of  rulers.     -tib  reign. 

,^erfle|ft)g  n  imperious,  domineering.  -f^ge 
appetite  for  rule,  ambition,  imperiousness. 

^er{^eb§  aUo  here,  in  this  place.  -til  adv 
(til  bette  Steb  eHer  benne  Sing)  to  this,  hereto; 
_  fommer  add  to  this. 

Scrte  fe  ficrbe. 
ertug  c  -er  duke.   -bømme  n   r  duchy,  duke- 
dom.    ,^ertu'gelig  a  ducal;   be  -e   the  duke's 

party.    ,^ertttg|inbe  c  -r  duchess.    -irone  ducal 


.&er|ttb,  -ube  adv  out  here.  -ubat  -ubi  fe 
-af,  -i.  -ubooer  adv  on  this  account,  in  con- 
sequenee  of  this;  farther  than  this.  -Uttber 
(idv  under  here,  below  her«;  _  Iniln  here 
lies;  _  forftoa?  hereby  is  understood.  -nn'tcr 
adv  [t.]  F  Bære  _  be  low.  -beb  (»eb  ^iælo  af 
bette)  hereby,  by  this;  (i  ©ofnment)  by  these 
presents;  (i  benne  ^enfecnbe)  on  this  subject, 
point,  head,  concerning  this,  here;  tæt  -  close 
by,  hard  by;  _  er  intet  at  gøre  there  Is  no  help 
for  it,  it  cannot  be  helped.  -betdel  redraft. 
-baerenbe  a  in  el.  of  this  place,  here,  here  pres- 
ent, residing  here,  resident. 

^cS'pcriberne  p'  the  Hesper'ides.  ^C'3'(>erifl 
a  Hesperiau.    $e§peruå  Hesper,  Hespe;ns. 

^eélfe«  n  Hesse;  _  RaSfel  Hesse  Cassel  (oft).). 
-er  c  -e,  -ifl  a  Hessian;  ben  e  fjlue  the  Hessian 
fly,  Ceeidomj/a  destructor. 

^eft  c  -e  horse;  cont  nag;  (liHe)  pony;  J,  (til 
(Soetting)  horse,  (til  ^aa)  stirrup;  (S^tB.)  choking 
-lace;  tit  _  on  horseback,  mounted;  ftige  til  _ 
mount  (a  horse),  take  horse:  fibber  gobt  til  _ 
has  a  good  seat  (on  horseback);  fiu  tomme  til  _ 
get  into  a  scrape;  paa  tt)Be  -e§  kvalt  of  twenty 
horee-power;  flaa  a\  -en  dismount,  alight  from 
a  horse;  ftaffe  fig  en  frift  _  procure  a  remount; 
fætte  fig  paa  ben  bøje  _  give  one's  self  airs, 
ascend  the  high  ropes,  ride  the  high  horse; 
200  -e  mil  two  hundred  horse.  —  ,^efte|afrctning 
horse-breaking.  -ofretter  horsebreaker.  -ttr= 
bejbe  drudgery.  -abl  breeding  of  horses,  -iant 
horserailway,  tramway.  -beflag  (®erningen) 
shoeing  of  horses;  (Sfo)  horse-shoes  pi.  -beftanb, 
-befcctning  number  of  horses,  joc  hippie  strength. 
*-bj«rn  full  grown  bear.  -brebberne  pi  ^  the 
horse-latitudes.  -bremd  horse-fly,  Oestrus  eqni. 
-bt)rbe  horse-load.  -b^ttc  bartering  of  horses, 
-bønne  horsebean.  Vidn  Fabr:.  -barn  horse-pond. 
-bottor  fe  -læge.  -bræber  ^,  fe  Sillebo.  -bum  n 
stupid  as  an  ass,  dunderheaded,  dense.  -bum^eb 
horrible  stupidity.  -bættcn  horsecloth.  -elfller 
horse-fancier.  '-faj  fe  -man.  -fcbt  horsegrea^e. 
-fine  forest-fly,  Hippoboaca  equina.  -fob  horse 
-foot;  (gonben«)  cloven  foot,  cloven  hoof.  -fober 
horsemeat.  -forftanb  the  sense  of  a  horse; 
knowledge  of  horseflesh.  -gal  a  horsing.  -gang 
horse-way.  -gilber  horse-gelder.  -græd  soft 
-grass,  Holcus  lanatus.  -gtinge  merry-go-roimd. 
-gøbning,  -gøbfel  horse-manure.  -^aor  horse 
-hair.  -^anrSbctræt  horse-seating.  -^aar^bug 
hair-cloth.  -Ijaoréfofasofa  with  hair-top.  *-^Bge 
fe  -babe.  -ftatte  horse-hoe;  —  vt  horsehoe.  -^ole 
horse's  tail,  horsetail;  ^  mare's  tail,  Hippuri^. 
-t)aI8  horse's  neck.  -^anbel  dealing  in  horses. 
-ftanbler  horse -dealer,  -ftabe  enclosure  for 
horses,  -^elbrcb  fe  -natur,  -^liibe  hoppie.  -t)jæl)i 
equine  aid.  -^olb  keeping  of  horses,  -^olber 
job-master,  -^ou  horse's  hoof;  S*  coltsfoot, 
Tusiiloffo  farjnra.  •^a^it'b  horses  head.  -^ub 
horse's- hide.  -igle  horse-leech,  Aulagtormim 
siinouisuga.  -jambane  fe -bane.  -ta^f e  horse-box. 
-taftanie  horsechestnut,  Æsculus  hippocnstanum. 
-fenbcr  judge  of  horses,  judge  of  horse  flesh. 
-terne  churn  worked  by  horse  gear.  -traft 
(S)mp.)  horse-power;  et  2)ampftib  paa  50  ^efte§ 
Sraft  a  steamer  of  50  horse-power.  -trl)bbe 
horsecrib.  -træfter  fig  strength  of  a  horse; 
fe  -traft.  -tur  horse-remedy.  -t^nbig  a  a  good 
judge  of  horses  el.  F  of  horseflesh.,  horsey. 
-tøb  purchase  of  horses,  -føb  horse  flesh,  horse 
-beef.  -leje  horse-hire,  -(^tte  great  good 
Inck;  ^an  :^ar  en  _  he  is  a  lucky  dog.  -lagf 
horse-leech,  farrier,  horse-doctor.  -længe  horse 
-sling,    -læå  horse  load.    -man,  mante  horse's 





mane.  -morleb  horse-fair.  -tnetiicin  horse 
-physic,  horsedrench.  -m^ntc  capitate  mint, 
Mentha  aquatiea.  -vxctit  mare's  milk.  -raOfl 
horse-dung.  -mette  horse-mill.  -natur  (^c  og  F ) 
fian  '^ot  _  he  is  as  strong  as  a  horse,  -omgang 
fe  -gang.  -^adfer  horse  -  minder,  horseman. 
•|)rang  horse-dealing.  -^iranger  horse-dealer, 
horse-coper,  joclcey.  -^(vre  horse-turd.  -race 
breed  of  horses,  -reje  shrimp,  Grungon.  -rifl 
n  rich  in  horses,  -rlue  horse-rake.  -rum^e  fe 
-^ole.  -regt  tending  of  horses,  -røgter  groom. 
-fals  horse-shears,  horse-clipper.  -^If te  changing 
of  horses,  -flo  horse-shoe.  -ftoiue  horse-shoe 
arch.  -ftomagnet  horse-shoe  magnet,  -ffonæfe 
horse-shoe-bat,  Rhinolophus .  -^af)>{eb§ning,  *-fIo- 
f))(ei3  horse-shoe  splice.  -flofønt  hobnail,  horse 
-(shoe-)nail,  clencher.  -^rabe  fe  -ftrigle.  -flue 
horse-show.  -ff «rcr  horse-gelder.  -ffagter  horse 
-butcher,  horseslaughterer,  knacker.  -fdsflten 
the  equiue  race.  *-f))ræng  rock-brake,  ÅUosorm 
o-ispus.  -ftalb  horse-stable,  -prøflct  ,i<  fe -6rebberne. 
-foam))  common  sponge.  -ftioUl  stone-brlm- 
stone.  -f^gbom,  -ft)ge  disease  of  horses,  -f^n 
public  inspection  of  horses,  -torti  horse-market. 
•toti  ^  (capstan-bar)  swifter.  -trant^  n,  -trattt))en 
c  stamping  of  horses.  -traU  trotting  of  a  horse. 
*-tr«  fe  -t)Qt)e.  -tKnge  horse's  tongue;  5"  sea- 
bugloss,  Stenhammaria  maritima.  -t^tl  horse 
-stealer.  -t^Oeri  horse-stealing.  -tæmmer  horse 
-tamer.  -t«j  harness.  -ubftiUing  fe  -flue. 
-ttanbring  fe  -gong.  -tiarter  fe  -pasfer.  -DtHe 
common  vetch,  Vicia  aativa.  -tjæbbeløl)  horse 
-race.    -»ært  horse-mill.    -øje  horse's  eye. 

^eftlfolt  horse,  cavalry.  -føt  foal.  -garbe 

^eterolbotå'  a  het'erodox.  -ge'n  a  heteroge'- 

^etlanbSøerne  the  Shetland  isles. 

éetæ'rc  c  -r  courtesan,  hetæra. 

*j^eje  vt:  ~  i  fig  gorge,  devour  hnrriedly. 

^t  n  (SSjørnenS  fieje)  winter  lair;  ligge  i  -  lie 
dormant,  become  torpid. 

fiia't  c  -er  hiatus. 

.616',  *.§i'b  n,  pi  =,   F  Aingi  shy,  skit. 

.pib  adv  hither,  thls  way,  here;  _  og  btb  hither 
and  thither,  here  and  there;  _  nteb  SSogen!  give 
me  the  book  (directly)!  -t-ab  adv  this  way. 
-(ringe  vt  bring  hither.  -bære  vt  carry  hither. 
•brage  go  el.  move  hither;  —  vt  draw  hither. 
"■'■'-enfor  præp  &  adv  (on)  this  side  (of).  -føre  vt 
bring  (hither);  fig  bring  on,  lead  to.  -førfel 
conveyance  hither.  -tfen  adv  hither.  -Ijørenbe 
a  hereto  belonging,  connected  with  this  matter. 
-inbtit  fe  -til.  -talbe  call.  +-lamme  vi  come 
here.  -lomft  arrival  here.  -lebe  vt  lead  hither. 
fig  derive.  -toHe  vt  allure.  -rejfe  journey 
hither;  (til  ©øg)  passage  here.  -røre  vi  (fra) 
originate  (in),  arise  (from). 

.6ib§blæfenbe  fe  §æfe6Iæfenbe. 

éibfe  fe  JpiSfe  vt. 

.pibfe  vt  (om  58in)  heat;  (opl^ibfe)  incite;  (ægge) 
set  on,  liound  on;  _  en  ^are  run  down  a  hare; 
_  en  SSiarn  bait  a  bear;  ~  fammen,  ii)aa  '^inanben 
set  together  by  the  ears; nbe  a  heating. 

.^i'bfenbe  vt  send  hither,  forward.  -Ife  c  for- 

.^ibfig  a  (opfarenbe)  hot,  hot-headed,  quick 
-tempered,  passionate;  (ftjrig,  fieftig)  flery,  ardent; 
(begærlig)  eager;  -e  ®rilfe  spirituous  liquors, 
ardent  spirits;  -e  ©^gbomme  acute  diseases;  _ 
geber  burning  fever;  blibe  _  fly  into  a  passion; 
ilfe  faa  _!  soft!  softly!  gently!  ~  efter  cl.  i;>aa 
eager  for,  after.  -fteb  c  passion,  heat;  eager- 
ness;  med  inflammation,  -^ttop  p,  *-tagg  c 

.^i'bflaffe  vt  procure. 





*^ib8^)aafant  mischief-maker. 

^i'blftorme  (+)  vi  advance  rapidly.  -fættd 
append,  subjoin.  -tibig  a  up  to  this  tin 
older.  -til  adv  (^ibtilbagS)  hitherto,  till  now, 
so  far,  thus  far;  (til  bette  ©teb)  to  this  place, 
so  far.  -tilbags  fe  -til.  -tiloærenbe  «  (what  ha< 
been)  hitherto,  till  now,  up  to  this  time,  a, 
yet;  en  -  Soibat  one  who  has  been  a  soldie- 
hitherto.    -bentet  a  expected  here,  e.  to  arrive 

tier|artt'  n  hi'erarchy.    -ar'tifl  a  hiera'rchical 
ierogl^f  c-er  hi'eroglyph,  hieroglyph'ic.  -i^i 
a  hleroglyph'ic(al). 

Siero'nimuS  Jero'me. 

^ige  vi  efter  covet,  hanker  after,  crave;  _  i 
press  on  for;  long  for.    -«  c  coveting  etc. 
(om  3)^r)  in  heat. 

^\t'  n,  pi  =,  hiccough,  hiekup.    ^ilfe  vi 
cough,  hiekup;  (om  Ur)  be  out  of  beat.    .©fffe. 
pillen  c  hiccough(ing);  t  fe  pulten. 

^W !    .§il   btg !   .^it  »ære  big !   interj  hail ! 
hail ! 

.3ila'ritt3  Hil'ary. 

.pilbe  c  -r   snare,   noose;  t  (til  ^eft)  hopj 
■^tlbe   vt  ensnare,    entrap,    entangle,    inveigle; 
thobble,  hoppie;  -t  i  ^forbomnie  enslaved  by  pre- 
judice,  prejudiced.    .^ilbning  c  snaring  etc. 

Sitblre  vi  loom.    -ring  c  looming. 

.pile  vi  (meb  giflefnøre)  bob.  

^iffe,  .^ittemænb !  hey-day !  bless  us !  hoitjr- 
toity!   p  my  eyes!  _  ben  ftemme  ©l)ge  zounds! 

.gilfe  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  greet,  salute,  bow  to;  (mob= 
tage  paa  en  eller  anben  9!Koobe)  hail,  receive,  wel- 
come;  _  paa  en  (beføge)  give  one  a  call,  pay  one's 
respects  to;  b.  f.  f.  ^ilfe;  _  meb  ^flaget  dip  the 
colours;  _  meb  ^urraroab  cheer;  ^an  bab  at  _  he 
left  his  respects;  ^an  bab  mig  ~  aUe  SSenner  he 
desired  to  be  remembered  to  all  his  friends;  bilS 
!^am  fra  mig  remember  me  to  him,  give  liim  my 
compliments;  jeg  ftulbe  _  fra  53tofeSforen  og  fige 
with  the  professor's  compliments  I  was  to  say; 
bils  ^enbe  fætltg  I  desire  my  aftectionate  love  to 
her;  jeg  Ian  _  fra  I  have  just  seen.  -fob  o :  ftaa 
paa  ~  meb  en  have  a  nodding  acquaintance 
with  one.  .^ilfen  c  -et  (perfonlig)  salutation, 
greeting;  (fenbt)  compliments,  message,  words, 
remembrances;  formelbe  fin  -  present  one's  com- 

.^imala^a  (biærgene)  the  Himalayas  pi.    -H 
fe  |)immel-. 

t^imbegimbe  c  f  nondeseript. 

i^tmle  et  F  give  up  the  ghost,  pop  ofif; 
in  estacies. 

.^immel  c  -mie  heaven,  heavens  pi,  sky,  sk 
(©enge=)  tester;  (a;ron=)  canopy;  -en  .fig  heav 
uuber  aaben  -  in  the  open  air;  §imlen  er  obcr= 
truflen  the  sky  is  overcast;  ©olen  ftob  !^øit  paa 
-en  the  sun  was  high;  fætte  ~  og  3orb  i  SSebægelfe 
move  heaven  and  earth;  et  fi^n  fra  tlar  -  a  bolt 
out  of  the  blue;  o  _ !  oh  heavens !  for  -enS  ©f^Ib 
for  heaven's  sake;  fare  til  -8  ascend  to  heaven; 
i  ben  fijoenbe  -  in  ecstacies,  supremely  happy, 
in  the  seventh  heaven.  -angft  a  in  a  mortal 
funk.  -bib  c  delicious  morsel.  -blaa  a  skyblue, 
azure.  -borg  heaveuly  dwelling.  -breb  letter 
fallen  from  heaven  -brub  nun.  -bne  vault  of 
heaven,  celestial  vault.  -bljg  naked  barley, 
Hordeum  vulgare  cæleHte .  -bælte  zone.  -bronning 
queen  of  heaven.  t-bug  fe  ©olbug.  -egn  zone, 
climate.  -falben  a  fallen  from  the  skies;  ban  ftob 
f om  _  he  was  struck  with  amazement,  F  you  could 
have  knocked  him  down  with  a  feather.  -faren 
a  ascended  into  heaven.  -fart  ascension  (of 
Jesus  Christj;  ftrifti  -fartSbag  Aseension-day. 
-fartSøcn  Ascension.  -faroe  sky-colour.  -ftugt 
heavenward  flight.  -freb  heavenly  peace.  -fr^b 
heavenly  joy.    -gobe  gift  of  heaven.    -giben  a 





heaven-given.  -glab  happy  as  a  king.  -glunS 
lieavenly  splendonr.  •globuS  celestial  globe. 
-gtttbe  ?e  -fr^b.  -bjørne  quarter  of  the  heavens. 
-^unti  villain,  monster,  wretch.  -^ticcluing  fe 
-bue.  -fi«!  a  high  as  heaven,  towering;  raabe  -t 
i'ry  with  all  one's  might,  bellow.  -flor  a  heaven 
-bright,  -tlobe  fe  -fuflle.  -torn  fe  -btjg.  -fort 
astronomicai  chart,  celestial  planisphere.  -fltflle 
celestial  globe.  -legeme  heavenly  body,  celes 
tial  body,  orb.  -loft  roof  of  heaven.  -I^§ 
lumiuary.  -I«ft  (Stjernernes)  motion  of  the 
heavenly  bodies,  -mob  heavenly  food.  -nøgle 
key  of  heaven.  -pol  celestial  pole.  -Dort  gate 
of  heaven.  -raab  vociferation.  -raabenbe  « 
cryiug  (to  heaven),  revolting,  most  atrocious. 
-ronb  horizon.  -ren  a  pure  as  heaven.  -rnmmet 
the  heavens.  -fenbt  a  heaven-sent,  -feng  tester 
bed,  four-poster.  -ff  a  heavenly,  celestial;  bet  -e 
JRige  the  heavenly  kingdom,  (Sina)  the  celestial 
kingdom.  -ft«tt  a  divinely  beautiful.  -f))rict 
n  tossing  in  a  blanket;  lege  -  meb  blanket,  toss 
in  a  blanket,  -ftige  Jacob's  ladder.  -florm 
furious  tempest.  -ftormenbe  a  heaven-storming. 
-ftornter  c -ehea  ven-storm  er.  -ftraebenbe  a  heaven- 
a.spiring,  hcaven-directed.  -f)r«g  je  -egn.  -f^n 
meteor.  -f«b  n  divinely  sweet.  -tegn  sign  of 
the  zodiac.  -telt  canopy  of  heaven.  -oej  road 
to  heaven.  -Oejr  furious  storm.  -Denbt  a  up- 
tumed.  -Oib  a  very  wide,  very  distant;  _  f5or= 
ffel  very  wide  difference.  -Jjtbt  adv  widely;  _ 
forftellig  different  as  heaven  and  earth,  day  and 
night,  light  and  darkness. 

,^inimerig(e)  n  heaven,  the  kingdom  of  heaven; 
-é  Sige  the  kiugdom  of  heaven.  —  6imnterig8|  = 
fanen  the  heaven-descended  (Danish)  standard, 
the  Danebrog.    -munbfulb  delicious  morsel. 

t<6tmt)^am))  <-•  p  jumble. 

J&ln  pron  dem  that,  n  -t  that,  pi  -e  those;  bette 
og  bint  this  and  that;  -t  ....  bette  .  .  .  the 
former  .  .  .,  the  latter  .  .  . 

^inan'ben  fi^on  indef  e&ch  other,  one  another; 
ribe  fra  -  tear  asunder;  om  _  promiscuously; 
paa  -  felgenbe  consecutive. 

tinb  c   er  hind. 
inbbær   n  raspberry,    -buff  raspberry-bush, 
Jiubus  idcnm.    -ebbife  r.  vinegar.   -foft  r.  syrup. 

+^inbe  vt,  prov  fe  9Jaa. 

^tnbe  c  -t  membrane,  pellicle;  (meget  t^nb) 
film.  -agtig  fe  -t.  -bæger  sea  lavender,  Statiee 
timoniuni.  -frugt  utricle.  -fn«  sand-spurry, 

^ittber  c  hinderance,  hindrance,  impediment, 
obstacle,  obstruction,  bar,  let,  check;  bære  til  ~ 
for  be  a  hinderance  to  etc;  obstruct;  ber  er 
intet  til  -  for  there  is  nothing  to  prevent.  -lig 
o  hindering,  obstruetive.  -Inb,  -ribning,  -ribt 

^inbelfvøb  membranaceous  envelope.  -t  « 
membranous,  membranaceous.  -Oingeta  hymen- 

tinbo^an  n  Hindostan'.  -ff  a  Hindostan'ee. 
inb|re  vt  hinder,  obstruct,  impede,  prevent; 
_  en  i  hinder,  prevent  one  from;  _  en  i  el.  fra 
at  prevent  one  (from)  -ing.  -ring  c  -er,  fe  ^inber: 
lægge  -er  i  SBejen  for  throw  obstacles  in  the  way 
of,  (en)  in  one's  way. 

.^inbu  c  -er  Hindoo,  Hindu. 

^ingft  c  -er  stallion.  stone-horse.  ^ingftc= 
flue  sialiion-show.  >f3ingftif«l  horse-colt.  -gala 
horsing.   t-plag  c  horse-colt  in  the  second  year. 

tinfCDt  limp,  hobble.  -n  c  limpiug,  hobbling. 
i'n|fibc8  adv  k  prop  beyond,    on  the  other 
side  (of);   -  n  et  -,  fe  ^iSfet.    -fibig  a  on  the 
other  side,  opposite. 
-ffiip'  n  fe  f)ib. 
jpip'l  h'.t:  —  Jpuria'  hip  hip  hurrahl 

^ip'  fom  $ap  p  the  one  Is  as  good  as  the 
other,  there  is  small  choice  el.  not  a  pin  to 
choose  between  them,  it  is  as  broad  as  long, 
six  of  one  and  half  a  dozen  of  the  other,  p 
much  of  a  muchness. 

i^ippobro'm  c    er  hip'podrome. 

éippu'rfflre  c  hippuric  acld. 

^irb  c  (i  Clbt.)  the  king's  bodyguard,  the 
king's  men.  -æanb  king's  man.  -praft  king's 

tirfi^ftenger  [t.]  c  -e  hanger. 
irfe    c    millet,    Panicum    miliaeeum.      -forn 
millet-seed.    -PtcIIing  millet-pap. 

tiå'  n,  mug  B  sharp. 
iéfe  vt  hoist;  ,   neb  lower  down.    ,^iSning 
c  hoisting  etc. 

^iSfet  adv  in  the  next  world,  hereafter;  n  et 
_  a  world  to  come,  a  future  life,  a  hereafter. 

^ift  adv  yonder;  _  og  ^er  here  and  there. 
•Iienne  «rf»  yonder.  -nebe  adv  down  there. 
-oppe  adv  up  there. 

,^ifto'ric  c  -r  his'tory;  (^fortælling)  story;  f  F 
glass  of  rum  toddy;  -n  history;  ben  nflere  - 
modem  history  (etc);  en  f(em  -  a  sad  afTair,  sad 
business;  bet  er  en  bejlig  ~ !  a  pretty  piece  of 
business  this!  p  this  is  a  nice  so!  IbaB  er  bette 
for  -r?  what  is  all  this  business  about?  ^ele  -n 
the  whole  concem;  berom  tier  -n  that  is  not  on 
record,  -bog  story  book.  -granffer  historiau. 
-granfCning  historical  research,  -fqnbig  a  versed 
in  history.  -maler  historical  painter.  -maleri 
historical  painting.  -ffriPer  historical  writer, 
historiographer.  -ffriøning  historical  writing. 
igifto'rifer  c  -e  historian.  ^iftoriogra'f  c  -er: 
tongelig  -  Historio'grapher  Royal.  Jpiflo'riff  o 
histor'ical;  bet  er  _  it  is  a  matter  of  histor>';  — 
adv.  _  befenbt  of  historie  note. 

tiftlobrc  adv  over  there.  -nbc  adv  out  there. 
ittc  vt  flnd,  hit  on;  -paa,  fe  ginbe  P"";  - 
nb  af  flnd  out,  see  one's  way  through;  jeg  fan 
iffe  ~  nb  af  bet  I  can  make  neither  head  nor 
tail  of  it.  -barn  foundling.  -børnS^ofpital 
foundling  hospital.  -gobiS  goods  found;  jnr 
waif.    -løn  fe  Sinbeløn. 

^ip  »  heave.  J^ibe,  fieo,  ^ebet  vt  &  i  heave, 
(fafte)  throw;  J,  heave;  -  i  el.  inb  paa  et  Job 
heave  on  a  rope;  _  paa  fig  heave;  _  ©alloft 
discharge  el.  heave  ballast. 

tJ&iPc  vi  pant,  gasp;  ^an  fiax  længe  gaaet  og  -t 
he  has  long  been  peaking.    -n  c  fe  Stranten^eb. 

j^iPer(t)  c  heavy  gale;  F  t)abe  en  _  be  fuddled. 

t^jabber  c  jabber,  twaddle.  .^jabre  oi  jabber, 
twaddle.    ,^jobber»orn  a  jabbering,  twaddling. 

t^jal  71,  ^ialh  c  flake,  loft,  (om  ^enS)  perch, 

pjalte  n  poet  h.ilt. 

tJ^jappe  vi  (om  ^unb)  yelp;  (om  SKflr.)  splutter, 
jabber.    -gal,  -t  a  harebrained.   -ri'  n  jabbering. 

tjoff  fe  3!oft. 
jejle  c -r  golden  plover,  Oharadrivapluvialii. 

melb  fe  ^jælb. 

.^jem'  n,  pi  =,  home,  (S3olig)  domicile;  i  -met 
at  home.  ^iem'  adv  home;  er  t)an  itle  tommen 
-  enbnu  is  he  not  come  in  yet?  berfom  ftnægten 
gaar  _  the  knave  making.  -ab  adv  homeward(s), 
towards  home.  -age  vt  cart  home.  t-attle  vt 
house  (corii).  -bjærge  r<  b.  f.  -bjærgning  housing. 
-bringe  vt  bring  home.  -bt)gb  fe  ftaon.  -bære 
vt  carry  home;  fig  carry  oft".  -brage  vi  return 
home.  -cfttr  adv  homeward.  -egn  native  place. 
-eng  croft.  -falb  reversion,  escheat^  -falbe  (til) 
revert,  fall,  escheat  (to),  devolve  (upon);  -t  ®obo 
escheat;  ^on  er  -n  til  Straf  he  has  incurred 
penalty.  -faren  part:  gift  og  -  married  and 
settled.  -fart  (til  2anbå)  joumey  home;  (tit  So«) 
passage  home.  -farlooe  vt  furlough,  give  leave 
of  absence,     -forlobelfe  furlougb(ing).     -f^oat 




homeward  Ireight.  -færb  c  fe  -færb  og  S3ri)IIu|)g' 
færb.  -f«bing,  -føttnittg  liomeling,  horne-bred 
person;  stay-athome;  provincial;  cockney.  -føre 
vt  lead  home;  import;  _  en  sHrub  take  uiito 
oue's  self  a  wife.  -fflrclfc  taking  home  a  bride. 
+-iaa  vi  return  home.  •gaacnttc  J,  a  going 
home,  homeward  bound.  -gang  going  home, 
return  home,  way  home.  -gatie  fe  Sfflebgift. 
-gtelb:  f)an  maa  tage  Stabe  for  _  he  will  have 
himself  to  blame,  he  must  do  so  at  his  own 
risk.  *'-ftoge  home  pasture.  +-ile  vi  hurry 
home.  -ialSe  vt  summon  home,  recall;  Jig  (om 
®øben)  summon  one  away.  -falb,  -falbctfe  sum- 
moniug  home.  *-to  cow  kept  at  home  (while 
the  others  are  on  the  hill-pastures;.  -tamtnen 
«  ■  returned  (home),  arrived.  '■'•fommerat  flrst 
entertainment  given  by  a  new-married-couple 
in  their  new  home,  «c  home-comiug.  -totnft 
return  home,  arrival,  home-coming.  t-I«tfct 
drivinghome.  -lanb  native  land,  native  country. 
+-Ianbfl  a  home,  native. 

^icmle  vt  (ffaffe  hjemmet  for)  make  out  a  title 
to;  (fiedife  fiotilig^eb)  prove  the  legality  of;  (6eret> 
tige)  authorize,  bear  out;  -t  ((Sfterretning  o.  I.) 
authenticated.  .^jetnlec  c  fe  ^jemmelSmanb. 
.^^jemling  «  making  out  a  title  etc. 

.^jemllig  a  domestic,  home-like,  cosy,  snug, 
comfortable.  -Ug^eb  c  cosiness,  comfort.  -Iig= 
;^cb§fø(elfe  feeling  of  being  at  home.  -Itt>  home 
life.  -lob  home  lot.  -lou  furlough,  leave  of 
absence,  -(ængfel  longing  after  home.  -I«S  a 
homeless.  -tel^eb  homelessness,  '•'-morl  home 

hjemme  adv  at  home;  ^er  _  (at)  home  here; 
Bcere  _  fra  Stolen  be  home  from  school;  er  S3.  -'? 
is  B.  in?  fian  Bar  iHe  _  he  was  from  home;  lab 
fom  om  bu  »ar  _  make  yourself  at  home;  {)un 
er  felD  _  she  is  mistress  in  her  house ;  jeg  er  ifte 
~  for  nogen  I  will  see  nobody;  Ijan  nægtebe  fig  - 
he  pretended  to  be  out;  ^are  _  i  be  a  native 
of,  hail  from;  ^oor  ^orer  Stt6et  -?  where  does 
she  belong?  bet  ^arer  _  ^er  it  belongs  here,  is 
owned  here;  l^oBe  ~  i  (et  Soub,  en  SiD)  be  domi- 
ciliated  in;  bet  ^ar  ingen  Steber  _  it  is  neither 
here  nor  there;  ar6ejbe  _  (om  |)aanbbærter)  take 
in  work,  work  in  one's  own  room;  Bære  _  i  be 
at  home  in,  conversant  with;  ube  er  gobt,  men 
_  er  Bebft  east  or  west,  home  is  best.  -atbeibe 
home-work.  -arliejbcr  homeworker,  pieceman, 
garret-master.  -atilet  a  home-grown,  home-bred. 
-bagt  a  home-baked.  -bttigget  a  home-Iirewed. 
•btttUvip  private  wedding,  wedding  at  home. 
-bygget  <«  home-built.  -baab  private  baptism, 
home  christening.  -banfler  half-Danized  Nor- 
wegian.  -brc^ferct  a  trained  in-doors.  -bebe 
vf  baptize  privately,  half-baptize.  -fitb  applica- 
tion  at  home,  home-reading.  -fra  adv  from 
home;  ta  jeg  reifte  _  when  I  left  home.  -fraHe 
lounge-coat,  offlce-coat.  -føbning  fe  §iemføbning. 
-febt  a  home-born,  native,  indigenous.  -gjort 
a  home-made.  -^erenbc  <i  native  (of),  indigen- 
ous, belonging  to,  owned;  (bofat)   domiciliated. 

hjemmel  c  (Sbtomft)  warrant,  authority;  (S8eBi8) 
proof  of  lawful  acquisition;  (gulbmagt)  fuU 

^jcmmeilouet  a  fe  -gjort.    -leftic  home-lesson. 

éjemmclfaft  o  warranted,  authorized. 

Sjcmmeltg  a  home-keeping,  stationary 

^Jemmelé|6rco  written  authority.  -manb 
authority,  informant,  informer.  -))Iigt  obliga- 
tion to  ijrodupo  evidence  of  lawful  acquisition. 
—  ^jcmmelfteb  authority. 

^jcmmc|læSning  home-reading.  -i-))ige  house 
-servant.  -raget  a  home-smoked.  -flbbCtt  c 
sitting  at  home,  sedentary  life.  -ftbber  c  -e 
sedentary  person,    -fliunbet  a  home-spun.   -foett' 


ficr  half-Swedishized  Dåne  el.  Norwegian.  -t^fte* 
half-Germanized  Dåne.   -t^fferi  half-Germaniza- 
tion.    -Dant  a  at  home,  domesticated.   -bant^ej 
c  familiarity.    -birfct  fe  -gjort.     -OofSet  a  hor 
-grown.    -Otcrenbe  a  at  home.    -uæoet  a  wove 
at  home.    -kxeOtting  weaving  at  liome. 

•^{em'lobet  adv  homeward.  -^jcrmittctc  fe  -fo| 
loBe.  -rejfe  homeward  routeet.  journey.  -ribent 
a  riding  home.  -fcnbe  vt  send  hom.e.  -fenbeif 
forwarding  el.  sending  home.  *-flOb  home' 
wood.  -ffribc  vt  send  to  one's  place  of  settle- 
ment, -ftalin  homestead,  home-stall,  native 
sotl,  native  land;  place  of  settlement.  -ftatmSret 
right  of  a  native;  settlement,  -fteb  home-stead, 
native  place;  fe  -ftaon;  J,  home  port;  antommen 
til  -et  arrived  home.  -ftebSbfbié  certiflcate  of 
settlement.  -ftcbSvet  fe  -ftaonsret.  -fijg  a  home- 
sick.  -fflgc  fe  -»e.  -føgc  vt  {paa)  visit  (upon); 
(forurolige,  ^lage)  infest;  -gt  af  Sflgbom  afflicted 
with  sickness.  -fagclfc  c  visitation,  infliction, 
-ting  inferior  conrt  (of  the  flrst  resort),  -tog 
return  home.  -oanbre  vt  wander  home.  -ban« 
bring  wandering  home;  fiff  (2)ab)  decease, 
departure.  -tie  homesickness,  no.stalgia.  -bej 
way  home,  return  home,  walk  home,  ride  home; 
Bære  jjao  -en  be  homeward  bound.  -benbe  vi 
return  home,  wend  one's  way  home.  -oenbt  a 
returned.  -ttentenbe,  -oentet  a  ,^  expected.  -utfe 
vt  send  from  a  superior  to  an  inferior  court. 
-oiSning  c  remittal  of  a  cause  to  an  inferior 

fjerne  c  -r  brain,  (i  oanbelig  U3et.  ofte)  brains 
pi;  ben  ftore  -  the  brain  proper,  the  cerebrum; 
ben  (ilte  _  the  little  brain,  the  cerebellum;  6rlibe 
fin  _  meb  noget  puzzle  one's  twain  el,  brains 
about  something;  lægge  fin  _  i  SBlob  rack  one's 
brains.  .fjerne«  cerebral,  of  the  lirain.  -aare 
cerebral  vein  el.  artery.  -betænbclfc  inflamma- 
tion of  the  brain,  cerebritis.  -bjcelte  corpus 
callosum.  -blab^eb  softening  of  the  brain.  -bor 
trepan.  -boring  trepauning.  -brot  hernia  of 
the  brain,  encephalocele.  -brub  fig  fe  ^oBebbrub. 
-feber  brain-fevor.  -fofter  chimera,  phantom, 
olTspring  of  the  brain.  -gangUe  cerebral  gang- 
lion.  -^inbe  membrane  of  the  brain;  pi  -r 
meninges;  Setæubelfe  i  -rue  meningitis,  -bttb  fe 
-Ijinbe;  ben  i)aarbe  _  dura  mater;  ben  bløbe  _  pia 
mater,  -ftnlc  cavity  of  the  skull.  -laSfc,  -fifte 
F  skull,  cranium.  -fnube  protuberance  of  the 
brain.  -lap  lobe  of  the  brain.  -tibelfe  cerebral 
aifection.  -tære  craniology.  -I«8  a  brainless, 
acephalous.  -IǤt)eb  want  of  brains.  -mart) 
medullary  substance  (of  the  brain).  -nta^fe 
cerebral  matter,  -nerbe  cerebral  nerve.  -p«(fe 
brain  sausage,  cervelas,  saveloy.  -r^lftelfe  con- 
cussion  of  the  brain.  -flal  skull,  cranium,  brain 
-pan.  -flag  apoplexy.  -fpinb  chimera,  -fub' 
fton§  fe  -ma§fe.  -fbuift  abseess  of  the  dura 
mater,  -f^g  a  brain-sick.  -f^gbom  disorder  el. 
disease  of  the  brain.  -fam  suture,  -telt  tento- 
rium  (cerebelli).  -banbfot,  -batterfot  dropsy  of 
the  brain,  hydrocephalus.  -binbing  couvolution 
of  the  brain.  -birtfomt)eb  cerebration,  action  of 
the  brain. 

^jer^ie  c  -r,  fe  Serpe.    *-troft  fe  ©uetroft. 

fjerte  n  -r  heart;  (i  95umpe)  valve;  (i  %ot)) 
heart;  (paa  ^jul)  boss;  (\?aa  Stnætømmer)  throat; 
fe  9Iniertrt)b§;  mit  _  banfer  my  heart  beats;  mit 
_  Banter  ftærtt  my  heart  throbs;  aabne,  lette  ftt  _ 
unbosom  one's  self,  disburden  oue's  mind  (for 
to);  fibab  -t  er  fulbt  af,  løber  røunben  ober  meb 
what  the  heart  thiuketh,  the  mouth  speaketh,  out 
of  the  full  heart  the  mouth  speaketh;  mit  _  et  frit 
I  am  fancy-free;  ^jerteng  gerne  by  all  meaiis, 
with  all  my  heart;  -nS  glab  heartily  glad;  -nå  ®læbe 
heart-felt  joy;  -n§  gob  exceedingly  kind  el.  good 




-natured;  -ni  ^Kening  real  opinion;  -n§  SBen 
bosom  friend,  chosen  friend:  -ii8  Cnfte  heart's 
desire;  af  -t  from  the  heart,  cordiaily,  heartily; 
of  mit  ganfle  -  with  all  my  heart;  af  -ni  ®runb 
from  the  bottom  of  one's  heart;  af  -ni  2t)ft  to 
my  (his  etc.)  heart's  content  el.  dellght,  at 
the  top  of  his  bent;  ^a»e  onbt  f  or  -t  feel  sick; 
ftaue  _  for  have  some  feeling  for;  bet  fommer  fra 
■t  it  proceeds  from  my  heart,  I  am  in  earnest; 
bet  ftærer  mig  i  -t  it  cuts  me  to  the  heart,  gives 
me  a  bitter  pang;  i  fit  inberfte  _  in  his  heart  of 
hearts;  let  om  -t  light  of  heart;  ieg  er  tung  om  -t 
my  heart  is  heavy;  tage  9Rob  og  ^Jlanb?  -  til  fig; 
ftnoe  -t  op  i  Siioet  take  heart  e(.  courage;  jeg  Ian 
if!e  bringe,  føre  bet  o  o  er  mit  ~,  ieg  ^ar  ifte  _  til 
at  I  cannot  find  it  in  my  heart  to,  have  not 
the  heart  to;  Ijaoe  noget  paa  (fit)  _  have  some- 
thing  on  one's  mind;  bet  ligger  mig  tungt  x>aa  _ 
it  lies  heavy  on  my  heart;  §Dab  ber  meft  ligger 
mig  )paa  ~  what  I  have  most  at  heart;  Ijan  figer, 
^oab  ber  ligger  ftam  i?aa  _  he  speaks  his  mind; 
lægge  en  noget  pao  _  urge  something  upon  one; 
^aanben  \)aa  -t!  honour  bright!  ^an  tjar  -t  t)aa 
rette  Steb  his  heart  is  in  the  right  place;  t)ar  -t 
paa  Sæberne  has  his  heart  in  his  mouth;  tage  til 
-,  lægge  fig  vaa  ~  take,  lay  to  heart;  bet  gaar 
mig  meget  nær  til  _  I  take  it  much  to  heart;  bet 

flif  mig  til  _  it  went  to  my  heart;  bærer  unber 
tt  _  Carries  under  her  belt  (+).  J^|erte|aare 
aorta,  -angft  agony  of  fear.  -anttggenbe  affair 
of  the  heart.  -banfcn  palpitation  of  the  heart. 
•Hai  plumule.  -titob  heart's  ])lood.  -blot  ^I, 
bowsprit-heart.  -blomft  bleeding-heart,  Dielytra. 
-bolt  J.  throat-bolt.  -brætfenbe  a  woful,  pitiable. 
-batnbfcl  d-  throat-.seizing.  +-bætieit  c  fe  -banfen. 
•bannet  fe  formig.  -fejl  organic  disease  of  the 
heart.  -fotfammcr  auricle  of  the  heart.  -forntiø 
a  heart-shaped;  ^  cordate,  omoenbt  _  obeordate. 
-freb  heart's  ease,  heart-ease,  peace  of  mind. 
-fttfl  u  heart-whole.  -garn  heart-yarn.  -glob 
o  overjoyed,  delighted.  -glæbc  heart-felt  joy. 
-flob  a  kind-hearted  -granffcr  seareher  of 
hearts.  -greben  a  deeply  allected.  -gribenbe  a 
aifecting.  -grrcå  fe  sBa-Bregræ?.  -t)(Cbctfe  vet 
antikor.  -lammer  ventricle  of  the  heart.  -tcjtber 
fe  gronfTer.  -f(abab))e(fe  c  joc  fe  -Kemmelfe. 
•tlap,  -tiapptn  c  fe  -banten.  -llemraeffe  oppres- 
sion of  the  heart.  -tiemt  a  lieart-sick,  agonized. 
-tnufenbe  «  killing,  -fnufer  c  -e  lady-killer. 
-frog  recess  of  the  heart.  -{ulbe  coldness  of 
heart.  -fule  pit  of  the  stomaoh.  -ftJol  agony. 
•log  disposition,  -let  a  light-hearted,  cheerful. 
•lettelfe  relief,  .^jertclig  a  heartfelt;  hearty, 
cordial,  genial;  adv  heartily,  cordiaily;  le  _ 
langh  heartily;  tafte  en  _  thank  one  cordiaily; 
-  gerne  with  all  my  heart.  ^jertrlig^eb  c 
cordiality,  heartiness.  ^jcrtejHO  feelings.  -teé 
a  heartless.  -le^^cb  c  heartlessness.  -ment  a 
sincerely  meant.  -musling  cockle,  Cardiiim 
(eduie).  -nag  anguish  of  heart.  -nagenbe  a 

^jjertend  gen  fe  |)jerte;  t  =  ftjertelig.  -fr^b 
melissa,  common  balm,  Melissa  officinahs. 
•glæbe,  -gob  o.  fl ,  fe  ^ierte.  -læv  a  dearly 
beloved.  -fær  c  sweetheart.  -ben  chosen 

$Jerte[onbe  disease  of  the  heart.  -^lofe,  -)>ttng 
pericardium.  .fjertet  c  (i  Rortfpil)  hearts;  _  (£é. 
Konge,  ®ame,  »nægt,  %o,  %xi  oft).  ace,  king, 
queen,  knave,  deuce,  three  etc.  of  hearts;  en  _ 
a  heart.  ^jerteiro  fe  -freb.  -rob  (^o^  planter) 
main  Toot\  fig  inuermost  heart.  -rum:  bbor  ber 
er  _  er  ber  ogfaa  ^u^rum  heart-room  makes 
house-room,  where  there  is  a  will,  there  is  a 
way.  -rerenbe  «  heart-touching,  aifecting.  -faar 
wound  in  the  heart.    -ftibe  heartwheel.    -ftjolb 

her  inescutcheon.  -flub  (Stub  i  fjertet)  shot  in 
the  heart;  ^  end  shoot  top.  -flubt  a  in  love, 
smitten;  bltoe  -  fall  in  love.  -ficerenbe  a  heart 
-rending,  heart-piercing,  heart- breaking.  -flog 
pulsation  of  the  heart,  heartbeat;  (Slagt.)  pluck. 
■forg  heart-ache,  hoart-break;  bo  af  _  die  of  a 
broken  heart.  -f))anb  motherwort,  Leonurus  car- 
diaca.  SpvoQ  language  of  the  heart.  -fting  stitch 
in  the  region  of  the  heart.  -ftraa  fe  IBæbregræS. 
-ftj)(fe(3ærn6.)  tongue  (of  a  crossing),  frog.  -ft^r« 
fenbe  a  cordial.  -ftQrtning  c  cordial.  -ftflb 
mortal  blow,  fatal  el.  tinishing  stroke.  -fuf 
deep-drawn  sigh;  ejaculatory  prayer.  -fnnb  a 
sound  of  heart.  -ft)g  n  suffering  from  severe 
illness,  sick  at  heart.  -f^gbom,  -f^ge  disease  of 
the  heart,  heart  disease;  serious  illness.  -fæt 
fe  -pofe.  -tt«ft  consolation,  relief.  -tt)P  stealer 
of  hearts,  lady-killer.  -ubgtjbelfe  ontpouring  (of 
one's  heart),  effiision,  flow  of  soul,  gush  of 
feeling.  -banb  liquor  of  the  pericardium,  -barm 
a  warm-hearted.  -oarme  warm-heartedness.  -tie 

^jorb  c  -e  herd,  (om  fjaor  og  fi^)  flock.  -biS 
adv  in  herds,  gregariously. 

^|ort  c  -e  (red)  deer,  hart,  stag;  toaarig-brocket; 
tredarig  _  deer,  sorel;  fireaarig  _  staggard;  fem« 
aarig  -  stag;  tiaarig  _  hart;  _  fom  ^ar  taftet  fine 
Jporn  poUard.  —  ^)orte|brttn  a  fawn-coloured. 
-brunft  rutting-time  of  the  deer.  -geb  Indian 
gazelle,  Cervicapru.  -Ijagl  buck-shot.  -ftalå  (paa 
lieft)  deer-neck.  -^orn  horns  of  a  stag;  fe  -tal. 
-ftorn§falt  fe  -tatfalt  (o.  fl).  -I|ub  fe  -læber. 
-ijunb  deer-hound,  staghound.  -jagt  stag  hunt, 
stag  hunting,  -falb  red-deer  calf,  (naar  Jpornene 
begtjnbe  at  lomme  tilfpne)  knobber.  -faJle  haunch 
of  venison.  -leje  lair,  lodge  of  a  stag.  -to^ber 
buckskin,  deer-skin.  -tieberStfanbfler  buckskin 
gloves.  -net  net  for  catching  stags,  -rob  hart- 
wort,  spicknel,  Seseli  libanotii.  -r^g  saddle  of 
venison.  -fitnb  fe  -læber.  -f<)or  track  of  deer. 
-ftcg  (roast)  venison.  -fotn  , Indian  hog,  baby- 
roussa,  Porous  Babyrussa.  -tot  hartshorn;  rafpet 
_  hartshorn  shavings  pi.  -tatbraaber  spirit  of 
hartshorn.  -tatfer  pi  antlers  of  a  stag.  -tatolie 
oil  of  hartshorn.  -taffalt  (volatile)  salt  of  harts- 
horn. -tafåbregne  elk's-horn  fem,  Platvcerimn. 
-tatfptritué  fe  -tatbraaber.  -talg  suet  of  deer. 
-tiben  the  slag  season.  -torn  fe  S8rietorn;  3;ibfe. 
-trøffel  deer-ball,  hart's  truflle,  Eiuphoviyces. 
-tr«ft  hemp-agrimony,  Eupatorium  cannabinum. 
•tunge  hart's  tongue,  Asplenium  Scolopendrium. 
-tælle  fe  -talg. 

^jnt  n,  pi  =,  wheel;  (Slof^jul,  Siappertl^j.) 
truck;  (til  2:ri[IeBar  o.  1.)  trundle;  (5Re6flagerléi.) 
iron-jack;  (paa  2;ampff.)  paddle-wheel;  (poaapore) 
rowel;  (nnbcr  ©tol)  caster;  flaa  _  (om  Sfugle) 
spread  his  tail,  (om  Drenge)  tumble  cartwheels; 
6an  er  fom  bet  femte  _  til  en  SBogn  he  is  of  no 
use  at  all.  -ofSel  axle-tree;  (2)ampff.)  paddle 
-shaft.  -ttUcliaset  spring  beam.  -arm  wheel 
-arm;  paddle-arm.  -baabwheel-boat,  paddle-boat. 
■barometer  wheel  barometer,  -ben  pi  bandy 
-legs.  -benet  >i  bandy-legged,  bowlegged,  out 
kneed.  -beflag  tire.  -beftagning  tiring  (of 
Wheels),  -bor  drill-braee,  bevel  wheel  drill. 
-btent  wheel-trestle.  -bar  wheel-barrow.  -ba^= 
ber,  -bambflib  paddle-steamer,  paddle-wheel 
steamer,  side  wheel  steamer.  -bannet  a  wheel 
-shaped,  ^  rotate.  -breb  pinion.  -bl)r  rotifer. 
-ege  spoke,  -flange  flange,  -forbinbelfe  gearing, 
•formet,  -formig  n  fe  bannet.  -fregat  paddle 
-frigate.  -fcelgc  felloe,  felly  (of  a  wheel),  -^nt 
shoeing-hole.  -faSfe  paddle-box.  -fnag  fe  -tanb. 
-forbet  paddle-sloop  (of  war).  -franS,  -frone  rim. 
-tiSbe  trigger,  drag-chain.    -loa§  German  wheel 





-lock.  -nnle  cycloid.  -ntiigcr  wheel-wright. 
-magerarbejbe  wheel-wright's  work.  -manb  fe 
-mager;  *cyclist.  -maftine  paddle-engine.  -nat) 
nave.  -nntier  wheel-auger.  •ombrejninø  revolu- 
tion el.  turn  of  the  wheel(s).  -ptov  wheel  plough. 
*-rebflo6  wheeled  vehiele;  ufarbar  meb  ~  impas- 
sable  for  wheeled  transport,  -ring  (Smp.)  paddle 
wheel  ring;  fe  -flinne.  -to!  spinning-wheel. 
-flt6  fe  -bumper,  -fllnne  tire.  -fliue  disk  of  a 
wheel,  -flotti  paddle,  float.  -ftuffe  wheel-bucket; 
fe  -tbinge.  -flæremaftine  wheel-cutting  machine. 
-fttcelle  rotella,  -f))igcr  fe  -føm,  -jpov  rut, 
track.  -f^joret  a  rutted.  -ftot  fe  -afSel.  -ftue 
wheel-box.  -føtrt  wheel-nail,  tire-nail.  -tonb 
cog  el.  tooth  (of  a  wheel),  -toinge  trigger. 
•tumtnec  timber  for  wheels.  •ubuelSIing  gearing. 
-Oanb  wake  of  the  wheel(s).  -tiinbc  wheel- wind- 
lass.  -oinge  fe  ffobl.  -ttoitur  (wheeled)  carriage. 
•ttatt  wheel  work. 

*^{ælb  c  -er  loft  floor  of  loose  board.s,  flake. 
•^cengt,  -tetttt  a  dried  on  flakes. 

^icelm  c  -e  helmet,  helm;  (poa  SJeftiEerloIfie  of».) 
helm.  -bofitiff  hooded  basilisk,  Basiliskus  mi- 
tratus.  -bttff  plume  el.  crest  of  a  helmet,  -bannct 
a  helmet-shapert,  galeated.  -bttc  helmet,  Columha 
galeata.  -btettc  mantling.  -bætt  u  helmed, 

t^jcelme  c  sea-reed,  beach-grass,  Arundo 

$j(elnt|et  a  fe  $iælmbce(t;  (om  Soæg)  white 
-headed.  -fugl  touraco,  Corythaix.  -gitter  viser, 
beaver.  -latabue  great  sulphur-crested  coekatoo, 
Caliceph'i lus  galeritus,  -tom  crest-holder.  -tafuac 
helmeted  cassowary,  Casuarius  galentus.  Alap, 
-net  fe  -gitter.  -Ilæbe  fe  -bætfe.  -fmtjfle  orna- 
ment, crest,  of  a  helmet,  -fnegt,  -fnæHe  helmet 
Shell,  Vassis.    -tag  cupola.    -tegn,  -top  crest. 

^ialp  c  help;  (^iftanb)  a.ssistance,  aid,  succour; 
(UiiberftBttelfe)  support,  relief;  (mob)  remedy 
(against);  djælp  !  help !  (mob  SDJorbere)  murder ! 
t)be  _  render  aid;  føge  en  2æge§  _  apply  to  a 
physician,  call  a  physician;  føge  _  ^o§  en  apply 
to  one  for  help;  meb  ®ubé  -  God  (Heaven) 
willing;  næft  @ub§  -  under  Providence;  raabe 
om  -  scream,  cry  out,  for  help;  SRaab  om  _ 
scream  el.  cry  for  help;  fomme  en  til  _  come 
to  one's  assistance;  Bcere  en  til  _  be  of  help  to 
one;  Ⱦre  en  til  gob  _  stand  one  in  good  stead; 
tage  til  -  have  recourse  to;  tage  3latteti  til  -  sit 
up  all  night;  uben  _  unaided;  beb  ~  of  by 
means  of;  oeb  -  beraf  by  means  thereof;  by  its 
means;  oeb  ®ub§  ~  thanks  to  God. 

^icelpt,  ^jalp,  Wulpft  »<  & «'  help,  aid;  (unberftøtte) 
assist,  succour,  support,  relieve;  vi  (gaone)  be  of 
avail  el.  use,  (om  ficegemibler)  be  good  (imob  for); 
bet  ^jalp  it  had  a  good  effect;  ^ermeb  er  fjan 
■^jitlpen  that  will  serve  his  turn,  that  will  do 
for  him;  ^Dab  -r  bet?  what  avails  it?  l^Bab  -r  bet 
at  what  is  the  good  of  -ing;  bet  -r  ilte  it  avails 
nothing,  boots  not,  is  no  good;  bet  ftal  (ftort)  ~ 
much  good  it  will  do;  faa  fanbt  _  mig  ®ub  so 
help  me  God!  bet  faar  ifte  ~  there  is  no  help 
for  it;  ^Oob  bil  bet  _  mig?  what  shall  I  be  the 
better  for  it?  lian  ^jalp  mig  at  flljgte  he  aided 
my  escape;  fbømmebe  ub  for  at  _  mig  swam  to 
my  aid;  ~  en  af  meb  rid  one  of;  ~  en  frem  i 
SSerben  help  one  up  in  the  world;  _  en  i,  ub  af, 
en  SSoob,  SSoon  hånd  one  into,  out  of  a  boat, 
carriage;  bet  -r  imob  ^obebpine  it  is  good  for 
the  headache;  _  en  meb  at  assist  one  in  ing; 
_  paa  en  come  to  one's  aid;  for  at  _  paa  3"b= 
tægterne  by  way  of  eking  out  one's  ineome;  - 
paa  enS  ^utommelfe  assist  one's  memory;  _  til 
lend  a  (helping)  hånd;  _  en  til  (noget)  help 
one  to  get;  ~  en  tilrette  put  one  in  the  right 
TVay,  set  one  right;  —  vd  Bi  maa  -§  ab  we  must 

assist  one  another;  —  vr  _  f  i  g  make  (a)  shif 
manage,   get   on;    fjan   beb   at  -   fig  he  is  nevt 
at  a  loss;   man  -r  fig  fom  man  fan  that  will  d 
(for  the  nonce).   ^iaipt^  auxiliary,  ^  preventei 
-armé    fe    -bær.      -6og    mere   subsidiary    book 
-bam^traft  auxiliary  steam-j)Ower.   -botte  coUa 
■plate.    -ftaabe  auxiliary  naval  force,    -gorbtni 
^  slab-line.    -I)ær  auxiliary  army.    -tapel  chap« 
of  ease.     -tilbe   resource;   (SSog)   aid,    aid-booi 
rig   paa  -r  fuU   of  resources;    Étgbom  paa 
sourcefulness,    richness    in    resources.     -tor<» 
auxiliary  corps.   -Iraft  auxiliary  power.   .^iæltM 
lig  a  serviceable.     ^)(r())e{Unie   math   artificial 
line,    mus  leger-line.     -lærer  assistant  teacher. 
-l«å  u  helpless,  shiftless.    -loSlieb  c  helplessness. 
-mafline   auxHiary   engine.    -mafl    spare   mast, 
(SJøbmaft)  jury  mast.    -mibbel  remedy,  expedient, 
(literært)  aid,  help.    -orb  auxiliary  word.    -^enge 
subsidies.    -^ræft  chaplain,  assistant  clergymau. 
-r  c  -e  helper,  aider,   assistant.    -ror  substitute 
rudder.    ^iatptt&tiialptt    accomplice,   abettor. 
.^jæI})C|fEat  extra   tax.    -ftrue  auxiliary   screw. 
-ftag    preventer    stay.     -ft^rte   auxiliary   force. 
-fætning  math  lemma,    -tot)  preventer.    -trop^x^t^ 
auxiliaries,    auxiliary  troops  fd.     -troSfc  addi- 
tionalhawfcor.  -Oatcrftog  J^cap-bob.siay.  -tierbum 
auxiliary  (verb).     -Pibenffab   auxiliary  science. 
^jælpfom  a  ready  lo  help,  willing  to  help.  ^}celp' 
fom^^eb  c  readiness  to  help. 

.^jfl'rne  n  -r  corner;  f  humour,  mood;  breje 
om  -t  turn  the  corner;  ^an  bor  paa  ..  af  he  lives 
at  the  corner  of.  -tiaanb  angle-brace.  -beflag 
corner  clips,  head  piates.  -bob,  -buttf  corner 
-shop,  amr  corner-store.  -felt  her  canton.  -gaarb 
fe  -bu§.  -^agc  square,  bevel.  -Ijut  bibl  corner 
-pocket.  -^uiS  corner-house.  -tla()  hedge-mustard, 
Erysimum.  -tno))  axillary  bud.  -trog  nook. 
-tælbcr  corner- cell ar.  -mur  corner-wall.  -mterte 
heading.  -pille  corner-pillar.  -ret  a  square.  -fat 
corner-room;  corner-hall.  -ftob  corner-cupboard. 
-fpær  corner-rafter.  t-fteb  corner  house,  -flen 
corner-stone.  -ftolpe  corner-post.  -ftue  corner 
-room,  corner-parlour.  -ft^tte  (paa  $0B)  heel. 
■tanb  fe  Cjentanb.  -binbue  corner -windo 
-Oærclfe  corner-room 

6m !  interj  hem !  ahem ! 

ho  ^o!  interj  aha! 

,§06  [ogf.  aa]  c  -e  (iUlængbe,  ©fare)  multitude, 
crowd,  shoal,  congeries;  (iBunte)  heap;  en  -  $enge 
a  heap  ofmoney;  -en,  ben  ftore  -  the  multitude, 
the  common  herd,  the  vulgar.  .§obe  vt  _  op, 
fammen,  fe  Dp  ,  Sammenhobe,  ^oben  c  (ub.  pi) 
fe  $ob.  —  ^obc|tat:  i  _  (i  Sfarer)  in  crowds;  (i 
®pnger)  in  heaps;  *penge  i  -  lots  of  monev.  -Oi§ 
arf"  b.  f. 

^aia'  c  -er  hau'tboy,  o'boe.  -ift'  c  -er  liaut- 
boy  player;  (fRegimentS=?!Kufi{ug)  bandsman. 

.^o'bff^  cumulus,  stack  cloud.  -fætning  (af 
9fJefl)  shocking. 

éo(^  [t.]  n  cheer. 

éot^tjeimer  c  (9>in)  hock. 

éobe  p  ie  §oBeb. 

^oy  n  -fer  court;  Beb  -fet,  Beb  ^ooe  at  court. 
-Obel  court  nobles  pi.  -agent  court-agent.  -bager 
baker  to  the  court.  -bat  court-ball.  -betjening 
employment  at  court.  -betjening  officer  of  the 
royal  household.  -bogtrQtter  printer  to  the 
court,  -e^ef  Lord  Chamberlain.  -bame  court 
lady,  lady  in  attendance;  (gift  .g»ofb.)  lady  in 
waiting.  -btgter  court  poet,  poet  laureate. 
-bragt  court  dress,  -bunft  fe  -luft.  -embebe  fe 
-Betjening,  -embebåmanb  court  functionary.  -etat 
civil-list.    -feft  court  festival. 

fioffmannébraaber  pi  Hoffmann's  drops. 

^oflfolt  courtiers,  -furer  harbinger.  -fr«ten 
maid  of  honour. 






^offær'blg  a  proud,  haughty,  supercilious; 
hibl  et  -t  aconet  the  pride  of  life.  -Ijeb  c  haughti- 
iiess,  snperciliousness. 

^oflgunft  court  favour.  -^oJb,  -^olbning 
1  royal)  liousehold.  -intcnbant  master  of  ttie 
liousehold.  -iunler  gentleman,  •jagermcfter 
master  of  the  hounds.  -faarbe  dress-sword. 
-labale  court  intrigue.  -(og  ©taté)falcttber  court 
-guide.  -la^tX  palace  chapel.  -tat)cllan  chap- 
lain-in-ordinary.  -tapclmefter  director  of  the 
royal  orche.stra.  -tnoolcr  gentleman  of  the 
court.  -!lrurfl  surgeon  to  the  royal  liousehold. 
-flabet,  -tlæbntng  fe  bragt.  -frcbS  court  clique, 
camarilla.  -trt)b  cringiug  courtier(s),  court- 
ling(s).  -Irljbcri  cringing,  fawning.  •tttttn 
court-kitchen.  -len  feof  granted  for  court  ser- 
vice. -let>cranb«r  purveyor  to  the  court.  -Icbnet, 
•Iltt  court  life.  -luft  court  air.  -læge  physician 
to  the  royal  household.  -manb  courtier.  -manbd= 
mieSfig  "  courtier-like.  -manér  fe  ftit.  -mor= 
ffall  Lord  Steward,  -tttcfter  fe  ^otimefter.  -meftet' 
tn'be  mistress  of  the  robes,  -nar  court  jester, 
c.  fool.  -<)orti  party  of  the  court.  -(lerfønale 
members  of  the  royal  household.  -(^ragt  splen- 
dour  of  a  court.  -(iriEbifant.  -pracft  king's 
chaplain,  court-c.  -roab  (titular)  aulic  coun- 
sellor.  -(og  StabSjret  inferior  court  of  justice 
(in  Copenhagen),  -rænfer  court  intrigues.  t-finbe 
court  -  officer,  -ftil  court  fashion ,  etiquette. 
•f!ri»er  clerk  of  the  household.  -fnttger  adula- 
tion.  -fmigrer  court  flatterer,  -fnog  fe  -tri)6. 
•forg  court  mourning.  -fttrog  court  language. 
•ftot  royal  household.    -fæber  court  manners. 

t^oftc  vi  (om  SBejret)  abate,  subside. 

^oftc  c  -r  hip,  haunch.  -ben,  -blab  hip  bone. 
-betænbelfe  coxitis.  -brubben  a  hipshot.  -gigt 
fe  -oært.  -lom  fe  -brubben.  -leb  hip  joint,  -muffcl 
iliac  muscle.  -ncrbc  sciatic  nerve,  -pube  bustle. 
-r«rt  a  palsied  in  the  lower  extremities.  -ffaal 
socket  of  the  hip  joint,  -ffobe  alfection  of  the 
hip,  disloeatiou  of  the  hip.  -fmerte,  -bc,  -bært 
rheumatic  affection  of  the  hip,  sciatica,  hip 

^ofltibenbc  court  gazette,  court  circular. 
-tjener  servant.  -tjeneri  court  service,  -tjencfte 
employment  at  court.  -tone  court  tone.  -toang 
court  etiqxiette.  -bant  a  accustomed  to  courts. 
-bæfen  (^pab  ber  ^erer  til  et  $.)  court  establish- 
ment; (Jpoffltf)  court  manners  pi. 

$0j  interj  Hoy !  Ahoy  ! 

Soltobønc  c  (gugl)  currassow,  Cra.v. 
otttå^JoluS  c,  pi  =,  hocus-pocus, 

"^olb  n  fe  $ulb. 

^otb  n,  t'l  =,  (pao  noget)  hold,  holding,  hold- 
fast; (Sting)  pain,  stitch;  (Slfbeling)  party,  batch; 
(Sant)  quarter;  (ffiarigtjeb)  strength,  durability; 
(Stfftanb)  range  (of  gunshot),  distance;  +  gribe, 
toge  -  i  take  el.  catch  hold  of;  baut  -  PQU  have 
bold  of;  ber  et  intet  _  i  i^am.  he  has  no  firmness 
of  character:  i(<xa  »:§fe  _  in  certain  quarters;  boo 
Icngt  _  at  a  great  distance,  far  oflF,  (om  Sfub)  at 
long  range;  T^aa  fort  el.  nært  _  at  close  quarters, 
(om  Sfub)  at  short  range.  ^Dlbjbar  a  (gæftning, 
^Paoftanb)  tenable;  (®mnbe)  valid;  (Oarig)  durable; 
t  Smør  keeping  butter.  -bar^eb  tenability, 
validity;  durability. 

^olbe,  ^olbt,  ()oIbt  vt  (^abe  fat  ifao.;  ogfaa  fig) 
hold;  (l^olbe,  men  itfe  =  ^aoe  fat  boa)  keep; 
(unber^olbe)  maintain;  (oæbbe)  bet;  (i  fin  Solb) 
retain;  (et  v-lab)  take  in;  (et  9KoaI)  measure; 
(rumme)  hold;  _  en  ^i\t  hold  a  horse;  _  |)eft 
keep  a  horse;  _  Suoen  keep  the  luff;  _  9Jtebe 
sit;  -  fulbe  Sejl  keep  full;  maa  _  Sengen  is  con- 
fined  to  his  bed;  ~  Stif  hold  good;  _  Seen  keep 
the  sea;  bear  sea;  _  en  2ale  make  a  speech, 
deliver  an  address;  _  en  Sone  hold  on  el.  sustain 

a  note;  _  SSanb  hold  water;  _  aSejret,  *$uften 
hold  (in)  one's  breath;  -  Sogn  keep  a  carriage; 

—  vi  (om  SBogn)  stop;  stand;  (iffc  brifte  ofb.)  hold; 
(Bare)  last;  *  (i  en  JRetning)  keep,  stand,  (ftgte) 
aim;  ~  flo8  93tbeBtnb  sail  close-hauled;  bet  tiil  _ 
tiaorbt  it  will  be  hard  work;  _  gobt  (om  iJugl) 
lie  close;  9Jognen  -r  for  5)Bren  the  carriage  is 
(waiting)  at  the  dcor;  —  vr  fig  hold  out;  (om 
gebeoarer)  keep,  (gobt,  om  %b\,  ogf.  fig  om  9Kf!r) 
wear  well,  (ftflre  fig)  forbear,  keep  quiet,  (gor- 
ftjar)  hold  out,  (Sfit  o.  I.)  continue,  be  still 
prevalent;  _  fig  toppert  behave  gallantly;  _  fig 
rolig  keep  quiet,  _  fig  Sorte  keep  away  (o.  fl.); 
bette  %s\  -r  fig  iffe  i  ^Joften  this  stuff  won't  bear 
washing;  <)3riferne  ^olbe  fig  ^øjc,  fofte  ofb.  prices 
rule  high,  firm  etc;  berfom  bet  gobe  SSejr  -r  fig  if 
the  weather  remains  fine;  jeg  -r  mig  foroiSiet  om 
I  am  satisfled;   —  vt,  vi  &  vr  meb  præp  &  adv: 

-  of  turn  (aside),  ^  bear  away,  keep  oflf;  love, 
be  fond  of,  partial  to,  (fun  om  Sing)  enjoy;  l^olbt 
meget  of  ^om  was  much  attached  to  him;  -r  of 
ot  likes  to;  -  on  (foft)  hold  on,  (^eft)  pull  up, 
rein  up;  -  foft  hold  flrmly,  keep  hold  of;  _ 
foft  poo  (gorbring)  stand  out  for;  _  foft  oeb  stick 
to,  adhere  to;  _  (onfe)  for  hold  to  be,  consider 
to  be,  look  upon  as;  _  for  rigtigt  take  to  be 
right;  vi  ^on  moo  ~  for  Beb  en^oer  SJejlig^eb  he 
must  always  bear  the  brunt,  bear  the  heat  and 
burden  of  the  day,  is  always .  the  victim  el. 
sutterer;  _  for  ot  .  .  .  hold,  consider,  be  of 
opinion  that;  _  fro  keep  off;  -  fro  ^inonben 
keep  separate;  _  fig  fro  abstain  from,  shun;  _ 
fro  fig  keep  ofi";  -frem  hold  out  (one's  band, 
a  child);  _  en  frem  (til  Stuberingeme)  defray  all 
the  of  one's  education;  _  (en)  '^en 
put  ofiF,;  _  ^er  [-(-  ^ib),  fe  _  for  vi;  *  _  i 
keep  hold  of,  hold  on  by;  -  igen  resist,  retard 
the  motion;  ~  imob  resist;  compare;  _  ti  imob 
en  bet  ten  to  one;  _  inbe  (noget  for  en)  retain; 
vi  (opl&Bre)  leave  off,  hold  one's  hånd,  pause, 
stop,  check  one's  self,  (plubfelig  i  Salen)  stop 
Short,  cut  one's  self  short;  -  inbe  meb  Sftjbningen 
cease  fire;  -  fig  inbe  keep  within  doors,  keep 
(to)  one's  room;  _  meb  (en)  side  with,  agree 
with;  _  en  meb  Slæber  (ofD.)  find  one  (in)  clothes, 
keep  one  in  c;  -  fig  felB  meb  @orn  find  one's 
owu  cotton;  _  en  meb  Selftob  keep  one  Com- 
pany; _  en  meb  ©nof  keep  one  in  conversation; 
_  neiB  pao  fionbet  bear  in  with  the  land;  _  op 
(i  58ejret)  hold  up;  vi  (oflobe)  leave  ofT,  cease, 
stop;  -  op  meb  b.  f.;  -  en  op  put  one  off;  _  ftg 
op  oBer  make  remarks  upon;  -oppe  keep  up, 
(poo  58onbet)  keep  afloat;  -  fig  oppe  keep  afloat; 
_  OBer,  fe  EBer^otbe;  -  poo  (tilbageø.)  keep, 
detain;  (parere)  bet  on,  back;  (en  stening  o.  1.) 
stick  to,  adhere  to,  stand  upon,  stand  out  for; 
(foretrcefte)  be  for;  _  pao  Stillingen  og  lobe  Soleren 
goo  be  penny-wise  and  pound-foolish ;  -  poo 
Sloreme,  fe  Jpoile;  F  ^olb  pao  mig  (Wogbelone!) 
hold  me!  ''-^  ~  poo  meb  be  engaged  in,  be  busy 
with;  keep  to,  go  on  with;  '■'  _  pao  ot  .  .  be 
-ing,  be  in  the  aet  of  -ing;  _  ftg  pao  !Scnene 
keep  one's  feet;  _  ftg  pao  Scenen  (om  Stpffe) 
keep  the  stage;  -  f  om  men  vt  &  i  keep  el.  hold 
together;  _  fommen  poo  not  to  lose  one's  hold 
of;  -til  vi  live;  _  til  meb  associate  with,  keep 
Company  with;  vt  _  øjnene  til  keep  the  eyes 
shut;  -  en  til  SIrbejbe  keep  one  to  his  work;  _ 
en  til  ot .  .  .  make  one  .  .  .;  _  fig  til  abide  by, 
stick  to;  -  fig  til  en  for  SSetoling  look  to  one  for 
payment;  -  tilboge  hold  back,  detain;  _  Soo= 
rerne  tilboge  refrain  from  tears  el.  from  weeping; 
_  ub  vi  hold  out,  vt  endure,  stand;  _  ub  poo  en 
9Jobe  dwell  on  a  note;  _  ub  fro  ^inonben  keep 
distinct;  -  ub  fro  Sonbet  bear  ofF  from  the  land; 
_  ub  meb  en  bear  with  one;  -  uboBer  ^t-  stand 




off;  _  »eb  t  stick  to;  t  continue,  go  on;  _  Beb 
lige  keep  up,  keep  in  repair;  ^olb  »eb  i  %ibe  og 
Utibe  bibl  be  instant  in  season  and  out  of  season. 
^o(be|Iio(t  holdfast.  -bunb  4>  anchor-ground. 
•cnnc,  -froft  holding-power.  -lifte  tvp  stop  (on 
the  carriage).  +-Ifc,  -n  c  keeping;  fe  Siofien. 
^alben  «  (uflabt)  wliole,  sound;  ^el  og  _  (i  gob 
4tet)0lb)  safe  and  sound,  (fulbftænbig)  ndu  entirely, 
every  inch;  bette  ttl()ører  mig  ^elt  og  -t  these 
things  are  wholly  el.  entirely  mine;  en  _  Wanb 
a  man  well  to  do  in  the  world.  ^o(be|nem 
'1  manageable,  docile.  -piatS  (^bor  ber  ftonbfeg) 
halting  place;  (SroSferS)  (cab-)stand,  (cab-)rank, 
standing.  -^junft  hold.  ^o(ber  c  -e  subscriber; 
pen -holder;  (til  S8u!et)  holder,  .^olbelftong 
handle,    -ftcb  halting-place. 

$olb|l)aoe  dog.  -<)agelaa§  dog-shore.  +-tg  a 
fine.  -iflticb  c  flneness.  -fraft  fe  JioIbc=.  -ttiitfl 
c  (tjbre  Sæfen)  bearing,  carriage;  (Dpførfel)  de- 
portment,  behaviour,  attitude;  firmness,  balance; 
(i  aKateri)  keeping;  (militær)  appearance;  uben  ~ 
b.  f.  f.  -ning§(ø§  a  weak,  half-hearied,  vacillat- 
ing.  -ntngåteébeb  c  weakness;  (movolft)  lack  of 
moral  balance.  +-ntng§))untt  fe  jpolbepnnft. 
-ffrne  fe  Jpolt--.  .^olbt  interj  halt!  gare  _  halt. 
^olbbtiS  adv  in  parties  el.  gangs. 

^ole  [t.]  vt  f  catch,  get;  ber  er  intet  at  - 
there  is  nothing  to  be  got. 

jgol!  c    e  ferrule;  (SJib)  hnlk 

'^-.^oHe  fe  jpaalte. 

^oHanb  n  Holland,  -fl  a  Dutch;  _  Saft  tabled 
scarp;  _  flærreb  Butch  linen,  holland;  _  SSløUe 
Dutch  wind-mill,  smock-mill;  _  '^aph  Dutch 
paper,  ribbed  paper;  _  SSinbue  sash-window. 

SOttojM  interj  hoUo  !  halloa!  halloo  ! 
ottænber  c  -e  Dutchman,  Hollander;  (5or> 
Jjogter  af  |»olIænberi)  dairyman;  ($apirf.)  cylinder 
-engine;  4>  (©ti!)  cat's  paw.  -i'  n  -er  dairy, 
milk  farm;  dairy  farming.  -in'be  c  -r  Dutch- 

.^olm  c  -e,  '■•pointe -r  holm,  islet;  -en(Sb^aBn) 
the  royal  dock-yard.  *.^oIme  vt  (SSjørn)  ring, 
encircle  (a  bear).  t.golmgang  c  wager  of  battle 
(fought  on  an  islet). 

tolot^u'rier  ii(!  hol'othures. 
otften  n  Holstein,    -er  c  -e  Holsteiner.    -ff  a 
Holstein;  _  (Silb  smoked  herring  (not  split);  _ 
5Kogn  waggonnette;  _  Stage  carrion  crow,  Gorvus 

^olt  n  -er  grove,  wood  (of  small  extent). 
(^ols-)ffruc  wood-screw,  screw-nail.  -fn(S^))e 
woodcock,  Seolopax  rustieola. 

^ome't  Ho 'mer.    -iff  a  Homer'ic. 

.^omilletit'  c  homiletics.  -Ic'tifl  a  homilet'- 
ic(al)  -'Hc  c  -r  hom'ily.  -'Hebog  book  of 

^otnolfo'n  a  homophonous.  -gc'n  a  homoge- 
neous.    -ttQnt  a  homon'ymous;  n  -et  hom'onym. 

^omeolpa't   c    -er    homæop'athist.      'pati'    c 
homæop'athy.    -:po'ttfI  «  homæopath'ic. 
"^on  fe  "-^un  c. 

^onnet'  a  fair(-dealing),  upright,  honourable; 
~  Slmbitton  proper  pride.    -Ite't  c  fairness. 

honning  c  honey.  -aat:  et  gobt  _  a  good 
year  for  honey.  -agtig  a  honey-like.  -bi  honey 
-bee.  -blomft  honey  flower.  -blære  honey-bag. 
-brab  fe  -tage.  ■bj)lb  meliceris.  -bæger  nectary, 
honey-cup.  -cette  honey-cell,  alveolus.  -brif 
honeyed  drink,  -bug  honey-dew.  -fugl  sun 
-bird,  CiimvriH;  fe  -fuget,  -gemme  nectary, 
•gibenbe  '/  melliferous.  -gtcebUng  fe  -jero,  -g«g 
honey-guide,  bee-euokoo,  Uuculns  indicttor.  -^eft 
honey-harvest.  -jerb  ratel,  Bateiun.  -foge  (S3i' 
tage)  honey-eomb;  (SlagS  Éage)  gingerbread.  -far 
nectary.  -lugt  smell  el.  flavour  of  honey.  -reb= 
-ffaber  nectaries.    -f aft  honey.    -i^tup  syrup  of 

ig  taste^" 

r,  ■ 


)ur  ■ 






honey.  -ffttte  slice  of  honey-comb.  -fmag  tasti 
el.  flavour  of  honey,  -fmil  honeyed  smile,  -ften 
honey-stone,  mellite.  -fuger  c  e  honeysucker, 
Nectarinia.  -ftjre  mellitic  acid.  -fæbe  hone; 
soap.  -fab  a  sweet  as  honey,  honeyed,  hone|^ 
-sweet.  -»anb  hydromel.  -æbcr  honey-eater, 

$onna'r  c  -er  hon'our;  militær  -  military 
honours;  gore  ~  do  the  honours;  fire  -er  four 
by  honours, 

^onor|a'r  n  -et  fee,  hon'orary,  honora'riu 
-otio'reé  pi   the   quality,     -ere   vt   fee,    pay 
(S5et§el)  honoiir,  protect,  answer;  ttfe  -  dishonou: 
leave  in  sufTerance. 

^tp'  n,  vi  =,  jump,  (meb  SBenene  fammen)  skip.^ 
ipaa  eet  Sen)  hop,  ^Ofibe  vi  jump;  skip;  hop; 
_  oBer  et  ®ærbe  leap  a  fence;  ^ijertet  -be  i  ^am 
his  heart  leaped  within  him, 

^OppC   c   -r   mare.     -f«l   filly.     ■mælt  mare' 
milk,    t-|)lag  yearliug  filly, 

^obfa!  tnt  heyday!   ^op\a{'oal^)  c  hop-danc 

Sot  H  adultery, 
ornerne  pi  the  Horæ, 
.^oragtig  «  adulterous,  (bibl)  whorish, 
.^oro'té  Hor'ace.    -iff  a  Hora'tian, 
.^orbe  c  -r  horde.    -bi8  adv  in  hordes. 

Sorbc  c  -r  (gletBoerf)  hurdle. 
ore  c  -r  (26gteftab?bt.)  adulteress;  (off.)  whore, 
harlot,  prostitute.  .^ore  vi  whore,  weneh. 
-barn  adulterous  offspring.  -but  whoremonger. 
-fagter  manners  of  a  w.  -^olb  keeping  of  a 
brothel.  -bttS  whorehouse,  brothel.  -jaeger  fe 
-6uf.  -tib^JC  fe  -^u§,  -tbinbe  fe  .§or!Binbe,  -leje 
adulterous  bed.  -lebnet  adulterous  life,  -l«n 
wages  of  prostitution,  -ri'  n  whoriug,  whore- 
dom,  -fæb  bibl  the  seed  of  the  adulterer,  -fan 
whoreson,  -unge  bastard  child,  whoreson,  -tiært 
brothel-keeper,  -bærtinbe  bawd,  -txcrtffab  fe 
-^olb,     -bifc  bawdy  song, 

t&orifout'  c  -et  hori'zon;  i  -en  on  the  horizon; 
oBet  min  _  above  my  reach,  F  above  my  hook, 
a  cut  beyond  me.  -a'l  a  horizon'tal;  -e  8lær 
square  yards;  -e  Knær  lodging-knees.  -a'Utnie 
horizontal  (line).  -a'lbaraUafé  horizontal  paralJ 
lax  (o,  fl,),  1 

tort,  ^orte  c  -r  (gift)  ru£F,  Acerina  cemtta.    ' 
o'r|torl    adulterer,    whoremonger,      -tone, 
-tbinbe  adulteress. 

.^o'rn  n,  pi  =,  horn;  {paa  SSæbberfttb)  beak;  .X- 
{pa<x  ®affel)  cheek;  l^aBe  et  _  i  ©tben  paa  en  bear 
el.  owe  one  a  grudge,  have  an  aching  tooth  at 
one;  ftøbe  i  -  blow  a  horn;  fætte  en  _  i  $anben 
give  one  a  pair  of  horns,  cuckold  el,  cornute 
one;  løbe  -ene  of  fig  sow  one's  wild  oats;  trætte 
-ene  til  fig  draw  in  one's  horns;  tage  Jnren  Beb 
-ene  take  the  bull  by  the  horns,  -affalb  horn 
-clippings,  -agtig  a  horny,  corneous,  -arbejbe 
hornwork,  -blab  horn-wort,  Ceratophj/lluvi. 
-blenbe  hornblende,  -blenbegnejS  amphibole 
gneiss,  -blenbegranit  hornblende-granite,  -blett= 
beffifter  hornblende  schist,  -blenbeften  amphi- 
bolite.  -b(^  horn-lead,  -btæfer  horn-blower, 
-player,  -briller  horn  rimmed  spectacles.  -Drager 
orchis.  -brejer  turner  in  horn.  -ert§  horn 
-Silver,  -et  'i  horned,  cornute(d);  _  Slutning 
dilemma,  -fil  horn-file.  -fiff  garflsh,  Belone. 
-formet,  -formig  "  horn-shaped,  comiform,  -fr« 
horned  frog,  CeratoiihruK  cornuta  -føbbet  a 
hornfooted,  hoofed,  '*-gjebbe,  -gjæl  fe  -fiff, 
-gulb  gold  of  OVa  to  10  carats,  -binbe  eornea. 
-5ub  horny  skin,  callosity.  -ift'  c  -er,  fe  -blæfer. 
-tlambe  vi,  belaying  cleat,  -tløft  cleft  in  the 
hoof,  -foral  gorgonia,  -toæg  horned  cattle. 
-lag  layer  of  horn,  horny  sheath,  -lim  (strong) 
glue,  -IQgte  horn  lantern,  -løé  a  hornless, 
-malm   fe  -ert§,     -mnfit  hom-music,     -nitte  vt 





hobble.  -««b  (poo  SBlæljp.)  homy  hook.  -««b 
water-chestnut,  Trapa  natans.  -ptahe  horn-plate. 
•pttttltt  hornwort,  Veratophyllum.  -rolfe  sea 
-devil,  Cevkaloptera .  -ftgnal  horn-blast.  -fCafiet 
a  hom-handled.  -ffc  horu-spoon.  -flebe  je  -lag. 
•ffifer  horn  slate  -flrob  horn  shavings  pi. 
•f(ul))e  homed  poppy,  Glaucium  /uteum.  -f(ange 
horned  snake,  Cerasten.  -fnættc  cerithium. 
-f))aancr  horn-shavings.  -f^alte  fe  -flaft.  -f<)ib8 
horn-tip.  -ftejle  prov  fe  -tap.  -fteit  hornstone. 
-ftof,  -fubftattiS  horny  matter,  -ftraalt  homy 
frog.  -felB  horn-silver.  -tap  eore.  -ugle  (ItHe) 
horn-owl,  Strix  otiM;  (ftor)  eagle  owl,  JStrix  bubo. 
•Dorte  knob.  -uæg  crust.  -txerf  homwork. 
-t>æB  corneous  tissue. 

^oroffD'))  n  -er  hor'oscope;  ftille  en§  _  cast 
one's  horoscope  cl.  nativity. 

'^orr  fe  ^arr. 

t.§or8  n,  pi  =,  horse,  esp  mare. 

•6o'rfog  action  for  adultery;  adultery  case. 

.6orfe|benne  fe  gflceg.  -geg  neighing  hird, 
common-snipe,  Scolopa.r  gnlUnago.  -moT:  menS 
(SræSfet  gror,  bør  _  while  the  grass  grows,  the 
mare  starves. 

.^o'rftrof  punlshment  for  adultery. 

-porten  fe  Hortensia. 

•éorten'fio  c  ^  hydraugea. 

■éortttla'tt  c  -er  o'rtolan,  Emberiza  hortulana. 

.poé'  [oj  prtKp  by,  witli,  t)abe  _  fig  have  about 
oue,  fibbe  -  en  sit  by  oue;  _  SRomerne  among 
the  Romans;  _  08  with  us;  _  mig,  at  my  house; 
ban  er  _  ®iib  he  is  with  God;  Øefanbt,  ®oftor, 
kapellan,  Stosferer  -  ambassador,  physician,  chap- 
lain,  cashier  to;  i  (Sunft  _  in  favour  with;  en 
Soagfieb  ~  a  weakness  in;  en  SSane  _  a  habit 
with;  fpife  til  9JJibbag  _  dine  with;  tage  Ijenefte  _ 
enter  (into)  one's  service;  fe  golf  -  fig  see  com- 
pany;  jeg  ear  -  $r.  Smitfi  I  was  at  Mr.  Smith's; 
man  Icefer  _  Obib  we  read  In  Ovid. 

.^oåbonb  fe  ^uSbonb. 

ooébunbcn  a  appended,  aifixed. 

Oofc  c  -r  hose,  stocking;  gøre  fine  -r  grønne 
ciirry  favour;  faa  let  fom  tfob  i  -  as  easy  as  kiss 

.øofett  Hoshe'a. 

.pofejbaaHb  garter.  -lioonbåorbeu  order  of  tiie 
garter.  -iaonbSrtbbcr  kniglit  of  the  garter. 
•binber,  -binbcrffe  stocking-knitter.  +-bob  fe 
-træmmerbuttf.  -fob  stocking-fcot.  -træmmer 
hosier,  slop-seller.  -træmmerarbejbe  slop-work. 
-Iræmmerbutit  hosier's  sliop.  -(ilnb  knitting 
needle.  -ffaft  leg  of  a  stocking.  -fotter  stock- 
ing-feet.    -boeber  stocking-weaver. 

?»o§|f«jf  vt  annex,  subjoin.  -følgeube  a  fe  -lagt. 

Oofinn'tto  int  &  n  hosanna. 

C)Oé>|(agt  n  subjoined,  annexed,  accompanying; 
-c  »friBflfc  the  subjoined  etc.  letter.  -liggenbe 
a  adjoining,  coutiguous,  adjacent;  fe  -lagt. 

^o\pita'l  n  -er  (S^getjul)  hos'pital,  iniSrmary; 
(5attifl^u§)  almshouse;  poo  -et  in  tlie  hospital. 
-i  ter  c  -e  hospitaler.  —  <^of)>italé{  afgifter  ^t, 
hospital  charges,  -branb  hospital  gangrene. 
-brober  hospitaler,  -feber  liospital  fever  (0.  fl.) 
•forfionber  warden  el.  governor  of  a  hospital. 
-lem  inmate  of  an  almsliouse.  -læge  physician 
to  a  hospital,  (fom  bor  ber)  hou.s,p  surgeon. 
-batient  in-patient.  -(lenge  hospital  money. 
-(tleje  hospital  attentions.  -^rsft  minister  of  a 
hospital-church.  -fqgbom  hospital  diseasc;  -me 
p/hospitalism.  -ubgifter  hospital  expenses.  -oogn 

.^ofpi|te're  vt  attend  school  el.  lec^tures  as  a 
gnest.    -tium  w  -ter  hos'pice. 

.^oSftaacnbe  a  present;  fe  -liggenbe;  —  c  by- 
4)  tander. 

^o'fte  '•■■^oft'e   [6]   c  [cough.    ^ofle  vi  cough. 

-anfalb  flt  of  coughing,  coughing  fit.  -lager 
cough-lozenges.  -trampe  convulsive  cough.  -n 
c  coughing. 

£ofti'e  c  host. 

.poiSbærenbe  o  present. 

,potet'  n  -ler  hotel,  inn;  ~  øami  lodging-house. 
•ejer  hotel  proprietor.  -fori  boots.  -regning 
hotel  bill.    -nært  master  of  an  hotel,  inkeeper. 

hottentot'  c  -ter  Hot'tentot.  -figen  hottentot 
fig,  (planten)  flg-marigold,  Metembryanthemum 

t^ott!  ^ob!  (bæHenbe)  hoUa!  hollo!  hoUoa! 
(tilflQnbenbe)  right!  push  on !  on  then !  go  ahead ! 

*6oug  fe  |)aug. 

*^oO  [aa]  c  (®arn)  bag;  landing-net,  dip-net; 

téob'  c  (Rar)  vat. 

t^ou'  c  -e  halo  (round  the  sun  or  moon). 

Aob'  c  -e  (*|)o'b,  pi  Jpøber)  {paa  ^efte)  hoof. 

.pobarbejbe  fe  ^ooeri. 

,§obIbar  a  unshod.  -ben  coffin-bone.  -beftag 
fe  .^eitebeflog.    -blab  sole. 

toobonbe  c  soeeager. 
ODibragt    heel.     -b^r    hoofed   el.    ungulate 

fioue:  til,  beb  _  =  til,  »eb  $offet,  fe  ^of. 

MObe  fe  jpue  vt. 

^ovet)  (+  ^ooebe)  n  -er  (i  9llm.  og  i  be  flefte  *^et.) 
liead;  (Coermanb)  chief,  leader;  {paa  93ibe)  bowl; 
(paa  Kanon)  muzzle;  fætte  _  (om  Maal)  cabbage; 
faa  mange  -er,  faa  mange  ©inb  (so)  many  men, 
(so)  many  minds;  urolige  -er  turbulents  spirits; 
lade  et  gobt  _  have  good  abilities,  be  elever; 
tabe  -et  lose  one's  head;  gøre  en  -et  frufct  per- 
plex  oue,  cause  one  no  end  of  trouble  el. 
anxiety;  Oar  færbig  at  rtoe  -et  af  mig  nearly  bit 
my  head  off;  følge,  gaa  efter  fit  eget  _  foUow 
one's  own  humour,  have  one's  own  way;  bet  er 
ilfe  efter  mit  _  it  is  not  to  my  fancy,  I  do  not 
approve  of  it;  fort  for  -et  snappish,  gruff,  short 
-spoken;  ftøbe  en  for  et  ofTend  one,  pique  one; 
fætte  fig  noget  i  -et  take  a  thing  into  one's 
head;  fætte  en  noget  i  -et  put  something  into 
one's  liead;  regne  i  -et  reckon  in  one's  head  el. 
by  the  mental  process;  jeg  fan  itfe  fao  bet  i  mit 
_  I  cannot  understand  it,  it  will  not  go  down 
with  me;  ^an  er  itfe  rigtig  i  et  he  is  not  in  his 
right  senses;  f)aBe  onbt  t  -et  have  a  (bad)  head- 
ache;  boab  man  ifte  ^ar  t  -et,  faor  man  ^atje  i 
Stenene  a  weak  memory  makes  weary  legs;  your 
head  won't  save  your  heels;  ^aoe  (noget)  i  -et 
be  tipsy;  lægge  fit  _  i  33løb  rack  one's  brains; 
forfpne  én  58olt  meb  _  head  a  bolt;  ^ænge  meb  -et 
hang  down  one's  head;  t)of§e  en  o  o  er  -  get 
beyond  one's  control;  fe  ooer  -et  look  down 
upon;  rage  et  ^elt  -  op  ouer  stand  head  and 
shoulders  above;  meb  $at  p  o  a .  -et  with  a  hat  on 
his  liead;  fptinge  nb  paa  -et  take  a  header;  gioe 
en  paa  -et  (ogf.  Jig)  hit  one  over  the  head;  .fig 
blow  one  up;  ftille  Sagen  paa  -et  turn  things 
upside  down;  om  jeg  ftaar  paa  -et  do  wliat  I  will; 
jeg  oeb  itfe,  om  jeg  ftaar  paa  -et  etter  SJenene  I  am 
as  one  in  a  dream;  efter  fom  -et  ftob  pao  bom 
according  to  the  mood  they  were  in;  fe  Som; 
ftiffe  -erne  f ammen  lay  heads  together.  com- 
pare  notes,  (til  S08)  compare  logs,  fe  Stige;  Ian 
itfe  faa  bet  u  b  af  -et  cannot  get  it  out  of  my 
liead;  uben  -  headless.  .'^ooeblaarc  cephalic 
vein;  (Digtigfte)  principal  veiu  el.  artery.  -aarfag 
main  cause.  -afbeltng  grand  el.  great  division; 
mil  bulk,  main  body.  -affntt  grand  division. 
-agentur  head  agency.  -agterftæbn  main  post. 
-allcent  fe  -tone.  -alM  main  shaft.  -atter  lugh 
altar.  -anfører  ring-leader.  -angreb  principal 
attack.  -onte  principal  grievance.  -anllage 
main   charge,     -anlebning   chief  motive.    -an= 




ftiffér  ring-leader.  -arbejtie  main  work;  (meb 
jpobebet)  brain  work.  -orm  main  branch.  -armé 
main  body  of  an  army,  -artitcl  leading  article. 
■artiing  principal  heir  (heiress);  (of  bet  øBrtge 
®ob§,  iiaor  ®ælb  og  legater  ere  betalte)  residuary 
legatee.  -baanb  liead  band.  -bol)  bath  for  the 
liead.  -(iærn)bane  trunk  line.  -bannet  chief 
lianner.  -bebætnittQ  (head)  covering,  head-dress, 
-begiticn^eb  chlef  event,  -begreb  essential  notion. 
•befjæftigelfc  chief  employment.  -beftanii  main 
stock.  -beftanbbel  main  ingredient  el.  constit- 
uent.  -bcft^rclfe  directors.  -betragtning  chief 
consideration.  -beotegclfe  movement  of  the 
head.  -binb  bandage  for  tlie  head.  -bifelte 
glrder.  -blomft  button-wood,  Vephalanthus .  -bog 
ledger.  -bolt  (pca  SBogn)  maiu  pin.  -bor  trepan. 
-brnb  racking  of  the  brain.  -bue  (^mp.)  main 
link.  -bunb  scalp,  skin  of  the  head.  -bagning 
main  building.  =>-b«lc  fe  -gaarb.  -bebitor  fe 
-ffQlbner.  -bel  principal  part.  -bng  head-cloth. 
-b^b  Cardinal  virtue;  (en8)  main  virtue.  -bæl 
main  deck.  -bar  principal  door,  entrance  door. 
•egcnftab  principal  el.  leading  quality  el.  feature. 
-emne  main  subject.  -elStiebitton  Chief  Office 
-enbe  (@eng§)  bed's  head.  -fa<;obc  grand  fa<,'ade. 
-fag  principal  (subject  of)  study,  specialty.  -faroc 
principal  colour;  primitive  colour.  -fejt  prin- 
cipal fault,  -figur  principal  el.  leading  figure. 
-fjenbe.  -fieube  chief  enemy.  -fl«j  main-wing. 
-foranbring  radical  change;  principal  change. 
-forbrt)belfe  chief  el.  greatest  crime.  -forbring 
prime  requisite;  fe  -gælb.  -forfotter  leading 
author.  -form  main  form;  form  of  the  head. 
-formaol  main  end,  chief  aim.  -forretning 
principal  business;  head  establishment  el.  offlce. 
-forfeelfe  principal  ofifence.  -forflcl  main  differ- 
ence, -forflag  principal  motion,  -forftæbn  main 
stem.  -fortjenefte  chief  merit,  -frembringelfe 
fe  -probuft.  -frifer  muzzle-mouldings.  -ftjr 
principal  light,  -fæftning  principal  fortress.  -f«b= 
bebe  pi  cephalopods.  -gaarb  manor,  demesne. 
-gabe  main  street,  leading  street,  thoroughfare. 
-gang  principal  passage,  -genftanb  main  ob- 
ject.  -geuinft  grand  prize.  -gren  principal;  fig 
main  el.  head  branch.  -grunb  principal  reason. 
-grunbfietning  fundamental  princlple,  first  prin- 
ciplc,  leading  p.  -grntitte  main  group.  t-gu(b 
golden  diadem,  -gælb  principal  debt.  -gærbe 
bed's  head  -^aar  hair  of  the  head.  -banb* 
Ung  main  action,  -^avn  principal  port.  -ben= 
figt  main  design,  -bjul  main  wheel,  -bjørneften 
hibl  head  of  the  corner.  -kolber  headrest. 
-bttb  skin  of  tlie  head,  scalp.  -^ængeri  n  sancti- 
moniousness,  pietism.  -bær  fe  -armé.  -inbgang 
main  entrance.  -inb^olb  substance,  main  pur- 
port;  chief  contents;  a  summary,  -inbførfel 
maiu  entrance  el.  avenue,  -inbtcegt  chief  revenue. 
•iéfe  crown  of  the  liead,  -jærnbane  fe  -bane. 
-jceger  head-hunter.  -laal  (headed)  cabbage. 
-fabQt  main  cabin.  -taSfe  pay  offlce.  -laéfercr 
paymaster,  treasurer.  -tenbet'egn  main  charact- 
eristic.  -lilbe  main  source.  -ttrfc  prin<dpal 
church.  -Iloatmainsewer.  -!Iæbe  head-kerchief. 
-tantor  chief  office.  -trebitor  principal  creditor. 
-tuIbS  adv  head  foremost,  headlong.  -foarter 
head-quarters  pi.  -f«b :  F  fælge  _  kick  one's 
heels.  -lag  (©elet.)  head -gear,  head-stall. 
-labning,  -laft  bulk  of  the  cargo.  -lanb  main 
el.  mother-country.  -(anbebej  fe  -Dej.  -lebning 
main.  -lejr  head-quarters.  -libenffab  master 
-passion.  -linie  principal  line;  fe  -bane;  -rute. 
-lob  fe  aSoeilob.  -lobé  chief  pilot.  -Iu§  head 
•louse,  Pcdieidus  capitis.  -længbe:  Dinbe  meb  en 
-  win  by  a  head.  -længe  main  wing.  -lærbom, 
-tære  principal  doctrine.  -I«b  main  channel. 
-laé  a  (uben  ^.)  headless;  fiø  witless,  dull;  (uben 

Dtjert}.)  without  a  leader,  headless;  be  -e  eooi 
the  acephals.  -manb  head  chief,  principal 
(Dpbaoém.)  author,  (i  Eprflrj  ringleader.  -mangel 
main  defect.  -maiSfe  bulk.  -moft  fe  Unbcrmafi. 
-motib  chief  motive;  »mn  leading  motive.  -ni) 
belfe  chief  enjoyment.  -ntjtte  main  use.  -næring 
chief  food.  -nøgle  master  key,  pass-key,  skeletou 
key,  passe  -  partout,  -omftænbig^eb  essential 
circnmstance.  -opQaVt  maiu  task.  -o);Iag§fteb 
chief  empotium.  -orb  leading  word;  gr  noun. 
-Vanbefteb  the  place  of  a  skuU  (skuUs).  -periobe 
chief  period.  -fierfon  principal  person;  (Jeat.) 
p.  el.  leading  character.  -<)ille  main  pillar. 
-^ine  headache;  jeg  bar  -  I  have  a  (bad)  head- 
ache.  -t»oft  principal  item.  -bofttontor  cential 
post-offlce.  -t>rincip  fe  -grunbfætning.  -brobuft 
staple  product.  -brt)belfe  ornaments  for  the 
head.  -(»ræft  rector.  -Jiube  pillow.  -:|>untt  main 
point,  -bflnt  head-dress.  -rebattør  editor  in 
chief.  -reber  principal  owner.  -regel  principal 
rule,  -regifter  general  index,  -regning  mental 
calculation  el.  computation,  m.  arithmetic.  -ren- 
gøring thorough  cleaning,  cleaiiing-out.  -reva= 
ration  thorough  repair.  -refultat  main  result. 
-ret  principal  dish.  -ribbe  primary  ridge.  -rig 
a  very  rich.  -rigel  {J^iaa  SBogn)  riding-bolster. 
•rob  master-root.  -rolle  principal  part,  leading, 
principal,  chief  el.  central  character,  -ror  main 
rudder.  -rute  main  route.  -rbftcn  shake  of 
the  head.  -rætlc,  -ræling  main  rail.  -fag  main 
point,  great  thing;  i)an  Ifav  fRet  i  -en  he  is  right 
in  the  main.  -fagelig  «  main;  —  adv  mainly. 
-foté  pin-maker's  scissors.  -falat  cabbage  lettuce, 
Lactuca  aativa.  -falou  principal  saloon,  -fejl 
heavy  sail.  -fibe  principal  side;  (paa  5898"  ' 
front,  -ftal  skull,  -ffal:?  scalp.  -ftib  (i  tirtc) 
nave  -fljolb  principal  escutcheon.  -ftQlbuer 
principal  debtor.  -(Tag  general  action,  pitched 
battle;  main  el.  decisive  battle.  -fm^tte  fe  -prij 
belfe.  -fuore  pi  (SBæo)  cords.  -fogn  princiy: 
parish.  -fjanter  pi  main  frames.  -fbil  (i  6Ia: 
main  play.  -fbrog  parent  language,  principi 
1.  -f))ørg§maal  main  question.  -ftab  capital, 
metropolis;  (i  ®ret)ffab)  county  town.  -ftab§= 
metropolitan,  of  the  metropolis,  -ftamme  (%x«) 
main  trunk;  (golf)  chief  tribe;  fig  main  stock. 
•ftation  (Jværnb.)  terminus;  (for  glaaben)  principal 
naval  station,  -fleb  important  passage  (in  a 
wrlting).  -ftemme  principal  voice;  falsetto,  head 
-voice.  -ften  head-stone.  -ftjcrne  principal  star. 
-ftol  principal  (sum);  fe  -lag.  -ftorm  general 
assault.  -ftreg  (p.  ftompaS)  cardinal  el.  principal 
point,  -ftrøg  principal  thoroughfare.  -ftrøm, 
-ftrømning  main  current.  -ftljllc  (f.  (Sts.  paa  SBibfel) 
head-pice;  bead-end;  main-piece;  chapter,  sec- 
tion.  -^Jjrfe:  bon?  -  ii,il  the  bulk  of  his  forces; 
fio  his  forte,  his  strong  point;  glaaben§  ~  the 
bulk  el.  main  body  of  the  fleet.  -ftøtte  mainstay. 
■fum  sum-total,  -fbimmel  a  giddy;  bet  gor  mig 
_  it  makes  my  head  swim.  -foimmel(^eb)  c 
giddiness.  -f^nb  cardinal  sin.  -f^éfel  chief 
employment  el.  occupation.  -fæbe  principal 
seat  el.  residence.  -fæt  head  gear.  -fætning  or- 
principal  proposition;  fe  -grunbfætning.  -tal 
cardinal  number.  -tale  principal  el.  grand 
speech.  -taler  principal  orator,  -tante  leading 
idea.  -tegning  general  drawing.  -iib  (af  JBerbum) 
principal  part.  -titel  principal  title.  -tone 
primary  accent,  -trab^e  principal  stairs  el.  stair- 
case.  -træ!  main  el.  leading  feature  el  charac- 
teristic.  -t^bc  main  type.  -tøj  (ogf.  Selet.) 
head-gear.  -babft  washing  of  the  head;  sham- 
pooing.  -bagt  main  guard(-house).  -banb 
smelling  -  water.  -oanbSflafte  smelling  -  bottle. 
-banbSæg  scent-box,  pouncet-box.  -batterfot 
-banbfot   hydroeephalus,   dropsy   of  the   head. 





-uej  trnnk  road,  principal  road.  -Di&ne  principal 
witness.  -tiinbene  pi  the  cardinal  winds.  -ttirf- 
ittng  main  effect.  -ttolb  principal  rampart. 
-tidcgt :  lægge  -en  vaa  lay  particular  stress  on. 
-txcrf  n  (fornemfte  9lr6eibe)  principal  work;  (I3tg= 
ti(it  95)  leading  work;  (i  Orgel)  great -organ, 
<  hief  manual.    -»«rl  c  fe  -pine.     -ejemeb  main 


.6  o  »en  [oa]  a  swalled,  swoln,  fig  &  f  puflfed 
up,  arrogant,  -^eb,  -ffob  c  tumefaction,  swell- 
ing,  fig  arrogance. 

j&ouc'tc  vi  exult,  crow.    -n  c  exultatlon. 

.&oueri'  71  vlllein  socage,  villenage,  average. 
-afUSning  commutation  of  villenage.  -bontte 
.socager.  -bag  day  of  socage-service.  -foretting 
eomposition  for  socage.  -fri^eb  exemption  from 
socage.  -gobS  land  held  by  socage.  -I«rfel 
socage-service  with  carts  and  horses,  -^lenge 
averpenny.  -pligtig  a  liable  in  socage.  -rejfe 
socage  journey. 

fovfobet  a  hoofed,  ungulate. 
okilfolf  socagers.     -gaarb  manor.    -gerning 
fe  -ar6e|be. 

■^oøljærn,  -Hinge  butteris.  -la^fel  box.  -Haft 
fissure  in  the  hoof    -Iraft  cancer  of  the  hoof. 

toUtttarf  c  fleld(s)  of  the  manor. 
oumefter   c  -tre  (|)U§lærer)  private  tutor;  J, 
steward,    -e're  vt  dictate  to,  school;  -erenbe  a 

.^ODlntob  n  (-h  c)  haughtiness,  arrogance;  ^  fe 
SngiicUire;  ~  gaor  el.  ftaor  for  galb  pride  will 
have  a  fall;  pride  goes  before  and  shame  follows 
after,  pride  goeth  before  destruction  (bibl). 
-tttobe  fig  vr  behave  with  arrogance;  _  fig  af, 
ODei;  pride  one's  self  on;  ~  fig  oBer  en  lord  it 
over  one,  look  down  upon  one.  -moiti  vd  b.  f. 
-mobig  «  haughty,  arrogant,  -ntobigdeb  c  fe 

idodnc  vi  swell,  tumefy. 

éob|))attebQr  pi  hoofed  mammals.  -ring  fe 
-Bceg.  -feneben  radius,  -ffæg  fetlock.  -flog 
clattering  of  horses'  hoofs.  -fmeb  blacksmith, 
farrier.  -ftraale  fe  Straole.  -f«m  hobnail.  -lang 
farrier's  el.  carpenter's  pincers  pi,  nail-nippers. 
-trang,  -tttang  narrow-heeledness;  ^or  _  is  hoof 
-bound.    -tȾg  coffln. 

.§n!  interj  oh!  (excl.  of  horror,  shuddering). 

.t?n  »  ic  $ui. 

.øu  c  mind,  mood;  meb  belBeraab  _  deliberately, 
purposely,  of  set  purpose;  fomme  i  _  (i^u)  re- 
member;  bet  ranbt  mig  i  -  I  called  to  mind; 
t)an§  _  ffaar  bertil  his  mind  is  beut  upon  it;  fe 
ajlob  a. 

'^ubro  c  -er  eagle  owl,  Strix  huho. 

.^ttb  c  -er  (af  SRcnneffer  og  S)ljr)  skin;  (fæbt).  om 
ttjft,  f)aaret  @ttnb)  hide;  fe  gorl^ubniiig;  9Jem; 
ffælbc  en  -en  fulb  abuse  one  grossly;  meb  -  og 
$aar  entirely.  -afftrabning  bruise.  -affonbring 
cuianeous  secretion.  -betcenbelfe  erythema. 
-barfte  flesh  bnish.  -faroe  colour  of  the  skin, 
(9lnftgtet8)  complexion.  -flette,  -flænge  vt  scourge, 
lash,  flog;  fig  cut  up.  -fletning,  -flettelfe  flagella- 
■  tion,  scourging,  flogging.  -ffig  flap  of  the  skin. 
-folb  fold  of  the  skin.  -form  (goldbeater's) 
mould  of  about  1000  leaves.  -!ont  comb-like 
crest.  -ftrtel  miliary  gland,  sebaceous  gland. 
-fræft  epithelial  cancer.  -Io<>  fe  -flig.  -tøå  a 
galled,  excoriated.  -laS^eb  c  excoriation.  raw. 
-mnffef  cutaneous  muscle.  -patiiUer  pi  papillæ 
of  the  skin.  -pleje  culture  of  the  skin.  -reb 
hide  rope.  -fnor  skin-deep  wound.  -ffetet  exo- 
skeleton.    -flifte  casting  of  the  skin,  moult. 

■^ubfonSlbugten  (the)  Hudson  Sea,  Hudson 
Bay.    -floben  the  Hudson. 

.^n'blftr^ge  fe  flette,  -ftr^gelfe,  -ftr^gning  c 
fe  -fletning,     -fqgbom  cutaneous   disease,    skin 

diseasc.  -talgtirtet  fe  -tirtel.  -troSfe  hide  rope. 
-nbbnnftning  perspiration.  -ubfCoet  cutaneous 
eruption.     -oatterfot  anasarca. 

tne  vt  please,  be  to  one's  liking,  ■\-  like. 
ue  o  -r  cap,  honnet;  (33arne>)  biggin;  +  faa 
en  -  be  hoodwinked.    -baanb  ribbon  for  a  cap. 
-blol    coif-stock.      -ffQgge,    -ffarnt    cappeak. 
-fnegl,  -fnæffc  sllpper-shell,  Gnpulun. 

*^nf ' !  fe  jpu ! 

$ng  S:  fibbe  paa  ~  squat  on  the  ground,  sit 
on  one's  hams. 

^ug'  n,  pi  =,  cut,  slash,  blow,  stroke;  (i  Sfit) 
cut;  faa  _  get  a  drubbing.  -a'f  c  -er  p  hack- 
blade.    -bar  a  fit  for  felling. 

.i^uge  vi  prov  stoop;  *  er  _  fig  frem  crouch 
forwards;  _  fig  neb,  fammen  crouch,  stoop. 

^ugenot'  c  -ter  Hu'guenot. 

^ngfri  a  protectcd  against  blows. 

.^ugge  (ogf.  imp  l)ug)  vt  cut,  hew;  (fmaot)  chop; 
(flænge)  slash;  meb  Stæbet)  pick;  peck;  J,  fe 
^u!e;  F  (fnappe)  snatch,  clutch;  _  SSrænbe,  SBeb 
chop  wood;  bet  er  er  ftoerfen  -t  el.  ftuflet  it  is 
neither  here  nor  there;  -  vi  Sftbet  -r  the  ship 
thumps,  bumps;  ^an  lærer  at  _  he  learns  the 
broadsword  exercise;  —  -  af  cut  oflf;  _  efter  en 
make  a  cut,  level  a  stroke,  at  one;  ~  ^tien  i  plant 
one's  axe  in;  -be  Kløerne  i  seized  with  hisclaws  el. 
in  his  clutches;  _  i  fig  swallow,  dispatch;  _  inb 
charge;  -be  inb  paa  fit  Smørrebrøb  f  was  walking 
into  his  bread  and  butter;  _  neb  for  tJobe 
cut  down  indiscriminately;  _  om  cut  down; 
-  om  fig  lay  about  one;  _  op  (flao  op)  cut 
open,  (i  Støtter)  cut  up,  (Sttb)  break  up;  _  ober 
cut  (in  two);  _  paa  +  fe  §affe;  _  lø§  poa  t)in- 
anben  fall  upon  one  another;  _  fønber  og  fam- 
men  cut  to  pieces,  _  til  (flao  til)  strike;  (tilhugge) 
hew;  _  ub  i  Sten  carve  in  stone;  —  vr  ^ar  -t 
fig  i  .g»aanben  has  cut  his  hands;  _  fig  igennem 
(gjenben)  cut  (one's  way)  through;  make  el. 
force  one's  way  through,  -baåfe  wild  boar;  fig 
bully,  fighter. "  -blot  chopping-block.  -bH>  lead 
anvil.  -bænf  butcher's  chopping  board,  -færbig 
fe  ^ugbar.  -jammer  pick-axe.  t-^nS  carpenter's 
shop,  (farmer's)  workshop,  -jærn  chisel.  -tnitt 
fe  aSaanbfniP.  -Ian  wages  for  chopping  wood. 
-n  c  fe  fugning,  -plie  punch,  -r  c  -e  hewer; 
(58ergo.)  miner;  bib/  mason;  f  Carpenter.  -reb= 
ffab  cutting  implement.  -rt  c  -er  cutlass, 
hanger.  -fpaan  chip.  *-ftabbe  fe  -blol.  -foenter 
iron  anvll.  -tanb  tusk.  -oaaben  pi  trenchant 
arms  pi.  -alåc  axe.  ;^ngning  c  cutting  etc; 
(fjægtn.)  broadsword  play. 

S  ngo  Hugh. 
ng'orm  c  viper,    Vipera  berut. 

-t-^u'g^irnb  n  poet  proud,  high-souled. 

.^nglfaar  gash,  cut.  -flifte  exchange  of  blow.s. 
^ugft  c  -et  felling  (of  trees).  *$Hgftelan  wages 
for  felling  timber. 

6ugftjært  fe  ^øiftfcert. 

éuqej !  meb  $u  og  ^ej  hurryskurry. 

.puj'!  interj  ho!  hallo!  i  _  og  §aft  hurriedly. 
^ttjle  vi  shout,  halloo;  (truenbe)  hoot.  -en  c 
shouting  etc. 

Huj'us  inst.  (b.  e.  insiant). 

.^ttl-  c  -le  (fttogj  nook;  (SBinlel)  angle;  (i 
5Exittraf)  out-comer,  six-point;  J,  (af  Sanb)  point. 

^nfe  vt  ,^  hook;  _  9Joret  ship  the  rudder;  _ 
an  hook  on;  _  unhook;  unship;  -  ftg  faft  i  hook 
on  to. 

tntUtt  c  -er  ^  howker. 
ntntanb  c  J,  quarter-piece. 
^utottt'ntelfe  c  memory;  en  tro  _  a  tenacious 
memory;  *  lægge  pao  n  commit  to  memory; 
efter  -n  from  memory;  min  _  flaar  fejl  my  mem- 
ory fails  me;  fom  ft^rfet  -n  anamnestic.  — 
.^ntommelfe^lfejt  slip  of  the   memory,   misre- 




collectiou.  -lifte:  J,  robe  op  i  fin  _  rub  up 
one's  memory,  -tunft  mnemonics.  -fram  (+), 
■fag,  -Uærl  aet  of  the  memory,  learning  by 
ro  te. 

^nV  n  -ler  hole,  oriflce;  (SlaBning)  aperture; 
(^borigennem  noget  flipper  ub)  vent;  (®ai)  gap; 
(i  SSifiarb)  pocket;  (flet  Sommer)  hole;  (iJoIune) 
blank,  gap,  vold,  deficiency,  lacuna,  chasm; 
_  i  _  (perfectly)  rlddled,  honeycombed;  flaa  fig 
et  ~  i  ^ooebet  break  one's  head;  f!ære,  floa, 
brænbe  _  paa  cut,  knock,  burn  a  hole  in;  ber  er 
-  paa  there  is  a  hole  in;  ber  gaar  _  paa  Skiben 
the  abscess  breaks;  tage  _  poo  (en  S^jønbe)  broach 
(a  barrel),  (noget  oofpart  o.  I.)  break  in  upon, 
trench  upon;  ^ugge  ~  i  (et  ©tib)  scuttle;  fætte 
(en)  i  -let  put  in  the  black  hole;  ftebe  (S8al)  i 
-let  pocket. 

^ul  a  hollow;  (fonfaB)  concave;  ben  -e  ^aanb 
the  hollow  of  the  haud;  en  ~  SSrober  a  knowing 
blade,  deep  fellow.  -oarc  vena  cava.  -bor 
auger,  wimble,    -(taftet  a  hollow-chested. 

^ulb  n :  »eb  gobt  _  in  good  case  el.  condition, 
stout;  tabe  _  lose  flesh;  lægge  paa  -et  gather 

^ttlb  a  (tro)  faithful,  loyal;  (elffoærbig)  ami- 
able,  lovely. 

-féttlb  n  fe  ^ulbffab. 

*^ulber,  ^nlbre  c  -r  hill-lady,  wood-nymph, 
(Norwegian)  fairy.    -fol!  fairies. 

'"■^uilbige  n  fe  -grøft. 

fiulbjgubinbe  Grace,  -rig  «  gracious.  -faTig 
a  (passing)  graeeful  el.  gracious.  -ffa6  c  fidelity, 
allegiance,  fealty;  foæige  _  og  S^roftab  take  the 
oath  of  allegiance;  opfige  _  withdraw  one's 
allegiance  from.    -ffabSeb  oath  of  allegiance. 

^ule  vt  hollow;  ~  nb  hollow  (out). 

^ttle  c  -r  cave,  cavern,  grotte;  (Sljre--  og  fig) 
den.  -(6e)6oer  c  -e  cave-dweller,  troglodyte. 
•h\6tn  cave  bear,  VrHua  spelæus.  -b^r  cave 
animal.  -funb  remains  found  in  a  cave  el.  caves, 
cave  find.  -^Ijæne  cave  hyena.  -!rcb8  cave-cray- 
tish,  Astacus  pellucidue.  -løtie  cave-lion,  Felis 
gpetæus.  -menncfle  caveman.  -(»abbe  proteus. 
-<>inbftiltt  porcupine,  Hyatrix. 

Sulet  a  hollow. 
ule|tettt))e(   cave-temple.     -»gie   burrowing 
owl,  Strix  cunivularia. 

*.éulfalb  c  fe  $uIfora. 

,§U'I|fiI  round  file.  -gaft  J/  gunner's  yeoman. 
•gla§  hollow  glass-ware.  -graft  (under)drain. 
-^eb  c  -er  (ogfaa  fig)  hoUowness;  (|ult  ©teb) 
crtvity.  -^«0I  chamfering  plane,  fluting-plane. 
•ing  c  -er  hoUowing;  conc  hollow.  -|a;nt  fe 
-m  Pif  el. 

^ulle  vi  sob;  —  vt  op  (om  gugle)  disgorge. 

^tt'l|tel|le  fluting,  hollow.  -^«»il  fe  ^nll^øbl. 
-jærn  round  plane  iron. 

tttlfcn  c  sobbing. 
u'I|fernet  n    3(    coelospermous.     -tinbet   a 
hoUow-cheeked,  lantern-jawed.  -Katnpe  ^  comb 
-cleat;  saddle.     -Hinge  hoUowed  blade,     -tugle 
hollow  ball,  shell. 

*.^ttllc  vi  troll,  hum. 

^ullemaftine  c  mortising-machine. 

énUtt  a  full  of  holes. 

^tt'l|Iæbe  ^  helleborine,  Epipactis.  -maal 
measure  of  capacity. 

■^ultnan  c  entellus  monkey,  SemnopitJiecua 

.^ttllttnatt  hollow  fleld.  -tnejfel  gouge.  -mur 
hollow  wall.  -mønt  bracteate.  -ttiiig  c  -er  hol- 
low, depression.  -))ailletter  pi  grooved  tinsel. 
-(»aéfcr  inside  calipers. 

4^ulprc§fe  c  punching  machine. 

^ntlVroiettii  hollow  projectile.    -rob  fe  -urt. 

-rum  cavity.  -runb,  -ruubet  a  concave.  -trljg 
a  hoUow-backed. 

.^utfaar  n  wound  penetrating  some  cavity 
the  body. 

^u'l|f!oul,  -ffttffe  (hollow)  shovel.  -flrabi 
fluted  scraper.  -fIruE  nut.  -fiibe  vt  gr: 
hoUowr  -fonbe  hollow  probe.  -f^jejl  conca' 
mirror.  -ftempel  hollow  punch,  -fteu  pan-ti" 

Sttlfting  n  hemstitch. 
u'Ilftøbuing  hoUow-casting-   -ftebt  a  hoUo 
■fbab  ^  rough,  chervil,  ChærophvUum  temulu 

tulføm  f  hemstitch,  open-worked  hem. 
u  l|tonbet  a  hollow-toothed.     -toug  hollow 
tongs.    -tegl  pan  tile,  gutter  tile. 

J&ulter  tit  bulter  pell-mell,  helter-skelter, 
sixes  and  sevens. 

Sulu  c  motmot,  momot,  MomotuM. 
uljurt  birthwort,  ArintoJochia  clematitia.  -tli 
hollow  way,  sunken  road,  defile.    ''-oeitning 
draining.    -ejet  a  hoUow-eyed.   -«t3e  spout  ada 

fMVX\  fe  $m. 
uma'n  a  humane;  liberal,  -io'ro  pi  ti 
human'ities.  -ife've  at  hu'manize.  -iSme 
classic  education.  -ift'  c  -er  hu'manist.  -iti 
human'ity,  liberality. 

^umbug   c    humbug;   made-up  tie.     -mogi 

tumle  c  -r  humble-bee,  Bombug. 
umle  c  (planten)  hop,  Uumulua  lupuhis, 
(SBlorafterne,  SSaren)  hops;  fig  gist,  point,  best 
part.    -obl  hop  culture. 

tumle{ba§  drone  (bass).    -bi  fe  ;&umle  1. 
umlejborerffe  ghost-moth,  Hepiolus  humuri. 
-gaarb  hop-yard.    -^atte  hop-garden,    -tneli^er, 
-fopper  catkins  of  the   hop.     -f«lle   hop-oast 
-Innb  hop-land.     -mel   lupuline.     -olie   oil 
hops.    -trante  hop-bind,  hop-vine. 

Sumlercbe  c  humble  bees'  nest. 
umlelft  hop-sieve,  hop  basket,  -filte  dodde: 
CvHcutaeuropæa.  -ffttb, -fpire  hop-spring,  t-fuegle^ 
-bælg  black  medick,  yellow  clover  Medicago  lu- 
pulina.  -ftage,  -ftaug  hoppole;  lang  fora  en  ~ 
as  tall  as  a  bean-pole.  -ftær!  a  tasting  strongly 
of  the  hop.  -fæf  hop-bag;  bag  of  hops.  -»I 
hopped  beer. 

t^ttwme  vt  back  (a  carriage);   —  vr  fig  (i 
^eft)  stand  back. 

*.6ummel  c  -mier,  fe  $ammel. 

t#ummcr  n  -e  (lille  SBærelie)  closet. 

gummer  c  -e  lobster,  coll  lobsters,  Homa 
vutgaris  ^  hounds.  -bl)fe  fe  fmatte.  -faugft 
lobster-fishery.  -gat  J,  dumb  sheave.  -tio,  -f  até 
lobsters'  claw.  -falat  lobster -salad.  -fmoKe 
lob.ster-smaek.  -fm«r  lobster  butter.  •\nppe 
lobster-soup.    -tene  lobster  pot. 

^umoc  c  humour.  -ef!'e  c  r  hu'morous  story. 
+-fulb  rt  humorous.  -ift'  c  -er  hu'morist.  -ift'ifl 
a  humorous. 

tumpe  vi  limp,  hobble. 
umplel  c  -pier  hummock.    -let  a  fullof  hum- 

.^umre  vi  whinny  (gently).  -gag  commou 
snipe,  Scolopax  gdlinago. 

.^umuS  c  humus,  -furt  Salt  humate.  -f^re 
humic  acid. 

i^ume'r  n  hu'mour,  mood,  temper;  (gobt  el. 
flet)  spirits  p/.;  i  flet  _  (ogf.)  out  of  sorts;  bringe 
i  gobt  _  bring  round.  -l«é  a  humourless.  -f^ge 
spleen,  mumps,  blue  devils. 

''^utt  c  (outside)  slab,  paling-board. 

.§un'  pron  pers  she.  ^xin'  c  -nev  (i  9Ilm.  om 
firf.  ®^r)  she,  female;  (i  9llm.  om  Sugki  heti 
(hird),  -abe  she-monkey.  -bjeru  she-bear.  -blomft 
female  flower. 

^uttb   c   -e   dog.    Uanis;  ben   ftore  -  ast  the 










Greater  Dog;  ben  liHe  _  the  Lesser  Dog;  goa  i  -ene 
go  to  the  dogs,  (om  $erj.  oflf.)  go  to  the  bad; 
bet)  _  biber  ifte  dead  men  tell  no  tales;  fom  en 
oaab  -  quite  abashed;  ffantme  fig  iom  en  -  be 
thoroughly  ashamed;  fomme  Jom  en  _  i  et  Spil 
Regler  come  like  a  bull  in  a  china  shop,  (blanbt 
jiamer)  cause  a  flutter  in  the  dovecote;  ftu  tffe 
-en  paa  ^aorene  appearanees  are  deceitful;  for= 
ligeS  fom  -  og  Sat  agree  like  cats  and  dogs, 
live  hammer  and  tongs;  -ene  efter  |)aren  (8eg) 
fox  and  geese;  ingen  -  Bil  gø  ab  bet  no  one  will 
care  a  straw  for  it;  røbe  -  med  rose-rash,  roseola; 
fe  $are,  giQoenbe.  —  ^unbc|agtig  «  cauine, 
doggish.  -arbejbc  vile  drudgery.  -art  species 
of  dog.  -Bib  bite  of  a  dog.  -bjæf  barking  of 
dogs.  -bage  dogdays.  -bagågatffab  midsummer 
madness.  -bitb  may-weed,  Anthemin  cotula. 
-boltor  dog-leech.  -breng  boy  that  tends  dogs; 
»ære  enå  _  be  one' s  drudge,  fag.  -bflb  ^  dog's 
bane,  Apocynum  androsænn/oliuni .  -fol  >X>  gamet. 
-f«be  dog's  food,  dog's  meat.  -gaarb  dog-court. 
-galflab  hydrophobia.  -glam  fe  -gøen.  -grotten  the 
Dog  Grotto.  -græiS  eock's-foot  grass,  Dactylis  glo- 
merata.  -g«en  baying  of  dogs.  -^aar  dog's  hair; 
(i  Ulb)  dog-hair.  -^oj  dog-fish,  ScvUnim.  -t)0le 
dog's  tail;  (©tjerne)  the  cynosure.  -^alSbaanb 
dog's  collar.  -^ooeb  dog's  head.  -Ijul  dog-hole. 
■fittS  kennel,  dog-house.  -^ttalp  pup,  puppy. 
•^bebe  wheat-grass,  Triticum  caninum.  -^oene 
bentgrass,  Agrotis  canina.  *-^«g  fe  Srolbfiæg. 
-Ijar  gold-of-pleasure,  Camelimi  foetida.  -jogt 
shooting  over  dogs.  *-fjæj  wild  chervil,  An- 
thriHcunsylvestria.  -lobbet  leasli  of  dogs  el.  hounds; 
packofhounds.  -folbavillainouslycold.  -tomebie 
performance  of  dogs.  -foft  dog's-fare.  -tulbe 
biting  cold.  -tttttper  dodges;  tomfooleries. 
-fab  dog's  flesh.  -Ittt  dog's  life.  -((cnlc 
dog-chain.  -mab  dog's  meat.  -naon  dog's 
name.  ^unbenbe  fag-end.  $unbe|^er|(Il(e  fool's 
parsley,  hedge  parsley,  Æthusa  cj/napium.  -\>\^ 
dog-whlp.  -race  breed  of  dogs.  -rotter  flayer. 
-tofe  dog -rose,  Jioaa  canina.  -rt)g  (®!ælb§= 
orb)  villain.  -regter  dog-feeder,  dog-keeper. 
■fenne))  hedge -mustard,  Sisymbrium  Sophia. 
•ftarn  dog's  dung.  -ftat  dog-tax,  tax  on 
dogs.  -ftinb  dog's  skin.  -fttj  a  afraid  of  dogs. 
•flæbe  dog  sledge.  -ftægten  the  dog -kind. 
-ftalb  kennel,  -flejlc  stickleback,  banstickle, 
Gasterosteug  aculeatus.  -ftjcme  dog-star,  cani- 
cula,  -fniten  a  ravenously  hungry,  -fflg  a  dog 
-sick.  -f^ge  distemper  in  dogs.  -tanb  canine 
tooth,  laniary.  -tegn  dog-stamp.  -tra»  dog's 
trot.  -tunge  ^  hound's  tongue,  Cynoglosaum 
officinale;  maiden-lip,  Echinoapermum  lappula. 
-Oagt  >1.  middle  watch.  -bejr  villainous  weather. 
-»iol  dog-violet,  Viola  canina.  -biS :  )()aa  ^  dog 

^nnbrebe  card  &  n  &  hundred;  ftort  _  long 
hundred;  om  -  9lar  er  alting  glemt  it's  all  one 
a  hundred  years  hence;  —  ord  hundredth. 
-(^unbreb)laoc  century.  -aarig,  -aar§  a  a  hun- 
dred years  old;  (fom  tnbtrceffer  ^bert  100  8lar) 
centennial,  centenary;  en  -aarig  a  centenarian. 
-aardbag  hundredth  anniversary,  centennial 
day.  -aaråjttbilccttm  centenary  el.  centennial 
jubilee.  -blabet  </  centifolious.  -bel  c  hundredtli, 
centesimal  (part.)  -folb  a  hundred  fold.  -fotbtg 
a  centuple.  -fubbet  «  centipede.  -grabig,  -grabé 
a  centigrade.  -))unbtg  a  of  a  hundred  pouuds 
weight.  -tal  figure  denoting  100;  fe  -t)i§.  -Uié: 
i  _  by  hundreds,  by  the  hundred,  t^nnbtenbe, 
tunbrebfte  fe  jpunbrebe  ord. 

.^unbfe  vt  treat  like  a  dog,  insult,  scout, 
ride  rough-shod  over,  sit  upon.  ,^nnb§fot  c  -ter 
scamp,  vile  wretch;  (pao  Slæbe)  dickey;  ^ 
becket.     ,^nnbfT   a  (meget   gerrig)  very  stingy; 

(groo  o.  1.)  cynical;  vile,  villainous;  —  adv 

,^un{buc  hen-pigeon.  -elefant  female  elephant. 
-fiu  female-fish,  spawner.  -fngl  female  bird, 

funger  c  hunger;  (^nngerSnøb)  famine;  bø  af 
_  perisli  With  hunger  el.  by  famine;  -  er  ben 
Bebfte  Sot  hunger  is  the  best  sauce,  -libenbe  « 
starving.    -peH  hunger-typhus,  famine  fever. 

<^unget3|aar  year  of  famine.  -beb  death  from 
starving  el.  by  starvation.  -grube  hollow  flank. 
•netf  famine.  ^ungertJjfuS  fe  -peft.  .gungre  vi 
(uære  fulten  el.  forfulten)  be  hungry,  be  starving; 
(libe  Sult)  starve.  hungrig  a  hungry,  sharp 

^unl^are  doe-hare.  -^unb  bitch.  -tanin  doe 
-rabbit.  -lot  tib-cat.  -t«n  gram  the  feminine 
gender;  (Kbinbet.)  female  sex.  -tøuiSenbelfe 
feminine  termiuation.  -tanåf  orm  feminine  form . 
-tøn^orb  word  of  the  feminine  gender.  -f$ttn= 
lig  a  ^  female.  .^unlløbe  lioness.  -m^nbe 
greyhound  bitch. 

hunnerne  pi  (fjolteftamme)  the  Huns. 

*^Hnner«ret  c  grey  trout,  gieat  lake  trout, 
Snlmo  ferox. 

$un|ralle  fertile  catkin.  -rotte  doe-rat.  -tab 
bitch-fox.  -Jlrue  female  screw.  -fburb  hen 
-sparrow.  -ttger  tigress.  -unge  female  young. 
-æfel  she-ass,  jenny  ass.    -arn  hen  eagle,  eagless. 

6uri  c   g  houri. 

Surle  vi  (om  en  gugl)  whir. 

^urlttm^ej  c  hurry-scurry,  hurly-burly. 

^urra' !  intexj  huzza!  hurrah,  hurra!  raabe  ~ 
cheer,  hurrah,  huzza;  raabe  ~  for  cheer.  -raab, 
-raaben  c  cheer,  cheering. 

^urre  vi  buzz,  hum. 

^urttg  a  (i  ?llm.)  quick,  fast,  (raft)  prompt, 
expeditious;  (ille  om  $erfon)  speedy,  rapid; 
t  elever,  smart;  _  tit  33en§  swift,  swift  footed, 
fleet;  —  adv  ~,  -t  quickly,  fast,  rapidly  etc. 
-bejbfe  strong  acid  bath.  -gaaenbe  a  (Sompft.) 
fast.  -^eb  c  quickness,  speed,  rapidity,  celerity, 
expedition,  promptitude,  despatch;  meb  en  -  of 
at  the  rate  of.  -ilb  fe  -ft^bntng.  -tab  foot-race. 
-labenbe  fast  running.  -laber  (fast)  runner, 
racer,  -maleri  time-painting.  -jpreSfc  fly-press, 
printing  machine.  -roeube  a  swifl  to  row,  fast. 
-feflenbe  a  fast  (-sailing).  -fejler  fast-sailing 
ship,  fast  sailer.  -ffrift  short-hand.  -ftrfbcr 
Short- hånd  writer,  stenographer.  -ftribning 
short-liand  writing,  stenography.  -ftQbenbe  a 
quick-firing,  rapid-flre.  -flQbning  c  quick  firing. 
-^rammenbe  a  rapid,  -tog  fast  train.  -ooISenbe 
a  quick-growing. 

*,^urb  c  lot,  heap,  litter. 

,&n§  n  -e  house;  (lille)  cottage;  (SneglS)  house, 
Shell;  ^  (S8lofl)ug)  shell,  (til  Sloft)  socket; 
(^onbelSO  house,  firm;  ®ub§  -  the  house  of 
God;  ^er  i  -et  in  this  house;  ber  i  -et  in  that 
house;  |)erren  og  gruen  i  -et  the  master  and 
mlstress  of  the  house;  SBærten  i  -et  (fom  ejer  bet) 
the  landlord;  3?ærtinbcn  i  -et  the  landlady;  fulbt 
_  a  crowded  house,  a  bumper;  t  fætte  poo  -et 
p  pawn;  bringe  i  -  garner,  get  in;  bo  i  _  fom= 
men  live  in  the  same  house;  tage  i  -et  til  go  to 
live  With;  ber  Bil  ligge  et  _  there  will  be  the 
devil  of  a  row;  fætte  et  paa  ben  anben  @nbe, 
pao  Saget  throw  the  house  out  of  the 
window;  jage  en  ub  af  -et  turn  one  out  of 
doors;  Bære  til  -e  ^o8  en  be  an  inmate  of  one's 
house;  føre  til  -e  gather;  Bebe  om  _  for  en  9iat 
beg  a  night's  lodging,  ^on  ^or  et  ftort  -  at 
unber^olbe  he  lias  a  large  establishment  to 
support;  føre  et  ftort  -  live  in  great  style;  førte 
et  goeftfrit  -  entertained  largely;  Bolbe  -  keep 
house,   (fpore)   economize;  go  on,  rage,  stonn; 




f)Olbe  -  for  en  keep  oiie  s  house ,  be  oae's 
housekeeper;  ^olbe  go6t  -  meb  husband,  be 
carefal  of;  ^olbe  flet  -  meb  waste;  ^olbe  _  meb 
en  F  plague  one;  abuse  one,  blow  one  up; 
^bor  ^olber  bu  _?  whereever  have  you  lieen? 
*  gao  9)Janb  af  -e,  march  out  all  men;  fe  ®ør, 
fiaane,  "tvætte,  -aant  household  el  family  spirit. 
-alf  fe  9H8fe.  -otter  household  altar.  -unJ) 
domestick  duck.  -anbagt  domestic  worship, 
family  devotion  et.  prayers.  -apottt  family 

\&ttfa'r  c  -er  hussar;  (Kbinbe)  virago;  be  forte 
■er  the  fleas. 

.^ttfa'rabe  patas,  red  monkey,  Cercopithecus 

.<3u8ar6ejbe  indoor-work. 

.^ufa'tiltue  l)usby.    -foferne  hussar- baracks. 

.6u8|arJttc  id  ont-paupers.    -arne  hearth. 

^ufa'rregiment  n  regiment  of  hussars. 

.(jjuåorreft  c  confinement  at  one's  own  house; 
^ar  _  is  conflned  at  his  own  house. 

.6uffl'rfo6cl  c  hussar's  sabre. 

.^u'i^lbagerlirøb  household  bread.  -bagning 
home-baking.  -Bagt  a  home-baked.  -beboer 
inmate  (of  a  house),  resident,  -be^oti  house- 
hold necessaries;  til  _  for  household  use;  (netop) 
just  the  needful,  no  more  than  is  required; 
moderately.  -bet^mring  domestic  care.  -be= 
ftljrertnbe  housekeeper,  manager.  -bef«g  domi- 
cil iary  visit. 

.^u'SblaS  c  isinglass,  earlock.  -ft«r  huso, 
Accipenser  huso. 

^uS'bonb  e  -er,  (Jperre),  master;  (Sffigtemanb) 
husband.  *;^u§bantiS|breng,  -fart  foreman,  head 
-servant  on  a  farm. 

$tt'3|baab  private  baptism.  -bag  day  of 
socage  service,  -bjteoel  vixen,  scold.  -bragt 
home  dress,  -bue  domestic  pigeon,  house 
pigeon,  -b^r  domestic  animal.  -btjrbrug  treat- 
ment  of  domestic  animals.  -ber  house-door. 
<$uf|e  vt  house,  harbour;  +  vi  reside,  dvrell. 
-ebberto))  domestic  spider,  Tegenaria  domestica. 
-ejer  house-owner.  ;-.,'$il 

.^ttfe're  vt  go  on;  make  sad  havoc;  take  on, 

.^n'^lfaber  head  of  a  family,  householder, 
master,  'meft  joc)  paterfamilias;  en  gob  -  a  good 
family- man.  -f  aber  tig  a  paternal,  of  the  master. 
■flag  4>  Jiouse-flag,  -ftib  domestic  industry. 
-ffue  (common)  house  fly,  Muaca  domestica. 
-fogeb  steward,  -foti  inmates  (of  a  house). 
-H-forretning  fe  -fgSfcl.  -freb  domestic  peace; 
l^bab  gør  man  if!e  for  -enS  Sftjlb?  anything  for  a 
quiet  life.  -frit  adv  rent-free.  -frue  mistress 
(of  the  house),  -fngt  domestic  hird.  -fætte 
fellow  lodger,  housemate.  -fængfel  fe  -arreft. 
-fæfter  leaseholder  of  a  house,  -faretfe  house- 
keeping,  management,  -gabt  gable.  -gaon 
domestic  profit;  ^un  ftor  lært  at  gøre  ~  she  has 
leamed  to  be  of  use  in  a  house,  -gcb  common 
goat,  Capra  hircus.  -geraab  household  furni- 
ture,  chatteis  pi.  -geraabåartifter  household 
el.  domestic  articles.  -gerning  house  work, 
domestic  industry.  *-grin  n  cross -tempered 
fellow.  -grnnb  ground  for  a  house,  fe  -tomt. 
-gub  household  god.  -^erre  fe -ejer, -faber.  -bierne 
corner  of  a  house,  -^otber  householder;  en 
gob,  flet  _  a  good,  bad  economist;  ben  uretfærbige 
-  bibl  the  unjust  steward,  -^otberif!,  -botberfi 
a  economical.  -bolberffe  c  -r  housekeeper; 
(^u8mober)  housewife,  manager,  -^olbning  (bet 
at  ^olbe  i).)  housekeeping,  management  of  a 
house;  (^ugftanb)  household,  establishment;  bibl 
gør  9iegnffa6  for  bin  _  give  an  account  of  thy 
stewardship;  ®ubS  SRaabeS  _  the  dispensation  of 
the  grace  of  God. 



.^u  «bolbningø-  household.  -artitct  househo] 
arti<de.      -bog    book    of    household    accoun 
-elej)   housekeeping  pupil,     -forening   coope 
tivo  society,  supply  association;  -8  iButif  coope: 
tiv^  store,  -fmgt  kitchen  fruit.  *-bonbeI  grocer's 
shop.   -tut  household  coals,  house  coals.    -tunft 
economics  pL      -penqt   money    for   househoL' 
expenses.    -fager  household  affairs. 

^u'Sl^obute^er  master  of  the  househol 
steward.  *-bugiern  socket  chisel.  -^unb  housi 
■dog  -44gge  home  comfort.  -itb  house  on  flre. 
-jomfru  housekeeper.  *-IaII  house  -  spar  ro  w, 
Fringilla  domestica.  -tapti  oratory,  private 
chapel.  -tatielfan  chaplain.  -larl  man-servant, 
(t  houseearie);  t  -e  king's  body-guard.  -fat 
domestic  cat. 

*.§uffe  c  -r,  og  vt  fe  (Sqnge. 

$uf{e  vt  remember,  reooUect,  call  to  min^ 
jeg  -r  gobt  I  well  remember,  I  perfcctly  recol- 
lect;  jeg  -r  iffe  l^anS  SRatin  I  forget  his  name; 
bu  -er  fejl  your  memory  is  at  fault;  om  jeg  -r 
ret,  om  jeg  ilte  -r  fejl  if  my  memory  serves  me; 
_  paa  remember,  mind,  bear  in  mind;  _  en  pm 
noget  put  one  in  mind  of  something;  _  en  noget 
remember  one  for  something;  _  fig  om  bethink 
one's  self,  reflect,  consider.  -eune  memory, 
-fejt  slip  of  the  memory,  -fage  F  refresher. 
-febbet  reminder. 

.gu'å|fcnbt  a  well  acquainted  with  the  house. 

''^uffeftue  c  the  reign  of  misrule,  Dover  court, 
Donnybrook  fair. 

.^ul|ttotte  house  bell.  -lorS  domestic  plague, 
affliction,  (hemmeligt)  skeleton  in  the  cupboard. 
-treb§  family  circle.    -!«b  purchase  of  a  house. 

fu'ftub  n  whim. 
u'§{Icbning  service  pipe.  -teje  fhouse)  rent. 
■lejegobtgoretfe  house  allowance.  -tejHgbeb 
house-accommodation;  lodgings.  ^n§lig  a  (^Oab 
ber  t)ører  til  et  $u§)  domestic;  (nom  folber  fig 
iftjemme,  elffer  hjemmets  (Slæber  og  ©Qgler)  dome- 
stic, domesticated,  of  domestic  habits;  (bQgtig 
i  ftt  |).)  thrifty.  .^uSIig^eb  c  thrift,  domes- 
ticity.  ^u3{ttti  domestic  life.  -tob  cottage 
allotment.  -tobe  domestic  laws.  -ti)  shelter. 
-tæge  family  physician  el.  doctor.  -længe 
wing;  block,  row  of  houses,  -tærer  family 
tutor,  house  tutor,  private  t.,  domestic  t. 
-tærerinbe  (house-)  govemess.  -lærer^JlabS  situa- 
tion as  a  family  t.  etc.  -tog  houseleek,  aye 
■green,  Sempervimim  tectorum.  -ntaar  house^ 
-mårten,  beech-marten,  Mustela  foina.  -tttoter 
house-painter.  -manb  cottager,  cotter,  cottar, 
crofter,  small  tenant  el.  socman.  -ntanbSfone 
cottager's  wife.  -manbSfoft  homely  fare,  short 
commons.  -manbåtob  fe  -lob.  *-monb§<>tab8 
small  farm  (held  by  a  JpuSmanb).  -mibbel  do- 
mestic medicine,  household  remedy.  -mober 
mistress,  housewife,  housekeeper,  -ntobertig  a 
of  et.  as  a  mistress  et.  housewife.  -Utur  house 
-wall.  -tttuS  house-mouse.  Mus  museulus.  -mæg- 
ter house-agent.  -ni§fe  fe  rølfe.  -nummer 
number.  -n«b  scarcity  of  lodgings.  -))attebbr 
pi  domestic  quadrupeds.  -n-beuge  rent  of  a 
cottage.  -t»Iabé  fe  -grunb.  -poftii(lt)  famih 
book  of  sermons.  -raab  household  remed> 
-raabig  a  frugal,  thrifty,  economical.  -rob  rov 
of  houses,  -rebflab  domestic  utensil.  -ret  do- 
mestic authority,  house  jurisdiction,  domestic 
law.  -ro  fe  -freb.  -rotte  black  rat,  Mtts  rattus. 
•rum  accommodation,  house-room.  -rætfe  fe 
-rab.  -fager  domestic  concems.  t-finbe  n  do- 
mestics  pi. 

fiuéfit'er  pi  Hus'sites. 

éu'ålffat  house-tax.  -ftit  custom  of  a  house. 
*-fTjiiJlb  socket  gouge.  -f^nrb  house-sparrow. 
fbøgetfe  ghost   that  haunts  a  house,     -ftanb 




houseliold,  family.  '-ftett  fe  -Ⱦfeit.  -ftijrelfe 
manageinent  of  the  liouse.  -foale  inartiu,  house 
swallow,  Hirundo  urbici.  -foamp  dry-rot  (fua- 
giis),  Mercalms  devaxtator .  -fueitb  bibl  servaat. 
-fl)3fel  domestic  occupaliou.  -tag  roof  (of  the 
lioasei;  forft)ube  fra  -ene  proclaim  from  the 
honsetops.  -taute  part  of  the  cliatechistn  re- 
ferrin?  to  domestic  diities.  -tjener  domejtic, 
house  servant.  -toft  home  lot.  -tomt  site  of 
a  house,    -tropper  household  troops. 

•lijuétru  c  -ec  wife,  spouse. 

.^u'éjtræl  domestio  drudge.  -tugt  domestic 
discipliiie.  -tljcnbe  domestics  (ofa  house),  -t^ran 
domestic  tyrant.  -ti)«  house  thief.  -tqoert  do- 
mestic robbery.  -tcetntng  thatehing  of  houses. 
•tømmer  timber  for  houses,  -tømmermanb  house 
•Carpenter,  -ugle  tawuy  owl,  Strix  aluco. 
-unberføgelfe  domiciliary  visit,  search  of  tlie 

J^u'foate  vt  soothe,  solace,  eomfort.  -Ife  c 
solace,  eomfort,  balm. 

.^u'éloant  a  aopustomed  to  tlie  house,  do- 
mestirated.  -oabft  washiug  at  liome.  -oarme 
liouse  warmtii.  -uen  friendof  the  family.  -Otlb 
o  homeless,  liouseless.  -uæg  wall.  -ttært  land- 
lord (of  a  house),  -ocertinbc  laudlady.  -boefen 
domestic  economy,  household  affairs. 

^utlc  vt  &  i  (forrette  i  Jpaft  el.  flet)  huddle, 
boich,  bungle;  _  fig  igennem  live  poorly  el. 
miserably,  keep  the  wolf  from  the  door;  bite 
on  the  bit;  -be  fig  igennem  (St-oamen  got  through 
the  e.xamlnation  with  the  skin  of  iiis  teeth. 
-ri'  n  hotch,  buugle. 

*.^Ht'Uttt!  interj  ugh !  oh,  shoking! 

^tiab  i>ron  interrog  &  relat  what;  t)bab  !  interj 
Aviiat!  liow!  ehV  (itfe  fanbt)  isu't  it?  isu't  lie? 
didn't  he?  won't  youV  etc;  t  tom  nu,  _!  come, 
won't  you;  _  ber  what;  i  _  bu  (iaa)  gør  wliatever 
you  do;  oeb  bu  -  1  tell  you  what;  do  you 
know;  _  for  (en,  et,  nogle)  what,  _  er  bet  for  en 
9J}anb?  what  man  is  that?  -  uar  bet  for  en  Støj? 
what  noise  wds  thatv  _  betjagerV  (I)  beg  your 
pardon.?  el.  (til  ^errer)  Sir?  (til  Samer)  Ma'amV 
P  What?  Eh?  _  urimeligt  er  ber  i  where  is  the 
absurdily  of;  _  be^øoeS  betV  where  is  the  neeess- 
ity?  -  enten  whether;  -  om  suppose;  _faa?  what 
tlien?  what  of  that?  whatuext?  -fom^elft  what- 
ever,  whatsoever. 

jptiol  c  -er  whale.  *-aat  whale"s  food,  CUo 
l'orealis.  -art  species  of  whale,  cetaeean.  -barbe 
wlialeboue,  baleea.  -bljr  cetaeean.  -fanger 
(røanb)  whale  fislier,  whalemau;  (Sfib)  whaler. 
•fangcrbnab  whaling  boat.  -fangerbrig  whaliug 
brig  (0.  f.  B.)  -fangerbampftib  stoam  whaler. 
-fangcrflaobe  whale-tleet.  -fangerrcbftabcr  whal- 
iug appliauces.  -fangft  whale-tisliery,  whaliug. 
-fij"!  wliale.  -ftfferi  ie  -fangft.  -l)unb  fe  Spær= 
fiugger.  -lalB  young  of  the  whale.  -taft  i.  fe 
Mortifte     -Itt§  whale  louse,  Ci/»mM». 

.^Dalp  c  -e  (ogf.  Jig)  puppy,  (meft  fig  &  .X,) 
wlielp;  fafte  -c  wlielp,  pup.  ^aolpcagtig  a 
puppyish.  $balp|-ing  c  j,  wiudlass-liuiug. 
-ingSffinner  ,i.  whelps. 

^Da'Iptanle  c  ^  arch-board.  -lift  ^  counter 

^Oa'ljrati  spermaceti.  -ro8  c  -fer  walrus, 
morse,  sealiorse,  Trickechu«  roamiras.  -roS^ 
fanger(ftib)  walrus  hunter.  -roStanb  morse 
-tooth.  ',^oa(éfin  wlialeboue.  ^oaIjfpl)b  har- 
poon.    •\pctt  whale  blubber. 

Sba'It  a  poet  arched,  vaulled. 
9a  Itran  whale  oil,  traiu-oil.    -unge  wiiale 
+Jijbalo  n  poet  fe  ^dcelo. 

SOdtøglC  c  flsh-lizard,  Ichthj/oiaurut. 
»aé    a   shftrp,   keeu,   a('ute;  _  Jpub,  -t  Sfceg 

iiocfen  :  SJonft-engelft  Crbbog. 

A  rough  skin,  beard;  _  SJtnb  keen  blast;  _  ^en, 
Xunge  caustic  pen,  tongue.  *-bug  fe  filb. 
-Iiaaret  a  rough-haired.  -Ijcb  c  keenness ,  sharp- 
neis,  acuteness.  -ijubet  a  rough -skinne  d.  -jllb 
sprat,  Olapea  »prattus. 

.^»Cbe  c  wheat,  (i  ©ngl.,  itt^  i  Sfott.  el.  2tme- 
rila)  corn.  F  fe  -toebat.  -aar  year  for  wheat. 
-ager  wheat-field.  -alå  ear  of  wheat,  wheat-eir. 
-aul  cultivatiou  of  wheat.  -aone  (^hatf  of 
wheat.  -baåfe  wheat- biscuit.  -brøb  whealen 
bread,  w.  loaf.  -brøb^bage  hoaeymoou;  iJJar 
iom  Iftolbe  -  houeymooners.  -bl^rtning  fe  -aol. 
-grdn  wheat  grits  -^a!m  wheat-straw.  -^øft  -jorb  wheat  soil,  w.  ground. 
-tage  wheatea  cake.  -tlib  wheat  bran.  -tnop 
roll.  -torn  wheat-graia.  -lanb  wheat  land; 
wheat  country,  t-mart  \i  -ager.  -mel  wheat 
-dour;  fint  -  semoule.  -m^g  wheat-fly,  Gsei 
Uomyia  tricitl. 

t^oeben  ado  whence. 

^oebclfaanlng  sowiug  of  wheat.  -fimlc  roll. 
■ftiuelfe  wheat-starch.  -ftraa  wheat  straw.  -f  æb 
wheat-erop.    -tbebat  wheat  biscuit. 

^Oem'  pron  interrog  (3Jom.)  who;  (3ltt.)  wliom; 
tioem  af  (bem)?  which  of  (them)?  -  ber?  who  is 
that?  who  goes  there?    -fom^elft  auybody. 

^Oenc  c,  -gtæS  n  beut,  bent  grass,  Agrostis. 

$oep§,  t^aedpe  c  -er  wasp.  J&oepfcibo,  '-bo  I 
ie  -rebe.  -fatt,  ••gøg,  -tjøg  pern,  honey-buzzard , 
Pernis  apivora.  -rebe  wasp's  nest,  fi.g  ogi.  ues  t 
of  hornets,  -ftit  sting  of  a  wasp,  wasp-bite . 
-fbærraer  sesia.    -baage  fe  -fait. 

^oer'  pron  inde/  every,  (af  to  etler  flere;  eacb; 
1  everybody;  fe  (infoer;  -  (ben)  fom  whoever,  _ 
anben, "ie  ^nben;  _  fin  ®ang,  fin  "Zai  turn  (and 
lurn)  about;  _  fin  Uge  week  about   o.  fl.;   be  git 

-  fm  9Jej  each  weut  his  own  way,  they  went 
tlieir  several  ways;  foare  _  fit  give  every  man 
his  due,  pay  oue's  way;  ~  for  fig  separately, 
iudividually,  severally;  *  libt  af  -t  a  little  of 
everything,  this  thiug  and  the  other,  what  not, 
(Subog  ~  aiJanb  beb  all  the  world  knows,  _  be 
liolber  fin  TOening  we  each  keep  our  opinion. 
-anbre  pron  inde/  each  other,   oue  another;  om 

-  iudiseriminately;  ^urtig  paa  ~  in  rapid  suc- 

.^berbag  c  -e  week  day.  ^xerbagS  a  every 
<lay,  commonplace;  trite,  trivial;  til  ~  on  week 
days;  usually.  —  $«>crbag§|often  week-duy  even- 
iug.  -agtig  a  fe  .poerbagS.  -anfigt  every-day 
face.  -arbejbc  daily  work,  every-day  work. 
•begtuen^cb  every-day  occurrence.  -bemoertning 
commonplace  observation,  -brug  every-day  use. 
-bragt  fe  -tlæber.  -feber  quotidian.  -gobå  com- 
monplace stuft".  -t-^cb  c  fe  -lig^eb.  -Ijænbclfe  ie 
begioenljeb.  -tlæber  everyday  clothes.  -toft  daily 
fare;  homely  fare.  -log"  i  _,  fe:  til  Jpoerbag*. 
*$»crbagSllg  <t  fe  jpoerbag«.  *.&»)crbag8ngf>eb  c 
tnteue-is,  triviality.  .§berbag8|liact  every  day 
life,  commou  life,  this  work-a-day  world  el.  life. 
-mab  fe  -loft.  -mcnnrftc  every-day  persou,  -orb 
pi  household  words.  -fag  every-day  alfair.  -fnat 
commonplace,  idle  talk.  -fprog  coUoquial  lau- 
guAge,  commou  parlauce.  -ftøblcr  every-day 
boois.  -fljSfet  fe  -arbejbe,  (ubetqbeligt  9lrbe)bej 
trivial  pursuits  pi.  -tate  fe  -fprog.  -tøj  fe  -ficeber. 
■ubtrtjt  colloquialism. 

^uergong  con;  every  time,  whenever. 

.^ocrgarn  n  linsey-woolsey. 

■Snerten  con\  ueither;  _  ban  etter  jeg  neither 
lie  nor  I.  .^ttertett  n,  prov  &  *,  fe  jpoergarn. 
•tøn  the  ueuter  gender.    -tønnct  a  sexless. 

.^uermanb  c  es'ery  man,  everybody;  sBreobog 
'L'r  -  universal  lelter-wrlter. 

4)bcrø   n,  pi  =,    charge,    task,    commission, 





mission,    duties;    fif    bet    _    at    was    commis- 
sioned  to. 

^Uertie  vt  enlist;  vi  recruit,  beat  up  for 
recruits;  _  Stemmer  eanvass  (for  votes);  lobe  fig  _ 
enlist,  p  talie  tlie  Queen's  shilling.  -6rcti  licence 
to  recruit.  -r  c  -e  recniiting  officer;  canvasser. 
—  .^t)crt)cr|!ncl>  recruitiug  trick,  -ptw^t  bounty 
money.  -^)IobS  recruiting  place.  -tromme  druni 
for  beating  up  recruits.  ^tiert)(n)ittg  c  recruiting 
etc;  ligge,  bære  Xida  -  be  on  tlie  recruiting  ser- 
vice,   ^ttcmlitgét^cf  regulating  captain. 

^tli  adv  poet  wby,  t  how. 

;^toib  a  white;  her  argent;  bet  -e  i  Øjet  tbe 
White  [pi  -s);  be  -e  the  Whites;  -e  SBarer  linen 
drapery;  -t  ©tøbejærn  forge-pig;  fe  Sort,  glaob; 
Søen  gaar  _  the  sea  whitens  with  foam. 
.^tttb  c  -e,  t  doit  (Vs  of  a  Dan.  Slilling);  tfle  en 
_  not  a  farthing,  -agtig  a  whitish.  •atmet  « 
white-armed.  •barmet  a  white-bosomed.  -bebe, 
-bete  white  beet;  maugold  wurzel,  Beta  cicla 
-birf  common  birch;  Betula  alba.  -Bjønt  white 
ticar,  polar  bear.  Ursus  mnritimus.  •hlttd  a 
bluish  white.  -6Inb  melancholy  tliistle,  Car- 
duus  heterophyllus .  -blit  white  iron,  tin-plate 
-bliéfct  a  white-blazed.  -biobet  a  white-blooded. 
-blomme  snowflake,  Leucojum  astivum.  -bl^ettd 
white  lead  ore.  -broget  a  white-speckled.  -bag 
fe  Slbnfiøg.  J&t)ib|e  c  (i  S^g)  white.  -cg  white 
oak.  •^OibeftttUct  the  "White  sea.  tJ&»)ibel  fe 

.^Otbellflg  fe  §t)ibføg.  -riS  sallow.  -ruélanb 
White  Russia.  t-feitbog  Low  Sunday.  -tirébag 
Shrove  Tuesday.  -oarebutit,  -oareforretntng 
linen-draper's  shop.    -tiaret)anbler  linen  draper. 

.^Oi'blfolf  gerfalcon,  Falco  gyr/alcn.  -farOe 
f®ulb)  dim  colour.  -ftff  beluga,  white  whale, 
white  fisli,  Delphinus  leucns.  -fobet  o  white 
-footed.  -fugl  fe  SIt)be.  -fobittg  c  -er  albino, 
•f«bt  a  bom  white.  -gartje  vt  taw.  -garoer 
tawer.  -garoeri  tawing-yard.  -garoning  tawing 
-gløbenbe  a  heated  to  whiteness,  wliitehot,  in- 
candescent.  -gtøb^ebe  white  heat.  -gløbning 
iacandescence.  -grna  a  grayish-white.  -gron 
white  spruce;  silver  fir,  Abies  pectinita.  -gul  a 
yellowish  white.  -^aaret  a  white-haired,  hoary. 
-^aj  white  shark,  Varcharins  luniia.  -^alet  a 
white-tailed.  -^alfet  a  white-necked.  -^eb  c 
whiteness.  -tiobebet  a  wliite-headed;  -ebe  (Sner) 
bald-heads.  -i)ubet  a  white-skinned.  -fnat  white 
cabbage;  p  ffltten^iitibrebe  og  _  in  the  year  one 
-taatSljoOeb  head  of  white  cabbage.  -taltet  n 
whitewashed,  white-limed.  -tinbet  a  white 
-eheeked.  -flire  greenshank,  chevalier,  Totaimi 
glottis.  -flæbt  a  clad  in  white.  -tleoer  white 
('lover,  Tri/olinm  repens,  -fobber  german  silver 
•togtttttg  c  blanching.  *-foU  fe  -fføoer.  -febet 
a  wliite-fleshed.  -lobcn,  '■'•let  «  whitish.  .goib^ 
lig  a  whitish.  ^Otbltgr«b  a  whitish  red. 
^oibltng  fe  fieilliitg.  ^bib|lag  garlic.  -maage 
ivory  gull,  Larus  eburneus.  -malet  a  painted 
white.  *-maur  bedstraw,  Galium  boreale.  -ma§, 
*-røofc  bog-moss,  Sphaønvm.  ^Oibne  vi  whiten 
turn  white;  —  +  vt  wliiten.  ^oibl-'or  fe  ©raael. 
*-oft  sweetmilk  cheese.  -^il  white  whillow, 
^a/iæ  alba.  -flettet  a  spotted  with  white.  -pop 
Vel  white  poplar,  abel-tree,  Fopolus  alba.  -prif^ 
fet  (I  dotted  with  white.  -rob  Solomon's  seal, 
Convallaria  nmltiflora.  -roe  turnip,  Brassica 
rapa.  *-rætt  (white)  arctic  fox,  Canis  lagopus. 
-ftbe  white  nun,  Mergus  albeilus.  -filb  white 
bait,  Clupea  alba.  *-ftmmer  fe  -Bet?.  -ftoHe 
dace  [Cvprinus  leuciscus);  bleak  (C  alburnus). 
•ffroftfc  fe  -ftbe.  -\nappt  common  sandpiper, 
Totn  nus  hupoleticos.  fe-flire,  -foffet  f«  white-footed. 
•f^irtengt  «  sprinkled  with  white.  -fptetttt  a  white 




-spotted.     -flribct  a  white-strcaked.     -ftattlet  a. 
white-booted.    -fbflcrmer  white  butterfly,  Fieris. 

'.^tiibt'e  vt  white-wash.  -fait  wbitewash.  -foft 
whiting  brush. 

4?0i'b|tcrnct  a  white-checkered.  -tin  white  tii 
•tj«rn  whitethorn,  hawthorn,  may,  Cratcegi- 
oxyacantha.  |>t)ibt'ntng  whitewashing;  (Stoffet) 
whitewash.  .gtii'b|torn  fe  -tiørii.  -træ  sap-wood. 
^t)ibf«i;pale  beer.  ^»ib]ulbet  a  white-wooUei 
•Ucb  fe  -trcB.  *-»)cié  wind-flower.  Anemone  n^ 
morosa.    -«je  fe  ^oinaiib.    -erreb  fe  Saféerreb 

^»>ll  c :  @et)æret  i  -  !  slope  arms !  Ijolbe  -  ma: 
a  halt. 

^blle  c  rest,  repose;  gaa,  lægge  fig  til  _  reti: 
(to  rest),  compose  one's  self  to  rest;  ^lanen  er 
_  the  gun  is  uncocked;  Bære  i  _  be  «t  rei 
Qorben  ligger  i  -  the  grouud  lies  fallow;  gaa  iiib  ^ 
ben  eoige  _  go  to  one's  eternal  home;  jeo  oil  gib? 
eber  -  bibl  I  will  give  you  rest.  ^Oile  (ogi.  -te,  -t) 
vt  &  i  rest,  repose,  (om  Sorb)  lie  fallow;  (uafgjort) 
lie  in  abeyance;  IjDil!  mil  stand  at  ease'  _  Jiao 
Slarcrne  pause  el.  hang  on  one's  oars;  tjerunber 
-r  liere  lies,  ber  -r  eti  @ælb  paa  ®obfet  the  estate 
is  encumbered  with  a  debt;  _  tungt  paa  weigh 
el.  sit  heavy  on;  —  vr  fig  take  rest;  -  <fig;  ub 
rest  one's  self  (thoroughly),  (aanbelig)  unbend 
one's  mind;  —  l)dilenbe  a  (uafgjort)  pending; 
en  -nbe  Stilling  an  attitude  of  repose;  albrig  ~ 
unresting.  .^»»ile|oar  fallow  year.  -ager  fallow 
field.  -bænt  seat  of  repose,  settee,  coucli.  -bag 
day  of  rest,  bibl  sabbath-day.  -frift  period  of 
repose,  -gang  repose  escapement.  -^jeraasylum, 
almshou.'^e.  -jorb  fe  -ager.  -fammer  Jig  loug 
home,  narrow  cell,  n.  house.  +-ll)ft  desire  of 
repose.  -l«S  a  restless.  -l«8^eb  c  restlcssness. 
t-mart  fe  -oger.  -^»labå  resting-place,  (paa  Srappe) 
landing,  -punft  (S^ngbep.)  centre  of  gravity; 
mech  point  of  support;  fulcrum.  -r  c  J,  fender. 
•feng  coueh.  -fteb  place  of  rest,  resting  place. 
•ftiUtng  a  position  of  rest.  -ftunb  interval  of 
rest,  spell.  -tib  time  of  rest.  -tilftanb  state  of 
repose,    -time  hour  of  rest.     *^tiilfober  n  bait. 

^billen,  »  -et,  pi  -e,  pron  relat  &  interrog  .whicli, 
what;  (af  flere)  which;  _  er  _?  which  is  which? 
-  of  (bem)?  which  of  (them)?  -e  aCe  who  all  (of 
them),  all  of  whom;  ben  SDlanb,  om  _  the  man 
about  whom;  -et  Wenneffe  Btlbe  itte  what  man 
would  not;  ~  |)ett!  what  a  hero!  _  2aarflab! 
Avhat  folly !  _  .  .  .  enb  whichever,  whateve« 
-fombelft  pr  indef  (a)  any,  {>*)  anybody;  rM 
which(so)ever,  what(so)ever.  j| 

^billing  c    er  whiting,  Gadus  merianens. 

+.&ot'lfom  a  peaceful. 

■fjpbin,  ^vtn  purpie  melic-grass,  Enodium 

^bin  Vi,  pi  =,  piercing  shriek,  (S8inben§)  whistle. 
•arib  golden-eye,  Clangula.  ^oinle  (ogf.  -tt,poet 
^oen)  vi  shriek;  (om  SSinben)  whistle.  -en  c 
whistling.  -enbe  a  strident,  (Strig)  piercing. 
-ffrtge  vi  shriek.    f-fur  a  sour  as  vinegar. 

tt»irre  vt  &  i  whirl,  twirl. 
birttel  c  er  el.  -Bier  whirl,  (i  SSanbet)  Whirl- 
pool, eddy,  (ofo.  fig)  vortex;  (paa  §o»3ebet)  crown 
of  the  head;  fe  -flog;  ^1,  &  mech  swivel,  (for 
9?øgle^ul)  shield,  drop;  anat  vertebra.  -ogtig  ( 
whirling,  eddying.  -ben  vertebra.  -beoægelfe 
whirling  motion,  -bille  whirligig,  bullhead, 
Gvrinus.  -blol  swivel-bolt.  -centrum  central 
axis  of  the  whirlwind.  -ban§  whirling  danee. 
-btjr  vertebral  el.  vertebrate  (animal),  backboned 
animal.  -i-gang  whirling  motion,  -^ogc  swivel 
hook.  -tanal  spinal  canal.  -legeme  auut  body 
of  the  vertebra.  -lab  whirling  course.  -l«é  a 
invertebrate,  invertebral;  -e  S)t)r  pnnvertebratcs. 
-fftbe  vortex  snail,  Flanorbis  vortex.  -flag  roll; 
(bæmpet)  ruff,  ruffle.    -fnæffe  bottle-whelk,  Furbo 




-norm  hurricaue,  tornado,  cj'clone,  typhoon, 
•  ■tiitory  storm,  -ftrøm  whirlpool.  -ftattc,  -ffljle 
^irtebral  column,  spinal  c,  -to<)  crown  of  the 
l)ead.  -oinb  whirhvind.  -«jc  swivel  eye.  .^Ulrtile 
(7  &  i  whirl,  (om  S?anb)  eddy.  ^»Itulcr  c  -e,  fe 

^t)té'  eonj  if,  in  case;  -  itfe  unless,  if  .  .  .  not; 
(i  mobjat  galb)  if  not;  -  l)an  tfte  ^oDbe  Ⱦret  Imt 
for  him,  were  it  not  for  him;  _  man  ftal  tro 
f)am  ...  to  believe  lilm  .  .  . ;  -  eHerS  if  indeed, 
at  least. 

^Big'  een  whose;  (fun  om  ®tjr  og  Sing)  of 
vvhich.  -aarfag  ado  wherefore,  for  which  reason. 
+-f«Igc  adr,  }ur  in  consequence  whereof. 

^»tffe  vt  &  i  whisper;  _  til  en  whisper  (to) 
one:  .  en  nt  i  pret  whisper  something  in  one's 
e»r;  man  -be  om  at  it  was  whispered  tliat.  -n  c 
whi.spering.  -nbe  a  whispering;  nogle  _  Drb 
some  whispered  words;  —  adv  in  a  whisper,  in 
whispirs.    -tflr  whispering  pipe. 

.^otdle  tjt  hiss,  whistle.  -iogfiati  sibilant. 
-l^b  hissing  sound,  hiss;  gram  sibilant.  -n 
f  hissing,  sibilation. 

.ftttiéioaS  fe  S8i§oa8. 

.^»hte  vt,  fe  liBibte. 

*.C»oittln9  fe  ^uitling. 

>^»0  pron  interrog  who;  _  af  (bem)?  which  of 
them)V  _  fom  he  that,  whoever. 

^ttor  adv  (Steb)  where;  (®rab;  ^borlebeSj  how; 
_  er  buV  where  are  you?  -  ton  bet  oære,  at  how 
does  it  happen  that;  _  ftor  »ar  min  gorunbring 
what  was  my  surprise;  _  fmu!  f)un  er,  _  fmuf  er 
!)un  iffe  how  beautiful  she  is!  _  bet  er  nøbcenbigt 
where  necessary;  _  (i^Dor)  ^an  tom  whereever  he 
came;  _  rig  t)an  enb  er  however  rich  he  may  be. 
-of  ado  whereof,  of  which,  of  whom.  -ban' 
<tdv  &  a  (ftoorlebeS)  how;  (af  ^Dob  SlogS)  of  what 
kind,  description;  fortæl  mig  _  ^an  er  tell  me 
what  he  is  like;  (i)  -  9?ejret  er  no  matter  what 
the  weather  might  be.  -efter  conj  whereafter, 
after  which,  which  done;  —  adv  whereafter; 
wherelrom.  -for  conj  wherefore,  why,  what 
for;  —  adv  for  which;  _  bet?  why  so?  -fra 
adv  from  which;  wberefrom,  whence.  -^elft  orfr 
whereever.  -tjcn  adv  where,  whilher,  whereto 
-^oé  aUv  besides  which.  -i  adv  wherein,  in 
wliich;  into  which.  -iblanbt  adv  among  which. 
-igennem  adv  through  which.  -imeUem  adv 
between  which;  (iblanbt)  among  wliich,  a. 
whom.  -intob  adv  against  which;  in  return  for 
which;  —  conj  whereas.  -tn'brn  adv  within 
which.  -le'bfS,  -lunbe  adv  how;  _  enb  howso- 
ever,  in  whaiever  mauner;  jeg  Deb  ~  man  ftal  .  .  . 
Iknow  how  to.  -læng'e  afføhow  long.  -mang'e 
a  how  many.  -meb  adv  wherewith;  rel  with 
which.  -meget  a  &  udv  how  much;  _  enb  however; 
much.  -naar  of<»  when.  -næft  nrf«  whereupon. 
-om  adv  whereof;  rel  about  which;  _  alting  er 
any  way,  however  that  may  V)e.  -omfrtng  adv 
round  which.  -obcr  adv  (re/)  over  which;  at 
which;  (interr)  _  bellager  bn  big?  what  do  you 
complain  of?  -paa  adv  (rel  &  interr)  whereupon, 
whereon;  (fun  rel)  after  which,  when.  -fom= 
Ijtl^  adv  anywhere  rel  whereever,  wheresoever. 
-til  adv  (til  luilfet)  whereto,  to  which,  interr  (til 
I)Bab  9?5tte;  to  what  purpose;  -  natter  bet  ot  what 
is  the  good  of.  -uboticr  "dv  above  el.  beyond 
which,  t  where« t,  for  which  reason.  -unber  a<fø 
under  whicb.  -»eb  ndv  (»eb  iiuiltet)  whereat, 
at  which;  (Beb  f)Dilfet  9JJibbel)  by  which  means. 
-bel',  i  -oel  conj  although,  albeit.  -bibt'  adv 
how  far;  conj  whether  (or  not). 

^Uofom^elft'  any  one;  rel;  -  ber  whoever, 

$)Vctlt>  n,  pi  =,  arch,  vanlt;  *(af  SBaob)  bottom. 
»■•>>vT!t<  r  '■'    -^  vi)  arch,  vault;  _  fig,  b.  f.;  —  *  vi 

fe  Santre.  -et  a  arched.  -ing  c  -er  arch,  vault. 
•inQ^piUe  abutment,  springwall.    -ften  voussoir. 

^oæfc  vi  (om  Slange,  &aai)  hiss;  (om  en,  ber 
er  trangbr^ftet)  wheeze.    -n  c  hissing,  etc. 

.^tiæéfc  vt  whet,  sharpen.  -ffifer  whet-slate. 
-ftaat  Steel  (for  sharpening).  -ften  sharpening 
stone,  whetstone,  hone. 

43i)acint^'  c  -er  hyacinth;  oilb  _  blue-bell, 
Hv'icinthus  non  seriptus. 

"J&^bel  c  -bier  p  nest,  den,  cabin. 

^qben  c,  pi  =,  hip.  -bnft  fe  -torn.  -fr«  hip 
-seed.  -f)«!  dog-briar  hedge.  -rofe  dog-rose. 
•\uppe  hip-soup.  -torn  hip-tree,  dog-rose,  dog 
-briar,  wildbriar,  Jioea  caniiux. 

étjbri'b  a  hyb'rid,  hyb'ridous. 

.{■)t)bati'be  c  -r  hyd'atid. 

,&»)bro't  n  -er  hy'drate. 

tl)brau|lil'  c  hydrau'lics  pi  -'lift  a  hydraulic. 
qbrolgra  f  c  -er  hydrog'rapher.  -groft'  c 
hydrog'raphy.  -gra'fiff  o  hydrograph'ic.  -me'tcr 
n  -tre  hydrom'eter.  -o£t)ge'nga§mitrofIo)i  oxy- 
hydrogen  micro.scope.  -^la't  c  -er  hydrop'athist. 
-^ja'ttfl  a  hydropath'ic(al).  -ftatlt'  c  hydrostat'ics 
pl.  -fto'tiff  a  hydrostat'ic(al). 
+^Xi  c  complexion. 
*,&»)'e  vt  flog,  lash. 

tqf'cr  pl,  zoo  hyphæ. 
qgge  c  comfort,  ease.    .^tigge  vi  (for   el.  om 
en)    (*    vt)   make  (one)  comfortable,   study   el. 
promote  one's  comfort;  —  -h  vt  protect,  screen; 

*  _  fig  feel  at  home;  *  fig  til  take  to,  attach 
one's  self  to.  '^^ggelig  a  comfortable,  snug,  cosy, 
home-like.  ^QggeUg^eb  c  comfortableness; 
snngness,  cosiness. 

,^pgi|ei'ne,  -ene  chy'giene,  sanitation.  -ci'niff, 
-e'niff  a  hygien'ic. 

.!^Qgro|me  ter  n  -tre  hygrom'eter.  -ffo'^  u 
-er  hy'groscope.    -ffo'|)ifI  a  hygroscop'ic. 

*  6t)flelf!  a  hypocritical. 

^^I(e  vt  &  i  feign,  simulate,  dissemble;  (for 
en)  play  the  hypocrite  (to  one).  -fagter  pl 
hypocritical  grimaces.    -t-n  c  fe  ^tjfleri. 

.^^tler  c  -e  hypocrite,  dissembler.  -i'  n  -er 
hypocrisy,  cant.  -tft,  -fl  a  hypocritical.  -f!e  c 
-r,  fe  Jpi)fler.  -taare  hypocritical  tear.  -f^iglte= 
fmti  hypocritical  smile. 

.!&t)I  n,  pl  =,  howl,  yell. 

S^lb  c.  -e  elder,  Sambucw  nigra. 
^Ibc  c  -r  shelf;  oære  paa   ftn   rette  _  be  in 
one's  right  place;  lægge  paa  -en  lay  on  the  shelf. 

*.^^Ibc  c  r  (til  ^eft)  hoppie.  ^^Ibe  vt  hoppie, 

4^Qlbe  vt  pay  el.  do  homage  to,  swear  allegi- 
ance;  labe  fig  _  receive  the  oath  of  allegiance; 
-  en  Wening  hold  el.  embrace  an  opinion;  be 
fom  _  faabanne  SJJeninger  the  holders  of  such 

^l)lbe|bIomft  elder  flower.  -bnfl  elder  bush. 
-bær  elder  berries.    -bøSfe  pop-gun. 

t.^ljlbcmor  c  wood-nymph,  fairy. 

J^Dlbcfoft  c  elder-syrup. 

=f,!&j)lbc|ffttbt,  -ftttb  fe  SIfftnbig,  -^eb. 

jptjibcft  c  favour;  homage.  -i-fbab  poem  of 

.^4lbe{fu)>))e  elder  soup.  -fbamt*  Jew's  ear, 
Fungus  aambuci.    -te  elder  tea.    -træ  elder  tree. 

,6t)lbet)cjer't)  c  J,  shelf(-piece),  stringer. 

t,§blbig  a  bibl  covered  with  fatness. 

^«jtbin)ing  c  er  homage.  —  .§t)lblng3|oIt  aet  of 
swearing  allegiance.  -bag  day  of  homage,  day 
when  the  oath  of  allegiance  is  taken.  -eo  oath 
of  fealty  et.  allegiance. 

^^I|e  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vi  yell,  howl;  cry,  whine.  -en 
c  yelling.    -er  c  -e  croaker.    -eri'  n  croakiug. 

,&^ne  vt  wrap,  cover;  _  inb,  fe  ^nb^tjlle.  ■^^Vit 
n  covering.    -neg  bood. 





fttUite,  ^øUitc  c  -r  hood,  cap. 
.&t)lfc  c  -r  casing. 

.&t)lftet  n  -tre  covering,  case,  (^iftot^.)  holster; 
^  sprtth;  (SBIøbb^ré)  mantle;  (g^roærteri)  case, 
pot;  bet  iorbtftc  _  the  mortal  frame. 

^Ijmen  c  Hymen;  anat  hymeu. 

^t)mtt|e  c  -r  hymn.  -olo'fl  c  -er  hymno- 

^t)nt>e  n  -r  cushion;  Belagt  meb  -r  cushioned. 
•fæbc  cushioued  seat. 

^tjp' !  interj  (til  f)efte)  hop  ! 

.§l)t»'  c  a  certain  game  of  chance. 

.!^^per'|6el  c  -6Ier  hyper'bola.  -Iio'I  c  -er 
hyper'bole.  -Bo'I(i)fl  a  hyperboric(al).  -boræ'er 
c  -e  Hyperbo'rean.    ■'boræ'ifl  a  hyperbo'rean. 

tjjpc'rilott  c  fe  <lSerifon. 
^i)cr|Ir{tit'  hypercrit'icism.    -trit'iff  a  hyper- 
crit'ic(al).    -trofl'  c  hyper'trophy. 

tt)pUn  fe  $l)p  c. 
»)j)no|tlfc'rc  e<  hyp'notize.    -'tifl  a  hypnot'ic. 
-tié'me  c  byp'notism. 

^Jjpobcr'mift  a  hypoder'mic;  _  $8e^anbltng  h. 

^^<)o!ott'|bcr  a  fe  -brift.  -bri'  c  hypocon'dria, 
liypoobondrlasis'  f  hyp,  spleen,  -brifl  a  hypo- 
chon'driac,  splenetic,  hyppish.  -btifl'  c  -er  hypo- 

^\fpo\tt't  n  -er  mortgage,  pledge.  -tenufe  c  -r 
hypot'enuse.  -te'fe  c  -r  hypoth'esis.  -tetiff  a 

^t)))^e  «t  hill,  earth;  f  vr  fig  accumulate,  rise. 
-jænt  hoe.  -})lot)  earthing  plough.  $)|^ning  c 
-er  hilling. 

^^<)<»i8  a  frequent;  (-en)  adv  freqnently.  -^eb 
c  trequency. 

^Ijrbe  c  -r  herdsman,  (gaarel^.  og.Æff)shepherd; 
ben  gobe  -  the  good  shepherd.  -botig  herdsman's 
cot.  -brett  pastoral  (letter).  -btgt  pastoral 
(poem),  eclogue,  bucolic,  idyl,  madrigal.  -bigter 
bucolic  poet.  -bigtning  pastoral  el.  bucolic 
poetry.  -btagt  pastoral  dress,  -bteng  sliepherd 
boy,  lierdboy.  -ftajte  shepherd's  pipe,  pastoral 
pipe,  rural  p.  -foll  nomadic  tribe  el.  nation. 
-fugl  spur-wing,  Parra  chavaria.  -gub  god  of 
shepherds,  Pan.  -^unb  sheep-dog,  shepherd's 
dog.  -^«8,  -^ijtte  shepherd's  cot.  -tafte  caste 
of  herdsmen.  -Hotle  cattle-bell.  -longerne  pi 
the  shepherd  kings.  -letinet,  -litt  pastwral  life. 
-lur  cowherd's  horn.  -IǤ  a  untended.  -niicSfig 
a  pastoral,  arcadian,  bucolic.  -(>iBc  fe  -fløjte. 
-<)ige  shepherdess.  -|)oefi  fe  -bigtning-  -fang 
pastoral  song.  -ftanb  station  of  a  shepherd. 
-flaO  pastoral  staflf,  crook;  fig  crosier.  -ft^ffe 
pastoral,  -tafle  ^  shepherd's  pouch,  St.  James's 
wort,  Thlaspi  bursa  pafitoris.  -tinte  hour  of 
billing  and  cooing,  an  hour's  courting.  -Uife 
pastorial  soag.    ^tjtbinbe  c  -r  shepherdess. 

^^re  c  hire;  J,  (Søn)  wages;  tage  _  meb  .  .  . 
ship  el.  sign  articles  onboard  the  .  .  .  ;  faa  -  be 
engaged,  obtain  a  berth;  mifte  fin  _  be  unshipped; 
Ijabe  fin  (fulbe)  ~  meb  have  enough  to  do  with. 
^^re  vt  hire,  engage;  fe  gorljljre.  -ba§  c  (anfat) 
shipping  master,  amr  boarding-master,  (JpoerDer) 
crimp.  -^cft  hack.  -foret  hackney-coach.  -Ion= 
ttatt  articles  (of  agreement).  -luff  cabman. 
+-ticncr  fe  Sejetiener,  -tiogn  hired  carriage, 

^t)§- !  interj  hush!  (i  en  gorfaml.)  order! 
order!  +  n  \t  |»l)Sfen. 

*.&^fc  c  -r  haddock,  Gadus  æglefimis. 

^t)S\e  vi  (tQSfe)  hush;  (gibe  SJltg^ag  ttlfenbe) 
hiss;  _  ab  en  hiss  (at)  one.  -n  c  hushing; 

^^Sfing  c  housing,  houseline.  *  pack-thread, 



;gl)fte|ri'  c  hyster'ici  pi.  -'riff  a  hyster'ical 
bliae  ~,  faa  et  _  Stnfalb  go  into  hysterlcs  ]jI. 

,^>)tte  vt  protect,  guard,  take  care  of;  prov 

Safte;  ~  fit  Sfinb  save  one's  bacon;  fe  tJonben 

—  vr  fig  for  guard  against. 

*,§^tte  vi  make  a  menacing  gesture. 

^Qttc   c   -r  hut,  cottage,  cabin;  ^X,  poop;  min 

smelting-house;  (^ætte)  cap;  en  _  og  bonS  fjerte 

love   in   a   cottage.     -nriejber   smelter,     -boer, 

cottager.      -brift    smelting    business,      -bflft    jd 

poop-deck  (o.  ft.).    -bar  cottage-door.  ^ 

^tjttefab  n  cauf,  well. 

^^ttclfogcb,  -meftcr  overseer  of  a  smelting 
-liouse.  -manb  smelter,  founder.  -t«g  while 
arsenic.  -fanger  Ijlue-bird,  Sialia.  -ffritter  clerk 
of  a  smelting-house.    -td^  J;,  poop-deck. 

^J)«'ne  f  -r  hyena,  Hyæiux,  flribet  -  sliard 
-wolf.    -^unb  hyena  dog'  Lycæon  pictus 

fattet  c  honour,  glory.  -fulb  a  gloriouSj 
honourable.  -tronfet,  -fronet  a  covered  e( 
crowned  with  glory. 

^(Cberlig  a  (ogfao  om  ^erfon)  honourable,  high 
-principled;  (6etømmetig)  glorious.  -^eb  c  hon- 
ourableness,  honour.    ,^aeber(ø§  a  inglorious. 

$æber§|bane  career  of  honour.     -betii§ning 

mark    of  respect,  honour.    -bog  dav  of  glory. 

-bi^Jlom    diploma   (of  honour).     -brogt  dress  of 

honour.    -gong    road    to    glory.    -gotie   gift   el. 

present    of   honour.     -gerning   glorious  deed. 

-gæft   guest   of  honour,   guest  of  the  occasion. 

-lolb  honourable  calling.  -famp  glorious  struggle. 

-{(lebntng  fe  -bragt,    -trone  crown  of  honour 

-Itiob    laudatory    poem,    poem    in    honour    of 

somebody.     -legtonen    the    legion   of  honour. 

-h-(i»  life  of  honour.    -Ian  honorary.    -maottib 

banquet,    feast   of  honour.    -moub    honourable 

man,   worthy  (man),    -mebalje  medal.    -minbe 

1  monument,  memorial,    -mærte  fe  -tegn.    -noon 

I  glorious  name.     -^lobS  place  of  honour.    -poft 

I  post  of  honour.    -prljb  fe  -tegn.    -ret  honourabk- 

j  privilege.   -fang  song  of  praise,  eulogy.   -f mijtle 

I  decoration.   -ftanb  honourable  condition.   -tegn 

I  badge  of  honour.    -titel  title  of  honour.    -trin 

degree  of  honour.    -oe|  (e  -bane.  —  ,g«berD(erbtg 

I  a  honourable.    ,^æbre  rt  honour. 

.^oefte  fe  $efte.' 

S  æg'  c  -ge  bird  cherry,  Prunus  Padua. 
æg  «  xl*:  -t  og  -tæt  tight  and  staunch 
I      *J&ægbe  c  -r  hank. 

t.pæge  vt  F  preserve,  take  care  of;  _  fig  prin 


i     4?æggcb(er  bird  cherry,    -træ  fe  ^æg  c 

'     |»ægte  c  -r  clasp,   hook,   -r  og  røaUer  hooks 

!  and  eyes;   -r    p   fe  (Srunfer:  lomme  til  -rne  igen 

recover;  ^t)ab  fQnel  S)e  om  -r?  Joe  there's  nothing 

like   leather;    *   bet  oar  el.  ftob  paa  -n  it  was  a 

elose  shave.     .^ægte  vt  clasp,  hook;  _  op  uu- 

i  clasp,  unhook.  -moger  hook-maker,  wiréworker. 

I  fægtning  c  clasping,  booking. 

^xt,  ^cettt  c  -ter  (§egn)  hedge;  (i  Stalb) 
j  rack. 

:^ctV :  ligge  i  ~  be  hatching,  breeding;  gaa  i  - 

begin  to  hatch. 

$(ef'  c  ^  stem  frame;  (paa  SSaab)  stern-sheets. 

'  -boob  stern-boat.    -Iijælfe  transom.    -Bom  steru 

i  -davit.   -bræt,  -borb  back  board,   -babib  fe  -6om. 

-fortaj  fe  -baab.    -iotie  stern-boat.     -{oKcboin  fe 

1  -Bom. 

i     .&æff    c  fe  $æf  c. 

I      ,^æfle  vi  hatch ,  breed,  nidiflcate.  -bur  breeding 
i  cage.    -fugl  breeder.    -grunb  breeding  ground. 
^ælte|lab    steeplechase.      -fotS    gardener'.s 
!  shears  pi. 
1     ^æffelftcb  breeding-  el.  hatching  place.    -tio 

nesting  el.  hatching  time. 
i      ^ættnæ  n  J,  transomknee. 






Aæflc  vt  &  i  crochet.    -arbejilie  crochet-work.  ^ 

iinl  crochet-liook.    -ftinfl  croehet-stitch.    -taj  ■ 

arbfjbc.    .^(Ctling  c  crofhet  work. 

."Circluittg  c  hatching  etc,  (fe  ^pæffe),  nidification. 

,>>irff'!bjarlfe  o.  fl„  fe  .&«!=. 

ftitf  ffcbcr,  -uærf  (ajejrm.)  bars.  rugs. 

.C>(Et  fWtte,  -fwnner  ^  quarter-stanchion. 
-troper,  -tammere  stem-timbers. 

^cci  o  -e  heel;  ?ætte  ii^e  -e  paa  re-heel;    følge 
en    altib    i    -ene    dog  one;   følfle  lige  i  -ene  tread 
dosely  on  the  heels  of;  lige  i  -ene   poa  hot-foot  ! 
upon;*  fægte  meb  -ene  take  to  one's  heels.    -6en 
heel-bone.  ' 

.6ætt)  n  inclination,  slope,  -X.  rake;  ^abet  ftaar  ; 
jfiaa  ~  the  cask  is  a-tilt  *-ba!tc  slope.  .^telbjc 
vi  slant,  slope,  (ogfoa  fig)  Incline,  lean,  J^,  rake; 
Sagen  -r  the  day  declines;  _  til  et  ^arti  lean  to 
e(.  towards  a  party;  TOuren  -r  mob  3Seft  the  wall  ' 
sways  to  the  west;  —  vt  (en  2ønbe)  tilt;  _  ftg 
leau;  -  ftg  op  til  lean  up  against;  -te,  -t  (g^be) 
pour,  nm;  _  om  decant.  -(n)tng  (Sfroaning)  slope, 
declivity;  fig  (til)  inclination  (to),  bias,  leaning 
(towards);  oære  paa  -en  be  on  the  decline  bet  er 
paa  -en  meb  mine  ?3enge  my  money  is  ebbing, 
running  low;  SagenI  _  the  decline  of  day.  -evt 
c  -t  sanctimonious  person.  -øvtt  a  sancti- 

^«le  vt  &  i  (ftiule,  bølge)  harbour,  conceal; 
~  meb  en  St)tj  reeeive  stolen  goods. 

.ftælepinb  c  heel-peg,  hobnail. 

.tȾlcr  o  -e  receiver  of  stolen  goods,  -en  er 
lige  iaa  gob  fom  Stjæleren  the  receiver  is  as  bad 
as  the  thief.  -i'  n  receiving  (of  stolen  goods). 
-ffe  c  -r,  fe  Reeler. 

.^cclrføm  fe  Joælepinb. 

■tiæl  HH,  -fiiHc  fe  »ag.. 

:§a:lfti;e)  c  fe  ,v>alDbel. 

jpæ'Ijcertt  heel-piece,  -tip.  -tappe  back,  upper 

.^(cUing  fe  Jelling. 

-Oælme  fe  Jpelme. 

.fjæ  I  ftnat  heel  tool.  -fam  hobnail.  -ftettc  4.- 
Kig  shore. 

.vSrrltit,  .^ælute  c  fe  ^olbbel. 

.ipæmttie  fe  Jpemme. 

4>a;morirt)agi'  c  hem'orrhage.  -r^oi'bcr  p/ 
piles,  liem'orrhoids.   -rlioitia'lff  a  hemorrhoi'dal 

'^(tmpe  c  -r  loop,  strap. 

j^ænbe :  i  -,  til  _,  fe  ^Joanb. 

^ænbe  vt,  jur  _  Som  otjer  obtaln  judgment 

^cenbe,  -te,  -t  vi  &  refl  og  -§  vd  happen, 
chance,  occur,  befal,  come  lo  pass;  bet  tunbc 
not  _  may  be;  ber  er  ^ænbt  %am  en  UIt)ffe  lie 
lias  met  wltli  a  misfortune.  ^tenbcltg  a  acci- 
dental.  ;^(enbe{Ife  c  -r  (Sræf)  chance;  (i  en  ^x- 
ftorie  e!.  i  et  Slueip.)  incident;  (fflegitien^eb)  occur- 
rence;  (Silbrapelfe)  adventnre  (ulqifelig  ^  )  acci- 
dent. -tfeSotS  adv  by  chance,  accidentally, 

jginenber  i>l  af  ^aanb.  -i-rtjftenbe  a  shaking 
hånds,  -oribcnbe  a  wringing  his  (their  etc.) 
hånds     -f.f»ænbeurtb  wringing  of  hånds. 

^(cnbtg  a  liandy,  dexterous  (with  the  hånd). 
•\ifa  '-'  dexterity. 

-i^^teng  n  fe  Jpang;  *  _  of  SBinb  light  airi^g 
slant  el.  slatcli  of  wiud, 

^snge,  ^ong  &  hængte,  -t  vi  (paa  el.  i)  hang 
(on),  be  suspended  (by);  fibbe,  ftaa  og  -  sit, 
stand,  idle;  _  foft  stick;  _  efter  en  dangle  after 
one,  be  at  one's  heels;  _  faft  stick,  adhere; 
-r  i  Soget  hangs  from  the  ceiling  el.  roof; 
tian  -r  i  $ufet,  Slub6en  beftanbig  f  he  haunts 
the  Club,  house  perpetually;  t  -  i  F  keep 
at  it,  work  hard;  _  i  en  Iraob  fg  hang  upon 
el.  by  a  thread;  fe  Slolfeftreng;   _   meb   (f.    (Stå. 

^obebet)  droop;  hang  (one's  head);  Sræet 
-r  fulbt  meb  frugter  tlie  tree  is  loaded  with 
fmit;  Koppen  -r  tjam  neb  tit  gøbberne  the  cloak 
hangs  down,  comes  down,  to  liis  feet;  _  o»)Ct, 
fe  oDer^ænge;  _  ooer  ^Bøgerne  be  poring  over  the 
books;  _  paa  SJæggen  hang  against  el.  on  the 
wall;  t  _  paa  =  2ltf)ænge  af;  -  f  am  men  stick  el. 
hold  togetlier,  cohere;  I)Dorlebe§  -r  bet  fammen 
meb  benne  Sag  ?  how  does  tliat  matter  stand  ?  bet 
■r  ilte  rigtig  fammen  there  is  something  wrong; 
_  Beb  adhere  to;  _  ueb  nogen  (af  Jpengioenfieb)  be 
attached,  cleave,  cling  to  one;  -  oeb  en  3JJcning 
ofb.  be  wedded  el.  cleave  to  an  opinion  etc. 
—  ^æitge,  -te,  -t  vt  hang,  suspend;  .X«  (9Joret) 
ship  (the  rudder);  _  en  diaa  sling  a  yard;  {)renge8, 
blibe  -t  be  hauged,  p  swing,  hang,  fe  SJrutne;  — 
vr  fig  hang  one's  self;  _  op,  fe  ^ænge;  -  ftg  i 
fia  catcli  hold  of,  carp  at;  —  l)cengenbe  ptrt  & 
o  lianging,  pendent,  ^  pendulous,  cerniious; 
blioe  _  catch,  stick;  remaiu  hanging el. suspended; 
blioe  -nbe  beb  (ogf.  fig)  be  caught  el.  Iiooked  by, 
fig  be  saddled  with;  fe  $aar.  ^ængclafl  weeping 
ash,  Fraxinus  pendula.  -birt  weeping  l)irch. 
■bro  suspension  bridge,  -bænt  min  pit-niouth, 
brace.  -bone  hanging  springe,  -b^nb  quagraire. 
-fjælb  beetling  clitF.  -fcerbig  a  ready  to  hang 
one's  self.  -græd  fe  giittergræS.  -^obc  hanging 
garden,  -boucb  (StælbSorb)  a  erest-falleu,  c.liap 
-fallen  person;  (^ijtterj  hypocrite,  canter.  -jcertt 
fe  |)ængj(ern.  -tav  hanging  vase.  -fompaiS  hang- 
ing compass.  -trøKcr  hanging  curls.  -tur«) 
pannier.  -tæbe  underhung  jaw.  -tojclvammock. 
■I  c  -gier  lappet;  garland.  -loaS  padlock.  -iampt 
hanging  lamp,  ceiling-lamp,  suspension  lamp. 
-leje  bearing.  -ler  fe  bt)nb.  -loft  hanging-floor. 
•Iqgte  hanging  lantern.  -man  hanging  mane. 
•maottc,  *-matte  fe  -føje.  -måbe  paunch,  swag 
-belly.  -mofe,  *-mt)r  fe  -fæg.  -mnnb  blubber 
lip.  -pil  weeping  willow,  Salix  bahy/'mica. 
-ptabe  nrch  larmier,  coroua,  drip.  -plante  liang- 
ing plant,  -potte  hanging  flower-pot.  -prtjbclfc 
hanging  ornament,  -rem  brace.  -feng  fe  -føje 
-ffob  hanging  press.  -flur  penthouse.  -ftingre^ 
bræt  vD  rack.  -fmtjtfe  urcAre  ornamental  pen- 
dent, -ftage  sconce.  -ftiUing  hanging  el.  shift- 
ing  stage,  -ftol  waggou-seat  suspended  by  straps. 
t-fæg  quaking-bog.  -f«jle  fe  ^ængføfle.  -tib 
hanging  time.  *-tite  blackeap,  Purus  ater.  -træ 
horse  (for  hanging  clothes  on);  fig  obtrusive 
idler,  hanger-on.  -»ejr  ^  calm  el.  liglit  weather. 
-bugge  suspended  cradle,  barcelonnette.  -ærmer 
pendant  sleeves.  -«ret  a  flap-eared.  ,^(engiærn 
OBtign.)  tie-band. 

.^ængfel  n  (+  c)  -fler  hinge.  -leb  anat  trochoid 
*  fe  ^ængfle. 

'.gatngfle  n  -r  fe  ©ængfel;  boom  (to  catch  the 
timber).  -bunb  ^  liopper;  $ram  meb  -  hopper 
-punt.    -lem,  -luge  hoppcr-door. 

^ængjføtlc  king-post.  -»ært  truss-frame,  sus- 

^æc  c  -e  army;  (^cerffare  og  bibl)  host;  ben 
bilbe  _  Arthur's  chase.  -af beting  division  (of 
an  army).  -beutegelfe  movement  of  au  army. 
-blæft  poet  blast  of  trumpets. 

tærb  fe  ^erb. 
ærbe  vt  harden,  indurate;   _   Staal   temper 
Steel;   _  3i<Krn   til  Staal  temper  iron  into  steel; 
_  paant)  retemper;   —  vr  fig   liarden  one's  self, 
make  one's  self  bardy. 

f^ærbe  c  -r  shoulder.  -bteb  o  broad  shoul- 

,^ærb|elfe  fe  -ning.  ,^(ecbe[tianb,  -ocebfle  tem- 
pering-water,  chalybeaie.  ^ærbiue  vi  &  (harden, 
-ning  c  hardening  etc;  (af  SJletal)  tempvring,- 
(ogfaa :  bet  at  »ære  ^ærbet)  induration;  (^taarbl^. 
af  3Ketal)  temper. 




tavtt>iå:  i  _  in  whole  armles. 
ærifaber  mvth  tlie  fatlier  of  hosts,  Odin. 
-fugl  hoopoe,  Upupa  epops.  -fQlfing  poet  battle 
-array,  -færb  warfare.  -feter  commander  of 
an  army.  -fatfel  command  (of  an  army);  gene- 

^ærfllc,  ^ærjle  vt  ravage,  lay  waste,  devastate, 
harry.  -en,  -»ing  c  ravaging;  conc  ravage,  de- 

J^æ'rlftæber  (t  &  poet)  war-attire,  armour. 
-Ilæbt  a  in  armour.  -lou  Army  Aet.  -magt 
forces,    -ntanb  (t  &  poet)  warrior. 

*^ærme  vt  mimick. 

^æ'rlmefter  grandmaster,  -tnqre  fe  S8anbre= 
mljre.  -orbntng  military  organisation,  -orm 
army-worm,  Sciara.  -^Qufe  kettle-drum.  -^jlan 
ie  -loD.  -l»oj)  fe  -fugl.  -raab  warcry.  -flare  host, 
posse;  -rnes  ®ub  el.  ^erre  Mbl  the  God  el.  Lord 
of  hosts;  en  Ifeimmeift  -§  TOangfoIbtg^eb  a  multitude 
of  the  heavenly  host.  -ff  jotb :  fare  _  imob  war 
against.    -flue  review. 

*^a'r§Iing  c  -er  dace,  Cviirinus  leudscua. 

^æ'rlfttjrfe  (military)  force,  t-tagen  c  cap- 
tured.  H-tog  marcli  (of  an  army),  eampaign. 
-ti«rt  assault,  violence;  ravage,  havoc;  +  fe 

■f^a^'  c  (+  n)  -fe  stack,  rlck. 

^æé  a  hoarse,  (lun  om  ©temmen)  husky.  -(e)= 
blæfenbe  a  out  of  breatli,  with  one's  breath  al- 
most  gone;  p  Jig  breathless,  flurried,  bustling. 
•bliEfen^eb  c  breathlessness,  flurry.  *-e  vi  pant. 
'tftt>  c  hoarseness,  huskiness,  raucity. 

,gæ§te  c  -r  framework  for  drying  hay. 

^æétig  a  ugly,  hideous.  -^cb  c  ugliness, 

*^æSpe  c  -X,  ^ceåpct  c  -et  skein,  hank.  -træ 

t^æåfcl  fe  |»alfel. 

.^ættc  c  -r  liood,  cowl,  cap.  -Brober  capuchin. 
■faabe  capuchin.  -maage  sea-crow.  Larm  ridi- 
bundus.  -terne  common  el.  great  tern,  sea-swal- 
low,  iSterna  hirundo. 

^æob  c  (39rugi=)  prescription,  prescriptive  right; 
(Sefibbelfe)  possession;  *(SQrImng)  cultivation, 
(®øbiel)  manure;  ^olbe  i  _,  |olbe  _  otier  keep  in 
preservation;  faa  -  become  prescriptive  el.  firmly 
eslablished;  faa  _  litaa.  noget  acquire  right  of 
prescription  to  a  thing;  ^aOe  -  )()aa  have  a  pre- 
scriptive right  to.  ,^(ebb|e  vt  maintain,  assert, 
uphold;  *cultivate,  manure;  _  ftg  noget  til  acquire 
a  prescriptive  right  to;  ~  fin  ^Iab§,  _  fig  hold 
one's  own.  -elfe  c  assertion,  -et  fe  -ounben. 
•f-ftttcr  a  prescriptive.  4?c^tib§tib  period  of  pre- 
scription. i^æbbounben  «  prescriptive,  vested, 
fig  time-honoured,  old-established. 

■§æ»e  vt  (løfte)  raise;  (gorf)inbringer,  Stjgbom) 
remove;  (Sontraft  o.  beil.)  break  off;  (Seleiring) 
raise;  (Strib)  settle;  (3Jløbe)  dissolve,  adjourn; 
(Stemmen)  raise,  elevate;  (i8in)  draw  out  with 
a  siphon;  _  2;oIb  levy  duty  (af  on);  _  *)gartiet 
break  off  the  match;  ~  gartierne  i  et  røaleri  throw 
out  the  colours  in  a  painting;  _  ^enge  receive 
et.  draw  money;  _  ^Penge  i^aa.  en  SlnuiSning  ofB. 
cash  a  check;  _  ttl  ©faerne  laud  to  tlie  skies, 
extol  to  the  clouds;  _  ^inanben  (SRegn.)  cancel 
each  other;  ba  9tetten  bel  wlien  the  court  rose; 
—  vr  fig  rise,  swell,  (om  SSjærge)  tower,  rear 
themselves,  (om  Sejg)  rise;  _  fig  ooer  (noget)  rise 
superior  to;  _  fig  ub  fig  stand  forward;  oære  -t 
oeer  fig  be  above,  superior  to;  -t  ooer  al  SRoS, 
Slbiol  beyond  all  praise,  doubt.  ^ætte|6jælfe 
lever,  -bu!  gin,  crab.  -jammer  lielve-hammer. 
-tom  arm,  knob.  -Ife  c  -r  rising,  swelling,  tumor. 
-tium))e  lifting  pump.  -rt  c  -er  siphon.  -rtboro= 
meter  siphon  barometer,  -rtftang  maudrel. 
^(Cbing  c  lifting;  pension. 

tJ&æuIe  fe  ^ejle  vi. 

^(Cbn  c  revenge,  vengeance;  _  ouer  reveng( 
upon;  tage  en  grufom  -  ooer  wreak  a  cruel  ven 
geance  upon;  raafie  om  _  va.(i  call  down  ven 
geance  on;  -en  ftører  mig  til  hibl  vengeance 
mine.  .^(ebn|e  vi  revengc,  avenge;  -  fig  pad  bi 
revenged  on,  avenge  one's  self  of  el.  ou,  taki 
vengeance  on,  wreak  one's  vengeance  upon 
bet  -r  fig  it  brings  its  own  punishment.  -er 
-e  avenger,  revenger.  +-fulb  b.  f.  f.  -gerrig  n 
revengeful,  vindictive,  unforgiving.  -gerrigticb 
c  vindictiveness,  revengefulness.  -gubinbeFiiry. 
-Irtg  war  of  revenge.  -l^ft  thirst  of  el.  for  re- 
venge, -^lan  plan  of  revenge  el.  vengeance. 
•raabenbe  a  calling  for  vengeance.  -f^g,  -fflge 
fe  -gerrig,  -gerrig^eb.  -tanfe  thought  of  revenge. 
-t«rft  fe  -iQft. 

^(t'tining  c  rising;  Sorbfforpen?  _  the  uplieaval 
of  the  earth-crust;  fe  $æt)ing. 

*^9  c  -er  (large  and  rounded)  mountain  top, 

^a  n  liay;  alt  fføb  er  -  all  flesh  is  grass, 
*-aaun  fe  -onn.  -abt  fe  Ojærgning.  *-abIin9  lia: 
crop.  -bjærgning  hay-making.  -bjoergningéttb 
hay-harvest.    -buule  cock  of  hay. 

=f^et>e,  ^abfel  fe  Xrne,  %xmUU  ingen  bor  o] 
©øbfel  threatened  men  live  long. 

Sflfbe  c  -r  fe  SBune. 
øfeber  c  hay  fever,  hay  asthma,  autumnal,] 
pollen  el.  rose  catarrh. 

.^øflig  a  polite,  courteous,  civil,  urbane.  -I)eb 
c  politeness,  courtesy,  civility,  urbanity;  -  tofter 
ingen  *JSenge  soft  words  hurt  not  the  mouth, 
good  words  cost  nought;  een  -  er  ben  onben  Doerb 
one  good  turn  deserves  another,  P  scratcli  my 
back  and  I'll  scratch  yours;  fige  en  -er  say  civil 
things  to  one,  pay  one  compliments.  -liebS' 
befag  visit  of  courtesy.   -^ebSbeuif  er  pi  civilities. 

^»'Ifort  pitch-fork.    -fra  hay  seed. 

6«fte  c  -r,  fe  Sune. 

.peg  c  -e  hawk;  _  ooer  $ane  el.  _  ober  _  dia 
mond  cut  diamond;  the  biter  has  been  bit;  he 
has  caught  a  Tartar;  _  og  ®ue  (2eg)  catch.  — 
^øge|bur  trap  to  catch  hawks.  -fangft  catehing 
of  hawks.  -flue  hawk-fly,  Dioctria.  -Ho  hawks 
talon,  -n/tb  hawk's  bill;  .1,  rave-hook.  -rebe 
hawk's  nest.  -ftisg  hawk's  beard,  Crepix.  -ugle 
hawk  owl,  Strix  nisoria.  -urt  hawkweed,  Hic 

SaHæt  hay-rack.    -^aft  hay  harvest. 
øj  c  -e  hill,  eminence,  rising  ground;  (minbrc] 
knoU,  hillock,  (ifær  tunftig)  mound. 

^ei  a  high,  lofty;  (»^erfon,  %væ,  Stang  o.  I 
tall,  temmelig  -  tallisli;  J,  (SHaft,  ©torften)  tannt; 
(iQbelig)  loud;  for  _  (falft)  too  sharp;  bet  er  for  -t 
for  mig  it  is  above  my  comprehension,  it  is  be- 
yond me,  it  is  over  my  head;  ®ub  i  bet  -e  God 
OQ  high;  _  Sliber  advanced  age;  i  en  ^øj  -  9llber 
at  a  good  old  age,  at  a  great  age;  ^an  er  fire 
grob  _  he  is  four  feet  high;  Sneen  ligger  tre  gob 
_  the  snow  is  three  feet  deep;  ben  -e  (Seiftlig^eb 
the  dignit-iries  of  the  church;  paa  ben  -e  Jpeft  on 
the  high  horse,  on  the  higli  rope;  -e  ^errer  great 
men;  ~  til  Softet  lofty;  en  -  Wanb  a  tall  man; 
to,  tre  fire  røanb  -  two,  three,  four  deep;  ben  -e 
Dlb  high,  early  el.  remote  antiquity;  _  $anbe  a 
lofty  forehead;  i  egen  -e  ^etfon  in  person;  ben  e 
<Port  the  Sublime  Porte;  en  _  $ri8  a  liigh  el. 
long  price;  ftaar  i  _  *)5rié  is  high;  en  ~  Stemme 
mu8  a  high  voice;  ftaoe  en  ~  Stjerne  {)o8  en  be 
in  liigh  favour  with  one;  _  ©traf  heavy  punish- 
ment; -  ©0  heavy  el.  high  sea;  bet  er  ipaa  -e  Stb 
it  is  high  time,  it  is  quite  time;  -t  SBejr  clear 
weather;  —  ^øjere  SlaSfe  higher  class,  (i  Stole) 
upper,  senior  el.  advanced  form  et.  class;  -erc 
Stole  advanced  school;  -ere  Officerer  superior 
officers;   -ere  SBub  an  advance;  efter  -ere  SSefaling 







I  y  oraer;   i  -ere  jlforftanb  in  a  higher  sense;   — 

u   f)eiefte   Wagt,   bet  -efte  ®obe  the  supreme 

nver,  good;  bet  -efte  Sort  the  superior  card; 
-uiie  ^riS  top  price;  ben  -efte  9Jøb,  fjare  the  utmost 
distress,  danger;  ben  ^øjefte  the  Most  High;  bet 
-efte  man  fan  ftge  the  most  that  caa  be  said;  i 
-efte  ®rob  in  the  liighest  degree;  »ære  paa  fit  -efte 
be  at  its  full;  i  bet  -efte  at  most,  at  best,  at  the 
outside;  paa  -efte  Steb  in  the  highest  quarter; 
—  højt  adv  highly,  high;  (om  Stemmen)  loud; 
=  i  bet  -efte;  -t  oppe  i  en  Safte  higli  up  a  hill; 
fptUe  -t  play  high;  -t  regnet,  om  bet  tommer  -t  at 
the  outside,  on  an  extreme  estimate;  SSarerne 
ftao  -t  i  $ri§  the  goods  are  high;  -t  op  paa  Sagen 
late  in  the  morniug;  elfte  en  t  love  one  well  el. 
dearly;  ftjærge  -t  og  bt)rt  swear  most  positively; 
læfe  -t  read  out  el.  aloud;  højere!  speak  up!  — 
høift  adv  (ofteft  bagefter  ?(bjeEt.)  in  the  highest 
el.  last  degree;  (foran)  most,  highly,  extremely; 
bet  er  _  bigtigt  it  is  of  the  utmost  consequence. 
,^efiabe(  peerage.  -abeltg  a  (most)  noble,  -ogt« 
bar  n  highly  estimable.  -agte  vt  estéem  highly. 
•agtelfc  higli  esteem;  (t  iJreo)  meb  _  yours  most 
respectfuUy.    -i^-ogtcr  c  -e  esteemer. 

é«jalberctt  the  Age  of  Hills. 

højalter  higli  altar.  -baobémonb  chief  boats- 
wain.  -baarcn  a  high-born.  -bavrntt  a  high 
-bosomed.  -bemribt  a  above  menlioued.  -benet 
a  long-legged.  -bjccrge  high  mouutains.  -borb  : 
ftbbe  til  -i  sit  at  the  head  of  the  table.  -botrbet 
a  ,1,  lofty,  high-sided.  -r-borbiSffib  highsided 
ship.  -br^ftet  «  high-chested.  -buet  a  high 

ti^øibtiggere  mound-builders. 

^flJi^MOe^  «  ■!>  Mgh.  -bflrbig  fe -boaren.  +-bal 
high-lyiug  Valley,    -bonff  n  written  Danish. 

,^«jbc  c  -r  (Ubftræfning)  height;  (SSæfét)  stature, 
talluess;  (ben  SBeffaffeniJeb  at  uære  ophøjet  ober 
SSorbflaben)  height,  highne.^s,  loftiness,  elevation; 
(2t)ben§)  loudness;  mw  pitcli;  (^ojt  ©tcb)  hill, 
height,  eminence;  geogr  &  ast  altitude;  -n  af  et 
<SejT  the  hoist  of  a  sail;  paa  -n  af  (Sabij  otf  Cadix; 
i  _  meb,  Jig  paa  _  meb  equal  to,  (on  a)  level 
with,  abreast  of.  -cirtcl  ciicle  of  altitude.  -brag 
rldge  of  elevation,  of  hills.  -fortiolb  natural 
elevation,  -grab  degree  of  altitude.  -grænfe 
limit  of  growth. 

^«t  bele  vt  cut  in  extreme  and  mean  ratio. 
-beting  c  cutting  etc. 

^8jbc|maal  measure  of  height,  -maaler  alti- 
meter,  quadraut.  -maaling  c  measuring  of 
heights,  aatr  takiug  altitudes,  altimetry.  -^arat^ 
latée  parallax  in  altitude.  -punU  height,  climax. 
Slimmit,  zenith.  -fprtng  high  jump;  -feminence. 
-rtig,  -ftrætntng  fe  -brag.  -bintel  angle  of  eleva- 

^øi  batter  fe  2;oplom.    -b^r  pi  quadmmanes. 

*4jøic  pi  make  hay. 

t^øjc(n)iIoft  upper  story.  -loftSbro  balcony. 
-loft^fat  hall  in  the  upper  story. 

^øj  erfaren  a  highly  experienced.  4?*ffftttet 
supreme  court,  tinal  court  of  appeal;  (i  (Snglanb) 
court  of  the  king  in  parliament.  4?0)lfic^'i>  l''ff'i 
mountains,  top  of  the  mountains.  -formaacnbc 
«  very  intluential.  -fornem  a  of  high  quality. 
-fornøben  a  highly  neeessary,  mueh-needed. 
-forræbcr  one  guilty  of  high  treason,  traitor. 
-forroebcri  liigh  treason.  -forroebcrft  v  treason- 
al)le.  -fortjent  a  highly  deserviug.  -frugt^ 
fomtnctig  a  in  an  advanced  state  of  pregnancy. 
-fqrftetig  a  most  serene.  -grebclig  a  right 
honouraltle.  -gut  a  bright  yellow.  -^alfct  a 

^øiheb  c  highness,  elevation,  loftiness,  sublim- 
Ity;  (.litel)  -er  Highness.  4?«if(tb8|rct,  -rcttig= 
^eber  supremacy,  prerogative. 

i^øfllieaig  n  most  holy.  -tiiertet  a  (pøjmobtg) 
high-minded,  magnanimous.  -^jcrtig^eb  c 
raagnanimity.  -{)arlct  o  high-lieeled.  -fani 
(*BæDn.)  high-warp;  (Slagt.)  chine.  -fant;  paa  _ 
on  edge,  edgewise,  on  its  narrow  end.  -lirte 
choir  of  a  church;  (ben  engelfle)  the  liigh  church. 
•tirfettg  o  high-clmrch;  be  -e  the  high-church. 
-men.  -longcHg  a  royal,  -tanb  highland,  up- 

,$øjlig,  -en  ide  highly,  greatly. 

^øjllooet  o  praised,  blessed.  -loolig  a  glorious. 
-l^é  « :  t)cb  _  25ag  in  broad  day-light. 

Søjloegge  vt  bury  (in  a  cairn),  lay  in  barrow. 
øj  ((cnber  c  -e  highlander.  -lænbet,  *-lænbt 
«  elevated.  -lærb  a  erudite.  -ntaftet  a  taunt 
-masted,  high-masted.  -meSfe  morning  .service; 
(ho§  Satoliterne)  high  mass.  -meSfcgubétjenefte 
b.  f.  -nteéfcpræft  morning  preacher.  -meéfctetåt 
text  for  the  morniug  service,  -mob  (e  -mobi,;^eb. 
-mobtg  a  liigh-minded,  magnanimous.  -mobig- 
hcb  high-mindedness,  magnanimity.  -mægtig 
/  most  puissant.  -mætet,  *-mæIt  a  loud(-voiced). 
,^øinc  vt  raise,  elevate;  _  fig  rise.  bøjning  c 
raising,  elevation. 

^ojlnorben  n  the  high  North,  -norbiff  a  of 
the  high  North,  -oun  blast-furnace,  high  furnace. 
-oønftafte  cinders.  -)>anbet  a  high-browed.  -pa 
rabc:  fomme  til  _  come  to  half-sword.  -prifelig 
<j  most  glorious.  -puQct  a  high-crowned.  t-i»»)nt 
pinnacle.    +-raab  supreme  council. 

^øjrc  a  right;  (^garii)  the  Kight;  paa  _  ^aonb 
on  the  right  hånd;  ^an  er  min  _  $aanb  he  is 
my  factotum  el.  right-hand  man;  til-  to  el.  on 
the  right;  _  om!  mil  right  about  face!  fe  til  _  ! 
eyes  right!  _  Strue  right-hand  screw. 

$øj|rcb,  -reb  fe  -ribber. 

4^ø)re{blab  Couservative  paper.  -forening 
Conservative  Union  (o.  fl.).  *-^«nbt  a  right 
-handed.  -manb  Conservative.  -portiet  the 
Right,  the  Conservatives,  (i  ©ngl.)  the  Tories. 
-ftnbct  a  conservative.  -benbt  a  zoo  with  eyes 
on  the  right  side. 

,&øi|ribber  spare  ribs,  fefjilet.  -rigget  a  high 
-backed.  -røb  a  high-red.  -røftet  a  loud,  voci- 
ferous.  -røftett)Cb  o  loudness.  -fat  royal  saloon. 
-fatig  a  of  blessed  memory,  -fang  hymu;  Salo« 
mon?  _  the  song  of  Solomon;  the  canticles  pi. 
-itnbet  fe  -mobig.  -finb,  -finbetfteb  fe  -mobtg^eb. 
•ffote  university;  academy;  (gotteO  popular 
academy,  school  for  young  peasants.  -ffotter 
1)1  Highlanders.  -ffou  forest.  -ftutbret  a  liigh 
j)lateau.  -fommcren  the  middle  of  summer. 
-fpring  croupade. 

^øjft  adv  fe  unber  §01  a. 

,§øjiftammet  u  high-stemmed.  -ftabtet,  -fta|»Ict 
u  (Ulbj  long-stapled. 

$aift|befalenbc  c  fe  -fommanberenbe.  -beftattct 
•  I  highest  taxpayer.  (ben)  -b^benbe  the  highest 

t^øjlftcmt  a  high-pitclied.  -ftjært  (Sue)  fantail, 
(Jolumba  livia  laticauda. 

^øjfttommanberenbe  c  commander-in-chief. 

+,!^øjiftot  throne.     -^-ftr^fnirtg  range  of  hills. 

4jøjft  famme  he,  she.  -«ret  c  much  respected. 
-(trcbe!  (much  respected)  Sir! 

,^øjjf(Cbc  (ophøjet  Sæbe,  tongefæbet)  throne 
high  el.  elevated  seat;  (Sæbe  t)eb  i3orbenben)  seat 
ofhouour.  H«be§fifte  «high-seatchest..  t-fæbeå- 
ftøttc  high-seat  post.    -føger  (Jpunb)  pointer. 

Søltagen  a  =  sBjærgtagen. 
øftagtct  a  highly  respected. 
tøjltatenbe  fe  -mælet,    -taten^eb  c  loudness. 
øltibcbagct  a   well  stricken  in   years.    -be= 
brøoet   a   deeply   afflicted.     -bcgabet  a   highly 
gifted.    -berømt  a  illustrious.   -betroet  a  highly 
trusted,   trusty;   Invested  with    high  authority. 




-clf!et  n  dearly  beloved.  -f(l)))enbc  a  high-flown, 
(high-isoaring;  _  SGrgerrig^eb  vaulting  ambition. 
-fortjent  a  highly  descrving. 

^«}ttb  c  er  festival,  feast;  p  gjøre  _  af  make 
a  t'uss  about. 

$«)tt'beltg  a  solemn,  ceremonlous.  -^ebc-er 
solemnity,  pomp  (iib.  pi),  state  (ub.  2>i),  cere- 
mony,  formality.  -liolbe  vt  celebrate.  -Ijolbelfe 
c  celebratlon,  commemoration. 

^fljtit>§|bag  festival  day,  holiday.  -bragt 
festive  garb.  -f«Ib  a  solemn.  +-færb  pomp, 
procession,  -tib  bouflre.  -Ilæbcr  holiday  elothes. 
-f((Cbt  rt  in  holiday  elothes.  -offer  ofi'ering  to 
the  piirson.  -tiræbifctt  sermon  on  one  of  the 
grand  festival  days.  -})!)ttt  festive  attire.  -fOMfl 
festal  song.  -tale  oration,  discourse  (on  a 
solemn  occasion). 

$«jt|tHngettbe  a  (high-)sounding.  -Itggenbc 
ft  elevated;  (om  gartjøi)  high  in  the  water.  -H)= 
bettbc  'i  high-sounding.  -{æéning  reading  aloud. 
-mallert  high  milling. 

.©ojtoncitbe  a  loud(-sounding). 

^ajto<)It)ft  a  highly  enlightened. 

.'^øjjtrabenbe  a  high-flown,  bombastic,  grandi- 
loquent,  sounding,  specious,  +high-faluten;  _ 
jfale  F  tall  talk,  fustian.  -traoen^cb  c  grandi- 
loquence.  -trljt  (®tnp.)  high  pressure:  fe  SRelief^. 
-trt)témofIine  high-pressure  engine  (o.  fl.).  -træn= 
genbe  i  urgent. 

.^fljtlftancnbc  a  high-plaoed,  high  in  authority. 
-fttlenbc,  -ftræbenbc  a  highaspiring.  ambitions. 

J^ajlt^ff  rt  &  n  High-German,  High-Dutch. 
-ttjflcv  High-Germau.  -Oanbc  high  water.  -banbé 
ntærtc  high-water  mark.  -OElbnarcn  a  right 
lionourable;  (2)ereå)  -ttetbaarcnfieb  Right  wor- 
shipful  Sir.  -bigttg  a  all-important.  -bi§  a 
most  sapient.  •Oilbt  large  game,  e«y.  red  deer. 
-tjtntcr  depth  of  Winter,  -tioféen  a  tall.  -tiriftet 
a  having  a  high  instep.  -bicrbig  a  most  wortby. 
-rebel  a  most  noble  -ærbærbig  a  Right  Reverend. 
(SereS)  -ærbærbfg^eb  Right  Reverend  Sir.  -ætfe 
funft  ie  atelieftrRt.    -ættet  a  of  noble  parentage. 

^øfer  c  -e  (tallow-)chandler,  provision-dealer. 
•aanb  huckstering  spirit.  -agtig  a  luicksterlike. 
-bob,  -tutti  chaudler's  shop,  provision-shop. 
-Ijonbet  fe  -6ob  og  Jpøferi.  -i'  n  chandler's  el. 
buckster's  tråde,  -loge  box  bought  on  specula- 
tion.  ^aferffe  c  -r  chandler's  wife,  trades- 
woman.    ^øterbarcr  chandlery. 

$ø|tni))tie  bottle  el.  pottle  of  hay.  -tnio  hay 
-knife.    -tognittg  boiling  in  hay. 

•éetre  vi  Imckster;  —  vt  ub  retail. 

^QOl  c  -er  pool  (in  a  river). 

^ojlabe  bay-barn.    -le  scythe. 

*^aljc  vi  neb  ponr  down  (in  torrents). 

e^øjloft  hayloft,  mow.  -læS  load  of  hay 
*-monneb  July.  t-mor!  hay-field.  -ntatraS  hay 

^ene  c  -r  ben,  fowl;  (Sælenabn)  chicken;  unci 
_  ponlt;  fe  91ger'|en§;  jeg  i)ax  en  _  at  Jjluffe  meb 
Xem  I  have  a  crow  to  pluck  (el.  a  bone  to  pick) 
with  you;  p  bet  gaar  ben  SBej  ^ewen  fparfer  it's 
going  down  hill,  going  on  from  bad  to  worse. 
*-blMnb  cat's  nap,  catnap.    -t^llfng  ben-chicken. 

^enå  (barn-door)  fowls,  poultry;  bet  barer  fro 
~  flqee  o\)  til  be  fl^Be  neb  it  is  a  nine  days' 
wondcr;  Hoge  _  fan  ogfaa  gare  i  9}ælberne  mis- 
takes  will  occur  even  in  the  best  regulated 

$«nfe  vi  pay  garnish,  be  shod,  pay  one's 
footing,  J^  pay  toll  money. 

.^iittfe{agttg  o  gallinaceous.  -art  species  of 
hen(s).  -batte  fe  SBulmeurt.  -bib  fe  -græi;  fe 
gugtegræS.  -blinb,  -bltnbljeb  fe  9iatte&Iinb.  -brljft 
breast  of  a  chicken.  -bur  hencoop.  -hånt  i 
hen-coop.    -bær   dogberry.    -btertræ  dog-wood, 

Cornus  sanguinea,     -brcug  poultry  boy.    -fjebe 
-fjer  feather  of  a  ben;  pi  poultry  feathers.    -f 
faSfé  chicken-fricassee,  fricasseed  chicken.    -fu 
gallinaceous  bird,  scraper.    -goarb  poultry  yan 
hennery,    fowl-run.      -gaa§    cere-faced    goo 
Cereopsia  Novæ  Hoilandiæ.    -garn  partridge  nei 

.f?ejtfcgtlbe  n  dinner  given  on  one's  initiatio 
admission  dinner. 

.^^ønfelgroed  knot-grass,  bloodwort,  Polygonw 
avtculare.      -^agl    partridge-shot.      -^Irfc    ba 
-yard   grass,    Panicum    crus   gal/i.    t-ftjal  roosl 
■^Olb   poultry-keeping.     -l)uub   pointer,    settei  _ 
-^h8  poultry-house,  fowl-house,  hen-coop.    -beg 
goshawk,    Astur   pa/uMbariim.     -jagt   partridge 
-shooting.    -taglen  cackling  of  hens.    -falb  par- 
tridge-call.     -tamtner   partridge-pen.     -tlutfen 
clucking   (of  liens),     -tolcra    fowl    et.   cliioken 
cholera.     -fone  poultry  woman.  henwife.     -fro 
craw  of  a  fow).    -fræmmcr  poultry-dealer,  poul- 
terer.    ■!ra:inttterftc   fe  -fone.    -fcb  flesh  of  baru 
-door  fowls,    chicken.    -tabfuilltie   cbicken-sou 
chicken-broth,  (et  ©tagS)  cocky-leeky. 

j^anfcllog  fe  -gilbe. 

.§«nfc|lttl  hen-louse,  Liothetm  pallidum.  -ma 
food  for  liens.  -<)tgc  pouUry-girl.  -^oftej  chicken 
pie.  t-rane  fe  -Ijjal.  -rebe  hen's  nest.  -ri'  n 
hennery.  -rutn^e  <t,  pink-stem.  -ftinb  chicken 
-leather.  -i-foue  fe  |)oIftfoBe.  -ffcg  roast  fowl. 
-ftt  ben-house,  -fttgc  hen-roost.  -fuj)^)c  fe  -ti'b= 
fuppe,  -tarm  .X>  mouse-ear,  Cerastium.  -toro 
poultry  market.  -tl)0  stealer  of  poultry.  -rcg 
hen's  egg. 

.^onSning  c  paying  garnish  etc,  fe  |»øufe. 

^«|*onn  hay-making  season,  (the  press  of) 
hay-barvest.     -})rc§fe  hay-presser. 

^fir'  c  flax,  Linum  usiiatissimum;  btlb  ~  white 
flax,  Linum  catharticum .     -aal  stone  grig;  sand 
-prey,  Awmocatea  branchialis.     -ager  flax  fie 
-obl  eulture  of  flax. 

^a'rbar  a  audible. 

^ar|bcrebcr  flax-dresser.  -blaar  hards  efi 
codilla  of  flax,  tow.  -blabntng  steeping  of  flax. 
-bob  flax-dealer's  shop.  -brage  brake.  -brag- 
ning,  -brl^bning  breaking  of  flax.  -brtjbc  t'e 
-brage,  -brtjber  fe  -ficreber.  -bobber  gold-of 
-pleasure,  Camelina/oetida.  -bug  flaxen  canvas. 
-bufte  skein  of  flax. 

$arc,  ftørte,  fiørt  vt  &  i  hear;  bet  bleb  ^ert  it 
was  overheard;  Blibe  f)ert  (i  Stolen)  be  cailed  up, 
be  on;  ftør!  I  say!  look  here!  ijøxl  bet  er  f)ørt ! 
(til  3;aler)  hear!  hear!  iffe  faa  ^an  ^erte  bet  not 
in  his  hearing;  bet  -8  mere  cnb  bet  er  it  soun 
more  than  it  is;  labe  en  _  noget  reproach 
with  sometbing,  take  one  to  task  about  a  thin 
be  ^ar  intet  at  labe  ^inanben  _  the  one  is  ju 
as  good  as  the  nther;  there  is  not  much  to 
choose  between  them;  labe  ftg  _  speak  (sing, 
perform)  in  public;  bet  laber  fig  -  there  is  some 
reason  in  that;  lab  _  let  us  hear;  _  ilbe  for  noget 
be  blamed  for  sometbing;  jeg  ^ar  -t  fige  I  have 
heard  it  said,  I  have  heard  tell,  I  have  beeu 
told;  nu  ^or  jeg  ^ørt  bet  meb !  el.  man  ftol  -  meget ! 
come!  come!  that  beatsall!  that's  rather  too 
bad;  iibat  er  bet  jeg  -rV  what  is  this  I  hear? 
fom  bet  fig  f)ør  og  bør  as  is  meet  and  fittiug;  duly 
and  dutifully;  _  ab  inquire,  make  inquiry;  jeg 
f)ar  -t  bet  af  min  Søfter  I  have  heard  it  from  my 
sister;  t  -  an  listen  to;  -efter  (Bære  opniærffom) 
listen;  _  efter  (nt)  listen  to,  attend  to,  give  ear 
to;  -  efter,  _  fig  for  el.  om,  fe  -  ab;  _  ^en,  (e 
^en^øre;  bet  -r  ilfe  f)ib  it  is  nothing  to  tlie  piir- 
pose,  is  foreign  to  the  subject  under  considera- 
tion;  fe  ^jemme;  _  drengene  i  bereå  Seftier  hear 
the  boys  (repeat)  their  lessons;  _  inb  ('"inbom) 
til  en  call  on  one;  -meb  be  one  of  .  .  .;  fe  _ 
^ib;  Jlg   ^on  -r  tun  meb  bet  ene  jJre  he  is  only 







half  listening;  _  om  liear  of;  »ilbe  intet  _  bcroni 
would  not  hear  of  it;  .  oX),  \t  C)fi)øxe;  ~  op  til 
en  call  on  one;  -  pao  listen  to;  t)an  -v  ilfe  )paa 
bet  jJre  (cgl.)  he  hears  nothing  with  tliat  ear, 
jfig  lio  turns  a  deaf  ear  to  it;  _  fammen  be  of 
a  piece.  belong  to  tlie  same  class  el.  series;  - 
til  (Bære  2:ilf)8rer)  listen;  (^enljBte)  belong  (to), 
be  among;  _  til  i  belong  in,  -  til,  hjemme  paa 
et  Steb  be  a  native,  a  resident  of  a  place;  ber 
-t  meget  til  a  great  deal  (of  time,  money  eto 
is  required;  bet  -r  (fig)  til  it  is  fit  and  proper,  it 
is  the  right  Ihing;  _  til  en  ftjg  inquire  after  an 
invalid;  jeg  ^ar  iffe  t  noget  til  ^am  I  have  heard 
nothing  of  him,  had  no  news  of  him;  man  fior 
Qlbrig  -t  noget  til  ^am  he  has  never  been  heard 
of;  -  til  ©nbe,  -  nb  hear  out;  _  nnocr  fall  under, 
J^«re|a<)i»arat  hearing  apparatus.  -ben  fe  -fnogler. 
•ctiHC  l'aeulty  of  hearing.  -fejt  mishearing. 
•øaitg  auditory  passage,  passage  of  the  ear, 
auditory  meatus.  -^orn  fe  -rør.  -fnoflJcr  ossicles 
of  the  tympanum.  -tfc  c  hearing.  -n  c  hearing. 
-nertie  auditory  nerve,  -organ  fe  -rebfiafi.  -v  c 
-c  (2:ill)ører)  hearer,  auditor;  t  (Særer)  usher, 
teacher.  -retiffati  organ  of  hearing.  -rar  ear 
-trampet,  hearing-trumpet.  -fal  lecture  room. 
-fane  sense  of  hearing.  -tiibbe :  inbenfor,  ubenfor 
_  witbin,  out  of  el.  beyond  earshot. 

^flrjfrø  tlaxseed,  linseed.  -frafagcr  linseed 
cakes.  -flatn  flax  ihread.  -gul  a  flaxeu.  -^aar 
flaxen  hair.  -^anbc(  flax  tråde,  -f^anbter  c  -e 
dealer  in  flax.    -^Cfltc  fe  ©egle. 

J&«rtjj  fi  obedient.    -^cb  c  obedience. 

^flrljotb  soil  for  flax.  -fager  fe  -fr»fogcr. 
•tam  fe  -ritje.  -tnetiler  pods  of  flax.  -front, 
-trantuarcr  commodities  of  a  ^orfræmmer  (flax, 
hemp,  coals,  herring  etc).  -fræmntcr  coal 
-merchant,  dealer  in  flax,  hemp,  coals  etc. 
•  lagen  linen  sheet.    -Ia«b  fe  -ager. 

,6«'tlig  a  audible. 

4^«rjlilje  flax-plant,  Fhormivm  tenax.  -Jol  fe 
-bntrc.  -lofrrcb  linen  (made  of  flax).  -ribbe, 
•ribe  ripple. 

'^arfel  fe  ^orelfe. 

^arlfilte  dodder,  Cuscuta  euroftea.  -flæber 
shives  of  flax. 

^erfom  a  obedient.    -beb  c  obedience. 

Jé)«r  ibtnb  flax  thread.  -ffitnbert  flax-spiuning. 
-ftilt,  -ftcengel  stem  of  flax.  -fbinger  c  -e  flax 
-dre.'^ser.  -fbingeri  n  flax-dressing.  -fæb  stand- 
ing  crop  of  flax.  -tabe  fibre  of  flax.  -tot  bundlc 
of  flax     -traab  fe   garn. 

^0  'faate  hay-cock.  -flræffe  fe  Warfgrælljoppe. 
-flæt  mowing;  "(Jpof)  hay-harvest.  -f^jrebcr  c  -<: 
hay-kicker,  hay-maker. 

^8ft  c  (baabe  om  Sorbenå  Ørebe  og  om  ^ofttibcn) 
harvcst;  (^fgrobe)  crop;  (gftercar)  autumn,  (mefi 
anr)  fall  (of  the  year);  i  _  this  autumn;  om  -en 
in  (the i  autumn;  tit  -en  in  the  autumn,  -aften 
autumnal  evening,  evening  in  autumn. 

45ø'ftat  haystack;  (lang)  hayrick.  -febel  hay 
-rick  boller. 

$«ft|arbejbc  harvest  work.  -btomft  autumnal 
flower.  -b(«be  aulumn  Avet.  -borft  hawkbit, 
Leorttodon  autumnale.  '-"-bær  a  calving  in  the 
autumn.  -bag  harvest  day;  day  in  autumn. 
-banS  harvest  dance. 

^afte  vt  harvest,  (ogfan^Æo)  reap;  fom  mon  faar, 
foa  -r  man  as  you  sow  you  must  reap.  -foerbig 
a  flt  for  reaping.    -marine  reaper. 

J&«ftifcbcr  autumnal  fever.  -feft  fe  -præbifen. 
■fifferi  autumn  flshery.  *-fibe(  fe  borft.  *-f(om 
autumn  flood,  a.  freshet.  -foM  harvesters, 
reapers.  -gilbe  harvest  supper,  harvest  home. 
-gr«be  616^  latter  growth.  t-^aber  pi  rack. 
•fa;bnb«gn§t)unttct  the  autumnal  equinox.  -tarl 
harvester,  reaper.  -I»>tnbe  harvest  woman.  -føfClb 
fe -aften.  ,&«ftUg  a  autumnal.  .&«ft|Ittft  autumnal 
air,  t-Iælter  fe  -Ijaoer.  -Ian  reaper's  wages. 
-ntaancb  month  of  August,  -manb  fe  -fart.  -m^rc 
harvesting  ant.  -nat  night  in  autumn.  *-blaje 
vt  plough  in  the  autumn.  ""-blainiug  autumn 
ploughing.  -I^rcebitcn  thanksgiving  sermon  of 

.^aftrao  n  hay-stalk. 

j|aft|filb  autumn  herring.  -fimmer  fe  fieotrurt. 
-fol  autumnal  sun.  -ftorme  autumnal  gales. 
*-t4ing  autumn  assizes,  -tib  harvest  time.  -nb' 
ftgter  look-out  el.  prospect  for  the  harvest. 
-bejr  (til  at  Softe  i)  harvest  weather;  ((5fteraar»= 
bejr)  autumnal  weather.  -binb  autumnal  wind. 
*-bogn  rack-waggon. 

J^a'ifiangc  hay-Ioft.  -te  hay-tea.  ;toro  hay 
-market.  -tljb,  -t^be  pitch-fork.  *-fart  drying 
of  the  hay,  dry  weather  for  haymaking, 

^abbing  o  -er  chlef,  chieftain.  -banimc  n  -r 
chieftainship.    -Ia§  a  chiefless. 

SabCb  n  -er  head  of  cattle;  Jig  blockhead. 
abcb§ntanb  c  leader,  captain,  bibl  cenluriou, 

^aTbe jr  (good,  bad)  haymaking  weather, 
-bcnber  fe  -fpreber.  t-bcbt  hay-rope.  -biff  wisp 
of  hay. 

,&abiffa  modest,  decent,  decorous;  for -e  fZren 
to  modest  ears,  to  ears  polite.  -l)eb  c  modesty, 
decency,  decorum. 

,§abt  c  e  plane;  (Sogb.)  plough(-knife);  f  foa 
_,  fe  -e.    -blot  stock. 

^able  vt  plane;  Jig  F  rate,  blow  up;  -  igennem 
rate  soundly;  _  of,  fe  9tff)»Bre.  -bænl  joiner's 
bench,  planing-table.  -ntaftine  planing  machine, 
planer,  -ri  n  planing  establishment.  ^abl= 
formig  «  ^  runcinate.    kabling  c  planing. 

^ablljoErn  plane-iron.  *-lnft  dressed  deals  and 
boards,  -fpaau  shaving,  co/l  shavings;  (Sage) 
wafer.    -ftot  fe   blol.    -ftrag  stroke  of  the  plane. 

^abogn  c  hay  cart. 

*.^aore  «  saddle  (of  the  harnes.s). 

^abtegt  machine  for  weighing  hay. 

(font  «ofaI). 

3,  i  n  -er  I,  i  [eye];  abbr:  if.  =  ifelge  actord-    el.  in  Italy;  jeg  bor  olbrig  Ⱦret  i  en  ftirfe  I  have 
ing  to.  !  never  been  into  a  church; 



send  one  to  school;  »ære  i  ©!ote  be  at  school; 
I)an  i)(it  Bæret  borte  i  4  aJlaaneber  he  has  been 
4  months  absent;  i  flere  røinuter  for  several 
miimtes;  i  be  fibfte  ti  Star  during  the  last  ten 
years,  for  ten  years  past;  i  forrige  Uge  last  week; 
toge,  ^olbe  en  i  |»0Qnben  take,  hold  one  by  the 
band;  ffcere  fig  i  $aanben  cut  oae's  hånd;  ber  fob 
to  giigle  i  et  %tæ  two  birds  were  sitting  on  a 
tree;  ffaoren  i  Zxce  cut  on  wood;  l^an  er  i  ®iret= 
tioneii  he  is  on  the  committee;  —  ado  folbe  i  fall 
through,  be  immersed;  oære  i  meb  be  engaged 
in;  fomme  i  meb  get  into  company  with,  beeome 
associated  with;  ligge  i  meb  have  an  intrigue 

3  part:  i  ^00  bet  enb  er  whosoever  it  be;  i 
Ijtiorbon  howsoever;  i  ^»ab  wliatsoever;  i  titjob  ber 
enb  ffer  happen  wliat  may;  i|t)ort)el  although, 

^  pi-on,  pi  af  bu,  you,  (t,   p  &  prov)  ye. 

^aa'v,  iaf'tcn,  taf te§,  iagt'  fe  mx,  ?tf"ten,  Sigt. 

^agt'tafle  vt  (gioe  Sigt  ^oo)  observe,  notice, 
wateh;  (efterleoe)  observe.  -tfe  c  -r  observation 
(otjer  on);  observance;  unber  ~  of  subject  to.  — 
^agttagctfcålnanb  observing  mind.  -etinc  facnlty 
of  observation,  -gatte  talent  for  observation. 
•tceUc  series  of  observations.  —  ^iigttager  c  -e, 
-inbc,  -ffe  c  -r  observer. 

^al'falJ),  tatmtn'bclig^eb,  inlt'  fe  galb,  3l(= 
minbelig^eb,  911. 

^b'  James. 

.^fiaittet  part  knocked  in,  driven  in. 

Sbcuj^olt  -træ  n  ebony;  gøre  fort  fom  _ 

.3bcrcgn|c  vt  include  (in  an  account);  -et,  meb 
Sberegntng  af  .  .  .  including;  l^eri  er  -et  this  in- 
cludes.    -ing  c  fe  obfr. 

36e'r|iett  n  Iberia.  -etpllberi,  Iberians.  -tfl 
a  Iberian. 

gbcriS  c  candy-tuft. 

5bi§  c  -er  ibis.  -bljrtelfen  the  worship  of  the 

^'6Ianb|et  part  intermixed.  -ing  c  -er  admix- 

^btanbt'  præp  amoug,  amongst;  —  adv  f  at 
times;  _  onbre,  anbet  (ogf.)  for  one,  for  one  thing; 
_  lienbeé  mere  betenbte  SBærter  bor  .  .  .  her  better 
known  works  included  ... 

3bocnbC  part  (fom  Bor  i)  living  in  (it);  fig  im- 
manent, inherent  (in),  indwelling  (In). 

g6ffa(  c  scallop  (shell)  Pecten  mcobceus. 

^'iflttcumort  c  -er  ichneumon,  BerpeHes. 

^iifH)Olo'Q  c  -er  ichthyol'ogist.  -I'  c  ichthyol'- 

^b  c  (SQSfet)  pursuit;  (^enfigt)  intention. 

Sbfl'g  ad"  to  day;  _  otte  5Dage  this  day  week; 
(enbnu)  ben  ®og  _  (to)  this  day,  at  this  day;  at 
the  present  day;  fra  _  af  from  this  day;  _  mig, 
imorgen  big  to  day  mine,  to  morrow  yours; 
„3;ime8"  for  _  today's  Times. 

*3bc  c  eddy. 
'     ^bé'  c  -r  ide'a;   jeg  foar  en  _  an  idea  strikes 
me,  I  have  a  plan;  |an  {)or  ben  taobettge  _  at  he 
has  a  stupid  notion  that;   gøre  fig  en  ~  om  form 
an  idea  of;  gtoe  -n  tit  suggest. 

.^beal  n  .er  ide'al,  beau  ideal.  ^bea'I,  -ifl  a 
ide'al.  -tfe're  vt  ide'alize.  -ifc'ring  c  ide'alizing. 
-iS'ntc  c  ide'alism.  -ift'  c  -er  ide'alist.  -ift'iff 
a  idealistic.  -ife't  c  ideal'ity.  -ff  a  ide'al.  -ftat 
ideal  state  (o.  ft.). 

^béaSfociattott  association  of  ideas,  (forftt)r= 
renbe)  cross-association. 

§bcer  a  ide'al. 
bé'Iforfiinbelfe  fe  -oSfociotion.     -forlabt  a  fe 
-løl.     -fi)lbe  fe  -rigbom.     -trcbS  sphere  of  ideas. 
+-!ær  a  idealistic.     -lære  ideol'ogy.      -US  a 



idealess,    un-idea'd.     -løåljcb    flatness.     -rig  a 
rich  in  ideas.    -rigbom  weallh  of  ideas.    -rætte 
chain    of  ideas.     -øerben   ideal   el.   imaginq 

3!bel  ff  sheer,  mere,  nothing  but.     -ig  at 
tinual,  perpetual;    —  ado  continually,  perpe 
ally;  _  og  oltib  b.  f. 

.3;bcnt|tftce'rc  vt  iden'tify.     .'iff  a  identi^ 
-ite't  c  iden'tity. 

.3;beo|gra'fift  a  ideograph'ic.    -lo'g  c  er  ide 

^bet'  conj  (Sib)  when;  (Slorfag)  since,  in  tb 
because;    (i   begge  %\\\.  ogfoo  prant  pirt):   . 
fom  inb,  foo  £)an  .  .  .  on  entering  he  saw. 

3;bctmtub'fte  ndv  at  least. 

3;bctfant'me  adv  at  the  same  moment;  —  ca 
the  moment. 

.^Vbio'm  n  -er   id'iom.     -o'ttff  a  idiomat'ic(al). 

3;bioft)n|fcaft'  c  idiosyn'crasy.  -Ira'tlff  a  idio- 

3fbio't  c  -er  id'iot,  natural,  natural  fool.  -an« 
ftolt  lunatics'  asylum.  -iff  a  idiot'ic(al).  -iS'mc 
c  (©gen^eb)  id'iotism;  (Sium^eb)  id'io(t)ey. 

3:'blǤ  a  idle. 

^botro'å  c  id'ocrase. 

5'bræt  c  -ter  (2egem8ø«elfe,  legemlig  ?5ærbtg'^d_, 
manly  exercise;  sport;  (SSebrift,  .^anbltng)  aohieve' 
ment,  deed,  action.  .^brætSmanb  man  skilied 
in  exercises,   sporting-man,  sporting  characC 

Sbrettt'rae  ado  fe  ®røm. 

5'biianb  eddy,  eddy-water. 

Sb^l'  c  -ler  id'yl.    -liff  a  idyl'lic,  pastoral. 

Sbemme  vt  (Straf)  sentence  (to);   (SBøber)  im- 
pose;  bet  -mte  the  fine  imposed;   ^on  bleb  -mt 
iBøbe  pao  ti  $unb   he  was   fined  ten  pouE  ' 
•Ife  c  sentence;  imposing. 

3;filtb'  conj  if,  in  case. 

Sfttlbe  vt  be  liable  to. 

^fjoT  fe  gfjor. 

^'flette  vt  interweave,  intertwine. 

aflang'  fe  giæng. 

t^folet  «  (^oppe)  covered. 

.^for'fjor  adv  the  year  before  last. 

Sfor'gaarå  adv  fe  gorgaorS. 

.^fov'Bejen  fe  gforoeien. 

3;fra'  (*  og  prov)  fe  gro. 

^fljlbning  c  -er  Alling  up. 

^ffltbt  p%rt  filled  up;  poured  (into). 

§  fælbet  part  mortised,  let  in. 
fæ'rb  fe  goerb. 
^fal'ge  præp  pursuant  to,  agreeably  to,  accof 
ing  to,  in  consequenee  of,  (om  2oo  o.  1.)  by  the 
operation  of,   under;   _  gattura   as  per  invoice; 

-  ^iibBtjbelfer  in  response  to  invitations. 
Sferc  vt  array  in,  attire  in;    _  vr  fig  put  on; 

-  fig   bet  n^e  røennefte  put  on  the  new  man: 
iført  grøn  groHe  dressed  in  a  green  coat.    -IfeS 
arraying.  ^| 

t^gnaet  «  intimate.  ^B 

.j^giir  ado  yesterday;  ~  9Korge§  yesterday 
morning;  _  9lfte»  last  night;  «c  yestreen. 

^gaug'fæt|ntng  c  starting,  setting  on  foot. 
-«tHg§apl)orat  starting  gear  (o.  fl). 

^gclfær  c  sea-urchin,    sea-liedgehog,  Echinu^. 

^gcrt'  adv  agaiu;  f(oa  _  return  a  blow;  gioe  ~ 
ftilbagegibe)  give  back,  restore;  (gine  *)3enge  _)  give 
change  (paa  for);  tage  _  take  back;  ber  er  itfe 
meget  _  there  is  not  much  left;  itte  mine  Drb  ~ ! 
that's  between  you  and  me,  «tell  it  not  in  Gath< 
mum's  the  word;  *lufte  ®øren  -  shut  the  doo 
fe  S8erBerne. 

^gejt'Ietienbe  a  survivlng,  survivor. 

^gcn'Mcm  i^ræp  &  ado  through;  floo  fig  (tooti 
ligt)  _  make  both  ends  meet;  ^ett  _  thoroughly; 
uniformly;  out-and-out;  ^ele  ®ogen  _  all  day  long» 

[n< , 




^ele  3(aret  _  all  the  year  round;  Ijele  Sogeii  _ 
through  out  the  book;  mit  ^ele  Si«  _  throughout 
the  wliole  conrse  of  my  life;  fe  35er6erne. 

(Sainmeniætiiinger  fe  (Sennem-). 

^^Bjcn  faget  je  Silfeget. 

\^3Jcn'groct  part  overgrowu. 

\3girn  faftet  part  filled  up. 

*^gjcrtia(jt  part  fllled  up;  laid  down. 

*38icn  (æft  p'irt  loeked. 

(i^ierr  Sonimeniætninger  meb  Sgen-  ?e  ©en«). 

*3flicn'murct  part  =  Silmuret. 

'^gjcn'fnect  part  =  Silineet. 

■^gicn'oojct  fe  3giengroet. 

3glc  c  -r  leech,  Hirudo.  -bib  leech-bite. 
•græé  buttercups,  Rununculus  repVins.  -famler 
leechgatherer.  -fcctning  c  -er  application  of 

2g«ii'tiu86<mne  c  Ignatius'  bean. 

^gnorjant'  c  -er  ig'norant  person,  ignora'mus. 
•antbrøOre  pi  Ignoran'tines.  -ere  vt  take  no 
notice  of,  igno're,  disregard;  (en  $erfon)  give 
(one)  the  cut,  cut  (one). 

3gt  '•  core  (of  a  boil). 

^'gælb  c  jur  compensation. 

3aæ're  fe  @ærb. 

3^ !  interj  why !  oh !  _  nu  why. 

iiliefte  »t.  stitch  into. 

^^etée  vt  .1,  shackle. 

^fjjf'  [<*j  a*^"  dead,  to  deatli;  6ibe,  fiaa,  fttjbe 
en  _  bite,  strike,  shoot  oue  dead;  bu  ffal  iffe 
flaa  -  thou  shalt  not  kill,  thou  shalt  do  uo 
muxder;  ftilte  _  stab  (to  death);  fulte  _  die  of 
starvation;  brifte.  arbejbc  fig  _  drink,  work  one's 
self  to  deatli  el.  into  his  grave,  -ft^be  o.  jl.  fe 
ooenior.    -flao  fogf.)  slav. 

3bu'  adv  fe  |)u.  -tom'me  vt  remember,  bear 
ia  mind,  be  mindful  of.  -tom  melfe  c  remem'- 
brance,  memory;  bibl  til  min  _  in  remembrance 
of  me:  falig  -  of  blessed  memory  (o.  ft.). 

^liufc  vt  J,  hook. 

3t)ua  b  0.  fl.  fe  3. 

jljÆgtc  vt  hook,  clasp. 

^ftæu'be  'idv  in  hånd,  in  one's  liands.  -^abelfe 
c  po.ssessiou.  -fiatiec  c  -e  holder,  bearer;  deposit- 
ary;  Cbligationeu  Iqber  poa  -en  the  bond  is  payable 
to"  the  holder.  -Qabtr))a))ir  note  payable  to 

^^tenge  vt  hang  ou. 

.^bærbig  a  persevering,  persisting.  -^eb  c 
perseverance,  tenacity  of  purpose. 

^f)«ff  adv  fe  Jpøft. 

^tari  en  n  Icaria.    -iff  a  Icariau. 

3  tcnbe  vt  fe  J^bomme. 

3f!t  <^'dv  not;  _  mere  no  more;  _  minbrc  no 
less;  _  Bibcre  uo  further  (o.  fl.);  jeg  fer  _  I  do 
not  see,  (ogf.)  I  fail  to  see  (o.  fl.);  berfor  _  miubre 
not  the  less,  none  the  less  for  that;  og  bet  er  _ 
libt  and  that  is  no  little;  i  _  ringe  ®rab  in  no 
slight  degree;  to  aJlennefter  tunbe  _  no  tvvo  people 
could;  jeg  ^eller  _  nor  I  (neither);  _  nogen,  noget 
no;  _  nogen  nobody;  -  noget  nothing;  _  bet? 
indeed?  no?  really  not?  fjoilfen  2!oarftab  er  bet  _ 
what  a  foUy  it  is,  fjoor  forftellige  ere  _  .  .  .  how 
diflferent  are  .  .  .;  ^Oem  maa  itte  .  .  .?  who  but 
must  .  .  .;  om  .  .  .  eller  _  whether  ...  or  nol 
et.  no.  -^fcget  the  Non-Ego.  -Icber  non-con- 
ductor.  •tnebletn  noumember.  •mctaUiff  a  non 
-metallic.  -opft)Ibctfe  non-performance,  failure 
to  perform.  -))rtut(igcret  a  uon-privileged. 
•fmtttcførcube  a  noususceptible,  unsusceptible 
(of  coulagiou).  -tKuærcIfc  non-existence,  nonen- 
tity  0.  m.  fl.).    -træffer  miss. 

ftrun  fe  ftun. 
'ftAbJe   vt   fe   3føre,  fig  clotlie  (in  words). 
•ning  o  fig  clothlng,  (turn  of  an  idea);   SanfenS 
_  the  garb  of  thought. 

^tottotlatt'  c  -er  icon'oclast. 

*3torn  fe  ($gern. 

3!tofac'ber  n  -brc  icosahedrou. 

.^fraft'træben  c  coming  into  force  cl.  opera- 

3ft(e)  c    r  fluke,  Distoma.    -f^ge  rot. 

ittceltiet  a  meb  covered  by. 

31  c  haste,  hurr>'. 

3((inb'  fe  flanb."  -bjærget  a  saved  ashore. 
-bragt  a  landed.  -bjcrrgning,  -bringelfe  c  land- 

3Ia'ue  fe  Saoe. 

3'I|baab  fly-boat.  -bub  courier,  express, 

t3Ib  «  evil. 

3Ib  c  -e  fire;  OsibløS)  fire,  conflagratiou;  fig 
fire,  ardour;  2)iamanten§  _  the  lustre  of  the  dia- 
mond;  iSjetS  _  the  brilliancy  of  the  eye;  aabne 
-en  mob  open  (the  fire)  upon;  faa  -  get  a  light; 
fatte  _  catch  fire;  ber  gi!  -  i  (Sarbinet  the  curtain 
took  el.  caught  fire;  gøre  _  make  a  fire;  gide  - 
flre;  gide  en  -  (til  en  Gigar)  give  one  a  light; 
flaa  _  strike  a  light;  fe  ®prube;  brænbt  93arn  ff^t 
-en  a  burnt  cliild  dreads  the  flre;  ftitfe,  icette  - 
i;aa  set  on  flre,  set  fire  to,  fire;  tænbe,  fluffe  -en 
light,  put  out  the  fire;  ub^olbe  -en  stand  tlie  fire; 
Otda  i  -en  go  into  fire;  gaa  i  en  for  eu  go  through 
fire  and  water  for  one;  oære  i  -en  be  under  flre; 
be  engaged;  fe  Clje;  fenbe  i  -en  send  umler  fire, 
firinge  i  en  bobbelt  ~  enclose  between  two  fires; 
^ærje  Sanbet  meb  _  og  Sdærb  carry  fire  and 
sword  through  the  country;  fe  $erre;  kolber  Ijom 
til  -en  keeps  him  at  it,  is  down  upon  him,  gives 
him  no  quarter;  fe  *|5ufte;  træffe  fig  ub  of  -en  re- 
tire  out  of  fire;  deb  -en  at  the  fire;  foge  oeb  -en 
eook  by  the  fire.  3(i>|O0ttg  a  flery,  igneous. 
-bagt  abaked  over  the  fire.  -be^olber  fire  box. 
-beffl;ttcnbe  a  fire-proof.  -beftanbig,  -beftanbig^eb 
fe  -faft,  -faft^eb.  -blil  fiery  glance.  -brug  i'-Brug 
nf  3lb)  use  of  fire;  Olbfleb)  fireplace.  -brtjggc 
fire-bridge.  -buf  andirou.  -boetten  firepau, 
chafing  disli.  -baab  baptism  of  fire,  maideu 
engagement,  -bam))  flredamp.  -brage  fe  -flange. 
-bijrtelfc  fire-worship.  -btjrler  fire-worshipper. 
3Ibc  vt  k  i  heat. 

SIbe  adv  ill,  badly;  bet  dil  gaa  big  -  you  will 
fare  badly,  it  will  go  hard  with  you;  bet  er  _ 
it  is  a  bad  tliing,  p  a  bad  job;  f)un  er  iffe  - 
she  is  rather  pretty,  not  amiss;  tage  _  op  take 
amiss  el.  in  bad  part;  ^anole  _  meb  treat  ill;  fe 
i^are  vi\  _  oplagt  out  of  tune;  tom  meget  _  af 
Steb  came  to  great  grief;  maotte  børe  -  for  be 
blamed  for,  taken  to  task  for.  —  3flb(e)  n[+kf) 
evil.    -befinbcnbc  n  indisposition. 

^(bejbranb  fire,  conflagration;  t&  F  (53ræubfel) 
fuel.    -branbØflotfe  fire  bell.    -brænbfel  fuel. 

3(be|t(tngcnbe  a  ill-sounding.  -lugtetibe  a 
malodorous,  unsavoury,  evil-smelling.  -Itibenbe 
'I  ill-sounding,  harsh. 

^tbenbe  adv  _  røb  flery  red. 

3lber  c  -e  fltchet,  pole-cat,  foumart,  Muttela 
imtoriui.  -fælbe  trap  for  fltchets.  -ftlnb  pi  flt- 

3Cbe{fct  a  disliked,  unpopular.  -flnbet  a  ill 
-natured,  evil-minded,  illinteutioned,  cvil-dis- 
Ijosed.  -finbetfieb  c  ill-will,  malevolence.  -fnta- 
genbe  a  ill-ttavoured,  unsavoury.  -f^naenbe, 
-Oaréteilbe  «  ill-boding,  ill-omened,  of  ill  omen. 

3tb|fab  fe  Sprrab.  -forlig  a  inflammable,  com- 
bustible,  liable  to  take  fire.  -forlig^eb  c  in- 
fiammability.  -farbc  flame  colour.  -fortiet  u 
fiame-coloured.  -foft  a  fire-proof,  fire-resisting, 
incombuslible;  _  åit  flre-lute;  _  Ser  firo-olay;  _ 
Sten  fire-brick.  -foft^eb  quality  of  being  fire 
-proof,  iacombustibility.  -*fjælb  volcano.  -flabe 
heating  surface.     -floge  flake  of  fire.     -flue  fire 




-fly,  E/ater  noctilucua.    -fovgtjibning  hot  gilding,  i 
-fotf  poker.     •forf«(t)ntng  bot-silvering.     -fulb  I 
a   full   of  fire,    fiery.    -f«(t>l)el)   c   ardour,   fire.  I 
-funfe  fe  gunfe.   +-funfjeni»e  «  sparkling.   -fæn'  ! 
genbc    a   Inflammable,    ignitible.      -gang    flue. 
-gangSIebel  flue-boiler.   -gerning  misdeed.   -get' 
ningSmanb    evil-doer,    malefaetor.      -gekicer    fe 
oaabeii     -gitter  fender. 

3Ib|gnift  spark  of  fire.  -grube  fire-place 
-grt)be  flre-pot.  -I)age  fe  »ranb^age.  -i)at>  ocean 
of  fire.  -^cbe  heat  of  a  fire.  -^immet  empyrean. 
-^jnl  iire-wheel.  -t)U§  brew-house,  wash-house. 
+.3lbig  o.  flery.  .3t*>ironat  flue.  -tav  bibl  censer. 
-faéfc  fire-box.  -Ilemme  (flre-)tongs  jil.  -Hobe 
globe  of  fire.  -tongc  fire-eater,  -fora!  millepore. 
•tranå  fe  ^Heglrang.  -tugte  flreball.  -furb  port- 
able grate.  -lanbet  Tierra  del  Fuego.  -lilje 
bulbiferous  lily,  orange  lily,  Lilium  bulbi/erum. 
-linje  line  of  fire.  -ItEuber  c  -e  Fuegian.  •!«§ 
o  a(n  outbreak  of)  fire.  -maling  encanstic 
palnting.  -utur  fire-wall,  back.  *'-m«rje  c 
embers  pi.  -m«rfer  fe  røøvfer.  -neg  flre-sheaf. 
-nærenbe  a  supporting  combustion.  -offer  burnt 
offering,  holocaust.  -o^JOl  flre-opal.  -orm  glow 
-worm,  Lampyrti.  -oberfiabe  fe  -flabe,  -obn  bibl 
furnace  of  fire.  -))anbe  fire-^pau.  -t)Iabc  fe  5?^-- 
plabe.  -^jotte  foot-stove.  -J)r«be  flery  ordeal. 
•dufter  pair  of  bellows.  -pøl  lake  of  fire.  -^«Ifc 
pyrosome,  Fyrosoma.  -rogc  coal-rake.  -rager 
poker,  -regn  shower  of  fire.  -rift  grate.  -r«b 
a  flery  red,  flame-coloured.  -r«r  pipe,  flue; 
(gtntieD.)  flrelock. 
-f^lbfatt  o  too  much  salted. 
Slbf'lfare  danger  of  flre.  -farlig  fe  gflbfarlig. 
-guift  spark  of  fire. 

'^Ibfint  a  ill-tempered,  irascible. 
Slbffabe  c  damage  (caused)  by  fire. 
'.SlHff  c  illncss;  ill-temper,  fury. 
'Slbflrige  vi  s^hriek  viciously. 
.Qlbiffuffe   fire-shovel.      -ff^   a  afraid   of  flre. 
-ff»)té  =  3lbt)au6en.    -flange  flre-drake. 

SIbjftatr  gleam  of  tlie  fire.    -ffærm  flre-screen. 
-fteruct  a  rendered  friable  by  flre. 
^Ibåtuc  c  flame  of  flre. 
Slbflufningéanftalter   arrangements    for    the 
extinguishing  of  flres. 

5lb8r*tt)§    candle-light.    -ufib  peril  from  flre. 
-^iflafættelfc  incendiarism. 

^Ibjfprubcnbe  a  ignivomous;  -  S3jærg  volcano. 
-ft>ruSuing  c  spouting  of  flre.  -ftool  fire-steel. 
-ftang  .X,  (fire-)slice:  pricker-bar.  -fteb  fire-place, 
hearlh.  -fteb§bor  furnace-door.  -ften  flre-stone. 
•flraolc  radiance.  -ftribe  streak  of  flre.  -ftrøm 
torreni  of  flre.  -ftatte  bibl  pillar  of  flre. 
.Jilbébaobe  c  flre. 

.^Iblfbeben  a  (-^)  scorehed,  singed.  -fbælg  pi 
canuon,  artillery.  -fajle  column  of  fire  (bibl; 
pillar  of  flre.  -tang  tongs  pi.  -tilbebelfe  wor- 
ship  of  flre,  pyrolatry.  -tilbcber  fe  -bbrfer. 
-tj«rn,  -torn  pyracanth,  ever-green  thorn,  Cra- 
tæøiii  pyracantha. 
*3Ibtribe§  vd  pine. 

^Ibjlttbfe  glistering  toad,  Bombiiui  ignea. 
■tunge  flery  longue.  -lænbere  pi  flre-wheels, 
flre-liglit(er)s,  lightwood.  -t«j  fire-irons,  fire-set. 
-t^nbe  tar  barrel  (for  a  bonfire);  (i  SSranber)  fire 
-barrel.  -tflrft  burning  thirst.  -baaben  flre-arm. 
•bttlfe  (Stjr)  fluke,  pyrosoma.  -banb  fire-water. 
-bcrben  world  of  flre.  -bifte  flre-fan.  -birf= 
ningen  the  effect  of  the  flre. 
■t^lSbær!§raanb  fe  -gerniiiglmanb. 
3lb  æbcnbe  a  flreeatlng.  -oebcr  flreeater, 
salamander,    -\-e\tt  a  flery-eyed. 

Sle  (ogf.  -te,  -t)   vi   ha.sten,  hurry,  run,  make 
haste;    _   til   hurry  off  to;   ~  en  til  ^lælp   hurry 

to  one's  aid;   i  en  -iibe  gart  at  a  rapid  ratej^ 
nieb  hurrv  (something)  on. 

•^le  c  -r  well. 

"Ste  c  -r  sinking-stone;  b.  f.  f.  Qletob. 

£^te  bfcetning  c  settlng. 

3lcn  c  fe  31. 

*3Ietoug  n  hauling-line. 

3lfær'big  a  precipitate,  hurried.  -t)eb 
precipitation,.  precipitance.  .3''B1'''8  dispat 

.^lia'ben  c  the  Il'iad. 

.yli'gcmaobe  adv  likewise,    in   like  mann^ 
(Snar)  the  same  to  you  (Sir)! 

SHgne  vt  _  en  en  Sfat  af  assess  el.  rate  one  i 

^ting  c  -er  (passing)  show  er. 

Sli'be  fe  £iB. 

SUibero'I  a  illib'eral.    -ite't  c  illiberal'ity.  i 

.^floija'I  a  disloyal,    -itc't  c  disloyalty. 

SUube'rc  vt  illu'de. 

^Uumilna'terne  pi  the  Illuminati.    -natio' 
-er  illumina'lion.    -ne're  vt  illu'minate;  (en  %tq' 
ning)  colour.    -ne'ring  c  colouring. 

.^ilulfto'n  c  -er  illu'sion;  jeg  gør  mig  ingen  -er 
otn  I  cherish  no  ilhtsions  el.  vain  hopes  about; 
rioe  iib  af  -en  disillusion,    -fo'rifl  a  illu'sory. 

^Huftlratio'n  c  -er  illustration,  -re're  vt 
illus'trate.     -re'ret  n  illus'trated,  piotorial, 

§ttl)'r|ten  n  Illyr'ia.  -ier  c  -e,  -iff  a  IllyrMan. 
'({mard^  forced  march.  -pofi  mail-coach. 
-rejfe  hasty  journey.  -ftnbet  "  hasty.  -ftnbctt)eb 
e  hastiness.  -ffrift  short-liand  (writing),  steno- 
graphy.  -f-fnart  adv  in  great  haste,  -fom, 
-fom^eb  c  fe  færbig,  -fcerbigtieb. 

t^it  c  oxygen,  -c  n  -t  oxide.  -e  vt  oxidize; 
_  fig  be  oxidized.  -eltg  a  oxidizable;  iffe  - 

.^Iter  a  hasty,    tesly,   peppery,  petulant; 
table,    irascible.     -^eb    c  hastiness,    petulan^ 
irritability.    -f-born  o  fe  31ter. 

Qlteftjre  c  oxygenated  acid.    teltning  c  oxi^ 

.S'Itog  n  fast  train. 

-H^ltre  vt  irritate. 

rtltrig  o  rich  in  oxygen. 

5læ'  fe  i!æ. 

3læg  n  fe  -ning.  -ge  vt  CSfluUt)  impose  (a  finej 
on.  3'asggcrabbarat  feeding-apparatus.  ^IccQ- 
ning  c  laying  in;  (i  £vn)  flring;  (af  røuUt)  im- 

3l«n'  fe  San  3. 

3m  fe  (£m. 

3magtnce'r  a  imag'inary. 

.^mbcr  c  great  northern  diver,  imber,  Coli 
blis  glacialia. 

3me  ben§  conj  while,  whilst;  alt  _  all  the 
time  that;  —  adv  fe  ^n'ib'crtib. 

^mett'em  præp  between,  belwixt;  _  9Jor  og 
3)ag  throughout  the  year;  _  o8  fagt  between 
ourselves,  between  you  and  me,  be  it  whispered; 
fig  _  between  themselves;  ber  er  lommet  bent 
noget  -  they  have  had  some  disagreement;  bet 
ftaor  _  begge  the  matter  is  in  suspense;  -  f)t)er= 
oitbre  pell-mell,  promiscuously;  tittebe  frem  -  .  .  . 
peeped  forth  from  among  .  .  .;  —  adv  between; 
(unbertiben)  at  times;  ber  laa  en  bljB  Sal  _  farepb 
a  deep  gien  intervened,  before;  (ægge  fig  _  inter- 
vene,  interpose;  engang  ~  now  and  tlien,  between- 
whiles;  alt  _  every  now  and  then.  -ftunber  adv 
occasionally,  at  times,  from  time  to  time. 

.^mené'  fe  3ineben8. 

3mtb'bag§  fe  9!)tibbag§. 

.^mibiertib  adv  (imebenS)  meanwhile,  mean- 
time,  in  the  mean  while;  (bog)  however,  still, 
at  the  same  time. 

.^mitjatio'n  c  imita'tion.    -e're  vt  im'itate. 

immanent'  a  im'manent,  inherent. 






f^ntmo'nucl  Emmau'uel. 

^tnmatcticf'  a  immate'rial,  incorporeal. 

^^nttnatrifule'lre  vt  matric'ulate.  -ring  c  ma- 

3;mmet  ]t.]  adv  always,  ever.  -Ⱦl  adv  in- 
(  ossaiitly,  ever. 

^mmorolttet  c  immorarity. 

r^mutunitc't  c  immuuity. 

gmoK  præp  (gjeitbtlij-iheb,    9Kobftanb)  asainst; 
(UoDereitéflemmelfe,  TOobioctiiing)  conlrary  to;  (^en« 
imob)   to\vard(s);   (jig   et  5orl)olb)   to,    loward(s);  ' 
(Saiumenligning)   compared  to,  to,  as  against;   _  | 
Slftenen  towards  evening;  -  (at  faa)  on  (t-ondilion  [ 
of)   recelving,   in   consideratiou   of  (remviug);  ' 
_  at  f)an  looebe  at  on  his  promise  to;   -  fin  'J'ilie 
ajiaiiist   liis   will,   in   spile  of  liimself;    ^anble  _ 
en?  Cnffer  aet  in  opposition  el.  contravention  to  ; 
one's  desires;  høflig,  gob,  lljbig,  tatnemmelig  _  po- 
lite,    kind,    obedient,    thankful   lo;    jeg   ^ar  itte  ! 
noget  _  ^am  I  have  no  particular  dislike  to  him;  \ 
bet  er  mig  -,   jeg   er  ~,   at  6an  lommer  I  o))ject 
to  liis  comlng;  jeg  ^ar  iffe  noget  -,  at  ^an  tommer  j 
I    have   no   objeetion  to,    do  not  object  to,    do 
not  mind,   liis  eoming;   berjom  35e  iffe  t)ar  nt  ~ 
bet  if  you  have  no  objection;  ftan  Bar  raeget  _  bet 
he  was  very  much  opposed  to  it;  *^ligter  -  duties 
to  el.  towards;  gøre  fin  ^Pligt  _  do  one's  duty  by; 
jeg  ^ar  iffe  noget  _  at  (meb  3nf)  I  have  no  ob- 
jection  to,   am   nothing  loth  to,    do  not  mind 
to;   gore  en  _   aet  contrary  to  one's  will,   cross 
oue;    fige  _,   fe  SKobfige;   acebbe  ti  _  een  bet   ten 
to   one;    —   adv:    SJinben   er  _   it   is  a  contrary 
Wind,   an  adverse  w.;   95inben  er  ftit  _  the  wind 
'-  right  ahead;  SiQften  »or  ^om  ~  fortuue  did  not 

\oiir  him. 

^morgen,  ^worgcS  fe  ^DJorgen. 

^ntvnnation  c  impana'tion. 

^^mpcratlu  c  -er  gram  the  imperative  mood. 
-ift  '/  imperative. 

3"tpcro'|tor  c  -er  imperator.  -to'riff  a  im- 

^ntverfcftutn   n  -ter  gram  the  imper'fect  el. 

>t  teuse. 

v^int)crto'I  c  -er  fpaa  SKogn)  imperial;  tvp  nine 

iies  pica.    -^at)it  impe'rial  (paper). 

3tti1>crtiittcn'ce  c  impertinence,  insolence. 
•ncnt'  '(  impertinent,  pert,  insolent. 

3mpli  cc're  vt  implicate.     -'cite  adv  by  im- 


^JJHJone're  «<  awe,  overawe.  -enbc  a  imposing, 

.^ntport'  c  importa'tion.  -e're  vt  impo'rt;  (inb= 
bringe)  yield.  -()anbel  im'port-trade.  -^onbler, 
-hué,  -9'x  c  -er  impor'terfs). 

^utljoft'  c  arch  im'post;  chaptrel. 

3ntvojten3'  c  im'potence.    -tent'  a  Im'potent. 

^mprcgnc'rf  vt  imbiie,  saturate  (with). 

^mvrrfa  rio  c  manager. 

^niiprimatur  n  imprimatur,  tyn^  for  press. 

^mpromptu  adv  &  n  impromptii. 

gjnvroui  fatio'tt  c  improvisation.  -fationS- 
talent  talent  of  improvisation,  -fa'tor  c  ex- 
icmpore  poet,  improvisalo're,  improvis'ator, 
iiaprovi'ser.    -fe're  vt  improvi'se,   extemporize; 

emfomme  meb  uoentet,  nanmobet)  volunteer;  -t 

aemporaneous,   impromptu;  rough-and-ready. 

'criitg  c  improvisation. 

3nH)Ulå'   c  -er  im'pulse;  qioe  -en  til  give  the 
:!sl  iinpulse  to. 

3m«  l>e   fe  9Knbe.     -qaa   vt  (ftanbfe)  obviate; 

etætnpe,   genbrioe)  oppose  (one),   meet,  refute, 

:sprove  (an  argument  etc).    -tomme  vt  accom- 

odale,    humour,   hold  out  a  hånd  to.    -tora= 

icnbc  a  friendly,  obliging,  gracious.    -fommcn 

irieudliness,  obligingness,  graciousness.    -fe  vt 

■ok  forward  to,  anticipate,  expeet. 

3;nobæ!»a't  a  iuad'equate. 

.^nanttto  n  c  inanition. 

§tta<)Vtll<«'6cl  a  final,  inappea'lable. 

3nat'  fe  "Otat 

3nctbcnå'<)untt  c  iucidental  question. 

3ncite're  »«  stimulate. 

3nJ)  adv  in;  _  ob  in  at,  in  by;  _  i  into;  ftaa 
Siuberne  _  break  the  windovvs;  i  ®og  gaar  klaret 
_  the  year  commences  to-day;  (fe  etterS  SJerberne); 
te  Ub;  -  tit  iionbon  up  to  London;  '■'-  unber  3ul 
near  Christmas,  just  before  C. 

.^ntoaanble  vt  (aanbe  inb)  inhale,  breathe, 
respire;  -  9JJob  i  inspire  with  courage;  -  SiiD  i 
infuse  life  inlo;  +(infpirete)  inspire,  -ing  c  respira- 
tion, inhalation.    -ingSai))>arat  inhaler. 

^nbab  adv  in,  invvard,  inwards;  gaa  -  Vaa 
33enene  turn  in  one's  loes  in  walking;  —  prceii 
fe  3nb  ab.  -bojet  a  bent  inwards.  -gaacnbe  a 
directed  inwards;  inverted;  øeon  re-entering,  re 
-enlrant  (angle),  -til  ado  inwardly.  -ttcnbt  a 
turned  inwards;  fio  iutrospeetive,  contemplative. 
-tienbttieb  c  contemplativeness. 

t^nb|age  vt  drive  el.  cart  in.  -nittg  «  cart- 
ing  in. 

^nbanfle  vt  jur  appeal,  -ntng  c  appealing, 

^nbacbejbe  vt  work  in;  en  (gobt)  -t  gorrctning 
a  well  established  business;  _  fig  i  en  ©og  make 
one's  self  thoroughly  acquainted  with  a  matter. 
-Ife  c  working  in  etc. 

+3nbarrlg  «  fe  inbæbt  arrig. 

.3;nbabl  c  breediug  in  and  in. 

t^nbobllc  vt  (^oru)  house,    -ing  c  housiug. 

^nbbage  vt  bake  in;  -gt  SCble  baked  apple 

*3;nbbaae  vt  huddle  in. 

.^nbballotelrc  vt  elect  by  ballot.  -ring  c 
election  by  ballot. 

3[nbbalfame|rc  vt  emljalm.  -ring  c  embalm- 
ment,  embalming. 

^nbbante  vt  knock  in. 

^nbbart  c  inner  bark. 

S'nbbarle  vt  tan  thoroughly:  -t  fig  F  inured, 

3nbbefot|te»f  include,  comprise,  comprehend, 
embrace.    -telfe,  -ntng  c  including  etc. 

3nbbe|greb  n  comprehension;  conc  epitome, 
summary;  meb  -  af  including,  comprising,  em- 
taracing."    -gribe  fe  Snbbefotte. 

^nbbftetttc  vt  report,  -ning  c  report,  return; 
gøre  -  om  make  a  report  of. 

.3nbbcta{le  vt  pay  in,  pay  up;  Ite  Slttier  paid 
-up  shares.    -ling  e  payment. 

-f^nbbibe  vr  fig  i  penetrate. 

3nbbilb|e  vt  make  (one)  believe;  bet  ftal  bn 
it!e  _  mig!  don't  tell  me!  —  vr  fig  imagine, 
fancy,  delude  one's  self  into  the  belief,  F  hug 
one's  self  with  the  idca;  _  fig  meget  af  prlde 
one's  self  greatly  in  el.  on;  —  inb  bi  Ib  t  o  imag- 
inary,  fanciful;  t  =  Qnbbilbff;  -bt  ©Dgbom  imag- 
inary  illness.  -nlng  c  -er  imagiualion,  fancy; 
(om  fig  felp)  conceit;  ^ar  ftore  -er  (om  fig  felo) 
thinks  a  great  deal  (F  uo  small  potaioes)  of 
himself;  en  gilofof  i  egen  -  a  would-be  philo- 
sopher.  -ningSfraft  c  imagination,  fancy.  -ft 
(i  conceited;  er  Bel  _  fancies  himself  rather  too 
much.    ^nbbilbff^eb  c  conceit,  couceiteduess. 

^nbbinble  it  (SSøger)  bind;  (tBæg)  tie  up;  J, 
turn  in,  strap,  (SRiggen)  turn  in;  inbbunben  fom= 
men  meb  bound  up  with.    -ing  c  binding  etc. 

^nbbjærgje  vt  getin,  gather  in,  house;  -et  J.. 
sal  ved,  taken  in-  -ntng  c  gettiug  etc,  harvest- 
ing, in-galhering. 

!^nbblanb|c  »f  ;intermingle,  intersperse;  -  frem^ 
raebe  Orb  i  fin  Jale  _  interlard  one's  discourse 
with  foreigu  vvords;  —  vr  fig  (i)  meddle,  inter- 




fere  (with).  -elfe,  -fti,  -ing  e  intermixture; 
(SKellfinfomft)  meddling,  intervention,  interfer- 
ence,  iuterposition. 

^nbblif  n  insight,  glimpse,  peep  (into),  vista. 

^nbblæfie  vt  blow  into;  Jig  suggest,  prompt, 
inspiiv;  -ft  af  @ub  bib/  given  by  Inspiration  of 
God.     -111119  biowing  etc,  inspiration. 

+Sttl>BIunbe  vt  fall  asleep. 

.Siibblabe  vt  steep,  soak. 

fnbtio  n  furniture,  moveables  pi. 
nbbolre  vt  bore  into;  —  vr  fig  i  perforate, 
penetiate,  bore  into.     -rtng  c  boring  into,  per- 

^nbbringe  vt  bring  el.  take  in;  Qiibtægt)  yield, 
realize,  {5|5ri§)  fetch;  _  et  gorflag  make  å  motion. 
-Ife  c  bringing  etc.  -tlbe  a  lucrative,  profitable, 

.gnbbcub  n  liousebreaking,  burglary;  gøre  -  i 
en  a^utif  break  open  a  shop;  gøre  ~  i  et  |)ué 
break  into  a  house;  ber  bax  6IeOen  gjort  _  i 
$ujft  the  house  had  been  broken  into,  —  ^n\> 
btttb«i!tt)»J  c  burglar,  house-breaker.  -t^oect 

3;nbbtt)be  vi  &  t  fe  SSr^be  inb;  -n te  part  ap- 

.^nbbrænble  vt  brand,  mark  with  a  hot  iron; 
(Srarpcr)  bum  (into).  -ing  c  -erbranding;  burn- 
ing  in.    -t  «  ('JJJaleri)  encaustic. 

*3iibBrætfet  a  turned  in,  fe  iBrcette. 

+3itbbuct  a  concave. 

3«bbugferiitg  c  iuward  towage. 

^nbbttgt  c  l'rith,  cove,  creek. 

.^nbbugtning  c  -er  bend,  curve. 

^nbbutlte  vt  bend  inward.  -ning  c  bending 

Onbbulfet  a  bulged  in. 

^nbb^bc  vt  invite;  -  tit  gortrolig^eb  invite 
eonfidence.  -tfc  c  -r  invitation.  —  3nbbl)bclfe§j  = 
ftvttt,  -ffriticlfe  letter  of  invitation,  -fort  card 
of  invitation,  -ffvift  program.  .^nbbQbcnbe  o 
Inviting;  libet  -  uninviting.  .gnbbQbeT  c  -e  (til 
SRebe.  goretogenbe)  convener,  promoter. 

^nbb^ggcr  c  -e  inhabitant.  -antal  number  of 

.J^nbb^gget  a  built-in,  closed-in,  covered-in. 

^Mbb^gniitg  c  fe  S3une. 

3nbbl)rbc§  a  mutual,  reciprocal;  _  (Siftermaol 
intermarriage;  _  UnbetbiSniiig  mutual  instruction; 
—  adv  mutually;  _  af£)ængige  interdependent; 
be  floneS  -  they  fought  among  themselves. 

^nbb»jtte  fe  gnboeKIe. 

.^nbbcenbe  vt  'e  J^itbbinbe  ^. 

3itbbæ|rc  tt  carry  in.    -ring  c  carrying  in. 

3iMbbej|e  vt  bend  in(ward);  -et  2JIob  ^  incur- 
vate  leaf  -ntng  c  (bet  at  inbb.)  bending  etC; 
(firumniiig)  incurvation. 

§nbbanH)|c  vt  vaporise.  -ning  c  vaporisation. 
nbbe|(e  vt  divide;  classily.  -Itng  c  -er  divi- 
sion; classification.  -ling^grunb  basis  of  classi- 

3fnbbig|e  vt  embank.  -ning  c  -er  embanking, 

.^nbbrage  vt  (trælle  itib)  draw  in  el.  into; 
(5Wont)  call  in;  (Cbligotioiier)  retire;  -  en  $oft 
draw  off  a  post;  -  et  ©nibebe  abolish  an  olfice, 
_  eii4  ^JJenfioii  slop  one's  pension:  _  en  ©jenbom 
contiscate,  seize  an  estate;  tjanS  ©jenbomme  blete 
-ne  uiiber  Sronen  his  estatts  were  conflscated; 
blibe  -t  i  en  Sag  be  implicated  in  el.  mixed  up 
with  an  aflair;  —  +vi  fe  2;rage  inb.  -Ifc  c  draw- 
inp  etc;  conflscation. 

3nbbrejc  vt  turn  in. 

Snbbrctiet  part  driven  ashore,  stranded. 
nbbrttfc  vt  imbibe. 
Snbbtiule   vt  drive   in;    (gorbringer)  call  in, 
recover;  (Sfatter)  collect  (taxes);  —  -nj»=S)ril)e 

inb.    -elfc,  -ning  c  driving  etc;  (af  ©fatter) 

lection,  levying. 

.3!nbbr))|p|iie  vt  drop  in,  instill.    -»ting  c  dro] 
ping  in,  instillation. 

^nbbrt)dfe  vt  sprinkle  (i  into). 

Jnbbtjgfe  vt  hush,  lull. 

^nbbæmjme  it,  -ning  fe  3nbbige. 

3nbbflmme«;<sentence;  ^an  er-mt  i  fjorbebrini 
f)ufet  he  has  been  sentenced  to  the  house 

3[nbe  adv  in,  within;  t  =  |)iemme;  ber 
there;  langt  -  i  Sanbet  far  up  in  the  interior, 
the  heart  of  the  country,  en  S8t)  _  i  Sanbet  an 
inland  town;  gjenben  l)aDbe  iBljen  _  the  enemy 
had  got  possession  of  the  town;  i)ax  5  gob  SSanb 
_  has  flve  feet  of  water  in  her;  jiben  cv  -  the 
time  is  come;  oære  _  i  noget,  ^abe  nt  _  have 
mastered  something,  be  au  fait  at  st;  jeg  tjolber 
mig  - 1  keep  my  apartments;  fe  SJerberne.  -brænbe 
vt  burn  one  (to  death)  in  his  house;  S'ongcn  Dleo 
-t  meb  fine  a)tænb  the  king  with  his  followers 
perished  in  the  flames;  —  vi  =  blioe  -bt.  -brtEn 
bing  c  burning  etc.  -t-bære  vt  signify,  impl, 
-frtjfe  vi  be  frozen  up,  ice-bound.  -frQ^ning 
freezing-in,  freezing-up. 

3;nbcfter  udv  4>  inshore. 

.^nbegentt  a  latent;  (Sutt)  stuffy. 

-i^Swbegne  vt  incorporate. 

^nbeltjaoe  tt  hold;  benl -nbe  fiabning  thecari 
with  which  she  is  laden,    -baber  c  -e  possessor, 
proprietor,  occupant;    (af  åa!b,  (Smbebe)  incum- 
bent;   fe  .g^ænbe^aoer.    -tjotbe  vt  f(rnmme)  hold, 
contain;    (^olbe    tilbage)    withhold,    keep    back 
-tlemme   vt  jam  in;    -mt   33rot  incarcerated    el 
strangulated  hernia;  -mt  Satter,  fortne  suppresa 
laughter,  anger,    -fletnning  c  jamming  in; 

^nbeflinn'bel  a  indecli'nable. 

3nbeté|)ciberet  part  entered  el.  cleared inwar 
-bitton  c  entry  el.  clearance  inwards. 

5nbe|lnffe  vt  lock  up,  shut  in;  -be  ^arbanbe 
land-locked  waters.  -Inffe  n  -r  inclosure.  -Inf 
ning  c  locking  up. 

Snbemnitc't  c  indem'nity. 

^nbcmure  vt  fe  ^nbmure. 

^nben  adv  &  prap  (Steb)  within,  inside;  {%• 
før)  before,  within;  for  _  (om  Steb;  within,  (i 
the)  inside;  —  conj  (førenb)  before,  ere;  _  ji_ 
rejfer  before  leaving.  -ob  adv :  tæfe  ~  read  by 
book.  -abSiæéning  readiug  by  book.  -borb§  adv 
on  board,  in  board,  inside;  -  åtæbning  ^  internal 
planking,  ceiling.  -btjé  a  &  adv  withhi  the 
town;  _  golf  towns-folk,  towns-people;  -  røeb= 
lemmer  (i  ^lu6)  town  members;  -  SSetSel  promis- 
sory  note.  -btgS  adv  inside  the  dike.  -b«r8 
adv  within  doors.  -for  pi-p  &  adn  within,  inside. 
-fra  prp  &  adv  from  within,  from  the  inside. 
-i  pip  &  adl)  within,  inside.  -(anbS  adi;  in  the 
country,  at  home.  -lanbff  a  domestie,  home, 
native;  _  Jpanbel  country  tråde,  internul  com- 
merce;  -e  fereoe  inland  letters;  -e  9JQf)eber  home 
-news;  -e  planter  iudigenous  piants.  -om  ado 
(round  along  thej  inside;  —  prap  inside  of. 
-^laa  ode  inside;  —  præp  on  the  inside  of 
-rigå  adv  within  the  realm;  a  fe  -lanbff.  -rtgs= 
fart  home  tråde.  -rigiSbanbcI  internal  commerce. 
-rigff  fe  -lanbft.  -rtg§minifter  minister  of  the 
interior;  (i  (Sngl.)  home  secretary.  -rigémtni= 
fterfum  ministry  of  the  interior,  ministry  of  home 
-affairs;  (i  6ngl.)  home  department.  -rigStjcnefte 
homeservice.  -ffærS  adv  inside  the  (ledge  of) 
rocks,  inshore,  along-shore.  -ffotrSf orf oar :  til 
_  for  river  and  harbour  defences.  -ffærStfcn 
the  iee  between  the  shore  and  the  surrounding 
rocks,  -ffærifejlobé  navigation  i.  t.  r.,  inland 
navigation,     -fogné   «   of  the  parish,    —    adv 










within  the  parish.  -til  adv  inside,  withln. 
-000)3  adv  withiu  the  ramparts,  -titcg^  adv 
within  the  walls. 

r^jibrj)cnben'ttrne  the  Indepen'dents. 

3u6cr  pL  Indians. 

^nbcrjatine  ^  pale.  -bajle  .j;,  qiiarter  boom 
-iron.  -bel  iniier  part,  interiør,  -tube  inner 
end,  laf  SBrUflgc)  tandward  end.  -folb  ^.  inner 
halyard  (o.  fl.).  -flobc  inner  surface.  +-g(iarb 
inner  court.  -ftotJtt  inner  harbour.  -^ub  inner 
coating,  -fant  inner  edge;  inside,  -f  jortel  inner 
garment.  -flæbnittg  J,  fe  3iibeii6orb#=.  -laor 
inside  of  the  rouud. 

.^nbcrHg  a  heartfelt;  -t  58eiiftcib  Intimate  friend- 
ship;  bet  er  mit  fte  JJnfte  it  is  the  wish  nearesi 
to  my  heart;  —  adv  from  my  heart,  heartily, 
elfte  -  love  deeply  el.  dearly;  fiaoe  eii  _  Tær  be 
devotedly  attached  to  one,  love  one  dearly, 
glæbebe  ^cnbe  tiaa  bet  -fte  gladdened  her  to  the 
core;  -  leb  heartily  tired;  bleo  _  fIo»  felt  des- 
perately  sheepish;  bet  gur  mig  -  oiibt  I  am  truly 
sorry;  -  gerne  with  all  my  heart.  +-fl<ire  vt 
deepen.  +-g«relfe  c  deepening.  -^eb  c  cor- 
diality,  heartiness. 

Snberlrcb  iuner-roads.  -fool,  -faole  inner 
sole.  -jibe  inner  side,  inside,  -ftrue  female 
screw.    -ffobe  studding-sail  sheet. 

3nbcrft  a,  superl  af  Qnbre,  inmost,  innermost;  i 
tnit  -fte  Jpierte  in  my  heart  of  hearts;  —  adv  farthest 
in;  _  i  ©tuen  at  the  farlher  end,  in  the  inmost 
part  of  the  room.  ^nberfte  n:  fRigetS  _  the 
heart  of  the  kingdom;  ^jertetS  _  the  heart's 
core,  the  inmost  recesses  of  the  heart.  ^w^frft 
^tiberfte  c  -er,  -t  lodger  (with  a  peasant). 

^nberlftceun  ^  (Xiaa  Slgterftætti)  inner  stem-post, 
\!aa  J^orftætin)  apron,  stomach  piece.  -f«nt  lap 
■seam.  -t«j  lining;  inner  garments.  -bolb  inner 
ram  part. 

3«be!ftbbe  vi  fe  Sibbe  inbe.  -fibben  c  keeping 
the  house,  staying  at  home.  -fluttc  it  (Icegge 
inben  i)  inclose;  (inbe(ufte)  confine,  lock  up; 
f omringe)  invest,  surround,  hem  in;  (inbbefatte) 
inelude,  comprise;  -r  t)am  i  fine  sy^nner  remem- 
bers  him  in  his  prayers.  -fluttct  a  (i  fig  felO) 
reserved.  -flttttet^eb  c  reserve,  -flutning  c  in- 
i'losing  etc.  -fnc  fe  Qnbfne.  -f^Jttrre  vt  shut  up, 
lock  up,  imprison.  -f))(erring  c  shutting  etc, 
imprisonment,  detention,  -ftao  ut  (om  f n  Stopital) 
be  lodged,  deposited;  (oære  anfoarlig  for)  answer 
for,  vouch  for;  f  _  for  at  go  bail  that.  +-ftfgc 
roast  alive.  -ftængc  vt  shut  up,  confine.  -ttant 
a  accustomed  to  confinemeut.  -bærenbe  (9lar 
oft).)  «  present,  current  (year  etc). 

vtnbci  c  index,  pi  indexes  &  indices.  -fejl 
ind  ex -error. 

^nbfalb  n,  pi  =,  (i  et  Sianb)  invation,  irrup- 
tion,  inroad,  incursion;  (3bé;  conceit,  fancy; 
(forflajent)  whim,  freak;  U)ftigt  -joke,  jest,  sally; 
jeg  fif  et  _  a  thought  struck  me;  ^Bor  funbe  S!e 
faa  bet  -?  how  could  you  take  such  a  thiug 
into  your  head?  .^nbfal&le  vi  fe  galbe  inb;  9J^t 
Qorébåg  -r  paa  en  Sonbag  Newyear's-day  falls  on 
a  Sunday.  -en  a  (fommenfttirtet)  fallen  in;  (mager) 
emaciate;  (^jne,  Slnfigt)  sunk,  sunken;  -ne  Jlinber 
hollow  cheeks.     -cnbe  o,  ojt  incident. 

.^nbfalbéllinie  Hue  of  incidence.  -lob  axis  of 
incidence,  perpendicular.  -pttntt,  -bintct  point, 
angle  of  incidence. 

^nbfalflc  vt  let  in,  mortise;  (93ogb.)  fold  in. 
-iiing  <•  letting  etc. 

;^nbfang|e   vt   capture.     -nl«g    c    capturing, 


;^nbifate  vi  fe  gate  inb;  6on  tom  -nbe  i  ©tuen 
lie  bouneed  into  the  room.  -fort  c  entry, 
on  trance. 

3nbfat|te  vt  border,  edge;   (i  Samme)  frame; 

(QuOeler)  set.  -ning  c  (/panbling)  bordering  etc; 
conc  [paa  Siberne)  border;  frame;  settiug;  (olbelel 
omftuttenbe)  casiug,  case;  tage  (Sten)  ub  of  -en 

.3;tibfeb  a  fat  on  the  inside;  oære  _  have  much 
internal  fat. 

3nbft|Ie  vt  file  in.  -ting  c  filing  iu;  covc 

Ønbfiltre  fe  '^iUxe. 

^Mbfinbe  vr  fig  appear,  attend,  make  one's 
appearauce,  put  in  an  appearance,  present  one's 
self,  come  to  the  fore. 

3«bflattbe  vt  float  in. 

^nbfltt|te  vt  plait  into,  (ogfaa /p)  interweave, 
introduce.    -ning  c  plaiting  etc. 

3nb|litfc  vt  p  put  in(to),  Ihrust  in(to);  (noget 
uægte  el.  falft)  foist  in(to).  -ning  putting  etc, 

-e3nJ>ff9  "»  have  recourse  (to). 

.gnbfl^be  vi  flow  in;  labe  et  Crb  -  put  iu  a 
word;  (abe  ©tæmt  -  i  fin  Sale  intersperse  one"s 
discourse  with  pleasantry;  t  _  paa  intiueuce. 
-Ife  c  influence;  iiaoi  ~  paa  influence;  ^aoe  -  bo» 
have  interest  with;  bruge  fin  -  bo§  make  interest 
with.    -Ifeårig  a  influential,  potent. 

.^nbflQtlte  tt  &  i  move  in(to).  -ning  c  -er 
moving  in(to);  oeb  -en  i  bette  ^u§  on  moving 
into  this  house. 

fnbfltlOe  vi  fly  in. 
nbfolbe   vt   fold    inAvard;    _   kreaturer    pen 

3nbforb|re  vt  call  in,  fe  Snblræoe;  (inbfalbe) 
summon.    -ring  <-■  -er  summons;  fe  5ibfr«bntng. 

+5w^f'"Ii*"  [t]  '<'*  embody,  incorporate 

Snbfotffrtue  tt  rall  in,  tuerc  write  for,  order; 
inbforffreone  SKarer  imported  goods. 

Snbfrogt  c  freight  of  imported  goods. 

Snbfrcble  vt  euclose,  fence  in.  -ning  c  -er 
enclosing  etc, 

.3nbfri(c)  vt  (ogfaa  Jig)  redeem;  _  en  S8ef?el  pay 
a  bill.  -dig  a  redeemable.  -etfe  c  redemption; 
SBetSIené  _  the  payment  of  the  bill. 

^HbfroSfen  a  frozen  up,  (om  ©lib)  ice-bouud. 

Snbfuge  vt  flt  in. 

-t^^nbfugtle  vt  beat  in,  thrash  in. 

*^nbful  a  wily,  crafty. 

-f^ubfnigt  part  attend  ed  in. 

Snbf^gct  a  =  3nbfneet. 

5nbft)lb|e  vt  pour  iu,  fillup.  -ning  c  fe5i)lb= 

3nbf»)jre  vt  prime,  -ting  c  priming;  lighttng 
(the  fire). 

^nbfælble  vt  put  iu  (on),  let  in;  _  i  let  into. 
•(njing  c  putting  in  etc;  (bet  inbfælbte,  i  Zxæ) 
inlay,  (i  Zni)  insertion,  (i  ©fjorte)  shirt-front. 

^-3nbf^rb  c  entry. 

Snbfæftje  vt  fasten  (into);  (tage  i  gæfte)  take 
a  lease  of.  -ning  c  fastening  etc;  (beb  gorntjelfe 
af  gcefle)  tine. 

.3nbif«b(n)ing  c  er  native.  -f«b8ret  c  right 
of  a  native  el.  naturalized  person;  gitje  en  _ 
naturalize  one;  bevatje  en  -  disnaturalize  one; 
faa  -  get  certificate  of  naturalization.  -f«bt  •■! 
native;  en  _  Sanft  a  native  of  Denmark;  en  S- 
a  native;  a  native-born  Citizen. 

Snbføije  tt  put  el.  let  into,  insert;  —  vr  f.g 
fit  in.    -ning  c  inserting  etc. 

3nbf«rie  tt  (SBarer)  import;  (i  Selffab,  noget 
nt)t;  fiiffe  inb)  intioduce;  (anmelbe)  usher  in;  -  t 
3Jegnfrob,  23og  enter  in  an  account,  a  book;  faa 
et  Ctb  -rt  put  in  el.  interpose  a  word,  -elfc, 
-ing  o  introduction.  -cr  c  -e  usher.  -fel  c  im- 
portation,  imports;  jur  distress;  gore  ~  i  dis- 

3nbf«tfclé|artilcl  import,  -bom  distress-war- 
rant.    -fotbitb  prohibitiou.    -forretning  aet  of 




distress.  -^JclS  import  price.  -præmie  bounty 
(on  importatiou).  -torif  tariflf  of  import  duties. 
-Jolb  import  duty,  import  dues;  ©ftergiuetfe  af  - 
drawl)ack.    -tiarcr  imported  goods,  imports. 

3;nbga(i  vi  enter,  go  in;  (mobtageS)  come  to 
hånd;  _  ittcb  en  SKiifijgning  present  a  petition, 
(til  en)  memorialize  one;  i  -eiibe  Uge  next  week; 
-enbe  35arer  imports;  -enbe  (fortøj  ia\vard(-bound) 
vessel;  biSje  SSilfaar  btlbe  6an  itte  _  paa  he  vvould 
not  accede,  consent,  to  these  conditions;  —  vt: 
~  et  9(£gtefta6  enter  into  el.  contract  a  marriage; 
_  et  iGæbbemaal  make  a  wager;  _  et  Jforlig  make 
a  compromise.  -clfe,  -en  c  acceding  etc;  -en  i 
bet  entette  entering  into  details.  -enbe  a  fig 
thorough;  ^  _  ©fi6§afgifter  invvard  cliarges;  _ 
!8arec  imported  goods;  _  Sroi^tøi  inward(-bound) 
vessel;  gøre  -  2;olbftarering  clear  inwards;  8trønt= 
men  er  ~  the  ciirrent  is  running  in-shore;  (fe 
.  ogf.  Qnbgaa).  -enbe  n:  for,  paa  ~  inward-bound, 
■et  a  (mcb)  intimate,  F  thick. 

^nbgang  c  -e  entry,  entrance,  ingress;  (3;nb= 
lebning)  preamble;  Beb  -en  atthedoor;  -en  aabneS 
§ii.  7  doors  operi  at  seven;  »eb  StaretS  _  at  the 
beginning  of  the  year;  finbe  _  I)o§  find  favour 
with,  ben  Sro  »inber  tnere  og  mere  -  iblanbt  there 
is  a  growing  belief  among;  flaffe  _  introduce; 
banbt  ingen  -  found  no  hearing,  —  ^nbgangSJ 
offlift  fe  -tolb.  -bat  entrance  (door).  *-!one 
churehed  woman.  -^-^)enge  entrance-money. 
•pf>tt  entrance  gate;  j,  entering  port.  -ret 
right  of  admission,  -fatme  introit.  -n-febbet 
ticket  of  admission,  entrance  ticket.  -tale  in- 
augural  diseourse  el.  address.  -tap  (®mp.)  steam 
trunuion.    -tolb  import  duty. 

t.3nbgenne  vt  drive  in. 

iVnbgetogen  [t.]  a  retired.     -^eb  c  retirement. 

Snbgift  c  -er  dose. 

.^nbgifte  vr  fig  i  marry  into. 

Snbflttre  vt  enclose  with  iron  bars,  rail  in. 

5nbgiU|e  vt  (inbleoere)  give  in,  present;  (inb> 
ftQbe)  inspire  one  with,  instil  into  one,  suggest 
to  one;  (om  Sægemibler)  administer;  _  9lnf øgning 
om  9lfffeb  send  in  el.  tender  one's  resignation. 
-clfc  c  -r  Onbffobelfe)  suggestion,  inspiration; 
+(ftriftli9)  memorial;  fe  ogfaa  -ntng.  -^•enbe  n 
memorial,   -nlng  c  giving  in  etc,  presentation. 

^rtbgnaOe  vt  &  vr  fig  gnaw  (i  into). 

3nbgnib|e  vt  mb  in;  _  meb  rub  with.  -ning 
c  rubbing  in,  inunction;  SKibbel  til  _  embroea- 

.0!nbgrat)|e  vt  grave,  engrave;  IRæben  ^av  -t  fig 
i  fløjen  the  fox  has  earthed  in  the  hill.  -ning 
e  engraving. 

Snbgreb  n,  pi  =,  fig  encroachment;  (Beb  ^jnl) 
gear;  i  el.  unbet  _  in  ge^r;  ub  el.  iibe  of  _  out 
of  gear;  gøre  _  i  encroaeh,  (in)treuch  upon, 
trespass  on. 

3;nbgrt6|c  vi  (om  §jultalfer)  catch  (in);  _  i 
(anbre?  Mettig^eber)  encroaeh  upon;  fe  ®ri6e  inb; 
of  -nbe  a3ett)bntng  of  vital  importance,  -en  c  fe 
-ning;  fe  ^nbgrefi.  -nfng  c  catching  (in);  fe  3nb= 

.Snbgro  vi  grow  In;  —  inbgroet  fig  deeply 
rooted,  inrooted,  ingrained,  inveterate;  -et  9?egl 
ingrown  nail. 

3nbgrænf'|c  vt  bound,  limit,  circumscribe. 
-ning  c  limitation. 

-i-^nbgMft  c  inside  ditch. 

3nbgr«ft|c  vt  ditch,  enclose  with  ditches. 
■ning  c  -er  ditching. 

3nbgu§  n  geat,  git.    -aalining,  -renbe  b.  f. 

^nbgqbe  vt  poiir  in  (into);  fig  inspire  with, 
instill.    -Ife  c  -r  inspiratiou. 

O^nbgcclb  c  debts  due,  debts  active. 

.^nbgotrbe  vt  hedge  in,  fence  in.  ■Ife  c  hedg- 
ing  etc. 

r);nbt)age  vt  hook. 

^nbtiat  n  fe  §at. 

gnbfiatfc  vt  hack. 

3!nb|^ole  vt  (^ale  inb)  haul  in;  (inbftente)  come 
up  with.    ■ftnlec  c   c  J,  inhauler.    ■(laUrtatje 
relieving-tackle.    ■f)aUng  c  hauling  in. 

^nb^amlre  vt  hammer  in.  •ring  c  -er  haiH' 
mering  in. 

^nbftorue  vt  fe  g^eb^aroe. 

^nbftau  n  inland  sea. 

.^nbliatin  c  iuner  harbour. 

3;ttb^eft|e    vt   stitch   in,    sew   in;  _  i 
-ning  c  sewing  in. 

^nbt)cgn|e  vt  fence  in,  enclose.    ■ittfl 
j  ningen)    feucing    in;    (©egn)    fence,    en(!l03ure.' 
■ing^grøft    enclosing    ditch.     -ingSntnr    stone 
-wall,  stone-fence. 

3nbt)ent{c  vt  overtake,  come  up  with,  catch 
(up  with),  run  dovvn;  CiOlening,  ©amt^tfe  ofo.) 
procure;  'bet  forførate)  make  up  for,  recover 
-cife,  -ning  c  overtaking  etc. 

.^nbt)crt>|c  vt  beat  in.    -ning  c  beating  in 

^nbtjitjntng  c  J,  of  33atlaft  takiug  in  ballast,"^ 

3;rtb^oIb  n  (t  c)  contents  pi,  substance;  subject 
-matter,  argument;  (33egre68)  intension;  (Sere* 
.  .  .  mobtaget)  og  fammeS  ~  bemærlet  and  coutents 
noted.  —  ^nbljolbålongiuelfe  argument,  -fattig 
ie  -lø§.  -fortegnetfc  table  of  contents.  -fntb 
fe  -rig.  -fijlbe  copiousness,  fullness.  -lifte  fe 
-fortegnelfe.  -leS  a  of  no  el.  trilling  contents, 
meagre,  empty.  ■I«§^eb  c  emptiness.  ■rcgiftcr 
fe  -fortegnelfe.  -rig  a,  +-ftoær  full  of,  rich  in  el. 
with  matter;  full  of  import,  replete  with  interest. 
-fuangcr  a  fraught  with  import,    -tom  fe  -lø§. 

+^nb()0lt  n  -er  rib,  frame-timber. 

^nb^ug  n  (SiaBotleriO  charge;  gøre  ~  paa  charge ; 
gøre  -  paa  SSJlahen  fall  to;  fig  gøre  et  ftort  -  i 
make  a  great  iuroad  upon.  ■ge  vt  cut  in,  en 
grave,    -ning  c  cutting  etc. 

^nbtinlntng  c  ^  booking. 

^•nbtjul  a  concave.  3nbi|nl|e  vt  hoUovv  oui 
-ing  c  hoUowing. 

^^^nbljnS  n  dwelling  house  (on  a  farm). 

^itbftoæloe  vt  arch,  vault.    -t  a  concave. 

^'nbft^lllc  vt  envelop,  wrap  up,  fold  up,  muffle 
up,  shroud.  -ting,  -nlng  c  enveloplng  etc., 

-f^^ttbtiælbe  vt  pour  in. 

-t-^nb^cenbe  vt  band  (over),  deliver,  tender. 
+-lfe  c  handing  etc. 

^nbftænge  vt  hang  in. 

3nbti«ft  c  harvest,  crop.  -e  vt  house,  gather 
in,  harvest,  get  in.    -ning  c  housing  etc. 

^nbia'ncr  c  -e,  -in'be  c  -r  In'dian.  -tiøobtng 
Indian  chief  (o.  ft.).    3nbia'nf!  a  In'dian 

^nbice'rctjf  in'dicate.  3nblc'ie6e»i§  presump- 
tive  el.  circumstantial  evidence.  ^ttbic'ium  n 
-ier  indication;  jur  presumptive  ground. 

£^nbi|en  (goriubien)  n  India,    -er  c  -e  ludian. 

3nbiffe|ren§'  c  indifference.  -renS'^innft  in- 
ditferent  point,  -rent'  a  indifferent;  -  Og^b 
neutral  oxide.  -renttS'mc  c  indif'ferentism,  iu- 
ditf'erency.    -rentift'  c  -er  indiff'erentist. 

§rtbigeftio'n  c  indigest'ion, 
itbignaltio'n  c  indigaa'tion.    -e'ret  a  indig- 
uant  (ooer  at). 

3:Ubiga  c  indigo,  -ilaa,  -Bloot  indigo  blue. 
-finte  iudigo-bird,  Cvjnospiza  cyanea.  -plante 
indigo  plant. 

.^nbit'atiO  n  &  c  gram  the  indicative  (mood 
cl.  mode). 

3nbtfa  tor  c  er  (®mp.)  indicator.  -biagram 
i.  diagram.  =^ieftefraft  indieated  horse  power. 
•trtjf  indieated  pressnre. 

^nbittio'n  c  iudic'tion. 








'^nbimeUem  præp  (scattered)  betvveen;  —  adv 
here  aiid  there. 
3nbireft(e)  a  indireot;  _  Sale  oblique  speech; 

—  adv  iiidirecUy,  by  implication. 

^nblife  vt  cut  (a  ship)  in  through  the  ice. 
•ifrt  a  ( iubefluttet)  icebound. 

^nbift  «  ludian;  -  Siqen  prickly  pear,  Opuntia; 
_  el.  iubiaiift  Sarfe  Indiau  cress,  Tropæolum 
mil  i  UH. 

^ntiéUt't  a  indiscreet.    -ion  c  indiscret'ion. 

^ndi^ljone'ret  a  iudisposed,  not  in  humour. 

^nl>idi)uta'be(  u  indispu'table. 

C^nbiøi  b  n  -er  individ'ual.  -ualife're  vt  in- 
di\id'ualize.  -ualife'ring  c  individualiza'tion. 
•uatitc't  '•  iudividual'ity.     -uet'  a  individ'ual. 

^nbjage  vt  \t  Qage  iiib;  fia  -  en  Stræt  strike 
lerror  iuio  one,  strike  one  with  terror.  -Ifc  c 
drivius  iu  etc.        * 

.^nbiorb  c  home-fields. 

.Jnbtalbe  vt  call  in;  (iiibftæone)  summou,  cite; 
(Solbater,  ©»folt)  call  out,  order  out;  (Slvoinger, 
ICciclament  I,  summou;  CiOhmt,  ©ebler)  call  iu;  blioe 
-Bt  (oeb  ©tSamen;  receive  a  public  encomium. 
-If?  c  calliug  in;  summous;  calling  out  etc;  (af 
^atlameiitåmeblemmer,  for  at  ftemme)  whip. 

^nbtapéle  vr  fig  become  encysted,  encyst 
themselves;  -t  encysted. 

3«btaéfe'|re  vt  cash,  receive,  recover,  collect. 
•ring  <•  cashing,  coUectiou,  recovery. 

Snbfafte  vt  cast  iu,  throw  iu  (into).  -ning  c 
casting  eic. 

3abti(i  1  peep  (into).    -eu  c  peeping  (iuto). 

^nbfite  vt  wedge  in(to) 

Jnbtitte  vt  fasten  in  with  putty  el.  cement. 

^nbtlagc  vt  fe  ;J>iibftæt)ne. 

3nbtlam|re  vt  euclose  in  brackets;  bet  -be  the 
words  in  brackets,  the  parenthetical  clause. 
-ring  c  enclosiug  etc.    -ringdtegn  brackets. 

^nbtlarelre  vt  enter  inwards,  clear  in.  -ring 
c  iMitry,  clearance  inwards. 

3nbhcm|me  vt  press  inward;  fe  ^nbetlemme. 
-ning  <■  piessiug  etc. 

C^nbtlilne  vt  fasten  in  el.  fill  with  some  ad- 
hesive  sut)stance,  lute;  -  2er  i  Sprætter  flll  up 
crevices  with  clay;  _  et  SSlab  i  en  SJog  paste  a 
leaf  into  a  book.    -ning  c  fastening  etc. 

^nbtlinte  vt  rivet  iu. 

^nbltnp  clip  -tti^ipe  vt  cut,  clip  (in,  into). 
•tlipning  c  incision. 

^nbtliftre  vt  paste  iu. 

jnbti(Cb|e  vt  invest,  an-ay,  clothe  (in);  labe  fig 

-  (,om  9loiuie)  take  the  veil;  -Santer  i  Drb  clothe 
thoughts  with  words;  -  morolffe  iicerbonime  i  en 
gabel  mould  moral  les.sons  into  the  form  of 
fable;  -t  (meb  lOræber  o.  1.)  covered-in,  cased-in. 
-ning  c  investiug  etc;  conc  wordiug,  garb, 

^nbtneben  a  contracted,  narrow;  -  ooentil  ^ 
tumbling  home;  -t  adv.  bo  -t  be  narrowly 

BnbtneuUt  a  JL,  toggled. 
nbtnibje  vt  plnch  in,  squeeze  in;  fig  reduce, 
confine.    -ning  c  pinching  etc,  contraction. 

^nbtnuge  vt  squeeze  in. 

^nbfnuft  pnrt  siove,  cnished  in. 

jnbtnt)tte  vt  tie  up  (in). 

^nbtobte  vt  (^punbc)  couple,  leash. 

Jnbtogle  vt  boil  down;  vi  boil  away,  evapo- 
raie  by  boiling.    -ning  c  boiling  etc. 

JnbtomiBie  vi  come  in;  ~  meb  deliver  in;  -nbe 
Uge  uext  week;  -nbe  JVartBJer  incoming  vessels. 
*-me  c  income.  -menbe  n  ^.  oeb  -  in  entering. 
-ft  c  -er  lueome,  reveuue.    -ftftot  income  tax. 

^^nbtrebfe  vt  encircle. 

-^3nbtrP9  c  nook,  reeess. 

Uarien:  SanfMSngelft  Ccbbog. 

.^nblirumime  vt  bend  inwards,  incurvate.  -ning 

c  beuding  etc,  iucurvation. 

^nbtrqbning  ccreeplng(into);  (fammen)  shriuk- 

f(nbtrt)m^|e  vt  shrink  (cloth);  -^  _  ftfl  shrink. 
ng  e  shrinking, 

^nbtrtcnge  vt  tum  outside  in.  -lig  a  capable 
of  being  turned  outside  iu. 

Qjnbtræole  vt  collect,  gather,  demand  paymeut 
of     -elfe,  -ning  c  coUeoting  etc. 

^nbloarterle  vt  (Solbateci  qnarter,  billet;  _ 
boé  billet  upon.  -ing  c  quartering;  ftan  tjar  faaet 
en  ftot  _  he  has  had  a  great  many  soldiers 
hilleted  upon  hlm  -ingégobtgøretfe  billetiug 
allowance.    -ingéf ebbet  billet. 

^nbttebie  vt  cham  together.  -ning  c  con- 

^nb^tøb  purchase.  -f«be  vt  purchase.  -f«bd^ 
|)rié  prime  cost,  cost  price,  tråde  price;  unbec  _ 
at  a  sacrifice. 

^nbterle  vt  cart  in,  drive  in;  *fe  Silfare.  -fel- 
<•  -er  ff-  *St«.  Korneté)  carting  in;  (SSej)  entrauce, 
avenue,  approach,  carriage-drive.  -feløport  en- 

.^fnbtaan  «  borrowing.  -Prente  interest  ou 

^nblabe  vt  ship,  take  in,  load. 

.^fnblabie  vt  let  iu,  admit;  refl  _  fig  ooa  engage 
iu,  enter  into  el.  on;  (j'roretagenbe)  embark  iu, 
Unberfogelfe  of)  entertain;  bette  !i8iltaar  fon  jeg 
itfe  -  mig  poo  I  cannot  accede  to  these  terms; 

-  fig  poo  ot  undertake  to;  ~  fig  i  Somtale  joiu 
in  conversation,  enter  into  c;  jeg  bil  olbeleå  ilte 

-  mig  meb  l^am  I  will  have  nothing  to  do  with 
him.  -etfe  fe  -ning.  -enbe  a  communicative, 
familiar.  -ning  c  admittance,  admission;  (3)mp.) 

^nbtabning  c  shipping.  -Sfteb  port  of  loading, 
loading  berth. 

^nbiabningdoentitec  pi  (Smp  )  inductiou-val- 
ves,  inlet-valves. 

^nbtagt  a  fe  ^nblægge. 

.^nblanb  n  (mobi.  Ublonbi  home-country;  (bet 
^nbte)  inland,  interior.  -S^au  inland  sea.  -fl 
fe  ^Vnbcnlonbft. 

^fnblafte  fe  Snblobe  l. 

-i^^nbiebbet  a  articulated. 

3nbleb|e  vt  (føre  inb)  lead  in(to),  usher  iu(to); 
f^irtegongétonej  church;  (®runbe;  et  Sttift  ofo.) 
iutroduce,  preamble,  preface,  usher  in;  (Unber- 
føgelfe)  set  on  foot;  (pioner  ofo.)  initiale;  _  en 
^\^  SibSolber  usher  in  a  new  epoch;  _  et  iJetenbt« 
ftob  bring  about  au  acquaintance;  -  Unber^anb-- 
linger  enter  into  negotiations;  _  en  Samtale 
begin  a  conversation.  -enbe  a  introductory, 
preparatory,  prefatory,  prelusive.  -er  c  -e  in- 
troducer, initiator.  -ning  c  -er  leading  etc; 
(f.  et«,  of  35omp)  induction;  fig  introductiou, 
exordium,  preamble.  -ningéfarebrag  (forftei  in- 
troductory el.  preparatory  lecture,  (beb  i)i*tu4= 
fion)  opeuing  address.  -ning@ta)>ite(  introduc- 
tory chapter.    -ningdtale  introductory  speech. 

r);nbleie  fig  vr  hire  el.  take  lodgings. 

^nbteiet,  inblejret  a  min  imbedded. 

-t-3«bUro  »1  fe  3nboolb. 

.^nbtemtne  vt  iuoorporate;  (i  et  ©"Iffab)  admit 
finio).    -tfc  c  ineorporation;  admission. 

^nbleoe  vr  ftg  (i)  aecu.stom  one's  seif  to,  enter 
iuto  the  spirit  of,  dive  into. 

^nblcoerje  vt  deliver;  (t  hoften)  post.  -ing  c 
ilelivery;  posting.  -ingdtontor  n  receiving  el. 
coUecting  oftlce.  -ingdtib  c  time  of  delivery; 

^nbliggenbe  a  enclosed. 

;3nb(ime  vt  glue  into,  paste  into. 





^nblifte  vt  get  in  by  stealth;  —  vr  fig  fig  creep 
in,  slip  in. 

3tiJ)li)b|be  vt  solder  in  (into).  -winfl  c  soldering. 

3nblobf|e  vt  pilot  in.    -ning  c  piloting  In. 

.Snblogere  it  lodge,  quarter,  berth;  —  er  fig 
take  lodgings. 

Snbloftc  vt  lure  in,  decoy  in  (into). 

.^ttblutfe  n  -r  enclosure. 

Hnbluffe  vt  enclose,  inclose;  Je  Suffe  inb. 

SnblMUe  vt  fe  3nbbt)Sfe. 

.^nblQb  c:  i  _  in  the  middle  of  words,  me- 
dially,  when  medial;  Ubtole  i  -  medial  sound. 

.^nbl^fe  vi  be  evident,  -nbe  a  evident,  ob- 
vious,  manifest;  gøre  en  nt  ~  bring  st  home  lo 
one('s  eonviction). 

.3nb((cg  n,  pi  =,  (i  S3ret))  enclosure;  (©træbb ) 
tuck;  (i  Sfjorte)  shirt-front,  bosom;  (of  Solboter) 
quartering;  jur  plea.  ^nblteslge  vt  (i  a3reo)  en- 
close; (til  gorboring)  lay  up,  deposit;  (golbater) 
quarter,  billet;  (meb  SlfcnBen,  ®u!b  ofB.)  inlay;  - 
i  $Qf^iii  warehouse;  -lagt  (i  SSreti)  enclosed,  under 
this  cover;  lagt  SlrBejbe  inlaid  work,  marquetry; 
_  et  gobt  Orb  for  en  put  in  a  word  for  one;  - 
aSefætning  i  garrison;  —  vr.-  fig  2©re  gain  honour, 
cover  one's  self  with  honour.  -gclfe  c  quarter- 
ing, billeting  (of  soldiers).  +-get  c  -e  inlayer. 
-ning  c  (af  Søi)  taking  in  el.  up;  (inblagt  ftrbejbe) 
inlaying,  inlay. 

§nbl(cnbing  c  -e  native. 
nblæntje  vt  link  together.    -ttitig  c  linking 
toget  her. 

.^nbløb  n  (bet  at  lB6e  inb)  running  in;  (til  ^aon) 
entrance,  inlet,  mouth  (of  a  harbour);  (®t»Bn.) 
geat,  git.  ^nbUbje  vi  (fltjbe)  run  in,  flow  in 
(into);  _  i  ^am  enter;  (antomme)  arrive,  come 
to  hånd,  be  received;  (^ænbe)  happen,  oecur; 
ber  er  -t  inange  gejl  many  errors  have  slipped 
in;  +  vt  (inb5ente)overtake,  come  up  with.  -elfc, 
-ning  c  _  i  ^am  running  into  port.  —  .^ttbløbé^ 
flufc  entrance  lock.    -tap  (Støbn.)  head. 

Bnbl«fte  vt  lift  in. 
nblefle  tt,  -nIng  fe  ^nbfri;  (jjontfat  ejenbom) 
dismortgage.    •niiigSret  c  right  of  redemption. 
-tling^funi  price  of  redemption. 

.^fnbinaalle  vt  measure  goods  received.  -ing 
c  measuring  etc. 

.S^nbntab  c  pluck. 

-»^(Jnbmagrr  a  emaciated. 

^nbtnard)  c  entry,    -cre  vi  march  in,  enter. 

^nbJnnrt  c  -et  home-fleld. 

.^nbrnelbje  vt  (ongiee)  report;  (inbtegne)  enter, 
(i  et  Seiffab  ofb.)  propose  for  admission;  —  vr 
fig  enter  one's  name  (on  the  books).  -tlfe,  -ing 
c  reporting  etc;  report;  entry. 

.3nbmur{e  vt  wall  in,  mason  in,  (ogf.  Me)  im- 
mure.    -ing  c  walling  etc. 

vJnbmæftje  tt  mash.    -ning  c  mashing. 

.C^nbmønftre  vt  enrol. 

.^nbnaglc  vt  nail  in;  (%a^)  wedge. 

.3nbo|e»n)t»æi  ft  a  Indo-European.  -gernta'nift 
o  Indo-German'ic. 

3nbofule|reu<inoc'ulate.  -ting  c  inocula'tion. 

3nbo|(ent'  a  indolent.    -lenS'  c  in'dolence. 

•(inbom  p7-æp  f  within,  inside;  fom  _  ®øren 
step  in;  jeg  ffal  fomme  ~  big  I  shall  call  your 
way;  gaa  _  J,  touch  at;  call  at. 

.jjnborblne  it  place  in  an  order  el.  series, 
dispose  in  the  proper  order;  _  noget  i  et  S^ftcm 
place  a  thing  in  a  system  in  the  proper  order; 
_  uiiber  eet  Segreb  refer  to  the  same  idea.  -ning 
c  disposing  etc. 

'^Snbotier  odr  in,  Inwards,  (mob  Sanb)  in 

*5n*'t"">  i'rfcp  F  :  tomme  ~  come  in  contact 

SnbVotite    tt  pack  up,  (SSarer)  pack;  _  paaiw) 


repaek;  _  fig  wrap  one's  self  up.  -ning  c  pack 
ing  (up);  conc  package.  -ningdomtoftninger 
package.  -ning^g^atitr  packing-  el.  wrapping 

3nb))ad  n  access,  admlttance,  entrance;  -»^(Qn 
greb)  encroachment. 

ijnb^jaélfe  vt  fit  in  (into).     -ning  c  fltting  ini 

3nbi»oéfcre  vi  pass  in  el.  inwards,  enter. 

Jnb)i)ine  tt  pinch  in, 

^nb<)iffe  vt  beat  in.     -f-r  c  -e  ($orl.)  whipp 

^nb))(anfe  vt  enclose  with  planks. 

^nb))lant{e  tt  transplant;  fig  implaut.    -et 
fig  innate.    -ning  c  transplanting  etc. 

^nbVl«j|e  vt  plough  in;  (aJrcet)  tongue.    -ning' 
c  ploughing  etc;  encroachment  in  ploughing. 

3nbVob|c  vt  ingraft,  graft;  _  en  nt  inoculale 
one  with  st.    -ning  c  grafting. 

^nb^otlte  vt  pot.    -ning  c  potting. 

.^wbprafttfere  vt  slip  in. 

3nbt)romme  vt  carry  in  in  lighters. 

^nbprcntjc  vt  imprint  on,  impress  on,  incul-^ 
cate  on;  —  vr  fig  impress  el.  imprint  on  one'i 
mind.    -ning  c  imprinting  etc. 

3;«b<»rc§|fe   vt  prtss  el.  squeeze  in.     -ning 
pressing  etc. 

^nb^iritfe  vt  prick  in(to);  (i  ©frift)  dot;  ^  (e 
garbanb)  beacon. 

iVnb^ro<)))e  tt  stufl'  with. 

5nbproto!ottcre  vt  fe  $rotofotlere. 

.Ønbprtiglc  vt  beat  in  (i  into). 

5nb<)ræg  fe  *)3ræg.    3nb|)ræg|e  vt  stamp  (i  on);' 
(inbftoerpe)  inculcate,  fe  3nb|)rente.   -ning  c  stamp- 
ing etc;  Onbftærpelfe)  iuculcation. 

^nb^jræfe  vt  en  nt  preach  st  into  one,  cramj 
st  down  one's  throat. 

.^nb^jubre  vt  powder. 

.Ønb))uni))e  vt  pump  in,  inject. 

5«bbuftc  vt  breathe  (i  into). 

.3nbjjæl|c  tt  enclose  with  stakes,  palisade. 
•ing  c  enclosing  etc. 

fnbraabe  tt  call  in. 
nbramme  fe  *JJebramme. 

+5nbromme  vt  frame. 

^nbrangclre  vt  range,    -ting  c  ranging. 

^nbravpottetc  vt  report. 

.^nbte  a  inner,  interior,  inward,  inside;  bet  _ 
Slfrifa  the  Interior  of  Africa,  Central  Africa;  ben 
~  Sl'lisfion  the  home  mission;  ben  -  Stemme  the 
inner  voice;  mit  _  ©tjn,  ^[e  my  mind's  eye; 
~  Urolig^ebT  domestic  disturbances;  _  S8ibne§bt)rb 
internat  evidence;  -  Særb  intrinsie  value,  bet  _ 
the  interior;  '■■SJfportementet  for  bet  -,  fe  ^nbrebep. 
3nbtc  n  interior;  Wenneffet?  _  the  heartofman, 
the  inner  man;  i  mit  ~  inwardly,  mentally. 

t^nbtcbe  tt  measure  (land  with  a  line). 

Jnbrrbe  vt  tit  up,  furnish. 

*3nbrcbe<)flttcmentet  the  Home  Department;^ 
anrr  the  Department  of  the  Interior. 

.gnbrebning  c  fitting-up,  conc  fittings. 

gnbrcuiftrcrc  U  register,  record,  book. 

^nbrcl)at)n  c  inner  harbour,  basin. 

^nbrejlfe  c  journey  et.  way  in.  -tejfenbt  ijC 
ingoing  travellers,    -trjft  a  arrived. 

3nbre  £tbftoltCf  pi  J,  thick  stuff  in  bilge. 

SnbtclmtSftonen  the  home  mission.  -nti&= 
fionéfelffab  home  missionary  society.  -ntié-- 
fionict  home  missionary.  City  missionary. 

Ønbrenbe  vt  overtake  (by  running). 

■f^nbrcwte  vt  yield,  bring  in. 

.3;nbte-®lem^oIt  a  ^  deadwood-knee  on  the 

3nbtet|te  tt  arrange,  put  in  order,  (til,  efter, 
adapt  for,  to;  _  fit  jpuS  flt  up  one's  house;  - 
(moge)  bet  foa  at  contrive  that;  (f.  (StS.  efter  %\U 
^ørerncå  SoneJ  adapt,  proportion  (to);  -r  fin  grem= 




gangémaobe  herefter  shapes  his  course  accordingly, 
—  tv  fig  arrange  matters;  -  fig  )()aa  at  be  pre- 
pared  to.  -nlng  c  -er  (Crbning)  arrangement, 
(goranftoltning)  contrivance;  (iioD,  StatSinbr.)  in- 
stitution, organization;  (befDcm  ^iibr.^  accom- 
modation;  (Cprcttelfe;  Stnftalt)  establishment;  -er 
appliances;  appointments,  contrivances. 

^nbrctiaterftaget  4,  tlie  inner  bobstay. 

vtnbribe  vi  (ribe  inb  [i])  ride  in,  into;  —  rt 
trtbe  runbt  om)  ride  round  (a  field);  '-'fe  iilrtbc. 
-Ife,  -n  c  riding  etc,  entry,  entrance  (on  horse- 

3nbrtbf|e  vt  scratch  (on).    -mIitb  c  scratehing 

+3;nbrift  c  rent. 

^nbrtgget  a  33aab  inrigger. 

^ntirinbe  vi  run  in. 

.^nbringe  vt  (omringe)  encircle,  surround;  - 
Sbin  ring  swine. 

.Sfnbringit  vt  (meb  ftloffe)  call  in  by  a  bell, 
ring  in,  _  WeSfen  ring  for  mass.  -ning  c  ring- 
ing  in. 

3nbrlfl|e  c^engrave,  carve.  -ning  cengraving 

.^nbro  vt  row  in. 

^nbrobe  vr  fig  i  bury  one's  seif  in,  burrow 
in;  ,fi(j  _  fig  i  *3rocegfer  entangle  one's  self  in 

^nbruQe  vt  roll  in;  (fammen)  roll  up;  tnb- 
rullet  a  ^  involute. 

.3:nbruIIer{c  vt  enrol,  -t  paant)  re-enrolled: 
labe  fig  _  enlist.  -ing  c  eurolment.  -ingSi^ef 
registrar-general  of  seamen.  -tngStontoc  naval 
rendezvous,  shipping  offlce.  -ingSofficiant  officer 
in  charge  of  a  rendezvous. 

-^3^brum  n  space,  extent. 

3nbrt)t  n  fe  9it)t=inb.  3;nbr^!|!e  vt  (flette  til- 
bage; move  farther  back;  _  i  en  Sibenbe  insert 
in  a  paper;  —  vi  (om  Solbater)  march  in,  enter. 
-telfe  c  (i  et  Slab)  iusertion.  -ning  c  moving 
etc.;  entrance;  insertion. 

.n;nbTqnt|e  vt  gather,  pucker,  -ning  c  gathering. 

^nbræffe  vt  hånd  in. 

^nbromme  it  grant,  admit,  concede;  (afftao) 
cede,  give  up  (en  nt  st  to  one);  jeg  -r  at  I  admit 
that;  jeg  -r  5}em  at  I  grant  you  that.  -Ife  c  -r 
admission,  concession. 

Snbrare  vt  mix  up  with. 

.^nblfaal,  -foolc  fe  3fnber=. 

^3nbfoge  fe  QnDiaoe. 

3nbfoIt|e  vt  salt,  pickle.    -ning  c  salting  etc. 

^nbfaløe  vt  anoint,  rub  in. 

.^nbfamlle  vt  collect,  gather;  _  fjorraab  lay  up 
a  store.    -Ung  c  -er  collection. 

t^nbfonbe  pi  sands. 

^nbfante  fe  3nbfamle. 

^nbfatS  c  -er  (i  Spil)  stake,  stakes. 

^nbfatie  vt  saw  into,  cut  into. 

3nbfc  vt  see,  perceive,  comprehend,  be  sen- 
sible of.  -cnbt  n  superintendence;  ijaoe  ~  meb 
superintend;  t)aw  ~  meb  at  see  that. 

fflnbfcgl  w  seal 

-t^^nbfejle  vi  sail  in,  enter. 

.^nbfrjling  c  entering;  (Stibgleb)  entrance, 
approach;  unber  -en  on  entering.  •—  3nbfe)(tngé| 
f^r  leading  light,  -gebqr  inward  pilotage.  -leb 
c  entrance,  channel.    -mætte  leading  mark. 

3nbfenbe  tt  (fenbe  inb)  send  in;  (oDerfenbe) 
remit,  transmit;  -bt  ^Irtttct  letter  to  the  editor. 
-Ife  c  sending  in;  forwarding,  transmission,  -r 
c  -c  .»^ender;  remitter,  trau.smitter;  (af  !iJibrog, 
$enge  ofo.)  contributor;  (i  et  SBIab)  correspondent. 

^nbrtbber  c  -e,  fe  Onberfte. 

^nbfibe  c  inside;  X>aa    n  af  inside  (of). 

*3nbfig  n  (slow)  approach,  advance,  pouring 
in  lof  tish  towards  the  land). 

3«t>ftgclfc  c  -r  objection,  exception,  protest, 
remonstrance,  Jiir  demurrer;  gøre  el.  neblocgge 
!raftig  _  imob  take  stroug  objection  to. 

^nbftgt  c  -er  insight  (i  in,  into),  (thoroiigh) 
knowledge  (of),  information  (atle  ub.  pi);  efter 
min  _  in  my  opinion,  as  I  view  it. 

£lnb|igtning  c  sighting. 

^nbfigtSfulb  a  well-lnformed,  intelligent, 
skilful,  competent. 

i^nbftaar  n  fe  3nbfnit.    -e«  o  fe  ^nbffære. 

Snbffanfe  vt  entrench. 

3nbftib{e  vt  ship,  embark;  _  paa  Mi  re-embark, 
reship;  —  vr  fig  embark,  take  ship;  _  fig  paa  nt) 
re-embark.  -ning  c  shipment;  embarkation. 
-ning^Sfteb  place  el.  port  of  embarkation.  -Hingå^ 
tib  hoiir  el.  time  of  embarkation. 

^nbffiffe  vt  send  in. 

■t-3nbfloIe  vt  (qjlanter)  traln. 

^nbftrible  vi  fall  In,  give  way;  fig  fe  Stribe  inb. 
-en,  -ning  c  falling  In  etc;  fiy  Interference,  in- 

^nbffrift  c  -er  inscrlption,  legend. 

3nbftrid|c  vt  (fom  ^nbftrift)  inscribe;  (inbfare) 
enter,  book;  labe  fig  _  enter  one's  name,  be 
entered,  (for  at  rejfe  meb  ^often)  book  one's  self 
at  the  post  offlce;  -§  fom  Stubent  be  entered  at 
a  college;  bet  er  -ftreoet  i  mit  fjerte  it  is  inscribed 
on  my  heart,  -ftreoen  i  geom  inscribed  in;  -ftretoet 
fruentimmer  reglstered  el.  licensed  prostltute. 
-ning  c  entering  etc;  (fom  røeblem  af  et  Unioerfttet 
el.  ©elflab)  matriculation.  -ning^Iontor  booking 
-Office.  -ning§))enge  (f.  ®f§  poa  ^Jioften)  booking 
-fee;  (fom  Seltager,  aJleblem)  entrance  monev; 
(f.  ®f§.  neb  et  Uniuerfitet)  matriculation -fee. 

^nbffrue  vt  screw  in  (into). 

3nbffrutnp|e  vi,  -e8  vd  shrink,  shrivel.  -en 
■ning  c  shrinking. 

^nbffruning  c  screwing  In. 

3nbffrænt|e  vt  restrlct;  (begrænfe)  limit,  con- 
flne;  (tun  fig)  circumscribe;  —  vr  fig  (leoe  fpor= 
fommere)  retrench;  bet  -r  fig  tit  it  is  confined  to; 
~  fig  til  coufine  one's  self  to.  -et  a  restricted, 
etc;  (Wonarti)  limited;  (af  2tanb)  weak,  of  a 
conflned  intellect,  of  mean  capacity,  shallow; 
i  _  Sorftanb  in  a  limited  sense;  —  adv  -.  60  noget 
_  be  rather  cramped  el.  conflned  for  room. 
^nbflrffnt|etl|eb  e  shallowness.  -ning  c  -er  limit- 
ing  etc,  limitation,  restriction,  circumscription; 
(af  Ubgiftet)  retrenchment;  (9JioDiftfatton)  modifl- 
cation,  qualiflcation. 

.3:ttbftub  n,  pi  =,  (SSibrag,  ?lnbel)  contributiou, 
quota;  (»eb  ^nbtræbelfe)  entrance  fee;  it  5<ant) 
deposit;  (i  Strift)  interpolation;  fe  ^nbftubSbætte, 
■plabe.  —  3nbffub8]bætte  (Søm.)  false  ceiling, 
sound-floor.  -))liibe  (til  23orb)  (sliding)  leaf. 
■fcng  sliding  bed. 

Snbffure  vt  furrow,  rub. 

^nbfft)b|e  vt  (fftjbe  inb)  shove  in;  (i  Sfriit) 
insert,  put  in,  (foigagtig)  interpolate;  (f.  ®tS. 
©tnbbag)  intercalate;  meb  -ffubte  miate  inter- 
leaved;  _  et  Oeoær  prove  (a  gun);  (om  ^enge) 
pay  in;  _  en  noget  suggest  to,  inspire  with,  put 
into  one's  head;  fe  St^be  inb;  —  vr  fig  unber  en 
fejere  ^omftot  appeal  to  a  higher  tribunal,  -elfe 
c  -r  suggestion,  inspiration;  min  forfte  _  my  flrst 
impulse;  fulgte  Stolt^ebenS  _  foltowed  the  dic- 
tates  of  her  pride.  -er  c  -e  (i  iBanf)  depositor. 
•ning  c  shoviug  in;  insertion,  interpolation; 
S3ø«ferneS  _  trial  of  the  guns,  determining  the 
range  of  the  guns. 

^nbft^Qe  tt  (om  Søen)  wash  in;  vi  rush  in, 
pour  in. 

3nbff«r|e  vt  cut  in  (into),  carve;  .1,  (©nbe, 
fiøber)  reeve;  —  vr  fig  i  make  Indentations  In; 
—  inbffaaren  (f.  (Sfl.  Stjft)  Indented,   ^  inci- 





se(d).  -ing  c  -er  cutting  etc,  incislon;  conc  notch,  i 
score;  indentation.  -ittoSbrø  4>  flxed  skids.  1 
.^nbfttet^e  vi  inculcate,  enforce,  enjoin  (en  1 
Ilt  st  oii  one),  bring  home  (to).  -Ife  c  inculca-  '• 
tion,  injunction. 

.^nbftaa  vt  (©em   o.  1.)  drive  in;  (i  Stytfer) 
knock    in,    break,    smash;    (planter)   cover    up, 
earth;    (S3og6.)    fold   down;    +  =  ©laa  inb  ^^aa. 
.^itbflag  brimstone  (for  casks).     .^nbflagnino  c 
(af  ®t)iiaole)  marking.    .^nttjIagSmine  camouflet. 
3inl>fIo9t|e  vt  kill  (cattle)  for  salting.    -niiifl 
c  killing  etc. 
fVnbflejfning  c  dove-tail  hole. 
.^nbf(tb|e  vt  grind  in  (into),   flt  on  by  emery 
-grindiiig.    -ntttø  c  grinding  in. 
.^nbfiipning  c  admission. 
Jnbflitbrc  vt  slabber,  svip  up  hastily. 
anbflugc  vt  \t  gjebfluge. 

.S^nbflutnre  vi  fall  asleep;  -be  iJtbenffafier  dor- 
mant  passions.    +-£n  languor,  lethargy. 
.Jnbfltttte  fe  ^nbeflutte. 

.3nbf(^ng|e  vt  (fltjnge  inbj  sling  in;  (flange  Jotn» 
men)  twist  in,  tangle.    -ning  c  twisting  etc. 
rVttbflæbC  vt  drag  in  (into). 
.^nbflcenge  vt  fling  el.  hurl  in  (into). 
.^nbftøre  vt  veil,  shroud. 
3nbfineU|e  vt  melt  down.    -ning  c  melting 
f^nbftnergte  vt  fe  J^nbfribe. 
.C^nbfnttgce  «jr  fig  ^o§  en  ingratiate  one's  self 
With  Olie  (by  flattery),  insinuate  one's  self  into 
one's  fdvour.    -n  ingratiatiou.    -nbe  a  ingratia- 
ting,  ingratiatory,  insinuating. 

;3nbfntug(|e  vt  smuggle  (in).  -ling  c  smug- 

.^nbf mete  vt  rub  el.  smear  (with  au  ointment); 
_  meb  gebt  grease.    -Ife  c  rubbing  etc. 

.^nbfne  vt  snow  up;  -et  snowed  up,  snow 

^nbfner)>|e  vt  constringe,  constrict,  contract. 
-ning  c  contraction. 

3nbfntg|e  vt  smuggle  in  et.  into;  —  vr  fig 
slip  in"7  creep  in  (into);  _  ftg  i  en8  ®unft  insinu- 
ate one's  self  into  one's  good  graces.  -elfe, 
•ning  '•  creeping  in. 

.Qinbfnit  n,  pi  =,  incision,   cut,   notch,   (meb 
Sao)  keif. 
i^nbfno  vt  tv/ist  together,  entangle. 
3nbfn<er|e  vt  ensnare;  (tnbtni6e)  constrict.  -Ing 
c  ensnaring  etc. 

.3;nbfnæt»r|e  vt  narrow,  straiten;  -§  narrow;  -t 
®anip  wire-drawn  steam.  -ring  c  narrowing  etc; 
(3?ej)  narrow  pass,  pass,  deflle;  (of  ^abet)  strait, 
straits,  channel,  sound. 

.3fnbfner{c  vt   lace  in,   lace  tightly.     -ing  c 
lacing  in. 
.^nbfovet  part  fallen  asleep. 
^nbf))ate  vt  save. 

.^nbftiiUe  vt  bring  out  the  tone  of;  gobt  be 
(om  ?gerfoner)  well  practised  together. 

.^nbfpinble  vt  enclose  in  a  web;  ©ilteormen 
i)at  inbfpunbet  ftg  the  silk  worm  has  .spun  its 
cocoon.    -ing  c  enclosing  etc. 

§ttb|f))Iibfe,  -\pUi\e  vt  splice  in. 
nbf)>r(cng{e  vt  burst  open,   force  open.    -t  a 

^nbftirøitje  vt  squirt  in(to),  injeet,  syringe. 
-ning  c  injection.  -ningSati^arat  (3)mt).)  feed 
injector.  -ningSl^ane  (Smp.)  injection  cock  (o.  ff.). 
-ttingSmaftine  injector.  -ning^ør  (3)mp.)  injec- 
tion pii)e. 

.3fnbf)icenb|e  vt  clasp,  buckle;  stretch;  (5)rein.) 
mount.    -ing  c  clasping  etc. 

Snbf))æt|re,  -ring  fe  ^nbefpcerre. 

^nbftage  vt  stake  in,  enclose  with  stakes. 

.^nbftalble  vt  stall.    -ning  c  stalling. 

-ning  c  mor-I 

.Snbftampe  vt  ram  in,  drive  in. 
+^nbftcbe  vt  admit. 
+3nbftemme  vt  fe  gjnbootere. 
3:nbftcmime  vt  (Snebf.)  mortise 
fVnbftcm}>le  vt  stamp. 

5nbftifte  vt  institute,  ordain.   -Ife  c  institution 
-Ifeéfeft  festival  of  the  institution.     -Ifedorb  pt] 
appointment.    -r  c  -e  institutor. 

^nb^igle  vi  fe  ©tige  inb.    -ning  c  Stepping  i: 
(into),  eutering. 

3!nbftlt|te  vt  thrust  in,  put  in,  stick  (in);  tub= 
ftuHen  SJaag  mortise-lock.  -jærn  (sBltt.)  horse. 
•fer  c  -e  vD  stealer,  stealing-strake.  -ning  <• 
thrusting  in  etc.;  (SSogb.)  inset;  (af  ftnappenaalf) 

.^nbftillle  vt  (foreflaa)  propose,  (til  ©mbebe) 
nominate,  (gejftligt)  present;  (Wafline  o.  1.); 
(oberlabe)  submit;  _  fine  ^Betalinger  suspend  e(. 
stop  payment;  komitéen  r  (ipaa)  at  the  committec 
recommends  that;  ben  -be  the  nominee;  -t  ^agt 
xhooting  in  a  wood  sourrounded  by  beaters;  — 
vr  fig  appear.  -Iclig  a  adjustable.  -ting  c 
proposition;  nomination;  presentation;  adjust- 
ment;  (Somitéé)  report;  (til  (Sfiamen)  recom- 
mendation  (to  his  Majesty)  for  meritorious  pas- 
sing.  -lingéret  right  of  nomination,  (til  gejftl 
©mb.)  advowson. 
^nbftobbe  vt  stuff  in. 

-^2nbftorme  vi  rush  in  (like  a  whirlwind). 
+|5nbftromme  vt  constrict,  tighten. 
^nbftranb|c,  -ing  fe  ©tranbe. 
^nbftrege  vt  score,  mark. 
^nbftro^j^je  vt  J^  strop;   -t  93lo!  block  with 
strop,    -ning  c  titting  of  blockstrops. 

.3«bftr^g|e  vt  rub  in.  -ning^fit  slitting-flle, 
screw-head  file. 

.gnbftrø  vt  strew  (among),  intersperse,  throw 
in.    -elfe  c  strewing  etc. 

.^nbftrøntlme  vi  stream  in,  (ogf.  fig)  pour  in 
el.  into.    -men,   -ning   c  streaming  etc,  influx, 
inflow.    -ningéaabning  (2)mp.)  injection-oritice. 
.^nbftubecle  vt  study,  con,  get  (by  heart);  mui 
practise;   (om   et  ©tqtte  paa  Jeatret)  labe  _  put 
into  rehearsal.    -ing  c  studying  etc;  Ⱦre  unber 
_  be  in  rehearsal. 
rjnbftnbfle  vt  lop,  cut  down.   -ning  c  loppiugfi 
Snbftuffen  fe  ^inbftiHe. 
.^nb^ubjc  vt  stow  in,  take  in.   -ning  c  stowi 
.^n^ftQttc  ^'  patch  in,  piece  in 
.^nbft^ttlc  vi  fall  in,  give  way;  —  +  vt  knock 
in.    -ning  c  falling  etc 
I     ^nbftcen'big  a   urgent,   pressing,  earnest;  — 
i  adv   urgently,    earnestly;   bebe  _  beseech.    -fteb 
j  c  earnestness,  urgency. 
]     .^nbftænge  vt  enclose  with  stakes  el.  posts. 
I     ^nbftcebnle   vt   summon,    cite;   _  en  ©ag  for 
I  ^øjeftecet  bring  an  action  in  the  Supreme  Court; 
'  _  unber  t^albSmaal  sub-poena.    -te  c  the  defeu- 
j  dant,  (i  otåfe  Soger  ogf.)  the  respondent,    -ing 
c  summons,  citation. 

.^'"'ftable  vt  thrust  in,  knock  in.  -ning  c 
[  thrusting  etc. 

}  .^nbfngle  vt  suck  in,  absorb;  (ogf.  fig)  imbil)e; 
j  fig  tabe  _  imbue  with;  -enbe  Sor  absorbent  vessels. 
,  -ning  c  sucking  etc,  absorption. 

.3!»^fitI|>'C  vt  candy,  ice,  preserve  with  sugar. 
j  -ting  c  caudyiug. 

.3!nbfbtgt|e  vt  ,1,  swift,   swifter.     -ningStatie 
swifter-tackle . 
1      ^nbfuinbje  vi  shrink,    dwindle  away,    waste 
I  away.    -ing  c  shrinking,  wasting. 

§nbfoingning  c  »»»7  locking  up. 
nbfoob|te  vt  fumigate  with  sulphur.    -ting  <■ 
I  fumigatiou  etc. 







(tnbfti«b  H  envelope.     ^nbftiøble  vt  euvelop, 
wraj>  up,  muftle  up.     -ninfl  >■-  wrapping  etc. 

^nSft)  vt  sevv  up,   stitch   in;   embroider;    (St)= 
maffiiifi  try. 
^nbf^be  \t  3nb!oge. 
3nbf^U|e,  -niitfl  fe  Sqlte. 
^nbfQtige  vt  practlse;  gobt  -fungue  well   prac- 
tised  together. 
r^ntiftjning  c  tuniing-ln. 
^ttlifjjnfic   vi  sink  in;  inbfunlne  jfine  sunken 
eye<      -ning  c  sinking  in. 
+^nbf^rtng  c  ensilage. 

^MbfcEblc  vt  (Sfægget)  lather;  (%ei)  soap.    -en, 
-»ing  '•  latliering,  soaping. 
r^ttbficntning  c  dent,  indent,  hollow. 
3nbfæt|tc  vt  (fætte  tnb)  put  in  el.  into,  place, 
insert,  fil  in,  fix;  (2(5betft.)  set;  (ma^t)  step;  (3ærn) 
ease-harden;    (i   Sængfel)    imprison,    commit    to 
prison;  (fatfte  a;ænber)  put  in;  ((Smbeblntænb)  in- 
stall,   in8ta,te,    _    igen    reinstate;    (feftligt)   inau- 
gurate,  (en  ^Uræft)  institute,  (en  iSiflop)  enthrone; 
(i    Spil)   stake;    (i   Sanl)   deposit;    _  font    $ant 
pawn,  pledge;  I)an  inbiatte  ^am  til  fin  3lrbing  he 
made   him  his   lieir;    jRet  til   at   inb'   og   affætte 
right  to   make  and   unmake,  to  make  and  de- 
pose;  -  i  fit  Steb  sulistitute.    -ning  c  setting-in; 
case-hardenlng.     -telfe   c    putting   in   etc;    im- 
prisonment;  pawning;  installment;  iuauguration; 
enthrouisation;  reinstatement. 
^nbf«  c  lake,  «c  loeh. 
^nbføagtig  a  lakelike. 
■tgnbfam  c  inside  hem. 
r^nbf«mme  vt  hem. 

^ubtag  n  (»eb  SSanbl.)  iutake.  3nbtag|e  vt 
take  in;  (i  @fib)  ship,  take  on  board;  _  paa  ni) 
reship,  reload;  ('^(ob?)  take  up,  occupy;  fill; 
(TOaaltib)  partake  of;  (TOebicin)  take,  swaHow; 
(peb  (SlflBærbigt)eb)  captivate,  charm,  fasfinate; 
_  en  )iit),  gæflning  carry  a  town,  fortress;  _  33oEaft 
take  in  ballast,  ballast;  pære  tnb  taget  af,  i  be 
taken,  smitten,  captivated  with;  Bære  -t  for  be 
prepossessed  in  t'avour  of;  Bære  -t  imob  be  pre- 
judiced  against.  -dig  a  that  can  be  taken,  not 
impregnalile  (Saftning  etc.)  -elfe  c  (af  Sp  etc.') 
taking,  earrying;  (af  Sattaft)  taking-in  (of  bal- 
last), ballasting.  -enbe  <i  captivating,  fascinating, 
engaging,  charming,  prepossessing,  winning;  libet 
_  unprepossesslng;  bet  -  i  {)enbeg  SSæfen  the 
fascination  et.  charm  of  her  manner.  -enbe  n  J. 
capaciiy.  -enfieb,  -etljeb  c  prepossession;  admi- 
ration,  infatuation.  -ning  <•  (Sttiln.)  taking  in, 
narrowiug,  diminishing. 
rVnbtale  vt  jvr  claim;  reclaim. 
(tnbtapDie  vt  (i)  mortise  el.  tenon  (into).  -ning 
c  mortising. 

3nbtegn|e  vt  note  down,  write,  enter  (in  a 
bookj,  book.  -elfe,  -ing  c  noting  etc.  -ingS' 
tontor  n  booking-ofHce. 

^nbtil  praj)  {%it  og  Steb)  to,  as  far  as;  up  to; 
(tun  Sib)  tlll,  until;  _  Ȍret  1400  down  to  the 
year  1400;  øm  -  Sbag^eb  tender  to  weakness; 
en  Wultt  af  -  a  fine  not  exceeding,  fe  SBibere; 
cojy  until,  till;  faa  længe  _  until. 

^nbtilben^  adv.  goa  ~  turn  one's  toes  in- 
wards,  be  parrot-toed. 

^nbttnge  vt  i  Koft  (f)o8)  board  (with);  —  vr  fig 
b.  f.     -tfe,  -n  c  boarding. 

^nbtog  n,  pi  —,  entry,    entrance;  ^olbe   fit   - 
make  one's  entry,    ^nbtogd^fijtibelig^eb  solemn 
entrance  el.  reception. 
r^nbtoib  c  iib.  pi  importation  duty. 
^nbtotbe  fe  gortolbe. 
nnbtrine  et  step  in. 
^nbtrufTcn  fe  3nbtræffe. 

(^nbtr^t  »1,  pi  =,  impressiou;  gøre  et  gunftigt 
_   poa   impress    one   favourably   (o.   fl.);    ger   et 

flærft  -  is  very  impressive;  gøre  et  _  af  at  con- 
vey  the  impression  that;  mobtagelig  for  -  im- 
pressionable.  ^nbtrqt|te  vt  impress,  imprint; 
(trptte  inbab)  press  inward;  force  in;  200  i  JetSten 
-fte  Sort  200  maps  intercalated  with  the  text. 
-ter  c  -e  (i  Ur)  knot.  -ning  c  -er  impressing, 
etc;  conc  depression,  impression,  indentation. 
-t  a  depre.ssed;  ^  retuse. 

ftnbtrplte  vt  (i)  conjure,  charm  (into). 

^nbtrtcbe  vt  tread  in;  _  et  ©»m  i  goben  run  a 
nail  into  one's  foot. 

^nbtrabe  et  (træbe)  walk  in,  (ogf.  fio)  enter; 
(fiænbeS)  happen,  occur,  come  to  pass,  set  iu, 
supervene;  (begpnbe)  commence;  _  i  en  gorening 
join  an  association;  _  i  en8  Steb  take  one's 
place,  replace  one;  Beb  -nbe  fieflig^eb  as  oppor- 
tunity  offers.  -Ife  c  entrance;  commencement; 
occurrence.  -IfeSpenge  entrance,  entrance  fee, 
initiation  fee.  -lfe§t>CKbiten  inaugural  sermon. 
■(feState  inaugural  discourse. 

^nbtræffc  vi  (antomnte)  arrive;  (^ænbeS)  happen, 
occur,  fall  out;  (fulbbprbeS)  be  accomplished, 

3!nbltrætte  vt  draw  in,  drag  in  el.  into.  -ning 
c  drawing  etc;  (Slit)  raising  in. 

^nbtrængle  vt  (ffaffe  inb  meb  9Kagt)  force  in, 
thrust  in,  squeeze  in  el.  into;  —  vr  fig  obtrude 
one's  self,  intrude;  —  vi  fe  STrænge  inb.  -Ife, 
-elfeSeonc  (©eoær?)  penetration,  -en  c  intrusion, 
entrance.  -enbe  a  impressive,  forcible,  earnest; 
bpbt  _  penetrating.    -ning  fe  -en. 

*3nbtuIIe  vt  huddle  up  (in). 

ftnbtnr  c :  paa  -en  on  the  passage  in. 

^nbtPinge  vt  force  in,  squeeze  in  el.  into. 

^nbtægt  c  -er  income,  revenue;  (af  Sfuefpit, 
Koncert  ofp  )  receipts,  takings,  proceeds  vl.\  ^ar 
betpbelige  -er  has  a  large  income;  _  og  Ubgift 
receipts  and  expenditure(s);  ^ape  en  Smule  _  af 
make  something  by;  for  at  l)iælpe  paa  -erne  by 
way  of  eking  out  one's  income;  tage  tit  -  ap- 
propriate,  ioc  (f.  (£f§.  Srifleparer)  discuss.  —  3nb= 
tægtéibog  books  of  receipts.  -tllbe  source  of 
revenue.  -tonto  account  of  receipts.  -^>oft  item 
of  revenue.    -flbe  creditor's  side. 

3nbtæl|Ie  vt  count,  count  over.  -ling  <•  count- 
ing  etc 

.Hinbtffnbt  a  -.  arrig  savage,  furious. 

^nbtentmere  pi  J>  timbers,  ribs. 

^nbtør  a  thoroughly  dry. 

(^nbt«rre  vt  dry  up;  -8  vd  be  dried  up;  lifrumpe 
inb)  shrink. 

.3<nbut|tion  c  pMl  k  phyt  induc'tion.  -Hon«^= 
apparat  inductive  electrical  machine.  -tiond' 
eletfricttet  induced  eleotricity.  -tionSruile  in- 
duc'tion l)obbin.    -ii'O  a  induc'tive. 

^nbulgené'  c  indulgence. 

*3nbutt'ber  praii  (in)  under. 

3nbué'5lobEn  the  Indus. 

^nbnftri'  c  in'dustry,  indus'trial  arts,  tråde. 
-bripenbe  a  industrial;  —  c  manufacturer;  ben  _ 
Slasfe  the  industrial  el.  industrious  classes.  -cl' 
a  industrial.  -forening  Society  of  Arts.  -gren 
branchof  industry.  -))robutt  produetofindustry. 
-ribber,  -ribberfte  swindler,  p  swell  mob  -ftole 
industrial  school.  -ubftidtng  Industrial  Exhibi- 
tion;  fiuuft«  og  -  Exihibition  of  Art  and  Industry. 

fVnbooaner  c  -e  inhabitant. 

^nbonlte  vt  fuU  close. 

.^nboalfe  vt  roll  in. 

3nbPan|brc  vi  immigrate.  -brer  c  immigrant. 
•bring  c  immigration. 

rtnbPar^e  vt  warp  in. 

3nbtiarS{(e  vt  fe  3nbftæone;  (beramme)  appolnt, 
announce;  fig  inaugurate.   -ting  c  fe  Subftæoning. 

Snbøenbe  vt  (imob)  object  (to);  jeg  f)ar  intet  at 




_  bcrimofi  I  have  no  objection;  ber  er  meget  at  ~ 
imob  there  are  strong  objections  against. 

^nbuenbig  a  intemal,  iuward,  iuside;  bet  -e 
the  inside,  interior;  -  ©erniiig  in-door  work; 
_  ^irte  house-maid;  _  jomfru  lady-help,  _  95in!el 
intemal  angle;  adv  internally,  invvardly;  le  - 
laugh  iuside;  _  fra  from  the  iuside. 

^nbocnbtng  c  -er  objection  (imob  to  el.  against); 
gere  -er  urge,  raise  el.  make  objections;  demur; 
ingen  _  gøre  offer  no  objection;  bet  er  ingen  _ 
imob  that  is  no  argument  against. 

§nbOetd|Ie  vt  change.  -liitfl  c  changing. 
nbtJtC  rt  consecrate,  (til  nt,  fig)  dedicate; 
(om  ifte  tirfelige  ©eremonier)  inaugurate;  (^ræfter) 
ordain;  (i  en  ^lemmelig^eb)  initiate  in,  take  into 
(a  secret);  be  -be  the  iuitiated,  those  (who  are) 
in  the  secret.  -Ife  c  consecration:  dedication; 
inauguration;  ordination;  initiation.  —  ^xCtt- 
t)ielfc8|fcft  inaugural  solemnlty.  -flllbe  inau- 
gnral  feast.  •))r(cbitcn  inaugural  sermon.  -tale 
inaugural  address,  i.  discourse. 

^tibtJtg  c  creek,  cove. 

^nbttitjle  vt  (inbfoøBe)  fold  up,  wrap  up;  (Bringe 
i  Urebe;  forbirre)  entangle;  (meft  fig)  Involve, 
implicate;  (i  ©trib  o.  begl.)  embroil;  _  Eanbet  i 
en  Srig  embark  the  country  upon  a  war;  -t  i  en 
SommeniDoergelfe  mixed  up  in  a  conspiracy;  — 
vr  fig  i  get  entangled  in.  -let  a  intricate,  com- 
plex;  gare  -  complicate;  intrigen  Bliber  mere  og 
meie  _  the  plot  thickens.  -Itng  c  folding  etc.; 
involution;  entanglement;  intricacy,  complica- 

3;nbtiil(lt)8e  vi  i  grant,  comply  with;  _  i  at 
consent  that.    -Ife  c  granting  etc;  consent. 

^nbtiinbe  vt  (oitle  inb)  wind  up,  roll  up. 

.^nbttinble  vt  (fortjene)  earn,  gain;  (faa  tilBoge) 
recover;  (2anb)  reelaim.  -ittfl  c  recovery,  re- 

•■'^nbtiintre  vt  keep  through  the  winter. 

9nbt)irte  vt  (arbejbe,  Dcebe  inb)  work  in,  weave 
in  el.  into;  -t  9lrbejbe  tigured  work. 

3nbk)itt|e  vi  xx^a  exert  influence  on,  aet  on, 
react  on,  operate  on,  influence,  affect.  -cnbe  a 
influential,  active;  gram  transitive,  -ning  c 
influence;  action. 

3;nJ)»tfc  vt  show  in. 

.^nbOotSc  vi  grow  in  el.  into. 

^nbttolbejj^  '+3nbbolb  c)  entrails,  bowels;  ^ørenbe 
til  -ne  intestinal.  —  .3nbtioIb§|Iære  splanchnology. 
-orm  intestinal  worm. 

3nb»Jortel>  a  inward,  internal,  inner;  fe  3nbre; 
—  n,  te  3nbre  n;  —  adv  inwardly,  internally; 
_  fra  from  within. 

^ttbtiotere  vt  elect  by  ballot;  _  i  vote  Into. 

^nburibc  rt  twist  in,  wrench  in  el.  into. 

^nbtingge  vt  fe  3fnbbt)8fe. 

.^nboætning  c  J,  cutting  (a  ship)  through 
the  ice. 

.^nbocclte  vt  &  i  roll  in,  tumble  in  el.  into. 

^nbk)(et)|e  vt  weave  in  el.  into.  -nittg  c 

3;nb^m^)e  vt  fe  ^nbpobe. 

^nbqnbe  vt  en  ^o§  gain  one  the  favour  of;  — 
vr  fig  fioé  ingratiate  one's  self  (with). 

^nboebe  vt  fig  swallow;  —  vr  ftg  i  eat  into. 
^nbæbt  a.  ~  ^orme,  SKafert  suppressed  anger, 
indignation,  rage;  —  adv.  _  arrig  mad  with 
suppressed  rage. 

^nbælt|e  vt  knead  into.  -ning  c  kneading 

Snbæffe  fe  3nbftæt)ne. 
nbætfe  vt  etch  in;  imprint  by  cauterization. 
^nbnfle  vt  pour  in,  bale  in.   -ning  c  pouring 
^nbeoe  vt  practise,  exercise,  (Solbater)  train, 

discipline,   (8ie!ruter)  drill;  ($eft)  break.    -Ife 
practising  etc,  training  etc;  drilling;  breaking. 

iVnertf'  c  inertia. 

.^nftt'ttt  a  in'famous.  -e'te  vt  render  infamous, 
brand  with  infamy;  -erenbe  a  infamous,  igno- 
minious.    -i'  c  in'famy. 

^nfant'  c  -er  infan'te,  in'fant. 

.ijnfanteri'  n  -er  in'fantry,  foot  (soldiers).  -gene« 
ral  general  of  infantry,  -officer  c  infantry  officer. 
-regiment  foot  regiment:  anbet  _  the  second 
(regiment  of)  foot.  -fnficl  infantry  sabre.  -ft'  c 
-er  foot-soldier. 

§nfantin'be  c  -er  infan'ta. 
nfcftio'ngftjgbom  c  infectious  disease. 

^nfcrna'lff  a  infer'nal. 

^nflce're  vt  infecf.    -ting  c  infection. 

^nflUrcl're  vt  filter  in;  —  vr  ftg  infil'trate. 
-ring  c  inflltra'tion. 

.^nfiniteftmarregningcn  the  inflnites'imal  cal- 

.JJwfln'itio  n  -er  gram  the  infinitive  (mood). 
-ifl  a  infin'itive,  infinitival. 

.3;HfIam!mat{o'n  c  -er  inflamma'tion.  -mato'rift 
a  inflam'matory.    -me're  vt  to  infla'me. 

fVnflue're  et  );)aa  influence. 

.^nf(uen,)a  c  the  influenza. 

^nfocmlatio'n  c  -er  lessons  pi.  -nto'r  c  -er 
tutor,    -e're  vt  give  lessons. 

^infn'S  11  infu'sion.  -io'nSb^r  n  iafu'sory,  pi 
infusories  el.  infuso'ria.  -o'rier  pi  b.  f.  -o'rle- 
jorb  fe  SBiærgmel. 

ingefær  c  ginger,  Amomum  zingiher;  fijltet  ~ 
preserved  ginger;  banfl  _  cuckoo-pint,  wake 
-robiu,  Arum  maculatum.  -olje  ginger-oil.  -ti 

^wgen  a  (bebføjet)  no;  (obfolut)  none;  siib-it  no 
one,  nobody;  _  aiiben  no  other;  _  Slnbcn  nobody 
else;  _  anben  enb  bu  no  one  but  you;  jeg  ^ar  "_ 
fet  I  have  seen  none;  _  af  bem  (om  to)  neither 
of  them;  _  af  bem  talte  (they)  neither  of  them 
spoke,  ?l5enge  ^abbe  ^an  _  af  money  he  had 

^ingcni«  r  c  -er  engineer.  -arbejbe  operative 
engineer.  -totpé  engineer  eorps.  -officer  officer 
of  the  engiueers.   -tunft,  -Uibenffob  engineering. 

^ngcniaS  a  inge'nious. 

^ttgcnjtunbe  adv  by  no  means,  not  at  all. 
-^nbe  adl)  iiever.  -fom^etft  a  no  .  .  .  whatever; 
none  whatever;  «  no  one  whatever  (fe  ^ngen). 
-ftcbS  adv  nowhere.  -ftebS^en  adv  nowhither. 
-tib  adv  never.  -ting  nothing;  (om  jeg  fif  bet) 
for  -  at  a  gift;  tabe  fom  _  look  innocent,  look 
as  if  nothing  were  the  matter;  bet  gør  ^an 
fom  _  he  makes  nothing  of  that.  -tiegne  adv 

^ngermanlanb  n  Ingria. 

.3ngrcbicn§'  c  -er  ingre'dient. 

^Jt^obi'I  a  disqualified;  gøre  _  disqualify. 
-ite't  c  disqualiflcation. 

^n^nlaltion  c  -er  inhala'tion.  -tion3a{i)>arat 

enttibete  vi  inhib'it. 
n^uman  a  unfeeling,   unkind,  harsh.    -ite't 
c  harshness. 

§nf)ær{ent'  a  inhe'rent  (in),  -e're  vt  insist  on. 
niti|a'(er  pi  initials,  -al^aftigbeb  initial 
velocity.  -altraft  momentum.  -oti'O  n  init'ia- 

Swjeltio'n  c  injec'tion. 

.^nfulrtant'  c  -er  insulter,  libeller,  -'rte  c  -r 
insult,  defamation,  (ftriftlig)  libel.  —  3f«j«'rifl  = 
ptoeté  action  for  insult  el.  libel.  -'re  vt  insult. 
-fag  libel  case. 

.^ntamine're  vt  commence,  institute,  open. 

^ntapa'bel  a  inca'pable. 

^ntarnlation  c  incarna'tiou.    -c'rct  a  inca'r- 




nate;  ben  -rebe  Zaalmobig^eb  the  incarna'tion  of 

^nlaålfatio'n  c  fe  3nbfa«fertng.  -fa'tor  c  -er 
collector  (of  debts),  receiver,  -fe're,  -'fo  c  fe 
^nbfalfere,  -ring. 

^nflinaiio'n,  c  love,  fanoy;  fTOagnetn.)inclina'- 
tion,  dip.  —  ^nIlinattand|fompa§  dippiug-com- 
pass.  •noaf  dlpping-needle.  •parti  love-match, 
marriage  of  sentimeut.  -uinfcl  angle  of  in- 

^nHuftUe  adp  (Bagefter)  inclu'sive,  (foran)  in- 
clnsive  of,  including. 

3!nfommenfura'beI  o  incommen'surable. 

.Ci^ntontmobe'rc  vt  incommodate. 

•tcnt'  a  incom'petent. 

S'nfonfellttenI'  c  inconsistenry.  -luent'  a  in- 

f^nfonuenitnå'  c  -er  inconve'niency. 

JntorporCrc  vt  inco'rporate. 

Jnfruftc're  vt  incrust. 

.^nfubaitto'nSttb  period  of  Incuba'tion.  -'tor 
c  -er  inciibator  (for  infants).- 

C^Htuna  bier  pi  incunabula. 

^nfurn  bel  a  incu'rable. 

Ontoilrcnt'  c  -er  jur  examining  magistrate. 
-re're  vt  examine.  -'flt  c  -er  prisoner,  criminal, 
culprit.  'fition  c  inquisit'ion.  -fitton^'tjener 
familiar.    -fito'rtff  a  inquisitorial. 

fVnneroatio'tt  c  innervation. 

5nfcft'  n  -er  in'seot.  -bræbenbe  a  insect 
-killing,  -fenber  eutomologist.  -laroe  larve, 
(of  an  insect).  -(tgnenbe  a  insectile,  insect-lilie. 
-((cre  entomology.  -noal  pin  of  entomologists. 
-<)u(uerinsect(-destroying)powder,  vermin- kiiler. 
•famler  collector  of  insects.  -famling  coUec- 
tiou  of  insects.  -ocrbenen  the  insect  world. 
-(Ebcnbe  a  insectiv'orous.     -tebere  insec'tlvores. 

^ttfcra  t  n  -er  adver'tisement. 
^nfibta'8  a  insid'ious. 
^ttfig'nter  pi  insiguia  pi. 
^nfinujant'  a  insin'uating.    -ntio'n  c    er  in- 
sinua'tion,  innuendo.    -c're  vt  insin'uate;  —  or 
ftg  insinuate  one's  self. 

fnftfte're  vi  insist  (paa  on). 
nfolBlenå'  c  insol'vency.    -ent'  a  insol'vent, 
fe  %amt. 

3nfpef|tio'n  c  inspection.  -ttonS^aoenbe  a 
superiutendent;  _  Dffi«r  inspectlng  officer. 
-tton^mønftring  muster  for  inspection.  -tlOtt§^ 
rejfe  tour  of  inspection.  -tri'ce  c  -r  (pofp.) 
matron.  -t«'r  c  -er  inspec'tor;  ~  paa  2æfedærelfet 
Superintendent  of  the  Reading  Room. 

^»fVtce'Ire  vt  inspect,  examine.  -ring  c  in- 

^nfpirjatio'n  c  -er  inspira'tion.  -e're  vt  in- 

Jnfpiéfe're  vt  inspis'sate. 

^nftabilite't  c  instability. 

^nftaillere  vt  install.    -atio'n  c  Insta'lment. 

3rtftan8'  c  -et  jur:  førfte  _  court  of  the  flrst 
in'stance;  i  førfte  _  in  the  first  instance;  i  fibfte 
_  in  the  last  resort,  finally;  be  Iat)ere  -er  the 
courts  below. 

3«fttMft'  n  -er  in'stinct.  -mceSfig  a  instinct'- 
ive,  intuitive,  —  adv  instinctively,   by  instinct. 

.^nftitut'  n  -er  school;  -erne  pl^  jur  the  Insti- 
tutes.  -beftQrer,  -beft^rerinbe  c  school-master, 
s.  mistress.    -io'n  c    er  institu'tion. 

3nftrtt|e're»«instruct,givedirections,  f  coach, 
-  en  3url)  direct  el.  charge  a  jury. 

3nftruc'ring  fe  3nftruttion. 

^nftrufS'  c  -er  instructions  pi. 

^nitvnUio'n  c  -er  instruction,  direction.  -t'titt 
c  inslructive.  -!t«'r  c  -er  (Bærer)  iustruc'tor; 
^oeb  eteercis)  drill-instrnctor;  (Scene--)  stage  ma- 

nager; ((5Ieti=)  instructor  of  aspirants  for  the 
stage;  (©ang<)  conductor.  •It«'rftoI  conductor's 

Sfnftrument'  n  er  in'strumenl.  -o't  a  instru- 
men'tal.  -almufit  instrumental  music  -e're  vt 
adapt  for  the  orchestra.  -e'ring  c  instrumenta- 
tion, -ift'  c  -er  instrumen'tist.  -mager  c  e  in- 
strument-maker;  f^ftl!  _  philosophical  i.;  opttft 
_  optician,  maker  of  Optical  instruments. 

^nfuborbinlatio'n  c  insubordina'tion.  -ationS= 
forfeelfc  militarj'  offence.  -c'ret  a  insubo'rdinate. 

§nfutaner'  c  "insular,  islander. 
ttfttit'  c  -er  in'sult.    -e're  vt  insult',   -e'ring 
c  insult'ing. 

ijnfurgent'  c  -er  insur'gent. 

3nte  adv  p  not. 

3nte|gra'I  n  -er  in'tegral.  -gralregning  c 
integral  calculus.  -gre'renbe  a  integral,  -grite't 
c  integ'rity. 

^nteUleftuel'  a  intellec'tual.  -igcné'  r  in- 
tell'igence.    -igent'  c  iutell'igent,   intellec'tual. 

.pfntenbant'  c  -er  intendant,  commissary.  -u'r 
c  inten'dancy,  commissa'riat.  -urforraab  com- 
missariat  stores.     -urOflefenet  the  commissariat. 

^ntcnlflte't  c  intensity.  -fiu  a  (ftært)  inten'se; 
-t  9Iger6rug  high  farming  el.  culture. 

^ntcrbift'  n  -er  in'terdict;  belægge  meb  -  iuter- 

3tttere8|fattt'  a  in'teresting,  of  in'terest:  i  -e 
Dmftænbtg^eber  in  an  interesting  situation  el. 
condition.  ^iwtereé'fe  c  -er  in'terest;  ^aoe  el.  t)tfe 
_  for  interesl  one's  self  for;  f)Ot)e  _  af  have  an  in- 
terest  in;  finbe  _  i  take  (an)  interest  in;  bet  ligger  i 
min  -  at  it  is  (to)  my  interest  to;  bet  ligger  itfe  i 
min  _  it  is  not  to  my  interest;  i  9?etfærbigtieDen3 
~  in  the  interests  of  "justice;  »oretage  en?  _  look 
after  one's  interests;  9Jt)Ijeben§  _  the  charm  of 
novelty;  uben  _  uninteresting.  .3tttereéfel«3  a 
nninteresting;  uninterested.  3f»'frt^lfen*'  «  -'^ 
shareholder.  -fent'flab  n  Company,  association. 
-fe'rc  vt  interest;  concern;  —  vr  ftg  for  interest 
one's  self  for,  take  an  interest  in;  _  fig  leoenbe 
for  take  a  lively  interest  in.  -fe'ret  a  (Sgenftab) 
self interested,  covetous:  Ⱦre  ~  i  have  an  in- 
terest in,  be  concerned  in;  _  i  at  concerned  that; 
ftcerft  _  i  closely  interested  in. 

^nterferené'  c  interfe'rence. 

^nterfolie're  vt  interleave,  interfoliate.  -ring 
c  interleaving. 

^nterjim  n  provisional  arrangement,  -imift'ifl, 
-tm8=  a  provisional,  temporary.  —  ^nterimSI« 
aftte  scrip.  -betitS  provisional  certiflcate.  -f»>lt= 
tering  receipt  ad  interim,  -minifter  minister  ad 
interim,    -regering  c  provisional  government. 

§nteri«'r  n  -er  inte'rior. 
nterjectio'n  c  -er  gmm  interjec'tion. 

3nterltneo'rot>erfættelfc  c  interlin'ear  transla- 

3ntcrIoIuto'riefenbelfe  c  interloc'utory  decree 
el.  judgment. 

3ntermej'50  n  -et  interlude,  intermezzo,  inter- 

fVntermitte'rcnbe  a  intermit'tent. 

ftntcrnattona'l  a  international. 

iJnternla't  n  -er  boarding-school;  boarding 
-house,    -e're  vt  confine  to  the  interior;  interne. 

^nterpeUlant'  a  -er  questioner,  interpell'ant. 
•atio'n  c  -er  question;  ftiHe  en  -  til,  b.  b.  f.  -Cre 
vt  (en)  put  a  question  to  (one),  interper(late). 
•e'ring  c  questioning. 

3nterpo|Ie're  vt  (ogf.  math)  inter'polate.  -it'- 
ring,  -latio'n  c  -er  interpolation. 

^interpunigere^  -Ite're  vt  interpoint,  point, 
punctuate.  -ge'ring,  -ttio'n  c  punctuation. 
-ttionétegn  punctuation  mark. 

^nterreg'num  «  interregnum. 




rVtitemal'  n  -ler  in'terval. 

5ntfi"»«t|c'te  vi  interve'ne.  -itnt'  c  er  inter- 
vener,   -tjo'n  o  interven'tion. 

^nterliteiB'e  [eng.]  vt  interview. 

^ntefta'taroing  c  heir-at-law. 

3wtet  a  neiit  fe  Jungen;  (©ubffanttti)  flet  _  nothing 
at  all;  fion  ogter  bet  for  _  he  sllghts  it;  regne« 
for  ~  goes  for  nothing;  faa  gobt  fom  for  _  ($ri?t 
ifor  next  to  nothing,  at  an  almost  nominal  prioe; 
beraf  blioer  ber  _  it  can't  be  done,  Ijon  iiat  -  af 
SProberen?  SBærbig^eb  he  has  none  of  his  brother's 
(lignity;  fitio  ~  ttouer,  _  oinber  nothing  ventnre, 
nothing  have;  tjoor  _  er,  tiar  fteiferen  tobt  fin  9?et 
where  nothing  is  to  be  had,  the  king  must 
lofie  his  right;  et  _  (a  mere)  nothing,  noiighi; 
ban  fflnfer  tilbage  til  et  ~  he  sinlcs  to  nothingness; 
_  imob  (i  Sammenl.  meb)  nothing  to;  fe  5DHnbre 
-(ct)))>enbe  fe  -figenbe.  -!)ft>  c  nullity,  nothing- 
ness. -(arte  blank  letter  bill.  -fan  n,  øram 
the  neuter  gender.  •fettS--  neuter.  -ftgrnbe  n. 
insigniflcant,  nnmeaning,  fatuous.  -ftcbS  ac/v 
nowhere;  bet  '^ører  _  hjemme  it  is  neither  here 
nor  there. 

rtnti'm  a  in'timate. 

3itHinafto'tt  c  introduotion,  preamble. 

^ntimibere  vt  intim'idat«. 

.gwtimite't  c  in'timacy. 

3tttolc|rmt'ce  c  intol'erance,  intolera'tion. 
-rottt'  a  intol'erant. 

(<^tttow|c'rc  i^in'tonate,  into'ne.  -atio'n,  -e'rtng 
c  intona'tion. 

^wttobcr  pi  revenue(8). 

^ntronfljent'  o  &  «  intrans'igent. 

^ntranfttiti  a  intransitive,  neuter;  —  n  -er 
intransitive  verb. 

3ntr}|oant'  a  intri'guing,  scheming;  —  c  -er 
schemer,  intri'guer.  -'ge  c  -r  intri'gue,  plot 
(ogf.  theot),  machination.  -ge're  vi  intri'gue;  — 
•t  vf  [fr.J  embarrass. 

^wtrifa't  "  (inbbiftet)  intrioate;  (fnebig)  artful. 

Sntrobnlce'te  vt  introduce.  -Itio'n  c  -er  in- 

^ntuitio'n  c  intuit'ion. 

^nu(i  n  n  in'uline. 

.^itoali'b  a  In'valid  (el.  invali'd),  inflrm;  — 
e  -er  in'valid,  disabled  soldier,  valetudinarian. 
^ntialtbet)øf))ital  hospital  for  invalids.  ^ntta= 
libe're  vt  inval'idate. 

.^ttuafton  c  -er  inva'sion. 

^ttuetti'Bcr  f)l  inven'tives. 

^ntientariclgcnftanbc  fe  -fager.  -gob§  stores, 
•tifte  inventory.  -fager  articles  of  inventory, 
stores.  t-fft'Ufi"  «lerk  of  the  lost  property 
Office,  -ft^tte  article  of  the  inventory.  ^'tttien- 
ta'rinm  n  -ter  inven'tory;  stores;  (til  en  >5ebrtft) 
plant;  (SJonbbr.)  dead  stock. 

^nbcnlte're  vt  (opftnbe)  invent';  (optegne)  in- 
veutory.  -tio'n  c  -er  inven'tion;  (f.  (£f§.  i  Ur) 
works.    -tt«'8  a  inven'tive,  ingenious. 

3ittter|fio'n  c  inversion,    -te're  ?f  invert'. 

Sitoeftittt'r  c  inves'titure.  -ret  right  of  inves- 

.^nbiitatto'n  c  -er  invita'tion.  -t'e  c  -r  in- 
vitation; (i  aS^tft)  (first)  lead.  -te  re  vt  (inbb^be) 
invite;  (i  SS^ift)  lead;  _  paa  ©éfet  lead  from  the 
ace;  ~  i  en  ^atte  lead  el.  open  a  suit. 

ijtiuoloe'te  vt  involve,  imply. 

g-Ontl^b  I-mutation. 

^D'beTmorgen  odv  the  dav  after  to-morrow. 

3»)0t|te,  -titng  fe  ^nbpotte. 

^preéfc  fe  ^nbpreSfe. 

3r'  e  ærugo,  rust  of  copper,  verdigris. 

3;ra'itift  a  Iranian. 

^rtt  c,  pi  =,  fe  Srlænber. 

^ret'telagge  vt  produce. 

3ret'tefætte  vt  reprove,   rebuke,    reprimand. 


reprimand,  reproof,  rebuke. 


©mag  taste  of 


r    ; 



.^rgang  c  maze,  labyrinth. 

grrbtum  n  irid'ium.    -ilte  irid'lc  oxide 

3;tié  c  <t  alle  93ett)b.)  iris.  -e'renbe  a  Irides'cent 
-e'ret  a  i'risated.    -e'ring  c  irisa'tion. 

3!tiff  c  -er  linnet,  Fringilla  eannabino. 

3rii^|mnSling  ear-shell,  Haliotin.  •irXfl  irisa- 
tion,  irisated  print 

.^rlotib  n  I'reland.  -ff  a  I'rish;  _  9J?o§  pearl 
moss,  caragheen,  Chonarus  crinpiit. 

2rl>)8  n  will  o'the  wisp,  Jack  o'lantern 

.^rlcnber  c  -e  I'rishman ;  cont  bog-trotter; 
-ne  pi  the  I'rish;  joc  Pat,  Paddy.  -in'be  c  -i 

§rote'fer  c  -e  Ir'oquis. 
ro|ni'  c  i'rony.   -'nitet  c  -e  i'ronlst.  -titfere 
vi  speak  iron'ically.     -'wlf!  a  iron'ieal;  —  adv 
ironically,  by  way  of  irony. 

3rrotio|no'I,  -itel'  a  irrat'ional;  _  Starrelfe 

+3frre  it  fe  a;irre. 

+3rre  vi  (fare  Dilb)  err. 

3rre  (©rre)  c»  rust. 

.^rregulær  a  irreg'ular. 

grrelcuont'  a  irrel'evant 

^rrcUgiø'S  n  irrelig'ious 
ness,  irrelig'ion. 

Srret  «   æruginous,   rusty; 

iVrrtng  «  -er,  fe  iBilbforelfe,  f^ejltogelfe 

Srrtlta'bet  «  ir'ritable.  -tatio'n  c  irrita'tion,, 
-te're  vt  ir'ritate. 

.^frfl  a  Irish;  _  ^nbfalb  Irish  bull,  Hibemianism.j 

-^3irtlej  c  mistaken  way,  error. 

fVrt»tngl|a'tter  c  -e  Ir'vingite.   -onfl  a  Irvingite. 

itrere  vt  J,  (Slnfertooet)  bend. 

§8  c  ice;  (fpifel.)  ice  (-cream);  fftjbe  -en  throw 
oft"  the  ice  in  thawing;  bringe  en  paa  glat  _  get 
one  into  a  scrape;  br^be  -en  break  the  ice;  mit 
S31ob  biet)  til  _  my  blood  froze. 

.^fabcllefnrtiet  a  isabel-coloured.  1 

.3§|afl«tet  a  iced.    -ogttg  a  icy. 

Jfffit  Jesse. 

'  O^f'mi'tnett  adv  fe  ©ammen. 

3£(|anb  long-tailed  duck,  Anas  glaciali«.  -aitter 
ice-anchor.  -bonb  ice-boat.  -baanb  ^  pointers 
pi.  -bab  ice  bath.  -bante  bank  of  ice.  -bofå 
Ice-pack.  -beliolber  fe  -ftab.  -belagt  o  coated  el 
covered  with  ice. 

fV'ében  n  sharebone 

^'Slbjierg  iceberg.  -bjørn  polar  bear,  C7?» 
murinus.  -blint  ice-blink.  -bio!  block  el.  (flab; 
slab  of  ice.  -blomft  ice-plant;  (paa  SRitbe)  ic^ 
-fem.  -børn  ice-guard.  -borb  ice-table.  -brogr 
cleft  in  the  ice.  '-branb  injury  on  the  grasi 
from  ice.  -bro  bridge  of  ice.  -brobb,  -brobbe' 
ice-spur;  amr  calk.  -btub  breaking  up  of  ihe 
ice.  -brl|ber  ice-breaker;  (Suab)  ice-boat.  -br« 
glacier.  -brætfet  fe  -brijber.  -bracnbt  a  (om 
@rceSfet)  frost-bitten  (by  being  covered  with  ice). 
-branb  ice-well.  -bubbing  iced  cream.  -bnnbcn 
a  ice-bound.  -bteger  ice-cup.  -bcelte  ice-beli, 
(langs  ftijften)  ice-  toot.  -beSf e  freezing-pot.  -botte 

Sfce'nefættetfe  c  getting-up,  get-up,  mise-en 

3;'§|banMeIfe  formation  of  ice.  -brett,  -brift 
drift  of  ice.  -btit  iced  drink.  -b«e  iced  pigeou. 
•bælte  covering  of  ice.  -bællet  a  covered  with 

3ffe  vt  &  i  ice,  _  tnb  vi  become  ice-lx)und,  vt 
cut  in  (through  the  ice);  _  ub  cut  out  (through 
the  ice);  -  op,  fe  95æfte;    nbe  tolb,  fe  SsSfolb. 

*3fe  c  -r  porpoise.  Delphinus  phoccemi. 

3*cbbJ!e  o  anhydrous  vinegar. 




(tfcnl^ob  c  -er  hardware  shop.  •fartie  black 

afenfl'  fe  eeiig. 

Jfenjfrnm  hardware,  ironmongery.  -Iram^ 
fian))cl  hardware  business,  -trcemmer  hardware 
man,  tin  and  iron  man.     -ftiærte  fe  -farBe. 

3fer  c    e  ice-cuter.    3fet  a  icy. 

3S  fort  c  tour  el.  travelling  on  the  ice.  -faft 
a  lce-l)Ound.  -feiiber  ice-fender.  -fiftcri  fishing 
on  the  ice.  -f{(c(b  mountain  covered  with  ice. 
-flflbe  plaln  of  ice.  -flage,  -flnfl  sheet,  tlake  el 
(liben)  patch  of  ice;  (ftor)  floe.  -form  ice-forni 
-fri  o  free  from  ice.  -froSfen  a  frozen,  con 
gealed.  -fugt  kingflsher,  Alcedo.  -gang  driftin.u 
of  ihe  ice,  drift-ice.  -glaé  frosted  glass.  -gran 
«  hoary.  -grabering  gradnation  by  freezing. 
-f-groct  a  ice-covered.  -goerbe  moraine.  -Ijau 
icy  sea,  frozen  sea;  Arctic  sea  (bet  norbliget, 
Antarciic  sea  (bet  ftjblifle).  -dati^farer  Arctic 
navigator  (o.  fl.V  -l|Ub  {Xx^a  ©fib)  ice-sheathing. 
•t)u§  ice-house.    -^«ft  icecrop.    -^ebl  ice-planc 

.^figtieb  c  (i  Xræ)  shake,  shakiness. 

3finb'e  fe  ®inb. 

3f}ng  c   er,  fe  Slette  (3ift). 

'■3ftng  c  fe  3flaq. 

3'é'-I«!el  icicle.  -fage  Ice  cake.  -falu  caM 
of  ice;  fe  Sfig^eb.  -lam))  hummock  of  ice. 
•tanten  the  edge  of  the  ice. 

(jiåfario't  Iscar'iot. 

3'é'faSfe  ice-box,  ice-chest,  refrigerator.  *-fo» 
sludge.  -flanful  ^.  ice-clause.  -t(um))  lump 
of  ice.  -tlæbt  a  covered  with  ice.  -flaft  (ffløft 
i  J^fcn)  cleft  in  the  ice;  (groftreone)  cleft,  crack 
caused  by  frost,  -fnolb  hummock  of  ice.  -lolb 
o  cold  as  ice,  icy,  key-cold,  ice-cold.  -Ira« 
bay-ice,  young  ice. 

3'ffnte  vt  screw  in,  fasten  with  a  screw. 

3  Sifr^ftol  c  ice-crj-stal.  -tHmme  ice-basin, 
ice-pail,  (p.  Sorbet)  ice-cellar. 

^Sfæibcr  ice  cellar. 

^  fjænfe  vt  pour  in  el.  into. 

^  flære  vt  ^.  reeve. 

,s'«i  lalet  o  iced.    -føring  transport  of  ice. 

»"sflaa  vt  drive  in. 

^■s«(agt  a  covered  with  ice,  frozeu. 

»■^élnm  Islam.    -iS'men  c  Is'lamism. 

\'6  lanb  Iceland.  -lanbft  n  Icelandic,  Iceland; 
_  i'Iof  Iceland  moss,  Vetmria  islnndicn;  _  9lgat 
obsidian,  volcanic  gla*s;  —  n  Icelandic.  -lom 
great  northerndiver,  fo/i/»(6«»  aCacto/t».  •\ct%n, 
-logning  c  freezing,  congealing.  -((cnber  c  -e 
Icelander;  (^eft)  Iceland  pony.  -(icnberinbe  c  r 
Icelandic  woman  el.  lady.  -(ænbing  c  er,  fe 

^•flæt  c  woof.    -plfe  weft  silk.    -traab  shoot. 

^'øl løbningen  the  breaking  up  of  the  ice. 
-maage  ivory  gull,  Lnrui  eburnevs. 

^émnel  Ishmael.    -it'  c  -er  Ish'maelite. 

3'^  manb  ice-man.  -mart  field  of  ice.  -ma^ 
ftine  Ireezer,  ice-cream  machine.  -maSfe  mass 
of  ice.  -mejeri  dairy  on  the  Swarz  system. 
"•"-mort  pollack,  Gadvn  polio  chiua.  -mur  icy 

3é  nc  V*  chili,  run  cold;  bet  -be  i  mig  af  ©Iroef 
my  blood  ran  cold  with  fear;  bragte  mit  SBIob 
til  Qt  -  made  my  blood  freeze.  -nbe  a  freezing. 
•n  c  chili. 

.^'Sning  c  icing,  icc-cutting. 

^fojbar  c  er  i'sobare.  -ba'rift  a  isobaro- 
met'ric.  -b^no'mcrijnsodynam'ic  lines,  -go'ner 
pi  isogon'ic  lines,  -tli'ner  pi  isoclinal  lines. 
-tii'ntft  a  isoclinal. 

^follatio'nSgnlti  insulatlng  fioor.  -a'lor  '■ 
•o'rer  insulator.  -erftammel  insulating  stool. 
•c're  vt  i'solate,  in'sulate. 

3'^olie  anhydrous  sulphuric  acid. 

3folme'r(lft)  a  isomer'ic.  -meri'  cisom'erism. 
•morft'  c  isomo'rphisni. 

^lomf(ag  n  ice-poultice. 

^^Op  c  hyssop,  Hpnsopua. 

3fopo  ber  pi  isopods. 

^éo))ftuoning  c  ice  gorge. 

^foterm'  a  isother'mal;  c  -er  i'sotherm 

3;'é!<»attet  a  packed  in  ice.  -»»il  ice-utedle. 
-plante  iceplant,  flgmarigold.  Mesembryunthe- 
ntnm.  -4)loo  iceplough.  -))ofe  ice-baR.  -poft 
station  on  the  ice. 

3!'ft>r(cngntng  c  sprinkle,  sprinkling,  vein, 

.3'fVrcengt  a  sprinkled,  (om  %atot)  speckled, 

^'SllJunc^  iced  punch,    -ptti  starling. 

3'fi>ænbe  vt  buckle. 

3§raeltt'  c  -er  Is'raelite,  Jew.  -ift  a  Israelit'ic, 

3'Sfa»  c  ice-saw. 

3§fe  c  -r  crown  (of  the  head);  fig  top,  sum- 
mit, -ben  pi  skull  bones,  -tom,  -tant  edge  of 
the  skull  bones. 

*3<éfel  c  milt.    -flft  milter. 

3dfe|))(abe  upper  surface  of  the  crown.  -punft 
zenith,  vertex.    -Dintet  azimuth. 

.3;'e|fignater  signals  for  ice.  -ftob  icc-safe. 
-fto  shoe  for  walking  on  the  ice.  -flobfe,  -ftoflfc 
hummock  of  ice.  -ffolle  patch  of  ice.  -ftor)>e 
crustofice.  ''-ftur  cutting  of  theice.  -ftflreshake. 
-ftog  glazed  frost,  -f^jore  fe  -brobbe.  -ften  cryo- 
lite.  *-fto»t  fe  -førpe.  -ftormfugl  fulmar,  Procel- 
laria  glauialiH.  -ftQtte  piece  of  ice.  -ftocngfel 
fe  -mur.  *-fbun  ice-swell,  swelling  ice,  icefall. 
*-f»rVe  sludge,  (florre  ©tuffer)  brush  ice,  brash. 

.^ftaa'  adv :  goa  _  come  to  a  standstill;  er  gooet 
-  is  at  a  stand-still. 

3ftonb'  fe  Stanb.  -bringe  rt  bring  about. 
-fatte  vt  repair,  mend,  refit,  restore;  fan  -§  is 
reparable;  lob  fig  iffe  længer  _  would  mend  no 
more.    -fættelfe  c  -r  repair;  restoration. 

^'d|tange  tongne  of  ice.    -tap  icicle. 

3ftc'betfor,  iftebenf  or  pr«pp  instead  of,  in  lieu 
of,  vice. 

3'ftemme  vt  (ftemme  i  meb)  join  (in  singing), 
chime  in;  (begtjnbe  at  f^nge;  commeuce  singing, 
strike  up;  jig  agrce  to,  assent  to,  echo,  re-echo. 

Sfter  n  fat.  '-blomme  fe  glomme.  -bug  paunch. 
-feb  a  tull  of  fat.  -flomme  fe  giomme.  -ftjlbt  « 
fe  -feb.  *-filb  matie.  *-bibje  bay-leaved  willow, 
Salix  pentandra.  -oom  fe  6ug.  +-bommet  a 

^fil)me  c  -r  isthmus. 

3'8tiben  the  glacial  period  el.  age. 

3'ftitfe  vt  4,  pass,  (Slnfertob)  bend. 

3fl^t'ter  adv  fe  3tu;  bet  git  -  for  ^am  Jig  he 
broke  down. 

+3'ftænt  n  sprinkling. 

3'é!tærtc  ice-tart.  -oaage  opening  in  the  ice. 
-bonb  ice-water;  (S8.  fjølet  meb  3§)  iced  water. 
-btnter  severe  wintei-  -»»ogn  refrigerator  car. 
-bcetning  cutting  the  ice.    -Ⱦrt  ice-works. 

3fæ'r,  tfærbe'ieé^eb  adv  in  particular,  parti- 
cularly,  especially,  specially;  (t  b.  f.  f.)  Ijoer  - 

3'fætte  vt  put  in. 

.^éerten  c  icy  desert. 

^ta'llten  «  It'aly.  -lie  ner  c  e,  -lienerinb'e  c 
-r  Ital'ian.  -lienft'  a  Italian;  -ff  ©traa^at  Ltgliorn 
honnet  el.  hat;  _  ©progegenbeb  Ital'icisni;  —  n 
(Sprog)  Ital'ian.    -'ti^  a  Ital'ic. 

^'tatipe  vt  tap  (into). 

"^tel  c  fe  ftirtel. 

^tem  odv  i  tem,  also. 

♦Øtle  c  fe  2inte. 

"Strutten  purt  =  Oført. 




*3;'tr«l  n  attire,  dress. 

Jftræf  adv  fe  SCræl. 

^ttt'  ndv  in  two,  asuuder,  to  pieces;  broken; 
torn;  brælfe  -  break  in  two  el.  asnnder;  goo  _ 
go  to  pieces;  SSiiibuet  er  _  the  window  is  broken; 
Sraffen  er  -  the  coat  Is  torn.  -brubt  pirMnoken 
(to  pieres),  -reuentorn  (asunderj.  -ftaaet, -flagen 
smashed,  broken.  -faringen  c  bursting,  explo- 

goaa'r,  ittejen  fe  SBaor,  SBej. 

3fcr  c  zeal,  ardour,  eagerness;  meb  _  eagerly; 
^an?  -  for  ©agen  his  ardour  in  the  cause.  -fijg 
o  jealons  -fllfle  jealousy.  ^tte  vi  (imob)  de- 
claim,  aont  raut  (against),  (præbite  imob)  preach 

down;  (ror)  be  warm  for;  +  -i  vd  warm.    ^vvt 
c  fe  3Brigt(eb.    ^vttr  c  -e  zealot.   3»rlg  a  zealou^ 
ardent,   eager;    _   Samtale   animatcd   discourse 
-   efter  eager  for,   after,   on;   _  efter  el.  paa  af 
oager  et.  anxious  to.    .^^tTig^eb  c  zeal,  eagerness. 

3;oær!'  fe  SSærf.  -fætte  vt  carry  into  effect, 
execute,  give  effect  to.  -fæfteUg  a  practicabl^ 
feasible.  •f(ct'teltgt|cb  c  practicability,  feasit)ilitj 
-fattclfc  c  execution.  ^ 

3:«|'nc|folbcttbc,  -fpringenbe  a  easily  percepi 
ible,  conspicuous,  obvious,  marked,  glaring 
libet  -  inconspicuous. 

.^ø'refalbenbe  a  ear-catching. 

^fl'Oriflt  ado  besides,  for  the  rest. 


(font  S'oufonottt). 

3,  I  [^ob']  n  -ber  J,  j  [jay];  abhr:  jf.  =  jætonfør 
ep.,  compare;  ^ft-  =  Sfomfru  Miss. 

5«  fido  (belræftenbe)  yes  (Sir!  ma'am!),  ay; 
(i  ^øjttbelig  Sale)  yea;  (fttgeiibe:  ^oab  mere  er)  nay, 
indeed,  in  faet,  (or)  even,  moreover;  fiefBare  meb 
^a  answer  in  the  affirmative;  ber  Bor  fetS  ^an 
og  f^B  ^Wejer  there  were  six  ayes  and  seven  noes 
(i  DBer^ufet:  contents  og  non  contents);  _  men 
well,  but:  jo,  ^Bab  er  berBeb  ot  gøre?  well,  what 
is  to  be  done?  t)an  fif  Qa  (om  en  grier)  he  was 
accepted;  ja  Bet !  *ia  ba !  oh  yes !  fyes)  certainly. 

*3;«'»tc  vi  behave  et.  speak  foolishly.  ^aaU  c 
-r  silly,  soft,  nonsensical  woman.  .^^aaltng  c  -er 
noodle,  driveller. 

♦^obbc  vi  jog. 

£ta6iril'  c  jab'iru,  Mycteria. 

gn'brober  c  yea-brother,  echo,  Vicar  of  Brav. 

aofet  Japheth.    ^fofc'tlff  a  fe  ^apetift. 

*3flf§  n  suatch. 

309  n  hurry,  hubbub;  darting  pain;  bet  ^ar 
intet  _  there  is  no  hurry;  gøre  _  nub  toy,  romp 
With;  chaff;  •  et  _  ©ilb  a  drove  of  herring. 

3!ngc  {imp  ogf.  jog)  vt  (forføtge;  forjage)  chase; 
(jage  |)jorte  ofo.;  forføtge;  Bære  pao  3[agt;  fig  joge, 
^ige  [efter])  huut  (after);  (forbriBe)  drive  (away, 
off,  out  etc);  ^  chase,  ((ang§  ^anal)  traek,  et  -t 
6fi6  a  chase;  _  £ioet  af  en  kill  one  (with  fatigae); 
~  6ort  turn  et.  send  away;  -fro  t)Beranbre  scatter; 
■^on  6IeB  -t  fro  fin  ®aarb  he  was  turned  out  of 
his  farm;  _  en  (fig)  en  ^ugle  gennem  JpoBebet 
blow  out  one's  brains;  _  en  en  Soorbe  gennem 
SiBet  run  one  through  (the  body  with  a  svvord); 
-  inb  drive  et.  chase  in;  _  58i(bt  op  start  game; 
~  en  atger^Bne  op  spring  el.  flush  a  partridge;  - 
poo  Søren  turn  out,  send  about  his  business; 
~  poa  5lngt  put  to  flight;  —  vi  hunt,  shoot; 
hurry;  _  of  Steb  dash  et.  sweep  aloag;  _  efter 
fig  run  after,  be  after;  _  efter  SJtttig^eber  strive 
to  be  witty;  bet  -r  t  min  ginger  there  is  a  dart- 
itg  cl.  shooting  pain  in  my  finger;  ben  ^unb  -r 
ifte  poa  ^ore  that  dog  does  not  run  hare  -bolt 
►i  drifi-l)Olt.  -bag  fe  fjangebog.  -tjeft  (ffionalf.) 
track-horse.  -line  (tit  ^efte)  training  line;  (Sanal= 
fort)  track-rope.  -Ian  trackage.  -n  c  chasing  etc. 
-^)lab§  hunting  el.  sporting  ground. 

Sager  c  -e  J,  (jogenbe  ©tib)  chaser;  (Sejt) 
flying-jib;  fe  -fonon;  *(2ot8)  kelt.  -barbun  flying 
-jib  guy.  -bom  flying-jib  boom.  -falb  flyiug 
-jib  halyard.  -fanon  (bow-  el.  stem-)  chaser. 
•p9Vt   chase-port.      -fpi)tttenct)ftag   flying   mar- 

tingale stay.     -ff«be  flying-jib  sheet.     -ftanber 
flying-jit)  stay.    -iib^aler  flying-jib  outhauler 

3;agc|tro§fe  ^  hawser,  warp.  -bej  (lang§  Stonat; 
track-road.     Smagning   c  J,  trackage,   traekln 
fe  3ogt  2. 

Sagt  c  -er  (@Ii6)  sloop;  (S^ft=)  yacht. 

Sagt  c  -er  ehase,  sporting,  sport,  hunting, 
shooting;  (-ret)  right  of  killing  game;  (-portt) 
hunting  party,  shooting  party,  hunt;  (Sunft) 
huntsmanship,  sportsmanship,  sporting;  ben  Bilbe 
-  the  wild  hunt,  Arthur's  chase;  goa  poo  _  go 
(out)  a  shooting;  Bære  poo  _  be  (out)  shooting; 
fig  Bære  poo  _  efter  be  in  pursuit  of;  gøre  _  paa 
pursue,  (8ft6)  chase,  give  chase  to.  SKØtaftøS- 
ning  commutation  of  et.  Isuying  off  the  right 
of  chase  -atmanat  sporting  almanac.  -baab 
(til  JpDotf.)  whalingboat.  -bat  a  chaseable,  fit 
for  hunting  et.  shooting;  e  Sugte  game-birds. 
-bar^eb  c  being  fit  for  hunting  el.  shooting. 
-berettiget  o  having  the  right  of  hunting.  -be= 
tjening  situation  el.  employment  in  the  royal 
hunt.  -betjent  huntsman.  -bog  book  on  field 
.'iports.  -bt)tte  game;  bag.  -boiSfr  gun,  fowling 
-piece.  -bag  shooting  day.  -biftrift  hunting 
-ground(s).  -bragt  hunting  suit.  -ebberfop 
hunting  spider,  DHomeden  finbriata.  -ejer  one 
who  has  the  right  of  killing  game.  -elffer 
sportsman.  -embebe  fe  -betjening,  -embebåmanb 
one  employed  in  a  hunting  establishment,  -er« 
faren  a  sporting,  fe  -IQnbig.  -falf  gyrfalcon, 
jerfalcon,  Faleo  gyrfalco.  -flint  fe  -bøSfe.  -for= 
orbning  ordinance  concerning  the  chase.  -for= 
feelfc  sporting  crime.  -frl^eb  right  of  killing 
game.    -f«Ige  hunting  retinue  el.  party. 

Sagtgaleaé  c  J^  fore-and-after. 

Sagtlgarnhunting-net.  -ge»ærfe-bø8fe.  -grunb 
liunting  el.  sliooting-ground(s).  -grænfe  boun- 
dary  of  a  chase.  -gubinbe  Goddess  of  hunting, 
Diana.  -i)er[igt)eb  right  of  shooting  et.  hunting. 
-tjerre  sportsman;  fe  -ejer.  -^eft  hunter,  cover 
hack,  -blftorie  hunting-story,  sportsman's  tale. 
-^o(b  hunting  equipage.  -^orn  hunting-horn, 
bugle-horn.  -^unb  hound;  sporting  dog.  -^u8 
hunting-lodge,  h.-box.  -^»)(tne  fe  ^tjænefiunb. 
-jnntcr  gentleman  of  the  chase.  -tiHert  tield 

Sagtflub  c  yacht-Club 

Sagt|Ilæbecj)^  shooting  apparel.  -Intb  hunting 
-knife.  -frubt  rifle  gunpowder.  -tttnft  sports- 
manship, sportsman's  art.     -tt|nbig  a  skilled  in 





field  sports.     •fqntitgt|eii   sportinar   knowledge. 
-(eotiarb  fe  ®eparh. 

-^agtjlig  a  sporting. 

^oøtlliO  sporting  el.  sporlsmaii's  life.  -lod 
game  aet.  -(otigitining  game-laws.  -Iflft  love  of 
the  chase,  love  of  field  sports,  -orb  sporting 
term.  -orbcn  -i,  chasing  order.  •ottertræbelfcé' 
fag  ie  -fag.  -Jjarti  fe  -felffab.  -piff  Ininting-whip 
•raab  lialloo,  whoop.  •rcbifab  sporting  imple- 
ment.  -ret,  -rcttig^eb  right  of  killing  game. 
•reoier  ie  -biftritt  (frebet)  preserve.  -riffel  sports- 
man's  rifle.  -rubbert  single  rubber  played  with- 
out  fhanging  partners,  -fabel  hunting-saddle. 
-fog  action  el.  snit  under  the  game  laws. 

^agtfcjl  n  ^X,  sloop's  boom-mainsail. 

.^ngtjfclffab  hunting  el.  sbooting party,  -ftgnat 
signal  with  the  l)ngle;  J,-  signal  given  to  chase. 
-ffllt  badge  worn  by  gamekeepers,  -ffrig  fe 
-raab.  -flot  royal  hunting-lodge,  -flufe  sluice. 
•fprog  sporting  language,  -fprajte  light  fire- 
engiue  -f()t(b  hunting-spear.  -ftræfning  chase, 
hnntiug-ground.  -ft^ltepicture  of  hunting-scenes. 
-fteulcr  pi  shooting-boots  pi.  -tafle  game-bag. 
-tegn  shooiiug-ticket  el.  permit.  -telt  shooting 
-tenl.  -tib  hunting  e(.  shooting  season.  -tej 
sporting  apparaius.  -ubtrljt  sporting  term. 
•bont  a  traineil  to  field  sports,  -ocj  road  made 
for  llie  purpo.'<es  of  the  chase.  -bcjr  hunting 
el.  shooting  weather.  -ven  sporting  friend. 
-bogn  shooting-gig.  •oæfcn  hunting  el.  sporting 
matters  ni.    ^bæffc  fe  -tafte. 

jaguar  c  -er  jaguar,  Felts  onca. 

.^aberre  c  fe  3a6robcr. 

^ataran'ba  c  (black)  rose-wood,  jacaranda. 

anfef :  TOefter  -  (a  kind  of)  Punch. 

riofff  c  -r  jacket,  coatee. 

^alob  James,  bibl  Jacob,  -t'ne  Jac'obine, 
Jamesi'na.  -i'ner  c  -e  Jae'obin.  -iner'  Jacobin. 
•ineri'  »,  -iS'me  c  Jac'ol)inism.  -t'nermunt 
Jac'obine.  -i'nff  a  Jacobin'ic(al).  -it'  c  Jac'obite. 
—  ^afobåjblomft  marsh-mallow,  Althæa  otfici- 
nalin.  -græS  ragwort,  Senecio  Jacobcea.  •Itrfeit 
St.  James.  -muSling  scallop,  Pccten  jicobæus. 
ftato  <■  (^nftrument)  Jacob'sstaff.  -ftigc  Jacob's- 
ladder  logf.  iBlomft  Polemonium  cnndeum).  -urt 
fe  -nrceS. 

f^atonct'  71  jac'onet. 

.Ø'atu(bøne)  c  guan,  Penelope. 

^ala]^  t)ar))it3  resin  jal'ap.    -rob  jalap. 

3allonn«'r  c  -er  mil  javeliu-mau. 

^aloufi'  c  {p(  er)  jealousy;  (for  3Jinbue)  (vvin- 
dow)  blind,    half-blind;   pi  i.  loovered  boards. 

Jamaica  n  Jamaica,  'pebtr  J.  pepper,  Pi- 
iiienta  aromatica.  -roui  Jamaica,  -træ  J.  log- 

^am|be  c  -r  iambus.    -itff  a  iambie. 

jammer  c  lamentation  wailing;  (©tenbig^cb) 
miserv;  en  _  at  fe  a  miserable  sight.  -bal  vale 
of  sorrow  el.  tears.  -fulb  a  lameutable,  deplor- 
able,  doleful.  -flage  fe  Qammer.  -leje  bed  of 
sorrow.  O^ontmerlig  a  miserable,  wretched,  pi- 
tiable.  3!ammertigi^eb  c  wretcheduess,  pitiable- 
ness.  ^uwmerifang  doleful  ditty.  -flabe  a  great 
pity,  a  thousand  pities.  -flrtg  doleful  cry, 
wail.    -ftin  miserable  el.  woful  sight. 

f^antne  c  club-moss,  wolfs  claw,  Lyopodium. 

.3amre  vi  &  r  (fig)  wail;  _  ooex  bewail.  -u  c 

.^antSrob  fe  ?)amé. 

*3an  c  (i  Spil)  devole. 

^anl^a'gcl  n  rabble,  tag-rag  and  bob-tail. 
•9)cal)eii-$fobbe  fe  Soartfibe. 

Oiauitft^a'r  c  -er  Jan'izan,'.  -mufit  Janizary 
el.  Turkish  music. 

Baufe  c  proo  soft  woman.    -t  n  soft,  silly. 
anfeulidme  c  Jan'senism.  -ift'  c  -er  Jan'senist. 

^anua'r  c  Jan'uary.  -^eftet  the  number  for 

^aorb  n  betrothai;  ^olbe  _  celebrate  one's 

^a')>an  n  Japan',  -e'fer  c  -e,  -eferln'be  c  -t 
.Tapane'se.  -e'ftfl  a  Japauese,  Japau;  —  n  (Sprog) 

Øapc'tiff  a  Japhet'lc. 

3appe  0.  fl.,  fe  Sjappe. 

*3or,  3ore  c  edge,  e«p  selvedge,  selvage. 

jargon'  c  (Kaiiberoælff)  gibberish;  (Jagfprog, 
forogtl.)  cant;  (i  begge  9Jet.)  ja'rgon. 

3a'rl  c  -er  earl;  jparalb  -  earl  Harold  -baaren 
a  earl-born.  —  ^Tl^^orwearrs  child.  -{Obamme 
n  earldom.  -fæbe  earl's  seat  el.  residence.  -t>xt- 
bigtieb  earldom. 

*3afe  c  hare. 

3;aft  n  fe  -eri.  3af(  c  rag.  ^affe  vi  fpjaffe) 
dabble,  paddle;  (flufte)  work  hastily,  carele.ssly; 

—  c/  _  af   slur  (over),    scamp;  _  fammen  jumble 
together;  _  til  (tUfinubfte)  soil,  bespatter,  draggle. 

—  3afte|l)0tteb  careless  worker,   triller,     -ri'  n 
dabbling  etc,  sloveuly  work,  hasty  work 

3o8mi'n  c  -ec  (Pirfelig)  jasmin,  jes'samine, 
Jmminium;  (2Juf{)  white  syringe,  PMladelphuo 
coronariuK.  -bloiuft  jessamine  flower.  -olie  oil 
of  jessamine. 

^aépi§  c  Jasper,  -^olbig  a  jasperated.  -opal 

'Qfottc  i>t  say  yes  to;  —  vi  meb  echo. 

.^atia  n  Java.  =9lbe  wanderoo  monkey,  macaque 
monkey,  Micanis  cynomolgus.  skaffe  Javan 
coffee,  "java.    -ne'fcr  c  -e,  -ueftff  a  Javanese. 

r);eanne  ®  Sire  Joan  of  Arc. 

^efttt  Jephthah. 

3eg'  pron  pen  I;  _  felP  I  myself;  ~  ultjffelige ! 
unhappy  me!  wretch  that  I  am!  jeg  gør  bet 
ifte  I  don't  (myself).  ^eg  n  -er  ego,  self;  et  the 
ego;  mit  anbet  -  my  second  self,  my  alter  ego; 
iian  tcetilet  fun  paa  fit  eget  _  he  thiuks  only  of 
unmber  one;  timi  eget  fære  _  his  own  dear  self. 
-^eb  c  individtiality,  egoity.  -^ebSf^ge,  +-fot 
egotism,  egoism.    -n-lig,  -n-fottig  a  egotistic. 

^enifci  c  the  Yenesay. 

.^enuQftol  c  (spinning)  jenny. 

.^cné  Jack;  t  (Solbat)  Tommy  Atkins;  en 
^igerneé  -  a  ladies'  man,  a  (male)  flirt. 

*3ente  c  -r  girl,  lass.    ^entuttge  little  girl. 

rjer'  pron  fe  6ber. 

^crbo'a  jerboa,  jumping  hare,  Dipiis. 

3eretttl'ia§  Jeremiah.  -a'be  c  r  lamentation, 
jeremi'ad,  jeremi'ade. 

^ertl^orofe  c  rose  of  Jericho,  Anastatica  hiero- 

Jerfeflliu  n  jersey. 

geru'falcm  n  Jerusalem;  bet  befriebe  -  Jeru- 
salem Delivered;  -§  Sromager  the  wandering  Jew. 
-åbqg  Fulham  barley. 

Se'fabel  Jez'ebel. 

^efai'oS  Isai'ah,  Esai'as. 

3;efuit'  c  -er  Jes'uit.  —  ^efuiterlgenerol  gene- 
ral of  the  .Fesuits.  -flofter  conveut  of  Jesuits. 
•orben  order  of  Jesuits,  soeiety  of  Jesus,  -ffole 
college  of  Jesuits,  -bæfenet,  ^efuitiS'men  Jesuit- 
ism.  3ffwitiw'*»c  c  -r  Jes'uitess.  ^efuit'iff  n 
jesuitical.  • 

.3efuS  Jesus;  _  ftriftul  Jesus  Christ;  3efu  Orb 
the  word  of  Jesus;  3efu  Strad^S  SSog  Ecclesiasti- 
cus.  -barnet  the  child  Jesus,  the  infant  Saviour. 
-papir  super-royal. 

£?eté'  c   r  jet'ty. 

3cton'  [fr.i  c  -i  counter. 

Sette  Henrietta,  Har'riet. 
e»n  fe  3æBn. 
3ibbe  fe  Stbbe. 
3o  ado  yes;   ^ar  ban  in'gen  SJornV   jo,    f)an  f)or 




maiifle  has  he  no  childrenV  yes,  to  be  sure,  he  i 
has  a  great  many;  bu  i)at  jo  Dæret  berV  you  have 
been  ihere,   have  you  iiotV   ber  er  ^on  jo   why,  | 
there  he  is;  2)6  ^or  jo  felD  famt^tfet  bcri  why,  you  i 
have   given   your   owu   consent;    bet  er  jo  noget  ■ 
Snof   that   is   nonsense,   you  know  el.  see;   I)an 
git  —  1)011  funbe  jo  ilfe  oiibet   he  went,   since  he 
could  not  help  it;  di  bibfte  jo  meget  gobt  at  didn't 
we  know  very  well  that;    ber  er  ingen  Soiol  om, 
ot  ifan  io  faar  bet  there  is  uo  doubt  but  that  he 
will  get  it;  ilte  foa  nlmiiibelig,  at  jo  not  so  general 
but  that;  jo,  ^an  er  ben  rette  ay,  he  is  the  right 
sort  of  fellow,  indeed;  jo  mere,  jo  6ebre  the  more,  : 
the  better;  jo,  jo!  yes,  I  dåre  say;  jo  bift  to  be 
sure,    (fiaanl.)   I   dåre  say,    over  my  left;   jo  iiof 
well,  yes. 

*^0  <:  -er  skua,  Lentris. 

^ob'  Jo'b. 

,3obtie  vi  job.  -r  c  -e  stockjobber.  -ri'  n 
stock-jobbing.  i 

.^obSjVoft  evil  tidings.    -Ireft  Job's  comfort.  j 

SorfcJ)'  c  -er  jockey,    -flub  j.  olub  (o.  P.). 

^ob'  n  (the  letter)  jay. 

3ob  n  l'odine.  -bit)  i'odide  of  lead.  -brint 
hydric  iodide.  -forbinbclfe  iodide.  -forgiftning 
i'odism.  -^olbig  o  iod'ic.  -{aliutn  iodide  ol 
potassium,  potassic  iodide.  -tticelftof  iodide  of 
nitrogen,  mercuric  iodide  (o.  f(.). 

3o'bIe  vi  jodel.    -n  c  jodeling. 

^o'blmetaØer  pi  iodides.  Soi'oform'  c  lod'o- 
Ibnn.  .Soblfnrt  6olt  iodate.  -ftjrc  lodic  acid. 
-f«lu  iodide  of  silver,  -tinttur  iodiue-water. 
-oanbftof  5e  -brint. 

3obort'  John;  -  uben  iionb  John  Lackland. 
-nc  Joan,  Jane. 

3ioftan'ncé  John.  -breb  earobbean.  -br«btr(c 
carobtree,   Ceratonia  giliqua. 

.^otianniterlorben  c  Orden  of  St.  John,  Order 
of  Malta,    -ribber  Knight  of  St.  John. 

3oItc  vi:  ,  af  Steb  brush  along. 

3oUe  c  -x  ^  (litle  Sartej)  yawl,  jolly-boat 
(StDffe  2:ot))  girtline.  -blol  girtliue-block.  -bom 
•i,  davit. 

.3;onifrn  c  er  (ung  *l5ige)  young  lady,  girl, 
maid;  (9Kb)  virgin,  maiden;  (litcl)  Miss;  ($uS=) 
house-keeper;  (33utitS")  shop-woman,  young  lady; 
(SBroIæpger)  rammer,  beetle;  (StjernebiUebe)  virgo, 
^  dead-eye;  ~  ?!)lario  the  Virgin  Mary;  ben  ^eliigi' 
_  the  (holy)  Virgin;  -en  i  bet  gronne  golden 
thread,  devil-ln-a-bush,  Niuelia  damatcena:  negnc 
-er,  ie  2:ibljø8.  -ogtig  a  maidenlike.  -beflag  J. 
dead-eye  binding,  -bur  lady's  bower.  -bage 
maiden  days.  ^iow'frubom  c  virginity,  maiden 
head,  maidenhood.  ^ontfrubragt  dress  of  a 
maiden.  ^otnfru'elig  «  (ubeimittet)  virgin,  vir 
ginal;  (?om  egner  fig  for  en  3f)  maideuly,  maiden 
.Siomfrueligtjeb  c  maidenliness.  .^ontfrul finger 
t'orn-flag,  gladiole,  GladioluH  communis.  -flot 
bevy  of  maidens.  -fob  maiden  foot.  -fabfel 
parthenogenesis.  -gang  maidenly  gait.  -gulb 
virgin  gold.  -((aanb  maiden  hånd  (o.  fl.).  -^aar 
hair-moss,  Polytrivhum.  -^onning  virgin  honey. 
-Iin§  brothel.  -tam  shepherd's  needle,  Venus' 
comb,  Seandix  pecten.  -larl  elfeminate  fellow. 
•Hofter  asylum  for  unmarried  feraales.  -tlæbfr 
p/ maiden  habilimentspZ.  -trand  bridal  wreath 
-træn  ter  c  -e  deflourer.  -ttiitføio  virgin  mercury. 
-litt  maiden  life.  t-t'øbe  sphinx.  -mælt  pkarm 
virgin's  milk.  .^omfruna'Ift  «  F'  smock-faced. 
.gomfrulolic  virginoil.  -pergament  vellum. 
•Iilabå  situation  as  a  housekeeper,  -ran,  -rot) 
rape.  -rofe  fe  ^rotitnS  .  -ratjer  ravisher  (of  a 
virgin).  -ftare  fe  -flot.  -ftanb  maidenhood. 
-foami)  virgin  agaric.  -foenb  fe  -tarl.  -fttout 
virgin  sulphur.  -ftifcrm  tirst  swarm  of  a  bee- 
hive.      t-f^ge    green    siekness.      -tale    maiden 


speech.    -trane  demoiselle,  Ardea  virgo.    -»ol 
virgin  wax.    -ære  maiden  honour. 

t^iOn'  [6]  c  (©fcelbSorb)  brute,  (whore's)  bull 

fVonple'r  <•  -er  balls-man. 

jontjen  n  lonia.    -er  c  -e,  -erinb'e,  -r  loniai 
-ft  "  lonian,  lon'ic. 

^onguil'te  (-9Jarcig)  c  jonquil. 

'^onfot  [6]  St.  John   the   Baptist's-day,    mi- 

3o'rb    c   (Stoffet,    J^orbfloben)    earth;    (forben« 
Coerflabe)   ground;    {Jjorbbunb,    2anb)   soil,  land; 
(QorbegobS)  land;   lA    er  grouuds,  land;   ^toneten 
■en  the  planet  Earth;  -enS  'iJSrobutter  the  produ'  ' 
tions  of  the  soil;    gaa  i  -en  sink  into  the  gravi 
falbe   i   gob  -   fall   into  good  ground;    ligge  pa 
-en  lie  on  the  ground;  ^er  paa  en  here  on  eartl 
falbe  til  -en  fall  to  the  ground;  ftebe  til  -en  burr; 
følge  en  til  -en  foUow  one  to  his  grave;   fpnte 
-en  sink  to  the  ground;   tafte.  flaa  til  -en  throw, 
knock,  down;  unber  -en  under  ground.    ^orbj 
aanb   gnome      -agtig  a  earthy.     -alge  axis 
the  earth.    -alber  geologic  age  el.  period. 

ftorban,  -?  f^lob  the  river  Jo'rdan. 

3o'rb|orbeibe  eartliwork.  -arbejber  uavvy, 
excavator.  -arcat  aereage.  -art  species  of  earth, 
soil.  -artiftot  ie  -ftof .  t-ar»e  fe  guglegræå.  ■■-baanb 
fe  -fforpe.  -baaren  a  earth-born.  -batte  mound, 
hill  of  earth  -bane  the  earth's  orbit.  -beboer 
inhabitant  of  the  earth,  -i-earthite,  -beg  bitumeii, 
asphalt.  -begt)o(big  a  bituminous.  -befibbelfe 
possession  of landed  property.  -beftriuelfegeog'- 
raphy.  -bcftriber  geog'rapher.  -bi  andrena. 
-bianbet  -i  mixed  with  earth.  -blanbtng  mixture 
of  .soils.  -bo  c  -er,  fe  -beboer,  -bonitering  va- 
luation  of  land.  -boniteringSmanb  land-valuer. 
•bor  earth-borer,  ground-auger.  -borger  mortal, 
fe  S8erben§6orger.  -boring  boring  of  the  earth. 
-branb  subterranean  tire.  -brug  agricnlture, 
husbandry,  farming.  -brugenbe  «  agricultural. 
-bruger  agriculturist,  husbandman,  farmer. 
-brugertlaéfen  the  cultivating  elasses.  -brugé= 
(ære  (science  of)  agriculture.  -bue  orch  dry 
arch.  -bunb  soil.  -bunben  a  earth- bound. 
-bunbSiS  gronud-ice.  -bunbdloere  knowledge 
of  soils.  -bunte  fe  -bijnge.  -b^tte  exchange  of 
lands,    -bælte  zone. 

^o'rbbær  n  strawberry.  -beb  strawberry-bed. 
•tl.0bcr  strawberry  trefoil,  Tri/oUum  fraai/erum. 
•)>tante  strawberry  plant,  Fragaria.  •faft  (togt) 
strawberry  sirup.  •f))inat  strawberry  spinaeh, 
Blitum.  •ft)ltct«j  strawberry  jam.  •tib  straw- 
berry-season.  -træ  strawberry-tree,  Arbutus 
nneclo.    -æble  calville. 

So'rblbæuer  solitary  beaver.  -cirtel  terrestrial 
circle.  -bomj)  exhalation  rising  from  the  ground. 
•bannelfeélære  geology.  -beting  distribution  el. 
division  of  land.  -btameter  diameter  of  the 
earth.  -bige  earthen  dike.  -bragt  poet  mortal 
garb  el.  guise.  -brift  mode  ofculture  el.  tillage. 
-brot  landlord.  -bnnft  fe  bamp.  -bt)nge  heap  of 
earth  -b^r  terrestrial  animal.  -borter  fe  -bruger. 
-btjrtning  agriculture  -bt)rtningé(ære  science 
of  agriculture.  -bætning  covering  with  earth. 
-bæmning  earthen  dam.  +-i9n  subterraneous 
thunder  (tearth-din). 

*.3;o'rbe  «  -r  field. 

So'rbe  vt  bury,  inter;  vi  (om  ^ugle)  graze  the 
earth . 

.^o'rbelble  winding-sheet.  -bog  rental,  rent- 
roU.  -færb  c  (t«)  funeral,  sepulture,  interment, 
obsequies  pi . 

3o'rb{egcn  a.  _  SBonbe  freeholder.  -egern 
ground-squirrel,  Tamias,     -egn  region. 

3o  rbegobS  landed  property,  estate.  -ejer  fe 

.3o'rb|eje  possession  of  landed  property.   -eien= 

o  01 



Dom  landed  property,  estate.    -ejer  landed  pro- 

3o  rbeltloeber  fe  fiigtlæber.  -lagen  je  Sigragen. 
-lin  ie  Sigflæber.  -lit)  fe  ^orblto.  -Ife  c  inter- 
ment.  -motier  midwife.  -mo&ertnnft  midwifery. 
•moberftol  obstetric  chair.  -tiqit)  the  earth. 
^orbet  a  (iorbagtig)  earthy;  {pari  fe  3otbe). 
vtorbetei  fe  Sigtlæber. 

^io'rb  falb   n   sinking  of  the  ground.    -forue 
eitrthen  hue;  (garoeftof)  mineral  colour.    -foruet 
a   earlh-coloured.     -faft   a   fixed   in   the  earth, 
earthfast;  -  (Sjenbom  real  estate.    -febmc  låtumen, 
a^phalt,    petroleum,     -fjerne   »    apogee.     -flobe 
surface   of  the    earth.      '-fog    driving  snow  el. 
sand.    -frngt  fruit  of  the  earth.    -fugl  terrestrial 
l)ird,  ground  bird.     -fugtig^eb  dampness  of  the 
soil.    -funb  thing  found  in  the  earth.    -funben 
o  found  in  the  earth.    -f^Ib  (loose)  eartli,  gravel. 
•fccUedffab   eommunity  of  land.     -fæfte  fe  3orbe 
vt.     -fæftetfe   burial,    interment.     -gong  under- 
ground  passage,    -gemt  a  hidden  in  the  ground, 
buried.    -globué  terrestrial  globe,    -gobå  (Jobaf) 
shrubs.     -grflU    pit  el.  hole  dug  in  the  ground. 
•grattcr  fe  -foin.     -gulu  earthen  floor.    -gøbning 
oompost.      -g«g    pheasant    cuckoo,     Centropus. 
-tiottc  niattock.    -fatning  hoeing.   -iftttpe  screen. 
-tiarpild  fe  -beg.     -^egn  bank,   turf-fence.     -l)nl 
liole  in  the  earth.     -tjule  cavern,  cave.    -llttmle 
tSt.  John's  wort,  Hupericuih,  bindweed,  Vonrol- 
volun    0.    fl.    (*millefoil,    Ackillea    MiUe/olium). 
-ftnS  subterranean  dwelling.    -tjptte  mud  cabin. 
-baj  fe  -baffe.    -fter  earth  flax.    -ilb  subterranean 
tire.     3o'rbiff  a  earthly,  terrestrial,  sublunary: 
hibl  af  3oTb,  _  of  the  earth,  earthy.     ^o'r^l'W' 
mil  wiiness.     -flobe  .globe,     -tlnm)),   (tnimp), 
-tnolb   clod  of  earth.     -fl«ft   cleft  el    fissure  in 
the  earth.    -tnio  miners  knife.     -tobolt  cobalt 
-ore.     -trebå  mole  cricket  Gryllotilpa.     -frebå 
circumference    of    the     earth.       -tuglc    globe. 
-!ttt    fossil    coal.      -furb     miner's    basket    et. 
corb.      •tcelber     cellar    under    ground.      -leb 
purchase   of  ground.     -lag  layer  el.  stratum  of 
earth.     -laroe  surface-grub,   Agrolii.     -lebning 
earth     connection    (of    lightning     conductor;. 
•legeme  globe,    -leje  c  rent  of  land.    -leje  n  bed 
on   the  ground.     -liw    earthly   existenee.     -lob 
lot   of  ground.      -lopve   flea-beetle,    turnip   fly, 
Haltioa.     -lugt   earthy   smell.     -lære  geology. 
-1«§  <i  without  land.     -laéntng   redemptiou   of 
land.      -maal    surface    measure.      -magnetisme 
terrestrial  raagnetism.     -monbet  rush-nut,  Cvtie- 
rut    escuientun.      -mofte    mil    traverse.      -moSfc 
mass  of  earth.     -mibCe)  tant.     -mober  fe  3orbe= 
mober.    -mo§  club  moss,  Lycopodium.    -muSfield 
mouse,    Hypudæug.     +-nær    a    near    the    earth. 
-ucere    n,    -ncer^eb    perigee.      -n«b    earth-nut, 
Bunium   bulbocastanum;  peanut,  earth-nut,  Ara- 
c/iit   hypogæa.      -nøbtoger  pi   earth-nut   cakes. 
-nøbolie  oil  of  earth-nuts.    -olie  petroleum,  rock 
oil.     -omfejler  circumnavigator  (of  the  globe). 
-omfejling     circumnavigation    (of    the    globe). 
-omOKttntng  convulsion  of  the  earth.    -ooerflobe 
surface    of   the    earth.      -(laofoftelfe    fe    3orb§=. 
.•(»avegøie  ground  parrakeet,  Pez(rporns.    -);eriobe 
geologicai   period   el.   epoch.     -<)let   ($Iet  3orb) 
spot    el.    patch    of   ground;    Oorbflag)   mildew. 
■^lOl  pole  of  the  earth,  terrestrial  pole.  +-pronger 
jobber   in   landed   property.     -robinie  radius  of 
the    earth.      -t-rebntng   measurement   of  land. 
-rente  ground-rent.    -rotte  water  rat,  Hypudætia 
amphibiw.     -rlibtttng    clearing   of  land,     -rl)g 
elevation,  ridge.     -rt)ftelfe    earth-quake   shock. 
-r«g  fumatory,  Fumara  officinalxs .    -folt  fe  Sten= 
fait.     -fonb   pit   sand.      -figte   riddle.     i-ffobe 
damage  to  a  held.     -ffifte,  -ftiftutng  pareelling 
el.   division  of  land.     -flln  earth-shine.    -fTitte 

^  sow-bread,  Cyc/amen.  -ffel  fe  Warl'.  -f!ot 
.ierusalem  articlioke,  Helvinthtm  tuberotu«.  -ftolo« 
penber  centipede,  Geophilm.  -fforlien  the  crust 
of  the  earth,  the  earth's  crust,  the  earthrind. 
-ffreb,  -ffnb  land-slide,  earth-slide,  landslip, 
earthshoot.  -^^gge  shadow  of  the  earth.  -fftjlb 
ground  rent  -fUjlbåbog  fe  9Katrifel.  -flælb 
earth-quake.  -ftæloSficnomener  earth-quake  phe- 
uomeua.  -ftcelogmaoler  seismometer,  seismo- 
graph.  -flooet  -flogen  a  mildewed.  -flog  mildew. 
-flange  land  serpent.  +-fl«benbe  a  fig  earthy. 
-fmog  earthy  taste, 
^o'rbi^mon  n  soil,  ground. 
^o'rblfmulb,  -fmul  fine  mould.  -fort  n  coal 
iised  in  fresco-painting,  -fptlbe  waste  of  land. 
,^o'rb§|))aafaftelfe  ceremony  of  casting  earth 
upon  the  coftin  at  a  burial.    -<>ort  fe  ^otblob. 

^o'rblftrimmcl  narrow  strip  of  land.  -ftroet' 
ning  tract,  region,  -ftrag  region,  climate,  zone. 
-ftcengel  underground  stem.  -ft«b  shock  of  an 
earthquake,  tstump  (of  a  tree).  -foale  sand 
martin,  Hirundo  ripaiia.  -fbom^  mushroom. 
-foin  aard-vark,  Orycteropus  capensis  -fqnlntng. 
-fænfning  fe  -falb.  -h-fætte  fe  -fæfte.  -tonge 
isthmus,  neck  ofland.  -tilltgcnbe  adjacent  land 
el.  grounds.  -trætte  dispute  about  land.  -tue 
hilloek.  -tnnge  spit  el.  tongue  of  land.  -ttb= 
ftqtning  parcelling.  -oanb  underground  water. 
-»anbring  earthly  career.  -barmen  the  tempera- 
ture of  the  earth.  -bebbenbe  ground-ivy,  ale- 
hoof,  Glechoma  hederacea.  -»ej  uupaved  road; 
•arable  land.  -ninbenbe  a  fieet;  ^ar  et  _  gobffifte 
covers  the  ground  well.  -Uolå  ozokerite.  -Ootb 
earthen  mound  el.  rampart.  -Uttbfte  humidity 
lof  the  earth).  -bæg  earthen  wall.  -uaetåt  land 
plant.  -»«r!  earthwork.  -æble  fe  -ffot.  -ccber 

'^orte  [6]  vi  chew  the  cud. 
3bfff  Joseph,  p  Joe.    -ine  Josephina. 
§oft'aS  Josiah. 
gofbo  Joshua. 
^oto  n  iota. 

.^otnn  c  -tner  giant  (of  Northern  mythology), 

3our  [fr.]  c:  i)a\3e  ~  be  on  duty;  a  -  up  to 
date,  posted  up;  å  _  nieb  posted  up  in,  abreast 
of,  level  with,  au  courant  of.  -^OOeNbe  a  on 
d«ty,  in  charge. 

journal  c  -er  jour'nal,  news-paper;  mere 
journal,  day-book;  ^  journal,  logbook;  fiolbe  _ 
keep  a  journal;  inbføre  i  -en  enter  in  the  j., 
journalize.  -^olb  keeping  a  journal.  -iS'men 
c  journalism.  -ift'  c  -et  jour'nalist,  gentleman 
of  the  press,  pressman.  -iftforening  journalists' 
dub,  press  club.  -iftif  c  jour'nalism.  -ifl'ift 
a  journalistic,  -nbbrag  extract  of  the  journal 
el.  log-book. 

^OOio'I  a  jovial,     -ite't   c  jovial'ity,   jo'vial- 
uess.    -fl  fe  3ooiaI. 
£|!otiift'  fe  3o  adv. 

^ubel  c  (grtjberaab)  exultation,  jubilation; 
r®læbe)  mirth.  -oor  (year  of)  jubilee.  -brub 
l>ride  jubilant.  -brubgom  bridegroom-jubilant. 
-btgt  (^unbrebaar8=)  secular  poem,  -boltor  doctor 
-jubilant  (o.  fl.).  -feft  jubilee.  -lærer  teacher 
■jubilant.  -m^nt,  -mant  medal  struck  in  comme- 
iQoration  of  a  jubilee.  'Olbing  an  old  man 
celebrating  his  jubilee.  -ptctliMtn  jubilee  ser- 
mon,  -raob,  -flrig  shout  of  joy,  of  triumph. 
-fang  song  of  jubilee.  -tone  "joyous  accent. 
-nbgabe  fe  ^fubttæuraå--.  ^ubile'rc  vi  f  fe  3uble, 
3nbll«'umn-æerjubilee;j.  meeting.  ^ultil(eum§= 
ubgooe  jubilee  edition.  ,3!uble  «i  shout  with 
joy,  exult,  be  jubilant;  -iibe  jubilant,  exultant. 
^nblen  c  exultatiou,  jubilation. 
,3fttba  Judah;  3ubce  Sige  the  kingdom  of  Judah 




-iferenbe  a  Judaizing.  -id'tne  c  Ju'daism.  -ift' 
c  -er  Judaist. 

3«bo§  Judas;  Subæ  SJreo  the  Epistle  of  Jude. 
•Hé  Judas  kiss.  -(lenge  a  traitor's  wages;  ^ 
money-flower,  Lunuria  btenntn.  -træ  Judas-tree, 
Cercis  silit/vastrum.  -fire  J^  knight-head;  J^  )>e- 
gonia,  (Soamp)  Jew's  ear,  Peziza  auricula. 

^ubicjier  a  judic'ial.    -'ium  n  judgment. 

(^ubce'a  n  Judea. 

^ufter  pi  yufts,  Russia-leather. 

^ugc're  [fr]  vt  estimate. 

•3;ugl  n  gaudiness.     -et  a  gaudy. 

^ut   n  4>  yoke. 

3uf8  fe  3uE. 

3ul  c  Christmas;  tYule;  ^olbe  _  spend  el.  cele- 
brate  Oiristmas;  i  -en  at  Christmas;  »iiffe  en 
gtsbelig  ~  wish  one  a  merry  Christmas,  ^ulc 
vi  spend  C,  celebrate  ('.,  Christmas. 

"3ule  vt  F   thrash,  lick. 

^ulej aften  Christmas  eve.  -agtig  a  christmassy. 
-blné  C.  honfire.  -bul  (C.)  bugbear.  -bng  Christ- 
mas-day;  onben  _  St.  Stephen  (iffe  JpeUigbag) 
•ferie  C.  holidays  p(,  C.  vacation.  -feft  festival 
of  Christmas.  -forn«jeIfer  merry-makings  ol 
C.  -grjtie  C.  gift,  C.  box.  -gilbe  C.  party. 
-glcebe  C.  merry-making.  -grab  C.  pudding. 
•Retligt  n,  '"-tielg  c  C.  holidays.  -^t)mne  C.  carol. 
-Mlttb  C.  festival,  -loge  C.  cake.  -laltt  December 
calf.  ■■■■■-llo^»  c  -Jjet,  fe  -gaoe.  -Inube  C.  log. 
-loft  fe  -mail.  -lȾlb  fe  -aften.  -leg  C.  game, 
game  of  forfeit.  -J^§  C.  candle.  -mob  C.  cheer, 
C.  provisions,  -morgen  C.  morning,  -mærter 
pi  proguostics.  -not  C.  night.  -offer  C.  oflfering 
to  the  parson.    -otte  [6]  C.  matins. 

3ulc|p'  c  ju'lep. 

3ulc[trebfel  parson's  Christmas  perquisites  i)^. 
-rofe  C.  rose,  Helleborvs  niger.  -falme  C.  hymn. 
-fang  C.  song,  C.  carol.  -ftue  room  for  C.  games 
el.  merry-making;  (Selftab)  C.  party,  -tib  Christ- 
mas (time),  Yule-tide.  -tilbcrebclfer  prepara- 
tions  for  C.  -traultjeb  busy  time  before  C.  -tr«c 
C.  tree.  -tonbe  C.  barrel  of  beer.  -ubftilting 
C.  show.    -uge  C.  week.    -oife  C.  carol. 

.^ulKmoanib)  c  (the  month  of)  July'.  -a'nfl 
a  Ju'liau.  -e  Julia;  SRonteo  og  ~  Romeo  and 

*.3u(ing  c  a  thrashing,  licking. 

.^uHrcooIutionen  the  revolution  of  July  (o.  flé). 

^uliff  a  Julian. 

.^ungc  c  -t  bucket. 

'^unge  c  -r  knife. 

.gungmanb  c  ordiuary  (seaman). 

3unt(-inaaneb)  fthe  month  of)  June. 

^unficj  c  4,  junk. 

^unfér  c  -e  young  gentleman  e(.  nobleman; 
squire,  cont  lordling.  -agtig  «  eavalier.  -bømme 
n  sqtiirearchy,  fe  -^errebBmme,  -e're  vi  play  the 
gentleman,  -g^fte  julis.  -l)erreb«mme  rule  el. 
ascendeucy  of  the  petty  nobiliiy.  ^nnterltg  u 
squirarchal.  3;unlcr|mæ8fig  fe  -ogtig.  -oæfen 
arrogance  of  lordlings. 

§uno'ntfl  a  Ju'nolike. 
utt'tter    (®uben)    Jove,    Jupiter;     (planeten) 

Aura  c  law. 

^ura|bannelfe  Jura  el.  Jurassic  formation. 
-lolt  Juia  limestone,  Jurassic  1.  (o.  fl.). 

3ur|ibifl  a  jurid'ical;  bet  -e  gafultet  the  faculty 
of  law,  _  Sog  law  book;  e  goreloeSninger  lectures 
on  jnrisprudence;  _  llonfulent  law  adviser;  een  - 
$erfon  one  person  in  law;  _  Stubent  law  student; 
_  åanbibat  young  lawyer  (cailed  to  the  bar). 
-iåbitttD  n  c  -er  jurisdic'tion.  -iépruben§'  c 
jurispru'dence.  -Ift'  c  -er  (9?et»lcerb)  lawyer, 
jurist;  (Stubent)  law  student.  -Ifteri'  n  legal 
chicane,   lawyer's    tricks,     ^nxt^   c  jury;    Bære 

t     j 


ilReblem  af  en  ~  sit  el.  be  on  a  jury;  en  (ogf.' 
the  box  (mobf.  the  bench  dommerne),  ^ur^ 
monb  c  juror.    .3>irl)fu))t*(eant  c  talesman 

^ué'  c  fe  3ura. 

3U'S  [fr.]  c  (Købfaft)  gravy. 

5ttft  adv  just,  precisely,  exactly;  _  iffe  nol 
exactly.     ^uft  «  (om  'Slant)  correct. 

3«fté'r|fi(  adj\isting  file.  -lammer  office  c 
standard  weights  and  measures  -Itobi^  (9Hontn 
adjusting  block.  -mcftcr  c  inspector  of  weighti 
and  measures.  -flruc  adjusting  screw.  -ftoj 
gauging  rod.  -t^ber  (Urm.)  bevelled  graver, 
-Uægt  adjusting-balance. 

3:ttfte'|rc  uf  adjiist,  size,  gauge;  -t  Slien  standard 
yard;  -t  SBægflob  Government  stamped  weight, 
-rer  e  -e  adjuster,  ganger;  type-justifier.  -rina 
c  adjusting,  sizing  etc,  assay. 

Sufttftcere  vt,  jur  pursue. 

.^ttftitilariuS    c    lord   chief  justice.     -el' 

^uftt'tå  c  administration  of  justice;  6IiBe  fat 
unber  -ens  Stitale  be  criminally  pro.secuted,  ^olbcr 
ftræng  _  rides  with  a  rod  of  iron.  -betjent, 
-embcbSmanb  officer  of  justice.  *-(og  ^JJoltti) 
bcpartcmcnt  fe  -minifterium  -minifter  minister 
of  justice,  (i  ©ngfanb)  Lord  High  Chancellor. 
-minifterium  miuistry  of  justice,  justicedepart- 
ment.  -morb  judicial  murder.  -))ratolo(  record 
of  the  court  -roab  (titular)  counsellor  of  justice. 
-reform  judicial  reform,  -fog  criminal  action 
-fetretær  secretary  (of  the  court).  -fergeant 
provost-marshal.    -oæfen  matters  of  justice 

.^ute  c  jute(-hemp).  -filaute  jnte-plant,  Cor 

*.3!ut'ttl  c  -er  giant  (of  popular  superstitiou) 

*3uo  n,  pi  —,  gorge,  ravine. 

3uue  (  c  -er  jew'el,  gem. 

^uoelé'r  c  -erer  jew'eller.  -orbefbe  jeweller's 
work.  -butil  jeweller's  shop.  -lunft  jeweller's 
art.    -Oægt  jeweller's  weight. 

^uoc'Ilflrin  jewel-box,  casket.  -fmt|tle  set  of 
jewels.  -fmt)llet  a  cont  bejewelled.  -»fle  jewel 

3UE  n  trumpery,  trash;  'cheating,  tricks;  gere 
~  t(iiøjer)  make  fun.  *cheat.  *-e  vt  &  i  cheat. 
-eri'  fe  ^uj. 

3t)be  c  -r  Jute,  Jutlander;  tjotre  -r  dried  herr- 
ings, -lort  =  3^be.  -lor,  -panbc,  -potte  vcssel 
of  Jutland  pottery.  ^flbfl  a  Jutland.  .^^Uanb 
n  Jutland. 

•^æber  c  fe  3are. 

Sægcr  c  -e  sportsman,  hunter;  (Solbat)  light 
-infantry  man,  rifieman;  (,gierregaarb§= )  game 
-keeper;  ribenbe  -  light  horseman.  -batoiUon 
batallion  of  light  infantry  el.  cavalry.  -bolig 
gamekeeper's  lodge.  -bruben  (Cpera  af  aSebcrj 
the  Freischutz.  -bøbe  fine  for  unsportsmanlike 
conduct.  -bǤfe  carbine.  -bragt  hunting  el. 
shooting  dress  -breug  huntsman's  boy.  -fugt 
giant  kingfisher,  Paralcyon  gigas.  -færb  hunting. 
-gaorb  hunting  lodge.  -garn  hunting  net. 
'*-^eft  cavalry  horse,  -^orn  hunting  horn.  -ftué 
fe  -bolig.  +3<'^9«t'"'be  c  -r  huntress,  ^(egerlloftc 
sportsman's  jacket  -lor  hunting  chorus.  -tortié 
light  cavalry  corps.  -lunft  venery.  -teouet,  -liti 
sportsman's  life.  -mooltib  luncheon  after  hunt- 
ing, -meftcr  Master  of  the  buckhounds.  -mæéfig 
a  sponsmanslike.  -pibt  dog-call.  -ret  custoui 
among  sjwrtsmeu.  -fong  hunting  song.  -ftore 
host    of  huntsmen.      ^ægerfle    c   -r    huntress. 

Bcegerflttt  fe  Sagtffilt.  ^ægerSmonb  sportsman. 
ægeriftirog  sporting  language,  -fti  hunter's 
path.  -fttjttet  the  chine.  -tofle  game-bag,  pouch. 
-tog  hunting  expedition.  -traje  hunting-jacket. 
'•oæfle  fe  -tape. 




'docgt  c  -er  kind  of  square-rigged  coaster  In 
the  North  of  Norway,  jagt. 

'3æ!fel  fe  3»jel. 

Øtcfftag  n  ^  jackstay. 

3æ'rn  n  iron;  gammelt  _  scrap  iron;  fmebe, 
raeiié  -et  er  »armt  strike  while  the  iron  is  hot 
ijQBe  monge  _  i  31ben  have  many  irons  in  the 
fire;  lægge  en  i  -  put  one  in  iious;  bljgget  af  - 
J,.  ironbuilt;  F  ')""  ^^  ft  _  he  is  a  regular  steam 
-engine.  ^tcrnjaag  iron  yoke.  -aate  vein  ol 
iron  ore.  -ngtig  a  irony,  ferrugiuous.  -af|I  hoa 
iron-ore.  -olbcr  iron  age.  -anter  iron-braces. 
•arbejbe  iron-work.  •arbcjber  iron-worker.  -arm 
^J.  gooseneck.  -bnonb  iron  band  el.  hoop.  -baKaft 
iron  ballast,  (faft)  kentledge. 

^(crnbane  c  raihvay,  (ifær  amr)  railroad;  rejfe 
paa  -  go  by  rail(\vay).  -oftie  railway-share. 
■anlfcg  constmction  of  a  raihvay  el.  railways. 
-arbejber  nawy.  -betjent  railway  oflicer  -billft 
raihvay  ticket.  -bro  viaduct,  raihvay  bridge. 
•birettør  director  ofa  raihvay  company.  -brager 
raihvay  porter,  -brift  working  of  a  raihvay. 
-fort  raihvay  speed,  -forbitibelfe  pommunication 
by  raihvay.  •gobétnf))cft{ir  goods-manager. 
•llOfel  railway  hotel,  -ingeniør  railway-engineer. 
•itt\pttttt  raihvay  inspeetor.  -fonbuftør  guard, 
amr  conductor.  -longe  raihvay  king.  -fort 
r.-map.  -tnpé  compartment.  -farfcl  railway 
traffic.  -legeme  fe  sbom  legeme.  -linie  frailwayj 
line.  -loo  R.-Act.  -net  system  el.  plexus  of 
railroads  -(lofttog  mail  train.  -felftab  raihvay 
-company.  -ffinne  rail.  -ftation  raihvay-stalion, 
an.r  r.  depot,  -fting  crazy-slilch.  -fiifUe  (r.-) 
sleeper.  -tafét  r.  tarift".  -tog  (raihvay-jtrain. 
•trané^ort  r.  conveyance.  -tunnel  r.  tunnel. 
•tnr  ride,  run,  trip  on  the  railway.  -tæ<)() c  rail- 
way rug.  -nl^tfe  r.  accident,  -oebbenbe  bone 
•set,  German  ivy,  Mikonia  scanciens.  -Oogn  rail 
way-carriage  el.  -car.  -bogter  signalman.  -tiæfen 
railway  matters. 

^(ernjbeibfe  iron-liquor.  -beflag  iron-binding, 
ironstrap.  -bcflagcn,  -beflnact  a  iron-bound, 
mounted  e(.  tipped  with  iron,  iron-studded. 
-bifulfib  fe  -fi§.  -bjælte  iron  beam.  -blaafnrt 
Salt  ferro-cyanate.  -blaafljre  feno-cyanic  acid. 
•blaat  blue  iron-earth.  -blil  sheet-iron,  iron 
-plate.  -btof  pig  of  iron.  -bolt  iron  bolt  el. 
pin.  -bunben  a  iron-bound,  -hooped,  -strapped, 
-  fiiift,  fe  -ft)ft.  -bljrb  ordeal  of  carrying  hoi 
iron.  -braaber  fe  olie.  -erté  iron  ore.  -fang 
articles  of  iron.  -faroe  iron-colour.  -faft  a  (om 
Stib)  iron- fast  en  ed;  Jig  iron.  -^lft)aan  iron  ii- 
lings  p/.  -ffib  uDwearied  application.  -flittig  j 
a  indefatigable.  -forbtnbelfe  combination  of  | 
iron.  -forbtnbing  iron  fasttnings  p/.  -forbubet 
o  iron-sheathed.  -forfjubning  iron  sheathing. 
+-fortltc  fe  -o>;t)buI.  -fortinnet«  of  tinued  iron. 
-gang  fe  -aate.  -garn  lusired  yarn.  -gitter  iron 
-grate,  iron  railing.  -gtanS  specular  iron  ore, 
iron  glance.  -glaé  veiy  brittle  iron  ore.  -glim^ 
mer  micaceous  iron  ore.  -graa  a  iron-gray. 
-greb  iron  hilt.  -grube  ironmine.  -gr^be  iron 
pot.  -baanb  iron  band.  -baarb  a  hard  as  iron. 
•baarbbeb  iron  hardness.  -bage  iron  hook. 
-bammer  iron  hammer;  ('S^'ært)  forge,  iron-mill 
-banbel  iron-trade.  -banbler  dealer  in  iron,  iron 
-monger.  -bar«  harrow  with  iron  tteth;  iron 
hairow.  -bat  morion.  -belbrcb  iron  constitu- 
tion.  -bolbenbe,  -bolbtg  a  (om  3orb)  ferrugiuous; 
(om  9.iaiib)  chah  beate.  -f)»)broj»)b  ferric  hydiate. 
•bbbrocQbnt  ferrous  hydrate.  -bqtte  smelting 
■house,  t-ilte  ie  -ojDb.  -jotb  ferruginous  earlh 
-folt  calcined  iron.  -file  iron  wedge.  -fiS  ferri«' 
sulphite,  iron  pyrites.  -tifel  iron  flint,  -ftt 
iron  glue.  -tiammer  iron  cramp.  -tlæbntng  J 
external  piating,    -!(abt  o  iron-clad;  steel-clad. 

■tno  knuckle-duster.  -fn«  iron-knec.  -tonftruf- 
tion  iron  frame,  -forfet  the  iron  cross,  -fram 
old  iron  ware.  -trambe  iron-cramp.  -tronen 
the  iron  crown.  -triEmmer  iron-monger.  -ful= 
tur  iron  culture.  -fur  iron-cure,  chalybeate 
course.  -fOartS  ferriftrous  quartz.  -tfl^  iron 
-bound  coast.  -laf  iron-work  blatk.  -Jer  irou 
-clay;  -§  giifer  iron-bricks.  -lift  iron  band  el. 
rail.  -lomfe  iron  chain.  -malm  fe  -ertS.  -manft 
iron  man.  -manufatturoarer  pi  iron-mongery. 
-maffen  the  iron  mask.  -monufulftb  fe  -fulfib. 
•mor  black  oxide  of  iion.  -mønnte  minium  of 
irou.  »-nætterne  the  frosty  nights  in  August. 
-offer  iron  oehre.  -olie  liquid  muriate  of  irou. 
-oyløéning  solution  of  iron.  -o»n  irou  stove. 
-ojtjb  peroxide  of  iron,  ferric  oxide.  -o;rt|bu( 
protoxide  of  iron,  ferrous  oxide.  -|>anbe  irou 
pot.  -)>anbe  fig  front,  (face  of)  brass.  -pig 
iron-point,  -pike,  -(liUer  iron  pills.  -filabe  irou 
plate;  belagt  meb  -r  ironplated.  -|)lo»  iron  plough. 
■pott  iron  gate.  -(irøbe  (^JJrøoning)  triai  of  the 
quality  of  iron;  (gtptle)  sample  of  iron,  (3ærn= 
bijrb)  ordeal  of  hot  iron.  -tiuloer  pulverized 
iron  filings  pi.  -rebftab  iron  tool  el.  implemeut. 
-ring  iron  ring.  -rift  iron  grate.  -ribe  iron  rake. 
-ruft  rust  of  iron.  -ræfuært  iron  fence  el.  rail- 
ing. -røbt  colcothar.  -fofran  martial  crocus. 
-fanb  iron  sand,  ferruginous  sand.  -fcepter  iron 
sceptre;  Jig  irou  rod,  rod  of  iron;  ^l.  ironstauch- 
ion.  -feng  iron  bed.  -fibe  irou  side.  -finner 
fl  dross  el.  scoria  of  iron.  -firuti  iron  syrup. 
-ffaftet  a  iron-handled.  -ffib  iron-ship.  -ffinne 
(-baanb)  iron  band;  (f.  et».  vaa  ^ærnboneii)  irou 
rail,  -ffrab  scrap-iron.  -ffrin  iron  box  el.  safe. 
-ffæl  fe  -finner,  -flag  iron  beetle.  -froag  taste 
of  iron.  -fmeb  iron-smith,  black-smitli.  -fmelt' 
ning  iron-smelting.  -fvaan  fe  -filjpaon.  -ipalte- 
txtxt  slitting  rollers,  -ffianter  iron  frames. 
-f^Jontet  a:  er  _  has  a  frame  of  iron.  -f^at 
sparry  ironore.  -f)>urb  bedge  sparrow,  hedge 
warbler,  Accenter  thodularis.  -ftang  (ctong  af  Q.) 
iron  bar;  (fioben)  iron-crow.  -ften  iron  stone. 
-ftro<)  iron  strap,  -ftro^pet  a  ^  irou-strapp«d. 
-ftrert  nt  strong  as  iion.  -ftøber  iron-founder. 
•ftøberi  iron-foundrv.  *-ftør  crowbar.  -futfift 
ferrous  sulfid,  -furt  Salt  ferrate.  -ftiam|)  irou 
sponge,  -foærte  iron-liquor;  japan  blacking. 
-f^g  a  ^  iron-sick.  -f^ge  iron  siekness.  -f^rc 
ferric  acid.  -føjfe  iron  column  el.  pillar.  -taffelaø 
wire-rigging.  -tinttur  tinctuie  of  iron.  -traab 
(iron-)wire.  -traabmaal  wire  gauge.  -traabé= 
fletning,  -tbift  (iron-)wire  cloth,  wire-netting. 
-tromie  irou  roller,  -træ  iron-wood.  t-t»eiltc 
ferric  oxide.  -tøj  iron  tools  el.  utensils.  -urt 
vervain,  holy  herb,  Verbena.  -tianb  chalybeate 
water.  -oanbfaSfe  iroutank.  -oarer  pi  iron 
ware,  hardware,  ironmougery.  -(og  Staal)=tiore= 
forretning  hardware  business,  -oeb  iron  wood, 
Siderojyiuni.  -tiej  fe  -bane.  -bilje  irou  will. 
-tjin  ferruginous  wine.  -Oinften  tartrate  of  irou. 
-Oitriol  green  vitriol,  copperas.  -oæggc  irou 
wedge.  -tiarf  iron  work(s).  -txerftø)  irou  tool 
el.  implemeut.    -øjeffinne  hoop  with  eyes. 

^ær^e  c  -r  hazel  giouse,  Tetrao  bonaaia-  *-troft 
-e  35uetroft. 

3æ  rtegn  n,  pi  =,  sign,  prodigy,  miracle, 

3ætb  c  -e  glutton,  antr  wolverene.  Gu/o 
horen  lis. 

3ættc  c  -r  giant,  (tettin).  -grtjbe  giants'  kettle 
el,  caldron.  -bøj  fe  SæmpfbQifc.  -famp  batile 
of  giants.  -fninbe  giantess.  -mø,  -<)igc  young 
giantess.  -ffiffelfe  gigantic  flgure.  -fiafgt  giant 
race.  -ftor  o.  fl.,  fe  fiæmpe=.  -ftuc  sepulchral 
chamber  in  a  cairu,  dolmeu.  ^øttinbe  c  -r 

3æ»n  a  even,  level,  plain,  smooth;   uniform 




cqual,   steady,   constant;   (ftmpel)  plain,  simple,  ! 
natural,    artless;    (Klima,    jemperatur)    equable; 
<Suppe)  thickened;  _  øJoiig  evea  pace;  et  -t  ^umør  : 
au  even  temper;  ~  9JJonb  plain  man;  gører  l)aiii  I 
©tier  -e  bibl  make  his  paths  straight;  —  jæont 
adv  evenly  etc;  '-'(tibt  og  _)  coutinually.    -aarig 
(I  of  the  same  age.    -altirenbe  a  (af  fomme  9llber)  , 
of  the  same  age;  (fomtibtg)  contemporary,  coeval. 
-baaren  ie  -bgrbig.     -brcb  o  equally  ])road,   of 
uniform  breadth.     -b^rbig  o  of  equal  birth;  co 
-equal.       +-b»jrbig^eb    o     equality     (of    birth). 
+-bt)rbé   adv   as   equals.     -beling   division  iuto 
equal  parts,     -belt  o   divided   into  equal  parts. 
-bøgn  equinox.    -bøgniirolur  equinoctial  colure. 
•b«gné(tnie  equinoctial  (line),   -bøgndpuntt  equi- 
noctial   point,      -bøgndftarm    equinoctial    gale. 
.3!(eone  vt  level,  even;  (Jørar  )  cut  even  el.  square; 
.fiff  smooth  (down),  adjust,  set  right;  _  en  Stribifl' 
{)eb  adjiist  a  dispute;    ~  ©uppe  tneb  iOlel   thicken 
soup  with  flour;    _   meb  forben   level   with   the  ; 
ground;    bet  oil  nol  _  ftg   that  will  soon   be  all 
right.    3«b«e  n :  i  _  meb  level  with.    .^^teonlførc 
vt  coufer,  compare,  collate.    -ferelfe  c  comparl- 
son.    •gammel  fe  -albrenbe.    -gob  a  equal;    t  meb 
equal    el.  equivalent  to.     -gl|tbig  n  equivalent. 
^(Cbn^cb  c  evenness,  plaiuness.    ^ce\>n\tiøia  of 
the  same  height.    -^øjbe  c ;  i  _  meb  (on  a)  level  ; 
With.    ^æbning  c   er  peer,  compeer,    ^^o^bning 
c  levelling,  etc;  thickening.  g-æunitg  «  frequent;  , 

—  adv  frequently.     .3^ast>n|Ug  a  equal;   bine  -e 
your  equals.     -tøbenbe  a  parallel  (meb   to  el. 
with).     -maal  n  level;  average.     -mob  c  equa- 
nimity.     -mobtg  o  placid,  easy-going.     -mobig^  i 
^eb  c  fe  -mob.     -fibeS  adv  side  by  side,  abreast;  ! 

-  meb  alongside  of.    -fibe^binfel  adjacent  angle.  ■, 
-fibig  a  adjacent.     -ftnb,  -finbet  fe   mob  -mobig.  \ 



-ftiUe  vt  place  side  by  side,  put  on  a  lev 
-traabct  a  even-threaded.  -t^t  a  of  unifo 
ihickness.    -tæt  a  of  uniform  closeness,  densit; 

*3;æjc(  c  -jler  molar  (tooth),  double  tooth 

^9t>t  c  -r  Jew;  (i  $ibe)  pipe-lees;  ben  eoige 
the  wandering  Jew;  f  flaar  bu  min  _,  faa  flai 
I  eg  bin  -  you  kill  my  cal,  and  I  will  kill  yo 
(log.  +-aoger  extortionate  usury.  -agtiga  Jewis! 
-ba(fam  balm  of  Gilead.  -bom  Jewish  chil(  _ 
-beg  Jew's-pitch,  bitumen,  asphalt.  .^^øbebpm  o 
(+n)  Judaism.  3<ibe|brcng  «  Jewish  boy.  -fcjbe 
persecution  of  the  Jews.  -fienbfl  a  antisemicic, 
-folf  Jewish  people.  -forføtgelfe  fe  -feibe.  -gal " 
Jews'  Street,  Jewry.  -ifalt  liatred  of  the  Jewi 
•tlrfesynagogue. -lirtegoarbJevvs'burial-grouui 
-lirfebær  wlnter-cherry,  alkekengi,  FAvnalin  alke- 
kengi.  -tonc  Jewish  woman,  Jew's  wife.  -trtfteit 
u  kc  Jewish  Christian,  Judæo-Christian.  -triften= 
bom  Jewish  Christianity.  -tbarter  Jew's  ward. 
•lonb  Judea,  Jewry.  -liuet  Jewish  life.  -falmer 
pi  palmetto  leaves.  -))ige  Jewish  girl,  -prié 
Jewish  price,  exorbitaut  price.  -ptct^t  Jewish 
priest.  Rabbi,  -renter  Jewish  interest,  exorbitaut 
interest.  -ffat  impost  on  Jews.  -flæg  wandering 
Jew,  strawberry  saxifrage,  S'txifraoa  sarmentota. 
-ffole  Jewish  scbool.  -f))rog  Jewish  dialect. 
•torn  jujube,  Zizyphus  vulgaris.  -tro  Jewish 
ireed.  -træt  (©fat)  fool's  mate.  -»18 :  poa  -  in 
Jewish  fashion.  ^obtn'be  c  -r  Jewess.  ^irbiff 
t  Jewish. 

^eUl   c    -Ket    glacier.     -elb    glacier   torrent. 
-gterbe  moraine.     -tå  g.  iee.     -fpor   track  of 
glacier.    -oolb  fe  -goerbe. 

fV^rgen  George. 

3«8fc§  interj  p  Jesus!  Lord! 

*.3-«tnn  c   tner,  fe  ^otuu. 

Drb,  fom  itte  ftnbeS  unber  S,  fan  føgel  uiiber  (£  og  6^. 

«.  1  [^aa]  j»  -er  K,  k  [kay];  abbr:  S  =  Søben= 
■^oon  Copenhageu.  Sanb.,  fe  Hanbibot;  Stap.  = 
å'apitel  chapter;  ftbfi.  =  ffø&en^aon  Copenhageu; 
tgl.  =  ffongelig  Royal;  ^l.  =  fttotfen  o'elock, 
Mogfe  class;  Mpt.  ~  åaptafn  captain;  ftr.  =  Krone.  | 

t^aa  c  -er  jackdaw,  Corvus  monedula. 

Jtaabe  c  -r  cloak;  bceffe  meb  Kærlig^ebenS  _  cover 
with  the  cloak  of  charity;  fe  Kappe.  -^«tte  c 
capoch,  hood  (of  a  cloak).  -i-fljut  fig  cloak. 
-flag  cape.    -tirtlccbe  halfshawl. 

S'oab  a  wanton;  ((pftig,  ooergioen)  frolicsome; 
~  Wunb  a  flippant  tongue;  ~  Sreng  misehievous 
lioy;  ^  XøS  romping  girl,  -^eb  c  wan'tonness; 
(25ilbfta6)  wildness.  -munbet  a  flippant.  -mnn- 
bet^eb  c  flippaney. 

tåaabner  c   e  cotter. 

tSfaag  c  flat-bottomed  sloop. 

Raat  c  eabbage,  Brag»ica  oleracea;  (©Uppe) 
cabbagesoup,  '"broth;  gøre  ~  poa  put  an  end  to, 
put  down,  make  havoc  of;  be  fø6e  ifte  gobt  _ 
f ammen  they  don't  puU  well  together;  bet  ffal 
itfe  gøce  -en  feb  that  won't  make  the  pot  boil; 
]&offe  -  not  keeping  time  (in  rowing);  ■*  bet  er 
togt  bort  i  -en  it  has  come  to  nothing.  -ager 
cabbage-fleld.  -beb  cabbage-bed.  -btab  eabbage 
-leaf.  -''Saate  vt  cut  off  the  leaves  aud  top  of 
(turnips  etc.).  ^aa(|*flq  c  fe  -ugie.  -gaarb,  -$aOe 
vegetable  garden,  -grøn  a  cabbage-coloured. 
-^ooeb   head    of  eabbage.     -marb   pith  of  the 

eabbage  stalk.  -orm  Caterpillar.  -(Strefajpalme 
cabbage-tree,  Areca  oleracea.  -plante  eabbage 
-plant,  -rabi,  *-rob  c  turnip-cabbage,  kohl-rabbi, 
Brasgica  caulorapa.  -rap§  (cole-)rape,  Brainca 
napus  oleifera.  -roe  navew,  Braastca  naput. 
-fommerfugl  fe  ^oibfocermer.  -ftot  cabbage-stalk. 
-fuppe  cabbage-soup.  -tæge  slater,  Straehia 
oleracea.  -uglc  cabbage-moth,  Mammeatra  bras- 

Saar  n,  pi  =,  condition,  circumstances  pi; 
"  fe  Slftægt;  fian  er  i  gobe,  flette,  fmaa,  trange  _ 
he  is  well  off,  badly  ofF,  in  easy,  poor  circum- 

^aarbe  c  -r  (straight)  sword,  rapier;  broq  -n 
drew  his  sword.  -balg  sheath,  seabbard.  -buft 
sword-knot.  -flabe  flat  of  the  sword.  -fæftc 
sword-hilt.  -gehæng  sword-belt.  -flinge  sword 
-blade,  -fnap  pommel  of  a  sword.  -fuaft  fe 
buft.  -<)tobe  guard  of  a  sword.  -ffebe  fe  -balg. 
-fpib§  point  of  a  sword.  -ftit,  -flab  stab,  sword 
-thrast.    -ftol  sword-stick,  sword-caue. 

Raare  »•  opossum  shrimp,  mysis. 

^aarje  vt  choose.  -ing  c  choosing;  oalgt  oeb  - 
eleoted  by  show  of  hånds 

S^aaé  ccourse;  gaa  fin  egen  -  go  oue's  owu 

^aba'le  c  r  cabal';  (meb  Kort)  patieuce.  -mager 
c  caballer. 

Rabbajta  cabala.    -Uft'ift  a  cabalistic. 




^abittei't  c  marsh  marigold,  Ualthapalmtria. 

ftabc  c  seamark,  beacon. 

SJabcI  n,  *<:  -bier  J^  cable. 

tSinbclaring  c  ^  messenger. 

JVabc(o'r'9iuUe  c  ,1,  roller  for  the  messenger. 
-Scjfinfl  c  J,  nipper. 

^abcljbebbing  cable-bitts  f>l.  -bam^ftib  cable 
•steamer.  -fejl  fault  in  the  cable.  -garn  rope- 
yam.  -gat  fe  rum.  -^^Ifter  external  covering 
of  tbe  cable.  -loegntng  laying  (of)  eables. 
■længbe  cable's  lenstli.  -^ireue  test  of  the  cable. 
•rnm  cabletier.  -ftib  cable-ship,  -flaaet  a  cable 
-laid,  hawser-laid.  -tegn  hand-swab.  -telegram 
cablegram.    -toM  (iuært)  cable,  (fmætfert)  cablet. 

^abc)>enge  ^L-  beaconage. 

Kabinet'  n  -ter  (i  aHe  S3et^b.)  cabinet;  (HUe 
ftanimer)  closet;  (^a^Ot)  state-room.  —  Sabinct§|' 
befaling  governmentorder.  -bubbtng  cabinet 
-pudding.  -ftt^gcl  semi-grand.  -jufttté  arbitrary 
justice.  -frJfe,  -friftå  miuisterial  crisis.  -orbre 
fe  -befaling.  -))r(cbiten  private  sermon  in  a 
prince's  palace.  -raab  cabinet  council.  -fegl 
privy  seal.  -felretær  private  secretary.  -fpergS' 
maal  cabinet  question.  -ftQffe  cabinet  piece,  c. 

SabUau  c  -er  cod-flsh,  fe  2:orff. 

Jiabriolet'  c   ter  cabriolet,  cab. 

KabubS'  c  -er  fur  cap.  -laal  fe  ^obebfoal. 
*-Iobbc  fe  Stapmijbfe. 

$tabl)'(er  pi  Kab  yles. 

Sob^S'  c  -fer  (ftubljJ^uå)  galley,  cook-room; 
(^ogeinbretning)  caboose.  -affalb  refuse  of  the 
galley.  -beftit  random  reekoning.  -1)U§  feåabtjS. 
-tib  galley-fire  fo.  fl.)   -lanterne  cook's  lantern. 

Sntftlef'tfff  n  cachec'tic.    -cji,  c  cachex'y. 

Slobn'Oer  n  -e  carcass.    -gift  ptomaine. 

Slabct'  c  -ter,  fe  Sanbv  gøfabet.  -meSfe  gun 
-room,  the  midshipmen's  mess.  -ffib  training 
ship  for  naval  cadets. 

Kabi  nelie  c  cade-oil. 

S^abminm  n  cadmium,  -florib  cadmic  chloride. 
-fttlfat  cadmic  sulphate  (o.  f.  0.). 

Ka'brer  pi  skeleton  (of  a  regiment). 

Jtabrejet  c  -e,  bumboatman;  (33aaben)bumboat. 
fiabrejcrffe  c  -r  bumboat-woman. 

Sofé  c  -er  coffee-house,  refreshment-roomsp^; 
(i  feotel)  coffee-room. 

Roffe  c  coffee;  brænbe  _  roast  coflFee.  -iatlt 
coffeetray.  -blanbing  coflFee  mixture,  -brun 
a  coffee -coloured.  -bricnber  coffee  -  roaster. 
-branbing  roasting  (ofj  coflFee.  -brab  rusk. 
-Bnft  coflfeeshrub.  -bønne  (coflFee)  berry.  -BaSfe 
coflFee-canister.  -baafe  coflFee-box.  -ctltroft  es- 
sence  of  coftee.  -fløbe  cream  for  coflFee.  -fro-- 
f oft  hnicheon  with  coflFee.  -grunt§,  -gruå  *-grHg, 
-grub  coflFee-grounds  pi.    -^uS  coffee-house. 

fiaffei'n  n  caflFe'ine. 

Kaffe; tanbe  coflFee  pot.  -febel  coffee-kettle. 
-flarning  stuff  used  for  reflning  coffee.  -fuægt 
cup  of  coffee  with  brandy,  laced  coffee.  -toger 
coflFee  urn.  -lop  coffee  cup;  F  cup  of  coffee. 
-fboern,  -mølle  coffee-mill;  P  (SSogn)  shandrydan, 
(Siire)  hurdy-giirdy.  -))Iantage  coffee-plantation. 
-))Ianter  coffee-planter.  -^ofc  biggin,  coffee 
-straiuer.    -pnnii^  coffee  and  brandy. 

Staffer  c  -e  Kaffir  -lanbet  Kaffra'ria.  -o!§e 
Cape  ox.  Cape  buffalo,  Bubalus  caf/er. 

Koffe;felf!ab  coffee-party.  -ffe  coffee-spoon. 
-flabber,  -flabberaå  gossip.  -ftel  coffee-serylce. 
-furt  Salt  caffeate.  -furrogat  substitute  for 
coffee,  coffee-substitute,  coffee-surrogate.  -f^re 
caffeic  acid.  -fæt  coffee-bag.  -fætter  a  glass 
after  coffee.  -føfter  F  coffee-drinker;  fig  gossip. 
-tib  time  for  coffee.  -titfætning  an  addition 
to  coffee.  -tragt  coffee-strainer.  -træ  coffee-tree, 
Coffea  arabica.    -tøj  coffee-things.    -bitte  Swed- 

fiarfen:  5Donft>engeIfl  Crbbog. 

ish  coffee,  Astrapalua  bcetica.  -art  chick-pea, 
Cicer  arietinum. 

Kaftan  c  -er  caftan. 

Sag  c  -e  whipping  post. 

*"Rag'  c  -ger  Norway  yawl  with  sharp  ends, 
skift';  fe  Kagge. 

Kage  c  -r  cake;  (i  58tfube)  comb.  Stage  er  fig 
cake.  -bager  pastrycook.  -bageri  pastry-cook's 
shop.  -bcjg  cake-dough.  -form  cake-form.  -^jttt 
jagging-iron.  -toSfe  tin  for  cakes.  -tone  basket 
-woman.  -lat  lump-lac.  -ruUe  rolling-pin.  -fte, 
-fftabe  cake-slice.    -fprøjte  baker's  syringe. 

*Stagge  c  -r  keg,  cag. 

Stagle  vi  cackle.   -n  c  cackling.    -r  c  cackler. 

Sla'glpifte,  -ftrJjge  vt  whip  (publicly)  at  the 
whipping-post.    -ftr^gning  (public)  whipping. 

^atmt'  c  -ter  cabin,  (liben,  )paa  S^flboabe)  cuddy; 
(fcetftilt,  for  $a§fagerer)  state-room.  —  katitfti]' 
brcng,  *-gut  cabin  boy.  -inbrebning  cabin  fltt- 
ings  (0.  fl.).  'tappt  eompanion  (hatch)  -neb' 
gang  fe  troppe,  -padfagér  cabin  passenger,  flrst 
-class  passenger.  -plabd  cabin  (passage),  -ftriber 
captain's  clerk.  -trappe  cabin  stairs,  eompanion 
-way.    -binbue  cabin  window,  stern-light. 

Sfaj  c  -er  quay,  wharf,  (meget  lang)  embank- 
ment.  -afgift  fe  -penge,  -anlæg  erection  of  a 

*åait  c  t,  fe  Saa. 

Saje  c  -r  P  fe  ftæft  p . 

Stajc  fig  vr  ^  cant,  slue. 

Stajman  c  -er  eayman.  Alligator. 

Stajmnr  c  quay-wall. 

Itajtt  Cain.  Kajndmærlet  the  mark  el.  brand 
of  Cain. 

Kajlpenge  quayage,  quay  money.  -plabS, 
-rum  quay-room. 

Slajren'fer  pi  Caireenes. 

Stajtob  n  ^  fe  ffofoStob. 

Kajat'  c  -er  kay'ak. 

Slajcput'olie  c  cajeput. 

Stafabu'e  c  -r  cockatoo,  Psitaccus  cristatus. 

Sata'o  c  (Srif)  cocoa.  -bønne  chocolate-nut. 
•frugt  cocoa  pod.  -maåfe  cacao-paste.  -fmør 
cacao-butter.    -træ  cacao,  Theobromn  cacao. 

Safe(r)Ia!'  c  -er  cockroach,  Blatta;  albino. 

Katie  vi  cack. 

Katie  c  Dutch  tile. 

Kattcloon  c  -e  stove;  lægge  i  -en  light  el.  make 
a  fire  (in  the  stove);  fe  itl  -en  mend  the  fire.  — 
Kattelo»né|bør  door  of  the  stove.  -ferie  holiday 
duriug  stove  cleaning.  -figu'r  top  ornament  of 
a. stove.  -tarl  stay-at-home.  -trog  chimney 
corner.  -manb  stove-mender,  chimney  doctor. 
-plabe  stove-plate.  -pulbcr  powdered  blacklead. 
-rør  tube  el.  pipe  ofa  stove.  -flærm  flre-screen 
-fpjælb  register,  f-ftubent  student  matriculated 
without  public  examination.   -barme  stove  heat. 

Katofoni'  c  cacophony. 

Kattud  c   er  cactus. 

+KaI'  c  prov  (iSæg)  calf 

+Kal'  c  vein  in  a  tree  round  the  pith. 

'■'Kol  c  -er  rope. 

KalabaS'  c  -fer  calabash.  -træ  calabash  tree, 
Creicentia  cujete. 

Kala'b|rien  n  Calabria.  -re'fer  c.  -riff  a  Ca- 

Kalamite't  c  -er  calam'lty. 

Kalan'ber  c  -e  cal'ender. 

Kalan'berlærfe  c  calandra,  Melanocorvpha  ca- 

Kalanbd'brøbre  brethren  of  the  Cal'ends. 

Knla'iS  n  -er  F  carousal,  feast,  entertainment, 
treat,  feed. 

*Kolbeit  c  cold  chisel. 

Kalcine're  vt  cal'cine. 




J{atcium  n  calcium,     -flotib  calcic   chloride 

(0.  fl.). 

fiolb  n,  pi  =,  (2;il6BJeIig!ieb)  Inclination  (to, 
for)  turn  (for);  call;  fStanb,  ^oanbtetiug)  calling, 
vocation;  (^græftetalh)' living.  KalJ)|e,  -te,  -t  & -et 
vt  call;  (til  gejftligt  ©mbebe)  present  (to  a  living); 
labe  en  _  send  for  one,  call  one  in;  fom  iom  ^an 
»at  -et  came  most  opportunely,  in  the  nick  of 
time;  bet  -r  jeg  at  ftjnge  that  is  something  like 
singing,  that's  what  I  call  singing;  -f-  ab,  fe  - 
X>aa;  ~  for  9Jetten  cite,  summon;  _  en  for  nt 
call  one  st;  -  for  fig  cite  to  appear  before  one; 
_  frem,  fe  fremfalbe;  -  en  meb  et  9tabn  call 
one  (by)  a  name;  _  op  efter  call  after;  -  paa 
call;  _  en  til  fig  call  one,  bid  one  come;  Ⱦre 
-t  til,  fole  fig  -t  til  noget  be  flt  .'or,  feel  inclined 
for  a  thing;  talb  ^unben  til  Sent!  call  off  your 
dog!  _  til  SJibe  call  into  life  el.  being;  _  tilboge 
recall;  _  en  beb  atoon  call  one  by  (his)  name; 
mange  ere  tal  bebe,  men  faa  ubtialgte  many  be 
called,  but  few  chosen;  be  -be  they  which  are 
called.    -clfc  c  fun  fig  call,  inclination,  turn. 

^alb§{arie|i>e  labour  in  one's  calling,  profes- 
sional 1.  -bog  church  register,  -breti  letter  of 
presentation  (to  a  living).  -fcelle  colleague.  -^erre 
patron,  -ittbtægter  pi  revenue  of  a  living. 
-manb  summoner.  -^ligt  duty  of  one's  calling. 
-ret,  -rettig^eb  right  of  presentation.  -febbel 

*SaIe  fe  *Sal. 

^alei^'c  c  -r  calash,  c.  top,  head.  -bogn 
headed  carriage. 

Salcbo'n{ien  n  Caledonia.  -ier  c,  -tff  a  Cale- 

Solcjbofto'V  n  -er  kalei'doscope. 

tSiaIcmanf'  c  calamanco. 

Salcn'ber  c  -e  cal'endar.  -aor  caiender  year 
(0.  fl.). 

^alfa'tl^ammev  eaulking  mallet.  -t«ttt  caulk- 
ing  iron. 

Solfa't|rc  vt  caulk.  -rer  c  -e  caulker.  -ring 
c  eaulking.  -ringSflaabe  floating  stage.  -ring§= 
Itambe  caulking-nail. 

Stfllt  n  chem  potash. 

^aliatu'rtrce  «  caliatoor-wood ,  Pterocarpus 

kaliber  c  -bre  cariber,  bore;  fig  kind,  stamp. 
-bor  gun- borer,  -folb(c)  barrel-plug.  -maoleftot 
caliber  compasses.    -ftol  caliberrule. 

Salibre'lrc  vt  cal'ibrate.   -ring  c  calibra'tion. 

Solif'  c  -er  caliph.    -a't  n  cal'iphate. 

Salifor'nl|en  n  Califo'rnia.    -fl  o  Califo'mian. 

$iali^t)brat  n  hydrate  of  potash,  potassic  hy- 

^dCito  n  calico. 

Kali|lub  potash-lye.  -obteSning  solution  of 
potash.  -fnlbeter  nitrate  of  potash.  -fait  potassic 
salt.    -fæbe  potash  soap. 

Eatiunt  n  potassium.  •brøntib  n  potassic  brom- 
ide, -nitrat  potassic  nitrate  (ofb.).  -obcrilte 
peroxide  of  potassium.  -banbglaS  potassic  sili- 

^all  c  -e  (ftirlené)  chalice;  ^  calyx;  fig  cup; 
er  bet  muligt,  ba  gaa  benne  ~  fra  mig  if  it  be 
possible,  let  this  cup  pass  from  me. 

fial!  c  -e  lime;  (Blantet  meb  6anb,  til  at  mure  meb) 
mortar;  (til  ^oibtning)  whitewash;  brænbt  _  quick- 
lime.  -agttg,  -artet  o  calcareous.  -bob  lime 
-bath,  lime  pit.  -bjærg  calcareous  mountain. 
•btaat  fe  aSjærgblaat.  -blanbct  a  mixed  with 
lime.  -blab  c  (steeping  in)  lime-water.  -brub 
lime-quarry.  -brcenber  lime-bumer.  -brænberi 
lime-klln. "  -bræt  plasterer's  hawk.  -bunb  cal- 
careous bottom  el.  soil.    -bt(Ib  chalky  swelling. 

Solflbifl  paten,  patel,  patin.  -bng,  -bætfet, 
corporal,  communion-cloth. 




Katte  vt  plaster;  -be  ®rabe  whited  sepulchres. 

Rnlte  c  -r  tracing. 

Kaltetoft  c  mason's  brush. 

Satte'r|e  vt  calk,  calque,  counterdraw,  tracej 
•ing  c  caiking  etc.  -I«rreb  tracing-cloth.  -babn 
tracing-paper.  1 

Solllfattig   a  poor  in  lime.    -grube  limepi] 
-grunb  calcareous  soil.    -botbtg  a  lime-charge< 
-$t)brat  slacked  lime,  cakic  hydrate.    -jorb  ca 
careous   earth.     -tule   fe   =grube.     -teUt  beate] 
-lag  stratum  el.  layer  of  lime.    -leber  sulphurat 
of  lime.    -lub  calcareous  lye.     -lt(8  lime-ligh 
-læber  lime-dressed  leather.  -maleri  fresco-pain 
ing.  -mel  lime-powder.  -mergel  calcareous  mar 
-mælt  lime-water,   lime-milk     -tn«rtel  mortat 
Stallning  c  plastering.    Sialt|n>)rer  pi  septarij 
-Dbl^Sning  solution  of  lime.    -otiertræt  coat  ( 
whiting.      -8bn    lime-kiln.     -^olQt*    Hthophyt« 
-))ubiS  stufF,  stucco.    -rig  a  abounding  in  lim« 
-fait  salt  of  lime.    -fanb  calcareous  sand;   sand! 
mixed  with  lime.   -finter  calcareous  sinter,    -ffe 
trowel.    -flifcr  calcareous  slate.    -flobl,  -ftnffe 
lime  shovel.   *\latt  vt  fe  ftalfe.    -flager  c  -e  mixet 
of  mortar.    -flogning  c  mixing  of  mortar.  -fnibetp 
n  stucco- work.    -f^jat  calcareous  spar.   -ften  lima 
stone.    -ftenSbrnb  limestone  quarry. 
slaking   of  lime.      -fteb    powdered 
-fæbc  lime-soap.     -trug  hod.     -tuf 
tuff.    -ulb  skinner's  wool. 

Slaltu'n  c  -er  turkey.  Meleagris  galloxipavo. 
a  fig  stuck  up;  _  ^ane  turkey-cock,  f  gobble 
bubbly-jock;  _  ^øne  turkey  hen. 

S^aUøanb  n  lime-water. 

"MaU  c  -er  p  old  man,  goodman;  fe  ftboemetofl 

SaUtt  c  ^  calla. 

tfioHct  «  rotten  at  the  pith. 

Sallilgra'f  e  -er  callig'rapher,  callig'raphi.«it 
-graft'  c  callig'raphy.   -gra'fift  a  calligraph'ic(al). 

KaHu'n  n  -er  tripe,  chawdron;  F  (om  9)Jftr.) 
guts.  -maben  the  fourth  stomach.  -émanb, 
-Stone  tripeman,  tripe-woman.  •ftt^t)e  tripe 

Sialmar  e  -er  (93læ!fprutte)  calamary,  Loligo. 

Sialmernc  pi  the  calms;  -§  SRegton  the  calm 
lati  tudes. 

Jfalmerob  c  fe  Saimu?. 

^almut'  c  -fer  Kalmuck. 

^olmut  n  {%B\)  dreadnought. 

Kalmuk  c  sweet  flag,  Acorm  calamus. 

^alomel  n  cal'omel. 

Solong'  c  fe  gitjbenbe  ^unb. 

Jtaloft^'e  c  -r  galoche;  (Sræ«)  clog. 

Salot'  c  -ter  scullcap,  caiotte.    -ftc  ladle. 

SialM  c  -e  (ogfaa  3§-)  calf;  (©aafalo)  fawn;  (HB 
P)  calf,  detached  islet;  (i  SoD)  heart;  (Xømr.) 
chock,  Alling;  (i  SRufe,  2;ene)  pocket;  meb  _  in 
calf;  t)løie  meb  en  anben§  ~  plough  with  another 
man's  heifer.  Salbe  vt  calve.  —  SalBc|boo§ 
calf-stall.  -benet  a  in-kneed,  knock-kneed,  baker 
-legged.  -bouitlDn  veal  tea.  -bob  shoulder  of 
veal.  -brtSfel  sweetbread.  -br^ft  breast  of  veal. 
*-banS  curds  of  biestings.  -bobber  knobs.  -fjer= 
bing  quarter  of  veal.  -Ijatic  paddock  el.  enclosure 
for  caives.  -^obcb  calf's  head.  -tnæ  in-knee. 
-tnæet  fe  -benet,  -trbbé,  -tveå  (Srefet  i  en  Salo) 
chitterlings  pi;  (i  Stjorte)  shirt-frill.  -tufl  calf 
-carrier.  -tab  veal.  -tebfubbt  vealsoup.  -talle, 
-laar  fillet  of  veal.  -Icbcr  calf  s  liver.  -l«be, 
-maoe  rennet.  -ntjre  calfs  kidney.  -n^reftcg 
loin  of  veal.  t-fcbe  afterbird  of  a  cow.  -ftinb 
calf-skin;  (53ergament)  vellum;  +  Serben  fænger  i 
et  _  everyihing  goes  wrong;  it  is  a  matter  oi 
life  and  death.  -fteg  roast  veal.  -fii  calf  pen. 
-tanb  calf's  tooth;  arch  dentil,  denticle.  -tib 
calving  time. 

KaltiiUe  c  -r  calville. 






-t'  c  -er  Cal'vinist. 



Slalt>inié\'mc  c  Carvinlsm. 
•t'l\t  (1  Calvinistie(al). 

Aaloning  c  ealving. 

Ram  c  -me  (til  ^aax,  paa  $ane)  co'mb;  (taa 
<R«gle)  bit;  (paa  ^jul)  cog;  (paa  éiccim,  Sjærg, 
■'Balge)  crest;  (i  58cEBcrftoI)  reed;  (Sømr.)  notch, 
notched  joint;  (\)aa  Srcotur)  neck;  _  til  ©fgpanrion 
(3)ntp.)  cam  (for  expaiision);  ftære  alle  ooer  fen  _ 
treat  all  alike;  iiax  iaaet  _  til  fit  ^aax  has  found 
his  master,  is  hcnpecked;  reb  i  -men  flushed. 

^atnarabcri'  n  elan,  clique. 

SSamafc^'er  pi  gaiters.    Se  ©amofter. 

Slambia'Irer  n  cambium-biyer. 

Jtambrcgne  c  hard  fem,  B/echnum  spicant. 

^antbrit  n  ca'mbric. 

Rambri^  <i  Cambrian. 

Eamlbnnfc  crested  hair-grass,  Koeleria 
comb-brush.    -lielt  fe  -formtg. 

ftamé  c  -r  cameo. 

£tame  (  c  -er  (ogfaa  J,)  cam 'el. 

Kame'Iblomftcr  fe  ^amitte. 

Rameljbriticr  camel- driver,  -garn 
yam.  -gcb  Angora  el.  Angola  goat. 
camel's  hair.    -I)al§(fltte)  snake  fly,  Raphidia. 

Samc'lia  c  camellia,  Vameliin  japonica. 

S(amcIoparb'  c   er,  fe  ®iraf. 

Stameiot'  n  camlet,  camelot. 

Samc'ne  o  -r  Mnse. 

*fiamcralift'  c  -er  financier,  flnancialist.  -'ifl  a 
cameralistic.  ^amera'lbibcnftabctt  cameralist'ics. 

Samfcr  n  camphor,  -braabcr  camphor-essence. 
-olie  camphor-oil.  -fpiritUiS  spirits  of  camphor. 
-f^re  camphor'ie  aeid.  -træ  camphor  tree,  Laurus 
camphora.  -urt  stinking  ground-pine,  Chimpho- 

Sam Iftn  c  camphene. 

Kamjformig  a  comb-shaped,  *  pectinate. 
•futternl  comb-case,  -gorHworstedyarn.  -græS 
dog's-tail-grass,  Cynonitmn  crintatus.  -gæUct  a 
\vith  pectinated  gills.  -l)arti(e)  drill-harrow.  -^jul 

fiantiU'e  c  wild  cam'omile,  Matricaria  chamo- 
Mtlla;  SRomerft  _  camomile,  Anthemis  nobilia. 
•tt  c  camomile  tea. 

Sami'n  c  -er  tire-place,  chimney.  -gefimS 
mantle-piece.  -gitter  fender,  fire-guard.  -tl& 
chimney  fire.  -toft  fire-brush.  -frog  chimney 
■  -corner.  -oOJt  stove  chimm  y.  -^ilatie  hob.  -rift 
fire-grate.  -rer  funiiel  of  a  chimney.  -ftot 
American  chair.    -tæppe  hearth-rug. 

Æam|(abc  SSæon.)  comV>tray.  -mager  c  -e 

Stammer  n  -amre  chamber;  room;  ©fat-  ex- 
chequer;  8oDf-  lied -chamber,  (i  ©IljfeeDaaben, 
'Bumpe,  gl^bebof)  chamber;  CJCarlament)  house, 
chamber.    -abtjotat  lavvycr  of  the  exchequer. 

jtammera  t  c  -er  companion,  friend,  f  chum, 
tcomrade.  (til  Sø?)  shipmate;  (i  Xiltale)  old 
fellow;  fOfficer)  brother  officer,  (Solbat)  brother 
soldier  (etc);  (©fole)  school-fellow,  (Unieerfttet^-) 
fellow-student,  college-friend;  \)an  nar  (fulbftæn« 
big)  _  meb  bcm  he  was  hail  fellow  well  met 
With  them.  .Rammcrat(S)lig  a  brotherly.  Sam= 
meratflab  n  fellowship,  companionship. 

Sammerlbaanb  (paa  Sanon)  vent-astragal  and 
rtllets.   -betjent  confidential  officer  (with  persons 
of  rank). 
Sfammcrbug  n  cambric. 
Kammerlfrue  lady  of  honour.    -frølen  maid 
of    honour.      -gobé    crowu    lands    p/.     -fterre 
chamberlain.     -tjerrctnbe    chamberlain's    lady. 
•I)erren«gle  golden  key  ofa  chamberlain.  -berre- 
Jjoft  chamberlainship.    -f)ufar  harbinger.    -jc    - 
fru  lady's  maid.    -junfcr  gentleman  of  the  bed-  : 
chamber.     -jæger    rat-catcher.     -f-!låfen    c  joc 
abigail.     -labningSgeixer   etc,    fe  ^^oglobningS-.  I 

-lalaj  vaJet.  -mnfit  chamber  music.  -muftttt^ 
court  musician.  -orgel  chamber-organ.  -^lige 
lady's  maid,  (i  hoteller)  chambermaid.  -^jotte 
chamberpot.  -raab  c  (titular)  «chamber-coun- 
sellor« .  t-ret  court  •  )f  the  exchequer.  Sammerd 
w  F  fe  ftammcr.  Sammer{fag  matter  of  the  ex- 
chequer. -fanger(inbe)  private  singer  to  the 
prince.  4^-ftftert  fe  -tiSten.  t-ffriber  clerk  at  the 
exchequer.  -ffrue  breech-screw.  -flufe  look. 
-forg  private  court  mourning.  -fttanb§flrnc  fe 
-ftrue.  t-fbetib  fe  -tjener,  -terne  waiting  maid. 
-tjener  valet.  -tone  concert-pitch. 
kammusling  e  scallop,  Fecten. 
^amp  c  fe  Sampeften,  *  (pi  -er)  (rounded) 
mountain  top. 

jtam);  c  -e  fight,  combat,  struggle,  contest, 
confliet;  engagement,  inbre  -  an  inward  struggle; 
en  ulige  _  au  unequal  contest,  -en  for  jTilocerelfen 
the  struggle  for  existence;  _  paa  £iD  og  35øb 
mortal  strife. 

kampagne  c  campaign.  -flag  ensign.  -Ian 
terne  poop-lantem. 

SJamplbegcerltg  a  eager  for  the  combat.  -berebt 
a  fe  -fcerbig,  her  combatant.  -bulber  din  of 
battle.  -bag  day  of  combat  el.  battle.  -bommer 
judge  of  a  combat,  umpire.  -b^gttg  a  able  to 
fight,  in  flghting  condition,  mil  eflfective.  -bt?ft 
struggle,  strife. 

Sampeåtettte  n  logwood,   campeachy-wood, 
Hæmatoxylon  campechianum. 
Sam^efjcelb  n  granite  rock. 
Komlpe  re  vi  camp,  be  encamped.    ${am))er' 
|)«l  picket. 
jlam^elften  hard  stone.   -ftenSmnr  rubble  wall. 
StamplfoeQe  fellow-combatant,  companion  in 
arms.    -fcerbig  a  in  fighting  trim;  ready  for  the 
combat    el.    action,      -ftcrbig^eb    readiness    for 
action,   -førelfe  strategy.   -gufl  fe  -bulber.    -^ane 
game-cock.    -^«nd  game-fowls. 
Kampié  c  packed  ice. 

$tamp|itier  fe  luft.  -leg  warlike  el.  martial 
game.  -linie  line  of  batttle.  -lo»»  fe  -regel.  -Hft 
eagerness  to  fight,  love  of  fighting,  f  fight. 
•liften  rt  eager  for  the  fight,  eager  for  battle, 
P  full  of  fight.  +-iei  fe  tapløb,  -lefen  war 
-cry  -minifterium  fighting  ministrj-.  -mobig 
fe  -luften.  -m«be  hostile  meeting.  -plab9  field 
of  battle,  battleground,  scene  of  action;  arena, 
lists,  -prtå  prize.  -regel  fighting  rule.  -raab, 
-ffrig  war-cry;  f3nbtancrne§'  war-whoop.  -t-ftært 
strong  in  fight,  -ftæbne  fixed  meeting  for  a 
fight,  -ubtfgtig  a  not  in  a  fighting  state,  dis- 
abled;  gøre  -  disable. 

fiamlrenferfe-børfte.  -ftJjItc  neck-piece.  -tallet 
rt ;  -  ®aPl  gable  Avith  corbie  steps,    -tromle  clod 
crusher.      -ulb    combing-wool,    worsted    wool, 
long  wool.    -oelle  cam-shaft. 
kamæleon  c  -er  chameleon,  Ckamæleo. 
Stam'æffe  c  comb-box. 
San'  fe  fiunne. 
Sanaan  n  Canaan. 

Saniaba  n  Can'ada.  -a'bifl  a  Cana'dian;  _ 
Waar,  fe  gifTeboefel;  _  poppel  Canadian  poplar, 
Popiilvn  monilifera. 

åana'l  c  -er  (tunftigt  3?anbløB  og  anat)  canal; 
(naturligt  SSanbb'b  og  fig)  channel;  (unberjorbift) 
drain,  sewer;  'JRøg)  flue;  (-en;  ben  brittjte)  the 
Channel.  -anlicg  canal  works;  canalisation. 
-arbejber  navvy.  -baab  canal-boat.  -bagning 
canalisation,  Sanalife're  vt  can'alize.  Sanali^ 
fe'ring  c  canalisation. 
Sanal'je  c  -r  rogue,  villain. 
Sana'lltebel  flue-boiler.  -fcjlabS  canal-naviga- 
lion.  -fittfe  canal  lock.  -f^ftem  net  of  canals. 
-tunnelen  the  Channel  tunnel,  -tur  tour  on 
the  canal. 





i|nit'  o  -er  Ca'naanite.     -næ'ifl  a:  en  _ 
ft'Oinbe  a  woman  of  Ca'naan. 

^ana^é  c  -r  sofa,  couch. 

Siana'riift«  n  canary  seed.  -fugt  c  canary 
(hird),  Fringilla  canaria.  -gr(C§  canary  grass, 
Fhalaris  caniriensia .  -tiim,  -^Ult  male,  female, 
canary.  t-felt  Canary  (wine).  ^ana'rifC  a.  be 
•ffe  jSer  the  Canarv  Islands,  the  Canaries. 

^ana'fter  fe  Snafter. 

^anceUi'  n  -er  government  office;  (før  i  2)au- 
marl)  Board  of  Justice  and  Home  Department. 
-Setjcnt  officer  of  the  board  etc.  •6rctt  writ  of 
the  board  etc.  -Bub  messenger  etc.  -Qaanb  court 
-hånd.  -raab  (titular)  «counsellor  of  chancery«. 
■fegt  seal  etc.  -ffrift  fe  -!^aanb.  -firitjelfe  fe 
-bret).  -ft'  c  -er  upper  clerk  in  a  government 
Office,    -ftil  official  style,  offlcialese. 

^anba'r  c  curb-bit. 

Sanbe  c  -r  (©rtftelor)  can,  mug,  jug;  (aKoal) 
pottle.  -bærer  ^  pitcher-plant,  monkey-cup, 
Nepenthes  di»tillatoria.  -bøje  ij>  can-buoy.  -lang 
cover  of  a  jug. 

jtanbela'ber  c   bre  candelabrum. 

^anbe|mr>a(  pottle  measure.  -muSting  water- 
ing-pot,  Aspergillum.  -ftøbct  pewterer;  politiff  _ 
state-monger,  politicaster;  „ben  poIitif!e  _"  the 
Tinker  Politician.  -ftøberi  n,  (+-ft«ben  c)  tråde 
of  a  pewterer;  politiff  _  nonsensieal  talk  about 
politics,  -tnit  spout  of  a  jug.  -biS  adv  by  the 

Sanbtba't  c  -er  (Slnføger)  can'didate,  postulant; 
(ben,  ber  ^ar  taget  (SmbeblefSamen)  f.  éu.  t^eol.  _ 
young  divine;  juribifl  _  nominee;  mebtctnft  _ 
young  physician;  ftlofogifJ  _  young  philologist 
el.  humanist;  ftlofofifl  _  (omtr.)  sophister;  ffiøbenS 
_  past  hope.  ^anbibatu'r  c  can'didateship, 

Jl^anbiig  c  sugar-candy.  -e're  vt  candy;  vr  fig 
candy.  -e'ring  c  candisation.  -'ering^faSfe 
candying-vessel.    -fufler  fe  SanbiS. 

^ane  c  -r  sledge,  sleigh,  sled;  føre  i  -  sledge, 
drive  in  a  sledge.  -b|(etbe  harness  jingle,  sleigh 
-bell.  -fan  (ffiejfe  i  en  ftane)  drive  in  a  sledge; 
(Jlaneførfel)  sledging;  sleighing  party,  sleigh 
ride.  -fare  sledging,  sledding,  sleighing,  condi- 
tion  of  a  road  with  regard  to  sledging;  bet  er 
baarligt  _  it  is  a  bad  sledging.  -gænge  fe  -mebe. 
-^eft  sledge-horse.  -!ttft  sledge-driver,  driver  of 
a  sledge.    -turfel  sledging. 

^ane'i  c  cinnamon;  6tang  _  stick  of  cinna- 
mon.  -barl  cinnamon.  -blomfter  »/ cassia  buds. 
-bvun  a  cinnamon-coloured.  -farbe  cinnamon 
colour.  -olie  cinnamon  oil.  -rofe  cinnamon 
rose,  Bosa  cinnamomea.  -ftett  cinnamon- s  tone. 
•f^te  cinnamic  acid.  -træ  cinnamon  tree,  Laurus 
cinnamomum.    -ttaitb  Cinnamon  v^ater. 

S$ane|mebe  runuer  of  a  sledge.  -net  sledging 
net.  -<)ift  sledging  whip.  -fet^ab  sledging 
party,  -ftængct  shafts  (of  a  sledge).  -to<)  tassel 
for  the  head  of  a  sledge-horse.  -tut  fe  -fart. 
-tæ^))e  sledge  apron.    -taj  sledge  harness. 

^nn^ænb'e  adv  perhaps,  may  be. 

Sani'n  c  -er  rabbit,  cony.  -gaarb  rabbit 
-warren.  -garn  net  for  catching  rabbits.  -^aot 
rabbit's-hair,  cony  wool.  -^ule  rabbit-burrow. 
•fllnb  rabbit  skin.     -ugle  Athene  ounicularia. 

jSannele're  vt  channel,  flute. 

^anneltttl  n  cannel-  (candle-)coal. 

^anneoaS  n  canvas. 

^anniba'I  c  -er  can'nibal.    -fl  a  can'nibal. 

^annit  c  -er  canon.  —  Sannife|bom  canonry, 
canonship.  -gaarb  residence  for  canons.  -ftol 
prebendal  stall.  -fæbe  seat  of  a  chapter  of 

Sano'  c  -er  canoe. 

^anon  c  mus  canyon,  round,  catch. 

^ano'n  c  -er  can'non,  gun,  picce  of  ordnanct . 
^anona'be  c  cannonnade,  cannonading.  $tanoni< 
baab  gunboat.  -befætningen  the  gun  numbers. 
-betjening  service  oftheguns.  -brog  breeching. 
•(^alup  gun-vessel.    -bæ!  gun-deck. 

Kano|nér  c  -neter  gunner.  -nc'te  vi  cannonade. 
-ne'ring  c  cannonading,  cannonade. 

^ano'n|eI§ercit§  c  (great-)gun  exercisc.  -fart«i 
gun-vessel.  -feber  cannon-fever.  -form  gun 
-mould.  -fttlb  a  dead  drunk.  -f«be  cannon 
-food,  food  for  powder.  -^ar))un  gun  harpoon. 
-I^obeb  muzzle  (of  a  gun).    -ilb  fire  of  cannon. 

Sano|nlfe're  vt  can  onize.  -nlfe'ring  o  canon 
iza'tion.  -'nlff  a  canon'ical;  ben  -e  SRet  ti 
canon  law.    -niS'fe  c  -r  canoness. 

Siano'nifammcr  chamber  of  a  gun.  -lomi 
bør  J,  Captain  of  a  gun.  -Irabfer  gun-searcl 
-Irubt  cannon  powder.  -tugle  cannonball 
-laaé  gun-lock.  -labeftot  rammer.  -Iabnin( 
charge  of  a  cannon.  -lag  .1,  tier  of  cannon  el 
guns.  -lanterne  flghting  lantern.  -laoct  gur 
-carriage.  -lab  bore  of  a  cannon.  -ntanbffal 
gun's  crew;  fe  -befcetning.  -metal  gun  metal. 
-mnnbing  muzzle  el.  mouth  ofa  cannon.  -patl 
artillery-park;  ^  gun-wharf.  -bort  ^  gun-port. 
-<>rob  tompion.  -^rabe  proving(of)guns.  -rapert 
guncarriage.  -rar  fe  -løb.  -faloe  volley,  dis- 
charge of  guns.  -ffub  gun-shot.  -flubbibbe: 
inbenfor  _  within  gun-shot  -flog  fusee.  -flæbe 
slide,  -f^jcjl  fe  -prop.  -fprængninger  bursting 
of  guns.  -ftabcrl  cannon -foundry,  ordnance 
foundry.  -ftabning  founding  (ofj  cannons.  -fur> 
ring  J,  breast-frapping.  -fager  (gun-)searcher. 
•tap  trunnion.  -torben  thunder  of  canno 
cannonade,  peal  of  artillery.  -bifler  spor 
-bogn  gun-earriage. 

-H&anS  c  chance,  opportunlty. 

Sanffe'  adv,  joc  lanflc'fenS  perhaps,  may  Ije. 

^anflcr  c  -e  chancellor.    -ret  Court  of  Chancerj-. 

Sant  a :  _  og  flor  quite  ready,  in  full  order, 
ship-shape;  fætte  'Sejl  -  ^  trim  sails. 

Sant  c  -er  0?anb)  edge,  border,  margin,  rim; 
f(£gn)  quarter,  region,  part  of  the  country;  paa 
ben  _  in  that  quarter;  fra  olie  -er  from  every 
quarter;  on  all  hånds;  til  atle  -er  in  all  direc- 
tions;  pao  ~  on  edge,  edgewise;  fomme  poo  ~  nteb 
en  fall  out  with  one;  oære  poo  -  meb  en  be  on 
bad  terms  with  one;  '■'-  paa  en  _  muddled. 

Jtanta'bel  a  melodious. 

Sianta'te  c  -r  cantata. 

Slant|blomft  ray  floret,    -bæger  apple-of-Per 
Nicandra  physaloideB.   -bælg  winged  pea,  Tetrd- 

Siante   vt  (Oælte)   cant;    •    tumble    (over 

^ante  vt  border,  edge,  welt.    -baanb  edgi] 

Santctup'be  c  -r  can'taloupe. 

Jiantefpant  n  ,1,  cant  tlmber. 

Siant|et  a  (fom  ^or  hjørner)  angular, 
f^oonb,  Seoægelfe)  angular;  Jig  (om  SSæfen)  rough; 
tre-  threecornered,  triangular,  ofo.  -fil  sharp 
-edged  file.  -^ugge  vt  (5Cømmer)  square.  -fug- 
ning squaring.    -babl  edge-plane. 

Jiantitc'nc  c  -r  cantilena. 

Santirjc  c  -r  purl 

Kantine  c  -r  canteen. 

Kantlfrumning  c  (^glonfei)  sny  (fonfot))  hang 

Kantning  c  borderiugetc;  (Sont)  border,  welt. 

Kanton  c  &  n  -er  can  tor.  -nc're  vi  can  ton. 
•ne'ring  c   er  cantonmeat. 

Santor  c  -er  precentor,  choirmaster. 

Kantperle  c  round  pearl.  ^ 

Kantre  vi  (»ælte  om  poo  ©iben)  upset,  capsize; 
vt  (3;Bmmer)  cant.  -færbig :  loo  -  was  on  her 
beam  ends.    -^age  cant-hook. 













fiantrigtl  c  flush-bolt  (of  a  door). 

jlaniring  c  upsetting. 

Sontlfnt),  '^-fag  edge-saw.    -ffifte  fe  3Uulfttfte. 

^ant'f(et!nins  vi,  trimming.    -te  vt  trim. 

$tantu9'fe  c  -r  (t)  a  kind  of  short  cloak;  fe 
•efSamen.  -bat  viilgar  ball.  -etSanten  flrst  part 
of  a  medical  examlnation. 

^antceblt  n  edged  apple. 

$fanut'ter  pi  F  associates,  gosslps. 

JtaoH'n  c  ka'oline. 

SaoS  n  chaos.    Siao'tif!  a  chaot'ic. 

Sap  n  cape,  promontory,  headland,  geog  the 
Cape  (of  Good  Hope). 

Jim)':  om-,  *i-  adv  in  emulation,  in  competi- 
tion;  Iø6e,  renbe  om-  nm  a  race;  læfe,  ftrioe,  britfe 
om-  vie  \vlth  each  other  in  reading,  writing, 
drlnking,  endeavour  to  outdo  el.  excel  one  in 
reading  etc,  read  etc.  against  el.  with  one  (for 
a  wager). 

ftapa  {bel  «  ca'pable  (of).  -citet  c  -er  ability, 
talent;  conc  elever  fellow,  genius. 

Ka»jer  n  -ler  (liHe  tirfe)  chapel;  (Dr!efter) 
orchestra,  chapel.  -lo'n  c  -er  curate.  -tan^olb 
n  keeping  a  curate.    -lani'  n  -er  curacy, 

£(a))e('(Ie)  c  -r  chem  cu'pel,  cop'pel. 

^apeCjmeftcr  leader  of  an  orchestra.  -muftfuS 
musiclan  of  a  chapel.     -fttb  floating  chapel. 

-^Sa^)'erane  ?i  fe  $riaopgaoe. 

Slatfer  c  -e  privateer;  (5DJatrol^»crt)er)  runner. 
-bonb  boat  of  a  privateer.  -bret)  letter  of  marque. 
•fartøj  privateer.  -gaft  privateer's-man.  -i'  n 
•i,  privateering;  (om  SSognc)  plying  for  hire, 
nursiug,  opposing.  -faptajn  Captain  of  a  priva- 
teer. -lufl  driver  of  an  opposition  carriage,  a 
carriage  plying  for  hire. 

^atieriS  c,  pi  =,  caper,  pi  capers,  -^(attte 
caper-bush,  -plant,  -tree,  Vaparis  spinosa.  -fauce 

Ea^erl^tb  privateer.  -ffonnert  privateer 
-schooner.  -tog  privateering  expedition.  -Dogit 
opposition  carriage,  (a  kind  of)  jaunting  car 
-oæfen  privateering. 

J{a))1gaaen,  -gaatting,  -gang  c  pedestrianmatch. 

SJapiUlarite't  c  capillar'ity,  cap'illary  action. 
•ce't  a  cap'illary. 

Ka^ita'I  c  -er  (ogf.  forti/)  cap'ital;  (2)nfl8=) 
stock  in  tråde;  bob  -  dead  capital;  -en  (mobfat 
3ienten)  the  principal  (sum);  _  og  9f{enter  principal 
and  intcrest;  gøre  el.  flaa  -  af  make  capital  out 
of,  tråde  in.  Sa))ital  a  thorough,  absolute. 
-forbrljbelje  capital  crime.  -forfitring  endow- 
ment  assurance,  -ifc're  vt  cap'ilalize.  -ift'  c  -er 
cap'italist.  -loHto  stock-account.  -Oa;rbi  capital 

Sa^it'el  n  -tier  (i  alle  93et.;  chapter.  -faft  a 
well-grounded;  en  -  ffllanb  a  chapter-and  verse 
man.  -oaerflrift  chapter  heading.  —  tSa^iteIS{  = 
ret  fe  Samperret.  -toift  fixed  rate  el.  price  for 
corn,  imperial  average,  *c  flars  (prices). 

S)Ca)]ito'I|ium  n  the  Cap'itol.  -i'nff  «  Capi- 
to'lian,  Cap'itoline. 

^apttut|e're  vi  capit'ulate.  -atio  n  c  -er  capi- 

SMlf\tte'\  c  -er  (paa  en  ©ejle)  capital. 

^'a))il)a'r  c  -er  cab'iai,  capib'ara. 

Stap\lo\tn\tn,  -lanbet  Cape  Colony. 

S{a))|tøre  vi  drive  a  race.  -føring,  -lørfcl 
trotting  match. 

^a^tal(e)  c  mere  priraage. 

Staplløb  running  match,  foot-race,  heat.  -tøbe 
run  a  race. 

fia'^IøOen  the  Cape  lion,  Leo  capensis. 

Stapninq  c  poUing,  etc.  (fe  Rappe  vt). 

Slatiot'  c  (lady's)  hood, 

JJapotjer'blfle  jEer  the  Cape  Verd  Islands. 

Sal»pct«(afftære2;oppenj  poll;  .X,cut,  clearaway; 

-t  Sræ  pollard;  _  SlnfertoBet  cut  the  cable;  _  og 
goa  unber  ©ejl  J>  cut  and  run;  _  ^ooebet  af  en 
chop  one's  head  off. 

Ea)))>e  c  -r  (paa  ©lotøj)  heel  plece. 

^at)^e  c  -r  (Doertøi)  cloak,  mantle;  (3ruen= 
timmer=)  cap;  (WnnleO  hood,  cowl;  (^o§  røoHugt.) 
mantle;  (ooer  Sa^ljt)  companion;  (otter  $ærb) 
hood,  mantle;  (ooer  (Sorbin)  valance;  (paa  ^fole) 
flounce;  (paa  ©raefttffe)  cannel;  (poa  Stolbe)  heel 
-plate;  mifte  _  og  Éraoe  be  unfrocked;  tage  noget 
paa  fin  ~  take  the  responsibility  el.  blame  of  a 
thing  on  one's  self;  bære  -n  pao  begge  Sfulbre  be 
a  double  dealer,  carry  two  faces  under  one 
hood;  ^ænge  -n  efter  SBinben  set  one's  sails  to 
every  wind,  turn  a  cat  in  a  pan,  be  a  Jack  on 
both  sides. 

Kappel  abe  honnet  monkey,  Macacus  radiattm. 
-baanb  pi  ribands  for  a  cap;  (SSinbeboanb)  cap 
strings.  -babian  derrias,  Vynoet>phalu»  hama- 
dryas.  -bricmtne  fe  -ranb.  t-brager  pall-liearer. 
•bue  capuchin. 

-i^SJnppcfeft  c  race. 

SEappcgaaå  fe  ^ønfegaaS.  -garbin  valance. 
-^oæluing  cope,  Welsh  vault.  -^(ette  hood, 
capoch.  •lolibri  long-tailed  humming-bird, 
Aithunm  polytmut.     -trabe  eollai-  of  cloak. 

^appctQft  c  compelitive  spirit,  (spirit  of)  emula- 

^nppetæber  n  heel-piece. 

-^Kappen  c  emulation. 

^appejobn  jacket  furnace.  -^jibe  cap-ruche 
-ranb  c  (5!Ku§l.)  margin  of  the  aperture.  -rem 
jockey-helt.  t-røl'lile,  -røn'nile  (old-fashioned) 

^ap^eS  vd  vie  with,  contest  with,  emulate, 
(om)  compete  for. 

jtappe|f(ag  cape.    -ftrintmel  fe  -pibe. 

Stappet  a  Ougl)  tufted,  crested. 

SEappcbiS  adv  in  emulation. 

Sta'pre  vt  ^  (ogfaa  fig)  seize,  capture,  make  a 
prize  of,  (SRatrofer)  kidnap;  fig  pick  up;  —  vi 
(om  S?ogne)  ply  el.  canvass  for  hire,  nurse,  oppose. 

^aplrenbe  fe  -løbe. 

S«pri'|ce  c  -r  caprice,  whim.  -ciø'8  a  capric'- 

^apjrtbe  vi  ride  a  race      -ribning 

^apri  nfbrc  c  caprin'ic  aeid. 

Siaprifo'lium  c  -ier  honeystickle,  Lonicera. 

Soprio'l  c  -er  caper,  capriole;  gøre  -r  cut 

^apjro  vi  row  a  match,  -roning  rowing-match, 
regatta,  boat  race,  (meb  en  'Jtare  i  tjoer  ^aanb) 
sculling-match.  -roningåbaab,  -roerbaab  racing 
-boat.    -roning§tIub  rowing-club. 

*®apfag  c  cross-cut  saw. 

Saplfcjle  vi  sail  a  race.  -fcjlobS,  -fejHng 
sailing  match,    -fejler  racer. 

Stopfejfe  vt  capsize,  upset;  —  be  capsized  el. 

^apfel  c  -fler  (ogf.  ^)  capsule;  (paa  9itng)  collet, 
bezel;  (til  ^Barometer)  cisteru;  (2erB.)  saggar. 
-barometer  cistern  barometer,  -frugt  capsnlar 
fruit.    -ftøbtting  chill-casting. 

SapfUJbning  c  shooting-match,  rifle-match. 

Sa'pftaben  Cape  Town. 

Sl'apfu'n  c  -er  cav'esson;  fig  lægge  -  pao  en 
keep  one  in  check. 

^aptaj'n  c  -er  cap'tain;  (paa  ^onbelgf!ib  ogfoa) 
master;  _  af  2anbetaten,  Soetaten  captain  in  the 
army,  in  the  navy;  -erne  A  og  B  captains  A 
and  B;  gru  N  (gift  meb  ftapt.  N)  Mrs.  Captain 
N.    -løjt'nant  commander. 

ftaptiø'S  n  cap'tious 

Slaptø'r  c  -er  captor. 

Kapuci'ner  c  -e  capuchin  -friar).  -abe  capu- 
(•hin(-monkey),   Cebui  capvcinns^     'ta^tte  capuc 




chin.  -tloftei:  capuchin-convent.  -tofe  yellow 
rose,  Jiosa  dumetorum. 

^aptt'tt  c  -er  ca'pon.  -e,  -c're  vt  capon,  capon- 
ize.    -erlng  c  caponing. 

^aput'  a  &  adv  ruined,  done,  dished,  done 
for;  2æ8  _  capot';  gøre  &xi  ~  capot. 

^a'puin  c  Cape  (wine). 

*Srir  fe  tarl. 

Bat'  n,  pi  ■«=,  (ogfoa  Jig  og  i  2)Qr  og  ^pionterj 
vessel;  (ftort  Kar)  vat. 

Staraii'n  c  -er  c  car'abine,  ca'rVjine.  -ér  c 
-erer  car(a)biueer.    -^ase  spring-hook. 

^araff'et  c  -fler  decanter,  (til  SSanb)  water 

^arai'Bift  a  Caribbean  (sea,  Islands). 

^arala't  c  ear'acal,  Felia  caracal. 

Sitttatole  c  -r  car'acole. 

Sarafte'r  c  -r  char'acter;  (@inb)  disposition, 
temper;  (titulær  Mana)  titular  rank;  (i  ©fole) 
mark.  -tog  character-book.  -hanS  character 
-dance.  -)>ragt  fancy-dress.  -faft  a  firm,  deter- 
mined,  unwavering.  -faft^eb  firmness  of  charac- 
ter el.  principle.  -fejl  fault  of  character,  -fulb 
o  charaeteristic.  -giuning  cgiving  marks,  -ifere 
vt  char'acterize.  -tftit'  c  characteriza'tion ,  math 
characterist'ic,  index,  -ift'ifl  n  characteristic(al). 
-Iǎ  a  char'acterless.  -tǤ^cb  waut  of  character. 
•inærfe  charaeteristic.  -rotte  character  part. 
-flilbritig  fe  -tegning,  -fftttf^jjttcr  character  actor. 
-ft^rle  strength  of  character,  -ftærl  a  strong  of 
character,  -foagftel)  weakness  of  character.  -teB= 
ntnfl  portraiture  of  character,  character-drawing 
el.  sketching.    -træl  trait  of  character. 

Saramer  «  car'amel;  c  -ler  lozenge. 

^aranttcite  c  quarantine;  tjolbe  _  perform  el. 
pass  quarantine.  -afgifter  q.  dues.  -anftalt 
lazaretto.  -outorlteterwe  thehealth-guard.  -boflli 
guard-boat,  health  boat.  -be^anbling:  unbergaa 
_  be  subjected  to  q.  -beftemntclfer  q.  regula- 
tions  (0.  p.).  -betjent  health-officer.  -bcblå  fe 
■\)aS.  -etobjiéferaent  health  station.  -tm§,  -tnb- 
retning  fe  -anftalt.  -tomntiSfion  q.  board.  -paS 
pratique.  -:pltgtig  a  liable  to  q.  -ffib  (floating) 
lazaretto.  -tiben  the  period  el.  term  of  q. 
•bagt  health  guard.   -tiæfcn  q.  system,  Q.  Board. 

Uatat'  c,  pi  =,  car'at,  siliqua. 

Staraba'ne  c  -r  car'avan.  -fører  caravanee'r. 
-Ijué,  -ferai  caravan'sary,  caravan 'sera.  -te 
souchong.    -ticj  c.  route. 

^ar|baanb  hoop.  -bab  tub-bath;  (mobf.  oabent 
ly.)  private  bath. 

${arbo't|one  carbol'ic  oil.  -f^re  carbol'ic acid, 
•banb  solution  of  carbolic  acid. 

^arbona'be  c  chop,  cutlet.    -ft^tle  neck. 

^arbunbt  c  vascular,  bundle. 

^arbu'ntel  c  -fler  ca'rbuncle. 

Starcino'm  n  med  carcinoma. 

Sa'rbc  c  -r  (til  Ulb)  card.  Sarbe  vt  card. 
•haUt,  -borre  burr  of  the  teasel;  fe  -tibfel.  -fone 
carder.  -mager  c  -e  cardmaker.  -ntafline  card- 
ing-machine  el.  engine. 

Siarbemo'me  c  cardamom,  Alpinia  cardamo- 

^a'vht\p\QC  carder,  -fam  pi  card-nails.  -tonb 
tooth  of  a  card.  -tibfel  teasel,  Dipaacus  fullo- 
uum.     -ulb  clothing  wool. 

Sarbialgt'  c  cardlalgy,  heartburu. 

Jiarbtnal  c  -er  ca'rdinal,  fogf.  gugl:  Fringilla 
cardinalin) .  -btjb  cardinal  virtue.  -bunlt  cardinal 
point,  -tat  cardinal  number.  —  Siarbinalå|^at 
cardinal's  hat.  -tottegtum  college  of  cardinals. 
-Jioft,  -tiærbigbeb  cardinalate,  the  purpie. 

^arbobenebitt'  c  blessed  thistle,  Carduua  bene- 

Starbon'  (-©rteftof)  c  cardoon,  Cvnara  cardun- 



^arbua'n  n  co'rdwain. 

$farbu'§  c  -er  (til  Jtanoner)  ca'rtridge,  carto'ui 
(jCobotS')  paper  packet  (of  tobacco);  Bore 
prime  the  gun;  gri6e  en  i  -en  seize  one  by  ti 
poU.  -form  cartridge  form,  former.  -lifte 
tridge  chest.  -foggcriS  cartridge-box.  -papi 
cartridge  el.  packing  paper,  brown-paper,  cty 
-paper.  -tflffe  cartridge-box.  -tobat  tobace 
packed  in  paper.    -tolt  former. 

£^arb(eft'e  c  -r  (til  ^efte)  curry-comb;  fe  ftartccfft 

'•■'Såre  vt  rake. 

Si:arej'ning  c  canroying. 

Saren  Catherine,  Kate. 

Sare§  fe   c    -r   caress,    endearment.     -re 

Sare't  e  -er  coach,  -iut  coach  box.  -bl 
coach  door.  -fabing  body  of  a  coach,  -fulb 
coachful.  -^eft  coach-horse.  -^immcl  coachto] 
-mager  coach-maker. 

Saret'te  (fCilbpabbe)  c  -r  loggerhead  lurtL 
Chelonia  imbricata. 

Stare'tbinbuc  n  coach-window. 

*Sa'rfoH  fe  Sarlfolt. 

Sarfun'tel  c  -fler  ca'rbuncle. 

Sariffe  §ab  the  Cara  Sea. 

Sario't  c  -er  cariole,  (road-j  sulky,  -^eft 
cariole  horse,    -fele  cariole-hamess. 

Sari'eS  o  ca'rious. 

fiarta8'(fe)  c  -r  (5J5roieftil)  ca'rcass. 

Sarflub  c  dish-clout. 

Sa'rl  Charles  fe  Earl. 

Sa'rl  c  -e  (5i)lanb)  mau,  (gi)r,  Stnægt)  fellc 
(SjenefteO  man;  (i  $oteI)  boots,  (StalbO  ostler: 
eu  ærlig  ~  an  houest  fellow;  en  raft  -  a  l)rave 
el.  fine  fellow;  en  gemen  -  a  shabby  el.  mean 
fellow,  ofo.;  ^an  er  -  for  fin  ^ai  he  can  hold  his 
owu,  he  is  nol  to  be  trifled  with;  tftoa  _  hold 
one's  own.  —  Sarlejagtig  a  mannish,  mascu 
line.  -anflgt  man's  face.  -gerning  man's  work. 
-lommer  servants'  room.  -flæber  man's  clothes. 
-log  men's  compauy.  -Ian  wages  of  a  man. 
-r«ft  man's  voice.  -ftue  servants'  hall.  -ft^lte 
manly  feat.    Sorlfolt  n  man;  men. 

fiorlfnc  <;  carli'na,  ca'rline-thistle,  Cirli 

SorlSbognen  Charles's  wain. 

So'rtool^cn  a  marrlageable. 

Sorlcere  c  augiology. 

SJorm  c  e  (iRamme)  frame,  case;  Jt,  (omlring 
Suge)  coaming;  tclose  carriage. 

SormclU'er|bne  nuu.  -munt  Carmelite  (monk, 
friar).    -nonne  Carmelite  nun. 

Sormcft'n(r«b)  a  crim'son. 

Sormlfob  sill.    -f^tbning  J,  beam-fillings 

Sormi'n  c  ca'rmine.  -lol  fine  lake.  -fflti 

Sormtuge  c  J,  booby-hatch. 

Sorno^'  c  &  n  -per  jutty,  projecting  bay.  -ft« 
bay-windowed  room.  -binbue  bay-  (el.  bow-) 
window,  compass-window,  (fterre)  oriel  (-win- 

Sornco'I  c    er  corne'lian,  carne'lian. 

Sorncoal  n  er  carnival.  -Sogtig  c  camival 

tSorniff'el  c  -fler  cuff.  Sorniflc  vt  F  cuff, 

SorniS'  c  &  n  -fer  co'mice,  moulding.  -^«til 
cornice  plane,  moulding  plane.  -IranS  corona, 
drip.     -^tono  semigrand. 

Sorn«f'lc  fe  Starnifle. 

Soroline  Carolina,  Car'oline;  (SBaHen)  the 
red  ball;  (Spillet)  carline.  -me  pi  the  Carolines, 
the  Caroline  Islands. 

SoroltH'Igerne  pi  the  Carlovingians.  -gifl  a 
Carlo  vingian. 

-i-SaroS'fc  c  -r  coach. 






^arott'c  c  -r  (Soba!)  carrot;  (®ulerob)  small 

^arpat^erne  pi  the  Carpathiau  mountains. 

^ar)>c  c  -r  carp,  Cvprinua  carpio.  -Sam  carp 
pond.  -leg  spawn  of  carps.  -lænb,  -rflg  roach 
-back.    -tunge  (2fii)  tongue.    -tinget  carp  fry. 

Siarplanter  pi  vasc-ular  piants. 

JSarrc  c  -r  car,  cart;  tvp  oarriage. 

Storré  c  -r  square.  -ntafline  square-rose  en- 

S(arre{fulb  c  eartful.  -^eft  cart-horse.  -fuff 
Carter,    -ftænger  shafts  of  a  rart. 

Karri  c  curry-powder;  (grifaSié  meb  -)  curry; 
ftQloefrifalté  meb  -  curried  veal  (o\\3.j. 

Starriete  c  gållop;  (iiøbebanej  career;  i  »ilb  - 
in  mad  carreer;  gøre  -  make  a  career. 

Karrig  a  stingy,  mlserly,  niggardly;  -  paa 
sparing  of.    -^eb  c  stiuginess,  niggardliness. 

Korritattt'r  c-etcaricature;  tegne-  car'icature. 
-tegner  ear'ieaturist.  Sarrife'rc  vt  car'icature, 

Sarrtlret  curry.    -ftof  curry-powder. 

ftarrona  be  c  -r  car'ronade.  -blol  bed  for  a  c. 
•ficebe  c  slide. 

Sarrufer  c  k  n  roundabout,  merry-go-round; 
t'Spil    tilt.    -Bane  roundabout. 

^arfe  c  pepper-wort,  Lepidium;  ^aBe=  cress, 
cresses;  »ilb  -  cardamine. 

Sarft  a  hale,  in  health;  be  -e  ^oBe  itfe  Sægen 
be^oo  bibl  tliey  that  are  whole  need  not  a  physi- 
cian.    -Iieb  c  health. 

Ætarlffrubbe.  -^tuppe  scrubblng-brush. 

*Ka'rlig  a  fe  éarieagtig. 

Starlftreng  fe  -bunbt. 

*ftart  c  -er  hard  (unripe)  fruit  el.  berry. 

"■'Sart  n  -er  map;  (Sø=)  chart. 

Sarte  w  -r  letter-bill. 

Sarte  c  og  vt  fe  ftarbe. 

Sartel'  c  -ler  cartel;  (Ubforbr.)  challenge,  cartel. 
-ffib  cartel-ship. 

Sorte're  vt  enter  (on  the  letter-bill). 

Sartefia'nff  o  Carte'sian,  _  ®iæoeI  Cartesian 
devil;  -e  JpoirBler  C.  vortices. 

Sorten'fcr  c  e  Carthusian.  -mun{  C.  monk 
(o.  fl.).  -neilite  Carthusian  pink,  Dianthus  Car- 

Sart^agjo  n  Ca'rthage.  -inien'fer  c,  -inien'fifl 
a  Carthagiu'ian. 

"Sortlteglge  vt  map  (down),  chart,  -ning  c 
mapping  etc. 

Sartnegl  c  diseased  nail. 

Sartof'fel  c  -fler  potato;  -fler  meb  '^Bib  ©auce 
stewed  potatoes.  -oar;  gobt  _  good  year  for 
potatoes.  -ager  potato-field.  -anl  cultivation 
of  potatoes.  -bille  potatobug  el.  -beetle,  Dory- 
phora  decem-linenta.  -brccnbeotn  potato  whiskey. 
-grt)n  potato-groats.  -gr«b  mashed  potatoes. 
•littUe  hoe.  -Ijaft  potato  crop.  -Jorb  potato 
soil  -ftelber  root-house  el.  cellar.  -I«g  large 
shalot.  t-ntarf  p.-field.  -mel  potato  flour. 
-ntoé  mashed  potatoes.  •na:fe  bottle-nose. 
-plante  potatoplant.  -plott  hoe-plough.  -fago 
sago  of  potatoes.  -fatat  potato-salad.  -flærer 
potato-cutter.  -ftijjclfe  potato-starch.  -futfer 
sngar  of  potatoes,  -futi:pe  potato  soup.  -f^g= 
bom,  -fJjge  potato  dlsease. 

Sarton  c  -er  ($Qper)  ca'rton;  (Segn.)  cartoo'n. 

tSarto'Oe  c  -r  car'ronade. 

Sartcrfte  c  -r  art  grape-shol,  case-shot,  canister 
-shot.  -baafc  canister  of  grape-shot.  -ilb  fire 
of  grape. 

Sam*',  Saru8'fe  c  -fer  bastard  carp,  Cvprinus 

Saroe  c  fe  Skummen. 

Same  vt  (ftære  Surer)  nick,  notch;  (ftcere  i 
©tafter)  mince,  chop.    -bræt  chopping  board. 

*Sar))etaa(  c  caraway;  caraway  soup. 

Sarøeirniti  chopping  knife.  -mærte  fe  So- 

*SarbeoHe  c  oil  of  camin. 

Sarocftof  c  tally,  nick(-stick;. 

Sartiati'be  c  -r  caryat'id. 

Safc^cmir  n  cashmere.    -geb  Cashmere  goat. 

Safc  c  -r  turd. 

Safe'in  n  ca'seine. 

Safe'matlte  c  -r  ca'semate.  -te'ret  a  casemated. 
-flib  casemated  ship. 

Safer'nc  c  -r  barrackfsj,  casern.  -gaarb  bar- 
rack-yard. -lin  barrack-life.  -'re  vt  lodge  el. 
quarter  in  barracks,    -ffib  tender. 

Saftmtr  n  cas'simere. 

Saftnet'  n  cas'sinets. 

Saåta'be  c  -r  cascade. 

Saffaril'lebart  c  cascarilla  bark. 

-t-Safle  c  -r  casque,  cask. 

Saftelot'  c  -ter  cachalot  el.  spermaceti  whale, 
Phvueter  macrocephalus . 

Saftet'  c  -ter  cap,  honnet,  -mager  cap-maker. 
-^bgge  eap-peak. 

Salto  c  i  9l§turance  paa  -  insurance  on  the 
ship  (hull,  bottom);  ^aBari  paa  ~  damage  to  the 

Saf»ifte  ^at  (bet)  the  Oaspian. 

Saéfa'Ibel  n  useless,  worthless.  -tio'n  c  cas- 
sation;  condemnation  etc.  (fe  flfaSfere).  -tio'nSret 
court  of  cassation. 

SaSfe  c  -r  case,  box,  cofifer;  (^engetifte)  cash 
-box;  (<|Senget.  af  ^ærn)  iron-safe;  (til  ©tøbn.)  flask; 
(til  kaniner)  hutch:  (tit  Qnbfatn.  af  aCJbelft.)  collet, 
bezel;  fig  exchequer,  treasury,  purse;  -n  F 
((Jængfel)  the  black  hole;  gammel  _  cont  (om  Stib) 
old  tub;  Bære  Beb  (per)  _  be  In  cash;  tf  te  Bcere 
Beb  -  be  out  of  cash,  short  of  money;  bliBe  Beb  _ 
get  into  cash;  ftaa  for  -en  keep  the  cash;  f  faa 
paa  -n  get  a  box  on  the  ear.  -anbt§ning  ex- 
chequer ijill.  -betiolbning  cash  balance,  -betjent 
keeper  of  a  public  fund.  -bog  cash  book. 
-blæfer,  -bælg  chest-bellows.  -efterf^n  inspec- 
tion  of  the  cash.  -formning  sand-casting  be- 
tween  flasks. 

SaSfcting'  c  -er  jacket,  jerkin. 

Sa§fc|tonto  cash-account.  -tontor  pay-office. 
-laaS  case-lock. 

Sa§feler=®ult  Cassel  yellow. 

Saéfe|mangel  deficit,    -mefter  treasurer. 

Sdéfe're  vt  (giBe  Slfffeb)  cashier,  (om  Officerer) 
break;  (fortafte)  reject,  condemn;  (Som,  SBalg) 

Sa8fc're  inb  vt  fe  3nbta8fere. 

Saéferegnftab  n  cash-account. 

Saéfercr  c  -e  treasurer,  cashier,  cash-keeper, 
paymaster,  -lontor  pay-offlce.  SaSfererfte  c  -r 

Saéfcrot'Cle)  c   ler  saucepan,  skillet. 

Sa§fe|ft^lfe  great  attraction.  -ft«bning  fe  -form= 
ning.  fuig  embezzlement,  defalcation;  (meft  om 
offentt.  isenge)  peculatlon.    -tab  loss  In  cash. 

Saåfet'te  c  -r  arch  cofter.  -ret  a  £oft  coffered 

SaSfeltijo  embezzler.  -t^beri  fe  -fBig.  -tømning 
emptying  of  the  boxes.  -nentil  double- beat  valve. 
•tiogn  caravan. 

SaSfia  c  cassia.  -bart  cassia-bark.  -træ  cassia 
-tree,  Caxtia  fiatula. 

Saåftnet'  n  cas  sinets. 

Saft  n,  1^1  =,  throw,  cast,  (meb  ©pQb)  dart; 
(af  SBinb)  gust  (of  wind);  *one  cast,  drawing  el. 
haul  of  the  drag-net;  *place  for  fishing  wlth 
the  drag-net;  et  _  meb  ^oBebet  a  toss  of  the  (el. 
one's)  head;  et  -  ®rife,  ^oalpe  a  Utter  of  pigs, 
puppies;  fcette  alt  poa  et  _  stake  all  on  the 
cast  of  a  die,  put  all  one's  eggs  in  one  basket; 




gitte  fig  i  _  meb  engage,  encounter,  (ogj.  fio) 
tackle,  assail,  fig  (noget)  grapple  with;  l^oorlebeS 
tom  tion  i  _  meb  faabaniie  9Jiennefter?  how  came 
he  to  take  up  with  such  people? 
^aftagnet'ter  pi  cas'tanets. 
Jtnftan'ic  c  -r  chestnut;  bilb  ~  horse-chestnut; 
vet  horny  excrescence;  rage  -rne  ub  af  Siben  for 
en  be  oue's  cat'spaw.  -brun  a  auburn,  chest- 
nut. -olie  chestnut  oil.  •rifJer  chestnut-roaster. 
-ffoU  chestnut  wood.  -træ  (ægte)  c.  trea,  Fauus 
castanea;  c.  wood. 

^afte  vt  throw,  cast,  (o^jab)  toss;  (om^unbe  o.  fl.) 
bring  forth,  litter,  whelp,  (før  Skiben,  om  ^o)  cast, 
slink;  (en  l^jenbe)  throw,  overthrow;  (Sort)  dis- 
card, (i  $ifet)  lay  out,  (6elfnbe  meb)  throw; 
(©tjning)  overcast;  .  en  ®røft  dig  a  pitch;  _  Korn 
stir  corn,  *winnow  corn  by  hånd;  ~  8^§  otier 
throw  el.  shed  light  on;  —  vi:  SSinben  -r  the 
wind  is  chopping  about  el.  is  biowing  in  sudden 
gusts;  .gijorten  -r  the  stag  is  shedding;  *fish  with 
the  casting-net  el.  drag-net;  —  _  fig  (om  Sræ) 
warp,  (om  gærebe  SSæbffer)  tum  sour,  (om  iJob= 
ning  shift;  —  meb  præp  og  adv.  _  af  throw  el. 
cast  off,  (9?t)tter)  throw;  -  ©roen  of  break  up 
the  bridge;  _  af  fig  (®eetnft)  yield;  _  6i  .J,  heave 
to,  bring  to;  _  60 rt  fe  SBortfafte,  (tabe)  lose; 
-  efter  en  meb  en  ®ten  throw  a  stone  at  one; 
_  ?l5eiler  for  ©Din  cast  pearls  before  swine;  - 
fig  for  en§  gob,  fjøbber  throw  one' s  self  at  a 
person's  feet;  _  fra  J>  cast  off;  ~  fig  ^en  throw 
one's  self  away;  _  i  (om  §efl)  overreach;  -  i 
gængfel  cast  into  prison;  -  en  en  ©ten  i  ^ooebet 
hit  one's  head  with  a  stone;  ^  en  noget  i  9Jæfen 
taunt  one  with  something;  fig  i  Slæberne  fling 
on  one's  clothes;  fe  9ialfe;  -  ncb  af  tropperne 
kick  down  stairs;  _  om  throw  down;  (om  SBinb) 
shift,  fig  shift  one's  ground,  wheel  round;  _ 
SKoffinen  om  reverse  the  engine;  ~  om  fig  meb 
lard  one's  speech  with,  air;  _  fig  om  enS  |)alS 
fall,  throw  one's  self,  about  one's  neck;  -op 
throw  up,  vomit,  (et  Drb)  look  for,  look  out; 
^øMen  taflebe  iiam  o  »er  meb  ©!orn  the  mob 
pelted  him  with  dirt;  ©tibet  bleb  -t  ^elt  ober  she 
was  thrown  on  her  beam  ends;  -  fig  ober,  fe  -  fig 
paa;  ~  ober  SBorb  throw  overboard;  -  paa  <t, 
(til  SSinben)  heave  to;  _  ©tene  paa  en  pelt  one 
with  stones;  _  5DtiStanfe  poa  throw  suspicion  on; 
_  $ab  poo  conceive  an  aversion  to,  be  set 
against;  -  paa  Søren  tum  out  (of  doors);  _ 
Slæberne  paa  (el.  om)  fig  fling  el.  huddle  on  one's 
clothes;  _  fig  pao  Hg  apply  el.  devote  one's  self 
to,  (om  ©tigbom)  fly  to,  attack;  _  f ammen  (S^øj) 
baste  (together);  -  til  (betenbe  meb)  throw;  - 
til  fjorben  fling  down,  (en)  throw  (down);  ~  en 
®rab  til  flU  up  a  grave;  -  til  J>  (2;ob)  belay, 
(for  ©torm)  lay  to;  -  ub  turn  out,  (beb  SRettenS 
aJlibbel)  eject;  (i  SricEet)  bowl  out;  _  ub  i  SJerben 
throw  upon  the  world. 

Softe  c  -r  caste;  mifte  fin  -  loose  caste.  -tiwaLå 
spirit  of  caste. 

^afte|bctia(gelfe  projectile  motion.  -BIoI  ^t' 
snatch-block.  •6olb(t)  hand-ball;  S^lfenS  -  the 
sport  of  fortune.    -6ro  flying  bridge. 

SaftelforbDtn  prejudice  of  caste  -forffcl  dis- 
tinction  of  caste(s). 

Softelflorn  seine.  -grcenfe  (Sridet)  bowling 
-crease.  -g^nge  swing,  -^arffun  hånd  harpoon. 
•t)iut  flash-wheel. 

Softeinbbeltng  c  division  into  castes. 

Saftcjflæbc  wrapper,  shawl.  -tæ)>  ^an  er  ingen 
-  he  is  not  to  be  trifled  with. 

Softcl'  n  -ler  castle,  citadel. 

Saftctinie  c  line  of  protection,  trajectory. 

^afteUa'n  c  -er  cast'ellan,  constable. 

Saftc|mofItne  (SSIibe)  catapult.  -n  c  fe  Saftning. 
*-not  fe    garn.    -|)fl  dart. 


${af)e))r(eg  n  stamp  el.  characteristic  of  cast 

SiaftcpaS  c  J,  draw-bucket. 

Siaftcr  c  -e  (i  Sricfet)  bowler. 

SVoftelftibe  discus,  quoit.  -ffobl  shovel  fof 
stirring  corn;  *winnowiug-8hovel  {Jbihl  fan). 
-ffub  vertical  flre;  fe  ©navftub.  -f(t)t8  mortars. 
-fpj)b  javelin.  -ftige  rope  ladder.  -fttng  whlp 
-stitch.  -ftoV^fcr  ,%>  dog-stopper.  -f«m  overcast 
-seam.  -t«rt(æbe  fe  -tlæbe.  -oaabcn  missile. 
-baab  fe  -garn.  -bibbe  range,  -uinb  puflf  of 
wind,  sudden  gust  of  wind,  eddy-wind,  flaw, 
White  squall.  -tiinbe  4^  spunyarn  winch.  -bO) 
fe  -garn. 

Sfafteboefen  n  division  into  castes. 

Si(afti'tt{en  n  Cas'tile,   Castilia.     -a'ner 
-O'nff  <i  Castil'ian. 

Saftning  c  -er  castingetc;  (af  ©tool)  warpir 
(©ijuing)  overcast. 

Softov  fe  aSæber. 

Knftrametatio'n  c  mil  castrameta'tion. 

Staftro't  c  -er,  S^oftre're  vt  fe  ®ilbtng,  fe  ®tlb 

Stafua'r  c  -er  cassowary. 

Softtift'  c  -er  eas'uist.    -it'  c  casuisiry. 

KofuS  c,  p^  —,  case.    -enbelfe  c  case-ending. 

Kot'  c  -te  (tam)  cat,  Feli»  domeaticus;  bilb  - 
catamountain,  catamount.  Feds  catus;  ^  (til 
Sinter)  cat(-tackle),  2:omp)  cat  o'nine  tails;  fort 
cavalier;  (til  53enge)  moneybelt;  iffe  en  _  not  a 
soul;  ^an  gør  ifte  en  -  gortræb  he  wouldn't  hurt 
a  fly;  i  TOørfe  ere  alle  te  graa  all  cats  are  grey 
in  the  dark,  when  candles  are  out,  all  cats  are 
grey,  Joan's  as  good  as  my  Lady  in  the  dark; 
en  -  tør  fe  paa  en  Songe  a  cat  may  look  at  a 
king;  *itte  for  -ten  not  to  be  sneezed  at,  not  half 
bad;  tøbe  -ten  i  ©ætten  buy  a  pig  in  a  poke; 
forlige!  fom  §unb  og  -  live  Uke  cat  and  dog; 
bære  joa  teb  af  noget  fom  -  af  ©ennep  be  heartily 
sick  of  a  thing;  naar  -ten  er  borte,  fpiHe  ffliufene 
paa  SBorbet  when  the  cat  is  away  the  mice  will 
play;  gale  -te  taa  rebet  ©tinb  brabbling  curs  never 
want  sore  ears;  fom  -ten  om  ben  barme  ®røb  like 
a  cat  about  hot  milk;  fer  ub  fom  en  _  i  33Iæft  is 
quite  thrown  ofF  his  balance. 

Satabiop'trift  a  catadioptrie(al). 

^atafalt'  -er  catafalque,  catafalco. 

Kataiom'be  c  -r  catacomb. 

Sataleblfi'  c  cat'alepsy.   -'tifl  a  cataleptic(al). 

Satnto'g  c  og  n  -er  cat'alogue;  ftaar  i  -en  is 
on  el.  in  the  eatalogue.  -ifc-re  vt  cat'alogue. 
-fcbbet  eatalogue  card,  c.  .slip. 

jtatalo'nilen  n  Catalonia.  -er  c  -e,  -ft  a  Cata- 

^atabldS'ma  n  cat'aplasm. 

katapult'  c   er  cat'apult. 

^ataratt'  c  -er  cat'aract. 

Katarina  Catherine. 

Katarr^  c  catarrh,  cold,  influenza,  -o  Ift  a 
catar'rhal,  catar'rhous. 

Sataftro'fe  c  -r  cat'astrophe,  crash. 

Katbiot  c  J,  cat-block. 

SEatebcr  m  -bre  chair,  cathedra,  (paa  ©lole) 
(master's)  desk. 

Satebraitirtc  c  -r  cathe'dral  (church). 

Sategoiri'  c  -er  cat'egory;  f  bære  i  famme  _ 
be  in  thé  same  box.    -'riff  a  categor'ical. 

Satejfe't  c  -er  (ben,  fom  tan  tatefifere)  cat'echist; 
(.©jælpepræft)  the  youngest  ciirate  in  city  churches. 
-fifc'rc  vt  cat'echise.  -tifc'ren,  -tifc'ring  c  cat'- 
echising.  -tié'muå  c  cat'echism.  -tume'n  c  -er 

Sate't  c  -ecne  the  sides  (which  form  the  right 
angle),  f  the  cath'eti. 

^nte'ter  n  -tre  n-ed  cath'eter. 

S^atl'gaupe  lynx  of  a  certain  colour  (resem- 




bliag   the  cat,   Felts   Gervaria,    '^nt  n  cat-gut. 
-^age  ^  lat-hook. 

^attjo'b  c  elect  cath'ode. 

^atitina'rift  a  Catilinarian. 

Katio'n  c.  elect  oa'tlon. 

$iat|frog  ^  cat-hook.    -(«&cr  oat-fall. 

Sat|oIicl8'me  c  cathol'icism,  (rom.)  Romanism. 
•oltf  c  -er  cath'olio,  (rom.)  Romanist,  -o'lfl  a 

^ato^|tri{'  c  catop'trics.    -'trifl  a  patoptric(al). 

^at'oft  c  mallow,  Malva. 

Siattine  Kate.  -Iitomme  c  -r  French  prune 
el.  plum. 

S^atrtjgget  a  (Slib)  cambered. 

Statåu))  c  catchup,  ketchup. 

^atfttoe  c  ^  sheave  in  ihe  cat-head. 

Sjatte  vt  J.,  (Slnferet)  cat;  (et  9(nler  til  et  anbet) 
hack;  (et  2ot))  point;  (prygle)  flog. 

Sotlelflfltig  u  catlike,  cattish.  -art  (91.  af  Satte) 
kind  of  cat;  (Sottenatur)  cat  nature,  -({am 
panda,  wah,  Åilurus  refnlgew.  -b^Ib  whitlow. 
■fieb:  meb  _  stealthily.  -fob  cat's  foot  cudweed, 
Gnaphalium  dioieum;  ^  cat's  paw.  -fabC  cat's 

Stattegat  n  the  Cattegat. 

Sattelgulb  gold  glimmer,  -^atc  cat's  tail;  ^ 
loose-strife,  Lythrum  saiicnria.  •^ootb  cat's  head; 
(i  2Qa§)  protniding  bolt,  notch;  art  small  mortar. 
•fttti  cat-hole,  cat's  hole.  -jagt  chasing  of  cats. 
-ftlling  kitten.  -Ko  cat's  claw;  fig  paa  -flår,  fe 
■fjeb.  -fnur  purring  o f  cats;  we^^  purring  sound. 
-tonccrt  caterwauling.  -lab  fe  fob.  -mtaben 
mewing  of  cats  -t-nttib  fe  -benlig.  -muftt  chari- 
vari;  (af  Sotte)  caterwauling.  -mqnte  fe  -urt. 
-<)itie  scrape,  strait,  hoppie.  ^'-puS  puss,  pussy. 
•tUt  scratch  of  a  cat. 

ffatternr  pi  the  Catti. 

Stattelrtjg  J,  camber.  -flinb  cat's  skin.  -fit) 
o  afraid  of  cats.  -flæg  whiskers  of  a  cat;  ^ 
mat-grass,  Nardus  stricta.  -f(ægten  (the)  catkind, 
the  feline  race.  -f<)or  J,  rider,  -faring  cat's 
leap  -ftjært  ^  point,  -fotti  cat-silver.  -torm 
+(55Ianfe)  cinque-foil,  FotentiUa  reptans.  -urt 
cat-mint,  Nepeta  cataria.  -Oabft  an  apology  for 
washing.  -tientig  -<  oily,  bland,  -benlig^eb 
blandness,  blandishment(s).    -aje  cat's  eye. 

Kattu'n  n  -er  calico.  -lætreb  printed  calico. 
•trqiter  calico-printer.    -trt)ttert  calico-printing. 

Siat'Ingte  tawny  owl,  Strix  aluco.  *-ttnge 

Sta^enjantmer  [t]  c  fe  Xømmermænb. 

Stat'|«jcftett  (en  Cpa!)  cat's  eye,  girasole.  -«jct 
a  cat-eyed. 

ftauberoælfl  n  gibberish,  jargon. 

*S'ouc  vi  halloo,  hoUo. 

ftautalfuS  n  the  Caucasus.  -'fier  c,  -'fifl  o 

Sau8  c  fe  toiiS. 

SEoufo  I  u,  Sanfa'I'  cau'sal,  cau'sative.  -ite't 
<   causal'ity. 

^aufdier  [^e6.]  a  p  pure;  right,  correct. 

Stauftifl  a  caust'ic;  -  Sali  potassic  hydrate. 

*Stottt   I  bumptious,  rollicking. 

j{autei  c  -er  precaution. 

^autcriflatio'tt  cauteriza'tion.  -e're  vt  cau'- 

^autto'n  c  -er  security,  surety,  bail,  caution; 
ftiUe  _  give  security,  put  in  bail;  gaa  i  ~,  -e're 
vi  be  surety,  stand  surety,  bail.  -ift'  c  -er 

^autfi^ut  c  India  rubber,  caoutschouc.  -manb 

adiarubber   man,    contortioner.      -olie    caout- 

*SaO  a  &  ndv  P  complete,  comjiletely,  stark; 
■    (Sfé.  _  brulten  dead  drunk,  o.  fl. 

'■■"ftab  n  F  laying  about  (with  the  arms);  tur- 
moil,  bustle. 

J{aoai'  c  -er  greatcoat;  ftiffe  unber  -en  joc 
lay  in. 

^abalCc  c  -er  (ogf.  <J5artinoon  oqfortif)  cavalier, 
(oeb  ^offet)  gentleman  in  waiting;  (t  2)anS)  partner; 
(fpottenbe)  beau,  gallant.  -m«dfig  a  (i  gob  SBet.) 
gentlemanlike,  gentlemanly;  (i  flet  SBet.)  cavalier. 

S^abalta'be  c  -r  cav'alcade. 

^abaUcri'  n  cav'alry,  horse,  -regiment  regi- 
ment of  horse,  -ft'  c  -er  trooper,  horseman, 

S{at>ati'ne  c  -r  cavatina. 

tjatte  vi  (om  fRæoen)  yelp. 

♦Satte  vi  lay  about;  exert  one's  self,  bustle, 
make  arms. 

*Satie  c  fe  ©nelntoe. 

*Saoe'|re  vi  fe  kautionere.  -ringSmanb  fe  gor- 

Sabia'r  c  caviar,  caviare;  -  for  ben  ftore  $d6 
c.  to  the  general. 

*SobI  c  -er  float,  buoy  (for  tishing-nets). 

♦Same  c  -r  fe  ftæole. 

Uativi  c  cowry. 

Sa'Oring  c  -er  rusk,  cracker,  biscuit, 

*fioEe  c  -r  F  mighty  man,  big  gun,  big-wig, 

Scb  o  (af)  weary  (of),  tlred  (of,  with);  blibe  _ 
af  tire  of;  -  og  leb  af  sick  (and  tired)  of.  Sebe 
c  weariness ,  boredom ,  tedium ,  _  beb  SJitiet 
weariness  with  Ufe.  Kebe  vt  tire,  weary,  bore; 
-  fig  be  bored,  dtill;  _  fig  i^jel  be  bored  to  ex- 
tinction,  eat  one's  head  oiF;  jeg  -be  mig  X>(i(t 
ftomebten  I  was  quite  tired  el.  sick  of  the  play; 
-e§  vd  be  tired  el.  wearied;  _  »eb  2ibet  be  weary 
of  life;  og  ~  iffe  beb  ^an§  ©traf  bibl  neither  be 
weary  of  his  correction. 

Sebel  c  -bier  kettle;  SSafle^  el.  a3r^9ger=, 
Sobberf.)  copper;  (ftor)  caldron,  (2)amp=)  boiler. 
-orbcjber  boiler-maker.  -arne  furnaee  for  the 
boiler.  -blif  boiler-plate.  -brunt  fe  ft'obberaffe. 
■but  boiler-sheers.  -bunb  bottom  of  a  kettle. 
•efåploflon  boiler-explosion.  -fabritant  boiler 
-maker.  -flitfcr  tinker.  -formet,  -formig  a 
kettle-shaped.  -futb  c  boilerful.  -greb  handle  of 
a  kettle;  ordeal  by  boiling  water.  -^age  pot 
-hook.    -^at  boiler-cap.    -I)u§  hall  for  the  bollers. 

Sebetig  a  tiresome,  tedious,  stupid,  prosy, 
wearysome,  irksome,  slow;  F  (ærgetlifl)  annoying, 
unpleasant;  -h  _  ooer  anuoyed  with,  _  ^erfon 

Sebcl  I  lobber  copper  piates  for  kettles.  -frog 
pot-hanger.  -mager  c  -e  boiler-maker.  '*-oft  fe 
SalbebanS.  -^labe  boiler-plate.  -pv6\>e  testing  a 
boiler.  -rum  boiler  space.  -ftol  boiler  shell. 
-fmcb  coppersmith;  boilersmith.  -ftcnfur  (stone), 
(boiler)  scale,  incrustation.  -tromme  kettle 

Ste'bfom,  Jtebfom'meUg  fe  ^ebelig.  -^eb  c 
tediousness,    wearisomeness,   boredom,   tedium. 

Sebi'b  c  khedive. 

ft'eborlao'mer  chedorla'omer. 

Segle  c  -r  math  cone,  typ  shank,  body;  *rope- 
maker's  reel;  jj;  (6pil)  ninepins,  (et  onbi't  SlagS) 
skittles;  afffoaren  -  iruncated  cone,  frustum  of 
a  cone;  fpille  ler  play  at  ninepins;  F  en  naragtig 
_  fuuny  customer;  fe  $unb.  -bane  niuepin 
-alley,  skittle-ground.  t-boSfel  bowl.  -br«t 
skitt le-board,  -bannet  ■  couical.  -flabe  conical 
surface.  -form  conical  form.  -formig  fe  -bannet. 
-bjul  bevelled  el.  conical  wheel,  -tange  king 
piu  -fngle  bowl.  -næb(bebc)  pi  conirosters. 
-rejfer  c  -c  marker  at  ninepins,  sticker-up  of 
skittles.  -fignal  cone  signal,  -fnegl,  -fnætte 
voliite,  C'iniis.  -fnit  i>l  conic  sections,  conics  pi. 
-fnit^iinie  conic  section.     -fpil  game  of  nine- 




piiis;  (et  Slntal  Regler)  set  of  ninepins.  -^piUet 
player  at  ninepins.  -tofl  conic  roof.  -Ventit 

Sieifl  [t.]  c  groove,  channel.  -hicette  collar- 
beam.  Uct^U  vt  ciiannel,  flute.  SCei)Iemaftine 
monlding-machine.     $Cc^I^«Vl  mouldingplane. 

tStcjfc  vt  choose,  elect. 

Rejfer  c  -e  emperor;  ^dor  intet  er,  %ax  -en  tabt 
fin  a^et  where  notliing  is,  ttie  king  must  lose 
his  rigilt;  gioer  en  ^bab  -en§  er  hibl  render  unto 
César  the  things  whicli  are  Cesar's;  fptHe  om 
-eng  ©tæg  play  for  love;  fe  $atje.  -fiorg  im- 
perial cast.le,  -bøntme  n  -r  empire,  -g^ttten 
florin  of  the  empire,    -^of  imperial  court. 

$tcjferin'S»e  c  -r  empress.  -pctxt  white  butter 

Seiferllaabe  imperial  robe;  silver-streak  but- 
terfly, Argynnis  paphia.  -Ironc  imperial  crown; 
Sf  fritillary,  crown -imperial,  Fritillaria  im- 
perialin.  -trotttng  eoronation  of  an  emperor. 
Stejferlig  a  imperial.  Kcjfetlmagt  imperial  power. 
•tnabc  congress  of  emperors.  -natin  imperial 
title.  -^jalobå  imperial  castle.  -<)rttt§  Prince 
Imperial,  -rifle  fe  -bøntnte.  -falat  tarragon. 
-fnit  cesareau  section  et.  operation,  hysterotomy. 
-ftob  imperial  city,  empire  city.  -ftat  empire. 
■te  imperial  tea.  -tiben  the  time  of  the  empe- 
rors el.  empire,  -titel  title  of  emperor.  -trone 
imperial  throne.  -balg  election  of  an  emperor. 
-ø(Ct:bigi|eb  imperial  dignity.  -am  golden  eagle, 
Aquiln  imperinlis. 

tSfejt|e  c  the  left  hånd.  -et  «  awkward, 
clumsy.  -et^eb  c  awkwardness.  -l^aanb  fe  Sejte. 
•fiaanbet  «  left-handed. 

SeHner  [t.]  c  -e  waiter. 

Sel}i  c  kelp. 

Selt  c  -er  archæ  celt.  -er  c,  pi  =,  Celt.  -ifl 
a  &  n  Celtic. 

Kcltring  c  -er  scoundrel,  villain;  t  i'i  gipsies. 
-agtig  a  villainous,  scouudrelly.  -agtigbeb  c 
villainy.  •{e)\>at  a  pack  of  scoundrels.  -(ejfprog 
thieves'  slang,  -(e)ftreg  villainy.  -biS:  ipaa  ~ 

^emi  c  chemistry.  £(cmita'lier  pi  chem'i- 
cals,  drysalteries,  drugs.  j{e-mitec  c  -e  chem'ist. 
Se'miff  a  Chemical. 

${enbe,  -te,  -t  vt  know;  (bjømme)  judge,  pass 
sentence;  *  feel;  lære  at  ~  en  make  one's  ac- 
quaiutance;  ~  fttjibig  find  guilty.  -  fig  ft^Ibig 
acknowledge  one's  guilt,  (6etenbe,  »eb  be  engetfte 
9ietter)  plead  guilty;  ~  en  af  Ubfeenbe,  9Jabn 
know  one  by  sight,  name;  *  fig  for  feel  one's 
way;  S^i  -s  for  9let  The  sentence  of  the  court 
is;  _  fra  SiOet  sentence  to  death;  -  en  Jpaa 
Støften,  ©angen  know  one  by  his  voice,  gait; 
'■--  paa  fell,  touch,  try;  _  til  know  of  el.  about; 
—  vr  ~  fig  »eb  acknowledge;  tenbeS  vd  »eb 
acknowledge,  own.  -§  oeb  ftjaalne  ftofter  ideutify 
stolen  goods.  Senbe  c  bit,  small  quantity;  bet 
er  en  _  for  ftort  it  is  a  trifle  el.  a  thought  too 
large.  tSEenbe  n  fe  -niærte;  tage  ~  paa  note, 
take  note  of;  gtoe  fig  til  -  make  one's  self 
known.  -bogftab  charaeteristic  letter,  ^enbelig 
a  (fom  fan  tenbe?)  recognizable  (paa  by),  frnærf= 
bar)  perceivable,  perceptible,  discernible,  (be= 
tåbelig)  considerable,  (øjenfnnlig)  evident,  con- 
spicuous,  obvious.  Scnbeligbeb  c  perceivable- 
ness,  discernibleness;  evidence,  obvionsness. 
^enbclfe  c  -r  judgment,  decision,  award,  tind- 
ing, ruli'.ig,  (gjurtjS)  verdict;  (røuitt)  fine,  mulet, 
amercement;  (SBebcrlog  i  ^engc)  acknowledge- 
ment,  gratuity,  consideratiou.  Sienbe|mærfe 
mark,  sign,  criterion.    -orb  gratn  article. 

Senbcr  c  -e  judge,  connoisseur.  -bit!,  -ntine, 
•øft  look,  air  e(.  eye  of  a  connoisseur;  meb  _ 
With  the  look  etc. 

:  gobt 


.  two  Jl 

the    coccus 

jtcnbejtal  arith  charaeteristic;  looar  index, 
-tegn  fe  -mærte. 

Stenbing  c  (af  Sanb)  J,  sight  (of  land);  (836= 
fenbt)  pi  -er  acquaintance.  —  StenbingS|bogftao 
distinguishing  letter,  -flag  dlstinguishing  flag 
el.  pendant,  -moerfe  distinguishing  mark  el. 
feature,  -nummer  ,1,  distinguishing  el.  ofiicial 
numbers.  -fignal  distinguishing  signal  el.  num- 
bers  Stenbégerning  faet.  ^enbftab  n  knowl- 
edge,  acquaintance  (til  with).  tKcnbSfag  well 
-known  faet. 

Stenbt  a  known,  familiar;  acqnainted;  et  _ 
*2lnfigt  a  familiar  el.  friendly  face;  jeg  er  ilte  -  ^er 
I  don't  know  my  way  about  here;  ^an  er  gobt 
_  i  Sfien  he  knows  the  town  well.  -raanb  (pri 
vate)  pilot,  coast  pilot. 

kentaur  fe  ©entour. 

Slentdorn  n  kent-bugle,  key-bugle. 

^tpi  c  -er  kepi,  military  cap. 

Seplerft  a:  be  -e  iJooe  Kepler's  laws. 

Ste^orfat  c  humpback,  Megaptera  boops 

Stcromit'  c  the  ceram'ic  art. 

*Serot  c  [t.  S;e^rrab]   water- wheel   with 

Kcrmeg  c  (^eft)  wake,  fair. 

Scrmcåbær  (3nf.)  kermes;    ^   poke,   pigeon 
-berry,    Phytolaccx   decandra.     -eg  kermes  oak, 
Quercu9    coecifera.      (-ftiolb-)(ttfe« 

.Serofl'notie  c  ker'osene. 

Serfcj  »I  kersey. 

St'crte  c  -r  candle,  taper. 

tSertefbcnb  c  taper-bearer. 

Sern'b  c  -er  cher'ub. 

^etb  c  kerf,  slit. 

Setfer  c  -e  (til  Solbfpil)  battledoor,  racket; 
ganqft)  catcher,  landing-net. 

Stb  n,  pi  =,  kid. 

tSibbife  (-9{æbbite)  c  jointed  charlock,  Rapha- 
nus  raphanistrum. 

Sltbffinb  n  kid  skin. 

Sielerlfllb,  -f^itttt,  -fbr«t  c  smoked  sprats. 

^tg:  iiatie  _  paa  F,  fe  ^abe  i  Sitlerten;  faa  ~ 
paa  set  eyes  upon,  catch  sight  of;  +g»re  ~  i 
peer  into.  ^igje  (t  &  +  !eg,  teget)  vt  peep, 
peer;  (fe  nøje,  fpejbe)  pry;  -  frem  peep  (out);  _ 
for  bftbt  i  ®la§fet,  irufet  take  a  drop  too  much; 
_  en  i  Sortene  try  to  see  one's  cards,  fig  see 
through  one's  game,  discover  one's  designs;  — 
vt:  ~  Stjerner  gaze  at  the  stars,    -en  c  peeping. 

Slig^ofte  c  hooping  cough,  chincough. 

^ig^ul  n  peep-hole. 

Sitcrært  c  chick-pea. 

Sitajon  n  bibl  (3on.  4)  gourd. 

Kttfc  fe  Sige.  -rt  c  -er  (i  3llm.  og  meft  om  ftorre) 
telescope;  (minbre)  spy-glass,  fleldglass;  (3;eater=) 
opera-glass,  lorgnette;  faaoe  i  -en  have  one's  eyes 
upon,  be  on  the  look-out  for,  have  st  in  the 
wind.    -rtftorften  telescope  funnel. 

Kilå  pi  biscuit. 

Stité  n  &  c,  bill  a  miss;  t  fun,  sport.  littSe 
vi  make  a  miss,  play  at  marbles.  £(it§etnglc 

•Kit  c  -er  creek,  long  and  narrow  inlet. 

Sitbe  vt  fe  Silbre. 

Stilbc  c  -r  spring,  fountain,  (Ubfbring)  source 
(aHe  ogf.  fig);  (førfte,  oprinbelige)  fountain-head; 
(ftriftl.)  source;  fra  ^jaaltbeltg  -  from  good  au- 
thority.    -aare  water  vein. 

tSltlbebcn  n  leg  of  a  fowl. 

kitbclbreb  margin  of  a  spring,  -brønb  spring 
-well.  -bæt  head-stream.  -fr«  common  frog, 
JtiniM  esculenta.  -gæft  visitor  at  a  watering 
-place.  -tatf  calcareous  tutF.  -I«b  course  of  a 
spring.    -mo§  water-moss. 

Slitben  a  ticklish,  ticklesome;  fi.g  (Sag)  deli 




cate,  awkward;  ($erfon)  testy,  touchy.    -^eb  c 

SliUicircjfc  trip  to  a  spring,  -fait  spring  salt. 
-fanb  fine  white  sand  at  water-springs.  -ftftft 
original  ftext);  primary  source.  -fpring  fe  -oælb. 
•fteb  source.  -ftubium  study  of  the  sources. 
-tib  season  for  visiting  a  .spring,  -vant  spring 
water;  Særlig^eb  og  -  love  in  a  cottage,  his 
heart  and  a  cottage.  t-Oogn  light  open  vehicle. 
-Ⱦlb  fountain  head.     -Ⱦt!  fe  -ftrift. 

^ilbjre  vt  tickle;  et  ^  shiver.  -ten  c  tickling, 
litillation     -ret  c  clitoris. 

•Kile  vt  f  fe  ftilbre. 

Stile  c  -r  wedge,  (foær)  .slice;  (i  %øi)  gore;  (til 
SlQiton,  ©ttlKIe)  quoin;  (i  Waftinert)  key;  her 
pile;  _  Srøb  huuch  of  bread.  Jtile  vt; 
*fe  MtfU;  —  vi  ~  paa  bestir  one's  self;  _  affteb 
hurry  off;  F  vamose;  -  (ftg)  ub  min  dwindle. 
-ben  sphenoid  bone;  (i  JJobenj  cuueiform  bone. 
-bannet,  -formet,  -forinig  a  wedge-shaped, 
cuneiform,  ^  cuneate.  -brtoer  tvi>  shooting 
-stick.  -I|ul  mech  cutter-hole.  -ittbfttift  cunei- 
form el.  arrow-headed  inscription. 

"mUn  «  F  fe  Silben. 

^i(e!ramme  typ  quoin-chase.  -flrift  cuneiform 
el.  arrow-headed  charaeters  el.  letters  p/,  wedge 
-wriling.  -fpor  key  way.  -f))orftl  cutter-file. 
-ftaol  keysteel.  -ftcn  feather-edged  brick  et. 

Siii\aé'me  c  chillasm.    -aft'  c  -er  chil'iast. 

Stilfe  c  -r  (3!ue)  barb,  beard. 

Tfttl!e  c  fe  Sælfe. 

•Siilleoinl'  <■  -er  box  on  the  ear. 

SliUtng  c  -er  (ftatte-)  kitten;  (Jpare=,  Sonin=) 
young  one;  *{®tbe--)  kid. 

Mitolgrant'  n  -mmer  kirogram.  -meter,  n  kil'o- 

Kilte,  filtre  vt  truss,  tuck.  Skiltning  c  tucking 

Stim,  Stimle,  c  -er  germ,  corcle:.^«/ germ,  seed. 
■blob  cotyledon,  seed-lobe.  -bicerc  germinative 
vesicle.  -bannctfe  embryogony.  Stime  vi  (fptre) 
sprout,  germinate. 

Uxme  vi  (ringe)  ring,  chime;  bet  -r  the  bells 
are  ringing.  -n  c  ringing,  chiming.  -r  c  -e 

kiming  fe  ^imnung. 

.^imltnoy,  -forn  proliflc  germ.  -traft  ger- 
niinative  power.  -lag  head-bulb;  axillary 

Kimming  c  (sea)  horizon;  {paa  ©ttb)  bilge. 
-baling  dip  of  the  horizon,  —  ^imming^lgang 
bilge  strakc.    -planfe  bilge-plank  (o.  fl.) 

Si'mi))iante  cotyledonous  plant.  -|)Ict  chalaze. 
-rob  radicle. 

^tmfe  vi  toss  the  head;  _  ab  noget  tum  up 
one's  nose  at  a  thing.    -naite  haughty  minx. 

$8t'm|fæt  embryonic  sack.  -tiiftanb  embryonic 

.Qimæ'Ire  c  -r  chimera.    -riff  a  chimerical. 

faina  n  China  -borl  (Jesuits)  bark,  Peruvian 
bark,  quinquiua,  cinchona.  -farer  c  -e  Chinaman. 
-Ijam))  jute.  -rob  China-root,  Smilux  chini. 
-rofe  C.rose.  —  Sline  |fer  '■  -e,  -fcrinbe  c  Chi- 
iiose;  -ferne  the  Chinese.  -fiff  a  Chinese;  _  $a})ir 
India  paper.    ftini'n  n  quinine. 

Sinb  c  (*og'.  n)  -er  cheek.  -boffe  (3nf )  man- 
dible.  -ben  cheek-bone.  -bucgrcn  zygomatic 

Kinber,  Sinbcr§[t.]p/  Fchildren.boys.  -(luloer 

Slinblbeft  box  on  the  ear.  -læbe  curbchain. 
-ft(cg  whiskers  -ftJjtfe  (p.  58ibfel)  cheek-piece. 
-tanb  grinder,  jaw-tooth.    -taffe  mumps  pi. 

*^ingctti(CO  c  cobweb. 

Æinl(c)  c  -r  kink;  flaa  -ec  kink. 

Stinlaiu  c  potte,  kinkajou,   Cercoloptes  caudi- 


^inft)orn  n  trumpet-shell,  whelk. 

Stino  n  kino. 

Sti'nftot  c  min  carcass. 

SSioff  (■  -er  kiosk. 

££iber  n  fe  Sttpoer. 

Stilp^age  c  .1,  lish,  flsh-hook. 

^ippe  c  -r  low  alehouse. 

SliOOe  vt  jerk,  fllng;  ^  (Slnleret)  flsh,  (©eil) 
gybe;  (9Rent)  clip;  —  r«  bet  -be  i  mig  I  got  a 

Si:p|)er  n  twill.  Sipre  vt  twill;  -rebe  %e\n 
twilled  cloth,  twills. 

^iplflinfel  c  J,  flsh -pendant,  -talje  c  ^  flsh 
-tackle,     -oogn  tip  cart. 

Siirgi'fer  pi  Kirghiz. 

Kirte  c  -r  church ;  gaa  i  ~  go  to  chiirch; 
%an  er  i  _  he  is  at  church;  jeg  fiar  Ⱦret  i  _ 
I  have  been  to  church;  falbe  i  ©øon  i  -n  fall 
asleep  in  church;  SJarn  i  _  a  christening;  -né 
Slbfttttelfe  fra  Staten  disestablishment,  ftirlel- 
nar  ecclesiastical  year.  -anbagt  public  wor- 
ship.  *-bafIe :  læfe  fra  -en  publish  at  the  church. 
-ban  excommunication.  -beftilling  church  oflice. 
-befeg  attendance  at  church.  -betjent  church 
oflicial.  -blot  poor-box.  -bob  penance  (in  a 
church).  -bog  church  el.  parochial  register. 
-br^Uu)!  marriage  in  a  church.  -brab  commu- 
nion  bread.  t-bft  church  village.  -bagning  (bet 
ot  bQgge  en  S  )  church  buildiug,  building  of  a 
church,  (iBDgntng,  beftemt  til  ^.)  church,  church 
ediflce.  -bænt  church-bench.  -ban  church 
prayer;  (i  (Snglanb)  common  prayer.  -ceremoni 
ceremony  of  the  church,  church-rite.  -baab 
christening  in  a  church.  -begn  fe  ®egn.  -b«bt 
a  christened  in  a  church,  -ejer  church  patron, 
-embebe  ecclesiastical  ofiice.  -faber  father  of 
the  church.  -fait  kestril,  Falco  tinnuneulus. 
-feft  church  festival,  (ifrer  i  fatolfte  SJanbe:  -tnb= 
bielfesffft)  church  ale,  wake.  -folt  chnrch-goers, 
church-people.  -forbebring  fe  ^Reformation,  -for- 
fatning churchship,  church  government.  -for= 
retning  church-rite.  -forfnmting  council.  -for^ 
ftanber  fe  -cærge.  -freb  public  peace  with  regard 
to  a  church  and  diviue  service,  -fflrfte  eccle- 
siastical prince.  -farb  church-going.  -gaarb 
graveyard,  cemetery,  foeb  Stirten)  churchyard. 
-gaarbiS^oftc  churchyard  cough,  -gaarbSmur 
cemetery  wall.  -gang  (^anblingeti)  church-going; 
(®ang  iiibeiii  St.)  aisle;  (en  Sarfeifnneé)  churching 
of  a  woman;  ^olbe  fin  _  be  churched,  -gangS' 
tone  churched  woman.  -gobå  church  property, 
•gnio :  paa  -et  in  (the)  church  (ofo,),  -gænger  c  -e, 
-gængerffe  e  -r  church-goer,  -i-^anbling  fe  -fot= 
retning,  -Ijerre  fe  ejer.  -fjiftorie  church  history. 
ecclesiastical  h.  -^oæluing  church  vault.  -^ajtib 
fe  -feft.  -baobtng  eeclesiareh.  -inbbtctfe  con- 
secration  of  a  church.  -jorb  (fom  eieé  af  S.) 
church  land;  (inbbiet  f?orb)  consecratcd  ground. 
-far  church  vessels.  -taåfe  funds  of  the  church. 
-flotte  church  heil.  -flæber  (SirtebetjenteS  Slæber) 
church  vestments;  (^ojtib^brogt)  holidays  clothes. 
-fnav  steeple  knob.  -tommidfion  church  com- 
missiouers.  -toncert  sacred  concert  -toncilium 
ecclesiastical  council.  -fut  prepan-d  charcoal. 
-laage  churchyard  wicket.  t-labe  barn  for  tithe 
corn,  -len  church  feoff,  -leje  rent  paid  to  a 
church,    -lig  n  corpse  to  be  buried  in  a  church, 

Sirfelig  «  ecclesiastical;  church-;  -t  Spørg8= 
niaal  church  questiou;  ben  -e  9tnf!uelfe  Gnuidtvig- 
ianism,    -beb  churchmanship, 

^irfejløb  canon  law,  -Hå  church  caudle.  Il)8= 
ning  publishing  of  the  bans.  -lære  church  doc- 
trine.  -lærer  teacher  of  the  church;  (-faber) 
father  of  the  c.   -magt  church  authority.   -mcSfe 




je  -feft.  -mufit  church  music,  service  music; 
sacred  music.  -møbe  synod,  church  conference. 
=o(Iat  communlon  el.  sacramental  wafer.  -orbi^ 
nan§  church  ordinauce.  -^farabe  church  parade. 
■))atron  [e  -ejer.  -)>tnge  church  funds,  -pille 
church  pillar.  -|)ort  gate  ofachurdi  el.  church- 
yard.  -raab  consistory.  -van  church  robbery, 
churcli-breaking,  sacrilege.  -taner  c  -e  church 
-robber.  -regimente  church  governmeut.  -cegn^ 
ffab  church  account.  -renéning  reformation. 
-eet  canon  law.  -ritual  church  ritual,  -rotte: 
\aa  fattig  fom  en  -  as  poor  as  a  church  mouse. 
,-roti  fe  -ran.  -ruin  ecclesiastical  ruin.  -r«tjer 
church  robber.  -fag  ecclesiastical  affair.  -falme 
church  hymn.  -falmebog  church  hymn-book. 
•famfunb  religious  community  el.  communion. 
-fang  church  slnging.  -fanger  fe  ®egn.  -ffot 
(Sfat,  fom  Sirlerne  betole  til  Staten)  tax  laid  on 
churches;  (SJoftbar^eber)  church  treasure.  -flib 
nave  (of  the  church).  -ftit  church  rite,  c.  usage. 
•\tole  parish  school.  -flriber  church  accountant. 
-ffænber  sacrilegist.  -f(a»iff  Church -Sla  vie. 
-fm^tte  church- ornament,  -fogn  parish.  -ftiir 
church  spire.  -f)»lib  church  schism.  -ftabe 
(church)  pew.  -ftaten  the  Ecclesiastical  States, 
the  States  of  the  Church,  the  Roman  States, 
the  Papal  States,  -fti  church  path.  -ftil  church 
style.  -ftol  (church)  pew;  t  rent-roll  of  a  church. 
•ftraf  penance  (pre.scrii3ed  by  the  church). 
-ftl^relfe  fe  -raab.  -ftær  fe  -foale.  -fttetine  parish 
meeting,  -ftiale  black  raartin,  swift,  Cvpselus 
atniH.  -fljn  inspection  of  a  church.  -fult)  church 
plate.  -taarn  church  steeple.  -tag  church 
roof.  -tattle  church  box  for  coUecting  money. 
■tib  church  time;  efter  en  after  church.  -tibenbe 
ecclesiastical  journal,  -tienbe  church  tithes. 
-tiener  fe  -fietjent.  -tjenefte  church  service,  -tone 
church  mode.  -tro  creed  (of  a  church;.  -tugt 
church  discipline.  -tkiang  religious  restraints. 
-tl)b  fe  -ruoer.  -tt)ueri  fe  -ran.  -ugle  screech 
owl,  Strix  noctua.  -ur  church  clock.  -»ej 
church  way.  -Dielfe  nuptials  solemnized  in  a 
church;  fe  inboielfe.  -Uin  communion  wine. 
-øinbue  church  window.  -oærbig^eb  clerical  el. 
ecclesiastical  dignity.  -bærge  church-warden. 
-Uæfen  church-matters  el.  affairs. 

^iromantt'  c  chi'romancy. 

£firot)laft'  c  -er  hand-director. 

SIrfcbær  n,  pi  =,  cherry,  -blomft  cherry 
blossom.  -brænbetitn  cherry(-brandy,  -cordial). 
■fugl  grossbeak,  hawflnch,  Cocoothrauiifea  vul- 
garix.  -ferne  cherry  kernel.  -rab  a  cherry. 
-faft  cherry  juice,  -ften  cherry  -  stoue.  -ftilt 
cherry-stalk.  -fu)i))e  cherry-soup.  -træ  cherry 
(tree).  -ubftifter  cherry-stoner.  -bin  cherry 

Sirfej  fe  terfej. 

Sirften  Christina,  Chrissie. 

kirtel  c  -tier  gland.  -agtig  «  glandular, 
glandulous.  -blære  follicle.  -bt)lb  ulcerated 
gland.  -formet,  -formig  a  glandiform.  -^aaret 
a  ^  glandular-hairy.  -ftæoelfeglandularswelling. 
-tnubc  indurated  gland.  -lignenbe  fe-ogtig.  -lære 
adenology.  -mat>e  membranous  stomach.  -foag, 
-fbg  a  serofulous.  -foag^eb  fe  -fQge.  -fbul^ 
struma,  -fbge  glandular  disease,  scrofula,  king's 

Siirurg'  c  -et  surgeon;  zo  surgeon  flsh,  Acan- 
thuruH  chirurguH.  -i'  c  surgery.  -iff  a  surgical; 
_  9lfobemi  Surgeon's  Hall. 

fiiS  c  pyrites. 

Kiå' !  (naar  man  talber  »oa  en  8ot)  puss !  pussy ! 

Siié:  gøre  _  meb  toy  el.  romp  with. 

fiifel  c  (ren,  Stiielfijre)  silica;  (i  uren,  naturlig 
^tlftanb)  silex;  ^©lementet)  silicium,  Silicon,  -agtig, 
-artet   a   silieious.     -flu§ft)re   fluo-silicic   acid. 

-galmej  silicate  of  zinc.  -^aarb  n  hard  as  flint. 
-forb  silieious  earth.  -mel  pounded  pebbles. 
-finter  silieious  sinter,  -flifer  flinty  slate.  -ften 
pebble  (-stone).  -furt  ©olt  silicate;  -furt  SKatron 
silicate  of  soda  el.  sodic  silicate  ofo.  -foamb 
haliehoudria.  -f^re  silicic  acid,  silieic  hydrate, 
silica.  -fæbe  silicated  soap.  -tnf  fe  finter. 
-bæbfte  liquor  of  flints,  -jin!  hydrous  .silicate 
of  zinc. 

*U\i>\t  vi  kitten. 

Sié<>ttb§  puss  in  the  comer.  t^iSfejOb  »«  F 
fuss,  bustle,  hurry.    SiSfelat  c  pussy-cat. 

*Si8fct  c  -er  top,  whipping-top,  peg-top. 

Si^feliufe  F  c  -r  wench,  hussy. 

Siftc  c  -r  chest;  ^  (faft)  locker,  (33inge)  bin; 
(af  jtrcelaft)  staple,  trunk;  (2ig-)  coflfln;  (unber 
aSei)  culvert,  archæ  cist.  ålfte  vt  ^  (2;rælaft) 
staple  up,  (33allaft)  trench.  -beflag  hinges  el. 
mounting  of  a  chest.  -bunb  bottom  of  a  chest; 
lægge  $enge  )faQi  -en  hoard  (up)  money;  F  ^an 
:^ar  noget  x>aa.  -en  he  is  well-to-do,  warm.  -bænt 
locker.  -fob  tre.stle  for  a  chest;  -gemt  a  kept 
in  a  chest  -glab  a  f  awful  glad.  -glæbe  glee, 
crowing  exultation.  -tjole  holiday  coat  el.  dress. 
-Ilæberholidayclothes,  one's  Sunday  best.  *-!jær= 
Itgbcb  oldpredilection,sneakingkindness.  -taag 
lid  of  a  chest.  el.  coffin.  -laaé  chest -lock. 
-lagt  II  laid  in  a  cofiiin.  -læg  n  laying  in  the 

Sit'  n  putty.  -ning  c  puttying,  cementing. 
-ftof  cementing-staff.  Sittc  vt  putty.  Sittetnit) 
putty-knife,  stopping-knife. 

Sittel  c  -tier  smock-frock,  blouse. 

Sib  c  quarrel,  dispute,  wrangling;  ^ppe  _ 
quarrel.  -ag'ttg  a  quarrelsome,  coatentious. 
-ag'ttgbeb  c  quarrelsomeness,  contentiousness. 
-e§  vd  quarrel,  dispute,  wrangle.  SibefDg  a  fe 

Sitti  c  -et  kiwi-kiwi;  apteryx. 

*Sie!<>  c   er  J,  score,  gab. 

*Stjelb  c  -et  oyster-catcher,  sea-pie,  Hamatopui 
ostral  egus. 

*Sjcnbfel  c  knowing;  brage  _  paa  recognize, 
identify.  *Sjenbfb<ig  a  good  at  recognizing 

*SjcnbtfolI  known  people,  acquaintances. 

-Sje'U^ænbt  a  left-handed. 

Sjej  c  biscuit,  cracker. 

*SieE(baab)  c  skiff. 

Sjole  c  -r  (^erref.)  dress-coat,  eveniug-coat; 
(Samef.)  dress;  (til  Smaapiger  el.  Smaabtenge) 
frock;  (lang,  til  ©pæbB»rn)  long-clothes.  -befæt= 
ning  trimmings  of  a  dress,  -flig  .skirt  of  a  coat. 
•t)olber  dress  holder.  -Ilæbt  a  dress-coated.  -trabe 
collar  of  a  coat.  -ll»  bodice.  -lomme  coat 
pocket.  -ff«b  coat  tail.  -flæb  train.  -ftof  dress 
-pattern.    -ærme  coat  .sleeve. 

*S|one  c  -r  kiln. 

tKjortcl  [6]  c  -tier  coat. 

SJooe  c  -r  arctic  gull,  Lestris. 

•éjæflc  fp  Sæble  vi. 

*Sjærring  fe  kælling.  -riS  fe  ajoærg&irt.  -rot 
fe  *Pabtierot. 

*Sjærri8  c  Laplander's  sledge. 

*Sjær»,  Sjærbc  c  -r  notch,  iucision.  Sjæroe 
vt  (f.  etS.  gift)  gash. 

*Siætte  c  tib-cat. 

*Sjæole  n  -r  rolling  pin.  *Sjæble  vt  roll  (dough 
el.  paste). 

'^Si«'l|maft,  -morl  wire-worm,  Etater  neg etum. 

*Sij«r  pi  af  So. 

"Sjflr  n  tMarc  «  P  :  i  een,  eet  -  ince.s.santly, 

*Sj«rrel  n,  pi  =,  (meft  pi)  (woodcn)  tubs  and 





MlanSc  c  -t  ^  truck,  fftor)  buU's  eye;  f  (ogf.  n) 
=  ftlobrinii. 

Stlaafingcr  c  one  who  has  the  habit  of  flnger- 
mg  every  thing. 

*Slobbc  ur  ftg  fammcn  stick  together,  cake. 

Itlabbc  c  -r  rough-draught,  foul  copy;  ftrioe  i 
_  make  a  rough-draught  of.  -bog  waste-book, 
blotter,    -iournat  waste-journal. 

^(abbert'  n  -er  trumpery. 

»Slflf  c  -fer,  fe  Slap  c  -bunb  ^  hopper. 
Sdaffeborb  folding-table. 

tSloffe  vt  fe  ajagoabffc,  bagtale.  Jlloffet  c  ca- 
lumny.  blaffer  c  -e  backbiter.  blaffer |  tale 
calumny.    -tanb,  -tunge  veuomous  tongue. 

Sllage  c  frozen  crust  on  the  soli. 

Klage  'i  (i  atle  S3etQbn.)  complain  (ober  of; 
for,  til  to;  paa  against,  of)  —  vt  -be  fin  9Jøb  for 
mig  di.sclosed  his  troubles  to  me;  —  rr  fig  F 
(om  Stjgbom)  be  complainiug,  indisposed,  ill; 
(ooer)  complain  of.  K(age  c  -r  complaint;  (SBe= 
flage;  lamentation;  Oamreit)  wailing;  (33efBæring) 
complaiut,  grievance;  føre  _  ooer  complain  of; 
inbgiBe  en  -  imob  en  lodge  a  complaint  against 
one;  bltoe  aftjtft  meb  fin  ~  (for  SRetten)  be  non 
■suited;  flagenbea  plaintive,  doleful,  dolorous. 
Jt(age|breti  letter  of  complaint.  -bfgt  elegy. 
+-fulb  fe  oBfr.  -nbe.  -graab  wail,  lamentation. 
-folnbc  bibl  mourning  woman.  ^(agelig  a  fe 
-nbe.  JtlagejlQb  plaintive  el.  mournful  sound. 
+-t«å  o  without  a  grievance  -ntaal  fe  Slage 
(4*eioæringi.  -<)Oft,  -)>untt  count,  charge,  -v  c 
-e  plaintiff.  -raob  loud  complaint.  ^(agerin'be 
c  -r  plaintifl',  prosecutrix.  Silagc|fa»ig  elegy. 
■ffrift  written  complaint.  -ftrig  mournful  et. 
plaintive  shriek.  -fuf  moan.  -totte  fe  -It)b. 
•uer§  fe  -bigt. 

Ælat  c  -fe  og  -ter  blot. 

*maU  c  fe  mage  1. 

+KIot|fe  vi  k  t  blot.    -))a)>iv  blotting  paper. 

^tatø'r  c  -er  hired  applauder,  claquer. 

Klam'  a  clammy,  damp;  fSneen  er  -  the  snow 

Ktaittal'  c  er  si,  caiking  el.  hor.sing-iron;  fe 
Si'oEfte«.  K(aittai{e  vt  horse  up.  -f(ag  n  calk- 
iug-mallet,  beetle. 

Klama  tttud  c  p  lamentation. 

Slomi^eb  c  clamminess,  dampness.  t-ttte  vi 
(um  Sne)  dog. 

Klattttnc,  Klantnter  c  -r  &  -mre  clamp,  cramp, 
clamp-iron;  ;}<  typ  (ogf  [])  brackets  pi. 

Klatitnter  c  clamour,  outcry,  vociferation. 
K(atttttier|i'  n  -er  altercation,  quarrel.  -»rt  bed- 
straw,  Galium  verum. 

■Slatttl)  c  -er  (.small)  wooden  block;  fe  Stampe. 

Klantpe  c  -r  J^  clamp,  cleat;  (om  j^oben,  tit 
ftteaturer;  ogf.  om  @ne)  clog.   -raffe  rolling  cleat. 

Stlantpttte  key. 

Ktomre  inb,  fe  3nbtlamre. 

Klatttre  vr  fig  tit  grasp,  gripe,  cling  to.  -abe 
spider  monkey,  Ateles. 

KlatttrcS  vd  quarrel,  squabble. 

Kta'tt  c  -er  elan'. 

•Klaitbre  vt  blame,  censure. 

Klaitg  e  sound,  clang,  ring,  clink,  chink; 
Klolterneå  -  the  ringing  of  the  bells;  ^Pengenes  _ 
the  clink  of  the  money;  iffe  ben  rette  -  (f.  ®fS. 
om  9Kønt)  not  the  right  ring,  a  ring; 
9?abnet  ^ar  en  gob  _  (i  ^anbet)  the  name  is  very 
popular.  -bttttb  sound-board,  sounding-board. 
-farbe  timbre,  tone  colour.  -figttrer  pi  .sonorous 
figures.  -fulb  a  sonorous.  -fttlb^eb  c  sonor- 
ousness.  -tful  sound-hole.  -t«n  mode.  -lære 
acoustlcs  pi.  -Ifl§  a  soundles.s,  duU-  toned, 
husky;  fe  ©temmetøS.  -(øé^eb  c  huskiness. 
-maaler  sonometer.    -titrlnittg  sonorous  eflfect. 

Ktantter  c  (3nf.)  dermestes. 

Klap'  n,  pi  =,  (Slag)  tap;  (58ifatb§fl.)  applause, 
clapping  of  hånds.  Ktop  <•  -per  (Sorbf.)  leaf, 
flap;  (Sæbe)  flap-seat;  (paa  fltæfeinftrnmenter)  key; 
(SSentil  og  i  |>jertct)  valve;  (paa  ®ueflog)  trapdoor; 
(®fl)f.)  eye  flap;  (S3og6.)  tuek;  (paa  *jinmpe) 
clapper;  (i  Wubberpram)  hopper;  (paa  ^Buffer)  flap. 
-bro  lever  draw  bridge,  -^attttiter  c  mallet.  -Ijat 
folding  hat.  -i|tttgft  c  rig.  -^olt  n  -er  clapboard. 
•^ortt  key-bugle.  -^ae  cap  with  flaps,  -jagt 
battue.  -løbet;  J,  douple  whip.  -tnuSItttg  spon- 
dyle.  -inbSfe  c  r  cresled  et.  hooded  seal,  bladder 
-nose,  Cyetoxihorii  cristata.  Klappe  vt  &  i  (i  ^æn; 
berne)  clap  (one' s  hånds),  applaud;  (om  fjertet) 
throb,  palpitate;  (en)  pat,  caress;  _  efter  SSiIbt 
beat  for  game;  _  frem  fe  gremfalbe  theat;  ~  fem- 
men clap  up  a  match  between ;  _  fammen  vi 
coUapse;  -t  og  ftart  all  ready,  all  right;  flappeg 
vd  caress  each  other. 

Ktappelfejt  fe  -f^gbom. 

Klappctt  c  clapping  etc.  Klapper  e  -e  applauder, 
clapper;  (^agt)  beater;  fe  Stap^ingft. 

Klappcrflange  c  rattlesnake,  Crot<ilu». 

Klappcrftett  c  eaglestone,  aetites. 

Klappert  c  -er  (Segetøj)  snapper. 

K(appe|fpi(:  hjertets  _  the  play  of  the  heart 
-valves.  -ftol  fe  Stapftol.  -fQgbotit  valvular 

Klapre  vi  datter,  rattle,  (om  Xcenber)  chatter; 
mine  2:ænber  -be  af  ftulbe  my  teeth  chattered 
with  cold,  my  teeth  beat  the  devil's  tattoo. 
-tt  c  clattering  etc. 

Klaps  n,  pi  =,  slap;  pi  a  drubbing.  -e  vt 
slap;  box  one's  ears. 

Klap  I  ff  o  clapper.  -ftol  folding-chair.  -trotttpet 
chromatic  trumpet.  -tv«  cow's  halter,  -oetttil 
clack-valve,  flap-valve.  -biflr  folding-sight.  -tttt 
a  flap-eared. 

Klar  a  (i  Stim.)  clear;  (tt)8,  ftraalenbe)  bright; 
(om  SSanb)  limpid;  (3Sejr,  ^immet)  serene,  bright; 
(6egri6elig)  plain,  evident;  ^J,  clear,  ready;  en  _ 
Sjote  a  clear  muslin;  t)an  er  -  (færbig)  nu  he  is 
ready  now;  meb  -e  Crb  distinctly,  in  plain 
language;  bære  _  beb  ^J,  stand  by;  .  tit  at  oenbe 
<t>  ready  about;  gao  _  of  clear,  go  et.  pass  clear 
of;  flaa  tit  -t  ©lib  beat  to  quarters;  gøre  -t  SfiB 
clear  (a  ship)  for  action;  Bære  _  paa  et.  ooer 
have  a  clear  understanding  of  et.  that;  ftob  -t 
for  mig  was  clear  before  me. 

Klara  Clare,  Clara. 

Klare  vt  (i  9llm.)  clear;  (afttore)  clarify;  (Kaffe) 
set;  fiff  (efspebere)  manage,  F  negotiate,  give  a 
good  account  of;  _  ^Begreberne  clear  up  the 
ideas;  _  fin  ®ætb  clear  one's  debts;  _  en  STotje 
clear  a  tackle;  _  fianbet  fra  fig  ^  claw  otf  the 
shore;  —  vp  -é  (f.  618.  Saffe)  settle;  vi  (op)  clear 
up;  _  for  fig  know  how  to  answer  for  a  thing; 
—  »r  fig  become  intelligible,  (ttarne)  clear  up, 
(rette  fig)  come  right,  (bjærge  fig,  p  _  Sorterne) 
hold  one's  own,  pull  through,  find  a  way  out 
of  something,  come  right,  manage,  (om  SSaab; 
live;  tab  ^am  fetB  _  fig  leave  him  to  his  own 
devices.    -febel  clarifier,  (©ufferr.)  blow-uppan. 

Klare'r|e  vt  clear;  _  en  ^Regning,  _  meb  åjærten 
settle  au  account,  settle  with  the  landlord;  _  et 
©fib  ub,  inb  clear  a  ship  out,  in.  -ittg  c  mere 

Klaret'  c  clarifled  dripping. 

Kta'rgør|e  vt  make  clear,  clear  up.  -elfe  c 
clariflcation.  -ittg  o  ^  clearing.  Klar^eb  c 
clearness;  limpidity;  plainness;  (Oennemfigtigljeb) 
transparency.    Klar^ooebct  o  clear  headed. 

Klarittet'  c  -ter  clarinet.  -bloefer,  -fpiWet,  -ift' 
c  -er  performer  on  the  clarinet. 

Klaring  c  clearing  etc.,  clearance,  (i  ®Iob) 

KlariSferirt'be  c  -r  Clare. 




$tla'rlig(en)  adv  clearly.  -f^Iarlægge  vt  set 
out.  "Jtltt'rne  o«  clear  up.  —  Stia'riflib  fe  flart 
©ft6.  -fcenbe,  -fljnct  a  elear-sighted,  clearsee- 
ing;  ben  meft  -be  the  clearest-sighted.  -fQnet^eb 
c  elearsightedness.  -»jcjr  fair  el.  clear  weatber. 
-veirébag  clear  day.  -oinget  a  hymenopterous. 
-øjet  n  brighteyed. 

S'Jafe  c  -r  cluster,  buncli.  ^X,  racerne,  -fortnig 
a  racemous.    -f{ærnt  water-dropwort,  Oenantke. 

Elflff  n  smack.  $t(a^|e  vi  &  t  smack.  -et  a 
sticky,  squab. 

^laéfe  c  -r  class;  (i  Stole)  form,  class;  be  ^øjere 
-r  the  higher  classes,  (i  S!oIe)  the  senior  classes, 
upper  forms;  be  latiere  -r  the  lower  classes  el. 
orders,  (i  ©fole)  the  junior  classes,  lower  forms; 
en  SBitlet  til  ferfte  -  a  flrst  class  ticket;  ftaa  i  en 
_  j,  be  on  a  class;  Jætte  i  _  meb  class  with. 
-onfccttclfe  ^  classing,  classification.  -forbotn 
class-prejudice.  -forftanbcr  prepositor.  -ftab 
class-hatred.  -inbbeltng  classification.  -famnte' 
rot  class-mate,  class-fellow.  -lotteri  lottery  (on 
the  class  principle).  -tærer  head  teacher  of  a 
class,  form-master,  -tib  ^  class.  -tiolg  election 
by  classes.  -»ig  adv  in  el.  by  cla.«ses.  -Oærelfe 

SlnSftlcite'tcclassical'ity,  clas'sicalness.  -ficc'rc 
vt  classify,  class.  -ftce'ring,  -fltatto'it  c  classi- 
flcation.  SIri§'fl!cr  c  -e  classic.  StaS'pff  o 
classic(al);   p  bet  et  ~!  that's  delicious! 

Slot'  c  -ter  (3;orb,  Siger)  bit  (of  ground);  (SSIæft.) 
blot;  (Smule)  trifie,  bit;  ^ele  -ten  the  whole  lot. 
-finger  clumsy-flngered  person,  -fingret  a  clumsy 
-fingered.  -gæ(b  petty  debts,  driblets.  -gabe 
dibble  in  the  manure.  -tage  fritter,  -^a^ir 
blotting  paper. 

klatre  vi  clamber,  climb;  (opab  en  STræftamme 
el.  1.)  swarm,  squirm;  -be  op  i  Sofaen  climbed 
on  to  the  sofa;  —  part  -nbe  ^  scandent. 
-oBor(re)  climbing  perch.  Anabas.  -broSfel  hook 
-billed  creeper,  Bendrocolaptes .  -fob  climbing 
foot.  -fugl  climber,  scansorial  (bird).  -plante 
climbing  plant,  -^ungbtjr  phalanger,  Pha/an- 
gisti.  -rotte  capromys.  -f^ibåtttttS  banxriug, 
Clndobate«.  -ftang  climbing  pole,  may-pole. 
-traab  tendril.    Jtlatring  c  clambering  etc. 

^latftilling  c  F  dole,  pittance. 

Slotte  vi  (meb  SSIæf  o.  1.)  blot;  (om  Strtft) 
scravvl;  (Woleri)  daub;  (meb  9lr6ejbe)  trille,  dabble; 
—  et  ~  fine  'iCenge  6ort  spend  one's  money  use- 
lessly,  muddle  (fritter)  away  one's  mouey;  _  til 
blot,  daub.  -mobé,  -mittel  c  f  dabbler,  bungler. 
-ri'  n  -er  blotting  etc;  (Slrbejbe)  desultory  work. 
-t  o  blotted. 

Slot'lulb  clotted  wool.  -»i8  adv  in  small 
portions,  ^gengene  bleoe  betalte  _  the  money  was 
paid  in  driblets.  -Oom  a  clumsy,  awkward. 
t-«jet  blear-eved. 

Slou8  Nicholas. 

JSlttuful  c  -er  clause. 

tSlotte  fe  Slage  c  1. 

*JStaBe  c  -r  (cow's)  collar;  J,  shackle,  hasp. 
-bunbne  pi  (stabled)  heads  of  cattle. 

StloOC'r  n  -erer  (forælbet  Snft.)  clavichord; 
(pianoforte)  piano,  forte-piano,  piano-forte. 
-bontcr  c  -e  pianoforte  strummer.  -bonteri  n 
strumming  on  the  piano,  -cit^er  clavicytherium. 
-toéfe  case  of  a  pianoforte,  -ftole  fe  pianofortes 
-f^jil  playing  on  the  piano;  piano  music.  •SpiUet 
performer  el.  player  on  the  piano,  pianist. 
-ftemmcr  pianofone-tuner.  -ftol  music-stool. 
-Hbtog  pianoforte  score. 

*StlaBcrbng  (a  kind  of)  duck. 

$f(aotatu'r  c  -er  clavier,  key-board. 

Silat)tct)mba'l,  Sllotieci'n  n  harp.sichord. 

jilooié  c  clef. 


ibljng  ■ 

Slobre  vi  scramble,  clamber.    -n  c  scrambling 
Slcjn  a  slender,  slight,  delicate,  tiny;  *poorlv 
klejne  c  -r  flead-cake. 

S(e|n|mobig  a  faint-hearted,  dispirited.  -tno« 
bigt)eb  iaint-heartedness.  -tncelet  a  having  a 
faint,  weak  voice.  ;-fmeb  locksmith.  -fmebe- 
orbejbe  locksmith's  work. 

Slem'  c  ub.  pi:  »ao  _  ajar;  meb  gi^nb  og  _ 
forcibly:  ber  bar  gtjnb  og  _  i  ben  Sale  it  was  a 
pitliy  discourse. 

SlemotiS  c  clem'atis,  virgin's  bower,  Clematis; 
traveller's  joy,  C.  vitalba. 

SlenteniS  Clem'ent. 

■Steml^oge  c  holdfast.    -^terte  cprov  fe  ftnibe  c 

Slemme  c  -r  (til  Sej)  cloth-peg;  (Stom.)  clams 
pi;  (Snibe)  pinch,  strait;  tomme  i  ~  (egt.)  get 
jammed;  bi  tom  net  i  _  ber  we  got  into  a  nice 
scrape  there;  bringe  en  i  _  put  one  in  a  cleft 
stick,  bring  one  to  bay;  ^olbe  i  _  keep  at  bav; 
babe  en  _  paa  en  have  a  hold  of  one.  Slemme, 
■te,  -t  vt  squeeze,  jam,  (ogf.  fio)  pinch;  _  paa  vi 
F"  press  on,  bestir  one's  self,  -  Sænberne  fammen 
fe  SBibe.  -briller  double  eye-glass.  -jærn  pincers 
pi.  SIemme|lfe  c  pinehing  etc;  fe  Setlemmelfc. 
-)iatron  elastic  chuck.  -ring  ferrule.  -ffrne, 
SIcmftrue  t  binding-screw,  jam-nut,  adjustiug 
screw.  Stemning,  Slemfel  c  pinehing  etc;  fiu 
oppression.     Slcmfto))|>er  c  compressor  stopper. 

Slemt  n,  pi  =,  toll  (of  a  bell).  -e  vi  toll. 
-en  c  toUing. 

Sleno'bie  n  -r  jewel,  gem. 

mcp'  fe  ftlæj). 

Sle)>aoI  fe  SBrebpanbe. 

Stc<)fift  fe  RIipfift. 

Slepiier,  Sle)>|)ert  c  -ter  nag,  pony. 

Sle))tomani'  c  kleptoma'nia,  klopemania. 

Slercft'  n  clergy,  priesthood;  p  lot,  set.  Stc« 
rita'l  'I  cler'ical. 

Slerifto'rium  n  cler'istory. 

Slert  c  -e  priest.  —  Slerfe|bue  priest.  -H-f(ob 
n,  SleruS  c  clergy. 

*Sleéfc  fe  aiiSfe. 

*Sleb  c  -er  crag,  shelf,  clifF  {e»p  on  a  road). 

Slebc  n  Cleves. 

Slib  n  el.  x'l  bran.  -agtig  a  branny.  -bejbfe 
lies.  -brab  bread  made  of  el.  mixed  with  bran. 
-et  (I  branny.    -mel  pollard,  middlings. 

Stient'  c  -er  cli'ent.  Sliente'l  n  client'elage. 
Stient'^ob  n  clientship. 

Slit'  c  («piet)  blot,  slain,  blemish. 

Slil' :  miss-flre;  flaa  -  miss  fire,  snap,  fig  feil. 

Slit'e  c  -r  set,  gang,  clique.  -oonb  spirit  of 
clique.    -bæfen  cliquism. 

Sltt|te  vt  miss  fire.    -ning  c  miss-fire. 

Sltmo  n  -ler  climate;   oænne  til  -et  olimatize. 

Slimat§  c  climax. 

Stimat'tcriff  a  climacter'ic. 

Slimo't  n  -er,  fe  ftlimo.  -feber  climate  fever. 
-ifl!  'j  climat'ic,  cli'matal;  -e  gorbolb  climatic 

tSlim)!  c  -er  clod  of  earth.    -et  a  cloddy. 

Stimtire  vi  &  t  thrum,  stram,  twaug.  -n  c 

tSlin  n  p   thrashing. 

Slin|e  vt  (tltftre)  paste;  (tiltitte)  lute;  (b^gge 
meb  2er)  build  with  mud;  fiø  (patte)  cram,  crowd; 
—  vi  J,  ligge  og  -  op  i  SSinben  shave  too  close, 
borrow  too  much;  t  ~  løé  pao  thrash  away  at; 
-et  aSæg  mud-wall,  cob-wall.  -er  c  -e  mud-wall 
builder.    Slineuceg  fe  otjfr. 

Slinge  c  -r  blade  of  a  sword  el.  dirk;  ben  flabe 
_  the  tlat  of  the  blade;  goo  en  paa  -n  press  one 
(closely);  ba  man  git  ^enbe  paa  -n  i  ben  ainlebning 
being  pressed  on  the  subject;  labe  fpringe  oeer  -n 
put  to  the  sword. 




ftltngie.  Hang  (+-ebe),  flinget  vi  sound,  jingle; 
_  igen  resouad;  —  part  -enbe  fin  (Orb  o.  I.) 
resounding,  sonorous;  meb  -enbe  SCil  with  drums 
beating  and  trumpets  sonndiug;  -enbe  ffllent  hard 
cash,  specie;  -enbe  Sonjonanter  voiced  consonants. 
•en  c  sounding.  t-er  a  sonorous,  -Hang  n  ding- 
dong;  (Crbflang)  jingle  of  words,  lunt^ful  non- 
sense.  -re  vi  jingle,  tinkle,  clink,  clunk;  en 
-nbe  groft  a  liard  frost,  -ren  c  jingling  etc. 
•ften  plionolite. 

Slintt'  c  clin'ical  medicine;  (9lnftalt)  clinic 
el.  fliniral  hospital;  (UnberbiSning)  clinic  el. 
clini'qne.    SH'nif!  a  clinic(al). 

^lining  c  pastiug;  lutation. 

^Unt  n  (Spil)  chuckfarthing;  fpille  _  play  at 

^(int:  6^gget  iiaa  ~  clincher-built.  -brænbt  a 
fe  ålinte«.  -btjgget  a  clincher-built.  -bqgning 

^linfe  c  -r  (paa  Sør)  latch;  (til  ^orcellccn)  rivet; 
(©ten)  clinker.  klinte  vt  (*JJorceUaen)  rivet;  (en 
99olt)  clinch;  —  vi  meb  en  touch  el.  clink  glasses 
with  one,  clink  one's  glass  against  another's, 
hobnob  with  one.  -baanb  latch-string,  sneck 
-band.  -bolt  clinch-bolt.  -braenbt  «  TOnrften 
clinker.  -folb,  -fang  cramp,  staple.  -^oge  catch. 
-bantmcr  riveting  hammer;  clinch  hammer,  -jcern 
latch-key.  -ntanb  mender  of  broken  china. 
•TOOffine  riveting  machine.  -n  c  riveting,  clink- 
ing.  -nagle  rivet,  clincher  nail.  -^tabc  rivet- 
ing plate.  -r  c  -e  fe  -manb;  fe  Sltnfe  (Sten),  -fem 
clincher  nail.    -trljlter  latch-key. 

Jllinti^age,  -bamnter  fe  !a'lin{e=.  -nagle  fe 
Slinteiøm.  Stltnfntng  c  (of  iQoIt)  clinchlng;  (af 
^orceHæn)  riveting. 

Stiinomc  ter  n  clinom'eter. 

Klint  c  -er  clifiF. 

Klinte  c  cockle,  Agro»temma  githago;  bihl  tåres. 

Klip'  n,  pi  =,  clip,  snip. 

KU^jfifl  c  split  cod. 

Kli^itern  n  slitted  iron. 

KliVtto<)  n  tiek-tack,  pit-a-pat. 

Kli^lfuUcr  split  haddock.  -langer  pi  split  ling. 

.^(ijining  c  clipping  etc.  (fe  Slippe  vt). 

KUp))e  vt  clip,  cut;  _  ^aaret  cut  the  hair;  _ 
gaar  shear  sheep;  _  ^aoret  tort  crop  the  hair; 
_  en  cut  one's  hair;  _  of,  fra  cut  otT;  _  o  o  er 
cut  in  two;  -til  cut  out;  —  et  _  meb  øjnene 
wink,  blink;  -  meb  ørerne  prick  up  his  ears. 

KIi)>Oc  c  -r  rock;  _  unber  SSanb  sunken  rock. 
•agtig  n  rocky.  -anlieg  roekery.  -b|ærgene  the 
Rocky  mountains,  p  the  Rockies.  -bl»f  block 
of  stone.  -borg  mountain  castle.  -bue  rock 
-pigeon,  Columb'i  livia.  -egn  rocky  country. 
-foft  «  firm  as  a  rock.  -faftbeb  rocky  firmness. 
-forbiærg  rocky  promontory.  -fulb  a  rocky. 
-grunb  rocky  grouud.  -græoliug  hyrax.  -^aarb 
a  hard  as  a  rock.  -^al  rocky  hall.  -bule  cavern 
in  a  rock.  -f)U(eIt)ing  vault  ia  a  rock.  -lilbc 
rock-spring,  -tioft  cleft  cl.  lissure  in  a  rock. 
•I^ft  rocky  coast.  -tænguru  brush-tailed  rock 
wallaby,  Petrogale  penicillata.  -lanb  rocky 

Kli)ilientafline  c  .shearing-machine;  (SpigerO 

KIi|)i)emnr  c  steep  rock,  rocky  wall. 

Klippen  c  clipping. 

K({ppcpartt(er)  n  rock-work. 

Klipper  c  e  clipper.  -borl  c.  barque  (o.  fl.). 
-bpg^et  «  clipper-built. 

å(tppe{rab  range  of  rocks,  -rebe  aerie,  eyry. 
-rcB,  -retil  reef  of  rocks,  -rcbne,  -rift  crack  el. 
chiuk  iii  a  rock. 

Kltppcrfftb  n  clipper  ship. 

KUppcifeiler  alpine  swift,  Cvp'elwi  alpintts. 
•flaor  fe  -fleft.     -fireb  fe  S8jærg=.    -flr«nt  rocky 

slope.  -flot  fe  6org.  -fpib§  pinnacle;  point  of 
a  rock.  -fprængntng  rock- biasting.  -ftejl  a 
steep  as  a  rock.  -fti  rocky  path.  -ftranb  rocky 
shore.  -ft^tle  fragment  of  rock.  -ftar  bower 
-bird;  PtiloHorchvnchw.  -ftrtrt  a  strong  as  a 
rock     Klippet  a  rocky. 

Klippejtang  cutting-nippers.  -tib  shearing 

Klippe|tinb,  -tinbe,  -top  mountain  summit, 
summit  of  a  rock.  -ugle  fe  33iærfl=.  -»ej  rocky 
road.    -Pæg  rocky  wall.     -a  rocky  Island. 

tKlipping  c  -et  (^ønt)  pollard. 

Kltplflinb  woolfell.  -f«m  cut  nail.  -Hib  shear- 

Klir'  n  clash,  clink,  jingle,  clank. 

Klire  c  sandpiper,  Totanus. 

Klirre  vi  clash,  clink,  jingle,  clank.  -n  c 
clashing  etc. 

*Kltåfe  et  lisp. 

♦Kliéfet  a  viscous,  slippery. 

Klifter  n  paste.  -ool  paste  eel,  Anguillula. 
-ogtig  a  pasty.  -batte,  -potte  paste  bowl,  paste 
pot.    Kliftre  et  paste.    Kliftring  c  pasting. 

Klit'  c  ter  down,  fe  ogfaa  -tag.  -bafle  down. 
-bo(er)  inhabitant  of  a  down.  -bannelfc  down 
formation,  -egn  downs.  -faar  down  sheep. 
t-dalttt  fe  -tag.  -plantning  planting  of  the 
downs.  -rofe  burnet-leaved  rose.  -fib  baltic 
rush,  JuncuK  balticun.  t-(Klitte)tog  sea-reed, 
beach-grass,  Arundo  arenaria.  Klittetibfet  sea 
-holly.  Ervnginm  maritimum. 

*Klit»e  fe  Sltjbe  vi. 

Klo  c  tljør,  (paa  S)t)i)  claw;  (en  »Jobfugl«)  talon; 
(paa  Jpoge)  prong;  (paa  fioben,  3)ræg)  claw;  (til 
dømmer)  dog;  (Irceforb.)  triangular  notch;  ,^ 
(pao  ®affel,  Som)  jaw,  throat,  (poa  Sejl)  tack; 
fe  Slo'b);  ®ræg;  Jig  (Sfrift)  scrawl,  fist;  pi  (^ænber) 
clutches;  faa  åløz  i  get  into  one's  clutches. 

Kloat'  c  -et  common  sewer;  (^oé  ©Dt)  cloa'ca; 
forfine  meb  -et  sewer.  -gag  sewage  gas.  -leb- 
ning  sewer.  -rar  pipe-drain.  -flug  guUy-hole. 
-bonb  sewage.  -panbing  irrigation  with  sewage. 
■bæfen  sewerage. 

Klob  fe  ftlo{»). 

-i-Klobberagtig  a  bungling,  awkward. 

Klobe  c  -r  globe,  sphere,  ball.  -runb  n  spheric. 
-fip  cumulus. 

Ktobrian  c  -er  bungler,  f  butterfinger;  (tao) 
bumpkiu,  lout;  (enfolbig)  simpleton,  muif. 

Klobé  a  &  adv  close,  P  chock;  ^  _  bibebinb, 
_  »eb  SBinben  close-hauled;  _  til  iBinben!  keep 
her  to;  -  op  chock  up;  _  inb  chock  home. 

Klobå  c  -er  log,  Vjlock,  stock,  stub,  stump; 
fio  fe  ftlobrian;  pi  (Sto)  clogs;  P  paa  -  upon  tick. 
•baje  wooden  buoy.  Klob§|e  vi  p  avail;  -  paa 
load.  -et  a  clumsy,  awkward,  left-handed. 
-bobeb  square  pipe-bowl  of  meerschaum.  -mojor 
fe  Slobrian. 

Klobércbet  a  close-reefed. 

KlobSlfto  wooden  clog.  -tegning  drawing 
from  blocks.    -tarP  turf  (not  made  in  a  form). 

Klolfalb  J,  throat-halyard.  -fob  water-scor- 
pion,  Nepa. 

Klog  [oa]  a  prudent,  judicious,  elever,  (ora 
2)t)r)  sagacious;  ^an  er  ilte  rigtig  _  he  is  not 
quite  in  his  senses;  »or  _  not  tit  at  had  the  wis- 
dom  to;  jeg  tan  itte  blioe  _  berpaa  I  cannot  make 
it  out,  I  can  make  nothing  of  it;  ieg  er  enbnu 
lige  -  I  am  just  as  wise  as  I  was,  I  am  as  wise 
as  ever;  jeg  et  lige  faa  -  fom  et  Wennefte  p  I  can 
see  as  far  into  a  millstone  as  other  people;  et 
-t  «arn  an  intelligent  child;  _  Wanb  unlicensed 
practitioner,  empiric,  quack;  _  Sone  wise  woman. 
-elig(t),  -t  adv  prudently  etc;  gjorbe  -t  i  at 
exercised  sound  judgment  in  -ing,  was  wise  to. 
-ffttb    c   prudence,   clevemess,   (l!pr8)  sagacity. 




-ffaB8^Cttf»)tt ;  af  _  from  prudential  motives  et. 
considerations.  -ffabSccgel  prudentlal  rule  el. 

Elotiammer  c  claw-liammer. 

^(or(e  c  -r  (at  ringe  meb)  bell;  (93orb=)  hånd 
-bell;  (Ur)  clock;  (SBIottift)  campanula;  (Unberflørt) 
under- petticoat;  ^bab  er  -n?  what's  the  time? 
what  time  is  itV  what  o'cloek  is  it?  -n  er  ^alo 
et  it  is  half  past  twelve  (o'cloek);  the  time  is 
half  ete.;  -n  er  mange  it  is  late;  -n  er  mere  enb 
jeg  t)aebe  tæntt  the  time  is  later  than  I  tliought; 
fige  ^eab  -n  er  tell  the  hour;  -n  mangler  ofb. 
it  is  five  minutes  to,  it  wants  flve  minutes 
to  el.  of  flve  (o'cloek);  p  »ibe,  ^eab  -n  er 
flagen  know  what  o'cloek  it  is;  -n  61eB  \eU  six 
o'cloek  came;  -n  er  ifle  meget  ober  ft)»  it  is  not 
long  gone  seven;  -n  fire  at  four  o'cloek;  noar  -n 
er  fQB  by  seven;  fliHe  -n  set  the  cloek.  -atSei 
beam  of  a  bell.  -orm  arm  of  a  bell,  bell-crank. 
•iaab  bell-boat.  -Blotnft  bell-flower.  -B«}e  bell 
buoy.  -baafi  baptism  of  a  bell.  -bannet  a  bell 
-shaped.  -b^r  vorticel.  -@ntian  marsh  gentian, 
lung-flower,  Oenfiana  pneumonanthe.  -faat  bell 
■wether;  Jig  simpleton.  -fcbt  old  grease  from 
church-bells.  -form  form  of  a  bell.  -formig  fe 
-bannet.  -fr«  bull  frog,  Bomhinator  fuscua. 
-golge  belfry.  -gobSfe-malm.  -Rommer  hammer. 
-^ttl  fe  ^lang^ul.  -^uS  belfry.  -^tjacint  blue 
-bell,  Scilla  nutam.  -tadfe  cloek-case.  -limen 
ringlng  el.  peal  of  bells.  -Hang  sound  of  bells. 
-Inetiet  tongue  el.  clapper  of  a  bell.  -lo  bell 
-cow.  -lebning  electric  bell-apparatus.  -t^b 
sound  of  bells.  -l^ng  cross-leaved  heath,  Ericj 
tetralix.  -malm,  -metat  bell  metal.  -^oOjti 

Sloffer  c  -e  sexton,  bell-ringer;  fe  5Degn;  (3;i)8fe= 
^obeb)  numskull. 

SIotfe{ranb  edge  el.  rim  of  a  bell.  -vef>  bell 

Sloffercmficbc  n  sexton's  office. 

blotteren  a  of  beUlike  clearness. 

jlloftergaavb  c  sexton's  cottage  el.  farm. 

Slottelring  bellring.  -ringning  ringing  of 

Slotfcrltærltg^cb  fe  Sifte=.  -!one  sexton's  wife. 
-onSbag  fe  9lffe=.  -petiQe  sexton's  fees.  -tjenefte 
fe  -embt'be. 

Sloftelfang  chime.  -fignal  bell-signal.  -flaft 
bell  handle,  -ffur  belfry.  -flog  stroke  of  a 
clock;  paa  -et  at  the  stroke  of  the  clock.  -flci 
fe  -flag;  paa  et  »tft  _  at  a  certain  hour;  tnbtil 
^Oilfet  _  up  to  what  o'cloek.  -fnot  bell-string. 
-f^jil  peal  el.  chime  of  bells.  -f^Jir  fe  -taarn. 
-ftabel  belfry.  -ftang  bell-pull.  -^emme  bell 
•like  voice.  -ftol  belfry.  -ftreng  bell- wire,  bell 
•rope,  bell-pull;  ^ænge  i  -en  be  a  slave  to  the 
hour.  -ftebtt  bell-founder.  -fteheti  bell-foundry. 
•taarn  steeple,  belltower,  campanile.  -time 
hour  by  the  clock,  stricken  hour.  -ttct  abutilon. 
■træf  n  bell-pull.    -tjifer  hånd  of  a  clock. 

Sltøneb^aler  c  J,  throat  downhauler. 

'•'JSIop'  c  -per  log-bridge. 

Stojp  I  fægter  prizeflghter.  -ffammer  batting 
machine.  -^olt  typ  planer,  -fnit  screw  stock. 
-ften  lapstone. 

Slor  n  chlorine. 

*EIor  n  fe  ^loreri. 

Storaffe  c  J>  jaw-rope. 

Sloral  n  chlo'ral. 

Slorjaluminium  aluminie  chloride.  -JI^ 
plumbic  chloride  (el.  chloride  of  lead)  o.  fl. 
t-Brlnt  hydric  chloride. 

*SIorc  vt  scratch  (wlth  nails,  claws).  -ri'  n 

S(o'r|forbinbe{fe  chloride.  -foSfor  phosphor- 
ous  chloride.    -^olbig  a  containing  chlorine. 

ælftof  hydrciH 

Slorit'  c  ehlo'rite.    -fflfec  c.  slate 

J{(o'r|faIf  chloride  of  lime.    -tvælftof  hydr( 
chlorate.    -metatter  pi  chlorides 

Siloroform'  c  chloroform.  -c're  vt  chlo'roform 

JVlor|ooerft)re  hydric  perchlorate.  -furt  ©alt 
chlorate.  -fJjre  hydric  chlorate.  -f«IO  muriate 
of  Silver,  horn-Silver,  -oanb  chlorine  water,' 
•uanbftof  fe  -brint 

moé'  adv  ^  fe 

*Slofag  c  frame-saw, 

Slof  et'  n  -ter  water-closet,  W.  C. 

Stlofter  n  -ftre  cloister,   monastery,  convent,! 
abbey;    (9Jonneflofter)   nunnery;    (i    proteftantiffe 
Sanbc)   asylum   for  ladies;   goa  i  -   turn  monk; 
take   the  veil;    fætte  i  _   shut   up  in  a  convent. 
•agtig  a  conventual.  -betjlent  lay-brother.  -Bonbe 
tenant  of  a  farm  belonging  to  a  convent.  -brobet 
monk,    friar,    conventual.      -bljgning    raonasti 
building.     -celle  cell.     -bragt  monasiic  el.  co: 
ventual  habit.     -enfoml}eb  monastic  seclusio: 
-fogeb  steward  of  a  monastery.  -f olf  eonventua' 
inmates  of  a  cloister.     -frue  widow  lady  of 
asylum.    -fr«fett  unmarried  lady  of  an  asylu 
•gaarb  court-yard  of  a  convent.    -gang  cloistei 
pl\    fe   -gibelfe.    -gitie   fig   vr  take   the  monastll 
vow;  take  the  veil.    -glttelfe  c  taking  ete.    -gto 
a  cloistered.    -gob§  land  el.  estate  belonging 
a    monastery.      -l)obe   convent    et.    monaste: 
garden.     -l)bælbing   cloister-vault.     -jomfru 
-frøfen.    -firfe  conventual  church.    -latin  monk 
Latin.    -lem  inmate  of  an  almshouse.    -letiuet 
fe  -Itu. 

Slofterlig  a  monastic,  conventual.  -^eb  < 
conventual  character. 

Slofter|liJ>  monastic  el.  conventual  life.  -lobet 
a  destined  for  the  convent.  -iatvtt  kind  of 
fine  linen,  -lefte  monastic  el.  conventual  vow. 
-mur  wall  of  a  monastery.  -me  nun.  -Jiort 
gate  of  a  monastery.  -ptæft  priest  of  a  convent 
el.  asylum.  -regel  conventual  el.  monastic  rule. 
-ret  judicial  session  in  a  monastery.  -ffif  custom 
of  a  monastery.  -ff ole  monastical  school.  -ftraf 
monastic  punishment.  -f«fter  nun.  -tugt  mo- 
nastic discipline.  -ttiang  conventual  restraints 
pi.  -Uié ;  paa  -  in  conventual  fashion.  -aoclfer 
pi  religions  exercises  of  a  monastery.  -fffloftre 
fig  vr  cloister  one's  self  up. 

Slo|toti  n  ^  jaw-rope. 

Slo(O)  c  (3{ebft.)  tongs,  cramp,  vice. 

Slot)  c  -e,  -er  el.  Sttøoer  hoof;  meb  fpaltet  _ 
cloven-footed.    -bl)r  clovenfooted  beast. 

SIo»e  c  -r  cow's  collar.    -Binbe  vt  stable. 

Stooelfebt  neat'sfoot  oil.  -f^ge  whitlow,  foot 
-rot;  fe  9Kunb=.    -tiig  slit. 

Slotin  c  -er  clown,  buflfoon. 

SloOoHe  neat's-foot  oil. 

Sto'UfaB  c  frame  saw. 

Stub'  c  -ber  club.    -bal  ball  at  the  club. 

*S{ubbe  c  -r  club,  mace. 

Slub|fammerot  fe  een.  -mebtem  member  of 
the  club.  -tib  club  jtime.  -ben  fellow  el.  brother 
clubman.  -oerbenen  clubland.  -bife  club  song. 
-ttærelfe  club-room.  -bært  steward  el.  cook  of 
a  club. 

Slub  c  -e  rag,  clout;  fiber  enefte  _  ^1,  every 
stitch  of  canvas,  every  rag. 

SIttbber  n  bungling,  botching.  -agtig  c 
bungling.  -arbejbe  bungled  el.  clumsy  work. 
-i'  n  fe  Klubber,  -mob^,  -miffet  fe  Slubrer,  -ooru 
fe  -agtig.    -bærf  fe  -arbejbe. 

Slubel^aubel  rag-trade;  ragman's  shop.  -^anb 
ler  fe  -fræmmer.  -from  rags  pL  -fræmmer  rag- 
man, rag-dealef.  -pal^iv  paper  made  of  rags, 
rag-made  paper.  -pofc  rag-bag.  -famlcrfffe)  rag 
-gatherer,  rag-picker,  P  paper-maker.  -f-ffræbber 
fe  Qappe'.    -fltuffe  rag-drawer.    -torb  rag-market. 






rag-fair.  -tappe  carpet  made  of  patch-work, 
patchwork  counterpane.    -ulb  shoddy(-wool). 

Jllttbre  vt  &  i  bungle,  botch.  -t  c  -e  bungler, 

JWttI'  n  cluck  el.  clucking  ofahen;  (beb  ®^nf= 
ning)  gulp.   -^ent  cluckiug  hen.   j{(tttle  vi  cluck. 

ftiumme  c  -r  tvp  column. 

♦RInmmer  a  sultry. 

ftlumt*  c  -er  lump,  clump,  OorbO  clod;  i  _ 
iu  a  cluster,  clustered;  -en  (6Iagt.)  the  under 
buttock.  Sfunt^e  vt  &  i  clot;  vr  fig  clot.  — 
ll(nm)ie|b{Q  pig-lead.  -jærn  pig-iron.  -Inufer 
clod-crusher.  -mælf  \t  ^iJoIlemælf.  -t  a  lumpy, 
clotted.    -ttlb  ie  ftlatulb. 

S(um)>|ftft  sun-fish,  Orthagoriscus  moli.  -fob 
clubfoot.  -fobet  a  club-footed.  -^aanb  club 
-hånd.  -laf  lump  lack.  -næfe  bottle-nose. 
•tiæfet  a  bottle-nosed. 

Slumret  a  stufiFy. 

'^Alunger  c  brier,  Rosa  canina. 

*Stinnl  c  -er  cluck,  gurgle,  goggling  el.  gurgl- 
ing  noise.    -e  vi  cluck,  gurgle. 

StunS  c  J,  (paa  Stang)  eight-squares. 

Sllunt(e)  c  -er  log,  block.  +-t  vi  jog,  stump, 
-et  a  clumsy,  awkward. 

RIu^'  c  -per  screw-stock. 

*«Iuå'  n  SluSfc  vi  fe  ftlubber,  Slubre. 

$t(t)be  c  -r  scooper,  Becurvirostra  avocetta. 

filQbd  n  ,p  hawse(-hole).  -baanb  dowsing 
-chock.  -briHc  buekier.  -foring  hawse-box, 
hawse-pieces.  -qat  fe  ftl^bS.  -loag,  -|)Iabe  fe 
-britfe.  -<)ro}>  hawse-plug.  -Oubc  hawse-bolster 
(o.  p.).  -ftop^er  controller.  -træ,  -t«mmev  hawse 
-piece,  hawse-timber. 

tStltine  c  -r  kind  of  peat. 

ftl^nge  e  -r  cluster,  knot;  en  _  S^rceer  a  clump 
of  trees.  ^(^nge  vt  cluster,  crowd;  _  op  hang 
(by  the  neck),  string  up;  —  vr  fig  cluster, 
crowd;  _  fig  op  clamber  up;  _  fig  op  til,  faft  til, 
beb  cling  to;  -I  vd  cluster. 

tSllflnger  c  bramble,  Rubw. 

ftl^ngeOtS  adv  in  clusters. 

StlQut  n  fe  -en. 

Sllqnte  vi  whimper,  whine;  -nbe  a  (ogf.)  pip- 
ing.  -^obcb  fe  -r.  -n  c  whimpering  etc.  -pottt, 
-X  c  -e  whimperer,  whiner.  -ri'  a  -er  whimper- 
ing, whining.  -raft,  -ftemittc  plaintive  voice. 
-tone  querulous  tone, 

*Rl^pe,  -te  -t  vt  pinch,  squeeze.  StlXipt  c  -r 
pinch,  pugil. 

*StlXipptv  c  -e  F  Clipper,  stunner. 

«U)é'  fe  mttu. 

*Stlp\t  c  -r  clot  (of  spittle). 

RlQfopom'tie  c  -r  clyster-pump. 

SlUfte'r  n  -fterer  clys'ter,  injection,  enema; 
fætte  et  _  give  an  injection.  'piPt  dyster  pipe. 
-\pX8\tt  syringe. 

Rlflue,  tlob,  fltjoet  (*nobet)  r»climb.  9lX)'MPat 
a  climbable. 

Ribber  e  -e  J,  (standing)  jib.  -Borbttit  jib-guy. 
-bom  jib-boom  (o.  ft.).  -tiom§gob§  jib-boom  gear 
(o.  fl).  -bøjle  jib-traveller.  -falb  jib-halyard. 
-inb^aler  jib  inhauler.  -Icjbcr  jib-stay.  -ncb' 
bolet  jib-downhauler.  -fl«be  jib-sheet.  -ftanbcr 
jib-stay.    -ubbilcr  jib-outhauler. 

Jtlaeb|e  vi  stick,  cleave,  adhere  (beb  to);  fig  ~ 
beb  beset;  —  H  stick,  paste;  _  op  paste;  —  vr 
fig  (tit),  fe  Slæbe  vi.  Slæbtrften  c  steatite,  soap- 
stone.  fllccbjrig  <t  sticky,  adhesive,  viscous. 
-tia^cb  c  adhesiveness,  viscidity. 

ftloebe  n  -r  (Stnfte  %e\  til  at  bebælfe  noget  meb) 
cloth;  ub.  pi  (Stoffet)  wooUen  cloth,  broadcloth; 
Qorben  ftal  ælbeé  fom  et  _  the  earth  shall  wax 
old  like  a  garment. 

ftlabe,  -te,  -t  vt  clothe,  diess;  fe  Sig;  Stejle; 
—  vt  k  i  (paSfe)  become,   be  becoming,  sit  well 

Sarfen:  S^anfl-Sngelff  Crbbog. 

on;  J,  (et  Stftffe  Zob)  serve,  (et  Slib)  plank, 
(meb  glober)  plate;  _  Sebelen  (meb  Sræ)  lag  the 
boiler;  fort  -r  be  Pefte  black  becomes  most 
people;  bet  -r  ilbe  it  is  unbecoming,  looks  badly 
—  vr  fig  dress,  _  fig  felb  find  one's  self  in; 
clothes;  —  meb  prcep.  _  fig  af  undress,  take  off 
one's  clothes,  (ganfte)  strip;  _  en  af  til  ©fjorten 
strip  one  to  the  skin;  _  fig  i,  bære  flæbt  i  wear; 
_  fig  om  change  one's  dress;  -fig  paa  dress, 
put  on  one's  clothes;  -fig  ub  i  ^fruentimmer' 
flæber  disguise  one's  self  in  female  apparel.  — 
S(((ebe|bob  draper's  shop.  -bon  n  garment,  rai- 
ment,  garb,  attire.  -berfte  clothesbrush.  -bragt 
dress,  apparel.  -fabrtf  cloth-manufactory.  -fo« 
brifation  manufacturing  of  cloth.  -fabritør 
cloth-manufacturer.  -foroet  cloth-dyer.  -bonbel 
cloth-trade.  -I)anbler  clothier,  draper,  -tamutec 
wardrobe.  -fenbcr  judge  of  cloth.  -Kemmer, 
*-(i)Ux^pt  clothespin,  cloth-peg.  *-Ioft  fe  -barfte. 
-Irog  fe  ftnage.  -fræmmer  fe  -^anbler.  -Iut» 
clothes-basket.    -ftfUe  ^  serving-mallet. 

Slcebeltg  a  becoming,  graceful.  -^eb  c  becom- 
ingness,  suitableness. 

ålcebelU^  selvage  of  cloth.  -mager  c  -e  cloth 
-worker.  -mon  fe  -bon.  -m«I  cloth  moth,  Tinea 
sarcitella.  -Oplag  cloth  warehouse.  -opfrabfer 
teaseler,  -orm  fe  -møl.  -ptvSt,  -preéfe  cloth 
press.    -pragt  sumptuousness  of  dress. 

Slæber  pi  (®rogt)  clothes,  garments,  wearables, 
F  clothing;  _  ftabe  golf  fine  feathers  make  fine 
birds,  the  tailor  makes  the  man;  meb  -ne  paa 
with  his  clothes  on,  in  his  clothes;  ^an  er  iffe 
rigtig  i  -ne  he  is  not  in  the  vein,  out  of  sorts; 
fe  fiob. 

S((Cbe|rammc  frame  for  stretching  cloth.  -8= 
(-fraffe  ofo.)  cloth,  of  cloth.  -fafå  shears  for 
dressing  cloth.  -ffab  clothes-press,  wardrobe. 
-fnor  clothes-line.  -fpaan  ^  serving-board. 
-ftatiu  clothes-stand.  -f-torP  rag-market.  t-to<et 
fe  -babff.  -babff  washing  of  clothes.  -ballet 
cloth-fuller.  -Oaltntng  fulling.  -uåret  pi  cloths. 
-bæbet  fe  Sugmager.  -oæoeri  fe  -fabrit.  -bæoning 
c  cloth-weaving,  manufacturing  of  cloth.  Sla;b= 
ning  c  -er  (^aoflæbning)  dress;  (Sæt  Slæber)  suit 
of  clothes;  i  (ubenborbS)  planking,  (inbenborbS) 
ceiling,  (om  Hot)}  service,  (om  fRunbbolt)  rounding, 
(om  Sebelen)  lagging,  (om  3larer)  muffling. 

Slccbningd|gob§  J;,  rounding,  -matte  J>  chaf- 
ing-mat.  -plaber  outside  piates.  -planfet  out- 
side  planks.  -^tjtte  article  of  dress;  pi  (fom  SSare) 
apparel.  J,  slops,  "Sloebplag  n  article  of  dress. 
*jllæbfel  c  dress,  apparel. 

*SIæg'  c  -ger,  tRlæge,  -r  horse-fly,  cleg,  Ta- 

tSlicg  c  k  n  loam,  alluvlal  clay.  tftlacg,  -et 
a  loamy;  -et  58røb  doughy  bread.  -lag  stratum 
of  loam  el.  clay. 

"Slcef  a  frail,  feeble. 

*Slaf!e  V  imp :  bet  tlaf  i  ffam  he  got  a  (sudden) 

Slstfe  vt  hatch;  _  op  rear,  breed;  -  frem  raise, 
grow;  -  ub,  fe  Ubflæffe. 

Slætlelig  a  considerable,  sufficient,  round. 

Slættetib  hatching  time.  Slæfning  c  hatching. 

*jtl(engena»n  fe  Pge-. 

*ftlæp'  c  -per  clump. 

*SIæp'  c  -per  (til  giftfri)  gaffi  *c  clip. 

Rlætfel  c  (Sufferfaft)  cleare. 

SI«  vt  scratch,  claw;  F  (banfe)  thrash;  _  fig  i 
^ooebet  scratch  one's  head;  _  fig  bag  pret  scratch 
one's  ears;  vi  &  imp  itch;  mine  fingre  _  efter  at 
my  fingers  itch  to;  ^an§  9læfe  -r  efter  at  he  has 
au  itching  desire  to.  SI*  F  *  thrashing.  Slire, 
Sløen  c  itch,  itching. 

Sløft  c  -er  cleft,  chink,  crack,  crevice,  rift, 
cranny,   fissure,   (i  Jpage)  dimple.    -atnt  (2)mp.) 





gab-lever.  +-e,  -e  fig,  {e  filøbe.  -et  a  cleft,  cloven. 
+SIeftctræ  fe  Sbege.  JlI«ft|fobct  a  cloveu-footed, 
fissiped.  -^agc  cleft  chin.  -^nlc  forked  tail. 
-I^amtner  claw-hammer.  j-ffottet  fe   fobet. 

t^l«ftig  a  shrewd. 

jtløftlnaal  fe  £tranb!aa[.  -ning  c  splitting, 
flircation.  -fobcl  fe  ftløb-.  -ffftsget  «  with  a 
forked  beard.    -ftang  fe  -arm.    -ticj  ravine,  defile. 

tiSI«ge  ftg  vr  retch.    fil«gning  c  retehing. 

^løgt  c  shrewduess,  sagacity,  clevemess.  -fg 
a  shrewd,  elever,  sagacious;  ifte  tncget  -  not  very 

^tøjning  fe  Slløgniiig. 

*m«»)))cr  fe  moppet. 

+matve  vi  fe  tiatte,  Slubre. 

*JtI«t»  c  og  M  -er  pack  (for  a  horse),  sumpter. 

SIa'tibl)t  fe  fiIot)bt)r. 

''•'fil«toe  vi  load  ^a  pack-horse);  transport  on 

^løtje  f«cleave,  split;  _  SSanbet  cleave  (through) 
the  water;  _  |)ot)ebet  paa  en  split  one's  head; 
l^onS  ^obeb  bor  -t  his  head  was  cut  open;  _  ftg 
i  to  bisect.  t-Br ænbc  split  flre-wood.  -ifletn 
iron  vs'edge.    -!lle  wedge. 

JtUocr  c  -e  (i  Sortfpil)  clubs;  en  -  a  club;  _ 
68,  %o,  S^re  ofb.  the  ace,  deuce,  three  etc.  of 
Clubs;  _  Songe,  2)ame,  Stncegt  the  king,  queen, 
knave  of  clubs. 

Stløber  c  ($(ante)  clover,  trefoil,  Trifolium. 
-oger  clover  field.  -at>l  cultivation  of  c.  -6lab 
c.  leaf;  fio  trio.  -bue  trefoil(ed)  arch.  -buft 
smell  of  clover.  -ettfl  meadow  sown  with  c. 
-græS  c.  grass.  -^e  c.  hay.  -Ior§  her  cross 
bottony.  t-murl  c.  field.  -ftlle  cloverdodder, 
Cuecuta  trifoUi.     -ftu6  C.  stubble. 

*SiI«'D()eft  c  sumpter-horse,  pack-horse. 

jllø'titirone  c  great  chickweed,  Malachium  aqva- 
ticum . 

*SIe'OmeiS  c  pannier. 

*SI«o'ne  vi  split. 

^iøtining  c  cleaving,  cleavage;  zo  segmenta- 

*Sle '»fabel  c  pack-saddle. 

tSllatJfe  c  -r  fe  tlofe. 

Sle'titraobéoJge  c  -r  diatom. 

*fil»'t)»cj  c  riding-path. 

*Stna  fe  Snabe. 

*Snob'  c  -ber  (58jærg=)  nab,  knoU. 

^'Snabbcé  vd  fight,  quarrel. 

Snabe  c  J,  button,  hutch-hook. 

*ftnabe  vt  knead. 

Snag(e)  c  -r  (til  at  Iftceiige  paa)  wooden  peg; 
(paa  i)iul)  cog;  {paa  fRat)  spoke. 

fittage  vi  creak,  groan;  complain;  bet  er  -nbe 
lolbt  it  is  an  exceeding  hard  frost;  faa  længe  bet 
-r,  ^olber  bet  cracked  cups  (el.  creaking  doors) 
last  longest.    -n  c  creaking  etc. 

Sinagcneffe  c  rack. 

Slnagfroft  c  very  hard  trost. 

Stta'g^jul  n  cog-wheel. 

^alb  n,  pi  =,  report,  explosion,  crack;  (^ifle-) 
smack,  crack;  p  merry-making;  bet  »ar  _  og  galb 
tneb  f)am  he  had  a  sudden  downfall.  -bl^  ful- 
minating  el.  detonating  lead.  -bob  low  tavern. 
-bonbon  cracker.  -brcb  fulminating  paper. 
-b«éfc  popgun.  Snalb|e  vi  explode,  make  a 
report;  _  nteb  en  $iff  crack  a  whip.  -effcft  clap 
-trap;  meb  -  with  grand  elfect.  Snalbe^Jtff 
cracklng  whip.  Snolbert  c  -er  cracker.  ^nalb|> 
fcengrør  pereussion-tube.  -goS  fe  -luft.  -glaå 
detonating  ball,  candle-bomb.  -gulb  fulminating 
gold,  fulminate  of  gold.  -jammer  detonating 
-hammer,  -^^tte  hovel.  -l)(ctte  percussion-cap, 
copper-cap,  detonating  cap.  -foitfafu  fulminating 
mercury.  -Iao8  percussion-lock.  -luft  explosive 
air.    -lnftIa«H»e  hydrogen  gas  blow-pipe.    -^leirle 

ulminating  eu 

fe  -gloS;  fe  -^ætte.  -Dulber,  -fotS  fulminating  e" 
detonating  powder.  -folt  fulminate.  -fteb  im- 
presslve  passage,  -furt  Salt  fulminate.  -f^re 
fulminic  acid.  -felt)  fulminate  of  silver.  -tr« 
sandbox-tree,  Hura  crepitans.   -t(enbfat§  fe  -fat§. 

*flEnaoft  c  a  kind  of  soft  old-milk  cheese. 

Snat*'  a  scant,  sranty,  short,  (fnæber)  strait, 
narrow;  (gerrig)  stingy,  close;  _  SSægt  short  weight; 
Siben  er  for  _  the  time  is  too  short;  i  -pt  Si  bet 
in  times  of  scarcity;  bet  er  fnapt  meb  el.  om  (ber 
er  ~  5Cib  paa)  Sgenge,  5i(£g  oft).  money  is  scarce, 
eggs  are  scarce,  there  is  a  scarcity  of  etc;  — 
fnap  adv  scarcely,  scarce,  hardly,  barely;  — 
Inopt  adv  scantily  etc;  fe  Snop  adv;  maale  -t 
give  Short  measure;  bet  bar  -t  nol  at  jeg  .  .  .1 
only  just  .  .  . ;  -t  .  .  .  fjørenb  scarcely  .  .  .  when, 
no  sooner  .  .  .  than. 

Sna<>'  c  -per  (i  Slæber)  button,  (løS)  stud;  (paa 
@toI,  Suffert  0.  be«l.)  knob;  (pao  ©abel,  ©obel) 
pommel;  {paa  ©tong)  »1.  truck;  tæHe  paa  -perne 
couut  the  buttons;  p  breie  en  _  tell  a  flb,  story; 
P  mifle  -pen  lose  one's  head.  *-blotttfi  fe  ©ng- 

^^na^fobrtng  c  starving. 

jlnaplform  button-form  el.  -mould.  -gaffel 
mil  button-stick.    *-gra8  fe  ftnopurt. 

Sna^^eb  c  scantiness;  straitness;  stinginess, 

^na<)|t|Ul  button-hole;  S9Iomfter  i -let  a  button 
-nose.  -l^ulfolé  button-hole  scissors.  -^ulfting, 
-^ulfønt  button-hole  stitch.  -^ulflietfle  button 
-hole  maker.    -mager  c  -e  button-maker. 

Jlnap^e  et  button;  _  til  button  up;  _  op  un- 

^noppe  vi:  af  \,  af  paa  stint,  curtail. 

Hnappenaal  c  -e  pin;  et  Sreo  -e  a  paper  of 
pins;  man  funbe  næften  ^øre  en  _  falbe  one  might 
almost  hear  the  falling  of  a  pin.  —  ^nappe< 
nonI§|I)OOeb  head  of  a  pin.  -penge  pin  money. 
-fpibS  point  of  a  pin.    -ftti  prick  with  a  pin.; 

Slnoplftilf,  -«jc  button-shank. 

tS;nar'  c  poet  merchant-ship. 

JSnaranb  fe  ®ræSanb. 

St'natt  c  -e  crabbed  fellow,  fogey. 

Snotte  vi  creak,  grate,  jar.    -n  c  creaking. 

^navborn  a  morose,  cross,  crabbed,  peevish. 
-^cb  c  moroseness,  crossness,  crabbedness,  pee- 
vish ness. 

Snaé  n  (Sommer?)  a  lark;  (©lifferi)  sweets  pi; 
goa  i  _  go  to  shivers;  gøre  ~  knock  up  a  lark, 
make  fun.  Slfnafe  vi  crackle;  vt  crush,  scrunch. 
Snaff'e  vt  crush  between  the  teeth;  vi  (ftære 
SEænber)  gnash  the  teeth. 

^naft  c  -er  knot,  knag,  gnarl;  meeh  stop;  fig 
en  gammel  _  an  old  crabbed  fellow,  old  chap. 

tSnoftenS  a  p  capital,  delightful. 

Snoftcr  c  (Sobal)  canister-tobacco. 

Snaft|ct  o  knotty.  -fri  a  clean.  -^«l  knot-hole. 

^no'étar  a  dry  as  a  bone. 

*Snat'  c  -ter  crag,  nab. 

*S!nau§  c  -er  knoll. 

tSnaufer  c  p  niggard.    -i'  n  niggardliness. 

StnauSpcere  c  yellow  musk-pear. 

^naoel  c  knapwell,  ScUronthus. 

Sineb  n,  pi  =,  (Sniben)  pinch,  squeeze;  (^if) 
trick,  artifice;  ~  i  SDJoOen  gripesf;^,  griplng  pains. 

tSnebbcr  e:  labe  -en  løbe  el.  gaa  chatter  away; 
-en  ftaar  olbrig  ftiEe  paa  ^enbe  her  tongue  is  never 
at  rest. 

finebel,  finebelébart,  fineble  fe  Snebel  ofb. 

fineben  a  fe  Snap;  en  -  aKajoritet  a  narrow 
majority;  _  meb  sparing  of;  -t  adv:  bo  -t  be 
pinched  for  room.    -beb  c  closeness. 

fincbre  vi  (om  Storfen)  cackle;  fig  chatter, 
gabble.    -n  c  cackllng. 

finej^e  c  -r  public-house,  tavem.    -bnft  odour 




of  the  tavem.  -fonger,  -fangetlnbe  music-hall 
Singer,  -Ⱦrt  keeper  of  a  tavern.  -ttife  music 
-hall  song. 

Jtnf jfe  vi  strut,  carry  the  head  high;  ©tottet 
-r  oDer  S^tjen  the  castle  towers  over  the  town. 
•tt  c  strutting. 

fiite^j',  Rne^iå  n,  pi  =,  snap,  crack,  (meb 
gingtene)  (finger- )flllip;  aii)e  en  et  _  paa  9iæfen 
give  one  a  fillip  on  the  nose;  flaa  _  meb  JJingrene 
snap  el.  crack  one's  fingers,  -pc,  -fe  vi  snap 
one's  fingers  (ab  at);  _  en  paa  Siæfen,  fe  oofr.;  — 
vt  fillip. 

*finerfe  fe  Snir!e. 

*Jtnert  e   er  dram. 

tSneu  fe  finøo. 

StneotI  c  -Bier  (i  9Kunben)  gag;  (i  Slolle)  tongue 
el.  clapper;  4>  toggel,  beeket;  pi  pods  of  flax. 

Shtetiel^bart  c  -er  mustachio;  (paa  3)l)r)  whisk- 
ers; en  $erfon  meb  -  a  mustachioed  el.  mustached 

Ritett'cr,  !ne»)re  fe  SnebBer,  gnebre. 

^neote  vt  gag;  _  $er  ripple  flax;  _  tnb  ^ 
beeket.    -jær«,  -reiif!a6  ripple.    -tlatn))e  thumb 

*finib  n  (i  9Kat)en)  fe  Sneb.| 

fhti'bboenbfel  c  ^  nip. 

Snxbt  c  pinch,  dilemma,  hobble,  scrape;  Ⱦre, 
fomme  i  -  be  in,  get  into,  a  scrape,  a  cleft  stick, 
up  at  tree;  ^an  er  flemt  i  _  he  is  in  a  sad  scrape 
el.  pickle.  ^nibe,  !neb,  fnebet  vt  &  i  (tlemme) 
pinch,  nip;  (fpate)  spare,  pinch;  (i  Sort)  finesse; 
(rapfe)  purloin;  nu  -r  bet !  now  for  a  push  I  now 
comes  the  tug  of  war !  naar  bet  -r  at  a  pinch; 
bet  fneb !  that  was  a  hard  rub,  a  close  shave; 
bet  -r  f  o r  fjam  he  is  out,  hard  up;  ~\xafig  shirk; 
_  en  i  airmen  pinch  one's  arm;  _  ftg  igennem 
slink  through;  _  ftg  tnb,  fammen  narrow;  bet  -r 
meb  9Jiønt(en)  money  is  scarce;  _  p o a  be  sparing 
of;  _  paa  knægten  finesse  the  knave;  _  tæt  til 
95inben  J,  hug  the  wind;  _  pjet  til  for  wink  at; 
_  ub  F  slink  away,  make  off;  a7nr  skedaddle. 
^nibe|n  c  pinching  etc.  -r  c  -e  (paa  SRor)  rudder 
-chock.  -ri'  n  stinginess.  ^nt'Iining  c  pinch- 
ing etc. 

Knibff  o  prudish,  coy,  pert.  -t)eJ)  c  prudery, 

^ni'btang  c  pincers,  pinchers  pi;  (SfomagerS) 
clams;  p  swallow-tailed  coat. 

MnitS  n,  pi  =,  courtesy.  -e  vi  drop  a  cour- 

^ni))(e  vi  make  lace.  -borb,  -brrtt  fe  -»)ube. 
-tt  c  lace-making.  -woal  lace-maker's  pin.  -^ige 
lacemaker,  laceworker.  -<)tnt»  bobbin,  bone. 
-^ube  lace-maker's  cushion.  -^jnlt  fe  -ftrin.  -ri' 
n  lace-making.  finiplerfle  c  -r  lacemaker. 
Sni})lc|ffrin  lacemaker's  desk.  -ftot  fe  -pinb. 
•traab  lace  thread. 

KniVlinger  pi  lace.  —  $hii))(ing§|agtig  a  lace- 
like.  -bcfætning  lace  trimming.  -garnering 
lace  flouncer.  -grunb  lace  ground.  -^anbet 
lace-trade;  lace-shop.  -tappe  lace  bonnet.  -fjole 
lace  dress,  -trave  lace  coUar.  -frtemmcr  lace- 
man.  -manfter  lace  pattern.  -ftør  lace  veil. 
-træ  gauzetree,  lace-bark  tree,  Lagetta  lintearia. 
-ærme  sleeve  trimmed  wlth  lace. 

ftnttipe  n  -r  buneh;  (S8unbt)  bundle;  _  ^e  truss 
of  hav.  knippe  vt  tie  in  a  bunch.  -brtenbe 
faggots.    -bannet  a  bunched. 

Stnippcl  c  -pier  cudgel,  bludgeon;  pi  art  bar 
-shot.  -brænbe  brushwood,  sticks  pi.  -fngle 

Snlppeléuinbe  c  .i,  (spungarn)  wineh. 

^nippcrpiile  c  clustered  column.  ^ni)i))eoid 
adv  in  bunches. 

Knips,  fintpfe  fe  gnep?. 

ftnirte  vi  creak,  jar,  (om  Sne)  crackle.   -(oeber 

creaking  leather.  -«  c  creaking  etc.  -fi«l»ier 
creaking  boots. 

•ftniS  n  titter.    ■■''Jlnife  vi  titter,  snicker. 

-^Knift  n,  pi  =,  F  titter. 

finiftre  vi  fe  gnitre;  (le)  titter;  *  (om  Jpunb) 

Stnitre  vi  crackle.    -n  c  crackling. 

SnittelocrS  fe  fint)ttel=. 

Stnit)  c  -e  knife;  ^abe  -en  paa  ©truben  have  the 
haller  round  one's  neck;  fætte  en  -en  paa  ©truben 
clap  a  knife  to  one's  throat,  bring  one  to  bay; 
boere  paa  -en  be  at  daggers  drawn;  8rig  paa  -en 
war  to  the  knife.  Sni»|(e)beftlf  knife-case.  -(e)= 
but  fe  ftol.  -bannet  a  formed  llke  a  knife,  ^ 
cultrat«,  cultrated.  -fil  knife-file.  -fober  fe 
-beftif.  -taéfe  knife-tray.  -(e)tnr»»  knife-basket. 
-ntniSUng  razor-shell.  Solen  cultellus.  -pttloer 
knife-cleaning  powder. 

Snit)§{bag  back  of  a  knife.  -blab  blade  of  a 

fini'blftaft  handle  of  a  knife.  -ftamntel  fe 
-ftol.  -ftebe  sheath  el.  case  of  a  k.  -flibemafline 
knife-sharpener.  *-fIire  fe  -ffebe.  -fmeb  cutler. 
-fmeberi  cutlery-works.  -fnit  cut  el.  incision 
with  a  knife. 

KnittSob  c  point  of  a  knife. 

Stti'blfpibS  c  point  of  a  knife. 

SniuSlrtjg  fe  -bag. 

Kni'blftaal  steel  (for  knives),  -ftit,  -fting  stab 
(with  a  knife).    -ftol  knife-rest,  knife-support. 

jtnib^ceg  c  edge  of  a  knife. 

Kni  »t^ber  c  (®raoft.)  knife-tool. 

Sno  c  -er  knuckle. 

Snob  c  -e  ^  knot,  bend;  (paa  Soglinen)  knot; 
Bi  løbe  7  -  she  makes  seven  knots.  -e  vt  knot; 
et  make  knots;  -t  pje  Flemish  eye. 

Snofebt  n  p  culFs,  blows. 

*Snog,  Snoge  c  -er,  fe  ftnoHel. 

Snogle,  Snoltel  c  -ler  (sBen)  bone;  (paa  gftngrene) 
knuckle.  -agtig  a  bony.  -btøb^eb  c  rickets. 
-bagning  osseous  structure.  -f«r  a  bony,  large 
-boued.  -^aanb  bony  band.  -^nle  bone-cave, 
ossiferous  cave.  -leb  joint,  -manben  the  king 
of  terrors,    -ftært  fe  -før.    Snottet  a  bony. 

Snolb  c  -e  (ajfærg-)  knoll,  (3orb=)  clod;  ^  tuber; 
jig  boor,  bumpkin.  -begonia  tuberous-rooted 
begonia,  Begonia  tuberosa.  -bcerenbc  a  tuber- 
iferous.  -et  a  (tnubret)  knotty;  ^  tuberous;  _ 
SRobftot  corm.  -tnufer  clod-crusher.  -rob  tuber- 
ous root.  -rtebbite  turnip-radish.  -feUeri  celeriac, 
turnip  rooted  celery,  Apium  rapaceum.  -fitte  fe 
gorbftof.    -bætSt  plant  with  a  tuberous  root. 

Snoleb  n  knuckle. 

Snop'  [6]  c  -per  (noget  fremftaaenbe)  knob;  (2øo= 
eller  Stotnfter--)  bud;  tjatie,  ft^be  -per  be  in  bud, 
put  forth  buds.  -bannet  a  formed  like  a  bud. 
t-græ§  couch-grass,  Triticum  repen«,  -ff^tfter 
tegument.  -leje  (S8regner§)  conceptacle.  -ning 
c  budding,    -pe  vi  (+),  -peé  vd  bud. 

Snopper  pi  acom-galls. 

Snoppct  [6]  a  knobbed. 

Snoplfftibenbe  a  [6]  gemmiferous.  -ffqbning 
gemmalion.  -ftæt  ^  raments.  -flempel  thimble. 
-fbane  tame  swan,  Cygnu«  olor.  -nrt  knap-weed, 
Centaurea  Jacea;  (ftor)  black  top,  C.  scabiota. 

Snor'  fe  Snar. 

Snort'  [6]  c  -e  knot,  gnarl,  knag.  —  Snorte|  = 
fulb  a  knotty,  gnarled.  -gaaS  fe  ®aut.  -tap, 
-ftot  knotty  el.  ragged  stick,  -et  a  fe  -futb;  (om 
SSei)  rugged,  rough. 

Snot'  c  (3nf.)  sand-fly,  Simuliwn;  (gugt)  sand- 

'Snot'  c  knob,  button. 

*Snot  n  aff'ected  way  of  speaking.  -e  vi  speak 
with  afl'ected  correctness,  mince. 

Snub'  c  -be  log,   block;   en  _  af  en  ffireng   a 




brick  of  a  boy.  +-bt  vt  \e  ®nu6Be;  StiuBje.  -beå 
vd  bicker.  -btt  a  knotty;  fig  -bebe  Orb  el.  -orb 
hard  el.  sharp  words.  -gIo§  bull's  eye  glass. 
-f)|ul  fe  !8Iof=. 

${nubd  n,  pi  =,  blow,    thump.     -c  vt  thump. 

ftrtub|ffl6  canoe.  -flæbe  drag.  -foone  fe  Snop=. 
•»eb  log-ends. 

5tnub  Canute. 

Shtube  c  -r  knot;  aatr  uode;  (UbbcelSt)  bump, 
protuberance;  (t  éomebte)  plot,  intrigue,  knot; 
fla«  en  -  tie  a  knot;  ^iigge  -n  ober  cut  the  (Gor- 
dian)  knot;  *ftaa  i  -  be  stunted  in  thé  growth; 
ber  !om  en  _  ;poa  S^raaben  they  quarrelled;  gøre 
-r  f  bother;  bet  er  -n  there  is  the  rub,  there  lies 
the  issue.  -or»»e  bastard  pimpernel,  Gentunculus 
minimus.  -dinber  c  chir  star-bandage.  t-6r(enbc 
knotty  wood.  -fefier  vet  surfeit.  -fulb  a  full  of 
knots,  knotty,  gnarled.  -fr^nfer  pi  knotted 
fringe.  -gtceS  knotgrass,  Phleum  nodosum.  -taal 
kohlrabi.  -tobet  a  having  large  anklebones. 
-linje  nodal  line.  -t^unlt  Cpaa  j?ærnbane)  junc- 
tion;  fiff  turning-point.  -fnor  knotted  cord. 
-fttjig,  -fl)uing  knotstitch.  -tott  Icnotted  rope. 
^nubret  a   (ogfaa  fio)  rugged;  (Stil)  ungraceful. 

ftnuQ  n,  pi  =,  pressure,  squeeze;  bet  Bar  ^am 
et  iiaarbt  -  it  wasasevere  blowtohim.  Rnugle 
vt  press,  squeeze;  fig  -8  of  be  oppressed  with; 
en  gob  -t,  ftubbet  og  ooerfløbig  9Jloobe  bibl  good 
measure,  pressed  down,  shaken  together  and 
running  over;  _  ^iærtet  fommen  paa  en  wring 
one's  heart;  —  vr  fig  fommen  press  together;  _ 
fig  til  cling  to;  —  +vi  ipaa  press  on.  -en,  -ning 
c  pressing  etc,  pressure.  +-lfotht  vt  hold  as  in 
a  vice. 

Snut"  n  (ftnurren)  growl,  snarl;  fig  murmur, 
grumbling,  remonstranee ;  t(om  8otte)  purr. 
*Snnr'  c  fe  -^one.  -ffaar  whiskers  pi.  -tfant 
gurnard,  gumet,  Trigla. 

Knurre  vi  growl,  snarl;  tfom  ^otte)  purr;  fig 
murmur,  grumble.  -n  c  growling  ete.  -BuSfe, 
-^jotte  grumbter,  p  grumbletonian.  Anurtiorn, 
-l)eb  fe  Knartiorn. 

jtnufe,  Inu'fte,  Inu'ft  vt  crush,  smash;  break, 
(fmoat)  bruise;  t  Soor  bruised  wound;  bibl  bet 
-be  Stør  the  bruised  reed;  bet  -r  mit  fjærte  it 
breaks  my  heart;  meb  -t  fjærte  with  a  broken 
heart;  _  en  Soore  brush  away  a  tear;  p  -nbe 
gol  furious.  -maffine  crushing  machine.  -tanb 
molar,  molar-tooth.    -tiaert  crushing-mill. 

*annft  c  fe  g^rfoomp. 

Snu'åntng  c  crushing. 

*Jinu«Ie  vt  knuckle. 

*Sntt§<)e  vt  crunch;  vi  crackle,  crunch. 

Snut'  c  knout;  gioe  _  knout.    -te  vt  knout. 

fln^  n  slightest  sound;  ^on  gat)  tffe  et  _  not 
the  slightest  sound  escaped  him.  Stnti  vi  &  t 
(et  Drb)  breathe  a  word. 

tSfn^g  n  snow  storm,  -e  vi  blow  a  snow 

ftntjft  c  -er  bunion.    -pint  (pain  from)  bunions. 

*«n^te  fe  Knytte. 

Sn^tl^oanb,  -næbe  c  (clenched)  fist. 

Knytning  c  tying  etc,  (fe  Sntjtte). 

JtnQtte  vt  tie  (in  a  knot,  with  a  knot;  (forene) 
bind,  knit,  unite;  (ftrilfe)  knit;  _  Sflæben  clench 
the  fist;  _  SRæben  ob  en  shake  one's  fist  at  one; 
~  tJoroentninger  til  form  expectations  of;  _  en 
©omtiite  meb  begin  a  conversation  with;  —  vr 
-  fig  til  (en)  attach  one's  self  to;  ber  -r  fig  en  biS 
^ntereSfe  til  some  interest  attaches  to;  ben  .3nter= 
eSfe,  ber  -r  fig  tit  the  interest  attached  to,  asso- 
ciated  with;  (foft)  -t  til  bound  up  with;  l^onS 
giobn  er  -t  tit  his  name  is  identifled  el.  associated 
with;  Iftertit  -r  fig  en  ©iftorie  hereby  hangs  a  tale; 
_  fig  et.  ■§  (om  grugt)  set.   —  Stn^ttejgarn  knit- 


ot.     -(fer  M 




ting    yarn.      -tnube   intricate    knot 
knittles  pi. 
Stn^ttcItterS  pi  doggerel. 
Stttl^tten  c  tying.    SEu^ttc^ifnb  knitting-needle 
Stnæ  n,  pi  —  &  -er,  knee;  (£eb)  joint;  ,X>  knee; 
^an  goor  t  -erne  he   does   not  straighten  out 
knees;   tbonq  ^om  i  _   forced  him  on  his  kne 
folbe  poo  (et.  i)  _  fall,  go   el.   drop  (down) 
one's  knees;    ligge  poo  _   be  (down)   on   om 
knees;  tomme  paa  -ecne  be  reduced  in  one's 
cumstances;   poo  _!  down  on  your  knees!  til 
knee-deep,  knee-high,  up  to  the  knee;  Bøje  _  fi 
bow  the  knee  to  el.  before.    -baanb  garter,  knee 
-string,    -benllæber  fe  -bufSer.    -bolt  knee-bolt. 
-bugt  hoUow  of  the  knee,  ham.  -buffer  breeches, 
knee-shorts,  (ben  ntjere  JibS,  tiibe)  knickerbockers. 
-bajet    a    kneed;    kneeling;     ^    geniculate(d), 
-bøjning  bending  of  the  knee,  genuflention. 
tKnæbc  vt  knead. 

Knælb^b  o  knee-deep.     -falb  kneeling,  gen' 
flection;  (i  fiirfen)  altar  steps,  communion  rails. 
+-falbcn  a  on  his  knees.     -førbinbing  J>  knee 
-fastening.     -fortlæbe   short  apron.     -fortntg 
knee-shaped,  geniculate. 
*»nægge  fe  ©nægge. 

Sttcelgigt  gout  in  the  knee.    -grceS  horse-ti 
Eqidsetum;  spurrey,  Spergula  (o.  fl.) 

^nægt  c  -e  (g^r)  fellow,  chap;  (Sjener)  mi 
-servant;  (i  Sort)  knave;  (SfælbSorb)  rogue;  (i 
ot  bære  nt)  bracket;  opløben  -  overgrown  booby. 
Sn(e|^af(e)  ham.  -i|«j  a  (reaching)  up  to  the 
knee,  knee-high.  *-^flne  c  chicken ■  hearted 

Knæl'  n,  pi  —,  crack,  spring;  (SSinlel)  elbow; 
(poo  Sag)  angle;  fe  geb;  bet  gab  et  _  there  was  a 
crack;  l^onS  |ielbreb  bor  fooet  et  _  his  health  has 
received  a  shock,  is  broken;  ^on  ftt  et  ~,  fom 
bon  otbrig  forbinber  he  received  a  blow,  a  shock, 
from  which  he  will  never  recover;  ^on  ^or  fooet 
fit  -  it  is  all  over  with  him.  •-anb  garganey, 
Anas  guerquedula. 

StncttH  -be  (i  ogfaa :  Inat)  vt  crack,  (i  to)  snap, 
spring;  fig  break,  humble,  bring  down;  —  vi 
crack,  break,  snap;  _  otier  snap;  -t  SSinge  broken 
wing.  -br«b  a  kind  of  hard  flat-cake,  «c  (omtr.) 

StnæflPnrufot  parasol  with  jointed  handle. 
•p\i  crack  willow,  Salijc  fragilis.  -ftag  ^  spring 
-stay.    -fto<)per,  -toU  J,  snubbing  stopper.  m 

Sncetc  vi  kneel.    -bæn!  kneellng-bench.        m 
Snoflcb  n  knee-joint.  ^ 

Sncetlen  c  kneeling.  -er  c  -e  praying  mantis. 
SnælpaSfer  knee-compass.  ■pXa.'bt  knee-plate. 
-|)re§fe  American  press.  -^ube  hassock.  -rent 
shoemaker's  stirrup.  -ribcr  ^  iron  rider  knee. 
-rar  elbow-pipe.  '^-fib  a  reaching  down  to  the 
knees.  -ffobc  a  bad  knee.  -ftal  c  knee-pan, 
knee-cap.  -ffinb  knee-guard.  -^inne  pulley 
-piece.  *-ftjccl  (Wugl.)  limpet;  fe  -ftol.  -fto  knee 
-leather.  -fpænbe  knée-buckle.  -ftijtte  (poo  SHør) 
knee;  (SSrljftoærn)  genouillere;  (9!KaIcrt)  half-length 
(portrait).  -ftøbler  jack-boots.  -fuam))  white 
swelling.  -ftetning  c  placing  etc,  (fe  nbfc); 
(Stboption)  adoption,  -fætte  vt  (fætte  paa  fine  _) 
place  upon  one's  knees;  (oboptete)  adopt. 
•tammer  knee-timber.  -tjarmer  knee-cap.  -uært 
fe  -gigt- 
en« 'll)Ual  c  fe  teportat. 

Rnaå  c  -e  lad;  t  scamp.  J 

*fin«ft  ie  tnuft.  1 

*Knatter  c  fe  Sjærgiri^.  1 

Slnab  a  prov  smart,  spruce;  elever. 
fto  c  Søer  eow;  (Snebt.)  templet;   glo  fom  en  _ 
poo  en  røb  $ort   stare  like  a  stuck  pig;    -en  bør, 
men§  (Srælfet   gror   while  the  grass  grows,   the 
steed  starves;  foo  let  fom  ben  gugl,  man  lolber  -en 




as  nimble  as  a  cow  In  a  cage;  J,  merft  fom  i  en 
.  dark  as  a  pit. 

StoaqnU'te  vi  coag'ulate. 

jtoalttio'n  c  coalit'ion. 

j|o|anti(o^e  African  antelope,  Buhalis.  ')taad 
ie  SaQg. 

fiobdlt  ie  tobott. 

^obbe  c  -r,  fe  Sæt^unb. 

^øbbel  c  -6Ier  agr  enclosed  fleld. 

Kobbel  n  -bier  (§q18=)  collar,  couplings;  (®^r) 
leash;  et  _  ^unbe  a  leash  (tre)  el.  couple  (to)  of 
hounds;  et  _  ^efte  a  string  of  iiorses.  -baanb 
leasii,  dog-lead. 

Jlobbelbrug  n  rotation  of  crops. 

Kobbe{{^unt>e  pi  liounds  in  couples.  -tnube 
hame-thong.  -fæbe,  -rem  fe  -baanb.  -ting  hame 

Jtobber  (tolm.  ubt.  ftaa'Ber)  n  copper;  (Sobber= 
ftit)  pi  -e  copper-plate,  copper-print;  beflaa  meb  ~ 
coppyer.  -oore  copper  vein.  -agtig  a  coppery. 
-alber  copper  age.  -olun  aluminate  of  copper. 
•arbejbe  copper  work.  -ofle  c.  scales,  copper 
-ashes,  fumace-brown.  -bjærg  hill  containing 
c.  ore.  -bjærgucerl  fe  -bær!,  -blanbet  a  mixed 
with  c.  -blil  c.-sheet,  sheet  c.  -bolt  c.  bolt. 
-boltet  a  c. -bolted.  -brunt  fe  -affe,  -brælftang 
ripping-iron.  -buttbet  a  oopper-bottomed.  -bant 
copper.  -ertå  c.  ore.  -faroe  c.  colour.  -farbet 
a  copper-coloured.  -foft  n  copper-fastened. 
•for^ubet  a  coppered,  sheathed  with  c.  copper 
-bottomed.  -for^ubntng  c.  sheathiug,  eopper- 
ing.  t-forilte  protoxide  of  copper,  cuprous 
oxide.  -førfttoble  fe  -fi:lfure.  -g(an§  c.-glanee. 
-grube  c.  mine.  -grønt  c.  green,  -^ammerftccl 
fe  -afte.  -t)anb(cr  (Jp.  meb  S.)  dealer  in  c;  (Sob= 
berftitftanbler)  print-seller.  -^atiet  616/  the  brazen 
sea.  -Ijolbenbe,  -^olbig  a  containing  c,  coppery, 
cupriferous.  -fiobeb  copper-head,  Trigonocepha- 
lus  contortrix.  -^ub  fe  -forbubiting.  -b^brog^b 
cupric  hydrate.  -^Qbro£^bul  cuprou.s  hydrate. 
•\i\iUe  c.  ismelting  house,  -tujne  fe  -fnæppe.  t-iltc 
oxide  of  copper  el.  cupric  oxide.  -lolf  subsalt 
of  c.  -lar  c.  Vessel,  -tcbel  c.  kettle;  c.  boiler. 
-H8  c.  pyrites.  -fltntplabe  rove.  -Ilortjr  cuprous 
chloride.  -lafur  azure  c. -ore.  -ntalm  fe  -ert8. 
•mine  c.  mine.  -nt«Ue  c.  mill.  -mønt  c.  coin, 
copper.  -nogle  c.  rivet.  -nittet  c.  nlckel.  -næfe 
c.  nose.  -opløsning  solution  of  c.  -oj^b  fe 
-ilte.  -0£t)bul  fe  forilte.  -))cnge  fe  mant.  -|»(obe 
$lobe  of  ft\)  plate  of  c,  c.  sheathing;  (grooeret) 
copper-plate.  -tircSfe  rolling  pres.s.  -rob  yellow 
asphodel.  -rufl  verdigris.  -røb  a  copper-co- 
loured. -røg  coppersmoke.  -foI§  shears  for 
cutting  c.  piates.  -famler  collector  of  prints. 
•famltng  collection  of  prints,  -fonb  atacamite. 
-ffat  tax  paid  in  c.  -ftifer  c.-schist,  -ftiUing 
copper.  -ftum  c.  scum.  -ftæt  dross  pf  c. 
-flangen  bibl  the  brazen  serpent.  -fmcb  copper 
-smith.  -fmeb^ammer  planishing  hammer. 
-fnævt>e  godwit,  Limota.  -\pcittc  red-headed 
woodpecker,  Colaptet  Mexicanun.  -f))tgcr  fe  -fem. 
-ften  coarse  metal,  -ftit  copper-plate,  eugraving, 
print,  -ftitfomling  fe  famling.  -ftifter  engraver, 
chalcographer.  -ftlffertunft  the  art  of  engrav- 
ing  on  c,  chalcography.  -ftilning  c  engraving. 
-ftullen  a  engraved  in  c.  -ft^fte  fe  -ftit.  -ftøber 
copper-founder.  -fulfib  deutosulphide  of  copper. 
-fttlfure  protosulphide  of  copper.  -fom  c.  nail. 
-tag  c.  roof.  -tott  fe  -tættet,  -toole  fe  ftit. 
•traab  c.  wire.  -tr^I  copper-plate  print,  -tratter 
copper-plate  printer.  -trJjtferi  copper-plate  print- 
ing.  -trtjtferljregfc  fe  -jjresfe.  -tri)tterfoærte 
lamp-black.  -trqtntng  printiug  of  c.  piates. 
•trqlyabir  plate-paper.  -toefuotile  fe  -fulfib. 
•tættet  u  roofed  with  c.  -tøj  coppers,  c.  uten- 
sils  pi.     -uonb  water  impregnaled  wiih  c.    -»i= 

triol  blue  vitriol.  -O  ar!  (mine)  c.  mine;  (SSærfft.) 
c.  works:  (®og)  book  with  c.  piates.' 

*Robbtl^fe  c  p  jelly-flsh. 

^o!ben  (SSærttjøj)  crowbar.  -binbfel  fe  -flobe. 
-bjtelbe  fe  -tiotte;  i(  pasqne-flower,  Pulsfitilla. 

Hoble  vt  (ogf.  fig)  couple;  -  of,  fe  9lffobIe;  — 
vi  (bribe  JRufferi)  pimp,  pander,  -bræt  traverse 
-board.    -tom))a3  traverse-board. 

Jloblenj  n  Coblence. 

Kobler  c  -e  matchmaker;  pimp,  pander,  -i'  n 
(SRufferi)  pimping,  pandering.  jtoblerfte  c  -et 
matchmaker;  bawd,  procuress. 

Koble  I  fø  chopping  sea.  -t  a  Zt  digitate. 
•toble  J;.  traverse.    Kobling  c  coupling. 

tKo'blomme  c  marsh  marigold,  Calthu  palus- 
trin;  fe  ©ngblomme. 

Kobolb  c  goblin. 

Kobolt  c  &n  (røetol)  cobalt.  -agtig  a  cobalt'ic. 
•blaat  cobalt  blue.  -glonS  cobalt-glance.  -glim^ 
mer  arseniate  of  cobalt.  -grønt  cobalt  green. 
-nitrat  cobaltous  nitrate.  -ffiejS  speiss.  •bart 
cobalt  work. 

Kobre  vt  copper. 

Ko'bremS  c  gadfly,  burrel  fly,  Oe»tni»  bovig. 

Kobret  a  coppery;  fe  JSobberforf)ubet. 

Ko'brbgge  c  ^  gangway. 

Kobbe  c  -r  testicle. 

Kobe  c  -r  ankle-bone;  (poo  SQt\t)  pastern.  -itu 
pastem  bone.    -Iioar  fetlock.    •leb  pastern  joint. 

KobefS  c  -biceS  codex,  pi  codices.  —  Kobi|^ce're 
vt  co'dify.  -fitatto'n  c  codifica'tion.  -cit'  c  -ler 

KobiU'e  c  (i  S^ombre)  codille. 

Ko'brioer  c  (ftBæg=)  drover;  (Slomft)  cowslip, 
Primula  1  eris;  melet  _  bird's  eye,  P.  /ariiiosa. 

Koefficient'  c  -er  co-elflc'ient. 

Kof-  fe  Suf. 

Kofanger  c  cow-catcher,  amr  pilot. 

Kofforbi'-  F  fore  til  -§  be  in  the  merchant 
service.  -bam))ftib  merchant  steamer.  -fart 
merchant  service;  navigation,  -flaabe  (et  EonbS) 
merchant  .service,  mercantile  marine;  (en,  i  9llm.) 
fleet  of  merchantmen.  -^ottn  commercial  port. 
-laftajn  captain  el.  master  of  a  merchantman, 
merchaut-captain.  -manb  fe  -fttb.  -marinen  the 
mercantile  marine.  -matroS  merchant  sailor 
el.  -seaman.  -fttb  merchantman,  tråder,  -tje^ 
ntfte  merchant  service. 

Koffcrt  fe  ftuffert. 

Kofitnagte  c  -r  i.  pin,  belaying  pin.  -b«n! 
pin- rack. 

Kojfob  (SSærtt.)  crov/^,  iron  crow.  -for))agter 
fe  ^ollænber. 

Kofte  [*6]  c  -r  coarse  coat,  peasant's  coat; 
short  cloak.  -flæbt  a  dressed  like  a  peasant 
el.  farmer;  be  -e  the  peasantry,  the  country 

Ko|fug{  cow-bunting,  Molothru».  -føbe  food 
for  cows;  fe  -^tjebe. 

Kog  [oa]  c  -er  (gortøj),  fe  ^oog. 

tKog  c  -e  (Worftlonb)  piece  of  marsh  land 
(lately  reclaimedj. 

Kog  [oo]  n  boiling,  boiling  state;  oære  i  _  be 
boiling;  goo  af  _  cease  el.  have  done  boiling, 
be  ofl"  the  boil. 

Kogang  c  pasturage  for  cows. 

Koge  [oo],  -te,  -t  vi  &  t  boil;  (f^be)  seethe; 
(looe  SKob  i  3llm.)  cook;  -  for  meget,  fortoge  I 
overdo;  -gt  i  Sofer,  *'5'ttcr  done  to  rags;  _  for 
libt  underdo;  bet,  SSIobet,  -gte  i  mig  my  blood 
boiled  (within  me);  _  inb  boil  down,  (olbele?) 
boil  away;  _  SSanbet  inb  til  bet  bolbe  boil  till 
the  water  is  half  reduced;  _  op  igen  reboil;  _ 
ooer  boil  over.  —  Kogejbog  cookery  book;  bet 
»or  itte  efter  min  _  I  did  not  very  much  relish 
it.    -eleb  pupil  in  cookery.    -gr^be  pot,  seether. 



•1m§  cook(ing)-house.  -ilb  cooking-flre.  -inJ>= 
tetning  cooking  apparatus.  -jlømfru  (female) 
cook.  -lafleloott  fe  -o«n.  -far  cooking  vessel. 
■foite  (female)  cook,  professional  cook.  -funft 
(art  of)  cookery,  culinary  art.  -lunftner  master 
of  the  culinary  art.  -maffine  tin-kltchen,  eui- 
sine.  -n  c  boiling.  -oUit  cooking  stove.  -pottt 
cooking  pot.  -^untt  boiling  point,  -renbe  j, 
kiln,  stove,  steamer.  Sogeri' n  cooking.  ^age|  = 
tam  boiling  space.  -vet  heating  tube.  -^eb 
cooking  place.  *-ftet  cooking  apparatus.  -tit) 
cooking  time.    -ærter  boiling  peas. 

jtogge  c  -r  fe  Saag. 

Kogger  n  -e  quiver. 

Koggers  c    -er  art  (til  Sarbufer)  cartridge  box. 

fio'gl^cb  [aa]  a  boiling  hot,  p  piping  hot. 
-^cbe  boiling  heat. 

Kogle  vt  &  i  juggle,  charm. 

Kogte  c  -r  (grugt)  cone,  strobile.  -atS  club 
-rush,  Scirpus  lacustrit.  -Bterenbe  a  cone-bear- 
ing,  coniferous.  -bannet,  -formet  a  cone-shaped, 
strobiliform.    -palmt  cycas. 

KogIe|r  c  -e  juggler,  magician.  -ri'  n  -er  jug- 
glery,  hocus-pocus.    -rfle  c  -r  (female)  magician. 

Kogna'ter  pi  cog'nates. 

Ko'glning  [aa]  c  boiling;  cooking.  -fait  n 
common  salt. 

Kol^aar  cow's  hair.  -^afet  a  close-hammed. 
■^atie  fe  -gang.  -djorb  herd  of  cows.  -^olb 
cow-keeping.  -l^olber  cow-keeper.  -^orn  cow's 

Ko^or'te  c  -r  co'hort. 

Kol^ub  cow's  hide.  t-I)t)ebe  cow-wheat,  Me- 
lampyrum.     -^^rbC  cowherd. 

KofirelrettS'  c  cohe'rence.     -flo'it  c  cohe'sion. 

Kotffu're  c  head-dress. 

Koje  fe  fi'øie;  *hut. 

Kol'  c  -fe  cook,  man-cook;  |)unger  er  ben  bebfte 
-  hunger  is  the  best  sauce;  jo  flere  -le,  jo  bærre 
©aab  too  many  cooks  spoil  the  broth. 

Kot'  c  fe  §one;  -hhay-cock, 

Kofalo  c  cow-calf 

Kotar'be  c  -r  cockade. 

Kolafe  c  cow-turd. 

Kole  vt  <1<  coak. 

KoleS  fe  Sofs. 

Kotet'  a  coquettish.  -te  c  -r  coquette,  Hirt. 
-te're  vi  coquef,  flirt,  -teri'  n  coq'uetry,  flirta- 

Kolir  c  -ler  shot-mould. 

tKoIte  vt  (©o)  cock. 

"Kofte  c  fe  -pige. 

Kotte|bdcnt  J;-  cook's  locker.  -breng,  -gut 
cook's  boy,  scuUion.    -Intb  kitchen-knife. 

Koffeféforn  n  Indian  berry. 

KoIteKcenge  ,1,  butt-sling.  -))tge  cook,  cook 
-maid.  Ko(tero'b§,  KoWerc'ren  c  cookery,  cook- 
ing. Ko!le|f(e»  ^t*  cook's  ladle.  -træ  J,  bed. 
•t9i  ^t>  cook's  utensils.    -t«§  kitchen  wench. 

Ko'lflaue  fe  -llooe. 

Koflea're  c  scurvy  grass,  spoonwort,  Gochle- 

Ko'IKolfe  cow-bell.  -!Io»i  fe  ftlot).  -Hotte  cow's 

Kofo'n  c  -er  cocoon. 

Kofo))^e|r  pi  cow-pox,  the  vaccine  disease. 
-ittb^obning  vaccination,    -ftof  vaccine. 

Kof'o§|6aft  coir.  -n«b  cocoa-nut.  -(tMrbjoHe 
cocoa-aut  oil.  -patme  fe  -træ.  -fttwr  fe  -olie. 
-fæ6e  cocoa-soap.  -tot)  coir-rope.  -tr«  cocoa 
(tree),  Cocos  nuci/era. 

Soté  c  coke. 

KotSmat  c  »J,  cook's  mate. 

Katøb  n  (cow-)beef. 

Kolbe  c  -r  (poa  ®et>xx)  butt-end;  art  head; 
cAem  cueurbit,  retort;   ^   spadix;    oenbe  -n  op 


club  the  musket,  -anb  red-crested  duck,  Fuli 
gula  rufina.  -btomftrebe  pi  araceæ.  -l)aI8  small 
of  the  stock.    -laSfe  rifle-trap. 

Kolbatte  c  -r  somerset;  flaa  (ftøbe,  ftø6e)  -r  cut 

Kolb  a  cold,  frigid;  ben  -e  gone  the  frigid 
zone;  jieg  bleo  _  I  got  a  chili;  p  bet  Bar  en  _  en 
that  was  a  bitter  pill,  rather  a  damper,  -biobet, 
-blo'btg  a  (ogf.  fig)  cold-blooded;  (rolig)  cool; 
adv  coldly,  in  cold  blood;  coolly.  -blo'big^eb 
eoolness.  -braab  punch.  -branb  gangrene, 
mortification,  sphacelus;  (i  %xtz)  dry-rot.  tKolbcn 
el.  ben  Kolbe  the  ague.  KoIb|feber  ague.  -fjjr 
dry-rot.  -garbet  a  tanned  in  cold  ooze.  -^amre 
vt  (om  TOetaller)  hammer  cold.  +-^jertct  a  cold 
-hearted.  -^tt§  greenhouse.  -Ircm,  -Irim  cold 
cream.  -ntejfel  cold-chisel.  ■<){§  strangury. 
-fln'btg  o  cool,  calm,  collected,  dispassionate. 
•fin'big^eb  c  eoolness,  calmness,  dispassionate- 
ness.  -ffoat  spiced  beer  with  biscuit.  -fl^r 
a  (om  Særn)  cold-short. 

Kolbtbanb^lbc^anbling,  -lur  cold-water  cure. 
-!ran  (S)mp.)  injection-cock.  'pvimpt  cold-water 
pump.  -r«r  cold-water  pipe.  -f^ftemet  the  cold 
water  system. 

Kolbbaft  c  washing  with  cold  water.  j 

Koteje  c  cow-hire.  | 

Kolera  c  (the)  chol'era.  -agtig  a  choler'iforml 
cholera'ic.  -eptbemi  epidemic  of  c,  c.  epldemic. 
-ftue  thrips.  -gift  cholera(-infecting)  matter. 
-Qof^ital  c.  hospital.  •panil  cholera  scare 
-fmtttet  a  infected  by  cholera.  -ftjgbom  chol( 
raic  disease.    -tilfælbe  case  of  cholera. 

Kole're  vt  pereolate. 

Kole'rilter  c  -e  choler'ic  man.     -fl  a  choleric. 

Kolert'ttc  c  chol'erine,  British  cholera. 

Kolibri'  c  -er  hummlng-bird,  Trochilui 

Kolil'  c  col'ic,  gripes. 

*KoIje  c  -r  haddock,  Gadun  Æglefinus. 

*KoII  c  -er  knoll,  round  mountaiu  top. 

+KoHa68ra'tor  c  -er  assistant  teaeher. 

KoHapå'  c  collapse. 

^oUatio'n  c  -er  (i  oHe  Set.)  coUa'tion.  -e're 
vt  collate.  -e'ring  c  coUation.  KoUat:ott§t)Hgt 
fe  9lftortningi=. 

*KoHe  c  -r  (wooden)  milk-pan. 

Kolle'lga  c  -er  colleague,  brother  official. 
-gia'I  a  (of  SoEego)  brotherly;  (af  SoHegium) 
colle'giate.  -gie^efte  notebook,  -'gium  n  -ter 
col'lege;  (Samfunb  af  (£m6ebémænb)  council, 
board;  goa  pa.a.  -ier  attend  lectures. 

KoKeit'  c  -er  (Qfnbfantling)  collection;  (99øn) 
col'lect.  -io'tt  fe  SDtteri=.  -tb  a,  •{'»>  collective; 
n  -er  collective  nouu.  -a'r  c  -er  collec'tor;  fe 
2otteri=.  { 

*KoHet  a  fe  »uHet.  1 

KoHi  pi  packages.  ' 

Koltibe'rc  vi  coUide,  clash,  interfere, 

Kotttjttatio'n  c  coUima'tion.  -åfejl  index 
error,  error  of  c.    -§Iinie  line  of  c. 

KoIIifio'n  c  -er  coUia'ion,  clashing;  lomme  t  _ 
meb  interfere  with. 

KoKobiunt  n  collodion. 

KoHu|be're  vi  collude.    -flo'n  c  collu'sion. 

Kolo'b  c  -er  king  monkey,  Colobus. 

Kolo'foniura  n  resin,  col'ophony. 

KototOtnt'  c  col'ocynth,  bitter  apple,  colo- 
quint'ida.  -agurt  bitter-gourd,  Citrullus  colo- 

Kolon  n  -er  colon. 

Koloni'  c  -er  col'ony,  settlement,  -a'l  a  colo'- 
nial.  -a'HanbcI  colo'nial  tråde,  grocery  tråde. 
-a'I^anbler  grocer.  -a'tregering  colo'nial  govem- 
ment.  -a'loarer  (artieles  of)  colonial  produce, 
grocery  (goods),  amr  groceries.  -b^r  aggregate 
et.  compound  animals.    -fatio'n  e  coloniza'tion. 









-fe'te  vi  (iol'onize,   settle.     -ft'  c  -er  col'onist, 
settler.    -f«))unge  pi  compound  ascidlans. 
ffolontia  be  c  -r  col'onnade. 
Søtonnc  c  -r  col'uma. 
^olora'botiUe  fe  kartoffel-. 
Solot\atu  t  c  col'orature.    -fattg  passage  sing- 
ing.  -fangerinbe  passage  singer.   -e're  vt  col'our. 
-ift'  c  -er  col'ourist.     -it'  c  corouriag. 
S^o^oå'  c  -fer  colossus.    -fai(flj  a  colos'sal. 
ftoloéfen'ferne  the  Colos'sians. 
SolDortjere  t><  distribute  by  colporteurs,  col- 
port.     -et    c    -er    tractdistributor,    colporteur, 
colpo'rter,  book-canvasser,  bible-pedlar. 
^olfaoHe  c  colza  oil. 

Soiumiorott  c  Calumba  root,  Meni»permum 

Jtolum'ne  c  -r  corumn.     -titel  running-title, 
Stofurer  pi  colures. 

tffolu  c  -e  shaft,  arrow;   *clapper,   tongue  fof 
a  cell);  butt-end. 
Jtoma  n  coma. 

•'flomagcr  pi  Laplander's  boots. 
.QoraaWé  a  co'matous,  eomato'se. 
Sorabatton'ter  pi  combatants. 
Sombiniotio'tt  c  -er  comblnation.     -ationS- 
ejine  synthetical  faculty.     -ationéiaaS   combin- 
ation-lock.     -ere  vt  combi'ne.     -e'ring  c  com- 
bining,  combiaation. 
.^omebtont'  c  -er  actor,  player. 
.aomebte  c  -r  (fiQftfpil)  com'edy;  (©fuefpil)  play; 
goa  paa  -  go  to  the  play;   Doere  paa  _  be  at  the 
play;  ipiHe  _  aet,  play,  perform;   bet  er  blot  en  _ 
(om  en  Stif  el.  1.)  it  is  a  conventional  humbug; 
bet  er  en  fiet  _  it  is  a  farce,   it  is  as  good  as  a 
play.     -biUet  lieket.     -gænger  play-goer.     -^uS 
playhouse.  -ptatat  playbill.  -ff  riber  playwright, 
dramatic  writer. 

^ome't  c  -er   com'et.     -bane   comet's   orbit. 
•fiaie   comet's   tail.      •ferne    comet's    nucleus. 
-fager  comet-seeker,  -finder. 
ftontfort  c  comfort.    -o'bel  a  com'fortable. 
Somfu'r,   SotttfQ'r  c  &  n   -er  kitchen-range, 

Stomit'  c  com'ic  art.  —  Sto'm{|(ec  c  -e  com'ic 
actor;  (i  Operaen)  buffo;  (i  ©irfu»  o.  I.)  funnyman. 
-f!  a  comic,  comical. 

jlomma  n  -er  oram  &  mus  comma.  -baeit 

ftumntanlbant'  c  er  commandant,  governor. 
•bantftab  »  garrison-staff.  -be'rc  vt  (befale)  order; 
(otter)  command,  be  in  charge  of;  -§  af  (ogf.)  be 
offlcered  by;  ben  -nbe  the  commanding  officer, 
the  o.  in  charge:  -nbe  Stbmiral  commander-in 
-chief;  -nbe  ®eneral  generalissimo.  -be'rfergeant 
«  sergeant  major,  -bi'te  c  branch  establishment; 
limited  liability. 

^omman'bo  c  command;  (Sommanboorb)  word 
of  command;  ^aoe  -en,  føre  _  be  in  command; 
!^an  i)at  ~  ooer  en  gregat  he  has  the  command 
of  a  frigate;  ^ejfe,  ftrtjge  -en  put  the  ship  in,  out 
of,  commlssion;  unber  iJobfené  -  in  charge  ofthe 
pilot;  Stibet  ec  itfe  længer  unber  _  the  ship  has 
become  unmanageable;  ^atie  ^eftene  unber  _  have 
the  horses  well  in  hånd.  -bro,  bræt  bridge. 
•flog  the  Admiral's  flag.  -^uå  pilot-house,  -orb 
word  of  c.  -penqt  c.  money.  -ftav  baton. 
•ftanber  broad  pendant,  -ftentnte  commanding 

SoKtnanbø'r  e  -er  (i  ©»etaten)  Commodore  (of 
the  flrst  class);  (of  SRibberorben)  commander  (of 
an  order);  _  ceb  en  ftanon  .1,  Captain  of  a  gun. 
-tttpttin  Commodore  of  the  second  class.  -ftanber 
{e  ftommanbo=. 
ftommatere  vt  punctuate  with  commas. 
&»mmt,  fom',  tommet  vi  come;  .mi  -r  min  2:ur 

now  is  my  turn;  naar  bet  -r,  -r  faet  a(t  paa  en  ®ang 
it  never  rains  but  it  pours;  tit  en^oer  fom  -rto 
all  comers;  bet  er  bebft  at  lobe  Sægen  _  it  is  hest 
to  send  for,  call  in,  the  doctor;  bet  bil  _  ^am 
bQrt  at  ftaa  he  will  pay  dearly  for  it;  t  _  at,  fe 
_  til  at;  bet  fom  mig  uoentet  it  found  me  unpre- 
pared;   jeg  -r,  feg  -r  I'm   coming,   I'm    coming; 

—  vt  put,  mix;  —  vr  ^an  -r  fig  gobt  he  is  im- 
proving  (in  health  el.  circumstances);  —  meb 
præp  og  adv.  _  fig  af  en  ©pgbom  recover  from 
an  illness;  ~  af  (®runben)  come  ofiF;  jeg  beb  itfe 
^bortebeS  el.  ^ooraf  bet  -r  (fig)  I  don't  know  how 
it  happens  el.  to  what  it  is  owing;  bet  -r  af  it 
comes  of,  is  from;  ^ttoraf  -r  bette?  why  is  this? 
_  af  meb  (blibe  fri  for)  get  rid  of,   (mifte)   lose; 

-  af  Steb  get  away;  fia  -  galt  affteb  get  into  hot 
water;  nu  -r  bet  an  paa  ^bab  ^an  oil  gøre  now  it 
depends  on  what  he  will  do;   bet  -r  an  paa  big 
it  rests  with  you;  bet  -r  on  poo  («6»)  it  depends, 
that  depends;  bet  -r  itfe  fao  meget  on  paa  .  .  .  it 
does  not  so  much  signify  .  .  . ;   bet  er  .  .  .  fom 
bet  -r  an  paa  it  is  .  .  .  that  imports,  that  is  the 
main  point  (of  consideration);   bet  ftol  itfe  _  on 
paa  ...  I  don't  stick  at  el.  mind  .  .  .;   »i  maa 
lobe  bet  _  on  berpoa  we  must   take  our  chance; 
fom  an!  come  on!  _  bort  (flippe  bort)  get  away, 
(blioe  borte)   be  lost;   _  bort  fra  Sagen   wander, 
digress,  travel  out  of  the  record;  _  efter  (følge) 
foUow,   succeed,  fig  (i  en§  (Jobfpor)  follow  sult; 
(ftnbe  ub  af)  find  (out),  get  at,  acquire,  ascertain; 
jeg  -r  efter  om  en  2:ime  I  will  join  you  in  an 
hour;   _  efter  en   (ftroffenbe)   be  down  upon  one; 
_  efter  (for  at  ^ente)  nt  come  for  st;   -for  (inb= 
træffe)  occur,  happen;  (om  en  ©ag)  come  on;  bet 
fom  mig  for  it  appeared  to  me;   _  for  tibltg   (om 
en  frugtf.  Sione)  miscarry;  fe  jZJie;  _  f  ra  fit  ©mbebe 
lose  one's  office;   _  fro  ^tnanben  part   company; 
^on  fom  rent  fro  bet  he  was  fairly  put  out;   jeg 
er  -n  fra  bet  jeg  nilbe  fige  I  forget  what  I   was 
going  to  say;  _  oel,  i!be  fra  bet  get  off  well,  ill; 
|an  fom  gobt  fra  bet  (Slrbejbe  el.  1.)  he  got  on  el. 
did  very  well;  _  ftelbig  fro  bet  (ogf.)  fall  on  one's 
legs;   ber  er  fler  ^oor  be  fom  fra  the  cry  is  still 
they  come;   8  fra  13  -r  5,   8  from  13  leaves  5; 
-frem  get  on,   (i  iBerben)  rise  (in  the  world), 
make  one's  way,  (ttife  fig)  appear;  _  frem  af,  fra 
emerge  from;  SSreoet  fom  iffe  rigtig  frem  the  letter 
miscarried;    _  frem  meb  produce,  bring  forward, 
advance;   -  ben  til  come  (up)  to,   (en)  come  up 
with;  jeg  -r  f)oå  3t.  I  visit  at  A.'s;  _  i  gare,  flet 
©elffob  ofb.  get  into  danger,   into  bad  company 
etc;  _  i  et  ^Mi  visit  at  a  house;  -  i  (Sorbinbelfe) 
meb  form  a  connection  with,  get  associated  with; 
-  i  meb  (at)  get  into  the  habit  of;   -  i  SBejen  for 
en  cross  one;   _  meget  i  6  lo  nb  t  golf  go  much 
into  company,   mix   much   with    the   world;    _ 
igen  come  back,  return;  jeg  ffot  _  igen  en  anoen 
®ang   I  shall  call  again;   bet  -r  igen  it'll  pay  in 
good   time;    _  igennem  get   through;   ber   er  -t 
bem  noget  imellem  they  have  fallen  out;  _  inb 
come  in,  (i  Sort)  get  the  lead;  _  inb  meb  (inbgioe) 
give  in;   -  inb  paa  et  ©pørgSmool  trench  on  a 
question;   -  inb  unber  en  2oo  come  within  the 
danger  of  a  statute;    _  m  e  b   come   along   (with 
me,   us,   them  etc);  get  a  place;   fom  ^er  meb 
SBogen  bring  me  the  book;   -  meb  (noget)  fig  set 
forth,  utter;   come  to;   _  meb  (regneé  meb)  come 
in;   -  oel  meb  stand  one  in  good  stead;   meb  bet 
-r  bu  iffe  langt   you'll  make  no  great  way  with 
that;   _  neb  come  down;  fe  Siebtomme;   -  op  fist 
become  known,   come  out;   _  op  af  en  ©Qgbom 
recover  from  an;  _  op  at  flaaJ  fall  a  fight- 
ing,  come  to  blows;    *_  op  imob  compare,  bear 
comparison  with;  -  ober  (ftøbe  poo)  come  across, 
light   upon;   _  ooer  en  come   upon  one;   bet  -r 
unbertiben  ooer  ^am  at  .  .  .   he  sometimes  takes 




it  Into  his  head  to  .  .  .;  l)ani  SSlob  _  otier  o§ 
his  blood  be  on  us;  ben  ^elliflaanb  font  otier  bent 
the  Holy  Ghost  came  on  them;  _  paa  happen, 
come  to  pass;  (*^ri§j  come  to;  Slatten  tom  ipaa 
night  came  on;  jeg  tan  ilte  -  )paa  9ta»net  I  can- 
not  hit  upon  the  name,  (ogj.)  I  cannot  place 
hlm;  l^tiorlebe*  font  2)e  paa  bet  ^[itbfalb?  what  put 
that  into  your  head?  -  paa  S^ole  be  mentioned; 
_  fantnten  come  together;  _  til  noget  get  at  el. 
reach  a  thing,  (faa)  come  by  a  thing,  _  til  kræfter 
recover  strength;  _  til  en  Slutning  arrive  at  a 
conclusion;  ba  bet  tior  -n  tit  at  when  the  time 
had  arrived  that;  bet  tior  nu  -t  bertil,  at  matters 
had  now  arrived  at  such  a  pass  that;  {)erttl  -r 
at  besides,  moreover,  add  to  this  that;  _  tt( 
(^berligere)  supervene;  _  til  at  (tilfælbig)  happen 
to;  jeg  tan  itfe  -  til  at  |e  bet  I  cannot  get  a  sight 
of  it;  jeg  Ijar  ifte  tunnet  _  til  ot  fige  ^am  bet  I 
have  not  been  able  to  find  an  opportunity  of 
telling  him;  naor  t)an  tan  _  til  when  he  has  a 
chance;  let  at  _  til  easy  of  access;  berfoni  ber 
ftulbe  -  mig  noget  til  if  any  thing  should  happen 
to  me;  labe  bet  _  til  5Broce§  go  to  law;  bet  -r  til 
at  (tofte,  ubgøre  ojo.)  it  will  (cost,  amount  to 
etc);  jffl  -r  til  ot  B^'t^e  bet  I  shall  have  to  do  it; 
^an  tiil  _  til  at  fortrQbe  bet  he  will  repeut  of  it; 
_  til  fig  felB  come  to  one's  self,  recover  one's 
senses,  p  come  to;  _  en  til  at  le  make  one 
laugh;  ■■'-  til  be  bom;  *_  fig  til  at  persuade 
one's  self  to,  take  courage  to;  -tilbage  come 
back,  return,  _  til  (et  ®ntne)  recur  to;  _  ub  (om 
Sog)  be  published;  _  ub  af  get  out  of,  Jig  find 
out  of,  make  anything  of,  get  over,  get  on 
with;  bet  ftal  tit  not  _  ub  af  I  think  we  can 
manage  that;  _  ub  af  bet  make  both  ends  meet, 
*fe  -  fra  bet;  ber  tom  ingenting  ub  af  bet  nothing 
came  of  it;  ~  ub  af  bet  meb  en  get  on  with  one; 
bet  er  -t  ub  iblanbt  golt  it  has  got  abroad,  got 
wind;  _  ub  for  eneounter,  fall  in  with;  bet  -r 
ub  paa  et  it  is  all  one,  it  comes  to  the  same 
-(thing);  ~  tieb  concem,  regard;  bet  -r  itte  ©agen 
tieb  that  is  nothing  to  the  purpose;  bet  -r  mig 
ifte  tieb  it  is  no  business  of  mine;  ^tiab  -r  bet 
mig  tieb?  what  is  that  to  me?  what  has  this  to 
do  with  me?  —  lommenbe  part  &  o  coming, 
next;  ben  ~  Uge,  TOaaneb  next  week,  month;  i 
be  _  ©age  in  the  days  to  come;  _  ©lægter  after 
ages;  be  ~  og  gaaenbe  comers  and  goers.  Stemme 
n  (+  c)  coming,  advent. 
Jtommen  c  coming. 
bommen  [6]  c  fe  Sfummen. 
^ommenfura'bel  a  commen'surable. 
Jtommen|ta'c  c  -er  com'mentary,  com'ment. 
•t'te  vt  com'ment  on. 

Jtommer'ce  c  fe  ^anbel.  -toUegium  board  of 
tråde.  -læft  commercial  last.  -taob  c  -er  (titular) 
counsellor  of  commerce.  Kommerciel'  a  com- 
mer'cial.  SommerS'  c  a  row,  a  lark;  tioere  paa 
_  be  on  the  spree;  p  ^ele  -en  the  whole  lot. 

£ommi§'|Brøb  ammunition bread.  -llæbearmy 

KommtSfo'r  c  -er  (SBefulbmægtiget)  com'missary, 
commis'sioner;  (kurator)  trustee;  (i  gaUitfio)  as- 
signee.    •itt't  n  -er  commissa'riat. 

Sommi^fio'n  c  -er  (i  aHe  S3et.)  commis'sion, 
(Ubncetinte)  board;  i  _  in  commission;  gtbe  en  i  _ 
charge  one  with,  order  one  to;  jeg  t)ar  i  ~  at 
I  am  ordered  to.  —  Kommiéfton§|8c6flr  com- 
mission. -^anbet  (general)  commission  business. 
-lontot  agency-office;  intelligence  oflBce.  -lager, 
-Barer  goods  in  commission.  KommiSftonær  c 
-er  commissioner,  (commission-)  agent,  factor. 
Sommiéfo'rium  «  commission.  SommiSfæ'r  fe 
Kommtt|té  c   er  commit'tee;  {ftbber  |  -n  is  on 

the  committee.     -tent'  c  -er  coinmitter.     -te're 

vt  commission. 

SVommo'be  c  -r  (small)  chest  of  drawers,  {<imr) 
SVommobo'r  c  -er  Commodore. 
Jtommuna'I  a  local,  parochial,  (i  SBd)  munl 
cipal.  -afgifter  fe  Jlommuneffotter.  -JefJtjrelfe, 
-raab  municipal  council,  local  c.  el.  board;  amr 
townsmen,  selectmen.  -ubgtfter  local  expend- 
iture.    -OcEfen  municipal  institutions. 

Kommu'ne  c  -r  community,  Corporation,  local 
body,  municipal  body  et.  Corporation,  munici 
pality;  amr  township;  (i  i^tantrig)  commune. 
-læge  district  physician.  -regnftaber  Corporation 
accounts.  -rcjpræfentation  corporate  body.  -ffot= 
ter  local  taxation,  town  el.  parish  rates,  local 
burdens.    -ftolc  board  school,  communal  school 

Jtommuni{ce're  vt  commu'nicate,  impart;  — 
vi  eommunicate,  (gaa  til  ailteré)  go  to  com-i 
munion,  partake  of  the  Lord's  supper.  -lant' 
c  -er  commu'nicant.  -tatio'n  c  communica'tion,< 

SEommunilatio'nSIIinielineof  Communications, 
-miblcr  means  of  transit  el.  intercourse.  -oenttt 
communication-valve.    -Ocefen  fe  -mibler. 

Kommuttio  It  fe  altergang.  SiommuuionSfalme 
commu'nion  hymn  (o.  fl.) 

Sommu«|i§'me  c  com'munism.  -ift'  c  com'^ 
munist.    -ift'iff  a  communistic. 

Kom))agni'  "  -er  (Solbatcr)  company;  (^onbelS«) 
Company,  partnership,  copartnership,  oære  i  - 
meb  p  1)0  partners  with;  gaa  i  ~  meb  enter  a 
partnership  with,  p  go  partners  with.  -(^ef 
Captain.  -ffo6  n  partnership.  *-tra»)Cr  medioc- 
rity,  dummy.  jtom)>agnon'  c  -er  partner,  co- 
partner;  optage  fom  ~  take  into  partnership. 

Som^jott'  a   compact,   solid,   dense.     -^eb 

Slompfl'n  c  -er  fellow,  customer. 

Itomparlatio'tt  c  comparison.     -'tttltJ  a  com- 
parative.     -'Otitt  n,   gram   the  comparative  (d 
gree);   et  ~  a  c.  adjective.     -ate'r  c   comparini 

Somparcnt'  c  -er  jur  appearer,  appearant 

SVomparcrc  vt  compare. 

Siompar'fer  pi  fe  ©tatift.  -i'  »  (number  of) 

Sompoå'  n  -fer  compass,  mariner's  compass; 
tan  bu  -fet?  can  you  box  the  compass?  -baaft 
^  fe  -taSfe.  -bop  cap  of  a  compass-card.  -tiuS 
binnacle,  bittacle.  -taéfe,  -lop  compass-box, 
(ben  inbre)  compass-case.  -mager  compassmaker. 
-ttaal  needle.  -pejling  c.  bearing.  -plante  com- 
pass-plant.  -praoer  compass-adjuster.  -rofe 
card  el.  fly  of  a  c,  compass-card.  -ftioe  fe -rofe. 
-ftreg  point  el.  rhumb  of  the  c.  -Ptsrtfteb  com- 

Sompen'bi|um  n  -ier  compen'dium,  com'pend, 
summary,  abstract.    -a'é  a  compen'dious. 

Stompenfatto'n  c  compensation.  Stompcnfa. 
tiottéimagnet  magnetic  compensator.  -penbul 
c-  el.  gridiron-pendulum. 

S:ompcten'|ce  c  com'petence.    -t'  a  com'petent. 

^ompil|atto'n  c  compila'tion.  -a'tor  c  -er 
compi'ler.    -c're  vt  compile. 

Somple|ment'  n  com'plement.  -ment"  com- 
plementary.  -t'  a  complete;  i  _  ©tanb  (when) 
complete.  -tte'rc  vt  fiU  up,  complete.  -tte'ring 
c  comple'tion. 

Soraplcj'  a  com'plex;  n  -er  collection,  mass. 

Somplticc're  vt  eom'plicate.  -lotio'n  c  -et 

kompliment'  c  -er  com'pliment;  jeg  gor  ingen 
-er  I  do  not  make  much  ceremony,  do  not  stand 
upon  ceremony;  uben  -er  unceremoniously.  -e're 
vt  pay  one's  respeets  to. 













Komplot'  n  -ter  plot,  com'plot,  conspiracy, 
combiuation.  -mager  c  -e  complott'er,  conspl- 
rator.    -te're  vi  complot'. 

jtompolne're    tt   mus   compose.      -Kift'    c   -er 
(mu.«i<'al)  compo'ser.    -fitio'n  c  -er  composit'ion. 
ftompofttto'tt§|((ere  (art  of)  composition.   -ma- 
ling  composition   paint.      -metal    composition 
metal,     -talent  mua  talent  for  composition,  (om 
^forfatter)  constructive  skill  et.  power,    ^omfio'' 
^tum  n  com'pound  (word).  Som))oft'  c  com'post. 
ftompot'  c  com'pote,  stewed  fruit. 
Sompreå'fe  c  -r  com'press,  bolster. 
SomiirolmiS'  n  -fer   com'promise.     -mitte're 
vt  com'promit,  commit'. 
*Slomfe  c  -r  half-decked  boat. 
Komteå'fe  c  -r  daughter  of  an  earl;   _  (5.  S). 
Lady  CD. 
1        fio|m))feoft    whey-cheese    from    cow's    milk. 

•malt  o  cow's  milk.    -m«fl  cow-dnng. 
■        ftoneenitrc're  vt  concen'trate;   -8,   -  flg  con- 
centrate,  be  concentrated;  Jig  _  fig  om  centre  in, 
be  centred  in.    -tretinfl  c  concentra'tion.    -'triff 
a  concentric(al). 

^onttpt'  c  -er  rough  draught,  foul  copy;  bringe 
ub  af  -eme  confound,  disconcert,  nonplns;  gaa 
fra  -crne  be  di.sconceried,  put  out,  lose  one's 
head.    -))apir  copy(-paper). 

Koncert'  c  er  con'cert;  jeg  fTal  paa  ~  I  am 
going  to  a  concert.  -gioer  concert-giver.  -mefter 
concert-master.    -fal  concert  room. 

Konceåfto'n  c  -er  conces'sion,  contract.  -Spatier 
concessionai're,  contractor. 
Stonci'I,  Koncilium  n  -ier  coun'eil. 
Konciple're  vt  draw  up,  draft,  pen.    -ift'  c  -er 
penner,  writer,  draftsman. 
Konci'å  a  concise. 

Konbemn|e  re  it  condemn'.  -atio'n  c  con- 
demna'tiou.  -ationSaft  <X*  sentence  el.  certifl- 
cate  of  condemnation. 

Konbenflatio  n  c  condensa'tion.  -ation§o<)Va= 
rat  condensing  apparatus.  -attonStJanb  wasle 
-water.  -o'tor  c  -er  conden'ser.  -otorbranb 
condenser-well.  -ere  vt  condense.  -e'ring  c 

Konbitio'n  c  -er  (SSetingelfe)  condit'ion,  term, 
proviso;  (Sjenefte)  place,  service;  uben  -  out  of 
place;  tage  -  go  out  to  service;  i  gob  _  in  good 
condition;  jiaa  _  mere  on  sale  or  return.  -a'liS 
n  the  conditional  mode  el.  mood.  -e're  vi  serve, 
be  in  service,  -e'ret  o  (beftaffen)  conditioned; 
(af  Stanb)  of  position,  of  quality.  -e'ring  c 
drying  and  weighing  (of  silk). 

Konbit'or  c  -er  confectioner ;  coffee-house 
keeper,  -barer  confectionery.  -i'  n  -er  (Sageriet) 
confectionery,  (Sutiffen)  confectioner' s  shop; 

Konbollatio'n,  -en'ce  c  condo'lence.     -e're  vt 
condole  with. 
Konbo'r  c  -er  con'dor,   Sarcoramphus  grvjihus. 
Konbuit'e   c   con'duct;    management.      -lifte 
conduct  book. 

Konbnl'tior  c  -o'rer  phv»  conductor;  (i  TOoUe) 
conveyor.    -«'r  c  -er  guard,  amr  conductor. 

Kone  c  -r  (^uftru)  wife;  (ftoinbe)  woman;  en  gift 
_ .  a  married  woman;  _  i  ^ufet  mistress  of  the 
house;  tage  fig  en  _  take  a  wlfe;  tage  til  -  take 
for  one's  wife;  ^an  ^ar  _  he  has  a  wife.  -baab 
(i  ®rjønlanb)  boat  rowed  by  women.  -brober, 
■faber  fe  ©ooger,  ©oigerfaber.  -^ne  wife's  bonuet 
el.  -eap.  -lob  widow's  lot  el.  share  of  a  suc- 
cession, '''-manb  uxorious  man.  -morber  one 
who  murders  his  wife. 

Konfett'  c  dry  sweetmeats;   grot)  -  fig  rough 
treatment.     -io'n  ready-made  dresses.    -rofiner 
layer  el.  jar  raisins. 
Konferjen  CC  c  -r  con'ference,  parley.     -en'ce' 

raab  c  (titular)  »councellor  of  conference«.  -e're 
vi  (raabflaa;  oberbroge)  confer';  (fammenligne)  com- 
pare,  check  (off);  f  totlationere)  collate;  _  meb  en 
confer  with  one. 

Konfer'oer  pi  confervæ. 

KonfeSfto'n  c  -er  confes'sion,  creed.  -a'rinS 
c  fongelig  _  Clerk  of  the  Closet.  -d'US  a  non- 

Konfibentiet'  a  confideti'tial. 

Konfiguration  c  -er  conflgura'tion. 

Konfirmlanb',  -ant'  c  -er  candidate  for  con- 
flrmation.  -atio'n  c  confirma'tion;  (SSetræftelfe) 
ratification;  ftaa  til  _  be  conflrmed.  -ationd- 
atteft  certiflcate  of  confirmation.  -ationStbang 
compulsory  confirmation.  -e're  vt  confirm;  (be« 
træfte)  ratify. 

Konfifflatio'n  c  er  confisca'tion,  seizure,  for- 
feitiire,  arrest,    -e're  vt  confls'cate,  seize,  arrest. 

Konfiilt'  c  -er  con'flict,  collision. 

Konform'  a  in  confo'rmity. 

Konfrontjatio'n  c  confronta'tion.  -e're  vt  con- 

Konlfunbe're  vt  confu'se.  -fn'8  «  confu'sed. 
-fufio'n  c  confu'sion.  -fnfio'nSmager  author  of 

Konf«ber| atio'n  c  confedera'tion,  confed'eracy. 
-e'ret  a  confed'erate. 

Kong  c  -er  (SB^Ib)  furuncle;  fe  Sonf. 

Konge  c  -r  (ogf.  i  Spil)  king;  -n§  Searter  J> 
the  starboard  watch;  farfte  -rneS  Sog  the  flrst 
(book  of  the)  Kings;  -rneé  _  the  King  of  Kings; 
gøre  en  til  -  make  one  a  king,  king  one.  -arb 
escheat.  -baob  royal  barge.  -baaren  a  king 
•bom,  of  royal  birth.  -barn  royal  cbild.  -blaat 
royal  blue.  -blob  (en  SongeS  SI.)  king's  blood; 
(longel.  ©lægt)  blood  royal,  -bolig  royal  resi- 
dence.  -borb  royal  el.  king's  table.  -borg  royal 
castle.  -bregne  fiowering-fern,  Osmunda  regali». 
■breb  royal  letter,  (aabent)  letters  patent;  (til 
SSgteftab)  marrlage  license.  -bmb  royal  bride. 
-bub  royal  ordinance.  -b^rb  royal  birth.  -baab 
kiugly  el.  royal  achievement.  -batter  king's 
daughter.  -F-bom  n  fe  -bømme.  -bragt  regal 
attire.  -bJjb  royal  virtue.  -bømme  n  royalty, 
monarchy;  (5Rige)  kingdom;  -t  af  ®nb§  SJaabe 
divine  right,  -eberfugl  fe  53ragt=.  -familien 
the  royal  family.  -fart«j  fe  -baob.  *'fiff  fe  Uer. 
-fiffer  fe  ^Sfugl.  -flag  royal  standard.  -flQnber^ 
*-fl^nbre  fe  JRøbfpætte.  -ftajen  de/  (i  6tat)  the 
king's  side.  -fugl  kingbird,  Tyrannus  intre- 
pidua.  -f«bfel  royal  birth.  -f«bt  o  fe  -baacn. 
-følge  c  succession  (of  king's);  n  king's  suite. 
-gaarb  fe  ^ong^gaarb.  -gob§  royal  domains, 
crown  lands  pi.  -grab  royal  tomb.  -grib  fe 
ftonbor.  -gult  king's  yellow.  -flunft  royal 
favour.  -^ab  hatred  of  kings.  -^aber  king- 
hater.  -t|al  royal  hall,  king's  hall.  -^nå  royal 
house,  dynasty.  -^ær  royal  army.  •  -ftætte  (røatie) 
bonnet,  king's  hood.  -jagt  royal  hunt;  {S!ib) 
royal  yacht,  -taabe  royal  mantle.  -foral  isis. 
-Irage  king-crow,  DicrouruK.  -frone  royal  crown. 
-troning  coronation  of  a  king.  -trenite  chronicle 
of  kings. 

Kongelig  a  royal,  regal,  kingly;  bet  -e  ^u8,  be 
-e  the  Royal  Fanodly;  -e  ©latter  imperial  taxes; 
_  9Kojeftæt,  .&øi^eb  Royal  Maje.sty,  Highness,  i  -e 
*Perfoner§  aflæroærelfe  in  the  presence  of  royalty; 
„-  Ejenefte"  O.  H.  M.  S.  (on  Her  Majesty's  Ser- 
vice;,   -ftnbet  a  &  c  royalist. 

Kongellib  royal  life.  -loge  royal  box.  -lob 
king's  law.  Lex  regia  (i  Sanmart).  -Iflå  high 
taper,  Aaron's  rod,  Verbancum  t/iapang.  -løber 
(©faf)  king's  bishop,  -lafte  royal  promise.  -l«8 
«  kingless.  -i-Iafe  n  interregnum,  -magt  royal 
el.  regal  power;  -en  (ogf.)  the  prerogative. 
-mober  kiug's  mother,  -morb  regicide.  -morber. 




•ntorberffe  regicide,  king  -  killer.  -ra<  royal 
maid.  -ttttfbe  meeting  of  kings.  -natin  regal 
title.  +-not  royal  infant,  -orb  royal  word. 
'pav  royal  couple.  -^jarabi^fugt  king  bird  of 
paradise,  Cieinnurus  regius.  •ptxi  cat's  ear, 
Hvpchæria.  -^engUitt  king  penguin,  Aptenodyten 
patagonioa.  -IpUflt  duty  of  a  king.  -^jragt  royal 
el.  regal  state.  +-rnb  fe  -tæfte,  -rejfe  royal 
progress;  fe  -ægt.  -rcttiolieb  royal  prerogative. 
-rige  kingdom,  realm;  -t  Sanmatf  the  kingdom 
of  Denmark,  -rigft  a  of  the  kingdom.  -rob 
asphodel.  -rælfe  line  of  kings;  list  of  kings. 
-Mgclfe  incense.  -fat  royal  hall.  -falat  fe 
@§bragon.  -falut  a  royal  salute.  -faltte  basilicon. 
-flnb  royal  spirit.  -flib  king' s  ship.  -flifte 
change  of  kings.  *-ffj)b§  fe  -ægt.  -flag  ^1,  com- 
mander.  -flange  boa  -  constrictor.  -^ot  royal 
palace.  -flægt  royal  race.  -fnæfte  poet,  fe  -ftt6. 
■fVlr  sceptre.  -f<>ringer  (©faf)  king's  knight. 
-ftab  royal  residence.  -ftamntc  royal  race  ti. 
lineage.    -ftoetjttc  fe  -møbe. 

Songeft{o'nerp^(ttl$ooebet)  congestions  (about 
the  head). 

ftongelftol  royal  seat.  -n-ftolt  a  royally  proud. 
-fabe  fe  -trone.  -f«n  son  of  a  king.  -trone 
royal  throne.  -tienbe  royal  tithes.  -tiger  royal 
tiger,  Felia  tigris,  -titel  royal  title.  -tornflabe 
fe  -fugl.  -træ  royal  wood.  -t»a(g  election  of  a 
king.  -tiatgt  a  chosen  by  the  crown.  -banb 
aqua  regia,  royal  water.  -beb  fe  -træ.  -ttej 
(king's)  highway.  -ben  royalist.  -bi§:  x>(^a.  _ 
in  a  kingly  manner.  -bcetbe  fe  -magt.  -bcerbig^eb 
royal  dignity,  royalty,  •'oætt  royal  work.  t-ægt 
crown -soccage  driving.  -æt  fe  -flægt.  -«rn 
golden  el.  imperial  eagle,  Aquila  fulva. 

'''Songle  c  -r,  fe  Sogle.  -bib  pine  bullflnch, 
Corythus  enucleator. 

Aongtomera't  n   er  conglomerate. 

fiongre§'  c  -fer  con'gress.  -meblem  congress- 

Songrc'Uiff  a  Sftafet  Congreve  rocket. 

Songrtt|en§'  c  congru'ity.    -ent'  a  con'gruent. 

ftottg§|emne  heir  to  the  crown.  -gaarb  royal 
castle  el.  palace.    -larl  guardsman. 

Aonifl  a  con'ical;  _  ©jul  bevel-wheel. 

Æonjal  c  cognac,  French  brandy,  brandy. 

Æonjeltu'r  c  -er  conjec'ture.  -a'IIritit  con- 
jec'tural  criticism. 

Sonjuga|tto'n  c  -er  conjuga'tion.  -tio'nStabet 
table  of  conjugation.   Konjuge're  vt  con'jugate. 

ftonfunltio'n  c  -er  (ogf.  a»t)  conjunc'tion. 
fton'junfltib  n  -er  the  subjunc'tive  mood.  -ttt'r 
c  -er  conjunc'ture;  state  of  aflTåirs,  state  of  the 

jtont  c  whelk,  Bucdnum  undatum. 

Ssnfa'b  a  con'cave.  -ite't  c  concav'ity,  con'- 
caveness,  rounding-in.  -fonta'b  a  concavo-con'- 
cave.    -fonbclå'  a  convavo-con'vex. 

Sbnfla'be  n  -r  con'clave. 

Sonflufio'tt  c  -er  conclu'sion. 

$lonIorb|an§'  c  -er  conco'rdance.  -a't  n  con- 

Stonfor'bte|bogen,  -formelen  the  Form  of  Con- 

ftonfre't  a  con'crete. 

ftonfubi|na't  n  concu'binage.  -'ne  c  -t  con'- 

Sottlurlren'ce  c  competition;  aabne  _  om  throw 
open  to  c.  -rent'  c  -er  competitor.  -rentin'be 
c  -r  competitress.  -re're  vi  compete  (meb  with, 
om  for).    -S  c  -er,  fe  -rence;  f^aEit. 

ftont^'lie  c  -r  shell.  -famler  coUector  of 
Bhells.  -famling  coUection  of  shells.  -flab 
cabinet  of  shells.  —  SonlQliollo'g  c  -er  con- 
ehorogist.    -logi'  c  conchol'ogy. 

Aonneta'bel  c  -6ter  con'stable. 

Sonnejio'n  c  -er  connec'tion. 
Stonning  c  -er  poet  fe  ^onge. 
$?onno8femcnt'  n  er  bill  of  lading. 
Ronoi'be  c  -r  co'noid. 
Sonrcl'tor  c  -er  assistant  master. 
Slonfejr  n  coun'cll.  —  Sonfc}ld|^>r«flbent  pn 
sident  of  the  council,  premier.  -^jræfibium  pn 

Ronfe|fbent'  a  consistent;  adv  consistently,  i 
eousistency.  -IbcnS'  c  consistency;  (pi  -er)  con's( 
quence,  con'sequent. 

Sonferb|otio'n  c  preservatlon.  -atio'nSbriller 
pi  preserves,  goggles,  green  protectors.  -atiS'me 
c  conser'vatism.  -'atio  a  conservative;  be  -e  the 
eonservatives.  -a'tor  c  o 'rer  keeper,  -ato'rium 
n  -ter  (i  begge  33et.)  conser'vatory.  -o'tor^joft  c 
keepership.  -'er  pi  con'serves.  -e're  vt  keep, 
preserve.  -e'ring  c  fe  -ation.  —  j{onfer'be3> 
fabrifant  conserver. 

Ronflgnlata'r  c  -er  eonsignee'.  -otio'n  c  -er 
mere  consign'ment;  iSarer  i  _  consignment(s); 
mobtoge  SSorer  i  _  receive  goods  by  c.  -e're  vt 
mere  consign. 
JtonflftenS'  c  consis'tency,  compactness 
Sonflfto'Irium  n  -ier  eonsis'tory.  -ria'lretj 
consisto'rial  court,  eonsis'tory. 

$tottffri|be'ret  c  -rebe  con 'script,    -ptio'n 

Sonfol'  c  -er  conso'le,  bracket.  -borb  n  pier 
-table,  console-table.  -flab  console-cupboard  el. 

Stonfolibe'Ire  vt  consol'idate.  -ring  c  consoli- 

Sonfonant'  c  -er  con'sonant.  -forbinbelfe  con- 
sonantcombination.  -forbobling  doubling  (of) 
the  consonant,  consonant-doubling. 

Sonfor't|er  pi  compeers.     -inm   n  -ier  part- 
Sonfbirc're  vt  conspire. 
Ronft  fe  ^unft. 

S^onfta'bet  c  -Biet  gunner;  policeman. 
StonftonS  n  (©tab)  Constance. 
Sonftant'  a  inva'riable,   con'stant.     -'e   c  -r 
muth  con'stant.     -'ia  n  Con'stance.    -i'n  Con' 
stantine.    -ino'^et  n  Constantinople. 
Jtottftate're  vt  substantiate. 
Jlonftellatto'n  c  -er  constella'tion. 
Sionfterrt|atio'n  c  consterna'tion.   -e'ret  a  dis 

^onftitujent'  c  -er  constit'uent.  -e're  vt  de- 
pute,  appoint  ad  interim,  -e'renbe  a  constit'uent. 
-e'ret «  deputy,  acting.  -tio'n  c  -er  constitu'tion; 
(2egemS0  c,  temperament;  aflægge  Sb  paa  el.  til 
-en  take  the  oaths  to  government.  -tionel', 
-tto'n§mæ§ftg  a  constitu'tional.  -tionS^ribig  a 

£(onftru|e're  vt  construct';  gram  con'strue. 
-ftio'n  c  -er  construc'tion;  structure.  -Itionå'ii^ef 
4^  chief  constructor.  -ftionSoanbltnien  J^  the 
constructive  load  line.  -lt«r  c  -er  constructor. 
jtonful  c  -et  consul.  Stonfula'ragent  con'sular 
agent  (o.  fl.).    Jlonfula'riff  a  con'sular. 

Stonfuta't  n  -er  cou'sulate,  con'sulship.  -afgift 
eon'sulage.  -certififat  consular  certiflcate.  -ge= 
Bqrer  consular  fees.  -lontor  consular  offlee 
(o.  fl ).  -uæfenet  the  consular  service  el.  system. 
Sonfuljent'  c  -er  counsellor,  adviser,  referee; 
_  i  ajiaftind.  consulting  engineer;  iuribifl  -  legal 
adviser,    -e're  vt  consult. 

Jlonfulå  I  f unitioner  consular  duties.  -inftrntS 
consular  instructions.  -perfon  consular  official. 
-^»oft  consulship.    -ftation  consular  station. 

.9onfutto|tio'n  c  -er  consul ta'tion.  ■tioaSpatti 
(Sfaf)  consultatio'n  match,  team  match. 

Sonftt'm  c  consum'ption.  -e're  vt  consu'me. 
-ent'  c  -er  consu'mer.  -forening  fe  §u§^olbmng§=. 







-tio'n  fi  consumption;  (Solb)  exeise,  -tio'tt8for= 
datter  superintendent  of  the  exeise. 

Stontaqlt'é  a  eonta'gious.  Sontaft'  c  con'tact. 
-  ^ontattlforgqlbning,  -forf«ltming  electrogal- 
vanic  uilding,  silvering.    -uogn  contact-carriage. 

jlontant'  a  &  adv  in  (ready)  money,  in  cash, 
money  down,  F  in  potket;  -e  ^enge,  -er  pi 
ready  money,  cash;  6an  betalte  alt  _  he  paid 
for  everything  in  cash  down;  -  SSetaling  imme- 
diate  cash;  _  Ublæg  money  disbursed,  out-of 
pocket.    -itfb  cash  business. 

Stoxxttm'^Xaix'o  a  contemplative. 

kontenance  c:  tiolbe  -n  keep  the  coun'- 
tenance,  brave  it  out;  tabe  -n  be  put  out  of 

ftontect  c  con'text. 

Sontinent'  n  -er  conitinent.  -a'l  a  continen'tal. 
•aifQftemet  the  continen'tal  system. 

ftøntingent'    n   -er   contin'gent;    subscription. 

fiontinualtiø'n  e  contimiation.  -tionéeléanten 
ægrotat  degree.    Slontinue're  vi  continue. 

jtonto  c  -er  el.  -nti  vterc  account;  aabne  en  en 
_  open  an  account  with  one;  ftrioe  )faa  enS  ~ 
put  down  to  one's  account,  a  _  on  account. 
-bog  account-book.  -fln'to  pro  formå  et.  simu- 
lated  account.    -Inrant'  account  current. 

Stonto't  n  -er  offlce,  (^anbel^O  counting-house. 
-arbejbe  desk-work.  -bub  oflftce  messenger. 
•bøger  oflftce-books.  -t^ef  head  el.  chief  of  an 
Office;  chief  el.  secretary  of  a  department.  -fag : 
i  -et  as  a  clerk.  -forretninger  pi  offlce  duties. 
-^aanb  clerkly  band.  -t)oIb  offlce  expenses. 
ftontorift'  c  -er  clerk.  ^ontorjfalenber  offlce 
calendar.  -fob  breakfast  cup.  -ntanb  business 
man.  -berf anale  clerical  staff.  -ifixlt  countiug- 
-house  desk.  -fager  offlce  requisites.  -ftol  offlce 
-stool.    -tib  Office  hours,  hours  of  attendance. 

ftontra  prcep,  jur  versus;  pro  og  -  pro  and 
con.  -alt  c  contralto.  -banb(e)  c  contraband. 
■baS  double- bass,  violone.  -bog  c  pass-book. 
-brad  J>  preventer-brace.  -bamb  steam  employed 
to  reverse  an  engine.  -banS  c  contradance. 
-btlto'rtff  a  contradic'tory  -fej  n  -er  portrait, 
fac-simile.    -forbring  counter-claim. 

ftontra^e'jre  vt  k  i  contract.  -nt'  c  -er  con- 

flontrajinblæg  counter  plea,  replication.  -fau' 
tion  counter-security.    -flage  counter  charge. 

Hontraft'  a  paralytic. 

ftontroft'  c  -er  con'tract;  flutte,  inbgoa  -  make 
a  contract.  -(8)brub  breach  el.  violation  of 
contract.  -morSfig  u  as  contracted;  stipulated 
by  contract. 

jlontrattu'r  c  -er  contraction. 

ftontromonbc're  vt  countermand'. 

Stontroimanøbre  counter- manoeuvre.  -marcf) 
counter-march;  (SBæon.)  couper.  -mine  counter- 
mlne.  -minere  vt  counterml'ne.  -mærfe  check. 
-møtrif  counter-nut,  check-nut.  -orbre  counter 
-order;  faa  _  be  countermanded.  -bart  adversary, 
opponent.  -ptVot  counter- verification.  -bUtttt 
miu  counter-point.  -bunt'tifl  a  contrapuntal. 
-tinnftift'  c  -er  contrapun'tist.  -bunfel  counter 
punch,  -fcarbe  c  counterscarp.  -fignant'  c  -er 
coun'tersigner.    -ftgne're  vt  conn'tersign. 

ftontraft'  c  -er  con'trast.    -e're  vi  contrast'. 

ftontrajftceoning  counter  summons.  -føgdmaal 
cross  -  action  ,  counter  suit.  -trl)t  autography. 
-trbft  a  authographed.  -t»rtt  >i.  clove  hitch. 
-bentil  reserve -valve.  -oiolin  fe  -iai.  -Blfit 
return-visit.  -uægt  counter -balance,  counter 

ftontre|9lbmiratc  -erRear-Admlral.  -Stbmirald* 
flo«  Rear-Admirars  flag. 

Aontribttle're  vt  contrib'ute.  -tio'n  c  -er  con- 

fttxiitot  c  supervision,  coutro'l.  -fomraitté 
inspecting  committee.  -le'te  vt  check,  verify, 
test,  supervise,  -(e'ring  c  checking  etc.  -tø'r 
c  -er  controller,  check-clerk;  (i  Xeotret)  box 
-keeper,  stall-keeper.    -ur  tell-tale. 

Stontroberd'  c  -er  con'troversy. 

Rontree'r  n  con'trary. 

Jlontuberna'I  c  -er  chum. 

jtontumacie'bom  c  judgment  by  default. 

^ontunbe'ret  a  bruised. 

fiontu'r  c  -er  outllne,  contour.  -^aar  long 
hair  (of  fur),    -ftlng  serging  stitch. 

ftontuflo'n  c  -er  contu'sion,  bruise. 

Sionba  I  c  -er  lily  of  the  valley,  Convallaria 
maj  a  lis. 

^onbefS'  a  con'vex.  -ite't  c  convexity,  round- 
ing  out.  -fonfa'b  a  convexo-con'cave.  -fo«= 
befS  'j  convexo-con'vex. 

ftonben|a'be(  a  conve'nient.  -e're  vt  suit,  be 
convenient  to,  sult  one's  convenience.  -ienå' 
c  convenience,  propriety.  -iend'giftermaal 
marriage  of  convenience.  $tonben|t'  n  -er  {^or= 
faitiling)  convention;  (Stiofter)  con'vent.  -tifel  c 
-ffer  conven'ticle.  -tio'n  c  conven'tion.  -tioncr 
a  conventional.    -tnalin'be  c  -r  conven'tual. 

Sonberg|end'   c  conver'gence.     -e're  vi  con- 



a'tional.  -atio'n  c 
atio|nd(ef3iton  encyclopædia. 
-atio'nSftqfte  comedy  of  daily  life,  drawiug 
-room  piece.  -atio'nStalent  conversa'tional 
powers,    -e're  ?■<  <fe  i  converse  with. 

Ronberjfio'u  c  -er  couver'sion.  -te'te  vt  con- 

jtonboi'  c  -er  con'voy.  -il^ef  commander  of 
the  convoy.  -e're  vt  convoy'.  -gebbv,  -ptu^t 
c.  dues.    -fignal  c.  signal. 

^onbolut'  c  -er  envelope,  ftørre)  wrapper;  i  _ 
under  cover,     -e're  vt  envelop,  wrapper. 

^onbo('bo(u§  c  -er  bind-weed,  Convolvolus. 

^onbutflio'n  c  -er  convulsion.  -i'biff  a  con- 
vulsive;  adv  convulslvely. 

^oorbt|na'ter  [pi  co-or'dinates.  -ne'ret  a  co- 

Stop'  c  -pet  cup;  *(wooden)  vessel,  bowl;  (til 
Ropfætntng)  cupping  glass;  4,  drum-head,  (paa 
!Ror)  rudder  head;  et  $ar  -per  a  cup  and  saucer; 
en  -  Se  a  cup  of  tea;  fætte  en  -per  cup  one. 

*fiob  c  -er  starer,  staring  fool. 

^obai'bajbalfam  c  balsam  of  copalba  el.  ca- 
pivi.     -træ  n  capivi-tree,  Copaifera  officinalis. 

Stopa'i  c  co'pal.    -ferniS  copal  varnish. 

Rop'lar  pock-mark.  -arret  «  pock-marked, 
pitted  with  the  small-pox. 

*Stobc  et  gape,  stare  (like  a  stuck  pig). 

ftobe'f  c  -er  co'peck. 

jtopernifa'nff  '<  Coper'nican. 

jtopformet  a  ^  .itrobiliform. 

Sopi'  c  -er  cop'y,  transcript;  (af  Walert)  copy, 
(Peb  aJlefteren  felo)  "replica  -blæf  cop'ying  ink. 
-bog  cop'y-book,  letter-book.  -e're  vt  cop'y, 
transcribe.  -e'rmaffine  copylng  machine.  -ft' 
c  -er  cop'ier,  cop'yist,  transcriber;  (anfat)  copy'- 
ing  clerk,  (government)  writer. 

^oplpe,  -ning  fe  -fætte,  -fætning. 

Aopper  pi  small  pox.  —  ftoppe|atteft  vaccina- 
tion-certiflcate.  -blegne,  -btjlb  variolous  postule. 
-feber  variolous  fever.  -gift  virus  of  the  small 
-pox.  -inbpobning  inoculation  of  the  small 
-pox.  -fmitte  contagion  of  the  small-pox. 
-ftigbom  variolous  disease. 

jto'branger  c  cow  dealer. 

Soprolit'  c  -er  cop'rolite. 

Stoplfalat  fe  ^opeb«.  -ff at  c  poUtax,  capita- 
tion(-tax).  -ffifte  (i  9Rur)  leading-course.  -ften 
header,    -ft^ffe  half-brick. 




Stop^cetltt  vt  cup.  -tclfe,  -ninø  c  cupping. 
-ter  c  -e  cupper. 

^o})t|er,  -erirt'be  c  Copt.    -tfl  a  Coptlc. 

Jio^uI|a  c  cop'ula.  -atio'n  c  marriage,  mar- 
rying;  ($obn.)  whip-grafting.  -atio'nStireti  mar- 
riage licence.  -otfti  a  cop'ulative.  -e'rc  vt 

SJorab'fifl  a  p  game. 

^or  n,  p^  =,  (bet  fungne)  chorus;  (Sangerne) 
ehoir  (quire);  (®r.  S^rag.)  cliorus;  (Sirie-)  ciiancel, 
clioir  (quire).  Sora't  c  -er  cho'ral.  fiora'Iagtig 
a  clioral-like.  Stora'tbog  choral  book,  antiplion- 
ary.  Sor|oItcr  high  altar.  -{iif{o))  sufifragan 
bishop.    -banS  dancing  in  ciiorus. 

Koral'  c  -ler  cor'al.  -oflat  coral  agate.  -Bonfe 
coral  shoal.  -bunb  c.  bottom.  -Ibtelte  belt  of 
coral.  -b^r  coral-polyp.  -fortiet  a  coral-hued. 
■fiffer  coral  diver  el.  flsher.  -fifleri  coral  fishing. 
-gren  coral  branch.  -grunb  je  -6unb.  '-grtttibe 
fe  -6ante.  -^ol^baanb  coral  necklace.  -tail 
coral-rag.  -firfcbær  winter-cherry,  Fkygalit. 
-II{))))e  coral  rock  et.  knoU.    -lag  c.  bed. 

SoraHiner  pi  cor'allines. 

Sorol'ImoS  cor'alline.  -ptvie  coral  bead.  -reti 
coral  reef.  -rob  coral-wort,  coral-root,  Corallo- 
rhiza.  -fanb  coral  sand.  -fto!  coral  stem.  -træ 
{%\.)  coral  tree,  Erythrina.     -a  coral  island. 

Kora'nen  the  Koran. 

Jtorbær  n  dewberry,  Rubua  cceaiu8. 

Sorbe  c  -r  cho'rd. 

So'rbeg«  c  precentor. 

Korbe'f  c  -er  ^  strand.  ^orbelSbtoI  jeer 
-block.  Karbell f))rungen  a  stranded.  -ftro^) 

Sorbe'rc  vt  cover  with  screw-threads. 

Sorbeftala  c  scale  of  chords,  artificial  scale. 

fiorbU'terne  the  Cordilleras. 

Korbon  c  -er  mil  &  arch  cordon.  -geflmS 

Ko'rjbrcng  ministrant  boy,  chorister(-boy). 
-furer  corypheus.  -^crre  canon,  prebendary. 
-ift' c -er,  fe -fanger.  -lanbccope.  -mcSfe  high  mass. 
-omgang  aisle  round  the  choir.  -fang  choral 
song,  c.  singing;  chorus  singing;  chorus.  -fanger 
chorister,  chorus  singer.  -ftot  stall  (in  a  church). 
-tone  choral  piteh.    -tillar  fe  -l^erre. 

Korbua'n  n  cor'dwain. 

tKore  c  -r  border,  edge.    Kore  vt  border. 

Korenb,  Korlntlj'  c  -er  (grocer's)  cur'rant, 
currant  grape.    -boHer  currant  dumpliugs. 

Korta'nber  c  coriander,  Coriandrum  sativuin. 

Korinth'  n  Cor'inth.  -'ler  c,  -ifl  a  Co- 

Kortntfj'træ  n  fe  gfiælbribS. 

KorI  c  co'rk.  -a^atb  cork-shavings  el.  cutt- 
ings.  -ogtlg  a  corky.  -alnt  fe  -ælm.  -arbcjbc 
cork  work.  -bunbt  bundle  of  cork.  -bælte 
cork  life-belt.  -beje  cork  buoy.  *Kort|e  vt 
cork.  -eg  fe  træ.  -ælm  cork-elm,  Ulmus  suherota. 
Korte)]enge  pi  corkage. 

Korflfenber  J,  cork  fender,  -flaab,  *-ft«t 
cork  float.  -^tiUer  fe  -fenber.  -loratter  aleyonian 
polyps.  ^ro<)  cork,  cork-stopple.  -faal,  -faale 
cork  sole.  -flterer  corkcutter.  -f^iaaner  fe 
-offalb.  -ftnf  suberine.  -fnrt  ©att  suberate. 
-fijre  suberic  acid.  -fæl  fe  -fenber.  -tolb  fe 
-prop.  -træ  cork-tree,  Quercus  suberosa.  *-træt!cr 
cork  screw.    -traje  cork-jacket.    -tioI8  cerine. 

Kormora'U  c  -er  co'rmorant,  Garbo  cormoranu». 

Ko'rn  n,  pi  =,  corn,  (tfte  om  Sæb  paa  SKarten) 
grain,  (Sigte-)  aim;  sight;  (om  9Kønt)  alloy;  et 
(litte)  -Fa  bit;  tage  paa  -et  take  one's  aim  at, 
cover,  -aager  fe  -pugeri.  -aagrer  fe  -puger,  -aar 
corn-year.  -afgift  fe  -ftat.  -ofgrabc  crop  of  c, 
white  crop,  cereal  crop.  -ager  c.  field.  -até 
ear  el.    spike    of  c.     -arbcjbe   (®ulb.)  milling. 


-art  species  of  c,  cereal.  -atil  (bet  at  aole  ft.) 
raising  of  c  ,  cereal  culture;  t  (2(fgrøben)  c. 
crop.  *-!itillng  c.  crop.  *-baanb  fe  -neg.  -6e= 
^Ot)  requisite  quantity  of  c.  -Bille  corn 
-weewil,  Cilandra.  -bjærgning  housing  of  c, 
c.  harvest;  t  fe  -attl.  -blaa  a  blue  like  the 
com-flower.  -blomft  c.  flower,  corn  bluebottle, 
Centaurea  cyanus.  -branb  fe  >8ranb.  -brænberl 
whiskey  distlllery.  -brænbetiln  corn  brandy, 
whiskey.  *-bur  granary  (on  pillars),  ''-b^gb  fe 
-egn.  -bærenbe  a  graln-bearing.  -barS  corn 
exchange.  -brager  corn-porter.  Korne  vt  granu- 
late;  —  «i  take  aim;  -eg  vd  granulate.  Kornegn 
corn-growing  district. 

Kornel'lllrfebær  comelian  cherry,  -træ  dog- 
wood,  Cornus  mascula. 

Korneflgte  c  sieve  for  blasting-pov^der. 

Kornet'  c  -ter  co'met. 

Ko'rnct  a  granulary,  granulous. 

Ko'rnifebe  vt  fatten  on  corn.  -fra  mustard 
-seed.  -gaarb  arable  farm.  *-giabe  fe  -febe. 
-grænfen  the  limit  of  the  cereals.  -^anbel  c. 
tråde,  -^anbter  corn-merchant.  -{)ar)>e  fe  ^arpe. 
-JnS  granary.  f-tfce^  stack  of  c.  -^aft  c.  harvest. 
-inbfarfel  import  of  c. 

Ko'rning  c  granulation.  -8^tt§  (tt(  ftrubt) 
cornhig  house. 

Ko'rn|tantmer  granary.  -{rage  rook,  Corvu* 
frugilegus.  -trubt  granulated  gun-povcder.  -fæl= 
ber  corn  cellar.  -lab  purchase  of  c.  -labe  fe 
Sabe.  -lal  seed-lac.  -lanb  corn-growing  country. 
-lo  threshing  floor.  -loft  c.  loft.  -loti  c.  law. 
■lærlc  fe  -fpuru.  -læ§  cart-load  of  c.  -maal  c. 
measure.  -maater  c.  meter,  -magafln  c.  ma- 
gazine.  -mangel  scarcity  el.  dearth  of  c.  t-marf 
c.  field.  -marleb  c.  market.  -mo,  -mob  c  og  n 
corn-lightning,  heat-lightning.  -mal  c.-moth, 
Tinea  graneUa.  -malle  c  mill.  -neg  sheaf  of  c. 
-oplag  magazine  of  grain.  -orm  corn-worm;  fe 
-6iIIe;  -mal.  tapeter  F  dram  of  whiskey.  -plante 
fe  -Bællt.  -prang  fe  -pugeri.  -pranger  fe  -puger. 
-prlfer  pi  price  of  c.  -praoe  specimen  of  corn. 
-puger  c  -e  engrosser  el.  forestaller  of  corn. 
•pugeri  n  engrossing,  forestalling,  speeulative 
purchase,  of  coru.  -punfel  grain  puncheon. 
-renfer  winnowing  machine.  -renSning  win- 
nowing,  -rcn§ntng§mafline  fe  -renfer.  -rig  « 
abounding  in  c.  -rofe  fe  -tialmue.  -ru^  rust, 
Uredo  rubigo.  -ftal  husk  of  corn.  -flat  C.  tax. 
-flotil,  -fluffe  com-shovel,  scoop,  -flroa  bruised 
grain.  *-flrlte  fe  Stooffabe.  -flrue  conveyor. 
•folb  riddle,  cribble.  -fort  fe  -art.  -fortcremaftine 
grain-sorting  machine.  -fpurb  common  hunting, 
Emberiza  tnUiaria.  -ftal  stack  of  c.  -ftraa  .straw. 
t-ftænge  c  loft.  *-ftar  «corn-pole»,  pole  for 
drying  corn  on.  -fplnbing  shrinking  of  c.  -fæb 
(Sornet)  seed-corn;  (bet  at  faa)  sowtngofc.  -fæl 
c.  sack.  -tong  corn-tongs.  -ttenbe  c.  tithes.  -tin 
grain  tin.  -tolb  corn  duty.  -torti  corn-market. 
-t^ber  tool  for  forming  clasps.  -tæt  a  grain 
-tight.  -tarrlng  drying  of  c.  -tialmne  corn 
-rose,  Papaver  rhceas.  -barer  pi  corn,  grain, 
breadstuffs.  -tiogn  c.  waggon,  -bægt  c.  weight. 
-tiæl^t  cereal,  grain-plant.  -bærllng  fe  -fpuro. 
-abelægger  fe  |)e§fift  giue. 

Korolla'rlum  n  -ter  cor'ollary. 

KorDman'belUften  the  Coast  of  Coromandel. 

*Korp  c  -er  råven,  fe  Statin. 

Korpora'l  c  -er  co'rporal,  d/  ship's  corporal. 
-flab  co'rporalship;  squad.  Korporatlo'n  c  -er 
corpora'tion.  Korpo'rllg.  a  co'rporal,  bodUy. 
_  (Sb  corporal  oath;  —  adv  corporally. 

Ko'rpé  n  -er  corps,  body.  -aanb  pride  in 
maintaining  the  corporate  reputation,  brotherly 
spirit,  class  feeling.  -læge  regimental  surgeon. 
-tambur  drum-major. 





,Vtor))U(|en'ce  c  co'rpulence,  corpulency;  obes- 
ity.  -lent'  «  obese,  co'rpulent.  ^or^juå  n  body. 
ti/P  long  primer;  _  juris  body  (pandect)  of 
laws.    ^orpnéttttitti  leading  article. 

Sttrtett'  «  correct;  adv  correctly.  -^eb  c  cor- 

Rorrcftio'ti  c  -er  correc'tion.  —  ^arreltiondl-- 
a))))arat  correcting  apparatus.  -magnet  magnetic 
compeusator  el.  corrector.  -plabt  »t,  correction 
plate.    Korrelti'«  n  correc'tive. 

Sorrettu'r  c  -er  proof(-8heet);  2beit  _  revise, 
i  ■■ond  proof;  læfe  -  read  the  proof-sheets,  cor- 

•t  the  press.  -arf  proof-sheet.  -gøbtgørelfe 
.ayment  for  corrections.  -læfcr  (press-,  proof-) 
roåder,  corrector  of  the  press,  -tædning  proof 
-reading.  -tang  pincers.  -tegn  mark  of  correc- 
tion.   Sforrclta'r  c  -er  corrector,  fe  -Icefer. 

Sorrel'atiu  <i  correlative. 

Storref)>onb|an'ce  c  correspon'dence.  -ance* 
4)arti  correspondence  match,  -enå'  c  correspon'- 
dence. -ent'  c  -er  correspon'dent;  i^aa  Soiitor) 
correspondingclerli.  -e'recicorrespond'.  -erenbe 
SJeber  managing  owner. 

Storrej  c   f   reprimand.    -e  vt  f  reprimand. 

Storribo'r  c  -er  cor  ridor. 

forrige  re  vt  correct'. 

Sorruptio'n  c  corrup'tion. 

Stoté  n,  pi  =,  (og?.  Crben)  cross;  (fiibelfer)  af- 
fliction,  tribulation;  (for  Sanlen)  crux;  gøre  -et§ 
Æegn  make  the  sign  of  the  cross;  flaa  _  for  fig 
cross  one's  self;  6ære  fit  ~  take  up  the  cross; 
lægge  Strmene,  Senene  ooer  -  cross  the  arms, 
legs;  meb  SSenene  ooer  _  cross-legged;  frljfie  til  -et 
humble  one's  self;  -!  interj  Lord!  Bless  me; 
en^oer  ^ar  fit  -  to  each  his  sufFering;  nu  maa  »i 
f!nDe  _  unber  SBjælten  we  must  make  a  mark,  we 
must  write  that  dovvn;  mark  It  with  a  white  stene. 

ftotfatræo  c  corsac,  Canis  corsac. 

siorfo'r  c  -er  co'rsair. 

Storalarm  arm  of  the  cross,  -baanb  cros."? 
-band;  ($oft)  postal  band,  unber  _  under  cover 
in  band.s,  by  book  post.  -baanbSforfenbelfe 
book-packet.  -banner  banner  of  the  cross,  -ben 
sacrum.  -betegnelfe  making  the  sign  of  the 
cross,  -btabet  a  cruciform.  -btomfter  pi  cruci- 
form  piants,  cruciferæ,  crucifers.  -blomftret  a 
cruciferous,  -bow  (paa  ©angfit)  turnstile.  -brober 
crusader.  -bue  oglve.  -bagning  building  in 
the  form  of  a  cross,  -b^rb  procession  vt^ilh  the 
cross,  -bær  buckthorn  berry.  -boertræ  buck- 
thorn, Rhamnus  catharttcus.  -bannet  a  cruciform. 
-brager  Sorfe  fig  vr  cross  one's 
self,  make  the  sign  of  the  cross;  _  fig  oOer  be  aw- 
fully  shooked  el.  scandalized  at.  ftonSebberlo)) 
cross-spider,  Epeira  diadema. 

ftørfet'  n  -ter  co'rset,  boddice,  stays  pi. 

Storéifane  banner  of  the  cross,  -farer  c  -e 
crusader.  -fif!  fe  -trolb.  -flog  fe  -banner.  -Paj 
transept.  -focft'e  vt  crucify.  -fæft'elfe  c  cruci- 
fixion.  -gabe  cross-street.  -gang  cross-walk, 
cross-passage,  arcade;  ecd  cloister,  cloisters. 
-gebær  partisan,  -berre  knight  of  the  cross. 
-boctløtng  vault  with  ogives. 

Storftta  n  Co'rsica.   -'ner  c  -t,  -'nft  a  Co'rsican. 

JtorSjttrte  church  in  the  form  of  a  cross. 
•tlAbe  brow  band.  -Inap,  -Inob  ground-ivy, 
cat's  foot,  Glechoma  hederucea.  '"-trabbe  fe  -trolb. 
•lagt  o  crossed.  -(ægge  vt  cross.  -lænb  natch. 
•nteåfe,  -miSfe  (ben  Sbje  røaj)  the  invention  of 
the  cross;  (14be  Setilember)  the  exaltation  of  the 
cross,  hoiy  cross  day.  -næb  cross-bill,  red-back, 
Loxia.  'pttw  cross-ordeal.  -ribber  fe  -^erre. 
'"-rbg  loins,  reins.  -ræb  cross -fox.  -fnit  fe 
ftrt)bé=.  -ften  cross-stone.  -fting  cross-stitch. 
•ftreg  cross,  -tegn  sign  of  the  cross,  -tegne  vt 
cross,     -tog   crusade.     *-troIb  star-flsh,    cross 

-flsh,  AsterinR  rubens.  -nrt  groundsel,  Senecio 
vulgariH.  -ueb  fe  -bærtvæ.  -bej  cross-road.  -biS 
adv  crosswise,  across,  crossways. 

Sort  n,  pi  =,  (©piUef.)  card;  (Sanbl.)  map; 
(©0=  og  58eirf.)  chart;  (»ifit!.)  card;  (SBiaet)  ticket; 
i  _(fpil)  at  cards;  et  ©pil  _  a  pack  of  cards;  gioe 
_  (i  ©pil)  deal;  gobe  _  a  good  hånd;  tag  mine  - 
take  my  band;  fe  Sige;  oPeoere  _  6o§  leave  one's 
card  on. 

Jtort  a  &  adv  short;  (lortfattet)  brief;  tuben  el. 
om  _  Kib  in  a  short  time,  shortly,  within  short, 
before  long;  for  -t  Sib  fiben  a  short  time  ago; 
_  efter  shortly  after;  _  før  man  lommer  til  just 
short  of;  en  ere  SSej  a  nearer  way;  _  Sigt  mere 
short  sight;  -e  SSarer  hardware;  haberdashery; 
_  aSetSel  short  bill;  fe  ©trao;  fatte  fig  _  be  brief; 
_  fogt  in  short,  to  cut  the  matter  short;  _  og 
gobt  in  so  many  words,  curtly;  giOe  en  _  SSefteo 
cut  one  short;  send  one  about  his  business; 
tomme  til  _  come  off  a  loser;  _  for  ^ooebet  hasty, 
short-spoken;  gøre  _  53roce§  make  short  work  of 
it.  -aanbet  a  asthmatic,  short-breathed.  -arntet, 
-benet  ofo.,  short-armed,  -legged  etc. 

ftort|befIrtbelfe  ^  sailing  directions;  direction 
book.  -btttebe  picture  on  cards.  -btab  card; 
sheet  of  a  chart. 

Sorte  vt  shorten;  _  af,  fe  9lf!orte;  -  inb  shorten 
in;    §  shorten. 

HorteKg^  -en  adv  shortly,  briefly. 

Slortenifbil  »  F  &  t  card-playing.  -fpiøer  c 
p  &  t  cardplayer. 

Sortetut  n  chart-case;  chart-box. 

Serteoarer  pi  hardware,  haberdashery. 

Sortfabri!  card  manufactory.  -ant  card-maker. 

Sortlfattet  a  concise,  compendions,  brief,  suc- 
cinct.    -fenber  vt  short  fender. 

Sortlgiber  dealer,    -gtoning  deal. 

Sortlbaaret  j  short-haired.  -balfet  a  short 
■necked.  Sort^eb  c  (i  9llm.)  shortness;  (tun  om 
Zib  og  Sale)  brevity,  briefness;  (Sortfottef^., 
Sammentrængt^.)  conciseness;  for  -l^ebS  Slqlb  for 
brevity's  sake,  p  for  short;  i  _  briefly,  put  in 
Short,  in  a  few  words.  Sortl^orntoæg  short- 
horns,   -bobebet  a  brachycephalous. 

Sort|^U§  house  of  cards,  card-castle.  -inft»et= 
t6V  Superintendent  of  charts. 

Sorttltpbct  a  closely  cropped. 

Sort|Iun^  trick  with  cards.  -lunftner  one 
who  shows  tricks  with  cards,  juggler.  -(agt  a 

Sort|(ebet  a  short-jointed.  -(ebStætttng  short 
-link  chain.  -(ibct  a  shortbodied  el.  waisted. 
-(æbe  germander,  Teucrium. 

Sort(ægge  vt  chart,  charter,  -(æggen,  -l«g= 
ning  o  charting.    -ntager  c  -e  card-maker. 

Sortntng  c  shortening.  Sort|næbbet  a  short 
-billed.    -næfet  a  short-nosed. 

Sortlbatte  parcel  of  cards.  -babir  paper  for 
cards  el.  maps.  -tienge  card-money.  -pittit 
engraved  copperplate  for  printing  maps.  -preSfe 
card  el.  map  press.    -rn((e  roll  of  maps. 

Sortrættenbe  a  short  range. 

Sortfatnling  c  coUection  el.  volume  of  maps. 

Stortlftgtig  a  of  short  date,  short(-dated). 
-f!aftet  a  short -håndled.  -ffu(<>e  ^  silicle. 
•ffulpet  o  siliculose.    -flabet  u  short  skirted. 

Sort|fbi(  card-playing;  card-game.  -fbiUer 

Sort|fb(ejå  ^  short  splice.  -ftab(et,  -fta^ilet 
a  (Ulb)  short-stapled.  -ftagSbiS  ^  a-short  stay 

Sort{ftentbe(  stamp  on  cards.  -fltHer  engraver 
of  maps.     -^ifning  engraving  of  maps. 

Sortlftitt  c  shank  apple.  -ftraaet  a  short 
-strawed.  -fqnet  a  short-sighted.  -f^net^eb  c 




StottlttQXttt  drawer  of  maps,  draughtsman. 
-trgning  mapping. 

»orttr«je  c  J,  greggoe. 

Jlortubgitier  c  publisher  of  a  chart  t\.  charts. 

^ortultoet  a  short-wooUed. 

jlortu'fe  c  bear's-ear  saniele,  Cortusa. 

^artjttarig  a  of  short  duration,  short-lived, 
evaneseent,  transitory.  -tiarig^eb  c  short  dura- 
tion.   t-t>iUig  a  amusing,  facetious. 

ftortlttærl  Te  -famling. 

Storunb'  c  corundum. 

^oruet'  c  -ter  co'rvet,  sloop  of  war. 

^or))ban'ter  pi  coryban'tes,  cor'yhants. 

ft'ortjfæ'er  pi  leaders. 

^or^gter  c  cowherd. 

Sofof  c  -fer  Cos'sac.    -fitft  Cossac's  horse. 

*'ftofe  ftg  vr  make  one's  self  comfortable,  en- 
joy  one's  ease. 

^ofcfan!^  c  co-se'cant. 

♦Sofclig  a  snug,  cosy. 

SoftnnS  c  CO-sine;  _  berfu8  covers'ed  sine. 

So'lffarn  fe  -møg. 

Roigmletifl  a  cosmet'ic.  -'iff  a  cosmical. 
•ogoni'  c  cosmog'ony.  -otogi'  c  cosmol'ogy. 
•OpoMt'  c  -er  cosmop'olite,  cosmopol'itan.  -opo-- 
tit'i^  o  cosmopol'itan.    -ota'ma  n  cosmorama. 

Sø'f<)at  c  jardes. 

Jioft  c  (5Bbe)  food,  victuals,  fare,  living; 
(Unber^olb,  f^øbe  meb  alt  til|ørenbe)  board, 
t  (Dmtoft.)  cost,  expenses;  _  og  Xæring  food  and 
expenses;  _  og  Bøn  board  and  wages;  _  og  Slæber 
board  and  clothes,  back  and  belly;  fiolB  _  half 
board;  en  font  er  poa  ^olo  -  half-boarder;  fmal  _ 
slender  fare;  ^aoe  fri  _  have  free  board;  fcette  en 
i  _  put  one  out  to  board,  board  one;  bære  i  _ 
^08  board  with;  tage  Søm  i  -  take  children  in 
to  board;  t)obe  en  i  ~  board  one. 

Soft  [6]  c  -e  broom,  besom;  *(S3ørfte)  brush; 
ntje  -e  feje  bebft  new  brooms  sweep  clean. 

fio'ftalb  c  cow-stable,  byre. 

Softbat  a  (af  ftor  SSærbi)  preclous,  valuable; 
(b^r)  expensive,  costly,  sumptuous;  gøre  fig  _ 
make  one's  self  precious.  -^eb  c  costliness,  ex- 
pensiveness;  -er  pi  articles  of  value,  precious 

Kofte  vi  cost;  ^bab  -r  bet?  what  is  the  price 
el.  figure?  how  much  is  it?  bet  -r  itfe  noget 
there's  nothing  to  pay;  ^bab  -r  bet  5Dem?  what 
does  it  stand  you  in?  {)bab  -r  benne  Stol?  how 
much  for  this  chair?  bet  -  ijtjah  bet  bil  at  any 
price,  at  all  costs;  bet  ^ar  -t  ^am  meget  ot  b^gge 
bette  §u8  he  has  spent  a  great  deal  of  money 
in  building  this  house;  bet  bil  _  ^an§  fiio  he 
will  pay  with  his  life  for  it,  it  is  as  much  as 
his  life  is  worth;  _  meget  paa  spend  a  good  deal 
of  money  on,  bestow  some  cost  on;  bet  t)ax  -t 
mig  meget  (Umoge)  I  have  taken  great  pains;  _  fig 
nt  be  at  the  expense  of,  invest  in  st. 

•Kofte  [6]  vt  brush. 

Koftc|binber  [6]  broom -maker,  broom-man. 
-gt)t)e(  broom,  i>/)arlium  europceum. 

åofteltq  a  (ofte  ironift)  precious;  (foftbar)  eostly; 
(fortræffelig)  excellent,  exquisite;  (morfom)delight- 
ful:  en  -  $erle  bibl  a  pearl  of  great  price. 

Kafte(t)ng  [6]  c  heather  for  brooms. 

Koftenbe  n  cost. 

Kofter  pi:  ftjaalne  _  stoolen  goods. 

Koftelriå  [6]  twigs  for  brooms.  -flaft  broom- 
stick,  broom-stafF.    -tiageir  beacon   and  broom. 

Roftjforogter  dainty  feeder;  ^an  er  ingen  -  he 
is  not  over-uiee,  not  very  fastidious.  -fri  a  free 
from  el.  of  expense.  -gænger  c  -e  boarder. 
*-ftoIber  dietary,  d  .scale,  dietroH.  -^u§  boarding 

KoftneUile  ^6]  c  Deptford  pink,  Dianthus 



-er  pi 

Koftni^  n  Constance. 

Koft))engc  pi  board-wages.  -ration  allowanci 
(of  foodj.    -ffole  boarding-sehool. 

Kofiu'ine  n  -t  cos'tume;  i  _  in  character.  -Iiiil 
fancy(-dress)  bal),  costume-ball.  -'re  vt  dress(out) 

Koiftær  fe  -fugl. 

*Kot'  n,  pi  =,  cot,  narrow  closet,  hole. 

Kotangent  c  -er  co-tan'gent. 

Kote  c  -r  curve. 

Kotelet'  c  -ter  cutlet,  chop;  _  meb  brunebe  ftor= 
tofler  chips  and  chops.  -ffæg  mutton-chop 

Koteri'  n  -er  coterie,  clique,  fraternity,  ring 
-aanb,  -t»«fen  cliquism. 

KotiUon'  c  -er  cotil'lon,  cotill'ion. 

Ko 'træ  n  cow-tree. 

Kotur'ne  c  co'thurn,  buskin. 

^oxi^  c  ^  thimble. 

Kojtjang  fe  -gang. 

=*Kobe  [aa]  c  -r  closet. 

Koltienbe  id  ^  veer,  wear.  -oenbing  c  veering 
-Oogter  fe  -^tjrbe.  -tiomtnet  a  (om  ^efte)  big 

*Koj  c  -er  small  tub. 

Ko|t)»er  cow's  udder.  -«je  ^  og  3[ærn6.  bull 
eye.    -*jet  n  ox-eyed. 

*Kraa!e  fe  Sroge  2;  (lady's)  hood,  sun-bonnet, 
all-poke;  (paa  §ob)  frog;  fange  en  _  J,  catch 
crab;    ftupe   _   cut   el.   throw  somersets.     -Sol 
sea-urchin,  Echinus. 

KraaS  c  -e  &  -er  (Sro)   crop,   craw 
giblets  pi.    Kroafefu^^je  giblet  soup. 

Krab'  c  (SCømr.)  raeed  mark. 

Krabafl'  c  whip,  scourge.    -e  vt  f  whip 

*Kraba'étammer  (floating)  timber,  the  owner 
of  which  is  unknown. 

Kraba't  e  -er  chap,  fellow. 

Kraba't  a  J,  prime,  excellent. 

Krabbe  vt,  _  af  (Sømr.)  rase. 

•Krabbe  vi  crawl. 

Krabbe  c  -r  crab,  Cancer;  (©tranbtrobbe) 
grampie,  Careinus  mæna»\  (i  HOia^)  staple;  pi  4, 
boat's  gripes.  -btjffer  little  auk,  Mergtdus  alle. 
-Ho  crab's  claw.    -!ra«,  -fpit  J,  winch,  crab. 

Krable  vi  fe  drible. 

Krac^  [t.]  n  crash,  collapse. 

Krabé|barfte  wire-brush,  scratch-brush.  -i«(r)" 
ftig  a  p  saucy,  quarrelsome. 

Krabfe  vt  scratch,  claw,  scrape;  _  Suben  op 
paa  Mæbe  tease  cloth  ~  en  S^obatlpibe  ub  scrape 
out  the  ashes  of  a  tobacco  pipe;  _  Ulb  scribble 
wool;  F  bet  er  noget  fom  r  that  is  the  right 
stuff.  -berfte  fe  obfr.  -jrern  scraping-iron,  scraper. 
-moffine  gig-machine.  -n  c  scratching.  -r  c  -e 
scraper;  (®ebærf.)  worm;  (en,  fom  trobfer  Slæbe) 
teaseler;  (3)Qr)  thorn-headed  worm,  Echinorhyn- 
chus;  f  a  strong  dram.  KrabSning  fe  -n.  Krab^> 
nib  shoddy  (wool).  ] 

*Kraffe  vt  &  i  scrape,  scramble.  ' 

Kraft  c  pi  ftræfter,  (Sttjrfe,  legemlig,  aanbelig, 
ogfaa  ®ri(!ebarer§  ©t.;  firæfter)  strength:  (®bne, 
legemlig  og  aanbelig)  power;  (SraftenS  ?)trinfl, 
aSælbe)  force;  (Sraftigfieb)  vigour;  ((j^nb,  Snergi, 
6ftertrt)t)  energy;  (røoftinel)  power;  (SSægtftangS 
0.  1.)  'purchase;  (Sægemibbel?)  virtue;  af  al  -,  af 
alle  Sræfter,  f  paa  -  with  might  and  main, 
with  all  one's  might;  raabte  af  oHe  Kræfter  shouted 
at  the  top  of  his  voice;  løb  af  aUe  Sræfter  ran 
as  hard  as  he  could,  as  fast  as  his  legs  could 
carry  him;  anfpænbe  aUc  Sræiter  strain  every 
nerve;  iætte  ~  paa  throw  a  strain  on;  gaar  meb 
fulb  -  is  going  (at)  full  speed;  prøbe  firæfter  meb 
try  one's  strength  against;  p  try  a  fall  with, 
try  conclusions  with;  lomme  til  Kræfter,  famle 
Kræfter  gain  el.  recover  strength;  i  fulb  -  in  full 
force  and  vigour;   i  fin  Ungbomå  fulbe  _  in  the 








full  vigour  ol"  youth;  i  _  af  (en  Sob  o.  I.)  in  fl. 
by  virtue  of;  i  _  af  liani  SliiBefaling  upon  the 
strength  of  his  recommendation;  fætte  i  _  put 
in  force;  execute;  fætte  ub  af  -  annul,  abrogate; 
træbe  i  _  come  into  force  el.  operation,  take 
effect,  operate;  become  available;  Ⱦre  i  _  he 
in  force.  ^raft|anf))icnbelfe.  -anftrenoeUC/  •<>«= 
Oenticlfe  exertion  of  strength,  (powerful)  exer- 
tion;  (vigorous)  effort.  -ietitS  proof  of  strength; 
strong  argument,  -brab  gluten-bread.  Sroftcå' 
I«9  fe  -le§.  SraftlflJjttttng  fe  -ooerferelfe.  -fobcr 
strong  food.  -foranbritta  change  of  power.  -for= 
Brno  expense  of  power.  •for))lantning  fe  oBet' 
fjørelfe.  -fnlb  a  vigorous;  powerful;  strong,  for- 
cible;  energctic.  -f^tbe  abundance  of  strength. 
•f»lelfe  consciousness  of  power,  -flftti  rare 
genius,  -gabninq  powerful  manure.  Straftig 
a  fe  -fulb.  kraftigt  adv  forcibly,  powerfully. 
strongly.  Sraft|tarl  P  muscular  fellow.  -Illbe 
source  of  power;  prime  mover. 

RroftHrfe  fe  ftr^pflirfe. 

^raftltunftec  pi  feats  of  strength.  -lebning 
transmission  of  motion;  transmission  rope.  -I«re 
dynamics  pi.  -I«8  a  impotent;  (afmægtig)  power- 
less;  (fBog)  nerveless;  invalid.  -leSljeb  c  lack  of 
strength,  impotence,  (Soageligfteb)  invalidity, 
feebleness.  -maaltr  dynamometer,  -manb  fe 
-fart.  -Birl  starch-flour.  -tnibbel  powerful  re- 
medy.  -olie  essen tial  oil.  -orb  powerful,  ener- 
getic  word.  -oorrfarclfe  communication  el. 
transmission  of  power,  -jprabe  trlal  of  strength. 
•tob  ginseng,  Panax  quinque/oliuni.  -f))ilbe  fe 
-tob.  -f^Jrog  energetic  language,  -fteb  effective 
passage,  -ftol  power-loom.  -iuppe  strong  soup; 
jelly  broth.  -tab  loss  of  power  el.  purchase. 
-tog  vigorous  pull.  -tærenbe  a  enervating, 
debilitating.  -ubtrtj!  powerful,  energetieal  ex- 
pression. -nbOitUng  development  of  power; 
mech  purchase.  -Oinbtng  purchase  (gained). 
-Oirlning  gross  effect.  -ytring  manifestation  of 
power,  effort. 

Jtrag  c  min  crag. 

^xaqt  c  -t  (firflbeftang)  climbing  pole. 

Sroge  c  -r  crow,  (ben  I)og  o§  alm.)  hooded 
crow,  Corvus  cornix,  (ben  i  énglaub  alm.)  common 
el.  carrion  crow,  C.  corone;  _  fBger  SKage  birds 
of  a  feather  flock  together;  like  will  to  like. 
-a«b  fe  iejfte.  -bær  fe  ftræfling.  -fob  marsh 
cinquefoil,  Comarum  palustre.  -gtilb  cat-gold. 
-joØe  (a  kind  of)  saillng-boat.  -llo  crow's  claw; 
restharrow,  Ononin  spinosa.  -tnaal  gibberish. 
•rebe  (ogf.  J;,)  crow's  nest.  -rob  fe  -tlo.  -falo 
cat- Silver,  -tornftabe  crow  shrike,  Cracticus. 
•iav  (flet  ©frift)  pot-hooks,  scrawl.  -ttnge  young 
crow.    -«jne  pi  vomic-nuts. 

jlra'gfttn  c  corbel,  summer. 

jtratn  n  Carniola. 

'^Kraf  c  -ter  wooden  stool  et.  bench. 

^rat  OU  n  Cracow.    -er,  -ff  Craco'vian. 

Araten  c  def  (fabelagtigt  ^aob^r)  the  kraken. 

JTrattiler  c  -e  caviller,  chicaner.  -eri'  n  chi- 
cane.   -ff  a  cavillous,  contentious,  cantankerous. 

Aralmanbel  c  shell-almond. 

AraUe  c  -r  claw. 

AraUit  c  -er  jade. 

*firara'  a  €neen  er  _  the  snow  clogs. 

Sfrant'  c  k  n  (SBarer)  ware,  wares  pl\  (firam« 
meri)  trumpery,  trash;  ($af)  rabbi  e,  vermin;  ber 
er  ^ele  -met  there  is  the  whole  concern;  bet  paiier 
tffe  i  ^ang  -  that  does  not  sult  his  book;  ^an 
tunbe  \)axs(  bereé  -  (el.  -met  pm  bem)  he  could 
manage  them. 

jtratnbom'boli  c  brandy  burnt  with  sugar. 

Sramlbob  shop.  -bobbrcng,  -bobgut  shop-boy. 
-bobleie  shoprent.  -bobftienb  shopman,  (foragtl.) 
counter-jumper.     -^anbeJ    retail    tråde,     -forl 

pedlar.  -fifte  chest  for  petty  ware;  fig  heap  of 
lumber.  -marfeb  fair  for  petty  ware.  Jtrantme 
nb  vt  display, 

bramme  vt  crumple,  crush.  -n  c  crumpling 

Srnnttneri'  n  -er  trumpery. 

jiramttagtig  a  fe  Krampe-. 

Rrompe  c  -r  Ocernt.)  cramp,  clasp;  (liben) 
staple;  (vaa  ^al)  loop. 

Jtram^e  c  -r  (S^gbom)  spasm,  flt,  convulsions; 
(lofal)  cramp;  ligge  i  _  be  in  a  fit:  jeg  fif  -  I 
was  taken  with  a  cramp.  -dal  electrical  eel, 
Gymnotiis  electricuH.  -Mte  varix.  -agtig  a 
spasmodic,  convulsive.  -anfafb  fit.  -braaber 
fit-drops.  -h-brag  convulsive  twitch.  -fifl  tor- 
pedo, -graab  convulsive  el.  hysteric  cryiug. 
-fnube  fe  -aore. 

jtrampefnæ  n  J^  staple-knee. 

A'ratnjiellatter  hysteric  laughter.  -roffe  fe  -fifl. 
-flag  epilepsy.  -ftnil  convulsive  smile.  -ftiUettbe 
a  antispasmodic;  _  SBlibbel  spasmodic,  anti- 
spasmodic.  -fJ^rfe  convulsive  strength.  -f^g  a 
afflicted  with  spasm.  -tilfælbe  spasmodic  affee- 
tion.    -træ!,  -trælntttg  convulsions  pi. 

Mtampo^e  c  trumpery  bag. 

tfratnSfugl  c  trush,  Turdus,  esp  fleldfare, 
Turdus  pilaris;  fe  ogf.  ©angbrolfel. 

Strambarer  trading  articles. 

*Rran  e   er  stop-cock. 

fira«  o  -er  crane;  Slnferet  er  for  -en  the  anchor 
is  a-cockbill;  fire  2lnteret  for  -en  cockbill  the 
anchor.  -afgift  cranage.  -anter  J^  bow-anchor, 
bower.  -arm  arm  of  the  crane.  -bjoelte  arm  of 
a  crane;  ^  cat-head. 

*Srane  fe  *ftran. 

jlra'nfart«j  n  sheer  hulk. 

*SrangcI  n  quarrelling,  dissension. 

•Strangle  vi  pick  a  quarrel  el.  quarrels.  -fant 
quarreller,  quarrelsome  fellow.    -t  a  intricate. 

Kranldjul  wheel  of  a  crane.  -Qobeb  top  part 
of  a  crane.    -^ttå  frame  of  a  crane. 

jtranium  n  -ter  cranium. 

tKrant  a  poor,  sorry. 

Krantcl bogter,  -bægter  ^t.  sickberth  attendant. 

Siranlmefter  master  of  the  crane.  -)?enge 

Sranå  c  -e  wreath,  garland,  chaplet;  {%o\i--) 
^  grommet;  ^  whorl;  (9iing  til  at  bære  nt)  pad; 
{paa.  ©abel)  cantle;  grønne  -e  wreaths  of  wood 
-roof;  binbe  en  _  weave,  plait  (plat)  a  garland; 
Dinbe  -en  bear  the  bell.  -aare  coronary  vein  el. 
artery.  -børfte  wild  basil,  Clinopodium.  -baniiet 
u  shaped  like  a  wreath,  coronary.  Jtranfe  et 
crown  with  flowers. 

ftranfe|binber  weaver  of  garlands.  -bunben 
a  garlanded.  -forlabning  grommet  wad.  -gilbe 
roofing  supper,  -fage  cake  made  of  macaroon 
paste  and  formed  of  a  number  of  rings  piled 
one  on  the  top  of  the  other  in  the  shape  of  a 
pyramid.  -lonbal  Solomon's  seal,  Convallaria 

fira'niffib  n  fe  -fartai. 

SfrnnSllifte  dripstone.  -naol  ^  chara.  firanS< 
ning  c  crowning  with  flowers.  SranS{nubUrrj^ 
vermicelli.  -ftiUet  a  verticillate.  *-«l  fe  ftranfe> 

Sra'ntalfel  n  crane  tackle. 

litap'  a  scant,  strait,  difflcult;  _  ©ø  fe  -fø. 

$(ra))'  c  madder,  Rvbia  tinctorum.  -abl  (2)^rfn). 
culture  of  madder;  (jpøft)  crop  of  madder,  -farbe 
red  dye  of  matter,  -farbcr  one  who  dyes  with 
madder,  -gul, -gult  madder  yellow.  -lot  madder 
-lake,  madder- carmine.  -m<He  madder  mill. 
•pXanit  madder,  m.  plant,  -rob  rootof  madder 
-r«b,  -r*bt  madder  red. 




^ra^ilffittiiet  a  hidebound.  -flaaet  a  tightly 
-laid,  short-laid.    -f«  short  sea,  chopping  sea. 

^ra))t)'t  n  rabble. 

Slroå'  a  gross,  crass. 

araé :  flaa  i  _  break  to  shivers.   -e  vi  fe  Knofe. 

tSlrfl§Ie  »i  rustle.    -n  c  rustling. 

Sttat'  n,  pi  =,  thicket,  copice,  copse,  spinny; 
t  aftebl  og  -  bag  and  baggage.  -halte  hill  over- 
grown  with  copse  wood.    -tiuff  bush. 

$trater  n  -tre  crater. 

^ratflot)  c  copse  wood. 

frotte  vt  &  i  scrape.    -ri'  n  scrawl. 

ftrattjæfft  c  shrubby  plant. 

étatt  n,  pi  —,  (gorbting)  claim,  call;  (^tgen) 
craving;  gøre  _  paa  lay  claim  to. 

*Slrot)  n  thin  crust  of  ice,  new-formed  ice. 

jlratiat'  n  row. 

*Jlrtt»e  vi  &  _  ftg  crizzle. 

Sttatit  c  -r  {paa  Slæber  og  Sinneb)  collar;  (SBr^ftt.) 
shirt-front,  shirt-bosom,  (Iø§)  false  front;  ($eI8= 
0.  1.)  tippet;  (paa  Støbler)  tops;  ^  collar;  (®ntp.) 
cover  (paa  SRør  o.  I.)  flange;  ^  limb;  tage  en  i 
-n  collar  one,  take  by  the  collar.  -baanb  collar 
-string,  -ben  collar  bone.  -fafan  ringed  pheas- 
ant.  -fttøl  bower-bird,  Chlamydera.  -flt))  shirt 
-collar.    -jærn  cfisping-iron.    -txiap  shirt-stud. 

Sratte'I  c  -er  ^1,  (i  5DæI)  carling.  -fitiggct  a carvel 
-built.    -bljgntng  carvel-work. 

^raoelUnning  band  of  a  false  front.  -IǤ  a 
coUarless.  -naal  breast-pin.  -JjorabiSfugt  superb 
paradise-bird,  Lophorina  superha.  -ftinb  leather 
for  boot-tops.  -ftauler  top-boots.  -tørKæbe  lady's 
necktie.    -øgle  ruff-lizard,  Chlamydomurus . 

^ro'Ofri  a  exempt  from  claim. 

^rat)I  n  crawling  things,  small  vermin. 
+Slrot«t  c  climplng  pole.  ^ratil|e  vi  crawl, 
creép;  -  OBer  et  (Særbe  scramble  over  a  hedge. 
-Ctt  c  creeping,  scrambling. 

StvaMUh  fe  Sraofri. 

SEreoålcerrcb  n  creas. 

jtreati'n  c  cre'atine.    -i'n  c  creat'inine. 

Srcattt'r  n  -er  animal;  pi  (Soæg)  cattle,  live 
stock;  (^aangorb)  creature;  fig  (eng)  tool.  -bt- 
fcetntng  live  stock.  -forfifnng  Insurance  of 
live  stock.  -farer  drover.  -!ommt§fio«ær  sales- 
man,  -<)a§fer  neatherd.  -f^flbomme  pi  diseases 
of  live  stock.    -f^ge  murrain.    -ttogn  cattle-box. 

ArebS  c,  pi  =,  crawflsh,  crayflsh,  Astaciia 
Jiuviatilis;  aet  crab,  cancer;  -en§  S8enbecir!el  the 
tropic  of  Cancer,  -b^r  crustacean,  crustaceous 
animal,  crustacea  pi.    Srebfc  vi  catch  crawfish. 

Src6fe|agtig  a  crustaceous.  -barn  pond  for 
crawfish.  -fangft  catching  of  crawflsh.  -gang 
retrograde  movement;  gaa  ~  go  backward;  fig 
decline,  sink.  -Ho  claw  of  a  crawfish;  ^  water 
-soldier,  Stratiotes  aloides.  -rufe  bownet,  bow 
-weel.  -fttti  Shell  of  the  crawflsh  el.  crayflsh. 
-fm«r  crab's  butter.  -ften,  -ajc  crab's  eye.  -fu))^e 
crawfish  soup. 

Sreben'fle  vt  present  after  tasting  it.  -Borb 

Atr'btt  c  cred'it. 

Slrcbtt'  c  cred'it,  trust,  F  tick;  paa  ~  on 
credit  el.  trust;  tage  paa  ~  take  upon  trust,  take 
up  upon  credit;  gtbc  -  give  credit,  trust  (one); 
mere  aabne  en  _  ^oS  lodge  el.  open  a  c.  with. 
-bctiiS  bill  of  credit.  -6ret)  letter  of  credit. 
Srcbite're  vt  (en  noget)  sell  on  credit  (to  one), 
trust  one  for  something;  (en  for  noget)  credit 
(something  to  one),  give  one  credit  for,  pass  to 
one's  c,  Srcbtti'B  n  -er  letter  of  credit;  cre- 
dentialsp^  Srcbit'|Ia§fe  credit-insti tution.  'O^f- 
ta«  goods  in  bond;  bonded  warehouse. 

wrebitoc  c  -o'cer  credltor.  -uboatg  committee 
of  inspection. 

Krebitftbe  c  ered'it-side. 


n  credit 

arebit'|f^)ilbe  loss  of  cred'it.    -tiæfcn 

Jireb§  [é]  c  -e  circle;  (af  5Serfoner)  ring;  (t5orret= 
ntngsl.)  sphere  (of  activity);  (DmgangSf.  o.  b.) 
circle;  (t^familief.)  family  circle;  (Jiiftrift)  district, 
precinct;  fe  SSalgtrebS;  i  (en)  _  in  a  circle;  Qorbeng 
_  bihl  the  face  of  the  earth;  flaa  el.  flutte  _  form 
a  circle.  -Boneorbit.  -beUOEgelfe  circular  motion, 
gyration.  -banS  ring-dance,  carol.  -bannet  a 
circular.  -belemaffinc  dividing  engine  for  toothed 
Wheels,  ^rcbfe  vt  (noget  inb)  encircle  (a  thing); 
vi  circle,  jtrcb§|f ocfattting  division  of  a  country 
in  circles.  -formanb,  -forftanber  (i  Unberftøttelfel« 
foren.)  district  visitor.  -formet  «  fe  -bannet.  -gang 
circular  course.  -inbbeling  fe  -forfatning.  -I«o 
circulation,  circular  motion;  gyration.  -munbet 
o  cy'clostome,  cyclos'tomous.  -ntnftet  orbicular 
muscle.  -ret  district  court.  -mnb  a  circular. 
-ftflb  capital  of  a  district. 

Sree're  vt  crea'te. 

Rremone'fer  (SSiolin)  c  -e  Cremo'na. 

Sremortar'tari  c  cream  of  Tartar. 

Jtrenufcrfttilbt  n  Krems  white-lead. 

Srenelc're  vt  cren'elate. 

Kreo't,  -erin'be  c  -er  Cre'ole.    -neger  cre'ol 
negro,     -ff  a  Creo'lean. 

Sreofo't  n  cre'osote. 

Sre^)'  n  crape. 

Slrepe'rle  vi  P  give  up  the  ghost;  vt  F  annoy^ 
•Ug  a  P  aggravating. 

Kre^)|flor  n  crape.  -ntafflne  craping  machine. 
Rrclp^e  vt  crape.    Stretit^et  a  (on:  Ulb)  curled. 

Jtreftontati'  c  -er  chrestom'athy. 

Sre'tia  n  Crete.   -en'fer  c  -e,  -cn'fiff  a  Cre'tan. 

Kreti  og  5piett  the  common  herd. 

Rrctt'n  c  -er  cre'tin.    -iS'me  c  cre'tinism, 

firifite  (og  frable)  vi,  fe  Krable;  creep,  have  a 
creeping,  pricking,  tiekling  sensation,  -n  d 
creeping,  creeps.  I 

Rribe'rc  vt  chalk.  « 

^rib^bib  (F  tribenbe  ^bib)  a  white  as  chalk. 

Sribt  n  chalk;  tage  paa  ~  F  ^^7  upon  tick. 
-ogtig  a  chalky.  -batte  chalk  hill.  -bjærg  chalk 
rock.  -blanbet  a  mixed  with  chalk.  -bmb 
chalk  pit.  -bannetfe  chalk-formation.  Jlribt|e 
vt  chalk.  -flint  flint  found  in  layers  of  chalk. 
-formation  fe  -bannelfe.  -grunb  (;3orb6.)  chalky 
soil;  (Walerubtr.)  chalk  priming.  -5u§  prov  &  t 
(a  kind  of)  pen-case;  fomnte  i  -et  F  get  into 
high  favour;  oære  i  -et  ^o§  en  be  in  one's  good 
graces,  in  one's  books.  +-^bib  fe  Srib^bib.  -jorb 
chalky  earth.  -flint  chalky  cliff'.  -tag  layer  of 
chalk.  -ler  chalky  clay.  -Hnic  chalk  line. 
■mergel  chalky  marl.  -^jeriobe  chalk  period, 
cretaceous  p.  -^)lbe  clay  pipe,  earthen  pipe. 
-fnor  chalk  line.  -fien  chalk  stone.  -ftreg  fe 
-linie.  -ft^IIc  piece  of  chalk.  -tegning  crayo: 
-painting;  crayon. 

Srig  c  -e  i  gripe. 

Jlrig  c  -e  war;  rufte  ftg  til  _  prepare  for  wi 
føre  ~  wage  war,  make  war,  war;  ligge  i  _  meb 
be  at  war  with ;  erllære,  forfijnbe  _  declare, 
proclaim  war  against;  fttjrte  ftg  i  _  go  to  war; 
gaa  i  _  go  to  the  wars;  tjene  i  -en  serve  in  the 
wars;  faa  gaar  bet  til  i  -,  fao  er  -enS  (Sang  wars 
bring  scars;  fætte  fin  _  igennem,  faa  fin  _  frent 
carry  one's  point;  paa  ~  in  spite.  Srigle  vi  wage 
war,  war  (against);  -e?  vd  be  at  war,  war  upon 
each  other.    -ciffenbe  «  fond  of  war. 

jiriger  c  -e  warrior.  -aanb  warlike  spirit. 
-hane  career  of  a  warrior.  -baab  warlike  exploit. 
-grao  soldier's  grave,  -bæber  military  glory. 
-!afte  warrior-caste-  -tib  feSrtg§=.  -mob  warrior's 
courage,  valour.  -ff  a  martial,  warlike.  -flan 
troop  of  warriors.  -ftanb  fe  SJrigS=.  -ftat  sta 
of  warriors.    -ære  military  honour 







Jlri'gfarcnbe  a  belligerent,  at  war;  be  _  (TOagter) 
thf  belligerent,  the  powers  at  war. 

Striøélaar  year  of  war.  -aarfag  cause  of  war. 
-abet  military  nobility.  -afabcmi  military  acad- 
emy.  -ammunition  munitions  of  war  pi.  -an- 
ftaiter  warlike  preparatious.  -artitlcr  articles 
ofwar.  -bebriftmartial  exploit.  -bcfattng^manb 
military  commander.  -begiben^cb  military  event. 
-tefioo  "necessaries  of  war;  fe  -brug.  •bemanbing 
Je  -befætning.  -bcrcbftab  readiness  for  military 
operations,  -bcftljrelfc  war-offiee,  war-depart- 
meut.  -befætning  (\>aa  CrlogSmaub)  eomplement 
of  men.  -betjening  employment  in  the  army. 
-brug  (©fif)  visage  ofwar;  til  _  for  war-purposes. 
•Bnb  mes.'ienger  of  war.  -bubffab  massage  of 
war.  -bulber  din  of  war.  -bijgmcfter  military 
engineer.  -b^gning§funft  military  engineering. 
-ft^rbe  burden  of  war.  -blotte  booty.  -bøn  prayer 
in  time  of  war.  -boob  fe  -bebrift.  -bam))er  war 
-steamer.  -banS  war-dance.  -bommer  military 
judge.  -bragt  martial  garb.  -btigtig  a  tit  for 
(military)  service.  -bQgttg^eb  fitness  for  service, 
efficiency  for  war  purposes,  -eb  military  oath. 
■erfai'en  a  experienced  in  war.  -erfaren^eb  ex- 
perienee  in  war.  -er!l(erlnfl  declaration  of  war. 
-fag  military  art  el.  science,  -fattel  torch  el. 
flame  of  war.  -fange  prisoner  of  war.  -fangen^ 
ffab  captivity;  folbe  i  -  be  taken  prisoner;  nære 
i  _  be  prisoner  of  war.  -fare  dangers  el.  risks 
of  war.  -fartøj  man-of-war.  -fejl  strategic 
error,  -flaabe  armada,  navy.  -fob  war-e.stablisli- 
ment.  war-footing;  fætte  ipaa  ~  put  upon  the 
war-establishment,  on  a  war-footing;  fi.g  ftao  paa 
-  meb  be  at  enmity  with  -fol!  soldiers.  -fore= 
tagenbe  warlike  enterprise.  -forfaren  fe  -erfaren. 
-for^flr  trial  by  court  martial.  -forn^ben^eb  fe 
-beljot)  -forraab  military  supplies  el.  stores. 
-h-ftjrfte  warlike  priuce,  warrior  prince.  +-færb 
military  exploits.  -farelfe  warfare.  -farenbe  fe 
8rig'.  -gal  «  (madly)  bent  upon  war,  bellicose. 
•galffab  mania  for  war,  warlike  ardour.  -gub 
god  of  war.  -gubittbe  goddess  of  war.  -^aanb^ 
oær!  tråde  of  war.  t-I)anbe(  fe  -færb.  -^abn 
military  port,  (©ø=)  naval  port.  -^ctb  success 
in  war.  -^ett  martial  hero,  warrior  hero.  -berotb 
herald  of  war.  -^erre  (trigerff  Jlonge  el.  g^rfte) 
warlike  king  el.  prince;  king,  sovereign.  -^eft 
warhorse,  charger,  steed.  -^iftorie  history  of 
war,  military  history.  -^tftortff  a  forfatter  mili- 
tary historian.  -4J(C()>  military  aid.  -l)t)I  war 
-whoop.  -^ær  army.  -l)«bbing,  -IjebebSmanb 
militarv  ehief.  -inbftgt  fe  erfarenfteb.  -junlc  war 
junk.  "tSirigfl  a  fe  iflrigerfl.  Sr»g§|tammerat 
fellovvsoldier  el.  officer,  companion  in  arms. 
-tano  war  canoe.  -faSfc  army  chest,  military 
chest.  -flogffab  prudence  in  war,  military 
sagacity.  -tlceber  vi  military  elothing.  -flagt 
fe  -llogffob.  -fommiSfær  commissary.  -Ientra= 
banbe  contraband  of  war.  -lontrlbutton  (forced) 
contribution.  -Iorref)>onbance  war  correspond- 
ence.  -lorrefponbcnt  war  correspondent.  -lunft 
art  of  war,  military  art.  -t^nbig  a  skilled  in 
the  art  of  war.  -larm  din  of  war.  -lejr  camp. 
■len  military  feofif.  -tip  stratagem.  -lib  military 
life.  -lob  martial  law.  -lur  poet  war-trumpet. 
-ll)!te  lortune(s)  el.  chances  of  war.  -liften  a 
desirous  of  war.  -l«n  reward  for  military  ser- 
vice, -lofen  watchword.  -magt  military  force, 
(tilbaitbo)  naval  force,  -monb  warrior.  -marinen 
the  (Royal)  navy.  -mafftne  engine  of  war. 
•materiel  material  ofwar,  warmaierial.  -minifter 
minister  of  war,  war  minister,  (i  dnglanb)  secre- 
tary  of  war.  -minifter ium  war-offlce  el.  depart- 
ment;  (i  Gngt.)  horse-guards.  -moteft  molcstation 
ofwar.  -mufl!  martial  muslc.  -orafoftnlngerp^  ex- 
penses  ofwar.   -opbub  levy  call  to  arms.  -o^era< 

Sarfen:  SJanft^Sngelft  Drbbog. 

tioner  warlike  operations,  -optrin  fe  -begioen^eo. 
•orben  order  of  war.  -panit  warscare.  -plan 
warlike  scheme.  -præmie  war  premium.  -pub8  fe 
-lift.  -raab  war  cry,  battle  shout.  -raob  c  (Ittel) 
councillor  of  war.  -raob  n  (Jorfamling)  council 
of  war.  -ralet  military  el.  war  rocket,  -rebffab 
implement  of  war.  -ret  (ftrigenS  9Jetttg^.)  law 
of  war;  (bømmenbe  fRet)  court  martial;  fætteS  unbet 
_  be  tried  by  a  court  martial.  -rlfilo  risk  of 
war.  -ruftning  (Ubtuftn.  til  S)  preparation  for 
war;  (Krigers  9?uftn.  ofb.)  warlike  equipment. 
-r^gte  rumour  of  war.  -fang  war-song.  -flabe 
damage  by  war.  -ffabeSerftatning  war  indemnity. 
-ffat  war-tax,  contribution.  -fffb  man  of  war, 
warship.  -ffit  usage  of  war.  -ffole  military 
academy;  (SrigenS  ©I )  school  ofwar.  -ffrig  war 
-cry.  -flueplabS  theatre  el.  seat  of  war.  -fl^tå 
ordnance.  -ffæbne  fortuue  of  war.  -fpiUet  the 
game  of  war.  -fprog  (technical)  military  language. 
-ftanb  (årigerft.) military  profession,  -ftien  the  war 
trail  el.  path.  -ft^r-  fe  -ftat.  -ft^rte  fe  -magt. 
-f»)8fel  military  business,  -tlb  time  of  war. 
-tibenbe  news  of  war.  -tilftelbe  case  of  war. 
-tilftanb  warlike  situation,  -tjenere  military 
service,  war  service;  ftaa  i  ~  serve  in  the  army; 
gøre  -  do  military  duty;  gaa  i  franfl  _  enter 
the  French  army.  -tog  military  expedition. 
-tribnn  military  tribune,  -tugt  military  discip- 
line.  -tummel  turraoil  of  war.  -ubfigter  warlike 
prospects.  -uroligf)eb  troubles  of  war.  -baaben 
warlike  weapons.  -bant  a  skilled  in  war.  -biben- 
ffab  military  science.  -biS  usage  of  war.  -^-bilb 
fe  -gal.  -bogn  war-chariot.  -bttfen  military 
matters,  -ære  military  honour  el.  glory.  -øjemeb  : 
i  _  for  war  purposes,  for  the  purposes  of  war. 
-»belfe  military  exercise.    -øberfte  chief. 

Srif  c  k  n  -ler,  ^riHe  c  -r  (^g)  nag. 

Srit'anb  c  teal,  Anas  crecca. 

Sri'Ict  cricket;  fpiHe  -  play  (at)  cricket,  cricket. 
-lamp  cricket-match.  -fpiUer  cricketer.  -fpiUet 
the  game  of  cricket. 

StviUc  vi  itch,  tiugle,  prick;  vt  tickle.  -^oftc 
tickling  cough  -n  c  pricking,  etc.  -f^ge 

Érim'  n  the  Crimea. 

*Strim(e)  c  fe  ©iiue. 

Srimlna'lacrim'inal.  'bomsentence.  -bommer 
judge  of  a  crown- court.  Sriminalift'  c  -er 
crim'inalist.  Srtminol|(lob)bog  penalcode.  -pro= 
ceS  crirainal  proceedings.  -ret  (fiobe)  criminal 
law;  (feloe  JRetten)  crim'inal  court.  -fag  criminal 
case.  kriminel'  a  criminal;  _  gorbrljbelfe  c.  el. 
indictable  offence;  _  tiltale  c.  process. 

^rimfrigen  the  Crime'an  war. 

KrimStramS  n  trumpery, 

String  (t  &  poet)  fe  Omfring.  -bygget  a  built 
rouud.    -bøjet  a  bent  round. 

^ringel.,  fe  Srinfel-. 

jtringle  c  -r  ring-twisted  cake  el.  bun,  twist; 
^  figure  of  eigth;  *small  circular  disk. 

String Itøbenbe  a  surrounding  -fto  vt  .shoe  on 
all  four  feet,  shoe  all-fours.  -fltttte  vt  environ, 
beset,    -fætte  vt  place,  set  round;  fe  -ftutte. 

Arintellgange  pi  meanderings.  -!roge  pi  odd 
nooks  and  corners. 

Strinoli'ne  c  -r  crin'oline. 

tering  c  fe  StebS. 

Strife,  Strip  c  -r  crisis. 

Stridlejærn  n  glass-cutter. 

Strifplc  vt  (Bæber)  board.  Srlfpeltræ  boarding 

SErift  fe  Sriftu«.  Kriftelig  a  Christian,  Christian 

driften  a  Christian;  en  _  a  Christian,  -bom  c 
Christianity.  -bomdfunbflab  Christian  knowl- 
edge.   -f orfølgelfe  perseciition  of  the  Christians. 





-ftei)  o  Christendom.  -jorb  consecrated  ground. 
•Inalie  christening  gown.  -liti  Christian  life. 
-tro  Christian  faith.    -tej  christening  clothes. 

^cifti  himmelfart  the  ascension  of  Christ;  _ 
$.=2!ag  Ascension-dav;  -  s8Iob8broa6e  fuchsia, 
RrifJian  Christian.  Striftl'ne  Christina.  Srift= 
itt'be  c  -r  Christian  (woman).  ^riftmaaneb  De 
cember.  ^riftne  vt  Christen.  Srlftoff'er  Chris'- 
topher,  Kit.  ^rift))almc  Palma  Christi,  castor 
-oil  plant.  Krifttorn  holly,  Ilex,  Christ's  thorn, 
Rhamnus  apina  Christi. 

SriftttS  c  Christ;  fer  _  B.  C,  before  Christ. 
-binebe  image  of  Christ.  -orbenen  the  Order  of 

j{rit|e'rittm  n  -ier  criterion.  -il'  c  -er  crit'l- 
cism,  crlti'que;  (SRecenfion)  revlew;  unber  al  _ 
contemptible,  below  notice.  -ilal'Ier  c  .e  criti- 
caster.  -'ifcr  c  -e  critic;  (Kecenfent)  reviewer. 
-if'I«8  a  uncrltical.  -ife're  vt  crit'icise.  -ife'tinfl 
c  crit'lcising,  criticism.    -'ifl  a  criti cal. 

+Sritle  [t.]  vi  carp,  cavil,  pick  holes. 

Srltte :  Søb  og  _  !  r  by  Jove ! 

Sito  c  er  (6dS  gugle)  craw,  crop.  firo  fig  vr 
swell  the  craw;  fig  plume  one's  self,  look  big. 

Svo  c  -er  (wayside)  inn;  public  (house),  ale- 
house,  tavern;  house  of  call  (for  journeymen). 
-agtis  a  tavern  llke. 

Hroa't  c  -er  Cro'at.  -ien  n  Croa'tia.  -iff  a 

brobue  c  powter,  cropper,  Columba  gutturosa. 

Rrocjcr  inn-keeper.  tåroerffe  c  -r,  fe  Protone. 
Srt)fa(be)r  host  of  a  house  of  call. 

firog  [aoi]  c  -e  (Stffrog,  8.  i  en  Stue)  corner, 
nook;  (3ærn  )  hook,  crook;  (fJifleO  hook;  *round 
-about  way,  detour;  fætte  -en  for  S)øren  hook  the 
door;  fpænbe  _  for  en  trip  up  one's  heels;  SJejen 
gør  en  -  the  road  makes  a  bend;  Bibe  ooo  -en 
catch  el.  swallow  the  bait,  rise  to  the  bait,  blte 
at  the  hook;  faa  en  fjifl  )f(xti  -en  hook  a  flsh; 
*"trælfe  _  puU  each  other  by  the  fingers,  -armet 
a  having  crooked  arms.  -benet  a  crook-legged. 
-bib  crooked  bit  (for  hard-mouthed  horses). 
•blof  »t  hook-block.  Jtrogje  vt  crook;  t(en  35ør) 
hook.  -et  a  crooked;  *tricky,  wlly.  -flffert 
angling.    -^dlfet  a  crooknecked. 

$vo'g|tæti  [oa]  hooked  stick,  crook.  •llam- 
VXt{v)  timber-dog,  holdfast.  -IoI§  old  male  sal- 
mon, -liniet  fe  ftrumliniet.  -Io>»  law  quibble. 
•Slroglttc  (frolne)  vi  crook.  -næb  pine-bullfineh, 
Corvthus  enueleator.  -nccfct  a  hook-nosed.  -nøgle 
pick-loek.  -:))oter  pi  crooked  claws.  -rigget  a 
crook-backed.  *-fIab  corner-press.  -H)^b  barbed 
spear.  -ftob  (Srtjtfe)  crutch;  fe  SBif^jeftat).  -tunb 
(^o§  $efte)  eyetooth.  -tang  crooked  tongs  el. 
pincers.  -iatvx  ileum.  -tentntet  crooked  timber. 
-bej  circuitous  el.  round-about  way,  fig  gaa  (ab) 
-e  use  indirect  el.  underhånd  means. 

jlrolgænger  c  -e  tavern-haunter.  -gæft  visitor 
at  an  inn. 

Srøl^olb  keeping  of  a  country  inn.  -|oIber 
inn-keeper.    -^u8  fe  Sro. 

•Srol  fe  trog. 

^rofe  re  vi  (i  Srolet)  croque,  croquet. 

Sfrolelre  vt  (tegne)  sketch,  -ring  c  (eye-) 

Strol'et  c  croquet. 

^roli'  n  -er  eye-sketch. 

*Strotne  [6]  fe  Krogne. 

Srofabit'de)  c  -r  croc'odile.  -graab,  -taarer 
croeodile  tears. 

^rolone  c  ale-wife,  mistress  of  a  country  inn. 

SrofttS  c  -er  crocus. 

J{roIib  n  tavern  life. 

^rom  [6]  n  chro'me,  chromium.  -ottttt  chrome 

Arolwanb  fe  -l^olber. 






joiff ' 

^roma'tif!  a  chromat'le. 

^romlgren,   -grønt    chrome  green,     -gnl 
chrome-yellow.    -4qbro£l)b  chromic  hydrate. 

Promil ((orib  chromic  chloride.   -folt  chro 
salt  (0.  fl.). 

Kromo(be)r  fe  -lone. 

SIromofalt  chromous  salt  (o.  fl.) 

Sromloj^b  chromic  oxide.  -røb  a  chrome  red 
-furt  ©Qlt  cliromate;  _  Soli  chromate  of  potash 
ofb.    -fttre  chromic  acid  el.  anhydride 

Sroniaor  golden  year.  *-orbejbe  hard  laboi 
for  the  support  of  an  illegitimate  child.    *-n 
bejber  one  sentenced  to  hard  labour  in  support 
of  his  child.   -ortiflot  (true)  artichoke.    -arbing 
heir  to  the  crown.   -ben  coronal  bone.   -e-beti« 
ojOacer  of  the  crown.     -blab  petal.    -btil  cro 
tin-plate.    -bor  crown-saw.    Sron|borg  Cronei 
burg.   t-boler  crown-piece.   -bue  crested  plgeo: 
Columba  coronata.    -itft  red.  deer. 

Jlrone  c  -r  crown;  coin  of  the  value  of  100 
Pre  (1  s.  IVs  d.);  («J5ot)e-)  tiara;  (SlbetSIr.,  (Sreoefr.) 
coronet;  (af  et  Iræ)  top,  crown;  (Slomfterfr.) 
corol,  corolla;  (of  ^OB)  coronet;  (fttnbtænberS) 
corona;  fe  TOønt;  *6an  er  en  -  he  is  a  jewel;  fætte 
-n  paa  fig  crown,  put  the  copingstone  on. 
Srone  vt  crown;  (Snben  -r  S8ær!et  the  evening 
crowns  the  day.  -bannet  a  coronary,  coroni- 
form.  -fiftel  fistula  in  the  coronet.  -gnlb  gold 
of  eighteen  carats.  -tnoerte  broken  knee.  -ntærfet 
a  stamped  with  a  crown.  -^obning  crown  graft- 
ing, -^r^bet  a  adomed  with  a  crown.  -føm 
coronal  suture,  -tr«  standard  tree.  —  ftro'n|  = 
fiftel  quittor.    -glaS  crown-glass. 

*SrongIet  [6]  a  knotty,  rugged 

^ro'nigobS  crown-land.  -gulb  feftrone=.  -^jo 
(royal)  stag.    -^jnl  crown-wheel. 

^ronil'  c  -er  chron'icle. 

kroning  c  coronation.  —  JtroningSjbag  da: 
of  coronation.  -bater  coronation  medal.  -bigt 
coronation  poem.  -bragt  coronation  garb.  -fO' 
fline  trench  fascine.  -feft  coronation.  -tnebalje, 
-mønt  fe  -baler.  -ffot  tax  imposed  on  account 
of  a  coronation.    -tog  coronation  procession. 

^ro'niff  a  chron'ic. 

Stro'nijærn  crown-iron.  -jurift  crown-lawyer, 
Kings  counsel.  -jubel  crown  jewel.  -lanb  fe 
-gob§.  -len  crown  feoff.  -liljer  liliaceous  piants. 
-Iø§  a  apetalous.    -ntaft  mast-tree. 

Sirono|gra'f  c  -er  chron'ograph.  -lo'g  c  -er 
chronol'oger.  -logi'  c  chronol'ogy.  -lo'gifl  a 
chronolog'ical.  -me'ter  n  -tre  chronom'eter. 
-nteteriagttagelfe  chronomet'ric  observation. 
-meterltengbe  longitude  by  chronometer.  -ttteter= 
mager  c  -e  chronom'eter-maker.  -ffo'^i  n  -er 

S$ro'n|))rinS  prince  royal,  crown-prince.  -(»rin- 
feSfe  princess  royal,  crown-princess.  -^rceten^ 
bent  pretender  to  the  crown.  -rage  vt  shave 
the  crown  of.  -raget  a  tonsured,  shaven-headed. 
-ragning  tonsure.  -røber  usurper  of  the  crovni. 
•ffabe  (Qo§  ^eftf)  crown-scab.  -^albet  a  bald  on 
the  crown.  -ffat  tax  paid  to  the  crown.  -pilt 
fe  iBlomfterftill.  -tin  crown-tin.  -trane  crowned 
crane,  Balearica.  -bilfe  scorpion-senna,  Coro- 
nilla.  -uilbt  red-deer  pi.  -bærl  (t  fjæftning) 

jtrontering  c  inn-keeplng. 

^ronoert  c  crown-pea,  Pitum  umbeliatum 

Mvop'  c  -pt  (Begeme)  body;  (uben  ^obeb, 
og  Sen)  trunk,  barrel;  (flagtet)  carcase;  P  fellow; 
ftraffeS  :poa  -pen  suffer  corporal  punishment;  rQfte 
o»er  fin  Iiele  _  shake  all  over,  :^on  :^ar  itle  ©fjorte 
paa  -ven  he  has  no  shirt  to  his  back. 

Strob'  c  (^08  9Jlenneftet)  bronchocele,  struma, 
Derbyshire  neck;  (^os  $efle)  strangles  pl\  fe 
-falat;  §eften  f)at  ~  the  horse  is  affected  with  the 






strangles.  -anft  common  shoveller,  Anax  dypeata. 
-bali)rian  ?e  -falat.   -btjlb  swelling  of  the  glands. 

Sirotibrøj  a  stont,  bulky. 

firojibuc  fe  firofcue. 

SJrojificr  c  body-feather. 

Jtroiilfto!)  discharge  from  the  nostrils  of  a 
lioise  affected  with  the  strangles.  -^alfet  a 
having  a  strumous  swelling  of  the  neck,  (om 
jpefle)  thick-necked.  -ftofte  (^o§  ^efte)  cough 
from  the  strangles.  -Inube  (l^oS  TOenneftet) 
bronchocele,  struma ;  (^oé  Jpeften)  swelling  of 
the  glands  (in  the  lower  jaw). 

j{ro)>|(inneb  body -linen,  -(uå  body-louse, 
PediculuR  carports.     -lug  a  bodiless. 

^a)imtbbe(  remedy  for  the  struma  el.  the 
strangles.  :)lroti)iert  c  -er,  fe  Srobue.  Strop- 
))Ultier  (til  ^efte)  powder  against  the  strangles. 

^ro))ringc  p/  (ring-like)  sections. 

liroplrob  knotted  figvvort,  Serophularia  nodona. 
-falat  corn  .salad,    Valerianeila  olitoria. 

+Rro|>f>nibi8  a  supple. 

Rro^ifnttttc  c  contagion  of  the  strangles. 

Sro<>|ftt)tfc  fe  -linneb. 

Jh:o{rrttig^eb  privilege  of  keeping  a  country 
inn.  -ff ilt  sign  ofa  country  inn.  -ftue  common 
room  (of  an  inn). 

*Sttott  vt  adom  with  scrolls  el.  spiral  ornar 

{{roto'ttolie  c  cro'ton-oil. 

Krojtiært  fe  -^olber. 

Krncifitd'  n  -er  cru'ciflx.l 

Jtrubt  (t^rub)  n  powder,  gun-powder;  t  = 
»plante;  _  og  Sugler  powder  and  shot;  flQbe  meb 
left  _  fire  blank;  ^an  ^ar  ifte  opfunbet  -et  he  is 
no  conjurer,  no  great  luminary,  he  will  never 
set  the  Thames  on  fire;  ilfe  et  ©lub  ~  »ærb  not 
worth  powder  and  shot;  {|on  bar  brugt  olt  fit  _ 
he  has  shot  all  his  bolts.  -liti)oIbning  fe  -forroab. 
*-brcenbcr  dwarf-orchis,  Orvhis  ustulata.  -bant^ 
smoke  (of  gunpowder).  -fabritatton  mauufao- 
ture  of  gunpowder.  -flamme  flash  of  powder. 
•forraab  supply  of  gunpowder.  -ft)(biug  All- 
ing powder.  -ga8  powder -smoke.  -grekier 
coarse  gunpowder.  -jenter  c  -e  J,  powderman. 
-t)Orn  powder-horn,  powder-flask.  -^u8  store 
■house  for  powder.  -lammer  powder -room. 
■farte  powder  cart,  lumbrel.  *-!jærring  maroon. 
•tlumlftv  rotten  powder.  -!orn  grain  of  powder. 
-tul  charcoal  for  gunpowder.  -Iielbcr  powder 
-cellar.  -(åbning  charge  of  powder.  -(anger 
>X.  powderboy.  -(angning  handing  powder. 
•(angningSrum  J^  handing  room.  -(cbning 
train  of  gun-powder.  -(ugt  smell  of  gunpowder. 
-maa(  powder-measure.  -magafin  powder-maga- 
zine.  -mine  (powder-)mine.  -møQe  powder 
-mill.  -møUer  gunpowder  maker.  -i)))fe|ning 
sweepings  of  gunpowder.  -))anbe  powder-pan. 
-p{tt  spot  OU  the  skin  from  gun  powder. 
•ptUtmaVit ,  -volert«nbe  glazing  tub.  -)irøbe 
test  el.  trial  of  gun-powder.  -(irøtier  instrument 
for  testing  gun-powder.  -rcnbc  train  of  gun 
-powder.  -rum  powder-room.  -r»B  fe  bamj). 
-fammcnfbærgclfcn  the  gunpowder  plot.  -fat§ 
powder-composition.  -f!ib  powder- vessel.  -flam, 
-fob  fouliug,  foulness.  -fo(b  powder-sieve.  -fliiib 
waste  of  powder.  -((irænge  vt  blast,  blow  up 
with  powder.  -ft^rte  strength  of  gunpowder. 
•føam^  sponge  prepared  with  gun-powder. 
•taarn  powder  magazine.  -t«nbe  powder-barrel. 
•oogn  powder- wHggon.    -bærf  powder- works. 

Srulte  c  -r  pitcher,  jar;  (9lpote!cr)  gallipot; 
en  _  S  mor  a  crock  of  butter,  -n  gaar  faa  længe 
til  SBonbS,  til  ben  fommer  ^onteløS  ^jem  the  pitcher 
goes  to  the  well  till  it  comes  home  broken  at 
last;  fmaa  r  ^abe  ogfaa  Øren  little  pitchers  have 
large  ears;    p    gioe  en  pac   -n  box  one's  ears. 

-bannet,  -formig  a  shaped  like  a  jar  el.  pot,  5^ 
urceolate.  -^anf  handle  el.  ear  of  a  jar.  -((ettge 
^  jar  sling. 

'^SlruU  c  -er  curl,  cluster. 

Sirum"  a  curved,  crooked;  _  fitnie  curved  il. 
curvilinear  line;  t  %Bmmn  compass-timber. 
•benet  fe  |»iuI6enet.  -bi((c)  hollow  adze.  -blot 
(Sfom.)  cramp.  -bugtning  winding.  -bøjet  a 
l)owed,  curved.  -bannet  a  curved  -bre|et  a 
twisted  into  a  curve.  -fingret  a  with  crooked 
fingers,  -fobet  a  with  crooked  feet.  -^a(§  bu- 
gloss,  Lycopsii  nrvennis.  -lnoX^tt  n  wry-necked. 
Arnm^eb  c  crookedness  årum{^o(t  ic  -tømmer. 
-boltf^r  dwarf  mountain-pine,  PinuH  pumilu. 
-^Oltolie  Hungarian  balsam,  -dorn  cromorna. 
-dornct  a  with  crooked  horns.  -Qulet  a  hollowed 
in  a  curve.  -tage  (roUed)  wafer.  -tam  curved 
comb.  -tnib  curved  knife.  -tncett  o  knock 
-kneed.  -(iniet  n  curvilinear.  -(øbeube  a  wind- 
ing, tortuous.  brumme  vt  bend,  bow;  jeg  bit 
ilfe  _  et  ^aor  paa  i)ani  ^ooeb  I  will  not  hurt  a 
hair  of  his  head;  _  ftg  bend,  fip  (om  $erfon) 
cringe,  crouch. 

Jlrummc  c  -r  crumb;  -r  ere  ogfaa  93røb  still  he 
flsheth,  thatcatcheth  one.  -f Rrumme  c<  crumble. 
-batte  crumb-tray.    -berfte  crumb-brush, 

Strummelu'rer  pi  f  convolutions,  twists,  flour- 

Jtrummefuttcr  fe  ©ruefuffer. 

Strumlning  c  lænding  etc,  bend,  curve,  curv- 
ature.  -ningérabiuS  radius  ofcurvature.  -nocbbet 
a  with  a  curving  beak.  -næfe  acquiline  nose, 
hook-nose.  -nafet  «  having  an  acquiline  nose, 
hook-uosed.  -obtt  cupole  smelting-fumace. 
-<>a8fcr  caliper  fcaliber)  compassesp/,  calipersjj^. 

Srumtien  a  bowed  together,  doubled  up. 

^rurnjr^gget  a  crookbacked.  -fobe(  scimitar. 
-fenter  c  J^,  harping  -^aftet  a  with  a  curved 
handle  -flutning  punishment  of  sitting  in  a 
doubled  up  posture,  -fnoet  a  twisted.  -f|)rtng 
pi  capers,  gambols,  antics;  gøre  _  cut  capers; 
fig  shuffle,  prevaricate.  -ftab  fe  58ifbeftob.  -tang 
crooked  tongs  pi.  -tap  crank.  -ta))arm  crank 
web.  -ta^bo(t  crank-pin  (o.  fl.).  -tarm  ileum. 
-tømmer  compass-timber,  knee-timber.  -t>ej  fe 
Srogbej.    -botlet  a  grown  in  a  curve. 

Srub))ft  fianon  Krupp  gun. 

Strué  n  -e  jug,  mug,  cruise, 

SttuS  n  ripple;  p  complimentary  nonsense, 
fiiss.    -btabet  a  with  curled  leaves. 

•Kru'Sbrot  n,  pi  =,  pot-sherd. 

Slrufe  rt  (^aoret)  curl,  erisp,  ripple,  (en  ©trim' 
mel)  ruffle;  vi  f  ~  for  en  make  a  great  fuss 
about  one;  ~  ftg  ripple.  jtrufe  c  -r  ripple. 
-buU'et  flourishes.  -j«rn  crisping  iron.  -mafline 
frilling  machine.  -m^n'te  curled  mint,  Mentha 
criipa.  -naot  crisping  pin.  ^rufet  a  curly; 
gøre  en  ^obebet  _  Avorry  one. 

*Sru'8fab  n  earthen  dish. 

Sru'ålflor  feSrepflor.  -Ijaor  curly  hair.  -^aaret 
a  curly-haired.  -bammcr  facing-hammer.  -dju( 
milling- wheel.  -i)Obeb  curly  head;  fig  odd,  ill 
tempered  fellow.  -taai  crisped  colewort.  JiruS= 
ning  c  curling  etc;  (paa  SBanb  o.  1.)  ripple. 
StruSl(>ai(etter  pi  friezed  spangles.  -ptt^Ue 
curled  par.sley. 

Sruftace'et  pi  crusta'ceans. 

St'rufte  c  crust.    Sruftcret  a  crus'tated. 

*Slru'ét«j  n  earthenware,  crockery(-ware). 

j{rtt8u(bet  a  with  curly  wool 

Kr^  a  proud,  self-assured,  conceited;  plucky, 
spry,  brisk. 

*iRr^  vi  crawl  about  in  great  numbers,  swarm. 

Srtjb  n,  pi  =,  vermin,  creeping  things. 

Krabbe  c  -r  manger,  crib;  naar  -n  er  tom,  bibeS 
^eflene   when  poverty   comes  in  at  the  door, 





love  leaps  out  of  the  window,  when  the  stall 
is  empty  the  horses  bite  each  other.  -hittt 

SttX)'f>\benne  kidney-bean.    -bijr  reptile. 

$ixt)it,  frøb,  frøbet  vi  creep;  (!raole)  crawl;  fe 
_  inb;  man  maa  lære  at  -,  før  man  Ian  gaa  you 
must  learn  to  creep  before  you  go;  fig  ~  for  en 
fawn  upon,  cringe  to;  bet  frøb  i  ^am  he  fretted 
(inwardly);  man  ton  lige  faa  gerne  f<)ringe  i  bet 
fom  -  i  bet  it  is  no  use  beating  about  the  bush; 
_  inb  (om  %ei)  shrink;  mine  SSenllæber  -r  o»  my 
trowsers  keep  getting  up;  _  o  O  er  et  dSærbe 
scramble  over  a  hedge;  _  fa  mm  en  crouch;  fe 
Sorg;  —  frtjbenbe  a  crawling;  ^  trailing;  fig 
servile,  cringing,  grovelling,  -fifl  climbing 
perch,  Anabae  acandena.    t-lroge  fe  -ftang. 

^rqbjen  c  creeping;  fig  cringing.  -et  c  -e 
creeper;  fi,g  cringer.  -eri'  n  cringing.  ^tttie-- 
ftang  peg-ladder,  climbing-pole.  ^t^bning  c 
creeping;  Onbfoinbing)  shrinkage. 

Kr^blff^tte  poacher.  -fltjtteri  poaching;  *stalk- 
ing.  -tiibje  creeping  willow,  *S'ato  repen«,  -ærter 

SrObbtr  n  fe  Sr^bberi;  fi,g  fætte  ~  i?aa.  add  a 
zest  to.  -agtig  a  spicy,  aromatic.  -iat  medi- 
cated  bath.  -bveh  n  spiced  bread.  +-buft  aroma. 
ebbite  medicated  vinegar.  JtrQbberi'  n  -er  spice, 
seasoning.  ^cQbber|iugt  aroma.  -neUife  clove. 
ntVLXtttv«  clove-tree,  CaryophyUua  aromaticus. 
oft  green-cheese.  *-tieber  allspice.  -Vofe  sweet 
bag.  -fmag  aromatic  flavour.  -te  herb-tea. 
ttiebal  spiced  biscuit.  -urter  p^  aroma  tic  herbs. 
»tJt  hippocras.  -øerne  the  Spice  Islands.  Sr^bre 
vt  spice,  season;  fig  (Salen)  interlard,  point. 
Str^bret  a  spiced,  seasoned.  ^r^bring  c  season- 

^r^b§  n,  pi  =,  (torS)  cross;  ()f(ia  SOfenneffer) 
chine,  loins,  (paa  S^r)  hind-quarter,  rump; 
(SJøbferS)  brand-iron;  (for  en  9iobe)  sharp;  J, 
(Str^bltog)  cruise;  (brafet)  i  _  og  *pig  J/  apeak;  fe 
SoærS.  -baai  revenue  cruiser.  -baanb  cross 
band;  J>  cross-stay;  fe  torS=.  -barbun  mizen 
-topmast  back-stay.  -befrugtning  cross-fertiliza- 
tion.  -ben  os  sacrum.  -betient  coast-guard 
officer,  -binb  cross  bandage,  -botienbram^ 
mizen  royal,  -bram-  mizen  topgallant.  -braiS 
mizen  topsail  brace.  -btxt  arch  ogive,  cross  arch. 
-buggaarbing  mizen  topsail  buntline.  -bugltne 
mizen  topsail  bowllne.  -but  if  sheers.  -bænbfet 
cross-seizing.    -brejercb  mizen  topsail. 

Srflbfe  vt  cross,  cut  across;  (om  S^r)  cross; 
_  fig,  -8  cross  each  other,  intercross;  _  en  Snob 
^  crown  a  knot;  vi  J^  (toBere)  tack,  beat;  (fefle 
frem  og  tilbage)  cruise;  _  (fig)  op  beat  up.  -<)lttb§ 
cruising  ground.  -mrø  sea  ground.  ^r^bfer  c 
•e  cruiser. 

$tr»)bå|folb  mizen  -  topsail  halyard.  -fartøi 
revenue  cutter,  -forbanbt  cross-bond.  -forljar 
crost-questioning,  cross-examination.  -formure 
vt  cross-question,  cross-examine.  -gibtob  m. 
topsail  clewline.  -gøbS  J,  mizen  rigging.  -jam- 
mer cross-hammer.  -^ott  ^1,  kevel,  cavil.  -^Obeb 
(®mp.)  cross-head.  -^ug  (gil)  second  course. 
-^Oiroel  sacral  vertebra.  -(joiclo,  -^DcelDing  cross 
-vault.  -ilb  cross -fire.  -jolle  mizen -topmast 
rope.  -jærn  brand-iron.  -Itampe  ^  belaying 
cleats.  -Inap  ^  mizen  truck,  -futter  revenue 
-cutter,  -tam  a  paralytic  in  the  loins.  -føbenbe 
a  runuing  cross-wise.  -røaft  mizen  mast.  -mejf el 
cross-cut  chisel.  -ntærS  mizen-top.  -mærfe= 
mizen- topsail.    -mcerdfejl  mizen  topsail. 

SirtjbSning  c  crossing  etc;  (om  Stjr)  crossing, 
intercross(ing),  interbreeding.  ^rl)bétting§Vuntt 
n  crossing(-point). 

ftr^biSjopf^n  coast-guard.  -pejling  (taking) 
cross-bearings.     -))erfonatet  ^  the  coast-guard 





(men),  -puntt  intensecting  point  of  two  lines, 
-roo  mizen  topsail  yard.  -rofle  m.  topmast 
parral  rope.  -rejSning,  -rig  m.  topmast  rigging. 
-rem  crupper.  -fatnltng  cross,  diagonal  bracing. 
-fi^attcring  fe  -ft^gning.  -fejl  m.  topsail.  -fejD 
fftb  full-rigged  ship.  -fttjgning  counter  el.  cross 
-hatching.  -ff^ffraber  mizen  skysail.  -fføber  m. 
topsail  sheets.  *-ffaite  small  revenue-cutter. 
-flag  J,  cross-turn.  -fnit  crucial  incision.  -fpring 
caper,  -ftang  m.  topmast.  -fling  cross-stitch. 
-ftiber  (2)mp.)  cross-stay.  -ftreg  cross,  -flrenget 
a  overstrung.  -fttengebarbun  m.  topmast  bac: 
stay.  -ftængefaling  m.  topmast  cross-tree  (c.  fl; 
-furring  cross-lashing.  -tog,  -togt  cruise.  -t  ' 
mizen  masthead.  -toplent  mizen  topsail  li 
-topSgofter  mizen  topmen.  -tur  cruise.  -tømmer 
coupling  reins.  -tørn  cross-turn.  -Pant  n  mizen 
topmast  shrouds.  -Pej  cross-road.  -pinbe  wind- 
lass.  -»)i8  adv  cross-wise,  across.  -PAfenet  the 
preventive  service. 

*Sr»)Ije,   Sir^Ite  c  -r  (Sfugt)  kittiwake,  La 

Sr^tfe   c   -r   crutch;   gaa  paa   -r   walk   wH 
crutches.    -bannet,  -formig  a  in  the  form  of  a 
crutch.    -Ior§  her  potence.   -ftaP,  -ftot  fe  Srtjffe. 

Strømpe  vt  (om  Slæbe)  shrink,  sponge;  —  vf 
shrink,  run.  up;  _  fig  fammen  shrink;  fig  ~  ~ 
(fom  en  Crm)  writhe,  _  fig  oeb  et.  for  be  loa 
el.  reluctant  to,  shrink  from,  hang  back  from 
tSrJjra^jel  c  -pier  stunted  tree.  Sr^mpfri  a 
shrinkless.  -i-^r^mpling  c  -er  cripple.  $trt)mp' 
ning  c  shrinking. 

Krtjolfo'r  c  -er  cryoph'orus.  -lit'  c  -er  cry'olite. 

^r^pte  c  -r,  SEr^ptfirle  c  -r  crypt 

Srt)pto|go'm  a  cryptog'amous,   cryptogamli 
-ga'mer  pi  crypt'ogams. 

t^rpétingcr  pi  fe  Sijttebær. 

Srflfo|lit-  c  -er  chrys'olite.  -^ra'S  c  chrys'o 

Sir^ftar  c  -ler  crys'tal.  -agttg  a  crys'taUine. 
-form  form  of  a  crystal,  chrys'talline  form. 
-gla§  (®(a§  af  S.)  crystal  glass;  (Sr^ftal)  crystal. 
-grube  mine  of  rock  crystal.  -^inbe  membrane 
of  the  crystalllne  lens.  -tlar  a  (clear  as)  crystal, 
crystalUne.    -linfe  crystalline  lens. 

Sroftalli  |nff  «  crystalline.  -fe'reS  vp,  -fe're 
fig  vr  crys'tallise,  be  cry'stallized.  -fe'ring  c 
crystalliza'tion.  jtr^ftartift  a  crys'taUine.  ^rt)- 
ftallograft'  c  crystallog'raphy. 

$tr^ftal'|ren  a  pure  as  crystal.  -fait  salt  in 
crystals.  -fnegl  vitrine,  -fpat  spar  resembling 
rock-crystal.  -f^ftem  system  of  crystallization , 
crystallograph'ic  system,  -f æbe  transparent  soap. 
-Panb  water  of  crystallization. 

Er^fte  vt  squeeze,  press;  _  en  i  fine  Strme  hug 

^r^fter  c  -e  coward.  -agtig  a  cowardly.  -i' 
n  cowardice. 

Sræ,  n,  pi  ==,  creature,  animal;  t(Sbæg)  cattle. 

Sræft  c  (S^gbom)  cancer;  (i  Sræer)  canker. 
•agtig  a  cancerous;  cankerous.  -b^lb  cancerous 
ulcer.    -celle  cancer-cell. 

Sræfter  pi  af  Sraft. 

^rteftjfnube  cancerous  induration,  schirru;?. 
-mibbel  remedy  against  cancer,  -faar  cancerou;« 
sore.  -f aft  cancerous  discharge,  -f alpe  unguent 
against  cancer,  -ffabe  fe  -faar.  -fPUlft  cancerous 
tumour.    -panb  lotion  for  cancer. 

^riege  c  -r  buUaee,  Prunus  imititia. 

*^ræt  n  fe  Sr^B.    -e  vi  creep,  crawl. 

Sræfebccr  n.  jtrcefling  c  black  crowberry^ 
crake,  Empetrum  nigrum. 

Skræmmer  c  -e  shopkeeper,  retailer.  -aanb 
spirit  of  a  shopkeeper,  -breng  shopboy.  -fol! 
nation  of  sbopkeepers.  -^u§  cornet,  cap,  coffin; 
^  ochrea.    -fneb  shopkeeper's  trick,    -latin  dog 







-latin,  -iatt  Corporation  of  shopl^eepers,  -rfg= 
ning  shopbill.  -fjæl  mercenary  soul.  -ftienii 
shopman.    -ticegt  avoirdupois. 

•Rrocmte  vi  clear  one's  throat,  cough. 

t^ræng  a  smart,  elever. 

Strænge  vi  ,^.  lie  along,  careen,  heel;  —  vt 
tum  inside  out;  J,.  (oBcr  til  ftBl^aling)  heave 
down.  Strange  c  -r,  fe  -ftil.  -ntnnb  fe  |»arpe« 
fnælfe.  -ftil  .i,  overhånd  knot,  cat's  paw.  kræng- 
ning c  turning  etc;  .^  heel,  heeling  over. 

^rtengningSlfejI  ,1.  heeling  error,  •forfeg  in- 
clining  experiment.  -ntaaler  clinometer.  -tiintel 
angle  of  heel. 

firttnfe  vt  (gare  93rub  t>aa  o.  I.)  vlolate;  (en) 
hurt,  injure,  offend,  vex,  mortify;  (en  ^ige) 
violate,    dishonour;   bet  -be  mig  I  felt   injured 

0>y); frænlenbe  a  insulting,  oflfensive.    -Ifc 

c  violation,  injury,  vexatiou,  mortification,  iu- 
dignity;  meb  -  af  in  violation  of  -r  c  -e  violator; 

StræS  t  n  dainties  pi.  Kræflc  vi  op  for  en 
treat  one  with  dainties.  t-cUg(en)  adv  hibl  deli- 
cately,  in  pleasure. 

Sræfen  a  dainty,  nice,  particular,  fastidious; 
fan  itfe  Bære  -éne  cannot  be  ehoosers.  -^et«  c 
claintiness.    -tanb  c  sweet-tooth. 

Krætå  a  sweepiugs  pi.  -nteKe  almalgamating 
mill.    -bobftntng  reduction  of  dross. 

^rcc'Oliar  a  claimable. 

^ræoe  vt  crave,  demand;  (forbre)  claim;  (fom 
SRet)  exact;  (ubfræoe)  require;  _  en  (for  ®ælb) 
demand  a  debt  of  one,  call  for  payment  of 
one's  debt,  (paatrængenbe)  dun;  ~  Sfatter  inb 
gather  el.  collect  taxes;  _  igenge  inb  collect 
money;  _  til  9?egnfta6  call  to  account;  ~  til 
SSibne  call  el.  take  to  witness;  Slfgiften  fan  -i  af 
faabanne  Sfibe  fom  the  dues  are  chargeable  on 
such  vessels  as;  IBarnet  -r  fig  the  child  wants  to 
do  something.    -n,  ^ræoning  c  craving  etc. 

jlrøbbellgang  crippled  walk.  "-floa  vt  cripple. 
-fpil  n  .i,  winch.  -f|)Ubcbbing  winch  -  bitts. 
t-træ  n  stunted  tree,  dwarf  tree.  -tiæfft  crippled 
stature.    Er«b(ing  c  -er  cripple. 

Sr«ge  vt  beud;  bet  -§  i  Jibe,  fom  gob  Srog  ffal 
blibe  soon  crooks  the  tree,  that  good  gambrel 
would  be. 

•firø!Ie  fe  ©melt. 

Rr«r  c  feftrølle.  SralHour  (prepared,  curled) 
horsehair.  -Ijaaret  a  curly-haired.  -JjaarS- 
mobroS  horsehair  mattress.    -t|Otieb  curly  head. 

Grelle  c  -r  (om  |)aar)  curl;  (om  $apir)  crease; 
{paa  (SaHton)  scroll;  (i  Jlfifl)  milt;  floa  -r  paa 
9Jæfen  turn  up  el.  ^vriukle  one's  nose  (ab  at). 
£tr«ae  vt  (om  ^aor)  curl;  (om  %ap\t,  Slæber) 
crumple,  rnmple,  tumble,  crush;  _  fig  curl; 
crumple.  -fjer  curled  feather.  -jærn  n  curling 
iron,  crimping  iron.    Sr«Hct  a  curlv;  crumpled. 

Str«l|ffæg  curly  beard.    -to^  fe  -^ooeb. 

Sran'ile  c  -r  chronicle,  annals;  F  fable;  Ifte 
og  2ben  -rne§  SSog  (the  first  and  second  book  of) 
the  ehronicles.    -ffrltttr  chronicler,  annalist. 

Sr»§  c  (9jjøbf.)  croze. 

Rr«§'  n,  pi  =,  amit  mesentery;  (ftalbefrøS) 
frill.  -betænbelfe  mesenteritis,  inflammation  of 
the  mesentery. 

Srø  iS|4«bI  orozer,  notcher.  -jærn  croze-iron. 
${røSttrte(  c  mesenteric  gland. 

Subo  n  Cuba.  -cigarer  pi  cubas.  -ncr  c  -e, 
•nit  a  Cu'ban. 

fiubatio'n  c  cubature. 

*Jiubbe  c  -V  block,  stump,  short  log.  -fenber 
»i  rough-tree  fender,  -ftol  chair  hoUowed  out 
of  a  block  el.  log. 

^ube  c  -r  hive,  vrov  skep. 

Stttbe'be  c  -r  cil'l)eb,   Piper  cubeba. 

jiubelbinber.  -maget  c  -emakei  of  hives,  -^nl 
entrance  (of  a  bee-hlve). 

^ube're  vt  cube. 

jtnbetag  n  straw  cover  for  a  hive. 

Subi!'=  cu'bic.  -alen,  -fob  cubic  ell,  c.  foot, 
foot  cube.  -inb^olb  solid  content,  solidlty. 
-tttaal  cubic  measure.  -rob  cube  root.  -rDb= 
ubbragning  extraction  of  the  cube  root.  -tal 
cubic  number.  Knbifl  a  cubic(al).  ^nbuS  c 
the  cube. 

SubU  c  -er  koodoo.  Antilope  »trepgiceros. 

Stue  vt  cow,  subdue,  coerce,  (i  58æt§ten)  stunt. 
-n  c  cowing,  cocrcion. 

auf  c  -fer  (fjoUanbf!  6fib)  koff. 

Kuffert  c  -er  (ftor)  trunk,  (minbre,  af  Sæber) 
portmanteau,  (ifær  til  *l?enge)  coffer.  -fiff  trunk 
-fish,  Ostracion.  -{ebel  wagon-boiler.  -laag  lid 
of  a  trunk.  -laaå  trunk  padlock.  -ffilbipabbe 
coriaceous  turtle,  Sphargis  coriacea.  -fem  trunk 

Rttfiff  a  Kuflc. 

■•.Ruf te  c   r,  fe  Softe>;  (S)ame=)  basque. 

Slugte  e  -r  (i  Slim.)  globe,  sphere,  orb;  moth 
sphere;  (Sanons  ®eocEr=,  $iftol=)  ball,  shot; 
cannon-ball,  musket-ball,  pistol-ball;  (Sanon-) 
round  shot;  (fnn  om  Øeoær^  el.  ^iftolO  buUet: 
(Sinarb)  ball;  (til  »alg)  ballot;  (til  ftegler)  bowl; 
{paa  en  ©øjle)  areh  balloon;  her  roundel;  (paa 
ierm.)  bulb;  (Webicin  o.  1.)  pellet;  -r  og  ftrubt 
shot  and  powder;  jage  en  en  _  igennem  Jpobebet 
blow  one's  brains  out;  fig  ftø6e  -rne  pnll  the 
wires,  -afftemning  ballot.  -arbejbe  (®iilb)  mill- 
ing.  -afteré  ball-flower,  Spharanthtu.  -batterier 
pi  micrococci.  -bane  (til  Segler)  bowling  path; 
art  trajectory.  -bitte  fe  <UilIe=.  -blaat  blue 
starch.  -btont^  globe- flower,  Trollius.  -bl^ 
lead  for  balls.  -bæUebt)r  apar,  Evphractcs  apar. 
-bø^fe  musket,  rifie.  -bannet  a  globular,  spher- 
ical,  round  as  a  ball.  -bflr  globe-animal,  Volvox. 
-foft  a  shot-proof.  -fiff  globe-fish,  toad-flsh, 
Tetrodon  (kispidtis).  -flabe  surface  of  a  ball. 
•flngt  flight  of  a  ball.  -fob  round  foot  e.  g.  of 
a  table.  -fober  rifle-patch,  -form  (g.  fom  en 
S.)  globular  form;  (til  Støbning)  bullet-mould. 
-formet  a  fe  -bannet.  -fri  a  fe  -faft.  -gaarb  park 
of  artillery.  -but  shot-hole.  -btiætOing  cupola. 
-^Qajint  grape-hyacinth,  HyacinthuH  botryoides. 
-jaftit§  Eg>-ptian  Jasper.  -lammer  shot-room. 
-fifte  fe  -fælber.  -IranS  shot-garland.  -Irone  ^ 
globe-daisy,  G^/o6t</arin.  -fælber shot-lock er.  -tab= 
ning  load  of  shot.  -laf  round  lac.  -lanterne 
globular  lantern.  -leb  ball  and  socket  joint.  -Ifln 
ball-lightning.  -1^8  globular  light,  -maal  fe  =ftobe' 
Ion.  -obn  hot-shot  furnace.  -(»tafter  fe  -fober. 
-()ofc  shot-bag.  -pvop  shot-plug.  -rafet  shot 
-rocket,  -ramme  J.  shot-rack.  -regn  shower, 
storm  of  balls  el.  hullets,  -riffel  rifle.  -runb  a 
round  as  a  ball,  spherical.  -ræffe  shot-rack. 
-faar  gun-shot  wound.  -fegment  spherical  seg- 
ment, -figuat  signal  made  by  a  ball.  -flabelon 
shot-gauge.  -fle  shot  bearer.  -fnit  spherical 
section.  -ipVuéptn  ball-pointed  pen,  semi-circ- 
ular  point  pen.  -f>it  game  played  with  bowls. 
-ftirøjte  machine  gun,  mitrailleuse,  Gatling  gun. 
-ftabel  shot- pile.  -ftebcr  founder  of  balls. 
-ftaberi  ball-foundry.  -ftøbning  foundiug  of 
balls.  -føger  c  bullet-probe.  -tang  chir  crow's 
bill;  i.  pincers  for  hot-shot.  -træller  hullet 
-drawer.  -bager  balloon  buoy.  -balg  ballot. 
-oeutil  ball-valve. 

liugua'r  c  -er  cougar.  Puma  concolor. 

tStuje  vt  fe  tufte. 

ftttjo'n  c  -ereoward,  poltroon,  dastard,  craven. 
-e're  vt  cow.  -eri'  n  cowardice,  dastardliness, 

tSuf  n,  pi  =,  note  of  the  cuckoo. 




ftuflettt're  m  inope,  sit  moping. 

t^ttffe  vi  (om  ®øgen)  oook.    -n  c  cooking. 

^utlentiager  [t.]  c  pa.stry-cook. 

tKttlfei:  c  -e  cuckoo,  Cuculus.    -urt  orehis. 

iStnV  n,  pi  =,  (5;rce0  charcoal;  (@ten=)  coal; 
brænbe  til  _  ctiar;  gloenbe  ~  living  coal;  fonfe 
gloenbe  _  paa  enS  ^ooeb  lieap  coals  of  fire  on 
one's  liead;  ub6rcenbte,  ubflufte  -  dead  coal;  itib= 
tage  _  coal;  forlene  iiteb  -  coal. 

Mutant'  a  easy. 

Æurianoidning  vein  of  coal.  -nffe  coal  ashes. 
-até  fe  SBranbafS.  -be^ofbning  supply  el.  stock  of 
coal.  -beftiarenbe  a  coal-saving.  -ie^patel^e 
economy  in  el.  of  coal.  -bittebe  (Sot.)  autotype. 
-ilenbe  c  authracite.  -blot  block  of  coal.  -bo!§ 
coal  buuker.  -bDrin;)  boring  for  coal.  t-brtnte 
hydrocarbon.  -brintegag  hydroearbonate;  car- 
bureted  hydrogen  gas.  -brub  coal  mine.  -bræn= 
bcr  charcoal-burner  -brættbing  charcoal-burn- 
ing.    -brænbfel  coal-fuel.    -bæ!fen  chaflng-pan. 

Sulb  n,  pi  =;  to  -  iBørn  children  of  two 
(marriage-)beds;  SBørn  of  farfte  _  children  of  the 
flrst  bed;  _  Ougle,  f.  ®t«.)  SttjEinger  brood  el.  hatch 
of  chickens;  (*J5ottebt)r,  f.  (£f§.)  Orife  litter  of 
pigs;  (DiSfctpIe)  remove;  iQfe  i  _  og  Søn  legiti- 
mate  (a  natural  child). 

Sul|bflmti  coal  vapour.  -bam^jffib  steam  collier. 
-bannelfe  coal-formation. 

jlul&e  c  eold,  frost;  (©genftoS)  coldness,  (meft 
fiff)  frigidity,  frigidness,  4  ØraberS  _  23  degrees 
(9  degrees  below  the  freezing-point),  8o  _  14 
degrees,  16  o  »  4  degrees  below  zero;  gqfe,  ffcelbe 
af  ~  shiver,  shake  with  cold;  faa  -n  efter  ^eben 
(i  geber)  get  the  cold  fit  after  the  hot;  mobtoge 
en  meb  -  receive  one  coldly  et.  give  one  a  cold 
reception,  -blanbtng  freeziug  el.  frigorifle  mix- 
ture, -grab  degree  of  frost.  -gt)fen,  -gQSning 
cold  shiver,  shivering  tit.  -<>otpoleof  maximum 

^ulbe))Ot  n  coal-depot. 

fiulbet  fe  JluHet. 

ftulbgratte  fe  ftulegratje. 

ftu(btaft|e  vt  overthrow,  subvert,  upset;  _  et 
Xeftamente,  Sofument  set  aside  a  will,  disannul 
a  deed.    -Cifc,  -ning  c  subversion,  overthrow. 

^utbUfle  vt  legitimate  (fe  Sulb).  -ning  c 

Sttl|bof  coal-dock.  -brager  coal-heaver;  fe 
-fartøj,    -brift  working  of  coal  mines. 

»ttlbfejl  fe  tulfejl. 

iJulbfejtlc  vi  capsize,  be  upset.  -ing  c  cap- 

Sittlblffær  a  susceptible  of  cold.  -fdtr^eb  c 
susceptibility  of  cold.  -flaa  vt  take  off  the 
chili;  -et  with  the  chili  oflf.  t-tt>i(b)e  vt  blast 
by  cold. 

ftulb^nge  c  heap  of  coals. 

^ute  vi  blow;  -  op  freshen. 

tKnIe  c  -r  prov  (§eft)  jade. 

Sittle  c  -r  pit,  hoUow;  »1,  waist.  -grabe  vt 
trench.  -grabntng  trenching.  -talt  slaked  lime 
(in  a  pit). 

SuI|farto(  collier,  -fattig  a  poor  in  coal. 
-ftøté  fe  -gang.  -forbrug  consumption  of  coal. 
-formotion  coal-formation.  -forraab  fe  -be^olb- 
ning.  -forfljuing  coaling;  ie  -be^olbntng.  -f^lb= 
ning  coaling.  -ft)tbntngé(iul  stoke-hole.  -færge 
coal-lighter.  -farenbe  a  carboniferous.  -gang 
coal-field,  coal-bed,  pi  coal-measures.  -gaS  coal 
-gas.  -gteber  (Ijcb  Sulafte,  (Smmer)  (char)coal 
embers;  (gloenbe  Sul)  living  coal.  -grube  coal 
mine,  c.  pit.  -groåferer,  -^anbler  coal-merchant, 
collier.  -Dabn  coal  port.  -^olber  elect  carbon 
-holder.  -(jUl  >t,  stokehole.  -^u§  coal-house. 
-f)4brat  carbonie  hydrate. 

flttli  c  -er  coolie. 

Sut'litb  coal  fire.    t-ilte  carbonie  oxide. 

Sulina'rlft  a  cu'linary. 

Sttling  G  -er  breeze;  frift  _  fresh  breeze;  ftib 
stiff  breeze. 

^uliS'fe  c  -r  (side)  scene,  wing,  slip;  (Jjmp.) 
connecting-link;  ba8t)eb  -me  behind  the  scenes; 
ta(e  ub  i  -rne  speak  to  a  person  behind  the 
scenes,  -beoægelfe  link-motion,  -feber  stage 
-funk.    -ft^re,  -ft^ring  gab-motion. 

fiulljærnftenblack-band.  •talffeSjærg-.  -iaSfe 
(t  Sampftib)  coal-bunker,  coal-box;  (i  iøften  et. 
©tue)  coal-box,  -scuttle,  -hod.  ■ 

t^ttWe  vi  gulp.  ] 

'•'Stttfe  vi  bungle.  * 

^nl|furb  coal-basket,  c.  measure,  -toetber 
coal-cellar,  coal-hole.  -lag  fi-  -gang.  -(anger  c  -e 
coal-passer.    Sutte  vi  (om  ©igar)  char. 

Sutte  c  -r  knoll, 

Sutlleje  fe  -gang.  -lemper  (i  Dampftib)  coal 

tSntter   c,   pi  <=,   haddoek,    Gadug  æglejinua; 

6reb  _  pout,    G.   barbatus. 

Sutter  c  (©tjgbom)  staggers.  -fl  a  afifectedi 
with  the  staggers. 

Suttet  a  (om  SBæg)  polled. 

Suttet  a  blackened  with  coal. 

SuljloSfer  c  coal-whipper.  -læft  last  of  coal. 
-maalcr  coal-meter.  -utagafln  coal-house.  -mejfe 
coal-mouse.  Partis  major,  -mile  pile  of  wood 
to  be  charred,  coal-pit. 

Sulminatie'n  c  culmina'tion. 

Sulmine  c  coal  mine, 

Sutmittc're  vi  eul'minate. 

Sut  I  mule,  -munb  hake,  Merlucdua  vulgaria. 
-mægter  coal-fitter.  -mørt  a  pitch  dark.  -nafto 
coal  naphtha.  -olie  coal  oil.  -oplag  coal-depot. 
•oplogåftib  coal  hulk.  -o§  fe  -bamp.  -obn  fur- 
nace  for  charring.    -og^b  fe  -ilte. 

Snip  c  -er  pool  (in  a  river). 

Suljpanbe  chafing-dish.  -plab§  coal-yard. 
-pot  anode,  positive  pole.  -port  «!>  coal  port 
■pram  coal-lighter,  keel.  -pulber  charcoal 
powder.    -roge(r)  poker. 

tSutre  vi  show  symptoms  of  staggers. 

Sttlrenbc  c  coal-shoot. 

Sutret  a  cracked,  crazy. 

Sttlfanbften  c  coal-grit,  pennant  rock. 

Snif  ej  I  n  windsail,  ventilator. 

StttSgaft  c  ^  waister. 

Sutlfjobcr  coal-whipper.  -ftib  collier,  -ftifer 
coal-slate.  -fipper  master  of  a  collier,  -ftobl 
coal-shovel  -fluffe  c. -scoop  el.  shovel;  fe  -toSfe. 
•fo  lump-fish,  Gyclopterus  lumpus.  -fort  a  coal 
black,  jet  black.  -ftation  coaling  station,  -ftift 
charcoal- crayon.  -ftof  carbon,  -ftof^otbig  a 
carbonaceous.    -ftøb  coal  dust. 

Sulfulter  comfrey,  bruise-wort,  Symphytum 

Snilfur  a  carbonie;  -t  Salt  carbonate,  _  Salt 
carbonate  of  potash  el.  potassic  carbonate  ofb. 
■foier  fe  -Brcenber.  -foiertro  blind  belief,  un- 
reasoning  faith.  -flire  carbonie  acid.  -f^regoS 
carbonie  acid  gas.  -fl)remaaler  anthracometer. 
-f^ret  a  containing  carbonie  acid.  -fat  (ogf.  ««t 
og  i  røoSobn)  coalsaek. 

*Sutt  c  block,  log;  fig  strapper. 

Suttegning  c  charcoal  drawing. 

Sulti|be're  vt  cul'tivate.  -ba'tor  c  -et  cul- 

Sttt'Itjærc  coal-tar.  -tfæring  c  blacking  (with 
coal-tar).    -tort)  coal-market. 

Sttltu'r  c  -er  eulture,  eivilization.  -fott  civil- 
Ized  nation,  -^iftorie  history  of  eivilization. 
-tog  stratum  of  eivilization.  -ptonte  cultivated 
plant,  -tilftonb  (state  of)  eulture.  -uboitling 
progress  of  eivilization. 









HuUuiiS  c  cult.  -miitifter,  -miniftettum  ie  ISli' 

Jtu(|t)anbftot  -»anbftofgaS  fe  -brinte,  -uog« 
coal-waggon.     -Uært  colliery. 

ftttlø'r  c  -er  col'our;  (til  SBrænbetiin)  caramel. 
Jtnlø'Tt  a  col'oured;  -e  C^flter  variegated  lamps. 

«ttl'l«fe  fe  -ffuffe. 

J{uin(ine)  c  -r  bowl,  basin. 

*^umme(  c  whiskey-llqueur,  kummel. 

Sutttmen  c  caraway,  (Ofreet)  caraway-seeds, 
Carum  carvi;  fort  _  fennel-flower  seeds,  Nipella 
»ativa;  romerff  _,  fe  Spijfummen.  -Ircenbeoin 
i-orn-brandy  flavoured  with  caraway  seeds.  -olje 
oil  of  cumln.  —  ^ummeniSI tage  seed-cake. 
•frinøle  ring-twlsted  bread  flavoured  with  cara- 
way seeds. 

»ummer  c  grief,  sorrow,  distress,  affliction. 
'tlanbtt  a  mixed  with  sorrow .  -fri  a  free  from 
care.  -fnlb  n  sorrowful,  fuU  of  care.  |(unimer= 
Hg  a  miserable,  wretched.    -f ftummerf^g  fe  -fulb. 

ftumtia'n  fe  Kompan. 

$fumt,  Kumte  c  -er  coUar.  -btiU,  -jætn  hame. 
-tappt  hame- cover,  -puie  coUar.  -fe(e(t«j) 
collar(s) . 

Sium  uljuS  c  met  cu'mulus,  woolpack.  -e're 
vt  cu'mulate. 

^(um^S  c  koumiss. 

Rtttt'  adv  only,  but;  _  ftan  he  alone,  nobody 
but  he;  noar  _  provided  that,  so  that,  if  but. 

ftnntobar  a  manifest,  notorious.  -^ei  c  notor- 
iety,  notoriousness. 

^unbe  c  -r  customer,  patron,  client;  Jpufetå  -r 
the  goodwill  of  the  house;  mange  -r  a  good  run 
of  custom.    -taptet  c  -e  barker,  clicker. 

ftunbgøre  vt  make  kuown,  publish,  notify. 
-Ife  c  publication,  notification. 

$(unbfTa6  c  -r  knowledge,  information;  (Sfter« 
retn.)  intelligence;  f)at}e  ~  om  be  informed  of; 
^on  fiar  mange  -er  he  is  a  man  of  great  learning, 
acquirements  el.  information;  gobe  -er  i  røate= 
motif  a  good  knowledge  of  malhematics;  ^an 
6ar  ooerftabifle  -er  i  ©ngelff  he  has  a  smattering 
of  English;  -en8  %x<x.  paa.  gobt  og  onbt  the  tree 
of  knowledge  of  good  and  evil;  lomme  til  _  om 
ascertain,  come  to  the  knowledge  of.  —  5{unb' 
ftabdibrift  thirst  of  knowledge.  -frugt  fruit  of 
knowledge.  -trebS  sphere  el.  compass  of  (one's) 
knowledge.  -rig  a  rich  in  knowledge,  possess- 
ing  much  information,  well-informed.  -rigbom 
great  store  of  knowledge.  -træ  tree  of  knowl- 
edge. -bæfen  matters  relative  to  education  el. 

Jhinne,  fan,  funbe,  lunnet  vi  be  able;  jeg  fan 
I  can,  I  am  able,  (maa  gærne)  I  may;  jeg  funbe 
I  could,  I  was  able,  (maatte  gerne)  I  might;  jeg 
^ar  funnet  I  have  been  able;  jeg  '^ar  -t  gare  bet, 
ba  jeg  »ar  ^ngre  I  could  do  it  when  .  I  was 
younger;  ^an  begtjnber  at  _  læfe  he  is  beginning 
to  read;  at  »iOe  er  et,  at  _  et  anbet  willing  is 
one  thing,  being  able  is  auother;  gør  bet  faa 
hurtigt  og  gobt  35e  fan  do  your  s^viftest  and  best; 
bet  gaar  fom  bet  Sebft  fan  it  goes  on  anyhow; 
Sratfen  fan  fætteS  i  6tanb  the  coat  will  mend;  nu 
fan  bet  Ⱦre  not  that  will  do;  jeg  tan  ilte  mere 
I  am  exhausted;  bet  tan  gærne  ocere  that  may  be; 
—  («  _  ®ræft.  Satin  oft).  know  Greek,  Latin  etc; 
be  fom  ilte  fan  Sproget  those  ignorant  of  the 
language;  3)rnigen  tunbe  fin  2eftie  the  boy  knew 
his  lesson;  bet  tan  jeg  itte  I  cannot  (do  it);  p 
ben  tan  jeg  itte  that  is  beyond  me;  —  meb  proep: 
bet  tan  jeg  itte  for  it  is  not  my  fault;  \i>ao.'o 
tan  jeg  for  ot  is  it  my  fault  that?  how  can  I 
help  that;  jeg  tan  itte  (noget)  meb  I  can't  away 

ttnni  adv  fe  ftun. 

fttmft  c  -fi  art;  -en  at  bel^age  the  art  of  pleas- 

Ing;  bet  er  netop  -en  there's  the  art  of  it;  bet  er 
ingen  -  that's  easy  enough;  bet  bleP  en  ^el  -  at 
it  became  a  science  to;  gøre  -er  perform  el.  play 
tricks;  Bruge  -er  employ  artiflce;  be  ftønne  -et 
the  flue  arts;  be  frie  -er  the  liberal  arts;  grebenS 
-er  the  arts  of  peace,  peaceful  arts;  rejfe  pao  ftn 
_  travel  for  improvements  in  one's  art;  -  og 
^oonboært  liberal  and  industrial  arts;  ben  forte 
-  the  black  art,  necromancy;  meb  _  artfully. 
-alabemi  academy  of  arts.  -aniceg  turn  for  the 
arts;  pleasure-ground.  -anmelber  art-critic.  -ati' 
ffuclfer  views  about  art.  -arbejbe  work  of  art. 
-arbejber  artist,  -art  branch  of  art.  -(ebøm= 
melfe  art-criticism.  -begcjftring  enthusiasm  for 
the  arts.  -6etiber(ftc)  equestrian  performer, 
circus-rider.  -bcribcrfelftab  horse-ridiug  estab- 
lishment, band  of  equestrian  performers.  -6Iob 
art-periodical.  -brober  brother-artist.  -bommer 
(art-)critlc.  -brejer  ivory  turner,  -brift  instinct- 
ive  skill.  -ciffer  lover  of  the  arts,  art-lover, 
dilettante.  -erfaren  a  skilled  in  an  art,  expert. 
-erfaren^eb  skill,  experience  (in  an  art),  -fag 
line  of  art.  -fatoer  dyer  in  fancy-articles. 
•ftlofofi  philosophy  of  art.  -flib  (mechanical) 
industry.  -foragter  despiser  of  the  fine  arts. 
-forening  art-union,  -form  form  of  art,  art 
-form.  -forfianb  knowledge  of  art.  -forftanbig 
a  artistic.  -frembrtngelfe  production  of  art. 
-f-fulb  a  artistic.  -futbenbtl)eb  perfection  of  art. 
-f^rtjærferpyrotechnist.  -ftjroærteri  flreworkspZ. 
-fæUe  fe  -brober.  -fær'big  a  expert,  skilful.  f«t'= 
big^eb  skill,  dexterity  (in  an  art),  art-skill.  -g«rt» 
ner  horticulturist,  nursery-man.  -gartneri  horti- 
culture.  -genftanb  object  of  art.  -greb  (3fær> 
big^.)  knack;  (ffneb)  device,  artifice,  trick,  -gren 
branch  of  art.  -gær  patent  yeast.  -gebuing 
artificial  manure.  -^anbel  dealing  in  works  of 
art;  (Sutiten)  print-seller's  shop;  fancy-statloner's 
shop.  -^anbler  dealer  in  work's  of  art;  print 
-seller,  fancy-stationer.  -^ertig^eb  art-glories. 
-^iftorie  history  of  the  fine  arts,  ait  history. 
-^iftorift  a  of  art  history.    -^jul  water-whee). 

^unftig  a  (mobfat :  naturlig)  artificial,  imitative, 
elaborate,  (f.  et8.  $rig)  factitious;  (^øjft  fulbenbt, 
pn)  curious;  (fnilb)  ingenious;  (uægte)  imitation. 
-^eb  c  artiflcialness,  artiflciality. 

Kunftlinbuftri  art  industry.  -inbuftriel  of  art 
industry.  -labinet  cabinet  of  curiosities.  -fam> 
mer  museum,  -tenber  judge  of  the  fine  arts, 
connoisseur,  virtuoso.  -fenberi  »i  connoisseur- 
ship.  -fritif  fe  -bebømmelfe.  -ttititer  art-critic. 
-tQnbig  a  versed  in  an  art  el.  in  the  fine  arts. 
-f^nbigfieb  art-knowledge. 

Slunftte  vi  &  t  employ  meretricious  art;  over 
-reflne.  -n  c,  -ti  n  -er  over-refinement,  subtlety. 
•t  a  elaborate,  alfected. 

Eunfi|IoD  law  of  art.  -lære  philosophy  of  art. 
-I«8  a  artless,  simple,  inartificial.  -maler  artist 
painter.  -mefter  great  artist;  engineer.  -moeSfig 
a  done  according  to  the  rules  of  art,  artistic. 

Kunftner  c  -e  artist,  -anlæg  fe  ^unft>.  -ianc 
career  (of  an  artist),  -bijgtigdeb  artistic  skill. 
-forening  artists'  union,  -tiaanb  hånd  of  an 
artist,  -diem  artist's  home  (o.  fl.).  Snnpner« 
in'be  c  -r  (female)  artist,  lady  artist.  JtttnfitK= 
riff  a  artistic.  Stunftnerljatgon  art-cant  -lit« 
artist's  life.  -nib  fe  Sunft'.  Sunftnetft  a  artistic. 
Kunftnerlftote  school  of  artists,  -ftanb  profes- 
sion of  artists,  -ftolttieb  artist's  pride,  profes- 
sional pride.  -øærb  worth  as  an  artist,  artistic 
merits.    -«rc  artistic  el.  professional  honour. 

Stunftlnib  professional  envy.  -nQbelfe  artistic 
enjoyment-  -otb  technical  term.  -)>tobutt  pro- 
duction of  art.  -roce  artificial  breed.  -regel 
rule  of  art.  -rejfe  artist's  joumey.  rret  adv 
conformably  to  the  rules  of  art.   -retning  style 




of  art,  school  (of  artists),  -rig  a  very  skilful 
in  an  art.  -rigtig  a  oonformable  to  the  rules 
of  art,  artistlc.  -rigtig^cb  a  artistic  correct- 
ness.  -rt)tter  fe  -fieribcr.  -fager  pi  works  of  art 
el.  virtu.  -famling  eollectlon  of  works  of  art. 
-fanb^eb  artistic  truth.  -fott§  taste  for  tlie  fine 
arts.  -ffttt  arttreasiire.  -ffolc  scliool  of  arts. 
-ftnag  taste  for  the  fine  arts.  -fntør  artificial 
butter,  butterine,  oleo-margarln.  -fnebler  cabi- 
net-maker.  -f<)il  artistic  playing.  -f^rog  tech- 
nlcal  language,  -ft^fte  aet,  trick,  sleiglit  (el. 
slight),  sleight  of  band  trick;  fe  ogfao  -ticerf. 
-ub^iKing  fine -arts  exhibition,  art -show,  art 
exhibition.  -ubtr^I  technical  term,  tecbnlcal- 
ity,  term  of  art.  -ubbitting  development  of  art. 
-ttlb  shoddy.  -bdbfl  machine-washing.  -tte{  built 
road.  -ben  fe  -6robet;  -elfter.  -berben  art  world. 
•bin  artificial  wine.  -bærb  value  as  a  work  of 
art,  art  value.  -bær!  work  of  art.  -tfitber  fe 
-elfler.    -ebelfe  artistic  exereise. 

Sttnter§,  SuntjeS  pi  i,  quoins. 

^untjbagtcr  c  boat's  guy.    -aje  cut  splice. 

tttb'  fe  eou^j. 

Sujjé  fe  (Eoupé. 

Sube'ret  a  rough,  rngged. 

Sujjt'bo  Cu'pid. 

Kuglet'  n  -ter  coup'let;  verse. 

^Ubbd  c  -pier  cupola,  dorne;  (glass-)shade. 
-formet  a  domical.  -Qbælbing  cupola,  dorne. 
-obn  cupola.  -fat  dome-roofed  hall.  -(fljolb)flib 
cupola-ship,  shield-ship. 

Sttbrilnitra't  cupric  nitrate.  -folt  cupric  salt 
(0.  f[.).    Kttbrofolt  cuprous  salt. 

Sur  c  -e  cure,  medication;  ligge  unber  _  be 
under  medical  treatment;  lægge  fig  i  -  l^oS  place 
one's  self  under  the  treatment  of;  fig  tage  en  i 
_  take  one  in  hånd. 

^ur  c  (oeb  $of)  levee,  drawing-room;  ^olbe  ~ 
hold  a.  1.  etc;  gøre  _  til  make  love  to,  pay 
(one's)  court  to,  make  up  to. 

durabel  a  cu'rable.    ^uran^alt  sanatory. 

Surant  a  current. 

Suralte'Inguardianship.  -'tor  c  -to'rer  (SSærge) 
guardian;  (for  offentl.  ©tiftelferS  9JlibIer)  trustee; 
_  bonorum  assignee. 

Sfttrb|er  c,  pi  =,  Koord.    -tf!  «  Koordish. 
•iftan  n  Koordistan. 

Sure  vi  make  love. 

Uuve  vi  lie  quiet,  rest;  (om  en  §ugl)  sit  brood- 
ing  el.  brood. 

tSlure  vi  neb  slide  down. 

^urér  c  -erer  courier,  express.  -tog  express 

Surere  vt  cure,  heal. 

Su'rf^rftle  c  r  elector,  electoral  prince.  -elig 
a  electoral.  -enbøtnme  n  electorate.  -^itS  elec- 
toral house,  -in'be  c  -r  electress.  -bterbigtieb 
electoral  dignity,  electorship. 

Stt'rgte^  c  visitor  (at  a  watering-place). 

Stt'r5e§fctt  n  Electoral  Hesse. 

Stt'r^uS  n  pump-room. 

Jluria'l^il  c  curialist'ic  style. 

^nrta'tiertte  t)l  the  Curiatii. 

Surien  c  the  papal  court,  the  p.  govemment. 

Surl'I|erne  the  Ku'rile  Islands,  -iff  aKuril'ian. 

Suri|ojite't  c  -er,  -o'fum  n  -ofa  (object  of) 
curios'ity.    -«'8  a  cu'rious,  singular. 

Surluma  c  fe  ®urgemeje. 

*Surt(e)  c  bee-flower,  Listera  cordata. 

Stt'rltanb  n  Courland.  -lanber  c  -e  Cour- 

Eu'rimager  c  admirer,  lover,  beau.  -mageri' 
n  court,  love-making. 

Su'rmetobe  c  medical  treatment,  curative 

Surre -c  -r  knot,  twist,  tangle  (ofthread);  ber 

er  lommet  en  -  paa  Zxaaben  they  have  quarrelled 
p  they  have  had  a  mifi".    Surre  vi  twist. 

Surre  vi  (om  ®ue  o.  I.)  coo.    -n  c  cooing. 

Su'rS  c  -er  ^1,  course;  mere  (rate  el.  course  of)" 
exchange,  (meft  fig)  currency;  _  og  ^iftance  ^ 
course  and  distance;  Be^olbne  ~,  fejlebe  _,  ft^rebe 
_  course  made,  c.  sailed,  c.  steered;  fætte  -en 
mob  make  for,  shape  a  course  for;  bige  -  give 
way;  -en  er  falben,  ftegen  there  is  a  general  fall, 
rise;  en  ipaa  Statsobligationer  er  stocks  are  at; 
falber,  ftiger  i  _  are  falling,  rising;  fætte  ub  af  _ 
demonetise,  efter  eHer  til  en  _  af  at  the  exchange, 
of;  fig  ftaa  i  latj  _  be  at  a  discount,  i  ^øj 
a  premium,  i  meget  ^»j  _  very  much  at  a  pre 

Su'rfal  c  pump-room. 

Su'r^lberegning  quotation.  -falb  fall.  -forJ 
anbring  alteration  el.  change  of  course. 

SurfTb   c   italics.     -e're  vt  italicize.    -t 
c  italicizing.     -ffrift  italics. 

Su'rå|Httie  (paa  åort)  rhumb(line).     -li 

Su'rfmeb  c  farrier. 

Su'rélnotcring  c  quotation. 

Surfo'riff  a  cur'sory. 

Stt'réfcDbel  c  »lere  exchange-list,  list  of  ex4 

Su'rfteb  n  health  resort. 

Surfu3  n,  pi  =  &  Kurfer  course,  curriculur 

Surtifa'ne  c  -r  court'esan. 

Surtilfe're  vt  flirt  with.  -f«'r  c  -er  (male| 

*Suro  c  fe  spøtfe. 

Surb  c  -e  basket  (ogf.  p.  Saarbe);  (ftor  til  Sul 
0.  begl.)  corf;  (<|paffurt))  hamper,  (til  ®ta§  o.  beSl.) 
crate;  ^  head;  fe  -orbejbe;  ^un  gob  ^am  en  _  she 
rejected  him,  f  gave  him  the  mitten;  gibe  en 
paa  -en  tip  one,  pay  commisslon.  -btom^ret  oj 
composite.  1 

Snrbe  c  -r  curve.  ] 

Surb(e)nrbeibewickerwork.  -baUon  4;.  wicker 
ball.  -binber  fe  >mager.  -(b(el)blabe  pi  ^  phyl- 
laries.  -bcetfe  ^  involucre.  -fabtng  body  of 
wicker-work.  -figen  basket-figs.  -flofle  wicker 
bottle,  (meget  ftor)  demi-john.  -fletning  wicker 
-basket  work.  -^anl  handle  ofa  basket,  -^antd' 
bue  basket-handle  arch,  surbased  arch.  -tone 
stall-woman.  -Irant  basket- work,  basketry. 
-ntaatte,  -ntatte  wicker  mat.  -mager  c  e  basket 
-maker.  -magerarbejbe  fe  -arbejbe.  -barérblabe 
basket-hilt.  -<>il  osier,  Salix  viminalis.  -rofiner 
ba.sket-raisins.  -feng  wicker  bed.  -flæbe  wicker 
sledge.  -ftol  basket  chair,  wicker  chair.  -bogn 
wicker  waggon,  basket-chaise  el.  phaeton.  -bugge 
wicker  cradle.    Surbfulb  a  basketful.  j 

Su'rbælfC  a  &  n  Wallachian;  Romansh,  RU'J 
monsch.  J 

Sufi'ne  c  -r  cous'in. 

Sufll  c  -e  coachman,  driver,  joc  Jehu;  F  hedge 
•lawyer;  ast  -en  the  Wagoner,  Auriga. 

Sttffe  vt  keep  down,  subdue. 

Suflcibræt  coachman's  foot-board.  -bul  fe 
-fæbe.  -efSamen  p  a  kind  of  lower  examination 
for  practitioners  in  law.  -^^nbc  coachman's 
cushlon.  -lappt  coachman's  eloak  el.  pelisse. 
-t>ube  fe  -^^nbe.  -fæbe  (coach- )box,  driver's  seat. 

*Su§ma  c  the  mumps. 

Sufto'§,  Sufto'be  c  -r  custos,  custodian;  (i  Sog) 
catchword,  direction  word. 

■'^^Vitt  vi  gallop,  run. 

Sutling  c  -er  goby,  Gohiut. 

Sutte  c  -r  (monk's)  cowl. 

Sutter  c  -e  cutter,  -brig  cutter  brig  (o.  ff.). 
-tigget  a  cutter -rigged.  -talling:  ^aoe  _  be 

tSutting  c  -er  keg,  small  cask. 



Stnoert'  c  -er  (i  btgge  93et.)  cover. 

"Ruuet  a  convex. 

Suj  c  -er  share  (in  a  mine). 

iioablbe  c  -r  burbot,  Lota  vulgarit.  ftbabiet, 
iBobfct,  loailfeb  o  squab,  squabby.   -fo  c  fe  Sulio. 

.^Dab  Jj,  pi!  =,  lay,  song. 
tftoobber  n  (®^nb)  soft  mud,  mire;  (38)  brash; 
(Snabreii)  quacking  (of  ducks). 

Knobe,  S»«e  c  resin. 

Ubaberftcn  c  square  stone,  freestone. 

Kbabrant'  c  -er  quad'rant. 

Stbabrat   n   k  c  -er   square,    quad'rate;    tvp 

lad'rat;  mus  natural;  to  5ob  '  -  two  feet 
luare.  -alen  square  ell.  -fabn  square  fathom. 
-fob  square  foot,  foot  super(ficial).  -inb^olb 
square  contents  pi.  ^ttabrattff  «  quadrat'ic, 
'  square;  bet  -e  ©tjftcm  (firpft.)  the  square  prismatic 
system.  Kbabratljcern  square  bar-iron.  -mool 
square  measure.  -mil  square  mile.  -rob  square 
root.  -ffrift  square  character,  -tal  square 
number.    -tomme  square  inch. 

^oabr|atu'r  c  quad'rature,  squaring.  -e're  vt 
square.  -eTing  fe  fioabratur.  -ifi'e  c  -r  quadrlUe. 
-ilialcnt'  a  chem  tetratomic. 

SU)abrtt<)-ct  c  (SStjift)  lurch.  -alliance«  the 
Miiad'rnple  alliance. 

•ftoae  ie  ftuabe. 

tSbng :  flaa,  fplintre  i  _  shatter,  destroy;  fænfe 
I  _  send  to  the  bottom. 

Kuagga  c  -er  quagga,  Equus  quagga. 

Soalf|le  vi  (meb  el.  poa  noget)  bungle  at, 
dabble  in  a  thing;  ('ufte  i  SKebicinen)  dabble  in 
medicine;  ^on  fiar  længe  -t  i^aa.  ftg  paa  felt)  he  has 
loug  been  quacking  with  himself  et.  trying  to 
cure  himself.  -leri'  n  -er.  Mel  n  ub.  pt  (Rufferi) 
bungling;  i,i  fiægetunften)  quaekery;  (gortræbe= 
Itg^eb)  trouble,  vexation,  annoyance,  bother, 
controversy;  ^an  fiar  "^aft  mange  -er  meb  aSurnene 
the  children  have  given  him  a  great  deal  of 
trouble.  -falber  c  -e,  -folberi^e  c  -r  quack(doctor), 
mountebank,  empiric.  -faltieri'  n  quaekery,  em- 
piricism,  mountebankery. 

^bal  c  er  p^ng,  agony,  anguish,  torment. 
-fulb  a  agonizing,  excruciating. 

Soali^lce're  vt  qualify,  -t  (gorbr.)  aggravated; 
-t  Sobert  compound  larceny.  -f atto'n  c  -er  quali- 
fica'tion,  pretension. 

Rtiariitatib  a  qualitative.  -ttt  c  -er  qual'ity; 
binoe  -en  (Sfat)  win  the  exchange.  -tc'tSbalget 
natural  selection. 

Jfttalf,  Rballle  c,  -»eb  gelder-rose,  marsh  elder, 
Viburnuni  optttus. 

Roalm  a  close,  oppressive,  stuflFy.  Rbalm  c 
(en  af  ^unfter  opM^t  SJuft)  sufFocating  air;  (etøj) 
row;  gøre  _  ooer  ingenting  kick  up  el.  raise  a 
dust  about  nothing. 

ftøalme  c  -r  nausea,  sickness  (of  the  stomach), 
qualm;  ban  faor  let  -  he  is  squeamish.  Kbalme 
vt  &  iviperg;  bet  r  mig  I  feel  sick,  I  am  qualm- 
ish;  Waben  -r  mig  I  feel  sick  when  eating  el. 
when  I  have  eaten,  bet  -r  mig  at  fe  paa  fligt 
I  am  qualmish  at  the  sight  of  such  things; 
-nbe  a  nauseating.  -btit  nauseating  drink. 
-i-ntibbel  emetic.  -<)ittb  (Stgor)  penny  Pick\vick. 
Stbalmfutb  «  close,  sufFocating. 

-^Kllalftcr  c  phlegm. 

Stiait  part  af  ftocele. 

■'Kuanne,  tStbonner  c  angelica. 

^oan'tijtattt)  u  quantitative.  -te't  c-erquan'- 

fitjontåtiié  adv  el.  paa  ftBant§(l)i§)  feignedly, 
in  jiretence. 

Utiantum  n  -ta  quantity. 

ftuarantæ'ne  fe  Karantæne. 

*Slbare  fig  vr  go  to  rest. 

tRbarre  c  sludge.    vi  be  fuU  of  sludge. 

Koart  c  -r  (ijjerbebel)  quarter;  mut  fourth; 
second  string  (of  the  violin);  (i  (Jægtning)  quarto, 
carte;  (i  Sort)  quart. 

Sloarta'l  n  -er  quarter  (of  a  year);  "'block  of 
buildings,  amr  square,  insula;  ^an  maa  betole 
mig  ^Bert  _  he  must  pay  me  every  quarter 
day.  Koarta'liter  fe -oi«.  SbartolUjcnge  quarter 
money.  -regning  quarterly  account  el.  reckoning. 
-flot  tax  paid  quarterly.  -firift  quarterly  (journ- 
nal),  trimestrial  review.  —  ^oartoBI afregning 
quarterly  liquidation.  -beretning  quarterly  re- 
port.   -OiS  adv  quarterly. 

Ktjarta'nfcbcr  c  the  qua'rtan  fever. 

$fOart{binb  (volume  in)  quarto.  -blab  quarter 
of  a  sheet. 

S^borte'r  n  -erer  (af  SBQ,  SWaanen,  ©Ijolb) 
quarter;. (af  2;iben)  quarter  (of  an  hour);  (Dp» 
^olbSfteb)  quarters;  (TOaal)  six  inches;  J,  watch; 
t($arbon)  quarter,  åloHen  er  et  _  paa.  el.  til  tolo 
it  is  a  quarter  past  eleven,  tre  _  ...  a  quarter 
to  twelve,  three  quarters  past  eleven;  Bi  Beittebe 
3  _  we  waited  for  three  quarters  of  an  hour; 
et  -rS  Jib  (about)  a  quarter  of  an  hour;  i  bet 
fibfte  -8  Jtb  this  quarter  of  an  hour;  ftongeng 
_,  dronningens  _  ^  the  starboard  watch,  the 
larboard  watch,  ligge  i  _  ^o§  en  be  quartered 
in  one's  house,  be  billetted  upon  one;  lægge  i  _ 
quarter;  gaa  i  -  go  into  quarters;  tage  fit  _  take 
up  one's  quarters;  giBe,  bebe  om  _  grant,  ask 
quarter.  -anbii^ning  assignments  of  quarters. 
-blol  <1»  quart  er-block.  -bøjle  quarter(boom) 
-iron.  -fane  small  flag.  -fri^eb  exemption  from 
quartering  soldiers.  -monb  foreman.  -me^er 
mil  &  ^  quarter-master;  {paa  93aob)  cockswain, 
quarter- master,  -tienge  money  paid  in  lieu 
of  a  soldier's  quarters.  -febbel  billet,  -fllfte 
change  of  lunar  quarters  el.  the  quarters  of 
the  moon.  -flag  quarter-stroke;  flaa  _  strike 
the  quarters.  -ftro))  ^  quarter  strop.  -Dig 
adv  quarterly,  by  the  quarter. 

^bartero'n  c   r  quadroon. 

Udartet'  c  -ter  quar'tet,  quartet'to;  (forening) 
quartet,  glee-club. 

^»artlformat  quarto.  -grab  quarter  degree. 
-Inge  ^  scuttle.  -mojo'r  quart  major,  -mit 
(SWinut)  mile.  Ebarto  quarto.  ^oartraa  quarter 
of  the  yard. 

SbartS  c  qua'rtz.  -oore  vein  of  quartz.  -agtig 
a  quartzy. 

^Oortfejftng  c  ^  quarter  gasket. 

Kborti^lgang  layer  el.  stratum  of  quartz. 
-^olbtg  quartzous,  quartziferous. 

Ktiartfibe  c  quarto  page. 

jlbart^i'tift  «  quartzy.  —  St>artS|fanb  arena- 
ceous  quartz.     -fftfcr  granitoid  schist,  gneiss. 

Roortlflreger  pi  i  quarter-points.  -ft«b  quarto, 
carte,  -tollel  J^  quarter  tackle,  -ubgabe  quarto 

=^'S»fl§'  a  fe  ^BoS. 

KuaS  n  brushvvood,  faggots. 

Stioå  n  pomace,  squash;  flaa  i  -  squash;  falbe, 
gaa  i  _  be  squashed,  crushed.  Jtoafe  vt  squash, 

Httafe  c  -r  fishingboat  with  a  well,  welled 

StooSfia  c  quassia.  -tr«  quassia.  -ueb  wood 
of  the  qua.s.sia. 

Sboft  c  -e  &  -r  tassel,  tuft,  frog;  ^  cyme; 
jpan§  _  coxcomb,  fop.    -blomftret  a  cymose. 

Rbater'lne  c  -r  quaterne.  -næ'r  a  quater'- 

*Kt»e  c  -er  fold,  pen. 

fEtiejl  c  -er  coil.    -e  op  vt  coil  up. 

•SbeiS,  Stoelfe  c  fe  ^\--. 

♦Sloette  c    r  halibut,  Hippoglo»»u»  vulgari«. 

*åt>cU  c  fe  SBitgræ«. 




*ft«el)>tng  c  evening  twilight.  ^jtttetb3|(tiarter 
vt,  noon  watch. 

fttitbber  c  &  n  chirping,  twittering,  chir(ru)p, 

St\>ibe  c  pain,  agony.  t^oibe  vi  wall,  moan. 
-futb  a  painful,  agonizing. 

SItiibre  vi  chirp,  twitter.    -ren  c  fe  Sbtbber. 

*SH>le  fig  or,  fe  Srtjmpe  ftg. 

«t»ie,  *Xt»jf9e  c   r  heifer.    -latO  cowcalf. 

St»lf'  a  lively,  quick;  elever,  smart,  witty. 
-ttta^  n  quickgrass,  quitchgrass,  couchgrass, 
Triticum  reperw.  ^tiit^eb  c  liveliness  etc.  !BtiiI|« 
4»ebe  fe  -græ§.  ■•'•te  vt  enliven,  rouse,  eheer 
up;  _  op,  b.  f.  *-ne  (til)  vi  revive.  -tob  couch 
-grass  root.  -fonb  quicksand.  t-ftjært  wagtail, 

$(k)iffølt)  n  quicksilver,  mercury;  Betægge  meb 
-  quicksilver;  :^on  fjat  ~  i  SSenene,  P  i  ©nben  he 
is  ever  on  the  wing,  very  restless.  -agtig  a 
mercurial,  quicksilver- like.  -iatomtttx  mer- 
curial  barometer,  -belæg  quicksilvering.  -bantp 
mercurial  vapour.  -foriltc  fe  -og^bul.  -gtube 
quicksilver  mine.  -^olbig  a  mercurial.  ■^ori= 
■font  mercury  horizon.  f-ilte  fe  -oj^b.  -jobib 
periodide  of  mercury.  -jjobttre  protoiodide  of 
mercury.  -floctb  mercuric  chloride.  -!tort)r 
mercurous  chloride.  -folonne  fe  -føjle.  -fttt 
mercurial  cure.  -tttibbel  mercurial  remedy, 
mercurials  pi.  -mor  æthiops  mineral,  -opløs- 
ning solution  of  mercury.  -Og^b  oxide  of  mer- 
cury el.  mercuric  oxide.  -0£QbuI  mercurous 
oxide.  -faltie  mercurial  ointment.  -fulfib  mer- 
curic sulphide.  -fttlf^r  mercurious  sulphide. 
•f^ge  disease  induced  by  the  use  of  mercury. 
-f«jten  the  mercurial  column,  -termometer 
mercurial  therraometer. 

JtOitOanb  n  quickwater,  quickening. 

£tOinb  c  cont  quean,  woman.  -agtig  a  eflfem- 
inate,  womanish.    -ag'tig^eb  c  effeminacy. 

$»inbe  c  -r  woman,  female;  -n  (i  ?llm.) 
■vvoman.  ^))inbe|aag  female  yoke.  -aanb 
female  mind;  female  intelligence,  -abel  female 
dignity.  -anfigt  feminine  el.  womanish  face. 
-arficjbe  woman's  work.  -art  way  of  women. 
-Barm  female  bosom.  -blif  woman's  glance  el. 
eye.  -br^ft  female  breast,  breast  of  a  woman. 
-bnb  a  woman's  command.  -baab  woman's 
deed  el.  achievement.  -bragt  female  dress, 
woman's  dress,  -b^b  female  virtue,  woman's 
virtue.  -elffob  female  love,  woman's  love.  -fabber 
god-mother,  female  sponsor.  -fange  female 
prisener,  -flenbff,  -fjenbfl  a  hostile  to  women; 
l^an  er  _  he  is  a  woman-hater.  -flot  crowd  of 
women  el.  females.  -fob  woman's  foot.  -fr^b 
woman's  delight.  -fr^gt  woman's  fear,  woman- 
ish fear;  (giljgt  for  ftbinber)  fear  of  women. 
-fængfet  prison  for  women.  -færb  womanly 
conduct.  -f«bt  a  bom  of  woman,  woman 
-bom.  -faJeife  woman's  feeling.  -følge  female 
suite  et.  retinue.  -gerning  woman's  work. 
•graab  woman's  tears.  -gunft  woman's  favour. 
•gæl  one  foolishly  fond  of  the  sex,  dangler 
(on  womenj.  -^aanb  woman's  hånd.  -^ab 
(SibinbeS)  woman's  hatred;  (til  Sbtnber)  aversion 
to  the  sex.  -^aber  woman-hater,  misogynist. 
»^errebømme  female  government  el.  dominion, 
petticoat-government.  -Ijferte  female  heart, 
woman's  heart.  -^jiclp  female  help  el.  assistance. 
•kn  fe  -finb.  -^ue  woman's  cap,  hood.  -!aar 
pi  condition  of  women.  -larl  miLksop;  fe 
-gce!.  -tenber  connoisseur  of  the  sex.  -Hæber 
pi  female  dress,  woman's  attire.  -ttcebt  a  in 
female  attire.  -!(øgt  female  sagacity.  -Iram 
women's  flnery  el.  fallals.  -tunbflab  knowl- 
€dge  of  woman.  -tnnfter  womanly  tricks. 
'lupé  fe  2)ame=.    -f«r  a  fond  of  the  sex.    -tctv- 


lig^eb  fe  -elffob.    -!«n  female  sex,  womankind. 
"lag  party  of  women.    -len  female  flef. 

^Oinbelig  a  (tnobf.  maiibltgj  female;  (tnobf. 
maiibig)  feminine;  (fammelig  for  Scinber)  womanly, 
womanlike;  -e  3lim  female  el.  double  rhymes. 
■  ^eb  c  womanliness,  womanhood. 

^Oinbe|(inie  female  line.  -lift  female  cunning, 
woman's  wiles.  -lob  fe  ©jøfter=.  -tune  caprice  et. 
humour  of  women.  -I^Ife  success  with  women. 
-I^ft  woman's  longing  el.  fancy.  -lefte  woman's 
promise.  -magt  female  power,  -menneffe 
cont  woman,  quean.  -mob  female  courage, 
-munb  female  lips.  -mæt!  woman's  milk.  -møn= 
fter  model  of  women.  -naUn  (iltabnet  af  ff.)  the 
nameof  woman;  (gfruentimmernaOn)  female  name, 
woman's  name.  -nl)t!er  pi  female  whims  el. 
caprices.  -om^U  female  care.  -pr^betfc  female 
ornament,  -raab  female  et.  woman's  counsel. 
•ran  rape,  abduction  of  women.  -regering 
female  government  et.  reign.  -ro»  fe  -ran. 
•raft  c  female  voice,  woman's  voice.  -røuer 
ravisher.  tStiirtbe§  vp  marry,  take  a  wife. 
^binbelfabel  side-saddle.  -fagen  the  woman 
question.  -famfnnb  association  of  women.  -flbe 
female  line.  -finb  female  temper  et.  heart. 
-fjæt  woman's  soul.  -ftabning  female  form. 
-f!arc  fe  -flot.  -ftif  female  habit  el.  manners. 
-fltiffelfe  female  form  et.  shape;  the  figure  of  a 
female.  -ffo  woman's  shoe.  -f!t)  a  shy  of  wo- 
men. -ffan^eb  female  beauty.  -flabbcr  fe  -fnat. 
-fmil  woman's  smile,  -fm^lfe  female  ornament. 
-fnat  women's  el.  female  gossip.  ^oinbeSperfon 
woman.  Sotnbc|fp«rgémaaIet  the  woman  ques- 
tion. -ftab§  female  el.  women's  flnery.  -ftemme 
fe  -rjøft.  -foag^eb  womanly  weakness.  -f»ig 
female  deceit,  f.  guile.  -f^gbom  disease  of 
women.  -ft)éfe(  female  pursuit.  -fæber  pi 
womanly  manners.  -tate  women's  talk  el. 
words.  -tant  female  vanities.  -tro(ffab)  the 
fldeli ty  of  woman.  -troet  woman's  slave,  -trætte 
women's  quarrel.  -tunge  woman's  et.  female 
tongue,  -tijpe  female  type,  type  of  women. 
-baafien  female  weapon.  -ben  lover  of  the  sex. 
-benffoti  woman's  friendship.  -0i§  the  manner 
el.  way  of  women.  -botb  the  power  of  women, 
female  power,  -bom  a  fe  fi!t)inbeagtig.  -oærb 
female  worth.  -oærl  woman's  work.  -ocefen 
female,  being  et.  creature  of  the  other  sex; 
female  nature  el.  ways.  -aje  woman's  eye.  . 
Æfbtnbfolt  womankind;  woman. 

jlbine  c   r  quint. 

Rbinfcte're  vi  pipe. 

Jtbint  c  -er  (i  Scegtn.,  Sort)  quint;  (paa  SBioItn) 
first  string,  treble  string;  (^nterbat)  flfth;  fotfte 
-er  consecutive  flfths.  Utiint  n,  pi  =,  five 
grams,  Vioo  (Danish)  pound.  Eointeéfenå'  c 
quintes'sence,  elixir.  Pointet'  c  -ter  quiu'tet, 
quintet'te,  quintetto.  ^bintiUio'n  c  -er  quintil'- 

Kointi'n  n,  pi  =,  draehm.  -biS  adv  by  the 

Sbirinaict  the  Quir'inal. 

*^0iåle  c  -r  branch  el  fork  of  a  river. 

SEbift  c  -e  (®ren)  twig,  sprig,  spray;  *knag, 
gnarl,  knot;  fe  (Støn. 

^aift  c  -e  &  -er  (ffitoge)  garret,  attic.  -beboer 

auifte  vt  lop  ofiF  twigs. 

■^Sbiftegran  branchy  spruce.  *Sbiftet  a  knotty. 
*Sbiftfri  a  clean,  free  from  knots. 

JSbiftI lammer  garret.  -lejtig^eb  dwelling  in 
the  garret,  garret  rooms. 

Sibiftning  c  topping,  trimming. 

^biftlfat,  -ftue  parlour  in  the  attic.  -binbue 
garret -window,  dormer-window.  -bærelfe  fe 





StViV  a  rid,  quit  (of);  *  p  knocked  up,  done 
for;  blioe  noget  -  get  rid  of,  be  quit  of,  f  be 
shot  of,  a  thing;  nu  ere  bi  _  now  we  are  quits; 
_  eller  bobbelt  double  or  quits.  Koit|te  vi  &  t 
balance  accounts;  (af)  deduct,  abate;  ♦btt  -r  eet 
it  is  all  one.  -te'te  vt  receipt,  give  a  receipt 
el.  acquittance  for,  discharge;  P  (»eb  ©tolg.) 
vold;  betalt,  fioorfor  -i  settled.  -te'riug  c  er 
receipt,  acquittance,  discharge. 

Stttota  c  -bet  quota.  Kuotient'  c  -er  arith 
quo'tient.    jtOOtum  n  fe  StBota. 

ftbftbe,  fnab,  -t  vt  &  i  sing,  chaunt.  fitiæbe 
n  -r  lav,  song. 

jtotcbe  c  -r  quince.  -lente  quince  kernel. 
-foft  quince  juice,  -jlim  bandoline,  fixatrice. 
'tt<C  quince  tree.  Pi/rus  Cudonia. 

JtOdCbling  c  -er  little  s;ong. 

tSltiæg  a,  9tM(tQ-,  fe  Snif,  83if'. 

ftoæg  n  cattle;  fig  et  -  an  ass;  Staffer  _  heads 
of  cattle.  -ottt  breeding  el.  rearing  of  cattle. 
•6aob  cattle  Ixjat,  cattle  steamer.  -beftanb,  -be- 
fatning  stock  of  cattle.  -bremS  fe  Sobremi. 
•brtft  drove  of  cattle;  fe  -abl.  -btiber  drover. 
-bab  cattle-plague. 

^OÆøc  vt  refresh,  recreate;  -  fut  SSjne  oeb 
feast  one's  eyes  on  el.  with,  -brif  refreshing 
beverage.    -Ife  e  refreshment,  recreation. 

ftoocglfebniug  fattening  of  cattle.  -fiol  herd 
el.  drove  of  cattle.  -fober  lodder,  provender  (for 
cattle).  -fobring,  -foring  feeding  el.  foddering  of 
cattle);  (jober)  fodder,  provender.  -folb  pen  for 
cattle.  -forftlring  Insurance  of  cattle.  -græsning 
pasture,  pasturage  for  cattle.  -gøbning  matuire 
■of  cattle.  -ftaur  hair  of  cattle.  -^anbel  tråde 
in  cattle.  -^anbler  dealer  in  cattle.  -^jotb 
herd  of  cattle.  -^olb  (bet  at  bolbe  S.)  keeping 
of  cattle,  stock-keeping;  (2lntal  ^.  fom  IjolbeS) 
fitock  of  cattle.  -kolber  herdsman.  -ijotieb 
(Stælbéorb)  block-head,  dunce.  -^ijrbe  herds- 
man.  -fttjttc  shed  for  cattle.  -t|øoeb  head  of 
cattle.  -tué  louse  of  cattle.  +-læge  cow-leech. 
-martrb  cattle-fair;  cattle-market.  -m^g  sandfly, 
Simulium.    -møg  dung  of  cattle. 

ftoæ  gning  c  fe  ftoægelfe. 

fttjægjoffer  ofifering  of  cattle.  -o)ibr«t  cattle 
-reariug.  -o)ibr(Stter  stock-raiser.  -^eft  fe  -foge. 
•ttranger  dealer  in  cattle.  -^iriS  price  of  cattle. 
-race  breed  of  cattle.  -ron  robbery  of  cattle. 
-rig  a  rich  in  cattle.  -røgt  tending  of  cattle. 
-røgter  herdsman,  cowherd. 

tSuægfonb  fe  ftoiffonb. 

Soof  g  ffobe  loss  of  cattle.  -flat  tax  on  cattle. 
-ffue  caitle-show. 

StJcrgfora  a  refreshing. 

fttice'g  ftalb  staijle  for  cattle.  -ftamme  breed 
of  cattle.  -fqgbont  disease  of  cattle,  cattle 
disease.  -f^gc  murrain,  cattle-plague,  rinder- 

tSlbagf«It»  fe  ftoiffølo. 

fttt(e'g{ticnbe  tithe  of  cattle.  -tiUoeg  breeding 
of  cattle  -tolb  duty  on  cattle.  -toro  cattle 
-market.  -tfltj  cattle -stealer.  -t^oeri  cattle 
stealing;  -uogn  cattle-truck.  -oogter  herdsman. 
•øogterfle  herdswoman.  -Dogtntng  tending  of 

Sfottl'  n,  pi  =,  (om  %xøex)  croak,  croaking; 
(om  ®æ8)  cackle,  cackling;  ^an  gad  ilfe  et  _  he 
did  not  ntter  a  sound;  f  jeg  forftaar  ille  et  _ 
I  am  quiie  at  sea. 

ftualer  c  -e  quaker.  -agtig  a  quakerish, 
quakerlike.  -familie  quaker  family.  -finle 
mountain-tinch,  FringiUa  montifringilla.  -Ijat 
quaker's  hat.  ^ttælerin'be  c  -r  qua'keress,  quaker 

•»Oflttle  fe  *ftlæfle. 

Stvattt  vi  croak;  cackle.    -n  c  croaking  etc. 

jttfoetb  c  eve;  fe  Wen;  i  ~  tin  the  evening, 
*this  evening,  to-night.  Sb«Ib|e  vi  (om  @oI  el. 
TOaane)  set,  go  down;  imp  (aftneS)  grow  towards 
night.  -Inar  c  -ret  goatsucker,  night-jar,  Gapri- 
muigus  europæus.  —  jitl«lbd|mab  supper,  evening 
meal.    -naboere  late  supper. 

S{0islb  n  fe  SSælb.    -e  et  well  forth. 

Stbcefe.  foa'lte,  iBa'It,  vt  (»eb  at  fammenpreSfe  ®tru> 
ben)  strangle;  'oeb  9109  el.  t.)  stifte,  suffocate;  (»eb 
at  ©truben  fijlbeS  meb  et  eller  anbet)  choke;  (oeb  at 
berøoe  2uft  [f.  (Sf§.  »eb  tæt  jTilbæfning])  smother; 
fig  quell;  (bæmjje,  unbertr^tte)  stifte,  smother; 
(ftanbfe,  unbertr^ffe,  ligefom  »eb  8»ælning  f.  ®fg. 
^planter  i  bere«  SBæfgt)  choke;  t(ploge)  plague, 
torment,  torture;  jeg  er  nærbeb  at  -2  (Struben 
fammenfnereg  '^ao,  mig)  I  am  nearly  choking;  fig 
-  i  Sføofelen  el.  Spiren  nip  in  the  bud;  -fp  -  3lbe= 
tatten  wet  one's  whistle;  t»alt  Stemme  stifled 
voice;  f»alt  Slaf  smothered  check.  Stboeler  c  -e 
strangle.  S^bKlerflange  boa  constrictor.  jtbæl* 
(n)ing  c  strangling  etc,  suflfocation. 

Sbælftof  n  azote,  nitrogen,  -forilte  fe  oj^bul. 
•fri  a  non-nitrogenous.  -ga8  nitrogen  gas. 
-qotbig  a  azoted,  nitrogenous,  nitrogenized. 
•mætte  vt  nitrogenize.  -or^b  nitric  oxide. 
•0£t)bu(  nitrous  oxide.    •tbetlte  fe  -oj^b. 

^Oæn  c  -er  Finlander. 

Sbær  adv  poet  silently,  quietly;  tie  _  be  silent. 

Kuær!  c  throttle,  (ogfaa  i,)  throat;  (pao  lov) 
fork.  -barm  J.«  nock,  throat.  -blol  throat-block. 
•bolt  nock-piece;  throat-bolt. 

Sioærfc  c  throttle.  S»«rle  c  (fio8  ^efte) 
strangles.  -bfllb  throstling.  -f^g  a  aflfected 
with  the  strangles.  "'-tag  seizing  by  the  throat. 
^oærfgibtoo  ^1>  throat  brail. 

StKC'rn  c  e  quern,  hand-mill;  *mill.  *-brttj| 
corn-mill.  *-fo8  millforce.  *-f)U§  mill.  *-Iafl 
a  kind  of  tub-wheel;  fe  SSanbftcer.  -fttbe  mill 
-hopper.  *-renbc  mill-race,  mill  channel.  '^-ften 
mill-stone.  Mtenåbrub  mill  stonequarry.  "•banb 
water  for  the  mill,  mill-head  (flere  Smf.  fe  TOøtle=). 

•Soærfil  fe  R»ær!e. 

ftboerlfaette  vt  arrest,  sequester;  be  -fatte  Stibene 
for  ajinteren  they  hauled  up  (their  vessels)  for 
the  Winter.    t^taoS  a  perfectly  silent. 

^tisfe  c  -r  bladder-worm,  Cænurus. 

^bæftje  vt  wound,  hurt,  -^h8  naval  hospital. 
•ning  c  wounding,  hurting. 

SDaeftor  c  -er  treasurer,  bursar.  jlbæ^u'r  c 
bursary,  bursarship. 

SlttæSurt  c  great  burnet,  bloodwort,  Sanguis- 
orba  officinalia. 

St^felitQ'!  int  cock-a  doodle-doo ! 

S^Ie  vt  fling,  toss  (with  violence). 

R^Hing  c  -er  chlcken,   (meb  ^jer)  puUet.  — 

StqUingelbur  coop  for  chickens.  -for^anb  poor 
head,  clouded  perception,  •^ooeb  ninny,  booby. 
-tjøne  hen  with  a  brood  of  chickens.  -mab  food 
for  chickens.  t-forg  trivial  sorrow.  -fteg  roast 
chicken.    -tib  chlcken  season. 

K^IuiS  c  chyle.    -tot  chyliferous  vessel. 

Sqmrer  pi  Kymri. 

tSt^mud  c  chyme. 

^tjnbelmidfe  c  Candlemas. 

t^Qnber  pi  incipieut  pains  of  labour. 

^^nbig  a  well-informed,  (i)  conversant  (with). 
•^eb  c  knowledge,  skill.    ft^nbing  c  -e  acquain- 

S^nifer  0.  fl..  fe  ©Dniter. 

Stilet  c  -er  dyer's  caldron. 

jtbft  c  -e  cellarman. 

fi^rabS',  ftJjraå'  « -er,  -fer  cui'rass,  breastplate. 
■bttr  chlamyphore. 

WQradfe'r  c  -ferer  cuirassier.  -fteft  cuirassier's 
horse,    -regiment  regiment  of  cuirassiers. 




ffl^S  n,  pi  =,  +'-{e  (*  ogfaa  c  -jer)  kiss,  p  buss; 
Bebæffe  ineb  -  load  with  kisses. 

SE^fe  c  -r  (woman's)  hood,  calash. 

S^fe,  -te,  -t  vi  scare,  frighten. 

$i^@|^aanb:  ^an  gjorbe  bet  nteb  -  he  was  glad 
enough  to  do  it;  tog  imob  STtlBubet  meb  _  jumped 
at  the  oflfer. 

S^fl  a  chaste.  -l(eb  c  chastity,  chasteness. 
•tiebdløfte  vow  of  chastity.  -^ebdtric  Agnus 
castxis,  chaste  tree. 

S$t)§ning  c  ki.ssing. 

'"    "    !  int  (til  Sot)  scat! 

vt  kiss,  p  buss;  -  paa  Ofinflerc"  ob,  til 
en  kiss  one's  hånds  el.  finger  tips  to  one;  _ 
5|Sat)en§  gob  kiss  the  pope's  toe;  —  f^§?eS  kiss 
(each  other).  -tær  a  fe  -\t)Q.  ^QSfelio  a  f 
worth  kissing,  charming.  ${4§fe|lQft  passion  for 
kissing.  -(Qfteti,  -f^fl  a  fond  of  kissing.  S^Sfen^ 
^Qi^nino  c  kissing. 

Stift  c  -er  coast,  shore;  lang§  -en  along  shore, 
coastwise;  fejle  langS  meb  -erne  coast.  -baab 
coaster,  coasting  boat.  -batteri  coast  battery. 
-beboer  inhabitant  of  the  coast.  -befa(tngå  = 
manb  commander  of  a  coast-guard.  -befollning 
maritime  population,  -betjent  coast-guard  of- 
ficer, -bevogtning  coast-guard.  -io,  -boer  fe 
-beboer,  -it)  seaside  town.  -bant^ffib  coasting 
-steamer.  -bom<)ffib§fortsteam-navigation  along 
the  coast.  -cffobre  inshore  squadron.  -farer 
coaster,  -fart  coasting,  cabotage,  coastal  navi- 
gation, -fartøj  coasting  vessel.  -fifteri  coast 
flshing.  -flob  coast- river,  -forfoar:  til  -  for 
shore-defence.  -fnnb  coast-find.  -f^r  n  coast 
-light,  -fljr  c  (2ræ)  cluster-pine,  Finus  mari- 
timus.  -^anbel  coasting  tråde,  -^offital  seaside 
hospital,  -lort  coasting  chart.  -lanb  coast; 
maritime  country,  -{anb^ab  coast  scene,  -linie 
coast -line.  -lobå  coast -pilot,  -milits  coast 
militia.  -o))crationer  operations  on  el.  along 
the  coast.  -ovntaaling  coast  survey.  -^arti  c. 
scene.  -Vlabé  fe  -ftab.  -^rof^jcft  shore  view. 
-^jrobiné  maritime  province.  -ranb  seamargin. 
-reb  fringing  reef  -rnte  route  coastwise.  -VB- 
beri  depredation  on  the  coast.  -fcjIobS  fe  -fort. 
-fitring  protection  of  the  coast.  -ftab  c,  seaside 
el.  maritime  town  el.  city.  -ftræfning  (tract  of)  -taarn  Martello  tower.  -telcgraf(ftotton) 
semaphore.  -tog  coasting  expedition.  -bagt 
coast  guard.  -bogter  coast-guard  man.  -bisrn 
(^æftningSbærfer)  defence  of  a  coast;  (fit)ftmilit§) 
coast  militia.    -oæfenet  the  sea-board  authorities. 

*St)te  vi  P  boast,  brag. 

SSæbe  fe  ^æbe. 

Slæbe  c  -r  chain;  fe  SRenbegarn;  fe  totting;  mil 
line,  cordon;  (i  ®on§)  (the)  right  and  left  (tigure); 
Jig  series,  chain,  train;  banne  -  form  the  chain. 
Sæbe  vt  chain.  -bom  warp-beam.  -bro  chain 
-bridge,  -brljgge  chain-pier.  -br«l  continued 
fractions  pi.  -bragen  u  measured  with  a  chain. 
-gang  concatenation.  -garn  warp.  -Iaa8  chain 
-lock.  -leb  link  of  a  chain.  -linie  catenary 
(curve).  -maaling  measuring  with  a  chain. 
-^>lob  chain  plough.  -^um^e  chain-pump. 
-regel,  -regning  cliain-rule.  -rint  chained  rhyme. 
-ring  fe  -leb.  -mm  fe  åcetttng-.  -fal^jc  aggregated 
salpa.  -fab  chain-saw.  -fllle  thrown  silk. 
-flærer  warper.  -ftutning  log  sorites.  -fting 
chain  stitch.  -^opptt  fe  Stætting^.  -f«m  chain 
-stitches.  -traab  warp-thread.  -bi§  adv  in  the 
form  of  a  chain. 

Sæfert  c  p  intoxication,  brick  in  the  hat. 

Sæft  c  p  jaw,  muzzle,  chops;  (i  SBærftøj)  jaws, 
chop,  mouth;  ^olb  -  hold  your  tongue,  joc  hold 
your  noise;  ifte  en  -  not  a  living  soul.  *-eS  vd 
squabble,  bloker. 

Stegte,  fægleé  fe  Sceble  vi. 

amr)  stout^BI 

Scel'  a  brave,  bold,  p  game,  (t  &  amr)  stout, 
-^eb  c  bravery,  boldness,  stoutness. 

tSæffe  vi  cackle.    -n  c  cackling. 

Sælber  c  -e  cellar,  (lioæltjet)  vault;  <!,  store 
-room;  (fiQgfe,  til  giafter)  cellaret;  fe  -etoge;  lægge 
i  _  cellar.  -breng  tapster  boy.  -b«r  cellar-door. 
-etage  cellarage;  (til  a^eboelfe)  underground  story, 
(underground)  basement.  -fod  (^Beboere  af  en  St.) 
occupants  of  the  (underground)  basement.  -gutb 
casement  floor.  -I^até  descent  into  a  cellar;  ^ 
mezereon,  Daphne  mezereum.  -tfnl  air-hole. 
-lem,  -luge  trap-door  of  a  cellar,  cellar-fiap. 
-luft  air  of  cellars.  -manb  (SSeboer  af  en  ft.) 
occupant  of  a  basement;  (Crbfpil)  pun,  eonun- 
drum;  en  font  ger  -mænb  a  punster.  -nteftec 
butler.  -<>igc  barmaid.  -poit  pump  in  a  cellar. 
-runt  cellarage.  -ffnr  penthouse  of  a  cellar. 
-ftue  (Sælberbærelfe)  l)asement  parlour;  ((Stænfe= 
ftue)  taproom.  -fbenb  tapster,  drawer.  -ttappe 
cellar-stairs.  -oeféel  accommodation-bill,  p  kite. 
-binbue  cellar- window.  -æfel  wood-louse,  Onis- 
ous  wiellus, 

Sæle  vi  (for)  fondle,  caress,  pet.  -barn,  -bægge 
c  fondling,  pet,  darling.  +-bægge  vi  fe  ftæle. 
-n  a  (ømftinbet)  tender,  delicate;  (øm)  fond, 
loving,  affectionate.  -nabn  pet  name.  -nftai 
c  &  n  softness;  effeminacy.  -orb  word 
blandishment.    -ri'  n  caressing.    -unge  fe  -barn 

Sælte  c  -r  little  sledge,  hand-sledge,  hånd 
-sleigh,  sled;  t  (®ænge)  runner.  "Sjælfe  vi  amr 
coast,  toboggan,  -ager  c  -e  coaster,  -agning 
coasting,  tobogganing.  -ba!fe  gliding  hill,  slope 
for  gliding  down  on  hand-sledges,  coasting  hill, 
toboggan(ing)  slide;  age  _  coast.  -læS  hånd 
-sledge  load. 

SæUing  c  er  old  wife  el.  woman,  crone. 
Sæaing(e)agtig  a  eflfeminate.  -agtig^eb  c  effemi- 
nacy. SæUingle  m  (for,  ober)  pet,  coddle.  -fabel 
old  woman's  tale.  -graab  the  crying  of  old 
women;  eflfeminate  weeping.  -^ofte  old  woman's 
cough.  -tnob,  -tnube  granny's  knot,  granny. 
-))ræft  p  milksop,  softling.  -raab  old  woman's 
cure.  -ri'  n  etfeminacy.  -flabber,  -fno!  old 
woman's  twaddle.  -tanb  bird's-foot  trefoil, 
lady's  slipper,  Lottta  corniculatus;  petty  whin, 
Oenista  anglica.  -tøj  trumpery.  -unge  petted 
child.    -bærf  fe  -tøj.    -bæfen  effeminacy. 

tSætbe  Bi  calve.  -tib  calviug  time  el.  season. 
Sætbning  c  calving. 

Sæmme  vt  comb;  (SCømr.)  clamp.  -font  c 
small-toothed  comb.  Sænt|nten,  -ning  c  comb- 

Sæmner  c  -e  chamberlain.  -entbebe  chamber- 
lainship.    -fontor  chamberlain's  oifice. 

Sæmbe  c  -r  (StribSmonb,  .g»elt)  champion,  hero; 
(ftort  9JJennef£e)  giant;  (Snceffe)  Midas'  ear,  Strom- 
bus  gigaa;  pi  Sf  waybread,  Piantago  major. 
Sæmbe  vi  fight,  combat,  contend,  struggle; 
-  om  %x\\t\\  contend  for  the  prize;  _  meb  fig  felb 
struggle  with  one's  self;  —  vt  fight;  _  ub,  fe  ilb= 
fæmpe;  —  »r  fig  frem  fight  one's  way;  be  -nbe 
the  combatants,  the  contending  parties,  -aanb 
heroic  spirit.  -arbejbe  gigantic  el.  Herculean 
work.  -art  gigantic  species.  -obi§  monster 
(news-)paper.  -biUebe  colossal  figure.  -bjærgene 
the  Giant  mountains.  -bobift  giant-ball,  Lyco- 
perdon  giganteum.  -bælteb^r  giant  armadillo, 
Dasvpus  gigaa.  -bobenbl)r  megatherium.  -b^r 
gigantic animal,  e«p  megatherium.  -bljSfe  dolmen. 
-fiffer  fe3[ægerfugl.  -folf  race  of  heroes  el.  giants. 
-gang  mighty  pace,  poet  mighty  deeds.  -grat> 
fe  -btjSfe.  -gøg  channel-bill,  Scythropa  Novæ 
HoUandiæ.  -^aantt  giant's  hånd.  -Ijaj  fe  S3rQgbe. 
•^jort  Irisli  elk,  Uervua  ruryeeros.  -^øj  c  barrow, 
tumulus.  -^øj  a  tall  as  a  giant,  gigantic.  -Qøjbe 
gigantic  el.  colossal  height.    -tanon  monster  gun. 






-lart  giganuc  tellow.  -Iraft  giganlic  strength. 
-traftifl  «  of  gigantic  streugtli.  -troIobU  meg- 
alosaurus.  -frop  gigautic  frame,  -lag  Company 
of  heroes  cl.  giauts.  -lanJt  land  of  the  giants. 
-legeme  fe  -frop.  -lig  a  U  -niæSftg.  -mob  heroic 
courage.  -muåltJig  giant  clam,  Ulama  gigas. 
■inicS^g  a  giganlic;  giantHke.  -olée  fe  UrofSe. 
-oH»  heroic  age.  -)iaafugl  Javanese  peacock, 
Favo  muticua.     •platat  monster  placard. 

ftoem^er  c  -e  champion;  (Jpane)  game-cock; 
arch  impost.  -linie  springing  of  an  arch,  spring- 
ing  line. 

^atnpejfal  giants'  hall.  -falamaBber  gigantic 
salamander,  -fang  fe  -oife.  -finb,  -fjæl  heroic 
mind,  soul.  -ffare  host  of  heroes.  -flib  monster 
ship.  -flllfelfe  gigantic  figure.  -ffilbliabbc  green 
tiirtle,  Chelonia  myda«.  -flribt  giant-stride. 
-flag  gigantic  blow.  -flange  Itoa.  -flægt,  -flamme 
race  of  giants.  -fncgl  queen  conch,  Sti-ombus 
gigas  -ftot  a  gigantic.  -ftormfugl  large  petrel, 
troceUaria  gigantea.  -fUrfe  fe  -froft.  -ftærf  a 
of  gigantic  strength.  -flarrelfe  gigantic  size. 
-funbtieb  iron  constitution.  -foærb  giant's  sword. 
-f«  monster  sea.  -tib  age  of  giants  el.  heroes. 
-tit§  the  manner  of  giants  el.  heroes.  -uife  an- 
cient  (Northern)  ballad.  -Oældt  gigantic  stature. 
-Bærf  gigantic  work.  -æt  fe  -flcegt.  -øgler  pi 

Slængurn  c  -er  kangaroo,  Halmatwus.  -biørn 
tree-kangaroo,  Dendrolagus  ursimu.  -rotte  k. 
rat,  potoroo,  Hypsiprymnus . 

kæntre  fe  Rantre. 

'Stctp'  c  -pe  stick,  cudgel;  fom  _  i  $iul  like  a 
house  on  fire.  -^eft  (ogfaa  fig)  hobby-horse, 

JttEpijei  a  arrogant,  overbearing,  big. 

Jtæp^elbaanb  hoop.  -r^ggebanS:  tabe  en  banfe 
_  give  one  a  good  hiding. 

R(er  a  dear;  i)Mt  en  ~  love,  be  fond  of,  one, 
hold  one  dear;  faa  en  _  become  fond  of;  Det  er 
mig  lige  -t  it  is  all  one  to  me;  bet  ^abbe  oæret 
mig  ere,  at  .  .  .  I  had  rather  that  .  .  .;  bet  er 
mig  -t  I  am  glad  el.  happy;  bet  nilbe  Ⱦre  mig 
■eft  I  would  greatly  prefer;  ^»i§  bit  Sit)  er  big  -t 
for  your  life;  ^er  Ijcelper  ingen  -e  9Ko'r  there  is 
no  help  for  it;  -e!  Oorunbr.)  dear  me!  (93øn) 
pray;  min  -e !  my  dear !  mine  _  my  dear  ones, 
those  dear  to  me;  mit  -efte  what  is  dearest  to 
me;  _  efter,  +  af  fond  of;  *-  i  in  love  with;  gøre 
-  endear. 

ft«r'  n,  pi  —,  (Sump)  bog,  fen;  "•'(Srat)  thicket; 
(ftiaeftaaenbe  SSonb)  pool.  -anb  fe  iWofeanb.  t-bnn 
cotton-grass,  Eriophorum. 

Stære  fig  om,  fe  *5rQbe  fifl  ont. 

tStceremaal  n,  pi  =,  complaint,  grievance. 

Sccr'efte  c  -r  lietrothed  bride  el.  bridegroom, 
intended,  sweetheart,  young  man;  tjcere  _  meb 
keep  Company  with,  sweetheart  with.  -breu 
love-letter.  -folf  amorous  couple,  couple  of 
lovers.  -ri'  n  -er  love  affair;  sweethearting. 
-forg  love  trouble. 

Jtærlft«  Vx)g-hay.  -^eg  harrier,  Circus.  -jorb 
fen  land. 

Koerfommen  a  welcome,  acceptable. 

Uterlig  a  kind,  afifectionate.  -en,  -t  ado 

ftærligfjeb  c  love,  aflfection;  (^eftig)  passion; 
(triftelig)  charity;  brænbenbe  -  SJ«  fe  a9rænbe(nbe); 
gommel  _  rufter  itfe  old  love  lies  deep;  ^an  fif 
-en  at  føle  he  caught  it.  —  $e(erligt|eb§|baanb  tie 
of  love.  -beoiS  proof  of  love.  -billet  billet 
-doux.  -breti  love  letter,  -bub  commandment 
of  love.  -btgt  love-poem.  -brit  love-potion, 
pililter,  -erf  læring  declaration  of  love.  -e»entl)r, 
-forbinbelfe,  -forljolb,  -forfloaelfe  lovo-affair. 
•forfllring  protestalion  of  love.    -futb  a  loving. 

-gerning  aet  of  charity.  -griller  love  laucies. 
-gub  God  of  love,  Cupid.  -gubinbe  Goddess  of 
love,  Venus.  -^anbel  love  intrigue,  amour. 
-^iftorie  love-tale;  love-aflfair,  -Inob,  -Innbe 
true-love  knot.  -l^fle  happy  love.  -U8  a  love- 
less.  -maaltib  love-feast,  agapæ  pi.  -minbe 
memorial  of  love.  -^lagt  alliance  of  love.  -pant 
pledge  of  love.  -^ligt  duty  of  love,  charitable 
Office,  -prøbe  test  of  love.  -fager  matters  of 
love.  -trang  yearning  for  love.  -bife  love  ditty. 
-bart  (work  of)  charity.  -æble  love-apple, 
tomate.  ^ 

lærling  fe  kælling. 

Særmin'be  c  -r  forget-menot,  MyosoHs. 

^ærmofe  c  shallow  moss. 

Siærne  c  -r  (@mør=)  churn.     ^'ærne  vt  churn. 

^(crne  o  -r  (i  2@ble,  SRøb)  kernel,  pip;  (i  Sræ) 
pith,  heart;  (i  Sanon)  bore;  (iSometS)  nucleus; 
(^08  ^efte)  mark  in  a  horse's  mouth;  (»eb  Støb« 
ning)  core;  (i  en  ©ag)  substance,  es.sence,  pith, 
heart;  (i  en  ^cer)  flower,  picked  men;  (bet  bebfte 
af  noget)  flower,  pick;  ©oinet  maa  ^aoe  mere  _ 
the  hog  must  have  more  grain;  Bil  man  ^abe  -n, 
maa  man  fnælfe  9løbben  (there  are)  no  gains 
without  pains.  -biber  fe  ^irfebærfugt.  -banft 
genuine  Danish,  -fober  fodder  consisting  of 
grain.  -frifl  a  healthy,  robust,  unsophisticated, 
thoroughly  sound,  -frngt  kernel  fruit.  -fnlb  a 
(fulb  af  -r)  kernelly;  jlo  pithy.  -fulb^eb  c  pithi- 
ness.    -fabe  fe  -fober.    +-gob  thoroughly  good. 

Særne^eft  c  chuming-horse. 

StærnelMnbc  pellicle.  -^nS  core.  -far!  stal- 
wart  el.  sturdy  fellow;  genuine  fellow,  f.  of 
sterling  worth,  p  trump,  brick.  -tadfe  (Støbn.) 
core-box.  -leje  (Støbn.)  core-print.  -læber 
leather  of  the  best  quality.  -Iflå  a  empty, 

Statntmctll  c  butter-milk. 

^ærnelorb  pithy  word.  -|)nntt  heart,  essence. 
-raab  rottenness  in  the  heart.  -ribfe  shake, 
chink.  -rig  «  (om  Sorn)  plump,  (well)  plumped. 
-fat  a  kernelled.  -ftntt  ring-wall.  -ftat  shell 
of  a  kernel.  -flattet  a  with  circular  crevices 
inside,  -flolc  seedling  nursery.  -flnb  point 
-blank  shot.  -flQgge  perfect  el.  central  shade. 
-f!«rc  disease  in  the  pith  of  trees.  -fprog  pithy, 
energetic  language;  apothegm.  -flamme  seedling. 
-ftang  (Støbn.)  core-stick. 

Særnelftang,  -ftob  chum-staff,  swape. 

^ærnejften  stone  of  fruit.  -fnnb  fe  -frift. 
-funb^eb  healthlness.  -fuær  fe  -rig.  -fb«b  fe 
-binbe.  -fæbe  curd-soap.  -fætning  kernelling. 
'troppet  choice  el.  picked  troops.  -træ  fe  -eeb. 
-tnng  fe  -rig.    -beb  heart-wood,  duramen. 

^ærnebært  n  horse-churn.  ^ærning  c  churn- 

^ærnt^en  n  Carinth'ia. 

jiærre  c   r  small  car;  *cart. 

Siærfanger  c  marsh-warbler,  Sylvia  paliutris. 

Ræ  rltegn  caress,  endearment.  -tegne  vt  caress. 

tStær'lulb  fe  -bun. 

Slæro  c  -e  sheaf. 

JJæfe  c  rennet,  runnet. 

fætter  c  -e  heretic.  -oonb  heretical  spirit. 
-boal  pile  for  burning  heretics.  -bog  heretical 
book.  -baob  baptization  by  heretics.  Sætteri' 
n  er  heresy.  Sætter] lære  heretical  el.  heterodox 
doctrine.  -mening  heretical  el.  heterodox  opinion. 
-mefter  grand  inquisitor.  -ret  (court  of)  inquis- 
ition.    -finb  fe -aanb.    -ff  a  heretical,  heterodox. 

Sætting  c  -er  chain,  (8tnter=)  (chain-)cable. 
•(ælber  chain-well,  chain-locker.  -flo  claw 
-stopper.  -Irog  chain-hook  (0.  fl.)  "'-rig  wire 
rigging.  -rum  fe  Sælber.  -ftabel,  -ftol^ie  stud. 
-ftobbcr  chain-stopper. 

Sæ»e  c  -r  (ogfaa  ^J,)  jaw;  pi  (paa  %anQ)  jaws. 




cheeks  pc.  -baant  (røunbf(emtne)  locked  jaw, 
look-jaw.  -den  jaw-bone.  -bunben  a  affected 
with  lock-jaw.  -fob  maxilliped,  foot-javv,  jaw 
-foot.  -læbe  |e  éinb!æbc.  -ffam^ic  ,1  (snatch) 
cleat.  -fttle  maxillary  sinus,  -tap  wattle  -patpct 
pi  palps.  -^ofe  cheek  ponch.  .rent  throat  lash. 
-f»l)ffe  cheek-piece.  -ftærl  a  f  long-winded, 
voliible.    -tonb  fe  ttnbtanb. 

Savl  n  (+  e)  fe  -ert. 

tSæbl,  ftæble  c   r  round  billet  (of  wood). 

jldetile  vi,  -eS  vd  wrangle,  squabble.  -n  c, 
•ri'  n  wrangling,  squabbling.     -r  c  -e  wrangler. 

Rt  c  -er  (SBtH.)  cue;  i  _  In  file;  i  -en  on  the 

Sttb  n,  pi  =,  (©r^Derbelfe)  purchase,  (^anbel; 
SIttorb;  bet  tø6te  etter  folgte)  bargain;  -  af  pur- 
chase of;  SBorer  giorte  paa  åøb  ready  made  goods; 
flutte  et  _  conclude  a  bargain;  for  gobt,  BiEtgt  _ 
at  a  cheap,  reasonable  rate;  flippe  for  gobt  _  get 
off  cheap;  foa  for  meget  gobt  _  buy  a  bargain; 
otjen  i  -et  into  the  bargain,  to  boet;  bet  goar  nteb 
i  -et  that  is  thrown  in;  og  .  .  .  paa  -et  and  .  .  . 
thrown  in;  gitie  -  abate;  Jia  give  in,  yield;  til 
-8  for  sale.  S$tt,  -te,  -t  vt  buy,  purchase-  _  inb 
buy  el.  lay  in;  _  op  buy  in;  _  oEe  fine  $enge  op 
lay  out  all  one's  money  in  purchases;  _  fig  inb 
i  et  ©mbebe  obtain  a  place  by  purchase;  _  fig  fri 
buy  one's  self  ofiF,  _  eii  til  at  gøre  noget  bribe 
ene  to  do  something;  ben  fmuffefte  fom  tunbe  -§ 
for  $enge  the  finest  that  money  could  buy;  jeg 
t)eb  ifte,  enten  jeg  er  -bt  eUer  folgt  I  don't  know 
what  to  expect.  -breti  purchase  deed  fof  real 
property),  (paa  £ø8øre)  bill  of  sale.  -e»tne  pur- 
chasing  power.  -gobS  (SBarer,  fom  ere  ttlføbS) 
goods  for  sale;  (Slrbejbe,  gjort  til  at  fælgeS)  sale 
-work.  -lontratt  fe  -bre».  *-l^be  blemish,  de- 
fect,  flaw.  -l^ft  inclination  to  buy;  demand. 
-iQften  a  eager  to  buy.    -n  c  buying  etc. 

Sttieniiat)n'  n  Copenhagen  -er  c  -e  native  of 
C,  pi  people  in  C.  -erl'  n  C.  ways.  -erin'be  c 
•r  lady  in  el.  from  C.    -fl  a  Copenhagen. 

^ebclpriig  purchase  price.  Ueie\t  c  -e  buyer, 
purchaser.  -ret  right  of  purchase.  -fura  pur- 
chase money,    t^øbfccrb  tråde. 

^øbmanb  (,i\ai  (Sroéferer)  merchant,  tråder, 
(ifær  ®etail6anbl.j  tradesman;  t  &  P  =  Søber; 
-mænbene  (ogf.)  the  tråde.  —  ^øBmanb§|aattb 
mercantile  spirit.  •aqtlQ  a  mercantile.  -Bog 
merchant's  book,  -BreP  mercantile  letter.  -Brug 
custom  of  tråde,  -faatilte  tradesman's  family, 
coramercial  family.  -fart«j  merchant  vessel. 
•gaarb  tradesman's  house.  -gob§  merehandise, 
commodities;  *fe  -filb.  -^anbel  general  shop. 
-IlH§  firm.  SøbmanbflaB  tråde;  gøre  et  gobt  - 
buy  a  bardain.  SoBntattbd|far(  shopman.  -fone 
tradesman's  wife.  -Ittp  body  of  merchants. 
*-filb  merchantdble  herring,  (crown)  fulls.  -ffib 
merchantman.  -fprog  commercial  el.  mercantile 
language,  -ftonb  mercantile  class,  the  tråde. 
-fHI  mercantile  style.  -ftott^eb  merchant  pride. 
-Porer  fe  -gobS.    -oæfen  tråde,  commerce. 

^øBlflaa  vi  bargain,  make  a  bargain,  -flaaen 
c  bargaining.  •f(utnin  g  c  conclusion  of  a  bargain . 
^øB^ab,  -ftcb  c  -ftoeber  (market)  town,  incor- 
porate  city;  tproviucial  town.  —  SiøBftabf§)|  = 
-ogtig  a  -Barn  town-born  child;  ^an 
er  et  -  he  is  bom  in  town.  -Boer  fe  -manb 
-Bagning  fe  -t)u§.  -folf  town  people.  -frtBeb 
charter  el.  privilege  of  a  (market-)  town.  -frølen 
cont  town-bred  miss.  -gob§,  -grunb  land  et. 
ground  belonging  to  a  town.  -Bu8  town  house. 
-Ittlb  town  living.  -flæbt  a  dressed  like  town 
people.  -fone  townswoman.  -Hti  town  life. 
-mnb  town  fare.  -ntanb  townsman.  -næring 
tråde  of  country- towns.  -pige  town  girl.  -prit)i= 
legitttti  fe  -rettig^eb.    -ret  (fiose)  chartered  rights 

of  a  town;   (S)omftot)   court   of  a  market-town. 
-rettig^eb(cr)   chartered   privilege.s  of  a  market 
-towu,    incorporated  city  pri  vi  leges,    charter  of 
incorporation.    -ftif  cnstom  el    usage  of  a  town. 
-ffolc  town-school.     -tiont  a  accustomed  to  the 
life  in  towns.    -b«fen  t  provincial  manners. 
S«B|ftapne  market,  fair.    -fpenb  shopman. 
Seb  n  flesh;  (fom  gøbe)  (butcher's)  meat;   (paa 
Sfrugter),  pulp;  fig  flesh;  bøbt  _  fungous  el. 
proud  flesli,;  _  og  S3(ob  fiu  human 
nature;  efter,    i  -et  after,   in,   the  flesh;    i  fine  -S 
3)age  in  the  days  of  his;  i  -et  Baaret  (og  ifte 
i  Klæberne  ffaaret)  bred  in  the  bone;  gao  alt  -etS 
(Sang  go  the  way  of  all  flesh;   fe  9trm,  $0,  fipft. 
•ogtig  a  flesh-like.     -ben  bone  with  some  meat 
on  it.    -Bjærg  mountain    -Blof  butcher's 
block.    -Bob  Ijutcher's  stall.    -Botte  force(d-)meat 
ball,  resole.    -Brof  sarcocele.    -Bæger  fe  ,Sorbbær= 
fptnat.    -bog  meat  day.    -bonnenbe  «  flesli-form- 
ing.     -bonner   c  -e  flesh-fonner.     -bejg  forced 
meat      -eb  profane  oath.   rapper,     ^øbelig 
camal,   fleshly;    -e   Søftenbe    full    (el.    uterine) 
brothers  and  .sisters;   _  SBrobec  til   own  brothe: 
to;   ~  gætter  cousin-german;    _  Slægtning   bloodi 
relation;  —  ndv.  _  finbet  carnally  minded,    ^øbt 
HgBeb  c  fle.shliness,  carnality.     ^ebet  «  fleshy, 
K«b|efgtroft  extract  of  meat.     -foor  fattenin^ 
sheep.     -forS  forced  meat.     -forPe  flesh-colour 
-forPet   a    flfish-coloured;    _    Sffellite   carnation, 
clove-gillyflower.    -ffnc  flesh-fly.    -fntb  a  fleshy, 
(Slogt.)  meaty,  (om  grugter)  pulpy.   -febe  animal 
food;     -føbe  vr   fig   supply   its   own  population 
with  meat.     -goffel   meat-fork;    ^  (cook's)  tor- 
mentor,    •geté  soup-stock.    •gtoce  portable  soup. 
-grpbe  flesh-pot.    '-grpn  broth     -gummi  sarco- 
coUa.   -^ottemoftine  meat-cutting  machine,  meat 
-chopper.      -I^autmer   mallet      -^inbc    cellular 
membrane.    -^opeb  blockhead,  numskuU.    -^æ« 
Pelfc  fleshy  excrescence,  .sarcoma.     -jué  gravy. 
■loge    forcemeat    cake,    (fri ed)    forcemeat-ball. 
-Knmp  lump  of  flesh  et.  meat.     -fntn  cleaver. 
-foft  animal  diet,  flesh-meat.    -Iroft  stock.    -Irog 
flesh-hook.     -tul  animal  charcoal.    -tpæm  sau- 
sage  mill.      -lim    fe    -gummi.      -I08   a   fleshless. 
-mob   (flesh-)meat.     -mobbit   maggot.      -moSfe 
lump  et.  mass  of  flesh.     *.mejfc  great  titmouse, 
ox-eye,  Parus  major,   -tiret  flour  of  meat.    -munb 
lover  of  flesh-meat.    -pof  e  (f.  (StS.  poa  S)pr)  wallet 
of  flesh.    -poftcj  meat-pie.    -pfllfe  meat  sausage. 
■ret  dish  of  meat.   -rig  a  fe  -fulb.   -reb  fe  -fartiet. 
■foor  flesh  wound.     -foft  juice  of  meat.     -flbe 
fleshy  side  of  a  hide.     -ffoB   meatsafe.     -ftitie 
slice  of  meat. 

S«b§|lpft camal lust.  -pootogelfe incarnation. 

Ji«'b|fmute  scrap  ofmeat.  -f pif e  animal  food. 
-fpiSning  eating  of  flesh.  -ftplte  piece  of  flesh 
el.  meat.  -fuppe  soup.  -totåt  regulated  price 
of  butcher's  meat.  -tople :  i  fjertet?  -r  616^  in 
fleshy  tables  of  the  heart.  -ter§  ^  tierce  of 
beef.  -torb  meat-market,  -trcBt  muscular  fibre. 
-tPeBot  meat-biscuit.  -tønbe  salt  meat  barrel. 
-ubfolg  butcher's  shop.  -»ore  butcher's  meat. 
-Porte  caruncle;  granularprotuberance.  -oæbffen 
the  juice  of  flesh.  -tiægt  butcher's  weight. 
-æbenbe  a  carnivorous,  zoophagous;  _  S)pr  car- 
nivora,  zoophagans.  -atéc  butcher's  axe,  chopper. 

^øgemefter  c  (oeb  Jpoffet)  superintendent  of  a 
royal  kitchen;  (i  SBibeten  og  Beb  SSonbeBrtjUupper 
i  aiorge)  ruier  el.  govemor  of  the  feast. 

^«j(C)  c  -er  <!,  (i  Slim.)  berth;  $ænge=  hammock; 
(Samme--)  cot;  faft  _  bunk;  gaa  til  tøj§  nestle  in. 
^«je{Bunb  bottom  of  a  cot  el.  bunk.  -bug  can- 
vas  for  hammocks.  ■joHe  hammock  girtline. 
-tlæber  p(!  bedding,  ■trog  hammock-hook.  -ptobå 
berth.    -rob  tier  of  berths.    -ribber  pi  hammock 








-racks,  -ftjærthammock-lanyard.  -toeti^je  blanket. 
•t«j  bedding. 

Støtten  n  -er  kitchen;  ^  galley;  (9JJabenS  lil- 
latining)  cookery;  folbt  _  cold  victuals.  -affalb 
kitchen  refuse  el.  stuff.  -arbcjbe  kitchen  work. 
-borb  dresser,  -betjartcntent  kitchen  el.  cuhnary 
department.  -breng  kitchen-boy,  scullion.  -b«r 
kitchen  door.  -febt  dripping.  •fortlæbe  kitchen 
apron.  -frugt  kitchen  fruit.  -^aanbtlæbe  kit- 
chen-towel.  -^ujje  kitchen  el.  vegetable  garden. 
-^^Ibe  kitchen- shelf.  -ilb  kitchen-fire.  -jomfru 
cook.  -tor  kitchen  el.  culinary  vessel.  -tnitt 
kitchen  knife.  -latin  dog-lati'n,  apothecary's 
latin.  -Ilj8  kitchen  candle.  -mefter  head  cook. 
-tttebbing  kitchen-midden.  -))a^ir  kitchen  paper. 
•<)crfonaife  persons  employed  in  the  kitchen. 
•Ijige  cook-maid,  kitchen-maid.  -regning  klt- 
chen-account.  -rim  doggerel  rhyme.  -rætte 
plate-rack.  -fager  kitchen  el.  culinary  articles 
el.  matters,  -folt  common  salt;  kitchen-salt. 
-febbel  bill  of  fare.  -flab  kitchen  press.  -fte 
ladle.  -fforften  kitchen  chimney.  -ftrioer  elerk 
of  the  kitchen;  joc  kitchen-hunter,  mollycoddle. 
•flufte  sluttish  kitchen  wench.  -f<)rog  kitchen 
-language,  -terne  cookmaid.  -tra))))e  kitchen 
-stairs,  back-stairs.  -t«j  kitchen  utenslls  el. 
furniture.  -ubftQr  kitehen  furniture  and  requis- 
ites.  -urter  pot  herbs.  -babft  kitchen-sink. 
•Oinbue  kitchen  window.  -bogn  carriage  for 
provisions  and  kitchen  utensils.  -»cetit  kitchen 
-vegetable.  -ttsfen  culinary  concerns  pi.  -«t8e 

tflel  a  fe  Sølig. 

Sitl  c  -e  (ogf.  ^)  keel;  paa  ret  _  ou  an  even 
keel,  righted;  faa  paa  ret  _  right;  tomme  paa  ret 
_  right  itself;  meb  -en  i  SSejret  bottom  up(wards). 
-blot  keel  block.  -bolt  keel-bolt.  -brubt  a 
broken-backed,  hogged.  •ivit  arch  ogee  arch. 
-bugt  curvature  ofkeel.  -bannet  a  keel-shaped, 

Sele  vt  cool;  vi  blow  a  light  breeze;  _  fit  9JJob 
pao  vent  one's  rage  on;  -nbe  a  cooling,  refri- 
gerant.  S«le  c  fe  Søltng.  -brit  cooler,  cooling 
draught.  -fab  cooler.  -tammer  chamber  for 
cooling  flour.  -lar  cooler.  -toft  fire  swab. 
-mibbei  cooler,  refrigerant.  -obn  cooling-furn- 
ace.  -))anbe  cooling-pan.  -folbe  cooling  oint- 
ment.  -flange  worm.  -ftot  cooling-vat.  -trug 
cooling  trough. 

Søllgang  garboard  strake.  -^ale  vt  (et  SliB) 
careen;  (en  Watib)  keelhaul.  -^aling  c  careening; 
keelhauling.  -^aling§a))^arater  careening-gears. 
-ijalingSflaabe  floating  stage,  -l^alingdgier  ca- 
reening tackle  (0.  fl.).  -^aling^fvil  heaving 
-down  capstan. 

ftelig  a  (fcal)  cool,  coldish;  (ftjolenbe)  cooling. 
-^eb  c  coolness.  Køling  c  (^anbt.  ot  føle)  cool- 
ing, (9Iften%  ^OJorgenO  coolness;  (Cuftniiig)  breeze. 

^e'Wlxampt  keel-dog.  -loft  scarf  of  the  keel. 
-linie  line  of  keel.    -Itengbe  length  of  keel. 

StøIIe  c  -r  (Sørreobn)  kiln. 

St«ne  c  -r  (SBaaben)  club,  mace;EJ,  mallet;  Kof 
%Xix)  hind  leg.    -bille  claviger. 

^«ae|brænbt  a  bumt  in  the  kiln^ 

Jl«IIe|b«rer  fe -bille,  -banwet  fe'formig.  -brager 

KøHclfjæl  drying-board.     -flage  drying-plate. 

StoQcfurmig  a  club-shaped;  ^  clavate. 

JifllleariS  fe  ®rt?. 

SloUefljornebe  pi  clavicoms.    -^ng  fe  -flag. 

SløUcmalt  n  kiln-dried  malt. 

PteVitxt  c  -er  buff  jacket. 

SiøUelftaft  handle  of  a  club.  -flag  blow  of  a 
maee.  -foant))  oak-leather,  club-shaped  fangus, 

Sønetørret  a  kiln-dried. 

SøQebalmue  c  prickly  poppy,  Papaver  arge- 

Sløln  n  Colo'gne. 

Seine  vi,  Kølneå  vd  cool,  become  cool. 

Søil^Iabe  keelplate.  -plantt  (one  of  the 
planks  of  the)  garboard  strake.  -titanterang, 
-))Iant§range,  -rang  fe  -gang.  -ftæt  armadillo 
-Shell,  Uhiton.  -ftøb  j,  keel-butt.  -fnegl  Venus' 
slipper,  Carinaria.  -ftircengning :  ^abe  _  el.  bære 
-f))r«ngt  «  be  hogged,  hog,  fmeb  nebabg.  ftrumn.) 
sag.  -fpunbing  rabbet  of  the  keel.  -fbin  keel- 
son.  -fbinSboIt  keelson  bolt  (o.  fl.)  -fbinStn« 
stemson.  -fbinSftreng  limber-strake.  -tr«  keel 
-piece.  -banb  wake;  (i  Stibet)  bilge-water. 
-banbdlinie  line  ahead. 

Søn'  w,  pi  =,  sex;  gram  gender;  bet  fmuttf  _ 
the  fair  sex;  bet  l^ele  menneffelige  _  all  mankind. 

Søn'  a  handsome,  pretty,  comely;  en  -  ©um 
a  handsome  el.  round  sum;  bet  »ar  itfe  -t  af  S)em 
that  was  not  well  of  you;  ber  ftob  jeg  en  _  I  was 
in  for  it  now;  tønt  adv.  gaa  nu  -t  ^jem  be  good, 
go  home  now;  bær  -t  artig  be  a  good  child. 
-^eb  c  handsomeness,  prettiness. 

SønløS  fe  SønSløS.    Stønnet  a  sexual. 

Sønrøg  c  lampblack,  pine-soot. 

SønSjbøjning  inflection  denoting  the  gender 
of  a  word.  -bele  sexual  organs,  -brift  sexual 
desire  el.  impulse.  -egenftab  sexual  peculiarity. 
-enbelfe  termination  of  gender.  -for^olb  sexual- 
ity.  -forftel  difference  of  sex.  -lem  genital 
member.  -lib  sexual  functions.  -løg  o  sexless, 
asexual,  ^  neuter.  -lø^^eb  c  absence  of  sexual 
characteristics.  -moben  «  arrived  at  puberty, 
pubeseent.  -mobenf^eb  c  puberty.  -n^belfe 
sexual  gratiflcation.  -ottijibfelfe  sexual  excite- 
ment.  -orb  article.  -organer,  rebftaber  fe -bele. 
-botg  sexual  selection. 

Sø'rbar  a  practicable  (for  vehicles). 

Søre,  -te  -t  vi  drive,  ride  (in  a  carriage);  vt 
(|)eft,  SSogn,  en)  drive;  (noget)  carry,  cart;  *  &  f 
(jage)  chase,  drive,  run;  _  en  Sur  take  a  ride  in 
a  carriage,  a  drive;  _  en  runbt  fig  bewllder  one; 
gjejen  fan  itfe  (taaler  itfe  at)  -8  paa  the  road  bears 
no  vehicles;  ^f,  _  et  f^artøj  track  a  vessel;  -  {Roret 
steer  large;  ben  -enbe  the  rider,  (^btS  tan  fører 
felt))  the  driver;  _  fra  en  (biftoncere)  outride  one; 
_  inb  (vi)  drive  in,  (vt)  fe  3nbløre;  _  meb  fire 
drive  four  in  hånd;  _  oj)  meb  fig  bring  forward; 
F  ^an  er  tommen  fortert  [iron  gobt)  op  at  _  he 
has  got  Into  a  tine  mess;  SSarnet  bleb  -t  o  Ber 
the  child  was  run  over;  _  paa  F  go  ahead;  _ 
Jpefte  til  break  cl.  train  horses;  _  til  vi  drive 
faster;  tør  til!  drive  on!  all  right!  —  »r  fig 
faft  (ogf.  fg)  come  to  a  dead  stop;  _  fig  en  Sur, 
fe  obfr.  -bane  road,  roadway.  -bib  snaffle. 
-breb  coachman's  certiflcate.  -bro  carriage  bridge. 
-brug:  ^eft  til  _,  fe  -^eft.  '''-boning  fe  -tøj.  -§o= 
^ig^eb  (3ærnb.)  rate.  -^eft  carriage  el.  waggon 
horse,  -tarl  driver,  -l^^  pa.ssion  for  drivlng. 
-lærer  driving-master.  -løn  (for  IJJerfoner)  fare; 
(for  SBarer)  cartage,  waggonage.  -n  c  driving 
etc.  -pift  whip-stock.  -plan  time-table.  -reb- 
ftab  fe  -tøj.  -fitter^eb  safety  of  conveyance. 
-fiol  perambulator.  -foenb  driver,  -tov,  -troSfe 
J,  track-rope.  -tur  drive,  ride.  -tøj  carriage, 
conveyance,  F  trap,  tum-out.  -tømme  rein. 
-bej  carriage  road;  cart  road.  Sørinb'  n  F 
thoroughfare,  traffie.  Sørom'  n  old  milk  stirred 
about  with  sugar  and  grated  bread, 

tSørne  vt  (S^g)  hummel.  -apparat,  -maftine 

Sørner  c  (S)rejn.)  centre-punch,  entering 



ftørtom'nten  n  F  medley.  $t«r{et  o  -fler  driv- 

Jlørttel  c  chervil,  Scandix  cere/olium;  |ponf£  - 
cicely,    Myrrhit   odorata;    bitb    _    wild    chervil, 

Chærophylhim   Bylvestre.      -roe    parsuip    chervil" 
Chærophylium  bulbosum.    -\\xppt  chervil  soup. 

^øtcr  c  -e  (og[.  @fælb8orb)  cur.     -afltig  o  cur- 

2,  I  [(51']  n  -ler  L,  1:  a66r:  fi.  =  Sinie  Une; 
I.  =  lignenbe  the  like;  S»)b.  =  SiS^Junb. 

2a,  la  fe  ©oa. 

£aa  3raj)f.  af  Sigge. 

Saab'  w,  -^c  (Sginterulb)  fleece;  (®un  :t)aa  ^Plantet) 

Saabb'en  a  shaggy;  (buttet)  downy;  (ulbett) 
wooUy;  (^aaret)  hairy;  _  |)ue  fur  cap;  tjetibe  bet 
•bne  ub  F  cut  up  rough,  -fobei  a  shaggy-footed. 
-grrcS  soft-grass,  Hotcus.  -^eb  c  shagginess, 

""Saag  c  decoction. 

2aag  n,  /)i  =,  cover,  lid;  {'paa  ^Poftej)  upper 
-crust;  fpore  fra  -et  spare  at  the  hrim.  •bcenl 

Saage  c  -r  gate,  wicket;  (®ør,  foitt  er  belt  ))oa 
ttjærS,  f.  e«.  til  en  ©talb  ofo.)  hatch. 

2aa'g|Ianbe  mug  with  a  lid.  -lurt)  basket 
With  a  lid.    -Ia§  a  without  a  lid. 

*2aa!  a  poor,  mean,  bad. 

2aan  n,  pi  =,  loan;  bringe  et  _  i  ©tanb,  flutte 
et  _  negoeiate  a  loan;  gøre  et  _  raise  a  loan; 
til  -%,  fottt  _  on  loan;  faa  til  -8  have  the  loan  of; 
jeg  ^ar  faaet  S3ogen  tit  -S  af  en  SSen  I  have  bor- 
rowed  the  book  from  a  friend,  a  friend  has  lent 
me  the  book;  ^an  ^ar  ben  til  -§  he  has  bor- 
rowed  it. 

2aane,  loa'nte,  laa'itt  vt  (Borge)  borrow  (of, 
from);  (ublaane)  lend,  amr  loah;  _  paa.  *J5ant  lend 
upon  pawn;  arith  ~  1  carry  one;  _  en  ^re  listen 
to  one;  _  en  $uS  shelter,  lodge  one;  F  (=  longe) 
laan  mig  SSogen  hånd  me  the  book;  _  en  et  5Par 
Øine  look  daggers  at  one;  biSfe  SSøger  §  iffe  ub 
theee  hooks  are  for  reference  only  (and  not  to 
be  taken  away).  2aane|anfta(t,  -bani  bank  for 
loans,  loan-office.  -bibliotel  lending  library. 
-forening  loan  society.  -gob8  borrowed  articles. 
-^nå,  -laSf  e,  -lontor  loan-ol!ice.  -orb  loan-word. 
-r  c  -e  borrower.  -febbel  duplicate,  pawn  ticket. 
-fnm  sum  lent.    -fcetning  lemma. 

2aa'n|giber  lender.  -føgenbe,  -f«ger  c  -e  loan 
-seeker.    -tager  c  -e  borrower. 

2aar  n,  pi  =,  thigh;  (of  flagtet  ®t)r)  leg,  (DfSe, 
^o)  mouse  et.  upper  buttock;  _  og  ^lump  round. 
-arterie  femoral  artery.  -ben  thigh-bone.  -brol 
femoral  el.  crural  hernia.  -brub  fracture  of  the 
thigh-bone.  -bngt,  -bøjning  fe  -frig.  -%a\i, 
-l^ooeb  neck,  head,  of  the  thigh-bone. 

2aaring  c  -er  i  quarter.  —  2aaring§|baab 
quarter-boat.    -Uinb  q.  wind  (o.  fl.). 

2oa'r|frig  groin.  -flinne  cuish,  cuisse.  -ft^Ke 
(af  DfSe)  rump-piece,  round;  (af  minbre  3)l}r)  leg. 
■ftærf  a  stout  about  the  thighs.  -t^!  a  thick  as 
a  thigh.    -ulb  breeching. 

2aa§  c  t,  ■•'ogf aa  n,  pi  =,  lock;  liHe  -  (^laa. 
fiaI§6oanb  el.  beSIige)  locket;  (§ænge=)  padlock; 
(ti(  ©eoær  ofB.)  lock;  (i  2;ømmer)  dowel,  coak; 
(p.  ©atå)  shield;  (Sinft.)  joint;  *shoal  of  herring 
locked  in  by  the  seine,  enclosure;  fætte  _  for 
(noget)  padlock;  luKe  i  _  lock;  unber  -  og  Suffe 
*  under  (one's  own)  lock  and  key.  2aa3|blif  fe 
2oofe=.    -bue  cross-bow,  arcubalist. 

2aafe  vt  &  i  lock;  (fætte  ^»ængeloaS  for)  pad 
lock;  _  af,  _  i  lock;  _  neb  lock  up,  lock  away; 
_  op  unlock;  -t  og  lulfet  locked  and  bolted. 

2aafe|bef(ag  lock-furniture.  -blab,  -blif  main 
plate;  (p.  SSøSfe)  lock-plate.  -gienge  fe  £ao8=. 
-^Jjlfter,  -^«tte  lock-cover.  -lappt  thumb-stall. 
•laSfe  case.  -line  art  trigger-line.  -^{abe  vent 
-field.  -^)roj)  dowel,  coak.  -))nng  lock  purse. 
-riget  fe  SaaS«.  -ring  J,  clasp-hoop.  *-fllb 
herring  taken  in  a  „SaaS".  -flme  lock-screw, 
•fmcb  locksmith.    -fam  dog-nail.     -tap  fe  -prop; 

2aa'§|fieber  spring  of  a  lock.     -fcerbig  a  pro' 
vided  with  a  lock,   lockable.     -gang,   -giengi 
wards  of  a  lock.     -^ane  cock  of  a  gun-locJ 
-Hof  art   vent-patch.      -laag    gun-lock    cove: 
-riget  bolt  (of  a  lock).    -tri^Her  handle. 

••'2aat,  2aate  fe  S^b,  Stjbe  vi. 

*2aabe  c  -r,  fe  fiabe.  -bro  barn  bridge  et, 

2ab'  c  -6er  paw;  fuge  pao  -ben  bite  on  the  bit, 
suck  one's  paws  el.  thumbs. 

2aban  c  -er  lout,  rowdy  fellow.  2aban3aIbereN 
the  hobbledehoy  age. 

*2obbe  vi  jog,  trudge. 

Sabbetafter  pi  J,  nipping  cheeks. 

2obe  vt  lap.    -n  c  lapping. 

*8obetenff'  n  gibberish. 

fiaber  a  (om  SSinben)  light. 

2aberba'n  c  haberdine,  Aberdeen-fish. 

£abt)ar»(c)  c  grubber. 

Sabia'lpibe  la'bium  pipe.    2a'bittnt  n  labium. 

2abor|ant'  c  -er  chemist;  assistant  in  a  labor- 
atory.  -ato'riunt  n  -ier  lab'oratory.  -e're  vi  ex 
perimentalize;  fig  af  suffer  from. 

2abfal0|e  vt  ^  pay,  pay  over  (with  tar).  -ini 
c  coat  (of  tar). 

2abur'nnm  c  laburnum. 

2ab^rint'  c  -er  lab'yrinth,  maze.  -ip  a  laby. 
rinth'ic,  mazy.    -lorat  meandrina. 

2acebæmo'n{ier  c,  -ifl  a  Lacedæmonian. 

2ab  a  lazy,  indolent,  slothful;  ligge  paa  ben 
©ibe  be  idle,  do  nothing. 

2ob  »,  pi  =,  fe  ®reie=,  ©at)e=  o.  fl. 

2aba'ngummi  n  lad'anum. 

*2abber  pi  coarse  over-stockings,  snow-socks. 

£abe  c  -r  (§uS)  barn;  t(©frin)  case,  chest;  (paa 
§eft)  bar. 

Sabe  c  -r  (meft  i  pi)  gesture,  manner. 

£abe,  lob,  labet  vi  &  impers  (f^neS)  seem,  ap- 
pear,  (gibe  fig  ©fin  af)  feign,  pretend,  affect;  _ 
from  feign  (etc.j  to  be  pious,  feign  piety;  bet  -r 
fmuft  it  looks  well;  _  til  at  appear  to,  look  as 
if;  bet  -r  til  bet  it  appears  so;  fom  bet  -r  tit  it 
would  seem;  _  fom  om  pretend  to  et.  that;  -fom 
ingenting  look  innocent,  unconscious,  appear  as 
if  nothing  were  the  matter;  fe  ^aant;  bet  lob  paa 
5am  at  et.  fom  om  he  spoke  as  if 

2abe,  lob,  tabet  vt,  a)  (unbtabe)  omit;  _  en,  noget 
tiære  let  one,  something  alone;  -  Bære  at  desist 
et.  refrain  from,  forbear;  tab  Oære!  have  done; 
lab  »ære  meb  bet  drop  that!  tab  faa  bære!  well 
and  good!    b)  (rittabe)  let,  permit,  sufifer;  tab  o8 









gaa  let  us  go;  lab  l)ure!  let  us  hear!  man  maa 
labe  ^am,  at  ^aii  er  en  buelig  fitsrer  it  is  but  jii- 
stice  to  say,  it  is  fair  to  say  of  him,  I  must  say 
that  for  him,  that  he  is  a  good  teaclier,  to  do 
liim  justice,  he  is  etc;  -  fe  display,  eviuce;  let 
it  be  seen;  _  en  (oære)  ene  leave  oue  alone;  -  en 
bære  i  fyreb  let  one  alone;  lab  bent  bet !  let  them; 
c)  (efterlQbe,  forlabe)  leave;  _  fit  iiio  lay  down 
one's  life;  _  SJanbet  make  water;  _  (noget)  ftao, 
ligge  (f.  (£f§.  paa  23orbet)  leave  (a  thing)  (on  the 
table);  _  Søren  ftaa  aaben  leave  the  door  open; 
_  en  uben  ^iælp,  ubelønnet  leave  one  unaided, 
unrewarded;  _  løg  let  loose,  _  fare  leave  ofiF;  _ 
en  (i)  iRo  let  one  alone;  bet  r  jeg  t)am  om  I  leave 
that  to  liim;  —  d)  (»ære  Slarfag  i,  bebirte)  -  en 
f)ente  send  for  one;  _  en  fige,  at  send  one  word 
that;  lab  falbe  "Mnfer!  ^.  let  fall  the  anchor!  lab 
folbe  Sof,  'ilHærSfeil !  down  foresail !  d.  topsails ! 
_  et  Sejl  falbe  let  fall  a  sail;  _  løbe  et  ©ejl  lower 
a  sail;  _  af,  i  nb,  op,  fe  91flabe,  Snblabe,  Oplabe; 
—  vr  -  ftg  gøre  en  åjole  have  a  coat  made;  bet 
-r  ftg  itfe  gøre  it  can't  be  done;  faaoibt  bet  -r  ftg 
gøre  as  far  as  practicable;  bet  -r  ftg  forflare  it 
admits  of  explanation;  bet  -r  ftg  flet  itfe  nægte  it 
is  impossible  to  be  denied;  _  ftg  ^ere  play,  sing 
(publicly);  bet  -r  fig  ^øre  that  is  something  like; 
la*  big  obertale  suffer  yourself  to  be  persuaded, 
listen  to  reason;  lob  fig  bræbe  suflfered  himself 
to  be  killed;  _  ftg  fe  come  forth,  make  one's 
appearance;  fe  93Jær!e,  SJøje. 

'''2ot>c  fig  vr  give  one's  self  up  to  laziness. 

8obc  vt  (Sfib,  SSogn  ofo.)  load,  lade,  charge; 
(SfQbeoaaben)  load,  charge;  (Sfib,  Sanon)  for  ftærtt 
overload,  (meb  Rrubt)  overcharge;  -  en  iieljbner 
glafte  load  a  Leyden  jar;  _  meb  løft  charge  (with 
powder);  _  meb  ffarpt  load,  shot  (a  gun).  -bofl 
cargo-book.    •bom  derrick.    -bre»  bill  of  lading. 

Sabcbrænbt  (om  Som)  a  spoiled  in  the  barn. 

£abe|buf  fe  -bom.    -bog  loading  day. 

I^abebør  c  barn  door. 

Sabefenbcr  c  ^  skid. 

Sabcifogeb  overseer  (of  farming  operations). 
•gaarb  farm-yard;  f-en  the  workhouse  (in  Copen- 

aobegoffel  c  J^  derrick. 

iiabelgnlD  (I)bor  ffornet  lægge?)  com-floor;  (2o» 
gulD)  threshing  floor.     -^uS  barn. 

£abebaan  c  port  of  loading. 

:kiabe)(ern  fe  iMareIabe=. 

i^abejtem  ,i>  gangway(-port).  -linie  load-water 
line.    •mærfe  fe  £afte=. 

ifaben  c  omlssion:  ®øren  og  _  doings,  actions, 

£abe|))enge  toimage-dues.  -(ilabS  place  of 
lading;  quay. 

Sabcport  c  barn-door. 

Siobejport  loading  port,  (tii  Srælaft)  raft-port. 
-portruHe  friction-roller.  I^aber  c  -e  art  loader. 
SJabcjrcbffob  sponge  and  rammer,  -ffobl,  -fluffe, 
-fl^ffcl,  -ftflffel  art  ladle,  shovel.  -fllfler  J,  skids. 
-fpil  wincb.  -fteb  fe  -plabS;  *small  town,  where 
sliips  may  take  in  but  not  discharge  their  car- 
goes.  -ftiding :  i  _  in  loading  position,  -fiol 
ram  rod.  -ftotfjer  ramrodspring.  -ftofrettbe 
sroovo  for  the  rod. 

£abe{ftiale  c  house  swallow,    Hirnndo  rustica. 

Sabel tatf el  tackle  for  hoisting  cargo,  garnet. 
-taj  implements  for  loading. 

£a'b|^an§  Thomas  Idle.  -Ijeb  c  laziness,  Indo- 
lence,  sloth.    •■-Ijttnb  lazy  dog,  lazybones. 

fiabning  c  (jpanblingen)  loading;  (iiaft)  cargo; 
(ftrubt)  charge;  (Starpt)  load.  —  2abningå|  = 
afgiftet  charges  levied  on  the  cargo.  -angioelfe 
manifest;  ship's  coutent.  -ejer  cargo  owner. 
-ffoffe  electric  jar.  -fortegnclfe  manifest,  -mob- 
toger  consignee,  receiver  (of  the  cargo).    -miertc 

aarfeu:  S>anff=engelf!  CrbBog. 

fe  Safte=.  -nøgle  tel  communicator.  -(laViret  pi 
papers  relating  to  the  cargo. 

Siobro'netne  id  the  Ladrones. 

Sa'bflbe  c  fe  iiab. 

2ablj  c  -er  (foran  ^Jobnet)  Lady;  en  •  a  lady  of 

'■'fiaft  c  -er  coin,  corner  joint  (of  a  log-house). 
fiofte  vt  dove-tail  (the  comers  of  a  log-house). 
£aftebqgntng  log-house, 

Sag  n,  pi  =,  (Sorb--,  @ten=  ofb.,  ogfaa  fig)  layer, 
stratum;  (Selftab)  party,  company;  (gabe,  Kanoner) 
tier;  (TOaltng  o.  I.)  coat,  coating;  *way,  nature; 
naek;  fe  Sabe;  gioe  fjjenben  bet  glatte  J  give  the 
enemy  a  broadside;  gioe  Rt  Orb  meb  i  -et  put  in 
one's  oars;  gide  fig  i  _  meb  (en)  associate  with. 
(nt)  set  about;  fe  ftaft;  Ⱦre  i  _  meb  be  about; 
tomme  i  _  meb  fall  in  with;  otl  i  _  meb  wants  to 
get  at;  f)Oor  paa  -  whereabouts;  paa  bet  _  there- 
about;  about;  about  the  time  that;  ja,  paa  bet  -  ! 
save  the  mark !  over  the  left;  'ftaa  beb  _  remain 
unaltered;  *ligge  _  paa,  fe  røagt;  *i  ftørfte  -et 
somewhat  large,  almost  too  large;  'mibt  i  -et 
middling;  "'til  -g,  fe  tilpag;  *paa  nl)t  _  anew, 

Sagoboter  hist  the  Law-mender. 

Sogbe  imp  af  fiægge. 

So'glbeling  stratification.    -belt  a  stratifled. 

*2age  fig  vr  fe  81rte  fig. 

fioge  c  brine,  pickle.  fioge  vt  pickle.  lay  In 
brine.    -ogurl  pickled  cucumber. 

Sagen  n  -er  &  =,  sheet.    -to^rreb  sheeting. 

Sager  n  -e  stock,  store;  store- room(s),  store 
-house;  mach  bearing;  paa  _  in  stock,  on  hånd. 
-be^olbning  stock  on  hånd.  -bælfel  keep.  -fæl= 
ber  vaults.  -tnetoUer  brasses.  -ramme  carriage. 
-«t  lager-beer. 

•Saget  part  destined,  fated;  a  fe  Sagbelt. 

'-'Sagg  c  -er  chime,  chimb,  chine. 

Saglage  c  sponge  and  jam  cake  made  in  lavers. 

Sa'gre  vt  store,  warehouse. 

*2a'g|rette  n  -r  a  kind  of  jury,  but  with  power 
only  to  give  advice.  -rettedmonb  member  of 
a  „fiagrette". 

So'gff^  c  stratus. 

•Sogter  c  fe  gabn  (9RaaI). 

^Sa'gt^ing  n  upper  house  of  the  Norwegian 

Sogn'ne  c  -r  lagoon. 

Sa'gbiå  adv  in  layers. 

Sa'gpcerge  c  widow's  guardian. 

So^n  c  tinsel,  flatted  wire. 

tSoI'  F  :  uben  -  eller  fitjbe  ^vithout  blemish. 

Sol'  c  (100,000)  lac,  lack. 

Sof  c  &  n  (til  fjorfegling)  (sealing-)wax;  (til 
gerniS)  lac;  en  ©tang  _  a  stick  of  sealing-wax. 

Sotaj  c  -et  lackey,  flunkey.    -Oæfen  flunkyism'. 

*Sote  c  -r,  fe  ^Pabbe. 

Satebi'oerne  pi  the  Lac'eadives. 

Sote'rje  vt  lacker,  japan;  -be  Støbler  glazed 
boots.  -er  c  -e  japanner.  -ing  c  lackering  etc; 

*2afefilb  c  vendace,  Coregonua  alba. 

Satlforbe  lake,  drop-colour.  -ferniS  lac  var-    Sotfe  vt  f  seal. 

Satte  vi  &  iwpers  draw  nigh,  approach;  bet  -r 
ab  aiften  night  is  drawing  on;  bet  -r  ab  ©nben  it 
is  drawing  to  an  end  el.  close;  _  ^jem  wend 
one's  way  homewards. 

Sotlat  c  lac-lake. 

Salmud  c  litmus.  -(lo^ir  1.  paper.  -plante  1. 
plant,  Cryophora  tinctoriu;  archil,  Boccella  tinc- 

Sato'njift  a  lacon'ic.    -iS'me  c  lac'onism. 

Satritå  c  licquorice.  -plante  licquorice  (plant), 
Gtycyrrhiza  glabrei;  oilb  -  wild  licquorice,  Astra- 
ga/us   glycyphyllus.      -rob    1.    root,    sweet-root. 





-foft  1.  juice,  -ftang  stick  of  licquorice.  -uonb 
1.  water. 

2aI8'  c,  pi  =,  (»-erj  salmon,  Salmo  aalar;  lille 
_  salmonet,  samlet. 

2o!8oti'U  n  -er,  fe  Safgermibbel.  —  SiofSerlbrif 
purge.  -mibtiet  purgative,  cathartic,  apenent. 
•)>utt)er  purgative  powder. 

Satdel  familien  the  salmonidæ.  -f  årtiet  a  sal- 
mon-coloured.  t-fangft,  -pfferi  salmon  flshing 
el.  flshery.  -fJue  salmon  fly.  »gaar))  wear. 
•garn  salmon  net.  -far,  -tifte  fe  -tene.  *-not  fe 

fiaf§e'r|e  vi  purge.    -tng  c  purging. 

fialåelfllb  pearl-side,  Scopelua.  -floegten  the 
genus  salmo.  '^-ftarje  klng-flsh,  opah,  Lampris 
guttatvs.  -tene  cruive.  -tra^^e  salmon-stair,  s. 
-ladder.  -tiaati  seine  for  fishing  salmon.  *-l)or^ 
device  for  catching  salmon  (on  the  sea-coast). 
-^ngcl  salmon-fry,  (ftørre)  salmonpeels.  —  2ol8|> 
foreUe,  -ørreb  c  salmon- trout,  sea-trout,  Salmo 

gotf!joIti8ln8  c  lac-insect,  Coccus  lacca. 

Sattut  c  lettuce,  Lactuca;  (©olot=2.)  garden 
-lettuce,  L.  »ativa;  (giftig  ii.)  wild  el.  strong 
-scented  lettuce,  L.  viroaa. 

Saln'ne  c  -r  blank,  gap,  lacuna. 

Sala  fe  iSaa. 

Sialte  c  -r  paw. 

SJaHc  vi  &  t  babble.    -«  c  babbling. 

iiam'  n,  pi  =»,  la'mb;  fsheep;  liEe  _  lambkin; 
®ub8  -  the  lamb  of  God. 

Santa  c  -er  llama,  lama,  Auchenia;  (5J3ræft) 

gantbertfte  Sløbber  filberts. 

SatneU'er  pi  lam'els,  lamell'æ. 

Satnentjatio'n  c  -er  lamenta'tion.  -e're  vi 

Samlet)  c  palsy;  (ogfaa  fig)  lameness.  Satntne 
vt  palsy  (ogfaa  fig)  paralyse;  -  en§  Sraft  unnerve 
one;  —  vi  halt. 

Samme  vi  la'mb. 

Sammejboti  shoulder  of  lamb  el.  fmuttou. 
-fjerbing  quarter  of  lamb  el.  fmutton.  -fjerbingiS- 
blot  »J.  top-block.  -grib  lammergeyer,  bearded 
vulture,  Gvpaetua  barbatua  -^atte  enclosure  for 
lambs.  -^inbe  amnion.  -^otieb  lamb's  head. 
-I«b  lamb;  fmutton.  -tøbfu^iVe  lamb-broth; 
tmutton-broth.  -laor  hind  quarter  of  lamb  et. 
fmutton.    t-Ietier  sheep's  liver. 

Sammelfc  c  fe  Sam^eb. 

SammejnoSfer  lamb's  stones.  -n^re  sheep's 
kidney.  -ftinb  lamb-skin.  -fteg  roast-lamb; 
troast  mutton.  -nlb  lamb's  wool  el.  fleece. 
Samning  c  lambing. 

Mxa^t  c  -r  lamp;  F  fe  aJltftel  (SRæo);  ^an  ^ar 
SBluS  (el.  en)  paa  -en  he  has  taken  a  drop;  en 
forogtet  _  hibl  a'lamp  despised.  Sam))e{arm 
sconce.  -bolte,  -britte  lampmat.  -bluå  lamp 
-light,  flame  of  a  lamp.  -fabrifant  lamp-maker. 
-feber  stage-funk.  -fob  foot  of  the  lamp.  -f^r 
lamplight.  -glaS  lamp-glass,  chimney.  -Ijat, 
-^ictte  lamp  chimney  cap.  -ilb  fire  of  a  lamp. 
•iuppti  lamp  globe.  -t^8  lamp-light.  -*matte 
fe  -bafte.  -net  net  used  as  an  ornament  over  a 
lamp-shade.  -olje  lamp  oil.  -o8  lamp-smoke. 
-^»Ubfer  lamp-lighter,  lamp-trimmer.  -rum  ^ 
lamp  room.  -r«lte  {jftaa  Seatret)  foot-lights  pi. 
-r«g:  foa  _  be  baulked,  miss  the  mark.  -fafS 
shield-scissors.  -ferbiet  white  lamp-mat.  -flin 
glare  of  a  lamp  el.  lamps.  -flærm  lamp-shape. 
•fob  lamp-black. 

Samlet'  c  -ter  sconce,  bracket  lamp. 

iJam<)e|tænber  fe  -^jubfer.  -tiægc  lamp-wick;  (af 
SBomulb)  lamp-cotton.  £am))ift'  c  -er  lamp 

Sam))ret'  c  -ter  lamprey,  Petromvzon  marinua. 


Siamffaa  vt  paralyze. 

Sancaftermetoben  the  Lancaste'rian  method. 

Sancc're  vt  fig  start,  set  up.  Sance'ring  a 
shooting  the  weft,  shooting  in. 

Sancet'  c  -ter  lan'cet.    -formtg  a  ^  lanceolate. 

SJoncie'r  [fr]  c (3)anS)  the  lancers. 

2anb  n  -e  (mobfat  SJanb,  Jpoo;  3;orbegobS,  QorbS« 
monj  land;  (Sgn;  2anbet  [mobiat  iBQen];  græbretaub) 
country;  (mobfat  6ø)  terra  firma;  foft  _  main 
land,  continent;  bra!  _  fallow  ground;  b^rtet  _ 
arable  land;  flobt  _  low  land,  flat  land;  ^ojt  _ 
hi^h  land;  et  StQffe  _  a  piece  of  ground  el.  land; 
_  I  Sigte!  land  ho!  inbefluttet  af  _  land-locked; 
I  _  on  shore;  gaa  i  _  go  on  .shore,  disembark; 
fætte  i  _  set,  put  on  shore,  land;  ^er  i  -et  in  this 
country;  inb(e)  i  -et  inland;  en  ©Q  inbe  i  -et  an 
inland  tovv^n;  I  an  g  8  _  along-shore;  oj)(t)e)  i  -et 
up-country;  rejfe  ober  _  go  by  el.  overland; 
Jjao  -et  in  the  country;  tage  ub  poa  -et  go  into 
the  c;  ligge  paa  -et  live  in  the  country,  ruralise; 
fætte  foa  -  beach;  Sartøjet  ftaar  paa  tørt  _  the 
Vessel  is  high  and  dry;  til  -S  by  land;  rejfe  ub 
af  -et  go  abroad;  ub  fra  ~  offshore,  offward; 
unber  ~  in-shore,  under  the  land;  bu  ffal  faa 
al  -fenS  (^gen)  Ultjffe  I  will  make  an  example 
of  you.  Sanb label  country  nobility  (landed 
gentry).  -afftanelfe  cession  of  territory.  -almue 
peasantry.  -arbejber  farm  labourer.  -arméjand 
-army,  land-forces. 

Sanbanjer  c  -e  landau.    -let'  c  -ter  landaulet'. 

Sanb|bageri  country  bakery.  -batteri  battery 
(on  shore).  -befoltntng  rural  population,  -bjørn 
common  bear,    Uraue  arctos. 

Sattbbo{(erj  countryman,  farmer,  country 
-dweller.  -forening  ågricultural  society.  -for= 
^olbeue  rural  matters,  -tjajffole  (veterinary  and) 
ågricultural  college,  college  of  agriculture.  -in> 
buftri  rural  industry.  -inbuftriel  a  of  rural  in- 
dustry.  -intcreSfer  ågricultural  interests.  -lob' 
giuningen  the  ågricultural  laws.  -fager  ågri- 
cultural affairs.  -ffole  school  for  husbandmeu. 
-ftanb  country  people.  -tibenbe  ågricultural 

£anb|brife  land-breeze.  -bro  abutment  (of  å 
bridge),  -brug  agriculture.  -bruger  agricultur- 
ist,  farmer. 

SanbbrugSl arbejber  pi  farming  operations. 
•bane  ågricultural  railway.  -tonfulent  consult- 
ing  agriculturist.  -rebffab  ågricultural  imple- 
ment.  -ftole  ågricultural  school.  -f^ftem  farm- 
ing system,  -tibenbe  fe  aanbbo=;  (i  2lDi§)  farming 

Sonb  I  bryggeri  country  brewery.  -brænbert 
country  distillery  -bræt  fe  2anbgang§=.  t-^Mb 
(round)  bread  made  of  bolted  rye.  t-bub  pro- 
vincial  deputy  (in  Poland;,  -bqgntng  country 
building.  -bt(gntng§tunft  rural  architecture. 
-bag  diet;  ^  liberty-day.  -bige  (main)  dike. 
-biftrltt  rural  di-strict,  country-side.  f-bolf 
(rustic)  boor.  '*-broge  vt  draw  on  shore.  -broft 
(i  Stjftt.)  high  baihfl".  -brot  fe  ^orbbrot.  -bljr 
terrestrial  animal.    Sanbe  vi  land. 

Sanbel  fabel  general  rumour.  -fejbe  intestine 
war,  -feft  national  festival,  -freb  the  king's  el. 
queen's  peace. 

Sanbejen|bom  c  me  landed  property.  -bomS« 
befibber  landed  proprietor. 

Sanbejtmobe  n  Synod,  »c  Assembly  of  thi 
Church.    -mærte  boundary  line. 

2anbe<)tabS  c  landing-place. 

2anbcH>lagc  general  plague  el.  scourge.  -regn 
rain  throughout  the  country,  -ret  law  of  the 
laud.  -rob  (unlawful)  annexation.  -r^  general 
rumour.  -ftat  general  tax.  -ffiftc  partition  of 
land;  exchange  of  land.     -forg  general  sorrow 







el.  mourniug.    -fot  fe  -ftjge.    -ftcb  landlng-place. 
-fflflc  eudemic.    -f«b  custom  of  the  land. 

iianbetat  c  army  list. 

I^anbeiøej  (high)road,  highway,  ub  ab  -en  fi.g 
in  the  beaten  track,  in  a  jog-trot  way,  «  jog 
-trot,  commonplace.  -Heiålofomotiti  steam-car 
riage,  road-locomotive.  -oeidrøocr  highwayman. 
-ti«rn,  -»æméinanb  fe  £onb=. 

SJonblfaar  inland  breed  of  sheep.  -farfot  epi- 
demic.  -foft  a  (meb)  coutiguous  (to),  connected 
With);  _  31  land  ice.  -fa^^eb  c  contiguity  etc. 
-flQg'ttg  a  exiled,  bauished.  -f[Q9'tig^eb  c  exile, 
banishmeut;  jage  i  _  exile.  f-fofleb  sheriff, 
haililT.  t-folt  country  people  el.  folk.  -fragt 
land  carriage  (of  goods).  -frøten  country  miss. 
•fugl  land  bird.  -fceftntNg  inland  fortress.  -førfet 
fe  -fragt,  -gang  landing;  (fjcutitl.)  descent;  (llb= 
fttbning  [af  Itopper])  di.sembarkation  (of  troops;; 
gøre  -  poa  make  a  descent  on. 

iianbgangéjbaab  (.færiig  bpgget  bertil)  surf-boat. 
-bro,  -brt)gge  landing-pier,  landing-stage,  -brcct 
gangway,  gang-board.  -etéerciS  exercise  on 
shore.  -forfug  attempt  at  landing,  -talton  fleld 
-piece.  -tloEber  go-ashore  clothes.  -))artt  land- 
ing party.  -<)lobé,  -fteb  landing-place,  (for 
dropper)  place  of  disembarkation.  -ftiUing  stage 
•gangway.    -tro|)))er  landing-troops. 

Sanblgilbe  rent  (of  land),  victiral  el.  grain  rent. 
•gobd  fe  3orbegobé.  -greoe  landgrave.  -grebelig 
a  belonging  to  the  1.,  of  the  1.  -grevinbe  land- 
gravine.  -grcbftab  landgraviate.  -grunben  the 
beach.  -granfc  frontier;  (inobfot  Søgrænfe)  land 
frontier.  -gccngé  a  curreut.  -^aj  land  shark. 
-iianbel  country  tråde,  "-ijanbler  fe  -fræmraer. 
•-^onblert  n  country  shop;  fe  -^anbel.  -^atite 
wild  oats,  bastard-oats ,  Avena  fatua.  -^eft 
farmer's  horse.  -Ijuf  point  (of  land),  -^uå 
country  house.  -t)uéi)olbcr  husbandman.  -^uå- 
^olbningdl(cre  rural  el.  farming  economy,  farm- 
ing,  agnculture.  -^uSljolbningéfelftab  agricul- 
tural  sociely.  -^ær  laud  army  el.  force(s). 
-t)«jbe  height.  •\)8ltv  fe  -fræmmcr.  -^ønS  com 
mon  fowls.  -inbuinbtng  reclaiming  of  land, 
reclaimed  land.  iianbing  c,  SJanbing8=  fe  Sanb= 
gong.  fianb|inf))eltør  land-surveyor,  divisional 
engineer.  -iS  land- ice.  -jorben  fdry)  land. 
•junter  country  squire,  c(^«<  S(iuireeu  -juriébtf' 
tion  country  district.  -tabet  pupil  of  a  military 
academy.  -labetatabemi  military  academy. 
t-tenbc  land-mark,  -tenbtng  ^1,  land-fall;  (*J5ei' 
linger)  bearings;  faa  _  make  el.  sight  the  land. 
-tomtnune  rural  community  el.  {amr)  township. 
•tort  map.  -trabbe  land-crab,  Gecarcinus  ruri- 
cola;  (Sfælblorb)  landsman,  (land-)lubber.  -trabbC' 
agtig  a  lubljerly,  uuseamanlike.  -Irig  war  by 
land.  -trigec  warrior.  -tr  (emmer  country 
trade-sman;  country-dealer,  -t^nbtg  a  (fom  tenber 
et  iJaitb)  acquainted  with  a  country;  (-i-fom  er 
befeiibt  i  bele  Sianbetj  notorious  throughout  the 
country,  -løbmanb  fe  -træmmer.  -Icbé  wlv  }>y 
land.  Sjonbitg  ruial,  rusii(al.  SJonblUggcnbc  <« 
ruralising,  -liggen  c,  -liggeri  n  ruralisiug.  -ligger 
c  -e  resident  in  the  country,  ruralist.  SJanblig= 
Ijeb  c  ruralness,  rurality;  (Simpel^.)  rusticity. 
£anbi(io  country  el.  rural  life.  -lob  liberty 
(a.shore),  land-leave.  -looSbag  liberty  day.  -Iot)é' 
^oft  liberty-mau.  -luft  country  air.  -luttet  a 
land-locked.  -Itjft  rural  enjoyment.  -lægb  rural 
levying  district.  -Iccrreb  homespun.  -Ube  vt 
&  i  run  (a  vessel)  ashore.  -løber,  -tøberfte  c  -e, 
-r  vagabond,  vagrant;  -løber,  fe  Snbift  Sarfc. 
-I08  a  detached  from  the  land.  -maater  sur- 
veyor;  (Qiif.)  geometrician,  looper,  Geometra. 
-maalertompaé  lircumferentor.  -moalcrtccbc 
surveyor's  chain.  -maalerftang,  -moalerftot  sur 
veyor's  rod.     -maaling  survoying.     -raaalingé^ 

fontor  surveyor's  ofiflce.  -maatingStttttp  art  of 
surveying.  -magt  land  forces;  (Stat)  Continental 
power  -manb  countryman,  farmer.  manbS= 
farmer's,  agricultural.  -manbéforfamling  agri- 
cultural  meeting,  -manbdmordfig  <«  farmer-like, 
rustie.  -manbSur  stem-winder.  -marteb  country 
fair.  -milits  land  militia.  -mccrte  fe  -fenbe. 
t-næring  htisbaudry.  -officer  officer  in  the 
army  -omraabt  territory.  -Jiejling  (taking  the) 
bearing  of  a  point  on  land.  -tiotiti  country 
police.  -<>oft  overland  mail.  -^oftbub  rural 
postman.  -poftbiftritt  rural  walk.  -(»rang  pedd- 
ling.  -pranger  unliceused  peddler.  -)irobulter 
agricultural  produce.  -to^nt  fe  -^ut.  -roob  (i 
%t)^l )  county-judge;  (i  Sc^roeij)  diet  (of  a  canton). 
■roce  country  race  el.  breed.  -regn  general  rain 
(throughout  the  conntry).  -rejfe (titlanbS)  overland 
journey;  (ub  )faa.  Sianbet)  country  trip.  -ret  (3)o;n= 
ftol)  provinclal  court  of  justice;  (9ietSdebtægter  for 
et  Soiibftab)  provincial  law.  -robbqr  pi  terre- 
strial  carnlvora.  -r^g  ridge  (of  land),  -fala- 
manber  salamander,  Salamaixdru  maculata. 
SanbSbarn  native  of  a  country. 

SanbSbq  c  -er  village.  -agtig  a  (fom  fra  en  8.) 
village-like;  (fimpel,  ubannet)  provincial.  -begn 
parish-elerk.  -feft  village  festivity.  -foU  villagers. 
-frøten  country  miss. 

•fianbéb^gb:  poa  -en  in  the  country,  in  the 
rural  district. 

iianbgb^l^tftorier  village  tales,  -talb  country 
living.  -tirte  village  church.  -toft  village  fare. 
-tro  village  tavern.  -<>ige  country  girl.  -))r(eft 
country  parson.  -flole  village  school.  -ffoU' 
røefter  village  schoolmaster. 

SanbSjbel  part  of  the  country,  -bommer  pro- 
vincial judge  el.  justice.  -egn  part  of  the  country. 
-faber  sovereign,  father  of  a  people.  -faberlig 
a  kingly,  paternal.  -folt  country  people.  -for= 
ræber  traitor.  -forreeberi  treason.  -forræbcr(i)ff 
o  treacherous,  treasonable.  -foruife,  -foroiSning 
fe  gorPife.  -f^rfte  fe  -^erre.  -g^lbig  a  current. 
-^erligljeb  royal  prerogatives  pi.  -^erre  regent, 
ruier,  sovereign.  -berrelig  a  (belonging  to  the) 
sovereign.  *-^HiS^olbning  country  household  el. 
house-keeping.  -tjøj^eb  sovereignty;  (Ooertjej^eb) 
suprcmacy.  -l|øt)binQ  governor  of  a  province. 
iJanbfibe  (ogf.  om  ^*l*jn.)  land  side. 

SJanbftab  n  -er  ((£gn  m.  Jp  t.  Ubfeenbe)  landscape; 
($roi)in§)  province.  Sanbftabelig  u  provincial. 
—  iJanbffab§ibillebe  landscape,  prospect.  -gart- 
ner landscape  gårdener.  -lotJ  provincial  law. 
-maler  landscape  painter,  landscapist.  -maleri 
(painting  of  a)  landscape;  fe  -malning,  -malning 
landscape  painting.  -møbe  provincial  meeting. 
•orb  provincial  word.  -tegning  landscape  draw- 

i!anb§falb  n  country  living. 

Uanblftat  Ooibftplb)  land  tax;  (Sanbeftat)  gene- 
ral tax.    -ftilbt)abbe  tortoise,  Testudo. 

SanD^ltirte  country  church.  -tnregt  c  (ogf. 
Spil)  lansquenet.  *-tommiSiion  county  cousin. 
-loft  country  fare. 

2anbifti)lb  fe  -gilbe.  -flog  land  battle.  -flot 
country  house. 

i!anb8|lob  law  of  the  land.  *'«maal  popular 
language;  a  kind  of  written  language  made  up 
of  the  dialects.  -manb  couutryman,  compatriot; 
F  (i  Siltole)  old  fellow !  -manbinbc  c  -r  country-- 
woman.  -t-  manblig  a  compatriot.  -manbflab  n 

:Uanb!fnegl  land  snail.  -fogn  country  parish. 
-folbat  soldier.  -fot  endemic.  iianb^ooerret  (i 
Éanmarf)  high  el.  superior  court  of  justice. 
iianbfpibd  point  of  a  cape. 

ilanbSlpræft  country  parson.  -ftlt  custom  of 
the  country,    -f^jrog  language  of  a  country. 





Snnblftab  iuland  town.     -fteb  eouatry-house, 


fianblftiae  vi  land.    -ftigning  landing. 

Sanbditutg  upper  house  (of  the  Danish  par- 
liamentj.  -tingSntanii  member  of  the  upper 

Sanblftortn  levy  en  masse,  -firimmel  strip  of 
land.  -ftr^ger,  -ftr^gerffe  c  -e,  -r  tramp,  tramper, 
vagrant,  vagabond.  -ftr(ctning,  -ftreg  tract  of 
land.  -ftutteri  provincial  stud.  t-ftDr  general 
tax.  t-ftanbcr  pi  chamber  of  deputies.  -fbale 
fe  8obe=. 

&anbd|t>ej  country  road.  -Uigtig  a  alHmport- 
ant,  of  national  interest. 

£anli|f«ic  country-seat.  -fætte  vt  (fætte  i  £.) 
land,  disembark;  (et  Sft6)  run  ashore,  beach. 
-fætning,  -fættclfe  c  landing,  disembarkation. 
•f»  \t  3iibfø.  2onl)å«»rlg^eb  magistracy  of  a 
country.  Sanbl tange  Lsthmus,  neck  of  land, 
land-strait.  •tilMttlåt  enlargement  of  territory; 
(naturlig)  accretion  of  land.  -tjenejte  land  ser- 
vice, -tog  expedition  by  land.  -totb  duty  on 
goods  carried  by  land.  -toning  appearance  of 
the  land,  landmark.  -tOO  shore-rope,  fast. 
-tvanSfort  landcarriage.  -tvo^))er  land  forces. 
•tunge  tongue  of  land,  spit;  +  =  -tonge.  -tæge 
land-bug,  Oeocorea.  -ttlb  upland  wool.  -Dej 
way  by  land,  overland  route.  *-t>cit  fe  -binb. 
-ttejå  adv  by  land.  -Oitt  home-growu  wine. 
-Oinb  land-wind.  -uinbing  conquest;  fe  -inb»in= 
bing.  -tiærn  (military;  defence  of  a  country; 
militia;  (fritJtHigt)  yeomanry.  -Oæmémanb  mili- 
tia  man.  -B(ttt§  fe  -oeiS.  -ti«fen  agriculture, 
husbrandry.  -Jiæfcnåeleu  agricultural  student. 
t-»æfenålommi§fton  agricultural  board.  t-»»æ= 
fenStomraiSfær  member  of  an  a.  b.  -vætter  pi 
guardian  spirits  of  the  country,  -cenbec  country 
ducks.  -«  oasis  -øgle  green  lizard.  -øtonomi 
fe  -^uS^oIbning.  -elonomifl  a  agricultural.  -«rn 
fe  kongeørn. 

Saner  pi  {^ifi^a.  |»eft)  bars. 

Song  a  long;  Siben  falber  mig  _  I  find  the  time 
long,  time  hangs  heavy  on  my  hånds,  the  hours 
drag;  en  Stib  -  for  some  time;  i  -  2:ib  for  a  long 
time,  this  long  time;  tager  -  2;ib  takes  long; 
gøre  -e  fingre  be  lightflngered,  pilfer;  8  Sommer 
_  og  4  Sommer  Breb  8  iuches  long  by  4  broad. 
8  inches  by  4;  faa  _  :^on  »ar  at  full  length;  faibt 
faa  _  fian  bor  measured  his  length  (on  the 
ground);  temmelig  -  lengthy;  l^on  Bleo  _  i  Slnfigtet 
his  face  fell;  bar  meget  _  i  ^nfigtet  wore  a  very 
long  face;  mere  træffe  (SBefSel)  poa  _  ©igt  draw 
at  a  long  date;  fe  93ænt,  9læfe,  ©ijb;  i  længere 
Sib  for  a  length  of  time;  et  længere  SSeføg  a  pro- 
tracted  el.  lengthened  visit;  i  bet  I  æ  n  g  f  t  e  at  the 
longest;  jeg  bil  i  bet  længfte  tro  I  cling  to  the 
bellef;  bu  ^ar  bæret  ^er  btn  længfte  Sib  your  time 
here  is  soon  at  an  end;  —  langt  adv  (Slfftanb) 
far;  (foran  Somparatiber)  much,  far,  greatly,  a 
great  deal,  a  long  way;  +  (beo  6uperl.)  by  far; 
(længe)  long,  a  long  time;  '^alb  faa  _  half  that 
distance;  bi  ^or  _  |jem  we  have  a  long  way 
home;  _,  _  Bebre  far  and  away  better;  -  onbet 
entirely  different;  _  anberlebeå  quite  dififerently; 
_  Borte  fra  far  off;  _,  længre,  længfl  borte  far, 
farther,  farthest,  ofif  el.  away;  _  fra  (i  8lf= 
ftanb)  from  a  distance;  (mobfat  nær  beb  og  fig) 
far  from;  (langbejS  fra)  from  afar;  _  fra  (ttfe) 
iQlteltg  far  from  happy;  bet  er  _  fra  (ttfe)  faa  fmuft 
fom  .  .  .  it  is  not  nearly  (el.  not  anything  like, 
nothing  like)  so  fine  as  .  .  .;  bet  er  -  fra  faa  flet 
it  is  far  from  being  so  bad;  _  fra!  far  from  it; 
bet  bære  _  fra  mig  far  be  it  from  me;  §an  er  ttfe 
_  fra  bet  (rette)  he  is  not  far  out;  -frem  far; 
l)an  faa  _  frem  i  Siben  he  looked  far  into  futurity; 
-  fremme  far  on;  _  ^en  far;  _  '^enne  far  away; 


_  inb,  -  inbe  far  in;  _  inb  i  far  into;  _  om 
længe  at  last,  at  length,  after  a  long  time;  _  op 
ab  S)agen  late  in  the  day  el.  morning;  bet  bar  _ 
Xxna.  ®ag  the  day  was  far  advanced;  bet  bar  _ 
Xiaa  f^formibbagen  it  was  far  on  in  the  morning; 
-tilbage  far  back;  _  ub  paa  Stotten  at  el.  till 
a  late  honr  of  the  night,  far  into  the  night;  til 
-  ub  X)(xa.  Sommeren  far  into  the  summer;  +  _  ub 
(beb  ©uperl.)  by  far;  fe  Ube. 

£ang|aarer  pi  oars.  -agtig  a  rather  long, 
lengthy,  longish,  elongated.  -al^it  a  long 
-eared.  -armet  a  long-armed.  -Ben  fe  91Jiejer. 
-benet  o  longlegged;  mere  _  longer- legged. 
t-bil  long  carpenter's  axe.  -bjælfe  ^  shelf 
(-piece).  -bolb(t)  (Danish  &  Norwegian)  l)aU,  a 
kind  of  ronnders.  -botb(t)ft)iIler  player  at 
„Sangbolb".  -bow  fe  -bogn.  -bcent  long  bench, 
settle.  *-b(»né  thread  the  tailor's  needle.  -brag  .- 
træffe  i  -  {vt)  protract,  spin  out;  gaa  el.  trætte  i 
_  hang  fire,  make  slow  progress;  -t-  i  _  at  long 
draughts.  -f-brægtig^eb  c  fe  Sen=.  -b^Sfe  oblong 
barrow.  -bæf§  adv  along  the  deck.  Sange  c  -r 
ling,  Molva  vulgaris. 

Sange  vt  hånd,  pass;  _  en  et  ©lag  fetch  one  a 
l)low;  —  vi  (efter)  reach  (after,  at);  -be  flittig  til 
gabet  fell  to  with  a  will,  played  a  good  knifl 
and  fork;  did  justiee  to  the  victuals. 

*fiangcleg  fe  Bangleg. 

Sangeltg  adv  slowly;  wistfully.    Sangemanb 
(Singer)  long-man. 

Sang!*fant  gipsy.  -fart  fe  -tur.  -fenber  ,%, 
fore-and-aft  fender,  -finger  middle-flnger.  -fln> 
greri  n  pilfering.  -fingret  a  long-fingered;  fig 
light-fingered.  t'fjfnberob  fe  ftrageflo.  -fre'bag 
Good  Friday.  -fuge  horizontal  joint,  -færb  fe 
-tur.  -griflet  a  ^  long-styled.  *-3runb  a  shelv- 
ing  and  shallow.  -^aanbet  a  long-handed,  longi- 
manous;  _  $bal,  fe  $uftei:^Bal.  -^aaret  a  long 
-haired.  -i^age  (long)  boat-hook.  -^aget  a  long 
-chinned.  -^alet  a  long-tailed.  -tjatm  long 
straw;  fig  thrashed-out  straw;  tærfle  _  do  a  boot- 
less  work;  tærfte  _  ':^aOi  wear  threadbare,  ring 
eternal  changes  on.  •falmet  a  long  strawed. 
-^at§  (frebS)  l)arnacle,  Lepas.  -l^alfet  a  long 
■necked.  -^alSftro^)  j,  long  strop,  -^anbffe 
long  glove.  -^efS  ^  long  shackle.  -hornet  a 
long-horn(ed);  _  Sbæg  longhorns.  -^ooebct  a 
dolichocephaious.  -^uS  nave.  -^ccubet  fe  -^aanbet. 
-^«{  long-barrow.  -ft«Ul  jointer.  -jærn  coulter 
(of  a  plough),  (i  ffllølle)  axis,  central  shaft.  -fnat 
stewed  green  cabbage;  p  2øjer  og  _  gammon 
and  spinage,  capital  fun.  -ffote  long  (child's) 
frock.  -lobet  a  long-jointed.  -lummen  fe  ©btS= 
tommen.  -lebet  a  long-limbed.  -leg  c  an  ancient 
kind  of  cithern.  Sanglig  a  longish;  ^aa  -e  Siber 
this  many  a  day.  Sangllioet  a  long-waisted; 
(fom  leber  længe)  long-lived.  -tibet^cb  c  longe- 
vity.  -tttobig  a  long-suflfering.  -mobig^eb  c  long- 
animity,  long-suflfering.  -maerte  J>  long-mark. 
-naab,  -nab  seam. 

Sangning  c  handing,  passing.  Sangning^iuge 
J^  scuttle. 

SanglntebBe  godwit,  Limosa.  -næbbet  a  long 
-1)illed.  -næfct  a  long-nosed;  fig  discomfited. 
*-pint  fe  ©cig«.  -pWoe  long  pillow.  -rejfe  long 
joumey;  f  fe  -ægt.  -rent  J,  swifter.  -runb  a 
oval.  '"-rflr  broad-nosed  whale,  Balænoptera 

SangS  adv.  paa  -  (efter  Bængben)  lengthwise, 
-ways,  longitudinally;  Beft^be  poo  -  rake;  — 
præp  (i  ©træfning  meb)  along;  _  ab,  -  efter,  _  meb 
along,  lengthways  of;  gaa  -  meb  (Santen  af)  skirt; 
_  Banbet  along  the  shore;  _  Siben  (of  et  ©lib) 

Sanglfoling  -i  trestle-tree.    -fab  pit-saw,  whi 
saw.    -fabflærer  sawyer. 






SangSefter  adv  fe:  paa  Ian  g 8. 

iianglfent(cr)  vt>  ribband.  -fiben  the  length. 
-ngttg  a  long(-dated).  *-flnt  a  bearing  malice, 
iinpliioablc;,  imforgiving.  -fjol  scarf.  -ffoftet  a 
long-liandled.  -ffJb  (Northern)  war  galley;  (i 
girfe)  nave.     -ffibS  fore  and- aft;   beffqbe  _  rake. 

2att9ftib8|af8e  longitudinal  axis.  •tarm  fore 
-and-aft  coamiug  (o.  fl.).  -Ub  raking  fire.  -fnit 
longitudinal  section.  •tegnins  elevation,  sheer 

Sanglftobber,  -ffot,  -flub  shifting-boards. 
•ffulpe  silique.  -ffulljct  a  siliquose.  -fidegget  a 
longljearded.  -ffæl  razor-shell,  Solen,  -fløbet 
a  loug-skirted.  -ffurc  flssure.  "-ftutt  gently 
sloping.    -fnubet  a  longbeaked. 

fiangfont  a  slow,  tardy;  *tedious;  -t  men  fiffert 
slowly  bul  surely,  by  slow,  but  certaiu,  degrees. 
+-gere  vt  retard.  -Ijeb  c  slowness,  tardiness. 
iiangfom'mdig  a  (font  »årer  længe)  long-lasting; 
(lang)  long;  ban  Ijor  it!e  Ⱦret  ^er  i  _  Sib  p  he 
has  not  been  here  this  age. 

2angi*f»iil  fe  -leg.  -f^ilibåning,  MVleiS  long 
splice.  -ftagétJiS  adv  J,  a-long-stay-peak.  -ftiltet 
a  long-.stalked.  -fting  long-stitch.  -ftraaet  a 
long-strawed;  -ebe  Utfgrøber  white  crops  -ftraU 
a  lengtheued,  stretched  in  length.  -ftieUe  longi- 
tudinal sleeper.  -f^n  farsightedness.  -f^net  a 
long-sighted,  far-sighted.  -fljnet^eb  c  presbyopy. 
•\e  long  sea. 

2angt  adv  \e  Sang. 

Sangltanet  «  with  a  long  accent,  •trutten  a 
lengthy,  prolix,  F  long-winded.  2angtrutten= 
^eb  c  longvviudedness.  iiangtrteltenbe  a  far 
-reaching;  (om  Sltjbetiaaben)  long-range. 

2ang|tr«je  long  jacket.  -tur  a  long  vovage. 
■tømme  long  rein.    -ulbet  a  longwooled. 

Sangufte  c  -r  sea  craw-flsh,  Palinurus. 

2ang|t>aab  long  seine.  -uarig,  +-»iorenbe  a 
long,  of  long  duration,  protracted,  long-lasting, 
tedious;  -e  ©Dgbomme  lingering  el.  chronie  dis- 
eases.  -barigbeb  c  slowness,  protraction.  -*t)cb= 
fag  pit  saw.  -»ejS  adv  (fra)  (from)  afar;  (langt 
bort)  far  ofl'.  -oejSfart  fe  -tur.  -tiogn  perch  (of 
a  carriage  el.  cart).  -bæg  main  wall.  t-<5gt 
long  (soccage)  driving.  -erc  long-eared  bat; 
9Kefter  _  (2©fel)  Neddy.    -erct  a  long-eared. 

Snnfe  c  -t  lance,  spear,  pike;  6rl)be  en  _  meb 
break  a  lance  with;  fig  enter  the  lists  with. 
-br^bning  fe  -famj).  -bu<)fto  shoe  (of  a  lance). 
-brager  lancer,  -ftag  flag  (of  a  lance).  -tamp 
fight  with  lances. 

Sanfener  c  -nerer  lancer,  spear-man,  pike-man. 

fianfe|ob  fe  -fpibS.  -ftoft  spear-shaft.  -flange 
copperhead,  Trigonocepholui.  -f))tb3  pikeliead, 
spear-head,  lance-head.  -ftang  fe  ffaft.  -ftab 
thrust  with  a  lance,  lance-thrust.  -træ  lance 
-wood,   Gnatteria. 

t2anter  c  lanterloo. 

Santer'ne  c  -r  lantern,  lan'thorn.  -balje  J, 
fire-bucket  (for  the  fighting-lantern).  -bræt 
stand  for  the  lantern.  -bøjler  lantern-guard. 
-brager  lantern-fly ,  Fulgora.  -breb  lantern 
(wheel),  trundle.  -tammer  -i  light-room.  -fedter 
lantern-crank.  -fignaler  pi  signal-lights.  -ff ætm 
light-screen.    -tog  lantem-roof. 

Hap'  c  -per  patch;  _  $opir  scrap. 

2oV'  c  -per  3f  anat  lolie. 

2a^'  c  -per  Laplander,  Lapp. 

fittp'  c  -per  fe  'liaf}. 

t2obbotb  fe  2a6t)artJ. 

2npbjul  n  paddlewlieel. 

2apiba'rfttl  c  lap'idary  style. 

2aplanb  n  Lapland,  -ft  a  Lapland,  Lappish. 
—  2aplanbéjfpurt),  -aterting  Lapland  hunting, 
Emberiza  lapponica. 

2apla'ta|floben  the  Riyer  Flate.    -ftaterne  the 

R.  P.  territory. 

2apla;nber  e  -e,  -inbe  c  -r  Laplander,  (Lapland 

2apning  c  patching,  piecing. 

2a)»)a'lier  pi  trifles. 

2a)i))e  vt  patch,  piece,  botch. 

2ap^ebt;tter  c  -e  grebe,  Podicepa. 

iappexi'  H  -er  patchwork;  (ftluberi)  trumpery. 
2ab))effr(ebber  mender  of  old  clothes,   patcher. 

2appet  a  3f  lobate,  lobed. 

^appt\tæppe  fe  Shibe>.    -bærl  w  patchwork. 

2a»)|iiff  fe  2apIonbft. 

2op8  c  -e  spark;  (ung  2ap?)  puppy;  (SOJobejunfer) 
dandy,  fribble,  masher;  (9far,  ©prabebalfe)  cox- 
coml),  Dundreary. 

2apfalti|e  vt  J,  black  (down).    -ing  c  blacklng. 

2apfe  fig  vr  strut,  swagger,  cut  a  figure;  _  fig 
meb  sport,  flourish,  air. 

2a<)fe|ri'  n  -er  coxcombry,  puppyism;  (lapfct 
Dpførfel)  foppish  el.  frivolous  conduct.  -ftreg 
puppyish  trick,  -t  a  foppish,  frivolous.  -onfen 

2abStanS  c  lobscouse. 

2apft«bet  a  J,.  lap-jointed. 

2a(i|fpurb  fe  Saplanbg^. 

2apf  ud  c  slip,  lapse;  _  calami  slip  of  the  pen; 
_  linguce  slip  of  the  tongue. 

2apft)ejfe  vt  lap-weld. 

Uoptalte  c  -r  hussy. 

2ap|tæppe  fe  SIube=. 

2apt)ært  n  patchwork. 

2arifo'ri  n  twaddle,  tiddle-faddle. 

2artng  c  -er  »1.  slight  breeze,  cat's  paw. 

2arm  c  noise,  din,  alarm,  -e  vi  make  a  noise. 
-en  c  fe  Siorm.    -enbe  a  noisy. 

Sarmo^ont'  a  patheiic,  tear-distilling. 

2arm|))ibe  o.  fl.,  fe  9tlarm=. 

2a'rå  Lawrence. 

"aavt)  c  caitiff,  beggar. 

2arbe  c  -r  larva,  larve,  Caterpillar,  grub. 
-fluger  caterpillar-eater,  Campephaøa.  -tilftanb 
larval  state,  grubhood. 

2a8  c  -er  rag,  tatter,  shred. 

jjafe'rc  vt  glaze. 

2afet  a  ragged,  tattered. 

2oft  c  er  (om  Xrce)  scarf;  (om  Søj)  gusset; 
(om  ©finne)  fish(-plate);  (Stuo=)  butt. 

2afta'r  c  -er  pi  Lascar. 

2ofte  vt  scarf;  -be  ^anbfler  drawn  gloves.  2afte|' 
bolt  fishbolt,  butt-bolt.  -enbe  butt-end.  -for= 
binbelfe  (3æmb.)  lish-joint.  -^oge  butt-end. 
-jccrn  fish-plate.    -loa§  cook,  dowel. 

2oftet  a  fle.shy,  sleek,  obese;  (part  af  2aflc). 
2aftfeb  a  b.  f. 

2oftt'fer  pi  four-penny  nails. 

2aftning  c  -er  scarflng;  scarf  2aftft)ning  flat 

2adfo  c    er  lasso,  lariat. 

2aft  c  -er  (gejl)  vice,  depravity;  t  fe  35obel. 

2oft  c  (33Qrbe)  weight,  burden,  charge;  (2ab' 
ning)  cargo;  (Éaftrum)  hold;  *(2;rcelaft)  timher, 
amr  lumbcr;  br^be  -en  ^.  break  bulk;  -en  ^ar 
fotftubbet  fig  ^  the  cargo  has  shifted;  ftnoe  -en 
stow  the  cargo,  trim  the  hold;  falbe  til  _  fall 
on;  lægge  en  noget  til  _  lay  a  thing  to  one's 
charge,  charge  a  thing  against  one;  lunne  læggeS 
en  til  _  be  chargeable  against  one;  fe  SBroft. 
2aft|bar  a  flt  for  hurden.  -bjcelte  hold-beam. 
-brager  porter:  ^  carrier.  -btjr  beast  of  imrden. 
2afte  vt  load;  -t  laden;  -t  meb  ftul  coal-laden 
(o.  fl);  —  vi  ben  -r  gobt  she  carries  well. 

2ofte  vt  (bable)  blame,  censure,  reprehend, 

2afte{bro  ,1,  skids,  -bage  loading  days.  -bani))= 
ftib  cargo  steamer.    -brcegtig^eb,  -et»ne  carrying 


-fart«)  cargo  ship. 



capaclty.     -fart«)  cargo  ship.     ^'-ftaabe  timber 

Saftcfulb  a  vicious,  depraved.  -fteb  c  depra- 

2aftc|*^0ttbler  timber  merchant.  •Httle,  -mcev- 
tet  J,  load-water  liiie.  -ptnqt  tonnage  (dues). 
■plaiå  port  of  loading.  -Ooct  (i  @fi6)  raft-port. 
■pram  lighter,  -rutte  frictionroller.  -rum  hold 
-ftitting  J,  brow. 

fiaftelfUfl,  -fxgc  fe  553able=. 

2«ftcrtomt  timber-yard.  -tetn  loading  turn. 
-ttonbliuie  fe  rinte.  fioftinbftirajtnina  J,  bilge 

fioftfri  a  blameless. 

Safting  n  lasting,  pninelle 

Softltntc  )e  aafte>.    fioftnlng  c  loading. 

8(iftntnfl§|t»^Iibe  load  draught.  -orafoftuittBcr 
loading  expenses. 

Saft|))um)ic  bilge-pump.  -fftB  transport,  car- 
rier.    -flibmanb  captain  of  the  hold. 

Saftuærbig  a  blameable,  reprehensible.  -^eb 
blameablen&ss.    £afttiærl  fe  ^aftbærf. 

fiafu'r  c  (fe  Safere)  transparent  coating. 

Sa'fur  c  azure.  -bloa  a  azure.  -farbe  azure 

Safu'rfarue  c  glazing-colour. 

2afur,'mejfe  blue  titmouse,  Pams  cyaneua. 
-ften  flapls)  lazuli. 

fiotent'  a  la'tent. 

Satero'u|ct  the  Lat'eran.    -ff  a  Lat'eran. 

SatertS  mere  carried  forward. 

Saternama'gica  c  magic  lantem. 

fiaJi'n  n  k  c  Lat'in.  -er  c  -e  (5RQtion)  Latin; 
(©tubium)  Latin  scholar,  Lat'inist.  —  £atin{|fe're 
vt  lat'inize.    -S'nte  c  lat'inism.    -tt't  c  latinlty. 

2oti'tt|IIa8fe  latin  class.  -Ihtie  classical  line. 
-fejl  n  lateen-sail.  -fejler  lateener.  fiotl  nff  a 
Latin;  _  ©til  Latin;  -e  SBogftaaer  roman  letters. 
£atitt|fIo(e  grammar  school,  classical  school 
•ftubent  classical  student. 

fiatri'nc  c  (og  n)  -r  privy;  pi  mil  latrines. 
Satrinlgøbning  night-soil.    -rer  soil  pipe. 

£otte  c  -r  lath. 

Sotter  c  laughter,  laugh;  firiffe  i  _  burst  out 
laughing;  flaa  en  ^e\  _  op  set  up  a  loud  langh 
el.  horse-laugh;  ftaa  bet  ^en  i  _  turn  it  oflf  with 
a  laugh,  laugh  it  oflF;  tunbe  iffe  6are  intg  for  _ 
could  not  help  langhing;  gøre  til  _  ridicule, 
tum  into  ridicule;  gøre  fig  til  _  make  one's  self 
ridlculous;  6rtnge  -en  paa  fin  ©ibe  turn  the  laugh 
against  one;  Bære,  blioe  til  _  for  aHe  afolt  be,  be- 
come  a  common  laughingstock.  -hjørnet  the 
laughing  humour.    -Uampe  convulsive  laughter. 

Satterltg  «  laughable,  ridiculous,  ludicrous, 
droll.  -gure  vt  ridicule,  turn  into  ridicule,  cast 
r.  upon.  -^cb  c  laughableness,  ridiculousness. 

&atter{maage     sea-erow,     Larus    ridibundw. 
-milb  a  risible.     -utilb^eb  c  risibllity.     -mufCet 
.  risible  muscle.  -falbc,  -ubbrub  burst  of  laughter. 
-bieftenbe  a  mirth-moving. 
Sattt'n  n  lat'ten  (brassj. 
Satbicrge  c  electuary. 
•£otte  c  fe  Søje. 
'^Saug  fe  *Saag. 

Saurbær  n,  vi  =,  bay-berry,  Jig  pi  bays,  laureis 
pl\  ^Bile  paa  fine  _  repose  on  one's  laureis.  -blab 
laurel  i\.  bay  leaf.  -blabet  Kræge  cherry-bay, 
cherry -laurel,  Prunus  lauro-ceraaus.  -blabet  ©ne-- 
6otle  laurustine,  Vibumum  tinw.  -gren  laurel 
el.  bay  branch.  -trand  laurel  wreath,  laureis. 
•Iroue  laurel  crown,  bays  pi.  -trone  vt  laureate. 
-Irouet  a  laureate,  laureled.  -luub  laurel  grove. 
-olie  laurel  oil.  -^11  bay-leaved  willow,  Salix 
peiUandra.      -rofe    oleander.    Nerium    oteander. 

i  lauié^l 

-træ  laurel^  el.  bay  (tree).   fiauren  poet  the 
£auren'tiu8  Law'rence,  Lau'rence. 
fcoufl^  n  Lusa'tia.    -er  c  Lusa'tian. 
£o»  a  (i  aUe  SBet.,   ogf.  Jiq)  low;   (om   JSanb) 
low,  shallow;  (næbet)  low,  mean,  base;  mug  low, 
(falff)  flat;   -e  Jrin  shallow  steps;   en  _  S'omme  a 
shallow  drum;  ben  -ere  Slbcl  the  inferior  nobility; 
be  -ere  fflaSfer  the  lower  classes,   (i   Stole)  the 
junior  classes;  —  laBt  adv  low;   fon  iffe  onftaaS 
-ere  cannot  be  estimated  at  a  lower  flgure. 
2ob  c  -er  lichen. 
tSab  n  fe  Sag. 

fioo   n,  pi  =,    Company,    corporation,    guild; 
fiø  craft,  fraternity;    famtlige  _  (i  XSonbon)  livery; 
optage  i  et  _   make   (one)  free  of  a  corporation. 
—  2ati8|aonb   spirit  of  caste,    tråde  spirit.    -ar= 
titler  statutes  of  a  guild  el.  corporation.    -brober 
fellow  member  of  a  guild,    freeman;   (i  SJonbon) 
liveryman.      -forfamling    corporation   meeting. 
-fri^ieb  (??rt^eb,  fom  et  tiKagt  et  £.)  freedom  of  a 
guild;    (9lærtng§fri^eb)   abolition  of  gullds,   free- 
dom of  industry.    -gilbe  corporation  feast.    -^u8 
hall  of  a  corporation,'  guild-hall,  corporate  hall 
-inbretning   institution  of  guilds,   corporations 
-utefter  master  of  a  guild.     -mobe  fe  -forfamling, 
■olbermanb    bencher.     -pcn^t   corporation  fees 
-rettig^eb   freedom  of  a  corporation.     -famlin 
fe  -forfamling.    -ttiang  corporation  restriction  o 
trådes,    -oirfen  fe  -inbretning. 
£o»a  c  lava.    -gta§  obsidian. 
£abalber   c    responsible   age,    majority; 
minimum  age. 
£ab«rt  c  species  of  lichen. 
£abaftr«m  c  torrent  of  lava. 
£a'l)|beuet  a  short-legged.    -borbet  a  lowsided. 
-borbet^eb  c  lowness  of  hull.     -bygget  a  low 
-built.    £ob(be)brog  dell. 

£abe  indecl :  t  _  in  order;  af  ~  out  of  order, 
out  of  gear;  bringe  af  -  fig  unhinge;  Bringe  etter 
fætte  i  -  put  to  rights;  fætte  fig  til  _  seat  one's 
self  comfortably;  l^an  er  rent  of  _  he  Is  quite  out 
of  his  senses. 

£atte  vt  prepare,  make  up;  con«,  fig  concoct; 
(Drb)  coin;  (et  ®tog  ^Punfcf)  o.  1.)  mix;  _  gRob 
dress  victuals,  cook;  _  tit,  fe  Saoe;  _  fig  til  make 
(one's  self)  ready,  make  arrangements,  prepare; 
_  tit  (SBarfel)  be  in  the  family  way;  —  la  bet  a, 
fig  made-up,  artificial,  manufactured. 

■*£abe  et  dangle,  hang  (in  abundance,  heavy, 
on  the  point  of  falling). 
£abetttent'  n  dyster,  injection. 
£aben  bel  c  -bier  lav'ender,  Lavenduli  spica. 
-blao  a  violet  blue.  -buft  Jscent  of  lavender. 
-olje  oil  of  lavender.  -f))irttu8  essence  of  lav- 
ender,   -banb  lavender  water. 

£abe'|re  vi  4,  tack,  beat.  -ring  c  tacking, 

£abet'  e  -ter  art  (gun-)carriage.  -ramme  frame. 
-rigel  transom.    -foauS  trail. 

£a'b|ftalfet  a  low-bodied.  "-l^alt  a  badger 
-legged.    -^leb  c  lowness.    -fjertet  a  low-minded. 

£abi'ne  c  -r  avalanche. 

£a'ti|tirtelig  a  Low  Church. 

£a't)Il(rbt  «  lichened,  covered  with  lichens. 

£a'bitomiff  a  farcical.    -tottb  lowland. 

£a'tittg  a  suitable. 

£a'ti|loftet  a  low-ceilinged.  Manbe  low-lying 
land.  -lænbt  a  low-lying.  -maat  minimum; 
level,  -malet  •-mælt  a  low-voiced.  £a'oning 
c  -er  hollow. 

£a'bning  c  preparation. 

£a'ti||)anbet  a  fig  base-minded.  -pnUet  a  low 
-crowned.  -fiub  low-mindedness.  -finbet  a  low 
-minded,    -jtoi)  underwood,  copse. 

''£o'»ftrlge  c  Siberian  jay,    Gamdus  in/austua 








Sft'Olflette  bottom.     •fiammet  a  low-stemmed; 

Jip  uudersized,  dwarfed. 

fio'DfttocIfe  c  lichenine. 

fio'tttr^t  low  pressiire.  —  Satitrt|td{bfim))  low 
■pressiire  steam.    -maffine  low-pressure  engine. 

£a't)t|mølleri  n  low  milling.  -ftaaenbe  a  low, 
inferior.  -ftttfenbe  a  of  small  draught.  -t«n^ 
Icnbe  n  low-mlnded,  low-thoughted. 

£a'0|oanbe  low  water,  (lowest)  ebb.  -tianbct 
a  shallow.    -oanbSmtcrte  low-water  mark. 

l'auuærge  c  guardian  (to  a  widow). 

Sajarct'  n  -ter  lazaret,  lazaretto;  (omborb) 
cock-pit;  (t  fiaiteit)  platform. 

Sajaro'ner  pi  lazzaroni. 

8e  c  -er  scythe. 

2e,  lo,  let  vi  laugh;  _  tjjcrtetig,  inberlig  chuckle; 
_  af  flonfte  ^jette  have  a  hearty  laugh;  _  ftøjeube 
set  up  a  borse-laugh;  _  fiajt,  _  op  laugh  out- 
right;  _  en  op  i  Cjnene  el.  Slnfigtet  laugh  in  one's 
face;  -  ab,  ooer  laugh  at;  -  til  en  smile  on  one; 
-  en  ub  laugh  at  one,  (befpotte)  laugh  one  to 
scorn;  [tg  ibjel  el.  forbæroet  die  el.  split  one's 
sides  with  laughing;  bet  er  ifte  til  at  _  ab  this  is 
no  laughing  matler;  ben  -r  bebft,  font  -r  Rbft  they 
have  most  to  laugh  who  laugh  last,  he  who 
wins  mav  laugh;  -enbe  laughing,  with  a  laugh. 

£ea  Leah. 

£ean'btr  Leander;  (fantom.)  Pantaloon. 

£eben  [t.j  n  F  noise,  uproar;  goings-on. 

fie'blab  scythe-blade. 

fieb,  lebt  (é)  a  (fæl)  disgusting,  loathsome, 
odious;  Ⱦre  _  og  feb  af  be  sick  of. 

fieb  c  (Stbe)  side,  direction. 

fieb  c  ^  channel,  fairway;  t  og  '■'langt  af  -  far 
out  of  the  way. 

fieb'  (*8e'b)  n,  pi  =,  (Saoge^  wicket,  gate. 

fieb'  (*2e'b)  n,  pi  =,  (fiebemob,  togfao:  -be, 
*ogioa:  c  -er)  joint;  (finolierne?  iJebfojntng)  arti- 
eulation;  (af  Sæbe)  link;  (SlcegtffabSgrab)  degree 
(of  kindred),  remove,  generation;  arith  term; 
(om  Sotbater)  rank;  ^  joint,  node;  af  -  out  of 
joint;  fætte  i  -  set;  i  trebje  og  fjerbe  _  bihl  unto 
the  third  and  fourth  generation,  fiebjaffætning 
amputation  of  a  limb.  -orp  succession  of  heirs 
-at-law.    -baatib  ligament. 

*8e'bbar  a  conductible.   -^eb  c  conductibility. 

fiebjbrub  fracture  of  the  joint,  -b^lb  abscess 
in  a  joint,  -bælg,  -bæHe  ^  loment.  -bannelfc 
articulation.  fiebbe<  fe  £eb=  og  aebe=  fieb|bcH«g 
division  in  joints;  articulation.  -bflr  pi  articu- 
lata,  jointed  el.  articulated  animals.  *fiebe  vt 
bend  (a  joint). 

fiebe  c  (Ultjft)  disgust,  distaste,  loathing;  (fteb' 
fomfjeb)  tedium;  føle  -  oeb,  fe  Sebeé. 

fiebe,  -te,  -t  (é)  r,i  (føge)  seek,  search,  look 
(efter  for,  after),  (meb  Sanfen)  cast  about  for; 
_  op  seek.  seek  out;  •_  poa  tax,  try  (one's 
strength),  be  trying. 

Scoe  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  (»eb  jpaanben)  lead;  (tiejlebe, 
fore,  ft^re)  guide;  (»eb  'Stex,  anføre)  conduct; 
(ftpre)  direct;  (et  Sog)  eommand;  _  gor^anb= 
Ungerne  be  in  the  chair,  preside;  fio  lead,  con- 
duct, guide;  -  bort  (SBanb)  carry  otT;  _  ©amtalen 
ben  paa  lead  up  to;  labe  fig  _  af  be  governed,  guided 
by;  -t  af  (et  ^enfpn  o.  1.)  guided  by;  —  leben  be 
Strtifel  leader,  amr  editorial;  -nbe  lanfe  leading 
el.  dominant  idea;  -nbe  ®runbfætning  guiding  el. 
actuating  prineiple;  _  Segioen^eber  governing 
incidents,  fiebel attorb  chord  leading  instinct- 
ively  to  another.  -baanb  vi  leading -strings; 
gao  i  en8  _  be  led  (entirely)  by  one.  -barn 
ehlld  in  leading-strings. 

fieb(b)ebntte  jointed  puppet,  mannikin. 

fiebeilb  train  of  gunpowder.  Sebetfe  c  direc- 
tion, guidance,  management;  unber  _  af  under 
tb«  charge  of;  i)bertage  -n  af  take  charge  of. 

fiebelløS  a  slack  about  the  joints,  rlckety, 
(ogf.  fig)  limp,  week-kneed,  invertebrate.  'Xii' 
^eb  c  slaekuess  etc.    -mob  joint. 

fiebemotto  n  representative  theme. 

SebemuS  c  cartilagenous  concrements. 

fiebemærte  n  i,  leading  el.  fairway  mark. 

fieben  c  seeking  etc,  search. 

fieber  c  -e  guide;  phv»  conductor;  (i  StuiS) 
leader.    fieberuHe  guide-pulley. 

ficbeS  vd  (oeb)  loathe,  be  wearj-  of. 

8eb(b)effaal  c  fe  Siebgrube. 

fiebcffinner  jil  check-rails.    -flrue  worm. 

Seb(b)efmerte  fe  -oærf. 

fiebelfnor  fe  -baanb.  -ftiinbel  guide -screw. 
-ftjerne  load  star. 

ficb(b)e|fbomp  c  white  swelling. 

fiebefoenb  c  attendant,  guide. 

fieb(b)et  a  jointed. 

Scbeltonc  leading  note  el.  tone,  sensible  note. 
•traab  fSJegle)  clew,  clue;  (SBeilebning)  guide. 

fieb(b)e{øanb  dropsy  in  the  joints.   -Botrlgout. 

fiebflabe  c  articular  surfaee. 

fie'bfflt  n  loading  light. 

fieblføjning  articulation.  -grube  cotyle,  cotyla, 
socket.  -barP(t)  jointed  harrow.  -Mnbe  fe 
-fapfel.    -bule  fe  -grube. 

tfieblbuS,  -btjttc  gate-keeper's  hut. 

fiebig  a  (om  ^Jlabé)  vacant,  unoccupied.  dls- 
eugaged;  (ttlooerS)  spare;  (ubeffæftiget)  unetn- 
ployed,  idle,  disengaged;  (uben  Strbejbe,  Sonbi« 
tion)  out  of  work  el.  place;  ''(i  Seoægelfer)  agile, 
nimble;  (ufor^inbret)  at  liberty;  løg  og  _  (ugift) 
single;  _  $lab8  vacancy;  -  %imt  leisure  hour, 
spare  hour;  blit)e  -  (om  $labS)  be  vacated. 
Sebtglgang  idleness;  .  er  2)jæblenS  ^otiebpube 
idleness  is  the  root  of  all  evil,  the  parent  of 
vice,  an  idle  head  el.  brain  is  the  devil's 
workshop,  -gænger  c  -e  idler,  vagrant.  -tieb  c 
vacancy;  want  of  employment. 

ffiebing  c  levy  (of  men,  ships  etc);  war  con- 
tribution;  war  expedition,  brage  i  _  go  to  war. 
—  fiebingåjbub  .summons  to  arms.  -^ær  levied 
army.  -færb,  -tog  war  expedition.  -nbbnb  fe 

fiebta)ife(  c  synovial  capsule. 

fiebtlinfe  c  latch. 

fieb|fnube  condyl.  -foral  jointed  coral.  -fuartS 
itacolumite.  -OTl^g  a  supple,  agile,  -tttqg^eb 
suppleness,  agilily. 

Se'bning  c  (SJanb«  ofo.)  main;  (SelegrafO  line; 
phv«  conduction.  —  ficbningSleone  couductivity, 
conductive  power,  -forbinbetfe  eonnexion.  -r«r 
conduct-pipe.    -traab  conducting  wire. 

fieborm  c  annelid,  pi  annellata. 

fie'brag  n  snath,  snead. 

fiebregning  c  genealoglcal  computation. 

ficbfagje  vt  (t  Pife  SSei)  direct,  guide;  (følge) 
accompany,  attend.  -e(fe  c  guidance;  atten- 
dance;  (til  gorfoar)  escort.  -et  c  -e  (-erinbe  c  -r) 
guide,  attendant,  companion;  (Stib)  consort;  (i 
guga)  answer.    -King  c  fe  -elfe. 

fieb|ffu()>e  lomentaceous  siliqua.  -fmerte  pain 
in  the  joints. 

fiebftolpe  c  gate  post. 

fieb|ftJ)«e  ^  internode.  -f»o«H)feSebe'.  -fatte 
vt  set.  -foetntng  c  reduction.  -fætter  bone 
■setter,    -top  head,  end  (of  a  bone). 

fiebtog :  Ⱦre  i  _  meb  en  be  one's  accomplice. 

'■'fiebueb  c  fly  honeysuckle,  Lonicera  Xylo- 

fiebPiS  adv  joint  by  joint. 

tfieboogter  c  gate-keeper. 

fiebjoreben  a  spralned,  dislocated.  -titcbfte 

•ffieen  c  laughing. 

fieer'fte  c  cut-grass,  Leersia  oryzoidea. 




aefle  vi  eoquet,  flirt,  fig  dally    -funft  coquetry. 
-H)ft  flirting  propensity.    -n   c,  -ri'  n  flirtation. 
-fÅ8  a  coquettish.   -ftjge  mania  for  flirting.   -tale 
amorous  speech  el.  words. 
*ficffe  c  -r  a  kind  of  sort  flat  eake. 
fiej  c  -e  game,  play;  *'the  cry   and  autics   of 
some  birds  before  pairing;  bet  6leb  @nben  paa  -en 
that  was  the  end  of  it;  ^olbe  op,  men8  -en  er  gob 
let  well  alone. 
2cfl  c  (55ifteg  09  grøerg)  spawn. 
aeflolilfc're  vt  authenticate,  le'galize.    -fatlo'tt 
c  authentication,  legalisation. 

HtQa't  c  -er  leg'ate.  Sega't  n  -er  leg'acy, 
bequest.  -a'tiinS)  c  legatee.  Segatio'n  c  -er 

£egatio'n3|^ræft  chaplain  to  the  legation. 
•vaai  counsellor  of  legation,  -felrctær  secre- 
tary  of  legation  el.  Sega'toc  c  testator, 

ficge  vi  (tofte  SJogn)  spawn. 

Sege  (ogf.  =te,  -t)  vi  &  t  play;  _  (f.  ei§.  i8Iinbe= 
Buf)  play  at  (blindman's  bufF);  _  ©olbat  play  at 
(being)  soldiers;  -nbe  meb  fin  SBifte  trifling  with 
her  fan.  '•ficgc  c  -r,  fe  fiegetøj.  £ege|aar  pi  age 
of  play.  •fiou)(t)  ball;  fig  toy,  sport,  -brober 

Segebam  c  breeding  el.  spawning  pond. 

Segelbutfe  doU.  -fæUc,  -lammerat  playfellow, 

tfiegel  c  -gier  keg,  eag. 

Segem,  Scgeme  n  -r  body,  (meft  om  TOenneffet) 
(bodily)  frame. 

Siegemlig  a  bodily,  eorporal,  (materiel)  cor- 
poreal.  -gøre  vt  embody,  incarnate.  -gerelfc 
c  embodiment,  incarnation,  ■+  bodying  forth. 
•fftb  c  corporality.    SegemløS  a  bodiless. 

£egein§|beffabtgelfe  hurt,  injury.  -6effaffen!)et) 
constitution,  habit  (of  body).  -betiægetfe  exer- 
cise.  'ital,  -brøft  bodily  defect.  -bagning 
frame  (of  body),  (bodily)  structure.  -bannelfe 
form  of  body,  bodily  form.  -bel  part  of  the 
body.  -fejl  fe  -Srøft.  -feft  Corpus  Christi  day. 
-fornærmclfe  (assault  and)  battery.  -forttribning 
contortion.  -f»)Ibe,  -ftjlbig^eb  fulness  of  body. 
•færbigtieb  activity  of  body,  agility;  bodily 
accomplishment.  -Qøjbe  size,  stature,  tallness. 
-froft  bodily  strength.  -traf tig  a  powerful, 
museular.  -I^be  fe  -Brøft.  -^teje  care  of  the 
body.  -ftiltelfe  fe  -bannelfe.  -fnterte  bodily  pain. 
-ftiUing  attitude,  carriage.  -Por  a  fuU-size. 
-ftraf  eorporal  punishment.  -ft^rle  fe  -fraft. 
-ftørrelfe  size;  i  fulb  ~  (in)  full  size,  as  large  as 
life;  »et«  5J5ortræt  i  fnib  -  a  life-size  el.  fuU-life 
portrait.  -fuag^eb  bodily  infirmity.  -øoelfe 
bodily  excercise.    fiegemtierben  eorporeal  world. 

Scgcn'be  c  -r  le'gend  (el.  leg'end). 

Siegc^jlab§  c  (i^ifteS)  breeding-ground. 

)jege|)lab§  c  play  ground.    tfieger  c  -e  player. 

Sege'te  vt  (teftamentere)  bequeath, 

ficge're  vt  chem  alloy.    -ing  c  alloying;  alloy. 

fiegelfal  play  room.  -ftcb  fe  -plobl.  -ftue  play 
-room,  playhouse.    -føfter  playfellow. 

Segetib  c  (giftes)  spawning  season. 

Segejtib  play -time.  -time  play-hour.  -tøj 
plaything,  toy.  -tøjSbuttt  tov-shop.  -Jxcrt  mere 

*2egg  c  fe  Sæg  c 

fieglo :  bereS  gjabn  (el.  Sal)  er  _  their  name  is 
legion,  they  are  legion,    iiegio'tt  c  -er  le'gion. 

Segiélatt'k)  a  leg'islative.. 

fiegiti'm  a  legit'imate.  -atio'n  c  erlegitima' 
tion.  -atio'n§6e»>ig  certifloateof  (identity).  -e're 
vt  legit'imate;  _  ftg  get  one's  self  reeognized, 
justified,  prove  one's  identity.  -e'ring  c  legitima- 
tion, -ift'  c  -er,  -ift'iff  a  legit'imist.  -ite't  c 

Segning  c  (5?fifte?)  spawning. 

iiegua'n  c  -er  iguana. 

Sieftn  fe  Sen. 

!Uejt|jørnet  fe  2atter=. 

'■'fiei  a  fe  £eb;  tedious;  embarrassing. 

ficjbc  n  (t  c)  safe  conducl.  -breb  letter  of  | 
s.  c. 

ficjbcner'  fe  Seljbener^. 

Scjber  c  ^  (2:roppe)  ladder;  (fiøbeftang)  horse; 
(til  Stagfejl)  stay. 

fieje  n  -r  couch;  (oitbe  3)t)r§)  lair;  (Sare§  et. 
9JceB§)  cover;  min  stratum;  globS)  bed;  (for  ©lib) 
berth;  l^olbe  i  _  keep  in  place  el.  position;  Bringe 
ub  af  _  displace;  gaa  i  _  (om  fiorn)  be  laid  el. 

JJcfe  vt  (i  8llm.)  hire;  (^u8,  3orb)  rent;  _  bort 
hire  out,  rent;  _  ub  lend  on  hire;  -t  J^Iaabe,  -be 
golt  mercenary  fleet,  people.  Seje  c  hire,  rent; 
$ufet  er  til  _  the  house  is  to  let;  60  til  _  be  a 
tenant  el.  lodger;  ^obe  til  -  rent;  -  gaar  for  ©je 
(til  (Jorbag)  renting  is  possessing  (till  removing 
day),  ^oor  meget  gaar  i  -  af  bette  $u8?  what  is 
the  rent  of  this  house?  how  much  does  it  rent 
for?  fibbe  for  en  ftøj  ~  pay  a  high  house-rent; 
betale  i  -  pay  for  rent.  2eje| afgift  hiring,  hire; 
(for  J^uS)  rent.  -bibliotet  eirculating  library. 
-boer  fe  Sejer,  -bolig  hired  lodging.  -breb  con- 
tract,  lease  of  house  el.  tenement.  t-bre«g  ser- 
vant  lad.  -folt  pi  fe  Sejer,  -fri  a,  -frit  adv 

Scjefuge  c  horizontal  joint. 

Scjel^eft  hack.  -^uS  hired  house.  -t)udmattb 
cottager.  -^ær  hired  army.  -jorb  fe  gæftejorb. 
-tone  char-woman.  -tontratt  fe  -breb.  -ttxcg 
hired  cattle.  -lebtg  a  unoecupied.  -tnaat  time 
of  lease  el.  renting.    -r  c  -e  hirer,  renter,  lodger. 

Sejerlmaal  n  fornication.  -maalébøbcr  fine 
for  fornication. 

Sejertjotb  fe  Sægerbolb. 

Sejefteb  n  place  of  rest. 

Scjefucnb  c  hireling. 

Scfcfofb  c  lodging. 

Sejelføgenbe  c  person  in  search  of  a  lodging. 
■tager  c  -e  hirer,  renter,  -tib  fe  -maal.  -tjener 
hired  waiter.  -tjenefte  menial  service,  -ttopptt 
mercenaries.  -bogn  hackney-coach,  hired  car- 

Sejle  c  -r,  fe  Segel. 

Sejllg^eb  c  -er  (belejlig  Sib  el.  5Z5je6lit)  oppor- 
tunity,  chance;  (Slnlebning)  occasion;  (betbem  lib) 
eonvenience;  (i  |»uS)  accommodations  pi;  (Solig) 
dwelling,  rooms,  flat,  suite  of  rooms,  apart- 
ments,  house;  3)e  ton  gøre  bet,  noor  Se  Bor  _ 
you  may  do  that  at  your  eonvenience;  gribe  en 
_  seize  el.  embrace  an  opportunity;  gribe  -en  beb 
^aorene  take  time  by  the  forelock;  greb  -en,  bo 
ber  bor  en  $au|e  took  the  opportunity  of  a  pause; 
fe  fin  _  .see  one's  chance;  ~  gør  X^be  opportunity 
makes  the  thief;  lebe  efter  fin  _  live  within 
one's  income;  efter  fottig  -  in  my  little  way; 
efter  SibenS  -  as  times  go,  went;  rejfe  meb  _ 
take  a  chance,  conveyance;  Sfot  paa  formue  og 
_  income-tax;  ftnbe,  giue  _  til  at  find,  give,  an 
opportunity  of  -ing;  ffoffe  en  _  til  put  one  in 
the  way  of;  jeg  ^ar  itfe  _  til  bet  I  cannot  afiford 
it  (til  at  to);  beb  _  on  occasion;  at  your  eon- 
venience, when  opportunity  ofiers;  ueb  ben  _ 
upon  that  occasion,  at  the  time;  »eb  fwrfte  fore= 
folbenbe  -  at  your  earliest  eonvenience,  by  el. 
at  the  first  opportunity.  —  Sejligfjebålaarfag 
occasional  el.  accidental  cause,  med  procatarctic 
cause.  —  -arbejbe  occasional  work.  -bigt  poem 
on  some  particular  occasion,  topical  poem;  -e 
poems  on  several  occasions.  -bigter  writer  of 
occasional  pieees.  -ftrift  occasional  treatise, 
pamphlet.    -ftt)Ite  piece  composed  for  the  occa- 





sion.  -tale  speech  on  some  particular  occasion. 
•Ui8  ado  occasionally,  on  an  occasion,  inci- 

■^ficjlænbing  c  -er  tenant,  lease-holder  (mostly 
for  life),  (omtr.)  copyholder. 

fieiningéfar^olb  u  arrangements. 

2f  jOSifl  '•  Leipzic 

£eir  c  e  camp;  ligge  i  _  be  encamped;  flaa  - 
pitch  a  camp;  Bringe  Uro  i  -en  cont  cause  a 
flutter  in  the  dovecote.  -baal  wateh-flre.  gejre 
ftg  vr  (+  -i)  encamp;  ,dfi  settle.  fiejret  fe  3nb". 
2f|r|feber  campfever.  -ftuc foraging cap.  -bijtte 
hnt.  £e|ring  c  min  stratiflcation.  £cjr|tam< 
merat  camp-fellow.  -tranS  castrensian  crown. 
■tunft  casirametation,  camp-craft.  -linet  camp 
life.  -orbe«  order  of  encampment.  -))Iat)8  place 
of  an  encampment.  -rebffab  camp-equipage. 
-famling  pleasure-camp.  -fteb  place  of  encamp- 
ment. -»ogt  camp-watch.  -øtietfer  camp  exer- 

SeKaag  c  clangor  of  scythes. 

Sef§it|on  n  fe  Crb6og.  -aiff  i  lexical.  -ogra'f 
c  -er  lexicog'rapher.  -ograftfl  a  lexicograph'- 

fiel|tie  c  -r  lesson,  task;  gioe  en  -  for  set  one 
a  task:  læfe  paa  fin  _  con  over  one's  lesson; 
fiinne  ftn  -  kuow  one's  lesson;  lære  en  _  learn 
a  lesson,  get  up  a  task.  -tio  n  c,  fg  gioe  en 
en  -  read  one  a  lecture.  -tinndtatalog  fe  gore- 
læéningS'.  -tor  c  -to'rcr  lecturer,  teacher.  -to- 
ril't  n  -er  leCtureship.    -ttf'tt  «  reading;  books. 

gem'  c  -me  (galbbør)  trap-door;  (Suge)  shutter; 
*(8oft)  loft. 

Setn'  n  -mer  member,  (tun  om  Strme  09  S8en) 
limb;  Sio  og  -mer  life  and  limb. 

getnanb  c  mower,  reaper;  fig  -en  the  reaper, 

gemfæt'big  a  lenient,  mild,  indulgent.  -^eb 
c  lenity,  mildness,  softness,  tenderness. 

gemlcefJtc  vt  mutilate,  maim,  disable,  cripple. 
-Ifc  c  mntilation,  maimiug. 

tSemmci buffer  c  -e  fig  may-pole.  -I«8  « 

gemmcr|gat  n  >i.  limber(-hole).  -gatSIstttng 

gemsielftiftelfe  asylum.  -ftærl  a  strong  lim- 

tgtmmite  c  brook-lime,    Veronica  beccabunga. 

gemming  c  -er  lemming,  Lapland  marmot, 
Lemnus  borenlis. 

gcmntff  a  Lemnian;  _  3orb  L,  earth. 

gemo'n  c  -er  lem'on,  lime.  gemona'be  c  lemo- 
nade. gcmon|afle  lime  pickle.  -foftlemon  juice. 
■trtt  lime,  Citrus  Hmonium. 

gem))e  vt  (efter)  adapt,  sait,  accommodate  (to); 
•X-  shlft,  (SnI  0.  I.)  trim;  vr  fig  be  accommodat- 
ing,  accommodate  one's  self  (efter  to).  gem<)e 
c  geutleness,  softness;  meb  -,  fe  lig  adv.  il  meb 
_  the  more  haste,  the  less  speed;  meb  _  fan 
man  fomme  36g  i  en  ^umlcfæl  soft  and  fair  goes 
far  in  a  dav.  -jærnu^  shlfting  ballast.  gem))etig 
a  gen  tie,  soft,  mild,  lenient;  adv  gently  etc; 
tage  _  poa  handle  gently;  ftge  en  nt  x>aa  en  _ 
3JJaobe  break  something  gently  to  one.  gein^elfe 
c  -r  concession. 

♦gemftcr  a  fe  iiamfter. 

*2einæn  n,  pi  =,  fe  Semming. 

gen  »I,  pi  =,  feoflF,  fief,  fee,  feud. 

gctia  c  (globen)  the  Lena. 

gene,  gena  Magdalen,  Maud. 

gen§  a  ,1.  free  (from  water);  fig  devoid  (of); 
_  for  ^enge  out  of  cash;  -  for  åul  run  out  of 
coal;  jungen  er  _  the  purse  is  empty;  efe  _ 
bale  out;  ^olbe  _  free. 

ge'nd{abel  feudal  nobility.    -afgift  quit-rent. 

•OTtiinø  feudal  inheritor.  -bcfibbcr  feoffee.  -ireti 
charter  of  enfeofiinent. 

genfe  vt  empty,  free.   '•"'geMfe  c  -r,  fe  -'^ængfel. 

genfe  vi  J,  scud,  spoom. 

genfcbarbtttter  pi  i  preventer-backstays. 

ge'ndeb  c  oath  of  feudal  homage. 

genfet)ul  n  ^.  plug-hole. 

genfelem  c  J,  wash-board. 

gettfe))ort  c  dead  light. 

genfelpumvc  lålge  pump.    -tol  boat's  plug. 

ge  tisjforfatntng  feudalism,  feudal  system. 
-fordolb  mutual  relation  between  feoffer  and 
feoftee.  -fri  a  not  enfeoffed,  freed  from  feudal 
obligations.  -f«Ige  feudal  succession,  -gobå 
feudal  estate.  -greoe  feudal  count.  -gretiflab 
feoff  of  a  count.  -derlig^eb  fe  -fiøj^eb.  -berre 
feudal  lord,  liege  lord.  -Iiqlbing  feudal  homage, 
liege  homage.  -^øi^eb  feudal  supremacy.  -inb' 
retning  fe -forfatning,  -ntogt  feudal  power,  -manb 
vassal,  liege,  feoflfee;  (for  i  ®anm.  og  9Jorge)  lord 

*gen§manb  c  bailiff.  constable  of  a  parish; 
p  pipe-lees,  dottle.  —  gend»ianb§|far(  bailifTs 
man  -fetin  lorty  winks,  a  cat's  nap.  -tolb 
bailiff's  dues. 

gen^ning  c  J,  scudding. 

gcnSlpIfgt  feudal  duty.  -))ligtig  a  bound  by 
feudal  duty. 

genåvum)ming  c  pumping  out. 

gendlrcgering  feudal  government.  -ret  fe 
-^øjtieb.  -rettigSeb  feudal  rights  el.  privileges. 
-fag  feudal  alTair.  -ftrib,  -ftribig^eb  contest 
about  a  feoiT.  -fæbe  feudal  manor.  -tib  feudal 
age.    -bccfen  feudalism.    ge'ntager  c  -e  feoflfee. 

genticelier  pi  len'ticels. 

geoni'nft  a  le'onine. 

gco'ni^  a  Leonese;  false. 

geoparb'  c  -er  leop'ard,  Felis  leopardus. 

ger  n  clay,  fmere  mulbblanbet)  loam.  -ager 
clayey  field.  -agtig  a  clayey.  -art  species  of 
clay.  -brcb  clayey  bank.  -bunb  clay  bottom; 
fe  -grunb.  -bagning  fe  -^u§.  -buni  earthenware 
bottle.  'gere  c  clayey  soil.  geret  o  clayey, 
loamy.  gerjfab  earthen  dish.  '''-folb  steep 
clayey  bank  el.  landslip.  -formning  loam  cast- 
ing.  -grab  clay  pit.  -grnnb  clay  soil.  -gr^be 
earthen  pot.  -gulb  clay  floor.  -gag  ocarina. 
-^olbig  n  argillaceous.  -^u§  clay  hut,  mud 
cabin.  -jærnften  clay  ironore.  -jorb  clay, 
clayey  soil ;  chem  alumina,  aluminic  oxide; 
fOoBlfur  _  aluminic  sulphate  (0.  ft.).  -jorb^qbrat 
aluminic  hydrate.    -jorbfcebe  soap-earth. 

*gert    fe  fiæbite.  •  * 

ge'rlfor  earthen  vessel.  -Ilinet  a  mud-walled. 
-Iltning  c  mud-walling.  -frue  earthen  jug. 
*-ftia;rn  fe  -molle.  -I«tte  beater.  -lag  stratum 
of  clay.  -mergel  clay  marl.  -mu(b  loam, 
clayey  mould.  -mulbet  a  loamy.  "-mæl  fe 
-falb.    *-malie  clay-silt.    -møUe  pug-mill. 

gernæ'iff  n  Lemean. 

ge'rHiibe  clay  pipe.  -»»otte  earthen  pot.  -flaal 
earthen  bowl.  -ftifer  argillaceous  slate,  clay 
-slate.  -flrænt  clayey  bank.  -ftam))et  a  of 
beaten  clay.  -tej,  -borer  earthenware,  fietile 
ware.  -nrne  earthen  urn.  -barefabrifant  potter. 
-»ej  clayey  road.  -t)æg  mud-wall.  -oæUing, 
telte  mud  pool. 

ge^bift  a  Lesbian. 

geffaft  n  suath,  snead. 

get'  a  (mobf.  tung)  light;  (mobf.  banftelig)  easy, 
facile;  (ubetqbelig,  foag)  slight;  (hurtig,  be^oenbig) 
nimble;  (om  Sobat)  mild;  .1,  (om  Stnteret)  aweigh, 
atrip;  _  til  S3enS  light-footed;  -te  Sropper  light 
troops;  -te  Officerer  (i  Stof)  minor  pieces;  ei  _ 
@inb  a  buoyant  disposition;  _  til  ©inb*,  om 
fjertet  light-hearted;  ^an  6le»  _  om  fjertet  his 




heart  grew  light;  »ejet  ofl  funbet  for  -  weighed 
and  found  wanting.  2et  adv  llghtly;  easily, 
readily;  slightly;  bliber  -  ...  is  apt  to  be  .  .  .; 
_  faatet  slightly  wouuded;  tage  -  »ao  handle 
leniently;  %an  ^at  ~  for  (el.  beb)  ^iftorte  he  is 
quick  at  history;  ^an  toger  ftg  SBerben  _  he  takes 
the  world  easv. 

Seto  I  n  le-thal. 

Setarlgi'  c  leth'argy.    -'flift  n  letha'rgic(al). 

2et|BcȾBMet  a  light-armed  -beOcegelig  n 
easily  moved,  impulsive.  -Bluttbet  fe  føonet. 
♦•6flg  barley  of  inferior  weight.  -Bljngct  a 
slight  of  build.  *-breBen  n  easy.  -fottelig  a 
intelligible,  facile,  -ftbbcnbe  a  (om  WetaHer) 
very  fusible;  C^aa.  SSanbet)  buoyant.  -fobet  « 
light-footed.  -forbøjelig  a  easy  of  digestion. 
-forb«jcltgl)cb  c  digestibility.  -fregat  fe  Soroet. 
•fcengcng  o  inflammable.  -fær'big  «  frivolous, 
(om  éæber)  wanton,  loose.  -fccr'bigtieb  c  frivol- 
ity,  frivolousness,  levity,  looseness.  fietf)eb  c 
lightness;  (mobf.  iBanftelig^eb;  gærbtglieb)  facility; 
(mobf.  SBanftetig^eb;  (5ri{)eb)  ease.  £ct|^ænbet  a 
handy,  adroit.  -flæbt  a  lightly  clad.  '■-forn 
corn  of  inferior  weight,  tailing.  -føbt  a 
cheap.  -Itxi  a  light  in  hånd.  -laftmærferne  pi 
if  the  light  mark.  -lioet  a  easy-going,  buoyant, 
light-souled.  -Iccft  a  easily  read.  -tøbetibe  a 
easy-going.  -matcoS  ordinary  seaman,  light 
hånd.  *8ctne  vi  grow  lighter;  be  relieved;  (om 
Saage  o.  1.)  clear,  lift.  2ct|ttcm  a  quick  at  learn- 
ing  -nem^eb  quickness.  Setnittg  c  ^  getting 
under  way;  (9Inferet§)  weighing.  Setlotilefelig 
a  easily  dissoluble.  -roet  a  light  puUing. 
-fcjicttbe  a  light  -  sailing.  -finb  fe  -ftnbig^eb. 
-fin'big  a  light-minded,  thoughtless,  flighty, 
inconsiderate.  -ftn'big^eb  c  thoughtlessness, 
flightiness,  giddiness,  levity  folly,  extrava- 
gance,  recklessness.  -ff^et  a  lightly  clouded. 
-fttteltetig  fe  -fitjbenbe.  -ffialtclig  '«  easily  split. 
■fbættenbc  a  buoyant,  airy.  -fotonet  a  light 

Sette  vt  (flBre  minbre  lung)  lighten,  ease;  (gøre 
mtnbre  batiftelig)  facilitate;  (løfte)  lift;  (fit  ©inb) 
disburden;  (fjertet)  ease,  relieve;  _  ?lnferet  weigh 
the  anchor;  _  eii§  9iøb,  ©orger  alleviate  one's 
distress,  cares;  meb  -t  fjerte  with  a  feeling  of 
relief;  —  vi  ^X,  get  under  way  (weigh;;  (om 
(Soage)  clear,  lift;  _  )^aa  lift.  -Bom  i,  large  hand- 
spike.    -tamet  <!•  floating  derrick. 

Settelig,  letteligcn  adv  easily.  gettelfe  c  light- 
ening  etc;  facilitation,  (^jælp)  relief;  fSrøft)  com- 
fort;  (Sinbring)  alleviation.  £etteH)rarø,  *-(«rje 
lump,  weigh  lighter.    Setter  fe  fiægter  c. 

2ett|er  pi  Letts.    -iff  a  Letto'nian. 

2et|troettbe  a  credulous.  -trocnfteb  c  credulity. 
*-t>int  a  handy,  easy  (to  manage),  facile.  -HæB" 
net  fe  -bebcebnet.    -ocecf  regulator. 

2eufo'm  n  leucoma. 

t2e»  a  fe  Sær. 

*2cU  c  -er  (flat)  loaf. 

2e»»ang(c)  c  ,1,  scrubbing-brush. 

2et)ant'{ett  the  Levant.  -et  c  ^  easterly  wind 
(in  the  Mediterrauean).  -i'n  n  levan'tine.  Se« 
Danteften  turkey-stone. 

2e»)e  vi  live,  be  alive;  J,  (om  Sefl)  shiver,  lift; 
bDiS  ^QTi  -r  enbnu  if  he  be  still  alive;  §r.  S.  - ! 
Mr.  S.  for  ever;  længe  _  Songen!  long  live  the 
king!  ^oorlebel  -r  ®e?  how  are  you?  —  vt  ~  tt 
førgeligt  Sio  lead  a  miserable  life;  _  af  live, 
subsist,  (fun  om  3)Qr)  feed,  on;  _  af  fine  ?5enge 
live  on  one's  fortune;  Ijan  -r  af  fin  ^JSrofelfion 
he  lives  by  his  tråde;  intet  at  _  af  no  means  of 
livelihood;  ^Derten  til  at  ~  eEer  bø  af  merely  to 
starve  upon;  lab  oi  faa  noget  at  -  af  let  us 
have  some  food;  _  for  live  for;  _  for  fig  felb 
live  a  retired   life;  -  l^en  live  on;  _  fig  inb  i 

fivilTA*  ^^^\ 

familiarize  one's  self  with;  _  of  igen  revive; 
-  fin  5?ormue  op  run  through  one's  fortune;  _ 
o  »er  fine  ©Lnier  outrun  one's  income;  ^an  -r 
X)aa.  .n  ftor  JJob  he  lives  in  great  style;  leo  oel! 
farewell,  good  bye!  2ette  n  ubbri'nge  et  _  for 
drink  long  life  to.  2c»)e|aar  years  of  (one's) 
life.  -atber  age,  length  of  life;  generation,  -attefl 
eertiflcate  of  existence.  -br«b  (Ubfomme)  liveli- 
hood; (SBeffltttng)  plaije,  situation,  employment. 
-Br«båmanb  (polittft)  -brcbSjJOlitifer  one  who 
makes  politics  a  means  of  livelihood,  place 
-hunter,  offlce-seeker,  amr  carpet-bagger.  -bage 
life,  born  days.  -bt)gtig  a  capable  of  living, 
viable.  -btjgttg^eb  vitality.  -cone,  -fraft  vital 
energy,  vitality.  +-Ictf)cb  cheerfulness.  -iJjft 
enjoyment  of  life.  -ntaabe  (TO.  at  leBe  paa)  mode 
of  living,  habits;  (SSæfeti)  manuers,  breeding; 
P  (Stoft)  food,  fare,  provisions.  ■f2etien  c  living. 
Setien  «  F  fe  Ceben. 

2cttenbe  n  living;  (i  Sibet)  alive;  (naont.  fora» 
®t)renaone)  live;  ^»lively;  be  ~  the  living;  børame 
_  og  bøbe  hihl  judge  the  quick  and  the  dead; 
®^r,  fom  feber  -be  Unger  viviparous  animal;  _  §ab 
intense  hatred;  ingen  -  ©jæl  not  a  living  soul; 
itfe  et  _  Drb  not  a  syllable;  _  tjelelfe  lively 
feeling;  _  |5nffe  strong  desire;  _  {foroe  vivid, 
brighi  colour;  _  §egn  (quickset)hedge;  ~  J^fnbtr^f 
vivid,  strong  impression;  _  ^nbbilbntngSfraft  vivid 
imagination;  -  %xo  living  faith;  _  ©prog  living 
el.  modem  language;  _  ©ejl  4j  shivering  sails; 
brafe  et  ©efl  -  shiver  a  sail;  ber  er  gaaet  _  i 
Svøbet  the  meat  is  alive,  by-blown;  —  adv  mtnber 
mig  _  om  reminds  me  forcibly  of.  -febenbe  a 
viviparous.  -f«bf(er  pi  born  alive.  -g«re  vt 
hibl  give  life.    -boegt  live  weight. 

2cbeplan  c  plan  of  life.  j 

Seoe  r  [fr.]  c  (oeb  ^offet)  levee.  ' 

Sener  c  -e  liv'er;  tale  fra  -en  speak  freely, 
plainly,  out. 

Seberan'lce  c  -r  delivery;  supply,  contract; 
requisition;  paa  _  on  delivery.  -b«'r  c  -er  fur- 
nisher,  provider;  (noonl.  af  2ebnet§miblet)purveyor; 
(9lrmé=  og  giaabeO  contractor. 

Setter  I  arte'rie  hepatic  artery.  -Betænbelfe  in- 
flammation of  the  liver,  hepatitis,  -blomft  grass 
of  Parnassus,  Parnama  palustris.  -brattb  (I)0§ 
^faar)  core.  -Brun  fe  -faroet.  -b^tb  abscess  in 
the  liver.    -ceHe  hepatic  cell. 

Scbe're  vt  (f(t))  hånd;  (afledere)  deliver;  (gor= 
nøben'^eber)  furnish,  supply,  provide;  (probucere) 
produce;  (til  et  S3Iab  o.  1.)  contribute;  _  et  ©lag 
fight  a  battle,  give  battle;  f  ijan  er  -t  he  is 
done  for. 

Sebcregel  c  rule  of  life. 

Seuer|ert8  liver-ore..  -farbeliver-colour.  -farttet 
a  liver-coloured.  -flftel  hepatic  flstula.  -flt(nber 
(Drm)  gourd-worm,  liver-fluke,  fluke-worm. 
-gang  hepatic  duet.    -ilte  fe  -fltjnber. 

Seoe'ring  c  -er  delivery;  ((Jorf^ning)  supply; 
(of  SBog  ofo.)  part,  number.  —  Seoering§|orbce 
order  of  delivery.  -Hærl  work  published  in 

2e0er*|io  skua,  Leitris  parasitica.  -laji  lobe 
of  the  liver,  -malm  fe  -ertS.  -ntoS  fe  ^alo=. 
'*-nt«Ije  mixture  of  flsh-liver  and  broken  oat 
cakes.  -orm  fe  -fitjnber.  -^let  liver-spot.  -^joftej 
(goose-)liver  pie.  -<)«ife  liver  sausage.  -rim 
extempore  rhyme.  -fmerter  pains  in  the  liver. 
-ften  liverstone.  -ftjg  a  afflicted  with  the  liver 
-complaint.  -tran  (cod-)  liver  oil.  -nrt,  ^Ptb, 
fe  -btomft.    -»ene  hepatic  vein. 

2e»)e|ffil  mode  of  living,  habits  of  life.  -fteb 
residence  el.  place  of  abode  -fæt  mode  of 
living,  habits,  -tib  life. time;  (^tftortfl)  date; 
lang  -  long  life,  longevity.    -oej  business;  career. 





-»18  c  mode  of  livlng,  habits.  •liiSbotn  worldly 
wisdom,  wlsdoin  of  life. 

firuia'tan  Levi'athan. 

ifcoira'ticgtrffab  n  levirat'ical  marriage. 

I^CBit'  c  -er  Le'vite. 

2e»l«j'  c  -er  stock,  Cheiranthus. 

Seone  vt  leave. 

Sconrt  n  life;  oaiibre  i  et  tiQt  _  walk  in  new- 
ness  of  life.  —  Sconetåjaar  year  of  (one's)  life. 
•beffriorlfe  life,  biogiaphy.  -btffrtuer,  -fortæller 
blographer.  -leh  career.  -nttblcr  pi  victuals, 
provisions,    -tegning  fe  -fieffrioelfp. 

£cDntng  c  -er  remnant;  pi  (ogfaa  Slffalb)  leavings; 
(af  9Kab)  broken  vietuals;  jorbiffe  -er  mortal  re- 
mains;  -er  fra  Clbtiben  aneient  remains,  relics 
of  antiquity. 

£eore  [é]  vt  (ifær  om  33(ob)  coagulate;  -§  vd 
clot,  coagulate.  Scoret  a  clotted;  _  S8lob  (ogfao) 

fiettoet'  n  farewell,  good-bye. 

l'eje  F  le  fieftie. 

Scqben  n  Leyden.    Se^bncrflafte  L.  jar. 

Sdombre  c  fe  £om6er. 

•fil  c  -er  (wooded,  grassy)  mountain  side  el. 

2iaifon'  c  connectiou,  liaison. 

2ia'n(e)  c  -r  liane,  liana,  J'au/linia. 

£tbanon  n  Lebanon. 

Sibatio'n  c  -er  liba'tion;^(7  potation,  libation. 

2i6elic  c  -r  level;  (^nfeft)  dragon-fly,  Libel- 

&iitxa'l  a  lib'eral;  (i  3(nffuelfer,  ogf.)  catholie; 
be  -e  the  liberals  ié'mt  c  lib'eralism.  -ite't  c 
liberal'ity;  catholicity,  breadth. 

2t6eri'  n  -er  liv'ery. 

SiJerti'ner  c  -e  lib'ertine. 

Si'b^aber,  fii'b^otier  [t.]  c  -e  fancier;  (intend- 
ing)  buyer.    -i'  n  -er  fancy. 

Sib^lén  n  Lib'ya.    -er  c,  -f!  a  Lib'yan. 

fiicenå'  c  -er  li'cence.  Sicentiat'  c  -er  licen'- 

2ictt|e're  vt  offer  on  eontract;  i  Worgen  -§ 
Seserancen  af  ofo.  to-morrow  tenders  will  be 
received  for  etc.  -atton  c  -er  contracting, 
public  offer  for  eontract,  reception  of  tenders 
for  eontract. 

*2il»  c  -er,  fe  fit. 

2tb  c  trust,  confldence;  fæfte  _  til  credit,  give 
credence  to;  flaa,  fætte  fin  _  til  put  confldence 
in;  pin  one's  faith  to;  ber  Ian  ingen  _  fæfteS  tit 
no  reliance  can  be  placed  on.  2ibe,  (eb,  liot 
vi  paa  (en)  conflde  in,  trust,  (nt)  depend  el. 
rely  on. 

2ibe,  teb,  lebet  vi  'om  Jiben)  glide  on,  wear 
on;  bet  leb  paa  (Sftermtbbagen  the  afternoon  was 
getting  on;  bet  feb.  længere  og  længere  x>aa  @.  the 
a.  wore  on;  ba  bet  leb  mob  Wen  as  night  was 
approaching;  '•'ba  bet  leb  paa  later  on;  _  mob  fm 
Unbergang  go  to  vvreck,  totter  to  its  fall;  bet  -r 
tlfe  nieb  ^trbejbet  the  work  makes  no  progress. 

2tiie.  leb.  libt  vt  suffer,  endure;  (taale,  forbrage) 
tolerate;  (f^nes  om)  like;  iffe  -  object  to,  hate; 
jeg  fan  ilte  -  6am  I  don't  like  him;  jeg  fan  gobt 
-  ^am  I  rather  like  him;  _  onbt  suffer  (great) 
hardships;  _  <Dianget  paa  suffer  from  waut  of;  _ 
et  %ab  suffer  et.  su.stain  a  loss;  —  vi  suffer;  _  af 
suffer  from;  +-  Bet,  itbe  fare  well,  ill;  er  meget 
libenbe  suffers  greatly,  is  in  great  pain;  ben 
-noe  the  sufferer.  —  2i)>eform  gram  the  passive 
(voice).      2ibelig  a  tolerable. 

Sibelfe  c  -r  suffering;  ftrifli  _  the  passion  of 
Christ.  —  2tbelfe8!aar  year  of  suffering.  -bæger 
cup  of  misery.  -bag  day  of  misery.  -fulb  a 
full  of  suffering.  -fæfle  fellow-sufferer.  -^iftorie 
<ftriftt)   history   of  the  passion  of  Christ;  min  _ 

the   history    of    my   sufferings.     -tantmerat   fe 
-fætte.    -^2iben  c  suffering. 

2lbett  a,  n  libet  little,  small,  diminutive;  n 
Hbt  little,  (tonløft,  en  ©mule)  a  little,  .'<ome;  en 
_'  Stunb  a  Short  while;  -  for  min  fllber  under- 
sized  for  my  years;  fra  _  af  from  a  ehild;  libet 
etter  intet  little  or  nothing,  next  to  nothing; 
_  (Slæbe  small  joy;  ber  er  tiet  oeb  ben  2(£re  that 
honour  is  not  worth  much;  en  ^ennQ  for  libt  a 
penny  short;  ot  ^or  en  Øaffel  for  tibt  we  are  short 
of  a  fork;  om  libt  shortly,  preseutly;  og  tibt  tit  and 
something  more;  —  libet  adv  little;  tibt  little, 
(en  ©mule)  a  little;  libt  efter  Hbt  by  (slow)  degrees, 
by  little  and  little,  little  by  little;  lige  faa  -  fom 
no  more  than;  albrig  .  .  .  lige  faa  _  fom  never 
.  .  .  any  more  than.  -^eb  c  littleness,  ^mallness, 

2iben|ffab  c  -er  passion.  -{Tabeng  a  passion 
ate,  impassioned;  enlhnsiastic.  -fla'bclig^eb  c 
passionateness  -flabdtøS  a  dispassionate,  pas- 
sionless,  unimpassioued.  -flab§(ø§^eb  c  apathy, 

2iberltg  a  lewd,  lecherous,  bawdy,  dissolute, 
debauched.  -^eb  c  lewdness,  lechery,  bawdi- 

2i'btøb  n :  britfe  _  ratify  a  bargain  by  a 

2ibfe  c  -r  lace,  string.  2lbfe  vt  <t*  lace.  -^itl 
,1,  eye-let  hole  (for  the  lacing).  -Hg  ^1,  luff; 
mast-leech.  -to»i  J,  lacing.  2ib3ning  c  J, 

2ibt  fe  Siben. 

2ie'ret  a  (meb^  intimate  (with). 

2if|(anb  n  Livo'nia  -(anbfl  a,  -(cenber  c  -e 

2tf'(ig  a  delicious.    -^eb  c  deliciousness. 

2tg  n,  pi  =,  J;,  bolt-rope;  (ftaaenbe)  leech; 
(Unbert.j  foot;  (Doert.)  head. 

2ig  w,  pi  =,  corpse,  dead  body;  ligge  -  lie 
dead;  bleg  fom  et  _  pate  as  death;  et  _  i  Saften 
a  skeleton  in  the  cupboard;  flæbe  (et)  -,  lægge 
et  -  til  Sfue  lay  out  a  corpse;  bebe  tit  _  invite 
to  a  funeral;  følge  -  attend  a  funeral;  ^an  er  til 
_  he  is  attending  a  funeral. 

2lg  a  like;  (naonl.  lignenbe)  similar;  (om  ©tBr- 
relfer)  equal  (to);  l^an  er  fin  3taber  _  he  is  like 
his  father.  *-ere,  -eft  better,  best;  *-t  og  uligt  all 
sorts  of  things;  *&Qtte  -t  cry  quits. 

2tga  c  league. 

2igatu'r  c  -er  med,  mus  &  tvp  lig'ature.  -naal 

2i'g|baal  funeral  pile.  -boflte  bier.  -begien  = 
gelfe  funeral,  obsequies.  -bcfigtigelfe  fe  -fnn. 
-ble  fe  -lagen,  -bleg  n  pale  as  death,  ghastly. 
•bleg^eb  paleness  of  death,  ghastliness. 

2i'gbolt  c  J,  leech-lining. 

2t'g|br(enber  cremationist.  -brænbing  crema- 
tion.  -brænbingSforening  cremation  society. 
-bærer  coffin-bearer,  und'  r-bearer.  -bragt  grave 
-clothes,  shroud. 

2ige  a  (ret)  straight,  direct;  (af  famme  S8eflaffen> 
^eb)  eoual,  alike;  i  _  Stnje  in  a  straight  line, 
(9iebft.)"in  the  direct  line;  _  %ai  even  numbers; 
gøre  -  straighten;  equalize;  tabe  fem  Bære  _  be 
(so)  careless;  -  9llber  parity  of  age;  af  _  Sliber 
of  the  same  age;  fe  ?tob.  —  2lge  adv  straight; 
equally,  alike;  (nøjagtig)  exactly;  ftaa  -  stand 
erect;  stand  straight  et.  even;  stand  equal;  _ 
ftor  equal;  _  libet  as  little,  none  the  more;  bet 
er  mig  _  meget  it  is  all  the  same  to  me;  bet  fan 
Bære  _  meget  enten  no  matter,  whether;  jeg  er  - 
glab  I  don't  care;  iffe  faa  _  not  exactly;  _  nu 
Ihis  moment;  _  bet  famme  the  very  same;  _  bet 
mobfatte  the  verj'  opposite,  the  direct  contrary; 
funbe  _  feS  could  just  el.  barely  be  seen;  —  meb 
prcep:  briffe  -  af  gtaften  drink  out  ofthebottle, 




_  efter  immediately  after;  _  for  opposite; 
_  for  forten  right  before  the  gate;  ftille  en  nt 
_  for  ^ie  put  st  full  in  one's  eye;  _  for  ijani 
9iæfe  under  his  very  nose;  ~  (nærmeft)  foron, 
fjør  immediately  before;  _  fro  (om  Stebet)  straight 
from;  naar  ftan  lommer  _  fra  Unioerfitetet  when 
fresh  from  college;  _  fra  i  røanbogS  all  the  time 
since  Monday;  git  _  ben  tit  i)ain  went  straight 
up  to  him;  _  i  Øjebliffet  at  the  very  instant, 
immediately;  _  i  ©ftb  due  South;  fe  en  _  i  8(n= 
figtet  look  one  full  in  the  face;  _  igennem 
straight  el.  right  through;  ftoa,  fætte  _  meb  be, 
be  put  on  a  par  with;  _  neb  straight  down, 
right  down;  »  op  straight  up;  gaa  _  op,  fe 
®aa  op;  ~  oser  right  above;  _  onerfor  right 
opposite  (to);  ftoa  -  oBerfor  ftinanben  face  each 
other;  _  Jjaa  SJippet  on  the  very  point  (of); 
_  paa  ^jebliffet  directly;  _  fiben  ever  since; 
_  til  fionbon  all  the  way  to  London,  as  far 
as  L.;  følge  en  _  til  ^ufct  et.  S)øren  accompany 
one  up  to  the  very  door;  _  tit  ben  ©tunb 
up  et.  down  to  that  moment;  _  op  tit  ben  Ibfe 
2)og  till  broad  day-light;  ~  tit  adv  plain;  easy; 
ftulbe  -  til  ot  gaa  was  ou  the  (very)  point  of 
going,  _  ub  straight  on;  fip  frankly,  in  plain 
words;  _  ub  ab  (of)  straight  along;  _  unber 
right  under;  _  beb  elose  by;  _  oeb  ot  on  the 
point  of.  —  Sige  c,  pi  =,  (^Kage)  match;  fe 
-manb;  nben  _  unparalleled,  unique;  b^ti  l)ax  itle 
ftn  -,  føger  fin  -  he  has  not  his  match,  is  un- 
rivalled;  gioe  en  -  for  _  return  like  for  like, 
give  one  as  good  as  he  brings,  f  give  one  tit 
for  tat;  -  for  _  noar  SSenffob  ffot  bolbeé  give  and 
take,  one  good  turn  deserves  another,  p  scratch 
my  back  and  I  will  scratch  yours;  -  jøger  - 
birds  of  a  feather  flock  together.  fiigelaarig  n 
of  the  same  age.  -ormet  a  straight  armed. 
-artet  a  homogeneous.  -artettieb  c  homoge- 
neousness,  homogeneity.  -benet  «,  iieom  iso- 
sceles.  -bcrcttigelfc  equal  right,  equality  of  r. 
et.  rights,  reciproclty.  -berettieet  a  (om  ?)tring  o.  t.) 
equally  legitimate;  (om  ^erfon)  Ⱦre  _  have  an 
equal  right  et.  e.  rights.  -bon  a  (en§,  lige)  equal, 
alike;  (of  fomme  5orm;  of  the  same  form,  equi- 
form.  -bon  adv  in  the  same  manner;  the 
same.  -bonbcb  c  equiformity.  -bonnet  a  uni- 
form, similarly  shaped;  geom  similar.  -bonnet- 
^eb  c  unlformity,  similarity.  -finnet  a  3(  pari- 
pinnate.  -formig  (e  -bonnet.  -frem  a  plain;  (tun 
om  $erf.)  straight-forward,  blunt;  (futbftænbig) 
downright,  flat;  —  adv  straight  on;  fig  bluntly, 
roundly,  plainly,  in  a  straightforward  manner, 
point-blank;  (abfolut)  simply,  downright.  -frent= 
^eb  c  plainness,  simplieity,  bluntness.  -fulbt 
adv  notwithstanding,  nevertheless,  for  all  that. 
•glob  o  happy-go-lucky,  devilmay-care,  reckless. 
t-gobt  oc<»  p,  fe -fulbt.  -gtjlbigaindiflferent;  un- 
concerned  (Oeb  at);  careless;  regardless,  thought- 
less  (for,  oeb  of);  of  no  consequence;  i)an  er  mig 
~  he  is  nothing  to  me;  en  95erfon,  fom  er  mig  _ 
a  person  to  whom  I  am  indifferent,  -gtflbigbcb 
c  indifference,  unconcern;  disregard,  reckless- 
ness  (for  of).  -gætbenbe  a  equivalent,  equipol- 
lent.  •bolbctr  plaster  of  Paris  jacket.  -!flntet  a 
rightangled.  -lebe§  adv  likewise;  (ogfoo,  tillige) 
also,  too. 

fiigclig  a  proportionate,  in  equal  proportion; 
_  (-en,  -t)  adv  proportionally,  in  equal  propor- 
tions, equally.     -^cb  c  equal  proportion. 

£ige{Iiniet  a  straight-lined,  rectilinear.  -l^= 
benbe  a  (lijbenbe  en8)  similar  in  sound;  (orbret 
ftemmenbe)  exactly  corresponding,  of  the  same 
tenor.  -lebenbe  a  running  in  a  straight  line; 
parallel,  -leiittappt  stairs  with  straight  flights. 
■mons  equal,  peer.  -nte'get  adv  equally;  a  the 
same    (quantity,    amount),    equally    much,   as 

much;  bet  er  (mig)  -  it  Is  all  one  (to  me);  _! 
never  mind,  no  matter.  -Btbnet  a  equal,  paral- 
lel, -oocrfor  right  opposite  (to),  over  against, 
facing;  fig  in  presence  of,  in  the  face  of,  in 
view  of,  (om  9Kobfætntng)  as  against;  ftao  -  b'n=  ' 
anben  face  each  olher.  -ret  equality,  reciproclty. 
£{gerbiS  ad«  likewise.  fiigelioo  arf«?  (tigelebeS,  bet 
fomme)  likewise,  the  same,  as  well;  (Beb  Slbj.)  as, 
equally;  _  .  .  .  fom  as  .  .  .  as;  _  »et,  fe  ©ooOet;  ~ 
libt  as  little;  jeg  funbe  iffe  fe  bet,  -  libt  fom  .  .  . 
I  couldn't  see  it,  any  more  than  .  .  .;  _  gerne 
just  as  well.  -ftbet  a  of  equal  sides,  equal  on 
all  sides,  equilateral,  -flbet()Cb  cequilateralness. 
•finbet  a  of  the  same  mind,  of  one  mind,  simi- 
larly disposed,  like-minded.  -loftet  a  straight 
-håndled,  -fom  adv  (lig)  like,  in  coramon  with; 
in  imitation  of;  (fom  om)  as  if;  (fao  at  fige)  as  it 
were;  conj  (ret  fom  [om  Skiben])  just  as;  (alt  fom, 
efter  fom)  as,  according  as;  _  .  .  .  foolebejs  as  .  .  . 
so  also;  _  libt  foronbret  altered  some  way;  a 
little  bit  a.,  p  a.  like,  «»/r  kind  of  (el.  kinder) 
a.;  ber  6teo  en  _  ©tonbSning  there  was  something 
of  a  check;  _  bet  ogfao  er  unøbbenbigt  it  being, 
besides,  unnecessary.  -ftemt  a  fi^  congenial,  of 
like  mind.  -ftiBet  a  equally  situated.  -ftittelfe, 
-pillen  c  equalisation.  -ftiHing  equal  position. 
-ftor  a  equal.  -ftrenget  a  vertical-strung  (piano). 
•tit  adv  straight  on;  *a,  fe  -frem.  -tr^tSllnie 
isobare.  -tt)big  a  synonymous.  -t^btg^cb  c 
synonymy.  -ub  adv  straight  on;  _  ab  all  along. 
-titnKet  a  equiangular.  -Ⱦgt  equilibrium,  equi- 
poise,  balance;  i  ~  equilibrious;  ube  of  -  un- 
poised;  bringe  en  ub  of  -en  (ogfao  fig)  take  one  off 
his  legs,  throw  one  off  his  balance;  bringe  eHer 
tjolbe  i  equilibrate,  keep  in  equipoise  el.  in 
an  equilibrium,  balance;  bolbe  -en  poise;  tabe  -en 
lose  one's  equilibrium  et.  laalanee;  ten  europæifte 
-  the  balance  of  power  in  Europe.  -oægtig  a 
of  equal  weight,  equiponderant,  equiponderate. 

Slgettoegtélgliber  equilibrium  slide.  -linie  line 
et.  axis  of  equilibrium.  -lære  statics.  -Iinntt 
point  of  e.    -uentit  e.  valve. 

Srglfottel  funeral  torch.  -folb  falling  sick- 
ness.  -fatbe  colour  of  a  corpse,  cadaverous  hue. 
-forpet  "  pale  as  a  corpse.  -forgiftning  post 
mortern  room  poisonlng.  -færb  funeral.  -følge 
funeral  procession. 

Jiigge,  tao,  tigget  ot  lie:  (om  ^øne)  sit;  (om  ©fib), 
i  en  oi§  SRetning)  stand ;  *(om  Sto)  be  frozen  over; 
-r  i  grontrig,  oeb  9Jilen  is  in  France,  on  the  Nile; 
_  i  ©engen  be  in  bed,  _  til  ©engS  (f^g,  ^olbe  ©engen) 
be  ill  in  bed;  keep  one's  bed,  be  bedridden 
(bedrid);  _  tebig  be  idle,  unoccupied;  -  parat  be 
in  readiness,  available,  handy;  lob  bet  _!  let 
that  alone!  lob  bet  _  t)cr!  leave  it  here;  ^oor  -r 
©tljlben?  whose  fault  is  it?  $ønen  oit  itte  _  the 
hen  won't  hatch  her  eggs;  33orbet  -r  fulbt  of 
*45apirer  the  table  is  littered  with  papers,  blioe 
-nbe  remain,  lie  over;  be  left;  fall;  —  meb  prap 
og  adv.  ~  (fpg)  of  be  in  bed  el.  laid  up  with; 
_  an  J,  be  heading;  ftlompen  -r  ilfe  on  the  chock 
is  not  home;  —  ~  gobt  on  imob  bear  well  against; 
_  bi  for  Solfel  og  %oo  ^  lie  a-hull;  -  for  91Rob= 
binb  be  wind  bound;  _  for  Sløben  be  on  the  point 
of  death;  ©pørgSmaotet  -r  itte  for  the  question 
Is  not  now  before  the  court;  bet  -r  ilte  for  mig 
it  is  not  in  my  line;  bet  -r  temmelig  fjernt  for 
mig  it  is  rather  out  of  my  way;  _  foroberi 
weather;  ©ogen  -r  ben  the  cause  is  standing 
over;  _  ubenljttet  bfn  remain  idle;  _  b  o  §  lie  with; 
©ft)tben  -r  t)o§  ®ent  the  fault  is  yours;  bi  moo  _ 
I  Kroen  we  must  take  up  our  quarters  at  the 
inn;  be  _  i  2:rætte  meb  l)tnanben  they  are  quar- 
relllng;  _  i  fibfle  Slanbebrag  be  at  the  last  gasp; 
_  i  SJorfelfeng  lie  in;  bert  -r  that  implies;  bet  -r 
i  Crbene  it  is  implied  el.  conveyed  in  the  words; 





-r  ligefrem  i  bet«  Platin  is  In  its  very  nature;  Det 
-r  i  .  .  .  it  is  a  consequenoe  of  .  .  .;  bet  \aa  itte 
.  i  min  iJJIan  it  was  no  part  of  my  design;  _  ftg 
'  igennem  get  bed-sores;  _  t^jel  overlay;  ^Bab 
ber  -r  o§  i  mellem  the  point  at  issue  between 
U9;  _  inbooer  J,,  stand  in  el.  inshore;  ^»onbelen 
-r  nebe  tråde  is  in  a  languishing  state;  funbe 
ille  _  op  J,  could  not  fetch  the  harbour;  _ 
o  ber,  fe  Stænge;  _  ooer  et  *)Sor  3?age  make  a 
stay  of  a  couple  of  days;  >  ooer  (paa  et  ©teb) 
om  SBinteren  winter;  -  paa  2onbet  stay  in  the 
country,  -r  gobt  paa  SSanbet  ,X,  sits  well  on  the 
water;  _  poa  Sibbet  (om  ^efl)  be  heavy  in  hånd; 

-  jpaa  en  SRejfe  be  on  a  journey;  -  paa  fit  ^berfte 
be  at  the  last  extremity;  _  jpaa  fine  ©erntnger 
be  slain  in  the  aet  (of  committing  crime  el. 
vlolence);  -  en  paa  golfen  be  an  incumbrance 
to  one;  bet  -r  mig  altib  paa  Sinbe  it  is  always 
on  my  mind;  bet  -r  til  (^ele)  ganttlien  it  runs  in 
the  family;  Sfoen  -r  gobt  til  the  shoe  is  a  good 
fit;  _  gobt  til  for  be  well  placed  for;  _  tilbage 
Jig  lag  behind;  _  ube  (ubenfor  fit  ^iem)  pass  the 
night  from  home,  stay  out  all  night,  sleep  out, 
(i  bet  grie)  pass  the  night  in  the  open  air,  (paa 
©øen)  keep  the  sea;  _  unber  succumb;  get  the 
worst  of  it,  of  the  battle;  ber  -r  noget  berunber 
there's  something  at  the  bottom  of  it;  ©toben 
■r  Bcb  en  glob  the  city  stands  el.  is  situated  on 
a  river;  ^uiet  -r  Oeb  Stranben  the  house  stands 
on  the  seashore;  —  Itggenbe  prp  &  a  lying 
etc;  situated;  her  couchant,  lodged;  i  ^alB  _ 
©tiHing  half  reclined,  recumbent,  in  a  recum- 
bent  posture.  —  fiigge|am6oIt  bar-anvil  with 
bent  ends  -bi  fe  ®rone.  -bage  ^  lay  days, 
laying  days.  -bagSpettge  demurrage.  -fil  rubber. 
-gal  fe  -ftjg.  -ft«ne  brood  hen.  fiiggen  c  lying, 
resting.  £tggenbefæ  n,  pi  =  treasure.  Stgge= 
(Jlabå  anchorage,  berth.  Sigger  c  -e  nether  el. 
lower  millstone;  J..  (gab)  leaguer;  (^nter)  spare 
el.  waist  anchor;  Oærnftinne)  sleeper;  (S8ø8fem.) 
barrel-pattern;  baker's  boy.  i>igge|faar  bed-sore. 
-fflg  a  broody.  -tit*  hatching  time,  time  of  in- 

Si'filgetnme  fe  -lifte,    -gift  ptomaine. 

Si'gijeb  c  -er  likeness,  resemblance,  similarity, 
similitude;  geom  congruity;  (i  SRettigdeber)  equal- 
ity;  (i  Sang  oftj.)  co-ordinateness;  (Sigebanfieb, 
OoerenJftemmelfe)  conformity;  _  i  Sliber  parity  of 
age;  -  for  £ooen  equality  before  the  law;  i  - 
meb  like,  in  conformity  with.  in  common  with, 
after  the  fashlon  of,  on  the  lines  of;  ^aoe  megen 
_  meb  bear  a  close  resemblance  to.  —  !^igQeti§|- 
puntt  point  of  resemblance.  -regel  fe  Sæbe=. 
-tegn  sign  of  equation. 

i2i'g|4u§  (Sørge^ug)  house  ofmouming;  (ffiopel) 
dead-house.  -lapel  dead-house.  -faSfe  burial 
Club.  -lifte  coffin.  -tlofte  passing  bell,  (funeral) 
knell.  -Htebe  pall,  (til  6alf.  iJig)  cerement. 
-Iltcber  pi  grave-clothes.  -!ronå  funeral  wreath. 
-lagen  winding  sheet.  -lugt  death-scent.  -mart 
fleld  strewed  with  dead  bodies. 

-(-Si'gmobtg  a  aquanimous. 

Si'gnaal  c  .i.  roping  needle,  bolt-rope  needle. 

fiigne  vt  (oære  lig)  resemble,  be  like;  (fammenl.) 
liken,  compare;  (om  Slatter)  apportion,   assess; 

-  t  ©tat  tax  assess,  rate;  be  ~  ^inanben  meget 
they  are  much  alike;  be  _  ^inanben  fom  to  ®raaber 
SBanb  they  are  as  like  as  two  peas;  bet  tunbe  - 
^am  at  he  is  very  likely  to;  bet  -r  itte  nt  it  is 
too  bad,  it  is  absurd;  ille  bet  ber  -r  no  such 
thing  (as),  not  a  vestige  of.  Signelfe  c  -r  (©am= 
menligning)  comparison;  (SBiHebe)  likeness;  (bttteb- 
lig)  simile,  similitude,  bibl  parable  (i  fin  _  in 
his  own  likeness).  Stgnenbe  a  similar,  the  like; 
og  _  and  the  like;  (^an  jagbe  .  .  .)  eller  noget  _ 
or  words  to  that  effect. 

Signi'n  o  lig'nine. 

Signing  c  -er  (af  ©fot)  apportioning,  assess- 
ment;  viatk  &  ant  equation.  —  StgningS|fom* 
mtSfton  commission  for  the  assessment  of  taxes. 
-flat  assessed  tax. 

£ignit'  c  lig'nite. 

Si'glpenge  burial  dues.  -<)(et  livid  spot  (on  a 
dead  body).  -pott  lich-gate,  corpse  gate.  -^jrO' 
ceSfion  fe  -ftare.  -h-|>runt  funeral  pomp.  -ptte- 
bifen  funeral  sermon. 

fiigroi'n  n  lig'roine. 

Si'glfalme  funeral  hymn.  -fang  funeral  dirgo. 
-feng  bed  of  state  (fora  corpse).  -flammet  stool 
to  rest  a  coffin  on.  -flare  funeral  procession. 
-fljorte  shroud.  -flue  fe  -fljn.  ''-f^jaan  winding 
-sheet  (in  the  candle). 

'■■'£i'gf^)lejå  c  ^  sailmaker's  splice. 

Si  giftabl  funeral  pomp.  -ften  tombstone. 
-ftraa:  ligge  paa  _  lie  dead.  -fine  room  in  which 
a  corpse  is  laid;  (p,  |)ofpital)  mortuary;  t  fe  95aage= 
ftue.  -ftJflb  fe  -lagen,  -fijn  inspection  of  a  dead 
body,  post-mortem  examination;  (i  (Snglanb)  coro- 
ner'sinquest.  -ft)n8mont»  coroner.  -fotrl  shroud. 
-tale  funeral  oration. 

Sigtlenfer  c  J,  port-fire. 

Ct'gltog  fe  -flare.  -torn  com.  -torneo^erater 
chiropodist,  corn-cutter.    -tornring  corn-plaster. 

SJt'gtroSfe  c  J,  bolt  rope. 

l*i'g|træ  grave- post.  -tnBerller  anatomicai 
tubercles.  -t^t)  body-snatcher,  resurrection-man. 
-taj  grave-clothes. 

fiigne  c  -r  league. 

fiignP'er,  fitguftrum  c  privet,  Ligustrum  vul- 
gare.  -ftiCErmer  privet  hawk-moth,  Sphinx 

£i'g|tiagt  lich-wake.  -»lerS  funeral  poem. 
-Pogn  hearse.  -PognSlufl  hearse-driver.  -tfoH 

•'■'•fiile,  lilte,  lilt  vt  like;  _  ftg  paa  et  ©teb  like 
a  place. 

Sltle  vt  p  lick. 

£ilot'b  a,  mere  payable,  (justly)  due,  clear, 
-e're  vt  liq'uldate.  -atio'n,  -e'ring  c  liquida'- 

2if«'r  c  -er  liqueur,  cordial.  -faBrilant  dealer 
in  cordials.  -flritt  cabinet  for  cordials.  -ftet  n 
liqueur  stand. 

gflje  c  -r  lily,  Liliun;  her  fleur  de  lis.  -arm 
lily  White  arm.  -banneret  the  Lilies.  -barm 
lily-whlte  bosom.  -blab  flower-leaf  of  the  lily. 
-blomfl  liliaceous  flower.  -br^ft  fe  -barm.  -gr«nt 
iris  green,  -^aanb  lily-white  band.  -^ali  lily 
-white  neck.  -^ub  lily-white  skin.  -I^tiib  a  lily 
-white.  -linb  lily-white  cheek.  -tnop  bud  of  a 
lily.  -løntial  lily  of  the  valley,  Gonvallaria 
majalis.  -torå  Aer  cross  flory.  t-maaneb  Oc- 
tober.  -f-ranl  a  straight  as  a  lily.  -ren  a  pure 
as  a  lily.  -f-flær  lily-white  tinge,  -ftænget  stalk 
of  a  lily.    -baanb  poet  slender  maiden. 

fiiMo  a  mauve,  lilac. 

atHe  a  fe  fiiben;  en  _  ©eft  a  little  bit  of  a 
horse;  en  _  bitte  ©mule  a  little  wee  bit;  en  _ 
a  little  one:  bet  _  ber  er  what  little  there  is; 
ben  _  SBjørn  the  Lesser  Bear;  ^ipin  ben  _  Pepin 
the  Short;  _  SerS  minor  third;  _  Dltab  mu« 
diminished  octave,  (S3ogb.)  small  octave;  ^ør  _ 
58en  I  say,  little  one.  SiØelaften  Asia  Minor. 
-belt  fe  S8elt.  -bitte  a  diminutive,  -cirlel  less 
circle.  -finger  little  finger.  -BnS  fe  ^rtbat. 
•pige  scullery-maid,  kitchen-maid.  -^labe  (p. 
Ur)  dial-plate.  -put'er  (foroanflet  ^orm  bannet  af 
SiHiput)  c,  pi  —,  Lilliputian.  -ru3(anb  Little 
-Russia.    -ruSfiff  a  Little-Russian. 

£im  c  fe  »alt. 

£im  c  (?i)  glue;  (foagere,  pergament-  o.  b.)  size; 
filfugle=)  lime.    -agtig  a  glutinous. 




SimbuS  c  (jjaa  SefStant)  limb. 

gime  vt  glue;  -t  $apir  sized  paper. 

Simc  c  -r  broom.    -ffaft  broom-stick. 

Si'mfartie  size  paint,  distemper. 

fii'mfjorben  the  Lymfiord. 

Si'm{gi»enbe  a  yielding  glue.  -flobS  gloe-sub- 

Si'mgraO  c  bibl  slime-pit. 

Si'ming  c  gluing,  gaa  op  i  -en  get  unglued, 
come  olf. 

Simitere  vt  lim'it.    Sim'itum  n  lim'it. 

£i'm|Iebe(  fe  -potte;  (ftor)  size-copper.  -loger 
glue-boiler.  -fogning  glue-making.  -læber  hide 
-parings,  spetches.    limning  fe  Siming. 

Simo'n  ofo.,  fe  Semon. 

Simenit'  c  limonite. 

2i'm|i)enfelgluebrush.  -<>lnb lime-twig.  -potte 
glue  pot.  -ftang:  Io6e  meb  -en  go  on  a  wild 
-goose  Chase. 

gi'ntften  c  limestone. 

gi'mifutter  gelatine  sugar.  -ftiinge  cramp, 
crampframe.  -tæt  a  tight  enough  to  be  glued. 
-urt  catchfly,  Silene.    -oattb  size.    -ttoIS  fe  gor> 


£in  n  pi  =,  a  linen  band  for  the  head;  i 
Smf.  09  *  fe  ^øv. 

Sina  fe  Sine. 

*fii'n|bænb,  -bænbel  c  ^  spurry,  Specula  ar- 
ven sin. 

Sittb  c  -e  linden(-tree),  lime,  Tilia  europæa. 

2inb  a  soft,  mild.  filnbe  vt  loosen,  alleviate; 
*  vi  ^  Deb  Soren  open  the  door  ajar.  *2inbe  c 
fe  fiinbtjejr. 

*fiinbe  vt  wrap,  swathe,  swaddle.  fiinbe  c  -r 
swaddli  ng-band . 

ginbel'^Ué  alley  of  lime-trees.  -iatt  bark  of 
the  lime-tree. 

"'ginbebarn  n  baby  (in  swaddling-clothes). 

gtnbc|boft  lirne-bast.  -Iilttb  leaf  of  the  linden. 
-blotttft  linden-blossom.  -gang  fe  Sltté.  -tul 
charcoal  of  lime-wood. 

glttbeénæS  n  the  Naze. 

ginbelfpinber  ox-head  moth,  Pygcera  bucephala. 
-træ  limetree,  lime-wood. 

gtnbfil  smooth-flle.  ginb^eb  c  softness,  mild- 

ginborm  c  (fabulous)  serpent. 

ginbre  vt  relieve,  alleviate,  ease,  assuage. 
giubring  c  relief,  alleviation. 

gtnblfattet  a  mild  cured.   -tjejr  open  weather. 

gine  c  -r  line,  rope;  (til  fjifferi)  long-line, 
bulter,  night-line,  trimmer;  lab  i)am  løbe  -n  ub 
let  him  have  his  swing,  give  him  rope  enough, 
play  him  to  the  end  of  the  line;  paa  flap  _  on 
the  slack  rope. 

gine  Caroline,  Carrie. 

ginea'I  c  -er  rule,  ruier;  a  lin'eal. 

gineamcn'ter  pi  lin'eaments,  features. 

gincorlperfpeftiuet  the  lin'ear  perspective. 
-tegning  liuedrawing,  linear  drawing. 

(Bine|balje  J,  line-tub.  -bænbfet  4>  line 
-seizing.  -banS  rope  -  dancing.  -banfer  rope 
-dancer.  -fifler  long-line  fisher.  -fi^eri  long 
-lining.  -formig  a  linear.  -gobS  -4^  line,  small 
stutf.  -kolber  !j,  line-holder,  -ring  (p.  Sele) 

*ginerle  c  wagtail,  Motadlla  alba. 

gineæ't  a  moth  lin'ear. 

gingeri'  «  linen -drapery.  -artitler  linen 
-draper's  goods.    -^anbler  linen-draper. 

gingpift    c  -er  linguist.    -tfl  a  lingui'stic. 

*gi'n^antttter  c  pod  of  flax. 

ginie  c  -r  (i  oEe  SBet.)  line;  paSfere  -n  cross  the 
line;  i  _  in  a  line;  i  _  meb  on  the  line  of,  in  a 
line  With;  ftiUe  paa  -  mil  put  in  line,  dress; 
ftiHe  i  lige  _  meb  Jig  put  on  a  level  with;  bcete  i 

førfte  _  hold  the  flrst  rank;  fejle  i  tætfluttet 
fiail  in  close  order;   3;at  unber  -n  inferior  figure; 
SSogflaoer  ooer  -n  superior  letters;   ooer  ^ele 
fia  all  along  the  liue.   fe  8ige.    -oru  lineal  SUC' 
cession.    -begrapelfe  interment  on  the  paupers' 
side.    -bonS  fe  Siine^. 

ginie'rntoffinc  c  ruling  machine. 

ginielformig  a  linear,  -^ær  regular  army. 
-officer  ollieer  of  the  line.  -ornamrntit  ornamen 
tatiou  formed  by  lines,    -papir  ruled  paper. 

ginie'Ire  vt  rule     -ring  c  ruling. 

ginie|rcgiment  regiment  of  the  line.  -ffi>' 
line-of-battle  ship.  -foibot  regular.  ftiUing 
forming  iuto  liues.  -f^ftem  mvs  .staff.  -fætter 
compositor  of  the  companionship.  -tropper 
troops  of  the  line,  regulars.  -oelSler  tel  comma 

giniment'  n  lin'iment. 

gl'ntage  c  oil-cake. 

ginfe  vi  limp 

gi'n|lliebe  linen-cloth.    -lærreb  linen. 

ginné  Linnæus. 

ginneb  n  linen;  shirt;  —  a  linen.  -littel 
linen  smock,  -ftob  press  for  linen,  -fpinb 
linen  thread.  -fqning  plain  needle-work,  plai 
sewing.  -fem  them;  *te  -fQntng.  -Parer  linens, 
-Pæuer  linen-weaver.  -Pæoning  linen-weaving 
ginnet  a  fe  Binneb. 

ginning  c  -er  (paa  Slæber)  band. 

ginnæ'if!  a  Linnæan,  Linnean. 

ginofie  c  linseed  oil. 

ginon'  [fr.]  n  Freneh  lawn. 

ginfe  c  -r  lentil,  Ervum  Ifns;  en  SRet  -r  bibl  a 
pottage  of  lentiis;  (®la§  og  i  Øjet)  lens;  (Ur) 
bob.  -apparat  lenticular  apparatus.  -bannet 
•formig  a  lenticular,  lentiform.  -fflr  lens  light, 
lenticular  el.  dioptric  light.  -gloS  lens.  -terne 
nucleus  of  the  lens.    -fuppe  lentil  soup. 

gt'nlftop  lint.  *-flr^  fe  ^ørblaar.  -fæb  lin- 
seed.  *-fam  fe  ginnebl^ning.  -traab  linen 
thread.      toj  linen,    -pæper  linen-weaver. 

gipa'riff  a:  be  -e  Øer  the  Lip'ari  Islands.        j 

gire  c  -r  (SJKønt)  lira. 

*gire  c  -r  shearwater,  Faffinux. 

gire  c  -r  barrel  organ,  street  organ,  hånd 
organ,  (i  gorm  af  9Kanbolin)  hurdy-gurdy.  gire 
vt  of,  fe  SUflire. 

gire|!a§fe  fe  Sire.  -flup  screwing-table. 
-(ta§fejrøanb,  -fpiOer,  gireubrejei:  organ-man, 

girte  vi  &  t  wriggle,  worm,  tamper;  f)an  ftob 
og  -be  Beb  Eaafen  he  was  tampering  with  el. 
Irying  the  lock;  _  ub  wrickle  out;  _  fig  ub  af 
wriggle  out  of;  _  fig  inb  i  worm  one's  self  inlo; 
_  for  cajole,  coax,  try  to  bring  round. 

tgirre  vi  fe  Sirfc  | 

girumlarum  n  jingle,  ding-dong.  ' 

*gtr5pe  <;  (a  kind  of)  ptarmigan,  Norwegian 
grouse.  Laoopua  subolpina. 

gifabet,  gigbet,  gife  Elisabeth,  Lizzy. 

Sifc  c  solace,  relief. 

gife'n  c  -er  list. 

giiputtb  n,  pi  =,  stone,  16  pounds  (Dan.  & 
Norw.  weight).  -(é)biåraer  steelyard  for  weighing 
by  stones.    -lob  stone  weight. 

giSfabon  «  Lisbon. 

gift  c  cunning,  wile,  stratagem,  artifice;  fætte 
_  imob  _  oppose  art  to  art;  oeb  Ttaqt  el.  -  by 
might  or  by  sleight. 

gift,  fgtfte  c  -r  («ont)  list;  (forg^lbt)  fiUet; 
(paa  %ai,  Slæbe)  selvage;  vet  spavin.  giftbjælte 
^  counter-rail,  breast-beam.    gifte  vt  list. 

gifte  vi  move  gently,  steal;  -  af  steal  away; 
—  vt  (noget  fra  en)  shuffle  (one  out  of  a  thing); 
_  noget  inb  insert  by  steal th;  _  ub  elicit,  worm 
out;  —  vr  fig  sneak,  slink;  (i  9Kør!e)  prowl;  -  fig 







bort  slip  el.  steal  away,  _  fig  inb  creep  in;  _  jlg 
omfring  steal  about,  _  fig  inb  jjaa  steal  upon; 
.  fig  til  obtain  by  stealth  el.  surre ptitiously; 
_  fifl  til  Qt  contrive  surreptitiously  to. 

iJtfte  c  r  (gortcgnelfe)  list,  inventory,  catalogue. 
■afftemning  scmtin  de  liste. 

*8iftcfutb  a  cunning. 

iJiftefarer  c  registrar,  (»eb  SJotering)  poll-clerk. 

:k2iftel)øD(  c  cornice  plane. 

itiifteiig  adv  cuuniugly. 

SJifteifto  list  shoe.  -tappt  list  carpet.  -tcett 

i2ifte|tiatg  fe  -afftemning. 

giftig  a  cunning,  artful,  sly,  wily.  -Ijeto  c 
cunning,  slyness. 

£itani'  n  -er  lit'any,  anthem. 

SJlter  c  liter,  litre. 

SJitcrIa't  c  -er  lit'erary  man.  -otu'r  c  -er 
lit'erature;  -enS  3Jige  the  commouwealth  of 
letters,  -ottt'riliftorie  history  of  literature  el. 
letters,  -atu'rtunbffab  knowledge  of  litterature. 
-oturtibeMbe  (critical)  review.  -«'r  a  literary. 
•æ'rftiftorie  literary  history. 

£tt't)au{en  n  Lithua'nia.  -er  c,  -ifl  a  Lithu- 

i2ito|fani'  c  lithoph'any.  -gro'f  c  -er  litho- 
g'rapher.  -flrofe'rc  vt  lilh'ograph.  -grafi'  c 
lithog'raphy;  n  -er  lithograph.  -gra'fif!  a  litho- 
graph'ic(al).  -fromt'  c  iithocrom'ics.  -trit'  c 
-er  lithotri'tor. 

ifitfenbrober  c  porter  (in  a  post-office). 

!^itttr|gt'  c    er  lit'urgy.    -'giff  a  litur'gical. 

Sit)  II,  pi  =,  life;  (om  Slæber)  body;  (<mibje) 
waist;  (2it)ligf)eb)  gaiety,  spirit,  animation,  go, 
activity,  stir,  et  _  efter  bette  a  hereafter,  a  future 
State;  i  9Robcr§  -  in  the  womb;  aobent  -  open 
bowels;  ftaoe  ftaorbt  _  be  bound;  ber  oar  meget 
-  i  l)ani  %a.U  his  speech  was  very  animated; 
ber  er  intet  -  i  l^om  he  wants  spirit;  fætte  _  i 
stir  up;  Beb  biSfe  Drb  !om  ber  ~  i  bem  they 
started  into  life  at  the  words;  om  bet  gjolbt  mit 
_  for  my  life;  meb  -  og  6jæl  heart  and  soul; 
åamp  pao  _  og  Sob  a  war  to  the  death,  a  mor- 
tal combat;  faalængc  ber  er  -  er  ber  ^laab  while 
life  remains,  there  is  hope;  ^an  foæoer  imellem  _ 
03  2!øb  his  life  hangs  by  a  thread;  om  bit  -  er 
big  fært  as  you  value  life;  *  er  fom  paa  fit  _  is  in 
bodily  fear;  efter  bet  oirfelige  -  from  life;  fætte 
til  2i08  dispatch;  bille  en  til  -§  want  to  pick  a 
quarrel  with  one;  af  atte  fiibfenS  (gi.  ®en.) 
Sræfter  for  dear  life,  desperately;  -fen§  %x<z  the 
tree  of  life;  faa  Bil  jeg  gioe  big  -fenS  Krone  hibl 
and  I  will  give  thee  a  crown  of  life;  i  2iBe 
alive,  above  ground;  i  leBenbe  -e  in  his  (etc.) 
lifetime,  in  the  body;  tomme  til  -e  igen  come 
to  life  again ,  revive  ;  latbe  til  -e  call  into 
existence;  fiiBet  life;  gøre  en  -et  furt  lead  one 
a  life;  fom  om  bet  gjaibt  -et  (as  if)  for  (dear)  life; 
-eté  ©og  the  book  of  life;  tage  -et  af  fig  felo  lay 
violent  hånd  upon  one's  self,  make  away  with 
oue's  self;  joc  bu  tager  -et  af  mig  you  will  be 
the  death  of  me;  plage  -et  of  en  worry  one  out 
of  hi.s  (very)  life  el.  to  extermination;  (næften) 
ftræmme  -et  af  en  terrify  one  within  an  inch  of 
his  life,  frighten  one  out  of  his  wits;  tragte  el. 
ftræbe  en  efter  -et  attempt  one's  life,  conspire 
against  one's  life;  for  ftele  -et  for  life;  blio  mig 
tre  ©tribt  fra  -et!  keep  your  distance !  stand  olf! 
^olbe  fig  en  fra  -et  keep  one  at  a  distance; 
bomme  fra  -et  sentenee  to  death;  gao  en  inb  paa 
■et,  gaa  inb  paa  -et  af  en  press  hard  upon  one; 
fætte  -et  inb  paa  stake  one's  life  upon;  fomme 
berfra  meb  -et  escape  alive;  tog  ftenbe  om  -et  threw 
my  arm  around  her;  fmal  om  -et  slender(-waisted); 
ffaane  en  paa  -et  spare  one's  life.  JJitil-'aore 
artery.     -ag'tig  a  (legemlig)  bodily;  (om  Mig^eb) 

life-like,  lively,  as  like  as  life;  (f.  (£f8.  om  3)røm) 
vivid;  ^un  er  9!JJobetenS  -e  ©iHebe  she  is  the 
living  picture  of  her  mother;  adv  exactly. 
•ogtig^cb  c  lifelikeness  •-boob  lifeboat.  -baanb 
sash.  -betjent  favouriteservant.  -blomft  favourite 
flower.  -bælte  (waist)  belt,  girdle,  cincture, 
baldric.  -b«je  life-buoy.  -brabant  lifeguards- 
man.  Sibe  c«  &  i:  _  en  op,  p  -  op  paa  en  rouse 
one,  cheer  one  up. 

*2ioe  vi  paa  ease. 

Stol  egen  c  serf.  -egenffab  n  bondservice, 
villanage,  serfdom,  serfage.  -eStabron  flrst 
squadron.  -fane  principal  colours  of  a  regiment. 
-faroe  favourite  colour.  -fulb  a  lively,  -fulb  n 
F  et  _  Sgr^gl  a  sound  drubbing;  faa  et  _  iRii  be 
well  whipped.  -fflbt  a  f  albrig  i  mine  -e  3)oge 
never  in  all  my  born  days;  ingen  _  ©fabning  no 
living  soul.  -gnrbe  fe  »agi.  -garbift  lifeguards- 
man  -gcbing  n  jointure.  -gioenbe  a  life  giving. 
■gjorbgirth,  baldric.  -^eft  favourite  horse,  -^olter 
pi  ^  bilge  planks,  thickstuflf.  -^olt^gatige  J, 
thick  strakes. 

SibiuS  Liv'y. 

Si'oljceger  (%imtx)  chasseur;  (Weblem  af  SiO' 
jægerforpfet)  rifleman  in  the  Copenhagen  militia 
-corps.  -fnlo  calf  for  rearing.  -tirurg  surgeon 
in  ordinary  -fjole  bodycoat.  -fjortel  tunic. 
-tnægt  fe  3iibefnægt.  -fo  milch-cow.  -fom^agni 
colonel's  coinpany.  -fuff  state-coachman.  Sto'lig 
a  lively,  vivacious,  animated,  brisk,  mercurial, 
spirited,  sprightly,  gay;  en  _  Jpanbel  an  active 
tråde;  en  _  ©cene  an  animated  scene,  a  stirring 
s.;  en  _  ©til  a  brisk  (and  fluent)  style;  et  -t  ©lib 
a  lively  ship.  Siu'ligbeb  c  liveliness,  vivacity, 
sprightliness,  gaiety. 

Si'Ollitte  life-line,  (fiob^ioerg)  breast-band, 
breast-rope.  -læge  physician  in  ordinary.  -I«! 
a  lifeless,  inanimate;  ben  -e  9Jatur  inanimate 
nature.  -US^eb  c  lifelessness.  -mebifuS  fe  -læge. 
-mober  womb,  uterus.  Siti'ne  vi  &  t  revive. 
*£iOttæ  re  fig  vr  f  keep  soul  and  body  to- 

fitoor'no  n  Leg'hom. 

Store  n  -er  liv'ery. 

Si  o|rem  fe  -gjorb.  -rente  annuity.  -rentefor« 
fif  ring  the  anniiity  branch  (of  Insurance).  -rente= 
nbber  annuitant;  -ret  favourite  dish.  -ring 
arc/ice  body-ring.  ''-ræb  a  cowardly,  in  mortal 

Sib9|aanberp^animalspirits.  -af f nit  fe  -periobe. 
-alber  age. 

Siofaiig  «  blessed,  blissful,  genial,  -^eb  o 

SiOd|anffuetfe(r)  views  of  life,  moral  views. 
-arbing  heir  (of  the  body),  child;  -er  issne. 
-bane  career,  course  of  life.  -bebrift  exploit  of 
one's  life.  -begtoentieb  event  (of  one's  life). 
-beftemmelfe  destination  in  life.  -betingelfe 
essontial  eondition,  condition  of  life;  en  _  for 
of  vital  importance  el.  vital  to;  bet  er  en  -  for 
bem  it  is  the  breath  of  their  nostrils.  -betragt- 
ning way  of  looking  at  life.  -biUebe  picture 
from  life.  -br«b,  faa  -  be  provided  for  (for  life); 
P  be  done  for.  -elifSir  elixir  of  life.  SibfenS 
fe  8iB. 

Siod  I  erfaring  experience  in  el.  of  life,  life 
experience.  -er^oero  means  of  subsistence. 
-faftor  constituent  of  life.  -fange  prisoner  for 
life.  -fore  danger  of  life;  meb  -  at  the  peril 
(risk,  hazard)  of  one's  life.  Bære  i  _  be  in  danger 
of  one's  life;  ubfætte  fig  for  -  endanger  one's 
life.  -forlig  1  perilous;  mortal,  -forogt  contempt 
of  life.  -for^olb  relations  of  life.  -formaot  aim 
el.  object  of  (one's)  life;  -fornabenbeb  necessary 
el.  requisite  of  life.  -forfifring  life -Insurance. 
-forftfringSonftolt   life  -  Insurance   offlce.     -for= 




fitringSfelflab  life- Insurance  company.  -for= 
fargelfc  provision  for  life.  -frif!  a  healthy, 
robust,  -frobig  a  exuberant,  vigorous.  -frugt 
issue.  -funfe  spark  of  life,  vital  spark.  -funl= 
tioner  vital  functions.  -fQlbe  o  fuUness  of  life, 
exuberance.  -f))(big  a  fuU  of  life,  ?e  -frobig. 
•fæfte  tenancy  for  life,  lifehold;  lease  for  life. 
•f«lelfe  (animal)  spirits.  -førelfe  life,  career, 
conduct  through  life.  -gotte  donation,  -grrntng 
lifework.  -glob  a  light-hearted,  buoyant.  -gtcebe 
joy  of  life.  -gnift  fe  -funfe.  -grelien  a  life-like, 
realistic,  from  life.  -gracnfe  limit  el.  term  of 
life.  -^aali  hope  of  life.  -^iftocie  history  of 
one's  life,  life  history.  -foar  pi  circumstances. 
•tnlb  vocation  in  life.  •tam))  lifc-struggle.  -leb 
a  life-weary;  world-weary.  -tcbf  fe  -lebe.  -tilbe 
source  of  life.  -flog  a  worldly  wise.  -Kogftalt 
worldly  prudence  el.  wisdom.  •tnubc  Sf  neck, 
flollet,  collum.  -Iroft  vital  power,  •fraftig  a 

Si'bffQtte  c  mounted  huntsman  to  the  king. 

Sitid|lcbe  c  disgust  el.  tedium  of  life,  life 
-weariness,  wrorld-wearlness.  -lebfager,  -lebfager« 
inbe  partner  for  life;  partner  of  one's  existence. 
•luft  vital  air.  -I^ftc  the  happiness  of  one's 
life,  (l^ele)  life-long  happiness.  -Il)8  the  flame 
of  one's  life;  6læfe  ep?  _  ub  make  away  with 
ene,  give  one  his  quietus.  -I^ft  joy  of  life, 
happiness.  -lab  career,  course  of  life.  H-Iflgn 
sham.  -maat  term  el.  spån  of  life;  aim  of 
(one's)  life.  -mob  spirit.  -n^belfe  enjoyment 
of  life.  -næring  fe  -opfiolb.  -ojjfottelfe  fe  -an= 
ftuelfe.  -of^gatie :  ^an§  -  the  task  el.  aim  of  his 
life,  his  one  purpose,  aim,  business  el.  mission 
in  life.  -apt)atb  (means  of)  sustenance,  subsist- 
€nce,  maintenance  of  life.  -(icriobe  period  of 
life.  -plan  plan  of  life,  plan  for  life.  -(itinci^ 
life-principle.  -l^roceS  vital  process.  -Jrnft  breath 
of  life. 

8l't>fb«nbe  n  buckle  of  a  girdle. 

iiibSjretning  line  el.  sphere  of  life.  -r«re  stir, 
fermentation.  -Mrclfc  symptom  el.  pulsation  of 
life.  -fog  capital  indictment;  fe  -fpergSmaal. 
+-f<««§  interest  in  life.  -n-fejfl^eb  fe  Sejglttiet^eb. 
-ffære  walk  of  life.  -ffiftc  period  el.  stage  of 
life.  -flttbe  p  lifer.  -f^itre  germ  of  life.  -[petq^- 
maal  matter  of  life  and  death,  of  vital  import- 
ance. -ftiUing  position  in  life,  profession,  walk 
of  el.  in  life.  -ftruf  capital  punishment;  unber 
_  on  pain  of  death.  +-ftært  a  robust.  +-fbanger 
a  life-giving.  -fijn  fe  -6etrogtning.  -tegn  sign 
of  life.  -tib  llfetime,  time  of  life;  pao  _  for 
life,  (om  gængfel)  during  royal  pleasure.  -ttaab 
thread  of  life.  -træ  tree  of  life.  -træt,  -trtct^eb 
fe  -teb,  -febe. 

fii'bft^lle  bodice;  favourite  piece. 

Sit)§|unber^oIb  fe  -op^olb.  -tiaabe  extreme 
danger.  -oanbcl  conduct  (of  one's  life).  -tianer 
habits,  ways.  -tiartg  a  for  life;  -e  iOJeblemtner 
compounders  for  life.  -Oarig^eb  duration  of 
life,  longevity.  -uarme  vital  warmth.  -ijej  path 
of  life.  -»iI!aor  circumstances  el.  conditions  of 
life.  •tttrlfom^eb  activity,  energy(of  one's  life); 
labour  of  one's  life;  sphere  of  activity;  med 
vital  energy.  -biSborø  wisdom  of  life.  -bcettenbe 
a  stirrlng.  -biclb  source  of  life.  -bærbter  ele- 
ments of  life.    -t)tring  manifestation  of  life. 

Si't)|tag  n  wrestling;  tage  _  wrestle.  -bagt 
body-guard.  •bagtStarl  guardsman,  private  of 
the  guard.  -bagtSofftccr  ofRcer  of  the  guards. 
*-øre  fe  aiftcegt. 

'■■&\a,  fijott  c  -er  scythe.    -orb  snath,  snead. 

=*Sjom  c  echo.    -e  vi  boom,  resound. 

*Sjore  c  -r  louver  (opening  in  the  roof  for 
the  smoke). 

2o  imp  af  Se. 

So  c    er  thre.shing  floor. 

SJoco  mere  on  the  spot. 

Sob'  n,  met,  solder. 

Sob'  c  &  n  -bet  (Slnbel)  lot,  share,  portion;  (i 
Sotteri)  share;  oiitbc  bet  ftore  _  win  the  great 
prize;  fofte,  træffe  _  om  cast,  draw  lots  el.  cuts 
for;  en  l^ffelig,  tung,  fargelig  _  a  happy,  hard, 
sad  lot;  falbe  i  en§  _  fall  to  one's  lot;  bet  er 
falbet  i  min  _  ot  it  has  been  my  fortune  to;  !&ar 
ttfe  2)el  etter  -  i  bibl  hast  neither  part  non 
lot  in. 

Sob'  n  -ber  (boa  SiSmer,  Ur)  weight;  (^aanb 
bærferS)  plummet,  plumb;  (58ægt)  halfan  ounce; 
J,  lead;  9Kuten  ftaar  i  _  the  wall  is  plumb;  ^ibe 
-bet  »t  throw  the  lead;  bet  gaar  meb  -ber  there 
is  no  fair  play.  t-b«8fe  rifle  that  carries  half 
an  ounce  of  shot.    Sobbe  vt  &  i  plumb,  sound. 

Sobbe  vi  draw  el.  cast  lot. 

*Sobbe  o  -r  capeian,  Mollotu«  arcticus. 

Sobbe  vi  &  t  (om  enetal)  solder.  Sobbe|6aK 
Boldering-pit.    -bolt  soldering-iron. 

Sobbe|bIof  »1,  deep-sea  line  block.  -bunb,  -far 
bonb  soundings. 

Sobbefcbt  n  soldering  mixture. 

*'Sobbeftffe  capelan-fishery;  cod-flshery  in  Fin- 
mark, at  the  time  when  the  capeian  Is  pursued 
by  the  cod. 

Sobbefuge  c  soldering-seam. 

''Sobbetiuat  fe  gtn^bal. 

SobbcilantVc  soldering  lamp.  -Hnt  steel-solder, 

Sobbelt  a  lotted. 

Sobbemaffinc  c  J,  sounding-machine. 

Sobbc|mctol,  •ttttbbel  solder. 

Sobbcn  a  fe  fiaabben. 

Sobbelbonbe  soldering-pan.  -rar  soldering 
•pipe.     -folt  chlorate  of  zink.    -ftcb  seam. 

Sobbctalg  c  J^  arming  of  the  lead. 

Sobbe|tong  hawk-bill  (plyer).  -tin  soldering 
-pewter.    Sobfcefte  n  iiux. 

Sobl^iber  .1,  leadsman.    -Ifceli  J>  rake. 

*Sobje  c  -r  Russian  smack. 

Soblaft  n  cast  of  the  lead,  sounding. 

Soblloft  -loftnlng  casting  of  lots,  sortilege. 

Sob|(ine  J^  lead-line;  (Snor  meb  Sob,  iftoorbeb 
ben  lobrette  Sinte  ftnbe§)  plumb-line.  -linie  plumb 

SobløS  a  shareless. 

Sobning  c  plumbing;  sounding. 

Sobuing  c  soldering. 

SobH»erlcr  ounce-pearls.  -)»i6e  narrow  chim- 
ney,  swept  by  a  weight.  -ret  a  perpendicular, 
vertical.  -ret^eb  c  perpendicularity,  verticalness. 
-retftittct  a  ^  strict. 

So'bS  c  -er  pilot;  fe  -fift;  tage  _  take  a  pilot. 
-afgift  pilotage.  -anfbar:  bære  _  be  liable  as 
pilot,  -baab  pilot  boat.  -bcft^rclfen  the  Pilot- 
age authorities.  -betaling  pilotage.  -bog  (book 
of)  pilotage  laws  and  regulations.  -biftritt 
pilotage  district.    Sobfc  vt  pilot. 

Sobfcbbcl  c  lottery  ticket.  SobSejer  c  share 

So'b8cf§amcn  pilotage  examination. 

Soafcri'  n,  fe  Sob§|ftatton;  -oæfen. 

Sob^lfarbanb  pilot's  water.  -fifl  pilot- flsh, 
Naucrates  ductor.  -flag  pilot  flag.  -formanb 
deputy  pilot  master,  -fri  a  exempt  from  jiilotage. 
-gut  pilot's  apprentice.  -^^re  pilotage.  -inftitu= 
tionen  the  Pilotage  Service,  -fenbt:  a  Ⱦre  _ 
know  the  pilotage.  -tontor  pilot-oflice.  -tor<)0= 
ration  body  of  pilots,    -tort  pilot  chart. 

Sobftub  n  ^l,  sounding;  Si  fif  intet  _  we  found 
no  bottom,  no  soundings.  SobftubSbante  c  bank 
of  soundings. 

So'bSJtutter  pilot  cutter,  -tbnbig^eb  pilotage. 
-tbittering  receipt  of  pilotage.     -lob    pilotage 







law.  -marfc  landmark;  distinguishing  mark  of 
a  pilot-boat.    Sob^ning  c  piloting,  pilotage. 

fiobfnor  c  plumb-line. 

Sa'tt^lotbermanti  pilot-master.  -|)atent  pilot's 
licerice.  -(jcngc  fe  -^nre.  -tiUgt  eompulsory 
pilotage.  -Iiliotig  a  uuder  compulsory  pilotage. 
-reglement  pilot  regiilations.  -flilt  pilot-badge. 
•ffajte  pilot-boat.  -ftation  pilot  station,  -tatft 
pilotage  rate.  -tortf  rates  of  pilotage.  -tegn  fe 
-fitit;  gine  -  hoist  the  pilot-flag.  -tjenefte  pilot 
sers'ice;  forrette  _  aet  as  (a)  pilot,  -toang  fe 
-pHgt.  -oæfen  pilotage;  pilotage  autliorities; 
pilot  establishment. 

Sobltngcr  c  -e  partaker.  -trtetning  drawing 
of  lots;  afg»re§  Oeb  _  is  determined  by  lot. 

'SJof  c  -fer  a  kind  of  wheaten  loaf. 

Sioft  n  -er  (tit  Jpuli  loft,  corikloft;  (til  SScerelfe) 
ceiling;  t  story;  ='  npper  roim.  -famnter  room 
in  a  eock-loft.  -Iceggr  vt  eeil.  -maleri  painting 
on  a  ceiling,  ceiling-painting. 

2oftå|ber  garret-door.  -bticeluing  vanlted  ceil- 
ing. -lem  trap-door  of  a  cockloft.  -luge  shutter 
of  a  cockloft.  -maleri  fe  2oft<.  -rum:  i  bette 
Jt>us  er  meget  _  this  house  has  a  roomy  cock-loft. 
•fprtlfe  crack  in  the  ceiling.  -tta\>\>i  loft-stairs. 
•»Inbue  (Soifto.)  dormer  wiadow;  (lago.)  sky 

!dofugI  c  fe  ©tranbffabe. 

l'og'  c  J^  log. 

•Sog'  c  (ffimming)  chimb,  chine. 

i>ogarit'me  c  r  log'arithm.  -tabtt  table  of 
lo3arithms.     Sogaritmiff  a  logarithmic(al). 

Sogjbog  log-book.    -bræt  log-board. 

Si  uge  [fe]  c  -r  (i  Xeater)  box;  (frimurer--) 
lodge.  -bagning  masonic  hall.  -^ilobå  seat  in 
a  box.  rab,  -ræ!fe  tier  (of  boxes),  box-tier; 
førfte  _  the  dress  circle. 

fioge're  vi  lodge;  live  in  apartments  el. 
lodgings.    -nbe  c  lodger. 

fioglflijnber,  »-fi^nbre  log-chip.  -gaft  reeler. 
Sogge  vi  log.  Soggemafline  patent  log.  Soggtag 

JJogl'  [fr.l  n  -er  lodging.  -fartet  receiving 
-ship;  receiving-hulk.    -ffué  lodging-house. 

Slogif  c  log'ic.  So'giter  c  -e  logic'ian.  So'giff 
a  log'ical. 

fiogline  c  >i,  log  line. 

fiogogrif  c  -er  log'ogriph. 

l'ogre  vi  wag  the  tail;  _  for  en  fawn  upon 
one.    -n  c  wagging  etc. 

SoglruKe  log-reel.  -table  fe  -Bræt.  -«r  fe 

Siogulo  n  threshing-floor. 

:^o$garb!e  vt  tan.  -er  c  tanner.  -ttlng  c 

*Sof  c  fe  2orfept6e. 

Hot'  c  -ter  lock,  curl,  tress,  ringlet. 

HotttV  a  lo'cal.  -afgift  local  charge,  -attral' 
tion  local  attraction  fo.  f[.).  -breb  town-letter. 
£oIa(e  n  -r  place,  room(s),  set  el.  suit  of  rooms, 
premises,  otiice,  shop.  Sotallfarbe  Jig  local 
colouring.  -forf^olb  local  peculiarities.  2o!oIi= 
fe're  vt  lo'calize.  Sotatife'ret  a  well  acquainted 
With  the  place,  having  a  good  local  knowledge. 
Sofalite't  c  -er  locality,  amr  location,  fiofa'll' 
tunbftab  local  knowledge.    •\anS  fe  Steb. 

liof'anb  fe  fiolfeanb. 

Sofbejtel  c  mortise  chisel. 

fiofct  c  -ter  roll. 

Sot^ammer  c  punch.    Solfe  vt,  meeh  punch. 

fiofle  vt  i^aat).  loIfeS  vd  curl. 

SJoffe  vt  &  i  aliure,  lure,  entice,  decoy;  tempt, 
seduce;  _  ob  call;  _  noget  fra  en  coax  one  out 
of  a  thing;  jeg  fit  -t  ub  af  fiam,  at  I  flshed  out 
of  him  that.    -a«b  decoy  duck. 

Solteborn  c  bear. 

fiarfen  :  Sonfl-Sngelft  Drbbog. 

fiot(e|bue  stool -pigeon  (ogfao  fig).  -fugl  decoy 

Soltejfiaar  curly  hair.    -Ijobeb  curly  head. 

Sottelfe  c  -r  lure,  allurement,  enticement. 
Sotfemab  c  bait. 

Softemaffine  c  punching-machine. 

SJoffelratbbcImeansof  enticement,  lure.  Sotteit 
c  call,  calling.  8oIfc|blbe  bird-call.  -fang  allur- 
ing  song.    -fmil  alluring  smile. 

fioffet  n  curly,  curled. 

fioffctone  c  call. 

siofmeifel  c  punch,    galning  c  puaching. 

Sotomobi'I  n  -er  travelling  steam  engine. 

Sotomoti'b  n  -er  loeomo'tive  (engine),  engine. 
-beuægetfe  link-motion,  -fører  (engine-)driver, 
(inr  engineer.  -gliber  loeomotlve  slide,  -ftalb 

Sotlring  c  bore.    -fftbc  bolster. 

Saturn  n  -er  privy,  nece^sary,  water-closet, 
Office.  —  2otum3|f|ul  seat-hole.  -renfer  night 

fiofuft'Itr«  lo'cust-tree.  -nogler  pilocust-tree- 

SoUanb  n  fthe  isle  of)  Lolland,  -fl  a  (of  the 
isle  of)  Lolland.  fioHlt  c  er,  fioUcenber  c  -c 
native  of  the  isle  of  Lolland. 

2om'  r*61  c  -mer,  (paa  en  9Iare)  loom. 

2om.  Po]  c  -mer,  (gugl)  loon,  loom,  Golymbttg. 

2ombarbt'et  Lom'bardy.  2ombar'biff  a  Lom'- 

Somber  [6]  c  ombre. 

2omme  [*6]  c  -r  pocket;  joc  pouch;  ftitfe  i  -n 
(ogf.  fig)  pocket;  ^obe  'JJJenge  XXiOi  -n  be  flush  (of 
raoney);  jeg  ^ar  '^ara  i  min  _  I  can  do  anything 
with  him.  -aaining  pockethole.  -bog  pocket 
-book.  -fiaffe  pocket-flask.  -fober  stuff  for 
pockets,  -format  pocket -size.  -lam  pocket 
-comb.  -liftert  pocket-telescope,  pocket-glass. 
•llub  fe  -tørtlcebe.  -tnib  pocket-knife.  -fom))a3 
pocket  -  compass.  -orbbog  pocket  dictionary. 
-Vcnge  pocket-money,  spending-money.  -(->>olis 
titer  vestry  politician.  -proturator  pettifogger. 
■bttffert  pocket-pistol.  -fbejt  pocket-(looking-) 
glass.  -t^U  pickpocket.  -ttjberi  pocket-picking; 
6egaa  -  pick  pockets.  -tørtlæbe  pocket-hand- 
kerchief,  P  noserag.  -ubgabe  pocket-edition. 
-ur  watch.    -baterfiad  plumb-rule. 

■•■■■■Sombie  [6]  c  -r  guillemot,  Urii  troile. 

2onbon  n  London;  i  _  in  London,  in  town; 
Xoget  fra  _  the  down  train.  -er  c  -e  Londoner, 
cont  cockney.  -erSloget  (til  2.)  the  up  train. 
-fl  a  London,  Londonesque. 

*'&oy  c  -per  frog. 

2opbc  c  -r  flea.  2op))e  vt  flea,  catch  fleas; 
-  fig  catch  one's  fleas.  -alant  flea-bane,  Puli- 
caria.  -bib  flea-bite.  -fangft  flea  catching  -fr« 
fe  -urt.  -jagt  flea-hunting.  -fnab§  flea-spots. 
-ftit  fe  -6tb.  t-torbet  the  rag-fair,  old  clothes 
market  in  the  open  air.  -urt  flea  wort,  P*yUium. 
-æber  keel-bill,  Crotophign. 

2orb  c  -er  Lo'rd.  -tanS'ter  Lord  High  Chan- 

2oren§  Lawrence. 

2orge  c   r  punt,  lump. 

2argnet'  c  -ter  eye-glass,  quizzing-glass;  ^an 
ftat  -ten  i  ?5jet  he  screwed  the  eye-glass  iu  his 
eyes.    -te'rc  vt  eye  glass. 

fiori  c  -er  (gugl)  lory,  Loriur,  fe  ®ooena6e. 

2ort  [6]  c  -e  P  turd,    -et  a  P  dirty,  foul. 

'^2o§  c  i>p'>rt  challenge,  full  bay,  full  cry. 

2o§'  c  -fer  lynx,  Felin  lynx. 

2o8'  a  .i,  loose  -!  let  go  amaini  let  go! 
fafte  _  let  go;  fafte  et  Sot)  -  cast  off  a  rope; 
Tafte  et  ©ftb  _  cast  a  ship  off;  fafte  en  Sanon  _ 
cast  loose  a  gun;  fafte  el.  gøre  et  Sejl  _  loose 
a  sail.    -potter  pi  (i  Sinbue)  cross-bars. 





Soéning  c  dlscharging,  unloading. 

JJoSfafir  c  ligure. 

fioåfc  vt  &  i  discharge,  unload,  land;  (gjøre 
loS)  loose.     -boge  discharging  days. 

Sogfefat  c  (American)  wild  cat. 

Sj)8fc|inontcI  J,.  gin-chaln.  -orbre  landing 
order.  -))engc  fees  for  unloading.  -^InbS  place 
of  discharge;  (ffloltiærf)  wharf.  -|»ott  (til  2:rælafl) 
raft-port.  -^jram  lighter.  fioSfer,  Soéfe|fjot>cr 
lumper.    -fteb  fe  -plabS. 

Soéfcftcn  c  belemnlie. 

fio'fiilf  c  lovage,  Ltvisticum  officinale. 

fioS'lejet  a  lynxeyed.     -ajne  p/  lynx's  eyes. 

Sorteringen  n  Lorrai'ne. 

^otic  Charlotte. 

Sotlcri'  n  -er  lot'tery;  fætte  i  -et  put  in  the 
1.;  U'inc  i  -et  play  in  the  1.  -gebinft  prize  (in 
the  lottery).  -toUeltion  lottery-office.  -UUtltet 
lottéry-office  keeper,  -febbel  lottery-tic.ket.  -f^til 
playing  in  the  lottery.  -tifcfenet  lotteries,  the 

£ot«é|blDmft  lotus,  lotos.  -6«ff,  -træ  lotus, 
African  jujube,  Zizvpkus  lotus,  'plantt  lotus, 
Nvmphcea  lotus,    -f^ifer  lotus-eater. 

iiOVCift  c  -r  magnifying  glass. 

Sot)  n  (gri^fteb,  SiUabelfe)  leave;  -  fra  Stolen  a 
holiday  (at  school);  bu  faor  bel  _  (blitier  n»bt) 
til  ot  gjøre  bet  I  suppose  you  will  have  to  do 
it;  ben  ©»nbag,  jeg  ($igen)  lar  _  my  Sunday  out. 

2oJ)  c  -e  (i  9llm.)  law;  (enfelt)  statute,  aet  (of 
parliament);  _  og  SRet  law  and  justice;  i  gølge  -en 
according  to  lavs^;  mob  -en  contrary  to  law;  Oeb 
_  by  statute;  gioe  -e  give,  enact,  make  laws; 
Blioe  til  become  a  law,  pass  into  a  law;  ol)= 
ftæbe  en  ~  repeal  a  law;  gøre  fig  til  _  make  it 
a  law;  efter  _  og  ®om  pursuant  to  a  legal  sen- 
tence;  uben  ~  og  Som  setting  aside  the  forms 
of  law;  ^an  6Iet)  uben  -  og  ®om  henrettet  he  was 
executed  without  (the  form  of)  a  trial;  -enS 
SSorfel  legal  notice;  forbreje  -en  put  a  false  con- 
struction  on  the  law;  foreftrite  en  -e  dictate  to 
one,  give  laws  to. 

fioti  c  &  n*)  (WoS)  praise,  commendation; 
(©lubSmaal,  9'{l)gte)  character,  reputation;  ®ub  f!e 
_!  God  be  praised!  thank  God!  ~  og  Sgrtg  Oære 
@ub!  praise  and  glory  be  to  God!  ^Oab  ber 
l&ar  gobt  _  whatsoever  things  are  of  good  report; 
ben  ~  ffal  6fln  l^aoe,  at  Jian  to  do  him  justice 
he  .  .  .,  I  will  say  that  for  him. 

Sottonte  fe  fioooonte. 

Soti{befatet  a  ordained  by  law.  -fieftemiMelfc 
legal  cl.  statutory  provision.  -Beftemt  a  fixed 
by  law,  statutory.  -bog  code  of  laws.  -bogftatx 
letter  of  law.  -brub  violation  of  the  law. 
•br^ber  lawbreaker.  -bub  enactment,  ordinance, 
statute.    -bunben  a  bound  by  law. 

fiotie  [aa]  s  i^aa  %xo  og  -  on  word  and  pro- 
mise,  on  trust;  en  9J?onb  of  %xo  og  _  a  man  of 
his  word. 

*  &  t  SoUC  c  -r  palm. 

£oi)C  [aa]  vt  (^)rife)  praise,  laud,  extol;  ®ub 
bære  -t  God  be  praised, 

tSobc  [aa]  vt  love. 

Souc  [aa]  vt  (gibe  en  Softe  Xi<!^a)  promise;  l^olbe 
'ifoa'b  man  !)ar  -t  keep  one's  promise;  be  as  good 
as  one's  word;  ~  for  en  pledge  one's  word  for 
one;  (gaa  i  Sorgen)  be  bail  for  one;  jeg  ffal  ~  for 
ot  I  will  warrant  that,  you  may  be  sure  that, 
I  promise  you  that;  —  w  fig  meget  af  expect 
much  from;  jeg  ^or  -t  mig  bort  I  am  engaged; 
jeg   -he    mig    felb  ot  I  registered   a   vow   that. 

Søben  c  promising;  _  er  ærlig,  .©olben  feefbærltg 
to  promise  is  one  thing,  to  perform  another; 
saying  and  doing  are  two  things.  Sobenbe  a 
promising,  of  promise,  (itfe  om  ^erfon)  auspici- 
ous;  Hbet  -  unpromising. 
*£otiere  vi  saunter. 

Soblfofi  a  legal,  regular.  -foftficb  legality.  -for 
bebring  law  reform,  -forflaring  explanation 
of  the  law.  -for'melig  a  legal,  conformable  to 
law;  -  Sontralt  specialty.  -forflag  bill.  -for' 
tolfcr  interpreter  of  the  law.  -gibe  vi  legislate. 
•gibenbe  «  legislative,  -giber  lawgiver,  legis- 
lator.  -gibntng  legislation;  laws,  statutes. 
-gibnittggntagt  -gibningémtjnbigfteb  legislature. 
-grunb  fe  -hjemmel,  -grunbet  «  founded  in  law. 
-g^Ibig  «  valid  in  law.  -gqlbigbeb  validity  in 
law.  -^iftoric  legal  history.  -hjemlet  a  autho- 
rized  by  law.  -^jemmet  legal  authority.  -^tebb 
legal  confirmation  of  possession.  -funbffab 
knowledge  of  the  law,  legal  knowledge.  -fl)ttDig 
a  learned  in  the  law;  en  _  a  lawyer.  -I^nbigtjeb 
(gorforen'^eb)  legal  knowledge;  (SSibenftaBen)  law, 

Soblig    adv  bet  er  _  bormt  it  is  rather  warm. 

Soblig  a  lawful,  legal;  gao  i  fit  -e  Solb,  Sertnbe 
be  about  one's  lawful  calling,  business,  -^eb  c 
lawfulness,  legality. 

2oO|It)big  a  lawabiding.  -iQbig^eb  loyalty, 
law-abidingness.  -I^fe  vt  give  legal  notice  of. 
-lærb  a  learned  in  law;  c  jurist,  lawyer.  -lærer 
teacher  of  law.  -I«8  a  (nloblig,  fom  ingen  iiob  agter) 
lawless;  (uben  £obe)  without  laws.  -leg^eb  lawless- 
ness;  anarchy.  -ntaal;  uben  ~  og  2)om  without 
legal  proceedings.  -mcb^olb(el)igolegal.  -mæSfig 
a  according  to  law,  legal.  -m(Cigftg(en)  adv  con- 
formably  to  law.  -mofSftg^cb  c  conformity  to 
law,  lawfulness,  legality.  -D<)f^lbenbc  a  law 

Sooorb  n  praise,  commendation. 

£ob|obcrtr(Cbelfc  misdemeanour,  ofFence.  -ober= 
tricber  otFender,  statute-breaker. 

£ob))rif|e  vt  praise,  laud,  extol.  -er  c  -e 
praiser,  lauder,  -ntng  c  -er  praising  etc; 

£otifamHng  c  body  of  laws. 

£obfang  c  hymn,  paean. 

t£obftgetnanb  c  (^81.)  »law-speaker)). 

£oti§Iroft  c  legal  validity. 

£Db|f<)rog  juridical  language.  -fJeb  passage 
in  the  law.  -ftiftning  legislature.  -ftrib  antimony. 
-ftribig  a  contrary  to  law  el.  statute,  illegal. 
-^ribtg^eb  illegality.  -ftuberenbe  c  law-student. 

£ob|f^nge  vt  (®ub)  sing  praise(s)  to  (God),  (i 
Sllminbelig^eb)  hymn,  celebrate  one  in  song. 
-tole  eulogy,  eulogium,  panegyric,  encomlum; 
^olbe  en  _  ober  en  pronounce  a  panegyric  upon 
one.    -toler  eulogist,  panegyrist,  encomiast. 

£ob|tibeMbe  Law  Gazette,  Law  Times,  -trobg 
mutiuous  spirit,  contumacy.  -trælfer  c  -e  chi- 
caner,  pettifogger.  -trælferi  n  chicanery,  legal 
chicano,    -ubtaft  fe  -forflag.    -ubtrQl  law-term. 

•£o'blbontc,  -bott  c  mitten. 

fiojobromi'  o  -er  rhumb  line,  loxodrom'ic 
curve  el.  line. 

£ot)0'I  a  loy'al,    -ite't  c  loy'alty. 

£n  c  nap. 

£u  c  (Spil)  loo. 

£ub,  £«bbe  t  fe  £qr;  *tadpole  fish,  Banicepa 

"fittbben  a  plumb. 

fittcer'tte  c  lucern,  Medicago  sativa. 




*)  aiHe  biSfe  tre  €rb:   £ob,  famt  be  nebenftaoenbe   Sommenfætninger   og   Slflebninger,   ubtaleS 
S)onmarf  meb  fort,  i  9torge  meb  langt  oo. 




fittcie  Lucy. 

Sinb  c  lye,  lixivium;  gaa  for  _  og  lolbt  SBanb 
be  lefl  to  take  care  of  one's  self,  -agtig  a  lix- 
ivial,  lixivious.    -offe  buck-ashes.    -iaUt  fe  -far. 

litt'bbOOen  a  f  awfully  lazy. 

iube  vt  steep  el.  soak  in  lye. 

SJube  vi  (meb  ^obebet  ofo.)  stoop,  bend,  lean 
forward;  (om  et  l^iavq)  beetle.  ffiube  c  r  (Stur) 
shed,  penthouse.    -n  c  stooping  etc. 

iiuber  c  -e  P  strumpet,  prostitute. 

iiuber  n,  art  quickmatch. 

Su'blfift  dried  cod  steeped  in  a  lyeofpotash. 
-for  bucking-tub.  -furti  bucking-basket.  -ttitig 
c  steeping  etc.  fe  fiube.  •<)ofe  leach,  letoh;  ft 
igennem  -  letch.  -fait  lixivial  salt.  -fl  fe_-pofe. 
-Bflbfl,  -uabffnlng  bncking. j .„i;;,    >  % 

^ubbig  Lewis. 

SJue  c  -r  cap,  bonnet. 

8ue  c  -r  blaze,  flame;  ^ufet  ftaor  i  -r  the 
house  is  in  flames;  i  Itji  ~  all  in  a  blaze  eL  in 
flames.  fiue  vi  blaze,  flame;  ^enbeg  Sinber  -be 
her  cheeks  glowed;  fjan  -be  af  StribSI^ft  he 
bumed  with  desire  to  fight,  -blil  poet  flaming 
look.  -brænbe  vi  blaze.  -forgqlbt,  poet  -gliben 
a  richly  gilt.  -^oa  ocean  of  fire.  -ilb  blazing 
fire.  -^•r^g  a  blazing.  -reb  a  flame-coloured. 
•ffrlft  fe  glamme,    -tiarm  a  flaming  hot. 

fittff  n  d,  luff.  2«ffe  vi  luff;  luf!  luf;  luff 
you  may!  raaéSf-^B« 

Unffe  c  -r  t  (3Jante)  mitten;  pi  (pao  ^oalb^r) 
swimmers,  pectorals,  (paa  Sfilbpabbe)  flippers. 
-gaaS  fe  $engt)in.  -))ater  fe  Sufferp^.  -ffilbtiabbe 
fe  ^aB>. 

fiuft  c  (+  -e)  air;  i  fri  _  In  the  open  air;  træfie 
-  draw  breath;  ^an  fan  iffe  fao  -  he  cannot 
draw  his  breath;  træffe  frift  _  take  (the)  air;  gaa 
ub  for  ot  træffe  friff  _  walk  out  for  an  airing; 
gioe  fit  ^ierte  _  ease  one's  heart;  gioe  ftn  |)arme 
_  give  vent  to  one's  ire;  maa  floffe  fig  _  must 
have  its  vent;  ffaffe  fig  _  i  find  vent  in;  fri  fom 
tJuglen  i  -en  free  as  air;  et  Slag  i  -en  beating 
the  air;  fprænge  i  -en  blow  up;  ®ti6et  floj  i  -en 
the  ship  blew  up;  btjgge  Safteller  i  -en  build 
eastles  in  the  air;  bet  ligger  i  -en  it  is  in  the 
air;  greben  ub  af  -en  gratuitous,  utterly  unfounded; 
leoe  af  -en  live  upon  air;  fe  Sægte.  Suft[aabning 
alr-opening,  air-eourse.  -aanb  aerial  spirit,  sylph. 
•aanbenbe  a  air-breathing.  -agtig  a  aeriform. 
-ort  gas.  -bab  air-bath.  -iaUon  air-balloon; 
fejle  i  -  balloon.  -bane  fe  iæmbane.  -f-bebrag 
mirage.  -biHcbe  aerial  image,  -blanbing  mix- 
ture of  gases,  -blære,  -boble  air-bubble.  -i-bolb 
fe  -ballon,  -brønb  air-shaft.  -cirlulation  air 
circulation.  fiufte  vi  blow  gently;  bet  -r  libt  paa 
SBanbet  there  is  a  light  breeze  on  the  water;  fig 
~  op  i  let  fresh  air  into;  —  vt  air;  —  vr  ftg  take 
an  airing,  take  the  air. 

fiuftlegtt  region  of  the  air.  -fart  aeronautic- 
excursion.  -fartie  air-colour,  sky-blue.  -forbrug 
consumption  of  air.  -for|oIb  p(  conditions  of 
the  air.  -form  aerial  form.  -formig  a  aeriform. 
•forn^elfe  c  ventilation,  -fornyer  c  ventilator. 
-fortqnbing  rarefaction  of  the  air;  (i  Sltmoéf.) 
diminished  pressure  of  the  air.  -fri  c  void  of 
air.  -gang  air  course.  -bane  air-cock.  -^ab 
sea  of  air.  -^ul  air-hole,  vent(-hole);  (9lanbe^ulj 
breathing-hole.spiracle.  -(|ul§Iiat)  valve.  -^Dirbel 
vortex  of  air. 

i2ufttp  a  airy,  breezy;  fig  airy.    -^eb  c  airiness. 

SJnftiiærnbnnc  elevated  railroad.  -lammer  air 
chamber.  -lanal  air  course.  -taSfe  (2)m<).)  air 
-easing.  -faftet  castle  in  the  air,  airy  castle. 
-Irgle  (Smp.)  air-cone.  -tlo;)  valve.  -Mofet  air 
closet.  -frebS  atmosphere.  -fnbe  cube  of  air. 
-fugle  eolipile.  -lunfter  aerial  feats.  -lag 
stratum  of  air.     -(ebningSoon  fe  fiappe=.     -let  a 

light  as  air,  airy.  -maaler  aerometer.  -mabrad 
air-bedding,  -malt  air-dried  malt.  -maSfe  body 
el.  mass  of  air.  -mobftanb  resistance  of  the  air. 
Suftning  c  -er  (let  2?inb)  breeze;  (Ubluftning) 
airing.  Suft|)icrfbett{bet  the  aerial  perspective. 
-biftol  electrical  pistol.  -)>lante  epiphyte.  -^lort 
^  air-port.  ->)0fe  air-bag.  -firøber  eudiometer. 
•tinbe  air-cushion.  -^umfie  air-pump.  'pumpt' 
bæffel  air-pump  cover  (o.  fl.).  -pttft  breath  of 
air.  -rejfe  aeronautical  excursion,  aerial  voyage. 
-renfer  ventilator.  -renSning  ventilation,  -rum 
fe  -frebS.  -rubber  pi  aerial  roots.  -rar  air-pipe, 
ventiduct;  (i  Jpalfen)  windpipe,  trachea.  -rarS' 
betænbetfe  inflammatiou  of  the  trachea.  -rerå= 
^obeb  larynx.  -rerfnit  laryngotomy.  -fejlabS 
aerostation,  aerial  navigation,  ballooning.  -fejler 
aeronaut.  -ffib  fe  -baEon.  -ffifte  ventilation. 
-ffin  fe  -f^n.  -ffH>ber  fe  -fejler,  -flot  fe  -foftel. 
-fmag  (p.  8in)  twang.  -f pejling  mirage,  fata 
morgana.  -faring  caper,  gambol,  capriole. 
-f))ringer  vaulter.  -ftrøg  cnrrent  of  air;  clime. 
•ftrem  ciu-rent  of  air.  -ft«tte  fe  -fejle,  -føing« 
ning  vibration  of  the  air.  -fbulft  emphysema. 
-f^n  meteor.  -f«jle  column  of  air.  -termometer 
atmospherical  thermometer.  -tilførfet  supply 
of  air.  -tilftanben  the  state  of  the  atmosphere. 
-tom  a  void  of  air;  t  9?um  vacuum,  void.  -tom= 
fteb  vacuity.  -tone  air-tone,  aerial  tone.  -tragt 
ventilator,  -tr^f  pressure  (of  the  air),  atmospher- 
ical pressure.  -tr^tSmaaler  barometer,  -træ 
violet-wood.  -træf  draught  of  air.  -tæt  a  air 
-tight.  -tæt()eb  density  of  the  air.  -tcetffthå' 
maaler  manometer,  -tørret  a  air-dried.  -ttanb 
atmospheric  water.  -barmeaptiarat  calorifere, 
air  stove.  -bej  air-passage,  pi  bronchia,  bron- 
chiæ,  -ttejning  aerometry.  -oelSling  ventilation. 
•titUUtiQ^apparat  ventilator.  -betSlingSftjftem 
ventilating  system,  -bentil  (S)mp.)  reverse-valve- 
-bulfan  air-volcano.  -næfen  aerial  being.  -bægt 

8ug'  c  (SSøbf.)  chimb,  chine. 

*2ug'  c  p  hair  of  the  head,  forelock. 

*2ttga'r  c  J,  forecastle. 

8nge  c  -r  trap-door;  (til  at  lægge  ober)  shutter, 
J;,  batch;  (Slabningen)  hatch-way;  mil  blank  file. 

fiuge  vt  weed.  -^alfe,  -iærn  weeding-hook, 
weed-hook,  spud. 

Sugejjærn  ^  fe  -ftang.  -tappt  ^  tarpaulin. 
-form  .jj  coaming. 

8uge|fn{b  spud.    -fone  weeder. 

8uge{blabe  hatch-plate.     -ring  h.-ring  (o.  fl.) 

8uge|f))abe  fe  -jærn. 

8ugeftang  c  ,^  hatchbar. 

"Sugge  vt  puU  by  the  hair. 

Sugge  c  fe  £ug  (Sobf.).  fingge  vt  croze.  -fnio 

Sugger  c  -e  (@fi6)  lugger,  -fejl  lug-sail.  -taflet 
a  (sBaab)  lug-sail  boat. 

Sugbammer  c  (Sobf.)  beetle. 

Sugt  c  (ogfaa  om  Sanfen)  smell;  (fun  om  ©anfen) 
smelling;  (baabe  om  ©onen  og  om  bet,  ber  lugte«) 
scent;  (Sel^agelig  el.  ubehagelig)  odour;  fætte  _  paa 
noget  perfume  et.  scent  a  thing;  gioe  _  fra  fig 
emit  a  smell;  Brænbt  _  burnt  smell. 

Sugte  vt  &  i  smell;  _  Sunten  smell  a  rat;  _ 
gobt  have  a  good  smell;  -  af,  efter  smell  Uke  el. 
of;  _  til  el.  paa  noget  smell  (at)  a  thing;  _  pao 
fig  take  the  bloom  off.  -breb  sachet.  -baafe 
scent-box.  -emne  fe  -flof.  -floffe,  -gloS  smelling 
•bottle,  scent-bottle.  -neroe  olfactory  nerve. 
-orgoner,  rebffober  pi  organs  of  smell,  olfactory 
organs,  -fait  volatile  salt,  smelling  salt.  -fanS 
sense  of  smell.  -ftof  smelling  substance.  -traabe 
(t)o8  RrebS)  smelling-threads. 

8ugt|fri,  -løS  a  inodorous,  scentless,  odourless. 
•græS  fe  SBJ^fite. 





&tttt'\eUt  c  fe  -fioramer. 

fiutfe  Louisa. 

Sufa'f  n  -er  closet;  (i  ®tiB)  berth;  golfeneS  - 
J,  the  forecastle. 

£ut'«8  Luke. 

Sttffe  n  -r  fastening,  lock;  fe  2oo8.  fiuHe  (part 
ogf.  luft)  ■»*  shut  (up),  close;  _  SButilen  f  &  fig 
shut  up;  »>•  fig  shut,  close;  _  af  lock;  _  efter 
en  shut  the  door  after  one;  _2)øren  for  en  shut 
the  door  on  el.  against  one;  _  for  (noget)  lock 
up;  _  i  shut,  close;  ~  i  2ao?  lock;  _  en  inb  let 
one  in;  _  en  inbe  lock  one  up;  _  op  (oobne) 
open,  (f)t3ab  ber  er  luffet  meb  Soa§)  unlock,  (naar 
bet  ringer)  answer  the  door  el.  the  heil;  -  fig 
o  ber  close  on;  _  til  shut;  _  en  ub  let  one  out; 
_  en  ube  shut  one  out;  exclude;  —  luftet  part 
&  a  closed;  en  _  SSogn  a  close  carriage;  en  _ 
»og  fig  a  sealed  book;  for  -be  ®øre  with  closed 
doors.  In  private.  £ulfetrøg  locking-hook. 
Suttelfe  c  fastening.  iiutfemuffel  coustrictor, 
sphincter.  batten,  Su!nino  c  shutting  etc.  2ttl= 
ning§tib  hours  of  closing. 

Sut'lrattti  a  lu'crative.    -re're  vi  make  profit. 

JJttfre'tio  Lucrece. 

Suf§  c  -er  f  cunning  fellow. 

Sutduriø'S  a  magnificent,  extravagant,  sumptu- 
ous;  (meft  om  Slijbelfer)  luxurious. 

SttfSué  o  show,  magnificence,  splendour;  lux- 
ury.  -anotbning  sumptuary  law.  -artiller, 
■iiarer  articles  of  luxury,  faucy-goods.  -^eft 
horse  of  great  price. 

fitttt  adv  F  straight,  straightways,  plump; 
lige  _  b.  f.;  'floa  fig  _  i^jel  be  killed  on  the  spot. 

&uIu('Hfi  a  luxurious,  sumptuous. 

Sul'«ie:  Die  .  the  dustman. 

SuUe  vt  &  i  lull.    -«  c  luUing. 

SuBtinø'd  a  lu'minous;  fiø  cont  bright. 

*2ttromer  c  fir-moss,  Lycopodium  gelago. 

Summer  a  sultry,  sweltering,  close.  £ummer= 
^eb  o  .sultriness. 

Summerl^eb  a  sultry.  -^ebe  sultry  heat,  sul- 
triness.   -tiarm.  -tiarme  fe  -l^eb,  -fiebe. 

2ttm))e  vt:  iffe  lobe  fig  _  hold  one's  own, 
Summen  a  (uSfel)  paltry;  (nebrig)  scurvy,  shabby, 
mean.  Sum^jen^eb  c  (USfel^eb)  paltriness;  (9(Jebrig= 
l^eb)  shabbiness,  scurviness,  meanness. 

2ttm))fulfer  n  lump-sugar. 

2ttmce  vi  (Broenbe  uben  at  bluSfe)  smoulder;  bet 
er  faa  oarmt,  at  bet  -r  om  ^rene  the  heat  is 

2umff  a  cunning,  sly,  deceitful;  (f.  (£f§.  om 
©Qgb.)  insidious;  en  -  3i)li8tanfe  a  shrewd  sus- 
picion;  —  adv  slyly  etc;  _  tebelig  dull.  Sum^e 
vr  fig  nt  til  obtain  st  by  underhånd  practices. 
£ttwf(e(ig  adv  slyly.  Sumff^eb  c,  Sttmffert'  n 
cunning,  deceitfulness. 

fiun  a  lu'nt  sheltered,  warm,  snug;  '^an  fibber 
-t  inben  2)øre  he  is  a  warm  man;  en  _  %Xix, 
SSrober  a  sly  fellow,  sly  dog. 

^Vinåit  c  luneheon,  lunch. 

Sunb  c  -e  grove. 

Sttttbe  c  t,  Sunbefugl  puffin.  Mormon  frater- 

fiunbftilte  c  -r  linch-pin. 
.  £ttne  vi  shelter;  vt  make  warm. 

2u«e  n  -r  (SinbSftemning)  humour,  mood, 
spirits;  ((Srille)  whim,  caprice;  bære  i  gobt,  flet  _ 
be  in  good,  bad  spirits;  ffrioe,  tale  meb  ~  write, 
speak  with  humour.  -forlabt  a  humourless. 
-fttlb  ffl  (fulb  af  finner)  humoursome,  capricious, 
whimsical;  (f.  ét§.  om  SSinb)  fltful;  (Bittig)  humour- 
ous.  t-Iei  a  humourous,  facetious.  2unet  a 

2ttnet'te  c  (®IaS;  fort)  lunette. 

2unge  e  -r  (ben  ene)  lung,  (ben  tjele)  lungs  pl\ 
(lun  om  2)^r)  lights  pl\  fao  fine  -r  r^ftebe  be  nearly 

splitting  with  laughter.  2uttge|a(inbenbe  o 
breathing  by  means  of  lungs.  -oore  pulmonary 
vein.  -arterie  pulmonary  artery.  •betoenbelfe 
inflammation  of  the  lungs,  pulmonary  inflam 
mation,  pueumonia.  -blob  fe  -lap.  -btobaare 
pulmonary  vein.  -blære  vesicle  of  the  lungs. 
-6t0l  pulmonary  rupture.  -b^lb  abscess  in  (of) 
the  lungs.  -fif!  lepidoslren,  mud-eel.  -^inbe 
pleura.  -^ule  pulmonary  cavity.  -tatarr^  bron- 
chitis.  -lirtel  bronchial  gland.  -frcbSUiet  the 
pulmonic  circle.  -lap  lobe  (of  the  lungs).  Aars 
tree-lichen,  JSticta  pulmonaria.  -libelfer  pulmo- 
nary complaints.  -mo§  fe  ginfer.  -piben  roaring. 
•piber  roarer.  -prøtie  experiment  on  the  lungs. 
-puIiSaare  pulmonary  artery.  -pelfe  German 
saxisage.  -rob  root  of  the  luugs.  -r^ft«Ue  f- ®fi. 
Bi  fif  o§  en  b^gtig  _  we  enjoyed  a  hearty  laugh. 
-Jlrumpninfl  pulmonary  atrophy.  -flag,  -fTag- 
flob  apoplexy  of  the  lungs.  -fnegt  pulmonate 
snail.  -fot,  fUinbfot  pulmonary  consumption, 
phthisis.  -f»)g  a  phthisical,  consumptive.  -f^ge 
fe  -fot;  vet  (onbartet)  contagious  pleuro-pneumonia, 
lung  plague,  lung-sick.  -f«!  pleura.  2uttgct  « 
pulmonate,  lunged.  2unge|tcering  fe  -fot.  -urt 
lungwort,  Pulmonariu.  -otrlfømi^eb  action  of 
lungs.    -uæp  lung-tissue. 

2u'nl)eb  c  warmth,  genial  temperature. 

*2uiti  n  jogtrot,  dog-trot,  shamble.  2ttnfe  vi 
fe  fiunte. 

2unfen  a  tepid,  (ogfoo  fig)  lukewarm;  fig  half 
-hearted.  -^eb  c  tepidness;  fogfao^fl')  lukewarm- 
ness.    2unlne  vt  &  i  make  el.  become  lukewarm. 

''2tttttt  c  -er  pile  of  timber,  2unne  vt  pile  up 

2uttte  c  a  little  bit  (of  distance). 

2unte  vi  lag,  loiter;  ^an  fom  -nbe  efter  he  came 
jogging  behind;  ligge  og  _  dawdle,  idle  away 
the  time. 

2uMte  c  -r  match;  (p.  SRcebcn)  brush;  lugte  -n 
smell  a  rat.  -balje,  -bolle  match-tub.  -b«8fe 

2ttntegang  c  loitering  pace. 

2untcil)fllfter  tinder-barrel.  -loaS  match-lock. 
-ftjcrnc  star-match,    -ftot  linstock. 

2untetrat)  n  jogtrot. 

fiuntebager  c  .1,  match-tub. 

2ttntftiHe  fe  fiunbftiffe.  ' 

2up'e  c  -r  magnifying-glass,  lens. 

2ttpi'n  c  -er  lu'pine,  Lupinu»  albus. 

2uppe  c  -r  (3ærnf.)  hall. 

2ttr  c  -er  cowherd's  horn,  alp-horn. 

2ttr  c;  ftaa,  ligge.  Bære  paa  _  stand  el.  be  on 
the  watch,  lie  in  wait  (efter  for);  fætte  paa  - 
post,  set  on  the  watch. 

2ttr  c  -er  (Slummer)  nap,  doze,  snooze;  tage 
fig  en  _  take  a  nap.    2ure  vi  (flumre)  nap,  doze. 

2ure  vi  (lljtte)  listen,  eavesdrop;  (paa  en;  paa 
fiejlig^eb)  lurk,  spy,  lie  in  wait  (for),  waylay 
(one);  (i  S'ort)  finesse;  —  vt  circumvent,  over- 
reach,  outwit,  dish;  lur  ^am!  (you  won't)  catch 
Mm  napping!  _  af,  fe  Slflure;  —  »r  _  fig  til 
snatch,  (at)  snatch  an  opportunity  of.  2uren= 
breier  c  rogue.  2urenbreiert  n  roguery;  tsmugg- 
ling.  2ttrepoft  lurking-place.  2urer  c  -e  listener, 
eavesdropper;  lurker.  2urert'  n  listening.  2ure- 
tteppe  couvre-pied,  rug.    2urifa8  c  rogue. 

*2u'rlof  c  melody  played  on  the  alp-horn, 

*2ttrtt  c  cont  shock  of  hair,  mane. 

*2ur«>elepen  n  tumult,  hubbulj. 

2ttrbet  a  rough,  ragged;  (ogi.  fio)  shabby.  -^eb 
c  shabbiness. 

2«8  c,  pi  =,  louse;  (Eegn.)  drawing-pin;  met 
blown  blot;  p  en  fulten  _,  en  -anget  a  lousy 
knave.  2ufe  vt  louse.  —  2ufe|frø  sabadilla. 
•græ§  fe  -urt  (o.  fl.).     -fnælfer  c  -c  skinflint. 






-frub  stavesacrs,  Delphinium  staphisagria.  -pittU 
ting  .X-  sennit.  -raab  ^.■.  angrebet  af  _  druxy. 
■faloc  ointment  against  lousiness.  -fflfle  plitiiiri- 
asis,  lousy  disease.  fiufet  a  lousy;  fip  stingy, 
shabby,  'l'ufetljeb  c  stinginess,  Sufe|tarti  |e 
Soppe',  -urt  lousewort,  red  rattle,  PecUculari« 
palmtris.    *SJtt8^at  fe  Stormhat. 

fiufing  c  -er  box  on  the  ear,  drubbing. 

fittffe  vi  sneak,  skulk  about;  _  af  slink  away, 
sneak  off;  —  vr  _  fig  fra  sneak  away  from, 
evade;  -  fia  til  noget  obtain  something  by  cun- 
ning.  Suffen  c  sneaking  etc.  Jiuflepeter,  fiuffer 
c  e  prowier;  fig  cunuiug  fox.  JJufleri'  n  under- 
hånd practiees. 

Sn'fltbt  a  threadbare. 

SJnSfinfl  fe  Sufing. 

fiuftre  [fr.J  n  (Ibj)  lustring. 

Sut',  SJutfl  c  -er  lute. 

t2utcitbratil  c  hippocras. 

Sut^erja'ner  e  -e  Lu'theran.  -aniSme  c  Lu'- 
theranism,  Lu'therism.    Sut^crft  a  Lutheran. 

fiutre  vt  purify;  chasten,  sanctify;  (om  ^JJetaHer) 
try;  J>  bog;  -t  Salpeter  depurated  nitre.  -biget 
crucible.  -n  fe  lutring,  -obtt  furnace.  Sutrer 
c  yl,  hog.    Sutring  c  purification,  depuration. 

Sutter  a  pure,  sheer,  mere;  made  up  of;  mon 
faa  _  @ulb  og  Sølo  nothing  was  to  be  seen  but 
gold  and  silver.  SutterftaU  c  vet  diabetes,  pro- 
fuse  .staling. 

Siittt4  w  Liege. 

Suti  fe  iin. 

Su»  a  J>  weather;  _  SSrafer  the  weather  brace; 
poa  ~  ®ok)  on  the  weather  bow;  _  Sonb  a  weather 
sliore  (0.  fl.).  —  Suo  c:  ^olbe  -en  keep  the  luff 
el.  the  wind;  f)at>e  -en  have  the  weather  gage; 
fnibe  el.  prife  -en  hug  the  wind;  tage  -en  fra  en 
get  to  ^vlndwa^d  of  one;  fig  beat,  outdo,  outstrip 
ene,  (i  praleri)  outbrag  one,  (i  ®rif)  outdrink 
one  oft).  Subjart  <!,:  til  ~  to  wlndward.  -orté= 
fiben  the  weather  side.  -barbuner  shifting-back- 
stays.  Suoe  ui  luflF.  Subigerriga  griping,  ardent; 
Ⱦre  -  gripe,  carry  a  weatlier  helm,  -gerrig^eb 
ardency.  -^olbcr:  en  gob  _  a  good  plyer,  a 
weatherly  ship;  en  flet  -  a  leewardly  ship.  -fibcu 
the  weather  side. 

Sujern  n  Lucerne. 

Sq  n  shelter,  cover;  Bære  i  _  be  sheltered; 
fjøge  -  take  shelter;  i  _  of  under  shelter  of. 

S^  a  lukewarm. 

S^bel  n  Lubec.    -ler  c  -e  inhabitant  of  Lubec. 

St)Iii|en  n  Lyb'ia.    -ff  a  Lyb'ian. 

Sflbff  a  (of)  Lubec. 

•■'SDbff  fe  fiBbft. 

S^coeum  w  lyceum. 

Stjb  c,  pi  =  &  -e  sound;  ^an  gab  iffe  en  _  fra 
fig  be  did  not  say  a  word,  he  did  not  stir; 
ftongen  begærebe  _  (Stilfteb)  the  king  demanded 
to  be  heard;  gio  _!  (oær  fiille)  keep  silence,  be 
still;  flaa  til  -  (gioe  Segn  til  Stil^eb)  order  silence. 
Sq'blbetegnelfe  phoneiic  system;  fe  -tegn.  -beteg^ 
nenbe  a  onomatopoetic. 

SJ)'bbtf!o^»  c  snflfragan  bishop. 

Sqbibrqbntngdicere  diacoustics.  -bølge  wave 
of  sound,  -bet  particle  of  sound,  -bætle  fe 

S^be,  leb,  lt)bt  »»  sound;  faalebe?  løb  Orbene, 
faalebeS  leb  ^onS  lale  these  were  the  words,  he 
spoke  to  this'Cffect;  33reBet  -r  fom  følger  the 
letter  runs  el.  reads  as  follows,  bet  -r  enbnu  for 
mine  Pren  it  still  rings  in  my  ears;  ^aJfet  -r  paa 
f)anS  DJoDn  the  passport  is  made  out  in  his  name, 
Slnbiåningen  lab  paa  5  *)3unb  the  cheque  was  for 
£  5;  Cbligationen  -r  pao  Q^ænbe^aberen  the  bond 
Is  payable  to  the  holder  el.  bearer;  3tnBi§ningen 
bør  -  paa  the  order  should  be  made  payable 

to;  —  iDbenbe  part  paa  (en)  payable  to,  (en 
Sum)  to  the  amount  of;  fe  9Kalm. 

S^bc,  løb,  iQbt  vt  (ablQbe)  obey;  _  enS  SRaab 
foUow  one's  advice;  _  et  9Jabn  answer  to  a 

S^bc  c  -r  (^ejO  blemish,  fault,  defect,  vice. 
•fri  a  faultless,  without  blemish.  -fulb  a  full 
of  defects. 

S^belHg  audible,  loud.  •ng(en),  -Ugt  adv 
audibly,  loudly,  aloud.    -Ife  c  tenor. 

S4be(S)(ø§  a  without  blemish. 

S^beu  e,  Si)benbe  n  fe  atjbelfe. 

S^'bfolt  n  subject  nation. 

S^  bjforanbring  sound-change.  -forbinbelfe 
sound  comljination.  -for^olb  phonetic  peculiar- 
ity.  -fremft^bning  o  change  of  letters,  trans- 
mutation  of  consonants,  consonantal  permuta- 
tion. •fQftoIogt  phouetics.  •^immel  sounding 
-board  (of  a  pulpit).  -^ul  sound-hole;  (i  Sirte= 
toarn)  louver  wiudow.  -^ur  «  quick  of  hearing. 
•^ør^eb  c  quickuess  of  hearing. 

S^bi|a  Lyd'ia.    -eu  n  Lydia,    -ft  a  Lyd'ian. 

Sqbig  a  obedient,  dutiful,  obsequious.  -^eb  c 
obedieuce,  dutifulness;  forbre  -  of  en  exact  obe- 
dience  of  one;  »ife  _  mob  fioBene  yield  obedieuce 
to  the  laws;  tBinge  til  _  compel  to  obedieuce; 
ftoffe  fig  _  get  obeyed.  Sq'bfonge  vassal  king. 
SH'blanb  dependency. 

St)'bltg  a  plionetic. 

Sflbjlig^cb  similarity  of  sound(s).  -tfcngbe 
quantity.  -(ære  acoustics  pi;  phonology,  pho- 
netics,  -^soundlore.  -taS  a  (nben  iit)b)  soundless; 
(ftum)  mute,  sileut,  speechless.  -leéljcb  silence. 
-metoben  the  plionic  method.  -øbergang  sound 

S^'brige  n  dependency. 

8^'blftrift  phonetic  writing,  sound- wri ting. 
-f^reg  voeal  language,  -fotngning  fe  -bølge. 
-f^ftcm  phonetic  system,  sound-system,  -t  adv 
fe  -eligen.  -tegn  phonetic  character,  -tragt  bell 

S^gte  c  -r  lantern;  (®abe=)  (street-)lamp;  blinb 
_  dark  lantern.  -arm  lantern-crank.  -brager 
fe  Santerne=.  -manb  Jack-o'-lantern,  Will-othe 
-wisp,  marsh-flre.  -pal  lamp-post.  -ftat  lamp 
-tax.  -ffin  lamp-light.  -foenb  lanternbearer. 
-toenber  lamp-lighter. 

S^f!e  c  -r,  fe  Søtfe. 

S^He  c  (Sfæbne)  fortune,  luck,  cliance;  ($elb) 
good  fortnne,  good  luck,  prosperity,  success; 
(i  ^øjere  SSet.)  happiness;  —  poo  SRejfen  a  pleasant 
journey  el.  voyage  to  you,  success  attend  you! 
-n  ^or  gjort  ^om  ooermobig  success  has  made  him 
insolent;  -n  Bor  bebre  enb  gorftonben  he  was  more 
lucky  than  wise;  -n§  Sælebægge  the  spoilt  child 
of  fortune;  bet  »or  ^oné  -  at  it  was  fortunate 
for  him  that;  bet  »or  en  ftor  -  ot  it  was  by  great 
good  luck  that;  bqbe  -n  Jpaonben  court  fortune's 
favours;  forføge  fin  _  try  one's  luck  el.  fortunes; 
éunb^eb  er  en  ftor  _  health  is  a  great  blessing; 
frifte  -n  tempt  fortune;  gøre  -  be  successful, 
succeed,  take,  make  a  hit;  gjorbe  ftor  _  was  a 
great  success,  took  greatly;  |un  gjorbe  megen  _ 
poo  SBoEet  she  was  much  admired  at  the  ball; 
gøre  fin  _  make  one's  fortune;  ber»eb  gjorbe  ^on 
fin  -  that  was  the  making  of  him;  ^ooe  -n  meb 
(fig)  be  fortunate;  jeg  ^ar  ^oft  ben  _  ot  I  have 
been  privileged  to,  had  the  good  fortune  to; 
fætte  fin  _  i  place  one's  happiness  in;  paa  _  og 
gromme  at  hap-hazard;  noor  -n  Bor  gob  when 
the  chances  served;  lobe  bet  fomme  on  pao  -n, 
lobe  -n  roabe  take  one's  chance,  leave  it  to  chance; 
til  _,  til  al  -  fortunately,  luckily,  as  good  luck 
would  have  it;  til  ol  Øubå  _  providentially;  til 
min  -  fortunately  for  me;  til  >  meb  I  give  you 
joy  of;  ønfte  en  til  ~,  fe  S^fønfte.   S))tfe{bringenbe 




a  auspicious,  lucky.  -ftifter  adventurer,  dåre 
-devil.  -^itt(  wheel  of  fortune.  -jæger  fortune 

Sædelig  a  (^elbifl)  lucky,  fortunate,  happy, 
prosperous,  successful;  (i  ^øjere  S3et.)  happy;  en 
_  Sag  a  white  day;  en  ~  9Hanb  (i  fine  gfor^olb) 
a  happy  man,  (l^elbig)  a  fortunate  man;  ~  oBer 
happy  about.  -J)18  adv  fortunately,  luckily, 

iLXfillt\ptn%t  fe  -ftilting.  -|)j)fc  lucky-bag.  -flotte 
fortune's  urn.  -tibber  adventurer.  S^Heé  vd 
succeed;  prosper;  bet  -beS  t)am  at  he  succeeded 
In;  gorføget  -be§  ^am  he  succeeded  in  the  at- 
tempt;  alt  _  for  ^am  every  thing  prospers  with 
him;  mtn  Sflugt  -beg  I  made  good  my  escape;  at 
bet  ilte  -bei  bem  at  opbage  their  non-success  in 
deteeting.  £l)fle|ffifte  reverse  of  fortune.  -ftil= 
ling  lucky  penny,  purse-penny,  -flub  random 
shot.  -f^aaenbe  a  auspicious.  -fpit  hazard. 
-i-ft»ittcr  gambler,  -ftjerne  lucky  star.  -fager 
fe  -jæger,  -træf  lucky  hit.  -ttarfel  lucky  omen, 
augury  of  success. 

S^Ifa'Hg  a  happy,  blissful.  -gøre  vt  make 
happy,  bless,  beatify.  -garelfe  c  beatiflcation. 
-^eb  c  happiness,  bliss,  felicity,  beatitude.  -^ebi* 
brlft  innate  desire  of  happiness.  -^ebSlære  doc- 
trine  of  true  happiness. 

S^Iurg'  Lycurgus.    -iff  a  Lycurgean. 

£^f»nfl'|e  vt  wish  el.  give  one  joy  (meb,  til  to), 
congratulate,  felicitate  (upon),  -ning  c  -er  con- 
gratulation,  felicitation.  -ttingSbreu  letter  of 
congratulation,  congratulatory  letter,  -ningå- 
tale  congratulatory  address. 

fi^mfa'tifl  a  lymphat'ic.  S^mfc  c  lymph,  — 
S^mfeltar  lymph-duct,  lymphatic.  -lirtet  lym- 
phatic  gland.  -legeme  lymphatic  corpuscle. 
-ftamme  lymphatic  trunk. 

Sjjn  n,  pi  =,  (8^ni(b)  lightning;  (S^nftraole) 
flash  of  lightning;  fig  (^iet>3,  SanfenS)  flash;  fftjbe 
_  fig  flash;  bet  ene  -  fulgte  Saftig  paa  bet  onbet 
flash  followed  flash  in  quick  succession;  -et  flog 
Tteb  i  ^ufet  the  house  was  struck  by  lightning; 
bet  font  i'om  et  ~  fra  l\ax  ^immet  this  was  a 
thunderbolt  out  ofa  clear  sky;  meb -etl  |)urtig^eb 
quick  as  lightning.  &^n|a|teber  lightning  rod 
el.  -conductor.  -filil  quick,  fiery  glance.  -bltn{ 
flash  of  lightning. 

^Xtnåi\t  vt  lynch.  -juftitS,  -lotien  Lynch-law. 
"»ting  c  lynching. 

S^ne  vi  &  impers  lighten;  —  iQnenbe  part  &  | 
a:  et  ^ar  -nbe  Øjne  a  pair  of  flashing  eyes;  i  en 
-nbe  iJart  in  hot  haste,  at  a  furious  rate;  —  adv 
-nbe  breb  furious,   in  a  great  passion;   -nbe  fulb 
raving  drunk. 

2^ttg  c  (+«)  heather,  heath,  ling,  Erica,  -avt 
species  of  heath.  -balte,  +-6jærg  heathery  hill. 
-Jttff  heath-bush.  -fober  fodder  consisting  of 
heath.  -groet  a  heathery.  -grccéning  heath 
pasture.  -^ebe  heath;  (af  ftor  Ubftrætmng)  moor 
(covered  with  heather).  -jorb  heath-soil.  -toft 
heath-broom.  -Irat  heather.  -lanb  fe  -jorb. 
•-Ime  fe  -toft. 

S^'ltglimt  ?i  flash  of  lightning. 

2qng|"raorf  heath.  *-jno  fe -I)ebe.  t-mor  heath 
-mould.  t-utofe  bog  covered  with  heather. 
-orm  adder,  viper.  t-fljolb  fe  -mor.  -jlæt  cut- 
tiug  of  heath.  -to^  tuft  of  heather.  -t«rti 
heath-turf.    -oi6c  fe  'JSroffugl. 

SJ>)n|tIb  lightning.  -i-ilb§ftraa(e  fe  -ftraale. 
+-ttle  thunder-bolt.  -tiebflag  fe  -flag.  -rer  ful- 
gurite.  -flog  stroke  el.  flash  of  lightning.  -flagen 
a  struck  by  lightning;  fig  thunderstruck.  -fnor 
a  swift  as  lightning.  -fnarfteb  rapidity  of  light- 
ning. -ftraale  flash  of  lightning.  -tog  fast 
express-train,  limited  mail  train. 

290W'  n  Lyons. 

8tir  c  -er  pollack,  Gadus  pollachiua. 

t£^re  c  -r,  fe  Sjore. 

fi^re  c  (3nftr.)  lyre;  astr  Lyra,  Lyre;  fe  Dfte= 
fnit).  -formig,  -formet  a  lyrate.  -^ale  lyre-bird, 

2^rif '  c  lyr'ic  poetry.  Styriler  c  -e  lyr'ic  (poet), 
ly'rist.  S^rif!  lyr'ical,  lyr'ic;  _  2)tgter  lyric  poet; 
_  Sigt  lyric  (poem). 

2t|8  »,  pi  =,  (@tof,  (Sgenffab)  light;  -etS  gaber 
the  Father  of  light;  en  -et§  (Sngcl  an  angel  of 
light;  I)an  er  et  ftort  _  he  is  a  shining  light; 
ber  »ar  -  i  SSinbuet  a  light  burned  in  the  window, 
there  was  a  light  behind  the  blinds;  ber  gtt  et 
_  op  for  mig  a  light  flashed  el.  dawned  upon 
me;  Bringe  for  -et  bring  to  light;  bringe  _  i  clear 
up;  fe  -et  (blibe  føbt)  see  daylight,  see  the  light; 
gaa  af  -et!  get  out  of  my  light;  ftaa  fig  feta  i  -et 
stand  in  one's  own  light;  (afte  _  paa  el.  ooer  en 
Siitg  throw,  el.  let  in,  light  on  a  subjeet,  fætte 
noget  i  fit  rette  -  set  a  thing  in  its  proper  light; 
fe  i  et  anbet  _  take  a  dififerent  view  of;  føre  en 
Bag  -et  impose  on  one,  humbug  one. 

2^§  n,  pi  —,  (flegeme,  ber  afgiber  _;  ogfaa  fig) 
light,  luminary;  (of  Salg  ofo.)  candle;  3Sot§=  wax 
candle;  %alQ'  tallow  candle;  oeb  ~  by  candle 
light,  by  lamp-light;  pubfe,  flutfe  -et  trim,  put 
out  the  candle;  -et  gif  ub  the  candle  went  out; 
ber  Bleo  Bragt  -  lights  were  brought  in;  ftøBe, 
Brænbe,  tænbe  _  mould,  bum,  light  candles;  -et 
Bvcenber  flart,  mørtt,  løber.  Bluffer,  oifter  the 
candle  bums  brightly,  dimly,  runs,  flames, 
flares;  rl^ge  et.  goa  i  -et  end  in  smoke,  eome  to 
nothing;  ftøBe  _  fig  bob;  fætte  fit  -  unber  en  ©tæppe 
put  one's  candle  under  a  bushel;  fiu  ^olbe  -et 
for  en  serve  one  as  a  cloak;  '^olbe  ^om  til  -et  give 
it  him,  bring  him  to  book,  not  give  him  a  leg 
to  stand  on. 

Htfå  a  light,  luminous,  lucid,  lightsome;  bet 
er  -  2)ag  it  is  broad  morning,  broad  daylight; 
Oeb  l^øj  ~  ®og  in  broad  daylight;  bet  Bar  tnapt 
Bteben  -t  enbnu  it  was  yet  scarcely  daylight;  fig 
gøre  -t  clear;  -t  Jpaar  Ught  el.  fair  hair;  _  ^ub 
fair  skin;  et  -t  §0Beb,  en  -  fjorftanb  a  clear  head, 
iutellect,  iron  a  bright  genius;  -e  goreftiUinger 
clear  notions;  -e  gfor^aabninger  radiant  hopes; 
-t  9KeIlemrum,  ØjeBltt  lucid  interval;  et  -t  Smil 
a  bright  smile;  et  t  SBærelfe  a  light  room;  ben  -e 
Sibe,  fe  S^lftbe. 

2t)§|alf  light-elf,  white  fairy.  -bitte  lampyris. 
■bittebc  (l^ft,  ffinnenbe  93.)  shining  el.  radiant 
image;  (fotografi)  photograph.  -Br^benbe  a  re- 
fractive.  -brtjbning  refraction.  -branb  light 
-room.  -bølge  light  wave.  -citabe  lantern-fly, 
Fulgora.    -buntel  a  clare-obscure. 

2l)fe,  iQ'fte,  Itj'ft  vi  shine;  ©olen.  Sampen  -r  Hart 
the  sun,  the  lamp  shines  brightly;  _  for  give 
light;  _  frem,  fe  gremlqfe;  ©olen  -r  om  Sagen  the 
sun  gives  us  light  in  the  day;  Sanipen  -r  gobt 
the  lamp  gives  a  good  el.  strong  light;  -  i,  oBer 
illumine;  ®Iæben  l^fte  af  ^anl  Øjne  his  eyes 
beamed  with  joy;  ^an§  SInfigt  iQfte  af  his  face 
was  lighted  up  with;  _  til  SJggteftaB  publish  the 
banns  (of  marriage);  ber  Bleo  -t  for  bem  their 
banns  were  published  el.  read;  _  i  SlBiierne  efter 
en  advertise  one,  raise  the  hue  and  cry  after 
one;  —  vt  -  SBelftgnelfen  pronounce  the  benedic- 
tion;  _  en  ub,  neb  ab  Srapperne  light  one  out, 
down  stairs;  _  noget  op  advertise  the  flnding  of 
any  thing;  —  lljfenbe  a  luminous;  fig  .shining, 

2Qfearm  a  branch  of  a  candlestick  el.  chande- 
lier,  candle-branch. 

2^fe|bloa,  -brun  ofB.  a  light  blue,  1.  brown 

24fe|bor)>  candle-mould  frame.  *-branb  fe 
-tane.    -bril  dipping-frame.     -bnt  large  candle- 





stick  (standing  on  the  floor).  -falirtf  candle 
-manufactory.  -form  candle-mould.  •garn  wick 

Sqfegrøn  a  light  green,  ^ig  verdant. 

SQ'fel^altter  candle-bolder.  -taSfe,  -lifte  candle 
•box.  i-nj)n(e)  resinous  peat.  -Irone  chandelier. 
-frottcloft  chandelier  loft. 

SJijfetuflle  c  flre-ball. 

SJt)fe|manftetter  pi  candlestick-ornaments. 
•penge  mouey  for  candles.  -pibe  socket  (of  a 
candlestick).  -platt  bedroom-candlestick,  flat 
-candlestick,  chamber  c.  -Ifrafit  saveali.  -Vttbfer 
candle-snuflfer.  -fal§  snuffers  pi.  -faldbafte 
snuflfer-tray.  -ptt  candle  rush,  Juncus  effunu. 
•ffofrm  screen,  shade.  -{lufter  (candle- )extin- 
guisber.  •\ptt,  -fpib  broach,  candle-rod.  -ftage 
candlestick.  -jittmp  candle-end,  bit  of  a  candle. 
-ft«6er  tallow-chandler.  -ftøberborti  fe  -6orb. 
•ft«betl  candle-manufactory.  -ftøtining  candle 
-making.  -talg  \t  -tæHe.  -tanbe,  -tone  snuflf  of 
a  candle.    -tæfic  candle-tallow. 

Uqåeone  c  illuminative  power. 

iiqfevcegc  c  wick  of  a  candle. 

2^'SfarDet  a  light-coloured. 

S^'åjfatfom  a  sensitive  to  light,  -gaarb  back 
-yard.  -goé  illumiuatiug  gas.  -gitter  |e  -filbe. 
-glanS  lustre,  brightuess.  -glimt  glimpse  of 

iiq'S^aaret  a  light-  el.  fair-haired. 

JJfl'ål^ab  sea  of  light,  blaze.  -^ugft  thinning. 
-^ttl  opening  for  light. 

fiqfing  c  -er,  fe  ^Dittmg;  Sulmule. 

•  S^ftng  c  dawn,  daybreak. 

2^'åfaéfe  c  light-room,  area-opening  (sunk 
before  a  house). 

SJ^ffe  vt  louse. 

S^fle  c  -r  groin.  -bro!  inguinal  hernia  el. 
rupture,  bubonocele.  -bStb  swelling  in  the 
groin,  bubo. 

fiq'Stegle  c  cone  of  rays. 

SJ^ffelirtcI  c  inguinal  gland. 

SiQ'Sjtilbe  source  of  light.  -t-Kar^eb  flood  of 

S^'ålltebt  a  dressed  In  light  colours. 

a^'élfraft  fe  -eone.    -tngle  luminous  ball. 

Saftning  c  lousing. 

i!^'8|Iaben,  »-let  «  fair,  blonde.  -leoenbe  a 
one's  own  living  self,  bodily;  jeg  fao  ^am  _  I 
saw  him  bodily  el.  his  own  living  self;  Bifer  oi 
©cenen  -  briugs  the  scene  before  us. 

S^'Sjtuge  sky-light.  -t«re  optics,  photology. 
•ntaaler  photometer. 

i!fl'åmalet  a  painted  a  light  colour. 

£^'§|mafline  electric  dynamo.  -maSfe  mass 
of  light. 

iJ^'SmeSfe  c  Candlemas. 

:^9'é|mQrte  candle-berry  tree,  Myrica  ceri/era. 
-maengbe  quantity  of  light. 

l'^S'Ine  vi  lighten;  (bogeS)  grow  light,  dawn; 
+vt  clear  up;  bet  -r  i  SRælferne  the  ranks  are 
thinning  -ning  c  lightening  etc;  (i  Sfob)  glade; 
arck  clear,  day,  opening;  en  ftcert  _  a  great  light, 
a  flare  of  light;  en  foag  _  a  faint  light;  et  SRør 
meb  7  Sommer?  _  a  tube  el.  pipe  7  inches  in 
clear  diameter. 

iiQ'Stting  c  publication  (of  the  bans  of  mar- 
ria^e),  baus. 

iiii'élpunU  luminous  el.  bright  point  el.  spot. 
-ranb  luminous  margin,  -refletd  reflection  of 
light,  -rige  kingdom  of  light,  -rift  grating. 
-rab  o  afraid  of  light,  -flbe  (opll^ft  S.)  light  el. 
luminous  side;  (Jig  mobfat  ©tQggeflbe)  bright  el. 
favourable  side.  -flin,  -ffær  gleam  of  light. 
-ff^  c  luminous  cloud.  -ft^  a  fe  -ræb.  -ft^^eb 
dread  of  light;  obscurantism.  -ftof  substance 
of  light;  materlal  for  light,    -ftraaie  ray  of  light. 

-ftribe,  -ftrime  streak  of  light,  -ftrønt  stream 
of  light,  -ft^rfe  power,  brilliancy.  -fuingning 
undulation  of  light. 

2^ft  c  -er  CSoruøjelfe)  delight,  pleasure;  (ZiU 
fiøjeltgl^eb)  inclination,  liking;  fanfetig  _  (sensual) 
desire  el.  appetite,  lust;  Søbet?  _  the  lust  of  the 
flesh;  SBerben  forgaar  og  benS  _  the  world  passeth 
away  and  the  lust  thereof;  faa  _  til  take  a  fancy 
to,  (at)  take  it  into  one's  head  to;  ifavt  ~  til, 
\)aa  at  feel  inclined  to,  have  a  (great)  mind  to, 
be  desirous  of;  jeg  ^ar  to6t  -en  berttl  I  have  lost 
all  desire  for  it,  I  am  out  of  conceit  with  it; 
jeg  funbe  ftotie  _  til  at  I  could  find  it  in  my  heart 
to;  jeg  ^ar  faaet  en  uimobttaoelig  _  tit  I  have  set 
my  heart  on;  gitje  en  _  til  give  oue  a  liking  to; 
betage  en  en  tit  put  one  out  of  conceit  with; 
^ar  fin  _  af  delights  in;  tabe  fig  ^enribe  af  fine  -er 
be  carried  away  by  one's  desires;  jagten  er  ffani 
-  hunting  is  his  delight;  ^Oer  SRanb  fin  -  every 
one  to  his  liking;  -en  bcioer  SJærlet  nothing  seems 
hard  to  a  willing  mind;  faa  bet  ec  en  _  in  good 
earnest;  faa  fin  ~  fttjret  get  one's  fill  (til  of);  af 
fjerten?  _  to  one's  heart's  content;  meb  _  with 
pleasure,  with  a  will,  with  spirit;  ej  blot  til  - 
not  for  amusement  only. 

St)'d|t(iage  luminous  haze.    -tob  waste  of  light. 

S^ftlanlæg  pleasure  groundsp?.  -arbefbe  work 
of  pleasure.    -baab  pleasure  boat. 

S^fte  vt  desire;  SDe  fan  faa,  ^»ab  35e  -r  you  can 
get  whatever  you  choose;  naar  2)e  -r  whenever 
you  choose;  gør  fom  bu  -r  please  yourself;  vi  & 
impers  -bet  -r  mig  I  should  like.  S^ftelig  «  pleas- 
ant,  pleasing,  delightful;  -t  at  fe  til  bibl  pleasant 
to  the  eyes.  fitjften  a  desirous,  covetous  (efter 
of);  ^un  Bteb  _  efter  %ivL^t  she  got  a  longing  for 
fruit.    Sqften^eb  c  longing,  craving. 

Safter  c  -e  (salmon-  el.  eel-)spear,  (pair  of) 
grains;  se  teister. 

S^ftlfart  pleasure-trip.  -fart«|  pleasure-vessel, 
yacht,  -fifferl  fishing  for  amusement.  -fljrbær« 
f  cri  fireworks  pi.  -f«tc(fe  pleasurable  sensation. 
-gaarb  villa.  -gaS  laughing-gas.  -^obe  pleasure 
garden,  -^aoenbe  c,  -^aber  c  -e  one  desirous  of 
purchasing,  (intending)  buyer.  -^tt§  (af  %r<z  ofo.) 
summer-house,  pleasure-house;  (Søb^^tte)  arbour, 

Sqftig  a  merry,  gay,  jolly,  jovial,  blithe,  joc- 
und;  gøre  fig  _  ooer  make  merry  with,  ridicule, 
(tun  om  ^erfon)  quiz;  en  _  iBrober  a  jolly  fellow. 
-^eb  c  mirth,  merriment,  gaiety,  jollity,  hilarity; 
(Iqftigt  2og)  merry-making.  -mager  c  -e  funny 
et.  comic  fellow. 

g^ftlifb  bouflre.  -jagt  (gortøj)  (pleasure-)yacht. 
-laxap  sham  fight,  -tutter  yacht.  -lejr  camp 
(for  great  reviews  and  military  exercises).  -(Httb 
grove,    -pavt  park. 

*£^ftre  vt  spear  (flsh);  vi  bum  the  water  (for 

S^ftre  vt  obey;  (5Roret)  answer  (the  helm),  -n 
c  obeying. 

Sjjftlrejfe  pleasure  trip,  excursion.  -rejfenbe 
traveller  for  pleasure,  excursionist,  holiday 
-maker.    -ribt  ride  for  pleasure. 

2t)ftring  c  (%ii\)  lustring. 

"■•fiOftring  c  spearing. 

Sfl'é|trJ)f  n  photolithography. 

S^ftlfejlabS  yachting.  -ffonnert  schooner  yacht. 
•ffou  park.  -flot  country  palace,  countryseat. 
-fpil  comedy.  -f^iilbigter  writer  of  comedies. 
-fteb  country-place.  t-fflge  venereal  disease. 
•tog  excursion  train.  -trafif  excursion  trafiic. 
-tur  fe  rejfe,  -bonbre  vi  promenade,  -banbrer 
promenader,  -ttanbring  walk  (for  amusement), 
promenade,    -bærf  fe  -arbejbe. 

SQ'Stiaagen  a  wide  awake,  broad  awake. 

£q'i$|benner  frieuds  of  enllghtenmeat.   -berben 




world  of  light,  -ttibbe  (f.  (£f8.  gtirS)  range;  fe 
Sljgning.  -oinlel  illuminating  arc.  -tiittning 
etfect  of  light. 

iiti'éeitt  a  light-eyed. 

fi^tte  vi  listen,  hearken,  give  ear  (til,  +iiiaa  to;; 
_  efter  listen  for;  _  til  aba  listen;  _  fig  frem  pick 
one's  way  by  listening;  l^t  1  hark !  -n  c  listen- 
ing  etc.    -|»oft  lurking-place.    -rat  ear-trumpet. 

fiiittic^  n  Liege. 

-)-&t)ti  n  a  lie. 

fi^tte,  IBJ,  I»iet  vi  &  t  lie,  tell  a  lie  el.  false- 
hood, tell  a  fib;  _  foa  ftærlt  font  ^eftcn  renber  lie 
like  a  trooper,  like  a  dentist;  _  for  en  tell  one 
a  lie;  _  paa  en  belie  one,  tell  lies  of  one;  -  en 
nt  paa  impute  st  to  one  falsely;  ben  fom  t,  ftjæler 
ogfoa  show  me  a  Har,  and  I  will  show  you  a 
thief;  for  ille  ot  _  to  tell  the  truth,  wlth  no  non- 
sense;  —  vr  fig  fri  free  one's  self  by  a  lie;  -  fig 
ælbre  overstate  one's  age;  —  løjet  a  feigned, 
sham.  £t)))en  c  lying  etc.  S^uefflflc  mania  for 
romancing,  confinned  mendacity. 

2«  n  shelter;  J,  leeward,  lee;  en  Sejler  i  . ! 
a  sail  to  leeward!  ligge  i  _  be  sheltered;  3fJor  i 
_ !  helm  a  lee !  i  _  of  fionbf t  under  the  lee  of 
the  land;  —  a  lee;  _  S5ra§  lee  brace. 

2æ6e  c  -r  lip;  6ibe  fig  i  -en  bite  one's  lip;  bet 
ligger  mig  paa  -rne  I  have  it  on  the  tip  of  my 
tongue;  jeg  fan  ilfe  fao  brt  oocr  mine  -r  my  lip.s 
are  sealed  on  the  subject;  bet  ffal  itfe  tomme 
otier  mine  -r  it  shall  not  pass  my  lips;  faa  oUfg 
-r  in  everybody's  mouth;  ^ar  fjertet  paa  -rne 
has  his  heart  in  his  mouth;  ^ar  5Djøben  paa  -rne 
is  at  death's  door,  dying.  2(c^e|b(iattb  commis- 
sure  of  the  lips.  -bjørn  juggler  bear,  Frochilm 
lahiatm.  -blamft  labiate  fliower.  -blomftret  « 
labiate.  •bogftao  labial  (letter),  -bonitet  a  lip 
-shaped,  labiate.  -fiff  wrasse.  Labrus.  -ttam)) 
^  thumb-cleat.  -Irceft  cancer  of  the  lip.  -I^D 
labial  sound.  -IǤ  a  lipless.  -JǤ  c  ^  bugle, 
Ajvea,    -^ibe  fe  2abial'.    -tiomabc  lip-salve. 

Scebælte  n  sheltering  belt  of  trees. 

2«bbil  fe  Sæbife. 

2a(bet  n  leather;  of  -  leathem;  træffe  fra  -et 
draw.  -affolb  1.  cuttlngs.  -ogtig  a  leathery, 
coriaceous.  -berebnfng  dressing  of  leather.  -binb 
leather- binding,  calf.  -buféEt  leather  breeches, 

2aEbe'j;e  vt  hurt,  injure. 

2æber|fil  bufi-stick.  -finfte  leathern  bottle. 
-gamaffev  leather  gaiters.  -gartining  tanning 
of  leather.  -gnntmi  India-rubber,  -gåring  (Sogb) 
putting  on  the  leather.  -^anbcl  leather  tråde 
-I)anb(er  dealer  in  leather,  leatlier-seller.  -^anb^e 
leather  glove.  -^obeb  friar-bird,  Trcxiidorhynchvn 
comiculutus.  -^ub  corium.  -^tjlfter  leather  case. 
•taxpt  leather  carp.  -flæbning  (om  Slaver)  leathei- 
ing  (of  oars).  -loggene  ar«  budge-barrel.  -foral 
zoanthus.  -lof  pouch-varnish.  -lærreb  double 
milled  cloth.  -martnov  (89og6.)  tree-calf.  -rem 
leathern  strap,  -r^g  leather  back.  -ftilb))abbe 
coriaceous turtle,  Dermatochelvda  coriacea.  -ftange 
leather  hose.  -fufter  fe  SRegligfe.  -fæt  leathern 
bag.  -toffe  leathern  wallet.  -touger  tawer. 
-t«j|  leather  articles,  leather  straps  el.  belts  p/. 
-borer  pi  leather  goods.    -æble  leather-coat. 

2(Sbii(e)  c  -r  locker,  till. 

£æg  (*SJæg')  c  -ge  calf;  (Slnfer-)  shank. 

2æg  (*iJoeg')  n,  pi  =,  fold,  plait;  {paa  ftlæbning§= 
ftJjffe)  tuck;  {paa  Sob)  lay;  et  ~  ®rife  a  litter  of 
pigs;  lagge  i  _  fold,  plait,  lay  in  folds. 

2æg  a  ^  low;  iffe  -ere!  nothing  oft"! 

Sfltg  a  lay.  -obbeb  commendatory  abbot. 
-brobcr  lay  brother. 

2at9b  n  -er  levying  district;  *society  of  small 
proprietors  required  to  furnish  one  soldier; 
*poor- district  (that  supports  one  pauper). 

2a!gb,  Siegbe  c  -^situatlon,  site;  *'8oa  i  Sægi 
(om  Kornet)  be  lodged  el.  laid. 

'''£«gbegttt  fe  2ægb8=. 

Sac'gbDutmer  e  unleamed  judge. 

2ægbi^|forftonber  superintendent  of  a  levying 
district.  *-g«t,  •-lem  parish-pauper.  -ruQe  roll 
of  a  levying  district.  -febbet  soldier's  levying 

2«ge  c  r  doctor,  physiciau,  surgeon,  medical 
man,   practitioner;   t   &   cont  leech;    foinbelig  « 
doctress.    2«ge  (ogf.  -'gte,  -'gt)  vt  heal,  cure,  — 
vd   læge 8   heal   (up);    —    lægenbe   a   healing, 
curative,  therapeutic.    2ægelfltteft  medical  certi- 
ficate.    -bolbrion  oflicinal  valerian.    -be^onbling 
medical  treatment.    -befigtigelfe  fe  -ftjn.    -bcfeg 
professional  el.  medical  visit,     -betonie  betoiiy," 
tStaehyn  beto7iicn.     -bog   medical   book.      -brui 
medical  use.    2ægeboin  c  (2ægemibbel)  medicin 
(^elbrebenbe  ^raft)   healing    power;    (jpclbret elf( 
cure,  recovery;  bi  ^abe  faaet  -  beb  ^anS  @aar  hf 
by  his  stripes  we  are  healed.    2æge|bttf  potio 
-t)iæl^   medical   aid    el.    advice,    medical  relie: 
-^onoror  physician's  fee.    -Igle  leech.    -tongrei 
medical  congress.    -froft  healing  power,    -tunb' 
ffob  medical  knowledge.    -tnnft  art  of  healingj 
medical  ait.     -t^nbig    a   skilled    in    medicin 
therapeutic.     -feb ;    gobt  -  easily  healing  fles: 
disposition  to  heal  quickly.    Stegelig  a  curabl 
2æge|(en  fe  -honorar,     -moobe,  -metobe  methoi 
of  cure.     -mibbel  medicine,  drug,  medicami  nt.' 
-^lonte  medicinal  plant.  -))lofler  healing  plaster. 

2æger,  -bol,  -bolb  c  ^I,  lee  shore;  fig  distress; 
flare  en  -  fra  fig  claw  oif  the  shore. 

2(cge|raob  medical  advice.  -f<>rog  medical 
language,  -ftonben  the  medical  profession,  -fljn 
medical  inspeetion.  -tilftjn  medical  attendance. 
-urt  fe  -plantet  -bibenffob  medical  science, 
science  of  medHine.  -ttibenffobeUg  a  medical; 
professional,    -oifttotion  fe  -f^n. 

2æ'gfoIt  pi  the  laity. 

2ægge,  logbe,  lagt  tt  put,  lay;  (ftartofler  o.  b.) 
plant;  (Smør,  Silb  ofb.)  pack;  _  2(5g  lay  (eggs); 
_  fin  $ot,  Cberfjole  put  down  one's  hat,  take 
off  one's  great-coat;  jeg  bil  _  mine  SBen  ^er  I  will 
end  my  days,  close  my  eyes,  here;  -  en  $tan 
draw  up  a  plan;  læg  fRoret  ©tQrborb,  SBagborb ! 
starboard  the  helm,  port  the  helm;  —  vr  fig 
lie  down,  (til  ©eng?)  go  to  bed;  *(om  (£lb)  frteze 
over;  fig  gaa  ^jem  og  _  fig  shut  up,  go  home  to 
one's  molher;  _  fig  f^g  lay  up;  Ubejret,  SSinben 
^ar  lagt  fig  the  storm,  wind  has  subsided; 
glaabcn  logbe  fig  poo  SR^eben  the  fieet  anchored 
in  the  road;  SSggen  i)at  lagt  fig  the  edge  is 
turned;  —  meb  pr«p  og  adv.  _  of,  fe  Slflægge; 
typ  distribute;  *_  affteb  go  off,  hurry  away; 
_  on  level,  take  aim;  læg  on!  take  aiml  _  on 
paa  (noget)  affect,  study,  (en  ^erre)  set  one's  cap 
at  el.  for,  make  a  set  at;  -bi  lay  to,  bring  to; 
_  fig  efter  apply  one's  self  to,  cultivate;  lay 
one's  self  out  for;  _  for  (beb  iBorbet)  help  el. 
serve  (a  dish);  f  (beg^nbe)  lead;  _  fig  for  Slnfer 
anchor;  *_  fig  fore  stop;  _  en  $Ont  forooer 
weather  a  point;  lagbe  bet  fro  fig  put  it  away, 
put  it  from  him;  +_  fig  ni/get  fro  clear  one's 
self  of  something;  _  fro  iionb  put  off;  _  ^en  lay 
aside;  _  (3»b)  i  (Dbnen)  light  a  fire  (in  the  stove;; 
•_  i  ajej,  fe  -  affteb;  _  Ubtr^f  i  throw  expression 
into;  ol  ben  ^øjtibelig^eb  jeg  funbe  -  i  mit  aSæfen 
all  the  solemnity  I  could  throw  into  my  manner; 
-  fig  imellem  interpose,  interfere;  _inb  (5Sonb, 
®o8)  lay  on;  Oorb)  reclaim;  _  Slarerne  inb  un- 
ship  the  oars;  _  en  fijole  inb  take  in  a  dress;  _ 
et  gobt  Crb  inb  for  en  put  in  a  good  word,  say 
a  kind  word,  for  one;  -  fig  inb  poa  et  SSært§t)u8 
put  up  at  an  inn;  «  ®rent,  grugt  neb  preserve 
vegetables,  fruit;  _  røoften  neb  lower  the  mast 





_  en  ®abe  om  repave  a  street;  _  fin  9Jei  om  ob 
et  Steb  go  round  by  a  place;  _  op  (til  (SfSomen) 
take  up,  ofter;  (et  Slib)  lay  up;  _  2larerne  op 
unship  the  oars;  _  fine  Sort  op  face  one's  cards 
on  the  table;  _  $enge  op  lay  up,  lay  by  el.  save 
money;  -  Wælf  op  make  curd;  _  9?oab  op  lay 
plans;  _  (fifl)  ooer  ^1,  heel  (over);  lagbe  [tq  ^elt 
oBer  was  thrown  on  her  heam  ends;  _  paa 
aSrifen  raise  the  price;  (^eftt)  saddle,  harness;  - 
Straf  paa  impose  a  peiialty  on;  _  fammen  put 
together;  fold  up;  (abbere)  add  up,  sum  (up); 
(ftace  og)  _  fammen  spell;  (Zni)  fold;  _  et  ©ejl 
fammen  make  up  a  sail;  _  til  add;  (et  Sfib)  como 
alongside;  *(en)  strike  at,  let  drive  at;  _  fireo- 
turer  til  raise  animals;  ben  ene  lagte  Jpefle  til,  ben 
anben  iBogn  oue  found  horses,  the  otheracarriage; 
^on  ijat  lagt  3  fiiipnnb  til  fin  SSægt  he  has  put 
on  3  stone;  ^oOft,  OnbOSoen  er  lagt  til  the  sea, 
lake  is  frozen  (over);  _  fig  til  (noget  nt)t)  invest 
in,  set  up,  start,  (53enge)  accumulate,  (ftnnb^ab) 
pick  up;  -  fig  en  Sone  til  take  unto  one's  self 
a  wife;  _  tilbage,  fe  Jilbagelægge;  _  enftjoleub 
let  out  a  dress;  _  $enge  ub  lay  out  money;  _  en 
gat)  ub  set  et.  turn  the  teeth  of  a  saw;  -  Slarcrnc 
ub  ship  the  oars;  _  alting  nb  til  bet  bebfte  put 
the  best  construction  on  every  thing;  _  en  ub 
fom  SBarnefaber  father  a  child  upon  one;  _  ub 
(i  93itlarb)  lead  oft';  -  ub  af  en  ^aon  put  out  of 
a  port;  _  fig  ub  grow  stout;  -  ftg  nb  meb  quarrel, 
fall  out  With;  _  fig  ub  for  en  exert  one's  influence 
in  a  person' 8  behalf,  use  one's  inlerest,  make 
interest,  for  oue;  •_  ub  hold  forth,  lay  down 
the  law;  _  unber  Seblen  fire  the  boller. 

i>(egge:6en  n  fibula. 

iforggejbrob  ovipositor.  -Ijoje  sawset,  saw 
w  rest.    t-fir'oflfr  pl  sets,  seed^potatoes. 

l'æggctrampe  c  cramp  of  the  leg. 

Sæggcmaffine  (til  Sartofler)  c  dibber. 

Siæggcmuffcl  c  perouæus. 

Sæggcn  c  laying  etc.;  _  Jpænberne  i  ©lebct 
inaction,  passivity. 

fiffggcr  c  -e  (%at)  leaguer. 

SæBflelttt)  laying  season.    -tsrtct  seed-peas. 

Sæ'gintanb  layman,  one  of  thelaity.  •tnanbS' 
prtcbifett  lay  sermon. 

iJæ'gniitfl  c  healing  etc.  (fe  Soege  vt). 

Siægning  c  laying. 

SJæ  g  præbilont,  -præft  lay  preacher.  -\tfttv 
lay  sister. 

iiffgte  c  -r  lath.  Sægte  vt  cover  with  laths. 
■jammer  claw-hammer.     -profil  gauge  of  lath. 

£icgter  c  -e  ^  lighter,  -farer,  -manb  lighter 
-man.    -penge  pi  lighterage. 

£Kgtc|f«tn  lath-nail.  -tørring  c  drying  (fish) 
on  laths.    -bær!  trellis. 

£(rt)egn  «  sheltering  row  of  trees,  hedge-row. 

l'æl'  c  leak.  £æt'  a  leaky;  blibe,  fpringe  - 
spring  a  leak. 

iilEfat  c  ermine,  Muatela  erminea, 

Sittlbeéftng  leak  box.  fiætlabd,  Sæltagc  c  leak, 
leakage.  iJætfc  i;t  leak;  (om  ^artjeij)  make  water, 
be  leaky. 

Stetfcr  a  dainty,  nice,  delicate;  gøre  fig  _  for 
curry  favour  with.  -biffen  tit-bit,  dainty,  deli- 
cacy.  -^eb  c  -er  daintiness,  delicacy.  -i'  n  -er, 
fe  -biften.  -mnnb  sweet-tooth;  sære  en  -  have  a 
sweet  tooth.  -fult  appetite  for  dainties.  -fulten 
a  lickerisl),  dainty.    -tonb  fe  -mnnb. 

l'oelfeløin  dripping.s  (of  wine),  spilt  wine. 
-Pært  drying-house.    Soefning  c  leaking. 

ifoElre  vi  for  feed  with  dainties. 

I2æntme  li  lamb.  -tib  lambing  season.  2«nt= 
ning  c  lambing. 

'xttmfttx  a  stitf  in  the  limbs  el.  joints. 

2æn  fe  Sen. 

■f£(en  n  support. 

£«nb  c  -er  loin,  (lun  om  S^r)  rump.  Sanbc 

*2«nbe  n  land  (with  respect  to  its  nature, 

£ænbe|ben  hipbone.  -6rub  (S8.  af  fiænben)  frac- 
ture  of  the  hipbone;  (S.=oært)  lumbago.  -b^Ib 
boil  on  the  loins.  -gigt  ie  -ooert.  -l)t)irDe( 
lumbar  vertebra.  -pube  pad  for  the  loins. 
-region  lumbar  region,  -fmerte  pain  in  the 
loins.  -ftt)Ife  rump  piece,  loin  (of  beef).  -Pært 

^oenbtng  c  ^.  hand-rail,  rail(ing).  —  £(enbingd{< 
net  head  netting,    -fepter  rail  sianchion. 

SfSne  i:t  &  r  lean,  incline;  -  fig  til  el.  mob  lean 
against;  _  (fig)  paa  lean  on.  2æne  n  (+  c)  sup- 
port,   -ftol  armchair,  easy-chair. 

£aengbe  c  -r  length;  eeogr  longitude:  affarenbe 
_  ^  longitude  from;  paafommenbe  -  ^  longitude 
in;  SRejfenS  -  the  duration  of  the  voyage;  efter 
■n  lengthways,  longitudinally;  i  -n  in  length;  fig 
in  the  long  run,  permanently;  bitligft  i  -n  cheapest 
in  the  end;  i  SiberneS  -  in  process  of  time;  i  fin 
fulbe  _  at  length.  Sængbe|offtonb  longitudinal 
distance.  -atSe  longitudinal  axis.  -cirftl  circle 
of  longitude.  -bal  longitudinal  valley.  -bta= 
meter  longitudinal  diameter,  -etdcimcn  maie's 
extra  examinations.  -enf)eb  standard  of  length. 
-foranbriwg,  -forffel  difference  of  longitude. 
-fure  longitudinal  furrow.  -grab  degree  of 
longitude.  -trtbS  fe  -cirfet.  -maal  measure  of 
length.  -maating  longimetry.  -obferbation 
observation  for  longitude.  -profil  longitudinal 
profile,  -retning  :  i  Stibet8  _  in  the  fore  and-aft 
direction.  -fibe  long-side.  -flola  (p.  Sort)  gra- 
duated  parallel,  -fnit  longitudinal  section;  1. 
incision.  -fpring  long  jump.  -ftrifie  longitudi- 
nal stripe.  -tabel  table  of  longitudes.  -tegn 
(ooer  SBofal)  macron.    -ur  chronometer. 

£(enge  adv  long;  foo  -  so  long,  that  length  of 
time,  till  then;  faa  _  (fom)  as  long  as,  while; 
faa  -  til  until;  blio  ilte  -  don't  be  long  gone; 
bet  fan  itte  oære  _  fiben  ^an  gi!  he  can't  have 
been  long  gone;  bet  barer  _  inben  t)an  tommer  he 
is  long  in  coming;  bet  blitzer  itte  _  til  (bet)  it  will 
not  be  long  first;  fib  neb  faa  _  sit  down  the  while; 
faruel  faa  _!  so  long!  *^ar  itte  Ⱦret  fier  poa  _ 
has  not  been  here  this  long  time;  ^an  ger  bet 
itte  _  he  is  not  long  for  this  world,  is  diawing 
fast  to  an  end;  for  _  fiben,  for  Icengft  long  ago; 
for  _,  -  fiben  long  and  long  ago;  ^an  tan  _  nof 
fige  .  .  .  it  is  all  very  well  for  him  saying  .  .  .;' 
—  længer(e)  longer;  itte -r  no  longer,  nopiore; 
bet  er  itte  -r  fiben  enb  i  ®aar,  at  only  yesterday; 
fe  ^eune;  —  længft  longest;  (for)  Icengft  long 
ago;  er  (for)  længft  forbi  has  long  gone  by;  ben 
Icengft  lebenbe  the  survivor,  the  longest  liver. 

Sænge  vt  fe  gorlænge  ■§  (+-  fig)  grow  longer, 
lengthen;  Slftenerne  -S  the  evenings  are  drawing 
on;  —  +  vi,  fe  2ænge8. 

tSaenge  c  -r  wing,  range  (of  buildings). 

fiocnge  c  -r  ^1.  sling(s);  _  til  SSaHer  bale-slings 
(0.  fl.).  Sienge  vt  an  sling;  _  af  unsling.  Sænge^ 
ring  c  sling-hoop. 

£(cnge§,  -te?  vd  (efter)  long  (for,  after);  _  efter 
at  long  to;  _  tilbage  til  regret.  Sængfet  c  -flet 
longing,  yearning  (efter  ot  to).  —  2(cngf(Id|blit 
longiug  el.  wistful  glance.    -fulb  a  longing. 

iioengft,  -leoenbe  fe  unber:  Sænge  udv. 

*2ængte  vi  fe  SængeS. 

*£ænt  c  -er  link. 

So^nle  c  -r  chain;  (til  Seuene,  gobjærn)  fetter; 
lægge  i  -r  put  in  irons,  fetter;  tage  -rne  af  un- 
chain.  Sænfe  vt  chain,  fetter;  (fommenlænte)  link. 
-bcbægclfe  link  motion,  -binbe  •  t  chain,  fetter. 
•binbing  link-motion,  -fri  a  free  from  chains, 
unfettered.     •l|arP(e)   chain-harrow.     -^olbe  vt 




keep  in  fetters.  -^unb  chain-dog.  -tnapptt 
link-buttons,  coatlinks.  -Iflfbe  ring-chain.  -leb 
link.    -I«8  fe  -fri.    Sientning  c  chaining  etc. 

£«nfe  fe  fienfe. 

^(tn\t\prop  fe  -tot. 

tSænte  vi  tarry,  linger,  slay  away. 

2æp'  c  ->er  lobe,  ear. 

*Sa\>ic,  iiceppe  vt  fe  Qabe. 

2ærb  a  learned,  erudite;  en  _  ©fole  a  grammar 
-school;  et  -t  ©elf(a6  a  literary  society.  SJærb  c 
scholar,  man  of  letters;  naav  be  -e  ere  uenige  when 
doctors  disagree.  Særbom  c  -me  (gorraab  af 
Sunbfta6er)  learning,  erudition,  scholarship; 
(UnberbiSning) instruction;  (SlbBarfel)  lesson,  moral; 
(fiære)  doctrine;  (SroSfætniug)  dogma;  -8  SBinb 
Wind  of  doctrine.  —  Siærbom§|r^  reputation  for 
learning.    -fæbe  academy,  seminary  of  learning. 

2«re  c  -X  (SMobel)  templet. 

8«re,  -'rte,  -'rt  vt  (anbre)  teach;  (felb)  learn;  _ 
ot  fenbe  become  acquainted  with,  get  to  know; 
_  ubenab  learn  by  heart  el.  by  rote;  lær  feld, 
førenb  bu  tiil  _  anbre  learn  yourself  before  you 
attempt  to  teach  others;  man  -r  faa  længe  man 
letier  we  live  and  learn,  it  is  never  too  late  to 
learn;  Iø6  bet  fiebfte  ^an  'ftaobe  -rt  ran  as  fast  as 
his  legs  would  carry  him:  _  af  learn  of  (meft  om 
«JScrf.)  el.  from  (meft  om  Sing);  _  fra  ftg  teaeli;  _ 
fig  tit  at  acquire  the  knack  of;  -  en  at  teach 
one  (how)  to.  2ære  c  (-fætning)  doctrine,  dogma; 
(UnberoiSntng)  lesson,  instruction;  (Stboarfet)  lesson; 
(^aanbtjcerfg-)  apprentieeship;  -n  om  the  doctrine 
of;  bet  bit  Ⱦre  ^am  en  _  it  will  be  a  lesson  to 
him;  ben  Iriftelige  -  the  Christian  doctrine;  banne 
beb  _  og  ©fSemoet  form  by  precept  and  example; 
fætte  i  _  ^08  bind  apprentice  to;  ^an  ^ar  oæret 
tre  3lar  i  _  he  has  served  three  years'  appren- 
tieeship. Sære|aar  year  of  apprentieeship;  ^an 
!^or  ftaaet  fine  _  he  has  served  his  time  (of  ap- 
prentieeship). -an^alt  academy  for  public  in- 
struction, seminary  of  learning.  -(egreb  system; 
doctrine.  -begærlig  fe  -IQften.  -bog  class-book, 
text-book.  -breo  letters,  articles,  indentures  (of 

Særebue  c  cradling,  centering,  centre-scaf- 

Sæcejb^gntng  system,  -bigt  didactic  poem. 
-breng  apprentice.  -batre  women  under  pro- 
fessional instruction  for  midwifery.  -entbebe 
Office  of  a  teacher;  -t  (bet  tirfetige)  the  ministry. 
-faber  father  (of  the  church).  -fag  branch  of 
instruction,  -fri^cb  liberty  of  instruction,  -gaber 
pi  talent  for  teaching.  -genftanb  object  of  in- 
struction. *-gttt  fe  -breng.  *-jomfrit  pupil 
teacher.  -tlub  sewing-cloth  for  practice.  -ton- 
ttatt  indentures,  articles.  -træfter  staff  of 
teachers.  -I^ft  desire  of  learning.  -Itifien  a 
desirous  of  instruction,  studious.  -maabe  me- 
thod  of  instruction,  mode  el.  method  of  teach- 
ing, tutorial  method.  -racfter  fe  2ærer.  -mefter= 
inbe  fe  2ærertnbe.  -metobe  fe  maobe.  -tnibler 
applianees  of  instruction,  -mober  head-mi stress. 
-nem  a  quick  (at  learning),  quick  to  learn. 
■nem^eb  quickness  Cof  intellect).  -penge  teach- 
er's  fee;  fig  premium;  jeg  ^ar  maattet  betote  _  I 
have  learned  it  to  my  cost. 

2ærer  c  -e  teacher,  master,  instructor,  tutor, 
bibl  doctor.  -bolig  teaeher's  cottage.  -cmbebc 
Office  of  a  teacher;  appointment  et.  situation  as 
a  teacher.  -forening  teachers'  association. 
•forfamling  fe  -mebe.  -gage  salary  of  teachers, 
teaeher's  s. 

Særerig  a  instructive,  informing,  suggestive. 
-fteb  c  instructiveness. 

2ærertn'be  c  -r  (female)  teacher,  instructress, 
preceptress,  tutoress,  schoolmistress,  governess. 

,     f,„r    ^Bi 


-efdamen    certiflcate   examination;    fom   !^ar 

2ærer|møbe  teachers'  meeting.  -(»erfonale 
tutorial  staff.  -plab^,  -Jjoft  fe  -emBebe.  -ftani 
(profession,  class,  of)  teaehers. 

2ære|fal  lecture-room.   -i-ftonb  ministry.    -fti 
(professional)  chair,  professorship.    +-fttitU  task7 
lesson.  -fbenb  disciple,  -fætning  axiom,  maxim, 
thesis,    theorem,    tenet,      -tib    apprentieeship 
-time  hour  of  instruction. 

2ærl,  2ærle  c  -r,  fe  2ærfetræ. 

2ærl'e  c  -r  lark,  Alauda;  f  pocket-flask,  pock 
-pistol,  -but  lark's  cage.  -falf  hobby,  Falco 
lubbuteo.  -fangft  lark-catching.  -garn  net  for 
catching  larks,  day-net.  -rebe  lark's  nest. 
-fang,  -flag  thesongof  the  lark.  -f^ilb  lark-spit. 
t-fVore  larkspur,  Corydalis. 

2ærte{fl>am))  larch-agaric.  Polyporus  offieinalia. 
-træ  n  -er  larch,  larch-tree,  PinuB  larix. 

2ærtc|træl  migration  of  larks.  -unge  young 
lark.    -æg  lark's  egg. 

Særling  c  -er  learner,  disciple;  (Særebreng)  ap- 
prentice. 2ærlln5(e)|brlg  training-brig.  -Ion- 
traf  t  fe  Sære^    -flib  training-ship. 

Særreb  n  -er  linen,  linen  cloth,  (aJlaterS)  can- 
vass.  —  2ærreb8|blufe  smockfroek.    -bob  linea 
-draper's  shop.    -butder  linen  trousers.     -frafi 
smoek-frock.      -^anbel   linen    tråde,     -^anblt 
-Iræmmer    linen-draper,      -ffjotte    linen   shin 
-bæuer  linen-weaver. 

2æ'rbiUtg  a  doeile,  teachable,  apt.  -^eb  c 
docility,  teachableness,  teachabillty. 

2æ8'  n,  pi  =,  load;  (i  piquet)  cards;  _  laput 
oapot;  gøre  _  1.  capot;  fig  træffe  -fet  bear  the 
burden  of  the  day,  bear  the  brunt;  bet  binbet 
-fet  that  is  the  key-stone;  jeg  ^ar  mit  _  meb  ^am 
he  leads  me  a  life;  tiben  %ne  Ⱦtter  ofte  ftort  _ 
little  strokes  fell  great  oaks;  « what  great  effects 
from  little  causes  spring«;  «what  mighty  con- 
tests  rise  from  trivial  things». 

t&*2æfe  fe  Saofe, 

Sæfe,  -'fte,  -'ft  vt  &  i  read;  (geunemtæfe)  peruse; 
(^otbe  ^orelæSn.)  deliver  lectures;  9toifen  -8  (af  en 
anben)  the  paper  is  in  hånd;  _  ftorreftur  read 
for  the  press;  _  fejt  misread;  _  fig  træt  tire  one's 
self  with  reading;  tæft  og  >)oaftre»et,  fe  ^aaffrtoe; 
-  noget  efter  read  over;  _  for  en  read  to  one; 
take  lessons  with  one;  -fra  Sorbet  say  grace 
rtfter  meal;  ~  i  en  33og  read  a  book;  _  meb  en 
give  one  lessons;  -  fin  Seftie  op  say  one's  lesson; 
_  op  af  en  sBog  read  from  a  book;  _  o»er  (et 
(Smne)  leeture  on,  deliver  lectures  on;  _  o»er  paa 
study,  read  up;  -tit  S3orb§  say  grace  before 
raeal;  -  tit  (Sfgamen  read  (up)  for  an  examina- 
tion; _  fig  til  read  (for  one's  self);  -  (f.  (SfS.  en 
éoq)  ub  flni*.  2æfe|bibliotet  reading-library. 
-bog  reading-book,  reader,  delectus.  -borb 
reading-desk.  -bag  lecture-day.  -brama  reading 
drama,  closet  drama,  -fejl  misreading.  -for< 
ening  readingsociety  et.  club.  -færbig^eb  knowl- 
edge  of  reading.  -glaS  reading-glass.  -^cft  hard 
reader,  plodder.    -n-^ob  eont  mob  of  readers. 

2æfeil  n  4^  studdiugsail  (ubt.  stunsl).  —  2æ= 
fejlå|befttjcr  studdiugsail  tripping-line.  -falb 
studdiugsail  halyard.  -gob§  s.  gear.  -3nbcr> 
ff«be  s.  sheet.  -neb^aler  s.  downhauler.  -roa 
s.  yard.  -f()lr  s.  boom.  -ftil  s.  bend.  -g)bcr= 
ffabc  s.  tack. 

Sæfe|ittfpelt«r  inspector  el.  superintendent  of 
the  reading-room.  -labinet  reading-room.  -fora« 
mer  study.  -IretS  circle  of  readers;  fe  -forening. 
•funft  art  of  reading  el.  elocution.  -lampe  read- 

Sæfelig  a  legible,  readable.  -^eb  c  legibility, 

Sæfe|lflft  love  of  reading.     -taften  a  fond  of 







reading.  •tnaabe  (9Jl.  at  Icefe  paa)  manner  of 
readlng;  (ajariant)  reading.  Sicfen  c  reading; 
(©enncmlæSning)  perusal.  &icfe|pr«oe  (paa  et 
©fuefpil)  reading  (-rehearsal).  -liuttreading-desk, 
reading- ea.sel,  reading-stand;  (i  fli.  Sirter)  ambo. 

Scefer  c  -e  reader;  "devotionalist,  {&  kind  of) 
pietist,    -in'be  c  reader,  fair  reader. 

£æfe{ro  quiet  tor  reading.  -fal  lecture-room; 
fe  -ftue.  -felffab  fe  -forening,  -ffole  theat  elocu- 
tion  class.  -ftof  reading  matter,  -ftol  reading 
-cliair.  -ftue  reading-room.  -ft^ffe  reading-piece, 
selectlon.  -fflfle  rage  for  reading.  -tit)  reading 
-time.  -time  reading-hour.  -tierbett  ihe  reading 
public  el.  world.  -oærbig  a  worth  reading;  en 
_  aSog  a  book  to  read.  -0(ere(fe  fe  -ftue.  -ttielfe 

£aef!ben  vi,  the  lee  side. 

iiiefio'n  c   er  injury. 

iiceijtt  vt  slake,  quench;  _  Salt  slake  lime;  gib 
mig  en  Srif  2Sanb  at  -  mig  paa  give  me  a  drink 
of  water  to  quench  my  tbirst;  —  læffenbea 
refreshing.  -brit  refreshing  beverage.  -Xax 
slaking-tub.  -toft  sprinkle,  -tfe  c  quenching 
etc.  -ttng  smithy  trough.  Soefhting  c  slaking 
(of  lime). 

SceSuing  c  loading. 

Soe'iSntng  c  fe  2æfen,  (Støn.)  elocution;  en 
9)ianb  af  megen  _  a  man  of  extensive  reading, 
a  well-read  man;  oeb  anben  _  pari  on  the  seeond 

*2«f})  a :  »ære  _  lisp. 

i.(t\p\t  vi  lisp.    -en  c  lisping. 

Soe^fe  vt  load;  _  en  SJogn  for  ftærft  overload  a 
waggon;  _  paa  load;  _  af  unload,  (ftOrte)  shoot; 
_  om  (pao  en  anben  SJogn)  shift  a  load  from  one 
waggon  to  another,  (igen)  reload.  —  SteSfel^ienge 
money  paid  for  loading.  SæSfer  c  -e  loader. 
S(e3fe|reb  rope  to  a  hay-pole.  -tr«  hay-pole. 
-»IS  adv  by  the  load,  in  loads. 

2«ft  c  -er  (9Kaal)  last. 

fiæft  c  -er  (SfomagerS)  last;  Sfomager,  6Ii»  »eb 
btn  _   the  cobbler  is  not  to  go  beyond  his  last. 

*2aft  c  young  tillering  corn  el.  grass.  Sæftc 
fig  vr  tiller  (out). 

Soeftel afgift  tonnage  duty.  -brægtig  a  burden- 
some.  -brægtig^eb  c  tonnage,  -fabritant  fe 
-ftcerer.  -ntaal  measure  by  the  last.  -peuQt  fe 

fiæfterera  c  fe  Spanbrem. 

Socfterlig  a  f  dreadful. 

£ctfte|ffærer  «  -e  last-maker. 

iiæfieoiS  adv  by  the  last. 

£æta(je  c  ^  relieving  tackle. 

Sætrce  n  tree  for  slielter,  sheltering  tree. 

tSætter  pi  racks  of  a  cart. 

Sceoanb  n  ^l,  bilgewater. 

Sceøartft  a  ^  farthest  to  leeward. 

'^iiae^ittg  c  -ec  grilse. 

*8«b  c  -er  a  kind  of  wooden  box  el.  basket. 

SJ«b  n,  pi  =,  run,  course;  (om  en  glob)  course; 
(i  «øSfe,  $iftol)  barrel;  (i  Kanon)  bore;  (p.  SBiIbt) 
leg;  (om  Xiben)  course;  mus  run;  (SScebbeO  race; 
(fejlbart)  fairway,  channel;  mibt  i  -et  (in)  mid 
-channel;  ffaffe  SSanbet  frit  -  give  free  course  to 
the  water;  gitje  Sorgen  frit  _  give  a  loose  to 
sorrow;  gioe  fine  SCaarer  frit  -  give  a  free  vent 
to  one's  tears;  gif  i  -et  was  lost  el.  gone;  i  -et  af 
during;  i  Siben«  _  in  the  prooess  of  time,  i  _ 
running;  -et  er  ifte  i  be  letteé  TOagt  og  Stigen  iffe 
i  be  bælbigeS  bibl  the  race  Is  not  to  the  swift 
nor  the  battle  to  the  strong.  8*b(berebet  barrel 
-breecher.    -bom  mandri!. 

a^it,  løb,  -et  vi  run;  (glibe  frit)  traverse;  (om 
2)^r  i  ^arringgtib)  rut;  *(om  Sart)  peel;  E^fet  -r 
the  candle  runs;  Jønben  -r  the  barrel  runs  el. 
leaks;  labe  9Kunben  _  run  on,  jabber  away,  rattle 

away;  tabe  et  Sejl  _  strike  a  sail;  bet  -r  runbt  for 
mig  my  head  swims;  ber  -r  et  JRQgte  a  report  is 
current;  —  vt  (om  TOælt)  curdle,  *(om  SSart)  peel; 
_  3fare  for  run  el.  incur  the  risk  of;  _  Storm 
storm,  assault;  _  fin  SSej  run  away,  make  oif, 
decamp;  -  »r  fig  træt  fatigue  el.  ti  re  one's  self 
With  running;  —  meb  præp  &  adv :  _  a  f  meb 
carry  away;  Jpibfig^eben  løb  af  meb  ^am  his  temper 
got  the  better  of  him;  lob  Sølelffn  -  of  web  fig 
let  his  feelings  run  riot;  _  tjel,  ilbe  af  go  off  well, 
ill;  _  ul^eibig  ar  prove  a  failure;  _  rolig  af  pass 
oflF  quietly;  _  af  STjeneften  leave  the  service; 
SSejen  -r  af  poa  »enftce  $aanb  the  road  turns  off 
to  the  left;  ~  Jpornene  af  fig  sow  one's  wild  oats; 
Staal  -r  an  »eb  gugttg^eb  steel  is  tarnished  by 
humidity;  _  an  betpaa  take  one's  cliance;  _  bort 
run  off;  Strømmen  -r  øfter  efter  the  current  sets 
eastward;  _  efter  Eægen  run  for  tlie  doclor;  _ 
efter  (om  Staal)  colour;  _  for  en  run  away  from 
one;  -  fra  en  give  one  the  slip;  liben  -r  Saftigt 
^en  time  flies  rapidly;  Siben  løb  ^en  i  Samtale 
ihe  time  slipped  away  in  conversation;  lob 
5ingrene  _  ^en  ober  ran  his  fingers  along;  lob 
øjnene  _  lien  ober  passed  el.  ran  his  eyes  over; 
-  i  ^aen  put  into  port;  bet  fit  ?)inene,  Sænbcme 
til  ot  _  i  S8anb  paa  mig  it  made  my  eyes,  mouth, 
water;  _  i  ^frø  run  to  seed;  bet  fan  "unbertiben  _ 
i  nb  it  may  sometimes  happen;  _  inb  (om  Zøi) 
shrink;  _  inb  i  en  §abn  put  into  a  port;  _  en 
3)ør  inb  burst  open  a  door;  t-  en  inb  come  up 
with  one  (running);  _  en  inb  paa  Sioet  close  with 
one;  lab  bet  _  meb  let  that  foUow  the  rest;  _ 
meb  Stabber  go  about  gossiping;  _  meb  et  Spgte 
spread  a  report;  _  meb  en  fig  gull  one;  bet  løb 
mig  tolbt  neb  ab  91t)ggen  a  cold  shivering  ran 
down  my  back;  _  om  noget  run  after  a  thing; 
_  om  (om  SBinb)  fly  about;  ~  en  om(fulb)  knock 
one  down  (by  running  against  him);  _  op  (ogfaa 
fig)  run  up,  éømmen  er  -n  op  the  seam  is  rippied 
up-;  _  en  00  overtake  one  (by  running);  Sarret  -r 
o  ber  the  vessel  runs  over;  _  ooer  (om  So)  go 
farrow;  _  ober  til  gjenben  go  over  to  the  enemy; 
jZinene  I06  ober  paa  ^am  his  eyes  filled;  _  blinbt 
paa  rush  on  blindly;  _  paa  J,  (Slippe  el.  anben 
faft  ®enft.)  strike  (on),  (Stib)  run  into,  run  foul 
of;  -  en  paa  2)øren  importune  one;  noget  at  -  paa 
a  margin;  l^aoe  noget  at  -  paa  have  something 
to  come  and  go  upon,  (om  $enge)  something  in 
hånd;  ^er  _  to  SSeje  f  am  men  here  two  roads 
meet,  _  fammen  (i)  converge  (to);  _  fammen  (9Bol.) 
run  into  one  another,  blend;  TOælten  er  -t  fammen 
the  milk  is  curdled;  bet  er  ilte  ot  _  til  it  is  not 
to  be  done  in  a  hurry,  it  is  no  easy  matter; 
3floben  -r  ub  i  $abet  the  river  disembogues  el. 
discharges  itself  into  the  sea;  ~  ub  (f.  @fS.  om 
)8læl)  run,  (om  Stib)  put  to  sea;  S8et8Ien  -r  ub  i 
Worgen  the  bill  becomes  due  to  morrow;  %et- 
minen  er  ubløben  the  term  is  expired;  Uret,  Sime« 
glagfet  er  -t  ub  the  watch,  hour-glass  lias  run 
down;  _  ub  i  en  Spibé  taper  into  a  point;  bet  -t 
ub  paa  et  it  comes  to  the  same  thing;  —  tøbenbe 
a  running;  her  courant;  _  ®ob8  ^  running  rig- 
ging;  _  5iob  running  feet;  pr.  _  gob  per  foot  run; 
_  JBlot  fly-block;  alt  -  ^  all  the  running  gear; 
~  Sommentar  running  commentary;  _  JRegning 
current  account;  -  9lar  current  year;  -.  ^fortet' 
ninger,  Ubgtfter  business,  expenses  of  the  day, 
current  expenses.  &eic  c  rennet,  runnet;  (TOabe) 
runnet-bag,  fourth  stomach.  ^ebtlaat  current 
year.  -baanb  running  string,  -bane  (til  at  løbe 
vaa)  running  track;  (til  2?æbbeløb)  race-course; 
(et  aRennefteS)  career.  -biUe  ground-beetle,  Ca- 
råbus,  -http  circular.  -bro  flying  bridge,  -bog 
mere  day  of  grace.  t-begn  ambulatory  (parish-) 
clerk.  -bone  birdspruige.  -breng  errand-boy. 
•fob   foot  adapted  for  running,   cursorial  foot. 




•fuflle  pi  coursers.  -flonfl  tuck  (for  lacing). 
-gra»)  trencb,  pi  approaches;  ^  (i  Saften)  trunk- 
way.  -ilb  train  (of  gunpowder);  (af  ©eBcerer) 
running  fire;  ItRDgtet  foer  font  en  -ilb  offt.  the  report 
spread  Uke  wlld-flre.  -Inob,  -Ijtube  running 
knot.  -fugle  ie  SRenbefugle.  -muS  jumping  mouse, 
Meriones.  Eøbeit  c  running  ete.  £ølie|nummer 
running  number,  progressive  el.  continuous  n.; 
forfpne  meb  _  number  in  succession.  -poS :  tage 
_  cut  and  run,  take  Preneb  leave;  gioe  en  ~ 
turn  one  oflf,  dismiss  one.    •))unfel  tracer. 

8<lier  c  -e,  (fom  ^ar  fjærbig^eb  i  at  IjøBe;  Xjener; 
runuer;  running  footman;  fe  -biUe;  (i  9Jlur) 
stretcher;  (i  WiøUe)  upper  millstone,  runner;  (i 
6faf;  bisbop;  (til  garoertDntng)  muller;  (p.  Sineal 
o.  I.)  cursor;  ((^ugl)  courser,  Ouraoriue;  ^  fall; 
fe  fiebetceppe.  £øber|6IoI  i  fly-block.  -ftue  run- 
ning footman's  cap.    -ftifte  stretcbing-course. 

^bt\vt)ate  floating  rumour,  flying  report. 
-febbel  circular,  handbill.  -fitift  italics.  -f<)in 
bel  screw-mandril.  -ftag  ^  borse.  -ftalb  box. 
-tib  (3;t)r8)  rutting  time;  mere  date.  -tur  run. 
•tappe  venetian  carpet.  -t«jt  allonge,  -jje 
running  knot. 

Qe'ilpaå^tr  calipers.  -)i(abe  brand,  plate. 
-^»olerer  tine-borer. 

tSobff,  *St)bfI  a  apt  to  run  away;  (om  §unbe) 
in  heat;  ^eften  Ijb6  _  the  horse  ran  away,  bolted; 
en  -  .g>eft  a  runaway  horse,  -fteb  c  aptness  to 
run  away. 

Sn'bfmeb  c  barrel-forger. 

fieb  imp  of  S^be. 

S«b'  c  hue,  colour.  t£«bbe,  2«be  vt  dye, 

tfiube  vi  swell.    -lo  cow  about  to  calve. 

£«be|grl)be,  -tebel  dying  vat. 

£ebe|gulb,  -f«Iti  fine  silver.  2*big  a  (16)-t 
Sølt)  pure  silver;  13'/2-t  SølB  standard  silver. 
Søbig()eb  c  flneness. 

««ft  n,  pi  =,  lift.  fiaftc  vt  lift,  raise;  (airo 
o.  1.)  receive;  (aanbeligt)  elevate;  -  til  ©fijetne 
extol;  —  vi  ^aa  lift  at;  _  op  poa  Jj»eften  lift  hi 
the  saddle;  l»ft  paa  ®rengen,  fibor  tung  ^an  er  feel 
bow  heavy  the  boy  is;  _  paa  ^atttn  lift  one's 
hat;  —  vr  nu  -r  fig  mit  ^ierte  ^øjt  my  heart 
giows  light  within  me. 

2«ftc  n  -t  promise;  ^øjtibeliflt  _  vow;  gøre  et  ~ 
vow  el.  take  a  vow;  oflægge  (ÉIofter=)  -t  take  the 
vows;  ^olbe,  Brtjbe  et  _  keep,  break  a  promise; 
^apbe  faaet  _  paa  had  a  promise  of;  tage  bet  _  of 
en  ot  make  one  promise  that. 

Søftelap^orat  lifting-gear.  -arm  (til  Siopert) 
side-lever,    -bro  swipe-bridge. 

S«ftebrub  n  breach  of  promise. 

SJ«fte|tron  cross-lever.  2aftelfe  c  elevation. 
£øfte{mufte(  levator;  ^olenS  _  the  extensor  of 
the  tail.  -pum^e  lifting  pump.  Søfter  c  -e  (poo 
^julotiel)  cog,  lift. 

S«fterig  a  promising,  fuU  of  promise.  2<fteSeb 
promissory  oath. 

Seftcffrue  c  lifting  el.  levelling  screw. 

2«fteé|manb  surety.    -rig  fe  £øfte=. 

2«fte|ftoug  lever,  -pentil  lifting  valve.  -»ærl 
lift,  lifter,  elevator,  tfi^fting  c  raised  poop  (of 
ancient  ships  of  war).    Saftning  c  lifting. 

Søg  n,  -'c,  pi  =,  onion;  asiomfter^  bulb.  -agtig 
a  resembling  an  onion.  -beb  bed  of  onions. 
•bcerenbe  a  bulbiferous.  -bmaber  essence  of 
asafoetida.  -formig  a  bulbous.  -fr«  onion-seed. 
-gr«n  a  leek-green.  -tnrfe  Jack-by-the-hedge, 
Alliaria  ojficinulia.  -Intppe  bunch  of  onions. 
-fnolb  bulbotuber.  -fnop  bulbel.  -lugt  onion 
-smell,  smell  of  onions. 

8«gn  c  -e  lie,  falsehood;   lille  _  flb;    uftQlbig  _ 

6    c 


el.    ' 






white  lie;  oobenbor  _  palp'able  Ile;  %'o\i'  news- 
paper  story;  bet  er  _  it  is  a  lie;  flge  en  _  tell  a 
lie;  befJQlbe  en  for  ~  give  one  the  lie;  gribe  en  i 
_  catch  one  in  a  lie;  bet  er  _  i  bin  $fll8  you  lie 
in  your  throat;  -eng  gaber  the  father  of  lies. 
-agtig  a  lying,  mendacious.  -ag'tig^eb  c  lying 
disposition,  mendacity,  mendaciousness.  2«gne> 
pofc,  2«gner  c  -e,  2øgnerffe  c  -r,  2«gn4alé  c 
liar;  gøre  en  til  Søgner  give  one  the  lie.  2flg 
profet  a  false  prophet. 

2øg|olie  garlicoil.  -plante  fe  -bæfgt.  -p 
onion-shaped  pear.  -reue  fe  -fnippe.  -faui 
onionsauce.  -ffub  fe  -fnop.  -ffosl  onion-peel 
-fmag  onion-taste,  taste  of  onions.  -fuppe  onion 
broth.  8«g§urt  germander,  Teucrium.  2eg|urt 
esculent  bulb;  fe  -tarfe;  fe  Sontt^nSurt.  -VCcUt 
bulbous  plant,    -æble  flat  pippin. 

8«j  imp  fe  Bt)be. 

Hei  a  lazy,  sluggish,  slothful,  desultory;  en 
Suling  a  slack  wiud;*  Slibet  er  -  paa  SRoret  thi 
ship    Carries   a    slack    helm.      -bom    ^   horse. 
-bænt  couch.     2«je  vi  (læne  fig  mogeligt,   ftrætte 
fig)  loll;  _  (poo)  J,  abate,  moderate;  _  af  beco: 
el.  fall  light. 

*£8le,  t2«ier  c  bleak,  Aapius  albximus 

2ø|er  pi  fun,  sport;  for  _  in  jest,  for  fun,  for 
the  fun  of  the  thing,  p  for  a  lark;  gøre  _  meb 
make  fun  of,  poke  fun  at;  ^ooe  _  meb  en  have 
fun  With  one.  2eierltg  a  (pubferlig)  funuy, 
droll,  ludicrous;  (unberlig)  queer,  odd.  2nierltg> 
^eb  c  droUery,  oddity. 

2øiert  c  -er  swaddling  cloth;  ^  cringle,  hank. 

8«|lfl<>ng  fe  -bom. 

2ø)tnant  c  -er  lieuten'ant,  subaltern;  _  i  ©ø» 
etaten  1.  in  the  (Royal)  Navy;  _  i  Sanbetoten  1. 
in  the  army.    2øjtnantdpoft  lieuten'aucy. 

2øi|Pang  fe  -bom. 

2«tfe  c  -r  Onb^fgning)  inclosure;  *villa. 

2effe  c  r  noose;  'link.  -tnube  runniug  knot, 
slipknot.    -ftrtting  short-link  chain. 

2«mmll  c  -mier  looby,  lubber,  lout;  (Sltjngel) 
scamp.  -agtig  a  lubberly;  base,  vile.  -aarene^ 
-alberen  the  hobbledehoy  age. 

2«u'  c  {+  pi  -ner)  (SBeberlag)  recompense,  re- 
ward;  (for  bié  Sib,  tHrbejbi  )  wages,  wage;  (®age) 
pay;  (^ponoror)  salary;  meb  en  _  of  at  a  salary  of; 
en  5jlrbejber  er  fin  _  Bcerb  bibl  the  labourer  is 
worthy  of  his  hire;  bet  bar  _  fom  forfl^lbt  serve 
him  right. 

2«n'  c  -ne,  -ner  (Norway)  maple,  Acer  plata- 

&en'  «:  i  _  adv  privately,  secretly,  elandes- 
tinely,  in  private,  -bo  (planter)  cryptogamia. 
-brep  private  letter,  -bub  secret  message.  -bom : 
i  _,  fe  i  Søn,  bibl  in  secret.  -h-bomåfutb  a  my- 
sterious.  -b«r  private  door.  -gang  secret  passage. 
-grao  secret  trencb.  -f ammer  privat  closet. 
-frog  private  corner,  by-place. 

Sønlig  a  secret,  private,  -fieb  c  secrecy,  pri- 

2on|morb  assassination.    -morber  assassin. 

2«nne  vt  (gengælbe  [meb  gobt  el.  onbt])  repay; 
(betale)  pay;  _  onbt  meb  gobt  repay  good  for  evil; 
bet  -r  ifle  Umagen  it  is  not  worth  the  trouble  el. 
while;  t  ^Brigt)ebSperfon  stipendiary  magistrate; 
en  bel  -t  ©mbebSmonb  a  well-paid  functionary;  — 
vr  _  fig  pay;  bette  goretogenbe  -r  fig  gobt  this 
enterprise  yields  a  good  return;  en  8petulation 
fom  ifte  -r  fig  a  losing  speculation;  —  lønnenbe 
a  paying,  remunerative;  libet  _  unremunerative, 
ill-paid,  unprofitable.    2onning  c  pay. 

Sønntng  c  ^t,  railing,  barricade. 

2«nningiS|bag  pay  day.  -for^øjetfe  rise  el. 
increase  of  salary.    -grab,  -tlo§fe :  qngfte  _  those 




on  lowest  salary.  -fotS  rate  of  pay.  -ffala 
scale  of  pay. 

£«nntngdftøtter  pi  ,1,  stanehions. 

S«nningé|tia(eg  fe  -for^ejelfe. 

£««il)ort  sally  port.  -roob  secret  advice;  ®ubé 
t)i|e  _  the  and  liidden  counsels  of  Provid- 
euce  el.  Heaven.  -ffrift  cryptography,  cipher. 
-ffttffe  secret  drawer.     -ftl  fe  -Dej. 

-ffiøttlfqg  a  mercenary,    -tager  c  -e  stipendiary. 

i!«it|tra)>))e  secret  stairs  pi.  -tjej  secret  way; 
fig,  pi  underhånd  dealings.  -tirott  hidden 

Eørbag  fe  Secerbag. 

SJ«8  a  &  adv  (baabe  egentlig  og  fig)  loose;  (flap) 
slack;  (ubunben)  lax;  nu  er  gon'ben  -  there's  the 
devil  to  pay  now;  -e  golt  people  out  of  place; 
-t  Jpoar  dishevelled  hair;  _  Jjorb  friable  el.  light 
soil;  -t  Som  (fiabning)  corn  in  bulk;  -t  trubt 
blank  cartridges;  _  Sermulb  free  loam;  -t  £iD  a 
relaxed  stomach;  gøre  et  -fcCberflag  ooer  estimate 
roughly;  -e  Si^gter,  fiøfter  vague  reports  el.  ru- 
mouTS,  V.  promises;  -t  Sfub  blank  shot;  -e  ©tQer 
detached  clouds;  _  Snat  idle  talk;  _  Streng  open 
string;  gaa  -  get  loose,  come  loose,  (i  Jr'bfb)  be 
at  large;  nu  goar  bet  _!  now  for  it!  jeg  faa,  bet 
tjilbe  gaa  )fa<x  SlagSmool  _  I  saw  we  were  in  for 
a  fight;  be  git  ~  paa  ^inanben  meb  9læoerne  they 
set  to  with  their  fists;  Blioe  -  get  loose;  flippe  - 
.  vt  let  el.  turn  loose,  vi  escape;  flaa  _  paa  let 
drive  at;  flaa  fig  _  (bogft.)  break  loose;  fig  enjoy 
one's  self  in  good  earnest;  -  og  lebtg  free,  un- 
fettered;  idJe,  unemployed,  (ugift)  single;  -t  og 
faft  all  sorts  of  things;  paa  bet  -e  vaguely;  — 
løft  adv  loosely  etc.  fiflSlog'ltg  a  loose,  light. 
•aø'tig^eb  c  looseness,  lightness.  -arbejbe  vt 
work  loose.  ■'•havn  illegitimate  child.  -brQbe 
vt  break  loose.  -brubt,  -brættet  a  broken  loose, 
started.  -br^bning  c  breaking  loose.  -brioen  c 
J/  going  adrift. 

8«fe,  -'fte,  -'ft  vt  loose,  loosen,  unfasten;  (lø§= 
tabe)  let  loose;  (lafe  op)  untie;  (befri),,  release; 
(løfe  fra,  fritage)  absolve;   (afftjre)  fire,  discharge; 

-  en  Snube  (ogf.  fi^)  untie  a  knot;  _  en  SBue  un- 
bend  a  bow;  _  fjanger  release  prisoners;  _  SJiHet 
buy  a  ticket;  _  Songebreo  get  a  marriage-license; 

-  et  5|5ant  redeem  a  pledge;  _  en  ®aobe  solve  a 
riddle;  _  en  iDpgaoe  solve  el.  work  out  a  pro- 
blem; _  en  Soibl  solve  a  doubt;  _  en  SBanffeligfteb 
settle  a  difficulty;  _  af,  fe  Slfløfe;  le«  af!  J,  spell 
ho!  _  fra  absolve  el.  relieve  from;  _  inb  (noget 
pantfat)  get  out  of  pledge;  P  i  Sag  bled  ber  løft 
op  for  l^enbe  to-day  she  was  released;  _  ub  (»eb 
SSetaliug)  buy  out. 

iiøfelig  a  (flygtig)  cursory,  vague,  (oserflabif!) 
desultory,  perfunctory,  superficial;  -t  iBlif  (paa), 
aSetragtning,  SBeftuelfe,  gremftiHing  (of)  cursory 
view  (of);  efter  et  -t  Støn  by  free  estimate;  — 
adv  slightly,  vaguely;  (itfe  grunbig)  desultorily; 
(oDerflabiff)  superflcially;  omtale  _  glance  upon; 
gennemfe  _  run  over. 

£«fe(tg  a  solvable,    -^eb  c  solvability. 

Søfen  n  word,  watchword,  countersign. 

i!øfe|tt«g(e  power  of  forgiving  sins  -))enge, 
•fum  ransom.    £efcr  c  -e  (Stat)  solver. 

Sø'djgibe  vt  release,  set  free.  -gioelfe  e  release. 
-floflb  odd  debts.  -gænger  c  -e,  -gcengcrfCe  c  -r 
vagrant,  vagabond,  tramp,  -gcengeri  n  vagrancy. 
-gare  vt  loosen,  loose,  disengage,  detach.  -gø= 
ring  c  loosening  etc.  -^oger  pi  J,  ftti  Sartøj) 
boat-hooks,  (til  ot  ^ejfe  gabe  meb)  can-hooks  pi. 
-gammel  swingle-tree.  -f)oIt  n  cross-bar.  *-IorI 

K»fte  vt  louse. 

i!«'d{tenbe  fe  gritenbe.  -t«be  vt  ransom.  -!«- 
belfe  c  ransoming.    -labe  let  loose,  release.    -!«• 

belfe  c  release,  liberation.  -Iabelfe3|)a3  ticket 
of  leave.  -libet  a  loose  in  the  bowels.  -Inge 
hatch.    *-munbet  a  light  in  hånd. 

SøSne  vt  loose,  loosen,  relax;  _  et  Stub  dis- 
charge a  gun;  vi  &  vr  ftg  get  el.  become  loose, 
loosen.    Sødning  c  loosing  etc. 

fiø'Sning  c  -er  loosing  etc.  (fe  Cøfe);  (af  Opgase) 
solution;  (3agt.)  fewmets,  crotels,  fiants  — i!ø8> 
ningSjret  right  of  redemption.  -turnering  solu- 
tion touruament. 

2ø'å|ritte  fe  Siiee  lø?;  (fig  fra)  disengage,  ex- 
tricate  (one's  self  from),  (om  Solont  o.  1.)  break 
otF;  -reone  ©itater  disconnected  quotations.  -ri= 
»elfe  c  break,  emancipation,  -ftge  vt  (tenbe  fri) 
declare  free;  -  fig  declare  ofif;  _  fig  fra  et  fiøfte 
retract  a  promise.  -figelfe  c  renunciation,  re- 
tractation.  -jlaaet  part  knocked  away;  a  (3;otj) 
slacklaid.  -fluppen imrt  Ougl)  uncaged,  (S8anb) 
unpent.  -fprcengt,  -ftøbt  pirt  started.  -tbunbet 
o  loosely  twisted.  *-unge  p  fe  -barn;  ^  reef 
-point  loose.  -tiebet  a  open-grained.  -øre  n 
moveables,  chatteis  pi.  -øreauttion  sale  of 
goods.    -ørccffetter  fe  -øre. 

200  n,  pi  =,  leaf;  ub.  pi  leaves,  foliage,  leaf- 
age; (^oå  aSregner)  frond;  (^o§  laoere  ^1.)  thailus; 
Stoben  er  i  -  the  woods  are  (out)  in  leaf;  ^an 
er  bauiie,  tiaar  -et  rører  fig  the  rustling  of  a  leaf 
startles  him.  -blob  leaf.  -bue  festoon  of  boughs. 
"-bttff  fe  -bufl.  -bærcnbe  a  leaf-bearing,  folifer- 
ous.  -bufl  bunch  of  leaves,  (leafy)  spray,  -btttte 
covering  of  leaves,  leafy  cover,  -bceltet  a 
covered  with  leaves.  fiøue  vt  deck  with  leaves; 
*vi  collect  leaves  for  fodder;  —  løoeé  crf  leaf, 
put  forth  leaves. 

Søbe  c  -r  llon,  FeMs  leo\  (Stjernebillebe)  Lion; 
P  (SKobejunter;  dandy;  ung  _  lionet,  lionel;  -nS 
<)5art  the  lion's  share;  gaa  lige  i  -n§  ®qA  plunge 
straight  into  the  lion's  mouth;  court  defeat; 
gaar  omtrtng  fom  en  brølenbe  _  as  a  roaring  lion 
walketh  about.  2øbe|abe  tamarin,  Midas  rosalia. 
-agtig  a  lion  like,  leonine.  -brøl  lion's  roar. 
-fob  ^  lady's  mantle,  Alchemilla  vtilgaris. 
-gaarb,  -grob  lions'  den.  -fjerte  lion-heart. 
-fjertet  a  lionhearted.  -^ub  lion's  skin.  -^ulc 
lion's  den.  -ftuttb  lion-dog.  -^balp  fe  -unge. 
-{ogt  lion-hunting.  -jæger  lion-hunter.  -lule 
lion's  den.  -wau,  -mante  lion's  mane.  -mob 
lion  courage,  -mule,  -munb  ^  snapdragon, 
Antirrhinum  majus. 

Søtoen  n  Louvain. 

Søbeparten  c  the  lion's  share. 

Søberbag  c  Saturday;  i  -§  last  Saturday. 

8øbe|ffinb  fe  -^ub.  -t«nb  (en  SøBe?  Sanb)  lion's 
tooth;  Jjr  dandelion,  Taraxacum.  -unge  lion's 
whelp  el.  cub,   lionel.     -oitb  o  fierce  as  a  lion. 

fiø'jjifalb,  -ffltbStib  fall  (of  the  leaf).  -fattig 
a  of  scanty  foliage.  -fober  fodder  consisting  of 
leaves.  -frø,  '*-froft  tree-frog,  Hvla  viridis. 
-fulb  a  full  of  leaves,  leafy.  -fulbt)eb  richness 
in  leaves.  -fælbenbe  a  deciduous.  -gang  bow- 
ery  walk.  -greu  leafy  branch.  -grøn  a  verdant, 
green,  -^egn  foliage.  -^bælbing  bower,  canopy 
of  leaves.  -^tjtte  bower,  arbour.  -^^ttefeft  fe 
•fallfeft.    -^(cng  festoon  of  boughs. 

Søbin'be  c  -r  lioness. 

Sø'bljorb  leafmould.  -tnxppt  bundle  of  leafy 
branches  (for  fodder),  -tnop  leaf-bud.  -tranS 
wreath  of  leaves.  -tronet  a  leaf  crowned.  -t«r» 
fe  -tnippe.  -ntaSfe  (mass  of)  foliage  -nto8  fe 
a3lab=.  -rig  fe  fulb.  Mafl  fe  -?<»»•  -fol  bower, 
arbour.  -falSfeft  feast  of  tabernacles.  -famling 
coUection  ofdried  leaves.  -fanger  willow-wren, 
Sylvia  troehilus  -fao  buhl-^aw,  fret-saw,  pierc- 
ing-saw.  -fabblab  turning  web.  -ffiftenbe  a  fe 
fælbcnbe.    -ftob  wood  of  foliferous  trees.    -ft^b= 




Jtinfl  fe  -fpring 
pi  thallogens. 
leaf,  leafing. 

SattfJiffe  c  ^  fe  Softilf. 

8»'ti|ftr«clfe  litter   of  leaves. 

-fntHtte  fe  -fanger.   -f))ore)>Iantet 
faring,  *-ftiræt  shooting  of  the 


foliage,   leafy  canopy      *-tiftet  alpine  meadow 
-rue,    Sauesurea    alpina.      -ttct   foliferous    tree. 
I  -tæflt   leaf-cutting    (for  fødder),     -tat  a  thick 
I  -leaved.      -»æfét   growth   of  the   leaf.      -txet 
tag   roof  of  i  foliage.    -«je  fe  S3Iab!no}). 


"SSfl,  m  [Sm']  n  -mer  M,  m  [em];  abbr:  aW.  = 
SKinut  minute,  9[KiI  mile;  m.  a.  D.  =  meb  anbre 
Dtb  in  olher  virords;  m.  fl.  =  meb  flere  and 
others,  etc;  tn.  Jp.  =  min  ^erre  Sir;  m.  jg).  t.  = 
meb  ^enftjn  til  with  regard  to;  m.  m.  =  meb  mere 
and  more,  etc. 

^aahe  vi  mope.    -n  c  moping. 

^aaite  c  -r  manner,  way,  fashion;  (røoabe^olb) 
moderation;  bibl  (røool)  measure;  ben  Betingenbe, 
BQbenbe,  fremfættenbe  _  gram  the  subjunctlve, 
imperative,  indieative  mood  el.  mode;  '^olbe  - 
be  moderate,  keep  within  eompass,  observe 
moderation;  ^olbe  _  i  SOlai)  og  Sriffe  eat  and 
drink  with  moderation;  i  lige  ~,  poa  famme  _  in 
like  manner,  (efter  Stjiønftning)  I  wish  you  the 
same;  i  aHe  -r  every  way;  i  ntinbfte  _  in  the  least, 
in  the  slightest  degree,  at  all,  ever  so  little;  i 
en  _  dnmbfoundered,  posed;  meb  ~,  til  -  mode- 
rately,  with  el.  in  moderation;  alting  meb  _  there 
is  reason,  el.  a  mean,  in  all  things;  ber  er  _  meb 
not  excessiv ely;  oser  al  -  excessively,  beyond 
measure;  paa  en  (Bt2)  -  in  some  way,  after  a 
fashion;  in  a  certain  measure,  to  some  extent; 
i?aa  6ebfte  ~  in  the  best  manner;  pao  en  eller  anben 
_  by  some  means  or  other;  paa  min  _  after  my 
fashion;  pao  itigen  -  by  no  means,  on  no  account, 
f  not  a  bit  of  it,  nothing  of  the  kind;  bet  g»r 
jeg  paa  ingen  _  I  shall  do  no  such  thing,  I  shall 
do  nothing  of  the  kind;  ^on  er  paa  ingen  _  nogen 
®umrian  he  is  not  half  a  fool;  paa  ingen  mulig 
_  by  no  manner  of  means;  not  on  any  consider- 
ation;  jeg  fan  ifte  paa  nogen  mulig  _  I  cannotby 
any  possibility;  jeg  Betoiuler  paa  ingen  _  I  have 
no  manner  of  doubt;  *ber  er  ingen  _  paa  it  i.s 
beyond  all  measure;  paa  benne  _  Blicer  ^an  albrig 
færbtg  at  this  rate  he  will  never  have  done;  paa 
anben  -  otherwise;  til-,  fe:  meb~.  SOtoabel^otti 
n  moderation,  (i  SJ^belfer)  temperance.  -folien, 
-tiolbenbe  a  moderate,  temperate.  -^olben^eb 
c  fe  -l^olb.  -JjolbSforening  fe  -iftolbSfelflab.  -ftoIb§= 
mcblem  member  of  a  temperance-society.  -^olb§= 
fclflaB  temperance-society. 

SRaabcIig  a  (maabefiolben)  moderate;  (mtbbel= 
maabig)  middling,  mediocre,  indifferent;  adv  in- 
diiferently,    -ftcb  c  moderation;  mediocrity. 

'SRaafaa:  i  1  in  vain;  paa  _  at  haphazard. 

tSRaag  c  -e  (®Boger)  brother-in-law;  (Sbigerfen) 

*S92aage  vt  fe  9Ruge. 

'SRaage  c  -r  gull,  mew.  Lams.  -ffrig  noise 
el.  Glamour  of  gulls.    -æg  guU's  egg. 

SRaal  n,  pi  =,    (Sunge--)  tongue,    language, 
idiom;   (SKæle)  voice,   speech;   ^on  ftob  fom  ^an 
^Berlen  ^aobe  ~  eEer  iSRæle  he  stood  speechless, 
bit  _  roBer  big   bibl  thy  speech  bewrayeth  thee;  ] 
^»re  5Konb§  _  hear  speech. 

aWoal  n,  pi  =,  (Baabe  egentlig  og  fig)  measure; 
(Cmfong)  dimension;  (jZJjemeb)  goal,  end,  object; 
(»eb  Siege,  2frifteb)  home,  house;  (at  ft^be  til)  butt, 
mark;  (»eb  S8æbbeløB)  winning-post;  fe  9Knaltib; 
*rood  (100  feet  square);  mine  ^nfferS  -  the  object 

of  my  wishes;  tage  _  af  measure  (out);  tage 
en  (til  flæber)  take  one's  measure,  measure  oi 
(for  garments);  gjort  efter  _  made  to  measurey 
_  og  SSægt  weight(s)  and  measure(s);  gioe  gobt  _ 
give  full  measure;  ftaa,  ^olbe  _  be  up  to  the 
standard;  oibe  ^oerlen  _  eller  Waabe  know  no 
bounds;  meb  i^nat  ~  3  maale,  ftal  eber  igen  maaleå 
bibl  with  vAat  measure  ye  mete,  it  shall  be 
measured  to  you  again;  i  fulbt  _  amply,  "" 
ample  measure;  flQbe  til  -§  fire  el.  shoot  at 
mark  el.  target;  figte  til  et  _  aim  at  a  mar 
fætte  fig  et  -  aim  at  a  something;  føre  til  et 
answer  the  purpose;  ^an  naoebe  fit  _  he  gained 
his  end  el.  point,  attained  his  end  el.  object; 
•et  for  bereS  SSeftræbetfer  the  goal  of  their  endea- 
vours;  -et  for  alleS  S3liffe  the  observed  of  all 
observers.  -Beuibft  a  uuswerving,  purposeful. 
-Bceibft^eb  settled  purpose. 

^aa'ijbinbe  vt  silence,  pose.  -bjært)  a  free 

3)}aate,  -'Ite,  -'It  vt  &  »  measure;  (3!nbBolb  af 
^abe  ofb.)  gauge;  _  om,  efter  re-measure;  -  ©olenS 
^øjbe  ast  take  the  attitude  of  the  sun;  Sræet  -r 
tre  %o\>  i  Siameter  the  tree  measures  etc. ;  _  gobt 
give  good  measure  —  vr  -  fig  meb  en  compet« 
with  one;  ^an  fan  ~  fig  meb  ^am  he  is  equal  to 
him,  a  match  for  him,  equals  him;  fan  iffe  -  fig 
meb  cannot  be  compared  with.  SD2(iaIe|(aanb 
measuring  tape.  -borb  surveyor's  table,  plane 
-table.  -btet)  ^1,  bill  of  admeasurement;  bill  of 
a  ship's  tonnage,  -ett^eb  unit  el.  standard  of 
measurement.  -gloS  measuring-glass.  -gob8 
measurement  goods.  -tttr  vessel  for  measuring. 
•funft  practical  geometry.  -fæbe  measuring 
Chain,  land-chain.    Snaalelig  a  measurable. 

anaale|lob  plummet.  -løn  fe -penge,  -mofftne 
standard.  3RaaIen  c  fe  røoaling.  aRaale|))enge 
measurer's  fee,  metage.  -))inb  surveying-arrow. 
•))untter  ^  points  of  measurement. 

iDlaaler  c  -e  meter,  measurer;  (3nf.)  looper, 
geometer,  Geometra.  -atteft  meter's  certificate; 
fe  SJlaalcBret). 

SDiaaIe{rebfta&  surveying  instrument,  -ring 

MaaletUn  c  fe  9JJaaIepenge. 

5Dlaalc|ftibe  fe  Borb.  -fnor  measuring  line. 
•ftaxtQ  perch,  (measuring-)rod,  pole,  rood;  (til 
©fiBSm.)  stanchion.  -ftol  standard,  rule;  (»eb 
Sanbfort,  Segninger  ofo.)  scale;  Jiø  efter  en  ftor, 
lille  _  on  a  large,  small  scale;  i  formlnbftet,  for= 
(tørret  _  on  a  reduced,  enlarged  scale.  -ftwnHie 
pattern  stocking.  -f^ftejn  system  of  measure- 
ment.   SDiaalfot^olb  pi  proportions. 

"SØJaa'lfflre  n  idiom,  dialect. 

SBJoaiJjolben  a  tall  enough  to  become  a  soldier. 

aJlaaling  c  measuring,  measurement.  —  'SOlaa' 
Itng§|6cPi8  certificate  of  measurement.  -bæl 
tonnage  deck.  -gebtit  measuring  dues.  -f^ftem 
fe  «maale=. 

3Koa'I|fa8  a  speechless;  :^an  BleP  _  af  gorBao« 
felfe  he  was  struck  speechless  with  astonishment. 








-(«dt)cii  c  loss  of  speech,  aphasia,    -fog  o.  fl.,  fe 

aRaa'(å|borb,  -bræber  pi  fuU-sized  boards. 

^2aa'ff!t)bntnø  c  target  practice. 

^BJoalémonb  c  spokesman,  advocate. 

a)Jaa'Ilfnilb  a  eloqucnt.  •-ftræti  linguistic  el. 
neologic  movement,  m.  for  reforming  the  lang- 
uage; neology.  *-ftræber  c  e  reformer  of  the 
language,    t-ftæune  n  meeting. 

9)2aa't|ta§ning  c  measuring.  -irgntng  cwork- 

Étaaltib  n  -er  meal. 

*9)}ao'ttroft  c  fe  Sangbroéfel. 

a)2aaitøtibe  c  barrel. 

ajiaanc  c  -r  moon;  p  Opaa  ^otiebet)  bald  pate; 
tro  ot  -n  er  giort  of  m  grøn  Cft  think  the  moon 
is  made  of  green  cheese;  9Jiaune=  lunar,  -aat 
lunar  year.  -bnne  orbit  of  the  moon.  -beboer 
Inhabitant  of  the  moon,  lunarian.  -belljft  c 
moonlit.  -beffribelfe  selenography.  -bjtcrgene 
pi  the  Lunar  Mountains.  -blinb  a  moon-eyed, 
moon-blind.  -blinb^eb  moon-blindness.  -c^IIUiS 
fe  -frebS. 

Snaaneb  c  -er  month;  om  en  _  in  a  m.;  i  benne 
_  thi.«  m.;  ben  f»rfle  i  benne  -  on  the  first  of  thi.« 
m.;  en  -§  £ib  a  month's  time;  en  tre -er 8  Sib  ber 
efter  in  about  three  months. 

3naane|bag  lunar  day.  -biftonce  lunar  distance. 

3)2aanebiis  a  monthly;  adv  fe  TOoonebSbig. 

9)2aaneb§|arbejbe  monthly  work.  -bom  fetu.s 
a  month  old.  -betaling  monthly  allowance. 
-blob  monthly  paper.  -bltnb  fe  9Koone=.  -bog 
day  of  the  month;  -en  bereftcr  that  day  month. 
-broSfel  fe  SRtng=.  -bue  common  pigeon,  -flaab, 
-flob  (monthly)  flowers,  courses.  -foftet  fe  -6orn. 
-fri  fe  -loB.  -frift  month's  respite.  -gage  monthly 
salary.  -gammel  a  a  month  old.  -^t)re  fe  -løn. 
-lonbition  employment  by  the  month.  -lonc 
woman  hired  by  the  month.  -leje  monthly 
rent.  -lob  a  monthly  holiday.  -(«itnant  .ship- 
master  engaged  as  a  lieutenant  in  the  navy. 
•lø«  monthly  wages.  -menftriitg  J,  muster  at 
open  list.  -))enge  monthly  allowance  ofmoney; 
fe  -løn.  -|)ige  girl  hired  by  the  month.  -regtt^ 
f!ab  monthly  account.  -tente  monthly  interest. 
-tofe  monthly  et.  Damask  rose.  -rarbbile  monthly 
radish.  -flat  monthly  tax.  -firift  monthly 
(journal,  magazine,  review).  -folb  monthly  pay. 
-f^ge  fe  -flob.  *-t^ing  monthly  assizes.  -tiber 
fe  -flob.    -Biå  adv  by  the  mouth,  monthly. 

9naane{fafe  c  phase  of  the  moon.  -flff  moon- 
fish,  Mola.  -formig  a  lunate.  -formerlelfc 
eclipse  of  the  moon.  -gaatb  ring  el.  halo  about 
the  moon,  lunar  halo.  -gal  a  lunatic.  -glong 
fe  -II58.  -glflå  crown-glass,  flashed  glass.  -glimt 
glimpse  of  the  moon.  -^ott  fe  -gaarb.  -^øjbe 
attitude  of  the  moon.  -lalb  mole.  -Mar  o 
moonlight.  -fnube  moon's  node.  -fort  chart 
of  the  moon.  -{rater  lunar  crat^r.  -IrebiS  (ben 
SrebS,  OToanen  beftriber)  orbit  of  the  moon; 
(9)JaanecQtIu§)  cycle  of  the  moon  (of  19  years), 
Metonic  cycle.  -foarter  quarter  of  the  moon. 
•(atibftab  lunar  landscape.  -legemet  the  lunar 
orb.  -Il)§  n  moonlight.  -I^å  a  fe  -Har.  -l«b 
revolution  of  the  moon,  lunation.  -mæll'  fe 
S8iærg=.  -m«rt  a  moonless;  bet  »ar  -t  there  was 
no  moon.  -m«rfe  moonless  nights pi.  -obferba^ 
tiott  lunar  observation,  -omløb  lunation.  -pUt 
spot  in  the  moon;  fe  iiinbefpinber.  -ranben  the 
limb  of  the  moon.  -regnbue  lunar  rainbow. 
■ring  fe  -gaarb.  t-rubc  moonvvort,  Botrvchium 
lunarin.    -rctffer  vt  moon-raker. 

a)Jaancé;frø,  -foat  [t.]  poppy-seeds. 

SRaanelftifte  chauge  of  the  moon.  -flin  moon- 
light, moonshine.  -ftiUiSagiig  a  moonshiny. 
•flinénat  moonlight  el.  moonshiny  night.    -flinS^ 

ft^ffe  moonlight  picture.  -flioe  disk  of  the 
moon.  -ffuHie  fe -tjtol.  -fftjgge  (W.«  S!.)  shadovr 
of  the  moon;  (©t^gge  af  et  Segeme  i  9R-ftin) 
moonlight  shadow.  -ffær  pott  fe  -flin.  -fnegt 
screw-shell,  wreath-shell.  -ftaal  moon-steel. 
-ften  moon-stone.  -ftraaie  moon-beamj  moon 
-ray.  -f^g  a  lunatic,  moonstruck.  -fjjg  c  lunatic. 
-flige  lunacy,  moon-madness.  -tabel  fe  -taole. 
•tal  golden  number.  -toblc  lunar  table.  -ur 
moon-dial.  -biol  satin-flower,  Lunaria.  -bifer 
fe  -ur. 

t3)2aar-  SRaarb  c  virgin,  maid. 

3Raar  e  -er  mårten,  Muatela.  -fælbe,  -fiftc  trap 
for  mårtens,  -ftalå  throatpiece  of  a  mårten. 
-ffinb  marten-skin. 

aWoflS  c  p  fe  SBagbel. 

URaaiS  c  (globen)  the  Meuse. 

'•aKaofc  c  fe  9JJaage. 

9)2aaffe'  adv  perhaps,  may-be,  perchance;  fion 
ger  bet  -  og  -  ifle  he  may,    or  may  not,  do  it. 

3Raatte  vi,  prås  maa,  imp  mootte,  sup  maattet 
(3;inabelfe)  may,  imp  might;  (9føboenbtflt)eb)  must, 
am  obliged,  »mp  must,  was  obliged;  (gor&ub)  moa 
ifte  must  not;  raoa  jeg  fpørge?  may  I  ask?  mao  ieg 
gaa  meb  ?  may  I  go  along  with  you  ?  En  maa  (gerne) 
gøre  bet,  ^otS  bu  fan  you  may  do  it,  if  you  can; 
for  mig  maa  fean  rejfe  eller  blitie,  ligefom  lian  oil  he 
may  stay  or  go  for  aught  I  care;  bet  maa  gaa,  fom 
bet  bil  happen  what  may;  fion  mao  fige  ^bab  ^an 
bil  say  what  he  will;  -  ingen  af  o§  oplcbe  ben  ®ag 
may  none  of  us  live  to  see  that  day;  ftan  fpurgte 
mig,  om  6an  _  gaa  he  asked  me,  whether  he 
might  go;  ^an  6ab  om  at  ^un  _  blibe  inblabt  he 
requested,  that  she  might  be  admitted;  fioorfor 
_  ^an  ifle  gaa?  why  would  you  not  allow  him 
to  go  ?  ftan  _  gerne  gaa  he  was  free  el.  at  liberty 
to  go;  man  bu  gaa  nb  at  fpcbfere?  are  you  allowed 
to  take  a  walk?  bet  maa  jeg  libe  I  like  that; 
maa  jeg  fpørge  .  .  .  would  you  permit  me  to 
ask  .  .  .;  jeg  moa  (nøbbenbigbié)  goa  I  must  l)e 
off;  jeg  maa  meget  ofte  fenbe  ^am  til  SB^en  I  am 
obliged  to  send  him  to  town  very  often;  jeg  maa 
rejfe  tmorgen  I  shall  be  obliged  el.  forced  to 
depart  to  morrow;  jeg  maa  bemærfe  I  am  bound 
to  remark;  bet  maa  man  ftge  it  is  only  fair  to  say; 
bette  Sanb,  mao  mon  erinbre,  er  .  .  .  this  country, 
let  it  be  remembered,  is  .  .  .;  ^on  maatte  goo  he 
was  obliged,  he  had  to  walk;  bet  moo  bu  ille 
gøre  you  must  not  do  so;  jeg  _  (funbe  ifle  lobe 
bære  at)  le  I  could  not  help  laughing;  jeg  maa 
offteb  I  must  be  off;  jeg  moa  ^em  I  must  go 
home;  jeg  moa  (tage)  til  SBpen  I  must  go  to  town; 
ber  maa  monge  $enge  til  much  money  is  needed; 
bet  moo  til  it  cannot  be  helped;  ^on  -  til  he  had 
to  submit;  ^on  mao  ub  boo  TOorlen  he  must  go 
into  the  field;  ^oo  SlJoo  og  gfoo,  ^paa  'iSlaOi]<ia  at 

3Raattc  c  -r  mat.  -binber  mat-maker.  -lurtt 

anaci^iabeaift'ift  a  Machiave'lian. 

^accbo'nt|rn  n  Macedonia,  Mac'edon.  -er  c 
•e,  -ft  a  Macedonian. 

9Wab  c  (gpife,  gøbe,  9Jæring)  meat,  food,  provi- 
sions; (tillooet  9Kab)  viands,  estables  pl\  lobe  ~ 
cook;  to  ^Retter  -  two  dishes;  _  og  3)rifte  meat 
and  drink;  goo  i  Seng  uben  _  go  supperless  to 
bed;  -en  foo  nb  til  at  bære  meget  gob  the  dinner 
looked  very  good;  er  en  ubmcertet  -  is  excellent 
eating;  -en  (TOibbag8=,  Slftenl-)  er  onrcttet  dinner, 
supper  is  on  the  table,  is  ready;  -en  fmoger  Ijom 
itle  he  does  not  take  his  meat;  bet  er  -  for 
9Kon8  that  is  meat  and  drink  to  him;  F  gibe 
en  6an8  barme  _  give  it  one  (finely).  -affalb  fe 

a)'2abam'(e)  c  -r  mistress  (P  missus),  (lun  i 
2;iltale  uben  Stobn)  madam  (ma'am);  ^ør,  liQe  _l 




I  say,  goody !  el.  missus ;  -n  er  ifle  Iftjemme  missus 
is  not  at  home;  gobt,  gobt  _ !  all  right  missus  el. 
ma'am;  _  3-  Mrs.  I. 

9)la'i){6effQttec  circulator,  milk  saver.  -fioS)  [e 
-fammer.  ^-boinnte  provision-chest.  -borb  table. 
•brlf(Ie)  woodeu  plate.    -bær  egriots. 

aWabblf,  SBinbifc  c  -er  maggot. 

aJtabbing  c  ?e  TOabtng. 

aWabbJjr  n  food-auimal.  SDlabe  vt  feed;  (faette 
9Ka^in9  poa)  bait;  *_  fig,  -i  (om  Som)  plump. 

anabei'ra,  SDlabCra  n  (og|.  SBinen  c)  Madeira. 
•bubbing  tipsy  pudding. 

*9)labet  a  (well)  plumped. 

9«a'b|fob  (5ab  til  at  fpife  of)  dish  for  meat; 
(5.  meb  9!Rab)  dish  of  meat.  -faber  fe  $u§bonbc. 
■fcbt  kitchen  stuff,  grease,  drippiag,  (til  @iuø= 
relie)  slush.  -frier  trencher  friend.  -frieri  cup- 
board courtship.  -frugt  kitchen  fruit.  -gaffel 
flesh-hook.  -grqbe  pot,  seether.  -tfné  -.  et  gobt 
_  a  house  where  a  liberal  table  is  kept. 

9nabi(t,  9nabie  e  madia. 

Snabing  c  bait. 

5Dle'b|iorb  mould.  -lammer  pantry,  larder. 
-laéfe  \e  æfle.  -lebct  ^  mess-kettle.  -lirfcbær 
egriots.  -tlotfe  dinner-bell.  -IniU  table-knife. 
-trog  flesh-liook;  *glutton.  -Iitrb  provision 
■basket,  -tætber  cellar  for  provisions.  -Iab  = 
wing  dressing  of  victuals,  cooking,  cookery. 
-lebe  loathing  of  food.  -lugt  smell  of  hot 
dinner,  dinnery  atmosphere.  -Jt)ft  appetite;  gan 
mig  _  gave  me  an  appetite.  -(ijften  a  Bære  _ 
have  a  good  appetite.  -Iflg  onion.  -meber 
mistress  ofa  house.  Snabning  c  feeding.  3)tab|= 
''■'u^ttig  a  eatable,  flt  for  food,  foodyieldiug;  -e 
2)t)r  food-animals;  -e  f^tff  food-flshes.  -offer  meat 
ofFering,  (nt)  DBerf.)  meal-offeriug.  -olie  sweet 
oil.    +-onb  o  niggard  of  food. 

Snabon'na  c  Madonna,  -agtig  o  Madonna-like. 
-billebe  image  of  the  Virgin. 

anabjo^ftrift  (food-)recipe.  -(»ibe  guUet,  oeso- 
phagus.  -Vofe  wallet,  scrip  (for  provisions). 
'potte  fe  -grQbe.     '-pta^  cont  lay  preacher. 

aWab'raå  n  Madras'. 

anabraS'  c  fe  aRatraS. 

SSla'blration  c  allowance  (of  food).  -ro  peace 
for  eating. 

anabS  Matthew;  the  he-goat;  F  ®u  tan  tatbe 
mig  - !  I  am  a  Dutchman  (if);  •  naa  bu  _ !  good 
gracious  me! 

aWablfal  dining-room.  -ffab  meatsafe,  provi 
sion  cupboard;  gaa  i  -et  go  to  pot,  go  to  the 
dogs.  -ftot  tax  on  provisions,  -ffrin  box  for 
provisious.  -ffræl  loathing  of  food.  -fm«r 
kitchen  butter.  *-fo^»  eatable  fungus.  -f))anb 
meat-carrier.  -fteb  eating-house.  *-ftett  cookery, 
house-keeping.  -ftræo  toil  for  the  material 
wants  and  comforts.  -^ue  fe  -faramer.  -foenb 
helper  in  the  kitchen.  -tib  meat-time.  -tortt 
market  for  provisions,  -urter  pi  hot-herbs. 
-barer  pi  eatables,  provisions,  -btn  ordinary 
wine.  -oogn  provision-waggon,  -orager  dainty 
feeder,  proud  stomach.  -æble  baking  apple, 
kitchen  a.    -æffe  provision  box. 

3JJag  c  ease,  quiet,  leisure;  i  (3lo  og)  _,  i  at  _ 
leisurely,  at  one's  ease;  •§  S8eir  easy  el.  moderate 
weather;  -é  SSinb  moderate  el.  light  wind;  fare  i 
-  take  one's  ease. 

anagafin  n  et  storehouse,  (ogf.  fig  Kepertortum) 
mag'azine,  -arbejbe  sale-work.  -baab  magazine 
-boat.  anagafinc're  vt  store,  warehouse.  ^aga= 
fine'riug  c  storing,  warehouslrig.  aRagaftn|for- 
bolterstore-keeper.  -geuær  magazine-gun.  =tortt 
warehoused  com.  -blab^,  -rum  warehouse  ac- 
commodation.    -^abe  colony-hive. 

aRagbale'ne  Mag'dalen.  -ftlftelfe  Magdalen 
asylum,  Magdalene. 


anage  a  matehing;  Strømperne  ere  tffe  _  the 
stockiugs  do  not  match.  a)lage  c  -r  (Sige,  Sige= 
manb)  match,  equal;  (om  Sing,  fom  ubgøre  et 
$arj  fellow;  (^att  el.  .^un;  ægtefælle)  mate;  ieg 
t)ar  albrig  fet  -n  I  never  saw  the  like  of  it  el. 
iinything  like  it;  fioor  er  -n?  where  is  the  fellow 
one?  bet  er  -n  til  2)ere§  brune  §eft  there  is  a 
horse  to  match  your  brown  one;  _  tit  9lat  such 
a  night  as  this;  _  tt(  $eft  finbeS  iffe  i  Sonbet 
there  is  not  such  another  horse  in  the  country; 
Srage  føger  _  birds  of  a  feather  flock  together, 
like  loves  like.    SRage  fig  vr,  -§  vd  pair. 

anage  vt  (bet  faa)  manage,  contrive;  ^an 
bet  faa,  ot  (-^-be  at)  ^an  flap  be  managed  ti 
escape;  liun  -bc  bet  foa,  at  I)un  fom  til  at  fibbe  web' 
fianS  Sibe  she  contrived  to  get  next  him;  ^an  -be 
bet  faa,  at  be  gtorbe  bet  meb  ©læbe  lie  contrived 
to  make  them  do  it  joyfuUy;  ^an  -be  bet  faa= 
lebeS,  at  oHe  bleoe  ttlfrebie  he  arranged  matters 
so  as  to  make  all  contented;  jeg  ffal  _  bet  faa, 
at  bu  faar  ben  Bebfte  $lab§  I  shall  arrange  it  so 
as  to  secure  the  hest  seat  for  you;  jeg  ftal  ~  bet 
paa  bet  besfte  I  shall  arrange  it  in  the  best  way. 

anagclig  a  easy,  comfortable,  commodious;  -t 
9Kennef{e  indolent,  ease-loving,  easy-going  per- 
son; _  Stol  easy  chair;  ban  er  -  he  loves  his 
ease;  gøre  fig  bet  -t  take  one's  ease;  —  adv  at 
one's  ease,  comfortably;  f  (meb  Setfieb)  quite 
easily.  -^eb  c  ease,  comfort,  (om  $erfon)  indo- 

anageUa'nlff  a:  be  -e  Sftjer  the  Magellan'ic 
clouds.    -©træbet  the  strait(s)  of  Magell'an. 

anageltæg,  -tcegge  fe  -ftifte.  -I«8  a  (uforlignelig) 
matchless,  peerless,  unparalleled,  incomparable; 
(nben  2ige,  eneftaaenbe)  unexampled;  adv  wonder- 
fuUy,  exceptionally;  _  fmut  of  matchless  etc. 
beauty.    -(øS^eb  c  matchlessness. 

aVlager  c,  pt  =  &  -e  magian  (pi  ogf.  magi). 

aHager  a  (ogf.  fig)  lean,  meagre;  (tonb)  spare; 
(fmat,  fmæ!ter)  thia;  (ubtæret,  inbfalben)  gaunt; 
(taroelig)  poor;  _  3orb,  Dft  poor  soil,  cheese; 
_  Soft  scanty  fare;  be  ftjp  -gre  Søer  the  seven  lean 
-fleshed  kine;  _  SSin  thln  wine;  bet  -gre  (om  Søb) 
the  lean.  -fftb  c  leanness,  meagreness.  -manb 
J,  topsail-bowline,   -flaaet,  -floge«  a  emaciated. 

SRagelfftfte  r>  exchange.  -fftfte  vt  exchange. 
-fliftcbreb  deed  of  exchange.  -ftiftntng  c  ex- 

aWagt'cmag'ic.  aWa'gter  c  fe  TOager.  ajla'glfer 
c  -e  (Stolbmonb)  magic'ian.   aRa'giff  a  mag'ic(al). 

a^agifter  c  -ftre  master  of  arts  (A.  M.).  -grab 
degree  of  A.  M.    -mine  magiste'rial  mien. 

a)lagiftra't  c  -er  mag  istracy.  aJlagiftratS^erfon 
c  mag'istrate. 

a)lagnaner{'  n  cocoonery. 

aRagna't  c  -er  mag'nate. 

anagnefia  c  magnesia. 

ajlagne'ftum  n  magnesium,  -bromib  magaesic 
bromide.    -foSfat  magneslc  phospbate  (o.  fl.). 

aRagnet  c  -er  mag'net,  loadstone;  tunfttg  - 
(artificial)  magnet.  -ttUt  magnet'ic  axis.  -ife're 
vt  ma'gnetize;  mesmerize.  -ife'rlng  c  magneti- 
sa'tion.  -tf!  a  magnet'ic,  magnetical.  -i§'me  c 
mag'netism;  btjrift  -  animalmaguetism,  mesmer- 
ism.  -tlfa'r  c  -er  magnetizer,  mesmerizer.  -jærn, 
-jcernften  magnetic  iron,  mag'netite.  -li^  mag- 
netic pyrites.  -naal  (magnetic)  needle.  —  aRag= 
MCto|eieftrlcttc't  magneto-electric'ity.  -elet'trift 
a  magneto-electric.  SOIagnetpot  pole  ofa  magnet. 

aJlogntnm  n  fe  ^Jlagneftura. 

aJtagot'  c  mag'ot,  Macicm  imius. 

aRagre  vt  fe  Ubmagre.    aWagreé  vd  grow  lean. 

aHa-gSbcjr  fe  «Wa9(8  aSejr). 

aWagt  c  (ogfaa  Sttjrfe,  Scaft)  might,  potency; 
(naenlig  Starte,  Sraft)  power,  strength;  (^erre. 
Bømmc)  sway;  (pi  -er)  power;  be  trigførenbe  -er 




the  belligereut  powers;  ben  ubuseube  _  the  exe- 
cutive  power;  tDiiigeubc  -  force,  oiibe  -er  powers 
of  evll;  6tuge  _  use  main  force;  fiotie  -eii  bear 
svvay;  3Iben  ^aobe  faoet  faaban  _  the  fire  had 
obtaiaed  such  a  hold;  af  al  (fin)  _  wlth  allone's 
mlght,  With  might  and  main;  _  gaar  for  Slet 
might  is  above  right;  oære  i  enS  _  be  la  one's 
power,  at  one's  mercy;  bet  ftaar  iffe  i  min  _  it 
is  out  of  my  power;  fiooe  Orbet  i  ftn  -  speak 
fluently,  have  words  at  command;  meb  _  by 
(main)  force,  forcibly,  by  the  strong  hånd;  fao  - 
meb  get  the  upper  hånd  of;  fætte  _  mob  _  repel 
force  by  force;  ^aDe  ~  ober  have  power  over; 
(en  ^ane  el.  1.)  ^aobe  faaet  (ftarre  og  ftørre)  -  otter 
^am  had  grown  upon  him;  ber  ligger  _  paa  it  is 
of  moment;  ftoab  ~  ligger  berpao?  what's  the 
odds?  fomme  til  -en  come  into  power;  gtoe  en 
_  til  ot  gøre  noget  authorize  one  to  do  some- 
thing;  Ijolbe  tteb  _  maintain;  bet  er  el.  ftaar  oeb 
-  it  is  in  force,  is  valid;  bør  »eb  -  at  ftanbe  must 
be  affirmed;  ttære  bel  aeb  -  be  in  good  et.  com- 
fortable  case;  bære  ueb  -en  be  in  power.  9nagt|  = 
ttcgær,  -brijntie  lust  of  power,  -bub  imperative 
command.  SDlagte  vt  (noget)  manage,  maf<ter, 
grasp,  get  the  better  of;  (at)  be  able  to;  itfe  _ 
en  Cpgaoe  be  unequal  to  a  task.  9)lagt|(eå)I«8  a 
powerless,  impotent;  (ugQibtg)  nuU  and  void. 
•(téileé^st)  c  powerlessness,  impotency.  -fortjolb 
relative  power  el.  strength.  -forøgclfc  increase 
of  power,  -fulbfoinmentieb  sovereigu  el.  ab.solute 
power,  -ftjibe  plenitude  of  power,  -felelfe 
sense  of  power,  -gicebe  enjoyment  of  (one's) 
power.  -Btift  fe -igflen.  -^anbltng  aet  of  author- 
ity.  -tfavtt  c  -e  ruier.  -Iqftcn  a  greedy  of 
power,  -nttbbet  Instrument  of  power,  -omraabe 
dominion,  domain,  -orb  Imperious  word.  -patt' 
liggenbe  a  important,  momeutous,  of  great 
coasequence;  labe  fig  bet  oære  _  at  be  anxious 
to,  take  pains  to.  •^aaliggcn^cb  c  importance, 
-ron  usurpation,  -roner  usurper,  -n-fittcr  a 
coufident  of  one's  own  power,  -ffære  fe  om' 
raobe.  -fprog  imperative  el.  dictatorial  language. 
-ftilling  stroug  position;  fe  -for^olb.  *-ftjaolen  a 
(struck)  powerless.  •-ftjæte  vt  strike  powerless, 
unnerve.  -ftræo  struggle  for  power,  -f^g  fe 
-Itjften.  -fqge  fe  -begær,  -ubfolbetfe  display  of 

SRagtja'r  c  -er  Magya'r.    -ifl  a  Magyar. 

SRaqo'gni  n  mahog'any;  a  mahogany;  fig  f 
elegant,     -træ  mahogany,   Swietenia  mahoanny. 

^a^ontrb  Mohammed,  -aner  c  -e,  -a'nff  Mo- 
ham'medan,  Mahom'etan. 

aWaj  c  May;  fiioet*  _  the  heyday  of  youth, 
the  spring-tide  of  life;  -  Jiulbe  gior  33onbenl  Baber 
fnlbe  a  cold  May  and  a  windy  makes  the  barn 
fat  and  fiudy;  t  p^nte  meb  -  deck  with  May 
(-twigs,  -flowers);  t  føre  _  i  Si)  celebrate  May 
-day.  -btontft  May-flower,  Mmjantkemum.  -brub 
te  greoinbe.  -bær  fe  -tirfebær.  -bog:  en  _  a  day 
in  May.  -bogen  May-day.  -brit  May-drink 
(wiue  seasoned  with  woodroof).  -bug  May-dew. 
anoic  vt:  ~  nb,  fe  Ubmaje.  aRoJlfiff  alose,  Alos'i 
vutguris.  -froft  frost  in  May.  -fugt  fe  aSipftiært, 
gul.  -gilbe  celebration  of  May-day.  -grebe, 
-greoinbe  May-king,  May-queen.  -f-gr«n  a  pea 
-green,  -firfebocr  may-duke.  -fronå  garland  of 

SDIojtonb  11  Milau.    -ff  a  Milanese. 

^al|U()c  fe  iiiljefonoal.  -maoneb  the  mouth  of 

!iD2ain  c  (.J^loben)  the  Maine. 

SOtoin,^  n  Mentz,  Mayence. 

9nai|*n(e))e  fe  -roe.  -regn  May-shower.  f-voe 
hasty  turnip,  -rofe  cinnamon  rose,  Roaa  cinna- 

3)}a|d  c  maize,    Indian  corn,  Zta  muia.    -a(3 

SJarfeu:  S)anft.®ngelft  Crbbog. 

amr  corncob.  -boQer  passover-balls.  -brøb  tom 
-bread.  -gr«b  (Indian)  mush.  -folbe  fe  -atg. 
•ntort  maize  field     -mel  Indian  meal. 

SRoilfmør  May-butter.  -fot  May-sun.  -ftong, 
-træ  May-pole. 

9)lajét»)b  c  (^ugl)  purpie  grackle,  Quiacalua 

3Roieft(e't  c  -er  maj'esty;  $)erc«  -!  Sire!  3)ere8 
_  maa  Oibe  your  majesty  must  know.  -Iff  a 
majos'tic(al).  —  SOlojcftætSlforbr^belfe  leze-  (el. 
lese-)  majesty,  high  treason.  -forbrqber  one 
guilty  of  lezemajesty. 

SJioloiito  c  majorica. 

9Rali)'r  c  -er  ma  jor.  -o't  n  -er  estate  entailed 
on  the  eldest  son,  majorat.  -bo'muS  c  major- 
domo,  mayor  of  the  palace.  -in'be  c  -r  major's 
lady;  gru  ~  >Jl.  Mrs.  Major  N.  -ite't  c  major'- 
ity,  oære  i  _  be  in  a  el.  the  majority.  3Jloj;or8" 
;»oft  major'ity,  ma'jorate. 

SDIofuff' (er  pi  capital  letters,  majuscules,  ma- 

'mat'  c  fe  *TOor!. 

anafo'bom  c  macad'am,  metal,  -ife're  vt 
macad'amize,  metal;  -t  SSej  macadam-road.  -fe'' 
ring  c  macadamizatiou. 

syiotoro'ni  pi  macaroni  pi. 

SOlofoå  forolie  c  macassar-oil. 

9)iotebo  nien  fe  TOocebonien. 

ajlofebu'fe  c  -r  bulky  woman. 

SBlotl  c    er  maki,  lemur. 

aWot  tntofi^  c  mackintosh. 

anattobteerne  pi  the  Maccabees;  3)}attab(eer 
c  mangaby,  Cercopithecus  fuliginosuii . 

SRatle  vt  fnogct  faramen)  bungle,  huddle  (up); 
■^vi  -  pao  trifie  with. 

aRotfer  c  -e  partner  (at  cards);  F  en  baarlig  _ 
a  sorry  customer.  -i'  n  fe  9Kat0ærf.  -ffob  n 

SRofrel  c  -ler  mack'erel,  Scomher.  -boob  m. 
boat.  -fongft,  -fiftcri  mackerel  fishery.  -gorn 
mackerel  -  net,  -gcbbe  saury  -  pike  ,  bill  -  fish, 
skipper,  Scombereaox  aaurus.  -ftljer  cirro-cumuli, 
a  mackerel  sky,  "'-fterje  tunny,  Thyniw  vul- 
garis.  -terne  common  el,  great  tern,  Stemu 

9)latro'n  c  -ei  macaroon.  -bejg  macaroon 

*Wlof§ima'(=  max'imum, 

9Jlaf§'ime  c  -r  max  im. 

SOlotétmum  n  maximum.  9Jlotdimuraå=  maxi- 
mum,  outside.  ailaldimuttt^termonteter  maxi- 
mum thermometer. 

9)Ufuliotu'r  n  (graat  ^atpapir)  lining  paper; 
(Uoftubspapir,  beffreoet,  itureoet  ofo.  $aptr)  waste 
-paper;  (UoftubSJtt)  waste  sheet,  flaa  i,  gare  til  _ 
put  to  the  waste  paper.  -e're  vt  mac'ulate, 

anotboert  n  miserable  workmanship,  bungling 
work,  botch. 

mal  c  (løm  )  bevel. 

anoloborliff  a  Malabar;  —  n,  fig  gibberish. 
-tt)>ten  the  M.  coast. 

S9lo(ottt'  c  mal'achite. 

9Kaloij|er  c,  pi  =,  Malay.  -ifl  c  Malay, 

mait  (ogf.  ma'lte,  ma'lt)  vt  (meb  tJaroe)  paint; 
_  of,  fe  Stfmale,  _  meb  3>"anbfarof  palnt  in  water 
■colours,  -  efter  9Jaturen  paint  from  nature;  labe 
fig  _  sit  for  one's  portrait,  have  cne's  portrait 
taken;  t)an  -r  paa.  et  Sanbftab  he  is  (engaged  in) 
painting  a  landscape;  (ber  er)  -t!  (til  Slboarfel) 
wet  paint!  -r  fig,  ftaar  -t  (i  ^an8  Slnfigt)  is  painted 
el  depicted  in  his  face;  —  molenbe  «,  fig 
pictorial,  graphical. 

malt  vt  (om  Korn  oftt.)  grind,  crush,  _  SSoub 
ub  pump  out  water;  —  vi  '(om  Satten)  purr. 





iUiafroi'titrne  pi  the  Mal  di  ves. 

9na(cfifant'  c  -er  malefac'tor. 

SRalelgang  c  groove,  channel.  -fube  mill 

Sfialcmul"  c  (5ugl)  fulmar,  mallemoke,  J'u^ 
tnnrin  gliicialin. 

3SlaU]len,  -^jcnflc  money  for  grinding.  snalCR 
c  grinding. 

jnatcr  c  -e  (Baobe  om  Sunftneren  og  om  $aaiib= 
OccrtSnianben)  painter,  (ifær  TOiniot.)  limner.  -fltt= 
læg  talent  for  painting.  -arBeJbe  painter's  work, 
painting.  -atelier  painter's  studio.  -Brug:  til 
_  for  the  use  of  painters.  -bræt  pallet,  -breng 
painter's  apprentice.  -fartie  paint,  painter's 
colours.  -fernis  painter's  varnish.  -flife  grind- 
ing stene,  -forening  painters'  union,  -gangen 
J,  the  paint-strake.  -gntb  painter's  gold,  shell 

annleri'  n  -er  painting,  picture.  -^anbler  pic- 
ture-dealer.    -lenber  judge  ot  pictures. 

SWalerin'be  c   r  lady  artist. 

SOiialerilramme  c  pictnre-frame.  -famler  col- 
lector  of  pictnres.  -famling  collection  of  paint- 
ings,  picture-gallery.  SRa'Icriff  n  picturesque. 
SDtaleriubftiUing  pieture  exhibition. 

SOialerlfanbe  paint-tin.  -loSfe  painter's  box. 
-lolif  painter's  colic.  -foft  painter's  brush,  paint 
-brush.  -lunft  art  of  painting.  -lati  house 
-painters'  Corporation.  -Hm  lining-paste.  -tære : 
fætte,  bære  i  _  bind  apprentice  to,  be  in  ap- 
prenticeship  with,  a  house-palnter.  -((erting 
fe  -breng.  -mefter  master  house-painter.  -mtt8= 
llng  painter's  gaper.  -olie  painter's  oil.  -^jenfel 
painting  bru^h,  hair-pencil.  -potte  painter's 
colour-pot.  -pei  paint-bueket.  -rebffab  paint- 
ing Implement,  painter's  tool.  -fager  painter's 
stores,  -fot  theat  sceneroom.  -fifab  J^  paint 
■locker.  -flole  school  of  painting.  -flrub  paint 
-scrubber.  -ftcn  stone  for  grinding  colours. 
-ftof  mostlck,  maulstick.  -ftol  easel.  -ftne 
painter's  studio.  -fttenb  joumeyman  painter. 
-folt)  painter's  silver.  -oærf  fe  -arbejbe.  -ixexl- 
-peb  house-painter's  workshop.  -«ic  painter's  eye. 

51Kolc|tanb  mill-tooth,  molar  tooth.  -banb, 
-bært  fe  røBHe^. 

røali'lce  c  marice. 

9)lattng  c  paint. 

aWalje  fe  WoHe  2. 

ana'ffant  c  moulding-edge. 

tSRalfe  vt  milk;  et  give  el.  yield  milk;  -nbe 
8d  cow  in  milk.  -aag  yoke  for  carrying  milk 
-pails.  -bette,  -fanbe  milk-pail.  -fo  milkcow, 
milch  cow,  milker.  -Iranåpad,  roll.  -fbægmilk 
-cows  pi.  -piqc  milk-maid.  -pXahS  milking-place. 
-ffamntel  fe  -ftol.  -fpanb  milk-pail  el.  -bucket. 
-ftoi  milking-stool.  -tib  milking  time.  'SSlalh 
ning  c  milking. 

Snallfonbuit'e  c  misconduct.  -lontent'  a  dis- 
contented,  mal'content;  —  c  -er  malcontent. 

SRaU'aS  c  molas'ses  pi. 

SOla'Haffer  pi  (STømr.)  scarphs  of  mouids. 

^alle  c  -r  (giff)  sheat-fish,  Silvrus  glanis. 

9J}flHc  c  -r  (til  ^ægte)  eye,  -!ratie  gorget. 
-<)anfer  ringed  coat  of  mail. 

3Wo  Iloft  n  J,  mould(ing)  loft. 

SBlalm  c  k  n  (metall)olbtg  Sten)  ore;  (9Ketal) 
metal;  (SRetal,  ^Bori  ber  er  en  »lanbing  af  fio66er) 
brass;  ((S^ronenå,  g^rrenl)  heart,  heart-wood;  bibl 
en  l^benbe  -  eEer  en  tlingenbe  Sjælbe  sounding 
brass  or  a  tinkling  cymbal.  -aore  metallic  vein. 
•agtig  n  metallic.  -art  species  of  ore.  -brnb 
metal  mine.  -farbe  bronze  colour.  -fjælb  moun- 
tain  containing  ore.  -fulb  a  (rig  );iaa.  OTetal) 
abounding  in  ore;  (tlangfulb)  sonorous;  (Sræ) 
free  from  sap.  *-fnr«,  -f^r  red  deal  free  from 
sap.     -gong  fe  -aore.     -glanS    metallic   lustre. 

-grube  fe  -6iub.  -grljbe  metal  pot.  -^olbig  o 
metalliferous,  metalline.  -tanon  brass  cannon. 
-tfang  metallic  sound,  -leje  stratum  of  ore. 
-morter  brass  mortar.  -rig  fe  -fulb.  -roftning 
roa.sting  of  ore.  -reft  sonorous,  powerful  voice. 
-ffum  scum  of  metals,  -ftrag  fe  -oore.  -ff«bcr 
brass-founder.    -ftiffrb  bronze  sword. 

SRa'lning  c  painting. 

9)}a'(ning  c  grinding, 

SDlttllblace'ret  o  misplaced.  -pxo'ptt  a  slovenly, 

SDla'Iftrem  c  -me  whirlpool;  -men  (i  9?orge)  the 

SlJla'If^ger  c  J,  timber  converter.  j 

aJlalt  n  malt;  gøre  _  malt,  make  malt.  I 

anoUa  n  Malta.  \ 

9){a(t|bing  malt-chest.  -bonbonS,  -br^ftf ulfer 
malt  lozenges.  -b^g  malting  barley.  -brit  malt 
-drink  el.  -liquor.    SWalte  vt  malt. 

SUloltlefåtroft  extract  of  malt. 

aWoItefcr  c  e  Måltese.  -torS  cross  of  Malta^ 
Måltese  cross,  -orbenen  the  Order  of  Malta, 
-ribber  knight  of  Malta.     aWalteftft  a  Måltese 

9na(t|fiirle  pi  maltfloor,  -g«rer  c  -e maltster, 
malt-man.  -gareri  malt  house,  -gøring  c  malfr 
ing.    -l|U§  malt-house. 

SUlaltljulflaH'cr  c  -e,  -'fif!  a  Malthu'sian 

SDlaltltbærn  fe  -mollc.  -I«IIe  malt-kiln.  -loft 
malt-floor.  -meUe  malt- mill.  -møUer  malt 
-miller,    -obtt  malt  kiln. 

SOlaltraftc'rc  vt  maltreat. 

a)JaU|r.obber  fe  -fptrer.  -firu<)  fe  -efgtra!t.  -flat 
malt-tax.  -f^iirer  malt-dust.  -futfer  malt-sugar. 
-birfning  fe  -gøring. 

SRalurt  c  wormwood,  Artemisia  absinthium. 
-brænbebin  absinthiated  spirits,  absinthe.  -b^nfe 
fe  TOalurt.  -bæger  cup  of  bittemess.  -braaber 
essence  of  wormwood.  -brif  fig  gall  and  worm- 
wood, fe  -bæger,    -bin  wormwood  wine. 

SVlalba  c  mallow(s). 

SHJalbafi'cr  c  ma'lmsey. 

SOtam'a  mamma',  mam'my;  længeg  efter  fin  _ 
be  mother-sick. 

aWomeluf  c  -ler  Mameluke;  pi  (SSenflæber) 
pantalets  pi. 

'SSlammam  c  (58ørnef<).)  pap. 

9)!ammon  n  k  c  mammon,  riches  pl\  ben  urette 
_  the  unrighteous  m.  —  aVtammonSIb^rtelfe, 
-tilbebelfc  mammon-worship.  -b^rfer,  -tilbeber, 
-træt  worshipper  of  mammon. 

SD}ammut|bbr  mammoth,  Elephas  pritnigeniut . 
■%\x\t  mammoth  cave. 

ajJan'  pron  inde/  (i  9llminbeltgt)eb)  one;  (i  ZiU 
tale,  naar  bet  ubfagte  naonlig  ønffeS  anoenbt  paa 
ben  tiltolte)  you;  (naonlig  i  3;tltale,  naar  man  inb= 
befatter  fig  felo  meb  i  bet,  ber  ubfigc?)  we;  (=  golf) 
people  el.  ^Pa^ftO;  (naar  Subjeftet  er  befenbt  af  bet 
foregaacnbe)  they  el,  en  Dmffribning  meb  ^aSfio; 
tiaar  _  er  træt,  ^olber  -  af  at  ^oile  when  one  is 
tired,  one  likes  to  repose;  gobt,  men  -  (®c)  maa 
berfor  Iffe  tro  .  .  .  well,  but  therefore  you  must 
not  think  .  .  .;  t)i  f)abe  rigtignof  iffe  Ⱦret  ber, 
men  _  (De  og  jeg)  er  ba  fieller  ilte  l)an8  Slober 
indeed,  we  have  not  been  there;  but  then  we 
are  not  his  slaves,  you  see;  _  (tJolt)  itflfi^  people 
say;  it  is  said;  -  (bet  i  bet  foregaaenbc  næonte 
Sitbjftt)  fanbt  ^am  they  foiind  him,  he  was 
found;  _  Ijar  fagt  mig  I  have  been  told;  _  tan 
ttfe  bibe  bet  there  is  no  knowing;  -  moa  iffe  mi§-- 
forftaa  mig  let  me  not  be  misunderstood;  _  ^en- 
Ocnbe  fig  til  apply  to. 

SIWon  c  -er  mane. 

SOlnn'  n  the  Isle  of  Man.   -boer  c  -e  Manx-man. 

3)Janb  c,  pi  Wænb;  ( J,  i  tiltale :  91«anbe !  TOanne !) 
man;  (SSgtem,)  husband;  (til  at  forrette  Slrbejbe) 
hånd;  _  og  Sone  man  and  wife;  3000  _  3000  men;. 







i  S  røtibe  in  the  memory  of  man,  within  living 
memory;  alle  _  all  hånds,  alle  fom  een  -  one  and 
all,  all  to  a  man,  with  one  consent,  all  nnani- 
mously;  Ctfc  fig  ?oni  en  -  play  the  man;  ftnbe  fin  _ 
find  one's  match;  f)an  er  ifte  ben  -,  ?om  gør  he 
is  not  a  man  (et.  the  man,  the  sort  of  man)  to 
do;  t  et  Qobt  ftatlelS  -  a  poor  soul;  ie  Jpøj  a,  Drb; 
_  af  -  mnle  descending  from  male;  _  for -man 
by  man;  Ⱦre  -  c+'en)  for  noget  (iftanb  til)  be 
equal  to,  (foare  for)  warrant,  be  responsible  for; 
ftiHe  en  _  for  ftg  provide  a  siibstltute;  jeg  ^or 
(min)  _  for  mig  I  have  my  authority;  -en  for  bet 
^ele  the  cock  of  the  waik;  oære  -  i  fit  ^ué  be 
master  in  one's  own  house;  _  og  -  imellem 
betwecn  man  and  man;  _  imob  -  man  to  man; 
Sfibet  forgit  meb  _  og  93Ju?  the  ship  went  down 
With  every  motlier's  soul,  with  all  hånds  on- 
board;  en  _  paa  en  Willion  a  man  worth  a 
million;  »er  ~,  til  §  a  head,  a  man;  1000  -  til 
gobS  og  200  _  til  Jpeft  1000  foot  and  200  horse; 
til  fibfte  _  to  the  last  man. 

Snanbag  c  -e  Monday;  fri  -  (Slaamanbag)  Saint 
Monday;  i  -8  last  Monday;  om  -en  every  M.,  on 

SRanttant'  c  -er  constituent. 

^anbari'n  c  -er  mandarin,  -anb  malldarin 
duck,  Dmdroneisa  galericulatn.  -træ  mandarin 
orange-tree,  Citntn  nobilin. 

SØlaHba  t  n  -er  man'date;  neblægge  fit  _  resign 
one's  seat.    -a'r(ttt8)  c  -er  man'datary. 

SRanbjbar  a  marriagcable,  nnbile.  -finrfieb  c 
marriageable  age,  marriageableness.  *-btbf!  a 
that  bites,  given  to  biting,  -bjørn  man  eating 
bear.  -bom  c  manhood,  virility. 

a)lttnbbomé|aar,  -olbfr  years  el.  age  of  man- 
hood, -gerning  aet  of  manhood.  -traft  strength 
of  manhood.  -orb  manly  word.  -rtjgte  renown 
for  manhood.   -ftljrle  fe  -fraft.   -Uært  fe  =gerning. 

Snanbibrab  (i  9ltm  )  homicide;  (itte  ooerlagt) 
manslaughter.    -braber  c  -e  homicide,  manslayer. 

3)2anbe  vt  ^■.  man;  _  9Jaa  man  ship;  _  fig  op, 
fe  Domanbe,  t  §  be  married,  marry. 

9Manbc|blob  human  blood.  -bob  weregild. 
4-b«b  mortality.  -falb  slaughter,  loss  of  life. 
-bobeb  human  head.  -^ut  man-hole.  -flagt 
fe  -oib. 

SnanbrI  c  -bier  almond;  nnat  almond,  tonsil. 
-br«b almond-biscuit.  -bubbing almondpudding. 
•bejg  almond  paste.  -formig  a  almond-shaped. 
-gr«8for  vegetable  marrow.  -grab  almond  pap. 
•gummi  almond  gum. 

3)2nnbcltg  ndv  mnnfully. 

tSJJanbrlift  c  mau's  cnnning;  _  et  bel  be^ænbe, 
men  ftoinbelift  er  nben  ©nbc  man  may  plot,  but 
woman  can  counterplot. 

9Ranbel|tagc  ahnond-rake.  -lerne  (kemel  of 
an)  almond.  -flib  almond-powder.  -mcctt  almond 
-milk,  orgeat.  -olie  almond  oil.  -^-oft  blanc 
-manger.  -pil  almond-willow,  Salixanivgdalind. 
*-pubbing  fe  -bubbing.  -ftcn  amygdaloid,  toad 
-stone.  -fæbc  almond-soap.  -træ  almond-tree, 
Amvo'laliin  coKimunii.     -tærte  almond-tait. 

3Ranbe|mob  manly  courage,  -blb  human  wis- 

SWonblfalb  fe  Wanbefolb.  -foH  male,  man,  pi 
men,   F  mon-folk(s). 

9nanbføtfe|tiaanb  man's  hånd.  -^ot  man's  el. 
gentleman's  hat.  -naun  fe  3Kanb§=.  -felflab  fe 

9Raub|før  a  fe  -bat;  _  |)eft  horse,  that  can  bear 
a  rider,  -gol  a  mad  after  men.  '•-gor  c  large 
ring  el.  row  of  men.  -tjaftig  a  stout-hearted, 
doughty,  stalwart;  (om  Sruentiramer) 
-^af'tigi)cb  c  doughtiness.  -^ul  man-hole.  -^uIS^ 
b«r  man-hole  door. 

TOiinbi'bler  pi  man'diiilp'; 

ilRanbig  c  manful,  doughty.  -^cb  c  manful- 
ne=s.    3){anbin'bc  «  woman. 

Snanbtøn  male  sex,  masculine  gender.  3Ranb< 
Ug  n  male,  masculine,  virile;  -t  5Rim  male  el. 
single  rhyme.    =f9!JJ<inbt«é  a  husbandless. 

SWnnboii'n  c  -er  man'dolin. 

^{anbolm  a  vicious. 

ajlanbrir  c  -ler  (9l6e)  man'drill,  drill,  Cvnoce- 
ph'ilvs  mormon. 

9Ranb§{a(ber  ( Wenneffealber)  age  of  man;  (monb= 
lig  Sliber)  man's  estate.  -anfigt  man's  face. 
-arbejbc  man's  work  el.  labour.  -arbrjber  (©fom.) 
man's  man.     -arbtng  male  heir. 

aKanbfdfttt'Icr  c  Manchoo,  Manehu,  Manchow. 
•rift  Manchu'ry. 

!D!anb§|bragt  male  attire.  -fabber  godfather, 
male  sponsor,  -fange  male  prisoner.  -banbfTe 
man's  glove.  -fjerte  manly  fortitude,  intrepid- 
ity;  6ar  bu  Wlob  og  -  if  you  are  not  a  eoward, 
if  you  are  a  man.  -bolbntng  manly  bearing. 
•I)«j  o  of  a  man's  height.    -t)«jbe  a  man's  height 

Snanbffab  n  troops,  men  pi;  ^  crew,  ship'a 
Company;  *n  -er  man,  private;  l)aoe  for  libet  _ 
be  undermanned.  —  9naMbfr(tb§|forlegnelfe, 
-lifte,  -ruOe  crew's 

3Ranbé{tjoIe  coat.  -flæber  men's  elothes, 
male  apparel.  -Itæbning  male  attire.  -for  male 
choir.  -foft  man's  allowance  (of  food).  -traft 
manly  strength.  -len  male  fee.  røanbdling  c 
-er  bit  of  a  man,  manikin.  aRonbS|linic  male 
line.  -lift  a  man's  cunning.  -lob  male  share 
of  a  .succession,    -længbe  fe  -^øjbc. 

^aRanbffæt  n  manslaughter,  homicide. 

SDlanbéImtnbi  fe  9Konb(§  røinbe).  -mob  fe 
-I)jerte.  -nabn  man's  name.  -perfon  male;  ugift 
_  bachelor. 

taWanbfptfbe  c  waste  of  human  life. 

9Ranb@{fang  men's  singing.  -fangforening 
men's  vocal  society,  male  voice  glee  society. 
-fibe  fe  Soærbfibe.  -ffo  man's  shoe.  -ffræbber 
(men's)  tailor.  -flægt  male  kindred,  agnates  »</. 
-ftamme  fe  -linie,  -ftcmme  a  man's  voice  el. 
male  voice.  -ftue  (i  et  |>ofpital)  male  ward.  -tro 
eryngo,  sea-holly,  Erf/npium  maritimvm.  -tugt 
discipline.    -tt)f  a  of  the  thick'rress  of  a  man. 

Snanbftært  n  strong  in  men  el.  numbers,  in 
grcat  force,  in  strong  force,  with  a  great  force, 
numerously  attended;  møbe  -  muster  strong. 

Snanbltal  register,  census;  fiolbe  _  take.  a 
census,  make  up  a  return  of  population.  -tol8= 
lifte  return  of  population;  census-paper.  -Potten 
fe  -bar. 

9R(ine  vt  (fræbe)  dun;  (9lanber)  conjure,  raise; 
ti,  (en  (Snbe)  pass  (a  rope);  _  frem  conjure  up, 
raise;  -  bort,  neb  exorcise,  lay.  -brcp  dunning 

ajlane'ge  c  manege,    -piff  longe-whip. 

9)}anclfc  c  r  admonition,  warning.  iØlanrn 
fe  Waning.    SJlaner  c  -e  exorciser. 

SOidttér  e  -er  man'ner;  (TOaniertbeb)  manner- 
ism.  -Hg  a  man'nerly,  decorous.  -Hg^eb  c  man- 

SDlnner,  SOianrS  pi  manes. 

*aj}ane't  aWanæt  c   er  jelly-fish,  Medusa. 

SRanga'n  w  mangane'se.  -^^broj^b  manganic 
hydrate.  -t|t)brojt)bM(  manganous  hydrate.  -Ilte 
mangnnic  oxide.  iDtanganoflorib  manganous 
chloride  (o.  fl).  9)Iangfln|DBcrilte,  -opero£t)b 
manganic  dioxide.  -oj^b  fe  -ilte.  -fpflt  mangan 
-spar,  dialogi  te.  -furt  ftali  potassic  manganate 
(0.  ft  ).    -fljre  manganic  trioxide. 

tannnge  c  -r,  fe  ^i^libe. 

Wange  a  many;  »  many  (people);  færbcteé  _ 
very  many,  a  great  many;  _  ^cnge  much  monoy; 
ulj^'re  -  ^enge  a  rast  lot  of  money;  boab  ffal  ber 
gøre?  meb  be  _  SJøger?  what  is  to  be  done  with 





all  these  books?  _  %a.l  many  thanks,  I  thank 
you  very  much;  Iftoot  _  er  ^folten?  what  is  the 
time?  ben  er  _  it  is  late.  9nan({e|aar{8  a  of 
many  years,  of  mauy  years'  staudiiiK.  -armet 
a  måny-armed.  -artet  a  multifarious.  •Horn- 
ftrct  a  mauy-flowered,  mulliflorous.  -bobbelt 
«  manifold,  muUiplied;  ado  many  times,  -faruet 
a  many-coloured,  variegated.  -folb  a  manifold; 
n  multiple.  -f«bbct  a  multipled,  multipede. 
-gifte  n  polygamy.  -Iiaanbe  a  various.  -tant 
polygon.    -lantet  a  polygonal. 

9RanøeI  c  -gier  want,  lack,  absence;  Citøb, 
STraiig)  need;  (Snap^eb,  ringe  JJorroab)  scarcity; 
(i^eil)  defect,  deficiency,  shortcoming,  drawback, 
demerit;  take-oflf;  libe  _  suffer  want;  Ijade  _  paa 
be  in  want  of,  be  short  of;  af  _  paa  for  want 
of,  i  ,  af  in  default  of,  for  lack  el.  want  of,  in 
the  absence  of;  i  _  berof  failing  that,  that  failing. 

3nattge(ebet  a  with  many  joints. 

^angetfulb  a  defective,  deflcient.  -^eb  c 
defectiveness,  deficiency. 

+50lattgelunb(c)  adv  in  many  ways. 

9)2angcn  pron  inde/,  n  mangt  many,  _  en  mauy 
a  one;  -  ®ong  many  a  time,  often;  in  many 
cases;  mangt  og  meget  (a  great)  many  things. 

!!)>lange|rabet  a  multiserial.  -flbifl  a  many 
-sided,  versatile.  -flblfl^cb  c  versatility,  many 
-sidedness.  +-ftnbc  adv  mauy  times.  -flaQebe 
pi  zoo  multivalves,  -flagd  a  of  many  kinds, 
•ftebå  ado  in  mauy  piaces.  -ftemmiij  a  for  many 
voices.  -tltbig  a  ambiguous,  capable  of  many 

iDlangfDCbig  a  multifarious,  manifold,  multi- 
tudinous;  -e  ever  so  many,  numbers  (of).  -gøre 
vt  multiply.  -gørelfe  c  multiplication.  -^eb  c 
multiplicity,  multitude,  variety. 

ManggobS  ti  'kind  of)  pewter,  tin  of  a  mean 

9Ritnglc  vt  (fatte?)  want,  lack,  be  destitute  of; 
—  vi  be  wanting;  bet  -r  mig  ...  I  want .  .  . ;  bet 
-be  lun !  that  only  was  wanting !  what  next !  ber 
•r  iffe  aint^bntnger  til  tliere  are  not  wanting 
hints;  ben  -r  ti  #Hnutter  i  5  it's  ten  minutes  to 
flve,  M'ants  ten  minutes  to  el.  of  five  (o'clock); 
bet  Bil  ifle  _  bem  \>aa  .  .  .  they  will  not  want 
(for)  .  .  .;  bet  -be  ttfe  paa  there  was  no  want  of; 
lob  bet  iffe  _  paa  was  not  sparing  of,  gave 
abundant  .  .  .;  intet  f^neS  at  _  i  ^an?  ©torfieb 
nothing  seemed  wanting  to  his  grandeur;  bet 
-nbe  what  is  wanting,  the  deficiency,  the  de- 
fect(s);  -nbe  Setaltng  non-payment. 

Mangle  vt  (ruUe)  mangle,  caiender.  -6r«t 
(^Orb.)  rolliug- board,  -fjæl  mangling- board, 
-flot  -trrc  roller. 

99iango  c  mango,  -træ  maugo-tree,  Mangifera 

anangro'be  c  -r  man'grove. 

3Rani'  c  -er  ma'nia,  craze. 

Mantdfæ'ler  c  -e  Manichee,  Maniche'an.  -'ifl 
«  Mauichean.    -ié'tnc  c  Man'icheism. 

5IDlan{e'ret,  aWanierc'rct  a  mannered.  -^eb  c 

SWanifeft'  n  -er  manifest,  manifes'to.  -atio'n 
c  -er  manifesta'tion.    -e'te  vt  man'ifest. 

SWaniJjot  fe  9Kanio!. 

aRattta'a  n  (Øen)  (the  isle  of)  Manilla.  -cigar 
Manilla,  cheroot.    -^amV  Manilla  (hemp). 

SKRanill'e  c  (i  2om6etfp.)  manille. 

SOtaniitg  c  dunning  etc.  (fe  Want). 

^anioi  c  manioc,  manihot.  Manihot  utilis- 
tina.   -firflb  cassava-bread.    -met  cassava  (meal). 

SDlanle  c  -r  withers  pi;  fe  9Kan.  -brubt  a 
wither-wrung.  -febt  melted  horse's  grease,  horse 
-oil.  -flftcl,  -mtt§  flstulous  withers.  -fiaar  mane 

vt  miss. 

3)}anle'r|e  vi  F  fail,  be  wanting; 
-lia  1  P  annoyed. 

9)lattle|re«n  wither-strap.  -ftol  sadole.  SOtanlet 
a  måned. 

9)!attna  c  manna,  -aff  manna  ash,  Fraxinus 
ornus.  -cifabe  manna  fly.  -gr^n  manna-groats. 
-græS  floating  meadow-grass,  Fentucn  fluitant. 
-faft  manna-emulsion,  •futter  mannite.  -fOingel 
fe  -aræi.   -træ  manna-tree.   SOllannit'  c  man'nite. 

SSlanome'ter  n  -tre  manom'eter. 

Snanfa'rbtag  n  man'sard  el.  curb  roof. 

9Kanft  a  Manx. 

SBlattftet'  c  -ter  cuflf,  ruffle  (for  the  wrist), 
(faft)  wristband;  ftebt  Xicyo-  -terne  F  piqued.  -Ina^J- 
jjer  studs,  sleeve-liuks.  -ftjorte  gentleman's 
(fiill)  shirt. 

S9iantcl  c  -tier  (ogf.  t  røaSoun)  mantle;  i,  runner; 
'■'(ober  ©forften)  mantel,  mantle-piece.  -blot  .1^ 
runner  block.  Mantelct'  c  -ter  mantlet,  mantelet 
SUltttttcIloUtt  jacket-furuace.    -fæl  fe  SBabfæt. 

SDJantitt'e  c  -r  mantilla. 

ajJrtJitié'fe  c  -r  mantissa. 

9nanua't  c  -er  mere  waste-book,  mus  keyboard; 
-er  (.gioanbbægte)  dumb  bells. 

SWnnttbttlcenb'  c  -er  pupil,  -cent' c -er,  fe -ftør. 
-ce'rc  vt  prepare  (a  student)  for  an  examinatiou, 
coach,  F  grind,  eram.  -ttton  c  coaching  etc 
-tta'r  c  -er  (special)  tutor,  coach,  F  grinder. 

9JlanttcI'  a  man'ual. 

SRanufattu'r  c  -er  manufac'ture;  n  (^foBrif) 
(mauu)fac'tory.  -arbeibe  factory  work.  -arbefber 
manufactory-man.  -ftanbcl  drapery,  amr  busi- 
ness in  dry  goods;  (iBntif)  draper's  shop,  dry 
-goods  store,  -ftonbler,  SlJlaitttfotturift'  c  -er 
draper,  dry  goods  mercliant.  -ttarer  manufac- 
tured  goods;  drapery,  dry  goods. 

aJlanuftrHit'  n  -er  man'uscript  (ftribel  i  SRegten 
MS);  (til  Sætteren)  copy,  matter;  fian  mangler  _ 
he  is  out  of  copy;  trt)!t  fom  -  privately  printed, 
printed  for  private  circulatlon.  -famling  coUec- 
tion  of  MSS. 

*3Wnnæ't  fe  Wanet. 

aJlanfl'oer  (SOlana  »re)  c  -rer  manoeuver,  ma- 
noeuvre,  evolution;  (SrigSøbelfe)  manoeuver, 
sham  fight;  J,  manoeuver,  working  of  the  ship. 
-bar,  -lig  a  manageable,  easy  to  manoeuvre. 
SOlnneDrc're  vi  &  t  (i  ailminbcligfteb)  manoeuver; 
^  work  el.  handle  a  ship,  fig  manage;  ©ttfiet 
lunbe  iffe  -8  the  ship  was  unmanageable.  9Ra= 
neore'rittg  e  manoeuvres. 

SOla))pe  c  -r  portfolio,  paper-case,  (StrtbeO 

9)larabu'(fiort)  c  marabou.  -fjer  marabou 

9)larabttt'  c  -er  marabout. 

aJlarnfdftt'no  c  maraschino. 

*9Wa'rbatfe  c  sandbank,  seabank  (where  the 
bottom  suddenly  shelves  into  deep  water). 

SWarccBi'n  c  persian,  ma'rceline. 

SJlard^  c  -er  ma  rch;  pcKx  -en  on  the  march; 
begibe  fig  paa  -en  march  off,  start;  flaa  el.  blæfe 
en  -  strike  up  a  march. 

2)lari^|an«t§tttrtg  route.  -bataiUott  marching 
battalion.  -bog  marching  day.  -btjgttg  a  able 
to  march.  SOJari^c're  vi  march;  labe  _  march. 
9)lar(^|fægttttng  encounter.  -færbtg  a  ready 
to  m  ;rch.  -loloniie  marching  column.  -linie 
line  of  march,  -mari^  double- quick  step. 
-orben  marching  order.  -orbrc  marching  order; 
gtbe,  faa  _  put,  be,  under  marching  orders.  -rute_ 
fe  -linie. 

9Karcil)a'n  c  ma  rchpane. 

Mare  c  nightmare,  incubus. 

9)larc|t)alm  c  lyme-grass,  Elvmua  arenariun; 
grass-wrack,  Zo^tera  marina.  -lAt  c  (long-tailed) 
monkey,  Cercopitheotis. 









j  2)Jare|Ior§  two  triangles  interlaced.  Aot  c  elf 
-lock,  plica. 

taWore|ft)tnbe,  -rotnbc  memiaid. 

Waren  ^lary;  f  ~  Stmme  hanidan. 

aJJarcng'fcr  [fr.]  pi  meringues, 

3)2arertlit  n  altack  of  the  nightmarp. 

9)2arc;torn  c  hoUy,  llex  aquefolium.  -tiJbje  c 
creeping  willow,  ISalix  repens. 

tSBJarelBl«)  (c  -toinbe. 

fflJttrg  je  Wargcn. 

*9BJotfl  fe  ffliaio. 

9)iargaTi'n  c  ma'rgariiie.    -fljre  margaric  acid. 

3)largcn  c  er  (i  en  *og)  margin;  i  ~  ou  el.  in 
the  margin.    9)2argina'l»Dte  ma'rginal  note. 

a)}orfl{o)rc'te  Margaret,    -taffc  alms  bag. 

♦ajiargftjæte  vt  eneivate,  unman. 

ajJorgucrit'E  c  marguerite,  Paris  daisy,  Leti- 
anttfienium  grandiflorum . 

3Ra'tt|alm  \t  Ware^alm. 

tSBJart  adv  troih. 

9)iaria'nc,  Mary  Ann. 

9)iart'a,  ajJori'e  Mary,  Mari'a;  Somfrit  _  the 
(Holy)  Virgin,  the  Virgin  Mary;  TOoriæ  •J3ebiibelie 
Annimciatiou  day;  33ioriæ  i'efngelje  Visitation 
day.  —  9)2aTieibab  chem  water-bath,  Italnenm 
Mariæ.  -biUebe  image  of  the  Virgin,  -bljrteife 
maiiolatry.  -bt)r!cr  mariolatcr.  -  rx)%\(x6  miea. 
*-ju(b  corn  marigold,  Chrytanthethum  aegetnm. 
••(,9KQria!)9ulbffo  lady's  slipper.  Lotus  comicula- 
tus.  *-J)aonb  i)almate  orchis,  Orchis  maculata. 
•f)alm  fe  -Sfngclialm;  twild  thyme.  Thymus  ser- 
pvltum.  -t)ønc  tlady-bird,  Coccinella;  *butterfly, 
Fapilio.  -toobe  fe  iiøoefob.  -firfe  St.  Mary('s) 
Church).  -tlofter  monastery  dedicated  to  the 
Virgin.  -mciSfc  Ladyday.  -(WariæjMflfllebaonb 
fe  ft'obrioer.  -rot  (the  constellation  ofj  Orion. 
•(9Mariæ)écn9e^oltn  Lady's  bedstraw,  Ualium 
vervm.  -tibfcl  St.  Mary's  thistle,  Cardunx  Ma- 
rianus.   *9)Ja  niflulb,  -^«ne,  -toabe  fe  Warie-. 

ajJorilb  'e  'J)Jonlb. 

3)2attna'bc  c  pickled  meat. 

SDiarine  c  -r  navy;  +  =  -maleri,  -aarbog  Navy 
List.  -arfenolnaval  arsenal,  -bubgcttet  theNaval 
Estimates.  "-og  'iJofl)beV'Jrtcmcitt  navy  (and  post) 
department.  -bcvot  naval  depot.  -ctabUøfement 
naval  establishmcut.  -jlag  naval  flag.  -forraab 
naval  stores,  -fcettgfcl  naval  prison.  -t)0fvital 
naval  hospital,  -talenbet  fe  -aarbog.  -tiffert 
binocular  lelescope.  -tomttianbo  Navy  Board, 
•tommtåfariat  Commissioners  of  the  Navy. 
-walcr  maiine  painter.  -molcri  sea-piece.  -«tO' 
teticl  naval  material.  •ininiftcr  minister  of 
naval  afl'airs,  m.  of  marine,  -miutftcrium  min- 
istry  of  naval  affairs;  (i  englonb^  Royal  navy 
department.  -mtinbig^cber  naval  authoriiies. 
-marter  lieacons  and  buoys.    -plan  Navy  plan. 

SDiari'ncr  c  -e  marine.    -tovpS  corps  of  marines. 

9)iarine're  i(  (neblægge)  mar'inate,  pickle;  -t 
(beffabiget)  seadamaged. 

9)2artne|fotbat  marine.  -ff^tS  naval  ord nance. 
•ft^tte  fe  -maleri,  -fttjrclfctt  our  Naval  admini- 
strators,   -oærft  naval  dockyard. 

aJlorionct'  c  -ter  puppet.  -butte  b.  f.  -tomebie 
-ft)il,  -teater  puppetshow  el.  play. 

3)2artti'tn  a  mar'itime. 

aWarl  c,  pt  =,  (Oflfaa:  *9Rærfer  i  S8et.  ajægt), 
(iBoegt)  half  a  pound;  tlWant,  3Jiartfl?rfe)  mark 
(tabout  4'/«  pence,  *10*/s  pence);  _  "i^anlo  (3<anfo= 
9Jlort)  Banko  mark;  en  -  Sølt)  eight  ounces  of 
Silver;  en  ~  @ulb  24  carats  of  gold;  et  ^ar  -ei 
'^enge  a  couple  of  marks. 

*a)Jart  c   er  worm. 

9)JarI  c  -er  fieids,  ground,  land;  t  C''  tun  Jiu) 
lield;  *woods,  pasture,  common;  aaben  -  open 
field;  en  Bib  _  for  a  wide  tield  for;  brage  el.  rijtte 
i  -en   take  the  lield;  flaa  af  -en  beat  out  of  the 

field,  off  the  field,  Joe  put  out  ot  court;  ratnme 
-en  quit  the  field;  labe  en  bef)olbe  -en  leave  ene 
in  possession  of  the  Held.  -atfovn  maple,  Aetr 
canpestris.  -orbejbe  field  woik.  -nrbcjber  fleld 
labourer.  -blomft  field  flower,  wild  flower. 
t-bog  surveyor's  inventoiy  of  land.  t-bige  fleld 
dike.    -bue  fe  3fiingbue. 

9))arteb  n  -et  fair;  mere  (?lffætning8fteb;  9lffæt= 
ning  af  Siarer)  market,  (©teb)  emporium;  goo  J^aa 
-et  go  to  the  fair;  ber  l)a»be  oæret  _  there  had 
bten  a  fair;  ber  er  et  gobt  -  for  ftaffc  it  is  a 
good  market  for  coffee;  et  nl)t  -  a  new  outlet 
for  commodities;  naar  loefen  tommer  til  _,  foor 
fircemmeren  ?Bcnge  a  fool  and  his  money  are  soon 
parted.  —  9}2artebS|bcretntng  mere  market-re- 
port.  -bob,  -bullt  boolh  at  a  fair.  -bag  fair 
-day.  -folt  frequenters  of  a  fair;  (fom  brage  tit 
3B.)  people  going  to  a  fair.  -gong  fairing. 
•gabe  fairing.  -gob§  goods  sold  at  a  fair.  -gæft 
frequenter  of  a  fair.  -tram  fe  -gobS.  -træmmer 
shop  man  at  a  fair.  -teb  (Jløbmanbffab  paa  W.) 
purchase  made  at  a  fair;  (Soroe-  el.  a)2.=»)rt§) 
market  price.  -)>IabS  place  where  a  fair  is  held. 
-(»riå  market- price.  -rettig^eb  privilege  of  hold- 
ing a  fair.  -ftabe  xtall  at  a  fair.  -tib  tair  time. 
-tiorer  fe   gobS.    -\»cjr  weatber  for  ihe  ftiir. 

9)2arte{'gaarb  hill-farm.  *-gong  survey  of 
boundaries.  *-b«  wood  el.  mountain  hay.  -ro« 
fe  TOarttQOeri.  IDiort  @nttan  fleld  gentian,  Gen- 
tiana  ca  ih  pestris. 

aJJorte're  tt  mark;    er  et  a  marked. 

9)iarte|ftet  boundary  of  a  field;  *boundary 
bttween  farms.  *-floot  hay-cutting  on  the 

9)2artcten  ber,  WnrteUn'ler  c  e  sutler.  -I'  >i 
(^anbel  meb  W.'Borer)  sutler's  tråde;  (^^oben) 
canteen.    ajJartctcntcrfte  c  -r  sutler-woman. 

3)Jnrf|freti  public  security  with  regard  to  flelds. 
•frugter  pi  fruits  of  the  field.  -fr«  «  grass-seed. 
-fr«  c  fe  i!BDfr».  -funb  fe  3orb=.  -gerning  fe 
-arbejbe.  -grcue  margrave.  -greoetig  a  beloug- 
ing  to  a  margrave.  -grctiinbe  margravine.  -greo* 
flob  margra'viate,  ma'rgravate.  t-grænfe  boun- 
dary of  a  fleld.  -Qta^lioppt  grasshopper,  Acri- 
dium.  t-grflft  ditch  rouud  a  field.  t-^cgn 
hedge.  t-l)^rbe  keeper  of  a  field.  -t)«  tfield 
hay;  *fe  TOarte=. 

ajJortt'fe  fe  9Karquife. 

a)Jarf|tjorb  arable  land.  -iorbborr  wild  straw- 
berries.  -tieb  gate  to  a  field.  -tob  fe  ^orblob. 
-lærte  fe  Sanglærte.  -I«n  fe  -o^orn.  -maot  fe 
Qorbmaal.  f-wonb  fe  -^tjlb.  -mu§  field-mouse, 
fltld  vole,  Hypudiew.  -ron  fe  -tDueri.  -rebftab 
implement  of  husbandry.  -rofe  wild-rose,  Éosa 
caniiia.  -fi^eiber  [t.]  surveyor  of  mines,  -ffet 
fe  9!J2arre=. 

SJiortftriger  c  -e  quack,  monntebank.  -I'  n 
qnackery,  mountebankery.  -ft  a  quackish,  puft'- 
ing.    -tit§ ;  paa.  -  in  the  way  of  quacks  etc. 

!D2arti faringer  green-  tiger- beetle,  Uicindela 
campestris.  -ften  field-stone.  -fti  tfield  path; 
*wood  el.  mountain  path. 

tSBJarffttjtte  n  mark. 

*SI){nrt!ftutten,  -æbt  a  woriri-caten. 

3)2art|fk)ale  chimney  swallow,  Hirundo  rtistica. 
t-t^U  field  robber.  -t^oeri  fleld  robbery,  crop 
-lifting.    -urt  fleld  herb. 

ajJor tuå  Mark. 

3)iortitiei  tfield  way;  *mountain  road,  read 
through  a  wood.  -blol  fe  Jéu"'>eDioI.  -bogtet  fe 
-t)t)rbe.    -ærter  field  peas(e),  Pisum  arveiise. 

9Jlarte'r  c  -er  marker,  waiter. 

a)Jo  rlol  fe  TOarelof. 

3}2arme(a'be  c  ma'rmalade,  (af  2®bIeinos)cheese. 

Warmelcr,  SOJarmelfugler  pi  marbles. 

9)i2arme'ring  c  ^.  pump  nozzle;  a  short  hose. 




aMarmor  n  a;  c  ma'rble;  Sr^be  _  quarry  m. 
•oorc  veiu  of  m. 

9){armora^aoet  tbe  sea  of  Ma'rmara  el.  Ma'r- 

3Rarmor{arbcji)e  work  in  marble;  pi  ogf. 
marbles.  -ortej&irrm.-woiker  el.  m. -cutter,  -art 
species  of  marble.  -btUebc  m.  statue.  -6int» 
marbled  binding,  -bio!  marble  block.  -borb 
m.  table.  -brub  marble-q\iarry.  -bue  m.-arch. 
■cement  marblecement.  aJJarmore're  vt  marble; 
•t  ^apix  marble-paper;  ineb  -t  ©nit  marbleeJged. 
2Rarmor|figur  marble  ilgure  pi  ogf.  marbles. 
•fjitlb  marble  mountain.  -fllfe  m.  flag.  -glat  a 
sinooth  as  marble.  -Qtuppe  m.  group.  -gulo 
m.  floor.  -t)aarb  a  hard  as  marble.  -tjbib  a 
White  as  marble.  -Itall  m.  cement.  -!irte  m. 
-church.  -lifte  m.  cofliu.  -folb  a  cold  as  marble. 
-Ir«niten  the  Parian  chronicle.  -leje  stratum 
of  marble.  -mølle  m.-mill.  -<>lobe  m.  slab; 
Seroaiite  tneb  _  washstand  with  marble  top 
-flot  marble-palace.  -ftul  marble  stucco.  -ftotte 
m.  column,  marble  statue.  -f«jle  marble  column. 
-tottlc  (f  -ptabe.    -traV<)e  marble  stalrs. 

9)2armafet'  c  -ter  marmozet,  ouistitis,  Hapale 

tSWarnc  c   r,  fe  Watie  2. 

a)Jaro|be(r)  a  knocked  up.  -be're  vi  maraud 
•b«'r  c  -er  marauder. 

aRaroljta  n  Morocco.  -ta'nev  c  -e  iuhabitant 
of  Morocco.    -!a'nft  a  Morocco. 

aWaro'ner  pi  Italiau  chestnuts. 

SOlaronit'er  pi  Maronites. 

'iD2aron  neget  c  Maroon. 

9)2aroqtttn'  n  morocco. 

Warqneteri'  n  ma'rquetry,  inlaid  work. 

anarqui^  c  -er  marquis.  iølarqui'fe  c  -r 
marqui'se,  (i  Sngt.)  marchiouess;  (Soltelt)  awniug, 

9J}(jrrtt'(bc)  c  white  horehound,  Marrubium 

SBJarft^al  c  -lev  ma'rshal.  Snarfc^aUa't  n  mar- 
shalship.  SDlarfi^alinbe  c  -r  marsbal's  lady.  — 
9Warf(^al§|ftaO  marshal's  stafF  el.  baton.  -taffel 
marshal's  table  at  court.  -Uærbig^eb  marshal- 

SWttrfti^anbi'fcr  fe  ^Kavftonbifer. 

ajJarfeiHe  «  Marseilles,  -fæbe  Marseilles  white 

9R(trftVa'n  c  -er  ma'rchpane. 

tSBlarft  c  -er  (lord  high)  constable. 

SDJarff  c  marsh. 

aJlarffoH  fe  9Rarftf)al. 

URarffanbi  fer  c  -e  fripper,  fripperer,  dealer  in 
secoudhand  goods,  broker,  old  furniture  seller. 
-bob,  -tjanbel  frippery. 

9Rarft{bonbe  marshfarmer.  -bunb  marshy  soil. 
-egn  te  -latib.  -eng  marshy  meadow.  -fnat 
marsh-sheep.  -feber  maish-fever.  -jorb  fe  -bunb. 
•lanb  marshland,  marshy  country. 

aRa'r§o»n  fe  aUaéoou. 

SWa'rftalb  c  royal  stables. 

3Ra'rft)in  n  porpoise.  Delphinus  phocæna; 
guiiieapig,  Caoia  cobnya. 

9RarteU  otaarn  n  Martello  tower. 

99iarter  c  fe  $tiie.  -b«b  paiaful  death.  -fulb 
a  excruciating.  -{ammer  torture-chamber.  -reb- 
fittb  instrument  of  loiture. 

ayiartia'Ift  a  ma'rtial,  fierce. 

^ia  rtorn  fe  TOaretorn. 

ajlartre  vt  fe  %\w  et. 

3Rart§  c  March.  -maaneb  the  month  of 
March,  -oiol  March  violet,  sweet  violet,  Viola 
odotata.     -fll  Murch  beer. 

9nartqr  c  -q'rer  ma'rtyr;  gere  til  -  martyr;  en 
_  for  ben  gobe  Sag  a  m.  in  the  good  cause; 
førfte    -   protomartyr.      -bog    book    of  martyrs. 





martyrology.     -bom  c  martyrdom.    -bflb  dcath 
ofa  martyr,    -glorie  halo  ofmartyrdom.  -^iftoric 
martyrology.    SKartljrife'rc  vt  ma'rtyrize.    9Jlai 
tQ'rium  n  -ter  ma'rtyrdom.   anartQrIrone  cro 
of  martyrdom. 

Smarnfbe)  fe  røarrube. 

'■ajlarult    c    father- lasher,     Cottun    JHcorpi 
angler,  Lophius  piscatorius. 

aWaro  c  (i  aen  og  fii;  [bet  Bebfte,  inbte  Kraft]' 
marrovv;  (i  Zm)  pilh;  fin  (St^tfe,  traft)  vigour; 
gennem  -  og  Sen  through  nerve  and  bone;  b?t 
gif  ^am  gennem  -  og  iBen  it  peuetrated  to  t 
very  marrow  of  his  bones,  pierced  him  to  t 
marrow;  cut  him  to  the  quick.  -agtig  a  : 
rowish,  marrow  like,  medullary.  -ben  marrow 
■bone.  -bolle  marrow-dumpling.  -bnbbino  mar- 
row-pudding.  aRaroe  ub  vt  fe  Ubmarue.  SRaroet 
a  marrowy,  having  marrow.  9nart)|futb  a  mar- 
rowy,  pithy.  -fulb^eb  pithiness,  vigour.  -ftulc 
cavity  el.  pipe  of  a  bone  containing  the  marrow. 
-fnogle,  -Inottcl  fe  -ben.  -1«8  a  marrowless, 
pithless.  -leåt)ct)  c  hollowness.  -olie  marrow 
-oil.  -))ibe  fe  -f)u(e.  *-|)ubbing  fe  -bubbing.  -ffe 
marrow-spoon.  -ffare  c  shake.  -ftraale  med- 
ullary ray.  -ft^Ite  marrow-part.  -fnbftanS  (i 
9il)rer)  medullary  substance.  -foam))  medull 
sarcoma.    -f«jle  medullary  column. 

SWaræ'ne  c  fe  2atefilb. 

aJlaS  n  f  (iBefocer,  SSRø\t)  trouble;  ^ooe  _  meb 
noget)  have  much  difficulty  \vith  a  thing;  jeg  ^ar 
_  nol  tneb  be  S3ørn,  jeg  ^ar  the  children  I  ha 
are  trouble  enough  to  me;  ^Bilfet  _  jeg  l^ar  fy 
meb  bet!  such  trouble  it  has  giveu  me 

ajlaå  c  -er  (i  SiU.)  mace. 

9)la§ :  træbe  i  _  scrunch;  ft»be,  Inufe  i  _  pound, 
grind  to  atoms;  toge  i  _  boil  to  pieces  el.  rags, 
mash  (by  boiling).    aRafe  vt  mash. 

SOlafc  oi  F  -  meb  noget,  fe:  ^aoe  'iDlai  meb;  bi 
ftob  og  -be  nteb  i)am  we  had  a  great  deal  of 
trouble  with  him. 

9)laff  c  ub.  pi  grains. 

aRafte   c   -r  (i  9Jft)  mesh;   (i  ©trampe 
stitch;  tabe  en  _  drop  a  mesh  el.  stitch.    9Wo 
vt  net. 

ajjaffe  c  -r  (for  Slnfigt)  mask;  fig  disguise; 
(StuefijtHerS)  make-up;  (i  åort)  underplay,  flness- 
ing;  tage  -n  af  (fig)  uumask;  rtoe  -n  of  en  unmask 
one.  taJlafle  vt  fe  Waffere.  -bol  masked  ball. 
-blomftret  •>  ^  personale.  -ban§  dance  of  masks, 
-bragt  masquerading  el.  fancy  dress,  -bue  spot. 
-fabritant  mask-maker.  -formet,  -formig  u  ^ 

9Raffefar  n  vat,  tub,  containing  grains. 

ajlaflefn^ttet  o  netled. 

aJlaffemager  c  -e  mask-maker. 

SUlafteVi'  [^oll.]  n  fellowship. 

JDlaffer  c  -e  knitter. 

SDlaffera'be  c  -r  mas'querade,  mask,  mummery. 

ajlaffe're  vt  mask;  -  fig  mask,  put  on  a  mask, 
-t  lotteri  marked  battery.    aRaffe'ring  c  masking. 

SWaffefptl  n  masqne. 

9)laffcft«rrelfe  c  size  of  meshes. 

SWaffelWnbe  fe  -far. 

ajJaftejutbbc  fe  -ftørrelie.    -bær!  mesh-work. 

SDtaffinlarbejbe  machine  work.  -atSel  engine 
shaft.  -orbejber  fe  -fmeb.  -bolance  sidelever. 
-bQgger  machinist;  eiigiue-builder.  -byggeri  fe 
■fabrit.  -bagning  construction  of  machines  el. 
engines.  -belep*^  parts  of  an  engine  el.  machine. 
-brejcbænf  self-acting  lathe,  slide-lathe. 

SWafli'nc  c  -r  (i  9llm.)  machine;  (naonlig  ftørre 
501.,  ®ampm )  engine;  (SeO  (tea-)urn;  forfine 
mib  -  engine  (a  ship).  SOiafffne  vt  (Sorii)  winnow. 
SOJaffineri'  n  mdchi'nery. 

ajlaffin  i  fabrit  engine  el.  machine  factory. 
-fabritant  fe  -bngger.    -foll  p'  engineers  pi,  (paa 

9    U 











■itatn)  scene-shifters  pi.  •garn  machinespun 
yarn,  macliiue  cotlon.  -fm§  eujriue  house.  -in= 
ueittariiim  fe  lerBijiter.  9)JafIiuift'  <,■  er  eugiueer. 
!D2affiniiomfru  machiuibt.  -journat  steain  log 
book;  eugiue-room  register,  -farl  engine  man, 
engiue-minder;  theat  sceueshifier.  -troft  engiue 
-power,  -fælbcr  thent  (maclunery)  dock.  -luge 
engiue  hatch(way).  -(ære  (applied)  mechauics 
pi.  -maiib  fe  -farl.  -meftcr  engineer,  machiuist; 
(paa  teatre)  master  of  the  scenery.  -mie^fig  a 
like  a  machiue,  mechauical.  -nebgang.  -o))gang 
la  Idervvay  leading  to  the  engine-room.  -otte 
lubricatiug  oil.  •opftiUer  eugiueadjaster.  -))a))ir 
machiue-made  paper.  •|)a6fcr  eugiue-miuder, 
-tender.  -Jjige  machiuist.  •ramme  engiue  frame. 
-rcfuiflter  pi  eugineer's  stores,  eugiue  fittings. 
-rem  friciion-band.  -rulle  fe  Stiiiig-.  -rum  (i 
Stibé=®Qm»m.)  englue-room.  -faté  shearings-raa- 
cliine.  -ffaaren  a  machine-cut,  (2:vælaftj  mill 
■sawu.  -ffot  eugiue-room  bulkhead.  -flaaet  a 
machiue-laid.  -fmeb  blacksmith  for  macliiuery. 
-fVunbcn  a  machiue  spuu.  -ftatiu  (i  S!,=Sni.) 
eugiueframiug.  -ftreer  (i  Sf.=®in.)  i)l  eugine 
sleepers.  -fijct  a  machine  made,  machiue  stitclied. 
-fljntng.  *-f«m  machiue  work,  machiuiug.  -teg- 
ning machine  design,  cugiueering  drawing. 
-telegraf  engine-room  telegraph.  -tUbel^ør  eugine 
Altings,  -unberlag  eugine -bearers.  -»trtet  a 
machiue-made.  -nært  (Waffiiu)  machiue;  (meb 
^fiifi)!!  til  Sainnienfætniiigeu  ofu.)  machiuery,  mech- 
anism.  -uærtftcb  machine-factory,  machiue-shop. 
-»ocfen  machiuery,  engineering.  -uæo  power 

imaffutinum  n,  ub.  pi,  the  masculiue  gender; 
n  -er  masculiue  uoun. 

9){a&0Dn  c  smelting  furnace,  blast  f.  -flag 
blast-furnace  slag 

ajla  §rct  a  measled. 

3Bla8fa'ge  c  shampooing,  massage. 

SDlasSfageternc  pi  the  Massag'etæ. 

Snadfa'tre  c  -r  massacre.  -'re  vt  mas'sacre; 
_  en  Welobi  murder  el.  exterminate  a  tune. 
•  'ring  c  massacre,  massacriug. 

anaåfe  c  -r  mass,  bulk;  (iBoetS)  assets,  estate; 
(^JapirO  pulp;  en  ^aarb  _  a  hard  mass;  en  ~ 
SJJennefter  a  crowd;  fig  en  _  el.  -r  af  lots  of,  i  _; 
fe  -tiiå;  -ti  the  great  body  of  the  people,  the 
million,  the  masses,  -agttg  a  massy.  -formning 
dry-saud  moulding.  -tjerrcbammc  mobocracy. 
-morb  Wholesale  murder.  -morber  Wholesale 
murderer.    -opbub  levy  in  mass. 

aWaSfe  re  vt  shampoo,  massage. 

a)Jaéfe|rcjéning  rising  iu  mass.  -ubffriøning 
fe  -opbub.  -bié :  i  -  in  masses,  in  great  qnanti- 
ties,  in  multitudes,  wholesale.  -Otelbe  fe  -t)erre= 
bBtnine.  3)!aéfi't»  a  mas'sive,  massy;  (iffe  ^ul) 
solid;  min  massive,  fig  coarse. 

^iaéftcot  n  massicot,  yellow  lead. 

IDJaéforc'tift  a  massorel'ic(al). 

iWlaåf«  r  c  -er  shampooer. 

aWaft  c  -er  ma'st,  foifi)ue  meb  er  mast;  fcettc  en 
_  inb  sR'p  a  mast;  ifcette  -en  (i  SBaab)  ship  the 
mast;  iiebtage  ('iJaob)-en  uuship  the  mast;  lægge 
-en  neb  lower  the  mast;  ubtage  -ertie  unmast  a 
ship;  fappe  -en  cut  away  the  mast;  et  Stib  uben 
-er  a  dismasled  ship;  paa  l)a(t)  _  half-mast  high. 
^afte  vi :  Slibet  -er  gobt  the  ship  is  well  raasted 
and  rigged  —  9}lafte|baanb  mast-hoop.  -balje, 
-baOe  mast-tulj.  -bolt  mast-cloth.  -but  masting 
-slieers.  -bejler  damps,  -emner  rougli  masts. 
-febt  fe  -fntBr.  -fift  mast  partner,  -fob  heel  of 
the  mast.  -grob  mast-poud.  -^ugger  fe  -mager. 
-^ugft  felliug  of  limber  for  masts.  -^uS  mast 
-house,  -^oette  rigging  cap.  -!ile  mast  wedge. 
-tlam^e  mastchock.  -loggerd  case  of  mast. 
-fran  (faft;  crane,  (flQbenbe;  sheer-hulk.    -(rand 

garland.  -Iraoe  coUar  for  the  mast.  -lurb  top. 
•Iaa8  mast-coak.  •lig  fore-leech,  luflF.  •l«8  a 
dismasteJ.  •mager  mast-maker.  -mageri  mast 
-making  •fmør  mast-grease.  -fob  casiug  of  a 
mast.  -fpor  step  of  the  mast,  -ftumb  stump  of 
a  mast.  -top  mast -head,  -træ  mast(-tree). 
SOtaftleS  a  mastless,  dismasted. 

anaftité  c  mastic.  -cement  mastic(-cement). 
-fernis  m.  varuish.  •træ  mastic(-tree),  lentisk, 
Pittacii   leiitUcua. 

SRafttarm  fe  Snbetarm. 

3)2afur'fa  c  -er  mazurka. 

9)lat'  c  »i,  mate. 

aJJat'  a  (om  !DJenne7er)  faint,  languid;  Com 
Sritfe,  ogf.  fiu)  flat,  vapid;  (ioag)  faint,  (itte  jlin' 
nenbe)  dim,  dull,  dead,  not  glossy;  (5Dtgt  o.  1.) 
dull,  flat;  (i  Sfaf)  mate;  gøre  _  (i  etat)  mate; 
_  Slugle  speut  ball  el.  shot;  _  gorgljlbning  dead 

!i!}2atabo'r  c  -et  (ogf.  fig)  mal'adore;  mighty 
man,  big-wig,  swell. 

3natema|ti{'  c  mathemat'ics  pi.  -'titer  c  -c 
mathematic'ian.  -til'lærer  mathemat'ical  master, 
-'tiff  a  matliemat'ical;  -e  Jigurer  diagrams. 

aJlateria'Ie  n  -lier  mate'rial.  —  SBJaterial'Ifor« 
brug  expenditiire  of  stores,  -forbalter  store 
-keeper,  material-mau.  -gaarb  yard  for  stores. 
-banbel  (Jpanoel  meb  SHaterialDarer)  tråde  in  drugs; 
(33utitleit)  druggist's  shop.  -^anbler  druggist. 
-^u§  store-house. 

9D2aterta|li8'me  c  mate'rialism.  -lift'  c  -er 
Oag)  druggist;  (9lanb8retn.)  mate'rialist.  -Hft'iff 
a  materialist'ic(al) 

Snateria  lifammcr,  -loft  storeroom.  -ffriber 
store-keeper.  -f(ur  tool-shed.  -barer  pi  drugs. 
-bogn  baggagewaggon. 

9)iaterie  c  -r  matter,  stufiF;  (f.  Sf*.  i  et  Saar, 
2Jor)  matter,  pus;  {fig  (Smne)  subject,  en  SSog  i  _ 
a  book  in  sheets,  iu  quires.  liStateriel'  a  (legem= 
lig,  fanfelig)  mate'rial,  corporeal,  sensual,  sub- 
stantial;  -le  9Jt)6elfer  p  creature  comforts.  3Ro< 
teriel'  n  materiel. 

SRatl føring  c  check-mating.  -grao  a  dull 
gray.  -gr«n  «  dull  green.  ^ati)Cb  c  (Sraftl»§= 
^eb)  faiuluess,  languor,  debility,  (25untell)eb)  duU- 
ness,  dimness;  (om  3)ritte)  flainess,  vapidity. 

9)Jntl)il  be  Matilda,  Maud. 

SBiatiné  c  -r  moruiug  coucert. 

9)iatjtoge  vt  deadeu.  -logning  deadening. 
•l^fcnbe  <i  dimglaring,    -pun5(el)  tarnisher. 

^iatraS'  c  -fer  mat'tress. 

SDlat'rem  c  fever-few,    Matricaria  Parthenium. 

9)}ntrice  c  -r  matrix. 

3)tatrit  el  c  -tier  register,  roll.  •ftat  ground 
-tax.  -»((fen  registry  (of  lands),  3)2atritule're 
vt  register.    9)iatritule'ring  c  registratioti. 

9)iatro'ne  c  -r  ma'tron;  head  nurse,  -agtig  a 
ma'tronly,    -bragt  matronly  dress. 

fDlatro'S  c  -er  sailor,  seaman,  mariner,  p  tar; 
Stibet  bet)ooer  fire  -er  the  ship  wants  four  sailors. 
-agtig  a  sailor -like.  -orbejbe  sailor's  work. 
-bragt  sailor's  dicss.  -breng,  *-gut  sailor-boy, 
deck  boy.  -formanb  leadiug  seaman.  -ttuS 
sailors'  boarding-house.  -^bre  sailor's  wages  el. 
hire.  -jagt,  -jageri,  -ta))eri  crimpaa;e,  crimping. 
-jæger,  -taper  ruuner,  crimp.  -tifte  seaman's 
chest.  -tlæbe  sailor's  cloth.  -tlceber  sailor's 
clothes,  (fom  ^aiibelSdare)  slops.  -tone  sailor's 
wife.  -locrreb  mixed  checks,  -mæSfig  a  seamaa 
-like.  -pattnt  registry  ticket.  -fprog  sailor's 
lauguage,  -tjencfte  sailor's  service,  -trøje  grego, 
pea-jacket,  -tøj  fe  -flæber,  -ubtrtjt  sailor's  phrase. 
-uuberofficer  petty  offflcer.  -bittig^eb  sailor's 
joke.    -Ⱦrt  boarding- master. 

9)2at|neben  a  frosted,  ground.   -ftiaing  check- 




mate.  •  itmalrnbe  fe  -I^knbe.  3Ratte  vt  enfeeble, 

analte  c  fe  SKaotte.    -Itcgge  rt  mat. 

ajJaUCre  vt  deaden.    -t«nbe  tarnishing  tub. 

3)Jattf)æ'u8  Mat'thew. 

anitt'øjct  a  dim-eyed. 

*aKoure  c  fe  etiærre. 

9Raur|er  c  Moor.  -ifl  a  Moorish;  (fnn  om  Stil) 

SRatie  c  -r  stomaeh,  belly;  førfte  _  (I)d§  S'røbt.) 
paunch,  (f|0§  fornæbeiiBe  giigle)  gizzard;  anbcn  _ 
bonnet,  cap;  trebje  ~  maw,  venter;  fjerbe  ~  rennet 
-bag;  en  forbæruet  _  a  disordered  stomaeh;  f)QBe 
en  baarlig  _  have  a  weak  stomarh;  ligoer  tungt 
i  -en  is  heavy  to  digest;  ^atie  onbt  i  -en  have  a 
pain  In  one's  stomaeh;  iian  gaar  meb  en  SJiinifter 
i  -en  he  has  an  eye  to  the  ministry;  -n  tnb! 
hips  back!  (tstomachs  in!);  ligge  paa  -enlieflat 
on  one's  belly;  ligge  paa  -n  for  crlnge  to;  lægge 
fig  _  til  be  getting  stout.  -fSWottc  fig  vr  grovel, 
cravyl.  -ourc  gastric  vein.  -betænbclfc  inflam- 
mation of  the  stomaeh,  gastritis,  -itttcr  bitter(s). 
-bro!  gastrocele.  -bælte  abdominal  belt,  fiannel 
waist.  -broabcr  pi  stomachic  essence.  -Cfln 
epigastrium.  -feber  gastric  fever.  -bofte  stomaeh 
-cough.  -^ttb  skin  of  the  stomath.  -t)æt)ert 
stomaeh  pump.  -tager  pi  stomachic  lozenges. 
•Tatarr^  stomachic  catarrh.  -fneb,  -Inib  belly 
-ache,  gripes  pi.  -tramtte  In  the  stomaeh, 
cardialgy.  -f-frl)ben  o  criuging.  -^SHabelig  a 
stomachic.  992abe|munb,  -munbtng  pylorus. 
-onbc  fe  -ftjgbom.  -pibe  resophagu.s.  -^jine 
stomach-ache,  belly-ache;  ^ane  -  have  the  belly 
-ache.  -^lafter  stomach-plaster.  -pott  pylorns. 
■t>Utn^e  stomach-pump.  -^.ølfe  black-pudding 
(boiled  in  the  maw). 

anaber  n  fe  røoger. 

SOiabejfaar  wonnds  in  the  stomaeh.  -fnft 
gastric  juice,  -fltm  mucus  of  the  stomaeh. 
-fmerte  fe  pine.  -ft^rlenbc  a  stomachic;  _  TOib' 
bel,  -ft^rtning  stomachic,  cordial.  -fjjgborø  dis- 
ease  of  the  stomaeh.  -fUge  diarrhæa.  -fæl 
stomaeh.  -trt)!fcn,  -trtjfntng  cardialgy.  -bin 
stomachic  wine.    -bcebffe  fe  -faft. 

iDiedf'etn  n  Mechlin,  Malines. 

SBJcb  n,  pi  =,  aim,  end,  object;  *]andmark; 
fishing-bank  (known  by  landmarks). 

SWeb'  (*l(!ngt  æ,  ogf.  i  oHe  be  følgenbc  <Bml)prcrp 
(ofteft)  With:  (i  Selftab  m.,  tiHigemeb)  along  with, 
together  with:  ^uab  er  ber  (i  SBejen)  -  ^om?  what 
is  the  matter  with  him?  _  enS  liHabelfe  with 
el.  by  one's  permission;  —  by:  en  Søn  _  (en 
S'one)  a  son  by  .  .  -;  -bet  gobe  eHer  onbe  by 
fair  or  foul  means;  multiplicere,  bioibere  -  mul- 
tiply,  divide  by;  —  in :  _  Siben  in  time;  _  rebe 
5J5enge  in  ready  money;  _  ^øj  SRøft  in  a  loud 
voice;  _  anbre  Crb  in  other  words;  mon  Ian  fige 
_  i^orotS  it  can  be  sald,  in  the  words  of  Horace; 
_  eet  Drb  in  a  word;  mole  _  gatbe  paint  in 
colours;  i)anble  -  deal  in;  —  on:  _  gorfæt  on 
purpose;  l^olbe  Boogent  ^fe  ~  keep  a  watchful  eye 
on;  ^atie  Webliben^cb  _  have  compassion  on;  — 
at:  _  eet  Spring  at  one  bound;  _  eet  at  once, 
all  at  once;  —  about:  ben  ^iftorie  _  .  .  .  that 
alfair  ef  story  about  .  .  .;  bære  fig  golt  ob  -  noget 
set  about  a  thing  in  a  wrong  way;  —  of:  en 
Rrutle  _  honning  a  pot  of  honey;  btjgtig  -  $fnge 
plenty  of  money;  —  for:  _  olt  bet  for  all  that; 
—  among:  ^an  bor  -  be  førfte  he  was  among 
the  first;  —  from  :  trt)ft  _  nt)e  jtjper  printed  from 
new  type;  —  (poa  anbre  Wioaber) :  bet  bliuer  bebre 
_  i)am  he  is  getting  better;  bet  gaor  langfomt  _ 
Slrbejbet  the  work  gets  on  slowly;  —  adv  ^an 
bar  -  i  følget  he  was  one  of  the  suite;  Bil 
®c  Bære  -?  will  you  make  one  of  the  party? 
jeg  Bor  itle  _  I  was  not  present;  fig  er  Se  _?  do 





you  foUow  me?  l^on  gil  _  he  went  along  wii 
ns  (them  etc);  gøre  olting  -  do  everythingf 
thai  others  do;  ^on  bil  gere  alting  _  he  must 
needs  have  his  share  in  what  is  going  on; 
og  jeg  _  and  I  too;  Bære  _  til  join  in ;  en  SBJonb 
fom  er  _  (i  SBerben)  a  man  about  town;  en  9Kanb 
fom  fior  Pæret  _  a  man  who  has  seen  life;  bet  er 
mig  itte  ret  -  I  don't  altogether  like  it. 

!i92ebaarfag  c  concurrent  cause. 

aWebQl'je  c  -r  med'al;  floo  en  ~  strike  a  medal. 
-la binet  cabinet  of  medals.  -manb  med'alist. 
-fantUng  collection  of  medals.  -ftitfer 
SPicbaIj«'r  c  -er  medal  engraver.  ^Slebaljon' 
-er  lockct. 

Sncbantlagebe  c  the  co-defeudant. 

9}kb|anfbar  n,  -anfoarltgfieb  e  co-responsibil 
ity.    -anfoarlig  a  co-responsible. 

5!)lcbanf«ger  c  -e  fellow  candidate  et.  appll^ 

SDJcb|arbejbe,  -arbejberffab  n  collaboratio; 
•orbejber,  -arbejberinbe.  -orbeiberffe  c  fello 
-labourer,  co-labourer,  rollaborator,  cooperator; 
fi  et  iUob)  contributor  (to);  be  fafte  -c  (Beb  a31ab) 
the  staff. 

9)lebarrcffant  c  fellow-prisoner. 

3)2ebaruing  c  co-heir,  joint  heir. 

9!)Jebbcbocr  c  fellow-resident. 

SOJebbcfalingémonb  c  fellow  in  command 

SOJcbbefulbmægtiget  c  joint  commissioner. 

SDicbbejler  c  -e  rival,  -i,  -ffab  n  rivalry.  -iwt>( 
-ffe  c  -r  rival. 

9)2ebberettiget  a  entilled  to  a  share. 

SDJeblbeftbbetfe  c  joint  possession.  -befibber 
joint  possessor. 

SDJebbeffattet  c  fellow-taxpayer. 

aiiebbcftcmmenbe  a  a  concurrent  motive. 

iD2ebjbcftl)rcIfe  c  joint  direction  el.  manage 
ment.    -befttjrcr  fe  -bireftør. 

SOJebbebcegcIfc  c  joint  motion.  M 

ajlcbborgen  c  joint  security  el"  bail.  ■ 

3)iebIborgcr,  -borgerinbe  c  e,  -r  fellow  citizen* 
(fellow-)towusman,    (af   en   Stat)  fellow-subject. 
•borgerlig  a  civic,    sultable   to  a  fellow-citizen. 
-borgcrffab  fellow-citizenship. 

3)2cb|bringe  vt  bring  el.  carry  (along  with  one). 
•bringer  c,  mech  driver,  -bringerbejfe  drag-linli. 
•brittgerbre|ebænt  centre-lathe. 

SDlcDbrober  c  colleague,  brother.  •ffab  n  con- 

aKebjb'ijbcnbe  c,  -bbber  c  -e  joint-bidder. 

9)Jcbib«r  c  fair  wind.    -f-b«r§binb  b.  f. 

9)lcbbanfcr(inbe)  c  partner. 

9JJcb&cbitor  c  lellow-debtor. 

SOJebbelogtig  fe  5Delagtig. 

SDJcbibcle  vt  (i  Slim.)  communicate  (to);  (giBe) 
impart  (to),  give;  +  vr  fig  til  communicate  with. 
•bclelig  o  communicable;  -^  =  -belfom.  -be'leHgl)eb 
c  communicability.  -belelfe  c  communication; 
gøre  en  en  _  tell  one  something.  •belelfeå= 
■tnibbel  n  means  of  communication.  •beletfeé= 
bærbtg  a  worthy  of  communication.  -beler  c  -e 
informant,  -be'lfom  a  communicative.  -be'Ifottt' 
^eb  c  communicativeness. 

SBlcbbe^Juterct  c  fellowdeputy. 

SDJfbbircftar  c  er  fellow-director,  fellowman- 
ager,  co-director,  co-manager. 

9)Jcbbifei))cl  c  fellow-pupil. 

ajJcbbommer  c  fellow-judge. 

UJicbbomSmænb  pi  men  who  assist  in  passing 
sentence;  juiymen, 

9J!cbbroger  c  (SfibJb.i  (surface)gauge. 

aJlcbbi)rter  c  -e  fellow  cultivator. 

tSWebe  c  -r  (pao  Slæbe)  rnnner. 

SDUbe  vi  &  t  angle;  fig  (efter  noget)  aim  at. 

SDiebebSmanb  c  cojuror. 

3nebjeje(nbem)  fe  Sameje.     -ejenbomSret  joint 





ownerahip.    -ejer  c  joint  el.  part  proprietor  cl. 
owuer,  co-o\vuer. 

3)2rbe|frog  fishing-hook.    '-marl  earth-worm. 

SRebcnd  pra'p  while,  whilst;  _  berimob  wbereas; 
_  l)on  nar  ber  while  tliere,  _  ben  er  carm  while 
hot  (0(0.  Saa  oite  igubjeftet  er  bet  famtne). 

^eber  c   e  Mede. 

aWtbclfnor,  -fn«rc  flshing-line.  -ftoitfl  fishing 
-rod.    -tei  fishing-tackle. 

anebfabber  c  fellow-sponsor. 

ajjcbfange  c  fellow-captive  el.  -prisener. 

iøiebifaren  par.t  treatcd,  håndled;  er  bleoen  ilbe 
_  (om  i^erion)  has  been  ill  treated,  (om  Siiiø) 
has  snftVred  severely.    -fort  c  treatment;  usage. 

9)IcbforIiunben  a  (co-)allied;  ben  -nc  the 

9)}cbforfotter  c  joint  author;  part-author. 

ajlcbforloucr  c  joint  bail. 

rørbfornttjnbcr  c  joint-guardian. 

ajjcbforpofltcr  c  co-lenant. 

SOJcbfor^ligtct  a  also  engaged. 

'iDJcbfricr  c  rival. 

9)Jcbfærb  ie  fflfebfart. 

9)jcbf«bt  o  cougenital,  congenite;  native,  in- 
horn;  innate,  connate,  natural,  consti  tution  al; 
en  _  bom  el.  inbred  in  one. 

3}2ebf«I!cIfe  c  sympathy;  fellow-feeling.  -enbe 
o  svmpathisjng. 

SDiebfelge  n  suite,  attendance;  J>  uben  leoenbe 
5olI§  -  without  a  living  soul  on  board.  -f«Ige 
vi  k  t  accompany;  -nbe  SSreo,  ftaéje  the  accom- 
panying  letter,  box.  -følger  c  -e  attendant, 

SDieb|f«r  n  pursuance,  consequence;  efter 
Soøené  -  according  to  the  nature  of  the  case; 
i  embeb?  -  in  virtue  of  one's  office,  in  the  dis- 
charge el.  course  of  one's  official  duties.  -fere 
vt  carry  el.  bring  (along  with  one),  convey;  fio 
involve,  entail,  be  followed  by;  |om  .  .  .  funbe 
_  (tbat  might  be)  involved  in  .  .  .;  -  <Sanb^eb 
be  correct;  gfifeet  -r  fiæge  the  ship  will  carry  a 

9)2cbgaa  vi  be  spent,  be  consumed. 

3)2rbgang  c  prosperity. 

a)iebigift  c  dower,  dowry,  (marriage-)portion. 
-giue  vt  furnish  el.  provide  with;  *(inbrjømme} 

SDiebgtcnger  c,  chem  anion. 

SDtcbgceft  c  fellow-guest. 

SRebgerlig  a  manageable,  pliable,  facile, 
ameiiable,  complying.    -^eb  <■  pliancy,   facility. 

SOJebftonblle  vt  treat,  use,  handle.  -Ung  c 
treatment,  usage. 

SOJcbftade  vt  je  aKebbringe. 

50lcbl)erffer  c  co-regeut. 

a)icb|l}i(cl))  ie  $jælp.  -4|icl))er  c  -e  a.<!sistant, 
coadjuior;  *^ræftfng  -e  vestrymen;  SirfeoærgeS  -e 

ajlcb^olb  n  (»tfalb)  approbation;  (Unberftottelfe) 
countenance,  support;  ^oné  Weninget  fonbt  _  ^oS 
mange  many  assented  to,  approved  of,  indorsed, 
embraced  his  opinions;  \)a\\  ^\l  ~  af  aHe  every- 
body  agreed  with  him;  9JJoberen  ^ar  altib  gioet 
^am  -  (Siifalb)  his  mother  always  applauded 
him,  he  always  met  with  his  mother's  applause, 
(Unberftottelfe)  he  was  always  backed  by  his 
mother;  t)un  gioer  ^om  -  i  alt,  tjOab  tian  gør  she 
applauds  anything  he  does,  whatever  he  does 
is  sure  of  her  applause;  ^on  ^at  ^aft  _  af  JRe- 
geringen  he  has  been  supported,  favoured  by 
govemraent;  bette  finber  itle  _  (Welræftelje;  i  ^i' 
ftorien  this  is  not  borne  out  by  history;  i  -  of  (i 
Ctjerenéftemmelfe  meb)  conformable  to. 
iDiebtiuftru  c  concubine,  fellow-Avife. 
ajjcbio  npn<»ir  n  medium  (paper). 
3)}ebtant'  c,  m««  me'diant. 

SRebiatio'n  c  mediation. 

SRebiatilfere  vt  me'diatize.  -fe'ring  c  media 

Mrdica  foreiiNis  med'ical  jurisprudence. 

5DJcbtci'n  c  med'icine,  physic. 

a)Jebtcin«'I|forraob  ^f,  medical  stores,  -for« 
balter  J^  medical  storekeeper.  -lontor,  glaaben« 
_  the  Medical  department  of  the  Koyal  Navy. 
•ti(cgt  apothecaries'  weight.     -bflffcn  je  -fontor. 

9)Iebtcl'ner  c  -e  medical  student.  9Rebicine're 
vi  lake  phvsic. 

ajlebici'nifloffe,  -gloS  vial,  phial.  -^otibler 
medicine  vendor.  -tnbgtuer  feeder.  -IflSfe,  -tifte 
medicine-chest.  -trutte  gallipot.  -ff  «  medical, 
medicinal;  bet  -e  galultet  the  faculty  of  medicine. 
•tron  cod  liver  oil. 

9)lebtC(e'!ft  a  Medicean. 

9)2ebien  n  Mede,  Media. 

9)2ebtering  c  mediation. 

a)lcbitament'  »i-erieSiægemibbel.  a)iebifamcnt«'9 
a  medicated.    9)2ebitué  c  medical  man. 

9)iebinbbefattet  part  (equallyl  included. 

aiicbinbbubt  rart  invited  to  be  of  the  party, 
to  join  them. 

SDiebinbetiatier  c  joint  possessor. 

-t^iøicbinbfltibeife  c  joint  influence. 

ajJcbinbftcctint  c  co-respondent. 

9)2cbtnftrutter  c  joiut-conductor. 

3)icbintcre$fcnt  c  partner,  share-holder. 

9){ebio  in  the  middle  of. 

aicbiff  a  Median. 

9){rbift'eT))eIfe  c  pork-sausage. 

9)Ubtum  n  -ier  medium  isl  media  k  mediums); 
gram  the  middle  voice. 

9)lebtejfer  c  co-emperor. 

liUiebflager  c  co-plaiutitf. 

^iebfonge  c  fellow-king. 

9)tcbtDntrat)ent  c  joiut-contractor;  min  _  the 
othcr  party  to  the  contract. 

SOlcbtrebitar  c  fellow-creditor. 

iOiebtriger  c  fellow-soldier,  companion  in 

aneblriften  c  fellow  Christian. 

^JDiebtæm^er  c  fellow-combatant;  rival. 

SOicbleicr  c  co-lessee. 

SDieblem  n  -mer  member;  (af  et  lærb  ©elffab,  en 
©ttftclfeoio.)  fellow.  —  a)}eblem§iontoMe-tal.  -bi-- 
•brag  contribution  el.  snbscription  of  the  mem- 
bers.  -fortegnelfe  fe  -lifte,  -tontingent  ie  -bibrag. 
-tort  ticket  (of  admission),  -lifte  of  the 
members.  -møbe  meeting  of  the  members.  -tftl 
nuniber  of  (the)  members,  membership.  -balg 
election  of  members. 

aneblebenbe  a  &  «  comtemporary. 

9)2eb(t'ben{be  a  compassionate,  sympathizing. 
-^eb  c  pi  ty,  com  passion,  sympathy;  føle  _  meb 
have  pity  el.  compassion  on,  pity,  compassionate; 
^aoe  _  meb  take  pity  on.  -^ebSføIelfe  feeling  of 

aRcb|(qb  c  consonant,  articulation.  -(>|bettbe 
a  consonant.    -lt)bé'  fe  Sonjonant-. 

3)2cb|Ia;rer,  -lærrrinbc  c  fellow-teacher.  -Ittr« 
Ung  c  fellow-pupil. 

wcbmennefle  n  fellow- man,  fellow -being. 
fellow-mortal,  ncighbour,  +neighbourman. 

^ebmi'nbrc  conj  unless. 
SOicb officer  c  brother-officer. 

9)Jcbobfl)n  n  joint  superiutendence.     -imanb 
9)icb))aéfager  c  fellow-passenger. 
^icbreber  c  (af  €fib)  part  owner. 
Webjregent  c  co-regcnt.     -regentfTab  n,  -xt- 
gering,  c  joint  government  el.  regency. 
9)2cbregne  vt  include  (in  the  sum). 
I     9)icbreifenbc  <x  min  _  Canb^manb  my  country- 




man  travelling  along  with  me;  c,  pi  >,  fellow 

3)lcttrct'te  adv  fe  SUet  c 

aWcbr^cbcr  fe  Webreber. 

SDlcbfammcnfOoren  c  -ne  co-conspirator. 

SJlcbfanger  c  fellow-singer. 

aWcbfenSc  vt  send  along  with  one. 

ajlcbffabntttg  c  fellow-creature. 

aKfbffobt  a  fe  Webffabt. 

3Rcb|ff»)Iti  c  fe  -flQibigljeb.  -flftlbig  a  (i)  ac- 
cessory  (lo);  c  -e  accomplice,  accessory.  -fft)lblg= 
^cb  c  (ae)compliciiy.     -ftljlbner  fe  ©eloffljlbner. 

9Keb|f<)tIIenbe,  -fplHcr  c  fellow  player. 

aWcbfHftcr  c  joint  founder. 

5DJebftribcr  c  fellow-combatant. 

^icbfOoren  a  &  c  partuer  in  a  solemn  oath  el. 

aWcbfbemmtr  c  fellow-swimmer. 

SBJebfflgcr  c  fellow-applicant. 

SJiebjøftcr  c  sister,  one  of  a  sisterhood. 

SWcbtflflc  vt  (tage  meb)  take  (along  with  one); 
(ublræoe)  require;  ©ti6et  -r  ^alfagerer  the  ship 
will  convey  passengers,  fon  -  200  <P  can  ac- 
commodate  two  hundred  p.;  bet  mebtOs?  en  Uge 
it  took  us  a  week;  -n  (om  jttng)  damaged,  (flibt) 
the  worse  for  wear;  -n  af  Sulbe  starved  with 
cold;  :^an  er  bleben  meget  -n  i  benne  ©ijgbom  he 
has  fallen  ofF  very  much  in  this  illness,  this 
illness  has  taken  it  out  of  him;  Sonbet  bteb  meget 
-t  i  Srigen  the  country  was  much  exhausted  by 
the  war;  S3ogen  bleb  flemt  -t  af  gtititen  the  book 
was  ronghly  håndled  by  the  critics. 

SRcbtlltaUe  c  the  co-defendant. 

SKfbtjcncr,  -inbe  c  fellow-servant. 

SiJlcbtrocnbe  c  fellow-believer. 

(9)kbtrJ)«er  Sorbanff.  of  3Bøttrif). 

SWcbtræl  c  fellow-slave. 

^ebubgiber  c  joint  editor. 

SOlcbunberlflrtft  c  joint  signature.  -f!riuc, 
-tegne  vt  add  one's  signature  to.  -flriber,  -tegner 
c  joint  signer. 

aWcbufa  c  Medusa,  Gorgon;  fe  TOebufe.  -anfigt, 
-ttoocb  Gorgon  face,  G.  head,  Medusa's  head. 
Mebufe  c  -r  medusa,  jelly-fish,  Aculetiha. 

SOlcbltianbrcnbc,  -Uttnbrer(ffe)  c  fellow-pilgrim. 

SDleblDibenbc  a  privy  to,  conscious  of  -tttbenbe 
«  privity.  -Utbcnljeb  c  privity;  (SSeoibfl^eb)  cou- 
sciousness.  -»ibcr  c  -e,  -»ibcrfte  c  -r  (one)  privy 
to  el,  cognizant  of,  a  party  to. 

9Jlcbt)ibne  n  fellow-witness;  be  bare  -r  (for 
IRetten)  they  were  joint  evidence. 

SRebOinb  c  fair  wind. 

iD^cbOirtle  vi  (til)  co-operate,  concur,  contrib- 
ute,  be  conducive  (to,  towards);  -nbe  Slorfager 
concurrent  causes.  -en  c  co-operation,  concur- 
rence,  agency;  intervention,  -er  c  co-operator, 
-nlng  c  fe  -en;  unber  ~  of  with  the  co-operation  of. 

aWcbtiælger  c  fellow-elector. 

ffllrb^nt  c  pity,  compassion,  commiseration; 
tiooe  -  meb  have  pity  on;  fale  -  Beb  anbreS  9Jeb 
feel  compassion  for  the  distress  of  others,  pity 
the  ete.  —  9Jleb»)uf§lfutb  o  compassionate,  fuU 
of  pity.  -laå  a  pitik'ss,  merciless.  -fmil  smile 
of  compassion.  SOlcbtintfom  a  compassionate, 
tender-hearted,  easily  moved  to  pity;  -fomt  adv 

aWefiftofe'Iift  a  Mephistophelean. 

3Refit-|ff  a  mephitic(al). 

SRcgen  a,  n  meget,  much;  ben  _  9Kab  bi  fif  the 
quantity  of  food  we  got;  ben  -  glib  the  great 
pains;  jeg  ^ar  ifte  _  SDiEib  tit  fiom  I  have  no 
great  confldence  in  him;  fian  fon  -t  he  knows  a 
good  el.  great  deal;  bet  Bar  -t?  indeed!  you 
don't  say  so!  f)an  fiar  faaet  tibt  for  -t  (^an  er  Be= 
ftænfetj  he  is  (rather)  tipsy;  bet  er  mig  lige  -t 
(ligeg^lbigt)  it  is  all  the  same  to  me;  be  fif  alle 

id  aliK«^l 



lige  -t  (en  lige  ftor  3)el)  they  all  shared  aliKi 
they  had  all  au  equal  simre;  bet  bar  -t  at  ^on 
lom  fig  it  was  a  wonder  that  he  recovered;  jeg 
Bilbe  iife  for  _  (gobt),  at  I  would  not  for  somelhiug 
that;  ber  ffol  -t  til  at  tro  bet  it  is  hard  to  believe; 
gøre  for  -t  af  bet  overdo  it,  overshoot  the  mark, 
fe  ®ob,  for  -t  og  for  libt  forbæroer  alting  it  never 
rains  but  it  pours.  SOlcgct  adv  (foran  \Jlbj.  k 
9lbB.  i  qgofitiB  og  $ræf.  *l5avt.)  very;  (foran  Slbj.  & 
Slbo.  i  SlomparatiB  foran  5[5erf.  ^axt.  og  oBer^oBebet 
Beb  SBerber)  muc^h;  bet  glæber  mig  -  I  am  very 
glad;  jeg  omgaaeS  _  meb  Ijam  I  see  him  very 
often,  I  have  very  much  intercourse  with  him; 
jeg  beber  _  om  gorlobelfe  I  beg  a  thousand 
pardons;  Ijan  6ab  mig  _  om  at  fomme  he  gav 
me  a  very  prcssing  invitation;  fao  _  el.  i  tiBi 
_  l)an  enb  ftræber  however  much  he  exerts  hi 
self;  fao  _  mere  fom  (so  much)  the  more  becaus- 

SOlcgctflgcnbt  a  that  says  (el.  said;  much. 

SOIegæ're  o  -r  Megæra;  fig  termagant. 

*a«c^ant  c  -er,  fe  ffllqljanf. 

*SDlei  c  -er,  fe  SWebe. 

SSUcje  vt  reap,  mow  (down).  -bog  mowing  day. 
-brag  scythe-handle.  -jam  scythe.  -frog  cradle. 
-maffinc  mowing  el.  harvestiug-machine,  mower. 
ajlcjcr  c  -e  reaper;  (Qnfett)  harvest-man,  Pha- 
lanpium.    -rtb,  -rcbc  cradle-scythe. 

SJlcjcri'  n  -er  dairy;  dairy  farm;  fe  -brug.  -ie 
fttjrer  manager  of  the  dairy.  -brug,  -brift  dairy 
-farming,  dairying.  -forpagter  dairy  -  farmer. 
•gaarb  dairy-farm.  -oft  skim-milk  cheese.  -^ro= 
buftcr  pi  dairy  produce.  SOlejcrift'  c  -er,  fe  -be- 
fttjrer;  -forpagter.    SUJcjerffe  c  -r  daii-y-woman. 

^ncjejtib  mowing  time.  -tøj;  fe  -rebe.  5DJejning 
c  reaping.  _ 

aWciran  fe  røerion.  M 

*9)ict§  c  -er  pannier.  9 

aJlejfe  c  -r  tomtit,  titmouse,  Parug.  " 

SOlcjfcI  c  -flet  chisel.  -bor  pitching- borer. 
■bannct  a  chisel-shaped. 

SOlciSle  vt  chisel,  carve,  chip. 

9Jleto|ntI'  c  mechan'ics  pi,  mechanical  phi- 
losophy,  fe  -niSme.  -'niler,  -'nitu§  c  mechanic'ian, 
mechanical  engineer.  -'nift  a  mechanical,  auto- 
matic;  adv  mechanically.  -nié'ttte  cmech'anism, 
action,  gear,  gearing. 

2RcffobaIfom  c  balm  of  Mecca,  b.  of  Gilead. 

røefont'n  cmeconina.  SBleto'nium  nmeconium. 
ajjrfo  nf^rc  mecon'ic  acid. 

ajlcl  n  meal;  (fint  -,  Sigtemel)  flour.  -agttg  a 
mealy,  farinaceous. 

2)}eIan|i§'OTC  c  mel'anism.  -foli'  c  mel'an- 
choly.  -fo'Ijfer  c  -e  melanehoric.  -foiff  a 
mel'ancholy,  p  hipped.  -o'fc  c  melanosis.  -trift' 
a  F  mel'ancholy. 

9J}el(i§'fc  c  molasses,  melasses,  »ing. 

SBJe'II  bille  mealworm  beetle,  Tenebrio  molitor. 
-btng  meal-bin.  -boUe  flour-dumpling.  -bubbing 
flour-pudding  -bljg  soft  barley.  -bær  bear 
-berry.  -hcevtié  bearberry  (-bush),  trailing  ar- 
butus,  Arctjstaphyloi  uva  ursi.  *-bfllr  fe  -bing. 
AieUt  meal-tub. 

tSlRclb,  aSjelb  c,  pi  =,  (<«øbbetræet8  SJalle) 

ajlclbc,  -te,  -t  vt  report,  notify ;  (forttjnbe) 
announce ;  (bebube)  intimate ;  (omtole,  fortælle,) 
meution,  make  mention  of,  state;  (giBe  Unbet' 
retn.  om)  give  information  of;  labe  fig  _  send 
in  one's  name  et.  card;  berom  -r  §iftorien  intet 
that  is  not  on  record;  fe  Sugt;  —  vr  .  ftg  (^oS 
en)  announce  one's  self,  nnl  report  one's  self 
(to  one),  (fom  føgenbe)  apply,  become  a  candi- 
date,  stand;  _  fig  til  et  sjsrofeSfovot  stand  for  a 
professorship;  ber  l)ar  melbt  fig  mange  til  benne 
Sjenefle  there  have  been  numerous  applieations 
for  this  Office;  ber  ^ar  ingen  Srebitorer  melbt  fig 




no  cie-itor»  nave  come  forward;  Sginteien  -r  ftg 
the  Winter  heralds  his  approach;  _  ftg  inb,  te 
JJnbmelbe;  -  ftg  fpg  put  one's  self  on  the  sick 
list;  _  fig  ub  af  et  Selftab  withdraw  one's  uame 
from  a  soeiety,  take  one's  uame  ofF  the  books. 
^elb(n)iug  c  (gotfRiibelfe,  Sfitmelbclie)  aimounce- 
ment;  (:yeretning)  statemenf;  Oitbberetitiiig,  9iap- 
port)  report. 

3We'Ii»reje,  -br«jet  c  ergot,  iSecale  comutum. 
-brøjeftigc  ergotism.  -bug  mildew,  En/nphe. 
SBlcle  vt  mix  el.  sprinkle  with  flour;  _  fin  åage 
feather  one"s  uest,  line  one's  own  purse;  meleS 
vd  beeome  mealy. 

SOJclé  c  aflfray,  scufile,  melee,  battle  royal. 

♦ajlelen  fe  røelot. 

ailclere  vt  mix;    er  et  a  mixed. 

Wrlet  a  mealy. 

SJieilgrab  meal-  el.  flour-puddiug  (meal,  flour 
boiled  in  water  or  milk).  -t)anbc(  (.Jpaubel  meb  -) 
mea'-man's  tråde;  (iButifen)  meal-man's  shop. 
-^anbler  c  -e  meal-man. 

aRclito't  c  mel'ilot. 

Snclinit'  c  mel'inite. 

SJielié  c  single  relined  (loaf-sugar);  ftøbt  _ 
crushed  loaf-sugar,  fnuft  _  lumps. 

3)2e(iéinatift  a  florid,  oruameuted. 

99Jelt5'fe  c  fe  JpjerteiiSirDb.  •f()irttu3  extract 
of  balm,  melissic  alcohol. 

ane  »alt  slaked  lime. 

•ajiclfe  vt  k  i  fe  Walfe 

Weljfifte  fe  -btiig  -Ilifter  paste  (made  of 

*a)}eltntng  c  milking. 

9He'I|frube  mealed  powder.    *-f»ærn  fe -møHe. 

aiieUcm  prop  between,  betwixt;  (iblaitbt) 
amoug;  _  SI.  fire  og  fem  (at)  between  four  and 
five;  -  oS  between  you  and  me. 

aneUcmaat  n  average  year,  middling  season 
(as  to  cropsj. 

aneUemaarfag  c  secondary  cause 

3}2rUcmafgr«bc  c  catch  crop. 

SOJcUcmafrita  n  Central  Afriea. 

9)irUcmatéct  c  intermediate  shaft. 

aRcUemiatt  c  (Wellemftprte,  Sutfrmejjo)  inter- 
ait,  interlude,  intermezzo;  (Cp^olbntf  Hem  lifterne) 
interval  between  the  acts,  wait,  eutr'acte.  -aité« 
-tæppe  aet  drop. 

aRfUcmamcrita  n  Central  America. 

ajJcUemaitftuclfc  c  intermediate  view. 

3){cUcntarbejbc  n  intermediate  work. 

a)2cUcmart  o  intermediate  species. 

3)2cUemaftcn  n  Central  Asia. 

SReUembegreb  n  intermedial  idea. 

SDJeUcmbcftemmcIfe  c  middle  term. 

aiieilcmbtaa  a  middle  blue. 

^kilcmbtanse  vt  iutermix. 

Wcllcmbogftat)  n  tvii  medial  letter. 

aneUrmbrubt  adv  interruptedly. 

3)2cUcmbTuf(  c  intermediate  cartilage  (e.  g. 
betwt-eu  the  nostrils). 

aiieUenibub  w  (ben,  ber  bringer  58ub  imellem 
anbre)  uicssengir;  (9)ubf!ab)  message. 

SRrQcmbQgning  c  intermediate  el.  middle 

9)kUemb(tnbfr(  c  ^  middle  seizing. 

ajJcUetnccUeftof  n  iutercellular  substance. 

ajlcUcmbige  middle  dike. 

SRcUembrtct  c  wadding,  padding. 

9lellcm;bæf  n  i,  "oetween  deck;  steerage;  t  -let 
in  the  'twecti-decks.  •'balé  udo  between  decks. 
-batébjæltc  hold  beam.  -bætålaften  the  cargo 
in  the  'tweendecks.  -bæf^poéfagcr  c  steerage 
passeuger.  -brctéptabS  steerage  berth  el  accom- 
modatiou.  -bætøftalte  iween-deck  stanchion. 
-bætøoccger  hold-beam  clamp. 

SReUembor  c  middle  door,  door  ot  commuuica 

9)}eIIetneuropa  n  Central  Enrope. 

9)teUcmfalbcnbe  a  interveuing. 

SDleUemfnrDc  c  middle  colour,  mezzo  tinto;  (i 
SKalerfunften)  demi-tint. 

SBfcUcmftn  a  middling  fine. 

9)JcIlcmfinflcr  c  middle  finger. 

9)lcUemfl(tff  n  middle  of  a  flitch  of  bacon. 

9)2eUetnf(ej  c  middle  wing. 

9)}cUcm{fob  cmetatarsus.  -fobdbcn  metatarsal 

a)lcHcm|fober  n  fe  -bræt. 

-^9)}cUemfolte(ig  n  international. 

SDJelIcmfrift  c  interval,  rcspite. 

SDJeliemfurc  c  middle  furrow. 

3)2eUcmgaarb  c  middle  court  el.  yard;  middle 
-sized  farm. 

aneUemgabe  c  intermediate  sireet;  (3;t)cecgabe) 
cross  Street. 

9)}cUciugn!op  c  canter. 

SDU'Uemgang  c  pa.ssage. 

©JeUcingtDtod  n  <i,  middle  brail. 

9)2cUemgob  a  middling,  ofa  middling  quality. 

SOlcUemgobé  n  goods  of  a  middling  quality. 

SOicUetngrab  c  intermediate  degree 

iDicUemgrunb  c  {^xxa  et  9Koleri)  middle  (dis- 

SDJcUcmgrænfe  c  boundary. 

SDJeUcmgran  u  ordiuary  green,  in  between. 

9JtcUemguIt»  n  midrifF,  diaphragm. 

a)icUcm|t)aanb  c  unat  metacarpus;  (i  Kortfptt) 
middle  hånd,  third  liand,  ftbber  i  -en  is  the 
third  hånd.    -^aanbSbcn  metacarpal  bone. 

9)ieUetn!l)attbc(  c  carrying  tråde,  transi'.  tråde, 
•ijanbler  c  (Unberl)anbler)  negotiator;  (Wægler, 
ffliellemmiinb)  mediator,  interposer.  -^anbling  c 
(SOiægling)  intervention,  negotiatiou;  (i  (fortælling, 
©fuefpil)  episode,  intermezzo. 

9)2eUemt)atin  c  intermediate  port. 

9)lcUeml)cgn  n  partition  feuce. 

tSOJcUcm^eft  c  fig  go-between. 

ajJeUemljinbe  c  .intermediate  et.  partition 

9)lcUcml)icrne  c  mid-brain. 

^JeUcmlijul  n  middle  wheel. 

3BJcUcm()n(  «,  hill  middle-pocket. 

ajJcttemljfljbc  fe  SRibbel  . 

^Icllemttalicn  n  Central  Italy. 

99'IcUemjagt  c  «middle-chase»  (hunting  roes 
boars  and  grouse). 

aRellemjærnalberen  the  Middle  Iron  Age. 

a)lcUemtIrt§ferij/  middle  classes;  i  ©fole  middle 

9)}cIIetntlt)ticr  c  middle-jib. 

SDicUcmtlæbe  n  cloth  of  a  middling  quality. 

a)2eUctn|fommenbe  a  interveuing.  -totn^  c 
intervention,  interference,  interpo.sitiou. 

9)2cllemf«b  n  perinæum  -t^bdaarc  perineal 
vein.    -I^bébrol  perineal  hernia. 

3)2ellemlag  n  intermediate  layer;  (t)eb  ®5tte) 

a)2eUemIagt  part  laid  between,  interposed. 

SDleHemlatå  c  the  middle  of  the  salmon. 

SOkUcmleb  n  (2eb,  fom  er  mellem  onbre)  inter- 
mediate link;  (af  gtnnre  ei.  Sæer)  middle  pha- 
lanx;  (i  en  Slntning)  middle  term;  aritk  mean. 

3)}cllcmliggenbe  a  (fom  ligger  imellem  to  anbre 
®enftanbe)  interjacent,  lying  between ;  _  Xib 
intermediate  time,  interval;  ~  SSintel  included 

3)lcnemltnie  c  middle  line. 

9)]cUemlt)b  c  middle  sound 

^iellcm|l«benbc  '/  (lebenbe  imellem)  running 
between,  (tommenbc  imellem,  tilflabenbe)  interven- 




ing.  -(aber  c  meddler,  interloper;  pi  the  middle 
horses  (in  a  team  of  six). 

ancUemtnaaltib  n  collation,  lunch,  tiffln. 

9RcIlcmina))  c  lunchcon,  suack. 

aRcQemmagt  c  intermtdiate  power. 

9RcIlemmauti  c  middleman,  intermediary,  go 
-between;  deputy. 

9NcIIemmur  c  parlltion  wall. 

9ReUein)>itle  c  middle  pillar. 

aKcUcmplabc  c  (til  SBorb)  leaf. 

ajJcUctntilobS  c  middle  place. 

^cUcmi>ri$  c  medium  price. 

SOicUcmproVDttionaQeb  n  mean  proportional. 

^icUemrace  c  cross. 

Snellcmrang  c  intermediate  rank. 

3ReUcm|rcli,  -vev  n  (Slagt.)  middle  ribs. 

ajlrUcinrcgcring  c  interregnum. 

ancdcmrcgtftcr  n  middle  part  of  the  volce. 

SlicUrmrcgntttg  c  account  curreut  between 
two  persons;  ut  fiatie  ot)øjort  Bor  _  we  have 
settlod  accounts. 

WeUetnret  c  side-dish,  entremets. 

3ReUetnrig§  adv  (mutually)  between  two 
realms  el.  countrie.s.  -^attbcl  tråde  between 
two  countries,  international  tråde. 

SRcUrtnro  c  half-cock. 

ancUcmrum  n,  pi  =,  (ogf.  Jig  om  %H))  inter- 
yal;  dine  9K.)  interstice;  (Kum  mellem  to  Sting) 
intermediate  space,  space  between;  typ  &  mus 
(i  9?obefi)ft.)  space,  (mellem  Sejler)  intercolumnia- 
tion;  meb  ~  (Jiø  om  Sib)  at  intervals,  intermitt- 
ingly,  between  whiles;  meb  lange  ~  at  loug 
intervals;  bebe  meb  faa  3)age§  _  aied  within  a 
few  days  of  each  other;  meb  _  (fom  ^ar  ?la6> 
ninger)  having  intervals,  interstitial ;  inter- 

anrUetnrør  n  middle  pipe  el.  tube. 

SDicUemfatS  c  »<««  parenthesis,  intermezzo. 

ancUemftabning  c  (f.  et§.  ^lantebtjr)  conflner; 
je  -ting. 

aRcUctnffel  n  boundary  of  land. 

SRcUemffok)  c  wood  of  middle-sized  trees. 

^eUeailffretien  a  interlixiear.  -ffritining  (3?et= 
telfe  imellem  Sinjerne)  interlineation. 

SDlcUcmftubt  «  inserted  (between). 

3RciIcmffqgge  c  middle- siiade,  demi-tint. 

ancUcmlflag  fe  -race;  tvv  blank.  -flngS,  -fort 
c  middle-sort. 

anellcmfpil  n  interlude;  by-play. 

9WcUcmfi)ætte  c  middle  spotted  woodpecker, 
J^ietm  iiedius. 

SJleUemft  a  &  adv  middlemost,  midmost. 

SDlcUemftab  c  theat  the  second-class  actors. 

3ReUemftagfcjt  n  middle  stay-sail. 

SSJeUemftant)  c  middle  rank  el.  class. 

3)}eUcmftotion  c  intermediate  station. 

SWcUcmftcbcr  pi  intermediate  ports. 

SOJcUemftemme  c  mean,  tenor;  v  pi  middle 
el.  mean  parts  pi. 

ajJcHcmftiUtng  c  intermediate  position. 

SBieUcmftot  c  ^  rhizome. 

fflJeUcmftor  a  middle-sized. 

SOJcIIcmftrcg  c  hyphen. 

3)JeUc>nftuc  o  middleroom. 

SDlcllcmftunb  c  intermediate  time,  interval. 

aJlcllcraft^tfe  n  middle  piece,  (aj  Waft)  main 

aneUcm^ængcftagfejt  »  middle  topmast  stay- 

aneUemftitrrclfe  c  middle  el.  medium  size;  af 
_  pi  betweens. 

9ReUemf(eb  c  intermediate  crop. 

^ellemfcctning  c  (®etningen  at  fælte  imellem) 
putting  el.  placing  between;  (i  en  Slutning) 
medium,  middle  term;  gr  intermediate  sen- 


-^aneUemtanfe  c  middle  term. 

9)?eUctnta)>  c  (®mp.)  second  tap. 

SDJcUcmtorm  c  ileum. 

ajicUcmtib  c  interval ,  interim ,  intervenini 
time;  i  -en  in  the  interval,  in  the  interim, 
(imibli-rtib)  in  the  mean  (time). 

ajJrllcmlilftnnb  <*middlestate.i 

aJlcUcratime  c  {%.  mellem  to  anbre  Jimer)  inter- 
mediate hour;  (fritime)  leisure  hour 

iDicUcmting  c  Intermediate  thing;  somethin; 
between,  joc  cross. 

SBJcUcmtoncr  pi  middle  tones. 

aikUcmtrin  n  intermediate  step  el.  stage 

SOJcUcOTOflrcr  pi  middliug  goods. 

SUJcUcmuej  c  (Sej  mellem  to  onbre)  middle  way' 
el.  road;  (e  ogiao  SUtibbelbei. 

9)Jcllcm»)ibbc  c  mean  distance;  m.  width 

SOJcUemuofget  a  growu  between 

iUJeUcmtioIb  ccurtain. 

SUJeUcmuæg  c  partition  wall. 

ajJcUcmiuæfft  ie  -ftørrelje. 

aneUcmticerelfe  n  fe  ajJellemftue. 

ajieUcnttKcrenbe  o  intermediate;  —  n  -r,  (9ieg 
ning)  account;  (Strib)  diflference;  afgere  et  _ 
(SRegning)  settle  accounts,  (Strib)  make  up  a 

9J!cUemtircrI  n  insertions. 

ajJcUcmuæfcn  n  intermediate  belng. 

'JJJeUcmerc  n  middle  ear. 

aflcUit'  c  mel'lite.  -f^re  men(it)ic  acid.  -furt 
Salt  mell(it)ate. 

9)Je'I|mob  farinaceous  food.  -maling  grinding 
of  flour.  -manb  fe  -t)anbler.  -mibe  meal-mite, 
Acarus  /arinæ.  -meUt  flourlng  mill.  -møUcr 
owner  of  a  flouring  mill. 

9)ielobi'  c  -er  (SSelllang)  melody;  (til  en  Sang) 
tune,  air;  ben  gaar  paa  -en  .  .  .  it  is  (sung)  to 
the  tune  of  -angioelfe  indication  of  the  air. 
■rig  a  melodious.  -rigbom  melodiousness,  rich- 
ness  in  melody.  SDlclo'biff,  melobiø'S  a  melo'di- 
ous,  tuneful.  aReiolbont',  -bunte  c  F  tune. 

anefobra'ma  n  -mer  melodrame,  melodra'ma. 
•'Hit  a  melodramat'ic. 

aRelo'n  c  -et  mel'on,  Cucumis  rnelo.  -Beb 
melon-bed.  -førmig  a  melon-shaped.  -græ^Iar 
squash ,  Cvcubita  meiopepo.  -faltué  melon 
-thistle,  Turk's  cap  cactus,  Melocacttis.  -tsSfe 
melon-frame.  -terne  melon-seed.  -^ære  melon 
-pear.  -ftal  melon-peel  el.  rind.  -træ  papaw, 
Carica  papaya. 

aRcIorm  c  meal-worm. 

3Rela'ten|fI«t)cr,  fe  tJJelilot=.  -(ilafter  n  melilot 

9Re'(|))aIfemaffine  c  machine  for  packing flour. 
-ifatf  flummery.    -^jofc  flourbag.    -titere  fe  -6ær. 

*S9}elrotte  c  -r  fe  gjælbræo. 

aHc't|rcnbe  scuttle.  -rig  a  mealy,  farinaceous. 
-r«r  fe  -renbe.  -figte  bolter.  -fIruBbe  fe  -bille, 
•folb  fe  -figte.  -f^jinat  fe  ^abemæibe.  -f(»ife  fe 
-mab.  -ftreet  a  floured.  -fWU  farina,  flour-dust. 
-fu))))e  fe  -nætling.  -fæl  meal-sack.  -t«nbe  flour 
-barrel.  -binget  o  lepldopteral.  -Ⱦgt  flour 
-scales.    -bæUing  gruel.    -afe  flour-ladle. 

^embra'n  c  -er  (|)inbe)  membrane;  (^aanb= 
firift)  vellum  manuscript. 

^cmoi'rer  pi  memoirs.  3)lemoi'refIri»er  me- 

9Remo|ran'bum  n  memorandum,  -re're  < 
commit  to  memory,  memorize.  -ria'l  c  -er  me- 
mo'rial;  mere  memoran 'dum-book. 

3Ken'  conj  but,  _  bog  but  yet.  —  n  -net  but; 
bet  et  bog  et  „9JJen"  betoeb  there  is  a  but  in  the 
question,  you  see. 

3)lcn  c  {%(\\)  defeet,  blemish;  (Ootfeelfe)  oflfence; 
(Stobe)  harm,  hurt,  damage. 

aWeno'ge  c  fe  $u&^oIt>ning;  mil  mess. 





SRrnagen'  .  -er  menag'erie,  sliow  (of  wild 
beasts).  -ejer  owner  of  a  meiiagerie,  showman. 
-telt  showmau's  tent.     -Jjogn  caravan. 

Wene,  -'nte,  -'nt  vi  &  t  (nære  af  ben  Weninfl) 
be  of  opinion;  (^aoe  i  Sinbe,  tcenfe  )D(ya,  ftgte  til, 
»iHe  fige)  mean;  (tceiite,  tro,  holbe  for)  think;  _  bet 
gobt  meb  en,  _  en  bet  gobt  mean  well  by 
one,  be  well  intentioned  towards  one;  ban  mente 
bet  gobt  he  meant  kindly;  jeg  mente  intet  onbt 
bermeb  I  meant  no  harm;  man  -r  .  .  .,  they  say, 
el.  it  is  said  .  .  .;  bet  »ar  tf  fe  faalebeS  ment  I 
didn't  mean  that;  bet  ffulbe  jeg  _  I  should  think 
so,  I  believe  you,  rather !  ^^^n  -r  at  oibe  at  he  is 
confldent  that;  ~  bet  atoorligt  be  in  eamest;  -r 
eber  itfe  felo  lloge  bibl  be  not  wise  in  your  own 

9ncn|eb  perjury,  false  oaih;  begao  -  commit 
perjury,  perjure  one's  self.  -e>er  c  -e  perjurer. 
-ebcrff  a  perjured,  mainsworn.-  *'-f»re  imprac- 
tioable  state  of  the  roads. 

3Kenflelc'te  vt  P  mix. 

Snentg  a  -.  _  ®oIbat  el.  _  common  soldier, 
private,  pi  rank  and  file;  tcommon.  -^eb  c  -er 
(borgerl.  Samfunb)  community;  (Samfunb  af  2;ro§= 
fæller)  communion,  church;  (Sogn)  parish;  (©ogne= 
foll)  parishioners  vi  ;(Iilt)ørerne  i  en  Kirfe)  con- 
gregation.  -i)cb§anliggcitbe  n  parochial  aflfalr. 
•tebSforftanbcr  vestry-man.  -^ebåraab  vestry. 
-^ebéfag  parochial  affair.  -((Cb^fang  congrega- 
tional  singing.  -leorter  soldiers'  quarters. 
•manb  the  common  people;  (iBovgerfolI,  ftmple  5) 
the  commonalty,  the  rommons  pi.  -manbig  a 
democratic(al).   -manbigi)eb  c  democratic  views. 

Srøening  c  -er  opinion;  sentiment;  (»iJetqbn.) 
meaning,  sense,  acceptation,  import,  purport; 
(^enfigt)  intention;  (Sætning,  ^eriobe)  sentence, 
proposition;  i  en  gob  _  with  good  intentions; 
foranbre  _  change  one's  mind;  bele  en  _  conciu: 
in  an  opinion,  a  view;  ^ar  ingen  _  has  no 
decided  opinion;  fiabe  en  gob,  flet  _  om  have  a 
good,  bad,  opinion  of.  think  well,  ill  of;  banne 
flg  en  _  om  form  an  opinion  on;  ftge  fin  _  rent 
nb  speak  one's  mind  plainly;  fige  en  fin  _  tell 
one  (a  bit  el.  piece  of)  one"s  mind;  bet  fan 
umulig  oære  ®erei  _  you  cannot  possibly  mean 
that;  berom  er  ber  ifte  to  -er  there  is  no  doubt, 
can  be  no  mistake,  ahout  that;  -erne  ere  belte 
opinions  differ;  bet  Ijaobe  ber  t)æret  nogen  _  i 
there  would  have  been  some  sense  in  that; 
bet  er  ber  ingen  _  i  that  is  nonsense,  there  is 
no  sense  in  that;  'ftoab  er  -en  meb  what  is  the 
meaning  of;  gioer  ingen  _  makes  no  sense;  ub= 
tole  fom  fin  _  give  it  as  one's  opinion;  optage  i 
en  gob  _  put  a  good  construction  ou;  efter  min 
_  in  my  opinion;  bære  af  ben  _  at  be  of  opinion 
that,  ben  offentlige  _  public  opinion.  —  aHentnfl§|  = 
berettiget  a  competent  to  form  an  opinion;  aHe 
-be  all  who  are  qualified  to  judge,  to  pass  an 
opinion,  -forffel  difference  of  opinion,  -for- 
ft^rrenbe  a  fatal  to  the  sen.^e.  -fri^cb  freedom 
of  opinion,  -fatte  one  being  of  the  same  opinion 
with  another;  bet  er  mine  politiffe  -er  are  of 
the  same  political  opinion  with  me;  bi  ere  -er 
we  are  of  the  same  opinion.  -lam))  war  of 
opinions.  -Ug  a  of  similiar  import.  -ligtieb 
(Sig^eb  i  9Jl.)  similarity  of  opinion;  (Sigfteb  i  $8e= 
ttjbntng)  similarity  of  meaning.  -ligncnbe  a 
synonymous.  -loS  a  meaniugless,  unmeaning, 
nonsensii'al,  irrelevant.  -løSljeb  c  unmeaning- 
ness,  irrelevancy;  en  -  nonsense.  -fag  matter 
of  opinion,  -ftrib  controversy.  -ttltenbegibetfe 
demonstration,  -tbift  fe  -ftrib.  -uboeféling  dis 
cussion.  -uUglfeb  fe  -forflel.  -ytring  expression 
of  opinion. 

SWeit*|i§  impracticable  el.  dangerous  ice. 
aRe'ntig  a  injurious.    9We'n*|laf(c  c  latent  leak. 

-I»å  "  innocent,  inoffeusive;   +uninjurea.    -I««?« 
^eb  c  inolfensiveness. 

*JWcnneffe  n  -r  man,  human  being,  man  and 
(el.  or)  woman,  person;  bet  npe,  gomle,  tnbre  - 
the  new,  old,  inner  man;  -nS  ©en  the  Son  of 
man;  -neg  Som  the  sons  of  men;  intet  -,  iffe  et 
_,  nobody,  no  one;  aHe  -r  all  men,  everybody; 
unge  -r  young  people;  »i  ere  oUe  -r  we  are  all 
weak  mortals;  er  tlfe  mere  enb  et  _  is  no  more 
than  man;  felD  en  iJJrofurator  er  ifte  mer  enb  et  _ 
even  attorneys  are  human:  -ne  ere  bøbelige  man 
is  mortal;  fiuab  er  bog  t)i  -r!  (alas  for)  poor 
humanity !  ®ub  ffobte  -t  i  fit  SBillebe  God  created 
man  after  his  own  image;  -t  fpoar,  ®ub  raa'er 
man  proposes.  God  disposes;  ^an  er  et  ffitteligt  - 
he  is  a  good  soul;  blitie  et  nqt  _  take  a  new 
lease  of  life,  (moralft)  turn  over  a  new  leaf; 
gøre  en  til  et  nt)t  _  give  one  a  new  lease  of 
life;  en  9Kængbe  -r  a  crowd  of  people;  l^oab  er 
bet  for  et  -?  what  kind  of  a  person  is  he?  men 
_  bog!  Oh  man!  (el.  woman!),  f  man  alive!  lab 
08  nu  Ⱦre  -r;  let  ns  have  no  nonsense!  jeg  er 
iffe  røenneffe  for  at  I  cannot  by  any  means. 
ancnneftcjaanb  human  spirit.  -abet  dignity  of 
human  nature,  -albcr  (ben  Sliber,  fom  et  9(R. 
opnaar)  age  of  man;  (Stægtfølge)  generation,  age. 
•anfigt  human  face.  -art  (31.  af  9Kenneffer)  race, 
variety  of  the  human  species;  (9Kenneftenatur) 
human  nature,  -barn  man.  -ben  human  bone. 
-bleoen  a  incarnate.  -btob  h.  blood.  -bolig 
human  dwelling.  -brlift  human  breast.  -b«b 
h.  law  el.  commandment.  -fjenbe,  -fienbe  fe 
-^aber.  -fjenbff,  -fjenbtlig  a  hostile  to  man. 
misanthropical.  -fjenbftab  mi.santhropy.  -flib 
human  industry.  -forftonb  h.  understanding; 
^an  l^ar  ifte  engang  alminbelig  _  he  wants  even 
common  sense.  -fofter  human  foetus.  -fragt 
human  freight.  -frljgt  fear  of  man.  -fabe 
human  food.  -følelfe  hiiman  feeling.  -gerning 
work  of  man,  human  labour.  -gunft  the  favour 
of  men.  -daanb  hånd  of  man,  human  hånd. 
•^ab  misanthropy.  -^aber  misanthrope,  man 
-hater.  -^onbel  traific  in  human  flesh.  3Rcn= 
nefle^eben  c  mankind,  humankind.  aRenneflel- 
^jerte  human  heart.  -tiiæl))  human  aid.  -ftob 
crowd  of  people.  -^oøeb  human  head.  -lenber 
judge  of  character,  humanist,  one  who  knows 
man  el.  human  nature.  -IlaSfc  class  of  men. 
-ttøgt  human  sagacity.  -Iraft  human  power, 
-trop  human  body;  h.  carcass.  -tunbflab  know 
ledge  of  men  el.  human  nature,  -faerlig  a  humane, 
charitable,  philanthropic.  -toertigtieb  philan- 
thropy,  charity,  love  of  mankind,  «the  milk  of 
human  kindness».  -I«b  human  flcsh,  -i-tøn 
fe  -flægt.  -libelfe  human  sutfering.  aRennefle« 
Ug  a  human;  (menneffefærlig)  humane,  bet  er  -t 
it  is  human  nature;  berfom  ber  ftulbe  ^ænbe  mig 
noget  -t  if  anything  should  happen  to  me;  — 
adv  humanly;  humanely;  _  talt  humanly. 
SOtenneftelig^eb  c  humanity.  aRennefteltgnenbe 
a  anthropomorphous,  anthropoid.  a)lcnneftelig= 
bid  ado  after  the  manner  of  men.  9)lenncfle|" 
lib  human  life;  SEob  of  -  loss  of  life.  -tnagt 
human  power,  -mndfe  crowd.  -mtjlr  swarm 
of  people.  -msngbe  crowd.  -natur  human 
nature,  -nabn  name  of  mau;  ^an  fortjener  itfe 
engang  _  he  does  not  even  deserve  the  name  of 
man;  (fom  man  gioer  f.  l£f§.  en  éunb)  man's 
name.  -offer  human  sacrifice,  anthropothysia. 
•ofring  human  sacrifice.  -orb  word  of  man. 
-paafunb  device  of  man.  -par  pair  el.  couple 
of  human  beings.  -plager  tormentor  of  men. 
-pligt  duty  of  man.  -race  race  of  men,  race 
of  maukind.  -ran  kidnapping.  -raner  kid- 
napper. -rettigt)cb  right  of  man.  -ro8  praise 
of  men.   -rob  fe  -ran.   -r«ft  human  voice.   -røber 




)c  -roner.  -fatnfunb  community  of  men,  human 
sodet  y.  -fan3  fe  -forftonb.  -finb  human  dis- 
position. -f|æl  h.  i-oul.  -ffabning  human  being. 
•ffarn  h.  ordure.  -ffcUt  human  skeleton.  -ffll' 
felfc  human  shape.  -fftj  a  shy  (of  mau);  Ⱦre  - 
shun  the  society  of  men.  -flQ^tti  shyness. 
•ffoebne  destiny  of  human  beings.  -{(agteri  but- 
chery.  -flægt  mankind,  human  species,  -ftcntme 
\t  -refi.  -ftl)rfe  human  strength.  -fticerm  swarra 
of  people.  -to6  loss  of  human  life.  -tiltKcrelfe 
existence  of  man.  -tom  a  deserted;  (ube6oet) 
desolate.  -tont^eb  solitude.  •tummel  the  stir 
el.  bustle  of  (many)  people.  -banbel  condnct 
of  man.  -ttel  weal  el.  wellfare  of  mankind.  -tietl 
philanthropist.  -ttenlig  a  philanthropic,  bene- 
Tolent.  -tiiåbom  human  wisdom.  -tirimmel 
crowd  el.  throng  of  people.  -ticetbe  human 
power.  -Uærb  worth  (of  man).  -Oterbtg  a 
human,  worthy  of  (a)  man.  -titcrbig^cb  dignity 
of  man.  -bær!  work  of  man.  -tiæfen  (et) 
human  being;  (9Kenneffet§  SBæfeii)  h.  nature. 
•æbcnbe  a  anthropophagous,  maneating.  -æber 
man-eater,  cannibal,  -pi  anthropophagi;  (Jpaj) 
White  shark,  Squalus  carcharias.  -æberi  canni- 
balism,  anthropophagy. 

9nen§  adv  while. 

5!Rcnfa'l|flaarb,  -qob^  estate,  lands,  appro- 
priated  to  a  ehuroh  living. 

ancnflaa  vt  raaim. 

anenftruatio'n  c  menstruation. 

SWenfu'r  c  mensura'tion,  measurement. 

TOe'nlfboren  a  mainsworn.  -fbærgc  vi  main- 
swear,  perjure  one's  self,  swear  a  false  oath, 
make  a  false  aifidavit. 

ancnta  I  a  mental.    SWen'te:  1  i  _  carry  one. 

snentor  c  mentor,  monitor. 

anenu'  [fr.]  c  bill  of  fare. 

aBenuct'  c  -ter  min'uet. 

SMcr,  aWere  a  &  adv  more;  itle  _  enb  no  more, 
not  more,  than,  as  little  as;  _  enb  tilftrælfelig 
amply  siifflcient;  t!Ie  et  Drb  - !  not  another 
word;  "^tiab  _?  what  else?  IjBab  ~  er  more  than 
that,  moreover;  bet  er  en  Starfofl  _  that's  an 
additional  reason;  jefl  fer  ^am  albrig  _  I  shall 
never  see  him  again,  I  shall  see  him  no  more: 
t|on  er  ifte  _  til  he  is  no  more;  jeg  tan  ilte  fpife 
_  I  can't  eat  any  more;  jeg  fan  iffe  _  I  give  in, 
give  it  up,  I  am  exhausted,  knocked  up,  worn 
out;  jo  -,  befto  6ebre  .  .  .  themore  .  .  .  the  better; 
faa  meget  -  fom  especially  el.  all  the  more  as; 
\aa  meget  _  bærbtfulb  fom  the  more  valuable  that; 
noget  anbet  og  -  enb  something  more  and  other 
than.  9ner|ajttg  a  fe  TOeret.  -bemclbt  a  oft- 
mentioned.  anerenbctS  adv  f  mostly.  SReret 
a  F  morish.    aRe'rforbrug  extra  consumption. 

Sncrgcl  c  marl.  -agtig  a  marly,  marlaceous. 
-ort  species  of  marl.  -blanbet  a  mixed  with 
marl.  -bolle  (spheroidal)  concretion  of  marl. 
-brub  fe  -grat),  -grob  marl  pit.  -grobcr  marl 
-digger.  -grabning  digging  of  marl.  -gruS 
marly  gravel,  -gøbntng  marling.  -jorb  marly 
soil.  -talt  m^rly  limestone.  f-tatre  tip-cart. 
-lag  layer  of  marl.  -fanbften  marly  sandstone. 
-ffifer  marl  slate.  -ftcn  marlstone.  SRergle  vt 
marl.    SRcrgltng  c  marling. 

fHlcrfan  c  marjoram,  Origanum. 

Sneribia  n  c  -i'r  meridian;  gaa  igennem  -en 
pass  el.  cro-ss  the  m.  -bue  meridional  arc. 
-<)aåfagc  meridian  passage  et.  transit.  SReri« 
bional  a  meridional. 

3Rertnbt(egt  c  surplus  receipts. 

ancritto  n  meri'no.     -foar  merino. 

3)Jerlt'cr  j>l  ^  achievements. 

aWcrtantii  «  mer'cantile. 

ajlerfu'r  c  (@nb  og  ait)  Mer'cury;  chem  mer- 
cury.    aWerturitt't  c  mercu'rial  (medicine).    aRer« 

tnriai-  mercurial.  iølerfurintii^'m:  c  disease 
induced  by  the  use  of  mercury.  9RcrTttriaIt)itte 
blue  pill.  SBlcrluria'lff  a  mercurial.  ancrturiat' 
ftigbom  fe  røetfnrialiSme. 

9)Jerfu'ri|tlorlb  mercu'ric  chloride.  -fott  mer 
curie  salt  (o.  fl.). 

9Rertu'ro{jobib  mer'curous  lodide.  -folt  mer 
curous  salt  (o.  fl.). 

SBlerte,  anerling  fe  røærle. 

aWerobtng'ler  c,  pi  =,  -tf!  a  Merovingian. 

SDJerS  fe  Wxx?,. 

-tawerå  c  p  =  StommerS. 

ailerffum  n  meerschaum,  kiefekil,  sea-foami 
sea-froth.  —  sncrffumdl^obeb  m.  bowl.  -JJibcj 
meerschaum  (pipe). 

9JJe'r|fmag  F  a  morish  taste,  -ubb^tte  extra^ 
profit,    -ubgift  excess  of  expenditure. 

ayieåollian  ce  c  -r  misalli'ance;  inbgaa  en  - 
make  a  misalliance. 

aUcfa'n  c  J,  spanker,  (+  mizenj.  -bom  spanker, 
-boom  -gaffel  spanker  gaff.  -gafter  mlzen-men. 
•gibtobe  sp.  brails.  -^olS  sp.  tack.  -maft  m. 
mast.  -raft  mizen  channel.  -ftog  m.  stay. 
•ftagfejll  m.  staysail.  -ftang  m.  topmast.  -»ont 
m.  shrouds  et.  rigging.    -lefelfiabcb  m.  cap. 

9ne§mert§'me  c  mes'merism. 

aWcSning  c  fe  TOeJfen. 

3Wcfobota'm|icn  n  Mesopotamia.  -ifl  a  Meso 

ane^fe  c  -r  mass;  (for  ^etgen)  saint's  day;  (ftort 
aWarfeb)  fair;  gaa  i  -,  ^ere  _  attend  mass;  Ijotbe 
_  celebrate  mass;  læfe  -  say  mass,  mass.  aWeSfc 
vi  &  t  (i  broteftontiffe  ffirfer)  chant,  intone,  in- 
tonate;  (latolft)  say  mass. 

SWeéfe  c  J,  (fæUeS  SBorb)  mess;  fe  -lulof;  ^olbe 
-  fammen  mess  together.    SneSfc  vi  mess. 

aRe§fe|bog  mass-book,  missal.  -borb  fe  Stlter- 

aJleSfcbotb  i.  mess-table. 

9WeSfc|br«b  communion  bread.  -bffltl  sexton, 
verger.  -bragt  (massing)  vestment.  -bug  (fatolft) 
corporal.    -falb  no  (divine)  service,  failure  of  s. 

aWeéfeforftanber  c  J,  caterer. 

ane§fe|t)agel,  -faobe  chasuble. 

aneSfefammerat  c  ^  mess-mate. 

ane3fe|tabe(  chant(e)ry.  -latalog  the  Leipzic 
list  of  new  publications. 

a^teigfetebel  c  ^  mess-kettle. 

aJleSfelfjortelfe-fær!.  -tloMe mass-bell.  -flæber 
fe  -bragt. 

3Wc§fe|fof  ,L  mess  cook.  -(uf af  mess-room, 
mess-place;  (DfficergmcSfe)  wardroom,  gun-room. 

a)te3felæ§ntng  c  saying  of  mass.  aRedfen  c 
chant,  intonation.  aRcéfeoffer  .sacrifice  of  the 

a)leéfc<>enge  ^  table-money,  (beb  3;nbtræbelfe) 
en  trance  (money). 

a)le§fe|bræft  mass-priest.  -fang  .singing  at 
mass.    -ffjorte,  -færf  surplice;  (fatolff)  alb. 

aJleSfetjencr  c  J,  mess-man. 

aKeSfeOin  c  communion-wine. 

aHe§fl'|a§  the  Messiah.     -a'nff  o  messian'ic. 

aWeSfing  n  og  c  brass.  -arbejbe  brass-work. 
-beflaaet  a  brass-monnted.  -bltt  latten-brass, 
brass-plate.  -brænber  brass-maker.  -litjtte  brass 
-forge.  -fna^i  brass  button.  -btobe,  -ffilt  brass 
-plate.  -ffrue  brass  screw;  F  en  bitto  meb  -r  one 
more  of  the  same  type.  -fmcb  brazier.  -ftrcng 
()jaa  miiftfalfte  3nftrumenter)  brass- wire  string. 
-traab  brass-wire.  -tbift  brass-wire  gauze.  -tey, 
-barer  pi  brass-ware.    -bærf  brassforge. 

aWe'ft  (F  ogf.  meft)  a  &  adv  most;  min  -e  2:tb 
most  of  my  time;  for  bet  -e  mostly,  for  the  most 
part;  generally;  bet  _  mulige  as  much  as  possible; 
|on  er  _  ærgerrig  he  is  the  most  ambitious;   paa 





bet  -  (orcfommenbe  in  she  most  obligiug  manner. 
3RrffcnbeIå  adv  fc:  for  bet  meffe. 

aWeftfr  «  -e  master;  (5rimurer=  master-mason; 
.^aanboærrg"  master-workman;  blioe  ~  (i  et  2at)) 
get  the  freedom  of  a  company;  gere  til  -  (bloubt 
grimurerne)  raise;  eære  _  i  (en  Sunft)  be  master 
of,  be  an  adept,  a  proficient  in;  ingen  _  no  good 
hånd  (at);  »ære  -  paa  (et  Qnftrument)  be  a  pro- 
ficient on;  ftbem  ftar  Ⱦret  _  for  bette?  whose  this?  ^an  ^ar  funbet  fin  _  he  has 
met  with  his  match;  fpitte  _  play  the  master; 
-en  (i  ®pil)  the  conqneror,  the  decider,  (i  SBf)ift) 
the  conquering  rubber;  -  ©rit  f  the  rod,  switch. 
a)leftcr|arbejbe  masterwork.  -brcti  master-trades- 
man's  certiticate.  -baab  masterly  deed,  master 
-stroke.  -bigt  masterly  poem.  -bigter  master 
-poet.  -^aanb  the  hånd  ofa  master,  a  masterly 
hånd.  tSJlefterin'bc  c  mistress,  master's  wife. 
SDlcftcrjInccgt  hangman's  assistant.  -!oI  master 
-cook.  -Io»  body  of  masters  of  a  tråde.  -leftie 
top-form,  head  class  (in  grammar  schools). 
•lettianer  c  -e  scholar  of  the  head  class.  9)lefter= 
lig  a  masterly.  9R(fterUgf|fb  c  masterliness. 
3)}cfter|l«n  master's  hire.  -i-ma(eri  master-piece. 
-manb  (S  tarpretter)  executioner.  •manbSfoII 
executioner's  .servants.  •manb^tirnge  cxecntl- 
oner's  fee.  -natin  name  of  master,  -ticnfcl 
pencil  of  a  master.  -prøDe  fe  -ftqf'e.  -))uIoer 
magistery.  -rob  fe  -urt.  -roer  champion  rower. 
-fottg  master-song.  -fangtr  master- miustrel. 
SOirftcr^aii  n  mastery,  mastership.  9Kcftcrlffub 
masterly  shot.  -ffcelm  arch-rogue.  -fpK  masterly 
performance,  -fpillcr  masterly  player  el.  per- 
former, -ft^tfe  master-piece;  master-stroke;  (for 
at  blioe  TO.)  piece  of  work  done  by  a  journey- 
man  for  passing  as  a  master,  -foenb  foreman 
ofa  workshop,  head-journeyman.  -træf  masterly 
move,  master-stroke.  -turne'ring  (Sfaf)  masters' 
tournament.  -<»)»  master-thief  -urt  master- 
wort,  Iinperntorvi.  -Vccxt  masterly  work  el.  per- 
formance. Sneftre  it  school,  critlclse,  flnd  fault 

SRrfii'S  c  -er  mestizo,  mestino,  mestee. 

anrtacen'trum  n  metacentre. 

snelaf  o  c  c  -er  met'aphor.  -Iff  a  metaphor - 

Wefofoå  forfare  c  hydric  metaphosphate. 

92rta|fQ{tt'  metaphysics  pi.  -ftj'fifet  meta- 
physic'ian.    -f^'flfl  a  metaphys'ical. 

tflttttV  n  -ler  metal;  brass,  bronze,  -oore  vein 
of  metal,  -agtig  a  metall'ic.  -arbejbe  m.  work. 
•arbejbrr  worker  in  metals,  brazier.  -ofte  me- 
tallic  ashes  pi.  -bab  Vjalneum,  bath.  -bcfæftet 
a  metal-fastened.  -blanbing  metallic  composit- 
ion,  compound,  -btub  fracture  of  a  metal. 
•beSfing  brass  coak.  -brejet  turner  in  metal. 
-faroe  (metolagtig  g.)  metallic  colonr;  (%.,  fom 
tilBerebeg  af  TO.)  metalline  colour.  -ferniå  me- 
tallic varnish.  -forfinbe  vt  metal,  -forraab 
bullion.  -fotftft  a  metal-fastened.  -glanS  metallic 
lustre.  -guib  Dutch  gold,  Icaf-brass.  -Iiolbig 
a  metalliferous.  -bub  metal  sheathing.  t-ilte 
metallic  oxide.  -jorb  metallic  carth.  -folt  fe 
-itte.  -tanon  brass-cannon.  -Inop  metal  button, 
(^ut)  Shell-button.  -fom^Dfition  fe  -blanbing. 
-tonge  (albeleg  renfet  TOetol)  regulus.  9)icta(Iiff 
a  metallic,  metalline.  SRetaUoi  b  n  -er  met- 
alloid. SOirtallurg'  c  -er  met'allnrgist.  anetal= 
lurgi'  c  met  allurgy.  9)ictaI|mobcr  gangue. 
-mor  crystal  tin.  -o<)(«8ning  metallic  solution. 
-oj^b  metallic  oxide.  •patning  metallic  pack- 
ing.  -tKinbc  (^mp.)  brass.  -(^apir  Dutch  metal 
paper.  -plabe  metal-plate.  -ring  brass  ring. 
-r^g  (33og6.)  metallic  back.  -fe))ter  »1.  metal 
stanchion.  -ffum  scoria  {pi  scoriæ),  scum  el. 
dress  of  metals,    -fprjl  metallic  mirror.    -f^iger 

composition  nail.  -ftreng  wire  string,  music 
wire.  -ftebcr  metal  founder.  -fflitt  false  leaf 
■Silver,  -tmab  wire.  -(titft  wire  ganze.  -Oarer 
pi  hardware,  metallic  goods.  -txcrbi  intrinsic 

ajlffamorf |iff  «  metamo'rphic.  -o'fe  c  -t 

9)trtantimo  nfQre  c  hydric  metantim'cnate. 

9)}cta'te{iS  c  metath'esis. 

aWcteo'r  »i  -er  meteor,  -fafb  fall  of aerolites. 
aWetco'riff  n  meteor'ic(al).  aneteorid'me  c  me'- 
teorism.  SWetcorit'  c  -er  me'teorite.  9Jleteo'r= 
jam  meteor'ic  iron.  sneteoroto'g  c  -er  mtteorol'- 
ogist.  iDlcteoroIogi'  c  meteorol'ogy.  9Reteor= 
olo'giff  a  meteorolog'ie(al).  9neteor|ftaa(  mete- 
oric  Steel,    -ftett  aerolite,  meteoric  stone. 

SReter  c  -tre  meter,  metre,  -fqftcmct  the  met'ric 

9net(|u'falem  Methuselah. 

Snet^Q't  w  meth'yl,  methyle.  -ollobotmethyl'ic 
alcohol  el.  spirits.    -æter  pyroligneous  ether. 

SIWetie'r  [fr.]  n  tråde,  calling. 

SReto'Ibe  c  -r  meth'od;  system;  bringe  -  i 
meth'odize,  reduce  to  method.  -bif  c  method'ic. 
-'biff  a  method'ical.  -bi§  me  c  meth'odism. 
-bift' c  -er  meth'odist.    -bift'iff  a  methodistic(al). 

Snetonqmi'  c  meton'ymy. 

SDJcto  ^le  c  -r  met'ope. 

9)lefrif'  c  met'rical  art.  We'trlff  a  met'rical. 
9)lc  trifer  c  -e  metricist.  3Rctrono'ttt  c  -er  met'- 

9)}etro)>o|({t^  -lita'n  c  er  metropol'itan.  -Xv 
ta'n-  metropol'itan. 

9)letrum  n  metre. 

9)!etttourft  c  German  sausages. 

aJlrjilo  n  Mexico.  SDIe^ifa'ner  c  e,  -in'be  « 
-r,  mcjtto'nff  a  Mex'ican. 

9)2ej5ant'n  c  -er  mez'zanine. 

9)ies,^ofo))ran  c  low  soprano,  second-treble 
voice,  mezzo  soprano. 

9}!tad'ma  n  miasma.    -tifl  a  miasmat'ic(al). 

9)2iati  n  &  int  mew.  -e  vi  mew.  -en  c  mew- 

Wiåfa'cl  Mi'chael. 

9Rt(^igan|øen  Lake  Michigan. 

9Kib  c  -er,  fe  TOibe. 

3Rib'aften  c  afternoon.  9nibaften3|foft,  -mob 
afternoon  repast. 

9)ltb  aibrenbe  a  middle-aged. 

SnibaSøre  n  Midas'  ear  (ogf.  zo,  Haliotis  Midce). 

SRibbag  c  (Xit))  noon,  midday,  noon-day; 
(TOaaltib)  dinner;  om  -en  at  el.  about  noon;  i 
®aar  -(8)  yesterday  at  noon;  fpife  tit  -  dine; 
fpife  gofaner  til  _  dine  off  et.  on  pheasants;  blioe 
til  -  stay  (for)  dinner;  bebe  en  til  -  invite  one 
to  dinner;  Se  fpifer  naturligbiS  _  ^o§  mig  of  course 
I  shall  see  you  to  dinner;  ^oab  f!ol  Bi  ftaoe  tit  _? 
what  shall  we  have  for  dinner?  fooe  til  -  take 
a  nap  after  dinner;  fobe  inbtit  -  sleep  till  noon; 
en  ©igar  for,  efter,  -en  .joc  an  ante-prandial,  post 
-prandial  cigar.  —  ^ibbag§|abonnent  c  half 
boarder,  -befttf  day's  work.  -blutib  fe  -tur, 
-føon.  -borb  dinner,  dinner-table;  beb  -et  at 
dinner.  -cirfcl  meridian,  -flabe  meridian  plane. 
•gilbe  dinner-party.  -g«ft  dinner  guest.  -ftebe 
noon-day  heat.  -bbtle  rest  at  noon,  siesta, 
nooning.  -^«}be  ant  meridian  attitude,  -fiffert 
transit-instrument,  -trebå  meridian,  -lag  noon 
-tide;  i  -et  about  noon.  -Ilnic  meridian  line. 
-luft  air  at  noon.  -lur  fe  feOn.  -l^§  light  of 
noon.  -maaltib,  -mab  dinner.  -(junft  meridional 
point,  -ro  fe  -tjoile.  -fclffab  dinner  party.  -f!l|gge 
shadow  at  noon,  noontide  shadow.  -fot  meridian 
sun,  noonday  sun.  -f^iife  dinner.  -ftraafe  noon- 
tide ray,  meridian  sun-beam.  -ftunb  noon-tide, 
hour   of  noon.     -føun   nap  after  dinner,   aftcr 




-dinner  Uo,e  postprandial)  nap.  -taffel  fe  -borb. 
•tib  noon-tide.  -time  (fra  12—1)  hour  of  noon; 
(©»ifetime)  dinner  hour. 

SRtbbel  n  -bier  means;  vehicle;  expedient; 
^jcelpe=  remedy;  phvt  medium;  pi  (formue) 
meau.s;  ifte  labe  noget  -  uforføgt  leave  no  stone 
unturned;  -bierne  til  at  (the)  wtierewithal  to; 
leUe  af  fine  -bier  live  upon  one's  means. 

Srøibbel  a  middling,  _  af  ^øjbe  of  middle  height. 

SRibbcIaar  n  average  year. 

ajlibbelofftanb  c  middle  distance. 

Snibbellalber  c  middle  age:  -alberen  the 
Middle  agesp/.  -albcrtig  a  mediæval.  •albrenbc 
a  middle-aged. 

2Wtbbelbor  a  indirect,  mediate.  -^cb  c  me- 
diateriess,  indireetness. 

9Rtbbcl6eflaoct  a  fairly  gifted. 

aWibbelbettæflClfe  c  méan  velocity. 

SRibbctbtebbc  c,  ast  middle  latitude.  -feilabS 
m.  1.  Salling. 

SØltbbelbrMb  n  (i  2aa8)  ward. 

3nibbclbl)bbe  c  meaa  depth. 

aWtbbclb^bgoaertbe  n  average  el.  mean  draught. 

Snibbclcct^  c  middling  ore. 

SDiibbcIfatOC  c  middle  colour,  mezzotinto. 

SRibbelganf)  c  (iSroit.)  mean  daily  rate. 

SRibbelflobå  n  middling  goods  pi. 

9)hbbclnrab  c  mean  degree. 

aSibbelftrtftiglicb  c  (f.  Sfg.  2^fct§  ofb.)  mean  et. 
average  speed  el.  velocity. 

3Hlbbeliiatiet  the  Mediterranean.  —  9Rtbbe(= 
^oDålflaabe  c  Mediterraaean  fleet.  -(anbe  Me- 
diterranean eouQtries,  countries  of  the  Mediter- 

SRtbbcIl^ø)  a  of  middle  height  el.  stature. 
-I)øjbe  c  (,®eitnemfntt80  mean  height;  (SOlettem-) 
middle  height,  medium  height;  omtrent  af  - 
about  the  middle  height;  unber  _  under  the 
average  height;  en  SOlonb  unber  _  an  undersized 

Snibbeldeft  c  average  crop. 

aWibbclflaåfe  c  (i  ©fole)  middle  form;  -n  the 
middle  classes 

SKibbclflotfc|Ict  n,  ast  mean  time. 

3Wtbbeltur§  o  mean  el.  medium  course. 

-^SOitbbeQanbft  a  Mediterranean. 

SRibbeUeb  n  middle  member;  (af  en  S'iGW  el. 
Zaa)  middle  phalanx. 

SnibbelleDettb  c  average  length  of  life. 

3RibbeUtnic  c  middle  line. 

aWtbbclmaabig  «  middling,  indiflferent,  me- 
diocre     -fteb  c  mediocrity. 

aJltbbelmibbag  c  mean  noon. 

2Ktbbclmibnat  c  mean  midnight. 

aWtbbcHilan  n  (S3^gn  )  half-breadth  plan. 

SnibbcItiriS  c  average  price. 

Snibbetjpuntt  n  centre. 

*9Ribbelé  o  middling,  average,  medium,  -aat 
average  year. 

SSMibbeifalt  w  neutral  salt. 

'^Ribbetftlb  c  herring  in  the  fourth  year. 

392t&befftole  c  lower  grammar  school. 

^ibbcl{Iag§  c  average  kind,  middle  sort. 

SRibbelfol  c,  aat  mean  sun.  -aav  mean  solar 
year.  -bog  mean  solar  day.  -tib  mean  solar 
time.    -ur  mean  solar  clock. 

SBltbbcIlfort  fe  -flag§. 

3Ktbbclfiiont  n  ^  midship-frame;  {paa  @fi63= 
tecining)  dead-flat. 

Snibbclftanb  c  the  middle  classes  pi;  (f.  ©tS. 
aSavometerl)  ordinary  level. 

^mibbclftov  a  middle-size,  modium-sized. 

aWibbcliftrcg  fe  -linie. 

3Ktbbclftarrelfe  c  middle  el.  medium  size. 

3Ribbelta(  n  mean;  tage  -let  af  strike  au  average 
of,  efter  et  _  on  the  average. 


9)}ibbcltemt)eratur  c  mean  temperature;  tcii 
aarlige  _  the  mean  annual  t.;  Sinteren?  _  the 
mean  winter  t. 

røibbcltib  c  meau  time. 

Wibbcltilftonb  c  middle  state. 

ajHSbclting  c  fe  aJJettemting;  (ligegijlbig  S.)  some- 
thiiiar  indifferent,  adiaphoron. 

SJJibbclltrtjf  n  meau  el.  middle  pres-sure. 
-trnfémaffint  middle  pressure  engine. 

SWibbcl  nanb  n,  -»anbe  pi  J:,  half.flood. 

ajlibbelbarme  c  fe  SWibbeltemperatur. 

99}ibbelbej[  c  middle  course,  meau;  ben  g^lbne 
_  the  golden  mean,  the  happy  medium;  bo'be 
_  hold  the  mean,  strike  a  mean,  steer  betweeu. 

Smibbelbægt  c  mean  weight. 

9iRtbbeI|tiaerb  n,  -bsrbi  c  mean  value  el.  price. 

SUlibe  c  -r  mite,  Acurus. 

antbfafte  c  the  middle  of  Lent,  mld-leut. 
-fønbng  fourth  Sunday  in  Lent. 

anibtantt'er  pi  Midianites. 

SDMbje  c  middle,  waist.  -«ot  poet,  fe  aSibnat. 
■f-fbær  a  thickset. 

SRible  vi  mediate.  SRiblet  c  -e  mediator, 
intercessor.  -faJUbletfle  c  -r  mediatress,  media- 

SRiblerltib  adv  fe  ^miblerttb.  -ttbig  a  provis- 
ional,  temporary,  interim;  —  adv  provisionally, 
ad  interim,  temporarily. 

anibnat  c  midnight;  om,  Deb  _  about,  at  mid- 
night anibnatltg  o  midnight.  —  SDlibnatSlgal 
n  midnight  crow.  -I)øjbe  altitude  at  midnight. 
■tlotte  midaight  bell.  -multn  m.  gloom  (o.  fl.). 
-folen  the  midnight  sun,  the  unsetting  sun. 
-ftunb,  -tib  midnight,  dead  of  the  nlght.  -time 
midnight  hour. 

SOtibret  a  mity. 

!iinibff)tpmanb  c  midshipman,  F  middy. 

SBJtbfommcr  c  midsummer.  —  a)Mbfommcr(§^' 
bag  midsummer-day.  -nat  midsummer-night. 
-tib  midsummer-tide. 

ajlibt  adv.  -  ab,  fe  .►  efter;  (ffommanbo)  eyes 
front!  _  efter  after  el.  along  the  middle  (of); 
_  for,  _  foran  before  the  middle  el.  centre  of, 
straight  before;  _  i  in  the  middle  of,  fig  amidst, 
amid,  in  the  midst  of;  _  i  2uften  in  midair; 
_  iblanbt  in  the  midst  of;  _  igennem  through 
the  middle  of,  straight  through;  _  imellem 
midway  el.  half  way  between;  _  om  ®agen  in 
the  middle  of  the  day;  _  om  Statten  in  the  dead 
of  night;  tage  en  _  om  fiioet  seize  one  round  the 
waist;  Di  er  _  o  <)  p  e  i  .Ag  we  are  in  the  thick  of; 
_  ober  above  the  middle  of,  straight  above; 
gaa  -  ooer  break  in  two;  _  paa  in  the  middle 
of;  tit  _  ipaa  Senet  midleg;  _  paa  ^aoet  in  mid 
-ocean;  _  unt  er  under  the  middle  of,  (om  Siben; 
in  the  midst  of.  SWibtlob  fe  oofr.  iDltbte  c 
middle;  i  »or  _  in  the  midst  of  us,  among  us; 
of  fin  egen  _  from  themselves;  en  af  Dor  _  one 
from  among  us.  a)libter=  (i  ©mj.),  fe  TOibt«. 
anibterft  a  sup  midmost,  middlemost,  middle. 
anibtlfigur  centre  flgure.  -fjorb§  adv  fe  tobS; 
In  the  middle  of  the  bay.  -ffæft  flitch.  -gang 
middle  walk  el.  gallery.  -gruppe  ceutral  group. 
-linie  middle-  et.  centre-line,  median  line.  -lebé 
ado  (in)  mid-channel.  -nerPe  ^  midrib.  -parti 
central  part.  -puntt  centre,  ceutral  point;  her 
(i  Stjolb)  fesse-point.  -punttflQcnbe  n  centrifugal. 
-punftfagcnbe  «  centripetal.  ^'SWibtre  comp  fe 
TOibterft.  a)libt|ribbc  midrib.  -ffib  central  nave. 
-ffibS  adv  in  (the)  mid.ships,  amidships.  -ffib§- 
afbeling  midship  compartment  (o.  fl)  -ffibå^ 
{jrintenettei;  waist  nettings,  -ffibéportict  the 
midships.  -ftjolb  her  incscutcheou.  -fommer 
fe  aUtbiommer.  -ftr«m  centre-curreut.  -ftrømS 
ado  in  the  middle  of  the  stream  el.  current,  in 
mid-stream,  -ftramérenbe  te -ftrøm.  -ft^tfe  centre 




-piece,  central  piece.  -funbd  adv  in  the  middle 
of  the  sound,  mid-channel.  -taarn  central 
tower.  -tianbé.  -oaterå  adv  mid-channel,  mld 
•stream;  in  mid-sea.  -Uej  mid-way.  -uejS  adv 
<^r-nab  ^]Jlibten  af  en  SSej)  in  the  middle  of  the 
road;  (^alBuei?)  half-way,  mid  way.  3)liatiinter 
c  mid-winter.  aRU>;t)»>inter8  in  the  middle  of 

aJlig  pron  pers  me  (fom  Dbielt,  naor  Subjeftet 
er:  jeg)  myself;  bet  er  _  it  is  I;  for  -  gerne  I  have 
no  objection,  I  don't  care,  I  don  t  mind;  en 
^en  af  -  a  friend  of  mine. 

anigrte'ne  c  me'grim. 

miUc  c  (9te6fl.)  stakehead. 

SRittct  Michael;  (9Jat)n  for  Kæben)  Renard, 
€harley;  cont  the  Gerraiuis.  —  >]nitfe(§| aften 
Michaelstnas-eve.  *-bær  fe  iBøIIe.  -ftag  Michael- 
mas-day.  -gaaS  Michaelmas-goose.  -gilbe  Mi- 
■chaelmas-feast     -mcåfe  Michaelmas. 

^itttpal  c  (Kebfl.)  warping-post. 

aRitmof  n  F  fe  Wtflntaff. 

SRitø  c  (9l6e)  mico,  Jaccfnu  argentalius. 

SRitto'b  c  -er  microhe. 

SVtitrolfo'n  c  -er  mi'crophone.  -lol'ifr  pi  mi- 
crococci.  -foå'ntr  -loSmuS  c  mi'crocosm. 
-meter  n  microm'eter.  -itop  n  -er  mi'croscope. 
'^opl  c  micros'copy.   -ffo'pifl  o  microscop'ic(al). 

3)lil  c,  p<  =  &  -e:  banff  -  (4V5  engelffe)  Danish 
mile;  norff  -  (7  engelfte)  Norvvegian  mile;  engelff 
_  mile;  tpff  el.  geografif!  -  German  mile;  franff  _ 
league;  geometrifl  -  measured  mile;  en  9Kil8  85ei 
about  a  (Danish  el.  Norvv.)  mile;  et  $ar  9RiI8 
IBei  a  (Danish  el.  Norw.)  mile  or  two;  en  gob  _ 
a  (good)  long  mile. 

SRila'Ino  n  Mil  an.  -ne'fer  c  -e,  -ne'fifl  a 
Milanese  (pi  ==). 

3)HIJ»  a  (ille  ftarp,  ^aorb  el.  fur;  fig  fagtmobtg, 
»enlig)  mild;  (lemfælbig)  lenient;  (blib,  front)  gentle; 
-t  3Sejr  mild  el.  open  weather;  _  SRegn  gentle 
rain;  -e  Stiftelfer  charitable  institutions;  -e  (Sober 
charities,  benefactions;  —  milbt,  tnxitbelig 
adv  mildly;  leniently  etc;  eft  talt  to  say  the 
least  (of  it),  to  say  no  worse,  speaking  below 
the  mark  (fcetteS  gerne  bagefter),  -ftcb  c  mildness, 
gentleness;  lenity.  -ne  vt  (formilbe,  linbre)  mit- 
igate,  alleviate,  temper;  (formilbe,  berolige)  soothe, 
appease;  —  et  _  ftg,  -8  grow  milder;  bet  -r  i 
5Beiret  the  weather  is  getting  milder. 

aRlle  c  (+n)  -r  (paa  Sømme)  bit. 

rølle  c  -r  (ftutmile)  charcoal  kiln. 

SRitelantal  mileage.  -brcb  a  miles  el.  a  mile 

Sntlebrænbe  n  wood  for  charring. 

Wircliaj  a  miles  el.  a  mile  high. 

OJHlctui  n  charcoal. 

*J)}i(ctccbe  c  curb-chain. 

!iDtiIC:(ang  a  mile^  el.  a  mile  long.  -ntaal 
mile-raeasure.  -penge  (tiflanbS)  mileage;  ^ 
•distauce  money.    -pæl  mile-stoue. 

^JØltlereg  c  smoke  from  a  charcoal-kiln. 

a)ltle  fifl  a  Milesian. 

»JDlileiffifte  relay  at  every  mile.  -ften,  *-ftolpe, 
-ft«tte,  ie  -pæl. 

an  Ile' t  n  Mile  tus. 

Wi(e|ta(  number  of  miles,  -pibt  adv  miles, 
for  miles. 

SOlilieu'  [fr.j  n  surroundings,  entourage. 

ajJilitorlå'me  c  miritaryism. 

^JOHItt«'  c  milltia. 

^DHlitæ'r  a  mil'itary.  aRilitoe'r  c  mil'itary 
man,  soldier.  3RiIitiX'r  n  military,  soldiery. 
■eb  military  oath.  -etot  army  (list),  -fratte 
military  coat.  +-fri  a  free  from  military  ser- 
vice, -grcenfcn  the  m.  conflnes  et.  frontier. 
■^ue  soldier's  cap.  -lappe  m.  cloak.  -{{(ebe 
army  cloth.     -læge  military  surgeon.     -otttfttt 

Uarfen :  aanft'Sngelff  Drbbog. 

military  band.  -perfon  military  man.  -ftanb 
m.  profession,  -ftraf  m.  punishment.  -tienefte 
m.  service. 

9Rtl|egr(e9  n  millet-grass,  Milium. 

WiUiarb'  c  -er  mil'liard. 

SBltaing  c  (5ift),  fe  Søjei. 

aRiQion  c  -er  mil  lion.  aniUio'nte  n  millionth. 
aniOiontebcl  millionth  (part).  gjlJUionPiS  adv 
by  millions.  aniUionte'r  c  -er  millionaire,  plum 

aWilt  c  milt,  spleen.  •(6Iob)aare  splenic  vein. 
•betænbelfe  splenitis.  -branb  anthrax,  splenic 
friver.  -bregne  hart's-tongue,  Scolopendrium  of 
ficinarum.  -plafter  antisplenetic  plaster,  -fting 
stitch  in  the  region  of  the  spleen  -fontfi 
swelling  of  the  spleen,  -f^g  a  splenetic,  hypo- 
chondriac,  hipped.  -fQgbom,  -ftjge  spleen, 
hypochondria.  -urt  golden  saxifrage,  Chrysos- 
plenium . 

<D}ime  c  r  mime.  3Rimif'  c  mim'ics  pi, 
raimic  art;  play  of  feature.  Sni'miler  c  -e 
mim'ic.    Sniniift  a  mim'ic(al). 

ajlirao'fe  c  -r  mimosa,  sensitive  plant. 

taJllmre  vi  mumble,  munch. 

9Wtn  pron  posn,  n  mW,  pi  mi«e  (tonjunttto) 
my,  (abfolut)  mine,  my  own;  mit  '!6axn  my  child; 
33arnet  er  mit  the  child  is  mine;  ^au  førgebe  for 
mig  og  -e  he  took  care  of  me  and  my  family; 
i  _  ®gn  in  out  part  of  the  country;  benne  _ 
9Kabe  this  stomach  of  mine;  min  ^erre,  o.  fl.  fe 
^erre,  grue,  '^xalm,  2)ame;  ieg  forlanger  fun  mit 
I  only  ask  for  my  own,  for  my  property;  jeg 
fan  gøre  meb  mit,  '^bob  jeg  Bil  I  can  do  what  I 
will  With  my  (mine)  own;  mit  og  bit  the  right 
of  property;  I)an  ^ar  felo  brogt  Brebet  t  til  mit 
he  took  the  letter  to  my  home  in  person;  jeg 
ftat  gøre  mit  bertil  I '11  do  my  best;  jeg  gør  ^an8 
Crb  til  -e  I  am  entirely  of  his  opinion,  I  agree 
with  every  word  he  says. 

aRinare't  c  -er  min'aret. 

taWinbe  n  (røunbing)  mouth,  outlet. 

aninbe  n  (Samt^fle)  consent. 

SRinbe  n  -r  (©rinbring)  reminiscence,  remem- 
brance;  (9lminbelfe,  3^ufommeIfe)  remembrance, 
memory,  commemoration;  (SrinbringStegn,  9Rinbe= 
tegn,  ^Olinbeåmxrle)  memento,  remembrance,  me- 
morial; association;  bet  lom,  ranbt  mig  i  _  it 
entered  my  mind,  thought,  I  was  reminded  of 
(it);  falbe  en  nt  i  _,  føre  en  nt  til  _  call  st  to  one's 
remembrance;  jeg  brage?  iffe  til  _  I  cannot  call 
to  mind;  bet  er  o§  enbnu  i  frifl  -  it  is  still  fresh 
in  our  memory;  bet  er  gaaet  mig  af  -  it  has 
escaped  my  memory;  lægge  poa  _  keep  in  mind, 
treasure  up  in  one's  memory;  til  -  om  in  comme- 
moration of,  commemorative  of;  fornQ  -t  om  re- 
vive  the  memory  of;  i  3Jlanb§  _  within  el.  in 
the  memory  of  man,  within  living  memory. 
3Rtnbe  vt  (om)  remind,  put  in  mind  (ofj,  call  to 
one's  remembrance,  (abbarenbe)  warn;  —  minbeS 
vd  (+minbe  ftg)  recoUect,  remember,  call  to  mind; 
jeg  -§  ot  ^aee  truffet  ^am  I  remember  meeting 
liim;  om  jeg  -?  ret  if  my  memory  serves  me. 
^inbelblab  memorial,  -btamft  memorial  flower. 
-bog  records  pi.  -bæger  commemorative  toast; 
tømme  et  for  drink  a  toast,  commemorative  of. 
-bigt  commemorative  poem.  -fep  commemora- 
tive festival,  commemoration.  -t-frflb  pleasures 
of  memory,  -gaue  remembrance,  souvenir, 
keepsake,  memorial,  -n-glimt  reminiscence. -fjellig 
a  of  sacred  memory,  -tjøjtib  fe  -feft.  -forS  me- 
morial cross.  -franS  memorial  wreath.  -faob 
fe  -bigt. 

aninbeUg  a  amicable;  _  Slfgørelfe  compromise. 
•^eb  c  amicable  adjustment;  i  _  by  consent,  by 
agreement   of  both  parties;    Sagen  bleo  afgjort  t 





_  ihe  matter  was  compromised  el.  amicably 
adiusted . 

3Rinbe|Ife  c  -r  (53aamtnbelfe)  admonition,  re- 
minder; (af  ®t)øboni  ofo.)  slight  touch,  return, 
reminiscence.  -orl)  ni  commemoratlve  words 
pi.  -))enge  medal,  -lig  a  rich  in  recollections. 
-rtjwe  fe  -bigt.  -fawfl  fe  -bigt.  -fittft  memorial; 
Onbflrift)  Inscription.  9RinbeSm(Ertc  n  -r  monu- 
ment, tomt;  memorial.  9Rinbc|ften  monumental 
stone.  -ftalte  monumental  column,  -taorc  tear 
of  remembrance.  -talt  commemorative  oratlou, 
memorial  address.  -taDle  memorial  tablet  el. 
plate.  -tegn  remembrance.  -tierS  memorial 
verse.    -ticetbig  o  memorable. 

anitibre  a  smaller,  less,  minor,  +lesser:  ~ 
t)oetifte  ©triftet  minor  poems;  _  digtere  minor 
poets;   ben  _  RatetiSmug  the  shorter  catechism; 

-  Sejligbeber  (rather)  small  houses;  —  adv  less; 
(enb)  _  still  less;  fe  SKinul;  ifle  -  no  less;  en 
Somme  _  enb  3  Slien  an  inch  short  of  six  feet, 
I)Qn  er  intet  -  enb  rig  he  is  any  thing  but  rich; 
\aa  meget  _,  be§-  so  much  the  less;  ^oor  meget  _ 
how  much  less;  meb  ~  unless  (bo  indeed);  i|fe  - 
.  .  .  forbi  not  the  less  .  .  .  because;  _  gob  not 
quite  good,  not  so  good  as  might  be;  _  on6efa= 
lelfeSbærbig  haidly  to  be  recommended  (o.  f(.). 
røinbre|aarig  «  under  age;  efterlobenbe  en  _  ©øn 
leaving  a  son  in  his  minority;  bære  ~  be  a 
minor,  be  under  age.  -aarig^eb  c  minority, 
nonage.  -aaring  c  -er  minor.  t-tnanb  one  de- 
clared  infamous  by  a  legal  sentence.  -tol  mi- 
nority. Minbffe  vt  diminish;  _  ©ejl  shorten 
sail;  _  et  ©fibS  %axt  lessen,  slacken,  deaden,  a 
fhip's  way.  ajjtnbffclfc,  aRtnbftning  c  diminut- 
ion.  Sninbft  o  least,  smallest;  itte  bet  -e  not  a 
vestige,  not  a  bit,  not  a  farthing;  i  bet  e  at 
least;  iffe  i  -e  SRaabe  not  in  the  least;  (naor  Solen 
er  om  to,  Brugeg  gerne  Somporatio):  gib  mig  bet 
■e  ©tt)ffe,  og  be^olb  bu  bet  onbet  give  me  the 
smaller  piece,  and  keep  you  the  other;  bet  - 
mulige  a  minimum;  rebucere  til  bet  _  mulige  mi- 
nimize  (as  much  as  possible);  bet  -e  af  SSørnene 
the  youngest  of  the  children;  —  adv  least;  (i 
bet  mintfte)  at  least,  (gerne  Bagefter)  at  the  least; 
bet  -e  man  rører  beroeb  at  the  slightest  touch  el. 
if  you  touch  it  ever  so  slightly. 

SRtne  c  -r  (2lnfigtétræt)mien,  air,  look;  en  Borff 

-  a  stern  look;  gt»e  fig  -  of  pretend  to  be,  set 
up  for;  gøre  -  til  at  make  a  show  of,  make  as 
if  he  would;  gøre  -r  til  en  make  sigus  to  one; 
uben  ot  fortræffe  en  -  without  changing  a  feature; 
feolbe  gobe  -r  meb  en  keep  up  appearances  with 
one;  gøre  gobe  -r  til  flet  ©pil  put  a  good  face  on 
a  bad  business,  set  a  good  face  on  it. 

SRine  c  -r  (unberjorbift  (Srab  el.  $ule)  mine; 
labe  en  _  fpringe  spring  a  mine;  labe  otte  -r 
fprtnge  Jig  leave  no  stone  unturned.  -arBeiber 
miner.  -Baab  torpedo(-boat).  -Brenb  well. 
•B))gger  miner.  -Bljgning  mining,  construction 
of  mines. 

aRinclfattøf  fe  -Boab.  -forfDar  defence  by  tor- 
pedoes.  -galleri,  -gowfl  gallery  (of  a  mine). 
-grotier  miner,  -gravning  mining.  -^alS  neck 
of  a  mine.  •fantmer  chamber  of  a  m.  -trig 
mining.  -!urti  mine-basket,  -tabntng  charge 
of  the  mine.  -nieftcr  mining-engineer.  -^ølfc 

3Rinera'I  n  -er  &  -ter  min'eral.  -Bob  mineral 
-bath.  -Bloot  fe  SBjærg'.  -farBC  mineral  colour. 
-()tiibt  mineral  white  (o.  fl.).  -loBtnct  fe  -fomling 
-lof  pink  colour.  SRineralo'g  c  -er  mineral'ogist. 
iDHneroIogi'  c  mineral'ogy.  aJHneralogtff  a 
mineralog'ical.  SKincrol  I  olie  mineral  oil.  -))Ut= 
^>ttr  mineral  purpie.  -rigbout  mineral  wealth. 
-rige  mineral  kingdom.  -fontHng  ooUection  of 
minerals.    SSiineralff  a  min'eral.    iDiinerallfort 

slate-black.  -f^te  mineral  acid.  -bank  mineral 
water.  -UanbéfaBrilant  mineral  waier  manu- 

aniné'r|Bor  miners  borer.    -ebberloV  trap-doopi 
spider,  Cleniza.     -Irubt  blasting-powder.    -tun" 
art  of  mining.    -I«Uc  sledge.    -lunte  slow-matc; 
•tiicrftøj  miner's  tools. 

SlWinere  vt  mine;  -  Bort  blast. 

aniner'DaSlugle  fe  Sirfe=. 

9J}ine|f<itl  play  of  features,   -ft^rog  pantomime. 

aninelfiprængntng  explosiou.  -tragt  funnel 
of  a  mine.  -trættætf,  -tømmer  lining;  pitprops. 
-batti  arraigu. 

Snintatur  c  min'iature;  i  _  in  miniature,  in 
little;  diminutive;  tegne  i  _  draw  in  little. 
-maler  miniature-painter.  -maleri  miniature 

anintc  fe  TOønie. 

SRinimnm  n  minimum;  rebucere  til  et  -  mini- 
mize.  —  3Rinimum§{afftanb  minimum  distance 
(ofo.).    -grænfen  the  lower  limit. 

9Rinift'er  c  -ftre  min'ister,  seeretary  of  state; 
(®efanbt)  envoy,  minister;  t-  for  Sirfe=  og  Unber« 
oiSninggbæfen  minister  of  ecclesiastical  aflfairs 
and  of  public  instruction,  -anftage  impeach- 
ment  of  a  minister,  -anftiarligtieb  a  ministers 
responsibility,  ministerial  r.  -borb  ministers' 
table.  -Bænl  ministers'  bench.  SJtinifteriatBog 
church  register.  SOlinifterier  a  ministe  rial;  be 
-le  the  ministerialists.  awtntfte'rium  n  -ier  (bet 
l^ele)  ministry,  cabinet;  (bet  entelte)  department; 
træbe,  tomme  inb  i  -iet  enter  the  ministry,  come 
in  (el.  into  offlce);  troebe  ub  af  -iet  go  out;  bære 
i  -iet  be  in  (offlce);  t-tet  for  Kirfe=  og  Unbert)iéning§= 
bffifenet  the  church  and  school  department. 
ministerial  crisis.  -<»oft  minister's  offlce.  -<»r(e- 
fibent  premier.  -taab  council  of  statc,  council 
of  ministers,  -rcfibent  resident  minister,  -fllfte 
change  of  ministers  el.  ministry.  -taburet  seat 
in  the  cabinet.    -tiærbig^eb  ministerial  offlce. 

SDlinfc  vi  r  decrease,  get  low;   vt  fe  aJJinbfte. 

Sninnefanger  c  Miunesinger  (a  kind  of  German 
minstrel).     < 

9Kinor|e'rc  +  vt  lessen,  diminish.  -it'er  vi 
Min'orites.  -ite't  c  -er  minor'ity;  Ⱦre  i  _  be  in 
a  cl.  the  minority. 

SOJinotour  c  Min'otaur. 

SDlinfanbt'en  adv  p  really,  on  my  word. 

SRinuenb'  c  min'uend. 

3Rinu§  n  minus;  adv  less,  minus,  -inbefi^fejl 
subtractive  index-error.    -tegn  minus  sign. 

Sninuff'et  c  -ffler  minuscule. 

Sntnut'  «  &  c  -er  (StbSm.  og  SBuem.)  min'ute; 
(nøjogtigt)  poa  -en  to  am.,  to  the  m.;  jeg  ffol 
bære  l)er  poa  -en  I  shall  be  here  in  a  m.;  for  et 
_  fibcn  this  m.;  nogle  -er  før  11  at  a  few  minutes 
of  eleven.  SKinutc'rc  vt  (ub)  retail.  iDHnut|> 
glaS  minute-glass.  -tljul  minute  wheel.  2JJl= 
nutiø'ig  a  minu'te.  3Rinut{fIub  min'ute  gun. 
-fting  dolling  stitch.  -ur  minute-watch.  -tttfcr 

5Dlin«'r  c  -er  miner. 

SOJioce'nifl  a  mi'ocene. 

SOHrot'el  n  -fler  mir'acle;  gøre  -fler  do  el.  work 
miracles.  -boftor  quack.  -!ur  mirac'ulous  cure. 
-mager  miracle-worker,  -monger,  thaumaturgus, 
theurgist.  -manb  wonderful  man.  -tro  belief 
in  miracles.    a)MraIuIø'§  a  mirac'ulous. 

SWire  c  -r  levelling-staff. 

SDH§'  c  -fer  (miss)  Puss. 

9Jli§'agte  vt  disregard,  slight. 

SWiSaUion'ce  fe  SOJeganionce. 

9JJi§'anbefa|Ic  vt  disparage,  discredit;  be  a 
bad  recommendation  to.  -ling  c  bad  recom- 






IBiiianltto'p  c  -et  mis'anlhrope.     -tro'))iff  o 


SnidbiUige  c*  disapprove  of  (ogf.  uben  of).  -Ife 
c  disapprobation,  disapproval. 

SRiélbrug  c,  pi  =,  abuse,  misuse,  misusage, 
misemployment;  malpractice.  •bruge  vt  abuse, 
misuse,  misemploy. 

3Rid|bub  au  offer  far  below  value.  -b^be  vt 
(en)  offer  one  an  unreasonably  low  price;  bet 
-r  jeg  big  ifle  the  price  is  fair. 

WiåccU'er  pi  mis'cellanies. 

Sniébanne  vt  deform,  misfashion,  misshape. 
-Ife  <■  tieformity,  mal{con)formation. 

+iDM^b»)rfcJfe  c  erroneous  worship. 

3)>H@baber^  -ffe  c  -e,  -r  malefactor,  misdoer. 

^miébømme  vt  misjndge. 

ajjtfere  [fr.]  c  pitiableness,  pitiable  aflfair. 

SKifere're  n  miserere;  med  iliac  passion,  ileus. 

ajJtéfonflft  c  failure  of  the  fishery. 

ajJii^'fare  vi  miscarry. 

ajjtéfartict  n  discoloured. 

SDMéforbinbclfe  c  fe  TOeSotlionce. 

awisforljolb  n  di.sproportion,  Incongruity;  mis 
understanding,  dlsagreement. 

a)M§fDrR«)!rt  a  displeased,  discontented,  dis- 
satisfied.  -tlfe  c  discontent,  displeasure,  dis- 
satisfaction,  disgust. 

9)Héfor|ftoa  vt  misunder.stand,  misconceive, 
misapprehend,  mistake;  -  mig  iffe  don't  mistake 
me;  -et  3oer  mistaken  zeal.  -ftaaclig  a  mis- 
apprehendable.  -ftaaelfe  c  -r,  -ftanb  c  (ogfao 
om  Uenifl^eb)  misunderstanding;  (bet  ot  forftaa 
urigtigt!  misapprehensiou,  misconception. 

SKiéfofter  n  -ftre  mfinster,  abortion. 

t3Ktøfab|C  vi  miscarry.  -fel  c  miscarriage, 

SRtégerning  c  misdeed,  crime,  ofifence;  bib/ 
jeg  er  føbt  i  _  I  was  shapen  in  iniquity.  —  SRi§' 
gerningd{manb  malefactor,  evlldoer,  lawbreaker. 
•fog  criminal  case. 

aJH^gtétting  c  false  conjecture,  erroneous 
guess;  <X,  error  of  the  dead  reckoning. 

SttSgreb  n  mistake,  error,  blunder,  fault, 
wrong  move;    begaa  _   commit  blundets,  faults. 

aRiSlflunft,  •gun^tg  fe  Ugunft. 

Snidjbaob  n  despondency,  hopelessness. 
-i-baabe  vi  despair  (om  of). 

3nié|()ag  n  displeasure,  dislike,  disapprobation; 
!     finbe  -  i  noget  dislike  a  thing;   fatte  _  til  take  a 
dislike  to.    -bage  vt  displease.    -IjagS^tting  ex- 
pression of  disapproval. 

3RtSb<inb|Ie  vt  ill-treat,  maltreat,  ill-use.  •Htig 
ill-treatment,  ill-usage. 

9ni§be(b  n  mischance,  mishap. 

992i@t)olben  a  wronged;  Bære  _  meb  en  ftontrott 
be  a  Itiser  by  a  contract. 

9KlSI)ug  «  miss. 

aJMébw^bolbning  c  bad  economy. 

SOcié  fcnbc  vt  misjudge,  misvalue,  fail  to  ap- 
preeiate,  -tenbt  unappreciated,  misappreciated. 
-tenbelfe  c  misjudgment,  want  of  due  apprecia- 

SRiSjlIang  c  dissonance,  jarring,  cacophony, 
inharmonious  sound,  discord,  jar.  •ttingenbe  a 
ill-souiiding,  inharmonious. 

Snilifttebe  ((  misbecome,  misbeseem. 

SnifTmaft  n  hodge-podge,  medley,  jumble, 

Sniéfrebit  c  discredit;  bringe,  fætte  i  _  bring 
into  discrtdit  el.  disesteem,  discredit;  lomme  i  - 
get  ink)  discredit. 

SWiffunbew  fig  oaerhavemercyon.  SOHflunbe 
lig  «  merciful.  3)}ift'unb^eb  c  mercy,  merci- 
Julness,  loving-kinduess. 

9Riåleb|e  vt  mislead,  misguide,  •ning  c  mis- 
leading,  misguidance. 

SRiSIig  a  doubtful,  precarious,  hazardous; 
questionable,  irregular.  -^eb  c  precariousness; 
irreg:ularitv.  •bolbe  vt  break,  fail  to  fulflll. 
•^olbelfc  c  f.  et2.  ftonttaft«  -  breach  el.  non 
-fulfilment  of  a,  contract;  (af  Dbligatiott)  non 

aRi§|Ibb,  -Iqbenbe,  fe  -nang,  -tiingenbe. 

33iiSlt)U\té  vd  fail,  not  succed,  be  frustrated; 
ffotffiget  -beé  the  attempt  failed  (of  success);  bet 
-be§  ^am  at  fange  guglen  he  failed,  did  not  suc- 
ceed,  in  catching  the  hird;  et  -t  ?fOrf*9  an  un- 
successful  attempt,  a  failure;  er  albeleé  -t  is  a 
perfect  failure;  en  -t  Sligter  a  would-be  poet. 
-elfe  c  failure 

3ni!il«nne  vt  reward  badly;  -t  ill-rewarded,  ill 

3Rtd|tnob  n  {+  c)  despondency.  •mobig  «  de- 
sponding,  despondent,  dispirited.  -mobig^eb  c 
fe  -mob. 

*9HJ«ne  fe  9n?8fe. 

3Riéit«ie  n  &  c  discontent.    -t  a  discontented. 

WHi^ptl  c  -pier  medlar.  •tt«  medlar  (-tree), 
Meifpilus  øermanica:  cotoneaster. 

aRidpri^  c  (unduly)  low  price;  t)æte  t  _  be  at 
a  discount. 

aWiåptife  vt  dispraise. 

9)ȤVr5be  vt  disfigure. 

SDitéregcring  c  misgovemment. 

aRiélrcgne,  -regning  fe  flforregne. 

a)ltéfo'l  c  ti/p  French  canon. 

aniéfa  le  n  -r  mis  sal. 

ajliéfe  vi  (meb  Svinene)  blink,  wink,  twiukle. 

aWiéfctat  c  fe  93HI. 

aRiéfio'Ji  c  -er  mis'sion.  —  3)JiSfioné|anftalt 
mission,  -ariejbe  mission  work.  -morl  mis- 
sionarv field,  mission-field.  -in«be  missionary 
meeting.  -pvaU  missionary.  -fclftttb  missionary 
society.  -picfen  missionary  concems  pi.  9RiS» 
{tons'r  c  -ex  mis'sionary. 

aRtSftetnning  c  ill-humour;  _  imob  dissatisfac- 
tion  with. 

aniStag  n,  pi  =,  mista'ke.    -^•e  vt  mistake. 

9Ridtante  c  -r  suspicion;  misgiving;  fatte  -  tit 
en  conceive  suspicion  against  one;  |aoe  -  til  en 
suspect  one;  fatte,  ftatie  _  (om  noget)  conceive, 
entertain,  a  suspicion  of  (a  thing);  t)ælfe  -  create 
suspicion;  bringe  en  i  _  make  one  suspected; 
-n  falM  paa  ^am  he  was  suspected. 

SRiftbcent  c  hotbed,  forcing  frame. 

aWifte  vt  lose,  be  depiived  of;  (unboære)  do 
without,  with. 

SDHftel  f  mistletoe,  Viscum  album,  -broøfel 
missel  bird,  missel  thrush,  Ttirdua  vtscxvarus. 
-ten  fe  'JKiftel.  ^     .., 

aitiftclig  a  ihat  may  be  lost  el.  dispensed  with. 

SBHétiUib  c  mistrust,  distrust,  (ifær  til  fiflfe/«) 
diffidence;  i)aw  ~  til  mistrust,  distrust.  3Ktfl= 
tiUibébotujK  «  vote  for  (el.  as  to)  want  of  con- 
fidence,  w.  of  c.  vote. 

aniStoItle,  -wing  fe  «mi?ti)be. 

■+3JHiitoneMbe  a  jarring. 

SWiftral  c  mistral.  .  ,   .,. 

aJJié'tro  c  mistrust,  distrust;  Dcetfe  -  ttl  dis- 
credit. -tro  vt  mistrust,  distrust.  "'''Oift  «  dis- 
triistful,  mistruslful,  suspicious,  -troiflpeb  c 

a)Hétr«ft  poor  consolation,  cold  comfort. 
•tr«fte  vt  dishearten.  -traftig  a  despondtng, 
diseonsolate,  disheartened.  -tr«1tigl)«b,  +-tvtn- 
liittg  despondency.  ...      ,  . 

aWiétbibl  c  diffidence,  despair;  misgivmg(s). 
•e  vi  (om)  despair,  despond  (of). 

aRtdtbb|e  vt  misiuterpret,  misconstrue.  •nltig 
c  misinterpretation,  misconstructiou. 

tSWiStbtte  n  fe  9KiS^ag. 

aWiéItæwfe  vt  (for)  suspect  (of);  jeg  ^ar  ^om  -n 





for  at  i)at)e  ftiaalet  bet  I  suspect  him  of  having 
stolen  it;  ^on  er  -ft  for  at  fljæle  he  is  suspected 
of  stealing;  bltbe  -ft  fall  into  suspicioa.  -t«nl'e= 
lig  a  (font  gioer  8larfag  til  9Ri8tante)  liable  el. 
open  to  suspicion,  suspicious,  suspect;  (of  Ub= 
feenbe)  suspicious-looking;  +(=  ntiStænlfom)  sus- 
picious. -icenl'eUggere  vt  render  suspect,  throw 
suspicion  on.  •toent'eliggøretfe  c  throwing  sus- 
picion on.  -tænt'elig^eb  c  suspiciousness.  -tctnt'' 
font  a  suspicious.  -tfcnt'fom^eb  c  suspiciousness, 

WiS'luttbe  vtenvy,  grudge.  -unbelig  a  envious 
(ooer  of,  at);  Ⱦre  _  paa  en  for  nt  envy  one  st. 
•tttt'belfe  c  envy:  ®enftanb  for  olleS  _  the  envy 
of  all.  -un'belfeiSOaerbig  a  enviable;  libet  _  un- 
enviable.    »nttber  c  -e  envier. 

9Riét)if|ettbe  a  Jj  hy  compass,  magnetic;  fig 
misleading,  deceptive;  _  8ur§  course  by  com- 
pass. -ni»9  c  -er  variation;  fip  mistake,  delusion. 
-ningdtort  variation  chart.  -ningdUnier  pi  iso- 
gonic  lines. 

aniStttetdt  c  failure  of  crops,  dearth.  -aav  bad 
year  el.  crop;  year  of  dearth. 

aJlit'  pron  pots  (lonjunftiot)  my;  (aSfoIut)  mine; 
fe  ogfaa :  SSixn. 

SRitraiUeu'fe  c  -r  mitrailleur,  mitrailleuse, 
Gatling  gun. 

3Ritte(  c  tvp  middle  pica,  medium. 

anittcl  [t.]  n  -tier  (Sergb.)  mineral  mass. 

aWijeri'  n  fe  røiflmafl. 

Hixtuni  compositniu  n  omnium  gatherum. 

3Ri£tu'r  c  -er  mix'ture,  draught;  org  fumiture. 

aWjati  0.  fl.,  fe  røtao. 

tanjelb  fe  aWelb. 

anjDb  c  mead,  metheglin.  •blanbing  (bet  at 
blanbe  el.  lobe  9K.)  mead  mixing  el.  mead-making. 
-Iivuit  a  mead-brown.  -baeger  mead-beaker  el. 
-bowl.  -fab  mead-cask.  -^orti  mead-hom.  -ntt 
meadow-sweet,  Spiræa  ulmaria;  fnolbet  _  drop 
-wort,  <S'  Jilipendula. 

3Rnemo|ttit'  c  mnemon'ics.  -'nilet  o  -e  mne- 
monic'ian.    -teltiil'  c  fe  iDlnemonif. 

*8Ho  c  -er  heath,  (barren  and  wooded)  plain, 
amr  barren. 

*Wo  c  sultriness. 

aRoabtt'er  c,  pi  =,  Mo'abite;  ben  moabttifte 
Rotnbe  the  Moabitess. 

SD>ioafug(  c  moa,  Dinomis. 

^obilia'r  n,  fe  aKobilier.  -formue  c  personal 
property,  movables.  SRobi'Iier  pi  movables, 
chatteis.  SRobiUfere  vt  mob'ilize.  SRabiKfe'' 
ring  c  mobiliza'tion. 

aWob  n  ($u,  ©inbgftemmng)  heart;  (ftæl^eb) 
courage,  mettle,  pluck,  heart;  frift-!  cheerup! 
never  say  die!  fætte  _  i  encourage,  reassure; 
Ⱦre  beb  gobt  _  be  of  good  cheer  el.  heart;  Ⱦre 
til  -e  feel;  »ære  »el,  ilbe  til  -e  feel  at  ease,  be 
uneasy  el.  uncomfortable;  bli»e  unberlig  til  -e 
feel  awkward  el.  Strange;  ^a»e  gobt  _  xxaa.  at 
have  a  good  mind  to;  babe  _  til  at  have  the 
courage  to;  ^aobe  ilfe  _  til  at  had  not  the  heart 
to;  l^aoe  _  i  SSrQftet  have  the  heart  of  a  man; 
fatte  _  take  courage  el.  heart,  cheer  up;  tage  _ 
til  fig  pluck  up  (one's)  heart  el.  courage,  take 
heart  of  grace;  tabe  -et  lose  courage  el.  heart, 
be  disheartened;  ^otbe  -et  op<)e,  ilte  tabe  -et  keep 
heart;  -et  forgit  ^am  his  heart  failed  him;  betoge 
-et  discourage,  dishearten;  føle  fit  _  poo  en  wreak 
one's  rage  upon  one. 

tSRob  a:  ~  i  $u,  ©inbe  low-spirited,  down 

TOob  præp  fe  3[mob. 

3RobaIite't  c  log  modal'ity. 

3Robant(age  c  countercharge. 

SRobanflag  n  counter-project,  counter-plot. 

SJiobanftait  c  counter-measure;  gøre  -er  take 
contrary  measures. 


9)tobarbefbe  vt  counterwork,  countermlne, 
CDunteract,  counterplot,  withstand,  -tfe  c  coun- 
terinining  etc.    -n-r  c  -e  opponent.  , 

aJlo'bboHe  c  up-hill.  J 

9}lo'bbefa(ing  c  counter-order.  I 

Sino'bbeatærtning  c  counterremark,  counter 

3Ro  bbeftl)Ibning  c  recrimination,  counter 
■charge;  gøre  en  -  recriminate. 

anobbeøiig  n  disproof,  refutation.  -e  vt  dii 
prove,  refute. 

Sno'bbetKcgcIfe  c  counter-movement,  contra; 

aRe'bbiUebe  n  contrast. 

aRobb^  belig  a  disgusting,  loathsome,  distasti 
ful.  -fteb  c  loathsomeness,  dlsgust;  |aoe  _  foi 
feel  disgust  at,  aversion  to. 

Sno'bbør  c  contrary  wind;  fig  opposition, 
sistance,  check. 

a»Obc  fe  aWob  n. 

SRobe  c  -r  fashion,  mode;   le»e,  bo  poo  -n  liv< 
fashionably,   live   in   a   fashionable  style;   tlæb( 
fig  Xtaa  -n  dress  fashionably,  flæbt  efter  ^øfefte 
dressed  in   the   extreme   of  fashion;    bringe  i 
bring  into  fashion;    gaa  of  _  go  out  of  fashioi 
bet  er  ~,   efter  el.  »oo  -n  it  is  fashionable,   it 
the  fashion,  it  is  in  vogue;   lomme  poo  _  com( 
in;  angioe  -n  set  the  fashion;   efter  gomme'  _  oli 
-fashioned.      aRobejartifet   fancy-article.     -blob 
journal  of  fashions,  fashion  paper.    -buti!  milli- 
nery  shop.    -baorffab  fashionable  folly.     -bante 
fashionable    lady,    lady    of  fashion,    exquisite. 
-bigter   fashionable   poet.      -bragt   fashionable 
dress,      -butle   dress   doll?    fashionist.      -faroc, 
fashionable  colour.  -forfatter  fashionable  authors 
-forlflftclfe  fashionable  amusement.    -gæl  fe  -nai 
-^anbet  milliner's  tråde;  milliner's  shop.    -^anki 
ler  man-milhner.    -Qanblerinbe,  -^anblerfle  c 
milliner,    -^erre  fashionable  el.  fine  gentlemi 
dandy,  exquisite.  -jottmal  fashion-book,  fashio: 
-sheet.    -Iratn  fe   »orer.    -tutør  fe  -for»e. 

SRobeC  c   ler  mod'el;  (le»enbe)  model,  sitter. 

SWobello^å  c  fe  -nar. 

aJlobel'Ifigur  c  academy-flgure. 

anobeliteraturen  c  fashionable  literature. 

SRobet  tamtner  n  model  chamber. 

aRobeUe'rIiiinb  c  boaster.  -flammet  posture 
-frame,  -ftol  fe  -»inb.  SDiobeUe're  vt  mod'el. 
SRobeHerer  c  -e  mod'eller.  anobelle'ring  c 

anoberiVlan  i,  half-breadth  plan,  floor-plan. 
■famling  coUection  of  models,  -ffole  school  for 
drawing  after  living  models,  -fnebfer  mod'eller. 
-tegning  drawing  after  a  living  model,  model 

anobemail  c  back  enamel. 

snoben  a  ripe,  (meft  fig)  mature;  Skiben  »or  _ 
the  boil  had  come  (el.  grown)  to  a  head  (ogf. 
fig  om  flomplot  o  1.);  _  til  ripe  for;  en  _  9Jianb 
a  stald  man;  en  røonb  i  fin  -bnere  Sliber  a  man 
of  mature  age;  i  ben  -bnere  Sliber  in  maturity; 
efter  -t  Oberlæg  upon  mature  consideration. 

aflobenar  c  dandy,  fop. 

Snoben^eb  c  ripeness,  maturity;  bringe  til  _ 
mature,  maturate;  tomme  til  _  ripen,  mature; 
noor  bet  er  tommet  til  _  on  acquiring  maturity. 
—  SRoben^cbi^latbcren  maturity.  -6et>ié  testi- 
monial  of  capacity. 

t9)}aben§  a  fashionable,  modish. 

9nobe||)Ian(!^e  fashion-plate.  -))r«fit  fashionable 
preacher.  -p^nt  millinery;  ^un  f^r  _  she  is  a 

snober  c,  pi  ajløbre  mother,  matemal  parent; 
(fun  om  2)^r)  dam;  med  womb,  uterus,  matrix; 
goo  i  fin  _  igen  F  come  to  nought;  9Ko'er  ^eterfen 
Mrs.  P.;  _  9latur  joc  Dame  Nature;  ®ub§  _  Our 








Lady,  the  Virgin  Mary;  ®ub8frflgt  er  alle  DtjberS 
-  piety  is  the  parent  of  every  virtue;  bltoe  _ 
become  a  mother;  »ære  _  til  flere  S8øm  be  the 
mother  of  several  children;  Bære  en  i  -i  Steb 
be  as  a  mother  to  one;  ingen  -i  Sjæl  no  living 
soul;  ftoer  enefte  •§  Sjæl  every  mother's  son; 
Sornet  i  -8  8i»  the  child  unborn;  fe  ®t)8  5IWoJ»er|= 
oore  uterine  vein.    -orm  mother's  arm. 

SRobera'lt  a  mod'erate,  reasonable.  -tlo'n  c 
modera'tion;  (Wflag)  abatement.  -Mriam^c 
modera'tor-lamp,  carcel  lamp. 

3Rober|Iiaanb  ligament  of  the  uterus,  -barm 
maternal  el.  a  mother's  bosom.  -bltf  a  mother's 
eye.  -brol  hysterocele.  -br^ft  a  mother's  breast. 
-Ctne  original  cell.    -bljr  motheranimal. 

TOobcre're  vt  mod'erate. 

3JJobcrlbHr  female.  -foar  ewe.  -fobn  motherly 
arms.  -flob  the  whites  p/.  -fr^b  delight  of 
a  mother,  -ffllelfe  maternal  feeling.  -gtæbe 
maternal  joy.  -gren  main  braneh  (of  a  fruit-tree). 
-grunb  fundus  of  the  uterus,  -tfali  neck  of  the 
womb.  -bierte  a  mother's  heart.  -^ofte  hystericai 
lough.  -fage  placenta  -falb  vocation  el.  call- 
ing  of  a  mother.  -littc  mother  church,  parent 

9Robert[(cring  c  counter-declaration,  protest. 

3Roberjtorn  blight,  blast  (in  r>-e).  -Iramtte 
spasm  of  the  matrix,  hystericai  spasm.  -tratte 
pessary.  -I^é  mother's  kiss.  -I«erltg  a  motlierly. 
•tærligbcb  maternal  el.  a  mother's  love.  -lanb 
mother-country,  parent  country,  home  country, 
old  country,  metropolitan  country;  -etå  ©fatte' 
borgere  the  home  tax-payers  (o.  fl.).  Snobrrlig 
a  (meft  =  9Kober=)  maternal,  (meft  =  lig  en  Wober) 
motherly  3RoberIig^eb  c  motherliness.  aJiobcrl^ 
loge  mother-lodge.  -lub  mother-liquor,  mother 
water.  -I^tle  maternal  happiness.  -(^ft  fe 
-glæbe.  -(«§  a  motherless,  bereaved.  -ntenigbeb 
mother  congregation.  -morb  matricide.  -morber, 
-»torbcrfle  matricide.  -munb  mouth  of  the 
womb.  -inælten  the  mother's  milk;  inbfuge  (f. 
(&U.  ^Begreber)  meb  _  imbibe  (notions)  from  one's 
earliest  infancy.  -ntcerte  mole,  mother's  mark, 
congenilal  mark.  •nabn  the  name  of  mother. 
-nelliler  fe  ftrqbber«. 

3Rober'|ne  «  (pao  9Koben)  fashionable;  (nubæ= 
renbe)  mod'ern.    -nifc're  vt  mod'ernize. 

SRobeclombu  a  mother's  care,  maternal  soli- 
citude.  -plante  mother-plant.  -vUgt  a  mother's 
el.  maternal  duty.  -ring  fe  -IranS.  '  -ffebe  womb 
-pipe,  vagina,  -fl^b  mother's  lap  el.  bosom; 
fig  womb. 

9)lober§lborn  fe  ajJoberS  ©jæl.  -lib  (mother's) 
womb.  -inaal  raother-tong^ue,  native  language, 

9)lobcr|fot  hystericspZ.  -fpejl  speculum.  -ftirog 
parent  language,  -fprøjte  womb-syringe.  9Jlo= 
beréfjæl  fe  WoberS  ©jæl.  9)2ober|ftab  mother 
city.  -ftabe  parent  hive.  -ftommc  parent  stem. 
•ftanb  motherhood.  -ftot  molher  el.  parent 
State,  -foærm  parent  swarm.  -f^ge  fe  -fot. 
-troffab  motherly  fidelity.  -ubfalb  prolapse  of 
the  womb.  -ttanb^  -tiæbffc  liquor  amnii,  mother 
■water.  +-t>arme  motherly  warmth.  -aje  a 
mother's  eye,  maternal  eye.  -ømbeb  maternal 

SRobe  fag  quite  a  fashion.  -ften^eb  fashion- 
able el.  professional  beauty. 

tiDJobcft'  c  -er  a  kind  of  small  mantilla. 

Snobc  ftjgbom  fashionable  complaint.  -taj 
fashionable  stuflf.  -ubtrQt  fashionable  expres- 
sion, -barer  pi  articles  of  fashion,  fancy  goods 
el.  articles. 

9)to'bfaIben  a  disheartened,  dispirited,  de- 
^pondent,  crest-fallen.  -f)eb  c  despondency, 
lismay,  dejection. 

9Ro'bfinte  c  (gægtn.)  caveating. 

8)Jo  bforbuMb  71  counter-alliance. 

aWo  bforbring  c  counter-claim. 

ffljo  bforeftiUtnger  id  remonstrances  (to  the 

9Ro  bforflag  n  counterproject. 

SRo'bforfeg  n  counter-attempt. 

SDlo'bgang  c  adversity;  {)an  ^ar  ^aft  megen  - 
he  has  experienced  much  adversity;  i  -enS  ©fole 
in  the  school  of  adversity;  i  _  ffal  man  fenbe  fine 
SBenner  a  friend  in  need  is  a  friend  indeed. 

SVto'bgift  c  antidote,  counter-poison. 

^o'bgrunb  c  counter-argument,  counter 
-reason;  t)ere  ®runbe  og  -e  hear  the  arguments 
for  and  against  el.  pro  and  contra;  p  hear  the 
pros  and  cons. 

SRo'bgoclb  c  jur  reciprocal  debt;  ®ælb  og  - 
debts  active  and  passive. 

ano  bgaenger  c  chem  cation. 

^o'bbage  c  barb;  forfinet  meb  -r  barbated. 

^obifijcere  vt  mod'ify;  (»eb  Snbftrcenfntng) 
qualify;  -be  ft^op<)er  varioloid.  -ce'ri«g,  -tatio'n 
c  modifica'tion;  qualiflcaiion;  ©anb^eb  meb  -ta-- 
tion  truth  with  a  difference,  •fatio'nétegn  mo- 

SRobig  a  :  græbe  fine  -e  Saarer  weep  bitterly. 

3Wobigacourageous,  mettlesome.stout-hearted. 
-fteb  c  courageousness,  intrepidity,  pluck,  cour- 

SDiobiKon'  c  arch  cantalever. 

SDlobinbicier  pi  counter- evideuce. 

aWobift'  c  -er  milliner. 

SDlo'bfam))  c  adverse  struggle,  struggle  against. 

^io'bfanbibat  c  competitor,  rival  candidate. 

3JJo'bfeifer  c  anti-emperor,  rival  e. 

^D'btlage  c  jur  recriminalion,  counter-charge, 

9Ro  btonge  c  anti  king,  rival  k. 

SOlo'btraft  c  counteracting  power. 

ano'btrab  n  counter-claim. 

+a)lo'bfæm^)e  vt  combat. 

9Jlo  bliggcnbe  a  geom  opposite. 

9Jlo  blift  c  counter- plot. 

!©lo'bl«8  a  faint-hearted,  out  of  heart,  spirit- 
less,  dispirited,  desponding.  -^eb  c  faint-hearted- 
ness,  pusillanimity. 

ano'bman^bre  c  counter-manæuvre. 

9no'b|ne  vt  &  i  (,+vr  fig)  ripen.  -we§  ud  ripen. 
-ning  c  ripening.  -ningStib  season  el.  time  of 

SRo  b)iart  c  adversary,  opponent,  opposite 

992o'b)iarti  n  adverse  el.  opposite  party;  ^olbe 
meb  -et  side  with  the  opposite  party. 

SB>}o'b))a§fat  c  anti-trade. 

ano'bpaoe  c  anti-pope. 

aRo  bprtttion  c  counter-petition. 

5D}o'biir«»c  fe  ftontraprebe. 

SOio  bregning  c  sett-off. 

3JlD'bfotrt  opposite,  contrary,  (omeenbt)  reverse, 
converse;  (fjenbllig)  adverse;  -te  95labe  ^  opposite 
leaves,  i  -  galb  on  a  contrary  supposition,  if 
not;  netop  bet  te  the  exact  reverse;  bet  -te  af 
the  reverse  of;  Srfaringen  ^abbe  lært  oS  bet  -te 
experience  had  taught  us  to  the  contrary;  ub» 
tale  fig  i  _  SRetning  express  one's  self  to  the  con- 
trary; —  adv  (i  ajJobfætning  til)  (as)  contradisting- 
uished  from,  in  contradistinction  to. 

iØlo'bfibe  c  opposite  side. 

aRo'bfige  vt  contradict,  gainsay;  —  -nbe  a 
contradictory.  -Ife  c  -r  contradlction;  uben  - 
(uftribigen)  unquestionably,  beyond  all  dispute, 
nem.  con.;  fomme  i  -  meb  fig  felo  clash  with  one's 
self;  ftaa  i  _  til  be  in  contradiction  to;  -nS  ®runb= 
fatning  the  principle  of  contradiction.  -IfeØaanb, 
•IfeSI^ft  spirit  of  contradiction. 




TOo'bffrift  n  reftitatlon,  rejoinder. 

9Ro'bf*iib8  c  fe  Spinol. 

ano'bfi)iI  n  defence. 

9Ro'bf^iIler  c  adversary. 

<D2o'b|naa  vt  resist,  withstand;  fon  _  ...  is 
proof  against  .  .  .;  -enbe  a  opposlte;  ben  -enbe 
©ibe  til  en  SBinlel  the  opposlte  side  to  an  angle, 
the  side  subtendlng  an  angle,  -ftaa'elig  «  re- 
sistible.  -ftanb  c  resistance,  opposition;  uben  - 
without  resistance,  pari  unopposed,  without 
opposition;  gøre  -  mob  oppose  resistance  to, 
hold  out  against;  iffe  gøre  -  offer  no  resi.stance. 
-ftanber  c  -e,  -ftnnberffe  c  -r  opponent,  antag- 
onist. —  SRobftanbSlaanb  spirit  of  opposition. 
-bljgtig  a  capable  of  resistance.  -forfeg  attempt 
al  resistance.  -ettite,  -fraft  power  of  resistance, 
resisting  power,  -tntbler  pi  meaus  of  resistance. 
-^tKc  buttress,  counter-fort. 

Wobftemute  c  vote  against,  dissentient  vote. 

SRo'blftrib  c  opposl'tion;  ftaa  i  -  meb  clash 
with;  bette  er  il!e  i  nogen  -  meb  this  is  not  at 
all  at  variance  with.  -ftribe  vt  contend  against, 
Cmeb  Drb)  impugn;  -enbe  a  incompatible,  con- 
tradictory,  confllcting.  -^tibiø  «  irreconcilable, 
incompatible,  conflicting.  -fttibig^eb  c  incom- 

SRo'bftrofe  c  antistrophe. 

^o'bjftrælie  vt  strive  against,  struggle  against; 
-ftræbenbe  a  reluctant;  —  adv  reluctantly, 
grudgingly;  gob  -nbe  fit  ©amt^fle  yielded  a  reluc- 
tant consent.  -ftrteben  c  repugnance,  reluctance. 

SOto'bftrøm  c  counter-current;  adverse  current, 
cross  current. 

aHo'bft^Itc  n  («mobfætntng)  contrast;  (^enbant) 
eompanion  (work);  (tilfbarenbeSt^tfe)  counterpart. 

SRo'bftflb  n  counter-shock. 

SWo'bfnarenbe  a  opposlte;  corresponding;  equi- 

aRo'blfætning  opposition,  contrast;  (9tntitefe) 
antlthesis  i  _  til  in  coutradistinctiou  from  el. 
to,  as  aaainst,  as  contradistinguished  from,  as 
distinct  t'ri)m;  banne  en  _  til  stand  opposed  to. 
-fætniMfletonjutittion  adversative  conjunction. 
-fætningiSDiå  adv  by  way  of  contrast.  -fætte  vt 
(fætte  tmob)  oppose  to,  (fttHe  t  9Kob)>tning)  con- 
trast (with);  -§  (noget  anbet)  be  contradistinguished 
from;  —  vr  fig  set  one's  self  el.  one's  face  against, 
oppose,    -fættelfe  c  opposition. 

SRo'bf«  c  head  sea. 

ano'bføgSmaal  n  cross-aetion. 

ano'bltage  vt  (tage  imob)  receive;  (ifle  offlaa, 
ontage)  accept;  bi  ^aoe  -t  j)ere?  2<£rebe  we  are  in 
receipt  of  your  favour,  y.  f.  is  to  hånd,  has 
come  to  hånd;  _  et  SilBub  close  with  an  offer. 
-ta'gelig  a  (antogelig)  receivable;  _  for  (Sannelfe, 
^ølelfe,  3[nbtrQl  ofs.)  susceptible  of,  (fom  fan 
mobtage,  rumme)  receptive  of;  (for  S^gbom  o.  1.) 
liable  to;  _  for  ®runbe  amenable  to  reason;  gøre 
_  (for)  predispose  (to),  •ta'gelig^eb  c  receiv- 
ableness,  receptibility;  susceptibility  (of),  recep- 
tiveness;  (TOobtagelfeéebne)  receptivity;  (for  @5g= 
bomme  o.  1.)  liability  to,  predisposition  (for). 
•tagelfe  c  (af  *perioner  [og  Stng])  reception;  (af 
Sing)  receipt;  (Dptogelfe,  9lntagelfe)  aceeptation; 
efter  -n  af  ®ereé  S3re»  on  receipt  of  your  letter; 
til  _  af  for  the  reception  of  •tagelfeSbcbiå  re- 
ceipt, acquittance.  -tagelfeåtib  hours  of  ad- 
mission,   -tager  c  -e  receiver,  recipient. 

SRo'btrQt  n  counter-pressure. 

SDio'biræt  «  countermove. 

9Rabu!(  c  mod'ule.  -latio'n  c  modula'tion. 
-le'rc  vt  mod'ulate.    -Iu8  c  mod'ulus. 

3RobU§  c    bi  gram  mood. 

SRobDcje  vt  counter-balance. 

^O'tttttStl  c  counter-bill  of  exchange. 

aWo'buettbt  a  fronting,  facing,  opposlte. 

jølo'boibne  n  counter-evidence. 

SRo'bltiilje  c  reluctance,  repugnance,  contu- 
macy,  refractorlness.  -tiiUtg  a  reluctant,  un- 
consenting,  refractory,  contumacious.  -Oillig^eb 
c  fe  -Otlje. 

SRø'bOinb  c  contrary  wind,  head  w.;  ^abe  ftil 
_  have  the  wind  right  ahead;  ligge  for  _  bej 

3)'to'bk>irt|e  vt  couuteract,  counterinfluencej' 
discounteuance.  -en,  -ning  c  counteracting; 
couuteraction,  reaction. 

SRo'bOtegt  c  eounter-weight,  counter-balance, 
(meft  fig)  counterpoise. 

SRo'bOccrge  n  defence;  gribe  til  el.  fætte  fig  til 
_  put  one's  self  in  a  posture  of  defence;  p 
show  fight. 

3Ro  bucern  n  means  of  defence. 

SDtofet'te  c  -r  noxlous  exhalatiou. 

snogens  Magnus. 

9Rogu  (en  the  Mogul'. 

ano^dir  »I  mohair. 

9Rol)ameba'ner  fe  røa^omebaner. 

iUto^are  c  ashygrey  hare,  Lepu»  eatienci 

'iSHotfittt'ncv  c  -e  Mo'hlean;  ben  fibfte  _  the 
of  the  Mohicans. 

SOtoiré  n  watered  silk,  tabby. 

•aRoliriff  fe  (Sraafiften.    -jorb  heath  soil. 

WotanV  a  saucy.  'SSloUte  vr  fig  oOer  ridt 

^olaéft'ncr  pi  moc'casins. 

anolfa  n  Mocha.  -foffe  Mocha  (coffee).  -ften 
moss-agate,  mocha-stone. 

SOtoto'tO  c  macauco.  Lemur  catta. 

SWol'  n  (Søj)  mull,  book-muslin. 

9Ror  c  mus  minor,  the  minor  key  el.  mode;] 
Jp  -  B  minor.    -atlorb  minor  chord. 

9RoIa§'fe  c  (©ten)  molasse. 

SRoIboerne  pi  the  wlse  men  of  Gotham. 

SRoIbau  n  Molda'via.  -er  c  -e,  -iff  a  Molda'- 

anøle  fe  røolo. 

aRo(efu'{(er  pi  mol'ecules.    -l«'r  a  molec'ular. 

anolcft'  c  molesta'tion.    -e're  vt  molest'. 

violette  c  -r  grooved  roller.  Snolettering  c 

aRolcuit'  c  f  :  ^ele  -ten  the  whole  lol. 

aWoIluff'  c  -er  mol'lusk. 

aWolo  c  -er  mole.    -^ooeb  molehead. 

aRoIod),  3Kolol  c  Moloch. 

!moIftala  c  minor  scale. 

Snolffinb  n  moleskin. 

*i»JoIter  pi  fe  9KuItfbær. 

iStolltonart  minor  key.  -treKang  minor  chord. 

ajiotut'ferne  2)1  the  Moluccas. 

anolqbbæn  «  molybdenum.  -glatte,  -ti# 
molybde'na.  -furt  ©alt  molyb'date.  -ffre 
molyb'dic  acid. 

aRoment'  n  -er  (l^ieblil  og  mech)  mo'ment; 
(^untt)  momentum  (pi  -ta),  point.  3Romenta'tt 
a  mo'mentary.  9noment|bifIeber,  -fotografier 
pi  instantaneous  photographs.  -lutter  c  -e  in- 
stantaneous  shutter,  drop  shutter. 

anott'  adv  I  wonder  (whether  el.  if),  I  should 
like  to  know  (whether  el.  If);  _  ^an  leoer  enbnu? 
I  wonder  if  he  is  still  alive?  tiDor  -  £)on  borV 
where  does  he  live,  I  wonder?  ~  bet  er  mnligt? 
is  that  really  the  case? 

tSWon'  n  advantage.  *3Slon'  c  -er  difference, 
degree,  effect,  avail;  en  ~  bebre  a  little  better; 
toge  fin  _  igen  indemnify  one's  self;  aUe  -ner  bra'r 
F  all  is  flsh  that  comes  to  the  net;  that  is  so 
much  gained. 

SOIona'be  c  -r  mon'ad. 

aRonart'  c  -er  mon'arch.  -i'  n  -er  mou'archy, 
-ifl  a  mona'rchical. 

^onbu'r  c  fe  TOunbering. 






WHont'tn  pi  F  tin,  rhino,  blunt. 

9Jlougo'l|er  c,  p/ =,  Mon'gol.  -i'et  Mongo'lia. 
-ff  '(  Mon'gol,  Mongo'lian. 

SnoniS'me  c  mon'lsm. 

9Ro'nltor  c  er  mon'itor.  -fanon  turret  gun. 
•tlaéfen  the  monitor  class. 

'Stonitø'r  c  Monlteur. 

3Monne  (forfortet:  mon)  ufulbft.  JpiætpeoerB.  t& 
P6>e<  doth,  did;  may,  might;  ^un  fer,  Ijborban  bet 
_  labe  she  is  trying  how  It  doth  (may)  look;  be 
_  iætte  fig  they  sat  (did  sit)  dovvn. 

'•'■aWonnc  vi  avail,  have  effect,  make  difference. 

SOtonolfqftt'ec  p^  Monoph'ysites.  -f^ftt'ift  mo- 
nophysitical.  -ga'm  a  monog'amous.  -gami'  n 
monog'amy.  -Qtofl'  c  -er  mon'ograph.  •gram' 
n  -mer  moii'ogram.  -fli'niff  a  (Softem)  oblique 
prismatic  (system),  •forb'  c  &  n  -er  mon'ochord, 
trumpet  (el.  trump)  marine.  -totQletto'tt  c  -er 
monoeotyle'don.  -tro'm  n  -ec  mon'ochrome, 
brooch.  -lit'  c  -er  mou'olith.  -lo 'g  c  -er  mon'o- 
logue,  soliloquy.  -ma'n  c  -er  monoma'niae, 
crocheteer.  -mani'  c  -er  monoma'nia,  croehet. 
•po'l  n  -er  monop'oly  {paa  of).  -poU^t'vt  vt 
monop'olize.  -|)oltft'  c  -er  monop'olist,  monop'o- 
lizer.  -tetS'me  c  mon'otheism.  -teift'  c  -er 
mou'otheist.  -teift'iff  o  monotheistic.  -to'n  a 
monot  onous,  monoton'ical,  .slng-song.  -tOJti' 
c  monot'ony. 

aWonå  c  fe  »Joaeng;  (batten)  Puss;  »ar  Ttab  for 
_  wa.s  nuts  to  him. 

!inonftran§'  c  -er  mou'strance. 

*a)Jon§tro'  fe  3Kon  ado. 

IDJonftrorite't  c  -er  monstros'ity.  3Ran'firum 
/(  -ra  monster.     iDlonftrø'S  a  mon'strous. 

SRonftt'n  c  -er  monsoon.  -fflfte:  i  -t  at  the 
shirting  of  the  m.    -ftraget  the  m.  region. 

3Ronte'|rc  vt  (sBroberi,  Jiiamanter,  Sianoner  oftj.) 
mount.    -ring  c  mounting. 

3Rontre  c  -r  show-case. 

*aRontro  fe  SJJon  adv. 

3Ronu|mcnt'  n  -er  mon'ument,  memorial. 
6t  -  for  3{eiDton  a  monument  to  Newton,  -men' 
ta'I  «  mouumen'tal. 

Woppt  c  -r  (fflJurften)  stock. 

9Roppe  c  -r,  ^lopS  c  -er  pug,  pugdog;  P  2)u 
fan  tro  nej,  ajioppe  you  won't  catch  thls  chicken. 
aJJojiSanfigt  pugdog  face.  Snopfet  a  f  sulky. 
SJlopdlflogerraué  barbastelle  (bat),  Synotua  har- 
f 'UK  f  el  lun.    -nocfe  pug-nose. 

"Mor  c  -er,  fe  iUJorton. 

*Uior  ;j  chern  aethiops. 

aWor  n  fe  ®ulbmor,  ©øfomor. 

anor  F  fe  9«ober. 

tSWor  c  Crøofe)  moor,  morass. 

Wora  c  jur  delay. 

^JDlara))^'  n  -er  morass.    -tg  a  marshy,  swampy. 

9Rora'(  c  -er  mor'al:  (©æbelære)  moral  philo- 
sophy,  ethics  pi:  (af  %abel  el.  beSI.)  moral,  moral- 
iza'tion  •ftlofofi  moral  philosophy.  anoralife'rc 
vi  mor'alize.  SRoralifering  c  mor'alizing,  mo- 
raliza'tion.  SRoralift'  c  -er  mor'alist;  mor'alizer. 
SRoralitr't  c  moral'ity,  morals  pi;  -er  (©fuefpti) 
moralitie.s  9noraI|loD  moral  law.  -ptincip 
moral  principle.  -prtrtiitant  mor'alizer.  -ptce- 
bifen  moral  sermon.  -fQftem  system  of  ethics. 
SBJora'Iff  a  moral;  adv  morally,  in  respect  of 

ajtorato'rium  n  letters  of  respite 

SRorbrøber  c  motber's  brother,  maternaluucle; 
fe  «ifp. 

SRorboer  n  mulberry.  -blafe  mulberry-leaf. 
•figentræ  sycamore,  Ficus  ayconorus.  -faft, 
-firn)i  mulberry-syrup.  •ften  (Spgb.)  mulberry 
caleulus.  -tv«  mulberry-tree ,  Morus.  -oin 
mulberry- wine. 

9Ro'rl>  n,  pi  =,  murder;  it^aa  et  _  commit  (a) 

murder.  -anflag  murderous  design,  attempt  on 
life.  -{ieg(er(tg  a  blood-thirsty,  sanguinarj'. 
-branb  arsoa,  incendiarism.  -bxantitv,  -br«n= 
berfte  c  -r  incendiary. 

SJtorbent'  c   er  mus  beat,  mordente. 

SRorber  [6]  c  -e  murderer.  -bolt  assassin's 
dagger.  •enget  destroying  angel.  -grube  mur- 
derer's  den.  -t)aanb  haud  of  an  assassin;  b«  for 
-  die  by  the  haiid  of  au  a.ssassin.  -^ule  fe  grube, 
anorberift  a  murderous,  bloody.  9Rorber|tnio 
murderer's  knife.  -tugU  murderer's  bullet. 
-fttte  fe  -grube.  3RorberUg  n  F  huge,  vast,  pro- 
digious;  adv  hugely  etc.  9)}orberbt(  murderer's 
arrow.  9Korberff  fe  Worberiff.  iDlorberffe  c  -r 
murderess.  2Rørber| flag  murderous  blow.  -ftxerb 
murderer's  sword. 

ajlo'rb I forf«g  attempt  on  life.  -gerning  murder, 
murderous  deed.  -gerrig  fe  -Begærlig,  -^iftorie 
tale  of  murder.  -tfceun  fe  )8lob=.  SRorbiff  a 
murderous.  iDlo'rbllQftcn  «  fe  -begærlig  -plan 
murderous  design,  -rebffab  murderous  instru- 
ment, -ffrig  cry  of  murder.  -flag  mil  carcass. 
■ftaal  murderous  steel.  -foanger  a  murderous. 
•tanfe  thought  of  murder.  -n-træt  a  weary  with 
raurdering  el.  killing,  -uaoben murderous  weapou. 
-oant  a  inured  to  murder. 

SHore  vt  amuse,  divert,  entertain,  (foa  til  at  le) 
tickle;  _  fig  enjoy  el.  amuse  one's  self,  tomme 
tit  Søben^atjn  for  at  _  fig  come  to  C.  for  a  little 
pleasuring;  _  fig  meb  amuse  one's  self  with;  - 
fig  ober,  neb  be  amused  by,  with. 

SRoreC  c  -ler  mor'el  (cherry),  moreU'o.  -tirfe» 
bær  b.  f.    -træ  moreltree. 

tSWoreng  c  swampy  meadow. 

SRorenfo))  c  blaek-headed  horse  el.  pigeon. 

9nore§  pi  F  manners. 

SRorfaber  c  mother's  father,  maternal  grand- 

SnorfeuS  Mo'rpheus. 

SRorfi'tt  c  morphia,  mo'rphine.  -inbf))r«jt= 
ning  injection  of  morphia.  SWorfinift'  c  -er 
Ijersou  addicted  to  the  use  of  morphia.  9Ror« 
fi'nf^irøjte  morphia  syringe. 

9Rorfo(o|gi'  c  morphol'ogy.  -'gifl  a  morpho- 

Worgana'tift  a  morganat'ic. 

3)iorgen  [  F  ubt.  m«aren]  c  -er  morning,  morn; 
i^Diorgenbag)  morrow;  bet  blioer  _  the  morning 
dawns;  fooe  til  ben  tofe  _  sleep  till  broad  day- 
light;  _  og  Siften  (every)  morning  and  evening; 
fro  ~  til  Stften  from  morning  till  night;  i  benne 
_  thls  very  morning;  i  aarle  ~  paet  early  in  the 
morning;  i  _  tomorrow;  i  _  Slften  to-morrow 
night;  i  _  3)og  to-morrow;  i  _  tiblig  early  to 
-morrow  morning;  til  i  -  oeb  benne  %\h  till  this 
time  to-morrow;  gaar  tilbage  til  JibenS  _  goes 
back  to  the  night  of  time,  om  -en  in  the  morn- 
ing, of  a  morning:  i  3Korge8,  t  F  ti'  -  tliis 
morning;  igaar  SKorgeS  yesterday  morning. 
9norgen|anbagt  morning  devotion.  -arbeibe 
morning  work.  -aoiå  fe  -blab.  -bcI^Sning 
morning  light,  -beføg  morning  visit.  -betragt= 
ninger  pi  morning-meditations,  -blob  morning 
paper.  -blunb  morning  slumber  el.  nap.  -f--blunbe 
vi  take  a  morning  nap.  -bløbe  morning  shower. 
-bøn  morning  prayers.  -bag  morrow.  -bragt 
morning-dress,  -bram  fe  -fnopé.  -bril  morning 
-draught  el.  beverage.  -brøm  morning  dream. 
t-bueiig  a  an  early  riser,  -bnft  morning  fra- 
grance.  -bug  morning  dew.  -bccmring  morning 
twilight,  dawn  of  morn.  -farbe  hue  of  morn. 
•f olf  early  risers.  -fratte  uight-gown.  -frlff  a  with 
the  freshness  of  morning,  -froft  morning  frost. 
-frue  marigold,  Cdendula  officinalis;  coru-mari- 
gold,  C/irj/santenum  segetutn.  *-fugI  early  riser^ 
early  bird,  early  stirrer,     -gang  morning  walk' 




-gaoe  «moruiDg  gift»  (bridegroom's  gift  to  the 
brlde  on  the  morning  after  the  wedding). 
•giab  a  happy  as  the  morn.  -Qtanå  splendour 
of  morn.  -gtintt  gleam  of  the  morning,  -gnatien 
a  who  has  got  out  of  bed  the  wrong  side. 
•fltt)  dawn  of  morning,  -^antn  the  wakeful 
cock.  -fitlfen  morning-greeting,  morning  salut- 
atioH.  -^iminel  morning-sky.  -laffe  morning('S; 
coffee.  -tappt  mob-cap.  -fjole  morning-gown. 
-t-Kage  morning  complaint.  -flat  a  f.  ®tg.  2uft, 
ipimmel  bright  morning  air,  moming-sky.  -tlDlfe 
morning  bell.  -lonccrt  mornlng-concert.  -tulbe 
morning-8old.  -ttiift:  paa  -en  in  the  early  morn- 
iug,  in  the  small  hours.  -T^§  morniug  kiss. 
-feliOiieb  cool  of  the  morning.  -lonb  the  East 
-lanbft  «  Eastern,  Oriental.  -lanbftali  morning 
-landscape  -luft  morning-air.  -luftning  m. 
breeze.  -(ijS  morniug  light.  -^-llJft  morning 
joys.  -mob  breakfast.  -ntanb  early  riser,  -medfc 
matins.  -mufil  a  morning  serenade,  -utoclf 
morning-milk.  -offer  morning  sacrifice.  -piit 
early  el.  matutinal  pipe.  -^ragt  ie  -glan§.  -regn 
morning  rain.  -ringning  morning  bell-ringing; 
(af  SSætfer)  alarum.  -r«b  a  red  as  the  morn. 
-r«be  c  (-i-rabt  n)  dawn,  aurora.  n-røbeS  »d: 
itibtil  bet  -  till  the  first  blush  of  day.  -falme 
morning-hymn.  -fang  morning  song.  ''-fibe: 
paa  -n  in  the  (early)  morning,  -flin  morning 
light,  -ffo  slipper,  -ftub  morning  gun.  -ffumring 
fe  -bæmring.  -ffj)  morning  cloud.  -flær  peep 
of  day.  +-ff«n  a  beautiful  as  the  morn.  -flummer 
fe  -blunb.  -inap^  morning  dram.  -fol  morning 
sun.  -ftemning  morning  mood.  -ftjerne  morn- 
ing star.  ^SSooben)  roundhead,  watchman's  club 
(with  iron  spikes).  -ftraale  morning  ray.  -ftunb 
morning-time;  en  tiblig  _  one  early  morning; 
_  ijat  ®ulb  i  9Kunb  early  to  bed,  and  early  to 
rise,  makes  a  man  healthy,  wealthy,  and  wise; 
the  early  bird  catches  the  worm,  picks  up  the 
worms.  t-foole  cool  of  morning.  -f.øt>n  morn- 
ing sleep.  -taage  morning  mist.  -tib  fe  -ftunb. 
-time  morning-hour.  -tog  morning  train.  -tur 
morning-walk,  morning's  walk.  -ubgaoe  morn- 
ing issue.  -bogt  morning-watch.  -Oanbring  fe 
-tur.  -binb  moming-wind.  -bifit  fe  -befeg. 
•Uranten  fe  -gnaben.  "SRorgne  fig  vr  shake  ofl' 
sleep,  get  well  awake.    SKorgneS  vd  dawn. 

tSKo'rlgrunb  c  fe  -jorb. 

snorian  c  -er  Moor,  blackamoor;  bobfte  en  - 
{|Bib  wa,sh  a  blackamoor  white. 

3RoriIb  c  phosphorescence  (of  the  sea). 

anorin'  n  {Zø\)  moreen. 

iDiorin'  »i  chem  mo'rine. 

boring  c  J^  mooring.    -Sbøje  m.-buoy. 

snorton  n  black  mountain  crystal. 

Worité  Maur'ice. 

t5Dlo'rjorb  c  marshy  soil,  moorland. 

SDiorfcl  c  -tier  morel,  Morchella  esculenta. 

''aJJorfcn  a  (om  Stæ)  decayed;  rotten. 

t9Ro'r(anb  n  country  of  the  Moors. 

taJJorlitte!  good  woman! 

SJiormober  c  mother's  mother,  matemal  grand- 

SRormo'n  c  -et  Mo'rmon.  -biflo))  Mormon 
bi-hop  (0.  fl.).    -iS'men  Mo'rmonism. 

ano'rning  [aa]  c  P  morning. 

ajJor'o  [6]  c  fe  SKorffab. 

SKorob  e  wild  carrot,  Daucui  carrota. 

aWorfeH'cr  pi  lozenges. 

*anorft  [6]  a  f  grim,  fierce(-looking). 

Sno'tftab  c  (+  11)  amusement,  diversion,  pas- 
time;  finbe  -  t  take  delight  in;  for  -8  St^lb  for 
fun,  for  the  fun  of  the  thing,  for  amusement's 
sake;  til  _  for  amusement.  —  3notffabd{Iiog 
book  of  entertainment.  -IreSuing  light  reading. 
-f<)il  play  for  amusement.    -tib  time  of  diversion. 


9Ro'rfom  a  amusing,  diverting,  entertainin_^ 
funny,  droll;  jeg  fan  itte  fe  bet  -me  (beti)  I  cannot- 
see  the  joke  (of  it).  3no'tfomi)Cb  c  (ffigenftaben) 
amusing,  entertaining  quality;  (pi  -et,  morfomt 
Qnbfolb)  joke,  jest,  witticism;  fige  -t  be  witty, 
say  witty  things,  crack  jokes. 

*3JJort  [6]  c  -er  roach,  Cyprinus  mtilua;  young 
coal-flsh,  Merlnngua  cnrbonarius. 

anortalite't§|Iifte,  -tabel  table  of  mortal'ity. 

anorten  Martin;  (^lare)  puss,  Wat.  —  9Rorten§ 
aften  Martinmas- eve.  -bag  Martinmas.  -gaa 

snorter  [6]  c   e  mo'rtar. 

Élorté'r  c  -er  mortar.    -baab  m.  boat  (o.  fl.). 

Snortifilce're  vt  declare  nuU  and  void,  nullify, 
annul.     -tatio'nSbom  a  sentence  declaring  etc. 

iDior4))e  c  (red)  grouse,  moor-cock,  Lagoptu 

SRoræ'ne  c  -r  moraine. 

3no§  c  pulp,  mash. 

ano§'  [6]  n  -fer,  '^Snofe  c  -t  moss.  -agat 
agate.    -agtig  a  mossy,  moss-like. 

SRofait'  c  mosa'ic.  -atbejbe  mosaic  (work), 
tessellation.  -arbejber  inlayer,  mosa'icist.  -guitt' 
mosaic  pavement. 

anofaliff  a  Mosaic(al).    -id'mc  c  Mosa'ism. 

aJJofaift'  c  -er,  fe  aHofaifarbeibet. 

S)tofait'  c  -er  Jew. 

anoé'lart  species  of  moss.  -bitter  cetrarine. 
•bl«b  a  soft  (as  moss),  of  mossy  softness.  -btent 
mossy  seat.  -bannelfe  formation  of  moss.  -bt)r 
bryozoan.    -bæltet  a  mosscovered. 

*anofe  fe  mo^  »  og  ©raf. 

Snofe  vt  mash,  pulp. 

anofe  c  r  bog,  moor;  fe  Ugle.  -agtig  a  boggy. 
-anb  fen-duck,  Anas  hoschaa. 

anofebog  c  book  of  Moses;  førfte  _  (the  flrst 
book  of  Moses,  called)  Genesis;  anben  -  (the 
second  b.  of  M.,  c.)  Exodus;  trebfe  -  (the  third 
etc.)  Leviticus;  fjerbe  _  (the  fourth  etc.)  Numtiers; 
femte  -  (the  flfth  etc.)  Deuteronomy;  be  fem  -beger 
the  Pentateuch. 

Snofejbranb  bog-fire.  -bunb  boggy  land,  b. 
ground.  t-b*Ke  marsh-whortleberry,  Vaccinium 
uliginoaum.  -brag  stretch  of  boggy  land.  -b^rt« 
ning  cultivation  of  bogs.    -funb  bog-find. 

*SDlofeeng  c  moss-grown  grass-land. 

tanofe|gri§fe  3orbrotte.  -grunb  fe  bunb.  -graS 
bog  grass.  -^ul  slough.  -^a  bog  hay.  -Ijeg  fe 
@ump=.  -jærn  fe  SKijrjærn.  -jorb  boggy  soil. 
t-tonen  brigger  the  mist  rises. 

S>2ofe(  c  the  Mosell'e. 

•anofelag  0.  fl.  Smf.  of  9Rofe,  fe  5mo§=. 

•trøofclanb  n  moor-land. 

ajiof  eloucn  the  Mosaic  law,  the  Levitical  law. 

3)JofeItitn  c  mosell'e. 

*9)}ofcmatt  c  moss-grown  land. 

3JJofeH)iI  fe  Saorbær=.  -pltMtt  bog-plant 
-<)oft  fe  qjorS,  <poft  ^.  -ftrtefning  fe  -brag. 
a  boggy. 

anofet  a  pulpy. 

anofe|tttt  fe  -plante,    -banb  bog-water. 

*3nofet)ojen,  +3no8groet  a  moss-grown. 

Snoé^umie  [6]  c  moss-bee,  Bombus  muscorum. 

anofte'  c  -r  mosque. 

anoftit',  3)loftito  c  -et  mosqui'to.  anoffitonet 

anoSjKæbt  [6]  a  moss-grown,  moss-clad,  mossy. 
-toral  fe  -btjr. 

anoftoba'be  c  muscovado. 

^oftobit,  c  -er,  -Ift  a  Mus'covite. 

anoffué  c  musk.  -anb  musk-duck,  muscovy 
■duck,  Aiiaa  moachata.  -but  musk-beetle,  Aromin 
mosc/iotu.  -btjt,  ^jort  musk(-deer),  Moaehus 
moschiferus.   -f aar  fe  -otSe.    -lugt  odour  of  musk. 











•otét  muskox,  Ocibos  moschotu».  -puttttt  musk 
-powder.  -rob  fe  ®unt6ul-.  -rofe  musk-rose, 
Éo»a  nioichita.  -totit  musk-rat,  Fiber  zibethi- 
cus.    -fOin  peccary,  Dicotyles. 

9Rod|(ag  [6]  moss-cover.  -rofe  moss-rose, 
Rosa  muicona.    -fiiOelfe  lichenine. 

aWoft  [6]  c  (3e6Ie=)  cider,  (<J5ære')  perry,  (®rue=) 
must.     -ebblte  cider-vinegar. 

SWoftfr  '•  -tre  mother's  sister,  maternal  aunt. 
•manb  nncle. 

anoftlferfe,  -^reéfe  [6]  clder-press.  -»xere  perry 
-pear,  wild  pear. 

anod{tit))tie  [6]  (soft)  moss.  -Ⱦtft  growth  of 

Wotet'  c  -ter  motet. 

Wotio'n  c  excercise;  tage  fig  -  take  exercise; 
oæffe  -  ont  move;  en  Spabferetur  for  -8  ©ffllb  a 
constitutioiial.  -e're  ftg  vr  be  out  for  a  consti- 
tutional,  walk  constitutionally,  take  exercise, 
take  the  air. 

SRoti'O  n  er  mo'tive;  (TOiiftf)  mo'tive,  moti'vo, 
theme;  (Wolert.)  incident;  -er  (til  £oB  o.  1.) 
preamble,  grounds.  -e're  vt  make  good,  prove, 
State  the  motive  of,  mo'tive;  occasion,  give  rise 
to,  explain,  account  for.  -e'rinfl  c  explanation 
(of  the  reasons),  vindication. 

ano'tor  c  -o'rer  mover,  motor. 

S^iotto  n  -er  motto. 

SDJouSfe're  vi  efTervesce;  -nbe  Sianbe  aérated 

*Wot)arm  a  snltry. 

3RoDe're  vt  move;  -  fig,  fe  9Kotionere. 

tSJRo^en  adv  almost. 

SRuci'n  t  mu'cine.    -f^re  m'ucie  acid. 

♦SWubb  c  -er,  fe  <J5eI8. 

3Rubber  n  mud,  mire;  fig  f  noise,  uproar, 
disturbance;  gere  -  (Cptø\et)  kiek  up  a  row, 
(©peltotler,  gorftt)rreIfe)  kick  up  a  dust,  (Sarm, 
fioalm,  S^cefcn  ofb.  [om]  make  a  fuss  (about). 
•agttg  o  muddy.  -bante  mud- bank.  -bunb 
muddy  bottom.  -bJflC  mud-dike.  -fifl  mud-fish. 
•grunb  fe  -bunb;  J.«  (gtunbt  Steb)  mud-flat;  mud 
-spit.  -tittl  (®mp.)  mud-hole.  -jorb  muddy 
earth.  -flire  fe  -fnæppe.  -luQe  fe  -^ut.  -tnaffine 
(mud-)dredging  machine,  dredger,  mud  dredge. 
•pram  mnd-barge,  mud-fiat,  mud-lighter;  fe  -mo' 
fline.  -p«!  slough.  -ffoPl,  -ffuffC/  -fponb  mud 
-shovel,  dredging-bucket.  -fnæppe  common  sand- 
piper,  Totnnus  hvpoleucos.  -Panb  muddy  water. 
9l}ubre  vt  &  t  (optræ!fe  Wubber)  dredge;  _  en 
jpobn  oit).  dredge  a  port  etc;  .i,  (om  Slib)  make 
foul  water.  F"  fe:  QØif  TOubber;  t(en)  trip  (one) 
up.  Wubret  a  muddy.  3Rubting  c  dredging. 
SOlubringSarbejber  pi  dredging  operations. 

SRuffe  c  muff;  mech  coupling-box;  (pao  3}ør 
0.  I)  socket;  »ære  »eb  -n  F  be  flush  (of  money). 
SDJuffebi'fc  c  -r  muffetee,  wristlet,  cutf. 

^iuffcl  c  -fler  muffle.  -fatber  mufifle-colours. 
-oun  c  miitile-furnace. 

SPluflon  c,  -foor  n  moutflon,  musmon,  Caprovis 


SBtug'  c  k  n  mould. 

SRuge  vt  &  i  clear  of  dung,  clear  away  the 

anugct  c  (gif!)  gray  mullet,  Mvgil. 

*3)Ju9fle  c  -r  ewer,  jug,  mug  (with  spout  and 
handle),  amr  pitcher. 

iRuggen  a  musty,  mouldy,  fusty;  (mut)  sulky, 
crusty;  t  P  oære  _  poo  at  be  sure  that;  t  adv. 
lugter  -t  has  a  mouldy  smell.  -^cb,  -ffob  c 
mustiness  etc.  SRugnc  vi  grow  mustv  el.  mouldy. 

^■•aBlttgl  n,  ailuglc  vi,  anuglet  a  fe  Wug,  9Rugne 
ajluggf  n . 

Snu'gning  c  clearing  away  the  dung. 

iDiut)amcb  o.  fl.,  fe  Wia^omeb. 

9)JttI'  c  (^eftef^gbom)  grease,  be^eftet  meb  - 
greasy,  greased. 

JDiuf  n  mutter,  grumbling;  jeg  bil  Ilte  Ijare  et 
-  I  will  not  liear  the  slightest  sound;  ^an  fapbe 
ifle  et  -  he  did  not  open  his  mouth;  forftob  ilte 
et  leuenbe  -  was  quite  at  sea.  9Rnlle  vi  mutter, 
grumble.    9nulten  c  grumbling. 

♦SWuffer  n  chips  of  wood. 

anufter,  aWulIert  c  two-handed  hammer,  maul. 

"SfluV  n  fe  9«oI  n. 

taWttl'  c  &  n  fe  9Kug. 

t3RuI  n  a  drubbing. 

iDiuIat'  c  -ter  mulatto.  -in'be  c  r  mulatto 

iD2n(b  c  &  n  mould;  oben  -e  above  ground; 
unber  -e  buried.  *-0E  blighted  ear.  *-bolle:  ber 
er  _  beb  Stranbeu  the  shore  is  steep  to.  -blanbet 
a  mixed  with  mould.  -bræt  mould -board. 
anulbet  a  rich  in  mould.  anulb|fatbet  a  mould 
-coloured.  -fjcel  fe  -bræt.  -jorb  mould.  -tluint^ 
clod  of  earth.  -tag  layer  of  mould.  -ter  clay 
mixed  with  mould,  loam. 

taWulbne  fe  TOugne. 

3Rn(b|p(abe  fe  -bræt.  -tig  a  abounding  in 

aRuIbriber  c  muletee'r,  mule-driver. 

anulblfanb  sand  mixed  with  mould  -fort  a 
black  as  mould.  -f^rc  humic  acid.  -botp  c  -e 
mole,  Talpa.  -barpefælbe  mole-trap.  -varpe' 
flub  mole-hill,  molecast. 

iøiulb^r  n  mule,  Egum  mulua. 

taRule  vt  f  drub,  pommel. 

3Mule  c  -r,  fe  Wulb^r. 

aWuIc  c  -r  CTOuiib)  muzzle,  snout;  (^ul  i  |)iul) 
nave-hole.  aWule  vi  pout.  -baatib  muzzle. 
-bremfe  barnacles.    -bunben  a  muzzled. 

9Ruieigarn  mill-spunyarn.  -inafline  self-acting 

9)iu(e|turb  muzzle  (for  dogs).  -plabc  linch 
-clout.  -pofe  nose-bag.  -ring  (paa  4>jul)  linch 
-hoop.     -ftil  half-stitch. 

3Rule{fto{  mule  Jenny,    -toift  m.  twist. 

^tulig  a  possible;  bet  er  meget  -t,  at  ban  troebe 
bet  he  very  likely  believed  it;  meget  t  I  dåre 
say;  ben  ^øieft  -e  iiøn  for  bet  minbft  -e  airbejbe  the 
maximum  of  wage  for  the  minimum  of  work; 
berfom  faobant  »ar  -t  if  such  things  could  be; 
paa  aHe  -e  TOaaber  in  all  manner  of  ways,  ben  -e 
Såre  the  danger,  if  any;  -ft  lortfattet  as  brief  as 
possible;  bet  er  i!!e  -t  anbet  there  is  nothing  else 
for  it.  Wuligen(d)  adv  possibly;  for  _  at  on  the 
chance  of  -ing.  9RuIig|gøre  vt  make  el.  render 
possible.  -l)eb  c  -er  possibility,  chance  (for  of); 
potentiality;  (©bentualitct)  contingency;  ber  er  en 
_  for  at  it  is  just  possible  that;  bet  er  blanbt 
-erne  it  is  on  the  cards;  en  fjern  _  for  the  off 
chance  of    -biå  adv  possibly. 

9RuI!t  c  -er  line,  mulet,  amercement;  bleo  ibømt 
el.  ilagt  en  ftor  _  was  heavily  fined;  ilagt  en  _ 
af  14  sh.  fined  14  sh.  —  9)J«lIte'ir|e  vt  fine, 
amerce.    -ing  c  fining. 

SOJutt  n  fe  SSJlol  n. 

^uQc  c  (5«ff)  mullet.  Mullus;  røb  _  plain  red 
mullet,  M.  barbatm;  gulftribet  _  surmullet,  M. 

tSnuOen  a  fe  9Kuggen. 

anulm  n  darkness,  gloom;  i  -  og  Wørfe  in 
total  darkness.  -fort  a  black  el.  dark  as 

Éiutnc  vi  fe  9)h:gne. 

anulrc  vi  fe  Wumle. 

WlnUe  c  -r  (gift)  gray  mullet,  MuoiL 

^iultcbær  n,  *^ttltcr,  Walter  pi  cloud-berry, 

Bubus    chanxtmortia.  —  9Rulte|gr«b   cloud-berry 

jam.    -mtir  bog  covered  with  cloudberry  bushes. 

9RultipU|ce're  vt  mul'tiply.   -tanb'  c  -er  mul'- 




tiplicand.  "Ce'ring,  -lotio'n  c  multiplica'tion. 
•tatio'nétabei  multiplication  table.  -tato't  o 
mul'tiplier,  mul'tiplicator.  SRuItiplum  n  mul- 

^IRuUum  71  swan-skin,  molton. 

9Ru((efci  n  hlnny,  Equua  hinnus. 

Wumit  c  -V  mutnmy.  -agtig  a  mummylike. 
3Wumifice're  vt  mummify. 

Snumte  vt  &  i  mutter,  mumble;  *mumble  (eat 
with  lips  close);  _  i  ofægget  mutter  to  one's 
self;  man  -r  om  ot  it  is  muttered  that.  -n  c 
mutter,  muttering. 

SRutnme  c  Ol)  mum. 

tSnuntinettragt  e  mummiug-dress. 

fanummel  c  fe  TOumlen. 

aJlutnmcri',  -i-anummelfljul,  -f^)il  »  mummery. 

SDliinr^en  n  Munich. 

9Runb  c  -e  mouth;  t)onå  _  ftoar  olbrig  ftiHe  his 
tongue  it  never  at  rest;  bruge  _  use  impertinent 
«l.  abusive  language;  ^olbe  ren  -  lieep  a  secret, 
be  discreet;  ^olb  ~!  hold  your  tongue!  joc  shut 
up!  shut  up  your  pan!  tage  -n  fulb  (forbre  for= 
meget)  be  exorbitant  in  one's  demands;  (oDerbrtoe) 
exaggerate,  draw  a  long  bow;  ^an  l^ar  en  ufor= 
ftammet  _  he  is  a  foul-mouthed  fellow;  bet  flap 
f)am  af  _  it  escaped  him;  af  ^an§  egen  -  from 
his  own  lips;  fe  a3r»b;  fnalte  en  efter  -en  coax 
el.  wheedle  one;  foibfe  -en  efter  east  a  sheep's 
eye  on;  bu  faar  en  Ulplte  for  bin  _  your  tongue 
wlU  get  you  into  mischief;  tage  SSIabet  fra  -en 
speak  out,  speak  one's  mind,  tell  a  piece  of 
one's  mind;  lægge  en  Drbene  i  -en  put  words  in 
another's  mouth;  lægge  nt  i  -en  poa  put  st  into 
the  mouth  of;  ^an  |or  bet  meft  i  -en  he  is  all 
talk;  f»re  i  -en  make  use  of;  fom  l^an  ftabig  fører 
i  -en  whieh  is  hardly  ever  out  of  his  mouth; 
fnaffe  i  -en  paa  t)Deranbre  speak  all  at  once,  talk 
together;  i  alle  SfoItS  -e,  fe  ijollemunbe;  meb  een 
_  with  one  voice;  meb  tørre  -e  dry;  ftnøre  en  om 
-en  amuse  one  with  fair  words;  fqgfe  en  paa  -en 
kiss  one's  lips;  flaa  fig  felt?  paa  -en  give  one'.s 
self  the  lie,  contradict  one's  self;  faa  -en  paa 
®ang  set  one's  tongue  a-going,  become  con- 
versational;  -en  gaar  v<^a  l)am  he  is  rattling  away; 
jeg  t)or  bet  Uge  poa  -en  I  have  it  on  the  tip  of 
m.y  tongue;  ftoBpe  -en  paa  en  stop  one's  mouth, 
silence  one.  Snunblaatining  mouth,  oriiice  of 
the  mouth.  -ort  dialect.  -ben  pi  {^ol  Srebé)  foot 
-jaws.  -bib  c  morsel ,  little  bit.  -bib  (af 
^ømme)  bit;  (paa  $i6e)  mouth-pieee.  -btegec 
particular  cup.  -boff  slap  on  the  mouth.  -bjajrb 
a  outspoken.    SViunbe:  vi  _  ub,  fe  Ubmunbe. 

3Runbc'r|e  vi  (om  Solbater)  accoutre,  equip. 
-ing  c  -er  uniform,  accoutrement,  equipment. 
•tngStammer  storeroom  for  soldiers'  uniforms. 
-ingSfager,  -ing^ft^tter  regimentals.  -tngStcøje 
regimental  jacket. 

3Runb{farraab  provisions,  -fulb  c  mouthful. 
-føbbebe  pi  stomatopods.  -føbber  b.  f.;  fe  -ben. 
-gab  fe  Silabntng.*  -gtaS  particular  glass.  -gobt 
delicacies  p/,  (Sætterier,  SBonbonI  ofo.)delicatesj)^, 
goodies  p<,  candy;  f  (flærtt  SZ)1)  strong  beer.  -tfat' 
monittt  fe  -orgel,  -^arpe  jew's  harp.  -^elb  by 
-word,  familiarsaying,  adage.  -Ruggen,  -^uggeri 
wrangling,  bickering.  -tiuggcS  vd  bandy  words, 
wrangle,  bicker.  -tittlc,  -jjul^eb  c  cavity  of 
the  mouth.  aJluttbing  c  -er  (af  lilot,  Manal) 
mouth,  outlet,  (flørre,  oeb  |»aDet)  estuary,  (paa 
©iDbeoaaben)  muzzle. 

^unbingSjbøje  ,i,  outer  fairway  buoy.  -frtfe 
art  muzzle-astragal.  -f^atte  muzzle  cap.  -ting 
muzzle-ring.  -flufe  entrance  lock.  -ftro<),  -fur^ 
ring,  -tott  muzzlelashing  el.  rope. 

annnbJiærR  vet  balling  iron.  -foob  a  flippant, 
impertinent,  pert.  -taab^cb  fllppancy,  pertness. 
+-tib    fe   -^uggeri.     -tletnmc   lock-jaw,    trismus. 

prince).   -to}^' 

-Ittetiet  gag.  -tot  head-cook  (to  a  prince).  -to 
favourite  el.  particular  cup,  -topper  favourite 
cup  and  saucer,  -trig  war  el.  battle  of  words. 
■Iriflcn  lip-christian.  -tcog  fe  -oig.  -furb  (dog's) 
muzzle;  gioe  ~  poa  muzzle;  meb  -  muzzled .  -turtt§= 
I8P  gag-law.  -labningSgeoærmuzzle-loader.  -Hbi 
lip-glue.  -læber  glibness  of  tongue,  volubilityj 
^ooe  et  gobt  -  have  the  gift  of  the  gab.  -org 
(child's)  harmonica;  mouthorgan.  -portion 
tion.  -ret  a  fluent;  phonetic.  -falPC  lip-salve 
-flæg  mustachios  pi.  -flænf  cup-bearer,  bibl 
butler,  -flag  slap  on  the  mouth.  -fmrig  taste. 
-fpalte  fe  -oobning.  -fpibS  (poo  ^ibe)  mouth-pieci 
-ftqlte  mus  mouth-piece,  embouchure;  fe  -fpibi 
-ftærl  a  loquaclous,  garrulous.  iøtunbåueir  me: 
words,  idle  promises,  breath.  aJlunblfbic  so: 
mouth,  -f^ge  aphtha.  -(og  KIobe)ft)ge  the  fo^ 
and  mouth  disease.  9RunbtUg  a  verbal,  oralf 
~  @t8amen  viva  voce  (examination);  git  op  i  bet 
■e  weut  in  for  his  viva-voce;  fe  2;eftamente;  _ 
UnberoiSning  viva-voce  instruction;  —  adv  ver- 
bally,  orally  by  word  of  mouth.  9Runbttig^eb 
c  oral  proceedings. 

SRunbur  c  fe  9Jiunbertng. 

3Runb|lianb  gargle  -pig,  -pige  c  -r  corner  of 
the  mouth.    -Oin  favourite  wine. 

!lRungo  c  (Ulb)  mungo;  zoo  mongoose.  Her- 

aVlunicipa'l  a  munici'pal. 

9)tunitio'u  c  ammunit'ion,  munit'ion. 

Snunl  c  -e  monk,  friar,  couventual;  ti/p  friar; 
(Beb  Slufe)  sluieestay;  (®unt)  bed-warmer  *ie 

SRunte  c  S(  sheep's  bit,  Jasione  montana. 

^unfc|  aanb  monkish  spirit.  -blomme  fe  engelf(= 
græg.  -bo  monastery.  -bogftaoer  black-letter. 
-bolig  fe  -bo.  -H-brober  friar.  -bagning  monastic 
building.  -celle  (monk's)  cell.  -bigt  monkish 
tiction.  -bragt  monastic  dress,  -fugl  black-cap. 
Syloia  atri&xpilla.  -gang  cloister.  -grib  kiug 
vulture,  Neophron  pileatus.  t'l)Obcb  ^  )e  SuBe« 
tonb.  -^ætte  (9KuntS  Jp.)  monk's  hood;  t  ^ 
monk's  hood,  wolf's  l)aue,  Aconttum  Napellus. 
-iper  monkish  zeal.  -lammer  fe  -celle,  -tappe 
cowl.  -ftoflcr  monastery.  -tlæber  fe  -bragt. 
-tutte  cowl.  -totin  monkish  Latin,  -leonet,  -lio 
monastic  life.  -*-Iift  monkish  cunniug.  -luå 
woodlouse,  Oniscus.  -lære  monkish  doctrine. 
-lefte  monastic  vow;  gøre  el,  aflægge  -t  take  the 
monastic  vow.    -orben  monastic  order. 

*aRuttfcr  pi  fe  SMSbleftiBer. 

9Runtc|rcgel  monastic  rule.  -ftlt  monkish  el. 
monastic  custom.  -ftrift  black-letter  writing. 
-ftanb  monastic  estate.  -ftot  prebendal  stall. 
-fæl  monk-seal  Pelagiua  monachiis.  -tant  monk- 
ish superstition.  -tonfur  monastic  tonsure.  -tugt 
monastic  discipline.  -Prcfen  monachism,  monast- 

SRunter  a  lively,  cheerful,  sprightly,  merry, 
gay,  blithe,  joeund.  -l|eb  c  cheerfulness,  live- 
liness,  gaiety,  sprightliuess.  Snuntratio'n  c  -er 
F  joUification,  outing.  Snuntre  vt  cheer,  en- 
liven;  _  op,  fe  Opmuntre. 

aJtuntjaf^jort  c  muntjac,  Cervus  muntiac. 

anun^metal  n  Muntz's  yellow  metal. 

9Wur  c  -e  (stone-  or  brick-)wall;  tie  (om  en  - 
be  mute  as  a  flsh;  foft  fom  en  _  firm  as  a  rock. 
-aabning  breach  in  a  wall.  -affatb  rubbish. 
-anter  cramp-iron.  -arbejbc  (Slrbejbet  ot  mure) 
bricklayer's  work;  (ajl.oært)  brick-work,  masonry. 
-baanb,  -binbcr  fe  -onler.  -bi  mason-bee,  Uhali- 
codoina  muraria.  -brotter  pi  brickbats,  rubbish. 
-brub  fe  -oabning.  -brætter  c  -e  batterins;  ram. 
*-b^  town  cousisting  of  stone-  or  briek-houses. 
-bagning  brickhouse.  -breng  fe  Wurerbreng. 
-bættc  fe  -tog.   SKure  vi  Se  t  build  with  brick  el. 






~  en  2Jæg  build  up  a 
til  wall  up,  briek  up, 

stone,  do  mason's  work; 
wall;  -  inb,  fe  ^nbmure;  . 
build  up;  -t  brick(-built). 

'SWure  c  cinque-foil,  Potentilla;  silver-weed, 
P.   ntiHerinii. 

anurer  c  -e  bricklayer,  waller,  (meft  tneb  natur- 
lig Sten)  mason,  (frimurer)  (free  and  accepted) 
mason.    -artejbe  ie  TOur-.     -breng   bricklayer's  i 
apprentice.      -tjaanblanger    hodman ,    mason's  ' 
tender,    -^aantiøært  masonry.     SBlurerl'  n  (2fn= 
mutert)  (fiee-)masonry.     3Rurer{laug^  -la»>  ma- 
sons'  Company.    -lære :  fætte  i  _  apprentice  (one)  | 
to  a  bricklayer;   bære  i  _  be  in  apprenticeship  ; 
with  a  bricklayer.    •IttTling  fe  -breng.  \ 

9Bu'ri flabe,  -Bugt  surface  of  the  wall,  naked 
wall.  -fob  base  el.  foundation  of  a  wall,  foot- 
ins.  -folt  vi  bricklayers  pi.  •forbmbelfe  band. 
-gru3  rulibisli.  *-grænfe  bouudary  line  wilhin 
which  no  woodeu  luiildiiigs  areallowed.  -Iiaanb' 
langer  fe  ^hirer.  -tjammer  mason's  el.  brick- 
layer'.s  hRmmer,  -t|ttlning  niche,  recess.  -t)u3 
brick-hoiise.  -^tJCpå  wall-wasp,  Ojcpbelun  uni- 
uti'miH.  -t)9celbtng  vault  of  brickwort.  Snuring 
c  walling,  brick-laying.  Wur|falf  mortar.  -tit 
cement.  -lonftruttiøn  fe  -forbinbelfe.  -IranS 
battletntut.  -trone  mural  crowu.  -trubt  wall 
-pellitorj-,  farieturiot.  -tunft  masonry.  -ttiabrant 
mural  quadrant.  -ler  bricklayer's  clay.  -lægte 
wall-plate.    Aébtx  fe  -fpætte. 

aRurmelbQr  n  marmot,  Archtomys,  (bet  ameri= 
fanft«')  ground-hog,  A.  monax,  p  surly,  crabbed 

aWu  riincfter  master -mason  el.  bricklayer. 
-meftcrljaanbuært  fe  Wurer^aanbuær!.  -ntclbe  fe 
-Irubt.  -ville  pier.  -^jotercr  foreman  (of  working 
masons)  -))Ub§  plastering.  -raabben^eb  rot  of 

9Rurre  vi  mutter,  grumble.  snurren  c  (i 
2ænberne)  grumbling. 

9)lurrt)i'nft  a.  -e  Sat  mur'rhine  vases. 

9Kur]rube  c  ^  wall-rue,  Asplenium  rutJ  mu- 
ruria.  -falt»cter,  -fait  anatron.  -fonb  sand  for 
mortar.  -fejler  fe  -foate.  -flc  trowel.  -fteformet 
a  ^  deltoid.  -ffærtjcr  fe  -broHer.  -f<)ib8  top 
of  the  gable.  -f))ictte  wall-creeper,  Tickodroma 
iimrarid.  -ften  brick.  -ftenåolie  brickoil.  -ftenå= 
ffifte  coiirse.  -ftenåtc  brick-tea.  -ftlft  cramp 
-iron.  -^illabå  scaflblding.  -Pille  a  stock-still. 
-fttttle  swift,  black-martin.  Cypselus  apw.  -foenb 
jourueyraan  ma.son  el.  bricklayer.  -taarn  turret. 
-lag  copiug.  -tatter  pi  merlons.  -tinb(e)  battle- 
ment.  -''-ttiang  compulsion  to  use  bricks  or 
stones  as  building  malerials.  -tiolb  rampart  of 
masonry.    -Ⱦrt  brickwork,  masonry. 

Snurce'ne  c  misgum,  misg^irn,  Murænu. 

9Rur(gle  c  wall-lizard,  Lacerta  muralis. 

3Rué  c,  pi  =,  mouse;  ihick  lower  part  of  the 
thumb;  .X,  mouse;  noar  fiatten  er  borte,  fpiUe  -ene 
paa  Sorbet  when  the  cal  is  away,  the  mice  will 
play;  bet  git  unber  meb  TOanb  og  -  (om  et  ©fib) 
it  went  (lown  with  every  mother's  soul;  naar 
-en  er  in«t,  er  SDhlet  befl  the  full  soul  loatheth 
an  honeycomb. 

3nufaf«n  c  -ner  student. 

aWtt'Sblaftet  fe  -faroet.    9Hufe  vi  &  (^)  t  mouse. 

Wnfe  c  -r  Muse;  be  ni  -r  the  nine  Muses. 

3)lufc[btb  hairj'  greenweed,  Genista  pilosa. 
*-bol  fe  rebe.  -fait  fe  Soorn'.  -fugle  pi  coni- 
rosters.  -foclbe  mouse-trap.  -fænger  c  -e  mouse 
-catcher.  -græS  cudweed,  Filago.  -^ale  (?[51ante) 
mouse-tail,  MyoHurus.  -ftul  mouse-hole:  jage  en 
i  et  -  frighten  one  out  of  his  wits.  -jæger  fe 
-fænger,    -tjeg  fe  Spuroe^øg.    -lat  mouser. 

SRufelman  c  Musulman,  Moslem,  Mohamme- 
dau,  Mahometan. 

'Wufen  c  (|)eft)  the  mouse-dun. 

9Rttfe|))ttlber  powder  for  killing  mice.    -rebe 
mouse's  uest.     '■■-ftjær  fe   SpibSmnS.    *9Jlufet  fe 
•JMuJfaroet.     SJlufetorn    (ftit!enbe  ~)    kneeholly, 
butcher's  broom,  liuscus   aculeatu«.     -tænber  pi 
mouse-teeth;  fig  small  teeth.    -ugle  fe  iiimp-. 
Wufe'um  n  -eer  museum. 
9Rufe|unge  young  mouse.   -urt  fe  -grceS.  -bitte 
fe  t5ugle=.    -«jet  u  pink-eyed.     -«jne  eyes  of  a 
!  mouse;  ^ooe  _  have  pig's  eyes,  be  pink-eyed. 
anu'Slfalt  fe  laarnfalt.   -fart»et,  -graa  a  mouse 
•coloured,  mouse-dun.    -^<g  fe  Spurl)el)øg. 
1      Snuflce're  vi  make  music;  ber  bleo  -t  we  had 
;  some  music. 

;  anufit'  c  mu'sic;  -fen  (TOufitforpfet)  the  band; 
fcette  _  til  set  to  music.  SRufitatiCr  j'l  music, 
inusic-books.  9nufilaifl  a  (itfe  om  ^erfon)  mu'- 
sical:  lian  er  _  he  is  foud  of  music,  is  a  mvisician. 
9Rufttant'  c  -er  player,  musician,  (militær)  Ijands- 
man.  9)}ufit|t)aab  band  boat.  -birettør  con- 
ductor,  leader.  -elfler  amateur  el.  lover  of 
music.  SOJu'flter  c  -e  musician;  ®l)gtiii^eb  fom  - 
musiciansnip.  3)}ufit|feft  musical  festival.  -for= 
ening  (phil)harmonic  society.  -^anbel  (syuti!) 
musicshop;  (^tanbel  meb  9R.)  tråde  in  music  and 
musical  instruments,  -tianbler  c  -e  music-seller. 
-^iftorie  musical  history.  -^iftorift  a  of  el.  in 
musical  history.  -informator  fe  -lærer.  -infor= 
raation(cr)p^  music-lessonsp/.  -iuftrtttt«r  band- 
master, -tenber  judge  el.  connoisseur  of  music. 
-tonferbatorium  conservatory  of  music.  -totpé 
l)and  of  musicians.  -tQnbig  a  sklUed  in  music. 
I  -tibet  the  development  of  music.  -lærer  music 
I  master,  professor  of  music.  -læreriubc  music 
-mistress.  -nummer  piece  of  music.  -n«gle  elef. 
■fanS  taste  for  music.  -fttjtfe  piece  of  music. 
-time  music-lesson.  -tribune  music-lofl.  -unber« 
i  -oiSning  instruction  in  music.  SRu'fituå  c  ci 
musician.  anufit'^nber  friend  el.  lover  of  music. 
9Ruftng  c  J:,  mouse. 

ffllttfiolarbejbc  n  fe<lKofait.  -gulb  mosaic  gold. 
*3WufI(regn)  n  mizzle,  drizzliug  rain. 
aRuffa't  c  -er  nutmeg;  P  Inibe  poa  -en  be 
close-fisted.  -balfam  fe  -olie.  -blomme  mace. 
9)luftatea'er=  fe  9Jiuftat=.  aWnftatlti^acint  grape 
-hyacinth,  Hyicinthus  muncari.  -jæru  uutmeg 
-grater.  -lugt  smell  of  mace.  -n«b  fe  Wuflat. 
-olie,  -fm«r  oil  of  nutmeg.  -pcext  muscadine 
pear.  -træ  nutmeg-tree,  Myristica  moschata. 
•pin  muscadel. 

anuffebon'ner  c  -e  (SoSfe)  musketoon,  bluuder- 

buss;  ^  fe  2>un^ammer. 

SRuftcl  c  -pier  muscle.    -anftrengelfe  muscular 

j  exertion.    -bepægelfe  muscular  motion,    -bunbt 

I  muscular  bundle  el.  fasciculus.    -celle  muscular 

eell.     -elettricitet  muscular  electricity.     -figur 

ecorché.    -f«r  a  brawny,  muscular.    -l)inbe,  -$nb 

muscular   coat.      -traft    muscular   strength    el. 

!  power,  muscularity.    -f rampe  fe  -trætiiing.    -t«b 

j  brawn,  muscle.    -lære  myology.    -maøe  gizzard. 

i  -nerpe  muscular  nerve,  -ftebe  sheath  of  a  muscle, 

1  perimyslum.  -floppclfeenervatiouofthemuscles. 

I  -fpil  play  el.  swelliug  of  the  muscles.    -fpræng' 

I  ning  rupture  of  the  muscles.   -ftramning,  -ftræt= 

'  ning   tension  of  the  muscles.     -ft^rte  fe  -fraft. 

-ftært   a   muscular.     -troab,    -træol    muscular 

tibre.   -trætning  spasm,  cramp.    -»æ»  muscular 


SWuftet'  c  -ter  mus'ket,   P  Brown  Bess.    Wu- 
fteter  c    -erer   musketeer.     Snuftetjilb    musket 
-fire,  muskeiry(-fire).    -tolbe  butt-end  of  a  mus- 
ket,    -trubt   gun  powder.     -tugle  musket-ball. 
-falbe  volley  of  musketrv.    -ftub  musket-shot. 
aWuftit'o  fe  9JJogfito. 
aRttftoPabc  fe  fflloftooabe. 
anuftulatu'r  c  muscles,  muscling.   9)iHftul«'§ 
a  mus'cular. 




3RttfIttS  !e  9)lofIu8. 

aWuSIet,  aWuSIia  a  shelly,  shell-like. 

anu@ling  c  -er  (t  bibere  SBettjb.)  shell,  bivålve; 
(i  enøere  53ett)b. :  Mytihi«,  ©loamuSIing)  mussel, 
musele;  fpifelig  _  common  el.  eatable  mussel. 
a)'itt3Hng(e)Iiante  bank  of  shell.  -bannet  a  con- 
chylaceous.  •fanger  mussel  -  catcher.  •fangft 
mussel  -  catching.  -facttc  shell  -  colour.  -gulb 
shell-gold.  -talt  shell-lime.  •IttM  pi  entomo- 
straca.  -marmor  shell -marble.  -fajtce  mussel 
-sauce,  -flltc  byssus.  -ffal,  *-f!jæl  (mussel-) 
shell.    -bogter  oyster  crab,  Pinnotheres. 

'SWuéff  c  young  herring. 

3D)u@fc(i'n  n  mus'lin. 

t5Wuéfig  o  F'  crusty.  I 

•aKu'§ffjær  fe  SptbSmuS 

SHuftang  c  -er  mustang. 

SRuéoit  c  -er  titmouse,  tomtit,  Partis  majar. 

9Ru'§|tiaag  (e  Wufe=.  -ært  cudweed,  Ervum 
tetratpernium.  -ore  golden  mouse-ear,  mouse-ear 
hawkweed,  Hieracium  pilosella. 

aWttt'  a  sulky. 

*9Kut'  c  fe  røubb. 

Snut'a  c  -tæ  gram  mute. 

SRutatton  c  mus  change  of  voice. 

'■aRutc  vi  sue  for  permission  of  working  a 

SRut^eb  c  sulkiness. 

'*2Kut'febbel  certiflcate  of  permission  to  work 
a  mine 

9Rtttter  c  F  the  mother,  the  goodwife,  the 
old  woman;  en  gammel  -  an  old  crone.  9Rutteri§ 
udv  F  :  -  ene,  ~  alene  all  alone.  SRuttertoi^  [t.] 
n  mother-wit. 

an^g  (I  limber,  lithe,  (ogfaa  fig)  pliable,  supple; 
gøre  en  -  bend  one,  render  one  submissive. 

SK^g'  c,  pi  =,  gnat;  langbenet  _,  fe  Stontelben; 
gere  en  -  til  en  ©lefant  make  mountalns  of  mole- 
hills; fftjbe  _  meb  jtanoner  break  a  butterfly  on 
the  wheel.    -Iilomft  bog  orchis,  Malaxis. 

'SKlige  vt  make  pliable. 

ani)gfiue  c  sand-fly,  Simulium. 

É2)igge{f(oI  fe  -fsærm.  -net  mosquito-net.  -ftif 
sting  of  a  gnat.    -fOcerm  swarm  of  gnats. 

9R>)'g()cb  c  limberness  ete.,  fe  TOtjg  a. 

SOiQg^ooeb  n  tumor  in  the  eye. 

*aj?flgi  n,  -et  a  fe  ©fimmel,  ©ftmlet. 

9Rt)'gne  vi  become  pliable. 

*9RQt|anf  c  -er,  fe  ©tantelBen. 

3Rt|tole'g  c  -er  mycol'ogi.'it.     -i'  c  mycol'ogy. 

"■3Ht)lbe  vt  &  i  crumble  (the  earth),  cover  (the 

aW^lbr,  aW^Ber.  3R^Ir  c  &  n  throng,  crowd, 
shoal.  sniilre  vi  &  impers  swarm,  shoal;  (Saberne 
«  of  Wenneffer  the  streets  are  swarming  with 
people     9ni9lren  c  swarming. 

^JiQnbc  c  -r  grey-hound.  -^unb  fe  TO^nbe. 
•jogt  conreing  (with  grey-hounds). 

aOiQnbig  a  (mægtig)  powerful;  (bljbenbe)  im- 
perious,  haughty,  authoritative;  jur  of  age;  bære 
-  be  of  nge;  erftcere  for  _  emancipate;  blibe  - 
come  oi  age.  -^eb  c  authority;  (bqbenbe  SSæfen) 
authoritativeness;  jur  majority;  of  egen  _  on 
one's  own  authority,  arbitrarily;  be  beftooenbe  -er 
the  consiituted  authorities;  meb  megen  _  with  a 
very  high  hånd;  bibl  fom  ben  ber  IjaBbe  -  as  one 
having  authority.  -^ebéalber  (full)  age.  -^ebé^ 
betiiUtng  letter  of  majority.  -^ebSerlltering 
coming  of  age.  -^ebSfrebS  province.  'tftH 
miSbrug  abuse  of  power.   SHDnbling  c  -er  ward. 

*9)}flnt,  SOJtjnte  o.  fl.,  fe  TOønt. 

SR^nte  c  mint,  Mentha.     -olie  oil  of  mint. 

^Jjr  <■■  -er  marsh,  morass;  *bog,  moss.  *3R^r= 
6«r  fe  aRultfbær. 

an^rbe  vt  morder;  ^on  er  bleben  -t  (ogf.)  he 
has  met  with  foul  play.    -I^ft  thirst  of  murder. 

SR^rben   c   murdering.     Sn^rberi  n  massacrtj 

*3Rt)'r|bun  fe  Særulb.  -b^rler  reclaimer 
bogs.  -b^rtning  reclalming  el.  cultivation 

an^re  c  -r  ant,  emmet,  pismire,  Formiea.  -t 
species  of  ant.  -bob  formic  bath.  -bjørn  \T 
-finger,  -gang  ant-walk  -trtjben,  -lab  med 
formieation.  -IflOe  ant-lion,  Myrmeleo.  -olie 
formic  oil.  -^inbfoin  poreupine  ant-eater, 
Echidna  hystrix.  -finger  ant-bear,  auteater, 
Myrmecophagi.  -f^iritué  formic  spirit.  -ftl  fe 
-gang.  -fnrt  ©olt  formiate.  -fJjre  formic  acid. 
-tue  ant-hill.  -æber  (gugl)  ant-catcher;  Formici- 
vorvs.    -æg  ant-egg.    -æter  formic  ether, 

*a)J^'r|fiol  ie  (Sng  =  .    -l|Ot  fe  firogefob. 

3RQria'bc  c  -r  myr'iad. 

SBl^'rlJærn   swamp-ore,   bog  iron-ore.     *-jo« 
boggy-soil.    »-lænbt  a  boggy.     -malm  fe  -jær 
-manbdftemmer  faggot-votes.     ''-manb^Doefend 
«the  practice  of  splitting  freeholds  for  the  pu^ 
pose  of  multiplying  votes«  (Macaulay). 

9)tqrmibo'ner  pi  myrmidons. 

9R^robata'ner  pi  myrob'alans. 

3)2qrr^a  c  myrrh.    -eSfenå,  -tinttnr  tinctur 
of  myrrh.    -træ  myrrh-tree. 

*a)l^'r|fnt|)e,  -f^jooe  fe  tobber«, 

anjjrt,  aiiflrte  c  -r  myrtle,  Myrtm.  —  Wt)ttc\- 
blomft  myrtle-flower.  -gren,  -!»)ift  myrtle-branch. 
•IranS  myrtle-wreath.    -lunb  myrtle-grove.   -trdjl 
fe  rø^rte.    -botS  myrtlewax.  ■ 

•9W5'r|tor»  peat.    -nlb  fe  tærulb.  ^ 

•3Jll)fe  c  whey.    -oft  whey-cheese. 

SW^fife,  an^fte  c  woodroof;  woodruflf;  Anperula 

-eajl^åling  c  -er,  fe  «15uSling, 

Sntféfe  c  dragon's  water,  Calla  paluatris. 

anqft|e'rium  n  -ter  mys'tery.  •erifl'S  o  myste'- 
rlous.  -iciS'me  c  mys'ticism.  -ipce're  vt  mys'- 
tify,  hoax,  play  on.  -ififatio'n  <■  -er  mystifica'- 
tlon,  hoax.    -'iler  c  -e  mystic.   -'if!  a  mystic(al). 

'■■■SWijte  et  moult,  mew. 

^Qte  c  -r  myth.  -bannetfe  development  of 
myths.  SDWif!  a  mythic(al).  9W^tolo'g  c  -er 
mythol'ogist.  3Rt)tologt'  c  mythol'ogy.  Wtito- 
lo'giff  a  mythological. 

SW^tteri'  n  -er  mu'tiny;  gøre  _  mutiny,  tum 
mutinous;  ftifte  _  raise  a  mutiny;  ®eltogeme  i 
-et  the  mutineers.  -aanb  spirit  of  mutiny.  -loB 
mutiny  aet.  -ftgnal  mutiny  signal,  -ftifter 
ringleader  of  a  mutiny. 

SOiæcen,  9R(ece'na§  c  patron.  ^cectnaUtStm- 
plat  presentation  copy. 

30!æfilte  c   r  turbit-. 

SRccglC  vt  &  i  mediate,  negotiate  (peace);  ^on 
bilbe  _  bem  imellem  he  tried  to  effect  el  bring 
about  an  agreement  between  them;  -nbe  « 
mediatorial.    -n  c  fe  Wægling. 

aJlæ'gler  c  -e  mediator,  intercessor;  mere  broker; 
(p.  aiombuf)  guide-pole;  (p.  Sroppe)  spindle.  -atte^ 
broker's  certiflcate.  -courtage  fe  -løn.  -ctdamen 
examination  required  for  carrying  on  a  broker's 
business,  -embebe  office  of  mediator.  -forretning 
broker's  business,  -journal  broker's  day-book. 
-løn  brokerage.  -roUe  the  part  of  a  mediator. 
anæglcrfle  c  -r  mediatress.  aRægling  c  media- 
tion,  intercession.  SRæglingiSforføg  attempt  at 

3R(Cgt|e  vt  be  able,  have  (suff"icient)  strength 
el.  power  (to),  bet  -r  jeg  itfe  I  am  quite  unable 
to  do  it;  ieg  -r  ilte  mere  I  can  do  no  more.  -ig 
a  mighty,  powerful,  potent;  niin  extensive,  rich; 
bære  noget  ~  be  master  of,  have  the  full  com- 
mand  of;  -  (til,  for)  ot  able  to.  -ig  udv  f 
mighty.  -ig^cb  c  extent  el.  richness  (of  a  stratum 
el.  mine). 




3Rdel|r|eti  n  Moravia.  -er  Moravian.  •iffe 
iBrøbre  Moravians,  United  brethren. 

Wte^a  n  (te)  ninny (-hammer),  dough-face,  yay 

*9Jlætre  vi  (om  ®eben)  bleat.  -gnuf,  -8J«9  fe 

*9J}æl  c  -er  blufiF,  frett. 

anælarfeeit  Lake  Mælar. 

anoelD,  anoelbe  c,  -foal,  -ftol  orach,  Atriplex 
horteniin;  goose-foot,  Chenopodiuvi . 

Tlctlt  n  speech;  (9{øft)  voice;  iian  ftob,  fom  om 
Ijan  fioerten  ^oobe  9KaaI  eller  _  he  stood  as  one 
struck  dumb;  mifte  fit  -  lose  the  power  of 
speech,  fion  talte  meb  tptt  -  his  utterance  was 
thick.  9Rivte  vt  utter,  articulate;  ^an  -be  itfe  et 
Crb  he  spake  no  word;  —  vi  speak.  +-u  c 

*9nKling  c  -er  rood  (100  feet  square). 

aWælt  c  milk;  fe  TOelte  c  -agttg  a  milky, 

WHaUt  c  (fieg  608  gftfte)  milt. 

9R(elte|aare  lacteal  vein,  lactiferous  duet.  -af' 
fotibringsecretiouofmilk  -baoJi  dingy.  "-blantie 
milk  •  and -water.  -bob  dairy.  -brober  foster 
■brother.  -brøb  boiled  milk  and  broken  bread. 
-bT«bdanf!gt  fe  -fjæs.  *-bunIe  milk-pan.  -b«fte 
(*8.  til  m.)  milkpail;  t  Sonben«  _  ($(onte)  fe 
fiBOetonii.  -beje  fe  3Balfej)tge.  -fab  milk-dish. 
-forue  railk-colour.  -farvet  a  fe  -^bib.  -feber 
milk  fever.  -fiff  milter.  -fjæé  wheyface.  -jittffe 
milk-bottle.  -flor  plain  crape,  tiffany.  -for= 
falftntng  milk  adulteration.  -for^iagter  dairy 
■man.  -gang  lacteal.  -glaé  alabaster-glass. 
-gris  suckiug  pig.  -gr«b  t  boiled  groats  in 
warm  milk;  *groats  el.  flour  boiled  in  milk. 
-g^fen  islight)  milk  fever.  -^anbler  c  -e  dairy- 
man.  -t^at  milk-mushroom,  Lactarius.  -^bib  a 
milk-white.  -^^(be  shelf  in  a  dairy.  f-junge 
milk-pail.  -faffe  coffee  and  milk.  -folb  sucking 
calf  -tawmer  milk-chamber.  -lanbe  milk 
pitcher,  milk-jug.  -far  milk-pan;  fe  ogf.  -gang. 
-tirtel  lacteal  gland.  -Inube  swelling  of  the 
breast  *-fo  fe  TOalfe-.  "-folte  fe  -bunte.  -tone 
milk-woman.  'toppet  miliary  fever.  -truKe 
milk-pitcher.  -fugle  milk-globule.  -fur  milk 
-cure.  -fuff  driver  of  a  milk-waggon.  *-foceg 
dairy  cattle.  -tislber  milkcellar.  -(l)  a  fe  -Barm. 
-tuaaler  fe  -prøoer.  -mob  milk-food,  milk-meat. 
-ntanb  milk-man.  -munb  one  fond  of  milk. 
-obal  milk-white  opal.  *-pap  fe  fuppe.  -:|)enge 
milk-money.  -t>ige  milk-girl;  *  fe  ^)JJaIfe=.  -(»otte 
milk-pot.  •ptevtv  lactometer.  -(»ttloer  milk 
■powder.  -puni^  milk-punch.  -ret  kind  of 
milk-food.  SRalferi'  fe  iTOejeri.  9Jlælte!rlg  a 
abounding  in  milk.  '-ringe  fe  -bunfe.  -faft 
chyle.  t-fl,  '-fil  milk-strainer.  -ffilt  milk-seller's 
sign.  -ffinb  skin  of  milk.  -fforpe  milk-scab. 
'■'•iop  fe  -6ot.  -f))anb  milkpail.  -fplfe  fe  -mob. 
-ftue  dairy-room.  -fuger  fe  9Jatraon;  chir  breast 
-glass.  -fttffer  sugar  of  milk,  laetine.  -fuppe 
milk-porridge.  -foater  milk-cooler.  -f^re  lactic 
acld.  -tonb  milk-tooth.  (^08  ^efte)  colt's  tooth. 
•-tib  fe  Walfe..  t-tlbfet  fe  Sbinemælt.  -tr«  milk 
-tree.  -ubfalg  milk-shop.  -urt  milk-wort,  hedge 
-hyssop,  Foiygala.  -»alle  whey.  -barm  a  milk 
-warm.  -uarme  new  milk  heat.  -bej  a»t  milky 
way,  galaxy.  -Ho^n  milk-waggon.  -bæbffe 
emulsion,  -btetltng  fe  -fuppe;  *'milk-porridge 
thickened  with  groats  or  rice.  SOtæltfebet  a 
fattened  with  milk. 

aRoeltnei  vd  tum  milky.  9)>lae(furt  fe  9RæIIe= 

aR(elt|e  vt  malt.    -ning  c  malting. 

SRteua'be  c  -r  mæ'nad. 

9Raenb  pi  af  SKonb;  adv  p  :  nej  mænb  om  jeg  Bil 
no  I  won't  indeed,  not  I. 

SRotngbe  c  -r  multitude,  number,  uumbers 
pl\  i  _  in  plenty,  in  abuudance;  en  6ei  -  a  lot 
of,  a  great  many;  -n  af  Stlftuerne  the  majority 
of  the  spectators;  ben  ftore  _  the  million;  the 
vulgar,  the  general;  føgte  at  unbbroge  fig  -né  jSjne 
shrunk  from  the  public  gaze;  en  _  forffeUige 
a  variety  of. 

9R(enge  vt  mix,  mingle;  —  »r  _  fig  i  meddle 

aW«'r,  'aWar'  c  e  &  er  (^oppe)  mare;  {Xe'Ht, 
ffBinb)  jade. 

SRoerfe  c  smallage,  water  parsley,  Siwn. 

^icerfe  n  -r  (Segn,  ftenbe=j  mark,  token,  sign, 
note;  t  (Sanner)  standard,  banner;  (Sømætfe) 
beacon;  4,  forfine  meb  -r  mark,  buoy.  btbe  _  i 
F  note,  take  note  of,  single  out;  lægge  _  til 
take  notice  of,  notice,  attend  to;  lægge  oel  _  tit 
take  good  notice  of;  Bcerb  at  lægge  _  til  note- 
worthy;  fig  ^ar  fat  _  i  has  made  his  mark  in. 
aiiisrfe  vt  (fætte  9K.  »aa  noget)  mark,  (meb  S3og- 
ftoBer)  letter,  (meb  Sal)  number;  (lægge  W.  til) 
heed,  note,  notice;  (fornemme)  find,  perceive; 
oel  at  -  mind  well,  observe,  remember;  mærf 
mine  Drb!  mark  my  words;  _  (oel)  paa  pay 
(good)  heed  to;  man  -r  bet  paa  .  .  .  you  perceive 
it  from,  it  is  apparent  from!  -til  perceive,  be 
sensible  of;  —  vr  _  fig  mark;  mærf  big,  bu 
moa  itfe  .  .  .  mind,  you  must  not  .  .  .;  jeg  l^ar 
-t  mig  Stebet  I  took  note  of  the  place.  labe  fig  _ 
meb  hint,  give  to  understand;  lab  2)em  iffe  _ 
meb,  at  2)e  bar  talt  meb  bam  don't  let  it  appear 
that  you  have  spoken  to  him,  make  no  allusion 
to  your  having  spoken  to  him;  ^an  lober  ftg  itfe 
_  meb  bet  he  does  not  show  it;  ^an  lob  fig  iffe 
_  meb,  ot  ^on  Bor  Breb  he  showed  no  signs  of 
anger.  an(erte|aar  memorable  year.  -boab  buoy 
-boat.  -bloel  marking-ink.  -bogftab  mark.  -bog 
red-letter  day.  -brager  fe  TOærfeSmonb.  -jammer 
marking  -  hammer,  (til  Sømmer)  timber-scribe. 
-jfljrn  marking-iron;  -fnib  rasingknife.  -!3r«rr 
pop  punch.  -Xap  label.  9)lærfeltg  a  (fom  er  Bærb 
at  lægge  9R.  til)  remarkable,  curious;  notable; 
(fenbeltg,  fom  let  fon  mærleé)  observable,  percept- 
ible,  appreciable,  noticeable,  sensible,  marked; 
bet  e  Beb  Sagen  the  remarkable  feature  in  the 
case;  —  ado  remarkably  etc. ;  perceptibly  etc.; 
_  nof  Strange  to  tell,  strangely,  for  a  wonder. 
SRærtelig^eb  c  remarkableness  etc;  remarkable 
thing,  curious  feature  el.  faet;  bet  er  en  ^el  _  at 
fe  big  it  is  quile  a  rare  thing  to  see  you. 
ajlærfelfe  c  marking  etc.  3RærteH>euge  fe  qjriffe- 
aenge.  -pinb  tally,  nick( -stick),  -pcti  boundsu-y 
post.  -fag  test  case.  -febbel  label,  -ffel  bound- 
ary,  bounds  pi.  -ffib  (Beb  ftapfejl.)  starting  vessel. 
tanærfedmanb  standard  -  bearer.  aRærte{fpibå 
marking- point,  -ftang  J,  beacon  post.  -ften 
boundary  stone.  -fijt  markiug-awl.  -tegu  crit- 
erion,  mark.  SRærfuing  marking  etc.  ^\(ttl- 
Dtcr'big  a  memorable,  important.  SRisrfbær'big^ 
Ijeb  c  remarkableness;  *8i)en§  er  the  curiosities 
of  the  town;  p  the  lions  of  the  town. 

aRierle  c  ^  eyelet-grummet. 

3R«rIe  vt  ^  marl;  (en  gfofte  0.  1.)  quilt,  -ftut 
marling-hole.  -naat,  -breu  pricker.  -fbiger 
marling-splke.  -fHl  marling  tum.  9)}(eriing  c 
marling;  quilting;  conc  marline. 

anæré  n,  pi  =,  J,  top.  —  9Kærfe|braS  topsail 
-brace.  -buggaarbing  topsail-buntline.  -bugline 
topsail-bowline.  -buuben  the  platform  of  the 
top.  -brejereb  topsail-tye.  -falb  tops. -halyard. 
-glbtou  tops.-clueline.  -tlo^be  top-armour.  -Ion= 
terue  toplantern.  -roa  tops. -yard.  -roffe  tops. 
-parrel-rope.  -rebtat|e  tops.- re ef- tackle.  -ff«be 
tops.sheet.    -topleut  tops. -topping-lift. 

an«rå|fejl  71  topsail  (ubt.  topsl).  -fejlSgobé 
I  topsail  gear.    -feildtuling  topsail-breeze. 




Srøcefl  c  mash.  9)}(tfte  c«  (oeb  SBr^gning)  mash; 
(febe)fatten,  cram.  —  ffllæffe|for  mash-tub.  -ftattfl 
oar.  -ftl  fattening  sty,  -ftiin  fattened  hog. 
-tiarmcr  warming-pan.  9)2(ef!ning  c  (oeb  ©1159= 
niti«)  mashing;  (Rebning)  fattening. 

SB}(c§nnger  p/  the  measles. 

9Wæt'  a  satisfled,  satiated,  sated,  full-fed;  jeg 
er  _  I  am  satisfied,  I  have  done;  {jjife,  brifte  fig 
_  eat,  drink  to  Ihe  full,  one's  fi\l;fig  _  of  (noget) 
tired,  sick  of  (a  thing);  _  of  SJoge  full  of  days; 
le  fig  _  laugh  one's  fill;  græbe  fig  _  cry  one's 
fill;  jeg  fon  iffe  fe  mig  _  faa  bette  SKoIeri  I  cannot 
get  away  from  this  picture;  bibi  _  of  Ul^lfer  full 
of  tronbles  (o.  fl.);  be  oobe  alte  og  blebe  -te  they 
did  all  eat  and  were  fllled;  en  _  ©jæl  træber  poo 
^onningfoge  (Sol.  Crbfpr.)  the  full  soul  loathetb 
an  honey-comb.  3R(etl)cb  c  satiety.  3R(etning 
c  fe  røcettelfe.  aR(ctningS))untt  point  el.  limit  of 

aWætrcS'fe  c  -r  mis'tress. 

SRiette  vt  satiate,  (^ate,  satisfy;  chem  saturate; 
-§  Tp  be  satisfied,  satiated;    chem   be  saturated; 

nbe  II  satisfying.    annetteUg  a  that  may  be 

satiated;  chem  saturable.  SRicttelfe  c  satiety; 
chem  saturation. 

SW«  c  -er  maid,  maiden,  virgin.  -iatn  female 

SRebet  n  -Blerpiece  offurniture;  9Kø6Ier  fumi- 
ture.  -banfer  cane  for  beating  furnittire.  -it> 
træt  fe  -tøj.  -f(«il  furniture-sammet.  -^anitler 
upholsterer,  furnituredealer.  -tonttatt  bill  of 
sale.  -foft  furniture-brush.  -magafln  upholstery 
el.  furniture  establishment  -politur  furniture 
polish.  -tepS  reps  for  furniture.  -fncbtcr  eabi- 
net-maker.  -t«f  furniture  stufr(s),  upholstery 
stufi'.  -uogn  hand-waggon,  (ftor,  luffet)  furniture 
van,  spring-van.  fSlehltmtnt'  n  -er  furniture, 
suite  (of  furniturej.  liietWte  tt  furnish  (a 
room  el.  a  house). 

SOIøbbing  c  -er  dunghill.  -brenii  dung-pit. 
•p«l  dunghill-pool.    -ttanb  dung-water. 

anebe,  -te,  -t  tt  &  i  meet,  meet  with,  fall  in 
With,  encounter;  (mobftoo,  goo  [SUJobgong  0.  I.]  i 
9JJjBbe)  face,  front,  confront;  (^ænbeS)  occur;  (inb< 
finbe  fig)  appear,  attend,  make  one's  appearance; 
iffe  _  make  default;  _  op  muster;  _  op  nieb  put 
forward,  trot  out;  _  megen  SBenlig^eb  experience 
great  kindness;  — -  mebeS  vd  meet;  -S  meb  en 
meet  one.  ilRebe  n  -r  meeting,  rendez-vous, 
rencounter;  (?pQr!omentg=,  aJeté-  ofo.)  sitting;  !^oIbe 
-,  fine  -r  sit;  gibe  9!K*be  (i  3fetten)  appear  (in  court); 
tolrigt  -  a  good  attendance;  goo,  ribe  ofb.  en  i 
_  go,  ride  etc.  to  meet  one;  fomme  en  i  _  ad- 
vano^  to  meet  one,  fig  meet  one's  advances; 
goo  eforen,  ®Bben  rolig  i  _  meet  el.  fare  danger, 
death  with  composure;  fe  i  _,  fe  S'nBbefe-  an«br|= 
bag  day  of  meeting,  appointed  day.  Sn^ben  c 
meeting  etc.  SBJ^beHilabS  fe  -fteb.  -))ligtig  a 
iiound  to  appear. 

anøbcrnc  fe  5!Købrcne. 

aJJebclf^ot  siding.  -fteb  place  of  mfeting, 
place  of  appointment,  meet,  rendezvous,  -lib 
time  of  meeting. 

3Kebig  a  weary.    -^rb  c  weariness. 

SJIiiboin  c  maidenhood,  virginity. 

^}«brfnc  a  maternal,  on  the  mother's  side. 
-ort)  maternal  inheritance  el.  succession,  -b^rb 
maternal  descent.  -gob§  property  inherited 
from  the  mother,  -fibc:  poo  -n  on  the  mother's 
side;  Cnfel  pao  -n  maternal  uucle. 

aWeg  n  dung,  muck.  -agning  carting  of  dung. 
-bfb,  -bæwl  hotbed.  -b«r  dung-barrow.  -bunte, 
-bt)«gc  dung-heap.  tSRøge  vt  (gjpbe)  dung;  — 
ir  fig  dung.  a)2«g{f(ue  dung  fly,  Mueca  »terco- 
rnrio.  -fort,  -goffeJ,  -greb  dung-fork.  -gebning 
dungmanure.     -Ijatfc   dunghook.     -^ob    dung 



-heap.  -larre  dung-cart.  -Irog  dung-nooi 
-t«rfct  fe -agning.  -læScart-loadofdung.  tSRflg^ 
ntng  c  dunging.  SRøglfaft  dung-water.  -fltoul, 
-ffuffc  dung-shovel.  -f))rebning  spreading  the 
manure.    -t^U  fe  -greb.    -Oogn  dung-waggon. 

aneje  c  pains  pi,  trouble,  ^obe  -  meb  noget 
have  much  difficulty  with  a  thing;  gere  fig  _ 
take  pains;  meb,  uben  _  with,  without,  difficulty. 
tSW^ie  vt  trouble.  -fulb  a  laboriou.s,  irksome, 
troublesome.  —  3nø{|foin,  -fotn'melig  a  trouble- 
some,  laborious.  -fom'ntcdg^tb  c  troublesome- 
ness,  laboriousness. 

SSleV  n  &  c,  pi  =,  moth,  Tinea;  ber  er  gooefi 
_  i  Sljolen  the  moths  have  been  at  the  coatj 
•b^r  fe  ©ulbfræ. 

''SIR«lje  c  mixture  of  grease  and  broken  oa( 

SRøUe    c   -r    mill;   (©pil)  merils,   nine   Eten'i 
morris;    li   SS^ift)   see-saw,    cross-ruflf;    ^oem   betj 
tommer   ferft   til   _,   faor  ferft   molet  flrst  come,l 
first  served;  tlie  early  bird  picks  up  the  worms;] 
bet  er  SBonb  poo  ^an8  -  that's  grist  to  his   millj 
that  draws  water  to  his  mill;  that's  nuts  to  him;' 
Oenbe  _  tumble  cartwheels.  9RøUe{aa  mill-stream, 
mill-brook.    -afécl  axle  of  a  mill.    -arm  arm  of 
a   mill.     -batte    hill  on  which  a  mill  stands.., 
-bom  (e  -oJSel.    -brug  tappurtenances  of  a  milljl 
•mill,  mills.     -bygger   mill-wright.     -b^ggeri^ 
-bQgnitig,    -b^gningétunft    building    of   millsj 
construction  of  mills.    -bæl  fe  -00.    -barn  milf 
-pond.   t-bige  mill-dike;  b.  f.  f..   -btemiting  mill| 
-dam.     -ejer  owner  of  a   mill.     -grao 
-gceft   customer  (lo  the  mill).    -(|eft  mill-horse. 
-^jul  mill-wheel.    -^uS  mill-house.    -jcern  mill 
-crank.    t-toærn  fe  -cært.    -penge  fe  Wolepenge. 
-ptel  mill-post. 

aRoIIer  c  -e  miller;  *(5ugl)  lesser  white-throat, 
Sylvia  currucu.  -breng  miller's  boy  el.  appreu- 

SOiøUerenbe  c  mill-race. 

aneUerlQcft  miller's  horse,  -^ué  miller's 
house,  -^fltte  miller's  hen,  fat  hen.  3RølIeri' 
n  milling,  mill.  !in«Iler|tone  miller's  wife. 
-læTting  fe  -btcng.  -foenb  journeyman  miller, 
-oogn  miller's  waggon. 

aj{«Uc|febbE(  fe  aKalefeobcI.  -fejl  sail  of  a 
wind-mill.  -ftratbe  (mill-)clapper.  -ftruc  hopper. 
-ft^Ib  rent  of  a  mill.  -flufe  mill-sluice.  -fpil 
windlass  (for  lurning  a  m.);  fe  SJJøHe.  -fJcn 
mill  stone;  et  ^or  -e  pi  a  run.  -ftenébrub  mill- 
stone  quarry.  -fljært  millhandle.  -ftot  bar- 
loom,  small-ware  loom.  -fæt  corn  sack.  t-f« 
mill-pond.  -lolb  pay  in  kind  for  grinding. 
-trogt  fe -ffrue.  -Hiang  socome,  thirlage.  -tdtnmer 
milliimber.  -t«r  a  dry  enough  for  the  mill. 
-Oanb  mill-water.  -oej  way  to  the  mill.  -tiinge 
wing  of  a  mill.    -pært  mill-work. 

SffJot'lurt  moth-mullein,  Verbaecum  blattaria. 
-æbt  a  moth-eaten. 

l3>Jl»tt'  c  ridge  of  a  house.  -aoS  ridge-pole, 
-tree,  -piece,  roof-tree.    *3Røne  n  fe  9)iøn. 

Snonje  c  red-lead,  minium. 

t3Hfln|ne  vt  cover  the  ridge  of  a  house,  -wing 
fe  SJiJEin.  -panbe,  -(nings)ften  ridge-tile,  hip-tile. 
*9K«uéaoS  fe  tOiønao«. 

SWanftcr  n  ftre  (gorbillebe)  model,  pattern, 
paragon;  (til  en  Jijole  ofB.;  i  %ii\)  pattern;  gram 
paradigm;  efter  _  to  pattern;  et  -  poo  a  model 
of,  the  beau  ideal  of,  F  the  pink  of;  toge  til  _ 
take  an  example  of,  take  oue  for  au  example. 
9W«nfter|boab  pattern-boat.  -barn  model  child. 
-biUebc  fe  iDfenfter.  -bog  pattern-book.  -fabrif 
model  manufaetory.  -forfatter  classical  author. 
-gaarb  model  farm.  -gipcnbc,  -gQlbtg  a  model, 
worthy  of  being  taken  for  a  model,  -tjole 
specimendiess.    -tontor  shipping  ottiee.    -plobé 




mustering  place.  -ruHe  muster-roll,  crew's  list. 
-ffolc  model  school,  normal  school.  -fCritier 
muster-master;  J^.  mustering  clerk,  shipping 
master,  -ffærer  pattern  -  maker.  -ftat  model 
State,  -fttifniitg  figured  knitting.  -ftt)tfe  model 
specimen.  -titcrbtg  n  exemplary.  -boerbigliet) 
exemplariness.  -txtxt  classical  work.  9R«nftrc 
vt  muster,  review,  inspect;  Jip  (f.  ®fé.  be  forbi= 
gaaenbc)  eye  (over),  scan;  (Bftroflte  nBJe  for  at 
tette  oft).)  "examine  critically,  review;  -  en  gobt 
igennem  read  one  a  lesson;  _  af,  pao,  fe  8lf= 
nwinftrc,  ^Saamønflre,  —  vi  pass  muster  (for  be- 
fore). a)J«nftret  a  figured;  _  %øi  fancy-cloth. 
9Rønftrtng  c  mustering,  review,  muster.  Snønft 
ringåUjlab«  o.  fl.,  fe  gKenfter=. 

ment  c  -er  coin;  (gtebet,  I)bor  3Jl.  ffoaS)  mint: 
floa  -  coin  money;  Saiibcté  _  coin  of  the 
country;  gangBar  _  current  coin;  ^ar  bu  _?  F 
are  you  flush?  nteb  Ilingenbe  -  in  cash  (down;; 
6etole  en  nieb  lige  ~  pay  one  back  in  his  own 
coin  el.  in  kind;  forntje  fin  _  F  come  out  strong: 
_  og  ftrone  heads-and-tails,  head  or  tail,  pitch 
-and-toss;  fpille  _  og  Srone  om  toss  up  for 
3nent|affa(b  clippings  (of  coins),  sizel.  -anotb^ 
ning  statute  respecting  thecurrency.  -beffriticlff 
numismatography.  -betjent  person  employed 
in  the  mint.  -ctrfulatton  circulation  of  money. 
3)}«ntc  vt  coin,  stamp,  mint;  _  om  recoin,  re- 
stamp;  bet  bar  -t  paa  S'em  that  was  meant  for 
you,  aimed  at  you,  you  were  aimed  at.  iDienti' 
etfler  amateur  of  coins  and  medals.  •enl)eb  unit 
of  coinape;  uniformity  of  currency.  Snentcrct  fe 
XKentirifjeb.  URantefteb  place  ofcoinage.  9in«nt|^ 
fnlffncr  coiner,  forger  of  coin.  -fob  standard 
(of  coinage);  (engelft  9K.)  sterling,  -forfalffning 
forgery  of  coin ,  coining.  -fot^olb  money 
matters,  -frifteb  right  of  coinage,  -funb  iind 
of  coins.  ■guarbein  assayer  of  the  mint.  -iiam- 
mtt  planchet-hammer.  -Ijerre  regent  having 
the  privilege  of  coining  money.  -fitftorte  historj- 
of  coinage,  numismat'ics.  -inbffrift  legend 
•falbinet  cabinet  of  medals  and  coins.  -ftitbcr 
numismatologist,  connoisseur  of  coins.  -tlt))ntng 
clipping  of  coins.  -tlipptt  money -clipper 
•fonfcrcnce  monetary  conference.  -lutibflab 
knowledge  of  coins;  numismatics.  -tunft  art 
of  coining.  -f^nbtg  a  skilied  in  numismatics 
-lob  fe  anorbning,  -tnafline  minting-  el.  coining 
-mill   el.    press.     -mefter   mint -master;    (CtterO 

I  master  of  the  mint.  -ttiierle  mint-mark.  9Rønt= 
I  ning  c  coining.  3n«nt|omfætning  fe  -cirlulatton. 
-<»rlbilegfum  fe -fril)eb.  -^)rc8fe  fe -maffine.  -tiraeg 
impression  of  a  coin.  -ptetit  assay  of  coin. 
•pretttv  fe  -guarbein.  -rebffab  minting  imple- 
ment.  -regale  (royal)  prerogative  of  coinage. 
-rettig^eb  fe  -fri^eb.  -fomler  collector  of  coins. 
-famting  collection  of  coins  and  medals.  -flot 
mintage;  (i  ®ngl.)  seigniorage.  -fitibct  clerk  of 
the  mint.  -flib  wear  and  tear  of  coin.  -fort 
species  of  coin.  -ftcb  mint.  -fiem))el  die,  coin. 
■fttn  nummulite.  -ftflffc  piece  of  coin.  -f^ftem 
monetary  system,  -tegn  (fom  angioer  91K.=©tebet) 
mintmark.  -bolfe  flattening-mill.  -ttibcnffab 
numismatics  pi.  -Pcevt  work  on  numismatics. 
•bæfen  coinage;  (9R.=©^ftem)  monetary  system. 

aWer,  mø'rt  a  mouldering,  crumbling,  (om  fieb 
og  anbet  fpifeligt)  tender,  -banle  tt  f  drub 
soundly.  -banining  c  sound  drubbing  -brob 
(tender-)  loin,  (af  DUe)  sirloin;  (ben  egentlige) 
underside,  -brobfteg  roast  loin.  -^tb  c  tender- 

3RørI  a  dark,  (mtb  S^ibegr.  of  U^^ngeligbeb  og 
fio)  gloomy;  for  bet  bleu  -t  before  dark;  benne  -e 
Sibgolber  these  dark  el.  benighted  ages.  -agtig 
a  darkish.  ^aHetrc  vt  Se  i  fe  aWerlne.  maxtt  n 
dark,  darkness,  gloom,  obscurity;  i  _  in  the 
dark;  oeb  -t§  grembnib  at  el.  about  dusk;  -ti 
®erninger  deeds  of  daikness;  Ubiben^ebS  _  night 
of  ignorance;  i  5Rotten§  _  in  the  dead  of  night; 
fe  ftat.  : 

9nørte|blaa,  -brun,  -gr«a,  -gren  a  dark  blue, 
brown,  gray,  green,  -gul  a  deep  yellow.  -ræb 
a  afraid  in  the  dark.  -røb  deep- red.  *-ffobbe 
thick  fog.    -Pnc  dungeon. 

SRørflfartict  a  dark-eoloured.  -^aaret  a  dark 
-haircd.  fBlettffth  c  darkness;  obscureness, 
obscurity.  3n«rt]i)Ubct  a  dark-hued ,  dark 
-complexioned.  -labcn  a  of  a  dnsky  hue.  '-loft 
cock-loft.  JDJarfne  vt  &  i  {+  vr  fig),  9)}«rltte& 
vd  darken,  set  in  dark.  3R«rtning  c  night-fall; 
i  -en  after  dark.    3R«rfø{et  a  dark-eyed. 

*9Ka'rnc  vi  grow  tender  el.  soft. 

3J}«rfcr  c  -e  (SIKortér)  mortar.  -bio!  mortar 

l9J}o(r';ff  o  sourlsh.    -ne  vi  tum  sourish. 

3)J«rJcl  c  mortar. 

anøtrit  c  -fer,  aRøtring  c  -er  nut. 


9i,  n  [Sn]  n  -ner  N,  n  [en];  abbr:  31.  =  9forb 
Korth,  9Jørre6ro  (the  northem  suburb  of  Copen- 
hagen): 31.  31.  Mr."*,  Mr.  such  a  one;  9Jr.  = 
9?ummer  number. 

'Staa  int  well,  why;  _,  _  (trettef.)  there,  there : 
_  bo!  hollo!  what  next! 

9}oo  vt  reach,  get  at;  gain;  (o^)naa)  attain  (to); 
(inb^ente)  get  up  with;  (fil)  reach,  extend  (to); 
»i  -ebe  Soji^en  of  iBjærget  we  gained  the  top  of 
the  mountain;  _  en  ^abn  gain  a  port;  jeg  -r  i!tf 
foo  langt  I  cannot  reach  so  far;  jeg  funbe  ille  - 
bet  it  was  beyoud  my  reach;  efterretningen  er 
iffe  -et  bib  the  news  has  not  reached  here;  t/t/ 
bet  -r  bi  ilfe  (ot  blibe  foerbig  meb)  i  Siften  we  shall 
never  be  able  to  finish  it  to-night;  min  ©bne  r 
iffe  foo  bibt  (ftrceffer  iffe  til)  my  ability  will 
never  snflicf. 

'Hiati'b'  c  -ber  J<  (i  Sæf  ofb.  el.  SejH  seam. 

92aabe  c  (®unft)  grace,  favour;  (9)Jilbl)eb)  clem- 
ency;  (»Pormbjertigbeb,  SJfebliben^eb)  mercy.  (?:itel 
for  Qbelige  3)omer)  ladyship;  (Sitel  for  tiejtft.  ?|jeri.) 
grace;  mil  quarter;  Sere§  _!  your  ladyship! 
your  grace !  Mylord !  Mylady !  _  !  _ !  mercy ! 
mercy  on  me!  ubbebe  fig  fom  en  _  ask  (a  thing) 
as  a  favour!  Sorgen  bifte  l)am  ben  _  ot  .  .  .  the 
king  was  graciously  pleased  to  .  .  . ;  -nS  Srone 
the  throne  of  grace;  of  ®ubS  _  by  the  grace  of 
God;  fe  ftongebomme;  lebe  af  ens  _  live  upon 
one's  charity;  of  _  og  aSarmbjertigbeb  on  suffer- 
ance;  finbe  -for  ené  jTjiie  find  favour  in  one's 
sight  el.  eyes;  lobe  _  gao  for  Diet  temper  justice 
with  mercy,  extend  mercy;  foo  fin  Slfftib  i  _ 
be  released  from  offlce  with  assurances  of  royal 
favour;   ftao   ^f  jt   i   -  ^o8  en  be  in  high  favour 




wlth  one;  fe  i  _  tit  en  look  in  merey  upon  one; 
Bebe  om  ~  cry  mercy,  sne  for  pardon,  beg  for 
one's  life;  6ebe  en  om  en  ~  ask  a  favour  of 
one;  ooergitte  fig  paa  ~  og  Unaabe  surrender  at 
discretion,  unconditionally;  DoergiDelie  vaa  ~  og 
Unaabe  unconditlonal  surrender;  tage  en  til  - 
take  el.  recelve  one  into  favour,  forgive  one; 
tog  ^om  til  _  igen  restored  him  to  bis  good 
graces;  n  b  e  n  _  without  mercy,  with  the  utmost 
rigour  of  the  law.  9taait  vt  ®ub  _  bem  God 
have  mercy  upon  them!  ®ub  ~  big,  berfom  .  .  . 
you  had  better  not  ...  I  wouldn't  advise  you 
to  .  .  .;  woe  betide  you,  if  .  .  .  92aabe{tiret> 
letter  of  graee.  -ittb  fe  S^aabfenlbrøb.  -fulb  o 
(naabig)  gracicus;  (barmhjertig)  merciful,  -gade 
(Stænf)  gratuity;  theol  gift  of  grace.  -gerning 
deed  of  mercy.  -gobS  enfeofFment  granted  by 
royal  favour.  -lalb  gracious  calling.  -lilbe 
source  of  grace  el  mercy.  -fraft  power  of 
grace.  t9iaabe(ig(ett)  adv  graciously.  9laabc|' 
Ufte  promise  of  grace.  -tan  ((Sratiole)  gratuity; 
theol  gracious  reward.  -US  a  merciless.  -ntaal' 
tib  the  Lord's  supper,  -mibbel  means  of  grace. 
92aabcn§aav  fe  92aabfenSaar.  9taabe|))agt  covenant 
of  grace.  -^enge  fe  -løn.  -tig  fe  -fulb.  -fag  royal 
favour,  matter  of  grace  el.  favour, 

9iattteé\att  aet  of  grace.    -beoidning  favour. 

9taabe{fntil  gracious  smile,  -ftanb  state  of 

92aabc§tegn  n  mark  of  favour. 

9iaabe|ftoif  mercy  seat.  -fteb  death-blow,  coup 
de  grace,  f  quietus. 

9}iiabed|urt  water  hyssop,  Gratiola  officinilia. 
•Qtring  demonstration  of  favour. 

92aabe|tib  time  of  grace  el.  mercy.  -trone 
throne  of  grace.  -tiolg  election  (of  grace). 
•uirlning  working  of  divine  grace.  -»»r!  work 
of  grace. 

9laabtg  a  gracious;  ®ub  oære  oS  _!  God  have 
mercy  upon  us!  ®ub  »cere  mig  Stjnber  -!  God 
be  merciful  to  me,  a  sinner!  oor  -fte  ^onge  our 
gracious  sovereign,  —  adv :  be^agebe  atternaabigft 
at  was  graciously  pleased  to     t-^erre  Mylord! 

9laab|iærn.  -rloer  J,  rasing  iron. 

9{aab|(e  vt  (Sejet  paa  ©fo)  sew.  -Ung  c  shoe 

9taabfenS|aar  year  of  grace.  -Br«b  bread  of 
charity,  charitable  maintenance. 

9iafll  c  -e  needle;  (ftnoppe=)  pin;  lange  -e  sharps; 
l^QlBlange  betweens;  forte  blunts;  ftaa  fom  xi<^a.  -e 
be  upon  thorns;  goa  fom  ifaa.  -e  walk  among 
eggs;  benne  $ige  Bruger  fin  -  gobt  this  girl  works 
well  at  her  needle;  træbe  en  -  thread  a  needle; 
en  -g  Iroab  (en  9Jaal8traab)  a  needleful.  —  92aale{> 
Iiog  needle-book,  housewife.  -ftreu  paper  el. 
packet  of  needles  el.  pins.  -Boeger  bastard 
toadflax,  Thesium.  -bannet  a  in  the  shape  of 
a  needle;  -be  33labe  acicular  leaves.  -faBril 
needle-manufactory.  -fllneedle-file.  -fifl  needle 
-fish,  pipe-fish,  Syngnathus.  -formet,  -formig  a 
fe  -bannet.  -^otber  chir  needle-bearer.  -^otieb 
pin-head.  -^nå  needlecase.  -trant  all  sorts  of 
needles  of  pins.  -mager  c  -e  needle-maker;  pin 
-maker,  pinner.  -ob  point  of  a  ueedle.  -))a^ir 
cartridge  paper.  -penge  pi  pin-money.  -(»(abe 
(S^m.)  needle-plate.  -(»ube  pin-cushion.  -riffel 
needlegun.  -ftoO  pinewood,  forest  of  flrs  et. 
coniferous  trees.  -f^)ibé  point  of  a  needle. 
-ftang  (Stjm.)  needle-bar,  needle-yoke.  -ften 
needle-stone.  -ftif  prick  with  a  needle.  -fting 
needle-stitch.  -ftribet  a  corded.  -tang  needle 
-pincers.  -træ  tree  with  acicular  leaves,  conifer. 
-affe  needle -box.  •a\t  eye  of  a  needle;  gaa 
igennem  et  _  hibl  go  through  the  eye  of  a 

*9{aaIqS  n  corpse-candles  pi. 

yiaav  adv  &  conj  when,  at  what  time;  (ber^ 
iom)  if;  _  jeg  nu  gjorbe  bet,  ^oab  Bteo  ba  gøIgenV 
if  et.  suppose  I  were  to  do  it,  what  would  be 
the  consequence?  _  jeg  bog  Blot  engang  enbuu 
raaotte  fe  ^enbe  would  I  could  el.  if  I  could  but 
see  her  only  once  more;  _  jeg  fon  oinbe  noget 
beroeb  if  1  can  gain  anything  by  it;  -  ben  er 
tolb  when  cold;  _  mon  ftorcr  ^om,  ffulhe  man 
tro  .  .  .  tohearhim,  you  would  think  .  .  .  -  jeg 
ftol  fige  Sem  ©onb^eben  to  tell  you  the  truth; 
-  foo  er  if  so,  if  that  is  the  case;  og  _  foo  and 
then;  _  lun,  _  Blot  if  only,  (forubfot)  so  that; 
noor  Bon  tolec,  taler  Bon  gobt  when  he  does 
speak,  he  speaks  well.  -fomqelft'  cmio  whenever, 
whensoever,  at  whatever  time.  at  what  tim 
soever;  adv  (at)  any  time  (whatever) 

9taatiibbe  c  reach. 

9lobo  c  -er  neighbour;  ncermefte  -  next  door 
n.;  mon  ^or  iffe  greb  længere  enb  -en  Bil  you 
must  ask  your  neighbour,  if  you  shall  live  ia 
peace.    9iabo=  nelghbouring,  next. 

92aIiob  c  -er  nabob. 

iRabo{Bl)  neighbouring  town  el.  village.  -bro 
fe  -tonge.  -bør  next  door.  -f^laboeUg  "  neigh 
bourly.  9laboerf(e  c  -r  (female,  fair)  neighbour, 
9iabo|fam{Iie  neighbours  pi,  family  next  door 
-f jælb  neighbouring  hill.  -foll  (golteflag)  neigh- 
bouring people  el.  nation;  (9Ja6oer)  neighbours. 
-forliolb  neighbourly  relations,  -freb  good 
neighbonrship,  neighbourliness,  kindly  inter- 
course  between  neighbours.  -gaarb  fe  -^uS; 
neighbouring  farm.  -bnb  hate  between  neigh- 
bours. -^n§  neighbouring  house,  next  (-door) 
house,  -tjatte  neighbouring  cottage  -lone 
neighbouress  F.  -longe  king  ofa  neighbouring 
country.  -lanb  neighbouring  country  el.  land. 
-(ag,  -lati  (fomtlige  gioBoer)  neighbourhood, 
neighbours;  (et  ©tebS  nærmefte  Omegn;  vicinity, 
neighbourhood.  -lob  neighbour's  lot  (of  ground), 
neighbour's  grounds  pi.  -I«3  a  neighbourless, 
without  neighbours.  -mo'er  F  the  old  woman 
next  door.  -(jrceft  neighbouring  cleigyman. 
-rige  neiglibouring  kingdom  et.  country.  9tabo= 
flab  n,  fe  -lag;  ^olbe  gobt  _  meb  en  live  upon 
terms  of  good  neighbonrship  with  one,  be  a 
good  neighbour  to  one.  92abo|fogn  neighbour- 
ing parish.  -f))rog  neighbouring  language. 
•ftat  neighbouring  state.  -ftjerne  neighbouring 
star.  -ftrib,  -trætte  quarrel  between  neighbours. 
•Oenlig  «  neighbourly.  -benflob  neighbourliness, 
friendly  intercourse  betvveeu  neighbours.  -Oinlet 
adjaeent  el.  contiguous  angle. 

**»ob  c  fe  sRoob. 

9!abir  n,  aat  nadir. 

9ilabtter(c)  c  supper;  ben  Betlige  _  the  Lord's 
supper,  -borb  supper-table;  communion-table. 
•brøb,  -oblat  consecrated  wafer.  -tib  supper 

9}afta  c  naphtha.    -li'n  c  naph'thaline. 

9Jrtg  n  (SomBittig'^ebSn.)  remorse,  compunc- 
tion;  (§ab)  rancour,  spite;  Bære  -  tti  en  bear 
malice  to  one,  bear  one  m.  et.  a  grudge,  owe 
one  a  spite;  fatte  _  tit  en  conceive  a  grudge 
against  one.  9Joge  vt  gnaw;  -nbe  dummer  cor- 
roding  care,  carking  care. 

SRagellfoft,  -fmeb  o.  ft.  fe  5«agte=. 

Slagte  c  -r  nail;  (af  Sræ,  Koftlnogle)  pin,  tree- 
nail;  (ftlinlO  rivet.  9lagle  vt  nail;  -  en  S)ør  tit 
nail  up  a  door;  fig  -t  til  ©tebet  riveted  to  the 
spot;  ^on  fob  fom  -t  til  ©toten  he  sat  as  if  he 
were  nailed  to  the  chair.  9lag(e|bicnt  .1,  rack. 
•fabril  nailerj-.  -faft  a  nailed,  immovable;  e 
®enftanbe  flxtures.  -gab :  -ene  i  ijan^  |»ænber  the 
print  of  the  nails  in  his  liands.  -(jboeb  head 
of  a  nail.  -^ub  ^  doubling.  -l)ul  nail-hole; 
treenail-hole.    -jærn  heading  tool.    -rob  row  of 









rivets.    -flag  beetle.    -fmeb   nail-smith,   uailer. 
-loa  Je  -jærn.    9iag(tng  <•  nailing  etc. 

»Jioi'be  c  -r  na'id,  na'is. 

Sloje  cf  vt,  frap,  seize;  _  en  SaoS  sew  a 
thimble.  -Hot  seizing  block.  -Bicnbfel  eye 
•seizing.  -ftrop  block  strap,  -tou  lashing. 
^{aintng  frapping,  seizing. 

IJJai'li  a  simple,  childish,  naive;  adv  aaively. 
•tttt  c  uaiveté,  native  simplicity. 

^tajabc  c  -r  Na'iad,  water-bed. 

^Jtatfe  c  -r  back  of  the  neck,  nape  of  the 
neck,  prov  scrufF  of  the  neck;  J,  (af  SBIof)  arse; 
(af  ftrog)  neck;  ^ørenbe  tit  -n  cervical,  occipital; 
bflie  n  for  .  .  .  bend  one's  neck  to  .  .  .;  toge  en 
i  -n  seize  one  by  the  nape  of  the  neck  el.  by 
the  coUar,  coUar  one;  flaa,  fafte  meb  (tpoa)  n 
turn  up  one's  nose  (ab  at);  løfte  noget  paa  -n 
lift  upon  one's  shoulders;  6ære  paa  -n  carry 
upon  one's  shoulders;  tage  fjoben,  58enene  paa  -n 
take  to  one's  heels;  Ⱦre  en  paa  n  be  hard 
upon  one,  be  at  one;  fil  .  .  .  paa  -n  got  .  .  . 
about  his  ears;  fatte  ftam  goben  paa  -n  put  his 
foot  upon  his  neck;  ^ar  JSitie  i  -n  has  eyes  at 
the  back  of  his  head.  t9Jalfe  vt  f  (en)  to 
give  one  a  drubbing.  9tafte{baanb  cervical 
ligament.  -bcit  occipital  bone.  -brub  fracture 
el.  dislocation  of  the  neck. 

'ilattebat  n  Alpine  strawberry,  Fragaria  col- 

9iatle|brag  blow  upon  the  back  of  the  head. 
■nftel  poU-evil.  -fletning  hair-plait  at  the  back 
of  the  head.  -grube  hoUow  of  the  neck.  -^nor 
back-hair.  -Ijub  skin  of  the  back  of  the  head. 
•I)ul(e)  fe  -grube,  -font  comb  for  the  back  of 
the  head.  -lr«tter  back  curls.  -lule  fe  -grube. 
-leb  uape.  -mu§  fe  -fiftet.  -ttiff  fe  -fletning;  (^o§ 
Wanbfotf)  pigtail.  -^tubc  chignon.  -fenc  (Slogt.) 
pax-wax.  -fitlning  back  parting.  -ffitt  a  parted 
at  the  back.  -ffæg  bennet  curtain,  cape  fof  a 
hood).  -ftag  toss  of  the  head;  fe  -brag.  -fttf  J^ 
Blackwall  hitch.  -ftab  blow  on  the  back  of 
the  head. 

9iom'  n,  jur  dlstress,  seizure.  —  9iam§iboin 
warrant  of  distress  el.  seizure.  -tager  c  -e  dis- 

9{anblt  c  -er  nandu,  nandow,  Rhea  Americana. 

9tantin  n  nankeen.    -i^bulder  pi  nankeens. 

^J2anneft  c  small  tithes. 

^JJantlff  a :  bet   fle  ebift  the  edict  of  Nantes. 

filap'  adv  barely,  narrowly;  bet  oar  fnap  og 
-  at  bet  flog  til  it  was  barely  sufficient;  bet  »ar 
fnap  og  _  at  ^an  flop  berfra  he  had  a  narrow 
escjipe,  he  had  a  hair  breadth  escape. 

'ilap'  fi,  pi  =,  snatching,  snatch,  snap,  (af 
SJift)  bite. 

3lapto3fe  c  tallor's  heil. 

'ilappe  vt  snatch;  p  (fange)  nab;  (rapfe,  ftiæle) 
filch,  nap;  _  en  i  SGrmet  pluck  one  by  the 
sleeve;  _  meb  en  Sang  seize  with  a  pair  of 
tongs;  —  vi  ~  efter  snatch  at,  snap  at.  ^lappté 
vd  _  om  noget  meb  en  tifF  el.  wrangle  with  one 
about  a  thing;  bet  »ilte  oi  ~  om  we  will  have  a 
tussle  for  it;  tlfe  gob  at  _  meb  bad  to  beat. 
9{al>)>etang  (pair  ofj  nippers,    piucers,   tweezers. 

9lot  r*9iar')  c  -re  fool;  (f.  (£t§.  ^ofnar)  buffoon, 
jester;  (naragtig  i  ^aatlæbn.  og  2Jæfen)  coxcomb; 
ftoloe  en  for  _  make  a  fool  of  one,  humbug, 
fool  el.  hoax  one;  gøre  _  af  en  make  game  el. 
a  jest  of  one,  deride,  mock,  ridicule  (F  roast) 
one,  gøre  fig  til  _  make  a  fool  of  one's  self, 
play  the  fool,  make  one's  self  a  laughlng-stock, 
stultify  one's  self;  jeg  »ar  en  _  at  jeg  troebe  f)am 
I  was  a  fool  to  believe  him;  Ⱦre  til  _  for  be 
the  laughing  stock  el.  butt  of;  Ⱦre  en  _  efter 
be  foolishly  fond  of,  dote  on;  en  tnbbilbf!  _  a 
coQcelted  fool  el.  puppy;  naar  -ren  tommer   til= 

fiarfen  :  SanfI'Sngelff  Crbbog. 

tor»8,  faar  Srcemmeren  *(3enge  a  fool  and  his 
money  are  soon  parted.  9lar|agttg  a  (taabeltg) 
foolish,  nonsensical  absurd;  buflfoon-like;  (pubfifl) 
droU ,  ludicrous ,  ridiculous ,  laughable ;  adv 
foolishly,  etc.  -agtigl)eb  c  -er  foolishness;  drol- 

9Jarct§'(fe)  c  -r  narcissus,  daffodil. 

9iar^Ual  c  -er  narwhale.  Monodon. 

9tatfo'lfe  c  narcosis.  -tiff  a  narcot'ic;  _  SJlibbel 

'ilavvt  vt  (ftuffe)  dupe,  trick,  hoax,  fool,  F  sell, 
dish;  tibritle)  banter,  quizz,  rally;  ^  (om  Sitnben) 
baffle;  ~  en  for  disappoint  one  of;  _  en  noget 
fra  trick  et.  cajole  one  out  of  a  thing;  -  en 
noget  paa  humbug  one  into  taking  something; 
_  en  til  at  gøre  noget  lure  one  into  doiug, 
induce  one  to  do,  something;  _  en  til  at  tro 
make  one  believe;  cheat  one  into  the  lielief 
that;  ben  fom  oil  _  ganben,  maa  ftaa  op,  før  ^an 
faar  Slo  paa  he  that  will  deceive  the  fox,  must 
rise  betimes. 

9tarre|biffo))  bishop  of  fools.  -biælbc  fool's 
bell.  -breti  hoaxing  letter.  -brilS  fool's  bauble. 
-band  foolish  el.  ridiculous  dance.  -bragt  fool's 
et.  harlequin's  dress,  -feft  festival  of  fools. 
-færb  foolish  el.  ridiculous  behaviour.  -griUe 
foolish  fancy.  -t|ue,  -^teUt  fool's  cap.  -tappt 
fool's  cloak.  -!(æber  pi  fe  -brogt.  -laber  pi 
foolish  antics.  9larreri'  n  foolery,  nonsense. 
9iarrcå  vd  trifle,  joke.  9larre|ffil  foolish  el. 
ridiculous  custom.  -fnal  nonsense,  foolish  talk. 
-f<>{(  foolery.  -ftrcg  foolish  trick,  foolery,  non- 
sense. -uært  foolish  aet,  nonsense.  -bæfen 
foolish  el.  ridiculous  behaviour.  92arri|fald,  -faå 
c  -fer  coxcomb. 

'ilaxM  c  (paa  £æber)  grain.  9iarbe  vt  graiu. 
atorbejærn  graining-tool.    9iarOfibe  hairy  side. 

*Jlafo'I  rt  og  c  -er  na'sal. 

9Jaftræ'|er  c  -e  Naz'arite.    -at  n  naz'ariteship. 

9JafIe  vt  filch  (esp  dainties,  sweetmeats).  -ri' 
n  filching;  -er  sweetmeats. 

aiaftur'tic  c  -r,  fe  ^nbifl  ^arfe. 

mat  fe  gfaab. 

9lot'  c  gioetter  night;  -ten  otterfalbt  o§  night 
overtook  us,  we  were  benighted;  SSan!unbig' 
Rebens  -  the  night  of  ignorance;  -teni  ffironninq 
the  Queen  of  Night;  ^ete  -ten  all  night;  ^otbe  ub 
^ele  -ten  make  a  night  of  it;  ønfte  en  gob  _  wish 
one  a  good  night,  bid  one  good  night;  ^in-- 
tmob  -ten  towards  night  el.  nightfall;  i  _  (fore= 
gaaenbe  _)  last  night,  (benne  _  eller  fommenbe  -) 
to-night,  this  night;  igaar  _  the  night  before 
yesterday;  i  -ten§  ©ttl^eb  at  dead  of  night,  in 
the  dead  of  the  n.;  *  reht  bort  i  -ten  quite  ab- 
surd, preposterous;  -ten  igennem  all  night, 
throughout  the  night;  om  -ten  in  the  night,  at 
night,  by  night,  in  the  night-time;  om  -ten  ere 
alle  ftatit  graa  all  cats  are  grey  in  the  dark, 
Jane  is  as  good  as  my  lady  in  the  dark;  ftbbe 
oppe  om  9iætterne  sit  up  nights;  -ten  o  »er  all 
night;  bli»e  -ten  ooer  i  pa.«s  the  night  in;  langt 
ub  paa  -ten  late  in  the  night;  til  langt  ub  paa 
-ten  to  a  late  hour  (of  the  ni,ght),  (till)  far  into 
the  night;  til  -ten  for  the  night;  ben,  fom  gemmer 
til  -ten,  gemmer  til  Satten  what  the  good  wife 
spares  the  cat  eats;  gøre  _  tit  3)ag  turn  n.  into 
day.  »Katlaaben  a;  -  Safénight-house.  -arbejbe 
night-work.  -borb  toilet,  dressing-table.  -bDrb3  = 
fpcjt  dressingglass.  -bue  nocturnal  arch.  -bætten 
bed-pan.  -bragt  fe  -tlæber.  -bflr  nocturnal  ani- 
mal.  -falf  night  hawk,  Chordeiles  virginiinus. 
-fl^  fe  -fommerfugt.  -fugl  (ber  tun  tommer  tilfone 
om  Jfatten)  night-bird;  (-fȾrmer)  night-butterfly. 
-fægtning  night  encounter.  -gammel  «  a  night 
old.  -gænger  c  -e  fe  9iatte»anbrer.  -I|abit  fe 
-tlæber.      -^ejre    night-heron,    Nvcticorax    evro- 





pæun.  -Iiiminel  night  sky,  sky  of  night.  -^oHi 
fe  ©æfteri.  -^ue  nightcap;  fig  nose  of  wax, 
dough-face,  nincompoop.  -^«g  »J,  binnacle. 
-tjultont^rtS  b.  compass  (o.  fl.)-  -{|flncint  garden 
tuberose,  Polyanthes  tuberosa.  'tfifttt  night-liut; 
bibl  cottage,  lodge.    -ilb  night-flre. 

SWotio'n  c  -er  na'tion.  92ationa'(  a  nat'ional. 
—  S'iittianallaanii  national  spirit.  -tinn!  national 
bank.  -bront  national  dress,  -ejentiotn  national 
property.  -fnriic  national  colour.  -fejl  national 
fault.  -feft  national  feast  el.  festival,  -fing 
national  flag.  -formue  fe  -ejenbom.  -forfomUng 
national  convention.  -falelfe  national  feeling, 
feelings  of  tbe  nation,  -galleri  national  gallery 
(of  arts),  -garbe  national  guard.  -garttift 
member  of  the  national  giiard,  militia-man. 
•gobfer  national  estates.  -goelb  national  debt. 
•fiiftorie  national  history.  -^^mne  fe  -fangen. 
SRattonoIife're  vt  fe  DJaturolifere.  ^atxonaUte't  c 
■er  national'ity. 

SWnttonoItte't§|bebi§  certificate  of  nationality. 
-bofuttienter  nationality  papers.  -nummer  official 
number.     -torinctp  principle  of  nationality. 

9}atloua'l|faroIlcr  national  character,  national- 
ity. -fontjent  national  convent.  -(iberal  National 
Liberal,  -literatur  national  literature.  -rigbom 
national  wealth.  -fag  a  matter  of  national 
importance,  -faug  national  song.  -fangen  the 
national  onthem.  -ffat  national  treasure.  -f))røg 
national  language.  -ftolt^eb  national  pride. 
-ftortieb  national  greatness.  -teater  national 
theatre.  -træl  national  characteristic.  -belftanb 
national  prosperity.  -ære  lionour  of  the  nation. 
-øtonom^  -øTonomi  fe  (5tatg>. 

IRatiOite't  c  nativ'lty;  ftille  enS  _  cast  one's 

Tiatllaabe  fe  -fjole.  -lafi^e  (woman's)  night 
■cap.  -Hffert  nightglass.  -!jolc,  -Ijortcl  night 
-gown.  -floHe  night-bell;  petticoat.  -Ktcber  pi 
nlght-clothes,  nigbt-dress.  -(am^e  night-lamp. 
-lejr  bivouac.  9iatlig  a  nightly,  nocturnal; 
_  ^amp  night  conflict.  S'iatlluft  night  air.  -Uj§ 
night-candle,  rushlight;  ^  (common)  evening 
primrose ,  Oenothera  biennit.  -I^feube  a  night 
-shining,  noctilueous,  phosphorescent.  -maaltib 
nocturnal  repast,  night -meal.  -manb  night- 
man.  t-manbSfoll  pi  Gipsies.  -monbSbogn 
night-cart.  t-meftcr  nightman,  head  nightman. 
-mulm  gloom  of  night.  -m«l  night-fly,  Lam- 
pyris.  -obferbation  night  observation,  -orbre^ 
bog  ^1.  night-order  book.  -fiaafugleøje  emperor 
moth,  Saturnia  pavonii.  -^jotiti  nightpolice. 
-|)Otte  chamber-pot.  -robn  night-jar,  dor-hawk, 
fern-owl,  goatsucker,  Caprimulgue;  fio  one  who 
keeps  late  hours,  night-reveller.  -rigel  night 

SWo'trtum  n  sodium,  -bitarbonat  fe  (tbef.) 
9fotron.  -^^brojtjb  sodic  hydrate.  -tarbonat 
sodic  carbonate;  furt  _,  fe  tbefulfurt  91  a tron. 
-ojljb  sodic  oxide  (o.  fl.). 

yia'tton  n  soda;  fulfurt  _  carbonate  of  soda, 
sodic  carbonate;  tuelulfurt  _  bicarbonate  of 
soda,  sodic  hydric  carbonate.    -fæbe  soda  soap. 

9?at|roofugt  nocturnal  bird  of  prey.  -fang 
nocturnal  song.  -ftbe  dark  side.  -fignal  night 
-signal,  -figte  night-sight.  -ffobe  fe  ft^gge. 
■ff jorte  night-shirt.  -ftrin  close-stool.  -ffumring 
gloom  of  night.  -fl^gge  night-shade,  Solanum. 
-ffanue  marvel  of  Peru,  Mirabilis  Jalappa. 
-fommerfugl  night-butterfly.  -ftage  bed-room 
candlestick.  -ftcb  night  quarters  pi.  -piger 
min  overseer  of  the  night  -  workers.  -ftol  fe 
-ftrin.  -fttjffe  night-piece.  -fbærmer  fe  -fommer-- 
fufll.    -fæt  carpet-bag. 

jlotte  vt  ^  wet. 

SRattelarbelbe  night- work.     -bef«g  night   el. 

nocturnal  visit,  -blinb  a  night-blind.  -blinb^eb 
night-blindness,  hemeralopia.  -blué  nocturnal 
light,  -blæft  night-wlnd.  -bo  nightly  abode. 
-branb  nocturnal  fire.  -brug  nocturnal  use, 
nightly  use.  -bragt  fe  iJlatflæber.  -bril  nocturnal 
beverage.  -brøm  night-dream,  nocturnal  dream. 
-bug  night-dew.  -falben  a  fallen  in  the  night. 
-fart  fe  -rejfe,  -fifferi  night- flshing.  -flugt 
nightly  escape,  -fober  night-fodder.  *-frieri 
bundling.  -frift  night's  respite.  -froft  night 
■frost,  -færb  nocturnal  doings;  fe  -rejfe,  -gammel 
fe  9Jat=.  -gang  nightly  walk,  night -ramble. 
-gerning  fe  -urBejbe.  -gilbc  night-feast,  nocturnal 
banquet.  -gænger,  -gcengeri  fe  -bonbrer,  -»anbren. 
-gæft  night -guest.  9iattegn  n  night -permit. 
92atte|^erbcrg,  -herberge night-lodgingspZ.  -ftolb 
fe  ®æfteri;  (et  _  Slrbejbere)  a  night  gang.  -bofte 
nocturnal  cough.  -i|bite  night's  rest,  night-rest. 
-ilb  fe  9Jot«.  -jagt  chase  in  the  night;  fip  night 
-revel.  -lommer^  revelry  at  night,  nocturnal 
revel.  -Inibe  night-cold.  -Ibarter  night-quarters 
pi.  -teje  (fieje,  ^uor  man  Ijbiln  9Jatten  o»et)  bed 
(for  the  night);  (SKatte^erbcrg)  night -lodging, 
night-quarters  pi.  -lejr  night-camp  el.  encamp- 
ment.  -Hti  late  hours,  sitting  up  at  night. 
night-revel.  -logiS  night-lodging,  accommoda- 
tion  for  the  night.  -luft  fe  3iat«.  -Il)  shelter 
for  the  night,  a  night's  shelter.  -l^ftigbeb 
nightrule,  nocturnal  merry-making.  -læfen 
nocturnal  studies.  *-l«beri  fe  -frieri,  -more 
nightmare.  -møbe  nightmeeting;  night-sitting. 
-raørle  darkness  of  night,  nocturnal  darkness. 
-ron  night-robbery.  *-rangcl  fe  -focermen.  -rabn 
fe  3lat--.  -regn  rain  in  the  night.  -rejfe  night 
-joumey,  travelling  In  the  night.  -renonation 
night- soil.  -renobationSarbejbe  night- work. 
-renotiation§^)lab§  night- yard.  -reftauration 

9Jattcrgal  c  -e  nightingale.  —  92attergale|rebe 
nightingale's  nest.    -æg  nightingale's  egg. 

»Jlattejro  fe  -^bile.  -rum  nightquarters  pi. 
ytatte^  vd  grow  towards  night;  bet  ~  night  is 
coming  on;  tspend  el.  pass  the  night;  ber  -S  og 
bagel  |an  that  is  his  nightly  and  daily  haunt. 
9'lattefibben  sitting  up  late  at  night.  -fibber  c  -e 
one  who  keeps  late  hours.  -fjob  fe  -lommetS. 
-ff jttl  shelter  for  the  night.  -ffummel  a  gloomy 
as  night.  -ftt)gge  shades  of  night.  -flummer 
fe  -fB»n.  -fpøgelfe  nocturnal  spectre.  -ftabe 
nocturnal  abode,  night-quarters  pi.  -ftorm  night 
el.  nocturnal  tempest.  -ftnnb  fe  -tib.  -focb 
nocturnal  perspiration,  night-sweat.  -fbir, -fbircn 
night-carousal,  nocturnal  revel.  -fbærm,  -f»)ær= 
men  night-revel.  -f  Ⱦrmer  night-reveller, 
night  -  brawler.  -ftjn  nocturnal  vision,  -fæbe 
(guflleS)  nightly  roost;  t  (i  SSærtS^ufe)  night-revel 
at  a  public  house  after  the  hour  of  closing. 
-føbn  night's  sleep,  sleep  at  night.  -taagc  fog 
of  night.  -tanler  night-thoughts.  -tib  night 
-time;  Oeb  -  at  night.  -time  nocturnal  hour; 
hour  of  the  night.  -tog  (2:og,  ber  foretogeg  om  3J.) 
nocturnal  expedition;  (paa  ^xinb.)  night-train. 
-t^b  night-thief.  -ttfberi  night-robbery  el.  theft. 
-ubtig  look-out  by  night.  -ubttgSmanb  night 
look-out  man.  -baagen,  *-baag  night-watching, 
late  hours.  -tiagt  night-watch;  night  service. 
-banbren  night- wandering ;  (i  Søone)  somnam- 
bulism.  -Oanbrer  night-wanderer;  (Sømigænger) 
night-walker,  somnambulist.  -»anbring  (SSanbriiig 
om  Sfotten)  night-wandering ;  fe  -oanbren.  -binb 
night-wind,  night-breeze. 

9}at|timcrnc  the  hours  from  6  p.  m.  to  6 
a.  m.  -tjencfte  night  service,  -tog  fe  9fatte= 
(3ærn6.).  -trøje  night-jacket.  -tøj 
el.  clothes.    -ugle  fe  Ugle;  nocturnal  owl. 

SRotu'r  c  -er  na'ture;   (om  røennefter)  nature. 




constitution;  -en  nature;  ben  ftonne  _  the  beauti- 
ful  scenery;  af  -  by  n.,  naturally;  ^eftig  _ 
vehement  et.  impetuous  disposition,  violent 
temper;  blioe  til  -  tjecome  second  nature;  SBanen 
er  ben  anben  _  habit  is  second  nature;  -en  goar 
oBcr  Cptugtelfen  (human)  nature  takes  out  his 
right,  nature  passes  nurture;  -enl  ®ong  el.  £06 
the  course  of  n.;  -enS  Crben  the  nature  el. 
natural  order  of  things;  efter  -en§  Crben  in  the 
order  of  nature;  efterligne  -en  imitate  life,  copy 
n.;  bet  ligger  i  ©agenS  _  it  is  natural,  a  matter  of 
couise;  i  gølge  SagenS  _  in  the  fitness  of  things; 
ifølge  fin  _  of  its  very  nature;  bet  Iqo  itfe  i  (tit, 
for)  ftonS  _  it  was  not  in  his  nature;  bet  følger 
of  Sagens  _  it  foUows  as  a  matter  of  course; 
ben  libløfe  _  inanimate  n.;  tegne,  mate  efter  -en 
draw,  paint  from  life  el.  nature. 

Xatu'ra :  betale  in  _  pay  in  kind. 

9iattt'raarfag  c  natural  el.  physical  cause. 

■Waturo'Iiclr  pi  natural  objects  el.  products; 
n.  curiosities.  -tabinet  cabinet  of  natural  objects 
el.  curiosities.  -fatnUng  coUeetion  of  natural 
objects  el.  curiosities. 

9ioturaU|fc're  vt  naturalize.  -fation,  -fe'rinfl 
c  naturalizing,  naturalization.  -8'inc  c  nat'ural- 
ism.  -ftifl  a  naturalist'ic.  —  9Jatttta'IH»ræfto= 
tion,  -Qbclfe  payment  el.  prestation  in  kind. 

mattt'rlanlceg  natural  talent  el.  turn.  -oit' 
ffuelfc  view  of  nature,  -bom  child  of  nature. 
-tiegtDenfieb  phenomenon,  natural  event.  -Be- 
f{a^rni)eb  nature,  natural  quality.  -beffrioelfe 
description  o.'  nature.  •Iicflcegtet  a  homogeneous, 
of  kindred  nature,  congenial.  -betragtning 
contemplation  of  nature.  -biUcbe  natural  image. 
•bunben  a  natural.  -tant  rough  seat,  rustic 
seat.  -bigter  natural  el.  self-taught  poet.  -blgt= 
ning  natural  poetry.  -brtft  natural  Instinct  ri. 
impulse.  -bQrfelfe  worship  of  nature,  nature 
•worship.  -bqrfcr  worshipper  of  nature,  -egen 
a  peeuliar  to  certain  natures,  -egcnffab  innate 
quality.  !JWoturer  n  nature,  natural  disposition. 
9latH'r|eIfler  lover  of  nature,  -eone  natural 
talent,  -fog  branch  of  natural  science,  -fartic 
natural  colour.  -fejl  natural  defect.  -fllofof 
natural  philosopher.  -filofofi  natural  philosophy. 
-for^olb  fe  -6eftaffenl)eb.  -forn^bcn^cber  p^  wants 
el.  requirements  of  nature,  -forffcr  naturalist. 
•forflcrmabe  meeting  of  naturalists,  -forftning 
stiidy  of  nature,  -frembrtngclfe  produetion  of 
nature,  natural  product.  -friff  ft  fresh,  un- 
sophisticated.  -friff^eb  natural  freshness.  -fæno= 
men  natural  phenomenon.  -færbigtieb  natural 
dexterity.  -f«lelfe  natural  feeling.  -garn  undyed 
yam.  -gobe  natural  endowment  el.  gift.  -gcn= 
ftonb  natural  object,  object  in  nature,  -gronflcr, 
-granflning  fe  -forfter,  -forftning.  -grnnb  fe  -oor= 
fag.  -grænfc  natural  limit,  -^iftorie  natural 
history.  -^iftoriler  naturalist,  -^iftoriff  a  be- 
longing  to  natural  history,  of  natural  history; 
-e  Samlinger  natural-history  coUections.  -traft 
power  of  nature  et.  of  elements,  -lunbflab 
knowledge  of  nature;  k.  of  natural  objects. 
•tQnbtg  a  versed  in  natural  history;  en  -ttjnbig 
a  naturalist,  -ftjnbig^cb  knowledge  of  natural 
Sciences,    -(egerne  natural  object,  material  body. 

!iRattt'rIig  a  natural;  _  Salpeter  native  salt- 
peter; _  garoe  natural  el.  native  colour;  en  _  Søn 
a  natural  son,  a  bastard;  _  gorftanb  common 
sense;  native  good;  _  ?)nbe  native  grace; 
en  _  ®øb  a  natural  death;  ben  -e  SReligion  natural 
religion;  bet  -e  røenneffe  natural  man;  -t  SSæfen, 
-  Stil  natural,  unaffected  manners,  style  (of 
\vriting);  bet  falber  mig  itfe  -t  it  does  not  come 
natural  to  me;  —  ndv  naturally;  bette  gaar  ifte 
_  til  there  is  something  supernatural  in  this; 
bet   gaar   ganfte   -t   til  there   is  nothing   extra- 

ordinary  in  it.  -^eb  c  naturalness;  unconscious- 
ness.  -UiS  adv  of  course,  as  a  matter  of  course, 
in  the  nature  of  things;  4  ^  naturlig. 

Slaturllili  (Sib  i  91.)  life  of  nature;  (Sib  ober= 
enSftemmenbe  meb  9?.)  life  agreeable  to  natiire. 
-tob  law  of  nature.  -løbntcedftg  a  conformable 
to  the  laws  of  nature.  -I^b  natural  sound. 
-lære  physics  pi.  -lab,  bet  alminbelige  _  the 
natural  course  bf  things.  -menncffc  child  of 
nature,  -tnærtbærbig^eb  natural  phenomenon 
el.  curiosity.  +-m(S§^Qtfth  c  naturalness.  •»«*>> 
oenbig  a  inevitable.  -nebbenbig^eb  physical 
necessity.  -omoæltning  revolution  of  nature. 
•o)>fattcife  view  of  nature,  -optrin  natural 
scene,  -^a^ir  toned  paper.  -jioefi  natural 
poetry.  -^robult  natural  product.  -religioK 
natural  religion,  -ret  law  of  nature,  natural 
law.  -rettig^eb  natural  right,  -riflc  kingdom 
of  nature,  natural  kingdom.  -fanb  a  true 
to  nature,  -fanb^eb  truthfulness.  -fiælben^eb 
natural  curiosity.  -fføn^eb  beauty  of  scenery. 
-flægtffab  natural  afflnity.  -fm«r  natural  butter. 
-t<»if  freak  el.  sport  of  nature.  -f))rog  natural 
language,  -ftanb  state  of  nature,  natural  state. 
-fien  unhewn  stone,  boulder.  -ftof  natural.  -ftot 
rustic  chair.  -ftribig  a  contrary  to  nature. 
•ftribig^cb  unnaturalness.  -f^n,  -færf^n  phenom- 
enon. -talent  natural  talent,  -tilbcber,  -til= 
-bebelfe  fe  -b^rfer,  -b^rfetfe.  -ttlftanb  fe  -ftanb. 
-ting  natural  object.  -tro  a  true  to  nature  el. 
life,  natural.  -troffab  naturalness,  fldelity  to 
nature,  -trfll  nature-printing.  -træ  round  wood. 
-træf  natural  trait.  -ulb  undyed  wool.  -balg 
natural  selection.  -Otbcnffab  science  of  nature, 
physics  pi.  -Oibenftabclig  a  physical.  -bin 
genuine  wine.  -btrfntng  natural  effect.  -bæfen 
fe  -genftanb    -lutring  natural  phenomenon. 

<Rat|»aI  c  fe  aJJaaltroft.  -batte  c  fe  Spætmejfe. 
-barig  a  lasting  a  whole  night.  -binb  night 
-Wind.  -biol  night-smelling  rocket,  Hetperi« 
triatis;  (bilb)  butterfly  orchis,  Platanthera.  -Vogn 
nightman's  cart;  night-coach.    -bægter  fe  SBægter. 

aiour  fe  ^Jabr. 

**Waut  n  fe  9Jøb  n. 

92aut|il'  c  nau'tical  science,  -i'l  c  -er  nau- 
tilus.    ifl  a  nau'ticfal). 

9lab  n,  pi  =,  nave,  hob,  hub,  (3)mp.)  boss. 

IKobar'Ira  n  Navarre.  -re'fer  c  -e,  -re'fift  a 

92ab{bor  n  &  c  nave-borer,  auger.  -beSning 

SiJaber  t  w,  *  c  -e  (©or)  auger,  wimble. 

9ia'b^u(  n  navehole. 

92abtgatio'n  c  naviga'tion.  —  9!abigation§|att 
Navigation  Aet.  -bog  book  of  n.  -etdanten 
examination  (for  a  certificate  of  competency). 
-etebn.  pupil,  -tnnbftaber  knowledge  in  n.  -tobe 
n.  laws.  -lærer  teacher  of  n.  -officer :  førfte  _ 
navigating  lieutenant;  anben  _  navigating  sub 
-lieutenant.  -ftolc  nautical  academy,  navigation 
school.  -tabeUer  navigation  tables.  9tabigatø'r 
c  -er  nav'igator.    gilabige're  vt  nav'igate. 

92ab(e  c  -r  navel;  $  bile.  -oarc  umbilical 
vein.  -baanb  umbilical  band.  -binb  umbilical 
bandage,  -blobbrot  haematomphalon.  -brat 
umbilical  hernia,  omphalocele.  -fortnig  a  navel 
-shaped,  umbilicate.  -Innbe  umbilical  knot. 
-lab  tripe  de  roche  lichen,  Uvibilicaria.  -region 
umbilical  region,  -ring  umbilical  ring.  -fnor 
fe  -ftreng.  -peb  umbilical  region,  -ftreng  navel 
string,  umbilical  cord.  -fbin  peccary,  Dicotyles. 
•tarmebrot  enteromphalos. 

»Wabn  n  -e  name;  (Senæbnelfe)  appellation; 
f)t)ob  er  35ereS  _V  what  is  your  name?  :^bab  er 
SarnetS  _?  name  this  child;  gobt  _  og  »{ijgte 
good    repute    el.   reputation;   binbe  et   _   make 





one's  mark,  make  a  mark  in  the  world,  win 
a  reputation,  gain  eminence;  tage  @ub§  _  for- 
fængeligt take  the  name  of  God  in  vain;  fenbe 
en  af  _  kno\^r  one  by  name;  l^an  er  bet  mere  af 
_  enb  af  ®obn  he  is  more  so  in  name,  than  in 
reality,  rather  nominal  than  real;  af  '^bob  - 
næbneg  Ian  of  every  name;  ^or  faaet  ftt  _  af 
derives  its  name  from;  fortjener  -  af  deserves 
the  name  of;  '^an  ^ar  _  for  at  Ⱦre  .  .  .  he  is 
reputed  to  be,  has  the  repute  of  being,  a  name 
for  being;  ^an  bil  iffe  ^Me  _  for  at  .  .  .  he  does 
not  choose  to  have  the  name  of  .  .  .  et.  to  pass 
for  .  .  .;  ^ar  et  l^øjt  _  ^og  stands  high  in  the 
opinion  of;  i  ®ub§  _  in  God's  name;  ^an  ^or 
tife  bet  bebfte  _  paa  fig  his  reputation  is  none  of 
the  hest;  f barer  til  ftt  _  is  no  misnomer;  unber 
_  af  under  the  name  of;  gaar  unber  -  af  goes 
by  the  name  of,  is  known  as;  fætte  ftt  -  unber 
put  one's  name  to;  en  9Kanb  b  e  b  _  9i.  a  person 
by  name  N.,  of  the  name  of  N.,  named  N.; 
fatbe  en  Sing  beb  fit  rette  _  call  a  spade  a  spade. 
92atine  c  -r  namesake.  Slakine  vt  mark.  — 
9tat)ne|6Iæ{  marking-ink.  -ibræt  name-board. 
-bytning  change  of  name.  -ciffer  cypher.  -iaQ 
name-day,  day  el.  anniversary  of  one's  name, 
Saint's  day.  -bigt  acrostic.  -bug  fe  -flub.  -for= 
anbring  change  of  name.  -forllaring  nominal 
el.  verbal  explanation.  -fortegnctfc  fe  lifte.  -for= 
tirfåting  mistake  of  names.  t-f æfte  n  christening 
present.  fætter  namesake.  -garn  marking 
-thread.  -tltti  sampler.  -lig^eb  resemblance  of 
iiames.  -lifte  list  of  names,  nominal  list,  name 
-roll,  nomenclature,  poll.  t-tttaabe  gram  the 
infinitive  mood.  -mærle  fan  unlettered  person's) 
mark  el.  cross;  monogram,  -o^raali  call,  calling 
over;  (€praa6  af  ©olbaterneS  ^Jlabne)  roU-call.  -orb 
noun.  -^labc  name-plate.  -regifter  index  of 
names.  -rim  acrostic  rhyme.  -febbel  name 
-paper;  luffet  _  sealed  letter  giving  the  address 
of  the  author.  -flifte  change  of  name.  -ffilt 
signboard.  -ftem^el  stamped  signature.  -fting 
marking  stiteh.  -træl  monogram,  cipher.  -tietSel 
fe  -f!tfte.  -bifer  fe  -regifter.  -bterbi  nominal 

Slabnifæfte  n  fe  SJabne-.  -gibc  vt  name,  men- 
tion  by  name.  -gibelfe  c  naming.  9iabning  c 
marking.  9iat)n|Iriften  nominal  Christian,  -lun'- 
big  a  celebrated,  renowned,  famous.  -!ttn'big= 
^eb  c  renown,  celebrity,  fame.  ^Jabnlig  a  (+) 
named;  adv  particularly,  specially,  notably; 
+  (-en)  by  name.  9labn|(øS  a  nameless;  _  ffrigb 
unspeakable  el.  unutterable  delight.  -IǤ^eb  c 
namelessness.  -^labe  name-plate.  <'-f|>ttrgt  fe 

tStaUr  c  maple,  Acer  campestre. 

97a'tiring  c  iron  hoop  of  the  nave. 

9ta'iaret  n  Naz'areth. 

S?ajar«'er  c  -e  Nazarene;  (Selt)  Nazarean, 

SRojlræ'er  fe  SRaftræer. 

92ea  ))|cl  n  Naples.  -olitaner  c  -e,  -olitanerinbe 
c  -r,  -olitanft  a  Neapol'itan. 

9lthtttahnt'^av  Nebuchadnez'zar. 

5Rccc§fæ're  c  -r  dressing- case. 

Sleb  adv  down;  _  meb  .  .  .  down  with  .  .  .; 
J,  _  nteb  3fJoret!  helm'sa-lee !  fejle  _  ab  en  giob 
drop  down  a  river;  _  ab  58afte(n)  down-hill, 
down  the  hill;  gaa  -  ab  SIrappen  go  down 

9!ebab  adv  downwards,  downward;  —  prcep 
down.  -gaaenbe  a  downhill.  -benbt  a  turned 

92ebarb|e3  vp  be  transmitted.  -et  a  inherited. 
handed  down,  transmitted.  -ning  c  inherit- 

9ie'bbebe  vt  (ober)  implore  on,  invoke  on. 

Sic'bbinbe  vt  tie  down,  bind  down. 

9le'bbHI  n  downward  look. 

■KcbbUnfe  vi  gleam  down,  twinkle  down. 

yje'bblæft  part  blown  down. 

9Jc'bbore  vt  i  bore  down. 

9!e'b|brub  n  pulling  et.  breaking  down,  de- 
molition.  -br^bc  vt  break  down,  demolish; 
l^anS  ^etbreb  er  -Brubt  he  is  broken  (down)  in 
health;  -brubt  paa  ©jæt  og  Segeme  broken,  shat- 
tered,  in  body  and  mind.  -br^belfe,  -brt)b«tHg 
n  breaking  down,  demolition.  -br^bclfeSoccrf 
work  of  demolition. 

gtebbrælte  vt  fe  SRebbr^be. 

92c'bbr(enbt  part  burnt-dowu,  burnt  out. 

*9icbbrættct  a  turned  down,  t.  back;  _  Srabc 
lay-down  et.  turn-down  shirt-coUar. 

Stc'blbære  vt  carry  down.  ing  c  carrying 

5Re'bbajc  vt  bend  down,  bow  down;  +  _  ftg, 
b.  f.;  -t  af  ©org  weighed  down  by  sorrow, 
downcast,  dejected. 

*9ie'bb«r  c  downpour,  (rain-)fall,  precipita- 
tion.  —  9{e'bl)er3|bage  wet  days.  -bejr  wet 

9te'bbale  vi  descend;  fe  ®ate. 

9ie'bbamme  vt  ^  fay,  score. 

Stc'bbingle  vi  dangle  down. 

9ie'bbrape  vt  draw  et.  drag  down. 

+9'ic'bbrtHc  vt  drink  down. 

92e'bbrtbe  vt  beat  down,  drie  down. 

Tte'bbrD^be  vi  &  t  drip  down,  drop  down.  -« 
c  dripping. 

+5We'bbr^åfe  vt  sprinkle  down. 

SWe'bbuIjfe  vi  dive  down,  duck  down.  -ning 

9ie'bbubntng  c  4f  pitching,  sending. 

92e'bbQ^|))e  vt  dip,  immerse,  steep.  -ning  c 
dipping,  immersion. 

SWe'bb^Sfe  vt  hush  (up),  quell,  stifte,  (beb 
53enge)  buy  up. 

SRc'bbæm^JC  vt  subdue,  suppres,  quell. 

9iebc  adv  down,  ber  _  down  there. 

9Jcbefter  adv  downwards. 

■Keben  adv  below,  beneath;  for  _  below;  fra  - 
(fitnie)  from  bottom;  —  +  prcep  below.  -anfart 
a  undermentioned,  undemoted;  font  ~  as  under. 
-for  præp  &  adv  below;  (t  et  ©frift)  hereafter; 
(neberft  paa  ©tben)  at  foot.  -fra  adv  from  below, 
from  beneath.  -nicbnte  a  the  undernamed. 
-ottt  adv  round  the  foot  et.  base,  round  below; 
joc  gaa  _  om  og  '^jem  go  by  the  board,  go  to  the 
bottom.  -ftaaenbe  a  fe  -anfarte.  -til  adv  below, 
in  the  lower  parts,  inferiorly.  -nnber  præp  &  adv 
beneath,  underneath;  (i  ^ufet)  below  stairs, 
down  stairs. 

Stcbcrbcl  c  lower  part,  nether  part,  hottom, 
foot;  (af  Sjole)  petticoat,  skirt  of  a  dress. 

gijcbcrbræg'tig  a  vile,  base,  mean,  abject;  F 
fiff  vile,  villanous.  -I)eb  c  vileness,  baseness, 

S'Jcbcrenbc  c  lower  end.| 

^{eberflabe  c  under  et.  lower  surface. 

9teberlag  n,  pi  =,  defeat,  owerthrow;  carnage, 
slaughter;  joc  execution;  (fun  fig)  discomfiture; 
Itbc  _  be  defeated;  tilføje  _  infiict  a  defeat  upon, 
defeat;  tilføje  en  et  Inufenbe  _  give  one  a  crushing 

92eber|(anbene  the  Low  Countries,  the  Nether- 
lands,  -lanbff  a  Dutch,  Flemish.  -lanber  c  -e 
Netherlander,  Dutchman. 

+9lebcrlig  a  low,  inferior. 

+9teberH)art  fe  -bet. 

giebcrrbinff  a  of  the  Lower  Rhine. 

9Jcbcrfo(^|fen  Lower   Saxony.     -fif!    a    Low 
Saxon;   F  vile. 
(     dileberftbe  c  lower  side. 





9?ebcrft  a  &  adv  lowest,  uethermost^  fibbe  _ 
»eb  S3orbet  sit  at  the  bottom  of  the  table;  be  -e 
planeter  the  inferior  el.  interior  planets. 

»JJebert^f!  a  Low  German.  -lanb  Lower  Ger- 

die'blfall)  n,  pi  =,  downfall.  -fatbe  vi  fall  down, 
drop  down;   -nbe  a  falling  (downj;    ben   (bet) 
-nbe  Kegn  the  falling,  pourlng  rain;  bet  -nbe  2ø» 
the  falling  leaves;  -nbe  glip  turn-dowu  el.  lay 
-down   coUar;    ten   -ne   9Rur   the  ruined  wall. 
•falbSfot  falling  sickness,  epilepsy. 
Sle'bfalfe  vt  (j:ømr.)  rabbet. 
JRe'bfalre  vi  bibl  descend,  go  down.    -rt  c  -er 
Jle'bfeje  vt  sweep  down. 
9le'bflrle  vt  lower,  let  down.    -inptoo  lower- 
ing  line. 
3ie'bflogre  vi  flutter  down. 
5JJe'bjl9be  vi  flow  down;  float  down. 
!Jle'bf(»)t|te   vt  move    down,   bring  down;  vi 
move  down.    -ning  c  moving  down. 
aic'bfl^Oe  vi  fly  down, 
-t-DJe'bfuntte  vi  poet  twinkle  down. 
fjjebfufc  vi  rush  down. 
+*)iCbfJ)gc  vi  drift  down. 
»Jie'bfælbie  vt  (Sræer  oJd.)  fell,  bring  down. 
-ning  c  felling  etc. 
iJJc'bfere  H  carry  down,  bring  down. 
«)ie'b|gaaenbe  part  descending,  going  down; 
(om    Solen)   setting.    —   ».    aHe  Sfibe  for  _  all 
Vessels  bound  down  the  river,    -gang  c  -e  (bet 
at  gaa  neb)  going  down;  (gjebftigen)  descent;  (til 
et  Steb)   passage   down  (to  a   place);  fig  falling 
oflf,  (om  Solen)  setting;   t)eb  ©olen?  _  at  sunset; 
_  i  35cErbi  depreciation;  unber  -en  in  descending. 
■gangétib  time  of  setting. 
dtebgioe  vt  hånd  down. 
»JJc'bglibe  vi  glide  down,  slide  down.    -n  c 
gliding  down  etc. 
9Jc'bgra»]e  vt  bury.    -ni»9  c  -er  burying. 
»JJe'bgrubc  vt  {e  9Jeb£ule. 
9le'bgt)bc  vt  pour  down. 
*Jic'b!^oIe  vt  haul  down.    -Iftttcr  c  -e  ^t-  down 
■hauler.    -^aleiblot  downhaul  block  (o.  fl.). 

^Jieb^aroje  vt  harrow  down  el.  in.    -ning  c 
harrowing  down. 
Dlc'b^ente  vt  fetch  down. 
3ic'bt|iåfe  vt  lower  down,  let  down. 
»jjc'b^ugige  vt  hew  down,  cut  down,  fell;  l^ele 
Regimentet   bleb  -t  the  whole  regiment  was  cut 
to  pieces.    -ning,  -ft  c  hewlng  etc. 
♦■JiCb^ufct  o  cowering,  squatting. 
-i-^Jieb^uItng  c  hollow. 

3ie'bl)bir»Ie  vt  hurl   down,   fell  by   a  whirl- 
wind;  —  vi  come  whirling  down. 
9{e'bf)isngenbe  a  hanging  (down),  pendulous. 
»JJebile  vi  hasten  down,  hurry  down. 
*»JJt'bifet  a  covered  with  ice. 
!}2e'biage  vt  chase  down,  hunt  down. 
»Jfe'btalbe  vt  call  down.    -tfe  c  calling  down. 
3Je'btaft|e  vt  throw  el.   cast  down.     -nittg  c 
throwing  etc. 
»JJc'bfiiuge  vt  squeeze  down,  press  down. 
-H^Jebtitufc  vt  crush. 

aic'bfnælle  vi  kneel  down.     -ing   c  kneeling 

9le  »fom|me    vi   come   down,    descend;    (om 

SBarfelfoinbér)  be  delivered,  brought  to  bed  (meb 

of).   -ft  c  coming  down  etc,  descent;  (forløsning) 


"Ke'blrogle  vt  (S!ub)  lay  under  ground.   -ning 


»Jte'blue  vt  oppress,  keep  under  el.  down.    -Ife 
c  oppression. 

»Keblttlle    vt   (Sobet)    ensile.     -tng   ensilage, 

iKe'btæntme  vt  comb  down. 
iJlebterIc  vt  cart  down;  ®ræéfet  er  -t  the  grass 
is  beaten  down  by  carriages.    -fet  c  -Slet  (Jponbl.) 
carting  et.  driving  down;  (Stebet)  carriage  road 
down.    -felåtarape  descent. 

^Jle'btabe  vt  let  down,   lower;  —  vr  fig  settle 
(down),    (om  gugl)  alight;  fig  (til)  condescend, 
stoop  (to).   -Ife  c  condescension,  stooping.    -nbe 
a  condescending.    -n^eb  c  condescension. 
-(^»Jle'btag  n  slaying. 

»Jle'blaftlet  part  J,  submersed,  immersed.  -iti«9 
c  immersion,  submersion. 
■f*Jle'bIebe  vt  draw  down;  derive. 
9le'bliggenbe  a  3f  decumbent. 
»JJe'blobStiing  c  down  river  pilotage. 
»Jle'biotfe  vt  lure  down. 
-^9Je'b^ubc  vi  &  t  bend  down. 
-f^iebt^ne  vt  poet  strike  down  (like  lightning). 
91e'bl«g|ge  vt  (om  93i)rbe)  lay  el.  put  down; 
(<J5enge  ofo.)  deposit;  sink;  fig  (om  Snbfigelfex  ofb.) 
lodge,  place,  enter;  (om  SSeftiEing,  (Smbebe)  give 
up,  resign,  lay  down,  throw  up,  vacate;  (Kronen) 
abdicate;   (en   forretning)   give   up;   _   SBaabnene 
ground  the  arms;  (bræbe)  slay;  (om  Unioerfitet, 
©fole  ofb.)  abolish,  discontinue;  (en  ®aatb)  merge 
(a  farm)  into  another;  (nebftjlte)  preserve,  pickle; 
(3nftintt)  implant;  -  Slrbejbe  paa  -  put  in  labour 
upon;  _  airbejbet  strike  work;  _  SSub  ^o3  leave 
a  message  with;  l^ermetiff  neblagt  tinned,  canned. 
-gelfe  c  laying  down  etc,  deposition;  abdication; 
abolition.     -ger    c   -e   preserver.     -ning    c   (of 
^gurter  ofb.)  pickling;  tinning. 

9Je'b|I«b  n,  pi  =,  run  down,  passage  down. 
-løbenbe  a  ^  decurrent.   -lebSbrønb  guUy-hole. 
•(øbScenbc  waste-pipe. 
aie'blafc  vt  loosen,  let  down. 
!iRe'bmatt|e  vt  exorcise,  lay.   -ing  c  exorcising 
etc,  exorcism. 
9Je'bmcje  vt  mow  el.  cut  down. 
Jle'bmulbe  vt  cover. 
»Jlc'bober  fe  3fJebab. 

SnctpatlU  vt  pack  up.    -ning  c  packing  up. 
!JJe'b<)crfe  vt  fe  SlebpreSfe. 
-h5Jle'bpl«ffe  vt  pop  down. 
'>}le't)pl«i\e  vt  plough  down.  -ning  c  ploughing 
SWe'bVteSfe  vt  press  down. 
*We'b^>utte  vt  put  down. 
'>Jle'tp(tle  vt  drive  el.  ram  down  with  piles. 
■Ke'braflfe   vt  fe   fRoHe   neb.     -ning   runnlng 
down,  aVjuse. 

5Re'brom|me  vt  ram  down,  drive  down.    -ntng 
c  ramming  etc 
-rSle'braSIe  vi  rattle  down. 
Ule'bte  a  lower,  nether;  _  ®onau  the  Lower 
Danube;  ~  SSg^pten  Lower  Egypt  (o.  fl.) 
9lc'bregne  vi  rain  down,  shower  down. 
+3le'bregne  vt  derive,  trace. 
»JJe'brejfe  c  joumey  down,  going  down,  trav- 
elling down. 
»JJebribc  vt  ride  down. 

Sie'brig  a  base,    mean,   vile,  abject.     -^eb  c 
baseness,  meanness. 
•»JJe'brtgning  c  unrigging. 
SJc'brinbe  vi  run  down,  flow  down. 
9lc'b|ringe  vt  (en  Stjole)  cut  low  (the  body  of 
a  dress),      -tinget   a   (tfole)   low(-necked),  low 
-bosomed  (dress);  fig  fast. 
!Jle'brt8(e  vi  purl  down. 
9Je'bri»|e  vi  purl  down. 
9Je'brib|e  vt  pull  down,  tear  down,  demoush; 
(Bagtale)  cut  up,  revile,  run  down,  rail  against. 
-er   c    -e   reviler.     -ning  c  pulling  down  etc; 
oære  unber  _  be  in  course  of  demolition;   løot 
til  _  bought  to  pull  down. 




SRebrutte  vt  &  i  roll  down;  _  SEæppet  drop 
the  curtain. 
yitttt)Ut  vt  pull  down,  jerk  down. 
SJe'br^fte  vt  shake  down. 
92e'i)faa  vt  sow. 

92e'bfab|(e  »e  sabre,  cut  down,  put  to  the 
sword,  massacre.    -Ung  c  sabring  etc. 

92e'iifalt|e   «<  salt  (down),    pickle.     -nittj  c 
salting  etc. 
+9'le'tife  vi  look  down. 
9lc'bfegnc  vi  sink  down. 
SWc'bfcnbe  v«  send  down. 
+9lc'bRgt  c  downlook. 
92e'bffraaenbe  o  sloping. 
SJc'bfltibe  t-i  slide  down,  glide  down. 
SJebftritie   vt  pen,    put  down   (in   writing), 
commit  to  writing.    -r  c ;  -en  l^eraf  the  (present) 
+9le'bfftte  vi  look  down. 
5Re'bfI^b|e  vt  shoot  down,  batter  down;  push 
down,    (S;ot))    pay    down.     -jtiltB    c    shooting 
down  etc. 
JWebffuae  vt  wash  down. 
9}c'b|ft«t|e  vt   cut    down.     -ing    c    cutting 

Ste'biftaa  vt  strike  down,  knock  down,  beat 
down;  fig  (^^ebifer)  invalidate;  (®ruiibe)  refute; 
(SKobet)  damp,  chili;  (§aa6et)  destroy;  bette  neb= 
flog  i)am  ganfte  he  was  quite  disheartened  by 
this;  -et,  fe  -flagen;  meb  nebfloget  ^aar  with  dishev- 
elled  hair;  meb  -t  a3Iif  with  (his  el.  her)  eyes 
cast  down;  meb  ©leret  -et  for  ainftgtet  with  the 
veil  drawn  before  her  face;  meb  -et  ^jælmgitter 
oft).  his  viser  closed  etc;  -flaaenbe  a  dis- 
heartening,  discouraging.  -flaaet,  -f(aaet^eb  fe 
-flagen,  -flafl  n  (nebgaaenbe  ©lag)  down-stroke; 
mug  down -beat;  (8ugle8)  graze;  (om  Sljnilb) 
striking  down;  chem  precipitate ;  fe  9lcb6ør. 
-f(agen  a  dejected.desponding,  downeast.  -flagen- 
^cb  c  dejection,  low  spirits.  -flagning  c  fe  flagt-- 
ntng.  -fTagSbiftrilt  basin.  -flagébtnlel  angle  of 

92e'bftagt|e  vt  kill,  destroy,  slaughter.  -ning 
c  killing  etc. 

9{e'bflttg|e  vt   swallow   (down),   gulp   down. 
■ning  c  swallowing  etc,  deglu tition. 
S'Jcbflljnge  vt  sling  down,  hurl  down. 
atcbflæ'nge  fling  down. 
Slebfmelte  vt  melt  down. 
9Je'bfmiIe  vi  smile  down  (tit  upon). 
-t-9Je'bfmnttc  vi  slip  down. 
Sie'bfnect  part  snowed  up. 
Sle'bfpigre  vt  nail  down. 
9{e'bfi)ting   n  jump  down,   downward  leap. 
-f^jringe  vi  leap  down,  jump  down. 
-t-91e'bf^)tube  vt  spurt  down. 
9ic  bf^irnblc  vi  gush  down. 
yie'hipteite  vt  squirt  down. 
Sfebfpænb'c  vt  relax;  fig  lower. 
9Ic'bftom|me  vi  (om  ©lægt)  descend,  be  de- 
scended;   bette  Crb  -r  fra  Satinen   this  word  is 
derived  from  the  Latin,    -ntclfe,  -ning  c  descent. 
'He'i^tampe  vt  stamp  down. 
9!e'bftent|me  vt  (et  Snbftrument)  tune  lower;  fig 
(Segejftring   ofb.)   abate,  moderate,   tone  down; 
-fine  gorbringer  lower  one's  pretensions.    -ftero= 
ning    c   iowering  etc;   Sinbetå  _  dejection  of 
mind.    -ftemt  a  dejected,  cast  down.    -ftemt^eb 
c  dejection. 

9?e'bftig|e  vi  descend,  alight;  -enbe  2inie  the 
descending  line;  ftamme  i  ret  -enbe  Stnie  fra  be 
lineally  descended  from.  -en,  -ning  c  descending, 
aie'bftilfe  vt  stick  down. 
ifle'b'itoppe  vt  stuff  down,  cram  down. 

'.  send  dowaH 

iRe'bftrflolc  vt  &  i  beam  down;  vt  send  dowa| 
el.  pour  forth  beams. 
Sie'bftrcg  c  down  stroke. 
9te'b|ftrl)ge  vt  stroke  down.   -ftrlyget  c  slitting 
-file.    -ftrøg  n  mus  down-stroke,  down-bow. 

92e'bftrømnte   vi  stream   down,    ilow   down,., 

course  down.    -n  c  streaming  down.  4 

SZe'bftutie  vt  stow  down  el.  away.  I 

9Je'bft^rt|e  vt  hurl  down,   throw  down;  vi  he' 

precipitated   et.  hurled  down,  rush  down.    -en 

c  downfall.    -ning  c  precipitating  etc. 

•Jle'bftebe  vt  thrust  down,  push  down;  (meb 
S8oa6en)  stab. 
9ie'bfurring  c  lashing. 
SRe'bftia'Ic  vt  cool  down. 
Sie'bftialle  vt  (Zemx.)  dovetail,  tongue.    -ing 
c  tonguing;  conc  swallowtail  scarph. 
9ie'bfbæfo|e,  -ning  fe  9}ebfluge. 
aJc'bfuæue  vi  flit  down,  flutter  down. 
9Je'bf>jIt|e  vt  preserve.    -ning  c  preserving. 
9ie'bfQn  n  downlook. 

9le'bf^nl|e  vi  sink  do%vn;  nebfunten  i  9trmob 
sunk  into  poverty;  nebfunfen  i  ben  tjberfte  Mrmob 
steeped  to  the  lips  in  poverty;  nebfun!en  t  gor- 1 
glemmetfe  sunk  into  oblivion;  i  ®rublerier  deepi 
in  meditation;  —  vt  swallow.    -ning  c  sinking 
down;  swallowing. 

9ie'bfæn!|e  vt  sink,  lower,  (t  SSonb)  submerge, 
immerse.    -etfe,  -ning  c  sinking,  immersion.' 

SRe'bfOEtte  vt  set  down,  put  down;  ($rifer, 
©fatter  ofo.)  abate,  reduce,  lower;  _  en  åom= 
miSfion)  appoint  a  commi.ssion;  _  enS  gortjenefter 
depreciate  one's  merits,  detract  ell  derogate 
from  one's  merits;  _  en  (i  %olU  Stgtelfe)  disparage 
one;  —  vr  _  fig  settle,  establish  one's  self;  tit 
nebfatte  5Prifer  at  reduced  prices,  fares,  at  a 
reduction;  tit  oberorbentlig  nebfat  ^tii  at  an 
enormous  reduction  in  price.  -Ife  c  setting 
down  etc,  abating  etc,  abatement,  diminution; 
reduction,  appointment;  depreciation,  disparage- 
ment;  settlement,  establishment,  -nbe  a  dis- 
paraging,  depreciatory. 

Ke'btage  vt,  fe  Sage  neb.    -Ife  c  taking  down; 
3efu  _  fra  Sorfet  the  taking  down  el.  the  deposi- 
tion of  Christ  from  the  cross. 
9le'btappt  vt  tenon  (i  into). 
5)tc'btcgnc  vt  note  down. 
iJle'btraobt  part  of  9lebtræbe. 
*9te'b|traoffe,  -tratte  fe  -tram^je. 
92e-btramV|e  vt  trample  (down),  tread  down. 
-ning  c  tiampling  down. 
Ste'btriHc  vt  &  i  roll  down;  trundle  down. 
*Jie'bltr^ffc  vt  press  down,  weigh  down,  de- 
press,  oppress.    -tr^ffelfe  c  (bet  ot  nebtr.)  press- 
ing  down   etc;   (Unbertr^Hetfe)  depression,  op- 
pression,   -trtift   a  fig  depressed.     -tr^tt^eb  c 

■iRe'btræbe  vt  tread  down ,  trample  upon; 
-traabte  ©fo  shoes  (trod)  down  at  (the)  heel(s), 
slipshoes;  -traabt  fig  hackneyed.  -Ife,  -n  c 
treading  down,  trampliug  down. 

9Je'btra;r  n  (i  ©frift)  down-stroke.  -le  vt  draw 
down,  pull  down;  ©arbinerne  Bare  -trufne  the 
blinds  were  down.  -ning  c  drawing  down, 
pulllng  down  etc. 

5Re'btnt  c  joumey   el.   way  down,    (tilbanb?) 
passage  down. 
9{e'btt)tnge  vt  force  down. 
9Jebtt)nge  vt  weigh  down. 
9Jc'buanbring  c  walking  el.  wandering  down. 
9Zc'bbcnbc  vt  turn  down;  meb  -nbt  goffel  with 
inverted  torch. 
SRe'btiifte  vt  waft  down. 
Sie'bbinbe  vt  (meb  .tran  et.   beSl.)  let  down, 
SJebDinte  vt  beckon  down. 




9te'bti(elt|e  vt  roll  down;  vi  tumble  down. 
-ning  c  rolling  down  etc. 

9ic'til)iErbtge  vt  degrade,  disgrace,  debase,  de- 
mean,  abase.     -Ifc  c  degradation,  debasement. 
9Jefrit'  c  neph'rlte,  jade. 
SJeg   n,  pi  =,  sheaf;  btnbe  ~  bind  el.  make 
sheaves,  sheaf. 

9{eg{atta'n  c  -er  nega'tion.  -'atitj  a  &  c  er 

92t'g|6aanb  straw-band.  -Bintier  c  sheaf-binder. 
■binbtng  c  l)iiuling  in  sheaves.     9legc  vi  sheaf. 

9Jegcttejc,  !)2cgenøjen  c  (glob-j  lampern,  river 

9ieger  c  -gre  negro;  con«  nigger;  (9Korian) 
moor;  fe  a3Iab=.  -agtig  a  negro-like,  negroid, 
negroloid.  -arbejiie  negro-work;  Jig  drudgery. 
-liarn  negro-child.  -befolfning  negro-population. 
•blob  negro  blood.    -breng  negro-boy. 

9iege're  vt  deny. 

92eger|fot(  people  of  negroes.  -fri^eb  liberty 
of  the  negroes.  -frifteb  negro-asylum.  -Ijoor 
negro-halr.  -^anbet  negro  slave-trade.  -Ijirfe 
dhurra,  guinea-eorn,  Sorghum  vulgare.  +-fixxt>tt 
n  black-skinned.  -^uS  negro-barracks.  92eger> 
in'be  c  -r  negress,  negro-woman.  9lcger|faffe 
stinkiug-weed,  Caasiu.  occidentalis.  -Itiften  the 
Slave  Coast.  -lanb  negro-laud.  -marteb  slave 
-market.  -næfe  negro-nose.  -pat  niggers,  -^lige 
negro-girl.  -race  negro -race.  -falg  sale  of 
negroes,  slave-trade.  -fflb  slaver,  -fiotie  negro 
-slave,  -flaøeriet  slavery,  -ftat  negro-state.  -ue« 

9lcgt  c  -e  nail;  ^  claw;  f  fao  -e  i  lay  hold 
of;  tflqge  poa  ene  bite  one's  nails.  -bannet  a 
nail  shaped,  unguiform.  92egle  vt  f  cril),  prig. 
—  92eg(eibib  uailache  (from  cold).  -bfllb  whit- 
low.  -børfte  nail-brush.  -greb  slot.  -I)ub  euticle 
at  the  root  of  the  uail.  -Icb  third  phalange. 
-mær!c  nail-mark.  -pUt  white  spot  in  the  nail. 
•rift  scratch  with  the  nail.  -rob  (Ørunben  of 
Keglen)  root  of  the  nail;  (afretien  ®el  af  |iuben 
toeb  ®runben  af  Sneglen)  hangnail.  -fa!§  nail-scissors 
pi.  -fpring  disease  of  the  nails.  *-\ptcet,  •iptat 
fe  6tb.  -trang  felon.  -bærl  pain  under  the 

92egl{gé  c  og  n  undress.    -re  vt  neglect. 

9Jego'tie  c  -r  business,  aflFair,  bargain.  -'re  vt 

t*Jlegre  vi  prov  meb  |»otjebet  wag  one's  head. 

9{egud  c  negus. 

92e^cini'a§  Nehemiah. 

9iej  adv  no,  nay;  (font  Soar  til  ©erre)  no,  sir! 
(fom  ®.  til  Same)  no,  ma'am!  _,  flet  iffe!  no, 
not  at  all,  by  no  means;  _  oift  iffe  !  no,  certainly 
not!  jeg  ttor  _  I  think  not;  -,  fe  en  ®ang!  only 
see!  do  but  look!  _,  nu  ^ar  jeg  albrig  ^ørt  TOagen 
well,  I  never  heard  the  like  of  it;  —  n  -er :  ^an 
»ilbe  iffe  ^øre  _  he  would  not  take  a  denial,  he 
would  not,  was  not  to,  be  denied;  gioe  en  _ 
give  oue  a  refusal;  fao  _  of  en  ^ige  O'om  grier) 
be  rejected  el.  refused,  p  get  the  sack;  mit  _  er 
foo  gobt  fom  bit  i^o  my  nay  is  just  as  good  as 
your  aye;  -er  (i  Unberfiufet)  noes,  (t  Doer^.)  non 

9?ejie  vi  courtesy,  make  el.  drop  a  courtesy. 
-en,  -ning  c  courtesyiug. 

92elro|lo'g  c  -er  obituary  (notice).  -lo'ginnt  n 
necrol'ogy.    -'fe  c  necrosis. 

9ieltar  c  nectar. 

9leBit,  ^JleUite  c  -r  gilMower,  (olm.  SlægtSnobn) 
piuk;  (føbforoet)  carnation(-pink),  clove-pink, 
clove-gilliflower;  (Srt)bber--)  clove;  uilb  _  maiden 
pink,  Dianthui  deltoidea.  -beb  bed  of  gilliflowers. 
-brnn  a  clove- coloured,  dark-brown.  -farbe 
piuk  colour.  -faruet  a  carnation,  pink-coloured. 
-flor  show  of  caruations.     -lifør  clove- cordial. 

•olie  oil  of  cloves.  •plante  fe  aieHife.  -rob  c 
bennet,  wood-avens,  Geum  urbanum.  -^vamp, 
•fop  fairy-ring  mushroom,  Maraamita  oreadea. 
-fljre  cariophyllic  acid.  •f«m  tack,  tacket.  •træ 
clove-tree,  VariophyUtu  aromaticua.  -Oin  wine 
spiced  with  cloves.    •æble  Euglish  calville. 

92emlig  adv  to  wit  (ftrioe?  i  Stim.  viz),  namely; 
because,  for,  the  faet  is  that. 

»Jleolf^it'  c  -er  ne'ophyte.    •lo'fl  c  -er  neol'ogist. 
•logi'  c  -er  neol'ogy. 
9lej»o'|tifI  a  uepot'ic.    -tiå'me  c  nep'otism. 

9ieptu'n   Nep'tune;    -2    ?Dlanffettet    Neptune's 
ruffles.   -ifl  a  neptunian.   -iå'nten  the  neptu'niau 
theory.    -ift'  c  -er  Nep'tunist. 
Slerei'be  c  -r  Ne'reid. 

9!erium  c  -ier  nerium. 

9ieroli  c  ner'oli. 

"iltvot  c  -r  nerve;  ^  rib.  -agtig  a  nerve-like, 
nervous.  -anfalb  nervous  attack.  -bnnbt  fasci- 
culus  of  nerves,  -centrum  nervous  centre. 
-feber  nervous  fever.  -fiber  fe  -troob.  -fin  a 
having  delicate  nerves,  nervous.  -fletning  plexus 
of  nerves,  -gang  direction  of  the  nerves,  -giflt 
atonic  gout.  -gren  branch  of  a  n.  -^inbe  fe 
9tet=.  -^inbebetænbelfe  retinitis.  -tnXppt  fe  -Dunbt. 
•fnib  scalpel.  -fnube  ganglion.  -Iraft  nervous 
power,  -libelfer  nerve  pains.  -lære  neurology. 
-onbe  nervous  complaint.  -^irrenbe  a  stimulat- 
ing  the  nerves,  -pirring  stimulation  of  the 
nerves.  -rQftelfe  nervous  shock.  -rQftenbe  a 
nerve-shaking.  -foft  nervous  fluid,  -flag  nerv- 
ous apoplexy.  -flati))elfe  molliflcation  of  the 
nerves,  -fnterter  pi  neuralgia.  -ftornt  uerve 
-storm,  -ftrønt  nerve  current.  -ft^rlenbe  a 
nervine,  tonic,  neurotic,  bracing.  -ftærl  a  hav- 
ing strong  nerves,  -foag  a  having  weak  nerves, 
nervous.  -foag^eb,  -ftxetfetfe  uervousness, 
nervous  debility.  -fqg  fe  -foog.  -f^gbom,  -f^ge 
nervou.s  complaint,  disease  ofinnervation.  -fJj« 
ftcm  nervous  system,  -traab,  -treble  nervous 
fibre,  -oæbfle  fe  -foft.  9ierb«'8  a  nervous;  p 
fidgety.    »JJerbøftte't  c  ner'vousness. 

*'iUiU  fe  gjælbe. 

9Jeftor  Nestor;  zoo  Philip  island  parrot,  Nestor 

;J2eftoria'n{er  c,  -fl  a  Nesto'rian. 

i>iet'  a  neat,  niee;  F  bu  er  en  _  en  you  are 
a  nice  el.  precious  fellow,  you  are;  bet  er  en  _ 
^iftorie  that  is  a  pretty  business;  en  -  gormue 
a  tidy  fortune. 

SRet'  n  pi  =,  net;  J,  netting;  fig  (9teroe=,  2lore» 
0.  i.)  plexus,  (SormeO  caul,  omentum.  -agtig, 
•formet,  -formig  a  reticular.  -bor  mesh.  -brof 
epiplocele.  -gaffel  forked  pole  for  hanging 
nets  on. 

9iet^eb  c  neatness. 

^Jtet^inbe  c  (i  Pjet)  retina. 

*92et^isnbt  a  handy. 

92et{mager  c  e  netmaker.  -raaffe  mesh  of  a 
net.  -maoe  reticulum,  bonnet.  -melon  uetted 

^Iti'ap  adv  just;  -  benne  .  .  .  this  particular; 
Oorunbring)  _  benne  9lot  this  night  of  all 
others;  _  |er!  here,  of  all  piaces  (in  the  world). 

9Jetlberle  small  pearl.  -ribbeta  ^  reticulate. 
-riget  traverse  (of  a  scalTolding).  -ring  (Suftb.) 
hoop.  -rufe  bownet.  -ftang  fe  -goffel.  Slette  vt 
net,  knot. 

Siettelbug  c  muslin. 

'Httto  adv  net,  neat;  ubgøre,  tnbbringe  -  net. 
•bel«b  net  amount.  -brægtig^eb  net  tonnage. 
-fortjenefte  net  profit,  margin  (of  profit),  -inb« 
tægt  net  revenue.  •pv\^  real  price,  short  priee. 
•ubbqtte  net  proceeds.  -»ægt  net  weight,  (meb 
grabr.  of  taxa)  suttle  weight. 

92etjt)inget  «  ueuropterus,  nerve-winged;  -be 




Qnfefter,    -ttinget   neuropters. 
reticular  work. 

-iKttt  net-work, 

!Reural|Qi'  c  neurargia.    -'flifl  a  neuralgic. 

9Jeutra'I  a  neu'tral,  neuter;  gram  neuter. 
-ifatto'n  c  neutraliza'tion.  -ifc'te  vt  neu'tralize. 
-Ite't  c  neutral'ity.  -itet'Scril«rl«o  proclama- 
tion  of  neutrality.  -ttetSIræntelfe  violation  of 
neutral  rlghts.  9ieu'ttttm  n  -ra,  (ftøn)  Ihe  neuter 
gender;  (Drb)  neuter  noun,  pronoun  etc. 

>Jle»cu'  c  -er  neph'ew. 

!i>Jewti)'nlft  a  Newtonian. 

SRi  num  card  nine.  311(6)  c  -er  nine.  Sliaariø 
a  nine  years  old. 

liKiafla'ro  n  Niagara. 

iRic^e  c  -r  niche. 

9llcæ'iff,  tticæ'nfl  a  M'cene;  bet  -e  ®t)m6ot  the 
Nicene  creed. 

9Zib'  (*rø'b)  c  &  n  envj',  spite,  malice,  -fttlb 
a  envious,  spiteful.  StibCt))!!!^  c  -er  miscreant, 
faithless  villain,  traitor,  (fejg)  dastard.  —  9lib= 
ittflSlbaat)  infamou.s  deed.  -brofl  despicable 
wretch.  -fiol  host  of  traitors.  -frqgt  cowardly 
fear.  -^aanb :  for  _  at  a  traitor's  hånds,  -ftreg, 
•titert  aet  el.  trick  of  base  treachery.  9Jibtær 
a  zealous;  t(ftin|Q9)  jealous;  en  _  ®ub  a  jealous 
God.    92ibl(er^eb  o  zeal. 

^ttbobbclt  a  nine-fold. 

iRibft  a  (abinbl^g)  envious;  (torrig)  sordid, 
niggardly.  -^cb  c  sordidness.  —  9ll'b|ffnft 
slanderous  libel.  *-fttrrc  vi  stare  hard.  -f^ge 
c  jealousy.    -UcrS,  -Otfe  lampoon  in  verse. 

^le'ct  c  -r  ni'ece. 

!Rlet|Ie'te  vt  work  in  niello.  -le'rfttg  c  work- 
ing  in  niello.    -ro  n  niello. 

meU  Nicholas. 

91i|cnbe  ninth;  for  bet  _  in  the  ninth  place, 
ninthly;  _  (og  tienbe)  S3ub  tenth  commandment. 
■cn(be)bel  c,  -enbe^art  c  ninth.  -et  c  -e  nine. 
■fjc'rbebelS  %att  nine-fourths  time.  -fotb  fe 

*9lif8  a  F  creepy,  unholy,  se  uncanny,  amr 

JligarnSline  c  nine-thread  line. 

3Zigetfloben  the  Niger. 

92i{f|a{et  o  beti  -be  Sot  the  cat  o'nine  tails. 
-fannet  «  ^  enneandrous. 

»Jtifiil|i§'ttte  c  ni'hilism.  -ift'  c  -er  ni'hilist. 
-tft'ifit  a  nihilist'ic. 

92i^unnet  a  ^  ennegynous. 

9ftt'  n,  pi  =,  nod,  beck;  Ⱦre  poo  _  meb  en 
have  a  nodding  acquaintance  with  one;  —  c 

dlitant  c  enneagon.    -et  o  enneagonal. 

Stifte  vi  nod;  —  vt  tie  neck  and  foot,  hobble. 
iJJiffe  e  -r  ($umpe=)  brake,  handle  (of  a  pump); 
(til  Sreotur)  hobble;  —  niftenbe  o  S/  drooping. 
9iliffc|buHe  c  fig  blind  follower,  quockerwodger. 

9ll!tcl  c  (9Ketol)  nickel.  -blenbe  fe  ©boblniffel. 
•glanS  nickel-glance.  -dolbig  a  uickeliferous. 
-ilte,  -oj^b  oxide  of  nickel.  -f»(fat  nickelous 

Siifoba'ternc  the  Nic'obars. 

»Jlitolo't  *ni!oIa'«§  Nich'olas. 

9}itonge  c  king  at  nine-pins. 

atiloti'n  c  nic'otine. 

mUn  c  the  (river)  Nile.  —  9H'(| bolen  the 
valley  of  the  Nile.  -beltaet  the  delta  of  the  Nile. 
-floben  the  Nile.  -goo§  Egyptian  goose,  Chena- 
/opex  ægvptiacua.  -^ejre  Nilebird,  Ibis  religiosa. 
-^eft  hippopotamus.  -farjpe  Nile  carp.  -frotobil 
Nilotic  crocodile,  Grocodilua  vulgaris.  -lanbene 
the  Nile  countries.  -maalec  nilometer,  nilo- 
scope.  •Mttt^Ut  monitor  (of  the  Nile),  Varanus 

Slilflbet  a  nine-thread;  nine-barreUed. 

iRimbuS  c  nimbus,  halo,  glory. 

92imttiegett  n  Nimeguen. 

Slinioe  n  Nineveh. 

ajio'be  Ni'obe. 

9!iattenbebel8  Soft  nine-eighths  time. 

^\p'  n,  pi  =,  (lille  Slurt)  sip;  paa  -pet  on  th 
point  of,  within  an  ace  of. 

9!ipflob  c  neap  tide. 

92i))j)e  vt  twitch;  _  af  twitch  off;  _  ub  pick 
out;  —  vi  ~  i  twitch;  _  lil  el.  of  noget  sip  some- 
thing;  bon  -be  til  ®Ia§fet  be  sipped  a  little  out 
of  his  glass,  touched  the  glass  with  his  lips. 
-brl!  c  .sipping.    -britter  sipper,    -tt  c  sipping. 

9Jl'<)rflOen  the  method  of  casting  out  the  9's. 

9JiV§  pi  fe  -foger.  -botb  whatnot.  ^ip\nitt, 
92iV^{genftanbe,  -fager  j5?  trinkets,  knick-knacks, 

9li))tang  c  tweezers,  pliers  pi. 

5RiVtib  c  gitpflob. 

5Wirt8  c  mink,  Mustela  lutreola. 

*9life  c  -r  porpoise,  Phocæna  commiinie 

9iifibet  a  enneahedral. 

5Ki§fe  vi  (SBørnef.)  piddle. 

9?iåfe  c  -r  hobgoblin,  brownie,  puck,  Robin 
good  boy;  (Segetøj)  tumbler,  -agtig  a  puckish. 
■but  fe  9Hlie. 

SJi'ftouelfeS  a  enneasyllabic,  of  nine  syllables. 

*91ifte  c  travelling-provisions,  viaticum.  9Jifte 
vt  -  en  ub  provide  one  with  viands  for  the 
journey.  -bomme  provision-box.  -po\e,  '^tappe 
provision-bag,  wallet. 

9ti'|ftemmig  a  for  nine  voices.  -tal  figure  o: 

*Kite  c  fe  røtte  c 

9iit^ammev  c  riveting  hammer. 

aiiti'b  a  neat,  tidy. 

»Ritljærn  rivet-iron.  -nagle  c  rivet.  Siitning 
c  riveting. 

SJitra't  n  -er  ni'trate. 

92itrogl^cert'n  c  nitro-glyc'erine. 

sRitte  c  -r  (i  Sottert)  blank. 

9litte  vt  (tlinfe  meb  9{ogIer)  clinch,  rivet.  -fot' 
binbelfe  riveting.  -jammer  fe  ^Itt-.  -Ilob  rivet- 
ing-clamp.  -mafline  riveting-machine.  -meSftng 

Stitten  nineteen.  -aarig  a  nineteen  years  old. 
-be  nineteen  th.  92ittenbebel  c  nineteenth  part. 
5Ritten|gri)n  c  {+n)  ($er  _)  precisian.  -r-gr^neri 
n  preeislanism. 

!iRitte|^anbe  rivet-hole.  -ftemtiel,  -trætfer  rivet 

5Ritti  num  ninety;  (i  5Pitet)  repique.  -enbe 

Stioeott'  n  level;  bære  i  _  meb  be  on  a  level 
with;  i  _  (meb  :^inanben)  (on  a)  level,  -obergang, 
-ooertarfei  level  crossing. 

StibeUe'rlin^rnment  levelling  instrument,  -rer 
level,  aiioclle're  vt  level.  9iibetle'ring  c  level- 

9lij :  9?ummer  ~  f  &  (mere)  cipher. 

5RiE  c  p  fe  portemonnæ. 

SfJijjo  n  Nice. 

9Ji|atrt  c  peascod  with  nine  peas.  -«je  fe 

SRoa^å  9Irt  Noah' s  ark;  boat-shell,  Arca  Noæ. 

92obleI  a  noble;  —  e  -Bier  noble,  -ilite'te  vt 
nobil'itate.    -leS'fe  c  (egl.  &  fig)  nobil'ity. 

9iobe  c  -r  (musical)  note;  -r  (9KufiIalier)  music; 
fpiUe  efter  -r  play  by  (the)  note;  fætte  en  ?!Relobi 
^300  -r  score  down  a  tune;  p  Ⱦre  meb  paa.  -rne 
be  in  the  secret.  -arf,  -blab  sheet  of  music. 
•bog  music-book,  singing-book,  (ftreben)  music 
copy-book.  -bræt  music-frame.  -etogere  music 
-stand.  -Ijefte  fe  -bog.  -linie  music-llne.  -læ§= 
nf  ng  reading  of  music.  -mappt  music-portfoUo. 
-^a))ir  music-paper.  -^jen  music-pen.  -pnXt 








•ilobtv  pi  (gagter)  gestures,  antics  pi;  (DJQifer) 
whims  pi. 

Ulobelffrift  notation,  -ffriuct  copier  of  music, 
music  copyist.  -ftrtBning  copying  of  music. 
-fttffcr  engraver  of  music.  -ftol  musicdesk. 
-fQftem  staff.  -tr^I  printing  of  music.  -trøfler 
musicprinter.  -tr^lferi  music-press.  -tr^Ining 
printing  of  music.    -ttenber  leaf-turner. 

»Jlo'gen  [aa,  f  naan]  pron  inde/,  n  noget,  pi 
nogle  (abiéftitjtft,  partitiBt  og  meb  unberforftaaet 
Subftantib)  some;  ber  er  nogle  SBoger  there  are 
some  books;  nogle  of  ^eftene  some  of  the  horses; 
enfter  bu  Søger?  ^er  er  nogle  (Søger)  do  you 
want  books?  here  are  some;  nogle  og  tQOe  twenty 
(and)  odd;  —  (ubeftemt,  tbiolenbe,  (pørgenbe,  næg= 
tenbej  any;  ^ar  bu  nogle  (nogen)  ^enne?  (ligegQlbig 
llDille)  have  you  got  any  pens?  l)0té  ber  er  nogen 
(fom  ficlft)  af  eber  if  there  be  any  of  you;  ^an  |ar 
53enge,  ^ar  bu  nogle  (nogen j?  he  has  got  money; 
have  you  any?  ilte  _,  iffe  noget  not  any,  no;  itfe 
_  Sog,  iffe  noget  jpuS  not  any  el.  no  book,  house; 
-t  ufæbbanligt  something  unusual;  an  unusual 
thing.  —  92ogen  (fubftantitjift,  en  el.  anben)  some 
one,  somebody,  pi  nogle  some  (people);  (ubeftemt, 
totolenbe,  fpørgenbe,  nægtcnbe)  any  one,  any  body; 
iffe  -  not  any  body,  not  any  one,  none;  bebre 
enb  -  better  "than  anybody  (else);  lob  _  gøre  bet, 
om  itan  ton  I  defy  any  one  to  do  it.  —  iJioget 
(?ubft.)  something;  any  thing;  iffe  _  nothing, 
not  any  thing;  I)Dab  for  noget  ?  what  ?  ^bab  er  bet 
for  noget?  what  is  that?  2;e  Hger  -t  a  good  idea! 
-t  for  -t  one  good  turn  deserves  another,  P  you 
scratch  my  back  and  I"ll  scratch  yours;  noget 
farligt  -t  some  dangerous  stuflf;  _  er  bebre  enb 
intet  better  half  a  loaf  than  no  bread;  bet  er 
noget  for  mig  that  is  just  the  thing  for  me;  ber 
»ar  noget  i  ^enbeS  SBcefen  fom  there  was  that  in 
her  manner  which;  faobant  -t  fom  something 
like;  eller  faabant  -t  or  the  like;  bet  fer  ba  ub 
efter  -t  F  that  is  something  like  now;  ^an  bliber 
not  til  -t  he  will  get  ou,  make  his  way,  do  well 
enough;  — noget  ad»  some  what,  rather,  a  little; 
_  nær  about,  almost,  something  like;  bet  er  _ 
tjarmt,  folbt  it  is  rather  warm,  cold;  noget  før,  _ 
efter  a  little  before,  after;  _  fra  SS^en  some  di- 
stance from  the  town.  —  92ogen|gang  adv  some- 
times.  -lebeS,  -lunbe  adv  {+  a  =  toalelig)  (paa 
en  el.  anben  9Raobe)  in  some  measure;  (taalelig) 
tolerably,  fairly,  passably,  moderat ely;  (blot)  _ 
gob  any'thing  like  good;  berfom  l^an  _  er  i  ©tanb 
bertil  if  he  is  at  all  able.  -finbc  adv  ever,  at 
any  time.  -font^elft,  nogetfont^clft  pron  inde/ 
any  whatever;  (fubft.)  any  body  el.  any  one  w.; 
any  thing  w.;  paa  _  9Jiaabe  by  any  means  what- 
I  ever,  in  any  way  whatsoever.  -ftebS,  nogetfteb? 
adv  any  where;  -  ^en  any  where;  -  fra  from 
anywhere.     -tfb  adv  fe  -finbe. 

»jjof  8  &  a  enough,  sufficient,  plenty;  een  er  _ 
one  will  do;  bi  bar  _  og  mere  enb  _  we  have  got 
enough  and  to  spare;  ^an  ^ar  _  at  leoc  af  he  has 
wherewithal  to  live  el.  a  competency;  ^an  faer 
albrig  -  he  is  never  satisfied;  bet  bil  Bære  _  meb 
nogle  ganfte  faa  a  very  few  will  answer;  fig  felo 
_  self-contained,  self  centred;  _  fagt  enough;  _ 
er  bet  however  that  may  be,  sulfice  it  to  say, 
all  I  am  certain  of  is  that;  iffe  ~  at  l)an  l)ar  he 
has  not  merely,  not  content  with  having;  iffe  _ 
meb  bet  that  is  not  all;  funbe  ^aoe  Ⱦret  _  til  at 
might  have  served  to;  lab  bet  nu  oære  _  enough 
of  that;  ber  er  _  af  bem  fom  there  are  not  want- 
ing  those  who;  "^an  gør  mig  _  af  bet  he  gives 
me  trouble  enough;  nej,  nu  f)ar  jeg  -  af  bet  F 
well,  that  beats  all;  fe  Spiage.  *Jlot  adv  enough, 
sufficien-tly;  ftor  _  large  enough,  sufflciently  1.; 
bum  _  til  at  fool  enough  to;  bu  forftaar  mig  _  I 
am  sure  you  understand  me;  bu  maa  -  le  ab  bet 

you  may  well  laugh  (at  that);  bet  maa  bu  -  fige 
you  may  well  say  that;  jeg  gab  _  »ibe  I  should 
(very  much)  like  to  know;  ^on  finber  -  ^ufet  I 
dåre  say  he  will  find  the  house;  bet  fan  -  gaa 
I  dåre  say  it  will  do;  Ijan  tommer  _  he  is  sure 
to  come,  he  will  come  sure  enough;  bu  fan  _ 
tænte  you  may  easily  imagine;  bet  tror  jeg  nof 
I  rather  think  so,  I  dåre  say;  bet  tror  jeg  not 
I  believe  you,  I  should  think  so;  ja  _  why  not, 
well;  bet  tænfte  jeg  _  I  thought  as  much;  fagbe 
jeg  bet  itte  _?  I  told  you  as  much. 

*Wo!'  adv  [t.] :  om  ber  bar  _  faa  monge  if  there 
were  ever  so  many,  any  number;  _  een  one 
more,  another;  _  en  ®ang  once  more,  once  again; 
_  en  ®ang  faa  ftor  as  large  again;  _  foa  ftor  fully 
as  large. 

3lot  c  -fer  pin,  peg;  i,  (SRaanot)  yard-arm, 
(of  ©pt)b,  S9om,  Srabfpil)  end,  (paa  @affel)  peak. 
-barm  peak,  {paa  3fioafejl)  earing.  -bott  peak 
piece.  -iiænbfel  head-earing.  -bajle  goose-neck. 
-gaacbing  leech-line.  -tlampc  arm-cleat.  -leyttt 
head-criugle.    -pttt  Flemish-horse. 

92oIfaa  adv:  _  gob  good  enough,  not  half  bad. 

^Jtotfeiftng  c  arm-gasket. 

9}offottt  adv  enough,  sufaclently;  (-t-  a  suffi- 

9}ot{furrtng  yard-arm  lashing.  -tollel  yard 

dilottuc'nc  c  -r  nocturne,  notturno. 

Molens  Tolens  adv  will  he,  nil  he;  williug  or 

92oma'be  c  -r  nom'ad,  nom'ade.  -folf  nomad'ic 
people,  nomadic  tribe.  '  -ItB  nomadic  life.  -JlO' 
ma'biff  a  nomad'ic. 

9totnen  n  -ina  noun.  -flotu'r  c  nomencla'ture 
(ogf.  no'-).  9{ominatit)  n  -er  ffram  nominative; 
i  _  in  the  n.  (case).  9lomlner  a  nom'inal;  en 
_  Seje  a  peppercorn  rent. 

»Stott  (ogf.  t  prov)  c  nones,  the  time  about 
three  o'clock. 

9lon'2lcce(»tatio'n  c  non-accep'tance. 

9lonåial\ein'ct  c  carelessness,  coolness,  non- 
chalance,   -ant'  a  careless,  cool,  nonchalant. 

9lone  c  -r  mus  niuth. 

9toniu§  c  nonius  scale,  vernier. 

9{ontombattan'ter  pi  non-combatants. 

^Jionne  c  -r  nun;  fe:  -anb,  -bue;  night-butterfly, 
Liparis  monacha.  9iDnne|agtig  a  nimlike.  -anb 
fe  ^bib  gifteanb.  -bojc, -bflje  nun-buoy.  -ccUe 
nun's  cell.  -bragt  habit  el.  garb  of  a  nun. 
-bue  nun,  Columba  vef>talis.  -tappt  biggouet. 
-Hofter  nunnery.  -flceber  pi  fe  -bragt.  -li»  life 
of  a  nun.  -I«ftc  conventual  vow.  -i-ntober 
abbess.  -orben  ord^  of  nuns.  -fang  song  of 
nuns.  -ffær  fine  cambric,  -flår  veil  of  a  nun. 
-ftanb  condition  of  a  nun.  -tit  c  kind  of  apple. 
-tjæfcnet  the  nunnery  institution. 

9iono'I  c  -er  mus  novemole. 

9tonpareiI('e  c  uon'pareil. 

>'on  pliis  ultra  n  ne  plus  ultra. 

92onfend  n  nonsense. 

9ton-@o(utio'n  c  non-payment. 

'ilopat  c  prickly  pear.  Indlån  fig  cactus, 

floppe  c  -r  frizzed  nap  of  cloth.  ^oppt, 
SRø))re  vt  friz.    92otiring  c  frizzing. 

9Jor  M,  pi  =,  baby. 

»JJor  n  frith  (with  a  narrow  inlet). 

9io'rb  n  &  adv  north;  lige  i  _  due  north.  31. 
t.  SB.  N.  by  W.  m.  t.  SI.  N.  by  E.  ««.  91.  S. 
N.  N.  W.  ofb.;  (i)  -  for  north  of;  i  _  (in  the) 
north;  fra  -  from  the  north;  mob  _  (to  the) 
north,  north ward.  92orb|afrita  North  Africa 
(0.  fl.).  -amerifa  North  America;  •§  forenebe 
Stater  the  United  States  of  North  A.  -ameri> 
fonf!   a   North    American,      -bagge   Norwegian 




pony;  Joe  Norwegian.  -Itane  Northern  (Railway). 
•bo,  -tiocr  Northman,  Hyperborean.  -brebbe 
north  latitude,  latltude  north.  -efter  adv  north- 
ward.  9?orben  n  the  North;  the  Scandinavian 
North,  Scandinavia;  bet  gamle  _  ancient  Scandi- 
navia.   9lorben  a  north.     9loi;benbc  north  eud. 

9Jo'rbett|fjælb8  adv  north  of  the  Dovre. 
-fjælbfl  a:  bet  -e  9lorge  the  northern  half  of 
Norway  (north  of  Dovre).  -fot  præp  (to  the) 
north  of;  adv  in  the  north.  -fra  adv  from  the 
north (ward).  -om  præp  (to  the)  northward  of. 
•-fno  biting  wind  from  the  north.  -ftornt 
northerly  gale.  -^røm  northerly  current  el. 
stream.    -Dinb  north  wind,  norther. 

5Ro'rber|6rebbe  fe  9torbBrebbe.  -bel  northem 
part.    -font  fe  9'Jorbfant. 

9Jo'rb|farcr  north  tråder,  -gaaenbea  (Strøm) 
northerly,  (Sfib)  going  north,  northward  bound; 
—  »  Xiaa  -  on  her  way  north;  for  -  northward 
bound.  -grænfe  northern  limit.  -Ijare  Scotch 
el.  varying  hare,  Lepus  variabilia.  -i)at)et  the 
Northern  Sea.  -^ttntnet  northern  sky.  -tftiai  fe 
@reiilanb§=.  -i  adv  northward.  9torbing  c  J^ 
northing.  ^iorbiS^aoet  the  Arctic  Ocean.  5Wor= 
biff  a  northern,  Scandinavian.  9}ørb|tant  north 
side,  northern  parts  pi.  -tap  (the)  North  cape. 
-ta^er  nord-caper,  Balæna  glacialis.  -t^ft  north- 
ern coast  el.  shore.  -lonb  northern  country; 
Norland  (in  Norway).  -tanbSfttrer  fe  -farer.  -leb 
north  channel.  *-li  slope  el.  mountain  side 
vi^ith  a  northern  aspect.  ^{orblig  a  northern, 
Oietning)  northerly;  _  Srebbe  north  latitude; 
ben  -e  ^olortrebS  the  Arctic  Polar  circle;  —  adv 
to  the  north(ward).  9ii)rb(igft  a  northernmost. 
Storbll^å  northern  lights,  aurora  borealis. 
-lænbing  fe  -60;  native  of  Norland.  -magneHSme 
north  magnetism.  -ntanb  fe  9lormanb.  -norbo"^ 
North  North  East.  -norbo'ftUg  «  northnorth- 
ea.sterly.  -norbtjeftlig  a  northnorthwesterly. 
-O'ft  northeast;  -en  the  north-easter.  -o'ftenben 
the  north  east  end  (0.  fl.).  -o'ftlifl  a  north 
-easterly;  ben  -fte  the  northeasternmost;  —  adv 
to  the  north-east.  -oftring  c  easterly  variation. 
•o'ffttinb  northeast  wind.  -ouer  adv  (to  the) 
northward.  -paa  adv  in  the  north,  (SRetmng) 
northward.  -pol  north  el.  arctic  pole.  -(lolar- 
egnene  the  arctic  regions,  -poiatiiatitt  fe  -i§' 
l^aeet.  -(»olaritet  north  polarity.  -poUtUpebition 
arctic  expedition,  expedition  to  the  north  pole. 
-^olgfarer  arctic  navigator.  -ptttiUet  the  north. 
-ranb  northern  edge;  (SoIenS,  ?&laanen8)  northern 
limb.  9iorbre  a  northern.  9lorbre  fig  vr  norther, 
haul  round  to  the  northward.  92orb|ftbe  north 
side.  -ffitt  fe  -ftjS.  -ffcétJtfl  Northern  Sleswic. 
•ftedOtger  inhabitant  of  Northern  Sleswic.  -fttibS 
north  point,  -flåterne  the  Northern  States. 
-ftjerne  north  star,  polar  star.  -ftortn  northerly 
gale.  -ftranb  north  shore.  -ftregen  the  North 
point,  -feen  the  North-Sea,  the  German  Ocean. 
-t^ff  a  North  German;  bet  -e  ^orSunb  the  N.  G. 
confederation.  -ttjffcr  North  German.  -t^fttnnb 
Northern  Germany.  -ucft'  northwest.  -bcft'= 
enben  the  north-west  end  (0.  fl.).  -ueft'lig  a 
uorthwesterly.  -beft'tigft  a  northwesternmost. 
-tjeft't)o§fage"  north-west  passage,  -beft're  a 
nortlnvesteru.  -tieft'ring  c  western  variation, 
•ueft'tiinb  north-west  wind,  northwester.  •9ft', 
-aftltg,  -aft'Iigft,  -øft'rtng  fe   oft  ofb. 

SJorpe  n  Norway. 

■JJortft  a:  be  -e  Sllper  the  Noric  Alps. 

SJorm  c  -er  rule,  standard;  tvp  signature, 
direction  line.  ^lotma'i  a  no'rmal;  —  c  -er 
standard;  geom  normal.  —  92ortttal|arbejb§bag 
normal  working-day.  -fob  standard  foot.  -^a^ig- 
I)eb  mean  el.  proper  speed.  9lormoltfc're  vt 
no'rmalize.      Slormalife'rittg    c    normaliza'tion. 

(0.  fl.).  -ttttW 


a   ultra 



^otmal\tompai  standard  eompass  (0.  fl.).   -Irtti 
proof  powder.    -maal  standard  measure.    -ffole 
n.  school.    -tap  normal  tap.     -tilftanb  n.  stale, 
-tonnrten  the  open  key.     -tone  normal  to: 
-tiægt  standard  welght. 

92ormanb   [6]   c  -mænb  Norwegian;  ^ 
norman;  (Stif)  cat's  paw. 

92onnanbi'et    No'rmandy.      92orman'tter    c, 
norntanniff  a  Norman;   be  -e  ^er  the  Chan: 

aiorme're  vt  regulate. 

9{orner    c    pi    Norns,    weird   sisters,    Fal 
Destinies  (of  Northern  mythology). 

9{orrtotten  n  North  Bothnia. 

^Jiorrøn  a  Norse. 

•Morff  o  Norwegian,  +Norse;  bet  bil  paa  gobt  _ 
ftge  the  English  of  this  is.  +9iorffC  vi  speak 
like  a  Norwegian.  9lorfI|føbt  of  Norwegian 
birth,  a  born  Norwegian.  -^eb  c  Norwegianness 
(Sprogegen^eb)  Norwegianism.  -norft  a  ultra 

9iortl)ittm'brifI  a  Northumbrian. 

5)iorbag|ife'rc  vt  Norwegicize,   Norwegiai 
-tS'me  c  -r  Norwe'gianism. 

*9tofe  vt  scent,  smell. 

tSioåfe  c  -r  testicle,  stone 

9loftaJgi'  c  nostal'gia. 

aioftrum  n  -ra  nostrum. 

3lo't  c  -er  (©nebl.)  groove. 

*SSlot  (ogf.  fprov)  c,  pi  9løter  seine,  sweep-net. 

9Jo'ta  c  mere  bill  of  parcels;  tage  fig  ad  notam 
take  a  note  of.  ^»ta'bei  a  notable.  9ioto'bcl= 
forfamUng  assembly  of  notables.  9lota|be'ne 
adv  observe,  mind  (well),  -bene'ret  a  (Sreo) 
registered.  -biUte't  c  -er  distinguished  person, 
notability.  -rio'I  a  nota'rial.  -rto'liter  aUv 
notarially.  -rta'Ifegt  notarial  seal  (0.  fl.).  -'riuS 
c  notary;  _  publifuS  notary  public,  -rio't  n 
notary's  office.    SJoto't  n  -er  note. 

aiote  c  -r  note,  annotation,  (unber  SefSten) 
footnote;  biplomottff  _  diplomatic  paper  el.  note, 
memorandum,    -bog  fe  9ioteting8=. 

*9'lotc|ba§  masterseiner.  -fifleri  seining.  -foft 
sweep  of  the  net. 

»JZote'rle  vt  note,  record;  mere  (om  $ri§furant) 
quote.     -tng  c  -er  noting;  quotation.     -ing^b. 
note-book,  memorandum-book 

*9lotcftæng  n  fe  ©ilbe'. 

9iote|tieI3eI,  -uefdling  exchange  of  (diplomai 

*9Jo'tgræ§    ^    water   lobelia.    Lobelia   Di 

>Jio'tf|«bI  c  grooving-plane.    -tanb  plough  bit. 

*JIoti'ce  c  -r  note,  remark;  (i  aSIab)  paragraph; 
tage  _  af  take  notice  of.  -bog  fe  9JoteringSbog. 
9Jottftce're  vt  no'tify .  iJlotififatlo'n  c  notiflca'tion. 
motl'té  fe  gjotice. 

SRoto'rifl  a  well  known. 

''Sio'tfilb    c    herring    caught    by    the   sei 

91o'tfpage  c  J,  preventer  handspike. 

92ooa)a  Scm'lia  »  Novaia  Zemlia. 

**JloO'  c  -er  corner-joint  el.  corner  (of  a  log 

aiobeH'c  c  -r  nov'el.  -agtig  a  fe  SfJotieltiftift. 
-btgter,  •forfattcr(tnbe)  novel-writer,  novelist. 
9!oDeUett'e  c  -r  tale,  novelette.  aioueUift'  c  -er 
nov'elist.  92atieIIiftin'be  c  -r  (lady)  novelist. 
*Rot)eIItft'iff  a  in  the  form  of  a  novel. 

^Jooent'bcr  c  November. 

*Jiooi'|ce  c  -r  nov'ice.    -cio't  n  novic'iate. 

9iu  adv  (Stb)  now,  at  present;  (unber  be  nær= 
Bærenbe  Cmftænbig^eber)  as  it  is  el.  was;  (tonløs 
^JJart.)  well,  really,  you  see;  (=  naa)  well;  nu  og 
ba  now  and  then,  now  and  again;  nu,  ba  now 
that;  fra  nu  af  henceforth,   henceforward,   from 







uow;  iiu  n^ltg  just  now;  ret  nu,  nu  ftrafS  dlrectly; 
nu  til  3)og8  fnutilDag§)  now-a-days;  f)tiat)  er  bet 
nu,  Ijaii  ^ebber?  what  is  his  name  againV  ba  nu 
now  when;  naar  jeg  nu  now  if;  fiben  jeg  nu  now 
that  I;  nu  maa  |an  Ⱦre  ber  he  must  be  there 
by  tilis  time,  by  now;  man  maa  nu  fige  ^bab  man 
Bil  say  what  yoii  will;  bet  er  nu  en  ®ong  faa  well, 
so  it  is,  for  better  or  worse.  »Jlu  n  the  present; 
i  bette  _  this  very  instant;  i  et  -  in  a  moment, 
in  a  twinkling,  in  a  trice,  in  no  time. 

9iuan'|ce  c  -r  shade.    -ce'te  vt  shade  off,  vary. 

*9Jttti'  c  -6er  brad,  sprig. 

92ut)be  vt  fe  9Juppe. 

92ubt|en  n  Nubia.  -er  c  -e,  -erin'be  c  -r,  -fl  a 

-••9ittJ>'  c  -ber,  fe  «Ru6. 

92ube(  c  -bier  vermicelli,  noodles.  -bejg  v. 
•dough  el.  -paste.  -met  v.-flour.  -mælt  v.  boiled 
in  milk.    •fu})Ve  v.  soup. 

9luV  n  -ler  zero,  cipher;  nonentity;  (=  intet) 
nought,  naught,  nil;  ftao  ifiaa  ~  be  at  zero;  er 
næffen  lig  -  is  almost  nil. 

9iu(etienbe  u  uow  living;  _  9trter  recent 

9iu(i(r9bSbiftanccn  straight  of  breadth.  -Ir^bS- 
ft>ant  dead  flat,  midship  frame.  -linie  (9iit)eH.) 
datum-line;  (Smp.)  atmospheric  line.  SiuUttto'rec 
pi  null'ipores.  92utttte't  c  -er  nullity;  (*|Berfon) 
cipher.  9lu(vunft  (paa  Xermom.)  zero;  (9fioelI.) 
datum . 

9lume|ra'(e  n  -lier  gram  nu'meral.  -re'te  vt 
numlier;  -t  »IJlabé,  fe  *Kummer>;  ber  er  tf  fe  -be 
^lobfer  i  parterret  the  pit  is  not  reserved.  -re'' 
ring  <:  numera'tion.    -'riff  a  numer'ical. 

9iumt'btjen  n  Numid'ia.  -er  c,  -ft  a  Numid'- 
ian;    ft  25ue  barb. 

9iumtdtnaitil'  c  uumismat'ics  pi.  -'Hf er  c  -e 
numis'matist.    -'tift  a  numismat'ic. 

*9Jummen  a  numbed. 

92ntnmer  n  -e  number;  (af  SBlab)  impressiou, 
is.sue,  (af  en  goreftitling)  performance;  (oeb  SBæbbe' 
tamp)  event;  (poa  iilDftion)  lot,  entry;  _  1  og  4 
Nos.  1  and  4;  mit  _  er  V^A  (om  ^anbfter)  my  size 
is  seven  and  three  quarter.s;  et  -  for  lille  a  size 
too  small;  F  fion  er  et  gobt  _ !  what  a  fellow  he 
is!  Ijaoe  et  ^øjt  -  %o%  en  stand  high  with  one; 
gere  et  ftort  _  af  make  tlie  most  of.  -e're  fe 
SJumerere.  -flog  number  flag,  numbers.  -ntierlc 
tally.  -plabS  (i  Seatret)  reserved  seat.  -rælte 
numerical  order.    -ftgnal  numerary  signal, 

92ummulit'  c   er  num  mulite. 

9}untiu$  c  -ier  nuncio. 

92uomftunber  adv  uow  a-days. 

9{upereU'er  pi  tattings. 

9}uppe  vt  pluck.    -jærn  preen. 

*9Jurf  c  manikin. 

92itrit6erg  fe  9lQrnberg. 

9Ju'j'  n  (iSJBrnef.)  kiss;  (SJarn)  baby,  chit. 

9lttfite  vi  fe  9it)«te. 

t9iu§fe  vt  nurse,  coddle;  (8{ofiner)  rub  the 
stalks  off  (raisins)     -ben  ducky,  darling. 

*9iut  c  -er  mouutain-top. 

9tutatio'n  c  uuta'tion. 

92ttittben  c  the  present  times  pi,  the  present 
day;  yram  the  present  (tense).  -tibSaanb  spirit 
of  the  pre.'ient  age.  -tibS^iftorien  modem  history. 
•Hbd^iftorifl  a  belonging  to  modern  history. 
-tibSfqgbomme  diseases  of  modern  life.  -tt(bag§ 
adv  uow-adays.  -uel'  adv  well  (then).  -ocerenbe 
a  present,  now  prevailiug;  ben  _  ftonge  the 
present  king,  his  present  majesty. 

9}j)  (I  new;  (og  ufæbuanlig)  uovel;  (anben)  other; 
bet  _  Jeftamente  the  new  testament;  anftaffe  -e 
SBaabe  (i  ©tebet  for  be  miftebe)  replace  boats;  _  i 
©mbebet  new  to  the  oflice;  ben  -ere  ^tftorie  modern 
history;  be  -ere  Sprog  the  modern  languages;  be 

nt)ere  the  modems;  i  ben  -ere  Sib  in  recent  times; 
-efte  (Sfterretninger  late  el.  recent  accounts;  af  t, 
fra  -t  af  auew;  paa  _,  '-'paa  -t  anew,  afresh;  -t 
igrob  fresh  bread;  -e  SBifalbSraob  fresh  el.  more 
cheers;  -e  Softe  feie  bebft  new  brooms  sweep 
clean;  bet  er  bet  -eftc  mon  ^ar  (9!)?obe)  it  is  the 
latest  thing  out;  —  9Jljt  n  (SlQlieber)  news;  ^bab 
-t  ?  what  is  the  (best)  news  with  you  ?  -t  af  2laret 
sometliing  new;  -t  og  gammelt  things  old  and 
new.  91^  n  change  (of  the  moon),  new  moon; 
i  _  og  9læ  rarely,  at  long  intervals.  91^1  aar  fe 
9JQtaar.  -antommen  a  lately  arrived.  -anlommen 
c  new-comer,  new  arrival.  -anftaffelfe  purchase. 
-fiaaren  a  newborn.  -bogt  a  newly  baked;  fig 
new-fangled,  (om  ^Serfon)  new-fledged,  upstart. 
-banet  (om  SBejc)  uewly  made.  -barberet  a  new 
-shaven.  -begtjnbelfe  (fresh)  start,  new  departure. 
-beg^nber  novice,  tyro.  -blaat  mixture  of  starch 
and  indigo,  -bmb  n  new-reclaimed  land.  -brubt 
a  new-opened.  -brunt  prussiate  of  copper. 
•brqggct  a  newly  brewed.  -b^g,  -bijgb,  -bqgge 
colony,  settlement,  -h-b^gge  vt  build  anew. 
■bygger  colouist,  settler.  -bygget  a  newly  built. 
-bagning  new  building.  -bær  a  (f.  @f«.  fto)  (cow 
thai  lias)  newly  caived.  -bannelfe  new  forma- 
tion, -bannet  a  new  el.  newly-formed;  bet  -ebe 
9Jlinifterium  the  administration  newly  form  ed. 

9l^be,  nøb,  nQbt  vt  enjoy;  jeg  ^ar  iffe  -bt  noget 
i  ®og  I  have  tasted  no  food  today,  I  have  not 
broken  my  fast;  ^oab  jonfter  2)e  at  _  what  will 
you  take?  _  UnberoiSning  be  under  instruction 
el.  tuition;  _  gobt  af  have  the  benefit  el.  privilege 
of;  _  famme  58efll)ttelfe  meet  with  the  same  pro- 
tection;  efter  at  f)aoe  -bt  en  folib  Jrotoft  after 
partaking  of  a  substantial  breakfast;  ftan  fiar  -bt 
en  gob  Cpbragelfe  he  has  received  a  good  educa- 
tion;  jeg  l)ar  -bt  meget  gobt  i  bette  ^u3  I  have 
met  with  much  kindness  in  this  house. 

9{4bcttg  «  uice,  charming,  elegant,  adv  nicely 
etc;  tpalatable,  dainty.  -^eb  c  charminguess, 

9!4be(fe  c  -r  enjoyment,  fruition;  -r  enjoyments; 
sensual  enjoyment  el.  pleasure;  en  ^el  _  quite  a 
treat,  relish;  af^olbe  fig  fra  n  af  abstain  from 
eating,  drinkiug,  from  the  use  of;  ftrafå  efter  -n 
af  immediately  after  partaking  of  —  92Qbelfedi' 
ebne  c  power  of  enjoyment.  -rig  a  fuU  of 
enjoyment.  -f^g  a  pleasure-seeking;  seusual. 
-f^ge  addictedness  to  (sensual)  pleasures.  9it)ben 
c  (bet  ot  ni)be)  enjoying;  fe  ogfaa  -Ife.  9!Qber  c 
enjoyer;  possessor;  temporary  occupier.   . 

9i4|etttanct))eret  a  newly  emancipated.  -eng> 
lanb  New  England.  -er^perbet  a  recently 
acquired.  -falben  a  (om  Sut-)  newly  fallen;  ^oib 
fom  -  Sne  white  as  the  driven  snow.  -figen  a 
greedy  of  news,  curious,  inquisitive.  -figcnbeb 
c  greediness  of  news,  curiosity;  iuquisitiveness. 
•Pfifet  a  new-fished.  -forlooet  a  recently  eiigaged 
el.  betrothed;  be  -be  the  couple  recently  engaged. 
-founblanb  n  Newfoundland,  -founblænber 
(^unb)  Newfoundland  dog.  -franff  a  tk  n  modem 
Frencb.  -froSfen  a  newly  frozen.  -funben  « 
new-found.  +-f«belfe,  -f^bniug  new  birth, 
regeneration.  -f«bt  a  newborn.  -gift  a  newly 
married;  et  $ar  -e  newly  married  pair.  -gjort 
a  newly  done,  new-made.  *-gjøbiiet  a  newly 

*9Jflgte  c  -r  (boat's)  plug.  -I>nl  plug-hole  (for 
a  boat's  plug). 

9tD|groet «  newly  grown.  -græter  c  -e  modern 
Greek.  -græfl  a  k  n  modern  Greek,  Romaie. 
-gabet  fe  'gjøbflet. 

92t)^eb  c  -er  (Seffaffen^eben)  newness,  novelty, 
recentness;  (npt,  noget  npt)  news,  novelty;  en  _ 
a  piece  of  news;  -enS  ^ntereSfc  the  charm  of 
novelty.    —   92Qbcb§|aanb  spirit   of  innovation. 




-ciffer  (Siffer  of  goranbring)  lover  of  novelty; 
(tSIfter  of  at  ^jøre  nyt)  oue  fond  of  hearing  news. 
-graabig  a  greedy  of  news.  -jrcger  quidnunc. 
-fræmmer  newsmonger.  -^jofc  budget  of  news. 
•po^  item  of  intelligence.  -ru§  transport  occa- 
sioned  by  the  novelty  of  a  thing.  -fuanger  o 
fraught  el.  teeming  with  news.  -fl)g  a  fe  -graobig. 
•f^ge  passion  for  novelty. 

»JctjibottOJtbnNew-Holland,  Australia.  -^Oerktet 
a  newly  enlisted,  newly  raised.  -^øit^fl  modem 
High-German.  -inbrebet,  -inbrettct  a  newly 
furnished.    -iftantifat  a  newly  re-fltted. 

*9'JDtng  c  fire  (made  up  in  the  open  air). 

■'^JltfV  n  jerk,  snatch,  sudden  pull. 

9Jt('ternet  a  fresh  (churned). 

9?^t!c  c  -r  whim,  crotchet,  fancy,  freak;  ^un 
^at  -r  she  has  crotchets  in  her  head;  ^eften  ifax 
-r  the  horse  is  vicious,  it  is  a  vicious  horse; 
fætte  en  -r  i  fiotiebet  turn  one's  head. 

*9lJ)He  vt  &  i  snatch,  pull. 

9{t){togt  a  new-boiled.  -lomttten  a  newly  come. 
-tagt  a  fresh-laid.  -luitb  new  land.  -tatinfl  « 
neo-latin.    -latict  a  new-made. 

■iWljItg  a  recent;  adv  lately,  of  late,  newly, 
recently;  fe  9?qS. 

9it)i(eben  a  (om  åøer)  newly  bulled.  -maane 
new  moon;  bet  Oor  -  i  ®aor  there  was  a  new 
moon  yesterday.  -malet  a  fresh  painted.  -maltet, 
-mccltet  a  new,  fresh  from  the  cow. 

5W^mfc  c  -r  nymph.  9iqmfomani'  c  nympho- 

92t)|mobett3  a  newfangled,  new  -  fashioned, 
fashionable,  modish.      -møntet  a  newly  coined. 

9it)n'  n,  pi  =,  hum.  -ne  vt  hum  (to  one's 
self),  croon,    -ncn  c  humming,  crooning. 

Slljlomtteitbta  newly  converted;  c  new  convert, 
neophyte.  -ot>boget  a  recently  discovered.  -o<)= 
funben  a  new-fangled,  newly  invented.  -s))ført 
a  newly  erected.  -o^lcbet  a  newly  experieneed. 
-orb  neologism. 

*^ttpe  c  -r,  fe  $Q6en. 

*9Jt)'|<)latonifcr  c  -e  Neopla'tonist.  -|ilatonift 
o  neoplaton'ic.  -))lutfet  a  newly  gathered. 
-plejet  <i  newly  ploughed.  -^jræget  a  newly 
stamped,  fresh  from  the  coiner's  mould.  -raget 
a  new-shaven. 

9i^re  c  -r  kidney;  reins  pi.  -betænbelfe  in- 
flammation of  the  kidneys,  nephritis.  -bceger 
envelope  of  the  kidneys.  -btetfcn  basin  of  the 
kidneys.  -febt  suet,  kidney-fat.  -batinet,  -formet, 
-formig  a  kidney-formed,  kidney-shaped,  reni- 
form.  -gong  ureter.  -gru§  gravel  (in  the  kid- 
neys. -lottt,  -fmerte  pain  in  the  kidneys,  ne- 
phralgy,  nephritic  colic.  -marti  meduUary  sub- 
stance  of  the  kidneys.  -))attent  nephritic  person. 
-fnit  nephrotomy.  -fteg  roast  loin.  -ften  f©9g= 
bom)  stone  in  the  kidneys,  renal  calculi;  min 
nephritic  stone.  -ftrcng  ureter.  -ft^tte  loin. 
-f^gbom  kidney  disease.  -talg  suet.  -tilfcelbe 
nephritic  complaint  el.  attack.     t-tæHe  fe  -talg. 

9{t)rn6erg  n  Nuremberg.  92t)rnberger{tram, 
-barer  German  toys. 

92l)romantif{  a  neo-romantic. 

9tflé'  adv  just  now. 

iJJflS'  c  poor,  Gadus  niinutus. 

9lt)é'  n  hint,  intimation,  inkling;  faa  _  ontget 
scent  of;  gitie  en  _  om  noget  give  one  a  hint  of 
a  thing,  put  one  on  his  guard  respecting  a 

5W^§  n  pi  =,  sneeze.  9itf\c,  no8,  n^'ft  el.  n^fet 
vi  sneeze. 

9J»)fee|lanb  n  New-Zealand.  -lænber  c  -e  New 

9iQfe{m{bbel  sternutatory.  -n  c  sneezing,  ster- 
nutation,  sneeze.  -t^uluer  sternutatory,  stemu- 
tative  powder.    -rob  hellebore,  Helleboms  niger; 




ftinfenbe  _  bear-foot,  setter  wort,  H.  /oetidus;  tibi 
_  White  hellebore.    f-raHite,  t-«rt  sneeze- wort, 
Achillea  ptarmica. 

9i4§gerrig  a  curious,  inquisitive,  prying 
c  curiosity,  inquisitiveness. 

9t^!T«et,  *-ftlct  a  («mælt)  new.  -ffobta  ne 
created.  -flotlanb  Nova  Scotia.  -ftummet 
newly  skimmed.  -flaaet,  -flagen  a  fe  -prcei 
-flagtet  a  recently  kilied  el.  slaughtered 

tSl^Sle  vi  be  busy  with  tritles,  keep  pegging 
away,  (t)  peddle,  piddle.  -n  c,  -ti'  n  trifling 

92^1  fieben  a  new-sharpened.    -fne  c  new-fa' 

^tfSnaant  a  just  named. 

9i^§felig  a  p  neat,  nice,  pretty,  dainty 
c  prettiness. 

5K^§fcn§  adv  r  fe  5«^§. 

■Kl^lftegt  o  fresh-fried.  -ftrøgen  «  fresh-iron( 
-falb  German  silver,  white  copper 

5«^t  fe  sji^. 

9t^taar  n  new-year;  ^an  ftt  10  ftr.  i  _  he 
ceived  a  new-year's  gratuity  of  10  er.;  fe  911 
aarSgooe;  glcebeligt  el.  ll)f(aligt  _!  a  happy  new 
year.  —  9lt)taari^| aften  new-year's  eve.  -bag 
new-year's  day.  -gabe  new-year  gift;  (SSogtitel) 
annual,  Christmas  uumber.  -gratulation,  -Mlfen, 
-l^fønflning  congratulation  on  the  new  year. 
-morgen  the  first  morning  of  the  new  year. 
-nat  new-year's  night.  -n^  first  new  moon  in 
the  new  year.  -prirbilen  sermon  preached  on 
new-year's  day.  -tJcrS  new-year's  verses.  -biflt 
new-year  visit.  -«ttffe  wishes  for  a  happy  new 

92t)'|ta))))et  a  (om  ^l)  newly  drawn.  -tefia= 
mentlig  a  of  the  New  Testament.  -tiben  modem 

''Jit^ttt  vt  &  i  (gaone)  be  ofuse  (to  one),  serve, 
avail;  (ubnQtte)  tum  to  account,  (gobt)  to  good 
account;  bet  -r  itte  it  is  (of)  no  use,  it  is  no  good; 
Ijoab  tan  bet  -?  what  is  the  use  (of  that)V  ^oab 
fan  bet  -  at  what  is  the  use  of  -ingV  9lt)tte  c 
ub.  pi  Utility,  use,  beneflt,  advantage;  meb  _ 
with  advantage;  gere  _  be  of  use,  (i  ^ufet  o.  I.) 
be  helpful;  giorbe  gob  -  did  good  service;  brage 
_  af  be  benefited  by;  føre  fig  til  _  make  use  of, 
take  advantage  of;  Bære  en  til  -  be  of  use  to 
one;  Bet  er  til  ingen  _  it  is  (of)  no  use,  of  no 
avail,  to  no  purpose;  tomme  en  til  nogen,  gob,  _ 
stand  one  in  some,  good,  stead;  bet  gjorbe  fomme 
_  it  did  just  as  well,  .served  the  same  purpose. 
—  5R^ttc|b^r  useful  auimal.  -^enf^n  considera- 
tions  of  vitility  (af  from),  -moralen  the  utili- 
tarian  (doctrine  of)  morality,  utilitarianism. 
-filante  useful  plant,  -tr^t  (2)mp.)  effective 
pressure.  -birfning  useful  effect,  effeetive  power. 
'>Jl\)ttiQ  a  useful,  serviceable,  profitable.  9!qttig' 
^cb  c  usefulness,  serviceableness. 

■iR^llærffet  a  newly  thrashed.  -ubtlættet  a 
new-hatched.  -ubruftet  a  newly-equipped.  -ub= 
fprungen  a  newly-blown,  newly-opened,  fresh 
-opened.  ttalg  re-election.  -balgt  «  newly 
-elected.    *-bær|)et  a  new-laid. 

9iæ  n  wane  ^of  the  moon);  9Jlaonen  er  i  9læ 
the  moon  is  in  her  wane. 

3lcei  [*%æB']  n,  pi  =,  beak,  bill;  {paa  2?æbber-- 
ffib)  beak;  (Bao  Slnfcrflig)  bill,  pea;  ^  beak;  f 
længe  meb  -et  (oære  mobfalben  ofo.)  be  chap-fallen, 
crest-fallen,  hang  one's  ears;  |an  f)ar  gaaet  og 
ticengt  meb  -et  i  lang  Sib  (om  en,  ber  er  ilbe  tilpaS, 
fljg)  he  has  been  rather  poorly  for  a  long  time; 
faa  ooer  -et  be  snubbed;  oære  bleg  om  -et  (blegnæbet) 
be  pale  in  the  face,  look  ill;  meb  -  og  ftlør  tooth 
and  nail;  en  Sale,  ber  I)OBbe  -  og  ft'Iør  a  speech 
with  a  veugeance,  a  s.  that  hit  right  and  left, 
did  not  mince  matters.    *'<}icebbe  c  -r  small  ewer; 




tag.  '*Jlæ6bel)»)r,  9læbbcno'fc  F  saucy  body. 
9i<tibcé  vd  hill.  ^ioebbcffo  beaked  shoe.  9læbbet 
[t  ogj.  næ'bct]  a  beaked;  '■'saucy,  pert.  —  9l«b|  = 
børfter  fe  -fjebre.  -bl)r  omithorhynchus,  duckbill, 
water-mole.  -f  jebrc  pi  feathers  about  the  beak. 
-fortntg  a  rostriform.  -fr«  beak-sedge,  Rhvn- 
chospora.  -fulb  c  beakful,  billful.  -^inbe  mem- 
brane  on  the  beak  of  certain  birds.  -^dol 
beaked  vvhale,  Hyperoodon  rostratus.  *-intt§  fe 
Spib8mu§.  -rob  root  of  the  beak.  •■•fif  fe  Snæbel. 
*-ftIb  fe  ^ornfifl.  -flo  beaked  shoe.  -fnog  pipe 
-flsh,  Syngnothus.     -taitfl  pinchers,  pincers. 

SSlagtt  vi  k  t  deny;  (en  noget)  refuse;  jeg  -r  i!Ie 
(ffal  ifte  _)  bet  er  en  ^aarb  ©traf  it  is  a  severe 
punishment,  I  own;  ffan  lob  ftg  -  ^jemme  he  re- 
fused  himself;  bu  ^ar  -t  ben  hungrige  93røb  thou 
hast  withholden  (withheld)  bread  from  the 
hungry;  —  vr  ftg  forego;  -nbea  gram  negative; 
i  _  2tifælbe  in  case  of  refusal  el.  denial;  gitie  et 
_  Stjor  answer  in  the  negative.  -Ife  c  -r  denial; 
negative;  gram  negation.  -IfeSeb  oath  of  denial. 
-(Ue§)orb  negative,    -n  c  denying. 

9i(Clbe  c  -r  nettle,  Urtica;  t  F  gøre  i  -rne 
stultify  one's  self,  make  a  blunder,  -blab  nettle 
-leaf.  -b»H  heap  of  nettles.  »f amiUen  the  nettle 
family.  -feber  nettlerash.  -garn  very  tine  spun 
cotton-thread.  -toitgc  fe  9?obfæl{e.  -lur,  -piff- 
ning  urtication.  •fommevfugl  nettle-butterfly, 
Vane«»a  Hrticæ.  -træ  nettle-tree,  lote,  Celtis 

9lcem'  a  (i  gatteetine)  quick  (of  apprehension), 
apprehensive,  apt;  (beftænbig)  handy,  adroit;  (let, 
betoem)  convenient,  easy;  ben  -mefte  iDlaabe  the 
readiest  way;  bet  flap  ni  -t  til  that  was  easily 
managed.  9{aemiftngret  a  handy,  -^eb  c  quick- 
ness  (of  apprehension),  aptness,  aptitude;  hand- 
iness;  for  -§  ©ftjlb  for  the  sake  of  convenience 
9lccmmt  vt  apprehend,  leam.  5Ræmme  n 
apprehension,  apprehensive  faculty;  ^ar  let  -  is 
quick  of  apprehension;  ^an  ^ar  flet  ilfe  _  berttl 
he  has  no  tum  at  all  for  it. 

^cen\ne  vi  find  in  one's  heart,  have  the  heart. 
-font  a  (fparfom)  saving,  chary,  sparing;  (fEaanfom) 
lenient,  indulgent.  -font^eb  c,  chari- 
ness;  lenlty,  indulgence. 

*9læi)C  c  -r  turnip,  Brassica  rapa.  -grøb, 
-fta9(pej  mashed  turnips. 

^cevpt  adv  hardly,  scarcely,  scarce;  _  nol 
barely;  _  .  .  .  førenb  no  sooner  .  .  .  than,  as 
soon  as  ever,  hardly  .  .  .  when. 

Stær  a  &  adv  near,  (meft  poet  &  t)  nigh;  comp 
ttisrmere  nearer;  supert  nrcrmeft,  nteft  nearest, 
next;  proep  near;  (foreftoaenbe)  at  band;  fe  ;|)olb; 
_  6eb,  ftoS  close  upon,  hard  on,  near;  adv  hard 
by;  fet  -  »eb  on  a  near  view;  _  deb  ^aanbcn  near 
at  hånd;  SJøben  -  at  death's  door;  fin  Unbergang 
_  on  the  verge  of  ruin;  Si  ere  alle  lige  _  we  have 
all  an  equal  title;  Oi  ere  enbnu  lige  _  we  are  as 
far  off  as  ever;  jeg  er  lige  nær  -  I  am  just  where 
I  was;  bet  ligger  _  at  antage,  ben  gormobning  ligger 
_  it  is  an  obvious  conclusion;  ® runbene  ligge  ~ 
the  causes  are  not  far  to  seek,  (fnublenbe  _)  stare 
one  in  the  face;  _  bet  ©teb  ^Bor  near  where; 
bære  _  beb  at  be  on  the  point  of,  ready  to;  iffe 
_  not  nearly;  bet  lommer  engelft  Slrbejbe  meget  _ 
it  is  very  nearly  as  good  as  English  work; 
lommer  ^am  itfe  _  cannot  touch  him;  gaa  (en) 
for  _  treat  unfairly;  gaa  (noget)  for  _  violate, 
take  too  great  liberties  with;  tage  ftg  noget  _  take 
a  thing  to  heart,  fret  about;  jeg  bar  _  folben  I 
had  like  to  have  fallen;  jeg  ^obbe  -  glemt  I  had 
almost  forgotten;  ^aa  Itbt  _,  within  a 
little;  noget  _  well-nigh,  about;  noget  _  umuligt 
next  door  to  impossible;  be  mobte  alle,  faa  _ 
fom  en,  paa  en  _  they  all  met  except  one;  (inbtil) 
ipaa  fem  røaaneber  _  within  five  months;  xiaa  bet 

_  at  with  the  exception  that,  except  that;  — 
nærmere  (bibere,  tjberligere)  a  &  adv  further; 
-mere  Oplægninger,  Dmftænbigljeber,  bet  -mere  par- 
ticulars;  _,  -mere  gorbtnbelfe  close,  doser  connec- 
tion;  tjeb  -mere  Sefenbtflab  on  better  ^cquaintauce; 
blioe  -mere  befenbt  get  better  acquainted;  fioo  er 
•mere  til  at  who  has  a  better  right  to;  whom 
does  it  better  behoove  to;  tben  -mer  Jpeft  the 
near  horse;  fom  -mere  draw  near,  approach;  for= 
Hare  fig  -mere  explain  one's  meaning  more  pre 
cisely;  -mere  befet  on  closer  inspection;  tænfe 
-mere  ober  consider  farther  of;  gaa  -mere  inb  paa 
enter  into  ...  at  greater  length;  —  min  nær= 
mefte  9labo  my  next-door  neighbour;  ben  -mefte 
Dmegn,  gamilte,  (Senftanb,  gremtib  the  immediate 
neighbourhood,  family,  subject,  future;  enftber 
er  fig  felb  -meft  charlty  begins  at  home;  ben  -mefte 
til  at  the  proper  person  to;  oore  -mefte  our 
(nearest)  relations;  x><!^a  bet  -mefte  all  but,  as  near 
as  possible;  -meft  (nabnlig)  (more)  partieularly; 
more  immediately.  —  9lær|beflægtct  a  nearly 
related;  Jig  close-allied,  closely  allied.  -boenbe 
a  residing  near,  neighbouring. 

9Jærc  vt  (gine  92ærtng,  føbe)  nourish,  feed;  (er= 
nære,  unber^olbe)  support,  maintain;  -  fig  (ftjflff) 
feed,  live  (af  on),  (ernære  fig)  get  a  living,  earn 
a  livelihood;  t  F  jeg  fan  iffe  _  mig  for  Sulbe, 
58arme  I  don't  know  what  to  do,  where  to  tum, 
with  cold  el.  heat;  t  ieg  fan  itfe  _  mig  for  ^om 
he  won't  let  me  alone,  quiet;  t  nu  tænfer  jeg, 
5an  fan  _  ftg  (oni  ben,  fom  Ijar  fpift  el.  brutfet  nof) 
1  think  he  has  had  his  flU  now;  _  ^ab,  ffjenbfTab 
nourish  el.  bear  hatred,  enmity,  animosity  (to- 
wards);  ^abet  -beS  beb  the  hatred  was  fomented 
by;  _  ^aah,  Soibl,  røiStanfe  entertain  hope, 
doubts,  suspicion;  _  Slffft)  for  .  .  .  hold  ...  in 
aversion;  jeg  -r  ingen  Xbidl  om  at  I  have  no 
doubt  but  that.    -nbe  a  nutritious,  nutritive. 

aiæ'riforcftoaenbe  a  approaching.  -gaaenbe  a 
(fornærmelig)  offensive;  (ubeffeben)  indiscreet;  {paa- 
trængenbe)  forward;  en  _  ©pøg  a  practical  joke. 
-gaaen^eb  indiscretion,  forwardness.  -grænfenbe 
a  adjacent,  contiguous,  bordering  upon.  -^eb  c 
nearness,  proximity,  neighbourhood,  vicinity, 
propinquity;  ber  i  -en  near  there;  en  ÉanbgbQ  ber 
i  -en  a  neighbouring  vlUage;  i  min  ~  near  me; 
i  -en  af  in  the  vicinity  el.  neighbourhood  of;  i 
en  farlig  _  of  in  a  dangerous  proximity  to;  i  -en 
(nær  oeb  ^aanben)  near  at  band. 

9iærig  a  sordid,  near.  -^eb  c  sordidness, 

9tæring  c  ub.  pi  (ogfaa  concr)  nourishment; 
(fun  concr)  nutriment,  aliment,  food;  (Unber^olb) 
support,  maintenance,  sustenance;  livelihood, 
living;  (^anbel)  tråde,  business,  custom;  fig  gibe 
_  foment,  cherish;  britje  borgerlig  -  carry  on 
some  tråde;  gaa  en  i  -en  spoil  (one's)  tråde;  fe 
Særing.  —  9læriMgå|obIomft,  -bebiUing,  -bebiS 
licence.  -brug  tråde,  business,  -bruger  trades- 
man.  -brift  tråde,  business,  -bribcnbe  a  trading. 
-bribcnbe  c  tradesman.  -ebne  means  of  susten- 
ance, nutritive  power,  -fltb  Industry.  -frifteb 
liberty  of  industry.  -gren  branch  of  industry. 
-^inber  restraints  on  tråde,  -(otbig  a  nourish- 
ing,  rich.  -tilbe  means  of  subsistence.  -Iraft 
nutritive  power,  -tob  trade-law.  -l«8  a  without 
a  livelihood;  -e  Siber  hard  times,  when  tråde 
is  at  a  stand-still.  -løS^eb  stagnation  of  tråde. 
•mibbel  article  of  food  el.  subsistence,  aliment, 
food  resource.  -rig  a  nutritive.  -faft  (af  fjøbe- 
mtbler)  chyle;  (i  ^Planter)  sap.  -flat  tax  on  tråde, 
-forgcr  pi  the  cares  of  life,  cares  for  the  neces- 
saries  of  life,  uneasiness  about  the  means  of 
living.  -ftanb  industrial  class;  i.  prosperity. 
-ftcb  place  of  tråde  el.  business,  -ftof  nutritive 
substance  el.  matter,  food-stufF.    -tob  falling-oflF 




In  one's  tråde.  -trt)I,  -toang  fe  -tjinber.  -tiani 
feed-water.  -ttej  tråde,  business,  livelihood;  af 
_  by  tråde,  -tiib  knack  at  making  money,  thrift. 
-tiætiffc  fe  -faft.  -Oærb,  -tiærbi  alimentary  el. 
nutritive  value. 

9?«  rlfatnp  close  quarters.  -liggenbc  a  adjacent, 
neighbouring;  of  ~  ®runbe  for  obvious  reasons; 
et  ~  efSem^el  a  ready  .el.  obvious  esample. 

92(crme  vt  bring  el.  draw  near;  —  vr  fig  (+-S) 
draw  near,  near,  (ogf.  fig)  approach,  be  appro- 
aching;  _  fig  fig  (Snbe  be  near  one's  end.  -Ife  c 
approach,  approximation.  ^ætmtt,  iWærtnerc, 
<Rcermeft  fe  9lær. 

9læ'r|*<)ao  adv  nearly.  -paatetenie  a  fe  6e« 
flægtet;  en  _  a  near  relation,  -feenbe  a  close, 

9iæ'rfora  a  favouraVjle  to  tråde;  industrious; 
*  &  t  fe  aiærenbe. 

!iWæ'r|ftooenbe  a  fig  fe  beflægtet.  -ftinet  a  near 
-sighted,  short-sighted.  -fQnet^eb  c  near-sighted- 
uess,  shortness  of  sight,  short  sight.  -Ueb  adv 
close,  close  by;  prcep  te  91  ær  »eb;  fet  _  on  a  near 
view;  _  flQber  ingen  ^are  a  miss  is  as  good  as  a 
mile.  -tie|§  adv  a  short  way  ofT.  9icer't»ærclfe 
(ogf.  -BOB'relfe)  c  presence;  t  =  D^ærfteb;  i  fremmebeS 
_  before  company.  SJlær'tiærenbc  a  present;  for 
_  (Sib)  at  present,  for  the  present,  for  the  time 
being:  Beb  -  (S3reb)  by  these  lines;  be  -  those 
present;  -  gorfatter  the  present  writer;  bære  en 
_  be  present  to  one's  mind. 

^Jiceh'  n,  pi  =,  point,  headland,  naze  (i  Smf. 

iiWæfe  c  -r  nose;  {paa  ©!ot»j)  toe;  en  frum.  Kroget 
_  a  Roman  nose,  eu  ftor  flumpet  -  a  bottle-nose; 
en  gob  -  (Sugt)  a  fine  nose;  breje  en  en  -  hood- 
wink  el.  mystify  one;  faa  en  lang  _  be  disappointed; 
gioe  en  en  lang  ~  disappoint  one;  gøre  lang  .  ab 
en  take  a  sight  at  one;  lang  _  (ogf.)  Queen  Anne's 
fan;  gide  en  en  ~  for  noget  give  one  a  reprimand 
el.  setdown,  take  one  up  sharply  for  something; 
Bære  færbtg  at  tabe  _  og  TOunb  stand  aghast;  fiabe 
fin  _  aHe  SJegne  poke  one's  nose  Into  every  corner; 
jiubfe  -n  blow  one's  nose;  r^nfe  -n  turn  up  one's 
no.5e;  fætte  -n  feøjt,  ftiffe  -n  i  ©ti)  give  one's  self 
airs,  carry  it  high;  oenbe  -n  ^jemab  set  one's  face 
homewards;  Benbe  -n  i  SBejret  (ba)  P  kick  the 
bucket;  gaa  lige  efter  -n  follow  one's  nose;  gaa 
el.  løbe  efter  -n  behave  thoughtlessly,  go  on  a 
fool's  errand;  trætte  efter  -n  lead  by  the  nose; 
F  fpibfe  -n  efter  el.  paa  be  on  the  lockout  for, 
reckon  on;  lige  for  en§  _  under  one's  (very) 
nose;  over  one's  head;  foni  laa  lige  for  -n  that 
was  just  touching  his  nose;  floa  Søren  i  for  -n 
af  en  slam  the  door  in  one's  face;  bolbe  fig  for 
-n  stop  one's  nose;  bet  git  bin  _  forbi  It  was 
not  for  you,  you  may  whistle  for  it;  ^olbe  fin  _ 
fra  not  to  thrust  one's  nose  into;  l)uf!er  itte  fra 
-(n)  til  9Kunb(en)  forgets  his  own  name;  tafte, 
rioe  en  noget  i  -n  cast  el.  throw  something  in 
one's  teeth,  cast  st  up  to  one;  tale  i  el.  igennem 
-n  speak  in  el.  through  the  nose;  ligge  meb  -n  i 
SBejret  be  dead  and  gone;  ^ænge  meb  -n,  fe  f). 
met)  Stæbet;  blioe  bleg  om  -n  turn  pale;  btbe  en 
OB  er  -n  snub  one;  faa  ooer  -n  be  snubbed;  fptQe 
poa  -n  make  a  fool  of  one,  fool  one;  ligge  paa 
-n  ^  be  (loaded,  trimmed)  by  the  head;  falbt 
paa  -n  fell  (prone)  on  his  face;  ftaa  ftrøEer  paa 
-n  turn  up  one's  nose;  fntpfe  en  paa  -n  give  one 
a  flllip  on  the  nose;  meb  gingeren  paa  -n  with 
his  finger  to  his  nose;  tage  -n  til  fig  shut  up, 
back  out,  beat  a  retreat;  tage  en  B  e  b  -n  take  one 
in,  gull  one;  føre  en  Beb  -n  lead  one  by  the  nose. 
—  SWæfelobc  kahau,  Semnopithecuanasica.  -baanb 
nose  band.  -banbage,  -bijtb  bandage  for  the 
nose.  -ben  nasal  bone.  -h\exn  coati,  Nasua 
sceialia.    -blob,  -bløbniito  bleeding  at  the  nose, 

nosebleed;  t^abe,  »bløbe,  _  bleed  at  the  nose. 
■bor  n,  pi  =  k  -er  nostril;  (S)mti.)  nozzles. 
-briUer  pi  bamacles.  -bruft  cartilage  ol  the 
nose.  -b>)lb  boil  in  the  nose.  -bajle  slide  (of 
a  musket),  -bannetfe  rhiuoplasty.  +-biæru  fe 
SfJælBiS.  -brjjj)  dripplng  from  the  nose.  t-bitg 
pocket-handkerchief.  *-fiff  first  flsh  caught. 
•flaab,  -flob  rnnning  al  the  nose.  -flifl,  -fi«i 
wing  of  the  nose.  -gang  passage  of  the  nose. 
-gruS  adv  flat  on  the  face,  prostrate.  -gccrbe 
septum  of  the  nose.  -^aat  hair  in  the  nostrils. 
-^flj  fe  ©ilbe=.  -^orn  rhinoceros.  -kornbille 
nasicornous  beetle,  Oryctes  nasicornis.  -bornfugl 
rhinoceros-bird,  Buceroa.  -^ub  skin  of  the  nose. 
-^Ut  fe  -bor.  -^ulc,  -^utbeb  cavity  of  the  nose, 
nasal  cavity.  -jærn  (for  §efte)  barnåcle.  -tatabue 
long-billed  cockatoo,  Licmetis  naticua.  -Itemmct 
double  eyeglass,  barnacles  pi.  -tlub  fe  -bui}; 
btbl  bracelets.  -Intp^,  -Ini<)l  fiUip  on  the  nose. 
-l^b  nasal  sound.  -lǤ  a  noseless,  '-'-pexle  f 
little  malapert.  -))0lQti  polypus  of  the  nosi 
nasal  polypus.  -rem  cavesson.  -ring  nose-rin; 
-rob  root  of  the  nose.  -r>|g  bridge  of  the  nos 
-r^nlen  c  frowning,  sneering.  -r*r'  fe  -gang 
-foar  sore  nose.  t-ffat  poll-tax.  -flfm  muwis 
of  the  nose.  -fpib§  fe  -tip.  -ft^tfc  (paa  Cijælm) 
nasal,  (p.  S3riller)  nose-saddle.  -ft))ber  rap  over 
the  nose.  -fe  head-sea.  -tip  tip  el.  point  of 
the  -barmer  F  cutty-pipe.  -Otnge  fe  -fløj 
5Ræ8^orn  fe  9fæfel)orn. 

SWæ8(fc)tonge  c  ness-king,  petty  klng. 

9læft  a  &  adv  next;  præp  next  to;  -e 
®ang  (the)  next  day,  time;  Bor  -e  SUobo  our  next 
-door  neighbour;  l^an  bor  i  -e  ^ni  he  lives  next 
door;  ben  4be  i  -e  SRaaneb  on  the  4th  proximo; 
bet  -e  fom  Bar  at  gøre  the  next  thing  to  be  done; 
~  ®ub8  |)iæl})  under  Providence,  under  God;  _ 
efter  immediately  after;  _  Beb  close  by.  'iiæit'r- 
afbigte  a  last.  -bebft  a  second  best,  next  best. 
•befalenbe  a  fe  -fommonberenbe.  9Jæfte  c  neighbourj 
-n  our  neighbour.  Slæftetacrtiglteb  charit; 
Slæftemanb  neighbour,  the  next. 

9Jæfle  vt  baste,    -noal  basting  needle. 

■iRæftcn,  næffenbclS  adv  almost,  nearly,  all  but, 
well  nigh;  _  itte  hardly,  scarcely;  _  alDrtg 
scarcely  el.  hardly  ever;  _  ingen  scarcely  any; 
_  flaar  ingen  SDlanb  af  ^eften  almost  was  never 
han  ged. 

Slæftlforegaaenbe  a  preceding;  fe  -afbigte.  -for- 
manb  vice-president.  -forrige  a  last  but  one. 
-følgenbc  a  the  following;  the  next  but  one. 
-iommonbercnbe  (i  Slim.)  second  In  command; 
(Boa  et  Stib)  first -lieutenant,  second  officer. 
-lommcnbc  a  next.  -ncberfte  a  the  second  from 
the  bottom.  -nccrmefie  a  the  next  nearest. 
-fibft  a  last  but  one;  -e  StaBelfe  the  penultimate. 
-ieitenhtpl  cousins.  -føflenbebarn  second  cousin. 
-ælbft  a  oldest  but  one;  -e  ®øn,  ©atter  second 
son,  daughter;  -e  Dfftcer  next  senior  officer. 
-ebcrfte  the  second  from  the  top;  -e  KloSfe  the 
second  form  et.  class. 

92æ§tii3  a  pert,  saucy,  impertinent,  malapert, 
irrepressible,  f  cocky;  SKonfieur  _  Mr.  Impu- 
dence;  grøten  _  Madam  Pert;  Miss.  -^eb  c  sauci- 
ness,  pertness,  impertinence;  cheek. 

'ilcetft  c  -r  fist;  fætte  -me  i  ©iben  set  one's  arms 
a-kimbo;  fntjtte  -n  clench  el.  double  up  one's 
fist;  bet  paSfer  fom  en  fnattet  _  til  et  blaat  ^je  it 
is  nothing  to  the  purpose,  it  Is  neither  here 
nor  there;  ©lag  i  _  (£eg)  hot  cockles;  en  ~  ftor 
a  knee  high.  iRætielboff  fe  -flag.  -bl)ft  fe  -tamp. 
-fulb  c  flstful.  -fægter  boxer,  pugilist,  p  braiser. 
•fægtning  boxlng,  pugilism.  -tjng  fe  -flag.  -tamp 
boxing  match,  pugiUstic  eontest.  -tamptt  fe 
-fægter,  -nyttig  a  (Be^ænbig)  handy,  -n^ttig^cb 







^Jæocr  c  outer  bark  of  the  birch. 

>j|(tocret  c  club-law. 

'Jfæuetiffoti  birch-wood  fit  for  roofing.  -flruffe 
small  bag  el.  scrip  of  birch-bark.  -tag  thatcb 
of  birch-bark.  -taftet  a  thatched  with  birch 

*9læ»>eå  vd  p  shake  hånds. 

!R(Ctie|{Iaø  cuflf,  slap,  thump.  -ftor  a  of  the 
size  of  a  flst.  -ftært  fe  ^aanbfaft.  -ft«b  hit. 
'tttft  squeeze  of  the  flst. 

i^aitn  c  jury. 

Slcetine  (og[.  -te,  -t)  name,  (folbe)  call;  (omtale) 
mention.  •form  c  gram  nomiuative.  -Ife  nam- 
Ing,  mentioning.  -r  c  -e  arith  denominator. 
•øcerbiø  a  worth  mentioning.  t^'itconinger  pi 
jurymen.    9}(et)ningeret  jury. 

9t«b  n,  pi  =,  (meft  coU)  neat,  neat  cattle;  fio 

■W«b'  c  -ber  Orugt  og  meeh)  nut;  en  l^oorb  _  at 
tnæffe  a  hard  nut  el.  task,  a  po.ser. 

9ltt  c  ub.  pi  need,  Avant,  neccssity,  distress; 
(SRaabtiilb^eb)  perplexity;  libe  _  suffer  want;  _ 
jrtjber  alle  Sobe  necessity  has  no  law,  needs  must; 
_  lærer  nøgen  fione  at  fpinbe  need  makes  the  old 
wife  trot  el.  the  naked  quean  spin;  naar  -en  er 
ftørft,  er  |»iælpen  nærmeft  when  things  are  at  the 
worst  they'll  mend,  matters  at  worst  are  sure 
to  mend;  bet  {)ar  ingen  -  no  fear  of  that;  bet  l^ar 
ingen  -  meb  t)am  no  fear  of  him;  jeg  ^ar  min  _ 
meb  at  forftaa  fiam  I  am  hard  put  toit  to  under- 
stand him;  af  _  from  want;  i  -en§  Sime  in  the 
hour  of  need;  i  -en  fEal  man  fenbe  fine  9Senner  a 
friend  in  need  is  a  friend  iudeed;  flebt  i  _  in 
distress,  distressed;  bet  Bar  meb  _,  jeg  fil  ^am 
ooertalt  it  was  with  difflculty  I  could  persuade 
him;  ^an  fan  meb  -  lebe  he  can  just  make  shift 
to  live;  meb  _  og  næppe  flap  :^an  berfro  he  had  a 
narrow  escape,  he  escaped  by  the  skin  of  his 
teeth;  tit  _  fan  man  »et  hjælpe  fig  bermeb  one 
may  make  shift  with  it  at  a  pinch;  ^an  ^ar  bet, 
i)an  til  _  fan  leoe  af  he  has  just  barely  enough 
to  live.  9}øb|abre§fe  ««*rc  (direction  in)  case 
of  need.  -atiter  sheet-anchor.  -arbeibe  work 
of  necessity.  -bro  temporary  bridge,  -baai 
private  baptism. 

t9i«bbe  c  -r  (Srce^ammer)  mallet. 

9febbe|brun  a  nut-brown.  -buff  hazel(-shrub), 
Corvlui.  -frugt  nut(s).  -tiaffer  nut-hatch,  Sitia 
mropæa.  t-^ofe  hull  of  a  nut.  -ftæf  hazel 
hedge.  -^»ft  nut  crop.  -ittbbriber  cramp  of 
the  nut.  -jærn  nut-stamp.  -ferne  kernel  of  a 
nut.  -tiofe  cluster  of  nuts.  -fnæffer  (pair  of) 
nut-crackers  pi.  -troge,  ''-fraote,  t-frlge  nut 
-cracker,  Caryocatactea  guttata.  -frog  nutting 
-crook.  -ful  nuts.  -otte  uut-oil.  -plufning 
gatherlng  (of)  nuts.  -ffot  nut-shell,  (S3oab}  cockle 
-shell.  -ffibe  (©ebcer)  tumbler,  nut.  -ffob  hazel 
wood.  *-ffrfgc  jay.  Garndus  glandarius.  -ffrue 
feather-screw.  -tap  pivot,  -træ  (i  3JIm.)  nut-tree; 
(;£»a8fen  fe  -6uft;  (SBeb)  walnut-wood.  -nbbriber 
nut  driver.    *-b«ffe  fe  -l^after. 

9l«'bblge  n  temporary  dike. 

92øbe,  -te  -t  vt  oblige,  constrain,  force,  compel; 
(ooertale)  urge,  press;  lob  fig  itfc  (længe)  _  needed 
no  second  bidding;  _  paa,  fe  5[5aanøbe. 

Slebel^aar  cowhair.  -^aaréflttcowhairdrugget 
el.  felt. 

yiottu  c  (Doertaten)  pressing,  urging. 

9i<'b|f[aabe  temporary  raft.  -flag  flag  of  dis- 
tress; meb  _  oppe  with  a  flag  of  distress  flying. 
•grab  (en  SæoS)  retreat  (of  a  fox).  -Ijage  figure 
-of-8  hook.  -(|abn  harbour  of  refuge;  føge  _  put 
into  a  port  of  refuge.  -^iælp  make-shift,  shift. 
•tljcel^er  friend  in  need,  jack  at  a  pinch.  -^ute 
fe  -grat),  -^æbetei  temporary  gin  9I«big  a 
needful,  necessary,;  ^obe  -  have  occa- 

sion  for,  want,  need,  stand  in  need  of;  bet  gøres 
itfe  _  that  is  not  required.  9løbig  adv  (ugerne) 
reluctantly;  jeg  oil  _  (^aoe)  I  do  not  like,  I  ob- 
ject  to;  jeg  gør  bet  _  I  do  not  like  to  do  it;  ^an 
Bil  _  til  it  goes  hard  with  him.  92øb|t(b  need 
-fire.  -Ubenbe  «  needy,  necessitous,  indigent, 
distressed;  (om  iBetSel)  not  honoured.  -lagn 
White  lie.  -moft  jury-mast.  -nttbbet  fe  -^jælp. 
-roo  jury-yard.  -roab  cry  of  distress.  -ret  right 
in  of  necessity.  -rigget«  jury-rigged.  -ror 
jury  rudder.  -foge  vt  nece.ssitate,  constrain, 
oblige,  force;  fe  fig  nebfaget  til  be  under  the  ne- 
cessity of.  -fat  a  fRujærn  grey  pig-iron.  9l«b8'= 
bag  day  of  need.  SJl«'b|fcjt  jury-sail.  -felet«i 
spare  harness.  92øb§'falb :  i  _  in  case  of  need, 
at  a  pinch,  in  (on,  at)  an  emergency;  for  _ 
against  emergencies;  i  Qberfte  -  at  the  last  resort. 
■)J«b|ftgnol  <X/  signal  of  distress,  distress  signal. 
•ffiHtng,  -ffærb  spare-money;  lægge  en  _  ^en  put 
something  by  for  a  rainy  day.  -fCrig  fe  -raab. 
•ffub  distress-gun.  -ftalb  trave,  -ftanb  distress. 
9løb§'tib  time  of  need.  JJøbS'tilfælbc  emergency; 
i  _,  fe  i  -falb.  aiø'btatje  J/  rudder-tackle.  -tr«u= 
genbe  fe  -libenbe.  -tbungen  a  neces.sitated,  forced, 
compelled  by  necessity.  -tbuttgen^eb  c  necessity, 
compulsion.  -t^beri  theft  committed  in  extreme 
need.  -tørft  c  necessities  of  life;  forrette  fin  - 
do  one's  business,  pluck  a  rose.  -tørf'tfg  a  fe 
-libenbe.  -tørf'tig^eb  c  need,  necessity.  -bant 
-tf  fe  Jpiælpe=.  -oen'big  a  necessary,  needful, 
requisite;  mangle  bet  -e  want  the  uecessaries  of 
life.  -oen'biggøre  vt  nece.ssitate,  compel.  -pen'= 
btgf)eb  c  necessity,  needfulness,  matter  of  neces- 
sity; af  _  from  neee.ssity;  gøre  en  ®Qb  af  -  make 
a  virtue  of  necessity;  ber  er  ingen  _  for  ot  there 
is  no  necessity  to;  blioe  fat  i  ben  _  at  be  reduced 
to  the  neces.sity  of;  -erjs^  necessaries.  -ben'big- 
i)eb3artitler  haberda.shery,  amr  yankee-notions; 
be  førfte  _  the  articles  of  primary  necessity. 
-oen'big^ebStære  fatalism.  -ben'bigoiS  adv  ne- 
ces.sarily,  of  necessity;  maatte  -  was  bound  to. 
-bærge  self-defence;  af  _  in  one's  own  defence. 
-bærgebrab  homicide  in  self-defence.  -bærn 
defence  in  time  of  need. 

9{øgel  fe  9iøgle  c 

Sløgen  a  naked,  nude,  bare;  flæbe  fig  _  strip 
to  the  skin;  -gne  fteniJSgerninger  hard  facts. 
•frøebe  pi  gymnosperms.  -^alfet  a  naked-necked, 
-^eb  c  nakedness,  nudity. 

tiRøglc  n  -X  iXradt)  ofo.)  hall,  clue,  bottom. 
9{øgle  vt  (®arn  op)  wind  up  (thread)  into  balls, 
bottom  (thread);  _  af  wind  ofif. 

9{øg(e  c  -r  key;  mu%  clef,  key;  (til  ®aabe)  clue; 
breje  -n  om  to  ©ange  double-lock  the  door;  fig 
gieer  -n  til  constitutes  a  key  to.  -htn  collar 
-bone,  clavicle.  -bræt  key-board.  -bue  bow  of 
a  key     -bøSfc  pop-gun. 

9?øgle]bannct,  -ruttb  a  spherical. 

92øgte{ gemmer  keeper  of  the  keys.  -^onf  fe 
-fnippe.  -^ul  key -hole.  -|ulftibe  key-bolster. 
-fnm  bit  el.  web  of  a  key,  key-bit.  -tamffob 
bit-pincers.  -fnippe  bunch  of  keys.  -fnrb  key 
-basket,  -magten  the  power  of  the  keys.  '''-oft 
a  kind  of  spiced  Dutch  cheese.  -penge  key 
-money.  -pibe  shank.  -retten  fe  -magten,  -ring 
ring  for  keys.  -rør  key-plpe.  -ffoft  fe  -pitie. 
-ffilt  scutcheon.  -fmeb  locksmith.  -træf  (Sfat) 

9{øgletiid  adv  by  the  clue. 

!inøgtern  a  sober;  _  fialD  baby  calf. 

Tiøjagtig  o  exact,  precise,  accurate.,  true; 
punctual;  adv  exactly  etc;  for  at  tale  _  to  speak 
by  the  book.  -^eb  c  exactness,  precision,  pre- 
ciseness,  accuracy,  punctuallty;  -  er  Sjælen  i 
aHe  gorretninger  punctuallty  is  the  soul  of  busi- 



Off       ' 

9?« je  vt  labe  fig  _  be  content,  content  one's 
self,  rest  satisfled  (tneb  with);  nøje§  vd  b.  f.;  -§ 
meb  at  be  content  to;  -g  meb  bet  3;  ^afe  bibl  be 
content  with  such  things  as  ye  have.  +5Waje  n 

Sløje  o  aecurate,  exact,  precise;  ben  -fte  igrtS 
the  lowest  price;  ftaa  i  bet  -fte  Sfot^^olb  tt(  en  be 
on  terms  of  the  closest  intimacy  with  one. 
9Ja|e  adv  accurately,  exactly,  minutely;  man  moo 
itfe  regne  bet  ^aa  -  meb  fiam  one  must  not  be 
over  particular  with  him;  tog  bet  itfe  faa  _  meb 
was  not  scrupulous  about;  jeg  »eb  bet  ille  faa  _ 
I  don't  know  exactly;  be  sote  _  forbunbne  they 
were  closely  conneeted;  lenbe  noget  paa  bet  -fte 
be  thoroughly  acquainted  with;  fe  _  efter,  til 
look  narrowly  (iuto);  flutter  _  is  a  tight  fit;  po?fe 
-  paa  keep  a  sharp  look-out,   watch  closely; 

iagttage  _  ob.serve  minutely.  9{øie|rcgnenbe, 
•feenbe  a  particular,  nice  (meb  about);  ecouom 

9}øifom  «   easily   contented,    contented  witl 
little.    9lejfom^eb  c  contentment. 

9l«I'  (Køften)  c  river  sprite,  Nixie.    9}øttero 
fe  9(afanbe. 

9lele  vi  linger,  dawdle,  delay,  hesitate,  (i  i8i 
bægelfe)  loiter.  -n  fe  -ri.  -nbc  a  hesitating;  æ 
hesitatingly.  .^)er,  -r  c  -e  loiterer,  dawdler. 
n  loitering  etc.     -Dorn  a  tardv,  slack,  .slow 

fifløtU  vi  prov  fe  9it)§re. 

yievte  a  +  north.     -gabe  North  street.     -jtj 
Jutlander.    -iQltanb  ^North)  Jutland. 

*9?*ft  n,  pi  =,,  boat-shed. 

*!R«f»e  n  -r,  9l«fte  vt  fe  gtiøgle  «. 


D,  o  n  -er  O,  o;  abbr:  D.  =  Drb  word(s),  Oft 
East,  E.;  0.  (a.)  b.  =  og  (anbet)  beglige  and  the 
like;  o.  f.  t).  =  og  fao  bibere  etc;  obfr.  =  obenfor 

D !  interj  O  !  Oh ! 

Da  c  wow- wow,  Hylohates  leuciacus. 

Oa'fc  c  -r  oa'sis. 

D6abi'a8  Obadiah. 

Dbbu|cent'  c  -er  disseetor.  -ce'rc  vt  dissect. 
■Itio'n  c  -er  dissection,  (forretning)  post-mortem 
examination.    -ItionSftue  post-mortem  room. 

£>6ellff'  c  -er  ob'elisk. 

£)6erft  c  -er  colonel.  -In'be  c  -r  colonel's  lady. 
gru  _  91.  Mrs.  Colonel  A.  -Ifljfnant  Lieutenant 
•Colonel.  -l«jt'nant3)iDft  lieutenant-colonelcy. 
•poft  colonelcy,  colonelship. 
_  Dbjeft'  n  -er  ob'ject.  06'jcft|ft>  a  objec'tive. 
•i't>  n  -er  object-glass,  objec'tive.  -ioe'te  vt  ob'- 
jectize,  objec'tify.  -itie'ring  c  objectifieation. 
-i'bglaiS  fe  -to  n.  -i'ttifl  a  fe  -ib  a.  -iuitc't  c 
objec'tiveness,  objectiv'ity.  -t'Df^jejl  object-glass. 

Dbttt't  c  -er  wafer;  forfegle  meb  _  wafer.  -flgnct, 
-tttiHer  wafer-seal.    -æfle  wafer-box. 

ObUlga't  a  obligato.  -gatlo'n  c  -er  bond; 
(StatIO  goverament  bond;  (©tot§-)er  coU  stock, 
(ftere  Stagl)  stocks  pi.  -gattott§bc6itor  obligo'r. 
•gattonéejer  fundholder,  -gotionågælb  bonddebt. 
■gotionSfrebttor  obligee'.  -gatorift  a  ob'ligat- 
ory.    -'go  c  obligation  to  par. 

Obo',  Dboift',  fe  §oBo. 

Dbo'i  c  -er  ob'olus. 

D6fc«'n  a  obseene.    -tte't  c  -er  obscen'ity. 

Dbfecti|atto'n  c  -er  observa'tion,  sight.  -ationé- 
ormé  army  of  observation,  -ationétacantæne 
quarantine  of  o.  (o.  fl.).  -atton^officec  ^  navi- 
gating  officer.  -attonSur  J>  hack  watch.  -a'tor 
c  -er  ait  observa'tor,  obser'ver.  -ato'rittJtt  « -ter 
obser'vatory.  -c're  vt  observe;  -t  IBrebbe,  2ængbe 
latitude,  longitude,  by  observation. 

Dbflbia'tt  c  obsid'ian. 

Db^it'r  a  obscure.  -attt'  c  -er  obscu'rant, 
obscu'rantist.    -antiS'ute  c  obscu'rantism. 

Obftcrna'fig  a  p  refractory. 

DbftetrlC  c  obstet'rics. 

Dbftrultto'n  c  obstruc'tion.  -ift'  c  -er  obstruc'- 

Dbtine're  vt  obtain. 

Occiben'ten  the  Oc'cident. 

Occo'tt  n  -er   o'cean;    mibt   i  -et   mid-ocean. 

•bamler  ocean  steamer.    -ien  n  Oceania.    -if( 

Db  c  od,  odyle. 

Db'  c  -ber  (®pib8)  point. 

Dballfl'(e)  c  -er  o'dalisque,  o'dalisk. 

tObbe  vt  point. 

Dbbe  c  -r  point,  head,  tongue  of  land. 

Dbbet  c  -e  otter,  Lutra.  -bo  otter's  burrow" 
-bælg  fe  -fftnb.  -fongft,  -jagt  taking  of  otters, 
otter-hunting,  -^unb  skye-terrier.  -lifte  otter 
-trap.    -falS  otter-trap.    -ffinb  otter-skin 

Dbe  c  -r  ode.    -bigtec  writer  of  odes. 

Dbcl  c  allodial  possession,  allodium  (with  rig 
of  redemption  when  parted  with),  udal  {Sketl 
&  Orkn.).  —  Dbel§|aru  allodial  succession.  -ar= 
Uing  allodial  heir.  -baaren  a  possessed  by  birth 
of  allodial  rights.  -berettiget  a  having  allodial 
rights.  -bonbe  proprietor  of  an  allodial  farm, 
udaler,  udalman,  yeoman  farmer,  -breb  patent 
of  allodial  pri vileges.  -eje,  -ejenbom  allodial 
property.  -ejer  allodial  proprietor.  -fri  a  not 
subject  to  allodial  redemption.  -følge  allodial 
succession,  -gaarb  allodium.  -gobå  allodial 
-state.  -Iierltg^eb  allodial  privileges.  -I^eice  fe 
-ejer.  -^cetib  allodial  prescription.  -jorb  allodial 
land.  -tab  purchase  of  an  allodium.  -totJ  allodial 
law.  -løfer  redeemer  of  an  allodial  property. 
-tømning  redemption  of  an  allodial  property. 
-manb  fe  -Bonbe.  -regning  genealogical  comput- 
ation  of  allodial  succession,  -ret  allodial  law; 
a.  privilege.  -fag  lawsuit  concerning  an  allo- 
dium. Dbclflab  n  institution  of  allodium. 
Dbel§|flægt  line  of  allodial  proprietors.  -ting 
lower  house  of  the  Norwegian  parliament. 
-trætte  fe  -fag.    -æt  fe  -floegt. 

Dbin  Odin.    Dbtn8|^ane,  -^øne  phalarope. 

Dblø'é  a  invidious. 

D'btraft  c  od-force,  odic  et.  odyl'ic  force. 

Dbfl§'fcu8  Ulvsses.     Db^§fc'en  the  Od'yssey. 

Dfen  n  («8Q)  Buda. 

Dffenftt)  a  &  c  oflfen'sive;  gribe  -en  assume  the 
offensive . 

Dffcntlig  a  public;  -e  Sfatter  imperial  taxes; 
et  -t  fruentimmer  a  womau  of  the  town;  _  Unber= 
ftøttelfe  a  grant  (-in-aid);  paa  -  SJetoftning  at  the 
public  expense;  ben  -e  9)lening  public  opinion; 
en  _  .5>emmetig^eD  an  open  secret;  bet  -e  Govern- 
ment, the  State;  „_  ©og"  (poa  JBreoe)  O.  H.  M.  S. 
(On  Her  Majesty's  Service);  gorlooelfen  er  enbnu 






tffe  _  tlie  engagement  is  not  announced  yet;  — 
atlv  publicly,  in  public;  _  omtale,  gøre  _  Sefenbt 
bring  bofore  the  public,  give  publicity  to.  Of= 
fcntliglgøre  vt  publish,  give  publicity  to,  make 
public,    -gerelfe  c  publication.    -^eb  c  publicity. 

Offer  n  -fte  (til  *Præft  ofti.)  ofTering,  oblation; 
(fom  bringe«  en)  sacrifice;  fig  (^erfon)  victim; 
(et)  _  for  a  victim  to,  the  victim  of;  falbe  fom  _ 
for  fall  a  victim  to;  bringe  et  ~  make  a  sacrifice. 
Cfferlttltcr  sacrificial  altar.  -baol  sacrificial  pile. 
-berettiget  a  entitled  to  receive  offerings.  -blob 
blood  of  victims,  -boUe  fe  -ffaal.  -borb  offering 
-table.  -brøb  bread  for  offerings.  -bccger  sacri- 
ficial cup.  -ban  offertorj-.  -bag  day  of  oflferlng. 
•bantti  fe  røg.  -bragt  sacrificial  -b^r 
viciim.    -bab  sacriflcatory  death. 

Dffere'rc  vt  offer. 

Offerjfab  disli  used  at  offerings.  -feft  sacri- 
ficial feast.  -flamme  saorifleatory  flame.  -glibe 
sacrificial  banquet.  -gobe  heathen  priest.  -i^ortt 
sacrificial  drinking  horn.  -fiuå  sacrificial  templc. 
-I)«j  .sacrificial  mount.  -^øjttb  fe  -feft.  -fage 
offering-cake.  -lor  sacrificial  vessel.  -lab  flesh 
of  victims.  -Kabning  fe  -bragt,  -fnib  sacrificial 
knife.  -føsg  cattle  for  sacrifice.  -Inm  sacrificial 
lamb;  fi(/  (innocent)  victim.  -litnb  sacred  grove 
for  .sacriflces.  -maaltib  fe  -gilbe.  -))enge  offering 
ofmoney.  -plab§  place  of  sacrifice.  -^jlfgt  duty 
to  pay  offerings  (to  the  parson).  -))tigtig  a  liable 
to  pay  offerings  (to  the  parson).  -<Jræft  sacrificer, 
sacrificing  priest  -rebflab  implement  used  at 
sacriflces.  -rettig^eb  parson's  right  to  offerings. 
•r«g  smoke  of  an  offering.  -fang  offertory. 
-ffaal  sacrificial  bowl.  -ffif  rite  observed  at 
offerinsrs.  -peb  fe  -plabS.  -table  box  for  receiv- 
ing  offerings. 

Offerte  c  -r  offer,  tender. 

Offer  tlb   time  of  offering.     -tjenefte  offering. 

Cffcrtorium  n  off'ertory. 

Offer  uiUtg  a  self-sacriflcing,  willing  to  make 
sacriflces.  -oiKtglieb  self-sacrifice.  -Oin  wine 
for  offerings.    -eWe  sacrificial  axe. 

Offlce'r  c  cerer  (military)  officer,  commis- 
sioned  officer;  (S!al)  piece;  ItUe  _  (SfaD  minor 
piece;  forfine  meb  er  officer;  bettc  SJegtment  ^ar 
biijtige  -er  this  regiment  is  well  officered.  — 
Officeréjafbirant  applicant  for  a  lieutenant's 
comraission.  -befcrtning  staff  of  officers.  efS- 
amen :  ^an  ^ar  taget  -  he  has  passed  (his  exa- 
mination)  as  a  lieiitenant.  -frnc  offlccr's  wife. 
-IWjflolen  the  Staff  College,  -tlub  Army  and 
Navy  Club.  -medfe  mess.  -patent  commi.ssion. 
•^erfonale  statt"  of  officers,  -rong  the  rank  of 
an  officer,    -tjener  officer's  servant. 

Offictja'!  c  -er  official,  -ant'  c  -er  off'icer, 
official,  -el'  a  official,  -elt  adv  officially.  -e're 
vi  offlc'iate.  -'n  n  -er  printing  office.  -na'l, 
•«er  a  offlc'inal.    -«'§  a  half-official. 

Ofttlei'b  c  -er  ophi'cleide. 

Ofre  vt  &  i  offer  (up),  sacrifice;  -  fiioet  lay 
down  one's  life;  _  fin  Sib,  fit  SJib  paa  devote 
one's  time,  life,  to.  _  bet  en  Zante  give  It  a 
thought;  —  vr  fig  sacrifice  one's  self,  fig  (til) 
devote  one's  self  (to).    Ofring  c  -er  offering. 

Ofte  adv  ofteu  (poet  oft),  frequently  (+  a  fre- 
quent).  tit  og  _  often  and  often;  albrig  -re  never 
again;  faa  _  (fom)  whenever;  ^an  tommer  _  paa 
bette  Steb  he  frequents  this  place;  fom  -ft  most 
frequently,  far  oftener  than  not.  -anførte, 
-uæonte,  -omtalte  a  the  oft-mentioned. 

Og  [aa]  conj  and;  og  bettc  bar  ilte  alt  nor  was 
this  all. 

Ogfaa  eonj  also,  too,  as  well;  ifle  alene  .  .  . 
men  .  uot  only  .  .  .  but  (alsoi;  ^oor  tibt  ^an  _ 
tommer  though  he  may  come  ever  so  often; 
eller  _  or  eLse;  _  dirlelig,  bo  _  Indeed,  in  fiact; 

iiarfen:  S)anff=en8elft  Drbbog. 

og  ^an  lom  _  (birfeltg)  and  he  did  come,  and 
come  he  did  (sure  enough);  er  bu  _  biS  paa 
bet  are  you  perfectly  sure  of  it?  bet  dar  -  et 
SpørgSmaal!  what  a  question!  bet  er  _  fanbt! 

OHer  e  ocher.    -agtig,  -gul  a  ocherous. 

Ottultatio'n  c  -er  occulta'tion. 

Ottnblatio'n  c  -er  occupa'tion.  -ationS^ter 
army  of  occupation.    -e're  't  oc'cupy. 

OtSe  c  -r  'og  ptåen,  CtSne)  ox  {pi  oxen);  bullock; 
*bull.  —  Ol§e|anti(o|»c  fe  Ømt.  -blob  blood  of 
oxen.  -blære ox  bladder.  -ivtmi  g&åQy,  Oestnis 
bovig  -brljft  breast  of  beef.  -br«l  beliowing  of 
an  ox.  -briber  drover,  ^  oxlip,  Priwitili  elatior. 
-fr«  buU-frog,  Biitn  mugieni.  -gumme  beef 
-palate;  SRagout  paa  -r  beef-palates  stewed. 
-batter  ox-pecker,  beef-eater,  Buphaga  afi-inann. 
-^ale  ox-tail.  -i)alefttti))e  ox  tail  soup.  -^anbel 
tråde  in  black-cattle.  -^nnbler  dealer  in  oxen. 
■^orn  ox-hom.  -^obeb  head  of  an  ox  (SSinfab) 
hogshead  (containing  240  Danish  quarts).  -^nb 
ox-hide  -tatb  buU-calf.  -tlou  hoof  of  an  ox. 
-tiobefebt  neat's-foot  oil.  -tUft  (p.  .©eft)  ox-foot. 
-t«b  beef;  (mobfat  totøD)  ox-beef.  -t«bftt<>pe 

Dt§e|leber  buUock's  liver.  -læber neat'sleather. 
■marb  ox-marrow.  -mnle  muzzle  of  an  ox. 
-mørbrab  sirloin.  -n^rc  beef-kidney.  -rbg  chine 
of  beef.  -ffat  tax  on  oxen  el.  horned  cattle. 
-ftolb  cow -stable,  -fteg  roastbeef,  -talg  ox 
-tallow,  beef-tallow.  -tunge  neat's  tongue,  ox 
-tongue;  ^  alkanet,  Anchvs'i  o/ficinnlis.  -tttrt^t-- 
fbam^,  *-tungefo<i  beef-steak  fungus,  Fistuhna 
hepitica.  't\t  (ogf.  ^)  ox-eye,  Chrysanthemum. 
leuanthemum;  guif  _  yellow  bottle,  C.  legetum; 
(®ft))  buH's  eye. 

Oltaje'ber  n  -bre  octahedron.  -nt' c -er  (fjigur) 
oc  tant;  Onftrum.)  quadrant. 

Olta'b  c  -er  (gormnt)  octavo;  (S8og)  (volume 
in)  octavo;  mnn  oc'tave.  -art  octavo  sheet 
-binb  octavo  volume.  -blab  octavo  leaf  -ftøjte 
ocuve  flute,  piccolo,   -følge  consecutive  octaves. 

DIte't  c  -ter  octet,  ottet. 

Otto'bcr  c  October. 

Ottobe'j  c  -er  (Jormat  og  Sog)  octodec'imo. 

Ottroj'  c  concession.    -e're  vt  grant. 

Otnta'r  n  -er,  -gloS  eye-piece,  ocular. 

Otule'Ire  vt  (Sopper,  planter  ofb.)  inoculate. 
-ring  c  budding,  inoculation,  sadle -grafting. 
Otulerlnib  budding-knife. 

Ol  c,  pi  ==,  fourscore. 

Olaf  Ola  ve,  Olaf.  Olafdftæg  finger -fem, 
A"  ideniwit . 

Olb  c  k  n  age  -banfl  a  &  n  Old  Danish. 
Olbefaber  great  grandfather.  Olbemober  great 

Olben  c  mast.  -aar  mast  year.  -borre  c  May 
-bug,  cockchafer,  Melolontha.  -bøg  common 
be<^ch . 

Otbengelff  a  A;  n  Old  English. 

Otbengælb,  -penge  pannage.  -Ijøft  crop  of 
mast  -griå,  -fbin  pig  out  at  mast.  -ff ob  wood 
of  raastbearing  trees. 

•Olber  'e  Cr. 

Olber|manb  master  of  a  Corporation,  fe  fiobS-; 
t(i  fianbsbi})  borough-elder.  -manbdpenge  master's 
Corporation  fees. 

OJblforfler,  -forflning,  fe  -gronfler,  granffning. 
-franff  a  &  n  Old  French.  -frue  head  laundress 
fat  a  public  establishment);  'paa  .?tofpital)  head 
-nurse,  -funb  find  of  antiquities.  -gefell  [t.]  head 
-journeyman.  -grander  antlquary,  autiquarian. 
-granftning  nntiquarian  research.  Olbing  c  -e  <fc 
-croldmati  Olbingeagtig  a  senile  OlbingSalber  Olbltbobancientpoem.  -t^ubtg  f«  skilied 
in  antiquities;  c  arehæologist.    -tbnbigtieb  arcliæ- 





ology.  -minbe  memorial  of  antiquity.  -norbift 
a  OM  Northern,  •tiorfl  a  Old  Norwegian,  Old 
Norse.  -fager  pi  antiquitles,  objects  of  anti- 
quity. -fagit  ancient  tradition.  -fagSfunt)  fe 
-fuiib.  -fitift  ancient  text.  -fftiftSfcIffob  ancient 
text  society;  bet  norbiffe  ~  the  Old  Norse  t.  s. 
•f^rog  ancient  language,  -tib  antiquity,  olden 
time.  -tibSagtig  a  archaic.  -f-tibSgran  a  hoary. 
•t-tibSgraO^  +-ttbél)«j  je  SænH)e=.  -tibdUDninger 
fe  -faget.  -tibSminbe  monument  of  antiquity. 
-tibSoibenflab  archæology.  -t^ff  a  k  n  Old 

Cle  fe  DIaf;  fe  SJutjøje. 

DIean'ber  c  -e  oleander. 

Clei'n  c  o'leine. 

Clie'  c  -r  oil;  g^be  _  i  gliben  add  fuel  to  the 
fire;  ben  fibfte  _  extreme  unction;  fmøre  meb  _ 
=  DUe  vt  oil.  Dlielaar  oil  year.  -agtig  a  oily, 
oleaginous.  -otti  culture  of  the  olive.  -batte 
save-oil.  -be^olber  oil-reservoir  el.  basin.  -BiHe 
oil-beetle,  Meloéproscarabæus .  -bjærget  the  Mount 
of  Olives.  -btob  olive  leaf  -bæt  bibl  river  of 
oil.  -bær  olive.  -bærme  dregs  of  oil.  -bannenbe 
ØoS  oleflant  gas.  -bl)rter  cultivator  of  the  olive. 
-bl^rtning  fe  ael.  -fab  oil-cask.  -farbe  oil-colour; 
male  meb  -  paint  in  oil.  -ferniS  oil-varnish. 
-flafle  oil-bottle.  -gaarb  olive  plantation.  -ga§ 
oil-gas.  -gren  olive-branch.  -grunb  (^oS  9Kalere) 
priming.  -^anbel  oil-trade.  -banbter  oil-man. 
-bom  bibl  horn  of  oil.  -^ut  (®mp.)  oil-hole. 
-if8^  crop  of  olives.  -tage  oil-cake.  -Iage= 
brætter  oil-cake  breaker.  -tanbe  oil-can;  (til 
Opfiebaring  of  Olie)  oil-tin.  -ttæber  oilskins,  -top 
oil-cup.  -trutte,  -tru§  oil-jug.  -ttjJft  olive  twig. 
-(ambe  oillamp.  -lugt  smell  of  oil.  -maler 
painter  in  oil.  -maleri  oil-painting.  -maling 
oilpaint.  -malning  painting  in  oil.  -møOe  oil 
-mill.  -møller  oil-miller.  -^alme  oil-palm,  Ekeis 
guineenaia.  -banbe  (®mp.)  drip-pan.  -^a^ir  oil 
-paper.  -^»erfe  oil-press.  -^libe  oil-cask.  -pXantt 
oleiferous  plant.  -pXtt  spot  of  oil.  •pr6^t  test 
of  oil.  Dlie're  vt  oil.  Dlle|renber  pi  (®mp.) 
oil-grooves.  -rig  a  abounding  in  oil.  Dlie'ring 
c  oiling.  Dtie|rum  oil-room.  -faft  bibl  fresh 
oil.  -fance  mayonaise.  -falbe  ointment  of  oil. 
•ftinb  yellow  parchment  (prepared  with  oil). 
•fmag  oily  taste,  -fort  slate-black.  -Spteytt  oil 
syringe  el.  squirt.  -ften  oil-stone,  oil-hone.  -furt 
Salt  oleate.  -f^re  oleic  acid.  -fæbe  oil-soap. 
-f«bt  glycerine.  Oliet  a  oily.  Dlie|trt)t  chromo 
-lithography:  tvp  unclean  proof  -træ  olive;  oil 
-tree.    -taj  fe  -flæber,    -tønbe  oil-barrel. 

Oliglarti'  n  ol'igarchy.  -ar'Iift  a  oliga'r- 

Dligotla'8  c  olig'oclase. 

Oli'Oen  c  -er  ol'ive.  -farbe  olive  colour. 
-faruct,  -gran  «  olive  -  coloured ,  olive -green. 
-baue  fe  Oliegaorb.  -tranS  olive-crown  el.  -wreath. 
-innb  olive  grove,  -olie  olive  oil.  -ftob  fe  -lunb. 
-fnegl,  -fnætte  olive,  Oliva.  -træ  olive  tree, 
Olea.  (SBeb)  olive  wood. 

tDHc  P  ile  (O :  oil). 

*iOlle  c  -r  well. 

Dlm  a  (om  Soæg)  furious,  mad. 

Clmerbng  c  fustian. 

*OiSol  c  St.  Olave's  day,  the  29th  of  July. 

Olbmb'  c  Olympus,  -ia'be  c  -r  Olym'piad. 
-'ift  a  Olympic,  Olympian. 

t>m'  [■■'6]  conj  whether,  if;  (berfom)  if;  ^oem  Beb, 
om  iffé?  who  knows  but?  om  ®ub  oil  God  wll- 
ling;  om  enb,  om  foa  though;  om  nu  foo  bor? 
what  though  ?  om  bet  foa  bor  Køerne,  foo .  .  .  the 
very  cows  .  .  .;  om  jeg  bil!  won't  I. 

Cm'  [*6  ogfoa  i  oUe  be  følgenbe  Smf.]  præp 
about;    fjoreftiiling,    Sonfe,    Srinbring,  ^oob   ogf. 

om  idea,  thought,  recoUection,  hope,  etc 
en  Slf^onbling  om  a  treatise  on;  ooerbeBtft  om  at 
convinced  that;  ^Bob  mener  bu  om  .  .  .?  wha;; 
do  you  think  of  .  .  .  ?  fpiHe  om  ^enge  play  fo:- 
money;  faflebe  fig  om  f)on§  ^aI8  threw  herself  on 
el.  about  his  neck;  ber  er  intet  om  ben  %xi\\\ 
there  is  nothing  known  about  that;  bet  moo  ^aii 
om  that  is  his  affair;  oære  tre  om  een  be  thre«^ 
to  one;  Bære  længe  om  at  flæbe  fig  paa.  be  lon|: 
in  dressing;  jeg  er  let,  tung,  om  fjertet  my  hear 
is  light,  heavy  (within  me);  bet  er  mig  om  a: 
gøre  it  is  an  objeet  with  me;  om  ^tnonben  pro 
miscuously;  2)ør  om  ®ør  meb  next  door  to;  ©ibi' 
om  6tbe  side  by  side;  <J5often  tommer  om  aKanbagei: 
og  gcebogen  the  mail  arrives  on  Mondays  ane 
Fridays;  om  TOorgenen,  (Sftermibbogen  in  th(- 
morning,  afternoon;  om  ©ommeren,  2?iiiteren  ir 
summer,  winter;  mibt  om  Sommeren  in  tht 
middle  of  summer;  om  en  Stme  in  an  hour,  ir 
another  hour;  om  en  TOooneb  in  a  month,  ir 
another  month;  om  tre  Wooneber  in  (another 
three  months;  om  nogle  ®oge  in  a  few  days;  om 
libt  shortly,  presently;  ^ele  2laret  om  all  thf 
year  round;  een  ®ong  om  9loret  once  a  year;  IC 
®oIer  om  TOooneben  10  dollars  a  month;  oære  om 
fig  be  active,  sharp;  —  adv  folbe,  tofte  om  Ml, 
throw  down;  gøre  noget  om  do  a  thing  ovei 
again;  om  igen  over  again. 

Om'arbeibe  vt  remodel,  remake,  reconstruct, 
recast,  new-model,  rewrite,  re-edit;  (for  Sfue^ 
plabftn)  adapt.  -Ife  c  (bet  ot  omorb.)  recasting, 
remodelling;  (omorbejbet  SJærf)  remodelled  work; 

Dm'arme  vt  embr&ce.  -Ifc  c  -r  embracing, 

Cmbagle  vt  bake  over  again.  -ning  c  baking 

Dmbatning  c  ^  boxhauling. 

Ombantning  c  (SSogb.)  backing. 

Ombebe  vt  fe  3lnmobe. 

-hOmbejIet  part  courted. 

Dmbeftgtelfc  c  re-survey. 

Ombeftemme   ftg   vr   change   one's  mind 
purpose.    -Ife  c  change  of  purpose. 

Dmbef  ætte  vt  (et  ©mbebe)  appoint  another  man 
to  a  plaee.    -Ife  c  change  (in  office).' 

Dmbinibe  vt  tie  el.  bind  round,  gird;   Sogen 
moo  -i  the  book  must  be  rebound.     -bing 
tying  etc;  bandage. 

-i-Omblable  vt  tum  over  the  leaves  of  a  h 
-ning  c  tuming  etc. 

£)mblanb|e   vt  (i  Sortfpil)   re-shulBe,    shi 
over  again.    -ing  c  re  shuffling. 

iOmblit  n  comprehensive  view. 

Dmblæfe  vt  blow  down. 

iDmboenbe  o  residing  around,  surrounding, 

Dmbogftaoere  vt  respell. 

Dmbolte  vt  re-bolt. 

-^Ombolt^e  vt  (en  =  boltre  fig  om  en)  garn' 
around  el.  about  (one). 

Dmbo'rb  adv  onboard,  aboard,  on  shipboard, 
onboard  ship;  _  i  onboard  (of);  toge  (nt)  _  ship; 
rage  _  i  fall  aboard  of,  run  foul  of;  lægge  -  i 
(entre)  board,  -bringelfe  c  shipping,  embarkation. 
-lægning  fouling,  coUision;  boarding,  -ragning, 
-feiling  fouling,  collision.  -ttærenbe  a  ouboard; 
be  _  those  onboard. 

£>mbrafe  vt  fe  SBrofe  om. 

Ombringe    vt    (noget)   carry    about,    deliver; 
(bræbe)   put   to   death.     -lfel|>enge   charge 

Ombrnfe  vt  roar  around. 

Ombrætjte  vt  tvp  overrun,  reconstruct,  (enbi 
makeup,   impose.     -ter  c  -e  maker-up,  impoS- 
itor.    -ning  c  overrunning  etc. 




ing  c 








*Ombrættet  part  turned  over. 
Cnt  bub    n,   pi  =,   commission ;    (^erjon)   = 
•bnbémanb  agent,  depuly. 
Cmbutife  vt  turn  over.    -nittg  turnlng  over. 
CrabJjb  c  vt  hånd  round,   pass  round.     -en, 
■ning  c  handing  round. 

Otnb^glge  vt  (omgioe  raeb  SSijgmng)  build 
round  about;  (btjgge  om  igen)  rebuild.  -ning  c 
building  round  about;  rebuildlng. 

Cmlbqtntng  c  -er  exchanging.     -b^tte  vt  ex- 
chauge  (meb  for);  -3  meb  be  replaced  by.    -h^ttt 
n  exchange,  change. 
Ombceltje  vt  gird  round.  -ning  c  girding  etc. 
Cmborre   vt   bear  el.    carry   about;   _   SSrebe, 
2loi)er  deliver  letters,  newspapers.    -en,  -ing  c 
carrying  about;  (af  SSretie  oio.)  delivery. 
+Cmba:ue  vt  poet  tremble  around. 
Cmbøjje  vt  bend  down,   fold   down.     -et  a 
tiiTc  aiinexed.    -ning  c  -er  bending  etc. 
Cmbulge  vt  wave  round. 
Cmctrfle  vt  fe  Cmfrebfe. 
Cntbanne   vt   transform,    convert,    remodel, 
-hape.     -Ifc  c  transformation,  conversion. 
Cmbanfe  vt  dance  round  about. 
£mbcbottctet  a  et  meget  -  Spørgémoaf  a  vexed 
Hiiei-tion;  ben  -be  Sog  the  matter  under  discus- 
Cmbede  vt  distribute.    -ing  c  -er  distribution. 
Cmbeftittete  vt  rectify. 
tCmbiflC  vt  dike  round. 
Cmbigt  e  vt  compose  (a  poem)  anew,  remodel. 
-ning  c  remodelling. 

Cmbragenbe  a  itinerant,  stroUing,  clrcum- 

Cmbreje  vt  turn  round;  -nbe  a  phys  &  ast 
revolviiig,  rotatory.  Ontbrejembtxet^  anat  tro- 
chanter.  Ombrejning  c  -er  turningetc;  revolu- 
tion, rotation.  —  Cimbre)ning§|alde  axis  of  rota- 
tion, -betxegelfe  rotatory  motion,  -^aftig^eb, 
•^nrtig^eb  velocity  of  rotation,  -maaler  revolu- 
tion-counter.  -|)i^ol  revolver,  -(luntt  centre  of 
gjTation  el.  rotation,  (paa  ®ægtftangj  fulcrum. 

Cmlbrift  rotation,  -brioe  vt  drive  round. 
•briben.  -briøning  c  drivlng  round;  (ørteglaS 
Cmflaffen)  idllng  about.  -brioenbe  part  drifting 
Ombufte  vt  surround  with  fragrance. 
Cmbafjle  vt  lay  (a  table)  over  again.  -ning 
c    er  laying  etc. 

Cntb«b|e  e<  rebaptize;  ^^  re-christen,  re-name. 
-en,  -ning  c  rel>aptlzation;  re-christening. 
Cmbemme  n  judgment,  opinion. 
Cnt'egn    c    -e    neighbourhood ,    surrounding 
country,  environs  pi. 
Cmelet'  c  -ter  om'elet. 
Cmen  «  omen;  et  _  om  at  an  omen  that. 
Cmcnbffant'  Je  (Snbflønt. 
Cm  rrinbre  vt  mention,  remind  of. 
Cmfabc  vt  (flqbenbe  aiorer)  rack  off.     -ning  c 
racking  off. 
Ontfalben  part  fallen  (down),  upset. 
Cmlfang  n  (Dmfrebl)  circumference;  (Ubftræl= 
ning)   extent;   (SSegrebé)   extension;   (af  et  Zxæ) 
girth;    en    ©temme   of   ftort  _  a  voice  of  great 
compass.     -i-fange   vt    embrace.     -fangSrig   « 
extensive;  bulky. 
*Onifar  n,  pi  =,  round. 
Cmfajre  vt  (fare  runbt  om)  go  round;  (befare) 
traverse  in  all   directions,   perambulate.     *-re§ 
vd  cross  each  other,   pass  each  other  (without 
knowing),    -tt  c  going  round,  perambulation. 

jOmfarole  vt  dye  over  again.  -ning  c  dylng 

Cmfatlte  vt  (omitutte)  encompass;  (inbbffotte) 
comprise,  comprehend,  embrace,  cover,  -tenbe 
a  comprehensive,  extensive,  wide-ranging;  oære 

meget  _  (egl.   og  fig)   cover  much    ground;    ^ 
clasping,  perfoliate.    -ning  c  encompassing  etc. 

Cmfaone  vt  embrace,  hug.  -Ife  c  r  embracing, 
embrace,  hug. 

Omflagre  vt  flutter  about.  -n  c  fluttering 

Omflatfe  vi  roam,  ramble;  -»■  vt  ramble  about. 
•n  c  roagiing,  rambling.  -nbe  a  rovin^,  stroUing, 
wandering,  erratic,  F  gadabout;  _  SSmb  baffling 
el.  chopping  wind. 

£)mf(et|te  vt  plalt  round;  re-plait.  -ning  c  -er 
plaiting  etc. 

CmflQbe  vt  flow  round.    -n  c  flowing  around. 

£)mf())t|te  vt  move,  remove.  -ten,  -ning  c 
moving  etc,  displacement. 

DmflQO{e  rt  &  i  fly  about.  -en,  -ning  c  flying 

Cmfolble  vt  refold.    -ning  c  refolding. 

-^DttIfocan|bte  vt  change  (entirely).  -bring  c 
(entire)  change. 

Otnforbolte  vt  re-bolt. 

'^Omforcnet  a  (mutuallyj  agreed  upon. 

■i-Otttfortiare  vt  re-explain;  ben  -be  8lften  the 
aforesaid  night,  the  night  in  question. 

£)mform|e,  -en,  -ning,  fe  Cmbanne,  -Ife. 

Cmfrebe  vt  fe  ^rebe  om. 

-HCmfuge  vi  drift  about. 

Dnifq(b{e  vt  refill,  replenish.  -ning  crefiUing 

Dntfcelbe  fe  fjcelbe. 

+Dmfare  vt  fe  gøre  omfring. 

Ontgaa  vt  (gao  om)  walk  round;  mil  turn, 
outflank;  (en  58efaling  ofo.)  elude,  evade,  (Spørgg= 
maal)  fence.  -en  c  eva.sion.  -enbe  a  stroUing, 
vagrant;  _  SSeoægelfe  turning  movement,  meb  _ 
(*Pofl)  by  return  of  post.  -S  vd  (onbre)  have 
intercourse  el.  converse  with;  associate  with, 
keep  Company  with;  (be^anble)  manage,  treat, 
deal  with;  oi  -gilleé  meget  we  saw  a  great  deal 
of  each  other;  _  meb  3;anfer  om  meditate,  have 
in  one's  head;  ftg  mig  i)Dem  bu  _,  og  jeg  flal  fige 
big,  ^Dem  bu  er  tell  me  with  whom  thou  gæst, 
and  I'll  tell  thee  what  thou  doest;  _  meb  @poa= 
bom  (0.  fl.)  bibl  use  divination  (etc). 

Dmgang  c  -e  (Dmbrejning)  revolution,  rotation, 
turn;  (Samfoem)  intercourse,  commerce,  com- 
munion,  company;  (ftrebS)  acquaintance;  (93e= 
^onbling)  treatment,  management;  (i  Rortfpil, 
©trifning)  round,  (i  Eridet)  innings,  to  -e  (i  Strit= 
ning)  purl;  (af  Sampftrue  ofo.)  revolution;  (paa 
©frue)  convolution;  (paa  en  S3^gning)  gallery, 
arcade;  fortrolig  _  familiar  intercourse;  ^olbe  _ 
meb  associate,  keep  company,  with;  bet  fler  efter, 
gaar  paa  _  it  is  done  by  tums  el.  spells;  Iot)= 
flribig  _  illegal  proceeding;  legemlig  _  sexual 
intercourse;  otnbe  oeb  -  F  wear  well.  —  Dni^ 
gang§|breo  circular.  -fceUe  fe  -oen.  -Irebé  circle 
of  one's  acquaintance.  -lib  social  life  el.  inter- 
course. -tttaabe  mode  of  treatment.  -rem  wind- 
ing-strap.  -ffole  ambulatory  school.  -ftriuelfc 
circular.  -f))VOg  conversation  el.  coUoquial  lan- 
guage. -ftro|»  breeching  tum-back.  -ft»ge  epi- 
demic.  -tone  tone  of  conversation.  -uen  asso- 
ciate. -ttiå  adv  by  turns, 
Ontgift  a  re-married. 

£)ntgib|e  vt  encompass,  surround,  environ, 
encircle;  Suften  fom  -r  08  the  ambient  el.  sur- 
rounding air;  —  vr  ~  fig  meb  associate  with; 
mine  -nbe  those  that  surround  me.  -elfe  c  -er, 
+-ning  c  encompassing  etc;  (en?  Omgang)  as- 
sociates,  circle  of  friends,  those  arouud  one; 
(^bab  ber  omgifter  en)  surroundings,  surrounding 
objects;  environments,  (lun  om  BanbflO  scenes  j)/. 
Ctttgiorbe  vt  gird  round;  _  fine  fiænber  gird 
up  one's  loins.  -(fe  c  girding. 
-i^Cntgnatie  vt  gnaw  round  about. 





.    Dmfltotile  vt  (grotte  runbt)  dig  round;  (grobe 
om)  dig,  spade,  tum.    -ning  c  digging. 
Dmgribenbe  a  extensive. 

Dmgro  vi  grow  round. 

Dmgrrcnfe  vt  bound. 

+Cntflræ§fe  vt  graze  about. 

£)mgrøft|e  vt  surround  with  a  ditch.  -ning  c 
surrounding  etc.  ^ 

Dmgcclbenbe  o  concemed. 

£)mga:ng'e|Iig  a  conversable,  conversive,  so- 
ciable.  -tigget)  c  conversableness,  sociableness, 
sociability.    -Ife  c  intercourse,  conversation. 

Dmgærbe  vt  fence  round,  hedge  round.  -Ife 
c  fencing  etc. 

Otngøgle  vt  flit  round,  dazzle,  bewilder. 

Omger|e  vt  make  el.  do  over  again;  _  til 
conven  into  el.  to.    -tnfl  c  making  etc. 

Dnt^atle  vt  grub  el.  hoe  (the  ground). 

Cm^alfe  vt  put  the  ship  on  the  other  tack. 

Dm^attblle  vt  treat  of;  beb  ben  t)er  -be  fiejlig^eb 
on  the  occasion  in  question.  -litlfl  c  treat- 

£)tn^arto|e  vt  harrow  over  again.  -niitg  c 
harrowing  etc. 

€)m^eg|ne  vt  hedge  round.  -wiwfl  c  hedging 

Dm^llbe  vt  impede,  entangle. 

Dm^ottø'  adv  an-end;  ^  fætte  _  sway  up. 
-foetnittfl  c  swaying  up. 

Dml)u  c  care,  concern,  solicitude;  \ja\>e.  Bære 
_  for  take  care  of. 

Om^uglge  vt  cut  el.  hew  down,  fell.  -tting  c 
cutting  el.  hewing  down. 

*Dm^oerti  n,  xd  =,  round. 

£)ml)titrt)le  vt  whirl  round,  w.  about. 

+Dml)«iå(e  vt  hiss  about. 

DmljbæHie  vt  arch  el  vault  round. 

Cm^tjg'geltg  a  careful  (of),  palnstaking,  solic- 
itous.    -Ijcb  c  carefulness,  pains,  solicitude. 

Cm^QlI{e  vt  wrap  round  el.  about,  envelop. 
-ina  c  wrapping  etc. 

+Dm^æ9C  vt  take  great  care  of. 

£)nt{^icng  n,  pi  =,  bed-curtains  pi.  -^rsnge  vt 
(meb)  hang  round  (with).  -^ængSfeng  fourposter. 

Dmtnø'§  a  om'inous. 

+Dm'irre  vi  wander  about. 

£)mtalfat{re  »« J,  re-caulki^ff  re-model,  trans- 
form,    -riwg  c  transformation,  metamorphosis. 

Omlant|e  vt  edge  round.  -ning  c  edging 

£)m\tap',  -tape/  fe  ^ap. 

Cnttaft{e  vt  (fafte  ouerenbe)  cast  et.  throw  down, 
overthrow,  upset;  (om  Som)  stir.  -tting  c  casting 

Dmftamre  vt  clasp,  cling  to. 

Dm!Ia§fiftccre  vt  re-class. 

+Dmtrcmjne  vt  squeeze. 

Dmtttine  vt  (meb)  line  el.  paste  round  (with). 
-ning  "  lining  etc. 

Dmtlinle  vt  re-clinch. 

£)mfltp|)e  vt  cut  over  again. 

Dmflæbe  vt  fe  Dmfline. 

Dmllæb|e  vt  shift  el.  change  one's  clothes  el. 
dress;  -t-clothe,  encase;  —  vr  change  clothes. 
-ning  o  -er  changing  etc. 

Cmttnæte  vt  kneel  around. 

Dntlfog  n,  pi  =,  re-boillng.  -loge  «(  boil  over 
again.    -logning  c  -er  boiling  etc. 

Dmtomme  vi  perish;  t  vt  destroy,  put  to 

Dmfontra^ecet  a  agreed  upon. 

Omtoftning  c  -er  eost,  expense,  charge;  Betole 
-ente  defray  the  expenses;  ibømme  ©ogenS  -er 
condemn  to  costs;  unber  (JftertroB  of  -er  taking 
your  charges  forward. 




Dmlranfle  vt  inwreathe,   encircle.     -ning 
inwreathiug  etc. 

OtttltrebS  c  -e  circumference,  Circuit,  compas 
geom  circumference;  t  -en  on  the  circumference; 
SS^en   er  fqo   9Kile  i  _  the  town  is  seven  miles 
in  Circuit;   i   ti   TOilel  ~  (for)  ten  miles  roun^ 
within  ten  miles,     -frebfe  vt  encompass;  ti: 
el.  revolve  round;  wheel  el.  fly  round. 

Otttlring'  præp  &  adv  round,  around,  abou? 

Oibt  -  far  about;   8lof!en  _  tolo  by  twelve,    (at) 

about  twelve;   fpabfere  -  walk   about;    gøre   - 

wheel  round;  gaa  _  33t)en  walk  round  the  town; 

goo  -  i  IBtjen,   ©aberne   walk   about  the  town, 

about  the  streets.     £)mtring|Boenbe  «  residing 

around.    -Boenbe  «  pi  neighbours.    -liggenbe  a 

circumjacent.  -IflBenbe  arunning  about,  vagrant. 

-fibtenbe  a  sitting  around.   -ftaaenbe  a  standing 

around.    -ftaaenbe  pi  by-standers.    -f«big  a  ^ 

perigj-nous.    -oærenbe  a  surrounding. 

DmIcQBenbe  a  creeping  about. 

-^Omfrl)bfe  vt  fig  wheel  about. 

Dmtrtcngle  vt  tum  inside  out.   -ning  c  tuml| 


Omlnlb'  adv  down.    -ticette  vt  upset. 

Dtttftiæb  n,  pi  =,  burden,  refrain. 

Dmtabje  vt  (©f^beoooben)  load  again;  (SfiB 

lade  again;  (SJarer  til  anbet  ®!ib  eEer  aJeforbrtnqS- 

mibbel)  transliip.   -ning  c  loading  etc;  transhij 

ment.     -ningSomtoftninger    transhipment 

penses.    -ningSfteb  place  of  transhipment. 

Dtttlanb  w  -e  surrounding  country,  environs  j 

Omlebe  vt  lead  about. 

£intlej[r|e   vt   encamp  round,  invest.     -ing| 
encamping  etc;  re-arrangement. 
Omtiggenbe  a  circumjacent,  neighbouring.  ] 
■t-Dmlue  vt  flame  round. 
Omlttfte  vt  fan. 
iOmlutte  vt  shut  in. 

Dmlqb  c  gram  modiflcation,  (vowel-)mutati<| 
£)ntlt)ne  vt  lighten  el.  flash  around. 
-HOmi^fe  vt  illuminate  (all  round).  __ 

Ontlceg  n  ^  (om  jomfruer)  bindings.  Ontlæglge' 
vt  (lægge  om  igen)  lay  over  again,  relay;   (anber-- 
lebeS)  change  the  position  el.  direction  of,  lay 
el.    place   diffierently;   (lægge  runbt)  lay   round; 
(Stenbro)  repave.     -ning  c  -er  relaying  etc;  re 
^•Omlæflc  vt  re-read.    -ning  c  re-reading. 
£)m(is3|fe  vt  load  over  again,  reload.    -ning 
c  loading  etc. 

Dm|I«b  n  circulation,  circumvolution ;  agr 
course,  rotation;  agt  revolution;  periobift  -  a»< 
period;  bringe,  fætte  i  _  (5Bel§ler  ofb.)  issne,  (et 
attjgte)  circulate,  set  afloat,  ($enge)  eirculate; 
-  i  ^obebet  quickness,  smartness,  brains,  readi- 
ness,  management.  -laBe  vt  (1.  forbi)  run  past. 
-UBen  c  running  about.  -enbe  a  (omftrejfenbe) 
running  about,  vagrant,  itinerant;  (f.  (SK.  ^jut) 
turning,  revolving;  (f.  Stå.  9??gte)  circulating; 
(SKinb)  variable.  -tøBer  c  -e,  -laBcrfle  c  -r  stroUer, 
vagrant,  vagabond.  —  Dwt«B8| Bane  orbit.  -Breu 
circular.  -Baftig^eb  velocity  of  rotation,  -ntiblet 
circulating  medium.  -tiJ>  mech  &  ast  time  of 
rotation  el.  revolution,  period.  -»eje  pi  cir- 
culatory  vessels. 

Ctttmaalle  et  remeasure.  -ing  c  -er  remeasuring; 

Omme  adv  (til  (Snbe)  over,  at  an  end,  out; 
2:iben  er  ~  time  is  up;  ber  -  on  the  other  side; 
l^ift  _  beb  |)iomet  yonder.  round  the  corner;  _  t 
en  onben  ®abe  round  the  corner  in  the  other 
Street;  ^er  _  on  this  side;  jeg  bar  _  at  fe  tit  ^om 
I  went  round  to  see  him;  i)an  bor  _  bag  hjørnet 
he  lives  round  the  corner;  bøbe  tnben  Storet  bar 
_  died  within  the  year. 




Ommelbe  vt  mention. 
Cmnturc  vt  wall  (about). 
CmmQlbre  vt  swann  about. 
Cmjmqnte,  -mønte  vt  re-coln.    -møntnittø  c 
Cmmarte  vt  re-mark. 

Cmnibud  c  -fer  omnibus;  f  buss.  -fonbutt^r 
omnibus-conductor.  -førfeletl  the  omnibus-ser- 
vice,   -linie,  -rute  o.  line. 

Dmnæolne  vt  give  another  name.  -nt  «  be- 
fore mentioned. 

Dnt'orbine  vt  re-arrange.    -ntng  c  re-arrange- 
£impat\U  vt  repack.    -ninB  c  re-packing. 
Omtiandre  vt  case  in  mail. 
>Om))(ant|e  vt  transplant,  Cpaa  famme  Steb)  re- 
plant,  Cigottepl.)  repot;  -H(omfring)  plant  about. 
•ning   c    -er   transplanting  etc.     •ning^ntaftine 
+CnH>I'>ffe  vt  splash  round. 
Ompløjle  tt  plough  over  again.    -ni«g  c  -et 
ploughing  etc. 
Cnttiobe  vt  regraft. 

Dmpoftcrie  vt   -ing  c  transposition. 
Om^otte  vt  repot. 

Cm^ritle  vt  (®artn.)  prick  out,  transplant. 
Omtirægle  vt  restamp.    -ntng  c  restamping. 
Cmyubfie  vt  re-clean,  re-polish,     -ntng   c  re 
■cleaning  etc. 
Cm))ufte  vt  blow  down. 
CnttiiElle  vt  stake  round.    -ing  c  -er  staking 
round;  cono  palisade. 

Cmraabc  n  -r  territory,    (meft  fig)    domain, 
'Omraabe  fig  vr  cast  about. 
Cmragc  vt  rummage  among;  shave  over  again. 
-t-Cmronbct  a  encircled. 
■*^Cmronfe  it  grow  round,  clasp. 
iCmregine  vt  re-calculate.    -ning  c  re-calcula- 

Oml  rejfe  c  peregrination,  travelling  about. 
-rejfe  vt  travel  el.  journey  round.  -rejfenbe  a 

Cmrible  vt  ride  round  el.  about.  -en,  -ntng 
c  riding  etc. 

Cm  rib§  n,  pi  =,  outline,  contour.    -i-ribfe 
vt  outline. 
Omrinbe  fe  OmflQbc. 

Dmringe  vt  surround,    environ,    encompass, 
encircle,  hem  in,  beset.    -Ife  o  surrounding  etc. 
CmriB|c  vt  puU  down.     -ning  c  -er  pulllng 

Cmrob[e  vt  root  el.  grub  up;  rummage.    -ning 
c  rooting  etc. 
^•Cmrnlle  vi  revolve. 

Cmri)f  fe  vt  puU  down.   -ning  c  pulling  down. 
CmrJjftc  vt  shake.    -ning  c  shaking. 
*Cmr«mme  fig,  fe  Cmroabe  ftg. 
Cmrørle  vt  mix  up,  stir  up.    -ing  c  mixing 
Omf aa  vt  sow  over  again. 
£)mfab|Ic  vt  &  i  saddle  again,  re.saddle;  fig 
turn  one's  coat.    -len,  -ling  c  saddling  etc. 
Cmfagn  n,  gram  predicate. 
Omfattle  vt  salt  over  again.    -ning   c  salting 

Omfejile  vt  sail  round,   circumnavigate ,    (en 
Cbbe)  round,  double;  jSen  bleo  -t  we  sailed  round 
tlie  island,  the  island  was  circumnavigated.   -ler 
c  -e  circumnavigator.    -ling  c  circumnavigation. 
Omfeube  vt  send  round  el.  about.   -Ife  c  send- 
ing etc. 
Cmfi'ber  adv  at  last,  at  length. 
Omftge  i-t  (genfalbe)  unsay. 
Dmjiglgriben  cspreading,rampaDcy.  -griBenbe 

o  spreading,   increasing,   growing,  rampant;  et 
_  Dnbe  an  evil  gaining  ground.  »* 

Omlfigt  c  circumspection,  forethought,   fore- 
cast,  discretion.    -figtig,  -figtSfuIb  a  thoughtful, 
Cmfinbet  a:  bltbe  _  change  one's  mind. 
iOmflable  vt  new-model,  remodel,  transform. 
-elfe,  -ning  c  remodelling. 

Omftanfle  vt  intrench.   -ning  c  -er  intrenching, 
Cmffebenbe  a  ^  vaginant,  sheathing. 
Omffib|e  vt  tranship.     -ning  c  transhipment. 
Cmlflifte  vt  exchange,   change;  _  Siben  meb 
Soigfteben   depart   this  life.    -ffifte  n  -r  change; 
_  af  ^e^U  relay.    -flift'elig  «  changeable.    -ftift'e> 
lig^eb  c  changeableness.    -fliftelfe  c  -r,  -ffiften, 
-ftiftning  c  change;  pi  (SlæbnenS)  vlcissi  tudes, 
ups  and  downs;  |o8  ^Dtlfen  er  ifte  fjoronbring  eller 
©ftjgge  af  _  bibl  with  whom  is  no  variableness, 
neither  shadow  of  turning. 
Drøflifle  vt  fe  Dmfenbe. 

Omftinne  vt  irradiate,  bibl  shine  round  about. 
'Dmfljeb  c  (2ømr.)  lap.    -fijøbet  a:  »el  -  well 
Dmffo  vt  shoe  again,  new-shoe. 
OmfloOle  vt  stir  with  a  shovel. 
Dmffriift   c   -er   (paa   9Jlønt)  legend.     -tie  vt 
(ftrioe  paan^)  write  over  again,  rewrite;  (ubtr^fte 
»ibtløftigt)  express  by  a  circumlocution;  describe 
in  a  roundabout  way,  paraphrase;  (9Jlønt)  con- 
vert;  geom  circumscribe;  be  -ftreone  SSarer  bar  jeg 
ntobtaget  I  have  received  the  goods  mentioned 
in  your  letter.    -Uning  e  -er  re-writing;  circum- 
locution, paraphrase. 
+£)mftnenbe  a  circumspect. 
Dmftqgge  vt  overshadow. 
Omft^Ue  vt  wash  (round);  -nupset,  tear  down. 
Omfiære  vt  circumcise.     -Ife  c  circumcision. 
Omftaoct  a  (Sooo.)  twice-laid. 
Dmflog  n,  pi  =,    (font   paa   Sree)  envelope, 
wrapper,  med  poultice,  fomentation,  cataplasm; 
(i  SSejret  o.  b.)  change;  (i  Stemningen  o.  I.)  revul- 
sion  (of  feeling),  re-action,  turn;  bette  frembragte 
et  _  i  Stemningen  this  changed  the  tide  of  public 
feeling;   (i  en§  2it)8for^.,   til  bet  oærre)  reverse; 
t  fe  -termin;  lægge  _  tiaa  apply  a  cataplasm  to, 
poultice,  fomeut.  —  £)mf(agS{bar  wimble.   -jærn 
halchetstake.   -))a))ir  wrapping  paper.   t-termin 
settling-day.    -tiejr  changeable  weather. 
Omflibe  vt  grind  over  again. 
Cmftutte  vt  enclose,  include,  encompass;  _  en 
teet   meb   9lrmene  hug  one,  press  one  in  a  close 

Cmfl^ngle  vt  twist  round,  twine  round,  en- 
circle; _  Jpoaret  meb  en  S3Iomftcrfran§  engarland 
the  hair,  twine  a  garland  round  the  hair;  potten 
»or  -t  meb  et  røbt  33aanb  a  red  riband  was  twisted 
round  the  hat;   (omfaone)   be  -be  ^inanben  they 
embraced   each  other;   be  ^olbt  ^inanben  faft  -be 
they  were  locked  in  each  other's  arms;  fig  3laen 
-be  ^aoen  the  rivulet  encircled  the  garden,   -ning 
c  -er  twisting  etc. 
-hOmffæbe  vt  drag  about. 
£)mf(øre  vt  shroud  el.  wrap  in  a  veil. 
Cmfmeb{(b)e   vt  forge    over   again,   reforge. 
-ning  c  forging  etc. 

Omfmeltje  vt  melt  over  again.     -ning  c  -er 
melting  etc. 
-^Omfnige  vi  sneak  about. 
Cmfno   vt  twist   round,   twine  round,  wind 
round,  encircle;  fe  OmflQnge. 
Cmfnære  vt  fe  Dmfnøre;  fip  insnare,  inveigle. 
Cmfnøre  vt  cord  (about);  (fnøre  om)  lace  over 

Cmfonft'  [t.]  adv  (forgæoeé,  frugteSløft)  in  vain, 
vainly;  (uben  Setaling)  gratis. 




Dmlforg  c  care;  broge  _  for  take  care  (of  el. 
that),  see  that.    -forgdfulti  a  careful. 

Dmf))ab{e   vt  dig  up,   fe   Dmgraoe.     -ning  c 
digging  up. 
-t-iOmftianle  vi  strut  el.  stalk  about. 
+OmfiitMe  vt  play  round. 
Dmf<jtnb|e»?  spin  round  el.  about; /aentangle. 
-itt§  «  spinning  etc. 
CmlftilebSning.  -f))(eidning  c  re-splicing. 
£)ntf))rtbe  vt  spread  el.  scatter  about. 
tDmfJiringe  vi  run  about. 
£)tnf)juvgt  vart  in  que.stion. 
£)inf)>anb{e  vt  (meb  ^oanben)  spån  round;  (fcefte 
beb  ©(joenber)  buclcle  on;  (fpænbe  om  igen)  buckle 
over  again;   change  horses;  (omringe,  tnbeflutte) 
hem  in;  -bt  af  goter  beset  with  danger.    -i«g  c 
spanning  etc. 
Dmfpørgle  vt  inquire  for.    -fel  fe  fjoref^jørgfel. 
Cmftaaenbe  a  standing  round;  be  _  the  by- 
standers;  _  bil  ®e  finbe  en  gortegnelfe  of».  over- 
leaf,  on  the  next   leaf  el.  page,   on  the  other 
side,   annexed,   you^will  find  a  list  etc;  fe  _ 
©ibe  see  over! 

Cinfta6|(e  vt  pile  up  again.  -Ung  c  piling 

Oinftrm|me  vt  (et  Stooer  ofo.)  tune  over  again; 
f6ringe  en  til  en  anben  Wening)  make  one  change 
his  opinion,  bring  one  round;  6IiOe  omftemt  come 
round.  -nittg  c  -er  tuning  etC;  change  of  mind. 
Dtnftcm))|ie  »<  re-stamp.  -Ung  c  -et  re-.stamping. 
iOtnftitle  vt  (ftitte  poant))  engrave  over  again; 
(omgtoDe)  dig  up;  (om  fltjbenbe  SBotet)  rack  oflf. 

€inftill{e  vt  (opfttUe  ^ift  og  ^et)  station  el.  set 
round  el.  about;  (ftitte  poa  anben  9Jlaabe)  set  el. 
dispose   diflferently,    transpose.    -ing   c   setting 
etc;  transposition. 
Ctnftitnie  tt  crowd  round. 
£)mfto))))e  vt  re-stuflf. 

Omftraale  vt  &  i  beam  el.  shine  round;  -t  af 
irradiated  with. 

Omftrejfle  vt  rove  el.  roam  about.  -ettbe  a  fe 
Cmftrfigenbe.    -ning  c  -er  roving  etc. 

Dmftribt   a  at   issue,    in   dispute,    disputed, 
moot,  vexed. 
+Omftrilfe  vt  en.snare. 

£mftrQ8|e  vt  (meb  ©trtjgejcernet)  smooth  cl.  iron 
over  again.    -en  c  (Dmflatfen)  roving,  roaming. 
-enbe   n   roving,  roaming,  vagrant.    -er  c  -e,  fe 
Jianbftrtjfler.    -tiing  c  ironing  etc. 
Dmftrø  vt  strew  round,  scatter  about. 
Dmftrøntme  vt  flow   round;    ffilipjjeøen   -§   af 
(Siben  the  river  flows  round  the  rocky  island. 
Omftun'ber  adv.  nu  ~  nowadays. 
£)mftuD|e  vt  restow;  _  SSaHaften  shift  the  bal- 
last,   -ning  c  restowing  etc. 

£)ntfttirt|e  vt  overthrow,  overturn,  subvert; 
+  vi  fall  down.  -elfe,  -ning  c  overthrowing,  over- 
throw, subversion,  -ningiltiartiet  the  destruc- 
tives,  destructionists. 

Dtttftænl'betig  a  circumstantial,  detailed,  par- 
ticular.  -beligien;,  -beligt  adv  circumstantially, 
in  detail;  _  not  in  sufficient  detail.  -belig^eb  c 
circumstantlality,  particularity.  -big^eb  c  -er 
circumstance ,  faet;  (lebfagenbe)  incident;  (bet 
fætegne  beb  en  SSegiben^eb)  particular,  detail; 
pi  (oberbreben  ^øflig|eb)  ceremonies,  formalities; 
ben  -  at  the  faet  that;  bet  tommer  an  paa  -erne 
that  depends;  (alt)  efter  -rne  as  the  case  might 
be;  lobe  ftg  lebe  af  -erne  be  governed  by  clr- 
cumstances;  l^anble  efter  -ctne  aet  as  occasion 
may  require;  ^on  er  taft  efter  -erne  he  is  very 
well  considering;  unber  bi?ie  et  such  being  the 
case,  under  the  circumstances,  this  being  so; 
unber  aUe  -et  at  all  evenis,  at  the  best;  uiibet 
fotreften  lige  -er  other  things  equal;  !^oi8  -erne 
tiHabe  bet  circumstances  permitting;  oære  i  gobe. 


flette  -er  be  in  good,  bad  circumstances;  bære  i 
belfignebe  -et  be  in  the  family  way  el.  in  an 
Interesting  situation;  gøt  ingen  -et  don't  stand 
upon  ceremony,  don't  put  yourself  out  (of  the 
way);  uben  (oibete)  -er  without  (further)  cere- 
mony, with  scant  ceremony;  ^an  gjorbe  iaa  mange, 
-er  he  started  so  many  objections 

Omft«b|e  vt  recast,  re-mould.  -ning  c  -er  r^ 
casting  etc. 

Omlftøbe  vt  fig  subvert;  (o^jfiæbe)  set  aaide, 
abrogate,  reverse;  (afbebife)  refute.  -ft«b'e(ig  a 
reversible.    -ft«belfe,  -ft«bning  c  subversion 

Dmfnrre  vt  buzz  round. 

Dmfurre  vt  lash  (round). 

Omfufe  vt  sigh,  whisper  about  el.  round;  l^art 
-fteg  af  ben  lette  SJinb  the  light  wind  sighed, 
whispered  round  hun. 

DntlfOing  n,  pi  =,  swinging  round,  rotation; 
fig  (blubfeltg  goranbring  ofo.)  audden  change, 
revolution,  -fbinge  vt  swing  round,  turn  round. 
•fbingning  c   er  .gyration. 

Cmfoærme  vt  &  i  .swarm,  hover  round   et 
about;  bi  -bel  af  SU^tteriet  the  cavalry  swarmedj 
round  us.    -nbe  a  roving.    -r  c  -e  rover,  roamer. 

Omfoæbe  vt  hover  round  el.  about;  t  af  gugle 
fejlebe  ©tibet .  .  .  birds  hovering  round  the  ship, 
it  sailed  .  .  . 

Dtn|fO«ii  71  (om  en  ®enftanb)  wrapper,  cover, 
envelope,  (i  SaaS)  box,  rim;  pi  (i  Salen,  SStbt- 
løftig^eber)  ambages  pi,  circumbendibus ;  red 
-tape;  (i  2llm.)  circumloeution;  gøre  _  beat  el. 
go  about  the  bush,  make  digressions,  -foøbe 
vt  wrap  up,  round  el.  about;  ^an  -Bte  ftt  atnfigt 
meb  fin  ftappe  he  wrapped  his  face  in  his  mantle; 
-6t  meb  Særreb  wrapped  up  in  linen;  bet  bar  -t 
meb  et  ^læbe  a  cloth  was  wrapped  round  it. 
-foobning  c  wrapping  etc.  -foøbSbe^jartement 
n  red-tape  system,  circumloeution  office.  -ftiøb^ 
ftift  detent. 

Omfuømme  vt  &  i  swim  about 

Dtttfq  it  (i5  runbt  om)  sew  round,  hem;  (f^ 
paant))  sew  over  again,  remake. 

Dmftjn  n  fe  Omfigt. 

Dmf^ntng  c  -er  .sewing  round;  sewiug  over 
again;  remaking;  bi  maotte  foretage  flere  -er  we 
had  to  sew  it  over  again  several  times. 

Dmlfcette  vt  (fcette  anberlebeS)  transpose,  place 
differently,  invert;  (om  SJJlanter)  transplant;  (fcette 
omtring)  set  el.  place  round;  fyp  re-compose, 
re-set;  (SSarer,  95enge)  sell,  turn,  turn  over;  (gøre 
i  $enge)  realize.  -fletning  c  -et  transposing  etc. ; 
inversion;  sale,  turn-over;  en  ('J5enge--)  -  a  money 
transaction.  -fætningSmtbbel  circulating  me- 
dium, currency.    -fæt'teltg  a  negotiable. 

Dm|taage  vt  shroud  in  mist;  fig  dim,  cloud. 
•taaget  a  fig  dim,  hazy;  (btuffen)  F  muddled, 
fuddled,  obfuscated,  disguised  in  liquor.  -taaget= 
^eb  c  muddinesss,  fuddled  condition. 

DmtatSett  vt  value  over  again. 

Dmtale  c  mention,  meutioning;  (common)  talk, 
report;  bære  ®enftanb  for  baatlig  _  be  in  bad 
repute;  fenbet  ^am  af  -  know  him  by  repute. 
Onttale  vt  mention,  make  mention  of,  notice, 
speak  of;  refer  to;  ben  -Ite  93 og  the  book  in 
question,  before  mentioned.  +-l>derbig  i  worth 

Omtante  c  (Dbetbejelfe)  deliberation,  reflection, 
meditation;  (Cmtæn!fom^eb)  circumspection,  dis- 
cretion,  forethought. 

Dmto<)etfcre  vt  repaper. 

Omtatilfe  vt  rack  off;  _  paa  plaffet  bottle, 
•ning  c  -et  racking  etc. 

Omteglne  vt  draw  over  again.  -ning  c  pi  -ef 
drawing  etc. 

Dmtone  vt  sound  round. 

Omtorbne  vt  thunder  round. 







Omtrent'  adv  about,  nearly;  .  fom  much  as 
_  bet  famme  much  the  same;  foa  _  thereabouts 
_  ctrlelfotmig  roughly  oircular;  _  foarer  til  answers 
broadlj'  to.  -lifl  a  approximate;  adv  fe  Omtrent. 
-lig^eb  c  approximatiou. 

OmtrQtlle  vt  reprint,  (et  SBIab,  et  3trl)  cancel. 
-ning  c  reprinting. 

Omtriitte  vt  trausform  by  enchantment. 

+Omtr«!  fe  DmribS;  +altered  move. 

-i-Omtube  vt  howl  around. 

Dmtunt|(e  vi  toss  el.  knock  about;  -t  nf  Storm 
tempest-iossed.     -len,  -Itng  c  tossing  about. 

+C)mtuflc  vt  barter. 

Dmtutte  vt  roll  up  anew. 

Om|tt)ifte  vt  coutest,  dispute.  -ttiift'eng  a 
Contestal)le;  debateable,  disputable.  -tOiffelig' 
tftt  c  coutestableness.    -tOiftet  a  fe  Dmftribt. 

OmtDiuIe  vt  doubt. 

OtntQtie  vt  explain  diiierently. 

-t-Omtt)gge  vt  fig  chew  the  cud  on. 

Ci»t(cf|te  vt  rethatch.    -ning  re-thatching. 

Omtic(|Ie  vt  count  over  again.  -Ung  c  -er 
counting  etc. 

Omtcenffont  t  circumspect,  eonsiderate,  ju- 
dicious.    -^eS»  fe  Omtanfe. 

Dmtiatg  n,  pi  =,  re-election. 

Dntoan|bre  vt  wander  el.  ramble  about,  peram- 
bulate.  -brenbe  a  itinerant.  -tiring  c  -er  wander- 
ing  etc,  perambulation. 

iOnttianIe  vt  &  i  rove  el.  roam  about.  -n  c 
roving  etc. 

Omoej  c  crrcuitous  el.  roundabout  way,  detour; 
gøre  en  _  make  a  cjrcuit;  gaa  en  lang  -  go  a 
loug  way  about. 

Onioct§Ie  vt  &  i  change;  (bellte,  afbeMe;  alter- 
nate.  Omoetåling  c  -er  altemation;  vicissitude, 
(til  bet  Doerre)  reverse  (of  fortune). 

Omoenlbe  vt  (foreanble  [til])  convert,  change 
(into);  (tit  en  onben  Steligion,  et  6ebre  Sib)  con- 
vert; —  vr  fig  reform,  bibl  repent,  be  converted; 
_  fig  fra  repent  of;  _  fig  til  ^erren  return  to  the 
Lord;  ^an  $ar  -bt  fig  he  has  changed  his  course 
of  life,  en  -bt  a  convert.  -belfe  c  -r  change; 
conversion.  —  OmoenbelfeSiforføg  attempt  at 
con  version,  -^iftorie :  6ané  -  the  history  ofhis 
conversion.  -{»er  proselytizing  zeal.  -f^ge  pas- 
sion for  making  proselytes.  —  DntOen|ben  c 
tuming  round.  -ber  c  -e  converter,  -bing  c 
vins  inversion,  -bt  a  inverted;  ^  ob-  (_  ægformig 
obovate,  etc);  her  debased;  fig  converse;  -e  ©to 
pi  pumps;  _  ^alS  (p.  ^eft)  deer-neck,  _  ^unftum 
tumed  period;  _  ^orfolb  inverse  ratio  el.  pro- 
portion; ftaa  i  _  gor^olb  til  stand  in  an  inverse 
ratio  to;  for^olber  fig  _  fom  is  inversely  el.  con- 
versely  as;  bet  -e  af  the  converse  of;  Silfætbet  er 
netop  ~  the  case  is  entirely  the  reverse;  og  _ 
and  vice-versa. 

Omtierbenen  def  the  vvorld  around,  the  sur- 
rounding  world,  the  surroundings. 

Dmtiifte  vt  fe  Dmlufte. 

OmOif|(e  vt  wind.    -ting  c    er  winding. 

Ont»in|be  vt  (en  meb  nogetj  wind  el.  twist 
(something)  about  (oue);  gatten  bar  -bunbet  meb 
et  rofenrøbt  93aanb  a  pink  riband  was  wound 
round  his  (her)  hat.    -ben,  -bing  c  winding  etc. 

Onttiifle  vt  (en)  show  (one)  about.  -er  c  guide, 
cicerone,    -ning  c  showing  about. 

Dmitotit  vi  grow  round. 

Ottt|orib  n  (paa  ©frue  o.  1.)  convolution.  -oribe 
vt  wrench  round. 

Omtiæltle  vt  overtum,  upset.  -ning  c  -er  over- 
tumlng  etc;  (Statéomboeltning  oq  fig)  revolution; 
bebtrte  en  _  i  revolutionize, 

Ottttiacrettbe  a  surrounding;  »  pi  by.standers. 

-t-Omocerne  vt  fence  round. 

Om'aelte  vt  knead  over  again. 

Om'»nbr|e  vt  alter,  amend.  -ing  c  -er  altera- 
tion, amendment. 

Cnan{i'  c  onanism.  -e're  vi  commit  onanism. 
-ift'  c  -er  o'nanist. 

Dnt>  [6]  a  bad,  evil,  (ugubelig)  wicked;  p  (breb) 
angry;  -e  S8æbf!er  bad  humours;  -t  Sejr  hard 
weather;  _  2ugt  bad  smell;  -e  3;iber  hard  times; 
bet  fom  -e  a;iber  for  ^am  he  fell  on  evil  days;  -t 
SJiennefle  bad  el.  wicked  man;  _  Sbinbe  shrew, 
vlxen;  l^aoe  en  _  SEunge  be  malicious;  -e  Sjunger 
btUe  ftge  .  .  .  people  are  so  maliclous,  mischle- 
vous  as  to  say  .  .  .;  _  SBilje,  fe  TOobbilje;  i  _  S9e-- 
tflbning  in  a  bad  sense;  -e  jSjne  evil  eyes;  en  _ 
9tanb  an  evil  splrit;  ben  -e  the  evil  one,  the  devil; 
San  laber  fin  ©ol  opgaa  ober  -e  og  gobe  bibl  he 
maketh  his  sun  to  rise  on  the  evil  and  on  the 
good;  bære  _  mob  fine  golf  be  a  harsh  el.  hard 
master  (to  one's  servants);  —  libe,  bøje  onbt  suflfer 
hardship;  -t  ffal  meb  -t  forbribeS  one  heat  expels 
another,  like  cures  like,  take  a  hair  of  the  dog 
that  has  bitten  you;  gobt  og  -t  good  and  evil ;  bet 
giorbe  -t  bærre  the  remedy  was  worse  than  the 
disease;  anffe  -t  ober  en  wish  one  ill;  fætte  -t  for 
en  ^o8  "nogen  stander  one's  character  el.  reputa- 
tion with  one;  fætte  -t  i  en  egg  one  on;  faa  -t 
be  taken  ill,  tum  sick,  p  feel  bad;  ^obe  -t  be 
ill,  feel  ill  el.  sick;  ^bor  {)ar  De  -t?  where  do  you 
feel  pain?  ^obe  -t  i  ^obebet,  9Kaben  have  a  pain 
in  one's  head,  stomach;  -t  i  Senet,  ^alfen  a  bad 
leg,  a  sore  throat;  ^an  ^ar  -t  af,  at  jeg  fif  SSogen 
he  is  envlous,  because  I  got  the  book;  jeg  par 
-t  af  ^am  I  am  sorry  for  him;  bet  gør  -t  it  gives 
me  pain,  it  pains  me,  it  hurts;  bet  gør  mig  -t 
for  ^am  I  am  sorry  for  him;  bet  gør  mig  -t,  at .  .  . 
I  am  sorry,  grieved  that  .  .  .;  bet  gør  oå  -t,  at 
benne  ©ag  !^ar  taget  en  faa  utilfrebSftiHenbe  SSenbing 
we  are  sorry  for  the  unsatisfactory  turu  this 
matter  has  taken;  gibe  -t  af  fig  scold,  grumble; 
tale  -t  om  en  abuse  one;  ber  er  intet  -t  beri  there 
is  no  harm  in  that;  intet  -t  anenbe  unsuspicious; 
man  ^ar  -t  beb  at  gøre  aKe  tilpaS  it  is  hard  to 
please  everybody;  pan  ^ar  -t  beb  at  ftjnfe  he  has 
difficulty  in  swallowing;  —  bet  regnebeS  mig  tit 
Cnbe  it  was  laid  to  my  charge;  lægge  alting  ub 
til  bet  -e  put  a  bad  construction  on  everything; 
meb  bet  -e  eller  meb  bet  gobe  by  force  or  fair  "means; 
fri  o§  fra  bet  -e  deliver  us  from  evil;  ligger  i  bet 
-e  bibl  lieth  in  wlckedness;  man  maa  tage  bet  -e 
meb  bet  gobe  you  must  take  the  lean  with  the 
fat.  —  Cnbartet  a  (af  ©inb)  ill-natured,  ill-tem- 
pered;  (om  ©Qgbomme)  dangerous,  maligrnant. 
Dnbe  n  -r  evil,  ill;  malady,  complaint.  Dnt>\- 
fjertet  a  having  an  evil  heart,  wicked.  -^nbet 
a  e^ål-tempered.  -finbet^eb  c  evil  temper.  Onb" 
flat  c  malice,  wickedness,  malignity;  ooerlagt  _ 
jur  malice  afore-thought  el.  prepense.  —  Dnb= 
ffabSlfntb  a  malicious,  malignant.  -f^nb  wil- 
ful  sin. 

Dnera  fe  Cnu§. 

Onlel  c  -fler  uncle  (ogfaa  f  om  Saanetontor). 
Ontet^  (i  ©mf.)  avuncular. 

*£)ttn  c  -er  busy  time. 

Onomatopoie'tifl  a  onomatopoet'ic. 

CnSbag  c  Wednesday. 

Dntoltogi'c  ontol'ogy.  -to'giflaoutolog'ic(al). 

Dnnå  n  -nera  tax,  burden. 

Dn^r  c  -er  onyx. 

Do|tit^'  c  -er  o'olite.  -lo'g  c  -er  ool'ogist. 
-logi'  c  -er  ool'ogy. 

Op'  [*6,  ogfaa  i  alle  be  føtgenbe  Smf.)  adv  up; 
tuf  33eren  op  open  the  door;  Siinbuet  fløj  op  the 
window  flew  open;  op  ab,  op  efter  up;  ftaa  op  ab 
(f.  ©f§.  en  SSæg)  stand  against;  ftige  op  el.  op  ab 
(f.  ffif§.  et  Sjærg)  ascend;  op  ab  Sagen  in  the 
course  of  the  day,  later  in  the  day;  op  i  2anbet 
up-country;  op  og  neb  up  and  down;  to  and  fro; 




»enbe  op  og  nec  turn  upside  dowii;  op  af  SBauoet, 
op  af  Sengen  out  of  the  water,  out  of  (the)  bed; 
F  op  meb  (f.  (5t§.  en  8ong)  up  with  (a  song);  op 
(meb  big) !  get  up !  op  meb  9ioret !  ^  up  with  the 
helm !  fielt  op  meb  SRoret !  hard  up !  giu  op  Unber= 
fejn  up  courses!  op  pao  3)ælfet!  turn  up!  fe 

£p'ai  adv  up,  upward,  (_  Satfe)  up-hlU. 
•ieftt  a  bent  upwards.  -gaaenbe  a  upward. 
•frnminet  a  curved  upward.  -ftræbenbe  a  aspir- 
iug.    -ucnbt  a  upturned. 

Dp'aaitett  vt  work  up. 

Cva  I  a  opaque,  opacous. 

^£)p'ttU  vt  rear. 

Cipa't  c  -er  opal.  -Ife're  vi  opalesce;  -nbe  a 
opalescent.  -Ife'rlng  c  opalescence.  -)af))i3 
opal-jasper.    -mober  opal-matrix. 

D^'amlme  it  nurse,  suckle.  -melfe,  «i»«9  c 

Op'antltet  part  brought  up,  anchored.  -tinfl 
c  anchoring.  -cingSafgift  -rittgg^jeHge  anchor- 

Dp'ttvieibt  vt  (3orb)  cultivate;  (SSej)  make; 
(en  Ocelb)  work  out.  -Ife  c  cultivation;  making 

C))bage  vt  bake  (up);  bake  over  again. 

Opbere&lning  c  min  dressing,  -ningdlære  the 
art  of  dressing  ores. 

D))6eoar|e  vt  save,  keep,  preserve.  -er  c  -e 
depositary.  -ing  c  saving  etc,  preservation, 
safe-custody.  •tngScum  store  room.  -iugSfteb 
depository,  place  of  deposit. 

C^bibfle  vt  bridle. 

Cpbiuble  vt  bind  up,  tie  up;  (Som)  bind  (in 
sheavesj;  _  TOællen  dry.  -er  c  -e,  -erflc  c  -r 
binder,    -ing  c  binding  etc. 

C))blanb|e  vt  mix  up,  dilute.  -ing  c  mixing 

O:bb(ont^|ve  vi  shoot  up  (like  a  flower);  (om 
f.  ef§.  JpQubel,  tunft  ofo.j  ilourlsh;  (om  en  »Q  ofb.) 
rise,  prosper.  -ring  c  shooting  up  etc,  pros- 

Olibtudfe  vi  blaze  up;  -nbe  aSrebe  passion,  -n 
c  blaziiig  up. 

Ot(|bIæfe  vt  blow  up,  inflate;  -nbe  Søbemtbler 
flatulent  food;  en  -ft  S31ære  a  blown  bladder,  -ft 
af  Stoltbeb,  of  Sqffen  puflFed  up,  inflated  with 
pride,  with  one's  good  fortune.  -blisfelig  « 
inflatable.  -blæSning  c  biowing  up;  med  flatul- 
ency,  flatulence.  -biaft  a  (self-)conceited,  self 
-sufficient,  P  bumptious.  -bltcft^eb  c  conceit, 
conceitedness,  self-sufficiency. 

Dpbl«b|e  vt  soften,  steep  in  water,  soak.  -ning 
c  -et  soltening  etc. 

Cpbore  vt  bore  up,  re-bore. 

Ottbragt  a  (forbitret)  enraged,  exasperated; 
{xmrt  ie  Opbringe);  blibe  -  get  into  a  passion; 
blioe  frtjgtelig  -  get  into  an  awful  passion,  -fteb 
c  exsisperation. 

£)))braft  «  J,:  ligge  _  lie  to  el.  by;  ftorpt  _  on 
a  taut  bowline. 

0))brtngje  vt  bring  up;  (et  S!ib)  seize,  capture 
(a  shipj,  (æefectørj  apprehend;  (gare  »reb)  pro- 
voke,  exasperate,  incense.  -elfe  c  capturing, 
capture,  seizure.  -elf  eSret  right  of  capture.  -er 
c  e  captor.  Dpbtingerpenge  pi  prize-money, 
(for  3:'eli'rtjør)  straggling-money. 

O^brnb  n,  pi  =,  breaking  up;  departing, 
depariuie;  (fro  SBorbet)  rising;  mil  decampment; 
blæfe  til  _  sound  the  march. 

£)))brttge  vt  use  up,  consume,  spend. 

Dpbruf je  vi  eflfervesce;  en  -enbe  Sarafter  a  flery 
temper  el.  disposition;  -enbe  Eibenflober  stormy 
passions,  -en  c,  -ning  c  -er  (baobe  egentl.  og  fig) 
effervescence,  ebuUitiun;  (ton  fig)  huff,  emotion, 








Opbr^bjc   vt   break  open;    fQforb,    SSroIægning) 
break  up;   (TOine  el.   Stenbrub)  open.     -ning 
breaking  etc. 

Ctibrcetlfe  vt  break  open  el.  up,  (meb  aSrætiær; 
prize  open.  (tafle  op)  vomit  up.  -ning  c  breakin, 
etc;  vomiting. 

Ci))branb|e  vt  &  i  bum  (up),  consume  by  fin 
-elfc,  -ing  c  burning  (up). 

*£)pbttttttt  part  tumed  up. 

Cpbub'  n  summons  to  arms,  levy;   gøre  _  sur- 
render   one's   estate    to    creditors,    come    into 
liquidation.    —    Dpbubå|bo   estate   surrendere 
in  trust  el.  to  assignees.    -manb  assignee,  ban! 

-t-Dl^bunbte  vt  fe  93unbte. 

Op|bt)be  vt  summon  to  arms;  set  up,  offer  f( 
sale;  _  en  til  2)an§,   fe  SDbe  op;  -  fit  ®ocs 
render  one's  estate;   -  alle  ftræfter  exert,  p 
forth,  all  one's  strength;  _  alt  do  one's  utmoi 
-bQbelfe   c-    meb   -   of   exerting   etc.    (fe  oPfr.)" 
•btjber  c  -e  bankrupt. 

C^Jlitigge  u<build;  fig  edify.  -b^g'gelig,  -b^g 
genbc  a  edifying.  -b^ggclfe  c  building;  Jig  edifl-, 
cation,  (gorjomling)  conventicle.  —  D^b^ggelfcéli 
bog,  -firift  book  of  devotion,  religion.s  boo? 
(gltjoeftc.)  (religious)  tract.  -forebrag  edifyin; 
el.  religious  dLscourse.  -Hteraturcn  devotional 
literature.    Opbygning  c  ^  erection  on  deck. 

Dpbitrerbinb  n  suspensory,  truss. 

Dpbæring  c  carrying  up. 

Dpbagc    vt   discover;    fopfpore)   detect;    (øjm 
descry;  (.fomme  efter)  find  out;   +  =  røbe;   fora  et 
at  _,    fon  -§   discoverable.     -Ife  c   -r  discovery; 
(f.   (SK.   af   Stjucri)   detection.    —   0|ibageIfeé| 
betjent  deteciive.    -|)oHti  detectivesp^,  detectivi 
police,    d.  service;   ^au  ^øxcx  til  -et  he  is  a  d 
tective.     -rejfe  voyage  of  discovery.     -rejfenbi 
c  explorer.    -flib  discovery  ship.    O^ibager  c  -e 

tOpbigc  vt  throw  up  (dikes). 

£))){btgt  n  fletion.  -btgte  vt  fabricate,  trump 
up.  -btgtelfe  c  -r,  -bigtning  c  -er  fabrication. 
•bigtet  «  fictitious. 

|jpbtrt|e  vt  pick  (a  lock);  ^  ~  aRefonbommen 
top  (up)  the  spanker-boom.  -er  c  -e  pickloek. 
-ning  c  -er  picklng  (a  lock).  J 

CpDiffje  vt  serve  up,  dish  up.  -ning  c  -■ 
serving  etc.  i 

£)))brag  [t.]  n  charge,  commission. 

Dpbrage  vt  educate,  bring  up,  breed  (up), 
rear;  +  =  Srrefte  op;  -nbe  a  educative.  -Ife  c 
education,  breeding,  upbringing.  —  £)pbrage(= 
fed|anfta(t  educational  establishment.  -lære 
pedagogy.  -maobe  system  of  education.  -bæfcn 
aflairs  of  education  el.  public  instruction.  Cp= 
brager  c  -e  educator,  pedagogue.  Cpbrager^ 
itt'be  c  -r  tutoress,  governess. 

jOpbreje  vt  (en  Sfrue)  unscrew. 

Cpbreoet  part  stranded,  driven  ashore. 

Cpbrift  c  buoyancy;  fe  DpbriBning. 

Cpbrilfe  vt  drink  up. 

Dpbrtble  vt  (om  SSitbt)  rouse,  dislodge;  (om 
*J5rifi-r)  beat  up;  (tiloejebringe)  procure,  raise, 
(9Kob  0.  b.)  muster  (up),  sum  up;  (en  ®aorb) 
improve,  raise  to  a  higher  state  of  cultivation; 
(SSltl)  emboss;  _  $enge  raise  money,  p  raise  the 
wind;  bet  er  ifle  til  ot  _  it  is  not  to  be  had. 
-ning  c  rousing  etc. 

Opbræt  c  breeding,  rearing,  raising  (of  cattle); 
young  cattle.  -ning  c  b.  f.  -te  vt  breed,  raise. 
-ter  c  -e  breeder. 

Dpbuge  vt  (et  Sejl)  make  up. 

iOpbuIte  vi  fe  ®utte  op. 

-rOpbunfet  [t.]  a  bloated,  pufiy. 

€pbubning  c  J,  rising. 





C>))))t)ng|e  vt  heap  up,  amass,  aceumulate. 
-elfe,  -ninfl  c  heaping  up,  accumulation. 

OVbQrtic  vt  reclaim,  bring  under  cultivation. 
•ning  c  -er  reclaiming  etc. 

Opltxctte  vt  lay  (a  table);  -t  Sfat  =  •ttettet- 
(flat)  c  discovered  check,  •btetning  c  -er  (bel 
at  opbæffe)  laying  etc  ;  bet  cor  en  prægtig  -  the 
table  was  laid  in  a  splendid  way. 

0)>bænt|tne  vt  dam  up.  -ning  c  -er  damming 
up;  embankment. 

D|»'cftet  adv  up;  upwards. 

Op'egge  fe  Cpægge. 

C)p'ttH\t  vt  raise,  nurse;  Jlg  foster,  nurse, 
encourage.    -»ing  c  raising  etc. 

Opera  c  -er  op  era;  fe  -bus.  -orie  air  of  an 
opera,  -bireftør  manager  of  the  opera.  -biri= 
gent  operatic  conductor.  -forcftilling  operaiic 
performance  el.  representation.  -l(U§  opera 
-house,  -fomlionlft  composer  of  an  opera.  -nl)t 
opeiatic  uews.  -fanger,  -fangerinbe  opera-singer. 
-fetftab  Company  of  opera-singers.  -tefét  text 
of  an  opera. 

Ctieratio'ti  c  -er  operation.  —  Cpetationål- 
iofié  basi.s  of  action,  -borb  operating  table. 
•IntU  operating  knife,  bistoury.  -linie  line  of 
operation.  -|>(an  plan  of  operations,  -flot  ope- 
rating chair.  Dpevat«'v  c  -er  op'erator.  Cipc- 
tc're  «',  med  perform  an  operatiori;  (ogf.  inil 
og  i  9Um.)  opcrate,  aet;  rio  make  play;  _  fammen 
meb  co-operate  with;  —  vt  perform  an  operation 
on;  -s,  lobe  ftg  -  undergo  an  operation. 

Cptvct'tt  c  -X  operetta.  £))erift'  c  -er  opera 

iOtierment'  n  o'rpiment. 

*0<>'eBje  c  eddy,  eddy-water. 

Opfange  vt  catch  (up),  pick  up,  (opfnappe) 
iniercept;  _  Sb^ftraoleme  intercept  the  rays  of 
light;  -  aiQ^eber  fish  up  news.  -tfe  c  catching 

Opfalre  vi  (om  Sriftui)  ascend.  -renbe  a  pas- 
sionatc,  choleric,  flery,  hot-tempered,  irascible. 
-renlieb  c  vehemence,  irascibility.  -rt  c  -er 

Opfarble  vt  dye  (over  again,  anew).  -ning  c 
dyeiug  etc. 

Opfat  i  te  vt  apprehend,  catch,  understand, 
inierprei,  coustrue,  read;  _  fiurtigt  be  quick  of 
apprehension;  (paa  en  DiS  røaabe;  iuterpret,  con- 
strue,  read.  -telfe  c  apprehension;  interpreta- 
tion, construction,  readiug,  vlew;  efter  min  _ 
in  my  opinion,  as  I  understand  it.  -telfeSeone 
(power  of)  apprehension;  (fanfelia)  perceptive 
ability  et.  abilities.     -ning,   -ningøebne  fe  -telfe. 

Dpfebje  vt  fatten.    -ning  c  fattening. 

Opfernlilfere  vt  new-vamish. 

*Dpfiffe  vt  smarten. 

Op^lie  vt  (Sab)  reset.    -ing  c  resetting. 

Opftnbe  vt  invent.  -Ife  c  -r  invention.  —  Op> 
fittbclfe^  aanb  inventive  genius,  -enne,  -fraft  fe 
Cpfinbiom^eb.  —  Opfinb|er  c  -e  inventor.  -crffe 
c  -r  inventress.  -fom  a  inventive.  -'fottt^eb  c 
ingenuity,  power  of  invention,  inventive  power, 
genius  el.  faculty,  inventiveness. 

Opfiftje  vt  flsh  up,  pick  up;  -fempty  (of  flsh); 
-t  ftoantum  quantity  caught.  take.  -ning  c  .er 
flshing  up. 

Opftamme  vt  inflame,  kindle.  -Ife  inflaming 

Opflaffe  fe  %la^e  op. 

Opfletite  vt  braid  up.    -ning  c  braiding  up. 

Opflifjte  vt  patch  up,  (Sfotøj)  cobble  up. 
-ning  c  patching  etc. 

Opfloéjfe    t  fray.    -ning  c  fraying. 

OpflQtIte  vt  (fiptte  op)  move  up,  remove;  -  en 
©Ico  (i  Stolen)  promote  a  disciple  ^to  a  higher 

class);  -?  rise.  -telfe,  -Aing  c -er  moving  up  etc. , 
(i  Stolen)  remove,  promotion. 

OpflQbe  «»  fe  ^Iboe  op. 

Opfldtte  vt  split  up,  slit  up. 

Opflcenge  vt  slash. 

Opfo^b)re  vt:  -  Soplejerne  line  the  bearings. 

Opfo(b)|re  vt  (ftoæg)  feed,  raise;  (Sober)  con- 
sume  (in  foddering),    -ring  c  feeding  eic. 

Opfolble  vt  fold  up.    -ning  o  folding  up. 

Opforbjre  vt  require,  call  upon,  challenge, 
invite,  exhort,  gæftiiingen  Bleo  -t  til  at  ooergibe 
fig  the  forlress  was  summoued  (to  surrender); 
fole  fig  -t  til  at  feel  one's  self  cailed  upon  to; 
-r  til  ftritil  invites  criticism.  -ring  c  -er  sum- 
mons pi,  challenge,  invitation,  appeal;  en  faaban 
iDlobtagelfe  oar  ingen  _  til  at  tomme  igen  such  a 
reception  was  uo  encouragement  for  me  to 
repeat  the  visit;  feg  bar  juft  ingen  -  til  at  gøre 
bet  there  is  no  occasion  for  me  to  do  so;  paa  - 
upon  application,  on  demand. 

OpforgQlbe  vt  regild. 

Dpforffllue  vt  re-silver. 

Opfortinne  vt  retin. 

Opfodre  vt  rear,  foster,  bring  up.  Opfoflring 
c  rtariug  etc.  —  Opfoftring^ianftalt  k  -bué. 
-gælb  alimony.  -^ué,  -ftiftclfc  cbarity-house 
ei.    school. 

-fOpfraabfe  vt  eat  up. 

Opfrebe  et  raise  and  protect. 

Opfriftle  vt  refresh,  rub  up;  (naonlig  Sunft« 
Bærfer)  touch  up;  (Stubtjaaben)  redress;  (5Jobn.) 
smooth;  Jig  revive.    -ning  c  -er  refreshing  etc. 

tOpfrQdning  c  fe  Qibrunb. 

-4-Opfttnb  n  invention. 

OpfQlb|c  vt  (fblbe)  fill(up),  replenish;  -r  forben! 
bibl  replenish  the  earth;  _  et  fiefte,  en  Spaabom, 
et  jSnfte  fulfll  a  promise,  prophecy,  wish,  meet 
a  wish;  _  en  4ion  grant  a  request;  _  fine  pligter 
fulfil,  discharge  one's  duties;  _  fine  fjorpligtelfer 
aet  up  to  el.  meet  one's  engagements;  _  enS 
gorlongenbe  comply  wiih  one's  request;  mine 
goroentninger  -teS  my  anticipations  were  realized; 
-bt  af  Seunbring  tilled,  impressed  with  admira- 
tion;  -bt  af  ©træf  struck  with  fear.  -elfe  c  ful- 
filment;  gaa  i  _  be  fulfilled,  come  true.  -ning 
c  filling  up,  Alling  in. 

Opfl|r|e  vt  light,    -ing  c  lighting  the  fires. 

Opffcfte  vt  fasten  (with  pins). 

Opføbje  et  bring  up,  rear,  breed.  -ning  c 
briuging  up  etc. 

Opf«r|e  vt  (en  SBbgning)  erect,  raise,  run  up, 
coustruct  (a  building);  (et  Stuefpil)  perform,  aet, 
enact,  bring  out,  produce,  give  (a  play);  (en 
S!an8)  lead  ofT  (a  dance);  (i  et  $RegnfIob  o.  1.)  put 
down,  enter,  specify,  —  vr  fig  behave  (one's 
self),  conduct  one's  self,  demean  one's  self, 
bear  one's  self;  _  fig  flet  misconduct  one's  self; 
be  fom  -  fig  bebft  the  best  behaved.  -elfe  c  -r 
erection;  performance;  unber  ~  in  course  of  erec- 
tion;  bringe  til  _  bring  out;  tom  itte  til  _  was 
not  placed  upon  the  stage;  førfte  @ang8  _  the 
flrst  night's  performance,  -elfeåret  stage  right, 
acting  rights.  -fcl  c  behaviour,  conduct,  com- 
portment,  demeanour. 

Opgaa  vt  ^  come  up,  ease;  *fix,  trace,  stake 
out  (a  boundary  line  by  walking  along  it);  — 
vi  (om  Sol  0.  1.)  rise,  -t-  (fpire)  come  up;  »j,  -  i 
SpiHet  come  up  the  capstan,  (for  at  ftrænfe) 
surge  the  capstan;  Jiy  ber  opgit  et  iJ>)8  for  mig  a 
light  burst  upon  me,  flashed  across  my  mind. 
-en  c  ascent,  rise;  -  i  .Aa  merging  (one's  selO 
in,  ideutifying  one's  self  with.  -enbe  a  rising; 
ben  _  Sol  the  rising  sun.  -enbe  n:  ior  -  upward 
•bound.  Opgang  c  (Cpftigen,  Cpfart)  asceni;  (of 
^immeHeg.)  rise,  rising,  *tracing  the  boundary; 
(i  et  ^u8)  stairs  pi;  (gorbebring)   rise,   improve- 




ment;  mus  i  _  in  ascending.  —  O^gangSltuge 
ladder-way.    -tib  time  of  rising. 

C^gatie  c  -r  math  problem;  (noget  ber  o^jgi^'c* 
til  ot  ubføre)  task;  (Stil=)  subject,  question;  (Danffe= 
lig  _  fl.  ©pørgSmaal,  ®aabe)  puzzle,  puzzler;  fe 
D>)gil)enbe;  fig  bet  er  en  »anffelig  _  (©ag)  it  is  a 
difficult  matter;  mit  £iD§  _  the  object  of  my 
life;  bet  er  »or  _  at  it  is  ours  to;  jeg  ^ar  gjort  bet 
til  min  _  at  ...  I  have  made  a  point  of;  mere 
ifølge  _  as  advised;  unber  _  with  advice. 

C^igitie  vt  (f^orfæt  ofo.)  give  up,  forego;  (<l5Ian, 
Sanie)  dismiss,  abandon,  relinquish;  (en  ©Qg) 
give  over;  ^an  er  -t  af  Sægen  iiis  life  is  despaired 
of  by  the  phy.sician,  the  doctor  despairs  of  his 
life;  -  forretningerne  relinquish,  throw  up  el. 
decline  business;  _  alt  Staab  give  up  el.  relin- 
quish all  hope;  jeg  -r  bet  I  give  it  up;  _  Sampen 
p  throw  up  the  sponge;  _  Slanben  give  up  the 
ghost,  surrender  the  breath;  _  fine  SJleninger 
yield  up  one's  opinions;  _  en  ®aobe  propose  a 
riddle;  _  et  ©ejl  ^1,  clue  up  a  sail;  meb  Unber= 
fejlene  -ne  with  her  courses  up;  _  en  en  Settie 
set  one  a  lesson  el.  a  task;  _  fit  Slaon  give  one's 
name;  '^an  opgat)  mig  fin  SlbreSfe  he  gave  me  his 
address;  ^anS  %ah  -i  at  bære  ...  his  loss  is 
stated  to  be;  f)an  -r  SlntaHet  at  Bære  he  gives  the 
number  at  (el.  as);  _  nøje  specify;  _  for  laot 
understate;  -  be  nøjere  Omftoenbig^eber  state  the 
particulars;  _  fit  SBo  (til  fRettenS  SJe^anbling)  sur- 
render one's  estate  to  the  creditors,  to  a  com- 
mission  of  bankruptey;  albeleS  -t  (af  Xræt^eb) 
completely  knocked  up;  -t  (i  ©ta!)  Mr.  A.  re- 
signed.  —  £)))gitie|lfe  c  (f.  (£!§.  af  jjorfcet)  giving 
up,  abandonment;  (f.  @fl.  af  fin  ®ælb)  statement; 
(nøjagtig)  specification;  efter  _  according  to  state- 
ment, -nbe  n  -V  statement;  efter  _  stated  at. 
•t  c  -e  (i  Solbf^jil)  feeder. 

■'Dpfiiatt  c  (Silgift)  inbread. 

*DpQiet  n  making  up  ete.,  settlement. 

O^glatte  vt  smooth  up. 

O^gtablE  vt  make  red-hot,  heat;  Jig  fire,  in- 
flame.    -ning  e  heating  etc. 

Dtigrati|e  vt  dig  up,  disinter,  unearth,  exhume. 
•ning  c  -er  digging  etc,  disintermeat. 

iO^gro  vi  grow  up. 

D^grumfe  vt  make  turbid. 

D^)grunb|c8  vd  silt  up,  fiU  up.  -ing  c  silt- 
ing  up. 

0^gt)lt){e  vt  fe  ©^Ipe  op.  -ning  c  disgorge- 

Cigg«lb  c  agio. 

-i-Dpgabt  vt  manure. 

Opg«rc  vt  (om  9legnfIo6)  make  up,  settle; 
-gjorte  Weninger  opinions  fully  formed.  -Ifc  c 
making  up  etc.,  settlement. 

Dptitttlte  vt  hoe  up,  grub  up.  -ning  c  -er 
hoening  ete. 

DpfiaVe  vt  haul  up.  -er(to«)  c  -e  ^l,  tricing 
-line.  -ing  c  er  hauling  up.  —  £ptiaUnq^\- 
Beb(b)tng  (repairing)  slip.    -ftjært  J,  lanyard. 

+Dt>tiamie  vi  fe  ^amle  op. 

Ci)^ar»»|e  vt  harrow  up.  -ning  c  -er  harrow- 
ing  up. 

iDpifaåp\e  vt  hasp  up.    -ning  c  -er  hasping  up. 

&))6ak)  n  (Dprinbelfe)  origta,  source;  authorship. 
-Sntanb  originator,  author. 

£)|>6eb|e  vt  heat,  make  hot;  _  for  ftærlt  over- 
heat,   -ning  c  heating  etc. 

D^jfiejflc  vt  hoist  up.     -ning  c  hoisting  up; 

-  af  ©fruen  lifting  the  screw  out  of  the  water. 

—  €)t)f)ti§nins§\ptopeUet,  -ftrue  liftlng-screw. 
D^j^ente  vt  feteh  up. 

iOp^ibfje  vt  excite,  stir  up,  set  on,  provoke, 
inflame;  ^an  »ar  meget  -t  he  was  very  much 
irritated;    -t  af  S8tn   heated  with  wine.     -rtfe 

(JorBitrelfe)  irritation,     -ning  c  -er  inciting  etc 

Dp^l§|fe,  -ning  fe  Dp^ejfe. 

H-Opljitte  vt  fe  Dpftnbe,  .^itte  paa. 

ppimtclpe  vt  promote,  encourage.   -fticelpni 
-mcclp  c  encouraging  etc,  encouragement 

Dpitoile,  -ning  fe  Dpb^nge. 

D^j^otb  n  (paa  et  ©teb)  stay,  sojoum;  (Unb 
^olb)  subsistence,  maintenance,  sustenance,  su 
port;  (Ubfættelfe)  delay;  (©tanbining)  intermissio; 
mus  pause,  hold;  uben  _  without  delay,  (uol 
førlig)  without  intermission;  fem  9Ktnuter§ 
flve  minutes  (allowed)  here!  tage  _  take  up 
one's  abode,  stop;  tage  faft  _  i  settle  in;  ^aoe  faft 
~  i  be  settled  in.  Dptfotble  vt  (unberliolbe)  up- 
hold,  support,  sustain;  (ftanbfe)  delay,  detain; 
_  Stbet  support  life  el.  nature;  —  vr  fig  (for6liBe, 
60)  stay,  reside,  live,  .sojoum;  (nøle)  tarry,  stop; 
~  fig  »eb  noget  dwell  on  a  matter;  ot  »il  itte  _ 
08  »eb  at  we  shall  not  wait  to;  -  fig  o»er  noget 
animadvert  upon,  censure.  -elfe  c  (SBeoarelfe) 
preservation;  (Dpret^olbelfe)  maintenance.  -er  c 
-e  upholder,  supporter.  —  Dp^otbdlbog  permit 
ofresidence.  -tilbe  source  of  subsistence.  -raib' 
bel  means  of  subsistence  el.  livelihood.  -rem 
breeching.  -fteb  place  of  residence.  -ftrop  bear- 
ing-strap.  -tib  period  of  (one's)  sojourn  el. 
stay.  -ttcjr  Interval  of  fine  weather  (between 

Op^oftle  vt  cough  up.  -ning  c  -er  coughing 
up;  conc  expectoration. 

Opftobnlc  vi  swell  (up),    -elfe,  -ing  c  swelling. 

Op^uglge  vt  (^ugge  §ul  paa)  cut  el.  hew  open, 
break  up;  (i  StQftcr)  cut  up;  (en  ©Io»)  cut  down 
el.  fell;  (et  ©{i6)  break  up;  (git)  cut  again.  -ger 
c  -e  (ship-)breaker;  (Sofmejfel)  punch,  -ning 
-er  hewing  etc. 

D<)^btbt|e  vt  whitewash.     -ning  c  whitewas: 

DpdOirbte  vt  whirl  up. 

Dptiaftle  vt  fasten  up,  fix  up.     -ning 
fastening  etc 

Oplægte  vt,  unhook,  unclasp. 

Op^cengle  vt  hang  up,  suspend;  -gt  hung, 
slung,  suspended  (i,  efter,  »eb  by;  i,  fra  from): 
Ⱦre  -gt  (i  fiforretmnger)  f  be  overwhelmed  with 
business.  Dpftænglcrtontité  hanging  committee. 
-ning  c  -er  hanging  up.  -ningSpunlt  point  of 

Dpffceoe  vt  break  off,  do  away  with,  abolish, 
abrogate,  repeal,  rescind;  _  en  SJetejring  raise  a 
siege;  ~  en  ^anbeI§for6inbelfe  dissolve  a  partner- 
ship;  _  et  Moftcr  suppress  a  monastery;  ~  liitt' 
anben  neutralize  each  other.  -Ife  c  -r  breaking 
oflf  etc,  abolition,  abrogation,  repeal,  (af  gor« 
looelfe)  rupture;  gøre  monge  -r  af  noget  make  a 
great  ado  et.  fuss  about  a  thing;  uben  -r  (0.  ft.), 
fe  Cmftænbigfteber. 

£)p||øje  vt  raise,  elevate,  exalt,  matk  involve; 
-  i  trebje  $oten8  involve  to  the  third  power; 
~  en  til  26re  og  SJærbig^eb  raise  one  to  honour 
and  dignity;  _  til  ©fperne  extol  to'  the  skies; 
■^an  BIe»  -t  i  Slbelftonben  he  was  ennobled;  bibl 
fe  gornebre.  -d«jelfe  c  raising,  elevation,  exalta- 
tion;  (gforfremmelfe)  preferment;  math  involution. 
•^øfet  a  _  Slrbejbe  relief,  raised  el.  embossed 
work;  ^al»t  _  demi-relief;  ^ett  ~  high-relief;  -be 
SSogftaoer  (for  blinbe)  embossed  letters  et.  type; 
en  -t  jConte  a  sublime  thought;  _  goragt  supreme 
et.  superior  to.  Dpi|øjning  c  -er  rising,  elevation. 

Dpl)øt  n  cessation,  intermission,  discontinu- 
ance.  Cp^øre  vi  meb  cease,  discontinue,  leave 
off;  _  at  cease  to,  leave  off  -ing;  _  meb  5orret= 
ningerne  decline  business. 

Opd«f»|e,  -ning  fe  9lf:^øfte. 






Difia't  n  -er  o'piate.  •oalmtte  white  poppy, 
Papaver  »omniferum. 

0))'ilb(n)e  vt  (optjarme)  heat;  fig  inflame,  fire. 
•ning  c  (3)mp.)  lighting  the  fires. 

0)iinta'n  c  public  opinion,  public  feeling. 
CptniOKéqtring  expressiou  of  public  opinion. 

O))iofa'g  c  opium-eater. 

0^'trrle  vt  irritale,  exasperate,  provoke.  -elfe, 
•Jttg  c  -r  provocalion,  irritation. 

Dp'\\\t  vt,  -ning  fe  SBætfe. 

O^ium  n  opium.  —  iO)>iuin3|i)raaber  lauda- 
num.  -^anbeten  the  opium  tråde,  -^lantt  Je 
Cpiatoalmue.  -ruS  intoxication  with  opium, 
•fitifer  opium-eater. 

Cfijagle  vt  (om  Stlbt)  rouse,  start,  dislodge, 
beat  the  bush  for.     -ning  c  rou.siug  etc. 

Otitalbe  vt  (falbe  op)  call  up;  ^an  er  -bt  efter 
ftn  3}ebftefaber  he  is  called  el.  named  after  his 
grandfather.    -Ifc  c  calling  up. 


Ofifapre  vt  fe  Sopre. 

sO^raftle  vt  (lofte  op)  throw  up,  cast  up;  (i  S8og) 
tum  up;  (brcelfe  fig)  vomit;  _  et  ©porgSmaal  pro- 
pose, propound,  start  el.  raise  a  quesiion;  —  vr 
fig  til  set  up  for;  _  fig  til  ©ommer  assume  the 
authority  of  a  judge;  -  fig  til  ffonge  usurp  the 
cro\vn;  en  nplig  -t  ®rao  a  newly  dug  grave. 
•elfe  c  throwing  up  etc.  -ning  c  vomiting, 

■  Cplouet  a  worried,  in  a  worry,  in  a  bother. 

Dpfile  vt  wedge  up. 

£)jifilti;r)e  vt  tuck  up,  truss  up.  -ning^  -ring 
c    er  tucking  etc. 

C^tlare  vt  (forffare)  clear  up,  elucidate;  ^imlen 
-r  ftg  the  sky  becomes  clear;  (fofte  £pg  paa,  op= 
iQie)  illumine;  fig  ^ané  9Infigt  -be§  his  face  bright- 
ened;  SSibenffaben  -r  gorftanben  science  enligh tens 
the  understanding;  bette  -r  Sagen  this  throws 
light  upon  the  matter;  ®aaben  -be§  the  riddle 
was  unravelled.  -elfe,  -ing  c  -er  clearing  (up), 

O^iUat  re,  C)iI{ao|re  vi  climb  up,  clamber  up. 
-ring  c  cHmbing  up. 

tC<>flin|e  vt  (om  9JJur)  raise  cl.  run  up.  -ing 
c  raising  etc. 

Dtttliftre  vt  fe  Cpllæbe. 

O))t(obén{ng  c  ^.  (poa  Søl)  dead  wood. 

OiifI«)ng|f  vt  hoist  up,  sling  up;  -^  -  ftg  til 
cling  to     -ning  c  -er  slinging  up. 

£)pt{æb|e  vt  (paa)  paste  upon);  -t  poa  Særreb 
mouuted  on  linen,    -ning  c  pasting,  mounting. 

Dpflæble  vt  clothe.    -ning  c  clothing. 

Dptltttlfe  vt  batch,  rear.    -ntng  c  hatching  etc. 

Cii)tnap|))e  vt  unbutton.    -ning  c  unbuttoning. 

Di)fnt)tte  vt  tie  up,  untie. 

Optoble  vt  (f.  ®f8.  |)unbe)  unleash. 

Optog  n,  pi  =,   (fort  Jftogning)   slight  boiling, 

boil   (up);    (gentagen   Sogning)    second    boiling, 

cooking  up;  ^^  reiteration,  rehash,  (p  recooked 

1  cabbage),  reproduction,  rehearsal;  gtoe  et  _  boil 

up;  btéfe  atrtitler  ere  tun  et  _  af  anbre  SJlobe  these 

are  only  .secoudhaud  articles.    £i)ifog{e  vt  (foge 

,  fort)   boil  slightly,   boil  up;   'foge  paa  nt))  cook 

jup,   dress  up,  re-cook;  fig  Snboenbinger,  gortæl- 

•Jlinger,    fom    ^unbrebe   (Sange   ere   -gte    objections 

iwhleh   have  been  made  over  and  over  again  a 

•  hundred   times,   storles  which   have  been  told, 

\  repeated  over  and   over  again;    gte  SBitttg^eber 

ofo.  trite,  hackneyed  witticisms;  —  +v%  boil  up. 

-ning  c  -er  ebuUition;  (9)?ablo6.)  re-cooking. 

O))tom;nte  vi  originate,  begin,  rise.  »Olifom^ 
•nie  n  well,  spring,  land-spring.  ■•-Ung  c  -er 
npstart.  -ft  c  (S3egpnbelfe)  origin,  rise;  (Sremgang, 
ijremme)  advancement;  (Uboifling)  development; 
i  (jjorbebring)  reform;  i  -  (om  en  S&X)  o.  1.)  rising, 
Improving,  in  a  flourishing  state. 

Cptenftrnere  vt  manufacture,  construct. 

^Optrabning  c  (Som.)  razing. 

Optrabfle  vt  scratch  up;  (Slæbe)  raise,  teasel. 
-ning  c  -er  scratching  etc. 

Opjtramme,  -trant^ie  vt  tum  up,  cock. 

Cptraplt  vi  crawl  up. 

£)ptruf|e  vt  crisp.    -ning  c  -er  crisping. 

Opfrt)bdning  c  J,:  Ⱦre  unber  _  be  working 
el.  beating  up. 

Oplrænic  c«  (Sfatter  etc.)  gather,  coUect.  -elfe^ 
-ning  c  (af  Sf atter)  coUectiou. 

OpfrølKe  vt  curl  up.    -ning  c  curling  up. 

Cptnitfe  vt  cheer  up. 

-fjD^jf^fe  vt  fe  Dpflræmme. 

Cplæntmet  part  combed  up. 

J0p|l«l»  n  l)uying  up,  engrossing,  engrossment; 
forestalling,  -fibe  vt  buy  up;  (i  bet  ftore,  en  gros) 
engross;  (forub)  forestall,  regrate.  -løber  c  buyer 
up  of  goods,  engrosser;  forestaller.  £))>tob§ret 
right  of  buying  up  goods. 

D|il«r{e  vt  (forboeroe  peb  Sjorfel)  cut  up;  _  Sf^tfet 
drive  up  the  cannon.  -fet  c  (|)anbl.  at  føre  op) 
driving  up;  (SJej)  carriage  approach;  fe  9Jampe. 

Oplabe  vt  (aabne)  open;  (opgiee,  afftaa)  give  up; 
oplab  bin  9iøft  raise  your  voice;  —  vr  fig  (oife, 
aabenbare  fig);  ben  ^erlig^eb,  ber  -r  fig  for  »ort  f.\t 
the  glory  which  is  exposed  to  our  view;  digteren? 
Siæl  -r  fig  for  o§  the  soul  of  the  poet  is  disclosed 
to  us. 

0|)lag  n,  pi  =,  (af  SBarer)  stock,  store;  (af  en 
S8og)  impression,  is.sue,  edition;  npt  _  reissue;  i 
_  in  store,  (mtblertibigt)  warehoused,  {xtaa  Solb' 
bob)  in  bond;  Sfibe  i  _  laid  up  ships,  (om  Strigs.) 
ships  in  ordinary. 

Oplagret  a  stored. 

Oplagå[ofgtft  warehouse  rent,  warehousing. 
-^aPn  harbour  where  a  ship  is  laid  up.  -%u% 
warehouse,  storehouse,  magazine.  -onttoftninger 
fe  -afgift,  -penge  money  laid  up.  -plobé  place 
for  storiug  goods.  -tet  staple  privilege.  -fJeb 
fe  -plabS;  (StabelpIabS)  staple,  emporium.  -parer 
(58arer  paa  CplagSpIabS)  staple  commodities; 
(SSorer  i  $af:^ufe)  warehoused  goods. 

Opiagt  a  {part  laid  up);  jeg  er  itfe  -  bertil  I 
am  not  disposed  to  it,  not  in  the  (el.  a)  humour 
for  it,  in  no  humour  for  it,  not  in  tune  for  it; 
l^an  er  iffe  _  til  Spøg  he  is  in  no  joking  humour; 
baarltg  -  not  in  the  vein;  gobt  -  in  the  vein,  in 
good  cue;  -  5l!JJælt  curds  (from  which  the  whey 
has  been  pressed;. 

Dplanb  n  -e  (2anbftræfning  omfrtng  en  33l))  sur- 
rounding  el.  tributary  country,  tråde  distrid^ 
the  country  behind  a  town;  *(^øjere  £anb)  up- 
land.    *-ff  a  upland. 

Optanger  ^1,  fe  Cplænger. 

Optebje  vt  search  out.    -ning  c  searchiug  out. 

Opletlning,  -telfc  c  lifting. 

Oplepe  vt  live  to  see;  l^an  -be  en  ^øj  9llber  he 
lived  to  a  great  age;  ^or  -t  meget  has  had  many 
experiences;  _  flere  Cplog  pass  through,  run 
through  el.  see  several  editions;  —  t  vi  revive. 
-Ife  c  -r  experience,  transaction  el.  passage  (in 
one's  life),  adventure_. 

Oplipje  vt  (gtoe  n^t  fiiP)  revive,  reanimate; 
(opmuntre)  enliven,  cheer,  exhilarate;  „opliPet" 
(af  25rif)  elevated.  -elfe  c  revival,  reanimation; 
enllvening,  exhilaration.  -cIfeS  (el.  -ningd)farf«g 
attempt  at  resuscitation.  -enbe  a  exhilarating, 
lively,  -er  c  reviver.  -ning  c  fe  -elfe.  -ningl^ 
ntibbel  n  resuscitant. 

Oplob  n  (Sonbit.)  pufif  paste. 

Oplobbe  vt  sound  (over;;  _  og  opmaale  (gai- 
panb)  survey.  —  OpIobningS|bampffib  surveying 
steamer  (o.  fl.).     -linie  line  of  soundings. 

OplobSning  c  up  river  pilotage. 

Oplosning   c  landing,   discharging.     -ning9= 




afgift  landing   charge,     -fet  part  landed,    un- 

O^Iue  vt  bring  into   a  blaze,   inflame;  —  vi 
blaze  up. 
£)piu^t  vt  weed  up. 

D^Ittt|fe  vt  open;  (fibob  bet  er  luffet  meb  2oo8) 
unlock.  -nittg  c  -er  opening. 
£)))Iutining  c  J,  hauling  the  wind. 
DpW\e  vt  light  up,  illuminate,  illumine;  (f. 
efg.  »tb  ©fgempler)  elucidate,  throw  light  upon, 
illustrate;  (unbérbife)  enlighten:  (mebbele)  show, 
point  out,  give  information  of;  (unberrette)  in- 
form; (tabte  Sager)  advertise;  _  en  om  ifani  58tlb= 
forelfe  undeceive  el.  disabuse  one;  en  -ft  gorftanb, 
SibSalber  an  enlightened  mind,  age;  ^an  »ar  nøje 
-ft  om  enf)t)er  Dmftænbigt)eb  he  was  aecurately  in- 
formed  of  every  particular.  -enbe  a  elucidatory, 
light  giving;  _  ©tSempel  illustration;  _  meb  §en= 
ion  til  illustrative  of.  -ning  c  -er  (f.  (5f8.  af  ©aoer) 
lighting;  (aanbeltg)  enlightenment;  education; 
(Unberretning)  information,  intelligence,  evidence, 
pi  details;  -ené  S^tlftanb  the  state  of  education; 
inbl^ente  -er  gather  et.  procure  information;  nærmere 
_  particulars;  en  fortræffelig  _  a  piece  of  excellent 
information;  -en  ftiger  cont  «the  schoolmaster  is 
abroad».  -ning@tontor  (universal)  Information 

Dt^IicQløe  vt  lay  up,   (i  $af^u§)  warehouse;  _ 
gjaab   concert   el.    concoct   a  plan;   +  _  en   S3og 
publish  a  book;   jeg  ^ar  -logt  ©pil,    -lagte  ffort  I 
have  the  game  in  my  hånd;  fe  iiægge  op.    -gelfe, 
•ni»g  c  laying  up;  warehousing.  —  DplaQXtinøl- 
offlift    (af   Sfartøj)    laying-up    rate;    fe    Cplag?=. 
-plab8  depot. 
Ofli'^ntiing  c  -er  upland-dweller. 
Opdcnqer  c  -e  J,  futtoek.    -ft«b  futtock-head. 
D^Iænfe  vt  (en  Sænfe)  shorten  (a  chain). 
OVia\te   vt    teaeh,    train    fup),    indoctrinate, 
school,  tutor,    -relfe,  -rinfl  c  teaching,  training. 
Ovllæfc  vt  read  (aloud).    ■læfer(tnbe)  c  read  er. 
-IicSning  c  -er  reading  (aloud),  (offentlig)  recital, 
elocutionary  entertainment. 

£)p|Iøt)  n,  pi  =.  disorderly  mob,  (i  oprørft  ^en« 
figt)  riot,  tumult;  i  -et  (SScebbel.)  at  the  finish. 
•leie  vi  run  up,  grow;  fvt  overtake,  come  up 
With  (by  running);  ©ælben  er  -t  bettjbeligt  the 
debt  has  run  up  oonsiderably;  en  lang  n  Sreng 
a  tall,  overgrown  stripling.  -løber  c  J,  {paa 
S'ølfoin)  stemson. 

CH»lafte  vt  (løfte  op)  lift  up;  (Stemmen,  Sinbet, 
6icelen,  9HennefEet)  raise,  elevate;  -  Sjælen  til  @ub 
exalt  the  soul  to  God;  -  et  Sfrtg  set  up  a  cry; 
_  en  til  ©faerne  extol  one  to  the  skies;  et  -nbe 
6^n  an  exalting  sight.  -Ife  c  (Stemmeng)  eleva- 
tion; (©inbeté,  SlanbenSofO.)  exaltation;  bibl{£^et) 

C^IIafc  vt  (S8aonb,  finuber  etc.)  loose,  untie, 
undo;  (i>ær,  SRegiment)  disband,  disembody;  (gor- 
famling,  Uggteffab,  SSenffob  etc.)  dissolve;  (=  be8= 
organtiere)  disorganize;  ohem  resolve,  deeompose; 
(mefanift,  tilintetgøre  ©ammenliængen)  disintegrate; 
(®aaber,  Soibl  etc)  solve;  _  en  Siigning  math,  re 
solve  an  equation;  jeg  er  ifte  tommen  at  _  men 
ot  fulbtomme  bibl  I  am  not  come  to  destroy  but 
to  fulfil;  -IjBfenbe  a  dissolving,  disintegrating, 
med  (for  fiofte)  expectorant;  -nbe  TOibbel  expecto- 
rant;  -lef  t  a  i  Jaarer  dissolved  in  tears;  ^olbe  -ft 
hold  in  solution;  meb  -ft  ,^aar  with  dishevelled 
hair;  —  »r  _  fig  (i)  dissolve,  melt,  resolve,  be 
dissolved  (into);  (om  ©foer)  disperse;  fjorfamlingen 
-fte  fifl  the  assembly  broke  up.  -I^'feUg  «  soluble, 
dissoluble,  resolvable,  dissolvable;  decompos- 
able;  disintegrable;  solvable,  solvible.  -I«'feltg= 
l)cb  c  solubility,  dissolubility,  resolvability. 
-Ui^ning  c  -er  loosening  etc;  (af  @aabe  ofo.  so- 
lution; (af  §ær  etc.)  breaking  up;  (af  gorfamling 

etc.)  dissolution,  (til  en  anben  ©ang)  adjourument 
(JieSorganifation)  disorganization;  (i  9tlgebra)  re 
solution;  ckem  resolution,  dissolution,  decoia 
position,  conc  (en  _)  solution;  (mefanift)  disinte 
gration;  (Søb)  dissolution;  ^an  gaar  fin  -  i  Web 
he  will  soon  die,  he  is  sinking  fast;  bibl  min  -i 
%\b  er  for£)aanben  the  time  of  my  departure  i 
at  hånd;  ånubenS  _  the  denouement.  —  £))il«9 
ningSltnibbel  n  solvent,  dissolvent,  dissolvei 
resolvent,  resolver,  -tegn  mus  fe  Sbobrat.  -til 
ftattb  a  State  of  decomposition. 

Opmnat  n  heaped  measure. 

OVmaalle  vt  measure;  (Sijfter,  9Karfer,  garbanbe 
survey.  -er  c  surveyor.  -ing  c  -er  measuring 
surveying;  ben  trigonometriffe  _  the  Trigonome 
trical  Survey.  -ingåfortaj  surveying  vessel  (o.  fl  ) 

Dfimale  vt  (Som  o.  1.)  grind  up;  (S8anb)  raise 

Opntalle  vt  paint  over  again,  repaint.    -ing 
painting  etc,  repainting. 

0))tnanb  c  umpire,  arbitrator,  referee,  i 

D)>ntattbe  vt  animate,  inspirit;  _  fig  man  el 
recover  one's  self,  recover  heart,  summon  ui 
the  man  within  one's  self. 

£)t)manc  vt  conjure  up,  evoke. 

C^mard)  c  marching  up,  deployment.  -er 
vi  march  up,  deploy;  labe  _  draw  up. 

)0))tnub|re  vt  dredge.  -ring  c  -er  dredging 
-ringåarbeiber  pi  dredging  operations. 

Dpmuntlrc  vt  (Ⱦffe  Wunter^eb)  enliven,  ani 
mate;  (oætte  Wob)  encourage,  exhort;  (fremm( 
beforbre)  encourage,  promote,  -renbe  a  encoui 
aging;  libet  _  (rather)  discouraging.  -ring  c  -e 
enlivening  etc;  encouragement,  exhortation 
incentive ;  (iKbfprebelfe)  diversion ,  recreation 
Wangel  pao  -  discouragement. 

Opmnrle  vt  run  up,  build  up  (of  brieks  o 
stone).    -ing  c  running  etc. 

Dpjnærtle  vt  mark  el.  stake  out,  (oeb  Søjei 
buoy.    -ningSbcrfenet  the  system  of  buoyage. 

Opntcerl'fom  a  attentive;  gøre  _  paa  advert  to 
point  out;  gøre  en  _  poa  noget  call  one's  atten 
tion  to  a  thing;  blioe  _  paa  perceive,  remark 
notice;  Bære  ~  poa  take  notice  of,  be  alive  to 
Bære  _  mob  en  be  attentive,  civil,  kind  to  on« 
-Ijcb  c  -er  attention;  oæffe  _  attrået  notice 
attention;  Bife  en  megen  _  pay  one  great  atten 
tion;  en  _  an  aet  of  attention  (mob  to);  -er  (911 
tigbeber)  civilities,  attentions.  -^ebSfignal  atten 
tion  signal. 

O^naa  vt  attain,  gain;  _  fin  ^enfigt  gain  one' 
end,  achieve  one's  object,  compass  one's  desigr 
(iffe  meb  53erfon  fom  ©ubj.)  answer  its  end;  _ 
^riS  fetch  el.  command  a  price;  _  bebre  ÉonW 
tioner  make  better  terms;  _  at  manage  to.  -'ell 
a  attainable.  -'elig^eb  c  attainableness.  -elj 
c  attainment. 

Ottnagle  vt  nail  up. 

D^inege  vt  bind  (in  sheaves). 

Oplnæfe  c  snub-nose,  pugnose.    -næfet  a snub'" 
-nosed,  pug-nosed. 

CVnirbne  vt  nominate,  appoint. 

O^obatfam  c  balm  of  Gilead,  opobalsam. 

jOpobel'bof  c  opodeldoc. 

Opofre  vt  sacriflce,  immolate;  (ftengibe)  devot 
-Ife  c  -r  sacrifice;    (Sgenftab)   devotedness. 
a  devoted. 

DpoS'fum  c  -er  opossum,  Didelphys. 

Dp'oPer  adv  upwards. 

Oppaflfc  vt  pack  ful),  -ning  c  -er  packing  etc; 
(til  ©olbat)  equipment. 

Dppadfe  vt  watch;  (opBarte)  wait  on.  -r  c  -e 
attendant,  man  (servant),  (Of§f.  llniB.)  scout; 
mil.  boy. 

Oppe  adv  up,  above;  ber  -  up  there,  there 
above;    ^er  _   up   here;   -  fro   adv  from   above; 




6li6e,   ftbbe  _  sit  up,   stay  up;   DJtaaneii  er  -  the 
moon  is  up  el.  out;  ifan  er  iffe  -  enbnu  he  is  not 
out  of  bed  yet;   l)an  er  tiblig  -  om  Worgenen  he 
is  an  early  riser;  iSogen  ligger  -  (i  SSærelfet  otien-- 
ooer)  the  book  lies  up-stairs;  Døren  er  -  the  door 
is  open;    F  ^<in  ^^  rigtig  -  i  ®ag  he  is  in  very 
good  spirits  to-day;  lapBrgSmaalet  er  -  the  quest- 
lon  has  come  to  the  front.    Cp))e  vt  (+)  revive, 
invigorate;  —  vr  -  fig  bestir  one's  self;  improve. 
JDpptbie  vt  await,  wait  for. 
Oppt\b(ert  vt  receive;   (om  offentl.  $enge)  col- 
lect;  ./ig  (noget  ubetiag.)  come  in  for.     -bærelfe, 
-btftfcl   c  -fler  receiving,   collecting.     -hev^eié-- 
ietjcnt  receiver,  revenue  olficer. 
OWelfc  c  p  revival,  improvement. 
DppiUc  vt  pick. 
D^plajite  vt  fig  plant,  set  up. 
Optdutjte  vt  pick;  (om  gift)  hash.    -ninfl  c  -er 
picking  etc. 

Dwiflbfe  vt  fag,  untwist;  -8,  _  fig  fag,  untwist, 
be  frayed  out. 
Dppl8\\t  vt  plough  up.    -«t«9  c  ploughing  up. 
Oppaitvt  vt  polish  up. 
£)ppa(ftr|e  vt  stufiF.    -infl  c  stuflSng. 
Dpjpolne've   vi  make   el.   raise  opposition;  _ 
imob  oppose.    -nc«t'  c  -er  oppo'nent. 
Opportunift'  c  -er,  -ifl  a  opportu'nist. 
Dppofttio'n  c  opposition,    -cl'  a  opposit'ion- 
ist.  —  Cppofttion^iblab  opposition  paper.  -bænl 
o.  bench.    -manti  c  opposit'ionist.    -partiet  the 
opposi  tiou(  -party) . 

Cpputtfje  vt  brush  up,  smarten  up;    (^u§)  re- 
pla.stev.    -ning  c  brushing  up  etc. 
Oppumpet  part  pumped  up. 
Dppuftie  vt  blow  up,  puflF  up,  inflate.     -nitiB 
c  -er  Ijlowing  up  etc. 

Dpptjntle  vt  dress  up,  brush  up,  smarten  up. 
-ning  c  -er  dressing  up. 

Dplraab  n,  pi  —,  call;  .fig  appeal;  (tit  S8aa6en) 
summous  to  arms.  -taaie  vt  (oeb  ^iaun)  call 
(out),  (poa  aiuftion)  put  up;  -  i)iaDnene  call  over 
the  names.  -tttaien,  -raabning  c  ealling  etc. 
-raabcr  c  crier;  auctioneer. 
*Opraab  (bb)  a  at  a  loss. 
Dpraobine  vi  rot  completely,  be  thoroughly 
putritied.    "-ben  a  completely  rotten. 

Opragie  vt  rake  up,  scrape  up;  —  vi  project, 
protrude.    -ning  c  -er  raking  etc. 

Cpramflc  vt  repeat  by  rote,  patter  over.    -e«, 
-ning  c  repeating  etc,  repetition. 
Cpranfe  fig  vr  climb. 

Oprcbic  vt  make  (a  bed);  +Jig  clear  up,  un- 
ravel;  Sengen  ftob  altib  -t  the  bed  was  always 
made;  en  -t  ©eng  (Seng  meb  alt  Zilbeljøt)  a  bed- 
stead  and  bedding,  -elfc,  -ning  c  -er  making 

Oprcgjnc  vt  recount,   enumerate,   catalogue. 
-ning  c  -er  recounting,  enumeration. 
Oprejfe  c  pa.ssage  up. 

Oplrejfe  vt  (rejje  i  SBejret)  set  up;  (om  S3t)gn.) 
erect,  raise;  (*Dlinbeémærfe,  gortaarn  etc.)  erect; 
(SBarrifaber)  throw  up;  -  en8  iOlob  inspirit  one. 
-rejéning  c  raising  etc;  (SJeberlag)  reparation, 
redress;  (^reåop.)  satisfaction.  -rejft  a  erect, 
uprighi;  her  rampant,  _  og  tilbagefeenbe  rampant 
regardant,  _  meb  JpoOebet  en  face  rampant  gard- 
ani;  fig  bet  ^ar  bolbt  mig  -  that  is  what  has 
kept  el.  buoyed  me  up;  jeg  funbe  ifte  ^olbe  mig 
-  I  could  not  stand  erect;  fig  tiltrobi  for  alle 
Ulptter  Ijolbt  ^an  fig  _  he  kept  up  in  spite  of 
all  misfortunes. 
Oprcnbc  vt  warp;  tovertake  (by  running). 
Oprenfje  vt  clean  out,  dredge  (out),  -ning  c 
cleaning  etc. 

Opret  a  upright,  erect.  -flQbenbe  a  swimming 
upright.    -t)o(bc  vt  (oeblige^olbe,  ^aanb^æpe)  sup- 

port, uphold;  maintain.  -^olbclfe  e  maintenance. 
-t>oIber  c  -e  supporter  etc.  Dpretningåtraft 
righting  power.  Opretftaaenbe  a  upright;  _ 
$iano  upright  piano,  cabinet-piano. 

iDplrette  vt  (oprejfe)  erect;  (Sfole,  Unieerfitet  etc.) 
institute,  found,  establish;  (et  8Jegiment)  erect, 
raise;  (om  Stabe)  repair;  (2;aB  ojo.)  retrieve; 
(gorfømmelje)  make  up  for;  _  et  9iebertag  repair 
a  defeat;  ^an  maa  _  ^am  bet  paa  anbre  TOaaber 
he  must  make  him  amends  in  other  ways;  l^an 
bar  faaet  fit  Zab  rigelig  -t  he  has  had  rich 
amends  for  his  loss,  he  has  been  richly  indem- 
uified  for  his  loss;  _  et  Seftamente,  en  Sontraft 
make  a  will,  a  contract;  ~  et  ^orbunb  enter  into 
au  alliance.  -ret'tcUg  a  reparable,  retrievable. 
-rettelfe  c  (af  Stole  ofo.)  founding,  foundation, 
institution;  (at  Stabe,  Zab  ofo.)  reparation, 

Dpribning  c  riding  up. 

Opribé  n  elevation. 

Opribfe  vt  .slit  open. 

Opriflet  part  rifled-up. 

Oprigning  c  J^  fitting  the  rigging  el.  gear. 

jOprigt'ig  a  sincere,  candid;  —  adv  -  talt 
candidly,  to  tell  the  truth.  -^eb  c  sincerity, 

Opri(|(e  vt  furrow,  groove.  -ning  c  furrowing 

Dpjrinbe  vt  (om  Sol  og  Waane)  rise;  fig  (opftoa) 
arise;  ben  Sib  er  enbnu  itte  -runben  that  time  is 
yet  to  come;  ben  33ag  -r  albrig  that  day  will 
never  come  el.  be;  -runben  af  en  gammel  Slægt 
sprung  el.  descended  from  an  old  family.  -ritt'« 
belig  a  original,  pristine,  primitive,  primeval, 
primary;  Sanbet«  -e  Snbb^ggere  the  aboriginals 
of  the  country;  —  adv  originally,  -rin'belig^eb 
c  primariness,  primitiveness.  -rittbelfe  c  origiu. 
-rinbelfeSbeuiå  certiflcate  of  origin, 

Cprintle  vt  coil  (up),    -ning  o  coiling. 

Opriplpe  vt  revive,  rake  up.  -ning  c  reviv- 
ing  etc. 

Cpridpe  vt  scratch,  tear,  slit. 

OpriPle  vt  rend  up,  tear  up;  $æren  bleo  albeleS 
opreoen  t)ie  army  was  entirely  broken  up.  -ning 
c  rending  etc. 

Dprob|e  vt  root  up.    -ning  c  rooting  up. 

£)prttl|Ie  vt  (rulle  fammen)  roll  up;  (r.  fra  b«u= 
anben)  unroU.  -Ung,  -ning  c  -er  rolling  up; 

Dpruntpc  vt  fe  Stumpe  op. 

JDpruffe  vt  rouse  (from  sleep). 

CprQblbe  vt  root  up,  grub  up,  eradicate;  clear, 
reclaim;  fe  Oprømme,  -ning  c  rooting  etc, 
eradication;  clearing. 

OprQge  vt  smoke  up. 

£)prQt|te  vt  pull  up,  pluck  up;  —  vi  rise,  be 
promoted.  -ning  c  -er  puUing  etc;  promotion; 
(en  Jpæré  Dpbrub)  moving  up.  -ningdregler  rules 
of  promotion. 

Dprætlte  vt  lift  up,  hånd  up;  meb  oprafte 
^ænber  with  uplifted  hånds,    -ning  c  lifting  up. 

Oprøge  vt  (om  SCobal)  smoke  up. 

tO<>r«m|me  vt  put  in  order,  put  to  rights, 
clear  out;  (SSarebe^olbning)  sell  off,  realize,  clear 
out;  -  et  i>ul  ream  el.  broach  a  hole.  -mer  c  -e 
broach,  reamer.  -ning  c  clearing  out  etc, 
realizatiou.    -ningSprid  realization  price. 

Oprømt  a  cheerful,  gay,  in  good  humour  el. 
spirits.     -^eb  c  cheerfulness. 

Opr«r  n,  pi  =,  (SBeoægelfe,  Uro)  uproar;  (Cp-- 
ftanb)  rebellion,  sedition,  insurrection;  (*lJøbel-- 
opløb,  Sumult)  riot;  (5DJQtteri)  mutiny,  revolt;  (i 
Sinbet)  agitation,  excilement,  tumult;  (^aoet?) 
uproar,  agitation;  ((SlementerneS,  iiibenftabemel) 
tumult;  gøre  _  revolt,  rebel,  rise  in  rebellion; 
ftifte  et  _  stir  up  a  revolt.     Oprør|e  vt  (SBonb) 




trouble,  disturb,  render  el.  make  turbid;  Jig  (om 
Sinbet)  excite,  rouse,  stir  up,  agitate;  (ægge  til 
C^Jrør)  stir  up;  (forarge,  faate  ben  moralfte  galelfe) 
offend,  shock;  -g  eeb  eller  ooer  noget  be  shocked 
at  a  thing;  ftfte  i  -rt  58onb  fish  in  troubled  waters; 
-rt  ^ao  a  rough  el.  agitated  sea;  et  -nbe  S^n  a 
shocking  e(.  revolting  .sight.  -er  c  -e  rebel,  in- 
surgent;  (9RQtteriftifter)  revolter. 

&)>rørS|aattb  rebelliousness,  seditiousness, 
spirit  of  revolt,  -att  fe  -loo.  -fatte  standard  of 
revolt,  -flamme,  -ilb  flame  of  .sedition  el.  re- 
bellion, -^ær  army  of  rebels,  insurgents.  £)p- 
tetit  a  rebellions,  seditious,  riotous,  turbulent, 
mutlnoiis;  be  -e  $roBinfer  the  revolted  provinees. 
Cprerfflieb  c  rebelliousness,  seditiousness.  — 
CVr^rélleber  ringleader.  -lott  riot-act.  -tue  fe 
-flamme,  -manb  fe  Dprurer.  -))r«bitant  preacher 
of  revolt,  -finb  fe  -oanb.  -ffib  insurgent  ship. 
-ffrift  seditious  writing.  -ftifter  mutineer,  kindler 
of  riots,  ringleader.    -tolc  seditions  speech. 

OVfablte  vt  saddle.    -Ung  c  saddling. 

0^fam{|c  et  take  up,  pick  up,  gather,  collect; 
(9lf§,  og  fig  meb  9Køje)  glean.  -ing  c  -er  gather 
ing  etc. 

C))fang  c  song,  singing  out,  chorus-cry. 

O^fanfe,  Dt^fantning  fe  Dpfamle. 

Oi)fot  a  _  poa  bent  upon,  intent  on;  fe  Dp= 

O^faté  c  -er  stand;  (ftrtftl.)  essay,  paper,  ar- 
ticle;  (poo  Sanonj  back  sight;  (pao  JRaobut)  antler; 
fe  99orb=.    -t«jler  pi  bearing-reins. 

0^fei|(e  vt  (et  ©It6)  overhaul;  -t  grogt  freight 
eamed;  -t  SSejIængbe  distance  run.  -Hug  c  sail- 
ing  up:  unber  -  sailing  up. 

C^fejfing  c  J^  racking  seizing. 

0))feie  vt  harness. 

D^fenb|e  vt  send  up;  _  Sønner  til  ®ub  offer 
up  prayers  to  God.    -ing  c  sending  etc. 

0))f{bber  c  e  ttenant,  le.s8ee;  *freeholder, 
owner  (one  or  more);  'ber  er  tre  -e  \>aa  ®aarben 
the  estate,  farm,  is  divided  between  three 
owner  s. 

•©»•fjg  fe  3nbftg. 

D))ft|ge  vt  (Sjeneftefolf,  Sejere  ofB.)  give  warn- 
ing  el.  notice  to  quit,  order  on;  (fraftge  fig)  re- 
nounce, throw  oft';  (Settier  ofo.)  recite,  repeat, 
rehearse,  say;  (Xraltat)  denounce  (the  end  of); 
-  en  Kapital  give  notice  of  the  paying  off  of  a 
Capital,  recall  a  capital;  _  fin  Xjenefte  give  notice 
(of  leaving);  filioe  opfagt  get  notice  to  quit. 
-'gelig  a  (OBligation)  redeemable.  -'gelig^eb  c 
redeemableness.  -gelfe  c  wamlng,  notice  to 
quit  etc;  denunciation;  (af  et  Snbftub)  notlee  of 
withdrawal;  en  9Kaaneb§  _  a  month's  notice; 
uben  -  without  giving  notice;  gorpagter  paa  _ 
tenant-at-will.    -gelfeStib  length  of  notice. 

OVfigt  c  surveillance;  (ftor  Dpmærlfom^eb)  sen- 
sation, noise,  stir;  fiaoe  _  meb  noget  take  charge 
of  a  thing;  ^an  er  unber  min  _  he  is  under  my 
guardianship;  gøre,  oæffe  _  make  a  sensation, 
a  noise.    -ticeftenbe  a  sensational. 

tD^ftoOle  vt  fell,  cut  (and  pile),  -ning  c  fell- 
ing  etc. 

£)t)ftoo(e  vt  shovel  up. 

0<)fltift  c  -er  recipe,  receipt;  copy.  Dfiftvioe 
vt  write  down,  set  down,  note  dovyn.  C:|)ftrit)- 
ning  c  writing  etc. 

0))f{rtt|e  vt  unscrew;  -  ^rifen  screw  up  the 
price;  -t  53ri8  exorbitant  el.  extortionate  price; 
en  -t  Stil  a  bombastic  el.  afifected  style;  2ampen 
er  for  ^øjt  -t  the  lamp  is  too  much  on.  -en, 
-ning  c  unscrewing  etc.  -et^eb  c  bombast, 

*Ct»f!r^bc  vt  puflf. 

Ovftræntlnte  vt  startle,  rouse.  -ning  c  start- 

-t^Cpffræ|)penbe  n  bragging. 

Cttftub  n  (om  ^planter)  shooting,  springing  uj 

iOttffubt  fe  Dpflijbe,  SfQbe  op;  Cploben. 

-i-Opftumme  vi  poet-,  -r  fiøjt  lifts  its  loamia 

Dpffure  vt  scour  up. 

DVfftJbe  vt  (forbruge  »eb  Støbning)  expend,  coi 
sume;  +  =  Dpfætte;  -ffubt  (SoB)  coiled;   — 
spring  up. 

C)pit\il\U  vt  (»rag,  ^orb  ofo.)  wash  up;  was! 
ashore;  (fltjtle  Sinneb  ofo.)  rinse;  -t  2anb  alluvia 
soil.    -ling  c  -er  washing  up;  rinsing  etc 

£)))^ic|te  vt  (en  S9^Ib,  SSog,  Søm  ofo.)  cut  open 
(gift,  gugl)  draw;  (§are,  Sanin)  paunch,  huli 
(ffære  alt  op,  faa  intet  teone«)  cut  up;  -ftoaret  Sø 
a  stew;  -ftoarne  2@rmer  slashed  sleeves.  -tini 
c  cutting  etc. 

OVff^rte  vt  truss  up,  tuck  up;  -t  (om  ^ejl 
shrunk  in  the  flank;  fig  Bære  net  -t  be  in  a  fin 
pickle  el.  mess. 

Dplflaa  vt  (*lSlafater  ofB.)  post  up,  stick  up 
paste  up;  (Saéfer  ofB.)  break  open,  force  opea 
(jToBoært)  unlay;  (et  jelt,  en  Seir)  pitch  (a  ten^ 
camp);  (SSober)  set  up  (booths);  _  et  ©teb  i 
S3og  look  out  a  passage  in  a  book;  _  fin  S3olif 
take  up  one's  abode,  fix  one's  residence;  -e 
SroBe  tumed  up  coUar;  meb  -t  SBiftr  with  raise< 
vispr;  _  Satter,  pjne,  fe  Slaa  op;  meb  -et  $arapll 
with  his  umbrella  spread.  -flag  n,  pi  =,  uj 
-stroke;  (SugleS)  ricochet;  mus  up-beat;  (pai 
SlæbningSfttjtte)  cuff,  facing(s),  lapel,  (^lafat)  bill 
placard;  (af  gorlooelfe)  breaking  off;  en  bru: 
gfrafte  meb  røbe  _  a  brown  coat  tumed  up  witl 
red.  -flagning  (af  SoBBcer!)  unlaying,  —  Cip, 
f(ag§|bcæt,  -taole  bulletin  board,  -gobå  .1.  junk 
-ftolpc  sign-post 

-ning  c  grinding  etc. 
-ning  c  wearing  out. 



Dpffentme  vt  deposit. 

Dpflib  c  vt  grind  up. 

Opfltb  e  vt  wear  out 

Dpflibfet  a  slashed. 

Opflitte  vt  lick  up. 

Opflugle   vt   swallow  up,   engulf.      -ning 
swallowing  etc. 

£)))f!(uppen  part  af:  ©Itppe  op;   *  a 

)D)>fntebe  vt  forge. 

Cpfminfje  vt  rouge,  paint.     -ning 

C^jfnt^tjle  vt  dress  up,  trick  out,  bedizen, 
smarten  up.    -ning  c  dressing  etc. 

Opfmegle  vt  (Sfirmeme)  turn  up  (the  sleeves)i 
meb  -be  2(£rmer  with  his  sleeves  turned  up, 
-ning  c  tuming  up. 

Dpime^e  vt  (2:o6af)  smoke  up. 

O^ftnøre  vt  (olt  ©mørret)  use  up  (the  butter); 
fig  (oppubfe  noget  gammelt)  brush  up;  (SSreoe^ 
SBlabortitler  ofo.)  scribble  ofif. 

Opfnappe  »t  snatch  up,  snap  up,  pick  up;  fig 
(om  Crb,  S3li!fe  ofB.)  catch;  (SreB  o.  1.)  intercept; 
(Srøatrofer)  kidnap.    -Ife  c  intercepting  etc. 

Dpfno  vt  untwist. 

Opf nnf e  vt  (i  Stæfen)  snuff  up;  (al  ©nuétobollen) 
use  up  (the  snuflf);  fig  (opfpore)  scent  out,  ferret 

£)pfnør|e  vt  unlace.    -ing  c  unlacing. 

Opfpabe  vt  dig  up  vtdth  a  spade. 

Opf^antet  a  in  frame. 

Opfpatrje  vt  save,  lay  by;  bet  -ebe  the  savings 
-ing  c  saving,  laying  by. 

Øpfparfe  vt  (fparte  op)  klck  open  (f.  ($t§.  2)øren 
the  door);  (fafte  op  meb  Søbbeme)  throw  up  with: 
the  feet. 

Dpfpil|e  vt  open  wide.     -Ing  c  opening  etc 

*Opfpilt  a  in  high  spirits. 

Oplfpinb  n,  pi  =,  invention,  device,  fabrica- 
tion.  -fpinbe  vt  (@arn  ofB.)  spin  up;  (opbtgte)! 
Invent,  trump  up,  fabricate,  hatch. 




0|»f<)ire  vi  shoot,  spring  up. 

Cpfpife  vt  eat  up. 

Opfplttte  vt  split  up,  slit  up. 

£pipot\t  vt  spool  up.    -ing  c  spooling  up. 

jO))ft)or|e  vt  (ogfoa  3??)  track  out,  trace  out, 
scent  out,  get  the  scent  of;  fio  discover,  find 
out.    -elfc,  -infl  c  -er  tracking  etc. 

£)<»:f()rin9  n  springing  up,  start;  (Sitgle«)  re- 
bound.  -ftiringe  vi  spring  up,  start.  -f)irtn< 
genbe  a  Zf  dehiscent;  Aerjessant.  -^ptinQivintei 
angle  of  reflexion. 

Op  fVtutie,  -^ptnttt  vt  &  i  spout,  spurt,  sputter 
up;  (om  ®nifter)  fly  up. 

Opftiruble  vi  spout  up,  gush  up,  bubble  up. 

Cjjfprcenge  vt  burst  open,  force  open. 

€p\pTcet\te  vt  rip  up.    -ning  c  rippiug  up. 

C^ifVQ  »'  vomit  (up). 

Cp^ptft  n  expectoration.  -te  vt  spit  up.  -ning 
c  spitting  up;  je  Dpfpqt. 

Opfpattie  vt  dilute,  thin.  -ning  c  dilution, 

Opftianlite  vf  (ubfpænbe)  expand;  (løfe)  unclasp, 
unbuckle;  (^anen)  cock.    -bing  c  unbuckling  etc. 

Cpfpærjre  vt  fe  ©pærre  op.  -ing  c  opening 

Cpfparge  vt  find  out,  inquire  out, 

Cpftao  vi  rise,  come  up,  come  into  existence; 
(blioe  leoenbe  paa  nfl;  fremtræbe  [om  SProfeter  ofD.]; 
opfomme  rejfe  fig)  arise;  _  fro  be  bøbe  rise  from 
the  dead;  I)on  er  enbiiu  iffe  -et  he  is  not  up  yet; 
offijælpe  enl)tier  -enbe  Sprang  meet  every  upspring- 
ing  need.  -en,  -^-elfc  c  rising,  upspringing. 
•enbe  «  rising  etc,  prominent;  -  9læfe  pug  nose; 
~  glipper  stlck-up,  stand-up  el.  standing  coUars; 
bet  _  ,i.  the  bulwarks  and  stanchions  pi. 

Opftob  le  vt  heap  up,  pile  up.    -(ing  c  piling. 

Cpftabfe  vt  fe  Cpp^nte. 

Cpftagje  vt  stake  out,  mark  by  stakes.    -ning 

-iaking  etc. 

CpfJafie  vt  i^e)  stack  (hay). 

Cpftolb|e  vt  stable,  stall,  keep.  -ning  c  stabl- 
ing,  keeping. 

Ot>ftolt  c  arck  elevation. 

Cpftanb  c  -e  insurrection,  rising;  gøre  _  rise 
(in  rebellion),  rebel,  revolt;  SDeltoger  i  _  insurgent. 
-'elfe  c  resurrection.  -'e(feåni(enb  resurrection 
-men  pi.  -er  c  -e  upright  el.  vertical  beam, 
piece,  pipe  etc,  upright. 

Opftcge  vt  (ftege  paa  nt))  roast  up,  fi-y  up;  (op= 
bruge  oeb  Stegning)  consume  in  roasting. 

Cpftemjnte  vt  (SSonb)  dam  up.  -ning  c  dam- 
ming  up. 

Opftemme  vt  len  Sang)  fe  Qftemme.  -ftemt  a 
in  high  spirits.    -f<emtf)eb  c  high  spirits. 

Opftigle  vi  rise.  -elfe  (fra  SKoeen)  eructation. 
-enbe  a  astr,  ^,  mut  ascendlng;  _  2inte  ascend- 
ing  line;  .  ftnube  a»tr  ascending  node.  -ning 
c  ascension,  ascent,  rise. 

Opftitlte  vt  (f.  au.  om  ^oarp^nt)  pin  up;  (en 
»5lb)  prick  (a  boil);  (et  $^ab)  broach  (a  cask); 
(en  ftobberplabe)  touch  up  el.  retouch  (a  eopper- 
plate);  (met)  JpøttjO)  pitch  up;  _  .golfen  ^  raise 
the  tack.    -ntng  c  pinning  up  etc. 

CpfiilKe  vt  set  up,  put  up;  _  paa  nQ  reset;  (i 
Crben)  arrange,  form;  (i  JRætfc  eg.  og  Jig)  draw 
up,  marshal  (up);  _  TOaffiner  set  el.  fit  machines; 
_  en  Snare  lay  a  snare;  -  et  ®arn  spread  a  net; 

-  en  9Kufefælbe  set  a  mouse-trap;  _  en  ^æt  draw 
up  au  army;  _  en  ftonon  mount  a  gun;  _  Stilb= 
»ogter,  Jtopper  post,  station  sentinels,  troops; 
fiff  ~  en  $aaftanb  make  el.  set  up  an  assertion; 

-  en  Wegel  lay  down  a  rule;  _  fom  et  SfSempel 
instance  as  an  example;  -  fom  SKobftanber  imob 
pit  against.  -ling  c  setting  up,  putting  up; 
arrangement,  disposition;  fitting;  laying;  spread- 

ing;  setting;   drawing  up;  stationing;  =  Ualet^e; 
_  til  flart  S!ib  assembling  at  quarters. 

Ot>ftiti|e  rt  stiffen;  (meb  ©riffeborer)  prime, 
string  up.    -ning  c  stififening  etc. 

Opftoplpe  vt  stuff  over  again.  -ning  c  stuflftng 
etc.  -ptv  c  p  slap  in  the  face.  Opftopperncefe 
e  pug-nose. 

Opftrantme  vt  stretch,  stiffen;  fig  nerve,    -t  c 
-e  F  pick(-mei-up. 
Cpfirtjgle  vt  smooth  up.  -ning  c  smoothing  up. 
+£)pftræbe  vi  strive  upwards,  soar. 
Opftrætfe  vt  stretch  up. 
Op^røg  n  mu8  up-bow. 
"Opftnbå  c  fe  CpftQr. 
Cpftnbfe  vt  fe  Silftubfe. 

Opftutieu  fe  Cpftiffe;   -fne  Sfaber  ^  flowing 
Cpftttfning  c  riveting. 

£ipftuo|e  vt  stew  /"up),   -ning  c  stewing;  stew. 
Cpftqttet  «  stilted,  on  stilts. 
•Opft^r  c  p  hubbub,  tumult,  disturbance. 
Dpftænle  vt  spatter. 

Cpftøb  n  rising  el.  eructation  from  the  stomach. 
Opft«b|e  vt  (ftøbe  op)  push  up,  thrust  up;  (SSilbt) 
raise;   (oobne   oeb  at  ftabe)  push  open;  (ftøbe  alt 
op)  pound  up,  pound  the  whole.    -en,  -ning  c 
pushing  open  etc;  (fro  SWaben)  eructation. 
Dpftntning  c  shoring  (up). 
Cpft«0|e  vt  (eg.  og  fig)  ferret  out,  hunt  up  el. 
out.    -er  c  hunter.    -ning  c  ferreting  etc. 

Dpfugjc  vt  suck  up;  absorb;  _  igen  reabsorb. 
-ning  c  sucking  up;  absorption. 
Cpfutnmere  vt  sum  up. 
DpfOabret  a  4,  swabbed  up. 
Cpfbajet  a  swung  up;  _  for  SBinben  wind-rode; 
_  for  Strømmen  tide-rode. 
iOpfbibe  vt  waste  by  singeing. 
Cplfbing  n  (Stigen,   Siltogen,   Sforøgelfe)  rise; 
increase;  ^onbelen  ^or  fooet  el.  taget  et  betybeltgt 
_   commerce  has  been  considerably  improved; 
^oefien  tog  meb  benne  S)igter  et  n^t  i  this  writer 
introduced  a  new  æra  in  poetry;  ^an  ^inbrer  iffe 
fin  Sanfeé  _  ueb  iReflefåioner  he  does  not  check 
the  flight  of  his  thought  by  reflections.   -fbinge 
fig  vr  soar  (up),  mount  (up);  (f.  (£fg.  til  en  ^øjere 
^ofl)  elevate  el.  raise  one's  self. 
CpfOire  vt  waste  in  riotous  living. 
Cpfbulnte  vi  swell.    -t  a  swelled,  swoln.    -n 
c  swelling. 
Cpfbærte  vt  blacken  afresh. 
*£>pfb«TO  n  alluvlum. 

Cpfoømmet  a  washed  up,  floated  ashore;  - 
fionb  alluvial  soil. 
Dpft)  vt  use  up  by  sewing. 
Opf^n  n  inspection,  superintendence;  super- 
vision; ^oDe  _  meb  have  the  inspection  el.  super- 
intendence of,  superintend,  be  in  charge  of.  — 
£)pfQn§{*fartøj  vessel  in  charge  of  thefisheries. 
-^aoenbe  a  superintending,  in  charge,  -ntanb 
inspector,  superintendent,  overseer,  supervisor. 
Cplfcet  n,  pi  =,  draught,  rough  copy,  sketch. 
•fatning  c  putting  up  etc.  (fe  -fætte).  -fcetfig  a 
refractory,  froward.  -fatftg^eb  c  refractoriness, 
frowardness;  mutinous  conduct,  disobedience, 
in.subordination.  -fætte  vt  (opfttHe,  oprejfe)  put 
up,  set  up,  raise;  (flriftl.)  put  down,  %vTite,  pen, 
compose,  draw  (out);  (ubfætte)  put  off,  defer, 
postpone,  procrastinate;  opfæt  iffe  til  imorgen 
^»ob  bu  fon  gøre  ibog  never  put  off  till  to 
-morrow  what  may  be  done  to-day;  procrastina- 
tination  is  the  thief  of  time;  _  ^aaret  dress  the 
hair;  _  en  ftoppe  make  a  cap;  _  en  SRogefniB  set 
a  razor;  -fat  Sibrente  deferred  annuity;  -fat  røælt 
bonny-clabber,  loppered  milk;  —  or  fig  mob 
rebel  against,  rise  up  against.    -fæt'tetig  a  ad- 




mitting  of  delay.     -fættelfe  c  (Ubfættelfe)  post- 
ponement,  delay,  procrastination. 

0)>fl>g|e  vt  seek  out,  flnd  out,  look  out,  search 
out;  for  at  -  in  search  el.  pursuit  of.  +-er  c 
searcher.    -ning  c  seeking  out,  search. 

tD))fømme  vt  hem  anew;  (meb  n^e  ©øm)  nail 

Dptaa  o  {\)aa  |»eftepo)  clip. 
'    Optaornc  vt  pile  up,  heap;   ber  -be  fig   tilje 
SSanfteltg^eber  new  difficultles  arose. 
t.  '^Optoffet  a  unravelled,  fagged. 

D))tag  n  uphill  draught.  Dptage  vt  (løfte  op) 
take  up,  lift  up,  pink  up,  (noget  funlet)  recover, 
(SSrag)  raise;  {tit,  Dpmærfjomljeb)  take  up,  en- 
gross, occupy;  (f.  @!§.  i  en  iBog)  embody,  (noget 
tibligere  tr^tt)  reprodnce;  (i  fig,  mobtage)  admit, 
receive;  (Spion  ofa.)  intercept,  take  up;  Oorftag) 
advoeate;  (*Proteft)  take  out;  -  et  gorl^ør  otier  en 
examine  a  person;  _  en  gortegnelfe  make  el. 
draw  up  a  list;  -  ^orb  take  ground  into  cul  ti  va- 
tion; _  dampen  meb  enter  into  a  contest  with, 
enter  the  lists  with,  fight;  -  et  SEort  draw  (up) 
a  map;  ~  Stiæg  distrain  cattle;  _  et  Haan  make 
el.  raise  a  loan;  _  et  SanbffaB  draw  a  landscape 
after  nature;  -  fin  Søn  take  up  one's  salary 
(before  it  is  due);  _  et  fremmeb  Orb,  en  nt)  røobe 
adopt  a  foreign  word,  a  new  fashion;  _  en  5Raa 
4j  cross  a  yard;  _  en  ©tong  J/  send  up  a  top- 
mast;  _  fine  ©tubier  (igen)  resume  one's  studies; 
_  6lonbt  ^elgene  canonize;  -  for  ©pøg  take  in 
jest;  _  for  3IlBor  take  in  earnest;  _  i  SaUet  take 
into  the  number;  _  i  Slbelftanben  ennoble;  -  ilbe 
take  amiss;  _  »el  take  in  good  part;  -  fom  en 
i^ornærmelfe  take,  look  upon,  as  an  insult;  _  fom 
9JJeblem  admit  as  a  member;  enfiner,  bec  ønfter 
at  -?  every  candidate  for  membership;  —  op= 
taget  (Omnibus,  §otel)  full;  Oærnbaneti.,  beftilt) 
retained;  ^tabfen  er  -t  (en  fibber  poo  ben)  the 
seat  is  occupied;  (en  ftar  forbe^olbt  fig  ben)  the 
seat  is  engaged;  fna  -t  obtain  publication  for; 
Blide  -t  (i  9lDi§)  appear;  jeg  (min  Sib)  er  meget  -t 
I  am  very  busy;  min  ftærtt  -gtie  Éib  press  of 
business;  meget  -n  af  full  of;  +  tiel  -n  ^o§,  fe  9ln-- 
fEretoen;  ©agen  er  -n  til  25om§  the  record  is 
closed;  er  -t  til  ®i§fulfion  has  been  made  the 
subject  of  diseussion.  -Ife  c  taking  up,  etc. 
(fe  oDenfor);  recovery;  admission,  reception;  adop- 
tion -Ifeégilbe  admission  dinner.  -IfeS|)enge 
ransom  for  stray  cattle. 

Dotafle  vt  rig. 

£)))tatt  c  -er  mus  rise.  arsis. 

Optatiu  n  the  optative  (mood). 

D))tegne  vt  note  down,  put  down,  jot  down, 
take  down,  set  down,  record;  -t  on  record. 
-Ife  c  -r  noting  etc;  conc  note,  memorandum, 
jot  ting;  record. 

£)pWte  vi  (for)  &  vt  choose. 

Dptit'  c  op'tics  p(.  Oti'tif|er  c  -e,  -u§  c,  pi  -ici 
optician . 

OVtiJWltt'ter  pi  op'timates.  -iS'me  c  op'tim- 
ism     -ift'  c  -er  op'timist.    -ift'ift  a  op'timist. 

*Opttn|et  part  thawed.    -ing  c  thawing. 

Dptio'néret  c  right  of  option. 

Cptiff  a  Optical. 

Djjtjene  vt  earn. 

Dpto  vt  wash  up.    -nlng  c  washing  up. 

O^tog  n,  pi  =,  procession,  pageant;  (Sllt)  aet; 
fe  Optaa. 

C)l9tDp))e  vt  pile  up,  heap  up;  —  vr  fig  rise. 

Dptrarapet  a  well-trodden. 

Dptre»l|e  vt  unravel.    -Ung  c  unravelling. 

+Dptribfe  vt  hoist  up  by  a  pulley. 

OptrtUe  vt  (trtEe  op)  roll  up;  (triEe  noget  for 
at  aabne  bet)  unroU. 

D))trtn  n,  pi  =,  scene;  (i  droppe)  riser. 

Dptr^I  n,  pi  =,  impression,  reprint.  -fe  v\ 
reprint.    -niltg  c  reprinting;  (af  SBlif)  raising. 

Dptræble  vi  appear,  come  forward,  com< 
upon  the  scene,  make  one's  appearence;  (^anble 
aet;  -for  [tfOia  eng  58egne)  appear  el.  aet  in  be 
half  of,  (paa  en§  ©ibe)  take  one's  part:  _  i  ei 
9?ot(e  play  el.  bear  a  part;  _  tmob  raise  one'i 
voice  against,  oppose;  _  førfte  @ang  (paa  ©fue 
Blabfen)  mako  one's  first  appearance.  —  vi  tread 
trample.  -ett  c  appearance;  (S?æfen)  deportment 
demeanour;  (.^anblemoabe)  (course  of)  action 
manner  of  proceeding. 

Dptræl  n  (af  SSogftoB)  up-stroke;  (2uft.)  upwar( 
draught;  (til  ®ampffi68fforften)  uptake.  -tiamme 
chasing-hammer.  Dptrcetlte  vt  (træffe  opab)  dra'v 
up;  (Ur  o  1.)  wind  up;  (narre)  cheat,  impo9 
upon,  take  in;  _  en  £ime,  ®rænfe  draw  a  line 
glaffen  er  -truffen  the  bottle  is  uncorked,  open(ed] 
bagten  er  -truffen  the  guard  is  mounted;  — 
bet  -nbe  Us-tr  the  storm  that  is  brewing.  -te 
c  -e  swindler,  cheat,  sharper.  -feti  n  -er  swindl 
ing,  swindle,  cheating,  extortion.  -terffe  c  - 
(female)  swindler.  -ning  c  drawing  up  etc;  (« 
S3tit)  raising.  —  Optræf§|ftrfant  (i  Ur)  pin  ffl 
the  kev.    -Ijjul  wheel  for  winding  up. 

*Dptuffet  o.  fagged. 

DPtugte  vt  discipline,  tutor,  train.  -Ijfc 
disciplining,  etc,  discipline;  _  i  aietfærbig^e 
bibl  instruction  in  righteousness;  fe  9fQtur. 
c  -e :  bibl  '^atie  fiaft  bore  føbelige  ^fæbre  til  _  hav 
had  fathers  of  our  flesh,  which  corrected  us. 

Optur  c  journey  el.  (tilPanbS)  passage  up. 

Cptoinbe  vt  untwist. 

DptPinge  force  up. 

£)pt(Et{ie  vt  (fammenregne)  add  up,  sum  u( 
cast  up;  (opregne)  enumerate;  bet  fan  '^an  ~  pa 
fingrene  he  has  that  at  his  fingers'  ends.  -It«! 
c  adding  etc;  enumeration. 

Optænblc  vt  light,  (OQlfia)  kindle,  fire:  fig  ir 
flame,  heat,  excite:  -t  (af  Jporme)  enraged.  -If« 
(ilte  fid)  -ing  c  kindling  etc. 

Optænite  vt  devise,  hit  upon.  -I'etig  a  imagin 
able,  conceivable.  -ft  a  premeditated,  precon 

Optø  vt  &  i  thaw  (up),  -en,  -ning  c  thawia 

Optøjer  pi  (gale  ©treger)  mad  pranks,  trickl 
(titlb  og  faab  Dpførfel)  row,  riot. 

Optøjlc  vt  fe  £ptømme. 

OPltøntnte  c  bearing-rein.  -tømme  vt  (en  (pef 
bridle  (a  horse),  -tømning  c  bridling.  -tømningl 
Irog  hook  for  the  bearing-rein.  -tømning^tøjil 
fe  -tømme  c 

Optømre  vt  (et  $uS)  raise  the  timber-work  ( 
(a  house). 

Optør  I  re  vt  wipe  up,  dry  up.  -ring  c  wipla 
up  etc 

+Dp'ugfct  c.  frightfully  dressed. 

OpnnttefoftttS  c  prickly  pear;  Indian  flg| 
GoctHs  opuntii. 

Opu§  «  work,  production. 

OpPaagne  vi  awaken,  awake,  waken  up.  -n 
c  awakening,  wakeuing  up. 

OplPabflc  vt  wash  up.  -pabfferBalje  dish-tnt 
-Pabfferpige  scuUery  maid.  -oabftning,  ("-»af 
c  -er  washing  up. 

OpOaft  a  intelligent,  quick-witted;  et  -  §ooé 
a  elever,  intelligent,  smart  fellow,  joc  a  brighl 
genius     -t)cb  c  intelligence,  smartness. 

*OpParbe  vt  mark  out  (the  road  by  cairns 
etf .),  provide  with  landmarks. 

Opoarm|e  vt  warm,  heat;  (om  gøbetiarer)  warm 
up,  re-cook.    -eUe,  -ning  c  warming  up  etc. 

OpPartje  vt  (qan  til  ^aanbe)  wait  upon  el.  on, 
attend;  (befcge)  wait  upon  el.  on;  _  Peb  Sorbet 
wait  et.  attend  at  table;  _  en  fQg   tend   a  sick 





person;  _  en  meb  regale  one  with,  treat  one  to; 
^Bab  maa  jeg  _  2)em  meb?  what  may  I  offer  you? 
what  willyou  take?  en  -ence  kammerherre,  Som= 
merjunfer  a  chamberlain,  gentleman  in  waiting. 
-er  c  -e  waiter;  (SSetjent)  attendant;  t  (2i(6eber) 
beau,  lover,  -erfle,  +-erlnbc  c  -r  waitress, 
waiting-woman  el.  -maid.  -nlng  c  waiting, 
attendance;  gøre  fin  _  ^08  en  wait  on  one,  pay 
oue's  respects  el.  do  homage  to  one.  —  0))ø(irt= 
ningd^fotte  sick-nurse.  -plqe  waitress,  (waiting-) 
maid;  bar-maid. 

O))0eie  vt  balance,  counter-balance,  out-bal- 
ance,  outweigh,  weigh  down,  compensate  for; 
-  nt  meb  ®uib  pay  st  with  its  weight  in  gold; 
bet  fan  iffe  _  mit  "iab  that  cannot  make  up  for 
my  loss. 

0))tienbt  part  turned  up,  upturned. 

Oi|»it(je  vt  unwrap,  unwind,  unravel.  -Ing  c 
un  Winding. 

O)ioinb|e  vt  (om  ®orn)  wind  up;  (om  en  SBægt) 
Wind  up,  hoist  up.    -tng  e  winding  up  etc. 

0))t)ife  vt  show  forth,  exhibit,  point  to,  boast; 
man  fan  iffe  let  _  9Jlagen  bertil  you  cannot  easily 
find  the  like  of  it. 

0(»tiifle  vt  \e  Optørre. 

C^fOtdning  c  showing  etc.  (fe  Dpoife);  muster, 

O))0otde  vi  grow  up;  ben  -nbe  ©lægt.  Ungbom 
the  growing  el.  rising  generation. 

Oj^tirifte  vt  wrench  open. 

Dpvctttt  vt  awake,  awaken,  rouse,  excite,  stir 
up;  _  en  fra  be  bøbe  raise  one  from  the  dead. 
•Ife  c  awakenlng  etc;  _  fra  be  bøbe  resuscitation; 
(religtø?)  revival.    -(fedmøbe  revivalist  meeting. 

Cliøætning  c  J,  (af  3«)  cutting  the  ice;  (af 
9laa0)  reeming. 

OpOistft  c  growth;  i  min  -  in  my  youth,  in 
my  younger  days. 

OpDoelbe  vi  well  up,  spring  up. 

DpvaUie  vt  roll  up  el.  upwards.  -nittQ  c 
rolling  up. 

O^i'æbe  vt  eat  up.    -n  c  eating  up. 

Dp'oeqqe  vt  egg  on,  instigate.  -Ife  c  egging 
etc,  instigation. 

Op'ef  e  ot  bail  out,  scoop  out;  (9Jlab)  ladle 
out,  serve,    -ning  c  -er  bailing  out  etc. 

O)) 'ØDe  vt  train,  exercise. 

•Or  c  alder,  Alnus. 

tO  rager  c  fallow  fleld. 

Drof'el  n  -tier  or'acle.  -mofåftg  a  orac'ular. 
-ftirog  Oracle,  oracular  saylng. 

Oron'ge  c  -r  o'range.  Orangea'be  c  orange- 
ade. Orangeililomft  orange  blossom.  •6Iomft< 
olie  neroli.  -btomftOanb  orange-flower  water. 
•gul  a  orange,  orange-coloured.  -tinbet  a  orange 
-cheeked.  -tunb  fe  -flod.  Orangeirl'  n  -er 
orangery.  -f(o»>  orange -grove,  -wood.  -træ 
orange(-tree),  Gitrw  Aurantium.  -(tiU  orange 

Orangifl'  c  -er  Orange-man. 

Orangutang'  c  -er  orangoutang,  Simin  »atyrus. 

Ora'uieu  n  Or'ange. 

Oro't  or  c  -o'rer  or'ator.  -o'riff  a  orator'ical. 
•O'riunt  n  -ier  (iJebefiuS)  or'atory;   mus  orato'rio. 

O'rbobemaal  fe  Ubobemaal. 

'■'O'rbug  c  chub,  Leuciscut  cepha/tn. 

O'rb  n,  pi  =,  word,  term,  expression;  (®Iofe) 
vocable;  @ub3  _  the  word  of  God;  -et  bibl  the 
Word;  -et  bleo  ftøb  the  Word  was  made  flesh; 
bet  er  et  _ !  thal's  a  bargain !  et  _  er  et  _  og  en 
9Kanb  er  en  <IRanb  an  honest  man's  word  is  as 
good  as  his  bond,  man's  word  man's  honour; 
et  gobt  _  finber  et  gobt  Steb  soft  and  fair  goes 
far;  bet  ene  _  tog  bet  anbet  one  word  brought  on 
the  other;  -et  gaar  at  ...  it  is  sald  el.  rumoured 
that  .  .  .;   afqørenbe  _  decisive  word,    p   settler; 

Earfen  :  55anfl.®ngelfl  Drbfiog. 

ilfe  et  fanbt  -  not  a  word  of  truth;  gobe  _  fine 
words;  gioe  en  gobe  _  speak  one  fair;  n^t  _ 
new  word,  neologism;  tomme  _  vain  words; 
^an  er  en  9Jlanb  af  _  he  is  a  man  of  his  word; 
bet  er  iffe  at  faa  l^oerfen  for  gobe  _  etter  ^enge 
it  is  not  to  be  had  for  love  or  money;  bet  er 
fanbt,  fioab  man  Ttger  for  et  gammelt  _  the  old 
proverb  is  true;  gobt  _  igen!  no  offence!  bet 
bar  albrig  et  onbt  _  imellem  bem  an  angry 
word  never  passed  between  them;  meb  eet  _ 
in  a  word;  meb  biSfe  _  with  these  words  et.  so 
saying;  meb  anbre  -  in  other  words;  meb  rene  _ 
roundly,  in  so  many  words;  ^abe  et  gobt,  et  flemt 
~  paa  fig  be  in  good,  bad  repute;  _  til  anbet, 
_  for  _  word  for  word,  verbatim;  bebe  om  -t, 
fe  nbfr.  ^forlange  -et;  br^be  ftt  Orb  violate  el. 
break  one's  word;  falbe  en  i  et  interrupt  one, 
cut  one  Short;  forlange  -et  request  leare  to 
speak;  føre  -et  be  the  spokesman;  gaa  fra  fit  - 
not  to  stand  to  one's  word;  iffe  faa  ftem  fom  bet 
gif  _  af  not  so  bad  as  report  made  it  out  to  be; 
jeg  ^ar  gibet  ^am  mit  _  berpaa  I  have  given 
him  my  word  on  it;  feg  ^ar  gibet  mit  _  I  have 
passed  my  word;  gibe  -et  tt(  en  allow  to  speak; 
gøre  mange  _  af  boast  of,  vaunt,  talk  £auch 
about;  ^abe,  faa  -  for  have,  get  the  reputation 
of,  acquire  a  name  for;  ^a»e  -et  have  the  right 
to  speak,  amr  have  the  floor;  fiolbe  fit  _  be  as 
good  as  one's  word,  keep  one's  word;  fomme 
for  -e  become  the  common  talk;  fomme  i  -e  for 
get  the  reputation  el.  name  of;  fomme  til  -e 
obtain  a  hearing;  naar  fan  man  fomme  ^am  til  -e? 
when  can  he  be  spoken  to  ?  lægge  et  (gobt)  - 
inb  for  en  speak  a  word  in  one's  favour,  say 
a  word  for  one,  put  in  a  (good)  word  for  one; 
Songen  oifbe  iffe  ftebe  bem  til  -e  the  king  would 
not  admit  them  into  his  presence  cl.  give  them 
an  audience;  tage  -et  rise  and  speak  (after 
another);  bet  ene  ~  tog  bet  anbet  one  word 
brought  on  another;  tage  til  -e  commence 
speaking:  tage  en  paa  -et  take  one  at  his  word; 
3)e  fan  tro  mig  paa  mit  _  you  may  take  my 
word  for  it;  før  jeg  bibfte  et  _  of  in  less  than 
no  time,  in  the  twinkling  of  an  eye,  o  ære  for 
-e  be  in  repute.  Orb|af(ebtting  etyraologj-, 
derivation  of  words.  -betl|bning  (literal)  signi- 
fication.  -^•bj^lber  pi  jingle(s).  -bog  lexicon, 
dictionary.  -bogéarbeibe  dictionary  el.  lexico- 
graphical  work.  -bogffrlucr  lexicographer,  writer 
of  a  dictionary.  -bogéfignaler  J,  vocabulary 
signals  pi.  -bram  liombast,  fustian.  -i-bram= 
menbe  «  bombastic,  magniloquent.  -brug  c  use  of 
words,  usage.  -brtjber  promise-breaker.  -bQgning 
construction.  -bøjning  c  (verbal)  inflection. 
-bøjning^Iære  (formlære)  etymology.  -bannelfe 
formation  of  words,  word- formation,  -bannelfeé- 
tære  (etqmologi)  etymology.  -bet  part  of  a  word. 
Orben  c  nb.  pi  (mobfat  Uorben)  order;  ^olbe  - 
keep  order;  efter  -  in  order,  one  after  another, 
seriatim;  for  -S  Sf^Ib  for  regnlarity's  sake;  i  _ 
in  order,  right,  (om  kopirer)  in  due  form;  iffe  i 
_  not  in  order,  not  right,  (om  ^apirer'i  wrong; 
bringe,  fcette  i  _  put,  set  in  order,  set  right,  put 
to  rights,  adjust,  arrange;  er  goaet  i  _  is  settled, 
arranged,  all  right;  i  fm  _  right,  fltting,  r.  and 
f.;  falbe  til  _  call  to  order;  (parlamentariff  Ubtt.) 
til  Orben!  order!  chair!  ^an  blea  faibt  til  - 
he  was  cailed  to  order,  he  was  interrupted  by 
loud  cries  of  «order» !  «ahair» !  ^erer  til  5)agen* 
_  is  of  every  day  occurrence;  ubenfor  -en 
out  of  the  ordinary  course.  Orben  c  er 
(SHibberorben  ofo.)  order;  optageé  i  en  _  be  ad- 
mitted  el.  received  into  an  order.  —  Otben8{> 
baanb  ribbon;  (3nf.)  red  underwing,  Cntocala. 
-beftemmelfe  fe  -regel,  -brober  brother  of  a  (re- 
ligious)   order,   friar.     -bag    collar-day.     -bragt 




habit  of  an  ordet-.  -J»uf§  monitor,  prefect.  -feft 
festival  of  an  order.  +-50119  regular  course. 
-gcjftlig  a  regular.  -gcjftltg^cb  regular  clergy. 
-general  general  of  a  (religious)  order.  -^erre 
sovereign  of  an  order.  -infignier  pi  insignia  el. 
badges  of  an  order.  -lonéler  chancellor  of  an 
order  of  knighthood.  -fo^Jitel  chapter  of  an 
order.  -for§  cross  (of  an  order),  -fæbe  collar 
el.  Chain  of  an  order.  -løfte  vow,  vows  (of  an 
order),  -manb  man  of  orderly  el.  regular 
habits,  -meblem  member  of  an  order.  -mennefte 
person  of  orderly  el.  regular  habits,  -ntefter 
Grand-master  of  an  order.  -regel  rule  el.  statute 
of  an  order.  -ribber  knight  of  an  order.  -fanS 
sense  of  order.  -ftjerne  star  (of  knighthood). 
-føftcr  sister,  nun.  -tal  ordinal  number.  -tegn 
badge,    -»ebtægt  fe  -tegel. 

Drbeutlig  a  orderly,  regular,  regulated;  6e= 
ftttter  intet  -t  does  no  regular  work ;  ~  S3e= 
l^anbling  honest  treatmeut;  ^an  er  en  _  SSetaler 
he  pays  regularly;  et  -t  ^ul  a  well-regulated 
house;  fare  et  -t  £ib  lead  an  orderly  life,  keep 
good  hours;  -t  OTeblem  af  et  ©elf!a6  ordinary 
member  (fellow)  of  a  society;  !^an  er  et  -t  SJJen^ 
neffe  he  is  a  steady,  sedate  man;  ~  ^grofelfor  pro- 
fessor in  ordinary;  t)an  ftt  _  ^itjgt  he  had  a 
regular  drubbing;  et  -t  Slog  a  pitched  battle; 
—  adv  orderly,  regularly;  _  grot)  f  downright 
rude;  bet  er  _  en  9JQbelfe  it  is  quite  a  treat;  |an 
6tlber  ftg  _  inb,  at  ^an  .  .  .  he  really  thinks  him- 
self .  .  .;  bet  er  _  lolbt  ibag  it  is  severely  eold 
to-day;  bet  firænber  ifte  _  it  does  not  bum  prop- 
erty;  ticere  _  ffæbt  be  decently  dressed;  Be^anble 
iJolt  _  treat  people  honestly.  -^eb  c  order, 
orderliness,  regularity.    -tii3  adv  as  a  rule. 

-fD'rbeS  vd  be  rumoured. 

D'rb|fa6rtfatio«  neology.  +-fa9er  a  fine 
-spoken.  -faft  a  fe  -^olben.  -foft^eb  fe  -^olben^eb. 
-fattig  a  poor  in  words.  -fattigbom  poverty  in 
words.  -fejbe  fe  -ftrib.  -flom  torrent  of  words. 
-forliinbelfe  connection  of  words.  -forbrejning 
distortion  el.  perversion  of  words.  -forttariug 
explanation  el.  definition  of  words.  -form  form 
of  words.  -forraab  supply  of  words,  vocabulary, 
word-stock,  word-hoard.  -forflcr  fe  -gronfter. 
-ftjlbe  abundance  of  words.  +-f^lbtg  a  redun- 
dant, -føjtting  construction.  -fojningSlære 
(©tjntafl)  syntax.  -følge  order,  succession  of 
words.  -førenbe  «  presiding.  -fører  spokesman; 
exponent.  *-gra»i  a  fe  -ret.  -grotifler  etymolog- 
ist.  -granffniiig  etymology.  +-gt)bcnbe  a  wordy, 
exuberant.  -g))ber  c  -e  great  talker  el.  chatterer, 
bibl  babbler.  -g^beri  n  wordiness,  verbosity, 
verbiage.  -^olben  a  true  to  one's  word,  as  good 
as  one's  word.  -fiolben^tb  e  adheænce  to  one's 
word,  trustworthiuess.    -t|k)a§  a  caustic. 

iOrbtn|an§'  c  o'rdinance.  -atcr  pi  geom  o'r- 
dinates;  (S^gn.)  offsets,  -otio'n  c  ordaining, 
ordina'tion;  (af  93iffop)  consecration.  -e're  vt 
ordain;  (ora  2æge)  prescribe;  (en  a3if!op)  conse- 
crate;  labe  fig  _,  bliee  -t  take  orders,  enter  into 
orders;  -t  in  (holy)  orders.    -æ'r  a  o'rdiuary. 

D'rb|!am^  war  of  words.  -larrig  a  chary  of 
words,  sparing  of  one's  words,  reticent,  taciturn. 
-fi»  fe  -ftrib.  -tlang  (Xone)  accent;  (tom  Slang) 
jingle  of  words.  -tlalfe  part  of  speech.  -lløgt 
nice  discrimination  of  words;  (©pthSfinbtg^eb) 
sophistry.  -fløticr  fe  ^aartleber.  -tløberi  fe  ^aar= 
fljøberi.  -tnap  a  fe  -larrig.  -l«flt>^cb  chariness 
of  words,  taciturnity.  -^-trara  talk,  stutf,  moon- 
shine.  -frig  fe  -ftrib.  -Iriti!  verbal  criticism. 
t-tr««g  a  proo  fe  -fnilb.  -luttbffafi  kuowledge 
of  words.  -tunftuer  artist  in  words.  -føn  gender 
(ofwords).  -loanloanof  words.  Drblag^^phrases, 
language,  -laocri  n  word-colnage,  coining  of 
words.     -Itg^eb   analogy.     -lifte  list  of  words. 

■lt)b  (finb  af  Crb)  verbal  sound;  (Ubtrljfémaab« 
wording;  efter  -en  literally.  -l^benbe  a  litera] 
verbatim;  adv  literally,  verbatim.  -lære  word 
lore.  -lø§  a  speechles.s,  mute,  dumbfounded 
-moger  c  -e  coiner  of  words.  -mageri  fe  -laueri 
-mangel  wanl  of  words. 

Orbne  vt  order,  regulate,  adjust,  arranga 
sort,  put  in  order;  (i  3fJæIte)  range;  (i  røilitoe« 
iproget)  draw  up,  array;  (i  tiasfer)  class,  distrih 
ute;  {©amlinger,  SOfateriale)  digest;  _  fig  naturt^ 
i  fire  ®ruppet  range  themselves  naturally  in  fou 
groups;  jeg  fan  itte  _  mine  Sonfer  I  cannot  at 
range  my  thoughts;  ©agen  er  -t  the  affair  1 
settled;  -t  ©lag  pitched  battle.  Drbning  c  ordei 
ing  etc,  arrangement,  adjustment. 

■brbonnanS'  c  -er  mil  orderly;  fe  Drbinan?;  vxrM 
_  be  on  orderly  duty.  -officer  orderly  officerj 
-fcrgeant  orderly  sergeant. 

D'rbH)rogt,  -^jrunt  fe  -bram. 

Drbre  c  -v,  -§  order,  orders;  en  _  an  orderfl 
efter  _  by  order;   abttjbe,  oppebie  _  obey,  awai 
orders;    mere    tit   n'§  Drbre    to  the  order  of  N. 
til  9Z.  eller  _  to  N.  or  his  order;  jeg  ^ar  _  til  oM 
I  am  ordered  to;    gibe  _   til    ot  give  an  orde 
that.    -609  mere  order-book;   nnl  orderly-book 

D'rblregifter  index  ofwords,  glossarial  index 
-ret  a  literal,  verbatim.  -retfieb  c  literalnesg 
-rig  a  (fom  ^or  SRigbom  paa  Orb)  rich,  copious  o 
language;  (Pibtlaftig)  verbose,  wordy.  -rigboti 
copiousness  el.  richness  of  language,  -rob  roo' 
of  a  word.  -ræffe  series  of  words.  -famlinf 
collection  of  words.  -fenbing  verbal  message 
■ffifte  exchange  of  words,  argument,  debate 
-ftrift  word-writing.  -ffoalber  blustering  talk 
verbage.  -fl^l  fe -ftrøm.  -flægt  family  of  words 
-flægt^ob  aflSnity  of  words.  -fnor  a  quiek  ol 
speech.  -fnilb  a  shrewd  in  speech,  voluble, 
eloquent.  -f^jtl  pun,  quibble,  play  on  words 
-f^rog  proverb,  adage;  ©olomonS  _  the  (Book 
of)  Proverbs;  er  bletien  til  et  -  has  passed  into  a 
proverb,  ^an§  2^apper^eb  er  nceften  blePet  til  et  - 
he  is  proverbially  brave,  brave  to  a  proverb: 
ligefom  Jpunben  i  -et  like  the  proverbial  dogi 
-fprogltg  a  proverbial.  -fprogåleg  acting  cha- 
rades.  -f^)rog§t)i8  adv  proverbially.  -ftammi 
family  ofwords.  -ftilling  position  of  (the)  words, 
phraseology.  -ftrib  altercation,  dispute,  argu- 
ment, wordy  war(fare),  logomachy.  -ftrøm  tor 
rent  of  words.  *-ftljre  chairmanship,  chair, 
-ftljrer  chairman.  -ftøberi  fe  -tatteri.  +-tag  pas« 
-word,  legend,  motto,  -tegn  character  expressing 
a  word.  -tone  accent,  -»alg  choice  of  words, 
■tiefSel,  -ttcfSling  altercation.    -i-oæber  proser. 

tOre   c    uncultivated  land,   forest,    common. 

*Dre  c  -r  loop  of  iron  or  leatber,  by  which 
the  shaft  is  attached  to  the  collar. 

Drca'be  c  -r  o'read. 

tOrebreo  fe  Cberbret). 

Cregon  n  Or'egon. 

*£)rc^lnbe  c  peg  put  through  the  „Ore"  to 
secure  it  to  the  shaft. 

OreS  vd  become  mouldy.  Oret  a  mouldy, 

*€ivttx(e  n  fe  Dr. 

Drga'n  n  -er  o'rgan;  (speaking)  voice;  (i 
frenol.  Set.)  f  bump.  -ifatio'n  c  organiza'tion 
-ifatto'nStalent  organizing  powers.  -Ifc're  vt 
o'rganize.  Drga'niiff  a  organic(al).  -tø'me  o 
o'rganism,  system,  frame,  -ift'  c  -er  o'rganist, 

Drganfi'nfille  c  organzine,  thrown  silk. 

Orgea'be  c  o'rgeat. 

Crgel  n  -gier  o'rgan.  -Bagger  organ-builderv 
-bljggeri  organ  building.  -Balgorgan-bellows  pli 
-bøSfe organgun.  -^ormonifa organ-harmonium.- 
•faSfe   organ  case.     -flang   sound  of  an  organ.'' 




•torat  organ-pipe  coral,  Tnhiporn.  -meftcr  organ- 
ist -mirrfcr  partridge-mortar.  -^jtlJe  organ-pipe. 
•pltCié,  -(»ullJitur  organ-loft.  •puntt  organ  point. 
•fftjtS  machine-gnn,  orgues.  -[pM  playing  on 
the  organ,  -f^jitttr  organ-player,  -tone  note  of 
an  organ;  ic  Sortone.  -træbcr  fe  SBcelgetrreber. 
-ttærf  ie  Crgel. 

Orgie  c  -r  o'rgy. 

Oncnt'en  the  East,  the  Orient.  -a'Ux  c  -e, 
-a'Ierinbe  c  -r  Oriental.  -altS'rae  c  Orien'talism. 
-olift'  o  -er  orientalist,  oriental  scholar.  -a'Ifl  a 
Orien'tal,  Easteru.  -c're  vt  set  right,  o'rient, 
orien'tate;  -  fifl  "'"  take  the  bearings,  flnd  one's 
bearings;  ^nii  titnbe  ilte  _  fig  he  conid  not  make 
out  where  he  was,  he  had  lost  the  bearings; 
fig  he  could  not  see  his  way;  jeg  fan  flet  iffe  _ 
mig  i  benne  Sag  I  can't  at  all  make  out  the 
bearings  of  this  business,    -e'ring  c  orientation. 

Oriflatnnic  c  or'itlammc,  or'iflatnb. 

Ortginai  a  orig'inal;  novel;  (fær)  excentric; 
_  c  -er  (i  alle  Set.)  original;  (til  portræt)  original, 
sitter;  -en  til  the  original  of;  oberfat  fro  ben 
franfle  -  translated  from  the  original  in  French; 
en  _  (^erfon)  an  original,  a  character,  an  excen- 
tric. -aft  original  document.  OrtginaI|ltc't  c 
original'ity     •ubgotie  original  edition  (o.  fl.) 

CrionS  53ælte  the  belt  of  Orion. 

Orto'n  c  -er  hur'ricane.  -agtig  a  hurricane 
-like.  -centrum  center  of  the  hurricane.  -b«l 
hurricane- deck.  -teori  theory  of  hurricanes. 
-tiben  the  hurricane  season. 

•D'rtaftenot  c  tuck  seine. 

Crlc  vt  p  l>e  able  to,  capable  of. 

Orlcft'er  n  -ftre  orchestra,  o'rchester,  band. 
■anfører  leader  el.  conductor  of  an  orchestra, 
orchestral  conductor,  (militær)  band  -  master. 
-fompofttiou  orchestral  composition.  -mufti 
orchestral  music.  -^lartttur  orchestral  score. 
-tribune  band-stand  Orfeftre'ring  c  orchestra'- 

Ortibé  c  -r  o'rchid.  Dritå  o'rchis;  fe  %x\- 

Ort'e  naerne  pi  the  Orkneys,  the  Orkney  Isles. 

Crlean  c  (game)  annatto,  annotto,  orlean(a). 
-træ  heart-leaved  bisa,  Bixa  crellana. 

Crlean'8  n  (Stab)  Orlea'ns. 

C'rtog  (aa)  c,  poet  (Srig)  war,  warfare;  (Søtrtgg= 
tjenefte)  seaservice;  fore  til  -§  serve  in  the  navy 
et.  on  board  a  man-of-\var.  Crlog^lflaabe  fleet 
9f  men-of-war,  armament.  -flag  naval  flag.  -færb 
war,  warfare.  -gaft  man-of-war's  man.  -g«8 
Union  jack.  -ftobn  naval  port.  -tjett  naval  hero. 
■^of^ital  naval  hospital.  -ta^Jtajn  Captain  in  the 
Royal  Navy.  -fanou  naval  gun.  -magt  naval 
force,  navy.  -manb  man -of- war.  -maneore 
naval  manoeuvre.  -marine  (Royal)  Navy.  -ma- 
troå  fe  -gaft.  -mæåfig  adv  in  a  manof-warstyle. 
-flib  fe  -monb.  -ft»)tS  naval  ordnance.  -folbatcr 
Royal  Marines,  -ftatton  naval  station,  -tjenefte 
sea-service,  naval  service,  service  in  the  navy. 
•tog  naval  expedition.  -togt  naval  cruise;  fe 
•tog.  -»i§  :  poa  ~,  fe  -mceSfig.  -oærft  royal  dock 
-yard.     -Otcfenet  naval  affairs. 

O'rtoo  00)  c  furlough,  leave  of  absence;  gitte 
_  furlongh. 

Orm  [6]  c  -e  (Srt)b;  ^ol  Wenneffer,  ©unbe,  i 
2;ræ  of».)  worm,  coU  worms;  t  &  *  (Slange) 
snake;  (fto?  ^efte)  bots  pi;  (®riHe)  crotchet; 
tiobe  -  have  worms;  gorfængelig^eb  er  fianS  _ 
vanity  is  his  bcsettiug  sin.  -brioenbe  a  vermi- 
fugal,  anthclraiutic. 

Ormelagtig  [6]  n  resembling  a  worm,  vermi- 
culou.s.  -bori  worm-bark  (af  AnUira  inemns). 
•bannet  a  vermiform,  vermiculated.  •feber  worm 
-fever.  -formet  fe  -bannet.  -fr«  wormseed  (of 
Artemisiu  xantonica  o.  fl.).    -fflbe  food  for  worms. 

-gaarb  snake-pen,  serpent-pen,  pit  of  snakes. 
-gang  serpentine  motion.  *-græ§  fern,  Filix. 
-bom  slough  of  a  serpent.  -()Oueb  co\vry.  -^ub 
skin  of  a  worm.  -^ul  worm -hole.  *-b*B  '* 
aUuSBaag.  -lage  worm-lozenge.  -trubt  tansy, 
Tnnicetum  vuUiare.  -maaueb  July.  -mCl  dust 
of  worm-eaten  wood.  -mibbel  vermifuge,  anthel- 
mintic.  -mo8  worm-moss.  -muSIing  fe  'i^oreorm. 
-Vabbe  cfecilia.  -(jultier  worm-powder.  -rebe 
snake"s  nest.  •-flo  slow-worm,  blind -worm, 
Anguix  friyilxH.  -fncot,  -fnælfe  vermetus.  -f|){nb 
web  of  a  larve,  -ftif,  -fting  worm-hole.  -futlet 
sngared  worm-seed.  -ftjgbom,  -f^ge  worms  pi. 
-tang  fe  -mo?.  -<rgle  amphisbæna.  —  Orm|for= 
brioenbe  fe  -bridenbe.  -ftullcn,  -ftutfet,  -abt  a 
worm-eaten,  wornied. 

Ornalment'  n  -er  ornament,  -mentbtjr  orna- 
mental animal.  -mente're  vt  o'mament.  -men* 
te'ring  c  omamentation.  -mentit'  c  ornamental 
art.  -raenftræ  ornamental  wood  (o.  fl).  Orna't 
n  -er  fgmbebSbragt)  robe;  (fulbt  gejftligt)  canonicals 
pl\  (TOeSfebrogt  i  ben  romerfte  tirfe)  vestment; 
(^ræfteljolf)  cassock,  gown;  tion  (kræften)  Bar  i 
_  he  wore  his  cassock. 

Orne  c  -r  boar.  -gat  a  in  heat.  -gitbcr  fe 
StJtnegtlber.    -gri§  boar  pig. 

Ornito|to'g  c  -er  omithol'ogist.  -logi'  c  orni- 
thol'ogy.    -lo'gifl  a  ornitholog'ic(al). 

OrogVa'fifl  a  orograph'ic(al). 

OrfeiUe  c  orchil,  archil,  cudbear,  Rocella. 

Ort  [6]  c  -er  (SSægt)  Vioo  (Danish)  pound,  five 
grams;" t  24  Norw.  skillings  (lOVs  d.). 

Ortojbolå  n  o'rthodox.  -botåi'  c  o'rthodoxy. 
•tpV  c  o'rthoepy.  -f onift  a  orthophon'ic.  •grafl' 
c  orthog'raphy.  -gra'fifl  a  orthograph'ic,  ortho- 
graphical;  fon  iffe  ftrioe  _  cannot  spell.  •lla'S  c 
o'rthoclase.  •JiOfbi'  c  orthop'edy,  o'rthopraxy. 
•|)æ'biff  a  orthoped'ic. 

Ortofa'n  c  -ec  o'rtolan,  Emheriza  hortulana. 

tOrtft^ffe  (6)  coin  of  the  valne  of  1  Ort. 

0^'vron  per«  us;  (!om  DBjeft,  naar  o  i  er  Sufijeft) 
ourselves,  (i  Songeftil)  ourself;  en  SSen  of  _  a 
friend  of  ours. 

D8  c  smoke  (of  lamps,  candles  etc). 

t08  c  (i  ^glonter)  sap. 

*0§  c  -er  mouth,  outlet,  estuary. 

0§ciU|atio'n  c  -er  oscillation,  •e'renbe  a 
os'cillating;  _  TOoftine  oscillating  et.  vibrating 

Ofe  vi  smoke,  (om  2om)3e)  burn  black. 

Oftulatio'n  c  -er  oscula'tlon. 

Oåman'ler  c  pi  =,  Ott'oman.   -ffl  a  Ott'oman. 

OSmo'fe  c  os'mose. 

OSnabruif  n  Osnaburg. 

O'ft  '■  (Eft)  East;  O.  til  9i.  E.  by  N.;  O.  <R.  O. 
E.  N.  E.  etc. 

Oft  (6]  c  -e  (gføbemibbel)  cheese,  tabe,  gøre  - 
make  cheese.  -ogtig  a  cheesy,  cheeselike, 
caseous.  Ofte  fig,  -8  vr  &  d  curdle,  coagulate. 
—  Ofielbob  cheese-shop.  -br«b  bread  and  cheese. 
-bannctfe  formation  of  cheese.  -fabrif  cheese 
-manufactory.  -ftue  cheese -fly,  cheese  jumper, 
Piophil'i  cnnei.  -form  cheese- form,  -mould  et. 
-vat.  -Qanbel  cheese -tråde,  -^anbler  cheese 
-monger.  -I)æ!  cheese  rack.  -tage  cheese-cake. 
•tnmmer  cheese  room.  -tant  fe  -fforpe.  -(DftOtor 
fe  -form.  -tit  cement  made  of  fresh  cheese  and 
lime.  -tioffe  cheese-cover.  -tniti  cheese-knife. 
-træmmer  fe  -fionbler.  -(CftOtabning  cheese 
-making.  -labe  fe  £øbe.  -mejeri  cheese-dairy. 
-mibe  cheese-mite,  ^coru«  giro. 

Oftcn'be  n  Ostend. 

Oftentatio'n  c  ostenta'tion,  parade. 

OfteH)re8fe  [6]  cheese-press.  -pmoer  searcher, 
pale.  cheese  scoop,  -^otpt  cheese-paring,  rind 
of  cheese.    -ftof  caselne.   -føger  fe  -prøoer.   Oftet 





a  cheesy.    Dfie|tiettbe  tithe  of  cheese.    -uatte 

Djiltn'blen  n  India,  the  East-Indies.  -in'biC" 
forer  c  -e  (Easl)Indiaman.  -tnbia'ner  c  -e East 
-Indian.    -inbiff  a  East-Indian,  India. 

Oftning  [6|  c  curdling,  coagulation. 

Oftlnorftoft  East  North  East.  -fflbo'ft  East 
South  East. 

Oftrociå'mc  c  os'tracism. 

*Oter  Je  Obbet. 

*Dter  c  -e  a  kind  of  flshing  implement  con- 
sisting  of  hoolis  attached  to  a  board. 

Otium  n  leisure. 

Otte  [6]  c  the  early  morning,  cocli-crow. 

Otte  [aa]  nun  card  eight;  _  ©age  eight  days,  a 
sennight;  i  Sag  _  Sage  this  day  week  el.  sen- 
night;  i  SKorgen  _  ®age  to  morrow  sennight  el. 
week;  om  en  _  ®age8  Zit)  in  a  week.  -aaret  a 
eight-oared.  -aarig,  -aor8  a  of  eight  years, 
eight  years  old.  -orm  octopus,  cuttle-fish.  -boge 
a:  et  _  Ur  an  eight-day  clock.  -fob  fe  -orm. 
•fotb,  -folbig  a  octuple,  eightfold. 

•Ottefugl  [6],  fe  TOorgeHfugl. 

Ottclfabbet  a  eight-  footed;  _  Stjr  octoped. 
•lottt  octagon.  -tantet  a  octogonal,  oetangular. 
Ottenbc  eighth;  for  bet  _  eightly;  _  S3ub  ninth 
commaudment.  Ottenbebel,  Dttenbeport  eighth 
part,  eighth;  -§  ^lobe  quaver;  -S  ^aofe  quaver 
rest.  Dtte|))nnbtger  c  eight-pounder.  -jpunbS  a 
of  eight  pounds  (weight).    Dttet  c  -e  eight. 

Ottefong  c  [6]  matins. 

Ottelftbet  a  eight-sided,  octahedral.  -tol  flgure 
of  eight.   Ot(te)tl  eighty.   Ot(te)tienbe  eightieth. 

•Dtteærtng  c  -er  eight-oar.   Otting  c  -er  eighth 
part  of  a  barrel,  half  (a)  flrkin.    Ottingtat  six- 
teenth  part  of  a  bushel. 
I  Otto  Otho. 

Ottomo'n  c  -er  ot'toman.    -ifl  a  Ottoman. 

*Ottrtng  fe  Dtteærtng. 

OueSfont'  n  Ouessant,  Ush'ant. 

Outre're  vt  exaggerate,  overdo, 

Outierttt're  c  -r  ov'erture. 

Ono'I  a  o'val.  Otio'I  c  -er  oval.  -brejning 
oval  turning.  -flltfe  stagfeet  sculper.  -Ⱦrl 
oval  Chuck. 

Oootio'n  c  -er  ova'tion. 

Otiett  [oo]  adv  above;  _  i  Søbet  into  the  bar- 
gain,  to  boot,  too;  fro  _  (i  S8og)  from  top;  — 
præp  _  S8onbe  above  water;  -  ©enge  out  of  bed. 
-of  præp  from  the  top  of.  -anført  a  above 
mentioned.  -6orbS  a  J^  -  ©tabe  damage  to  the 
topsides;  —  adv  ben  ^ar  libt  meget  _  her  topsides 
have  suflfered  severely.  -IiorbI((Cbning  topside 
planking.  -borbStømmere  top  timbers.  -borbS- 
uægt:  ^ar  for  ftor  _  is  top-weighted.  -for  adv 
above,  higher  up,  farther  up;  —  præp  above. 
-fro  adv  from  above,  from  the  top;  from  on 
high.  -itebet  fe  Duen.  -Il)8  top  light,  -meibt 
a  above  mentioned.  -næont  a  above-named. 
•om  round  about.  -omtott  a  above-mentioned. 
-ouet  adv  above,  overhead;  meb  en  fort  ©tribe  _ 
surmounted  with  a  black  stripe;  —  præp  above. 
-»»00  præp  on,  upon;  (paa  Soppen  af  en  onben 
Sing)  on  the  top  of;  -  2;aarnet  on  the  top  of 
the  steeple;  _  OmntbuJfen  on  the  top  of  the 
omnious;  —  adv  on  the  top;  (bernæft)  after  that; 
(beéforuben)  in  addition;  fl^be,  foømme  -  float  (on 
the  surface);  fian  er  obenpaa  (i  en  anben  (Stage)  he 
is  above  stairs;  up  stairs;  fig  f  he  has  the 
best  of  it;  he  is  all  right;  lian  bor  _  he  lives 
over  head;  _  lom  ^an  ften  til  mig  after  that  he 
came  up  to  me;  førft  fil  ieg  to  og  faa  tre  onbre  - 
first  I  received  two  and  then  three  others  in 
addition,  -ftooenbe  a  &  s  the  above,  the  fore- 
going;  the  premises;  af  _  t)il  bet  fe8  from  what 
preeedes  it  will  be  seen;  —  adv  above.    -til  adv 

above,  at  the  top.  t-t«rre  n:  bet  er  -  it  has 
ceased  raining.  -ub  adv  out  above;  +  in  ecstasies. 
Obet  [aa,  ogf.  i  aUe  be  følgenbe  Sammen!æt= 
ninger]  præp  (meft  om  SSeoægelfe  eller  Ubftræt= 
ning  ooer)  over:  _  ^ele  Spen  all  over  the  town, 
all  the  town  over;  fætte  _  3lben  put  over  the 
fire;  ftan  rtjftebe  -  ^ele  flegemet  he  trembled  all 
over;  ^an  bor  _  (Sabeu  he  lives  over  the  way; 
^an  fom  l^Itelig  _  ®rænfen  he  got  safely  over, 
across,  beyond  the  froutier;  fprtnge  -  en  ®reft 
jump  (over)  a  ditch;  —  (meft  om  SSæren  ooer, 
^øjere  enb,  mere  enb)  above:  (1000  gob)  _  ^abet 
above  the  sea;  ^an  er  _  be  70  he  is  above  70 
el.  upwards  of  70;  blioe  _  Siben  stay  above  el. 
beyond  the  time,  overstay  one's  self;  —  (paa  ben 
anben  ©ibe  af  noget)  across :  ieg  faa  fiam  gaa  - 
®aben  I  saw  him  cross  the  street  el.  go  across 
the  Street;  — beyond:  _  ol  Waabe  beyond  mea-^ 
sure;  -  al  SSeftrioelfe  beyond  desoription;  bet  gaot 
~  min  gorftanb  that' s  beyond  my  reach;  —  by: 
t)t  git  _  58roen  we  cro.ssed  fthe  stream)  by  the. 
bridge;  ^an  reifte  -  91.  tit  83.  he  went  by  tha^ 
way  of  A.  to  B.;  ^an  rejfte  -  Bonbon  he  went  via 
London,  by  way  of  London:  rejfe  -  8anb  go, 
travel,  by  land;  —  past:  _  9Ktbbag  past  noon; 
StoHen  er  -  to  it  is  past  two  (o'clook);  —  of:  , 
et  Sort  _  Sanmarl  a  map  of  Denmark;  oærej| 
^erre  _  be  master  of;  Unber  _  Unber  wonder 
of  wonders;  :^an  er  noget  _  40  9lar  gammel  he  is 
tumed  of  el.  on  the  wrong  side  of  forty;  —  on: 
faa  ^æbn  _  en  be  revenged  on  one;  ønffe  gobt,, 
onbt  -  en  wish  blessings,  upon  one;  — 
at :  altib  _  Søgerne  always  plodding  at  the  hooks; 
man  talte  berom  _  Sorbet  they  spoke  about  it  at 
table;  t)enr^!t  _  delighted  at;  —  for:  Singer  - 
remorse  for;  —  (paa  forffellige  TOaaber); 
aforflaringer  _  ^oab  ber  »ar  ffet  explanations  as 
to  what  had  happened;  fobe  _  ftg  over-sleep 
one's  self;  tale  .  fig  rave;  ieg  falber  i  ©obn  _ 
Sogen  the  book  sends  me  to  sleep;  -  al  ben 
©nat  glemte  ieg  .  .  .  owing  to  all  that  talk  I 
forgot  .  .  .;  bet  tog  ^an  fin  ®øb  ooer  thatwastha 
death  of  him;  SBanbet  ftob  _  aDe  9Jlarferne  the 
fieids  were  all  under  water;  9laturen  gaar  _  Op-  ' 
tugtelfen  what  is  bred  in  the  bone  won't  go  out 
of  the  flesh;  (human)  nature  takes  out  its  right; 
befal  _  mig  command  me;  neb  _  down;  Sflatten  -, 
all  night;  ifiinteren  _  throughout  the  winter;  bet 
gaar  ub  _  l^am  he  is  in  for  it;  ieg  giber  itle  Ⱦre 
_  bet  I  don't  want  to  be  bothered  with  it.  — 
Ober  adv  gaa  _  ®aben  til  go  across  to;  fe  fnart 
_  til  o8  you'U  soon  come  (round)  and  see  us; 
brætte  -  break  in  two;  rioe  _  rend  asunder; 
ffære,  flippe  _  cut  through;  fabe  -  saw  through; 
fpringe  et  Drb  _  skip  a  word;  Ut)eiret  breo  _  the 
storm  blew  over;  bet  gaar  fnart  -  it  will  soon 
go  over;  ben  Sdegn  gaar  fnart  -  that  rain  will 
soon  cease,  ben  ©^iHing  fom  bar  _  the  extra 
shilling;  fe  Serberne. 

Oberobmiral  c  -er  chief-admiral,  Lord  High 

tOberogcr  c  fe  Orager. 

Dberolt'  adv  (uHeoegne)  everywhere,  in  every 
place;  (i  bet  fiele  taget)  after  all,  upon  the  whole; 
_  '^Oor  everywhere  that,  whereever;  -  i  Serben 
in  all  parts  of  the  world,  all  over  the  world 

Dber|onf«rer  commander  in  chief  -onf«rfeI 
c  (chief)  command. 

Oberottlfpænbe  vt  overstrain.   -ftrengc  vt  over 
work,  overtax,   overexert,   overstrain,   dlstress. 
-ftrengelfe   c    -r   overworking;  overwork,    ovep 
-exertion.     -ftrengt   a  oversworn,  overworked, 

Ooerontborbe  vt  deliver  up,  hånd  over,  sur-, 
render,  commit.  -tf e  c  delivering  etc. ;  surrender, 




Coerlarbejbe vt  retoucli.  -otliejbe  n  extra-work, 
work  after  hours.    -arbejbelfc  c  retoiiching. 

Ooetiarm  c  upper  part  of  the  arm.  -armåben 
humerus.    -armdbalb  overhånd  bowling. 

Coeraubitør  c  superior  military  judge. 

£t)tTbalanct  c:  faa  n  overbalance  one's  self; 
en  -  af  a  balance  to  the  good  of. 

CtierbebQrbe  vt  overburden,  overburthen.  -Ife 
c  overpressure. 

Otierbefalling  c  (chief)  commaud.  -ingSmanb 
c  commander-in-chief. 

£)tierbefolt{e  vt  overpeople.  -nlng  c  (bet,  at 
0Ber6.)  overpeopling;  (Sitftonben)  excess  of  popu- 
lation, overcrovvding. 

Coertiefrugtning  c  superfetation. 

Cbcrben  n  vet  splent,  splint. 

Coerberiber  c  head  riding-master. 

CuerbelftBtelfccsecondsurvey.  -ftøtelfeSmanb 
third  surveyor. 

Cnerbejft^relfe  c  chief  direction  el.  manage- 
ment; =  -fttjrere.  -ftljrer  c  head  el.  principal 
manager,  siiperintendent. 

Coerbetaling  c  extra  pay. 

Cuerbctjent  c  -i-(Ctiertjencr)  head  cl.  upper  ser- 
vant;  (Coerpolitibetjent)  first  class  policeman. 

Otierbetiifie  vt  convince,  persuade,' satisfy  (om 
of  el.  as  to),  bring  something  home  to  one,  carry 
convictiou  to  one's  mind;  jur  convict;  _  en  om 
bet  mobfatte  convince  one  to  the  contrary;  —  vr 
fifl  convince  one's  self  etc,  make  sure;  -enbe  a 
convincing,  cogent;  er  iffe  -  carries  no  convic- 
tion.    -ning  c  -er  convincing  etc;  conviction. 

CberbiblTotctar  c  principal  librarlsn. 

Cuerbib  n  (^og  ^efle)  protusion  of  the  upper 

Cberbibe  vt  bite  over. 

+Ot)crbic  vt  stay  beyond  (the  time). 

£)berbinb|e  vt  bind  el.  tie  over.  -ing  c  binding 
over  etc. 

tOberbjæffe  vt  bebark. 

Ctterjblabe  vt  (5E»mr.)  searf.  -blabntng  c  scarf- 
ing.    -blabftro)!  (p.  Sele)  back-band. 

Ctocrblif  n  view,  prospect,  (aanbelig  (Sgenft.) 
comprehensiveness  of  survey;  et  -  af  ^ele  (Sgnen 
a  prospect  el.  view  of  the  whole  country;  fig  et 
_  ooer  en  Sag  a  view  of  a  subject. 

Doerblioe  vi  rest,  remain,  be  left;  bet  -blebne 
the  remainder,  residue. 

Coerblot  c  j,  upper  block. 

Cberblcetle  vt  ink,  daub  with  ink. 

Coerbløblc  vt  soil  with  blood  all  over;  ^ani 
ftlæber  eare  te  his  clothes  were  all  over  soiled, 
besmeared,  bedaubed  with  blood.  -ning  c  soiling 
with  blood. 

lOnerbom  c  upper  tree  of  the  cart-rack. 

Obcrborb  n  upper  board. 

Cuerbo'rb  adv  overboard;  gaa  _  go  o.  el.  by 
the  board,  -brælfrt  u  carried  away.  -falben  a 
fallen  el.  lost  overboard.  -!afiet  @ob§  jetsam. 
•taftning  (af  @ob8)  jettison.  -feilet  «  carried 

Coerbrdt'  adv  suddenly,  on  a  sudden,  all  of 
a  sudden. 

•Cberbrcbfel  n  bed-cover,  coverlet. 

Cucrbringe  vt  bring,    -r  c  bearer. 

Obcrbrufc  vt  sprinkle. 

CtierbrÆnbe  vt  bum  through. 

Cuerbub  n  outbidding,  higlier  bid. 

*Ct)crbnbcte  dairywoman. 

Coerbulåcr  pi  overalls  pi. 

Cnerbqbe  vt  outbid,  overbid,  -nbe,  -r  c  out- 

Oberb^glge  vt  build  over,  cover  with  build- 
ings;  -get  (unber  Saget)  covered  over.  -ning  c 
(^anbl.  at  ooerbRgge)  building  all  over  etC;  (inobf. 

®runbBolb  og  Jpaa  Særnbone)  superstructure.  -meftct 
c  head  builder,  chief  architeet. 

Dnerlbosrct  (+)  vi  fe  SScere  ooer.  -bærenbc  a 
indulgent,  lenient  (meb  to),  -bærelfe,  -btcrcn^eb 
c  indulgence,  forbearance. 

Cbercerentonintefteien  c  Master  of  the  Cere- 

CuerciOitiferct  a  over-educated. 

Cberlbaab  c  luxury.  -baabig  a  luxurious; 
et  -t  Sebnet  bibl  riotous  living.  -baabigfieb  c 
luxury.  baa'big^eb§artit(er  2>/  articles  of  luxury. 

Dberbamv  c  top-steam. 

Dtterbel  o  upper  part. 

Coetlbom  (+)  c  final  judgment.  -bontnter  o 
superior  judge,  chief  justice.  -bøntftot  c  superior 

Onerlbroge  vt  (afflaa  gobbittig)  make  over, 
deliver  over,  transfer,  (SBJQnbig^eb)  delegate,  (faft 
(Sjenbom)  convey;  (gioe  til  ^oero,  betro)  charge 
with,  commission,  intrust  to  el.  with;  fe  Ober« 
trætte,  -bra'getig  a  transferable.  -bragelfe  c 
making  over,  transfer,  transference,  delegation, 
conveyance,  charging  etc.  -bragelfedbolument 
(deed  ofj  conveyance.    -brager  c  -e  transferer. 

tDbetbren  n,  pi  =,  common,  common  pasture. 

Coerbrenen  a  _  ^riS,  govbiuig  exonåtant  i'iioe, 
demand;  _  aSeftebenlieb  excessive  el.  exireme 
modesty;  _  gamoittigl)ebgfulbt)eb  over-conscien- 
tiousness  (o.  fl.);  _  ^(gtcSfjølelfe  a  strained  sense 
of  honour;  bet  er  bift  -breoet  that,  surely,  is 
exaggerated,  beyond  the  mark;  en  -breoen  Sfil» 
bring  an  exaggerated  el.  overdrawn  picture;  — 
adv.  ~  ængftelig  overanxious  (o.  m.  fl.);  _  fam» 
BittigljebSfulb  conscientious  to  a  fault. 

CberbrctiStet  c  right  of  common. 

Dnerbrine  vt  exaggerate,  overdo ,  push  to 
excess;  overstate;  ^an  -r  F  be  is  drawing  a  long 
bow.  -Ife  c  -r  exaggeration,  overdoing;  over 
-statement;  famotttig^ebSfulb  til  _  conscientious 
to  a  fault. 

Ooerbr^^l^e  vt  drip  over.  -ning  c  dripping 

Dberbrljéfe  vt  sprinkle  over. 

Oocrbugge  vt  bedew. 

Dttecbl)ne  c  -r  feather  bed. 

Coerbl^nge  et  overload,  overheap.  -Ife  c  re- 

Onerlbæl  n  upper  deck;  hurricane  deck,  spar 
-deck.  -bætte  vt  cover  (eutirely);  (en  åant,  f.  éU. 
om  Sagften)  overlap;  -t  Sartjøj  spar-decked  vessel. 
-bælning  c  covering;  overlapping. 

Onerbænge  vt  load,  heap  upon,  overwhelm, 

CoerbøOe  vt  drown,  stifle,  overnoise;  min 
Stemme  -§  af  5Kængbené  Straal  my  voice  is 
drowned  by  the  clamour  of  the  multitude;  ^an 
-be  mig  meb  Strig  my  voice  was  drowned  by 
his  cries;  _  fin  Samoittig^eb  stifle  the  voice  of 
one's  conscience;  ingen  5Kunter^eb  tan  -  eber8 
$5frt)gt  no  mirth  will  overnoise  your  fears. 

Dbereet'  adv  in  line,  in  one,  on. 

Ooerleiettbem  c  paramount  possession.  -cjcn= 
bom^rct  lord  paramount's  right,  -ejer  lord 

Doerenbe  c  upper  end. 

Cberenb'e  ado  (omtulb)  topsy-turvy;  t(ltge  t 
SSejret)  on  end,  upright;  folbe  _  fall  el.  drop 
down;  fafte  en  -  throw  one  down,  floor  one; 
biet)  reoet  _  was  carried  off  his  legs;  trejfe  _ 
raise  fon  endj;  tfibbe  _  sit  up. 

Obcrengel  c  archangel. 

Coere'nS  adv.  ftcmme  -  agree,  aocord,  har- 
monize;  itte  ftemme  ~  disagree;  tomme  -  om  noget 
agree  on,  come  to  terms,  come  to  an  agree- 
ment  upon.  -fomft  c  agreement,  accord,  com- 
promise,   concert,   (meb  ftrebitoter)  composition; 




flutte  el.  træffe  en  -  make  an  agreement,  close; 
etter  fælleé  ~  by  mutual  consent  el.  accord. 
-ftcmtnclfe  c  accordance,  conformity,  agreement, 
hannony,  congrnity,  (lorrespondence,  keeping. 
•fiemmentoc  o  meb  couformable  el.  agreeable  to, 
in  conformity  to,  cousistent  with,  consonant  to; 
—  adv  agreeably  el.  conformably  to. 

Docrifalti  n,  pi  =,  (Slnfalb)  assault;  (uformobet) 
sudden  attack;  (|)afpe)  hasp;  (paa  SSonDoIut)  over- 
lapping part;  Bemægtige  ftg  tieb  _  take  by  sur- 
prise, -falbe  vt  fall  upon,  assault,  assail,  attack; 
Jlg  seize;  yjatten  bt  o§  night  overtook  us;  -bt  of 
en  SB^ge  caiight  in  a  squall;  en  rejienbe,  font  er 
bleDet  -t  of  9Jatten  a  benighted  traveller.  -fal))§= 
Kige  wasle-weir,  overfall-weir.  -faliiåttiul  over- 
shot-wheel.  -falbSntøUc  overshot  mill.  -f(»Ib§= 
^juntt  metacentre. 

Oucrfamle  vt  fumble  all  over. 

D»trfangSfllo§  n  glass  partly  coloured,  partly 

©»er  I  fore  vt  pass  over,;  _  noget  (meb 
en  ^parefob)  slur  el.  hurry  over,  run  over  in  haste; 
ber  -for  mig  en  ®qfen  a  shudder  ran  through 
my  veins,  f-  I  felt  all-overish.  -fort  c  passage, 
run  (over,  across);  (tort,  ooer  glob  o.  1.)  Crossing. 
■farlSftcb  place  of  crossing,  ferry. 

DOCtfcb  a  overfat. 

Ouerfcje  vt  sweep  all  over. 

Doerlfile  vt  file  asunder  el.  through;  flle  over. 

Døcriflabe  c  surface;  ooer  JpabetS  _  above  the 
level  of  the  sea.  -flabeaftniing  surfac-e  cooling. 
-flabetianb  surface  water  (o.  fl.)  -fla'belig,  -flabift 
a  superflcial,  shallow.  -flabiff^eb  c  superflciality, 
superflcialness,  shallowness. 

Ciucr^agmanb  c  ^  yeoman  of  signals. 

Oi)cr|flob  c  fe  Cuerflubigtjeb.  -fli)b§r«r  fe  Cvex- 

£)J)erfU)bc  vt  Aoa-  el.  run  over,  ovurilow. 

£)»crflQttc  vt  transfer. 

£i»erfl^Oe  vt  soar  el  fly  beyond. 

0»)erfl«'big  a  (mer  enb  lilftrættelig,  rigelig)  super- 
fluous,  abundant,  superabundaut ,  plentiful, 
copious;  (oberflQDenbe)  surplus;  (unøboenbig)  super- 
fluous,  uuuecessary,  useless;  bet  utibe  Ⱦre  en 
albelc«  _  éetning  itwould  be  a  work  of  superero- 
gation,  a  matter  of  surplusage,  —  adv  (-en) 
superfluously  etc.  -^eb  c  abundance,  super- 
abundance,  plenty,  profusion,  surplus;  oære  ttl= 
ftebe  i  -  abound;  ^aoe  -  paa  el.  af  abound  in  el. 
with  (ttfe  om  $ecf.).  -Jjcbé^orn  n  cornucopia, 
horn  of  plenty,  Plenty's  horn. 

Døerfløfle  vt  mil  out-flank,  turn  the  flank  el. 
flanks;  fip  outrun,  outstrip.    -ning  c  outflanking. 

+C)t»erfobec  n  fe  Doertræf. 

Ouerlfobrc  vt  feed  (cattle)  throughout  the 
■Winter;  (for  ftærtt)  overfeed.  -fobring  c  feeding 
etc.    -fobringSfotil  colic  from  overfeeding. 

Clierfor  præp  opposite,  over-against;  fia  in 
the  face  el.  presence  of;  _  ^inonben  face  to  face, 
facing  each  other;  —  adv  opposite. 

Dtjerfotfln|et  a  over-reflned.  -elfe  over-refine- 

Dt»erfonn^n|ber  c  chief  guardian,  -ben  n 
Office  for  the  management  of  the  estates  of 

Ooetftagt  c  (^enge  for  _)  extra  freight;  (Ⱦgt) 
surplus  weight. 

Dtierfrolfe  c  top-coat,  great-coat,  over-coat. 
-t«j  overcoatiug. 

Ouctft^fe  vi  fe  XilfrHfe. 

Dtierfttlb  a  brimful,  filled  to  overflowing. 
-f-^eb  c  brimfulness. 

Ooerfulbftænbig  a  superabundaut. 

Coerfure  c  upper-  el.  top-furrow. 

D»erfuf|e  vt  abuse,  load  v»fith  abuse,  fall 
upon.    -ning  c  abusing,  abuse. 

Duerftige  vt  cover  el.  scatter  over,  overspreau. 

DDcrffllble  vt  overflll;  (meb  Wennefter  o.  t.) 
crowd,  overcrowd;  (meb  altfor  ftort  gorraab  el. 
for  ftor  SSefætning)  overstock;  (obermætte)  cloy, 
glut,  surfeit;  -bt  overfilled  etc,  overfull;  SJærelfet 
»ar  -bt  the  room  was  crowded  to  excess,  over- 
crowded;  Wartebet  er  -t  beraf  the  market  is 
glutted  with  it,  it  is  a  drug  in  the  market. 
-elfe  c,  -ning  c  overfllling  etc. 

•Oberf^ruærtet  c  firemaster. 

Duerfærge  vt  ferry  over. 

£)tierfabc  vt  fe  Ooerfobre. 

Otterf«lc  vt  feel  all  over. 

Dberlfare  vt  carry  over,  convey  over,  bring 
over,  transport,  transfer;  -h(ot)er6cbife)  convict  (en 

nt  one  of  st); ført  a  (SSet^bn.)  metaphorical, 

tralatitious;  (SRegnft.)  brought  forward.  -f«relfe 
c  carrying  etc,  transfer.  -f«ring§bittebe  transfer 
picture,  scrap.  -fatfel  c  transport,  carriage, 

Duerfarfter  c  -e  chief  officer  of  a  forest,  ver- 

Dbergaa  vt  exceed,  be  in  excess  of,  excel, 
out-do,  outgo,  outstrip,  surpass,  transcend;  bet 
-r  min  gorftonb  that's  beyond  my  reach  el. 
comprehension;  _  fig  felo  outdo  el.  excel  one's^ 
self;  bet  er  albrig  før  -et  mig  that  never  happened; 
to  me  before;  efter  at  bemelbte  ®om  bar  t)am  oDcr> 
gaaet  after  having  suffered  the  said  sentence; 
—  +vi  i  pass  into. 

Duergoaré  fe  gorgaarS. 

Ooergang  c  (©erningen)  soing  el.  passing  over, 
crossing;  (©tebet)  passage,  crossing;  (til  gjenbe) 
desertion;  (fra  en  toneart,  Xilftanb,  ©enftonb  tit 
tn  onben)  transition,  stepping-stone;  (StemmenS) 
breaking;  l)an§  Stemme  er  i  -  his  voice  is  chang- 
ing;  _  til  anbcn  sHe^anbling  (i  9Jiglbagcn)  reading 
a  bi  11  the  first  time  (and  thus  allowing  it  to 
be  proposed  a  second  time);  the  first  reading 
(of  a  bill);  ^  (paa  23aab)  sheer-strake;  _  til  en 
anben  SJeligion  conversion  to  another  religion; 
benne  5){egn  er  tun  en  -  this  is  only  a  passing 
shower.  ~  £)i)etQanøm(etqe  pi  transition  rocks. 
-fob  c  head  of  a  beam,  corbel.  -fprm  transition 
-form.  -leb  conneeting  link.  -pcriobe,  -tii- 
transition  period,  t.  time,  period  el.  time  of 
transition,  -fteb  Oærnb.)  level  crossing.  -tit« 
ftanb  transitional  state.    -trin  transitional  stage. 

Ducrgar  a  '  dry.  ■ 

Duergartncr  o  head  gårdener. 

Ober{ gemme  vt  keep  el.  preserve  over  winter; 
-gemt  a  spoiled  (by  over-keeping),  ;Se'  stale,  old 

Obergenerot  c  commander  in  chief;  (®ene« 
raliSfimuS)  captain-general. 

Dtiergi))fe  vt  plaster  el.  stucco  over. 

Duerlgioe  vt  (ooerleoere)  deliver  (over),  hånd 
over,  consign;  (Stab,  (Jæftning  ofo.)  surrender; 
(fratræbe)  give  el.  make  over,  transfer;  _  i  enS 
SBaretægt  give  into  one's  charge;  _  til  forglem 
metfe  consign  to  oblivion;  —  vr  _  fig  surrender; 
jeg  -r  mig  itte  fig  I  have  nailed  my  colours  to 
the  mast;  _  fig  (til  lungfinbig^eb,  ^ortoiblelfe  ofb.) 
give  one's  self  up  (to);  _  ftg  i  ®ub8  ^aanb  re- 
sign  one's  self  into  the  hånds  of  God.  -gioelfe 
c  (af  en  ©tab  ofb.)  surrender;  (Dberleberiug)  de- 
livery  etc.  -giben  a  froUcsome,  merry  (to  excess), 
in  uncontrollable  spirits.  -gioentieb  c  exuberan< 
mirth,  frolicsomeness. 

Obergjorb  c  surcingle. 

Qoetglatlte  vt  smooth  el.  polish  over.  -nin 
c  smoothing  etc. 

£)l>ergIo  vt  staro  at,  gaze  at,  gape  at,  gloal 
at  (el.  upon;. 

Doergnabe  vt  (gnatie  oberalt)  gnaw  all  over; 
(gnabe  i  Stqtfer)  gnaw  asunder. 




Oorrgramfe  vt  fumble  all  over. 

Oocrgrati  c  millpond. 

Cocrgraocr  c  sexton. 

Coergrcti  n,  pi  =,  encroachment. 

Doergro  vt  overgrow,  overrun. 

Cktergub  c  chief  god,  over-deity. 

£)t>ergi)b|e  vt  pour  upon.  infuse.  -tilttB  c 
pouriug  upon,  infusion. 

Cocrgær  c  surface-yeast.  -ing  c  surface  fer- 

ODerg«b|c  vt  (gøbe  oDenpao)  top-dress;  (gøbe 
for  flærft)  manure  to  excess.  -ning,  -ffning  c 

DDcrj()aanb  c  upper  band,  ascendancy,  pre- 
valence,  predominaiice;  ^a»e  _  have  the  upper 
band;  faa  _  (ooer)  prevail  over,  get  the  better 
of,  get  the  upper  hånd  (of);  ^»eldcbeS  $orte  ffuttf 
ifle  faa  -  ooer  ben  bibl  the  gates  of  heil  shall 
not  prevail  against  it;  tage  _  begin  to  prevail  el. 
predominate,  gain  the  ascendancy.  -^aanbS  adv 
Immensely,  exceedlngly,  enormously,  hugely". 
vaslly.  -liaaitbtagcH  c  growth,  spread,  preval- 
lence".  -t)aanbtagenbe  n  growing,  spreading, 
prevailing,  rampant. 

J0ticr^a(|c  vt  J,  overhaul;  _  Kiggen  refit  the 
rigging.  -ing  c  er  overhauling;  (SRuHing)  ^ 
laich,  Jig  blow-up;  tage  _  heel  over.' 

Cvevttalé  c  upper  part  of  the  neek. 

Ooerfiamre  vt  cool-hammer,  hammer-harden. 

Cuertjartije  vt  harrow  (lightly).  -ning  c  (light) 

£Dcrf)eti|e  vt  overheat,  super-heat.  -ttlMfl  c 
superhealiug.  -ningSa)))>arnt  superheating-ap- 
paratu.s,  superbeater. 

Oucrlicjénlng  c  J:,  hoisting  over  the  side. 

Cocrlftcrligljeb  c  sovereignty.  -^crrc  c  lord 
Paramount,  Hege  lord.  •^errebømnte.  -^erftab 
n  supremacy,  sway;  fiooe  -Ijerrebømmet  bear  sway. 

Doeriiittxt  a  4,  (hove)  down.  -Ribning  c 
heaving  down,  careening. 

iOberi)of|tnarfIal  c  chief  marshal  of  the  house- 
hold,  -marffallat  n  offlce  of  the  chief  marshal 
of  the  household. 

Ducr^ofmcfter  c  steward  of  the  household. 
-inbe  c  first  Lady  of  Honour. 

£>Dert)olbe  vt  uphold,  maintain,  keep  in  force, 
carry  into  effect;  -  Crben  preserve  order.  -Ife  c 
upholding,  maintenance. 

Cnjcrftooeb  n  (supreme)  head,  chief;  {t)aa  ©lufe) 
head-liay;  (paa  gugl)  upper  part  of  the  head. 

Ctiert)o'»cbet  adv  upon  the  whole,  after  all, 
generally,  altogether;  ^6i§  f)an  _  tommer  if  he 
comes  at  all. 

Coer^ub  c  epidermis,  cuticle,  scarf-skin. 

Cuertjugge  vt  hew  a.sunder,  cut;  _  ftnuben,  ben 
florbifte  S.  cut  the  ^Gordian)  knot. 

OberifUig  n  (ben  oocrfte  S)el  af  et  ^u§)  upper 
part  of  a  house,  upper  building;  (i  bet  engelfte 
parlament)  the  Upper  house,  the  house  of  Lords, 
p  the  Lords. 

£)oer^k)ibt|c  vt  whitewash.  -ntng  c  white- 

CoerlJBælbe  vt  arch  el.  vault  over. 

CbcrfjijUc  vt  veil  el.  cover  over. 

Coerljijrbe  c  Great  Shepherd. 

Cocrl)(e(bc  vt  pour  upon,  cover. 

'•Ober^ænbig  a  excessive,  violent,  tremendous; 
en  ~  So  an  over-grown  sea. 

Dbcriliæng  n  importunity.  -Ijcengc  vt  impor- 
tune;  -gte  C'arer  last  season's  goods,  joc  shop- 
keepers, -»^-iiængen  c  fe  -^æng.  -^(cngenbc  a 
projecting;  fip  (truenbe)  impending,  imminent. 

Ober^«jftcb  c  fe  Coer^ertebomme. 

"Cberl)«lje  vt  load,  overwhelm. 

Oberlftøre  vt  hear,  examine,  catechize;  bette 
Drb   f)at  jeg    t  I  did  not  hear  that  word,   that 

word  escaped  me.  -^eretfe  c  examining  etc., 
examination.  -^erer  c  examiner.  -^ørig  a 
disobedient;  ftbbe  _  disobey.  -liertglieb  c  dis- 
obedience,  insubordination.    -føring  c  fe  -^orelfe. 

Ober^øblte  vt  plane  all  over.  -Ung  c  planing 

Dberlile  vt  precipitate;  berfom  et  TOenneffe  6tiber 
-t  af  nogen  SBroft  bibl  if  a  man  be  overtaken  in 
a  fault;  —  «r  fig  be  too  precipitate,  aet  preci- 
pitately,  be  overhasty.  -itclfe  c  precipitation, 
precipitance,  precipitancy,  overha.stiness.  -ilet 
a  rasb,  precipitate,  overhasty;  brog  ben  -be  Slut' 
ning  jumped  at  the  conclusion;  —  adv  precipi- 

tOucriltc  n  peroxide,  superoxide. 

Coeringentør  c  chief  eugineer;  aJlarinenS  _ 
the  Engineer-in-chief  of  the  Navy. 

Dttcrinf^jeltør  cinspector-  el.  Surveyor-General. 

Cbcrintenbant  c  superintendent. 

Dbertfct  part  covered  el.  (en)cased  with  ice. 

•♦■Dberjoge  vt  override  (a  horse) 

Cneriagt  c  chase  of  large  game. 

Dberliorbifl  a  unearthly,  superhuman,  supra 
-mundane,  not  of  this  world;  _  ftoalrabi  kohl- 
rabi.    -jorb§  a  above  ground. 

Oberjæger  c  (fotfte  Qæger)  flrst  huntsman;  (i 
Sægerforpé)  non-commissioned  officer  in  a  corps 
of  riflemon.    -mefter  c  master  of  the  buckhounds. 

Oberta(t|e  vt  plaster  (all  over),  -ning  c 

£>ocrfammer|Qerre  f  Lord  Chamberlaiu  of  the 
household.  -junter  c  first  gentleman  of  the  bed 

Dbertanoner  c  -er  chief  gunner. 

iCbcrfant  c  upper  side,  top;  upper  edge. 

Obcrifaft  n,  pi  =,  light  cloak.  -fafte  (f.  618. 
meb  Sfarn)  vt  bespatter  el.  pelt  (with  dirt). 

ObcrtcUner  [t.]  head-waiter,  hotel-clerk. 

Obertirurg  c  head-surgeon. 

Obertjole  c  great-coat;  (®amer8)  tunic,  panier, 

Dber|I(offc,  -Hotte  vt  blot  all  over. 

■fObcrllubrc  vt  climb  over. 

iOberlltne  vt  paste  all  over. 

Dbcrflip|))e  vt  cut  (asunder  ef.  across).  -mng 
c  cutting. 

D»ertUft|re  vt  fe  Ooerffine.    -ring  c  pasting  etc. 

Obertlog  a  overwise. 

Dberflorf^re  fe  Slorooerfijre. 

£)bcr|flæbe  vt  cover  over.  -Ilæber  vi  upper 
garments.  -flæbnitig  c  (Øerningen  at  ocerflæbe) 
covering,  lining;  (SlcebningSft^tle)  outer  garment. 

Cberltløgtig  a  fe  -tlog. 

Dbcrtobc  vi  sprain  the  fetlock-joint. 

Dberlfog  n,  -logning  c  boiling  over;  (®mp.) 
priming,  foaming. 

Cberfof  c  bead-cook,  master-cook. 

Cbertomntanbo  c  supreme  el.  chief  command. 

Dber|tomme  vt  (^ænbel)  befall,  happen  to; 
(Beftribe)  (be  able  to)  manage,  be  equal  to;  C^abe 
jfiaab  til)  aflford;  t  find  out;  ber  -font  t)om  en 
plubfelig  SKatfieb  a  sudden  faintness  came  over 
him;  ber  -fom  f)am  en  plubfetig  Sfræl  he  was 
seized  with  a  panic.  -lora'melig  a  practicable, 
surmountable,  bearable,  to  be  reached. 

Obertom)>Iet  a  supemumerary. 

Oberfønge  c  chief  sovereign,  lord  paramount. 

Cberlfonftabel  >i,  fe  -fononer. 

Cbcrfonftruftør  c  Chief  Constructor. 

ObcrtontroUer  c  theat  acting  manager. 

DberfoV  c  -per  cup. 

Oberf  orS'  adv  crossly,  crosswise;  lægge  Strmene 
el.  SSenene  _  cross  the  arms  or  legs;  meb  Slrmene 
_  with  arms  crossed,  cross-armed;  meb  39enene  _ 
cross-legged , 

Obertrabfe  vt  scratch  all  ovei. 




Cverframme  vt  crumple  el.  rumpie  all  over. 

Ooerfribte  vi  chalk  over. 

CDerlrigéfommiéfar  c  musier-master  general. 

CocrtroV  c  upper  part  of  the  body,  bust. 

Ooertrtenget  part  heeled  over. 

Otiertultur  c  over-education,  over-civilization. 

Dvtvtcebt,  Døcrtoeoe  c  upper  jaw.  -ben  upper 

iDtierticmner  c  cliamberlain. 

£)t)er|f«re  vt  drive  over,  ride  over,  ruu  over; 
(^eft)  override,  overdrive;  -rt  f  fuddled.  -føring 
driving  etc.    -t«rfel  c  passage  for  carriages. 

Doerlabe  vt  (afftaa)  leave,  give  up,  deliver  up, 
surrender,  resign;  ^on  -lob  mig  flæbet  for  ^nb- 
fø6Sprifen  he  sold  me  the  cloth  at  prime  cost; 
Ian  2)e  _  mig  en  ^en?  can  you  spare  a  pen?  f)an 
»or  ganffe  -bt  til  [\q  felb  he  was  quite  left  to 
himself,  to  his  own  devices  el.  resources;  _  fin 
©læbne  i  ®ubS  jpoonb  resign  one's  self  to  the 
wlU  of  God;  jeg  -r  bet  til  ®em  I  leave  it  to  you; 
jeg  -r  tit  ®em  at  brage  Slutningen  I  leave  it  to 
you  el.  I  leave  you  to  drav»r  the  concluslon; 
man  fan  _  bet  lil  bem  felB  at  gere  .  .  .  they  may 
be  left  to  make  .  .  .;  —  tr  fig  til  give  one's 
self  up  to,  indulge  in.  Otierlabtifr  c.  (af  SRettig= 
l^eber)  cessiou,  resignation,  surrender. 

Duer  Hobe  vt  (6elce8fe  for  meget)  overload;  (meb 
grubt)  overcharge,    -(åbning  c  overloading. 

Coer|Iag  n  (bet,  fom  lægges  otier)  covering, 
lining,  cover;  (øberfte  2ag)  upper  layer,  upper 
stratum;  ^  upper  tier. 

Ooerfagen  n  top  sheet,  upper  sheet. 

Doerlagdgutki  inserted  ceiling. 

Overlagt  fe  DBerlægge. 

iOticrlanii'  adv  by  land. 

OøerlanbiSlmterfe  inland  mark.  -po^t  c  -er 
overland  post. 

*C)Uertang'  adv  lengthways;  slowly. 

Ooerlaft  c  molestation,  injury;  gere  en  _ 
molest  one. 

Ctterlofte  vt  fe  Dberlobe  2. 

Otierlebelfe  c  chief  direction  el.  management. 

Duerlegen  a  superior;  masterful;  (i  95æfen) 
supercilious,  uppish,  patronizing;  (uporttfl)  judic- 
ial;  _  SSline,  Sone  air,  tone  of  superiority;  Ⱦre 
en  -  be  superior  to  one;  -  2lonb  mastermind. 
-^eb  c  superiority. 

Coerlemmer  pi  upper  limbs  cl.  extremities. 

Doerlletie  vt  outlive,  survive;  _  fig  felu  live  too 
long,  «4ag  superfluous»;  -t  ©Qftem  effete  system. 
-teuelfeSrcnte  survivorship  annuity,  reversionary 
annuity.  -Ictienbe  pi  survivors,  outlivers,  longest 

Doerleuerje  vt  deliver,  hånd,  present,  sur- 
render; (til  fefterberbenen)  transmit  (to  posterity); 
er  o§  -t  has  come  down  to  us;  bet  -be  the  tradi- 
tions, -ing  c  delivering  etc,  delivery,  surrender; 
transmission;  tradition. 

Coerlig  adv  superficially. 

Cøerlig  n  (paa  Sejl)  head  (of  a  sail). 

Cocrligge  vi  ^  stay;  (Sjomr.)  overlap,  -bog 
c  ^  day  on  demurrage,  extra  lay-day;  -bage  de- 
murrage.  -bag^^enge  pi  demurrage.  -nbe  a 
superimposed,  upper:  _  35ag,  fe  -bag.  -v  c  -e 
top-stone.    -tib  demurrage. 

Ooerlifte  vt  over-reach,  dupe,  outwit.  -(fe  c 
over-reachiug  etc. 

Ctierliti  n  (Dbertro^j)  upper  part  of  the  body; 
(£iB  f.  et«,  af  en  Stjole)  body. 

OoertobS  c  head-pilot,  Superintendent  of 

Oticrf^bt  adv  aloud,  loudly,  with  a  loud  voice. 

£oer(^§  n  top  light. 

Ctierlcelie  c  upper  lip. 

iOøerlteber  n  quarter  (of  a  shoe),  upper-leather, 

Coerdeg  n  premeditation,  refleetion;  ^anble 
uben  _  aet  inconsiderately  el.  without  refleetion; 
gure  noget  meb  ~  do  something  deliberately  el. 
with  premeditation.  , 

ODcrlcege  c  chlef  physician,  head  doctor;  (»aa 
©tib)  masler-surgeon;  9Karinen§  _  Medical  Di- 
rector  General  of  the  Navy;  -n  »eb  ^ofpitalet  the 
Senior  Physician  of  (el.  to)  the  ho.spital. 

Ct>er(ægge  vt  deliberate,  revolve  el.  canvas  ia 
one's  mind,  consider;  _  meb  en  nnben  confer  el. 
concert  with  another;  bette  ©fribt  »or  ifte  Be( 
-lagt  this  was  an  inconsiderate  step;  Bel  -lagt 
well-weighed,  judicious;  olt  Bel  -lagt  all  things 
considered;  -lagt  Dnbffab  jur  malice  aforethought 
el.  prepense;  -logt  Sornærmelfe  studied  el.  deliber- 
ate insult. 

iOoerlængbe  c  (2imp.)  lamp. 

Døer((crer  c  second  master,  senior  assistantt 

)Dtier(æfe)(  n  ^t,  topmast-studding-sail.  -§fo(k 
t;-s. -halyard  etc. 

OocrlceSning  c  reading  over,  conning  over. 

£)»er{lae3fe  vt  overburden,  overload;  Jig  over- 
charge;  ^on  er  -t  meb  i^orretninger  he  is  weighed 
down  with  business;  Stilbringen  er  -t  the  picture 
is  over  painted.  -læåfclfe,  -dræning  c  (bet,  at- 
oBerlægfej  overloading,  overburdening;  (i  Stolen^ 

Dt)cr|(«b  n  (af  beføgenbe)  perpetual  run 
visitors;  (af  fl^benbe  SSarer)  overflowing;  (til 
gjenben)  desertion,  -løbe  vt  run  over;  (lube  paa. 
®øren)  pester  with  visits;  (meb  Utrubt)  overgrow, 
overrun;  (Xemv.  o.  fl.)  lap  over;  en  -n  So  a  cow 
that  goes  farrow.  -løber  c  -e  deserter,  runaway; 
(So)  fe  oBfr.  -løbning  c  running  etc.;  going 
farrow.  -løbningérør  overflow  pipe.  -(«bningd> 
t)enti(  overflow  valve. 

Oorrmaabe  (ogf.  maabe)  adv  exceedingly,  ex- 
tremely;  excessively. 

£iucrmaa(  n  (tilgift  i  9Kaal)  overmeasure,  sur- 
plus measure;  (af  Sunb^eb  ofB.)  superabundance, 
excess;  til  _  to  excess. 

Cvermagaftnforoalter  c  Storekeeper  General. 

Otjermngt  c  superior  force,  superiority,  upper 
hånd;  IjaBe  -en  ooer  have  the  upper  hånd  of;  en 
betljbelig  -  greatly  superior  forces,  greac  odds; 
iinob  en  cBerBælbenbe  _  against  hopeless  odds; 
trætte  fig  tilbage  for  -en  retire  before  uumbers. 

Ot)crmol|e  vt  paint  all  over,  daub  over,  coat 
(over)  with  paint.    -ning  c  painting  etc. 

Ooertnanb  c  -mænb  superior;  ^an  fanbt  fin  - 
he  fouud  his  match;  ^an  ^ar  ifte  ftn  -  he  has 
no  superior;  mine  DBermænb  (forefatte)  my  super- 
iors,  (i  en  eller  anben  ^enfeenbe)  my  betters. 

Dtiermanb|e  vt  overpower  (by  superior  num- 
bers).    -ing  c  overpowering. 

DBermoftinift  c  chief  engineer. 

*Dt)ermoftct  a  overmasted. 

tOucrmaftig  a  audacious. 

Ooermcnncffclig  a  superhuman. 

Otiermob  n  presumption,  arrogance,  insolence, 
overweeuing  pride. 

Oticrtnoben  a  over-ripe,  too  ripe.  -^eb  c  over 

Coermobig  a  presumptuous,  arrogant,  insolent, 
overweeuing.    -^[eb  c  fe  CBermob. 

DOermargen ;  i  -  the  day  after  to-morrow. 

Doermulc  c  (p.  ^tiaSfe)  top-  el.  upper  jaw. 

CBcrmunb  c  upper  jaw. 

Doermunbcring  c  uniform. 

Ooermtjnbifl^eb  c  fe  DBer^errebømme. 

DBcrmccgttg  o  superior  In  power  el.  force,y 

Otier|mærfcraa  upper  topsail  yard.  •mati' 
fejl  upper  topsail  (o.  fl.). 

C»erlm«t  a  surfeited,  glutted,  cloyed.    -mat' 





^et)  c  surfeit.  -mætte  vt  surfeit,  overcloy,  over- 
gorge;  chem  sil  persat  urate.  -tnrcttelfe  c  (ogfoa 
fig)  surfeit;  chem  supersaturation. 

Coeniatte  vi  remain  the  night  over,  put  up 
for  the  night. 

Coerttaturlig  a  preternatural,  supernatural. 

Coernceb  n  upper  part  of  the  bill. 

Otiero|)figt  c  (e  Caeropt^n. 

OtierD))ifqtt  n  supervision,  superintendence, 
chief  direction,  control;  fere  _  meb  superintend. 
•ftinSntanb  superintendent,  chief  el.  principal 
overseer  e(.  director. 

CDtror'bentlig  a  extraordinary;  adv  extra- 
ordinarily,  remarliably,  exeeedingly. 

Coerørbnct  a  k  c  -ebe  superior. 

C)t)er))anbe  (i  Eeje)  cap-piece. 

+C)oer()art  c  upper  part. 

Ootrjicbrc  vt  over-pepper. 

*Cocr()Ing  (gg)  n  over-clothing,  outer  garment. 

+Ct)crlilante  vt  plant  (all  over),  cover  with 

Ckier))Iaftre  vt  plaster,  cover  with  a  plaster. 

^Ooer<)lette  vt  spot,  cover  with  spots. 

0»)ervt«||e  vt  plough.    -ning  c  ploughing. 

Ootrtiolitibetiettt  police  officer. 

Ct)er))ort  c  ^  upper  halfport. 

Oocrpoft  c  ^  upper  (part  of  the)  quarter-piece. 

Cuerpoftlbub  flist-class  letter- carrier.  -mefter 
Postmaster  General. 

Cucrprobuttion  c  over-production. 

Obcrprotftlient  c  high-bailiff  el.  mayor  (of 

)Dtier))ttbre  vt  powder  over. 

Oøerraa  c  upper  yard. 

Ooerraabe  vt  out-roar,  out-voice. 

Doerrabbiner  c  chief-Rabbi. 

Cbcrranb  c  upper  edge;  (©olenS)  upper  limb. 

Coerrafle  vt  surprise,  talce  by  surprise;  -t  otjet 
surprised  at.  -Ife  c  -r  surprise;  til  olniinbelig  - 
for  to  the  general  surprise  of. 

Dberrcgiftrator  c  Registrar-General. 

Oberregne  vt  (brqppe  ober)  drench  el.  soak 
with  rain. 

Cbcrreglne  vt  (gøre  Beregning  o»er)  reckon 
over,  calculate,  compute.  -niwg  c  (bet,  at  ober« 
regne)  reckoning  over  etc;  (beregning)  calcula- 
tion,  computation. 

Cbcrreiber  c  J,  futtock- rider. 

Dberrejfe  c  passage. 

Oberlrenb,  -renbe,  fe  -lab. 

Oberiret  c  superior  court  (of  justice).  -retS« 
oSfrSfor  judge(-lateral)  of  a  superior  court. 
•retSbom  sentence  of  the  superior  court. 

Oberribe  vt  ride  over. 

*Cberrigget  a  overrigged. 

C»erri8|le  vt  (f.  ®fg.  en  eng)irrigate  (ameadow). 
■Ung  c  -er  irrigation.    -ItngSeng  water  meadow. 

Doerribe  vt  tear  asunder. 

Cber|runt  n  ^  upper  hold.  -runtSftøttet  tween 
-deck  stanchions. 

Cberruntlille  vt  take  bj^urprise,  take  one  off 
his  guard.    -ling  c  surprise. 

Doerrbfning  c  march  across. 

Obcrræfife  vt  hånd  (over),  present,  deliver. 
•lelfe,  -ntng  c  handing  (over),  delivery. 

Oberf aaet  par?  strown,  sprinkled  over,  studded 
(ttteb  with). 

Cberfalte  vt  salt  all  over,  sprinkle  all  over 
with  salt. 

Coerfanbe  vt  cover  with  sand. 

Oberfanfelig  a  stipersensual,  supersensible, 
metaphysical,  transcendent,  transcendental; 
2æren  om  bet  -e  metaphyisics  pi.  -^eb  tran- 
scendentalism,  transcendentality. 

Dberfab|e  vt  saw  over  el.  across.  -ni«g  c 
sawing  etc. 

Cberfoble  vt  beslabber. 

Oberfe  vt  (oberpue)  survey,  view,  have  a  (full) 
view  of;  (iffe  fe)  not  to  notice,  pass  over,  over- 
look, miss,  fail  to  see  el.  detect;  (fe  gennem 
gingre  meb)  connive  at,  wink  at;  (ringeagte)  look 
down  upon,  treat  superciliously;  ^e  fbneS  at 
^abe  -t  it  appears  to  have  escaped  you;  bitoe  -t 
escape  notice.  -elig  a  that  may  be  surveyed. 
-eu  c  overlooking. 

Dberfejlle  vt  run  down,  run  into.  -ling  o 
running  down.     -lingSfag  running  down  case. 

£)berfenb|e  vt  send  over,  trausmit.  -elfe,  -ing 
c  sending  over,  transmission. 

♦Oberfeng  c  bed-cover. 

Cberfergent  c  sergeant-major. 

Cberlfibbe  vt  (f.  (StS.  en  befaling)  disobey;  vi 
fe  Sibbe  ooer;  -nbe  ®renge,  -ftbbere  boys  kept  in; 
(i  ftlalfe)  boys  who  are  not  moved.  -{ibning  o 
being  kept  in. 

Cberftbe  c  top. 

Dberlfigt  c  survey,  general  view,  account 
(otier  of);  fort  _  summary;  synopsis,  conspectus. 
*-Pgtig  a  perspicuous.    -ftgtUg  a  synoptic. 

+t>beriflatte  fe   Durbere. 

Cberflatmcfter  c  Lord  High  Treasurer. 

Dberftib  n  ^  upper-works  pi. 

Dberftibje  vt  ship,  transport  in  a  ship.  -ning 
c  shipping  etc. 

Cbcrftinne  vt  (ubbrebe  2Q§  ober)  shine  upon, 
irradiate,  illumine;  (forbunfle)  outshine,  eclipse. 

Dberftjorte  c  outer  shirt. 

•Cberftj«b  (of  to  <|Slaber  o.  I.)  (over-)lap. 

Cbcrffo  c  galoche,  overshoe. 

CberfTor^ie  c  upper  crust. 

OberffDb  c  forest  of  tall  trees. 

Dberflraale  vt  outbellow,  out-roar. 

Cberfframning  fe  Srqbgfamling. 

Cberffribe  vt  (goa  ober  el.  bibere  enb)  overstep, 
surpass,  exceed,  go  el.  pass  beyond;  (om  SBefa« 
linger)  trausgress;  _,en  elrænfe  (©fronfe)  pass  a 
bound;  bet  -r  min  (jbne  that  s  beyond  my  strength, 
exceeds  my  ability.    -Ife,  -n  c  overstepping  etc. 

Obcrflrift  c  superscription,  inscription,  head- 
ing;  en  Striifel  meb  -en  an  article  headed. 

Oberffrige  vt  fe  Oocrraabe. 

£)berftriO|e  vt  (fætte  Oberftrift  »ao)  superscribe, 
head;  (f^Ibe  meb  S!rift)  scribble  el.  scrawl  all 
over;  -ftreoet  Dcb  word  written  on  another. 
-ning  c  superscribing  etc. 

+Cberffr«be  vt  fio  outrun. 

DberffræbS'  adv  astride. 

Oberftub  n,  pi  =,  surplus,  overpluss,  excess, 
balance;  (Øeoinft)  profit,  margin  (of  profit),  lay 
-by;  (eeb  $anteauftion)  bonus. 

Cberffubt  a  cut  through  el.  in  half  by  a  shot. 

Coerlftue  vt  survey,  overlook,  command,  take 
in  at  one  view.  -f-ftue  n  x,  fe  ftgt.  -ftu'eliø 
o  that  may  be  surveyed  etc;  fig  clear  perspi- 
cuous. -ftu'elig^eb  c  cleamess,  perspicuity. 
-flnelfe  c  survey. 

Cberffbulbe  vt  wash,  dash  over. 

Oberff^be  vi  remain,  exceed;  bet  -nbe,  fe  Cbet« 

Coerfftjet  a  overcast,  cloudy. 

CberftQgge  vt  overshadow,  overshade. 

Dbcrft^lUe  vt  wash  over,  overflow,  inundate. 
-ling  c  overflowing,  inundation. 

Cocrffitg  n  mustachios  pi,  mustache. 

Cberffælbe  vt  overwhelm  with  abuse. 

-►Obcrffanbe  fe  Doerftælbe;  fom  iffe  flænbte  igen, 
ber  ^an  bleo  -bt  bibl  who,  when  he  was  reviled, 
reviled  not  again. 

Oberffient  c  chief  cup-bearer. 

Oberlffccre  vt  cut  (in  two),  divide;  mat  inter- 
sect,  cut,  cross;  _  ftlæbe  dress  cloth.  -ff«rer  c 
clothdresser.      -ffocrerulb    flocks.      -ftiering    o 




cuitiiig  etc;  dressing  of  cloth;  (3ærn6.)  inter- 
section  (of  two  lines),  (af  S8ej)  level  crossing. 
-ffæringSpunIt  crossing  point. 

Cucrfføn  n  re-estimation,  resurvey,  second 

Ctierff«rt  n  outer  petticoat. 

+D»erflao  vt  throw  over. 

Duerlftag  n,  pi  =,  (omtrentlig  SSeregning)  esti- 
mate; (paa  ^jole  ofo.)  facing;  (paa  gejftlig«  S(æber) 
band;  ^J,  outside  turn;  gøre  et  _  form  an  esti- 
mate (of).    -ffagéftt  (33rt)g.)  sparger. 

+Dticrflime  vt  cover  witli  mucus. 

-fDucrftare  vt  veil. 

DDcrfmctining  c  polishing  (of  buUets). 

iOt)erf«iar|e  vt  (be)smear,  bedaub;  _  meb  Zalq 
coat  ei.  smear  with  tallow.     -ing  c  smearing. 

jbtJtrfnc  vt  cover  (all  over)  with  snow. 

Duetfnit  n  cut  across. 

ibticrfnufc  vt  (om  en  $unb)  snuff  all  over. 

Cmerlfjietulcrc  fig  vi  be  over-speculative.  -f<)C» 
tulatton  c  overtrading. 

Dnerf^Jtt  n  4j  upper  capstan. 

OucrfVttbe  vt  spill  over  el.  upon,  dirty,  mess. 

DucrfpiUcntawb  c  bandmaster. 

£)t]erf)>inbc  vt  spin  over,  whip  about;  -J^iunbne 
ftnop^jer  buttons  covered  with  silk;  -fpunbne 
©trenge  spuu  music-strings,  (meb  ©ølotraab)  sil- 
vered  strings. 

Doerfj>rtnge  vt  skip  (over),  pass  over.  -(fe, 
■n  c  skipping. 

•fOtierlfprttblen  c  fig  exuberance.  -f^rublenbe 
a  exuberant. 

D»erft>rajt|e  vt  sprinkle  el.  squirt  over  with 
a  syringe,  -ning  c  sprinkling  el.  squirting  over 

Duerf})^  vt  spew  over  el.  upon. 

Duerfp^ttc  vt  bespit,  spit  over. 

£)ticr|f))cenbe  vt  overstrain,  overstretch;  arch 
spån.  -f^ænbing  c  overstraining;  over-excite- 
ment;  fe  -fpænbt^eb.  -f^iættbt  a  extravagant, 
eccentric,  high-flown,  romantic;  -e  ^orbringer 
extravagant  e(.  immoderate  pretensions  el.  de- 
mands, -f^ænbt^eb  c  extravagance,  eccentricity. 

Okierftan  vt  overcome,  go  through,  get  over 
el.  through;  nu  er  bet  -et  now  it  is  over;  faa  bet 
-et  come  to  an  end  with  it. 

Doerftaaet  part  (om  SSorer)  left  on  hånd. 

Ducrftab  c  regimental  staff. 

D»crftobig  a  jubilant,  elated;  —  adv.  _  fulb 
excessively  druuk.    -^cb  c  exuberant  spirits. 

Coerftolbmeftet  c  master  of  the  horse. 

Cuerlftemmc  vt  (ooerbøoe)  drown  by  one's 
voice;  (Beb  ©temmegttming)  out-vote;  fip  overrule; 
-  en  ©treng  tune  a  string  too  high.  -ftemtne  c 
upper  voice  part.  -ftemniitg  c  drowning  etc; 

£)t)erfte«H)eI  n  upper  die. 

*Ctierften  c  (i  røølle)  fe  Søber. 

D»crftig|e  vt  overstep,  overflow;  fig  exceed, 
surpass,  be  in  excess  of.  -ning  c  overstepping 

Dticrfttger  c  -e  (i  Sicergoærf)  master  miner, 

Otizrfttfte  vt  (i  JJortfpil)  take  with  a  higher 

jDtterfttaotc  vt  outshine,  eclipse,  ontblaze. 

Ctierftrege  vt  cross  out,  strike  out. 

+D»jerftme  vt  get  over,  pass  through,  struggle 

C»erftrl)g|c  vt  (meb  ©trljgejærn)  iron,  iron  over; 
(meb  Sjære,  Sfaroe)  coat,  pay  (over),  (vaa  ntf]  re 
-coat;  (oBerftregc)  cross  out,  strike  out.  -ning  c 
ironiug  etc. 

Dtterftr«  vt  strew,  sprinkle  (over). 

Ooetftrøg  n  coat,  coating. 

DDerftwmrae  vt  overflow,  -n  c  overflow^ 
-nbe  a  fig  exuberant;  _  SSarme  efi'usiveness. 

Duevftt)lte  n  (i  3llm.)  upper  piece  el.  part; 
(ftlæbn.)  outer  garment,  cloak;  ^1,  (til  ftanonport) 
upper  port-sill. 

jDucrfttj'r  adv  -.  gaa  -  miscarry,  fail,  fall  to  the 
ground,  fall  through,  pro  ve  aljortive,  come  to 
nought;  fætte  -  dissipate,  waste,  spend,  squandei 
(away;,  run  through. 

Oocrfttjrlmanb  c  first  el.  chief  mate.  -tnanbS' 
Voft  situation  as  flrst  mate. 

£)»erftt)rtc  vt  throw  over,  pour  over. 

Docrftænt|c  i't  bespatter.  -ning  c  bespattering, 

iDUerftatJC  vt  cover  with  dust. 

DDcrfttfrc  vt  sugar  (over). 

■fDuerftJcernte  vt  swarm  over. 

Doerfoærte  vt  blacken  over. 

+Ducrfuæ»c  vt  hover  over. 

£)»crfu«mme  vt  inundate,  overflow,  flood, 
deluge,  (lun  fig)  overrun.  -Ifc  c  -r  inundation, 
deluge,  overflow. 

£)»crfl)  vt  sew  over. 

Dtjcrf^n  n  surveying,  overlooking;  jur  re 

Cticvftjrtpc  vt  drown  another's  voice  in  singing, 

£)Dcrf»)ninB  e  sewing  over. 

Decrfæbig  a  3f  superior,  epigynous. 

Ducrfælbe  vt  sift  over. 

CncrfætMing  c  (meb  fartøj  ofo.)  ferrying  over, 
trausporting  across. 

OocrfcElning  c  -er  log  major  (premiss). 

Ducrifætte  vt  (f.  (St8.  »aa  ®onfI)  translate,  tum, 
render,  do  (into  Danish);  _  fra  ®anfl  til  (Sngelfj 
translate  from  Danish  into  English;  _  meb 
render  by;  _  urigtigt  mistranslate.  -fcettclig  a 
translatable.  -fættelfc  c  -r  translation,  version 
-fættcIfcSforfag  attempt  at  translation,  -fætter 
c  -e  translatør,  -f ættcrfejl  mistake  in  translation, 
-fættcrlnbc  c  -r  translatress. 

Ci»)crf«ifl  o  transatlantic,  oversea,  beyond  sea; 
Beftemt  til  _  ©teb  bound  oversea. 

iOocrføIe  vt  stain  el.  suUy  all  over. 

C>uerf«m  c  overcasting. 

Oocrtaarnc  vt  tower  over. 

DDcrItag  n  grasp  over  the  arms  (in  wrestling); 
fig  upper  hånd,  overhånd,  advantage;  foa  -et 
get  the  upper  hånd,  get  uppermost;  "^ar  faaet 
-et  ooer  :^am  F  has  him  on  the  hip.  -toge  «i 
(f.  (£!é.  et  ®ob§,  en  @aarb)  take  possessiou  of, 
receive  in  livery;  (et  ©mbebe  ofo.)  enter  uponj 
(Sommanboen  ofo.)  take;  forretning,  9tr6ejbe  ofo.) 
undertake,  take  upon  one's  self,  take  charge  of: 
(enS  Offlb)  assume;  ^  _  ^abegobS  sling  casks; 
_  Sæerne  cross  the  yards,  -tagelfe  c  (af  en 
(gjenbom  ofb.)  taking  possession  of,  livery;  under 
taking  etc;  assumption. 

Dtiertollet  a  overrigged. 

DoerltafSation,  -taUt  c  revaluation. 

Dt)cr|t(lle  vt  persuade,  prevail  upon  el.  on;  — 
vr  fig  til  bring  one's  self  to,  bring  one's  mind 
to.  -talelig  a  persuasible.  -tolelfe  c  -r  persua- 
sion.  —  CDertaleIfe8|eone,  -go»e  power  of  per- 
suasion,  persuasive  powers,  -tunft  art  of  per- 
suasion.    Duertatenbe  a  persuasive. 

Ouertottig  a  exceeding  the  just  number, 
supernumerary,  in  excess;  en_  a  supemumerary. 

Doertonb  c  "upper  tooth. 

C  »er  tegning  =:  i  Xtlfætbe  af  _  if  more  shares 
are  subseribed  for  than  can  be  supplied. 

Doerttlf^n  «  superintendence. 

Doertimclig  a  supertemporal. 

Ctiertolblbefttjrelfen  the  Customs  department, 
the  Board  of  Customs.  -Betjent  tide-surveyor. 
•inftieftet  inspector  general  of  the  customs. 

Doertro  c  superstition.    -ifl  a  superstitious. 




Cuertrumfe  vt  overtrump;  fig  outdo,  cap, 

CøertrQt  n  transfer  on  stone. 

Ctoer|tr(cbe  vt  trausgi-ess,  trespass  against, 
contravene,  break  (through),  •tricttelfe  c  r 
transgression;  _  of  infringement  of.  -ttæbelfeå- 
f^nb  sin  of  commission.  -tricbcr  c  -e  traus- 
gressor,  violator  (of),  offender  (against). 

Duertræffe  vt  ie  Coergoo. 

Cuer  træt  /i,  v(  =,  cover,  case;  (af  aJJaliufl  0.  1.) 
coating,  -træffe  vt  cover;  (namiltg  om  StnfigtS« 
faroe)  suflfuse;  -  meb  ^aptr  paper;  _  meb  fernis 
varnish;  (f.  ®té.  en  ^orafol)  re-cover;  ^imlen  Bar 
-truffen  the  sky  vvas  overcast;  -truffen  £uft  cloudy 
weather;  -truffen  Snap  covered  button.  -tr«!' 
wing  c  covering  etc.  -trætfto  fe  -f!o.  -ttæfå' 
terme  half-sleeve. 

Cuectkiærd',  -tooerf  fe  3;Bært. 

Dt)ertt)ble  vt  (om)  convince  (of).  -ning  c  con- 
viction,  persuasion. 

sDoertlftige  vt  overburden. 

OoertceUe  vt  count  over. 

Coertcenfle  vt  meditate  upon,  refiect  upon, 
ponder  upon,  consider  of  el.  about.  -ning  c 
reflection,  cousideration. 

CoerMj  n  upper  garments  pi,  overclothing; 
(i  røobfcctn.  til  5oer)  stuflf,  cloth. 

Ctiertfljmcfter  c  masler  of  the  ordnance. 

Duertflmmcr  «  .L  top-timber. 

Coertømmerntanb  c  master-carpenter,  chief 

Ooertørtlcebe  n  comforter. 

Ooertørn  n  ridlng  turn. 

Coertørt)  c  surface  peat. 

CDerjOanb  n  <t  water  shipped;  faa  ~  ship 
water  -uanbe  vt  water  (all  over);  water  too 
much.  -tJonbSffær  rock  visible  above  the 
vrater's  edge. 

Dnertieje  vt  (gælbe  mere  enb)  outweigh;  (nøje 
betænfe)  weigh,  ponder,  fe  Coertænfe;  olt  »el  -t 
all  things  considered.  -Ife  c  -r  weighing,  de- 
liberation;  fe  CBertænfning;  tage  unber  _  take 
into  cousideration,  think  about,  entertain;  tage 
unber  forntjet  _  reconsider,  think  better  of,  re- 
view;  efter  nærmere  ~  on  consideration,  on  second 
thoughts,  after  a  second  reflection;  Beb  rolig  _ 
on  calm  reflection.  -nb  c  a  predominant,  para- 
mount;  bet  ~  Slntal,  ben  -  Sel  the  great  el.  vast 
majority,  —  adv  mainly,  chiefly. 

Cttettieter  c  inspector  to  superintend  the 
weighing  of  goods. 

Otiertierben  c  ({  3Hobf.  til  ben  Birfelige  35.)  ideal 
world,  supernal  w.;  (i  TOobf.  til  UnberB.)  upper 

CoerlOinbe  vt  vanquish,  conquer,  beat,  over- 
come,  worst;  _  SSanftelig^eber  surmount  el.  over- 
come  diflacultics;  _  fin  9KobBilie,  gorbom  over- 
come  one's  antipathy,  prejudice;  (meb  Siben,  en 
©org  0.  1.)  live  down;  —  vr  fig  felB  gain  a  vic- 
tory  over  one's  self;  -  fig  til  at  prevail  on  one's 
self  to.  -Din'beltg  a  conquerable,  superable, 
surmountable.  -øin'belig^eb  c  vincibleness. 
-Oinbelfe  c  vanquishing  etc;  bet  foftebe  mig  megen 
_  it  cost  me  a  great  etfort,  I  was  very  reluctant 
to.    -oinber  c  -e  vanquisher,  victor,  conqueror. 

Ctteroinbue  n  upper  window. 

Ooerointlre  vt  &  i  winter.  -ring  c  wintering. 
-rlngéffcb  wintering  station. 

OocrDogn  c  body  of  a  coach. 

Dtier»iot§|e  vt  fe  DBergro;  +  (BofSe  l^øjere)  out- 
grow.    -ning  c  overgrowing. 

DoerBoIb.  c  assault,  violence,  aggression. 

Dtiert)urbe{rc  vt  overrate,  overvalue,  over- 
estimate.  -ring  c  overestimation,  overvaluation, 

Doerktægt  c  over-weight;  (om  9?ejfegobl)  excess 
baggage;  fig  preponderance,  predominance;  ^aoe 
_  oBer  outweigh;  f  ^an  fif  -en  09  fttjrtebe  neb  he 
lost  his  balance  and  fell  down;  fig  faa  -en  pre- 
vail; faa  -  OBer  get  the  ascendant  over.  -ig  a 
exeeeding  the  full  weight,  overweighing. 

Ooetloælbe  c  fe  DBermagt.  -»ælbe  vt  over- 
whelm,  overpower,  overcome,  be  too  much  for. 
-Bælbenbe  a  overwhelming;  bet  -  ©tof  the  crowd- 
ing  malter,  -oætbclfe  c  overwhelming.  -oælbig 
fe  -mægtig. 

D»er|tiær  n  fe  -oærelfe.  -tjære  (-Bærer,  -Bar  & 
-tiærebe)  vt  be  present  at,  attend,  witness.  -0«= 
relfe  c  presence,  attendance  (af  nt  at  st);  i  min 
_  in  my  presence,  before  me. 

Dtjeruærclfe  n  -r  upper  room. 

iOoerttættei^  «  excessive,  exeeeding,  extreme; 
—  iidv  excessively  etc. 

Dberærme  n  half-sleeve. 

Dtier«fle  vt  meb  pour  upon  el.  over;  fig  heap 
upon,  overwhelm  with,  shower  upon.  -elfe, 
-ning  c  pouring  over. 

Ooer«&rig^tb  c  -er  chief  el.  superior  magi- 

Dun  c  -e  (SBager-)  oven;  (Smelte=)  furnace; 
(ftatfeloBn)  stove;  (Sørre^,  SSrænbO  kiln,  (2:egl=) 
brick-kiln,  (Salf=)  lime-kiln.  Dttn|bagt  a  baked 
in  an  oven.  -brub  n  tutty.  -b«r  door  of  an 
oven.  -fugi  oven-bird,É  Furnarius.  -fnlb  c 
charge,  -gab  fe  -tjul.  -gaffel  oven-fork.  -gnltt 
brick-floor  of  an  oven,  furnace- bed.  -^ul  mouth 
of  an  oven.  -ilb  fire  of  a  stove  el.  oven.  -ftt> 
min  stove  chimney.  -!it  stove-cement.  •fog= 
ning  cooking  on  the  stove.  -lang  cover  of  a 
furnace  el.  stove.  -lal  pastil,  -ter  luting  for 
stoves,  oven-lute.  -mefter  stoker.  -munbing 
mouth  of  an  oven.  -pibe  pipe  of  an  oven  el. 
furnace.  -Iilabe  iron-plate  of  an  oven,  stove 
-plate.  -rogc,  -tager  poker,  -rer  pipe,  flue. 
-ffrab«  oven-rake.  -ffnffe,  -fltiber  peel.  -ftærm 
firescreen.  -fob  oven  soot.  -fVJelb  fe  SBJelb. 
-fpor  tap-hole.  -ftang  fe  -rage.  -fteg  Imked  meat. 
-ftcgt  a  baked,  oven-roasted.  -ftegning  oven 
-roasting.  -fat  batch,  -fætter  chimuey-builder. 
-t«tret  a  oven-dried,  kiln-dried.  -tørring  kiln 
-drying.  -oarme  heat  of  an  oven,  stove-heat. 
-tiiff(cr)  o  maulkin. 

tOure  adv  over,  across;  (forbi)  over,  past;  ^er 
_  here,  over  h.,  out  h.;  l^ift  -  yonder. 

OEa'llfur  a.  t  ©alt  oxalate;  -  Salf  oxalate 
of  lime.    -f^re  oxalic  acid. 

♦Oselfiær  n  fe  SIfalb. 

£)£t)'b  n  -er  ox'ide.  -e're  vt  ox'idize.  -e'ring 
c  oxidation.  -u'I  n  protoxide.  Cs^md  n  oxy- 
mel.    Dj^falt  n  oxysalt. 

Djelot'  c  fe  $anterfat. 

C^o'n  n  chem  o'zone.  -^oIbigl|eb  c  amount 
of  ozone. 





5P,  p  [«3e]  n  -er  P,  p  [pee];  abbr:  $.  =  ^ogina 
page;  fe  $b.;  pEt.  =  »Jgrocent  percent;  $b.  = 
Sgitnb  pound(s). 

«aa  c  fe  ^Paofugl. 

^aa  præp  (ofteft)  on,  upon:  _  Sorbet  on  the 
table;  _  SBoeggen  on  the  wall;  _  ©cenen  on  the 
stage;  _  58ørfen  on  (the  ex)change;  -  min  ©tbe 
on  my  side;  _  Stebet  (flraK)  on  the  spot;  _  Den 
SBelingelfe  at  on  (the)  condition  that;  _  ^org  on 
trust;  6etoIe  faa  monge  53enge  _  eet  S3ræt  pay  so 
mueh  money  down  upon  the  nail;  fpille  _  et 
^[nftrument  play  on  an  instrument;  _  ©ønbog  on 
Sunday  (next);  SStrfning  -  effect  on;  lægge  éfot 
_  impose  a  tax  on;  —  in:  _  bette  Steb  in  this 
place;  60  -  et  Zoxb  live  in  a  market-place;  _  en 
SBoab  in  a  boat;  _  (Saben  in  the  street;  -  2anbet, 
SKartcn,  (Sngen  in  the  country,  the  field,  the 
meadow;  _  galfter,  SBornl^oIm  in  the  island  of 
Falster,  Bornholm;  _  5Rørregabe  in  North  Street; 
_  ©tottet  in  el.  at  the  palace;  _  min  Sib  in  my 
time;  -  fine  gamle  ®age  in  his  old  age;  ^an  fan 
gøre  bet  færbigt  _  to  33age  he  can  finish  it  in  two 
days;  ~  engelf!  (i  bet  engelfte  ©prog)  in  English, 
(efter  engelft  ©lif)  in  el.  after  the  English  manner 
el.  fashion;  _  315er§  in  verse;  _  en  ftor  gob  in 
great  style;  -  benne  9Koabe  in  this  way;  _  ©iæl 
og  Segemc  in  soul  and  body;  '^on  fjar  et  ^ul  _ 
fin  Sjole  he  has  got  a  hole  in  his  coat;  rig,  fottig 
_  rich,  poor  in;  enbe  -  end  in;  —  into;  neb  _ 
(Saben  down  into  the  street;  rejfe,  broge  nb  ~ 
Sanbet  go  down  into,   set  out  for,   the  country; 

-  at:  _  Seatret  at  the  theatre;  _  hjørnet  at  el. 
on  the  corner;  _  SolbBoben  at  the  custom-house; 
t5ære  _  93al,  Somebie  be  at  a  ball,  at  the  play; 
løbe  _  førfte,  onben  $aanb  buy  at  flrst  hånd,  at 
second  hånd;  ligge  _  bet  ^berfte  be  at  the  point 
of  death,  be  at  death's  door;  arbejbe  _  work  at, 
be  engaged  in,  at,  on;  _  ben  Zit  at  that  time; 
_  min  S3efoftntng  at  my  expense;  —  a:  ber  lommer 
faa  meget  _  ^oer  it  comes  to  so  mueh  a  head; 
»ære  _  3agt  be  a-hunting;  —  to:  gaa  _  ^oflt, 
Sal,  Somebte,  aSørfen  go  a-hunting,  to  a  ball,  to 
the  play,  to  the  exchange;  goa  nb  -  E^riftianS= 
l^atrn  go  out  to  Christianshaven;  fejle  el.  fore  - 
Cftinbien,  STOibbeltiabet  sail  el.  tråde  to  the  East 
Indies,  the  Mediterran  ean;  ©Bar  _  et  S3reB  answer 
to  a  letter;  6anbe  -  swear  to;  jeg  brifter  (benne 
©faal)  _  SereS  l^treltge  9iejfe  here's  a  pleasant 
joumey  el.  a  prosperous  voyage  to  you;  ber  gaar 
16  ^unb  ~  et  £i8punb  sixteen  pounds  go  to  (make) 
a  stone;  inbbtjbe  en  _  ©filbtjabbe,  ^glumbubbing  ofo. 
invite  one  to  turtle,  plum-pudding;  fæt  bet  - 
min  SRegning  place  it  to  my  account;  ~  fiio  og 
3)øb  to  the  death;  _  oet  at  that,  to  the  end  that, 
in  order  that;  —  of:  Sæge  _  et  |>ofpital  physician 
of  et.  to  a  hospital;  en  Sone  _  25  Star  a  woman 
of  twenty-flve;  et  ©t^He  _  12  9lten  a  piece  of  12 
ells;  en  gforbring  _  100  9?tg§baler  a  claim  of  100 
dollars;  Eøoet  -  Sræerne  the  foliage  of  the  trees; 
Sfæftebreo  _  en  Øaarb  lease  of  a  farm;  SRigbom  - 
fttjæg  abundance  of  cattle;  Wanget  -  isenge  want 
of  money;  bøB  -  et  |5re  deaf  of  an  ear;  miSunbetig 

-  envious  of;  betale  af  -  en  ®ælb  pay  off  part  of 
one's  debt;  —  with:  _  SBebrog  wilh  a  fraudulent 
intention;  —  within:  ^an  ^ar  foranbret  fig  meget 

-  nogle  Star  he  has  greatly  changed  within  these 

few  years;  —  for  taane  _  en  3Kaaneb  borrow  foi 
a  month;  _  min  ©ibe  for  my  part;  —  after 
©fub  _  ©fub  shot  after  shot;  foBe  _  5DJaben  sleej 
after  dinner,  take  a  siesta;  —  through:  _  mil 
Slnbefaling  through  my  recommendation; 
about:  l^ar  bu  $enge  _  big?  have  you  monej 
about  you?  —  by:  jeg  fenber  bet  -  et  hemmelig] 
røærte  I  know  it  by  a  private  mark;  (anbri 
iDlaaber):  ©olenS  ^øjbe  i  SWertbianen  -  ftt  ^øiefte 
_  fit  laBefte  aat  the  sun's  meridian  attitude  over 
under  the  pole;  bljgge  -  et  ;ou§  be  building  el 
engaged  in  building  a  house;  jeg  frijfer  altib  . 
^ænberne  my  hånds  are  always  cold;  f^Sfe  en  . 
Iiaanben  kiss  one's  hånd;  læfe  _  fin  Seftie  studj 
et.  con  over  one's  lesson;  "^an  læfer  enbnu  _  bei 
førfte  jDel  he  is  still  reading  the  first  volum^ 
ftubere  _  study;  tage  noget  inb  at  fBebe  _  take 
sudorifl(;;  tage  noget  inb  at  tatgere  _  take  a  pup 
gative;  tage  noget  inb  at  bræt!e  _  take  an  emetic 
otte  -  to  nær  all  except  two;  bet  f)ar  ifte  ftort  . 
fig  it  is  no  great  matter,  of  small  consequence 
(fe  forretten  Serberne);  —  adv  on;  lægge  _  lav  o: 
(ofB.);  @ulBtæ}3perne  Bore  iffe  _  the  carpets  wer 
not  down. 

^anlaanben,  -aanbing  c  breathing  on. 

¥aa|agtc  vt  fe  Sigte  paa.     -ogtelfe,  -agtning 
attending  to,  attention,  mlnding,  notice. 

$aa lunte  c  fe  Stnte.  -ajtfc  vt  complain  o; 
appeal  against.  -antelfe,  •anfning  c  complaint 
-ontntngSfrift  term  of  appeal. 

SPaabonfe  vt  fix;  nail  on. 

^aalicg^nbe  vt  begin,  commence.  -Ife  c  be 
ginning  etc,  commencement. 

tJaaBeraabe  vt  &  refi  fe  Seroobe  fig  paa.  -If 
c  appeal,  reference;  unber  _  of  appealing  to  (en) 
re f erring  to. 

qgaabtb  c  (TOoottib)  bite. 

i^aabibfte  vt  bridle. 

!^aabinbe  vt  bind  on,  tie  on. 

^aabrænble  vt  brand  with.     -ing  c  branding 

$aa|bub  n,  pi  =,  injunction,  order.  -b^b 
vt  enjoin,  command.  -b^betfe  c  enjoining  etc. 

^aab^glge  vt  build  upon,  raise  upon;  et  -■ 
©lib  a  ship  raised  upon.  -nlng  c  building  etc. 
conc  superstructure. 

$aabt)rbe  vt  burden  with,  encumber  with 
-Ifc  c  burdening. 

^aabigtc  vt  falsely  impute  to  el.  charge  with. 
-Ife  c  false  imputation. 

iUaabrage  vt  draw  (down)  upon,  entail  uponj 
—  vr  fig  StnfBor  incur  responsibility;  _  fig  ei( 
S^gbom  bring  on  one's  self  a  flt  of  illness;  _  fig 
©^gettg^eb  contract  ill-health;  _  fig  en  gotføtetf( 
catch  a  cold.  ^ 

$itabirej|e  vt  turn  et.  screw  on.  -ning  c  tum- 
ing  etc. 

^aabribje  vt  urge  on,  push  on,  press  oHj 
-ning  c  urging,  pushing;  (om  Sfib)  foulingl 
driving  into  (a  ship). 

$aabrl)))|))e  vt  drip  on.    -ning  c  dripping  on, 

5Paabrt)8|fe  vt  dredge  with.  -fen,  -ning  I 
dredging,  besprinkling. 

!^aabue  fe  ^øjftjært. 

^aabutte  vt  fe  3)utte  paa.     -Ife  c  imputation 




$aabt)ng|e  vt  heap  upou.  -King  c  heaping 

!@aabømtnc  vt  adjudge,  decide.  -Ife  c  adjudg- 
ing,  adjudication. 

i^aafaiit  vt  come  over  el.  upon;  Ⱦre  en  -be 
strike;  bet  -bt  bem  en  plubfelig  Sfræf  they  were 
seized  with  a  sudden  terror,  a  suddea  terror 
came  over  them.  -nbe  a  (bef^nberlig,  ufæboonlig) 
Strange,  extraordinary,  notlceable;  (floaenbe) 
striking;  bet  oor  mig  -  at  finbe  Ijam  \aa  foranbret 
I  was  struck  to  find  him  so  much  altered;  bet 
_  (i)  the  strangeness,  the  strikingiiess  (of);  — 
<tdv  strangely,  noticeably,  remarkably. 

^aafittbe  vt  hit  upon,  invent,  devise,  -r  c  -e 
inventor,  contriver. 

-(■^aalfieber  fe  ^aafugle--. 

$aaforb!re  vt  demand,  ask;  naar  bet  -8  when 
required.    -rittB  c  demand. 

Øaafugl  c  peafowl,  peacock,  Pavo;  \e  -»ie.  — 
^oafugUlbrolfetlyre-bird,  Menura  mperbi.  -fjc 
bcr  peacock's  feather.  -ftole  tail  of  a  peacock; 
^  flowerfence,  peacock  flower,  Cægatpinia pul- 
cherrima.  -t)ane  peacock.  -iftne  peahen.  -fat' 
tun  ocellated  turkey,  Meleagrii  ocellata.  -tæl- 
ling peachick.  -trane  fe  Kron-,  -eje  peacock's 
eye;  (^n!.)  peacock  (butterfly),    Vanetm  lo. 

^aafnnb  n  invention,  device. 

^aafqlble  vt  flU  up,  flU  in;  iieap  on.  -nlng  c 
filling  up  etc. 

$aafqre  vi:  ber  6Ie»  -t  the  fires  were  lighted. 

^aafce'rbe  adv  fe  gærb. 

^aafølge  vi  follow,  ensue,  succeed;  -nbe  (i 
%\i)  foUowing  etc;  subsequent;  (font  ifølge) 

^aaførc  vt  bring  on  el.  upon,  cause;  _  Stig 
war  on,  wage  war  against,  invade;  bette  -te  ^ora 
el.  Sanbel  firig  this  gave  rise  to  a  war  against 
him  et.  the  country;  _  Sono^fementet  en  *^eftem= 
melfe  insert  a  provision  in  the  bill  of  lading. 

^aagaaen|bc  arequisite,  required;  (om  $erfon) 
forward,  pushing;  _  Dmtoftninger  contingent  ex- 
penses.    -fteb  c  push. 

^aagnibe  vt  rub  on. 

$aa'gri6|e  vt  apprehend,  seize;  Sfterretningen 
om,  at  ^an  atter  Bar  -greben  the  news  of  his  re- 
capture.  -elfc,  -ning  c  apprehending,.  apprehen- 
sion,  .seizure,  arrest. 

+¥aa'groet  a  fe  -BofSen. 

-t-^aa'grcenfenbe  a  bordering,  conterminous, 

$aagqb|e  vt  pour  upon,  infuse.  -elfe,  -ning 
c  pouring  upon,  infusion. 

Vaa'galbe  vt  concem;  -nbe  in  question,  par- 
ticular;  ben  -e  the  party  concerned. 

¥<»o|^ane  c  peacock,  fe  -fugl. 

^aaiiaéple  vt  reel  up,  wind  on  (a  hasp  el.  a 
reel),    -ning  c  reeling  up,  winding  on  etc. 

^aa^eftje  vt  flx  on,  fasten  on,  (fQ)  stitch  on, 
(m.  ftnappénaat)  pin  on.    -ning  c  flxing  on. 

^aalfttée  vt  (f.  ®fS.  en  Stjgbom)  bring  (a  sick- 
ness)  upou  (one)  by  witchcraft. 

^aai^it  n,  pi  —,  'fe  ^aafunb.  -ffitte  vt  invent, 

$aa|4o(be  vt-.  unbetflriBe  meb  -n  $en  sign  by 
touching  a  pen  which  is  guided  by  another, 
sign  with  one's  hånd  at  the  pen.  -^olben  a 
sparing,  saving,  close.  -^otbenbe  a  tenacious 
(of);  fe  -^olben.  -^olben^eb  c  parsimony,  close- 

$aaf)Oite  vt  be  incumbent  on,  lie  upon;  bet  -r 
ifle  mig  this  is  no  duty  of  mine,  this  is  not  my 
duty,  does  not  rest  with  me;  -nbe,  fom  -r  char- 
geable  to  el.  on. 

Vaaifctlttt  vt  pour  on. 

^aaltfcenq  n  (Srtjgleri)  importunity;  (kiggere 
ofo.)  hangers-on.    -^oenge  vt  hang  on,  attach  to. 

-gængen  c  lianglng  on;  fig  importunity.  -^ofn' 
getig,  -t)a:ngrnbe  a  importunate. 

$aa1t)øne  c  peahen,  fe  -fugl. 

^aa^ør  n  hearing,  presence. 

^aatalbe  of  call  on  el.  upon,  invoke.  -tfe,  -n 
c  calling  upon,  invocation,  bibl  .supplication. 

$aalaft{e  vt  throw  upon,  cast  upou,  fling 
upon.    -eifc,  -ning  c  throwing  upon  etc. 

$aa'fenb|e  vt  decide,  adjudge.  -elfe  c  deci- 
sion, adjudication. 

"'^aaljcnbing  c  strain. 

^ao'ltlogc  vt  complain  of.    -flage  c  complaint, 

^aa'fUne  vt  fe  *Poo!lce6e. 

^aa'IIinfet  piH  riveted  on. 

^aa  Itiftlre  vt  paste  on.     -ring  e  pasting  on. 

$aa'tl(eb|e  et  paste  el.  glue  on  el.  to.  -ning 
c  pasting  etc. 

^aa'tlcebe  vt  dress,  attire,  put  on  clothes. 
-fliebning  c  dressing;  (S(æbebragt)  dress,  attire; 
Bære  længe  om  fin  _  be  long  in  dressing.  —  ^aa= 
f(æbningS|fantnter  dressing-room;  (i  Sfuefpil^ufe) 
tiring-house,  tiring-room.  -fone  tire-woman. 
-fljejt  dressing-glass.    -»lerelfe  fe  -fammer. 

$aa'fnap))et  part  buttoned  on. 

^aatomme  vt  (^ænbeS,  inbtræffe)  happen,  befall; 
(oBerfalbe)  come  upon;  ber  paalom  mig  en  beftig 
9JQfen  I  was  seized  with  a  violent  flt  of  sneez- 
ing;  ber  paafom  bem  en  bøbelig  9Jlat^eb  a  deadly 
faintness  stole  upon  them;  i  -nbe  Silfcelbe  if  need 
be;  -nbe  aSrebbe  j,  latitude  arrived  at,  1.  in. 

^aa  frau.  -fræoe  fe  -forbring,  -forbre. 

$aa'før|e  vt  cart  upon,  drive  upon;  min  SBogn 
bleo  -rt  af  en  DmnibuS  an  omnibus  drove  against 
my  carriage.  -fel  c  carting  upon,  driving  upon; 
driving  against. 

^aalanbS  a:  ~  %tnb  el.  -tiinb  c  sea-wind,  sea 
-breeze;  meb  _  58inb  with  the  wind  bio  wing  on 
the  shore.    -ftornt  a  gale  biowing  on  the  shore. 

$aa(ang§'  adv  fe  Bangl. 

^Paaloffet  part  scarphed  on  (to). 

*^aalc|maft  c  pole  mast.  -maftet  a  pole-masted. 
•mafting  c  pole-masted  vessel. 

$aa(i'beitg  a  trustworthy,  to  be  depended 
upon  el.  relied  ou,  reliable.  -^eb  c  trustiness, 
trustworthiness,  reliability. 

$aaligge  vt  be  incumbent  on;  bet  -r  25em  at 
gøre  bette  it  is  your  duty,  rests  with  you  to  do 

$aattg|ne  vt  asscss,  rate,  tax.  -ning  c  assess- 
ment,  rating,  taxation. 

$aa(im|e  vt  glue  on.    -ning  c  gluing  on. 

^aalifte  vt  (en  noget)  impose  (a  thing)  upon 
(one)  by  craft,  by  cunning. 

^aalobbe  vt  solder  on  (to). 

^ooiftob  c  palstave. 

^aatqbenbe  a  stated,  specifled;  DbligationenI  _ 
©um  the  sum  specifled  in  the  bond;  _  SSoerbi 
(ofB.)  facial  value.  ^aalQbenbe  n  import,  tenor; 
stated  e(.  nominal  amount. 

^aalqoe  vt  fe  ''Baabigte. 

^aa{(icg  n,  pi  =,  (®erningen  at  lægge  )»<io) 
laying  on;  (Sfat  ofo.)  imposition,  impost;  (3or= 
øgetie)  addition,  advance,  enhancement;  (SSefa« 
ling)  injunction,  charge;  cfieese,  meat  (etc.)  laid 
on  bread  and  butter;  ^  'Xiaa  ©pant  ofo.)  chock, 
{ifaa.  9Raft,  Soofpr^b)  flsh;  _  paa  StgterflæBn  false 
stern-post;  _  paa  9lor  rudder  boards,  -(icgge  vt 
(lægge  paa)  lay  on,  put  on,  place  on;  ($(igt,  sBob, 
Slat)  impose  upon;  ftnbftærpe)  charge  (with), 
enjoin;  _  en  nt  enjoin  st  on  one;  _  en  at  enjoin 
one  to;  -lagt  fiao«  outsidelock,  rimlock.  -lag' 
gelfe  c  laying  on  etc,  imposition;  ©ænbetS  _ 
imposition  of  hånds.  -lagger,  -loeggerffe  c  typ 
layer.  -lægning  fe  -læggelfe.  -(agibcoberi  ap- 
plication,  appliqué. 

^aaloeSfe  vt  load. 




+^aalæft  =  Iceft  (je  ^aaffribe). 

$aa(ø6en  part  due.  -be  part  running  on;  be 
_  Senter  the  accrning  interest. 

SPoamcille  vt  paint  on.     -Ung  c  painting  on. 

^aaminbe  et  remind,  put  in  mind  of,  admon- 
ish.  -Ife  c  -r  admonition,  monition,  reminder, 
-r  c  -e  monitor,  admonisher. 

^oatn«nft|re  it  engage.    -rin§  c  engagement. 

iPaanaglie  vt  nail  on.    -Itng  c  nailing  on. 

^aanitte  vt  rivet  (on),  fasten  with  a  rivet. 

^aantf',  paantft'  adv  anew,  afresh;  fiegijnbe  - 
recommence;  6eftige  _  reasceud  (o.  m.  p)- 

$aanøbe  vt  press  el.  force  on  el.  upon,  obtrude, 
intrude  on;  _  ftg  en  obtrude  one's  self  (upon 

iPoooftrojere  vt  grant  (without  the  power  of 
refusal),  thrust  upon  one,  force  down  one's 

5Uaa^)al|fe  vt  pack  on;  wrap  up.  -nlng  c  pacli- 
ing  etc.;   F  drubbing. 

^gflfllVaSfe  vt  take  care  of,  fe  $a§fe  ^aa.  -pa^'-- 
felig,  -jjaSfcnbc  n  vigilant.  watchful,  attentive, 
careful.  -jjaS'fcltgtieb,  -pnSfcnfjcb  c  carefulness, 
attention.  +-^)a8fen  c  taking  care  of.  ■paé\ev 
c  overseer,  overloolcer. 

$aa))egc  vt  point  out,  indicate,  call  attention 
to,  (meb  Seftemt^eb)  put  one's  finger  on.  -Ifc  c 
pointing  out,  indication.  +-nbc  a  gram  demon- 

SBaa'VrotSnliig  c  mounting. 

!Paa|raab  n  calling  on.  -raabe  vtjur  call  (on), 
call  loudly  by  name. 

^Paalrcgne  vt  reckon  on,  count  upon,  look  for. 
-regnclig  a  that  may  be  reckoned  on  etc. 

spaaruUc  vt  furl  el.  roll  (round). 

5Paorarenbe  c,  pi  —.  relation,  relative. 

^aafablct  part  saddled. 

SPfldfngn  n  charge,  imputation. 

^aafe  vt  take  care  of,  attend  to;  _  at  see 
that;  _  Qt  noget  Blioer  ubført  see  something 
carried  into  effect. 

^aafcjlle  vt  run  foul  of,  run  against,  run  into. 
-ling  c  coUision,  running  foul  of.  -lingåtilfælbc 
(case  of)  collision. 

$aofcirt«g  c  J,  stop. 

!(5aafc{e  vt  harness. 

^aoflgc  vt  charge  one  with,  lay  to  one's  door. 

^Pao'ffc  c  Easter;  (^øbcrneS)  Passover;  -n 
Easter;  i  -n,  til  -  at  Easter;  next  Easter;  ©ønbag 
efter  -  Low  Sunday.  -aften  Easter-eve.  -bereg- 
ning c  calculation  to  find  out  when  Easter  falls. 
-bluå  Easter-bonflre.  -br«b  Easter-bread  et.  -cake. 
-bag:  førfte  _  Easter-Sunday;  anben  _  Easter 
-Monday,  etc.  -ferie  Easter-holidays  el.  vacation. 
-feft  Ea-fter,  festival  of  Easter.  -tielligbage  pi, 
*-fte(g  Easter-holidays.  -^ajtib  fe  -feft.  -tage  fe 
-Brøb.  -lam  Easter-lamb;  (3øberne§)  paschal 
lamb.  -lilje  daffbdil,  Nareissus  pieudonarcissus . 
-maancb  Easter-month.  -manbag  Easter  Monday. 
-meSfc  Easter  High-mass.  -morgen  Easter-morn- 
ing.  -nat  Easter-night.  -offer  Easter-offering. 
-f«nbag  Easter-Sunday.  -tib  Easter-time.  -uge 
Easter  week.  -bintcr  wintry  weather  af  Easter. 
•æg  pasch  egg,  pasdfcal  egg,  Easter-egg.  -aften 
East  wind  at  Easter. 

igaaffraa'  adv  obliquely. 

Spaa'lftrift  c  -er  superscription,  address;  in- 
scription.  -ffribc  vt  write  on,  superscribe;  fi! 
6aabe  læft  og  -ftrcBet  F  got  it  flnely,  got  a  good 
rap  on  the  knuckles.  -ffribning  c  er  writing 
on  etc;  fe  -^rift. 

5|}aa'flrtt|e  vt  screw  on.  -ning  c  -er  screw- 
ing  on. 

^aa'flub  n  pretext,  pretence,  colour;  unber  - 
of  under  fthe)  pretext  of,  on  el.  under  pretence 
of;  unber  et  eEer  anbet  ~  on  some  pretence;  6ruge 

Sfleligtonen   til  _   for   make  religion  the  pretexi 
for.     $aafft)be  vt  pretend,  allege. 

!Paa'ft»)nbe?;<hasten,  press,  accelerate,  quicken 
expertite.    -Ife  c  hastening,  acceleration. 

iJJrtrt  ffænfe  vt  pour  on  el.  upon. 

iPaa'ff«nne  vt  appreciate.    -Ife  c  appreciation 

f^aa'flaa  vt  hammer  on,  nail  on,  fix;  _  ei 
Saljc  clap  on  a  tackle.  $aaflag  n  hammerinj 

$aa'fli))ntng  c  (af  3)am«))  induction. 

!Paa  fmeltet  part  melted  on. 

^aa'fmøjre  vt  smear  on,  spread  on,  lay  on 
-ring  c  smearing  on. 

i|Saa'fnaffe  vt  persuade  el.  talk  one  intc 
accepting.  j 

^aa'fnige  fig  vr  steal  upon. 

SPoa'fnalre  vt  lace  (on).    -ring  c  lacing. 

^oa'fpigre  vt  nail  on  (to).  \ 

SPaaf^rajte  vt  squirt  on. 

^aa'fprcbnlng  c  addition,  admixture.  i 

fPaa'fvænblc  vt  buckle  on,  clasp  on,  strap  ohj 
-ing  c  buckling  etc. 

^aa'ftaa  vt  (forbre)  insist  upon,  urge;  (en  9Ke 
ning  ofo.)  maintain,  assert;  |an  -r  at  (ogf.)  hi 
will  have  it  that;  Bebfiltoe  at  -  insist  on  el.  that 
ben  -ebe  JDpfinber  af  the  reputed  inventor  oi 
-'elig,  -H-enbe  a  positive,  opinionate,  opinionated 
opinionative;  -t  Wennefte  dogmatlst,  dogmatize 
-H'elig^cb,  -n-en^eb  c  positiveness,  opinionative 
ness.  5|Jaaftanb  c  -e  (poaftaaet  SSRening)  assertiom 
averment,  asseveration,  contention,  position, 
theorj';  (^orbring)  claim;  gøre  -  paa  claim;  jej 
l)or  beoift  min  _  I  have  proved  my  case.  | 

^aaftanb'  adv  on  the  spot,  forthwith,  incon 

ijjaa'ftifle  vt  J*  hend  (to);  -ftulfen  bent  on. 

^aa'ftrDgle  vt  spread   on,   lay  on.     -ning 
spreading  on,  laying  on. 

^aa'ftra  vt  strew  on,  sprinkle  on. 

^aa'ftrag  n,  pi  =,  (®erntngen  at  paaftrt)ge 
laying  on;  (af  ^arbe  ofo.)  coat,  coating. 

!|Jaaftl)'r  "  F  muddle,  turmoil,  row. 

!|Jaa  ftæn!|c  vt  sprinkle  on,  besprinkle,  -nini 
c  -er  sprinkling,  sprinkle. 

^aa'ftæ«|ne  vt  bring  (a  cause)  into  court  b; 
summons.  -ning  c  bringlng  (a  cause)  before  i 
court  of  justice. 

igaa'ftabning  c  i«  grounding,  striking. 

$aa'fttcjfct  part  welded  on  {paa  to). 

».gaafi)  vt  sew  on,  attach. 

SPnaftjn  >»  presence,  sight;  i  mit,  Dit  ofo.  -  ij 
my,  your  presence;  i  aEe§  -  in  sight  of  all. 

^aaf^ning  c  sewing  on,  attaching;  conc  trim 
ming.  ; 

!Paafæt|te  vt  add  to,  put  on,  set  on,  fix,  fasten 
(on),  affix  to;  _  Slnterftoen  shoe  the  anchors 
^Iben  oar  -fat  the  fire  was  the  work  of  aa 
incendiary.  -telfe,  -ning  c  adding,  fixing  etc; 
OlbS^joafættene)  arson. 

!Paa|tage  vt  &  r  (uboorteé  tilegne  fig)  assume, 
put  on,  affect;  (obertage)  charge  one's  self  with, 
undertake,  take  upon  one's  self  -tagelig  a 
palpable,  obvious,  tangible.  -tagelfe  c  assuming 
etc.    -tagen  a  assumed,  affected,  put  on. 

igaatale  vt  complain  of;  _  fin  Slet  assert  one'; 
right;  -  en  fyornærmelfe  resent  an  insult,  ^a«' 
tole  c  complaint.    -ret  right  of  action. 

^aa|fa»)ning  c  bottling.    -tappe  vt  bottle. 

5Paatcg|ne  vt  (unberftrtoe)  sign;   (til  SBetræftelfel 
endorse,  certiflcate;  (g-oreuiSningSpoat.),  viséij 
-nelfc  c  signing,  etc.    -ning  c  signing,  signaturej 
endorsement,  certiflcate;   visa,  vise;   (SSemærtn 
remark-  (bag  ^joo  2?ef?el)  endorsement. 

qjaati'be  ado  fe  Zit  (paa  2:ibe). 

'•igttatinge  vt  bespeak. 

+^ao'trobfe  vt  fe  sgaatrænge. 




^aa'trne  tt  force  upon  by  threats,  bully  into 

^aa'truffen  part  drawn  on;  ben  -trufne  mere 
the  drawee. 

$aa'trQg(c  r^  importune  one  to  accept. 

^ao'ltrtjl  n,  pi  =,  impress.  -tr^ltc  tf  impress, 
imprint.    -frDtning  c  impression,  impress. 

Spaa'træbe  vt  tread  on. 

^oa'træffe  vt  meet  with. 

^aa'tttetntng  c  (bet  at  iføre  fig)  drawing  on, 
piitting  on;  (bet  at  trætte  paa  en  ©nor)  filing, 

^au'ltrtenge  vt  &  r  obtrude  upon,  force  upon; 
_  fig  (en)  obtrude  one's  self  (upon  one);  ben 
Sante  -te  fig  tntg  tlie  idea  forced  itself  upon  my 
mind.  -trcenfleitbe  a  obtrusive,  intrusive,  im- 
portunate;  -  nobbenbiq  urgent,  of  u.  necessity; 
_  SfJobbenbigfieb  urgent  el.  pres-sing  necessity. 
•trangcnJieb  c  importunity,  obtrusion,  intrusion. 

$aa  tt)ingc  vt  force  upon,  press  upon,  thrust 
upon;  _  fig  (en),  fe  *13aatrænge  fig;  tbang  mig  ben 
CtJerbeOiSning  forced  the  conviction  on  my  mind. 

éaotoærå'  fe  Soærg. 

$aat(cnbt  part  set  on  tire,  set  fire  to. 

^aatænfe  vt  intend,  contemplate,  propose; 
bet  er  -tt  at  Dqgge  en  S3ro  ooer  globen  a  bridge  is 
intented  to  be  built  over  ttie  river,  it  is  in 
contemplation  to  build  etc;  bet  ^ar  jeg  længe  -tt 
I  have  long  had  an  intention  of  doing  so;  jeg 
^ar  -tt  at  foretage  en  lifle  SfJejfe  I  intend,  purpose, 
propose,  have  a  mind  to  mal^e  a  trip;  benne 
Sag  ftar  længe  »æret  -tt  this  matter  has  long  been 
in  contemplation. 

*'^aatjente :  i  _  af  pending,  in  anticipation  of. 

$aat)inbe  vt  wind  on. 

^aauirtle  vt  aet  on,  operate  on,  affect,  in- 
fluence;  sway,  play  upon.  -ning  c  -er  action, 
operation,  influence;  -er  influences;  unber  -  af 
infiuenced  by. 

^aaoifle  vt  (ubpege)  point  out,  show,  assign; 
(6et)ife)  prove,  make  out.  -clig  o  that  can  be 
pointed  out  etc,  assignable,  ostensible,  trace- 
able;  f)aBbe  intet  -t  Ubbt)tte  af  bere§  Slrbejbe  had 
noihing  to  show  for  their  labour.  -elig  adv 
demonstral)ly.    -ning  c  pointing  out. 

fPnaBotéeta  grown  upon. 

^anuæltct  part  rolled  on,  thrown  on. 

$aau(trenbe  a:  ~  Steb  position. 

^ottflf  |e  vt  pour  upon.    -ning  c  pouring  upon. 

^abbt  c  r  toad.  •^t'xi  mushroom,  toadstool. 
•^atforol  fungia.  -leg  spawn  of  toads.  -tot  c 
horse-tail,  Equi»etum.    -f^>D  cuckoo-spittle. 

^abifdia  c  padishah'. 

#af'!  int  bang!  pUff! 

^aga{'  c  -er  paddle;  ro  meb  -er  =  pagaje  ni 
&  t  paddle. 

^age  c  -r  page. 

pagina  c  &  n  -er  page.  -nCrmafline  number- 
ing-maehine.    -ne're  vt  page.    -nc'rlng  c  paging. 

^ogo'be  c  -r  pagoda. 

^ogt  c  -er  covenant,  confederacy,  confedera- 
tion,  alliance;  inbgaa,  flutte,  ftifte,  oprette  en  _ 
meb  en  make  a  covenant  el.  an  alliance  with 
one,  enter  into  a  confederation  el.  an  alliance 
with  one;  ftabfæfte  en  -  sanction  a  covenant; 
oDertræbe,  brtjbe  en  -  violate  el.  break  a  cove- 
nant el.  an  alliance;  Bære  el.  ftaa  i  _  meb  have 
entered  into  an  alliance  with,  be  in  league 
with;  -enS  %xX  the  ark  of  the  covenant. 

'^^ogtcr  c  -e,  fe  gorpagter. 

^aifiet'lter  vi  spangles.  -jammer,  -ftol  ham- 
mer, anvil,  for  beating  spangles. 

^oir  [fr.]  c  -er  peer.  —  Spatré|fammer  Chamber 
of  Peers,    -ftanb  peerage.    -Bærbig^cb  peerage. 

^ol'  n  (^øbel)  rabble,  raff,  mob;  low.  mean, 
shabby  set  (of  people). 

^flta  e  paca,  C<xlogenv»  paca. 

!Pal|bobstore-house,  warehouse.  -boofe  (3)mp.) 
packing-box;  stuffing-box.  -bug  packing-cloth, 
sarplier.    -bætfcl  (Dmp.)  gland. 

^atct,  -baob  c  packet,  packetboat,  liner. 
•fotbinbelfc  p.  communication.  -linie  packet 
line,  line  of  packets. 

^atlfab  cask  for  packing.  -fjebcr  (®mp.) 
packing-spring.  -fober  packing-strnw.  -fulb  a 
crammed.  -gjorb  surcingle.  -gobS  packed 
goods.  -^eft  pack-horse,  sumpter-horse.  -ItuS 
warehouse,  store-house,  elevator.  -tiuSafgift  fe 
-^ugleje.  -{(»SforBaltcr  warehouse-man,  store- 
house-keeper. -fju^Ieje  vvarehouse-charges,  ware- 
house rent.  -IjuSrum  warehouse  accommoda- 
tion.  -^tjlftcr  caise.  -i§  pack(-ice).  -tantmer 
store-room.    -tatf  packer.     -Ia§fe  packing-case. 

fPnfle  vt  pack;  _  i  eu  SStjlt  bundle  up;  _  af 
SBogn  unload  the  cart  el.  waggon;  _  op,  -  nb 
unpack;  _  inb  pack  up;  -  om  repack;  _  fammen 
pack  up,  (i  en  S^tt)  do  up  in  a  bundle;  fig  shut 
up;  —  vr  fig  take  one's  self  ofiF,  make  off,  de- 
camp,  pack  (off),  go  packing;  pat  big!  get  you 
gone,  be  gone,  go  about  your  business;  _  fig  inb 
muffle  el.  wrap  one's  self  up;  _  fig  fammen  (f.  ®f8. 
om  38)  pack.  $atfe  c  -r  packet,  parcel,  paek- 
age.  gaffel billettev  tickets  in  packets.  -gobS 

^affencHtfcr  pi  F  traps. 

^affelptnb  packing-stick.  -^)oft  parcel  post, 
heavy  mail. 

^af|tnrt>  hamper,  -fælber  store-cellar.  -lag 
(p.  9Sei)  stone-covering,  bottoming.  •lut  coarse 
sealing-wax.  •Ie|Itg^eb  warehouseroom.  -lof 
store-loft.  -lærrcb  packcloth,  packing- can vas 
•maal  packed  measure.  -tnoatte,  -matte  pack 
ing-mat.  -tncftcr  pack-mkster.  -tniblcr  packing 
-stuffs.  -naal  packing-needle,  pack-needle.  "^at- 
ntng  c  (ogj.  J)mp.)  packing;  (mil.  jZJbelfe)  repos- 
Itory  drill. 

$afntngd|tio£,  -baafc  stufflng-box.  -bet  pack- 
ingport.  -fjebcr  packing-spring  (o.  fl.).  -laag 

spali papir  packing-paper,  brown  paper;  graat 
_  cap  paper,  -pttbe  pad.  -reb  packing-rope. 
-rem  packing- strap,  -ring  (®mp.)  packing-ring. 
•fabel  pack-saddle.  -ftol  packing-stick.  -t»ofltt 
luggage- waggon;  (ftor  bebætfet)  van.  -oærffascine 
-work.    -æfcl  pack-ass,  sumpter. 

^al  c  J,  pawl;  —  adv  "^ioe  el.  fætte  _  pawl. 

^alabi'n  c  -er  pal'adin. 

ipnlabS'  n  -er  pal'ace.  -agtig  n  palatial.  t-præ> 
fc!t  prefect  of  the  palace.  -retiolution  palace 

^atantin  c  -er  palankeen,  palanquin. 

^atata'l  «  &  c  -er  pal'atal. 

éa'lbolt  c  ^t-  pawl-bolt.  ^alemobet  pawl-bit. 

^alct'  c  -ter  pal'ette,  pall'et. 

fPaletot'  [fr.]  c  -er  paletot. 

^atifa'be  c  -r  palisade,  palisado.  -'re  vt 
palisade,  -ting  c,  ^olifabe|tæftc,  -oætl  row  of 
palisades,  stockade. 

^atifan  bet  n  (black)  rosewood. 

*Pol|tam,  -IrnnS  c  i  pawl-rim.  -lifte  pawl 

*^all  c  -er  bench. 

fPaUa'bium  n  (i  alle  ©et.)  palladium.  -amal= 
gom  amalgam  of  p.  -fottlot  protochloride  of 
p.  -foriUc,  -a£t)bul  protoxide  of  p.  -ilte  oxide 
of  paladitim. 

*PoUaff  c  -er  broad-sword. 

^alliati'ø  n  -er  palliative,  -lut  p.  cure. 
•  mtbbcl  palliative  (remedy). 

tallium  n  pallinm,  pall. 

^alme  c  -r  (Waal)  palm;  (9JlaoI  for  ^efte)  hånd. 




^nltne  rt:  _  inb  haul  hånd  over  hånd;  _  ftg  op 
ascend  a  rope  hånd  over  hånd. 

$alnte  c  -r  (plante)  palm,  palm-tree;  »inbe  -n, 
©eirenS  -  carry  of  the  palm;  ftaa  meb  -r  i  ^xn- 
berne  come  oflf  with  flying  coiours.  $a(ine|bil(e 
palmtree-beetle,  Cdandra  palmirum.  -blols  palm 
-leaf.  •egern  palm-squirrel,  Sciurui  palmariim. 
•flren  palm-branch.  -^ut  palm-leaf  hat.  -ftuå 
palm-house.  -^^tte  hut  of  palm-branches.  -toal 
the  young  shoots  of  the  cabbage-tree.  -Inger 
palm-oil  cakes.  -lot  palm-cat,  Paradoxurus 
tvpua.  -lUie  Adam's  needle,  Yucca.  -lunt)  grove 
of  palm-trees.  -maar  fe  -lat.  -mel  sago.  -iwb 
nut  of  the  palm.  -olie  palm  oil.  -i)lantning 
palm-plaatatlon.  -rig  a  palmy.  -fejler  palm 
-swift,  Cupselus  palmarmn.  -ffou  forest  of  palm 
-trees.  -fm^ttet  a,  poet  palmy.  -fmør  fe  -olie. 
-fiaben  bibi  the  city  of  palm-trees.  -fttller  palm 
-sugar.  -fønbng  Palm-Sunday.  -træ  palm-tree. 
-bin  palm-wine,  toddy.    -bot§  palm-wax. 

^almiti'n  n  pal'mitine.    -f^re  palmit'ic  acid. 

^aH)|atio'n  c  palpa'tion.  -er  pi  palps,  palpi. 
-itotio'n  c  palpita'tion. 

$a'l|ring  pawl-rim.    -ftotpe,  -ft«tte  pawl-bit. 

$alceo|gra'f  c  -er  paleographist.  -grafi'  c 
paleography.  -gra'flfl  a  paleograph'ic.  -ntolo'g 
c  -er  paleontol'ogist.  -ntologi'  c  paleontol'ogy. 
•tiiptt  pi  incunabula.    -iolfl  a  paleozoic. 

^alRfti'na  n  Pal'estine. 

$amftiiu§:  en  £l)ffen?  _  a  spoiled  child  of 

pamflet'  c  -tft  pam'phlet.  -flrioer,  ^omfletift' 
c  -er  pamphleteer. 

!PaBH> aå I græS  Pampas  grass,  Oynerium.  -^are 
c  viscacha,  Patagonian  cavy,  Dolickotis.  -tat 
pampas-eat,  Leopardua  pajeros. 

^ampnd'ft  c  -r  list-shoe. 

^an  Pau'. 

^anace'  c  -r  panacea. 

^anama'l^at  Panama  straw-hat.  -tangen  the 
Isthmus  of  P. 

!|Janba  c  fe  ^atte6iørn. 

$anbe  c  -r  (til  Stegning,  paa  sBølfe  of».)  pan; 
(2;apleje)  brass. 

$anbe  c  -r  forehead;  (meft  poet  og  fig)  brow, 
front;  meb  fræt  _  with  bold  front  et.  forehead; 
rljnle  -n  knit  the  brows,  frown;  ft^be  en  for  -n 
blow  out  one's  brains;  flaa  en  for  -n  knock  one 
on  the  head;  renbe  -n  mob  SSteggen  run  one's 
head  a?ainst  a  stone  wall.  -aag  head  yoke. 
-aare  frontal  vein.  -baanb  flUet,  brow-band; 
(paa  SSibfel)  front-piece. 

^onbcbagt  o  fried  in  the  pan. 

$anbe{ben  froutal  bone.  -blnb  broad  brow 
-band.  -bll8  blaze.  -brafl  P  pate.  -buen  anat 
the  frontal  sinus,  -bule  swelling  in  the  fore- 
head. -bæflet,  -bæffel  cover  of  a  pan;  (paa 
fjtinteloaå}  hammer,  -f jeber  hammer-spring,  -fob 
(paa  *43ø«fe)  nib. 

^anbegnaoer  c  (3nf.)  thrips. 

^anbelgruS  fe  ftebelften.    -grøb  fried  porridge. 

jpanbejftaar  forelock;  (falftt)  front.  -(|ammer 
front  hammer. 

SJJanbe^ot  c  still-head. 

$anbe|f)orn  frontal  horn.  -^ub  skin  on  the 

^anbel^ttle,  -huling  (p.  Jftintelaa?)  pan-bore, 
touch-pan.  -Ijætte  fe  -bætfel.  -j«rn  iron-plate 
for  pans;  (paa  Saoet)  counter-knocker.  -lage 
paneake;  J>  Flemish  eoil;  floa  _  play  at  ducks 
and  drakes.    -fagebænbfel  J,  rose-lashing. 

^anbef'terne  pi  the  pan'dects. 

5Panbe|laag  lid  el.  cover  of  a  pan.  -leje  (2)mp.) 

$anbelof  c  toupet. 

$anbemab  c  fried  food. 

^anbelotSe  fe  @at)o(.  -rem  fe  -baanb.  -rtjnfcnB 
a  frowning.    -faar  vvound  in  the  forehead. 

^anbeftaft  n  handle  of  a  pan. 

^anbeftat  c  scuU. 

^anbefmeb  c  pan-smith. 

*^attbefm^ffe  n  frontlet,  diadem. 

^anbelftegt  a  fried.    -ften  fe  Rebelften. 

^unbeftljtfe  n  front  piece. 

^anbelfuffer  pan-sugar.    -tegl  pantile. 

^anbtt'  c  -er  pan'dit,  pundit. 

^anbo'raS  4@fte  Pandora's  box. 

ijjanbo're  c  (3nftr.)  bandore,  pandore. 

$anbu'r  c  -er  pandour. 

^anbættel  fe  $anbebæt(el. 

$anbæmo'nium  n  pandemonium. 

^aneg^lril'  c  panegyr'ic.  -'rifer  c  -e  paa 
gyr'ist.    -'riff  a  panegyr'ic(al). 

^ane'l  n  -er  wainscot.  ^anel|e  vt  wainscol 
-f^lbing  pane  of  a  wainscot.  Randing  c  waini 
coting.  ^anel|moleta  imitation  wainscot.  -papi 
panel- paper.  -bæg  wainscoted  wall.  -bæi 

^ane're  vt  egg  and  crumb,  bread-crumb. 

^anffafte  fe  «Uan8ftøjte. 

$anit'  c  -er  pan'ic,  seare;  ber  opftob  (en) 
panic  set  in.  ^o'nlff  a  pan'ic;  _  ©træt  pani< 
i  _  ©træt  in  a  panic;  ftaa  meb  -  ©træt  strik 
panic  into. 

$anora'ma  n  -er  panorama;  panoram'ic  vie\^ 

^anfer  n  -fre  mail,  coat  of  mail;  (paa  Stibi 
armour(-plating);  (9lcmabitten8)  carapace.  -bæH 
(p.  ©tib)  armour-belt.  -bragt  mail,  armoui 
panoply.  -b^r  armadillo,  Datvpus.  -fartøj  iro 
-clad  (vessel).  -fifl  trunk-fish,  Ostrmcion.  -flaati 
iron-clad  navy.  -fregot  iron-clad  frigate.  -gebb 
lepidosteus.  -^anbfte  gauntlet.  +-llæbe  fe  -brag: 
•flæbt  a  mail-clad,  mailed;  (Stib)  armour-platec 
iron-clad.  -mager  c  -e  armourer.  -filabe  plate  c 
mail.  -fllb  iron- piated,  armour  ■  piated,  iro: 
-clad,  armour-clad  vessel,  ironclad.  -ftjorti 
shirt  of  mail,  coat  of  mail.  -fmeb  fe  -maget 
-feer!  fe  -ftjorte.  -ulf  armed  bull-head,  Agom 
catiphractiu .    -ocebnet  a  mailed. 

*Pa'rt8fl«jte  c  pandean  pipes. 

^anftaoliå'men  c  Pan-Sla'vism,  Panslav'don 
-Ift'  c  -er  Pansla'vist.    -Ift  Iff  o  Pansla'vist. 

$an§re  vt  mail;  (Sfib)  case  with  iron,  plat 
•t,  fe  *PanfecI(æbt.  ^an^ring  c  piating;  coi 

^ant  n  -er  (af  rørligt  ®ob§)  pawn,  pledge;  i 
fofte  (Sjenbomme)  mortgage;  (t  ^Panteleg)  lorfell 
fcette   i   _    pledge,   pawn;    tiaonbfoaet  _  pledga 
pawn,  gage  (given  in  hånd);   paa  -  on  (in,  al 
pawn  el.  pledge  etc;  laane  poo  _  fnblaane)  lea( 
on  pledge,  (borge)  borrow  on  pledge;  fætte,  gi 
i  _  (rørligt  ®ob§)  give  in  pledge,  pledge,  paw: 
(fafte   ©jenbomme)   mortgage;    ftaoe  i  _  hold  in? 
pledge;  løfe  et  _  redeem  a  pledge;  jeg  fætter  min 
a@re  i  -  I  pledge  you  my  hoaour;  ftoab  flat  ben 
gøre,  fom  eier  betle  _?  what  is  the  owner  of  thi» 
forfeit  to  do? 

^axitt  vt  distrain,  seize;  ^an  bleo  -t  for  ©tatt 
his  goods  were  distrained  for  taxes. 

^onte|atteft  encumbrance  certificate,  extrai 
from  register  of  morterages.  -bog  register 
mortgages.  -breb,  -forflrlPnlng  mortgage,  de^ 
of  mortgage.  -forbrlng  hypothecary  clai 
mortgage.  -gobS  pawned  goods.  -gælb  mon 
gage  debt,  hypothecary  debt.  -^eftelfe  mortgage, 
lien.  ^antejler  (af  rørligt  ®ob3)  owner  of  a 
pledge,  pawner,  pledger;  (nabnl.  af  fofte  @ien» 
bomme)  mortgager.  ^ante|j«be  P  fe  -laaner. 
-trebitor  mortgage  bondholder,  -laan  loan  on 
a  pawn  el.  pledge.  -laanetontor  pawnbroker's 
Office,  -toaner  pawn-broker.  -laanerf ebbel  pawn 
ticket.    -leg  game  of  forfeits.    -len  (el.  «J5antlen) 




moitKaged  crown-land.  •odtgattDtt  mortgage 
-hond.  -ptotatoi  ie  -609.  -ret,  -rcttigt)C)i  right 
of  the  pawnee,  right  of  seizure;  ftar  _  i  has  a 
lien  upon.  -fafl  mortgage-suit.  -fcbbcl  {e  -attejl. 
■fifferfteb  mortgage-security. 

$ante|i$'ine  c  pan'theism.  -ift'  c  -er  pan'- 
theist.     -iftiff  a  pantheist'ic(al). 

$anter  c  -e  pantlier,  Felis  pardus;  her  dragon. 
-fuøl  manakin,  Pardaiotus. 

^antjfaoet  a  given  in  pledge,  pledged,  pawned. 
-fli»e  vt  pledge;  mortgage.  -^ooer  c  -e  (af  rørligt 
®ob?)  pledgee,  pawnee;  (na»nl.  af  fafte  ©jen- 
bommc)  mortgagee. 

pantning  c  -er  distrainiog,  distress,  seizing, 

spantoff'tlffo  c  (tit  ^eft)  panton(-shoe). 

^antDtni'Ime  c  -r  pan'tomime,  dumb  show. 
-'mifer  c  -e  pan'tomimist.  -'mlff  a  pantomim'- 
ieial),  a  &  adv  in  dumb  show. 

$ant|fføbe  deed  of  conveyance  by  which  the 
use  and  profit  of  a  mortgage  is  transferred  to 
the  creditor.  -fløbe  vt  transfer  to  a  creditor 
by  a  deed  of  conveyance  the  use  and  profit  of 
a  mortgage.  -fætte  vt  pawn,  pledge,  hypothec- 
ate,  mortgage;  Doere  -fat  be  in  pawn.  -fættelfe 
c  pawning  etc.  -fætter  pawner,  pledger,  mort- 

^ap'  c  &  n  -t)tx  pastebord,  (tljf)  mill-board, 
(tmib)  card-lioard. 

$a))a'  c  papa,  pa. 

ipap'larbfjbe  pasteboard  work,  papyroplastics 
pi.  -arbejber  worker  in  pasteboard.  -binb 
(paper-)l)oards,  boarding;  inbbinbe  i  _  bind  in 
boards;  inbbunben  i  -  in  boards;  SSager  i  _  books 
in  boards. 

^apeq«i't  c  -r  parrot,  Pxitticus ,  (ifær  beb 
Su8leftt)bn.)  popinjay,  (lille,  langtialet)  parroquet, 
Fiilæorni«;  fe  -ftff;  -fejl;  norff  -,  fe  ^onglebib;  ^an 
fiar  f!ubt  -n  he  has  made  a  lucky  hit.  amr  he 
has  struck  ile.  -agtig  a  parrot-like.  -anb  fe 
Sllfe.  -bom  J,  jigger  boom.  -bur  parrot's  cage. 
-fiff  parrot-fish,  parrot-wrass,  Scarus.  -fjcber 
parrot's  feather.  -gran  a  parrot-green.  -raoft 
jiggermast.  -næb  parrot's  bill.  -vaa  jigger 
-yard.    -fejl  jigger.    -fttflt  babble. 

$a)>el  c  -er  papula,  pi  papulæ. 

^abetcri'  n  stationer^'. 

^a()il'  c  -ler  papilla,  pi  papillæ. 

^apiQot'  c  -ter  (curl-)paper,  papillote;  -ter 
frillings  (for  hams). 

$atii(nia)'nft  ®robe  (Papin's)  digester. 

$aj)i'r  n  -er  (ogf.  fig)  pa'per;  betro  til  -et 
commit  to  paper;  -et  er  taalmobigt  all  that  is 
written,  is  not  gospel;  ftib  i  -rne  well  grounded. 
•offfllb  paper-shavings  pi.  -ogtfg  a  paper-like, 
papery,  papyraceous.  -beftoeremaffine  paper 
-cutting  maohine,  paper  -  cutter,  -cirfulatiott 
note-circulation.  -fabrtt  paper -manufactory, 
paper-mill.  -fabrifant  paper-maker.  -fabrtfå^ 
tion  manufacture  of  paper.  -forbrug  consump- 
tion  of  paper.  -foritt  paper-form.  -græ§  pap- 
viiis  .^anbct  stationery  business,  -^attbler 
ioner,  -inbuftri  paper  tråde,  -flemmcr  paper 
i'ler.  -Inio  paper-knife,  paper-cutter.  -tugte 
^  |)'r-pe!let.  -(uro  waste-paper  liasket.  -iap 
u  ftrimmel,  -ftitmp.  -tnogcr  c  -e  paper-maker. 
■mangel  scarcity  of  paper.  -manfictter  paper 
•(•urs  -motttic  portfolio  for  papers.  -maftine 
paper-machiue  -ntaSfe  paper  pulp.  -maéfefobri! 
l)ulp-mill.  -mefter  fe  -mager,  -morbærtræ  paper 
-mulberry,  Morui  pupyrijfera.  -mølle  paper-mill. 
-olie  paper-oil.  -(lenge  pi  paper-mouey  el.  cur- 
rency.  -pofe  paper-bag.  -l>reåfe  paper-press, 
paper-presser.  -ruHe  paper-roll.  -fofS  paper 

^aOi'rSlbetræl  papering,  paper-hangings  pi, 

Sarfenl:  ^anfl-Sngelft  Crbbog. 

-baafe  paper-box.  -brage  paper-kite.  -flH>  paper 
-collar.  -l)ot  puper-hat.  $a))trftab  paper-press. 
$a^trd|frabe  paper-collar;  paper-front.  -(røUer 
curl-papers;  f)un  gaar  meb  -  she  has  her  hair  in 
papers.  -fugle  paper-pellet.  -I^gte  paper-lantem. 

^a))i'r{fnætfe  paper  nautilus,  Åraonauta  argo. 
•fort  sort  of  paper.  -f^jaaner  fe  -affolb.  -f)>i(be 
waste  of  paper. 

^a)>i'r§U)ofe  paper-bag.  -ffrnmlerl  rubblshing 
papers.    -ta)>cter  paper-hangings. 

■^o^ji'rlftempel  paper-stamp.  -trimmel  slip  of 
paper.    -ftum|)  scrap  of  paper. 

^opi'r8|balfe  bowl.  -oinbue  paper-window. 
-bærbter  paper-value.    -æjle  fe  -baafe. 

!|Jatii'r|tbinger  paper-presser.  -tljnb  n  thin  as 
paper.  -terb  lamellated  turf.  -barer  stationery. 
-bærf  paper-manufactory,  paper-mill. 

^abllS'me  c  popery,  pa'pistry.  -ift'  c  -er  pa'- 
pist.  -ifterr  n  fe  papisme,  -ift'iff  a  papistic(al), 

^a)){ra§fe  bandbox.  -lim  paste.  -mager  c  -e 

^apptn^timtv  c:  jeg  fenber  mine  -e  cont  I 
know  those  fellows. 

$a)){faT3  cardshears.  -ftrimmel  strip  of  paste- 

$a^ua  c  -er  Pap'uan. 

^abljruS  c  papy'rus.    -Ijaaubflrift  papyrus. 

^Paji  æfle  c  pasteboard  box. 

SPar'  n,  pi  =,  (om  to  Zing.  ber  af  9Jaturen  fjøre 
fammen,  om  to  moge  Xing  el.  om  to,  ber  fiøre 
fammen)  pair;  (to  af  famme  ©toga,  ber  ere  forbunbne 
et.  betragtes  i  gorbtnbelfe  meb  ftinanben)  couple; 
Cmeft  i  Sagtfproget)  brace;  her  gemel;  (faa,  nogte 
faa,  blot  to  el.  omtrent  to)  couple,  a  few,  some; 
et  ^ar  Øren  a  pair  of  ea^s;  et  *Car  SSjne  a  pair 
of  eyes;  et  %at  ^anbfter,  6ro,  fttjEinger  a  pair  of 
gloves  etc;  et  -  Dfler  a  pair  (et.  yoke)  of  oxen;  et 

-  $efte  a  pair  (et.  spån)  of  horses;  et  Itjfteligt  _ 
(9@gtefott)  a  happy  pair  et.  couple;  et  _  (Ifaare- 
f)i)rber  a  couple  of  shepherds;  et  _  Sraaber  a 
couple  of  drops;  et  elftenbe  _  a  loving  couple;  et 

-  SGgtefolf  a  married  couple;  _  og  _,  _  om  _,  fe 
^aroi?;  er  itfe  _  are  not  a  pair  et.  pairs;  et  _ 
Jiage  a  couple  of  days,  a  few  days,  a  day  or 
two;  et  -  S3øger  a  couple  of  books,  some  books, 
a  book  or  two;  ber  oar  fun  et  _  9Kennefter  there 
were  only  very  few  people;  maa  jeg  tate  et  _ 
Orb  meb  t)em  may  I  have  a  word  with  you;  et 
_  S6nber  a  brace  of  ducks;  et  _  fjafaner  a  brace 
of  pheasants;  et  _  9Kt)nber  a  brace  of  greyhounds; 
et  -  ^iftoler  a  brace  of  pistols;  et  _  hopper  a  cup 
and  saucer,    ^araarer  pi  scuUs. 

^araba'nf^re  c  paraban'ic  acid. 

ijjara'lbel  c  -6ter  (Signelfe)  par'able;  math  pa- 
rab'ola.    -boiif!  «  (t  begge  SSettjbn.)  parabol'ic. 

^arac^a'n  n  paracyan'ogen.  -f^re  paracyan'ic 

$ara'be  c  -r  (militær)  parade;  (^ragt)  parade, 
pomp,  pageant;  tigge  paa  _  lie  in  state.  -^e^ 
palfrey,  state -horse,  -mari^  march  past;  fe 
-ffribt.  -jjlab^  parade,  ^arabe're  vi  parade; 
_  meb  F  sport,  trot  out;  _  gennem  ®aberne 
parade  the  streets.  $arabe|feng  bed  of  state. 
-ffribt  parade  step.  -uniform  fuU  uniform. 
-bogn  state  carriage.  -«f8e  archæ  ceremonial 

$arabig'ma  n  -er  par'adigm. 

^or'abtå  n  -er  paradise.  -enfe,  -finfe  widow 
hunting,  Vidun  paradisen,  -figen  fe  58anan.  -fiff 
polyneme.  -fugl  bird  of  paradise,  Paradisca. 
^arabi'flff  o  paradisi'acal ,  paiadis'ial,  para- 
dis'ic.  $arabi§|forn  grains  of  paradise,  Guinea 
-pepper,  -leg  hop-scotch,  hoppers,  -pcttt  vir- 
goleuse  pear.    -ftabe  New-Guinea  thrush,  Åttra- 






pia    gularis.     -Ocb   agalloch,   calambac 
paradise-apple,  Malus  præcox;  fe  Somat. 

$arabo{S  c  og  n  -er  par'adox;  —  a  paradox' 

^atofc'rc  vt  countersign. 

^arofi'w  c  par'afflue.    -I^§  p.  candle. 

^otnfro'fe  c  -r  par'aphrase. 

^arogra'f  c  -er  par'agraph,  Jsection.  -tegn 

?|Jttraflual)'te  c  Paraguay  tea,  mate,  llex 

^(Italarfe  c  Para  cress,  Spilantea  oleracea. 

^atatit'  c  parrakeet,  paroquet,  Falæomis. 

^aralle'ten  c  the  Par'aclete. 

^arallalS'e  c  -r  aet  par'allax. 

^arattcr  a  par'allel  (meb  to);  —  c  -er  (i  alte 
S3etQb.)  parallel.  -Bebiegelfe  {%ml?.  &  »m«)  par- 
allel motion,  -cirlel  parallel.  ^arotteleH)i^)'e= 
bum,  -<)i)»e'b  n  parallelopi'ped.  SJJoratteltfere  vt 
compare,  place  side  by  side.  ^ataVitlWvxt  c 
par'allelism.  $araUet'|(inea{  parallel  ruier. 
-lebenbe  a  running  parallel.  fparaUclogrtttn' 
B  -nter  parallelogram.  —  ^orattcHierfVeltitt  n 
parallel  perspective.  -retlioUer  winding-lathes. 
•fejlab§  parallel  sailing.  -ffruefti!  parallel  vice. 
-^eb  parallel  passage,  reference,  -tonart  relative 

©atal^'ife  c  paral'ysis.  -fe'te  vt  par'alyze. 
-'tfff  a  paralytic. 

^aramat'ta  n  paramatta. 

^arome'ter  n  param'eter. 

^oranøbbcr  pi  Brazil  nuls. 

^ara^li)'  c  -er  umbrella;  floo  en  _  op  put  up 
an  umbrella;  ftoa  en  _  iieb  take  down  an  um- 
brella. -anfec  mushroom  anchor.  -fabrifant 
umbrella-maker.  -^olber  fe  -ftotio.  -ntager  c  -e, 
fe  -fabrtlant.  -ftang  umbrella-stick.  -ftatiu  um- 
brella-stand,  -ftel  skeleton  of  an  umbrella. 
-^itier  support  of  the  stretehers.    -ftol  fe  -ftong. 

^arafit'  c  -er  par'asite.    -ifl  a  parasitic(al). 

$arafol'  c  -ler  paraso'l,  sun-shade.  -^jro^  ^1, 
parasol  plug.  -ftiattH»  scaly  mushroom,  ^ffartc«« 

^ara't  a  ready,  in  readiness,  at  hånd. 

parcel'  c  -ler  lot  (of  grouud).  ^arcette're  vt 
pa'rcel  out.  $arce(|Ie'r{ng  c  -er  pa'rcelling. 
-lift'  c  -er  holder  of  a  parcel  of  land. 

^arcer(ne)  pi  the  Fates,  Destinies,  Parcæ. 

^atbec  c  -i,  fe  janter. 

^orbo'n  c  mil  quarter;  gioe  _  give  quarter; 
6ebe  om  -  ask  quarter. 

SJJarenii^^'m  n  paren'chyma. 

^arentatto'n  c  -er  funeral  oration. 

^arente'8  c  -er  paren'thesis;  i  _  parenthet'lc- 
ally;  i  _  Semærfet  by  the  way.  -tegn  sign  of  a 
parenthesis.    Jparente'tif!  a  parenthet'ic(al). 

^nrc'r  c  shoulder  Tofasword).  -))Iabe  guard. 
-ftnng  bow  (of  the  hilt).  ^Pore'rc  vt  parry,  ward 
off;  obey;  -  af  parry  off;  —  vi  (bæbbe)  bet,  lay 
a  wager;  t  =  parabere. 

^Otfor'celjagt  hunting  with  hounds;  hunt. 
-jæger  fox-hunter.    -tibt  ride  against  time. 

$arfu'me  c  -r  pe'rfume.  -fabrifant  perfu'mer. 
•fobriiotion  perfumery.  -^anbet  perfu'mery. 
■banbler  perfu'mer.  —  ^arf«)nt|e're  vt  perfu'me. 
-c'ring  c  perfuming.  -cri'cr  pi  pe'rfumes.  -a'r 
c  -er  perfumer,  scentman. 

^ori  adv  par;  til  _  (-fur§)  el.  al  pari  at  par; 
ftoQ  (i)  _  be  at  par;  unber  -  below  par. 

i^aria  c  -er  el.  -§  Pariah. 

$aria'n  n  pa'rian. 

!^artturå  c  fe  $art. 

^a'riå  c  Par'is. 

$ari'd  n  Par'is;  fra  _  Parisian,  of  Paris;  bet 
globe  _  gay  Paris.  !|Jarifcr  c  e  Paris'ian.  — 
^diiferlblaat  Parisian  blue.     -gnlt  Parisian  el. 

mineral  yellow.    ^ariferinb'e  c  -er  Parisian  lad 
-tebt  jeweller's  red.     ^arifift  a  Paris'ian. 

^ari^  3Rormor  Parian  marble. 

».part  c  -e  (SifteO  pond;  (SDflftob)  park;  (i  Sifl 
foofe)  well;  9lrtilteri=  artillery  -  park.  -anlfl 
(ornamental)  park.    ^orte're  vt  mil  park. 

spattet'  n  -ter  pa'rquet,  front  seats  in  the  pi 
(orchestra)  stalls,  dress-circle.  -biUet  ticket  fi 
the  parquet  (etc).  -gult)  French  el.  inlaid  floo 
pa'rqueted  floor.  -loft  French  el.  inlaid  ceilin 
pa'rqueted  ceiling.  -loger  pi  ground-tier, 
-tier.  ^arf  ette'te  vt  floor  (with  French  flooring 
parquet;  -t  laid  in  parquetry. 

qjortflff  c  pond-fish. 

$arla|ment'  n  -er  pa'rliament;  the  house 
fibbe  i  et  be  in  the  house,  -ntenta'riff  a  pa 
liamentary.  -mentariS'me  c  parliamen'tary  sy 
tem.  -mcnte're  vi  parley,  negotiate.  -mcntl 
ring  c  parley,  negotiation.  —  parlaments  | 
aet  of  parliament.  -beflutning  vote  of  parli 
ment.  -bqgning  house  of  parliament.  -bcb« 
parliamentary  debate.  -tierrc  fe  -meblem.  -t)|d 
fe  -blegning,  -meblem  (i  Slim.)  member  of  parlii 
ment,  M.  P.,  parliament-man,  (for  et  ©reoftol 
knight  of  the  shire;  (for  en  Sobftab)  -h  burgea 
-måbe  sitting  of  parliament.  -taler  parliameutaj 
orator,  -tiltrænger  parliamenta'rian.  -oalg  pai 
liamentary  election.  ^atlamentæ'r  c  -er  beara 
of  a  flag  of  truce,  parlamentaire.  ^arlamentcec 
flag  flag  of  truce.    -ffib  cartel-ship. 

^avle't  c  -er  phrase-book. 

^armefa'noft  c  Parmesan'  cheese.  ^ 

SParnoé'  n  Parnassus. 

^ato|bi'  c  -er  par'ody,  burlesque.  -bie're  vi 
par'ody.    -'bifl  a  parod'ic(al). 

^aroI§^§'|me  c  -r  par'oxysm.  -tlff  a  parox- 
ysmal . 

sporo'l,  iparo'le  c  parole,  password;  fian  Bar 
vaa  -en  he  was  at  the  parole;  fian  tom  ub  paa  .. 
he  was  released  on  parole;  fig  fiente  -n  fiol  take 
one's  cue  from.  -befaling  the  parole,  order 
given  out  at  the  parole,    -bog  order-book. 

^aronamaft'  c  paronoma'sia,  parouom'asy. 

sparre  vt  pair,  match;  vr  _  fig,  -8  vd  pair, 
copulate.  -brift  sexual  instinct.  -Iflft  c  sexual 
desire,  heat.  -iQfteu  «  in  heat,  rank.  -f^ge  a 
certain  disease  of  cattle.  -tib  pairing  time. 
(ifcer  om  ^jorteb^rene)  rut.  parring  c  -er  (bet  at 
porre,  eHer  porre  fig)  pairing  etc;  (Samleje,  tøbe= 
lig  Omgang)  copulation.  —  $arringé|brift  fe 
<parre=.    -balget  sexual  selection. 

^atfler  c  -e  Pa'rsee.  -iff  a  Pa'rsee.  -iS'me 
c  Pa'rseeism. 

^art  c  -er  pa'rt,  portion,  share;  jur  party;  jeg 
for  min  -  for  my  part  I,  I  for  one,  for  one  I; 
foo  _  i  get  a  share  in;  fieer  of  -erne  each  party; 
toge  i  -  arith  take  the  aliquot  part(s).  -ejet 
part-proprietor,  part-owner. 

^arte'lre  vt  quarter.    -ring  c  quartering. 

?Parler're  n  -er  pit,  amr  parquet.  -biUet  ticket 
for  the  pit.    -loge  pit-box. 

iJJartel  [t.]  pi:  ooertoge  enS  _  (undertake  to) 
supply  one's  place. 

^art|t|at)er  c  -e  fe  -ejer. 

fportder  c  -e,  ^artbift  «  Pa'rthian. 

SParti'  n  -er  (SBarer)  parcel,  lot  (tonfigneret) 
consignment;  (®el.  Stifte)  part;  (f.  et§.  politiff) 
party,  faction;  (SleOer)  class;  mm  part;  tage  ~ 
join  a  party,  take  sides;  toge  _  meb  en  take 
part  with  one;  take  one's  part,  side  with  one, 
join  one's  party;  toge  -  for  en,  toge  en§  _  take 
up  the  cudgels  for  one;  tage  fit  _  make  one': 
choice;  bælge  bet  _  at  choose  to;  gioe  -et  fom  play 
the  part  of;  lob  o8  fpille  et  -  let  us  have  a  game; 
_!  game!  et  _  Stat  a  game  of  chess;  et  gobt 
a  good  match;    gøre  et  rigt  -  marry  a  fortune; 




gøre  et  baarligt  _  throw  one's  self  away.  -aanb 
party-spirit     -blab  party-paper. 

^årHcit)(ium)  n  -ter  pa'rticiple;  ^ræfeng  _  the 
present  participle;  ^erfettum  _  the  past  parti- 

tgarttcipont'  c  -er  partner. 

^artict»)ia'((ff)  a  particip'ial. 

$arti'bannelfe  c  formaliou  of  parties  el.  fac- 

fortiet'  a  pa'rtial. 

^artt'lfarue  shade  of  party,  -feft  party  festival, 
p.  dinner.  -forljoJb  pi  state  of  parties,  party 
conditions.  -forniaal  factious  purpose,  party 
purpose.  -fæUe  fellow-parti.san.  -farer  head  of 
a  party,  leader.  -gruplJC  section  of  a  party. 
■gænger  c  -e  partisan,  -gcengeri  n  partisanship. 
•flob  party -hate  el.  hatred,  hatred  between 
parties,  -^enfqn  party  consideration.  •fjøobing 
leader  (of  a  party),  -intere^fe  party  interest. 
-tamp  party-slrife. 

^artil'el  c  -tier  pa'rticle. 

$artifu{(ariS'me  c,  cont  vestry  politics.  -He'r 
[fr.j  c  private  gentleman.  -læ'r  a  private.  -lær« 
freb  separate  peace.  -loertaSfcn  the  king's  privy 

^orti'lleber  fe  -fører.  -Hbenftab  party -rage. 
•ieé  a  neutral.  -lag^tb  c  neutrality.  -manb 
party-mau.  -ntattøtire  party  manoeuvre.  -(»rlS 
Wholesale  price.  -roferi  party-rage.  -fag  party 

^artifa'n  c  -er  (i  begge  35et.)  pa'rtisan. 

^ortifC  a  pa'rtial.    -ftcb  c  partial'ity. 

^Parti'lffifte  change  of  parties,  -ftrift  party 
-writing  el.  -paper.  -f^iaUniug,  -f))UtteIfe  sehism. 
-ftifter  party-founder,  fouuder  of a  party,  -ftilling 
position  of  parties,  -ftrtb,  -ftribig(|eber  party 
-dispute(s).    -tagen  taking  sides. 

$arttttO  a  pa'rtitive. 

^arti'troffab  c  fldelity  to  one's  party. 

partitur  c  -er  score,  partition.  -f^iil  playing 
from  the  score. 

^orti  !»t8  adv  in  large  lots.    -Oafen  factions. 

partout  [fr.]  adv  perforce. 

^artjreber  part-owner.  -regning  practice. 
$art§eb  c  oath  of  the  party. 

^arUenu-  [fr.]  c  -er  upstart,  pa'rvenu. 

^artiié  adv  in  pairs,  in  couples. 

^ar^f  c  -fer  per'uke,  wig,  periwig;  P  bliee 
gal  i  -fen  fly  into  a  passion;  fe  -bue.  -abe  fe 
Éoppebaftian.  -btof  wig-block.  -bue  penike 
-pigeon,  jacobine,  Cohimba  mcuUata.  -mager 
c  -e  peruke-maker,  periwig-  el.  wig-maker.  -net 
caul  of  a  periwig.  -plante  fe  -træ.  -ftil  rococo. 
-tiben  the  rococo  age.  -træ  Venice  sumach, 
Rkus  cofinun.    -æfte  wig-box. 

¥08'  tJiUer: :  bet  bet  -  (+  poa  en  _)  about;  til  _, 
fe  2:ilpQ§;  *faa  _  so;  *fii3or  _  how. 

*^a8'  n  care,  attention,  tending. 

^aS';  fige  -  pass;  fig  jeg  ftger  _  for  mig  I  beg 
to  be  excused,  I  will  have  none  of  it. 

¥oS'  n  -fer  (trang  ^nbflong  el.  (Sennemgang) 
pass,  passage,  defile;  (9{eifep.)  passport;  (Sunb* 
^eb«p.)  bill  of  health;  t  =  Sfubåmaal. 

¥aå  [fr.]  w,  i>l  =,  step. 

*af(^  <!  (lem.)  doublet. 

^aébrejning  c  turuing  with  rosets. 

ICoéform  1:  (2^øitr.)  measuring-form. 

^aéfri^eb  c  exemption  from  using  pas.sports. 

^aéjgang  pace,  amble,  ambling;  goa  _  amble, 
pace.    -ganger,  -gænger  c   e  pacer,  ambler. 

$afba  c  -er  pa'sha,  pa'cha.    -Uf  n  pasha'lic. 

$aSt)aoer  c   e  holder  of  a  passport. 

^afigrafi'  c  pasig'raphy. 

^aftiC  c  (iLaai)  cross-bolt. 

^aéfontor  n  passportottice. 

^aSfort  pi  passing  cards. 

igaSfort  n  sea  chart. 

^a^tVL^U  c  proof-ball. 

^OiSttiil'  c  -ler  pasquinade,  lampoon. 

^aåning  c  tending,  shepherding. 

^aSitiaategning  visael.  vise  of  passport,  -^enge 
pi  passport- money. 

$aii$fa'6e(  a  (eg.  og  fig)  passable. 

^aéfo'be  c  passa'de,  passa'do. 

^aSfo'ge  c  -r  pa'ssage;  (^ccrbfel  ogf.)  cireula- 
tion,  traflic;  ingen  _!  no  thoroughfare ! 

^aSfogc'r  c  -erer  pa'ssenger,  (i  2)rofte)  P  fare. 
-baab  passage-boat;  (2'ainp')  passengor  steamer. 
-beforbrtng  conveyance  el.  carriage  of  pass- 
engers.  -beftjemmeligljeb  passenger  accommoda- 
tion.  -btQet  p.  ticket.  -bam))baab  p.  steamer. 
•etd^ebition  booking  ofltice.  -fart  passeuger 
tråde,  -fortegnelfe  list  of  passengers,  pass- 
enger list.  -fragt  pa.ssage-mouey,  fare.  -gobS 
(passengers')  luggage.  ■ta4l)t  passenger's  cabin. 
-fontralt  contract  ticket.  -lifte  fe  -fortegnelfe. 
•(utaf  State  berth.  -ntcegler  passage  broker. 
-fftb  p.  ship.  -ftø))t)etiDgn  break-carriage.  -tafft 
rate  (of  passage),  -traftt  passenger-traffic.  -tog 
p.-train.    -tej  fe  -gobS. 

^aSfa'geinftrumcnt  »  transit  instrument; 

$aéfa't  c  -er  trade-wind.  -ftrøg  trade-wind 
region,    -tiinb  fe  ^oSfat. 

*Pa8fe  vi  (i  Sortfpil)  pass. 

spaéfe  vt  flt,  adapt;  (picie,  pogte)  tend;  (prøbe) 
try  on;  ~  bet  rette  9Waal  give  a  thing  the  jnst 
proportions;  _  fine  ^forretninger,  fine  5ting  mind 
one's  business;  _  fin  Sjenefte  attend  to  one's 
duty;  _  bet  beleilige  ?5jeblit  watch  the  favourable 
opportunity;  _  j^iben  be  in  time;  bu  maa  - 
Siben,  naar  ijan  fommer  you  must  seize  the 
opportunity,  when  he  comes;  ^an  ^ar  to  i&errer 
at  -  he  attends,  waits  upifc  two  gentlemen;  l)an 
forftaar  ot  -  Jgtefte  he  knows  how  to  treat  horses; 
gatten  -r  5Dem  itfe,  tS)e  fan  itfe  -  ben  .f»at  the 
hat  does  not  flt  you;  bet  -r  (fonoenerer)  mig  ifte 
it  does  not  suit  me;  —  vi  flt;  (Pære  paSfenbe)  be 
appropriate,  to  the  purpose;  (ftemme  oPereuS) 
agree,  correspond  (with);  ben  -r  ubmærfet,  til  f5ulb= 
tommen^eb  it  is  a  perfect  flt;  fig  bet  -r  ubmærfet 
that  happens  very  well;  —  (meb  præp  &  adv): 
paSfe  en  'Sing  efter  en  anben  flt  et.  adapt  one 
thing  to  another;  _  for  suit  (the  case  of):  _ 
inb  vt  let  in;  _  inb  i  vf  let  into;  _  inb  i  vi  flt 
in  with;  _  meb  agree  el.  tally  with;  faa  nt  til  at 
_  meb  square  st  with;  _  en  o  p  (lure  paa)  lie  in 
wait  for,  waylay  somebody,  (fom  CppaSfer)  wait 
on;  -  paa  (tage  3?are  pao)  take  care  of,  look 
after;  (t  ænfe)  heed,  mind;  pa§  paa,  ^Por  ban  gaar 
fien !  you  must  watch  him,  and  see  where  he  is 
going !  pa8  paa !  take  care !  beware !  look  out ! 
-r  paa  et  ^aar  flts  to  a  hair;  ~  fammen  go  'well) 
together;  biSfe  to  -r  itfe  fommeit  these  two  are 
not  well  met;  bette  Søj  -r  itfe  til  en  Sjole  this 
stuff  is  not  flt  for  a  coat;  benne  ^arPe  -r  iffe  til 
be  onbre  this  colour  is  not  in  character  with, 
in  keeping  with,  does  not  go  (well)  with,  the 
rest;  SJøglen  -r  til  Saafen  the  key  flts  the  lock; 
-r  tit  SoUen  becomes  the  character;  en  ung  TOanb 
og  en  gammel  fi'one  -r  iffe  til  l)inanben  a  young  man 
and  an  old  wife  are  not  well  matched;  —  vr  fig 
be  flt,  fltting,  become,  be  proper  el.  suitable; 
_  fig  felo  take  care  of  one's  self,  mind  one's  own 
business;  pa§  3)em  felo !  mind  your  own  business ! 
—  paSfenbe  a  becoming,  befitting,  proper; 
suitable,  convenient;  adv  becomingly  etc;  suit- 
ably,  conveniently.  *^oSfe  adv  suitably,  con- 

$a§felig  a  suitable,  convenient.  -^eb  c  suit- 

$a§fer  c  -e  (pair  ofj  compasses;  (alm.,  minbrc) 





^»oéfe'rbar  n  passable. 

^aSferben  leg  of  the  compasses. 

^aåfe'rc  vt  pass,  pass  by,  pass  through;  _ 
£inien  cross  the  line  el.  equator;  fe  5Ret)ue;  ^)aifer 
©aben!  go  on!  bet  er  albrig  -t  mig  før  it  never 
happened  to  me  before;  fan  tfle  -§  is  impassable 
—  vi  pass;  (^cenbe)  occur,  happen;  bet  fan  til  9l»b 
_  it  will  do  (for  want  of  better),  let  it  pass; 
lobe  -  pass;  ))a§fer!  proceed;  _  for  pass  for; 
IjBab  er  ler  -t?  what  is  the  matter  here?  bet  er 
tJtrtelig  -t  it  really  happened;  bet  -be  what 
oc'curred,  the  wholc  occurrence. 

$a3fe'rfebbcl  c  pennit. 

5Pa§ferf<)tbé  c  point  of  the  dividers,  compass 

^o§fe'rtefln  fe  -febbel.     -bægt  reputed  weight. 

^aSfio'r  c  (small)  talk,  gossip,  chat,  chattery, 
confal);  flaa  en  _  af  have  a  chat;  -,  min  SBen! 
nonsense,  my  dear!  it's  all  my  eye.  $a§^are 
vi  gossip,  talk,  chat. 

^oSfio'n  c  -er  pas'sion.  ^aéftone'rct  a  im- 
passioned,  passionate.  —^o§flo'n§|blomft  passion 
-flower,  PaiHiflora.  -bMbre  Passionists.  -tiiftonc 
the  history  of  our  Saviour's  passion,  -tottcect 
passion-concert.  •ntttfit  passion  music.  -orben 
order  of  the  Passionists.  -))ricbilen  passion-ser- 
mon.  -(flttc)f<)ll  Passion-Play.  -ttflCpassion-week. 

$a§fib  a  passive;  unresisting;  _  ®eltager  el. 
.<<^omj)ognon  (i  girma)  silent  el.  dormant  partner. 
$a3{{b  n,  gram  the  passive  (voice);  -er  pi,  mere 
debts ,  liabilities.  $a§{!t)ite't  c  pas'siveness, 

!Po§fIritier  c  clerk  of  pa.ssports. 

$a§ftt§  c  pa'ssage. 

^afta,  ^Uoftc  c  paste. 

?Poftei'  c  -ler  pastil,  crayon.  -fotbcr  pi  crayons. 
-Utaler  painter  in  crayon  el.  pa.stil.  -maleri 
pastil  el.  crayon  painting.     -fttft  pastil- crayon. 

^afti'^c  c   r  pasticcio. 

fgaftiWe  c  -r  pas'til,  pastill'e,  lozenge. 

^aftinaf  c  -fer  parsnip,  Pastinnca  sativx. 

^aftor  c  -o'rer  pa'stor,  parson,  minister  (of 
the  gospel);  ~  ».  Reverend  Mr.  B.;  (Ubftrift)  Sil 
$r.  -  a3uK  To  the  Rev.  Mr.  BuU.  «PaftoraI  a 
pa'storal.  — igaftorallbrebpastoralletter.  -femina= 
riunt  ecclesiastieal  seminary.  -f^mf ont  pastorale. 
-teotogt  pastoral  theology  el.  divinity.  -teo- 
lOflifl  a  of  pastoral  theology.  ^aftora't  n  -er 
living,  parsonage.  $afitørfttal  poe-bird,  Prosthe- 
madera  Novæ  Zeelandice.  ^a^OXXxCb't  c  -r  parson's 
wife;  5ru  _  %.  Mrs.  N. 

^afte'S  a  mellow. 

$a3t)icrl  n  rose  engine.  —  $aSbærI§|))atron, 
■rofct  roset. 

$a§bæfen  n  passport-establishment. 

^aV  a  (t  Sfaf)  stale-mate,  gøre  _  stalemate; 
blioe  _  be  stalemated. 

!Patago'|nien  n  Patagonia.  -nier  c,  -nifl  a 

^até  c  ottoman. 

?Pote'nc  c  pat'en. 

potent'  n  -er  pat'ent;  (©fipper?)  certificate; 
(aabent  S8ree)  letters  patent;  erfiolbe,  tage  _  pm 
take  out  a  patent  for.  potent'  a  F  flrst-rate, 
prime,  patentere  vt  pat'ent;  -t  patented,  pat- 
ent, registered.  $atent|g(a§  patent-glass  (o.  fl.). 
-^aber  c  -e  patentee'.  -tontor  patent-office.  -Io»= 
gbningen  the  Patent  Law(s).  -ftcn  holystone; 
fture  ineb  _  holystone.  -foanilffruc  chamber 
-breech.  -»Ore  patent  commodity.  -uæfenet  the 
patent  system. 

^ater  c  -e  father.  igaternite't  c  pate'rnity, 
fatherliood,  fathership.  ^aftcr|nofi'er  n  Pater 
-Noster;  (SRofenfranS)  beads,  rosary;  læfe  ftt  _  count 
one's  beads.    -noft'crbærl  n  chain-pump(-work). 

SPate'tifl  a  (grandly)  pathet'ic. 


$atien'tia  c  ^  pa'tience. 

patient'  c  -er  pa'tient,  sick  person,  sufifere^ 
:^on  er  _  he  is  ill.  -ftue  sick-ward.  -tal  numbj 
of  patients. 

^att'ne  c  patina.  $atine're  vt  give  tb| 
appearance  of  patina. 

fatning  c  sucking. 

SPatoi'é  [fr.]  n  brogue,  patois. 

$ato|(ogt'  c  pathol'ogy.    -(o'gifl  a  patholog' 

$atoS  c  (grand)  pathos. 

?Patrt|arI'  c  -er  pa'triarch.    -arla'Ifl  a  patr 
a'rchal.    -arla't  n  patria'rchate. 

^alrl'ce  c  -r  punch. 

$atric|ia't  n  patric'iate.    -'ler  c  -e  patriciai 
-terinb'e  c  -r  patrician  lady.    -'iff  a  patriciai 

!)Jatritno'|ntum  n  pat'rimony.     -nialgobS 
patrimo'nial  estate. 

$atri|o't  c  -er  pa'triot.  -ntiS-me  c  pa'triotisn 
-o'tifl  a  patriot'ic. 

^atrift|if'   c   patrist'ic   theology.     -iff  a  pi 

^atrot'  c  patro'l.   -baab  guard  boat.  —  ^atrof 
Ie'r|e  vi  patrol,  go  the  rounds,  (ttlføi)  row  t' 
ronnds,  row  guard.    -ing  c  patrolling  etc. 

spatro'n  c  -er  (til  SSøSfe)  cartridge;  (^ol  ^aanb 
bærferne)  mould,  form;  (jirein.)  chuck,  mandril; 
ftarp  _  ball  cartridge;  Iø§  _  blank  cartridge. 

^atro'n  c  -er  (SBeffotter)  pa'tron;  en  fnurrig 
a  queer  customer.    ^atrona't  n  pat'ronage. 
$atrona't§|berettiget «  entitled  to  the  patronagi 
-l)errc  patron,    -fatb  donative.    -ret  advowson, 
patronage.    9}atrone8'fe  c  -r  pa'troness. 

^atro'nlfabrit  cartridge-manufactory.  -forin 
former,  -ft^lfter  cartridge-case.  -faåfe  cartridge 
-box.  -pa^ir  cartridge  -  paper.  -Jjinb  former. 
-rem  bandoleer.  -ffabelon  cylinder  cartridi 
-gauge,  -ftol  pocket  bevel;  fe  -pinb.  -tafle  cai 

$atront|'miIon  n  -la  patronym'ic. 

^ntrouiU'c,  $atru('ie  c  oiu.,  fe  SPatrot;  ro  _,  fe 

^atfi^  c  -er  loeket. 

^atte  c  -r  nippie,  {ifaa.  ®Qr)  teat,  dug,  pap; 
P  (i8rt)ft)  breast;  (S)ie)  suck;  gibe  _  suckle,  give 
suck.  ^atte  vt  suck.  -amme  wet  nurse,  -barn 
suckling.  -brif  nipple.  -brober  foster-brother 
-b^t  mammal,  mammifer,  mammiferous  animal, 
-ffaffe  sucking-bottle.  -glaé  nipple-cup,  breast 
-glass.  -glut  fe  -barn.  -griS  sucking-pig  (o.  fl.) 
-fafter  foster-sister. 

^aute  c  -r  kettle-drum;  floa  paa  -  beat  the 
kettle-drum.  -l)DirbeI  roll  of  the  kettle-drum 
-{lager  kettle-drummer.    -fto!  kettle-drum  stick 

^a«l  Paul;  (^Papegøje)  Poll.  -i'ne  Paulina 
-i'nft  a  Pauline,   qjaut^tirlen  St.  Paul' s  (church). 

^aulu'n  n  -er  pavillon,  tent. 

^ouluS  Paul;  <|gauli  »rebe  the  Epi.stlesof  Paul 

$au))erid'men  c  pau'perism. 

$aufe  c  -r  pause,  stop;  mus  rest.  -'re  v> 
pause,  stop. 

^aoc  c  -r  pope,  pontiflF,  Holy  father;  (i  ^um 
mer)  lady;  ftribel  om  -n§  ©foeg  quarrel  el.  dispute 
about  a  pin's  point,  split  straws.  -f^abe  vr  f 
_  fig  op  give  one's  self  airs.  <^ape|breD  papal 
letter,  -bulle  papal  bull.  -bue  fe  alerte-,  -bømmc 
n  papacy,  popedom,  Romanism.  -finfe  painted 
hunting,  Cyanospiza  cirii.  -fjenbe  antipapist 
•gliben  Peterpence,  Romescot.  -Ijerrebemme 
papal  dominion,  -^tftorte  history  of  the  popes. 
-ftof  papal  court.  -bue,  -trone  tiara,  -furien 
the  Papal  Curia.  tåbelig  a  papal,  pontiflcal. 
iJJabellob  c  (gidet  af  %.)  papal  law;  (ftirteloo) 
canon  law.  -magt  papal  power,  -mine  lordly 
air  el.  mien.  -foifbat  papal  soldier.  -ftol  papal 
chair.     -fæbe  papal  see.     -balg  election  of  a 





pope.     -»en  papist,     -oætbe    papal   dominion. 
-Dcerbig^eb  papal  dignity.    f^aoinii'c  c  -r  papess. 

^aoiUon'  c    er  pavil'ion. 

!^eber  e  &  n  pepper;  fponft  _  Guinea- pepper;  ^el 
_  rouud  pepper;  ftebt  _  grouud  el.  (groft)  bruised 
pepper;  jeg  »nfter  iian  oor  ^bor  -en  gror  I  wish 
lie  were  at  Jericho;  ftøbe  _  f  (om  Sibning) 
pound  (along).  ^eberlbufl  pepper-plaut,  -tree, 
Fiper  niorum.  -bødfc  pepper-box,  -caster,  eruet, 
-pot.  -fufll  toueau,  Ji/utmphashis.  -foflC  ginger- 
bread.  -fornpepper-eoru.  -foærttpepper-quern; 
SDfunben  git  pao  ^enbe  fom  en  _  she  was  cliattering 
away  at  a  famous  rate.  -tpften  the  Graiu  coast. 
-mqtit'e  pep'permiut,  Mentfia  piperitii.  -mqnt'e= 
toge  peppermint-drop  el.  lozenge.  -m«  (old) 
spinster.  -u«bspice-uut,  giugerbread-nut.  -olieoil 
of  pepper,  -plante, -riS  |e -bufl.  -rob  horse-radish, 
Cochlearia  Armoracia.  +-ftonb  joc  bachelorbood. 
•ft«b  pepper-dust.  -fuenb  bachelor,  -træ  pepper 
-tree;  (fiælber^als)  spurge-olive. 

pebling  [é]  c  -e  school-boy. 

^e'bre  et  pepper;  f  bet  er  -t  it  costs  a  good 
deal,  is  very  dear. 

^eba'l  c  -er  ped'al(s).    -^arl^e  pedal  harp. 

$ebant'  c  -er  pedant,  -eri'  n  ped'antrj'.  -iff 
a  pedautic. 

$ebcr  c  -ler  beadle.    -ftob  mace. 

^eber  Peter;  gt.  -§  Urt  peUitory,   Farietaria. 

**.Peg  n,  pi  =,  trick,  dodge. 

^egafué  Peg'asus. 

^egc  vi  (pao,  til)  point  (at,  to);  alt  ^Dob  ^un 
-r  poa  all  she  sets  her  eyes  upon,  —  vt  ^  %vA%xt 
ab  point  (oue's  finger)  at;  -  ub,  fe  Ubpege.  -finger 
fore-flnger,  index;  ^olbt  bet  imellein  en  og  Iommel= 
fingtreu  held  it  betvveen  his  finger  and  thumb. 
•pinb.  -ftilte  fescue,  pointer. 

i|?eignoi'r  [fr.]  c  -er  combing-cloth. 

^ejl|e  II  J^  set,  take  a  bearing;  (gumpen) 
sound;  _  Solen  set  the  suu;  _  £anb  set  the  land 
el.  take  the  bearings  of  the  land;  (Jap  ®t.  ®in' 
cent  -beå  i  ©.  !8.  Cape  St.  Vincent  bore  S.  W. 
by  compass.  -ing  c  bearing;  tage  -  af  take  the 
b.  of.  -tom))aS  azimuth-compass.  -ftitie  azimuth 
dial;  brass  circle  for  taking  the  bearings.  -ftot 
sounding-rod.    -ftol  compass-stand. 

'^^eié  c  -er  hearth,  chimney. 

*■■¥<>('  "'  beat;  vi  -  paa  hurry  off. 

•^eiSpibe  c  chimney(fiue). 

^ettin  n  pec'tine.  -fur  a  -t  Salt  pectate. 
-f^rc  pectic  acid.    ^etto'fe  c  pectose. 

^etuniar  a  pecu  niary. 

^elagta'iner  c  -e  Pelagian.  -niiS'me  c  pela'- 
gianism.    -'nff  a  Pela'gian. 

^ela'gift  (t  pela'gian,  pelag'ic 

^etatgo  n  »  pela  rgon.  !|ielargønjta,  -ium  c 
-er  pelargo'nium,  stork's  bill. 

$ela6'igerne  pi  the  Pelasgi,  the  Pelasgians. 
•gift  a  Pelasgic,  Pelasgian. 

^eleti'ne  c  -r  pel'erine. 

^elita'n  c  er  pel'ican,  Felecanuv,  chir  pelican. 
•fob  pelican's  foot  shell,  Aporrkais  pes  pelecani. 

^eloponne'il  n  Peloponuesus.  •iff  </  Pelopon- 

^eloto'n  c  -er  platoon,  -f«rer  leader  of  a 
platoon.    -ilb  plaloou-firiug. 

jgelé  c  -e  (af  et  3;i)r)  fur,  pelt;  (ftlæbninggft^tre) 
fur-cloak  el.  -pelisse,  fur  overeoat;  (iliat)  wadding; 
gine  en  poo  -en  belabour  oiie,  curry  one's  hide; 
faa  paa  -en  get  a  druppiug;  ftQbe  en  paa  -en 
shoot  into  one,  ftaoe  en  paa  -en  be  fuddled; 
oooe  -en  look  danger  in  the  face.  ^eléibrcEtttmet 
a  furred.  •btjr  fnrred  an. mal.  -fober  fur-lining. 
-foret  afur-lined.  -frotte  fur-liued  coat.  -førenbe 
a :_  Sæler  fur  seals.  -Ijonbel  fur-trade.  -^anbler 
fur-merchant,  furrier.  -tjanbfte  furred  glove. 
•^ne  fur-cap.  -taabe  fur  cloak.   -lont  lur-edging, 

fur  trimming.  -tnppt  fe  $el8.  -Ijortel  fur-coat. 
-trobe  fur-collar;  (Sameré)  fur-tippet,  -mager 
(t^eldner)  furrier,  fell-monger.  •ffo  fur-shoe. 
-ftøUle  fnr-boot.  -f»l  fur  seal.  -tr«je  fur-jafket. 
-ttlb  pelt-wool.  -oante  fur-glove.  -nofrt  furs, 
peltry,  furriery. 

^entntitan  n  pemmican. 

$en'  c  -ne  pen;  (paa  jammer)  pane;  _  og  »i>lctt 
a  pen  and  ink;  ftære  en  _  make  el.  mend  a  pen; 
fpibfe  en  ~  nib  a  pen;  føre  i  -nen  pen,  note 
down,  put  down;  bet  er  if!e  tommet  fra  ijani  ~ 
that  is  not  from  hi.s  pen;  føre  en  gob,  i)vai, 
btbenbe  _  write  well,  poignantly,  sarcastically; 
gribe  nen  take  pen  in  hånd,  take  up  one's  pen, 
set  pen  to  paper;  neblægge  -nen  lay  down  one's 

$en  a  fe  ^.^oen. 

%ena'ter  pi  Penates,  household  gods. 

^enbant'  ffr.]  n  -er  pen'dant. 

^enbel  c  &  n  -er  pendulum.  -Jinfe  pendulum 
-bob.    -Iccngbc  length  of  the  pendulum. 

^enbeloq'ue  [fr.l  c  -r  drop,  pendant. 

$enbet|flag,  -fbtngning  oscillation  of  a  pen- 
dulum. -^ang  pendulum-rod.  -nr  pendulum 

^enbentif  c  penden'tive. 

*^}enbftftab  n  Panjab,  Punjab. 

•Jjenbu'I  fe  <l5enbel. 

i<enclo'pel)ønc  penel'ope,  guan. 

*.j}cnge  c,  pi  =,  (*PengeftQlfe)  piece  of  money; 
pi  (<B.  oBcr^ooebet)  money,  si«y;  -§  SBærb  money's 
wortli;  nionge  _  much  money;  rebe  -  ready 
money,  cash;  ftore  _  large  money;  falfte  _  base 
el.  bad  money;  fiaoe  mange  _  have  lots  of  money, 
be  a  moneyed  man;  ingen  -  ^ooe  be  out  of 
cash,  be  short  of  money;  fortjene  _  make  money; 
^an  |ar  _  fom  ®ræ8,  Sanb  he  roUs  in  money; 
mange  _,  mange  Sorger  Auch  coin,  much  care; 
bet  oar  _  oærb  at  ^øre  .  .  .  it  would  have  done 
your  heart  good  to  hear  .  .  .;  -ne  etter  2iPet ! 
stand  and  deliver!  leoe  af  fine  _  live  upon 
one's  income;  ber  er  ingen  _  blanbt  5olf  money 
is  scaree;  gioe  en  Snaf  for-  give  one  fair  pro- 
mises  instead  of  money;  jeg  ^ar  ingen  _  ^oå 
mig  I  have  no  money  about  me;  gøre  noget  i  _ 
turn  into  money;  fætte  -  i  invest  money  in;  1 
$unb  i  oore  _  £  1  of  our  money;  betole  meb 
rebe  _,  meb  banfte  -  pay  in  cash,  in  Danish 
money;  forfine  en  (flabig;  meb  -  find  one  in 
money;  gifte  fig  ~  til  marry  a  fortune;  (omme  til 
_  get  plenty  of  money;  tomme  til  fine  _  igen 
get  back  one's  money;  cære  oeb  -  be  in  cash. 
$engc|aager  usury.  -aagrer  usurer.  -aant 
mercenary  spirit,  love  of  lucre.  -obcl  purchased 
noV>ility.  -affære,  -anliggenbc  money  matter, 
pecuniary  attair.  -afpresning  extortion  (ofhush 
-money),  black  mail.  -anftalt  moneyed  institu- 
tion. -anOiSning  mouey-order,  check,  -ariftofrat 
money-prince.  -ariftotrati  moneyed  aristocracy. 
-baron  fe  -oriftotrot.  -begcertig^eb  covetousness. 
•be^otbning  fe  ftaéfebe^olbning.  -beløb  amount 
of  money.  -belønning  pecuniary  reward.  -be- 
øilling  vote,  grant,  -bibrag  contribution  in 
money.  -blab  moneywort,  herb  twopence, 
Lvsiinachia  nuinularia.  -blot  money-box.  -bob 
pecuniary  fine.  -breo  letter  containing  money, 
money-letter.  -bælte  leathern  money-belt.  -bøbe 
fe -bob",  -cirtnlattoncirculationof  money.  -bjæoel 
demon  of  avarice.  -ert)0erti  making  money.  -er= 
ftatning  compensation  in  money.  -foranbring 
monetary  reform  -forbel  pecuniary  gain.  -for= 
bring  pecuniary  demand,  moneydebt.  -for^otb 
pi  monetary  el.  pecuniary  relations;  state  of  the 
money  market.  -forlegenbeb  pecuniary  embarass- 
ment,  money  difficulty.  -forroab  stockof  money. 
-forretning   money -transaction;   bankiug  -  busi- 




uess;  ($u§)  banking-house.  -focfenbing  fe  -feii= 
btng.  -forftøerlnlng  oullay.  -gotic  present  of 
money,  pecuiiiary  gift.  -gercig  a  greedy  of 
money,  money-grubbing,  avaricious,  bihl  cove- 
tous.  •gecrig^cb  greediness  of  money,  avarice, 
bibl  tlie  love  of  money.  -flrtff,  -griff^cb  fe  -getrig. 
*græ8  yellow  rattle,  lihinanthua  criata  galli. 
-ttanbet  money-trade.  -Ijanbler  money-ehanger. 
-l)i(el))  pecuniary  assistance.  -^u8  banking-liouse. 
-t)U§t)i>ibning  administration  of  finances.  -inb^ 
tægt  pecuniary  gain.  -tnftitut  moneyed  institu- 
tion, -ijitereåfe  pecuniary  interest.  -jebe  Jew 
money-broker.  -Io§fc,  -fifte  strong-box,  strong 
coffer,  (of  Qæni)  iron-safe.  -Int  fe  -bælte,  -tno)) 
a :  -pe  tibet,  -tna^Ijeb  dearth  of  money.  -Itttbe 
fe  -forlegeniieb.  -ftoo  pecuniary  claim.  -frife 
monetary  crisis  el.  money-crisis.  -lure  exchauge. 
•!ut§f  ebbet  note  of  the  course  of  exchange.  -tær 
fe  -gerrti).  -laan  pecuniary  loan.  -Inbe  money 
-box.  -ban  pecuniary  reward.  -(.ønning  pay  in 
money.  -løå  a  moneyless,  pennyless,  impecuni- 
ous.  -Idå^cb  c  impecuniosity.  -magt  money 
-power,  -manb  moneyed  man,  capitalist.  -mangel 
want  el.  scarcity  of  money.  -marteb  money 
-market.  -maSfe  mass  of  money.  -miblcr  pi 
pecuniary  means,  means,  funds.  *-muger  fe 
-J)ugei-.  -multt  pecuniary  fine.  -mægter  money 
-broker.  -n«b  pecuniary  distress.  -offer  pecuniary 
sacriflce.  -omt«6  circulation  of  money.  -omfæt- 
ning  moneytransaction;  circulation  of  money. 
•))Ofe  money  bag.  -^-Vrcétting  fe  -afpresning.  -^tt= 
ger  «  -e  miser,  liunks,  curmudgeon.  -pugeri  n 
boarding  of  money.  -pung  purse,  -rente  interest 
of  money.  -rigbom  pecuniary  wealtii.  -fag  fe 
-affære;  (for  JRetten)  lawsuit  about  money.  -fcbbel 
note.  -fenbing  remittance  of  money.  -ftab 
money-press,  safe.  -ftrtbSfabritont  safemaker. 
-flat  tax  paid  in  money.  -ffrin  money-box, 
casli-box.  -ftuffe  (i  en  éutit)  till,  tiller.  -forg 
pecuniary  distress.  -fort  species  of  coin.  -f^ilbe 
waste  of  money.  -fpttbenbe  a  cau.sing  a  waste 
of  money,  wasteful.  -ftott  a  purse-proud.  -ftott= 
I)Cb  purse-pride.  -ftrof  fe  -6ob.  -ftJjffc  piece  of 
money,  coin.  -ftært  a  moneyed.  -fum  sum  of 
money.  -fbig  embezzlemeut.  -fljg  a  very  greedy 
of  mouey.  -ftigc  thirst  of  money.  -fæt  money 
-bag.  -tob  loss  of  money,  pecuniary  loss.  -tofte 
fe  -pofe.  -tilbub  oifer  of  money.  -trang  pecuni- 
ary distress,  scarcity  of  money.  -tranéattion 
money-trausaction.  -t^b  money  thief.  -t«rft  thirst 
for  (after,  of )  money.  -ubbQtte  pecuniary  profit. 
-ttbførfet  export  of  money.  -ttbgtft  expenditure, 
disbursement  of  money.  -ubtaan  leuding  money. 
•ub taaner  money-  lender.  -ubtæg  outlay  of  money, 
•ub^)rcéning  fe -afpresning,  -unberftettetfc  pecuni- 
ary aid.  -nrt  sheplierd's  purse,  Thlaapi;  fe 
-blab.  •ttetSct  exchange  of  money.  -tteléicr  money 
-changer.  -OibenfEab  financial  science,  -tiægt 
money-scales.  -oætbc  plutocracy.  -uærb,  -oærbi 
value  in  money.  -Oæfcn  money- matters  et. 

Sgcngot'n  fe  *)Jtngotn. 

^en'tjaramer  c  chasing-hammer. 

ipe'n^eb  fe  $æn:^eb. 

^Penl'bet  a  painful,  distres.sing. 

^penna't  c  -er  fag;  =  -^nS  pen-case.  -ié'me  c 
fagging  system,  faggism. 

SPennejfejbe  paper-war,  controversy.  -fejt 
slip  of  the  pen  -fjeber  quill.  -foberat  fe  -fiu§. 
-fuffer  scribbler,  quill- driver,  -fnfteri  scribbling. 
■fægter  controversialist.  *-far  a  able  to  wield 
the  pen.  -faring  style  of  holding  the  pen.  -^elt 
hero  of  the  quill.  -^otbcr  pen-holder.  -^u8  pen 
-case.  -Inib  penknife.  -frig  paper-war.  -manér 
pen-style.  -pofe  quill.  -prøbe  trial  of  the  pen. 
-flaft   pen-stock.     -ffttfe  pen -and -ink  sketch. 

•ffærer  pen-cutter,    -fttfler  quill-driver.     -fpibS 
nib  of  a  pen.     -fptit  slit  of  a  pen.    -ftrib  fe 
-fejbe.    -ftrag,  -fbtng  stroke  of  the  pen.   -tegning 
pen-and-ink  drawing  el.  sketch,   -tflrrer,  -oiffcq 

f^enniug  c  -e  farthing.  -magafin  penny-maga 

!|5eno'tf^>tbS  c  (Srejerb.)  centre. 

5J5enfé  a  violet. 

$enfet  c  -fler  bair-pencil,  brush.  -binber  brush 
-maker.  -bannct,  -formtg  a  3(  pencil-shaped, 
penicillate.  -færbig^eb  expertness  in  handling 
the  pencil,  -furtng  bru.shwork.  -^oar  hair  ol 
a  pencil,  -^aaret  a  Sf  penicillate.  -taSfe  pencil- 
el.  brush-case.  -ttub  brush-  el.  pencil  rag.  -ftafl 
handle  of  a  brush.  -ftimmel  vinegar- plant, 
Penicillium  glaucum.  -^rag  stroke  of  a  brush 
el.  pencil,  -trug  brush -trough.  -tnngebe  jjq 
houey-eaters,  Meliphaga. 

^enfto'n  c  -er  pen'sion,  retlring  allowance  el* 
pay,  (for  Cfftcerer)  half-pay;  (©lole)  boarding 
school;  fætte  i  _  place  in  a  boarding-school;  tage 
Stffteb  nieb  -  retire  upon  a  pension  el.  upon  hali 
-pay.  -a't  n  -er  boarding-house;  (Slole)  boarding 
•school.  -e're  vt  pension,  grant  a  pension  to 
(one);  -t  pensioned;  on  half-pay.  -c'ring  c  pen 
sioning  etc.  -tft'  c  -er  pen'sioner,  annuitant;; 
F  flaa  til  _  beat  to  a  mummy.  —  ^enftonSj^ 
anftatt  boarding-school.  -berettiget  «  entitled 
to  a  pension,  -fonb,  -!n§fe  pension-  el.  super- 
annuation  fund.  -tot)  superannuation-bill,  pen 
sion-law.  -ret  right  to  a  pension,  -oæfen 
matters  relative  to  pensions,  ^.^enftonæ'r  c  -er 
(en,  ber  n^ber  ^enfton)  pensioner,  pensionary; 
(ftoftgænger)  boarder. 

iPen§Ie  vt  pencil. 

$enfnm  n  -fa  task,  lesson. 

^.jjentajme'ter  n  -e  pentam'eter.  -teu'c^en  the 

*S(5ente  c  -r  sheet;  spleet. 

tSJSentetfiagc  c  -r  J,     -tou  fish-fall 

^cpogvæéiar  n  pumpkin,  Cucurbita  pepo. 

'■■^cpverttng  c  fiery  milk-mushroom,  Luctarius 

^Pepfi'n  c  pep'sin,    ^e^'tiff  a  peptic. 

$er  Peter;  _  og  *)goul  all  the  world  (and  his 
wife),  auybody;  t-  ®øBer  Jack  o'  the  clock 
-house;  fenbe  en  ab  ~  ®anteå  ©enbej  send  one 
on  a  fool's  el.  sleeveless  errand;  _  Xot  mufF, 
dough-face,  mollycoddle. 

iPer'  prcBp,  mere  (SSog'b.)  by;  _  ©t^Ite,  $unb' 
a  piece,  a  pound;  _  Sag,  _  TOanb  per  day,  per 
diem,  per  mau;  _  Hamburg  via  Hamburg;  _ 
Sampftib  by  el.  per  steamer;  Sabningen  ~  5Keptun 
the  cargo  onboard  el.  ex  Neptune. 

5peremto'rif!  a  per'emptory. 

^ercnne'renbe  a  peren'nial. 

^crfett'  o  p  per'fect,  deft,  smart,  famous; 
adv  famously.  -i'bcl  a  perfec'tible.  -ibitite't  c 
perfectibil'ity.  -ione're  vt  make  perfect.  ^er'= 
fettum  »j  the  perfect  tense. 

i|Jerfi'b  «  perfidious,  disingenuous.  -i'  c  per'- 
fidy.  ,, 

pergament'  n  pa'rchment;  (fint)  vellum.    -agtig  I 
o  parchment-like.   -form  vellum-mould.    -mager  i 
c  -e  parchment-maker.  —  $ergamentd|binb  parch-  " 
ment  el.  vellum-binding  el.  -cover,    -btab  sheet 
of  parchment.    -breb  deed   written   on  vellum 
el.  parchment.    -fabritation  parchment-making. 
■^)a}/ir  paper-parchment.    -rutte  roll  of  vellum 
el.  parchment.   -ftrifter  ,1  parchments  (2  Simot^. 
4,  13). 

^ergamot'(te)  -r,  fe  SBergamot. 

^eria't  c  -er  F  (slight)  intoxication;  ^obe  en 
~,  oære  -ife'ret  be  fuddled,  the  worse  for  liquor, 
somewhat  gone  in  drink. 




Peric'nlum  in  mora  delay  is  dangerous. 

^criifc'ti'c -er  periph'ery,  circumference.  -fe'- 
riff  a  periph'eral  peripher'ic(al),  circumferen- 

^crifro'fe  c  -r  per'iphrase. 

^erigæ'um  n  per'igee. 

i*rrifte  Hum  n  perihelion. 

i'ertfo'Ve  c  -r  peric'ope. 

^erifunt  <•■  St.  John's  wort,  Hvpericum. 

^eriobe  c  -r  pe'riod;  (fiogar.)  repetend;  pi 
(ftDinbeiis)  turns.  -bagning  formation  of  periods. 
¥Eriol»icite't  c  periodic'ity,  period'icalness. 
S^erto'bifl  a  period'ic(al);  _  2)ecinial6iel  circulat- 
ing,  rerurring  el.  repeating  decimal. 

Spcri<)otc't|iiet  c  -e  peripatet'ic.  -Iff  peripa- 

^erlftol'tifl  a  peristaltic. 

^erta'l  n  cloth. 

^crtuéfio'n  c  percus'sion.  —  ^ertuSfia'ttSH 
bombe  peroussion  shell.  -brant»r«r  p.  fuze  (o.  f(.). 
-gcDccr  percussiongun.  -^Kttc  p.  cap.  -tnftru= 
ment  percusslon  instrument.  -loaS  percussion 

^erle  c  -r  (ægte,  ogf.  fig  og  om  en  Zaaxe, 
ffiugbraobe  o?«.)  pearl;  (af  ®Ia?,  Roral,  9iao  ofn.) 
bead;  fio  jewel,  treasure,  prize;  fe  8»)in.  ^crle 
vi  sparkle;  ©oeben  -be  paa  {janå  '^anhe  ihe  sweat 
stood  in  beads  on  hi.s  forehead.  —  $erle|agttg 
a  pearly.  -onb  fe  @ræé.  -armbaanb  pearl 
bracelet.  -offe  pearl  -aotcnbe  a  pearl 
-bearing.  -aoling  formation  of  pearls.  -baanb 
string  of  pearls  el.  beads.  -banfe  bank  of  pearl 
■oysters.  -bor  pearl-drlU.  -borer  perforator  of 
beads.  -broberi  fe  -ftifferi.  -borb,  -brccmmc 
border  of  pearls.  -benne  kidney-bean,  Fkaseolus 
vulfforio.  -bannet  n  pearl-sbaped.  -braabe  pearly 
drop.  -bug  pearly  dew.  -bl)Hcr  pearl -diver, 
pearl-flsher.  -eSfetté  essence  of  pearl.  -fangft 
pearl- fishing,  pearl-flsbery.  -farue  pearl-colour. 
•faroet  a  pearl-coloured.  -fil  joint-file.  -fiffer  fe 
-boffer.  -fifferi  fe -faiigfl.  -fr^nferpHjead-fringes. 
•gland  pearly  lustre;  fe  -eSfenå.  -groa  a  .shining  -grijn  pearl-barley.  -gr^nSgrøb 
boiled  pearl-barley.  -gr^nfuVpe  barley-gruel. 
-bciIiSbaanb  pearl-necklace.  -^anbet  pearl-trade. 
-banbler  dealer  in  pearls.  -furner  excellent 
spirits,  the  best  of  humours.  -^tJtb  «,  -^Oibt  n 
pearl-white.  -fjane  Guinea-fowl  el.  hen,  tamis 
-bird,  Numida  »leteugria.  -flor  a  pearly.  -franS 
wreath  of  pearls.  -frone  crown  of  pearls.  -fljft 
pearl-coast.  -leg  pearl  onion.  -maage  herring 
gull,  Laru8  argentatm.  -malet  a  painted  of  a 
pearl-colour.  -mobcr,  -mor  mother  of  pearl, 
nacre.  -morfugt  silver-streak  butterfly,  Argynnix. 
-morSarbejber  worker  of  mother  pearl.  -moré= 
glanå  uacreous  lustre.  -mor^fna^  (mother  of) 
pearl  button.  -musling  pearl-oyster,  Unio  mar- 
garitifera.  -))r«k)e  CiCrBOc  af  Sptritu?  beb  at  labe 
ben  perlet  bead-proof  -pung  bead-purse.  -))unfel 
pearl-puncheon.  -rab  string  of  pearls  el.  beads. 
-runb  a  round  as  a  pearl.  -fait  phosphate  of 
soda.  -fanb  pearl-sand.  -filte  Arda.ssine  slik. 
-ffrift  pearl.  -fmfttte  ornament  of  pearls.  +-fmflffe 
vt  adorn  with  pearls.  -fnor  string  of  pearls  el. 
beads.  -flaf,  -^att  arck  round  bead,  paternoster. 
•ften  pearl-stone.  -ftiffer  embroiderer  in  pearls. 
•ftifferarbejbe,  -ftifferi.  -ftifning  pearl-embroi- 
dery.  -ftuften  a  embroldered  with  pearl.  -fuffer 
twice  boiled  sugar.  -fflge  tuberculous  disease. 
perlet  a  pearly.  ^erlejte  gunpowder.  -ugle 
barn-owl,  screcch-owl,  Strix  flammea;  Vjird  of 
death,  Strix  Tengmalmi.  -uett  intimate  friend. 
■»agt  weight  for  pearls. 

*^"m  c  -ec,  {Xiaa  *Sog)  board,  cover;  fro  _  tit 
_  from  cover  to  cover. 

permanent'  a  per'manent. 

^ermiff  a  Permian. 

i^ermiåfio'n  c  -er  mil  leave  of  absence,  fur- 
lough,  (for  Stjgeligfteb)  sick  leave;  pi  trousers, 
continuations.  ^ermitte're  vt  furlough,  grant 
leave  of  absence;  -t  on  leave. 

^ermutotio'tt  c  -er  permuta'tion. 

$eror{atio'n,  -e'ring  c  perora'tion.  -e'te  et 
hold  forth. 

^erpenbif'lel  c  -Iler  pendulum;  en  febetig  - 
a  bore.  -ulæ'r  a  &  c  -er  perpendic'ular;  oprejfe, 
nebfcelbe,  en  _  erect,  let  fall,  a  perpendicular. 

^er^jetue're  vt  perpet'uate. 

Perpe'tuum  mobile  perpet'ual  motion. 

^erptefå'  a  taken  aback. 

perron'  c  -er  platform. 

'•"'jperå  c  pressure. 

^erfe  c  -r  press.  ^erfe  vt  press,  squeeze. 
-bom  beam  of  a  press.  -fjæl  pressing-board. 
-jærn  (tailor's)  pressing-iron,  goose.     -lar  vat. 

*.perfer  c  -e  Persian. 

^erfelffrue  screw  of  a  press.  -^ang,  -tr«  fe 
-bom.  -fylte  fe  <J5re§fe!qlte.  -tr^t  pressure.  -troebet 
treader  (of  grapes). 

^erfien  n  Persia.  ^erftenner  pi  Venetian 
blinds,  Veuetians,  sun-blinds,  jalousies.  $erft> 
ennefabrifont  blind-manufacturer. 

'^Jerfiflto'gc  c  quizzing,  irony.    -le'rc  vt  quizz. 

^erflfo  c  persicot,  peach-brandy. 

^erfllt'e  c  parsley,  Apium  petroselinum-,  bilb  - 
hedge  parsley,  fool's  parsley,  Æthusa  cynapium. 
*-blob  jig  weakling. 

*^}crfio  c  cudbear. 

*.|5erfiff  a  Persian;  bet  -e  Sprog  the  Persian 
language,  Persic. 

$er9ning  c  pressing. 

^erfo'n  c  -er  (ogfaa  omiJegemSftittelfe)  per'son; 
individual;  (©tanb8per(on,*ornem  ^erfon)  person- 
age; (i  ©fuefpti)  actor,  character,  dramatis  per- 
sonæ  pl\  gram  person;  ^an  mangter  _  (om  ©fue> 
fpiller)  he  is  deficient  in  presence;  i  egen  _  in 
person,  joo  as  large  as  life;  jeg  for  min  _  for  my 
part,  I;  af  -  in  his  person;  fenbe  en  of  _  know 
one  by  sight;  uben  -i  9tnfeelfe  without  re.spect 
of  persons,  ®ub  anfer  it!e  -er  God  is  no  respecter 
of  persons;  fønberfnufe  be  elenbige  -er  bibl  grind 
the  faces  of  the  poor.    ^crfono :  pro  _  a  head. 

$erfo|na'ge  c  -r  individual.  -noien  -r  (f.  @få. 
leater«,  Sontor=  ofb.)  the  persons  belonging  to 
(the  theatre,  the  ofRce  etc),  personnel,  statf, 
force,  -no'lia,  •no'lier  pi  personal  history, 
biographical  facts.  -no'It)iftorte  family  history. 
-nolffotter  personal  taxes.  -nbeforbring,  -trafif , 
fe  >lSa8{ager=.  -net'  a  personal;  _  Kopeltan  curate. 
-net'  n  fe  -naie.  ^erfonforonbring  fe  -ftifte. 
^erfo|ttifice're  vt  person'ify,  embody;  ^an  er  ben 
-be  ^Ⱦbetlig^eb  he  is  the  soul  of  honour;  ben  -be 
^øflig^eb  civility  itself;  "^un  er  ben  -be  9Inft»nbig= 
^cb  she  is  the  very  pink  of  propriety.  -niftce'= 
ring,  -nifitotio'n  c  personiflca'tion,  embodiment, 

$erfo  nlig  a  personal,  in  person.  —  adv  per- 
sonally,  in  person,  by  bodily  presence.  -gørelfe 
c  fe  $erfonifitotton.  -^eb  c  (©genfl.)  personal 'ity, 
individuality;  (*Perfon)  individual,  character, 
person,  personage,  -npersonality;  lægge  fin  -  i 
throw  one's  personality  into;  -er  (perjonlige  ^en« 
tQbninger)  per.sonal'ities. 

^erfo'nH)oft  stage-coach,  -retten  the  Rights 
of  persons,  ^erfondonfeelfe  fe  ^JJerfon.  $erfon|' 
ffifte  change  of  persons ,  change  (in  otlice). 
-tofft  passenger  tariff.  -tog  (pao  Qærnbonen)  pass- 
enger-train.  -oogn  (pao  3[oemb.)  passenger-car  et. 

$erf))efti  o  n  -er  perspec'tive.  -iff  a  per- 
spec'tive;  adv  perspectively.    -fa^fe  peep-show, 




show-box.  -lære  science  ofperspective.  -fnælle 
stair-case  shell,  Solarium  perspeetivum. 

5|}ert  c  -er  4>  horse,  foot-rope. 

$ertetttiig  o  preeise,  nimini-pimini,  namby 
-pamby.    -Ijeb  preciseness. 

iJJertUne  c  -r  <t,  hawser. 

^erturbjation  c  -er  perturba'tion.  -e'ventiea 

*^crtQtUnc  c  -X  ^  cat-stopper. 

$cru  n  Peru.  -a'ner  c,  -n'nff  o  Peruvian. 
-balfam  balsam  of  Peru,  Myroxvlon  perui/erum. 
•bart  Peruvian  bark,  Jesuit's  bark. 

^cruerS'  a  perverse,    -itc't  c  perver'sity. 

5pefi^eræ'er  i?/  Faegiaus. 

i^eSfa'rie  n  -v  pes'sary. 

^eéfimié'lmc  c  pes'.simisrQ.  -t'  c  -er  pes'si- 
mist.    -tift  a  pes'simist,  pessimis'tic. 

SPeft  c  plague,  pest,  pestilence.  -agtig,  -ortet 
a  pestilent,  pestilen'tial.  -befængt  a  infected 
With  the  plague.  -b^lb  plague -sore,  plague 
-token.  -bamti  pestilential  vapour.  -ebbite 
aromatic  vinegar.  -forbrtbenbe  a  an  tipestilen  tial. 
-fri  a  free  from  the  plague.  -f-fljlbt  a  pestilential. 
-gift  fe  -fnittte.  -^tt§  pest-house.  t-^u3ieut  Bed- 

^eftiUné'  c  -er  pes'tilence.  -urt  butterbur, 
Tvsailago  petanites. 

i|Jeft|lttft  pestilential  air.  -læge  physician  to 
those  infected  with  the  plague.  -mibbel  remedy 
against  the  plague.  -pUt  plague-spot.  -fmitftof 
pestilential  matter,  -fmftte  oontagion  of  the 
plague.  -ftant  pestilential  stench.  -ftianger  n 
pestiferous.  -f^g  a  fe  -befænflt.  -f^ge  pestilential 
disease.  -tib  time  of  plague.  -tilfælbc  case  of 
the  plague.    -banb  pest-water. 

ipetar'be  c  -r  peta'rd;  cracker. 

fgeter  Peter.  —  $eter3{borg  St.  Petersburgh. 
-fifl  (John)  dory,  doree,  Zeus  faber.  -fttg(  fe 

speterfttt'e  c  fe  ^gerfiHe. 

ipctcr§|!irlen  St,  Peter's  church.  -^enge  Peter 
-pence,  Rome-scot. 

5|Jettttet'  »1  point-net.    -glaå  fe  2;raabg(a§. 

^eti't  c  typ  brevier. 

Petit'io  princlpii  begging  the  question. 

$etitio'n§ret  c-  right  of  petition. 

?Petrer  c  -ler  fe  Stormfbale. 

fgc'tring  c  -er  quarter  of  a  brick. 

^Petro'lcum  n  petroleum.  —  $etro(eum§|^oIbig 
a  containing  petroleum,  -lavxpt  petroleum  lamp. 
-tttaater  petroleum -meter.  -^anf^lber  lamp 

spetu'nia  c  petunia. 

^fof  [t.]  c  hånd  anvil  with  a  convex  face. 

iPfal^  n  the  Palatinate.  -grebe  count  palatine, 
palsgrave.  -greoelig  a  belongiug  to  a  palsgrave. 
-grebtnbe  palsgravine.  -grebfEab  palatinate. 
SPfalsift  a  belonging  to  the  Palatinate. 

mamt  "  phallic. 

ipinittl'uo  n  -er  cottage-piano,  cabinet-piano, 
pianino.  -uift'  c  -er  pianist,  -'no  adv  piano. 
-'no  w  -er,  -nofor'te  n  -r  piano,  pianoforte,  forte 
-piano.  —  ipianofor'te|etube  pianoforte  study. 
-fabritant  piano(forte)-maker.  -flole  tutor  for 
the  pianoforte,  p.  tutor  (school,  primer),  -ftol 

$ia§fa'tia  c  piassava,  piasaba. 

SPia'ftcr  c  -ftre  plaster,  dollar. 

i^ibagtig  a,  -i)eb  c  F  fe  ftltjnleoorn. 

^ibe  c  -r  {Zobatipibe,  giøite  i  Orgel,  9JloaI  of 
2  Dfée^obcber  ofb.)  pipe;  (Solbaterp.)  fife;  (ItUe 
giøjte,  ®amt)=)  whistle;  (til  SBriifl  i  Seat.)  cat 
-call,  cat-pipe;  (BQfep.)  socket,  (®eoærp.)  barrel; 
(SBenO  cavity,  shaft;  (pao  en  fijole  o.  b.)  fluting, 
quill;  (@Iorften?p.)  chimney-top;  (poa  Éceveqiab) 
outlet;  (p.  SBIcefebælg)  nose-pipe;  lægge  i  -r  flute; 

Irabfe  el.  6anfe  en  -  ub  unstop  a  pipe;  jeg  Bilbej 
iffe  gi»e  eii  -  Zobat  berfor  I  would  not  give 
fig  for  it;  fti!Ie  -n  iiib,  ftifte  _  i  Sæt  come  downl 
a  peg  or  two;  banfe  efter  en  anbenS  -  dance  &> 
anoiher  pipes;  -n  fit  en  anben  2t)b  they  all  sung 
another  song,  «a  change  came  o' er  the  spirit  oi 
my  dream«.  ^ibe,  »e6,  pebet  vi  &  <  (flejte)  pipe 
whistle;  (tiogeftg)  whimper,  pule,  whine;  (om  25inb] 
whistle,  howl-  (om  Jingler  ofo.)  whizz;  (om  TOuS] 
squeak,  (banne  ^Jibelæg  i  Sej)  flute,  quill;  F  t)U^ 
-r  altib  she  is  always  complaining;  _  en  Stuei 
fpiEer  ub  hiss  aplayer(off);  ber  bleo  pebet  peopl« 
hissed;  Stflttet  bleO  pebet  ub  the  piece  waf 
damned;  4:,  pib  faft !  pipebelay!  pibtilftanonerne^ 
pipe  to  quarters!  (o.  fl.).  —  J|$ibe|anb  widgeon, 
Anas  Penelope.  -ben  marrow-bone.  -beftaj 
mounting  of  a  tobacco-pipe.  -blomft  pipe-vineJ 
Dutchman's  pipe,  Aristolochta  nipho.  -bor  pip< 
-bore.  "-brnnb  a  chimuey  on  fire.  -bræt  shell 
for  tobacco  pipes;  (Drg.)  orgau-sieve.  -bnft  fe 
.SaSmin  (Suft).  -bannet  a  having  the  form  of  i 
pipe,  flstulous.  -f  obrif  tobacco-pipe  maaufactoryj 
■fabritant  pipe-maker.  -fiff  tobacco-pipe  flsh, 
Fistularia.  -fuberal  case  for  a  tobacco-pipe, 
-form  tobacco-pipe  mould.  -fri^eb  liljerty  oi 
hissing.  -Jjare  rat-hare,  Lagotm,^.  -^ooeb  pipa 
-bowl.  -Ijul  (Crg.)  mouth.  -^>)tte,  -^ætte  pipe 
-cover.  -b«Bt  barrel-plane,  gouge,  -jærn  quilling 
-iron,  Italian  irou  -fonccrt  hissing.  -trabfei 
pipe-cleaner.  -trage  piping  crow.  -!rabe  ruff 
-Irufer  vi  ruffles.  -ler  pipe-clay.  -tunte  spil! 
-Il)b  piping,  whistling  sound,  sound  of  a  pip< 
el.  fife.  -læg  flutiug,  quill.  -lærte  pipit,  Anthu«, 
-lag  Welsh  onion,  stone  leek,  Allium  fistuloiutn 
-n  c  whistling,  piping  etc.  -nbe  «  whistling, 
piping  etc.  -r  c  -e  piper,  flfer;  hisser;  fe  -lærte, 
-renbe  mil  bedding,  groove.  -rcttf  er  pipe-cleaner, 
piberi' «  whimpering.  ^tbe|r«r  pipe-stem.  -fati 
eggiron,  gauffering-iron.  -ftæg  c  whimperer 
-fpibS  mouth-piece,  tip.  -ftatier  pi  pipe-staves 
•ftill  pipe-stem;  pi  (S8en;  trapsticks,  spindle-legs, 
-ftot  (Org,)  foot-board,  -ftop<»er  tobacco-stopper, 
pipe-stoker.  -ftrtmmel  ruche,  rucheing.  -t 
(om  *røb,  Cft  ofB.)  porous;  (om  Søj)  fluted;  -eb( 
£æg  ruflles.  -tunge  (Drg,)  tongue.  -tuj  smot 
ing  apparatus.  -ueb  fe  ^aSmin  (SSuff),  -»orn  a 
whimpering.  -bært  pipes  (of  aa  organ;,  pip^ 

^ible  vi  bubble,  purl,  trickle. 

^i'bftib  c  p ,  fe  ^Uibeftæg.  Spibfur  a  sour  at 

piccolofløjte  c  piccolo,  octave  flute. 

$iebcfta'l  c  -er  ped'estal. 

*iJiemont'  n  Pie'dmont.  -e'fer  c,  -e'fift  a  Pied- 

ipier  [e.]  c  pier, 

^ieri'ber  pi  Pier'ides,  Muses. 

ijjter'rot  [fr.]  c  clown. 

5|Jieite't  c  pi'ety.  -te't&ftenftjn :  of  _  from  pious 
considerations.  -ti&'TOe  c  pi'etism.  -tift'  c  -er 
pi'etist.    -ifteri'  n  fe  -tiSme.    -tift'ifl  a  pietistic. 

5pif '  paf !  int  pifi'paff',  bang. 

t^Pifte  P  vi  whistle. 

^ig'  c  -ge  pike,  spike;  (Snttep.)  ^  boarding 
-pike;  *  ^^  fe  «3tt;  *l5inbfoinet§  -ge  the  quills  of  the 
hedge-hog.    -bt)r  porcupine,  Hyetrix. 

*Pige  c  -r  girl,  maid,  (meft  om  en  fionbSB^pige) 
lass;  (9JJø)  maiden;  (a;ieneftepige)maid  (-servant); 
en  -rneg  3en§  a  ladies'  man.  -aor,  -olber  girl- 
hood.  -anftgt  girlish  face.  -arbejbe  maid's 
work.  -barn  (mobfat  S3rengeborn)  female  child, 
girl  child;  (ung  $ige)  girl.  -f-bln  c  fe  -blQ'^eb. 
-bl^  a  shy  as  a  girl.  -bl^^eb  girlish  shyness. 
-brnb  maiden  bride.  -bage  girlhood.  -bont  fe 
-arbejbe.  -bragt  girl's  dress,  -e-fro  a  girlishly 
happy,     -gerning   fe  -arbejbe.     -gæl   beau,    p 




smell-smock.  -tioanbgirrshand.  -Ijjerte  maiden 
heart.  -fijeBt  maid-servants'  asylum.  -I)uc  girl's 
cap.  -inftitttt  school  for  girls.  -jager  weneher. 
-tammcr  maid-servant's  room.  •tlqnøe  bevy  of 
girls.  -tnibft^eb  girlish  prudery.  -log,  -Inu 
girl's  Company.  -lit  c  (poeO  maid.  -lune  girlish 
whiiu  el.  caprice.  -løfte  girl's  promise.  -Ian 
maid-servant's  wages.  -mob  girl's  courage. 
-naon  maideu  name,  girl's  name.  +-«or  girls' 
girl.  -ntjlter  pi  girlish  whims.  -^labé  situation 
as  a  servaut.  -rflJt.  -roti  abdTiclion  of  a  maiden. 
-icng  maid-servant's  bed.  -finb  girl's  mind  el. 
fancy.  -ffiftelfe  girlish  figure.  -ffole  girls' 
school,  (^øjeie)  ladies'  school.  -ftænber  o  -e  de- 
flourer,  ravisher.  -ftøn^eti  maiden  beauty.  -fnat 
kitcheu  gossip.  •forfler  girlish  troubles,  -ftanb 
girlhood.  -ftcntnte  girlish  voice.  -tante  girl's 
thought.  -tjenefte  maid's  service,  -tro  malden's 
pllghted  faith.  -oæfen  girlishness,  manners  of 
a  girl. 

^ig'^lfalti  fe  $it=.     -finnet  a  sp'nous-flnned. 

*^tBl9e  vi  slide  ou  the  Ice  by  n  eans  of  pike- 

staft's;    scud,    scamper;   vt  J,   fe   i^itfe-     -fltt   « 

prickly,    spiked.     ''-tiage   ^   hånd -hook      -^oj 

picked  dog-fish,  thorn-hound,  ,'Squalu»  Acanthias, 

•%(ilt    uroma.stix.      -t^alSbaano    training-collar. 

•■-Ijomraer  fe '!l5i{=.  '"-gonger  .1- peaktye.  -^ubebe^ 

-ttuber  p.  echinoderms.    -Ijo  ir,  -^oorre  c  turbot, 

,    burt,     Fleuronectes    j/in,cimni.       -tfVaé    (i    sharp 

\  -pointed.    -tmp  fe  -ftao.    *-line  ^l>  peak-line. 

'      pigment'  n  pig'ment. 

$ig{muSIing  wiug-shell,  Finna  nobilis.  *-neb= 
Jjaicr  <!,  peak  -  downhaule  ■.  -rotte  sting -ray, 
Trygon.  -rotte  echimys.  -fejter  American 
chimney  swallow,  ÅcanthyliH.  -ftlb  banstiele, 
Gasteroxteus  aculeatux.  -fnætle  murex.  *-fO^)  fe 
-foatnp.  -fto»),  -ftot  pike-st  ifl'.  -foalc  fe  -fejler. 
-fuam))  spiny  el.  hedgehog  mushroom,  Hydnuvi 
repandum.  -tromle  clod-erosher.  -bar  c  fe  -^oar. 
-æble  thorn-apple,  Datura  Stramonium. 

^ijæt'Iert  c  -er  pea-jack'  t. 

*|jit'  H :  -  08  $al  trap.s,  (bag  and)  baggage. 

^il'  c  -er  i,  peak;  fe  ^git  • 

^it'  «,  pi  =,  tap,  rap. 

$itant'  a  piq'uant,  pungent,  high-flavoured, 
racy;  ^ext  ~  give  relish  to.  ^itanteri'  n  -er 
piquanl  (etc.)  remark. 

^ite  c  -r  pike.    -ne'r  c  -er  pikeman. 

Citeret  a  pi'qued. 

^ite't  c  mil  pick'et,  outpost;  (Spil)  piquet'. 

^it  falb  vt-  peak-halyard.  -jammer  pick,  stene 
•cutier's  hammer. 

??itte  vt  k  i  tap,  rap;  (f.  (StS.  om  Ur)  tick. 

i*ilte  r.t  J,  peak,  top. 

$ittelt)ertng  c  jack-pudding,  pickle-herring. 

^ittel^uc  c  morion;  spiked  helmet,  Prussian 

^iftrait'  n  -fer  pie  nic. 

5piIra'tIrnbtpic'ratepowder.  ^itri'nnpic'rine. 
?Jitrl'nfurt  ©alt  picrate.  ^itri'nf^re  c  picric 

i*ittcr  id  Picts. 

^ite'r  c  -er  huntsman. 

t^it'«t8e  c  pole-axe. 

*^}ll  c  -e  el.  =,  willow,  Salix. 

^il  c  -e  (til  3)ue)  arrow,  bolt,  shaft;  fig  arrow; 
fom  en  _  like  a  shot.  -anb  pin-tailed  duck. 
Anal  acuta. 

^ila'r  c  -er  pillar. 

pilaffer  c  -tre  pilaster. 

^ila'tuS  Pi'late. 

¥i't|blab  arrowhead,  water  archer,  Sagittaria 
lagittj/olia.  -blabet  a  ftatte^ale  willow -herb, 
LythrHtn  salicaria. 

^itl^atb  c  pilchard,  Clupea  pilchardua. 

$iibannet  a  arrowy,  formed  like  an  arrow; 
^  sagittate. 

^ile  vi  (affteb)  hurry,  hasten  (away). 

$ite|art  species  of  willow.  -bart  w.  bark. 
-blab  willow  leaf. 

^ilelbonnet,  -formet,  -formig  fe  ^tlDonnet. 
-fjeber  feather  of  an  arrow.  -ftugt  (light  of  an 
arrow.    -gift  poison  for  arrows,  woorall. 

^il'egrim  c  -me pilgrim,  palmer.  —  $ilegrim3|< 
bragt  pilgrim's  dress,  -fait  peregrine  falcon, 
Falco peregrinus.  -f (Cbrene  pi  the  pilgrim  fathers. 
-færb,  -gang  pilgrimage.  -t|«t  pilgrim's  ha*.. 
•tappe  pilgrim's  cloak.  -rejfe  fe  -færb.  -ftare 
troop  of  pilgrims.  -ftaP  pilgrim's  staff.  -tofte 
pilgrim's  scrip.    -oanbrtng  pilgrimage. 

^ttejgærbe   fe   -t)egn.     -gren   willow   branch. 

*4$ile|^a)]e  nui-sery  of  willows.  -Ijegn  willow 

*|$iletogger  n  quiver. 

$ile|trat  copse  of  willows.  -turo  osier-basket. 
-tbift  willow  twig.    -tunb  fe  -trat. 

$ileob  c  arrow-head;  her  pheon. 

$ile|))lantning  c  planting  of  willows. 

$ilc{regn  fiight  of  arrows.  -ret  a  straight  as 
an  arrow.  -faar  wound  made  by  an  a.  -ftoft 
shaft  of  an  a.    -ftub  arrow-shot. 

$ileftub  n  shoot  of  a  willow. 

»^Jlte[f<;ib8  fe  -ob. 

*45tlefpinber  c  willow-moth,  Liparia  sal\ci». 
-ftogc  willow-branch.  -træ  willow;  willow-wood. 
-urt  polygonum.    -oaanb  willow-wand. 

'pilfinger  c  one  who  has  a  habit  of  fiugering 
things,  fingerer;  fig  meddler. 

^i'lfinte  tree  sparrow,  Fringilla  montma. 

*.pi'l|for  let,  -formig  fe  ^ilbannet. 

pilgrim  fe  53tle9nni.    * 

!pi'l|  ^ooeb  '■  (Slange)  mgonocephalu.s.  -^øjbe 
pitch,  rise  (of  an  arch). 

^ilt  c  tn-bait,  fly-hook,  stroke-haul.  igille 
vi  flsh  witli  a  tin-bait,  snatch.  i^ittning  flshing 

'■•■^iltoæin  c  hulling-mill. 

^tUou  c  pillau,  pilaff. 

^tUe  vt  &  i  (Salat,  SBært,  et  «en  ofb.)  pick, 
(Serter)  shell;  (SRofiner)  stone,  (©tal  el.  S8art  af) 
peel;  ..  af,  bort  pick  oif;  _  Beb  noget  fumble, 
loy,  meddle,  with  a  thing,  finger  a  thing;  _  meb 
noget  busy  one's  self  with  a  thing,  cont  dabble 
at,  trifle  with;  _  ub  pick  out;  _  nt  ub  af  en 
knock  st  out  of  one;  _  af  (gaa  fin  SJej)  be  oflF, 
take  one's  self  olf. 

*|5iHe  vi  (Sørnefp.)  piddle. 

^iSe  c  ub.  pi  f  bit,  particle. 

^itte  c  -r  pillar,  column;  (mellem  SSinbuer)  pier; 
(i  Webicin,  ogf.  Jig)  pill,  (til  Jgiefte)  ball;  en  bitter, 
fiem  -  (ogf.)  a  choke  pear;  forgribe  -n  gild  the 
pill.  —  ^tUe| bille  ateuchus.  -borb  pier-table. 
-bul  shaft  of  a  column,  -bcjg  pill-mass.  -brager 
pill-wort,  pepper-grass,  Pilularia.  -fob  base  of 
a  columu.    -t)Obeb,  -tna<>  capital. 

$iIletartof(er  baked  potatoes. 

$illeloge  c  .stage-box. 

'^illeimab  food  that  requires  picking.  -mel 
shudes.  -n  c  picking;  peeling  etc.  pillen  a  F 
flnical.    *.^illent)eb  c  flnicalncss. 

*.^ille|pjafter  pillar.  -^labe  (Ur)  pillar-plate. 
-rab,  -rættc  colonuade. 

pilleri'  n  -er  trumpery,  .stuflF,  trifles. 

$ifle|rum  inlercolumnation.  -flaft  fe  -bul. 
-fpejl  pier-glass. 

'{<iUeften  c  peeling-stone. 

^illeoibbe  fe  -rum.    -»fte  pill-box. 

'i^ilote'lre  vt  pile.    -ring  c  piUng;  pilework. 

^ilraabben  a  completely  rotten. 

^iljro^J  u  fe  -fnat.    -ret  a  &  adv  straight  as 




an  arrow.  -rolfe  ie  53ig'.  -fnat  o  swift  as  an 
arrow.    -f^ilbS  ie  <J5tIe=. 

t^itfttf  «  completely  sour. 

^rlfam  c  sagittal  suture. 

i^ilt  c  -e  &  -er  poet  little  bov,  lad. 

'^filte  i)t  toddle 

^Pit'ccrter  shelled  pease. 

*.pfment'  n  plmento,  allspice. 

!Pim))C  vt  &  i  tippie. 

^impcrniH'e  c  -r  F  prude. 

^int^etnøb  c  Anthony-nut,  common  bladder 
-nut,  Staphylea  pinnata. 

^im^xntWt  c  pimplnella,  burnet -saxifrage, 
Foterium  snnguiaorba.    -roft  burnet-leaved  rose. 

$im)){ften  pumice,  pumice  stone.  -ftenS^a))ir 
pumice-stone  paper. 

!|Jinag'tio  a  painful,  tormenting.  -^eb  c  -er 
painfulness,  pain. 

^inatote'I  n  -er  pinacotheca,  picture-gallery. 

5Pinccne's  [fr.]  c  double  eyeglass. 

^pincet'  c  -ter  tweezers. 

iPtnb  c  -e,  *¥inbc  c  -r  (af  2ræ)  stick;  (Stift, 
■SKagle,  35 laf)  pin,  peg;  (fmaa  Siebre  ^o§  fugleunger) 
pin-feather;  (i  ftritfet)  bail;  (i  <Piubeft)il)  cat;  bet 
»ar  en  ~  til  l^anl  2tgfifte)  it  was  a  nail  in  his 
«offin;  jætte  en  _  for  noget  put  a  stop  to  some- 
thing;  bet  !an  bu  ffljbe  en  l^oib  ~  efter  you  may 
whistle  for  is;  ftaa  i?aa  -e  for  en  be  at  one's 
beck  and  eall,  dance  attendance  on;  rtbe  af  -en 
unseat;  rtjge,  bratte  af  -en  be  unseated;  f  F  til 
-8  (Snbe  to  the  very  last. 

^Pinbo'rlfl  a  Pindar'ic. 

$inbe  vt  pin,  peg. 

^^inbejagttg  a  slender,  thin.  -Bor  pin-drill. 
•firænbe  small-cut  faggots;  F  ^ugge  -  catch  at 
straws.  -^ugger  dealer  in  small-cut  faggots. 
-huggert  n  F  cheeseparing.  -!)tt8  rickety  house. 
•tompaS  traverse-board.  ^titbcr  c  -e  pegger. 
t^inbeS  vt  get  the  first  pin-feathers.  $ittbe{ffo 
pegged  shoe.  -f!rue  (®ntp.)  stud-bolt.  -f)»it  tip- 
cat.  -tiogn  open-side  carriage.  -Ⱦt!  rjckety 

sptnb|gri§  hedge-hog.  -^ofe  vet  grease.  -littl 
peg-hole.  -((ængfcl  pin-hinge,  peg-hinge.  -tgel= 
tæv  piper,  Cidurii.  -tnagei;  a  lean  as  a  rake. 
-fo  female  hedge-hog.  -ften  small  paving-stone. 
-fUin  hedge-hog,  Erinacewt;  porcupine,  Hystrix. 
-tbittcuwge  hedge-pig.  -fttinflfl  porcupine-flsh, 
Diodon.  -ftiintno))  bur-reed,  Sparganium.  -fj»in= 
tibfel  hedge-hog  thistle,  Gactn«  melocactug.  -f^I 

^inc  c  -r  pain,  pang,  torture;  2)øb  og  _!  by 
Jove!  gør  -n  tort  don't  prolong  my  torture;  F 
^olbe  -n  ub  bear  the  brunt  of  it,  brave  it  out. 
^ine,  -te;  -t  vt  torment,  torture,  plague!  _  fin 
9Kufe  fatigue  one's  Muse;  -  fig  op  »t  forge  ahead. 
•tant  rack;  lægge?  Xi(i(i  -en  be  put  to  the  rack. 
-fulb  fe  $inogtig.  -gal  «  F  fe  9?aogol.  -tfe  c 
torturing,  tormenting  etc.  -rebflab  instrument 
of  torture.  ^Pitteri'  n  tormenting.  ^inefteb 
place  of  torture. 

^ingOi'n  c  -er  peng'uin,  Aptenodytet. 

^Pini'ttf^re  c  pin'ic  acid. 

$inje  c  -r  stone-pine,  Pinui  pinea.  -flott  pine 
-plantation.    -træ  fe  $tnie. 

$iut  c  -er  ,t,  pink.    -Qttttet  a  pink-stemed. 

$tnlfa(t  n  pink-salt,  pink-colour. 

^iufflifi  n  pink. 

^i'nlig  a  painful;  -t  Sor^ør  examination  by 
torture,  question;  unbertofte  -t  gor^ør  put  to  the 

^inne  af  vt  thin.    -^amtner  face-hammer. 

$infc  c  Whitsuntide,  (ogfaa  ^øbernel)  Pente- 
cost.    -aften  eve  of  Pentecost. 

¥i«feben  «  ^  crow-bar. 

^infejbag:  førfte  _  Whitsunday;  anben  _  Whit 

-Mondav;    treble   -   Whit-Tuesday.     -ferte  VVhlt-J 
sun(tidé)  holidays.  -fcft  fe  «lJinfe.   -t)euiøt>age  pi, 
*-^elg  c,  -i)«|tib  (feast  of)  Pentecost,  whitsuntide. 

SJJt'nfel  c  -fler  torture,  torment,  pang. 

$infe| lilje  poetic  el.  white  narcissus.  •morgen 
Whitsunday  morning. 

^infefvag  c  ^  lever  handspike. 

^i«fe|ttb  Whitsuntide.  -uge  Whitsun-week. 
-Oejr  weather  during  the  Whitsuntide  holidays. 

-^^i'nfont  a  agonizing.  excruciatlng. 

SPlB'n  c  fe  <Pæon. 

^ione'r  c  -er  pioneer. 

Spitt'  c  (^ønfef^gb.)  pip,  gapes. 

^\p'  n  (guglS)  chirp;  cont  (3Rf{e)  chit,  fe  <pi6e= 
ftæg;  int  peep !  pip!  F  tigf  -et  fra  en  drive  one 
into  a  eorner. 

$i)>anb  fe  «pibe=. 

$i))atubfe  c  pipa,  Surinam  toad,  Pipa  Arneri--^ 

^ipffa^  c  Rwelling  on  the  hock,  capped  hock. 

^i^ling  c  -er  (2<SbIe)  pippin. 

mPlitevte  fe  «Ptbe=. 

$tj>))e  vi  (om  2fugl)  chirp. 

Øij^i^e  vi:  ~  frem  peep  up,  shoot  up,  spring 
up  el.  forth. 

f^ipå  n  sickly  child.  5Pi<>fe  vi  be  ahvays_ 
complaining.  ' 

${))f{(cg  n  down  on  the  chin. 

$iqué  n  quilting. 

*$tr  c  young  mackerel. 

*5Pir  c  (©libSbro)  pier. 

*$iraal  hag,  Myxine  glutinoaa. 

^ira't  c  -er  pi'rate.    -junf  pirat'ical  junk. 

-iJJl'r^oueb  pier-head,  jetty-head. 

^itte  vt  &  i  finger;  (Ilø)  itch.   -ri'  n  fingering. 

^iro'ge  c  -r  pirogue. 

^iroT  c  -er  oriole,  loriot,  Oriolm. 

^irre  vi  {i,  tit,  eeb  noget)  stir,  poke;  —  vt 
(irritere)  irritate,  provoke,  stimulate;  (lilbre) 
tiekle;  -nbe  røibbel  stimulant.  pirrelig  a  irri- 
table, touchy.  ^irreligtieb  c  irritability,  touch- 
iness.  ^irremibbel  n  stimulant,  provocative. 
^trren,  pirring  c  stirring,  stimulating,  stimula- 
tion; tickling.    ^trringSmibbel  fe  SPirremibbel. 

t^Pirreå  puss,  pussy. 

^Iruct'te  c  -r  pirouette. 

*iPirum  adv,  joc  mellow. 

^i8'  n  piss,  urine. 

$ifang  c  plaintain,  Mu8o  itaradiaiaca. 

^igbrtoenbc  a  diuretic. 

^ifémur  c  beaten  cobwork. 

$iff  c  -e  (Soøbe,  3libeO  whip;  (»eriberO  longe 
-whip;  (jpaar)3tf?)  cue,  pigtail;  ^olbe  unber  -n 
keep  under,  hold  tight,  have  the  whip  hånd 
of;  ftaar  unoer  -en  drags  his  chain,  plays  second 
fiddle;  "ftaoe  en  _  (perial),  bære  paa  en  _  be  in 
liquor,  fuddled.  ^ift  n,  pi  =,  lash,  stripe;  fao 
_  get  a  flogging,  licking.  5PifIe  vt  &  i  whip, 
lash,  flog;  (26g  o.  b.)  whisk,  beat,  whip;  F  - 
affteb,  omfring  hurry  away,  about;  ©torraen  -r 
58ølgerne  the  wind  lashes  the  waves;  SJølgeme  _ 
mob  Saften  the  waves  lash  the  shore;  Kegnen  -r 
paa  fRuberne  the  rain  patters  el.  beats  against 
the  panes;  ^an  tiar  -t  til  bet  he  was  driven  to 
it;  F  -nbe  gal  raving  mad.  —  5ptffc|6aonb  cue 
-riband,  -f obrifant  whip-maker.  -f  jer  virgularia. 
-formig  a  flagelliform.  -gol  a  raving  mad; 
absurd,  preposterous.  -ftiB  lash.  -tnalb  smack- 
ing  et.  cracking  of  a  whip.  patpt  pigtail  wig. 
-ffaft  handle  of  a  whip.  -ffralb  fe  -tnalb.  -flag 
lash.  -flonge  whip-snake,  Ahætulla.  -fmælb  fe 
-fnalb.  -fnært  lash.  !BifIning  c  -er  whipping 
etc;  flagellation. 

$i§fe  vt  &  i  piss.  -blære  (urinary)  bladder. 
•l)ttå   retiring-place.     -Irog    fe    $ilfoir.     -potte 





chambcr-pot.  -trang  urgency  of  making  water. 
•triengt  a  pressed  to  make  water. 

^iéfot'i:  [fr.]  n  -er  urinal,  lavatory. 

^ift!  int  st! 

*¥ift  »  piping,  chirping.  ^ift  c  -er  p  weak- 
ling,  milksop.    -e,  -re  vi  pipe,  chirp. 

^ifta'cie  c  -r  (gruflt)  pistachio(-mit;;  (Sræet) 
pistachio-tree,  Pisticia  vera. 

^iftiC  c  ^  pistil;  (itøber;  pestle. 

$ifto'(  c  -er  'StijbeBaaben)  pis'tol;  (TOønt) 
pistole;  ubforbre  en  paa  -er  challenge  ene  to 
fight  With  pistols;  finefiff  -  cracker,  fire-cracker. 
-buet  duel  with  pistols,  -tj^lfter  holster.  -tolbe 
butt-end  of  a  pistol,  pi.stolhandle.  -tnQie  pistol 
•ball.  -laoS  pistollock.  -lab  pistol-barrel.  -tirøtie 
pistol  eprouvette.  -ffub  pistol-shot;  inbenfor  -§ 
Slfftonb  within  pistol-shot.  -flQitning  pistol 

^ifton'  [fr.]  c  -er  pis'ton;  {paa  ®eoær)  jnipple, 
pug,    -^cctte  lock-cover. 

Øit^>ro^>8  pi  (pit-)props. 

^ittoreff  a  picturesque. 

SPiuå  Pio. 

'■■^jaolter  c  brandy  and  seltzer 

^jalt  c  -er  rag,  tatter;  Jig  milksop,  coward; 
contemi)tible  fellow,  ragamulflu;  falbe .  i  -er  fall 
to  rags;  \laa  fine  -r  iammen  club  finances;  row 
in  the  same  boat.  —  ^joIte|tioJ>  rag-shop,  old 
clothes'  shop.  -i)anbe(  dealing  in  rags.  -Iram 
rags.  -Irirmmer  dealer  in  rags,  ragman.  -tceV 
Ung  rag-woman.  pjatteri'  n  beggarly  conduct. 
$jaltct  a  ragged,  tattered;  Jig  soft,  weak,  nerve- 
less.    $jaltetorU  rag-market,  rag-fair. 

^jaitt  n  f  slip-slop;  Jiu  twaddle.  fjante  c  -r 
silly,  nonsensical  woman.  $|anfe  vi  fe  pjatte. 
$ianfet  o  silly,  childish. 

$|af{,e  vi  paddle,  spla.'ih,  plash,  dabble.  -en 
c  paddling  etc.  -tfaat  a  dripping  wet,  drenched, 

^jafter  c  -tre  plaster. 

^jat'  n  prittle-prattle,  prate,  chatter,  chitchat. 
-l)o§  c  p  fe  ''Cjatte^oaeb. 

pjatte  vi  prate,  ehatter.  -gaaé  c  chatterbox. 
•IlDOeti  trifler,  Imbbler.  -«  c,  -ri'  prating,  chat- 
tering,    -t  a  twaddling,  frivolous. 

^jccc,  %\ti  [æ]  c  -er  (i  flere  iSet^bn.)  piece; 
(©trift)  pamphlet;  cont  (om  'iJSerfon)  chap. 

t^jog  [aa\,  ?P|of'  n,  cont  dough-face,  milksop. 

**jot  c  f    toddler,  chit. 

t¥jub§  n  ie  %m. 

¥juffe  vt  rumpie,  tousle;  -t  Jpaor  dishevelled 

^jæ§  c  F"  cont  chap. 

$lacc'r|e  vt  plaee;  station;  C^enge)  invest; 
(S!aan)  negotiate,  dispose  of    -tng  c  placing  etc. 

+¥IttJ)ber  n  (Wubber)  mud,  mire;  (©nat)  jabber, 
prate,  -fnlb  a  brimfuU.  -munb,  -^ofe  prater, 

^labe  c  -r  (i  aim.,  ogf. :  ^Uaitier,  Jpornift)  plate; 
(»orbO  top,  slab;  (StenO  slab,  flag;  (i  tlæbe) 
flaw;  fe  SJflfe«;  (liHe  ®runb)  ^  flat,  (SBebrageri) 
swindle;  flæbe  i  _  (^ornifl)  plate;  Ilcebe  fig  i  _ 
put  on  one's  armour;  flæbt  i  -  mail-clad;  F  f'na 
-r  swindle;  ftaa  en  en  -  impose  upon  one;  jeg 
flog  ^am  en  _  for  lo  2)Qler  I  cheated,  swindled 
him  out  of  10  dollars.  $tabe  vt  cover  with 
piates.  —  ^lobelboanb  tie-plate.  -bl^  sheet  lead. 
•gong  J,  strake  of  piating.  -gloå  plate-glass. 
-gulb  gold  in  piates.  •jammer  flatting  hammer. 
-jccrn  sheet-iron.  -tioebntng  .i,  piating.  -lobber 
sheet-copper.  -l«t  keel  made  of  piates.  -me8= 
fing  brass  in  piates,  latten.  -oon  stove  made 
of  iron  piates.  -(lanfer,  -ruftning  plate-armour. 
•fals  metal-plate  shears.  -ftrintinel  strip  of 
plate-iron.  -f«H)  platesilver.  -tqflelfe  thick- 
ness  of  piating.    -balfeoært  rolling-mill.    -»alS« 

•Sittt  sheet-ziuc.    ^lab» 
vi  (daafe)  prate, 

ning  rolling  of  piates. 
ning  c  plating. 

^iabrc  vt  (f ommen)  mix  up 

^labS  c  -e  el.  -er  place,  position;  (2lnfCEttelfe) 
situation,  place;  (StibS)  berth;  (S3t)  o.  1.)  place; 
(i  et  33Iab  o.  1.)  space;  part  seat;  *small  (cot- 
tager's,  labourer's)  farm;  fri  -  open  place;  _  el. 
®runb  (til  at  bQggc  pao)  plot,  ground;  offentlige  -e 
public  piaces,  squares;  aoben  _  (regelmæSfig,  om= 
giocn  af  ^ufe)  square,  (meb  S3uegonge)  piazza,  mil 
open  town;  fe  Staben;  jeg  tog  -  oeb  Éirten  1  took 
my  stand  near  tlie  chureh;  bette  er  min  _  this 
is  my  seat;  -n  er  optaget,  fe  Cptaget;  tage  _  take 
a  seat;  be  tog  -  they  took  their  seals;  tage  (f.  ®f§. 
megen)  _  op  take  up  (a  greal  deal  of)  room; 
_  tit  room  for;  ^aoe  _  til  aflbrd  accommodation 
to,  accommodate,  -  !  gor  _  !  make  way !  clear 
the  way!  gøre  el.  gioe  _  for  make  room  for; 
!^er  er  ingen  _  there  is  no  room  here;  gøre  _  for 
en  make  room  for  one;  en  tillaber  oS  itie  space 
will  not  allow  us;  be^olDe  en  keep  the  fleld; 
blioe  paa  en  be  left  dead  on  the  fleld;  ^er  paa 
-en  in  this  place,  in  our  place;  pao  _  !  take  your 
piaces!  føre  paa  førfie  _  ride  el.  travel  flrst 
class;  fig  paa.  fin  -  appropriate;  ifte  pcrnx  fin  -  in- 
appropriate,  out  of  place.  ^Iab§|agetit  local 
agent,  -beftemmelfe  determiniug  a  ship's  posi- 
tion, -betjent  policeman  on  special  duty.  -for« 
brug  local  consumption.  -forretninger  local 
business,  -foroalter  inspector.  -^jort  stag  that 
maintains  the  ground.  -^unb  watch-dog.  -!om= 
manbant  fe  -major,  -loge  front-box  -major 
town-major.  *-manb  o.  fl.,  fe  Jpuémanb.  -mangel 
want  of  space.  -f«gcnbe  a  seeking  employment. 
-oefået  promissory  note.  -Vægter  private  watch- 
man.  *. 

$(affe  y*  pop.    -rt  c  -er  popgun. 

^lafonb'  c  plafond,  ceiling. 

t^lag  c  -ge  colt. 

*^tog'  n,  pi  =,  garment,  article  of  clothing. 

$lage  c  -r  torment,  worry,  inflictiou,  trouble; 
bibl  (15anbe=)  plague;  Ijoer  ®ag  ^aoer  nof  i  fin  _ 
sufficient  unto  the  day  is  the  evil  thereof;  baoe 
fin  _  meb  be  worried  with.  $(age  vt  plague, 
torment,  worry;  _  iiioet  af  en  worry  one's  soul 
out,  make  one's  life  a  burden  el.  a  torment  to 
him;  _  fig  meb  bother  one's  self  about;  min 
S)atter  -g  ilbe  af  Sjæoelen  bibl  my  daughter  is 
grievously  vexed  with  a  de  vil;  fe  ganben.  — 
^logeiaanbyio  tormentor,  plague.  -n  c  plaguing 
etc.  -r  c  -e  tormenter;  bibl  task- master,  -ri' 
11  plaguing  etc. 

^lagijat  n  -er  pla'giarism.  -a'tor  c  -o'rer 
pla'giarv.    -e're  vt  plagiarize. 

^loib  fe  'iJJlcEb. 

^lofa't  c  -er  plac'ard,  bill,  poster,  iUi)  hand- 
bill,  broadside,  (Seat.)  tongelig  _  royal  mandate, 
manifesto.  $lata't{(fu(b)  a  F  dead  drunk;  britfe 
en  -  make  one  dead  drunk.  -manb,  -fmører 
bill- poster,  -sticker. 

$latb(ert  clay-liniug,  rammed  earth-woik. 

^(ama'fe  c  -r  F  blot. 

♦^lan  a  plain,  plane.  ^lon  c  -er  (Slette,  glabe) 
plain;  (Ubfaft,  ©runbribl,  ^enRgt)  plan,  design; 
C'.IJlantegning)  plan;  _  ooer,  til  plan  of;  lægge  en 
_  lay  el.  form  a  scheme;  lægge  -en  til  plan:  bet 
laa  ifte  i  ^an§  _  at  it  was  no  part  of  his  plan 
to.  ipion  »I  -er  plane;  i  .  meb  evcn  with,  flush 

^tanc^e  c  -r  plate. 

^lane'rjbammer  planishing  hammer.  •pTti\t 
size-press.  -oanb  size.  ^(ane're  vt  (jæone)  level; 
planisli;  (*J5apir;  size.   $lane  ring  c  levelling  etc. 

flanet  c  er  plau'et;  F  flaa  en  paa.  -en  knock 
one  on  the  head.     -aar  planetary  year.    ^la- 




itcta'rifl  a  plan'etary.  ^taneta'tium  n  -ier 
planetarium,  orrery.  planetbane  orbit  of  a 
planet.  $tanctot'ber  pi  plan'etoids.  5piane't|  = 
f^ftem  plauetary  system,  -taoler  pi  plauetary 

'4JJa'n|9eonietn  c  plane  geometry. 

iBIant|9lo'6(inm)  n  plan'isphere.  -metri'  c 
planim'etry.    -we'triff  a  planimet'ric(al). 

$tan{c  c  -r  (ifcer  foær;  plank,  (fun  om  ®ran  og 
g^r)  deal,  (Vtont«  ellev  berunber)  batten;  betlæbe 
mcb  -r  plank.  $(anfe  vt  enclose  with  planks. 
$(anIe|liro  bridge  of  planks.  -bygget  a  built  of 
planks.  -bagning  building  of  planks.  -enbe 
(Støtte)  deal  end,  plank-end;  ((Snbe  af  en  53) 
butt.  -gong  strake.  -gntb  floor  of  planks  el. 
deals.  -logning  boiling  of  planks.  -))enge  J^ 
plankage.  -foJ>  saw  for  ciitting  planks,  pit-saw. 
-fjEur  shed.  -ftærcr  sawyer.  -ftumv,  -fttjffc 
piece  of  plank,  -bært  enclosure  of  planks, 
hoard,  boarding,  railing,  paling.  plantning  c 

$Ia'n{I(egning  c  design.  -løS  a  planless, 
designless.  -tuS^eb  c  want  of  design  el.  pur- 
pose.  -mcciSftg  a  according  to  a  plan,  system- 
atical;  SToget  anfom  i  _  %it  the  train  arrived  in 
due  time.  -ntæ§ftgl)Eb  c  regularity  of  plan,  delib- 
erate  planning.  -ffibe  (®rejn.)  face-plate,  chuck 
-plate;  (Simp.)  dressing-plate,  surface-plate.  -fpcjl 
plane  speculum  el.  mirror. 

^lanta'Qt  c  -r  plantation.    -ejer  planter. 

plante  c  -r  plant,  herb.  plante  vt  plant. 
$Iante|aftrQt  impression  of  a  plant,  -agtig  a 
vegetable,  herbaceous.  -attati  fe  -bafe.  -anatomt 
vegetable  anatomy,  phytotomy.  -anatomtft  a 
of  vegetable  anatomy.  -art  specfes  of  plant. 
-affe  vegetable  ashes.  -bofc  vegetable  alkali, 
alkaloid,  -beb  nursery-bed  (for  piants).  -beftri= 
bclfe  phytography.  -bor  garden  trowel,  trans- 
planter, -bælte  vegetable  zone.  -celte  vegetable 
cell.  -bel  vegetable  substance.  -btjr  zoophyte. 
-b^rfer  cultivator  of  piants.  -elfenben  phyte- 
lephas.  -familie  family  of  piants.  -farbe  vege- 
table dye.  -fiber  fe  -treBl.  -flatter  transplanter. 
-fro  seed  of  piants.  -febe  vegetables  pi,  vege- 
table food  el.  diet.  -gaarb  fe  -ftole.  -gaffel 
plan  ting-fork.  -geografi  geography  of  plauts, 
phytogeography.  -geografifl  a  of  the  geography 
of  piants.    -gift  vegetable  poison. 

$la'ntegning  c  drawing  of  plans;  floor-plan. 

^lantelgren  slip  of  a  plant.  -gru^))e  group 
of  piants.  -gebning  vegetable  manure.  -^atte 
planting-hoe.  -^awe  fe -ftoie.  -^ul  hole  for  plant- 
ing. -^u8  greenhouse,  conservatory.  -jorb  vege- 
table mould.  -fafein  vegetable  caseine.  -femi 
vegetable  chemistry,  phytochemistry.  -tenber 
botanist.  -fim  germ  of  a  plant.  -llaSfe  class  of 
piants.  -foft  fe  -febe.  -!nl  vegetable  eharcoal. 
-tunbffab  botanical  knowledge.  -tnnft  art  of 
planting.  -toift  fe  -gren.  -!^wbig  a  skilled  in 
botany.  -laglayerofvegetablesubstance.  -legeme 
vegetable  body  -lim  gluten,  -lio  vegetable  life. 
-lubfalt  fe  -bafe.  -lære  botany.  -maabe  mode  of 
planting.  -maler  botanical  painter.  -mefter 
nursery-man.  -mulb  fe  -iorb.  -naon  name  of  a 
plant,,  botanical  name,  plant-name.  -næring  ali- 
ment  of  piants.  -olie  vegetable  oil.  -(linb  plant- 
ing-stick,  dibble.  -r  c  -e  planter,  -rig  a  teeming 
with  piants.  -rigbom  abuudance  of  piants.  -rige 
vegetable  kingdom.  -faft  sap,  juice  of  piants. 
-fait  alcaloid.  -famler  collector  of  piants,  herb- 
alist.  -famling  collection  of  piants,  (^erbatium) 
herbal,  herbarium,  -filte  vegetable  silk.  -fjæl 
soul  of  a  plant,  -ffe,  fe  -bor.  -ffole  nursery. 
-ftub  shoot  of  a  plant.  -flagS  kind  of  piants. 
•flim  mucilage.  -fnJjlter  vegetable  parasite. 
•f^ifer  vegetarian.   -ftab  eolony.    -ftcb  place  (flt) 

for  planting;  eolony.  -ften  lithophyl.  -ftifte, 
-ftot  fe  -pinb.  -ftof  vegetable  substance.  -f^g= 
bom  disease  of  piants.  -f^re  vegetable  acid. 
-f|)ftem  botanical  system.  -f«»n  sleep  of  piants. 
-tib  planting  season.  -treot  vegetable  fibre. 
■ulb  vegetable  wool.  -oejr  planting  weather. 
-berben  vegetable  world  el.  creation.  -oibbe 
planting  distance.  -Oibenftab  botany,  botanical 
science.  -tiotS  wax  of  piants,  vegetable  wax. 
-bætét  growth  of  plants;  vegetation,  -oæo  vege- 
table tissue.  -æbenbe  a  herbivorous,  vegetable- 
-feeding.  -ægge^bibe  vegetable  albumen.  !|Jlant- 
ning  c  -er  (®erningen)  planting;  («|J(antage)  plant- 

^la'ntrigonometri  c  plane  trigonometry. 

planum  c  (Qærnb.)  level  plane. 

^iapxe  vi  babble;  —  vt  patter,  babble;  -  iib 
blab  out. 

-f^lofe  c  fe  $Iotnafe. 

^lafe'r  c  f  amusement,  fun. 

$laff  «,  pi  =,  splash.  $laft|e  vt  splash, 
(f.  et§.  i  S^anbet)  dabble.  -en  c  splashing  etc. 
•regn  heavy  shower. 

ijSlofter  (j  -ftre  plaster;  lægge  _  boa  apply  a 
plaster,  -fntører  cont  pill- monger.  -^rQger 

5Plofti|l'  c  plas'tic  art.    -'iff  a  plastic. 

^Plaftre  vt  plaster. 

^lat'  a  (flab)  flat;  (i  Sale  el.  Stilj  vulgar,  low; 
_  Sort  ^  plane  chart;  ©ejlabl  i  _  fiort  plane- 
sailing;  _  og  SlTotie,  fe  SSiønt.  ^lat  ndv  (flobt) 
flat;  _  ub  (ligefrem)  flatly,  bluntly;  (olbeleS)  en-l 
tirely,  quite;  ^  (dead)  before  the  wind. 

$lata'n  c  er,  -træ  plane-tree,  plat'ane,  /'/a- 
tanus,  bet  ameritonffe  ~  button-wood,  P.  occiden- 

f^latlbor  drill,  brad-awl.    -boje  can-buoy. 

^lat(be)mfna'ge  c  -r  cruet-stand,  -frame. 

plateau'  u  -er  plateau,  table-land. 

5piot|fil  lock-smith's  file.  -flft  flat-fish.  -fob- 
flat  foot;  J,  -en  the  dog-watches.  -fobet  a  flat 

^latfonb  fe  <J5lafonb. 

ipiotlform  platform,  -gattet  «  square-stemed. 
-Rommer  flatting- hammer,  -^eb  c  vulgarily. 
-^obeb  (et  SlagS  Som)  scupper-nail,  clout-nail, 
flat  headed  uail. 

^Ploti'n,  ISlo'tino  n  plat'ina,  plat'inum.  ?Pla= 
ti  n|biflorib  plat'inous  chlorid.  -blil  platinum 
plaié.    -bigel  platinum  crucible. 

^loti'ne  c  -r  (til  ©enærl.)  skelp,  brand;  -r 
(SSæOn.)  wires. 

ipiotine'r-e  vt  plat'inize.    -ing  c  platinizing. 

*.pioti'njcrt§  plat'inum-ore.  -f>)rt»j  platina. 
match-box.  -^olbig  a  platiniferous.  t-'lte  fe 
■ojQb.  -tlorib  platin'ic  chloride.  -tlorqr  fe  -&i= 
tlorib.  -OE>)b  deutoxide  of  platinum.  -fonb  fe 
-ert§.  -fnrt  ©alt  platinate.  ■fDam:p  spongy  plat- 
inum. -fbre  platinic  acid  -tetratlorib  fe  -tlorib. 
-troob  platinum  wire.    -æter  ether  of  platina. 

^lotjlot  lump-lac.  -loft  flat  scarph.  -lob 
apron.  -læber  pressed  leather.  -menage  fe  55lQt= 
bemenoge.   -næb  tody,  Todus.   -næfet  a  flat-nosed. 

iJJloto'nlifer  c    e  Plat'onist.    -ift  «  platon'ic. 

^Platlplatting  ^  knittle,  sennit.  -ranb  .i  top 
rim.  -roffe  skate,  Raja  batis.  -feletej  breast 
-harness.  -filfe  slack  silk.  -fam  fe  -^ooeb.  glatte 
vt  flatten;  ^  plait.    ^lattemoftine  flatting-mill. 

!|$latten{flager  c  -e  manufacturer  of  ironplates; 
(SSebroger)  swindler,  cheat,  Jeremy  Diddler. 
-flageri  «  cheating,  imposition,  imposture. 

SPlottcnfaen  (Lakej  Balawton. 

ipiottcoært  flatting-mill.  plotting  c  -er  J^ 
sennit.  iPlottJift  a  &  n  Low  German.  ^lotbolft 

SBloufi  bel  «  plau'sible 




¥Iebei'|er  c    e,  -ifl  a  plebeian.    ^{ebifcit'  n 

-er  plebisc'it,  plebisci'tum.  $(e{id  c  f  mob, 

Éleia'ber  pi  the  Plei'ades,  Plei'ads. 

$lejc  vi  i^aw  SSane  til)  be  used  to,  be  accus- 
tomed  to,  be  wont,  use,  be  in  the  habit  of;  font 
man  -r  at  ftge  (fom  mon  figer)  as  the  saying  is; 

t  -  Ban  F  =  pleje- 

^leje  c  (+  pi  -r)  uursing;  (Dmforg)  tending; 
(Segemets)  care  (of);  (af  en  åxigifjxv,  ©olbater) 
maintenance;  faf  SSlomfter  ofd.)  cultivation;  (af 
ftunfter,  SBiBenffaber)  encouragement ;  (9Jetten?) 
administration;  fætte  i  _  put  font)  to  el.  at 
nurse;  oære  i  -  be  (out)  at  nurse;  ftabe  i  _  bring 
up.  ^lejc  vt  (røgte,  6ære  Dmforg  for)  tend,  nurse, 
take  care  of;  _  fig  nurse  one's  .self;  -  9Jetten 
administer  justice;  _  Omgang  meb  en  have  inter- 
course  with,  associate  with  one;  _  legemlig  €m- 
flang  meb  have  carnal  intercourse  with;  _  SRaab 
hold  a  council;  _  ftn  ^Bile  take  rest;  _  ^n  9Jloge= 
ligl^eb  take  one's  ease;  +  _  fin  Stnbogt  perform 
one's  devotions.  —  $(e|e|amme  nurse,  -anftalt 
fe  -ftiftelfe.  -barn  foster-child.  -brotter  foster 
-brother.  -batter  foster -daugh  ter,  adoptive 
-faber  foster-  el.  adoptive  father. 
nursing  association,  -forælbre  pi 
adoptive  parents.     -^uS  almshouse, 

foster-   el. 

-4i(be  strap  of  the  flail. 
flail.    -ftang  mach  rod  and 

-er  flail. 
-jlofl  stroke  of  the 

$(e|Cimober  fosler-  el.  adoptive  mother,  -ffole 
asylum,  -ftiftelfe  (CpfoftringS^ui)  orphan  asylum; 
(5ottigt)u8,  *l>Ieje^ug)  almshouse.  -ftueward.  -fen 
foster-  el.  adoptive  son.  -feftet  foster  el.  adopt- 
ive sister. 

¥Ieftrum  n    rer  pleetrum. 

^Icna'rmabc,  ^lennnt  n  full  meeting. 

$teonad' me  c -r  ple'onasm.  -tif!  a  pleonastic, 

^tet'  n  (electro-)plate,  piated  ware. 

^let'  c  -ter  speck,  (ogf.  Jia  ©famplet)  .spot, 
stain;  (SteD)  spot;  (fom  er  en  Sl)be,  i  Wetal,  Stene 
0.  I.)  flaw;  (paa  Piet)  film;  (ftøbt,  f.  efå.  vaa  grugt) 
bruise;  -  ^ovb  plot,  patoh  of  ground;  paa  -ten 
on  the  spot;  rør  big  if !e  af  -ten !  don't  stir !  fætte 
-ter  make  spots;  tage  -terne  af  take  out  the  stains. 
$tet| aftager  scourer.  -aftagning  taking  out 
stains.  -feber  spotted  fever.  -fri  a  ?potless, 
stainless,  immaculate.  -fri^eb  spotlessness,  im- 
maculacy.  -fugl  fe  9Jøbbe!rage.  -tugle  scouring 
-ball.  -ler  clay  for  removing  stains.  -foa  vt 
dibble.  -faamåffine  dibbling  machine.  -faa= 
ning  dibbling.  -ffub  hit  in  the  center  fl.  bull's 
eye.  -fæbe  scouring  soap.  flette  vt  speck, 
(ogf.  fig)  spot,  stain;  —  vi  get  stained  el.  spotted. 
flettet  a  spotted;  .stained;  (om  SGbelften)  muddy. 

^(etlc'rle  vt  plate.    -ing  c  piating. 

^tctlt^fnS  spotted   typhus.     -bonb 
drops,  abstergent.    -biS  adv  in  spots. 

^li  c  manners  pi. 

^tigt  c  -er  duty;  -en  duty. 

^ligt  c  ^1>  (i  (5art»j)  foresheets  pi; 
(SRor)   how.      -anfer    sheet-anchor. 
sheet  cable. 

^ligt  arbejbc  work  of  duty.  -begreb  notion 
of  duty.  -bub  moral  precept  *$ligte  vi  be 
(in  duty)  bound.  ^ligtjerfenbelfe  convietion  of 
duty.  -forglctttmelfe  disloyalty.  -forglemmenbe 
a  undutiful,  disloyal,  -forfømmelfe  dereliction 
of  duty.  -fri  a  exempt  from  duty.  -falelfe 
sense  of  duty.    -^enfijn  considerations  of  duty. 

$ligtbugger  c  j,  howman. 

¥Ugt{ig  a  Ijound  in  duty,  obliged.  -ferfel 
soccage-  el.  Rtatute-lal)Our  with  horses,  -lære 
moral  philosophy,  ethics  pi.    -mennefle  slave  to 


fe  -anfer; 

duty.  -mtedfig  i  conformable  to  duty.  -olffDl' 
belfe  fulfllment  of  one's  duty.  -apft)lbenbc  a 
dutiful,  loyal,  -fag  matter  of  duty.  -ft^tbig  a 
bound  in  duty,  dutiful.  -ffl(lbtgft  adv  as  in 
duty  bound.  -ftribig  a  at  variance  with  one's 
duty,  disloyal,    -ftribig^eb  disloyalty. 

$tigttoo  n  sheet  cable. 

^ligtltro  a  dutiful,  faithful.  -troffab  faithful- 
ness  to  (one's)  duty.  -billig  a  willing  to  do 
one's  duty.  -Qbelfe  performance  of  duty,  yield- 
ing  what  is  due.    f-aQt  fe  -tørfel. 

¥tintn§  Plin'y. 

^lint,  klinte  c  -r  plinth. 

^liocæ'n  a  pli'ocene.   -bannelfe  p.  formation. 

^lir|e  vi  blink,  -e«  c  bliuking.  -ejet  a 

$liSfé  c  -er  plaiting,  pleating. 

•^liftre  fe  ^pitjftre. 

*^log  fe  <l5toti. 

plombe  c  -r  mass  (for  filling  teeth);  mere 
(lead)  tally.  dombe'|re  vt  mere  seal  with  lead, 
lead,  tally;  _  en  2anb  plug  el.  stop  a  tooth. 
-'ring  c  leading  etc;  (af  Jcenber)  plugging, 

''flomme  fe  SSIomme. 

^longe'rf!ub  a  gun  el.  shot  fired  at  depres- 
sion. —  ^longc'lre  vt  depress  (a  gun).  -'renbe 
a  plunging.    -ring  c  depression. 

^tonq,  ^lob  c  -e  plough;  lægge  unber  -en  bring 
into  cultivation;  f  nu  gaar  6an8  _  that's  grist 
to  his  mill.  -aai  plough-l>eam.  -beb  ridge. 
-breng  ploughboy.  -briber  plough-driver.  -brat 
plough-trace.  -b^r  plough-cattle.  -fjæl  mould 
-board.  -foH  ploughers.  -fure  furrow  (made 
by  a  pldugh).  -fæQig :  »ære  i  _  have  one  plough 
in  coihmon.  -fer  a  &\  for  drawing  a  plough. 
-gang  ploughing  pace.  -greb,  f-^anbel  handle 
of  a  plough.  -^eft  plough-horse.  -bjttl  plough 
-wheel,  -^olber  ploughman.  -^øbeb  fe  -lob. 
t-^ugger  plough-wrighl.  -ftebl  plough(-plane). 
-jærn  coulter;  *plough-share.  -fart  ploughman. 
-læb  plough-rake,  plough-staff.  t-tærre  plough 
-head.  -terer  driver  of  a  plough.  t-tering 
ploughboy.  -lanb  arable  land.  -lab  ie  -fællig. 
•legeme  piough-frame.  -leb  sole.  -manb  plough- 
man. -ofSe  plough-ox.  "-onn  ploughing-season. 
-rebffob  ploughing  implement.  -renfer  fe  -læp. 
-ret  right  of  tillage,  f-rtjbbe  plough-rake.  -ffat 
plough-tax.  -ffibe  fe  -fure.  ='=-ffjære  coulter. 
-ffær  plough-share.  -flærben  vomer,  -firabe  fe 
-tæp.  -ftjært  plough-tail.  -ftnb  plough-ox. 
-ft^rer  ploughman.  t-fule  sheath.  -tift  brldle 
el.  muzzle.  -tej  ploughing  gear.  -bant  a  used 
to  the  plough.  -benbing  turning  of  the  plough. 
t-bibje  fe  -ftjært.    -eg  fe  -^eft. 

t^lnbber  n  (3)^nb)  mud,  sludge,  mire. 

tJlnbber  c  (uforftaael.  ©naf)  jabber,  gabble, 
babble,  gibberish.  -agtig  a  fe  -bom.  -agtig^eb 
c  jalibering. 

$lubber|buf§er,  -t)ofer  pi  trunk-hose  el. 

^lubbcrlbljnb  fe  *BIubber.    -iå  sludge. 

^lubber|mob§,  -mnnb  jabberer,  gabbier,  bab- 
bler.  !|Jlubber|terb  c  drag  turf.  -bomajabber- 
ing,  gabbling,  babbling.  -bislff  F  gibberish, 
jargon.  Slubre  vi  jabber,  gabble,  babble. 
Slubren  c  jabtÆring  etc.    Slubrer  c  -e,  fe  -munb. 

i^lnbre  vt  CZext)}  moisten  the  peat  with  water 
before  kneading.  $lnbring  c  (Seroene?)  the 
moistening  of  the  peat  before  kneading. 

$lubfelig  a  sudden;  adv  suddenly,  ou  a  sudden; 
ftanbfe  -  stop  short.    -^eb  c  suddénness. 

$lubf|et  o  swoln,  bloated.  -feb  a  chubby. 
-febtne  c  chublnness.  -finbet  (F  -fæbet,  -fæftet) 
a  chubby-cheeked,  chub-faced.    -reb  fe  58Iul=. 




•^lug'  c  -ger  wedge;  plug,  peg,  spile.  ^lugge 
vt  plug,  peg,  spile. 

^luf  n  fe  «J5ruf!en.  -ftff  fish  hashed  and 
stewed  up,  stewed  codflsh,  kedgeree.  •gielb 
small  debts  pi,  driblets  pi.  -^ngft  felling  (trees) 
here  and  there.  $Ittlfe  »<  (i  Slim.}  pick;  (grugter, 
SSIomfter  oJ».)  gather;  (fjerene  af)  pluck;  (en 
?fug()  pick,  pluck;  fig  (en)  fleece;  ^jlut  i!te  ben 
33lomft!  don't  break  that  flower!  ^luttemah 
meat  minced  and  stewed  up.  *4J(uffcri'  n  (*)SIu{= 
ning)  gathering  etc.;  (Smaating)  trumpery.  ^lut- 
ning  c  gathering  etc.  $lut{tQtieri  pilfering. 
-Otå  adv  now  and  then. 

$(uma'ge  [fr.],  $tuma'§  c  plume. 

$(umliubbing  c  plum-pudding. 

$(umti  «  (flobfet)  clumsy;  (raa)  coarse,  low, 
vulgar;  et  -t  ©ebrageri  a  gross  deceit  el.  fraud. 

$(um))  n,  pi  =,  plump ,  splash ,  plunge. 
stumpt  vi  plump,  douse;  _  nb  meb  noget  blurt 
out  a  thing;  _  til  at  chance  to;  —  vt  ~  (noget) 
fammen  jumble  together. 

^lutn^l^eb  c  clumsiness;  coarseness,  vulgarity. 
t-t)ttggcr  boer. 

f^tumpiætn  fe  9loIeftang. 

*$Ium))ui>tiing  fe  $lumbubbing. 

$(umre  vt  muddle,  make  muddy,  turbid;  _ 
JSanbet  disturb  the  water;  — i  vd  become  turbid. 
-ftang  fisherman's  pole  (for  beating  the  water). 
•t  a  turbid,  muddy. 

$(u'ra|(t3  n  gram  the  plural  (number).  -lite't 
c  -er  plural 'ity. 

^IttS'  math  plus.  -.^nHcISfejK  additive  index 

»3Iu8feb  0.  fl.,  fe  $Iu8.. 

t^Inffe  vt  fe  55juffe. 

'Cltt8qt»omt»erfectuin  n,  gram  the  pluperfect 

^Itttarl'  Pluta'rchus,  Plu'tarch. 

$(utotTatt'  n  plutoc'racy. 

!ptuto'n|iff  a  Pluton'ic,  Pluto'nian.  -{§'tne  c 
Plu'tonism.    -ift'  c  Plu'tonist,  Pluto'nian. 

^I^bå  n  plush,  shag;  en  -eS  S8eft  a  waistcoat 
of  pliish. 

^Iflbfe  vt  fe  Cppltjbfe. 

'ipt^nbre  vt  plunder,  pillage,  spoil,  rifle;  (8{ej= 
fenbe)  rob;  (%tæ,  juletræ)  strip;  (en  8t)j  sack; 
—  vi,  mil  maraud.  $It)nbrefri^eb  liberty  to 

^.^(tinbregrctie  c  ^  poulterer. 

$I^nbre|I^ftejt  a  rapacious.  -r  c  eplunderer, 
marauder.  -ftjge  rapacity.  $(t)nbrtng  c  plun- 
dering,  pillage,  rifling,  sack.  ^(^nbringStog  raid. 

'■'fPIflftrc  vi  whistle. 

$I(Cb  c  &  n,  pi  =,  plaid. 

^(flcbc'rc  vt  &  i  plead. 

^læ'brcm  c  rug-strap. 

'.piænc  c  -r  plain,  (©ræ?-)  lawn.  -flaaningS^ 
maffine  lawn-mower. 

^ieq'.  !|}I«ggc  o.  fl.,  fe  «piø!. 

$I«i(ar  a  fe  ^tøjelig. 

^te\e  I-t  plough;  (Snebf.)  tongue;  _  .^abet 
plough  el.  furrow  the  sea;  _  igennem  fig  wade 
through;  -  fammen  (SJræber)  tongue  together. 
$Iejr|bag  day's  work  with  one  plough,  -^etjl 
plough.  -jotb,  -lonb  plough-land,  arable  land. 
$(øic(ig  a  ploughable,  arable,  tit  for  tillage. 
$(øje{(øn  plough-hire.  -marf  fe  -jorb.  -målline 
steam-plough ;  (».  .Jiøblebærf)  grooving-  (and 
tonguing-jmachine.  -rebftab  ploughing  imple- 
ment.  -ftrimmel  furrow.  -tib  ploughing-season. 
$(øintng  c  ploughing;  tonguing;  (^al§)  rabbet. 
^{øtningSarbcjbe  ploughing  operations. 

^iaf  c  -fe  peg.  $t«t|fe  vt  peg.  -ning  c  peg- 
ging.    .ft)(  pegging-awl. 

tiBl«r  n,  5piare  n  k  c  slush. 

SPl«é  o  -er  (i  Sto)  tongue. 

•■■■qSIafen  fe  53IubSfeb. 

^neuma'ttff  a  pneumat'ic(al). 

^0  c  the  River  Po. 

^obalgra  o  gout  (in  the  feet).  -grift'  c  -ei 
gouty  person;  en  gommel  _  an  old  gouty  fellow 

5Pobc  c  -r  (ogf.  fig)  scion,  shoot;  ben  tjngfte  , 
the  youngest  hope.  iJJobc  vt  graft,  ingraft 
-!Iaft  slit,  cut,  incision.  -fnib  grafting  knife, 
-ftiift  scion,  graft.  -mefter  grafter.  -ffole  nurserj 
of  grafted  trees.    -fjjlit  fe  -fløft. 

^gobcft'  c  landing. 

$obe|ftotnmc  stock.  -tib  grafting  season .  -tr« 
grafted  tree.    -t>ol8  grafting  wax. 

^obcj  c  fundament. 

^o'btting  c  -er  grafti-ng. 

5Poefl'  c  po'etry,  verse,  -fpo'esy;  -er  vi  poemsl 
poetry.    -I«8  a  unpoetic,  museless.    ^oe't  c  -e| 
po'et.   +5|Joeteri'  n  po'etastry.    $oettt'  c  poet'icsl 
pi.    -'ttff  a  poet'ic(al). 

^o'floben  fe  <l5o. 

Øog  [aal  e  -e  urchin.   ^ogeftole  dame's  school. 

^oint'  [fr.]  n  -er  fig  point;  (»eb  ©fSamen)  mark. 
^oin'te  c  -r  point,  gist.    ^olnte're  vt  point. 

^ointfer  [e.]  c  (Qiærnb.)  pointsman. 

$tflal  c    er  goblet,  (drinking)  cup,  mazer. 

»Potte  fe  «euffe  1. 

$otteH^Dlt  n  lignum  vitæ,  pockwood. 

potter  c  the  de  vil,  the  deuce;  for  _!  bang 
it !  ^Dab  _  .  .  .  what  the  deuce,  what  the  blazes, 
what  the  mischief  .  .  .?  _  deller!  the  devil  you 
are!  the  devil  you  do!  goa  _  i  SBoIb!  go  to 
blazes,  out  upon  you!  _  i  SSolb  meb  ^am  con- 
found  him;  foa  bor  ogfoo  _  Iø3!  there  would  be 
the  devil  to  pay !  ingen  _  the  devil  a  one;  fom 
Bare  -  like  anything;  en  -§  ©taj  an  infemal 
noise;  en  -g  (ro^)  *pige  el.  %ei  a  girl,  the 
devil  of  a  girl;  en  -I  35reng,  SorI  the  devil  of 
boy,  feilow;  -§  oonffelig  deucedly  difiacult;  gii 
_  6abbe  .  .  .  beshrew  .  .  . 

$otning  fe  gafning. 

^otuile'rc  vi  carouse.  -le'ring,  -ta'S  ccarous 

^ol  c  -er  phys,  astr,  geog  pole;  Sgnen  omtrini 
-en  the  circumpolar  regions. 

^olat  c  -fer  Pole,  Po'lander;  t  (2e»ning 
(Slo^fet)  heeltap;  t  (i  *j5i6en)  rest  (of  tobacco), 
dottle;  t  (®rit)  half  and  half.  -itt'bc  c  -r  Pole, 
Polish  woman.  ^olalter  c  J,  polacca,  pola'cre. 
^olalterrigget  a  polacca-rigged. 

^olo'r  a  po'lar  -hievn  fe  38biørn.  -cirfel  fe 
-frebS.  -biftance  polar  di.stanee.  -b^r  arctic 
animal.  -egne  polar  regions;  be  norblige  _  the 
arctic  r.;  be  ft)blige  _  the  antarctie  r.  -farer 
arctic  navigator.  -fart  fe  -rejfe,  -forftning  arctic 
exploration.  -grænfe  polar  limit,  -^arc  polar 
hare,  Lepm  glaciilis.  -ftatt  polar  sea;  bet  norb= 
lige  _  the  Arctic  Ocean;  bet  f^blige  _  the  south- 
ern  polar  sea.  -i§  polar  ice.  ^otatifatio'tt  c 
polariza'tion.  ^olattfe'rc  vt  po'larize.  $o(iiri> 
flo'^  n  polar'iscope.  polaritet  c  polar'ity.  ^a- 
iarjtoorbittater  pi  polar  co-ordinates.  -trebS 
polar  circle;  (norblige)  Arctic  c,  (fljblige)  Ant- 
arctie c.  -lawb  arctic  country,  -(om  black 
-throated  diver,  Golymhut  glacialis.  -loS  Canada 
lynx,  Lynx  canademi*.  -l^S  fe  9?orb=.  -otSe  fe 
fflJoffug=.  -rejfe  arctic  voyage.  -ræb  arctic  fox, 
Ganis  lagopus.  -ftjeme  polar  star,  pole-star. 
-ftram  polar  current.    -Ointer  arctic  winter. 

5PoIej(=9JJ^nte)  «  penny  royal,  Mentha  Pulegium. 

^oIe|mtt'  c  controversy,  polem'ic.  -'miter  c 
-e  controversialist.  -mife're  vi  ~  imob  join  issue 
with,  combat.    -'niift  a  polem'ic,  controversial. 

$oien  n  Poland. 

^oIe'r|al  broach.  -atnbolt  planishing-stake. 
-6«rfte  polishing  brush. 

jpole'lre  vt  polish,  burnish,  furbish;  _  SSinbuer 







clean  Windows;  en  -t  ^JJotioii,  -be  gceCer  a  pol- 
ished nation,  polishcd  manners.  -rer  c  -e 
polisher;  (2ømmer^  Wur«)  foreman.  -ring  c  pol- 
Ishing  etc. 

^oterlftl  polishiug  file.  -tiammer  polishing 
■hammer,  -jærn  polisher,  -tribt  tripoli.  -tnøUe 
polishing-mill.  -Jjo^Jtr  smoothing-paper.  -^ulocr 
polishing-powder.  -r«bt  red  oxide  of  iron.  je 
weller'.s  red,  rouge,  -ffifer  polishlng-slate.  -ftinb 
fish-sliin:  buff  leather.  -ffloe  glazer,  (af  Hvæ) 
bufif.  -ftoal  bumisher.  -ftcn  burnishing-stone. 
•tønbe  polishing-eask.  -tianb  (diluted)  muriatic 
acid.    -»ofå  rubbing-wax. 

^o'Ifiejbe  c  latitude. 

$oIi'ce  c  -r  (ocb  ?lgfurance)  pol'icy. 

^olil^tnel'  c  punclunello,  punch. 

^olift'  a  sly,  cunuing.    -^eb  c  slyness,  cunuiug. 

^otiflcet  c  pile  weft. 

$o(iti'  n  poli'ce;  -et  the  police,  the  force. 
-anorbning  police  regulation.  -aSfi^cnt  police 
-sergeant.  -baab  police-boat.  -betient  (police) 
constable,  policeman;  -e  P  bobbies,  slops,  eop- 
pers,  peelers.  -c^ef  chiefof  the  police,  -birettør 
director  of  police,  -bom  seutence  of  the  police 
-court.  -bommer  police  magistrate.  -embcb§= 
wanb  police  officer,  peace-officer.  '-foranfta(t= 
ni«o  measure  of  the  police.  -forJl«r  examina- 
tion  at  the  police-court.  -fororbning  police 
-order.  -forfeelfe  oflFence  punishable  by  the 
police,  -futbmægtig  police  inspector.  -fængfel 

¥o(ittt'  c  Oremgangsmaobc)  pol'icy;  (Statstunft) 
pol'itics  pi,  state-craft;  bet  er  en  baarlig  _  it  is 
>iad  policy;  tale  om  -  talli  politics. 

'l<oltti!ammer  n  police-offlce. 

i*oItt't|ter  c   e  politic'ian.    -fuS  c  F  old  fox. 

^otiti'ltonftabel  fe  -fietjent.  -lob  police  aet. 
-(oogibntng  laws  relating  to  the  police,  -magten 
the  force,  -manb  fe  -embebgntanb,  t  &  *-mefter 
fe  -bireftor.  -minifter  minister  of  the  police. 
■o)){igt  police  supervision,  -platat  police  order. 
-^rototol  books  of  the  police,  -^ræfctt  prefect 
of  police,  -ret  (2)omftol)  police-court.  -fog 
matter  of  police,  police  case.  -retSoSfeSfor 
police  magistrate.    -fegl  seal  of  the  police. 

¥o(it|ife're  vi  talk  politics,  -ifc'ren  c  (talk- 
ing) politics,  -'tff  a  political.  -'tff=liter(e't  « 
politico-lit'erary.  -'tff-religie'å  a  politico-re- 

^oliti'lffilt  policeman's  badge,  -folbat  gen- 
darme,  armed  policeman,  -ffjion  police  spy, 
informer,  -ftation  police  station,  station-house. 
•ftoo,  -flot  truncheon.  -ftraf  police-punishment. 
•^fftining  summons  before  a  police-magistrate. 
-til^olb  warning  from  the  police,  -unberfegclfe 
investigation  by  the  police,  -bogt  fe  -ftation. 
•oebtcegt  police  regulations.  -bicfen  police  es- 

$oHtu'r  c  pol'ish. 

^olta  c  -er  polka,  -banfer  polka- dancer. 
•ærmer  pudding  sleeves.  ?PoIfe're  vi  polk, 
danee  the  polka. 

$D'Itixbe  c  pile  warp. 

^oUen  n  pollen,  -torn  granule  (of  pollen), 
pollen  grain. 

^oUntion  c  -er  poUu'tion. 

$o'I|maft  c  -i,  pole-mast. 

^olona'fe  c  -r  polonaise. 

5BoifI  1  Polish;  bet  -e  Sprog  the  Polonese;  p 
leoe  paa  -.  be  polled  up;  _  S(Sgteffa6  concubinage; 
en  _  ^orftrætfelfe  a  mortal  funk;  _  gorfianbt 
Flemish  bond.     *-ban8  a  kind  of  rustic  dance. 

$Dlft:re  vt  stuff.    -ring  c  stufflng. 

*^o'itraab  c  pole-thread. 

^oltron'  ifr.l  r  -er  poltroon. 

^olt)  anbri'  n  polyandry.     -e'ber  n  -bre  poly- 

liedron.  -foni'  c  polyph'ony.  -fo'n(iff;  a  poly- 
pho'nic,  polyph'ouous.  -gami'  n  polyg'amy. 
-ga'mift  a  polyg'amous.  -glot'  c  &  «  pol'yglot. 
-g(ot'bibe(  pol'yglot.  -go'n  c  -er  polygon.  -go'n> 
tjarue  polyg'onal  harrow.  -^ift'or  c  polyhistor. 
-Ijiftori'  c  polymathy.  -ftifto'riff  a  polymathic. 
-ne'ficn  n  Polynesia.  -ne'fler  c  -e  Polynesian. 
•no'm  viath  polynomial.    -no'mift  a  polynomial. 

^olifp'  c  -er  pol'yp,  (ogf.  med)  pol'ypus.  -og= 
tig  a  pol'ypoid.  -bftr  zoophyte.  -formig  « 
pol'ypous.    -t)u8,  -ftof  polypary. 

^ol^lteiSmc  c  pol'ytheism.  -teift'  c  pol'ytheist. 
•teift'iff  a  polytheistic(al).  -tetnif  c  polytech'- 
nics  pi.  -tel'nifer  c  -e  polytechnic'ian.  -tel'« 
niff  a  polytechnic(al);  ben  -e  £æreanftalt  the  poly- 
technic  academy. 

^nma'bc  c  pomatum.  -fruHe  p.  pot.  ^oma^ 
bifc'ret  a  pomatumed. 

iPomerauS'  c  -er  bitter  orange,  -blomft  orange 
-flower.  -blomftotie  oli  of  orange-flowers,  neroli. 
•fugl  dotterel  plove*",  Ckaradrius  morinel/ns. 
t-fone  orange-womau.  -olie  orange-oil.  -ffoUer 
orange-peel.  -træ  orange-tree,  Citrus  aurantium; 
orange- wood. 

$omme|ra'ner  c  -e,  -rint'e  c  -r  Pomeranian. 
Pommern  n  Pomera'nia.  ^ommerff  a  Pome- 
ranian.   ^omrcr  c  -e,  fe  ^Pommeroner. 

^omote'g  c  -er  pomol'ogist.    -i'  c  pomol'ogy. 

^omp  c  pomp,  State. 

!^omt)e  fe  ^gumpe. 

^ompcj'i  n  Pompeii,  Pompei. 

^omljei'uS  Pom'pey. 

$omi)eImu3  c  shaddock,  Citrus  decumana. 

%orapoxi'  [fr.]  c  pom'pon. 

^omjifl'å  a  pom'pous. 

igoncc're  vt  pounce.  f^nce'r))Ofe  pounce(-bag). 

jonere  vt  suppose,  p*sit. 

!^ongo  c  fe  Crangutang. 

^onti'nftc  Sumpe  (be)  the  Pontine  marshes  p^. 

^outiftfa'Iier  pi  joc  canonicals. 

$onto  c  (i  2{)ombre)  ponto,  punto. 

ponton'  ffr.]  c  -er  pontoon,  ponton,  -bro 
pontoon-bridge.    -træn  pontoon-train. 

^ope  c  -r  Russian  priest. 

$opeIi'n  n  poplin. 

^0(10'  c  p  bum,  posteriors. 

^oppelbreng  poll.    -g«je  fe  papegøje. 

poppet  c,  pi  *JJopIer  poplar,  Popuhis;  t)Oib  _, 
fe  SbIo=;  italienf!  _,  fe  $Qramibe=;  fort  _,  fe  ^oppeI= 
pil;  gtaa  -  gray  poplar,  P.  caneseen«;  lanabtft  _ 
cotton-wood,  P.  monili/era;  ontarifl  _  Ontario 
poplar,  P.  candicans.  -oKé  avenue  of  poplars. 
-pit  black  poplar,  Populus  nigra.  -ften  mala- 
chite.  -foærmer  privet  hawkmoth,  iSmerinthvs 
poT'uli.    -træ  fe  poppel. 

¥opu|lorife're  vt  pop'ularize.  -larife'ring  c 
populariza'tion.  -laritc't  c  popular'ity.  -(ori= 
tetåjagt   popularity  seoking.     -læ'r  o  pop'ular. 

^orceKæ'n  n  china,  po'rcelain;  fad)fif!  _  Dres- 
den china.  -Sachina.  —  ^orcctlæn(8)|orbeiber 
china-manufacturer.  -b(omft  London  pride,  St. 
Patrick's  cabbage,  none-so-pretty ,  Saxifraga 
umbrota.  -bigel  porcelain  crucible.  -bue  por- 
celain.  -fabrit  china-manufactory.  -fabritant 
china-manufacturer.  -fob  china  plate.  -gittå 
porcelain  of  Reaumur.  -^anbel  dealing  in 
china.  -^anbler  dealer  in  china.  -ijooeb  (til 
$i6e)  china  bowl.  -inbuftri  chiua  el.  porcelain 
tråde.  -jafpiS  porcelain  Jasper,  porcellanite. 
-jorb,  -(er  porcelainearth,  china-clay.  -maler 
china-painter.  -maleri  painting  on  china,  china 
-painting.  -moéfc  mass  for  porcelain.  -oPtt 
porcelain  kiln.  -fnæffc  cowry.  Cvpræa.  -ubfatg 
china-shop.    -barer  china-ware. 

$orci'n^jort  c  porcine  deer,    Cervus  poreinua. 

^ore  c  -r  pore.     -foamp  amadou,   Polyporua. 




^ocfqc  c  po'rphyry.  -agttg  a  porphyrii'ic, 
porphyra'ceous.    -fanbftcn  red  sandstone. 

fPorofite't  c  poros'ity. 

SPorrc  c  leek,  AlUum  pormm. 

!Por8  c  sweet  willow,  sweet  gale,  bog  myrtle, 
Duteh  myrtle,  Myrica  gale. 

5Port  [6]  c  -e  (til  §uS)  gate,  doorway;  (§anon= 
>)ort)  port,  port-hole;  ben  ^øje  -  the  Sublime 
Porte;  jage  paa  -en  turn  away,  send  packing. 
-aare  port-vein,  portal  vein. 

5Portaf8cI  staple  of  a  gate. 

^orta'I  c  -er  porch,  ornamental  gateway. 

^portflttt)  n  portable. 

iPortJ)r««H>et  >!»  upper  port-sill. 

sportel  tftotf c  c  -r,  je  Særeftot.  -d^aifebrnger 
chairman,  chair-porter.  -falje  c  -r  portfolio; 
(SBreBtaffe)  pocket-book;  ?[Rinifter  meb,  uben  _ 
minister  with,  without  a  department.  -f«Ijc» 
mager  portfolio-maker.  -monnai'e  c  -r  (-leather) 
purse,  porte-monnaie,  pocket-book.  ^oxUpii'  c 
-r  sword-knot. 

^o'rter  c  stout,  porter. 

^ortlfotS  -1,  port-flange,  -floj  leaf  of  a  gate. 
-gattg  gate-way.  -jammer  knocker.  -^unb 
watch-dog.  -^txeloittg  archway.  -tiængfler  p? 
gate-hinges,  J>  poit-hinges. 

iPortiere  c  -r  curtain,  portier-hangings.  -ftang 

5Bort'ttu§  c  po'rtico. 

iPortto'H  c  -er  po'rtion,  share;  (ringe)  modieum 
el.  service;  en  _  (9Kab  );)Oia  Spife:^ug)  a  plate  el. 
service,  (beb  3[JJtbbag?6orb)  helping;  to  -er  f.  Stg. 
^affc  coffee  for  two;  p  ben  fine  ~  the  upper  ten 
thousand,  the  better  sort.  ^ortto'n^tJiS  adv  in 
portions;  by  instalments. 

^ørtjlammer  room  over  a  gate,  gate-chamber. 
■tlinte  catch  fof  a  gate).  -I(of!c  gate  bell. 
•taage  wicket  (in  a  gate),    -{agen  4>  fear-nought. 

bortløb  n  blacklead,  plumbago. 

!Pørt|(uge  port-lid.  -tutntttg  (the  time  of) 
elosing  the  gates.  +•!»)  shelter  in  gateways. 
-tljftng  gateway.    -løfter  c  ^1>  port-lifter. 

iBortner  [6]  c  -e  po'rter,  janitor,  lodge-keeper. 
-aabning  anat  pyloric  valve.  -bolig,  -t)«8  port- 
er's  lodge.  -!la))  ?e  -aabning.  -fone  po'rtress, 
janitress.  -muni  curtal-friar.  Spørtnerfle  c  -r, 
fe  -fone. 

^ørtnøgle  c  key  of  a  gate. 

^orto  c  postage,  carriage.  -bøg  postage-book. 
-fri  a  franked,  post-paid,  free  of  postage.  -frt= 
^Cb  exernption  from  postage.  -føttto  postage 
-acoount.  -nebfættelfc  reduction  of  postage. 
-pligtig  n  liable  to  postage.  -fat§  rate  of  postage. 
•torif  postage  tariff.    -tillæg  additional  postage. 

^ortH)cngc  gate-toU.  -rttmnte  port-frame. 
-ring  J^  port-shackle,  port-ring.  -rum  gate-way. 
-ræ!te  J^  range  of  ports. 

portræt'  n  -er  likeness,  po'rtrait.  -buftc  por- 
trait-bust.  SPortrætc're  vt  portray';  labe  fig  ~  sit 
for  one's  portrait,  have  one's  likeness  taken. 
SPortrætjItgftcb  likeness  (of  the  portrait).  -maler 
portraitpainter,  facepainter.  -maleri,  -mdlttlng 
portrait-painting,  -ftatue  portrait  statue.  tPor= 
træt«'r  c  -er,  fe  -maler. 

iBortlfebbet  gate-ticket.  -fejl  port-sail.  -ftatif e 
ravelin,  -ffintcl  <Xf  port-pendant,  -firitier  gate 
■clerk.  -floa  fe  -ftang.  -fpærring  shutting  of 
the  gates.  -ftaBet  fe  -adel;  J,  port-hook.  -ftang 
bar  of  a  gate.  -ftjært  J>  port-lanyard  -ftot^te 
post  of  a  gate.  -fto|)Ver  J^  fe  -løfter,  (til  5Konitor= 
taarn)  port  stopper,  -ftue  gate-keeper's  lodge 
■furring  i^  port-lashing.  -taarn  barbacan.  -tal- 
lel,  -talje  ^t  port-tackle.  -toXjeleber  ^  port 
-tackle  fall.    -tolb  gate-toU.    -tou  port-rope. 

!)}ortu{gat  n  Po'rtugal.    -gi'fer  c  -e,  -giferin'be 

c  -r  Po'rtuguese;  -ne  the  Portuguese.     -gi'fiff  « 

SBortulot'  c  purslain,  Fortulaca  olencea 

!@ortt)agt  c  (TOanbftab)  guard  at  a  gate;  (Sgagb 
l)ul)  guard-house  at  a  gate. 

!Port|t>in  cpo'rt-wine,  port.  -OinStobbQ  mulled 

$ort|t)inbtte  fan-light;  ^  port-sash.  -oogte^ 
gate-keeper,  porter. 

!|Jor|«'å  a  po'rous.    -efite't  c  po'rousness. 

SPofe  c  -r  bag;  J^  (@1.  SBinbfløi)  pudding-vane 
tale  rent  ub  af  -n  speak  flatly,  bluntly,  franklyl 
tal  rent  ub  af  -n !  speak  your  mind !  fige  (en)  noge 
rent  ub  af  -n  tell  one  a  thing  frankly;  ^aue  ren; 
SSrøb  (fflfel)  i  n  have  clean  hånds;  man  fan  iff( 
^abe  baabe  i  _  og  i  Sæt  yon  cannot  eat  youi 
cake  and  have  it.  5pofe  vi  (om  flæber)  bag, 
¥ofc|agtifl  o  baggy.  t-junler  proud  beggar. 
-figer  c  searcher.  -Ictbt  frog  orchis,  Coeloglos- 
sum  niride.  -'-ttot  purse-seine.  -ærme  pufFed 

iJJofitio'n  c  -er  posit'ion;  (paa  SSiolin)  shift.  — 
^ofttio'n§|artiIlert,  -ft^tS  position  guns.  -ttinlel 
angle  of  position. 

^ofttit)  a  positive,  igofitit«  n  gram  the  posi 
tive  (degree).  ^ofiti'ti  n  -er  chamber  orgau 
*barrel-organ.  -iS'mc  c  po'sitivism.  -ift'  c  -ei 
positivist,  -tft'tf!  a  po'sitivist.  =''^ofiti'tif))ittet 
fe  Sirenbrejer. 

SPofittt'r  c  -er  pos'ture,  attitude. 

spoéfemcnt'larbejbe  lace-work.  -mager  c  fring< 
-maker,  lace-man. 

¥o§'fe§fit)  a  posses'sive. 

ipoft  c  ^  Labrador  tea,  Ledum. 

!Poft  c  -er  (til  3)ør,  SStnbue)  post;  (SSanbpoff 

5|Joft  c  -er  (StanbplabS,  Beftemt  ©teb;  ©tiEtng] 
(SmBebe,  SSeftitltng)  post;  (Solbat  paa  ~)  sentinel 
sentry;  (fR^tterpoft)  vedette;  (CfftcererneS  og  9Ranb< 
ftabetS  SPofter  t  et  trigSftib  unber  en  tamp)  J 
quarters  pl\  (enfelt  Sirtitel,  $untt)  item,  entry; 
bære  paa  fin  _  be  at  one's  post;  fig  be  on  one 'i 
guard,  on  the  alert;  ^on  er  itte  paa  fin  ~  ^er  h« 
is  not  in  his  proper  place;  ftaa  et.  bære  paa  -  b« 
on  duty,  .stand  sentinel. 

tjjoft  c  -er  (SSeforbringSbcefen,  $oftbeforbring  ofo 
post;  -erne  the  mails;  beførge  fin  _  write  one'i 
letters;  føre  -en  carry  the  mails;  rejfe  meb  -ei 
travel  el.  go  by  mail,  travel  post,  post;  meb  -ei 
i  Sag  by  this  "day's  post  el.  mail;  meb  omgaaenb) 
_  by  the  next  post,  by  return  of  post  el.  mail 
in  course  of  post,  post  for  post;  fbace,  mobtagi 
meb  -en  answer,  reeeive  through  the  post;  lægge 
i  -en,  inblebere  paa  -en  post;  naar  -en  tommer  when^ 
the  post  comes  in.  ^oft|*aabner  country  post- 
master, sub-postmaster.  *-aabncrt  country  post 
-Office.  -abreSfcbog  post-offlce  gazetteer  el.  di- 
rectory,   ijjofto'l  a  postal. 

^o^ament'  n  -er  ped'estal. 

spoft|anorbning  post-ofRee  regulation.  -anftatt 
fe  -tontor.     -an»iiéning  post-offlce  order,  money 
order.   -Baab  mail-boat.  -bcforbring  conveyanee.j 
by  post;  (83.  af  Sgoften)  conveyance  of  (the)  mails.l 
-beft^retfe  post-office.     -beft^rcr  fe  -mefter.     -bc^j 
tjent  post-officer,     -breij   letter  by  post.     -bræt 
board  showing  the  arrival  of  the  mails,     -bnb 
postman,    letter-earrier.     -bag   post-day;   om   et 
*JSar  -e   in   a  post   (el.  mailj   or   two;    i  fiøbet  af 
nogle  -e  in  a  few  posts;  fig  en  -  for  fent  a  da^ 
after    the    fair.      -bagtig    adv    each    postday.^ 
-bam<)ffib   mail-steamer.     -bflmpflibSlinic   line 
of  mail-steamers. 

SJJoftlbatcrc  vt  po'st-date.  -biluUio'nff  a  post- 
diluvian,  postdilu'vial. 

5Poft|btrettion   general  post-offlce.     -bireft«r 





postmaster-general.       -btftrtft    postal    district. 
■bue  carrier-pigeon. 
^ofte  fe  <l>uinpe. 

éoftej  c   er  patty,  (mcb  yrugt  i)  tart,  (ftor,  meb 
ftøb  i)  pie,  pasty.     -bager  pastry-eook.    -bagert 
pastry-(cook's)  shop.     -bræt   pie-board,    pastry 
-board,     -bejg  pa.'^te.     -fab  pie  dish.     -form  pie 
-mould.    -flortic  pie-orust 
^oftcmbebémanb  c  post-offlcer. 
^offe'rc  vt  station,  place  (ogf.  om  SRegnf!.)  post; 
_  ftg  take  post. 
^oftelrenbc  fe  $umpe-. 

^oftercftante  (to  be  left  at  the)  post  offlce,  to 
)ie  left  ti!l  called  for.     -tontor  Poste  Restante, 
l^ofte'ring  c  stationing  ete. 
^ofterio  ra  pi  f  poste'rior.s. 
^oft!efå>iebitfon  (branch)  post-ofHce;   ^  mail 
-roora.    -efé<)ebicnt,  -efåpebifer  (sub-)postmaster; 
J.  mail-agent. 

$oftc!r«r  fe  *lSitmpe=.    -træ  pnmpstopk.    -oærf 

^oftlforanbrtng  postal  change.     -forbinbelfe 
post(al)  commuuic'tion,  c.  by  post.    -foreningen 
the  Postal  Union,     -forftub'fe  -opfrætjutng.    -fri 
«,   -frit  (idv  free  of  postage,  franked,  post-paid. 
-frifjeb    exemption    from    postage.     -frimærfe 
(postage)  stamp     -fnlbntcegtig  clerk  in  the  post 
-otfice.     -ferer  giiard  of  a  mail-coach,     -gaarb 
post-honse,   post-offlce.     -gang  arrival  and  de- 
partnre  of  the  mails,     -gob§  goods  conveyed  by 
post.    -beft  post-horse;    rejfe  meB  -e   travel  post. 
-bolb  stage,     -botber  keeper  of  posthorses,  post- 
master     -Ijorn  post-horn;  zo  spirula.    -^ornfnegt 
i'oftbu  m  fe  $oftum. 
$oftbu§  n  post-house, 
¥ofti('  c  -ler  book  of  sermons. 
^oftiUon'  c  -er  postil'iou,  post-boy. 
^oftlinbtcegter  revenues  of  the  post.    -inf^ef* 
ter   superintendent    (in   the   post-otfice).      -jagt 
packet,    -taleil^e,  -faret  mail-coach,    -farl  post- 
ilion.   -faSfe  letter-l)ox,  pillar-t)ox;  (<l5enge=)  post 
-offlce  fund.     -fonbutt«r  mail-guard.     -tontor 
post-Office,     -tontrottor  controUer  to  the  post 
-Office,     -fonoention  postal  convention.     -fort 
post-bill;  (aanbtort)  post-map,  map  oftheroads. 
-trebé    fe    -biftrift.      -fupé    mail-carriage.      -tuff 
mail  coach  driver.   -tOittering  post-office  receipt. 
-linie  postal  liue,  line  of  postal  communication. 
^oftlu'bium  11,  -ier  po'stlude. 
$oft{teber  foot  post.     -mefter  postmaster;   J, 
mailmaster,    -mefterembebe  offlce  of  postmaster. 
-mefterinbc   c  -r  postmaster's   wife.     -mil  post 
-mile,    -mtcrtc  (Stempel)  post-mark;  fe   frimærte. 
-mtertetontiolut  embossed-stamp  envelope.    -o^i' 
træontng  (efgifterer  itfe  i  ©iiglnnb,  i  armerito  t)Qoel 
noget  lignnibe,  bog  t!te  i  gorbtnbelfc  mcb  "J^oftBcefenet 
og  *lSaategntngen  er:)  coUect  on  deliverv,  C.  O.D. 
-potet  mail-packet.     -papir  post(-paper),   letter 
-paper,   (ttjnbt)    foreign   post.     -penge   postage. 
-porto  postage, 
^oftpo'fitio  n  postpos'itive. 
lØoftreglement  postal  regulations.    -rejfe  jour- 
ney   by     -riber  fe  -rtjtter.     -ruin  foreign 
-post.    -rute  fe  -linie,    -retter  mounted  postman. 
-r«oer  robber  of  the  mail.    -febbet  fe  -foittertng, 
-fegl  postal  seal.    -fetrettcr  secretary  to  the  post 
-Office,    -ftib  packet,    -ftifte  fe  -£)olb.    -ffilt  post- 
man's  badge. 
i^oftffrip'tttm  n  -ta  po'stscripl. 
^oftiffrioer  post-office  clerk.    -fmatte  packet, 
-ftation  post(-stage),  stage,    -ftempel  post  mark. 
-fæt  mail- bag,  post-bag.    -tafte  letter-bag.    -tatile 
fe  -bræt.     -tog  mall-train.     -tt)bert  robbing  (of) 
the  mail. 

fiarfen:  Sanft-engelf!  Drbbog. 

post'ulate.      -e're   vt    beg, 

$oftuI|a't    n 


$ofiu'm  a  posfliumous. 

!Øoft|pei  post-road  -pogn  mail  coach,  (^cernb.) 
mail-carriage.  -Pæfen  post-establishment,  mail 
-service.    *-Ⱦrte  fe  -taffe. 

^of«'r  c  -er  actor,  performer. 

^ot'  c  -ter  qnart;  iialt)  _  pint. 

^oto'geffe  c  soup-  el.  tureen-ladle,  se  divider. 

^Pot'affc  n  potash.  -tub  potash-lye.  -f^berl  n 
mannfactory  of  potash. 

^ote  c  -r  paw;  Ⱦf  meb  -rne!  paws  off! 

^jjotenå'  c  -er  mnth  power;  a  i  fjerbe  (_)  a  to 
the  fourth  (power);  onben  _  the  second  power, 
the  square.  ^otenfe're  vt  raise,  intensify,  maxi- 
mize;  mrith  involve.  ^otenfc'ring  craising, 
involution.  ^otenå|et§ponent  index,  -opbejelfe 

^otcnta't  c  -er  po'tentate. 

^otentia'HS  c  the  poten'tial  mood  el.  mode. 

^otcntiC  c  cinquefoil,  PotentUla. 

*^ottt  c  -er,  5|3ote'te§,  pi  =,  fe  fiartoffel. 
-apling  potatocrop.  -græS,  -taol  stalk.s  and 
leaves  of  potatoes.  -ftap,  -ftappe  mashed  po- 

^otliift,  -t|pa(,  fe  Saffelot. 

fjjotitæå,  -oft  c  potted  cheese. 

potpourri'  n  pot-pourri. 

^otfltfter  c  lick-dish. 

?Jotte  c  -r  pot:  fcette  i  _  pot;  praitte  ub  af  -n 
nnpot;  en  -  ftegler  a  game  at  ninepins;  F  -  og 
^oiibe  all-iuall;  f  paa  -n  in  a  fix;  flemt  paa  -n 
in  a  had  fix;  F  -n  er  ube  there's  an  end  (of  it). 
i^ottelaat  potted  eel,    -bob  potter's  shop. 

ijjotteffaffe  r.  quart-bottle. 

ipotteifugl  fe  gii:efimpp(|f.  -bPælPing  tubular 
vaulting,  -jflbe  Jutlander  selling  crockery.  -tiger 
kitchen-hunter.  -fram  crockery.  -træmmer 
dealer  in  crockery.  -laag  pot-lid.  -ler  potter's 

^ottemaal  n  quart-measure. 

pottemager  c  -e  potter,  -arbejbe  potter's 
work  el.  pottery,  -^pottership.  -bjnl  potter's 
wheel,  -tunften  ceramic  art.  -ler  fe  5potteler. 
-oun  potter's  oven,  -fftpc  fe  -^jul.  -parer 
potterj',  earthen  ware.  -Pærtfteb  potter's  work- 

$otte{marIeb  pot-fair.  -oft  potted  cheese. 
-oPn  fe  -magerotm  -ptante  pot-plant,  '•■^otteri' 
n  pottery  ^otte|ftoar  pot-share,  -sherd.  -fle 
ladle.    -ff  juler  c  -e  cache-pot.    'flitter  lick-dish. 

iPottePié  adv  by  the  quart. 

*eotte|pæt«t  fe  -plante. 

%oiteel,  ijjotøt  n  small  beer. 

Soubrette  c  poudrette. 

^out,  qjoPl  fe  *l5aul. 

^ouéfe're  vt  push;  =  Soéfere;  -  fig  push 
one's  way.  —  ¥ou§fe'r|ftot  embossing-stick. 
-Pote  moulding-wax. 

^raaå  c   e  dip;  fip  F  muff, 

^rag  «  Prague.     f^ragerften  Bohemian  stone. 

^Bragma'tift  a  pragmat'ic. 

^ragt  o  pomp,  magnificence,  splendour.  -bitte 
buprestidan,  burn-cow,  Bnprestis.  -binb  magni- 
ficent  binding.  -btomft  ornamental  flower, 
splendid  flower.  -btigning  splendid  ediflce. 
-ebberfugl  king  duck,  Somateria  apectnbilii. 
-etéemplar  splendid  el.  admirable  specimen,  (af 
en  a3og)  splendid  copy.  -elftcnbe  n  fond  of  dis- 
play, magniflcent.  -f ngl  pipra.  -futb  a  splendid, 
showy,  gorgeous,  rich.  -beft  fe  £uf8ué=.  -tl(tb> 
ning  magniflcent  dress.  -lt)ft  love  of  pomp. 
-Ipftcn  a  fe  -elftenbe.  -lo§  a  unostentatious. 
-optog  pageant.  -fol  state  room.  -feng  bed  of 
State,  -ftabe  epimachus.  -ftjerne  bachelor's 
button,  Lychnis  dioica.    -ftl)tte  splendid  article. 





-f^8  a  fond  of  pomp.  -ft)fle  passion  for  show. 
•ubøatie  splendid  edition,  -»ogn  state  carriage. 
-Hærelfe  state-room.  -ttærf  splendid  (literaryj 
AV  ork 

'.^rajc  vt  vL  hail;  _  et  ©fib  hail  a  ship,  speak 
a  ship;  _  til  Korgætifleren  con  the  helm.  -l)olb 
speaking  el.  hailing  distance,  hail;  t>aa  _  within 
hail.    -n,  ^rajniitg  c  hailing,  speaking. 

gratie  vt;  _  en  noget  paa  put,  inflict,  foist  otf, 
a  thing  upon  one;  _  fig  nt  til,  _  nt  fommen  obtain 
st  by  begging;  _  fig  paa  en  intrude  el.  force 
one's  self  upon  one. 

!Pro!!ct  c  -e  (fattigt  røenneffc)  beggarly  fellow; 
(Stamper)  poor  wretch.  -adtig  «  beggarly.  -Bt) 
beggarly  town.  -fofleb  fe  ©tobberfoiige.  -fotf 
beggars  ^ralferi'  n  beggarv  $Tatter|let)nrt, 
-Ho  beggarly  life.  -ftobS  shabby  finery.  -ffolt 
fl  proud  and  beggarly.  -ftoU^cb  beggarly  pride, 
'^tatSié  c  practice;  i  ~  practically. 
$rafti{ta  c  pratique.  -fabel  a  prac'licable. 
-ter,  -tuå  c  practical  fellow,  practitioner;  en 
Qomntel  -fu§  an  old  stager  el.  practitioner,  an 
oUl  hånd.  -fe're  vi  &  t  practise;  en  -nbe  Sæge 
a  medical  practitioner;  f  _  noget  ub  of  Sommerne 
paa  en  shuffle  a  thing  out  of  one's  pockets;  _ 
bort  shufHe  el.  spirit  away;  _  fig  Bort  slip  away. 
-ft  a  practical. 

5Pral  c  &  n  ostentation,  parade,  show.  -bKitrie 
c  scarlet  bean,  Phaseolva  mn/tijlortu.  $rale  vi 
(meb  noget)  make  a  show  el.  display  (of  a  thing), 
vaunt;  (af  noget)  brag,  boast  (of  a  thing);  -nbe 
Jforber  gaudy  colours.  $ralelt)ft  love  of  show 
el.  display.  $ra(|cn  c  bragging,  boasting,  -er 
c  -e  boaster,  braggart,  braggadocio.  -crl'  n  fe 
-en.  •cr(t)ff  a  bragging,  vaunting,  ostentatious. 
-fri  a  unostentatious.    -tfaW,  -IjanS  fe  -er. 

$ratn'  c  -me  lighter,  barge,  pram.  -fort 
lighterage.  -foll  lightermen,  bargemen,  -forer 
barge-master;  fe  -manb.  -labnittg  lighter-load. 
•Inti  lightermen's  company.  -leje  fe  -penge. 
•manb  lighterman,  bargeman.  gramme  vt  trans- 
port in  a  lighter.  $rant|))en8e  hire  ofa  lighter, 
lighterage.  -f<)r«jte  floating  flre-engine.  -ftiflcr 
fe  -manb. 

fjSrang  c  fe  -en.  prange  vi  (brioe  Orangeri) 
higgle;  _  meb  ^cftc,  ©tube  deal  in  horses,  cattle. 

$range  vi  (prunfe)  shine,  glitter;  ^an  -r  t  fin 
bebfle  S)ragt  he  wears  his  most  gaudy  dress;  _ 
meb  display,  show  ofif. 

prange  tX  »1,  ~  Sejl  crowd  sail,  carry  a  press 
of  sail. 

^rangler  c  -e  higgler;  f8tube=)  cattle  dealer; 
(|>efteO  horse-dealer,  -en  c,  -cri'  n  higgling; 
(^ffte=  og  Stubc)  dealing  in  horses  and  cattle. 

^rot  c  prittle-prattie,  prate,  jabber;  *talk, 
chat,  fig  nonsense.  $rat|e  vi  prate,  jabber; 
-■'talk,  chat.    *-«tager  c  -e  (great  el.  idle)  talker. 

^rcci'é  fe  $ræci8. 

^rclcE'r  o  precarious. 

$rcl|t>om  recoil,  rabbit.  -flobS  anvil.  $reUc 
vi'jiia^)  glance  ofT,  rebound  (imob  from). 

igrelle  vt  importune,  tax.     -ri'  n  exactlon. 

$rr(rtng  c  tail-ring. 

$remic  fe  <Præmte. 

$remte'r|l«jtnant  c  lieuten'ant.  -ntiniftec 
prem'ier,  prime  minister. 

^remiéfcr  fe  ^ræmiSfcr. 

5Pren  c  -e  stilette,  eyeleteer. 

$rent  c  print;  paa  ~  in  print,     prente  i;*  print. 

^rc§  [fr.]  adv:  lægge  en  S8al  _  cushion  a  ball. 

^rc8'  n  pressure;  strain,  stress;  fure  _  of  ®ejl 
eari-y  a  press  of  sail.     -bittlte  tvp  press-cheeks. 

9Jreébt)tcrt|a'«cr  c  Presbyte'rian.  -n'nff  o 

^'rtfentting    c   -er   tarpawling,    tarpaulin.   — 

t^refenningSlbug   tarpaulin  canvas.     -ftiiger   t 

^refcnt'  c  -er  pres'ent,  gift;  SSog,  f!itfet  til  « 
gift- book. 

$rc§|g(cngcr  c  -e  man  belonging  to  a  presa 
-gang.  -gær  pressed  barm  el.  yeast,  press-yeast. 
German  yeast.  -^orn  pressed  horn  shavings 
^regning  c  pressing  etc.  (fe  5Uresfe  vt).  $re§i' 
pap  pre.ssing -boards  pi.    -^Jttmtic  force-pump. 

^rc§fe  c  -r  press;  SSogen  er  unber  -n  the  book 
is  in  (the)  press,  at  press,  in  the  printer's  hånds; 
Icegge  unber  -n  put  to  press.  ^reSfc  vt  press, 
force;  -  ©ejl  »t  carry  on;  _  noget  af  en  extort 
something  from  one;  _  <J?enge  (ub)  af  en  blaclc 
-mail  one;  —  preSfet  a  pressed,  compressed;" 
-t  9Ir6eibe  (TOet.)  chased  work.  -bengel  rounce, 
press-stick.  -bom  press-lever.  -bræt  pressing 
board.  -folt  pressmen.  -forbr^belfe  crime 
against  the  press-law.  -forfotgrlfer  pi  perse- 
cutions  of  the  press.  -forJjolb  pi  conditions  of 
the  press.  -forfeclfc  fe  -forbrtjbelfe.  -fri^ek 
liberty  of  the  press.  -fræf^cb  licentiousness  of 
the  press.  -jocrn  Ctailor's)  pressing-iron,  goose 
-form  carriage.  -UP  press-law.  -lobgitmingen 
the  press-laws.  -oucrtræbelfe  trespass  against 
the  press-law.  -pap  fe  $rcS=.  -^»roccå  fe  -fog 
-ramme  frisket,  ^rcé'fcrc  vt  urge;  vi  be  urgent;i 
-nbe  o  urgent.  $rcéfe|fag  action  for  llbel  or- 
for  infringement  of  the  newspaper  laws.  -ffruc 
press-screw.  -ftang  press-bar.  -f^Ue  brawn 
*-tori>,  t-Wtb  pressed  peat.  -ttiang  restrictions 
on  the  press.  ^reSfto'n  c  pressure.  $re§|f|iaan 
fe  -pap. 

$refi|o'fa  pi  valuables,  enp  jewelry.  -«'8  «, 
affected,  prim. 

iPrcuéifen  n  Prussia.  -fer  c,  -fift  a  Prussian. 
fUrcuéferbcefen  Borussianism. 

^rif  c  -ler  dot;  {paa  Sfljbeftitie)  buU's  eye;  J, 
beacon;  paa  en  _,  til  ^unlt  og  -fe  to  a  turn,  to 
a  T,  to  a  tittle,  to  a  nicety. 

grifle  vt  (punttere,  mærfe  meb  ^unlter)  dot; 
(flitfe  intoat  meb  en  3laal  o(b.)  prick;  xa  ^  dotted. 
•n  c  dotting;  pricking;  fe  griflen,  -n  a  testy, 
touchy;  Ijan  er  meget  _  paa  bet  he  is  very  testy, 
touchy.  -naol  pricker.  ^ritten^eb  c  testiness, 
touchiness.  ^rtttctiettge  »1,  beaconage,  beacon 
money.  ^ttfteri'  n  pricking;  trifies.  dritlen  c 
(i  Stoppen)  pins  and  needles. 

'■^tim  fe  Sm^feoft. 

$rtma  a  tirst-class.  -bon'na  c  primadonna, 
leadinglady.  -form  <!//)  ou ter  form.  ^rtma'ner 
c  scholar  of  the  head  class.  $rima§  c  primate. 
primat  n  pri'macy.  $rtmatiel§el  mere  first  (of 
exchange),  first  bill.  ^rime  c  -r  mus  prima; 
(f^ægt.)  prime.  $rime  vi  talk  nonsense,  babble. 
^rtmeloin  cowslip  wine.  iprim'itlb  a  primitive. 
$rimo  adv,  pro  primo,  in  the  first  place.  ^rimo^ 
gcititu'r  c  primogen'iture. 

*¥nmoft  fe  g^Dfeoft. 

^ri'mlfigne  vt  give  the  »prima  signatio». 
-poti,  -fto!  c  Runic  calendar  el.  stick,  clog 
(-almanac).  -tal  n  prime  number.  $rimn(a  e 
primrose,  (-beriS)  cowslip.    primær  a  pri'mary. 

^x\nc\p'  n  -er,  fe  ©runbfætning;  af  ~  on  prin- 
ciple;  i  -et  as  a  principle.  ^rincit^a't  o  prin'- 
cipal.  ^rtnci^a'I  c  -er  master,  employer,  chief; 
(Crg.)  principal.  ^rtnci<)0't  «  supremacy,  head- 
ship.  i^rinci^j'ifoft  o  of  principle.  -faffficb  firm- 
ness  of  principle.  ^rinctjiiel  a  fundamental. 
princip. Ia§  «  unprin'ciplcd.  -Ifiéljcb  want  of 
prinriple.  -rtjtlcri  riding  a  principle  to  death, 
overstraining  a  principle.  -f)iørgSmaat  question 
of  principle.  -ftærf  fe  -faft.  -tro  a  true  to  one's 
principles.  -trofTab  fidelity  to  one's  principles. 
$rinS  c  -er  priuce.    ^rinfelig  a  princely. 




^rinfeSfc  c  r  prin'cess.  -poete  blanket- pear, 
Vilanquet.     -æble  princess-pippin. 

$rinS|gemal  Prince  Consort.  -ntetal  prince's 
metal,  -pitol  regent  bird,  SericuJus  chryto- 
ccphalm.    -regent  Prince  Regent. 

^rior  c -er  prior,  ^rtorn't  n  pri  orate.  ^rior^ 
tube  c  -r  pri'oress. 

^riorlte'ret  n  secured,  _  Srebitor  creditor  on 
mortgage,  secured  c.  $riorite't  c  -er  (i  Slim.) 
prior'ity,  precedence;  {^Pant''  mortgage;  førfte  -8 
panteret  a  first  mortgage.  —  $riorite'ti$|attie 
preferential  el.  preference  share.  -galb  mort- 
gage debt.  -^aiier,  -^errc  mortgagee.  -laon 
loan  on  mortgage. 

+$rH)<)en  a  hasty,  testy.  -^cb  c  hastiness, 

^riS  c  -er  (SSærbi)  prlce,  rate;  (forlongt  ^Betaling) 
charge;  (9?oé)  praise;  fafte  -er  fixed  prices;  neb= 
fatte  -er  redueed  prices;  -erne  ftige  prices  are 
rising,  are  gettlng  el.  looking  up;  for  enl)»)er  - 
at  any  prlce;  at  all  risks;  for  iiiflen  -  not  for  all 
the  world;  uiiber  -en  under  prlce,  for  less  than 
the  value;  til  en  _  of  at  the  rate  of;  til  BiUig  ~ 
at  a  cheap  price:  bet  ftoar  mig  i  en  _  af  10  Saler 
it  is  worth  10  dollars,  it  has  cost  me  10  dollars; 
ftaa  i  t)"i  -  stand  high  in  price;  fpørge  om  -en 
paa  ask  the  price  of;  fætte  ~  poa  value,  prize, 
set  value  upon,  be  appreclative  of,  (at)  be  am- 
bitions of,  fætte  flor  -  x>aa.  value  el.  appreciate 
highly,  attach  a  high  value  to,  hold  in  high 
estimation,  set  a  great  price  upon;  fætte  tilbørlig 
_  '^aa  duly  appreciate;  fætte  en  _  J)aa  en§  ^oueb 
set  a  price  on  one's  head;  _  og  S®re  »ære  ®ub ! 
praise  and  glory  be  to  God ! 

¥rt§  c  -er  (Selønning  ofe.)  prize;  en  _  Joba!  a 
pinch  of  snuff;  fe  5J5rtfe  c;  bære  -en  bear  away 
the  palm  (from);  oinbe  -en,  goa  af  meb  -en  win  the 
prize,  bear  away  the  bell,  carry  the  day;  gi»e 
til  -  for  abandon  to  the  mercy  of;  giee  en  23^ 
til  -  for  55il)nbring  give  up  a  town  to  plunder 
el.  pillage,    ^riåof^anbling  prize-essay. 

^rt§|angttielfe,  -anfatteif e  appraisement,  upset 

$rt'åbfl«nnet  o  prize;  en  -t  Sallun  a  prize 

$ri'gberegntng  c  appraisement,  quotation. 

^ri'åberettiget  a  worthy  of  a  prize. 

^ri'éberetning  market  report,  -beftemmelfe 
valuation,  estimation.  -beuægelfe  movement  of 
the  prices.  -billig  a  cheap.  -biKigljeb  cheap- 

$ri'§{bontmer  awarder  of  prizes,  adjudicator. 
-bøtnme  tt  (et  ©tib)  condemn.  -bømmelfe  c  con- 
demnation  of  a  prize.  ¥rife  c  -r  (et  opbragt 
Sfib)  prize;  gob  -  lawful  p.,  a  fair  prize;  Bi  tog 
to  -V  we  made  two  prizes. 

^tife  (ogf.  te,  -t)  vt  praise,  glorify,  laud,  extol, 
celebrate,  magnify;  _  fig  Iflttelig  deem  el.  think 
one's  self  fortunate  (oeb  at  to);  nej  ba  -r  jeg 
£onbon  Loudon  for  my  money.  $ri{e(ig  a 
praiseworthv,  laudable. 

^riéfolb  n  fall  of  price(s). 

tPriéfartoj  n  prize  vessel. 

$ri'3!faranbring  change  of  prices.  -forliolb 
proportion  of  the  prices;  -ene  the  (state  of)  prices. 
-fortt«jcIfe  increase  of  prices  el.  of  the  price. 
•fortcgnelfe  fe  -furant. 

$ri'é|giOe  vt  til,  for  give  up  to,  abandon  to 
the  mercy  of,  leave  at  the  mercy  of.  -gobS 
.  prize-goods.    -faéferet  prize-cashier. 

$ri'd{ furant,  -lifte  price-current,  prlce  list, 
priced  list. 

^riåma,  $ri§me  n  -mer  prism;  C^aa  iitjfefrone) 
drop.  -brejebænt  bar-lathe.  $ri8ma'tifl  o 
.  prismat'ic. 

fPri'@|manbfIa6  prize  crew.  -ntebalje  prize 
-medal.    -i^rifeOntefter  ^t-  prize-master. 

^riéjmærfe  mere  private  mark.  -ncbgang  fe 
-falb  -nebfættclfe  reduction  (of  prices).  -no« 
tering  »luotation. 

^ri'é|ot»gat)e  prizequestion.  -^lart  <Xf  share 
ofa  prize.  -(^rtfeOVenge  prize-money.  -(^rifeO 
ret  prize-court.  -ftrift  fe  -afbanbling.  -f|i«rgS> 
ntaal  fe  -opgane. 

^vi'Sfttgntug  c  rise  of  prices. 

^riSubbcling  c  distribution  of  prizes. 

^ri^tiær'big  a  prai'seworthy,  commendable. 
-Jcb  c  praiseworthlness. 

^riSjBærf  prize  work.  -æ^ning  competition 
(for  prizes). 

^ritia't  a  pri'vate;  _  8ag  ''SøgSmaQl)  civil 
action;  -e  private  individuals.  $riliat=  private. 
^rttJOtlaubienS  private  audience  (o.  fl.)  -bocent 
lectnrer.  ^^ritia'tim  adu  privately.  ^ribatlfe're 
vi  live  as  a  private  gentleman,  hold  no  official 
situation.  $rit)attft'  c  -er  private  pupil,  out- 

^riu'atit)  a  privative. 

^ritto'tfoéfc  privy  purse.  -Ubet  private  life. 
■manb  private  individual.  -ret  civil  law.  -ret8> 
lig  a  of  civil  law.  -fag  private  aflfair.  -tltne 
private  lesson. 

^ribe't  n  -er  privy,  house  of  offlce.  -fejer, 
-renfer  nightman. 

^riutlelge're  vt  license,  priv'ilege.  -'ginnt  n 
-ier  license,  priv'ilege. 

$ro  Stnno  per  annum;  -  et  lontro  pro  and  con. 

$robabtIite't  c  probabil'ity. 

^robo't  'I  proved,  approved,  unfailing;  killing. 

^robe'rlbtgct  coppel,  cupel.  -^ingft  teaser. 
-Innft  docimacy.  -nteftery.ssayer.  -naot  touch 
-needle.  -obn  assaying  furnace.  -ften  touch 
-stone.    -bægt  assaying-weight. 

^robenreuter  [t.]  c  e  commercial  traveller, 

Ørobe'rje  i-t  (p  =  prøoe)  try;  (ajletaller)  assay; 
_  paa  try.    -ing  c  trying  etc;  fe  ^roberfunft. 

^roble'm  n  -er  problem,  ^roblema  tift  a 
problemat'ic.  ^robtemturnering  problem  tour- 

¥roce|be're  vt  be  at  law,  go  to  law;  carry  on 
el.  conduct  a  lawsuit,  jur  proceed.  -bn're  c 
process,  course  of  proceedings,  (way  of)  con- 
ducting  a  lawsuit. 

procent'  c  -er  per  cent,  percent;  til,  efter  fem 
_  at  five  percent;  tjene  fem  -  make  a  shilling 
in  the  pound ;  betale  t)i?fe  -er  af  pay  a  percentage 
on;  mob  -er  af  UbbQttet  at  a  percentage  on  the 
profits;  4  -I  Cbtigationer  4  percents.  -biiS  a  & 
adv  per  cent;  bet  -e  Slntal  the  number  per  cent. 

$roce§'  c  -fer  (©og)  lawsuit,  action;  (Iemift53-; 
Orben  i  ©øgémaal)  proc'ess;  ligge  i  $roccg  meb  en 
be  at  law  with  one;  gøre  tort  _  make  sbort 
work  of  it,  cut  the  matter  short.  ^rDCc8|aItcr 
j)<  proceedings.  -form  form  of  process.  -f«relfe 
management  of  an  action,  procedure,  -gal  a 
litigious.  -raaobe  course  of  proceedings.  -mager 
c  -e  litigious  person,  -omfoftninger  pi  costs. 
-ret  (Common  Law)  Procedure  Acts. 

^roceéfto'tt  c  -er  proces'sion.  $roceSfio'niS{> 
larbe,  -f^inber  proces'sionary  Caterpillar,  Bom- 
byx  procei»)nnea. 

^roceåfuel'  a  of  legal  procedure,  legal. 

*iJroccé'ft)ge  c  litigiousness. 

^robKlcc're  vt  produ'ce.  -cent'  c  -er,  -ce'renbe 
c  produ'cer,  grower.  -It'n-er  prod'uct,  prod'uce; 
math  product;  -et  of  SKaSien  og  ^aftig^tben  the 
product  of  mass  into  velocity.  -Itlo'n  c  -er 
produc'tion,  yield;  (aSjærgO.  o.  1.)  output;  Jig 
performance.  —  ^røbttftio'n3{bfbiS  certificate 
of  origin.     -ebne    -Iroft  fe  *j5robu!tibitet.     -for= 





enino  oo-operative  society.  -fteb  place  of 
origin.  $røt)ulttti  «  prodnc'tive.  ^robu!tl»)ltc't 
c  produc'tiveness,  productiv'ity.  ^robu!t'= 
tnartebet  the  market  of  inland  produee. 

^rofa'n  a  profane;  -e  SSlitfe  the  eyes  of  the 
profane.  -aiXo'n,  -e'ritifl  c  profanation.  -cTe 
vt  profane.  -l)tftorien  profane  history.  -ite't  c 
profan'ity.    -flrl6cnt  profane  writer. 

$rofc§'|^u8n(3efmt.)  prof essed  house,  -lefte 
vow  of  a  professed  member. 

iProfeSlflo'«  c  -er  tråde,  business;  en  6ciUer 
of  _  a  gamester  by  profession,  a  professional  g. 
-ftoncr  a  professional,  -ponift'  c  -er  tradesman, 

5Profe§'for  c  -o'rer  professor.  $rofc§for|a't  n 
•et,  -cmficbe  professorship,  chair;  -et  i  ®ræft  the 
Greek  chair;  -et  i  geologi  the  chair  of  theology. 
-gofle  salary  of  a  professor.  !Profe§forin'bc  c  -r 
professor's  wife.  ^rofe§for|minc  a  professorial 
air.  -(lairtiet  the  doctrinarians.  -poSi  fe  -etnBebe. 
-tone  dogmatic  el.  professorial  tone.  -Ocerbig^eb 
professorship.    SProfeåftt'r  c  fe  ^rofeSforat. 

^rolfe't  c  -er  proph'et,  seer;  ingen  _  er  Bfl  an-- 
tagen  i  fit  ?{æbrelanb  hihl  no  prophet  is  aecepted 
in  his  own  country,  -fetere  vi  proph'esy. 
-feti'  c  -er  proph'ecy,  -fetin'be  c  -r  proph'etess. 
-fe'tSfl  a  prophet'ic,  prophet'ical. 

^rolft'I  c  -er  pro'flle;  et  SSiaebe  i  liafB  _  a 
three-quarts.  -file're  vt  pro'file.  -file'ring,  -ft'l= 
tegning  drawing  in  profile;  profile,  side  eleva- 

^rølfit'  c  profit;  meb  _  at  a  profit,  -fita'fiel 
a  profitable,  -ftte're  vi  profit  (af  by);  ber  er 
intet  at  -  there  is  nothing  to  be  made  by  it. 
^rofttftage  save  all. 

^rofor'ma  adv  for  form's  sake;  —  a  simulated, 
mock,  pro  fo'rma.  -fordør  mock  trial.  -oelSel 
accommodation  bill. 

igrofoS'  c  -fer  mil  prov'ost(-martial). 

^rolgno'fe  c  prognosis.  -gnofttce're  vt  pro- 
gnost'icate.  -gnoftiter  prognosticator.  -gnoffi« 
lott  n  prognostic  (sign),    -gnoft'iff  a  prognostic. 

^rogrant'  n  -mer  programme,  programma; 
(Xeater=)  handbill,  play-bill,  theatrical  bill;  (f. 
@f8.  tJDlttiff)  platform,    -muftf  programme  music. 

iUrogrcåfio'tt  c  -er  progres'sion.  !|Sro'gre§{it) 

|Jro^ib|e're  vt  prohib'lt.  -'ititi  a  prohibitory, 
prohibitive.    -iti't)fl)ftemet  the  p.  system. 

$ro|jeIt'  n  -er  proj'ect,  scheme.  -jette're  vt 
project',  scheme.  -jctti'I  n  -er  projec'tile.  -ytt 
tio'n  c  projec'tion.  -jeltio'nltære  theory  of 
projection.  -je!tto'n?t>Ian  plane  of  projection. 
-iett'mager  c  -e  projector,  schemer,  speculator. 
projicere  vt  project'. 

$rot(a'|ma  n  -mata  legal  notice.  -matio'n  c 
-er  proclama'tion.    -me'rc  vt  proclaim. 

HJroWit'tff  o  proclitic. 

^rofonlfut  c  proconsul.  -fnlat  w  procon'- 

$rafruft'e§feng  c  procrustean  bed;  lægge  ^)oo 
-en  (ogf.)  procrusteanize. 

$røfu'r{a  c  mere  proeura'tion;  per  -  by  pro- 
curn-tion.  -nnt'  fe  -tft.  -otio'n  fe  ^rotura. 
-a'tor  c  -o'rer  attorney,  solicitor.  —  $cofttiratov|= 
Ibeftalltng,  -ficBltttng  calling  to  the  bar.  -fttlb= 
mægtig  attorney's  elerk.  -Incb  law  quibble, 
pettifogging.  -mæéfig  a  lawyer-like.  SProturtft' 
c  -er  mere  authorized  agent,   confidential  elerk. 

SProIelta't  c  -er  proletaire,  -Hprol'etary.  -ia- 
x'xa't  n  proleta'riat. 

^Prolij'  a  prolix. 

$roIo'g  c  -er  pro'log:ue. 

#rolong|otto'n  fe  -ering. 

^rolon'ge  c  art  guy,  binding-rope,  prolonge, 

$roIong|e're  vt  prolon'gate.  -e'ring  c  pr&| 
longa'tion,  extension. 

$romcmo'ria  c  memorial. 

ipromena'bc  c  -r  promenade,  walk.  -braøf 
walking-dress.    ^romene're  vi  promenade. 

^romcS'fe  c  .-r  mere  scrip. 

!Promo|tio'n   c  -er  graduation,     -ue're  vt  & 

^rom(<))te  a  prompt,  pnnctual;  adv  puno 
tually;  Drbre§  ubføreS  _  orders  punctually  at 
tended  to.  ^ronUJttjeb  c  promptitude,  punc 

$romuIg|atio'n  c  promulga'tion.  -e're  t/f  pro 

$tono'|men  n   -miner  pro'noun.     -mina't 

^vop'  c  -per  k  -pe  (Siorf=)  cork:  (i  9llm.)  stoppie 
stopper;  (til  at  ftoppe  et  JpuD  pl"S;  -h  'tf  "t  ftopp 
®runbttub)  shot-phig,  (til  ©piger^uHer  o.  l.j  spile 
(®el  af  Mflterenben)  tuck;  (^anonO  tompion;  *ei 
liben  _  (2)reng)  a  little  urehin. 

5Propag|on'ba    c   propaganda;    gore  _   for 
-c'rc  vi  for  prop'agate. 

SBro)»n'trta  c  fonlscap. 

^xa'iftV,  SJJroVeU'cr  c  screw  (propeller),    -afåei 
screw-shaft.    -blab  screw-blade.    -bJHl  propelle 
-wheel,    -ratnmc  screw-frame.   -ftcebn  body-postj 
•tunnel  screw-tunnel. 

^ro'Det  a  tidy,  clean.    -fieb  c  tidiness 

$ro))|fnlb  1  brjmful,  choke-fuU,  crammed 
-ftut  plug-hole.    -mæt  a  F   gorged,  crammed. 

SPro))o|nettt'  c  -er  proposer,  mover,  -ne're  e 

*|Jro)>oritio'n  c  er  propo'rtion,  -tiona'I  o&i 
-er  proportional.  -tiono'Uirtcl  sector.  -ttonatl 
ttt  c  proportional'ity.  -tionaHtnic  proportiona, 
line  (o.  fl.).  -tione'ret  a  proportioued. 

^ro^iofitio'n    c   -er    proposit'ion;    ''longelig 
government  bill. 

^rojjpe  vt  (meb  en  93rot))  cork;  (floppe)  stuff, 
cram  (with),  ram  iuto;  (Sømr.)  scarf;  _  ^Kogler 
spile  treenails;  —  vr  fig  gorge  one's  self.  'Vna- 
ffinc  corking-machine. 

iUroppeipcnge  corkage.  -flærcr  cork-cutter. 
SProptrællcr  o  -e  cork-screw. 

5Proprietæ'r  '■  -er  landed  proprietor,  landowne: 
country  gentleman. 

!Propæbctt|tit'  c  propædeu'tics.  -'tifl  a  pn 

^ro  rottt  adv  pro  rata.  ^rora'tabet  propor- 
tional share,  quota. 

^Proroglatio'n  c  -er  prorog'ation.  -e're  vt 
proro'gue,  proro'gate. 

^rofa  c  prose;  paa  _  in  prose.  -forfatter, 
5|Jrofaifer  c  fe  *l5tofaift.  SProfaiff  a  prosaic(al), 
(om  ^erfon)  unimaginative,  matter-of-fnct,  ine- 
motioual;  -e  Sfrifter  writings.  ^Profaift' 
c  -er  prose-writer,  prose  author. 

^Prolfccnium  n  proscenium.  -fcenium§loge 
stage  box,  corner  box. 

^rofef  tor  c  -o'rer  demonstrator  in  anatomy. 

^ProfelJjt'  c  -er  pros'elyte,  convert;  gore  -er 
proselytize.  -mager  c  -e  pros'elytizer.  -mageri 
n  pros  elvtism. 

profit  God  bless  you !  (fpott.)  much  good  may 
it  do  you !  I  wish  you  may  get  it ! 

^roffrt|be're  vt  proscribe.  -ptio'n  c  -er  pro- 
scrip'tion.    -ptionSlifte  bill  of  proscription. 

^rofiobi'  c  pros'ody.    -o'bi^  a  prosod'ical. 

5pro|fpctt'  n  -er  pros'pect,  view.  -f<)ef'ttt§  c, 
pi  =  &  -er  prospectus. 

^roSfc  fe  *J5rotfe. 

•'^roft  [6]  c  -er  fe  $ro»ft. 

iProf'tata  c  the  prostate  (gland). 

5|Jroftitu|e're  vt  disgrace;  vr  fig  make  a  fool 
of  el.  stultify  one's  sélf,  make  an  exhibition  of 






one's  self.  -tio'n  c  -er  disgrace,  exposure, 
scaudal;  (fioinbeté)  prostitu'tion. 

$roteigé^  c  -r  protegé,    -gere  vt  patronize. 

^rotei'n  c  pro'teine.  -ftoffcr  p/ proteine  sub- 

$rotet|t{o'n  c  -er  patronage.  -tioniS'nte  c 
protec'tion.  -tionift'  c  -et,  -tioni^'ift  a  protec'- 
tionist.  -'tot  c  protector.  »torat  a  proteC- 

^roteft'  c  -er  pro'test;  _  de  non  acceptatione 
protest  lor  non-acceptance;  _  de  non  solutione 
p.  for  Qon-payment;  fomme  tilbage  meb  ~  return 
dishonoured;  neblægge  ~  enter  a  protest;  anmelbe 
_  note  a  protest;  optage  ~  make  out  a  protest. 
-ont'  c  -er  prot'estant.  -ontiff  a  prot'estaut. 
-ontiéme  c  prot'estaiitism.  i|Jroteftc're  vt  pro- 
test' el.  dishouour  (a  bill);  vi  protest  el.  cry  cut 
(agaiust).  —  ^roteftiftag  protest  signal.  -0111= 
toftningcr  protest-charges. 

^rotcuå  Proteus.    -agtig  a  protean. 

C^rototoC  c  -ler  record,  register,  minutes,  (tjær 
i  33tplomatien)  pro'tocol;  fore -len  hold  the  register; 
føre  _  ooer  keep  a  register  of;  afgioe  til  -len  de- 
pose;  tilføre  -len  (etiS  ©rllcering  el.  SSibneSb^rb) 
take  down  (one's  declaration,  evidenee);  inbføre 
i  -len  register,  optage  _  ooer  draw  out  a  verbal 
process  of.  -farer  recorder,  actuary.  —  $rotO= 
foUcr  c  vt  register,  record,  -ing  c  registration. 
*l«rotOlollift'  c  -er,  je  -fjører. 

^rotot^p    c  -er  pro'totype. 

C^rotfc  vt  _  af  dismount;  _  paa  mount.  ^rotf(c)|  = 
bolt  bolster-bolt.  -tahe  limber-chain  -trog 
breast-hook.  -ring  cross-beam  ring.  ■f{ammei 
fore-traiu  stool. 

$rotuberan'fer  pi  protu'berances. 

*¥roti  «,  pi  =,  evidenee.  tprove  vt  depose; 
-be  at  tjave  .  .  .  deposed  to  el.  spoke  to  having  .  . , 

$roucnca'{ler  c  -e  Provenca'l.  -Ifl  a  Proven'- 
cial,  Proveuca  1.  —  $rooen  ce  n  Provence,  ^ro- 
uencc|oUe  P.  oil.    -rofe  F.  rose,  Proven'cial  rose. 

^rooettu'  n  proceeds. 

^rooerb'  n  -er  drawing-room  piece,  prov'erb. 

$rooiant'  c  provisions,  victuals,  stores  pi; 
inbtoge  _  victual;  forjgne  meb  -  provision,  victual; 
Dor  -  er  fluppen  op  we  are  out  of  provisions. 
^roøiantbaab  provision  boat.  $robtante're  vt 
victual,  piovision;  vi  victual,  cater;  -t  provi- 
sioned.  $rot)iante'ring  c  victualing,  provision- 
ing.  —  ^roolontcringåifommiéfloH  commission- 
ers  of  ibe  victualing.  -fontroUar  Controller  of 
the  victualling. 

$rot)iatit'jfati  i-  cask  el.  barrel  of  provisions. 
-fort«j  fe  -baat).  -forraab  supply  el.  stock  of 
provisions,  -foroolter  fe  -mefter.  -gaarb  vic- 
tualing Office  el.  j'ard.  -banbler  provisioner, 
provision  merchanl.  -tammer  .£,  steward's  room. 
•lifte  victualliug-bill.  -magaftn  fe  -gaarb.  -mattgcl 
want  of  provisions,  -mefter  victualer;  J,  pay- 
master.  -ojplag  depot  of  provisions,  -rum  store 
-room.  -ffib  provision-ship,  victualer.  -ffrioer 
paymaster's  clerk.  -forter  articles  of  provisions. 
•ubbeling  issuing  (of)  provisions,  -oogn  pro- 
vision-waggon,  -ooefcn  victualing  establishment. 

$rooibe'rittgS|tommiéfion  fe  $roDiantering§'. 

$rooin§'  c  -er  prov'ince,  county;  ti  -erne  in 
the  country,  in  the  counties.  ^rooinS|aoi§, 
-btab  county-paper.  -b^  country  town.  -ejcn= 
bommeiig^cb  provincial  peculiarity.  -folf  pi 
provincialsi)^.  -forffeUig^eb  provincial  difference. 

$rootttfta'I  o  provincial.  -forfamlittg  county 
-meeting,  ^routiifialié'me  c  -r  provincialism, 
localism.  ^rootnfialtft'  c  -er  provin'cialist,  coun- 
try person,    ^rootnftel'  a  proviu'cial. 

^robittS'ilioet  provincial  life,  life  in  the 
country,     -ttqiieb   country  news.     -rofe  fe  *PtO' 

bence>.  -ffuef piller  country  actor.  -ftob  pro- 
vincial  el.  country  town.     -totb   internal  duty. 

^rooijfto'n  c  mere  commission.  -'for  c  -er 
foreman  in  an  apothecary's  shop.  -fo'riff  a 
provis'ional,  provi'sory,  temporary  -fo'rium  n 
-ier  provis'ional  arrangement,    institution,  law. 

$robo{ce're  vt  provoke.  -tatio'it  c  provoca'- 

jprobft  c  -er  dean.  —  $roofte|bog  dean's  ml- 
nute-book.  -bretJ  dean's  circular  to  the  clergy. 
-bom  sentence  of  the  dean's  court.  -gaarb 
deanery.  -mobe,  -m«bc  synod.  -(lenge  dues 
paid  to  the  dcan  by  the  churches  in  his  juris- 
diction.  -ret  dean's  court,  diocesan  court. 
-rettig^eb  fe  -penge,  -fag  case  in  a  dean's  court. 
•oifltotS,  -Oiutatton  dean's  visitation.  'Oærbig^ 
Ijeb  deanship.  *JSro»>fti'  n  -er  deanery.  ^.^rob^' 
in'be  c  -r  wife  of  a  dean. 

^rr!  interj  (til  ^eft)  wo!  way! 

^rub  a  poet  stately,  magniflcent. 

^runeC  c  self-heal,  heal-all,  prunella. 

^runcl'  n  (5Eøi)  prunello. 

^<runt  c  pomp,  parade,  show.  $ruttt|e  et 
shine;  (meb)  make  a  parade  el.  display  (of).  -en 
c  parading.  -leH  a  unostentatious.  -loig^cb  un- 
osten taliousness.    -f^g  a  fond  of  display. 

$ruft  n  snort.  ^ruft{e  vi  snort.  -en  c  snort- 

*^rttt  n,  ».prute  fe  ^grutten  c,  grutte  2.  *iprut= 
niugi^mon  margin  for  haggliug. 

grutte  vi  (fjærte)  poop. 

grutte  vi  chafifer,  haggle,  higgle;  _  af  beat 
down;  _  meb  en  beat  oue  down.  -n  c  chaffery, 
haggliug  etc.  -n  a  stingy,  close-fisted;  ^an  er 
it!e  faa  _  paa  bet  (meb  en  SfiUing  el.  to)  he  is  not 
so  nice;  he  does  not  ruake  nice  of  a  penny  or 
two.    -f-r  c  chalfer,  hagper,  higgler, 

^rt)b  c  fe  -elfe.  $rQbje  vt  adorn,  ornament, 
embellish,  grace,  decorate,  deck.  $rt)belig  a 
handsome,  pretty.  !|Jrt)betfe  c  -r  ornament, 
embellishment,  decoration,  adornment.  ^r^bl- 
fugl  ornamental  bird.  -I)aue  ornamental  garden. 
-I«S  a  unadorned.    -plante  ornamental  plant. 

$rt)'gl  c  -e  (Slnippel)  bludgeon,  cudgel;  HJr^gl 
pi  a  thrashing,  drubbing,  fiogging;  ^an  fif  mange 
_,  en  (gob)  2)ragt  _  he  got  a  sound  drubbing; 
p  en  ftor  _  a  thumping  fellow.  $r^gite  vt 
cudgel,  cane,  trounce,  flog,  thrash,  drub,  pound. 
•en  c  eudgeling  etc.  -eri'  b.  f.;  fight,  ^rqgle^ 
fflftcm  fiogging  system. 

HJræ  n  advantage;  fe  ^ræceterig. 

'.^raabamit'ler  pi  preadamites.  -iff  a  pre- 

^ræbcn'be  c  -r  preb'end. 

^ræccbenå'  n  -er  prec'edent. 

^ræccp'tor  c  preceptor,  tutor. 

^ræccéfto'n  c  preces'sion. 

^rceceteriiS  n  a  first  (class).    -ift'  c  -er  first. 

^ræcipilta't  n  er  precip'itate.  -te're  vt  pre- 

^r(C|ci'8  a  precise,  punctual;  —  adv  punc- 
tually;  _  fil.  1  at  one  o'clock  sharp.  -cife're  vt 
deflue  precisely.    -cifio'n  c  precis'ion. 

^ræbeftilnatio'n  c  predestination.  -ne're  vt 
predes'tine,  predes'tinate. 

$ræbita't  ?t  -er  gram  pred'icate;  (9}aBn)  title, 

tjSrccbitant'  c  -er  preacher,  pulpit  orator. 
¥rff(bi)te  vt  &  i  preach;  _  imob  declaim  against, 
denouuce.  —  $ra;bite|br«bre  pred'icauts,  preach- 
ing  friars.  -embcbe  ministry.  -gaoer  gifts  el. 
talents  for  preaching.  -maabe  style  of  preach- 
ing.  ^rtrbifen  c  -er  sermon;  t)olbe  en  -  preach 
el.  deliver  a  sermon;  gaa  fro  fin  _  be  put  out 
el.  come  to  a  stand  in  preaching.  $r(Cbifenbog 
book  of  sermons,  sermon-book.     $r(ebitenfam= 




Unfl  coUection  of  sermons.  S|}ræblle|r  cpreacher; 
-en?  Sog  Ecclesiastes.  -flil  pulpit  style.  -ftol 
pulpit.  -tel^t  text.  -tone  snuffling  el.  canting 
tone;  sermonizing  tone. 

5PræJ)i§ponc'ret  a  predispo'sed. 

^ræbominercntie  a  predom'inant. 

*.Præct§iften§'  c  pre-exis'tence. 

^ræfcft'  c  -er  pre'fect.  .uT  n  pre'fecture, 

sptæferen'ceottier  pi  preferential  el.  preferred 

^roeftj'  n  -er  pre'fix. 

^tceg  n,  p<  =,  impression,  (oøj.  .^e)  stamp, 
impress,  fio  character;  bære  _  af  bear  the  im- 
press  of;  6ære  ©anb{)eben§  _  bear  the  impress  of 
truth;  ®enietS  -  the  stamp  of  genius,  f^rtege 
vt  (f.  S!§.  røetal)  stamp,  coin;  fig  stamp;  im- 
print,  impress  (on);  ©org  og  Sibelfer  ere  -be,  Ijatie 
-t  fig  i  ^aii§  Stnfigt  grief  and  sufferings  have 
left  their  traces  on  his  countenance;  bet  ftaar  -t 
i  fiani  fjerte,  ©tnb  it  is  stamped  on  his  heart, 
Impressed  on  his  mind;  -t  i  Jpufontmelfen  im- 
pressed  on  the  memory.  —  ^ræfle| jammer 
stamper.  -Ian  coinage.  -pre^\e  stamping-  el. 
coining-press,  fly-press.  -fteb  place  of  coinage. 
-ftem^iet  stamp,  coin.  ^ccE'gløå  a  characterless. 
$ns'gntng  c  -er  stamping. 

$tæg|nant'aconcise,  compendious,  preg'nant. 
-nonå'  c  conciseness. 

^rdegraOere  vt  endanger,  detract  from. 

prægtig  o  splendid,  magniflcent;  f  (ubmcerlet) 
capital,  excellent,  -^eb  c  splendour,  magnifl- 

5|Srajui»i'|ce  c  prej'udice.  -ce're  vt  prej'udice. 
•ta't  n  -er  precedent. 

^xæt  n  prate,  rigmarole. 

^T<ttat>e'xe  fig  vr  take  care  of  one's  self. 

friste  vi  f  fe  SPræbite;  oont  prate,  hold  forth, 
preachify.  -^eft  preachifler.  -n  c  -er  f  fe  *JSræ= 

^rtenulbe're  vt  preelu'de.  -fio'tt  c  preclu'sion. 
-fl'ti  a  preclu'sive. 

^tttla't  c  -er  prel'ate.     -tiicrtiig^et)  prelature. 

^ræltrai|na'rier  pi  prelim'inaries.  -nær  a 

'^rælulbe'te  vi  prelu'de.  -'binm  n  -ter  prel'ude, 
voluntary;  -ier  fig  preambles. 

præmie  c  -r  (f.  (Sf§.  Slifurancep.)  premium; 
(SBelønning)  reward;  (^rtl)  prize.  -barn  prize 
child.  -heleb  amount  of  premium.  -betonnet 
fe  <JSri§=.  -belønning  prize.  -forliajelfe  increase 
el.  rise  of  premium.  -lifte  prize  list.  -nebfæt« 
telfe  reduction  of  premium.  iprcemie're  vt  award 
a  prize  to.  iPræmie|fotfcri)i  rates  of  premium. 
-ffqbning  competition  shooting.  -tager  prize 
-winner,  prizeman.  -t^r  prizebuU.  -ubbeting 
distribution  of  prizes.  -titerbig  a  worthy  of  a 
prize.  -æflenbe  a  competing.  -æftning  compe- 

præmis 'fer  pi  prem'ises. 

SPræmenftrotcn'fer  c  -e  Premon'strant. 

^rcenumerjan'bo  adv  in  advance,  beforehand. 
-e're  o.  fl.,  fe  9[6onnere. 

SProepalront'  c  -er  prepar'ator.  -ra't  n  -er  pre- 
para'tion.  -rc'rc  vt  (dissect  and)  prepare,  dress; 
phot  sensitize.  ^ræporc'rualfe  roughing-roll, 
puddler's  roll. 

^rtevfttio'n  c  -er  gram  preposit'ion. 

prærie  c  -r  prairie.  -antilot^e  prongbuck, 
Antilocapra.  -^URb  wistonwish,  Arctomys  ludo- 
vicianus.  -^.øne  prairie-hen,  Cupidonia  ameri- 
caim.     -vlVo  prairie-wolf,  coyote,  Canis  latraiis. 

^rcerogati't)  n  -er  prerog'ative. 

^r(Efen§  «  gram  the  pres'ent  (tense);  -  ^arti= 
ci?)ium  the  present  participle;  ~  SonjunfttD  the 
present  subjunctive. 

^raefentja'bel  a   pres'entable.     'ation  c 
presenta'tion.    -e'rbalte  tray.    -e're  vt  present' 
(en  for  nogen)   introduce  (one  to  a  person); 
©ebær  present  arms;   _  en  SBefSel  present  a  bil] 

grafer 'bottb  w  -er  preservative,  preventativc 

SPræfeå  c  chairman;  (»eb  ©ilp.)  respondent. 

^ræftbent'  c  -er  (®m6ebe;  pres'ident,  (i  gorfonj 
ting)  chairman;  -en  (ogf.)the  Chair;  (i  llnber^ufel 
speaker,     ^rcefibenttn'be  c  -r  president's  wif« 
(female)    president.    —    !|}ra;fibent|t(otfe   chaiq 
man's  bell.     -toUegiet  the  chairmen.    -nt^nbii 
^eb    chairman's   el.   president's   power.     -))Ia)^ 
chair.    -foft  pres'idency,  pres'identship;  speakei 
ship.    ^ræfibentflab  » pres'idency.    ^ræflbent 
oalg    presideutial   election.     -t)(Erbigt)eb    pres: 
deney,  presidentshlp.  — -  ^ræjflbe're  vi  presid( 
hold  el.  take  the  chair  (t  et  SUløbe  at  a  meeting] 
■fl'btunt  n  ehairmanship;   et  9Jløbe  unber  _  af  i 
meeting  presided  over  by. 

i|}ræflri|be're  part  lost  by  prescription.  -ptxo'\ 
c  prescrip'tion, 

^ræft  c  -er  (®ejftlig  i  Slim.)  clergymau,  (me 
om  tatolfte  og  foragtel.)  priest,  (Sogne))r  )  pastoi 
parson,  rector,  (til  ^^jSatronatfalb)  vicar,  (meft 
©toti.  og  om  ©iSfenterpr.)  minister;  ^  commandei 
-erne  the  clergy,  cont  the  priests;  blioe  -  ente 
the  Church,  take  (holy)  orders;  _  3:ol)n  Prestq 
John;  _  og  Wenig^eb  pastor  and  flock,  f  gaa 
til  -en  is  attending  a  conflrmation  class;  ber  e 
flere  brogebe  §øn§  enb  -ené  there  are  more  maid 
than  Mary,  and  more  men  than  Michael. 

^rceftjan'ba  pi  duties,  engagements,  -attp'l 
c  -er  performance,  achievement. 

iPræfte|ager  fleld  belonging  to  a  parsouage 
-tttteft  a  clergymau's  eertiticate  (for  good  chat 
acter).  -barn  clergyman's  child.  -bebrag  reli 
giousfraud,  priesteraft.  -bolig  parsonage(-house) 
manse,  rectory.  -brug  clerical  use.  -battt 
clergyman's  daughter.  t-beic  priest's  conciibine 
-bragt  clerical  el.  såcerdotal  robes.  -b«mme  i 
priesthood.  -eb  ordination-oath.  -embebe  cler 
ical  el.  såcerdotal  offlce,  ministry.  -emne  younj 
divine.  -ente  clergyman's  widow.  -fjcnbe  f 
-^ober.  -fjenbft  a  anticlerical.  -forffltgelfe  perse 
cution  of  priests.  t-flijnber  large  plaice  -fel 
(®ejftlig^eb)  clergy;  (TOanb  og  ftone)  parson  ani 
his  wife.  -fri^eb  ministerial  freedom.  -gaarf 
parsonage.  -gaorbSjorb  fe  -jorb.  -gerning  min 
istry.  -gilbc  clerical  banquet.  *-gj(eIb  ie  *@ 
n.  -iia'O  hatred  of  priests.  -^aber  priest-haitei 
-^errebemme  hierarchy.  -t)ue  caiotte.  -^n3  j 
-bolig,  -jorb  ground  belonging  to  a  parsonage 
glebe.  -talb  clerical  living,  church  living,  bene 
flce.  -lafte  såcerdotal  caste.  -fjoU  clergyman'sl 
gown,  cassock.  -{Iceber  såcerdotal  robes,  -fone 
wife  of  a  clergyman.  -fraoe  clergyman's  ruff 
el.  band;  ^  (t)Dtb)  ox-eye  (daisy),  moon-daisy, 
Chrysaiithemum  leucanthenium;  (gul)yellowbottle, 
com  marigold,  Ch.  segetum;  (gugl)  ring  plover, 
Churadritis  hiaticuia.  ^ræfteltg  u  priestly,  såcer- 
dotal. !|Jræftc|Iærb  fe  »JSræftlærb.  -ntanb  clergy- 
man; cont  pulpiteer.  t-ittir!  fe  -ager.  -møbe, 
t-mobe  synod.  -offer  ofFering  to  the  parsonji 
-orbination  fe  -oielfe.  -ornat  fe  Ornat.  -Vnrtl 
clericals.  -penge  church-rates  pi.  -pære  priest'ajj 
pear,  table-pear. 

SPræfte're  vt  furnish,  yield,  perform. 

$ræfte|regering  hierarchy.  -rettig^cber  par- 
son's  dues.  -ratfe  series  of  pastors,  -femintt' 
rittttt  ecclesia.stical  seminary.  ^ræftcftab  » 
priesthood,  clergy.  $riefte| ftat  tax  for  the 
mainienance  of  the  clergy.  -ffrift  hieratic 
character,  -ftanb  priesthood,  clerical  state  el. 
order.  -ftat  hierarchical  state.  -ftqite  tidbit. 
-f^ge  relaxed  throat,  parson's  throat.  -fæt  par- 
son's  bag.     -ffln   son  of  a  clergyman.     -tienbe 




parson's  tithes.  -oalg  electlon  of  a  clergyman. 
•ttejen  the  clerical  profession,  -tten  friend  of 
the  elergy.  -oenltg  a  clerical.  -Oie  vt  ordain. 
-ttietfe  ordination  of  a  clergyman.  -tjiå:  pao  - 
in  priestly  fashion.  -tiitlbe  hierarchy.  -tiÆrliiQ' 
f)eb  sacerdotal  dignity.  -oafen  priestcraft, 
sacerdotali.'im.  ^ræftin'be  c  -r  priestess.  ^r»ft= 
iærb  a  skilled  in  diviuity. 

^ræfuOTje're  vt  presume.  -Ho'n  c  presum'p- 
tion.    -tiU  (^  presum'ptive. 

^r«ten|i>cnt'  c  -n  preten'der,  preten'dant, 
claimant.  -be'te  vt  pretend  (to),  lay  claim  to. 
-flo'n  c  -et  preteu'sion;  looket.  -H«'!  a  preten'- 

^ncte'ritunt  n  the  pret'erit  (tense). 

^xfttot  c  -over  pretor.  $r(etor|ia'ner  pi  pre- 
to'rians,  preto'rian  guards.  -ia'nft  a  pretorian. 
•ticerbigt)eb  pretorship. 

^roeoentio  «  preveu'tive. 

$r«oe  c  -r  (^orfag)  trial,  proof,  test;  (af  noget) 
sample,  specimen,  (»'»'ni-  of  Sfljer)  pattern; 
(f.  ®f§.  x>aa  JeatetitQite)  rehearsal;  (f.  (StS.  raeb 
éfpbecaa6fn,  T^aa  JHegiieftQtte  o.  b.)  proof;  (af  TOe= 
taUer)  assay;  anftiHe  en  -  meb,  gjøre  _  paa  (t3ltm.) 
make  a  trial  of,  try,  (StpbeBaaben,  SRcgneftt)tfe  o.  b.; 
prove;  oære  )faa.  ~  -be  ou  (one'sj  probation,  on 
trial,  on  approval,  on  liking;  ftoa  fin  -,  ub^olbe 
-n  stand  the  test;  bet  Sar  itfe  ftaaet  fin  _  it  has 
been  tried  and  found  wauting;  fætte  poa  _  put 
to  the  proof  el.  test;  gennemgaa  en  ^aarb  _  pass 
through  a  severe  ordeal;  ^aoe  mange  -r  "^ixa.  enS 
SJen^ab  have  many  proofs  of  one's  friendship; 
aflægge  -r  "^fxo^  exhibit  proofs  of;  aflægge  -r  '^aa. 
fin  2ipgttgl)eb  i  show  one's  proficiency  in;  tit  _ 
by  way  of  trial;  til  en  _  for  a  trial;  tage  paa  _ 
take  on  trial;  bet  fDarer  ttte  til  -n  it  is  not  ac- 
cording  to  the  sample,  it  does  not  an.swer  the 
sample;  ^olbe  _  i;)&<\  (Sfuefpil  ofo.)  rehearse;  be= 
gqnbe  -rne  pua  et  StQtfe  put  a  piece  into  rehearsal. 

—  ^røtie  vt  (forfsge)  try,  (itfe  meb  3nf.)  test; 
(erfare)  experience;  (Stueipit  ofB.)  rehearse,  (9Ke= 
taUer)  assay;  (fætte  paa  sprøBe)  prove;  _  paa  try, 
essay,  joc  try  on;  ^an  Bil  ifte  _  paa  bet  oftere  he 
will  not  try  that  on  again;  -r  otte  Sing,  beftolbec 
bet  gobe!  prove  all  things;  hold  fast  that  which 
is  good;  -  25in,  Wælf  ofo.  test  wine,  milk,  (oeb 
ot  fmage  paa)  taste;  _  et  %<ys.  ©lo  try  on  a  pair 
of  shoes;  _  et  ©eoær  try  and  prove  a  gun;  @ub 
-r  be  bebfte  og  ftraffer  be  flette  Heaven  proves  the 
best  and  punishes  the  bad;  ^an  er  -t  i  2ibelfer 
he  has  been  tried  by  suflferings;  ^an  ^ar  -t  SJerben 
ht!  knows  the  world;  praoenbe  a  searching, 
scrutinizing;  prøoet  a  tried,  proved;  ^an  er  en 
-t  Solbat   he  is  an  experienced,  beaten  soldier. 

—  ¥røpe|aar  year  of  probation.  -oftrl)!  (f.  ©fS. 
af  et  Kobberftif)  proof-print.  -arbcjbe  sample  el. 
specimen  of  work.  -orf  proof(-sheet).  -atteft 
test  certiflcate.  -baHon  experimental  balloon, 
pilot  balloon.  -biUcbe  proof.  -binb  pattern 
-binding.  -b(ab  proof  (-print),  -bog  pattern 
-book.  -boring  trial  sinking.  -bog  day  of  trial. 
•blgel  coppel,  (®(a§f.)assay-crucible.  -bl)ft  com- 
bat  for  a  trial  of  strengtb.  -fart  trial-trip. 
•forelæStiing  probation-lecture.  -form  melting 
-cone.  -giftermaa(  mock-marriage.  -gulb  stand- 
ard gold.  -Ijane  (p.  Sampfebel)  gauge-cock,  (p. 
^ampcljlinber)  test-cock.  -^cfte  specimen  number. 
•^Olbig  a  proof,  standard,  -llub  sampler;  jig 
Bcere  _  serve  to  experiment  upon.  -fort  pattern 
-card,  sample-card.  -tron  fe  -^ane.  -funft  art 
of  a.ssaying,  docimacy.  -labning  proof-charge. 
^røbelfe  c  -r  trial.  ^raoclfeétib  time  of  trial, 
trying  time.  ^r«lie|lQften  a  bent  on  trying. 
•Icerling  apprentice  on  trial.  -maa(  standard 
measure.  -maftine  te.sting  machine.  -mibbcl 
test,    re  agent,     -ntotrte  hall -mark.     -mønfter 

sample,  pattern.  -naat  touch  needle.  -nummer 
specimen  number.  -oon  fe  ^robeioBn.  -)ia)>ir 
test  paper,  reactive  paper.  -plø|ning  ploughiug 
-match.  -)>ræbiten  probation- sermon.  -regning 
proof.  -ribt  trial-ride.  -retter  fe  *Crobenreutet. 
-famling  coUections  of  patterns.  -fejlab§  fe -tur; 
foretage  _  try  the  rate  of  sailing.  -fenbing  parcel 
of  samples,  -flbe  specimen  page.  -ffrift  c 
specimen  of  hand-writing.  -f-ffrift  n  specimen 
of  composition.  -ffub  trial  shot.  -fluef))iaer 
actor  on  trial.  -fftjbe  vt  prove.  -fCqbning  prov- 
ing  of  fire-arms.  -fmag  taste  (for  a  trial).  -ftanb 
State  of  trial  el.  probation.  -ftempet  hall-mark. 
-ften  touchstone.  -ftil  probation-theme.  -ftunb 
hour  of  trial.  -ft^Itc  sample,  specimen.  -f«ltt 
Standard  silver,  hall-marked  sllver.  -føfter  novice. 
-telegrafift  probationary  telegraphist,  t.  on  pro- 
bation. -tib  period  of  trial  el.  probation,  proba- 
tion-time,  probationary  period.  -togt  trial  el. 
experimental  cruise.  -tr^f  proof- impression. 
-tur  trial  trip.  -balg  preliminary  election,  amr 
caucus.  -bicgt  .standard  weight.  -oærf  work 
done  for  a  trial.    $reoning  c  proving,  testing. 

¥fa(me  ofo.,  fe  Solme. 

^folter  c  &  n  Onftrum.)  psaltery;  (Sog)  psalter; 
gøre  Welobier  efter  -eS  £gb  hihl  chant  to  the 
sound  of  the  viol. 

^feubon^m  a  pseudon'ymous.  _  c  -et  pseu- 
don'ymous  writer.  _  n  -er  pseu'donym,  pen 

*ft!  int  st! 

$fqf{ia'ter  c  psychi'ater.  -iatri'  c  psychi'atry. 
-ifl  a  psychic(al).  -oto'g  c  er  psychol'ogist. 
•Ofogt'  c  psychol'ogy.    -olo'gift  a  psycholog'ical. 

^f^frome'ter  n  -tre  psychom'eter. 

?}tro!  int  fe  $rt! 

$toIemæ'|uS  Ptol'emji    -iff  a  Ptolema'ic. 

$uber|te't  c  pu'berty.  -te'tSalber  age  of  pu- 

^ubltlce  adv  publicly.  -ce're  vt  pub'lish, 
(8oB  0.  1.)  promulgate.  -clft'  c  -er  journaUst. 
-clft'iff  a  journalistic.  clte't  c  publicity.  -Io» 
tio'n  publica'tion.  ^ub'lifum  n  (Sllmen^eb)  the 
public;  (Jil'^orerne  ofo.)  audience;  -§  Jpiette  the 
public  heart;  -S  fiommer  the  public  pocket. 

^ub  M,  vi  =,  (58ægt)  pood. 

Rubbet  fe  $ubel. 

*ubbet=  fe  *45uble=. 

gubber  n  hair-powder.  -baafe  powder-box. 
-buft  powder-puff.  -tappe,  -f  jole  combiug  cloth. 
-loft,  -Ibaft,  fe  -buft.  -meUt  hair-powder  mill. 
-por^I  powdered  wig.  -|>of e  powder  bag.  -^ufter 
zest.  -ftjorte  fe  -tappe,  -fulter  brown  sugar, 
moist  sugar.    -æffe  fe  -baafe. 

'^^ubbing  fe  ®ubbing.  -puloer  puddlng-powder. 
•ften  pudding-stone. 

$ube  c  -r  cushion,  pillow,  pad;  (til  fjoteb^g. 
af  ®nibning)  v/asher,  ,i>  bolster;  arch  coussinet. 
^ubclbetræt  pillowcase,  -tick,  slip.  -f^lb  stulf- 
ing  for  pillow.s.     -t)))nbe  cushion. 

$ube(  c  -biet  poodle;  (i  Spil  el.  ©Iqbntng)  miss. 
-^unb  poodle  (dog),  -ifvalp  poodle-puppy.  -tæoe 
poodle  bitch. 

'.^ubejfæbe  cushioued  seat.    -oaar  fe  -betræl. 

spuble  vt  puddle.  -færn  puddled  iron.  -oPn 
puddling  furnace,  puddle-  el.  puddled  Steel. 
dubling  c  puddling. 

$ubre  vt  powder.    $ubren  c  powdering. 

*ub8  n  fe  «)Su§. 

^ub8  c  C^Sont,  StabS)  trim;  (pao  9Kut)  plaster, 
fine  stuff;  i  fulb  -  F  in  fuU  flg. 

^ttb§  n,  pi  =,  (-H-et)  (lifttgt  Spaafunb)  trick; 
fpille  en  et  _  play  el.  serve  one  a  trick,  play  a 
trick  with  one.    $ubfe  vt  (narre)  trick,  dupe. 

$ubfe  vt  _  en  f»unb  paa  en  set  a  dog  at  one; 
pnb8!  interj  at  hhn! 




$ui>fe  vt  (fliHe  »eb  bet,  font  ubeorteS  er  til  ^iiiber, 
til  58anfiv  el.  obcrfliøbigt)  trim;  _  5Cræer,  Jpætter 
prune,  lop  trees,  hedges,  _  ©eooerer  clean  guns; 
_  50letalfaget  polisli  metals;  _  9iæ|en  blow  one's 
nose;  _  en  Wur  plaster,  finish  a  wall;  _  et  2^» 
snuff  a  candle;  _  lanternerne  trim  the  lights; 
_  ©te bier  brush  el.  clean  boots;  _  op  brush 
up,  touch  up.  !Pubfc|a^>v«»tot  blowing-machine. 
-brit cleaner.  -bræt  (rønr.)  trowelboard.  -flfijte 
(Stem.)  polisher,  -gatn  wa.ste.  -talt  fine  stufl". 
-fttiU  currier's  knife.    -maftine  (©pinb.)  stripper. 

!P«bfein)magcr  [t.]  c  -e  practieal  jolier,  comical 
fellow.    -i'  n  practieal  joking. 

ipubfc))ult)er  n  scouring-powder. 

^ttbferi'  n  -er  drollery.  ^ubfe'rttg  a  droll, 
comical,  funny.  iPttbfe'rltg^eb  c  drolleiy,  droU- 

^ttbfclffe  (large)  trowel.  -ftcn  Bath  brick.  — 
5|}ub§|^oU  polishing  stick.  -Ijetit  smoothing 

»Pubfig,  -f|cb  fe  $ubferltg. 

^ttb8|røoftinc  stripper,    -mcifel  cutting  punch. 

^uett'l  a  pu'erile. 

SPucrpcro'Ifcicr  e  puer'peral  fever. 

$ttf,  n  &  c,  pi  =,  (iftnolb)  bang,  pop;  (©teb) 
buffet,  thrust,  push,  (shoulder)  shove,  f  dig; 
tage,  foa  paa  ~  take,  get  on  tick;  *læi'e  paa  ~  get 
up  one's  tasks  on  the  skipping  principle. 

^ttf  c  -fer  box-ottoman,  sofett(-stool);  (p.  SSrme) 
puffing,  puff. 

^ttffe  vt  &  i  (fnalbe)  pop,  crack;  (ftabe)  buffet, 
thrust,  push,  shove,  shoulder;  *(til  StSamen)  skip, 
get  up  With  a  difference;  f  -  for  puff.  Skuffer 
c  -e  (Scernb.)  buffer,  amr  bumper.  5|Juffcrt  c  -er 
pocket-pistol;  fe  -fer.  iPttffeng  sofa-bedstead. 
^ufævme  n  puffed  sleeve. 

$uge  vt  CilSenge  fanimen)  scrape  money  together. 
•t  c  -e  miser,  niggard,  boarder  of  money. 

^ugeftole  c  unlicensed  school. 

'^iJJugge  vt  &  i  f  learn  by  rote,  rote,  grind, 
sap,  cram  one's  self.  5|jHggeri'  n  grind.  ^Pug- 
^eft  griuding  fellow. 

^U^!  ugh!  oh! 

t5|5nr  a  kind  of  cribbage.  -bræt  eribbage 

^Puffe  vt  (om  @rti)  stamp,  beat. 

^ufte  vt  _  paa  noget  conflde  in,  boast  of, 
plume  one's  self  on  something. 

iPtttfel  c  -fter  hump,  hunch;  p  gioe  en  paa  -en 
dust  oue's  jacket.  -bloat,  -febt  f  stirrup-oil. 
-citabc  tree-hopper,  Membracina.  -Ijbal  hnnch- 
backed  whale,  Megaptera  boops.  -læbe  musk 
orchis,  Herminmm  monorchia.  -olSe  bison,  Bo9 
bison,  zebu,  Indian  bull.  Bos  Indiens,  -rtjg 
hump -back,  hunch -back.  -rQgpet  a  hump 
-backed,  hunch-backed;  p  bet  er  itte  faa  -  it  is 
not  half  bad. 

$u!ten  c:  benne  _  paa  egen  Sraft  ofb.  thiscon- 
fldence  in  his  own  power,  this  boasting  of  his 
own  power. 

$uftet  a  having  a  hunch. 

5Pttf|mel  stamped  ore.  ^utning  c  stamping, 
beating.  ^utlftcmpcl  stamper,  -ften  metal. 
-Uært  stampingmill. 

^ttl',  SJJuib  c  -le,    e  (paa  Jpat)  crown. 

'IJuIar'bc  c  fattened  pullet. 

*^ulbre  vi  bubble,  purl. 

SPuIje  c  (i  ©pil)  pool. 

*!PHlf  c  -er  pulkha,  Lap's  sledge. 

t*^ttHe  c  -r  shallow. 

^ultert  c  -er  ^t*  timberhead,  bollard. 

^uUet  o  crowned. 

$ulp  c  pulp. 

^ulptttt'r  n  -er  gallery-pews  pi. 

tuttis  c  -e  pole  for  chasing  fish  into  the  net. 

iPulS  c  pulse;  føle  en  poa  -en  feel  one's  pulse; 

-en  er  foag  the  pulse  is  low;  -en  ftoar  igen  roli 
the  pulse  has  rallied.    ^ul§|aare  artery.    -aare 
ftiulft  aneurism.    S(5ttIfatio'n  e  pulsation 
t^ttlfe   vi   Chase    flsh    into    the    net  with  i 

SPtttfc'Ire  vi  pul'sate,  pulse,   -ring  c  pulsation! 

^ul3|t)ammer    pulse -glass,     waier-hamme^ 
•tlub  compress.    ■!«§  a  asphyxiated.     -laå^eb 
asphyxy.    -maaler  pulsimeter.    -flag  pulsation| 
throb  of  the  pulse. 

!|5ut§ftage  c  fe  5Sul§  1. 

$ulé|banter,  -bormcre  pi  wrist  gloves,  pulsi 
-warmers,  wristers. 

5|5ul§«ob  n  a  kind  of  fishing-net  (fe  «|5ulå). 

ilJuU  c  -e  (writing)  desk. 

spttlteri'  n  jumble,  medley,  ^ultertammer  i 
lumber-room.  igultrc  et  fammen  huddle  eQ 
jumble  together. 

!UttU|Iaa§  desk-lock.    -tag  lean-to  roof 

i^ulber  n  -e  powder.  -^c!§  hag,  beldame 
!)}uIber!ifatio%  -ife'rtng  c  pulveriza'tion.  ^n\ 
beriferc  vt  pul'verize,  levigate. 

iguma  c  -er  puma,  Felis  concolor. 

'^Puwpe  c  -r  pump;    n  er  Ien§  the  pump  sucka 
F  Ⱦre  pao  -rne  be  at  the  last  extremity.    igumv 
vt  Dgfaa  Jiff  (ubfrttte)  pump;   _  en  for  noget  rii 
one  of  a  thing.    $um^c|afSet  crank-shaft  of  i 
pump.     -bolt   pump -bolt.     -bør   pump-borei 
-boring  pump  bore.    -brirnb  pnmping-well.   -cJ 
ftcrne  4>  pump  cistern.    -c^Iinbcr  pump-barrel 
-brog  stroke  of  the  pump.   -eramert  fe  -fto.    -ftj 
<t.  partners,    -fob  heel  of  a  pump.    -gaffel  pum] 
-brake   standard,     ••■-grelcrne    the    pump    gear 
-^age  pump-hook.     -Ijjerte  valve  of  a  pump 
-^ul   pump-nozzle.    -Jjætte  pump   hood.     -fift 
pump-case.    -tlop  fe  -fjerte,     -folbe  plunger  o 
a  p.  .  -trobe  ^  collar  of  a  pump.    -frog  pum] 
-hook.  -lurbrose.    -læber  pump-leather.   -magt 
pump-maker.    ■ntarmertng  ^J,  pump-hose.    -ma 
ffine  pumping-engine.     -neKit   fe   -font.    -ntlM 
pump -brake.     -rebffobcr   pump -gear.     -rcnbe 
pump- dale.    -renfer  pump- scraper.    -r«r  pipe 
of  a   pump.     -faal   tank.     -ffo  4j  i^pper-bo 
-ffofpir  J>  pump-spear.    -ffraber  fe  -renfer.    -floi 
fe   -brag.     -flange    hose.     -fob   .j,   pump-wel 
-fpanb  fe  -ftu.    ••"-fpiger  fe  -føm.     -fpil  4>  pate: 
wiridlass.     -fpir,   -fpær,   -ftang   pump-spear; 
-foingel.    -ftempel  piston  of  a  pump.    -ftot  pi 
of  a   pump;    fe   -foingel.     -ftabte  chamber  of 
pump.     "-fbcio    pump-crank.      -fbingel    pum] 
-brake.    -fætter  pump-maker.    -f«ro  pump-tac  _ 
•træ   pipe    of  a   pump.     -træt  fe  -brog.     -tuJ> 
spout  of  a  pump.    -oanb  pump-water.    -ocntilcr 
valves  of  a  pump.   -Ⱦrt  pumps /j^.    pumpning 
c  pumping. 

SPund)  c  punch;  !olb  -  cup.  ^unii^e  vi  drink 
punch.  —  ipunii^ej  bolte  punch -bowl;  (33olIe 
*Jguiidj)  bowl  of  punch.  -gla§  punch -glass. 
-fanbe  punch  -  tankard.  -fclff  ab  company  of 
punch  -  drinkers.  -ftc  punch -ladle.  —  Spunii^l^ 
céfené,  elåtratt  essence  of  punch,  -tage  punch 

ipunb  n,  fl  =,  (SBægt)  pound;  (Soner)  talen 
et  -  ©terltng  one  pound  sterling  (ftrioeg  £  1  el.  1 1] 
nebgraoe  fit  ~  hide  one's  talent;  aagre  meb  fit 
turn  one's  talent  to  account.  $unber  i  ©mf. 
-pounder.  "SPnnber  c  -e  large  steel-yard.  iJ5unbe= 
bié  adv  by  the  pound.  $unbebægt  pound 
weight.  ^unblfob  foot-pound.  -gær  fe  *gre»=. 
^unbig  a  (fun  i  ©animenfætninger):  en  trepunbig 
Sanon  ofo.  a  threepounder  etc.  SPunbjIirfebæt 
morello.  -læber  thick  sole  leather,  butts.  -pære 
pounder (pear).  SpnnbSlobpound-weight.  5|Jttnb§» 
note  one  pound  note.   i^unbtraab  coarse  thread. 

$ung  c  -e  (^pengepung)  purse;  (^ofe,  ^aarp.) 
bag,    (fo§    iJSungb^r)   pouch;   (S^eftifelp.)  scrotum; 





en  fpæffet  -  a  long  purse;  luffe  -en  op  loose  el. 
untie  one's  purse-strlngs.  ^nngjabe  phalanger, 
Fhalanoista.  -ben  marsiipial  bone.  •b\«xn 
koala,  Phascolarcto*  ciiiereuv.  -ivot  scrotal 
hemia.  -bannet  fe  -formig.  -i)t)r  pouehed  ani- 
mal,  marsupial.  $unge  vi  uB  meb  fork  out, 
come  down  with.  t^ungiegcrn  ilying  phalanger, 
Fttaurus.  -elcfoitt  diprolodon.  -gnoocr  wombat, 
Phascolomya.  -grtctiling,  -^are  (pursed)  bandi- 
coot,  Parameles.  -^unt)  fe  -ulo.  -laoc  thylacoleo. 
-waar  dasyure.  -mejfe  pendulous  titmouse, 
Farxis  pendulinua.  -muS  tarsipes.  -obtiec  water 
•opossum,  Ghironectes.  ■patt)t  bag-wig.  -rem 
purse-string.  -rotte  opossum,  Didelpbis.  -ftær 
troopial,  Cas»icus.  -ttlO  zebra  wolf,  Tasmanian 
WOlf,  Thylacinut. 

^\xn\\t  a  Punic. 

^unlt  )i  (t  c)  -er  point;  ($ri!  og  mnn)  dot;  fig 
point,  particular,  head,  item,  article;  om  bette 
_  on  this  head;  i  bette  ~  in  this  particular;  Xi(xa 
aCe  er  everywhere;  fig  in  every  particular. 
$ttnttagat  dotted  agate.  ^unttc'rc  vt  point, 
punctuate;  (i  hegning,  ©rotjeriiig)  stipple,  dot; 
chir  puncture;  -t  rtius  dotted;  -t  ^Janér  slippliug; 
-t  2inie  dotted  line.  —  $ttnfte're|^ju(  dotting 
-wheel,  -jtcrn  fe  -nool.  -tUBft  stippling;  (Srolb« 
bom)  geomanoy.  -naa(,  -l>e«  doiting  needle  el. 
pen.  $unfte'rittg  c  pointing  etc,  puuctuation; 
stippling;  chir  puncture,  punction.  ^.|3unftlig  a 
punctual;  adv  punctually;  ^an  iiibfanbt  fig  - 
{efter  Slftole)  he  was  punctual  to  his  appoint- 
ment;  be  »ar  -e  til  at  møbe  they  were  punctual 
in  their  attendance.  ipuuttligtjeti  c  punctual'ity. 
^unttueC  a  detailed.  *.|Junttnm  n  -er  full-stop, 
period;  og  bermeb  _  and  there  is  an  end  (of  it). 
iPunftur  c  chir  puncture;  tvp  points.  $unttur= 
l)uUer  typ  points'  holes.  ^uttttBié  adv  point 
after  point. 

*un8  fe  «l5unfef. 

^unfet  c  -fler  puncheon,  punch. 

$unt(«bec  fe  $unb-. 

SPnptl'  c  -ler  pu'pil. 

$ut)pe  c  -r  nymph ,  chrysalis  (pi  -lides  & 
-lises),  pupa.  -bannelfe  pupa-change.  -^^tftcr 
cocoon.  -raser  calosoma.  -fnegl  pupa.  -f))tnb 
?e  -^i)Ifter.    -tilftanb  chrysalis  state. 

^ttt'  c  <X'  call;  flaa  ~  call  the  watch. 

¥ur'  n  shock  (of  hair). 

^ut  a  (ren,  ffær,  ublanbet)  pure;  (lutter)  mere, 
nothing  but;  bet  er  bet  -e  SSrøBl  this  is  sheer 
nonsense;  ben  -e  UDibenI)eb  sheer  ignorance;  af  -e 
93Ji§uubeIfe  from  mere  envy;  men  bet  er  bet  -e 
SJanb  but  this  is  nothing  but  water. 

^ure  'fr.]  c  soup. 

$ttrgér!brtf  purgative  potion.  -mibbel  pur- 
gative.  -n«b  purgative  nut.  -ptHe  purgative 
pill.  -puttjcr  purging-powder.  $nrge'c|e  vt  &  i 
purge.    -ing  c  purging. 

^uri^aor  n  crisp,  curly  hair.  -fjaatet  a  having 
crisp,  curly  hair.  -ijatire  sand-oats,  Avera  ufri- 
gosa.  -^oDebet  a  shock-headed.  -ftøne  c  ruffled 

^urjiS'me  c  pu'rism.  -ift'  c  -er  pu'rist.  -ito'« 
ner  c  -e  Pu'ritan.    -tta'nff  a  puritan'ic(al). 

^urf  c  -e  urehin. 

*^urfe  c  -r,  fe  So. 

^urlet  a  fe  purret. 

purløg  c  &  Il  chives,  Allium  shoenopraaum. 

$ur)ini;  n  (ogfoo  fig)  purpie.  $urpnra  c  med 
purpies,  purpura,  purpie  fe  ver.  $ur9ur|blob 
poet  purpie  Itlood.  -f-branb  poet  purpie  glow. 
•itcem  purpie  edge.  -braaber  purpie  drops. 
•bragt  purpie.  -fotdc  purpie  colour.  -faroc  vt 
purpie.  -fnrtjet  a  purpie.  -feber  fe  <|Burpura. 
•finfe  purpie  finch,  C'arpodacua  purpur eus.  -i-f(ag 
purpie  flag.     -gland  spleudour  of  the  purpie. 

-gUb  poet  purpie  glow.  -^ejte  purpie  heron, 
Ardea  purpurea.  -foabc  p.  robe.  -tlcsber  p/, 
bibl  p.  raimeut.  -flæbning  fe  -bragt,  -tlæbt  u 
clothed  in  p.  -træmmerfte  bibl  seller  of  p. 
-lal  columbine  lac.  -leje  bed  of  purpie.  -l!)8 
poet  purpie  light.  -lofber,  -munb  coral  lips. 
-H^PurpHtn  [t.]  a  purpie.  purpur Ipil  purpie 
willow,  Salix  purjiurea.  -r«b  a  purpie  (om 
Slnfigtéf.)  scarlet,  crimson.  -r«bme  p.  colour. 
-faft  purpie  of  mollusca.  -P^  purpie  cloud. 
•Stal  fe  -fuæffe.  -ffa;r  purpie  hue.  -fntQflet  a 
purple-robed.  -fitæffe  p.-fish,  Furpvra.  -ftrirnt 
purpie  stream.  -ftær  purpie  graekle,  Quiscalua 
versicolor.  -fur  a :  -t  Salt  purpurate.  -fuale 
purpie  martin,  Fregne  purpurea.  -ft)re  purpuric 
acid.  -to|>  purpie  top.  -træ  violet- wood.  'tceppe 
p.  carpet.     -uartn  a  poet  warm  and  crimson. 

$UVre  c  leek,  Allium  porrum. 

^urrc  vt  &  i  (op  i  Siben)  poke,  stir  (the  fire); 
^on  -be  op  i  |»Qoret,  -be  fig  i  ^.  he  ran  his  fingers 
tlirough  his  hair;  fig  _  en,  _  oeb  en  remind, 
warn  (one);  _  nb,  op  (oæffe)  rouse,  ^  turn  out. 
purret  a  bushy,  tufted.  ^utrretop  c  bushy  hair; 
fig  quick-tempered  fellow. 

^urfdigang,  -jagt  [t.]  stalking. 

Sjjué  c  (Hat,  ogf.  om  $areu)  puss,  pussy. 

^ué'  n  (TOoterie)' pus. 

^ué'  n  (S3arn)  chit,  ducky,  darling;  cont  fe 

^uélt  vi  (om  £t)b)  rustle;  jeg  fiorte  bet  _  I 
heard  a  rustle,  a  faint  sound;  ^an  gaar  altib  og 
-r  meb  noget  he  always  busies  himself  with 
something;  ^un  -be  libt  omtring  i  ^tjtten  she 
busied  herself  about  the  cottage,  ^on  gaor  og  -r 
i  JpaBen  he  is  busy  in  the  garden;  _  om  en 
nurse,  coddle  one;  —  vt  tend,  take  care  of  (a 
child);  make,  shake  up  (a  bed)  $u§(ert'  n 
-er  (Smaaf^åler)  trifling  employments;  (Spøgeri) 
ghosts  pl\  ^(OJageri)  trumpery;  ber  er  -  i  Stuen 
the  room  is  liaunted. 

»^JuSlcfpil  n  puzzle. 

**^ju(3let  a  seedy,  sickly. 

!Pu§ling  c  -er  (unberjorbift)  imp,  sprite;  (liHe 
MJenneffe)  manikin,  dapperling,  puny  person. 

^uéfclan'fer  pi  joc  trotters,  stumps. 

^u§fc're  vt  fe  qSouSfere. 

^uft  n  (35t)ft)  shock,  brush,  t(SIag)  blow. 

^uft  n,  pi  =,  (SBinbpuft)  puff,  blast,  •■c  (2(anbe=) 
breath;  *  ff^be  -en  fetch  breath;  labe  ^eftene  ftt)be 
-en  give  the  horses  breath.  $nfte  vt  &  i  (6ort) 
blow,  puflf  (away);  (aanbe  ftcertt)  pant;  (^»ile  for 
at  træffe  SSejret)  breathe;  _  paa  noget  blow  upon 
a  thing;  ~  poa  (f.  (SIS.  Suppen,  for  at  fole  ben) 
blow  (the  soup);  -  Stobet  bort  blow  away  the 
dust;  -  et  SQ?  ub  blow  out  a  candle;  _  ®Ia§ 
blow,  make  glass;  ~  til  ^litn  blow  the  fire,  fig 
add  fuel  to  the  fire,  fan  the  fire;  ~  op  puff  (up), 
inflate;  ~  Stnberne  op  puff;  _  fig  op  fig  look  big. 

$uftel  c  -tier  pustule;  bebætfet  meb  -tier  pus- 

duften  c  biowing  etc.  ^uftec  c  -e  pair  of 
bellows.  ^ufterum  breathing  time,  respite. 
^uftcrar  trunk,  shooting  trunk,  pea-shooter. 
luftning  c  biowing  etc. 

"!|}ufrc  vi  bubble;  mutter. 

SPtttte  c  -r  (^øne)  hen;  (ftælenaBn)  fe  ^u§  3;  -! 
puU,  pull!  biddy! 

$utte  vt  put,  stick;  _  i  flommen  (ogf.  fig)  pocket. 

^ujjola'njorb  puzzolan,  pozzola'na. 

♦^ijgmæ'  c  -er  pig'my,  pyg'my. 

t^l'rc  "*  -  om,  otier  coddle,  nurse;  —  vt  -r 
fine  Sjebre,  -r  fig  plumes  herself,  her  feathers. 

^»jnt  c  -er  (Sanbp.)  point. 

$^nt  c  ub.  pi  (Stabs)  finery,  dress.  $l)nte  vt 
dress,  deck,  decorate;  _  SSægge  f  be  wallflowers; 
—  ci  _  paa.^c  embellish;  —  vr  _  fig  dress,  make 




one's  self  smart.  —  !pt)nte|Iiorb  toilet- table. 
-butte  dress-doll.  -^erte  dandy,  man-milliner. 
•jomfru  chambermaid;  tkeat  tirewomau.  -toal 
ornamental  cabbage.  •tamnter  dressing -room. 
-tone  tirewoman.    -tuuft  art  of  dressing. 

^tjntetliafle  c  -r  ^  flsh(-hoolj). 

$^nteltg  n  fine,  smart;  *Iionourable,  gentle- 
manly, -fieb  c  smartness.  ^ljute|Iftft  fe  -t^ge. 
$t)nten  c  dressing  etc. 

^Qnttnet  n  -ter  J,  martingale,  dolphin-striker. 
—  $t)ntenctig|gajeT  m.  backrope.    -ftag  m.  stay 

i^QUtelfojjer  articles  of  flnery.  -ftjfl  a  fond  of 
flnery.  -f^ge  passion  for  flnery.  ijj^ntning  c 
dressing  etc. 

^flramlba'IKfl)  a  pyram'idal.  -tal  pyramidal 
numbers.  ^\)tamibe  c  -r  pyr'amid;  bill  pyra- 
mids;  mit  pile  (of  arms);  ftide  ®eOærenie  i  _  pile 
arms.  —  ^ljramit)e|bannet,  -forutig  a  pyramidal, 
pyramid'ic(al).  -poppti  Italian  el.  Lombardy 
poplar,  pyramidical  poplar,  Populua  pyramulalis 
el.  fastigiata. 

^4rcn(C'|ernt  pi,  be  -ifle  asjecge  the  Pyr'enees, 
the  Pyrene'an  mountains;   ben   -ifte   $oIdø  the 
¥^rit'  c  pyri'tes.    -^olbig  a  pyrltiferous. 
^^rolfo'r  c  pyrophorous.    -foå'forf^re  hvdric 
pyrophosphate.      -gaUui^f^re    pyrogallic    aeid. 
-ntoni'    c   pyroma'nia.     -me'ler    n   pyrom'eter. 
-^op    n   pyr'oscope.     -tcluit'   c   pyrotech'nies. 
-tet'ttifcr  c  -e  pyrotechnist.   -tet'niff  a  pyrotech- 
^^rr^uSfcjr  c  pyrrhic  victory. 
$4rf(!6iagt  c  (deer-)stalking. 
^9t'  interj  pshaw!  tut!  poo! 
5pi)t'  c  -ter  pool,  puddle;  »ejen  bar  _  i  _  the 
road  stood  in  puddles. 

^»jt^agoræ'ler  c  -e,  -ift  a  Pythagorean;  ben 
■ifle  Scerefætning  theorem  of  Pythagoras. 
^^t^ift  a  Pythian;  be  -e  Bege  the  P.  games. 
SPflttlnglboIt  c  J,  futtock-staff.    -jæru  pi  chain 
-piates.     -tranS  chain- necklace.     -ring  futtock 
-hoop.     -ftinne  futtock-plate.     -ftroV  necklace. 
■»out  futtock-shroud. 
^t)Si§  c  pyx. 
$^æmi'  c  pyæ'mia. 

5JJæbo|go'g  c  -er  ped'agogue,  educationist, 
educator.  -gogit'  c  pedagog'ic.  -go'gift  o  pe- 
dagog'ic(al),  edueational. 
iBæberaft'  c  -er  ped'erast.  -i'  c  ped'erasty. 
^æ'g(e)I  c  -gie  half  a  pint.  ^ægelL  ^a%lt\-- 
flafte  half-pint  bottle.  -gloS  half-pint  glass. 
-tanbe  half-pint  pot.  -maal  half-pint  measure. 
-»iS  adv  by  the  half  pint. 

^al  c  -e  (lobret  ©tage,  SEremme  t  Stafit  el. 
^celegærbe)  pale;  (Stage)  stake;  minbre,  til  %t\t 
0.  t.)  picket;  (®runbpæl)  pile;  (Stolpe)  post; 
(Stanfepæl)  palisado;  her  pale;  (i  ^æletruS)  pin, 
peg;  fpibbe  paa  en  _  empale;  en  _  i  tebet  a 
thorn  in  the  flesh;  brifte  til  -§  drink  at  pins. 
$æle  vt  stake,  drive  piles. 
^alt  vi  drink  hard. 

^ælelaag  pile-pier.  -fiefæftnmg  stockade,  pali- 
sade, -tro  pile-bridge.  -6ut  rammer.  -6t)gger 
archæ  lake-dweller.  -bt)gning  fe  -oærf;  archce 
pile-building,  pile  -  dwelling ,  lake  dwelUng. 
-grunb  pile-work.  -gærbe,  -^egn  fence  of 
stakes.  -^ooeb  top  of  a  pile.  -Irué  peg-tankard. 
-moft  pole-mast.  -mudling,  -orm  pile-worm, 
teredo.  -))enge  J,  stake-money.  -ramntng  driv- 
ing  of  piles,  paliflcation.  -rift  pile-grating.  -rob 
tap-root.  -rælfe  row  of  piles,  -ffaufc  fe  -Befæft= 
ning.  -^o  pile-shoe.  -ftit  bowline(-knot).  -foet' 
ning  driving  el.  ramming  of  piles,    -tiærf  pile- 

work,  pelisade,  stockade.    $(e'(ning  c  -er  sti 
ing  etc. 

^æn    a    (Ubfeenbe)    nice,    smart,    dainty; 
(^anbtemoobe  o.   I.)   handsome;  *  =  fnibff;    et 
Wenneffe  a  well-mannered,  mannerly  fellow; 
_  gpr  iron  a  nice  fellow;  *  et  _  Ubfomme  deceJ 
means;  pænt  adv  nieely  etc,  '^carefuUy:  fare| 
meb  take  good  care  of,  economize;  nu  f(al  du 
....  now  be  a  good  child  and  .  .  . 
^(i9'n  c  -er  peony,  Pæonia. 
^ære  c  -r  pear;  oi  -r,  si  fbømme  how  we  appl 
swlm;  fifft  bu  -n  I  wish  you  may  get  it.    $(efb 
a  F  arrant,  vile;  bet  -fte  %a[t  the  thrash. 
$(cre|bannet  a  pear-shaped,   pyriform.     -bauft 
a    ultra- Danish.       -bonffljcb    ultra-Danishnes«, 
ultra-Danism.     -bum  a   extremely,    excessivefy 
stupid,     -formet   a   fe   -bannet.     -fulb    «   deacl 
drunk.     -gr«b    stewed   pears.     -^aS   c  svvellin|,' 
on  the  hock.    -j«rn   tool  for   making  spangleii 
in    the    shape    of  pears.      -ttxcbe    pear-quince, 
Fyrua  cydonia  oblonga.     -mo§  fe  -OæHing.     -VX^fi 
perry.    -pttU  pear-shnped  pearl.    -ffibt  fe  fnaoS. 
•^xpptv  coaster,  -ftrælltnger  pear-parings.  -ftui 
smack.    -fnatid  F  mere  thrash,    -træ  pear-trei 
Pyrus  communis.     -ttrøtit  nonsense,  balderdasl 
-Ⱦlling  pears  and  grits  boiled  in  milk;  fig 
fe   »rjøBl. 
*$(cfe  vi  pant. 

$øtie(  c  populace,  mob,  rabble;  -en  the  greal; 
Unwashed,  King  Clog.  -ogtig  a  vulgar,  mob- 
bish.  -agtigiieb  c  vulgarity.  -blob  low  newi 
paper.  -forbom  vulgar  prejudice  -gunft  favo 
of  the  mob.  -^errebømme  mobocracy,  ochl( 
eracy.  -^06  mob.  -deobing  demagogue,  leadi 
of  the  mob.  ^øbetift'  c  -er  cad,  vulgarian 
$«Iiet| opløb,  -oprør  rising  of  the  mob,  rabble 
-riot.  -pot  rabble.  -regimente  fe  -^errebømmi 
-ftore  fe  -^ob.  -fnot  vulgar  talk.  -fprog  vulgi 
language  el.  slang,  -fpærm  rabble-crowd 
tr^t  vulgar  expression.  -»i§ :  paa  _  in  the  wa' 
of  the  vulgar.  -pife  low  ditty.  -pittigfteb  vulgar 
wit;  vulgar  joke  el.  witticism. 

$øjt  n  (baarligt  %e\,   Søjeri)   trash;   (Doarltge 

35ritteearer)  weak  drink,  cat-lap;  {')8mi)  nonsense, 


ijjøl  c  -e  pool,  puddle. 

t^øl,  ^øMe  e  roll,  pad. 

^ølfc   c   -r   sausage;   ^  puddening;   (gaftin 

fascine;  181ob=,  forte  -r  black  puddings;   fom  ^o-- 

finen  i  ©nben  af  -n  last  but  not  least,  the  pick 

of  the  basket;  en  _  i  Slagtetiben  a  drop   in  the 

ocean;  bet  tommer  t(fe  on  paa  en  _  i  é.  there's 

enough  and  to  spare.     ^ølfe|bannet  a  sausage 

-shaped.     -enbe  end   of  the  sausage;   fe  «Bølfe. 

-gift  allantotoxicon.   -gtlbe  sausage-feast.  -^anb- 

ler  fe  -fræmmer.   -^orn  filler.   -jærn  ^  bulb-iron. 

-tone,  -Iirlling  sausage- woman.  -træmmer  dealer 

in  sausages.    -mob  stuffing  for  sausages,  pigmeat. 

-mager  sausage-maker.   -orm  sipunculu.s,    -piub 

sausage-peg;   toge    Suppe  paa   en  _  spin  a  long 

yarn  about  nothing.     -preåfe  sausagemachine. 

-ftinb  skin  of  a  sausage.    -fno!  nonsense,  bosh, 

balderdash.     -ftopper   ie   -pre2fe.     -tib   sausage 

season.    -urter  herbs  for  sausages. 

^ø'(|Uaab  a  fe  S^ngbaab.    -oonb  ditch  water. 

^ønt|ten'fe  c  pen'itence.    -tentia'riuS  c  peni- 


^ønfe,  cont  $øn^e  vi  pouder,  muse,  meditate, 
ruminate;  _  paa  (noget)  meditate,  think  on  (a 
thing;  ^an  -be  beftonbig  pao,  ^uotlebeS  ^an  ftulbe 
ofD.  he  was  constantly  revolving  in  his  mind 
how  to  etc;  _  (noget)  ub,  fe  Ubpønfe.  -n,  ^ønå- 
ning  c  pondering  etc,  meditation. 

^ø§  c  -e  bucket.  ^øfe  vt  pour  (with  a  bueket); 
—  vi  bet  -r  neb  it  pours. 








m,  t  f(£r']  n  -rer  R,  r  [ar];  abbr:  3J.  =  SRibber 
Knight;  iReb.  =  SRebaftør  Editor. 
9iaa  c  -ex,  fe  Saab^r. 
Mtttt  c,  p/  {Ræer  J/  yard,  fe  Storraa,  gofferaa 


9taa  a  (ufogt,  utiI6erebt)  raw,  (meft  fig  uforbajet) 
crude;  (ifte  beorbejbet,  uo})braflenj  rude;  (Suft) 
damp,  raw;  *(i8ebj  green;  Cf»etøbet  er  ^alo  -t  the 
beef  is  very  much  underdoue,  -  Silfe  raw  silk; 
_  58omulb  cotton  wool;  -  9)iarnior,  Tianiaut  rough 
marble,  diamond;  -t  SSejr  raw  weaiher;  _  <J5ro= 
bufter,  ©utfer  raw  produce,  sugar;  en  33og  i  _ 
SKaterie  a  book  in  sheets;  et  t  Ubtrtjt  a  coarse 
expression;  _  9Kagt  brute  force.  *9taaa§  c  f 
vulgar  fellow. 

9tattb  ti,  pi  =,  cry,  call,  shout;  i  -et  for  at 
bære  reputed  to  be. 

SiaabaonS)  n  roband,  robin.  —  SlaabaanbilM' 
^uØcr  eyelet  holes  for  the  robands.  -tnoo, 
•tnube  reef-knot,  square  knot. 

9taa{bagt  a  doughbaked,  slack-baked,  water 
-streaked.  -itixtet  a  imperfectly  tanned;  fig  raw; 

Maaie,  -te,  -t  vi  &  l  call  (out),  shout,  sing 
out;  _  om  Jpjælp  call  for  help;  -r  om  ^æon  oBer 
calls  down  vengeauce  on;  _  paa  en,  til  en,  efter 
en  call  el.  cry  out  to  one;  _  til  et  Slib  hail  a 
ship;  -  9?at)neiie  op  call  over  the  uames;  _  SBagt 
i  ®eoær  call  out  the  guard;  _  meb  noget  paa 
®aben  cry  something  about  the  streets;  _  paa 
(forbre)  clamour  for;  l)an  -r  altib  paa  bet  "iab  tian 
leb  he  always  speaks  about  the  loss  he  suffered; 
_  op,  -  an,  fe  Cpraabe,  Stnraabe.  Siaaben  c  crying 
etc.  9Iaabcr  c  -e  (ben  fom  -r)  crier,  caller;  ^f, 

'-'diaabjerget  «  housed  before  quite  dry. 

Staabolt  c  ^  tabliug. 

dtaabut  c  roebuck. 

9iaab  n  (*ogfaa  c),  t>l  •— ,  i^JJibbel  til  ot  opnaa 
noget)  meaus,  expedient;  (ffliibbel  til  at  afljjælpe 
el.  6øbe  paa  noget  remedy;  (Slnilag,  *BIan)  device, 
plan,  design;  (ffliening,  fora  ginel  mcD  Jpenfqn  til 
Ubfarelfen  af  noget)  advice,  counsel;  'SRaabéiorfam^ 
Ung)  council;  fe  ©oberaab;  fommer  Sib,  tommer  _ 
with  time  comes  the  remedy,  witb  the  day 
comes  opportunity;  jeg  ^ar  iffe  -  til  bet  I  cannot 
afford  it;  ^an  ^ar  gobe  ('''gob)  _  bertil  he  can  well 
afford  it;  bet  er  ber  gobe  (*gob)  _  for  there  is  no 
difficulty  in  that;  ber  er  intet  anbet  (*ingen  anben) 
_  there  is  nothing  else  for  it;  ber  er  ingen  -  for 
bet  it  ueeds  must  be,  it  can't  be  helped;  ftnbe  paa 
anbet  (*anben)  _  devise  new  ways  and  means;  ^an 
»eb  itfe  fine  (*rin)  arme  _  he  is  at  his  wit's  end, 
I)er  er  gobe  _  bljre  tliis  is  a  very  ditlicult  case; 
^olbe  til  -e  meb  be  chary  of,  husband;  ^perrené  - 
the  counsel  of  the  Lord;  4)orgmefter  og  -  mayor 
and  aldermen;  mange  gobe  _  a  great  deal  of 
good  advice;  et  _  a  piece  of  advice;  t)olbe  _  om 
deliberate  upon;  oære  en  bebjeelpelig  meb  -  og 
2)aab  assist  one  by  word  and  deed;  føge  _  f)Oi 
en  apply  to  one  for  advice;  fpørge  en  om  - 
consult  one,  ask  advice  of  one;  tage  eu  paa  -, 
gaa  paa  _  meb  consult  el.  advise  with;  felge  enl 
_  take,  adopt,  aet  on,  one's  advice;  følg  mit  _ 
be  advised  el.  ruled  by  me;  ^an  gjorbe  bet  efter 
mit  _  he  did  it  by  my  advice. 

9laab'  n  pus. 

''9iaabam))  c  dampness  of  the  air. 

9taabben  a  rotten,  putrid,  putretied,  decayed, 
foul;  -t  SBanb  foul  water;  ingen  -  ©naf  bibl  no 
corrupt  communication.  -fteb  c  rottenness, 

9{aabe  vt  (gioe  9Jaab)  advise,  counsel;  (^erfte 
[ooer])  rule  (over);  (formoa,  aære  oolgen)  be  equal 
el.  competent  to;  (ubtqbe,  fortolfe)  divine,  un- 
riddle,  interpret  (trede);  _  en  fra  el.  til  noget 
advise  et.  recommend  one  to  do  a  thing,  dis- 
siiade  et.  persuade  one  from  doing  a  thing;  lab 
big  _  take  my  advice;  tab  mig  fun  -,  faa  .  .  .  leave 
it  to  me,  and  .  .  .;  om  jeg  maatte  -  if  the  matter 
were  left  to  me;  nu  maa  ^an  -  fig  feln  he  must 
aet  for  himseif,  he  must  aet  on  his  own  account 
now;  _  meb  manage,  be  a  match  for;  ^an  Bit  - 
meb  he  wants  to  have  a  tinger  in  the  pie;  _  ooer 
command,  dispose  of;  ^un  |ar  fun  libt  ot  _  ober 
she  does  not  possess  much;  ^an  ^ar  mange  $enge 
at  _  ooer  he  possesses  a  great  deal  of  mouey,  he 
is  master  of  a  great  fortune;  bet  -r  jeg  itte  for 
it  does  not  depend  on  me;  _  for  (i  2tlm.)  be 
master  of;  -  for  SRiget  govern,  rule  the  realm; 
^er  -r  ^an  itfe  he  has  no  command  el.  authority 
here;  _  S8ob  paa  remedy;  —  raabenbe  n  pre- 
dominant.  fHaabelig  a  advisable.  91aaberum  n 
free  seope,  liberty  of  action. 

91aa'b{fæTbig  a  resolute.  -f«rc  fig  vr  (meb)  con- 
sult, ask  advice  (of).  -faretfc  consulting  etc, 
consultation.  -fører  adviser,  counsellor.  -farfet 
fe  -førelfe.  -gioenbe  a  advising,  counselling;  _ 
Stænber  cousultative  estates.  -gioer  adviser, 
counsellor.  -gioertnbc  -giberffc  (female)  adviser. 
•bué  towu-hall,  council-house.  -^uSfal  council 
-hall.  9{aabtg  a  ooer  master  of,  er  fig  felo  -  is 
his  own  master.  9iaabtgt)eb  c  command,  author- 
ity, ^aoe  -  ooer  have  ae  one's  disposal  et.  com- 
mand; ooertabe  en  noget  tit  fri  _  leave  a  tliing 
entirely  at  one's  disposal;  ®e  l)ar  fri  _  tit  at  il 
is  competent  to  you  to;  f)ar  $fnge  tit  fm  -  has 
the  command  of  mouey.  iRaablI«é  o  fe  -oilb. 
•(øS^eb  fe  -Ditb^eb.  -manb  alderman;  (gfifl)  dab, 
Platessa  fiesug.    -mattbftab  n   aldermans  otHce. 

gtaabjne  vi  rot,  putrefy,  decay.  -nclfc,  -neit 
c  putrefaction.    -fottr  n  ulcer. 

diaa'bfal  c  council-hall. 

9iaab§{bcfaUng  order  of  a  town-council.  -bc^ 
{lutning  decree  of  a  council.  '^-breng  foreman 
on  a  farm.  -forfamling  meeting  of  a  council. 
-forftonber  president  of  a  council.  -frue  fe 
-^erreinbe.  -^erre  senator,  couueillor.  -^erre- 
inbe  o  -r  senaior's  lady.    *-taxl  fe  -breng. 

!)taabf{tmme(  c  mucor. 

9iaa'blflaa  vi  deliberate  et.  consult  together. 
-ftag,  -flagning  consulting  etc,  consultation, 
deliberation.  -ffutning  resolution ,  decision, 

9iaab§|manb  adviser,  counsellor.  -meblem 
couueillor.    -møbe  fe  -forfamling. 

9iaa'b|fnar  a  ready  el.  quick  at  expedients. 
-fnarbeb  c  readiness  (of  resource).  -fni(b  a 
shrewd,  inventive.  -fnilb^eb  shrewdness,  fer- 
tility  of  resource. 

JHaobépenfionær  c  pensionary. 

9iaa'bifp«rge  vi  consult.    -f|>«rgfe(  fe  -farfel. 




9iaat>ftue  fe  ajaob^ul,  9?aabfal.  -ttrfio  archlves 
of  the  town-lmll.  -buli  beadle  of  a  town  council. 
■bøøec  pi  books  of  the  town  council.  -bag 
meeting-day  of  the  town  council.  t'bont  deci- 
sion of  a  town  council.  -{oelber  town -hall 
cellar.  -ret  court  of  the  town  council.  -faøer 
pi  affairs  of  the  town-hall.  -fal  fe  iRoabfiuéfal. 
-fatnling  meeting  of  the  town  council.  -ffrlber 
town  clerk.    -tiener  fe  -Bub. 

aiaa'blføgenbe  c  appllcant  for  advice.  -tJilb  a 
irresolute,  at  one's  wil's  end,  perplexed,  puzzled 
(how  to  aet);  albrig  _  quick  at  expedients. 
-titlbf)eb  irresolution,  perplexity.  -Jiil  a  wise 
in  counsel. 

9iaabt)r  n  roe,  roedeer,  Uervus  capreolus. 

9taa{emne  fe  -ftof.  -gotiB  (^ærnft.)  irregular 

diaagc  c  -t  (Suøl)  rook,  Corvu«  fmoilegus. 

9iaage,  ""^laag  c  -r  (lifle  SBunfe)  small  heap; 
'■■heaped  measure.    *-et  a  heaped. 

9%aat)anger  c  sling  of  a  yard. 

*J{aa^cb  c  (SSejretg)  rawness;  fig  rudeness,  rough- 

[Raa^ott  c  -er  ^1,  waist-rail. 

Otaatjugger  c  rough-hewer. 

9iaa^uUer  pi  head-holes. 

91aaj[(crn  fe  9fuiærn. 

*''9{afll  c  -er  &  n,  pi  =,  låne  of  water  (in  the 
ice),  lead,  (Bæltet)  cut  in  the  ice. 

'■iHaat'  n  spoondrift. 

iHaatalti  c  roe-calf,  fawn. 

*9iaa!e  vt,  ■§  vd  F  fe  Sræffe,  -§. 

*S*ttatc  c  -r  (5ugl)  roller,  (Joraciaa. 

Staajtib  fe  -!ait). 

9{aa'|flam  a  clammy.  -!olb  a:  -t  SSejr  cold 
raw  weather.    -tribt  grey  chalk. 

9{oa|lig  n  4>  head;  (SigtroiSfen  Xiaa  9{oolig)  head 
-rope.  -længe  yard-sling,  -ntanbing  c  manning 
of  yards,    -ntaatte,  -matte  paunch(-mat). 

StaajmeSfing  impure  yellow  brass.  •mstXl 
biestings  pi.  -mcritdtage  pancake  stirred  about 
in  biestings. 

Diaantcerte  n  landmark. 

*9iaane  c  -r  boar. 

Siaanot  c  J,  yard-arm. 

aiaa'Vrobnttcr  raw  products. 

9%aaratte  c  ^  yard-parrel. 

*9toaranb  c  watery  streak;  SSrøbct  I)ar  _  the 
bread  is  water-streaked,  dough-baked. 

9iaa{feil  square-sail.  -fejler  c  square-rigged 
Vessel,    -ffalinger  battens  for  a  yard. 

*9iaa|ftjær  c  split  stockflsh.    -fijære  vt  split. 

3*oa'|ftrænet  a:  -be  kartofler  potatoes  peeled 
raw.  *-fi''9  raw  flesh  and  entrails.  -fmeUning 
roasting  (of  metals),  -ftaal  raw  Steel,  -ften 
coarse  metal,    -ftof  raw  material. 

9lan'|ftorfei(  square  mainsail.  -to^fejl  square 

9taa|futler  muscovado.  *-t«rtet  a  imperfeetly 
dried.  "-Oaab  a  (om  Stæ)  green,  -bolfe  c 
trachitic  tuf,  rauchwacke. 

Staauilbt  n  (3f{oab^r)  roes;  (fiøb  af  9?aa)  venison. 

9taba'lber  n  f  noise,  hubbub,  sussarara.  -f-f  jog 
n  bustling  fool. 

fBobor'ber  c  rhubarb,  Rheum.  -braaber  rhu- 
barb  tincture.  -gr«b  rhubarb  fool.  -rob  rhubarb. 
-ftiH  rhubarb  stalk. 

fRabat'  c  ub  pi  (Slfflag)  abatement,  deduction, 
discount,  (trade-)allowance;  (poa  Uniform)  facing 
(of  a  uniform),  (i  Jpane)  border;  J^  {)(iaa.  3iabat. 
jærn)  crease;  gine  5  procents  _  allow  a  discount 
of  5  percent.  -jærn  ^  making  iron.  fRabatte 
vt  ^t,  finish  off  (the  seam).  9tabatte'rc  vt  abate, 
deduct,  allow  for  discount. 

*5Habb,  Stabbe  c  -er,  -r  barren  ridge. 

9labbi,  -'ner  c  -e  rabbi,  rab'bin.    -niS'nte  c 

rab'binism.    -nift'  c  -er  rab'binist.    -'nff  a  rab- 
bin'ic,  rabbin'ical. 

*9tabl  n  scribble,  pot-hooks.  9iab(e  vi  scribble. 

91ab(e  vi:  bet  -r  for  ^am  he  is  crack-brained, 
not  quite  right  in  the  upper  story,  has  a  bee 
in  his  head,  is  incoherent. 

SRabuHft  c  -er  pettifogger.  -eri'  n  pettifog- 
ging.    -'ift  a  pettifogging. 

9iabun'bn3  F  :  gaa  _  go  to  rack  (and  ruin). 

SRoce  c  -r  race,  breed.  -blanbing  erossing, 
interbreeding.  -ejenbomnteltgfieb  peculiarity  of 
race,  racial  characteristic.  -forbont  race-preju- 
dice.  -^eft  blood- horse.  -tjønS  race-poultry. 
-tant^  racial  struggle.  -trig  war  between  races. 
-roærte,  -)iræg  race-character. 

^ati'  c  F  (f-  ®f§-  uforftammet)  (insolent)  fellow 
el.  dog;  en  lang  _  a  tall  fellow,  skyscraper;  en 
(fnu)  -  a  sly  fellow  el.  dog. 

SRab  c  -er  rank,  row;  (Soger  o.  I.)  tier;  fe  S3en» 
rab;  _  Kanoner  tier  of  guns;  en  ~  Sgerler  a  string 
of  beads  or  pearls;  -en  fommer  inart  til  btg  it 
will  soon  be  your  turn,  your  turn  will  soon 
come;  i  el.  poa  _  in  a  row;  tre  2)age  i  _  three 
days  running. 

91a'bbrtef|te  vt  break  on  the  wheel;  ^an  -r  bet 
engelfte  Sprog  he  murders  the  Queen's  English. 
■ning  c  breaking  on  the  wheel. 

SRabbljg  n  two-rowed  barley. 

Stabe  vt  prov  place  in  a  row,  file,  range. 

SRabcloV  c  (P^igar)  penny  Pickwick. 

iHabeløU  n  spleenwort,  Åsplenium. 

9iabe're  vt  (en  Segning)  etch;  (ubffrabe)  erase 
-ferniå,  -grunb  etching-varnish.  -fnib  scrapin^ 
-knife,  eraser,  desk-knife.  -funft  art  of  etchingi 
-naat  etching-point  el.  needle,  drawing-point, 
-^ulber  pounce.  -oanb  aqua  fortis,  -ttifteliebe! 
ink  rubber.  9iabering  c  (af  en  Stegning)  etchingj 
i^Ubffrabning)  erasing,  erasure. 

iHabef^ge  c  cutaneous  disease  resembling  lep- 
rosy,  a  kind  of  constitutional  syphilis. 

9ia'bgaa§  c  barnacle-goose.  Anser  bemicla. 

9{abtfa'l  a  rad'ical;  be  -e  the  radicals;  -e  gor^ 
^olbSregler    sweeping  measures;    _    n    -er   chenti 
radical;  -t  adv  radically;  gaa  -t  til  SSærtå  mak( 
root-and-branch  work.    9iab{ta(-  radical.    iKabit 
lalté'mc  c  rad'icalism. 

9lobt'§,  SHobi'fe  c  -r,  fe  Kæbbite. 

9tabiu§  c  -ier  radius,  semidiameter;  _  »ectoi 
c  aHt  radius-vector.  -atået  (3)mp.)  radius-shaft 
•ftang  radius-bar  el.  -rod. 

9ia'b  I  lægning  c  laying  in  a  row. 

SRabmnger  a  lean  as  a  rake. 

SHa'b|venfcr  horse-hoe.  -faa  vt  sow  in  rows 
-faamaffine  drilling-machine.  -faaning  sowinj 
in  rows,  row  culture,  drill-husbandry.  -OiS  adh 
in  a  row,  in  rows,  row  after  row. 

iRaffltt|a'be  c  refined  sugar.  -oberi'  n  r^fi'neryj 
-abø'r  c  -er  (sugar)  reflner.  -ement'  n  refi'ne- 
ment.  -ere  vt  refine.  -eret  «  (ogfaa  fig  forfinet) 
refined;  (i  onb  33et.)  deep,  studied,  accomplished, 
(fjrucntimmer)  sharp.  -ertng  c  reflning,  -e'rt^eSi 
c  refinement;  sharpness. 

giafle  vi  (om)  raffle  (for);  fe  JRable  2, 

9iofrai(^i§f«'r  [fr.]  c   er  scent-fountain. 

*9taffe  vt  F  snatch,  grab. 

JWoft  c  -er  rafter;  *eaves  pi.    9{aftc  vt  rafter 

tSHog  c  sea  vapour,  spoondrift. 

SRag  a  straight. 

iRage  vt  &  i  (bebfomme)  concern,  regard; 
Klammeri  meb  en  get  into  a  squabble  with  ene 
_  u!lar  af  et  Stib  run  foul  of  a  ship;  _  paa  ®runl 
run  aground;  _  i  ®rtft  go  adrift;  ^Bab  -r  bet  big' 
what's  that  to  you? 

9lage  vi  ~  frem  jut  out,  protrude,   project 
(oDev^ængenbe)  beetle;  _  op  ober  overreach,  ris< 
i  above;  -  nb  ooer  overhang,  beetle  over. 




9lage  vt  &  r  (rere)  stir,  stir  up;  (bar6ere)  shave; 
-  fammeit  rake  up,  rake  together;  _  i  Siben  poke 
the  fire;  _  ^Iben  itb  rake  out  the  fires;  _  fifl 
shave.  Waije  c  -r  (gibrage)  poker.  9iage|bug 
shaving  cloth.  -fnio  razor.  +8^aflclfe  e  ?e  Siogeri. 
Stagen  c  stirring  elc.  9iag(ri'  n  -er  trumpery, 
trash.    9Iagctø|  sliaving  apparatus 

^'ØJagg  n  iib.  pi  coarse  hair,  goat's  hair. 

tiKagle  vi  reel. 

"JHognc  vi  unwind  itself,  get  loose,  give  way. 

9ia'gntng  c  stirring  etc. 

9iagott't  c  -er  ragout. 

9}ajgaa§  c  brent  goose,  Anas  torquatus. 

9iajgr(eé  n  rye-grass,  Lolium  perenne;  frani!  - 
oat-grass,  Aven't  e/atior. 

Maitte're  vi  fe  Spotte. 

Slaifon'  [fr.]  c  rcason;  bringe  tit  _  bring  (one) 
to  reason,  bring  (one)  to;  tage  mob  -  listen  to 
reasoii.  -nnbcl  a  reasonable.  -ncment'  n  ex 
reasouing,  line  of  argument,  -ne're  vi  reason, 
argne.  (ooer)  criticize,  find  fault  with;  jeg  -be 
faalebel  Ihis  vvas  my  Brgument;  jeg  -be  fom  faa, 
at  I  reasoned  that.    -n«'r  c  -er  fault-fiuder. 

gtaio'U  vt  fe  5Reote. 

fMaV  n  fe  5RaffertBi. 

fRata  hihl  raca 

*9JofcftfI  '■  slightly  salted,  soft  and  half-fer- 
mented  fish. 

Slotet'  c  -ter  (til  gtjroærferi)  rocket;  (i  |5JerboIt= 
fpil)  battle-door.  -ap))ariit  rocket  -  apparatus. 
•haa'is  r.-boat,  -Ij^Ifter  rocket-case,  rocket-paper. 
-ftttttr  r. -cutter.  -line  rocket-line.  -mager 
rocket-maker.  -r«r  r.-tube.  -fatS  rocket-com- 
position.  -fignal  r.-signal.  -fful)  discharge  of 
a  r.  -ftqbning  rocket -practice.  -ftol  rocket 
-stick  el.  rod. 

fHaftt'llé  c  rachi'tis.    -iff  a  rachi'tic. 

9la«e  vt  til  (milfianble)  ill-treat;  (befnbte)  foul, 
soil;  [fig  om  perfonlige  Slngreb)  cut  up;  (i  ©frift) 
write  down;  _  neb  paa  noget,  _  noget  neb  de- 
preciate  a  tbing;  _  neb  poo  nogen,  _  nogen  neb 
run  (one)  down,  throw  dirt  on,  revile,  abuse 
(one),  (i  Sfrift)  write  (one)  down. 

Stafir  c  ^,  parral,  parral-rope;  -  til  Unberraa 
truss-parral;  _  til  ®affel  el.  i8om  jaw-rope.  Siaffe 
vt  ^.  rack  (a  tackle);  -  Io8  untruss;  _  en  9iaa 
til  ©tangen  parrel  a  yard.  Otafteltlaabe  parrel 
-truck,  -liamlft  rolling  chock.  -Moue  iron 
-parrel.    -lejDcr  jack-stay. 

*9ia{tel^ane  c  -r  bastard  between  a  black 
-cock  and  a  capercailzie  hen.  Tetrao  urogalloides . 

Slatteline  c  vi,  parrel-truss. 

9iatter  c  -e  (|(unbe-)  flayer,  knacker;  (93øbbelen§ 
f>jælper)  hangman's  assistant,  executioner's  man. 
^tafteragtig  a  infamous,  vile.  9la!fcri'  n  -er 
knacker's  yard. 

Staffering  c  .1.  truss-hoop. 

fH offer  f nægt  flayer's  assistant.  -fule  P  place 
where  dcad  carcasses  are  buried.  -mæc  P  vile 
jade.  -fluffc  hangman's  cart.  -|)ol,  -t»j  rabble, 
tag-rag  and  bob-tail. 

Otttffelfftnfcl  c  J,  truss-hoop.  -f^iil  Spanish 
windlass.  -furring  parrellashing.  -talje  truss 
■tackle,  -froéfc  parral-rope.  fRatfing  c  racking, 

fRatle  c  -r  (paa  Xræer)  catkin,  julus,  ament. 
fRattelbterentie  a  catkin -bearing.  -formig  a 
amentaceous.  -flat  bract.  -træ  catkin-bearlng 

*9la!ne  fe  JRagne.    JRa'ft  adv  directly. 

9iaIIe  vi  rattie  in  the  throat;  ^an  -r  there  is 
a  rattling  in  his  throat.  fSiatte  c  throat,  gullet. 
9ial(elt)b  rattling  sound.  9ial(en  c  rattie  (in  the 

StaQile  c  -r  jade,  nag. 

9iam'  a  (om  Smagen)  sharp,   acrid,    rank;    for 

-me  9IlBor  in  good  et.  sober  earnest;  bet  er  mit 
-me  Stioor  I  am  perfectly  serious. 

Saam'  n  hil,  stroke,  bu  flal  iffe  gaa  -  forbi 
you  shall  not  escape  me;  faa  -  paa  en  get  one 
on  the  hip;  faa  et  -  be  hit;  faa  -  ttl  get  a 
chance  of;  fe  fit  _  til  at  see  one's  opportunity  to. 

fHamaffrig  n  outcry  (opløfte  raise). 

>Haraa§f'e  c  weld-iron,  scrap-iron. 

SRambuf  c  rammer,  pile  driver. 

)Httmbu'§  c  blind-hookey. 

fRambug  fe  aJaonbug. 

fRantequtnS'  [fr.]  (TOobl.)  ram'akins. 

9tamlf)ct)  c  sharpness,  acridness,  rankness. 
-jjjbff  0.  ft.,  fe  9}aP=. 

fHamié  c  china-grass. 

SRomtlobé  c  monkey. 

fRamtc  vi  fe  fRumle;  tumble  down. 

9iamlc  vi  (om  ^orer)  buck.  -r  c  -e  buck-hare, 
male  hare,  jack.    -tib  bucking-season. 

iHamltng  c  tumbling  down,  crash. 

9iamme,  -te,  -t««(træffe)hit,  strike,  (fun^{/)befall, 
overtake;  (-be,  meb  SJarabuf)  ram,  drive;  iffe  -  miss; 
©tniben  -r  ^am  the  blame  lies  with  him;  _  af 
wedge  off;  ~  en  ^æl  igennem  fig  .demolish;  _ 
neb  (oeb  Siler)  wedge  down;  _  op  wedge  up;  _ 
nb  knock  out;  naar  man  ftaar  imellem  en  giol 
^unbe,  faa  piber  ben,  man  -r  those  the  cap  fits, 
let  them  wear  it. 

fRamnte  c  -r  frame;  tyv  chase;  fig  setting;  i 
®Ia3  og  -  framed  and  glazed;  ©pefle  i  forgfllbte 
-r  gilt-framed  mirrors;  fpænbe  Slæbe  paa  en  _ 
ten  ter  cloth. 

fRammettle  c  set-wedge,  (wooden)  slice. 

iHantmetøje  c  cot. 

*9?amjnel  c  rattling  el.  thundering  noise. 

9iamme|fnebter  frame -maker.  -fl^He  lintel. 
-f))ning  frame-embroidery. 

})iampe   c  -r  ramp,  ascent;  (2:eat.)  foot-lights. 

fHampone'rc  vt  spoil,  damage,  injure. 

9JamS  c  ramson,  broad-leaved  garlic,  Allium 
urainum . 

*SHamé  n:  tære  paa  _  learn  by  rote. 

fRamfe  c  -r  rigmarole,  rhapsody,  words  said 
by  rote;  lære  paa  -  learn  et.  get  by  rote;  vt  (op, 
frem)  say  by  rote,  patter  out.  Siamfen  c  (op) 
pattering  out.    -fSRamfer  c  -e  patterer. 

>Rom§!f|OPeb,  -top  c,  -toppet  a  Jpeft  horse  with 
an  arched  face,  roman-nosed  horse. 

iRamftag  n  fe  JRamflobl. 

l(Ramét«g  c  fe  9iom?  c. 

9iantftt)fte  n  (Sømr.)  breast-summer. 

SRan  n,  pi  =,  robbery,  depredation. 

JRanb  c  -e  (~9{ænber)  (Stribe)  stripe,  streak; 
(paa  ®Iag)  brim,  rim;  (l^berfte  Sinie  af  Søj,  5Papir 
ofo.)  edge,  Ijorder,  margin;  (af  et  ©aar)  lip;  ast 
limb;  (paa  9)?ønt)  ring;  (paa  ©fo)  welt,  rand;  i,. 
(paa  Wær§)  rim;  Peb  9tfgrunbenS  ~  on  the  brink 
el.  verge  of  the  precipice;  paa  (SraoenS  _  on  the 
brink  of  the  grave;  fom  ftaar  i  -eit  marginal. 
-bemærtning  marginal  note,  note  in  the  margin, 

9ian&e  vt  (fætte  SRanb  paa)  border,  edge;  (gøre 
ftribct)  streak,  stripe;  (TOønt)  mill.  fRanbeljærn 
cheeks.  -ntafttne  fe  -Pærf.  9tanbet  a  rmeb  Manb) 
edged;  (ftriSet)  striped,  streaked.  fRaniieoært 

!Ran)>|forfiring  areh  eartouch.  -fr«  hedge 
-parsley,  OAærophj/llum  sy/vestre,  -fummel  (Sfom.) 
polishing-tool.  -fqtbt  n  brimfnl.  -gtofc  marginal 
gloss.  -^aar  pi  ^  cilia.  -^aarct  a  Sf  ciliated, 
ciliate.  Slanbing  c  (aJJønt.)  milling.  -trone 
marginal  flower.  -faot,  -faate  rand  sole,  welted 

fRanbfage  fe  Kanfage. 

JRanbfet  fe  gtfanfel. 

9{ant)ft(ertng3|mejfel    groove- cutting    chisel. 




-ffo  shoe  wlth  a  welted  sole.  -ffrift  marginal 
writing;  (J).  TOønt)  legend  on  the  border,  -ften 
curb-stone.  -ftrimniel  list,  border,  edging. 
•ftatile  boot  With  a  welted  sole.  -f toning  welt- 
ing.    -tegning  border-drawing. 

tfllanc  c  -r  perch. 

aionc  vt  rol),  plnnder.    9ianer  c  -e  robber. 

giang  c  rank;  (gorranfl)  precedence;  of  førffe  - 
first  rate;  et  CrIogSftib  of  føifte,  onben  _  a  first-, 
secondrate  man  of  war;  fjnBe  -  nteb,  Ⱦre  i  - 
meb  rank  with;  ffave  ~  nceft  efter  rank  next  below. 
•itet)  patent  conferring  rank. 

fWangCe)  c  -r  J,  strake. 

■■'JRongcl  c  disorderly  habits,  revelry;  »ære  ipaa 
_  be  on  the  spree. 

fBange're  vt  rank;  —  vi  take  precedence  (foron 
of),  rank. 

JHanglfororbning  ordinance  respecting  rank 
and  precedence.  -følge  order  of  precedence. 
-!lo8fc  rank. 

9iang(e  vi  (bafle)  totter;  •rove,  ramble,  lead 
a  rambling,  disorderly  life,  keep  late  hours  etc. 

9iangle  c  -r  rattle,  bells  pi.  Stanglc  vi  rattle; 
-  for  et  SSorii  meb  et  Snippe  Sløgler  amuse  a  child 
by  rattling,  jingling  a  bunch  of  keys.  -bjcelbe 
bell  of  a  rattle. 

■•'SRongIcfant  c  one  who  leads  etc.  (fe  SRangle*), 
an  idler. 

9iang{c{tl(ing,  -Hjb  rattling.  9)ang(eri'  n 
bawble,  babcry.  H-gionglelftange  fe  flopper«. 
-ften  eagle-stone.    -t«j  fe  Saiigle. 

SHangniærfc  .symbol  of  rank.  9lang§forfIe( 
distinctiou  of  rank.  iRonglffat  tax  paid  by 
persons  endowed  with  title  el.  rank.  -ffili  ship 
of  the  line.  lKangi))erfon  man  of  titular  rank. 
9iang|ftige  hierarchy.  -fttib  dispute  about  rank. 
-fjjg  a  inordinately  fond  of  rank.  -f^ge  rage 
for  rank.    -tftel  titular  rank. 

9lonI  a  straight,  erect;  ^  crank,  cranky. 

Sianfe :  ribe  -  ride  on  the  knee. 

iRonte  e  -r  tendril;  vine.  9)ante  vt  bind  el. 
tie  up;  —  »/••  _  fiQ  op  ob  cling  to,  twine  round. 
-fabbcbe,  -fabber  fd  cirripeds.  -fnib  pruning 
knife.  -|)Ce1,  -ftogc  vine  prop.  -»(ctft  climber, 

9lant^eb  c  straightness,  erectness;  ^  crank- 

9tanfag|e  vt  search  thoroughly,  ransack,  over- 
haul;  jeg  er  ben,  iom  -er  9Jt)ter  og  fjerter  I  am 
he  which  searcheth  the  reins  and  hearts;  _  fig 
felt)  examine  one's  own  heart.  -et  c  -e  searcher. 
-elfc,  -ntng  c  searching. 

SRfl'nébaber  pi  damages  for  robbery. 

9ianfct  c  -ficr  knapsack. 

9ia'n§|gerntng  fe  dion.  -ntanb  robber,  de- 

fRonfo'n  c  -er  (Sofep.)  ransom;  fe  SRatton;  J>  (p. 
©lib)  steru-frame.  JHanfonc're  vt  ransom.  9flon= 
fonfdb  ^t'  (t-  SproBiont)  harness  -  cask ;  (iBanbO 

9ftanfo'n|(|aIt  n  -er,  -t«tnnter  ^t,  fashion-piece. 

JRo'nfag  action  for  robbery.  {Ra'nfooren  a 
convieted  on  oath  of  rapine. 

9iante  c  fe  SBrantgaag. 

9ia  ntog  n  predatory  expedition. 

Sianun'tel  c  -{(er  ranunculus,  crowfoot. 

fHap'  n,  pi  =,  rap,  smart  blow,  stripe. 

*diap'  c  &  n:  paa,  i,  -pen  in  quick  succession, 
at  a  stroke,  in  a  trice. 

9iap'  a  quick,  swift,  brisk;  _  paa  fjoben  quick 
of  foot. 

map'  (9Jnbeti8  Sl)b)  quack! 

tHapé  c  rappee. 

9iapert'  c  -er  <!.  gun-carriage,  carriage.  -afSel 
carrJage-axle.  -^jut  carriage -truck.  -bange 
carriage-cheek.    -botg  bracket. 

9)apfobet  a  swift- footed.  -^eb  swiftness  of 

fRapgrteS  n  meadow-grass,  Poa. 

Mapltftt  c  quickness,  swiftness,  fleetness. 
•^ænbet  a  nimble-handed,  quickhanded. 

*9Jnp^flne  c,  pi  -iienS,  fe  9Igert)øiie. 

fRopie'r  c  -er  ra'pier. 

SHnpIe  vi  fe  5RabIe  2. 

JHappe  vt  rap,  slap. 

Mappt  vi  (om  9lnben)  quack. 

*fRappe  vt  plaster,  render. 

diappe  fig  vr  make  haste,  look  alive;  rop  big! 
p   stir  your  stumps ! 

dlapptV  c  rap'pel;  floa  _  beat  the  rappel,  beat 
to  arms. 

9ioppcn  c  quacking. 

SHnppenffrolbe  c  -r  termagant,  catamaran, 
vixen,  scold. 

?fiappOtt'  c  -er  report;  (gorl^olb)  connection, 
relation;  fcctte  i  _  meb  put  in  communication 
with;  fil!  sære  i  _  meb  be  in  touch  with;  ^olbe 
fig  i  _  meb  keep  touch  of;  fomme  ub  af  -  meb 
lose  touch  of  9Japporte'rc  vt  report.  9lap^ort= 
ftift  guide-pin, 

gjappu'S  fe  9?nmbué. 

fHapS  c  rape,  Bransi'-T,  Sommer-  summer  rape, 
colza,  B.  canipestrtK;  SSintcr=  winter  rape,  cole- 
seed;  B.  napus.  -nor:  et  gobt  ~  a  good  year 
for  the  rape. 

Stapfje  vt  pilfer,  fllch,  crib.  -en  c,  -eri'  n 

9lop8fr«  n  rape-seed. 

9t(>p§gob§  n  pilfered  goods. 

JRopSfjorb  rape-soil.  -!ogc  rape-cake.  -fnitt 
sickle.    t-ttt«rt  rape-field. 

fRnpfobi'  o.  fl.,  fe  S^apfobi. 

9{a^>§|olie  rape-oil.  -færing  cutting  (of)  the 
rape.  9ia))f(Cb  fe  dtapg;  diapgfrø.  9}atif«btaal  fe 

aiaptuS  c  -er  fit. 

Stopun'fcl  c  rampion,    Cumpanula  rapunculus. 

JKot  a  (-ffjcelben)  rare;  t(fortræffelig)  exquisite, 
good,  excellent,  nice,  line,  pretty;  '''(unberlig) 
queer,  odd;  2)e  er  en  -  Wanb  ot  fe  you  are 
grown  quite  a  stranger;  t  bet  tax  en  _  fiiftorie 
this  is  a  pretty  piece  of  business;  P  this  is  a 
nice  go;  t  bet  tmr  jo  -t  I  like  that  (now).  9tttf 
fteb  c  rareness,  rarity;  fgoodness.  fRortte't  c  -er 
rarity,  curiosity,  novelty;  for  -enS  ©!t)Ib  as  a 
curiosity.  SRaritetSf amler  collector  of  curiosities. 

'■■'dtaé  n  sliding  down,  landslip;  (Strøm)  race. 
SJafe  vi  slide  down. 

9lflfe  vi  foam,  fume,  chafe;  (fare  Ptibt  affteb) 
rage;  (tage  bolbfomt  paa  SSeje,  Pære  ube  af  fig  felB) 
rave;  (tage  grumt  affteb,  lorme)  storm;  (©tormen, 
JJIben,  $eften  ofP.  -r  the  storm,  fire,  plague  etc. 
rages;  _  af  3?rebe,  Sibenftob  oft).  be  furious  with 
anger,  passion;  _  ub  spend  one's  rage,  (om  Ub= 
foæo.)  sow  one's  wild  oats.  Siafen  c  raging. 
SRofcnbe  a  furious,  raging,  in  a  rage,  infuriated; 
F  (u^tire,  oberorbentlig)  prodigious,  extreme;  fom 
~  as  one  in  a  frenzy,  frenetically;  en  _  a  mad- 
man; en  _  ©torm,  et  _  Slngteb  ofo.  a  furious, 
violent  storm,  attack  etc;  en  _  ©merte  a  hor 
rible  pain;  _  poa  furious  with;  Bære  -  ooer  bc 
in  a  rage,  mad  at;  bet  er  til  at  bliBe  _  oBer  it  is 
enough  to  drive  one  mad,  »that  way  madness 
lies»;  bltbe  _  go  mad,  fly  out  into  a  rage;  bet 
giorbe  ^am  _  it  threw  him  into  a  violent  rage; 
bin  megen  Særbom  gør  big  -  bibl  much  learning 
doth  make  thee  mad;  —  ailv  _  fulten  raven- 
ously  hungry;  _  forelftet  i  passionately  fond  of; 
l^an  bar  fig  _  galt  ab  he  acted  like  a  madman. 

SRafe'rc  vt  raze,  level  with  the  ground;  (et 
Sinieftib)  razee;  -t  Sinieflib  razee;  —  vi  graze; 
ben  -ube  ©iftance  the  point-blank  range. 




gSoftri'  n  rage,  fury,  frenzy. 

JHaferjins  c  razing  etc.  -inggttinfet  angle  of 

9iafetib  c  time  of  sowing  one's  wild  oats. 

tiHaf!  7)  (In)  serge. 

•91aff  n  refuse,  rubbish. 

9Jaft  a  ft)urttfl)  quick,  active,  brisk ;  (fæf) 
resolute,  brave;  (funb)  well;  iffe  _  unwell;  _  igen 
recovered,  p  all  right;  en  _  |)aanb  a  bold  hånd; 
rt  t  Seat  a  prompt  el.  off-hand  answer;  nære  _ 
til  5ob?  be  a  good  walker;  -t  Sro»  a  brisk  trot; 
»  X>aa  bet  quick,  (n槻i§)  pert,  flippant,  (frcin= 
fiifenbe)  rash;  —  adv  fast,  quickly;  gaa  _,  føre  - 
til  walk  fast,  put  the  horses  to  a  brisk  trot; 
_  oæt  ofl"  hånd;  følge  _  poa  I)inanben  follow  in 
rapid  succession. 

•tSRaffc  et  k  T  (fig')  (om  Siejg;  rise,  sponge. 

*$Rnffcri  n  fe  *fRaft. 

)Haff(|fb  c  quickness,  briskness,  smartness. 

éia^magergatn  n  (fine)  worsted,  small-ware 
yarn . 

9)aftning  c  rising. 

^iafforntt  c   er  Russian  dissenter. 

9Ja8lc  Cl  rattle,  datter,  (ftjogcre,  ioni  £06, 
Slæber)  rustle;  _  meb  (Sænfer,  Sabel)  clank.  -tt 
c  rattling  etc. 

Siaémagergant  fe  SRoftmagergarn. 

9{aSmue  Erasmus;  virago,  termagant. 

9lafti  c  -er  rasp.  SHaf|)C  r?  rasp;  (meb  9Jidej(rrn) 

MaflJt  c  (|>efteft)g.)  malanders. 

9iafi)r|brilb  bread,  that  has  been  rasped.  -fil 
rasp-file.  -n  c  rasping.  -fpoaner  pi  raspings. 
9iaf))^u@  house  of  correction.  9iaf))ntng  c  rasp- 

tJHaåfel  c  yellow  rattle,  Rhinanthug  criatu  galli. 

sRflft  <•  (i  3Ko8ol)n)  boshes. 

tiRoft  c  old  Norwegian  mile. 

aittft  c  rest;  ^olbe  -  (SRofibog)  halt,  make  a 
halt.  -bng  day  of  rest,  resting-day,  halting-day. 
91afte  vi  (l)t):le)  rest;  (opljøre)  cease;  leave  off. 
9Joftj(Ǥ  o  restless,  active,  never-resting.  Az^lttt 
c  activity,  restlessness. 

Siaftrai  c  music-pen,  instrument  for  drawing 
music  lines. 

9iaftfieb  n  halting-place. 

9Jflt'  n  <t,  wheel,  (Xiaa  SBaob)  joke. 

9Jsta :  pro  -  pro  rata,  in  proportion. 

aiotnfto  c  ratafl'a,  latafee'. 

9{ato'n(!))fo  c  rat'any,  rat'anhy,  Krameria  tri- 
ant/rn.    -ttiilétut  extract  of  ratany. 

matlbom  4:-  fe   ftomme. 

9lote  c  -r  instalmeut.    9iatr|Bctalittg  payment 
bv  instalments.    -»»i§  adv  by  instalments. 
"»iatlftjul  fe  9?at.    -^uS  wheel-house. 

SJafiipccre  vt  ratify.  -filatio'n  c ratifica'tion. 
-Ijnbf'rc  vt  ratify,  t^anction.  -ijalie'ring  c  sanc- 

fftatin  n  ratteen.     -e't  n  rattinet. 

9iatto'n  c  -er  allowance,  -tration;  fætte  paa  ~ 
put  on  Short  allowance.  9latio«|o'l  a  rat'ional. 
•nliS'Bteii  c  rat'ionalism.  -attft  c  -er  rat'ion- 
alist.  -fllifJ'tff  a  rationalistic(al).  -el'  a  rat'ional; 
•t  fiQnbbnig  scientific  husbandry. 

9iat|tnag,  -Inoge  spoke  (ol  the  wheel),  *-Inb6e 
fe  -ftomme.  -fætlittg  Jj  wheel -chain.  -line 
wheel-rope,  tiller-rope.  •flommel  stand  of  the 
wheel,  -ftomme  wheel- barrel.  -flong  wheel 
-spindle.  -ftol  fe  -ftammel.  -fnrring  twiddllng 
-line.  •iapptt  spindles  of  the  wheel,  -tjifer 
axiometer,  telltale. 

diotfd)!  int  crack! 

*9{oMte  vi  (om  fiør)  bellow,  low. 

?HoD'  ["''ra'o]  (i  Smf.)  quite,  utterly. 

Mav  ;*!RQ't)i  «  amber;  dried  fins  of  the  hali- 

but.    -orbejbe  amber-work.     -orbejber,  -brejer 
turner  in  amber. 

9lobe  vi  totter,  reel,  stagger;  _  i  ajlørfe  be 
groping  in  the  dark.    -n  c  tottering  etc. 

9Ioo|c(eftricitet  c  resinous  electricity. 

SioOelt'n  c  -er  ravelin. 

9Jo»|farue  amber  colour.  -fernié  amber-var- 
nish.     -ftffcrt  fishing  for  amber. 

9iat)ga(  n  (albele?  forrflft)  stark  mad;  (olbele* 
fejl)  completely  wrong,  quite  absurd. 

$R00|guI  a  amber,  -^olåboonb  amber  neck- 
lace,  -^onbci  tråde  in  amber,  amber-trade. 
•f)olbtg  a  containing  amber,  -inap  amber  but- 
ton,   -lorol  amber  bead. 

9la»|Jl)bff,  -norfl  a  ofo.  broad  Jutland,  broad 
Norwegian  etc. 

Slotin  c  -e  råven,  Corvus  corasc-,  ftjoele  fom  en  _ 
sleal  like  a  magpie;  ben  ene  -  gaffer  ifle  øjnene 
ub  pOQ  ben  anben  dogs  don't  eat  dogs,  «c  hawks 
will  uot  pike  hawk's  een;  ask  my  fellow  whether 
I  am  a  thief. 

fRobitbug  c  (raven's)  duck. 

9iot)ne|agttg  a  raven-like.  -fober  unnatural 
father.  -fjeber,  -fjer  raven-feather;  (tit  at  tegne, 
ffrioe  meb)  ravenquill.  -fob  swine's-cress,  Sene- 
hiera  coronoptm.  -forælbte  unnatural  parents. 
•fflbe  food  for  ravens.  -tofobue  calyptorhynchus. 
-froge  carrion  crow,  Corvus  corone.  -Irog  petty 
place,  Gotham,  rookery.  -mober  unnatural 
mother,  -mørtc  Cimmerian  darkness.  -nab^' 
ntvætéten  anat  the  coracoid  process.  -rebe  ra- 
ven's nest.  -ffrig  croak,  croaking  of  råvens, 
-fort  fe  9?at)nfort.  -unge  young  råven;  vicious 
child,  young  scapegrace. 

9iotinotfI  a  broad  Norwegian, 

91ot)nfort  a  raven-black, 

9{ati|otie  oil  of  amber,  amber-oil.  -^letle  amber 
-bead,    -(»t^belfe  fe  -fmflffe, 

fRooret  <i   F  bolt  upright. 

9iatiruftcnbe  F  :  _  gal  utterly  absurd,  pre- 

91oti|fmt)IIe  amber-ornament,  -fncgl,  -fnælfe 
amber-snail,  Succinea  putrig.  -f^ib§  (95tbefpib8 
af  fR.)  amber  mouthpiece;  meb  _  amber-tipped, 
amber-mouthed.  -ft^lle  piece  of  amber,  -fnr  a 
f.  ef«.  -t  9Jotron  succinate  of  soda;  -t  ©alt  suc- 
cinate.    -f^re  succinic  acid. 

Sio^j^to  c  raid. 

9leo|gcn§' e -er  reagent,  test.  -gen§))ot)u  test 
paper.  -ge're  vi  react.  -ttio'n  c  -er  reac'tion; 
ben  -  ber  fulgte  poo  .  .  .  the  reaction  on  .  .  . 
-IttonS^ittt  reaction-Wheel.  -ttionSmoftine  reac 
tionengine.  -Itionoe'r  a  reac'tionary;  be  -e  the 
reactionaries,  the  reactionists. 

Mco'l  a  real.  9Jeo'I  c  -er  (9Kønt)  re'al;  tvp 
large  double  pica.  -bcfinition  definition  of 
things,  technical  definition.  -btfci)>e(  pupil  of 
a  commercial  school, 

JHeoIflo'r  n  real'gar, 

tHeo  Itnjurte  c  assault, 

fReoIilfotion  c  realiza'tion;  (total)  clearance 
sale,  -fc're  vt  realize,  dispose  of.  -8'me  c  re'al- 
ism.  -ift'  c  -er  re'alist.  -ft'ifl  a  realistic.  -itt 
c  real'ity;  i  -en  in  reality;  ©agenS  _  the  merits 
of  the  case. 

9ica'(|Ief§iIon,  -orbbog  encyclopedia.  -rcgifter 
repertory.  -ftole  middleclass  school,  commer- 
cial school. 

JReaéfumc're  vt  resu'me,  reassu'me. 

91eaéfur|on'ce  c  re-insu'rance.  -on'eetiramie 
premlum  of  re-insurance.  -onb«'r  c  -er  re-in- 
Eurer.    -e're  vt  reinsure. 

Web  n,  pi  —,  (Sot))  rope. 

SReb  n  (Slagt.)  ribs. 

Web  n  pi  =,  (i  ©ejl)  J>  reef;  førfte,  anbet  ofo. 
first,  second  reef  etc;  ftitfe  et  -  ub  shake  out  a 




reef;  tage  et  -  iiib  take  in  a  reef;  tjaoe  aHe  _  inb 
be  close  reefed;  tage  -  i  Seitene  (ogfoa  /?»)  shorten 
sail.  -baanb  reef-point.  -baanbéfnob  reef-knot. 
•boit  reef-band.  -bicttbfel  reef-point.  9lebe  vt 

9fte6c  «f  f.  (Sti.  £øg  string  onions. 

SRcbCC'  c  mus  re'bec,  re'beck. 

KcheU'a  Rebecca. 

MeheV  o  -ler  reb'el.  diehet\U'vt  vi  rebel'. 
•lio'n  c  -er  rebel'lion.    -fl'  a  rebel'lious. 

9le6cnbe  c  end  of  a  rope.  Mtbtviane  c  rope 
-walk,  ropery. 

9ie'b|tiul  reef-hole,  eyelet  hole.  -fatjS  reef 
-hole  thimble.  -Inob  reef-knot.  -fættiitg  reef 
-nhain.  -line  reef-point.  -Ifljert  reef-cringle. 
9tebning  c  taking  in  of  reefs.  JHeblfcjftng  (reef-) 
point,  (til  Saab)  reef-knittle.  -ftinlel  reef-pen- 

5Re'b|flagcr  c  -e  rope-maker.  -flagcrbattc  rope 
-walk,  ropery.  -fCagecbuI  stake  post.  -flager' 
gaffel  stake-head.  -ftageri  n  ropery.  -ftige  rope 
-ladder,  ladder  of  ropes. 

9lc'6|ftreg  J/  reef-band.    -talje  reef-tackle. 

9lebuS  c  -er  rebus. 

Otccenlfent'  c  -er  reviewer,  critic.  -fe're  vt 
review,  criticize.  -flo'tt  c  -er  review;  (UbgaBe) 

SReceOiS'fe  c  -r  receipt. 

9iecept'  c  -er  pre.scription,  recipe.  -bog  book 
of  prescriptious.  SReeeptC'rfunft  art  of  prescrib- 
ing  el.  dispensing.  giecc^itlbttc't  c  receptiv'ity. 
9Jece^)tifamUng  fe  -bog. 

9Jecc§'  e  -fer  recess,  statute. 

ateii^au'b  [fr.]  c  cresset. 

SRecib|i'b  n  -er  relapse.  -itiift'  c  -er  previously 
convicted  offender. 

9lcei<)|e'ret  a  received.  -ienb  c  -er  candidate 
for  admission,  -ient'  c  -er  (ogf.  chem)  receiver, 
recip'ient.    -iSfe  c  -r  receipt. 

fRect^jrof  o  recip'rocal. 

SHecitlttti'b  n  -er  recitative.  -ati'bif!  a  recita- 
tive.  -e're  vt  recite;  m««  cantillate,  recite  (music- 
ally);  -nbe  gfuefpil  drama. 

aiecu't  fi  recoil. 

9teb  c  -er  road,  roads,  roadstead;  paa  -en  in 
the  roads  el.  roadstead. 

9tebattto'n  c  -er  editorship  el.  business  of  an 
editor,  editorial  management;  editor,  (ben  ^ele) 
the  editorial  staff;  fibab  ber  ^ører  til  -en  editorial. 
—  9lebaftio'n§lartt!el  leading  article,  amr  edi- 
torial. -tontor,  -lolale  editor's  ofiice,  editorial 
Office,  -fefretær  sub-editor;  bære  _  beb  (ogf.) 
sub-edit.  -ubttalg  editing  eommittee.  ^ebaft«'r 
c  -er  editor. 

JReban'   c   redan.     -batteri   indented  battery. 

9Ucbbc  vt  save;  (befri)  rescue;  p  fe  Slapfe;  ftaar 
ifte  til  at  _  is  doomed. 

SRebe  c  -r  (gugle=)  nest;  (JRobfuglerebe)  aerie; 
6t)gge  -  biiild  el.  make  a  nest,  nest. 

9Jcbe  c  (-1-  n)  ub.  pi  (Drben)  order;  ftnbe,  fiitte  _ 
i  en  ©ag  make  out  a  matter;  jeg  fan  itte  finbe  _ 
i  bet  I  can  make  nothing  of,  cannot  make 
(either)  head  or  tail  of  it;  gøre  _  for  render  an 
account  of.  9lebe  n  (færbig)  ready,  prepared, 
in  readiness.  handy;  (uben  DmfbøB)  plain,  clear, 
straight;  ^a\}e  pao  -  .^aanb  have  ready  at  hånd; 
bære  til  _  be  at  band;  ~  ©ølb  hard  cash;  _  $enge 
ready  mouey,  cash.  iRebc,  te,  -t  vt  (®arn  o.  I.) 
disentangle,  unravel;  _  Jpaaret  comb  the  hair; 
(gøre  _  for)  account  for,  render  an  account  (of); 
~  en  ©eng  make  a  bed;  reb  mig  en  gob  Sftet  bibl 
make  me  savoury  meat;  font  man  -r  faa  ligger 
man  as  you  brew,  you  must  drink,  my  bed  is 
as  I  have  made  it,  he  has  made  his  own  bed 
and  has  to  lie  on  it;  _  for  fig  auswer  for  one's 
self,   clear  el.  acquit  one's  self,   pay   scot  and 



lot;  -  fro  fig  di.spatch;  _  til,  fe  2:ilrebe;  _  en 
ilbe  til  ill-treat  one,  use  one  ill;  —  vr  fig  comb 
one's  hair;  _  fig  inb  i  get  involved  in;  _  fig  ub 
of  extricate  one's  self  from,  make  one's  way 
out  of.  9iebe{bon  a  ready,  willing,  prompt; 
Stanben  er  -  men  Søbet  er  ftrøbeligt  bibl  the  spirit 
is  willing,  but  the  flesh  is  weak.  -bon^eb  c 
readiness,  willingness,  promptitude,  alacrity. 

9iebe{bqgntng  c  nidification.  -fulb  c  nest("ful), 
covey,  brood. 

9iebe|g«re  vi  render  au  account  (for  of).  -g»» 
retfe  c  account. 

SRebebene  c  brood-hen. 

Stcbcfam  c  comb. 

fRebelig  a  upright,  honest;  F  (tfar)  plain;  — 
adv  honestly;  bet  ()ar  ^an  ærlig  og  _  fortjent  serve 
him  right,  -ftcb  c  uprightness,  rectitude,  honesty, 
integrity,  good  faith;  f  bet  bar  en  bejlig  _!  "a 
nice  go,  this!  faa  _  X)aa  noget  see  the  bottom  of 
a  thing;  gibe  _  ^aa  noget  elucidate  a  thing;  p 
t)ele  -en  the  whole  concern,  the  whole  lot  of  it. 

9ieber  c  -e  ship-owner,  owner.  9tcberi'  n  -er 
owners,  company  of  ship-owners;  (SSebrift)  ship- 
owning  business. 

SRebcirob  bird's  nest,  Neottin  nidus  avis.  'tt\ 
nest  egg. 

*9iebtg  a  clear,  lucid.  -Ijeb  c  clearness,  luci 

9lcbtge're  vt  edit;  bel  -t  well  el.  ably  con 
duet  ed. 

Sie'bning  c  (af  ©eng)  making;  (of  $aar)  comb 

gfleb'ning  c  saving;  rescue;  ber  er  ingen  _  then 
is  no  hope,    no  help,    nothing  to  be  done;    ^anl 
er  uben  _  he  is  past  recovery,  he  is  irrelrievably 
lost,  he  is  doomed,  a  dead  man,  (meft  joc)  past 
praying  for,  bet  Bleb  Ijon?  _  that  was  the  saving 
of  him.   —    9iebning§|anftalt  establishment  fon 
the    recovery    of    drowning   persons;    fe    -BuS.I 
•a);)>arat    apparatus    for    recovering    drowning 
persons,  {Xiaa  38)  ice-escape.    -arbefbe  ^  salvage 
service,  life-saving  duty.    -haa'i  life-boat.    -belte 
life-belt.    -brigabé  life  brigade.    -b«je  life  buoy.  ji 
-brage  life-kite.    -ftaabe  life-(saviug)  raft.    -for>| 
fag  attempt  at  rescue  el.  to  rescue.    -gobS  goods1|| 
rescued  (from  fire),     -^jo^tt*  succour  in  danger. 
-t)U§   reformatory  (school).     -torl)é  life-brigade. 
-IJ9§  a  irrelrievably  lost,  fe  3{ebning;  -t  fortabt  b.  i. 
-manb  preserver;   (58efrier)  rescuer.     -manbftab 
life-boat   crew.      -maffinc   life-buoy.     -mcbalje 
Silver  medal   for  saviug  (human)  life.     -ntibbel 
means  of  safety.  -omloftntnger  salvage  expeuses 
•)f\anU  plank,    -ralet  life-rocket.    -rebffaber  life 
-saving  apparatus   el.  appliances.     -felffab  Life,] 
-boat  Soeiety.     -ftib  life  ship.     -ftation  life-boat 
station,    -ftige  fire  escape,    -bæfen  safety-estab-, 
lishment,.Lifeboat  Service. 

9{ebout'e  c  -r  redoubt. 

JRebfel  [é]  c  dues  (in  kind);  i,  rigging. 

diebftab  [é]  n  er  instrument,  tool,  implement; 
fig  (om  'iJJerloner)  instrument;  _  for  tool  of; 
ftaaenbe  og  løBenbe  -er  J,  standing  and  running 
rigging;  '''c  coll  implements,  outfit,  rigging. 
fRebf!ab§fifte  tool  chest. 

5Jiebu|ce're  vt  reduce;  _  ©tatSpapirer  reduce 
ihe  rate  of  inierest  on  stocks;  _  in  absurdum 
drive  into  absurdities;  ^an  fer  noget  -t  ub  he' 
looks  rather  seedy  el.  dilapidated.  -ftto'n  c  -et 
reduc'tion,  (2ign.)  depression.  —  giebuttionåk 
))a§fer  proportional  compasses.  -tabel  table  of 

Stcbuplifalio'tt  c  reduplica'tion. 

9ieel'  a  re'al;  genuine;  honest,  fair,  trust 
worthy;  _  SSare  genuine  article.  SReellite't  ( 

9Jefat'tie  c  allowance. 




*Jlefetto'rittm  n  -ter  refec'tory. 

9ieferia't  n  er  report,  -en'ce  c  -r  reference. 
•cnDa'r  c  -er  refereu'dary.  -ent'  c  -er  reporter. 
•cntbiQet  press-ticket.  -entloge,  -enttribune  re- 
porters' gallery,  press-gallery.  -c'rc  vt  report; 
_  Tig  tif  refer  to. 

yitfltttanV  c,  fe  aJeflefterenbe  c 

Stejletlte're  vt  phys  reflect;  vi  _  ooer  r.  on, 
upon;  _  paa  attend  lo,  pay  attention  to.  -te'rcn 
c  rcflexion.  -tc'renfte  a  reflec  tive;  c  pi  iutend- 
ing  purchaser-s;  iatending  sellers;  ~  hHifi^t  at 
IjciiDenbe  fig  .  .  .  apply  el.  address  to.  -tc'rct  a 
(self-)conscious.    -'tor  c  -to'rer  reflector. 

9ieffctå'  c  -er  reflection,  reflex.  -iieO(ege(fe 
reflex  motion. 

Sicffeféion  c  -er pAj/« reflection;  ^flreflection, 
reflective  thought;  self-consciousuess.  —  9tr> 
flelåio'nålcirtel  aat  refleciiog  circle,  Borda's 
circle.  -inftrument  reflectiug  instrument,  -fit^ 
Icrt  reflectiug  telescope.  -fraft  reflectiug  power. 
-linie  line  of  reflection.  -fpcjl  reflectiug  mirror, 
reflector.  Steftctdto  a  reflex'ive,  reflec'tive;  n 
-er  reflexive  verb. 

Steform'  c  -er  refo'rm. 

Stetormatio'n  c  reforma'tion.  —  91efonna= 
tto'ndifeft  anniversary  of  the  Reformatiou.  -^i- 
ftorie  liLstory  of  the.  Reformation,  -tiben  the 
time  el.  period  of  the  Reformation.  9iefortna'- 
tor  c  -o'rer  reformer.  dUeformato'rift  a  refor- 

9teformltianfet  reformers'  banquet  el.  dinner. 
-beftræbelfet  reformatory  movemeut.  SReforme're 
vt  reto'rm;  Xitw  -rte  fttrte  the  Reformed  church; 
be  -rte  the  Refo'rmists,  Calvinists,  those  of  the 
Reformed  church.  Steformlfjcnbe  antireformer, 
antireformist.  -)iarttet  the  Reform  party.  -|>lan 
plan  of  reform,    -uenlig  a  reformist,  reformatory. 

Wefrain'  [fr.]  n  burden,  refrai'n. 

Stefraltio'n  c  aH  refrac'tiou. 

9tcfuinbere  «;{  refuud.    -flo'n  c  reimbur.semeut. 

9icga'jle  n  royal  prerogative.  -le'rc  vt  regale. 
-lier  pi  regalia.    Siega'Ipa^ir  royal  paper. 

Stegat'ta  c  -er  regatta,  boat-race. 

9iegel  c  -gier  rule,  precept;  gnxm  rule;  pi 
mouthly  courses;  gere  fig  til  _  make  it  a  rule, 
a  point,  make  a  point  of;  gøre  bet  tit  -  for  fin 
Cpførfel  make  it  a  rule  of  one's  coaduct;  ieg  ^ar 
giott  mig  til  -  at  it  is  a  rule  with  me  to;  efter 
-en,  -gierne  according  to  rule;  efter  ^unftenS  -gier 
secundum  artem;  bet  er  imob  -gierne  it  is  against 
rule,  i  -en  as  a  (general)  rule,  as  a  general 
Ihing.  -bunben  a  tied  down  to  rules,  regular; 
-bne  geiftlige  regulars.  -bunbent)eb  c  regularity, 
orderliuess.  -tompnd  standard  compass.  -IǤ 
a  not  amenable  to  rule,  disorderly.  -løS^eb  c 
irregularity,  disorderliness.  -»tæSjig  a  regular, 
regulated;  adv  regularly.  -ntæ§ftg^eb  c  regularity. 
-ret  a  regular,  according  to  rule.  -retl|eb  c  re- 
gularity.   -H-toang  constraint  of  rules. 

Stegeneriatio'n  c  regenera'tion.  -a'tor  c  -o'rer 
regenerator,  -a'toroun  regen'erating  furnace. 
-c'rc  vt  regen'erate. 

dtegen^burg  n  Ratisbon(e). 

Stegent'  c  -er  ruier,  regent,  -in'be  c  re'gent- 
ess.    -'flob  n  re'gency. 

SRege  re  vt  govern,  (3!i6)  work;  girtØKt  lunbe 
ifte  længer  -S  the  vessel  had  become  unmanage- 
able;  —  vi  reign;  ben  -nbe  Kejfer,  Stonge  the 
reignlng  emperor,  king;  ben  -nbe  Sronning  the 
reigning  queen,  the  queen  regnant;  ben  -nbe 
ftongeS  ®emalinbe  the  queen  cousort;  ftrenge 
^errer  _  ifte  længe  lyrants  have  commonly  short 
reigns,  despots  seldom  rule  long.  iKegcring  c 
-er  (bet  at  regere;  9Kpnbig&eb»  Ubøoelfe;  ben  9Kagt, 
3Renbigl)eb  el.  Samling  af  Watnt,  fom  ftgrer  ©tatenj 
government;    (tongelig  Sttjrelfe,  Siben  i  IjDtlten  en 

Sarfen :  2)anfl=engelf!  Crb6og. 

ftonge  regerer)  reign;  -en  (the)  Government,  the 
executive;  tilttæbe  -en  accede  to  the  throne;  fra> 
træbe  -en  resign  the  crown,  abdicate  the  throne; 
føre  -en  govern  (the  kingdom),  exercise  govern- 
ment; unber  benne  SongeS  _  during  el.  in  the 
reign  of  Ihis  king;  befpotift,  fri  ofo.  _  de.spotic, 
free  government  —  iWegering§|aar  year  of  one's 
reign,  regnal  year.  -abuotat  Attomey  General, 
Solicitor  General,  -blab  official  newspaper,  Ga- 
zette.  -btjgning  government  house,  -bamfjftib 
Government  steamer.  -fjcnbfl,  -fjenbttig  a  op- 
position, of  the  opposition,  -foranftattningcr 
pi  governmental  interference.  -form  (form  of) 
government.  -forftag  Government  bill.  -tol= 
Icgiuut,  -fontor  Government  oflice.  -Irebfe 
Ministerial  circles.  -lunft  art  of  governiug. 
•leå  a  ungoverned,  anarchical.  -maabe  mode 
of  government.  -i-ntanb  minister.  -ntQnbig^eb 
department.  -raab  council.  -fog  government 
aft'air.  -flib  Government  ship.  -fqftent  .system 
of  government.  -fæbe  seat  of  government.  -tib 
reign.  -tiltræbelfe  succession  to  the  reign. 
-Dcnlig  a  ministerial.  9{ege'rlig  a  J,  manage 
able.    Stcgerlig^eb  c  manageableness. 

fRegi'e  [fr.]  c  theat  management. 

iHegiment'  n  -er  regiment.  9{egimen'te  n  rule; 
føre  et  ftrengt  _  rule  with  an  iron  rod.  —  9tegi= 
mentdlabjubant  adjutant.  -e^ef,  -tommanbør 
chief  of  a  regiment,  colonel.  -bqrlcege  veteri- 
nary  surgeon  in  the  army.  -fane  regimental 
colours  pi.  -fa§fe  regimental  chest.  -ttrurg 
army  surgeon,  surgeon  in  the  army.  -tuarter  = 
raefter  paymaster  of  a  regiment.  -læge  fe  -tirurg. 
-titmbur  drummajor. 

SRcgio'n  c  -er  re'gion. 

JRegiSfø'r  c  -er  stage  manager,     -bnb  call-boy. 

5Reglft'cr  n  -ftre  Onb^olblfortegnelfe)  table  (of 
conteuts),  (alfab.)  index;  (-Jortegnelfe;  tvp)  reg'is- 
ter;  (i  et  Crgel)  stop;  tftte  (Sanfee  tancetltS) 
Patent  RoUs.  forfinet  meb  _  indexed;  uben  - 
uniadexed;  ^olbe  -  typ  make  register,  be  well 
registered;  ^olbe  -  ooer  keep  a  register  of;  inb= 
føre  i  -ftret  register;  p  et  langt  _  as  long  as  to 
-day  and  to-morrow,  a  maypole,  grenadier.  — 
9tegtfter|certififat  certiflcate  of  registry.  -brceg- 
tig^eb  register  tonnage,  -ton  register  ton.  — 
9tegift|rant'  c  -er  calendar,  register,  (9(Jtg§«)  ca- 
lendar  of  state  papers.  -ra'tor  c  -o'rer  reg'i- 
strar,  ab.stracter.  -ratn'r  c  fe  -rant.  -re're  vt 
register,  enroll,  calendar,  record,  (fort)  docket, 
inventory.  •re'ring  c  registering  etc,  regi- 

ateglcjment'  n  -er  regulations  pl\  (Unber^ufet?) 
standing  orders;  -et  mil  the  (Queen's)  regulations. 
■mente'ret  a  regulation. 

Sieglet'  c  -ter  typ  reg'let. 

9tegti§'fc  c  liquorice-lozenge. 

atcgn  c,  ■■n  rain;  en  _  af  $ile.  Stene  a  shower 
of  arrows,  stones;  øfenbe  -  a  heavy  downpour 
of  rain;  bet  fer  ub  til  _  it  looks  like  rain;  efter 
-  fommer  ©olffin  after  a  storm  comes  a  calm, 
after  rain  comes  fair  weather.  ^Jtegnjaar  rainy 
year.  -bab  shower-bath.  -bringcnbe  fe  -førenbe. 
-bne  rainbow,  iris.  -buefaroer  colours  of  the 
rainbow,  -buefaroet  a  irised,  irisated,  rainbow 
-tinted.  -buefifl  fe  jpapjunter.  -buc^inbe  iris. 
-b^ge  shower,  storm  of  rain;  tomme  ub  for  en  _ 
be  caught  in  the  rain,  in  a  shower.  -bæf  forrent. 
-bog  rainy  day.  -broobe  rain  drop.  -brJ)t>  drip- 
ping  of  rain.  9tegne  vi  rain;  _  neb  paa  pour 
down  upon;  bet  -r  ftærtt  it  rains  hard  el.  heav- 
ily;  bet  -r  tæt  it  rains  fast;  bet  -r  fint  it  drizzles; 
bet  -r  Sfomagerbrenge  it  rains  eats  and  dogs;  bet 
regnebe  meb  !8ufetter  ooer  .  .  .  bouquets  were 
showered  on  .  .  .;  laber  _  ooer  retfærbige  og  ooer 





uretfærbifle  sendeth  rain  on  the  just  and  on  the 

9tegne  vt  &  i  reckon,  compute,  count,  calcu- 
late;  i)ar\  t)ar  lært  mig  at  _  he  has  taught  me 
ciphering  el.  arithmetic;  f)an  ton  læfe,  ftrtoe  og  - 
he  ean  read,  write  and  sum  (do  sums);  -  fejl 
misreckon,  miscouut,  miscalculate;  mon  -r  It  is 
computed;  mit  9lr6ejbe  -r  jeg  itfe  I  don't  take 
my  pains  into  account;  uben  at  _  without  taking 
into  account;  Bi  _  bet  t!fe  faa  rtjøje  we  are  not 
80  particular,  we  don't  reckon  so  nicely;  man 
fan  _  at  ^on  fortjener  100  Jfr.  you  may  estimate 
his  earnings  at  100  er.;  ladt -t  at  a  low  estimate; 
_  Blanbt  class  el.  count  among;  _  efter  count 
over;  (f.  &i.  et  Stifte)  reckon  over  again;  -  en 
SfJegninq  efter  examine  au  account;  bet  -§  f  or  ^anS 
bebfte  SBcert  this  is  considered,  accounted,  his 
hest  work;  bet  -r  jeg  itfe  for  noget  it  is  of  no 
consequence,  it  does  not  matter;  bet  -r  jeg  iffe 
for  noget  Slrbejbe  that  is  no  work;  jeg  -r  bet  for 
en  ftor  Ulljlfe  I  consider  el.  look  upon  it  as  a 
great  misfortune;  naar  man  -r  100  røanb  for  ^oert 
Sfib  allowing  100  men  to  each  ship;  _  fra  eu 
OiS  lib  count  el.  reckon  from  a  certain  time; 
_  fra  deduct,  subtract;  _  i  ^obebet  reckon  el. 
calculate  by  the  head,  mentally;  _  noget  meb  i 
en  ©um  include  in  a  sum;  SStnen  er  iffe  -t  meb 
the  wine  is  not  included  in  the  account;  jeg  -r 
bet  meb  til  bet  øbrige  I  reckon  it  amoug  the  rest; 
^on  -S  meb  tit  be  fornemme  he  is  ranked  with 
persons  of  distinction;  _  om  (_  efter)  reckon 
over;  bet  (StDffe  mao  bu  -  om  you  must  perform 
that  sum  once  more;  ^an  ^ar  -t  bet  ^ele  om  he 
has  made  a  new  calculation;  _  op  recount, 
enumerate;  -oDer  calculate;  _  paa  (fto(e)  count, 
calculate,  depend  el.  rely  upon,  (tage  ^enfpn  til) 
take  count  of;  _  f ammen  sum  up,  reckon  up; 
!^an  -§  til  Sigterne  he  is  numbered  among, 
ranked  el.  classed  with  the  poets;  bet  bleb  -t  ftam 
til  Saft  it  was  laid  to  his  charge;  bet  biet)  -t  ^am 
til  SRetfærbigfieb  bibl  it  was  counted  unto  him 
for  rlghteousness;  _  fig  til  gortjenefte  take  merit 
to  one's  self  for:  _  ub  calculate;  _  en  Cpgaoeub 
i  ^ooebet  work  a  question  by  the  head.  —  9tegne- 
åog  reckoning  el.  ciphering  book,  handbook  of 
arithmetic;  efier  ©øren  Wott^ifenS  ~  accordiug 
to  Gunter  el.  Cocker.  -brcet  abacus,  ciphering 
board,  -fejl  fe  9legningSfejl.  -lunft  arithmetic. 
-funftner  arithmetician.  -I^nbig  a  up  to  arith- 
metic. -lærer  ciphering  master,  teacher  of 
arithmetic.  -mnaite  mode  of  calculation.  -mo= 
ftinc  calculating  machine.  -mefter  arithmetician. 
•tn«nt  fe  9Jegning§mont.  -opgaoesum,  arithmetical 
problem,  -^enge  (card)  counter.  IRegner  c  -e 
calculator,  computer,  reckoner.  9tegne|ftDle 
ciphering  school,  s.  of  arithmetic.  -ftot  sliding 
-rule.  -ft^lfc  fe  -opgatje;  et  fimpelt  ~  a  simple 
arithmetical  process.  -tabet  arithmetical  table. 
-tflbic  (ciphering)  slate.  -time  lesson  in  arith- 

[Regnfang  fe  Sieinfon. 

9iegn{ftob  torrent  of  rainwater.  -for^otb  pi 
rainfall.  -fralfe  water-proof  coat.  -fri  a  _  ®ag 
dry  day;  (jer  fan  mon  fibbe  _  here  you  are 
sheltered  from  the  rain.  -fugl  fe  -fpooe.  -fntb 
a  rainy.  -farenbe  a  rain-bearing.  -gag  yellow 
-billed  American  cuckoo,  Coceyzua  americanua. 
•t)at  water-proof  hat.  -bjørne  rainy  quarter. 
•^uUet  4^  the  doldrums.  -^oette  hood.  -^ajbe 
depth  of  rain. 

9iegntng  c  -er  (®ern.  ot  regne)  ciphering,  arith- 
metic; (9{egnflab)  account,  reckoning;  (poo  35orer, 
Strbejbe)  bill,  note  of  account;  (ii3eftemmelfe  of 
Zib  ofo.  efter  gormobning)  calculation,  computa- 
tion;  lobenbe  -  running  account,  account  current; 
efter  ben  ~  by  that  calculation;   efter  min  -  moo 


f)an  »ære  l^er  i  ®ag  according  to  my  calculation 
he  here  to-day;  poo  fin  egen  _,  for  egen 
_  on  one's  own  account,  at  one's  own  expen.*«; 
©treg  i  -en  disappointment;  bet  uor  ^om  en  Streg 
i  -en  his  projects  were  thwarted  el.  crossed; 
-fbringe  i  ,  put  to  account;  ftnbe  fin  _  beb  find 
one's  account  in;  føre  -  ooer  keep  an  account 
of;  føre  noget  til  _  put  down  to  one's  account; 
gennemfe  en  ~  look  over  an  account;  gioe  poa 
_  give  on  credit;  gøre  ~  poo  lay  one's  account 
with,  reckon  el.  calculate  upon,  place  depen- 
dence  on;  gøre  _  uben  SSært  reckon  without  the 
(el.  one's '  host,  reckon  one's  chickens  before 
they  are  hatched;  Ijolbe  _  ooer  keep  an  account 
of;  i  nb  gib  e  en  -  send  in  an  account;  føBe  i  foft 
-  buy  right  out;  opgøre  en  _  settle  au  account; 
opfcette  en  -  make  up  an  account  el.  bill;  [fribe 
poo  -en  put  down  in  the  bill;  ffribe  pao  en«  _  put 
down  to  one's  account,  charge  against  el.  to 
one;  flutte  -en  balance  an  account;  bet  fBar;r  iffe 
_  it  won't  answer,  it  does  not  turn  to  account; 
toge  poo  _  take  on  credit.  —  9icgning3|art 
branch  of  arithmetic.  -bog  account-book.  -buJ> 
collector.  -fejl  miscalculation,  -gielb,  -fro: 
book-debt.  -tn«nt  counter.  -ftiarenbe  a  payin 

9iegn|Iaabe,  -tappe  water-proof  (coat  el.  cloak), 
rain-cloak.  -flæber  waterproof  clothes.  -ieå 
a  rainless,  dry.  -tnaaler  rain-gauge,  ombrometer, 
-ntaaneb  rainy  month.  -mængbe  rainfall,  amounli 
el.  quantity  of  rain.  -nat  rainy  night.  -ornf 
earthworm,  earth-bob,  Lumbricug.  -piber  f( 
-fpobe.    -fejl  (til  SBoob)  tilt. 

9tegnftab   n  -er   account;    føre,    l^olbe,   opgøre, 
flutte  -,  fe  aiegning;  gøre,  aflægge  _  for  render  an 
account  el.  account  for;   forbre  _  of  en,  fræbe  eq 
til  _  call  one  to  account,  F  bring  one  to  book; 
ftoo  til  _  for  answer  for,  be  accountable  for.  —1 
9tegnffabø|nar  financial  year.    -aflæggelfe:  mobi 
toge  _  for  receive  a  statement  of  the  account^ 
for.    -bog  account- book,  reckoning- book.     -ba 
day  of  reckoning.     -etétratt  abstract  of  an  a(3 
count.   -fejl  error  in  an  account.   -f«relfe,  -forfe^ 
keeping    of    accounts ,    book-keeping.       -f*re 
keeper  of  accounts,   accountant.     -poft  item  of 
an  account.     -fog  matter  concerning  accounts, 
-t»«fen  keeping  of  accounts,   book-keeping;   ad 

9iegn|ffur  n  pent-house.  *-fIur  c  fe  -b^gtJ 
-fffl  rain-cloud.  -fftjl  heavy  shower,  torrents  ol 
rain.  -ffærm  umbrella.  -flag  fall  of  rain,  rali 
-fall;  fe  -toppe,  -fotnmer  rainy  summer,  -fpobl 
curlew,  Numenius  arqiiata;  liEe  ~,  fe  ©moo«, 
•ft^ffe  fe  -focpe.  -ftæn!  drops  of  rain.  -foongei 
fe  -førenbe.  -ttb  rainy  season.  -truenbe  a  threw 
tening  rain,  rain-threateuing.  -t^lte,  -tQlning 
thick  with  rain.  -tæt  a  water-proof.  -t«)K 
water-proof;  water-proof  clothes.  -tønbe  barret 
for  rain-water.  H-t«rftig  a  droughty.  -bonb 
rain-water.  -bordlcnbe  a  foreboding  rain.  -»»ejr, 
rainy  weather.  -OejrSbog  wet  el.  rainy  day. 
-Oinb  rainy  wind. 

9{cgre§'  c  remedy;   ^an  fan  føge  _  ^o§  he  hai 
his  remedy  against. 

diegulobetri'  (el.  -be'tri)  c  rule  of  three.    -ft^ffe 
rule-of-three  sum. 

9icgu|lati'b  n  er  regula'tion,  regulations, 
-lo'tor  c -er  governor;  (2)mp.)  reg'ulator,  conic  ' 
pendulum-governor.  -totorbrccnber  burner  wit 
a  regulator,  -le'rc  vt  reg'ulate.  -le'ring  c  re' 
gulation.  -IcrtngSftræber  J/  sprit,  spur.  -leringd< 
fum  estimated  revenue.  -leringStOti  J,  contro' 
ling  line.    -læ'r  a  reg'ular. 

SReba'beom  Rehobo'am. 

Ote^obilite'rie  vt  rehabil'itate.    -ing  c  rehabili 


**    I 





•9Jei  c  (Xømr  )  rule-staflf. 
Siejber  c  ^l,  rider,  brace. 

"tSleje  c  -r  (i  Dibere  SSet.  ofl  naenl.  om  ^efterejen, 
Vrangon)  shrimp;  (ben  almtnbeltge)  prawn,  Pat(f- 
mon;  ftroge  -r  catch  shrimps;  piQe  -r  peel  shrimps. 
-funger  te  -manb.  -fangft  catching  s))rimps.  -ftug 
shrimp-net  -manb  shrimper.  -net,  -rob,  -rufe 
fe  -^ug.  -ffal  shell  of  a  shrimp  -ftrljger  fe 
-monb.     -abt  a  eaten  by  shrimps. 

9Jejf  c  hoop  -fIo(»i)  vice-clamp.  -foo  hack 
-saw.  -fictttliel  stamp  for  obtaining  the  sharp 

)ReinecIau'be  c  green  gage. 

(Hetnete  (goé)  Renard,  Reynnrd. 

Sleinet'te  c  -r  pippin. 

yitejnfan  c  tansy,  Tmacetum. 

•Sleiå  «  li,  (poa  SBunben)  dead  rising. 

$Reiéan'i:  [t.]  toge  _  take  French  leave. 

Wejfe,  -te,  -t  vt  raise,  set  up,  erect;  rejS  9lorerne ! 
toss  your  oars !  _  SBugfpr^bet  steeve  the  bowsprit; 
_  SjBrfter  bristle;  jur  _  en  SJom  confirm  a  sen- 
tence;  _  et  gartøj  righten  a  vessel;  _  et  |)u§  (af 
SSinbingSBCEtf)  raise  a  house;  _  en  $ær  raise  an 
army;  _  Snboenbinger  raise  objeotions;  _  Segler 
set  up  the  pins;  J^  _  Sanb  raise  the  land;  _ 
røaften  raise  the  mast;  _  et  røinbeémærfe  erect  a 
monument;  _  et  Cprer  stir  up  a  rebellion;  _ 
Sllmuen  til  Cpftanb   stir  up  the  common  people; 

-  $enge  raise  money,  (•  raise  the  wind;  _  en 
Sag  imob  en  bring  an  action  against  one;  _  et 
2ag  (0:  JemmerDærtet)  raise  a  roof;  _  en  jrætte 
stir  up  strife;  _  Iciol  raise  a  doubt  el.  donbts; 
_  SJilbt  start  game;  _  op  raise  up.  —  9f{cjfe  ftg 
vr  rise,  arise,  get  up,  stand  to  one's  feet;  (om 
fartøj;  righten,  right  (herselfj;  -  fig  i  ©engen  sit 
up  in  bed;  en  Storm,  et  Uoejr  -ffe  fig  a  storm 
arose,  oame  on;  Jpeften  r  fig  poa  SBagbenene  the 
horse  rears;  ^oarene  fte  fig  poa  mit  ^ooeb  my 
hair  stood  on  end;  fig  _  fig  igen  recover;  _  fig 
af  arise  from. 

9ieif e,  te,  -t  vi  travel,  journey,  go;  (fra  et  ©teb) 
leave;  -  ubenlonbS  go  abroad;  f)an  -fte  i  ®aar  he 
departed,  left  (liere),  started  on  his  journey, 
yesterday;  _  oibere  proceed  onward,  pursue  one's 
journey;  -  fm  SSej  take  one's  departure;  _  af 
fin  die,  drop  oft",  p  pop  ofF:  _  6ort  go  away, 
set  ott',  jeg  -fte  efter  fjam  I  went  after  him;  feg 
-fte  fra  t)am  i  'M.  I  parted  company  with  him 
at  A.;  tjon  fte  fro  fin  ttuffert  he  left  his  trunk 
behind  him;  _  i  j^otretninger  travel  on  business; 

-  en  i  TOebe  set  out  to  meet  one;  -  meb  3)amp= 
ftib,  ^ærnbane  travel  by  steamer,  by  rail;  _  fine 
^cnge  op  spend  one's  money  in  travelling;  _ 
o  o  er  9?anbet  cross  the  water;  _  ooer  ^ariS  go 
by  way  of  Paris;  _  paa  Sanbet  go  into  the 
Country,  leave  for  the  country;  _  til  $aril  go 
to  Paris;  _  til  goh«  travel  on  foot;  _  til  S»§, 
fianbé  go  ft.  travel  by  sea,  by  land;  rejg  ub!  »i, 
turn  out!  —  91cjfe  c  -r  (i  2llm.  og  raeft  \  pi) 
travel;  (en  enfelt)  journey;  (meft  om  længere  ©a= 
rejfe)  voyage,  (fun  om  ben  ene  ^alBbel:  jpen=  eller 
^lemrejfen)  passage;  (fort)  excursion,  trip;  fe 
i^enbing:  fri  _  (til  SoS)  a  free  passage;  foretage 
en  _  undertake  a  journey;  foretage  fig  en  lang  _ 
take  a  long  journey:  begioe  fig  paa  el.  tiltræbe  -n 
set  out  el.  proceed  on  one's  journey;  ^oor  gælber 
-n?  whither  are  you  going?  (om  ©ørejfe)  whither 
bound?  Ifltlelig  -  a  pleasnnt  journey  to  you! 
paa  mine  -r  t)ar  jeg  fet  I  have  seen  in  my  travels; 
iinn  ligger  paa    n  til   he   is   about  to  depart  for; 

i'  vaa  en  -  el.  pao  -r  be  on  a  journey,  be 
■lling  el.  on  one's  travels;  forl)Qret  for  -n 
iged  by  the  run.  —  fKejfe|aar  year  of  one's 
lIs.  -apotef  medicine-chest.  -beretning 
unt  of  travels.  -bcftribelfe  (book  of)  trav- 
om    SmciU'     narrative    of  a   voyage.     -be= 

ffriuer  writer  of  travels.     -bibliotet  travelling 
library.    -biUeber  travelling  sketches.    -bfcel^nl 
portable    inkstand.      -bog    traveller's    manual, 
itinerary,   guide-book.     -brep  traveller's  letter, 
letter  from  abroad;  +  =  5^a§.     -brober  fe  -fætte. 
-bureau  Tourist's  Agency.    -bflit  bundle  oflug- 
gage.    -ban  prayer  to  be  used  on  travels.    -bag 
day  of  the  journey;    (Slfrejfe)   day  of  departure. 
-bagbog  travelling  diary,  itinerary.     -bragt  tra- 
velling dress,     -erinbringer  pi  recoUections  of 
travel.     -eoentQr  travelling  adventure,   adven- 
ture on  a  journey.    -flafle  iravelling  flask,  case 
bottle.    -fornøbenbeber  pi  travelling  requisites. 
-fraf!e  travelling  coat.     -fæMc  fellow-traveller, 
travelling  companion.    -f-færb  joumey.    -ftrrbig 
«   ready   to   set  out   on   a  journey   el.  voyage, 
ready  to  start,    -felge  travelling  suite;  fe -felffab. 
-gilbe  parting-treat,  farewell-dinner. 
9iejfegi(be  n  roofing  supper. 
9iejfe{gob§  fe  -toj      -gobtgørelfe  travelling  ex- 
penses.    -baanbbo^  fe -bog.    -bat  travelling  hat. 
-^eft  roadster.     -btftorie  traveller's  tale.     -bO»i= 
nteftcr    travelling-tutor.      -bue    travelling   cap. 
-b^nbe    travelling   cushion.      -tjætte    travelling 
hood.     -inbtrl)t    travelling  impressions.     -!am= 
merot  fe  -fælle,     -tappe  travelling  cloak.    -foåfe 
travelling  cash.     -tilfert  fleld-glass.    -fifte  trav- 
elling chest.     -Ijole  travelling  gown   el.  dress. 
-!(«ber,    -tlæbning   travelling  clothes  el.  dress. 
-f((Cbt   n   in    travelling   dress,     -fort  travelling 
map.    -foft  travelling  provisions,    -tran  i,  trav- 
elling crane     -tuffert  travelling  trunk.    -føtten 
travelling  kitchen.      -lifte    railway-guide.     -li» 
travelling  life,  itinerary  life.     -lljft  love  of  trav- 
elling.    -iQften  a  fond  of  travelling;  anxious  to 
go,     -læge   travelling  physician.     -mab  fe  -foft. 
-ntinber    fe   -erinbringer.      SRejfen    c    travelling. 
9lcifenbc    c,    pi   =,    traveller;    *tramp,    gipsy. 
9iejfe|omtoftntnger  travelling  expenses,  (forenfélt 
Meiie)  journey  expenses.     -optegnelfer  pi  itine- 
rary   notes,     -operfratte   (fobiib)    ulster,     -pai 
passport;  fiq  fe  Søbepa«.     -pcl§  furred  travelling 
coat.     -penge   money  for  travelling;   travelling 
cash.      -pibe   travelling-pipe.      -plon  travelling 
■scheme.     -pult  travelling  desk.     -refPifltcr  fe 
-fornøbenfteber.      -rem    t  avelling-strap.      -ronte 
route,  road;  skeleton  tour      -fager  fe  -tøj.    -fel= 
ffttb  travelling  company.     -feng  travelling  bed. 
-ffo    travelling    boots.      -ftrin    travelling    box. 
-ftipenbtum  travelling  seholarship  el.  fellowship. 
-ft«P  dust  of  travel,    "-fup  parting  glass,  stirrnp 
-cup.     -fflge   passion  for  travelling,     -fæt  port- 
manteau,    carpet-bag.     -tofte  travelling  pouch, 
wallet.     -ttb  time  passed  in  travelling,    -tjener 
travelling   servant.     -tog    expedition,   company 
el.    troop    of   travellers,    caravan.      -toilette    fe 
-bragt,    -tæppe  travelling  blanket  el  rug,  chaise 
-wrapper.  -taj  luggage,  amr  baggage,  p  plnnder. 
•ubgtft  fe  -omfoiininger.     •Marit  a  used  to  trav- 
elling.    -pejr   travelling   weather.     -uogn  trav- 
elling carriage.    *-pæffe  fe  -taffe. 

SiejSning  c  (@ern.  at  reife)  raising  etc,  erec- 
tion;  (Cpftanb)  rising,  revolt,  rebellion;  techn 
elevation;  ^  t  rigging;  benne  fieft  6at  en  gob  _ 
Ihis  horse  carries  his  head  well;  aSugfprijbetå  _ 
the  steeve  of  the  bowsprit,  aSunbftofteneg  _  J, 
tlie  dead  rising  of  the  floors.  *9ieiduært  ancient 
kind  of  wood  structure  (of  timbers  raised  on 
end,  not  lying  horizontally). 

fRcjett   a :   gaa  _    be  ploughed,    fail,    be   sent 

back.    SRejettto'n  c  failure.    9lejice're  c«  plough, 


JKet'  c  (®pmn.)  the  horizontal  bar. 

9ietapitn|Iant'  c  -er  reenlisted  el.   reengaged 

soldier.   -latio'n  c  recapitula'tion;  mil  reengage- 





ment,  reenlistment.  -le're  vt  recapit'ulate,  sum 
up;  mil  re-eugage. 

9tela))tø't  c  -er  ^1,  recap'tor. 

9{e|Hamatio'n  c-er,  fe  Silbagelalbelfe;  reclama'- 
tion,  claim,  (ftriftl.)  notice  of  claim.  -lia'me  c 
-r  tråde  advertisement,  puffing  advertisement, 
self-advertisement,  puff;  gøre  _  for,  tjene  fom  - 
for  advertise.  -tiameagttg  a  puflBng.  -tlame- 
ntoger  c  -e  advertising  puffer,  •{(ame're  vt  re- 
elaim,  claim. 

dlctognitio'n  c  -er  consideration. 

SRefognofce'rle  vi  &  t  mil  reconnoit're.  -fnfl 
c  -er  reconnoit'ring,  recon'nalssance.  -ingSbaaS 
spy-boat.    -ingStiortt'reconnoitrmg  party. 

9tefammen|batio'n  fe  ainBefoIing;  (SBreoeS)  re- 
gistration.  -be're  vt  recommend';  -t  SBretj  regi- 
stered  letter. 

SRcfoitftruc're  vt  reconstruet. 

$Re!on»atc§|cen8'  c  convales'cence.  -cent'  c 
-er  con vales 'cent;  bære  _  be  recovering. 

9letre|atto'tt  c  recrea'tion.  -e'«  vt  (fig)  recreate 
(one's  self). 

SRctrut'  c  -er  recrui't.  -e'rc  vt  (ogf.  fig)  re- 
crui't.  -e'ting  c  recrui'ting.  -ffole  drill.  -tiben 
the  training  time.  -ubbannelfe  drilling  el.  train- 
ing  (of)  the  recruits. 

9{ett|anget  n  -gier  rectangle.  -angttlfec  a 
rectan'gular.  -ofccnflo'n  c  ait  right  ascen'sion. 
-afcenfio'nScirlel  circle  of  right  ascension  (o.  fl.). 
-ifice're  vt  (ogf.  ekem)  rec'tify.  -iflfatio'n,  -ifict'' 
ting  c  rectifica'tion. 

Steftor  c  -o'rer  head  master  of  a  grammar 
school;  UniOerfitetetS  -  {Rector  magnificus)  rector 
of  a  university,  principal.  SRcftora't  n  head 
mastership.  9te{tor|embebe  b.  f.  -faade  rector's 

SRefurS'  c  recou'rse. 

5Re'!t)icttt  n  requiem. 

9lef»)i|te'tc  vt  request.  -ftl'et  pi  req'uisltes; 
(2;eater=),  (stage)  properties,  F  props,  -fitliub 
teat  property-man.  -fllio'n  c  requisit'ion;  tage 
i  _  lay  under  r.,  put  in  r.  -fit'tiagn  waggon 
with  supplies.     -fit«'t  c  -er  teatr  property-man. 

9lef 'auetfer  exercises  on  the  horizontal  bar. 

9le{at§  n,  pi  =,  relay.  — ■  -batteri  teleg  relay 

9ieIatio'n  c  -er  rela'tion. 

fReCatiti  a  relative;  et  -t  UbtrQl  a  comparative 
term  (relative  terms  =  torretote  Ubtrtjf);  et  -t 
58egre6  a  matter  of  degree;  alting  er  t  all  things 
are  by  comparison;  -t  adu  comparatively.  —  n 
-er  relative  (pronoun). 

JRcIief  n  relie'f,  relie'vo.    -ttX^t  tissierography. 

9tclcøe're  vt  expel;  (for  en  Sib)  rusticate;  -  fra 
UniDerfttetet  expel  the  univer.sity. 

Steligio'n  c  -er  relig'ion;  6efenbe  fig  til  en  - 
profess  a  r.;  ben  naturlige,  aaBenBaiebe  _  the 
natural,  revealed  r.;  ben  B^rftenbe  _  the  estab- 
lished  church  el.  religion.  —  3ftEligio'n§|anUg= 
genbe  fe  -fag.  -begreb  religions  eonception. 
-beicnbclfe  fe  Srrog=.  -bog  religious  book.  -eb 
religiou.s  oath;  (i  (Sngl. :  $røt)eeb)  test.  -ebilt 
religious  edict  -fanatisme  religious  fanaticism. 
-filcfofi  philosophy  of  religion,  -forogt  con- 
tempt  of  religion,  -foragter  contemner  of  reli- 
gion, -forbebring  fe  Steforination.  -forbrageIig= 
^eb  tolerance,  -forfølgelfe  religious  persecution. 
-forfelger  religious  persecutor.  -fornægtelfe 
denial  of  religion,  -fornægter  denier  of  religion. 
-frafalb  apo.stacy.  -freb  peace  as  to  religion  el. 
religious  differences,  -fribcb  religious  liberty. 
-fcettc  coreligiouist.  -fæHeSffab  community  of 
religion,  -^ab  religious  hatred.  -^anbling  aet 
of  religion,  religious  aet.  -iber  religious  zeal. 
-trig  religious  war.  •tunbffab(er)  knowledge  of 
religion,  religious  knowledge.  -lærbom  religious 


doctrine.    -Icere  religious  system,   -tærer  teach^ 
of  religion.     •{«§  a  religionless.     -t«§l)eb  wan 
of  religion,     -mening  religious  opinion.     -})or( 
religions  party  et.  sect.    -fag  matter  of  religion 
-famfunb  religious  society  el.  community.    -fani 
tale  religious  discourse.   -fanb^eb  religious  truti 
-ftt!  religious  rite.     -f^^attntng   schism.     •\pi 
scofflng  el.  mocking  of  religion.    -f))Otter  scoff« 
of  religion,    -ftiftcr  founder  of  religion,    -ftrij 
-ftribig^eb    religious    controversy,    r.    disput« 
-fbærmer  (religions)  fanatic.  -f bærincri  (religioui 
fanaticism.    -tbang  constraint  in  religious  mal 
ters.    -tbibl  religious  doubt.    -unberoidning  r^ 
ligious  instruction  el.  teaching.    -øuelfc  exercis 
of  religion,  public  worship;  fri  -  liberty  of  woi 
ship.     9ie(igiø'!$  o  relig'ious,   piously  incline  j 
9leligii>flte't  c  relig'lousness,  piety.     ^eligi«^ 
|)Olit'if(  a  religio-political. 

SHetit'bie  c  -r  rel'ic.  -b^rlelfe  worship  of  relici 
-gemme,  -ffrin,  -æf!e  reliquary. 

9{em'  c  -me,  -mer  strap,  (fmat)  thong;  (i  Sfi 
latchet;  arch  regiet;  (®rit)>)  belt;  f!ære  érebe  -ut 
af  en  anben  WanbS  |)ub  cut  large  thongs  of  ai 
other  man's  leather  et.  shives  of  another  man' 
loaf,  be  free  with  another's  purse;  ^atje  en 
(t  ubi)  §uben  have  (a  touch  of)  the  same  defec 
el.  foible;  tåre  faa  t)urtig  fom  -mer  og  %b\  !a 
Boibe  drive  at  a  furious  rate.  Stemaf^iUin 
throwing  off  the  belt,  belt-shifting. 

fReme'bium    n    -ter    (9Kibbel    imob)    rem'ed; 
(TOantB.)     allowance,     tolerance,    remedy 
(3Jebff.)  appliances. 

9ieml)ul  n  hole  in  a  strap. 

9ieminifcen§'  c  -er  reminis'cence. 

fRcmi'S  [fr.]  a  drawn,  a  drawn  game,  a  draw 

Sicmi'fe  c  -r  coach-house;  (for  SBtIbt)  cover 

8lemi§'fe  c -r  »»erc  remittance.  —  fRemttltenI 
c  -er  unsold  book.     -tenbe^^attura  account 
returned   publications.     -tent'   c   -er   remit'toi 
-te'rc  vt  remit. 

9iemme{  famler  belt-coupllng.  -fftbe  sheav« 
sheavedrum.  -flo  laced  boot.  -fniber  c  girdlei 
harnessmaker.  -ftrammer  belt-stretcher.  -fa 
bearded  seal,  Phoca  b'irbata. 

9icmonftrant'  c  -er  Remon'strant. 

Sicmon'te  t  remount.  -^eft  horse  for  remouni 
JRemonte'rc  vt  remount. 

9lemontontcrofc  c  hybrid  perpetual  rose. 

9icm'orm  c  strap-worm,  Ligula. 

SRembe  vt  baste.  Stemme  c  -r  prov  wrinkU 
Stemmet  a  wrinkled. 

JRemblacere  vt  repla'ce. 

9icmfe  c  &  d«  fe  Samfe;  *strip,  slip. 

9temft^!fe  n  arch  summer. 

alen  c  -er  ofo.,  fe  MenSb^r. 

?Kcn  c  -er,  fe  aiger=. 

9fJen  a  (fri  for  Smubi,  ogf.  fig  uBefmittet,  ufttjibtgl 
clean;  (fri  for  al  fremmeb  Silfætning,  ogf.  fig)  pure; 
mus  in  tune;  _  for  (■\-  fra)  pure  from,  free  from; 
P  ben  »ar  jo  ~  that  is  a  good  one,  I  like  that; 
for  ben  -e  er  alting  -t  for  the  pure  everythiug  is 
pure;  fig  Oabffe  fig  _  exculpate  one's  self;  flritie 
-t  copy  fair;  gøre  -t  (i  et  SSærelfe)  tidy  (a  room), 
clean  up;  tage  -t  pao  take  on  clean  linen;  Bringe 
paa  bet  e  clear  up;  fomme  >)oa  bet  -e  meb  en  come 
to  a  clear  understandiug  with  one;  jeg  er  paa 
bet  -e  meb  mig  felb  om  I  have  made  up  my  mindj 
bi  ere  enbnu  iffe  )fa(x  bet  -e  meb  Jpenf^n  til  we  are 
not  yet  out  of  the  wood  with  regard  to;  bet  -e 
9lfgubert  rank  idolatry;  2onbon  er  en  _  SSagerobn 
nu  L.  is  a  perfect  gridiron  now;  et  -t  5iarn  a 
mere  child;  -e  SBIabe  blank  pages;  fig  l)an  f)ar 
gjort  -t  S3orb  he  has  made  a  clean  house  of  it; 
-t  2)anfE  eorrect  Danish;  gøre  -t  ®æ£  (om  93raab= 
føer)  sweep  the  deck;  -t  F  F  natural;  -  {Jorbel 
clear  profits;   ^onS  -e  ^nbtægt,   (Sebtnft  his  net 




proflt(s);  en  -  fttttnt  a  perfect  fifth;  en  -  Stift  a 
clear  coast;  et  -t  2eb  a  clear  channel;  _  9Kate= 
matif  pure,  abstract  mathematics;  af  _  røebliben= 
^eb,  Jejgfteb  ofe.  from  sheer  eompassion,  cowar- 
dice  etc;  fiolbe  _  TOunb  keep  one's  own  counsel; 
en  -  Cttao  a  perfect  octave;  meb  -e  Crb  plainly, 
roundly,  In  so  many  words,  iu  set  terms;  -e  Crb 
for  pengene  plain  speaking;  en  _  reb  9{epu6ltfoner 
a  veritable  red  republican;  f  ben  Sag  er  _  there 
is  no  doubt  of  that;  _  8amt)ittig^eb  a  clear  con- 
sclence;  _  Sanb^eb  plain  truth;  gøre  -t  Sfib  clear 
ship;  gøre  ©fiSet  -t  clean  out  the  ship;  en  _ 
SfriDemaabe  a  pure  style;  en  _  Stemme  a  clear 
voice;  _  af  Sæber  of  pure  morals;  en  _  lallerfen 
a  clean  plate;  et  -t  STræf,  SEilfælbe  a  mere  accid- 
ent; en  _  Umulig^eb  a  sheer  impossibility;  _ 
Uianb^eb  sheer  falsehood;  bet  -e  iganoib  au  aet 
of  utter  insauity;  jeg  briffer  bet  -ne  S?æfen  I  take 
my  brandy  neat;  —  rent  adv  cleanly  etc;  mus 
in  tune;  (ganfte,  albele?)  quite,  completely,  clean; 
■t  ftemt  in  perfect  tune;  fjor  bu  -t  glemt?  have 
you  clean  forgotten?  britte  (et  @5Ia«)  _  ub  empty 
el.  drink  off  a  glass;  ftriue  _  copy  fair;  tote  et 
Crb  _  ub  pronounce  a  word  distiuctly;  tale  -  ub 
(af  $ofen)  tell  a  thing  bluntly,  speak  one's  mind 
plainly;  nægter  _  ub  at  refuses  pointblank,  de- 
clines  flatly,  to;  bet  er  -  forbi  ^am  it  is  all  over 
With  him. 

dirnaiifan'ce  c  renais'sance. 

!)icnatil  c  breeding  in-and-in. 

*!Hc'nbIom  c  glacier  crowfoot,  Kanunculus 

Stenbrat  c  naked  fallow. 

Stenb  n,  pi  ==,  run;  f  ber  bar  faabant  et  _  efter 
be  SJøger  there  was  such  a  run  on  those  books; 
ber  Bar  et  forfcerbeligt  _  ben  ^ele  S5ag  there  were 
so  many  people  coming  and  going  the  whole 
day;  £)olb  nu  op  meb  bet  _  (meb  børene)  stop  that 
running  in  and  out !  P  ftitte  i  ~  take  to  one's 
heels,  make  olf  at  a  scamper. 

9leRbe  c  -r  (S8anbr.)  conduit,  pipe;  (S^agr.) 
gutter;  (3)>)bet  i  et  garOanb)  channel;  (i  3fen)  cut, 
chaunel,  låne  of  water;  (®røft,  Éanal)  canal, 
drain;  (til  St^rtegobS)  spout,  (aaben)  shoot;  Sor- 
btjbning  groove. 

9tenbe  et  (om  ®arn)  warp.  Sienbe  c  -r  warp- 

gtcnbe,  -te,  -t  vi  &  t  (løbe)  run;  (om  8i)8)  sweal, 
swale;  *vt  pour,  run;  -  SBæbbelob  race;  _  gal  be 
(ahvays)  gadding  about;  -  paa  en  run  against 
one;  _  en  inb  paa  fiioet  closo  with  one,  press 
one  hard;  _  en  omtulb  knock  one  down  (by 
running  against  him};  _  en  ftaarben  igennem  Jiioet 
run  the  sword  through  one's  body;  _  ^ooebct 
mob  SSæggen  fig  run  one's  head  against  a  stone 
wall;  ~  en  op  overtake  one  (by  running);  _  2ioet 
af  ug,  -  ftg  i^jel  run  the  breath  out  of  one's 
body;  _  en  poa  børene  importune  one;  _  fin  SSej 
run  away,  take  to  one's  heel's,  run  oflf,  decamp; 
df  -  ©tagene  snake  the  stays,  _  op  i  SSinben  luff 
up.  —  gtcnbebane  race-course. 

tfienbrbom  c  beam  el.  yarn  roll. 

tNrnbcbor  n  pump-borer,  pump-bit. 

SRenbebttf  c  fe  Wurbræffer. 

IRenbc  garn  warp.    -tjage  hook  on  a  loom. 

<Hcnbct)cft  c  P  errand-boy. 

jHenbcjærn  »  iron  support  of  a  water-pipe. 

9ienbe!tnube  running  knot,  slip-knot.  -fufllt 
slug.  •tælling  P  tell-tale,  tale-bearer;  fe  -maffe. 
•løtte  fe  -fnate.    -maffe  gad-about. 

fltenbemøUe  c  warplng  mill. 

SWenbtn  c  running. 

9ienbe)ienge  pi  warping-penny. 

;Henbc're  vt  yield;    nbe  n  paying,   remunera- 

fRcnberi'  n  fe  SRenb.  9tenbe{fnare  running 
noose.    -ftiinbcl  upright  drill. 

9teitbeften  c  gutter,  kennel.  —  9fienbeften3|br«et 
board  laid  over  a  gutter,  -fnager  ragman. 
•fnaoS  dirt  from  the  gutter. 

Stenbeifug  n  ^  backsweep  (of  the  waves). 
•«}e  fe  2ebe'. 

fRenbejtiou'd  [fr.]  n  ren'dezvous. 

iKenbing  c  warp.  —  atenbingglfilfe  fe  Sæbe=. 
-tob  yi,  swifter. 

iKe'nbQttning  c  (af  93afterier)  pure  cultivatlon. 

)Henega't  c  -er  renegado,  ren'egade. 

JHe'nlgøre  vt  clean,  make  clean.  -gøren, 
-gøring  c  deaning  (up);  Sæftetg  _  cleansing  the 
deck.  -gøringSbag  cleaningday.  -geringStone 
charwoman.  -geringSrebftabcr  ^  gear  for 
cleansing  decks.  !Hent)eb  c  cleanness,  pureness, 
purity.  9ien|i)iertet  a  pure  of  heart.  -^atbelfe 
c  keeping  clean,  cleaning. 

fRenitent'  c  -er  reeusant. 

Stenirogc  vt  whiten  (silver).  -!ultur  fe  -bQrf- 

Mfnlatf  fe  9Jen3b5rmo§. 

iKctiUg  a  cleanly.  -fjeb  c  cleanliness.  94en= 
nuet  rt  chaste.    fRenlibet^eb  c  chastity. 

9icnont|iné'  n  character,  reputation,  -me'tet 
a  wellknown;  notorious.  -mift'  c  -er  bully, 

9tenon'ce  c  (i  Sortfpil)  renounce;  —  a  »ære  - 
have  a  renounce,  have  none  of  a  suit.  -'te  r.i 
declare  ofl';  _  paa  give  up,  dispense  with,  re- 
nounce; er  ~  fig  throw  away,  discard. 

9ienobritio'tt  c  renova'tion,  renewal;  night-soil. 
—  9ienot)atto'nS|far(  night-man.  -platé  night 
-shoot,  nightyard,  laystall.  -bogn  night-cart. 
9ienobe're  vt  ren'ovate. 

iKenSb^r  n  reindeer,  amr  cariboo,  Cervue  ta- 
raiidus.  9Iettdbt)r{abI  breeding  of  reindeer. 
-'brcmS  reindeer  gadfly,  Oestrue  tarandi.  -tttlb 
r.  calf.  -fo  r.  cow.  -tøb  r.  flesh,  venison.  -loB 
fe  mo§.  -tniclf  r.  milk.  -moå,  •-utofe  r.  moss, 
Cladonia  rangiferina.  -ofSe  r.  ox,  male  r.  -ftinb 
r.  skin.    -fltebe  r.  sledge. 

SRenfe  vt  clean  (out),  cleanse,  purify;  (Sif!) 
dress;  _  Som  winnow,  fan  corn;  _  Racene  for 
©ørøoere  scour  the  seas  of  pirates;  _  for  ©mitte 
purify;  -  for  3jenber,  for  93}t8tantc  clear  of  ene- 
mies, ofsuspicion;  _  for  en  aSeftqlbning  exculpate 
from  a  charge.  ØJenfelbigct  coppel,  cupel.  -^ul 
(Smp.)  mudhole.  -(Ijnléjbør  mud-hole  door. 
■far  vessel  for  cleansing.  SHenfetfe  c  cleaning 
etc,  purification;  ben  maaneblige  _  the  courses, 
menses.  —  iHenfeIfeS|bage  J>  days  of  purifica- 
tion. -eb  oath  of  purgation,  -feft:  SKariæ  _  the 
Purification  of  the  Holy  Virgin,  ■mibbel  deter- 
gent, purgative,  cathartic.  -offer  lustration. 
-}>roce8  cleaning  process.  —  9lenfe|tnafHne  win- 
nowiug  machine.  -bocrl  (i  SKøtlej  cleansing 

9Je'n|f?rlft  c  fair  copy.  -ffribe  vt  copy  fiilr, 
fair.  -firiber  copying  clerk.  -ftrtbniug  copying 
fair.  -ffuret  a  clean  scrubbed.  -ft)|Ue  vt  rinse. 
-fftjUen  rinsing.  -fmagcnbe  a  pure-flavoured. 
{Rcnå'ning  c    er,  fe  Sienielfe. 

9ienta'{bel  '<  profitable,  remunerative.  -bili« 
tc't  c  profitableness,  remuneralivenes. 

glente  c  -r  interest;  (aarlig  3[nbfomft  i  91lm.) 
income,  revenue;  -r  interest;  lene  af  fine  -r  live 
upon  the  interest  of  one's  money;  -S  _  com- 
pound interest;  meb  -3  _  fig  (ogf.)  with  accumu- 
lated  usury;  fætte,  ubloane  ^enge  paa  _  put  money 
out  at  el.  to,  lend  money  on,  interest.  +9lente 
vt  fe  fRcntere.  -afbrag  discount,  -beregning 
calculation  of  interest.  -boerenbe  a  bearing 
interest.  -bag  term  (for  paying  interest).  -fob 
rate  of  interest.    -fri  u  free  from  interest.    -fri= 




^eb  exemption  from  iuterest.  -gitter  payer  of 
interest.  t-famraer  excheqner.  -trab  claim  for 
Interest.  -tu))an  coupon.  t-mcfter  treasurer. 
gtentenift'  c  -er  fundholder,  gentleman  of  property , 
independeut  gentleman.  9lente|nQber  c  -e  an- 
nuitant;  fe  -tager,  -ptn^t  fe  9Jente.  giente'rc  vt 
yield,  t9lenteffrit»cr  clerk  of  the  exchequer. 
9iente§regtiing  percentage,  calculation  of  inter- 
est. 9Iente|tab  loss  of  interest.  -taiti  table  of 
interest.  -tager  receiver  of  interest.  -tiæfen 
matters  concerning  interest  and  usury.  Dlentie'r 
c  -er  fe  SHentenift. 

fRenlre're  vt  fine-draw,  renter. 

9ie'n|tr4t  n  clean  proof,  fair  impression. 
-tr^He  vt  work  off;  et  -tr^ft  efSempIor  a  fair  im- 
pression, clean  proof.  -trtitning  working  off. 
•»flbfle  itfig  exculpate,  disculpate,  whitewash. 
-»flbfttting  exculpating  etc,  exculpation. 

SReo'l  c  -er  shelves  pi,  (book-)case;  tvp  stand. 
-^Qlbe  book-shelf. 

ateotc  vt  trench.  9ieD'lH»Ioo  trench-plough. 
-^laje  fe  fReoIe.    -(jtejning  trenching. 

yteorganiifatto'n,  -fe'rtng  e  reorganisa'tion. 
•fc're  vt  reo'rganize. 

9ie)iar|atio'n  c  -er  repair(s).  -atio'nåbaSfl« 
repairing-basin.  -ationSotnte^ninger  of 
repairs.  -otfl'r  c  -er  repairer,  mender.  -e're  vt 
repair,  mend,  refit. 

Mtpat\te'tt  vt  distribute,  apportion,  allot. 
■tttio'n  c  distribution,  allotment. 

9le<)crtoi're  n  collection  of  stock  plays,  stock; 
t^oM  ft^  X>aa  -t  kept  (its  place  on)  the  stage. 
-ftJjtfe  stoek-piece.     9ic|)crto'rtttin  n  rep'ertory. 

^cvetlent'  c  -er  coach,  -e're  vt  &  i  (ogf.  om 
Ur  ofo.)  repeat. 

fRc^jete'rlfjeber  repealing  spring,  -ffog  re- 
peating  signal,  -qevtet,  -riffet  repeating  rifle, 
repeater.  -mctaniSme  (i  SJSiano)  check-action. 
-ftib  repeating  ship,  repeater.  -ur  repeater. 
-tiær!  works  of  repeater. 

fRefietlitio'n  c  -er  repetit'ion.  -itio'nSIiog 
cram-book.  -itto'nåtegn  w?««  repeat.  -tta'r  c  er 
repeater;  fe  9{epeterfti6. 

McpW  c  fe  -:poft. 

9lei)lice're  vt  reply.  9lc^Iif'  c  -er  jur  replica- 
tion;  teat  speeeh. 

9le<)Ii'|)0ft  c  rallying-point. 

itepo'é  c  landing. 

SHfpreéfa'Iier  pi  repri'sals;  tage,  abe  _  make 

JRcpriman'be  c  -r  rebuke,  rep'rimand,  p  wig- 

3fJc<)tt'fe  c  -r  repetition. 

9lc]probu|ce're  vt  reprodu'ce.  -ftio'n  c  repro- 
duc'tion.    -ttio'nSorganer  reprodue'tive  organs. 

0?e»ræfentant'  c  -er  representative,  deputy; 
member  (of  parliament).  -møbe  meeting  of 
deputies,  of  the  committee,  -fla6  n  committee. 
—  Øietivæfcntoti'ti  o  represen'tative;  -er  pi  notes. 
9le^ræfentati'tifJ)ftemet  the  represen'tative  sys- 
tem. 9le))ræfente're  vt  represent,  stand  for; 
($arl.)  be  member  for. 

mps  fe  mm. 

Mepti'l  n  -ter  rep'tile. 

9ie)>uI>Iit'  c  -fer  repub'lic,  commonwealth. 
-Q'ner  c  -e  repub'lican;  ®UgI)  sociable  gross- 
beak,  Philetærus  socius.  -auiø'me  c  republican- 
ism.     -anfl  a  repub'lican. 

9te))ut|otio'n  c  reputa'tion.  -e'rlig  o  creditable. 

9{efe'ba  c  mignonette,  Reseda  odoruta;  Silb  _ 
base  rociiet,  Reseda  lutet. 

SHeferoa'ge  c  (®æf6ejbfe)  resist. 

SRefer'tte  c  -r  (ogf.  mil)  rese'rve;  i  _  in  reserve, 
in  store,  -anfer,  -forraob  o.  fl.  spare  anchor, 
stores  etc.  -ef{abre  reserve  squadron.  -fonb 
reserve  fund.     -gob§   pj>  spare  sails,    spars  and 

rigging.    -^Jul  change  wheel,    -inkientarittnt 

inventory   of  spare   stores   el.    articles.     -for^l 
body  of  reserve.     -tobS   second-class  pilot;    da| 
puty   pilot.       -læge   assistant   physician    (to 
hospital),     -manbffab  spare  hånds,     -maffine 
duplicate  engine.  -officer  supernumerary  offlceJ 
4,  officer  of  the  Royal  Naval  Reserve.     IRefet 
»e're  vt  reserve;   _  ftg  noget  reserve  somethinj| 
to  one's  self;  _  ftg  imob  guard  against.    SReferbe' 
ror  reserve  rudder.     -ft^rle,  -trofitter  r.  forces^ 
SReferOoi'r  n  -er  reservoir,  basin.    IReferboir^e 

9leflb|en§'(ftab)  c  -er  res'idence.  -enS'flot  castL 
of  resideuce.     -ent'   c   -er   resident    (ministerjj 
-e're  vi  reside;    nbe  fiapellan  perpetual  curate 
-nbe   fiapellant   perpetual   curacy;    -nbe   9!Jlinifte| 
re.sident  minister. 
SRcfi'bttum  n  chem  resid'uum. 
9teftg|natio'n  c  resigna'tion.    -nc're  vi  resign 
-ne'ret  n  resigned  (i  to). 
fHcflto  fe  mifito 
SReffript'  n  -er  re'script. 
fRefoIlttt'  «  prompt,  unhesitatiug,  bold,  deteri 
mined.    -utio'n  c  -er  resolu'tion;  longelig  _  royå 
letter,  order  in  couneil.    -tte're  vt  resolve  (upon)| 
-oe'ret  fe  -ut. 

Dlefottonå'  c  mus  res'onance.  -Bnttb  sounc 
-board,  -tfut  sound-hole.  -træ  sounding-boan 

9iefvelt'  c  respect,  regard;  fætte  ftg  i  _  maM 
one's  self  réspected;  meb  -  at  metbe  with  reve^ 
rence  el.  under  favour  be  it  spoken.  9%ef;iet< 
ta'bel  a  respec'table.  SRcf^jcfte're  vt  respect, 
aiefp'ettio  a  respec'tive,  several.  !Rcf^)'efti>i< 
adv  severally.  JRef^jettftribig  a  disrespectful 
9lefptra'tor  c  -er  inhaler,  res'pirator. 
JRefjjtt'  c  res'pite;  Jj  (Beb  Sapfejltng)  tim« 
allowance.  -bage  mere  days  of  grace.  -tabel 
scale  of  time  allowance. 

9{eftiOtt'|ben§  c  the  respondent,     -ben'tiotire« 
mere  respondeutia   bond.      -fo'rium   n   -ter  re- 
sponse.    -fum  n  -fa  opinion. 
9iefo'rt  [fr.]  c  province,  department. 
DleSfour'cc  c  -r  reso'urce. 
JRcft  c    er  rest,  remainder,  remnant,   amr  bal 
ance;  (af  %øi)  remnant;  for  -en,  fe  gorreften;  gtoe 
en  fin  _   do  for  one;   faa  fin  ~  be  done  for;    ftaa 
tit  -  be  still  due;  ftaa  til  _  meb  be  in  arrear  of. 
Øieftan'ce  c  -r  arrears  p/.     9ieftancelifte  list  o! 

9leftaur|ant'  c  restaurant,  -atio'tt  c  -er  (e 
®^naffi§,  S3Qgning§  o.  1.)  restora'tion;  (SptfefiuS 
dining-rooms  pi,  refreshment-house ,  eatinj 
-house,  restaurant,  -atri'ce  c  -r  4,  stewardess 
-ater  c  -er  taveru-keeper,  master  of  an  ordiuary; 
restaurant-keeper;  J,  steward,  -e're  r,t  restore. 
9ieftJtie()oIbning  stock  in  hånd  balance.  -be» 
I«b  remainder.  9fiefte'rc  (-hfRcfte)  vi  rest;  -nbd 
Sfatter,  |iu§leje  arrears  of  taxes,  rent;  -nbe  £øt^ 
back  pay. 

9leftitu|e'rc  vt  restore;  -eret  (om  ^el6r.)  recov- 
ered,  restored  to  health.  -tio'n  c  restitu'tion; 

9left|Iabningcn  the  remainder  of  the  cargo. 
-0<>Iag,  -^jorti  remainder. 

Siefulta't  n  -er  result,  upshot,  outcome;  -et  af 
bereS  Slr6ejbe  Hev  their  work  issued  in.  -Ie§  a 
resultless.    Olefutte  re  vi  result'. 

JHefumé  »i  summing  up,  resumé,  -'re  vt  sum 
up,  recapitulate.  i 

SRet'  c  -ter  (50iab)  dish,  bibl  mess,  pottage. 
Siet'  c  -ter  (t  bibl  -te)  (mobf.  Uret;  3fJetttgl)eb) 
right,  rights;  (2)omftol)  court  of  justice,  court  of 
judicature;  Onbbegreb  af  bet,  fom  et  bift  Slogl 
fiooe  ftger  at  oære  ret)  law;  *(Dpreigmng)  satis- 
faction,    compensation;    ben  lomerfte  -   Roman 




law;  ben  fanoniffe  _  canon  law;  ben  pofittoe  - 
positive  law;  ^olbe  en  _  hold  a  court;  ftaffe  en  _ 
see  one  righted;  lobe  oeberfareé  ~,  tabe  fomme  til 
ftn  -  do  justice  to,  do  one  justice;  gore  enljoer  _ 
og  Sfel  give  every  one  his  due;  _  ffal  Ⱦre  _ 
fair  play  is  a  jewel;  ^aoe  -  be  right,  be  in  the 
right,  boBe  fulbftæubig  -  be  perfectly  right;  bet 
fan  bu  ^aoe  -  i  true  for  you;  beri  giner  jeg  3Jem 
_  there  I  grant  you  are  right;  faa  _  carry  el. 
galn  the  point;  bet  tør  ^ænbe,  33e  faor  _  you  may 
tum  out  cl.  prove  right;  tbi  tenbeå  for  _  the  de- 
cision of  this  court  Is;  fe  ffllagt,  'DJaabe;  'ban  ger 
(gob)  -  for  fin  Søn  he  earns  his  salary;  bin  er  i 
fin  gobe  _  he  is  perfectly  in  his  right;  bet  ftriber 
imob  al  _  og  SBiCigbeb  it  is  quite  contrary  to 
justice  and  equity;  meb  fulb  -  with  perfect  ju- 
stice; meb  boab  _?  by  what  right?  bife  -  til 
dronen  have  a  right  to  the  throne;  batie  _  til  at 
have  a  right  to;  gioe  -  til  entitle  to;  _  tit  at  tjæte 
til  justiflcatlon  in  existing;  —  fætte  iRetten  set 
the  court;  falbe  en  for  -ten  summon  one  before 
a  court;  lobe  -ten  %Mt  fin  (Sang  el.  Øænge  let  the 
law  take  its  course;  gaa  -tene  58ej  go  to  law; 
-tenS  betjente  the  officers  of  ju.stice;  møbe,  gioe 
Wøbe,  for  -ten  appear  in  court;  fibbe  i  -ten  sit  in 
jndgment;  falbe  for  -ten  summou;  bringe  en  Sag 
for  -ten  bring  an  action;  ooergioe  fig  i  -tenå  ^ænber 
deliver  one's  self  up  into  the  hånds  of  justice; 
baoe  -ten  paa  fin  Sibe  have  reason  et.  justice  on 
one's  side;  —  falbe  i  jRette  come  before  the 
court;  gaa  i  -te  meb  en  (tit  2)omftolene)  go  to  law 
with  one,  (bebrejbej  upbraid  one,  call  to  account, 
expostulate  with;  fætte  en  i  -te,  fe  Qrettefætte; 
meb  -te  justly,  deservedly;  bet  tilfommer  mig  meb 
-te  it  belongs  to  me  by  rights;  finbe  fig  til  -te 
see  one's  way;  gøre  noget  til  -te  adjust,  set  right; 
bjælpe  en  til  -te  lend  one  a  helping  hånd;  tomme 
til  -te  (igen)  come  to  rights,  come  to  haud,  turu 
np;  fomme  til  -te  meb  noget  find  out  the  proper 
way  of  a  thing;  tomme  til  -te  meb  en  come  to 
an  understanding  with  one;  ftaa  en  til  te  answer 
one;  fætte  til  te  set  right;  tage  fig  felt)  til  -te 
take  the  law  into  one's  own  hånds;  tale  en  til 
-te,  tale  fig  til  te  meb  en  bring  one  to  reason; 
tife  en  til  -te  show  one  the  right  way,  set  one 
right;  fe  Jilretteoiie. 

SRtt'  a  (lige)  right,  straight;  (rigtig)  right,  right- 
ful,  true,  legitimate,  proper;  _  iiinje  straight  el. 
right  line;  en  _  SBinfel  a  right  angle;  ftaa  -  op 
stand  erect,  bolt  upright;  _  op  og  neb  upright, 
perpendicular;  ifte  mere  enb  _  og  billigt  only  fair; 
bet  t)ar  _ !  that's  it;  en  -  gabet  a  true  father; 
ben  -te  ?lrdtng  the  rightful  heir;  ben  -te  Sære  the 
true  doctrine;  til  -te  S^ib  in  due  time;  et  Crb  i 
-te  2:tb  a  word  in  season;  næone  tingen  »eb  fit 
-te  9laBn  call  a  spade  a  spade;  ban  griber  Sagen 
an  paa  -te  TOaabe  he  goes  the  right  way  to  work; 
bolbe  inben  fine  -te  ®rænfer  keep  within  legitim- 
ate bounds;  ban  er  juft  ben  -te  9Kanb  he  Is  the 
very  man:  bet  -te  what  is  right;  bet  ene  -te  the 
(only)  right  tliiug  to  do.  —  91ct  ndv  right, 
straight;  (temmelig)  rather,  pretty;  _  fom  om  just 
as  if;  _  fom  jeg  oilbe  til  at  f!t)be  just  as  I  was 
going  to  fire;  *  -  fom  bet  oar  suddenly,  unex- 
pectedly;  _  nu,  -  firafé  directly,  anon,  presently; 
-faa!  right!  good!  that's  it!  just  so!  j,steady! 
as  you  go!  fejle  _  i  9Jorb  sail  due  north;  _  forub 
►X.  rigilt  ahead;  _  uo  for  abreast  of;  bet  er  -  til 
$a8  it  suits  exactly,  it  is  the  very  thing;  2)e 
tommer  _  til  %<xi  you  come  in  the  very  nlck 
'■♦■  time;  2!e  bar  itfe  -  forftaaet  mig  you  have  not 
(lerstood  me  rightly;  berfom  leg  buffer  _  if  I 
oUeel  right,  to  the  best  of  my  recoUection; 
,  oeb  itfe  -,  b^or  ban  bor  I  don't  know  exactly 
lereabout  he  lives;  b«"  6t  ifte  -  tlog  he  is 
■■•    in  his  right  senses;   i  @aor  oar  ban  -  t  fit 

gobe  Sune  yesterday  he  was  quite  in  high  spir- 
its;  i  2)ag  biHe  »i  _  fornøje  o§  to-day  we  will 
enjoy  ourselves  indeed;  bet  bar  _  ilbe,  at  %axi 
ifte  tom  it  was  very  unlucky  that  he  did  not 
come;  bet  er  _  en  fmuf  ^ige  shé  is  really  a  pretty 
girl;  bet  er  en  -  fmut  ^ige  she  is  a  rather  pretty 
girl;  bet  er  _  en  9}ar  he  is  an  arrant  el.  egregious 
fool;  _  oel,  _  gobt  pretty  well;  bet  bar  ban  itfe  - 
betænft  he  has  not  duly  considered  that;  bet  er 
iffe  _  gjort  that  is  not  rightly  done;  —  rettere 
fagt  rather,  more  properly;  éHer  -tere  or,  to  put 
it  more  exactly;  ifte  -tere  enb  jeg  oeb  as  far  as 
I  know,  to  tlie  best  of  my  knowledge;  ifte  -tere 
enb  jeg  tan  forftaa,  jeg  fer  ifte  -tere  enb  at  to  the 
best  of  my  understanding. 

9tetobIe're  vt  reestab'lish. 

iHetarbatio'n  «  retardation. 

9ietbaaren  a  legitimate;  _  til  Songebømmet 
lawful  heir  to  the  throne. 

9ietentia'n§ret  c  (right  of)  retention. 

9tet|finbenbe  mere.  efter  -  if  found  correct,  if 
found  free  of  errors.  -færb  c  fe  -færbigbeb. 
-fær'big  a  just,  righteous.  -færbiggare  vt 
justify,  warrant;  -  fig  exeulpate,  disculpate, 
exonerate  one's  self,  set  one's  self  right,  -fatr« 
biggø'relfe  c  justiflcatlon.  •færbigbeb  c  justice, 
righteousness ;  bolbe  ooer  9{et  og  _  maintaia 
justio-e;  labe  oeberfareS  _  do  justice  to.  -fæ'rbig« 
f)cbdf«tetfe  (a)  sense  of  justice.  -bnoeri  n  cavilling, 
special  pleading.  -n-^atierft  n  cavilling.  -^olt 
c  straight -edge.  -^tiol  right  whale,  Balæna 
mysticetiis.    -I)0t)(e  vt  plane  smooth. 

91eti|ra'be  c  retreat;  privy,  convenience.  -ré 
a  f  reserved.    -re'rc  vi  retreat. 

Sietjtlotict  a  freely-grained,  -tobet  a  straight 
-pastern'd.  -lebe  vt  lead  into  the  right  way, 
direct,  guide,  -(ebning  c  guidance.  -IcbS  adv 
straight  on. 

9tetltg  n  legal,  judicial. 

9iet|lin|ct  «  right-lined,  rectilinear,  rectilineal. 
■tærenbe  a  orthodox.    -tøbenbe  a  astr  direct. 

5Rct|l«§  n  (looløé)  illegal,  lawless,  unlawful; 
(ubenfor  Sooen;  btyond  the  pale  of  the  law. 
-i-maat  just  measure.  •mieSfig  a  lawful,  legit- 
imate, right,     -madftgbeb  lawfulness,  legality. 

Otctning  c  -er  (baabe  egentl.  og  fig)  direction, 
(foranbretj  turu;  åbftenS  -  the  trend  of  the  coast; 
jantens,  ©inbetS,  SlanbenS  ofo.  _  the  tendency 
of  thoughts,  of  the  mind,  i  _  mob  »Btjen  in  the 
direction  of  the  town,  citywards;  fig  i  ~  a!\  in 
the  way  of;  i  _  af  Sjærgoærfébrift  in  the  mining 
way;  gåa  x  -  a!i  fig  tend  towards.  —  9ietntng§|  = 
froft  directive  power  el.  force,    -robe  marker. 

•fRetnu  adv  fe  9Jet  {adv)  nu. 

fRetor  c  -er  rhetorician.  Sletorif  c  rhet'oric. 
JHetO'tift  a  rhetor'ic(al). 

5Hetor|toe're  vt  &  i  retort,   -fio'n  c  -er  reto'rt. 

Sietort',  aietort'e  c  -er  chem  reto'rt. 

9tetou(ib'c  «  retouch.    -'re  vt  retouch. 

iHetrbggct  <i  straight-backed. 

9tttræte  c  retreat.  -orben  order  of  retreat. 
-<)oft  retreat. 

9tctd|afftaaelfe  cession  (of  a  right),  -alt  legal 
document.  -nuttioit  judicial  sale.  -begreb  notion 
of  right.  -beffQttelfe  legal  protection.  -betfent 
otficer  of  justice.  -beoibftbeb  sense  of  justice. 
•brub  violation  of  justice.  -brug  judicial  usage. 
-bjib  process-.server.  -bag  court-day.  -cone  legal 
rights.  '■■■-efterfølger  assign.  -ferie  recess.  -for^ 
bring  legal  claim  el.  demand,  -forfølgning  legal 
procedure,  -forbanbling  proceeding  in  the 
courts  of  law.  -forbolb  legal  relations  -form 
judicial  el.  legal  form.  -følelfe  sense  of  justice. 
-gobe  privilege.  -grunb  (@runbf,  om  bet,  fom  et 
ret  ofo.)  principle  of  justice;  ('-Betingelfe  for  Soo« 
ligbeben  i  en  gorbring  ofo.;  juribift  ®r.)  legal  title. 

•  gqlbtg  a  good  in  law.  -g^Ibig^Cb  validity  in 
law.  -5nant)^(t»clfc  vindication  of justice.  -^anti' 
Ung  judicial  aet.  -^iftoric  history  of  law,  legal 
history.  -I)jcmmcl  legal  title.  -^æobclfc  vindica- 
tion  of  one's  right. 

9Jet|fibe  right  side,  face.  -finb  uprightness, 
rectitude.  -fin'big  a  upright.  -fin'bigfteb  fe 
-finb.  -ffoffen  a  upright,  righteous.  -ffaffcn^cb 
c  integrity,  uprightness,  righteousness,  rectitude. 
-ffoffcn§  F  a  real,  honest,  bona-flde.  -fleCbe)  c 

9{ct§|!enbclfc  judicial  decision.  -lilbe  source 
of  the  law.  -froft  legal  force,  validity.  -txebS 

9fJet|ffrttming  orthography,  spelling.  -fl»riti= 
nitiflSIærc  system  of  orthography.  -ffrtbntng^' 
rcforitt  spelling  reform. 

9lct§|frænfelfe  (CBcrtræbelfe  of  Sot)6ub)  infringe- 
ment  of  law;  (S'iæntelfe  af  en  onbenS  SRet)  viola- 
tion  of  rights.  -!^nbtg  c  fe  fioBf^nbig.  -f^nbig= 
l)cb  fe  Sotiftjnbifl^eb.  SlftSItg  a  legal,  judicial; 
^DinbertieS  -e  ©titting  the  position  in  iaw  of 
women.  SRetéllægetiibenffnb  medical  jurispru- 
dence.  -lærb  o  jurisprudent,  learned  in  law. 
•lærb  c  jurist,  jurisconsult,  lawyer.  -lære  fe 
Sobf^nbig^eb.  -lærer  professor  of  jurisprudence, 
•mibbcl  legal  means  el.  remedy.  -morb  judicial 
murder.  -orben  rules  of  court.  -^Icje  admini- 
stration of  justice.  -regel  rule  of  law.  -fag 
lawsuit,  process.  -fal  court(-room).  -fifter^eb 
public  security.  -ffi!  judicial  practice.  -ffronte 
bar.  -f))ørgSmaal  question  of  law,  legal  ques- 
tion.  -ftætming  summons  (from  a  court),  sub- 
pæna.  -ftiHing  position  in  law.  -ftrib  litiga- 
tion,  lawsuit.  -ftribtg  a  coutrary  to  law,  illegal. 
•ftribtg^cb  c  illegality.  -ftjftem  judicial  system. 
-ftebtiane  (general)  custom ;  r  common  law;  fe 
-ftif.    -taler  forensic  orator. 

-HSHetftlHe  vt  set  right. 

gfJetSjtilftanb  state  of  the  law  et.  of  justice. 
-trætte  fe  -ftrib.  -tDajig  judicial  constraint.  -ttb= 
trt(I  legal  term.  -ufiltertjeb  want  of  public 
security.  -oebtægt  custom ,  customary  law. 
-titbettffob  jurisprudence,  science  of  law.  -Uiben- 
ftfibelig  a  jurisprudential.  -bibne  assistant  (in 
a  court  of  justice).  -birtning  legal  efifect.  -bæfen 

dittte  vt  &  r  (gøre  lige)  straighten ;  (gide  en 
3ietning)  direct,  point;  (et  <Btib)  right;  (forbebre, 
lorrtgere)  correct;  (henrette)  execute;  ret!  mil 
dress  (your  ranks) !  ^olbt!  ret  (eber) !  halt!  dress! 
_  fig  come  to  rights,  (ont  ©fib)  right;  bet  -r  fig 
nol  that  will  be  all  right;  .  9Kaben  an  dish; 
ber  er  -t  an  dinner  is  served;  _  efter  proportion 
to;  ret  ®em  efter  mig  folio w  my  example;  _  fig 
etter  en§  £uner  accommodate  one's  self  to  one's 
humour,  humour  one;  ci  maa  rette  oi  efter  2an= 
bets  Sfttfe  we  must  conform  to  the  customs  of 
the  country;  bet  -r  fig  efter  that  is  regulated  by; 
_  fine  Sfrtbt  imob  direct  one's  steps  towards; 
_  SZjnene  ^oa  direct  one's  eyes  towards;  aUeS 
Pjne  bare  -be  paa  mig  all  eyes  were  turned  to- 
wards me;  _  en  Sanon  el.  Stftert  (paa,  imob) 
point  el.  level  a  cannon  el.  telescope  (at,  against); 
_  al  fin  ftraft  ^aa  bend  el.  direct  one's  energies 
to;  _  fine  S;anfer  paa  noget  direct  one's  thoughts 
to  a  thing;  _  paa  (noget)  arrange,  adjust,  settle, 
set  to  rights;  _  paa  en  criticize,  censure  one; 
^an  -be  fig  tit  fin  fulbe  ^øjlbe  he  drew  himself 
up,  raised  himself,  to  his  full  height;  t)an  -be  et 
$ar  Crb  tit  mig  he  addressed  a  few  words  to 
me;  _  ub  straighten;  stretch.  fHetteljærti  straight- 
ening  rod.  -tlobS  rule.  Sietteltg  o  (fom  fan 
gøteg  lige)  capable  of  being  straightened;  (fom 
tan  forbebreS)  corrigible. 

9lettelig(ejt)  adv  rightly,  correctly.    SRettelfc  c 

-r  correction,  emendation;  (ænbring)  amend 
ment;  til  _  for  SSeiforenbe  for  the  dlrection  ol 
wayfarers.  Stettcn  de/  the  right  side,  the  face, 
gtetteblatt  CSimp.)  dressing-plate,  flattener.  fHet 
terbænt  c  dresser. 

*JJctter|gattg  c  (Sagfarelfe)  judicial  proceedingj 
pi,  procedure;  ($rijce§)  process;  tigge  i  _  meb  en 
be  at  law  with  one;  ben  engetfte  -§  |»tftori( 
History  of  Procedure  in  England.  -gangSmaabl 
form  of  process. 

9ietter|<)lab§,  -fteb  place  of  execution.  -fbærl 
executioner's  sword. 

SRettcrting  n  fe  S:ing. 

SRcttcrafée  c  executioner's  axe.  SHettcfnor  t 
line;  fig  level,  rule,  guide;  fan  tjene  SDem  tit  _  maj 
serve  for  your  government.  gfiettetræ  n  straight 

-i^JRettibig  a  &  adv  in  due  time. 

SKctttgljeb  c  -er  right,  title,  privilege. 

9iet{troenbe  a  orthodox.     -troettl^eb  c  orthoj 
doxy.    -tæntenbe  a  conscientious,   honourable, 
right-minded.    -tømmer  straight  timber. 

9tettt'r  c  return;  J[/  return  passage,  horn« 
passage;  %m  og  -  .i,  passage  out  and  home, 
out  and  back;  bære  paa  _  fig  be  going  dowE 
hill:  p  løre  -  say  «tu  quoque»,  give  one  tilj 
for  tat.  -billet  return- ti cket.  -fragt  retun]| 
•freight  0.  fl.  -ttc're  vi  &;  t  return.  -bcISel  re^ 

9{et|benbt  a  turned  the  right  way.  -binget  a 
straight -winged.  -»{§  a  fe  -færbig.  -bintlet  d 
rectangular,  right-angled.  -bifcttbe  a  pointing 
the  right  way;  ^J,  true;  _  ©øfort  true  charl 
(o.  ft.);  _  ^tlorb  the  true  north. 

ateuma'tliff  a  rheumat'ic.  -iS'me  c  rheu' 

SRctJ  n,  pi  =,  reef. 

*9{eb  fe  «Ke6  (i  Sejt). 

*dttt>  c  -er  swaddling-clothes. 

9ietiacci|natto'n  c  revaccina'tion.  -ne're  vi 

Mttian'åie  c  revenge;  faa  _  have  one's  revenge, 
-<)artl  return-match.  Stebatti^e're  fig  vr  =  faa 

*9ie'bbarn  n  baby,  child  in  swaddling-clothesi 

ttRebc  c  -r  twig,  tendril;  bunch. 

mtvel  fe  8({eBt. 

SRebel'je  c  mil  reveille;  ftao  -n  beat  the  reveilla 

gtcbcrbc'rob«  c  reve'rberatory  fumace. 

9icueren§'  c  obeisance.  fllcberen'ter  adv  talj 
with  reverence  be  it  spoken,  saving  your  pre- 

''SBeocrllub  c  f  fe  fRed. 

gfleberé'  c  -er  reverse  side;  (®ælb8Bred)  (single) 
bond.  gieberfe're  vt  (9»afltnen)  reverse  (the 

*SHebcrunge  c  fe  SRedbarn. 

9le»ete|ment'  n,  -ment§mur  revet'ment.  -'re 
vt  revet'. 

JRebibe're  vt  revise,  audit. 

aiebie'r  n  shooting-ground ;  J^  stream.  9({e= 
uie'rc  vi  (om  §unb)  beat  (for  game).  JKebie'r= 
jæger  quarter-ranger.  ji 

ØieUilftD'n  c  -er  revi'sal,  revis'ion.     -flo'ttåartj 
revise,  clean  proof.     *-fto'n8be})ortement  auditl 
department,  audit  office.    -'for  c    o'rer  reviser, 

fJHebl  n:  _  og  Srat  bag  and  baggage. 

9f{eole  c  -r  shoal,  bar,  sand-bank;  lath;  fstripj 
of  land;  round  of  meshes.  i 

tSHcbltngbær  n  (SErætting)  crowberry. 

9!ebne  vi  crack,  (flilteg  ab)  split,  part,  rive, 
separate,  break  in  two,  (om  $ub)  chap;  -  af 
Satter  split  one's  sides  with  laughing.  fRebne 
c  -r  crack,  chink,  cranny,  flssure,  crevice;  (i 
%øi)  rent.    -færbig  a  ncarly  bursting. 




dteooCtc  c  -r  revolt,  -'re  vi  revo'lt;  vt  stir 
up  to  rebellion. 

;Het)o(utto'n  c  er  revohi'tion.  JRcuolutionere 
vt  revolu'tionize.  —  9{ctioiutio'n§|aant)  c  revolu'- 
tionary  spirit,  spirit  of  revolution.  -Irig  revolu- 
liouary  war.  -tnanti  revolu'tionist.  9ict>oltttia= 
næ'r  a  revoln'tionary. 

!Hct)o('Ucr  c  -e  revolver. 

!He»fc  rt  chastise,  correct,  punish.  -Ifc  c  -r 
chnstisement ,  correction,  castigation.  -r  c  -e 

*SRe'titorff  deepsea  cod. 

tHcDtte,  iTJetil)  c  -er  mil  review,  muster;  ^olbe 
_  ocer  mu.'iter;  labe  paSfere  _  pass  in  review. 
-bag  c  fleldday.    -mari^  march  past. 

mtiabarber  c  fe  SJabarber. 

rHbapfo'ibe  c  -r  rhap'sodist.  -bi'  c  -er  rhap's- 
odv.     -'blf!  a  rhapsod'ic(al). 

SHJicb  oft).,  fe  9Jeb. 

Siljeber,  SK^cbcri  fe  SRebcr,  9Jeberi. 

dtbin  en)  c  the  Rhine.  5H^in|=©ajcrn  Rhenish 
Bavaria.  -6reb  bank  of  the  Rhine.  -bro  bridge 
over  the  Rhine.  -folbet  the  cataract  of  the 
Rhine.  -forbunbct  the  Rhenish  confederation, 
the  Confederation  of  the  Rhine.  -gretic  Rhine 
-grave,  -grænfcn  the  Rhine-border.  -(attbene 
the  Rhine-countries.    -lanbff  a  fe  -f(. 

mtfinoctTOé  c  fe  DJæfe^orn. 

SHtlt  n!=¥reuéfcn,  -l^rooinfen  Rhen'ish  Prussia. 
•rejfe,  -tur  voyage  on  the  Rhine,  tour  up  el. 
down  the  Rhine.  SM^i'nff  o  Rhen'ish.  fH^inft'' 
t)Jrt  Rhenish  (wine),  hock. 

iRbeboatn  Rehobo'am. 

»JtljobluS  n  Rhodes,  -cn'fcr,  -i'fer  c,  -ifl  a 
Rlio'dian.    -ifcrrtbbcr  knight  of  Rhodes.  ■ 

9lt)ane  c  (globen)  the  Rhone.  -tnunbingen  the 
e.stuary  of  the  Rhone. 

!Hf)(Cti|en  n  Rhetia.    -fl  a  Rhetian. 

SHt  vt  baste,  fix;  »1,  lash. 

'9Ji  c  J;.  fe  9}et. 

*9Ji  c   er  f  spell,  flt. 

♦fRibbc  vt  (Sugle)  pluck,  pick. 

tiRibbe  ftg  vr  f  look  sharp,  look  alive. 

SRtbbc  c  -r  rib;  .i.  rib;  C^ctUo  ledgo,  (langS 
?Haa)  jackstay,  (gt)l6in9å=)  sliver,  (®mp.)  feather; 
^  ridge,  rib.  -bolt  ^t-  jackstay-bolt.  -go)iIe 
beroe.     -laå  a  ribless. 

^Hibben  n,  pi  =,  rib.  —  9iibben§{bruft  costal 
cartilage.  -binbe  pleura.  -fteg,  '-fliærCfteQ)  roast 
-rib,  sjjarerib  (of  pork).    -ftQtte  rib. 

gjibbet  a  ribbed. 

*9libe  c  &  vt  fe  SRipe. 

t9iible  c    r  weal,  wale. 

*Hibå  (Jøj)  fe  mpi. 

SRibS  n,  pi  ^=,  eurrant;  røbe,  f)BiPe  -  red,  jvhite 

currants.     -bnft    currant-bush,    Jiibes   ru^nwn. 

-•'(rr  fe  9\i6§.     -gelé  eurrant  -  jelly.    -wb  a^red 

rant-jelly  colour.    -faft  currant-syrup.    -ttttte 

lant-tart.    -din  currant-wine. 

;Kicain'bto  c  re-exchange. 

iKtt^arb  Richard,   f  Dick. 

Mtcinuåolic  c  castor-oil. 

9ttco(4et'  n  art  ric'ochet.  -ffub  ricochet. 
•flqbning  ricochet  firing,  gticod^ettere  vt  ric'o- 

9iibbcr  c  -e  knight;  Bonbrenbe  -  knight  errant; 

-  af  ffilefanten,  dannebrog,  ^ofebaanbet  el.  -boanb8= 
orbenen  ofo.  Knigh  of  (the  order  of)  the  Elephant, 
Danebrog,  the  Garter  etc;  _  of  sSot^orbenen  com- 
panion  of  the  Bath;  arme  el.  fattige  -e  French 
nightcaps,  poor  knights'  pudding;  flaa  til  _  dub, 
knight,  create  a  knight;  flaa  fig  til  _  ipaa  en 
make  a  but  of,  make  game  of,  show  one's 
superiority  over,  break  one's  small  wit  upon, 
bully  one;  oerafte  fig  til  _  for  enter  the  lists  for. 

—  9iibber!aanb  chivalrous  spirit,  spirit  of  chiv- 

alry.  -alabenti  academy  for  young  noblemen. 
•baanb  fe  CrbenSbaanb.  -H-bog  fe  -roman,  -borg 
castle.  -boab  feat  of  chlvalry,  chivalrous  achieve- 
ment.  -bigt  poem  of  chivalry.  -bragt  knights 
dress  el.  robes,  -eb  knightly  oath.  -frue  knighfs 
lady,  dame.  -frafen  damsel.  -gob§  baronial 
eståte.  -^u8  house  of  nobles,  -^ær  army  of 
kniglits.  -faobc, -fav<)e  knight's  cloak  et.  mantle. 
-ford  cross  of  an  order  of  knighthood.  -len 
knighfs  feoff.  diibberlig  a  chivalrous,  knightly. 
JHibberligljcb  c  gallantry,  chivalrousness.  SHlbber|' 
loo  law  of  chivalry.  -orb  word  of  a  knight. 
-otrben  order  of  knighthood.  -pliQt  duty  of  a 
knight.  -roman  romance  of  chivalry.  -fat 
knights'  hall.  -ffob  n  knighthood,  chivalry,  (i 
Sberige  og  SQftlanb)  the  nobility;  +  knightly 
accomplishments.  -flif  customs  of  chivalry. 
•flag  dubbing,  knighting;  ifan  fit  -  he  was 
knighted.  StibberSnianb  (SlbelSmanb)  nobleman; 
(SRibber)  knight.  9itbber|f|)il  chivalrous  sport. 
-fpore  lark-spur,  DelpMnium .  -\\fatet  pi  knight's 
spurs.  -ftanb  knighthood,  chivalry;  (^oé  Momeriie) 
equestrian  order.  -foenb  knight's  page.  -fabe 
knightly  seat.  -tegn  fe  Crben^ttgn.  -tiben  the 
days  el.  age  of  chivalry,  the  chivalrous  ages. 
-tjenefte  knight's  service,  -tog  chivalrous  ex- 
pedition.  -oærbtglieb  knighthood.  -bæfcn  chiv- 
alry.   -ære  the  honour  of  a  knight. 

fRibe,  reb,  rebet  vi  &  t  ride,  go  on  horseback; 
(for  fin  Sunbljeb)  lake  horse-exercise;  _  en  Jur 
take  a  ride  (on  horseback);  en  -nbe  ^atrol  a 
mounted  patrol;  -nbe  artilleri  horse  -  artillery; 
tJonben  -r  tiam  the  devil  is  in  him;  _  en  ©torm 
af  J,  ride  out  a  gale;  -  for  ftne  Slnteie  el.  til= 
onferS  ride  at  anchor;  _  fra  en  (hurtigere)  out- 
ride  one;  _  i  Stribt,  Zxat,  ®aIop,  tort  ®aIop 
pace,  trot,  gallop,  canter;  _  et  Zov  net  ^  ride 
down  a  cable  el.  rope;  _  en  o  o  er  ride  one 
down;  _  paa  en  (el.  noget),  (l^aoe  til  bebfte,  gore 
^Rar  ab)  make  fun  of  one,  quiz  one;  (bable,  rioe 
neb  bao)  cut  one  up,  censure  one;  bet  er  en 
SJlaterie,  t)an  altib  -r  paa  that's  what  he  is  al- 
ways  harping  on;  -nbe  paa  en  fort  ^jft  mounted 
on  a  black  horse;  _  til  quicken  one's  pace;  jeg 
ftat  _  ^am  til  SSanbS  P  I'U  give  it  him,  I'll  blow 
him  up;  _  en  ^eft  til  break  in  a  horse;  ~  fttbb' 
fene  unber  ^,  ride  hawse-full;  _  en  ^alS  unber 
J..  board  a  tack.  9{tbe{bane  riding-ground  el. 
-place.  •bib  riding-bit.  •brug:  ^eft  til  -  saddle 
-horse,  horse  fit  for  riding.  -buller  riding-trow- 
sers,  overalls,  -bragt  riding  dress,  (fun  om  ®omc3 
riding  habit,  habit.  -bflt  mount.  -bætfen 
saddle-cloth.  t-fogebbailiflf  oq  an  estate.  -fralfe 
riding-coat.  -f«r  a  fit  for  riding.  -gamaffer  leg- 
gings,  spatterdashes,  stirrup-stockings.  -^anbfle 
riding-glove.  -^eft  saddle-horse,  riding-horse, 
hackney,  hack;  gøre  Sjenefte  fom  _  hack.  -bop))e 
riding-mare.  •^uS  riding-school,  manege,  •fjt^nbe 
pillion,  pad.  -jatle  riding-jacket.  -tappe  riding 
-cloak.  -tjole  (riding)  habit.  •Inægt  groom. 
-funft  horsemanship.  -lærer  riding-master.  -n 
c  riding.  -|»iff  horsewhip.  -))labd  riding-ground. 
■))oft  mounted  post.  9iiber  c  -e  ^1,  rider;  (til 
*lSert)  stirrup.  9iibc]f(after  leggings.  -ffole  rid- 
ing-school, manege,  -fnor  (ggrb.)  choking-lace. 
-ftalb  stable  for  riding-horses.  -ft«»ler  pi  riding 
-boots,  jockey-^oots.  -traje  riding-jacket.  -tur 
ride.  -t«j  horse  trappings  pi,  riding  equipage. 
-tamme  rein.  -bej  bridle-road.  JRibning  c  riding. 
9itbningdtlobfer  ^1,  windlass-ehocks. 

iRibå  n.  pi  =,  plan,  diagram;  (Ubfoft)  rough 
-draught.  9iibfe  c  -r  scratch.  9{ibfe  vt  scratch, 
(tegne)  draw.  —  9iibfe|blof  scriver-block.  -bilf 
black-lead,  plumbago.  -bor  tracer,  -bræt  draw- 
ing-board.  -fjeber  fe  -pen.  •jærn,  -tniv  rasing 
-knife,  cutter,    -tribt  crayon.    -tul  blue  black. 


•tunft  art  of  drawing.  -mat  surface-gauge.  -^jen 
drawing-pen,  bow-pen.  'pvtn,  -f^t  seriber, 
majking-awl.  -Vcetl  cutting  -  frame.  9iib§ning 
c  scratching;  (bet,  at  regne)  drawing;  road-drain; 
(i  SeftefEo)  groove. 

SRibt  n,  pi  =,  ride. 

Olle  vt  fe  m. 

«Rtf'  n  fe  SRed. 

Dllffct  c  -fler  rifle,  rifle-musket.  -iant  rifling 
■bench.  -beSfe  fe  9itffel.  -fil  rifler,  -form  rifle 
buUet-mould.  -gang  rifle,  groove.  -lanon  rifle 
gun.  -fugle  rifle-buUet,  -ball,  -sliot.  -lab  barrel 
of  a  rifle.  -patron  rifle -cartridge.  -ffub  rifle 
-shot.  -fl^bning  rifle  -  sliooting.  -f!j)t§  rifled 
ordnance.  -fftjtte,  *-ff^tter  rifleman.  *9iifle  c 
-r  (ofl  ©mf.)  fe  SRiffel. 

SHtffe  c  -r  groove,  flute.  SKifle  vt  rifle;  -be 
©Biler  fluted  columns;  -t  Sanon  rifled  el.  rifle 
cannon  el.  gun.  -gang  fe  aiiffel«.  -mofflnc  flut- 
ing-machine.  -pang  rifling-rod.  -træ  (©abetni.) 
tracer.    fRifting  c  rifling. 

»iift  c  -er  (f.  ®f§.  i  Zøi)  tear,  rent;  (©polte) 
crevice;  {paa  ^rojjpen)  scratch;  ber  er  megen  -  om 
.  .  .  there  Is  a  great  demand  for,  run  on  .  .  .; 
ber  6Iet)  _  om  qSliiiier  there  was  a  rush  for  seats. 
+9liftc  vt  scratch. 

*a«ig'  c  4j  rigging. 

9*ig  o  rich,  wealthy,  opulent,  afliuent,  of 
fortune;  et  -t  ©prog  a  copious  language;  en  _ 
^jøft  a  rich  harvest;  _  paa  rich  in,  abounding 
in;  gøre  et  -t  ^arti  marry  a  fortune;  ben  -e  the 
rich  man;  ben  -e  9Kanb  the  rich  man,  Dives;  be 
-e  the  rich;  i  -t  Waal  abundantly;  -t  forgtjibt, 
forftret  richly  gilt,  decorated.  gfiigbom  c  (Splbe, 
Deerfløbtgljeb)  richness,  abundance;  (natinl.  om 
formue  o.  b.)  wealth;  pi  -me  riches;  ~  paa  rich- 
ness in. 

9ttge  n  -r  kingdom,  realm,  empire;  ®ub§  _ 
the  kingdom  of  God;  bet  banfJe  -  the  kingdom 
of  Denmark;  bet  ruSfifte  -  the  Russian  empire, 
fyantaftenS  _  the  realm  of  fancy;  erftære  i  -enS 
3l!t  put  under  the  ban  of  the  empire,  publish 
the  ban  of  the  empire  against;  fe  S^tlfomme; 

ailgel  c  -gier  bolt.  -borb  expanding  table. 
-fjeber  bolt-spring. 

Stigelig  a  (rig)  rich;  (oberfløbig,  mere  enb  no!) 
plentiful,  abundant,  ample,  liberal,  unstinted; 
ber  er  -t  SJnnb  there  is  plenty  of  water,  there  is 
a  rich,  copious  supply  of  w.;  f)an  ftar  fiaft  -  Sib 
ofb.  he  has  had  ample  time;  Ijan  i)at  fit  -e  Ub= 
lomme  he  is  well  oflf;  i  _  Wængbe,  i  -t  Maal 
abundantly,  in  abundance,  uustintedly;  —  ado 
richly  etc  ;  ber  er  -  nof  there  is  more  than 
sufiicient.    -Ijcb  c  abundance. 

9tigellaa§  c  dead-lock. 

aitgge  vt  .1,  rig.  Øitggcr  c  -e  rigger.  9tigger= 
arlbejbe  rigger's  work. 

9lt'gf|oIbig  a  rich,  copious;  matterful.  -l^eb  c 
richness,  copiousness. 

yiiqtappe  ^  hood  (for  the  rigging). 

dli'gtnanb  c  rich  man. 

gtigntng  c  4>  rigging.  fRignfngSribS  rigging 

9iigor|i§'me  c  rig'orism.  -ift  c  -er  rig'orist, 
p  square-toes,    -ift'ifl,  -ø'§  a  rig'orous. 

9tigå|flbcl  nobles  of  the  empire  t-abmirat 
High-Admiral  of  the  realm.  -aften  the  (Swedish 
and  Noiwegian)  Aet  of  Union,  -anttf »ar  Royal 
Antlquary.  -artit)  archives  of  the  kingdom, 
public  record  ofiice  el.  department ,  state-ar- 
chives.  -arfttiat  keeper  of  the  public  records. 
-ormé  imperial  army.  -arbing  heir  to  a  king- 
dom. -Janf  bank  of  the  kingdom.  t-6anfbaler 
(Danish)  rixdollar.  -banner  banner  of  the  em- 
pire el.   kingdom.     -bag   diet,   parliament  etc. 

-bagSbinter  parliamentary  wages.  -bagSmanb 
member  (of  the  diet,  parliament  etc).  -bag§< 
rø«be  sitting  of  ihe  diet.  -bagSfal  house  oi 
parliament,  hall  of  the  diet.  -bagåtibenbc  par- 
liamentary gazette.  -bagSuolg  parliamentary 
election.  -baler  rixdollar.  -broft  Lord  Steward 
-embebe  offlce  of  state.  -embebSmanb  statei 
functionary.  =fane  imperial  banner,  -feltherre 
generallissimo  of  the  kingdom.  -forfatning  con- 
stitution  of  the  kingdom.  -forfamling  national 
assembly,  congress,  parliament.  -for^anbec 
regent.  -forftanberffaB  regency.  -f^rftc  prince 
of  the  Empire,  -greoe  count  of  the  Empire, 
•grettffab  feofi'  of  a  count  of  the  Empire,  -grunb' 
lot)  fe  OrunbloB.  -grænfe  frontiers  of  the  king 
dom  el.  empire,  -gtjlben  imperial  florin  el 
guilder.  -tjeralbitcr  king  at  arms.  -^erotb 
herald.  -biftoriograf  Historiographer  Royalj 
-boOmeftcr  High  Steward.  -Ijær  imperial  ariny. 
-tnflgnier  insignia  of  the  empire  el.  kingdom. 
-fammerrct  imperial  chamber.  -fanSter  chan- 
cellor  of  the  kingdom  el.  empire,  -flenobier  pi 
regalia.  -trebé  circle  of  the  empire,  -trig  war 
of  the  empire.  -len  fief  of  the  empire,  -lou 
law  of  the  kingdom.  -waal  fe  -f^jrog.  -marff 
fe  ailarff.  -mønt  coin  of  the  realm  el.  kiug^ 
dom,  esp  Danish  el.  Swedish  currency.  t-ort 
50  ^re,  62/3  pence.  -ot)erl)ooeb  head'  of  the 
kingdom  el.  empire,  -raab  n  council  of  the 
kingdom,  senate.  -raab  e  member  of  the  coun 
cil.  -regalier  pi  fe  -flenobier.  -ret  supreme  court 
of  the  kingdom,  (©ngl.)  court  of  the  king  ia 
parliament.  -retSfag  state  trial.  -ribber  knight 
of  the  empire,  -fcepter  sceptre  of  a  kingdom 
el.  empire,  -fegl  great  seal  of  the  kingdom 
-f^jrog  the  written  language,  -ftab  imperial  city 
-ftanb  state  of  the  empire  el.  kingdom.  ft^relfe 
government  of  the  kingdom,  imperial  govern- 
ment.    -foærb  sword  of  state. 

"■iHigftoV:per  c  ^  rigging-stopper. 

fHiQålttOppet  pi  imperial  troops.  -Uaaben 
arms  of  the  kingdom.  -æble  (imperial)  orb, 
globe  cl.  ball. 

SRigtlblomftrenbe  a  lich  in  flowers,  multiflor- 
ous.  -bærenbe  a  fruitful,  productive.  -forfircti 
a  richly  decorated. 

Stigtig  o  right;  (fejlfri,  lorrett)  correct;  _  9KaaI 
og  SSægt  just  weight  and  measure;  en  _  ©tinget 
(o.  p.)  a  perfect,  regular,  thorough,  unmitigated,( 
villain;  ^an  er  iffe  ~  i  $0Bebet  he  is  not  in  his 
right  senses;  tjon  tommer  altrig  til  _  Sib  he  never 
comes  in  due  time;  -t  Ubtrtj!  correct  expression; 
_  Befunben  found  correct;  træffe  bet  -e  hit  it,  hit 
the  right  nail  on  the  head;  bet  Btfte  fig  at  Boere 
-t  (fanbt)  it  turned  out  to  be  the  faet;  iganfte)  _ ! 
(quite)  right,  quite  so,  just  so,  that's  it;  bet  er 
ganfte  -t,  men  that  is  true  enough,  but;  —  udv 
right,  rightly,  correctly;  exactly,  quite;  Uret 
goar  -  the  watch  et.  clock  goes  right  el.  keeps 
time;  bet  gaar  ttfe  ~  til  ^er  there  is  something 
wrong  here,  there  is  witchcraft  in  it;  griBe  en 
Sing  _  an  go  the  right  way  to  work;  -  mobtaget 
duly  received;  ffriBe,  tole  _  wrlte,  speak,  cor- 
rectly; tænfe,  bomme  _  have  a  just  idea  (of  a  | 
thlng),  judge  soundly;  ftutte  _  come  to  a  just 
conclusion;  jeg  fluttebe  _  my  couclusion  was 
right;  ^un  forftob  mig  itle  -  she  did  not  exactly 
understand  me;  jeg  Beb  bet  iffe  _  I  hardly  know, 
I  don't  know  exactly,  I  don't  know  for  certain,  I 
can  scarcely  tell;  bet  »eb  jeg  -  iffe  I  really  dou't' 
know,  I  am  sure  I  don't  know;  og  fjan  tom 
ganfte  _  and  come  he  did  sure  enough;  bet 
glæbebe  mig  _  I  was  really  (F  real)  glad;  ~  gobt 
very  well,  well  enough.  jRigtigj^eb  c  rtghtness, 
correctness;  justice;  Bringe  i  -  put  to  rigiits; 
fomrae  til  _  meb  come  to  an  understanding  with; 




Qøtt  SRebe  og  _  for  give  a  satisfactory  account 
of;  inbremme  -en  af  admit  the  Justice  of;  Jtngen 
l)ar  fin  _  it  is  quite  correct;  it  is  a  faet,  it  is 
all  right,  -nol  adv  certainly,  to  be  sure,  indeed, 
it  must  be  admitted;  jeg  ønfter  -!  don't  I  wishi 
lliiatigftnttenbc  fe  Setfinbenbe. 

fRifnrb  fe  9iic{)arb. 

tOlillelfe  c  fe  Saarnfoale. 

*{RllIet  a  veiny,  veined. 

SRtt  c  -er  reel. 

iHille  c  -r  groove,  chamfer,  agr  drill.  -mafttnc 
drill-barrow.    -faaet  a  drilled.    -faantng  drilliug. 

SRim  c  hoar  frost,  white  frost,  rime  (frost); 
ber  falber  _  it  rimes;  ber  er  falbet  _  inat  there 
was  a  white  frost  last  night. 

JRim  n,  pi  =,  (i  aSer?)  rhyme;  bet  gaar  t)aci  - 
it  rhymes,  reads  like  rhyme.  -nrt  species  of 
rhyme.  -bogftao  alliterati ve  letter.  -Jreti  rhymed 
ejiislle.  -bunbcn  a  rhymed,  in  rhyme.  •ttflfl^ 
ning  slrueture  of  rhyme.   -bigt  poem  in  rhyme. 

9iime  vi  &  t  (ogfaa;  rime  f'O)  rhyme;  _  paa 
rhyme  to;  fie  bet  -r  fig  itle  meb  it  doés  not  tally 
With;  bet  fon  jeg  ifte  _  fammen  I  can't  reconcile 
these  things. 

'9iime  vi  (falbe  ;Hini)  rime. 

^Kimetunlt  c  art  of  rhyming. 

ditmelig  a  (bitttg)  reasonable;  (fanbignlig)  prob- 
alile,  likely;  bet  er  itle  mer  enb  -t  it  is  only 
reasonable  el.  fair;  til  _  iJSrii  at  a  reasonable 
price;  bet  er  -t  nof  it  stands  to  reason;  ijan  gjorbe, 
fom  -t  Bar  .  .  .  he  did,  as  well  he  might  .  .  . 
9itnteligt)eti  c  reasonableness,  probability,  likeli- 
hood;  bet  ^ar  ingen  -  there  is  no  likelihood;  ber 
er  ingen  -  for  at  {jan  he  is  not  likely  to;  efter  ol 
-  in  all  likelihood,  according  to  all  reasonable 
presumption;  man  fon  meb  _  ontooe  it  may  rea- 
sonably  be  taken  for  granted.  Sfiimeligtii^  adv 
probably,  in  all  probability,  most  likely. 

Mimer  e  -e,  fe  OJimfmeb.   SRimeri'  n  -er  rhyming. 

iRimcå'fc  fe  SHemtsfe, 

JHi'mfalb  (e  SHim  c 

iRi'mlfalb  eadeuce.    -fri  a  (S8er§)  blank  (verse). 

Mt'ntlfro^fen  o  f.  ©18.  en  -  (Sng  a  meadow 
covered  witli  rime  el.  hoar  frost,  -froft  fe  3{im. 
-futb  '(  rimy. 

)Rt'mjf(ang  euphony  of  rhyme.  -Irønife 
rliymed  ehruuiele.  -tunfter  pi  rhyming  tricks. 
-funftncr  rhymer.  -linie  rhyming  line.  -lǤ  fe 
-fri.  -nflb:  of  _  for  want  "of  a  rhyme.  -otb 
rhyming  word  (of  a  verse). 

tJRimjie  fe  SRempe. 

aii'mlflutning  rhyming  termination.  -fmeb 
rhymster,  rhymer,  rhymist.  -i-f<)rog  proverb  in 
rhyme     -ftaoelfe  rhyming  syllable. 

dli'mtaage  c  frosty  fog. 

9lt'm|ttiang  constraintof rhyme.  -bcrS rhymed 
verse.    -uærf  rhymed  work. 

iRinbe,  ronbt,  runbet,  vi  run,  flow;  fig  (om 
Jiben)  fly,  pass,  elapse;  (om  et  2^8)  run,  gutter, 
svvale;  (om  et  Sor)  leak;  bet  ronbt  mig  i  ^u,  i 
Sinbe  it  occurred  to  my  mind;  Solen  r  op  the 
sun  rises;  poet  fe  Cprinbe;  ^ooe  -be  |Sjne  be  blear 
•eyed.    iRinben  c  running. 

fRlng  c  -e  ring;  (Sreb8)  circle;  (S3eflog)  hoop, 
(minbre)  ferrule;  (i  ftæbc)  link;  (til  SRingfaftning) 
grace  hoop;  (om  TOoonen)  halo;  her  annulet; 
Soturnu8'8  _  the  ring  of  Saturn;  Slangen  lægger 
fig  i  -e  the  serpent  is  coiling  itself  up;  fibbe  i  _ 
sit  iu  a  ring;  banfe  i  _  dance  in  a  ring  el. 
round;  fare  en  i  -,  tore  i  _  meb  en  lead  one  a 
life;  fætte  -e  poa  fingrene  ring  one's  fingers; 
flao  poa  -en  cat  after  mouse,  kiss  in  the  ring; 
falle  _  play  at  graces;  ribe  til  -en  run  at  the 
ring.  9iing|bane  suburban  connecting  railway. 
-ben  fe  -fob.  -beflag  fe  fRing.  •-bforo  marigold, 
caleudula.     -btomfter  pi  rotate  flowers.    -bott 

ring-bolt.  -bo«t  »1,  wrainstafi",  stower.  -brQnie 
chain-mail.  -ttanS  ring  dance.  -bannet  a  shaped 
like  a  ring,  annular.  -brodfel  ring-ousel,  Turdus 
torquattts.  -bue  ringdove,  cushat,  Colamba  pa- 
lumbtig.  -blfft  running  at  the  ring.  iHinge  vt 
(Sbin,  %x(e,  .gioppe;  Sjørn)  ring;  (J^jul)  rim;  _ 
(neb,  nb,  ftraoe  o.  1.)  hoUow;  -  en  ^jole  ub  i 
golfen  cut  low  the  body  of  a  dress;  *'-  fammen 
coil  (up). 

*3l{nge  c  -r  milk-pan;  milk  pail. 

9iinge  vt  &  i  ring;  _  paa  el.  meb  Sloffen,  _  ^ao 
ring  the  bell,  (om  Sørflotfe  ogfaa)  ring  at  the 
bell;  -  paa  (en)  ring  (the  bell)  for;  _  inb,  _  ub 
ring  in,  out;  _  til  Sirfe,  _  fammen  toU  el.  ring 
for  church;  _  til  Sig  toll  the  funeral  knell;  bet 
-r  there  is  a  ring  at  the  bell,  at  the  door;  nu 
-r  bet  til  9Kibbag  there's  the  dinner  bell;  bet  fior 
-t  (for  anben  (Song)  the  (second)  bell  has  gone; 
bet  -r  for  mine  jSren  my  ears  tingle;  fig  _  (Eolo) 
for  enS  pren  take  one  to  task. 

fRtngc  u  (ubetflbelig)  small,  inconsiderable; 
(foag)  slight;  (uoigtig,  ubetqbelig)  insigniflcant;  _ 
Wængbe,  gorbcl,  95ærbi,  Sortjenefte,  Sunbftab  ofo. 
little  el.  small  quantity,  profit,  value,  merit, 
knowledge  etc;  _  ^ri8  low,  cheap  price;  -fte 
$ri8  lowest,  nearest  price;  -  Soft,  gøbe,  ftlæb= 
ning.  Wentng  ojo.  poor  food,  dress,  opinion  etc; 
-  ^inflrengelfe  slight,  faint  effort;  _  3fnbtægt, 
Jpoob,  Soner  slender  income,  hope,  parts;  _  gejl, 
gotfeelfe  slight  fault  el.  oflfence;  _  gøbfcl,  ^erfomft 
low,  mean,  humble  birth;  _  Stonb  humble 
station;  _  golf  common,  mean  people;  en  _ 
2ing  a  trifle;  _  jEib  little,  short  time;  ogte  (noget) 
_  think  el.  make  light  of,  hold  cheap;  jeg  er 
for  _,  agter  mig  for  _  bertit  I  am  not  worthy  of 
it;  San  ^or  ifte  _  ^nbbtlbninger  om  fig  felb  he  has 
no  small  conceit  of  himself;  ^an  fon  gøre  bet  i 
ringere  (Stb)  enb  to  Soge  he  can  do  it  in  less 
than  two  days;  -re  enb  (ftooenbe  unber)  inferior 
to,  second  to;  ingen  -re  enb  no  less  a  person 
than,  intet  -re  enb  nothing  short  of;  ^on  Btl 
ifte  fælge  bet  -re  he  will  not  sell  it  for  less;  et 
-re  SlogS  an  inferior  sort;  ^on  gab  ^am  iffe  bet 
ring ef te  he  gave  liim  nothing  at  all,  not  a 
whit;  iffe  i  fte  røoabe  not  in  the  least;  not  in 
the  slightest  (degree);  beb  ben  -fte  Slnlebntng  at 
the  slightest  provocation;  i  bet  -fte  at  least. 
9iingc|agt  c  contempt,  disdain;  (fom  btfeé)  slight, 
disregard,  disrespeet;  nære  _  for  hold  in  con- 
tempt. -agte  vt  despise,  look  down  upon;  (oife 
5R.  for)  slight,  disregard;  -agtenbe  a  con- 
temptuous,  adv  in  contempt. 

9iingea;i))arat  n  chlmes,  ringing-apparatus. 

!iRtngebo(t  c  .|,  ring-bolt. 

SHingct  c  -gier  ringlet,  coil.    -bue  fe  SJingbue. 

(Hingelebning  c  bell-wire. 

9)tngelgaa3  fe  (SSoul. 

Sitngen  <:  ringing. 

fRingepenge  pi  ^  ring-money. 

9iinger  c  -e  ringer. 

*9lingerle  c  wagtail,  Motadlla  alba. 

-f9Jingct  a  -.  _  ^gonferiærf,  fe  9{ingbrQnje. 

iRingetøj  n  ringing  apparatus,  bell  puU. 

9iing  I  f  af  an  ringed  pheasant,  Fhasiann«  tor- 
quatus.  -finger  ring-finger,  marriage- finger. 
-fjeber  (p.  ©eocer)  bolt-spring,  -fob  ring-bone 
(in  horses),  -forlabning  grummet-wad.  -form 
annular  form.  -formet,  -forraig  a  fe  -bonnet. 
-gaa§  fe  SRajgoaS;  gogergoaS.  -gulb  ring-gold. 
-^oj  small-spotted  dogflsh,  Scyllium  canicula 

9}ingf)eb  c  littleness,  smallness;  (UbeUjbelig^eb) 
inconsiderableness ,  insigniflcance ;  (unberorbnet 
S9eiiaffenl)eb,  -re  Stanb  el.  SJærb)  inferiority;  (of 
•tlJriS)  lowness,  cheapuess;  (Jøbfelené)  meauuess, 
humbleness;  min  -  my  own  humble  self;  leoe  i 
_  live  under  a  cloud. 


9Jin8|l)jut  bucketwheel.  -^»irtitl atlas.  -loft« 
iting  graces.  -tiup  ring-die.  -Mtjbå  J,  annnlar 
scupper.  -fniU  annular  Ijnife  et.  tool.  -froOe 
gorget.  -laaS  ring-lock.  9ling(c  vi  &  r  (fltjnge 
fig  i  fRinge)  coil,  curl;  be  forte  8o!fer  -b  font 
©langer  oin  ^enbeS  Sinb  her  black  tresses  coiled 
like  serpents  round  lier  cheek;  bet  forte  treHebe 
^aax,  ber  -b  fig  ont  ^al8  og  SJafte  her  black  curly 
hair,  falling  in  ringlets  down  her  neek. 

dtittgle  vi  (gtoe  en  ftingrenbe  £t}b)  ring,  tinkle. 

+9iin9tcfa;rt  c  fe  SRingBr^nje. 

9lin9|I«Ii  n  fe -b^ft.  -maaf  ring-measure.  -mur 
circiilar  wall. 

iRingning  c  ringing. 

91ing|orm  ringworm.  -ormgræS,  ormgulb 
spurge ,  Euphorbia.  -otm  annular  furnace. 
-rcnbcn  fe  -btjft.  -ten  lagoon  reef.  -fal§  pipe 
-shears.  -firat  ring  ornament,  -ftattet  a  fe 
SærneftaEet.  -ffo  (til  ^eft)  bar-shoe.  -flange 
annullatedsnake,  Sipkonopa  annulata.  -f^jttgraee 
hoop  and  sticks;  fe  -faftning.  -f^jittber  laekey 
(^moth),  Clisiocampa  neuatria.  -ftentVCl  annular 
piston.  -ftcm<)eImoffinc  annular  engine.  -fto<)<)cr 
4j  cat-stopper.  -ftjge  fe  2)reje=.  -fæl  ringed  seal, 
Phoca  annulata.  -tang  round-nosed  pliers.  *-troft 
fe  -broSfet.  -ticntil  annular  valve.  -«  atoll, 
lagoon- island.  -eiet  a  having  a  ring  round  the 

9lining  c  basting,  J,  lashing. 

9linl  c  -er  coil.  fRinfe  vt  coil;  p  ~  fig  op  get 

9lio'le  vt  fe  3ieoIe. 

*dHp,  SRiVe  (!  -r  (pao  Saab)  sheer  strake. 

*9ti^e  c  -r  scratch.    9m>c  vt  scratch  (glass  etc.) 

9{it>oft'(e)  c  repartee.    -e'rc  vt  retort. 

9itti)>e  vi  nteb  J^  (om  3tnferet)  come  home ;  _ 
efter  ^l,  clear  (a  rope);  -  op,  fe  Cprippe. 

gflipå  n  rep. 

?Ri»)§ro^§  n  riff-raflf. 

JRIS  n,  pi  =,  ($apir)  ream. 

9li§  n,  pi  =,  fagots  pi;  (tit  at  ftraffe  en  nteb) 
rod,  birch;  gioe  _  whip,  bireh;  Srengen  fil  _  the 
boy  was  whipped;  Binbe  -  til  fin  egen  33ag  make 
a  halter  to  one's  own  neck;  er  oofSet  fra  -et  has 
outgrown  the  rod,  has  passed  the  age  of  correc- 

9{iS  c  (Sornart)  rice,  Oryza  sativa,  (uffattet) 
paddy.    -aget  rice-fleld. 

tWi'Slbinber  fagot-binder,    -brænbc  fagots  pi. 

JRi'Slbvænbcbin  arrack.  -bubbtng  rice-pudding. 

9ii'8bttnbt  n  bundle  of  fagots. 

9}t'§bQg  n  wiuter-barley,  Hordeum  zeocriton. 

fRl'Sbag  c  young  beech. 

aii'Sbtjrfning  c  culture  of  rice. 

9Jtfe  vt  F  birch. 

9Jife  c  -r  giant. 

aiifen|gtt)tt  rice.  -grab  rice-porridge.  -bæUing 
rice  boiled  in  milk,  rice-milk.  -fletning  watt- 
ling,  wicker-work.  -fletter  maker  of  hurdles; 
(Surbemager)  basket-maker. 

fRt'Sfugt  c  rice-bird,  Java  sparrow,  Emberiza 

9il'Sgræ§  n  cut-grass,  Leersia  oryzoides. 

SRt'Sgærbc  n  hurdle,  wattle,  stake  and  rice. 

9Ji'85irb(e)  c  bush-harrow. 

9li'§^aft  c  rice-harvest;  rice-crop. 

9lift|fo'6eI  a  risky.  -fe're  vt  risk;  ®e  -r  intet 
beb  ^om  you  run  no  risk  with  him.  Siifilo  c 
-er  risk,  peril;  poa  egen  ~  at  one's  own  risk;  for 
®ereo  ^Regning  og  -  on  your  account  and  at 
your  risk;  løbe  ben  ~  run  the  risk,  stand  the 
chance  'of);  løbe  ftor  ~  run  a  great  risk;  unber 
-  af  on  peril  of;  naar  -en  ublober  at  the  termina- 
tion  of  the  risk. 

9%t'§Iage  c  rice-cake. 

■■'SRiéfc  c  -r,  fe  si!KæItef)at. 


9»l'§Mib  n  shudes. 

9tt'é|fntp})C  fe  -bunbt.   -toft  [6]  broom  of  twigi 
-fbift  twig. 

fftiSIc   vi   purl,    murmur,  ripple.     9ti§Ien 
purling,  etc. 

9it'S|mar!  fe  -ager.  -mel  ground  rice,  ri<| 
-flour.    •xmVLt  rice-mill. 

9li§})  c  -er  shoemaker's  thread. 

9li'é|>apir  rice-paper.  -t>Iante  Chinese  ric| 
-paper  plant,  Aralia  papyrifera. 

SSix^Ift  vt  (Irabfe)  scratch;  agr  rafter,  balk. 

*SRiépe  vt  strip  (leaves  etc.  oif). 

JHi§<)cborb  fe  SSattenSborb. 

iHi'épIantc  c  riceplant. 

9{t§bntng  c  scratching  etc.  fe  SRiSpe. 

SRi'SHjoppet  je  5J3tiramtbe=.     -^jrit  c  ^  beaco 
surmounted  by  a  broom. 

9li'§|ffaIIcr  pi  husk  of  rice. 

Sli'Sffoo  c  copse,  coppice. 

JRi'éIftibclfc  c  rice-starch.    -fu^Jl^e  rice-soup. 

9itft  o  rest:  ^an  ^ar  ^oerten  _  etter  Mo  he  hti 
not  a  moment's  quiet. 

*9{lft  c  og  n  scales  pi  (of  flsh) 

Stift  c  -e  (beb  ^Ibfteb,  ogfaa  Smp.)  grate;  (anbJ 
Steber)  grating;  (til  at  rifte  paa)  gridiron.  -biætl 
bearing-bar  (for  furnace).  -bærer  c  (®mp.)grat 
-bearer.  SHifte  vt  (ftege)  broil,  grill;  (åoffebonnei 
roast;  fe  8}øfte;  _  SSrob  toast  bread;  -t  Srobftitj 
toast;  -t  Safé  fried  salmon. 

difte  vt  (ffære)  cut,  slash;  _  JRunet  cut  Rune| 

9iiftebærb  c  roasting-bed. 

'iWiftel  c  -er  coulter. 

gHiftffabe  c  (5Dmp.)  (f3re-)grate  surface. 

SRi'fting  n  basting-stitch. 

SHiftning  c  broiling  etc.  (fe  8{ifte  1  &  2). 

^Hiftor'lno  c  cancelling.    -ne're  vt  cancel. 

SRiftlpenbel  gridiron  pendulum.  -ftang  (®mpj 
fire-bar.  -oentit  gridiron-valve.  -bærf  grating 
-bærfSlttgc  hateh-grating.  -bær!§mæré  gratin| 

gii'Sbttnb  11  rice-water. 

SRi'§|»eb  fe  -brænbe.    -uæfgt  fe  93uffbæffl. 

9lit'  c  -ter,  fe  SRitte.    -binber  reedmaker. 

9lttmcfter  c  captain  (of  horse). 

9{itorrtCl'  c  -let  ritornelle,  ritornello. 

Oti'traab  c  basting  thread. 

SRitrat'te  c  -r  redraft. 

JRittc  c  -r,  -blab  reed.  _ 

9lituo'(  n  -er  rit'ual,  service.    fRit'né  c  rite(3 

SRiba'f  c  Otettefættelfe)  reprimand;  (Sugtelfl 
chastisement;  gibe  en  -  reprimand;  chastise. 

9iibat  c  broach,  openiug  bit. 

Stiba'I  c  -er,  -in'be  c  -r  ri'val;  fe  TOebbejler. 
-ife're  vi  ri'val.    -itc't  c  ri'valry,  rivalship. 

9tibe,  reo,  redet  vt  (ogfaa:  fønbettioe)  rend 
tear,  lacerate;  _  93røb,  *Peberrob  grate  bread 
horse- radish;  rebet  Sirøb  grated  bread,  brea^ 
-raspings,  (bread)  crumbs;  bQppe  i  reoet  SSrøb 
crumb;  _  garoer  grind  colours,  _  |»ø  rake  hay; 
_  en  ®ang  (i  en  ^aoe)  rake  a  walk;  _  Sømmer 
rase  timber;  batten  ^ar  renet  ^enbe  she  has  been 
scratched  by  the  cat;  —  -  fig  scratch  one's 
self;  fig  r  open  one's  purse-strings;  —  tioeé 
og  flaa§  quarrel  and  fight;  _  af  tear  oif;  reb 
©Bærbet  af  Sfeben  plucked  his  sword  from  the 
scabbard;  _  noget  of  en§  $oonb  snatch  a  thing 
out  of  one's  hånd;  _  en  Sænbftitte  af  strike  a 
match,  *  p  bet  -r  of  it  rubs  on;  ©trommen  red 
t)am  bort  the  current  carried  him  away;  _  fro 
fig  (Slrbejbe)  hurry  off,  make  short  work  of;  _  fig 
løg  fra  tear  one's  self  from,  disengage  one's 
self  from;  -§  t)en,  labe  fig  ~  ^en  of  be  carried 
away  by;  _  i  (noget)  puU,  tear;  _  og  flibe  i  tug 
(at);  _  en  i  9lnfigtet  scratch  one's  face;  _  ftg 
i  |)aoret  tear  one's  hair;  *  _  i  p  (fpenbere) 
stand;   _  itu,  i  ©tQlfer  tear  up,  tear  to  pieces; 




-  Iø§,  fe  fiøSrioe;  ret)  $u6HIum  meb  fig  carried 
the  house  (with  her),  carried  her  audience 
With  her,  carried  away  the  audience;  _  S8it= 
tig^eber  af  ftg  crack  jokes;  _  neb  og  _  neb 
paa.  fe  -Jfebritte;  _  omtulb  knock  over;  -§  om 
noget  flght  for  a  thiug;  golf  diHe  -3  om  ©ogen 
there  will  be  a  great  run  on  the  book;  _  ooer 
tear  asunder;  _  oberenbe  knock  over;  ©trammen 
reo  Ijam  ooerenbe  the  current  swept  him  off  his 
legs;  ~  paa  Svungen  bite  cl.  burn  the  tongue;  - 
fig  paa  noget  scratch  one's  self  on  a  thing;  . 
noget  til  fig  seize  upon  a  thing;  F  _  ub  (gaa 
oDer  ©tQr;  come  to  nought  el.  nothing;  bet  er 
reoet  ub  imellem  bem  they  have  quarrelled;  _  ub 
af  SSilbfarelfen  uudeceive,  disabuse;  —  riuenbe 
a  rapid;  i  _  gart  at  a  rapid  el.  furious  rate;  _ 
Slffcetning  a  rapid  sale. 

JRioe  c  -r  rake.    9iioe  vt  rake;  fe  otieufor. 

Siiktelircct  (g^ro.)  board  on  which  the  materials 
of  fireworks  are  moulded;  (3JJurer§)  float. 

9iit)e{brag  pull  with  the  rake.  -I)0tieb  head 
of  a  rake. 

9iioejj«rn  grater,  rasp;  (Semr.)  racing-knife; 
fio  dragon,  rasper,  -fugle  muller  (for  grinding 
colours,.     •tøUe  brayer. 

tWioeJig  a  p  clear,  evident. 

tSRtticIfe  c  rakings  pi.  9tioemaffine  ra.sping 
-mill.  9tltien  c  tearing  etc;  _  i  Semmerne  rheu- 
matic  pains  in  the  limbs.  Stiver  c  -e  raker;  (til 
garDerioning)  muller;  ^  madwort,  Aiperugo. 

9li»eifloft  handle  of  a  rake,  rakestale.  -ften 
small  stones  that  can  be  taken  with  a  rake. 

JHioeften  c  gilnding-stone. 

iHioejtag  fe  -brag.    -tonl>  tooth  of  a  rake. 

9Ji»)e|trce  (g^co.)  rubber,  grinder.  -tO\  rubber. 
iKiui^jel  c  p  slapdash  workman.  Siitintng  c 
tearing  etc;  fig  coUision,  friction;  fe  8JiDeIle. 
»iiot  fe  9lift. 

JHi!§e  c   r  rail,  Rallus. 

*9Jo  c  -er  (paa  SniB  o.  1.)  burr. 

9io  c  (9Jaft,  jpotle,  ©til^eb;  fig  Søb)  rest;  (^dile) 
repose;  (Stil^eb,  greb)  quiet;  (9ioItg^eD)  tranquill- 
ity;  ophøjet  _  serenity;  (p.  Øeoærlaag)  catch, 
notch;  ttan  %ai  ilfe  ~  forenb  he  will  never  rest 
before;  fomme  i  el.  til  -  get  el.  obtain  rest;  lab 
bet  ligge  i  _  don't  meddle  with  that;  i  9Jo  (om 
ØeoærlaaS)  at  half-cock,  (om  9tnb)  moulting;  i 
gob  _  quite  at  his  ease,  very  quietly;  lab  mig 
Bære  i  -  don'  t  trouble  me ;  fiau  f unbe  ttte  labe 
Ijam  Bære  i  _  he  could  not  let  him  alone;  tag 
bet  meb  _,  take  it  coolly,  easy;  ^on  ^ar  ingen  _ 
)fa.a  fig  he  is  never  at  rest,  he  cannot  settle 
down  to  any thing;  flaa  fig  til  _  (ienoiS  Stilling) 
settle  (down),  rest,  (opføre  at  Bære  i  Uro)  com  one's  self,  (opføre  at  bære  i  3)eDægelfe)  be 
quiet,  (trælfe  Rg  tilbage  fra  fm  SStrlfom^eb)  retire 
from  business,  retire  from  active  life;  flaa  Rg  til 

-  meb  be  et.  rest  contented  with ;  lægge,  begiBe 
fig  til  _  compose  el.  betake  one's  self  to  rest, 
retire  lo  rest. 

9lo  vt  &  i  row,  pull,  (meb  ^oraarer)  scuU;  _ 
en  Xur  take  a  row;  _  en  Stare  puU  an  oar;  _ 
ftærft  pull  hard;  -  fmaat  pull  easy;  _  to  9JlanD 
paa  een  Jofte  double-bank  the  oars;  fætte  fig  til 
at  _  take  to  the  oars;  _  oæl!  pull  away!  _  raft 
Bæt,  SJlanne !  give  way,  my  lads !  Bel  -et !  way 
enough!  _  St^rborb,  S8agborb!  pull  starboard, 
port!  *_  giffe  go  a-fishing;  en  fom  -r  gobt  a 
good  oar  el.  oarsman;  be,  fom  -ebe  mig  my 
rowers;  _  en  op  overtake  one. 

Stoanbrit  c  moulting  mailard. 

9{oaftbeef  c  sirloin. 

9io'b  n  (Saft)  rob'. 

9to|(aab  row-boat,  rowing-boat.  Atcint  course 
for  racing  row  boats. 

Siolifir  c  -r,  fe  Sælbunb. 

9to6e  c  -r  robe. 

JRoIi'ert  Robert,  F  Bob.  OlobertSurt  herb 
robert,  dragon'.«  blood,    Geranium  rohertianum. 

iRobt'nie  c  -r  locust-tree,  Robinia. 

diobinfona'be  c  -r  history  of  singular  adven- 
tures after  the  manner  of  Robinson  Crusoe. 

iHoboranSbraaber  pi  (a  kind  of)  tincture  of 

dtoborb  n  the  starboard  side  of  a  boat. 

Stobuft  a  robust. 

iRobøjIe  c  crutch. 

'Sidtta  c  ^  garden  coral,  R.  coceinea. 

9tob  c  9{øbber  (egentl.  og  jfig)  root;  F  (raat,  for-- 
forent  TOennefle)  scamp,  rough,  lamb;  fæfte  _  take 
root;  flaa  Stebber  strike  root;  flaa  btjbe  SRøbber 
root  el.  take  root  deeply;  fælge  paa  -en  sell 
standing;  rolfe  op  meb  -e  "tear  up  by  the  roots, 
fig  abolish  root  and  branch;  fig  ubr^bbe  bet  onbe 
fra  -en  root  out,  e.ttirpate  an  evil;  ubbrage  -en 
extract  the  root;  Orb  af  fremmeb  -  words  of  a 
foreign  stock.  9tob|baaren  a  ^  proceeding 
from  the  root,  radical.  -blab  root-leaf,  radical 
leaf.    -bløbe  soaking  rain. 

9l8be  vt  (op  i  f.  ets.  3orben  et.  robe  forben  op 
[om  Soin])  root  (the  ground);  ©rengen  ligger  og 
-r  i  forben  the  boy  lies  raking  up  the  ground; 
-  (om)  i  gamte  Sager,  ^Sapirer  ofo.  rummage 
among  old  things,  papers  etc;  _  i  en  Suffert, 
Suro  0.  b.  rummage,  tumble  over  the  coutents 
of,  a  trunk,  basket;  ^an  ligger  og  -r  efter  ben  58og 
he  is  rummaging  for  that  book;  _  op  i  en  Sog 
rip  up  a  matter;  _  fig  inb  i  noget  embroil  one's 
self  iu  a  thing. 

9lobe  c  -r  (i  S9^)  ward,  quarter;  (Solbater)  file; 
party,  band;  tDanish  rood  (12  feet).  -ilb  file 

9io'b|etdponent  number  denoting  the  rool. 

9tobe|mari^  marching  in  files,  -mefter  tax 

9ioben  c  rooting  etc. 

gtobcnbe  c  root-ead,  J^  heel. 

Sioberi'  n  disorder,  disturbance,  muddle. 

tSHobet  a  F  scampish. 

9{obc»l§  adv  in  el.  by  flles;  in  parties;  _  til 
Benftre!  left  file! 

9io'blfaft  a  rooted.  -faft^eb  c  rootedness  -fl«) 
arches,  Xglophani.  -frugt  (edible)  root;  UbftlUing 
af  -er  root  show;  ®t)rfning  af  -er  =  -frugtb^rfning 
culti vation  of  root-crops.  -fcefte  n  rooting. 
-ftcftc  vt  root;  vr  fig  root,  strike  root;  -t  rooted; 
^an  ftob  fom  -t  he  was  rootbound;  et  -t  ^ab  a 
deep-rooted  hatred;  et  mere  -t  ^ab  a  deeper 
-rooted  h.  -fæftetfe,  -fceftning  rooting.  -gnaoe 
vt  gnaw  off  to  the  root.  -gren  radical  branch. 
-ftaac  root-hair.  -^inbcbetcenbelfe  (i  Janb)  peri- 
odoutitis.  -^oocb  head  of  the  root.  -^ugge  vt 
cut  oft'  by  the  root,  stub  up.  ^-^ugger  F.  le- 
veller,  radical,  root  and  branch  man  el.  reformer, 
F  rad.  -((ictte  root-cap.  -loa(  Swedish  turnip. 
-Ia)»)e  fe  -iftugge.  -K«be  vt  cleave  to  the  root. 
-Inolb  tuber.  t-t»ble  the  stump  of  a  tree.  -J«8 
a  rootless.    -net  tissue  of  roots. 

9iøbomonta'be  c  -r  rodomontade. 

9iob!arb  radix,  radical,  root-word.  -|icrf{Ue 
large  parsley.  -)i(ante  plant  yielding  an  escu- 
lent  root.  -(»obet  a  root-grafted.  -|)obning  root 
grafting,  -regn  fe  -bløbe.  -rcftet  p'  rests  of 
roots.  -flub  sucker,  groand  shoot.  -fftibenbe  a 
rooting.  -ftreremaftine  root-cutter.  -^agning  c 
rooting.  -fnQlter  root  parasite.  -fptbS  apex. 
-fpire  radiele.  +-fprog  pareut  language,  -ftabtlfe 
radical  syllable.  -ftilt  radical  stalk  -fto!  root 
-stock,  rhizoma.  t-ft«b  slump.  -ft«rrclfe  radical 
quantity.  -tol  arith  root  (of  a  number).  -talje 
^  heel-tackle.  -tegn  aritk  radical  sign.  -toB 
4,  heel-lashing.    -txtni  rootlet.    -ubbragning  c 




evolution,     -utt,  -tKcti^t  fe  -frugt,    -ægte  a  uu- 

Moe  c  (Sforpe  paa  <Baai)  8cab,  crust;  fætte  _ 
form  a  scab. 

tSloe  c  -r   turnip,   beet.     -oget  turnip  field. 
-tt^rtning  cultivation  of  turnips,     -fra  turnip- 
seed.     -løftemafliRe  beet-extraetor.     -matt  fe 
SRoen  c  rowing. 

Sloelolie  rape-oil.  -o^tagning§mafftne  beet 

9loer  c  -e  rower,  oarsman,  boatman.    fHoer^e 
c  -r  boatwoman. 
9*oe|ra»»i8  fe  iRutoboga.    -r»)b8  fe  2urnip§. 
SRoeftttfer  n  beet-roo:  sugar. 
Molittttei  row-boat.    -flaabe,  -flotiUe  fleet  of 
row-boats;   flotilla   of  rowing  gunboats.     -foH 
rowers.    -forening  rowing  club.    -gaffel  crutch. 
-galej  row-galley. 
9iogn  c  (hard)  roe,  spawn;  g^be,  fofte  _  spawn. 
'^Dlogn  c  -er,  fe  aJøn.   -afalb  hybrid  beam-tree, 
Sorbus  liybrida. 

iRognIftff  spawner.  -gtibnlngspawning.  *-IiæIfe, 
-fj«Ife  lump-fish,  lump-sucker,  sea-owl,    Cyciop- 
terus  lumpiis.    -rig  a  full  of  roe.     -ften  oolite, 
JRoI'  (Sfuglen)  c  roe,  rukh. 
'9tot'  n  fe  mat  n. 
fHot'  c  -fe  spinning  wheel. 
■  Siofa'be  c  (Staf)  castling. 

dtolambo'te  c  rocambole,  Allium  »corodopra- 
9iotanonbaab  c  rowing  gunboat. 
9lole  re  vi  castle 

9loIfe  c  -r  ray,  Raja;  ?piot<  scate;  Søm>  thom- 
back;  eleftrifl  _  torpedo. 

9JoWe  vt  &  i  rock ;  vt,  fig  (XiHib,  Seflutning) 
shake;  ben  retfærbtgeS  9}ob  ftal  ifte  -8  the  root 
oi  the  righteous  shall  not  be  moved;  Stenen  »il 
ifte  labe  fig  _  the  stone  cannot  be  moved.  Siofte^ 
af  Set  c  (SDnip.)  rocking-shaft. 

$RoIte|brett  paper  wrapped  round  the  distaff. 
■brejer   turner   of  spinning- whe els,    turner  in 
gtaffebttlte  c  tumbler. 

JRotlel^ju!  spinning- wheel,  -^obebrock,  distaff. 
Stotten  c  rocking  etc.  fe  SRoffe. 
SRofter  c  -e  (i  Ur)  needle, 
•SloKelfnelbc  c  fe  -ten. 
Siotte^en  c  rocking-stone. 
tOtotteten  c  spindle. 
iRo'ftub  c  rowing  club. 
JHotning  c  rocking  etc. 
9lofo'fa  c  roco'co. 

9iølig  a  tranquil;  (ogfao:  ftiHe)  quiet,  calm; 
(fagtmobig,  6Iib)  placid;  (fat,  finbig)  composed, 
sedate;  (fattet)  collected;  fiolbe  fig  _  keep  quiet; 
bær  -  be  quiet;  bær  ®e  fun  ~  make  yourself 
easy,  be  easy;  Bi  fan  Bære  ganfte  -e  for  at  we 
may  rest  assured  that;  bet  fan  bu  tære  _  for 
iron  I'U  warrant  you;  -t  SSejr,  J£>ob,  _  Jpimmel 
calm  weather,  tranquil  sea,  serene  sky;  _  Sø  a 
smooth  sea;  _  ©øBn  sound  sleep;  -e  gøleffer 
tranquil  el.  undisturbed  feelings;  -t  Sinb  tran- 
quil mind;  _  Sinblflemning  quiet  frame  of  mind; 
-  ©amBtttig^cb  clear  conscience;  ftBO  mig  It)ber, 
ffal  bo  trqggeltg  og  Bære  -  for  grtjgt  whoso  hearke- 
neth  unto  me  shall  dwell  safely,  and  shall  be 
quiet  of  fear;  at  Bi  maa  lefle  et  -t  og  ftiUe  SeBnet 
that  we  may  lead  a  quiet  and  peaceable  life; 
ieg  fan  Bære  _  »eb  faabanne  SeftQlbninger  I  need 
not  care  for  such  accusations.  -fteb  c  tranquil- 
lity;  quiet,  calm;  placidity;  composedness;  com- 
posure;  forftljrre  ben  offentlige  ~  commit  a  breach 
of  peace.  -tjcbéfarfttjrrer  c  disturber  (of  the 
peace).    -^ebéfor^ljrrelfe  breach  of  peace. 

SRoUe  vi  (om  3iæB,  OræBling,  Dbber)  rut. 

fRoBe  c  -r  (i  Sfnef^jil)  part,  character;  fig  pari 
WiBe  i  en  be  in  character;  falbe  ub  af  -n  be  ot 
of  character,  lose  one's  cue;  fpitle  fin  _  play  el 
aet  one's  part;  fig  f)an  fpiQebe  en  meget  Qntelig 
he  cut  a  very  pitiful  figure;  ^oBbe  faoet  35oftoren 
-  had  been  cast  for  the  Physician;  bet  fpitli 
ingen  _  it  is  of  no  consequence;  l^on  ()ar  ubfpiHi 
fin  ~  he  is  played  out.  -befætning  cast  (of  th 
characters).  -bytning  exchange  of  parts,  -baøenb 
pi  acting  players.  -^ef  te  part.  -ombtjtntng  chang 
in  the  cast. 

fRoUetib  c  rutting-time. 

9toaiHg  c  -er  little  one,  toddler. 

9loni'  1*6]  c  (©Dtritug)  rum. 

9lom'  [*6]  n  Rome;  i  bet  gamle  _  in  ancien 
Rome;  _  bleB  itfe  bygget  x>a(i  een  3)ag  Rome  wa 
not  built  in  a  day.  9}omafarer  c  -e  pilgrim  b 

Stonta'n  c  -er  novel,  romance;  bet  er  en  l^el 
it  is  quite  romantic.  -ogtig  «  romantic.  SRo 
ntan  ce  c  -r  romance.  9toman|bigter,  -forfatter 
(inbe)  novellist,  romance- writer,  writer  of  fictioi 
el.  novels.  ■f)elt,  -ftcltinbe  hero,  heroine 

iKomantft'  c  -er  ro'manist. 

SKomanjtiteratur  prose  fiction.  -tæfer(inbe 
novel-reader.  -læåning  novel-  el.  romance  read 

Sloma'nfl  a  Roman'ic,  Romance,  (Sunft)  Ro 
m>ine.sque.    -germaniff  a  Romano-Germanic. 

Stomo'nlffrtoer  fe  -bigter.  -ffrtberlnbe  c  -r  (lady 
novelist.  -ffrttining novelwriting.  -fluger greedj 
novel-reader.    -fnof  romance. 

9ioman't|iff  a  romantie;  bet  -e  Beb  Sagen  th 
romance  of  the  thing.  -tf  c  romance;  (Sitteratm 
retning)  roman'ticism.    -'ifer  c  -e  romanticist 

fRomlbe  (fH^ombuS)  c  -r  math  rhomb.  -btff  < 
rhombic;  bet  -e  Sl)ftem  (Sr^ft.)  the  right  prismatii 
system,    -oi'bc  c  -r  rhom  boid. 

Siombubbing  c  rum-pudding. 

9{o'mer  [6]  c  -e  Roman;  F  a  glass  of  rum, 
•fo(t  Roman  people.  Siontertn'be  c  -r  Roma: 
(lady).  fHomer.lfirfen  the  Roman  (Catholic] 
church,  the  Church  of  Rome.  -rejfe  journey  U 
Rome.  -retten  Roman  Law;  Civil  Law.  -rigi 
Roman  empire,  -fl  u  Roman;  _  S8ab  Turkish 
bath;  _  a^g  Roman  candle.  -ffbrit'ifl  a  Romana 
-British.  -fftato'Ifl  a  k  c  Roman  Cath'olic; 
-flirogct  the  Roman  language,  -ftat  Roman 
State,  -tal  Roman  number  el.  numeral;  R, 
indiction.    -tog  expedition  to  Rome. 

fHomfob  [*6]  n  rum  cask. 

*9lomme  [6]  c  bog  asphodel,  JVarthecium  oe»i- 

gfjtomlbubbing  [6]  c  rum  pudding.   -pnnåf  ru 
punch,    -æter  rum  ethér. 

atonbe  [6]  fe  SRunbe. 

*}Rone  fe  Siaane. 

Otontng  c  rowing,  pulling,  (for  gornøjelfe)  boai 
ing.    9io)>ort  row-port.    *9ior  c  rowing. 

Sflor  n  %)i  =,  rudder,  helm;  ^ænge  -et  ship  el. 
hang  the  rudder;  ftaa  oeb  -et,  ftao  til  -é  (ogiaa 
fig)  stand  el.  be  at  the  helm;  røanben  beb  -efc 
the  man  at  the  wheel;  tomme  til  -et  come  into 
power;  iQftre  -et  answer  the  helm;  Stnrborb  nieb, 
-et !  starbord  the  helm !  SSagborb  meb  -et  port 
the  helm !  _  i  Sæ !  helm's  a-lee !  op  meb  -et !  up; 
With  the  helm!  lette  )()aa  -et  ease  the  helm;  lægge^ 
-et  oBer  shift  the  helm;  ftøt  Beb  -et  steady  the-' 
helm;  føre  læ  _  carry  a  lee  helm.  fRo'rlbeffag* 
rudder-irons.    -bjørn  helm-port.  ' 

"fRorbob  c  flshermen's  booth  (at  a  fishing 

Oto  rbrog  c  rudder-coat. 

9io'r{baenl  c  thwart.    -foll  rowers. 




Sio'riflff  fe  -6jorn.  -flot  rudder-Jiole.  -gaenger 
helmsman.  -tiage  pintle;  -r  og  løffer  rudder 
-irons.    -fanger  rudder-pendant.    -^mI  |e  -got. 

+9flo'r!farI  fe  dioii-. 

iRo'r;Ii(e  rudder-chock.  -lifte  rudder-case, 
-trunk.  -Kampe,  -tiobå  rudder-chock,  'top 
rudderhead.  -fraoe rudder-coat  -fætting rudder 
-Chain,  -(aoé  key  ofa  rudder."  -l«ffe  goodgeon. 
-mal  nidder-mould.    -ptnb,  '-^jinbe  tiller. 

JHo'rSlfotl  rowers.    -larl  rower,  boatman. 

)R8'r!ffaft  rudder-stock.  -ffintcl  rudder-pen- 
dant. -følger  rudder-nail.  -ftabel  fe  -lølfe.  -ftang 
fe-pinb.  -ftamme,  -fttlf.-fio!  rudder-stock.  -ftccOtt 
rudder  post.  -fugge  dumb-chalder.  -talje  rudder 
-tackle,  -tap  rudder-pintle.  -tern  trick  el.  spell 
at  the  helm.    -uauge  sweep  of  the  tiller. 

'fRo'rtiæt  fe  Siffenær. 

9loå  c  praise,  commendation;  til  f)ang  -  in 
his  praise. 

tSRoå'  n  chips,  shavings  of  wood. 

49ioé'  c  &  n  horse,    -baare  horse-li tter. 

gUofa,  SHofe  Rose. 

9Jofc,  ro  fte,  toft  vt  praise,  commend,  laud; 
_  for  ftoer!t  overpraise;  -  ftg  of  noget  glory  in, 
boast  of;  lunne  _  ftg  af  boast;  uben  at  _  mig 
without  vanity,  tho'  I  say  it  (that  should  not); 
-r  ftg  af  at  ^ooe  takes  credit  to  himself  for 
having;  —  rofenbea  commendatory,  laudatory, 
(i  6øi  ®rab)  panegyrical,  eulogistic. 

9iofe  c  -r  rose;  art  rosette;  ingen  -r  uben  Sorne 
no  rose  without  a  thorn;  banfe  paa  -r  lie  on  a 
bed  of  roses;  banfer  it!e  paa  -r  has  no  easy  life 
of  it.    fRofelrigene  the  wars  of  the  Roses. 

Siofen  c  (S^gbom)  St  Anthony's  fire,  erysipelas, 
the  rose.    -artet  a  erysipelatous. 

fRofenlbaanb  rose-coloured  riband.  -6eb  bed 
of  roses,  rosary.  -bi  leaf- cutter,  Megachile 
centunculoris.  -blab  rose-leaf.  -blob  poet  rose 
-bud.  -blomme  rose.  -bluS  poet  rosy  glow. 
+-bo  poet  rosy  nest.  -brnb  girl  who  won  the 
rose  of  the  village  for  good  conduct.  -buf!  rose 
-but-h.  -broSfel  pastor,  Gracula  ronea.  -ebbite 
oxyrrhodine.  -e§fen§  fe  -olie.  -familien  the 
rose  family.  -farue  rose-colour,  pink.  +-farbe 
vt  give  a  rosy  colour  to.  -farbet  a  rose-coloured, 
roseate,  rosy,  pink.  -feber  fe  Mofeu.  -feft  feast 
of  roses,  -finger  rosy  finger,  -fingret  «  rosy 
-flngered.  -flor  bloom  of  roses,  -gaarb,  -^a»e 
rosegarden,  -f-gtøbe  vi  glow  crimson.  -^egn 
hedge  of  roses.  -t)onning  honey  of  roses,  mel- 
rose. -^D(b  fe  åoalfoeb.  -^æf  rose-hedge.  -jorb« 
bær  fe  3J?arf=.  -taal  Brussels-sprouts,  Brasfica 
gemmi/era.  -fartoffel  rose  (potato).  -finb  rosy 
cheek.  -tnop  rose-bud.  -tonferbe  rose-conserve. 
-trane  garland  cl.  wreath  of  roses;  (fatolfl) 
rosary,  beads ;  læfe  fin  _  count  one's  beads. 
-trender  c  -e  Rosicrucian.  -fuart§  rose  quartz. 
-leje  bed  of  roses.  -Ingt  odour  of  roses.  -lunb 
rose-grove.  -læbe  rosy  lip.  -(ænte  chain  of 
s.  -tnunb  fe  -læbe. 
iofenobcl  c  -bier  rosenoble. 

iliofen'olic  rose-oil,  otto  (el.  attar)  of  roses. 
-<ierle  rose-bead.  -t»il  fe  ^Purpur«.  -))omabe  rose 
-liniment.  -))unfel  rosace-puncheon.  -pætt 
rose-(water)  pear.  -rob  rosewort,  roseroot;  M/io. 
diola  roxeu.  -reb  a  rosy,  rose-coloured,  rose-red. 
-H-ffin  rosy  liglit.  -fiJ)  rosy  cloud.  -ftær  rosy 
hue.  -f-ffen  a  beautiful  as  a  rose.  -fm^ttet 
a  decorated  with  roses,  -fbiritud  spirit  of 
roses,  -ften  rose-diamond.  -ftol  {"paa  ^jort) 
cabbage.  -f-ftr«  vt  strew  with  roses,  -ftær  fe 
-broåfel.  -fuflcr  conserve  of  roses,  -fbam))  rose 
-gall,  bedeguar.  -ttb  rose-season.  -torn  thorn 
of  a  rose.  -træ  rose-tree;  fe  -oeb.  -ubftiUing 
rose-show.  -uanb  rose-water.  -ueb  rose-wood. 
•Hin  rosewine.    -æble  rose-apple. 

fRofe'rtng  c  rosing,  pink-dyeing. 

OJofefTeben  a  (5Diamant)  rose-cut. 

iHofet'  c  -ter  rosette,  (i  Sag)  ceiling-plate. 
flDofettetobber  roso-copper.  SiefetftiOet  a  ^  ros- 

9iofifien'g|ttt3  Mr.  Puflf.    -eri'  n  log-rolling. 

fRofi'n  c  -er  raisin;  fe  35ølfe.  -lage  plum-cake. 
-ferne  raisinstone.     -ftilte  pi  (2lffalb)  rapes  p(, 

+9io'ffib  n  rowing-vessel. 

fRogmar  c  walrus. 

9io§mari'n  c  ro'semary.  -blomft  flower  of  r. 
-l^ng  andromeda.  -olie  oil  of  r.  -banb  Hungary 

tSHoSme  c  fe  SRuante. 

9iofoift)re  c  rosol'ic  acid. 

-i-fHofom  a,  -^eb  c  fe  OTorfom. 

*9lo§fe  c  -r  puff  of  wind,  eddy-wind. 

tJRogfe  vi:  -  meb  get  the  better  of. 

fRofte  vt  (3Jlalt)  mash.  »Jiofte  c  -r,  -far  mash- 

tfHoåtjenefte  c  equestrian  service. 

Sloftntng  c  mashing. 

9ioftra'I  c  -er  music-pen. 

fRo^oær'big  a  praiseworthy,  commendable, 
laudable.  -^eb  c  praiseworthiness,  commend- 
ableness,  laudableness. 

9iotangpaIme  c  rattan  cane,  Calamus  rotang. 

diotatio'n  c  -er  rota'tion,  revolution,  agr  rota- 
tion of  crops.  —  9iotatio'tt3|bet)ægelfe  motion 
of  rotation,  rotatory  motion,  -maftine  rotary 
el.  rotatory  engine.  -fa«  rotatory  saw.  fRota^ 
to'rifl  a  ro'tatory,  rotary.  fHote're  vi  ro'tate, 
revolve.    fRote'renbe  a  ro'tatory,  rotary. 

fjflotib  c  {9®nber§)  moulting  season. 

'^fRotfljær  fe  SHaaflær. 

fRottc  vr:  _  fig  fammen  conspire,  complot  (to- 

fRotte  c  -r  rat  (brun  ~  brown  el.  Norwegian 
rat.  Mus  decumanus;  fort  _  black  el.  old  English 
rat,  Mus  rattus);  (i  33olbfpil)  base;  ^an  er  til  -rne 
he  is  gone  to  the  dogs.  -fælbe  rat-trap.  -fæn^ 
ger  c  -e  rat-catcher.  -gift  ratsbane.  -^ale  rat's 
tail;  cat's-tail-grass,  Phleuui  pratense;  flaw  in 
cloth;  fe  -rumpe,  -^ul  rat-hole.  -bnnb  terrier. 
-jogt  rat-hunting,  -jæger  ratcatcher.  -tager 
ratsbane.  -tonge  rat's  king.  -trubt  ratsbane, 
arsenic.  -rebe  rat's  nest.  -rum^ie  (Sab)  com- 
pass  saw;  (5il)  rat's  tail,  rat-tail  file.  -fatS  rat 
-trap.  -ftinb  rat's  skin.  -ftur  «!.  rathole. 
-nnge  young  rat. 

fRotting  c  -er  ratan. 

9lotun'be  c  -r  rotunda,  rotundo. 

fRotnr  c  row,  boating  excursion. 

iRo'toælft  n  thieves'  cant,  gibberish. 

fRoué  c  -er  roué,  rake. 

9iou(|a'be  c  -r  roulade,  -e're  vi  circulate. 
-et'te  c  roulette. 

fRout'e  c  -r  route;  ^olbe  _  ^t>  keep  time;  inb^ 
ftille  fin  _  cease  running.  -foranbring  change 
el.  alteration  of  route.    -tort  .1.  track  chart. 

iRouti'ne  c  routine.  -mæSftg  a  according  to 
routine,  conventional,  jog-trot.  >Houtine'ret  a 

aiob  [aa]  n  prey,  spoil,  plunder;  (8?øberi) 
rapine,  robbery;  et  -  for  a  prey  to;  brioe  paa  ~ 
exhaust,  waste,  manage  with  reckless  impro- 
vidence,  with  .spoliation  of  the  future;  gao  paa 
_  go  ])lundering,  (om  %px}  i)rowl  about  for  prey; 
inbentil  cre  be  fulbe  af  _  og  Ureffærbig^eb  bibl 
within  they  are  fuU  of  extortion  and  excess; 
Ijoibt  bet  itfe  for  et  ~  at  oærc  ®ub  lig  bild  thought 
it  not  robbery  to  be  equal  with  God.  fRoB|  = 
begærlig  o  rapacious.  -begærlig^eb  rapacity, 
rapaciousness.  -ben  rai)torious  leg.  -bi  thiev- 
ing  bee.     -biUe  tiger  beetle,    Camivora.     -brift 




exhausting  farming  el.  management,  -b^rbeast 
of  prey. 

*9lottee'r  n  »J,  river,  channel. 

*Jiou|fiff  rapacious  flsh.  -fifleri  wasting  flshery. 
-flue  hornet-fly,  Asiliis.  -fob  raptorious  foot. 
-fugt  bird  of  prey,  raptorial  bird,  -gerctg,  -ger' 
rigget)  \e  -begærlig,  -tfvep^  ichneumon  fly.  -I^ft 
fe  begærligl^eb.  -liften  (e  -begærlig,  -maage  aretic 
skua,  Lestris  paraiiticus.  -morb  robbery  attended 
With  murder.  -næb  raptorious  beak.  -t-ribber 
ktiight-robber.  -f^g,  -f^ge,  fe  -begærlig,  -begær= 
ttg^eb.  -taub  raptorious  tooth.  -terne  Caspian 
tern,  Sterna  caipia. 

9tol)aI|i§'me  c  roy'alism.  -ift'  c  -er  roy'alist. 
-ift'ift  a  roy'alist. 

tfRu  c  -er  fold,  plait. 

'9iu  c  fe  SRoe  1. 

9lu  a  rough;  ^  scabrous. 

9tub'  og  Stub  bag  and  baggage. 

3lubanf(^o»t)  c  -er  jointer,  joiuting-plaue. 

Stubbe  vt  rub,  scrub;  —  vi  of  P  pack;  bet  er 
not  bebft,  jeg  -r  af  I  had  better  pack,;  —  vr  fig 
F  look  sharp. 

Slttbber  c  -e  rubber. 

9ittbbet  a  F  rugged. 

gittbet  c  -bier  ruble. 

fRuben  Reuben. 

t3flttbi!e  c  fe  ilKorrube. 

9lubtton:  goa  ooer  _  pass  the  Rubieon. 

9{ubi'n  c  -er  ru'by.  -faroe  ruby  colour.  -faroet 
a  ruby.  -gta§  ruby-fluor,  -fut^tte  ornament  el. 
set  of  rubies.  -f))inet  spinel-ruby.  -fboDl  ruby 

Otu'btabet  o  ^  asperifoliate. 

Ølubrice're  vt  ru'bricate.  fRnbrtf  c  -er  ru'bric, 
head,  title,  article,  column. 

9lube  c  -r  ^  rue,  Ruta. 

9lube  c  -r  pane  (of  glass);  (fjirlant)  square, 
diamond,  (Slat)  square;  her  fusil.  -bannet  fe 

9lttbecbbtfe  c  vinegar  of  rue. 

aiubelformet,  -formig  t  square- shaped,  dia- 
mond-shaped;  ^  rhomboidal.  -g(a3  fe  S8inbueS= 

fRubcl  c  floek. 

SRttbcmenftcr  n  chequered  pattern. 

9iubeolie  c  oil  of  rue,  Ætheroleum,  rutæ. 

Siubec  c  (Sort)  diamond,  (garden)  diamonds. 
-longe,  -bante  oio.  king,  queen  of  diamonds  ete. 

9lubera  pi  ruins. 

9lubc|fljoIb  lozengy  shield.  -ffæUet  a  (giff) 
ganoid,  ganoidian.  -ftol  gauging  rod.  fRubet 
a  chequered,  tessellated,  check,  her  lozengy. 
9iube|Ui§  adv  lozenge-wise,  in  squares.  -bær! 
aroh  checker  work. 

SRttbilment'  n  -er  ru'diment.  -mentæ'r  a  rudi- 

9lttbolf  Rudolph,  Ralph. 

attt'brct  a  fe  fRubet. 

tSRu'bffoHe  c  roaeh,  Cyprinm  ervthrophth ilmus . 

9itte  vt  raise,  tease. 

9tuctfe  c  ruing,  repentance,  contrition. 

9tuemafline  c  raisiug-gig. 

9lttf '  c :  i  en  ~  in  a  trice,  in  a  twinkling. 

9laf'  n,  pi  =,  ^  round  house,  deck-house; 
(til  S8ogn)  front  head  (of  a  vehicle). 

JRuffe  vt  ^  start;  _  fig,  -§  start. 

SHuffe  vi  bawd,  procure.  9lttffe|r  c  -e  pimp, 
pander,  procurer.  -ri'  n  pimping,  pandering. 
-rfife  c  -r  bawd,  procuress. 

Sfittflcr  pi  rugosities.    9tuf(ct  a  rugate. 

atnfébjcctte  c  ^l>  round-house  beam. 

fRug  c  rye,  Secale  cereale.  9iug{aar  year  for 
rye.  -ager  rye-fleld.  -ool  cultivation  of  rye. 
*-at)ling  cultivation  of  rye;  rye  crop.  -aH  ear 
of  rye.    -brøb  rye-bread,  brown  bread. 

•■■"SRugbe  c  -r  woodcock,  ISeolopax  rustioolc 
-træ!  cock-shoot. 

SRuge  vi  brood,  batch;  ~  ooer  el.  +paa  (pøttl 
Vaa)  noget  brood  over  a  thing;  ben  gerrige  -r  od( 
fine  5|Senge  the  miser  boards  his  money;  poi 
SISiøtM  -r  oBer  9Kar!  og  ®ng  darkness  shroud 
both  field  and  meadow;  ~  ub  hatch.  -anftal 
hatching-house.  -^øne  brooding  hen;  fe  -i 
-taSfe  eote.  -liften  a  broody.  -ntaffine  hatcl 
ing-machine,  incubator.  fKugen  c  brooding  et< 
9luge{obH  hatching  oven.  -piaitå  liatching-plac( 
fRuger  c  -e;  gob  -  good  sitter;  flette  -e  no 
-sitters,  non-sittiug  breeds.  -tib  broodini 
hatching  season.  -narme  hatching  heat.  -« 
brood-egg,  egg  for  hatching. 

'•'iRttgge  vt  rock;   vi  rock,   vacillate.     -ften 

fRu'gl^atm  thrashed  rye-straw.  -^orn  fe  We 
bcøje.  -Ijaft  rye-harvest;  rye-crop.  -jorb  rye-soi 
'■■■-looring  fe  -toebaf.  -Itib  rye-brau.  -forn  grai 
of  rye.  '-læft  tillering  rye.  t-morf  rye-fleh 
-mel  (figtet)  rye-flour;  (ufigtet)  rye-meal.  -raeli 
gr«b  rye-meal  porridge.  -melSfuppe  rye-mei 
gruel.    -neg  sheaf  of  rye. 

9iu'gning  c  brooding  etc,  (process  of)  inei 

fRu'gllJriS  price  of  rye.  -ftron  straw  of  ui 
thrashed  rye.  -ftttb  rye-stubble.  -fæb  rye-cro] 
-toebat  ryebiscuit.  -oang  enclosed  rye-flel* 
-Oibtie  fe  -all. 

9iu|l)aarct  a  rough-haired.  -^anbffer  Swedi! 
gloves.  -^eb  c  roughness.  -bugge  vt  rough-he^ 
-^ngger  rough-hewer.    -^aol  rough-plane. 

SRui'n  c  -er  ru'in;  et  Slot  (fom  ligger)  i  -er 
ruined  castle.  -agot  brecciated  agate.  fRuinc  i 
vt  ru'in. 

SHujabttf!  c  fe  ^arbttrce. 

9iu}ærn  n  pig-iron. 

*9lute  c  -r  heap,  lump.    9tttle  vt  heap  up. 

*fRul'  c  -ler,   fe  giuKe  (i  be  to  førfte  sSet.); 

fRuttc  vi  &  t  roll,  (trille  bao  $iul)  trundle;  (o: 
Slib,    Sø,    2:orben)   roll;    (om   SSIobet)   circulab 
(2inneb)  mangle,  caiender;   _  Sigarer  roll  cigar 
ber  -i  maugling  done  here;  -be  meb  øjnene  rolle 
his  eyes;  _  fammen  roll  up;  _  op  el.  af  unroll; 
®arbinerne  op,   neb   draw  el.  puU  the  blinds  u 
down;  fiff  '^oibe  Sotler  -Se  neb  fra  fjani  ^øje  iJSau 
White  locks  streamed  down  from  his  high  for 
head;   -  fig  (om  ^eften)  roll.     fRuHe  c  -r  (SBalj 
roll,  roller,  cylinder;  (unber  Sorbfob  el.  1.)  caste 
(2og=)  reel;   (noget  fammenruUet)  roll;  (til  Sinneb) 
mangle;    (*lSergament=,    *|5apir=    ofo.)    roll,    scroll; 
(JJortegnelfe)  list;  ^  station-bill,  station-list;  (SJilbt) 
flock,  herd;   en  -  Seflbug  a  bolt  of  canvass;   en 
_  $enge  a  rouleau  (of  money);  ftage  en  SBogn  paa 
-n  take  a  post  chaise.     fRuHc|ant   coUared   eel, 
pickled  eel.  -bane  waggon-way.   -bllj  sheet-lead. 
-bor   flddle-drill,    drill   with  ferrule.     -bro  roll 
-bridge,     -bul  buckram.     -boent  roller,     -bejg 
dough  flattened  by  rolling,    -fobritant  caiender 
-maker.     -f«rer   keeper  of  the  roll;    registrar. 
-føring    registration.      -garbin   (roller-)    blin' 
sun-blind.     -garn    cotton    on    reels.     -^flrD(i 
Norwegian  harrow.     -tamraer   mangling  roo 
-tlæbc    mangling-cloth.     -Iniu    chopping-knif< 
■lobber   sheet-copper  in   roUs.      -tone,    -mo 
mangler,     -lælber   mangling   cellar.     -maftttti 
caiender.    -meSfing  sheet-brass  in  rolls.    -muflet 
trochleary   muscle.      -u    c   rolling   etc.     -p*lfe 
collared  beef. 

JRttUe're  vi  fe  Stoulere. 

9tuae|flinle  collared  ham.     -fløjter  pi  rolle 
roUer-skates;    ®føjte(ø6ning  paa  -  roller-skatin; 
rollering.     -fpog  ^  roUer-handspike.     -fpænbc 
roUer-buckle.     -ften    (lille    runb    Sten)    pebble, 





(rtarre)  copplestone,  boulder;  (;eo' erratic  gravel, 
rubblestones,  boulders.  -ftcnéformationcn  the 
drift  -ften8I«r  boulder-clay.  -fti!  rolling  hitch. 
-ftof  mangling  cylinder,  -ftbl  wheel-cliair.  -ftue 
if  -tommer,  -tjn  roU-tin.  -toiat  roll-tobacco, 
pictail  (tobacco)  -tot)  ^  parbnckle.  -træ  fe 
•ifof.  -toj  mangled  linen:  linen  to  be  mangled. 
-Oogn  tnmdle,  truck.  SRuHing  c  rolling  etc; 
^'O'ip  (af  Snen)  roller,  roil  JRulflifte  brick-course 
laid  on  edge,  edgecoiirse. 

iHutncber  n  acraped  leather. 

Slum'  c  fe  9?om  1. 

9ium'  n  large,  wide;  «1.  large;  i  _  éø  tn  the 
op'ju  sea,  in  bhie  water;  foge  _  Sø  stand  ont 
to  sea;  fomme  iib  i  _  6b  get  an  ofRng;  ben  fiar 
SJiiibi'it  to  Streger  -t  she  has  the  wind  two  points 
large;  for  en  _  %\b  ftben  a  good  while  ago. 

9tum'  n,  pi  =,  room,  space;  (afbelt)  compart- 
m-nt;  (i  en  <J5uIt  el.  ^qlbe;  Cebife)  pigeon-hole; 
-met  i  et  Slib  the  hold;  et  lufttomt  _  a  vacuum; 
tomme  .  vacant  spaces;  2;tben  og  -met  time  and 
sp  me;  forfoinbe  i  bet  tomme  _  disappear  into 
spice,  .//(/  Bi  mao  iffe  giDe  flige  a;anfer  _  i  Bore 
^iertJt  \ve  must  not  suflfer  our  mind  to  be  in 
fliienced  by  such  thoughts  et.  we  must  not  be 
itiflueneed  by  such  thoughts;  giBe  _  for  give 
way  to,  make  room  for;  giBer  ifte  ^eaer  SjoeBelen 
-  neither  give  place  to  the  devil.  9}umbe(cni)e 
a  ^  lociilicidal. 

9{umc'I{ien  n  Rnmelia.  -ter  c,  -if(  a  Rume- 

9ium|fang  capacity,  yolume,  bulk,  contents. 
-forfiolb  proportion,  -fornemmelfc  space  per- 
ception,   -toft  cargo  in  the  hold. 

9iumte  oi  rumble,  roll.  -laSfc  lumbering 
vehicle  el.  chariot.  gfiumtcn  c  rumbling  (in  tlie 
bowels)  fRumtepottc  humming-top.  SH amter  c 
-e  demagogue.  fRumterier  pi  revolutionary  at- 
tempt<,  iiitrigues. 

^Uumltg  a  of  space,  relating  to  space.  diuttt' 
mial  me'isure  of  capafiity,  .«olid  measure. 
klumme  vf  contain,  hold;  |»ufet  tan  iffe  _  alle 
biéie  Wenneffer  tbe  house  will  not  contain  all 
these  people;  I)Bor  meget  tan  ber  -§  i  ben  Sæt? 
how  much  will  thi.t  bag  hold,  jeg  tan  ifte  _  faa 
matige  I  cannot  find  room  for  so  many  people; 
Bi  fnnbe  ifte  -8  i  SBaaben  there  was  no  room  for 
us  in  the  boat. 

Uiumtne  vi  &  r  :om  SBinben)  veer  aft. 

))iuinme(  c  rumble,  rumbling  noise;  (i  <J5itet) 
l>oint,  en  _  Søg  a  bunch  of  bulbs;  F  Iø6e  ^ete 
-en  buy  the  whole  lot;  F  forftaa  et.  tenbe  -en 
uuderstand  one's  business,  be  up  to  it,  be  up 
to  snnflf,  know  what's  what. 

fKnmmelio  a  roomy,  spacious,  capacious,  com- 
modious.  -tfti  c  roominess,  spaciousness,  capa- 

iRumo'r  c  uproar,  noise. 

9intn()e  c  -r  rump,  breech,  bottom,  bum, 
bat^kside,  fundament,  arse,  posteriors  p/;  (^ale) 
tail.  9{um))e  vt  op  tie  up  the  tail  of  (a  horse). 
{RumpelbaUer  pi  buttocks.  -be«  rump-bone. 
•brei  a  large  rumped,  big-bummed.  -ftnnc 
candal  fin,  anal  fin.  -fjclier  fe  ^atefjeber.  -^ul 
anus.  -læber  crupper  dock.  -le§  a  tailless. 
•rent  cnipper,  breeehing.  -ftijtte  rump-piece. 
-torm  rectiim.    -trolb,  -tubfe  tadpole. 

91um3|bj(elfe  holdlieam  -bjÆlteoeier  hold 
-beam  clamp.     -btjbbe  depth  of  hold. 

9ium|feila&§ :  i  -  when  sailing  large  el.  free. 
-ff»b»  .1,  ado  large;  fejle  _  sail  with  flowing 

SHumållelber  hold-ladder.  -ft«ttcr  pi  hold 

91nmfte'r{e  vi  (robe  omfring)  i  rummaga;    fiBor 

Sarfen:  S)anff=engetft  Drbbog. 

bu  -r!  what  a  noise  you  are  making!  -iitfl  c 
rummaging,  disturbance,  hurly-burly. 

91um{ft«rrelfe  quantity  of  space.  -blnfel  solid 

9}uinK'ni|en  n  Roumania.  -er  c,  -ff  a  Rou- 

9iunb  nr  (goBmilb)  liberal,  munificent,  bounti- 
ful,  bounteous. 

9iunb  f»  round;  —  runbt  ado  round;  -t  om, 
omfring  all  round:  fnaffe  en  -t  argue  one  out  of 
his  wits;  bet  gaar  cl.  løber  -t  for  mig  my  head  is 
all  in  a  whirl,  my  head  begins  to  swim.  -fSIunb 
c  poet :  ^aa  ilde  ^orberigS  _  on  the  face  of  the 
earth.  -agtig  a  ronndish,  rotund.  9lunba'f, 
JRunba'r  c  F  fe  9?unbe.  9iuttb|b(abet  a  round 
-leaved,  rotundifolious.  -brccnbcr  annular  burner. 
-bue  round  arch.  -bue^Oælotng  semi-circular 
arch.  -bueftit  round  et.  circular  style.  -buet  a 
round-arched.  -bugtet  a  ^  repand.  -btjgning 
round  et.  circular  building,  rotunda  -bælg  ^ 
lady's  finger,  AnthyUis  vnlneraria;  (SSIcefe)  l^low- 
ing  cylinder.  -b«jct  of  curved.  -bajnina  curve. 
-banS  round,  roundel,  roundelay.  -bel  c  circ- 
ular space,  roundel.  -bt)8fe  round  barrow  et. 
caim.  Siunbe  ';  -r  round,  clrcuit,  (*J5oIiti6etjent8) 
beat;  gaa  _,  gøre  fin  _  go  the  round(s),  (om 
9?Dltti6.)  be  on  the  heat;  (i  SBlabene)  go  el.  make 
the  round  of  the  papers;  ro  -  row  the  round. 
Slutibe  vt  round;  _  af  round;  —  ^t  _  om  en  ^gnt 
round  a  point;  _  inb  <1<  brace  to;  —  »r  _  pg 

fRunbellg  a  abundant,  liberal. 

INunbeticj  c  way  of  the  rounds. 

91unb|fil  roi;nd  file.  -^le  vt  file  round.  -fif! 
round  fish.  -fliget  a  ^  sinuate.  -fugt  dotterel 
plover.  Charadriun  morine  lun.  -gaoenbe  a :  _ 
Sao  belt-saw.  -gottg  circular  movement.  -gattet 
a  round-sterned. 

91unbtiaanbet  a  fe  3Junb.  -^eb  c  generosity, 
openhandedness,  liberality. 

9lunbl)age  c  (Jirej.)  hook-tool. 

9lunbl)Cb  c  ((SaBmitb^eb)  liberality,  munificence, 
bounty:  (DB:rftøbigl)eb)  abundance 

dlunb^eb  c  roundness,  rotundity. 

9iunbbolt  <■  >X>  (fom  SSare)  rough-tree:  -er  spars. 
—  91unbftolt§|arbejbe  sparmaker's  work.  -ar< 
bejber  spar-maker.  -emne  rough-tree.  -gaffel 
crutch  for  spare  spars,  -galge  gallows  -flæber 
covers  for  the  spars,    -ftur  mast-house. 

9iunb|l|0beb  round-head.  -f)00cbet  a  round 
-headed.  -^ugge  vt  hew  round.  -bul  o  concave. 
-^tt§  .|,  wheel-house.  -^bælbet  a  convex.  -beol 
c  rounder.  9)unbing  c  -^er  (9tfrunbing)  rounding; 
(fRunbbel)  circular  space.  -jærn  round  bariron. 
*-jule  p  beat  to  a  mummy.  -fant  moulding 
edge  *-!aft  cartwheel;  gøre  _  tumble  c.-s. 
-!lr(e  rotunda.  -tlip))et  a  clipjied  round  about. 
*-(Dti  J/  saucer-head.  *-(orn  pulse,  -fornet  a 
lound  gral  ned.  -frcbS  circle  -fronct  n  round 
-topped.  -fugle  spherical  shot.  *-laft  round 
timber,  spars.  -lebenbe  a  runniug  round. 
•maleri  panorama,  -munbe,  -munbebeTi?  cyclo- 
stomes  -næbbet  a  round-beaked.  -orm  round 
-worm.  -obn  annular  furnace.  -VuKet  a  round 
-crowned.  •rejfe  circult,  round,  (gornøjelfeS) 
circular  tour;  tongelig  _  royal  progress.  •rejfe= 
billet  circular  ticket.  -rt)gget  a  round-backed, 
round-shouldered.  *-foUct  a  salted  whole. 
-fong  round,  roundel,  roundelay.  -fab  circular 
saw.  -ffaaren  a  cut  round  about.  -ff jotb  round 
sliield.  -ffrift  a  round  band.  -ffriUelfe  circular. 
-ffare  c  circular  crevices  (in  a  tree).  -flag  ^  fe 
-tørn.  •fult  circular  cut.  •fnor  round  cord. 
-ftaat  round  tool,  scraper;  (STraab)  round  steel 
-wire.  -ftao  orch  astragal;  (nebenom  Søjle)  tore. 
-ftiffe  round  graver,     -ftof  round  stick,     -ft^tte 





roll.  -frrnler  swage.  -f«in  round  seam.  -toilet 
a  S*  crenate. 

gi{unt)|talenbe  a  loquacious.  -tolen^eb  c  lo- 

9innb|tang  rouud  pllers.  giiuntitenoin  adv  all 
rovrnd;  t  c  -mer  whole  slice  of  bread,  round  (of 
bread).  -toSfet  a  mad  as  a  March  hare.  -tetti 
^  round  turn.  -Jjotået  a  burly,  plump.  -ttcetiS' 
mn^ine  circular  stocking-frame. 

Siune  c  -r  Rune,  Runic  character,  -alfatiet 
Runic  alphabet.  -bogftao  fe  SRune.  -bømme 
sorcerer's  drum  (among  the  Laplanders).  -for= 
ffer  runologist.  -dugger  engraver  of  Runes, 
Rune  cutter,  -ittbflrift  runic  inscription.  -lu« 
leitber  runic  calendar.  •iQttbig^eb  runology, 
rune-lore.  -fætile  wooden  block  inscribed  with 
Runes.  +-Ieg  witchcraft  (performed  by  the 
means  of  Runes),  -mcfter,  -rifter  fe  -^ugger. 
•tninbeigmterte  runic  monument,  -ræfle  futhorc. 
-ffrift  Runic  wrlting  el.  characters;  Onbflrift) 
Runic  inscription.  -f))røg  runic  language,  1.  of 
the  Runes,  -ftot)  Rune-stave;  runic  wand.  -fteit 
Runic  stone,  Rune  stone.  -tegH  runic  symbol. 
•»erS  Runic  verse.  -uærf  runic,  runologic  e(. 
runish  vvork. 

fRungc  vi  ring  (again),  resound.  gtungen  c 
ringing  etc. 

Siutting  c  teasing,  teaseling. 

Stuntelroe  c  -r  red  beet,  beet-root,  Beta  rapa- 
cea.    -futter  beet-sugar. 

Stunten  a  wrinkled,  shrivelled.  -^eb  c  quality 
of  being  wrinkled  etc.    9lutilne  vi  shrivel. 

9%ut>'tc  c  -r  rupee'. 

mKppe  fig,  fe  9Jub6e. 

9ltut)tu'r  c  -er  rup'ture. 

*9ittr  fe  tRoe  1. 

JRur  c  eentre-shell,  balanus. 

Sturcgning  c  ^  rough  reckoning. 

91ué  c  (*n)  intoxication,  inebriation,  debauch; 
Jiø  intoxication,  transport;  fao  ftg  en  _  get  drunk; 
^ade  en  liHe  -  be  fuddled,  disguised  in  liquor, 
in  one's  cups;  fobe  -en  ub  sleep  one's  self  sober, 
sleep  oflf  one's  debauch. 

*diu&  ■■  t>oa  en  _  at  random:  fragte  pet  -  freight 
by  the  great;  ©alg  paa  .,  fe  SRuSJalg. 

tJHtté :  træffe  -  nteb  make  game  of. 

9lné'  c  -fer  (ung  Stubent;  freshman,  «recentior». 
-nar  freshman  year. 

9luf(Q  c  -er  ruche. 

9lufc  vi  rush. 

-KfHufe  vt  fe  SSerufe. 

SRnfe  r,t:  <i,  _  tnb  rouse  in. 

9lufe  c  -r  bow-net,  weel;  fig  heap,  pile.  -garn, 
-luru  b.  f. 

Stufenbe  a  fuddled,  intoxieated. 

9{uft  c  k  n  drizzle,  drizzling. 

*9lttfl  a  F  out  of  one's  senses,  not  in  one's 
right  senses. 

•^SRuf!  c  (ftor)  bouncer,  thumper. 

SRuft  »,  pi  =,  pull,  shake,  twltch;  rubbish. 
Sittfte  vt  &  i  pull,  shake;  _  ^ør  pull  flax;  _  en 
i  Jpaaret,  Slæberne  pull  el.  tear  one  by  the  hair 
el.  clothes;  SSinben  -r  i  2;aget  the  wind  shakes 
the  roof  el.  makes  the  r.  shake;  _  en  op  af  Søbne 
rouse  one  from  his  sleep,  *_  paa  stir,  move. 

SRuftc  V  impers:  bet  -r  it  drizzles,  mizzles. 

9tuften  c  pulling  etc. 

SJuftet  a  drizzly. 

''Øiuftle  c  -r  ruff,  Perca  cernua. 

9iuftomfnuft  n  hodge  podge,  gallimaufry,  far- 
rago,  balderdash,  jumble;  (3f{et)  hodge-podge, 
olla  podrida. 

9iuft|regn  fe  fRuft.    -Uejr  drizzly  weather. 

9iu§lanb  «  Russia;  bet  europæiffe  -  Russia  in 

■••'9tuéle  vi  jog  (on,  along). 

9tu§{iieber  n  Russia  (leather),  Moscovy  leather. 

tSHuémc  c  -r  ear  of  oats, 

9tu  éfnig  n  sale  l)y  bulk. 

9tuéfe  vi  J/  (om  2:od)  rush,  tear. 

fHuéfcuabtræ  n  fe  Sembrafflr. 

9Juéfcr  c  -t,  -inbe  c  r  Russian;  Selo^erffer  obec 
olie  „atuSfer"  emperor  otall  the  Russias.  -Henlig, 
a  pro-Russian. 

9iu3ftabug  c  (Russia)  duck.  fRuSfifice're  vt 
rus'sianize.  fRnSftff  a  Russian;  bet  -e  ©prog  the 
Russian  language,  (poet)  Russ.  9ltt8fifl't^ft  a 

9lu§fiff  Siaoalleri  (2!an§)  Roger  de  Coverley. 

9JuSfo|fob{'  c  Russopho'bia.  -ma'n  c  -er  Rusbq 

9luft  c  ub  pi  rust;  (bao  S'orn)  rust,  smut;  ben 
æble  (gronne)  _  (p(^a  gomle  kobbermønter)  patina; 
fætte  _  rust;  Særn  fortærel  af  -  iron  is  corroded 
by  rust;  famler  eber  iffe  Siggenbefæ  paa  forben, 
fibor  SUbI  og  _  forboerbe  hibl  lay  not  up  for  your 
selves  treasures  upon  earth,  where  moth  and 
rust  doth  corrupt.  9tuft|agtig  a  rusty.  -brun. 
o  rusty  brown.  9{ufte  vi  rust,  become  rusty;  _ 
af  be  eaten  away  by  rust;  _  faft  get  fixed  by- 
rust;  gammel  ftærlig^eb  -r  iffe  old  love  never  dies^ 
old  love  lies  deep. 

JRttfte  vt  arm;  (RrigSfolt  el.  et  fåtib'  equip; 
(munbere)  aecoutre;  (forfqne  meb  ^bab  ber  er  nøb 
benbigt  el.  paéfenbe)  tit  out;  i  grantrig  -r  man 
France  is  arming  for  war  el.  is  making  prepara- 
tions  for  war;  ber  •§  baabe  til  Sø§  og  til  Sanbl 
they  are  preparing  for  war  both  by  sea  and  by 
land;  —  vr  fig  arm;  _  fig  til  Srig,  til  en  'SitxStt 
make  prcparations  for  war,  for  a  journey 

fRuften  a  rusty;  _  Stemme  hoarse  voice.  -brntt 
fe  afJuft".  -^eb  c  rustiness.  —  9lttft|faroe  rust 
colour.  -farbet  a  rust-coloured.  *-flef  fe  -plet. 
-gul  n  rusty  yellow. 

Stuftifice'rct  a  countrifled. 

JRuftfammer  n  armory. 

9f{uft!Jt  n  iron  putty. 

gtuftmefter  c  armorer. 

SHuftne  fe  9?ufte  >:i. 

Stuftning  c  (Ubruftning)  equipping  etc,  equlp' 
ment,  accoutrement;  (tit  at  tage  paa)  armour; 
-er  warlike  el.  military  prcparations. 

fRuftlpapir  rust-paper.    -plet  spot  of  rust,  rust 
-spot,  (paa  ainneb)  iron-mould;  fætte  -ter  paa  iroa 
-mould.      -plettet    o   spotted   with  rust,    rusty 
-r«b  u  rusty-red.    -florpe  coating  el.  incrustatiotii 
of  rust.    -tæret  a  corroded  (by  rust). 

fRuftbogn  c  ammunition-waggon. 

9iutaba'ga  c  Swedish  turnip,  rutabaga,  Brai 
»icn  cawpeHtrin  napobraasicn. 

[Rute  fe  JRoute. 

SRuti'l  n  ru'tile. 

9tutt  ne  fe  aJoutine. 

JRuti'nf^re  c  rutinic  acid. 

9iutf i^^bane  c  gliding  hill,  switchback.  Siutfi^e 
vi  glide,  slide. 

[Rutte  r.i  meb  spend,  squander  away.  [RutteR 
c  spending  etc.    [Rntten  o  lavish.  < 

*[Rube  vi  look  el.  be  large  el.  bulky,  bulk. 

9tfl  n  (JR^gte)  rumour,  report;  (9iabntunbig^eb> 
renown,  farne;  ber  gif  _  om,  at  .  .  .  a  report 
was  current  el.  it  was  rumoured  that  .  .  .;  bet 
gif  meget  _  af  '^enbeS  Sføn^eb  report  has  been: 
very  busy  with  her  beauty,  much  has  been  said 
of  her  b.;  :pa»e  -  for,  ftaa  i  _  for  be  renowned; 
for;  tomme  i  _  get  into  repute;  ^an  »ar  i  _  for  at 
funne  fpaa  he  was  said  to  be  a  sooth-sayer.         \ 

t[Rl)  c  k  n  rug.  ! 

+[R^  a  rude,  coarse. 

*Ut9  a  wild,  bleak,  waste. 

[RqbS  c  a  variety  of  rape,  summer-rape. 

9i^bbe  vt  (i  9llm.)  clear,  (fianb)  clear,  grub  up; 





_  of  Sejen  remove.  clear  away,  (en)  make  away 
vith;  -  op  (i)  put  in  order,  clear,  (^08  Sø6mænb) 
sell  off;  -  orbentlig  op  make  a  good  clearance. 
-tjalle  mattock.  -furu  piece-basket,  rubbish-  el. 
waste  ba.^ket.    -lonb  fe  JRflbningglanb. 

di^bbeUg,  'rtjbbig  n  orderly,  tidy,  clear;  gere 
-.,  te  SRtjbbe  op;  fRtjtterne  gjorbe  <J5Iabfen  _  for  §olt 
the  troopers  cleared  the  g-round  of  people. 
-gate  vt  clear,  arrange.  -gerelfe  c  clearance, 
setting  lo  rights. 

9it|bbr^Dfe  c  piecebag. 

+9JJtbc  [t]  a  rude,  coarse. 

Sttibntng  c  clearing  etc.  —  9{4bning§|ar6e|be 
work  of  clearing,  -lanb  clearing-land.  -manb 
clearer,  grubber.  -Vtabd  cleared  space.  -tet 
right  of  clearing,    -tib  seasou  for  clearing. 

•9lt)C  c  -r  rug. 

9ll)9'  c  -ge  back;  (»jærg-,  3orb.,  Zaq-)  ridge; 
tage  t>aa  -gen  take  on  one's  back;  laa  paa  -gen 
wiis  lying  on  his  back;  falbt  om  paa  -gen  fell  on 
his  back;  ftaa  -  imob  ~  stand  back  to  back;  falbe 
gjenben  i  -gen  attack  in  the  rear;  ocnbe  en  -gen 
tiirn  one's  back  upon  one;  faa  fnart  font  jeg  oenber 
nem  -gen,  oenber  -gen  til  as  soon  as  my  back  is 
tnmed;  bane  noget  i  -gen  be  in  easy  circumstances; 
J)flOe  en  6reb  _  fig  have  a  strong  back;  ftljbe  - 
(om  Sot)  arch  the  back,  set  up  her  back;  for  at 
tiaoe  -gen  fri  to  secure  one's  retreat;  fætte  nt)  - 
i  el.  paa  (*-8og)  reback;  fe  2ø6e.  9iqg|aa§  ridge 
of  a  house,    -ben  backbone,  spine. 

gttigc,  vøg,  røget  vi  (fore)  rush,  dart,  fly;  -  af 
fly  olT;  F  -  of  *^3inben  (fortrængeS)  lose  el.  be 
turned  out  of  one's  place,  (øbelæcigeS,  gaa  til  ®r.) 
go  to  pol;  _  i  S;l)fet  come  to  nothing;  _  i,  -  tø? 
pao,  -  i  Jpaorene  el.  Soppen  paa  fly  at  one;  en 
Storm  røg  op  a  gale  sprang  up;  _  f ammen  fall 
to  logeerheads. 

SRjjgc.  røg,  røget  vi  &  impers  (om  ©torften, 
©uppe  0(0  )  smoke;  (bampe)  reek;  culme)  smoulder; 
_  i  (et  SSærelfe)  fumigate  (a  room);  _  meb  (Oløgelfe 
ofo.)  burn  (  etc);  Søen  røg  the  sea  was 
all  in  a  foam;  —  vt  (Sobal)  smoke;  (et  f^gt  2em, 
ftlceber  oio.)  fumigate;  .  en  $ibe  til  blacken, 
brown  el.  season  a  pipe;  _  ub  (f.  (Sti.  en  9?ætj) 
smoke  out.  SlQgcr  c  -e  smoker.  Siqgepærelfe 

9%t)g!finne  dorsal  fin.  -fjebcr  dorsal  feather, 
saddle-feacher.  -flæf!  chine  of  pork.  -fob^trabbe 
sponge-crab,  Dromia  vulparis. 

Otflggc  vt  (f.  ef«.  en  9?ogn)  back. 

9i^gge  vt  shake,  change,  alter. 

9{qgge§(ed  a  profligate,  reprobate,  abandoned. 
•beb  c  profligacy,  depravity. 

^''dt^ggrtag  n  wrestling;  tage  -  wrestle. 

9iQg  I  gællet  o  dorsibranchiale.  ■bornift  back 
-piece       -h-bolbcr    supporter.      -^oirtiel    dorsal 

!tebra.     -tom   dorsal  crest,    (p.  §eft)   withers. 

D  fe  bfirfel.     -Hg  -h  (t.  Soljejl)  awning-ridge. 

rne  n  back.  -leé  a  -marti  spinal 
Luarrow,  spinal  coid.  -martt^ttjfué  cerebro-spinal 
fcver.  -maroStcering  dorsal  consumplion  el. 
phthi.sis.  -muftcl  muscle  of  the  back.  Si^gnittg 
c  -er  ridge. 

9it)'gning  c  -er  smoking  etc. 

gttljgipanfcr  fe  -barnift.  -pilte  spinal  cavity. 
-pine  pain  in  the  back,  back-aclie.  -rob  chine, 
spine.  -rabåbJjr  backboned  animal.  •rabSIrutn= 
ntng  curvaiure  of  the  spine.  -rem  crupper, 
ridge-band.  -foar  wound  in  the  back.  -foti 
back  saw.  -fibe  back.  -ff{ptb  scutellum.  -fnterter 
3>l  fe  -pine.  -fmibig  a  fawning,  cringing.  -ftem= 
pel  (1)0*  SSogbinbere)  backtool.  -ftribe  spinal 
stripe.  -ftrtmmet  bide  of  backs,  -ft^fle  back- 
bone; sirloin  (of  beef;,  chine  (of  pork);  fe  -ftøb; 
garoe  ené  -r  curry  one's  liide.  -ftib  support  for 
the  back;  fig  backing,  support,     -foømtner  boat 

-fly,  water  boatman,  Notonecta.  -ftiømtttng  swim- 
ming  on  the  back.  -fæbe  fe  33agfæbe.  -fejle 
spinal  column,    -fam  ^  dorsal  suture. 

+fR^gtbat  a  famed. 

fRtigte  n  -r  deS  Snaf)  report,  rumour;  (*15aafagn) 
fame,  repute,  reputation,  character;  -t  gaar  at  a 
report  is  current  el.  it  is  rumoured  that;  -t  figer 
report  says;  falfte  -r  false  rumours;  enS  gobe  9JoDn 
og  _  one's  reputation,  character,  fair  fame;  et 
gobt  -  a  good  name;  ben  SOlant  ^ar  et  baarligt  _ 
that  man  is  held  in  bad  repute.  -h-b»rer  spreader 
of  the  report,  -mager  coiner  el.  spreader  of 
reports,  -n-morb  defamation.  fKqgted  vd  be 
rumoured,  gel  wind.  fR^gtcjfmeb  fe  -mager.  -UtS 
<idv  bet  berettes  -  it  is  rumoured;  jeg  ^ar  _  ^ørt 
I  have  heard  it  rumoured. 

9{))g|tite(  lettering;  meb  _  lettered;  fætte  _  pao 
letter,  -tæring  fe  -marbStæring.  -U«rt  fe  -pine. 
-æg  c  back-edge. 

fliflt'  n,  pi  =,  tug,  jerk,  wrench;  f  eet  -  gjorbe 
ban  meget  af  ^enbe  he  was  once  very  fond  of  her, 
for  some  time  he  was  v.  f.  of  her;  F  bet  er  et 
-  berfro  it  is  some  way  oflf. 

atqtborgen  [t.]  c  counter-surety. 

fRQtinb'  n  f  run  of  visitors. 

^iptte  vi  &  t  (træfie  ftærit)  puU,  jerk,  pluck; 
(fræoe)  dun;  _  bort  t  puU  OS',  i  move  away;  _ 
(frem)  i  advance;  t  draw  forward;  _  frem  meb 
noget  (fremføre  noget)  come  out  wlth;  _  i  9Karten 
take  the  field;  _  en  i  ^aaret  pull  one  by  the 
hair;  _  i  nb  i  et  Sonb  march  into  el.  invade  a 
country;  _  inb  i  en  9ltJtS  insert  in  a  newspaper; 
-mob  gjenben  advance  against  the  enemy;  _ 
nærnipre  approach,  (f.  ©!§.  meb  en  Stol)  draw 
(one's  chair)  nearer  (to);  _  op  f  pull  up;  i  ad- 
vance, rise;  -  f ammen  close;  sit  closer,  move 
up;  _  tilbage  retire,  retreat,  draw  back;  _  ub 
march  out;  _  ub  meb  come  out  with;  ban  maatte 
_  ub  meb  pengene  he  was  forced  to  come  down 
with  the  money;  berfom  ^an  itte  -r  ub  meb  ^JJengene 
if  the  money  is  not  forthcoming.  iRqtten  c 
pulling  etc.  "jR^ttet  c  -e  dunner,  dun.  9lqIIet= 
breu  dunning  letter,  dun.  fR^tning  e  fe  3it)tfen. 
9iqt»i§  adv  by  jerks,  by  (fits  and)  starts;  fitfully ; 
+a  broken,  interrupted. 

9Jqle  c  -r  sandpiper,  Tringa-,  'ring  plover, 
Vhnradrius  kinticula. 

SiQm^  n  pucker,  puckering. 

tJR^mpe  vt  pucker. 

Siqnte  c  r  (i  Jpuben;  paa  Slæber,  uorbentlig  tJolb) 
wrinkle;  (golb)  pucker,  fold;  (£æg)  tuck,  gather; 
flao  -r  i  ^anben  knit  the  brow,  frown;  ftjolen 
flaar  -r  the  coat  is  puckered.  diqule  vt  wrinkle, 
pucker;  (lægge  i  £æg)  gather;  _  *3anben  knit  the 
brow,  frown;  -  (oao)  9læfen  (ab)  turn  up  one'a 
nose  (at).  fN^ntelfnret  «  furrowed  by  wrinkles. 
-muåtel  corrugaior.  -{longe  cæcilia.  SiDntet  a 
wrinkled,  furrowed,  corrugated,  rugose.  5Rqnt= 
ning  c  wrinkling  etc. 

fR^pe  c  -r  plarmigan,  white  grouse,  Lagoput 
(miUus);  (ben  engelfte)  red  grouse,  Lagopun  »coti- 
cui.  -bær  bear-berry,  Arbutus  alpinus.  *-foH 
fe  Sagt--,  -græå  knot-grass,  bread-wort,  Polygo- 
num  viviparum.  -jogt  grouse-  el.  ptarmigan 
-shooting.  -Iqng  fe  -bær.  -unge  young  grouse, 
cheeper.  Siqporre  c  bastard  between  a  black 
cock  and  a  ptarmigan  hen. 

ttRttff  a  mad,  enraged. 

*9it)ffe  vt  (^ot.  Jpamp)  pull. 

9it)$Iæber  fe  Muglæber. 

-^^^^)ft  »I,  pi  =,  shake. 

SRqfte  vt  &  i  shake;  be  -be  Støoet  af  bereé  gøbber 
Ihey  shook  ofl'  the  dust  of  their  feet;  -  af  fig 
shake  off;  -  Sarnet  af  Sermet  be  no  longer 
childish;  fig  _  noget  af  Sgrmet  do,  make  etc.  off 
iiand;   _  paa  el.  meb  ^jiooebet  shake  one's  head; 





i)an  -r  Jjoa  ^aanben  his  hånd  tremljles  el.  shakes; 
ttteb  -tibe  ^aanb  with  a  trembliiig  hånd;  -  of  S^ulbe 
shake,  shiver  with  cold;  _  af  ©frcef  tremble, 
qiiiver,  quake  with  fear;  _  af  Ubmattelfe  shake, 
totter  with  exhaustion;  ingen  TOobgang  -be  f)am 
mere  cnb  ^enbeS  S)øb  no  adversity  aftected  him 
more  than  herdeath;  —  r  1)  f  t  e n  b  e  a  harrowiug, 
heart-wringing.  fR^ftelfe  c  r  shakiiig,  shake, 
concussion,  tremor.  9lqften  c  shaking,  9ftl)ftet)er 
c  F  coward.  9ll)fter  c  -e  (i  SIKøIIe)  shaking  ap- 
daratus.  JRljfteifolb  swing  sieve.  -tobb))  brandy 
(or  rnm)  and  well-water.    -uorn  a  sliaky. 

SR^tlnte  (SRI^otmuS)  c  -r  rhythm.  -wif  c  rhyth'- 
mics.    -'miff  a  rhythmical. 

fR^tter  c  -e  horseman,  rider,  equestrian;  mil 
horse-soldier,  trooper;  et  fRegintent  -e  a  regiment 
of  horse;  en  gob  _  agood  horseman;  -e  F  fingers 
(sandwiches  cut  to  shreds).  9lt)ttcr|fone  standard. 
•fægtning  cavalry  flght.  f-gaarb  farm  belonging 
to  t-gobS  estates  appropriated  to  the  support 
of  cavahy.  -^anbffc  riding-glove.  -fjcft  cavalry 
el.  trooper's  horse.  -Jjob  body  el.  troop  of  horse. 
-^olb  fnrnishing  of  troopers.  JH^tterl'  n  horse, 
cavalry.  9i))tter|(aarbe  cavalry  sabre.  -tapife 
horseman's  el.  trooper's  cloak.  -menftring  re- 
view  of  cavalry.  •officer  cavalry- oificer.  -paU 
lafl  fe  -foarbe.  •^iftot  horse-pistol,  -regiment 
regiment  of  horse.  -fabel  trooper's  saddle. 
•falue  fe  Sbitfølo.  -ftarc  fe  -t)ob.  9Jt)tterfte  c  -r 
horsewoman.  9it)tter|ftilbuagt  sertinel  on  horse- 
back, vedette.  -ftotue  equestrian  statue.  •ft«»Ie 
jack-boot.  -tag  open  roof.  -tjencftc  cavalry 
duty.  -Bagt  guard  of  horsemen,  mounted  sentry. 
-Uctéel  accommodation-bill  (of  exchange). 

fRæbc  vi  belch;  p  (prale)  brag.  -n  c  belching, 

5Ræb'  a  frightened,  afraid;  (af  fig)  timorous; 
bære  ~  for  noget,  en  (*ogf.  _  en)  be  afråid  of  a 
thing,  of  one;  -  Wanb  plejer  ej  ^rruer  at  fæfte 
faint  heart  never  won  fair  lady;  *_  om  careful 
of    -fOlatbbclig  a  fearful. 

t9Jæbbcr  pt  P  testicles. 

9iaebbe§  vd  fear,  dread. 

JRæbbite  c  -r  radish;  fort  _  Spanish  radish. 

dicebe  c  -r  scarecrow. 

fRæbdnre  c  coward. 

9icebfct  c  -fler  horror,  terror;  tnbgObe  ~  strike 
the  mind  with  awe.  -betagen  a  seized  with 
terror.  —  9tæbfer§|aar  year  of  terror.  -Iiubffali 
terrible  news.  -bag  dav  of  terror,  -fulb  a  horrid, 
dreadful,  appalling,  terrific.  -f-færb  terrific 
journey.  -^errebamme  reign  of  terror.  9læbfeJ= 
flagen  «  struck  with  terror,  horror-struck,  awe 
■struck,  awestricken.  9JæbfeIé|nat  night  of 
terror.  -a)7trin  terrible  scene,  -periobe  fe  -tib. 
-regering  reign  of  terror,  •fqftem  terrorism. 
-tib  tirae  of  terror. 

9ia;bfom  a  fe  SRcebfelSfulb.  -^eb  c  horridness, 

*9tæge  c  fe  fReje. 

*SRægle  c  -r  long  series  of  words,  rigmarole, 

Mat'  n  stretching. 

•tRoefe  c  ie  SRefe. 

*9iætc  vi  drift,  float. 

SHoetcI  c  -Iler  thound;  (SfælbSorb)  lout;  lang  _ 

•Jiætcfpring  n  start-up. 

dlatte  (ogf.  rafte,  rait,  *vi  ogf.  ral,  rul!et)  vt 
(fit))  reach,  hånd,  (ftræfte)  strecch;  —  vi  reach; 
biijfe  Stanoner  _  langt  these  guns  carry  to  a  great 
distance;  .  en  J&aanben  hold  out  one's  hånd  to 
one;  -  .^aanb  til  lend  a  hånd  to;  -nbe  efter  bet 
fom  er  foran  bibl  reaching  forth  unto  things 
that  are  before;  ~  frem  put  out;  _  Sungen  ub 
thrust  out  one's  tongue;   ^an  ra!te  ^aanben  ub 

he  strelched  out  his  haud;   bette  fiæbcr  laber  fi 
itfe  _   this  leather  can  not  be  stretched;    -  fig  "W 
©engen  stretch  one's  self  in  bed;    Ijau  -r  mig  ift( 
til  ©fultieren  he  does  not  come  up  to  my  shoulderj 
pengene  _  iffe  til  the   money   won't    go  so  far, 
jeg  fif  pengene  til  at  ~  langt  I  made  the  monej| 
go  a  great  way:   jeg  fon  iffe  -  fnaa)  iaa  lanflt  : 
cannot  reach  so  far;  bet  -r  iffe  til  o§  it  does  uoi 
reach  us;  *-  op  unknit,  rove. 

fHoetfc  c  -r  row,  series,  range,  succession;  matl 
series,  progression;  (Søj-,  SoUerteU'  o.  b.,  i  Ur 
rack;  bibl  (Wæfbært)  battlement,  stav;  i  _  in 
row;  en  -  fjovelæSninger  a  conrse  of  lectures; 
farfte  _  in  the  front  rank.  diaeffcbolt  .i  hold' 

fHæffeebne  c  reach. 

SRæltelfalge  c  series,  succession,  cousecutiv« 
order.    -faSfe  ,i,  skids,    -trampe  X  i"ail  dog. 

iRættcnaglc  c  tenter  hook. 

9Jælte|plantning  planting  in  rows.  -pnttcrtj; 
bollard(-head).  -fenter  J^  Ihe  upperinost  bov| 
-ribband.    -ftønncrt  J^  bulwark  stauchion. 

tHætfeltræ  stretcher.  -pibbc  (ogf.  fig)  reachj 
range;  fit/  grasp,  corapass,  (wide)  beariug,  seope, 

9iaeffcuid  adv  in  rows. 

'•■'fRæHing  c  dried  strips  of  the  halibut. 

9t(Clning  c  reaching;  (af  et  ©fub)  range;   inbei 
for  -  within  range  el.  gunshot;  enbelig  -  (af  Su 
utmost  random. 

•fRæ  tpeb  c  driftwood. 

9iictP(crT  n  er  railing,  rail,  hand-rail,  (om  33ro, 
Srappe)  balustrade,  bauisters;  (Ottter)  trellis, 
MaftfCetUieé  a  unrailed. 

$R(e(ing  c  er  ^1,  gunwale,  gunnel,  rail.  fR« 
lingSlanter  spare  anchor,  waist-anchor.  -ftflttei 
bulwark  stanchions. 

9t(cnte  c  -r  intrigue,  machination,  plot;  fptnbi 
-r  intrigue,  cabal,  plot.  JRrenfclfri  a  fe  -løS 
-ftttb  a  iutriguing,  designiug,  artful.  -futbtjc) 
artfulness.  -l«é  a  guileless.  -mager,  -fmcj 
intriguer,  machinator,  plotter.  -fpinb,  -fpll 

tSRæp^ie  vi  (om  ®æS)  screech. 

9iæfc  vt  salt  slightly  (for  smoking). 

SiKfoRcre  o.  ft.  fe  9Jaifouere. 

MceV  c  -e  (ogf.  fio)  fox,  Canis  vulpei;  ^un=  sh( 
-fox,    biteh-fox;    9Jtiffel  -  Renard  the  Fox;    fætti 
-en  til  at  oogte  @æ§  set  a  fox  lo  keep  the  geesé 
tiabe  en  _  bag  |3ret  play  an  underhånd  game.  - 
9iæue|abe  lemur,     -agn  bait  for  foxes.     -afiti 
a  foxish,   foxlike,   vulpine.     -bjcclbe   foxglové 
Digitalis  purpurea.     -bur  cage  for  foxes,     -bælj 
fox's  skin,    fox-case;   +goo  i  ~,  fe  -flo.     *-gaupi 
lynch  of  a  certain  colour   (resembling  the  fox) 
-grab   (-^ule)  fox's  den,   fox-earth;   (til  at  fangi 
^.   i)  pit  for  catching  foxes.     -græé   fe  -^alei 
-bogl  fox-shot,      -baj  fox  shark,  Acoiiim  vulpts} 
-balc  fox's  tail  el.  brush;  (@ræé)  fox-tail,  Alope- 
ciims;    love-lie.s-bleeding,    Amaranthus  caudatua. 
-baicabe  fox-tailed  monkey,  saki,  Fithecii.  -bul 
fe   grat),     -bunb  foxhound.     -jogt  fox  hunting, 
ifox-huut,  fox-chase.     -jæger  fox-hunter.    -lage: 
vomic-nut.     -tlo  fox's  claw,    gaa  pna  -flør  pla; 
an   underhånd  game.     -lao  fe  ©nerie.     -pCtS  fi 
-flinb;  fio  old  fox.     -rumpe  fe  -Ijale     -r«b  a  fo: 
-coloured.     -fatå   fox-lrap.     -ffinb    fox's  .skiaj 
-flurp  alopecy,  alopecia.     -folier  fe  -flo.     -fpof 
track  of  a  fox.     t-ftampe  fe   fatå.     -ftreg  wilj 
trick,    -unge  fox's  cub.    -i-9læPinb'c -• -r  she-fos 

tfRabting  fe  Sræfling. 

$R«be  vt  (en  el   nt)  betray,   (jpemmeligfieb)   dl 
elose,  let  out;  (lægge  for  ®agen,  i  gob  'Het.)  eviuce| 
-  ,C)emmeligf)ebe:i    f  let   the  cat  out  of  the  bag; 
_  fiq  betray  one's  self.    fRøben  c  disclosiug  ete. 

9{«b  u  red,  (farmofin)  crimsou;  her  gules;  bltoe 




_  turn  red,  redden;  blioe  -  (i  ^ooebet)  blush, 
colour  (up);  6(iOe  61ui(enbe  _  blush  el.  flhsh  very 
red;  bltee  ilb-  blush  scarlet;  gore  en  _  make  one 
blush;  brt  -e  Qav  the  Red  sea;  -e  Cjne  bloodshot 
eyes;  labe  ben  -e  ,t>ane  gale  ooer  set  fire  to;  i  ®ag 
-,  i  'JRovgen  bøb  here  to  day  and  gone  to-morrow. 
tKøbiagttg  «  reddish.  -nroc  pimpernel,  Anagallis 
arveimtH.  -bartc  vt  tau.  -bCbe  beetroot,  red 
beet,  beet-radish,  beet-rave.  -ben  (filirc)  red- 
shank,  Totanus  calidris.  -blttfl  a  reddish  blue. 
*-b(at  (I  red-yellowish.  -blaffet  '/  dapple-bay. 
-blinb  rt  red-blind.  -bUnbbcb  red-blindness. 
-bliéfet  n  (j£»eft)  sorrel  horse  with  a  blaze.  -b(om= 
met  (I  red-sprigged  el.  flowered.  -blonijitret  a 
red-flovvered.  -blonb  a  (om  $aorj  sandy,  -broget 
u  red-brindled.  -brun  n  reddish  brown,  maroon, 
(om  §cft)  bay.  t-bJ)nfe  doek,  Rumex.  -b«fl 
common  beech,  Fagus  syleafici. 

tSJebbe  ie  ta^abne. 

9{«'b!tbr(lflet  a  red  with  a  dark  stripe  along 
the  back.  -broåfet  redwing,  l'anlus  iliacvH. 
SHubc  c  ( goroerobe),    fe  ttrap.     +-9i«be  vt  reddeu. 

tOiabc  vi  suppurate,  matter.  9i«be  c  (gorroab^ 
nelfe)  putrefaction;  (Waterie  i  Baax)  matter,  pus; 
lægge  ^fr  i  -  sleep  el.  water-ret  flax. 

9{øb|es  red  oak,  Quercun  robur.  t-cl  common 
alder,  Alntis  giutinosa.  9i«beruélanb  n  Red 
Russi  a. 

t^Hflbefietning  c  suppuration,  purulency. 

9{ø'bijalt  keslrel,  Falco  renpertinus.  -farOe  vt 
colour  el.  dye  red.  -faruet  a  dyed  red;  red- 
coloured.  -faroning  dying  red.  -ftnfc  fe  -fælt. 
-finnet  <t  having  a  red  pimpled  face.  -flff  sea 
-perch,  Sebastci  Norvegicus.  -garbe  tt  tan. 
-garoniug  tanning.  -gloenbe.  -gl^benbe  a  red 
-hol.  -glabbebe,  -glebning  red  heat.  -gobé  red 
metal,  -gran  red  pine,  Abits  exceisu.  f-Qvimtt 
a  with  a  red  stripe  on  the  head.  -griebt  a  red 
with  weeping.  -gr«b  currant  juice  thickened 
with  sag(j-flour.  -gul  a  reddish  yellow.  -gtjlben^ 
ert§  pyrargyrite.  t-g«re  vt  redden.  -Ijaaret  a 
red-haired,  carroty.  -tjaj  sea  cat,  Scyliium  cmi- 
cula.  -()ate  fe  Stenbrosfel;  Søgefpinber.  -t)alé  fe 
-Icelf.  -beb  c  rednes.-i.  t-t)jæimet  a  red  with  a 
Avhite  head.  -ijobcbet  u  red-headed.  -^nb  red 
-skin  -fittbet  a  red-skinned.  -^(ctte  (ben  liUe) 
(little)  Red  Ridinghood 

købing  c  J,  oakum  for  plugging  the  touch- 
hole  of  cannon. 

JR«  b  jflfrnften  red  iron  stone,  red  hematite. 
•foal  red  cabbage.  -tolot  red-headed  pigeon. 
-tinbet  a  red-cheeked,  rosy-ehteked.  -tjole  red- 
coat,  -tlæbt  (i  dressed  in  red.  -flaber,  *-fott 
red  clover,  purpie  clover,  Tri/olium  pmteniie. 
-ftt«  sheep's  sorrel,  Jiumex  acetonelta.  -fribt 
red  chalk,  rnddle;  mærfe  meb  _  ruddle.  -frtbt^ 
ftift  red-chalk  pencil,  -tribtétegning  red-chalk 
drawing.  -fnl  red  charcoal.  *-foeifet  a  car- 
buncled  -fælf  c  redbreast,  robin,  Sylvia  rnbe- 
colu.  -føbet  a  redfieshed.  -(aben  a  reddish. 
-ler  red  clay.  9i«btig  a  reddish.  9iøb|liggcnbe 
«,  -liggeren  new  red  conglomerate,  the  Lower 
New  Ri-d  Sandstone.  9it«bUngcr  pi  roseola. 
dløbiiebet  a  bibl  dyed  red.  -l«g  onion,  Allium 
cepu.  -malet  a  painted  red.  Otøbttte  tt  redden, 
blush,  colour  (up)  (af  with);  +it  redden.  9iøb'nte 
c  blush.  tReb'uien  c  blushing  etc  9iø  b|niart 
fe  Mubffalle.  -moéfet  fe  -musfet.  -mulb  rot  in 
oakwood.  -mué  rustic  monse,  held  vole,  At^i- 
cola  agrtitia.  -ntuéfet  n  riiddy  (-cheeked),  ru- 
bicund.  -nafte  fe  3:affelanb.  ^ø'bne  vi  be  red, 
shine  red;  et  reddeu. 

tSJfl  bine  vt  (om  ^ex)  steep,  water-ret,  water 
-rot.    -ning  c  steeping  etc. 

9i4'b{n(Cb  red  wrasse,  Lnbrus  mixtug.  -ncebet 
u  redbilled.     -nccfet  a  red-nosed.     -^jil  fe  pur- 

pur«, -flettet  «  spotted  with  red,  red-flecked. 
-|>riffet  a  dotted  with  red.  -rubet  fe  -ternet, 
■fait  pyrolignate  of  soda.  -fanb  red  sand.  '-filre 
purpie  saxifrage,  S'ixifroga  oppositi/oiia  t-ffttUe 
fe  a^ubftalle.  •ffimtet  a  roan.  -ffimmcl  roan 
horse,    -ffjolbet  a  pied  red  and  white. 

*rR4>bff jær  fe  Siotpicer. 

9l«'b|*ffjærc  Siberian  jay,  Garrulun  in/austiis. 
-ffræpl)e  fe  -Inæ.  -ffubt  «  (om  jZjne)  bloodshot. 
-ffæg  hist  Barbarossa;  red  mullet,  surmuUet, 
Mullus  barbatus.  -ffocgget  «  red-whiskered,  red 
-bearded.  -ffar  n  red-short,  hot-short.  -^ør()Cb 
redshortness  -f-flagen  a  blowzy.  -fot  dysentery. 
-f))øOe  red  godwit,  Limosa  ruf<i.  -f^iraglet  a 
spotted  el.  streaked  with  red.  -fttrængt  a  florid, 
blowzy.  -f^ætte  plaice,  P/eiu-onectes  platessa. 
•fliættet  a  red-speekled.  -ftar  slender-spiked 
sedge,  Care.v  actita.  -ften  fe  tribt;  (røb  Wurften) 
red  briek.  -ftenéfarbcta  brick-colotired.  -ftjemet 
a  (^eft)  sorrel  (horse)  with  a  star.  -ftjært  red- 
start, Luiciola  tithys.  -ftribet  a  striped  with 
red.  -ftrubefanger  fe  -tceif.  -foale  barn  swallow, 
Cecropis  rufa.  ''-f^re  fe  -tnæ.  -ternet  a  red 
-chequered.  -tinrn  pink-flowered  hawthorn, 
red  may,  Cratceyus  oxyicintha  rosea.  -iilf  red 
-haired  fellow;  j^  hen  gorse,  red  eye-bright, 
Odontites  mbra,  fe  3rift.  -træ  redwood.  -bin 
claret.  *-bingc  fe  -brogfel.  -binget  a  red-winged. 
-btni^tobbti  mulled  claret.  -bitte  fe  ^obberfnceppe. 
-fljet  a  red-eyed. 

!R«ffel  c  F   Wow  up.    9l«fle  vt  f  blow  up. 

9ieg  c  smoke;  bet  gaar  itfe  -  af  en  SSranb,  uben 
ter  er  3lb  i  ben  there  is  no  smoke  without  fire; 
F  bet  git  fom  tn  _  it  was  done  in  a  tiice;  tage 
fig  en  _  enjoy  a  smoke;  gaa  op  i  _  be  consumed 
by  fire;  fig  come  to  nothing,  end  iii  smoke, 
melt  into  thin  air.  9iøg|agtiy  a  smoky.  -alter 
incense  altar.  -blinb  a  blinded  by  smoke. 
-fubé  smoking  compartment  el.  car(riage). 

Stege  vt  smoke;  smoke  dry,  (ifær  for  ©mitte) 
fumigate;  -t  ©ilb,  fe  SRøgefilb;  -t  Søbpølfe  polony; 
vi  _  meb  fRøgelfe  bibl  burn  incense.  9iøge;ebbife 
fumigatiug  vinegar,  thieves'  vinegar.  -flcefl 
smoked  bacon,  -friljeb  liberty  of  smoking. 
•tupé  fe  3iøg=.    -føb  smoked  meat. 

9iøgelfe  c  incense,  frankincense.  -fob,  -far 
censer.  -lljå,  -baftit  pastil,  -papir  fumigating 
paper.  -pinb  (Uina)  joss-stick.  -pultier  fumi- 
gating powder.    -top  pastil. 

9iøge  lufaf  smoking-room.  -manb  smoker. 
-mibbel  fumigatory.  -pølfe  smoked  sausage. 
9{øger  c  -e-  en  ftærf  _  a  great  smoker.  diøgeri' 
n  -ti  smoking  place.  diøgeftlb  red  herring,  red, 
kipper;  (let  faltct  og  røget)  bloater,  bloat-herrlug. 
9tøget  a  smoky;  F  fip  siy. 

9tø'g|fang  «  flue,  uptake;  chimney-hood. 
•farbet  a  smoky,  smoke-stained.  -forbrænbing 
fe  fortæring,  -forbribenbe  a  smoke-prtventing. 
•forbriber  c  e  smoke-doctor.  -forbrioniug  smoke 
-doctoriug.  -fortærenbe  a  smoke-buruing  el. 
-consuming,  fumivorous.  -fortærer  c  smoke 
-consumer.  -fortiering  c  consuming  of  the 
smoke.  -fri  a  smokeless.  -f-fulb  u  smoking. 
-gong  smoke  channel.  -gangétebel  flue-boller. 
-glaé  gray  glass.  -^at  chimney-hood,  turn-cap. 
-tjue  smoking  cap.  -f)Ul  vent  for  smoke.  -^ué, 
-^btte  smoking-house.  -I)Ktte  fe  -^at.  -fatnmer 
room  for  smoking  meat;  (2)mp.)  smoke-box. 
-tanol  flue.  -faéfe  smoke  box.  -tr^ftal  fe  -^fopaS. 
•tebning)  smoke-juint.  -lugt  smell  of  smoke, 
smoky  smell.  -f-løft  wlv  witliout  smoke.  -manb 
fe  ^Jiøgemanb;  fe  iRøgelfelpS.  -maSfe  voliime  of 
smoke.  Støgning  c  -er  smoking;  fumigatiou. 
fHøgningélompe  fumigation  lamp.  9tøg[ offer 
bibl  gøre  et  _  af  bum  (upon  the  altar).  -pibe  fe 
-fang.     -pulber  fe  9i»gelte=.     -rum  (®mp.)  smoke 




-box.     -fejl   smoke-sail.     -ff^   cloud   of  smoke. 
*-fot»  fe  *oftft.     -ftue   ancient  building  with  an 
openiug  in  the   roof  for  the  escape  of  smoke; 
(Stue,    ^bori   ber    r^geS    So6af)    smoking-room. 
•ftettt  fe  -føjle.    -^iiamp  fe  aSofift.    -f«jte  column 
of  smoke. 
MøQt  c  care,  tending,  keeping. 
Slø'gtag  n  chimney-hood. 
9{øgte  vt  tend,   look  to,   take  care  of;   _  fin 
®ont  mind  one's  business;  _  et  JGrinbe  execute 
a  commission.     di'øgter  c  -e  tender,   herdsman, 
cowman.    9iegterbteng  cowboy.    Dtøgtttittg  c  fe 

SfUt'gjtoIiat    tobacco.      -topaå    smoky    topaz. 
•iettet  a  smoke-dried. 
*Mei  c  -ev  capercailzie  (el.  capereali)  hen. 
*9l9xe  (i  -r  red  char,  Salmo  alpinus. 
Meitl  c  ^  royal. 
*9loiert  c  -er  tide-waiter. 
*9iøt  e  &,  n  shock,  thrave. 
f^Uil(e)  c  (alm.  SR.j  milfoil,  yarrow,  nosebleed, 
soldier's  woundwort,  AchiUea  niiUefoiium. 
9tømting  c  -er,  fe  9?ømning§manb. 
9iømme   (ogf.   -te,   -t)  vi  decamp,   run  away; 
desert;   vt  quit,   flee  from;   _  fra  fit  ©tib   de.sert 
(from)    one's    sliip;    _   en   ^Iob§   vacate   a   seat; 
gjenben  Bleb  nøbt  til  at  _  ©tåben  the  enemy  was 
forced   to   evacuate   the   city;   gjenben   ntootte  _ 
SRarfen,   SSol^Iabfen  the  enemy  was  obliged  to 
retreat;  ~  op  art  prick  the  cartridge;   t_  op  i  en 
©tue,  fe  fRtjbbe  op;  —  vr  ~  fig  clear  one's  throat, 
hum  and  haw. 

*9lflmmc  c  old  cream.     -grub  old-cream  por- 
9iømmejaern  n  scraper. 

*9l«inmeloIle    c  pau   of  old   milk   with  the 
cream  on. 
9tømmcnaa(  c  ^  priming-iron. 
9l«mniitg   c  -er  flight,   escape,    decampment; 
desertion;    evacuation;    clearing    one's    throat, 
humming    and    hawing.    —    9lømntng§|farf«g 
attempt  at  desertion,    -manb  runaway,  fugitive, 
t9t«tt'  c  -net  J,  reef,  rocky  ledge. 
itUen'  c  -ner  mountain  ash,  roantree,  service 
-tree,  sorb,  Sorbus  nucuparia. 

''■1R«ne,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  _  el.  -  paa  try,  test,  strain, 
put  to  the  test;  bet  -r  paa  .  .  .  there  is  a  strain 
upon  .  .  .;   bet  -r  paa  it  is  hard  work,   a  hard 
rub;  naar  bet  .r  paa  at  a  pinch  el.  rub. 
9tønne  c  -r  hovel,  dilapidated  building. 
t9l«Mnc]6æt  berry  of  the  mountain  ash,  serv- 
ice-berry.    -tvtt  fe  'Stm. 
*9i«r  c  fe  3}øie. 

9lar  n,  pi  =,  (ubotanifl  gæEeSnasn  for  mange 
SSantiptanter)  reed;  atm.  -  common  reed,  Arundo 
Phragii'itefi,  (til  5J5ibe,  SJanb  ofb.)  pipe,  tube, 
funnel;  (i  ®ampfebel)  tube;  (Dt)uiO  pipe;  (®tor» 
ften§=)  flue;  et  _,  fom  beoægeS  l^ib  og  bib  af  SBinben 
a  reed  shaken  with  the  wind.  9l«r|6ro  tubular 
bridge,  -tiræt  fusee-setter.  -Iiunbt  fe  -fnippe. 
-6uff  tuft  of  reeds.  -iiattnet «  flstular,  fistulous. 
-broéfcl  reed-sparrow ,  Emberiza  schoeuiclus. 
-brum  bittern,  Ardea  stellaris.  -t)Celtc  covering 
of  reeds.  Møve  vt  cover  el.  thatch  with  reeds. 
*9{«re,  -te,  -t  vt  (furre)  whip. 
dtete,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  (el  r.  ueb)  touch;  (bebæge, 
fætte  i  Seoægelfe)  move;  *vi  babble,  prate,  rave; 

-  (»eb)  (Srunben  touch  (the  ground);  ~  (Srunben 
og  fomine  flår  igen  touch  and  go;  ~  en  Jpeft  air  a 
horse;  ~  9?oret  humour  the  ship  with  the  helm; 

-  Sæben  ^  shackle  the  chaincable;  -  Srontmen 
beat  the  drum;  rør!  mil  stand  at  ease!  i  ^am 
leoe  og  -§  og  ere  ti  bibl  in  him  we  live  and 
move  and  have  our  being;  Blibe  -rt  af  ©lag  be 
struck  with  palsy;  fifle  i  -rt  SSanbe  fish  in  troubled 

water;  -t  ©mør  butter-sauce;  bet  -rte  "^ang  ^jer 
it  touched  his  heart;  lob  Sem  _  be  moved;  b( 
-r  ^am  iffe  he  is  el.  remains  unmoved;  —  v 
stir,  move;  rør  big  ifte  af  ©tebet !  do  not  stij 
^on  -rte  fig  itte  he  did  not  budge,  did  not  wa 
a  hair;  at  _  fig  er  bet  bebfte  røibbel  mob  Sulbe 
take  exercise  is  the  best  means  of  getting  wara 
^»ab  ber  -r  fig  i  mit  Sinbre,  of».  the  feelings 
my  heart;  ber  -rte  fig  en  SSercen  i  ^ané  Snbre  h 
felt  a  world  of  emotion;  bet  gamle  Jpab  -rte  fi 
atter  i  ^am  he  felt  again  the  old  hatred;  -om 
op  (i)  stir  about,  up;  _  op  i  en  ©ag  revive 
subject;  _  paa  fig  stir,  take  exercise;  ~  famme 
mix  up,  stir  about;  _  ub  rub;  »i  OtEe  ifte  ~  Of 
ben  ©ag  we  won't  hint  at  that  subject;  —  r 
renbe  a  touching,  affecting,  pathetlc.  SRarc 
batter;  c  &  n  muddle;  stir,  commotion.  $)tirre(| 
c  (inboenbig)  emotion,  agitation;  (3lpoplef§i)  palsj 
paralysis;  traflflc,  tråde.  Møtt\appavat  agitaio; 
-bcent  slaking-tub.  -Iiage  stirrer,  -pinb  stirriri 
-pole.  -fte  pot-ladle.  -ftang  stirring-pole.  -Ⱦt 
fe  -apparat. 

9la'r|folf   marsii-harrier,    Circus  rufus.     -flei 

ning  cane-platting;  mat  of  reeds.      -ficttcr  can 

•worker.     -ftæf   fe  -græg.     -fløjte  reed;  org  reei 

-flute,    pipe.    -focgrentng  branch-pipe.    -formel 

-fotmig  a  tubular,  cannular.    -golile  siphonifei 

-groet  a   overgrown   with    reeds.     -græS   re© 

-grass,    Phalaris  arvndinacea.      -^attltct  a  ^  sj 

nantherous;  be  -^anncbe  pi  syngenesia.     -^ttt  j 

-foamp   .  -l)t)at  rorqual,  roundlipped  whale,  Ba 

lænoptera  nruscidus.     -^pene  small  reed,  Oilama 

grostis.      -^øue  water-hen,  moor-hen,  Gallinuld 

Siørtg  a  active,  brisk,  alert;  difflcult  of  diges 

tion,  heavy.    -Ijeb  c  activity,  briskness, 

Siflring  c  ^  puddening. 

Olurljærn  bar  for  raking  and  stirring.    -fa§fli 

purging  cassia,  Casaia  fistula. 

9{«'r|febel  (5Dmp.)   tubular  boiler,   tube-boile]! 

Oiørlen  c  -er  (p.  S3ø8fe)  rod-ring,  pipe. 

9iør|tni|)pe   bundle  of  reeds.     -tnube  joint  o 

a  reed.     -tnot   bend   of  a  pipe  el.  tube.     -for« 

tubipore.    -frat  thicket  of  canes.    -traoe  (Smp. 

pipe-flange.     -frone  tubular   corolla.     -lebniuf 

piping,  tubing.    -ttbeUe  air-level. 

fRo'rIig   a  movable;   -t   og  u-t  ®ob§   real   an< 
personal  property.    -t|eb  c  movableness. 

9i«'r|(æggc  drain.  -lægger  pipelayer,  gas-fitter 
-lægning  c  draining.     -(ængbe  length  of  pipe 
-maattc,    -matte   reed  mat.     -mofc   reedy   bog 
-rauSItng   tubicole.     -nøgle  socket-key.     -ober 
flobe  (®mp.)  tubesurfaee.    -orm  tubicole.    -pibl 
fe  -fløfte.     -plabe  tube-plate.    -polqp  tubulariaa 
-fanger  reed-warbler,    reed-sparrow,    Calnmodm 
arundinaceus .  -flrabcr  (®mp.)  tube-scraper.  -ftær, 
-ftæring  cutting  of  reeds.     -fmntle   le  -fanger 
-fnæppe  reed-snipe,  Scolopax  galiinula.     -fop  fe 
-foamp.    -fpiger  tack.    -fpurb  reed  hunting,  E^i,- 
beriza  schoeniclus.      -fttltct  o    having  a  fistulous 
stalk.     -Pob  cane.     -ftol  cane;    (Sobberfm.)  rod 
for  hammering   the  piates  round.     -ftcmmer  p' 
reed-stops.     -ftol  cane-  el.  rush-bottomed  chair, 
-ftroa   dry  reed.     -ftttb    reed    stubble.     -fultc: 
cane  sugar.    -fbamp  boletus.   -fæbe  cane-bottom 
-f«  reedy  lake.     -føm   tack,    square  nail.     -ta 
roof    of    reeds.       -træflemafline    tube-drawin 
machine.    -tritlntng  tube-drawing.    -ugle  waiu^ 
scot-moth.  Nonngria.     -bagtet  gallinule.     -bcer. 
reed-stops.    -bærling  fe  -fpuro. 

Sløræg  c  buttered  eggs,   egg  toast,   rumble' 
eggs,  scrambled  eggs. 

9iaé,  9iøfe  c  -er  heap  of  stones.     »Oløålat  i 
*9la§Hg  a  stately. 
*5Wø§I^ng  n  Ung,  heath,  heather,  Calluna  vul- 




9l«ft  c  voice;  meb  ^ej  _  in  a  loud  voice. 

91«ft  n  ^  chains,  channels.  -anter  waist 
-atiohor.    -beflag  chain-plates.    -bolt  chain-bolt. 

•9fl«fte  (9i«ft)  n  -r  gable. 

9{«ftf  u<  min  roast.    -obji  roastinp-furnace. 

9i«ft  iatrn  ^1,  chaiu-plate.  -læbe,  -tætting  chain 
-links    -line  shank-painter.    -lift  guard-board. 

9i«|tning  c  roasting. 

tH«ft  planfer  J,  chaunel-wales.  -^inne  chain 

9left|0«t{  n  -er  J^  gratiug.  -)t«ttSm(ttS  gral- 

''9i8te  vt  &  i  (ftaar)  moult,  shed;  (2in;  water 
-ret,  water-rot. 

9J«»  c  p  fe  aSumpe. 

8t«l>e  vt  (noget)  seize  (upon)  (a  thing),  steal; 
fip  bon  i)at  -t  mig  min  agre  he  has  robbed  me 
of  my  honour,  vi  be  -be  fra  (,f.  ®t§.)  ftirterne  they 
plundered  the  churches;  -  paa  Slltarbej  rob 
people  on  the  highway;  -t  ®obé  plunder.  -l^ft 
love  of  plunder.    -n  c  robbing. 

Mentr  c  -erobber,  thlef,  highwayman,  brigaud; 
(S»0  pirate;  fe  ^oloftuberet.  -agtig  a  robber-like, 
predatory.  -agtigQeb  c  rapacity.  -anfarer  Cap- 
tain ofrobbers.  -banbe  gang  el.  band  of  robbers. 
•borg  robber's  castle.  -ebbile  thieves'  vinegar. 
•Ho!  fe  -banbe.  -folt  predaceous  people.  •færb 
robber-like  couduct.  -gobS  plunder,  spoil. 
•baanbtering^  •baanboært  fe  -ftanb.  •l)tftorie  F 
cock-and-bull  .^tory,  tishy  story,  -^ul  F  rookery. 
-^ule  den  of  thieves  el.  robbers  ItKøoeri'  n  -er 
robbery,  depredation;  piracy.  Støber jtaptajn  fe 
-anfører,  -fule  fe  ^ule;  gøre  en  -  af  fit  fjerte  be 
double-hearted,  insincere,  a  hypocrite.  -iei : 
jeg  fif  bet  for  _  I  got  it  dogcheap,  dirt-cheap,  a 
(hoUow)  bargain,  for  an  old  song.  -li»  life  of 
brigandage.  •paf  pack  of  robbers.  -rebe  thieves' 
nest.  diøoerff  a  robberlike,  predatory,  piratical, 
rapacious.  Støoerlffib  pirate  (shlp).  •flot  fe  -borg 
•ftanb  robber's  tråde,  •ftat  piratical  state,  com 
munity  of  robbers.  •top  piratical  e.xpedition 
•UDicfenet  brigandage.  •biå  c :  paa  ~  like  robbers 


@,  f,  é  [es']  t>  -fer  S,  s  [ess];  abbn  (S.  =  Sol 
story,  Sibe  page,  fe:  ©l)b;  f.  =  fe  vide;  f.  35.  = 
famme  S)ato  the  same  day;  »S".  E.  &  O.  =  aalvo 
■errore  et  oniianione  errors  and  omissions  excepted, 
E.  &  O.  E  ;  ©.  S.  =  Storfor«  Grand  Cros.s,  G.  C; 
®fp.  =  ©foeppe  (half  a  bushel);  fml.  =  fammen= 
lign  compare,  ep.;  Smf.  =  @ammenfætning(er) 
compound(s);  ©t.  !=  ©tuen  the  ground  floor, 
©tore  Great,  Grand;  ©t(f).  =  ©t^ffe  piece;  ©.  u., 
fe  Snor. 

^aa  c   er  cowl,  t/rov  soe. 

Sao  fe  ©aab  2 

^aa  vt  sow;  f)Dab  et  9Jtenneffe  -r  bette  ftal  ^an 
og  befte  bihl  whatsoever  a  man  soweth  that  shall 
lie  also  reap. 

©oa(e)  imp  af  Se. 

®oa  <ido  (faalebeS,  paa  ben  ^Raobe)  so,  thus; 

-  fagbe  tjan  he  spoke  thus,  he  said  so;  _  giorbe 
Ijan  he  did  .so;  ~  er  bet  so  it  is,  it  is  so;  naor  - 
er  such  being  the  case;  uben  _  er  at  unless 
{indeed);  om  _  oar  if  such  were  the,  if  so; 

(_)  fom  _, _  lala  so— so;   -  og  _  ftal  bu  tale 

til  ^enbe  bihl  thus  and  thus  shalt  thou  say  unto 
her;  fom  ^erren  er,  -  følge  ^am  ©oenbe  like 
master  like  man;  _  at  fige  as  it  were,  so  to 
speak;  fornuftigere  enb  fom  -  more  reasonable 
than  that  comes  to;  be  nar  flogere  enb  fom  _  they 
were  wiser  than  all  that;  (ja)  ~?  indeed?  joc 
^es?  —  (abjeftioif t)  i  _  ^alb,  i  _  Silfælbe  in 
this  el.  that  case,  if  so;  i  _  9Kaabe  that  way;  — 
(=  berpaa):  farft  be  ftore,  -  be  fmna  first  the 
great  then  the  little;  ^oob  _  (mere)?  whatthen? 

-  Oil  t)on  et,  _  et  anbet  now  he  wants  one  thing, 
now  another;  —  (=  t^tior)  -  gerne  jeg  enb  taler 
meb  \)am,  ~  fan  ^an  albrig  oinbe  min  gortrolig^eb 
much  as  I  like  to  speak  with  him,  he  can  never 
galn  my  contidence;  33øger,  ~  (jpperlige  be  enb 
ere,  funne  bog  ej  gøre  Srfartng  ooerfløbig  books, 
however  excellent,  can  never  render  experience 
superfluous;  —  (Ubraab)  -,  nu  er  bet  nof  there 
now,  that's  enough,  that  will  do;  fe  -!  there! 
~  ^ør  bog,   ^Dob  jeg  figer  only  hear  what  I  say; 

-  (foran  9lbj.  og  9lbo.)for  _  og  -  meget  IJSunbet 
at  so  much  the  pound;  ^an  er  -  ftjg,  at  .  .  .  he 
is  so  ill,  that .  . .;  ^an  er  _  foag,  at  ^n  iffe  fon 

rejfe  he  is  so  weak  as  not  to  be  able  to  go; 
_  galt  er  bet  bog  iffe  it  is  not  so  (et.  as)  bad  as 
that;  _  longt  so  far,  p  that  far;  _  nogenlunbe,  _ 
temmelig  rather;  _  nær  well  nigh;  p  _  oel  et  2lor 
rather  more  than  a  year;  _  fmaot  a  little;  -  fogte ! 
not  80  fast!  ^an  rejfer  iffe  _  fnort  he  does  not 
go  very  soon;  (oi  funbe  næppe  tro  oore  egne  E>ine) " 
_  ooerraftebe  bar  bi  such  was  our  astonishment; 
_  rig    en    <IJige    such    a    rich   girl;    en   9!Kanb   of 

-  flor  ijortjenefte  a  man  of  such  great  merit;  — 
fao  mange,  _  libt,  _  foo  fom  muligt  as  many, 
as  little,  as  few  as  possible,  _  længe  (iom)  ^on 
leoer  as  long  as  he  is  alive;  _  gobt  (om  as  good 
as,  virtually,  next  thing  to;  bet  er  _  gobt  fom 
afgjort  it  is  all  but  settled;  -  Bibt  jeg  beb  as  far 
as  I  know;  _  nftplbig  fom  et  93arn  as  innocent 
as  a  child;  ben  er  iffe  -  gob  fom  ben  burbe  Bære 
it  is  not  so  good  as  it  ought  to  be;  _  fanbt  jeg 
leBer  as  I  live;  -  Bift  jeg  er  en  rerlig  røanb  as  I 
am  an  honest  man,  on  the  faith  of  au  honest 
man;  oær  -  gob  at .  .  .  be  so  kind  as  to  .  .  .;  — 
(®f terfætning)  noor  jeg  fer  ^am  igen,  _  fiol 
jeg  iffe  glemme  bet  wlien  I  see  him  again  I  shall 
not  forget  it;  gio  mig  a3ogen,  _  fiol  jeg  læfe  for 
big  give  me  the  book,  and  I  shall  read  to  you; 

—  cmj:  jeg  blioer  _  albrig  gift  (olligeBel)  I  shall 
not  be  married  anyhow;  om  fao  if  (eveu);  foa 
ot  so  that;  _  (at)  bet  bleo  uoift  om  rendering  it 
uncertain  if. 

@aab'  n  broth. 

®aob  n  &  c  -er  {coll)  bran. 

@aab'an  «  such;  _  en  9Konb  such  a  man;  -ne 
golt  such  people;  _  er  ^on  that's  his  way;  ^imme= 
riges  SRifle  bører  -ne  til  bihl  of  such  is  the  kingdom 
of  heaven;  -t  Bor  iffe  ^ænbet,  berfom  .  .  .  this  would 
not  have  happened,  it  could  never  have  taken 
place,  if .  .  .;  -t  noget  such  a  thing;  eller  noget  -t 
or  something  like  that,  or  something  of  the 
sort;  _  noget  fom  (omtrent)  something  like;  — 
ndn  (faalebeS)  so,  thus;  _  er  bet  (altib)  meb  .  .  . 
that's  the  way  with  .  .  .;  _  for^olber  bet  ftg  p 
that's  what  it  is;  „  gaar  bet  i  iBerben  that's  the 
way  of  the  world;  bet  er  nu  nt  fom  mon  -  figer 
it  is  a  conventional  expression;  p  _  en  ti  SSlar 
a  matter  of  ten  years. 




@aab,'e)6riib  n  bread  made  of  bran.  Baabtt  a 

Saoerle  fe  (Sulcrie. 

Soalfrtmt'  conj  provided.    -fla'r  [t.]  eveu. 

"Saagi^g  c  wryneck,    }«n*  torQuilla. 

Saagobt',  -fow,  je  Saa  adv. 

Saogu' !   F  faith  !  for  sure,  indeed. 

gaatinure  c  seed-oats. 

Saatalbt  a  so-called,  as  it  Is  called,  what  is 
(fl.  are)  ealled. 

©ao|ta§fe  drill-box.    -fortt  n  seed-com. 

@aalb  n  Solb. 

@aal(c)  c  -r  sole;  ^  [Xiaa  fijsl)  shoe;  (<|5Ianfe' 
»aalæfl)  shole(piece),  (p.  Wgterflætjn)  false  post. 
©iittle  tt  fe  gorfQQie.    -6ænt  arcA  sill. 

©afll  fbe8  adv  so,  thus,  in  this  matler,  like 
this,  like  tliat,  thuswise;  men  -  fot^olbt  bet  fig 
but  the  faet  was  so;  naa,  _ !  Oh !  1  see;  that's 
how  it  is,  is  it? 

€aaIc{go:ngec  c  e  plantigrade.  -(æber  sole 
-leathtr.    -rem  saudal  thong. 

@an|Ubt'  adv  as  liitle,  so  little.  -'lunbe  adv 
m  this  wise.  -læng'c  adv  as  long,  so  long;  jeg 
blicer  £)cr  _  I  shall  stay  here  the  while  el.  for  a 

©onmanb  c  sower. 

Saomnng'e  so  many,  as  many. 

Soamaftiite  c  sowingmaehine. 

©aome'get  so  much,  (pegenbe)  thus  much;  _ 
fieBet  s-o  much  the  more;  _  mere  .  .  .  fom  (all) 
the  more  .  .  .  from  the  faet  that;  _  mere  fom  the 
more  io  because;  -  miiibre  so  much  the  less. 

@aantænb'  adv  iudeed,  really. 

@aaning  c  sowing. 

*<Baa)fai  fe  $a§. 

©oar  n  pi  =,  wound;  aoBeiit  _  running  sore, 
uleer;  flubte  _  guushot  wounds;  fnufte  _  bruises, 
eontusions.  *@aot  «  sore.  @aar|Iialfam  vul- 
nerary  balsam,  -bat  «  vulnerable.  *-Éettt  a 
foot-sore.  -bob  fine  for  cutting  and  maiming. 
Saare  it  wound;  hurt,  injure;  fig  hurt  one's 
feelings,  fete  fig  b^bt  -t  feel  deeply  hurt  el. 
mortified ;  —  faarenbea  painful,  cruel;  harsh, 

Soare  adv  very,  grtatly;  sorely;  foa  _  jeg  ^jcm  as  soon  as  (ever)  I  get  home. 

©oa'rlfebec  wound -fever.  -flobe  surface  of 
the  wound.  -fri  a  unwounded.  -føbbet  a  foot 
-sore.  -gere  vt  wound,  hurt.  -Iiænbct  a  having 
sore  hånds.  Saatlig  fe  Soorbar.  @aar|Iæbe 
fe  -raiib.  -læge  surgeon.  -lægefunft  surgery. 
-fægcnbe  a  vulnerary,  healing,  -munbet  a  hav- 
ing a  sore  mouth.  -matte  scar.  -))(aftev  wound 
-plaster,  -ronb  edge  (of  the  wound).  -uanb 
arquebusade,  vulnerary  water.    -bot  stupe. 

®aa|fna'rt  conj  as  .soon  as,  on  -ing.  -'font 
conj  sinee,  whereas,  seeing  that;  adv  as  for 
instance;  t  =  ligefom. 

Soaftang  c  cowl-staff. 

Soofæo  c  fe  ©aalorn. 

*iSaate  c -r  (hay-)cock.  @aot|e  ef  cock.  -ning 
c  cocking. 

Sao|tib  sowing  season.  -bejr  weather  for 

@aa{ber  .  .  .  fom  as  well  .  .  .  as.  -blbt'  conj 
as  far  as;  for  _  in  so  much  as;  -  muligt  as  far 
as  po.ssible;  _  min  ©one  ftræfter  to  the  best  of 
my  abllity,  as  far  as  in  me  lies;  —  adv  bet  er, 
_  jeg  fan  fe  bet  I  can  barely  el.  just  see  it. 

©obn  n  Sheba. 

©dbobttt'elfr«  (seeds  of)  sabadilla,  Veratrum 
sabadiUa.     -ft)re  sabadillic  acid. 

Qabia't  c  Sabbath.  ©abboto'Her  pi  Sabbat- 
arians.  @abbn'fé|oar  sabbat'ical  year,  Sabbath. 
-bog  sabbath  (day).  -^tiile  quiet  el.  rest  of  the 
sabbath,    •»€}  sabbath-day's  journey. 

+<Sobet  c  fe  Sobel. 

Sabel  c  -bier  sabre,  sword,  cullass.  —  Sobcfj 
nngel  tang,  tongue.  -bajonet  sword -bayonet 
-btn  crooked  leg.  -fJabe  Hat  (of  the  sword; 
-frtffc  fe  -^ef»e.  -gehæng  sabre-belt.  -greb  sword 
-handle.  -Qxaétfo\)1fe  sal)re  tailtd  loeust.  -^cftt 
liilt  of  a  sword.  -^errcbomme  sword-law.  -Ijug 
sabre  cut.  -Kinge  blade  of  a  sabre.  -tllrrcn 
clank  of  swords.    -Iboft  sword-tassel. 

SabcU'e  c  -r  (Orm)  sabella. 

Sabellia'ner  pi  Sabellians. 

®obel|rtjn  fe  -gehæng,  -ffebe  scabbaid.  -tofte 

Sobfer  pi  Sabiaus,  Sabe'ans. 

@obl  ner  c  e,  -in'be  c  r  Sab'ine;  inberneå 
aUot)  the  rape  of  the  Sabine  women. 

®o  ble  tt  (ntb)  fe  9JebfabIe. 

®ocrf)ott|nie'ler  n  -tre  saccharom'eter.  -metri 
c  saccharim'etry. 

©oi^f |en  n  Saxony;  (i  Smf.)  Saxe-  (f.  Sf?.  Badjlea 
SSeimar)  Saxe-Weimar).  -er  c  -e,  -iff  «  Saxop 
-iff  blaot,  grient  Saxou  blue,  green. 

Sobbucoe  |er  c -e  Sad'ducee.    -iff  u  Sadduceaaj 

Sobct  c  bier  (ogf.  p.  %aax  og  J,)  saddle;  (Sfriftft; 
bed;  nitui  nut  of  the  finger-ljoard;  ^olbteleu  of  ^ 
(p.  kalt),  %aax,  gt)in).loiu;  fibbe  faft  i  -en  have  i 
firm  seat,  (ogf.  fig)  be  firmly  seated;  lafte,  fafti 
en  af  -en  unhorse  one ;  ftiinge  fig  i  -en  sprin| 
into  the  saddle,  spring  to  one'.s  saddle.  Sobelj 
boonb  fe  -gjorb.  -bllf  wither-band.  -bom  .saddU 
-tree.  -brnb  saddle -gall.  -brubt  a  galled  b] 
the  saddle.  -bue  saddle-bow.  t-bteng  groom 
-bælte,  -bælten  saddle- cloth,  housing.  -foft« 
flrm  in  the  saddle.  -formig  a  saddleshaped 
-f«r  a  able  to  bear  a  .saddle.  -gjorb  saddli 
-girtli.  -Ijcft  saddle- horse.  -ft^Ifter  holster 
-^^nbc  padding  of  a  saddle.  -tontmcr  saddU 
-room ;  (p.  Sabelen)  crupper-loop.  -tlompe  J 
saddle.  -ficm  sitfast.  -hæbe  fe  -bælfcu.  -tnaj 
pommel  of  a  saddle.  t-tnægt  fe  -breng.  -tomm 
saddle -bag.  -moger  saddler,  -mogerorbejbi 
saddléry.  -magerbreng  saddler's  appreutica 
-mogcr^iaanbBært  saddlery.  -mogermefter,  -ma 
gtrfoenb  master-,  journeyman-saddler.  -titah 
(SSæbbel.)  paddock.  -pfabåtort  ticket  for  ih 
paddock.  -Jjobning  saddle-gralting.  -po^t  saddl 
-bag.  -^inbe  saddle -pad.  -rent  strap,  -rtn 
saddle-ring.  "-rigget  a  .saddle -backed.  -fte 
saddle.  -ftort  jabiru,  Mycteriasenegalensis.  -fixo', 
^  spau.  -focbbæffeu  saddle- blanket,  -fæl  har] 
seal,  Phoca  grotnlandica.  -tog  span-roof,  co 
pass-roof.  -tofte  saddle-flap;  -tr^f,  -trflfnirtj 
pressure  of  the  saddle.  -træ  fe  -bom.  -tomme 

So'bte  vt  saddle;  -  af  uusaddle,  off-.saddle 
op  saddle;  F   -  om  change  one's  opinion  el.  b 
haviour,   turn   coat,    come  round;  ^an  riber  tf 
ben  ®ag  ^an  -x  he  is  a  slow  coach,    ©obltng 
saddling.  • 

Soffo  Sappho.    Sofflft  a  Sapphic. 

Softa'n  n  Morocco-leather;  ucegte  _  sheepski 
imiteret  _  moroquiue  leather.  -berebning  m< 
rocco  tanning.  -gorber  morocco-tanuer.  -^onb 
morocco-trade.  •))abir  morocco-paper. 
a'n§|binb  Moiocco-binding.  -ffo  Moroceo-leath 

Sofl'r  c  -er  sapph'ire.  -ogtig  a  sapphirin 
-btoo  a  sapph'irine. 

Soffor  c  safllower,  bastard  saffron.  -blom] 
safflower.    -råbt  carthamine. 

®afron  c  safifron.  -blomft  safifron-flower.  -for: 
saflron-colour.  -gul  a  saffron-eoloured,  saffro: 
•f<)lrltn§  usquebaugh. 

©oft  c  -er  (i  fronter  og  b^riffe  Segemer)  jui 
(i  5Eræer)  sap;  (af  Urter  ofo.  inbfogt  meb  Suffer) 
syrup;  (af  ftegt  el.  fogt  fiflb)  gravy;  ber  er  ingen 




~  ti.  firaft  i  bet  there  is  no  pith  el.  substance 
in  it;  ubcu  _  cl.  Sroft  stale,  flat.  Sflftiaorc  fe 
-rer.  •fmoe  sap-tolour.  -flob  esudation  of 
sap.  -fulb  a  juioy,  succiilent,  sappy.  -futbt)eb, 
-f^lbc  fe  -ligtjib.  -flang  fe  -rer.  -flcmme  ueciary. 
-gren  ',  -gr«ut  n  .sapgieen.  -gæring  l'ermeuta- 
tiou  of  ihe  juices,  -ftug  felliiig  wood  iu  Ihe 
sap.  Soflig  a  !e  -fulb;  Jig  coarse.  ©afttgt)cb  c 
je  tigbcb.  Softlforfe  -rer.  -(«b  circulaiiou  of  the 
sap.  -(Ǥ  a  juiceless,  saples.s;  insipid.  -(nd^eb 
o  saplessness;  insipidity.  -^(ante  succuleiit 
plant,  -rig  a  ie  -fulb.  -rig^rb  juiciness,  succu- 
leuce,  sfippiness.  -ter  sap-vtssel.  -fttgntng  rise 
of  the  sap.  -lib  lime  of  the  sap's  rising  in 

Sag  c  -er  (i  Slim.)  thing,  matter;  (SRetgf.) 
cause,  case;  (govretning)  attuir,  busiutss;  (Cm= 
ftæubigfeeb)  matter,  coutern ;  anlægge  _  mob  en 
bring  an  action  against  one;  tale  ené  -  plead 
one  s  (ause;  gere  fællcé  _  mcb  en  side  with  one, 
make  comrcon  cause  with  oue;  ^au  fom  til6cge 
mcb  uforrettet  -  he  retumed  without  etTecting 
lii.s  purpose;  et  jCjeblifg  _  the  worlc  cl.  business 
of  a  moment;  ben  gcbe  _  tlie  good  cause;  bømnie 
i  egen  -  be  judge  in  one's  own  cause;  f}aw  _ 
mcb  CII  be  at  issue  with  one;  t  gioe  eii  _  show 
just  c-ause  of  complaint  against  one;  Qt  tole 
meget  er  iffe  tjaai  _  he  bates  much  spealiing; 
bet  blitiir  ^anS  _  it's  his  (own)  business,  afit'air, 
loolc-out;  Det  blider  i^ani  _  at  it  lits  with  him  to; 
bet  er  iffe  min  _  thal's  not  my  business,  it  is  no 
concern  of  mine;  bet  er  iffe  en  Crbbogé  _  at  it  is 
not  the  place  of  a  dictiouary  to;  Dor  -  er  bet  at 
ours  is  to ,  bet  er  faa  fin  -  it  is  an  awliward 
tlnng;  ti*  i  fin  _  certain  that  one  is  right;  bet 
er  en  anbrn  _  that's  another  matter,  a  difierent 
thing;  bet  er  ingen  (bet  er  en  tct,  fmal)  _  at  .  .  . 
it's  an  malter  to  .  . .  .;  for  ben  -å  Sfljlb  for 
the  maller  of  that;  tabte  Sagen  lost  his  cause 
cl.  suit;  bet  er  (netop)  en  that's  the  thing;  bet 
f)Brer  ej  tit  -en  it  has  uothing  to  do  with  the 
matter;  lab  o§  fomme  til  -en  let  us  come  to  the 
point;  ^olbe  fig  til  -en  sticli  to  the  subject  in 
hånd;  bet  ger  intet  til  -en  that's  nothing  to  the 
purpose ,  that  makes  uo  odds ,  is  immaterial; 
gør  minbre  til  -en  makes  less  matter;  til  -en !  (i 
'ISarl  )  question!  gaar  ubeiifor  -en  strays  from  the 
subject,  is  not  in  order,  is  out  of  order;  ba 
-en  for^olber  fig  faalebcS  such  being  the  case;  -en 
er  at  i)an  the  faet  is  that  he,  as  a  matter  of 
faet  he;  ^oorlebeé  -en  ftaar  how  matters  stand; 
-enS  Cmfoftninger  costs;  Stjn  for  -en,  fe  Sagn;  jeg 
Bcntcr  mine  Sager  meb  Sampflibet  I  expect  my 
things  by  the  steamboat;  trtjfte  -er  printed 
matter;  gere  fine  -er  gobt,  baarligt  do  one's 
work,  acquit  one's  self,  well,  poorly;  forftaa  fine 
-er  be  up  to  one's  business;  blanbe  ftg  i  anbreS 
■er  iutermeddle  in  other  people's  concerns;  bet 
er  ilte  ftore  -et  it's  no  great  afl'air;  ^ang  er  ftaar 
iffe  gobt  his  affairs  do  not  look  well. 

*Sog,  ®age  og  Smf.  fe  Sao,  Saoe. 

Snga  c  er  Saga;  er  fnart  en  -  blot  is  but  dimly 
tradiiioual  now,  is  almost  traditionary;  is  a  thing 
of  the  past,  has  been  swept  into  the  havebeens. 
Sagalbrnbfttjffe  fragment  (of  a  saga),  -manb, 
-ffrioer  historian,  sagamau.  -ftifen  the  style  of 
the  .sagas,     -tiben  the  time  of  the  sagas. 

Sagbe  te  Sige. 

Sagefalb  n  amercement,  tine.  —  €age3|tø^  u 
unoffeuding,  blameless;  Ctoerfalb  paa  _  9Kanb  an 
unprovoked  assault.  -lǤl)eb  blamelessuess,  in- 

Sa'glfortfaring  statement  of  facts,  -fcelbet  a 
cast  at  law.  -firelfe  pleading  (of  a  cause). 
•farer  (i  2(lm.)  lawyer;  (i  courts  of  common 
law),  attorney,   (i   couris   of  equity)   solicitor; 

(fiejere,  BibenftaSelig  fcannet)  barrister,  counsel, 
(i  »isfe,  fcvrlige  9Jftter)  advocale.  •førerbeftaOing 
calling  to  the  bar;  tjar  faact  _  has  been  cailed 
to  the  bar.  -ftfrtrfulbmægtig  solicitors  clerk. 
•fflrcrfjonoror  solicitor'sel.  attorney'sfee.  -fører* 
-tontor  solicitors  otfice.  -farcrftonben  the  bar. 
•fflrerftiUtng  solicitor's  et.  altorney's  profession; 
opgibe  -en  leave  the  bar.  -føring  fe  -fereife. 
•gitie  vt  fe  -føge.  -giticlfe  fe  -'egning.  -giner  fe 
•  feger.  -gt)(big  u  relevant,  -bufommelfe  memory 
for  things.  -lunbftab  knowledge  of  the  subject, 
competeuce.  -tljnbig  «  couversant  with  the 
subject,  competent,  a  &  c  expert.  -ft)ubig()eb 
fe  -funbffab. 

Sflgl  n  drivel,  slaver,  slobber.  ©aglc  vi 
drivel,  slaver,  slobber  —  gngle'bug,  -fmæffe 
bib.    -griå  slaver-chops. 

@a  gltg  a  real.    So  g(«§  a  fe  Sageåle§. 

SaQn  n,  pi  —,  tradition,  legend,  myth;  (golfe= 
fnaf,  Mljgte)  repoit,  rumour;  S^n  for  -  ocular 
proof;  nu  er  ber  S^n  for  -  this  tells  ils  own 
tale;  ber  git  Sagn  af  it  was  rumoured;  -et  for- 
tæller tradition  says.  Sagujagtig  «  mythic(al). 
•albcr  ie  tib.  -bannelfe  foimation  of  legends. 
•bigttting  legendary  el.  mythic  poetry.  -figur' 
legendary  personage.  -fortisUing  mythic  tale. 
-ftelt  mythic  hero.  -^iftorie  traditional  history; 
myth-history,  legendary  history.  -frebS  cycle 
of  traditions,  -luab  mythic  poem.  -niæSfig  a 
traditional,  mythic.  -tnocéfigfieb  c  mythic  char- 
acter. -))criabé  fe  -tib.  -rig  a  rich  in  traditions. 
-ftriber  recorder  of  traditions.  Sagnåmanb  iu- 
informant,  authority.  Sagntib  mylhical  age, 
heroic  era. 

©ngo  c,  -gri)n  sago.  -mel  sago  powder.  -palme 
sago-palm,  Sagns,  -fuppc  sago  gruel.  -Oælling 
sago  boiled  in  milk,  sago-milk. 

Sa  giregiflcr  index  of  subjects,  subject-index, 
index  rerum,  -rig  «  full  of  matter,  matterful. 
SagSanlæg  action,  legal  proceedings.  tSog|= 
ftt)lbig  a  guilty.  -f«ge  vt  sue,  prosecute,  action, 
proceed  against,  take  the  law  of;  for  ^Bilfet  man 
fan  -§  for  which  an  action  will  lie.  -fflger 
plaintift',  prosecutor.    -føgning  prosecution. 

Sagt  tart  af  Sige. 

Sagte  a  soft,  gentle;  slow;  ado  softly,  gently; 
slowly;  gaa  _  walk  softly  cl.  slowly;  Uret  gaar 
10  ajlinuter  for  _  the  watch  is  ten  minutes  slow; 
tal  -!  speak  low!  ^an  talte  »  he  spoke  in  a  low 
voice,  below  et.  under  his  breath;  faa  -!  soft! 
gently!  fair  and  softly!  (Sommanbootb  til  Samp= 
moftine)  easy;  gaa  an,  -!  go  ahead,  easy! 

f Sagte  udv  fe  Sagtens. 

Sagtelig  udo  softly,  gently. 

Sagtens  ndv  easily,  (formobentlig)  I  dåre  say; 
fian  fan  _  gore  bet,  ba  .  .  .  he  may  easily  el.  very 
well  do  it  as  .  .  .;  jeg  fan  -  fsje  |am  beri  I  may 
safely  indulge  him  in  that;  ^an  fon  _  it  is  all 
very  fine  for  him. 

Sagtifce'rbig  a  gentle,  quiet.  -fæ'rbigfieb  c 
gentleness,  quielness.  -n-^cb  c  softness.  -^-moJ> 
fe  -mobigbeb.  -mo'big  a  mild,  meek,  gentle. 
-mo'btgt)eb  c  mildness,  meekness,  gentleness. 
Sagtne  vt  k  d  moderate;  _  fin  ®ang,  fine  Stribt 
slacken  one's  pace;  -  fin  ^fart  slacken  one's 
speed;  Stormen -8  the  tempest  is  abating;  SJinben 
-§  the  Wind  is  subsidiug;  Qlbeu  -be  the  fire 
slackened.    Sagtning  c  slackening;  abatement. 

Sagunt'  n  Saguntum. 

Sagluifer  fe  -regifler.    -tiolber  «  -e  defendaut. 

Sa|)ara  n  the  Sahara. 

Saifon'  [ft  ]  c  -er  season. 

Sajgre  vt  liquate.  Sajgring  c  liquation. 
Sajgeroon  liquaiion-furnace. 

Satjte  vi  .1,  have  sternway;  (meb  ^enft)n  til  en 
onbeii)  drop  aslern;    .  af,  agtcrub  (i  Slim.)  drop 




behind;  6egljnbe  at  _  fetch  stemway.     -uing  c 

®atro|ment(e)  n  -er  sac'rament;  mebbele  en  S^g 
-et  administer  the  sacrament  to  a  sick  person. 
-ntenta  (  a  sacrameu'tal, 

Sotrifta'n  c  -er  sacristan. 

Satrifti'  n  -er  vestry,  sacristy. 

SaI8  c  -e  (a  pair  ofj  scissors,  (ftor)  shears;  (til 
Sangft;  steel-trap;  (af  SBuf;  cross;  (Srejn.)  horse 
■shoe:  (i  Sortfpil)  tenace;  -en  the  scissors. 

©atébofun  c  saxotromba. 

®atåe|fug(  scissor - tail,  Miivulua.  -troge  J, 
clove-hooks,  clip-hooks.    -ftaat  shear-steel. 

@at§^orn  n  sax-horu. 

Saténceb  c  scissor-bill,  sea-crow,  Rhyncops. 

Sal  c  -e  (i  Slim.)  (large)  room,  hall;  (Seiffo6§= 
Boerelfe)  drawlng-room;  (ftor  golon)  saloon;  tførfte, 
anben  -  tirst,  second  tloor  {anir  second,  third 
story);  t trebje  _  til  ®oben  the  third  tloor  (el. 
three  pair)  front. 

©alaraan'ber  c  -bre  salamander,  -fif!  lepido- 
siren . 

@alantan'ta  n  Salamanca;  fra  -,  Seboer  af  _ 

@alanga'n  c  -er  esculent  swallow,  GoUoaalia 

@ttla|rc're  vt  sal'ary.  -'rium  n  -ier  sal'ary, 

@ala't  c  -er  (plante)  lettuce,  Lactuca  sativa; 
(SRet)  sal'ad.  -Heb  lettuce-bed.  -foft  salad-dish. 
-ft«  lettuceseed  -^ooeti  head  of  lettuce.  -elie 
salad  oil.  -ffaol  salad-dish.  -fte  salad-spoon. 
-urter  p(  .salading. 

Sa'lbaanb  n,  min  wall  (of  a  lode). 

Satbere  vt  mere  balance.  Salbo  c  mere  bal- 

@aIe|)(rob)  c  salep,  salop,  saloo'p,  (SSeftinb.) 

Salg  n,  pi  =,  sale,  vendition;  ti(  _  for  sale, 
on  sale.  -bar  a  saleable.  —  i3atg§|betingelfer 
pi  terms  el.  conditions  of  sale.  -l«b  selling 
-race.  -|)ri8  selling  price.  -fum  purehase 
money.  -tiårer  merehantable  goods.  -btltaar 
fe  -betingelfer.    -uærbi  commercial  value. 

Saltict'n  nsal'iciue.  -cti't  n  sal'icyle.  -clj'lfljre 
salicyl'ic  acid.  -cqifocbe  salicylic  soap.  -ctil-- 
tanb^ulocr  salicylic  toothpowder. 

Salig  a  6i6i  blessed,  blest;  saved ;  (Iijffalig) 
blissfnl;  F  (bruften)  glorious,  elevated;  -e  ere  g 
blessed  are  ye;  be  -e  the  blessed;  ^oo  fan  ba  blit)e 
~?  who  then  can  he  saved?  -t  er  bet  9JiennefIe, 
fom  ®ub  ftraffer  happy  is  the  man  whom  God 
correcteth ;  bet  er  -ere  at  gise  enb  ot  tage  it  is 
more  blessed  to  give  than  to  receive;  min  _ 
3aber,  røober  my  late,  poor,  sainted,  late  la- 
mented,  (te  umquhile)  father,  mother.  @ang|  = 
g«re  vt  save,  make  eternally  happy,  beatify. 
■g«rclfe  e  salvation,  beatification;  berel  -8  Stifter, 
(jQrfte  bibl  the  captain  of  their  salvation; 
■gercnbe  a  saving.  -gører  Saviour.  -^eb  c 
salvation,  eternal  happlness;  (2flffalig^eb)  blessed- 
ness,  bliss,  felicity;  ben  eoige  _  eternal  happiness; 
(deb;  min  _  as  I  hope  to  be  saved;  nej  min  ~  om 
jeg  gør  no,  upon  my  word,  I  won't  do  it;  -S 
<Sb  bible  oath;  jeg  oil  gere  min  -§  (Sb  ifaa  at  I 
swear  to  God;  nøboenbig  til  _  necessary  to  salva- 
@a(i'ne  c  -r  saline. 

Saling  c  -er  vj,  (Sangf.)  tressle-trees ;  (.ioærf.) 
cross-trees;  (Stængel.)  top -mast  cross- trees.  — 
Saltng^l^orn  horns  of  the  cross-trees.  -tncex 
cheeks,  hounds.  -puber  bolsters  on  the  trestle 

SoUnotne'ter  n  tre  salinom'eter.  Sali'nfC  a 

Snliff  a:  be  -e  Sranfer  the  Salian  Franks;  be 
-e  800  the  Sal'ic  law. 

Salio|atio'tt  c  saliva'tion.  -e're  vi,  met^sali- 

Salmagun'bi  c  salmagundi. 

Solmonaé'fer  Shalmaneser. 

Salme  c  -r  hymn,  (meft  om  2)aoib8  og  aSerfi  i« 
fationer  beraf)  psalm;  2)a0ibé  -er  the  Book  of 
Psalms.  Satttte{bog  psalm -book,  hymu-booc, 
hymnal;  third  stomach ,  manyfold.  -bigtrr 
psalmographer,  psalmist,  hymuographer.  -bigt= 
ning  psalmography.  -mclobi  fe  -tone.  -fang 
psalmody,  psalm -singiug.  -ftingenbe  a  psalm 
singing,  cont  psalm-smitiug.  -fQnger  c  -e  psahn 
-Singer,  cont  psalm-smiter.    -tone  psalm-tune. 

Salnti'  c  salmis. 

Salmiat"  c  sal-ammo'niac,  ammoniac  chloride. 
-fait  sal  volatile.  -f))iritud  spirit  of  sal-ammo- 

Solmift'  c  -er  psaimist.  Salma'biton  n  mono- 

Salotno(n)  Sol'omon;  -g  Segl  ^  Solomon's 
seal ,  (JonvaUariii  polygonatum ;  -é  Drbfprog  the 
Proverbs  (of  Solomou  i.  Salomø'nift  <«  Solo- 
mon'ic.    SalontonSøerne  the  Salomon  Isles. 

Salon'  [fr.]  c  -er  saloon.     Salott|borb   centre 
-table.    -bøgfe  parlour-gun.     -b«f  saloon-deck. 
-Ijelt  carpet  knight     -paéfager  saloon  passenger. 
•^labø  saloon  accommodation.  -ftøjter  fe  9Julle- 
-bogn  saloon  carriage. 

SaloV(Ve)  c  -r  (lady's)  eloak. 

Sal))e  c  -r  salpa,  pi  salpæ.  -læbe  aggregated 

Salpeter  n  saltpeter,  nitre,  potassic  nitrate; 
blanbet  meb  _  nitrated;  foroanble  til  -  nitrify. 
-agttg  a  nitrous.  -bænt  artificial  nitre -bed. 
-bantp  nitric  vapour.  -fabrtt  saltpelremanu- 
factory.  -gaé  nitrous  gas.  -grube  saltpeter 
-mine.  -l|olbig  a  nitrous,  nitric.  -fjljtte  salt- 
peter-house, -jorb  nitrous  earih.  -fugle  salt- 
petre-lozenge.  -lub  saltpeter -lye.  -mel  pow- 
dered  saltpetre.  -opløsning  solution  of  salt- 
petre.  -plantage  nitre-bed.  -rig  a  abounding 
With  saltpeter,  -fur  a  nitric;  -t  Salt  nitrate;  -t 
Søltt,  9Jatron  ojo.  nitrate  of  silver,  soda  etc. 
-fljber  manufacturer  of  saltpeter,  -fubcri  fe 
-oærf.  -f^re  nitric  acid.  -fqrean^qbrtb  nitric; 
anhydride.  -f^re^Qbrat  hydric  nitrate,  -ftjrling 
nitrous  anhydride.     -Mcttt  saltpeter  work. 

@a'lS|b«r  drawing-room  door.  t-jomfru  cour- 
tesan     -Oinbue  upper  wiudow. 

Salt  n  -e  salt;  Sog«  common  salt;  engelft  ~ 
(Epsom)  salts;  fipife  en  Stæppe  _  meb  en  be 
thoroughly  familiar  with  one.  Salt  a  salt; 
poet  -en  ^oD  the  salt  sea.  Salt|oare  fe  -tilDe. 
-afgift  fe  -flat.  -agtig  a  saltish,  saline.  -art 
species  of  salt.  -blomftcr  saline  effloresce;ice. 
-brocubt  a  over-salted.  -brønb  fe  -lilbe.  •'oan-- 
nelfe  salitication.  -banncnbe  '(  salitiable.  -banner 
c  -e  halogen,  -bel  saline  particle.  -bunft  salt 

Salte  vt  salt,  powder;  (nebf.,  lægge  i  Saltlage) 
pickle;  (nebfalte)  com;  -t  DtSefflb  corned  beef. 
•far  powdering-tub.  -r  c  -ecurer.  -ri' «  salting 
-house,    -trug  salting  trough.    -tønbe  fe  -far. 

Sattlfabrit  fe  fijberi.  -fabrttant  salt-maker. 
-fabrifation  manufacture  of  salt.  -fab  fe  -for. 
•flob  salt-rheum.  -glaferet  a  salt-glazed.  -glafur 
salt-glaze.  -grube  saU-pit.  -banbel  salt-tiade. 
-Ijanbler  salt-man.  Saltéeb  c  saltness.  SaltftebS« 
grab  degree  of  saltness.  Saltl^olbig  «  saline. 
-^olbig^eb  c  degree  of  saltness.  -buå  salt-maga- 
zine.  -i^Xtttt  salt-house,  -jorb  saline  earth.  -far 
salt-cellar;  -et  oæltebe  the  saltcellar  was  knooked 
over.  -febel  salt-boiler.  -filbc  salt-spring,  saline 
spring,  brine- spring,    -foger  fe  -fqber.    -fogeri  fe 




-foberi.  -logning  making  of  salt.  -forn  grain 
of  salt.  -trQftal  salt-erystal.  -f«b  salt  meat, 
(tilfttbe)  junk.  -toge  brine,  pickle  -loge- 
iiumtic  <f.  brine -pump.  -(agun  salt  lagoon, 
brine-pond.  -tub  salt-lye,  -maaiex  (5!mp.)  salt 
-gauge,  -mob  salt  meat.  -mono))!)!  monopoly 
of  salt.  Saltning  c  salting. 
©oltomortaie  n  &  c  -r  summerset. 
'3ait\o\)las  store  of  salt.  -otiløåntng  saline 
solution,  -panbe  salt-pan.  -{irøDe  salt- test. 
•prøoer  salt-gauge,  -tiumtfe  (3)mp..)  brine-pump. 
-flot  salttax.  -ffe  salt-spoon.  -fforpe  saline 
incrustation.  -flobl  saltshovel.  -ffnm  salt-scum. 
-fmag  saline  taste,  -fole  brine.  -f))inbe(  salt 
-gauge,  •ipivitnå  spirit  of  salt.  -f))Taengt  a 
corned.  -ften  rock-salt.  -ftatte  pillar  of  salt. 
•fur:  a  -t  Salt  muriate;  _  ftalf  ofo.  muriate  of 
lime  etc.  -  og  foootfur  a  muriosulphuric. 
-f^ber  salt-mauufacturer.  -foberi  n  salt-making. 
-fljre  muriatic  acid.  -forduft  muriatic  acid 
gas.  -f«  .salt-lake.  -f«cn  the  (Great)  Salt  Lake. 
-foftoben  Salt  Lake  City.  -tolb  salt  duty.  -tenbe 
salt-barrel.  -urt  saltwort,  Salicorniu  herbacea. 
-Uonb  salt-water,  sea-water.  -oanbSftft  salt-water 
flsh.  -boclb  fe  -tilbe.  -oært  salt-work,  saltern. 
-æter  muriatic  ether. 

@a(ut  c  -er  a  salu'te.  -boge  saluting-days. 
©oiutcre  vt  &  i  salute,  fire  a  salute. 

@oItie  c  -r  (mct)  ©fabebaobeii)  volley,  salvo; 
(mob  ftanoner,  fra  et  Sfib)  broadside;  (StfalbS--) 
round  (of  applause). 

Soloe  c  -r  salve,  ointment,  uuguent.  @oItie 
rt  anoint;  ^erren?  -be  the  Lord's  anointed;  _  en 
til  Songe  anoint  one  king.  Soloellrufte  oint- 
ment pot.  -fraemmer  perfumer.  Soloelfe  c 
anointment,  unction;  ptæbife  meb  _  preacb  with 
uuction.  Soloclfeéfuib  a  full  of  unction.  Soloe- 
olte  c  anoinling  oil;  (^oé  ftatofiter)  chrism. 

Soloc're  fig  vr  save  oue's  self;  see  to  one's 

Solttet  c  -er  p,  napkin;  p  trQ6e  i  -en  hide 
one's  self,  creep  into  a  corner. 

Soloi'c  c  sage,  Salvia.    -te  sage-tea. 

Sotoing  c  anolnting,  anointment  —  i3ol0tngi*|  = 
ott  ceteniony  of  anointing  at  a  coronation. 
-olie  fe  Saltieolie. 

Soloo  Lill  baulk;  in  ~  safe,  bili  in  baulk. 

Salær  fe  8a(arium. 

Som'albrenbe  c  contemporary. 

Sam'  arbejbe  vi  work  together,  cooperate. 
-orbejbe  «,  -orbcjben  c  working  together,  co-ope- 
ration,  coUaboration. 

Somo'rie  c  -r,  fe  ^Uræfterjole. 

©omarito'n  c  -er  Samar'itan. 

Sombaonb  n  bond,  link,  connexion. 

tSombaarcn  a  (of  fomme  ?foræIbre)  bom  of  the 
ae  parents;  (paa  famme  2ib)  born  at  the  same 
c,  eonnate. 

rombcfibbelfe  c  joint -possession. 

Sambiabet  a  ^  (Srone)  gamopetalous;  (SSæger) 

3ambo  c  Sambo. 

Sam{ba  c  -er  fellow-lodger.  -boenbe  a  living 
together;  ben  eorige  -  gamilie  the  rest  of  the 
family  living  together 

Samborgen  c  joint  security. 

*Sambt)gbing  c  -er  fellow-parishioner,  fellow 

€ambt)gget  a  built  together. 

®am]b»jrb  c  (famtibig  Jebfel)  connascence; 
+  =  3nbaBl.    -bqrbig  a  born  of  the  same  parents. 

Sambrccg'tig  n  agreeing,  unanimous.  -^eb 
c  harmony,  concord,  unanimity. 

Sam'leje  c  joint-property  el.  -pbssession,  joint 
-ownership,  co-ownership.  -ejer  joint-possessor, 
joint- proprietor,  joint-owuer. 

@ame(  c  brook-weed,  Samolus  valerandi. 
-i-Samforbring  c  joint  claim. 
Samfrugt  c  syncarpium. 
Samifrænber  pi  joint  relations,    -frtenbeffifte 
n  division  of  succession  among  relations. 

Samfulb  «:  i  ti  -e  9lar  these  ten  years,  (for) 
ten  years  in  succession;  -e  fem  Sage  five  clear 

Samfunb    n,  pi  =,  community,   association, 
society;  bibl  fellowship;  -et  society;  ben  |)et(ig' 
aanbS   _    the   fellowship   el.  communion  of  the 
HolyGhost.  SamfunbSjaanb  social  spirit.  -baanb 
social  bond.    -begreb  social  idea.    -biilebe  social 
picture.    -bagning  social  edifice.   -farlig  a  dan- 
gerous   to   the   community.     -fjenbe  enemy  to 
society.    -fjenbft,  -fjenbtlig  «  antisocial.     -for- 
fatning social  polity.    -for^olb  pi  social  condi- 
tions.    -tiaéfe  clas.s  of  society.    -(og  stratum  of 
society.    -legemet  the  social  body.     -lib  social 
life.    -(»re  sociology.     -onbe  social  evil.    -op' 
(øfenbe   «    tending   to    disorganize    society;    _ 
®runbfætninger  disorganizing  principles.    -orben 
social  order.    -|iligt  social  duty.     -roab  council 
(of    the     society).      -rtiftenbe    a    shaking    the 
foundations    of  society.     -fog   social   question. 
-ftiHing  social  position,     -tilftonb  social  condi- 
tSomfælb  a  fe  Samfulb. 
*Samfcengt  a  unsorted. 
Somfierbfel    c  communication ,    communion, 
H-Somfalenbc  a  sympathetic. 
-fSamføre  vt  fe  ^fætinføre. 
Somgrænfenbe  a  contiguous. 
Sambolb  n  fe  Sammen'^olb. 
Samt)«rig^ebSfølelfe  c   feeling   of  belouging 
Samf(ong  c  harmony,  unison. 
Somtulb  n  children  of  one  bed. 
Samtocm  n,  pi  =,  intercourse,   communion. 
-^aoenbe  a  communicating. 
SomtÆøebe  fe  gaftfæbebe. 
Sornjtøb  n  joint  purchase.     -løbere  pi  joint 
Samlog  n  association,  fellowship;  company. 
Somle  vt  collect,  gather;  (Søntr.)  join;  _  |)eften 
keep  the  horse  collected;  i^an  -be  be  abfprebte  og 
flQgtenbe   dropper   be   rallied    the    broken    and 
flying  troops;   ®e»æret  -r  gobt   the  gun  shoots 
close,  makes  good  pattem;  _  tilftrætfeltgt  'iUJob 
sum  up  sufficient  courage;  _  9iigbomme  lay  up 
el.  heap  up  riches;  fioab  be  tolte,  funbe  jeg  itfe  _ 
I  could  not  make  out  what  they  said;  _  tnb, 
fe  3nbfamle;  _  op  pick  up;  _  paa  (noget)  collect; 
~   fa  mm  en,   fe  Samle;   —  vr  fig   collect;    fe: 
fomle«;  _  røob  til  en  traftig  ©eflutning  nerve  one's 
self  to  a  bold  resolution;  _  fig,  fine  Sanfer  ofo. 
collect  one's  self,  one's  thoughts;  —  famleS  vd 
gather  (together),  assemble,  meet,   cougregate; 
t)i   -i   for    igen   at  fltKeS    we  meet   to   .separate 
again;   -é   til  fine  gæbre  be  gathered  to  one'.s 
fathers;  forbltoe  -t  remain  together;  mebenS  SJigS- 
bagen    er    -t    while    parliament    is    sittiug;    — 
famlet  a-.   -t  SKætbi  aggregate  value;  -t  Sum, 
antal    aggregate   amount,    grand    total,    entire 
total;    -t  Dptræben  joint   action;  en  -t  *i)efolfntng 
of  a  united  el.  joint  population  of;    -be  SSærfer 
complete  el.  entire  works;  bette  SSærf  fælge«  fun 
-t  this  work    is  sold  in  sets  only;  meb  -be  ©en 
close-legged;  —  famlet  adv  together,  jointly, 
in  the  lump.    Somlejbrønb  cistern.     -gloS  co 
lective  glass. 
-I-Samleje  c  joint  hire. 
Samleje  n  copulation;  ^obe  _  copulate. 
Samleiinf e  c  convergent  lens.  Som(en  c  coUee 
ing.    Som(er  c  -e  collector;  gatherer;  (^ompilotorj 




compiler.  —  ®ainler{f(ib  Industry  in  collecting. 
•Utert  repertory,  magazine.  @amlct(|eb  c  col- 

éomjUue  vi  meb  cohabit  with.  •leoenbe  a  fe 
Samtibifl.    -Ic»net  fe  -liB. 

Somllng  c  -er  assembling,  collection;  (af  ^folt) 
meeting;  (SEømr.)  joining;  co/ic  (af  SJJlonter  o.  1.) 
collection;  en  Samling  (af  Sfiflgbagen,  Stortinget) 
a  session;  9lorge§  -  til  eet  8itge  the  unification 
of  Norway;  natur&iftorifJ  _  (ogf )  cabinet  of  nat- 
iiral  history;  ./?</  bet  6etog  mig  min  -  it  deprived 
me  of  my  senses:  gaa  fva  San?  og  -  lose  one's 
senses  entirely;  foa  fin  _  igen  be  restored  to 
conseiousness ,  recover  el.  regain  one's  senses ; 
roere  oeb  fin  fulbe  _  be  in  one's  right  senses.  — 
®amUttflé|6olt  joint-bolt.  -6«jtc  shackle.  -bag 
day  of  meeting,  -flag  rendezvous  flag.  •fov= 
binbelfc  conpliug.  -tjcté  joining  shacljle.  -muffe 
coupling-box.  -orb  collective  noun.  -V(i>b§ 
place  of  meeting,  rendez-vous.  -puJlft  rallying 
-point,  -fteb  fe  -plabS.  -tib  (9iig«bagen8  ofb.)  ses- 

@amltti  n  living  together,  cohabitation,  com- 
panionship,  associaiion. 

®am]U)b  c  simultaneous  sound;  (Samtlang) 
harmony,  unison,  -t^bc  vi  sound  simultaneously; 
-nbe  SSogftaber  eonsonants;  -nbe  Soner  consonant 

®nnU«6  fe  Sammenløb. 

*Sommrttet  «  unbolted. 

@amme  a  the  same;  bet  -  the  same  thing;  _ 
SJlanb  the  same  man;  .  .  .  ^or  nøje  nnberføgt  _ 
has  elosely  examined  the  same;  et  og  bet  _  one 
and  the  same  (thing);  i  el.  meb  bet  ~  at  the 
same  time;  as  he  did  so;  bet  gør  bet  _  it  is  all 
one;  bet  er  mig  bet  _  it  is  the  same,  it  is  all 
one  to  me;  ben  felb  -  (f.  ©tS.  S3og)  the  very  same 
(book);  bet  fan  ocere  bet  _  never  mind;  nu  fan  bet 
Doere  bet  -  meo  SBrebet  never  mind  the  letter 
now;  bet  fan  Bcere  big  bet  ~  that  is  nothing  to 
you;  jeg  oilbe  ønfte,  jeg  funbe  fige  bet  _  I  wish  I 
could  say  as  much;  bet  Bilbe  ocere  bet  _  fom  ot 
it  would  be  equivalent  to  -ing;  bet  er  bet  _  fom 
at  fige  it  is  as  much  as  to  say;  ^an  er  beb  (meb) 
bet  _  there  is  no  charige;  ^ar  -  Smag  fom  jeg 
has  the  same  taste  as  I  e(.  wlth  myself. 

©attimen  adv  together;  (i  forening)  jointly; 
fomme  -  meet,  (i  røgteftab)  come  together,  be 
joined  (iu  wedlock);  folbe  -  o.  fl.,  ie  SSerberne; 
be  ^aoe  gaber,  men  iffe  SJJober  -  they  have  the 
same  father  but  not  the  same  mother. 

(Sammcnnrficibe  vt  work  together;  _  meb  .  .  . 
til  .  .  .  work  up  with  ...  to. 

©nmmcnoulet  «  jointly  begotteu. 

Sammcnbnge  vt  bake  together  (iuto  a  mass). 

Sammenbettc  vt  colleet  by  begging. 

©amraenbibe  vt  (Sænber)  clench;  meb  -te2:ænber 
with  cleuched  teeth;  with  his  mouth  set  hard. 

©ammcn|6inbe  vt  bind  el.  tie  together.  -bitt= 
bing  c  binding  together. 

®ammcn|I)(abe  vt  scarf,  join  by  means  of  a 
scarf,  half.    -btabitittg  scarfing  etc. 

@ammen|tilanbe  tt  mix  together,  mingte  to- 
gether, blend  el.  jumble  together,  commix, 
iutermix,  eommingle;  (fornetSle)  confound.  -blån' 
blng,  -blanbcn  c  mixing  etc.  commixtion,  com- 
mixture;  confusion. 

®amnten|bIosfc  vt  blow  together;  solder  by 
the  blowpipe.    -^Iccåning  c  biowing  etc. 

@antmenbrtnge  vt  bring  together;  -bragte  SSørn 
children  of  diflferent  marriage. 

(Snmmcnlbr^gge  vt  fig  concoct.  -fitljg  n  con- 

Sammenibricttbe  vt  cement,  -brænbing  c 
cementiug,  cementation. 

@amnicn|6utte  vt  bend  double,  -butning  c 
bending  etc. 

©nmmcnbunbte  vt  bundle  up. 

©ammenbunfe  vt  pile  up,  heap  up. 

©ammcnbl)bc  vt  invite  together. 

©nmmenb^ggc  vt  build  close  together. 

©ommenbænbflc  vt  .\,  seize  together. 

©ommen]bære  vt  carry  together.  -bccring  c 
carrying  etc. 

Sammen  I  bøje  vt  bend  together,  bend  doubhi. 
-b«jning  c  bending  etc. 

©ommcjtblgte  vt  fabricate. 

©rtmmcMlbrag  n  drawing  together;  (noget,  ber 
er  fattet  i  Sl'ortlieO)  abstract,  summary,  compenc!, 
epitome,  digest,  precis.  -brage  vt  draw  togethei , 
colleet;  (en  Sag,  fortælling  ofo.)  epitomize,  make 
an  abstract  of.    -btagiting  drawing  etc. 

©ammenbrcje  vt  twist  together. 

©ammenbrlbe  vt  drive  together. 

@ammen{bt)nge  vt  heap  together,  amass,  accvi- 
mulate.  -bt)ngning  c  heaping  etc,  accumulatior . 

©ammenifrttb  «  falling  in,  eoUapse.  -falbe  r.i 
fall  in  el.  down,  collapse. 

Sammcnfnlfc  vt  join,  groove,  rabbet. 

-eSammenfnre  vi  fe  fjare  fammen. 

©ammenifntte  vt  comprise,  sum  up.  -fatteJfe, 
-fatning  c  comprising,  comprehension.  -fot^ 
ningétegn  typ  brace. 

©ammcnfejc  vt  sweep  together. 

©ammenfitte,  -filtre  r;t  entangle,  mat  together, 
(Jpaar  ogf.)  elf.    -ftltring  c  entangling. 

©ammeni flette  vt  braid  el.  plait  together;  fia 
interweave.    -fletning  c  braiding  etc. 

©ammcnlflitlc  vt  patch  together.  -flitning 
patching  etc. 

©ammcnlB^be  vi  flow  together;  -nbe  a  con- 
fluent.    -ftqbning  flowing  etc,  confluence. 

©ammcnfltjtning  c  moving  together. 

©ammen  I  folbe  vt  fold  up.  -folbetfg  c  coUaps- 
able.    -fotbning  folding  up. 

©ommenlfrJjfe  vi  freeze  together.  -frqining 
freezing  etc. 

Sommeu|fi)ge  vi  drift  together.  -ft)gntng 
drifting  etc. 

©ommcnifælbe  vt  (i  Snebferarbejbe)  mortis« 
together;  (Sining)  renter.  •ffttb(n){ng  c  mor- 
tising  etc. 

©ammenlfdje  vt  join,  put  together.  -fejning 
c  joining,  jiinction;  chir  synthesis;  tone  (Steoet) 
joint,  jointing. 

©ammen|f«re  vt  bring  together.  -føring  <; 
briuging  etc. 

©ommenlgro  et  gro w  together;  chir  coalesee. 
-groning  growing  etc,  coalescence. 

©ommengjjbning  c  pouring  together. 

©ammeni gæret  c  (Xømr.)  mitred.  -gcering  « 
joining  by  mitre-joint. 

©ammen] t)nge  %t  hook  together.  -t^agning  c 
booking  etc. 

©ommenl^efte  vt  stitch  together.  -^cftning  <■ 
stiiching  elc 

©ammenfjcfSe  vt  ^  shackle  together. 

©ammenljentf  rt  bring  el  fetch  together. 

©ammenlijaffe  fe  Sammenjafte. 

©ammeni éobe  vt  crowd  (together),  heap  up, 
amass.    -^obning  c  crowding  etc. 

©ammenlHotb  »cohesion,  coherence;  .^» union, 
harmony,  concord.  -t)oIbe  vt  hold  together;  fig 
compare,  confront.  -l)olbe(fe  ccomparison.  -Ijol" 
big  a  coliesive,  coherent.  -f)0lbigf)eb  c  eohesion. 
-^olbning  c  comparison.  -IjelbSfraft  cohesive 
power,  tenacity. 

©ammenljægte  vt  clasp  el.  hook  together. 

©ammcnlftang  n  k  c  coherence,  eohesion; 
fio  (tJorbinbelfe)  conneetion;  -en  gram  the  context; 
TOangel  'pv^e.  ~  iucohereuce;  uben  ~  incoherently; 






iibcii  -  nieb  uncounected  with;  feriiige  nt  i  _  lueb 
niHke  st  fit  into;  bringe  -  i  introduce  some  order 
iiiU);  bftte  er  Sogeiié  rette  _  this  is  the  real 
suuc  of  ihe  case;  Ijan  fortlarebe  nttfl  I)ele  -en 
he  explaiuod  Ihe  whole  affair,  the  rights  of  the 
case,  to  me.    -()(cngcn!»c  a  conuected,  coherent, 

»iitiimous,  cousecutive;  arfy  coherently.  -f)(eng8> 
trnft  power  of  cohesiou,  cohesive  power. 

Sommcn!)«rrrtbe  a  being  of  one  piece  e(.  set. 

3auimriijaflc  vt  (Silbt)  beat  up. 

Sainntrnjnffc  vt  jumble  together;  huddle  up. 

€ammrit|fa(bc  vt  call  (together),  eonvoke,  coa- 
Teiie     -falbelfe  c  calling  etc. 

3ommcii[foftc  vt  casi  together,  fliug  together, 
tlirow  toirother.    -taftniitQ  c  castiug  etc. 

Sammrntilc  vt  secure  by  wedges. 

Snmmciitittc  vt  cetneut. 

3amtttc«|f(apVctt8  «  collapsable.  -tla^jttiug 

Sammen! ttcmmc  vt  press  cl.  squeeze  together; 

Snmpen  wire-draw  the  steam.  -Ilemning  c 
pressing  ole 

Sammcn|!Iine  vt  paste  el.  glue  together.  -I(i= 
Jttiig  c  pa.^iing  etc. 

SomnicntUnge  vi  sound  in  harmony. 

Sammcuflinfe  vt  rivet  together. 

SammcnIfHftrc  vt  paste  together.  -tnftring  c  etr. 

SnmmenIKotrc,  •fdibtc  vt  patch  up. 

Sajnmenitlum^je  p<  couglomerate.  -f(umt)ning 

;ammcH|fh)ngc   vt   crowd   together, 
tojri'ther.    -KDtiQUing  c  crowdiug  etc. 

wammritltlæbc  ic  -fliite. 

SammrnfuaVPt  '<  buttou  up. 

oammrultnttic  vt  piuch  together;  _ 
halt'-close  the  eyes;  -tiiebeii  a  coutracted 
niiig  c  i>iiiehing  etc. 

Sammculnobc  vt  ^  bend  el.  knot  together. 

Sammcn[t«uge  vt  press  el.  squeeze  together. 
•Inugniitn  pie.ssiug  etc. 

Sammcnjfntjttc  vt  knit  el.  tie  together.  •tttQt* 
nittg  c  kiiiiting  etc. 

Sammtit  toblc  vt  fe  SoDIe.  -fobling  coupling. 
-foblittgsJtobcl  ^1,  traverse  table. 

Sammentoge  i-t  boil  together;  boil  in. 

Sammen  f omme  vi  eome  together.  -tomft  c,  interview. 

Sommcutrumme  vt  beud  together. 

3ommcnlr»)nH)e  (e  ftrljmpe. 

Sammcntrt)fte  vt  squeeze  together. 

Sommrnfrabcn  P'irt  crouching. 

SammentraUe  vt  crumple. 

Sammen  I  fæbc  vt  chaiu  together,  link  together, 
concateuate.  -tæbntng  c  chaiuing  etc,  con- 

Sammcnfnrmmc  vt  (Zømt.)  clamp  together. 

Sammcnfabc  vt  collect  by  purchase,  buy  in. 

Sammentore  vt  carry  el.  cart  together;  gobt  -t 
■\veil  Iraiiioil  together. 

Sommenlaoéning  (Semr.)  locking  together. 

Sammcnjlagbe,  -lagt  fe  -læøge;  -lagt  SUJaft  made 

Sammenlaptie  vt  patch  up.  -(afining' patchiug 

Sammcnlaftc  vt  searph  together. 

Sammenlcbe  vt  gather,  collect. 

-Sammcnjfette  vt  live  together.  -(conet  n  je 

Sammen  i  ligne  vt  (meb)  compare  (with,  to), 
likou  to;  tunbe  iffe  -§  meb  could  not  compare 
^with,  be  compared  to.  -lignenbc  n  comparative. 
-iigning  c  -er  comparisou,  parallel;  aiiftille  _ 
make  el.  institute  a  c;  i  _  meb  in  c.  el.  (as) 
^compared  with,  to;  uben  _  withoutc,  iucompa- 
rably,    immeasurably,    (ocb   ©uperl.)  by  far,   by 

many  degrees,  far  and  away,  p  out  and  out, 
out  of  siglit.  -ligningSgrab  c  gram  degree  of 

@ommen|Ume  vt  glue  together.  -({m(n)ing 
gluiug  etc. 

@ommen|(obbe  vt  solder  together.  -løbning 
soldering  etc. 

Sammenlnftc  vt  close. 

@ammcnll)t)e  vt  fabricate,  concoct. 

Sammcn{(ægiiav  n  collapsable.  •loeggc  vt  put 
together;  (folbe)  fold  up;  ( jal)  add  up,  .sum  up. 
-lægning  c  foldlug  etc  ;  addition. 

Sammcnlænfe  le  Sammnifæbe. 

Snmmcnlleb  n  coucourse,  conflux;  (om  glober) 
confluence.  +4ebt  vi  fe  iiøbe  fammen.  -(øbenbc 
a,  muth  converging.  -løben  a  (TOæ(f)  curdled 
(milk);  _  |^oO  crowd,  mob. 

©ammcnmafte  fe  Watte  fammeii. 

Sammennaglc  vt  nail  together. 

Sammenncftc  vt  baste  together. 

©ammennitte  vt  rivet  together. 

Sammcnnotte  vt  connect  by  mortise  and 

Sammen! orbnc  vt  arrange  (together).  •orbning 
arranging  etc. 

Sammen ivattc  vt  pack  (up);  fia  crowd.  -paX- 
ning  c  packing  etc. 

SammenHiarre  vt  match,  pair  together.  -par= 
ring  c  matching  etc. 

SammenIvaSfc  vt  suit  together,  adapt  to- 
gether, fit  together.    •)>a§ning  c  suiting  etc. 

Sommeniviuftc  vt  gather,  fig  compile.  -VlMf= 
ning  c  gatliering  etc. 

Sammen  i  pløje  vt  join  by  slit  and  tougae. 
-tilojning  joining  etc. 

SammenVløtte  vt  peg  together. 

SammeniiroMc  vt  =  protfe  fammen. 

Sammen|>)re§fc  vt  press  et.  squeeze  together. 
-fredning  c  pressing  etc,  compressiou. 

Sammen^jrop^jc  vt  stufF  el.  cram  together, 

Sommen))nge  vt  (f.  ®fS.  ^enge)  hoard  up 

Sammcniraab  n  calling  together.  -mate  vt 
call  together. 

Snmmenrage  vt  rake  el.  scrape  together. 

Sammcnrapfe  vt  scrape  together  by  pilfering. 

Sammen! regne  vt  cast  up,  sum  up,  add  up. 
-regning  c  casling  etc. 

Sammcnri(cj  vt  baste  together. 

SammcnrittHic  vt  baste  together. 

Sammenrinbe  fe  Sammenfltjbe. 

Sammenringe  vt  call  together  by  ringing. 

SammcnrinFe  vt  coil  up. 

Sammenirioc  vt  rake  together.  -riouing 
rakiug  etc, 

Sammcnroet  a:  gobt  ~  rowing  well   together. 

Sammcn!rottc  fig  vr  conspire,  plot,  enter  into 
a  conspiracy,    -rottclfc  c  -r  conspiracy,  plot. 

Sammen!ruUc  uf  roll  up,  roll  together;  -rullet 
o  3/  couvolute,    -rulning  rolling  etc 

Sammcnlrl)tte  vt  move  together,  close.  -ri)!' 
ning  moviug  etc. 

Sammen|rt)nle  vt  gather.  -rtjnining  gatheriug. 

Sammenr»)ftc  vt  shake  together,  hustle, 

Sammenrørc  vt  mix  up,  stir  up  el,  together, 

©ammenfamle  fe  ©ammenfante. 

Sammenfang  c  chorus,  chorus-singhig. 

Sammcnfanf!c  vt  gather,  get  together.  -ning 
c  gatliering  etc. 

Sammenfat  «  compound;  (inboiflet)  complex; 
(iBlomft)  composite;  (»iJlab)  compound;  flere  ®ange 
_  decompouud,,  -  af  conii)osed  of, 
made  up  of;  _  Ccb  compound;  _  SBlof,  itiuiibftof, 
9J?nft  J,  made  block,  floor,  mast. 

Sammenfintre  vi  concrete. 

Sammenffrobc  vt  scrape  together;  fig  amass. 




Sdtntncnl^rift  c  join-hand,  joining  hånd. 
-ffrltie  vt  eompile,  cont  scribble,  huddle  up. 
-flrlttning  c  compilation. 

®ammcn|ffrne  vt  screw  together;  -t  J?§  closely 
paeked  ice.    •firuning  screwing  etc. 

(Satmncniflr«nH)e8  vd  shrivel  (up).  -ffrunHjet 
a  shrivelled  (up). 

©am  men  I  f!ttb  n  collection,  contribution,  sub- 
scription.  -flubSfenfl  telescopic  bedstead.  -fl^be 
vt  Club  together,  subscribe;  ~  en  Sa<)ital  raise  a 
sum  of  money  by  subscription. 

©ammenftJjbc  vt  push  el.  shove  together. 

®arømen|fft)Ue  vt  wash  together  in  a  heap. 
-fft)lntttg  washing  etc. 

éommcniflaa  vt  knock  together;  (forterne  of 
et  Sd»)  lay  up.  -flog  knocking  etc.  -ftagning 
(af  %w)  laying  up. 

Sammcnftibc  vt  grind  in. 

©ammcrtlfltttte  vt  join  close  together;  _  ®e= 
leberne  close  the  ranks.    -flutning  c  unison. 

Sammen |f(t)nge  vt  interweave,  intertwine;  -t 
her  (om  to  gigurer)  fretted,  (om  flere)  interfretted. 
-f(i)ngning  c  interweaving  etc. 

éammeniffæbc  vt  drag  together.  -fdcfining 
dragging  etc. 

©ammen|fmeb(b)e  cf  forge;  Jig  torge,  fabricate, 
trump  up;  clap  up  a  match  between.  -fmebning 
forging  etc. 

©ammcnlfmelte  vt  &  i  melt,  fuse  el.  bum  to- 
gether el.  Into  a  mass;  fig  amalgamate,  (fun  i) 
coalesce.  -fmeltning  c  melting  etc,  fusion;  fig 
coalescence,  amalgamation. 

©ammenfmergte  vt  tit  on  by  emery-grinding. 

©ammen Ifmere  vt,  -fmøring  fe  ffribe,  -priD= 
niiig.    -fmirrcr  compilator. 

©ammenlfncr^e  vt  constringe,  constrict,  con- 
tract;  en  -nbe  ©mag  an  astringent  taste;  -nbe 
(abftringerenbe)  røibbel  astringent.  -fnet^ning  c 
constriction,  contraction. 

©ammenfno  vt  twist  et.  twine  together. 

©ammcnlfnirre  vt  lace  together;  _  |)alfen  faci 
en  strangle  one,  fig  golfen  -§  paa  mig  I  feel  a 
tightening  on  my  throat,  I  have  a  choking  sen- 
sation; mit  fjerte  -§  my  heart  shrinks.  -fnøting 
lacing  etc. 

Sammcnlf^Jarc  vt  save;  -be  $enge  savings. 
•f|)artng  c  saving. 

©ammcnfVigrc  vt  nail  together. 

©ammcnlf^it  n  ensemble;  bet  Bleb  ubfert  meb 
tjpperligt  ~  it  was  performed  with  excellent 
harmony.  -f^iKet  a:  gobt  _  playing  well  to- 

©ammcnifvinb  n  (f.  <&U.  af  DtJbigtelfer)  fig  tissue 
(of  falsehood),  -fpinbe  vt  spin  together;  fig  hatch, 
forge,  trump  up. 

©ommcnlf<3lebfe,  -f^Iejfe  vt  splice  together. 

©ammeuf^jænbe  vt  buckle  together;  (i  9log) 
yoke  together. 

©ammcnftabl;  vt  pile  up,  heap  up  el.  to- 

-f©rtmmenftam^e  vt  stamp  together. 

-(-©ammtnftotie  vt  spell  out. 

©ommenlftcmwc,  -ftemning  fe  ©am=. 

©ammcnIftiCc  vt  place  el.  put  together;  group; 
parallel,  compare.  •fttUing  c  placing  etc; 
juxtaposition,  collocation;  comparison. 

©ammeniftimlc  vi  flock  el.  crowd  (together); 
+  rt  crowd.    -fttmling  c  gathering;  crowd. 

©ammcnfto^Jtie  vt  (f.  (St§.  en  ©trømpe)  dam  (a 

©ammenftrømme  vi  fe  -ftimle. 

©ommenlftutjc  vt  stow  together.  -ftutitting 
stowing  etc. 

©ammcnlft^ffe  vt  piece  together.    -^^tning  c 
piecing  etc. 
©ammenl^^rte   vi  fall  in  el.  down;   fall  to 

ruins,  collapse.    -flQrtning  c  falling  in  el.  down 
breakdown,  collapse. 

©ammcnlftfftjne  vt  convoke,  convene,  summon 
together.  •ftaeuning  convoking  etc,  convoea 

©ammenifføbc  vt  cast  together.  -fteBning 
casting  etc. 

©ammcn|ft«b  n  (mellem  to  ©enftanbe)  con- 
cussion,  collision,  conflict;  ^  collision,  foul; 
(fjenbtligt)  eucounter;  (af  Dmftcenbig^eber  ofo.; 
coincidence,  concurrence.  -ftøbe  vt  pound  up 
together;  fe  ©tøbe  fommen;  -enbe  a  concurreut; 
-enbe  ©iber  øeom  eoterminous  sides,  -ftøbntng 
fe  -fløb. 

©ammenfnnget  a :  gobt  _  singing  well  together. 

©ammcnfunfct  part  sunk  down;  suuk  into 
ruin;  fig  prostrate,  unnerved. 

©ammenfu'rium  n  -er,  fe  SRuffomfnufl. 

©arømcnlfoejfe  vt  weld  together.  -foeiSning 
welding  etc. 

©ammcnlfoærgc  fig  vr  conspire  (om  ot  to):  be 
-fdorne  the  conspirators.  -føiergetfe  c  -r  con- 
spiracy,  plot. 

©ammenfuebe  vt  roll  together. 

©ammcnlf^  vt  sew  together,  seam;  _  Sogn 
bibl  forge  a  lie.  -f))ntng  c  -er  (bet  at  ftj  fammen) 
sewing  together;  (©øm,  ©tjntng)  seam. 

©amntenfi)ntntng  c  settling. 

©ammcnifættc  vt  compose,  compound,  put  el. 
join  together;  et  -fat  Drb  a  compound  (word), 
fe  Sammenfat,  -fæltflig  a  compoundable.  -fætter 
(Urm.)  watch-holder.  -foetning  c  -er  composi- 
tion;  cotic  compound. 

©ammcnfage  vt  gather. 

©ammcntnge  vt  take  together. 

©ommcnta<)<)c  vt  mortise  together. 

©ammentigge  vt  coUect  by  begging. 

Sammentonc  vi  sound  in  harmony  el.  unison. 

Sammentritte  vt  wheel  together. 

©ammcntromme  vt  drum  et.  call  together, 
summon,  convoke 

©ommen|trt(!fc  vt  compress,  squeeze  together; 
taber  fig  _  may  be  compressed;  -tt  SSogftao  liga- 
ture. -trQ{feIig  a  compressible.  -tcQtteltg^eb  c 
compressibility.  -tr^lning  c  compression,  -ttt^t- 
ninøpteac  c  compression  test. 

©ammen|træbe  vt  tread  down,  stamp  together; 
vi  (f.  ®!8.  om  gorfamlinger)  meet,  assemble. 
•træbelfe,  -træben  c  meeting. 

©ammen! træf  »  coincidence.  -træffe  vi  fe 
Sræffe  fammen.    -træffen  fe  -træf. 

©ammen  I  træffe  vt  contract;  (famte)  draw  to- 
gether, coUect,  assemble,  -  fig  contract,  shrink. 
-træftelig  a  contractile.  -træffenbe  a  9JJibbel 
astringent;  -  9Ruftet  constrictor.  -træfning  c 
drawing  etc,  contraction. 

@ammen|trænge  vt  crowd  et.  press  together^ 
(ogf=  fig)  condense,  compact.  -trængt  a  con- 
densed,  compact,  concentrated,  concise,  suc- 
cinct;  ^  congested.  -trængtljeb  c  concentration, 

©ommcntt)tnbe  vt  twine  et.  twist  together. 

©nmmcnttiiuge  vt  force  together. 

Sammen  I  tælle  vi  sum  up.  -tælling  c  sum- 
ming  up. 

©ommen] tømre  vt  construct.  -teroring  con- 

©ammenttant  a  (om  S»æg)  accustomed  to  be 

©ammcnbic  vt  join  in  wedlock. 

©ammenitiitle  vt  roll  together,  wrap  up.    -»11= 
ling  c  rolling  etc. 
©ammen|»irte,  -tiirfcnbe  fe  ©amuirle. 
©ammen|tiotéc  vi  grow  together,  med  coalesce; 
-t  ^  connate,  (tieb  ©runben)  eoadunate.   -BotSen, 




-ODllinins  c  ooncretion,  accretion,  coalescence, 
annt  symphysis. 

Samtncnuribc  vt  twist  togetber. 

Snmmcntiraute  vt  muddle  together. 

©ammen  ncttft  c  {e  -»ofgning. 

©ammcnoccnneS  vp  get  accustomed  to  be  to- 

Samnttnltiæu  n  fe  fpinb.  -ti«»ie  vt  weave  to- 
gether.   •tKCOning  c  weaving  together. 

Sammen  I  ælte  vf  knead  together.  -eeUniitg 
kneading  etc. 

@ammelflag$  a  the  same  kind  of.  -ftttté  adv 
in  the  s^ame  place.  -flebéfra  adv  from  the  same 
place.    -ftcbéften  adv  to  tbe  same  place. 

Sammabre  n  of  the  same  mother. 

©amojeb  c  -er  Samo'yed. 

@am  lorbne  vt  coordinate.  -orbning  coordina- 

-i-Samraab  n  clamour,  outcry. 

Samlraab  n  joint  deliberation;  i  _  in  concert. 
••raabe  fig  vr  deliberate,  consult  (together) 

*®omå  II  unsorted. 

Samfang  c  fe  Sammenfang. 

Samfibig  a  on  the  same  side. 

@amffofe  mixed  school. 

Samtlrcgtning  c  oongener. 

Samfon  Samson,  -poft  -ftøtte  ^  Samson's 

Somfjjil  |e  Sammenfpil. 

Samftemlme  vi  harmonize,  be  in  unison,  fig 
agree.  -menbf,  -mig  a  agreeing,  coneordant; 
ilfe  _  discordant;  -  @emt)tter  congenial  minds. 
ning  c  agreement,  aceordance,  harmony. 

-^SomfttHing  c  apposition;  mt  conjunetion. 

3amf«ffenbe  pi  full  brothers  and  sisters. 

@amt  prce%>  together  with;  meb  -  b.  f.;  con/ as 
also,  and  (at  the  same  time). 

Samtate  c  -r  conversation,  converse,  discourse, 
colloqny,  dialogue ;  (let)  talk ,  confabulation ; 
fere  en  _  hold  el.  earry  on  a  conversation ;  inb= 
iebe  en  _  meb  enter  into  conversation  with. 
Samtale  vi  converse,  discourse,  talk,  confabu- 
late.  -emne  topic  (of  conversation).  -form  the 
form  of  a  dialogue. 

Samjttb  c:  I)an«,  tjor  ofo.  _  el.  -en  his,  our 
con  temporaries ;  the  age;  -en?  TOcnneffer  the 
people  of  the  age  in  which  he  (she,  we  olB.) 
lives  el.  lived.  -tiblg  a  contemporary,  cotem- 
porary,  coeval ,  coexistent ,  contemporaneous, 
synchronous;  (t  inbtræffenbe)  simultaneous,  fmeb) 
coincident  with;  oore  -e  onr  con  temporaries;  — 
adv{-X)  at  the  same  time;  contemporaneoiisly. 
-tibtg^eb  c  contemporariness,  contemporaneity; 
simultaneousness,  simultaneity. 

Samtlige  a  all  together,  one  and  all,  each 
and  all  of  them;  _  30  drenge  the  whole  30  boys; 
af  fiotlfe  _  fun  een  .  .  .  of  all  of  whom  only  one 
j  .  .     Samtlig  adv  in  a  body. 

Samtone  vi  sound  together. 

Samttjbig  a  synonymous.  -^eb  c  synonymy. 
I  Samt^tfe  et  i  {-^vt)  consent  el.  agree  to;  +  _ 
peb  agree  with ;  nitte  -nbe  nod  assent ;  fmilebe 
tnbe  smiled  adhesion.  SamtQtfe  n  consent, 
1    Samuel  Sam'uel. 

Samum  c  simoo'm,  simoo'n. 

Samuanbring  c  ramble  in  company. 

-HSamolben  c  consciousness. 

Samjoirte  vi  co  operate,  aet  in  concert;  _  til 
ontribtite  lowards;  _  tit  at  concur  el.  eonspire 
;o.  -oirfenbe  a  co-operative.  -oirlen,  -øirtning 
!  co-op.e ration,  iinited  action,  conjoint  action, 
;oncnrrence,  concert. 

'  Samoit'tig^eb  c  -er  conscience;  -enS  SRøft  the 
Voice  of  conscience;  en  gob,  ren  _  a  quiet,  clear 
•■"nscience;   en   rummelig,   etoftiff  _   a  large  el. 

accommodating  c. ,  a  lawyer's  c. ;  meb  gob  _ 
conscientiously,  in  conscience,  honestly;  bet  fon 
bu  gere  meb  en  gob  _  you  can  do  it  with  a  safe 
c,  without  (much)  compunction;  bet  ftriber  mob 
fianS  _  it  goes  against  his  conscience:  ^an  gjorbe 
fig  ingen  _  af  at  .  .  .  he  did  not  scruple  to  .  .  .; 
^anS  _  flaor  ^am  his  c.  smites  him;  F  tage  »na 
fin  _  be  responsible  for,  dispose  of,  settle,  give 
(a  good)  account  of;  ^bab  l)ar  bu  vaa  -en? 
what  have  you  on  your  mind?  Se  ^ar  nt  )fiaa 
-en  there  is  something  on  your  conscience ;  paa 
2(5re  og  _  upon  my  soul  and  honour;  fao  faar 
bu  bet  paa  bin  _  you  will  have  that  to  answer 
for.  —  Samoittigdebéjangft  angiiish  of  con- 
science. -bib  twinge(s)  of  conscience.  -frifjeb 
liberty  of  conscience.  -fulb  a  conseientious, 
scrupulous,  religions,  -fulb^eb  c  eonscientious- 
ness,  scrupulosity.  -gerning  fe  -fog.  -fttal  pangs 
of  conscience.  -Iflé  a  unprincipled,  unconscienti- 
ous,  unscrupulous,  void  of  conscience.  -nag 
remorse,  compunction.  -pligt  duty  in  con- 
science, bounden  duty.  -))røtie  test  of  con- 
science. -ro  peace  of  c.  -fog  matter  of  c. 
-ffrnpel  fe  -tbibl.  -f)iørgSmaaI  question  of  c; 
indiscreet  que«tion.  -toang  restraint  of  c,  in- 
tolerance,    -tuitit  scruple  of  conscience. 

SamOKfSt  c  simultaneous  growth;  fe  ©ommen= 

Samloæren  c,  *-iiær,  -tiaerc  n  being  el.  living 
together;  meeting. 

Sanatorium  «  -ier  sanatorium,  sanatarium. 

Sonb  a  true  (Birfelig)  real;  +  &  bibl  very;  - 
Sib,  SKibbog  ofb.  apparent  time,  noon  etc;  bet 
bor  en  _  fipffe  it  was  a  piece  of  real  good  luck; 
en  _  Sriumf  a  real  el.  perfect  triumph,  quite  a 
triumph;  bet  -e  the  truth;  -t  ot  ftge  to  say  el.  tell 
the  truth;  jeg  figer  for  -  I  tell  you  for  certain; 
fao  -t  jeg  leoer  as  I  live;  foo  -t  bu  elfter  mig  as 
you  love  me;  fao  -t  bjælpe  mig  ®ub  so  help  me 
God;  -t  not!  bet  er  en  bpr  fjornøjelfe  indeed!  el. 
in  truth !  it  is  an  expensive  amusement;  bet  bor 
bog  -t  it  proved  true;  bet  er  -t!  by  the  bye!  itfe 
et  -t  Orb  not  a  word  of  truth;  bet  er  gobt,  tf  fe  -t? 
it  is  good,  isn't  it?  %\x  tom  ber,  itfe  t?  you 
came  there,  did  you  not  (didn't  you)?  ^on  fao 
bet,  itte   t?  he  saw  it,  eh? 

Sttnb  n  (t  &  *c)  sand,  (groft)  gravel;  beftrø 
meb  -,  ftrø  _  )faa  sand,  fi^  blindly  endorse;  tofte 
en  _  i  pjnene  throw  dust  into  one's  eyes;  fig 
løbe  ub  t  -et  come  to  nothing,  end  in  smoke. 
Sanbjaal  sand-eel,  Åmmodytes  lancea.  -oaS  fe 
-bofte.    -oger  fe  -morf.    -agtig  a  sandy. 

Sanbo'l  c  -er  san'dal. 

Sanbarat'  c  sand'darac. 

Sanbart  c  pike-perch,  Perca  tudoperca. 

Sanbjart  species  of  sand.  -ortie  sandwort, 
Arenaria  serpyUifolia.  -baab  sand-boat.  -bob 
.sand-bath.  -batfe  sand-hill.  -ballaft  sand  bal- 
last, -banfe  sand-bank,  sands  pi-  -borre  bar. 
■biØe  tiger  beetle,  Cicindela.  -bing  sandchest. 
-bjærg  sand-hill.  -bjørn  carcajou,  American 
h&A^er,  Melet  I abradorica  -blab  fe -gob§.  -blanbet 
o  mixed  with  sand.  -borb  J,  limber  boaid. 
-borbSgang  limber  strake.  -borbdlem  limber 
-board.  -borbSplonte  limber-strake.  -breb  sandy 
bank;  sandy  beach.  -brint  steep  sand-bank. 
-bnnb  sand  bottom.  -bunte  fe  -fiob  -b^ge  sand 
-sqiiall.    -brioe  drift  of  sand. 

Sanblbru  «  veracious,  tmthful.  -bruf)eb  c 
veracity,  *-br«mt  ot  true-dreaming, 
whose  dreams  prove  true. 

Sanb|bt)ne  (sand)  dune,  down.  -b^nge  fe  -^ob. 
Sanbe  vi  drift  sand;  _  til  be  fllled  with  sand; 
—  +  c<  sand. 

Sanbe  vt  attest  the  truth  of,  verify;  own. 

Sonbegn  c  sandy  region  el.  country. 




@anbfHfl(en)  ado  indeed,  truly,  verily,  in 
Iriith,  of  a  truth,  in  all  conscience. 

Sonbcttræ  n  sandal-wood. 

@antict  a  satidy,  sanded,  sabulous.  —  @(inb]  = 
flaDe  fe  -flette,  -flaf  n  sandflat.  -flagt  sand 
-drift.  -ftflMber,  -fJljnbrc  flounder,  P.euronecten 
flenut.  -fog  drifting  sand.  -foritt  mould  of  sand. 
-formnhtfl  sand-castingr. 

@jnb|f(tr'bl8.  -færblB^cb  fe  -bru,  -bru^eb. 

®anb|gang  sand-walk.  -gobS  scrubs,  Mary- 
laud tobacco.  -gratJ  sand-pit.  -gratier  sand 
-digger.  -gruttb  sandy  bottom.  -gru8  gravel. 
-flrreS  lymegrass,  E vmui  aremriim.  -grætiting 
fe  -aa\     -Ijatt  imm^nse  sandy  waste. 

Sanbftcb  c  -ec  truth;  ben  rene  _  the  real  el. 
exact  truth;  fige  _  speak  (the)  truth;  fige  en  -en 
tell  oue  a  bit  of  one's  mind,  give  it  to  one;  i 
~,  fe  Sonbelig;  6(it)  »eb  -en  stick  to  the  truth; 
noar  jeg  ffal  fige  -en  to  tell  the  truth;  bringe  tt( 
-§  ISctenbelfe  bring  to  see  the  truth;  tracbe  -en  for 
nær  violate  the  truth. 

Sunbfiebe  c  sandy  heath. 

@anb^eb8|brift  instinct  of  truth.  -fornccgtctfc 
denial  of  the  truth.  -færlig  a  veracious.  -fær« 
ligftcb  veracity,  love  of  truth.  -orb  word  of 
truth.  -ftcntme  voice  of  truth.  -fagenbe  a  seeker 
of  truth.  -»en  friend  to  truth.  -»ibttcone  who 
bears  witness  to  the  truth;  confessor,  martyr. 

@iinb{ hjælme  marram,  bent,  Amnophila  are- 
naria.  -l)oD  heap  of  sand.  -^ugorjtt  sand-viper, 
Vipera  ammodytei.  -!)u8  sand-box.  -^øj  sand 
-hill.  -I)«nc  sand-grouse,  Pterocles  areniriui;  fe 
SSraffoale.    ©anbtg  a  fe  ©anbet. 

8anbij  n  sandix. 

©anbijorb  sandy  soli.  -lage  sponge-cake. 
•ia\>el  saud-cupel.  -lifte  reposUory  for  sand. 
■tilt  down.  -ttabhe  sand-crab,  Ocvpoda.  -Irqfi 
black  salwort,  sea  milkvvort,  Giaux  miritima. 
*-t»erO  fe  $igT)bar.  -fitt  anthracitic  slate-coal. 
•tVceUr  eryx.  -lag  layer  of  sand.  -ler  sand 
mixed  with  clay.  -lilje  St.  Bruno's  lily,  Aathe- 
rieun  liliastrum.  •lop\K  jigger,  chigoe,  Patex 
jienetran«.  -lærfe  Alpine  lark,  Alaud'i  alpentri'*. 
-lærreb  sand-cloth.  -løber  sanderling,  Udidrii 
arenarix;  fe  -bifle.  -mabbil  fe  -orm.  "'-male  vt 
sharpen  (the  mill-slones)  by  grinding  gravel 
-manb  sand-man  t-marl  sandy  field.  -ntcrget 
sandy  marl.  •-mige  fe  -mulling.  -mile  drift  of 
quicksand.  -mulb  sandy  loam.  -mulbet  a.  -be 
Sorber  sandy  loams.  -jnuSting  sand-gaper,  Af/zn. 
•■'-mæl(c)  steep  sa,ndy  bank.  -nelltt  maiden  pink, 
Di  inthut  nrentriui.  -orttt  lug,  Lumbricu9  mari- 
nu».  -(japir  sand-paper.  -Ifii  downy  willovv, 
iSilix  urenmrii.  -plabe  (p.  2?ogn)  dirt-board. 
•pxavx  sand-lighter.  -)iranger  fe  -manb.  -^untpe 
pump-scraper.  -ret),  -retile  shoal,  bar,  ridge  of 
sand,  (3;ange)  sand  spit,    -rar  fe  -^jcelme. 

@anbfagn  n  true  saying. 

Sonbfdjal  c  sangiac. 

Sanbjfigcnbe  a  prophesying.  -figer  c  -e, 
-figcrffe  c  -r  soothsayer.  -{Igerlunft  art  of 

Sanb]ffifer  schistous  sandstone.  SanbSforn 
grain  of  sand  Sanbjffrubbe  fe  -ft^nber.  -flube 
saiid-boat.  -ffæg  clubgrass,  Oorynephonis.  -ftettc 
sandy  plain. 

*Sanbfj)aabb  a  a  true  prophet. 

Sonblfpaon  (p.  Slnler)  bill,  pea.  -f>)or  ^ 
limber.  -fttorlrm,  -fporplanfe  limber- board, 
-ftrtr  sea-sedge,  Catex  arenirii.  -ftcn  sandstone. 
•ftcnSbrub  sandstone  quarry.  -ftcnSfiippe  cliff 
of  sandstone.  -ftornt  sand-storm,  -foaic  fe 

©attbflj'nUg  a  likely,  probable;  bet  -fte  er  at 
the  chances  el.  odds  are  that.  -Ijtb  c  likelihood, 
probability,  verisimilitnde;  efter  af  _  in  all  likeli- 

hood et.  probability;  ber  er  megen  _  for  at  the 
chance.?  el.  odds  are  that;  ber  er  meget  ringe  _ 
for  the  odds  are  long  against;  goB  SR^gtet  en  Di« 
_  gave  some  colour  to  the  rumour.  -éeb§Iæren 
the  doctrine,  theorj-  of  probabilitles.  •t)eb§(6e)= 
regning  calculation  of  probabilitles.  -Uié  ado 
probably,  in  all  likelihood 

®anb|fæbe  sand-soap.  -fæ!  sand-bag.  -tag 
sand-pit  -tange  sand-spit  -tregt  c  takiug  s^nd. 
-ur  hour  glass,  watch  glass.  -oaaner  fe  -ar»e. 
-ttej  sandy  road.  -uogn  sand-eart.  -tiæfåt  plant 
reqniring  a  sandy  soil.    -arl,  -arten  sandy  desert. 

é«ng  c  -e  song;  (®erningen)  singing:  "(Slrbeling 
i  et  ftørre  5E)igt)  canto,  -bar  i  adapted  for  sing- 
ing, melodious.  -Bar^cb  c  melodlousness.  -bog 
book  of  songs;  (meb  Sfober)  singing  book.  -bunb 
sound-board,  sounding  board,  -citabc  oicada. 
•bigt  lyric  poem.  -btgter  lyric  poet.  -broåfet 
song  thrush.   Turdus  musicui. 

Sanger  c  -e  singer,  vocalist,  songster;  (?fug1) 
warbler,  Sv'via;  fig  poet,  bard,  minstrel.  -baab 
poetic  work,  minstrelsy  -brot  king  of  poet«. 
-fcft  choral  féte.  @angerinb'e  c -r  singer,  vocal- 
ist, songstress,  cont  singing  girl.  @angcr|tamp 
singing-match,  poetic  toiirnament.  -fnejpc  mu- 
sic-hall.  -for  chorus  of  singers.  -frcb§  circle 
of  poets.  -It»  singer's  el.  poet's  life.  -r^  re- 
nown  as  a  singer  el.  poet.  -felftab  company  el. 
band  of  singers.  @angerffc  c  -r  song.stress,  bibl 

©anglforenlng  singing  club,  choral  union, 
glee  society.  -fugl  singing  bird.  -guben  the 
God  of  song,  Apollo,  -gubinbe  muse.  -^«g 
singing  hawk,  F tico  muficuH.  -tlofter  fe  -Ooerf. 
•for  chorus.  -frcb9  cycle  of  songs.  -lærer(inbe) 
singing-master,  professor  of  singing.  -locrfe  sky 
-lark,  Alnudt  arsentU.  -meftcr  singing-master. 
-m«  fe  -gubinbe.  -nobe  singing  note.  -rig  a 
melodious.  -rigbom  richness  in  melody.  -fpil 
fe  ©gngeipil.  -ftemmc  fe  S^ngeftemme;  voice  part. 
•foane  hooper,  whistliug  swan,  Cuonui  nnixicui. 
-time  singing-lesson.  *-t.oft  fe -btolfel.  -unber' 
otåning  teiching  of  singing.  -nnbcrui3nittg§= 
metobe  method  ofteaching  singing.  -oeré  verse 
of  a  song.    -Bccrt  chime  of  bells. 

®ang|»i'ntfer  c  -e  sang'uine  person,  -bl'nff  a 
sanguine;  nære  -e  øorbentninger  be  singuine  (of). 

Sanifel  c  sanicle. 

©anitæ'r  a  san'itary. 

Santc  vt  gather,  coUect,  cuU,  pick;  _  9tt? 
glean;  _  glocnbe  Sul  heap  coals  of  fire;  -§  vd,  ~ 
fig  vr  assemble,  gather.  (3ante{at§  gleanings 
pi.  -broenbe  sticks,  faggots  pi.  -bam  reservoir. 
•-tcine  receiving  hulk.     @anlning  c  gathering. 

Sanft  a  Saint,  St.;  -  SSern^arb  Great  St.  Bern- 

(Sanft^on§!  aften  Midsummer-eve.  -baat.  -btu§ 
fire  of  Midsummer-eve.  -bag  St.  John  the  Bap- 
tist's  day,  Midsummer-day.  -itb  St.  Jaha's  fire. 
-teg  livelong,  orphine,  Sedum  tefephium.  -orm 
glowworm.  -urt  perforated  St.  Joha's  wort. 
Ill/oericum  per, ''or at  tm;  fe  -løg. 

Sonftio'n  c  sanction,  assent;  StongenS  -  the 
royal  assent.  Sanftione're  vt  sanc'tion;  give 
one's  assent  to;  nægte  at  _  withhold  one's  assent 
from,  veto. 

@anftøettd'ban§  fe  ^iiti'. 

®anå  c  -er  sense;  gob,  funb  _  plain,  good  sense; 
ber  er  iffe  funb  _  i  bet  it  is  nonsense:  t)Ode  _  for 
have  a  sense  of;  f)an  ^ar  ingen  _  for  Wufit,  ^oefi 
lie  has  no  taste  for  music,  poetry;  Bære  Beb  _ 
og  Samling  be  in  one's  right  senses;  Ⱦre  fra  - 
og  S.  be  out  of  one's  senses;  fomma  til  _  og 
Samling  ig-n,  faa  fine  -erS  iBru.)  igen  recover  one's 
senses;  falbe  i  -ente  be  perceptible  by  (to)  the 
s;3nse3.     ©anfe   vt   (B^mærle)   perceive,    notice, 




Sarnet  beg^nbcr  Qt  -  the  cbild  begins  to  notice 
objects,  to  take  notice;  bu  -r  ifte  ^oab  ®ub2  er 
bihl  thou  savourest  not  the  thiugs  that  be  of 

Sanfe  vt  ^  haul  taut. 

@anfc|6cbro9  illusion  el.  deception  (of  the 
senses),  -forncmmelje  .sense-perception.  -frljb 
sensual  pleasure.  -tubtr^t  impression  on  the 
senses,  sense-impression,  sensation.  -lage  F 
refresher.  Sanfcltg  a  of  the  senses,  belongiug 
to  el.  affecting  the  senses,  sensuous,  (legemlig) 
phy.'ical,  material,  (meft  i  flet  S9et.)  sensual. 
@anfc(tg^eb  c  senses;  sensuousness,  sensualism. 
Snnfe  lio  sensual  life.  -ieé  a,  -I«8l(eb  c  fe  Son 
feéUS  -neruct  sensitive  nerves.  -nt)belfe  sen- 
sual pleasure.  -organ,  -rcbffab  organ  of  sense, 
sense-organ,  sensory.  -ruS  intoxication  of  the 
seuses.  @anfe§Iø§  a,  insensible;  fig 
Ihoughtless,  heedless.  ®anfe8t«8^eb  c  sense- 
lessness  etc.  Sanfcjtræt  a  whose  senses  are 
wearied,  jaded.  -træt^rb  weariness  of  the  senses. 
-uerbc«  sensual  el.  external  world.  -kKcfen  sen- 
tient  being. 

®an§trit  n  sanscrit. 

€an§tu(ot'  c  -ter  sans-culotte. 

Sanéning  c  -er  perception,  sensation. 

Santerntng  c  J,  gammoning.  SanterningS- 
!liæ  gammoningknee  (o.  fl.). 

Sfltiaja'  c  -er  sap'ayou,  Cebus. 

Bttpa'nttce  n  sapan'-wood. 

Bttppt  c  -r  sap.    ^appe't  c  -er  sap'per. 

Sor  c  savory,  Satureia. 

éattt  Sarah. 

Saraban'be  c  -r  sar'aband. 

3ara|ce'ner  c  -e,  -cc'nifl,  -ce'nfl  a  Sar'acen. 

SariigoS'fa  n  Zaragossa. 

Snrbe  c  fe  9Jorbfaper. 

Sarbcl',  Sarbi'n  c  -er  sa'rdel,  sa'rdine,  Clu- 
pe'i  sardina. 

Sarbcr  c  (Sten)  hihl  sardins. 

@arbi'n|ien  n  Sardin'ia.  -ier,  -ietinbe  c  -e,  -r 
-(t)ff  n  Sardin'ian. 

Sarbo'iiift  «  sardon'ic. 

Sarbo'jtt)E  c  sa'rdonyx. 

5argaé'fo'ban(c  sargasso-bank,  bank  of  gulf 
-weed     -tang  sargassum,  sargasso. 

©arfaé'imc  c  -r  sa'rcasm.    -tiff  a  sarcastie(al). 

Sarfofag  c  -er  sarcoph'agus.  ©arto'm  n  sar- 

Sarma't  c  -er,  -iff  a  Sarmatian.  -ien  n  Sar- 

Saron  n  Sharon. 

SarS  n  serge. 

Sa'rt  n  delicate. 

Saro|t  vt  J,  keckle.    -ing  c  keckllng. 

SaSfafraå  c,  -tr«  sassafras-tree,  Laurua  sassa- 


SadfatiariU'a  c  sarsaparilla. 

@at  purt  of  Sætte.  Sat  a  sedate,  steady, 
staid,  (om  SSæfenj  demure,  grave;  af  _  Sliber  of 
mature  age.    -fteb  c  steadiness  etc,  gravity. 

«aton  c  Satan;  fe  ogfaa  ganben,  ^ot!er.  éata'= 
nift  a  satan'ic(al). 

Sotlnje're  vt  glaze,  hot-press.  -ermafline 
glazing-machine.  -cring  c  glazing  etc.  -et'  n 
srtfinet.    ©oti'ntræ  sat'in-wood. 

Satt'r|e  c  -r  sat'ire.  -iler  c  -e  sat'irist.  -iff  a 
satir'ieal.    -tfe're  vi  oser  sat'irize. 

Satigfaftio'n  c  satisfac'tion. 

Vattap  c  -er  sa'trap. 

^até  c  -er  assertion,  proposition;  mixture, 
composition,  (F  compo);  math  theorem;  typ 
form,  composition,  matter  (in  type);  mu«  com- 
position, (9lfbcl.)  movement;  (paa  Sænbftifte)  head. 
•for^olb  proportion  of  ingredients.  -Ittg(e  bell 
metal  ball. 

2arfeii    33anfl.®ngelff  Drbbog, 

Saturatø'r  c  -er  oil-perfumer. 

Saturcj'  c  savory. 

Saturn'  Saturn.  -o'Iter  pi  Saturnalia.  -if!  a 

®atJ)r  c  -er  satyr,  -agtig  a  satyr-like.  •\p\l 
satyr'ic  tragedy. 

*®aH  c  -er,  fe  Sfoar.    -bul  ram. 

®au(fIoben)  c  the  Save. 

Soucc  c  -r  sauce;  _  til  Salat  salad-dressing. 
-ftaal  sauce-boat. 

*@au|faE  sheep-shears.  -fli«l  edible  cockle, 
Uardium  edule. 

@at)  c  -e,  *@ag,  -er  saw;  *saw-mill. 

Sauan'ner  pi  savannas. 

©o't)|bIab  blade  of  a  saw.  -brug  saw  mill  el. 
-work.  -bue  saw-frame;  saw-bow.  -bul  jack. 
•bannet  a  saw-shaped;  serrate. 

*@abe  c  sap. 

@a»e  vt  saw.    -lab  fe  SobBut.    -melte  fe  Sab=. 

@a'b||iff  sawfish.  Pristis.  »-flig  fe  -fpaan.  -for' 
mig  a  fe  -bannet.  -gitter  saw-grate.  -grube 

Sabl,  Sable  fe  Sogl,  Saglc. 

Sa'b|''tnugg  fe  -fpaan.  -ntøUe  saw-mill,  amr 

Saun  n,  pi  =,  want;  {%ab)  loss,  privation, 
bereavement,  regret;  afOJoclpe  et  -  meet  a  desi- 
deratum;  efterlabe  et  -  leave  a  void;  libe  -  suffer 
privations.  Sabne  vt  want,  feel  the  want  of, 
(^oab  man  Ijar  Ijaft)  miss;  bcr  -§  to  two  are  miss- 
ing; be  -be  the  missing  men,  people;  -r  al  Wrunb 
is  de  void  of  all  foundation.  —  Sabn|fri,  -I«S  n 
feeling  no  want,  lacking  nothing.  -fulb  a  re- 

Sa'oning  c  sawing. 

Saboj'en  n  Sav'oy.  Sabojorb'  c  -er  Savoya'rd. 
Sooojarblire  c  hurdy-gurdy.  Sabojtaal  sav'oy 

@a'U|rofle  fe  -fifl.  -ffaaret  a  sawn.  '-fJur 
sawing  of  timber.  -fftercr  c  -e  sawyer.  -fmulb 
fe  -fpaan.  -fitit  saw-notch,  kerf.  -fbåan  sawdust. 
*-ftol  fe  -but.  -tatfe  serrature.  -tatfet  «  serrated. 
-tonb  tooth  of  the  saw;  (I)o8  Sljr)  saw-toolh. 
•tømmer  plank-timber.  -ublægger  saw-set,  saw 
-wrest.    -boerf  saw-work. 

Sajifra'ga  c  saxifrage. 

SaQet'garn  fe  9iaffmogergarn. 

Scammo'nium(rob)  c  scammony. 

Scene  c  -r  scene;  -n  (S^eatret)  the  stage;  fætte 
i  _  get  up;  bringe  paa  -n  place  on  the  boards  el. 
scene;  gaa  ober  -n  (Stt)ffe)  be  acted,  performed, 
(efuefpifier)  cross  the  stage;  bet  fom  til  en  _  there 
was  a  scene.  Scene| arrangement  stage  direc- 
tions.  -foranbring  scene-shifting.  -inftrult«r 
stage  manager,  -ttantbeb  c  stage  practice  el. 
experience.  Scenift  a  scenic  (el.  scen'ic),  thea- 
trical,  stage-. 

Scepter  n  -tre  sceptre;  fere  -et  bear  the  sceptre. 

Si^atlcrjøbe  c  street-Jew,  Jew-hawker. 

Sibat|re  vi  chaffer.    -ren  c  chaffering. 

Si^att  c  -er  (SJjærgb.)  shaft;  (i  aRoSobn)  fire 
-room,  tunnel,    -obn  shaft-fumace. 

S^ama'n|er pi  Sha'mans.  -iS'men  Sha'manism. 

Sdjattc  |re  vt  shade,  shadow.     -ring  c  shade. 

Stfiebcf  c  -fer  xe'bec. 

Sc^eibe  vt  fe  Sfebe.  -ertS  c  bucking-ore.  -^u8 
parting  workshop. 

Si^etbcfloben  the  Scheldt. 

St^rQat  c  shellac,  gumlac. 

Sc^ema  n  -er  form,  schedule.  Si^ema'ti^  a 

Sifienfel  [t.]  -tier  leg. 

Si^ift  c  -er  layer,  stratum;  (SlrbejbStib)  shift; 
(Snicltn.)  batch. 

Sd^tbfc  fe  Sjtbbe. 

Si^le'{i|en  n  Silesia.    -er  c,  -fl  a  Silesian, 





@(4ni^eIfAgt  c  paper-chase,  hare  and  hounds. 

Stfiofel  oft).,  fe  Sjofel. 

@dit!  ftil  Sat)  scat! 

@(6u6flittb  [t.]  raeoon's  skin. 

@(t)u»»i>er  [t.]  pi  (xiaa  ^iæltn)  scales. 

Bd)XOttbtttt)ev  ©frift  German  italios. 

®(I)»t)o!6|rn  n  Suabia.    -iff  a  Suabian. 

©ti^BiorsittioIti  the  Black  Forest.  -Uialberur 
Dutch  elock. 

®4tt>eiS  n  Switzerland.  -er  c,  -ift  a  Swiss; 
fe  oflfoa  ©bejtfer. 

@e,  faa,  fet  »<  &  i  see;  (ffue)  behold;  fe  I  look ! 
(bøjtib.,  fip)  lo!  behold!  _  gobt,  boorligt  have  a 
good,  bad  sight;  _  tangt  be  far-sighted;  ber  er 
intet  ot  _  nothing  is  to  be  seen;  there  is  nothing 
apparent;  fan  bu  _  noget?  nej,  ber  er  intet  at  _ 
can  you  see  anything?  no,  I  can  see  nothing; 
om  jeg  -t  rigtigt  if  I  see  right;  ^bab  mon  ilfe  -r, 
6ar  man  ille  onbt  af  what  the  eye  sees  not,  the 
heart  rues  not;  tabe  _  show;  labe  fig  -  put  in 
an  appearance,  make  one's  a.;  ^an  laber  fig  albrig 
_  he  never  makes  his  appearance;  lob  fig  ifte 
mere  _  was  seen  no  more;  labe  fig  _  for  ^enge 
exhibit  one's  self  for  money;  faa  bibt  man  tunbe 

-  to  all  seeming;  fe!  fe!  -r  man  bet!  indeed! 
bless  my  soul!  bit  man  -!  see  now!  only  see! 
itj  _ '  why !  :^ar  man  -t !  only  think !  did  you 
ever!  ^an  -r  mange  2foIl  ^08  fig  he  sees  måny 
people;  bet  -r  ieg  gerne  I  like  that;  jeg  faa  lige 
faa  gerne  I  had  as  lief  (as  not);  jeg  -r  ^am  gerne 
I  am  very  fond  of  him;  jeg  -r  gerne,  at  bu  fommer 
I  shall  be  very  glad,  if  you  will  come;  gobt,  bi 
faa  at  -!  well,  we  shall  see!  jeg  ffat  _,  l^bab  jeg 
Ian  gøre  I  will  see,  what  I  can  do;  bu  maa  _  ot 
fomme  you  must  try  to  come;  noar  man  -r  tiam, 
ffulbe  mon  tro  to  see  him  one  should  believe; 
ber  faa§  (mon  faa)  ingen  gotf  no  people  were  to 
be  seen,  we  saw  no  people;  bi  -8  fjælben,  foo8 
ofte  we  seldom  meet,  often  met;  -  fig  ftuffet 
find  one's  self  disappointed;  —  (meb  præp  &  ndv) : 
_  ob,  om  pengene  ere  ber  see  if  the  money  is 
there;  jeg  ffat  ~  ob  I  will  see  (what  I  can  do) 
t)eraf  -r  mon  hence  it  appears;  ~  2;iben  on  wait 
some  time,  bide  one's  time,  (wait  and)  see;  _ 
fine  (Jolt  on  know  whom  one  has  to  deal  with; 
iioor  mon  -r  bort  fra  not  considering,  apart 
from,  independently  of;  -efter  noget  look  for 
a  thing;  :^an  ftob  og  fao  efter  mig  he  stood  look- 
ing  after  me;  ^on  faa  efter  oEe  S?egne,  om  ^on 
funbc  ftnbe  bet  he  looked  for  it  every  where  iu 
order  to  lind  it;  -  efter  (poS  poo)  ©ørnene!  look 
to  the  children!  fion  faa  efter  i  Sogen,  paa  fin 
2ifte  he  consulted,  referred  to,  the  book,  his 
list;  ^on  fflo  iffe  SRegningen  efter  he  did  not  exam- 
ine  the  account;  -  efter,  om  see  if;  -  fig  for 
look  before  one;  _  big  for,  (boer  »oo  bin  ^goft) 
look  about  you!  _  big  for,  ot  bu  tHe  folber!  see 
that  you  do  not  fall !  _  ^en  tit  consider;  noar 
mon  -r  ^en  tit  considering;  _  t)en  til  en,  fe:  _  inb; 
_  i  Spejlet  look  into  the  glass;  _  en  i  Stnfigtet 
look  into  one's  face;  -  igennem  look  through, 
look  over;  _  inb  til  en  cail  upon,  look  in  upon, 
go  et.  come  and  see  one,  look  one  up;  -  neb 
paa  look  down  upon;  -  om  (føge)  noget  look  for 
a  thing;  _  fig  om  (omfring)  look  about  one,  (ttt= 
6age)   look  round;    _  big  om   look   behind  you; 

-  fig  om  paa  et  Steb  take  a  view  of  a  place, 
view  the  curiosities  ot  a  place;  ^on  foo  fig  om  i 
95ærelfet  he  looked  about  the  room:  ^on  fior  -t 
fig  om  i  SSerben  he  has  seen  the  world;  '_  fig  om 
efter  noget  look  for  a  thing;  jeg  moo  -  mig  om 
efter  en  onben  2;jfner  I  must  look  out  for,  cast 
about  for,  another  servant  bet  ton  folbi",  før  mon 
-r  fig  om  it  may  fall  before  you  expect  it  et. 
dream  of  it;  _  op  tit  en  look  up  to  one;  fe:  _ 
inb;  _  poa  look  at,  regard;   _  poo  fit  eget  SSebfte 

look  to  one's  own  interest;  ^an  -r  iffe  poo  $enge 
money  is  no  object  with  him;  bet  bit  jeg  ~  pao 
I  defy  you  to  do  it;  bet  ton  jeg  _  paa  ®em  I  can 
see  it  by  your  looks;  t)an  foo  fig  gonffe  btinb 
berpoo  he  looked  at  it,  till  he  was  quite  dazzk-d; 
man  fon  _  fig  gtob  poo  ^om  it  gladdens  one's 
heart  to  look  at  him;  ^an  foo  fig  got  paa  bette 
TOennefEe  the  very  sight  of  this  man  made  him 
angry;  _  fig  feb,  moft  poo  noget  get  tired,  weary 
of  looking  at  a  thing;  _  tit  look  on,  be  a  looker 
•on;  _  nøje  tit  look  .sharp;  r  mon  nøjere  ti!  on 
a  closer  inspection;  _  tit  benftre!  eyes  left!  man 
-r  intet  tit  S3l)en  you  see  nothing  of  the  town; 
jeg  fior  itfe  -t  noget  tit  '^am  I  have  seen  nothing 
of  him;  _  bu  bertit  bibl  see  thou  to  that;  _  tit 
en  give  one  a  call,  go  lo  see  one;  _  milbt  tit  en 
look  kindly  upon  one,  cast  a  mild  look  upon 
one;  _  brebt  til  en  frown  on  et.  at  one,  cast  an 
angry  look  upon  one;  _  ffæot  tit  mget  look 
black  et.  blue  at  a  thing;  -  tit  ot  bu  ifte  folber 
take  care  you  don't  fall;  _  ti(  Kreaturerne,  SJørnene 
see,  look  to  et.  after  the  cattle,  the  children; 
bi  moa  -  tit  ot  bcere  be  førfte  we  must  manage 
to  be  the  fir.'it;  jeg  ftol  ~  tit  I'U  see  about  it; 
jeg  ftol  _  til  ot  ffaffe  ^am  bet  I  will  try  to  obtain 
it  for  him;  _  fig  tilbage  look  back;  _  ub  fom 
look  like;  _  gobt,  itbe  ub  look  well,  ill;  _,  bbor= 
bun  be  foo  ub  f  see  what  they  looked  like;  ^on 
-r  ræbfom  ub  he  looks  an  awfnl  flgure;  ^bor  ^an 
foo  ub !  what  a  sight  he  was !  what  a  figure  he 
looked!  ^bor  lier  fer  ub !  what  a  sight  the'room 
is!  _  ub  (of  SSinbuet)  look  out  (of  the  window); 
bet  -r  golt  ub  for  2onbmanben  the  farmer's  pro- 
spects  are  bad;  bette  fao  galt  ub  this  was  a  bad 
look-out;  bet  r  unberligt  ub  it  has  an  odd  look; 
jeg  gab  bibe,  ^borbon  §ufet  -r  ub  I  wonder  what 
the  house  will  be  like;  _  ub  til  promise;  bet  -r 
ub  til  fRegn  it  looks  like  rain;  bet  -r  ub  til  at 
Btibe  et  gobt  Stor  it  bids  fair  to  be  a  good  year- 
_  ub  efter  Sejlere  J\,  keep  a  good  look-out  for 
sails;  -  fig  ub  pick  out,  fix  upon;  bære  bel  ilbe 
fet  bo§  be  in  good,  bad,  odour  with;  bet  -te  af= 
flænger  of  IZSjnene  ber  _  «how  much  depends  upon 
our  mental  eye-sight  what  we  see!» 

Sebati'P  n  sed'ative. 

Sebbel  [t  ogf  ubt.  Scebel]  c  bier  slipofpaper; 
(lille  SSreo)  note,  billet  (iBantofebbet)  (bank)noie; 
fe  fiotteri=.  Stemmes  firibe  -bier  (2eg)  play  at 
consequences,  play  at  who,  when  and  where. 
Scbbcl|tinnl  bank  of  issue.  -emtéften  issne. 
-tatalog  card-catalogue ,  catalogue  on  slips. 
•mo§fe  amount  of  notes,  ubftebetfe  issue.  -ub» 
ftebenbc  33anf,  fe  -banf. 

Sebe's  c,  -format  sextodecimo,  16mo. 

@cbi|mcnt'  n  sediment,  -inentæ'r  a  sedi- 

©ccH  c  seeing.  ©cer  o  -e  seer.  —  @eer|Btit 
prophetic  eye,  eye  of  a  prophet.  -eone,  -gaue, 
-Iraft  gift  of  divination  el.  prophecy,  prophetic 

©cfli  n,  p{  =,  seal,  signet. 

Segl  c  -e  (Srumtnib)  sickle. 

*8eB(  fe  Sejt. 

®c'gfo§  n  eye-glass. 

@efll|bct>arer  keeper  ot  the  seals.  -Brnb  n 
breaking  the  scfd. 

Scgllbanntt,  -fannet  a  ^  falcate. 

Scgljorb  c  sphragide,   seal  el.  Lemnian  earth. 

©cglltrumrøct  'i  fe  -formet 

®egt|laf  sealing  whx.  -obtat  wafer.  -pcnQe 
fees  for  appendiiig  official  seal.s.  -^jreéfc  letter 
-sealing  press.  -ring  signet-ring.  -famting  col- 
lection  of  seals.  -ftett  engraved  gem.  -træer  (i 
Stenful)  sigillaria.    -bofé  ie  -lof. 

©egment'  n  -er  seg  ment. 




Segne  vi  sink  down,  droop,  drop;  _  om  b.  f. 
-n  c  sinking. 

3c^«|ene  pi  the  couches  of  the  optic  nerves. 

Sej !  interj  hollo  !  I  say  ! 

Se|  c  -er  eoal-fish,  Gadun  viren«. 

Sej  a  fe  Sejg. 

tSej  a  free-and-easy,   jaunty,    devil-may-care. 

Sejs  c  witchcraft,  sorcery  -fone.  -Itiinbe 
soroeress,  witch.    -manb  sorcerer,  wizard. 

Sejbrifter  c  hard  drinker. 

+Seje  c  -r  F  sinew. 

Sejer  c  -jre  victory;  binbe  _,  gaa  of  meb  -en 
gflin  el.  win  the  victory,  Iæ  vietorious,  rome 
olf  (the)  Victor;  btiibe  en  let  _  (ogf )  F  walk  over 
tlie  course;  have  a  walk  over;  -en  er  Bor  (ogf  ) 
tlie  day  is  ours.  Sejerlbruffen  a  intoxlcated  el. 
elated  with  victory.  -Ijerre  vietor,  conqueror, 
conqnering  hero;  (i  S8æbbel»6  o.  I.)  wiuner  -n 
beb  SBaterloo  the  vietor  of  W.  -^ue  fe  -ft'orte. 
•fronet  a  crowned  with  victory.  -Xai  a  who  is 
not  vietorious,  vanquished.  -rig  o  vietorious, 
conqnering,  trinmphant;  floa  -  ub  af  prove  vie- 
torious in,  cotne  off  vietorious  from.  -fnltg  a 
triumphant,  fe  brutfen     -fofigdeb  triumph 

Sejeréibub  messenger  of  victory.  -iub(ffaB) 
nows  of  victory.  -bag  day  of  victory.  -fone 
standard  of  victory.  -feft  rejoicings  for  a  vic- 
tory. -f«(e(fe  vietorious  feeling  -glrcbe  triumph. 
•(jeh  conqnering  hero.  -inbtog  triumphal  en- 
trance,  -jubel  triumph  of  victory.  Sejerffjorte 
caul.  Sejeråjtfieber  triumphal  robes.  -tranS 
wreath  el.  crown  of  victory.  -mtnbe  monument 
of  victory.  -multfllicb  chHnce  of  victory.  -optag 
triumph.  -palme  palm  of  victory.  -priå  prtze 
ol"  victory.  -r<iab  fe  -ffrig  -rnS  intoxi«  atton  of 
victorj'.  -r^gte  nimonr  of  victory.  -fang  song 
of  victory.  -ftfter^eb  confidence  of  vietory. 
-ffrig  shout  of  victory.  -ftolt  n  fe  ©ejet',  -ftøtte 
triumphal  column  -tegn  token  of  vict"ry, 
irophy.  Sejerften  astrite.  ©cjerStog  triumphal 
procession.  SejerftoJt  n  elatcd  with  victory 
-^  »ejerffor  a  vietorious  Sejr§|tiié^eb  confidence 
of  victory.    -pogn  triumphal  car. 

Sejerlfæl  a  fe  rig  -færf  fe  ftjorte.  -tiont  a 
nccnsiomed  to  victory.  tiinber  vietor.  -»tnber: 
inbe  -  -r  -^victress.  -binbing  fe  Sejer,  -i-nnnben 
o  victorionsly  won. 

tScjertiærl  n  pendnlum-elock. 

Sej  g)  a  tough  _  Wobftanb  stubbom  resistance 
-l)eb  f  toughness.  -Itpet  "  tenacioiis  of  life, 
tenacity  of  life.  -pil  purple  willow,  S'iHx  jiur- 
imren.  -pint  vt  torture  slowly.  -pineri  n  slow 

Sejnre  o.  fl.,  fe  ©ajgre. 

Sejg  I  trælle  vi  haul  slowly.  -t*tre  vt  dry 

Sejl  n,  pi  —,  sail;  (paa  TOoHeften)  rynd;  Jejfe 
et  -  hoist  a  sail;  fcette  -  set  sail;  bjærge  -  take 
lii  sail;  beflaa  _  fiirl  the  sails;  fina  et  -  unb'r,  fra 
bend,  unbend  a  sail;  oære  unber  _  be  under  sail; 
gao  unber  -  get  under  weigh  (el  way;;  unber 
fniaa  -  under  easy  sail,  fættp  ode  -  til  crowd 
sail  fejle  for  fulbe  -  be  under  a  pressofsail.  go 
with  all  .sails  set.  Srjfab'S  c  sailing,  navigation. 
—  Sejllareat  sprewd  of  canvas.  -banb  sailing 
boat.  -bor  a  navigai)Ie.  -bor^eb  c  navigableness 
•barm  cliie.  -bctræt  cover  for  a  sail  -bjccrg 
ning  c  tHking  in  sail.  -brig  .sailina-brig  (o  fl). 
•centrum  centre  of  effort  of  the  shiIs.  -bng  c, 
+n  sail-eloth,  canvas.  -bugefobrif  canvas  manu- 
factory.  -bugdpofe  canvas  bag  (o  fl.)  -bugd- 
rufle  bolt  of  canvas.  -bt)b  n  (deep)  chiinuel 
•btigtig  a  a  good  sailer.  -b^gtigljrb  sailing  qua- 

Sejfe  vi  <fe  t  sail;  go,  proceed;  F  (om  ®ang) 
jog;  reel;  _  et  Slib  op  overtake,  overhaul,  a  ship; 

~  et  Slib  ober  run  down  a  ship;  _  lang?  meb 
Stiften  coast;  _  bibeoinb  sail  by  the  wind;  -  Hob? 
bibeoinb  sail  closehauled;  _  rumt  sail  large;  _ 
plat  run  before  the  wind;  -  iet?  Streger  rumt 
sail  quartering;  .  i  ftonOoi  sail  in  Company;  _ 
fra  outsail;  -  en  ©tang  oBerborb  carry  away  a 
topmast.   -  ipaa  (et  anbet  Slib)  run  into;   labe  en 

-  fin  egen  ©o  leavp  one  to  his  own  devices. 
Sejten  c  sailing  Sejler  c  e  (Sfib  i  ©øen)  sail; 
(?^ugl)  swift,  Cvp^elus;  10  -e  10  sail;  en  gob  -  a 
good  sailer. 

Sejllflobe  fe  -areal,  -fregot  sailing  frigate. 
-færbig  n  ready  to  sail,  ready  for  sea.  '-fæfte 
ballast.  -føring,  -f«rfel  quantity  of  canvas. 
•garn  twine,  pack-thread.  -^onbfle  palm.  -t)orn 
grease  horn.  Sejling  c  sailing.  Sejlljode  fe 
-baab.  -fommcr  fe  -fpje.  -lantning 
-flor  fe  -færbig  -froft :  »eb  -  by  sails.  -frog 
sail  hook.  -f«je  sail-room.  -leb  c  fairway, 
channel.  -loft  sail-loft,  -lab  fe  Ifb.  -mager  c 
-e  sail-maker  -magerbonbffe  palm.  -mogeri  n 
sail-making.  •magerpren  pricker,  stabber.  -mo^fe 
fe  føring,  -nool  sail-n^^edle.  •orben  order  of 
sailing.  -orbre  sailing  orders.  -polet  sailiii.g 
packet,  -pofe  sail-bag.  -rao  sail-yard.  -rebe 
fe  -færbig  -regering  trimming  the  sails.  -ring 
ring  of  8  sail.  -ffib  sailing  vessel.  -flub  part- 
ing gun.  -flærtng  cntting  sails.  -fiibt  n  with 
sails  torn.  t-ften  loadstone.  -ftio  'i  stifif.  -tur 
sail  water-party;  tage  fig  en  _  take  a  sail;  tage 
en  meb  raa  en  _  take  one  a  sail.  -tørring  dry- 
ing  sails  -pej  sailing-route.  -Pejr  sailing 
weather.  -Pinb  wind  for  sailing.  -ptrtning 
efifect  of  the  sails. 

Sejr  fe  ©ejer  Sejre  vt  triumph,  gain  the 
victory,  be  vietorious;  -nbe  a  vietorious.  4-Sejrct 
c  Victor. 

Sejfie  vt  J,  nipper;  (bænbfle)  seize.  -tng  c  -er 
(alm  )  seizing;  (93rf(ag)  gasket 

*Seinfé  c  large,  full  grown  coal-flsh. 

Srtloné  c  secnnt     -ant'  c  -er  se'cant. 

Sffel  n  -fler,  fe  9lar^unbrebe 

Sfiel  c,  pi.  =,  (SBæflt)  shekel. 

S'fonb-  fe  Sefunb'. 

Sefroft  c  (eye)sight,  visive  facnlty. 

Scfret  /I  -er  privy  seal.    (9lfionbr.)   secretion. 

—  Setreltorio't  »i  -er  secreta  riat,  secreta'riate; 
-tot  r  <:  -er  (onf  Woblet)  secretary  (fun  Woblet) 
chiflfcmler,  scrutoire,  secretaire,  cabinet.  -tæt' 
(fugli  secretary(-bird),    Gypoger  nvs  'erpeiiViriw. 

Sef§  six  en  'om  figer  -Fa  stunner,  a  trump. 
Set§a  '  supper.  Set3|aaret  a  six-oared.  -oorig 
a  six  year<  old.  -ooring  (om  Soæg)  a  six  year 
old.  SetSogc'ftmo  Sexages'ima.  Sef§|ben  fe 
8ué  -benet  -/  six-hgged.  •btftbet  a  (mi'b  6  åroitbl.) 
hexapetalous  (meb  6  Smaabl.)  hexaphyllous;  »i, 
(S  rue)  six-bladed  -bobbelt  n  six-fold,  "extuple. 
-enber  c  e  staar  with  six  antlers  Setéer  c  -e 
six  i  2cenitnc-.fptl)  sire.  -  alle  two  sixes.  Sel§|' 
fobet  n  sixfooted,  hexapod;  _  SSerS  hexameter. 
•folb  fe  -bobbelt.  •febbet  fe  -foeet.  -garnSIine 
six-thread  line.  •tiannet  a  k.  c  hexandrian. 
-Runnet  n  hexagynian.  -font  hexagon.  •fontet 
'/  hexagonal.  -løbet  <>  six-barreled;  _  JReDOli'er 
six-shooter  -øttenbebelå  ^ott  measure  of  six 
quavers.  •|iunber  <■  e  sixpounder  •))unb(g  a 
of  six-pouiids  •punbing  c  fe  -punber  -robct  a 
six  rowed  -  SSt);)  btre,  bear,  six-rowed  bHrley. 
Scfåfibet  a  six-sifled,  hexahedral  -fpænbt  a 
iS,<ogn)  carringe  and  six.  -ftaøetfeS  of  six  syl- 
lai'les.  -ftentmtg  a  for  six  voici  s  ScfSt  c  -er 
sixth.  Se!? tal  six.  Setøtont  -  er  ""(  sex'tant. 
SetStontfoéfe  sextant  case.  SefStontfpcjl  il 
pla-ses  of  the  sextant;  bet  ftore  -  the  index  glass. 
SetétrnoorS  a  of  sixteen  years  Sefétenbe  sjx- 
teenth;    for  bet  -  in  the  sixteenth  place.     SetS- 





lenbcbel  sixteenth  (part);  -S  SRobe  semiquaver, 
demiquaver;  -§  ^aufe  semiquaver  rest.  SeI8tct' 
c  -ter  ses'tet,  sex'tet,  sextuor.  @et§ti  sixty. 
©eléttbcn  :  »eb  _  about  six.  iSetStienbe  a  six- 
tieth.  <Sef§timecirIeIen  ^  the  six  o'clock  hour 
firole.  ©elSto'I  c  sextole,  sextuplet,  sextolet. 
®cf§troabct  a  six-thread. 

©cfåuo'Iftjfteinet  the  sex'ual  system. 

6elt  c  -er  sect,  denomination.  —  @el|tc'rcr  c 
-e  sectarian.   -te'rift  a  sectarian,  denominational. 

©cftio'n  c  -er  sec'tion.  —  ®cItio'n§|or6cjtic 
sectionizing.  -mtfbe  sectional  sitting  el.  meeting. 
-ftttC  dissecting-room. 

Scttor  c  -o'rer  sector. 

Selttiæfcn  n  sectarianism. 

Scfula'rgciftUg  c  see'ular  priest.  —  Selttloril- 
fotio'n  c  seculariza'tion.  -fe're  vt  sec'ularize. 
@elulum  n  -Iler,  fe  Slorfiunbrebe.  ©efnlæ'r  a 
see'ular.    <Sefu(æcforanticing  secular  change. 

Selunb'  c  &  w  -er  (i  aUe  33et.)  sec'ond.  @e= 
lunbaforitt  typ  inner  form.  <Sefunbaf(orb  c  chord 
of  the  second.  @elunbitnt'  c  -er  sec'ond.  ®e= 
tunb'aoelScI  second  of  exchange.  ©elunbe'rc 
vt  sec'ond.  —  @etunb|Ieitnant  sublieutenant. 
-ulfer  second-hand.    @etunb(e'r  a  sec'ondary. 

@eH)cn§'  c  -er  se'quence. 

Sefucft'Icr  n  sequestra'tion.  -ra'tor  c  sequest- 
rator.  -ratio'n  c  sequestra'tion.  -re'te  vt  se- 

*@ct  [æ]  n  fe  ©æter^qtte. 

Sclabongrønt  n  sea-green. 

Éclbf^ul'lcr  p^  Sel'juks.    -tf!  a  Seljukian. 

Sele  c  -r  (t  ©eletøj)  horse-coUar;  swimming 
-belt;  *(=tøj)  harness;  fe  SSufSfefele.  *®ele  vt  _  paa 
harness.  -lammer  harness-room.  -Inap  brace 
button,  suspender-button.    -Iø8  a  braceless. 

@elc'n  n  selenium.  -^olbig  a  selenif'erous. 
©elenit'  c  sel'enite.    Selc'nf^re  selen'ic  acid. 

SeUMettopet  [t.]  c  kidnapper,  -i  n  kidnap- 

iSe(e|*<»inb  harness-pin.  -tiubc  horse-coUar. 
-t«i  harness. 

©clibo'nte  c  (great)  celandine,  Ghelidonium 
tnnjus:  lille  _  lesser  celandine,  Ficaria. 

éeli'tte  c  caraway-leaved  milk-parsley,  Selinum 

Selje  [él  c  -r  (great)  sallow,  palm-tree,  palm 
willow,  Salix  capræa.  -fl*}te,  -<)lDe  willow 
-whistle.  -vtn  Swedish  service-tree,  Sorbus 

@ette  c  -r  lad,  swain. 

SeUeri  c  (Stitf=  et.  %op')  celery,  Apittm  gra- 
veolens; (Snop=  el.  SUobO  celeriac,  A.  g.  rapaceum. 

<Se(ning  fe  ©anbtø6er. 

Selfldb  n  -er  (Dmgang)  company,  society;  (fel= 
flafieltg  ©amtnenlomft)  party,  company;  (fjorening) 
society,  (9lftie=  o.  1.)  company;  i  _  meb  in  (the) 
company  of;  gøre  en  ~,  l^olbe  en  meb  _  keep, 
bear  one  company;  gBre  _  meb  join  the  party; 
gøre  et  _  give  a  party;  gøre  et  _  for  give  an 
entertainment  to;  gaa,  fomme  i  _,  -er  mix  el. 
mingle  in  society;  føge,  I)olbe  _  meb  associate, 
company,  with;  flet  _  forbærber  gobe  Sæber  evil 
Communications  corrupt  good  manners;  lærbe 
-er  learned  societies;  optoges  i  et  _  be  admitted 
member  of  a  society;  melbe  fig  ub  af  et  _  with- 
draw one's  name  from  a  society.  @elfta'16eHg 
a  (fom  fler  i  S.)  social;  (fom  Ijnber  S.)  sociable; 
(om  2)t}r)  gregarious;  _  3)annelfe  manners.  @el- 
fta'btliQtfth  c  sociability.  ,-^@eIffa6cr(tnbe)  c 

@eIffttb§|6o(inb  social  tie.  -Bi  social  bee. 
-brober  companion.  -bame  (lady's)  companion, 
lady' s  help.  -bragt  evening  dress  el.  clothes. 
-brift  social  propensity.  -b^r  gregarious  animal. 
-fttfll    company   bird,   love-bird,    Paittacula;    fe 

-manb.  -frelen,  -jomfru  fe  -bome.  -gtæbc  socia: 
joy.  -lappt  dress  cap.  -Irebå  social  eircle 
•leg  social  play  el.  game.  -Ituet  social  life 
society,  social  intercourse.  -manb  diner-oiit 
society  man,  man  about  town;  conversationalist 
•pttptqefe  fe  -fugl.  -regning  fellowship.  -fal 
drawing-room.  -fang  convivial  song.  -fifl  r, 
shy  of  company,  averse  to  society.  -f<)il  routic 
game,  family  game,  parlour  game.  -føfter  com 
panion.  -tone  tone  of  society,  social  tone 
-tierbenen  society.  -uife  fe  -fang.  -åerne  th< 
Society  Islands. 

*@et§næ^)e  c  water-hemlock,  cow  bane,  Cicuto 

®elter§v  @ettferI»)anb»iSeltzér(-water).  -banbd: 
maffine  seltzogene. 

©etb  pron  self;  jeg  tom  -  I  came  myself;  ^aii 
tom  _  he  came  himself;  oi  .  .  .  _  we  .  .  .  our- 
selves  etc;  mig  -  myself.  ^enbe  _  herself  ofB.; 
^on  '^ar  _  s8øtn  he  has  children  of  his  own; 
Beftem  -  en  ®ag  name  your  own  day;  bi  bager  - 
OoreS  aSrøb  we  bake  our  own  bread;  bet  ton  bu 
_  Bære  you  are  another;  ^an  fom  -  anben,  trebj'; 
he  came  with  another,  with  two  others;  ribe  - 
anben  ride  double;  ben  -  famme,  fe  ©elbfamme;  - 
er  gob  S)reng  self  do,  self  have;  om  jeg  -  ftal  fige 
bet  though  I  say  it  that  should  not;  '^an  er  U©rltg= 
^eben  _  he  is  honesty  itself,  the  soul  ofhonesty; 
toge  fig  felo  af  ®age  commit  suicide,  F  mal«; 
away  with  one's  self;  '^on  er  itte  mere  fig  -  he 
is  no  longer  his  own  self;  bette  er  et  ©frtft  fot 
fig  _  this  is  a  separate  work;  i  og  for  fig  -  in 
el.  of  itself;  bette  oitbe  i  fig  -  ^obe  bæret  not  that 
would,  of  itself,  have  been  enough;  noor  mon 
betrogter  bet  i  og  for  fig  _  looking  at  it  on  it;? 
own  merits;  ffan  giorbe  bet  af  fig  _  he  did  it  of 
his  own  accord,  spontaneonsly;  ^an  »or  ube  of 
fig  _  he  was  beside  himself;  romme  til  fig  -  igen 
come  to  one's  self,  (efter  en  S3efaimelfe)  recover 
from  a  swoon;  felbe  Éongen  the  king  himself; 
—  felt)  (-Hfelbe)  adv  even;  _  ^on§  gfjenber  even 
his  enemies,  his  very  enemies.  ©elttjaftæggenbe 
røejemaftine  self-raker.  -agtelfe  self-respect;  fom 
I)ar  (nogen)  _  self-respecting ,  self-regarding. 
-an'ben  fe  obfr.  -angibclfe  self-rcvelation,  self 
-appraisement.  -antlage  self-accusation.  -on= 
Itagenbe  a  self-accusing,  self-accusatory.  -on= 
foartig  a  responsible.  -antænbelfe  spontaneous 
ignition.  -antænbt  a  ignited  spontaneonsly. 
-arieibenbe  (om  Woftiner)  self  acting.  -otti,  -au= 
ting  spontaneous  generation.  -BeBrejbctfe  self 
-reproach,  -upbraiding.  -bebaaretfe  self-infatua- 
tion.  -bebrag  self-delusion.  -bebragerfi  a  self 
■deceiving.  -bebømmelfe  judgement  of  one's 
self  -befrugtelfe  self-fecundation,  self-fertiliza- 
tion.  -Befrugtenbe  a  selffertilizing.  -begrænS' 
ning  self-limitation.  -be^ag  self-satisfaction , 
self-complacency.  -be^agctig  a  self-complacent. 
-bc^ageligtieb  fe  -Be^og.  -bc^erflelfc  self-command, 
-possession;  -Control,  -restraint,  -dominance.  -be« 
Ijerffenbe  o  self-restraining.  -beflerftet  o  self 
-possessed.  -beteubctfe  self-confession.  -H-bc= 
Iqmring  self-made  care.  -befaaning  self  sowing, 
semination.  -beftatning  c  self-taxation,  volun- 
tary  assessment.  -beflittet  a  self-appointed, 
self-constituted.  +-beftuelfc  self  contemplation. 
-befmittelfe  self-abuse,  -pollution,  onanism.  -be- 
ftoltet  a  fe  -beftiftet.  -beftcmmelfe  self-determina- 
tion.  -beftemmelfcée»ne  self  determining  power. 
•beftemmcIfeSret  right  of  free  action,  -beft««« 
ning  fe  -Befrugtning,  -betragtning  selfcommu- 
nion.  -beunbring  self-admiration.  -betjibft  a 
conscious;  arrogant,  self-asserting.  -bebibft^eb 
consciousness.  -bebægelfe  self-motion,  spon- 
taneous motion,  -bebægelig,  -bebosgenbe  a  self 
-moviug,  automobile,    -binbenbe  a  (røejem.)  self 




-binding,  -biøgrafi  autoblography.  -bjærget  a 
fe  -fijulpen.  -blanfenbe  a  self-polishing.  -buben 
o  self-invited.  -bqggerforcntng  (co-operative) 
Dwellings'  Company.  -bannclfe  (fcIoerfiBerDet 
oanbelig  ®.)  self-education;  (af  organifte  Begemer) 
spontaneous formation,  -bannetfe-gjort.  -brejenbe 
a  self-turning.  -bt)rtelfc  self-worship.  -b«b  a 
(om  Soæg)  dead  (a  natural  death,  without  being 
slaughtered).  -b«rot  a  self-doomed,  -condemned. 
+-egen  a  original,  -eje,  -ejenbom  freehold  (prop- 
ertyj.  -ejer,  -ejerbonbe  yeoman,  freehold  pro- 
prietor,  peasanl  proprietor,  freeholder.  -e}er= 
gaarb  freehold  farm,  peasaut  property.  -cjer= 
ftanb  peasant  proprietary.  -ejert«),  -cjeroogn 
private  carriage.  -er^berk)  seh'-maiutenanee. 
-er^bertiet  a  self-acquired.  -erfenbclfc  self-kuowl- 
edge.  -foragt  self-coutempt.  -forbrænbing  spon- 
taneous combustion.  -f orgicmmclfc  seU'-oblivion, 
forgelting  oneself.  -forgtemntettbe  a  self-for- 
gettiug,  self-forgetful.  -forgubelfe  self-wor- 
ship. -forlosning  selfdelivery.  -fornebrelfe 
self-abasement,  self-humiliation.  -forncegtelfe 
selfdenial,  self-abnegation,  self-renunciation . 
•fornægtenbe  a  self-denying.  -f-farn«ieHg  a  fe 
-lilfrebé.  -H-forræbcri  self-betrayal.  -forfagelfe, 
-forfagenbe  fe  -fornægtelfe,  fornoegtctibe.  -forft^Ibt 
a  self-iuflicted.  -forftaaelig  a  self-defining, 
-forftaaelfe  self-knowledge.  -forfuar  self-defenee. 
-fortærcnbe  a  self-consuming.  -t-frembringel(e 
original  productioa.  -ftfbenbe  a  (35mp.)  self 
-feeding.  -følclfe  feeling  of  one's  own  worth, 
self-esteem.  -f«Ige  necessary  consequence,  na- 
tural result,  matter  of  course;  bet  er  fn  _  it 
foUows  of  itself,  is  a  m.  of  c.  -følgelig  a  a 
matter  of  course;  —  adv  as  a  m.  of  c,  of  course, 
naturally,  as  a  natural  consequence,  by  neces- 
sary consequence,  in  the  nature  of  thliigs,  ine- 
vitably,  necessarily;  en  9Kiinfter  fiar  _  3Jet  it  is 
the  nature  of  ministers  to  be  right,  -gioet  fe 
-følgelig,  -gjort  a  self-made,  of  one's  own  mak- 
ing;  fia  of  one's  own  creation;  _  ®QrfeIfe  bibl 
will-worship.  *-gob  a  selfsutlicient.  *-gob^eb 
self-importance.  -groet  «  of  spontaneous  growth, 
-gqibig  a  selfvalid,  valid  in  itself.  -bob  hatred 
of  one's  self.  -^cnf^n  selfishness.  -fjerrebømme 
self-command,  -mastery.  -berffer  autocrat. 
-berfferinbe  autocratrix.  -bjulfjen  a  self-aided, 
-sustaining,  independent;  oærc  _  keep  one's  self, 
shift  for  one's  self.  •bjicfl'  self-help.  -bj(elv§= 
forening  benefit-society.  -^j(el)>dmanb  selfmade 
man.  -bærbelfe  hardening  of  one's  constitution. 
-bccobclfe  self-assertion.  -bæktenbe  a  (TOel)  .self 
-raising  (flour).  -batin  private  revenge.  -iagt= 
tagelfe  personal  observation,  -inbbuben  a  self 
-invited.  -inbbljbelfe  self-invitation.  -inb(bfenbe 
a  self-evident,  -explaining.  ©cloift  a  selfish. 
@e(tiift^eb  c  selfishness.  Setti|folbet  a  self-in- 
vited, -appointed.  -t-fcnbffab  je  tunbffaB.  -Hor 
a  self-evident.  -tlarbeb  self-evidence.  -flog  a 
self-conceited,  .self-wise.  -Kogffab,  -n-fløgt  self 
-conceit.  -foger  tea-kitchen,  tinkitchen.  -friti! 
self-critique,  self-criticism.  -tunbftab  self-knowl- 
edge. -tær  a  selfish,  self-loving.  -fcerbeb  selfish- 
ness, self-love.  -loerltg,  -Iterltgbcb  fe  -teer,  -tær^ 
beb.  -lauet  fe  -gjort,  -tobgioning  autonomy. 
•lutfenbe  a  self-closing.  -l^b  vowel.  -Itjfenbe 
a  self-luminous.  -Icegenbe  a  self-healing.  -Iær= 
Ung,  +-tærb  self-taught  person,  -lart  a  self 
-taught.  +-(e8  a  selfless.  -i-(ødbeb  selflessness. 
•nartt)rium  self-martyrdom.  -mot  (©tot)  self 
-mate.  -mobftgetfe  self-contradiction.  -mob' 
ftgenbe  a  (self-)conlradictory.  -morb  selfmurder, 
suicide.  -morbcrft  a  suicidal.  -morberfte  fe 
-morber  •morbScbibemi  suicidal  mania.  -morbé= 
forføg  attempt  at  suicide.  -mqnbtg  a  of  full 
age;  (egenmægtig)  arbitrary.     -nebbcerbigelfe  self 

-degradation,  -o^ibragelfe  self-culture.  -^-o^»ft^= 
belfe  one's  own  invention,  -obfunben  a  self 
-devised.  -ovbolbetfe  self-preservation.  -olfl^oU 
bclfeSbrift  instinct  of  self-p.  -opl)»jelfe  self 
-exaltation,  -aggrandizement.  -Obtøfenbe  a  self 
-dissolving.  -obofrelfe  selfsacrifice,  -devotion, 
-immolation.  -obofrenbe  o  self-devoting,  self 
-sacriflcing.  -o^tugtelfe  self-discipline.  -otjer« 
(ebetfe  living  too  long.  -ottcroinbelfe  self-con- 
quest,  resignation,  -baabragen  a  self-inflicted. 
-baalagt  a  self-imposed.  -))tnelfe,  -binfet  self 
-torture.  -biner,  -bineri  fe  -plager,  -plagert. 
-blagelfe  fe  -pinelfe.  -blagcr  .self-tormentor. 
•btageri  fe  -pinelfe.  -blager^  o  self-tormenting. 
-bt0»elfe  self-examination,  -raabig  a  selfwilled, 
wilful.  -raabigbeb  c  wilfulness.  -rebenbe  «  self 
-reeflng.  -regering  fe  -flQre.  -regiftrcrcnbe  a 
self-recording,  selfregistering.  -rcguicrcnbe  a 
self-regulating.  -rejfenbe  a  (©aab)  self-righting. 
-retfærbig,  -retfærblgbeb  self-righteous,  -righte- 
ousness.  -ro8  self-praise,  self-laudation;  _  ftinter 
self-praise  is  open  disgrace,  is  no  honour,  uo 
recommendation.  -faaet  a  self-sown.  *-fogt  a 
&  matter  of  course,  self-evident.  -famnte  a  the 
self-same,  the  very  same,  the  identical.  -fiffer 
a  p  cocksure.  +-ftobeIfe,  -ff åbning  c  fe  -aoling. 
-ffabt  a  self-created,  self-made,  of  one's  own 
creating.  -fttlbring  description  of  one's  self. 
-fireoen  a  autograph;  entitled  to  something  as 
a  matter  of  course,  the  very  man.  -ffub  spring 
-gun.  -ffttffelfe  self-delusion.  -ff^lbner  security, 
surety,  bondsman.  -ffqtbnerfabtion  security, 
surety.  -fnurrenbe  a  selflubricating,  self-oil 
-feeding.  -fjpægelfe  self-mortification.  -ftubium 
self-applicatiou.  -ftflre,  -ftbrelfe  self-government; 
home  rule.  -ftæn'big  a  self-dependent,  inde- 
pendent, (fom  fieflaar  oeb  fig  felo)  self-existent; 
i)ar  itfe  en  -  Xante  has  not  one  idea  of  his  own. 
-flæn'bigbebcindepeudence.  -ftiæffenbea(i8einn.) 
self-reefing.  -f^g  a  selfish,  self  seeking.  -fbge 
selfishness.  -fbn  autopsy.  -tagen  a  self-assumed, 
selfallotted.  -ttlbebelfe  self-worship.  -tilfrebé 
a  selfsatisfied,  -approviug.  -tilfrebSftcb  self 
satisfaction,  applause,  approval.  -titintet' 
gørelfc  self-destruction.  -tillib  self-confidence, 
-reliance;  SKangel  paa  -  diffidence,  self- distrust. 
-tiltibåfntb  a  self-confident,  -relying,  -reliant. 
-tilftaaelfe  fe  -belenbelfe.  -trbf  autotype.  -f-tbang, 
self-restraint.  -tægt  taking  the  law  into  one's 
own  hånd.  -tænfenbe  a  thinking  for  one's  self. 
-tænfer  independent  thinker.  -tæntning  inde- 
pendent thought.  -tæntt  o  devised  by  one's 
self.  -tømntenbe  u  self-emptying.  -ubQiftinft 
self-development.  -unbertiiSning  self-instruc- 
tion,  -tuition.  -tialg  self-election.  -tialgt  a  self 
-elected,  self-chosen.  -oigtig  a  self-important. 
-birfenbe  a  self-acting,  automatic.  -oirtfont  a 
selfactive.  -Dirffom^b  own  el.  independent 
energy,  self-activity,  self-action.  -»tS  a  self-wise. 
-UotSenbe  a  of  spontaneous  growth.  -oolbt  a 
caused  by  one's  self.  -tiurbering  self-estimation. 
•t)bmbgclfe  self-humiliation,  -aba.sement. 

Scm'  Shem. 

Semafor  c  -er  sem'aphore.  -ftation  sema- 
phor'ic  station. 

Scmeft'er  n  -ftre  (oeb  Unioerfit.)  semester,  term 
(of  six  months). 

@emifolon  n  sem'icolon  (;). 

@em't(or  n  similor. 

iSemtn|a'rium  n  -ier  sem'inary,  trainingschool, 
t.  college,  enp  teachers'  serainary.  -arietærer 
teacher  in  a  seminary.  -arlp'  c  -er  pupil  at  a 
.^eminary  etc. 

Semibelagia'nere  pi  Semi-Pela'gians. 

©emit'iff  n  Semitic,  Shemitic. 

éemou'iegrl)n  semoule,  semoli'no,  semoli'na. 




Stmpetti'n  c  fe  9Rariertbfel. 

Scmjicrul'O  c  sempervive. 

Scm»lgartier  shainoy-dresser.  -gatttning  sha- 
moy-dres.sii)g.  Semdte  vt  shamoy.  ©emSlæber 
wash-leather,  shaumiy. 

Sen  a  (longfom)  slow,  tardy,  slack,  dilatory; 
(filbig)  late;  _  til  fit  Slrbejbe  slow  at  (his)  work; 
i)an  Bar  iffe  _  til  at  fomme  he  was  not  long  in 
coming;  i  en  _  SEime  at  a  late  hour;  i  e  3lar 
late  in  life;  i  f  ene  re  21ar  in  after  years;  i  be 
-ere  Slår  of  late  years;  i  ben  -cre  Jib,  i  -ere  Xiber 
of  late,  latterly,  lately;  Beb  en  ere  Bcjlig^eb  on  a 
siibsequent  occasion;  i  et  -ere  Sa^itel  in  a  future 
chapter;  IjanS  -ere  2:0,  E:pfjørfel  ojt)  Ins  after  life, 
conduct  eto,;  en  -ere  Uboitling  an  after  develop- 
ment;  -ere  efterretninger  later  news;  fe neit  latest; 
—  fent  adv  late;  -ter  bebre  enb  albrig  better  late 
than  never;  that  is  not  lost  which  comes  at 
last;  -ere  later,  subsequently;  hereafter,  anon; 
libt  -ere  ^en  a  little  later  on;  -t  og  tiblig  at  all 
hours;  fomme  for  t  be  late;  bet  (Stibet)  fom  to 
Simer  for  -t  she  was  (el.  arrived)  two  hours  late; 
fom  10  3Jlinuter  for  -t  til  33ompf!i6et  missed  the 
steamer  by  10  minutes;  -ere  en  ®ang  at  some 
future  day,  on  some  future  occasion;  -eft  grebag 
on  or  before  Friday,  not  later  than  Friday. 

©ena't  n  -er  senate.  ©ena'tor  c  -o'rer  sen'- 

Senbe,  -te,  -t  vt  send,  forward,  transmit;  _ 
SSub  til  en  send  one  word;  _  *^ub  efter  en  send 
for  one.  Senbe| liret)  missive,  -tub  messenger. 
•fætb  mis.sion.  -gobS  goods  sent.  ©enbetfc  c 
-r  sending,  mission.  Senbcmnnb  fe  -6ub.  Senbing 
c  -er  thing  el.  present  sent,  esp  provisions  sent 
as  a  present,  (til  StibS)  shipment;  +==  Senbe&ub. 
SenbingSflobS  goods  sent. 

Senbræg'tig  a  slow,  tardy,  dilatory.  -fieb  c 
tardiness,  dihitorines.s. 

©ene  c  r  sinew,  tendon.  -inanb  ligament. 
-ben  sesamoid  bone.  -faft  a  wiry.  -futb  a 
sinewy.    -futb^eb  .sinewiness. 

@enegalfugl  c  Senegal  bird,  Scopug  umhretta. 

Senegatob  c  rattle.suake-root,  P<dyg<da  aenegu. 

Senegræs  n  t  fe  éaub^iælme,  SoitgræS  o.  fl.; 
•bladder  sedge,   Uarex  vemcari':. 

@ene|Mnbc  fascia  -^o^iVcn  convulsive  motion 
of  the  tendons.  -fnube,  -fn^tning  ganglion. 
•Iraft    -oocrfticrtng  tenotomy. 

®ene|ftebe  sheath  of  a  tendon.  -ftærl  <«  fe 
-fulb.  -traab  sinew-thread.  •tcoefntng  contrac- 
tion  of  the  sinews,  spasm.  -t«mme  frænum. 
■ticeo  tendiuous  tissue. 

@en|fær  big,  -færblgljeb  fe  -brægttg. 

Seng  c  -e  bed;  *  &  prov  =  SSeb;  SJærelfe  meb 
to  -e  double-bedded  room;  i  _  in  bed;  rebe  -en 
make  the  bed;  )faa  -en  in  bed;  føge  _  meb  Ile 
with;  fe  SBorb;  gaa  i  _  el.  til  -§  go  to  bed,  turn 
in,  (naar  man  er  f^g)  take  to  one's  bed;  ligge  til 
-i  af  be  in  bed,  el.  laid  up,  with;  ^olbe  -en  keep 
one's  bed,  be  confined  to  bed;  ^an  fan  enbnu 
itfe  Ⱦre  ooen  -e  he  cannot  leave  his  bed  yet. 
-hctnt  settle-bed,  turn  up  bedstead;  bunk. 

Sengel baanb  bed-tassel.  -betroet  fe  3)Qnebaar. 
-6rfft  bed-board,  -tinnb  bottom  of  abed.  -itottttn 
warmingpan.  -b^nc  feaiher-bed.  -fje(be;r  bed 
-feathers;  bed-spring,  -fjæl  fe  -bræt.  -fob  foot 
of  a  bed.  -forligger  e  -e  bedside  carpet  el.  rug. 
■f-^aaen  going  to  bed.  -garbin  bed-curtain. 
-giorb  bed-girth.  -^alm  bed-straw;  »or  grue§  -, 
fe  grue.  -fteft  bedstaff.  -l^imtnel  tester  ofa  bed. 
-tammer  bed-room,  bed-chamber.  -tammerat 
bed-fellow.  -lob  airer.  -lagen  bed-sheet.  -Icie, 
-liggen  conflnement  to  bed.  -liggenbe  a  con- 
fined to  bed,  laid  up.  -ntatraS  mattress.  -om= 
^æng  fe  -garbm.  -^ube  bed-pillow.  -reber  bed 
-maker.    -ro  night-rest.    -mm  bed-accommoda- 

tion.  *-ftoti  bedside  (side-board  of  the  bed- 
stead). -fteb  bedstead.  -ftof  t  fe  -ftolpe,  *fe  -fton. 
-ftol^je  bed-post.  -ftue  fe  tammer.  -tib  bed  time 
-tov  top  of  a  bed.  -tæge  bed-bug,  Cimex  lecti  - 
larius.  -tappe  (fom  brebeS  o»er  Sengen)  coverli*; , 
coverlet,  quilt,  counterpane,  (i  ©engen)  blankei ; 
fe  -forligger.  -t«j  bedding,  bedclothes.  -tiartne 
bed-heat.  -tiarmer  fe  -faæften.  Sengf læber  /J 

Sengfoin  n  half-fattened  hog. 

Se'nj^cb  c  slowness,  slackness,  dilatoriness , 
tardiness.    '-ffefteS  adv  late  in  the  autumn. 

Senior  c  -o'rer  senior.  Seniora't  n  senior'ity; 

Sennegræé  fe  Senegræs. 

Senn'cy  c  mustard,  Sinapis.  —  Senncv§|bcJ!j 
sinapism.  -fabritaut  mustard-manufacturer.  -fru 
mustard  seed.  -tage  sinapism.  -tanbe,  -trutte 
mustard-pot.  -torn  grain  of  mustard -seed. 
-toærn  mustard-mill  -otie  oil  of  mustard.  -ont- 
flag  sinapism.    -fauce  mustard-.sauce. 

Scnneø|blabc  pi  senna.  -bcelge  senna-pods. 
-te  deooctiou  of  senna. 

Senf  altio'n  c  sensation.  -tioniiS'me  c'- 
tionalism,  sensualism.  -tian§=  sensational.  -tion§= 
Oaeftenbe  a  sensational. 

Senfli'bel  a  sen'sitive.  -ualiS'nte  c  (i  to  SBet.) 
sen'sualism.    -nalift'  c  -er  sensualist. 

Se'ntalenbe  a  slow  of  speech. 

Sentcn|é'  c  -er  sen'tence.    -tl«'S  senten'tious. 

Senter  c  ^  ribband.  -linie  ribband  line. 
-mærter  surmarks. 

SentimcnIta'I  a  sentimen'tal,  (latterlig), maud- 
lin.    -tolitc't  c  sentimental'ity. 

•Sentæntt  a  slow. 

Se^ara't  «  sep'arate.  -oftr^f  reprint,  excerpt, 
-freb  separate  peace.  —  Seyarnjtio'n  c  (thoral) 
separation.  -tiS'inc  c  sep  uratism.  -tift'  c  -er 
sep'aratist.  -tift'ift  a  separatistic.  Scpara'tov 
c  -o'rer  separator.  Se))aratt)otum  separate  vote 
0.  fl.  Se^are're  vt  (^gtefolf)  separate  (from  bed 
and  Ijoard). 

Scvio  c  sepia. 

Septa'rier  pi  septaria  {»ing  septarium). 

Septem'ber  c  September. 

Septet'  c  -ter  sep'tet,  septette,  septuor. 

Scptimc  c  -r  seventh;  ben  ftore,  lille  -  the 
major,  minor  seventh.  -allorb  chord  of  the 

Septuage'fima,  Sønbag  -  septuages'ima  (sun- 

Septnagin'ta  the  Sep'tuagint  (version). 

Sera'f  c  -er  ser'aph.    -iff  a  seraph'ic(al). 

Serail'  n  seraglio. 

Seraå'tier  c  seraskier. 

Serb'lien  n  Se'rvia.     -er  c,  -ifl  a  Se'rvian. 

Sercbffab  »  organ  of  sight. 

Sercna'be  c  r  serenade;  opoarte  en  meb  en  ~ 
serenade  one. 

Sergent'  c   er  se'rgeant;  ^t>  master  at  arms. 

Serie  c  -r  series;  (of  Dblig.  o.  b.)  emission. 

Seri'n  fe  Stjren. 

Seri«'§  a  se'rious. 

Sero'n  c  -er  seron,  seroon,  ceroon 

Serpent'  c  -er  se'rpent. 

Serpentin  c  .se'rpentine. 

Serrabel'  c  serradella,   serratella,    Ornii 

Seroa'l  c  -er  se'rval,  Felit  aerval. 

Seroan'tc  c  -r  wasli-stand. 

Seruc're  vt  serve  (up);  _  noget  for  en  serve  on 
with  something;  _  Suppen  (f.  ©fS.  om  SSærtinb« 
help  the  soup;    ber  er  -t  dinner  is  on  the  tabU 

Scrttl'cc  c  se'rvice,  set. 

Serbien  fe  Serbien. 

Serbict'  c  -ter  napkin,  (minbre,  SeSfert«)  doily 






-iaani,  -ring  uapkin  holder,  n.  ring.     -)>rcSfe 
napkin  press. 

éttVi'l  a  se'rvile.    -itet  c  servil'ity. 

Srruitut'  c  -er  se'rvltude,  easement. 

+Ser«r  n  fe  X^ittert. 

Ser«  å  a  se'rous. 

@tfam  c  ^  sesame.    -fr*  glngerly-seed 

Sedfio'x  c  -f^^  ses'sion,  sittings;  nu7  meeting 
-of  ihe  officers'  board  for  the  conscription. 

SefttrtS'  c  -er  seste'rce. 

@ttienbom  c  savin,  sabine,  Junijierus  aabina. 

Scticn  ncrne  pi  the  Cevennes. 

SeDifia  n  Sevilla. 

*Sc»)je  c  sap. 

Seoo  Gkc  fe  Seben6ont. 

Seoreéjjorcellæn  /i  Sevres  porcelain. 

Seoærtitg  u  worth  seeing,  vvorthy  of  inspec- 
tion.     Ijeber  pi  curiosities,  sights,  lions. 

Sej  fe  Sef«. 

^Scjer  c  -e,  :  en  unberlig  _  an  odd  dog. 

■'Sejlring  fe  -tring. 

♦Sfjitring,  -æring  c  -er  six-oared  boat. 

@fintd  c  Sphinx. 

Sfær|e  c  -r  sphere.  -Iff  «  spher'ical.  -oi'be 
■c  -r  sphe'roid 

©'gu!  fe  ©aagu. 

SJjaft'  c  Shah,  Sehah. 

Stjeif  c  -er  sheik,  sheikh. 

Sherbet  c  sherbet. 

Sljerif'  c  -fer  (arab.)  sher'if,  scher'if. 

Sherry  c  sherry  (wine). 

St)etlanb§øerne  the  Shetland  isles. 

©ijiit'er  c,  p^  =,  Shi'ite,  Schiite. 

©fjirting  n  shirting.  SbirtingSbinii  cloth 
<-boards);  inbBunben  i  _  cloth-bound. 

t®t  c  -er  stralner,  filter,  ©i  vt  strain,  filter, 
percolate;  _  TOQggen  af,  men  neDfluge  Samelen 
strain  at  a  gnat  aud  swallow  a  eamel. 

©iom  n  Siam.    -e'fer  c,  -e'fiil  a  Siamese. 

©iamang'  c   si'amang,    Hylobates  syndactylus . 

©ibcn  n  ethmoid  bone. 

©tbcnfatter  [t.]  pi  things,  traps. 

Sibe  r|ien  n  Siberia.    -if!  a  Siberian. 

Sibunb  e  sieve-bottom. 

Sibtjl'lle  c    r  sib'yl.    -li'nff  a  sib'ylline. 

©tb«tte  c  milk  pail. 

Sici'ttien  n  Sic'ily;  Segge-erne  theTwoSicilies. 
-aner  c,  -o'nfl  n  Sicil'ian. 

©Ib  a  (om  Klæber)  long  (and  loose);  (om  2anb) 
low-lying  (and  swampy).  *©tbbc  c  (om  Slæber) 

©Ibbc,  fab,  fibbet  vi  sit,  be  seated;  ^ralten  -r  itle 
gobt  the  coat  does  not  fit,  sit  well,  i.s  not  a  good 
fit,  -r  meget  ftramt  is  very  tight;  ben  -r  itfe  faa  gobt 
font  it  has  not  the  sit  of;  _  faft  stick;  _  af  dis- 
mount;  fe  Slffibbe;  _  for  en  TOaler  sit  for  one's 
picture,  sit  to,  give  a  sittiug  to,  a  painter;  bet  -r 
mig  for  SSrtjftet  I  have  an  oppression  on  the  chest; 
ban  fab  tre  2lar  i  gængfel  he  was  kept  in  prison 
for  three  years;  _  gobt  i  bet  be  well  off;  bi  _  net 
i  bet  p  we  are  in  a  nice  pickle;  (£§fet  -r  i  S8og= 
^aanb  the  ace  lies  to  the  left  of  me;  -  igen 
remain.  be  left,  behind,  (i  Sfole)  fe  -  oaer;  - 
inbe  meb  have  on  band;  retain  in  one's  bands; 
ban  r  oarmt  in  ben  SBoegge  he  is  a  warm  man; 
-r  meb  ftor  Sfamilie  has  a  large  family;  -  neb 
sit  down;  ^an  bøb  mig  ifte  engang  at  _  neb  he 
did  not  even  offer  me  a  chair;  _  op  mount;  ber 
blæfteS  til  at  _  op  horse  was  sounded!  _  oppe 
sit  up;  _  ober  (i  2!an?)  not  to  stand  up,  getno 
partner,  (en  3)anS)  sit  out  a  dance,  (i  ®fote)  be 
kept  after  school,  be  kept  in,  detained,  (i  ©pil) 
stand  out  (of  the  game);  -r  beftanbig  ooer  bøgerne 
is  constantly  poring  over  his  books;  _  paa  58anb 
og   93røb  be  incarcerated  od  bread  and  water; 

labe  en  -  paa,  op,  meb  flg  give  one  a  lift;  -  paa 
en  ®aarb  hold  a  farm;  labe  -  paa  fig  pocket, 
brook,  sit  down  under;  lobe  4>otten  _  paa  keep 
one's  hat  on;  -til  ^eft  be  on  horseback;  _  gobt 
til  $eft  sit  a  horse  well,  have  a  good  seat  (on 
horseback);  _  tit  35om§  ober  sit  (in  judgment) 
upon;  ^un  -t  tilbage  meb  mange  Søm  she  is 
left  a  widow  with  many  children;  —  fibbenbe 
a  sitting.  ^  sessile;  her  sejeaut,  (om  iJugl)  close; 
blioe  _  (faft)  stick;  blio  -nbe!  keep  your  seat!  ^an 
bleo  -nbe  hjemme  he  remained  at  home;  -nbe  2ib, 
3lr6ejbe  sedentary  life,  work;  i  -nbe  Stitltnfl  in  a 
sitting  posture,  ©tbbebab  sitzbath.  ©ibbcn  c 
sitting.  ©ibbelplabé  c  sitting.  -pubc  cushion 
(for  sitting  on).    -ftang  perch. 

©ibe  c  -r  side;  (om  ®pr,  bet  tljnbe  af  2ibet) 
flank ;  faf  Sog)  page ;  faf  gjcelb)  flank ,  face ;  (i 
Sriangel)  leg,  side;  (of  Sten)  face;  (ftant,  af  «ræt) 
edge;  (af  en  eag)  aspect,  point  of  view,  feature, 
phase;  en  _  iJlcefl  a  side  of  bacon;  fian  Iftar  fine 
gobe  -r  there  are  good  points  in  him;  )8iHebet 
|ar  fin  mørte  _  there  is  a  dark  side  to  the 
picture,  ^an8  fbage,  ftærfe  -  his  weak,  strong 
point,  his  forte  (e  ftumt);  Sonberfotion  er  ilfe  ^anS 
ftærfe  -  he  is  not  a  great  fellow  for  talk;  gore- 
tagtom^eb  bar  netop  ^anS  ftærfe  _  (ogf.)  he  was 
nothing,  if  not  enterprising;  angribe  gjenben  fra 
-n  charge  the  enemy  in  flank;  fe  noget  fra  ben 
gobe,  onbe  _  view  a  thing  in  a  good,  bad  light; 
fe  alt  fra  ben  mørfe  _  see  everything  on  the 
dark  side;  fe  fra  alle  -r  examine  a  thing  in  all 
its  bearings;  fer  bet  fra  ben  _  takes  it  in  that 
point  of  view;  fra  ^oilfen  _  man  enb  fer  ©ogen 
in  any  view  of  the  matter;  fra  .  .  .§  ©ibe  on  the 
part  of .  .;  fra  begge  -r  (om  *perfoner)  mutually; 
meb  Slrmene  i  -n  with  arms  akimbo;  -om- 
side by  side;  _  om  _  meb  alongside  of,  side  by 
side  by;  paa  ben  anben  -  on  the  other  side;  fig 
on  the  other  hånd,  again;  paa  ben  anben  _  af 
®Qben,  SBejen  over  the  way;  paa  Ijin  _  on  that 
e(.  yonder  side;  paa  min  -  on  my  part,  on  my 
side;  oære  paa  enS  -  be  on  one's  side,  side  with 
one;  ligge  paa  ben  labe  _  be  idle;  gartfljet  laa  paa 
•n  the  vessel  lay  on  her  broadside;  lægge  ^ooebet 
paa  -n  cock  one's  head;  lægge  til  -  put  a  side, 
put  on  one  side,  put  by;  fafte  til  _  throw  on 
one  side ;  tage  en  til  en  -  take  one  aside  el.  on 
one  side;  læg  til  -n!  ^  come  alongside!  beoæge 
fig  til  -n  move  sideways;  »eb  -n  af  beside,  next 
to  ,  fig  along  with ,  coUaterally  with ,  indepen- 
dent  of,  (^er)  lige  »eb  -n  af  next  door.  —  ©ibe|= 
aabning  lateral  opening.  aperture  in  the  side. 
-afuigelfe  lateral  deviation,  -allé  side  alley. 
•axv  collateral  succession.  -arUittg  collateral 
heir.  -bolance  (Smp.)  side-lever,  -bone  branch 
-line.  -barbuncr  J,  breast  backstays.  -ben  rib. 
-betragtning  irrelevant  remark,  -beiiæbning  ^ 
broadside  guns.  -bebægelfe  lateral  motion,  side 
-movement.  -blnb  chir  auriga.  -btit  side-look, 
-glance,  sidelong  glance;  fafte  et  -  til  glance  at. 
-blil  side-plate.  -bolt  i,  leech-lining.  -borb 
side-table,  sideboard.  -buSgat  <|>  mooring  chocks. 
•bagning  side-building,  wing.  -bal  side  valley. 
-bug  i  side  cloth.  -bæl  side  deck.  -bar  side 
-door.  -fart«)  quarter-boat.  -flabe  lateral  super- 
ficies.  -fl«|  side -wing.  -gabe  side  street,  by 
-Street,  off- street.  -galleri  lateral  gallery,  ^ 
quarter  gallery.  -gang  side-passage,  -gaol  side 
-gable.  -geo«r  side  arms.  -gren  side-branch, 
lateral  branch.  -^aar  side-hair,  front -hair. 
-teammer  side-hammer,  cross-hammer.  -^enf^n 
by-consideration.  -^ng  side-blow,  backstroke, 
fio  by-stroke,  oblique-stroke,  fling;  ^an  go»  et  _ 
til  Sem  ogfao  he  had  a  fling  at  you  also.  -t)Ugge 
vt  dømmer)  side.  -ftu8  fe  -bpgning.  -^ættræer 
^  side  counter-timbers.     -lollebont    j,  guess 




-warp  boom.  -lotn  side  comb.  -lammer  side 
-room,  adjoining  chamber.  -tammerot  neigii- 
bour.  -febet  (kitchen-)boiler.  -tnop  axillary 
bud.  -Irumning  lateral  curvature.  -f«t  side 
el.  bilge  keel.  •(angå,  •I(cng§  adv  sideways, 
sidewise.  -(anterne  side -light.  •Icfe  lying  on 
the  side.  -Ilnic  collateral  line;  Setlinger  i  -n 
collateral  descendents,  -loge  side-box.  -loHer 
pi  side  curls,  ringlets.  -lomme  side-pocket.  -t^3 
side-light.  -længe  wing.  -længS  (+-Iænb§)  fe 
-longS.  -t«g  clove.  -manb  neighbour.  -margen 
lateral  margin,  -moræne  lateral  moraine.  -mur 

Siben  adv  since;  (fiben  efter)  afterwards,  sub- 
sequently;  (om  Drben,  fjolge;  berpoa,  bernæfl) 
then;  (fenere  ^en)  by  and  by;  lige  _  ever  since; 
(for)  længe  _  long  since;  ifte  længere  _  enb  igaar 
only  yesterday,  but  yesterday;  forft  læfte  fian,  ~ 
(efter)  git  t^an  i  §ot)en  flrst  he  read,  afterwards 
he  took  a  walk  in  the  garden;  forreft  i  Soget 
gif  $rinfen,  ~  (berpaa)  lom  ^oftnænbene  the  prince 
headed  the  procession,  then  came  the  courtiers; 
jeg  ftal  lomme  _  (fenere  fien)  I  shall  come  by  and 
by;  om  ^oem  mere  -  of  whom  more  anon  el.  by 
and  by;  —  præp  &  conj  since;  _  fjani  ®8b  of». 
since  his  death;  _  ^on  »nfter  ot .  .  .  since  it  is 
his  wish,  that .  .  .;  bet  er  tre  9lor  -  it  is  three 
years  ago  el.  since;  bet  er  længe  _  .  .  .  it  is  long 
since  .  .  .;  for  to  ®age  _  two  days  ago;  ^an  er 
gaaet  for  to  %mn  ~  he  has  been  two  hours 
gone;  for  minbre  enb  en  ^ato  %\me  _  within  this 
half  hour;  for  itle  monge  9tar  _  within  recent 
years;  +  -  l^en,  fe  ©enere. 

@ibenftiand  [t.]  c  -er  wax  wing,  chatterer,  -4?«- 
pelin  garrulua 

@ibe|orbne  rt  co-ordinate,  make  co-ordinate. 
-orbnet  a  co-ordinate;  adv  co-ordinately.  -orb' 
wing  CO  -  ordlnating ,  co- ordination,  -oucrflrift 
running  title.  -);anSring  J,  sidearmour.  -^tabe 
side  plate.  -^»lan  J,  sheer-draught.  -)>lanle 
side  plank,  -^obning  cleft  grafting,  -(lort  i, 
side  port.  -^robuft  by-product.  -^>ttf  thrust  in 
the  side.    -ranb  side-margin. 

Sibe'rif!  a  mt  sidereal.  , 

Sibe|rob  lateral  root.  -ruf  side-house,  -rum 
side-room.  -r«r  service-pipe.  t-fal  (flrst,  second 
etc.)  floor  in  the  side-wing.  -^ib  side  aisle. 
-fittb  lateral  shoot.  -^^t8  ^1,  broadside  ord- 
nance.  -fmcrte  pain  in  the  side.  -e-fmut  digres- 
sion. -ft>ring  side-leap;  fig  double;  shift;  aber- 
ration, -ftang  (®mp.)  side-rod.  -ftittet  a  lateral. 
-fiiQing  juxta-position.  -fting  stitch  in  the  side; 
(Sining)  side-stitch.  -ftrøm  sidestream.  -flue 
side-room.  -^^Ile  side-piece;  fig  pendant,  fellow, 
parallel,  counterpart,  companion  (piece);  (i  5IKaft) 
side-tree;  uben-unequalled;  l)or  fit_i  is  paralelled 
by.  -ft«b  side-blow,  lateral  thrust.  •\t>  beam 
sea.  -tattel  ^  side-tackle,  -tal  (Stntal  Siber) 
number  of  pages;  (Slummer  paa  Siben)  paginal 
number;  forfine  meo  _  page.  -to|>  (p.  Sanon) 
trunnion.  -tegning  fe  -plan.  -titel  fe  -oberftrift. 
-trajj^c  side-stairs.  -tro|>  body  of  flankers,  -trljl 
lateral  pressure.  -Maa^tn  side -arm.  -nange 
cheek.  -nej  side-way.  -oenbt  a  turned  side- 
ways. -tiinb  side-wind.  -nintel  side -angle. 
-Oirlning  lateral  action.  -n«g  side-wall,  (p.  Jpoe) 
quarter.  -bæretfe  side-room.  -oærge  side-arms. 
-J>«rl  c  pains  in  the  side.  -bcerf  n  side-work, 
flank.    -p(srt§  adv  fe  -longS. 

@i'b|t)eb  c  length;  swampiness.  -(ænbet,  ••lænbt 
a  (om  3;orb)  fe  ©ib. 

@ibfe(t)  Cecilia. 

®ibft  a  last;  ben  -e  (af  to)  the  latter;  for  -e 
©aiig  for  the  last  time;  til  -e  TOanb,  SJraabe 
(o.  fl.)  to  the  last  man,  drop;  bet  -e  S^8  one  last 
klss;  i  ben  -e  2ib  lately;  i  bet  -e  Soarter  this 

quarter  of  an  hour;  '&an  Par  ben  -e  fom  gll  he 
was  the  last  to  leave  el.  who  left;  ba  ^an  ftængte 
Soten,  fom  Por  bet  -e  ^on  gjorbe  om  Siftenen  when 
he  locked  the  door  the  last  thing  at  night;  til 
bet  -e  to  the  last;  be  -e  35ageé  Retlige  the  latter 
-day  saints;  ^an§  -e  (tjberfte)  ^aoP  his  final  hope; 
be  -e  Sl^^eber  the  latest  news;  i  et  af  be  -e  9?um> 
mere  af  in  a  recent  number  of;  ben  -e  i  ^Jioaneben 
on  the  last  day  of  the  month;  giPe  ben  -e  Clie 
administer  extreme  unction;  ^an§  -e  Drb,  far  &an 
bobe  his  dying  words;  min  -e  2?ilie  my  last  will 
and  testament;  Pife  en  ben  -e  8@re  do  the  funeral 
honours  to  one;  —  c  ©  i  bf  ten  (Seg;  tough(-wood); 
lege  -en  play  at  touch;  —  fibft  adv  last;  til  _ 
at  last;  gemme  bet  6ebfte  til  -  keep  the  best  thing 
for  the  last;  ~  pao  ©ommeren  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  summer;  _  jeg  faa  ^am  the  last 
time  I  saw  him ;  ba  jeg  -  faa  ^am  when  last  I 
saw  hlm;  ben  ler  6ebft  fom  let  -  better  the  last 
smile  than  the  flrst  laugh ,  fe  2e ;  Sa!  for  _  !  I 
thank  you  for  the  last  time  we  were  together. 
®ibft|of»igte  a  last  past.  -fébt  a  youngest. 
■leben  adv  lately,  the  other  day;  a  last.  ®ibft= 
nlng :  paa  el.  i  -en  at  the  end,  at  the  conclusion, 
at  last.  @ibft|næpnte  a  the  last-mentioned,  (af 
to)  the  latter.    ■præ(bi)Ien  the  last  service. 

®ie  vt  fe  ©i. 

iSiebenbitrgen  n  Transylvania. 

Sicft'a  c  siesta. 

Siffer  fe  ©iffer. 

Sifo'n  c  -er  si'phon. 

®ig  pron  refl  one's  self  (oneself),  himself,  her- 
self,  itself,  themselves;  man  fteber  -  one  hurts 
oneself  el.  you  will  hurt  yourself ;  ^an  ftobte  - 
he  hurt  himself;  tinn  ftobte  -  she  hurt  herself; 
elfler  _  felo  loves  himself,  fe  @el»;  gobmobig  af  _ 
0.  ft.,  fe  3lf. 

*@igb  c  -er  sickle,  reaping-hook. 

*®ige,  feg,  fegct  vt  sink,  settle,  glide  el.  ad- 
vance  slowly.    @ig  n  sinking  etc. 

Sige,  fagbe,  fagt  vt  say,  tell  (say  altib  meb,  tell 
gerne  uben  to);  lian  fagbe  bet  til  mig  paa  fjranfr 
(for  at  be  omtringftaaenbe  iffe  ftulbe  ^øre,  ^oab  ol 
fagbe);  :^an  fagbe  (fortalte)  mig,  at  l)an§  SBenner 
^aobe  raabet  |am  til  iffe  at  omtale  Sagen  til  nogen, 
^Pillet,  fom  be  fngbe,  »ilbe  Pære  uforfigtigt;  bette 
Par,  ^Pab  ^ou  oeb  ben  2ejligt)eb  fagbe   mig   hel 
spoke  to  me  in  French   (that   the  bystandersJ 
might  not  understand  what  we  said);  he  toldl 
me  that  his  friends  had  cautioned  him  not  toj 
mention  the   subject   to  any  one,  which  theyj 
said,  would  be  imprudent;   this  was  what  hel 
stated  to  me  on  that  occasion;  lunbe  tnapt  ^ory 
:^oab   jeg   felP   fagbe   could    hardly    hear   myselfl 
speak;  _  ja  say  yes;  _  jo  til  noget  consent  to' 
something;  _  en  gob   5Rat,  garPel  wish  el.   bid 
one  good  night,  goodbye;  -  Sanb^eb  speak  the 
truth;  fig  mig  ©onb'^eben!   tell  me  the  truth!  _ 
%al  thank  one;   ©agnet  -r  at  tradition  has  it 
that;   -r  intet!  never  mind!   no  matter!   -r  og 
flfriber   say;   ^bab  fa'  jeg?   didn't  I  tell  you  so?j 
I  told  you  so;  *ja  gu'  fa'  jeg  bet!  over  my  left  I  f 
man  -r,  bet  -§  they  say,  it  is  said;  fom  man  -t) 
as   they   say,  as   the  saying  is;  fom  jeg  -r  big,J 
^an  er  bob  I  do  tell  you,  he  is  dead;  bette  -r  Se] 
nu  bare  faaban  you  are  pleased  to  say  so;  jeg  tiatj 
:^ort  _  I  have  heard  say  el.  heard  it  said;    jea| 
^ar  labet  mig  -  I  have  been  told;  jeg  lob  "^ara  -.1 
Peb  min  Sjener  I  sent  him  word  by  my  servantjf 
labe  fig  -  listen  to  reason,  hear  reason,  be  ad- 
vised;  bet  maa  jeg  _,  ^an  er  en  bggtig  9Kanb  he 
is  a  elever  man,  I  must  say,  I  declare;  naa  bet| 
maa  jeg  _!  I  declare!   ^oab  jeg  pulbe  _  what  l| 
was  going  to  say;  ^babPil  (ffal)  bet  fige?  what^ 
does  it  mean?  what  is  the  meaningof  it?  ^Pab 
Pil  ^an  _  bermeb?  what  does  he  mean  by  that? 




bet  ttil  _  that  is  (to  say);  prøee  ^bob  bet  Bil  _  at  ] 
try  what  it  is  to;  Salggprifen,  bet  t)il  -  ben  ®um 
boorfor  tlie  selling-price,  tlie  sum,  that  is,  at 
which;  bet  »il  _  meget  that  is  saying  much;  at 
fige  berfom  .  .  .  that  is  to  say,  if  .  .  .;  faa  at  - 
so  to  say,  so  to  speak,  as  it  were;  bet  i)ax  t!fe 
meget  at  -  it  is  no  great  matter,  tells  for  little; 
bet  ^ax  intet  at  _,  bet  -r  intet  it  is  of  uo  conse- 
quenee;  bet  ^ax  minbre  at  -  om  it  does  not  so 
much  signify  if;  berfom  jeg  ^aobe  noget  at  _  if  I 
had  anythiug  to  say  in  the  matter;  for  (bog)  at 

-  noget  by  way  of  saying  something;  fom  fogt, 
leg  ran  ifte!  as  before  said,  as  I  said  before,  I 
repeat,  I  cannot;  Jom  fagt,  \aa  gjort  so  said  so 
done,  no  sooner  said  than  done,  he  suited  the 
action  to  the  word,  he  was  as  good  as  his  word; 
nieaem  o§  fagt  between  you  and  me;  bet  er  meget 
fagt  that  is  saying  something  el.  a  good  deal; 
iaa  er  bermeb  ogfaa  iagt  it  follows;  of  course;  bet 
er  i!fe  fagt  it  does  not  follow,  it  is  not  quite 
certain;  F  ^an  ^ar  itfe  meget  at  ftal  ^aoe  'agt 
he  has  not  much  to  say  for  himself;  jeg  beb 
ifle,  ^oorlebeS  jeg  f!al  faa  bet  fagt  ^am  I  don't 
know  how  to  put  it  to  him;  —  (meb  prcep 
&  adv):  _  af  countermand,  renounce,  give 
up;  ^an  deb  ifle  af  S^gbom  at  -  he  has  never 
known  what  sickness  is;  _  efter  repeat;  _  gob 
for    en  be   answerable    for   one;   _   forub,    fe 

Eorubfige;  _  ftg  noget  fra,  fe  Srafige;  -  fra  vrov 
*  =  _  til;  _  frem,  fe  ^fremfige;  r>9  frem! 
say  on,  p  fire  away!  ^on  ^ar  meget  at  _  ^ol 
9)liniftercn  he  has  great  influence  with  the 
minister;  _  imob,  fe  SRobnge;  -  om  ligenj  repeat; 
*   bet   -r  jeg  ifte  om  I  can't  blame  him  there; 

-  op  give  notice  el.  warning,  fe  Opfige;  5an  ^ar 
intet  at  _  o  o  er  mig  he  has  no  authority  over 
me;  ^ar  bu  noget  at  -  i^iaa  ^an§  Cpførfel?  do 
you  find  fault  with  his  behaviour?  ber  er  intet 
ot  -  )iiaci  bet  he  can  hardly  be  blamed  for  that; 
_  en  noget  paa  lay  (a  thing)  to  one's  charge; 
_  til  say  so,  drop  a  hint,  give  notice;  bu  6e= 
fiøber  tun  at  -  til  you  need  only  say  the  Avord; 
_  fifl  ub,  fe  TOelbe;  _  »eb  rt9  felB  say  to  one's  self. 

Sinel  n  -gier  logogram  for  shorthand,  sigla  id. 

-hvStgelig  a  speakable.  Sigcnite  n  report, 
rumour;  efter  -  according  to  report,  as  it  is  said, 
if  rumour  may  be  believed;  efter  ^an2  -  accord- 
ing to  him;  efter  atlel  _  er  ^on  by  everybody's 
account  he  is,  he  is  universally  said  to  be. 

@igna'(  n  -er  sig'nal ;  gøre  -  make  a  signal; 
meb  -er  oppe  with  signals  flying.  @ignal{afftanb 
signalling  distance.  •a)))iarat  signal  apparatus. 
•bIttS  fe  -ilb.  -bog  signal  book,  code  of  signals. 
-bog^apcr  signal  letters  (o.  fl.)  Sigjtalentent' 
n  -er  description  (of  one's  person).  @tgna(e're 
fe  -ifere.  SlgnaJlfolb  signal  halyard.  -flag  signal 
-flag.  -fjont  bugle.  -tlJ)  signal  fire.  6ignalt= 
fe're  vt  sig'nalize,  sig'nal;  vi  make  signals. 
éignalllanterne  signal  lantern  el.  light.  -Utter 
signal  halyards,  -manti  (Særnb.)  flagman.  -pibe 
steam  whistle.  -ralet  sky  rocket,  signal  rocket. 
-ffipe  (Særnb.)  disk.  -ffub  signal-gun.  -ftang 
signal-post  et.  -stafl".  -ftanbere  ^  royal  back- 
stays.  -ftation  signal  station,  -f^ftem  signal 
-code,  code  of  signals,  -tromme  orderly  drum. 
@igttal«'r  c  -er  hugler;  (Qærnb.)  signalman. 

SignatU'T  c  -er  (Unberftr.,  mus)  sig'nature;  typ 
(p.  2lrt;  signature,  (p.  STtjper)  kern;  (p.  aWebicin) 
medical  label,   -magterne  the  Signatory  Powers. 

Signe  et  (gøre  ftorS  otjer)  make  the  sign  of 
the  cross  upon;  (oelfigne)  bless;  it  (brioe  JpefSeri) 
use  charms,  incantations.  -formular  formula 
of  incantation.  -tone,  -tuinbe,  -tceQing  witch, 
sorceress.    -Ife,  -n  c  incantations,  sorcery. 

Signe't  n  -er  seal,  sig'net.  -ring  signet-ring. 
-ftilter  seal-engraver. 

Sigt  c,  mere  sight;  tre  ©age  fro  -  at  three 
day's  sight;  betale  Beb  -  pay  at  sight;  tort  - 
Short  date,  short  sight. 

Sigt  s  (og  Sagefalb)  fines  (contingent  In  a 

•Sigt  fe  Sigte  c 

Sigtbar  a  clear,    -beb  c  clearness. 

Sigte  vt  (beflDlbe  [for])  accuse  (of),  charge 
(with);  _  en  paa  ^anS  8(5re  impeach  one's  honour. 

Sigte  w  (9Jiuat,  l^borefter  ber  figte«)  aim;  fig 
object;  (©^nligt)eb)  sight  view;  (Sigtetorn)  sight, 
(p.  Dttant  el.  ©etStant)  sight- vane;  fig  '^aoe  i  - 
have  in  view,  tage  _  paa  take  aim  at;  tabe  af  - 
lose  sight  of;  ube  af  -  out  of  sight;  faa  i  _  get 
a  sight  of,  come  in  view  of,  sight;  Bi  Bare  i  _ 
af  Sanb  we  were  within  sight  of  land;  Bi  fif 
2anb  i  _  we  sighted  land.  Sigte  vi  (paa)  aim^ 
point,  (at);  _  til  refer  to,  P  be  driving  at;  -  paa 
el.  {fig)  til  en  meb  nt  level  st  at  one;  bet  -be  til 
mig  it  was  aimed  at  me. 

Sigte,  '*Sigt  c  -er  (|»aonb=)  sieve,  (Sigtebocrt) 
bolter.  Sigte  vt  sift;  bolt  (begge  ogf.  fig);  t  -t 
fulb  =  propfulb.  -br*b  bread  made  of  bolted 
rye.  -bug  bolting-cloth,  tamis,  (af  ^efte^oar) 
hair-cloth  for  sieves.    -flor  silk-gauze. 

Sigtebul  n  sight. 

Sigtetage  c  fe  Sanbtage. 

Sigte|tlot  block-sight.  -lom  sight.  -I«r»> 
notch.    -linie  level. 

Sigt|elfe  c  -r  accusation,  charge.  -elfeSeb 
suppletory  oath. 

Sigtelmel  bolted  flour.  -møHe  bolting-mill. 
-pofc  bolling-bag. 

Sigtelpunit  point  aimed  at.  -fture  notch. 
-Uifir  sight. 

SigtcocfSet  c  bill  payable  at  sight. 

Sigteoært  n  bolter.  Sigtning  c  bolting,  sift- 
ing etc. 

*Sit  c  -er,  fe  ^elt  (Sift). 

Sil'  c  -er  (SBlittenfl.)  seam.  -jammer  seam 

Sitten  a  p  such  a,  what  a. 

Siller  a  secure ,  sure ,  (farefri)  safe ;  (i  Cp= 
træben)  confident;  et  -t  6teb  a  safe  place;  Bære 

-  paa  be  sure  of;  -  paa  goben  sure  of  foot;  jeg 
er  ifte  ~  paa  om  I  am  not  satisfled  whether;  jeg 
er  itte  _  poa  mit  2iB  I  do  not  consider  my  life 
safe;  _  for  Suglerne  safe  from  the  halls;  _  ®fter' 
retning  certaia  intelligence;  en  -  9Kanb  a  trusty, 
reliable  man;  bet  Bil  bære  bet  frefte  that  will  b© 
the  safest  plan;  jeg  bar  bet  fra  en  _  Jpaanb  I  have 
it  from  good  authority;  oære  _  i  fin  ©ag  be 
quite  sure;  for  ot  bære  olbeleS  _  i  min  ©og  to  make 
surety  doubly  sure;  —  fittert  adv  surely,  cer- 
tainly,  assuredly,  to  a  certainty.  -fteb  c  safety, 
security;  (S8i8^eb)  certainty;  (Sorgløg^eb)  security; 
(SelBtiUib)  assurance,  confidence,  cooluess;  ftifie 

-  find  security;  for  -S  ©tDlb  for  safety's  sake^ 
as  a  malter  of  prudence;  for  Qberligere  -3  Stftlb 
to  make  surety  doubly  sure;  ^Bilten  ~  ^or  mon 
for  ot  where's  the  safety  that;  bringe  i  ~  secure, 
make  safe. 

Sitterbeb§|foranfta(tning  precautionary  meas- 
ure,  measure  of  precaution.  -f^rftitfe  safety 
match.  -IjaUn  harbour  of  refuge.  -foefflcienl 
factor  of  safety.  -tæbe  safety-chain.  -lal  safety 
keel.  -loaS  safety-lock,  stop-lock.  -lampe  safe 
-lantern,  safety-lamp.  -naal  safe  pin,  safety 
pin,  baby -pin.  -^labe  (®mp.)  fusible  plate. 
-prop  (2;mp.)  safety -plug.  -ftiUelfe  c  security. 
-oentil  (S)mp.)  safety- valve;  (SompcqiinberS)  escape 

Sitlerlig  fe  oBfr.  ©ittert. 

*Sit(e  vi  fe  Sagle. 

Sifllng  (t.  Siebtling)  c  -er  scraper  blade. 

Sittoebe  n  straining  cloth. 




Silning  c  seaming. 

®l(re  vt  secure,  Insure,  guarantee  (en  nt  st  to 
one);  _  Ttfl  (tmob,  for,  +Ua)  shelter,  screen,  shield 
one's  self  (against);  _  fig  nt  secure,  make  sure 
of.  @t!rlng  c  securing,  security.  ®ltrittg8= 
mibbcl  preservative. 

Sitfot  n  zigzag;  3ærn6.  back- switch,  -ttintning 
z.  riveting  (o.  fl.). 

@il|fttft  creasing-tool.    -ftol  aeam-set. 

©il  c  -er  (gift)  launce,  Åmmodyten  lancea. 

*SiI  fe  Si. 

'•"■©ilnnb  c  redbreasted  merganser,  Mergus  ser- 

Slib  c,  pi  ==,  herring;  (fom  SSare,  ftørfle)  fulls, 
(minDre)  matties,  (viiigefte)  mixed,  (gtjbt)  spent, 
(meb  officielt  jBragermærte)  crown  fulls  etc, :  faltet, 
fpeget,  røget  _  salt,  pickled,  red  herring;  'iaa.  bøb 
foin  en  _  as  dead  as  a  herring  el.  a  door-nail; 
ifte  en  fur  -  Bærb  not  worth  a  straw;  patlet  fom 
~  t  en  2;anbe  closely  packed,  crowded  to  suflfoca- 

SHbe  adv  late. 

Sitbeloffnrboflfal  of  the  herring.  -iaob  her- 
ring-boat.  -bjærg  enormous  shoal  of  herring. 
-blint  glimmering  light  of  the  herrings.  *-b«l8 
herring  -  buss.  -fangft  -flftcrl  herring- fi.shery. 
-flfferfart«j  herring  smack,  (ftotff;  herring-buss. 
+-fjorb  fiord  where  herring-flshery  is  going  on. 

@tlbe|ttfbntng  late-born  animal  el.  child.  -f«bt 
u  lateborn. 

@ilbe!garn  herringnet.  -glimt  fe  -6linf;  fe 
Sornmob.  -^nj  porbeagle,  Lamnm  cornubica 
•l)t)oI  finfish,  Balænoptera  lati<:epH.  -lange  rib- 
bon-fish,  Gymnetrus.  -Inge  herring-pickle.  -Itg 
herring -spawn.  -maage  yellow- legged  gull, 
herring-guU,  L'irtts  jrgenmtun .  '>-not  fe  -bob. 
*-x6x  fe  -^bal.  -falat  salmagundi.  -f alter  her- 
riug-packer,  curer.  -faltning  salting  el.  pickling 
of  herrings,  herring  -  ouring.  -ftimc,  -ftimmct 
shoal  of  herrings.  *-ftæng  n  shoal  of  herring 
loeked  in  by  the  seine.  *-ft«rie  tunny,  Scomber 
thynnus.  -tran  herring -oil.  -tuft  fe  -fonge. 
-t«nbf  herring-barrel.  *-tiaag  fe  -fjorb.  -bob 

<SiIbig  a  &  adv  late.  @i(bing  c  -er,  fe  Silbe- 

Sitbing  c  -er,  fe  SSriSting. 

*©ilbrc  c  saxifrage,  Saxifraga. 

*®ite  vt  fe  ©i.  (Sl'tl|oar  n  strainer  fmade  of 

@i(ftouet'  c  -ter  silhouette.  (SiIt|Ottette're  vt 
take  a  silhouette  of. 

©ilic'ium  n  sil'icon.  -fluocib  silicic  fluoride, 
-fulfib  silicic  sulphide.    ©ilifa't  n  -er  sil'icate. 

®i(je  fe  ©elje. 

©ilfe  c  (t  n)  ub.  pi  silk;  af  _  silken;  ^an  fpanbt 
ingen  -  berbeb  he  did  not  profit  very  largely 
by  that.  -obe  squirrel  monkey,  Hnpale.  -affalb 
waste  silk.  -ogttg  a  silky.  -aiib  grebe,  Porficeps. 
-Otti  rearing  et.  breeding  of  silkworms,  culture  of 
silk,  serieulture.  -attlersilkworms-grower.  -baanb 
silk  ribbon.  -baft  biambonees.  -blaar  waste-silk. 
•blonbe  silk-lace.  -blab  a  soft  as  silk,  silky. 
-bomuIbStrte  silk-cotton  tree,  Bombax.  -bort 
silk  edging.  -bnmaft  silk  damask,  -fabtit  silk 
-manufactory,  silk-mill.  -farber  silk-dyer.  -for-- 
berl  silk-dyeing  factory.  -flor  titfany.  -floé 
silkshag.  -flajl  silk  velvet.  -fober  silk-lining. 
•frflnfcr  silk-fringes.  -glattiS  silk-gloss.  -baaret 
a  silky-haired.  -^ole  fe  ©ibenftJonS.  -banbel  slik 
-tråde,  mercery  line.  -bare  Angora  rabbit, 
Lepus  mmiculus  angorensit .  -i^at  silk  bonnet  el. 
hat.  -^ejre  little  egret  heron,  Herodias  garzeita. 
•bu8  cocoon.  -b«P  crop  of  cocoous.  -Taabe  silk 
cloak.  -f  jole  silk  dress,  -{roetnmer  silk  mercer, 
Bilk-man.   -Ilabt  a  clad  in  silk.    -orm  silkworm. 

-ba^ir  silk-paper,  tissue  -  paper.  -plante  sil! 
-weed,  Asdepias.  -))U)b8  fe  -floS.  -bubet  silky 
-haired  dog.  -bung  silk  purse.  -fab.  -fagbuh 
-saw.  -flrttb  silken  garb.  -fnor  silk  string  el 
cord.  -f^iaan  fe  affalb.  -fbl«b  silken  tissue 
-ftof  fe  -tøj.  •ftrømt'e  silk  stocking;  -r  silks 
■ftjet  a  silk-embroidered.  -traab  sllkthread. 
•tunge  smooth  tongue.  -tbH  silk-net.  -taj  silk 
(-stutf).  -ulb  silk-cotton.  -norer  silks.  -boi 
silk  wadding.  -ttæb  silk-loom.  -bæber  slik 

©iltfri  fe  ©eHert. 

(Silo  c  silo 

*'Si'lblabc  c  rose,  strainer. 

*©ilrc  vi  triekle. 

©lltt'rift  o  Silurian. 

Sime  c  -r  seton,  (grot)ere  til  S^r)  rowel. 

(Simei  Shimei. 

Sim  ilor  n  similor. 

©irnle  c  -r  roll  (of  bread). 

*Simle  c  -r  female  rein-deer. 

©immer  c  anemone. 

©immer  n  timber  (40  skins). 

©imoni'  c  simony. 

©imbel  a  (ligefrem,  jæbn)  simple,  plain;  (almin- 
belig)  common;  (ringe)  ordinary,  inferiør,  bad; 
humble;  _  ©olbat  common  soldier;  _  Jpeftiglieb 
common  courtesy;  ben  -pie  Wanb  the  common 
people;  ~  Siorente  immediate  annuity;  -pie  SSorer 
inferior  goods,  £)an  er  en  _  (raa,  plump)  åatl  he 
is  a  vulgar  fellow;  bet  er  -t  it  is  bad  taste;  af 
ben  -pie  ®runb  for  the  plain  reason  that;  — 
iimpelt  adv  (ligefremt)  simply,  plainly;  (gement, 
loDt)  meanly,  shabbily;  -t  t)en  simply.  ©impel 
c  (SS^ift)  single  game.  -Ijeb  c  simplicity,  plain- 
ness;  commonness;  vulgarity. 

©imt)lifi|ce're  vt  sim'plify.  -fotio'n  c  simplifl- 

©imSbeul  c  rabbet  plane. 

©imul|o'tre  c  -r  sham  fight,  -ont'  -er  simu- 
la'tor,  malingerer.  -atio'n  c  simula'tion.  -e're 
vt  sim'ulate,  feign;  _  Sijgbom  be  shirking;  -be 
kopirer  colourable  papers. 

©imulto'nflolc  c  school  frequented  by  diflferent 
denominations,  mixed  school. 

©in  [ogf.  fin']  pron  posn  refl,  n  fit,  pi  fine, 
C6aobe  conj  &  nbsol)  his;  (lonfuntt.)  her;  (afifolut) 
hers;  (6ruge§  lun  fonj.)  its,  one's;  ^an  (^un)  ^ar 
fin  ^at,  og  ^un  (^an)  -  he  (she)  has  his  (her) 
(own)  hat,  and  she  (he)  has  hers  (his);  i  _  Sib 
sometime,  once;  at  the  time;  Oremtib)  in  due 
time;  Bi  tog  ^oer  fin  (el.  fit)  each  of  us  took  one; 
Pore  ^atte  ere  ^er;  lab  o§  tage  ^uer  _  our  hats 
are  here;  let  each  of  us  take  the  one  that 
belongs  to  him  el.  her;  ^on  Bleo  oeb  fit  he 
insisted,  he  stuck  to  his  text;  Bibrager  fit  con- 
tributes  something;  en^oer  fit!  every  one  his 
own  is  all  fair!  9lrbejbet  bleB  bett  (aalebeg,  at 
en^Ber  fit  fit  the  work  was  divided  so  that 
every  one  had  his  part;  gøre  fit  til  noget  do 
one's  hest  for  a  thing;  giBe  en^oer  fit  give 
every  one  his  due ,  his  own ;  t)Ber  gi!  til  fit 
every  one  went  to  his  home;  en^Ber  førger  for 
-e  everybody  takes  care  of  his  own  el.  of  hi^l 
family  el.  relations;  paa  -e  ©teber  in  piaces;  till 
-e  Skiber  at  times;  af  -e  ®runbe  for  reasons  ofil 
my  own. 

©inb  n,  pi  =,  mind,  temper,  disposition;  et 
roligt,  flemt,  ^afligt,  pirreligt  _  a  calm,  bad,  hasty, 
fretful  temper;  mange  ~,  fe  ^ooeb;  et  let  _  a  light 
heart;  meb  let  _  with  a  light  heart;  ftifte  _,  fatte 
et  anbet  _  change  one's  mind;  flaa  noget  af  fit  _ 
dismiss  from  one's  thoughts;  af  bit  gonffe  fjerte 
og  af  bin  ganfle  ©jcel  og  af  bit  ganfte  -  bibl  with 
all  thy  heart  and  with  all  thy  soul  and  with  all  j 
thy  mind;  bet  git  ilfe  efter  mit  _  it  (the  result)« 




was  not  to  my  mind;  font  netop  »or  efter  ^anS  - 
wlio  exactly  hit  hia  fancy;  i  -  0(i  Slinfi  through 
and  through ;  i  fit  ftiQe  _  mentally,  privately, 
within  himself;  faa  i  -c  take  into  one's  head; 
6aoe  i  e,  uære  til  -i  intend,  design,  purpose; 
^an  ^ar  Onbt  i  -e  he  is  bent  upon  el.  means 
mischief;  pao  -e,  fe  Jpjerte;  fiat  længe  ligget  08 
taa  -e  has  long  been  uppermost  in  our  minds; 
blioe  anberlebeS  til  -8  ehange  one's  mind.  @in)>|  = 
dtUebe  emblem,  symbol,  -biøeslig  a  emblemat- 

tSlnbC:  benne  _  this  time. 

@intie(ag  n  disposition,  temper. 

@tnbcr^  @tnner  pi  (^ammerftæl,  ©laffer)  cin- 
ders, (tun  i  f»rfte  S3et.)  scales,  (tun  i  ftbfte)  slag, 

Sinbet  a  (mob  el.  imob)  minded,  disposed, 
aftected  (towards);  berbålig  _  wordly- minded; 
banft  -  of  the  Danish  party;  fongelig  ~  loyal,  of 
the  royal  party;  be  fongelig  -be  the  royalists; 
fit'orlebe^  er  \)aii  _?  what  are  his  sentiments? 
Sinbig  a  temperate,  considerate;  sedate.  ©ilt' 
btg^eb  c  temper,  considerateness,  composure;  -8 
?lQnb  bihl  the  spirit  of  a  sound  mind.  @inbrig 
a  ingenious.  Stnbrig^eb  c  ingeniousness,  in- 

®inb3|abf))rcbe(fe  recreation  of  the  mind. 
-I)e^affcnt)eb  disposition,  temper.  -betjcEgelfe 
emotion,  (^eftig)  excitement,  agitation,  -foran' 
brfwfl  change  of  mind.  -forfatning  fe  -bef(affen= 
{)eb.  -foruirret  a  deranged,  distracted.  -for^ 
ttirring  derangement  (of  intellect),  insanity, 
unsonud  mind.  -frcb  peace  of  mind.  -frifl  a 
of  sound  mind.  -Iraf  t  strength  of  mind.  -Itbelfc 
affection  of  the  mind;  t  =  2ibenfla6.  -ligeOisnt 
equanimity.  -o))rør agitation, excitement,  tumult 
of  the  mind.  -ro,  -rolig^eb  peace,  tranquillity 
el.  serenily  of  mind.  -rué  rapture,  ecstacy. 
-rarelfe  |e  -6eeægelfe.  -ftemning  mood,  temper, 
humour,  frame  of  mind.  -ft^rle  fe  -froft.  -f»ag 
a  disordered  in  mind,  deranged;  en  _  an  insane 
person,  a  madman,  a  lunatic.  -foag^eb  mental 
derangement.  -focetfelfe  mental  debility.  -f^g 
a  diseased  in  mind,  deranged.  -f^gbom,  -ftjge 
mental  disease  el.  malady.  -fqgeanftalt  lunatic 
asylum.  +-f4geUg  a  morbid,  -fqgelæge  alienist. 
-tilftanb  fe  -forfatning.  -«ro  anxiety  of  mind, 

Sinetu'Ire  c  -r  sin'ecure.  -rift'  «•  -er  sinecure 

Singale'ftr  c  -e  Singhalese;  -ne  the  Singhalese. 

Singebud  fe  @infebu8. 

Singe((S)  c  shingle.  -baUaft  shingle  ballast. 
-hånt  shingly  bank,  bank  of  shingle. 

Singelton  c  -er  single  card,  singleton;  Ubfpil 
af  -  cont  Whitechapel. 

*@tnglc  vi  jingle. 

Singot !   p  your  good  health  ! 

tSingren  n  (SBintergrunt)  periwinkle.   Vinca. 

Singularis  c  &  n,  gram  the  singular  (number). 

Sinif  fe  8int. 

tSinfc  c  -r  (mupt.  3!nftr  )  coniet. 

tSinte  c  -r  (til  (Støoler  ofo  )  heel-tip. 

Sintc  c  -r  lag,  backward  child.  Sinle  vt 
retard,  detain,  delay;  —  vr  fig  lose  time. 

Sinfc  it  (fælbe)  dovetail.     -b«r  counter-sink 

3intebu'8  c  (Srætfpilj  cinque-deuce;  F  box 
OU  the  ear. 

@inte|(ettie  lowest  form,  booby  form.  -Ifc  c, 
•ti  n  retarding  etc,  delay,  detention. 

Sintning  c  dove-tailing.  @int|*noti  dovetailed 
comer-joint  (of  a  log-house),  -fob,  -fog  dovetail 
-saw     -top  tenou. 

.  *®inne  n  f  anger,  choler,  passion,  temper. 
•tog  p  spitflre. 

Sinner  fe  Stnber. 

Sinno  ber  c  cin'nabar. 

Sinolog  r  -er  Chinese  scholar,  sin'ologue. 

*®int  a  p  angry,  mad.  @intetogg  fe  Sinne« 

Sinter  c  sinter.  -lut  clod  coal.  Sintre  vi 
petrify,  concrete. 

SinuS  c  -er  sine;  -  totus  the  whole  sine;  _ 
verius  versed  sine.  -linie,  -ffolo  line  of  sines. 
•tobcl  table  of  sines. 

*SlV'  "  fe  Sippet.    Sippt  c  -r  prude. 

*Sii><>e  vi  chirp. 

Sippet  a  prudish,  namby-pamby.  -^eb  c, 
Sipperi'  n  prudery.  Sippernip  c  prudish  el. 
flnical  creature. 

Sir  c  adornment,  ornament.  Sira't  c  -er 
ornament,     -bnff  ornamental  shrub. 

Sire'tt  c  -er  lilac,   Svringa  rulgnris. 

Sirene  c  -rSi'ren;  Onftrum.)  sire'ne;  zosiren, 
mnd  iguana,  Siren  lacertina.    -fong  Siren-song. 

Si'rpff  c  ornamental  flsh. 

*Slr'iå  c  -er  cricket,  Gryllus. 

Sirind  c  Sir'ius,  the  Dog-star. 

Sirlig  a  elegant,  graceful;  (i  flet  Set.)  flnical. 
-^eb  c  elegance;  finicalness. 

Siroc'CO  c  sirocco. 

Si  rplante  c  ornamental  plant. 

Sirtå  n  -er  chintz,  printed  calico. 

Sirup  c  treacle,  (sugar-house)  molasses;  (2lpo= 
tefer'8.j  syrup.  -ogtig  a  treacly  —  Strttpd|tage 
treaclecake.  -frulfe  treacle -pot;  t(S(eIenaon) 
honev,  darling 

tStfc  c  fe  »tciie. 

Sifcl  c  zisel,  suslik,  Spermopkilwi  citiUus. 
•egern  gopher,  Xerus. 

♦Siftt  c  fe  ©iffen. 

Si  fifoal  c  colander. 

■fSifle  [t.]  vi  whiz. 

SiSien  c  -er  siskin,  Fnngilla  »pinus.  -grøn  a 

*Si8feIr9b  c  common  polypody,  Polvpodium 

SifQfudorbejbe  n  SLsyphean  labour. 

Sit'  pron  po-<s  refl  fe  Sin. 

©itgult  rt  Dutch  pink. 

Sitre  vi  tremble,  quiver.  -n  c  trembling. 
Sitter|ao(electriceel,  Gymnotn»  electricun.  -roffe 
electric  ray,  Torpedo. 

Sitterd  c  4,  first  futtock.     -fteb  futtockhead. 

Sittim  n  Shittim. 

Situation  c  -er  situa'tion;  en  bofSen  equal  to 
the  occasion;  rebbfbe  -en  retrieved  the  lost  game. 
—  Situotio'nélfort  map  of  situation.  -linie  line 
of  situation.    Situe'ret  a  sit'uated. 

Slb  n,  pi  =,  rush,  Juncus  (p  ogf.  club  rush, 
Scirfjun) . 

♦Siboob  a  wringing  wet,  drenched. 

Si'blbreb  rashy  margin,   -bunb  rushy  bottom. 

Sit»e  vi  ooze. 

-fSlbet  a  rushy. 

Si  bigroet  a  rushy.  -^olnt  rushy  islet.  -Ironfet 
a  encircled  with  rushes.  -Inru  rush -basket. 
-tttootte  -plante  rush.  -fanger  l)og 
-thrush,  Co/amoherpe  schoenobænut .  -fpurt)  reed 
-hunting,  Emheriza  schoeniclut.  -fiol  rush(-bot- 
tomed)  chair. 

''Sjobet  a  p  seedy,  out  of  sorts. 

S{ato(  c  -er  jack'al,  Cania  anrevø. 

Sfotre  fe  8d)afre. 

♦Sjolre  vi  (om  Sugle)  chatter. 

Sfoto'  c  -er  shak'o. 

Sjal  n  -er  shawl. 

'Sjongle  vi  reel. 

Sfopié  c  brash.    -t-SJoppet  c  sludgy. 

Sfoft  n  sloppy  (state  of  the)  road.  Sjo^e  vi 
dabble,    puddle,   paddle.     Sjaflel)0»eb   n  slut, 




Blattern.  Sjaflet  a  sloppy,  splashy,  muddy  and 
wet;  bet  er  _  gøre  it  is  sloppy  walking ;  i  _ 
%at<  on  a  sloppy  el.  miry  road.  @j;af(tteitr  dirty 

tSjnt'  c  -ter  drop  (left). 

tSfottct  Je  ©latlet. 

*@jeflte  c   r  whale-boat,  skiff,  funny. 

*®Jene  fe  ©tjene. 

©jette  num  sixth;  _  S8ub  seventh  command- 
meut  (fi.rbt  »ort  furfte  S3ub  i  ben  enøflfte  Kate= 
lilmuS  gøres  til  to),  -bel,  -^art  sixth  (part); 
fem  -bele  five  sixths. 

©jit»H>e  vi  skip.    -tott  skipping-rope. 

©jofet  a  (OflJ.  fig)  shabby,  mean.  -ift'  c  -er 
ragamuffin.     Sjo'fle  vt  treat  ignominiously. 

©jotte  c  -r  slattern.  ©joffe  vi  trudge,  jog, 
shufHe;  -nbe  ®ang  shuffling  el.  slouching  gait. 
■bue  letz.  ©jofldælct  a  shuffling.  ©jotten  c 
shnffling.    ©joWelt'  -bom  a  draggle-tailed. 

©jOb  c  og  71  (fiøjer)  fun,  lark;  (©tøj,  ^or- 
ft^rrelfe)  kick-up,  row;  (tilfcelbigt  SlrBejbe,  fom  6e= 
taleS  ft^tteoiS)  work  by  the  job;  tilfælbig  - 
occasional  jobs;  gøre  -  make  fun,  kick  up  a 
row;  ^aoe  -  have  a  lark;  gøre,  ^abe,  ^olbe  -  meb 
en  have  fun  with  one;  ber  bar  en  forfcerbelig  ~ 
there  was  a  horrible  klck-up;  glag  i  ~  J>  vvaft, 
waif;  ^ejfe  giag  i  _  hoist  a  waft.  ©jobe  vi  toil. 
©jober  c  -e  labourer;  ^  lumper.  —  @jobcr|!nob 
Matthew  Walker  knot.  -I«n,  -ffcnge  labourage, 
lumper's  wages. 

©junge  t  &  poet  fe  Sflnge;  fe  ®ommeI. 

©juS'  c  p,  fe  ®jo». 

©juffe  vi  slight  over.  ©jufle  c  -r,  -^obeb, 
•analenc  slattern,  slut,  trollop.  -ri'  n  slovenli- 
ness.  -t  a  (ofjaftet)  slighted  over;  (om  ^erfoner) 
slatternly,  slovenly. 

©jæt  c  -e  .soul;  (i  $ennebofe)  pith;  (i  ^abel) 
core;  (i  ^onon)  bore;  (t  ©ilb)  swim,  sound;  en 
gob  _  a  good  soul  (o.  fl.);  ben  _!  poorsoul!  Jjoa 
_  og  Segeme  in  mind  and  body;  lægge  tiele  fin  - 
i  put  one's  heart  and  soul  into;  oære  -n  i  be 
the  (life  and)  soul  of;  to  -e  og  een  %<mU  two 
souls  with  but  a  single  thought. 

©jælben  "  rare,  scarce,  unfrequent,  infrequent; 
i  en  -  ®rob  exceptionally,  to  an  exceptional 
degree;  en  _  @ang  for  once  in  a  way;  bet  er  -t 
at  it  is  rare  el.  rarely  that;  men  bette  »ar  -t  but 
those  were  rare  occasions;  -bnere  less  frequent; 

—  adv  (-^-t)  seldom,  rarely,  unfrequently;   (i  en 

-  ®rab)  exceptionally;  _  eUer  albrig  seldom  (el. 
rarely),  if  ever.  -^cb  c  -er  (SSeflaffen^eben)  searce- 
ness;  (®enftQnb)  rarity,  curiosity;  bet  er  ingen  - 
(at  ofo.)  it  is  no  rare  el.  uncommon  thing;  bet 
er  ben  ftørfte  -  at  it  is  the  rarest  thing  to. 

©jÆlelabel  nobility  of  soul.  -angft  agony  of 
soul,  anguish  of  mind.  -bob  penitence.  -ebne 
faculty  of  the  soul,  mental  ability.  -fanget 
pro.selytizer.  -freb  fe  ©inbSfreb.  -n-fro  fe  -glob. 
•fr^b  fe  -glæbe.  -fabe  food  for  the  mind.  -gabe 
frankalmoigne.  -gift  poison  for  the  mind.  -glab 
a  delighted,  overjoyed.  -glæbe  delight,  transport 
of  joy.  -^Qrbe  fe  -førger.  -^«j4eb  fe  @jæl8=.  -lam)) 
struggle  of  the  soul,  mental  struggle.  -lenber, 
•I^nbig  c  psyehologist.  -!oal,  -fbibe  agony  of 
mind.  ©j(e(elig  a  (=  ©iæl8=  el.  Sjæle.)  mental; 
-e  Bibelfer  mental  sulferings;  (})foc^ift)  psychieal; 
bet  -i  the  psychieal  element.  ©ji)e(e|lib  life  of 
the  soul,  soul's  life,  spiritual  life.  -læge  psychi- 
ater,  spiritual  physician.  -lære  psychology, 
philosophy  of  the  mind.  -meSfe  requiem,  mass 
for  a  departed  soul.  -morb  killing  the  soul. 
-ntorbet  destroyer  of  souls,  -inorberiff  a  soul 
■killing.  -nt)belfe  intellectual  enjoyment.  -næring 
fe  -føbe.  -nab  mental  el.  spiritual  distress.  -blage 
torment  of  the  soul.  -piiyt  care  el.  cure  of  souls. 
-))r<øe  trial  of  the  mind,  test  of  the  disposition. 

-to  fe  ©inbSro.  -xn^  transport,  ecstacy.  -t^gt  fe 
•pkje.  -^ilbting  portraiture  of  souls,  -forg 
deep-folt  sorrow;  fe  =pleie.  -fnnb  a  healthy  iu 
mind)  -funblieb  spiritual  health.  -fbir  joc 
delight,  treat,  feast  (to  the  soul),  -fljg  a  soul 
-sick,  soul-diseased.  -fljgbam  fe  ©inb8=.  -f«rget 
pastor,  clergyman,  spiritual  guide.  -f«bn  sleep 
of  the  soul.  -trang  craving  of  the  soul.  -tr«ft 
consolation.  -baanbe  fe  -nøb.  -banbting  trans- 
migration  of  souls,  metempsychosis.  -barmer  c 
-e  comforter.  -ben  bosom  friend.  -btrtning 
operation  of  the  mind.  -bæ!!enbe  a  soul-stirring, 
soul  reviving.  ©jælfulb  a  instinct  with  feeliug, 
full  of  animation,  auimated,  expressive.  ©jie^ 
fulb^eb  expressiveness,  animation,  spirit. 

©jættonb  n  Sealand.  ©iæHonbSfar,  ©jceUænbet 
c  inhabitant  of  Sealand.     ©jteHanbff  a  Sealand. 

©jæ'UflS  a  souUess,  lifeless,  inanimated,  vacant. 
-^Cb  c  vacancy. 

©jæ  tSlbenægelfe  emotion,  -egenffab  mental 
quality.  -ebne  fe  Sjæle--,  -ftf^eb  fe  2(anb§=. 
-^øj^eb  elevation  of  soul,  high-mindedness. 
-Iroft  fe  fttjrte.  -libelfe  agony.  -^emning  fe 
@inb§=.  ftot^eb  magnanimity,  greatness  of  a 
mind  el.  soul.  -ftt)rtc  strength  of  mind,  forti- 
tude, -tilftanb  mental  state,  state  of  one's  soul. 
■t(tting  manifestation  of  mind. 

*©ia  F  fe  ©0.  -otte  c  velvet-scoter,  Oidemia 

©!oo  fig  vr  prov  demean  one's  self. 

*©Iaobbe  c  fe  *©fobbe. 

©taabc  vi  fe  Sfobbe. 

*©faal  c,  pi  ©fjæler  shaft  (of  a  sledge,  gig 
etc),  thill. 

©faat  c  -er  J,  tlsh. 

Staal  c  -er  bowl,  (ogf.  fig)  cup;  i,  cupule; 
SJrebe?  -er  (^o^.  9la6.)  the  vials  of  the 
wrath  of  God;  briffe  en§  ~  drink  one's  health; 
_!  your  good  health!  to  you!  foreflaa  en  _  give 
el.  propose  a  toast;  *git)e  i  -en  (i  ^onbebnjSu^j) 
give  a  present  to  the  new-married  couple. 
•bætete  pi  ^  cupuliferous  trees.  -btitning  toast- 

*@!aale  c  -r  shed,  pent-house. 

©taale  vt  ^  flsh. 

©taallfotmet  a  cup-shaped;  -be  Sforb^bninger 
archæ  cup-shaped  depressions,  -ftugtebe  pi  fe 
-bærere.  *-gobe  present  to  the  new-married 
couple.  -totJ^Jet  chicken-pox,  the  chickens. 
*-benge  fe  -gooe.  -bunb  pound.  -tale  toast; 
t)olbe  en  -  toast,  give  a  toast,  -talet  c  toaster. 
•ttm  a  J,  flying  light,    -bægt  scale  weight. 

©laane  vt  spare,  treat  with  lenience;  _  fig 
be  careful  of  one's  self 

@{aan|e  n  Scania,  -ing  c  -er  inhabitant  of 
Scania  (in  Sweden).    -ft  a  Scania. 

©taanfel  c  mercy,  lenience,  forbearance.  -laå 
a  unsparing,  merciless,  without  mercy,  remorse- 
less.  ©toa'nfom  a  lenient,  forbearing.  ©taan- 
fottt^eb  c  lenience,  forbearance.  ^1 

©!aar  n,  pi  =,  (af  Srutte)  shard,  sherd;  (Snit)  ] 
cut;   Onbfnit)  incision;   (i  en  S?nit)  ofb.)  hack;    ; 
(®ræS    el.    8orn)    swath;    gøre    -    i    fig   impair, 
diminish;  bet  bar  et  _  i  that  was  a  draw-back  to. 

•^■©faate  c  -r  cut,  notch.  ©taate  vt  notch;  cut, 
fell  (trees).    *-flt8  chip. 

©taaret  part  of  Slære. 

©faotet  a  (f.  (£!§.  Seærb)  hacked. 

©faattagt  a  in  swaths. 

♦©taatas  c  felling-axe. 

©lab  n  e  (til  3;øj,  Sinneb)  press,  ward-robe; 
ffinere)  cabinet;  (bægfaft)  locker;  (til  Setøj  ofo., 
©pifeoarer)  cupboard;  p  (SuS)  brick  in  the  hat; 
^iin  oeb,  ^bor  -et  ftal  ftaa  she  has  a  little  will  of 
her  own. 





3tob'  (paa  goar)  scab;  (tiaa  ^efte  og  |»unbe) 
manec;  (pna  røennefler)  itch,  psora. 

tSfafiiigttfl  a  f  affected.    -tjeb  c  affectation. 

Sta'fi|tiritfcr  c  tippier.    -tiar  cupboard-door. 

®{abe,  -te,  -t  vt  (frem6riiige)  create,  make;  (baiine) 
form,  fashion;  ^ber  ®ag  ®ub,  lober  _  every  blessed 
day;  Slæber  _  2fotf  fine  feathers  make  fine  birds; 
flobt  \tabt  well-made,  -shaped;  f  ber  er  ifte 
tRening  -6t  i  ^tjob  ^an  figcc  what  he  says  is 
sheer  nonsense;  fion  er  bt  til  at  he  was  made 
for  -ing;  —  vr  fig  (•■'■-  ftg  til)  deport  one's  self; 
et/l  give  one's  self  'ridiculous)  airs,  behave 
affectedly,  _  ftg  om  transform  el.  change  one's 
self  (til  into);  _  fig  Sorger  (3reate  troubles,  worry 
one's  .self  With  self-created  troubles;  —  ftabenbe 
a  Creative.  &abe\ttfr,  -Ijooeb,  -trutte  lump  of 

Btaielo'n  c  -er  (9KobeI,  til  hegning  ofo.)  templet; 
art  gauge,  (til  f^orlabning)  former;  (ifløining)  J, 
sweep;  (gorm  i  Slim.)  mould,  shape.  -^uggc  vt 
mould,  bevel.  -ntteSRg  o  conventional.  -^tle- 
mafttnc  designing-machine. 

Sfaiclfc  c  creation,  formation;  -n§  S3og  the 
book  of  Genesis.  —  ®fobtlfe§|tttt  aet  of  creation. 
•bog  day  of  creation.  -J){ftorte  history  of  crea- 
tion. genesis.  +@ta6cn  c  creation.  @faber  c  -e 
creator,  maker.    @fabcraanb  creative  genius. 

iStabttttt'  n  -fer  housing,  saddle-cloth.  -tapit 
Iiidian  tapir,  Tupirus  malavantu. 

Staber  1 6ub  command  of  the  Creator.  -eune 
creative  power  el.  faculty.  -^aiinb  creative 
hund.  téfaberi'  n  affectation,  airs.  Stabcrift 
a  treative.  @falier|traft  creative  power,  f-manb 
creator.  -nat)«  name  of  creator.  -orb  word  of 
the  Creator.  -tiiclbe  fe  -fraft.  -fært  work  of 

SIab|(Ii)cta  scabby,  mangy.  -^al8  rap-scallion. 

StabtCten  n  fig  fright,  hag.  -^ooeb  coif-stock, 
millluer's  stock. 

8fabto'fe  c  -r  scabious. 

Sta'bmanb  c  ^  boatswain's  yeoman. 

SFabmibe  c  iteh-insect,  Sarcoptes  scabiei. 

Sfabning  c  -er  (SJrefen)  creature;  (bet  at  flabe; 
nojet,  fom  er  frembragt)  creation;  (2)annelfe)  shape, 
form,  make;  -en  (alt  bet  ffabte)  creation;  -en  er 
unberlagt  gorfængelig^eb  the  creature  was  made 
subject  to  vanity.  Slabning^rcclte  c  scale  of 

®ta'bnirgle  c  key  of  a  press  et.  cupboard. 

Stabrat'  fe  Sfaberat. 

5tabf«)ge  c  fe  Sfab. 

Stabe  c  -r  (jjift)  skate,  Raja  batis. 

t@fabe  c  -r  (fjugt)  magpie,  pie,  Pica  vulgaris; 
fe  -bue. 

Stabe  c  -r  hurt,  injury,  damage,  harm,  pre- 
judice,  detriment,  disadvantage;  gammel  _  deep 
•nioted  evil;  libe  _  (oeb  itbborteS  SSolb)  sustain 
injury  el.  damage,  be  damaged  el.  injured,  (libe 
Zab)  sustain  loss;  tilføje  _  do  damage  to,  damage; 
faa  -n  gobtgjort  recover  damages;  ^on  moa  betale 
-n  he  must  pay  the  damage;  til  fin  egen  _  to  his 
own  loss  et.  cost;  tomme  til  _  receive  harm,  hurt 
one's  self,  be  hurt  el.  injured;  tomme  for  _  et.  i 
-  for  ot  have  the  ill-luck  to;  tomme  i  _  for  (et 
iJruenttmmer)  go  wrong  wlth ;  bet  er  _  for  ben 
nqe  ^at  it  is  a  pity  the  new  hat  should  be 
spoilt,  I  am  sorry  for  the  new  hat;  til  -  for  to 
the  injury  of;  ftan  \)av  ^aft  .  af  he  is  the  worse 
for;  tage  _  he  damaged  el.  Injured;  om  ban  .  .  . 
tager  _  pao  fin  Sjæl  if  he  shall  .  .  .  losc  his  own 
soul;  ber  er  ingen  _  ftet  there  is  no  harm  done, 
F  no  bones  broke;  bet  et  ftor  _  it  is  a  great 
pity;  bet  er  eoig  _  It  is  a  thousand  pities;  _  at 
bon  ifte  fom  fer!  what  a  pity  he  did  not  come 
sooner!  af  _  blioer  man  tlog  bought  wit  is  hest, 
once  bitten,  twice  fly;  Spot  og  -  følge«  ob  losers 

are  always  laughed  at.  Stabe  vt  hurt,  injure, 
damage,  harm,  impair,  prejudice;  ^onS  popularitet 
-be  l^am  he  was  a  suflerer  by  his  popularity;  bet 
-r  iffe  it  does  no  harm,  there  is  no  harm  in  it; 
bet  -r  Ijam  itte!  it  serves  him  right!  ^oob  -r  bet! 
what  harm  is  there  in?  where  is  the  harm? 
^oab  -r  big  ?  what  ails  you  ?  bet  -r  bam  intet  there 
Is  nothing  amiss  wlth  him.  tStabebob  fe  Sfobe§= 

Stabebue  c  magpie,  Columba  picata. 

Stabelb^r  noxious  animal.  -fri  a  unhurt, 
uninjured.  -fro  a  delighting  in  mischief,  mis- 
chievous,  mischief-loving.  -frofteb,  -fr^b  delight 
in  mischief,  mischievousness,  spite.  -fugl  noxious 
bird.  -gælb  fe  ©fabeSerftatning.  -gørenbc  n  fe 
©fabelig.  -ilb  fire,  a  house  on  fire.  -Hbcnbe  a 
sustaining  loss.  -libt  a  damaged,  suffering ;  be 
-e  the  sufferers.  Stabelig  a  hurtful,  injurious, 
mischievous,  harmful,  detrimental;  (meget  ffabel.) 
pernicious;  (forbctrBelig,  giftig)  baneful,  baleful; 
(om  35t)r)  noxious;  (^inDrenbe)  prejudicial.  Stabe< 
iig^eb  c  hurtfulness,  harmfulness.pemiciousness, 
mischievousness,  banefulness.  Stabel Il)ft  love 
of  mischief.  -liften  a  delighting  in  mischief, 
mischievous.     t-ntanb  perpetrator,  malefactor. 

Stabercbe  c  magpie's  nest. 

Stabe^lerftatning  indemnification,  indemnity, 
compeusation ;  jur  damages.  Sfabeftubt  <i 
wounded.  Stabc§|lø3  a  indemnified;  l)olbe  _ 
indemnify;  l)olte  ftg  _  recoup  one's  self.  -I«8= 
bretJ  bond  of  indemnity.  -(øs^otbelfe  c  indemni- 

Stabcoeg  n  magpie's  egg. 

Staffe  vt  procure;  -  en  procure  for  one, 
provide,  furnish,  supply  one  with,  get  one 
something,  (for»olbe),  give;  fan  Se  _  mig 
at  oibe  can  you  learn  for  me;  -  en  af  meb  noget 
take  a  thing  off  one's  bands;  _  afoejen,  bort 
remove,  put  out  of  the  way;  \)atse  at  ~  meb  have 
to  do  with;  _  tilfibe  put  out  of  the  way,  suppress; 
_  tttftebe  produce;  _  tiloeje  procure;  vr  fig 
secure;  ~  fig  flfienbcr  make  enemies;  —  vi  J^  eat, 
mess.  -batte  c  mess-kid.  -borb  mess  table. 
-børbSbøjte  crowfoot  Stoffer  o  e  purveyor, 
caterer.    Stoffe|tib  mess-time    -tøj  mess  things. 

Stofot'  n  -ter  scaff'old;  beftige  -tet  mount  the 

Stoft  n  -er  handle,  haft;  (of  ©øite)  shaft; 
(StøBle-  og  StrømpeO  leg;  (ptSe-)  helve;  (ffnappe* 
noalO  shank;  (SBoedn.)  leaf;  ^  scape.  Stof  te  vt 
haft,  furnish  with  a  handle.  Stafte|burlf(aø 
helved  punch,  t-^attrc  unthrashed  oats;  joc  a 
thrashing.  -tlo  tail  vice.  -torn  unthrashed 
grain.  *-(tme  long-handled  broom.  -ft«ble  long 
boot.  Stoftct  n  hafted,  helved.  —  StaftHnl 
eye;  handle-hole.  -ring  ferrule.  -ror  socket. 
-tunge  tang. 

Stage  vt  shake;  fe  ogfoo  ©fætte;  J,  (om  3:alje) 
(ofo.)  shift,  fleet;  (el.  _  fig  fom  SBinben)  shift,  veer, 
haul.  -bloor  last  quality  of  tow.  -tr«  flax 

Stagen  n  the  Skaw.  Slagerrat  n  the  Sleeve, 
the  Skager  Rack. 

Stagle  c  -r  trace;  ftoo  tit  -me  (ogf.  fig)  kick 
over  the  traces,  -reb  rope  for  traces,  -rem 
leathern  trace,  -ftebe  trace  -  bearer.  -fitenger 

Stof  c  chess;  _!  check!  b^be,  ftge  -  check, 
give  el.  say  check;  bolbe  i  -  fiø  hold  one's  own 
against,  keep  one  at  bay,  keep  one  in  check. 
-oabning  chess-opening. 

Statlbritte  chess-man.    -bræt  chess-board. 

Stat|t(ub  chess-club.  -mat  check-mate;  gøre 
_  checkmate,  fiø  Bære  _  be  knocked  up. 

StaI'|o)>gaoe  chess  problem,  p  chess  uut. 
-^orti  chess  match. 




@{a{|f))il  Kame  of  chess;  (©riffer)  set  of  chess 
-men.  -fvillcr  chess  -  player.  t-toul  fe  -bræt. 
-tatllct  a  her  checky. 

igfal'  a  sloping,  slanting.  -^«tit  inclined 
plane.  -Q«ole  vt  bevel.  -fe  i:t  slope.  *-te  c 
obliquity;  paa  ~  awry,  aslant;  meb  ^obebet  paa  - 
with  his  head  on  one  side.  '-fjart  a  p  mis- 
directed.    -(aftet  a  loaded  on  the  side. 

@fafre  vi  fe  ©c^afre. 

Staffcjl  n  fore-and-aft  sail. 

©faft  fe  Sd^aft. 

©Inr  c  *n,  ler  shell;  (of  Srugt)  peel,  rind; 
Sf  testa. 

®tar  praa  af  ©fulle. 

éfnla  c  -er  scale.  -egen  a  belonging  to  the 
scale  (of  a  key). 

Stat|'''-bo8fe  fe  6farn=.  *-Berg  shivery  rock. 
•-bergbannelfc  foliation.   -bterenbe  «  testaceous. 

Stalb  c  fe  Stjalb. 

Sfalbelmunl  tonsured  monk.  -))anbe  c  bald 
pate.  tSfalbeg  trf  become  bald.  Sfalbet  a 
bald(-headed);  -ebe  TOarter  bare  fieids;  -ebe  2;ræer 
naked  trees.     Stalbetdeb  c  baldness. 

Sfollbljngc  heap  of  shells.  -b^r  testaceous 
animal.    -brcttet  a  testaceous. 

©fale  vt  vi.  put  a  scotchman  on  (the  rlgglng); 
batten  (hatches);  flsh  (a  spar). 

@fal|i«e  fe  ^efte .    -frugt  achene. 

©fait  c  -e  heel  (of  a  loaf),  crust. 

©talt  c  -e  rogue,  wag;  £)an  ^ar  en  _  bag  ^ret 
he  is  a  sly  fellow.  -ag'ttg  a  roguish,  waggish; 
et  -t  Smil  an  areh  smile.  -agtigt)eb  c  roguish- 
uess,  archnes.s,  wHggery. 

©tal|tapl>e  (SløbbljrS)  mantle.  -takning  chang- 
iug  of  the  crust. 

©talte  vt  J/  Sugerne  batten  down  the  hatches. 

tSfalferi  n  villany. 

©taltelftjut  blind,  false  pr etext,  stalking-horse. 
•fttitfc  piece  of  roguery. 

©taltning  c  ^  battening;  conc  battens,  ©talt* 
nittflSlift  c)  batten. 

©talfoærn  c  hulling-mill. 

©toUe  c  r  scull,  brain-pan;  gine  en  paa  -n 
knock  one  on  the  head;  fbritte  en  en  _  bunt  at 

®taUe  c  -r  roach,  Leuciscus  rutilus. 

©taHc  vt  Shell,  hull;  _  af,  -§  pell,  scale  (off). 
-tȾrn  fe  StalfDcern. 

t©tallcfluger  c  fe  gifteanb. 

©faliuå  c  ehiton. 

©talmej'e  c  -r  shawm,  shalm. 

©faluing  c  shelling. 

©talot  l«g  c  eschalot,  shallot,  scallion,  Allium 

©talp  c  -er  scalp. 

©fflUpcr  c  -ler  scalpel. 

Stalpe're  vt  scalp. 

©falft«ttc  c  {ifoi  ©folbljr)  columella. 

©talte  vi  ~  (og  oalte)  meb  noget  do  el.  deal 
with  a  thing  as  one  likes. 

'Blnxa'  c  shame,  disgrace,  ignominy,  reproach; 
ftaa  til  -me  be  put  to  shame;  gjsre  til  me  shame, 
put  tn  shame  el.  to  the  blush;  p  put  one's  nose 
out  of  joint;  (^Beregning  o.  l.)belie,  falsify,  (Slnftog) 
frustraie,  foil;  gøre  -  Xi<^a  shame,  put  to  shame; 
gere  en  -  be  a  disgrace  to  one;  bu  ^ar  _  af 
bet  it  is  a  discredit  to  you ;  faa  -  til  %al  be 
rewarded  with  ingratitude  ^an  l)ar  bibt  ^ooebet 
ar  ol  -  he  has  swallowed  shame  and  drunk  after 
It,  he  is  lost  el.  dead  to  all  (sense  of;  shame; 
floo  en  til  -me,  fe  Stamfloo;  gib  bu  foo  -!  shame 
on  you !  out  upon  you  I  _  foa  ben  fom  shame  on 
him  that;  _  at  tole  om,  meb  _  at  tole  to  my 
shame  be  it  spoken;  _  og  ©fcenbfel!  shame  of 
shames;  for  -§  ©f^lb  for  honour's  sake,  in 
decency;    bet  deb  jeg  ~  itfe   I  don't  know,  I  am 

siire.  ©tam|ben  share  bone.  -bibe  it  bite 
severely;  fia  revile.  -brænbe  vt  bum  severely. 
-bub  disgracefully  low  offer,  -btjbe  vt  make  a 
disgraeefuUy  low  offer,  -bænt  seat  of  disgrace. 
-bel  ie  StønSbel.  ©tamfe're  vt  F  spoil,  deface. 
©tamfile  J>  vt  chafe,  gall  -filing  ^t,  chafing. 
-filingéflifcr  chaflng-pieces.  -filingSgaft  J,  top- 
man. -filingSgobé  chaflng-gear.  -plingåtaSfe 
skid.  -ftlingSftaal  chafing- board  -flitter  id 
affronts.  -fitlb  a  shamefaeed,  ashamed,  abashcd. 
-fulb^cb  c  shame.  f-færb  ill,  misehief.  -falelfe 
sense  of  shame.  -^ugge  vt  cut  severely,  maim. 
-^Hgning  c  maiming.  -tapfrt  cod-piece.  -trog 
fe  ®famme=.  -t«b  a  dead  bargain,  dog-cbeap. 
-læbe  lip  of  the  pudenda.  -l«S  a  shameless, 
impudent,  unblushing;  fhonest,  decent.  -løS^eb 
c  shamelessness,  impudence.  ©tamme  rt  ub 
scold  sharply;  _  fig  vr  (ooer,  »eb  nogetj  l>e 
ashamed  (of  a  thing);  ^an  r  fig  itfe  engang  for 
fin  ®one  he  is  not  even  abashed  by  the  presence 
of  his  wife;  ffom  big !  for  shame!  ©tammetrog 
corner  (of  disgrace). 

©tammel  c  -mier  (foot-)stool ;  (^obpube)  foot- 
cushion;  (SJætin.)  treadle. 

©tammelig  a  shameful,  disgraceful,scandalous, 

©tammo'nia  c  scam'mony,  Convolvolus  scam- 

©tampto'n  fe  S^ompignon. 

©tamlptet  stain.  -priå  absurdly  low  price. 
-pai  piilory.  -ribe  vt  ride  to  death,  spoil.  -rofe 
bepraise.  -r«b  a  blushing  with  shame.  -røbme 
c  blush  of  shame.  +-ftrift  fe  ©tontflrift.  -ftpbe 
vt  wound,  maim.  -ftccnbe  vt  maltreat,  mar, 
damage.  -^ærc  vt  spoil  in  the  cutting.  -floo  vt 
hurt  severely,  maim.  -patte  monument  of  in- 
fam y. 

©tanba'l|e  c  -r  scan'dal;  scandalous  scene;  ie 
-^iftorie.  -^tftorie  scandalous  story,  -ife're  ir 
fig  oser  be  scandalized,  at,  pass  eensure  on.  -e'i 
a  scandalous. 

©fottbe'r|e    <scan.    -ing  c  scanning,  scansiou. 

©tonbino't)  c  -er  Scandinavian;  (^gorti)  Scandi- 
navian,  Scan'dinave.  -ien  n  Scandinavia,  -ift 
a  Soandinavian      -t8'me  c  (Pan-)Scan'dinaviam. 

©fonbffrlft  n  libel,  lampoon. 

<S>tanicet  n  -fe  ,1,  plank -sheer.  —  ©tonbæl^!* 
linie  top-timber  line.    -ylonte  fe  ©fonbæt. 

©tant  c  -er  shank;  bruge  fine  -er  P  stir  one's 
stumps:  ftrnge  -  interfere,  cut. 

©tanfc  c  -r  n,i//  redoubt;  ^  quarter-deck; 
(goiMugor)  forecastle.  ©tonfe  vi  ihrow  up  re- 
doubts.  -bctlcEbning  fe  -flcebning.  -bjælfe  vi/ 
quarter-deck  beam  (o.  fl.)  -ftoobc  ^  floating 
stage,  -grob  trench.  -grouer  ploneer.  -tonon 
J,  quarter-deck  gun.  -tlæbet  pi  ^l,  quarter 
-cloths  -tlcebning  l,  bulwarks.  -turu  gabion. 
-lønning  .h  quarter -rail.  -port  quarter-deck 
port  -pæl  palisa'le.  -rcling,  -rælte  quarter 
-rail.    -Pært  intrenchment. 

©tanfio  n  c  scan'sion,  scanning. 

©tanéning  c  throwing  up  (of)  redoubts. 

©tapula'r  n  -er  s<"ap'ular(y). 

*©far  n,  pi  —,  cut,  uotch;  (i  gjælb)  gien,  gap. 

'•'•©tor  n  ub.  pi  snuff"  (of  a  candle). 

©tar  imv  of  ©tære. 

©tåre  c  -r  host,  crowd.  -nStore  fig  vr  crowd. 

*©tore  c  hard  snow,  crust  on  the  snow.  -f«re 
the  state  of  the  snow  wlien  it  bears  walking  or 
sledging      -ttfpe  ptarmigan 

©torePiå  oitv  in  crowds. 

©f orifti  ce're  vt  scar  Ify .  -latia'n  c  scarifica'tion. 
-to  tor  c  -er  scariflcator. 

©torlagen  n  sca'rlet;  t-§  scarlet.  -forbc  scarlet 
colour.    -forpet  a  scarlet.    -n-tlæbt  a  in  scarlet 




clothes.  -(of  scarlet  lac.  -Mb  a  scarlet.  SIar= 
lagtnéfcbrr  scarlatina,  scarlet  fever.  Starlatin«'é 
-;  sfarlat'inous. 

Starlcj't  c  clary,  Salvia  aclareo. 

Starn  n,  ub.  pt,  dirt,  filth,  muck,  ordure;  fio 
(id  =)  good-for-nothing,  wretch;  fofte  _  Boa  .fiø 
throvv  dirt  on;  bet  -§  SD'lennefle!  the  wreteh ! 
-oger  scavenger,  dustman.  -agcrOogn  dustman's 
cart.  -agtif)  «  dirty,  vile,  mean.  -agtis'tieb  c 
dirtiness,  vileness,  meanness.  -baSfc  scarabee, 
scarab,  Scarnbæus.  -bøbbc(  (f^nf.)  aphoditis. 
-b«tte  dust-tub.  -bqnge  dust-heap.  -fjcrbing 
diist-tnb.  -fltte  dung-fly,  Muaca  utercorai-vt. 
•toSfc  dust-hole.  -fiftc  ie  -fa§fe;  (Slamfifte)  cess 
•pool.  -fule  fe -faéte  -p«I  dirty  puddle.  +-tenbe 
spwer,  drain.  Starttétoinbe  wretched  woman. 
Slarnåmenneftc  wretch.  SfarnSft^ttc  (piece  of) 
villany.  SlarnSunge  c  vicious  child,  young 
scapegrace.  StarnjtQbe  hemlock,  Conium  maeu- 
1atnm\  wild  cherwil,  Ånth-iscus  lylvestris.  •DOgn 
dust-cart,  scavenger's  cart. 

@(orp  a  sharp;  keen;  (nadnt.  om  fihben  og  om 
?Ianb5eoner)  aciite;  (om  6fib)  sharp,  clean:  *(om 
2t)r  og  JSorb)  lean;  (om  ^orb)  barren;  -e  SSaaben 
sharp-edged  weapons;  -  Srtjl  bold  type;  _  patron 
shotted  carlridge,  ball  cartridge;  en  -  SSinfel  a 
sharp  el.  acute  angle;  -  Smag,  2ugt  a  pungent 
ta.ste,  smell,  acrid  taste;  en  -  Qrettefcetfelfe  a 
sharp  rebuke;  -e  Sæbfter  acrid  humors;  i  -t  Srao 
at  a  quick  el.  smart  trot;  -t  gor^or  strict  exami- 
nation ;  .t  Sqn  sharp  sight;  -t  ^ie  keen  eye; 
_  Jpørelie  sharp  et.  quick  hearing.  ^olbe  -t  lilfQn 
keep  a  strict  watch ;  _  ^ufommelie  a  retentlve 
memory;  -  Sømmefraft  an  acute  judgment;  -t 
SJib  treuchant  wit;  f)oIbe  -t  Ubftg  keep  a  bright 
look-out;  ^olbe  -t  i?je  meb  have  a  bright  eye  on; 
-t  imob  t  a  Rowland  for  an  Oliver;  —  florpt 
udv  sharply;  Iflbe  -t  load  with  ball -cartridge; 
fe  -t  x>a.a  en  look  hard  at  one;  fttjbe  -t  fire  with 
shot;  t  forfulgt  closely  pursued.  6tot|)  c  edge, 
<!,  -en  i  93oren  the  fore-peak;  -en  agter  the  after 
-peak;  i  -eme  in  the  fore  and  after  peaks.  Slarp 
n  &  c  J,.  shot;  labe  meb  _  shot  the  guns,  labe 
met  bobbel  _  double-shot  the  gnns  tage  -et  bort 
fra  en  Kanon  unshot  a  gun,  Starplblif  penetra- 
tion, -bunbet  a  ^  sharp-bottomed.  -bqgget  a 
sharp- built. 

Sforpc'rt  rt  mil  escarp,  slope. 

Slar^l^ammer  hammer  for  stretehing.  @IorV= 
teb  c  sharpness,  trenchancy,  keenness,  acute- 
nes;  (bet  bibenbe.Æi>)  tertness,  pungency.  @!arp|' 
^«renbe  «  quick  of  hearing.  -{antct  a  sharp 
■edged;  (meb  fpibfe  S8in!I?r)  acute-angled.  -n-Iobett 
o.  gaunt  -labet.  -lobt  a  loaded  with  ball  el. 
shot,  shotted.  -langning  c  ^  handing  shot  and 
Shell  •noefet  a  sbarp  nosed.  -ranbet  a  sharp 
^-cdged.  -retter  fe  SBøtbel.  -rtjgget  o  sharp 
-backed.  -fanbet  n  sandy  and  barren  -ffcnbc 
a  fe  -fQnet  -fejtcnbe  «  salling  very  fast.  -fejler 
very  fast  sailer  *-fHb  sprat.  -flnb  n  fe  -finbig^eb. 
-finbtg  a  acute,  sharp-witted,  penetrating.  -ftn'= 
bigtieb  'I  acuteness,  acumen.  -flo  vt  rough,  calk, 
sharpcn  -ffoct  a  rough-shod.  •ffQblting,  -flt)b= 
ningSflOelfc  (exercise  in)  shooting  at  a  target 
el.  inaik,  iiiil  ball-pratice ;  nrt  target-practi<e. 
•ff^ttf  sharp-shooter  -flebcn  a  sharp-edged. 
■ftjn  clear- sightedness.  -fqnet  ■•  sharp -sighted, 
keensighted,  sharp -eyed.  -f^net^eb  c  sharp 
-sightedness,  keensightedness. 

♦Sfarre  vi  (paa  r)  burr. 

©farre  vt  scarf.    -ft«Ul  fe  ^loobBOl. 

6fnrø  c  -er  (gugl)  CDrmorant,  Carbo. 

*SforU  c    er  F  scamp. 

SfnrDc  fe  ©farre  2 

*Star»e]jcnte  p  good-fornothing  girl.  -iiKet 
p  useless  jade. 

@tar(0)ølåe  c  adze. 

Slot'  c  -te  (^oftbarbeb)  treasure;  (fun.Æp)  prize; 
Oorraab)  fund,  stock;  min-!  (Rcerlig^ebg^tr )  ray 
love!  <Sfflt  c  -ter  tax;  (fommunal)  rate;  (Zribnt) 
tribute,  fætte  en  i  _  tax  one;  paalægge  -  lay  el. 
impose  a  tax;  -tenå  TOent  bibl  the  tribute  money. 
Statbar  u  taxable,  rateable. 

*®fatc  c  -r  (gift)  skate,  Rya  batiii. 

Stotlfri  fe  Sfattefri.  -gioett  fe  -fttilbig.  -fammer 
treasnry,  exchequer.  -tammerbetiiS,  -fommrr' 
binet  exchequer  bill  -tatntnerret  Court  of  Ex- 
chequer. -tifte  fe  ^engetifte.  -lanb  fe  ©fatte'. 
-Ifcgge  fe  -fætte.    -tnefter  treasurer. 

^ttttoV  n  -ler  scrutoire,  cabinet,  bureau. 
-!asfe  privy  purse. 

Sratjflribe  fe  -fætte.  -^Qlbig  a  liable  to  pay 
taxes;  (til  en  Dberberre)  tributary  -flt)lbtg^eb  c 
tributariness.  -feette  vt  assess  @tatte  vt  estiiii- 
ate,  value,  appreciate,  prize,  treasure;  jeg  r  barn 
^øjt   I  value  bim  highly.     @tatte  vi  pay  taxes; 

-  til  (ogf.  fio)  pay  tribute  to.  —  6ratte|btI«Ii 
amount  of  taxes.  -brtlent  tax-gatherer  -bebil' 
Ung  granting  of  supplies  -bebittingSret  right 
of  granting  el.  voting  supplies.  -btUet  fe  -febbtl. 
-bog  tax-booii.  -bonbetax-paying  farmer,  -borger 
tax-  el.  rate-paying  Citizen,  rate-payer;  joc  cit. 
-breo  royal  warrant  for  levying  taxes.  -bqrbe 
burden  el.  amount  of  taxes  el.  taxation.  -eune 
tax-paying  ability.  -fob  rate  of  assessment. 
-fogcb  coUector  of  the  revenue.  -fororbning 
ordinance  regarding  the  impositiou  of  taxes. 
-for)iagtning  tax-farming.  -fri  o  taxfree,  un- 
taxed.  -fri^eb  exemption  from  taxes.  -gaarb 
farm  liable  to  pay  taxes.  -graoer  c  digger  after 
hidden  treasures,  treasure-seeker.  -grabning  c 
digging  after  hidden  treasures.  -|orb  taxable 
land.  -Hage  complamt  about  taxes  -tommtg« 
fton  commission  for  the  assessment  of  taxes. 
-fonge  tributary  king.  -tontor  Inland  Revenue 
Department,  -forn  corn  paid  in  taxes,  tax-coru. 
-fræber  tax-gatherer,  tax-collector.  -tbittering 
receipt  for  the  taxes,  fe  -febbel.  -lanb  tributary 
country,  -le«  tributary  fief.  -Icttelfe  reductiou 
el.  remission  of  taxes.  -ligning  assessment  of 
taxes.  -lob  Taxation  Aet.  -manbtal  list  of 
tax-  el.  rate  payers,  assessment-roll.  -ntegtelfe 
refusing  the  supply,  refusal  to  pay  taxes.  -ob= 
jcft  object  of  taxation.  -obbebørfet  coUectiug 
the  revenue.  -paabub,  -paaicefi  imposition  of 
taxes,  taxation.  -pligtig  a  liable  to  pay  taxes, 
taxable,  rateable.  -regning,  -febbel  bill  of  taxes, 
demand-note,  tax  paper;  rates  bill.  •-tljiltg : 
©age  og  _  assizes  for  administering  justice  and 
collecting  taxes.  -ubftribning  imposition  of 
taxes.  -oægring  fe -nægtelfe.  -tiæf en  (system  of) 
taxes  and  rates,  taxation.  -ijbclfe  tax.  -^bcnbe- 
a  tax-  el.  rate-payitig.    -^ber  tax-  el.  rate-payer. 

"Sfont  n,  pi  =>,  linen  hood. 

Sfnbanf'  n  -er  (©tabe)  hurt,  damage;  (SJ^be) 
fault,  defeet. 

Sfotie  vt  .scrape;  (til  Stabe)  chafe.  ©tob'c)|- 
græ§  shave-grass,  scouring-rush,  Dutch-rush, 
Eqiiixetum  hyemale.  -jæm,  -tnib,  ©tober  c  -e 

*étobI  c  -er  (steep)  snow-drift   (Sølge)  comber. 

Sfc,  -be  el.  -te,  ffet  vi  &  imp  happen,  occtir, 
come  to  pass;  be  done;  faa  oibt  -  fan  as  far  as 
practicable;  ^an  talebe  og  bet  -be  be  spake  and 
it  was  done;  ber  er  -t  |am  Uret  he  has  beeu 
wronged,  an  injustice  has  been  done  him.  btg 
-r  bin  SRet  you  are  rightly  served;  big  -  foin  bu 
Bil  be  it  unto  thee  even  as  thou  wilt;  bernieb 
-r  mig  en  ftor  Xjenefte  that  will  be  doing  me  a 
great  service;   _  ®ub§  SSilje  God's  will  be  done; 

-  bin  58tlje   thy  will  be  done.    bet  ffal  _   it  sball 
be  done,  ®ub  _  2oB !  thank  God !  God  be  praised  \ 




bcrmeb  -r  SSor  58Uje  such  is  our  will  and  pleas- 
ure;  labe  nt  _  suflFer  st  to  be  done,  let  st  pass; 
_  ^Bob  ber  bil   it  Is  all  one  to  me,    never  mind. 

*@te  c  -er  fe  SSætj^e. 

®fc  c  -et  spoon;  en  _  gløbe  a  spoonful  of 
cream;  gioe  ffam  bet  inb  meb  -er  beat  it  Into  him; 
tage  -en  i  ben  onben  ^aanb  change  one's  tactics; 
fom  ber  og  bib  -er  itu !  he  caught  a  Tartar.  -onb 
^hoveWer,  Anah  clvpeata.  -blob  bowl  ofa  spoon; 
*fe  -fulb;  S/  W8 ter-plan tain,  Aligma  plantxgo. 
■bor  spoon-auger. 

©febe  vt  (TOet.)  part,  separate. 

@Ietie  c  -r  scabbard,  sheath,  case;  ftifle  i  -n 
sheath,  put  up;  trælle  af  -n  unsheath.  -^inbc 
^  ligule.  •hornet  a  sheath-homed.  -Inæ  knot 
-grass,  Polygonum.    -muSIing  razor-fish,  Solen. 

Stebetianb  n  aqua  fortis,  nitric  acid.  @teb= 
ttijtfl  c  parting. 

®!c|fulb  c  -e  spoonful.  -ganS,  -^ejte  spoon- 
bill,  Phtulea. 

(Stcjc  vi  turn  aside,  deviate,  swerve;  _  ub  fly 
out,  strike  out,  J/  knock  off  (duty),  fig  lead  a 
dissolute  life;  ^  ffej  ub  nu !  knock  ofif  there ! 

Stcjærn  n  vet  scoop. 

tSfel  a  fe  ©feløjet. 

Stcr  n,  pi  =,  (®rCEnfe)  boundary,  bound, 
limit,  term;  (®runb  ofo.)  reason,  justice;  uben  _ 
without  reason;  gøre  Stet  og  -  give  every  one 
his  due;  gøre  noget  uben  9?et  og  -  do  a  thing 
contrary  to  justice  and  equity;  gøre  en  famme  _ 
retaliate  upon  one;  lomme  tit  -i  8tar  og  Sliber 
come  to  (the)  years  of  discretion,  attain  to 
man's  estate.  ©lellbige  boundary  dyke.  -gr«ft 
boundary  ditch.  SteUtg  a  reasonable,  justiflable. 
Stenio^eb  c  reasonableness. 

<BUle  vi  squint,  have  a  cast  in  one's  eye; 
(meD  gorfæt)  look  askaunce.  -trittet  pi  goggles. 
Stelen  c  squinting,  med  strabism.  @feIeo<)ei'a= 
tion  strabotomy. 

Sfelet'  «  -ter  skel'eton.  Sfeictte're  vt  skel'- 
€tonize.  @felet| grat)  skeleton-grave,  -ffriftthin 

®feIc»H)  c  p  squinter.  —  @tel|«jct  a  squint 
-eyed.    -ajet^cb  c  squinting,  strabism. 

Sfcmo  n  fe  ©d^ema. 

SteJjnærfe  n  boundary  mark. 

<3te(ne  vt  distinguish,  discern,  make  out,  dis- 
criminate;  _  fra  tell  from;  +  -  ftg  fra  difFer  from. 
-etjne  power  of  discrimination.  -utisrfe  digtinc- 
tive  mark,  characteristic.  @telnettg  a  disting'uish- 
able,  discernible.  Stelnelig^eb  c  distinguish- 
ableness.  @fe{ne|n  c  discrimination.  -tegn  fe 

®tel|flett  mere-stone.  -fto!  (SBæbn.)  separator, 
-fætning  setting  a  boundary. 

Stenta  n  fe  ©c^ema. 

SIcraob  c  spoon-meat. 

@te))|tici§'mc  c  scep'(skep)ticism.  -'tUer  c  -e 
scop(skepjtic.    -'tifl  a  scep(skep)tie(al). 

Ste'Iffaft  handle  ofa  spoon.  -ftam))er  c  spoon 
-punch,  -nrt  spoonwort,  scurvy-grass,  Coch- 

®fet)anb  fe  ©tebeoanb. 

Sfeue  c  fe  ©læbe, 

*@tl  c  -er  billet,  split  stick,  prov  shide. 

SH  c  -er,  el.  n,  pi  =,  snow-skate. 

Sti6  n  -e  ship,  vessel;  (i  ^irle)  nave;  typ 
galley;  -e  coll  tonnage,  bottoms;  fmaa  -e  small 
craft(s);  ber  ligger  mange  -e  i  jpabnen  the  harbour 
is  crowded  with  shipping;  fig  Brænbe  fine  -e  bum 
one's  boats;  fælge  fra  -et  sell  ex  ship;  til  -8,  fe: 
til  ©øg. 

"®!i6affe  c  hill  for  running  on  snow-skates. 

Stib|*6aab,  -Bro  fe  ©!ib8=.  -irub  shipwreck; 
Tibe  _  be  shipwrecked,  be  cast  away;  fig  libe  - 
ifaa  lose.     -brttbben  a  shipwrecked.    -bygger  fe 

©fi6?bt)gmefter.  -(Qggeri  fe  ©fieibnggeri.  @H6c 
vt  (inbff.  afft.)  ship;  +  vi  —  ©ejle;  _  ub,  je  Ub 
ftibe  SttBlmanb  yeoman;  captain  of  the  hold 
-juonbe  vi  do  sundry  work  about  the  ship  auc 

élibmanbSlgarn  spun-yarn.  -gofter  holders 
-gobS  junk.  -tælber  flsh-room.  -tjffte  spui 
-yarn  winch.  ©tibning  c  shipping.  @tib(c)runi 

®tib8|afgifter  harbour  dues.  -agent  shippins 
agent,  -anliggenber  shipping  matters,  -a^jotcl 
dispensary.  -arbejbe  ship's  work.  -armatur 
ship's  armament.  -aSfnrance  marine  insurance. 
-baab  ship's  boat;  (3)^r)  nautilus.  -bcfrogtnlng 
frelghting  a  vessel  el.  vessels.  -bemanbingSliftc 
crew-list,  muster-roU.  -beflgtelfc  ship  survey 
-befietning  (ship's)  crew.  -borbe:  incen  _  oh 
board  ship,  on  shipboard;  fra  -  from  onboard: 
gaa  fra  _  leave  the  ship.  -bro  boat-bridge, 
pontoon  (-bridge);  tpier.  -brug  :  til  _  for  ship's 
use,  for  nautical  purposes.  *-brftggc  quay, 
pier.  -brøb  ship-bread.  -bt)gger  ship-l)uilder. 
•byggeri  (SSærft)  shipwright's  yard,  doek-yard 
(SBtjgning  af  St.)  shipbuilding.  -btjgmefter 
master  shipwright,  naval  architect.  -bt)gmcftcr= 
fuenb  journeyman  shipbuilder.  -bljgnlngåtttnft 
art  of  ship-building,  naval  architecture.  -b«' 
gerne  the  ship's  books.  -(^ef  officer  in  command. 
-bo!  dock.  -breng  ship  boy.  -bæt  deck  of  a 
ship.  -efterretninger  shipping  intelligence,  -ejer 
ship-owner.  -clof^eringgtianbel  ship-chandlery. 
-eft)i))ering34anbler  ship-chandler,  marine-store 
dealer,  (seaman's)  outfitter.  -fart  navigation. 
-fartSfor^olbcne  the  state  of  the  shipping  tråde. 
-flag  flag.  -folt  seamen,  sailors.  -forn«ben^cber 
marine  stores,  -forøatter  purser,  -fragt  freight 
ofa  ship.  -fragter  freighter.  -frogtning  freight- 
ing.  -ferer  master  ofa  ship,  ship-master.  -f^rer: 
forening  Captains'  Association,  -gut  fe  -breng. 
-^anbler  fe  -etbtperingS^anbler.  -ViMn  harbour 
for  ships.  -^olber  remora,  Echineis  (remora). 
•tjuggert  cutlass.  -^[^rc  fe  ^ijre.  -inoentarium 
ship-stores.  -jotte  joUy-boat,  yawl.  -journal 
ship's  journal,  -fammerat  shipmate.  -lanal 
ship  canal.  -tanon  naval  gun;  ship'.s  gun. 
•taptain  master  el.  captain  ofa  ship.  *-tatiring 
fe  -tbebat.  -littert  naval  telescope.  -tifte  sea 
-chest.  -tlarercr  shipping  agent,  -flolle  ship's 
bell.  -tlaeber  seaman's  clothes.  -Ilæbning  plank- 
ing of  a  ship.  -fot  ship's  cook,  sea-cook.  -ton« 
ftrultion  naval  architecture,  construction  of 
ships.  -tonftruttør  naval  architect,  constructor 
of  ships.  -loft  sailor's  fare.  -iellen  fe  StabtjbS. 
-Ifll  keel.  -labning  cargo,  ship-load.  -lanterner 
vessel's  lights.  -lejligtjeb  (shipping)  opportunity; 
sailing.  -lim  marine  glue.  -li^C  list  of  ship- 
ping. -Inge  hatch,  hatch-way.  -læge  surgeou. 
-længbe  ship's  length.  -lærling  apprentice  to 
the  sea.  -lab  ship-channel.  -maol  shipmeasure. 
-maaler  ship  measurer.  -maating  measuring  of 
ships.  -magt  steerage-way.  -monbftab  crew  (o| 
a  ship).  -maft  ship's  mast.  -materialier  ship 
building  stores  -mobel  model  (of  a  ship)l 
-mægler  ship-broker.  -mæSfig  a  ship-shapa 
-orben  routine  of  the  ship.  -orm  ship-worm 
Teredo.  -^a^irer  ship's  papers.  -patt  share  p 
a  ship.  -^lonte  plank.  -))ræft  chaplain  of  i 
ship.  -ttum^c  ship-pump.  -raab  sea-council 
*-raa!  låne  in  the  ice  available  for  shipping 
•vcbcr  ship-owner.  -rebcri  shipowning  busineS 
el.  tråde.  -r'*>ftaber  ship's  gear.  -regifter  re 
gister  of  shipping,  -ret  court-martial.  -ror 
ship's  rudder.  -rutte  muster-roll.  -rum  hold 
of  a  ship;  fe  ©tibrum.  -ruftning  fitting  out  of 
a  ship.  -rute  track.  -fammen^øb  collisiou 
ships.    -feng  hammock,  berth.     -fergent  p^ast^ 





at  arms.  -pfce  side  of  a  ship.  -ffrofl  hull  (of 
a  ship).  -fffltS  naval  ordnance.  -ftøbe  deed  of 
sale  of  a  ship.  •fnabel  rostrum.  -folbat  sea 
soldier,  marine,  -fjiejl  stem.  -fDrog  naval 
language.  -ftir*jtc  marine  fire-engine.  -fætning 
<irchæ  ship-setting.  -f«m  spike-nails.  -tjenefte 
dnty  on  board  ship.  -tunge  t<jp  galley-slice. 
•tvtbat  ship  biscuit,  sea-ljiscuit  -tømmrr  tiraber 
for  ship  bnilding  -temmcrtnanb  ship  Carpenter. 
-ubBiftcrshippingexpenses.  -ubruftningåtionblcr 
fe  -efoip.  -utofter  sliipping  casualties  -t)rog 
wreck  of  a  ship.  -txcgter  ship's  watchman; 
ship-keeper.  -oærft  wharf,  dock-yard,  ship-yard. 
-Virrftdbine  shiptimber  beetle. 

@flb  c  p  fart.  -ager  e  -e  p  .scamp.  Slibe, 
ffeb.  ftibt  vi  p  shite.     iSftbe^ué  privy,  necessary. 

Sfib'en  n  dirty,  filthy;  _  %ale,  -ne  Orb  coarse, 
gross  language  "el.  words;  en  -  SWunb  a  fonl 
tongue;  en  _  SBane  a  nasty  habit;  -t  Sinneb  foul 
el.  soiled  linen;  -t  95anb  fluffer  oflfoa  en  iBranb 
foul  water  wlll  qnench  fire.  @Itbcn|fæ'rbig  a 
fllthy,  dirty,  slovenly,  sluttish.  -fær'btgfteb, 
-!jeb  c  dirtiness,  filthiness  etc.  -gul  a  dirty 
-yellow.  -tnrrig  «  stingy,  niggardly.  -poU  dirty 
<'lothes  bag.  -fo,  -terne  slut.  *-f«nbog  sunday 
before  Christmas,  -tflj  foul  (el.  dirty)  linen,  -tianb 
dirty  water.  -æg  hard  boiled  eggs  with  mustard. 
SMbne  vt  dirty,  soil.  ©libt  n  dirt,  filth;  Jig 
trash,  rubbish;  f  _  meb  bet!  *-  i  bet!  P  never 
mind  that!  p  ,  etter  ftanel  one  or  the  other; 
—  a  &  adv  (jiet)  bad,  badly;  bet  qaax  ~  it  is  but 
a  bad  afFair!  jeg  ftger  big  bet  gaar  _  I  tell  you 
it  won  t  do;  bet  gaar  -  meb  fiam  he  is  badly  oflf; 
en  _  .^nægt  a  soamp.  Sftbtefugl  fe  ^ærfugl. 
Sflbteri'  n  rubbish. 

Stifer  c  -e  slate,  schist;  tcetf."  meb  _  slate. 
-agtig  a  slaty.  -art  species  of  slate.  -bjærg 
slate  mountain;  slate-rock  -blaa  a  slatecol- 
oured.  -brub  slate  quarry.  -bæfter  slater.  -faroet 
a  slatecoloured.  -flife  tablet  of  slate.  -^»ibt 
flake-white.  -lul  slate-coal.  -lag  stratum  of 
slate.  -ler  slate-clay,  shale.  -otte  schistoil. 
-papir  slatepaper.  -ptabe  (slab  oO  slate.  -fort 
slaining  mould.  -fpat  slate-spar.  -ften  slate 
-stone.  -ftift  slate  pencil,  -tag  slate-roof.  -taole 
slate.  -tcetter  slater.  -ttettet  a  slated  Sfifret, 
Stifrig  a  like  slate,  slaty,  foliated.  (gttfring  c 

Stifte  n  -r  (Cmffiftn.)  change,  alternation; 
<S)eling)  partition,  division;  ($oIb)  division,  relay, 
a.?*- division,  fleld;  (^Kiiro.)  course;  '"fe  ®tt)b8ftirte; 
Ijolbe  _  divide  an  inheritance;  flutte  et  -  conclude 
the  aet  of  dividing  an  inheritance.  Stifte  vt 
■<    i   (om6l)tte,    foranbre,    foranbre   Ttg,    ffifte   om) 

mere;  (foranbre,  fftfte  [iicer  Sinneb))  shift;  (bele) 
ide,  partition:  .i  answer  the  helm;  _  3;ienefte= 
.■r.  Slæber,  $!ab3,  JJaroe,  ^efte  ofo.  change 
sorvants,  one's  clothes,  place  colour,  the  horses 
eu'.;  >  iitnber  cut  one's  new  teeth;  _  *8rede  meb 
en  exchange  letters  with  one;  _  kugler  exchange 
shots;  _  SRet  administer  justice;  —  ffifte«  crf 
take  turas,  do  a  thing  by  turna;  be  -beS  til  el. 
om  at  bcere  SJarnet  they  carried  the  child  by 
tiiins,  relieved  each  other  in  carrying  etc. 
Sftfte|att  fe  breo.  -be^anbling  legal"  division 
of  an  inheritance.  -bog  record  of  the  dlvi.sion 
of  inheritance^.  -bre»  deed  of  partition.  -bag 
day  on  which  servants  change.  -forretning  aet 
of  dividing  an  inheritance  el.  bankrupt's  estate. 
-forfamling  fe  -famling  -foroalter  authorized 
divider  of  inheritances,  trustee  -gong  (i  9Kur) 
conrse.  -inbtalbelfe  summons  to  a  Sfittelamltng. 
-tenbelfe  decision  of  the  Stifteret.  -tommiéfær 
member  of  a  board  for  the  dividing  of  inheri- 
tances and  bankrupts'  estates.  -lougioning  le- 
gislation  relative  to  the  division  of  inheritances. 

flarfen :  SJanff'Sngelfl  Drbbog. 

•ntibler  Irustmoney.  -møbe  meeting  of  the 
Stifteret.  -n  fe  Stiftning.  -n«gle  shifting-spanner, 
-key,  -wrench.  -partition  fe  -forretning.  -protO' 
fol  fe  bog  -ret  court  for  the  division  of  inheri- 
tances and  bankrupts'  estates,  court  of  probate, 
dealing  court;  opgibe  fit  58o  til  tenS  39et)anbling 
surrender  to  a  commission  of  baukruptcy.  -fag 
cause  relative  to  the  division  of  inheritances. 
•famling  meeting  of  heirs  to  an  inheritance;  m. 
of  the  credltors  of  a  bankrupt  -fpor  points. 
-tlb  time  for  changing  servants.  -vié  wlv  by 
turns,  in  turn,  alternately.  -ttafen  matters  re- 
lative to  the  division  of  inheritances.  Stifting 
c  -er  changeling,  oaf.  Stiftning  c  changing, 

'■■■Sfifarc  n  State  of  the  snow  for  running  on 

*Stigaarb  c  fence  of  split  stieks. 

Stit'  c  (="  -^re)  -fe  custom,  habit,  usftge,  pra''- 
tice;  ub.  pi  (33anne(fe)  shape,  form;  _  og  ^-Bntg 
use  and  wont,  precedent,  common  practice; 
^aee  for  _  be  iu  the  habit  of;  fætte  _  xx^a  fashion, 
form,  put  into  shape,  fij  poli.«h;  ^an  ^ar  ingen 
_  poa  ftg  he  has  no  manners;  ^aa  bet  ^aabe  (gob) 
_  to  good  purpose,  eflfectually;  *meb  _  properly; 
^oert  iJanb  |ar  fin  _  so  many  countries,  so  many 

Stifte  vt  (fenbe)  send;  _  S8ub  efter  en  send  for 
one;  -  i  93t)en  send  on  errands 

Stifte  vt  (banne)  form,  fashion,  shape;  (otbne) 
dispose,  arrange;  —  fig  vr  (paSfe  fig  [for])  be  fit 
(for),  beseem,  befit,  be  proper  el.  suitable  (for); 
(opfare  fig)  behave,  conduct  one's  self  (well);  _ 
fig  i  el.  efter  conform  el.  accommodate  one's  self 
to;  bet  -r  fig  itte  it  is  not  fit  and  becoming. 
Sfittelig  a  honest,  well-behaved;  inoflfensive; 
bet  er  en  meget  -  i^ige  she  is  a  very  decent  glrl; 
laber  faa  _  looks  quite  innocent.  Stitteligbeb  c 
good  behaviour.  Stiftelfe  c  -r  (5orm)  form, 
shape,  flgure;  (®ub§,  ^orftjnetS)  decree,  dispen- 
sation; jeg  faa  en  _  i  TOorfet  1  saw  a  figure  in 
the  dark:  en  ^Btb  -  Pifte  fig  i  bet  fjerne  a  white 
figure  appeared  at  a  distance;  -n  ftob  beftanbig 
for  mig  the  flgure  was  constantly  before  me;  i 
-  af  iu  guise  of,  in  the  form  of;  tog  en  5;jener? 
_  paa  fig  took  the  form  of  a  servant;  5Rtbberen 
af  ben  bcbrooelige  -  the  knight  of  the  woful 
countenance,  of  the  rueful  visage.  Stiftet  o 
(bonnet)  formed,  fashioned;  (paSfenbe  [til])  fit, 
qiialified,  fitted,  adapted,  suitable  (for). 

Sttlber^uS  n  sentry-box,  watch-box. 

Stllberi'  n  -er  pieture.  -ramtne  picturc-frame. 
-ur  wall-dial. 

Stitberltappe,  -fjole  sentinel's  cloak. 

Stilbpobbe  c  -r  tortoise.  Teitudo:  (jpao<)  turtle, 
Cheloni't;  (KaretteO  loggerhead;  (=  SMtat)  shell; 
J^  fixed  block,  (p.  aUaanot)  cheek-blook;  forloren 
_  mock-turtle.  -fangft  fthe)  catching  of  turtle. 
•ffal  tortoise- Shell,  -fuppe  turtle-soup.  -*gle 

Stiibre  vt  paint,  portray,  picture,  depict,  de- 
lineate,  describe;  _  lioagtigen  paint  to  the  Ilte; 
^an  -8  fom  he  is  described  as.  Stilbrcr  c  -e 
portrayer.  Stilbring  c  -er  picture,  description, 
word-palnting,  -picture. 

Sfilboa^t  c  -et  sentry,  sentinel,  post,  (til  ©eft) 
vedette,  vidette,  mouuted  sentinel;  ftaa  _  stand 

StiQe,  -te,  -t  vr  separate,  part,  sever,  put 
asunder;  t  =  ftelne;  -  Scætten  make  peace,  re- 
store harmony;  —  vi  bet  -r  tun  libet,  at  be  ete 
lige  ftore  there  is  but  little  difference  in  thoir 
size;  _  ab,  fe  Stille;  _  en  af  meb  noget  rid  oae 
of  a  thing,  take  a  thing  off  one's  hand"»;  -  fro 
^inanben  take  to  pieces,  disunite,  disjoin;  _  fra 
©orb  og  Seng  separate  from  bed  and  board;    _ 


fifl  fra,  labe  fig  _  fra,  fin  Jpuftru  be  dlvorced  from 
one's  wife,  biéfe  Snr  ~  ftfl  fra  oitbre  berocb,  ot  .  .  . 
Ihese  anlmals  are  distiuguished  from  others  by 
.  .  .;  -  imellem  separate;  _  en  ceb  noget  de- 
prive,  rob,  one  of  a  thing;  Ijnn  -te  t)om  seb  Eioet 
she  kllled,  slew  him,  _  fig  »eb  part  wlth,  dis- 
pose of,  (Bel,  baarligt)  manage,  perform;  — 
ftilleS  vd  separate,  part;  -§  fom  SBenner  part 
friends;  ■§  fra  part  from  el.  wilh;  -S  ab  part 
Company;  atælfen  -S  el.  er  ftitt  ^ab  the  milk  is 
turned.  *®tit(e  n  ie  ©fe(;  distinction.  -linie 
line  of  separation,  -mur  partition  wall.  -mtcrte 
distinguisiiing  mark,  criterion.  •mønt  small 
coin,  (small)  change.  •)7unit  point  of  separation. 
-rum  partition.  -tcfln  punctuation-mark,  point. 
■ttagt  cheiii  separatory.  -oej  cross-way,  parting 
of  the  ways;  ftao  paa  -en  have  to  make  one's 
choice.    -uæg  partitlon-wall;  ^  dissepiment. 

SliUing  c  -er  skilling  (t  little  more  than  a 
farthing;  "''nearly  a  half  penny);  iffe  en  _  not  a 
farthing;  for  en  _  <Bnui  a  halfpenny-worth  of 
suuff;  iiabe  -er  P  have  the  rhino;  6an  ejer  iffe  en 
-  he  is  not  worth  a  farthing;  en  fen,  fmul  -  a 
good  round  sum;  en  fomlet  _  a  small  capital; 
lit  fibfte  -  to  the  last  farthing;  fer  poo  -en  looks 
iwice  at  his  money;  fpore  \)aa  -en  og  labe  ®aleren 
goa  be  penny-wise  and  poundfoolish;  ben  ber  er 
flaaet  til  en  -  blicer  albrig  en  3)aler  he  that  was 
bom  under  the  three  halfpenny  planet,  shall 
never  be  worth  twopence,  Jack  will  never  make 
a  gentleman;  gioe  fin  -  meb  i  UaDet,  fe  SBefob. 
@Iiainge  vi  (fammen)  club  together.  QtiUinqt- 
ttié  u(iv  by  the  farthing.  —  ©liHinflSlbont  penny 
savings-bank.  -blab  penny  paptr.  +-ttb .  for  _ 
dirtcheap.  -UjS,  -(traaiS  farthing-candle.  -OiS 
fe  ©fiKingebig.    -»I  small-beer. 

élilning  c  (|)aarft.)  parting  (of  the  halr). 

Stilémiife  c  -r  parting,  separation;  (S(£gteffab§=) 
divorce;  (fra  S3orb  og  ©eng)  thoral  separation; 
en  lang  _  a  long  absence;  fætte  en  _  imiHem  set 
a  distinction  betweeu.  -brett  bill  of  divorce. 
-bom  divorce.  -grunb  ground  for  divorce.  -fog 
divorce  case. 

@!ilt  n  -er  &  -e  (f.  ©t?.  en  <)3oIiti6etient8)  badge; 
(til  aSært§6u8  ofo.)  sign,  signboard;  {paa  £aoé) 
scutcheon.  @lilte  vi  meb  fig  hang  out.  Sfilte^ 
bogn  advertising-van.  @tt(ttttaler  sign-painter, 

SIt|(eber  snow-skater.  -Uberforcntng  snoyf 
-skating  club.    -løbning  snow-skaling. 

@Ii|manb,  -manbe  fe  Sfib  . 

Stimlle  vi  get  mouldy  el.  musty;  +vt  mould. 
-let  "  mouldy,  musty.    -mel  c  (9Kug)  mould. 

Slimmet  c  -mier  (®rooft.)  grey  horse;  (SRobft.) 
roan  horse. 

Slimmelfbam^  c  mould. 

Stimt  n,  pi  =,  glimpse,  gleam,  glimmering. 
Stimte  vt  see  faintly,  catch  a  glimpse  of,  —  vi 
~  frem  gleam  el.  glimmer  forth;  +  _  efter  peer 
el.  gaze  after.    Stimten  c  glimmering. 

©tin'  n,  pi  =,  (£Qg)  light,  (ftærft)  glare,  shine, 
fio  show,  appearance,  colour;  -net  bebrager  ofte 
appearances  are  often  deceitful;  bomme  erter  -net 
judge  from  appearances;  for  -netS  ©ttjlb  for  the 
sake  of  appearances;  unber  S8enflab8  ~  under  the 
cloak  of  friendship;  %a\\  ^ar  -net  imob  fig  appear- 
ances are  againsl  him.  ©Iin=  pretended,  feigned, 
mock,  sham,  false.  ®fin'|*aar  year,  when  the 
corn  is  burnt  up  etc.  (fe  ©finne),  -angreb  mock 
-attack,  teint,  -barlig  a  &  adv  bet  forefom  mig 
■(t)  fom  jeg  faa  ^am  felo  it  was  exactly  as  if  I 
saw  him  personally;  bet  er  jo  lige  fom  bu  faa 
benbe  flinbarlig  it  is  exactly  as  if  you  saw  her 
own  Belf;  ben  -e  ©jædel  the  devll  incarnate,  the 
very  devil.  -bebiS  seeming  el.  specious  argument. 

6Wnb   n,  pi  =,   skin,   fell;   bet  gulbne  ^   the 

golden  fleece;  frelfe,  ^Qtte  ftt  _  save  one's  bacon; 
gorBe  eng  ~  curry  one's  hide;  ftolbe  fig  i  -et  keep 
qulet;  nære  nær  Beb  ot  goo  ub  af  ftt  gobe  _  lose 
all  patience,  get  quite  beside  oue's  self;  tlage 
ooer  lielt  _  cry  out  famine  on  a  full  stomach; 
et  gobt,  ærligt  -  a  good,  honest  soul;  ^an  er  itfe 
anbet  enb  -  og  S9en  he  is  uothing  but  skin  and 
bone(s);  Baab  til  -et  wet  to  the  skin;  t  bet  _ ! 
poor  body!  poor  soul!  @finb|baab  boat  of 
hide.  -binb  leather  binding,  -bog  vellum. 
-breb  fe  pergament,  -bræmmet  a  fur-margined. 
-butler  leather-breeches.  -bunben  a  bound  in 
leather.  @finbe  vt  »1,  et  ©ejl  op  i  iSugen  bunt 
a  sail.  tStinber  c  -e  tanner,  fio  extortioner, 
usurer.  tStinberi' n  extortion,  usnry.  Stinbj^ 
*fattig  miserably  poor.  "-felb  bed-cover  made 
of  skins,  -fober  lining  of  leather,  fe  ^els^. 
•fobrct  a  fur  lined.  -banbler  peltmonger,  furrier, 
skin  merchant.  -^anbfle  leather-glove.  -ftue 
fur-cap.  '"-b^re  (fisherman's)  lealhem  outfit. 
-font  fur-edge.  -Irooe  fur  cape,  victorine.  -Xap 
bit  of  skin.  -mager  a  skinny,  lean  as  a  rake. 
-m«r  lean  jade.  -t>eI8  fur  overcoat,  p  fætte 
Sug  i  -en  sow  dissension,  set  them  together  by 
the  ears;  p  brioe  _  meb  make  a  fool  of.  -<>ofe 
leather-bag.  -))ttbe  cushiou  covered  with  leather. 
•bung  leather-purse.  -flog  fe  -IroBe.  '*-fia!  long 
leathern  jacket.  '-tr^te  marsh  whortleberry, 
Vaccinihini.  uliginosum.  -trøje  leathem  jacket. 
•tur  fe  -mager,  -nlb  slaughter-wool.  -bingct  a 
straight-winged,  orthopterous.    -bært  fur,  peltry. 

Slinlb^b  sham  virtue.  -beb  a  apparently 
dead,  asphyxiated;  en  -  one  apparently  dead, 
one  in  a  state  of  asphyxy.  -beb  c  apparent 
death,  asphyxy.  -forbunb  sham  alliance,  -freb 
hoUow  peace  el.  truce.  -fri^eb  mock  freedom. 
-fægtning  fe  -fomp. 

©tinger  «  shrill. 

©tiniglæbe  feigned  joy.  -gobe  n  seeming 

@ting|re   vi  ring,   clang, 
ringing  etc,   clang,   clangor. 
t  -  Sroft  hard  frost. 

©tinigrunb  specious  reason. 
critical.     -belligbeb  v  hypocrisy. 

©tint  c  skink,  scinque,  iScincu«. 

©tintam^  c  sham  fight. 

©tinte  c  -r  ham,  gammon,  leg. 

©tintet  c  tier  J,  pendant;  fe  ©dfientel.  -blot 
pendaut-block.    -^ager  cau-hooks. 

©tinte|mnå(ing  perna;  wing-shell,  Pinni. 
'"-rul  fe  fRuIlepjølfe.  -ftcg  roast  leg  of  pork. 
■ærmer  pi  legof-mutton  sleeves. 

©tin|friften  false  Christian.  -lib  seeming  life. 
-Ibtte  seeming  good-fortune.  -mibbct  palliative. 
©finne  vi  shine,  '(om  ©æbenj  be  burnt  up, 
parchéd,  scorched;  t  -  op  crack  (with  heat); 
©oIpu  -r  mig  i  Sfnftgtet  the  sun  shines  in  my 

©finne  c  -r  iron-band;  ($)ulft.)  tire;  (3ærn=|| 
Baneft.)  lail,  pi  rails,  metals;  nurg  (til  brættet  SJen)!! 
splint;  (S3enfltnner  pi)  greaves  j;^;  fe  ^latine; 
tomme  af  -rne  run  off  the  rails  el.  metals,  -ben 
shin,  shin-bone;  bBab  ber  tirrer  til  et  tibial.  -fob 
rail-foot  -gang  fe  -uej.  -lægger  plate-layer. 
■rtibber  fe  fiofanger.  -ftol  flsh-chair.  -ft«b  flsh| 
-joint,  -fem  railway-spike.  -tang  round-nosed' 
plyers.    -nej  tramway. 

©finlfbg  a  jealous.    -fbge  jealousy. 

©finlbcn  seeming  frieud.  -benrtab  seeming 
friendship.  -bæfen  sham,  make-believe.  -ægte= 
ffab  mock  marriage. 

©tibbcr  c  e  master  of  a  vessel,  shipmaster, 
master  mariner,  skippier;  en  belbig  _  a  lucky 
dog.    -bebiUing  masters  certificate.     -borger  je 

resound.     -re«   c 
-rrnbe  a  shrill; 

•^ellig  o  hypo- 

-gr^be  ham 



Sfippcr.  -efterretnlwfl  f  false  report.  -efiSamen 
master's  examination.  -l)iftorie  flsh-story.  -IjuS 
shipmaster's  boarding-  and  lodging-house.  -^Jjre 
master's  wages.  -tone  shipmaster's  wife.  -lofl, 
•Ion  Corporation  of  shipmasters.  -(øgn  Je  -^iftorie. 
•))atent  ie  -beoilling.  -tiagten  the  starbowlines. 
•tttne  Navigator's  Islands. 

&ippttoi)  fe  ©iippe=. 

Slippunb  n,  pi  =,  weight  of  20  Danish  stenes 
(CiSpunb),  about  350  pounds. 

*Sfi(rcnb  running  on  snow-skates.  -H»or  track 
of  snow-skates.    -ftrjp  snow-skater's  .staflf. 

StiSjma  n  schism.  -ma'titer  c  -e  schismat'ic. 
-ma'tiil  1  schismat'lc(al). 

Étitfe  c  -r  sketch,  -bog  sketch-book.  -'re  vt 
sketch,  outline. 

Sfitie  c  -r  (f.  efS.  Solens,  9Raoneii§);  (til 
Støbning)  target;  faf  SSreb,  ^øb  offt.)  sllce;  (3}em--) 
pnlley;  (SfriieO  washer;  (paa  Ur)  face,  dial; 
(58orb=)  top,  (løS  til  Sorb)  leaf;  J,  sheave;  fTtjbe 
til  _  shoot  at  a  target  el.  mark;  en  -  for  the 
butt  of,  gøre  til  en  _  for  expose  to.  Sfitie  vt 
slice;  -  Slarerne  feather  the  oars.  @titie|bIoinft 
flower  of  the  disk.  -ttnnnet  a  discoid(al).  -btcjC' 
bænl  .surface  lathe,  -ftft  discoboli,  pi.  -formet, 
-formig  fe  bannet.  -gIo8  thin  window-glass. 
-gople  -trone  flower  of  the  disk. 
-taaS  round  lock.  -manoet  fe  -gople,  -patron 
universal  chuck,  screw-face  plate.  -rnnb  a 
orbicular.  -fofS  circnlar  shear.  -faP  fe  Eirfel«. 
•ftQbning  target  shooting,  mil  ball-practice,  art 
target-practice.  -fnegl  planorbis.  @fipet  a  fe 
-bannet;  -be  SBugter  Jj  coil.  @til>e{tap 
nnt  fof  a  potter's  wheel),  -trættebænf  drum 
•bench.    StiPgat  n  ^  sheave-hole. 

SIfalb  c  -e  Rcald,  bard.  @tjalbe|bigt  poem. 
•tunft  minstrelsy,  bardism.  -tpab,  -fang  lay. 
Stfalbffab  n  minstrelsy. 

Sfjaller  c  yellow  rattle,  Rhinanthua  crista 
gu  Hi. 

•Sfleffel,  ffjefle  J,  fe  ^efS,  ^elit. 

*SI|ene  vt  (9Iorerne)  feather  the  oars. 

*Sf|ene,   fSIfenne  vi  gad,  run  madly  about. 

@tfolb  c  -er  ($Iet)  stain,  discoloration. 

Stjolb  n  -e  shield,  buckler,  target;  (oDeligt) 
shield,  escutcheon;  zo  (p.  ©lilbpabbe  o.  I.)  cara- 
pace;  ep.  Oraoftiffe)  cannel;  (p.  S^aarnffib)  shield; 
F  føre  i  fit  -  be  up  to;  ^tiab  f)an  fører  i  fit  ~ 
what  his  designs  are.  @tjoIb|biUe  tortoise-beetle, 
Cnstida.  -biUebe  device  on  a  shield.  -borg 
testudo.  -bregne  shield  fern,  Aipidium.  -bru^ 
thyroid  cartilage.  -bruflfirtet  thyroid  gland. 
-bngle,  -bulfel,  -bnle  boss  on  a  shield,  umbo. 
-bannet  «  scutiform,  shaped  like  a  shield;  ^ 
peltate.  -brager  shield  bearer,  squire;  ^  skull 
-cmp,  iSciite/lari't.  -bue  shield.  -bpr  glyptodon. 
€t}olbenang  clangour  of  .shields.  Stjolbemarle 
fe  ©fjolbbinebe.  @tjoIb|et  -i  stained,  discoloured; 
en  _  ffo  a  brindled  cow.  -formet,  -formig  fe 
-bannet.  -gtellebe  iil  scutibranchians.  -^ale  uro- 
peltis.  -bolber  supporter,  -^ooeb  her  chief. 
-btcngt  a  hung  with  shields.  -llrtel  fe  -brufTt= 
firtel.  -tnop  fe  -bugle.  -frebS  podophthalmic 
crustacean.  -luS  scale-insect,  coccus.  -mærfe 
fe  -billebe.  -me  female  warrior,  amazon.  -næb 
fe  Sropanb.  -ranb  margin  of  a  shield,  her  bor- 
dure,  -rem  strap  of  a  shield.  -tegn  fe  -billebe. 
-tufinbben  glomeris.    -t»agt  poet  fe  Sltlboagt. 

3{)0'rte  C'Sfiorte)  c  -r  shlrt;  (Støbn.)  thick- 
ness;  i  bar(e)  -  in  his  shirt,  with  nothing  on 
but  his  shirt;  ^an  ejer  iffe  -n  pao  Sroppen  he  has 
no  shirt  to  his  back;  llæbe  en  af  til  -n  (ogf.  fip) 
strip  one  naked  cl.  to  the  skin.  -brpft  fe  -inb- 
Ireg.  -bnl  body  of  a  shirt.  "-b^tte  a  spare  shirt. 
-fabritant  shirt-maker,  shirt  tailor.  -flip  fe  -trooe. 
-inbloeg    shirt  front.      -Inap    shirt-button,    (løi) 

-stud.  -traoe  shirt-coUar.  -linning  wristband. 
-loerreb  linen  for  shlrts.  -srme  shirt-sleeve;  i 
-r  in  his  shirt-sleeves. 

©Ijul  n,  pi  —.  (bet,  fom  fljuler)  cover,  shelter; 
(©ffulefteb)  biding-place,  place  of  concealment; 
lægge  -  paa  noget  make  a  secret  of  el.  conceal 
a  thing;  ligge  i  ©tjut  be  hid;  fr^be  i  _  bide  one's 
self;  lege  -  play  at  hide  and  seek,  (harry-racket, 
hoop  and  hide).  &inU,  -te,  -t  vt  (for)  hide, 
conceal,  secret«  (from);  —  vr  ~  fig  hide  one's 
self,  abscond;  —  f  tjult  a  mysterious,  recondite, 
fom  $erfon)  reserved,  not  open,  not  frank;  ^olbe 
fig  _  be  in  hiding.    (Stfnle^eb  hiding-place. 

*SIjæfte,  @f)icftegr«S  fe  ©laogrceS. 

*6!jæ!er  fe  ©faat. 

*@li«tte  c  -r  small  sailingboat. 

•©ifælm  c  -er,  fe  ©folm. 

*®fj«re  c  -r  magpie,  Corcua  pt'cu. 

*@fjæring  c  -er  pot  hook. 

'^Slfæ'rfute  c  gentian. 

*Sfj«b  e  -er  ekiug-piece,  lap;  junction. 

*@t}«be  vt  eke  (out),  lengthen,  tail. 

'•"Sffa'bning  c  eking  etc.  (fe  *@Ijøbe). 

*S!jøtfeI  c  care,  tending,  management. 

*@flte  vi  glide  on  the  ice. 

@!o  c,  pi  =,  shoe,  (Slnfel- )  feoot;  -tilatlnappe 
button-over;  Jig  ooer  en  loo  _  wholesale,  in  a 
Wholesale  fashion;  tieb,  ^Bor  -en  træffer  knows 
where  the  shoe  pinches,  where  his  pinch  Iles; 
ben  fnurrigfte  5pr  fom  fan  gaa  i  to  ~  the  oddest 
flsh  going,  t.  o.  f.  that  ever  stepped  in  shoe 
leather.  ©lo  vt  shoe.  @lD|baanb  shoe-string, 
shoe  tie,  latchet.    -b«rfte  shoebrush. 

Sfob'  n,  pi  =  &  -ev  4^  bulkhead;  fraftiHe  beb 
-  bulkhead  off. 

Stobbe  vi  4^  back  astern,  back  the  oars,  back 
water;  ftob  ooerolt !  back  all  astern. 

@tobbe  vi  for  J>  sheet  home,  haul  home  the 


Sfobbe  c  -r  (for  SSinbue)  shutter;  (for  2)»t)  bolt, 
bar,  catch;  -me  er  for  the  window  is  shuttered 
up;  flao  -n  for  bolt  the  door;  trælle  n  fra  unbolt 
the  door,  draw  back  the  catch.  -t-Stobbc  vt 
.shutter  up. 

*®fobbe  c  -r  fog. 

@fobfcefte  n  J,  stem  fast. 

€tobftit  n  J,  sheet-bend. 

'■'©fobng  c  nether  lining  of  a  lady's  dress. 

@Io{febt  grease  for  shoes.  -fjeber  side  spring. 
-fliHer  c  -e  cobbler.    -flilning  cobbling. 

tÉIofte  c   r  coarse  rye-bread. 

*@Iog  c  F  fe  ©foo. 

@togger|bue  laughing  dove,  laugher,  Columba 
risoria.  -latter  loud  laugh,  roar  of  laughter, 
F  guflFaw(8),  (raa)  horse-laugh.  -te  ci  roar  with 
laughter,  F  guffaw.  @fogre  vi  (om  gugle) 
chatter,  cackle;  fe  ©loggerle.  ©logren  c  chatter- 

©lo  i  bommer  shoemaker's  hammer.  -qørn 
shoeiug-horn,  shoelift.    -b«!  heel  of  a  shoe. 

©lot'  c  -fe  threescore;  feSroBe;  fio  host,  crowd, 
flock.  —  SMUltal:  i  ~  bf.  f.  -t»iå  adv  in 

*©roIIe  fe  ©faaf. 

©to'Itlem  pinching  shoes.    -Ini»  parlngknife. 

@to(aft|it'  c  scholast'icism.  -'iler  c  -e  scho- 
lastic.    -'ifif  a  scholastic(al). 

©talbe  vt  scald.  -blegn  blister.  t-'«fle  a  Ictad 
of  bannock.  -for  scalding-tub.  —  @Io(b|4eb  a 
scalding  hot.  -topper  fe  ©foaltopper.  -tsrn 
blighted  corn.    -ning  c  scalding. 

©tole  c  -r  (baabe  egentl.  og  fig)  school;  fia 
training;  (fttirfug)  course  of  study;  (<J5ionofotte' 
0.  fl.)  tutor;  ^olbe  -  keep  a  school;  gaa  i  el.  paa 
_  go  to  school,  be  at  school;  gaa  af  -  leave 
school;   fætte  en  i  -   put  el.  send  one  to  school, 





place  one  at  a  s.;  tage  ub  af  -n  take  from  school; 
tage  en  i  -  school  one,  take  one  to  task;  flabre 
af  -  tell  tales  (out  of  school);  forfømme  -n  miss 
school  el.  one's  lessons;  flulfe  af  _  el.  fra  -n 
shirk  school,  play  the  truant;  -n  ^ar  SoB  there's 
no  school  to  day;  ftifte  _  found  a  school;  a3ag= 
tolelfenS  _  the  s.  for  scandal.  Stole  vt  train. 
-aor  school-year;  -ene  the  school-days.  -arbejbe 
school-task,  -barn  child  that  goes  to  school. 
-6eb  nursery-bed.  •betenbtffab  school-acquain- 
tance.  -beft^rer  principal  of  a  s.  -beftt)rerinbe 
head  mistress  of  a  school.  -Iicfeg  visitingschools; 
school-attendance.  •betjenittg  employment  at  a 
school.  -Iietjeitt  schoolservant.  •iiiliottl  school 
library.  -6inb  school-biading.  -bog  school-book. 
-botb  school-table,  -desk,  desk-table.  -brug 
custom  of  a  school;  til  _  for  the  use  of  ."^chools, 
for  school  use.  -brøbre  Ignorantines  -bagning 
school-house.  -btent  form.  -bøbe(r)  fine  for 
missing  school.  -bannetfe  (classic)  education, 
schooling.  -bannet  «  school-taught,  school-bred. 
-bireltion  board  of  education.  -bircttar  s.  di- 
rector.  -bifci^el  pupil  fof  a  school),  scholar. 
-breng  .schoolboy.  -buf8  fe  SJufS.  -efterretninger 
pi  programme.  -embebe  teacher's  jilace  in  a 
school,  mastership,  tutor.ship.  -etSamen  exam- 
ination  at  a  school.  -entbebSmanb  school  officer. 
-fag  branéh  of  knowledge  taught  at  school. 
-ferle  school  holidays.  -feft  school  festivity. 
-fltb  diligence,  application  (at  school).  -fororb- 
Mi«g  ordinance  regarding  schools.  -for^anber 
inspector  of  a  school.  -fregat  school-frigate. 
-fujå  pedant,  -futåeri  n  pedantry.  -fælle  fe 
•fammerat.  -gaarb  play-yard,  play-ground  (of  a 
school).  -gang  going  to  school,  schooling,  school 
attendance,  tuungen  _  compulsory  el.  obligatory 
education.  -gerning  school  business.  *-gut 
schoolboy.  -^aanbbog  school  manual.  -Ijerre 
patron  of  a  .ichool.  -^eft  trained  horse,  trick 
horse,  -^otb  keeping  ofa  school.  -bolbcr  keeper 
of  a  school,  schoolmaster.  -tjuå  school-house. 
•inf^jettion  educational  council,  overseers,  -in^ 
ft>cttør  school-inspector,  overseer,  inspector  of 
schools.  -inoentarittm  school  plant,  -tatnmerat 
school-fellow,  -mate.  -faSferer  treasurer  (of  a 
school).  -Kagfe  class,  form;  (SSærelfet)  class-room. 
-døgt  sehoolpedantry.  -totnmiSfion  school 
-board,  -{nnbffaber  school-learning.  -t-@to(eIig 
a  .school.  @toIe{Iit)  school -life.  -lob  school 
ground.  -totale  school  rooms.  -lob  c  educational 
code.  -loj«  n  a  holiday.  -lærb  a  learned  in 
scholastic  lore.  -lærbom  learning  taught  at 
schools.  -l«rer  usher  el.  teacher  at  el.  to  a 
school,  school-teacher.  -lærerfeminarium  normal 
school,  teachers'  seminary  et.  training  college. 
-l«n  schoolfees,  .schooling.  -manb  teacher, 
schoolmau,  pedagogue.  -materiel  educational 
apparatus.  -meftcr  school-master.  -meftere're 
vt  censure,  criticize  in  a  magisterial  way.  -me^er- 
inbe  c  -r  school-mistress,  school-dame.  -mæéfig 
a  scholastic  t-næon  fe  -fommisfion.  -o^gabe 
sehool-task.  -orb  school  word.  -^lebltng  fe 
-breng.  -^lebel  school-servant.  -^enge  fe  -løn. 
•pige  school-girl.  -plan  plan  el.  system  of  in- 
struction, -^iligtig  a  bound  to  go  to  school. 
-l»og  fe  breng.  -program  programme.  -ptototol 
journal.  -)jrøbe  fe  -efSamen.  -raab  meeting  of 
the  masters  of  a  school;  fe  -fommiéfton.  -reben 
a  trained  in  the  riding-school.  -reform  reform 
of  the  schools.    -relutfiter  fe  -moteriel. 

*@tole'ret  a  schooled. 

@!ole|ret  c-,  ftaa  _  be  flogged.  -ret,  -rigtig  a 
according  to  rule.  -fag  school-affair  -^at 
"ducational    rate,    school-rate.      -ffib    training 

'p,  school-ship,  -fitt  fe  -brug.  -flrift  school 
"■'.     -f)>rog  school-language.     -ftrof  punish- 

ment  in  schools.  -ftnc  schoolroom.  -ftøo  col 
lege-dust.  -føgenbe  a  (f.  f&U.  33ørn)  (children> 
who  go  to  school,  attending  school.  -tofte 
satchel.  -tib  school-time,  school-hours;  (Sfole 
bage)  school-days;  efter  -en  after  school.  -tlbenbi 
school  intelligence.  -tilfQn  inspection  of  schools 
-time  lesson  (in  a  school).  -trenfe  brake.  -tug: 
discipline  of  a  school.  -tbang  educational  coer 
cion,  comjjulsory  education.  -tǤ  fe  -pige.  -ub 
gabe  school  edition,  -nbtrt)l  school  term.  -unbrr 
bidning  .school  education,  schooling,  schoo, 
-teaching.  -ungbom  children  that  attend  school 
-bcj  way  to  school;  teacher's  career,  -oen  frienc 
to  schools;  'SSen  fra  ©foletiben)  friend  of  one's 
schooldays.  -berben  world  scholastic.  -tiiåbon:. 
school-wisdom.  -blttigfteb  school  joke.  -bærelff 
school-room.  -bæfcn  the  School-department 
public  instruction  el.  education. 

©toliaft'  c   er  scho'liast. 

*©toae  fe  Strolle. 

étolm,  Stolrøe  c  -er  pod,  cod.  -frugter  pi 

@tolo^>en'ber,  @tot'erm  c  seolopendra. 

*©tott  <-.  -er  F  scuU. 

*@folte|fin,  -lob  c  Lapp  belonging  to  the  Greek 

@to|tæft  shoe-last.    -moot  n  shoe-measure. 

Stom'ogcr  [6;  •  ogf.  ma'ger]  c  -e  shoemaker, 
bootmaker.  -ortitler  grindery.  -breng  shoe- 
maker's  apprenlice;  6et  regner  -e  it  rains  cati- 
and  dogs.  -flft  cobljler-fish,  Blepharin  autor 
•ijoonbbært,  -i'  n  shoemaker's  tråde,  -tone  .shoe 
maker's  wife.  -tugle  (shoemaker '.s)  globe.  -loB 
cordwainers'  company.  -mefter  master-.shoe- 
maker.  -fttlt  shoemaker's  sign.  -fbenb  journey- 
man  shoemaker. 

©toning  e  (at  ffo)  shoeing;  tire  of  a  sledge 
-runner;  fe  Stobug. 

Stonnert  c  -er  schooner.  -bom  fore.sail  boom. 
-brig  brigantine,  hermaphrodite  brig.  -riggel 
fe  -taflet,  -fejl  boom  foresail.  -ftlb  three-masted 
schooner.  -tottet  a  schooner-rigged;  _  SSaab 

©tonrog  c  -ger  rye  biscuit. 

©folnæfe  toe.  -^inb,  *-pUq,  *-<»tttg,  -blåt 
shoemaker's  peg.    -;itø3  tongue. 

©fobtlfe're  vi  scoff  (ooer  at). 

©fobubfcr  c  shoeblack,    bootblack,    shoe-boy. 

©torbut'ift  a  scorbu'tic. 

=>©tare  vt  shore,  prop.    ©tore  c  -r  shore. 

©torem  c  shoe-tie,  string,  latchet. 

©torbe  c  -r  crust,  (p.  Soar)  scab,  (p.  SSranbfaar) 
eschar.  -agtig  a  crusty,  scurfy.  -bonnelfe  in- 
crustation.  -bub  scurf.  -t  a  fe  -agtig.  -t^ttelfe  of  metal. 

©for^jio'n  c  -er  sco'rpion.  -cbberto^)  seorpion 
-spider,  Solpuga.  -flue,  -tiole  c  Onfelt)  seorpion 
-fly,  Pnnorpa. 

©torften  c  -e  chimney;  (odenpaa  Saget)  fe  -piSe; 
(®mp  )  fiinnel,   amr  smoke-stack;    tænbe  ^(b  t^aa 
-en  light  a  fire  on  the  hearth.  —  ©torftcn§|ontcr 
mantle-tree.      -borbun    J,    funnel-stay.       't^i'^i 
chimney-sweep  el.  -sweeper,     -fejcrbreng  chinJI 
neysweeper's  apprentice.     -fejerfræft  chimnefl 
sweep's  cancer,     -^ættc  chimney-pot.    -itb  fire" 
in  a  flue,  a  chimney  on  fire.     -omgang  uptake. 
■pibe  chicaney-top.     -plobe  hearth  plate,  funnel 
plate.     -røgen   the  smoke  of  the  fuunel.     -rør 
funnel  el.  shaft  of  a  chimney,  flue.     -ftot  chim- 
ney-money.    -fob  chimney-soot.  -fpiælb  damper, 
register,     -fbate  chimney-swallow,   Hirundo  >-u- 
ntica.     -træt  chimney  draught. 

©torte  V  imp  bet  -r  paa  there  is  a  want  of; 
bet  -r  i)am  paa  he  wants,  is  wanting  in;  —  vt  ^ 
~  'JJrooifioner  shorten  allowances. 




Sforjone't  c,  -rob  viper's  grass,  Seortonera 

étofaa((e)  c  sole  of  a  shoe. 

Sfofe  c  -r  rub,  wlpe,  taunt,  gibe.  @Iofe  »t 
taunt;  —  i)t  -  paa  taunt. 

Sfa'ljløjfe  shoe-rosette.  -f<>ir  J,  pump-spear. 
•fiJicnbe  shoe-buckle. 

Stoéfe  c  -r  (af  3§)  hummock  (of  ice). 

Sfo'Iftalb  trave,  -ftift  sparrow-bill,  sparrable. 
-fti!  4,  sheet  bend.  H*>enb  valet.  -ftiærte 
(shoe)blackiDg.    -f«m  elout  (nail). 

*®!ot'  rt  |e  gfob. 

*@fot'  c  -ter  end  of  a  boat,  stem  el.  stern. 

Slot^ue  V  Scotch  cap. 

3taté«t)(  c  jack-plane. 

Sfot  lanb  h  Scotland.  -tænber  c  -c,  fe  Slotte. 
-Itcnbcrtnbe  c   r  Scotchwoman 

Sto'traab  c  shoemaker's  thread. 

Sfotrenbe  c  gutter. 

Stotrot  c  large  spinning-wheel. 

Stotf!  1'  Scottish,  Scotch;  -  It'i  tartan;  —  c 
Xané)  Sehottisch;  bet  -e  'o:  Sprog)  the  Scotch. 

Slotfpær  n  sleeper  of  the  gutter. 

Stotte  c  -r  Scotchman;  -rne  pi  the  Scotchmen, 
the  Scotch. 

Slotte  vi  (til)  glance,  steal  a  glance,  cast  a 
siv  look  (at).    Støtten  c  glaucing  etc. 

3(o'|ttttnge  fe  -rem;  ^oiS  -  jeg  ilte  er  Ⱦrbig  til 
at  løfe  the  laichet  of  whose  shoes  I  am  not 
worthy  to  unloose.  -t«j  shoes  and  boots.  -t«i8= 
nbfalg  shoe-seller's  shop. 

SIou'  (*aa't))  c  -e  wood;  (»ilb,  ftor)  forest; 
(Urfloo,  i  Cftinb)  jungle,  (i  aiuftr.  o.  fl.  St.) 
bush;  en  -  af  SOJafter  a  forest  of  masts;  til  -§ 
woodwards;  forDoitble  til  _  forest;  t  tage  i  -en 
take  a  trip  out  of  tovvn;  fom  man  rao6er  i  -en, 
faar  man  Soar  measure  for  measure,  the  biter 
is  bit,  as  the  question,  so  the  answer;  funbe  it!e 
fe  -en  for  bare  Sræer  could  not  see  the  wood  for 
trees,  « could  uot  see  the  town,  there  were  so 
many  houses-.  ©totJiaonb  wood-demon.  -oaS 
wooded  ridge.  -abtlb  crab  apple-tree,  Pvrus 
malw  eylvestrin.  -afbribning  lumbering.  -one^ 
tnonc  wood  anemone.  Anemone  nemoroga.  -angelit 
giound,  Angel tea  »i/lvestria.  -attlisg  fe -bt)rf' 
iitng.  •areal  forest-land,  expanse  of  forest. 
■baitfe  (*.  i  en  StoD)  hillinawood;  (93.  beoofSet 
nicb  S.)  wooded  hill.  -ballet«  champétre,  garden 
-party,  -bar  a  woodless,  destitute  of  wood. 
•begroet  a  fe  -beootéet  -beftafin  wood-cock, 
Scolopax  runticola.  -beflt)ttelfc  fe  -frebning.  •be- 
ftanb  amount  of  timber;  fe -areal,  -betjent  forest 
-otflcer.  •beootdet  a  overgrown  with  wood, 
wooded.  •bi  wood-bee,  Uylæux.  t-blatfe  fe 
4*tanbmul.  -blomft  wood  flower.  -blottet  fe 
■bar.  -bo,  -boer  inhabitant  of  a  forest.  -branb 
conflagration  of  a  wood,  forest  fire,  auKtr  bush 
lire.  -brober  hermit,  anchorite.  -brug  cultiva- 
tion  of  woods,  planting  -br^n  fe  -ranb.  -bul 
bushbok,  Sylricavra;  (5nf.)  horned  beetle,  Spon- 
dylus.  -bunb  (Jtorbb.,  bPor  8fou  fan  oof^e)  soil 
tit  for  planting;  Qorben«  Coerflabe  i  en  S.)  ground 
in  a  wood.  -b^gb  woody  district.  -bygger  fe 
-boer.  •hat  forest  brook.  -bætte  belt  of  wood. 
-bær  wood-berry  -b«ber  fine  for  trespasses  in 
woods.  -bol  woody  dale.  -batu  pond  in  a  wood. 
•biftrilt  division,  part  fof  a  wood).  -brift  fe 
■bqrfning.  -bue  stock-dove,  cushat,  Columba  ænas. 
-bnft  fragrance  of  the  wood.  -bQrtning  cultiva- 
tion  of  woods.  -b^rfningSlære  woodcraft. 
tSIobe  vt  fell  el.  hew  trees;  fig  V  -  »"*>,  f ammen 
aniass;  -  af,  fe  Slfftooe. 

Sfooe  c  -r  scraping. 

S!oti|egn  woody  country,  -ejenbont  wooded 
property.  •ejer  proprietor  of  a  wood.  •eng 
meadow  in  a  wood.    •enfom^eb  wooded  solitude, 

8.  of  the  woods.  •-foft  a  -  SWcrf  hard  wood- 
land, -fottig  a  fe  -bar.  -firben  wood-lizard. 
-flaat  fe  SBlobmibe.  t-fogeb  uuder-ranger,  game 
-keeper,  -fororbning  forest-ordinance.  -frebning 
preservation  of  woods.  -fr«  seeds  of  (wild) 
trees.  -fugl  wood-bird.  -fnlb  fe  -rig.  -fælb 
damage  to  wood  by  tempest.  -faetbning  felling 
of  woods.  -galtetanb  archangel,  Stachyn  »vlvi- 
tica.  t-gong  outlawry.  f-gangSmanb  outlavr. 
•groet  fe  -beootlet.  -grunb  wooded  ground. 
•græS  grass  of  the  woods.  -gracél|o))Ve  locust, 
Locusta.  -grceSning  woodpasture.  -gub  sylvan 
god,  wood-god,  faun.  •gubiube  wood-goddess, 
wood-nymph.  •jammer  woodman's  hammer. 
-^erre  fe  -ejer.  -bonning  wild  honey.  -bornngle 
fe  hornugle,  lille,  -bugft  felling  of  trees,  forest 
exploitation.  •()ué  lodge  in  a  wood.  •^uSbotb* 
ning  forest  economy.  -ijtiacint  hare  bell,  Hya- 
cxnthw  n,jn  neriptus.  -b^lb  fe  Stoaltoeb.  -t^tte 
woodhut.  -^ej  fe  -bafte.  -\)en^  grouse.  -ilb  fe 

Stootft  c:  fig  agteg  for  en  -  go  for  nothing. 

Stobjiorb  (3orb  beooflet  meb  S.)  woodland; 
(begetabilft  Qorb  i  Sfooene)  vegetable  mould  of 
woods.  -tantonerne  the  four  Cantons.  -lot 
wild  cat.  -Ilæbt  «  wood-clad.  -tt^tier  oval 
-headed  clover,  Tri/oiium  a/pestre.  -tongen  the 
kingof  the  forests.  -frabbe  crab(-apple).  -fronfet 
it  wood-encircled.  -Irot  thicket.  -tultur  fe 

@tool  c  -e  shovel,  scoop;  (J)mp.)  (paddle  )float; 
{paa  Jpiul)  ladle,  float-board;  -erne  inb!  ^f,  reef 
your  floats!     -anb  shoveller,  Anas  clyiicata. 

©toujlanb  n  wood-land.  -(anbffab  forest  scene. 

@too({b(ab  pan  of  a  shovel.  -bolt  (2)mp ) 
paddle-bolt.  Sfoble  vt  shovel.  Stotil  forraig  a 
shovelformed.  -fttlb  c  shovelful.  -tjjort  fallow 
-deer.  -^jul  (Smp.)  paddle(-wheel).  -^ornet  a 

@too|UIje  helleborine,  Cepkalantheru .  -Ubet 
forest  life. 

SfoOtnteb  c  white  spoonbill,  I'latalea  leuco- 

@tob|(ob  wood-lot.    -tobgiuning  forest  laws. 

@t00l|ffaft  n  handle  of  a  shovel. 

@tob|Iuft  air  of  the  woods.  -lærte  wood-lark, 
Auiwia  arborea.  -læS  load  of  timber.  t-l*ber 
keeper  (of  a  wood).  t-I«g  star  of  Bcthlehem, 
Ornithognlum  luteum;  roccambole,  Altium  scoro- 
dopraoum.  -lǤ  a  woodless,  untimbered.  -tttaot 
pine  mårten,  Mustein  martes.  -manb,  -juennefte 
wild  man  of  the  woods,  Pithecus.  -mulb  fe 
iorb.  -mué  wood-mouse,  lield-mouse.  Mus  ayl- 
vaticiis.  -m^nte  horse-mint,  Mentha  sylvestris. 
-tn^re  wood-aut,  Forinica  ru/a.  -mcerte  «  mark 
on  trees  to  be  felled.  t-n»«tlt  c  wood-roof, 
Asperuia  odoruta.  -naturen  forest  nature;  wood- 
land scenery.  -neØite  fe  ©ng  .  tStooning  c 
felling  etc.  (fe  Stotje).  Stobn^mfe  wood-nymph, 

©tOBotS  n  blacking. 

Sfobiborti  piece  of  woodland  scenery.  -pM 
fe  Selje.  -blantning  planting  of  wood.  -Jjlet 
clump  of  trees.  -btt)Ubring  ravaging  of  the  woods. 
-plæne  glade,  -^jrobutter  forest  el.  woodland 
products.  -ranb  edge  of  a  wood.  -rante  clem- 
atis.  t-r!ber  (wood-)ranger.  -rig  o  wooded, 
woody,  well  timbered.  -ritåe  fe  J8anb=.  -rofe 
wild  rose.  -rotte  fe  -mu§.  -rt|bning  clearing  of 
woods.  -røber  robber  that  infests  a  wood.  -fag 
forest  matter;  case  conceruing  a  wood.  -falat 
wall  lettuce,  Lactuca  muralis.  -fao  cross-cut 
saw.  -ftobe  injury  to  the  wood.  t-fl<»be  jay, 
Garrultu  ølandarius.  -flel  boundary  of  awood. 
-flifte  fe  -lob  »-flrlte  fe  -flabe,  -flette  glade, 
•flæbe    timber-sledge.      ••fnar   thicket.      -fnegl 




wood-snail,  Limax  ater.  •\nctppt  fe  -Betfafin. 
•f^mrtt  tree  sparrow,  Fringilla  montana,  -ftettte 
stile  in  the  wood.  -ftl  path  in  a  wood.  -ft|ectte 
itarflower,  winter-green ,  Trientalis  europæa. 
-ftritnmel  strip  of  wood.  -ftctctttittg  tract  of 
W(jod.  -fk)ale  (i  Sluftrolien)  wood  swallow,  Artt- 
mtu.  -f ^flc  rot.  -fljte  wood-sorrel,  Oxalii  aceto- 
»eila.  -f«  lake  in  the  forest.  -trolb  satyr,  -træ 
forest-tree.  -tulipan  wild  tulip,  Tuiipa  sylvestris. 
-tur  excursion  to  the  wood,  pic-nic.  -ttftning 
thicket.  -ttjb  forest-thlef.  -tqtiert  stealing  in 
woods.  -uiib^tte  produce  of  the  woods.  -vCb- 
biéKittg  marking  of  trees  to  be  felled.  -ulb 
plne-needle  wool,  pine-wood  wool,  forest  wool, 
tree-wool.  -urt  wood-plant.  -Hej  road  through 
a  wood.  -Uiffe  wood  vetch,  Vicia  splvatica. 
-tiagtev  fe  -ljø6er.  -kiubbe  fe  Jpæcfugl.  -ttcetM 
growth  of  the  wood.  -tiæfett  wood-craft.  -ceiU 
crab;  ©unger  gør  -r  føbe  hunger  makes  hard 
bones  sweet  beans.  -øbeiccggetfe  destruction  of 
forests.  -afltc  viviparous  lizard.  -tffSe  wood- 
man's  axe. 
tSlraa  c  -er  statutes  pi. 

iSfraa  n  bruised  grain;  art  grape,  canister, 
langrel.  @Iraa  c  (SoBaf)  quid  (of  tobacco). 
Strao  vt  cut,  clip,  shred;  (åorn)  rough-grind, 
bruise;  vi  chew  tobacco. 

<Slraa  a  sloping,   slanting,   oblique,  inelined; 
iftaa   ~,    ffraat  adv   aslope,   aslant,    slantingly; 
ffraaS  adv  _  ober  for  nearly  opposite.     Sfraa 
vt  slant,  slope;  vi  ~  (otier)  cross  el.  pass  (obliquely). 
-baanb  (3;ømr.)  feather,  truss.    -fijælle  her  bend, 
bar  sinister,     -bctt  a  obliquely  divided.     -gabt 
sloping  gable.    -tjeb  c  obliquity,  declivity.    -font 
chamfer,  bevel.  -toté  St.  Andrew's  cross,  saltier. 
Sfcaat  n,  pi  =,  squall,  bawl,  roar.     @IraaI|e 
vi  squall,  bawl,  roar;  ~  ftg  ^æ§  shout  one's  self 
hoarse.     -en  c  squalling  etc.     -er  c  -e  squaller, 
bawler,  roarer;  ^jolttiffe  -e  politicai  ranters.    -^ol§ 
fe  -er. 
+Straan8  i  somewhat  slanting. 
@!raa|ltgpeube,  -løbenbe  fe  ©Iroa.    -(æg  cross 
-bind.    -røcjfel  bevelled  chisel. 
(Sfraameffel  c  hot  chisel. 
étraalne  vi  (+  -  ftg)  slope,  slant,    -ning  c  -er 
slope,   slant,   declivity,   (opab)  acclivity.     -ptan 
inelined  plane.    -|>tttt  sloping  desk,  slope-desk, 
i3traafa!3  c  plate-shears  pi. 
*@frao(if(er  a  coek-sure. 
Stroaiptrift  italics.    -ftong  sloping  bar.   -ftren^ 
get   a   with   oblique   chords.     -prfltber,   -ftatte 
prop,  spur-shore. 
(Straafoel  c  langrel-bag. 
iStritatag  n  sloping  roof. 
@fraatoba!  c  chew-tobacco. 
Éfraabiubue  n  abatjour,  sky-light. 
@{raabært  n  bruising-mill. 
@trab  n  scrapings;  fig  trumpery,  trash,  refuse. 
@trabe  vt  &  i  scrape,  scratch;  (om  ©unbe,  gugle) 
scratch;  (om  ©efte)  paw;  _  af,  ub  scrape  off,  out; 
_  ub  t  make  a  leg,  scrape;  _  fammen  scrape  to- 
gether.     Sirabe  c  -r  (SebfJafi)  scraper;   (Saar) 
scratch;  '^shear-water,  Puffinus.  —  @Irobc|græé 
fe  SfaogræS.     -jaer«  scraper.     -lage  cake  made 
of  the  scrapings  of  dough;  fig  youugest  child, 
the  baby  of  the  family,  dilling.     -IniO  scraping 
-knife.     -maner    niezzotinto    engraving.      -net 
dredging-net.     -næfe(f)>il)  spilikins,  jack  straws. 
-r  o  -e  scraper;    drag;    F  nap;    faa  ftg  en  ~  take 
a  uap;  flibe  en  _  sleep  and  snore,    -ftaal  scraper. 
-baab  trawl-net.     @tra'bntng  c  scraping  etc; 
(©aar)  scratch;  (paa  ©abbunben)  (deep-sea)  dredg- 
Ing.  ©Irabfam'nten  M  medley,  fe  ©rrab.  Sfrabu'b 
«,  pi  =,  scrape. 
tStrabe  vi  crackle.    t@trabe  c  fe  ©taller. 

@lraffe're  fe  ©frabere. 

Slral  a  poor,  scanty;  J>  (om  SBinben)  scant 
_  2pffe  bad  luck,  hard  lines;  bet  er  -t  meb  Ijatt 
he  is  poorly. 

iStralb  n,  pi  ^,  clap,  peal,  crack;  p  merrj 
-making;  SrompetenS  _  the  clangour  el.  bray  oi' 
the  trumpet.  Slralbe  vi  peal,  rattle;  trompeter 
-r  the  trumpet  brays;  _  ob  rattle;  meb  -nb( 
©lemme  in  a  loud  el.  high-sounding  voice 
@lra(be  c  -r  rattle;  mech  ratchet.  —  ©fralbejbot 
ratchet-drill,  cat-and-rat-brace.  -gebning  sweep- 
ings,  dust.  -manb  dustman.  <Stralben  c  ratt 
Ung.  ©fralbelfnabé  fe  -gøbning.  -bogn  dust- 
man's  cart  el.  waggon.    -fSfralble  vi  fe  Sfoggeile. 

SfraUe  vi  ^D  baul  forward,  draw  ahead  el. 
forward,  scant. 

tStroUc  c  -r,  fe  ©trætling. 

@!rttm'  c  (Sergb.)  trench. 

*(SframIc  vi  fe  ©trangte. 

Stramlert'  n  fe  ©trommet. 

Stramme  c  -r  slash,  scratch;  scar. 

©trommet  n  lumber,  trumpery. 

Strammere  ret  a  bespangled,  braided. 

Sfrommct  a  scarred. 

*Stronglet  c  &  n  rattling,  lumbering  noise. 
-te  vi  rattle,  rumble,  lumber,  jolt.  -tet  a  lanky, 

Stronte  c  -r  bar,  barrier;  fætte  -r  for  set  bounds 
to;  træbe  i  -n  mob  en  enter  the  lists  against  one, 
pit  one's  self  against;  træbe  i  -n  for  en  take  tip 
the  cudgels  for  one;  ^olbe  ftg  i  -rne  keep  within 

Stronte  vi  be  ailing,  be  in  delicate  health. 
tStrante  c  fe  ©tranting.  Stranten  a  sickly, 
weakly,  delicate.  Stronten^eb  sickliness,  weak- 
liness.    Stront(n)tng  c  -er  valetudiuarian. 

Stra|)'  a  smart,  active,  quick,  sharp,  keen, 

*Stra))e  fe  ©trabe  c  *. 

-i^Stra§te»irustle;*P  giggle,  suigger.  +Stra§Icn 

tStrot'obet  c  prov  snobs. 

Slrotte  vi  give  a  cracked  sound;  *  (ftoggerle) 
roar  with  laughter;  en  -nbe  ©lemme  a  harsh 
voice.  tStrotte  c  ^  fe  |)Qtbetafte,  ©tjalUr. 
Strotten  c  cracked  sound. 

Strabe  c  -r  trestle,  horse. 

Strab|e're  vt  batch,  -ering  c  hatching,  line 
-engraving.  -erema^ine  hatching- machiue,  en- 

*Strat)t  n  rattle,  jabber;  f  vov  fogey,  crone. 
'^Sfrobte  vi  rattle,  jabber.  *Strante|b»ttc,  -top 

Streb  n,  pi  =,  slip,  slide.  Streb  imp  af 
Stribe.  t@tre(b)  u  sloping,  slanting,  (glat) 

Streg,  ftregct  fe  ©trige. 

*Strei  c  -er  cod,  Gadus  morrhua. 

=''Sfrene  c  thread-moss,  Bryum. 

Sfrcb,  ffrebet  fe  ©fribe. 

Strlbenl'  c  -er  writer,  author.  -iu'be  c  -r 
penwoman,  author,  -fauthoress.  Stribler  c  -e 

Stribe,  ffreb,  ffrebet  vi  slide,  advance,  proceed; 
~  (igennem,  ub,  om  ftorn)  ear;  _  forbi  pass;  _ 
frem  advance;  _  fremab  progress,  advance;  _ 
inb  interfere,  interpose;  _  inb  meb  aJlagt,  ©treng= 
^eb  take  strong  measures,  take  the  matter  into 
one's  own  bands;  _  inb  ijjob  en  ab  ffiettenl  SSej 
take  legal  prooeedings  against  one;  _  fammen 
collapse;  -til  proceed  to;  -  tit  SBærtet  go  to 
work,  take  action;  _  ub  slip,  slide  down;  ®agen 
-r  u  n  b  e  r  the  day  is  drawing  to  a  close.  Stribe= 
bone  c  slide.  Striben  c  advancing.  '^Stvtb= 
jfltet  c  glacier. 




6firibt  n,  pi  — ,  pace,  (ogf.  fip)  step,  (t  93enfl.) 
fork;  gere  et  -  (oflf.  fig)  take  a  step;  gao  i  ~ 
pace,  walk;  gaa  tneb  ftærfe  _  go  el.  walk  at  a 
great  pace;  gaa  meb  lange  -  stride,  stalk;  gaa 
meb  (agte  -  walk  softly;  meb  rafle  _  with  rapid 
strides;  bolbe  _  meb  keep  pace  with,  keep  up 
with,  be  level  with;  gore  bet  ferfte  _  take  the 
flrst  step,  make  the  advances;  bet  førfte  -  er  bet 
Boerfte  the  flrst  step  is  all  the  difflculty,  it  is 
only  the  flrst  step  which  gives  tronble;  -  for  _ 
etep  by  step,  at  a  foot's  pace;  ribe  i  _  ride  at  a 
foot-pace,  walking  -  pace ;  ^olbe  tre  _  fra  Sibet 
keep  at  arms  length,  at  a  distance,  make  one 
keep  his  distance;  tre  -  fra  fiiset!  keep  your 
distance;  tog  -et  fulbt  ub  weut  the  whole  length, 
did  not  do  the  thing  by  halves.  @Irit)te  vi 
pace;  -  fammen,  fe:  Ijolbe  ©ttibt;  -  ub  step  out 
@triiit{gang  walking  pace;  i  -  at  a  walk(ing 
pacej.  -maal  pace.  -maaltt,  -tætter  pedometer. 
•ninø  c  pacing.    -tJté  ado  step  by  step 

6trift  c  -er  (mobfat  Ixnt)  writing;  tvp  type, 
letter,  fouut;  OnbfTrift)  inscription ;  -en  "the 
Scriptures,  Holy  Writ;  trjjtt  meb  ftaaenbe  ~  stereo- 
typed.  ©trift  n  -er  writing,  book,  publication, 
work;  minbre  _  paper,  tract,  treatise;  pamphlet; 
»eriobifle  -er  periodical  publications.  ©ftlft|' 
aborre  grouper,  Serranus.    -ort  sort  of  type. 

Striftc  n  confession ;  %a.a  til  _  go  to  confes- 
sion;  ftaa  aabenbare  _  do  putilic  penance  SIrifte 
ri  &  f  (en  &  nt)  confess.  @trtfte{barn  penitent. 
-Ii*tt  prayer  before  confe.'ision.  -bag  confession 
-day.    -fober  (father-)confes.sor. 

Striftejenbomdret  c  llterary  property,  copy- 

Striftelmaat  fe  Strifte  n;  fiemmeltgt  -  auricular 
confession;  mobtage  eng  ~  confess  one.  -ptn^t 
shrove-money.  -(irtebitett  communionsermon 
-»••ri'  n  cortt  confessing.  -febbel  certiflcate  of 
being  a  communicant.  -fegl  seal  of  confession. 
-ftol  confes.sional.    -tale  fe  -præbifen. 

©hriftlfortolfer  interpreter  of  the  Scripturcs. 
•fortottning  exegcsis.  -granit  graphic  granite, 
pegmatite.  -grunbet  a  founded  in  Scripture. 
•laåfe  tvp  box.  -flog  c  scripturi st,  bihl  scribe. 
•t^nbig  a  versed  in  the  scriptiires.  @triftlig  a 
written,  in  writing.  -  9lfftemning  poll,  poUing; 
forlange  _  Kfftemning  crave  a  poll;  _  Dpgabe  paper; 
-e  Dpgaber,  Slrbeiber  paper-work;  bet  -e  the  papers; 
—  adv  in  writing,  by  letter;  opfcette  _  reduce  to 
writing,  @trift  Icerb  fe  -flog;  +  a  literary;  book 
-learned.  -licéning  manuscript-reading;  rcading 
the  Scriptures.  +-lt^  a  letterless.  -inaeSfig  a 
@(riftntng  c  confession 

6frift|orb  scriptural  word.  -))raDe  specimen 
of  penmanship.  -rige  literature.  -fprog  written, 
book  el.  literary  language;  scriptural  sent<-noe. 
•fteb  text  (from  S^ripture),  .scriptnre  -flitter 
Ictterengraver.  -ftrtbig  n  nnscriptural  -ftøber 
type-  el.  letter-founder.  -ft«bcr«  typefounding; 
type-  el.  letter- found ry.  -ftøberinetal  fe  -tøj. 
-ftebning  founding  of  types,  -ftjftem  system  of 
writing.  -tegn,  -træf  character.  -t«j  type 
■metal.  -oetiXing  correspondence.  -J»«rt  written 

@trig  n,  pi  =,  cry,  scream,  shriek,  screech; 
*  c  erying  etc  -anb  red-necked  grebe,  Podicepm 
mbricolliii.  @trige,  ftreg,  ftreget  vi  cry;  (af 
©træf)  scream,  shriek,  screech;  ~  ^ojt  cry  aloud, 
bawl;  _  om  Jpicelp  cry  out  for  help;  *  _  ober  ftg 
Cry  out  (at  the  top  of  one's  voice);  —  ffrigenbe 
"  fia  glaring,  fiagrant;  (om  Sarbe)  loud.  — 
€lrige|barn  squalling  child.  -benet  the  funny 
bone  -brodfel  timalia.  -butte  squeaking-doll. 
@trigcn  c  erying  etc.    Striger  c  -e,  @trigQaId 

screamer.     Strtgørn  screaming  eagle,   Agviia 
noevia.    *@frtte  c  -r,  fe  Sfobftabe. 

tStritte  vi  (om  flugte)  chatter. 

Strimmclfframmet  n  fe  ©framleri. 

©trin   n,  pi  =,  (i  Slim  )  case,  box;  (liOe,  til 
3uBeIer  o.  b.)  ca.sket;  fttl  SRelifoier)  shrine. 

*@trlnb  a  lean,  poor,  barren. 

@trinte(ben  fe  ©tanfelben. 

©trinlæo|geo<enshrine;j^ffconsignto  oblivlon. 
•ning  c  enshrining  etc. 

*@frinnebtomft  c  rock-cross,  Arabit 

Stribe,  ftrco,  ffrenet  vt  write;  ( bogftaoere)  spell; 
-  rent  (renflrioe)  copy  fair;  ^bab  -r  bi  ibog?  what 
day  (of  the  month)  is  this?  what's  the  day  of 
the  month  V  ^oab  jeg  ffreb,  b?t  ff reb  jeg  Ai6<  what 
I  have  written,  I  have  written;  bet  ftob  ftreoet  at 
it  was  written  in  the  book  of  fate  that;  _  af,  fe 
afffribe;  _  Tig  bog  Pret  keep  in  mind,  make  a 
(mental;  note  of;  _  efter  write  for;  -r  fig  for 
Slboofat  writes  himself  advocate;  ftreo  fig  for  1000 
ftr.  put  down  his  name  for  1000  er.,  at  the 
flgure  of  ( F  at  the  lune  of)  1000  crowns ;  ^oor 
-r  ^an  ftg  fraV  from  what  place  does  he  come? 
bet  -r  Ttg  fta  it  is  owing  to;  bet  -r  fig  fra  ben  Xib 
it  dates  from  that  time;  _  i  et  SBIab  contribute, 
be  a  contributor,  to  a  paper;  _  inb  enter;  _ 
meb  hoften  write  by  post;  9lobnet  -8  meb  I)  the 
name  is  spelt  with  an  h;  ,  neb  write  dowu, 
take  down;  _  om  rewrite,  write  over  again;  - 
om  el.  ooer  nt  write  upon  a  .subject;  _  o  p  write 
down,  make  a  note  of;  ^an  -rpaaen  ®rammatif 
he  is  writing  a  grammar:  ,  tit  en,  _  en  til 
write  to  one,  commnnicate  with  one;  .  ub  af 
en  Sog  extract  from  a  book;  _  unber,  fe  Unber= 
flriDf;  —  ftrioenbea  9lrbejbe  desk-work  étribe|  = 
blaf  writing  ink.  -bog  copy-book.  -borb  writ- 
ing table,  davenport.  -brng  usage;  til  _  for 
writing.  -friQeb  liberty  of  the  press.  -fisrbig= 
beb  readiness,  fluency  -tl«e  itch  of  scribbling, 
rage  for  writing.  -tramtie  writer's  crarap.  -tribt 
common  chalk  -tugle  Malling-Hansen  tyj>e 
-writer,  -fwriting-bowl.  -tunft  art  of  writing. 
•tQnbig  a  up  to  writing.  -lobe  writing -case. 
©trtbelfe  c  -r  letter,  communication;  memorial; 
min  oerbøbige  _  my  respects.  ©tribejt^ft  passion 
for  writing.  -(Qften  fe  -f^g  -lærer  writing 
-master,  -ntaabe  mode  of  writing,  style  (of 
writing);  spelling.  -mabbe  portfolio.  -maftine 
type -writer.  -materialier  fe  fager  -ntefier  fe 
-lærer,  ©triben  c  writing.  ©tribelben  writing 
pen.  -bult  writing- desk,  desk-table,  (SRejfeO 
writing-case  ©Iriber  c  -e  writer,  scribe;  (paa 
ftontor)  clerk;  *  F  fe  Sorenftriber.  -f©tribera'd 
n  scribbling.  ©triberbrcng  counting-house  lad. 
©triberebffaber  pi  fe  -foger. 

©tciberlembrbe  clerk's  offlce.  -i^aanb  clerkly 
hånd,  round  hånd.  ©triberi'  n  -er  writing;  cont 
scribbling.  ©triberltarl  quill-driver.  -len  (2en 
til  ©trioer)  clerk's  »alary;  (iJøn  for  at  ffrioe)  fee 
for  writing.  -(»enge  clerk's  fees  -ftue  counting 
-house,  ottice.  -tjenefte  clerkship.  -i-affel  offlce 

©trioeifager  pi  writing  materials,  stationery. 
-falig  '«   fe  -fpg.     -ftole  writing-school.     -ffrift 
tvn  script,    -ftue  scrivener's  olflce;   law-station- 
er('8   offlce).     -fbg  a  fond  of  scribbling,  scriba- 
tious.    -fbge  fe  -fl»e.    -table  slate.      -tiwe  writ- 
ing lesson.     -t»j  ink -.stand,  standish.     -«belfe 
writing  exercise.  —  ©tribjfeit  error  in  writing, 
slip  of  the  pen,  clerical  error,   -ning  c  writing. 
-baber  writing-paper,  brief,     -t-famnten  n  cont 
©trober  pi  waste  cuttings  (of  coin). 
©trofe  c  -r  (Sugl)  fe  Bire. 
©tro'fller  pi   -ulo'fe   c   scrof'ula.     -uU'd  a 




©Irog  [aa]  n,  pi  =,  (of  ©Itb)  huU,  body;  (of 
®Qr)  carcass;  et  ftoHelS  _  a  poor  wretch  el.  devil; 
bet  ftaf  lel?  gamle  _  !  poor  old  soul ! 

tStroHe  c  -r  old  worthless  book. 

@troUe  vi  take  up  a  large  space,  be  bulky; 
^  loom. 

@ltot'  c  -ter  P  maw,  belly,  *body,  carcase. 

@trot  n  -er  cut,  shred. 

@trot  n  welght  (of  coins). 

*@frot  n  rubblsh. 

Stro'tlJHCJfcl  chisel.    -fofS  large  wire-shears. 

*®ftu  fe  Strue  c. 

Strub'  pi  a  drubbing,  a  hiding;  a  scolding. 

'<Btvtti'  c  ye  ©fru66e  (1,  2  &  3);  Ult);  ^eniebær. 

Strulltie  c  -r  flounder,  Pleuronectes  flesw. 

©trubtte  c  -r,  \t  aKelbitte. 

©trubbe  «<  scrub;  vi  jttitb  of !  get  you  gone ! 
ir  fig  P  look  qulck;  make  oflf,  decamp.  ©trnbbe 
c  -r,  -bflrfte,  -foft  scrubber,  scrubbing  brush. 
•maftinc  seribler.  ©Irubber  c  e  (®a8B.)  scrub- 
ber.    ©trubbet  a  rough,  rugged,  scabrous. 

*©frubba:r  c  fe  ^»nfebær. 

@frub|go(  fe  -toSjet. 

©ttub|^«t)t  jack  plane,  fore-plane,  old  wom- 
an's  tooth.    -b«b(e  vt  jack,  rough-plane. 

©trubltoge  vi  boll  violently.  -fultcn  a  raven- 
ously  hungry.    -toSfet  a  mad  as  a  March  hare. 

©frubtubfe  c  toad,  Bufo  vulgaria. 

©trub  c  &  Ji  attire,  eanonicals. 

©true  c  -r  screw;  (ffimp  )  screvv(-propeller),  pro- 
peller; (S3in.)  screw,  twist;  mus  peg;  (Slrbejblneb- 
ioeggelfe)  strike;  _  uben  @nbe  endlesgel.  perpetual 
screw;  fcette  fine  Drb  ifaa.  -r  use  ambiguous 
language;  ^aue  en  -  Iø§  be  crack -brained,  have 
a  soft  place  in  one's  head,  have  a  tlle  el. 
(iMuftroI.)a  shingle  loose;  en  (feer,  unberlig)  ©frue 
an  odd  fellow,  a  queer  chap.  ©frue  vt  screw; 
(Sart))  stack;  _  af  unscrew;  ~  for  close  (by 
screwing) ;  _  fra  screw  off;  _  f)elt  in b  screw 
home;  _  ijampen,  (SaSfen  neb  turn  down  the 
lamp,  the  gas;  _  o<3  screw  up,  fig  maguify; 
(aabne)  unscrew;  _  "itrifen  op  screw  up  the  price; 
-  f  am  men  screw  up;  _  ftg  fommen  (om  3S)  paek. 
@fruc|ati))arat  ^I,  screw  steerlng  gear.  -o!8 
ludy's  tresses,  Spiranthes.  •ofScI  screw-shaft. 
-baab  screw  boat,  screw-steamer.  -bafterier  pi 
screwbacteria.  -biflb  blade  of  a  screw,  screw 
blade,  -blif  screw  plate.  -bott  screw  bolt.  -bor 
.screw-auger,  screw-tap,  worm-bit.  -brætter  rat, 
black  foot ,  knobstick ,  snob ,  snobstlck ,  black 
sheep,  black  leg.  -brætteri  n  rattmg.  -brønb 
screw -well.  -bcenbler  twilled  ribbons.  -btenf 
vice-bench.  -ctjltnber  fe  -fpinbel.  -bamtier, 
-batn))fftb  screw  steamer.  -bannet  a  screw 
-lormed.  -bof  screw  dock.  -ffobe  propelling 
.^urface.  -form  screw-form.  -fregat  screw  frig- 
ate, -gottg,  -gebinb,  -gicnge  (serew-)thread  el. 
worm.  -gattgdljøibe  piich  (of  the  screvvthread). 
-^oge  (p.  ^eftefto)  movable  calkin.  -^efé  screw 
shackle.  -bobcb  screw -head.  -^obcbfati  hack 
-saw.  -^ttl  screw -hole.  -^l)lfc  (®mp.)  screw 
-casing.  -ig  pack-ice.  -jærn  screw-tap;  fe  -træfter. 
-tanonbaab  screw  gunboat.  -flub  die-stock, 
screw-stock.  -looS  screw  shackle.  -lirtie  helix. 
-lin(t)et  a  helicoid.  -linieftib  screw  line-of-battle 
ship.  -mober,  -metfrlt  female  screw,  nut,  screw 
-box.  -nob  screw-boss.  -nøgle  .spanner,  screw 
-key,  wrench.  -palmt  screw  pine,  Pandanw. 
-panbe  bearing  of  the  screw.  -^jotron  screw 
-chuck.  -^o(ertang  sliding  tongs.  -^ireåfe  screw 
-press.  -^rob  screw  plug.  -^ube  netting-vice. 
•))ttm))e  Archimedes  screw.  -^al  screw  pile. 
•ramme  (S)mp.)  screw  frame,  banjo -frame;  tyv 
screw -chase.  -rat  screw -wheel,  -regifter  (p. 
Srejebænf)  set  of  screw-boxes.  -ring  screw-hoop. 
-rwtte  (Jirejn.)  screw-ferrule.     -ffib  screw  ship. 

•fTfcring  screw -cutting.  -ftagbredfe  fly -press. 
•fttcgl  screw- snail,  Terebra.  -fnit  screw -plate. 
-fnor  gimp(-lace).  -ffiinbel  screw-rod,  cylindei 
of  a  screw.  -ftaal  (5)rein.)  screw-tool.  -ftæbn  J, 
body-post.  -ftitfe,  .ftof  vice.  -ftittebanl  vice 
-board,  -ftol  swivel  (library)  chair.  ©truet  a 
fig  strained.  ©true|tang  fe  -ftiffe.  -tob  screw 
-tap.  -tol  screw  plug.  -tobe  d^  parbuckles. 
-trætter  c  -e  turnscrew,  screw -driver,  -tunnel 
screw-tunnel.  -tOinge  cramp,  cramping-frame. 
-banbet  the  wake  el.  eddy  of  the  screw.  -binge 
fe  -b!ab. 

t©truggc  vi  fe  ©trutte. 

Strut()«nc  c  clucking  hen.    ©trutte  vi  cluck. 

'•■©trutte  c  -r  F  wrinkle.    ©truttet  a  wrinkled. 

©truttetrolb  n  woodlouse,  Onincus. 

©trutte  vi  fe  ©troUe. 

t©trutte  c  -r  whim,  craze.  •©truttet  a  crazy, 

©trummel  n  bulky,  shapeless  object.  -fStrum« 
mel  a  bulky.    ©trumte  vi  jolt,  rumble. 

©trumbe  vi  (-*•  vd  -e§),  _  inb,  fammen  shriuk, 
shrivol  (up),  ©frumpen  a  shrivelled,  shrunk. 
©trum^cnQre  renal  atrophy. 

+©tru<)'  fe  ©frub  1. 

©trup'  c  corky  bark. 

©trup'el  c  -pier  (i  begge  33et.)  scru'ple;  gare  ftg 
-pier  ober  make  a  scruple  of,  (ouer  at)  scruple  to. 

t©trup'gal,  -fulten  o.  fl.,  fe  Sfrub=. 

©trut'(te)  c  maw,  belly. 

©trut|te  vi  stoop.  -r^g  c  huuchback,  hump- 
back.    -rtjgget  a  hunchbacked,  humpbacked. 

t©lrub  c  hopper;  •  fe  ©frue. 

©tr»)b  n  (om  5®fel)  bray;  (^groleri)  brag,  boast. 
@trl)b{e  (*f{rBb,  ftrljbt)  vi  bray;  brag,  boast.  -en 
c  brayine  etc.  -er  c  -e  braggart.  -eri'  n  brag- 
giiig.    *@tr^bf)alg  c  braggart. 

t©trJ)ae  vi  fe  ©frotte. 

*©tr»t  0.  fl.,  fe  ©frQb. 

@træb(b)er  c  -e  tailor;  (3nf.)  vine-beettle. 
Lethrus  cephaiotes;  t)t)ab  forflaar  en  -  i  ^elbebe? 
what's  a  pound  of  butter  amongst  a  kennel  of 
houndsV  femten  -e  til  et  $unb  nine  tailors  make 
a  man.  -arbejbe  tailor's  work.  -ben  spindle 
-legs.  -borb  tailor's  shop-board,  -butit  tailor's 
shop.  -breng  tailor's  boy.  ©træbberere  vi 
tailor.  ©træbberlfugt  tailor-bird,  A'j/^*«  «M<oJ'ia. 
*-gut  fe  breng.  -^aanbbært  tråde  of  a  t. 
©træbberinb'c  c  r  tailoress.  Stræbber|tonc 
tailor's  wife.  -frtbt  Spanish  chalk.  -lau  tailors' 
Corporation.  t-Iiberi  fe  i^nat.  -lære:  fætte. 
Bære  el.  ftaa  i  -  apprentice  one  to,  be  apprent- 
iced  to,  a  tailor.  -t«n  money  paid  for  the 
making  of  clothes.  -maat  tailor's  measure. 
•meftcr  fe  ©træbber.  -muftel  tailor's  musde, 
sartorius.  -naate  blunts.  -regning  tailor's  bill. 
-ring  tailor's  thimble.  -fatå  tailor's  scissors. 
-ftienb  journeyman  tailor,  workiug  tailor.  -ft)> 
ning,  '-fem  dress- making,  mantua- making. 
-talje' ^t,  watch  tackle,  -Ⱦrtfteb  tailor's  shop. 
-f©træbre  vt  tailor. 

©træt'  c  terror,  fright,  dread;  fjant  ~  for  stand 
in  terror  el.  dread  of;  fætte  en  i  _  for  noget 
give  one  a  fright  of  something;  faa  en  -  i  fiioet 
get  a  fright.  t-fulb  a  dreadful.  -inbjagenbe  a 
terrifying,  formidable. 

t©trætfe  c  fe  ©faUefluger. 

©trætte  vt  frighten,  terrify,  scare;  +  ~  op,  fe 
Dpftræmme;  +  vi  fammen  start. 

©trætte  vi  ^  i  ©angfpittet  surge  the  capstan. 

©trættebitteb(e)  frighiful  image,  ©trættelig  a 
terrible,  terrific,  dreadful.  —  ®træt|flagen  a 
terror struek.  t-f om  a  fe  ©fræffelig.  -t-fom^eb 
c  dreadfulness. 

©træt'  c  -ler  peel. 




'BUeeitt  n,  pi  =,  crack,  crash,  clap.  @fr(r(be 
f*  crash,  clap,  thunder. 

SfrceØe  vt  peel,  pare;  -  S!aIIen  af  2frugt  pare 
off  the  rind  of  fruit.  -n  o  peeling  etc.  -plot) 
paring  plough.  BttceUinQ  c  paring;  c  -er  (f^gelig 
'IJerlon)  sickly,  puny  person.  —  @frdeI))Ui|e  vt 
pare.    -nitifl  c  paring. 

Sfrccmme  vt  scare;  frighten,  (plubf.)  startle; 
_  fittiet  of  en  frighten  one  out  his  life;  _  op  (en 
(Vugl)  flush.  -biOebe  fe  Sfræffe=.  -flub  empty 
ihreats,  fulmen  brutum.  ®tricmfr(  c  &  n  -f(et 
scare- crow,  bugbear. 

Sfrccnte  vt  (en  Sao)  set. 

Strcenfe  vi  surge,  start. 

Strtcnt  c  -er  slope,  declivity,  (opab)  acclivity. 
^-ntttg  c  b.  f. 

Sfrænt^ltlube  pi  rags  of  packcloth.  -pa))tr 

SIræppe  c  -r  dock,  Rvme.r;  fburdock,  Lappa. 

Slræppe  vi  (om  2@nber  og  ®oe^)  quack,  cackle, 
(om  Rmer)  croak;  fig  (op)  brag.  -ti  c  quacking 

*@fr«pt»e  c  -r  wallet,  scrip.  -ftaubttv,  -tavl 

SfræU  n,  pi  =,  inlerstice  between  the  legs, 
fork;  (Sfrtbt)  stride;  F  bet  goat  oBer  -et  that's 
going  too  far,  that's  too  bad;  oser  el.  paa  -i 
astride,  astraddle  <3tta\>e  vi  stride,  straddle. 
Sfricoé  odv  fe  Sfræb. 

Sfr«6ettg  a  (let  6ræffelig,  flor)  fragile,  brittle; 
'ftjogy  frail,  inflrm,  feeble,  rickety,  shaky;  fig 
'om  ^ocaffertn)  frail;  Slanben  er  »et  rebe&on,  men 
Søbet  er  t  bibl  the  spirit  indeed  is  willing,  but 
the  flesh  is  weak.  -^fj>  c  brittleness,  fragility; 
fig  frailness,  frailty,  fragility,  bibl  weakness,  in- 
firmity.    -Ijebéf^nb  sin  of  infirmity. 

•Slrotnt  n  ghosts  pi,  hobgoblins  pi. 

Stramt  c  feint ,  dissimulation ;  uben  _  un- 
feignedly;  roie  en  paa  ~  praise  one  ironically. 
Sfrømte  vt  &  i  feign,  dissemble,  sham,  slmulate. 

—  Slramtejgraab  feigned  tears.  -r  c  -c  dis- 
s.embler,  hypocrite.  -ri'  n  dissimulation,  hypo- 
crisy.     StrømttttS  adv  feignedly,  ironically. 

.  *Sfr«ne  c  -t  p  romance,  fib,  crammer,  sell, 
cock  -  and  ■  bull  story.  Strøne  vi  tell  stories, 
romance,    -mager  c  -e  romancer,  taradiddler. 

*Sfua  c  skua  (gull),  Lestris  catarrhactei. 

Slub'  n  push,  thrust.  Stnb|be  ut  shove,  push; 
_  til  en  give  one  a  push;  _  fig  fro  slink  away 
from,  shirk;  _  fro  fig  shift  off.  -farre  wheel- 

Sfnb'  n,  pi  =,  (of  plante  ofo.)  shoot,  sprout, 
fofftooret)  cutting,  (meft  fig)  scion;  (meb  St^be- 
DOflben)  shot;  (2obning)  charge;  round  of  ammu- 
nition; fe  Sfob,  Sfobbe;  fe  -vigel;  fe  Sfiæt;  ber  gif 
et  _  a  gun  was  fired;  ber  tjextei  et  _  the  report 
of  a  gun  was  heard;  en  ©ahit  poo  101  _  a  salute 
of  101  guns;  _  poo  -  shot  after  shot;  t  F  gao  f't 

-  jog  on ;  et  _  firubt  a  charge  of  gunpowder ; 
iffe  et  _  firubt  nærb  not  worth  shot  and  powder; 
tomme  poo  _  come  within  gunshot;  get  a  shot 
at;  Ⱦre  i  -et  be  in  luck,  a  favourite.  SInb|aar 
leap-year,  bissextile.  -bag  bissextile  el.  inter- 
calary  day. 

Stubbermub'ber  n  F  goo  i  _  go  to  rack  and 

tSfubbe  it  shake.    Stnbbrt  o  bibl  fe  Snuge. 

Stnbe  c  -r  J:-  vessel;  barge,  sloop,  smack. 
•flipper  bargee,  barge-man,  smacksman. 

Sfnblfaft,  -fri  a  shot-proof,  bullet-proof  -foft 
(om  ^unb)  not  gun-shy;  goo  -fri  fiø  scotfree. 
-flttr«  fe  3flæt.  -^ul  shot-hole.  -linie  line  of 
fire.  -maal  mark  for  shooting  at.  -ntaaneb 
intercalary  month.  -ncev  adv  within  gunshot. 
-port  portcuUis. 

tSfnbre  vi  shudder.  Sfubren  c  shuddering, 

Sfub|rige(  slide-bolt,  sliding-bolt.  -faor  (gun-) 
shot  wound.  -ftlfer^eb  accuracy.  -ffltte  fe  Sl^bc- 
flifte.  -flt)  a  (om  §unb)  gun-shy.  -flqljeb  gun 

Sfubdmaat  »  pi  =,  (written)  character  (of  a 
servant),  testimonial;  jur  demurrer;  ^ooe  et  gobt 
_  bear  a  high  character.  Stubdmaali^lbog 
character- book.     -folfl  forglng  a  testimonial. 

Slublftoi  c  lace-maker's  loom.  -ftarl  a  hard 
to  kill  (by  shooting). 

Slubt  fe  Sf^be  ve. 

tStftbte  rtg  fe  Sfuttc. 

StubltørP  common  peat.  -nge  intercalary 
week.  -Paabcn  pi  flre-arms.  -vant  a  trained  to 
stand  fire.  -Oibbe  rcach  et.  range  (of  gunshot); 
poo  -  within  gunshot.  ubenfot  ~  out  of  gunshot, 
out  of  reach. 

Sfue  n  sight,  show;  fliUe  el.  fcette  til  _  expose 
to  view,  exhibit,  display,  show  up;  bære  til  _ 
make  a  display  of;  bære  fme  Sfelelfer  til  _  carry 
one's  heart  upon  one's  sleeve.  Sine  vt  view, 
behold,  contemplate;  vi  ~  ub  look  out.  -breb 
show-bread,  loaves  of  proposition,  -brøbdborb 
show-bread  table.  -Ilift  passion  for  seeing  .sights, 
curiosity.  -liften  a  desirous  of  seeing  sights, 
eurious,  inquisitive;  be  -ftne  the  sight -seers. 
-mab  fe  -retter,  -mønt  medal.  -n  c  viewing. 
•penge  medal.  -plabS  stage  (of  a  theatre) ;  fig 
scene;  Krigen?  _  the  theatre  el.  scene  of  (the) 
war.  -retter  pi  show-dishes.  -fpil  play;  fi^ 
spectacle,  sight.  -fpilbigter  play-writer,  play- 
wright,  dramatist,  dramatic  author.  -fpil= 
bireftcr  manager  (of  a  theatre).  -fpiHttd  play- 
house.    -H-fptKcnbe  a  joc  histrionic. 

StUCfptUcr  c  -e  actor,  (stage-)player,  performer. 
-in'be  c  -r  actress.  -funft  dramatic  art.  -pro= 
fe^ftou  stage-player's  el.  histrionic  profession. 
-fel^ab  Company  of  actors.  -talent  histrionic 

Sfttffe  c  -r  (f.  ef§.  i  iBorb)  drawer;  (SBærltøj) 
shovel;  en  -  Jforb  a  shovelful  of  earth;  f  of 
farfte  -  first-rate,  tip  top,  crack;  of  fomme  _  fig 
a  leaf  out  of  the  same  book.  Stnffe  vt  (ftuffe 
fommen)  shovel;  (renfe  meb  ©tnffejærn)  hoe;  _  bort 
clear  away. 

Sfuffe  vt  (foige)  disappoint,  deceive,  (Sorttent' 
ninger)  fall  short  of;  -  n  b  e  a  delusive;  en  _  2ig= 
^eb  a  striking  likeness;  —  adv  -nbe  efterligne 
imitate  to  nature;  bet  er  ^berft  -nbe  gjort  it  is  a 
splendid  illusion. 

tSfttfTelbarn  n  foundling.  -bebrøber  Joe  fe 
•t^o.    -f-biUcbe  illusion,  phantom. 

Sfuffecabcncc  c  deceptive  cadence. 

Sfuffeljærn  thrust-hoe,  breast-plough.  •loéfe 
dravver-case.    -loa8  till-lock. 

Sfuffcllbiort  c  fallow-deer.  -Irebå  mantis 
crab,  Squilla  mantis. 

Slu^elfe  c  -r  illusion,  disappoiutment. 

Sfuffc|næbfe©(e^eire.  -plotihorse-shoe  Stnffer 
c  -c  large  buck. 

-fSluffcfpJl  n  delusion. 

StuffejtQU    shop  lifter,     -tflberi  shop-lifliug. 

Stulber  c  -bre  shoulder;  trætle  poo  -brene  shrug 
up  the  shoulders,  shrug  one's  shoulders;  Oebær 
poo  -en!  shoulder  arms!  fe  en  o»er  -brene  look 
down  upon  one;  toge  poo  -brene  shoulder;  rette 
-brene  draw  in  one's  shoulders;  toge  noget  poo 
ben  lette  _  take  somelhing  easy.  Stulbcr|bannb 
shoulder-belt.  -ben  shoulder  bone.  -blnb  shoulder 
-blade,  scapula.  -blot  shoulder-block.  -breb  n 
broad  shouldered.  -bafl  slap  on  the  shoulder. 
-ficebe  scapulary.  -leb  shoulder -joint,  -(»uffer 
pi  shoulder-pufTs.  -rem  shoulder-strap.  -ft^Me 
shoulder -piece.     -føm   shoulder  seam.     -trtcf. 




•tctefning  shrugging  of  the  shoulders,  shrug. 
•oinfel  mil  angle  of  the  epaulement.  -txern 
epaulement.  @tulbre  o«  shoulder;  f  gobt  -t  well 
done.    Stnibring  c  shouldering. 

SIttle  «»■  cast  down  the  eyes,  scowl;  -  til 
»cowl  at;  -nbe  SBlil  scowl.  -n  c  casling  etc, 

^tviltt  vi  slink,  sneak,  skulk;  .  fro  ©lolen,  of 
Sfole  play  (the)  truant,  play  hockey;  —  »>•  _  fig 
fro,  igennem,  inb  i,  til,  fe  Snige.  -»  c  slinking 
etc.  -()ofe  c  F)  -r  c  -e  truant.  -f^g  n  sham 
siok;  bære  _  feign  illness,  malinger,  be  shirking. 
-f^ge  sham  sickness,  malingery. 

éluUe,  ftol',  ffulbe,  ftuUet  vi  &  auxil  be  obliged; 
jeg  (oi)  ffot  (ftuHe)  rejfe  imorgen  (bet  er  foolebeé 
&■  ftemt,  oftalt)  I  am  (we  are)  to  depart  to-morrow; 
(=  moo)  I  (we)  must  depart  to-m.;  (looenbe)  I 
(we)  will  depart  to-m.;  jeg  (di)  ftal  ftroffe  ^om 
(truenbe)  I  (we)  will  punish  him;  bu  '^on,  JJ,  be) 
ffol  goo  (befolenbe),  blioe  belennet  (looenbe),  blibe 
ftvoffet  (truenDe)  you  (he,  you,  they)  shall,  go,  be 
rewarded,  be  punished;  ber  fiol  intet  mangle 
there  shall  be  nothing  wanting;  jeg  ftulDe  (burbe; 
gore  bet  I  ought  to  do  it;  jeg  oibfte  itfe  ^oob  jeg 
ffulbe  gøre,  tro  I  didn't  know  what  to  do, 
believe;  man  ftulbe  tro,  at  .  .  .  one  wonld  think 
that  .  .  .;  f)m$  jeg  nogenfinbe  ftulbe  træffe  ^am  if 
ever  I  chaneed  to  meet  him;  bet  flulbe  gøre  mig 
onbt  I  should  be  sorry  for  it;  bet  ftulbe  jeg  mene 
I  should  think  so ;  boob  ftal  jeg  ?  what  do  you 
want,  what  is  your  pleasure?  ^Bob  ftal  jeg  ber? 
what  am  I  to  do  there,  why  should  I  go  there? 
finob  ftol  jeg  meb  bet?  what  am  I  to  do  with 
tliat?  ^Dob  ftol  bet  til?  what  is  the  use  of  that? 
l)Dab  ftol  bet  bet^be?  what  is  the  meaning  of 
that?  ^oor  ftol  2)e  ^en?  where  are  you  going? 
l&Dor  langt  ftol  bu?  how  far  are  you  going? 
jeg  ftal  til  TOibbog  ^oi  I  am  to  dine  with:  ©fibet 
ftal  til  ^rantrifl  she  is  bound  to  (el.  for)  France; 
jeg  ftol  ub  (f.  etS.  at  fpobfere)  1  am  going  to  take 
a  walk;  ;^unben  ftol  uo  the  dog  wants  to  get 
out;  Sttjrborb  ftol  uære!  port  it  is!  o.  f(.;  noor 
bet  ftol  foo  bære  if  there  is  nothing  else  for  it; 
bet  ftulbe  itte  foo  Ⱦre  it  was  uot  to  be;  ftulbe 
^on  bø  inben  ben  %it  if  he  were  to  die  before 
that  time;  ftulbe  ^on  blibe  fottig  if  he  came  to 
be  poor;  fifulbe  bet  Ⱦre  fonbt?  can  this  be  true? 
jeg  ffulbe  forroobe  min  2Jen?  I  betray  myfriend? 
ffulbe  bet  ^ooe  oceret  ftotten?  could  it  have  been 
the  cat?  ftulbe  bet  Birtelig  Bære  Silfælbet?  I 
wonder  if  it  is  really  the  case?  ^BorlebeS  ftulbe 
jeg  funne  .  .  .  ?  how  should  I  be  able  .  .  .  ?  jeg 
ftal  itte  funne  fige  bet  I  cannot  tell;  ^bob  ftulbe 
jeg  gøre?  how  could  I  help  it?  what  was  I  to 
do?  bctte  ftol  Bære  .  .  .  this  is  intended  to  re- 
present .  .  .;  bet  Bærfte  ftulbe  enbnu  tomme  the 
worst  remained  to  come;  bet  flulbe  not  Bære  en 
SStttigfieb?  it  was  neaut  tobeajoke,  I  suppo«e; 
bu  ftulbe  tun  Bibe  if  you  but  knew;  ^an  ftol  bære 
l)emmelig  gift  he  is  said  to  be  privately  married; 
jeg  ftulbe  ^oBe  Bæret  ber  I  was  to  have  been 
there;  ~  til  be  needed,  required,  indispensable; 
ber  ftol  monge  $enge  til  ot  it  takes  a  good  deal 
of  money  to;  ^on  ftol  til  he  shall  not  escape,  he 
is  in  for  it;  bon  ftulbe  til  at  he  was  in  the  aet 
of;  ber  fiol  fun  libt  til  ot  it  takes  but  little  to. 

tSfuUe  c  -r,  fe  glpnber. 

*@tuUermanti  c  waterman. 

®tttl|)  c  -er  (TOejfel)  gouge. 

6fu()ie  c  -r  silique. 

Sfnnt'  n  scum,  froth,  foam,  spume;  (of  @beb 
el.  ©æbe)  lather;  (om  9Jlunben)  foam;  (poo  £)l  o.  I.) 
froth(-head);  Jpobet  ftob  i  et  ~  the  sea  was  all  in 
a  foam.  @tum|agttg  a  frothlike,  frothy.  -be- 
boclfet  a  covered  with  foam  el.  lather.  -blontft 
speck  of  foam.     -bcelte  belt  of  foam.    -citabe 

frog-hopper,  flea-locust,  Gicada  »pumaria.  -febt 
sktmming  of  boiled  meat.  -ffabc  sheet  of  foam. 
■fulb  a  frothy.  -ffant  ^  skimming-cock,  surface 
-cock,  -^Wib  o  white  as  foam.  -lom  (foam-) 
crest.  -tlæbt  a  fe  -bebæftet.  -loge  vi  boil  viol 
ently.  -fran  fe -^one.  -fæbe  water-chain.  *-lagt 
fe  -bebæftet. 

Stumle  vi  be  splteful,  make  spiteful  el.  ill 
-natured  remarks;  (ober)  cavil,  carp  (at),  traducct 
(one).  -n  c,  -ri'  n  cavilling  etc.  -r  c  -e  caviller, 

Stumme  vi  foam,  froth,  (fun  om  9Jin  o.  I.i 
mantle;  ©æben  -r  the  soap  lathers,  makes  lather 
fig  _  af  9iaferi  foam  (at  the  mouth),  chafe;  _  ober 
foam  over;  —  vt  skim;  -t  SStxlt  skim  milk. 

@fumme(  a  gloomy,  dismal,  lowering,  sinister 
■^eb  c  gloominess,  gloom 

<Sfummen  c  foaming  etc. 

©lummer  (t  &  *)  '*  dusky,  gloomy;  fe  ©tummel 

©fumraelfle,  -folb  fe  ©fum=.  -fpaan  sweating 
-iron  ©tummetmæll^oft  skim -milk  cheese. 
@lumning  c  skimming. 

©lumji  n,  pi  —,  shake,  jolt.  Stumme,  @lum|>U 
vt  shake,  jolt. 

©tumyclflub  n  F  outcast,  scapegoat. 

©tumperie  c  bubble  (of  foam). 

©lumre  vt  grow  dusk. 

-fSlumtig  a  foaming. 

©tumrtttg  c  dusk,  twilight,  «c  gloaming. 

@lum|r«r  J,  scum-pipe.  -famler  (3)mp.)  sedi- 
ment-coUector  -fle  skimmer,  skimming-spoon. 
-fotb  skimmlng-sieve.  -ftang  bottom  bar.  -ftiribe 
streak  of  foam.  -ftieb  lather;  i  _  in  a  lather. 
-fæbe  lathering  soap.  -tOJf)  fe  -tom.  -»in  sparkling 
wine.    -Oreb  a  foaming  with  rage. 

Slup',  ©luppe,  fe  ©tub,  ©fubbe. 

©fur  n.  pi  =,  shed;  (SRegnO  penthouse. 

*@lur  c  -er  (©bge)  shower. 

*®lut  e  cutting  (of  wood  into  boards  or 
planks);  reaping  (of  the  corn),  harvest. 

©lure  c  -r  notch,  nick;  fie  i  ben  gomle  -  in 
th<^  old  groove. 

©lure  vt  scour,  (meb  ©tureften)  holystone; 
(blontt)  polish;  *'rub,  scrape,  chafe;  —  vi  (fien 
Ober,  om  Sfortøj)  grate,  grind;  *  lobe  bet  _  let  it 
pass  (for  botter,  for  worse),  let  matters  rub  on 
anyhow.  @lure|baIjescouring-tub.  -br«t(9Kur.) 
float.  -bænl  scouring-bench.  -lone  charwoman. 
-lugt  smell  of  scouring.  -læber  galling-leather. 
•meUe  (9taolem.)  scouring  mill.  -foub  scouring 
sand.  -fteu  holystone.  -t«nbe  polishing-tub. 
-Bifl  wisp  for  scouring.  i 

tSlu'rgub  c  carven  image,  idol.  J 

©luring  c  scouring.  ©turingSmterler  pi  »eoJj 

@lurl  c  -e  scoundrel,  villain,  knave.  -agfig 
a  villainous,  sconndrelly,  knavish.  -agttgtfeb  r 
villainy.  —  ©lttrle|fj(es  hangdog  face.  -ftreg 
knavish  trick,  villainy. 

*'©lu't|Iiift  sawn  timber,  deals,  -oun  c  harvest 
reaping  season. 

©lu  rpram  c  ^  covered-in  lighter. 

©lurre  vi  grate,  jar;  _  i  Øxene  grate  el.  jai 
upon  the  ear. 

©turremurre  c  bi/ 1  the  losing  game. 

©lurren  c  grating,  jarring. 

©furri'I  a  scur'rilous.    -ite't  c  scurril'ity 

*@lu'r|t«mmer  n  fe  -loft. 

©lurø  c  scurf,  scald-head.  -et  a  scurfy;  bel 
ftol  fforp  Siub  til  -be  ^obeber  desperate  diseasa 
need  desperate  cures,  a  restive  horse  must  hav< 
a  sharp  spiir.    -tfat  mushroom.  i 

*©fuéle  vt  bort  fritter  away,  waste. 

-f@tutrqgget  «  fe  ©trutrtigget. 

©lutte  vr  fig  give  one's  self  a  twist,  shake 
one's  self. 




*®!tt'ttftr<tbet  c   ^  outrigger. 

@ftiabro|ne're  vi  talk  big,  bluster,  vapour. 
-n«'r  c  -er  blusterer. 

Stoalber  c  clamour,  noisy  talk,  verbiage; 
+(S3a9taIelic)  slander.  -bttte  fe  -pofe.  -Qooeb  fe 
(SItjalbret.  -!aoI  gout-weed,  ground  ash,  Æpo- 
podium  podngraria.  -VOfe  tale-bearer,  scandal 
-monger.  @ft>albre  vi  clamour,  raat.  %tval- 
»rm  c  (SBarn?)  crowing.  @ttialbrer  c  -e  ranter, 

Sloal))  n  fe  Sloulp.  @t»al)ie  vt  shake,  agitate; 
et  (i  el.  X><i<^  SSanbet)  plash;  fe  Sfoulpe. 

tSIøat'  c  <&  ?i  splash,  little  drop.  @tt>at!  tnt 
clap !  plump !  ÉtOattc  vi  plump  dovvn ;  vt 
splash;  fig  -  bort  squauder,  dlssipate. 

*'Sf>ii<>  »  wishy-wasliy,  slipslop. 

StQul))  n  ripple.  @ttiu(i)e  vi  (om  S3oIger) 
ripple;  vt  (rQfte)  shake.  @ltiul))en  c  rippling, 

étoæt'  c    ter,  fe  Sloat.   -borti  «  J,  wash  board. 

•gong  wash-strake,  wash-board.    *-I»ber  splash 

leather.    *8fti(ette  it  splash.  spurt,  spatter;  vi 

b.    f.;   fig  _   (til)  get  a    (sudden)    start,    ju^p. 

Stttcette  c  -r  chat,  ISaxicola.  *@!li«ttc«  a  skittish. 

SIQ  [fr.]  c  gravy. 

SI^  c  Or^gt)  fear,  dread  (for  of).  SIfl  uf 
shun,  avold,  eschew;  -r  ingen  SHøje  spares  no 
pains ;  ^on  -r  itfe  nogetiom^elft  he  sticks  at 
Dothing,  nothing  comes  amiss  to  him.  @t^  a 
(om  Jpeff)  shy,  skittish;  fio  shy,  timorous,  shrink- 
ing;  btitje  _  take  frlght,  shy,  start  (at). 

SI^  c  -er  cloud;  ^ojt  i  -,  i  oilben  _  with  all 
oue's  might,  at  the  top  of  one's  voice,  wildly; 
ftæoe  til  -rne  extol  to  the  skies;  jeg  ftob  fom 
falben  fra  -rne  I  was  struck  with  amazemeut, 
F  you  could  have  knocked  me  down  with  a 
feather.  @tq|baute  bank  of  clouds.  -bebaltet 
a  fe  -bællet.  -6rub  sudden  torrent  of  rain,  heavy 
downpo\ir  of  raiu.  -bccU  eloud-belt  -bannelfe 
formation  of  cloud. 

Stqbe,  ftub,  ftubt  vt  &  i  (puffe)  push,  shove; 
(om  2)qr§  |)om)  cast,  shed;  (om  planter)  shoot; 
tj/p  lead;  (meb  St^Beoaoben)  shoot,  fire,  mil  (ogf.) 
practise;  -i  fight  with  pistols;  fire  Kanoner  l)Oor= 
meb  ber  bleo  ftubt  til  bet  ftbfte  four  pieces  of 
cannon  which  were  worked  to  the  last;  _ 
frcjfle)  langt  carry  far;  _  ftaipt  flre  with  ball;  _ 
iblomft  put  forth  flowers;  _  en  gob  gart  make 
good  way;  _  Jpam  cast  the  slough;  -  3fen  thaw; 

-  ftnopper  bud,  put  forth  buds,  _  9iDg  raise  el. 
arch  the  back,  set  up  one's  back;  _  sRobber  strike 
(root);  -  Solen  J,  joc  floor  the  sun;  _  Sotler 
shed  the  horns;  _  SJanb  repel  water;  —  _  af, 
bort,   fe  Slffl^be,   93ortftpbe;  -  efter  shoot  at; 

-  efter  £ob§  fire  guns  for  a  pilot;  _  f  or  ,J,  (Sejl) 
sheet  home;  _  61aaen  for  draw;  slide  el.  slip 
the  bolt;  _  en  en  ftugle  for  *J5anben  blow  out 
oue's  brains,  brain  one;  -  forbi  (om  iJartøj) 
shoot  past;  shoot  ahead  of,  shoot  by;  -  forbi, 
fejl  miss  (the  mark);  fig  ftubt  forbi!  not  a  bit 
of  it!  -  foroder  J,  shoot  ahead;  _  fra  fig 
decline,  refuse,  shift  otT.  -  (fig)  frem  or  project, 
vf  pusli  forward;  _  i  ^xe  run  to  seed;  ftubt  i,  fe 
nbnfx. ;  _  ibjet  shoot  dead;  _  inb,  fe  Snbfttjoe;  _ 
9ii)taar  inb  fire  iu  honour  of  the  new  year;  _  fig  inb 
unber  throw  one's  self  upon,  unber  en  anben  33om« 
ftol  appeal  to  another  tribunal;  ftøb  meb  otte 
fine  Kanoner  flred  all  her  guns;  _  meb  Solen  ^ 
coil  with  the  sun;  _  mob  ©olen  ^  coil  against 
the  sun;  _  neb  poa  pounce  upon,  swoop  upon, 
make  a  swoop  el.  stoop  at;  -  om  i  en  ®abe  strike 
otF  into  a  street;  -  (fig)  op  shoot  (up),  spring 
up,  crop  up;  _  en  Snbe  op  ^1>  coil  a  rope;  - 
c  o  er  @tæon  shoot  ahead;  _  paa  shoot  at,  paa 
et  ©lib  into  a  ship,  blioe  ftubt  paa  be  shot  at; 

-  Striben   paa  lay   the  blame  on;  _  fammen 

(^enge)  subscribe,  club;  _  til  contribute,  add; 
_  til  en  give  one  a  push;  _  tit  Suglen,  til  Slioe 
shoot  at  the  popinjay,  at  a  target;  _  ub  (i  (Jti''"' 
tiben  put  ofiF  (into  the  future);  —  ftpbenbe  a 
galle  spring- bolt;  —  ftubt  a  f  (i)  smitten  (with), 
spoouy  (on).  @tqbe|bane  shooting  gallery;  niill 
practice-ground.  -bante  butt.  -bomulb  gun 
-cotton,  pyroxyline.  -bro  rolling  bridge,  -bntt 
slider,  -bot  sliding  -  door.  -qetxtt  gun.  -I(eft 
shooting -horse,  -^ttl  loop -hole,  embrasure. 
-^unb  sporting  dog.  -IjttS  shooting -box.  -Um 
sliding  shutter.  -tinte  tvp  lead,  white  line. 
-lob  sliding-weight.  -Inge  slide,  sliding  hatch. 
•Iflft  a  light  enough  for  shooting.  -lære  slide 
gauge  -Bial  standing  bevel.  @tqben  c  shoot- 
ing. (3ft)be|ptabå  fe  -bane.  -pott  i  sliding  port. 
-prøoe  firing  trial.  Støber  c  -e  slider.  @f9be|  = 
rigel  slide-bolt.  -felflab  shooting  club.  -flaar 
fe  -bul;  meb  -  loopholed.  -flioe  target,  (til  at 
prene  ©fubetS  firaft)  butt.  -ffolc  shooling-school. 
•fforftentelescope-funuel.  -fpjcelb  slid  in  g  damper. 
-ftong  J,  sliding  gunter-mast  -tabeUer  range 
-tables.  -tong  sliding  tongs.  -baaben  fire-arms. 
•oinbne  sash-window.  -bolb  butt.  -»ægt  sliding 
weight.  -øoelfer  gun  practice,  shot  practice. 
Sf^bning  c  shooting;  mil  practising;  typ  leadiug. 

'■•'■®t^bé  c  conveyance  by  carriage  and  horses 
or  boats,  relays,  (oftinb  )  dawk;  rejfe  meb  -  travel 
in  a  post-chaise:  otte  9Kanb  i  -  eight  oarsmen, 
rowers;  _  og  SJicet  indemnity  for  travelling 
expeuses.  -beregning  seale  of  charges,  -bog 
travellers'  book.  -bonbe  peasant  liable  to  con- 
vey  travellers,  -b^rbe  fe  -pligt.  @tt)bfe  vt  convey 

tSlbbfel  c  -flfr  peel. 

*@tflbé|gut  postillion,  post-boy.  -^eft  post 
-horse,  -torl  fe  -gut.  -lærre  post-chaise.  -to» 
Conveyance  of  Travellers  Aet.  -pttiQe  charge 
(for  conveyance)  -ptigt  burdeu  of  conveying 
travellers,  -flaffer  station-keeper,  post -masler. 
-flafferi  fe  -ftation.  -ffifte  stage,  -ftation  posting 
-station,  post-house,  eoach-oftice,  coaching-iuu, 
«c  t  changehouse,  (Oftinb.)  dawk  bungalow. 

StQlbsIIe  cover  el.  canopy  of  clouds.  -battet 
a  cloud-covered.  (Sf^e  v  imp  bet  r  (paa)  il  is 
getting  cloudy,  clouds  are  gathering;  -å  vd 
become  cloudy.  Sl^et  a  cloudy.  @t4lfa(b  fe 
-brub;  fairy- butler,  Tremella.  -farbet  a  cloud 

SfQffel  c  -fler  thrust-hoe.    Stifte  vt  hoe. 

®t^'|*flofe  cloudlet.  -fri  a  cloudless,  uu- 
clouded,  without  a  cloud.  -fri^eb  cloudless- 
ness.    -fnlb  a  cloudy,  overclouded. 

Sfljggc  c  -r  (mobfat  f.  ©t«.  £Q«)  shade;  (Slag= 
ftpgge  af  en  (Senftanb)  shadow;  (p.  i}at)  brim  (of 
a  hat);  (p.  ^ue)  visor,  cap-peak,  neb;  Solftin  og 
_  sunsliine  and  shade;  en  ren  _  (mager)  a  mere 
shadow;  rneé  SRige  the  realm  of  shades,  ilte  - 
af  Opftanb  not  the  ghost  of  an  insurrection ;  en 
_  af  ^oat  ^an  før  i)at  oærot  the  ghost  of  his 
former  self;  -n  af  et  %xce,  en  SKanb  the  shadow 
of  a  tree,  a  man;  lab  oi  lægge  08  i  -n  ni  bette 
%tæ  let  us  lie  down  under  the  shade  of  this 
tree,  ligge  i  -n  lie  in  the  shade;  ftifle  i  -en  fig 
throw  el.  cast  into  the  shade,  dwarf;  træbe  i  -n 
be  eclipsed,  thrown  into  the  shade;  tafte  -  pao 
throw  a  slur  on.  @tl)gge  vi  shade;  -  for  ob- 
scure,  mask;  _  for  en  stand  iu  one's  light;  _ 
for  jSjnene  shade  one's  eyes;  vt  (i(^attere)  »hade; 
f  tagget  hegning  shadow-drawing.  @tl)gge|agtig 
a  shadowy.  -bille  stinking  •  beetle,  Tenebrio. 
-biUebe  shadow,  phautom.  -blanbtng  shadiug 
(in  drawing).  -bol  shady  vale.  -breni  day 
-dream.  -fifl  umbra,  -fri  a  free  from  shade. 
•fngl  umbre,  Scopus  umbretta  -fnlb  o  shady, 
umbrageous.   -fagtning  flghting  with  shadows. 

•øang  shady  walk.  -^nt  broad-brimmed  hat. 
•n«P  poet  army  of  shadows.  -longe  inockking. 
■Ilti  life  of  a  shadow,  imaginary  el.  impotent 
life.  -lunb  shady  grove,  -lære  sciagraphy. 
-f«8  a  without  shade ,  shadowless ,  shadeless; 
bl!  e  the  ascii  el.  ascians.  -moreller  morellos. 
-tiarti  shady  part.  -))lanter  shade-loviug  piants. 
-rib§  outline.  -rige  realm  of  shades.  -ræb  a 
afraid  of  a  shadow  -pbe  shady  side;  fig  dark 
el.  unfavourable  side,  blemish,  drawback.  -jlsr 
poet  shadowy  veil.  -f^it  magic  lantern,  scioptics; 
shadowy  images,  -tegning,  -træf  fe  -ribs.  -t\i- 
oærelfe  life  of  a  shadow.  -tierbcn  (inbbiibt  25) 
shadowy  el  imaginary  world;  ($.  beboet  af  Sf pager) 
world  of  shades.  -Ⱦrt  shadow.  Stagning  c 

@ft)t)ot)  n  sea  of  clouds. 

Sfqfieb  c  shyness. 

©t^lMntrael  region  of  the  clouds.  -tn>j  a 
reaching  to  the  clouds,  towering. 

©ft)'(f)(a|>^)er  pi  blinkers,  blinds,  winkers;  for« 
ft}net  meb  ~  blinkered. 

@ft)t'  n,  pi  =,  deluge  of  rain,  drencher. 

@t^Iag  n  stratum  of  clouds. 

©f^Ib  c  (SBrøbe;  guilt,  offence;  f^fo^^feclff)  blame, 
fault;  (bet  man  fft)Ibcr  bort)  debt;  (Slfgift)  rent, 
taxes;  forlab  oé  bor  _  Uhl  forgive  us  our  tres- 
passes;  bet  er  it!e  min  _  it  is  not  my  fault;  bet  er 
bereS  egen  -  it  is  their  own  faultfs);  bet  oar  min 
egen  ~  I  had  myself  to  blame;  bet  er  altfammen  bin 

-  it  is  all  along  of  you,  all  your  doing;  bære  _ 
be  in  fault;  bon  ^ar  ben  ftørffe  -  he  is  most  to 
blame;  faa,  ^a^t  ~(en)  for  nt  bear  the  blame  of 
somethipg;  gibe  en  _  for  nt  lay  something  to 
one's  charge,  charge  st  upon  one;  for  ®ubé  _ 
for  God's  sake,  for  tlie  love  of  God;  for  min, 
banS  -  for  my,  his,  sake;  for  bere§  atle?  -  for 
all  their  sakes;  for  min  -  maa  ^on  gerne  !omme 
he  may  come  for  aught  I  care ;  for  ben  Sog§  _ 
for  the  matter  of  that,  if  it  comes  to  that ;  for 
SøjetS  -  for  (the  sake  of)  fun,  for  the  fnn  of 
the  thing;  -en  ligger  5  o  §  ^am  the  fault  lies  at 
his  door,  he  is  in  fault;  bære  _  i  be  the  cause 
of;  ieg  par  ingen  -  i  bet  it  is  no  fault  of  mine; 
ftao  ^øjt  i  -  be  heavily  taxed;  tage  en  ^aa  fig 
take  the  blame  (on  one's  self),  take  the  thing 
on  one's  self,  take  the  fault  to  one's  own  door; 
uben  -  blameless,  innocent.  ®f^lb|tielobt,  -bc- 
tqnget  a  guilty.  -bebibft  a  couscious,  guilty. 
•bebibft^eb  consciousness  (of  guilt).  -bog  fe 
^orbebog.  -breb  bond.  *-boter  standard  of  taxa- 
tion  in  Norway.  -brting  fe  -fætning.  ®fl)(be, 
-te,  -t  it  fe  SBefttjIbe;  (bære  i  ®ælb)  owe,  be  in 
debt,  be  indebted  for;  (bære  ftt)Ibfat)  be  taxed 
for;  _  ®ub  og  poer  ^iJJanb  be  over  head  and  ears 
in  debt;  jeg  -r  meget  I  owe  much;  jeg  -r  %am 
meget  fig  I  am  deeply  indebted  to  him,  he  has 
streng  claims  upon  me;  jeg  -r  big  at  I  owe  it 
to  you  that  el.  (meb  Snf.)  to;  jeg  »eb  ftoab  ber 
-§...!  know  what  is  due  to  .  .  .;  ben  Ubmærlelfe 
ber  -8  .  .  .  the  distinction  due  to;  —  vi  -  paa 
lay  tlie  blame  on.  Sf^tbfolf  pi  relations,  -fri 
a  guiltless,  blameless.  -fri^eb  giiiltlessness, 
blamelessness.  -grunb  reason  of  indebtedness. 
-l)erre  creditor.  St^lbig  a  (fagfftjlbig)  guilty; 
(fom  er  i  @ælb)  indebted,  owing;  (forpligtet  til) 
liable,  bound;  bære,  gure  fig,  _  i  be  guilty  of; 
gøre  fig  ~  i  en  gejltagelfe  fall  into  an  error;  btioe 
en  nt  -  remain  one's  debtor  for  st ;    blibe   Sbar 

-  return  no  auswer;  btcb  barn  if!e  ©bar  -  gave 
him  tit  for  tat;  ^uiOcn  fenbte  ^am  ~  the  jury 
fonnd  him  guilty,  brought  in  a  verdict  of 
guilty.  St^lbtgtieb  c  duty,  obligation;  (bet  at 
Ⱦre  forpligtet)  liability.  Stqlbner  c  -e  debtor; 
fom  bi  forlabe  bore  -e  bibl  as  we  forgive  them  that 
trespass   against   us;  gøre  en  til  fin  -  lay  one 

under  obligation.  ©t^Ib] offer  hibl  trespass-offer 
ing.  -fættc  It  tax,  assess  (iand);  *encumbei 
With  debt.    -fætning  taxation,  assessment. 

®tl)ligf|t  a  i  skylight.  -luge  s.  hatch.  -f))rintel 
s.  grating.    -ftøtter  s.  crutclies. 

Stalle  vt,  wash,  (meb  en  SRængbe  SJanb] 
flush;  _  TOnnben  rinse  one's  mouth;  _  bort,  bæl 
wash  away,  sweep  away;  _  oberborb  wash  over- 
board;  bølgerne  -be  ponS  Sig  op  vd'^i  Stranbbrebben 
his  dead  body  was  wash  ed  ashore  by  the 
waves;  >  i  fig,  neb  swill  (down;,  wash  dowu; 
—  vi  SSanbft  -be  igennem  9la6ningen  the  water 
rushed  through  the  opening;  _  imob  wash ;  bet 
-be  neb  ben  pele  SfJat  it  poured  down  all  night. 
(SI»)IIe  c  -r  fe  Sttjl.  @It)IIe|bab  shower- bath. 
-bæl  torrent.  -^alSguzzler.  -far  rinsing-trough. 
-fo|)  slop-ba.sin.  -ffaat  rin.sing- bowl.  -flufe 
scouring-sluice.  -ften  gutter-stone.  -truglinsing 
-trough.  -te\  clothes  to  be  rinsed.  -banb  rinse 
-water,  dish-water.    SfQining  c  rinsing. 

Stt)(|i  fe  Sfjølp. 

©ftjljrcgn  heavy  downpourof  rain,  rain  falling 
in  torrents.    -regne  vi  pour  down. 

@ft)|l«§  «  cloudless,  -maSfe  fe -banfe.  -f-mnlnt 
fe  -mørle.  -mængbe  quantity  of  clouds.  -mørt 
a  cloudy,  clouded.    -ntørfe  doudiness. 

Sf^nbe,  (meft)  -te,  -t  vi  paa  en  urge  d.  hurry 
one  OU;  fe  *|SaafTtl)nbe;  —  -^ct  fe  Stlftpiibe;  —  vr  fig 
hasten,  haste,  hurry,  make  haste;  ffpnbbig! 
make  haste,  be  quick,  look  sharp!  (meb  bet 
about  it);  {)an  -bte  fig  pjem  alt  ^bab  pan  funbe  he 
made  the  best  of  his  way  home.  -t-@fbnbe(ig, 
t@f»)nbigt  adv  hastily,  fe  ©ftjnbfomt.  ©fjjnbing 
c  haste,  hurry.  @tt)nbfom  a  hasty,  hurried;  -t 
wtn  hastily,  in  haste,  -fi  in  the  greatest  haste, 
with  all  pos.sible  speed. 

tSftjne  c  -r  proo  penthouse,  lean-to. 

Sftjinær  n  reaching  to  the  clouds.  -^jiet 
cloudlct.  -pumpe  water- spout.  -ranb  border 
of  a  cloud.  -rift  rent  in  the  clouds.  -ræffer 
tree  of  heaveu,  Japan  varnish-tree,  Ailant 
glandnlosa.  -fautler  poet  cloud-compeller.  -fcjfj 
-ffraber  ^^  skysail.  -feflSfalb  skysail  tack  (o.  fl.)_ 
-fpætter,  -ftænf  cloudlets  -ftribe  narrow  band 
of  cloud.  -ft«ttc  pillar  of  cloud;  n  the  pillaj 
of  the  cloud. 

=f®f»)t'  n  fe  ©f^tS. 

Sf^tgult  n  Dutch  pink.  , 

©f^t^lcr  c,  vi  =,  Scylhian.  -ten  n  Scythia 
-iff  a  Soythiau. 

®f»jt| lanterne  flghting  lantern.  -rulle  statioE 
bill  for  quarters. 

@ft)t§  n  ordnance,  artillery;  et  St^ffe  _  a  piec« 
of  ordnance;  foært  _  heavy  ordnance, 

Sf^tå  c  protection,  guard.  -oonb  guardian 
spirit,  tutelary  genius,  -engel  guardian  angcl 
-gub  tutelary  god  el.  deity  patron-deity.  -gub' 
inbe  tutelary  goddess.  -betgen  tutelary  saintj 
patron  saint. 

@ft)t8Inbc  c  gun-carriage. 

®ft)t§| magter  pi  protecting  powers,  -patroit 
fe  -fielgen. 

St^tSlprom  floating  battery.  -ruHe  fe  Sf^t 
-bogn  artillerv  waggon. 

®ri)tte  c  fe  ®ft)ttel 

^tifttt  [i.]  c  -r  .sash-gate.  j 

®f^ttc  c  -r  (*F  ®ft)tter  c.  -e)  marksman,  shol^ 
(aniat  ^æger)  huntsman,  gamekeeper;  fe  -fift, 
-n  ant  Sagittarius,  the  Archer,  -feft  shootin; 
match,  -fiff  archer-fish,  Toxotes  jaeulalor.  -fo 
ening,  -gilbe  rifle-corps,  company  of  volunteers 
-grop  riflepit.  -bunb  fe  3agt=.  -^uS  game 
keeper's  lodge.    -torpS  fe  -forening. 

®tbttel  c   er  shuttle. 

®ft)tte|Iag  fe  -forening.  »Støtter  fe  SfQtte  3. 
*®ft)tteri  n  f  (ogt )  t  proi^)  shooting. 




•Sf^tte  et  fe  Stu66e,  6fQbe. 

S!æ  bne  c  r  fate,  destiny,  fortune;  -n  fate 
oiu.;  fiiibe  fig  i  fin  .  be  resigned  to  one's  fate; 
iitnn  mao  finbe  fig  i  -n  what  cannot  be  cured 
must  be  endured;  »cere  tilfrebS  meb  fin  _  be  con- 
tent€d  with  ono's  lot;  -n  Oilbe  bet  anberlebeS  the 
fdtes  ordained  otherwise;  Sat  -  !  that's  like  my 
luck!  I  like  ihat  now!  •gu))tnberne  ;;/  the 
fatal  el.  weird  Sisters,  the  Destinies.  -rifl  a 
ovv'utful.  -ffifte  change  el.  vicissitude  of  for- 
fortune.  -ftqrenbe  «  fate  controlUng.  -foanger 
a  eventful,  fatefiil,  fatal,     -tro  fatalism. 

©tæfte  n -t  stock  (ofagun),  butt-eud.  Slæfte 
vt   om  «»§fe)  stock;  (f.  df«.  om  et§e)  haft. 

S!æfte|ftt)!te  piece  for  mending  the  stock  of 
a  gun.    -træ  wood  flt  for  gun-stocks. 

étæg'  n  (Xnj)  shag. 

<Slæfl  C^Sf  jceg')  n  beard;  5"  barb;  (aitJef.)  awn; 
(Jpancf.)  \vattle,  (^aa  PfterS)  beard;  (JagO  eaves; 
(p.  ^Qt)  curtain;  (p.  Slrtiftot)  choke,  ^  cutwater; 
*{paa  92øgle)  bit;  -  ooer  ^elc  ^Infigtet  a  fuU  beard; 
ftrQi;.»  fig  om  -get  stroke  one's  beard;  mumle  i 
-gct  mutter  Indistinctly,  murmur  in  one's  beard; 
lé  i  -get  laugh  in  one"'s  sleeve;  t  tale  rent  ub  af 
■get  speak  out.  @t(ea|abc  (fort)  wanderoo  monkey, 
Macacus  »ilenus.  -v^rftc  brush  for  the  whiskers. 
-fugl  barbet,  Buceo.  —  @fa;gge|grib  fe  iiommc'. 
-græå  beard-grass,  Åndropogon.  •(eontng  jig 
lieeltap.  -ffrabcr  shaver,  -fæbe  shaving-soap. 
SlÆgget  a  bearded.  @fægge|traob,  -troetil  {x>o^a 
5iff)  barbel. 

Sfæglgøg  fe  -fugl.  -tiaor  hair  of  the  whiskers. 
•tam  comb  for  the  whiskers.  -far))e  barbel, 
Cvprinus  barhw.  -iQU  neck-lace  moss,  U^nea 
hnrbata.  -Iflå  u  beardless,  unbearded.  -I«§^eb 
c  beardlessness.  -manb  bearded  fellow.  -jttejfe 
bearded  titmouse,  Furus  biarmictis.  •ncKif  sweet 
-William,  Dianthun  barbatus.  -f^ge,  -^eft  pityri- 
asis.    -traab  fe  ©fægge«. 

©fæl'  n,  pi  =,  scale;  *pl  museles,  shells;  bet 
folbt  fom  _  fra  ^an?  pjne  the  scales  fell  from 
his  eyes.  -agtig  a  fe  -baunet.  -banfc  bank  of 
Shell,  -bnnb  bottom  of  shell.  -bannct  a  scaly, 

Stalhe,  -te,  -t  vt  (ub)  scold,  abuse,  rail  at, 
revile;  _  en  for  en  Stjo,  9Jibbtng  call  one  a  thief, 
villaln;  -  en  ^uben  fulb  abuse  one  like  a  piek 
-pocket;  +  ■«,  fe  ©tænbel.  @f(C(ben  c  scolding 
etc.  Sfotlbéorb  abusive  term,  (term  of)  abuse; 
betale  _  meb  _  bibl  render  railing  for  railiug. 

StaljbQc  mani.s  -bceltet  'i  covered  with 
scales,  sealy.  -finncbe.  -ftnncfiffe  pi  squamipens. 
©toeQc  vt  scale;  vi  _  af  desquamate.  ©tæUct  a 

&atm  c  -er  rogue;  bin  _  you  rogue;  jo  fterre 
-,  jo  bebre  2t)(re  the  more  knave,  the  better  luck; 
IiaDe  en  _  bog  Pret  be  up  to  some  mischief. 
@tac(miagtig  u  fe  Sfoelmft.  Slælmeri'  n  roguery, 
roguishuess,  waggishness.  ©tæltnft  a  roguish, 
waggish.  Sfælmfftieb  c  -eri.  —  ©tælmS|meftet 
rogue.     -ftrcg,  -fttjHe  knavish  el.  rascally  trick. 

@f(e(|mcrgcl  slicUmarl  •)ianfer  scale  armour. 
•(ittnfel  scollop  puncheon.  -)ielft  fe  Sø=.  -rob 
toothwort,  Lathraa.  -«|Qg  rough-scale  back, 
Lepidonotut.    -{anb  shelly  sand. 

iSfaeloe  (ogf.  fljalo,  *ftalo)  vi  tremble,  shake. 
-II  c  trembling,  tremble. 

@t(e(|oinge  scaly  wing.  -Oingct  a  lepidop- 
terous,  scaly-winged;  -ebe  pi  lepidopters.  -UotSet 
o  A  overgrown  with  mussels.  -egtc  scaly  lizard. 
effemme  vt  (forbæroe)  disfigure,  deform,  spoil; 
(gøre  Sfam)  dishonour;  •_  bort,  ub  spoil;  t  -  f<8 
fall  away  el.  off,  t=  Stamme  fig;  *-  ftg  ub  dis- 
grace one's  self.  , 

@I<cnit  c  (tn)  sport,  mirth,  jest,  joke,  pleas- 
antry,   banter;   i  _   in  jest;   btire  _  meb  en 

with  el.  make  fun  ofone.  ©tamt«  w»  joke,  iest. 
banter.  —  @tÆmte{btgt  facetious  poem,  satire. 
-fttlb  a  facetious,  sportive,  jocose.  -fulbtieb  fe 
©læmtfomfieb.  -n  c  joking  etc.  -»lé  ndv  jok- 
ingly>  jestingly.  -ttifc  comic  song.  ©toemtfem 
a  Te  -fulb.  ©tccmtfomfteb  c  jocularity,  facetious- 
ness,  jocoseness. 

©tænb  n,  pi  =,  (*ogf.  -er)  scolding,  chiding, 
rating,    tjan  fit  mange  -  he  got  a  good  scolding. 

©ttcnbe  vt  spoil,  deface;  destroy,  ruin;  _  en 
$ige  violate  a  maiden;  _  og  brcenbe  ravage  with 
fire  and  s  word. 

©tftnbe,  -te,  -t  et  )faa.  scold,  chide,  rate;  — 
ffænbeS  vd  scold,  brawl,  squabble,  wrangle, 
bandy  words.  -brett  scolding  letter.  -flflEft 
scolder,  brawler.    -n  c  scolding  etc. 

©tstiben  c  destroying  etc.  (fe  Sfænbe  1.). 

©ta;nbe))rætcn  c  rating,  ©tænberi'  n  brawl- 
ing;  squabble,  quarrel. 

©tænbig  a  disgraceful,  infamous,  nefarious, 
opprobrious.  -beb  c  -er  disgracefulness,  infamy, 
opprobrium;  infamous  deed.  ©tcenbfel  c  -fler 
iufamy,  disgrace,  dishonour,  ignominy.  ©titltb= 
fclégerning  infamous  deed. 

©ifænbé|maal  fe  Sfænberi.    -orb  fe  ©tænb. 

©tænc  c  bog-rush,  Schoenun. 

©tfcnt  c  -e  (.©tænfeborb)  sideboard,  buflfet;  (i 
Rroftue)  bar. 

^tænt  c  (®abe)  gift,  present,  donation,  ©tante 
vt/{^\W)  present  (witli),  make  a  present  of,  give; 

-  en  ©ag  fm  Cpmættfom^eb  bestow  one's  atten- 
tion upon  a  thing;  -be  ^ani  min  gortrolig^eb  ad- 
mitted  him  into  my  coufidence,  icg  elffer  bem, 
fom  -be  mig  iJioet  I  love  those  who  gave  me  life; 
man  -be  ^am  Sinet  (af  Sltaabe)  he  was  pardoned; 
®ub  be  fiam  et  lanjt  SJit)  God  granted  him  a  long 
life;  SReften  -r  jeg  33em  you  need  not  trouble  your- 
self  about  the  rest,  uever  mind  the  rest. 

©tænte  vt  (SSin,  pt  ofo.;  pour  (out)  (wine,  ale); 

-  %e  pour  out  the  tea;  _  fulb  fill;  —  o«:  fian  -be 
i  ®ta8iet  he  fllled  the  glass,  he  poured  wine 
(etc.)  into  the  glass;  _  for  en  fill  one's; 
ftænf  i  (®Ia?fet)!  fill  the  glass!  ©fæntelbotb, 
-bifl  fe  ©tænl.  -tanbe  jug,  can.  +©t«nteii  c 
(i)  fillin.g  of  the  glasses.  ©tcenter  c  -e  tapster. 
©fftnfeiftue  taproom.  -foeRb  fe  Soelberfoenb. 
©tænfniitg  c  pouring  etc. 

©tæ})pe  c  -r  half  a  bnshel  C/s  Xønbe);  bibl 
bushel;  fe  Bo«,  ©alt.  ©t«p<»e  vi  yield.  -maat 
half-bushel  measure.  -jpofe  bag  containing  half 
a  bnshel.    -»lå  adv  by  the  half-bushel. 

©tær  a  sheer,  pure,  (fiøb)  solid,  meaty. 

©tær  c  common  saw-wort,  Serratula  tinctoria. 

©t«r  n,  pi  =,  (2q8)  gleam,  glimmering;  (gattie) 
cast,  tinge,  tint. 

©tær  n,  pi  =,  (af  $lob)  share;  "(p.  9føgle)  bit. 

Stær  n,  p/  =,  rock,  skerry,  (umibbelbart  unber 
aSonbflaben)  shelf;  et  blinbt  _  a  sunken  rock;  en 
fRæfte  af  -  a  ledge  el.  ridge  of  rocks.  ©tier|anb 
golden-eye,  Clangtda. 

©tære,  fTar,  ftaaret  vt  cut;  fe  ®ilDe;  J,  (ft^re) 
sheer;  _  Slnfigter  make  faces;  _  <J5enne  make  pens; 
_  a;ænber  grind  (F  grit)  one's  teeth;  _  binowben 
geom  intersect;  -  fig  (om  aKoelt)  turn;  _  ®ampen 
af  cut  oflf  the  steam;  -for  carve;  _  i  %x<z  carve 
in  wood;  fiffet  r  mig  i  Øjnene  the  light  hurts 
my  eyes;  _  fig  i  fingeren  cut  one's  finger;  _  i  to 
®ele  divide;  bet  -r  mig  i  fjertet  it  cuts  me  to 
the  heart;  ben  ftar  igennem  SSanbet  she  cleaved 
through  the  water;  _  en  (Snbe,  Søber,  inb  el.  i 
^  reeve  a  rope,  fall;  _  ftg  inb  i  cut  into;  _  (en 
^ængt)  neb  take  down;  _  op,  fe  Dpftcere;  t  talk 
big;  "_  op  en  $en  make  a  pen;  -ooer  cut;  - 
^alfen  oder  poa  fig  cut  one's  throat;  _  aUe  o»et 
een  Ram  measure  all  with  the  same  ell,  judge 
all  by  the  same  rule;  _  fiQ  b  a  a  en  Snip  cut  one'a 




self  with  a  knife;  _  til  cut  out;  _  «b  cut  out; 
_  en  @nbe,  Siøber  ub  J,  unreeve  a  rope,  fall;  _ 
ub  (f.  ffif«.  ©fi6)  cut  out;  aSaaben  ftar  unber 
meb  SSoBen  the  boat  was  towed  bows  under;  — 
ffærenbe  n  cuttlng;  fio  (Stemme)  harsh,  (TOobf.) 
glaring;  _  3[nftrument  edge-tool;  »ftooren  2aft 
cnt  timber;  "fTaareii  SJlælf  turned  milk.  ®Iærc|= 
irat  cuttlng-board.  -Iiænt,  -lifte  fe  ^attelfettfte. 
-fjtiti  cutter.  -i-@f(rren  c  cutting  (sensation). 
©fært H»a§fer  cutting-compasses.  -ramtne  warp- 
ing-mlll.  -fittte  cutter,  -tant  incLsor  (tooth). 
•tett)  (e  ftlob8=.    -nærl  slittlng-roller. 

@f«rf  n,  pi  =,  .scarp,  sash,  (til  ^alfcn,  8Reife=) 

Sfærlflflorb   c  belt  of  rocks  and  islands  gird- 
mx  the  coast.    -gaarbSfnrWj  gunboat  for  home 
defence.   -gaarb^flaiibe  flotilla  for  home  defence. 
-fltjng  ^  stringer. 
Sfæ'r^eb  c  pureness. 

Slæring  c  cutting.  —  @Iæring§|Iinie  line  of 
inrersection.    -tiunit  point  of  intersection. 
Sttt'tlint  c  ^  hammock  clueline. 
Stit'tHnie  c  ^  rising  line. 
®t(erm  c  f+  «)  -e  <fe  -er  (for  SSinben,  Stjfet,  ffalleb 
ornen  oftj.)  screen;  (for  jSjnene,   Sompe=)  shade; 
(».  ©ue)   front-shade;   (SJmp.)  casing;    ^  umbel; 
.^(7  cover,  screen.    -alS  dew-grass,  Setaria.    -ortte 
jagged  chickweed,  HoloHeum  nmbellatum.  -IiIont= 
ftret   n    umbelliferous.      -6ræt    folding-screen. 
-bannet  a  umbrella-shaped,  umbellate.    ©lærnte 
»1/  screen,   shield,    shelter,  guard;   (befttjtte)  pro- 
tect  (mob  from).     @f(srme(fe  c  screening  etc. 
@f(erm|f)at  fe  5?alb=.    -tilante  umbelliferous  plant. 
-trtft  roof,  cover,    -telt  mil  tente-abri. 
éfæ'rmuå  c  shrew-mouse,  Sorex  araneus. 
@færmt)(eg  e  screen. 

SficrtnQb'fel  c  -fter  skirmish,  passage  at  (el. 
of)  arms.    @t(crmt)bfe're  vi  skirmish. 

Stcttp  n  claim,  prospect-hole,  place  where 
metal  has  been  tried  for.  Stterpe  vi  search 
for  ore,  try  for  metal,  prospect,  costean. 

Stterpe  vt  sharpen;  (om  ^eft)  rough-shoe; 
(WJøIIeften)  edge;  (Straf)  aggravate;  _  Slppettten 
give  an  edge  to  el.  whet  the  appetite;  —  et  ^ 
brace  up,  _  !Iob8  brace  sharp  up;  —  ffcerpenbe 
"  (Cmftænbiglieber)  aggravating  fcircumstanees); 
f  færget  a  (ftontrol  o.  1.)  more  rigorous  el.  strict. 
@fær))|elfc,  -nfng  c  sharpening  etc,  J>  brac- 
ing  up. 

^tte'r\pif)cr,    -pxplatU    shore    pipit,    Anthua 
nqvaticus.     -fot  a  thrown  on  a  rocky  lee-shore. 
Sf«'r§ilb  c  purgatory;  i  -en  in  purgatory. 
Sfærffi'bcr  c  -e  (knife-,  scissor)  grinder. 
©lærfom'mer  c  the  month  of  June;  iJoe«early 
Sfrt'rftof  o  i,  (\  35æl)  carling,   (i  Suge)  ledge. 
Stærtot-å'bag  c  Maundy-Thursday. 
Stcenilb  c  flocks. 
Sfærti  c  -e  mite,  portion. 
©færoer  pi  broken  stones;  (af  Wurften)  brick- 

tSfættc  vt  swingle,  scuteh.  -blaor,  -folb 
swingling-tow.  iStætnittg  c  swingling.  iStcettel 
c  swingle. 

Slati  a  (Dinb,  forbrejet)  wry;  (^ælbenbe;  f!raa) 
oblique;  (frummet,  frum)  crooked;  (gifte'^ale) 
hoterocercal;  en  _  gflabe,  SSinfel  an  oblique  plane, 
angle;  en  _  S)om  a  perverse  judgment;  en  -  ©til= 
linfl  a  false  el.  wrong  position;  bet  -e  S^aarn  i 
$ifa  the  leaning  tower  of  Pisa;  ftn  -e  ®ang  any- 
how;  goor  fine  Stabler  -e  wears  his  boots  on  one 
side;  —  ftcEDt  udv  awry,  aslant,  on  one  side, 
aslope,  obliquely;  fe  -t  til  look  on  with  an  evil 
eye,  look  askance  at,  have  a  dislike  to,  tum 
up  one's  nose  at;  bet  goar  t  matters  are  golng 
wrong.     &ct)i\btntt  a  crooked-legged,    bandy 

legged.  -Mob  begonia.  -Blabet  a  oblique-leaved . 
Sfflcue  vi  til  look  askance  at;  +(ftraane)  slant;  - 
+  vt  slant. 

©!ætie  c  -r  (f.  ef§.  af  $ør)  shive;  n  i  bit 
S3rober§  ^je  hihl  the  mote  in  thy  brother's  eye. 

tStæs'er  c,  prov  fe  ftirtelf^ge.  -tnttber  p'l  fe- 

<3tæ't)|6a(S  med  wry-neck,  torticollis.  -^alfet 
a  wry-necked.  -^eb  c  wryness,  obliquity,  oh- 
liqueness;  curvature  of  the  spine;  fio  obliquiiy, 
perversity.  -munbet  «  wry-mouthed.  -nafet  n 
having  a  wry  nose.  -rigget  a  having  a  dis- 
torted  spine.  -f^n  warped  judgment.  -»inllet 
a  oblique-angled. 

®f«b  n,  pi  =  &  -er  (af  tjole,  graffe)  tail,  flap 

@f*b  n,  pi  =,  lap,  knees;  fig  bosom;  tog  ^oir; 
X)aa  -et  set  him  on  his  knees;  i  fin  gamilie§  _  ic 
the  bosom  of  one's  family;  fl^tlenS  _  the  lap  of 
fortune;  i  9lbra^am§  _  in  (into)  Abraham's  bosom 
i  SirfenS  _  within  the  pale  of  the  church;  lægge 
Jpænberne  i  -et  sit  idle,  do  nothlng,  let  things 
take  their  course,  fold  one's  bands,  stand  aloof, 

©I«b  imp  af  SItjbe. 

©!«b(e)  n,  -er  ^i,  sheet.  @tøb{arin  spider. 
•Barm  clue.    -filol  sheet-block.    -bolt  clue  piece. 

@tobe  n  -r  deed  of  conveyance;  tinglceft  - 
(omtr.)  registered  title,  judicial  declaration  of 
tltle,  land  certiflcate.    ®!«be  vt  convey. 

Sf^beliarn  n  infant,  baby;  Jig  darling  child 
favourite;    Si^{fen§  _  the  spoilt  child  of  fortunq 

Støbcbrct)  n  fe  Sføie. 

Stebel^unb  lap-dog,  toy  dog.  +-I9ft  darlinf 

Sfebe  (og  *J5onte)|»rotoIoI  register  of  estatef 
and  titles. 

<3tøbe@(«§  a  careless,  heedless,  negligent  (mel 
of  el.  about);  (f.  @fS.  Stil)  slipshod.  -^eb  <•  car4 
lessness,  heedlessness,  negligence. 

©f«befl)nb  c  besetting  sin,  favourite  siil 
bosom  .sin,  darling  foible. 

-^®f«betrejc  c  lapelied  bodice. 

©feb|J)c!S  <!,  spectacle  shackle.  -Uampt  thuml 
-cleat  -ftiægtc  sheet-bltts.  -Ia|)  lap(plate).  -Ifj 
clue-rope.    -løjert  clue. 

©løbning  c  transfer  (of  land),  conveyanchij 

Sfø'bl^Iabe  i,  lap-plate.  -f{ilb)iabbe  chee 
(block).     @!«b§b(ol  sheel  block. 

Sfø'bffinb  n  leathern  el.  leather  apron.  -et  < 

©fø'bflinfel  ^  sheet  pendant.  @!øbStnægti 
sheet  bitts.     Sløbftit  sheet  bend. 

Stoffet  fe  Stoffet. 

@Iøge  c  -r  prostitute,  harlot,  strumpet.  -letine 
harlot's  life.  -løn  wages  of  prostitution,  bibl 
the  hire  of  a  whore. 

*©føi  c  fun,  sport,  mischief.  ©føier  c  -e  rogue, 
vagabond.    @tøierbat  c  ^  monkey  forecastle. 

éføjte  c  -r  scate,  skate;  '(fartøj)  small  smaek; 
løbe  poa  -r  b.  f.  f.  ©føjte  oi  scate,  skate.  -bane 
skating  ice,  (funftig)  skatlng-rink.  -føre  skatlng, 
ice  (for  ska>ting).  -icern  runner.  -løb,  -løben, 
-løbning  skating.  -løber  skater,  scater.  -faloi^ 
skating-rink.  ^ 

©følti  c  e  score,  groove,  gouge.  -bor  nos« 
bit,  spoon  bit.  -jærn  gouge.  @føt)>e  vt  uj 

Sføn'  n  opinion,  judgment,  estimiite;  optagi 
et  _  oser  estimate;  efter  et  løft  _  at  a  rougl 
estimate;  :^ar  bet  paa.  et  -  has  it  by  rule  6 
thumb;  ^anble  efter  _  aet  at  discretion,  as  onl 
thinks  proper;  efter  bebfte  _  to  the  hest  of  mj 
understan  ding. 

©føn'  a  beautiful,  beauteous;  ben  -ne  the  fait 
one;  be  -ne  the  fair  (sex);  bet  -ne  the  beautiful 
en  -ne  Sog  one  fine  day,  some  fine  morning; 




-ne  ^oBen  a  goodly  lot;  be  -ne  Sunfter  the  fine 
arts;  ben  -ne  fiiterotur,  be  -ne  SBibeiiftabet,  fe  -Ittera= 
turen.  Siønlaanb  wit.  -faruer  dyer  in  high 
colours.    -Ijeb  c  -er  beauty. 

6tønt|ebé|bi)tlclfe  worship  of  beauty.  •form 
form  of  beauty.  -gnbinbe  goddess  of  beauty. 
-linie  line  of  beauty,  curve  of  beauty.  •lou 
l«w  of  beauty.  -læren  æsthetics.  -mibbel  cos- 
metic.  -plet  beautyspot,  fface-)patph.  -rifle 
liingdom  of  beauty.  -fanS  .sense  of  beauty, 
beauty-sense.  -tianb  beauty  water,  beauty  wash. 
-uoerf  work  of  beauty. 

@t«n|(iteraturen  polite  el.  light  literature. 
-lægning  elooution. 

@fønne  vt  perceive,  discern;  |oa  fiibt  jeg  fon  ~ 
as  far  as  I  can  see  e(   judge;   SSarnet  &egftnber  ot 

—  the  child  begins  to  notice  objects,  to  take 
notlee;  -beS  ot  belebe  fig  til  was  estimated  al;  _ 
»oa,  fe  ^UaoftBnne;  mon  -r  itfe  poa  bet  gobe,  fer 
mon  ^or  mtftet  bet  a  good  when  lost  is  valued 
most.    -nbc  n  fe  Sftm  ».    -re  -e  judge. 

+&eWfUt  fe  ©fenfiebéplet. 

Slønå :  poo  -  aslant.  @f«nf(f)e  vi  of  bevel, 
taper;  _  neb  poo  cl.  tmob  ^  edge  down  on;  — 
vt  of  snape. 

Gfønéforretning  c  survey,  estimate. 

@f«n|flrift  c  fine  handwriting.  -flrioer  oalli- 
grapher.    -ffritining  calligraphy. 

@føn§manb  o  surveyor,  estimater. 

Sf«n§(t)ntng  c  slope,  slant,  bevel. 

@f«nfom  a  (font  bor  ©ene  til  ot  ffønne)  judi- 
cious,  discreet,  discrimiuating,  sensible;  (jom 
ffenner  poo)  regardful,  grateful.  -Ijeb  c  discre- 
tion,  discemment,  judieiousness;  gratefulness, 
thankfulness,  regardful  disposition.  —  @t«nd|= 
fog  matter  of  judgment.  -OiS  adv  at  a  rough 

Sfent  conj  though,  although. 

@fjintrQl  n  first  form. 

Sier'  n  old  milk,  loppered  milk,  (bonny-) 

@l«r  a  brittle,  fragile,  frangible,  (let  fmul= 
bieiibe)  friable,  _  i  ^ouebet,  fe  -booebet. 

@ferbug  c  scurvy;  libenbe  of  -  scorbutic;  9RibbeI 
mob  -  anti-scorbutic.  @t«rbugi$gr(sd  scurvy 
-grass,   Cochlearta. 

Sttte  vt  make  friable;  J,  (Sejl)  split,  rend, 
(SRunbboIt)  speud.      @{«re  c  shake,  rent,  flssure. 

—  6før|gtandmal«  brittle  silver-glance.  -fteb 
c  brittleness;  friability.  -^lernet^  -^otiebet  a  weak 

Størl  c  min  shorl. 

@f«r|(eiiner  c  -e  fornicator.     -letinet  lewd  el. 
profligate  life. 
Sførnagle  c  ^i,  stop-water. 
Starne  pi   become  brittle;   J,  (om  ©ejl)  split; 

—  lit  render  brittle  el.  friable. 

@f«rne  vi  tum,  coagulate.  @I«roft  c  old-milk 

@I«'r)ii(  c  crack-willow,  Salix  fragiliø. 

&axt  n  er  (i  fttlm.)  petticoat,  (meft  om  ftjoleO 
skirt;  F  (=  Suinbe)  petticoat;  fungfre  fom  bet 
fotte  -  play  the  Utilities,  be  a  general  Utility 
man.     @t«rte  vi  (op)  fe  Opftørte;   —  vt  ^  ride. 

—  @Iørte{tlaebt  a  petticoated.  -regimente  petti- 
coatgoverument.  -oejen:  goo  -  use  female  in- 

tSfe'rtibfel  c  sowthistle,  SoncAua. 

Støtte  vt  mind,  take  care  of,  attend  (to);  — 
vr  fig  felD  take  care  of  one's  self,  shift  for  one's 
self;  Iflbe  en  _  fig  felo  leave  one  to  his  own  de- 
vices;  —  vi  om  want,  like,  care  for;  jeg  -r  ilte 
om  ot  bære  ben  fibfte  I  dont  want  dike,  choose) 
to  be  the  last. 

^laa  c  V  fe  ©looen. 

@Iaa  c  -er  bolt  (ofa  door);  *cross-bar;  floo -en 
for,  fro  bolt,  unbolt  the  door. 

@(ao,  flog,  flooet  &  Kogen  vt  &  i  beat,  strike, 
smite,  knock,  hit;  (om  gugle)  warble,  sing;  (cm 
Jpjevtet)  beat,  throb;  (om  Ur,  fitjnilbi  strike;  (om 
|>eft)  kick;  (meb  8e)  cut  grass,  mow,  Sloflen  -r 
the  clock  strikes;  _  to®lo»!  J<  strike  two  bell.s! 
bet  flog  mig  it  struck,  impressed  me;  _  foft  fasten, 
fig  establish;  _  Sllorm  beat  thealarm;  _  en  sBrtlfe 
take,  capture,  fork,  a  man;  _  iWugter  turn,  bend; 

-  en  ©irfel  describe  a  circle;  _  golber  pucker; 
_  ®ræé  mow  grass;  .  et  ^ul  make  a  hole;  _  en 
$ær  beat  el.  defeat  an  army;  -  Stlb  strike  a  light; 
_  ftlorftib  J,  beat  to  quartJrs;  -  en  Stnob  »1>  make 
a  knot;  _  en  Snube  tie  a  knot;  ~  en  StrebS  describe 
a  circle;  -  en  fiinje  draw  a  line;  _  en  <lKebalje 
strike  a  medal;  _  et  froftigt  Slog  strike  a  vigorous 
blow;  _  Sott  beat  time;  _  SCoObcert  lay  rope;  - 
S8onb  throw  el.  pour  water,  —  ur  fig  hurt  one's 
self,  be  hurt,  injured;  (om  Sræ)  warp,  twist, 
*(om  ftulben)  abate,  cease;  _  fig  leé  (more  fig) 
enjoy  one's  self,  (brt)be  1»8)  break  loose;  —  meb 
præi)  &  ndo;  _  af  (om  $ri8)  abate,  deduct;  (ttn; 
break;  fe  Mffloo;  -  en  ^poSfior,  ©lobber  of  have  a 
gossip,  be  ehalting  together;  _  en  Jponbel  af 
strike  a  bargaiu;  ^rften  flog  Stbtteren  af  the  horse 
threw  his  rider;  _  of  Sinbet,  Santerne,  ^ooebet 
banish  from  one's  mind,  thoughts;  fe  SKorl;  -  o  it 
(om  jpunb)  give  tongue;  (om  SBoccinotion,  *)Jobefnift, 
ogioo  fig)  take  (poo  with);  bet  flog  flrot«  an  poS  il. 
pao  ^ublifum  the  audience  took  to  it  immediately; 
_  Sonen  on  (ogf.  fig)  give  the  key-note;  -bort 
throw  away;  fe  _  af  ©inbet;  _  efter  en  strike 
at  one,   aim  a  blow  at  one;  _  efter  i,  fe  _  op; 

-  foft,  fe  goftflao ;  -  f  o  r  »<  fe  ©tobbe ;  SBrQft ;  vi 
(fit  Sianb  o.  Ij  strike  a  blow  for,  fight  for;  _  fra 
fig  defend  one's  self;  _  et  Sejl  fro  unbend  a  sail; 
_  fig  fro  SSerben  renounce  the  world;  ^on  flog  bet 
bent  iiotter  he  tumed  it  ofi"  wlth  a  laugh  ;  - 
®eren  i  slam  the  door;  _  i  iBorbet  strike,  thump 
the  table;  _  et  ©øm  i  SSoeggen  drive  a  nail  into 
the  wall;  _  SBonb  i  throw  el.  pour  water  intO; 
_  igen  return  the  blow;  53oi>'ret  -r  igennem 
the  paper  sinks,  runs,  strikes  through;  'bet  -r 
iflennem  the  road  does  not  bear  the  horse; 
flog  ubmærtet  igennem  was  very  successfiil;  -  fig 
igennem  make  shift  to  live,  "make  both  ends 
meet,  pay  one's  way;  _  ftg  igennem  gjenben  cut 
through  the  enemy,  _  imøbe  meet;  _  inb  knock 
In,  beat  in,  fogfoo  om  ©tjgbom)  strike  in;  _  8itn= 
buerne  inb  smash  the  windows;  3ianbet  flog  inb  i 
fto^Dtten  the  water  dashed  into  the  cabin;  bet 
•r  ide  inb  i  mit  f^og  that  is  not  in  my  line;  - 
inb  pao  en  5Bej  take  a  road;  _  inb  poo  et  gag,  en 
iieoeoej  take  up  a  line,  tråde,  profe.ssion;  bet  flog 
inb  meb  9Jegn  it  set  in  raining;  bet  flog  tnb  fom 
bon  banbe  forubiogt  it  turned  out,  came  true,  as 
he  predicted;  min  2)rem  bor  -et  inb  F  my  dream 
is  out;  -meb  ^Koifen  toss  the  head;  flog  meD 
sBingerne  flapped  her  wings;  _  meb  S3linb^eb  strike 
with  blindness;  flog  bem  meb  gorfærbelfe  struck 
dismay  among  them;  _  neb  (om  iJpnet)  strike, 
(om  gugle)  fall,  swoop;  _  fig  neb  settle;  _  ©leret 
neb  drop  the  veil,  -  øjnene  neb  cast  down  one's 
eyes;  fe  ~  op;  -  om  wrap  about  el.  round;  (om 
fejret)  change,  alter;  _  iQlobet  om  turn  over  the 
leaf;  _  8lrmene  om  throw  one's  arms  arotind;  _  et 
Zoo  om  pass  a  rope  round;  ~  om  fig  lay  about 
one;  fig  ~  om  ftg  meb  spout,  air;  _  op  poo  en  Siæg 
stick  up,  post;  -  op  i  en  33og  turn  up  in,  refer  to, 
a  book ;  -  op  meb  ^annben  wave  one's  hånd ;  _ 
op  meb  en  break  off  a  marriage  engagement 
with  one,  throw  one  over;  _  et  jjob  op  broach 
el.  start  a  cask ;  _  et  lob  op  unlay  a  rope;  _ 
3fen  op  break  the  ice.  -  3>eren  op  fling  the  door 
opeu;  _  et  iiorb  op,  neb  put  up,  let  down  the 




leaf  of  a  table;  _  en  Strømpe  op  begin  a  stock- 
ing;  fe  SBrøb;  _  en  ^aroplt)  op,  neb  put  up.  put 
dowu  an  umbrella;  _  Saled^en  op,  neb  let  up, 
let  down,  the  head  el.  hood;  _  jSjnene  op  open 
one's  eyes;  floa  en  fiotter  op  set  up  a  loud  laugh; 
*5øret  -r  op  the  roads  beeome  impassable  for 
sledges;  _  fig  op  til  Suoart  work  to  windward; 
_  ftg  op  better  one's  circumstances,  rise  In  the 
world;  _  en  SSro  o  o  er  throw  a  bridge  across  el. 
over;  _  ooer  i  fall  into;  SSanbet  ftog  inb  o»er 
Sæltet  the  water  dashed  over  the  deck;  _  o  O  e  r- 
borb  knoek  overboard;  _  Slrmen  ooerforS 
cross  the  arms;    _  paa  2;romme  beat  the  drum; 

-  en  Jatje  pao  clap  on  a  tackle;  _  en  Slantpe  paa 
nail  on  a  cleat;  _  fig  paa  £aaret  smite  one's 
thigh;  _  fig  paa  noget  go  in  for;  _  fig  pao  (om 
Stjgb.)  fasten  one,  ie  Kofte,  _  fig  vaa  et  *JJartt,  fe 

-  fig  til;  _  paa  at  hint  that  _  fig  jelo  paa  røunben 
give  one's  self  the  lie;  _  paa  tjlugt  put  to  flight, 
rout;  -  ftort  poa  cut  a  great  dash;  _  f  am  men 
lump  together,  unite;  _  §ænberne  fammen  clasp 
one's  hånds;  _  fig  fammen  combine,  join  together; 

-  to  2tng  fammen  incorporate  one  thing  with 
another;  _  tit  (om  toB)  strike  a  bargain;  (t)ære 
uo')  suffice,  answer;  (©paob  )  fe  _  inb;  _  (5Daren, 
SSinbuet)  til  bang  ef.  clap  to,  slam;  bet  -r  lige  til 
that's  just  it;  faa  ^nbtægterne  til  at  flaa  tit  make 
both  ends  meet;  bet  ftog  tit  meb  gobe  ?lar  prosper- 
ous  years  supervened,  turned  up;  _  til  SRibbcr 
knight;  _  til  en  strike  one,  let  drive  at  one;  - 
til  forben  knoek  down;  _  fig  tit  ®rit  take  to  drink; 
_  fig  til  |)Bile  betake  one's  self  to  rest,  _  ftg  til 
9{o  fig  rest  satisfled;  _  fig  til  et  $arti  join  a  party; 
bet  flog  fig  til  £unge6etænbelfe  pneumonia  super- 
vened ;  -et  til  noget  ftort  born  to  greatness,  to 
great  things,  cut  out  for  great  things,  fe  SfiHing; 
t-  en  til  happen  to  one;  _  tilbage  beat  el. 
strike  back;  throw  back;  (9tngreb)  beat  off,  repel; 

-  ub  (f.  ®f8.  om  ^ubftjgbom)  break  out,  (om  §eft 
ofo.)  kick,  fling,  (meb  3lrmene)  spar;  _  et  sBorb  ub 
extend  a  table;  _  Sanb  ub  throw  el.  pour  out 
water;    _  Øjet    ub   paa  en   knoek  one's  eye  out; 

-  et  Sejl  unber  bend  a  sail;  —  flaa(e)8  vd 
fight;  _  paa  ^Biftoler  fight  with  pistols;  _  meb  en 
fight  one,  F  have  it  out  with  one;  _  om  ^oem 
ber  ffal  fight  as  to  who  shall ;  —  flaaenbe  a 
(f.  ©!§.  fiig^eb)  striklng  (resemblance):  _  etSempel 
crucial  instance;  —  flaoet,  flagen  part  &  a  af 
Sforbaofelfe,  SRæbfel  struck  with  amazement,  terror 
-struek;  bar  rent  flaaet,  flagen  i  ^enbe  was  quite 
smitten  with  her;  fjjenben  ble«  flaaet,  flagen  the 
enemy  was  beaten;  ben  flogne  Sianbebcj  the  beaten 
track;  en  flagen  9Kanb  a  broken-down  man. 

@(aa6'rot  c  -fer  dre.s.siug  el.  sitting-gown,  night 
-gown,  mornin»-gown.    -ftil  slip-shod  style. 

Sloaew,  -'Siaape  c  sloe.  -bufl  blackthorn, 
Prunun  apinosa.  -bær  sloe  -toctt,  -tjtfrti  fe  -buft. 
-Oirt  sloe  wine. 

©laaltfnri  mower.  -moffitte  mowing-machine. 
Blaaning  c  (of  %ov)  lay. 

*Slaope  o.  ff.,  fe  Slaaen. 

tSlaalffaft,  -ftage  fe  iieflaft.  *Siaaitiampt  c 
bully,  fighting-man,  «flghtist».  *Slaat'  c  -ter 
mowing;  hay-field;  tune,  strain.  *3laataann  c 
hay-making  season.  Slaatib  b.  f.  —  *Slflatte|' 
6(oin  fe  Sfongepen.  '-folf  mowers.  *-fart  mower. 
*-mari  hay-land.  -maffine  fe  Slaa=.  "-nt^r  hay 
bog.    tStftatflj  mowing  apparatus,  scythe. 

@(a(ibera'§  n  wishy-washy;  nonsense. 

Slabtier  c  tattle,  tittle-tattle,  gos.sip,  twaddle; 
(af  Stole)  tale-bearing:  fe  Staa  af.  -aflttg  a  gos- 
siping,  tattling,  babbling.  -agtigf|cb  c  gossiping 
el.  tattling  propensity.  -Ijant  babbler;  informer, 
tell-tale;  ^1,  fe  -tompoS.  -l)ul  place  for  scandal. 
-^iftorle  gossiping  story,  scandal.  -tirftcn,  -læl- 
(ing,  -maren,  -munb  gossip,  tattler,  talebearer, 

whisjierer.  -tompaé  J,  tell-tale,  hanging  com 
pass.  -r^gte  idle  report,  -felftab  compauy  of 
gossips.  -f«ftcr,  -taffc  fe  -TæEing  -tor»  scandal 
-market.  -oocit,  -Oorn^eb  fe  -agtig,  -agtig^eb 
©labre  vi  &  t  'prate)  prate,  talk,  jabber,  gossip; 
(føre  ailjgter,  flabre  af  Sfole)  blab,  tattle,  tell  tales; 
_  paa  tell  on,  (bagtale)  blow  on;  _  bort  en  £imc 
prate  away  an  hour. 

Slabren  c  prating  etc.  @(abrer  c  -e  blab, 
tattler,  tell-tale. 

*@Iaffe  vi  &  t  slabber. 

©lag',  ©Tagge  »  &  c  fe  ©lalfer. 

■»©lag  fe  @lag§. 

'^©tag  a  fe  SlaT. 

©lag  n,  p(  =,  (®erningen)  blow,  stroke,  hit; 
(af  «J5ifl)  cut,  lash;  (af  ^eft)  kick,  fling;  (meb  flab 
^aanb)  culf;  (|)iertetS)  beating,  throbbing;  f§ær= 
flag)   battle,   action,   engagement;   (af  Ur)  beat, 
stroke;  (af  S"9l)  warbling;  (paa  Soppe)  cape;  (af 
9Rønter)   coinage;   ^l,  (SBout)  tack,    (i  SRummet) 
wing,   (af   Sejl)  flapping,  shaking,  (Dmbrejning) 
turn;  med  apoplexy;  (paa  Soæg'  fle.'^hy   parts  of 
the   belly   of  cattle,  flank;   (tt  SSej)  hole;  et  - 
ftort  a  game  at  cards;  fmaa  _  ^  go  slow!  fio 
steady !   meb  eet  _  at  a  blow;  to  fjerter  og  eet  _ 
two  hearts  which  beat  as  one;  _  i  _  blow  upon 
blow,    without   intermis.sion ;    *flere    (Sange    i   _ 
several    times    running;    SfOlben    i    _    (om    Urj 
warning;    )ætte  i   _   (Staf)   place  in  prise;  et  - 
meb  $nmpen  a  stroke  of  the  pump;   *gjøre  et  - 
eller  to  omfcing  $labfen  take  a  turn  or  two  round 
the  square;   fif  _,  Bleo  rørt  af  et  -  was  struck 
with  apoplexy;  Sloffen  er  paa  -et  12  the  clock  is 
on    the   stroke  of  12;    flår  til  _  ^  ready  for 
action;    i   -et  beb   SSaterloo  at  the  battle  of  W.; 
ub^olbe   -etS   ^ebe  bear  el.  sustain  the  brunt  of 
the  battle ;    i)tt    ftob    -et    here    the    battle    was 
fought.    ©faglaore  artery.     -anfatb  apoplectic 
fit,  flt  of  apoplexy.   -bar  a  (Sfoo)  flt  for  felling. 
-beb(b;Jng  sliding  bilge-block.    *-bi«rn  largi-, 
full-grown  bear.    -bom  turnpike.    -bor  hammer 
-punch,     -borb  folding  table.     -bout  4>  stem 
-board,    -bro  draw-bridge.    -bur  fowler's  cage. 
-boenf  turn -up  bedstead.     -bag  day  of  battle. 
*©(age  vi  ^  &  fio  beat.    t©tagel  c  -er  beater. 
©lagen  part  af  ©laa.     ©laglfatt  lanner,  Falom 
lani'trius.     -fjeber  main   spring;    (Jugll)   bean 
feather.  -flob  (sudden  stroke  of;  apoplexy.  -fælS 
trap.    -farbfg  a   ready  et.  prepared  for  battl« 
fig  quick-witted,  ready  witted,    -færbigJ)eb  read; 
wit.    -garn  fowler's  net.   -grænfe  (ftridot)  poppin 
-crease.  -jammer  book-biader's  hammer,  -^ætt 
hoDd  for  a  hawk.    -inftrumcjtt  percussion  iustru 
ment.    *-jcrn  (carpenter's)  chisel.    -!t)p  beatiu 
-vat.     -f«l  bilge-keel.    -laaS   percussion  locb 
-linie  line  of  battle.    -tob  (hard)  solder,  (til  Ul 
leaden   weight   of  a  clock.     -tflå  strong  lightS 
-maleri  battle-piece.    -marl  field  of  battle;  -en 
»eb  ©uEoben   the  field  of  C.     -mafline  battuig 

'•'©tagne  vt  slacken. 

©laglorb  shibboleth.  -orben  order  of  battU 
battle  array;  ftifle  i  _  draw  up  in  etc.  -pXax 
plan  of  battle.  -JircSfc  fly-press.  -pumpe  bil,? 
-pump.  -peS  Jj  canvass-bucket.  -regn  heav; 
shower  of  rain. 

©lagS  n  &  c,  pi  =,  sort,  kind,  descriptiot 
et  _  .  .  .  a  kind  of;  oHe  _  all  kinds  of,  al 
manner  of;  focftetlige  _  iing  a  variety  of  thingi 
i  fil  _  of  its  (his,  their)  kind. 

©tagåbrober  c  fighter,  brawler. 

©ta'gfibe  c  ^  list. 

©la  glfibc  c  (oaa  Sreotur)  flank. 

^■©ta  giftgte  folding-sight.  -ffaabe  bolt  (of  i 
door).  -ftat  mintage.  -flibe  (i  Ur)  pallet  O 
escapement.    *Slog§'tjæmpe  fe  SlaaS^.    ©ta'li] 




ffobfte  Je  ftaabe.  -ffljggc  (ca'^i  )shadow;  teehn 
shiidow  projected.  Slagé'mnal  n,  pi  =,  fighting, 
liijht,  fray;  ftort  _  a  battle-royal ;  bet  font  til  _ 
iiiey  got  to  blows.  ®(a'g|fnor  chalk-line.  -ftol 
l)eak  iron,  hand-anvil.  -ftiærb  two-haoded  sword. 
"Slogt  n.  pi  =,  beast  (to  be  killed). 

S(nfltc  rt  kill,  butcher,  slaughter.  -fterttig  a 
ready  tor  being  killed.  -^uS  slaugliter-house. 
-faJu  fatteniug  el.  fat  ealf.  -fab  butclier  s  meat. 
-toæfi  nattle  to  be  killed.  •maaneb  the  month 
•ol'  November,  -maffe  frontirupter.  .  -n«b  ox  to 
be  killed. 

Slagter  c  -e  butcher.  -iot  b  's  .shop,  shambles 
jil.  "bænf  shambles  pi.  -breng  butcher's  boy. 
-f)aanbø(crt  b.'.s  tråde,  -^itnb  butcher's  dog. 
-fin-*  slaughter -house.  Slagteri'  n  -ev  (Steb, 
tjoor  bet  flagteé)  slaughter-house,  laniary;  (Slaflt- 
niiifl)  butclieriug.  Slagtcr|fttio  b.'sknife.  -lone 
butcher's  vvlfe.  -tao, -loug  b.'scompany.  -mefter 
fe  Slaqter.  -foenb  jourueymau  b.  -torJ>  fe  fi»b= 
torB.    -afåe  cleaver. 

Slngtctib  «  buteherlng  sea.son. 

Slo'gtilfælbe  n  tit  of  apoplexy. 

Slagtning  e  butehering;  t(5Ia9)  battle.  @(agt> 
offer  n  victim. 

Sla'glturamel  tumult  of  battle.  -ur  (striking-) 
clock.  -urt  ground  pine,  Åjuga  cfufnæpitv^. 
-Uonb  bilge-water.  -oont  a  used  to  war.  -oibbe 
percussive  distance,  •-»ol  c  fe  Slajel  -uærf 
(i  Ur)  sirikiag  vvork,  striking  train,  clock-work; 
fe  -pteSfe. 

Slat'  a  4>  slack.    -fe  vt  slack.    -nc  vi  slacken. 

Slaffcr  p^slag,  scoria.  —  Slattejagtig  ascoria- 
ceous,  sla?gy.  -bannelfescorification.  -Ijobheap 
of  slag;  (SergB.)  tailing. 

Slatoanbe  n  J,  slack  water. 

Slam'  e  ie  ®Qnb.  -bab  mud  bath.  -l)Hl(®mp.) 
mud-hole,  sludge-hole.  -fifte  cesspool.  @lam= 
ni«g  c  fouling. 

*SlattH)  c  -er  slovenly  lout. 

Slompam'per  c  wLshy-washy. 

Slang  [e.]  n  slang. 

Slange  c  -r  serpent,  snake;  (tit  ^umpe,  Sprøjte) 
hose.  Slange  vt  J,  French-fake;  -be  Sugter 
Fi-euch  fakes.  -agttg  a  serpent-  et.  snake-like. 
-agurl  serpent  cucumber.  -art  species  of  s. 
•bib  bite  of  a  s  -bugt  -bugtning  serpentine 
Winding  el.  meaudering.  -bugtet, -bannet, -formet 
a  serpentine,  -fal!  .serpem-eater,  Gupogeranua 
serpent  iriiu.  -gang  serpentine  walli.  -gift  venom 
ofserpents.  -^al§fiarOsnake-bird,  darter,  Plotus. 
-l)om  slough,  skin  of  a  .serpent.  -^olbcren  att 
ophiuchus.  -^otteb  snake's  head ;  ^  viper's 
bugloss,  Echium  vulpare.  -^ub  fe  -i)am.  -fnftuå 
echinocactus.  -for§  snakeheaded  -Irubt 
dragon  arum,  brook-leek,  Arwn  Dracuncidun. 
■libfe  wavy  braid.  -tlnie  serpentine  line.  -lift 
serpent-wile.  -mqrber  fe  S!orjoncce.  -rob  birth 
-wort,  serpentaria,  suake-root,  Arintolochia  ser- 
pent iria.  -nebbite  rat-tailed  radish,  Raphanus 
cawl'itiiii.  -r«r  winding  tube  et.  pipe.  -ften 
serpentine  stone.  -ftjerne  sea-star,  Ophiura. 
-fejle  serpentine  column,  -træ  snake -wood, 
Strychnos  cilubrina.  -tunge  ^  adder's  tongue, 
Oohiogl'Msun  imlgitum.  -tæmmer  tamer  of  ser- 
pents,  suake-charmer.  -urt  snake-weed,  adder'.s 
wort  Polygonun  bintorti.  -Qngel  brood  of  ser- 
pents.    -æg  snake's  egg.    -agle  seps. 

SlanI  a  fe  Smæftet.  -bqgget  a  J,  lean,  clcan 

*Slant  c  -er  cont  copper. 

Slop  a  slack,  relaxed,  loose,  flaccid;  en  _ 
S3ue  a  slackened  bow. 

Slavpaarbing  c  -er  ^  slab-line. 

Slapqeb  c  slackness;  apathy .  Sla))f  e  vt  slacken . 
•"'■'ax,  loosen. 

iiarfen :  ffianft'Sngelfl  Dtbbog. 

Sla^jpera'S  fe  SlabBeraé. 

Stapping  c  ^1,  (Slæbning)  rounding. 

Slapjftoet  a  shod  in  the  ordinary  way  (not 
sharp.shod).     -tib  slack  water.    -bom  a  loose. 

Slaraffenlanb  n  cocagne,  fools' 

*Slarb  c  -et  a  loose-tongued,,  un- 
reliable  fellow.  Starøe  vi  ~  i  SBejen  blunder 

Staff,  Slaffc,  fe  Sjaf!,  Siafte;  ftlæberne -ebe  om 
t)Qm  his  clothes  hung  flapping  about  hlm. 
Slaffet,  Staffeborn  a  slovenly. 

Slat'  c  -ter  (fiesning,  i  ®Ia8)  heeltap,  drop 
(left);  ber  er  en  -  enbnu  i  Saffetoppen  there  is  still 
some  cofifee  left  at  the  bottom  of  the  cup;  ber 
er  en  ~  SSin  i  ®Ia?iet  there  is  wine  left  at  the 
bottom  of  the  glass;  maatte  »ente  Icenge  paa  ben 
~  ftaffe  had  to  wait  a  long  time  for  that  smack 
of  coffee. 

Slat',  -ten,  -let  n  loose,  flabby. 

Slaba'fe  c  joc  fe  Sløjfe. 

Staoe  c  -t  slave,  bondman;  t  &  *  convict; 
gøre  til  _  en.slave,  reduce  to  slavery;  _  af  a  slave 
to  el.  of;  gøre  fig  til  _  af  make ,  one's  self  the 
slave  of.  S(atic|aag  yoke  of  slavery;  paotage  fig 
et  _  don  the  yoke  of  slavery,  -aanb  slavish 
spirit.  -orbejbe  slave's  work,  drudgery.  -baanb 
pi  bonds,  felters  (of  slavery),  -binbc  vt  enthral, 
tie  hånd  and  foot.  -ejer  fe  ^erre.  -fanger  slave 
-catcher.  -fogeb  overseer  of  slaves;  convict 
-warder.  -fr«  n  young  gallows-bird.  t-fængfel 
convict-prison.  -fabt  a  born  a  slave,  -^attbel 
slave-trade.  -^anbler  slave-trader,  slave-mer- 
chant,  slave-dealer,  -tjerre  slave-owner.  -()0(bcr 
slaveholder,  -iærn  shackles.  -faar  condition 
of  a  slave  -flæber  dress  of  slaves.  -tl)ften  the 
Slave-coast.  -lib  slavish  life,  the  life  ofa  slave. 
•lænfe  slave's  chain.  -marfeb  slave-market. 
■mærfe  brand  of  slavery,     -i-noffe  slave's  neck. 

Staber  c,  pi  =,   Slav,  Sclav  (pi  ogf.  S(c)lavi). 

Slaberi'  n  slavery;  tpenal  servitude,  fconvict 

Slaoelfergent  con  viet- warder.  -flnb  fe  -aanb. 
-fllb  slaver,  -ftanb  slavery,  -ftat  slave-holding 
staie.  -feen  Great  Slave  Lake.  -torb  fe  -marfeb. 
-vogter  fe  -fogeb.  Slobin'be  c  -r  (female)  slave. 
Staotff  «  slavish,  servile;  -  Ooerfættelfe  slavishly 
literal  translation.    Sfaoi^^eb  c  servility. 

Slabjifl  a  Slav,  Slav'ic.  -o'nlen  n  S(c)lavoaia. 
•o'rtier  c,  -o'nlff  a  S;c)lavonian,  S(c)lavon'ic. 

Sleb,  fteben,  fe  Slibe.  Sleben^eb  c  polish, 

Sleb  fe  Slibe. 

Sleb«  [é]  c  slit. 

Stebfte  [é]  fe  Stifte. 

Slegfreb  c  -er  concubine.  -barn  bastard, 
-tone,  -toinbc,  -»tb  fe  Slegfreb.  -æt  bastard  oflF- 

tSiege  (og  jirov)  vi  fe  Slefte. 

*Sleib  [e.)  c  .slide;  Smf.  fe  ®libet=. 

Slem'  c  (Store  _)  slam;  gøre  en  -  slam  one; 
blioe  -  be  slammed;  gøre  lille  _  get  all  the  tricks 
but  one. 

Stem'  a  bad,  111,  awkward,  sad;  comp  worse, 
super  worst;  bet  er  -t,  en  _  ^iftorie  It  is  a  bad 
thing,  awkward,  F  a  bad  job;  en  -  xitir  a  sad 
dog;  en  _  gejl  a  grave  fault;  ben  -me  the  evil 
one;  fi)  for  ben  -me  Stjge!  fie  upon  it!  -  til  at 
deucedly  given  to,  an  awful  hånd  at;  —  flemt 
adl)  badiy,  sadly.     Stem^eb  c  badness. 

Sfem^olt  n  vi/  deadwood-knee. 

-nStemmc  vi  re  vel,  carouse. 

Slemme  vt  wash.  -ta3fc  trunk.  -Iribt  whiten- 
ing.    Stemning  c  washing. 

Stenbrian  c  old  custom,  ancieut  routine,  ben 
gamle  _  the  old  blundering,  jogtrot  way. 





©leiit  c  -er  stratum,  -et  a  stratified.  -ning 
c  stratiflcation. 

®lent|re  »t  sauuter,  lounge  about.  -ring  c 
sauntering  etc. 

Slcff  [é]  a  oily,  wheedling,  coaxing,  fawning, 
mealy-mouthed.  Sleffc  vi  (for)  wheedle,  coax 
(one),  fawn  (upon),  Slcff^cb  c  fawning,  obse- 

@Icf!c  c  Je  ©Iif!e. 

iS(eSk)ig  [é]  n  Sleswic,  Slesvig.-  -er  c  -e  in- 
habitant  of  S.    -ff  a  Sleswic,  Slesvig. 

©let'  a  bad,  ill;  comp  worse,  niperl  worst;  - 
Wenneffe  bad  man;  -te  ^ctige  base  coin;  —  adv 
ill,  badly. 

©tet'  o  (jæon)  level,  plain;  _  og  ret  plain, 
common,  pure  and  simple;  _  ^ajiir  unstamped 
paper;  —  ndv  _  l)eii  simply;  _  iffe  not  at  all;  _ 
intet  nothing  at  all;  iffe  _  jao  not  quite  so  .  .  .; 
+  =  albeleS.  ©tetjltag  Greenland  whale,  right 
whale,  Baloena.    *-6t)flt»  flat  el.  level  tract. 

tSlcfboIcr  c  =  4  røarf  (c.  l  s.  6  d). 

©Utlfll  smooth  file.    *-f(^nbrc  fe  ©lette  2. 

©(efforftjnct  o  ill-found. 

Stctljagc  c  (2)rejn.)  plane. 

©Ictfteb  c  badness,  (moralff)  baseness. 

©(et|t)ugge  vt  chip  fair.  -|barre  kitt,  species 
of  turbot,  Pleuronecten  Iwvis  -fteul  smooth(ing) 
plane,  -jærn  smoothing  plane-iron.  *-rættbt  a 
(J^orb,  ©flii)  flat,  flattish.  -rotfe  skate,  Raja  batit. 
©letnlng  c. smoothing;  (Ubf(.)  expunction;  (SBæon.) 
sizing;  (33lil.)  planishing. 

©IctS  P  adv:  -  ilte,  fe  ©let. 

SJctfejIcnbe  a  that  sails  badlv,  a  dull  sailer. 

©IctftanI  n  flat  tool. 

©IctftJjrcnbc  a  that  steers  badly. 

*©(cttc  c  -r  (SBergb.)  fissure. 

^tttte  c  -r  plain.  ©fettc  c  dab,  Pleurotiectes 
limanda.  ©lette  c  (SBcebn.)  size.  ©lette  vt 
smooth;  fub)  expunge;  (SSæsn.)  size;  i,  (tneb 
©larpfSe)  dub  fair.  ©letfc|bo  c  -er  inhabitant 
of  a  plain.  -lanb  level  country,  -tnaffine 
dressing  machine. 

©IcttercftiUet  a  worse  situated,  worse  off. 

©Icttcftue  c  sizing-room. 

©Ictlbar  (e  -fjoarre.  -afSc  broad  carpenter's 

©leu  c  -e  ladle,  skimmer. 

©lib  n  fe  ©lifiegru?. 

©IJbc,  fteb,  fiebet  -«  grind;  (USbelftene,  ®Iog) 
cut;  -  fRuften  af  (ogf.  fig)  rub  ofT  the  rust;  p  „ 
en  SfraBer  sleep  and  snore,  ©oKe  og  ffnioe  -§! 
scissors  to  grind!  —  f leben  a  ground,  (ogf.  fig) 
polished;  _  S'aroffel  cut-glass  decanter;  flebne 
©æber  polished  el.  polite  manners;  -t  SBæfen 
polished  address;  _  Sjunge  glib  tongue.  ©llbc|  = 
bræt  knife-board.  -gruS,  -fræf§  slip.  -!«I 
charcoal  of  soft  wood.  -moffine  (Urni.)  instru- 
ment for  polishing  Steel.  -ntflUc  grinding-mill. 
-|)ulber  polishing  powder.  ©liber  c  -e  grinder, 
polisher.  ©libe|^aal  basin.  .fftbe  grinding 
-plate.  -ftcn  grindstone;  fgrob,  SSjærgart)  rag 
-stone.  -ftcnSbrub  grindstone  quarry.  -trug 
grindstone  trough.  -æg  ground  edge.  S(l'b= 
ntjtg  c  grinding 

©It'brig  a  slippery,  lubrieous;  en  _  ©ag  a  tick- 
lish  affair;  en  ~  S8og  an  obscene,  indecent  book. 
-beb  c  slipperiness,  lubrlcity;  obscenity. 

©lib  n  {)(iaa  2:ing)  wear  ånd  tear;  (^aarbt  9tr= 
bejbe)  toil,  drudgery;  +(91)Jennefte)  drudge;  ber  er 
intet  -  beb  bette  %e\  this  stufF  does  not  wear 
well,  has  no  wear  in  it.    -arbejbe  drudgerv.    • 

Slibbcrflabber  c  flddlefaddle,  fiddlededeé. 

©libboelte  n  road-wav. 

©libc,  fleb,  flibt  vt  &  i  (ogf.  _  i  nt)  pull  (at), 
tear;  (Siben  ^en,  filæber)  wear;  (og  flæbe)  toil  (and 
moil),   drudge,   fag;   flib  bem  meb..CfIfe"  I  wish 

you  may  live  to  wear  them  out;  *-  onbt  suffei 
great  hardships,  much  exposure,  rough  it;  _  af, 
bort  wear  off",  away;  _  af  rober,  i  Staffer)  break, 
tear  asunder;  _  fra  ^inanben  tear  apart;  -  i  pul] 
at;  -  (tjaarbt)  i  bet  work  hard;  _  op  wear  out] 
er  frygtelig  ftærft  at  -  »oa  has  a  tremendous 
amount  of  wear  in  it;  -  fig  vr  igennem  keep 
the  wolf  from  the  door;  _  ftg  i^jet  kill  one'i 
self  (wlth  work);  _  fig  løå  break  loose;  tear  one'f 
self  away;  *_  fig  break  loose;  —  flibeS  up  weai 
(out);  —  flibt  a  worn  (out),  the  worse  for  wear, 
©libclig  adv  F  gaa  faa  -  jog  on,  rub  on  well 
enough.  ©liben  c  tearing  etc.  —  ©llb|flab( 
rubbing  part.    -lag  fe  -bætle. 

©Ubfe  c  -r  fp.  ©ført  o.  1.)  placket. 

©tig  c  (®rt8)  slich. 

©lig  pron  sueh;  en  -  'USlanh  such  a  man;  -( 
^olf  such  people;  *-t  ©lag  p  all  the  same;  — 
adv  F  so,  in  that  way,  in  such  a  way. 

©ligtning  c  (©tøb.)  clnder-paste. 

©lir  c  F  trifle;  bu  fan  faa  bet  for  en  -  yor 
may  have  it  for  a  trifle,  for  an  old  song. 

©lif  c  ooze. 

©lit'  c  fe  Slig. 

©lit'  n  stroke  with  the  tongue;  +  =  ©liftert, 
-ofpargeé  full-grown  asparagus. 

©litlbunb  oozy  bottom.  -bannelfc  formation 
of  ooze. 

©lifte  vt  lick;  -  ©olftin  bask  in  the  sun;  _  ftj 
om  rønnben  lick  one's  lips;  fig  ~  fig  om  TOunbeti 
efter,  _  gingrene  efter  cast  a  sheep's  eye  on;  _ 
fig  inb.  fe  ^inbfmigre.  ©lifte  n  something  (sali 
etc )  to  lick.  ©liften  c  licking.  ©liften  « 
lickerish,  fond  of  sweets,  sweet-toothed.  ©liften 
^eb  c  liekerishness,  foudness  of  sweets.  ©lifte] 
^ot  sweet-looth.  -ri'  n  -er  licking;  (føbe  ©ager 
sweets.  -rt  c  -er  (tanner's)  seraper.  -t  a  ovei 
-laboured,  over-wrought.  ©titfet^eb  c  ovei 
-elaboration  of  detail. 

©titlag  n  layer  of  ooze. 

©lif|muitb  sweet-tooth.  -ntunbet  a  daintj 
-monlhed,  sweet-toothed.  ©litning  c  licking 
©litborn,  -^eb,  fe  ©liften,  -^eb. 

©lim  n  mucus,  (|»ofte=  o.  1.)  phlegm,  (af  <{5lantet 
mucilage,  (af  ©negle,  gift)  slime.  @lim|aal  hag 
Myxine.  -affonbring  di.seharge  of  mucus 
phlegm.  -agtig  a  mucous,  (om  planter)  mucila 
ginous.  -bannclfe  formation  of  mucus.  -brioenb 
a  phlegmagogue;  ~  Wibbcl  phlegmagogue.  -b^i 
rhizopod.  ©lijttc  vi  produce  mucus,  causi 
phlegm;  T'harm  form  a  mucilage;  (Sogn.)  becomi 
slimy.  ©tintet  a  mucous;  slimy.  ©iim|febei 
mucous  fever.  -flob  n  blennorrhoea.  -grubl 
pituitary  sinus.  -l)inbe,  -^ub  mucous  membrane 
-bofte  cough  attended  with  a  discharge  ol 
phlegm.  -firtel  mucous  gland.  -opløfenbe 
expectorant.  -pofc  mucous  bag.  -ftebe  vaginal 
mucous  bag.  -ftof  muciue.  -ft)rc  mucic  acid. 
-fæl  mucous  bag.    -oæbftc  pituitous  humour 

t©liHge  it  square,  rough-hew. 

©Unger  c  fe  ©lingring;  fig  (i  $8alfen)  dill 
-dallying,  shilli-shalli.  ©fingre  vi  reel;  danglé,' 
swing  to  and  fro;  J^  roll.  —  ©lingre|barbuncr 
breast  -  backs tays;  bowsprit  backstays.  -bræt 
rack  for  the  "cabin  table.  -b«jfcr  gimbals 
-tlampc  rolling  chock.  -lamtie  swing  lampi 
©lingrcn  fe  Slingring.  ©lingrc|ftob,  -ftot 
fore-and-aft  boards,  -talje  rolling  tackle,  -»ion 
bilge-water.  ©lingrtng  c  reeling  etc;  ^.  rolling] 
roll,  heel. 

*Slintre  c  -r  fibre,  fibril. 

©lip'  n:  gitie  _  paa  nt  let  go,  let  go  one' 
hold  of  a  thing. 

©liperé  [e.]  pi  sleepers. 

©ttpbage  c  j^.  slip-hook. 

*©lip^ænbt  a  butter-flngered. 





BiipUne  c  ^  snotter. 

BHppt.  finp,  fluppet  vt  let  go,  leave  hold  of, 
let  go  the  hold  of,  telax  one's  hold  of,  release; 
-  Jaget  release  one's  hold;  _  lei  let  loose;  -  en 
break  wind;  —  t  (uiibfltj)  escape;  (fontme  fri) 
^ret  off  el.  away;  jeg  -r  if'e  fao  let  I  shall  not  get 
iff  so  easily;  bu  -r  itfe  you  are  in  for  it:  labe  en 
.  fri  let  one  off;  Tobe  en  _  let  let  one  off  easy; 
qobt  fluppet  a  close  shave;  beg^nbte  fiDor  ben  anben 
iinp  began  where  the  other  left  off;  ^Dor  »ar  bet 
oi  flap?  where  did  westop?  —  meb  præp  k  adv. 
Crbet  flap  fiam  af  ^Jlunben  the  word  slipped  out 
af  his  mouth;  _  bort  escape;  _  (fri)  for  be  free 
from,  be  spared  st;  -  for  at  (*,  at)  be  spared 
from,  escape  -ing;  jeg  tunbe  ifte  ~  fra  ^om  I  conld 
not  get  away  from  him;  _  fro  bet  get  off;  _  Bel 
fra  get  well  out  of;  ~  berfra  meb  SiPet  escape 
With  one's  life;  -  igennem  get  through  el.  off; 
t-  igennem  3fen  fall  through  the  ice;  _  inb  »t 
get  el.  slip  in;  vt  let  in,  admit;  >-  meb  Sfræflen 
get  off  for  the  fright:  flap  berfra  meb  2iPet  escaped 
with  his  life;  -  neb  vt  drop,  let  fall;  _  op  be 
nsed  up  el.  consumed,  run  short.  give  out,  run 
out;  -til  get  access,  get  a  chance;  _  ub  p<  let 
out;  vt  get  el.  slip  out,  ''.{»emmeligfieb)  ooze  out; 
flop  bet  hernb?  was  that  it?  -  nb  meb  (manage 
to)  make  sometbing  suifice.  @n^))e  c  r,  fe  ®t}be. 
©lippel^UirucI  .1.  slip-sbackle.  -tnob  ^t,  slip 
knot  (0.  fl.). 

Slippert  c  -er  coarse,  broad  brush. 

Slipptftif  n  J,  slippery  hitch. 

Sltpé  n,  pf  =,  (neck-)  tie,  scarf. 

Slire  vi  glide,  rub. 

Sitre  c  -r  flong  sword;  *(ogf.  Slir)  sheath, 
S('al)bard,  case.    *-!niU  shealhknife. 

Sliffe  c  r,  SUffrn  c  -er  skids;  (31flel)ntng8») 

Sttt(t)a'ge  c  wear  and  tear. 

*©lo  c  entrails  (of  fish). 

Slobrof  ie  Slaabrot. 

tSIo  b    c  &  n  raking  of  eorn  in  the  field. 

■  Slobbe  (•  -r  a  kind  of  rude  sledge. 

Slof'  c  f  bed-fellow. 

*SIom'  [6]  c  -mer,  fe  Smelt. 

Slot' n -te  palace,  castle.    -({gnenbe  a  palatial. 

tSlotliamp  f  flmble  hemp. 

Sloté  batte  palace  hill.  -betient  domestic  of 
a  pala'-e.  -bro  palace  bridge,  -bt)  town  with 
a  castle.  -bljgntng  palace  building.  -fogeb  fe 
-foruttltev.  -folt  domestics  ofa  palace  -forbalter 
keeper  of  a  palace,  castellan  -gaarb  palace 
yard.  -grab  castle-moat.  -bobc  palace-garden. 
•licrrc  castellan.  -tantor  choirmaster  of  the 
palace  cbapel.  -ttrfc  palace  chapel.  -mentg^eb 
congregation  of  a  palace-chapel.  -mur  castle- 
ei.  palare-wall.  -mæåftg  a  palatial.  -plab§ 
place  in  front  of  a  palace.  -port  castle-  el. 
pulace-gate.  -præft  chaplain  ofa  palace-chapel. 
-ifribcr  palace-clerk.  -taarn  castle-tower.  -tog 
palaceroof.  -aagt  palace-guard;  (SSagt^uS)  palace 

Stobtt'tler  c,  pi  =,  Slowak.    -ijl  a  Slowak. 

Slobe'njCr  c,  pi  =,  Slovene.    -tfl  a  Slovenisb. 

Slu  (i  sly,  crafty,  cunning. 

Stubbe    vi   (Spinb.)    slub.      -botb    travelling' 
table.     -maffinc   slubbingbilley.      Slubntng 

Slubbert  c  -er  scamp. 

Slubre  vi   make  a  .slobbering  noise  in  eafeiii^' 
or  drinking;  -nbre  StoBler  .slol)bery  boots.      \. 

Slub  c  &  n  sleet.    -b^ge  shower  of  sleet  ■ 

Slubbet  c  {&  11}  stuff,  fudge,  gammon,  baldér- 
dash;  aa  -\  stuff  and  nonsense !  bet  flaar -"fpr 
bam  his  tongue  trips;  SJenene  flaar  -  for  i^iit.he 
is  rather  shaky  on  his  legs,  shambllng  ii^  his 
gait;   gioe  en   en  _  for  en  glabber  talk   a  lot  6f 

moonshine,  say  nothing  to  the  purpose.  SInb= 
berjagtig  i  nonseusical  -agtigbeb  c  nonsensical- 
ness.  -batte,  -^oocb,  -ftatol  rattle-brain,  chatter- 
box.  -bom  « jabbering,  prating,  prosing.  -born- 
bcb  c  loquacity,  prosiness. 

Slube  nt  sleet     Slu'bfulb  a  sleety. 

Slubre  vi  jabber,  prate. 

+  Slu'btib  c  sleety  season. 

Sluffc  c  -r  sled,  sledge. 

^luffet  n  plashy. 
a  fe  5lu. 

n,  pi  =,  (-^)  mouthfnl;  (®mp.)  nptake; 
(til  ?fif!eri)  tin-bait;  '"(SPcclg)  ravine.  Sluge,  -te, 
-t  vt  swallow,  devour,  (uben  at  tpgge)  bolt;  _ 
Crbenc  swallow  the  words;  -  en8  Crb  drink  in 
one's  words;  -  meb  S?jnene  devour  witb  one's 
eyes;  -r  fitjben  is  a  bad  room  for  sound;  -r  meget 
Søj  takes  a  lot  of  stuff.  Slugen  a  gluttonous, 
voracious.  Sfugenbeb  <;  voracity.  Sluger  c  -e 
swallower.  Slugl^a{§  glntton,  gormandizer. 
•bom,  -born^eb,  fe  glugen,  -^eb. 

-^Slngt  [t.]  c  -er  ravine. 

Slufieb  c  slyness,  cunning,  craftiness. 

Slutef'ter  n  f  finish. 

Slutte  (ogf  -te,  t)  vt  extinguish,  qnench,  put 
out;  _  2'ørften  quencb  the  thirst,  (fin  Jorft) 
quench  one's  thirst;  -  ®a§fen  turn  off  el.  down 
the  gas;  fin  ff e§  go  out,  expire,  become  extinct. 
Sluttelig  a  extinguishable.  Sluttet  c  -e  extin- 
guisher.  *Slutne  vi,  (+-i  vd)  fe  SluffeS.  SIiit=' 
nlitg  c  extinguishing  etc,  extinction.  —  SIitf> 
nittgd|apparat,  -tebffobet  fire-extinguishingii^'' 
paratus.  -forføg  attempt  at  extinguishiné'''Él 
fire.  '■  " 

S(ttt'«rct  a  chap-fallen,  crestfallen.        '   'i"  ^ 

tSIum'  c  fe  ©lummer.  tStumme  m'  fé'SWftftér 
tSIummen  c  hibl  drowsiness.  •     /',''''''!^ 

Slummet  c  slumber,  doze.  +-bt)&f e  *t  IMr 
to  sleep,  send  to  sleep.  -fulb,  -iiitiaL  a'éleéW' 
-charged,  heavy  with  sleep.  "     ''"i  'i'"'  ^~\ 

Slump  c  -er  (ubeftemt  Slnlal)  lot,  pftftltifl;  '(jRépOf' 
remainder,  (i  ®Ia«)  heeltap.     .''l''^^"?;  "    '"^»'  - 

Slump  c  chance,  bazard;  pdft  1.' at  i-aéflorbi; 'at: 
hap-hazard;  t  of  en  _  by  chance.  Slumbe '»¥'• 
(til)  stumble,  light,  chailce',,(hp6n);  '-'  tfl'jdt? 
chance  to.  —  Slumpeil^ffe- thWice,"  IVickV.åf! 
lucky  hit.  -ftub  randorh' Shot.''  -fftjttt'.rjiod'oWi!' 
shot.    -fpil  chance-ganié.    -ité\ '{i  -\tttie/'^'\^     J? 

Slumpmel  n  thirds'.' "''„'■■'■*'!   ''     '    «"«I® 

Slumre  vi  slumber,  ^^iéi'åråP  Wé''a'6i-nJattef  1" 
inb  fall  asleep;  _  ftett;  ff  .beHffiittfte.  -nW'flibéitWr'ftifi:^ 
dormant  passions,  -n'  c  sliirhberirtg.'  '■-^.■'t  e^^é* 
slumberer.    -tæppe  couvre  pied,  rug.     '"  .''^"'^^ 

tSIunt  c  bully,  rufflan.,    "V  '^"''.  '/'      '  i?- 

Sluntcn   a  låuk;    e^bnlf.''r  -m^c^^mM^. 
ganntness.       '    ^"'■^'■■'■^'  ''"''"^•'''  '''  """"'^     

Sluntie  et  idlé; 

rablv.     *-re  vi  -  -^„  . 

awav  from.'^hirk.'^'  '"■',  *"'^-  .,  '"'      .'„  '  'f   . 

Siup=  ie«nr6=.  /'""'    ',-""    '-''  ■'■     "";,-  " 

Slur  i  -fer  f-etibfyMObp;  (fjdirtiij  I  CtWdWiWffb), 
pinhåce-  (etiefåflnp)  llmrg*"!i«oet  b*rJÉetii3ti;-é{i!i*' 
oi?iHB  b6k.f  créWi''?6«ér.'       "  ;''     '      ■  0'"'r!'lf>n- 

Slute  vt  .i  slip.,  -ftft  sli^péi-fiWieh.  ■<'!'';l^'' 
Sfifrf  c 'Ji^dréfi^ht.  sVvi^,  gi^^^;"t«fi*iWtift>; 
brifté  eft  i:  «f  JVIaffe'H   tkké   a  "l^^n  at'tjie  botltlér- 

■'*®tttro  c  -er  slovén;  SflJW'é'é  VyHft.  ©Hiftf«" 
»t'jfro  fiff-Wlrry  off  "pei^fiH- in  '  (i'  slWéfliy' 
manner.  Sluroeti'  n  carelessness,  slovenlW^^sT-^ 
Sluroet  IT  slovenly,  ctitel'es>*.    ' ''  '  ■,""*   '  T* Y- 

Sluf.e  (•  -r  lock;    (loærDitagfn)  slmiée; '*.§Ttftlé»i§ 
-r   the   Windows  bf  heitven       Sfttf*"««   r#,-'>teb)'' 
lock  (up,  d<rwn).    -bunb  bottopi  6f  alWek.    ^^mS' 
regulating-weir.    -fntb  fall  of  tfhelWk     -tflthttUt'* 
lock  cham  her      -fldp  paddle-vftlvfe.'    4u*fWft. 


dlé;''f  bet''-r"4?  it"^6^é' '.bW^tdJéi'' 
-  iin^oi;'  J'fiå^tti  sHrik'el.  ^kult; 




-ntefter  loek-keeper.  -mur  side-wall  of  a  lock. 
•}>enqe  loekage.  -pott  lock-gaie;  (øderfte)  flood 
-gate,  shilce.  -tra^tie  flight  of  loeks.  -tærflel 
lock-sill.  -tiOQtet,  -oægter  lock-gate  man.  -»«rt 

*'@IuP  c  -er  careless  ■  .llow,  sloven;  shabby 
-looking  fellow;  scamp,  rough. 

@(uffe  0.  fl.,  fe  ©jufie. 

©lut'  n  close,  end;  (til  S,aai)  calch;  til  _  at 
last.  *&ut  "  at  an  end.  i31ut|6eretning  final 
report.  -bjælfe  ridge-piece.  -Blif  bolt-nab, 
locking-plate.  -gat  J,  fid-hole.  -ftoU  t  Ad. 
•ialfpt  boxstaple.  -Itampt  catch.  -lei)  end 
-link.    -nagle  main  pin. 

Slutning  c  -er  (bet,  at  en  Sing  flutter  tæt  tit  en 
finben)  closeness,  connection;  (@tibe)  termlna- 
tion,  conclusion,,  wlnd-up;  (logiff)  inferenee, 
conclusion;  tit  ~  in  conclusion,  to  conclude.  — 
®Iututngå|bemærtn{ng  concluding  et.  clo.sing 
remark,  -bom  final  decision,  -følge  course  of 
argument.  -^aftigVi*  terminal  velocity.  -læbe 
chain  of  reasoning.  -Icb  link  of  an  argument. 
-maabe  mode  of  reasoning.  -(ir^betfe  crowning 
ornament,  -rælfe  ie  -fæbe.  -fang  concluding 
song.  -fcenc  concluding  e(.  closing  scene.  -fæt= 
ntng  concluding  sentence.  -tfltc  concluding 
speech.    -»er§  concluding 

®lutH)Iabc  washer.  -ring  ferrule.  -febbel 
broker's  contraet,  contract  note.  -f4>ll  (®!a!) 
end  game.     -ften  keystone,  closer.     -fttjffe  nut. 

(Slutte  vt  (luffe)  close;  (bringe  i  ©tanb)  conclude, 
bring  to  a  conclusion;  ftogift)  infer,  conclude, 
judge;  ~  folft  (ulogif!)  misinfer;  .  airbejbet  knock 
off  work;  _  et  99ret)  conclude,  wind  up  el.  finish 
a  letter;  _  et  3for6unb  contract  an  alliance;  _ 
®etebberne  close  the  ranks;  _  et  Seb  conclude  el. 
strike  a  bargain;  _  en  Sreb§  form  a  circle;  _ 
5:oflet  bring  up  the  rear;  —  vi  conclude,  close; 
(tæt)  flt  ftightly);  —  meb  præp  og  adv.  ~  af  el. 
fra  conclude  from;  fe  Slfflutte;  _  i  fine  Slrine  fold 
in  one's  arms;  _  en  i  £cen(er  put  one  in  irons; 
_  inbe,  fe  ^nbeflutte;  -  tæto))  om  close  around; 
_  t)aa  mil  close  the  ranks,  lock  up;  -  ub  typ 
justify;  —  vr  ftg  fammen  unite;  -  fig  til  (en) 
attach  one's  self  to  one;  go  with,  side  with, 
follow  one,  (en  røentng  ofti.)  subscrilie,  (noget) 
infer,  draw  a  conclusion  as  to.  ®Iuttelig(en) 
ar/l,  flnally,  in  conclusion;  t  =  formobfntlig. 
Slutter  c  -e  jailer,  turnkey.  Stutteri'  n  -er 
debtor's  prison.  Sluttet  a  close,  serried,  fio 
concentrated;  _  ©elftab  private  company;  et  -t 
S3orb  a  private  dining-club.  Sluttet^cb  c  con- 

tSI^be  c  -r  hay-loft. 

S(t)nge  vt  fling,  hurl,  pitch,  .sling;  (fno)  wind, 
twine;  -  Strmen  et.  Slrmene  omlring  en  twine  one's 
arm  round  one,  encircle  one  with  one's  arms; 
—  +vi  swing;  -nbe  a  twining;  vr  fig  wind. 
Slange  c  -r  sling,  -faft  ($anbl.)  throwing  with 
a  sling;  (Slfftanb)  sling's  throw.     -!after  slinger. 

Slyngel  c  gter  rascal,  scoundrel.  -oarene  the 
hobbledehoy  age.  -agtig  <i  rascally,  seoundrelly. 
-ogtig^eb  c  rascality.  *-alberen  fe  -aarene.  -ftreg 
ra«cality,  scoundrelism. 

Stqnge|))r^belfer  twine.  -fta«,  -ftof  slinging 
-.stafT,  -stick.  -ften  sling-stone.  SI^ng|Iraft 
centrifugal  force.  SlQngning  c  slinging  etc, 
Winding.  StQnglVlonte  creeper,  climber.  -rofe 
running  rose.  -traab  tendril.-  -tiærl  (SS^gn.) 

tSlæ  c  prov  change  from  frost  to  thaw. 

Slceb  n,  pi  =,  train,  trail;  (Slib  og  ~)  toil, 
drudgery.  toiling  and  moiling;  f  font  5Si't:fon) 
drudge;  ^aoe,  tage  poa  -  have,  take,  in  tow; 
Sjote  meb  _  trained  dress,     -bærer  t rain-bearer. 

Slæbe,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  drag,  trail;  (arbejbe  ^aarbt) 

toil,  drudge;  J^  tow,  tug;  (meb  .^efte)  track: 
J,  tow  ofiF;  ~  af  meb  noget  drag,  draw  a  thin 
along  el.  away;  bet  -r  af  it  rubs  on;  _  ©enei 
efter  fig  trudge  along;  _  fig  frem,  tjen  dra 
one's  .self  along,  move  heavily,  (f.  ®f?.  om  58o( 
TaU)  drag  its  slow  length  along;  fian  -r  attib  be 
S8og  meb  fig,  -r  attib  omdring)  meb  ben  Sog  h 
always  carries  that  book  along  with  him  ever; 
where;  _  \)aa  noget  carry  a  ihing  heavily;  ^u 
gil  og  -te  tiaa  Sarnet  she  was  encumbered  wit 
the  child;  _  en  Sæ!  paa  5Rt)ggen  carry  a  sae 
on   one's   back;   _  ubenborbS   tow  overboar< 

—  ftæfienbe  a  slow,  mux  dragging,  drawliui 
-nbe  @ang  heavy  et.  shuffling  gait;  en  -nbe  Si 
el.  flforebrag  a  heavy  et.  drawling  style.  Slæbe 
baab  tug,  tow-boat.  -bebbing  (omborb)  towioj 
-bitts.  -bam^baab,  -bamtjer  steam  tug.  -f|ebi 
spring  between  the  cover-plate  and  bolt.  -gal 
»f,  traversing  beam.  -fjole  dress  with  a  trai: 
-libfe  ordinary  braid.  -Hne  tracking  lim 
Stæben  c  dragging.  Slæbejnet  drag(-net),  (ftørr 
trawl-net;  fifte  meb-  trawl,  -^jram  dumb  barg< 
-tmUert  towing-post.  Slæber  pi  f  slip 
slipshoes.  Slæber  c  -e  tug,  tow-boat;  towlin< 
Stæberbom  guess-warp  boom.  Slæberl'  n  dru( 
gery.  Stæbelffo  shoe  of  a  cavalry  scabbari 
•fteb  slip.  -ftt  towing-path.  -tang  wire-drawin 
tongs.  -tangtræftcbænl  draw-bench.  -tott  tov 
ing  line;  (Oeb  fluftbotton)  guide-rope;  toge  paa 
take  in  tow.  -baab  trawl-net.  —  Slæ'bifiæton 
who  has  a  shuffling  galt.  -fjole  fe  Slæbe 
Slæbning  c  towing,  towage,  etc. 

Slæbe  c  -r  sledge,  .sleigh;  art  slide;  J/  -r  (»( 
((fartøierS  9lfløbning)  sliding  planks;  f  ber  fom  ( 
SSlanh  meb  en  _  i  SSejen  there  was  an  obstacle  i 
the  way,  a  lion  in  the  path.  Slæbe  vt  si« 
-fare  fe  Sane=.  -farm  ^1^  ribbands  secured  t 
the  sliding-ways.  -farfel  sledging.  -mebe  runner 
of  a  sledge.  -fVor  sledge-track.  -t«j  sledge 

*Slægge    «    -r    sledge(-hainmer),    (ftor^    fo: 
-hammer,  (titte)  quarter-hammer. 

Slægt   c   -er    (Jamitie)    race,    family,    linea 
(®enerotton)  generation;  (i  natur^ift.  S9et.)  gen 
nærmefte  -  the  next  of  kin;    bære  i  _  meb  en 
akin  to  one,  be  a  relation  to  one;  i  nær  -  n 
related;    be   ere  i  -   fammen   they  are   kinsmei 
kinswomen;    be  ere   i   _   meb   mig   they   are 
kindred;    tomme  i  _  meb  come  into  relationsh: 
with;  tiogere  mob  (et.  i)  bereS  _  bibl  wiser  in  thej 
generation.    Slægt|arb  heir-loom.    -(e)bog  geni 
alogical    book.      Slægte    m   paa  take  after; 
J^atJeren  coa   i'ogf )   is   a  chip   of  the  old  bloc 
Slægtlfejbe  family  feud.     -fortjolb  family  relrf 
tions.    -følge  succession  of  generations;  genera 
tion.    -^tftoric  genealogy.     -^øobing  chief  of  a 
family  el.  of  a  elan.     -leb   generation,     -liglteb 
family    likeness,    generic    resemblance.      -linie 
line.      -mærte    generic    mark.      -naon    generic 
name;    family   name.     Slægtning  c  -e  relatio: 
relative,    kinsman    (el.    kinswoman).      Slægt] 
regifter  pedigree,   genealogy.     -ræffe  fe   -følgi 
SlægtSbcgreb  generic  notion,    notion  of  gen 
Slægtåbcffrinelfc  generic  description.     Stæg: 
ffab  «  relationshlp,  consanguinity;  cAem  afflnit; 

—  Slægtffabålaut  breeding  in-and-in.     -forbi 
belfe,     -forbotb    connection.      SlægtSnobn 
Slægtnaon.    Slægtftolt^eb  family  pride.    Slæi 
taole  pedigree.     Sfægtbaaben   family   coat 

Slæf  a  fe  Staf. 

Slæffe  vt  ,1/  (en  (Snbe)  check. 

tSlæne,  Slæning,  fe  Stæ. 

Slæng  n,  pi  =,  crowd,  train.  *Slæng  n  k  c 
-er  fling,  toss.  Slænge,  -te,  -t  vt  fling;  '■■vi  dangle; 
lie  about  (in  a  disorderly  manner),  knock  about; 




iille,  loiter;  labe  noget  ligge  og  _  leave  a  thing 
about.  @Iængen  c  flmging,  ^'SlængcDane  idl- 
iug  habit.  @licng i ta))))e  Spani.-li  cloak.  -fnæ 
•i.  diagonal  liauging  knee.  -t^é  blown  kiss. 
"■naim  nickname.    '-otb  taunt,  fling. 

Slæntet  fe  Sleiitet. 

SIcet'  c  mowiug;  fe  ftIoffe=.  t-falf  goslmwk, 
Falco  paluiiibarius.  t-folt  mowers.  f-ntattti 
mower.    t@((Cttettb  mowing-season. 

Bie%  c  fe  StQalorm. 

tSIOJ  a  slack;  lazy. 

Sløjt)  c  haudicraft,  haudwork,  home  arts. 
-forening  Home  Arts  A.ssociation. 

Sløje  vi  be  .■<lovenly  in  oiie -s  dress  el.  at  work. 
Støje  c  je  Sjufte  c 

Støjen  c  of  slovenliuess,  negligence. 

Støjfe  c  -r  (lel)  bow,  (fnattet)  (bow-)knot. 

Siøjfc  tJt  raze,  demolish,  level  witli  thegroiiud, 
w.u«  slur;  ^f;  drop,  discard,  (offtaffe)  discoutinue. 

-  gorftaoelfen  dock  the  initial  syllable.  -bue  »;/u» 
tie,  bind,  slur.  Støjfning  c  razing  etc;  mus 

+@Iøjjfro!te  c  gown.  -tjote  child's  frock. 
■Inæ  4^  bead-knee,  cheek-kuee. 

*©tøte  c  fe  S!Daiine. 

Stør  c  leading  wind,  for  en  _  when  sailiug 

Stør  a  ^  slack. 

Stør  II,  pi  =,  veil;  %  iudu.sium.  Sløre  vt 

Sløre  vi  sail  large. 

Støre  VI   (om  58oit)  become  slack,  fetch  way. 

Stø'rjfri  a  veilless.  -t^t  veil  net.  -ugle  barn 
ow),  Strix  flummea. 

Støfe  vt  &  t  (Sib  og  $enge  6ort)  waste  (time 
aud  money);  gaa  09  -  be  idling  about.  -ri'  n 

tSløO'  c  fe  Steo. 

StøO  a  bluut,  (ogfaa  fig)  obtuse,  Jiø  duft, 
stupid,  imbecile;  _  fianfe  blunted  lance.  Siøti{e, 
-gøre  vt  blunt,  dull,  hebetate.  -elfe  c  hebeta- 
tion.  -gørenbe  «  hebetating.  -^eb  c  bluntness, 
etc;  siupidity,  imbecility.  -finb  imbecility. 
-ftoet  u  smooih-shod. 

Smaa  a,  pi  af  Siben,  fiitlc  (F  og  ceb  coU  ogf. 
•iiny)  small,  comp  mmbre  smaller,  less,  »vperl 
minbft  smallrst,  least,  (liben,  ringej  little,  petty, 
diminutive;  be  _  the  little  oues;  ben  _  the  little 
one;  bu  - !  little  one !  be  fmaa  '^Jrofeter  the  Lesser 
Prophets;  fra  _  of  from  childhood,  from  cliildrea; 

-  Slog!  steady!  gently!  Store  og  -  great  and 
small;  i  bet  -  ou  a  small  scale;  ^anble  i  bet  _ 
deal  in  retail;  bet  er  -t  for  ^om  he  is  in  straitened 

circumstances;   bet   er  -t  om  el.  for is 

scarce;   i  -t  fom  ftort  in  great  and  little  things; 

-  i'dc  fmaot,  faa  -t  adv  by  little  and  little, 
slowly,  gradually;  mildly;  foa  -t!  handsomely! 
jeg  ^or  foa  -t  iiqft  til  at  I  have  half  a  mind  to; 
man  taler  foa  t  om  .  .  .  it  is  whispered  .  .  . 
Smaal afgifter  petty  charges.  -of§  spikelet. 
-t)aabe  small  boats.  -battet  «  hummocky.  -banbe 
vi  mutter  curses.  -bettafin  jack  snipe,  Seolopajc 
giHinuUi.  -bitte  a  very  lutle  el.  s.,  minikiu, 
pygmeaii.  -bjæf  pi  little  barks,  -blob  leatiet. 
-btabet  «  .^mall-leaved.  -blommet  -blomftret  u 
small-sprigged  el.  -flowered.  -btomft  floweret, 
floret,  -borger  petty  tradesman.  -brøb  buns, 
muffius,  lea-eakes,  spiced  wheaten  bread.  -bufte 
low  shrubs.  -bQ  country  towu;  provincial  town. 
-bl^agtig  u  provincial.  -bqger  small  showers, 
short  squalls.  -bqget  -i  showery.  -bøger  book- 
lets,  bookliugs.  -bølger  wavelets,  ripples.  -børn 
little  childreu.  -cirtler  less  circles.  -bampere 
small  steamers.  -belt  a  tinely  divided.  -bigte 
miuor  poems,  s.  lyrics.  f-breng  page.  -brenge 
pi  little  boys.     -brille  vt  quiz,  chatf.     -btjr  ani- 

malcule.  -bætblab  ^  bractlet.  -fartøjer  pi  small 
craft.  -fejl  pi  small  el.  slight  errors.  -fefter 
small  fétes.  -flft  small  fry.  -f(ag(er)  (of  3I) 
patches  of  ice.  -folt  common  people;  (»fiBtn) 
small  people,  little  ones;  (ironift)  bet  er  iffe  for  - 
il  is  nothing  for  a  poor  de  vil  like  you  el.  me, 
him  ofo.  -forfattere  authorlets,  authorlings. 
•forfeelfer  small  otfences,  iudiscretions.  -fugle 
little  birds.  -ft)rfter  princelets,  princelings. 
*-fæ  fe  -toæg.  -fægtninger  skirmishes.  -gaber 
bystreets.  *-gjeb  codlings.  -glimt  pi  short 
glimpses.  -grifc  little  pigs.  -grunbe  petty  rea- 
sons.  -grQuet  «  granulated.  -grinte  v%  give 
little  giuuis.  *-flUt  little  boy.  -gælb  small  debts. 
-^anbelretail-bii-iness.  -^anbler  retailer,  huxter. 
■fteb  c  liilleut'ss  -^ebidaanb  mind  given  to  trifles, 
frivolity.  -^errcr  lordlings;  fops,  dandies.  -l>jcr= 
net  a  microceplialous.  -Ijofte  vi  eough  sliglitly. 
•^ugge  vt  chop  small,  -^unbe  little  dogs,  toy 
-dogs.  -tjoifte  vi  whispcr  softly.  -^i)tter  little 
huts.  -tiære  small  armies.  '-jenter  little  girls. 
-faaréfolt  poor  people.  -tager  pi  pasiry.  -ta= 
^Qtter  siate-rooms.  -fneb  petty  artifices.  -tnuber 
nodules.  -tnurre  vi  mutter,  -toge  vi  simmer. 
-tolé  small  coke,  coke-dusl.  -tonge  petty  king, 
kingling.  -teplier  pi  smallpox;  be  mobificerebe  _ 
the  varioloid.  -torn  pi  graius,  particles;  n  fe 
gortorn.  -tornet  u  small-grained.  -lort  plaiu 
cards.  -tram(Oorer)  smallware,  pedlary-wares. 
■trat  fe  -bufte.  -treaturer  pi  t  poultry;  *ie  -toæg. 
-trebé  entomostracans.  -trtjb,  -træ  vermin. 
•tugter  spherules.  -tul  small  coal,  slack.  -toæg 
small  cattle.  -tåben  a  smallish.  *-taft  small 
timber.  -le  't  laugh  shly.  Smaalig  «  (.nwjagtigj 
minuie;  (ubetpDelig)  petty,  tritiiug;  (nejeregnenbe, 
intetfigenbe,  tom)  uarrow-minded,  petty,  frivolous. 
Smaatig^eb  c  uarrow-mindedness,  smallminded- 
uess,  fnvolity,  littleness,  peitiness.  Smaaj'''lom 
redthroated  diver,  Colvnbus  neptentrianalis. 
-luger  scuttles.  -li^n  faint  flash  of  lightuing. 
*-l«nbtng  c  -er,  fe  monb.  -loenged  vd  (efter)  feel  a 
faini  longing  (for),  -tøg  bulbule,  bulbiet.  -tøjer 
small  jokes.  t'XKtRb  small  farmer  el.  freeholder. 
-mennefter  pigmies.  -meftere  chamber-masters, 
garret-masters,  mastermen,  single-handed  ma- 
sters, -mønftret  u  small-pattemed.  -mønt  small 
coin,  chauge.  -nqnne  vi  hum  softly.  -nqnnen 
low  humming.  -n^éle  fe  i)ii)éle.  -omtoftninger 
petty  expenses.  -omftænbig^eber  incideuts,  little 
matters,  -orb  pi  particles.  -patter  s.  parcels. 
■penQC  pi  change.  -»»iger  pi  little  girls.  -))tetter 
little  spots.  -|)tnt  miscellaneous  trifles;  i  _  adv 
by  little  and  little,  in  driblets.  -(lolitit  vestry 
politics.  -))rittet  a  with  small  dots.  -pubflg  a 
drollish,  rather  funny  (in  a  small  way).  •<)U§= 
linger  little  toddlers.  -rebfel  dues  in  kind  to 
a  coimtry  clergyman,  s.  tithes.  -regn  drizzle. 
-regne  vi  drizzle.  -rejfer  pi  short  el.  easy  jour- 
neys.  -riger  petty  kingdoms.  -rubet  a  small 
-chequered.  -fager  trifles.  -folg  retail.  -febler 
little  slip.s.  -fejl  small  sails.  -finbet  a  small 
-minded,  -ffaarcn  a  cut  small,  -ftibe  small 
ships.  -ftiQinger  fe  -penge,  -ftob  copse-wood, 
underwood.  -ftrift  small  haud-writiug.  -ftrifter 
1)1  tracts.  -^utfie  ^  silicle.  -ftæl  ^  lodicle. 
-ftænbe  vi  grumble.  -ftærm  2(  partial  umbel. 
-fmite  vi  smile  faintly.  -fnatte  vi  mutter. 
•fnatten  c  muttering,  -fnatife  vi  take  a  whet 
now  aud  then.  '-fpooe  whimbrel,  Numenius 
ijhceopus.  '^-fpringe  vi  ruu  leisurely,  with  short 
steps,  trot.  -ftab  fe  -6^.  -ftabd  trinkets,  nick- 
uacks.  -ftater  petty  states.  -ften,  -ftene  pebbles. 
-ftenébante  bank  of  pebbles.  -ftendtrubt  pebble 
powder.  -ftilet  a  small  type.  -ftjcele  vi  pilfer, 
fllch.  -ftorme  pi  petty  storms,  -ftribet  a  narrow 
-striped.    -ftum^ier,  -ft^ttcr  small  pieces  el.  bits. 




-ft<be  vt  pound  flne.  t-foent>  page.  -ft>«6  ^ 
involucel.  -ftinge  vi  hum.  -fæb  light  grain. 
-f«er  iJ^  lakelets.  -tolenbe  2>art  chatting;  a  {e 
gaaorbig.  -tarme  pi  small  guts.  -ternet  «  small 
-chequered.  -tiwfl  little  thing,  trifle,  small  mat- 
ter; trifling  artlcle;  bet  et  t!!e  _  at  it  is  no  light 
thing  to.  -tjencfter  vi  little  services,  -torff 
eodling.  -toSfet  a  not  quite  right.  -tra))^e 
little  bustard,  Oti»  tetrax.  -tratienbe  a  .short 
•trotting.  -tr«!  pi  little  traits.  Smaatteri  n, 
-er  pi  trifles,  small  matters,  minutiæ.  Stnaal- 
ture  pi  short  trips,  -ttjoeri  pilfering,  petty  lar- 
ceny.  -tocrenbe  « :  »ære  _  be  a  small  eater. 
■t«j  fe  ©maattert.  -ubgifter  pL  petty  expeuses, 
petty  charges,  petties.  -»ejr  J,  short  and  fre- 
quent  showers  of  rain  alternatiug  with  fine 
weather.  -tiere  pi  versicles.  -Oilbt  small  game. 
-Oittig^cber  pi  jokelets.  -bortt  a  .smallish. 
•Jiæfener  little  creatures.  -aer  islets,  small  is- 

Smabber  n:  goa  i  ~  be  smashed;  flaa  i  ~  smash. 
©mabrc  vt  smash. 

©mag  c  (i  3tlm.)  taste;  (itaunl.  SSelfmag)  flavour, 
relish,  savour;  (Sanfen  og  fig)  taste;  ((Sienbomnte^ 
lig^eb  for  en  Sunftner,  SibSalber  ofo.)  manner, 
style,  way;  en  tlbe  _  i  TOunben  a  bad  el.  unpleas- 
ant  taste  in  the  mouth;  uben  ~  tasteless;  jeg  ^at 
ta6t  -en  (d:  e«nen  til  ot  f.)  my  mouth  is  out  of 
tæste;  i  9{u6enS'  _  in  Rubens'  style;  -en  (-  og 
aSel^og)  er  forfleHig  tastes  difter,  every  man  to 
his  taste,  what  is  one  man's  meat  is  another 
man's  poisou;  om  -en  laber  ber  fig  ttte  ftribe  there 
is  no  accounting  for  taste;  fæite  _  Xiaa  give  a 
flavour  to;  faa  -  poa  contract  a  taste  for;  -  for 
a  taste  for,  a  relish  for,  a  liking  to  et.  for,  ftnbe 
-  i  have  a  taste  el.  mind  for,  find  something 
lo  one's  taste;  efter  min  -  to  my  taste,  ^aoe  gob 
_  have  a  good  el.  flne  taste;  i  famme  _  (fom)  in 
keeping  (with).  (Smage,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  taste;  bet 
-r  gobt,  ilbe,  f»bt  ofo.  it  has  a  good,  bad,  sweet 
etc.  taste;  bet  -r  itte  ilbe  it  is  not  unpalatable; 
bet  -r  bebre  (ogf.)  it  eats  better;  -r  fortræffelig  (om 
en  t)i§  8?et)  is  excellent  eating;  ingen  ffllab  -r  mig 
I  have  no  relish  for  food  of  any  kind;  ^BorlebeS 
f)av  aJiibbagSmaben  -t  ®em?  how  have  you  relished 
el.  enjoyed  your  dinner;  ben  3:one  ^oort  ...  -te 
mig  itte  I  did  not  relish  et.  enjoy  the  tone  in 
which  .  .  .;  bet  -er  mig  itfe  I  do  not  like  it,  it 
is  not  to  my  liking;  labe  fig  bet  _  eat  el.  drink 
with  good  appetite;  t)DotlebeS  -r  benne  SBin  how 
do  you  like  this  wine?  _  af  flavour  el.  smack 
of;  benne  SSin  -r  af  gabet  this  wine  has  a  tang  of 
the  cask;  bet  -r  af  ingen  2ing,  -r  tffe  af  nt  it  is 
quite  tasteless,  tastes  like  a  chip  in  porridge; 
bet  -r  af  græf^eb  it  is  suggestive  of  audacity; 
^Vat  f!al  bet  _  af  what  do  you  mean  by  that; 
bet  -r  efter  mere  it  tastes  morish;  ^  paa  taste, 
take  a  taste  of.  —  <Smage|btb  taste  specimen, 
sample,    -rebffab  fe  ©magSorgan. 

©ma'glforncmmelfe  perception  of  taste,  -fulb 
o  tasteful,  tasty,  in  good  taste,  elegant.  -fulb= 
l|eb  c  tastefulness,  elegance,  good  taste  -inbtr^t 
fe  -fornemmelfe.  -tnop,  -I«g  gustatory  papilla. 
-l9å  a  (fom  it!e  fmager  af  nt)  tasteless,  having 
no  taste,  flat;  fig  in  bad  taste,  (om  'i^erion)  with- 
out  taste,  -iøétitb  c  tastelessuess;  bad  taste; 
want  of  taste.  Smagning  c  tasting.  —  SmagSh 
bommer  arbiter  of  taste,  art-critic.  -emne  object 
of  taste.  -e»»nc  faculty  of  taste,  -fortabt  o 
devoid  of  taste,  -forffel  ditference  of  taste. 
-læren  æsthetics.  -neroe  gustatory  nerve,  -organ 
organ  of  taste,  -fag  matter  of  taste.  -fonS 
sense  of  laste,    -oært  work  of  taste. 

@mat'  c  sumac,  Ehus  coriaria. 

@ma!(te)  t  -r  smack. 

Smatluge  c  ^  scuttle-hatch. 

(SmaC  (*fmo't)  a  narrow;  -  om  Hibet  slendi 
-waisted;  _  ftoft,  Jæring  scanty  fare,  short  con 
mons;  oære  \)aa  ~  ftoft,  teoe  -t  live  on  short  con 
mons;  bet  er  -t  meb  el.  om,  fe  Snap  a;  bet 
en  _  Sag  that  is  quite  easy;  bet  er  en  -  Sag  fi 
6am  that  is  an  easy,  a  small,  malter  for  hia 
©mal] ben  small  of  the  leg.  -benet  a  spintl] 
-shanked.  -blabet  a  narrow-leaved,  angusi 
foliale.  -bringet  a  narrow-chested.  -bræmnti 
o  3;unifa  angustielave.  -butte  pi  wasp-beetle 
Leptura.  -b^r  one  year  old  hind.  *@male  c 
proo  sheep,  goat.  @ma(|*enbe  narrow  en< 
-folio  small  folio.  -fælget  a  narrow-fellie^ 
-^alfet  u  narrow-necked.  -^ané :  i  ®ag  er 
Støftcnmefter  we  are  on  short  commons  to-da; 
©mal^eb  c  ©mall^inb  fe  -bQ 
-tæftet  a  (giletlo)  dog-nose  (haud-vice);  ~  StQb 
tang  slide-plyer.  -liott  a  slender-waisted.  *-lfl[ 
fe  -ben;  J,  small  round.  Smalne  vi,  fmalneå  « 
narrow;  laper.  @mal|næfet  a  (Stbe)  catarrhir 
(moukey).  -roa  fe  -bQr.  -ftulbret  a  narro 
-shouldered.  -ff^gget  a  uarrow-brimmed  -fnubi 
a  with  pointed  loes.  -f))orct  a  uarrow-gau 
small-gauge.    -ftribet  a  narrow-striped. 

©malte  c  blue-glass. 

©maljtrcge  needle-bug,  Uvdrometm.  -oing 
pi  fe  -bufte.    -«tée  wood-cutter's  axe. 

©maragb'  c  -er  emerald.  -grøn  u  emera 
■green,  -mobcr  pellucid  agate.  -f©maragbnc 
def  poet  emerald. 

©maft  n  &  c  smack,  buss.     Smafte  vi  smacl 
the  lips  wheu  eating.     ©maffen  c  smacking 

©mafter  pi  skins  of  new-born  lambs, 

'■'■©matte  vi  fe  ©mafte. 

©mottet  <t  dirty  and  slippery. 

*©maug  »,  pi  =,  fe  ©mage. 

©mau§    c    feast,    ireat,   junket,      ©maufe 
junket.    -H©mouferi'  n  junketing. 

©meb  iiiip  af  ©mibe. 

©meb'  (*Sme'bi  c  -e  smith,  (®rooO  blåt: 
smith;  Dære  fin  egen  SQtteS  ~  be  the  architect 
one's  owu  fortuue,  the  carver  of  his  own  foi 
tunes;  a  self-made  man;  F  en  ^el  -.  quite  a  dal 
a  very  dragon  (i,  til  al);  paffer  paa  jom  en 
keeps  a  sharp  look-out,  sleeps  with  one  e 
open.    ©mcbbar  n  malleable.    ©meb(b)c  vt  forgi 

-  et  Stnflag  lay  a  plot;  -   en  Siogn  forge  a  lie; 
JKænter  scheme;  —  vi  work  in  the  smithy,  ha: 
mer;  (om  ^eft)  overreaeh;  -  menS  Qærnet  er  bar 
strike  while  the  irou  is  hot,   make  hay  whil 
the    suu    shines.    —    ©meb(b)e!arbejbe    .smith- 
work.    -bælg  forge-bellows.     -brcng  smith's  a] 
prentice.    -eéfe  fe  @§fe.    -gaa§  fe  SSilbgaaS.    -go 
smith's   tools.     -tiaanbOært    tråde   of  a   smit 
-jammer  sledge-hammer.     -jærn  wrought  iro 
■latnUplabtt  wrought-irou  piates.    -tone  blac 
smith's    wife.      -tul    small    coal,    slack,    cul 
©mebeltg  a  malleable.    ©mcbcllære:  gaa  i  - 
apprenticed  to  a  smith.     -mefter  master-smit 
-otin  fe  (Ssie.     -pltt  forge-mark,   hammer-man 
-rebftab  smith's  tool  el.  implemenl.     -regnini 
blacksmith's  bill.    -ffæl  pi  scales  of  irou.    -f»enl 
jourueyman  smith.     -tang  tongs.     -oogn  travel 
ling-forge,  forge- waggon,  -oærtftcb  smith's  for; 
©mebje  c  -r  forge,  smithy.     ©mebjefugl  fe  Si 
ftjært.    ©mebning  c  forging;  overreachiug. 

©mct',  fmcttc  fe  Smæt. 
©metier  a  fe  ©mæffer. 
©melbc,  ©mcUc  fe  Smælbe. 
©melt  c  enamel. 

©melt,  ©mctte  c  smelt,  Oimerus  eper/anus. 
©meltbar  u  fusible. 
©melte  vt  &  i  melt,  dissolve,  fuse,  liquef; 
(tun  om  Srt§)  smelt;  fig  melt;  _  bort  melt  away] 

-  ^en  i  Saarer  melt  into  el.  in  lears,  be  dissolved 
in,  melted  to,  lears,  _  ober  i  melt  into,  _  fammen 




meb  merge  in  el.  into;  -  fommen  til  be  reduced 
to;  -nt e  Jig  melting;  -t  S3IQ  molten  el.  nielted 
lead.  3melte|t)tgel  crucible,  meltiug-pot.  -fllaS 
euamel.  -grube  sump.  -^ebe  melting-heat. 
•IlUtte  smelting-liouse.  -tcbel  pit.  -tMnft  art  of 
smelting.  Smeltelig  a  fusible.  Smcltcligljcb  c 
fusibility.  Smelte|o»m(smelting-)furuaee.  -^untt 
meltiug  point,  -rum  heartli.  -ffe  ladle.  -ftaal 
uatural  steel,  German  steel.  -uarme  fe  -^ebe. 
Smeltning  c  melting  etc;  fusion,  liquefaction. 

Smergel  c  emery.  -bug  fe  -Icerreb.  -fil  fe  -fpaon. 
•tlttp  emery  vice.  -lugle  emery-ball.  -lærreb 
emery-cloth.  -))at>ir  emery-paper.  -^»inb  fe  -fpaan. 
•ffitte  emery-wheel,  butf.  -fpaan  emery-stick. 
Smergle  vt  rub  with  emery. 

tSmerling  c  grounding,  loach,  Cobitis. 

Smerte  vt  J,  parcel. 

Smerte  c  r  pain,  ache,  smart;  (Sorg)  grief, 
affliction;  ^an  ^ar  ftore  -r  he  is  in  great  pain. 
Smerte  vi  smart,  aclie;  vt  pain,  (fjælelig)  grieve; 
bet  -r  mig  bt)6t  it  grieves  me  to  the  heart. 
-tilanbet  a  not  unmixed  with  pain.  -bulmenbe 
fe  -ftitlenbe.  -fri  a  free  from  pain.  -frifteb  paiu- 
iessness,  absence  of  pain.  -fulb  a  painful. 
-fulbljeb  painfulness.  Smertelig  a  painful. 
SmertcUgljcb  c  painfulness.  Smertcnåleje  bed 
of  pain.  Smcrtenåflrlg  cry  of  pain.  Smertejrig 
a  poet  fe  -fulb.  -ftiUcnbe  a  soothiug  el.  allaying 
pain,  anodyne,  anodynous;  -  SKibbel  anodyne. 
•ftt!  groan. 

Smerting  c  pareelling.  Smertingåbug  canvass 
for  parcelling, 

♦Smibbar  a  malleable.    Smi(b)e  vt  fe  ©mebe. 

Smibe^  fmeb,  fmibt  vt  fling,  piteh. 

Smibig  a  limber,  supple,  agile,  aetive,  pliable. 
•gere  vt  soften.  -^eb  c  suppleness,  pliability, 

*Smte  vt  &  »■  fe  Smebe;  (fnitte)  whittle. 

Smig  c  bevel-angle.    Smige  c  fe  Smtaftot. 

Smiger  c  flattery,  adulation.  -bigt  adulatory 
poem.  -i-fttlb  a  coaxing.  +-Iunftner  artful  flat- 
terer, -orb  flfltteriug  word.  -fong  flattering 

Smigre  vt  flatter;  —  vi  for  flatter;  —  _  fig  meb 
flatter  one's  self  with,  -  meb  at  that  el.  to,  lay 
the  flattering  unction  to  one's  soul  that;  _  fig 
meb  bet  ^aab  at  flatter  one's  self  with  the  hope, 
indulge  in  a  hope  that;  _  fig  inb,  fe  ^nbfrntgre. 
-n  c  fe  -ri.  -nbe  a  flattering;  libet  -  hardly 
flattering,  uncomplimeutary.  -r  c  -e  flatterer, 
adulator.  -ri'  n  -er  flattering,  flattery.  -rfte  c 
-r  flatterer,  adulatress. 

Sml'gftot  c  bevel,  folding-rule. 

Smil  n  (t  c),  pi  =,  smile;  *brage  xxaa  -en  smile. 
Smile  vi  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  smile;  _  ab  smile  at;  _  til 
smile  on.  —  Smile|boonb:  trcelfe  paa  -et  smile. 
-færbig  a  prepared  to  smile,  -^nl  dimple.  -nbe 
a  (om  Sanbflab  o.  1.)  smiling,  lovely. 

Smtnte  c  -r  paint,  rouge,  faoe-powder;  fætte 
-  ifaa  fig  varnish,  gloss  over.  Sminte  vt  paint, 
roupe.  Sminfeibær  fe  3orbærfpinat.  -boofe  paint 
-liox.  -tiuibt  pearl-white,  bismuth-white.  -fopper 
paint  cups.  -Iruftc  fe  -baafe.  -lapper  colouring 
rags.  -plaber  fe  -topper  -rob  fe  ealomonS  Segl. 
-Oanb  cosmetic  (water),  wash  for  the  face. 

Smiffe  vi  for  coax,  wheedle;  -  ab  en  smirk 
el.  smile  at  oue.  -n  c  coaxing,  wheedling.  -t 
c  coaxer. 

*Smit'  c:  f)der  ~  og  Smule  every  particle. 

Smitjlopper  pi  small-pox.  -fom  a  contagious, 
infectious,  caiching,  communicative.  -fom^eb  c 
contagiousness,  infectiousness.  -fot  contagious 
disease,  infectious  distemper.  -ftof  contagious 
veuom  el.  malter,  virus,  contagion,  miasma. 

Smitte  vt  infect;  fe  SJefmitte;  blioe  -t  catch  the 
iiifectiou;  blioe  -t  of  catch,  take;  —  vi  be  infec- 

tious el  contagious,  p  catch;  benne  S^gbom  -r 
iffe  (ogf.)  this  disease  will  not  spread;  _  af  rub 
ofT;  _  an  tvp  set  oft'.  Smitte  c  -r  infection, 
contagion.  Smitte] bærenbe  a  fe -furenbe.  -f ri  a 
free  from  contagion,  uniufected.  -f«renbe  a 
communicative  of  infection,  susceptible  of  con- 
tagion.    -gift  fe  Smitftof.     '^-rcnfe  vt  deodorize. 

■■■'Smof  c  -fer  (Siuger^ætte)  stall. 

tSmolt  n  prov  lard. 

SmubS  n  &  c  fllth,  dirt;  tafte  _  paa  throw 
dirt  ou.  -aftr^I  waste  sheet.  -blab  low  paper; 
(i  liBog)  fly-leaf.  -bigt  libellous  poem.  Smubfe 
vt  soil,  dirty,  foul;  _  fig  til  dirty  one's  self. 
Smnbfig  a  soiled,  (ogf.  fio)  dirty,  foul,  smutty, 
(egennyttig)  sordid.  Smubftg^eb  c  dirtiness,  fllth- 
iness,  foulness,  smuttiness;  -er  foul  el.  dirty 
language.  Smubfte  vt  fe  Smubfe.  Smubffet  a 
fe  Smubfig  (iffe  fig).  Smub^iplet  dirty  spot, 
stain.  -ffrift  libel  lampoon.  -tttel  tvp  outer 
title-page,  bastard  el.  half  title. 

*Sm«g  n  fe  Smøge. 

Smug :  i  -  secretly,  privately,  clandestinely, 
(up)on  the  sly,  on  the  quiet,  by  stealth;  _  (Stræb.) 
cabbage.  -brccnberi  unlieensed  distillery.  -gobé 
fe  Smugte=.  -^anbel  smuggliug  el.  contraband 
tråde,  -^anbler  contraband  tråder.  -Iro  hedge 

Smugle  vt  smuggle,  run  goods.  -gobå  smug- 
gled  el.  run  goods.  Smugler  c  -e  smuggier. 
Smugleri'  n  -er  smuggling;  smuggling  trans- 
action;  greben  i  -  caught  smuggling.  —  Smug= 
lerlftib  smuggier.  -trafiten  the  smuggling  tråde. 
Smugling  r  smuggling. 

Smug  I  ff  ole  clandestine  school.  -tr^ttrri 
clandestine  prinling-offlce. 

*Smuf'  fe  Sinot. 

Smut'  a  handsome,  pretty,  fine,  fair,  comely; 
gilip  ben  -te  Philip  the  Fair;  bet  -te  Røn  the  fair 
sex;  -t  SBejr  fine  weather,  fSJarom.)  set-fair;  en  _ 
^iftorie  a  pretty  business;  fige  en  -te  SEtng  say 
civil  things  to  one,  pay  one  complioaents;  bet 
er  -t  af  ®em  it  is  very  good  of  you;  —  fmutt 
ado  handsomely,  pretdly,  nicely;  ftribe  -t  write 
a  good  hånd;  bu  fibber  -t  i  bt-t,  bet  fer  -t  ub  for 
big  nu  tron  you  are  in  a  nice  mess,  you  are  in 
for  it  now,  here  is  a  pretty  kettle  of  flsh,  things 
have  come  to  a  pretty  pass;  ieg  maatte  -t  blioe 
hjemme  I  had  to  stay  at  home  like  a  good  child. 

Smul  a  smooth;  -t  SSanbe  smooth  sea. 

Smul(b)'  n  dust;  falbe  ^en  t  _  crumble  into 
dust.  -fSmulben  a  crumbling.  Smul(b)ne  vi 
&  t  fe  Smulre.  Smule  c  -r  particle,  (iBrøb«) 
crumb;  en  -  a  little,  a  trifle,  a  bit,  slightly;  ben 
_  gnbflQbelfe  ftan  ^aobe  such  influence  as  he  had; 
itte  en  -  Smør  not  a  particle  of  butter;  itfe  en  _ 
bange  not  a  bit  afraid;  be  -r,  fom  falbt  fra  ben 
rigeg  Ifiorb  the  crumbs  which  fell  from  the  rich 
man's  table;  r  er  ogfaa  33røb  better  half  a  loaf 
than  uo  bread.    Smule  vt  crumble. 

Smu'l^eb  c  smoothuess. 

Smul(b)r|e  vi  &  t  crumble,  moulder.  -ing  c 

'  Smuruing  fe  Smorelfe.  SmurningSIran 
grease  coek. 

Smurt,  fmu'rte  fe  Smere.  Smu'rtlæber 
leather  grea.sed  with  train-oil. 

Smuftet  a  fe  Smubffet. 

tSmut'  n:  flaa  el.  tofte  _  make  ducks  and 

*Smttt'  fe  Smot. 

Smut'  n  fe  Sibe--.  Smut|^ttl  hiding  el.  lurking 
-place,  (euS  fæboonlige)  haunt.  •t)t>tpS  ichneu- 

tSmutften  c  drake-stone. 

Smutte  vi  slip,  glide,  slink,  steal;  -  inb  (om 
SRæo  0.  1.)  take  earth.     Smutte  c  -r  secret  en- 




trance  el.  passage.  @mut|fti,  -ttei  by-way. 
+-trop<)C  back-stairs. 

*@m»)8e  vi  |e  Smutte. 

Smljlte  n  r  ornament,  trinket.  ©m^tte  vt 
ornament,  adorn,  deck,  decorate;  +>  iib,  fe  Ub= 
fmt)tfe.  -fugt  ornamental  bird,  Smijtlen  c  orna- 
menting,  adornment.  @mt)tte|ffrin  jewel-box, 
casket.  -ften  preciou.s  .stene,  -urt  ornamental 
plant,    -æffe  je  -firin.    Smtjfning  fe  ©mtjiteu. 

©mcebe  vt  abuse,  revlle.  ©mæt»e|bigt  llbellous 
poem,  lampoon.  -naon  opprobrious  name,  nick- 
name.  -orb  pi  invective,  abuse.  -fnug  fe  -bigt. 
•ffrift  llbel,  lampoon.  -ffritter  libeller.  -tict8 
libellous  verse.    -Dife  libellous  song  el.  dltty. 

Sttttegte  vi  languish,  pine.  -n  c  languishing 
etc.  -nbc  a  languishing.  +@mægttg  [t.]  a  slim, 

®mæl'  n,  pi  =,  rap,  smack,  flick;  fe  glue;  p 
foo  _  for  ©liHtngen  get  the  full  value  of  one's 

@tttæt{feb  a  plump,  very  fat.  -flKile  c  F 
hussy,.  minx.  -fnlb  a  fe  ^rop=.  ©mætfe  (ogf. 
ftnaf)  vi  &  t  smack,  rap;  ~  en  oBer  fingrene  give 
oue  a  rap  on  the  knuekles;  ~  en  ®Br  i  slam  a 
door;  _  meb  STungen  smack  with  the  tongue;  - 
meb  en  ^ift  crack  a  whip;  -be  |am  en  paa  f  ret 
dealt  him  a  box  on  the  ear.  ©mætfe  c  -r  (f.  ®t§. 
?^Iuef )  flap;  (til  58Qrn)  bib;  {«r^ft=)  stomacher. 
@m(cffen  c  smacking  etc. 

©mætter  a  slender;  slim.  -I)eb  c  slenderness, 

@mæt|tJ)å  feSmælb'.  -loaS  catchlock,  spring 
-lock(-]atch,  -snap).  -loaSnegle  latchkey,  clicket. 
-»reb  a  very  angry. 

©mcelb  n  (ogf.  c;,  lA  =,  crack,  smack. 

©mrelbe  vi  &  t  (meb  $tft)  fe  jmæfte;  _  en  ^giftol 
af  snap  a  pistol;  ~  ®aren  i,  -  meb  ®øren  slam 
el.  bang  the  door;  ftælbe  og  ~  scold  and  make 
a  noise.  ©mælbc  c  fe  ®mælber.  ©tncelbe  c, 
©mælbelblomft,  -græé  bladder-campion,  ISilene 
i-nfiata.  ©mælben  c  cracking  etc;  ©lælben  og  - 
scolding  and  abuse.  @m(e(ber  c  -e  snap-bug, 
skip-jack,  click-beetle ,  spring-beetle,  Bloter . 
*@mælbcrtcr  pZ  knackers.  ©mætblfcb  fe  ©mæt--. 
*-gumrai  chavving-gummi.     -t^å  smacking  kiss. 

©mæle  vi  (om  jRaab^r)  bray,  bell. 

*©mætte  vi  fe  ©mutte;  vt  slip  (through),  pass, 

t®ttt«gc  c  -r  narrow  passage. 

©møge  vt  (cf)  slip  ofr,  pass  ofif;  ~  op  tuek  el. 
truss  up;  _  paa  slip  on;  ^  put,  slip,  pass  over. 

©mag  n  &  c  smoke  (of  tobacco),  whiflf.  ©mage 
vt  (rtjge,  røge)  smoke,  (9Kurften)  heat.  ©magen  c 
smoking,  ©mager  c  -e  smoker.  ©magning  c 
smoking;  heating. 

*©maje  fe  ©mætte  vt. 

t©mal  n  slowback,  slug.  ©mate  vi  dawdle; 
~  meb  et  Strbejbe  have  a  work  long  in  hånd;  i)an 
-r  meb  ftt  Strbejbe  he  is  slow  at  work;  _  fin  Zit 
bort  idle  away  one's  time.  —  ©matel^otieb  fe 
©møl.  -ri'  n  dawdling;  slowness,  tardiness. 
-t)Orn  a  slow,  tardy,  dilatory. 

©mar  pi  a  drubbing.  ban  fit  ~  (ogf.  fig)  he  was 
pitched  into;  (nogle)  orbentlige  _  a  regular  drub- 

©mar'  n  butter;  brunet  -  browned  el.  burnt 
butter;  fmeltet  _  clarified  el.  melted  butter;  f 
ft)nge  meb  -  sing  as  if  one  had  a  hot  potato  in 
his  mouth.  ©mar|(jgtlg  a  buttery,  butyraceous. 
-beftraget  a  buttered.  *-6tib  o  smirking,  simper- 
ing.  -blDmft  butter-cup,  Ranunculm.  -t)atte 
butter-tub.  -bannelfe  formation  of  butter.  -bejg 
puff  paste.  -braj  o  yielding  much  butter. 
-b^Vlictfe  melted  butter. 

©mare,  fmu'rte,  fmu'rt  vt  smear;  (meb  gebt) 
grease;  (meb  Dlie)  oil;  (røoflineri)  lubricate;  (meb 

©albe)  salve,  anoint;  (meb  ©æbe)  soap;  (beflitte) 
bribe,  tip,  grease  one's  fist;  (prljgle)  lick,  thrash; 
(flrioe  flet)  scribble,  scrawl;  (male  flet)  daub;  _ 
en§  9}Qg  curry  one's  bide;  -  |>afcr  take  to  one's 
heels,  give  leg-bail;  ben  fom  -r  gobt,  fører  gobt  if 
you  grease  a  cause  well,  it  will  stretch;  p  bet 
git,  fom  bet  »ar  fmurt  it  went  on  swimmingly; 
*_  i  en  noget  make  one  believe,  palm  something 
off  upon;  _  fig  meb  Soalmobiglieb  arm  one's  self 
with  patience,  possess  one's  soul  in  patience; 
_  en  om  SUunbfu  gull  one,  impose  upon  one, 
coax  one;  •_  op  lick,  thrash;  _  ©mør  paa  SSrøi 
butter  bread;  fig  ~  tljtt  paa  lay  it  on  thick; 
til  en  let  drive  at  one.  ©mare  c  fig  k  p  (§ui^ 
el.  ©aar)  cut;  wound;  (%a^,  ©fobe;  loss,  damagei 
©marelgang  oil-groove,  -track.  -^one  (®mp.] 
grease-cock.  -tommer  grease-box.  -tanbe  Uibrl 
cating  can.  -tort  oiler.  -to<)  lubricator,  oil-cup. 
-tran  fe  -f)ane.  ©marcffe  c  grease.  ©marcmibbel 
lubricant.  ©maren  c  smearing;  greasing;  oiling 
etc.;  licking  etc;  scribbling  etc  fe  Smøre, 
©mareolie  lubrirating  oil.  ©marer  c  -e  scribl> 
ler;  (boarltg  røaler)  dauber.  ©mareri'  n  scrawl- 
ing  etc,  scrawl,  scribble;  (flet  9Kaleri)  daubi 
©mareftof  lubricant. 

©marlfarbe  aunatto.  -fjerbing  butter-tirkin 
-form  butter-print,  -stamp,  -fugt  yellow  wag' 
tail,  Motacilla  flava.  -fuftage  butter-barrell 
H-fabe  fig  supply  one's  own  consumption 
butter.  -grab  fe  gløjl§=.  -l)anbel  butter  tradej 
-^anbter  dealer  in  butter,  butter-man.  -^anb' 
lerfte  butter-woman,  -wife.  -^otbig  «  rich  ii] 
butter.  -tiotbig^eb  amount  of  butter  (in  th« 

©maring  c  greasing,  oiling,  lubricating. 

©mar  I  tage  paste -eake.  -tanbe  butter -pot 
butter-dish;  (til  fmeltet  S.)  butter-boat.  -to«) 
fe  -^anblerfte.  -tringtc  ring-twisted  pa.<te-cake 
-trntfe  butter-crock  el.  -pot.  -træmmer  fe  -^onOi 
ler.  -tærne  churn.  -taler  butter-cooler.  -tanl 
J,  cape-fly-away.  -lun§  J,  allowance  of  butter, 
-marteb  butter-market.  -otttng  butter-keg.  -priij 
price  of  butter.  -^yrobuttion  produce  of  butter 
-^utber  butter-powder.  -pære  burrel,  bUlte^ 
pear.  ©marrebrab  n,  pi  =,  bread  and  butter 
et  (Støtte)  _  a  piece  of  bread  and  butter,  (bobbelt, 
meb  $aolæg)  a  sandwich;  bet  er  tun  et  -  that  ii 
an  easy  matter.  t©marret  «:  le  faa  _  smili 
slyly.  ©marlfauce  melted  butter,  butter-sauce 
-flbe  buttered  side.  -ffaat  butter  bowl.  -ff( 
butter-spoon.  -ft^tb  rent  of  land  paid  in  butter 
-ftttter  i.  Jack  of  the  bread-room,  yeoman 
the  store-room,  fe  -føger;  cont  rapier,  pamp, 
-f>)re  butyricacid.  -fager  butter-searcher,  piercer, 
-tienbe  tithe  of  butter.  -trug  kueading-trough. 
•træ,  -tanbe  butter-barrel.  -ubbQtte  produce  of 
butter.  -tiogn  butter- waggon.  -(tltemafttne 
butter-worker.  -æltning  working  of  butter. 
-æftc  butter-box;  p  ©nat  for  bin  _ !  flddlestick  1 
-æter  butyric  ether. 

*©naal  a  queer,  funny. 

*©naape  vi  stumble. 

-f©nab'  c  bit,  morsel, 

©nabet  e  -bier  »uout,  nozzle;  (paa  (elefant) 
trunk,  proboscis;  (p.  ^nfelt  og  joc)  proboscis; 
(p.  ©to)  point;  (p.  ®eeær)  fore-end;  ^  beak. 
©nabetlbjarn  sloth-bear,  Vrma  labiatua.  -fift 
beaked  bandoleerfish,  Chelmon  longirottris .  -for» 
mig  a  proboscidiform.  -fto  pointed  shoe,  peaked 
shoe.    -ftaf  J;  round  bead.    +©nablet  a  beaked. 

*@nabbe  c  -r  cutty(-pipe),  (af  %vce)  brier;  (Saab) 
cock-bill  boat. 

©nab|ber  c  fe  ©nabren.  *-anb  fe  finaranb. 
©nabre  vi  cackle,  (om  2(Snber)  quack;  fig  gabble, 
jabber.    ©nabren  c  cackling  etc. 




Snage  vi  rummage,  snuff  about.     Snogen  a  \ 


Sno!'  c  twaddle,  fudge,  stuflf,  nonsense, 
lalkee-talkee;  aa  ~ !  nonsense !  bet  er  bore  -  it 
is  all  my  eye,  all  moonshine;  fere  ~  tell  tales, 
gossip;  i)ev  {)jælper  ingen  _  there  is  no  help  for 
il;  uben  oibcre  -  without  further  ado  el.  nonsense; 
giee  fig  i  -  meb  enter  into  conversation  with; 
gise  en  -  for  pengene  give  one  fair  words  instead 
of  money.  €nalfe  vi  chat,  prate,  talk,  chatter; 
bu  fon  fagtenS  -  it  is  all  very  fine  for  you  talk- 
ing; f)an  fon  _  gonben  et  jZ:re  af  he  can  talk  any- 
body  over,  talk  the  leg  oft'an  iron  pot;  fe  9JJunb; 
-  en  noget  for  make  one  believe  something;  _ 
en  noget  fra  wheedle  one  out  of  something;  « 
fig  fro  nt  gloss  over  st;  _  en  fra  noget  dissuade 
one  from  el.  talk  one  out  of  something;  -  frem 
og  tilbage  om  ring  tho  changes  on;  .>  o  Der  fig 
rave,  talk  wildly.  —  Snatte^iørnet  p  :  i  -  in 
the  conversational  humour.  Snatten  c  talk. 
Snotfcr  c  -e  talker.  Snattera'b^  c  F  fe  6nat. 
Snattefalig  a  loquacious,  talkative,  garrulous. 
-falig^eb  loquacity,  garrulity.  -ftjg  a  excessively 
talkative,  open-mouthed.  -fljgc  passion  for  talk- 
iiig.  -fafter  gossip,  pratiug  woman.  -t«j:  tjooe 
gobt  -  have  the  gift  of  the  gab.  Sttatjfont  « 
talkative,  (mere  foragt.)  loquacious,  garrulous; 
Bar  meget  -  had  a  great  deal  of  conversation, 
et  meget  -t  røennefte  a  great  talker;  gere  en  _ 
draw  one  out.  -fottt^eti  c  talkativeness,  loqua- 
city, garrulity. 

Bnapitane  c  r  freebooter,  partizan.  -laaS 
spriiig-lock.  ®itati);e  rt  snatch,  snap,  (efter  at); 
_  efter  SBejret  gasp  for  breath,  catch  at  one's 
breaih;  +-  op,  fe  Dpfnappe. 

Bnapi  c  e  dram.  —  Snavfeibritfen  dram 
-drinkirig.  -brlHer  di am-drinker,  tippier.  @na|)fe 
vi  drink  drams,  lipple.  Snopfer  c  -e,  fe  -britfer. 
®na))fe>fiafte  dram-bottle.  -glaé  dram-glass,  pi 

SnoVifHJbtiobbe  snapper,  snapping  turtle,  C'Ae- 
lydra  serpentina.  -ffHb  snap  shot.  -ff^bning 

Sna))éting  n  (t)  term-time  (in  summer  at 
Viburg  in  Jutland);   F  Joc  drinking-party. 

*Snor  ti,  i>i  =,  thicket. 

Snor  a  quick,  swift,  tleet;  —  fnart  odo  soou, 
quickly,  shortly,  (nu  -t)  presently;  (nceften)  al- 
most;  -t  etter  ient  sooner  or  later;  -t  op,  -t  neb 
now  (el.  sometimes)  up,  now  (e(.  sometimes) 
down;  -t  fagt  not  far  from;  iffe  (ret)  faa  -i  not 
in  a  hurry;  iffe  faa  -t  .  .  .  fer  no  sooner  .  .  . 
than;  fnarere  sooner;  rather;  ^ar  -ere  ounbet 
enb  tabt  i  StQrfe  has  inereased  in  strength,  it 
anything;  jnareft  muligt  as  soon  as  possible;  at 
your  earliest  conveuience;  bet  er  -eft,  (maa  -eft 
falbe^)  .  .  .;  it  is  .  .  .  if  anything. 

Snore  c  -r  snare,  gin,  springe;  lægge  -r  for 
lay  snares,  .spread  toils  for;  falbe  i  -n  fig  fall 
into  the  trap,  swallow  the  bait. 

*Snarc  vt  twist,  iwine. 

Snurcbbtfe  c  quick-viuegar. 

Snorefulb  a  full  of  snares,  -garn  net  (for 
catching  deer;.  -r»)})e  snared  ptarmigan.  -fat- 
ning trapping.    -fætter  trapper. 

Sno'rifobet  a  swift-foottd.  -^eb  c  swiflness, 

Snorjoern  n  blckem. 

Sno'rlig  a  speedy;  adv  quickly,  soon.  — 
-fSnarmæJct  a  quick  of  speech,  voluble. 
-roabig  a  quick  in  emergencies,  ready,  present. 
•roabigi)cb  readiness  at  need,  quickness  at 
expedients,  presence  of  mind,  resource. 

tSnotrer  c  e,  Snotrebroåfel  fleldfare,  Turdus 
pilaris:    ftor   _    misselthrush.  Turdus  viicivorus. 

Sno'rlftnbet  «  .«hort-tempered.   -ftl  short  cut. 

•tolenbe  a  voluble.  -iolen^eb  c  volubility.  -tnt 
short  el.  flying  visit,  pop  visit,  »-tanlt  a  quick 
(of  thought).  *-j)ei  short  cut.  '-ttenbing :  i  en  _ 
in  a  twinkling,  at  a  moment's  notice. 

Snoft  c  p  manger,  crib. 

Snoffe  vi  &  i  champ  one's  food  with  a 
smacking  noi.'^e.    Snoftcn  c  smacking. 

Snotteri'  n  pilfering. 

Snnn  c  fe  SnoB. 

'^Snou  «  bare,  bald;  destitute;  J,  (om  3iinb) 
shy,  (om  55art»i)  snug.    Snoue  vt  bare. 

*Snotil:   P   bolb  -!  hold  your  jaw! 

Snood  n  dirt,  fllth,  muck;  fig,  rubbish; 
trætte  en  op  af  -et  raise  one  out  of  the  mire;  ieg 
agter  bet  ilfe  mere  enb  bet  _  jeg  træber  paa  it  is 
no  more  than  dirt  to  me,  I  value  it  no  more 
than  the  dirt  on  my  shoes.  Suopfe  vt  dirty, 
soil.  Snoofcri'  n  fe  enaB§.  Snoofet  a  foul, 
dirty,  filthy,  soiled. 

Sne  c  snow;  faa  ^Bib  fom  -  (as)  white  as 
snow,  white  as  driven  el.  newfallen  snow;  ben 
_  fom  falbt  ifjor  last  year's  snow.  Sne  v  impers 
snow;  »  neb  be  snowed  up,  be  buried  in  snow. 
-bor  a  snowless.  -bebcettet  «  snow-covered. 
•bjærg  snowy  mountain.  -blinb  a  snow-blirid, 
dazzled  by  the  snow.  -blinb^eb  snow-blindness. 
-btomft  flower  that  blossoms  under  the  snow. 
•bolb,  t-bolbt  snow-ball;  tafte  -  play  at  snow- 
balls;  tafte  -  paa  snow-ball.  -bolbtaftning  snow 
-balling.  -botbe,  -boder  p(  gelder  rose,  snow-ball 
tree,  ViOvrnumopulus,  laurbcerblabet  _  laurestine, 
Vibui-num  tinus.  -bmb  n  xhawing  of  frozeu  snow. 
-bræ  nevé,  snow-field.  -bt)ge  snow-squall.  -bælte 
region  of  snow.  -bærbuff  snowberry  shrub, 
Svniphoricarpits  racemonts. 

Sncb  n  (twile);  paa  -  aslant.  Snebig  a  wily, 
cunning,  crafty.  Snebig^eb  wiliness,  craft,  cun- 
ning,  subtlety. 

Sncbtcr  [tSne'fer,  •Snétfer]  c  -e  joiner,  (Siunft=) 
cabinet-makcr.  -orbejbe  joiner's  work,  joinery. 
-breng  joiner's  apprentice.  Sncbfere're  fe  Snebtre. 
Snebtcr|t)oonbPærf  joiuer's  tråde,  -tone  joiner's 
wife.  -!ro  joiners'  hall.  -lot»  joiners'  Corpora- 
tion, -lim  (joiner's)  glue.  -lære;  Bære  i  _  be 
apprenticed  to  a  joiner,  -ntefter  master-jolner. 
•ftienb  jourueyman-joiner.  -oærttøj  joiner's  tool 
el.  implement.  Snebtre  et  do  joiner's  work. 
Snebtren  c  joinery. 

+Sne'bl«be  vt  fig  steal  a  march  upon. 

SneTbret)  fe  -fog.  -bribe,  -bijnge  suow-drift. 
•bætte  cover  el.  coat  of  snow.  -bæltet,  -bætt  a 
snow-covered,  snowy,  (om  gjælb)  snow-capped. 
Sneet  a  snowy.  Sne|ffllb  fall  of  snow.  *-fflne, 
•fonn,  -fonn  fe  brioe.  -fjælb  fe  -bjærg,  -floge, 
-flot,  *-flote  flake  of  snow.  -fnug  fe  -flage,  -fog 
snow-storm.  t-fogeb  overseer  of  the  snow 
-shovelling.    -fulb  a  snowy.    -f«re  fe  ftanefere. 

Sneg,  fneget,  fe  ©nige. 

SneigooS  snow-goose,  Anser  hyperboreue.  -gartt 
net  for  catching  birds  on  the  snow. 

Snegl  c  -e  (meb  jpu8)  .snail,  Helix  (uben  ^u8) 
slug,  Limvx,  (i  Urj  fusee;  (i  SZret)  cochlea;  F 
gommel  _  old  fogy. 

Sneglond  c  glare  of  the  snow. 

Snegle  vi  _  offteb,  frem  move  away  at  a  snail's 

Snegleiben  pi  spiral  legs.  -bor  screw-auger. 
-bælg  ^  snail  trefoil.  Medio  go.  -b«nne  suail 
■fiower,  Phaseolus  caracaila.  -bonnet  a  spiral, 
cochleary.  -brejet  a  spiral,  •fort,  -fjeb  a  snail's 
pace.  -fjeber  spiral  spring,  -gong  a  snail's 
pace;  (poa  ©true)  worm  of  a  screw;  ^poo  ©jøjle) 
volute;  (f.  SIS.  i  ^aoe)  serpentine  el.  Winding 
walk;  (i  ^ret)  cochlea.  -flom  feeler.  -Ijué  snail 
-Shell,  -tibælbiug  spiral  vault  -linie  spiral 
line.    +-fen  a  suail-slow.    -ftol  fe  -^ué.     -ftribt 




fe  -goiifl'  -tra<>Vt  cockle-stairs,  winding-stairs. 
•træf  fe  -linie.  -Uotfe  (i  Ur)  fusee.  -»ej  serpen- 
tine path,  spiral  road.    -uunbett  a  spiral. 

@ne'|grienfe  limit  of  perpetual  snow,  snow-line, 
snow-level.  -tinre  Alpine  hare,  Lepus  variahilw. 
-ijjiB  heap  of  snow.  -ftu§  house  of  snow.  -^tttb 
a  snow-white. 

*Snei  ie  ©neb.    ©neic  vt  af  bevel,  chamfer. 

Snc'ilina  c  passing  shower  of  snow. 

*Snei|feU  fore- and -aft  sail.  -feiler,  -feUS^ 
fartfH  fore-and-after.  -fcilSffonttert  fore-and-aft 

Sne|tofter  snow-shoveller.  -laftning  shovelling 
of  the  snow.    ••'-toU  sludge.    *-Io»je  snow-storm. 

Sne'lllotfe  snow -drop,  Galanthus  nivalit. 
•tlcfot  o  snow-clad.  -tot  fe  -Ipurb.  -trage  Alpine 
crow,  Pyrrhocorax  alpinua. 

téner  a  quick. 

®ne|Ittfl  »I  coat  of  snow.  •Ingen  sheet  of 
snow.    •lanoftab  snow-scene. 

*®ncIJ)e  fe  ©nælbe. 

@ne|(inie  fe  -grænfe. 

®nellev  c  hair-trigger.    -loaS  hair-trigger  look. 

®ncl|loi)  soft  solder,  tin-solder.  -ftt)tte,  -ft^ttcl 
fly  shuttle. 

@nc|Ittft  snowy  atmosphere.  -læg  n  fall  of 
snow.  -lisrfe  Alpine  lark,  Alauda  alpestris.  -leé 
a  snowless.  -manb  snow-giant.  -mart  fleld 
covered  with  snow.  -maéfe  mass  of  snow. 
t-ltt08  trifle.  '^•mué  weasel,  Mustela  vuigaris. 
-jjIo«  snow-plough.  t-VlMJ)J»er,  -^lørc  snow-ljroth. 
•pløjning  snow-ploughiug. 

@ne|regn  sleet.    •regne  vi  sleet. 

@ner))e  vt  fanunen  contract,  draw  together  el. 
up;  _  røunben  fammeii  purse  up  the  mouth;  — 
vi  be  too  narrow;  med  be  astringent;  —  -nbe 
a  astringent.  Snerle  c  -r  prude.  <3nerVeri'  n 
prudery.  ©ncr^jet  a  prudish,  precise.  @ner))ntng 
c  coutraction,  astrictiou. 

Snert,  Snerte,  fe  Snært. 

®neS  c  -e  score;  -e  ®ange  scores  of  times.  — 
©nefel"  f'lt'  large  herring.  -tal:  i  -,  b.  f.  f.  -DiS 
adv  by  tlie  score,  by  scores,  •tiabfif  washing  by 
the  dozen. 

8nc|'''fllre  alpine  e(.  clustered  saxifrage,  <S'<a:t- 
/raga  nivalis.  -ftabe  damage  by  snow.  '"ftottt 
large  and  steep  snow -drift,  snow  cornice. 
-ftlmmel  snow  mould,  Lanosa  nivalis.  -ftærnt 
(3cern6.)  sno w-sh alter,  snow-shed.  -ffo  snow  shoe. 
-ffor^je  crust  el.  coat  of  snow.  -ftreb  snow-slip, 
snow  slide,  avalanche  of  snow.  -ft^  snowy 
cloud.  -folfe  suow-sock.  -f^iurU  suowbird. 
snow -hunting,  Emheriza  nivalis.  -ftortn  snow 
-storm,  '••-fto))  fe  -fad.  -taoge  fe  -tQfte.  *-titing 
fe  -fpuro.  -ttitte,  -tQtntng  thick  with  snow. 
-tæ<)i)C  sheet  of  snow.  -ugle  snowy  owl,  Strix 
iiyctea.  -bonb  snow-water.  -»»ejr  snowy  weather. 

®ne»cr  o.  fl.,  fe  ©næuer. 

Sneløerling  fe  -fpuro.     -»inter  snowy  winter. 

tSntbbe  o  -r  set  down,  blow  up.  Snifibc  vt 
blow  one  up,  rate. 

*©nibet  c  joc  fe  ©pibltjole. 

@ntbe  vt  fe  ©nitte. 

tSnibfer  c  -e  draw-knife;  blunder,  error,  ^aue 
en  ~  be  fuddled. 

©nige,  fneg,  fneget  vt  smuggle;  vi  sneak;  vr 
fig  sneak,  slink,  skulk;  _  fig  inb,  fe  Snbfnige;  ~ 
fig  inb  X>(^a  gfenben  steal  upon  the  enemy,  _  fig 
om  i  aiJørtet  walk  by  owl-light;  -nbea  insidious; 
-nbe  ^ehn  slow  el.  lovv  fever.  —  ©niglfeber  b.  f. 
•^anbel  smuggling  el.  contraband  tråde.  -Ijonbler 
smuggier,  contrabandist.  -I^abn  cove  el.  harbour 
for  smuggling.  -løbe  fe  Sneb=.  -tnorb  assassina- 
tion.  -morber,  -morberffc  assassin.  -morberft  « 
assassin-like.  -mtirbe  vt  assassiuate,  -uej  secret 
path;  nb  -e  by  underhånd  means. 

©nitfnat  n  nonsense,  fiddle-faddle,  flddlestli 
(tun  i  Ubraa6>  prittle-prattle. 

*©ttir(b)  a  kind,  good-natured. 

©nilb    a   shrewd,    ingenious,    sagacious; 
inilbeltg(en),  fniibt  adu  ingenionsly,  artfull 
•^eb  c  ingenuity,  sagacity.    -løbe  vt  fe  ©neb 

©nitte  n  genius.    ©nil(b)rig  a  ingenious. 

<Bn\p'  c  -per  snip,  tip,  end;  *fe  glip;  -,  ©n« 
©nube,  mit  ©denter  er  ube  snip,  snap,  snout,  i 
tale  is  out. 

©nip^e  c  -r  pipe-fish,  Syngnathus  æquoreui. 

©nirtel  c  -tier  (©neglelinie)  spire,  spiral  lin 
(paa  ©ejler)  volute;  (meb  $en)  flourish;  »1^  (W 
galfenterS)  worm.    ©nirflet  a  full  of  flourish« 

©nit'  n,  pi  =,  (meb  ftærenbe  3nflr.i  cut,  i 
cision;  (paa  sbogj  edge;  (meb  ©at))  kerf;  (2;eg: 
section;  (^aanbelag  o.  1.)  knack;  ^an  faa  fit  _  ! 
saw  his  chance,  seized  the  opportunity.  ©ni 
bor  fe  ©true=.  -brcsnber  split  burner.  -bænt  f 
©nitte=.  -flabe  surface  of  the  cut.  -bøbl  parinjr 
-knife.  -taal  summer  cabbage.  -tlub,  -fluV  di<! 
-stock.  -fnib  paring-knife.  -laaS  match-lock. 
©nitling  c  -er  cutting,  slip.  ©nit|løg  chives. 
•falat  prickly  lettuce,  Lactuoa  scariola.  ©nitfet' 
fe  ©nibfer.    ©nitta^  (5)mp.)  tap. 

©nitte  vt  cut,  chip;  (om  Sræer;!  prune,  lop; 
(i  Jræ)  carve;  (tælge)  whittle.  -bænt  cooper'ts 
beuch.  -bønne  French  bean,  Ph  iseolus  vulgaria. 
•iærn  carving-iron.  -tnib  (@art.)  pruning  knife 
©nitter  c  -e  sicklcman.  ©nitteftole  carving; 
-school.     ©nitpært  carved  work,  sculpture. 

©nibe  c  glanders.  tSniOC  vi  suiff,  snuff; 
(fmaafoge)  simmer,  -flob  n  discharge  of  glanders. 
-Vuloer  powder  against  the  glanders.  -faar 
ulcer  from  glauders.  •fmitte  contagion  of  the 
glandei-s.  -ftolb  stable  for  glandered  horses. 
©nibet  a  glandered,  affected  with  glanders. 

*©no  c  frosty  breeze,  biting  wind.  ©no  vi 
blow  eold  (esp  down  the  valleys  in  winter). 

©no  vt  twist,  twine;  —  vr  ftg  twist,  twine, 
wind;  fig  shift  and  turn;  Sgejen  -r  fig  runbt  om 
Jpøjen  the  road  winds,  wends  its  way,  round 
the  hill;  .  fig  fra  shuffle  ofl",  shirk.  -abe  fe 

©nob'  c  -6er  snob.     ©nobbet  a  snobbish, 

©nog  [ofteft:  aa]  c  e  snake,  Coluber.  —  @noge| 
bib  bite  of  a  snake.  -^am  slough.  -l)ut  snake'B 
nest.  -^biélen  hiss  of  a  snake.  -banbe  cowry, 
Cvftræa  moneta.  -rebe  snake's  nest.  -fv^t  frotb 
-spit.  -unge  young  (of  a)  snake.  -Qngel  broofi 
of  snakes.  -æg  snake's  egg.  -øgte  skink, 

©no^ale  prehensile  tail.    -abt  sapajou,  Ce^ 
-bjørn  kinkajou,  Cercoleptes  caudinolvolus 

©notbet,  -fnottet  a  puny,  minikin,  stumpy 

Snoning  c  twlsting;  windiug. 

©nor   c    e  line,  cord,   string,  (ifær  flab)  la( 
braid.  —  ©nore|befat  i  braided.    -frotte  braid© 
el.    laced    coat.      -toft    theat   loft    for    scenical 
machinery.    -mager  c  -e  lace-maker.    ©noret  a 
laced,  corded.    ©norebært  lace-work 

©norte  [*6]  vi  snore,  ©norten  c  snoring,  snore. 
©norfer  c  -e  snorer.  ©norfcoagten  ^^  the  idlers 
©norffobe  vi  lie  snoring,  sleep  and  snore. 

Sno'rilige  a  straight  as  a  line.  -løb  groove. 
■orm  looper,  •ret  a  fe  -lige.  •ftibe  string  sheave, 
■flag  liuiug  out. 

•Snort  [6]  a  fe  Snurten. 

Snot'  n  snot,  snivel,  rheum.  ©nottet  a  snoti 
-  ®reng  (©t.ilbSorb)  greenhorn. 

©nob'  c  ^  suow.    •maft  trysail-mast. 

+©noOft  a  droU. 

©nobicgt  c  torsion-balance. 

t©ntt  c  fe  9JD§. 

©nn  a  cunning,  crafty,  shrewd. 

©nub'  c  F ;  i  en  _  in  a  trice  el.  twinkling 




Snubte  vt  af  snub  off,  nip  off,  _  en  at  snub 

Snuble  vi  stumble  (ober  over,  against);  ligaer 
nbe  nær  lies  on  the  surface.  Snubien  c  stum- 
bling,  stumble. 

Snubc  c  -r  snout,  muzzle,  noze,  nozle,  nozzle, 
("cao  Sfotaj)  toe;  en  poa  -n,  Je  Snubebrag.  Snnbej' 
biUe  weevil-beetle,  Curculio.  -brag  facer,  slap 
OU  the  face.    -Ijoar  whiskers,    -flog  ?e  -brag. 

Snue  vi  snift',  smiff,  snort;  p  1189^  "9  -  (fotie) 
lie  snoring.  Snue  c  cold  (in  one's  head), 
catarrh,    -feber  catarrhal  fever. 

Snufjeb  c  cuuning,  shrewdness,  finesse. 

Snu^'  fe  Snub. 

Snup^je  (t  hook,  nab. 

Snur'  c  slight  intoxication;  *t\vist;  fætte  ^uen 
)fa.a  ~  throw  one's  cap  on  one  side  of  the  head. 

="Snur^>e  vt  fe  Snerpe. 

Snurre  vi  buzz,  hum,  whir,  (om  lotten)  pur; 
(om  Sebel)  sing;  ,  runbt  whirl  round  and  rouud; 
_  jjoa  „x"  trill  the  r;  bet  -r  i  mine  gingre  my 
fingers  tingle ,  are  numli;  —  vt  whirl:  (Smør, 
i«ebtj  fry;  -nbe  a  f  fuddled,  foggy.  Snurre  c 
-r  (paa  (Sangfti)  turnstile;  fe  -potte.  *-ba§  fe  -potte. 
-bro  fe  Soing.  -n  c  buzzing  etc,  hum,  buzz. 
-pibe  ,X,  runuiugeye.  -piberi' »i -er  gimerack(s), 
gimcrackery,  nicknacks.  -potte  whirligig,  hum- 

Snurrig  «  droll,  ludicrous,  queer,  whimsical. 
-beb  c  droUery,  excentrieity,  oddity,  queerness. 

*Snurt(en)  «  F  piqued,  cross,  sulky. 

Snu§  c  snuff,  F  a  wigging,  a  rap  on  the 
kiiuckles;  en  -  a  pinch  of  snufi;  jeg  agter  bet  itfe 
en  _  oærb  I  don't  value  it  a  rush.  Snuåbaofe 
suutf-box.  Snufe  vi  &  t  snufiF,  snitF;  (Sobaf) 
take  snuflf;  gaa  og  -  omfring  go  poking  one's  everywhere;  -  efter  Jig  rummage  for,  pry 
into;  -  op  soent  out,  discover.  Snufer  c  -e 
suuflf-taker.  Snufet  «  snufTy.  Snu§|fornuft 
commonplace,  prose.  -fornuftig  awould-be-wise, 
wisely-stupid,  sage,  .sapient,  sententious;  _  i^erfon 
wiseaore.    -^one  prying  fellow. 

Snuffet  a  F  shabby. 

Snu'é|fritifl  a  cavilling.  -ntelle  snutr-mill. 
-tobat  snuflf. 

Snut'  c  (ftælen.)  duck,  honey. 

Snqbe,  fn»b,  fnijbt  vt  (9fæfcn)  blow  (the  nose); 
fSiQfet)  snutf  (tlie  candle) ;  fig  cheat,  take  in, 
victimise;  -  en  for  nt  cheat  one  (out)  of  st, 
P  wipe  one's  no.«e  ot  si;  _  vr  fig  blow  one's 
nose;  -nbe  gol  in  a  passion.  -i-Sn^be  c  -re- 
primand,  snub.  SnQbefuIb  «  maudUn ,  quite 
drunk.  SnQber  o  -e  cheat,  rogue;  F  fe  Snobe  c. 
Sn^beri'  n  -et  impositiou,  fraud,  swindle.  Sn^be|  = 
*fint  fe  -breb.  -ffaft  F  snout,  proboseis.  -oreb 
uf   in  a  passion. 

*Snftg'  a  quick,  aetive. 

SnQite  vi  sponge,  be  a  parasite;  vr  fig  inb 
insinuate  one's  self:  _  fig  til  cog.  SnQltejagtig 
n  parasitic(al).  -bi  cuckoo-bee.  -bljr  parasitic 
animal,  parasite.  -flue  parasitic  fly,  HippoboKca. 
•gæft  parasite,  sponger,  hanger-on,  toad-eater, 
truncher-friend,  trencher-man ,  led -Captain. 
,-()oepå  ichneumon(-fly/.  -trebS  parasitic  crab. 
-lio  parasltism.  -Iflb  parasitic  el.  spurious  sound. 
-orm  parasitic  worm.  Snplfer  c  -e,  fe  -\>V)i, 
■plante.  SnljUeri'  n  parasitism,  toad-eating. 
Sn^Itelrob  yellow  hird 's-nest,  Monotrapm.  -ffub 
parasitical  shoot.    -foamp  parasitic  fungus. 

Sntcbel  c  lavaret,  Coregonui  oxyrrhynchuH. 

Snætte  c  -r  bark;  *sailing-boat. 

Sntctfe  c  -r  fe  ©negl.  -bor  screw  anger,  -bjnl 
(Urm.)  main  wheel. 

*Snælbe  c  -r  (til  9iot)  spindle;  (til  Iroab  ofo.) 

Snæppe  c  -r  snipe,  Scolopax;  *gambet,  Totamu; 

♦robbenet  _  redshank  gambet ,  Totanus  calidria ; 
*grønbcnet  -  wood  gambet ,  T.  olaTeola ;  *graa= 
benet  _  green  gambet,  Totamts  ochropua.  -fangft 
catching  of  snipes,  -flft  snipe -fish,  Centriscus. 
-jagt  snipe-shooting. 

Snæppert  c  -er  scariflcator. 

SnæppelftrubS  wingless  emu,  apteryx.  -tr«t 
passage  of  woodcocks  el.  snipes. 

Sucere  vt  bind  up  tight;  vi  be  too  tight; 

•Snærl(e)  c  skin  on  boiled  cream.  •Snærte 
fig  vr  feather. 

Snærle  c  bindweed,  Convolvolut ;  climbing 
buckwheat,  Polygonum  convolvolua. 

Snoerre  c  bed-straw,  Oalium;  esp  goose-grass, 
cleavers,  harritf,  Galium  apnrine. 

Snærre  in'  snarl,  growl.  -n  c  snarling,  growling. 

Snterret  a  bitter  from  boiling  too  long. 

Snæ'rt  ('•■©nævt')  c  -er  {Xsao.  ^ift)  lash,  cracker; 
(i  ftlæbe)  stripe,  unevenness;  fig  (ogf.  n,  pi  —) 
wipe,  sneer,  sarcasm;  ^aoe  en  _  be  a  little  tipsy. 
Snærte  vt  lash;  fig  sneer  at,  liave  a  fling  at. 

*Sn(ei>  c  touch,  taste,  sprinkling,  dash,  spice. 

SnætJer  u  narrow,  strait;  (om  Slæber  ofo.)  tight, 
a  tight  tit;  i  -tjrere  gorftanb  in  a  more  restrieled 
sense;  ben  -ore  '.port  the  strait  gate.  SnaeDer|l)eo 
c  straituess,  narrowness,  ilghtness  -bjerteta 
close,  narrow -minded.  Uliberal,  -bfertetljeb  c 
narrow -mindedness,  illiberality.  -flanet  a  of 
narrow  views.  -f^net^eb  c  narrow  vievvs.  Snætire 
vt  straiten,  narrow,  tighteu  ;  vr  fig  inb  narrow. 
Snæoring  c  -r  narrow  pass;  ^  uarrows  pi. 

-^Snobel  c  jackanapes. 

Sn«b  fe  Snijbe  vt. 

Sn«fte  vi  snuff,  sniff,  (om  ^efte)  snort.  -n  c 
snoring,  snufflng.  -oentil  (S)mp.)  snifting-valve, 

*Sn«r'  n  fe  Snot. 

Snare  c,  *n,  -r  cord,  string,  (ifær  gifte--)  line; 
fiffe  meb  -  fish  with  hook  and  line.  Sn«re  vt 
lace;  (gift)  catch,  _  op  unlace ;  _  til,  famnien 
draw  together;  —  vr  fig  lace  one's  stays,  ftil 
©tabigf)eb)  wear  stavs.  Snore|baanb  lace.  -bop, 
-bttp  tag.  •-fifle  ie  -fifteri.  -fiffer  hand-liner. 
-ftffcri  (hook  and)  line-fishing,  hand-lining.  -bul 
evelet-hole,  eyelet  -fæbe  lace  of  silver.  -Ilbfe 
låc«  -lænlc  fe  -læbe.  -noal  bodkin.  -rem  strap. 
-ft«P(er  pi  lace(  up)  boots,  (®amer«)  balmorals. 
Snøring  c  lacing. 

Snørfcl,  fn«rtlct,  fe  ©nirfel. 

Sn«r|liO  stays,  jump;  et  _  a  pair  of  stays. 
-rotting  ratan. 

Snaol  n  fe  ©møt.  Sn«Ble  vi  snuffle,  talk 
With  a  snuille;  fig  ie  SmBle.  SnøOlen  c  snufiiing, 
snufllle.  Snoolrlboocbw, -per  cfe  ©tnale.  Suaolcr 
c  -e  snufller.    SnflOlerl'  n  fe  ©moleri. 

tSnaoé  c:   F  goa  fra -en  go  out  of  one's  senses. 

So  c  ©jaer  sow;  fpiCle  ~  i  $ul  play  at  chuck 

Sob  c  ^  afterpieces  of  the  rudder;  (paa  Sigter« 
ftæBn)  false  stern-post. 

Sobel  c  -biet  sable,  Mustela  zibellina.  -ffinb 

-I-Sober  [fr.]  a  sober. 

So'Iblære  sow's  Ijladder.    -b«ber  c  sow-gelder. 

Socia'I  a  so'cial.  -bemofrot  Socialist  and 
Democrat,  Social  Democrat.  -iS'me  c  so'cialism. 
-ift'  c  -et  so'cialist.  -ift'lff  o  socialistic.  -Ion- 
traft  social  contract. 

Societe't  n  -er  soci'ety,  mere  partnership. 

Socinijaner  c  -e  Socin'ian.  -anid'men  c  So- 
cin'ianism.    -a'nff  a  Socin'ian. 

Sob'  (t  &  *)  >i  broth,  soup. 

Sob  c  soot. 

Soba  c  soda.    -affe  soda-ash.    -tage  soda  cake. 




-)iu(t)cr  bicarbonate  of  soda.  -fæBe  soda-soap. 
-urt  saltwort,  Sa/aola.    -tianb  soda-water. 

©o'blBrun  a  sooty,  soot-coloured.  ©obet  a 
sooty,  fuliginous.  -floge  flake  of  soot.  -^ene  |e 
9?anbt)øne     -tul  soot-coal     -olie  birch-oil. 

®obo|ma  n  Sod'om.  -mi'  c,  -miteri'  nsod'omy, 
buggery.    -mit'  c  -er  sod'omite,  bugger. 

So'bjftong  scraper.    -fttærte  c  bistre. 

Sofa  c  -er  sofa,  couch,  lounge.  *-bonbe 
squireen.  -bor!)  sofa-table.  -^jørne  corner  of 
the  sofa.    -pnbe  sofa-cushion. 

Soffi'ter  pi  soffits,  flies,  heaven. 

©ofl'e  Sophia,  So'phy.  -lirletl  the  church  of 
St.  Sophia. 

Soflå'lmc  c  -r  soph'ism.  -t'  c  -er  soph'ist. 
-leri'  n  -er  soph'istry.    -t'if!  a  sophistic(al). 

@ogn  n  -e  parish;  -et§  fattige  the  parish  poor; 
tomme  paa  -etcome  on  the  parish,  beeome  charge- 
able  to  the  parish.  '■(SoBnc  vi  til  belong  to  (a 
parish).  —  6ogne|baanli  obligation  to  use  one's 
own  priest.  -baattbSIflfer  one  who  has  released 
himself  from  the  „©ofluebaoiib".  -baanbdIøSning 
declaration  of  release  from  the  „Sognebaanb". 
•barn  parishiouer.  -bub  parish  mes.senger;  'visi- 
tation of  the  sick,  sick-visit.  -b^  viliage  of  a 
parish.  t-begn  parish  elerk.  t-fogcb  bailiff, 
constttble  of  a  parish.  -folf  pi  parishioners. 
-fori)Olbct  the  relations  of  parson  and  pa- 
rishioners. -forftanber  parish  councillor.  -fBr= 
ftanbcrftab  fe  -raab.  -frtbeb  liberty  to  leave 
one's  own  parish  priest.  -grænfe  {e  -ftel.  -fterrc 
(e  -prccft.  -ftjælp  parish  relief  -!otb  living.  -tirte 
parish  church,  parochial  church.  -menig^eb 
parish  congregation.  -^ræft  fe  ^roeft.  -raob 
parish  council,  local  board.  -raobSmebe  meeting 
of  the  local  board,  -ff el  parish  bouudary.  -ffole 
parish  school.  -ftæune  parish  el.  parochial 
meeting,  -toang  fe  -6oanb.  -»ej  parish  road. 
-Otbnc  certificate  from  a  parish.  -tit§  adv  by 
the  parish,  by  parishes. 

Sogrié  c  sow-pig. 

@oigne'ret  d  well  taken  care  of,  well  looked 
after;  finished. 

Soiré  c  -r  soiree,  evening  party;  mufitalfl  _ 
musical  evening. 

Soj'a  c  soy.  -bønne^  -plante  soy-bean,  -plant, 
Dolic/los  soja.  j 

Sot'  c  -ter  (og),  tfient)  sock. 

-^®oHe  vi  fe  Sjotte. 

Sottebue  c  plumiped  pigeon. 

Sottel  c  -tier  socle,  plinth. 

Soffet  u  wearing  socks;  (om  gfugle)  plumiped. 

*(Sofn  [6]  n  dredge.  @ofne  vi  dredge,  drag 
(efter  for),    @ofnebræg  creepers. 

@o'!ro|te§  Soc'rates.    -'fiff  u  Socrat'ic(al). 

©ol  c  -e  sun;  (guro.)  Catherine-wheel ;  -en§ 
ofiferoerebe,  fanbe  ipø)be  the  sun's  observed,  true 
attitude;  -en  ftaar  op  the  sun  rises;  -eii  gaar  iieb 
the  sun  sets  el.  goes  down  -en§  Dpgang  sunrise, 
rising  of  the  sun ;  -en§  Sfiebgoug  sunset ,  setting 
of  the  sun ;  ubfot  for  -en  expo.sed  to  the  sun ; 
floa  i  -en  stand  in  the  sun;  meb  -en  (SKetning) 
sunwise,  with  the  sun,  mob  -en  agairist  the  sun; 
flaaet  meb  -en  right -handed,  right-haud  laid 
(rope);  naar  man  taler  om  -en,  foa  ftinner  ben 
spealcing  of  angels,  one  often  sees  their  wings, 
fe  ganbfn;  ingen  Wanb  unber  -en  uo  man  under 
heaven;  ben  forbringaiefefle  SJianb  unber  -en  the 
least  pretentious  of  men;  flifte  -  og  S8inb  mellem 
be  fæmpenbe  divide  the  sun  betvveen  the  com- 
batants.  ©oljaaben  u  exposed  to  the  sun.  -oor 
solar  year.    -afftanb  distance  of  the  sun. 

Solani'n  c  sol'anine. 

©ala'rlmilroftot*  n  solar  microscope.  ^  -olie 
solar  oil. 

®ola=3Scf§cl  c  mere  sole,  single  el.  only  bill. 

@o'l|bab  sun-bath.  -f-babe  ftg  »"•  in  ti 
sun.  •bot!e  suuny  hillside.  -bane  orbit  of  th 
sun,  ecliplic.  -bar  a  sunny,  exposed  to  the  sun 
-beboer  inhabitant  of  the  sun.  -bcll)ft,  -beflinnc 
a  sun-lit.  -biUebc  image  of  the  sun.  t-bja:t 
sunset.  -bjørn  helarctos.  -blanf  «  sunshius 
-bleg  c  sunbleaching.  -bllnb  a  blinded  by  tt 
sun.  -blint  glimpse  of  the  sun.  *-blom  moul 
tain  tobacco,  Arniea  montana.  -blontft  fe  -fiff^ 
■brænbt  a  sun-burnt,  tanned.   -brcenbtbeb  c  tai] 

©o'lbæn!  c  arch  sill. 

So'Ubær  black currant.  -bærbuftblack-curran 
bush,  Ribes  nigrum.  -cirtel  solar  cycle,  cyol 
ot  the  sun. 

@olb    c   pay;   "^alo   _   half-pay;   Sl)nben§ 
Søben  the  wages  of  sin  is  death. 

*®olb  c  broken  bread  in  milk. 

tSolb  n  (2)rtttegilbe)  p  spree,  carousal;  gaa  pa 
_  go  on  the  spree. 

Solb  n  og  *c,  pi  =,  coarse  sieve. 

@o'l]bog  solar  day.  -baling  setting  of  th 

©olba't  c  -er  soldier;  oære  _  be  a  soldiei 
tjene  fig  op  fro  fimpel  -  rise  from  the  ranks. 
©olbater|aanb  military  spirit.  -barn  soldierj 
child.  -bolig  soldier's  dwelling.  -brøb  mur 
tion-bread.  -eb  military  oath.  -baanbucert 
-ftanb.  -^errebømme  military  governmeut 
despotism ,  stratocracy.  -fone  soldier's  wif^l 
-foft  soldier's  fare.  -litt  soldier's  life.  -ntanC 
manner  of  soldiers.  -mæ§fig  a  soldierly;  lib 
_  unsoldierly.  -flab ;  flet  -  unsoldierly  conduc 
•ftonb  military  profession,  -tjenere  military  sej 
vice.  -tJié  :  paa  -  after  the  manner  of  soldier 
•Oife  soldier's  song.  -ocefen  military  matters  i 
soldierly  manners.  ©otbateff'e  c  soldiery,  mc 
of  soldiers,  rabble  soldiery. 

@olb|binbcr  c  fe  -mager. 

@oIbe   vi  go   on   the   spree,   carouse,   tippif 
tope.    ®oIbe|brober,  -mefter  tippier,  toper, 
rouser.    -n  c,  -ri'  n  carousing,  tippling,  topinj 
-rift'  f  -er  p  fe  -brober. 

©olb|mager  c  -e  sieve-maker  el.  manufacture 
-ranime,  -ftimmel  sieve-frame.  -fictning§maf(iil 
min  sifting  machine. 

@o'l|bug  sun-dew,  Droaera.  •'o^vltt,  -bt)rfel|l 
fe  -tilbeber.  Sole  vt  sun;  _  fig  bask  in  the  su^ 

©ole  c  salt-water,  salt-spring. 

©olejflar  a  clear  as  noon-day,  as  the  sun  ((| 
noonday).  -tlar^eb  obviousness.  -maerfe  fe  ©a 

©olen'  a  stately,  ceremonious,  formal,  ©oleij 
nilte't  c  -er  ceremony.    -tc'tåfal  festival  hall. 

©o'Ufatler  faculæ.    -falb  n  sunset. 

©olifcg'gier  vi  solfeggi     -fegge  re  vi  sol-fa. 

©0'l]fiff  dory,  doree,  John  Dory,  Zeus  /aber. 
-fjerne,  -fjcrn^eb  aphelion.  -fortabt  a  sunless. 
■formørtclfe  eclipse  of  the  sun,  solar  eclipse. 
-fnlb  rt  sunny.  -gaarb  halo  round  the  sun. 
'■■■■gang  the  sun's  motion,  -'-gongétieir,  -gangå= 
tJtnb  wind  that  alters  in  the  direciion  of  the 
sun's  motion,  solar  breeze.  -glaniS  radiance 
the  sun.  -gloé  helioscope.  -glimt  gleam  of  ' 
sun.  -gTan(b)  atom,  mote  (in  the  sunbeai] 
-gr>)  daybreak. 

©olgtc,  folgt,  fe  Sælge. 

©otigub  Helios,  -^at  sun-hat;  sun-bonnet.  -^eb 
n  heated  by  the  sun.  -^ebe  heat  of  the  sun. 
-Ijcjrc  sunbird,  Eurypygn-  -Ijou  fe  -gaarb.  -l)«ier» 
solstice.  -Qoertiåbag  solstitial  day.  -Ijtiertiå- 
foluren  the  solstitial  colure.  -^ucroålJuntt  sol- 
stitial point.  -f)øjbe  aliitude  of  the  sun.  -Ijøjbe-- 
obferkiatian  observation  of  the  sun's  altitude. 

©oli'b  c  sol'id;  strong,  firm,  substantial,  sound; 
mere  safe,  trustworthy,  respectable;  fe  paa  bet  -e 


e  a|| 





liave  an  eye  lo  the  maiu  chauce.  Soltba'tifl 
a  :  _  STnftiar  unlimited  responsibility;  adv  jointly 
and  separalely.  Solibflritet  csolidarity.  Solibi- 
le't  c  respectability,  stabillty.  Solibunt:  iu  _, 
ie  Solibatiff  idv. 

Solift'  c  -er  so'loist,  so'list. 

Solttæ'r  c  -er  solitaire. 

So'I|(iffcrt  heliosnope.  -Mar  a  suubrlght, 
siinny.  -tort  heliographic  chart,  -frebS  orbit 
(of  a  planet),  •froncn  the  corona  of  the  siin. 
-tuUrr  ie  ftif.  -(egernet  the  body  of  the  sun.  -I^S 
sun  lisrht.  -IflS  a  \e  -tior.  -tnaaler  heliometer. 
■ntaaneb  solar  month.  •milroffo^  solar  micro- 

3oImt|fatio  n  c  solmiza'iion,  sol-faing.  -fe're 
vi  sol  fa. 

Solimærfe  day  and  night,  24  hours.  -neb- 
gang  sun.set,  .sundowu.  -nære,  -nærljeb  perl 

Solo  ad'j  og  c  -er  solo,  solus. 

3ol!D))gang  c  sun-rise,  stin-up. 

oolofanger  c  solo-singer,  solo  vocalist. 

Solotljurn  n  Soleure. 

Bo'lpavaUatåe  solar  parallax.  -))(et  spot  in 
the  sun,  solar  spot,  sun-spot.  -ranb  rim  of  the 
sim's  disk;  .X,  limb;  Soletii  Uubetranb,  Dtjcrranb 
the  lovver,  upper  limb  of  the  sun.  *-reKbing  -ret  a  lying  in  the  meridian,  due 
north  and  south.  -rig  o  sunuy.  -ting  halo 
round  the  sun;  (Solur  i  gorm  of  Sting)  ring-dial. 
-r«g  summer-colt.  -raft  u  pruv  sunset.  -fejl  ^Xf 
avvuing.  -fejlfl«tter  stanchions  for  the  awning. 
-fise  sunny  side,  side  exposed  to  the  sun.  -fllle 
suu-flower,  Helinnthus  annuui.  -ffin  sunshine; 
bet  er  -  the  sun  shines,  -ftin^anftgt  sunny  face. 
•ftinSbag  sun.shiny  day.  -ffinSuejr  sunshine, 
-ffiUC  suu's  orbit;  sun-dial.  -f{o(bct  a  scorched 
el.  parched  by  the  sun.  -ffo  a  shunniug  the 
light.  -ff«rm  sun-shade,  parasol,  -fart  black- 
bird.  Turdus  merula.  -fpettrum  solar  Spectrum. 
•fproftte  rent.  -facetter  je  fregner.  *-fteg  « 
(seorching)  heat  of  the  sun.  -ftegt  a  sun-burut, 
tanned  by  the  sun,  i^orb)  sun-baked.  -ften  sun 
-stone,  girasole.  -fttt  sun-stroke,  insolation, 
siriasis.  -ftraale  sun-beam,  ray  of  the  .sun, 
sun-ray,  solar  ray,  -ft«ti  fe  -gran.  -foeben  a 
scorched  by  the  sun.  -fqftem  solar  system,  -fat 
sunset.  -tol  fe  -cirfet.  -taule  sun-table.  -te(t 
awning,  (i  iBoab)  tilt.  -tib  solar  time.  -titbebcc 
heliolater.  -tilbebelfe  heliolatry.  -traob  gos- 
samer,  air-thread.  -tr^f  helio-engraving.  -t* 
suuthaw  -t«rre  vt  dry  in  the  sun.  -tørret  a 
suu-dried.  -ur  sun-dial.  -ulo  fe  iBtfol.  -oarnt 
a  sunny.  -oarnte  warmth  of  the  sun.  *-»ienbel 
fe  -fitfe. 

Soloent'  a  solvent.    SoIoenS'  c  sol'veney. 

3o'(|uerben  solar  system,  -oifte  fan.  -tiifer 
(ajifer  paa  Solftioen)  gnomou.  -»ogn  car  of 
Apollo,    -Ⱦg  sunny  wall. 

Soløcid'nte  c  sol'ecism. 

ooløje  c  trock-rose,  sun-rose,  Helianthemum 
vulgare;  *crowfoot,  Ranunculua,  fe  SabBeleje. 

Som'  pron  rel  (non.)  who,  which,  that;  (obj.) 
whom,  which,  that;  ben,  _  iffe  er  tilftebe  he  el. 
■she  who  is  not  present;  be,  _  ere  tilftebe  those 
(el.  they)  who  are  present;  bet,  _  bu  'iaa  that 
which  you  saw;  jeg  oar  bum  fom  troebe  ^am  I 
was  a  fool  for  believing  him  el.  to  believe 

Som'  conj  as,  (It^efom)  like;  t  =  foafom;  en 
yiar  _  bu  a  fool  like  you;  ^Dt§  jeg  Dar  -  bu  if  I 
were  you;  _  om  as  if;  _  om  i)an  oitbe  ffle  as 
much  as  to  say;  _  ofteft  most  frequently;  +  fom 
fiebft  =  6ebft  fom;  _  imorgen  by  to-morrow;  ba  _ 
3omfru  die  a  miiid;  _  Soar  by  way  of  answer; 
'•■'1  fenber  35em  -  en  9Kaub,  ber  I  know  you  as 

el.  for  a  man  who;  ^r.  33.  -  ftongen  (i  S'S  9ione) 
Mr.  B.,  in  the  king;  iffe  .  om  iffe  not  but  what; 
faa  meget  ftørrc  -  the  greater  as,  beeause  el.  in 
that;  fe  Were. 

Soraittcl  c  P  dirty  beast. 

Somme  pron  inde/  pi  some;  *iomt  some 

Sommer  c  -mre  summer;  om  -en  iu  summer; 
i  -  this  s.;  til  -en  next  summer;  ribe  -  t  33t)  go 
a  maying.  Sommerioftcnsummer-evening.  -ar- 
bejbe  summer- work.  *-beite  fe  -græåning.  -beføg 
summer  visit,  -blomft  summer-flower.  -bo, -bolig 
summer-dwelling  el.  residence.  -itat  summer 
-fallow,  green  fallow.  -i-branb  poet  summer 
heat,  -brug  :  til  -  for  summer  use,  -bflg  spring 
-barley.  -bag  summer's  day;  *ie  -moal,  -bragt 
summer-dress;  fom  Jugle)  summer,  -bttft 
summer  fragrance.  -boale  summer  sleep.  -eg 
common  oak ,  Quercus  pedunculata.  -ferie 
summer-holidays.  -fober,  -foring  sumraer-fodder, 
8. -foddering,  -fornøjelfe  summer  amusement. 
■frotfe  summer-coat,  -friff  a  having  the  fresh- 
ness  of  summer,  -frugt  summer -fruit,  -fugt 
butterfly,  -fugtelrone  papilionaceous  corolla, 
•fngleoentil  butterfly-valve,  -fælbet  n  cut  in 
summer  (om  Svømmer).  -glanS  summer  splendour. 
-glæber  summer  pleasures.  -græsning  (summer) 
pasture.  -grøn  a  of  summer -like  greenness. 
-gæf  fe  enefloffe.  -gæft  summer  visitor.  -ttalv 
aar  summer  half-year  -dot  s.  hat.  -l|Obe 
summer  garden,  -^aon  summer-harbour.  ^-^aon 
fe  -græSning,  -|ebe  summer  heat.  -l)imntel  sum- 
mer sky.  -^ue  summer  cap.  -fjuS  summer 
house,  -^oal  beaked  whale.  -^bebc  s.  wheat. 
•d^lb  Dane-wort,  Dane's  blood,  dwarf  elder, 
Sambucus  ebulus.  -tjole  summer-dress,  -ttæbe 
tweed.  -Kæber  summer  garments.  -Kæbning 
summer  suit.  -tlæbt  a  in  summer  dress. 
-foælb  fe  aften,  -lang:  en  _  Sag  a  long 
summer's  day.  -tclliglieb  summer -residence. 
-tebløj  annual  stock.  Sommerlig  a  summer 
-like,  estival.  Sommer|Iib  summer  life.  -luft 
summer  air.  -H)ft  delight  of  summer,  -(qft^tté 
arbour.  '''-maal  summer-term,  14th  of  April. 
•maaneb  summer -month.  -meblem  summer 
member.  -nat  summer  night.  -o^f^otb  .summer 
-residence.  -o))t)oIb3fteb  summer -residence, 
•)>(ante  annual  (plant),  -pletter  freckles  -pløje 
vt  plough  in  summer,  -pløjning  summer  plough- 
ing.  -pragt  glory  of  summer,  -præmie  summer 
premium.  -pære  summer-pear.  -regn  summer 
rain.  -rejfe  summer  voyage.  -rute  summer 
route,  -ræbbife  spriug-radish.  -fejl  pi  summer 
sails.  -filb  herring  in  the  fifth  year.  -ffnb 
summer  shoot,  -ff^  summer  cloud.  -fol  summer 
sun.  -fol^tierti  summer -solstice,  -folftbtrbS 
puntt  summer  solstitial  point,  -fpætter  freck- 
les, -ftalbfobring  stall-feeding  iu  summer,  -ftue 
summer-room,  -fæb  summer  crop.  -tolåt  summer 
rate.  •-tfting  summer  assizes.  -tib  summer 
season.  -togt  summer  cruise.  -torbcn  summer 
thunder-storm.  -tøj  summer-stuff.  -tørfe  drought 
of  summer,  -ubflugt  summer  excursion  el.  trip. 
-ulb  summer-wool.  -oanbring  summer  ramble 
el.  excursion,  -Darme  heat  of  summer,  -oejr 
sammer-weather.  -oinb  summer  wind.  -uié : 
)fiaa  -  in  summer-like  fashion.  -oætét  annual 
fplant).    -bærelfe  summer-room. 

Sommelftebd  udv  somewhere,  in  some  place 
or  other.  -tiber  adv  sometimes,  at  times,  now 
and  then. 

Somnambu't  u  somnam  bulic.  -id'me  c  som- 

Somred  vi  impem  become  summer. 

Sona'te  c  -r  sonata. 

Sonbe  c  -r  chir  (naonl.  til  Saar)  probe,  (naonl. 




til  33læren)  sound,  -'re  vt  (ogyaa  fig)  sound, 
probe,  amr  f  precognosee. 

@on|J>rc  vt  separate;  distinguish.  -bvinø  c 
separation;  distinction. 

Sone  vt  expiate;  (forfone,  forlige)  reconcile; 
+  _  ub,  fe  Ubfone. 

@onct'  c  -ter  sou'net. 

@on|ittg  c  expiating  etc,  expiation.  -(ittg§)= 
offer  propitiatory  oflFering  el.  sacritice. 

@ono'r  a  souorous. 

"iBop'  c  -per  toadstool,  mushroom. 

*éo\)e,  f6pte,  f6<3t  vt  sweep.  @o^(e)(ime  c 

Bopian,  BopUn  c  -er  dram,  whet. 

Boppe  vi  splash  el.  paddle  about. 

*®oppe  vt  rafter  (timber).  -maflinc  raftering 

So^ra'n  c  er  soprano,  treble.  -fonger  treble 
Singer,  sopranist.  -^emme  soprano  voice;  so- 
prano part. 

'■'@o<»fu<»^)e  c  mushroom  soup. 

Sorbet  c  sherbet. 

©orbi'n  c  mnte,  sordine,  (i^ianof.)  damper. 

*@orcnf!rit)er  c  -e  (stipendiary)  judge  of  a 
district.    -i'  n  -er  district  of  a  country-judge. 

Sorg  c -er  sorrow,  grief,  affliction;  OetQmring) 
care;  anloeqge  _  go  into  el.  put  on  mourning; 
oflcegge  _  leave  otf  el.  put  otf  mourning;  6ære  _ 
be  in  mourning;  ben  Sib  ben  _  we  will  think 
about  that,  when  the  time  comes;  bet  er  min 
minbfie  _  I  am  quite  easy  about  that.  -bef^jænbt, 
-betinget  a  sorrow-strieken ,  heavy  wlth  grief 
-blanbet  a  mingled  with  grief.  -fri  a  free  from 
care  el.  sorrow,  sorrowless;  ftaffe  en  et  -t  Ub' 
fomme  make  one  comfortable  for  life;  leBe  -t 
live  In  comfort.  -fri^eti  comfort.  -fulb  a 
sorrowful,  sad,  afflicted,  doleful,  mournful. 
-fnret  a  care-llned.  -gittett  a  oppressed  with 

Sorgfio,  Sorgftunt  c  sorgo,  Sorghum.  -rebt 

®org|(eé  a  careless,  unconcerned.  -Ie§^eb  c,  -nebbajct  n  oppressed  with  grief 
-tung  a  fe  -Betinget,  -tiont  a  care-worn.  tSorrig 
fe  ©ovg. 

Sort  c  -er  sort,  species,  kind,  description, 
denomination,  grade;  Bebfte  _  SRoftner  the  best 
kind  of  raisins;  af  forfte  ~  first-rate. 

Sort  [6]  a  black,  sable,  swarthy;  her  sable; 
en  _  ((Reger)  a  negro,  a  black  (gentleman);  _ 
Srage,  fe  ®ort=;  gøre  _  til  $t)ibt  og  ^bibt  til  - 
make  b.  white,  and  white  black,  argue  that 
black  is  white;  ^atie  ~  paa  |»t)ibt  for  noget,  l^atie 
nt  _  x><^a.  ^Bifit  have  a  thing  in  b.  and  white; 
fnalfe  _  speak  in  riddles;  ærgre  fig  _  be  pro- 
voked  beyond  measure;  Ⱦre  );>aa  ben  -e  %a'o\t, 
bet  -e  93ræt  ft)0§  en)  be  in  one's  black  book,  on 
oiie's  black-list;  fætte  pao  bet  -e  SSræt  put  in  the 
black  book;  bet  Bletj  gonffe  _  for  mine  ICjne  I 
turned  quite  giddy;  fig  F  bet  fer  _  ub  for  ^am 
matters  look  ill  for  him;  ben  -e  Sunft  the  black 
art,  necromancy;  bet  -e  ©ob  the  Black  Sea. 
Sort|agttg  a  blackish,  swarthy.  -onb  black 
scoter,  Fuligula  nigra.  -boanbet  a  black-banded. 
-bog  fe  fjorftuefbale.  -bcjbfe  vt  ebonize.  -blottet 
II  swart,  swarthy.  -bleg  «  dusky,  dingy.  -blif 
bloom-plate.  -bltgfet  o  b.  with  a  blaze  on  the 
forehead.  -broget  (om  St)æg)  <i  blackbrindled. 
-brun  fe  Sorte=.  -broéfel  ie  Solfort.  —  Sorte|= 
bloo  a  deep-blue.  -brober  Black-friar.  -brun  a 
dark-brown,  tawny.  -bær  fe  Srcetling.  -groft  o 
dark -gray.  -gul  a  deep-yellow.  -tunftner 

Sorte're  vt  sort,  a.ssort;  tiel  -t  well  assorted; 
—  vi  unber  come  el.  range  under,  belong  to. 
Sortere{tttftfIinc  sorting  machine.     -figte,  -folb 

separating  .-lieve.    Sorterer  c  -e  fe  -mofltne.    Sot 
tering  c  sorting,  assorting. 

Sortlforbet  [6]  a  of  a  black  colour.    -fobet 
black- footed,    black-legged.     -groft   fe   Sorte 
t-grimet  a  black-headed.  -f)oaret  «  black-hairedl 
-bftj  dog-flsh,    Sfiinax  niger.      Sortfjeb    c   blacltl 
ness.     Sortlbjælmet  a  fe  ^iælmet.     -bobebct 
black-headed,  {%a.&r)  black-faced.    -^oette  (%u%l 
black,  Motacilla  atricapilla. 

©orti'c  c  -r  exit. 

Sortilnient'  n -er  assortment.  -ntentSbog^ftnb 
ler  general  bookseller. 

Sortltflntet  [6]  «  black-edged.  -tjole  (ogf.  ./J^ 
black  coat,  (fig)  black.  -ticebt  a  (dressed)  il 
black.  -tobber  coarse  copper.  -torot  blacl 
coral,  Antipnthes.  *-trftote,  -trogc  carrion  crow 
gorcrow,  Corvua  corone.  -tribt  black  chalk 
drawing-slate.  -tribtStegning  drawing  in  b 
chalk.  -tul  black  charcoal.  -(oben  «  swarthy 
du.'iky.  -loftet  nblack-locked.  -mejf c  colemouse 
P<trun  ater.  -mulbet  u  black  mould.  -nuri 
black  ant,  Formica  nigra.  Sortne  vi  (om  |)imlenl 
blacken,  grow  dark,  lower;  (mortneS)  darken;  be 
-r  for  mine  ^jne  I'm  turning  giddy.  Sortlplettei 
a  black-spotted.  -tioti^el  black  poplar,  Poiiulm 
nigra.  -^jrittet  n  black  dotted.  -ronbet  a  blacl 
-edged.  -ræt)  black  fox.  -feer  pessimist,  -ftbi 
fe  ©rønlanbå^BQl.  -ftægget  a  black -t)enrded, 
-whiskered.  -flaret  n  veiled  in  black .  -fmubfet 
-fmuttet  a  F  swarthy.  -^nceppt  dusky  gambet 
Totanus  funciM.  -f^roglet  a  black -speckled 
-fVæt(te)  black  woodpecker,  Pieun  martiv* 
•Ypatttt  a  black-spotted.  -ftribet  a  black-streaked 
-fu))tie  black  soup.  -tnolet,  -ternet  a  blacl 
checkered.  '-troft  fe  ©olfort.  -ttobftning  black 
wash.  -tiinget  a  black -winged.  -«jct  ■>  blacl 

Sot  c  slckness,  dlsease.    Sot(te)bab :  bp  -  åH 
in  one's  bed.    Sottefeng  .sickbed. 

Soubret'te  c  -r  abigail,  soubrette. 

Sottlogc're  i:t  J:.  ea.'^e. 

Soupe'r  [fr.]  c  supper,  evening-party. 

Sotie,  foti,  fotiet  [aa]  vi  sleep,  be  asleep;  -  faft; 
tungt  el.  fioarbt  sleep  hard;  be  a  heavy  sleeper 
_  trljgt    sleep   soundly   el.   securely;  -  let  .-^leej 
liglitly,  (ftobig)  be  a  light  sleeper;  ~  fom  en  Stet 
sleep  like  a  post ,   sleep  as  fast  as  a  top ;   Iceggi 
fig   til  at  _  go  to  sleep;  -  WibbagJfotin  take  { 
nap  after  dinner;  min  t)fob  -r  my  foot  is  asleep 
I  have  pins  and  ueedles  in  my  foot;  fol'  tiel 
I  wish  you  a  good  night's  rest!  ben  fom  -r  f^nbe' 
itte  a  man  who  is  asleep  does  no    harm;    bei 
-nbe  the  sleeper;  _  bort  sleep  away;  _  l^en  ex- 
pire,  die;  _  ^ol  sleep  with;  -  inb  fall  asleep 
_  Otier  fig  oversleep  one's  self;  -  paa  fit  grønne 
^re  be  fast  asleep;  .  paa  nt  sleep  on  el.  upon 
st,   eonsult  el.  take  counsel  of  one's  pillow;  _ 
fig   til   nt,    fomme   -nbe  til  nt  obtain  st  without 
the  slightest  eflfort;  itav  -t  ub  has  slept  his  flU, 
has  had  plenty  of  sleep;  _  9{ufen  ub  sleep  one 
self  sober,  sleep  otf  el.  away  the  wine,  au  iu' 
toxication.  So«e|britå  stump  bedstead.  -broobe: 
pi,  -brlt  sleeping  draught,  soporific.    -getnat  fi 
-fammer.    -Ijjerte:   fiaoe  et  gobt  _  be  a  good  el 
sound  sleeper.    -tobinet  sleeping  cabinet;  b.  f.  f 
•tatftft  state-room,  state  berth.   -tommer  sleepin 
room,    bedroom,    dormitory.      -foramerot    bei 
-fellow.    -tnpé  sleeping- coupé.    -I^ft  sleepinesi 
-mibbel    soporific,    hypnotic,    narcotic,    opiate, 
-<>ofe  sleeping-bag.     -))u(ber   narcotic   powde: 
Sober  c  -e  sleeper;  be  ft)ti  -e  the  seven  sleepe 
(of  Ephesus).     Soberfte  c  -r  sleeping  fair,   fai 
sleeper.    -fol  sleeping  room.    -folon  i,  sleepin 
saloon,     -fofo  sofa  bed(stead).     -fteb  sleeping 
-place,  dormitorv.    -ftol  easy  chair,  long  chair. 
-ftue   fe   -tommer;    (i  SlrbejbS^uS  el.  1.)  sleeping 




-vard.  -fljg  a  somnolent,  lethargic.  -fflfle 
lethargy,  somnolenoe.  -tib  sleepiug-time ,  bed 
-time;  sleepiug  hours.  -ttontt  sleepiug-carriage, 
car,  Pullman's  car.  -»(crclfe  ie -tamntfr.  •©oone 
i:i  fall  asleep. 

Bpaa  vt  prophesy,  predict,  foretell,  bode, 
augur;  be  prophetic  of;  vi  tell  fortune^;  -  en 
lell  one  his  fortuue;  labe  fig  -  have  one's  for- 
tune  told;  -  af  Jlfugleneé  Slugt  augur  from  the 
tiight  of  birds;;  -  i  Sort  tell  fortunes  on  the 
cards;  _  i  Kaffegrums  tell  fortunes  by  coffee 
■grounds,  røentieftct  -r,  ®ub  raa'r  man  proposes, 
(iod  disposes.    Spaabog  book  on  fortunetelling. 

@))aabom  c  -uie  prophecy,  divination,  vaticina- 
tiou,  forecast.  --  @^aai)Omå|aanl)  gift  of  pro- 
phecy, prophetic  spirit,  bihi  familiar  spirit. 
■emtc,  -gauc,  -troft  gift  of  divination,  -tunft 
art  of  divination,  (af  ^æiibcrnc)  palmistry, 
chiromancy.  -mibtcr  pi  means  of  divination, 
iiuguries.    -fagn  prophetic  tradition. 

Sttaolfugl  bird  of  augury.  -tctUinQ,  *fjær= 
rittfl,  -tone,  -toinbe  propheiess,  fortune  -  teller, 
>ibyl;  -foiiibe  bibl  familiar  spirit.  -funft  fe  ®paa= 
boinl'.  -loift  divining  rod.  -manb  prophet, 
^oothsaye^;  (tjeb  iotte  ftunfler)  necromancer;  (Dcb 
at  tmnftere)  geomanoer;  (»eb  at  fe  i  giænbenie) 
chiromancer,  palmister;  (Beb  at  ttjbe  Stiernernej 
astrologer,  (oeb  ©rømiue)  oneirocritic. 

S^joan  c,  pi  et  &  =,  (^uggef.)  chip;  (^uolfp.) 
shaving;  pi  (®aDf.)  sawdust;  (Sagf.)  sbiugle; 
<5ili)  filings;  p  gaa  i  erne  come  to  uought. 
3|)aanel)aøe  chip-yard ;  f  gaa  i  -n  come  to 
uought.  ®<)oane|t»ugfler  rough-hewer.  —  Spaanl- 
fietning  plaliing  of  chips,  -tfat  chipliat,  chip 
■bonnet.  -t)(it>e,  -t)uøgcr  fe  ®paane=  -ttobcgobé 
J,  romt>owline.  -fjul  plane-liole,  plane's  mouth. 
-fntb  chippiug-knife.  -fnrb  chip-basket,  -maatte 
chip-mat.  -tog  shingle-roof  -tapeter  wood 
-haugings.  -tr«  wood  for  making  slips.  -t«tter 
shingle-roof  maker.  -bær!  chip-work.  -æffe 

Spaa'Iftilfc  c  fe  -fbift. 

Spabe  c  -r  spade.  Spabe  vt  spade,  dig  with 
a  spade.  @);abe|blab  blade  of  a  spade.  -bDtlet 
ri  spade-cultivated.  t-belle  socket  of  a  spade. 
•formig  n  ^  spatulate.  -fulb  a  .spadeful.  -foft 
fe  -ftir.    -tultur  garden-tillage,  spade-cultivation. 

Spobel  fe  Spatel. 

^pat)t\maa\,  -mon  fe  -ftif. 

Spobcr  t>l  (i  Sort)  spades;  en  _  a  spade. 
StJobcribame,  -eå,  -fnoegt,  -fongc  ofo.  thequeen, 
ace,  knave,  king,  of  spades,  -to  the  two  of 
spade-',  fig  fige  el.  ftaa  -  til  defv. 

S<)ttbc!tfoft  handle  of  a  spade,  -flag,  -ftit, 
-fæt  spit  (of  earth).  *-bcnbc  vt  turn  with  the 

SpatiVle  c  -r  (i  2^om6re)  spadille. 

Spabfc're  vi  walk,  take  a  walk;  F  (goo  J^big, 
om  Slrbejber)  be  al  play;  be  -nbe  the  promenaders, 
the  walking  public.  @);abferc|bragt  walking 
dress,  -gang  walking,  walk,  promenade,  -tjole 
walking  dress.  @<inbferen  c  walking.  <Spabfere|fti 
walk.  -ftof  walking  stick  el.  cane.  -tur  walk, 
turn,  'for  Sunblj.)  constitutional;  en  fort  -  fra 
a  Short  walking  distance  from.  -UC)  promenade, 
walk.  -uejr  weather  for  walking.  @)]abfering 
c  walking. 

@<>ag  '1  tractable,  quiet,  gentle,  tante,  meek. 

Bpaqie)  c  -r  handspike;  fætte  -tue  i  Spillet  rig 
the  capstan ;  gor  paa  '^æi  - !  handspikemen, 
ground !  9?eferbemanbfta6et  Peb  -rne  the  assistaut 
handspikemen.  Sjtngcfjiil  J,  worked 
with  handspikes. 

Spagfær  b<g  u  gentle,  quiet.     -f(eb  c  gentle- 
-,  mansuetude.    @tia'gi)eb  <: 

@)ia'g()uQrr  pi  J^  holes  for  the  capstan-bars, 
holes  for  handspikes. 

©^jagi'riff  a  spagir'ic 

@i)a'g|riam))er  pi  ki.  fe  -rælle 

Spa'gne  vi  become  tractable  el.  tame. 

©^Jrt'flræfte  c  rack  for  the  capstan  bars. 

SOolie'r  fe  efpalier. 

Siioltbar  fe  Spaltelig. 

©iialtc  c  -r  split,  slit,  cleft,  flssure;  <j/p column; 
fcette  i  -r  compose  by  slips.  @))alte  vt  split;  fe 
tloPe,  Splitte.  @))ålte|aa6ning  55-  stoma,  pi 
stomata.  -frugt  separating  fruit,  cremocarp. 
•furet  a  furrowed  by  flssures.  -føbber  fissipeds. 
•f«be  filling-up  stuif,  padding.  -tlingc  cleaving 
-tool.  BpaUtUQ  a  cleavable.  SboKeHfl^eb  c 
cleavage.  S^ialtepubning  slit-gr- fting.  ©palter 
c  -e  eleaver,  cleaving-tool.  @patte|fteg  ti/p  scale 
-board,  -foampc  bacteria.  -fætning  composing 
by  slips,  -bærf  slitting  rollers,  ©paltning  c 
splitting  etc. ;  fio  division,  schism,  rupture. 
SpaltningSflabe  dividing  plane.  iSpaltntngé= 
foampe  bacteria.  ©paltlpobning^  -fbampe  fe 

®panb  e,  *n,  -e  t  pail,  bucket,  *tin-pail;  *old 
standard  of  taxation. 

©panb  n,  pi  =,  (Waal)  spån;  ($efte)  team. 
Spanblbog  soccage  day  with  horses,  -bagij- 
arbcjbe  soccage  with  horses. 

Spanbeaag  n  (milk  maid's)  yoke. 

Spanbcr  c  -e  geomotrician,  looper,  Oeometra. 

©panbe're  fe  Spenbere. 

©ponbet  a  :  -be  ^anbfter  prick-stitched  gloves. 

©ponbcibtS:  i  -  by  the  bucket,  by  el.  in 
buckets,  by  pailfuls,    "-Ⱦrf  chain-pump,   uoria. 

Sponblfulb  c  pailful.    -faebe  pilch-chain. 

Spanbrcm  s  shoemaker's  stirrup. 

Spanbricgel  c  (Slømr.)  straining-beam. 

Sponbt  fe  Spinbe. 

@pang(e)  c  -r  clasp,  buckle. 

Spang  c  -e  foot-bridge,  Stepping -stoues. 
@pangebro  b.  f. 

Sponge|brl)MJe  fe  Sfælpanfer.  -bælte  belt  with 
a  buckle. 

Spanien  n  Spain.  Spanter  c  -e,  -inbc  c  -r 
Spaniard.    Spanio't  c  -er,  b.  f. 

Spanjer  c  J.,  dog  vane. 

Spantc,  Spanlnle're  vi  strut,  stalk.  -n  c  strut- 
ting etc,  strut,  stalk. 

Spanne  vt  («IiI)  stretch.  Spann(c)|^ttmmer 
stretching  hammer,    -ftot  dressing  stake. 

Spanff  rt  Spauish;  fig  grand,  lofty,  super- 
cilious;  -  SSojonet  yucca,  Yticca.  glorios'i,  ~  gine 
cantharis  {pi  cautharides),  Spanish  fly,  Lytta 
lesicatoria;  (^JSlafter)  a  blister,  blistering  plaster, 
vesicatory;  faa  -  ^Ine  paa  be  blistered;  _  3uj  ^ 
Spanish  fox;  -e  ©arbiner  joc  cross-bars;  .  .Aumle 
little  hop-plant,  Origanum  Smvrnæum;  ~  Rarfe, 
fe  ^nbianft;  -  Sirfebær  red-and-white-heart  cherry; 
-  S'øreel  sweet  chervil,  British  myrrh,  Myrrhtn 
odoriiti;  ~  Slib,  fe  Jonfobøtinet ;  -  tl»Ber  red 
clover;  -  ftribt,  fe  gebtften;  -  *?eber  Guinea 
pepper,  Caj-enne  pepper,  Capi>icum  aténvum;  -e 
9{l)ttere  chevaux-defrise;  ben  e  Støblc  the  boots; 
ben  e  Se  the  .Spauish  Main ;  _  SEaffel  Spanish 
bnrton;  -  lalting  hitching;  -e  Soplenter  standing 
lifts;  bet  Tommer  mig  noget  -  for  that's  not 
exactlv  what  I  expected,  appears  to  me  rather 
Strange  el.  odd.  Spanfl|amcrita'nff  a  Hispano 
-Americau.  -eng'clff  a  Anglo- Spanish.  -flue, 
•flucplaffer  fe  oofr.  -grent  verdigris.  -gultorpi- 
menl.  -^»ibt  Spanish  chalk.  -ajlourlff  o  Hispano 
-Moresco.    -r«r  cane.    -reråftot  cane. 

Spant  n  -er  .1,  frame,  frame-timber,  rib;  reift 
i  _  in  frame.  Spante  vt  frame;  -t  færbtg  in 
frame.  —  Spantelbolt  framebolt.  -bnl  sheers 
for  erecting  the  ship's  frames.    -bøining  curva- 




ture  of  a  frame,  -blftdnce  room  and  space 
-enbcrne  the  tops  of  the  timbers.  -loft  mould . 
-loft.  •motiel  bulkhead  model.  -patiltCi  checks 
for  Allings  to  the  timbers.  -|)latt  frame  plane. 
-rib§  irødy-plan.  -Vtnleljærn  angle-iron  frames. 
iBpant\cette  vt  fe  Spante. 

<3\>ttT  F  fe  Spabet  pL 

®i»orbæt  n  ^t>  spar  deck. 

®j»orc  (ogf.  fpa'rt)  vt  save;  vi  (_  ipaa,  l^olbe  til 
9?aabe)  spare;  (øtoiiomifere)  economize,  .save;  (^olbe 
gobt  $u§  meb,  ~  paa)  husband;  (oæce  fparfommelig 
ineb)  bd  sparing  el.  saving  of;  |an  -r  ^oerfen  glib 
el.  Umage  he  spares  el.  grudges  no  paias,  he 
uses  his  utmost  efforts  el.  exertious;  fpar  bine 
formaninger!  spare  your  exhortations;  \pat  mig 
for  benne  ntje  gorbcl)be(ie  let  me  be  spared  this 
new  crime;  \}m  -be  l}BetJert  Soinber  el  Sam  he 
spared  neither  women  nor  children;  berfom  ®nb 
-r  mig  Sid  og  §elbreb  if  God  grant  me  life  and 
health;  ben  fom  fpar'  ftan  ^ar,  bet  fom  er  fpart  er 
tjent  a  penny  saved  is  a  penny  got  el.  gained; 
waste  not,  waut  not;  fiebre  er  bet  at  -  paa  Stebben 
eub  paa  SSunben  it  is  too  late  to  spare  when  the 
bottom  is  bare;  ^er  maa  ifte  -8  paa  *lSenge  you 
must  spare  no  expense.s;  _  paa  Stillingen  og  labe 
®aleten  gaa  be  peany  wise  and  pound  foolish; 
_  fammen  lay  up  money;  _  til  ailberbommen  put 
something  by  for  one's  old  age.  @pare|ban{ 
savings  bank.  -iantbog  fe  -faSfe6og.  -heé^t 
savings-box,  thrift-box,  money-box.  -forening 
cooperative  society.  -laSfe  savings-bank.  -taSfe^ 
tog  savings-bank  book,  depositor's  book.  -lunft 
art  of  saving,  economy.  -maSfe  (gotgtjlb.)  spar- 
ing, -otttt  economical  stove.  -pttlQe  savings. 
©poter  c  -e  saver,  economist:  (i  SparetaSfe) 
d'jpositor.  -ftiaing  savings.  -ftiUingSbant  penny 
bank.    -fuppe  economical  soup. 

Sparf  n,  pi  =,  kick.  iSparfe  vt  &  i  kick; 
spurn;  _  efter  en  make  a  kick  at  one.  Sparten, 
©parfntng  c  kicking. 

Spar|lagen  n  bed  curtain.  -lagen^prtebiten 

Sparre  c  -r  rafter;  her  chevron.  -pærf  raft- 
ers pi. 

i:,©po'r|fom  a  sparing,  .scarce.  -fomfteb  c 
scarcity;  fe  fommelig^eb.  -fonfttteHg  a  saving, 
thrifty,  economical,  parsimonious;  leoe  -t  F  live 
on  the  eheap.  -font'mclig^eb  c  economy,  thrift, 
thriftiness,  parsimony.  -fom'melig^eb^^enfon : 
of  _  from  economical  reasons. 

©part|a'ner  c  -e,  -a'nfl  a  Spa'rtan;  -anft  Suppe 
black  broth  (of  the  Spartans). 

Spartle  vt  fe  Spatie. 

Spartogræ^  n  esparto,  Lygeum  upartum. 

Spa§  c  jest,  joke,  (Cajer)  fun;  brioe  _  meb  poke 
fun  at  one,  chafi"  one.  Spafe  vi  jest,  joke;  be 
in  jest.    Spafen  c  joking. 

Spa'Smager  c  -e  jester,  joker,  wag. 

SpaStno'btfl  a  spasmo(i'ic(al). 

Spat'  c  (sQgb.)  spavin. 

Spat  c  min  spar.     -agtig  a  sparry. 

Spa'tcl  c  -tier  spatula. 

Spatf)  fe  Spat  2.. 

Spatftalt  a  lame  from  spavin,  spavined.  -^eb 
c  lameness  from  spavin. 

Spatic'rc  vt  space.  Spatium  n  -ter  space,  lead. 

Spatjjærnften  sparry  iron  ore.  -Kefe  e  aggrega- 
tion of  spar. 

Spat|(am,  -lam^eb  fe  -^alt. 

Spat] le  vt  spread  with  a  spatula;  putty.  -Ung 
c  spreading  etc. 

Spattet  a  spavined. 

Spe  c  derision,  mockery;  Pære  til  Spot  og  - 
for  jolt  be  an  object  of  derision  to  all  people. 

Spcccri'  n   er  spice,  spleery. 

Specia'l'  spec'ial.    Specia'l|ia  pi  particulars 

-ift'  c  -er  spec'ialist.  -alite't  c  -er  spec'ialty. 
special'ity.  -a'Itort  chart  el.  map  on  a  large 
scale.  Specie  c  -r  specie-dollar.  Specicbalct 
b.  f.  Specl|el'  a  spec'ial,  particular;  -elt  adx 
(more)  especially  el.  particularly.  -tipi  species; 
be  ftre  _  the  four  rules  (of  arithmetic).  -fice'r« 
vi  specify,  particularize.  -fif  a  phyi  specif'ic. 
•filatio'rt  c  -er  speciflca'tiou.  -f'itum  n  -fa 
speciflc.  -f'iff  o  fe  -fif.  Speci'men  n  -m'ina 
spec'imeti  {pi  -s). 

Spebalff '  a  leprous;  en  _  a  leper;  ^ofpitatet  fot 
-e  the  Leper  Hospital,    -fteb  c  leprosy. 

Spebel^S  n  dip. 

Spcb|e're  vt  forward,  send,    -itio'n  c  -er  trans- 
mission el  forwarding(ofgoods).  —  @peblti'onS|-- 
forretntng  forwarding  el.  transmission-business; 
the  carrying  line.    -gebyrer  pi  charges  of  trans- 
mission, forwarding  charges,     -^anbel  carryin 
-tråde,      -omfoftnlngcr    fe    -ge6t)rer.      -regnin 
account  el.  bill  of  conveyance.    Spcbit«r  c  -i 
forwarding  agent,  commission-agent,  forwardei 

tSpege  vt  langle. 

Spege  vt  salt  and  smoke  or  dry.  Spege*|bo 
dried  shoulder  of  mutton.  -flæfl  ^smoked)  bacor 
•gaoS  smoked  goose.  -tøb  smoked  el.  drie 
meat,  hung  beef,  jerked  beef  el.  meat.  -loa 
dried  mutton-ham.  -lalå  smoked  salmon.  -pølfe 
smoked  sausage.  -filb  salt  el.  pickled  herring. 
-ffirtte  smoked  ham. 

Spejbe  vt  &  i  spy,  watch ;  (relognofcere)  re- 
connoitre;  _  efter  nt  search  for  a  thing;  _  efter 
en  spy  after  one,  jeg  l^ar  ftaaet  5er  og  -t  en  ^et 
2;ime  I  have  been  oa  the  look-out  here  for  aa 
hour;  _  ub  oDer  Jpabet  scan  the  ocean.  Spejbcc 
c  -e  spy,  mil  scout.  —  Spelberibltf  searching 
look.  -i'  n  spying,  scouting.  -tog  reconnoitring 

Spejer  n  (8^)  Spire. 

Spejl  n  -e  (looklng-)glass;  ("ogf.  fig)  mirror;  <!, 
stern;  art  tompion;  (i  3)ør)  panel;  (p.  ?^u,ile)  spot 
(on  tlie  wing);  (p.  So)  escutcheon,  milk-mirror; 
(paa  5Eøj)  fag-end,  show-end;  (tit  Sugle)  wooden 
shoe;  (paa  Uniform)  facing;  fe  fig  i  -et  look  into 
the  glass,  look  at  one's  self  in  the  glass.  Spejtl' 
belteggeri  n  coating  mirrors.  -belægning  foil,  tin 
-foiling  of  a  mirror.  -billebe  catoptric  image; 
(uegentlig)  reflection,  image,  -bjætte  ^  transom. 
-btant  a  glassy,  bright  et.  smooth  as  a  mirror. 
-borb  dressing-table.  -bul  ^  sheers  for  raising 
the  stern-frame.  Spejle  +vt  mirror;  CHsj)  fry; 
-  af,  fe  aiffpeile;  —  vr  fig  be  reflected  el.  mir- 
rored,  (fe  fig  i  et  Spejl)  gaze  el.  look  in  a  glass; 
_  fig  i  en  take  an  example  by  el.  from  one. 
Spcjtlfabri!  looking-glass  manufactory.  -flabe 
glassy  surface.  -flor  tiflfany.  -fæftcr  i,  pointer, 
snake-piece,  brace.  -gaa^  red-breasted  Ijernicle, 
Bernida  rufioillis.  -garn  net  with  large  meshes. 
•glanS  polish  of  a  mirror.  -gla§  plateglass. 
-gtaSrube  window-paneof  plateglass.  -gtaSuiubue 
plate-glass  window.  -glat  a  (f.  (SfI.  om  3*)  ex- 
tremely  slippery  el.  smooth,  -^attbel  lookiug-glas.s 
tråde;  1  -g.  shop.  -jærn  specular  et.  speculum 
iron.  -fammer  mirrored  room.  -farpe  mirror  carp. 
-flor  'i  bright  as  a  mirror.  -tonfol  pier-table. 
■fugle  globe  looking-glass.  -lifter  ^1,  stern-rails. 
-toft  coved  ceiling.  -lære  catoptrics  p/.  -mager 
c  -e  looking-glass  maker  el.  manufacturer.  -mo  = 
geri  n  fe  -fabrif.  -metal  specular  metal,  -obbcr 
Canada  otter,  Lutra  canadensis.  -obberffinb 
shining  otter- skins,  -opfatå  (p.  buffet)  glass 
back.  -pille  pier.  -plonler  J>  stem  -  planks. 
-porte  ^  stern-ports.  -ramme  frame  of  a  look- 
ing-glass. -fefétont  Hadley's  sextant,  reflecting 
sextant,  -fenter  ^  harpings,  -fpont  J,  stem 
-frame,  -fpat  specular  spar.  -teleffop  refleetin.i,' 
telescope.    -tro  a  true  as  a  mirror.     -tflmmer 




steru-timbor.   -Jiæg  minored  wall.    -æg  poached 
fl.  fried  eggs;  lase  _  poaoh  eggs. 

S))e{§to^alt  c  smaltine,  pyrites  of  cobalt. 

iBptr  fe  Spoe!. 

©pettaf'el  n  (*  ogf.  c)  -trer  uproar,  hubbub, 
row,  racket;  •  (noisy)  fun;  gøre  -  make  a  racket, 
kick  up  a  diist;  •  make  sport  el.  fim;  et  galt  _ 
a  madcap.  -mager  c  -e  noisy,  turbulent  fellow; 
*\vag.  rogue.    -ftt)!te  show-piece. 

Speftro'Ianalijfc  spectrum  analysis.  <SpttttO 
^op  II  spectroscope.     Bpttttam  n  spectrum. 

Spcfuliant'  c  -er  speculator.  -atton  c  -er 
specula'tion,  venture;  t)aa  -  speculatively,  for  a 
speculative  purpose.  —  @))efutatto'n§{aanti  spirit 
of  speculation.  -fianbel  tråde  of  speculation. 
-ll)ft  spirit  of  speculation.  -roferi  mauia  of 
speculation  SpcfutntiU  [é]  a  speculative,  spec- 
ulatory.  Spetulere  vi  speculate  (ober  on;  i  [en 
5Bare]  in,  [en  TOitligfteb]  on);  _  paa  meditate. 

@t)efulum  n  chir  spec  ulum. 

Spelt  e  spelt.  German  wheat,  Triticum  spelta. 

Spclter  (e  ©piaiitcr. 

Speltmel  n  spelt-flour. 

épcncer  c  -e  spencer. 

épcnba'bet  n  f  liberal.  ^pcnWtiaUtr  f  : 
tage  -ne  );)aa  open  one's  purse-strings.  @pcnbc're 
t>t  spend,  sacrifice;  vi  f  stand  treat. 

@pcnte  vi:  -  og  fpare  pinch  and  spare,  skin  a 

Sperøct  c  (corn)  spurry,  Spergula  arvensis, 
(ben  bnrfebe)  spurr>--oil -plant,  Spergula.  aativa. 

Spermacet'  c  spermace'ti.  -^ual  spermaceti- 
el.  sperm-whale,  Phyicter  macrocephalus.  -1^3 
sperm  candle.  -Olie  sperm  oil,  @perm^Pal  le 

@pct',  Spette  c  ?e  ©pæt.  Spætte. 

©piau'ter  n  spelter. 

©pib'  «,  pi  =,  spit;  fætte  paa  _  put  on  the 
spit,  spit.  épibbe  vt  spit;  fian  -bc  Ijam  paa  (meb) 
93ajouettcn  lie  ran  his  bayonet  through  his  body; 
-  pao  en  *ISæi  (©traf)  impale,  spit  on  a  stake. 
Spibbeltjé  dip  Spibben,  Spibning  c  spitting 
etc;  erapalement. 

®ptb§  c  -er  point,  tip,  end;  (of  «Pen)  nib;  (af 
5bjcErg)  top,  summit;  (af  Segle)  apex:  (p.  Srejeb.) 
center,  point;  (^unbj  Pomeranian  dog;  half  a 
pint,  half-plnt  bottle  el.  glass ;  t  -en  for  .  .  .  at 
Ihe  head  of  .  .  .,  in  the  front  of,  ftao  i  -en  for 
head:  mi'b  et  SWufi!torp§  i  -en  headed  by  a  band; 
bnbe  en  en  make  head  el.  a  stand  against  one, 
set  one  at  defiance,  fætte  paa  -en  carry  cl.  drive 
to  extremities;  icette  Sagen  paa  -en  push  matters 
to  extremes;  er  pi  points  p/,  lace;  fig  taunts  ; 
-erne  f  the  big-wigs,  the  swells.  SpibS  u 
pointed,  peaked,  (løbenbe  nb  i  en  _)  tapering;  fig 
pointed,  smart,  sharp,  cutting,  biting,  tart;  ~ 
SSinfel  acute  angle;  -t  Sfub  rocketing  shot. 
@pib§|*alte  foolish  guillemot,  Uria  troile.  -anb 
l)iutail,  Anas  acutt.  -baab  boat  pointed  at  both 

Spibåbcrgcn  n  Spitzber'gen. 

Spib«|bolt  point  bolt;  pointed  soldering-stick. 
-bor  bradawl,  scriber,  piercer,  spike-gitnlet. 

Spibéi  borger  cit,  snob  -borgcrtig  a  narrow 
-minded,  mechanical,  matter-of-fact,  underbred, 
snobbish.  -borgertigfieb  narrow-mindedness, 
snobbishness,  snobbism. 

Spibåbub  c  -er  pickpocket,  sharper,  rogue. 

Spibåjbue  pointed  ei.  gothic  arch.  -bueftU 
pointed  style.  -buet  a  pointed.  -bul  young 
buck.  -bjjlb  furuncle,  boil.  -bælg  pyramidal 
bellovvs.  -b«jc  fe  -tønbe.  -ceUe  long  cell.  -boflc 
sliding  pnppet.  -brcjcbænf  center-lathe.  +Spibfc 
c  -r,  te  SpibS.  Sptbfe  vt  point;  (-aiDant)  mend; 
(^Pebe)  hull;  -  en  ^^en  nib  a  pen;  -  rønnben  draw 
up  the  mouth;  _  9tcefe,  ^ren;  fe  9læfe,  øre;  —  vi 

Siarfen:  3)onp=(£ngeIff  Crbbog. 

-  til  taper;  _  fig  til  taper.  Sptbfer  c  -e  pointer. 
SptbSIPl  sharp  tile,  pointed  flle.  -fin'btg  a 
subtle,  captiotis,  sophistical.  -fin'big^cb  c 
subtlety,  captiousness,  sophistry.  -gab  jagged 
chick-weed,  Holosteum  umbellutum.  -gapl  pointed 

SplbélglottS,  -glaå  antimony. 

Splbålglaå  tapering  glass,  common  wine  glass. 
-^ogc  point  lool.  -bnffe  pick-axe.  -jammer 
pick-hammer.  -^arpe  wire-harp.  -^at  pointed 
hat.  -l)jort  brocket.  -IjoPebet  a  having  a  pointed 
head.  -Jjue  pointed  cap.  -jærit  fe  -mejfel.  -laot 
early  dwarf  sugarloaf  cabbage.  -Ijole  (swallow-) 
tail  coat.    -flammer  point-clamp. 

SpibSfommen  je  Spisiommen. 

Spib3|froitct  a  with  pointed  top.  -fugfe 
pointed  ball,  couical  hullet,  -tuuert  registered 
letter  envelope.  -lærfe  crested  lark,  Alauda 
crist'ita;  F  saucy  body.  -\ftn  Norway  maple, 
Acei  platanoides.  -mcjfel  pointed  chisel.  -mor« 
fcl  pointed  morel,  Morchella.  -munbet  a  hav- 
ing a  pointed  mouth.  -mu§  shrew-mouse, 
Sorex.  SpibSning  c  pointing  etc.  (fe  Spibfe  vt). 
Sptbi^lnæbbet  u  having  a  pointed  beak.  -ntefet 
a  sharp  nosed.  -pofe  flltering  bag.  -projettil 
cylindro-conical  projectile.  -prop  pointed  cork. 
-puUet  a  (Jpat)  (hat)  with  a  conical  crown.  -Httfl 
(Snapn.)  file-wheel. 

Spibårob  [t.]  c  switch;  lebe  _  run  the  gant- 
lope  el.  gantlet.  Sptb^robSIøben  c  runuing  the 

Sptb§|rotte  desman,  Myogale.  -ftæg  pointed 
beard.  -ffitb  rocketing  shot.  -flæbe  sledge  for 
one  person,  o'nr  cutter,  -fttubet  fe -næfet.  -ftaal 
pointed  chisel,  point-tool.  -ftilfe  spit-sticker. 
-ftfltte  obelisk,  -tanb  pointed  tooth.  -tung 
pendulum-pliers.     -top  taper  tap,   faucet,  spile. 

Spibftcg  c  joint  roasted  on  the  spit. 

Sptb§|t«nbe  nun  buoy.  -pinllet  a  acute-angled; 
_  triangel  oxygon,  triangle  having  three  acute 
angles,    -erct  a  having  pointed  ears. 

-i-Spig  fe  Spiger. 

Spiger  n  &  c  -nre  spike;  *(Søm)  nail.  -bor 
wimble,  auger  -fabrit  nail-manufactory,  nail 
-works.  -Ijoocb  head  of  a  nail.  -^jtb  J,  wood 
-sheathing.  -^ul  nail-hole.  -tiuléprop  spile. 
-muffcr(t)  pin-maul.  -olie  fe  Spifolie.  -ptap 
spile,  -jiærf  fe  -fabrif.  Spigre  vt  spike;  *nail. 
Spi'gring  c  spiking,  nailing. 

*Sptffe  vt  whittle.    -fjæl  cutting-board. 

Spltolie  c  spike  oil. 

Spil'  n,  pi  =,  (af  Silffelbet,  ©fæbnen  ofo.)  play; 
(meb  Slort,  terninger  ofo.)  game;  (Somebief.)  play- 
ing,  acting,  (^anbl.  at  fp.  ^øjt)  gambling;  »X» 
(Sango  capstan,  capstern,  CSrab')  windlass, 
(minbre)  winch,  (flytbart)  crab;  et  _  Siort  a  pack 
of  cards;  et  -  (Dmgang)  a  hånd;  et  _  Segler  a  set 
of  nine-pins;  gioe  frit  -  give  free  scope  el.  tull 
play;  fpitle  et  _  Sfaf,  aStHarb,  SB^ift  play  a  game 
of  chess,  billiards,  whist;  nu  Ijar  jeg  -let  gaaenbe 
now  I  am  sure  of  my  game,  have  the  game  in 
my  owu  hånds;  røre  -let  fig  be  doing;  opgtoe  -let 
throw  up  the  game;  t)inbe  -let  win  the  game; 
haue  Dunbet  -  be  sure  of  the  game,  have  the 
game  in  one's  own  hånds;  fe  Slitalt;  gøre  -let 
Hart  rig  the  capstan;  føge  -let  man  the  capstan, 
the  windlass;  oære  ube  af  -Jet  be  played  out; 
Ⱦre  tnbe  \  -let  attend  to  the  game,  be  up  to 
the  game;  fomme  meb  i  -let  come  into  play;  ^an 
er  meb  i  -let  fig  he  has  a  finger  in  the  pie,  he 
has  a  hånd  in  it;  tabe  *J}enge  i  _  lose  money  at 
play;  fætte  golf  i  el.  til  -let  man  the  capstan; 
tlitje  (runbt)  i  -let  heave  the  capstan;  l)i»e  meb 
Sraft  i  -let  heave  a-straiu;  opgaa  i  -let  come  up 
the  capstan;  meb  flingenbe  ~  dnitns  beating; 
brioe  _  meb  make  game  of;   fætte  paa  _   stake, 





peril,  hazard,  put  to  hazard,  place  el.  put  in 
jeopardy,  jeopardize,  eompromise;  6aii§  26re 
ftaor  \>aa  ~  his  honour  is  at  stake;  ber  ftaar  meget 
pao  -  for  {)am  he  has  much  at  stake;  bære  paa  ~ 
be  playing  oue's  pranks;  ffube  Slarfugl  paa  ~ 
shoot  blaek-game  at  pairiDg-time;  ®obrct  til 
-let  the  eapstan-gear.  ®|)i(!al§lcr  wiiidlass 
spindles.  -arm  windlass-lever.  -tom  capstan 

®J)ilb  n  loss,  waste;  gaa  til  e  go  el.  run  to 
waste;  bet  er  fiin  itl  -e  that's  ouly  waste;  _  af 
ftræfter  waste  of  power.  Sjjilbc,  "-te,  -t  vt  (om 
fl^benbe  ©ager)  spill,  drop,  (forfcilbe,  f.  ©tS.  ont 
Krebit  ofb.)  lose;  (bortubfle)  waste;  bet  er  -bt  paa 
fiom  it  is  Ihrown  away  on  him;  -bt  Slrbejbe  labour 
in  vain.  —  SviIbe|battHi  exhaust  (steam),  waste 
-steam.  -bom^»(rer)  waste-steam-pipe,  exhaust 
-pipe.  -fobtr  waste-fodder.  -fait  stray  salt. 
-Uawb  waste-water.  -oonbSrør  (irnip.)  discharge 
-pipe.  -oonJiSticntil  delivery  valve.  -barme 
waste-hcat.     ®))ilbalie  waste  oil. 

•@<>ilbtc  c  -r  (thin)  splint,  splinter,  shiver, 
lath,  slat. 

©litlbfom  a  liable  to  waste,  wasteful. 

®^ilc  vt  (ub)  stretch,  distend;  _  jZjnene  op 
open  ore's  eyes  wide.  @bile  c  -r  stretcher;  *-r 
(i  ^aropli))  frame,  stretchers.  @^ilett  c  stretch- 
ing.    ©)»tlc<)inb  fe  Sctle. 

@:|)il|fiff  i  capstan  partuers,  -fob  step  of  the 
capstan . 

Sjjillfægteri'  n  er,  +-fægtcn  c  humbug,  mock- 
ery,  shamming.    +-fægtcnbe  a  sham. 

@))it|^Obcb  J>  drum-head,  trundle-head. 
-4baI))C  vt<  whelps.  -^t)al))ingcn  the  windlass 
lining.  -jagt  shooting  (black-game  and  wood 
-grouse)  at  pairing-time.  -KaHHJer  J>  whelps; 
windlass-choeks.  -fntcgt  windlass-bitt.  -foge 
boil  violently.  -fo^),  -frone  J^  trundle-head. 
-tro}),  *-fu6bc  fe  -ftomme.  -fugle  proof-ball, 
forced-ball.    -IttttS  windlass-choeks. 

BpiUe  vi  &  t  (om  aHe  SlagS  gpil  og  3nftru= 
menter)  play;  (Somebie)  aet,  perfomi;  Com  atrtilleri, 
©prøjteri  play;  ~  (mobf.  paiU)  stand  the  game; 
_  fol^  play  false,  cheat  at  play;  ~  ^øjt  gamble, 
]>lay  high,  deep;  Jiø  ~  et  !)øj|t  Svi'  play  a  bold 
game;  _  58anferot  become  bankrupt,  break,  fail; 
~  Joaforb  play  at  hazard;  _  Somebie  aet  a  play; 
~  S!ort,  fieglcr  play  (at)  cards,  at  nine  pins;  _ 
en  et  $ubé  play  one  a  trick,  ~  en  JRoHe  aet  el. 
perform  a  part,  personatc  el.  sustain  a  character; 
_  en  fremtræbenbe  iRoHe  bear  a  couspicuous  el. 
prominent  part;  _  en  tjntelig  SRoIIe  cut  a  sorry 
figure;  _  ben  fonirettebe  aet  the  part  of  an  in- 
jured  man;  -  Sngelftmonb  play  the  Englishman; 
labe  ftn  SSittigt)eb  ~  show  ofF  et.  make  a  display 
of  one's  wit;  "^tjor  længe  r  famlet?  how  long 
does  H.  play?  fe  S3(flb;  -  i  bet  i&\aa  border  on 
the  blue,  have  a  bluish  tint;  Siamonten  -r  i 
Solen  the  diamond  sparkles  in  the  snu;  jSjnene 
-be  i  ^obfbet  paa  ftenbe  of  ®(æbe  her  eyes  beamed 
el.  sparkled  with  joy;  -  meb  Orb  pun;  -  om 
•J5enge  play  for  mouey;  >  om  ingen  STtng  play  for 
love;  ~  op  strike  up;  _  ftg  op  pick  up,  ~  paa 
f^Iøjte,  SBioIin  play  (on)  the  flute,  violin;  et  ©mil 
-be  paa  fienbeS  SæBer  a  smile  hovered  on  her 
lips;  iQBe  kanonerne  _  pao  bring  the  guns  to  bear 
upon;  ~  ub  lead;  have  the  lead;  2)e  ffat  _  ub  it 
is  your  lead;  ^bem»-r  ub?  whose  lead  is  it?  fig 
-  fin  Tibfte  Jrumf  ub  stake  one's  all;  -  unber 
3)æfte  meb  en  play  booty  with  one,  collude  with 
one;  —  fpillenbe  a  fig  sparkling;  be  _  the 
players,  nmi  the  executants.  SpiHclaabntng 
opening.  -aften  day  of  representation.  -banf 
bank.  -bog  card-player,  handbook  of  cards. 
-bolb  ball;  fig  sport,  plaything.  -borb  card-table; 
hazard-table.     -brober  fe  -fugl      -bræt  marking 

-board,  -baafe  musical  box,  music  box.  -fug 
gambler,  gamester;  tbuffoon.  -goJ  a  passion- 
ately  addicted  to  gambling,  -gælb  gambling 
-debt.  -t)el0ebe,  -^u8  gaming-house,  gambling 
-house,  heil.  -flub  card-club.  -tort  cards. 
-llbcnftab  passion  for  gambling.  -Itjtte  luck  in 
play.  -I»)ft  love  of  gaming  el.  play.  -lærer 
music-master.  -(ærcrinbe  music-mistress.  -maabe 
mauner  of  playing;  (3nftrument§)  touch,  -manb 
fiddler,  (low)  mnsician,  mil  bandsman;  $er  - 
littleman.  -patti  card-party.  -^engc  pi  play 
-money.  -br«be  rehear.«al.  "SplHcr  c -e  player; 
gamester,  gambler;  (i  Sricfet)  batsman;  fa(f(  - 
card-sharper.  ©piKclraferi  mania  for  gambling, 
rage  for  play.  -regel  rule  of  the  game.  -ruin 
'•rt  windage;  meoh  play;  fig  scope,  margin, 
latilude;  fao  .  (6Iibe  !»#)  fetch  way;  gioe  en  frit 
_  give  one  free  scope  el.  full  play.  -fclftab  card 
-party,  -ftjge  passion  for  play.  -fæfon  theatrical 
season.  -fefter  female  gambler,  -time  music 
-lesson.  -unberoiSning  music  lessons.  -ur 
musical  clock. 

S^iUetienbe  a  all  alive  (and  kicking). 

SbWfbært  n  musical  clock;  (UBettjbcIig^eb)  toy, 

tSb'King  c  -er  wild  plum. 

©pUnaal  c  J^  spindle  of  the  capstan. 

©pi'lning  c  stretehing  etc,  distention. 

©pllnot  c  windlass  end. 

©pilop'  n  &  c  -per  fun,  trick(s);  gpre  -per  play 
tricks,  make  fim.    -tnager  c  -e  rogue,  wag. 

@pil|))anbe  .X>  saucer  for  the  capstan  spindle. 
■ring  capstan-rim.  -ftaat  fe  -ponbe.  -f^jagcr 
capstan-bars;  handspikes  for  the  windlass  -fpor 
step  of  the  capstan.  -ftamme  capstan-barrel; 
main-piece  of  the  windlass.  ''-fbelb  crank 
-handle,  -tib  pairing  season  (of  hirds).  -toSfct 
a  mad  as  a  March  hare. 

Spi'itott  n  stall. 

Spilltrumf  J>  windlass-end.  -træ  fe  -ftomme. 
-baagcn  a  wideawake. 

Spinat  c  spinach,  spinage,  Spinada  oleracea; 
engeift  ti.  romerft  ~  patience,  Éumex  patientia. 
-frø  spinage-seed.    -grøn  a  spinach  green. 

Spinb  n  that  which  is  spun,  yarn;  (om  ©bber- 
foppeng,  2arDer§  S.)  web;  (®erningen)  spinning. 
©pinbc,  fpoubt,  fpunbet  vt  spin;  (om  batten)  purr; 
-  Sobaf  twist  tobacco;  I)an  ^ar  itfe  fpunbet  Silfe 
berPeb  he  has  made  no  fortune  by  it;  _  en  ®nbe 
spin  a  yarn;  fig  -  noget  op  trump  up  st;  ~  fiii 
inb  spin  ils  cocoon,  fig  entangle  oue's  self.  - 
t®})lnbc|]^u8  house  of  correction  (for  females)_ 
-tone  spinuer;   (et  ©Iag§  Segetjøi)  humming-topj? 

S^jinbel  c  -bier  spindle;  (i  Ur)  verge,  spindlej 
fasee;  (Srejn.)  mandril,  (paa  58inbeltrappe)  newel 

-fSlptnbcl  c  fe  ©bberfop.  -abe  spider  monkeyj 

©pinbcllboKte)  head-stock.  -formig  a  spindK 
-shaped.    -gang  fusee-escapement. 

©ptnbc|ltntc  fe  -fibe. 

©pinbcljtlo  balance-vice.  -rMlIc  spindle-roll 
el.  roller,    -ur  fusee-watch.  -Pcutil  spindle  valve. 

©piubetloæo  n  cobweb.  -bæoSftuben  the  arach-_ 
noid  membrane. 

Spinbe|J«u  wages  for  spinning.  -maftine  spinr 
uing- machine,  spinning-jenny.  -mefler  master 
of  a  spinning-mill.  -mtbe  spinning-mite,  Tetra- 
nychus  telarius.  Spinbcu  c  spinning.  ©pinbci 
plante  textile  plant.  Spinber  c  -e  (male)  spinner; 
zoo  bombyx.  Sptnberi'  n  -er  spinning-millj 
spinning -factory.  ©pinbcrot  spinning-wheel, 
éptnberftc  c  -r  (female)  spinner.  ©pinbelfibc« 
the  spindle-side,  the  distaff,  the  female  line; 
poo  -n  by  the  female  line.  -ftof  textile  sul* 
stance.  -ftuc  spinning-room;  (felftobelig  ©ommen) 
tomft)  spinning-bee.    -Un  spindle.     -tot  head  ol 




i!ax.  -troab  thread  ^of  a  web),  -ttifc  spinner's 
->n\i:.  -nortr  teat,  nippip  -Ⱦu  k  Spiiibelscet). 
rpinbing  c  spinning.  S);inb))(ante  fe  ©pinbc' 

Slitncl'  c  -ler  spinel,  spinelle. 

SDtnet'  n  -ter  spinet,  virginal. 

rDtnfc  rt  fe  Spente. 

Sl)infe(  a   slender,  tiny.     -fteb  c  slendeniess. 

spino't   c   -er   back   centre,      -bof(te)    sliding 


cpint  c  sapwood,   sap,    albumnm,   album, 


5plo'n  c  -er  sp^-;  *fe  !RffIe!tiongfpfiI.    ®))ione're 
>py.    Spionic  rinn  c,  -erl'  n  espionage. 

Spir  n,  pi  =,  (p.  laarn)  spire;  .1.  boom,  spar; 
tlar  »eb  -ene  stand  by  the  booms!  fung  op  -ene! 
trice  np ! 

Spita'l  c  -er  spi'ral  -fjcbcr  spiral  spring. 
•formig  «  spiral,  helical.  -dolber  fi  Ur)  regu- 
lator-spring, -tnr  spiral  dnot  el.  ve.'ssel.  -Unit 
spiral  line.  -ftiUct  c  arranged  in  a  spiral  manner. 
-troab  spiral  wire.  •Otnbing  spiral  convolntion. 
-Prrbfti  a  spirally  twisted,  spirated. 

Btfirant'  c  -er  spi'rant,  fricative  oonsonant." 

Spi'rbraå  c  .1,  boom-brace. 

*S|>irc  c  -r  .1,  fe  Spir. 

@titrc  c  -r  germ,  sprout;  /;;  germ,  root;  fpæle 
bet  onbe  i  -n  nip  the  evil  in  the  bud;  gaar  meb 
-11  til  en  Stjflbom  i  fig  has  a  disease  latent  in 
him.  Sbire  vi  sprout,  germinate,  bnrgeon;  _ 
frem  sprout  el.  shoot  forth.  Spirelbtjgtifl  a  hav- 
ing  the  power  of  germination  -eune,  -fraft 
germinatiog  power,  power  of  gemiiuation.  -tciai 
spronts  pi.  -traftig  fe  bogtiq.  @<)ircn,  S|)iring 
c  sprouting  etc  ,  germination.  —  Spirinaåibe- 
tingelfer  conditions  of  germination.  -tab  loss 
duriiig  germination. 

Sbfrit!t§'me  c  spir'itism.  -tft'  c  -er  spir'itist. 
•ualié  mc  c  spirit'ualism  -uaiift'  c  -er  spirit'- 
ualist.  -ualifttff  a  spiritualistic.  -uolttct  c 
(9tatibtgi)cb)  .spiritual'ity:  (fMoiibrig^eb)  brightness, 
brillianry  -ud'  n  elever,  bright,  brilliant. 
-uo'fa  /)/  'spirituous)  licjuors,  spirits.  ®)iintuofa= 
banbel  spirit-stores  pi.  iB\>h'itttå  c  spirit  ^of 
wine  eto ).  —  @))irituå!ferut§  spirit-varnish. 
-fatnpc  spirit-lamp.  -libelle,  -nttteau  spirit  level. 
Spirituel  (i  spirit'uons. 

Sptrijonc  fe  -tafjf. 

Sb'romc'tcr  n  -tre  spirometer, 

SbJrrcptb'  c  -per  little  bustling  person,  whipper 

Sbi'rtaljc  c  boom-jigger,  boom-tackle. 

Spiræa  c  spiræa. 

Spiå  't.l  c  ivp  pick. 

Spife  c  fe  SSIijfpife. 

Sb'fc.  -te,  -t  vf  &  i  eat:  _  [^rofoft  breakfnst;  _ 
(til)  TOibbag  dine;  -  (til)  9Iften  .«up;  -  til  9Kibbag 
el.  Siften  fio?  en  dine  el.  sup  with  one;  lian  -r 
gobt  he  plays  a  good  knife  and  fork;  tion  l)Olber 
flf  at  -  gobt  he  is  fond  of  good  living;  man  r 
gobt  lier  yon  get  good  dinners  here;  mon  -r  gobt 
Boé  bom  he  gives  a  good  dinner,  keeps  a  good 
table;  jeg  -r  gerne  Oftere  I  like  oysters;  _  fig  mæt 
eat  one's  fill'  -  for  meget  eat  too  much,  overcat 
one's  self;  -  af  vi  clear  one's  plate;  vt  fe  Slffpife; 
-  op  ?•;  fe  Cpfpiff;  et :  f)an  fiar  -t  for  mig  he  has 
eat  en  both  his  own  share  and  mine.  @VUe  c 
-r  eating  meat  food,  victuals.  <Stitfe|anfta(t 
eatingi-.oiise.  -borb  dining-table,  dinner-table 
•forflæbc  (t.  Søm)  feeder.  -bul  eating-house. 
■rat)t|t  diiiing  cabin  -tommer  larder,  pantry, 
buttery.  -tpartcr  eating-house,  ordiuary.  -tælber 
(->•,  provision-cellar;  (SReftaiiration)  low  eating 
-house  S))ife(ig  <i  eatable,  edible,  esculent. 
SbUeltgbcb  '•  edibleness  iS))ife|It)ft  appetite. 
•meftir  nnrvcvor,  eaterer.     -olie  sweet  oil.    -binb 

(finefift)  ehop-stick.  +^piUv  <•  -e  eater.  @^lfc|' 
reglemettt  dietary  scale,  scale  of  provisions. 
-rirr  esophagns,  gullet.  -fat  dinner-liall,  dining 
-hall,  (i  fitoften  refectory.  -falon  dining-saloon. 
-febbet  bill  of  fare,  menu,  amr  meat-bill.  -fel' 
ffab  dinner  el  supper-partv.  -fle  dessert-spoon, 
(ftørro)  tablespoon.  •ffefulb  spoonful.  -fteb 
eating-house.  -ftel  dinner  service,  -ftue  dining 
-room.  -tJb  mealtime;  dinnertime.  -time  dinner 
-hour.  -barer  eatables,  victuals.  -pæretfe  .X' 
mess-room.  -Pært  eating-house  keeper.  -Bært= 
ittbc  landlady  of  an  eating-house. 

Sbt^'ommén  c  oumin,  Cnminum 

©bi'éning  c  eating.  @bi$n<ngl|r«r  o.  fl.,  fe 

Stiictb  n,  pi  =,  (til  ©torften  ofo  )  damper,  re- 
gister; (35mp  )  throttle,  damper;  (f.  (gf?.  i  Sfiorte) 
gnsset     -formet  a  damper-shaped. 

*®bjælt  <■   er  splint.    @bi<clle  vt  splint. 

tSpJæt'  n,  p(  =,  start;  bet  goo  et  -  i  mig  I 
started,  got  a  start,  gave  a  start.  Spjætte  vi 
start;    kick,    stniggle.      Sp|ætten  c  starting  etc. 

Sblebfe  vt  ^  splice.  Sblebli^orn  splicing-fid. 
-ning  c  spllcing;  c^nc  splice.  *'S<>Ielå  c  -er 
splice.    -'iBpMic  o.  fl.,  fe  Splebfc. 

Sblfnbi'b  n  grand,  liberal,  munificent. 

S^lib  c  discord,  dissension;  fætte  _  imellem 
?folf  sow  dissension  between  people,  set  people 
quarrelling.  -ag'tig  a  di.sagreeing,  at  variance; 
contentious;  feoert  fRige  fom  ev  -t  meb  fig  felp  hibl 
every  kingdom  divided  against  itself.  -ag 'tig* 
g«rc  vt  sow  dissension  between.  -ag'ttg^eb  c 

SbHbfe  vt  fe  Sptebfe. 

Sblint  c  er  splint,  splinter;  fe  ©pint  ^  (i  93olt) 
forelock,  (^agetil)  gib.  -bolt  forelock  bolt. 
Sbtintcnet  i  splinter  nettings.  S<)linter(nagenbe) 
nt)  o  brau-new.  spick  and  spån  new:  fin  alto- 
gether  new,  novel,  nnheard-of.  S^ltnt|fri  a 
free  from  sapwood.  -ftugge  c*  chip,  cutsmooth. 
-ftttl  ,1,  forelock  hole.  St>ltntre  vt  splinter, 
shiver;  —  »■»"  &  •§  vd  splinter,  shiver,  go  to 
shivers     Spltntrew,  SbHntring  c  spliutering. 

Sbltt'  c  -ter  slit,  split,  rent;  (p.  ©tørt)  placket; 
.1,  forelock,  (i  j^log)  swallow-tail.  SbIit|bolt 
forelock  bolt.  -brænber  splitburner.  -ffng 
swallow-tailed  flag,  (minbre)  burgee.  -tjul  fore- 
lock hole.  -file  split  cutter.  Sblttning  c  split- 
ting, scattering,  dispersion;  disintegration  S^tit« 
<)tnb(e)  ^1.  split  pin.  SbHtte  vt  split,  slit;  fig 
disintegrate;  -?  split;  -  TOængben,  Sjenben,  ab 
disperse  the  crowd,  scatter  the  enemy;  TOængben 
-be§  ab  the  crowd  dispersed,  separated;  ^on  -be 
fine  TOoenb  i  flere  $o6e  he  separated  his  men  into 
several  parties;  JJor^ænget  i  Semplet  -be§  i  to  the 
veil  of  the  temple  was  rent  in  twain.  S)>ltttelfe 
cleavage,  schism,  disintegration,  split. 

Splitter  I  g  al  a  si  ark  mad;  (om  Xing)  utterly 
wrong.    -negen  n  stark  naked. 

Sblitltræ,  -peb  lathwood,  iaths.  -ærmer 
sla'^hed  sleeves. 

Sbliigen  n  the  Splugen. 

*Spol  c  -er,  fe  ©porb. 

Spole  c  -r  spool,  bobbin,  pirn,  cop;  (SSæ»er=) 
shuitle,  tube;  fe  -ben.  Sbolc  »'  spool.  Sbole|> 
affalb  cop-waste.  -ben  radius,  -gom  spooling 
yarn.  -faSfe  box  for  pirns  and  tubes,  -mafline 
jack  frame;  bobbin-frame.  -^enge  spooling 
-money.     Spoler  c   e  spooler. 

Sboic'te  vt  spoil,  ruin. 

Spolelrot  c  spooling  wheel,  -ten  spindle  of 
the  bobbins  Sboltng  e  spoolinz.  Sbolorm  c 
-e  belly-worm;  /d  ascarides. 

•Spon  fe  ©paan. 

S))onba'ifI  a  spondaic.  @))onbe'ud,  ^ponice' 
<■  -er  svioiulee. 





^ponta'tt  a  spontaneous.  -efte't  c  spontane'- 
Ity,  sponta'neousness. 

(Spor  n,  p/  =,  (?5obfpor)  foot -print,  footstep; 
(3agt)  track,  trail;  (fijulftior)  rut,  track;  fip  (^enbf- 
tegn  vaa  noget  font  er  gjort  el.  ftet)  track,  vestige, 
trace;  (p.  Særnbane)  rails,  (p.  Sporuej)  tram-ralls; 
(^uling)  socket,  (tit  %ap)  mortise,  ^  (^^orftæbn?  ) 
boxing,  step;  (9lgterftæbn§=)  skeg;  (tt(  «l!Kaft)  step; 
fætte  i  -et  step,  løfte  af  -et  unstep;  taBe  -et  fom 
éunbe)  lose  the  scent,  f)or  tabt  -et  is  at  fault; 
ifte  ntinbfte  ~  not  the  least  vestige;  ilte  -  of  IbiSl 
not  the  slightest  doubt;  (er  bu  bange?)  F  iMe  - 
not  a  bit;  fomnte  (ub)  af  -et  run  off  the  track; 
'^or  fat  fit  _  i  has  left  its  mark  el.  trace(s)  on; 
fomnte  pao  -  efter  obtain  a  clue  to;  Ⱦre  paa  ~ 
efter  en  be  on  one's  track;  *JJoIitiet  er  paa  -et  the 
police  are  on  the  trail;  fætte  (^unbe)  paa  ~  put 
on  the  scent. 

iS))ora'berne  pi  the  Spor'ades. 

©ijortt'bift  a  sporad'ic. 

*(S»)0'rt»  c  -er  tail  (of  a  fish). 

®))Dre  vt  trace,  track;  man  -be  fRøg  i  §ufet 
smoke  was  perceived  in  the  house;  ©ftertiben 
-be  58ir!ntngen  af  fjanS  StatSforbattning  posterity 
experienced  el.  felt  the  eflfect  of  his  administra- 
tion: tan  -?  may  be  traeed;  ber  -S  ingen  %0X' 
anbring  no  change  is  perceptible;  _  op,  fe  Dpfpore. 

Spore  c  -r  (^paa  Sr^ptogom)  spore,  sporule, 

©pore  c  -r  (til  ^eft,  om  SSIomft  og  fig)  spur;  fia 
stimulus,  incentive;  (paa  |)efl)  ergot;  (p.  SSæbber= 
ftib)  beak;  F  (p.  gjeberfræ)  merrythought;  gibe 
en  ^eft  af  -me  put  el.  clap  .'^purs  to  a  horse; 
binbe  el.  tjene  fine  -r  galn  one's  spurs.  @pore  vt 
(f.  au.  en  §eft)  put  el.  clap  spurs  to,  spur,  prick. 
©porcagtig  a  spur-shaped. 

®pore|!6ærettbe,  -Pannenbe  a  ^  bearing  spores, 
sporuliferous.    -ceHc  spore. 

@pore|fonnet  a  spur-shaped.  -gaaS  spurred 
goose,  PlectropterxiH  Gamhensis.  -gflg  spurred 
cuckoo,  Gentropus.  -ftjul  rowel  (of  a  spur). 
•tfUQ  prick  (with  the  spur);  spur-gall. 

Sporcl)u§  n  ^  spore-case. 

©poreiærn  n  jagger,  jagging-iron. 

Sporetapfel  c  sporangium. 

@pore|fHaft,  -{nægt  spur-bearer.  -læber  spur 
-leather,  spur-strap.  -mager  c  -e  (bit  and)  spur 
maker,  spurrier,  lorimer.  Sporenftregi^  adv  f 
whip  and  spur,  full  gallop,  slap. 

Sporeplante  c  flowerless  plant,  cryptogam. 

@pore|rettt  fe  -læber.  -fnæHc  spur-shell,  Calcar. 
-ftot  fe  -inægt.  -fttebig  a  made  restive  by  spur- 
ring,  over-spurred. 

©porcfæl  c  ascus. 

Sporejtr^t  prick  with  a  spur.  -tttnge  c  jacana, 
Parra.  -OicrHng  Lapland  hunting,  Emheriza 

Spo'r^unb  c  slot-hound,  limehound.  Sporing 
c  tracking.  Spo'rlig  a  traceable.  @po'r|I«8  a 
trackless;  -løft  adv  tracklessly,  leaving  no  trace, 
without  leaving  any  track; "  Siben  er  ifte  gaaet 
-løft  ^en  ooer  time  has  not  failed  to  leave  its 
traces  on.  -renfer,  -rpbber  cow-catcher.  -fllfte 
switch,  points;  (§anb!.)  shunting  -flifter  points- 
man,  switch-man,  rail-shifter.  -fne  new-fallen 
snow,  track-giving  snow. 

Sport  c  [eng.]  spo'rt. 

Spo'rtap  c  vi,  tenon  of  a  lower  mast. 

Sportel  c -tier te,  fee,  F  extra.  SporteI< 
taiét  regulation  of  perquisites.  SportnJe're  vi 
make  the  most  of  one's  perquisites, 

Spo'rlOej  tramvvay,  tramroad,  street-railway, 
amr  -oejSItnie  tram  route.  -oej§= 
felflai  street-railway  company,  tramway  com- 
pauy.      -oibbe    gauge,    gage.      -OOgn    tram-car. 

•  tramway-carriage,  F  tram,  awr  horse-car,  streel 
-car.  -ttogn^Ionbuttor  conductor  of  tram(-way 
carriage).  -DognStuft  tram-car  driver.  -liogn§= 
farfelen  the  tram  car  service,  -oogndrute  tram 

Spot'  c  raockery,  derision,  scofT,  flouting, 
jeering;  bribe  ~  meb  en  turn  one  into  ridicule; 
bet  bil  bære  _  og  Sfam  for  ®em  it  will  be  much 
to  your  discredit;  bære  til  _  be  a  mockery,  a 
laughiug-stock;  _  og  Stobe  følge?  ab  losers  are 
always  laughed  at;  til  -  goB  be  I)am  en  Srone  in 
mockery  they  gave  him  a  crown.  -Pilltg  dog 
-cheap.  -broSfet  fe  Spottefugl,  -t-fulb  a  mock- 
ing.  -prtS  dead  bargain,  great  bargain,  dog 
-cheap;  jeg  fit  bet  for  -  I  had  it  a  dead  bargain, 
I  got  it  for  an  old  song,  for  a  mere  song. 

Spotte  vt  scoff  at,  deride,  ridicule,  mock,  jeer, 
flout;  fig  (f.  ffilg.  en§  9lnftrengel(er)  frustrate, 
defeat,  baffle;  -r  al  SSeftcioetfe  defies  description; 
@ub  laber  fig  ilte  _  hihl  God  is  not  mocked;  — 
vi  meb,  ooer  (-^af)  b.  f.;  —  fpottenbea  mocking, 
derisive.  Spotte] bigt  lampoou  (in  -fugl 
mooking-bird,  mocking-thrush,  Mimuapolvglottus; 
fip  mocker,  quizzer,  -gtofe  gibe,  scoflF,  jeer. 
-9«g  fiff  fe  -fugl.  -l^ft  love  of  mockery.  -nabn 
derisive  name. 

Spotfl  a  mocking,  scoffing,  derisive,  deriding, 
sneering;  _  TOine,  Smil  sneer;  fe  _  ub  have  a 
mocking,  scoffing  air;  labe  _  om  nt  sneer,  mock, 
scoff  at  a  thing;  ^nn  er  meget  _  she  is  very  mucli 
inclined  to  scoff,  sneer  etc.  -fteb  c  propensity 
to  deride  etc. 

Spotter  c  -e  derider,  scoffer,  mocker.  Spotte|  = 
fang  fe  -bigt.  -firift  lampoon,  pasquinade.  -firig 
derisive  shout,  hooting.  *-troft  fe  -fugl.  SpOt= 
ll{§  adv  mockingly,  scoffingly,  in  mockery,  in 
derision.    Spotoifc  fe  ©pottebigt. 

Spove  c  -r  curlew,  Numeniu«. 

-nSpran  vi  become  brittle 

Spraaber  pi  (p.  ?|5arapli))  frame. 

Sprabc  vi  t  (tage  \anqe  S(ribt)  stride,  stalk; 
fig  strut,  swell.  Sprobe(baåfe)  c  -r,  Spraber  c 
-e  fop,  buck,  coxcomb,  dandy,  swell. 

Sprage  vi  crackle.    -n  c  crackling. 

Spraglet  o  variegated,  pied,  party-coloured, 
motley;  _  Støbejærn  mottled  iron.  -i-Spragle  vt 

Spraf  fe  Sprætte. 

Sprang  imp  fe  Springe. 

*Sprang  n  fe  Spring;  lægge  paa  -  take  to  one's 

Spre'bPar  a  ditfusible.  *Sprebe  n  counter- 
pane;  apron. 

Sprcbe,  -te,  -t  vt  spread;  (til  aUe  ©iber)  scatter, 
disperse;  -  for  Sinben  scatter  to  the  winds;  _ 
ub,  fe  Ubfprebe;  -8  ab  scatter, .-disperse;  —  vi: 
S8ø§fen  -r  the  gun  spreads  its  shot;  —  vr  fig  for 
meget  fia  be  too  diffusive;  —  fprebt  a:  -bt  5ægt= 
ning  sicirmish,  skirmishing;  -bt  ©armoni  dispersed 
harmony;  ^an§  ®obfer  ligge  oibt  -bte  his  estates 
are  far  distant  from  each  other;  faa  og  -bte  few 
and  far  between;  nogle  fao  -bte  ^ufe  a  few  stragg- 
ling  houses.  Sprebe|gla§,  -linfe  divergent  lens. 
—  Spre'bl^olt «  J>  ftil  3?ant)  sheer-pole,  stretcher; 
(til  Solfejt)  euphroe.  -lagen  counterpane,  cover- 
let.  -ning  c  spreading  etc,  spread.  Sprcbt^eb 
c  sparseness. 

Sprib  fe  Sprbo. 

*Sprtfe  vt  spread  (asunder),  part  wide;  —  vi 
spread,  sprawl,  (meb  SSenene)  straddle. 

Spring  n,  pi  =,  jump,  leap,  spring,  skip, 
bound;  (om  |ieft)  plunge;  (^Parring)  springing, 
coupling,  eovering;  fig  (9(fbri)belfe)  break;  »i.  (i 
©fib)  sheei,  (p.  Slnfertob)  spring;  *  (i  S!o  o.  t.) 
(side-)spring;  aSanbetS  _  jet,  spouting  of  water; 
i  _  fig  by  flts  and  starts;  fig  ber  er  et  ftort  -  fra 




...  til  it  is  a  far  cry  from  ...  to;  ftOQ  paa  -et 
be  on  the  poini  (til  of);  oltib  paa  et  always  in 
ihe  .''addle;  J,.  gare  -et  ftærtere  quicken  tiie  sheer; 
gøre  et  minbre  frunit  straighten  the  sheer.  Springe 
ttbt  sqiiirrel  moukey,  Caliithrix.  -balfamtne 
touch-me-not,  Impatiens  noli  me  tangere,  -ttcn 
ankle  bone;  zoo  saltatorial  leg.  -bræt  spring 
-board,  -brønti  tlowiug  well.  -but  spring-buck, 
Antilope  euchore.     •bani  \c  ^^Jolftbané. 

S^iringc,  fprang,  fprunget  vi  (gare  ©pring)  spring, 
leap,  jump,  bouud,  frisk,  skip;  f  &  '  (løbe] 
run;  (tnætfe,  brifie)  burst,  snap,  crack;  ^  (om 
SSinben)  shift  ''suddenly),  chop  round  el.  about; 
(parring)  leap,  cover;  labe  eii  røiiie  _  spring  a 
mine;  labe  oUe  3JHner  -  leave  no  stoue  uniurned; 
_  Suf  play  at  leapfrog,  ber  et  iptiutget  et  S8lob= 
far  i  t)ant  he  has  broken  a  blood-vessel;  _  of 
fly  oft';  -  af  ®Iæbe  leap  tor  joy;  _  ^ o ibi  fio  »kip 
(over),  pa.'^s  by;  -  en  forbi  (oeb  iBeforbr.)  pa,ss 
over  one's  head;  -  frem  run  furth,  fig  protrude, 
project,  jut  out;  fpriiig  ^en  til  Urtetræmmeren 
run  to  the  grocer's  (shop);  Sfibet  fprang  i  2uften 
the  ship  blew  up;  man  tan  lige  faa  gerne  -  i  bet 
fom  frtjbe  i  bet  it  is  needless  making  two  bites 
at  a  cherry,  it  is  no  use  beating  about  the  bush; 
fe  Slint;  -  om  (tjcere  omflattt-nbe,  om  SSinb)  chop 
round  el.  about,  ~  op  (af  Stolen)  jump  out  of 
tlie  chair,  spring  to  one's  legs,  (bliue  lø?)  start; 
^anS  9Zæfe  fpraiig  op  at  blobe  be  began  suddenly 
to  bleed  at  the  nose;  3;øren  fprang  op  the  door 
flew  open;  _  op  of  Sfræt  start  up  from  terror; 
en  Storm  fprang  op  a  gale  sprang  up;  _ooer 
jump  (ogf.  Jiø),  fig  skip  (over),  labe  _  ooer  Slingen 
put  to  the  sword;  moatte  _  oBer  ftlingen  was  put 
to  the  sword;  _  til  spring  forward;  ~  tilbage 
rebound;  _  ub  (om  Irce)  bud,  eome  into  leaf, 
(om  S31omft)  come  out,  blossom  out,  bloom; 
*  (om  ^eft)  bolt,  run  away;  fe  Ubfptinge;  _  ub  (i 
3Janbet)  efter  jump  in  afier;  ~  ub  paa  jpooebet 
take  a  header;  —  fpringenbea  (om  gremfliEing 
o    I.)  disconnected,  desultory;  her  .«alient. 

é|pcingebbe  c  spring  ebb.  Springeband  fe 
Springbnnl.  Springebberto)!  c  saltigrade,  Sai- 
ticiut.  Sprtngefo^rbtg  a  (om  2)Qr)  capable  of 
covering,  Springen  c  springing  etc;  bursting 
etc.  Springepenge  premium  el.  charge  for  the 
services  of  a  siallion.  Springer  c  -e  (en,  fom 
fpringer,  jumper,  leaper,  springer,  vaulter, 
tumbler;  fe  Spting^oal;  I^unfift;  (i  StoH  knight; 
(i  Cft)  maggot;  ■'  a  kind  of  rustic  dance  or 
march.  Sprtngertræt  knights  move  el.  jump. 
Springcftot  fe  ipringftot.  Springetib  covering 
seasou.    -fSpringcoæib  fountain,  well-spring. 

Springltfirc  c  youug  hare-brained  fellow. 
•fjcber  spring,  -flob  spring  fiood  (lide),  -f^r 
spark,  fop,  beaii.  -gloé  Prince  Rupert's  drops. 
■Ij«le  spring-tail,  Fodura.  -^arc  jumping-hare, 
Pedetes  ciffer.  -tftH  stallion.  -^ilbe  hoppie. 
•bolt  stretcher.  -tfoal  grampus,  springer,  2>e^ 
phinim  orca.  -tilbe  fountain,  well-spring.  -tiit 
(p.  ^eiU)  flyer,  scape.  -flfie  art  powder-chest. 
-flop  meadow  (bilter-)cress,  Cardamine  pratemis. 
-fnap  pellitory-of-the-wall ,  Parieturia.  -forn 
fe  -bolfamine.  -line  ^  rudder  pendant;  (til  gar= 
tøjer)  rudder  lanyard.  -linie  J,  sheer  line  (of 
the  deck)  •mabraS  spring-mattress  -mol  ^ 
sheer  mould.  -muS  jerboa,  Dipus.  Springning 
c  springing  etc.  Springlont  fe  Soingom.  -orm 
ascaris,  (^cftefi)gbom)  glandirs  pi.  -paffer  spring 
•dividers.  -pinb  ti  sBur)  perching  stick,  -poft 
spring  wuter  pump.  -pungbqr  pi  jnuiping  mar- 
supials.  -rem  marlingale.  -ring  split  ring. 
-r«r  jei-pipe.  Springff  a  spry;  (parrelQften)  rank; 
F  (foab,  ooergioen)  wautou;  frolicsome.  Springff- 
l(cb  c  wantonness.  Spring|*-ffo  side-spring  shoe. 
-if«b  vi,  out  haul .    -ftjært  spring  tail.    -ftot  leap- 

ing-pole.  »-ftabler  side-spring  boots.  -tib  (time 
of)  spring  tide.  -t^r  bull  kept  for  covering. 
-tianb  jet,  fountain.  -be{  short  run.  -biS  adv 
i+a)  by  tits  and  starts. 

Sprintet  c  &  n  fe  -oærf.  -luge  ^  hatch  gral- 
ing.  -btcrf  n  trellis,  lattice,  wicker-work.  -OcertS' 
Ingle  skeleton  ball. 

Sprinfter  pi  peiecchial  spots. 

Sprit  c  spir'it. 

'•Sprit  n  fe  ©prpb. 

*  Sprite  vi  spiri,  spout. 

Sprog  [oo]  n,  pl=,  (ogf.  fig  &  uegentl.)  language; 
bet  éebratfte  -  the  Hebrew  tongue;  et  leoenbe,  bøbt 
-  a  liviug,  dead  1.;  -et  (i  atlm.)  language;  føreet 
t)nit  _  use  liigh  language,  f  talk  big;  et  _  af 
bibelen  a  scriptural  passage,  ub  meb  -et !  speak 
out !  out  with  it !  iffe  Bille  ub  mcb  -et  beat  about 
the  bush.  Sproglolbcr  fe  -periobe.  -art  dialect. 
-baonb  tie  of  language,  -bemærtning  lingui-stic 
remark,  -beflcegtet  a  having  affinity  ot  language. 
-blanber  oue  who  interlards  his  speech  with 
foreign  words  or  phrases.  -blanbing  (Sammen« 
fmeltning  of  Sprog)  amalgamation  of  languages; 
(^nbblonbing  of  fremmebe  Crb  ofo.  i  et  S.)  mixture 
of  languages.  -bommert  solecism.  -brug  usage 
(of  1.).  -b))gning  constitution  of  the  1.  -bon= 
nclfe  development  of  language,  (Sprogtijnbigbeb) 
proflciency  in  (knowledge  of  languages.  -bet 
component  part  of  a  language,  -bljrter  linguist. 
-egen^eb,  -ejenbommelig^eb  idiom,  idiotism; 
banft  _  danism  (ofo.).  -elfler  linguist,  philologist. 
-cbnc  faculty  of  speech;  talent  for  languages. 
-familie  family  of  languages.  -fejl  blunder 
againsl  grammar,  solecism.  -forbebrer  reformer 
of  the  1.  -forbebring  reform  of  the  1.  -for= 
boeroer  corrupter  of  the  1.,  murderer  of  the 
Queen's  (Kings)  English.  -form  language, 
-forffer,  -forftning  fe  -gronfter,  -granftning.  -for« 
Pirring  confusion  el.  corruption  of  languages. 
-ffllbe  richness  of  language,  -fcerbig^eb  fluency 
of  speech,  volubility:  gift  for  languages.  -f«= 
letfe  fe  -fonS.  -føring  style.  -gebet  [t.J  fe  -om= 
roobe.  -granfter  philologist,  linguist.  -granf!« 
ning  philology,  study  of  languages.  -gren 
branch  of  languages.  -grcenfe  boundary  line  of 
the  language.  -gl)lbig  o  correct,  legitlmate. 
-gQlbigt)eb  correi  tness.  -tjab  antipathy  against 
a  certain  1.  -^i^orie  history  of  1.;  banft  -  the 
history  of  the  Danish  1.  -^iftorift  a  pertaining 
to  the  h.  of  language,  -tamp  war  of  Knguages. 
•tcnber  linguist.  -tiang  (peculiar)  tone  of  a 
language.  -ttaSfe  group  of  languages.  -tort 
language  map.  -i^-traft  raciness  (of  language). 
+-treb8  fe  -omroobe.  -tunbftab  knowledge  of  el. 
skill  in  languages;  boBe  goDe  -er  be  well  versed 
in  languages.  -tunft  mastery  of  language,  -tnr« 
fuS  curriculum  o»  languages.  -t^nbig  <*  skilled 
in  languages.  -tqnbig^eb  fe  lærbom.  -latier  re- 
former of  the  language.  -laoning  neology. 
Sproglig  a  liuguislic(al);  bet  -e  the  linguistic 
element.  Sprog|lig^eb  analogy  of  language. 
•l!jb  sound  (of  the  language),  -lærb  a  leamed 
el.  erudite  in  languages.  -(oerbom  philology, 
philological  eruuition.  -l«re  grammar.  -(cerer 
teacher  of  languages,  language-master.  -lotrer« 
inbe  language-mistress,  -manb  linguist  -mcb» 
bolbig  fe  -rigtig,  -mcfter  fe  lærer,  -menfter 
standard  el.  classical  work  (in  a  language). 
-i^-nemme  gift  for  languages.  -omraabc:  bet 
bonfte  -  the  territory  of  the  Danish  language 
(ofo).  -periobe  period  of  the  1.  -pr«»e  speeimen 
of  the  1.,  specimen-composition,  -rcget  gram- 
matical  rule,  rule  of  grammar.  -renbeb  purity 
o.  1.  -renfer  purist,  -rensning  puritication  of 
a  language,  -ret  a  fe  -rigtig,  -rettelfe  correc- 
tion  of  the  language,     -rigbom  copiousness  el. 




richness  of  a  1.  -rigtiø  a  correct,  grammatical; 
-tigttg^eb  grammatical  correctuess.  -fanS  lin- 
guistlc(,al)  sense  el.  geuiu.s;  (grenol.)  orgau  of 
language,  -flat  vocabulary  -{tægtftab  afflnity 
of  language(s).  -ftatnme  .stock  of  lauguages. 
-ftof  linguistic  matter,  -ftrib  linguistic  dit^pute. 
-ftvibig  a  incorrect,  ungrammatical.  -ftribig^eb 
incorrectne.s,s.  •ftubium  wtudy  of  language(s). 
-talent  talent  for  (acquiriug)  languages,  gift  of 
tongues.  -tone  tone  of  a  language.  -unJ>crtii§= 
tiing  instruction  in  lunguages.  -oenbing  lurn  of 
speech.  -Oibenftab  liuguistics  pi,  philology. 
•(cnbttng  change  of  language,  -æt  family  of 
language.^,  -nuelfe  exercise  el.  practice  in  a 

©^rot'  c  (EorBe)  caddis,   cad-bait,   cade-worm. 

©tiroéje  c  -r  cross-piece,  cross-bar. 

S^rot'  ie  ©prut  . 

@^ruti  n  &  c  spurt,  jet.  Strube  vt  &  i  spout, 
spurt;  éiærget  -r  3Ib  the  mountain  vomits  fire; 
t)anå  ^jne  -be  3Ib  his  eyes  shot  forth  el.  flashed 
fire ;  iiQfet  -r  the  eandle  sputters ;  »JSennen  -r 
the  pen  spurts,  sputters.  ©^»rubeHlbe  geyser. 
iS))rubelften  ihermal  tuft".  <BpxutU  vi  gusli, 
well,  bubble;  +  vt  ub  sputter  out.  @^rub(en  c 
giishing  etc.  *@VW*'r«b  a  -.  6leb  -  turned  scarlet 
el.  crimson. 

*®tiruttge  c  -r  rent,  craclc,  chink. 

@|irut'  c  (5ift)  sprat,  (Jlupea,  spruttm. 

*^ptut'  c  ie  ©prub. 

'Bpvutb  attest  c  puff. 

Sptutte  je  ©prube. 

Spttib  «  <!•  fe  -ftage;  fe  aSugfpr^b.  -Itacbun 
bowsprit  shroud.  -tlam))«:  bees.  -fejt  spritsall. 
•ftagc  sprit,  spleet.    -ftto|>  snotter,  becket. 

®VrJ)t'  fe  ©prut'. 

*©præf  a  active,  lusty,  strapping. 

"©^rtet'  c  rent,  crack. 

^pvcette  c  -V  crevice,  chink,  crack,  iissure;  (i 
|)uben)  chap.  ©prætfe,  (prat  fpruJttt  vi  crack, 
burst;  ©oeben  -r  ub  the  perspiration  bursts  out; 
fprutue  ^ænber  chappy  el.  chapped  hauds;  fcerbig 
at  -  af  3li)ggerrtgéeb  bursting  with  curiosity; 
færbig  at  _  of  Siatter  ready  to  split  one's  sides 
with  laughing.  -bannetfe  cracking.  -færbig  « 
fe  obfr. 

iSptæV  n  (^onbl.  ot  fproetle)  sprawling;  (Stei),  coil,  pother;  gate  -  (St»))  make  a  fuss; 
(ooere  SWobejunfer,  flaa  ont  fig)  cut  a  dash;  gare 
_  af  make  a  great  fuss  aboiit.  ^pttsUe  vi  sprawl, 
flounder,  toss  the  liody  about.  -manb  dancing 
-jack,  jumpiug-jack,  quockerwodger.  ^pt(tl\t 
a  p  boisterous,  unruly. 

*&ptcenQ  s:  læfe  paa  _  =  ©prænglæfe. 

©prccnglbaanb  (2:»mr.)  strut,  -bombe  c  per- 

@pT(enge,  -te,  -t  vt  burst,  (i  to)  part,  break; 
(en  mi  i  SiUarbfpir)  spring  (a  ball);  (en  Xroppe= 
afDeling)  defeat,  scatter,  put  to  flight  (a  body  of 
troops);  -  en  Slippe  blow  up  el.  blast  a  rock;  - 
^jøren  burst  open  el,  force  the  door;  _  en  Jpeft 
break  the  wind  of  a;  _  5JanIen  break  the 
bank;  -  ub  start;  —  vi  _  affteb  ride  at  full  speed; 
~  tnb  paa  gjenben  rush  upon  the  enemy;  -gt  (om 
Jpeftj  brokeu-winded. 

^pr ceuQt,  te,  t  vt  (beftrø  raeb  ©onb)  corn, 
powder,  sprinkle  with  salt;  gt  Kub  corned 
nieat;  -t  ©nit  (^Sogb.)  marbled  cut. 

©Vrængr-'-'froft  le  -!ulbe.  -ft)lbt  a  flUed  to 
bursting  -granat  fe  -bombe.  *-foIb  a  iutensely 
cold.  -froft  burstiug  power  et.  force,  biasting 
power,  -frnbt  blasting-powder.  -tugte  explosi\\e 
ball;  fe  -bombe,  -tur  blowing-coal.  '^-tulbe  severe 
frost,  -labning  burstiug-charge.  -lærb  a  ex- 
cessively  learned,  crammed  with  learning,  brim- 
ful  of  learning.     -'-læfe  vi  read  hard,  cram  (for 

an  examlnation).  Sprængning  c  -er  bursting, 
biasting  etc;  (4)og6.)  marbling.  ©prængningi 
forføg  pi  fe  -ft^bning.  Spænglolie  nitroglycerint 
-Vrojettil  ie  -bombe,  -f  atS  explosive  compositiou . 
■ftub  shot.  -ft^bning  bursting  trials.  -ftof  ex 
plosive  stuft'.  -t«nbe  powder-barrel.  -bært  stru 

Spræt'  n  kick,  bound,  start.  *Spræt'  c  -te 
dandy,  beau,  fop. 

Sprætte  vt  (op)  rip  open  el.  up,  unsew,  uu 
stitch,  unpick,  pick. 

Sprætte  ci  sprawl,  flounder;  *  (om  Sræev 
shoot;  fe  ©prube;  ^an  -r  i  ©ødne  he  kicks  ou 
his  legs  in  his  slt'ep;  vt  ~  ©engtlæberne  af  fii 
kick  off  the  bedclothes. 

SprættetniO  c  ripping-knife. 

Sprætten  c  sprawling  etc 

Spr«b  n  <!,  0.  fl.,  fe  ©pvQb. 

Sprøb  a  brittle,  friable,  fragile;  bære  -  (om 
©pijeDorer)  eat  short;  Kagen  er  itte  _  the  cake  is 
not  crisp.  -glaåertS  brittle  silverglauce.  -I)ej 
c  brittleness  etc. 

Spr«jl(e)  c  -r  &  -e  (ooer  SSogn,  p.  Slcefebælg 
0.  1 )  hoop. 

Spr«j8  n  chips,  splints. 

'•■■Spr«tt  c.  fe  ©prub. 

Sprøjte  c  -r  (liKej  squirt,  syringe;  (iSranbi.) 
(fire-)engine;  førfte  -  fia  leader,  bell-wether,  first 
fiddle.  Sprøjte  vt  squirt,  spurt;  med  syringe, 
inject;  vi  spurt,  spout;  -  noget  inb  i  en§  ^re 
inject  something  into  one's  ear,  syringe  one's 
ear  with  something;  _  SSanb  paa  et  brrenbenbe 
§u8  play  the  engiiies  upon  a  Ijuniiiig  house; 
åolgerne  -  op  paa  Stranbbrebben  the  waves  dash 
upon  the  shore.  Sprøjtelflft  chaetodou;  archer 
-flsh,  Toxotes.  -flafte  squiriing-bottle.  -folt  p/ 
firemeu.  -fttlb  dead  drunk.  -gal  o  P  raviug 
mad.  -^ul  (p.  ^vai)  blow -hole.  -I)u8  (flre-) 
engine  house,  -tanbe  watering  pot.  -manb= 
ffab(er)  fe  -folt.  -mefter  engine -player.  -rør 
spovit  of  a  fire- engine.  -ff at  flre-eugine  tax. 
■frange  hose  of  a  fire-eugine,  fire  hose.  Sprøjt^ 
ning  «  squirting  etc. 

Spute  vt  ^  wash.  -pumpe  wash-deck  pum^ 
-pøå  wash-deck  bucket.  Spu((n)ing  c  washiiij 

Spunbing  c  -er  4,  ra))bet;  ubf)ugge  en  _  i  sin! 
a  rabbet  in.  Spttnbingå|Unie  cutting-dowi 
line;  bearding-line.  -planterne  the  garboan 

Spun§  n  &  c  -er  bung;  (iubfæibt  ©tqlte)  gor« 
-baanb  biing-hoop,  -bor  bungborer.  -bug  bum 
-cloth.  Spunfe  vt  bung,  Spunfefulb  «  dem 
drunk  Spun^lgær  yeast  forced  out  at  th 
bung-hole.  -I)ul  bang-hole,  bung.  -pæt  .sheel 
ing-pile.    -fou  buug-.saw.    -oæg  pile-planking 

Spurgte  fe  ©pørge. 

Spurb  c  e  sparrow,  FrinvUla  domeHica;  Jpan^ 
cock-s.;  jpuu'  hen-s.;  foelgeS  itte  to  -e  for  en  pen- 
ning? og  tf  re  een  af  bem  falber  til  forben  ubeu 
eber§  gaberg  SBilje?  bihl  are  not  two  sparrows  sold 
for  a  farlhing,  and  one  of  them  shall  not  fall 
on  the  ground  without  yonr  father;  en  @+)un) 
Sranebong  a  minnow  amoug  tritons ,  a  dwar 
among  giants.  —  Spuroelfugl  passeriue-bird 
percher.  -t)age(  small  shot  -bøg  sparrow 
-hawk,  Astur  niius.  -tonge  willow-wren,  Sylvii 
trochitux.  -toibber  chirpiug  (of  sparrows) 
-papegøje  love  bird,  PsittaoxUa.  -rebe  sparrow'i 
nest.  -trab  jogtrot.  -ugtc  little  owl,  Strit 
pahserina.    -unge  young  s.    -æg  sparrow's  egg 

Sp5  vi  &  t  spew.  SpD  n  vomit,  puke;  ber  « 
-  i  ftøbet  the  meat  is  fly-blown. 

Spflb  n,  pi  =,  spear,   lance,   (fiafte  )  javeli 
-blab   spear -head.     -blabet   a  hastate-leaved 




•bannct    -formiB   a  spear-shaped,    lanceolate, 
hastate.    -braøer  spearmau. 

Sp^  hglané  c  amimouy.  -affc  oxide  of  auti- 
mony.  -btontfter  argentine  flowers  of  antimony. 
-glad  glass  of  a.  -ilte  i)rotoxide  of  a.  -metal 
regulus  of  a.  -fm«r  Imtter  of  a.  -fuoul  sulphur 
of  antimouy. 

@))qtitg  a  sarcastic,  sarcastical,  caustic,  satir- 
Ical,  tart,  sharp.    -^eb  c  -er  sarcasm. 

@J)fl'J)|IanH)  combat  c(.  light  vvith  spears.    -liS 
marcasiie.    -retter  mouuted  spearmau. 
®<)l)li8  u  P  sharp,  grim. 
©|>j)'li|ftaft  fe  -flage.    @v»)J>^<'b,  ©v»)J>f<'ii»§  spear 
-head,   head  el.   point  of  a  spear.     ép^blftaje, 
•ftang  shaft  cl.  staff  of  a  spear. 

®^l)'iffwt  blue-bottle,  blow-fly,  meat-fly,  Musca 
vomitoria.     -flab,   -gat  .X.   scupper.     -'^atétiap 
scupper-pipe  flap.  •gatSmarntering  scupper-hose. 
•gatéDrop  scupper- plug. 
(Spille  Bt  0.  fl.,  fe  Spule. 

@p^t  n  spit,  spittle,  saliva;  fltffe  -  for  cringe 
to,  truclile  to,  lick  the  feet  of.  -affonlirtng 
salivary  secretion.  -tirtoenbe  a  salivaling;  _ 
SKibbel  sialogogue,  ptyalogogue,  ptysmagogue. 
-fiftel  salivary  fistula.  -ftali  n  flux  of  saliva, 
salivation ,  -firtel  .s'alivary  glaud. 
-frøUe  kiss-curl.  -flitfenbe  a  toad-eating.  -flilter 
c  -e  P  lick-spittle,  Jpot-licker.  -fttfteri  n  toad 
-eating,  toadyism.    -ften  salivary  coucretions. 

Spotte  vi  &  t  spit;  (fprutte,  fpQtte  ibet  man 
taler)  .vputter;  fe  åøSfe.  -baffe  .spitting-box, 
spit-boy,  spittoou.  -gag  p  greenhorn,  spooney. 
-Ilat,  *-tIl)fc  clot  el.  discharge  of  spittle.  -frttfte 
spitling  el.  espectorating  cup.  -fur  salivation. 
•mibbcl  sialogogue.    Spjjttcn  c  spitting  etc. 

Spæb  a  tender,  delicate,  slender,  tiny;  et  -t 
SBarn,  fe  33arn;  _  iSteinme  feeble  voice.  -barn 
infant,  Ijaby. 

Spæbe,  -te,  -t  vt  dilute,  thin;  _  gumpen  fetch 
the  pump;  _  til  add,  superadd;  Jig  contribute 
(out  of  one's  own  pocket). 

Spis'bl^eb  c  tenderness,  delicacy.  -i§  thin 
ice,  ice-erust.  -talt)  sucking-calf,  baby  calf. 
-fiinte  eornfleld  gromwell,  Lithon>ermum  aroense. 
-lemmet  a  fe  Spcerleminet. 

@picge  vt  mortify,  macerate,  chasten;  vr  fig 
mortify  one's  flesh.  -Ife  c  mortifying  etC; 
mortification,  maceration. 

Spæf  n  blubber;  ^  (tit  9JJaatter)  thrums. 
•Spæfjtjugger  blubber -cutter;  (Srjr)  grampus, 
JJelphinus  orca.  -t)«fcr  provision-dealer,  cheese 
-monger.  Spæfte  vt  pamper;  culin  lard ;  J, 
thrum,  -  en  TOur  rough-cast,  plaster  a  wall;  _ 
en  $ung  line  a  purse;  en  Del  -t  $ung  a  long 
purse;  _  fin  Sale  meb  Citater  interlard  one's 
speech  with  quotations.  -  ©pæffclbræt  larding 
board,  "^-fjæl  cutting-board.  -fllæff  bacon  (for 
larding).  -naol  lardiug-piu.  -ftrimmel  slip  of 
bacon.  Spocfnittg  c  pampering  etc.  ©pæfpære 
lard-pear.  Spætfteb  lardiie. 
*SpæI  c  er  short  tail,  bobtail,  sciit. 
Spænb  /»,  1)1  =,  (Sængben  man  tan  fpænbe,  spån; 
fe  -Dibbe,  (Jpefle)  team;  (aparf)  kick;  (Sejer)  fun; 
.1,  et  _  SBantir  a  pair  of  shrouds;  fætte  i  -  meb 
^tnanben  yoke  together;  fig  gaa  i  _  fammen  pull 
together.    Spænbblif  vice  grip,  clamp. 

Spænbc,  -te,  -t  vt  (ftrceffe)  stretch,  strain, 
tighten ;  {naa  oeb  Ubftrætning  af  Jpænber  eHer 
Slrme)  .spau;  (oeb  Spænber)  ))uckle,  clasp;  (fparfe) 
kick;  _  en  'Hue  beud  a  bow;  /iy  _  33ueit  for  ^ojt 
carry  one's  pretensions  too  high;  _  jpanen  poa 
en  ^Susie  cock  a  gun;  en  -bt  SDøsfe  a  cocked  gun; 
-  ené  lyorocntninger  strain  one's  expectations; 
^an  forflob  at  -  Cpmærlfomf)eben  he  knew  how 
to  eiigross  the  attention  (of  his  hearers);  —  vi 
(om  SltjbeDaabcn)  recoil;  —  od  -i  f  be  to  funne 

ilte  gobt  -§  these  two  do  not  agree  very  well; 
cannot  endure  each  other;  _  af  p  end;  _  SBen 
el.  fttog  for  en  trip  one  up,  trip  up  one's  heels; 
_  for  put  to  (the  horses).  _  fra  take  out  el.  un- 
harness  the  horses;  _  ^anen  neb  uncock  the 
gun;  -Op  unbuckle,  unclasp,  unstrap;  «  o  »er 
fig  embrace;  ~  paa  $inebctnten  put  to  the  rack, 
stretch  on  the  rack;  _  ub,  fe  Ubfpænbe;  kick 
out,  —  fpænbenbe  a  exciting;  —  fpænbt  a. 
meb  bt  Cpmcerffom^eb  intently;  be  ftærft  -bte 
SJcrOer  the  highly  tens.oned  nerves;  min  9iQS- 
gerrig^eb  «ar  -bt  paa  bet  ^øjefte  my  curiosity  had 
reached  its  highest  pitch;  gorbeutningen  bar  -bt 
paa  bet  ^øjefle  expectatiou  was  on  tenterhooks; 
i  -bt  gorbentning  on  the  tiptoe  of  expectation; 
bære  -bt  be  excited;  on  the  strain;  -bt  paa  at  Bibe 
on  the  tiptoe  to  kuow;  ^an  »ar  -bt  paa  at  erfare, 
f)Bab  ber  »ilbe  ffe  he  was  anxious  to  learn  vvhat 
would  happen;  be  ere  paa  en  -bt  ^ob  there  is  a 
cooluess  belweeu  them,  they  are  on  bad  terms; 
gorl)olbt't  mellem  bem  »ar  mere  enb  -bt  the  rela- 
tions between  them  were  more  than  slrained; 
giorbe  tjanå  gorftolb  til  .  .  .  -bt  straiued  his  rela- 
tions with.  Spcenbc  n  og  --'c  buckle,  clasp. 
Spænbclblit  fe  Spænb-.  -bog  book  with  clasps, 
clasped  book.  -bælte  belt  with  a  buckle  el. 
clasp.  -fjeber  spring.  -t)oge  hook  of  a  chain. 
-fijerte  core  (of  a  buckle).  -tappe  tong  end. 
-trog  tenterhook.  -(æbcr  (shoe-)strap.  -mager 
c  -e  buckle-maker.  -muftel  tensor.  -rem  strap, 
braces.  +-feng  bcdstead  with  straps.  -fporer 
rough-rider's  spurs.  -ft^ffe  near-side  neck-strap. 
*-tag  violent  eff'ort,  spurt,  -tamp  (i  SSeft)  waist- 
coat  string,  -torn  tongue  of  a  buckle.  -træ 
rafter,  -traje  strait- waisteoat,  strait-jacket. 
Spænbl)Olt  streteher.  Spættbtg,  -^eb  fe  Spcenbftig. 
Spænbing  c  -er  (Stramning,  ogf.  fig)  tension; 
(fp.  5or^olb)  estrangement;  (SinbSftemning)  excite- 
ment;  fe  -oibbe;  ^olbe  i  -  keep  in  suspense,  on 
the  qui  vive;  »ære  i  ftært  _  be  on  the  tenters. 
—  ©pa»»tb]t(ot)  sloping  clamp.  -troft  elasticity; 
(Sampené)  tension,  fip  tone.  Spænbftig  a  elastic; 
fig  buoyant.  Spænbftig^cb  c  elasticity;  buoy- 
ancy;  (aanbelig  ogf.)  resilience.  SpænbitoD  brace 
-cable.  -træ  weaver's  stick,  -btbbe  spån. 
*Spænc  c  -r  dug,  teat. 

©pær  M,  ,  /  =,   (Spt)b)  spear,   lance;   (2cegte) 
rafter,    -fag  (i  lag;  truss. 

Spærl^age  pawl,  ratchet,  hook  of  a  drag-chain. 
-^jul    ratchet -wheel.      -^jutStroob    click-wire. 
-éolt  strutting-piece.    -^orn  bickern,  back  irou, 
small  anvil.    -tlap  stop-valve. 
Spærlagen  n  fe  ©parlagen. 

Spærlemmet  a  slim,  slender-limbed.*  , 

*Sp»rrc  c  -r  spar;  fe  Sparre. 
Spærre  vt  bar,  block  up,  close,  -  en  SSej  stop 
a  way  cl.  road;  _  iBejcn  for  en  bar  el.  obstruct 
one's  passage;  _  ,J)julet  (paa  en  SBogn)  trig  el. 
lock  the  wheel  (of  a  carriage);  ~  Silførfelcn  cut 
otf'  supplies;  _  en  inbe,  fe  ^nb^fpærre;  -  en  Ub= 
figten  obstruct  one's  view;  -t!  no  thoroughfare; 
•t  Strift  inter.spaced  letters  (ilte  brugeligt  i  engelft 
S3ogtrt)t  meb  famme  S9ftQbning;  bet  tilfoarenbe  er 
fturfio);  _  aSunben,  jZJjnenc  o»  open  the  mouth, 
the  eyes,  wide.  Spærrej fjeber  (i  Ur)  click, 
stop.  -tæbe  trigger,  drag-chain.  -t-Spærrelfe 
fe  Spærring. 

Spærre] loft  raftered  ceiling.     -ftue  room  el. 
liouse   with   a   raftered   ceiling   el.    without  a 
Spærretonb  c  ratchet. 

Spærring   c  barring  etc.,   stoppage.     Spær- 
ringéljjb  c  mute. 

Spætjfuglc    pi    peckers.     -mejfe   nut-hatch, 
woodcracker,  Sitta  europcea. 
Spætte  c  -r  (Jugl)  woodpecker,  Ficus. 




^pcetU  o  -r  spot,  speckle.  +^p(Sttt  vt  spot, 
speckle.    ©tiætttt  a  spotted,  speckled. 

©Ijættcfonge  fe  eifenbenlnceB. 

®tiøg  c  {&  n)  joke,  jest,  fun,  sport,  pleasautry; 
uben  _,  _  ttlfibe  wlthout  joking;  i  cl.  for  _  in 
joke,  in  jest,  for  fun ;  bet  er  iffe  _  at  it  is  no 
joke,  no  langhing  matter,  to;  flaa  ^m  i  _  ttirn 
off  With  a  laugli ;  ben  Wanb  forftaar  itfe  -  that 
man  is  not  to  be  joked  el.  trifled  with,  does 
not  understand  a  joke;  bet  er  l!ere§  behagelige  - 
you  are  pleased  to  say  so ;  bribe  -  meb  en  joke 
one.  ^pBQt,  -te,  -t  vt  (briee  Spøg)  jest,  joke; 
iian  er  iffe  at  _  meb  he  is  not  to  be  trifled  with; 
®e  -r  you  are  joking. 

@<)«ae  vi  dom  Spøgelfe)  haunt  (the  house);  bet 
-r  i  $uiet  the  house  is  hauiited;  et  ^us,  ^Bor  bet 
-r  a  haunted  house;  *  bet  -gte  for  ^oti§  SiD  his 
life  was  in  imminent  danger;  —  f  vt  &  r  iib,  fe 

S^jegelfuøt  joker,  wag.  -fulb  a  playful,  sport- 
ive, jocose,  jocular.    -fulti^eb  jocularity. 

'©VØflcUfl  a  awful. 

SpøQCl^e  n  -r  spectre,  ghost,  apparition,  hob- 
goblin;  spertre  insect,  Phasma;  fe  -r  tieb  ^øjItjS 
®flg  be  easily  alarmed.  -nte  tarsius.  -agttg  a 
ghostlike,  ghostly,  spectral,  weird,  eldritch. 
-frtjgt  fear  of  ghosts.  -^iftotie  ghost  story.  -^uS 
haunted  house,  -tro  belief  in  ghosts.  @)){>geri' 
11  ghosts  pi,  hobgoblins  pt. 

*®^»«l  c  -er,  @<)«Ic  vi  fe  Spole. 

^pei  n  draff,  swill.  iBpøU  vt  wash,  rinse.  — 
©pelclfor  rinsing-tub.  -Bonb  <Bpet'' 
tttm(mc)  (slop-)basin.    ©pø'Itønbe  swill-tub. 

Spørge,  fpurgte,  fpurgt  vt  &  i  ask,  question, 
demand,  interrogate;  (^øre)  hear,  hear  of,  be 
told;  (i  Sifiombre)  a.skleave;  fe  ®t§ominere;  maa  jeg 
_  pray,  if  you  please,  plea.><c  to  tcll  me;  jeg  f)ar 
fpurgt,  at  t)an  ftal  gifteS  I  understand  that  he  is 
going  to  be  married;  bet  Bil  fnavt  -8  it  wlll  soon 
transpire,  it  will  soon  get  wind;  og  bet  fpurgteS, 
at  f)an  Bar  hjemme  bibl  and  it  was  noised  that 
he  was  in  the  house;  _  ab  inquire;  -  en  ab 
ask  one;  -  efter  en  inquire  for  one,  ask 
for  one,  make  inquiries  after  one;  ~  fig  for 
make  inquiries;  _  fig  frem  ask  one's  way;  ban 
fpurgte  mig  om  mange  5Eing  he  asked  me  many 
questions;  ~  en  om  SRaab  ask  one's  advice; 
Jip  -  om  care  for  el.  about,  mind;  ^an  -r  albrig 
om,  ^borban  SSejret  er  he  never  cares  how  the 
weather  is;  bet  -r  ieg  big  itfe  om  1  don't  ask 
your  leave;  ber  §  om  the  question  is  whether; 
-  en  o  p  find  one  out;  _  til  en  ®Qg  inquire 
after  a  siek  person;  fe  SSeftnbenbe;  _  en  ub 
question  one  thoroughly,  put  searching  ques- 
tions to  one;  -  en  btjgtigt  ub  pump  one;  — 
fpørgenbe  a  inquiring,  interrogative;  _  ^rono= 
men  interrogative  (pronoun).  ©pargclltjft  in- 
quisitiveness.  -())ften  a  inquisitive.  Spergctt  c 
questioning.  ®p«rgeorb  interrogative.  Spørger 
c  -e  asker,  questioner,  interrogator,  inquirer, 
querist.  Spørgclfpil  asking  leave.  -ftjg  a  very 
inquisitive.  -fætntng  interrogative  sentence. 
©pørgSmaat  w,  pi  =,  question,  query,  inter- 
rogation;  uben  _  beyond  question,  out  of  all 
question;  gøre  et  -  ask  a  question;  gøre  en  et 
-,  rette  et  _  til  en  ask  one  a  question,  ask  a  q. 
of  one,  put  a  question  to  one;  bet  er  et  ~  it  is 
a  question,  it  may  admit  of  some  question;  bet 
er  et  flort  ~  it  is  very  questionable,  ber  er  intet 
_  om,  at  there  is  no  question  but  that;  ber  Bar 
_  om  there  was  a  question  of;  ba  opftaar  bet  _  the 
inquiry  arises.  —  ©p«rg6t«oaI§|bog  catechism. 
■tegn  (sign  of)  interrogation  (?).  •Ot§  adv  by 
Avay  of  question,  interrogatively. 

*'^ta.  o  =  Stæbig. 

'^Xtktk,  ftob,  ftaaet  poet  ftanbet  vi  stand;  flob  Beb 


SSinbuet  was  standing  as  the  wlndow;  SSærelfet 
ffal  -  (for  min  JRegntng)  the  room  is  to  be  kept 
on;  goben  -r  itfe  «p  the  scent  does  not  lie;  _  o  i 
ffriBe  write  standing;  bet  -r  ftrcBet  it  is  written; 
<X,  ~  biue!    avast  heavingl   _  i   sBraferne!    avast 
hauling!  lab  bet  -!  leave  el.  let  it  alone !  lab: 
et  Sejl  ~  keep  a  sail  set;   Uret  -r  the  watch  ha. 
stopped;  Waftinen  -r  the  engine  is  standing;  be : 
ftob  et  Slag  a  battle  was  fought;  i  %aa  ftoo  ^uii 
a3rub  she  was  married  to-day;  naor  ffal  Sr^Hupper 
~?  when  is  the  marriage  to  come  off?  ~  Stilb 
Bagt   stand   sentinel   el.    sentry;   ^   oprejft  stanc 
erect;  -  ftiHe  stand   still,  stop:  §anbelen  -r  ftiOc 
commerce  is  at  a  stand-still;  $riferne  ftob  tøjeri- 
prices  ruled  higher;  bet  ftal  tomme  big  bprt  at  . 
you   shall  pay  dearly  for  it;  \a.\\l  Sager  -r  fle; 
things  do  not  go  well  with  him;  Sæben  -r  (mult, 
gobt  the  crops  look  well,  are  promising;  lian  -i 
bebft   he  bas  the  of  it;  SBarometret  -r  (oBi 
the  barometer  registers  low;  Stjernen  -r  laBt  pao 
^imlen   the    star   is  low  In  the  heavens;  —  vr . 
-fig  gobt  be  well  oft';  -  fig  gobt  meb  en  lie  on 
good  terms  with  one;  _  fig  gobt  til  ©tlamen  pass 
an  examination  wllh  credit;  _  fig   (tit  StSomcn) 
pass;  _  fig  (i  Samp  o.  b.)  hold  one's  own;  tjBor- 
ban  -r  bet  fig?  how  are  you?  how  goes  it?  _  fig 
paa  eller  Beo  come  oif  the  better  by;  bet  tan  j« 
tt!e  _  mig  Beb  el.  paa  I  shall  be  a  loser  by  thai 
—  (meb  prap  &  adv):  _  af  (af  ^eft)  dismounj 
(et  Steb)  get  down,  alight,  stop;  ~  af  2t)fet!  gei 
out  of  the  light!  _  an  (fømme;  beseem,  become, 
befit;    (bef)age)   snit;    _   bag  Beb  Jio   be   at    the 
bottom   of;  ~  en   bi  stand  by  one,    fe  SSiftaa; 
en   efter  Siioet  seek   one's  life;  ^an  Icerte  ^a 
f)ani  Stljlbigbeb,  faa  bet  ftob  efter  he  taught  hi 
his   duty  with   a   vengeance ;  _  f  o  r  (®øren)  be 
at  hånd,  :ast  approaching;  _  for  (om  ^unb)  point 
at;  bet  er  umuligt  at  _  for  it  is  irresistil)le;  _  for 
Stub  receive  el.  stand  fire;  _  for  noget  be  at  the 
head   of  something,   have  the  management  of 
something;     r   mit   §u§   for  bibl  is  the  stewarf 
of  my   house;    _   for  en  (i  9lanben)  be  in  one'j 
minds  eye;  bet  -r  mig  for  |ioBebet  it  haunts  m; 
thoughts  el.  memory;  bet  -r  ^eiu  frit  for  at 
you  are  free  to  .  .  .,  you  are  at  liberty  to 
fe  ^oBmob;  -  fra  abandon,   cede;  _  frem  stam 
forth  el.  forward,  step  forward;  (rage  frem.)  stan 
out,  jut  out,  project;   labe  en  jing  -ben  leavi 
a  matter  in  abeyance,   for  after   con.sideratio: 
bet   maa  ~  ben  (uoift)  it  must  remain  doubtft 
_  £)  o  S  stand  by ;  ^Bab  -r  ber  i  Sogen  ?  what  sa; 
the  book?  bet  -r  i  Stoifen  it  is  in  the  paper 
aiffufatiB  is  in  the  accusative;  ~  i  ItjS  Siue  be  al 
in  flames;   banS  gormue  -r  i  Kanbejeubomme  hi 
fortune  is  vested  in  landed  property;  nu  -r  je 
gobt  i  bet  I  am  in  a  nice  mess  now;  jRjolen 
|am    i   t>)Be   SRiglbaler   the   coat  stands  him 
twenty  rix  dollars;  Kornet   -r   ^øjt   i   $ril   cor 
sells   at   high   price;    _  i   9tnfeelfe  enjoy  a  hig 
reputation;  -  i  SreonetSling  meb  be  in  currespoi 
dence   with;   ^an   -r  i   begreb  meb  he  is  on  th 
point  of,  he  is  aljout  to;  -r  i  famme  gor^olb  t 
bears  the  same  relation  to;  _  i  Strib  meb  (noge 
fom  tibligere  er  fagt  cl.  gjort)  be  at  variance  witl 
contradict;    bet   -r   itfe  i  min  SOlagt  il  is  not  i 
my  power;  faa  Bibt  bet  -r  i  min  TOagt  as  far  as  i 
me  lies;  bBab  be  git  og  ftob   i   what   they   stoo 
up   in ;   '''^ar  meget   at  -   i  has  much  upon  h; 
hånds;   Saareme  ftob  '^enbe  i  S2jnene   the   teaj 
were  in  her  eyes;  fe  23lomft,  f^orffnb,  2Q§,  5San 
J>   -  i  Spor  step,   be  stepped;  .  imob  resis 
withstand;    _   fig   imob   be   proof  against;   hol 
one's  own  against  el.  with;  funne  ftaa  ftg  imob  t 
a  match   for;   -   tnb  mob  2anb  J,.  bear  in  wit 
the  land,  stand  Inshore;  ,  inbe  for,  fe  3nbeftai 
-meb  gorce  af  Sejl  fra  .  .  .  ^  stand  out  with 




press  of  sail  from  .  .  .;  -  neb  get  el.  step  down; 
dismouut;  _  neb  paa  J;.  bear  down  upon;  _  op 
stand  up,  arise,  rise,  get  up;  (ftaa)  be  standing; 
Solfn  -r  op  the  sun  is  rising;  _  op  fra  bf  bebe 
rise  from  the  dead;  -  ooer  be  ahead  of,  out- 
rank:  -r  meget  ooer  is  a  great  improvement  on; 
Oi  flob  oOer  Stl)r6orb  J,  we  stood  upon  the  port 
tack;  -  paa  ®iunb  ^t.  be  aground,  have  struck; 
.  paa  Stabelen  be  on  the  stocks;  ^cfteiie  og 
ftøeme  _  paa  Stalb  the  horses  and  cows  are  in 
stable;  ben  fjenbllige  ^cet  ftob  pao  ben  anben  Sibe 
of  {Jloben  the  enemy's  army  was  stationed  on 
the  other  side  of  the  river;  _  paa  (om  Starorn.^ 
Serm.)  stand  at;  SSarometret  -r  paa  Kegnoeir  the 
barometer  indicates  rainy  weather;  jeg  -r  paa  5 
I  am  five;  -  fom  paa  9iaale,  ®!eber  be  standing 
on  hot  irons,  be  upon  thorns;  _  paa  fin  SRet 
stand  on,  stand  out  for  el.  vindicate  one's 
right;  ^oor  længe  oil  bet  _  paa'?  hovv  long  will 
that  take?  menS  bet  flob  paa  while  it  lasted; 
Solen,  SJinben  -r  paa  the  sun,  wind  is  el.  stands 
fnll  on  the  hoii.=e,  is  on;  fnn  -r  Det  paa  now  it 
depends,  now  the  question  is;  fe  ^ooeb;  -  ttlføS 
■i.  stand  out  to  sea;  lab  nu  -  til!  now,  fire 
away  P  !  lab  bet  bare  -  til !  never  say  die !  ^Oor- 
lebeS  -r  bet  til?  how  goes  it?  how  are  you?  bet 
-r  iffe  til  mig  it  does  not  depend  upon  me;  bet 
■r  til  3;em  at  it  is  competent  to  you  to;  eagen 
-r  til  Sem  the  matter  rests  with  you;  alt  mit 
jpaab  -r  til  Xem  all  my  hopes  are  in  you;  bet  r 
til  Øub  it  depends  upon  providence;  bet  ftaar  til 
^errl  Sjencffe  it  is  at  your  service;  i)ani  Sipft  -r 
til  he  has  set  his  heart  upon;  ^an  -r  itte  til  at 
rebbe,  til  ^Rebning  he  is  past  recovery,  past 
saving,  he  is  not  to  be  saved  el.  cannot  be 
saved;  -  til  konfirmation  be  confirmed;  ~  gabber 
til  et  SBarn  stand  godfather  to  a  child;  -r  (poSfer) 
fmuft  til  goes  well  with;  fe  9Infoar,  iRegnftob, 
SHfft,  SRor,  gfam;  _  tilbage  for  be  inferior  el. 
second  to,  yield  to,  be  outdone  by,  be  behind, 
lag  behind;  _  tilbage  meb  (SSetaling)  be  in  arrear 
lor;  jeg  maa  altib  -  tilbage  for  ^am  I  must  aiways 
give  place,  yield  the  precedeuce  to  him;  ber  -r 
enbnu  meget  tilbage  much  still  remains,  much  is 
still  left,  _  nb  fra  Sanbet  ^  stand  el.  bear  otT 
from  the  land,  stand  otFshore;  _  ub  fra  (om  2ue, 
5Reg,  Tamp)  issue  from;  ~  ub  af  Sengen  get  out 
of  bed;  -  ub  (f.  (Sf§.  af  QærnbaneDogn)  get  down 
el.  out;  -  ub  (rage  frem)  jut  out,  protrude;  _  ub 
vt  (taale)  bear,  endure;  -  fin  Straf  ub  undergo 
one's  punishment;  Kornet  -r  enbnu  ubethecorn 
is  still  in  the  field;  -  unber  en  be  below  one, 
be  snbjeet  el.  sul}ordinate  to  one,  (tjene;  serve 
under,  (unber  enS  SSefaling)  be  under  the  charge 
of;  fe  Soffel;  -  o  eb  fit  Crb  stand  to  one's  word, 
be  as  good  as  one's  word;  _  oeb  Jpanbelen  stand 
to  the  bargain;  -  oeb  et  SilBub  abide  by  an  offer; 
iian  fan  itfe  _  oeb  bet  Søb  he  can  never  find  his 
account  by  that  bargain;  tør  _  Oeb  fine  9Keninger 
has  the  courage  of  his  opinions;  -r  Oeb  ^ufarerne 
is  in  the  hussars;  —  ftaaenbe  port  &  a  (ogfaa 
Jig)  standing;  her  (om  X^r)  statant;  _  35anb  stand- 
ing el.  staguant  water;  _  Jpær  standing  army; 
_  l^rofoft  stand-up  lunch;  poa  -  gob  off  hånd; 
-  SRcbffab,  -  ®ob§  J^,  standing  rigging;  -  SSittigljeb 
standing  joke;  ~  Smil  set  el.  constant  smile;  _ 
Salemaabe,  SSenbing  set  phrase;  proverbial  ex- 
pression, blioe  _  remain  el.  continue  (standing); 
be  left  standing;  fjoor  bteo  »i  _?  where  did 
we  stop?  where  did  we  leave  ofF?  bet  (Drbetj 
Ian  blioe  _  it  may  stand;  Købefummen  fan  blioe 
_  the  purchase-money  may  remain ;  blioe  -  oeb 
stop  with;  acquiesce  in;  jeg  bar  mine  *3enge  _  i 
■  my  money  is  invested  in.  Staa  « :  i  _,  fe  3ftaa. 
tétaabl'  c  -er  helper. 
'Staa^et  c  p  tumioil. 

*@taat  n  bustle,  turmoil.  &aatt  vi  bustle, 

Btaai  n  Steel,  -ariieibe  steel-work.  •arieiber 
worker  in  steel.  -Job  chalybeate  bath.  •ittitettt 
a  steel-clad.  -ilaa  a  steelcoloured.  •((ant  a 
bright  as  steel.  -blil  sheet-steel,  steel-plate. 
-brillanter  steel  brilliants.  -bronje  steel  bronze. 
-bantafl  damask  steel.  ®taaler  c  -e  steel-worker. 
®tooI|ertå  spathic  iron.  -farbc  steel-colour. 
•fartiet  a  steel-coloured.  -fjeber  steel-spring. 
-graa  a  iron-gray.  -^aarb  a  hard  as  steel. 
•jammer  steel  hammer;  steel-work.  -^anb^e 
gauutlet.  -fjerte  heart  of  steel.  -^ne  morion. 
•^(crbe  vt  Steel;  (paa  ^berfiben)  case-harden.  -lj«r= 
bet  a  jig  steely.  -ié  smooth,  strong  and  trans- 
lucentiee.  -jarnsteeliron.  -faorbe, -Hinge  steel 
sword-blade.  -Kcebt  a  steel  clad.  -fnop  steel 
-button.  -fugte  Steel  ball;  pharm  martial  ball. 
-f»be  steelehain.  -magnet  steel  magnet,  -malm 
fe  -erté.  •v'b  steel-point.  -orm  slow-worm,  blind 
-worm,  Ansuis  fragili% .  -oun  cementingfurnace. 
-panfcr  steel  armour.  -pen  steel-pen,  metallic 
pen.  -penne^aft  penholder,  -perte  steel  bead. 
-pilte  steel-pill.  -ptobe  steel-plate.  -pulticr  steel 
-powder;  med  chalybeate  powder.  -ruftning 
Steel  armour.  -fat  a  steeled.  -fpejt  steel-mirror. 
-fpænbe  steel-buckle.  -ftang  steel  bar.  -ften  fe 
-ertS.  -ftif  steel-engraving.  -foanip  vet  capellet. 
•fætning  steeling.  -fætte  vt  (ogfaa  fig)  steel. 
-traab  (iron-)wire.  -traabrig  c  wire  rigging. 
-traabtootiærl  wire  rope.  -traabtrcetteri  n  wire 
-drawing  mill.  -tunge  poet  steel  tongne.  -balfe 
Steel-cylinder,  -ttanb  chalybeate  water.  -»arc^ 
fobril  cutlery-works.  -Pin  steel -wine.  -«g 
Steel  edge. 

@taa|*man  clipped  mane.  -ptabS  standing 
place.     *-fpil  a  drawn  game,  a  draw. 

©tab  c  staff;  (paa  Sanon)  astragal. 

■Stabbe  vi  f  trndge,  tramp. 

•'■'Stabbe  c  -r  (chopping-)block;  f  prov  stump 
(of  a  young  tree).  étabbur  n  store-house  on 

Stabejd'  c  -er  fogy. 

Stabel  c  -bier  pile;  (af  Srælaft;  stack;  J, 
stocks;  jur  boundary-stones;  (S)ørO  hinge  (of  a 
door);  ftaa  paa  -en  be  on  the  stocks;  ®aaen  af 
•en  launch;  labe  et  Stib  løbe  af  -en  launch  a 
ship;  Slibet  løb  af  -en  the  ship  was  launched; 
fe  et  Sfib  løbe  af  -en  see  the  launch  of  a  ship; 
fig  ^aoe  paa  en  have  in  band.  -artitel  staple 
article.  -btof  J^  (keel-)block,  -^anbel  staple 
-tråde.  -længbe  (Ulb)  length  of  staple.  -tøbning 
launch.  -plab§  staple,  mart,  emporium.  -ret= 
ttgt)eb  staple- right  el.  privilege.  -feng  four 
-posted  bed.    -ftab  staple-town,  entrepot. 

Stabi'l  a  durable,  -ite't  c  durability.  — 
®tabitite't§|fur»e  curve  of  stability.  -ftjftem 
stationary  system. 

Stable  vt  pile,  stack;  _  op,  fe  Cpftable;  F  -  fifl 
op  brave  it  out. 

®tab§|(^ef  chief  of  the  staff,  staff  commander; 
ffleneral  TO.'é  -  the  chief  of  General  M.'s  staff. 
-Ijornift  bugle  major,  -intenbant  commissioner 
general  in  chief.  -taptajn  captain-lieutenant. 
-tirurg  staff-surgeou.  -toarter  head-quarters  pi. 
•læge  staffdoctor.  -officer  staff-otflcer,  officer  of 
the  staff,  fleld  officer,  -fergeant  sergeant  major. 
-trompeter  trumpet  major. 

Stab  c  Stæber  city,  town.  -beboer,  -io,  -boer, 
-btigger  inhabitanl  of  a  city. 

©tabe  n  -X  stand,  station;  (pao  et  Ion)  stall; 
(93i=)  hive;  toge  (faft)  -  take  one's  stand,  -penge 
pi  stallage,  siallmoney,  board-halfpenny. 

Sta'bfrefte  vt  establish,  con.solidate,  confirm, 
corroborate,  ratify,   bibl  establish;  —  vr  fig  be 




conflrmed,  corroboiated.     -Ife  <■■  establishment, 
confirmation,  ratiflcation. 

Stabig  a  steady,  (Beftanbig)  constant;  (om  SJejr) 
settled;  (fat)  staid;  —  adv  constautly;  _  tixt,  b.  f. 
•tftb  o  steadiuess,  constaney;  staidness;  til  _  as 
a  coustancy. 

iStobium  n  -ier  (græft  UJtil;  ogiaa  med)  stadium; 
fig  stage,  phase;  et  tilbogelagt,  ooerbunfcet  _  a 
thiiig  of  the  past;  iiibtræbe  i  et  n^t  ~  enter  upon 
a  new  phase. 

®ta'ti§  c  State,  parade,  show,  pageantry;  ($ynt) 
finery;  ber  bar  ftor  _  tit  SBrtjUuppet  there  were 
great  doings  at  the  wedding,  the  weddiug  was 
very  grand  el.  splendid;  ^un  fætter  meget  paa  _ 
she  spends  much  In  finery;  bet  er  6(ot  tit  _ 
it  is  only  for  show  el.  for  making  a  display; 
fibbe  paa  -  sit  in  state;  i  fulb  -  (i  ©alabrogt)  in 
full  dress,  (meb  ftor  ?}ragt)  in  great  state;  gøre 
-  af  make  much  of;  ber  er  ingen  Bibere  _  ceb  bet 
F  it  is  no  great  shakes;  fjele  -en  f  the  whole 

®tob§|arti»    n   records   of    the   tovvn,    civie 
©trt'béficfflg  n  visit  of  ceremony. 
©tabébi)gmcfter  c  city-architect. 
@ta'bdbragt  c  dress-suit. 
Sto'bfc    VI   make    a    show   el.  parade;    /■*  op 
smarten  up,    brush  up.     Stabfelig   a   showy, 
splendid,  magnificent. 
©tabScmbebe  n  civie  el.  munieipal  otiice. 
©ta'bfen  c,   ©tabferi'  n   parade,     ©tobfeftne 
(state)  drawing-room. 

Stabéifrtftcb  munieipal  privilege.  -fflfjfuå 
town-physician.  -grob  moat.  -^au^tmanb  town 

©ta'båj^eft  showy  horse,  horse  for  parade. 
f-tatl  fine  el.  noble  fellow.  -Ijole  (til  ^exve) 
dres.s-coat;  (tit  ®ame)  best  -Kæberne  F 
one's  Sunday  best.  -tlicbning  dress-suit.  -fone 
fine,  rare,  woman.  -liliert  state  livery.  -Ii«e 
J^  fancy  line. 
©tob^ilob  munieipal  law.  -læge  fe  -fgfifuS. 
@to'b§|monb  fe  -farl. 

©tab^lmuftfant  town-musician.     -mur  town 
-wall.    -mægler  sworn  broker. 
©ta'b§|m»  c  showy  damsel.    -pige  fine  girl. 
3tob§H)ort   city-gates.     -ret   munieipal   law. 
-fegt  city-seal. 

©ta'b§|fcng  bed  of  state.  '-ftue  drawing-room. 
-t«j  fe  -flæber. 
©tab^baabeii  n  city-arms. 
©to'béibcjr  a  beautiful  day.    -bogn  state-car- 
riage  el.  coach. 
©tabéøolb  c  rampart  of  a  town. 
©ta'båoærclfc  n  room  of  state. 
©tabSøbrigtjeb  c  munieipal  authorities,  mag- 
istracy  (of  a  city). 

©tofct'  c  -ter  estafette,  courier,  express. 
©taffa'ge  c  figures  in  a  landscape,  accessories, 

Staffeli'  «  -er  (painter's)  easel.  -biltcbe  easel 
piece  el.  picture. 

©taffe'Irc  vt  deck,  trim,  garnish;  (i  røaler^ 
funften)  enliveu.  -ring  c  trimming  etc.;  (Sining) 
garnish  seam. 

©tag  n  -e  ^t'  stay;  gaa  ooer  _  tack,  go  about. 
-bolt  stay-bolt.    -brog  stay-collar. 

©tage  c  -r  pole,  stake;  (Stjfe')  candlestick; 
(SagerS)  peel;  (til  Saberebftab)  staflf;  (t.  $umpe) 
spear;  (9Jfærfe)  perch,  stake;  renbe  fig  en  _  i 
Sioet  get  iuto  a  mess;  brænbe  neb  i  -n  burn  to 
the  socket.  ©tage  vt  stake,  pole;  J,  (fætte  8tage) 
stay;  ©tormaften  er  -t  for  meget  the  main  mast  is 
stayed  loo  much  forward;  _  en  Saab  frem  pole 
a  boat,  shove  a  boat  along;  _  fig  frem  pole. 
©tagellam^je  foot-lamp.    -ffob  perch-wood. 

©ta'gfol  c  stay-fofe-sail. 

*@togge  vt  stay,  check,  restrain. 

©ta'g^ferte  n  J,  bowsprit  heart. 

©tagirtt'  c  Stag'irite. 

©ta'gmué  c  ^  mouse  of  a  stay. 

©tognlatto'n,  -ertng  c  stagua'tion«    -c're 

©ta'gning  c  staking,  poling. 

©tagre  vi  j^roo  fe  ©taore. 

©ta'pifejl  staysail.  -fejldfalb  stay sall- halyard. 
-fejtégtbtob  staysail  brail.  -fcjlé^alå  staysail 
tack.  -fejlSnebljaler  stay.sail  downhauler.  -fejlS^ 
net  staysail  netting,  -fejlåftabe  staysail  sheet. 
■fejlåftonber  staysail  stay.  ©tagbiå  adv  a-stay. 
©tag|ta!tel  staylackle.  -benbe  vi  tack,  go 
about;  nægte  at  -  miss  stays.  -benbing  c  tack 
ing,  golng  about,  staying.  -eje  eye  of  a  stay 

©tof  c  -fe  (of  8orn,  ^a)  stack. 

©taf  c  -fe  3f  awn,  arista. 

*©toI'  c  -fer  (rustic)  petticoat  el.  gown. 

©tat'aanbetashort-breathed,asthmatic,  pursy 
-fteb  c  shortness  of  breath,  asthma,  pjrslness. 

©tafa'be  c  stockade. 

©totit'  II  -ter  paling,  railing.    -ber  door  in  s 
paliug.    -laage  wicket  in  a  p.     -piffer   F 
pedant,  predsian.     -piSfcri  F    pedantry,   preci 
siauism.    -jjort  gale  in  a  p.    -»ært  fe  ©tatit. 

*Stattor,  <3tattav»,  fe  ©taffel,  ©taffels. 

©tatfe  vt  stack.  Staf!e|fob  stack-stand,  corn 
-stand,     -^auc  stack-yard. 

©taffel  c  -tier  poor  creature.  poor  w^retch;  je 
-!  poor  I!  unfortunate  wretoh  that  lam!  mig 
poor  me. 

©totfcllab  fe  -fob. 

©to{(cI§  a  poor. 

©taftet  o  Short,  brief,  short-lived. 

tStatle  vt  cry  poor  fellow  to  one,  compas- 
.sionate  one. 

©tatlfættemaftine  stacking-machine.  -tætning 
covering  of  stacks. 

©tot'  e  vulva  (of  the  cow);  urine  (of  the 

<StalttUit'  c  -er  stalac'tite.  -iff  a  stalactit- 

©talbrober  c  -brobre  companion ,  comrade, 
fellow.  -ftab,  ©talbrebrelag  companionship, 

©tatb  c  -e  stable,  -agtig  a  stably.  -betjent 
.servant  of  the  royal  stables,  -bagning  stables^ 
-breng  stable  boy;  *fe  -farl.  -buft  stably  oJor 
•bættcn  stable-cloth.  -ber  stable  door.  ©talbe  ; 
(fætte  paa  ~)  stable;  (febe  paa  _)  stall-feed.  Stalbf 
etat  stable  establishment,  -fobre  vt  stall-feed 
-fobring  stall-feeding.  -fogcb  dairy  -  manager! 
-folf  p(  helpers  and  understrappers  at  roya* 
stables,  -fer  "  flt  to  be  stabled.  -grime  stable 
halter,  -gebning  fe  -møg.  -fine  foraging-cap. 
•i)unb  stable -dog.  -junter  equerry.  -taob  « 
wanton  from  long  rest,  too  fresh.  -tammer 
coachman's  room  in  the  stable,  -tart,  -tnægt 
groom;  (i  SBærtSfing)  hostler.  -tbæg  stabled  eattle. 
-leje  stable-rent.  *-lem,  -loft  stable-loft.  -lugt 
smell  of  the  stable.  -iQgte  stable -lantern. 
-længe  (range  of .  stables,  -mefter  master  of  the 
horse,  equerry;  (i  en  JÉro)  hostler.  -raeg  stable 
-dung.  -olåe  .stabled  ox.  -|)cnge  stabliug,  stall-j 
age.  -rum  stable-room,  stabliug.  -ftriber  clerli 
of  the  stables,  t-fmer  new  milk  butter.  -ftuJ| 
fe  -ot§e.  -fuenb  fe  -farl.  *-treu  n  fe  -lem.  -binbui 
lying  window. 
tStalte  i:i  stalk. 
©talte  vi  &  t  (om  Jpefte)  stale. 
tStalter  c  king's  marshal. 
©taUing  c  -r  grayling,  TkymaUws  vulgarii. 




Stant'  (t,  prov  &  *)  a  stammering;  tjoere  - 

@tam'(Stamnie)|a(tie  original  sbare.  -aftionaer 
original  sharebolder.  @tant{art  primitive  species. 
•bane  trunk  line.  -6og  (for  en  Slægt)  book  of 
geuealogy;  (9llbiim)  album ,  autograph  book. 
•boQéblah  leaf  of  an  album,  -bogéutrå  poetry 
in  an  album,  -b^r  parent.  -(Stamme)faber 
progenitor,  ancestor,  founder.  -folf  original 
tribe  el.  race.  -form  primitive  form.  -forielbre 
progenitors.  -gobS  (entailed)  family  estate.  -flæft 
regular  frequenter  el.  customer  (of  au  inn  etc), 

Stamljeb  c  stammering. 

@tam|i)erre  heir  apparent  to  an  entailed  estate. 
•^ué  fe  gobS.  -tjuigbefibber  owner  of  an  entailed 

®tant'if)at  c  p  stammerer. 

@tamtO(eg  »  original  .stock  el.  breed. 

Stamme  vt  &  i  stammer,  stutter;  SJubdig  ben 
-nbe  Louis  the  Stammerer. 

Stamme  c  r  (af  Srce)  stem,  trunk,  stock; 
(-Solfeflamrae)  tribe,  race;  (i  Sortfpil)  stock:  3uba 
_  tlie  tril)e  of  Judah;  en  _  af  Særbe  a  stock  of 
learned  men.  Stamme  vi  (fra)  descend,  be 
descended,  spring,  proceed,  originate  (from); 
+-  nrb  b.  f.  Stamme  barf  bark  of  the  trunk. 
•beflagtet  a  of  the  same  el.  kindred  race.  -iovg 
ancestral  castle.  -frænbe  coguate,  kinsman. 
•fracnbftab  sameness  of  origin,  afflnity  of  race, 
kiiidrel  race.  -gub  tribal  god.  -bøbbing  chief- 
taiu,  chief  of  a  tribe,  tribal  chieftain.  -lonb 
original  home.    -lett  fe  9(rDe=. 

Stammen  c  stammering  etc. 

Stammelnaon  name  of  a  tribe,  family  name, 
•flocgtffab  fe  -frænbftob,  -ftabc  parent  hive.  — 
Stomjmober  first  mother,  auce.stress.  -orb  root 
-word,  primitive  word. 

*Stam|j  c  -er  tub. 

+Stami)  n  fe  Stampen. 

Stampe  vt  &  i  stamp ,  beat ;  fSlæbe)  mill ;  i, 
(i  Snen)  pitch ;  _  i  forben  stamp  the  ground; 
tiffteii  -r  af  Utaalmobiafteb  the  horse  paws  the 
ground  with  impatieuce;  fe  Srob.  Stampe  c  -r 
(JKebftab  til  ot  ftampe  meb)  stamper;  »stamping 
-mill;  t(9Jæoeiofå)  fox-trap;  fip  ftaa,  Dære  i  _  be 
at  a  stand  el.  stand -still  -jtern  stamper,  -lo 
millputr.  -meUe  stamping  mill.  Stampen  c 
siamiiing.  Stamper  c  -e  (tit  Srioning)  stamper. 
Stampe] ftag  .1,  hobsiay.  -f«  a  short  head  sea. 
-trug  mortar,  .«tock.  -oært  machinery  of  a 
stamping  mill.  Stampning  c  stamping;  J, 

Stampublitum  n  stock  of  spectators. 

Stamftftftferi  «  sheep-breeding  establishment. 

Stamftlb  c  shad,  alose,  Clupea  a/osn. 

Stamfilte  c  carded  waste-silk. 

Stamiflorgtffab  fe  Stamniefrænbflab.  -fprog 
pnrenl  language.  -f«be  ance.stral  seat.  -taft= 
ort  .simple  time.  -taulc  genealogical  table  -tr» 
pfiligree,  genealogical  tree. 

Stanb  c,  nb.  pi  (Jilftanb)  state,  condition, 
order:  (*J3arom.,  2erm.)  reading;  (^rouom.)  error; 
(.-ramfiinbrftiUtng)  staie,  station  'in  life),  .situa- 
tion, condition,  rank,  position,  degree;  (^aanb= 
tevitig)  calling,  tråde,  profession;  (^øj  St.)  rank, 
quality,  distinction;  (pi  Stænber)  rank,, 
order;  be  fejere  Sicenber  the  higher  order.s;  9iigeté 
Stænber  the  .states  of  the  kingdom:  Sfiatuz', 
Ufrt)lbig^eb»=  the  state  of  nature,  of  innocence; 
ber,  ugifte  _  the  uumarried  state;  ^an  er  i  ugift 
-  he  is  single,  unmarried;  tjolbe  _  keep  el.  stand 
one's  ground,  make  head,  l)e  proof  (against); 
af  lao,  1)0 j  -  of  low,  high  degree;  en  9JJanb  af 
(bøj)  _  a  man  of  rank  el.  quality;  Æamer  af  _ 
ladies  of  quality;  i  -  in  order,   in  repair;   fætle 

el.  bringe  i  _  put  in  order,  fit  up;  faa  i  -  bring 
about,  set  afoot;  fomme  i  -  be  brought  aboiit: 
gøre  i  _  repair;  gøre  SSærelfet  i  -  do  the  room; 
|ol6e  i  _  keep  in  repairs,  in  order;  Ⱦre  i  gob  _ 
be  in  good  condition;  i  baorlig  _  (om  §nfe  o.  1.) 
in  bad  repair;  fcette  i  fin  forrige  ~  restore  to  the 
former  state;  afletiere  noget  i  uftobt  -  deliver 
something  undamaged;  nære  i  _  til  be  able  to, 
be  capable  of,  in  a  condition  el.  position  to, 
prepared  to;  bebre  i  _  tit  at  in  a  better  situation 
to;  ^an  er  i  _  til  alt  he  sticks  at  nothing,  is  up 
to  everything;  ^on  funbe  Bære  i  -  til  at  he  is  as 
likely  as  not  to;  fætte  i  _  til  enable;   fætter  oå  i 

-  til  at  affords  the  means  of;  jeg  fer  mig  i  -  til 
I  am  in  a  position  (condition,  situation)  to, 
find  myself  able  to;  jeg  fer  mig  itfe  i  _  til  I  am 
not  prepared  to,  I  don't  see  my  way  to;  poQ  ~ 
at  once,  immediately;  fætte  u  b  af  _  til  iuca- 
pacitate  for,  disable;  nbe  af  _  til  incapable  of, 
(til  at)  unable  to,  at  a  loss  to;  gifte  ftg  nnber 
fin  -  marry  beneath  one's  self. 

Stanbarb  c  standard. 

Sta'nbart  c  -er  stan'dard. 

StanblbiUebe  n  pedestrian  statue,  -bolt  bolt, 

Stanbc  vi  fe  Staa.  Stanber  c  -e  >l,  (slogé  gtag) 
pendant,  (SommanboO  broad  pendant:  (til  Stog' 
fejl)  stay.  —  Stanber|fører  Commodore,  -lig 
fore  leech.    -manb  fe  -fører. 

Stonblfiff,  -fngl  stationary  fish,  bird.  -Saftig 
a  constant,  firm,  staunch,  resolute.  -^af  tigitcb 
c  constancy,  firmness,  fortitude,  staunchness, 
resoluteness.  -Ijatpe  screen,  -fittcrt  stationary 
telescope.  -tparter  (fixed)  quarters,  station 
(of  troops).  -taj,  -føje  bunk.  -lejr  permanent 
camp.  -linie  station-line.  -plobé  standing  place, 
stand,  station,  -pumpe  upright  pump.  -puntt 
station,  stand,  position,  point  of  view,  level, 
sphere,  standpoint,  standingpoiut,  station-point; 
et  lat)t  morolff  -  a  low  tone  of  morals;  Moxalu 
teten  ftaor  poa  et  lasere  _  morality  is  at  a  lower 
ebb.   -ret  summary  el.  drum-head  court-martial. 

•Stanbå  c  fe  -ning. 

StanbSaanb  c  spirit  of  caste. 

Stanbfe  vi  stop,  pause,  come  to  a  stand-still, 
(om  tørenbe  el.  ribenbe)  pull  up,  bring  up;  (i 
Xalen)  stop  (speaking);  -be  i  ftt  Slrbejbe  paused 
from  his  work;  2libejbet  maatte  _,  man  maatte  _ 
meb  9Irbejbet  it  was  necessary  to  suspend  the 
work;  _  oeb  sto^  at;  stop  with;  —  vt  stop,  put 
a  stop  to,  check,  stem;  (om  831ob,  fom  pt)ber) 
staunch;  _  fine  Setolinger  suspend  el.  stop  pay- 

Stanbfeng  c  four-posted  bed,  four-poster. 

Stanbllforbom  class-pi-ejudice.  -jforffel  dis- 
tinction of  rank,  diflference  of  station,  -fflelle 
peer,  equal  in  station,  -^enf^n  regard  to  posi- 
tion, -^otimob  class-pride.  -intereéfe  interest 
of  class.  -lig^cb  equality  of  rank  el.  position. 
-moeéfig  a  suitable  to  one's  station  el.  condition; 

—  adv  in  a  way  suitable  etc;  leoe  ~  maintain 
one's  position,  -moeéfig^eb  c  suitableness  to 
one's  station. 

Stanb^ning  c  stopping  etc,  stoppage;  en 
plubfelig  _  i  a  sudden  pause  to. 

Stanbdiperfott  person  of  rank  el  quality. 
-rcttig^eb  privilcge  of  rank.  -i-oælbe  dominion 
of  a  class. 

StanbPilbt  n  gamefrequentingacertain  spot. 

Stang  c  Stænger  bar,  (til  SSogn,  til  at  bære  meb 
ofo.)  pole;  (til  Sifferi)  rod,  (til  *5ibfel)  branch;  (af 
®ulb  el.  Sølu)  bar,  iugot;  (i  93oSfelaa§)  tumbler, 
sear;  (i  fterne)  staft',  swape;  J>  topmast,  feStor=. 
5or=,  a3ram=,  Sooenbram«  ofo.;  vaa  ^alo  -  half 
-mast  high,  half-statT;  pi  (p.  SBriller)  frame,  fbiljl 
(Spt)b;  staves;  en  _  Xiaf  a  stick  of  sealiug  wax; 




^olbe  en  -en  be  a  match  for  one,  hold  one's 
own  against.  Stowfl]arm  shaft-bar.  -btbfel 
brauch-bit,  curb-bit;  curb-reins.  -bli)  bar-lead. 
-bolt  pole-bolt.  -tiKiller  pi  temple-spectacles. 
-bønner  pi  kidney-beans,  F/iaseolus  vulgaria. 

®tange  vt  &  i  poke;  (ftøbe  meb  ^oBebet  cl. 
jpornene)  butt,  bunt;  (gartuj)  run  bult  against; 
(om  ^æberftib)  ram;  SSæberen  bil  _  the  ram  will 
butt;  ^an  biet)  -t  af  en  Jpiort  a  stag  struck  him 
With  his  horns;  jpunben  bleo  -t  af  %x^xin  the  dog 
was  gored  e(.  (faftet  ioejret)  tossed  by  the  bull; 
_  IMal  spear  eels;  -  fine  Sænber  pick  one's  teeth; 
—  vd  -i  bunt,  bihl  -§  meb  push  at.  Stangeaot 
speared  eel. 

©tonglfiffejr  angler,  -flfferiangling.rod-fishing. 
•fjcber  sear-spring.  -gnnfl  fe  lebning.  t-flærbc 
fence  of  stakes.  -gammel  pole-bar.  -i)ammec 
slamping -hammer,  -tjeft  thiller,  thill-horhe, 
wheeler.  -Ijjort  spayad.  -jærn  bar  iron,  rod-iron, 
rods,  iron  in  bars.  -tobbel  collar.  -tugtet  pi 
bar-shot.  -fut  columnar  anthraeite.  -fufl  con- 
ductor  of  an  ammunition-waggon,  -tæbe  chain, 
curb  -f«t  keel  formed  of  iron-bars.  -lot  stick 
-lae.  -lebning  connecting  rods.  -maating  meas- 
uring  with  a  rod.    -mile  fe  -bibfel. 

Stangning  c  butting  etc.  (fe  Stange). 

StongipiiSfer  beamcompasses.  -^ontabe  iixa- 
ture.  -ji«é  pole-bucket.  -regelfe  pastil,  -flange 
bibl  erooked  serpent.  -ftumt)  yh  stump  of  the 
topmast  etc.  -foobl  roll-sulphur.  -fæbe  soap 
in  bars.  -f«lb  silver  in  bars.  -tin  bar-tin.  -to^) 
^  pole,  head.  -tor^ebb  outrigger  el.  spar-torpedo, 
bow-spar  torpedo,  -træ  perch-wood.  -t«jle 
curb-reins.  -biffcr  staff- sponge.  -t)(egt  steel 

@tanl  inip  fe  Sttnfe. 

©tanf  c  steneh,  stink;  (i  SWiner)  fire  -  damp(s). 
-bflr  fe  Stmf=. 

Stantclben  c,  pi  =,  crane-fly,  Tipula. 

@tant|gr(CUlino  stinkard,  teledu,  Miclaus  meli- 
ceps.    *-vcnfe  vt  deodorize. 

Stonniol  «  tin  foil.    Stanntfolt  n  stannic  salt. 

Stannofalt  suinnous  salt. 

Stante  peiie  adv  there  and  then,  incontinently. 

©tonjc  c  -r  stanza. 

@tapel  0.  fl.,  fe  Stabel. 

"Stop',  'Stappc  c  mash. 

*'Bta\)pe  vt  situfif,  cram. 

Stat'  c,  -græ§  n  sedge,  Carex. 

Statblinb  fe  Stoetblinb. 

Stattc  vt  &  i  start.    Stattet  c  -e  sta'rter. 

tStat'  imper  fe  Stoa. 

Stat  c  -et  State,  commonwealth,  empire;  en  _ 
i  -tn  an  empire  within  the  empire;  -ens  Sienefte 
the  public  service;  -eii§  Jlrebitorer  the  public 
creditor;  pejftlig  _  list  of  the  clergy. 

Stota'tjfl  a  slow,  thorough. 

Statelig  'i  stately.    -^eb  c  stateliness. 

Statenj@tlanb  »  Staaten  Island,  -lanb  Staaten 
Land . 

Statet  c  (TOønt)  stater. 

Statt)elbet  c  -e  governor,  vice-regent,  vice-roy. 
-ffab  n  governor^hip,  vice-regency. 

Statit   c  stafics. 

Statto'n  c  -er  sta'tion;  {Særn6ane=j  station,  amr 
depot;  (?5ofto  stage;  fri  ~  board  and  lodging, 
all  found.  -e'tc  w<  station.  —  Statio'n§{bqgning 
fe  -^u8.  -fotftanbct,  -forthtltet,  -meftet  station 
-masttr.  -Ijné  station-house,  nmr  depot.  Sta= 
tionæ'r  a  sta'tiouary.  Sta'ttff  a  stat'ic(al). 
Statift'  c  -er  (paa  Seater)  mute,  supernumerary, 
procession-man,  walking  gentleman;  t  fe  StatS= 
manb.  Statiftif  c  statis'tics  pi.  Stottft'ifer  c  -e 
statistic'ian.  Statift'tff  n  statistieal;  -e  D})lt}8> 
ninger  statistics.  Stotiftlff  topogtoflff  a  statistico 

-topographieal.     Stati'b    n  -er  stand,   foot  (of 
any  mathematical  instrument),  frame. 

-fSto'tlig  a  belonging  to  the  state,  imperial. 

StatS|aarfag  politicai  "-agronom 
verument  agriculturist,  public  teacher  of  hu,- 
bandry.  -aft  fe  -^anbling.  -anli^genbe  stale 
affair,  business  of  state.  -atbeibe  politicul 
work.  -baanb  political  band  el,  tie.  -bane  ' 
-jcernbane.  -bontetot  national  bankruptcy.  -bi! 
gibenlieb  polical  event,  -betient  public  fum: 
tionary.  -bibrag  subsidy,  subvention  from  the 
government;  government-aid,  government  gran 
state  .support;  unberftøtte  meb  -  subsidlze;  Sfottt 
fom  ntiber  -  state  aided  schools.  -borget  citizei., 
subject  ofa  state.  -borgerlig  a  politicai.  -bubgtt 
financial  estimates.  -btigniug  political  fabri(^ 
-bJjrbe  public  burden.  -^cf  head  of  the  state. 
-bel  part  of  the  kingdom,  province.  -brift  public 
management.  -e|enbom  puijlic  property.  -ew- 
bebe  public  oflflce.  -embebSmanb  public  fun(  - 
tiouary,  placeman.  -entjeb  political  body.  -fange 
prisoner  of  state,  state-prisoner.  -farlig  a  danger- 
ous  to  the  state  el.  the  public  weal.  -fejl  polit- 
ical blunder,  -feft  political  festival,  -foranbrin) 
political  change.  -forbebring  political  reform, 
state -reform,  -forbt^belfc  ''rime  against  tb; 
state,  high-treason.  -forbttibet  state  criniinal. 
-forbr^berifl  a  treasonable.  -forbunb  alliance 
(between  states),  -forbel  political  advantageel. 
benefit.  -forfotning  constitution.  -for^olb  poht- 
ical  relations  (between  states).  -form  form  of 
government.  -f ormaal  fe  -tienfigt.  -formue  publio 
property.  -forretning  public  business,  business 
of  state  -forræber  traitor.  -forræberi  high 
treason.  -forbaltuing  administration  (of  th(; 
state),  government  of  public  affairs.  -fæugfcl 
state-prison.  -grunb  reason  of  state,  statereason. 
-gtunbloo  fundamental  law  of  the  state.  -grunb- 
ftetning  political  maxim.  -gælb  pnblic  debt, 
national  debt.  -gccIbåbeoiS  treasury  l>ill.  -goelbd' 
tontor  National  Debt  Office  el.  Department. 
-l)aanbbøg  fe  -falenber.  -t)anbltng  political  aet. 
•tiemmeltg^eb  statesecret  -benfigt  political  pur- 
pose el.  design,  -^iftorte  political  history.  -buå- 
botbning  administration  of  the  public  revenue, 
linances.  -t|u§t)olbntngél(cre  political  ecimomy 
-^Uero  political  mission,  p  duties.  -Ijøjbeb  sovf 
reiguty.  -inbretning  public  institution,  -inbfigt 
political  knowledge  el.  insight.  -tnbtcegt  publi 
revenue.  -ircrnbane  public  railway,  governmei 
railway.  -talenber  otfice-list.  -taefe  excheque 
revenue.  -titte  stale-church,  established  churc 
establishment,  -tlog  o  politic.  -llogffab  polic 
-tløgt  political  shrewdness.  -tneb  stroke 
policy,  political  trick,  -tunft  art  of  governing,' 
politics,  statecraft.  -tup  coup  d'État.  -laott 
public  loan.  -legeme  body  politic.  -Jib  political 
life.'  Ao\>  law  ofa  state.  -l«te  politics,  polit- 
ical science,  -magt  supreme  power  of  a  state, 
executive;  power  in  the  state.  -manb  states- 
man,  politician.  -manbSagtig  a  slatesmanlike. 
-manb§bttt  eye  ofa  politician,  political  foresight. 
-maubSfnnft  fe  -funft.  -maubSmæSfig  a  states- 
manlike.  -mtblet  political  means.  -miniftet 
minister  of  state,  principal  secretary  of  state. 
-mQnbigljeb  executive  power,  -obligationet  fe 
-papirer,  -omuceltning  revolution.  -o))bragelfe 
public  education.  -oplefenbe  a  destructive  to 
the  state.  -<)atbH§  government  warehouse.  -pa- 
birer  pi  stocks,  funds,  bonds.  -poft  fe  -embebe. 
-taab  11  couneil  (of  state),  cabinet  council,  counci_l_ 
of  the  crown;  bet  ^olbteS  _  a  Cabinet  Council  wtT 
held;  c  (Sitel)  councillor  (of  s.);  •minister,  secii 
tary  of  state.  -tegel  political  rule  el.  maxim,  sta| 
-maxim.  -teligion  established  religion. 
ffab   public   accounts.     -tet   (SSebtægter   imeOej 




»'Ttioiier)  iaternatioual  law,  law  of  nations;  (9?et8« 
uffab  i  en  Stat)  oonstimtional  law.  •retlig  ■' 
^titulional;  international,   of  i.   law.    -rct8= 

;  er  publicist.  -retJtfor  auditor  of  the  public 
■unts,  Commissioner  of  Andit,  Audit-com- 
->ioner.  -ror  helm  of  the  state.  -fog  state 
fi  politirøl  affair.  -famfunb  political  community, 
l>ody  politic.  -fcgl  the  great  seal.  -fefretær 
clerk  of  the  council ;  (i  engraiibj  secretary  of 
Btate,  -fcmtpnrium  public  seminary.  •fenbebub 
fe  -bub.  -ftattcr  imperial  Uixes.  -fftb  ve.ssel  of 
the  state  -ffod  public  wood  et.  forest.  -flrift 
slate-paper.  -focioliåmcu  State  Sooialism.  -fprog 
political  lan.guflge.  -fpargémoal  political  ques- 
tion.  -ftrcg  le  -tiip  -ftijrclfc  fe  -ioroaltnina. 
-ftnrer  govemor  el.  ruier  of  a  state.  -telegraf 
government  telegraph,  -tilffuti  fe  bibrag.  -tjener 
public  servant.  -tjenefte  public  .servce  -ubgift 
public  expenditure  -uttbcrftattelfe  fe  -bitirag. 
-j>el,  -uelfcerb  public  weal,  p.  welfare.  -»ibett' 
ftob  fe  -lære.  -øtbenffabettg  a  politic.  -oidbom 
political  wi.'Jdom.  •Btcrf  political  maehinery, 
state-machine.  -ti(efcu  state  concerns  j)/,  politics 
pl.  -acrcnbe  politi<'al  mission.  -«jenteb:  i  -  for 
imperial  purposes,  •øfonom  (political)  economist. 
-øfonotni  political  ecouomy.  -øtonomifl  a  of 
political  economy. 

Statue  c  -r  stat  ue.  @tatue're  vt  lav  down; 
_  et  ©féempel  set  an  example,  _  et  ©ISempel  ^aa 
en  make  an  example  of  one.  Statuet'te  c  -r 
statuette.  Statu'r  c  stat'ure.  @tatu§  c  state; 
(ftriftlig,  -oberftgt)  statement,  balance-sheet.  ®ta= 
tut'  c  -er  stat'ute,  regulation,  by-law.  Statttt'-- 
tuieSflg  a  stat'utory. 

Stauber  i)l  perenuial  piants.  Stanbeagtig  a 

*®tattr  c  fe  Staoer.  -I)t)nntng>  -»agn  c  grampus, 

De.lphinns  orca. 

•■Staut  o  fe  ©tout. 

iBiart  c  -e  (Stol)  staff,  stick;  røofe«'  _  the  rod 
of  Moses;  brnbe  -en  ober  condemn  (irrevocably), 
denounce.  @tao;e)  c  -er  stave;  folbe  i  -er  be 
staved;  fig  fall  into  a  revery,  be  lost  in  tlionght. 
StotJibafterie,  -bt)r  bacillus.  ''-btigning  house 
built  of  „fReiéoærf". 

Btaxtt  VI  &  t  spell;  _  fig  til  spell  out;  _  fig 
igeunetn  spell  one's  way  through. 

Slauelfe  c  -t  .«yllable.  -accent  syllabic  accent. 
-bcling,  -inbbeling  syllabication,  syllable  division 
el.  dividing.  -maat  syllabic  measure.  -flrift 
syllabic  writing.  -tal  nnmber  of  syllables.  -tegn 
syllabic  symbol  el.  character. 

@tat)cmaabe  c  (way  of)  spelling,  orthography. 
StaBcn  c  fe  ©taoning. 

tStauer,  Staor  c  -tjte  stake. 

Sto'Uibflbl  round-plane.  -tori  beggar.  Jf-tirfe 
ehurch  built  of  „SUeisbært".  -Iruå  n  Krfeped 

Staun  c  -e  (®runb,  fom  en  bor  paa)  (native) 
soil,  glebe;  fig  dwelling.  homestead,  home;  fe 
ogaa  @t*on.    *@tattnc  vi  fe  ©tceone  ,],.. 

3ta  ontng  o  spelling. 

Statméjbaanb  villenage,  bondage;  -etS  fiøSntng 
emancipation  from  villenage.  -bnnben  a  bound 
to  the  soil  el.  glelie. 

Sta'O^ube  c  (til  ©tabtøj)  body  side,  after 

Stntire  vi  trudge,  stumble. 

StaorctøUe  c  wooden  mallet. 

@ta't)|ret  «  straight  as  an  arrow.  -rim  allit- 
eratlve  verse  *-fag  saw  el.  saw-mill  for  cutting 
staves,  -feler  pl  coUars.  -træ  wood  for  staves. 
-træer  «/  (til  ©tabtøj)  hames.    -taj  coUar  haraess. 

^Staoocr  n,  pl  =,  braid  of  hair. 

Stearin   c   ste'arine.     -l^§    stearine  candle, 

composite  el.  composition  candle.  -f^rc  stear'ic 

Steb  [æ;  t  i  ubeft.  ®nT.  ©teb']  n  -er  place,  spot; 
t  ($u?)  house;  -et«  ©eboere  the  residents;  et  _ 
somewhere;  et  eHer  anbet  -  somewhere  or  other; 
^an  ftger  et  _  he  says  somewhere  el.  in  one 
place;  anføre  et  _  af  en  forfatter  quote  a  passage 
from  au  author;  finbe  ~  take  place;  come  otT; 
blicenbe  _  fixed,  lasting  dwelling-place  el.  abode; 
^an  ^ar  olbrig  noget  bitbenbe  -  he  is  never  at 
rest  anywhere,  is  nowhere  at  rest;  aHe  -er 
everywhere;  bilbe  itfe  af  -et  would  not  stir 
(from  the  spot);  tommer  iffe  af  -et  makes  no 
progress;  rør  S)ein  iffe  af  -et !  don't  budge  (an 
inch);  fra  bet  _  fibor  from  where;  i  -en  el.  -et 
for  instead  of,  in  lieu  of,  in  the  room  of;  boere 
en  i  (IfaberS  _  be  a  father  to  one,  be  to  one 
in  a  father's  stead;  antage  i  Sarn?  -  adopt; 
i  bit  _  in  your  place ;  bære  i  enS  -  be  et.  stand 
in  one's  shoes;  fenbe  en  i  fit  ~  send  a  substitute; 
toge  en  i  fit  _  take  a  substitute;  x><i^  -et  on  the 
spot,  then  and  tbere;  Xtaa  -et  9!Jlorcl)  (perpetual) 
goose-step;  "^an  bor  xi<^a.  -et  he  is  a  resident  (of 
the  p.);  he  lives  on  the  premises;  gamle  iJolf 
)faa.  -et  old  residents;  pao  fit  _,  )()a.a  (fit)  rette 
_  in  place,  x^^a  fine  -er  in  piaces;  paa  ftøjere  -er 
in  high  quarters;  til  bet  -  ^uor  to  where;  fe 
2:ilftebe  ain. 

Stebbarn  n  step-child ;  fig  bære  _  be  left  out 
in  the  cold,  hid  under  a  bushel. 

Stebjbegreb  notion  of  place.  -beftrit)c(fe  topo- 
graphy.  -beftemmelfe  fixing  of  the  locality. 
-betegnelfe  local  el.  regional  designation. 

©tebbatter  c  step-daughter. 

©tebe,  -te,  -t  vt  admit;  -8  for  f.  et§.  tongen  el. 
SongenS  2tafnn  be  admitted  el.  brought  into  the 
king's  presence;  -8  til  Orbe  be  allowed,  per- 
mitted  to  speak;  ^nn  bleb  -t  til  5>aanbfi)S  fto8 
dronningen  he  was  permitted  to  kiss  the  hånd 
of  the  queen;  -§  i  9Jøb,  '5are  be  brought  into 
distress,  danger;  -§  til  forben  be  interred,  buried; 
—  ftebt  a  situated;  oære  ilbe  -bt  be  badly  ofif, 
in  a  sad  case. 

Stebrgcn  a  local. 

Stebfabcr  c  step-father. 

Stebifinbenbe  a  existing.  -foranbring  locomo- 
tion,  cliange  of  place.  -forftolb  relation  of 
place,  local  relation,  -fortræber  c  -e  deputy, 
proxy,  agent,  substitute.  -fnnben  a  that  has 
taken  place.  -fæfte  vt  localize,  afflx  to  a  place. 
■^utommelfe  local  memory,  -tenbt,  -tqnbig  a 
acquainted  with  the  localities,  having  local 
knowledge.  -tQnbig^eb  local  knowledge.  @teb= 
Ug  a  local. 

Stcbimober  step-mother,  step-dame.  -ntoberlig 
a  k  adv  like  a  step-mother,  novercal ;  (uegentl.) 
hard,  severe;  9Jaturen  fiar  be^anblet  benbe  meget  _ 
she  is  very  homely,  ill-favoured,  ilMooking. 
-tnoberéblomft  heart's  ease,  pansy,  love-in-idle- 
ness,    Viola  tricolor. 

Steblnatin  name  of  a  place,  place-riame.  -orb 
gram  pronoun.  -regifter  index  locorum.  -fagn 
local  tradition.  -fanS  local  sense ,  head  for 

Stebfe  "dn  ever,  always.  -grøn  a  ever-green. 
•barenbe  n  everlasting,  perpetual. 

Stcblftifte  fe  -foranbring. 

Stebémaal  n  fine  (on  renewing  a  lease). 

Stebføn  c  stepson. 

Stebltib  c  local  time  -»ant  a  acquainted 
with  the  place.  -Uilb  n  bewildered,  at  fault, 
(t)  disorientated.    -»ifer  fe  -regifter. 

Stefan,  Steffen  Sie'phen.  —  Stcfan§|Iirten 
St.  Stephen,  -forn  seeds  of  stavesacre,  Del- 
phinium  utaphimgria.  -urt  c  enehanter  s  night- 
shade,  Circcea  lutetiana. 




Stcfl  imp  U  Stige. 

iSte^  c  -e  tvp  regiet,  pi  fiirniture;  (p.  Sætting) 
stav,  stud. 

éteg  c  -e  roast,  joint;  benbe  -en  turn  the  spit; 
brt)ppe  -en  baste  the  roast;  en  feb  _  a  god-send, 
a  windfall.  Stege,  -te,  -t  vt  roast,  *  (95røb) 
bake;  _  ipaa  Stift  broil,  grill,  (3Ial)  spitchcock;  _ 
i  en  *|5onbe  fry;  _  i  Den,  i  9lften  bake;  -  f)el 
barbecue;  _  en  i  ^anå  eget  (ifcbt  fry  oue  in  his 
own  grease;  -nbe  ;&ebe,  ©ol  broiling  heat,  sun; 
-nbe  ^eb  broiling  hot;  libt  (itfe  meget)  -gt  under 
-done;  —  +  vi  be  roasting.  —  @tcgc|6uf  (spit-) 
rack.  -fni  Oærnpanbe)  dripping-pan;  f^ab  til  at 
fætte  ipaa  Sorbet)  dish  (for  serviug  up  the  r.). 
-fcbt  drippings,  kitchen-stuff.  -gtiS  roast-pig, 
roasted  pig.  -grt)be  pot  for  roasting.  -itb  fire 
for  roasting.  -fælber  cook-shop.  -lugt  smell 
of  roast.  ©tegen  o  roasting.  Stegelnaoi  skewer. 
-o»n  oven.  -^iitnbe  frying-pau;  (til  Steg;  drlpping 
-pan.  -pal^e  roast  sausage  ©tegerå  n  kitchen. 
@tegerS|pige  cook-maid,  kitchen-maid.  ©tege|  = 
fipib  spit.  -tienber  turnspit;  (felDtiirtenbe)  smoke 
-jack;  fio  (Ur)  warming  pan.    -abU  baking  apple. 

Ste'gl^eb  n  broiling  el.  piping  hot.  -tftbe 
broiling  heat.    Stegning  c  roasting  etc. 

Stetertnart  n  Styr'ia.    ©teiriff  o  Styr'iau. 

Stejl  a  steep,  precipitous;  en  _  S^ft  a  bold 
shore;  _  .^oB  upright  hoof;  J'o  (om  ^erfon) 
brnsque,    t-brat  a  b.  f.    -bt)b  a  j,  steep-to. 

Stejle  vi  (om  ^eft)  rear;  fig  start;  ftejlenbe 
a  her  rampant;  Jiif  -nbe  gat  fiirious. 

Stejle  c  -r  (til  giftenet)  forked  stake  to  hang 
fishing-nets  on;  bony  core  of  the  horn;  (og  c»iiil) 
the  wheel;  fæqge  <3ao  ~  break  on  the  wheel; 
f\an  bleB  bamt  til  -  og  |>iul  lie  was  sentenced  to 
be  broken  on  the  wheel;  tlæbe  _  og  ^jnl  suflFer 
death  on  the  wheel.  Stejle  v(  break  on  the 
wheel,     -gang  row  of  forked  stakes  etc. 

Stejlen  c  rearing.    Stcjlerem  c  martingale. 

Stejlelrælfc  fe  -gang. 

Stejllftcb  c  steepness.  -^otiet  «  with  upright 
hoofs.    t-tttitfl  steep  acclivity  el.  declivity. 

■•'Stel  a  stiflF,  rigid. 

Stel'  n,  pi  =,  set;  ^  (Sejl)  .suit  et.  set  of 
sails;  *  arrangement ,  management,  economy; 
matters,  concerns;  et  ~  ^orceSæn  a  set  of  China 
-ware;  SSorb-,  Stiife=  dinner-set;  3;e=  tea  service, 
tea-set,  tea-things  pi;  (til  <Batflplt)  o.  1.)  skeleton, 
frame,  (S5iftc=)  stave.s.  *Stettc,  -te,  -t  vt  arrange, 
manage;  (.ftBæg,  .ipefte)  tend;  ..  til,  ».  !.;  jeg  faar 
8oo  at  -  ganfte  fom  jeg  bil  I  am  allowed  to  do 
things  just  as  I  like.  '  Stelften  fe  Stilften. 

Stemme  vt  (ftanbfe)  stem,  stop;  _  gøbberneimob 
thrust  one's  feet  against;  _  fig  tmob  resist. 

Stemme  vt  (Jpul)  mortise. 

Stemme  c  -r  (p.  Jpjulege)  shoulder. 

Stemme  c  -r  voice;  (i  Wuftf)  part,  voice;  (oeb 
SKnlg)  vote,  suffrage;  (Drgel)  stop;  £)an  er  itte  Beb 
_  he  is  not  in  voice;  Bar  ubmærtet  Beb  _  was  in 
fine  el.  splendid  voice;  SRet  til  ~  the  right  of  a 
vote;  i)at)e  Sæbe  og  _  have  a  seat  and  voice; 
fiar  ingen  _  has  no  voice  (in  the  matter);  afgiBe 
fin  _  vote;  iamle  -r  collect  votes;  toeHe  -rne 
count,  tell  the  votes ;  -rne  ftob  omtrent  lige  the 
division  was  close;  mob  een  _  with  but  one 
dissentient  (vote).  Stemme  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vi  (om 
^nftrumenter)  be  in  tune;  (Beb  SJolg  o.  b.)  vote; 
(i  loBg.  gorf.)  divide;  bet  -r  iJte  it  does  not 
agree    —    vt    (om    ^nflrument)    tune,    attune; 

-  en    ^»jtibelig    put   one    in    a    solemn    mood; 

—  meb  præp  og  adv.  ~  for  vote  for,  divide  | 
in  favour  of;  fig  be  for;  jeg  -r  for  at  I  i 
vote  that;  aUe  be  fom  ~  for.  Bille  rætfe  |>ænberne  j 
iBejret  all  in  favour  will  raise  their  hånds;  | 
~  en  for  dispose  one  to,  incline  one  for;  -  i  ■ 
(meb)   fe   3fftemme;    -    en   i  mob  prepossess  one 

against;  _  meb  agree  el.   tally  with,  be 
sistent  with;   ilte    at    _    meb    disagree,    nol    to 
agree   with;    _   om    put   to  the  vote;  -   dd  vt 
fe  Qftemme,  vi  (om  3nftr )  tune  up;  -  ooeren« 
agree;  -  fammen   (om    3nflrum.)   be  tuned    t<> 
the    same    pitch,     accord,     harmonize ;    _    til 
SSemob  make  one   (feelj  sad;    —  ftemt  <i  mt't 
in    tune,    (ft'onfon.)   voiced;    Bcere  flet  -mt  for  be 
prejudiced    el.    prepossessed    against,    be 
favourably  disposed  to,  be  indisposed  for;  Bceie 
Bel,    gunftig    -mt   for  be   disposed  in  favour  o 
be  favourably  disposed  to  el.  towards,   favoui 
able    to,      Stcmmc|antal    number     of    votes 
-Iiaanb  vocal  chord.    -berettiget  a  having  a  right 
to  vote;  ».  voter.     -Iiøjning  modulation  of  th 

Stemmebige  n  flood-dike. 

Stemmelbl(gtig  n  -.  nbgørc  et  -t  aintal  form 
quorum.  -flcrl)Cb  majority,  plurality  of  votes 
-fl«jte  fe -Bi6e.  -frifjcb  liberty  of  suffrage.  -gaffel 
tuning-fork.  -giBcnbc  a  voting.  -gioenbc,  -gtOer 
c  voter,  -giontng  voting.  -Ijammer  tuning-ham 
mer.  *-l)eft  i)ridge  -^oerOing  canvassing  (for 
votesj.    -tjajbe  pitch. 

Stemmcjærn  n  mortise-chisel. 

Stemmcjflang  timbre,  -tugle  bailot.  -ftiæg 
voting  cattle  -ltgl)eb  a  tie.  -Hfte  poll-book. 
•leé  <i  (ffonf.)  surd,  whispered,  breath.  -moflim.* 
voting  machine 

Stemmcmaffine  c  mortising-machine. 

Stemmeimibler  pi  compass  of  voice.  vocai 
powers,  -nøgle  clef,  clifT.  -ergan  fe  -rebftab 
-titbe  pitch-pipe,  tnning-pipe. 

Stemme<»ort  c  mitre  gate. 

Stemmer  c  -e  tuner. 

Stemme|rebfla6  organ  of  voice,  vocal  organ 
-ret  right  of  voting;  alminbelig  -  universa' 
suffrage,  +-rettig6cb  b.  f.  -retSforentng :  fBinbe^ 
lig  -  Woman  Suffrage  Association,  -ribfe  glottis, 
-famler  collector  of  votes.  -fomting  collecting 
of  votes,  -febbel  voting  paper.  -ftol  (i  i^ioliii; 
sound-post;  (i  *l5ianof  )  wrest-plate,  peg-board. 
-tflb  loss  of  voice.  -tal  number  ot  votes.  -tone 
pitch     -tielling  counting  of  votes. 

Slcmmctiærf  n  dam.  Stemning  c  stemming, 
damming  up. 

Stemning  c  tuning,  tune;  (2une)  mood, 
humour,  temper;  feeling,  spirit,  sentiment;  l)oIbe 
gobt  _  stand  well  in  tune;  Bære  i  baarlig  -  bi 
out  of  tune  el.  sorts.  Stemnlng§|fulb,  -rig 
fuU  of  warmth,  iustinct  witli  feeling.  -fulbÅ 
warmth.  -mcnneffe  impulsive  person,  -nbbr 
outburst  of  feeling.  -ubjlag  demonstration 
feeling.    -txettcnbe  n  sympathetic. 

Stempel  n  -ler  (ogfaa  bet  poatr^tte  Stempel  og 
Hg    Set^bn.)   stamp;    (til    -Bogbinberarbejbe)    baci 
-tools  pl\    (til   Wønter)   die,   upper  die;    (^impJ 
5SumpeO  piston;  (til  Uæber)  punch;  'brænbt)  brand. 
StenH)cl|ofgift  stamp-duty.    -6«bcr  penalty  lor 
unstamped  documents.   -bætfcl  (®mp.)  cover  of 
the  piston,    -frifjeb  exemption  from  stamp-duty. 
-fontor  stamp-offlce.     -lrl)b§l|OOCb  piston  cross 
head.    -tot>  stamplaw,  stamp  aet    -loogiuningcn 
the    Stamp    Laws.      -mærfe    stamp,      -^lafning 
piston-packing.    -patiir  stainped  paper.    -j|>opir^= 
fortialtcr  stamp  distributor.    -pligtig  a  liable  ti 
be    stamped    el.    to   pay  stamp-duty.     -preåfc 
stampmg-machine.    -ffærer  c  -e  stamp-engraver, 
stamp -cutter,    die -sinker,     -ffærtng  stamp -e 
graving.     -flag   (2)mp.)   stroke    of  (the)   pisto; 
-ftang  (®mp.)  piston-rod.   -ftiffer  fe -ftærer.    -oa 
bring   piston -travel;  length  of  stroke.     -oenti 
bucket-valve.    Stemple  vt  (ogf.  fig)  stamp,  bran- 
(Beb  at  flaa  ^ul  igennem)  nick;  (ftnappenoale)  he 
Stempling  -•  stamping  etc,  tmachination,  c 




iStttt  c  -e  (ogfoa  i  J^rugt,  Seftifel,  SDflbom)  stone; 
M-n,   rintbogtig)   pebble;   (TOur=)   brick;  æble  -e 
rious    stones,    gems;    be    oifcS   _   the    philo- 
•'hers'   stone;    toge   -ene   ub   af  (Jnigt)  stone; 
1 1  te  af  -  heart  of  stone ;  bcr  faibt  mig  en  _  fro 
vtet  a   heavy   load   was   removed    from   my 
oiirt,  it  was  a  weight  off  my  mind,  it  removed 
.".    mountain    from   my  breast,   my  lieart  grew 
;.glit;    Bcerp   _    til   5^t)ngen   furnish"  one's   quota; 
Tbære  _  af  Soen  be  expelled  the  town;  lob  ifte  _ 
paa  ~  tilbage  did  not  leave  one  stone  standing, 
jeg    bilbe   fieHere  floa   ,    vaa  Canbeoejen  I  woiild 
rather  sweep  a  crossing;  fe  Stof;  hnibe  rurc  en  - 
wonld  touch  the  heart  of  a  statue;  fooe  fom  en  - 
sleep   like   a   top  el.  post;  Ii^e  of  _  sulfer  from 
the   stone;    ftoercå   for  -  be    out   for   the   stone. 
Stenaarc  vein  in  a  stone    -affætning  c  incrusta 
tion.   •ogtiflastony.   -aftl  hard  pan.   -olber  stone 
age;    ben    ælbre,    t)ngre  _  the  palæolithie  el.  old 
■stone,    neolithic   el.    new-stone  age  el.    period; 
ben  tingre   §  golf  the  neolithic  peoples.   -aliev^ 
folf  people  of  the  stone   age.    -ort  species  of 
stone.     -of!   ash-tree,    Fra.rinui   exceliior.      -affe 
calcined   ashes.     -biber,    *-btb   wolf-fish,   Atmr- 
riehas;    ■■'lump-flsh,    Cuclojiterux.      -bjærgcne  the 
Rocky  Mountains.     ^-bUticn  a  petrified.    -blinb 
a  stonebliud.    -btot  block  of  stone.    -bor  stone 
•bore.    -borb  stone-tal)le.    •branb  bunt  fungus, 
Tilletia  cxricx.    -bro  (i8ro  af  Sten)  stone-bridge. 
(poa  ®obe)  pavement,  .stones.     -broftcr  rubble, 
debris,  (af  SDgn.;  rubbish.     -brub  stone-quarry, 
stone-pit.      -brQber    quarryman.      -bræ!    stone 
-break,  saxifrage,  >^a.cifraga;   reb  ~   drop-wort, 
Spima  fi/ipend»la.    -bu!  ibex;  -ten  (Stiernebillebe; 
Capricorn;  -teng  9?enbetreb§   the  tropie  of  Capri- 
corn.    -bunb  stony  soil  el.  gronnd,  stony  bottom. 
-bun!c  fe  -btjnge.   -bQgget  a  built  of  stone.   -bj)g= 
nlng   stone  el.   brick   building.     -bættcn  stone 
-basin.    -bæn!  stone  bench.    -bobbcl  stone-borer, 
stone-piercer,  Lithoi/omus  Itthophugui.    -battttelfc 
petrifaction.    -bigc  stone-dike.    -brcjcr  ie  -oenber. 
•britewbf  a  li thon triptic.     -broåfel  rock-thrnsh. 
Petrocincla.    *-'bn\p,  -btjfv  fe  -pifter.    -bt)ngc  heap 
of  stones.     -btjéfc  cairn,  heap  of  stones,  archæ 
barrow.   -bomning  dam  of  stones.   -beb  u  stone 
-dead.    -^-b«B  u  deaf  as  a  post.    Stene  vt  stone. 
Stcneg    sessile  -  flowered    oak,     Querem   rohur. 
Stenet  a  stony,  pebbly.     Stcnjfall  stonehawk 
el.  falcon,   merlin,   Falco  femlou.     -farbe  stone 
•colour.     -fljé  chip  of  stone.     -ffifc  flag-stone. 
•fotbinbcJfc   band.     -frugt    stone -fruii,   drupe, 
drupaeeous  frnit.    -fr«  gromwell,  LHhospcrmum. 
-fugl   cushew  bird,    Crax  paujci.     -fercr  stone 
•carrier.     -gaarb  fe  -^n§.     -gabe  paved   street. 
-goDe  quitter-bone.  bleyme.    -gabl  sione-gable. 
-grb    fe    -but,     -gobå    fe   -taj.     -gran    'i    stone 
-coloured.     -grau  stone  grave,    -grube  ie  -brub. 
•grunb  fe  -bunb;  bibl  stony  piaces.   -gru§  grave!. 
-gulo   stone -floor.     -gcrrbc   stone- fence,    stone 
-hedge,  XC  stone-dike.    -l)aarb  a  hard  as  a  stone. 
stony,  flinty.    -(jaarbbcb  stony  hardness.  -tjorbtlå 
dammar.    '-'-^oug  fe  -bob.    *-beHe  slab,  flag  stone. 
hjerte  stony  heart.    -bob  heap  of  stones.    -bott= 
ning  sugar-honey.     -^ugger  stone-cutter,  stone 
mason.   -bue  stone-house.    *-t)^Ue  fe  -fjeHe.    -^«r 
amianlh,  ashcsios.     +Stenig  n  stony.     Stening 
c  stoning.     Stcnijeté  mole.    -!o(I  lime  (of lime- 
stone i.     -fnmmcr    stone -chamljer.      -!ar    stone 
ves.sel;    (SBQgn.j   pier.     -!arre  stone-cart.     -!aft 
throw  With  a  stone;   (SIfftanb)  stones  throw  el. 
ca-st;   (tilfegj  bi.scuitthrow.     -taftning  throwing  ; 
of)    stones.      -Jifte    stone -draiu;    stone- coffin;  I 
arcAof  stone-cist.    -tit  lithocolla.    -flaocr  melilot,  j 
Melilotui      -!nid    stone -knife;    chir    gorgeret.  1 
-tnnfemaftine  sione-cnisher.    -tnuéning  (Cpera; 
tion)  lithotriiy.     ••tobbe   'ommon   seal,    Fhoca  i 

vitulina.  •itttal  stone-coral.  -forS  stone  cross. 
•trebS  circle  of  stones.  -Uotf  kind  of  malignant 
strangles  (in  horses),  -trutte,  -truå  stone  jar, 

Stc'ntut  M  coal;  (til  ftnapper  o.  b.)  jet.  •!antfer 
naphthaline.  —  Stcntu(§|af!e  coal  ashes,  breeze. 
-brub  coal-mine  -bamii  fe  rag  -fartnation 
coal-formation.  -goé  coal-gas.  -grube  coalpii, 
coal-mine.  -ilb  coal  fire.  -tmp  jet  button. 
•lag  coal-stratum.  -lejer  vi  coal-measures  pi. 
•maater  coal-meier  -ptam  coal-lighter.  -røg 
smoke  from  coals.  -tibcn  the  coal  period.  -tjocre 
eoal-tar.    -bejer  coal-meter. 

Ste'n{taa§  flint  lock.  -(ag  layer  of  stone. 
-togt  a  paved.  -lab  fe  -moS.  -fim  fe  -tit.  -Unb 
fe  Wlotern.  -lægge  vt  pave.  -lægning  paving, 
pavement.  -lægte  laih  (to  support  tiles).  -læren 
lithology,  petrology.  -ioyytt  a  Srubt  rotten 
powder.  -maar  rock -mårten,  Mwttela  /oi'ia. 
-morb  lithomarge.  -ma^fe  fe  -pap;  mass  of 
stones  el.  rock.  -mejfef  stone  cutter's  chisel. 
-mole  mole.  -tnortet  turban  top,  Uelvdla  excu- 
lenta.  -mo§  rock  -moss,  Lichen  saxatUin.  -mofait 
Florentine  work  -mur  stone- wall.  -mærter 
pi  ,1,  marks  made  of  masonry.  -neb  ivory-nut. 
Stenojgra'f  c  -er  stenog'raphist.  -grafc'rc  tt 
sten'ograph.  -grafi'  c  stenog'raphy.  -grofif!  « 

Sten|o(ie  petroleum,  rock-oil  -operation 
lithotomy.  -pap  carton-pierre.  -porti(cr)  rockery, 
rock-work.  -peber  stone-crop,  Sednm  acre.  -pifter 
white-tail,  wheat-  (el.  white-)  ear,  fallow-tincli, 
Saxicola  oenanthe.  -piHc  stone-pillar  -ptabc 
slab.  -plante  coral,  lithophyte.  -pram  lighter 
(for  earrying  stones).  -ramme  stone-frame.  -regn 
shower  of  stones  el.  of  aerolites.  -renbe  stone 
-g-Lttter.  -re«,  -rePlc  reef,  rocky  ledge.  -rig  a 
stony,  pebbly;  .fip  very  rich.  -riget  the  mineral 
kingdom.  -ræb  fe  <l5oIar=.  -r«r  stone-pipe.  -rad, 
-r«fe  heap  of  stones.  -fager  stone  implemenis 
el.  objects.  -fait  rock -salt.  -fa»  stone -saw. 
Stenéfjug  hit  el.  blow  of  a  stone.  Stcn|f!ifte 
course  (of  bricks).  -f!reb  avalanche  of  stones. 
•ffoættc  chat,  Saxicola.  -ftærer  c  -e  lapidary. 
-ftærertunft,  -ftæring  lapidaiy's  art,  art  of 
cutttng  preeious  stones.  -ftærb'er  pi  fe  ©færoer. 
•flag  macadam,  mettle.  -flagning  c  breaking 
stones.  -fliber  polisher  of  stones,  lapidary. 
-flibning  polishing  of  stones,  lapidary's  art. 
■fliber  F  lounger,  saunterer,  idler.  -fluffc  small 
sledge  (for  earrying  stones).  -flange  sling. 
-fmerter  pi  calculous  disease ,  suftering  from 
the  stone;  ^an  liber  of  _  he  is  affected  with  the 
stone.  -fmut,  -fmutte,  '-fmæt  fe  -piffer,  -fnæppe 
fe  ^orfegag.  -fnit  cutting  for  the  stone,  litho- 
tomy. -fottbe  fe  -føger.  -fpurb  gray  finch, 
Petronia  nipeKtrix.  -ftøberi  artificial  stones 
manufactory.  -fuger  fe  -biber.  -fpamp  Polisli 
mushroom,  Boletti«  ednlio.  -fljge  fe  -fmerter. 
•fætntug  (Bet  at  fætte  ©tene)  stone-setting;  (2ten= 
bt)§fe  ofD.)  cairn,  circle  of  stones,  stoue-settiug. 
-fætte  vt  inclose  with  s'ones,  wall  with  stones, 
pave.  -fætter  raiser  of  stone  -  fences.  -fager 
sound  (for  the  stone).  -fajtc  stone  pillar.  -taarn 
stone  tower.  -tag  tiling,  tiled  roof.  -table 
table,  tablet  of  stone. 
tStente  c  -r  stile. 
Stcntorftemme  c  stentorian  voice. 
Stc'nitrappe  flight  of  stone -stairs.  -tromle 
stone  roller,  -tr^t  (Sunften)  lithography;  (et 
fiitograpbi^  lithographic  print,  lithograph.  -fr^t= 
ter  lithographer.  -trfl!!eri  lithographer's  office. 
•trt)!ning  lithography.  -taj  stone-ware,  crockcry, 
Delft-ware.  -tajéfab  stoneware  dish.  -ugle 
horued  owl,  .S'fn.r  bubo.    ■••VIV  ie  Ur.    -urt  stone 




-crop,  Sedum  (ifær:  bitter  -,  /S',  acre.  -Daabtn 
stone  weapon.  -tjenbcr  turn  stone,  Strepsilas. 
-»ogn  stone-cart.  -tiolb  stone-rampart.  -tiæbfle 
fe  S8aubglag  -tiæfl  stone -wall.  -uætft  plant 
growing  in  a  stony  soil.  -»ætter  fe -Benber.  -æBlcr 
1)1  cystideans.  -arf(en)  rocky  desert.  •evn  golden 
eagle,  Aguila  fulna.    -ørreb  fe  SBæl«. 

éte^j^c  vt  fommen  renter. 

StcipVf  c  -r  savannah,  steppe,  prairie.  -ontl- 
lojic  saiga,  Cervicapra  aiiga.  •iebOCC  inhabitant 
ofa  steppe,  -formation  steppe  formation,  -tiunb 
corsac,  Cania  corsac;  fe  |)tjæne--.  -^øne  sand 
-grouse,  Pierocles  (a/chata).  -uto  wolf  of  the 
steppes,  Cania  mcxtcanus. 

@terbenS  [t.]  adv  p  over  heads  and  ears. 

@tcrco|gra'flff  a  stereograph'ic(al).  -Irorai'  c 
stereoch'romy.  -ractri'  c  .stereo m'etry,  solid 
geometry.  -ffo'^)  n  -er  sté'reoscope.  -tflp'  c 
ste'reolype;  a  fig  ste'reotyped.  -t^jie're  c<  stereo- 
type, print  in  stereotype.  -tJ)(>l'  c  stereotypo- 
g'raphy.    -tt)))'ubgatie  stereotyped  edition. 

@terlct'(ftflr)  c  elops,  Acipenfier  ruthenus. 

Sterling  c  sterling;  et  *lSunb  _  one  pound 
(sterling),  £  1  el.  1  1. 

iSterribd  «  ^  pantry;  {paa  ^JSaSfogerbampf.) 

@tert)Iio  n  estate  (of  one  deceased). 

Stctolffo'^  n  -er  steth'oscope.  -ffo|)ere  vt 
steth'o-scope.  -ffojji'  c  stethos'copy.  -ffo'|)iff  a 

*6tett  [é]  c  &  n  -er  foot,  pedestal,  base; 

*®tcti  [æ]  n,  p^  =,  alternating  verse;  burden. 

Steioarb  c  J^  steward. 

Steoebo'r  c  ^  stevedore,  stower. 

*®tct)jc8  vd  dispute  el.  vie  with  each  other 
in  fimpromptu)  verses. 

Steon,  <3tet)ne  fe  Stcetttt,  Stæbne. 

Stljeniff  a  sthen'ic. 

Sti  c  -er  (©Binefti)  sty;  (tit  '^aax  efc.)  pen; 
(§ønfe=)  hen-roost;  fætte  poa  -  fatten. 

*@ti  c  k,  a  (poa  ^jet)  sty. 

©ti  c  -er  (®anaftt)  path. 

Stiborb  fe  Sttg6orb. 

Stid^o|manti'  c  stichomancy.  -metri'  c  sti- 

'•'©tie  fe  *Sti. 

©tiflbarn,  -batter  o.  fl.,  fe  ®teb=. 

©tifcbc  vt  stall-feed. 

©tifinbcr  c  pathflnder. 

Stift  c  -er  pin,  taek,  flaw. 

Stift  n  -er  diocese;  asylum  for  ladies  (of  rank). 
-amt'manb  civil  governor  of  a  diocese. 

Stifte  vt  found,  institute,  establisb;  _  et  SRtge 
found  a  kingdom;  ~  greb  make  peace;  -  gorltg 
reconcile,  bring  about  a  reconcilation;  _  et  %oi= 
bunb  form  an  alliance;  _  et  2ffigteffab  make  a 
match;  -  Uenig^eb  sow  dissension,  _Ult)ftemake 
mischief;  ^an  ^ar  -t  meget  gobt  he  has  done 
much  good;  _  Dprør  raise  .sedition,  stir  up 
rebellion;  _  et  ©ttpenbium  endow  a  studentship. 

©tiftelbor  brad-awl.  -gang  hook  escapement. 
-flo  (Urm.)  pin-vice. 

©tiftclfc  c  -r  foundingetc,  foun dation,  estab- 
lishment, institution;  (€ft)I)  almshouse;  milbe  -r 
charitable  institutions.  ©tiffelfe§|brc»  founda- 
tion  charter,  deed  of  foundation.  -bog  day  of 
foundation,  anniver.sary  (of  a  foundation).  -feft 
anniversary-feast,  commemoration.  Stifter  c  -e 
founder;  fOpIjobSmonb)  author.  Stifterinbe  c 
foundress,  institutrix. 

Stiftef^l  c  brad-awl.  Stiftrulle  c  beam  with 
pi  ns. 

©tiftSlbefalingémanb  fe  ©tiftamtmanb.  -bame. 
-froten  inmale  of  a  foundation  el.  asylum  for 
ladies,   -^crre  cauon.   *la\ftVLan  assistant  clergy- 

mau  to  a  diocese.  -firfe  chapel  of  a  ladie-' 
asylum;  (Sonitirfe)  cathedral .  *-o»ectet  superic  r 
court,  court  of  appeal,  -(irotift  dean  ofa  diocese . 
-))ro»fti  deanery  of  a  diocese. 

Stiftubffaaer  c  (t.  SSø^fe)  pin-driver. 

Sti'gborb  n  sluice,  tloodgate. 

Stigbojic  c  -r  stirrup;  (i  g)ret)  stapes. 

Stige,  fteg,  fteget  vi  mount,  rise,  ascenc ; 
increase;  ^Barometret  -r  the  mercurv  is  risinj ; 
SBoTibet  -r  (»eb  f?Iob)  the  tide  tlows,  (i  ©fibet)  th  i 
water  gains;  ^rtferne  _  prices  rise,  go  up,  ari 
gettiug  up ;  fragterne  btfe  5rtlbt>jeligi)eb  til  at  - 
freights  have  an  upward  tendeucy,  are  lookin^ 
upwards;  {)au  er  fteget  bøjt  he  has  risen  to  great 
eminence,  risen  high;  _  af  alight  (from  a  cai- 
riage),  dismount  (from  a  hor^e);  _  frem  coms 
forth,  emerge;  _  i  Sanb  disembark,  go  ashor«, 
land;  2?inen  fteg  mig  i  ^oeebet  the  wine  got 
el.  flew  into  my  head;  benne  S8in  -r  i  ^otiebct 
this  Is  a  heady  wine ,  this  is  a  wine  whicli 
mounts  into  the  head;  _  i  nb  get  up;  ~  nej 
descend;  _  op  af  Sengen  get  out  of  bed; 
Xiaa  et  Sjærg  ascend  a  mountain;  _  op  poa  eit 
Stol  mount  a  chair;  _  o  Per  et  ©cerbe  step  over 
a  fence;  globen  ei^  ftegen  oBer  fine  Srebber  th'; 
river  has  overtlowed  its  banks;  _  til  §efl  mount 
(a  horse);  _  til  §oBebet;  fe  _  i;  -  nb  alight; 
ftigenbe  a  rising,  increasing;  _  ^nbtomftffat 
graduated  taxation.  Stige  c  -r  ladder.  Stigel  = 
-bannet  a  in  the  form  of  a  ladder,  sealariform. 
•ban§  ladder  dance.  Stigen  c,  Stigenbe  n  fe 
-ning  Stiger  c  -e  master-miner,  surveyor, 
miuing- Captain.  Stige|ror  fe  ©tig=.  -ft^ning 
ladder  stitch.  -trin  ruudle,  spoke,  round,  rung. 
-træ  side-piece  of  a  ladder.  -Uentil  discharge 
valve.  —  Stiglljjut  (i  Sommeitr)  balance-wheel; 
(i  ©tnenr)  swing-wheel.  -ftjulSfll  balance-wheel 
tile.  -ttJulStang  balance-wheel  plyer,  protractor. 
-læberSbragt  stirrup-bar.  Stigning  t- rising  etc, 
rise;  (paa  SBej  ofB.)  gradient,  incline,  (up.i  grade; 
(©frue§)  pitch;  Bære  i  _  be  on  the  rise.  Stig= 
ningSlinie  pitch-line.  Stiglnæb  xenops.  -rent 
stirrup-leather.  -rem^framtJC  stirrup-bar.  -rør 
rising-pipe,  forcing  pipe. 

Stif  adv  direct,  right,  due;  SSinben  bor  -  ^ft 
the  Wind  was  due  east;  _  i  ©tæBn  dead  ahead; 
_  TOobBinb  wind  right  ahead;  _  imob  (SBinben, 
ogfaa  fig)  in  tho  teeth  of  (the  wind  etc);  banble 
_  imob  fly  in  the  teeth  of;  _  mobfat  diametrically 

Stif  n,  pi  =   (meb   fpibft  ^nftrum.)  stab; 
Sortfpii  trick,  ^1,  hitch;  (Sne)  scheme-arch;   fa 
gøre  meb  -  ^   hitch;   tjolbe  -  hold  good,  hol 
trne;    labe    en    i    -fen    leave   one  in   the  lure! 
Still  ambolt  stake,  small  anvil.     -bcjtel  parir 
chisel.    -bjælte,   -bom  hammer-piece,  lie-piee 
-blob    guard    (of  a    sword).      -bout   ^1*   earing,., 
•brcti  warrant  el.  writ  of  arrest;  fenb«"  -e  efter  en 
pursue  one  publicly  by  a  writ  of  arrest,   -bætten 
bed-pan.    -flomme  thin  tlame.     -ftob  apoplexy. 
-flue  stmging-fly,  Stomoxys.    -garn  fowlingnet. 
-I)jul    (©tom.)    closer's    wheel     stitch  -  prickei 
-^ul  tap-hole.    -t)(EOert  siphon.    -jærn  fe  -bejtei. 
-la^pe  arch.  lunette,  ogive. 

Stiffe  c  -r  small,  slender  stick;   F  match. 

Stifte,   ftof,   ftuttet  vt  &  »  (f.  SIS.  meb  ®oIf) 
stab;  (f.  (Sf8.  meb  Snappenaale,  om  5Eorne)    prick; 
(om  3nfefter)  sting;  (meb  fpibft  3nftr.j  prod;  (om 
Sopper)  bite;  (om  ©olen)  burn;  (i  røetal)  engrave; 
(©Dning)   stitch,   (fom   ©engetæppe  o.  1.)  quilt;  (i 
Sfortfpil)  vt  take,  cover,  (meb  Srumf)  trump,  rufl 
vi  head   the    trick,    win    (the   trick),  .fig   bea 
trump,    cap;    (meb  SSoIb)  strike;  -  Slfporgeå 
asparagus;    _    2ørB  cut  peat;  -  et  ©Din,  en  ®l 
kill  el.  stick  a  hog,   pig;  ~  gif!  spear  el.   stril 
fish;  _  Sætting  veer  cable;  _  en  StjortetraBe  stitd 




a  shirt-pollar,  _  TOaSodnen  tap  the  blast  furaace 
_  faft  meb  en  9laal  fasten  with  a  pin;  Sfibet  -t 
15  i?ob  the  ship  draws  flfieen  fcet:  Sfibet  -r  for 
hDbt  the  ship  l)ears,  the  ship  draws  too  muoh 
water;  ftan  -r  itfe  bl)6t  he  is  no  great  haminary; 
alt  fom  bet  -r  l)am  as  the  humour  takes  him:  jeq 
ceb  tf  fe  f)t)ab  ber  -r  ^am  I  don't  know  what 
po«esses  hinr^;  bet  -r  iiam  unbectiben  he  sometimes 
takes  it  iuto  his  head;  bet  tunbe  _  t)am  he  is 
likely  enough  to  do  it;  bet  er  ftoertcn  fjiigget 
eller  ftutfet  it  is  neither  fish  nor  ftesh,  neither 
here  nor  there ;  -  5?in  a  f  et  ^at)  pan  et  onbet 
draw  wine  from  one  cask  into  another;  _  en 
5)am  af  drain  off  a  pond;  t  -  af  =  briffe  iib;  . 
en  2eir  of  mark  out  the  place  for  a  camp;  bette 
-r  af  imob  .  .  .  this  forms  a  contrast  to  .  .  .;  ,  af 
J,  (om  en  ®nbe)  unbend;  -  Saaben  af  pnsh  the 
boat  otf;  F  -  af  make  off,  cut  aud  run,  levant, 
take  one's  self  off,  hook  it;  _  noget  bort  put 
by,  put  out  of  the  way;  -  efter  en  thrust  at 
one,  make  a  pass  at  one;  ~  3lnferfæftingen  fra 
fig  slip  the  chain  el.  cable;  _  frem  jut  out, 
stick  out,  project,  protrude,  be  conspicuous  el. 
prominent;  _  fig  frem  put  one's  self  f)rward; 
bet  -r  mig  i  Siben  I  have  a  stitch  e(.  a  pain  in 
the  side;  Solen  -r  mig  i  Øjnene  the  sun  hurls 
my  eyes;  bet  ftat  heribe  i  Øjnene  it  struck  her 
«yes,  it  hit  her  fancy:  -  en  ffnappenaat  i  noget 
stick  a  pin  into  something,  ~  S'aarben  i  Steben 
put  up  one's  sword,  put  one's  svvord  into  the 
sheath,  sheath  the  sword;  _  en  ^Ji-tgle  i  9løgle-- 
IjuIIet  put  a  key  in  the  keyhole;  _  en  '•Bæl  i 
3orben  fix  a  stake  in  the  ground;  _  noget  i 
iJommen  put  in  one's  pocket,  (ogfaa  Ao)  pocket; 
_  en  noget  i  jpaanben  put  someihing  in  one's 
hånd;  flat  min  9Irm  i  iiam  slipped  my  arm  through 
his;  .  i  33ionb  set  on  fire,  set  fire  to,  fire;  9i<»g= 
len  -r  i  35øren  the  key  is  (left)  in  the  door:  blioe 
-nbe  i  bet  break  down:  SSognen  bleo  -nse  i  Sijnbet 
the  carriage  stuck  in  the  mud;  _  ''Bfnge  i  invest 
money  in ;  ber  -r  man,]e  isenge  t  benne  S3t)gning 
this  building  has  cost  a  good  deal  of  money, 
-  fin  9lÆfe  i  poke  one's  nose  into;  jeg  oeb  itfe 
IjDori  bet  -r  I  don't  know  how  it  comes,  know 
the  reasan  beri  -r  bet  I  that's  it !  _  t  Snen  put 
to  .«ea:  _  Sebft'ifinger  i  et  Sejl  point  a  sail;  _  i 
<it  le,  græbe  fall  a  laughing,  a  weeping;  _  en 
ftnappenaal  igennem  run  a  pin  through;  +  ~  en 
igennem  stab  one;  -  en  i^el  stab  one;  _  inb 
i  insert  into;  ftaf  .ipaten  mellem  Senene  went  off 
Avith  his  tail  between  his  legs;  _  neb  put  down; 
stab;  vi  come  down;  _  (i8in)  om  rack  off,  _  ^ø 
og  piteh  up  hay;  _  !j3t)lben  op  open  el.  lance 
the  boil;  _  Btore|a(3  op  >1,  raise  maintack;  ftif 
op  jpalfer !  raise  tacks  and  sheets !  _  op  vi  stick 
out;  F  -  op  for  give  in  to;  jeg  -r  iffe  op  for  .  .  . 
I  am  not  to  be  ontdone  by  .  .  .;  _  jput  paa  et 
i^ab  broach  a  hogshead;  .  paa  Spib  put  upon 
the  spit,  spit;  p  _  paa  9laeDen  grasp  (oue's)  hånd, 
shake  hånds;  F  -  en  paa  'Mtmen  take  one's 
arm;  _  en  Sting  paa  ,^ingeten  put  a  ring  ou 
one's  finger;  _  paa  et  XoD  pay  out  et.  veer  a 
cable  el.  rope:  -  paa  (om  en  ©nbe)  bend;  _  paa 
farerne  pass  the  bottle,  wet  one's  whistle;  _  paa 
fi-l,  fe  _  of;  *ftof  libt  paa  bet  bujre  33agben  walked 
a  little  lame  of  the  right  hind  leg;  ftaf  jp^beberne 
f ammen  put  el.  laid  their  heads  together,  com- 
pared  notes;  _  til  iHingen  run  at  the  riug;  -  nt 
til  en  slip  st  into  one's  hånd;  _  til  Sibe  put  by, 
put  out  of  the  way,  _  til  fig  pocket;  _  jSjnene 
nb  paa  en  put  out  one's  eyes;  _  en  Jlafte  iSin  ub 
empty  el.  crack  a  bottle  of  wine;  _  et  ®loå  nb 
toss  off,  throw  off,  a  glass;  _  en  $am  ub  drain 
a  pond;  _  en  ub  cut  one  out,  supplant  one; 
ftaf  ^am  en  ub  struck  at  hlm,  fetched  him  a 
blow;  -  Xungen  ub  thrust  out  the  tougue;  _  ub, 

Sorfeu:  2;anft=engelft  Orbbog. 

fe  _  frem;  _  et  3)ofument  unbet  Stol  suppress  a 
deed:  ber  -r  noget  berunber  (unber)  there  is  some 
mystery  in  it,  something  at  the  bottom  of  it. 
Sitffejttrn  puncheou. 

Sttftcl  c  sea  hoUy,  Erymiun  maritimum. 

Stiffcijtiaar  (i  Ulb)  stitchel.  -tiaarct  o  (om 
,£»eft)  graymottled,  rubican. 

Stitfelébær  n  gooseberry.  -buf!  gooseberry 
bush,  Rihei  arriioahirit.  -acøb  gooseberry- fool. 
-maalcr  magpie  moth,  Ahraxai  oroiiularinta . 
-riå,  -torn  fe  -buft.  -ften  (Otanat)  grossular.  -ttln 
gooseberry  wine. 

Stiften  c  fe  Stifning. 

©ttftcn  1  irritable,  easy  to  take  offence.  -^eb 
c  irritability. 

Sttffer  c   e  fe  Stifling  ^. 

Stiffefttng  n  quilting-stitch,  back  stitch,  (paa 
Snnioftine)  lock-stitch. 

Stifie  vi  (paa)  taunt,  gibe  (one).  @ttt(en  c, 
Stifleri'  n  taunting,  gibing;  gibe,  taunt. 

Sttflttte  c  4,  seizing  line. 

Stitting  c  -er  (of  'iJJlante)  cutting,  slip;  *\t 

Stifjløg  bulb  to  be  planted.  -mcjfel  punch. 
■mi)re  stingin?  ant,  Mynnici.  Stifning  c  stick- 
ing  etc  Stif|orJ)  cue,  tag,  catch-word,  (i  ^artt« 
øjemeb)  cry.  -^atine  fe  Srifftorn.  -pa§fcr  dividers. 
-ipenge  pi  a  bribe.  -pille  suppository,  dry  dyster; 
fig  wipe,  rub,  taunt.  -plabe  fe  -blab.  -rcpIU 
cue.  -faar  wound  from  a  pointed  weapon, 
stab.  -fau  tenon  saw.  -fiaat  parting  tool.  -f«m 
stitching.  -oaaben,  -»nerge  weapoa  for  thrusting 
el.  stabbing     -«fée  cross-axe. 

Sttt  c  -e  (Sfrioemaabe,   ,Trremftitttng3maabe  i  en= 
^Ber  ^unft)  style;  writing;  (Stotefagj  composition;' 
(DpgoBe)   exercise,   theme;   bunben  og  ubunben  _ 
verse   and   prose;    i   ftot  _  on  a  large  el.  grand 
scale.    -art  style. 

Stilbar  a  adiustable. 

Sttlblt'  c  slil'bite. 

Stife  vt  pen,  word,  (iompose;  t(benæone)  call; 
_  ttl  address  to;  -  vi  aim;  _  ^øjt  aim  high,  be 
ambitions;  _  paa  aim  at;  _  ^en   imnb  make  for. 

Sttleibog  exercise-book.  -rettclfe  correctiou 
(of  papers);  coao  corrected  paper. 

Stilet'  c  -ter  stiletto. 

Stillfiff  0.  fl-.  fe  Stitle=. 

Sti  Ifulb  1  stylish. 

Stillfærblg  (  gentle,  quiet.  -fcer'big^eb  c 
gentleuess,  quietness.  -ttttt  c  stillness,  silence, 
calmness,  quietness,  i  Cal)  -  secretly,  privately, 
(very)  quietly,  silently;  i  9latten3  _  in  the  dead 
of  night;  ifaix  bleo  begtaoen  i  ol  _  he  was  buried 
qnite  privately,  the  funeral  was  strictly  private. 

Stit|tfere  k  fe  Stile,  -lit'  c  -er  one  who 
writes  well,  writer,  stylist  -Ifteri'  n  fine  writing. 
•Ut'ifl  (i  f.  ers.  _  ^Jiefterucert  masterpiece  in  re- 
speet  to  style;  -e  'Banffeligbeber,  Sten^eber  difft 
culties  of  style,  beauties  of  the  style. 

Stilf.  c  e  stem,  stalk,  CQlab«  ogf.)  petiole,  leaf 
stalk,  (!8(omfter=  og  i'^rugt^  ogf )  peduncle;  (poo 
Sfe)  handle;  t.  (om  Stag  o.  1.)  leg,  cpaa  ^Bropetterj 
screw-shaft  StUt]afé  false  brome-grass,  Bnchy- 
poUum.  -blabet  a  petiolate  Stiifct  -i  stalky, 
petiobvte.  3tilf|(ad  i  stemless.  -Dinfattrnbe 
«  amplexicaul.  -ftjerne  pentacrinus.  -«iet  « 
sta'k  eyed. 

StlHa'bé  c  &  »  -er  scaffold,  scaffolding,  stag- 
iug.  StiHab^lbom  scaffolding-pole,  imp.  -grene 

Stlffe  (*  ogioa  ftitt,  n  ftllt)  i  k  niv  still,  quiet, 
trauquil,  hushed  J^  calm;  bet  bleo  ganfle  -  »1/  it 
fell  a  dead  calm,  ftia  -  stand  still,  fit  (om 
gorretn.)  be  at  a  staud  still,  stagnant,  (om  et 
Sianb  0.  1.)  remain  unprogressive ;  ligge  -  be 
lying  still,  be  statiouary;  bleo  ftaoenbe,  liggenbe  _ 





remained  stationary;  Iftolbe  -  •''top,  make  a  stop, 
lialt;  tie  _  be  silent;  bet  _  pat>  the  Pacitic;  ^a»e 
SBogn  i  -  $t)te  hire  a  carriage  by  the  month; 
_  fflJeSfe  low  mass;  ben  -  UflC  holy  week,  Passion 
vveek;  bet  -  SSatib  f)at  ben  b^6e  ®ntiib  still  waters 
run  deep;  en  _  Icibl  a  lurking  doubt;  _  ber! 
liiish  there!  peace!  silence !  i  mit  -  ©inb  men- 
tally,  privately;  mere  (guffer  _  sugar  quiet. 
Stille  n  stillness,  sileuce;  J^  calm;  i  -  in  a 
calm;  »i  faar  ~  we  shall  have  a  calm;  bi  fif  _ 
iinber  SRabeira  we  were  becalmed  otF  Madeira. 
©tiOc  vt  (ftanbfe)  still;  .  SBIobet  staunch  the 
lilood;  ~  et  Dprjør  quell  a  rebellion;  -  Smerte 
alleviate  el.  soothe  pain;  _  fin  £Qft  satisfy  one's 
appetite,  gratify  one's  desire;  _  funger  appease 
el.  stay  hunger;  _  of,  b.  f.  f.  ftilleS  vp  (om  SSinb) 
luU,  subside,  abate. 

Stille  rt  (fætte  vaa  $Iab8)  place,  set,  posit, 
post,  station;  Onftrum.  o.  1.)  adjust;  ~  SBetingelfet 
make  conditions;  _  gorbrtnger  lay  el.  make 
daims;  fip  _  ftore  gor'^Qabninger  til  tax;  _  et  ^oro= 
ffoj)  east  a  horoscope  el.  nativity;  _  en  ftfluon 
point  a  gun,  level  a  gun;  _  Saution  give  .secu- 
rity;  _  en  et  SOiaaX,  en  Cpgabe  place  an  aim,  a 
task  before  one;  benne  $robinS  maa  _  10,000 
SRanb  this  province  must  furnish,  supply,  put 
into  the  fleld,  10,000  men;  _  gejlene  trim  the 
sails;  _  et  Ur  set  a  watch  (efter  by);  _  SSibner 
(■all  witnesses;  —  vi  meet,  make  one's  appearance; 
_  fig  (SSalgubtr^t)  f.  (5t§.  i  ^elfingør  stand  for 
Elsinore,  contest  El.sinore:  $riferne  -  fig  fføje 
prices  rule  high;  ®ogen  -r  fig  faalebeS  the  state 
of  the  matter  is  this;  fe,  ^Dorlebeé  Sagen  -r  fig 
P  see  how  the  cat  jumps;  _  gjemmen  af  dis- 
engage the  strap;  -  fig  on,  fe  SlnftiHe;  ~  efter 
(SSilbt)  stalk;  _  for  fig  find  a  substitute;  -  en 
nt  for  ^je  place  st  bcfore  one('s  eyes);  _  fig  for 
SSetten  appear  in  court;  _  i  9)Jarten  put  into  the 
field;  _  en  i  en  anbenS  Stcb  substitute  one  in 
another's  place;  ber  er  tf  te  nt  at  _  op  meb  f)ani 
he  is  quite  impracticable,  f  past  praying  for;  fe 
Dpftille;  be  -be  ^am  paa  ^oocbet  they  stood  him 
on  his  head ;  ~  fig  ^aa  Jcecrne  ralse  one's  self 
on  tiptoe;  _  fig  paa  ben  ene  eller  onben  Sibe  range 
one's  self  upon  one  side  or  the  other;  -til  en§ 
JRoabig'^cb  leave  el.  give  up  to  one's  disposal,  fe 
Sfue;  _  rt  Ur  tilbage  set  a  watch  back;  _  til= 
frebS  content,  quiet;  _  ub,  fe  Ubftitte;  —  jooIebc§ 
er  jeg  ftillet  this  is  how  I  am  circumstanced; 
er  l)elbig  t  has  great  advautages.  BtiUeappttvat 

étillebew  [t.]  n  still  life. 

(StiUebicIte  n  Calm  Belt. 

StiHefift  c  small  quoin. 

@tiBe|  Ijauct  the  Pacific.  -^aOglQ^en  the  Pacific 

@tille|f))nl  regulator,  -inbretning  fe  -at>parat. 
•li(e,  -flobS  art  quoin. 

@tiBe|li»  still  life.  -UBft^tfe  picture  of  still 

@tillc|ntaffitte  contrivance  used  in  pointing 
cannon.  -^ioSfct  bowcompasses.  -pinb  (\>aa 
SBiolin,  Srfflbe)  stay,  pin,  peg,  sound-post.  -r  c 
-e  one  who  provldes  a  substitute  for  himself; 
(til  SRigSbagen)  proposer. 

Stinelfibben  c  sedentary  life.  -ftbbenbe  a 

Stille  I  ffamtnel  <!.  bedstool.  -ffitte  regulator. 
-ffrue  regulatiiig  screw;  adjustingscrew. 

Stillelftaaen  c  stand,  stand- still,  stagnation. 
•ffaaenbe  n  standing  still,  stationary,  (om  9?anb) 

StiUclffift  c  (el  wrench.    -Ⱦrt  fe  StiEobS. 

Sttllrtianbe  n  (nu Hem  Slob  og  (Sbbe)  slack  water. 

etiUibii  fe  StillitS. 

©ttHing    c   -er    (£egemet§>    attitude,    posture. 

(ogfaa  fig)  position;  fig  status;  (9(nfættelfe)  .situa- 
tion;  (»eb  SrigStjenefie)  substitution  of  a  man 
for  one  liable  to  militaiy  service;  (®tillab§) 
stage;  (Unberlag,  9tomme  o.  I.)  frame;  (i  Ur)  fast 
and  slow  regulation ;  inbtage  en  -  take  up  a 
position;  toge-  (Sægtn.)  fall  intoguard;  i  Sagernes 
næroærenbe  -  in  the  present  state  el.  posture  of 
affairs.  —  @tiHiiifl§|monb  substitute.  -ret  right 
of  providlng  a  substitute.  -Ⱦfen  (system  of) 

SfiHifé  c  -er  goldfinch,  Fringilla  cardvelis. 

©ti'Heå  a  devoid  of  .style. 

*®ttlne  vi  fe  StiHeS;  bet  -be  rent  af  it  fell  dead 

Sti'())r«l)C  c  .specimen  of  composition. 

Stitlftanb  stand-still,  stand,  stagnation;  (9Saa- 
benftilft.)  suspension  of  arms.  -fianbSntanb  friend 
of  stagnation 

Stiiften  c  (i  røaSobn)  hearth-stone. 

@tit|tienbe  a  silent,  tacit;  adv  tacitly,  by  im- 
plication.  -tieni)eb  c  silence,  secrecy,  taclturnity. 

Stil«@  a  pathless,  trackless,  unpathed. 

Sti(«ticlfe  c  exercise;  (33og  til  at  flrit)e  St.  efter) 
book  of  exercises. 

Stim  c  -er  throng,  crowd,  (5tfl)  shoal,  school; 
fe  Stimen. 

Stilmonb  highwayman,  foot-pad.  -manbåficrb 
depredation.    -manbdtog  predatory  expedition. 

Stime  c  fe  Stim.  Stime  vi  (ftoje)  make  a 
racket  el.  noise  el.  hubbub;  (ftimle  faramenj 
throng,  crowd,  shoal,  swarm  (together).  Stimen 
c  uproar,  racket,  hubbub.  Stimer  c  -e 
-maker.  Stimeuiå  adv  in  shoals.  Sfimfiff 
shoaling  flsh.  Stimle  vi  crowd,  throng;  _  fam= 
men,  b.  f.  Stimlen  c  crowding,  thronging. 
Stimmel  c  -mie  throng,  crowd,  concourse. 

tStimmel  c  -mie  sleve-frame. 

Stim'uIlanS  »  -on'tia  stimulant.  -ané'  c 
stim'ulus.  -atio'tt,  -e'ting  c  stimula'tion.  -c're 
vt  stim'ulate. 

Sting  ".  pi  =,  stitch.  Stinge,  ftaf,  ftunget,  fe 
Stitte.    ©tingftlb  fe  ^nnbeftejle. 

Stintobo'r  c  -ei.  fe  Soalmepinb.  —  Sfin!|b^r 
skunk,  zoril,  Mephitix  americana.  -bt)rflinb  p( 
skunks.  Stinfe,  ftanf,  flintet  vi  stink;  -nbe  a 
stinking,  fetid.  Stint|f(ne  fe  giorbinge.  -^nle 
stiuking  hole.  -lolt  (e  -ften.  -potte  stink-pot. 
•fttn  stink-stone,  swinestoue.  -ftiam^  stink-^ 
horn,  Phallun  impudicus. 

Stint  c  fe  Smelt. 

Stipen'bium  n  -ier  foundation,  (af  JRotlegiet) 
exhibitation,  presentation,  scholarship,  student- 
ship,  «e  bur.sary;  (fi»rre  of  Uniberfitetet  til  ®rabu= 
erebe,  ®ocenter)  fellowship;  (SRejfeO  travelling-aid. 
Sti^enbia't  c  -er  exhibitioner,  scholar,  bursar, 
foundationer,  portionist;  (®ocent)  fellow. 

Stiplet  a  dotted,  stippled.  Stippelfotm  dotting 

Stipullotio'n,  -e'ring  c  -er  stii>ula'tion.  -e're 
vt  stip'ulate. 

Stirre  vi  stare,  gaze ;  _  fig  blinb  pao  stare 
one's  self  blind  on,  have  eyes  for  nothing  but; 
et  -nbe  ©lit  a  flxed,  staring  look.  -n  c  staring 

StirribS  n  ^^  steerage. 

Sti«  a  stiflf,  rigid;  faf  at  fibbe  o.  I.)  cramped; 
fifl  (egenfinbig,  ftiefinbig  ofc.j  stifif,  stubborn, 
obstinate  (om  Slbfærb,  Cmgang  ofB.)  stifiT,  for 
mal,  starched,  exclusive;  J,  (om  Sfib,  fiuling) 
stifif;  ^  (om  ©nbe;  taut;  _  Rraoe  (paa  gratte  of»).)-,j 
stand-up  collar;  _  fom  en  *J3inb  stifif  as  a  poker; 
jeg  fjar  maattet  »ente  en  -  2ime  I  have  had  to 
wait  a  good  hour,  a  mortal  hour;  f^O  -e  OTile- 
(a)  good  seven  miles;  en  ~  $rt8  a  heavy  price; 
-t  Støtte,  fe  Stært;  -  i  papirerne  well  groundedj 
deep-read;   gøre-  stiffeU;  (fframme)  fighten; 




fttut  adv  stiffly  etc;  fe  t  \)aa  en  look  hard, 
stare  flxedly,  at  one,  fix  one's  paze  on  one;  fe 
-t  6en  for  fig  stare  at  vaeancy;  -t  fieftet  in  boards. 
SttDlarmet  a  stiffarmed,  havmg  stiff  arms. 
-benet  a  stiff  legged.  -bcnetlieb  u  stiffness  iu 
ibe  legs.  Stioc  vt  stiffen;  _  Sinneb  starch  linen; 
-  et  ^ni,  fe  MffliBe.  Stine  c  -r,  fe  Stioer.  — 
Stibe;tii(cIIe  beam  to  prop  witb.  -bolt  (SJtnp.) 
étiuclet'ter  pi  gaiters,  spatterdashes. 
Stibelfe  c  starch,  chem  amyle.  -fabrif  starch 
-manufactory.  -fabrtfant  starch-maker.  -fabrl= 
fation  starch  -  making.  -glanS  glazed  starch. 
•gutntni  dextrine.  -^olbig  a  contaiuing  starch, 
amylaceous.  •ifoltiig^eb  «  amount  of  starch. 
-tlifier  size  el.  paste  made  of  starch.  -fugler 
granules  of  starch.  -mel  starch -meal  el.  flour. 
•f  uf  ter  starch  -  sngar,  amylaceous  sngar.  -ton  g 
Ceylon  moss,  Fucus  amylacevs.  -banb  starching 

Stioer  c  -e  shore,  prop,  stay;  (S)mp.)  stay;  (i 
ftætting)  stud.    -ftnng  stay-bar. 

Stibet«)  n  linen  to  be  starched;  starched 
Sti'ofober  of«.,  fe  Stebfaber. 
Sti'blfroSfen  a  hard-frozen ;  (om  £emmer)  be- 
numbed  with  cold.  -gere  vt-.  (bibl)  bu  ftal  il!e 
_  bit  ^ijerte  thou  shalt  not  harden  thy  heart, 
-taaret  a  brlstly,  rough-haired;  ^  hispid.  -^ole 
tt  haul  taut  el.  tight.  -4a(fet  a  stiffnecked. 
-tamntel  splinter- bar.  -^atnre  vt  hammer-harden, 
cold-hammer.  -^eb  c  stiffness,  rigidity;  fig  stiff- 
ness, formality,  starch;  J,  stiffness,  tåntness. 

@ti'Of|ebd|turbc  curve  of  stability.  -ntonient 
moment  of  stability.  -))untt  meta-centre.  -binfel 
angle  of  stability. 

6ti'ti|fratti))e  tetanus.  -leutmet  a  stiff  in  the 
limbs.  -munbet  a  hard-mouthed.  -nnffc  stiff 
-necked  el.  stubborn  person,  -uoffet  a  stift' 
-necked.  Stinne  vi  stiffen,  grow  el.  get  stiff; 
(om  flqbenbe  ling)  coagulate;  bringer  SBIobet  til 
at  ...  I  mine  iHarer  makes  my  blood  run  cold;  — 
y)t  stiffen;  coagulate;  -t  (UbtrDt  el.  1.)  set,  (i  9ln= 
ffuelfor  0.  1.)  fossilized.  Stibning  c  stiffening. 
3ti'b{ning  c  stiffening;  starching  etc.  -finb  fe 
-finbiglieb.  -finbct,  -finbig  a  obstinate,  stubborn. 
•fittbet()eb,  -{inbtg^eb  c  stubbomness,  obstinacy. 
•ftiffer  starched  fellow.  -fljge  c  catalepsy, 
@t}aa(en,  ftfaalet,  ftial  fe  Stjcele. 
Stjerne  c  -r  (ogfoa  Crbenåflienie)  .star;  (i  ^JSonben) 
blaze;  (i  Sttift)  asterisk,  star;  fig  (Sor^fæ)  star, 
luminary;  en  l^ffeltg  ~  a  lucky  star;  læfe  i  -rtte 
read  the  stars;  ^aoe  en  ^»j  _  ^o§  en  stand  high 
with  one.  ®tjernc|aar  sidereal  year.  -ogrtt  starred 
agate.  -anié  Chinese  anise.  -anigtrtt  badian, 
lilicium  animtnm.  -otIrtS  sidereal  atlas,  -bane 
orbit  of  a  star.  -banneret  the  star-.spangled 
banner,  -bebttfning  occuUation  (of  a  star). 
-befot  a  starred,  sturry,  -billebe  constellalion. 
•binb  ciliary  ligament.  -blinf  twinkle  el.  twink- 
ling  of  stars.  -blDtnft  fe  urt.  -bor  rose  bit, 
rose  drill.  -borg  poet  starry  castle.  -b««  poet 
starry  vaiiU.  -Iialtc  poet  starry  zone.  -bag 
sidcreal  day.  -bannet  a  stellated,  asteriated. 
•b^felfc  worship  of  the  stars,  sabeisin,  sabian- 
iSm.  -^Iltfer  Sabian.  -flot  fe  grupjje.  -forntig 
fe  -btiinnet.  -forfter  astronomer.  -f«fb  c  starry, 
BtelHfterous;  p  der.d  drunk.  -gol  a  F  furioiis; 
tmA  about  asironomy.  -gland  lustre  of  the 
atars,  starry  lustre.  -Blimt  fe  -blinf.  -granfter 
}t  -forffer.  -gruppe  cluster  el.  group  of  stars, 
star  cluster.  »-gutter  waits  -^immet  starry 
sky  el.  heavens,  stellar  heavens.  -t)jn(  spur 
-wheel.  -Jiob  fe  -grurpe.  -i)tt(cloing  fe  -h)Xi.  -b«r 
host  of  stars,  galaxy.  >'tainmeret  the  Star- 
chamber.      -Rger    star-gazer    (ogf.    %\^,    Urano- 

»copuH).  .file  cold  chisel.  -flor  a  star-light  el. 
starlit:  bet  er  -t  the  stars  are  out.  -tiofteflet  fe 
-tib  -ttljnge  cluster  of  stars,  -torat  madrepore. 
-tort  chart  of  tlie  stars,  celestial  chart,  star 
map.  -tranS,  -frebå  circle  of  stars.  -f-Inn^ 
astronomy.  t-ture  observatory.  -tnnbig  a 
versed  in  astronomy.  -t^nbig^eb  (knowledge  of) 
astronomy.  -e-Hg  a  starllke.  -loft  poet  starry 
vault.  -m^  a  starlit.  -11)8  n  starlight.  -IǤ  a 
starless.  -ntan  forelock  (of  a  horse),  -mibbag 
sidereal  noon.  -ntulboarp  star-nose  mole,  Rhi- 
Winter,  -nat  poet  Starry  night.  -obfcrbation 
stellar  observation,  -par  pair  of  stars.  -Jiol 
celestial  pole.  -preéfe  lithographic  rolling  press. 
-rab  row  of  stars,  -rig  n  fe  -fulb.  -fafftr  fe  -ften. 
-famling  collection  of  stars.  '-fHre  starry  saxi- 
frage,  kidneywort,  stellaru.  -flanfe 
mil  star-redoubt.  -ftare  fe  -^«r,  -fffn  fe  -l^s. 
-ftub  shooting  star,  star-shoot.  -flær  fe  -lfl§. 
•flærm  black  hellebore,  Attrantia  major.  -fmQftet 
a  star-spangled.  -fnegl  doris.  +-\pxl  poet  twink- 
ling  of  the  stars,  -ften  star-stone,  opalescent  sap- 
phire.  -fennng  botryllus.  Stjeruet  a  starry; 
(om  ^^r)  blazed.  Stjernejtaage  nebula.  -taarn 
observatory.  -tegn  fe  -binebe.  -telt  poet  starry 
canopy.  -tib  sidereal  time.  -tib^tttinuter  min- 
utes  of  sidereal  time  (o.  fl.).  -tafter  c  -e  astro- 
loger, -tqberi  n,  -tQbning  astrology.  -urt  star- 
wort,  Aiter.  -bibenffab  astronomy.  -orimmel 
fe  -^ær. 

Stj«te,  ftJQl,  ftiaalet  vt  steal,  fllch;  _  ftg  bort 
steal  away  el.  off;  _  ftg  frem  steal  forward;  _  fig 
til  at  gare  noget  do  something  by  stealth;  _  fig 
til  at  fe  ipaa  steal  a  glauce  at;  _  fig  til  et  CHjeblifS 
^oile  snatch  a  moment's  repose;  ftjoalen  a  fig 
furtive,  stealthy.  Stjæler  c  -e  stealer,  filcher,  fe 
^æler.    Stjslefqge  fe  Kleptomani. 

Stjært  c  -e  (ogfaa  ^1,)  tail;  (Sob)  lanyard; 
(mill-)  handle,  -anb  pintail  duck,  Ana»  aowti. 
Stjærteblot  tail-block.  StjærtefouS  lizard. 
Stjærtit)ole  spring-tail,  Podura.  -mejfe  long 
-tailed  titmouse.  Parten  caudatua.  -talje  ^  tail 
-jigger;  art  traiu-tackle. 

tStob  n,  pi  =,  goblet,  pottle. 

St0(ti)0lm  n  Stockholm,  -er  c  e  inhabitant 
of  S.    -ft  a  Stockholm. 

StOb  n  stud. 

Stob  imp  fe  Stoa, 

Stobber  c  -e  beggar.  -agtig  a  beggarly.  -fogeb 
parish  beadle.  -gang  vagrancy;  gaa  _  go  a 
begging.  -t)obmob  beggarly  pride.  -tonge  fe- 
-fogcb.  -nofe  beggar's  wallet.  -præft  hedge 
-priest.  -ftob§  shabby  finery.  -ftab  beggar's 
staff;  gribe  til  -en  take  to  begging. 

StO'blfoIb,  -^oue  inclosure  el.  paddock  (for 
horses),  -^eft  stud-horse.  -Ijingft  stallion,  stone- 
horse.  -t)oppe  brood-mare.  -tnefter  (Stutinefter) 
master  of  the  stud. 

Stof  n  -fer  (i  ftjfift  fiforftonb)  matter,  substance; 
fig  matter,  subject,  subject-matter.  theme,  topic, 
argument;  (Slarfag,  9lnlcbning)  cause,  reason;, 
(IBJ)  stutt;  fabric,  (meb  SBlomfter,  Siflurer  o(t),) 
fancycloth,  Sitteftof  silken  stuft;  J,  stuff",  (Sicere' 
og  ^aar)  blair;  -fet  til  et  S»rgefpil  the  subject 
of  a  tragedy;  _  til  Hatttv  ofo.  cause,  reason  of 
laughing;  afgibe  -  til  furuish  matter  el.  material 
for;  f)ar  _  i  fig  til  en  3;igter  is  the  stuff  poets 
are  made  of.  Støfbannetf  c  production  of  matter. 
Stoffe  rt  ^  stuff'  Stoflforbinbelfe  combinatlon 
of  matter,  -forlbrug  expeuditure  (of  matter>.. 
-forfegen^cb  dearth  of  subjects.  -^at  stuff-hct. 
Stoflig  rt  material.  Stof  Intadfe  mass  of  material. 
-mængbe  quantity  of  material.  -naon  name  of 
a  substance.  •nt|l>annelfe,  -|)robuttion  produc- 
tion of  matter,  -tigbont  abundance  of  material. 
-otttbaitnielfc,  -ffifte,  -oetSel  change  of  matter. 




■tiHtæUt  addition  el.  in- 
Sto'ifer  c  -e  stoic. 

-toB  waste  of  matter 
crease  of  matter. 

StoiclS'me   c   sto'icism. 
<StO'ift  a  stoic(al). 

©tol'  c  -Te  stick,  cane;  ^t,  ftil  9Infer)  stock; 
♦(Xømmerftof)  log,  stick;  *(ffort)  pack;  *(til 
J^uflTefongft)  trap:  (til  ?^or6rt)bere)  stocks  pl\  (i 
Sridet)  stump;  long  building;  I»6e  i  _  run  to 
seed;  bære  af  _  ofl  ©ten  have  a  heart  of  stone, 
be  stonyhearted;  ober  -  ofl  ©ten  over  stock  and 
stone,  at  fiiU  speed;  faa  af  -fen  get  a  caning; 
lægge  en  i  -en  put  one  in  the  stocks;  ben  fofle  _ 
the  regular  stafiF;  af  ben  gamle  _  a  chip  of  the 
old  block.  @to!|ttmbolt  stock -anvil,  roimd 
anvil.  -anJ»  mailard,  Anaa  boschat.  -Blinii  « 
stone  l)lind.  -teb  a  fe  ©tenbøb.  -bati  a  deaf  as 
a  post,  stone-deaf.  *-cnbe  log-end.  -ftUftcr 
arrant  snob.  -fiol  kit.  -fiff  stock-fish,  dried 
cod.  -^amp  (hunplanten  af  ^amp)  rarlehemp, 
carle.  -^u§  jail,  conviets' prison.  -jurift  thorough 
lawyer.  -taarbe  sword-cane.  ©tolfe  vt  J>  (et 
ainler)  stock  (an  anchor) ;  _  ub  (i  Kcidet)  stump 

©toffclbaanb  cane-string.  -breb  lantern-wheel. 
-fabrttani  stickmaker.  -tnap  head  el.  knob  of 
a  cane.  *-Iau  round  of  logs.  -meUe  di.sinte- 
grator.  -^rtjgl  a  caning,  cudgelling,  bastinado. 
(StoHcr  c  (Sricfet)  wicket-keeper. 

Stoflfnib  large  knife.  -Inægt  fe  ajtjfoenb. 
-fonfcruatib  a  strlctly  conservative;  c  bigoted 
conservative,  a  Tory  of  the  Tories.  -lal  stick 
-lack.  -mefter  jailer.  -m^re  migratory  ant. 
-pTtHie  essay-coin.  -rofe  hollyhock,  rose-mallow, 
Althcea  ro&ea.  -faf§  large  shears,  stock-shears. 
■t-fl!fcr  a  cock-sure.     -bærl  story,  flat,  floor. 

©tol  c  -e  rhair,  seat,  (uben  fRijfl)  stool;  (i  ffirte) 
pew;  (58æberftoI)  loom;  (paa  SSiolin)  bridge;  (paa 
©ebcerlaaS)  bridle;  (pao  »rtiffol)  bottom;  (i  ISflerg) 
abductor  muscle;  (S3ifpeflol)  see;  ben  pabeltge  . 
the  holy  see;  bær  faa  gob  at  tage  en  _  please 
take  a  seat,  take  a  chair,  if  you  please;  gaa  til 
■g  go  to  stool;  fætte  fig  imellem  to  -e  come  to 
the  grouud  between  two  stools;  ftiffe  unber  -en 
hide,  cloak,  withhold,  cushion;  fcette  -en  for 
2)øren  drive  into  a  corner. 

©tole  vi  (paa)  rely  el.  depend  upon,  trust; 
bu  Ian  _  paa  jeg  ffal  gøre  bet  you  may  rely  on 
me  for  dolng  it;  ilte  -  paa  distrust. 
,,^tQle|aritt  arm  of  a  chair.  -Ben  leg  of  a 
cnå!,r.  -betræl  chair-cover.  -breb  lease  of  a 
pew..  .-Jljer  pew-renter,  seatholder.  -^tjnbe  chair 
-cnsnton.  -fpne  pew-opener.  -leje  pew-rent. 
-mager  c  -?  feh  dr-maker. 

©totctt  c  i'eliance,  trust. 
,  ©totcHjubc   chair- cushion.     -rl)9  chair-back, 
back  of  a  chair,     -rum,  -ftabe  seat  in  a  pew, 
sittj,ng:.    -rer  cliaii--Cane.    -ftobcpcnge  pL  rent  of 
a'peW.    -fæbr  séHt"  el.  bottom  of  a  chair.    ©tol= 
g,   stool,   motion;   I;ioorlebe§  er  -en?  how  are 
tlié,  bowels  ?  ceb  -en  in  his  motion. 
;,^tpltbitf't  c  stolid'ity. 
:  '©to-l|*fi(rrre  seat  cart.    -longe  chief  king. 
.WpVi.  ©totte  c  -et  level,  drift. 
:  ©tolp  c  ft  £aa3)  lockcramp. 
■j/©tolpc  c  -X  post;  (i  Sætting)  stud;  fnalte  op  ab 
rtW'  og   neb   ab  SSæggene  talk  a  lot  of  nonsense. 
©tblVc  ■«'  raisé  el.  set  posts.  i 

',^',4©toH»c  v%  fe  Stolpre. 

"1©tOl^e|*bob    store-house  pn'p411ars  el.  posts. 
-tøb'  foot  el.  base  of  a  post.-'  -rælfe  row  of  posts 
y.  •iSillar.':.    -fcng   fonr  posted' béd,   four-poster. 
T^ært  v<^iiis  pi. 
''étorpTC  t)i  F  stagger;  t<jttep.-"''-^      .;■•.-■ 

©to  Ircm  e  (Tag)  strntt.     '   niimMp  -jSfriiCiiu- 

©to'lfP(im<>  fe  ©raalfi'araf'-'Sl'n-     .■•;). m.i^.;;.-  ,j 

^iS'tofi,,a  proud,  hauglité^'*up«ftfiM(raSv  U"Wf 
.i'jn,iii;i  lo  ;,^j,!,-/  h-sjJa-   'srriif.    -iUiKKlann,- 

proud  of;  bære  _  af  glory  in;  en  _  røine 
haughty  el.  supercilious  air;  en  _  Sebriit 
glorious  deed;  en  _  $eft  a  noble  horse ;  en  . 
^tjgning  a  grand  el.  noble  pile.  -t|eb  c  pr._d€ 
(^obmob)  haughtiness;  benne  Søn  »ar  ^an?  . 
this  son  was  his  pride;  ^anS  _  bar  at  his  boas 
was  that;  fætte  fin  _  i  noget  take  (a)  pride 
thing.  -ben'rif  ground.sel,  »S'e'iecio  cuZ(?ari»;  goo^ 
Henry,   Chenopodium  bouus  Henricus. 

©to'ltrænflfel  c  tenesmus. 

©toltfc're  vi  strut. 

©to'llbant  [t.]  trimmer  of  a  roof.  -bærf  frame 
work  of  a  roof 

©tombe  [6]  c  (2:egn.)  stump,  rubber. 

©tob'lanler  stream  anchor.    -farbe  putty  fol 
filling  out  chinks.    -fulb  a  fe  ^rop=.    -^one  sto] 
■cock.    -flombe  stop-eleat.     ©tovning  -  Alling 
cramming,  stufflng;  stopping,  stoppiige;  darning 
-en  et  uævre  enb  Stiften  the  remedy  is  worse  thaj 
the  disease. 

©to^i^c  »"  (f^lbe)  flll  cram,  stufF;  (flanbfe)  stop 
(f.   @f§.    Strømper)   dam;    ,1,    (et    STob)    stopperj 
_  et  3ottø|  (beb  9lnlet)   bring  a  vessel  up,  (be^ 
SRettenS   |)iælp)   stop   el.   detain  a   vessel;  _ 
punet  stuff  capons,    _  en  Sæt  stop  a  leak;  -  en| 
5St6e  fill  a   pipe ;  ~  en  no   %\bt  replenish  one 
pipe;  _  3;t)ben!  stop  thief!  _  Øtitut  stop  one'^ 
ears;  —  vi  stop,  X  (fft)  at   tafte  paaj   bring-to 
(beb   at   onlre)  bring   up ;  med  bind,   constipate, 
render   costive;    ftop !    hold!    stop!    stand!    ho ! 
soft!  fige  ftop  make  a  stop,  stop;  nu  maa   bi  fige 
ftop  (f.  (£!§.  itfe  britfe  merej  we  must  stop  (drink- 
ing)   now,    put   a   stop   to    our   drinking   now 
-^  6t)be   ftop   put  a  stop  to;   _  for  et  SSarpanfei 
bring-to   with   a   kedge;   _  i  stuff  el.   till   into 

-  inb   (f.  efg.  mæber)  tuck  in;    -    neb    (f.  ©(§■ 
Sagener)  tuck  down;  ~  op  »t  &  »  stop,  bring  up: 

-  9)}unben  paa  en  silence  one;  -  til  flll  \ip; 
ftoppenbe  a  binding,  constipating.  ©toVbc 
bloar  tow,  hards  (for  stuflfing).  -bǤfe  stuffing 
-box.  -bejg  stufflng  (for  poultry).  -gaffel  brake. 
-garn  darning  yarn  el.  worsted.  -tile  (t.  Sanon) 
stop  quoin.  -Itambe  stop-cleat.  -flobfer  whelps. 
-fonc  darner  of  stockings.  -tran  stop -cock. 
-mifStur  constipating  draught,  a  costive.  -naat 
darning  needle.  -^labe  break  iron,  top  plane 
-iron.    -<)lab§  fe  -fteb. 

©to<)bfi"  c  J/  stopper;  J,  (®mp,)  cod;  (p.  2?ogn= 
flang)  shaft-hook;  (i  ^ritfet)  wicket-keeper;  fætte 
en  -  for  noget  F  put  a  stop  to  a  thing.  @to))^er|- 
flobfer  windlass-chocks.  -toetting  stopper-chain 
(o.  fl.).    -talje  deck  tackle. 

©toJiVelftgnal  signal  to  stop  -ffruc  damping 
screw.  -f^iaan  shavings  for  stuffing.  -ftcb  stop- 
ping place.  -fttng  darning  stitch,  ■■'■toippt 
quilt,    -bentil  fe  ®top=.    -bogn  brake-van. 

<Btopp'xn  fe  Stnpui. 

@toi)|tob  stream-cable;  (til  iSølftaling)  reliev- 
ing  tackle,  -oentil  (®mp  )  stop-valve,  shut-otf 
valve,  communication  valve. 

©tor  a  (boQbe  egentt.  og  fig)  great;    (i  Omfang, 
^ørfjeb)   big;   (i   5Dimenfioner,   Ubftrætntng)   large; 
(af  ^øjbe,  Sæt§t,  Statut)  tall;  (oofSen)  grown  up; 
OSogftao)  Capital;  (f^nteioa!)  major;  Sanbet  er  100 
Sbabratniilc  -t   the  country  is  a  hundred  square 
miles   in   extent;   bære  _  paa  bet   carry  it  high; 
baabe  -e  og  fmaa  both  great  and  small;  be  -e  the 
great,    (SSofSne)  the  grown  up  people;    et  -t  91 
capital  A;    en  _  iBog  a  big  book;    min  -e  23rob 
my    big   brother;    for    en    -    jDel   largely;    ben 
®reng   tan  enbnu  lege  that  big  boy  is  still  foai 
of  playing;  en  -  f^amilie  a  large  family;  gotl^olbi 
i  bet  -e  taget  the  large-scale  relations;   en  _  Soi 
nøjelfe  a  great  pleasure.  til  -.  gornøjelie  for  much' 
to  the  amusement  of;  ben  -e  ^ob  the  multitude, 
the  mob;  et  -t  |)uubrebe  one  hundred  and  twenty; 

IV;     . 





en  -  3Kanb  (meb  ^enffin  til  ^øiDe)  a  tall  man, 
(Kong,  Stor^fb)  a  great  man;  e  Ctb  big  words; 
■e  Drb  og  febt  glctft  ^ænne  iffe  i  ^aifen  great 
talkers  are  little  doers;  bet  e  53ublifum  the 
general  public;  en  -  Sejr  a  great  el.  signal 
victory;  ben  -e  Zaa  the  great  toe;  en  _  lanfe  a 
grand  idea;  Ijabe  -e  lanfer  om  think  highly  of; 
i  fine  -e  Svæf  iu  its  broad  features;  en  _  Ul^fte 
a  great  calamity;  ben  -e  SBerben  the  great  world; 
gøre  -e  Pjne  stare,  open  one's  eyes  wide;  i  bet 
ftore  (taget)  on  a  large  scale;  panele  i  bet  -e  deal 
Wholesale;  ilte  ftort  not  mueh;  ifte  t  anbet  enb 
little  more  than,  scarce  anything  but;  jeg  brt)ber 
mig  iffe  -t  berom  I  don't  care  mueh  abont  It; 
ilQO  -t  paa  live  in  great  style,  cut  a  dash.  @tOc|' 
abmiral  High  Admiral,  -agtig  «  haughty,  super- 
oilious.  -agtigfirb  c  haughtiness,  supercilious- 
ness  -nuler  best  bower.  -nrtet  a  grand,  am- 
bitious.  •artett||eb  c  grauduess.  -atå  spike. 
-olée  greater  axis. 

@tOTaf§  c  storax;  fltjbt'nbe  ~  sweet-gum,  liquid 
Storas,  liquidamber  -træ  storax-tree,  Sti/rux 
o/ficinaiis,  flQbenbe  _  sweei-gum(-tree),  Liquid- 
anibar  ^ti/ruciflwx. 

@to'r{baai>  ^  long-boat.  -tcbrift  fe  -boab. 
-blabct  (I  ^  large-leaved,  macrophyllous ;  _ 
Snit)  knife  with  a  large  blade,  -blommet,  -bIom= 
ftret  a  large-flowered  el.  -sprigged.  -blomftrenbe 
a  grandiflorous.  -bom  <!>  mainsail-boom.  -bonbe 
well-to-do  farmer  el.  yeoman,  -borger  big-wig, 
swell,  bloated  aristocrat,  pi  great  folks.  -borgeir= 
Ug  a  of  (the)  swells.  -bras?  J;,  main-brace.  -bri= 
tannirn  »  Great  Britain.  'britannifl  u  Britannic, 
British,  '-bunben  n  large  meshed  -cirtel  great 
c'ircle.  -cirftlfejlabS  great-circle  sailing  (o.  fl.). 
-connetable  Lord  High  Constable.  -boab  great 
achievement.  -bignitar  high  dignitary.  -braabet 
a  fSRegn)  rich.    -Drttter  hard  drinker. 

StorC'  J^  (SKeb  lebenbe  etter  ftaaeute  (8ob»,  ber 
brugee  (aQOel  poa  Stors  fom  paa  gortoppen,  fan  man 
i  SReglen,  naar  man  iiat  feloe  Crlet,  iætte  «main» 
foran,  6Bor  paa  ^anit  ftaar  „Slore";  t.  ®té.  etore- 
SSugline  main-bowline;  ©torC' TOerfeffetie  main 
•topsail  sheet,  eto.  Stote>|$otienbram'  main 
-royal.  -Souenbramraamaiii-royal  yard.  -iSoDett' 
bramfejt  main -royal.  -SoBciibramftang  main 
■royal  rnast.  -iBram'  maiii-topgallant.  -33ram- 
roo  main-topgallant  yard.  -IBramfejt  main-top- 
gallaut  sail.  -iBramftang  main-topgallant  mast. 
-@affel>  main-gHft-,  maiu-spencer-.  -©affclfejl 
main-spencer.  -ajJærS-  main-top.  -SMcerfe'  main 
-top-,  ma'ii -lopsail.  -imcerferaa  main -topsail 
yard.  WtttéUU  main -topsall  -SfQffraber 
main-skysail.  -@tl)ffraberraa  main-skysail  yard. 
-@tt)ftrabeTftang  main-skysail  mast.  -Stange^ 
faling  main-topmast,  -Stængeftagfejl 
maintopuiast  staysail,  -Stængcftagfcjld=  main 
-topma>t  staysail-.  -St(engcæfcU|80eb  main-top- 
mast cap.    -9@fcll)00cb  main-mast  cap. 

©to'r|  "folf  pi  great  people,  the  quality.  -frug= 
ttt  "  large-berricd.  *-fugt  wood-grouse,  caper- 
cailzie,  Tetrao  vrogalluH.  -f^rfte  grand-duke. 
-f^rftclig  <i  grand-ducal.  -ftirftenbømme  grand 
-diK-hy.  -fqrftinbe  grand-duchess  *-fæ  (large> 
cattle.  -gaffet  main  spencer-gaflF.  -graagaaé 
bean-goose,  Anxer  ^eyHum.  *-græbe  vi  weep 
loudly,  sob  -grætcnlattb  Magiia  (iræda  -^anbet 
Wholesale  tråde.  -Ijané  highflier  -^ao  ocean, 
main.  -tjeb  c  grcatiiess.  -bcbøoantiib  «mtgalo- 
mania«.  -tierrc  (.Sultanen)  Grand  Seiguior.  -l)er= 
ttig  grand-duke.  -l)ertugb«mme  grand-duchy. 
-Ijertugclig  a  grand  ducal.  -bertuginbe  grand 
-duchess.  -Ijjcrne  cerebrum  -^icrtet  «  magnani- 
mous,  noble-minded,  large-hearted  -inbuftrien 
the   large   manufactories.     -iuttiifitor  grand-in- 

quisitor.  -iS  fleld-ice.  *-jo  common  skua, 
Lestrin  catarrhactei. 

©tor!  c  -e  stork,  Ciconin;  f  -en  ^at  bragt  bet 
the  doctor  has  brought  It,  it  has  been  dug  up 
from  under  a  gooseberry-l)U8h. 

Sto'rJtanSler  High  Chancellor.  *-Iarl  great 
man,  hig  card. 

tStorte  vi  stalk. 

Stortclagtig  u  stork-like.  -ben  pi  spiudle 
-shanks.  -næb  stork's  bill  el.  beak;  S"  crane's 
bill,  geranium.  Geranium;  ftinfenbe  -  herb  Robert, 
bloody  crane's  bill,  G.  Robertianum  \  bleb  - 
dove's  foot,  G.  molle;  fe  -fnabel.  -pat  pair  of 
storks,  -rebe  Vtork's  nest.  -fnabd  pantograph; 
(SDJaftin.)  counier- balance;  cA»>  crane's  blU. 
•unge  young  stork,  f-binter  second  winter. 
-itg  stork's  egg. 

@to  rillrte  nave.  '-Ijooe  fe  -jo.  -Kolfe  big 
bell;  Sf  giant  bellflower,  Campanula  lati/oliu. 
•InoKet  a  large-boned  Mobbe  fe  -fæl.  -tontfai 
Solomou's  seal,  Convallaria  multiflora.  -tomet 
a  large-grained.  -lord  (af  Drbenj  grand-cross. 
-(aben  a  haughty,  arrogant;  (ftorartet)  grand, 
magnificent.  -laben^eb  c  grandness.  -loft  »1, 
main-hold.  ■■'-le  vi  laugh  outright  el.  aloud. 
•lemmet  a  large- limbed.  ®torHg(cn;  arfv  greatly. 
@tor{tom black-throated diver,  Uolj/mbus arcticuii. 
•luge  ^t,  main-hatchway,  main-hatch. 

@torm  c  -e  gale  (of  wind);  (lebj.  af  Uoejr) 
storm,  (oolbfom)  tempest;  Jig  storm,  tempest;  bet 
Blæier  en  ^el  -  p  it  blows  great  guns;  omtumlet 
af  -e  tempest-tossed;  ringe  _  ring  the  alarm-bell; 
inbtage  meb  -  take  by  storm,  carry  by  assault; 
lobe  _  storm.    Stormabe  J>  mizcn-trysail. 

@to'r|magt  Great  Power,  chief  el.  principal 
(European)  kingdom.  -manb  grandee,  magnate. 
-manbégatftab  fe  Storbebsoanoib.  -mnubSbælbe 
aristocracy.    •maft  main-mast. 

@torm|bflonb  orcA  prick-post;  (poa  Jpat)  hat 
-guard.  -bro  storm-bridge,  -but  battering-ram. 
-bQge  heavy  squall.  -bølge  storm-wave.  -bog 
stormy  day.  -batter  fe  iiire.  -bæt  hurrieane 
-deck.  Storme  vi  &  t  bet  -r  it  blows  hard, 
blows  a  gale,  (ile)  rush;  Jig  (rafe)  storm;  (lobe 
©torm)  storm.  Stormenbe  a  (egf.  fig)  tempest- 
uous,  stormy;  fig  tumultuous,  uproarious;  bet 
^ar  Ⱦret  meget  -  i  be  fibfte  14  Sage  it  has  blown 
very  hard  el.  we  have  had  very  heavy  gales  for 
the  last  fortnight;  bet  git  _  til  there  was  an 
uproarious  scene;  bet  giorbe  -  Sitiffe  it  took 
immensely,  had  (el.  was;  a  tremendous  succesa, 
brought  dowu  the  house. 

Sto  rmefter  c  Grand-Master. 

@torm|*fIage  stormy  fit.  -flob  spring- tide. 
-fri  'I  stormless ;  storm-proof;  Jig  calm.  -fugl 
fulmar,  Procellaria.  -fulb  a  stormy,  tempest- 
uous.  -fulb^cb  tempe.stuousness.  -gab  fe  -ftul. 
-gaffelfejl  storm-trysail.  -Ijot  morion,  steel-cap; 
^  moiik's  hood,  aconite,  Aconitum  napelbu. 
-Ijob  stormy  sea.  -t)nc  fe  -f)Qt;  (cioil  4)}anb§) 
storm  cap.  -tjul  breac.h.  -btiiu  howl  of  the 
tempest.  -^titrliel  slrong  whirlwind.  -tlotte 
alarm  bell.  -ll^ber  storm  jib.  -folonne  scaling 
el.  escalading  pariy.  -tralle  (til  3Jor)  storm-coat. 
-lejber  ^  sltm-ladder  -libt  a :  be  -e  the  suflferers 
by  the  tempesi.  -Kb  siorming  -mooge  blue 
-footed  gull,  Laru«  ciinug;  fe  -fugl.  •mefon  storm 
-mizen.  -mibteu  the  centre  ti.  heart  of  the 
gale.     •not  stormy  night. 

Sto'rjmobfg  a  maguanimous,  noble-minded. 
•mobigtieb  n  magnanimity.  -mogulen  the  Great 
el.  Grand  Mogul 

@torm{)>etrel  fe  -foale.  -|)æ(  palisade,  fraise. 
-rebffaber  pi  scaling  implemeuts.  -region  region 
of  storms,  -fejl  4>  try-sail.  -fignol  storm  (waru- 
Ing)   signal,     -ftobe  damage  by  storm,    -ftribt 




doublequick  pace,  double-march;  gaa  meb  _ 
inb  poo  tJienben  make  an  onset  on  el.  rush  on 
the  enemy.  -ff^  storm-boding  cloud;  -er  scud. 
-ftagfejl  storm-staysall.  -ftang  storm- stump. 
-fttfle  scaling-ladder.  *-ftitfe  vesuvian.  -ftorfejt 
main  trysail.  -ftttfg  region  of  .storms,  -ftjole 
(storm(y)  petrel,  storm  -  finch ,  mother  Cary's 
chicken,  Thalasaidroma.  -f«t  rudder-coat.  -e-f« 
stormy  sea.  -ta^  tortoise,  testudo.  -taljer  rud- 
der-tackles.  -tromme  alarm-drum.  -ticnbftilte 
vesuvian.  -t«j  fe  -rebfIo6er. 
iSto'rmunbet  a  large-mouthed;  Jrg  impudent. 
@torm|ttalfe  mil  herisson.  -oarfel  storm  warn- 
ing.  -ttejr  stormy  w^eather,  tempestuous  el. 
boisterous  weather.  -ulnb  tempest,  gale  of 

Stormoeg'ttg  a  high  and  mighty,  most  puissant. 
-^et(  c  High-mightiness. 

Sto'rImierS  fe  Storev  -mønftret  a  large-pat- 
terned.  -ncefet  a  big-nosed.  -(lenftonær  Grand 
Pen.sionary.  -(loUtit  high  politics,  «la  haute 
politique».  -))otitift  a  high  politic.  -))ralcnbe 
a  boasting ,  braggiug ,  swaggering.  -))ra{er 
bragger,  braggadocio,  braggart.  -firaleti  brag- 
gardism.  -rttO  J,  mainyard.  -raabe  hist:  ©igrib 
_  S.  the  Haughty.  *-rcflne  vi  rain  heavily. 
-rejSttingen,  -riggen  the  main  rigging.  -rubet 
«  large-chequered,  largepaned.  -rudlanb  Great 
Russia.  -r«ft  main  chains.  -fegtbctiarer  Keeper 
of  the  Great  Seal.  -fejl  ^  mainsail.  -fc|(§lilaf 
mainsail  block  (o.  fl.).  *-fllb  herring  in  the 
sixth  year.  -fl»b  magnanimity.  *-ffort)  cormo- 
rant,  Phallocrocorax  carbo.  "-ftrigc  et  cry 
aloud,  bellow.  -ftr^ber  fe  -praler,  -flcerm  ^ 
umbel.  -fl«b(e)  ^L'  main-sheet.  -flaaet  (f.  ($!§. 
23rænbe)  (wood)  cut  el.  cleft  in  large  pieces;  fig 
grand,  -flagen  «  fig  grand.  -{lagter  carcase 
butcher.  -fnubct  a  having  a  large  snout;  fi^  in- 
solent,  arrogant,  -fnnbetf^eb  c  insolence,  arro- 
gance. *-fVOtie  curlew,  Numenius  arquatus.  -ftag 
main  stay.  -^ang  ^t>  main-topmast.  -ftilet  a 
(printed  in)  large  type;  ^i;  in  grand  style.  -ftue 
best  parlour.  -ftump  close-reefed  main  topsail. 
-fnitan  Grand  Sultan.  -fMb  ^  involucre.  -f«I 
bearded  seal,  Halichæru«  grypus.  *-taa  great 
toe.  -talenbe  a  grandiloquous,  bragging,  swag- 
gering. -ta(eni|eb  c  grandiloquence,  braggard- 
ism.  -taler  boaster,  braggadocio.  -tåre  dead 
man's  toe,  ore-weef,  Laminaria  digitnti.  -tarm 
colon,  great  gut.  "-t^ing  (Norwegian)  diet, 
parliameut,  Storthing.  '"-ti)ing§bqgning  legis- 
lative hall.  'M^inglmanb  member  of  parlia- 
meut (in  Norway).  -top  J,  main-rigging;  main- 
mast  head.  -topgafter  main  topmen.  -toppet  a 
large-crested.  -tromme  great,  big  el.  loug  drum, 
bass  drum.  -trøje  (flsherman's)  large  jacket, 
great  coat.  *-tUbe  vi  bellow;  sob  vlolently. 
-torten  the  Grand  Turk.  -tl)P  master-tliief,  swell 
mob.  -tærenbe  a  gluttouous,  a  large  eater. 
-oabft  a  washing-day.  -Pant  J,  main-shroud, 
main-rigging.  -peflr  c  grand-vizier.  -ollbt  big 
game.  -Pærf  fe  -baab.  -æber  large  eater,  glutton, 
huge  feeder.  -æt  aristocratic  family,  noble  race. 
•tetttt  a  highborn  -øjet  a  large-eyed,  having 
large  eyes. 

*<Btotte  vi  stutter. 

@toPt  a  flne,  noble(-looking);  n  (løj)  stout. 

Straa  n,  pi  =,  straw;  fe  éigftraa;  Éorn  i  -et 
corn  in  the  ear;  fælge  Sornet  i  -et  sell  corn  in 
blade;  træffe  _  draw  cuts;  fig  træffe  bet  fortefte  _ 
come  oflf  second  best,  go  to  the  wall,  get  the 
vrorst  of  it,  come  off  a  loser;  »ære  ^øjt  )(iaa.  _  be 
of  consequence,  in  a  high  station,  at  the  top 
of  the  tree.  -arbejbe  straw-work.  -baanb  straw 
-band.  -ialte  fe  -brtffe.  +-6reb  a  of  the  breadth 
of  a  straw.    -briffe  table  mat  of  straw.    -Ibunbt 

truss  of  straw.  -btelte  cover  of  straw,  strav 
-cover,  -bøb  a  natural  death.  -enle  fe  ®ræ§enfe 
-farue  straw-colour.  -faroct  a  straw-coloured 
-fil  straw-flle.  -fletning  straw-plaiting;  (en)  strav 
-plait.  -ftetning^fabritation  straw-plait  manu 
facture.  -fletter  straw -plaiter.  -gose  strav 

@traage  vi  look  out  of  winding;  vt  af  siglit 
ascertain  the  straightness  by  sight. 

iStraaiguf  fe  -faroet.  -^-^alm  [t.]  straw.  -^o 
straw-hat  el.  honnet,  (italienff)  Leghorn  (hat  el 
honnet),  -^attefabrijfant  straw-hat  maker.  -I)t)tti 
straw-hut.  -junter  spark,  dandy,  -tnippe  trus- 
of  straw.  'tranS  wreath  of  straw.  -turo  stra\s 
-basket.  -løl  ^  false  keel.  -lagt  a  covered  el 
clad  with  straw;  (om  lag)  thatched. 

Straale  c  -r  (om  2p§,  ogf.  fig)  ray,  (om  ftørn 
|)immetl.  beam;  (om  SSanb)  jet,  shoot;  (om  ii^n 
flash  (of  lightning);  ^  zoo  ray;  (poa  ivjer)  barlr 
(i  |>onbffe)  forset;  (i  |)erte^0D)  frog,  frush;  tafte  t 
emit  rays  of  light,  beam,  dart  rays  of  light;  er, 
-  af  ^a<xb  a  glimmering  el.  gleam  of  hope 
Straale  vi  radiate,  (ogf.  fig)  beam,  shine;  ~  mei? 
be  resplendent  with;  ffiiamanten  -r  the  diamond 
sparkles;  ^ang  Stnfigt  -r  af  (Slæbe  his  face  is 
beaming  with  delight;  —  ftraalenbe  a  beam- 
ing,  radiant.  Straalcjben  radius.  -6lif  radiant 
glauce.  -blomft  ray  floret,  -n-bro  poet  Ijridge 
of  rays.  -brub  fe  -brQbning.  -brubt  a  refracted. 
-br^bning  refraction.  -bunbt  pencil  of  rays. 
-bærer  interspinal  bone  -bannet  a  radiated. 
-b^r  radiary,  radiate  el.  rayed  animal,  radiati 
pl.  -form:  i  ~  in  the  form  of  rays.  -formig 
fe  -bannet.  -n-fulb  a  radiant.  -gtanS  radiancej 
effulgence,  refulgence.  -glimt  gleam  el.  glimpsi 
of  light,    -liap  ocean  of  light. 

Straateje  n  straw-bed. 

©traale|faft  reflectiou.  -tegle  cone  of  rays. 
-fløft  cleft  of  the  frog.  -e-fraft  power  of  radia- 
tion. -IranS,  -trone  glory,  nimbus,  halo.  -traft 
thrush.  -legemet  atiat  the  ciliary  body.  -Ifli 
radiance,  radiant  light,  -mefter  engine-player 
-pragt  effulgence.  -punft  radiant.  -regn  flooi 
of  light,  -rig  «  radiant.  -rør  jet-pipe,  hos( 
-pipe.  -fti«  radiance.  -fprebenbe  a  dispersive 
-uarme  radiant  heat.  -pirtuing  radiation.  -Ptetl 
flood  of  light.  —  Straal|tii  white-iron  pyrites 
-ften  radiolite. 

@traa|l(cgte  thin  lath.  -maotte  straw-mat 
-manb  man  of  straw  {o^S.  fig),  .scarecrow.  '■'-raatti 
straw-mat.  -moben  a  ripened  iu  hay.  -papil 
straw-paper.  -perle  bugle.  @traaSbreb  straw' 
breadth.  Straalftol  straw- chair.  -fæbe  (on 
©tol)  straw-bottom.  -fæt  straw-mattress.  -ta( 
thatched  roof.  -taft  a  thatched.  -tætfe 
thatch.  -tcctter  thatcher.  -t>in  vin  de  paille 
■oiff  wisp  of  straw.    -æffe  straw-box. 

Étraba'bé  c  -er  fatigue,  toil.  -e're  vt  fatigue 

Straf  c  -fe  punishment,  (SooenS,  meft  om  SSobei 
og  fig)  penalty;  (naonlig  2;ugtelfe)  chastisement 
castigation,  correction;  Itbe  -  undergo  el.  suffei 
punishment:  tilbele  -  inflict  punishment  on;  bi 
fortjent  _  condign  punishmeut;  til  -  in  punlsh 
ment,  as  a  p.;  unber  -  of  on  e.  under  pain  of; 
bibl  en  pæoner  til  -  ooer  a  revenger  to  execut 
wrath  upon.  @traf|arbejbe  penal  .servitude 
con  viet  labour.  -bar  a  punishable,  liable 
punishment.  -bar^eb  c  punishableness.  -fang 

Stroffe  rt  punish;  (itaonl.  tugte)  chastise, 
reet,    castigate;    (beftære)   nip;   bibl  (trettcfætte^ 
rebuke;  -r  fig  felt)  brings  its  own  punishment 
poo  $enge,  poa  fin  gormue  be  fined,  be  amerce 
in  a  fine;  -§  paa  fiioet  be  punished  capitally; 
paa   fin  26re  be  branded  el.   stigmatized  wit; 




jnfamy  fby  a  legal  senteuce),  en  tibligere  -t  ^erfon 
an  old  offender;  ®iib  -  mig  by  Jingo;  —  ftrQf= 
fenbe  o  avenging;  -nbe  *^li(  meuacing  el.  reprov- 
ing  look.  Stroffelonftolt  house  of  correction. 
•onfoar  liability  to  pnnishment.  -tteftemntetfe 
penal  clause.  -brcu  letter  of  reproof.  -bøtter 
pi  fine.  -bofl  day  of  pnnishment.  -bom  penal 
sentence;  ®ubl  -me  the  judgrneuts  of  God. 
-fange  fe  ©trof-.  -grunb  ground  for  punishment. 
•toloni  penal  f^ettlemeut,  convictcolony.  Strof= 
felig  a  puni.'^hable.  Strnffeloo  penal  law.  -loo^ 
bog  penal  code.  -loogiening  penal  legislation. 
-tnaabe  mode  of  pnnishment.  -mibbel  means 
of  pnnishment.  -mqnbigb^b  right  of  pnnish- 
ment. -proced  criminal  procedure,  -yricbiten 
(severe)  leclnre.  -ret  right  of  punishing;  {Stiv- 
minalret)  criminal  law.  -tale  fe  -præbiten;  philip- 
pie, -teori  principle  of  punishment.  -tib  term 
of  puni-shment;  %ax  ubftaaet  fin  _  has  served  his 
time.  -trufel  threat  of  punishment.  —  ®traf|  = 
foragt  contempt  of  punishment.  -fri  n  unpnn- 
ished;  adv  with  impunity.  -fri^eb  a  Impunity. 
-I«å  a  nnpnnished;  adv  with  impunity.  -t«å^eb 
c  impnnity.  -fffllb  gnilt.  -ftqtbig  a  deser ving 
punishment;  gnilty,  eulpable.  -ftqlbig^eb  c  cnlp- 
ability.  -oær'big  a  eulpable.  -titcr'big^eb  c 

Strag  a  (t  <fe  •)   straight,    erect,    tight,    tant. 
'■©trogne  vi  be  straightened  el.  tightened. 

@traf§  adv  directly,  immediately,  straight, 
forthwith,  amr  right  away;  (DpDiirteré  Sbor) 
coming.  Sir  1  ftlof ten  er  _  tolo  it  Ls  nearly  twelve 
o'clock,  il  is  upon  the  stroke  of  twelve;  bet 
maa  _  ffe  it  must  be  done  immediately,  _  ber= 
iwa,  herefter  the  moment  after,  presently;  _ 
efterat  immediately  after;  -  paa  ©tebet,  pao  Simen 
forthwith,  straightway,  without  delay,  thi.s  fthat) 
very  moment;  _  om  SKorgenen  (the)  iirst  thing  in 
the  morning;  _  ba  jeg  faa  bet  as  soon  as  I  saw 
it;  _  ubenfor  forten  just  out  of  the  gate;  _  oeb 
^aben  close  el.  hard  by  the  garden;  p  forbi  mon 
flerne  taler  meb  et  gntentimmer,  berfot  er  man  ba 
tffe  _  forelffet  i  ftenbe  because  you  like  to  speak 
with  a  woman,  it  does  not  follow  that  you  are 
in  love  with  her. 
Vitalt,  ftrattc  fe  ©trætte. 
Stram'  a  tight,  strait,  close;  fig  starched,  stiff, 
precise;  paa  _  Sine  on  the  tight  rope;  en  -  iJugt, 
©mag  a  rank  el.  pnngent  smell,  taste;  —  adv : 
IfitVbt  -t  ($efte)  ride  with  a  tight  rein;  fig  hold  a 
strict  hånd  over 
Stramaj'  n  cauvas.  -(latiir  canvas-paper. 
@tram|bufg  c  P  a  breeching.  -^eb  c  strait- 
ness,  tightness,  closeness;  rankness. 
Stramin'  [fr.]  n  fe  ©tramat. 
Stramme  vt  tighten,  straiten.  stretch ;  _  op 
fig  nerve;  _  ub  stretch,  distend;  vi  be  too  tight; 
-8  vp  become  tight;  fig  Jtnuben  -§  the  plot  thick- 
ens.  -eone  capability  of  tension.  @tram(me)= 
ralle  expanding- roller.  Stramning  c  straiten- 
ing,  tension,  strain.  Stramtftbbenbe  a  tight 

Stranb  c  -e  shore,  seashore,  sea-side,  beach, 
strand;  poet  sea;  fe  SSanb;  tage  -en  gobt  J^  beach 
well.  -aborre  sea-perch.  -aroe  sand  wort.  Are- 
narim. -after  Michaelma.'<  daisy,  Aster  Tripolium . 
-bob  bathe  ou  the  beach.  -batte  hill  el.  hillock 
on  the  .sea-side.  -batteri  strand-battery  -bebe 
8ea-beet,  Beta  maritima.  -bo  Sf  shore- weed, 
Littorelln.  -boer  c  -e  inhabitant  of  the  coast, 
Jt<  longshoreman.  -breb  beach,  water-.side;  fe 
Stranb.  -brint  blnfl'.  -bygger  fe  -boer.  -bige 
sea-dike.  -bilb  samphire,  sea-fennel,  Critkmum 
maritimiim.  -bcemning  damming  of  the  sea;  fe 
bige.  Stranbe  vi  be  wrecked,  run  aground, 
strand;  fig  miscarry,  fail,  pro  ve  abortive;  _  paa 

be  frustrated  by.  Stranbejer  fe  f'^orftranbåejer. 
Stranben  c  fe  Stranbing.  3tranb|fennitel  fe  -bilb. 
-finte  sea-flnch,  Ammodromut  maritimwt.  -fift 
sea-flsh.  -fifleri  eoast-flshing,  coast-flshery. 
-fogeb  coastguard;  receiver  of  wreck.  -fugl 
sea-fowl.  -f>jr  sea-side  pine,  Pinm  mnritima. 
-gaben  the  Strand.  -grnS  shiugle.  -gr«3  sea 
-weed.  -Ijejre  lop-grass.  -t)ug  fe  -roo.  -bttgd= 
manb  fe  -røoer.  -tt^ænt  brown  hyæna,  Hgæna 
brunnea.  -t)Og  skua,  Lestris  catarr kutten.  Stran^ 
bing  c  -er  stranding,  running  aground;  fig 
failure,  miscarriage. 

Stranbingålgobdstrandedgoods,  wreck.  -tom= 
midfær  wreck-master.  -li)3  wreck  light,  -ftebet 
the  scene  of  the  wreck.  -tiifcelbe :  i  _  if  the 
ship  be  stranded. 

Straabltaat  sea-cale,  Cramhe  maritima.  t-fabet 
porter;  lumper.  -tant  fe  -breb.  -tarfe  broad 
-leaved  pepper-wort,  Lipidium  lati/olium.  •■-f jæj 
fe  peterfitte.  t-t(oftnaa(  fe  -taal.  -trabbe  com- 
mon  crab,  Uarcinu«  mceri'i*.  *-tri)b  fe  ©anb--. 
-(angå  adv  along  the  coast  el.  beach.  -linie 
shore -line.  -lob  lot  of  ground  by  the  sea. 
-l«ber  sand-piper,  Tringa;  Kentish  plover.  Uha- 
radrius  Uantiiinut.  -l«g  squill.  Scilla;  sea-onion. 
Scilla  maritima.  -løgebbite  squillitic  vinegar. 
-maage  sea-mew,  sea-gull,  Larus  marinus. 
-maturt  sea-wormwood,  Artemi^ia  maritima. 
t-manb§tro  fe  -tibfel.  t-marf  Held  sloping  to- 
wards  the  sea.  -mntbOarp  coast-rat,  Bathyer- 
gus  maritimus.  -moelbe  grass- leaved  orache, 
Atriplex  littoraiii .  -nellite  superb  pink,  Dianthut 
Kitperbw.  -obber  sea-otter,  Muitela  Ivtris.  -^leter" 
fifle  Scottish  lovage,  Halosciai  Scoticum.  -piber 
ring-plover,  Ckaradrius  hiiticula.  -plante  sea 
-plant,  -raon  cormorant,  Felecanus  curbo.  'ttt- 
tig^eb  fe  gorftranbStet.  -ribcr  revenne-officer  (on 
the  coast).  -roo  depredation  on  the  coast. 
*-rug  fe  Ware^alm.  -rtjle  purpie  sandpiper, 
Tringa  maritima;  fe  -piOer.  -rtjtter  stilt  (plover), 
HimantopiM.  -ræbbite  .sea-rocket,  Uakile  mari- 
tima. -røuer  depredator  on  coasts.  -rooeri  fe 
-^ug.  -famel  common  brook-weed,  Samohtn 
v'ilerandi.  -fanb  sea-saud.  -fenncp  fe  -ræbbtte. 
•fibber  inhabitant  of  the  coast,  fisherman,  -flbe 
sea-side.  -fio  saltmarsh,  clnbrush,  Scirpui  mart- 
timus,  t-fiobe  oysler-catcher,  seapie,  Hæma- 
topus  oairalegus.  -ftræppe  golden  dock,  Jiumex 
maritimus,  -fnegt  periwinkle,  Littorina.  'Mwi<>e 
fe  SRøbben.  *-ftej  sea-side  village,  fishing-village. 
•fOaie  .sand  -  swallow ,  Hirundo  riparia.  -f^U 
snrvey  of  the  coast.  -fljre  fe  -ftræppe.  -foetning 
beaching.  -fætte  vt  rnn  aground,  beach.  -tibfel 
sea-holly,  Eryngium  maritimum.  -tredage  sea 
-arrowgrass,  Triglochin  maritimum.  -tubfe  natter 
-jack,  Bufo  cal'tmita.  -Hl«  fe  -^t)æne.  f-oabffer 
corpse  found  cast  by  the  sea  on  the  shore.  -pagt 
coastguard.  -Oalmue  horned  poppy,  Glaucium 
luteum.  -oanb  sea-water.  -oej  seaside  road. 
-oejbreb  sea-side  plantain,  Plantago  maritima. 
-Pibe  fe  -løber.  -Pinb  land-wind,  land-hreeze. 
-prag  wreck  found  on  the  beach.  -barn  defence 
against  the  sea.  -acrt  seaside  pea,  Lukyrus 
naritimus.    f-æfel  fe  -tabet,    -aru  bibl  osprey. 

*©trangc  c  -r  long  faggot,  pole,  branch. 

Stranguebe  c  trace-bearer. 

Strangullatio'n,  -e  ring  c  strangula'tion.  -ere 
vt  straugle. 

Stranguri'  c  slran'gury. 

"Strangpeb  c  faggots. 

@tra§'  c  strass. 

Stratjegi'  c  strat'egy.  'Cgiter  c  -e  strat'egist. 
•e'gift  a  strateg'ic. 

StratenjrøPer  highwayman.  -røoeri'  high- 
wayrobbery;  brioe  _  rob  on  the  high-road. 

Streb  fe  ©tribe. 




Streg'  [*  langt  æ]  c  -er  (f.  ©t§.  malft  el.  legnet)  line, 
streak,  stroke,  stripe,  dash;  (Rneb,  ^uti)  trick, 
prauk;  (jjan  fi^rmpaS)  poiut;  (oser  ^ogftaD,  f.  (Sté.  t) 
cross,  score;  (9J!inerol6)  streak;  flaa  en  _  diaw  a 
liue;  flQO  en  -  otier  put  a  stroke  thiough,  run 
one's  peu  through;  /io  cousign  to  oblivion, 
cancel;  tiolbe  -en  keep  in  the  liue;  gao  ooer  -en 
go  beyoud  the  line,  overstep  the  bounds;  bet 
cor  en  -  i  liani  ffiegning  he  was  out  iu  his 
reckouing,  that  did  uot  euler  into  his  calcula- 
tions,  he  was  disappointed,  en  brifttg  ~  a  bold 
htroke;  bum  _  stupid  trick,  folly;  gale  er  mad 
pranks.  @tre§e  vt  &  i  rule,  draw  lines;  _  onex 
el.  ub  strike  out,  run  one's  pen  through;  ^  unber 
\inderline ;  -t  $apir  ruled  paper.  Stregtnaal 
mortise-gauge,  marking-gauge,  joiner's  gauge. 

"'■©trcif  n,  )  I  =,  gleam,  ray. 

©trejlfe  i«  (bernre  let)  graze,  glance;  (f!aa)  skin, 
uncase;  _  af,  je  Sliftrejfe;  —  vi  ~  om  t>oci  ©aberne 
saunter  about  the  streets;  -  cm  paa  iianbet  stroll 
about  the  country;  _  om  i  (f.  ©fé.  gfosen  el.  faa 
5Dlarlen)  roam,  rove,  scour  (the  wood  el.  the 
lield),  range  ahout  in,  ramble,  loam,  love,  stroll 
in  (the  wood  el.  the  fleld);  Jig  ~  inb  paa  trench 
on.  -cri'  «  -er  roviug,  rambling  eic;  (Strejftog) 
incursion,  inroad.  -fltfllc  fe  @tr»g=.  -forVé 
flying  cl.  scouting  party,  -lugte  grazing  ball. 
-Iflé   glimmering,    faint,    unsteady,    fltful   light. 

•  ornament  line  chasing.  -^arti  s^couiing  party. 
-faar  light  wound.  -ffub  grazing  shot.  -tog 
incursion,  iuroad. 

@t>;ejt(t)  c  -er  strike,  turnout;  gere  -  strike 
work,  stop  work;  t)ar  gjovt  _  (ogf.)  are  on  strike. 
Strejfe  vi  ^  gjøre  Strejf;  be  -nte  the  men  on 
strike,     -taéfe  stiike-fuuds. 

Streng  «  severe,  ligorous,  strict,  austere; 
(ftrengt  binbenbe)  stringent;  -  jinibe  severe  cold; 
_  SJ^biglieb  strict  obedience;  e  iiooe  rigorous 
laws;  -e  Sæber  austere  morals;  i  -t  gaiigenftab 
in  close  (oufinement,  a  close  prisoner;  i  -efte 
gorftonb  in  the  strictest  sense  of  the  word;  ftolbe 
_  ®iæt  be  on  low  diet,  live  very  lovv;  _  imob 
hard  upon;  —  ftrengt  udv  severely  etc.;  naar 
tii  I)ar  arbejbet  -t  wheu  we  are  hard-worked;  -t 
taget  strictly  speaking,  to  speak  strictly,  in  strict 

Streng  c  -e  mus  (ogf.  fig)  string,  chord,  (SBueO 
string;  (af  loo,  9ieb  ofti )  strand,  twist;  »J. 
(^lantegang)  strake,  (t^l  5|5Ianfc)  stringer,  shelf 

Strenge  fig  an  F   fe  Slnftrenge  pQ- 

Stvcngel betræf  set  of  slrings.  -tiolbcr  tail 
-piece.  -inftrument  stringed  instrument ;  pi 
strings.  -flang  sound  of  strings  cl.  siringed  in- 
strument; (Spinet)  performance  el.  playing  upon 
stringed  instrument,  -leg  c  (t  u)  poet  music; 
t  lyre. 

Strengelig(en)  fe  Strengt.  StrcngeS  vp  grcw 
cl.  become  more  severe;  S)agene  la-ngeS  og  S&xn- 
lereu  -  wheu  the  day  kngtheus,  the  cold 

StrengelfVil  fe  -flang,  -leg.  Strenget  a  (SBue) 
stringed;  (Ss'cefst)  stringy.  Strengetang  sea-laces, 
Chitidn  fihim. 

Strengifl^benbc  a  diflacult  of  fusion,  refract- 
ory.  -t)eb  c  severity,  rigour,  rigorousness,  strict- 
uess,  austerity.  -ntæUelig  a  haidmilked.  -fraef^ 
telig  o  fe  -fl^benbe. 

Stribe  e  -r  stripe,  streak;  (nt  fom  er  fprebt 
iljnbt  i  en  Sinie)  trail,  (ftrubt)  train;  (breb  2;bærO 
liar.    Stribct)«iene  the  corpora  striata.    Stribet 

•  (  striped,  streaked:  _  $apir  laid  paper.  Strib- 
Ung  c  -er.  Stribæble  redstreak. 

Stribe  p  a  flogging. 

Strib  a  rough,  coarse,  bristly;  *headstrong, 
hard,    rigorous;   en  -  Strjøm  a  rapid  el.  strong 

currtnt;  -t  Sulfcr  sharp-grained  sugar;  et -t  Sin> 
a  stubljorn  teniper;  -e  Joarer  fast  flowing  tears, 
'^  et  -t  Boilangenbe  an  extraordinary  demand. 

Strib  c  strife,  comlmt,  contest,  struggle;  ant 
agonism;  ^  action;  (i  Crb)  quarrel,  contest, 
dlspute,  brawl,  amr  luss;  brage  i  ~  go  to  the 
wais;  beg^nbe  en  -,  tippe  ~  pick  a  quarrel;  ligg'* 
i  _  mcb  be  at  variauce  wiih,  (t  51}roce§)  be  a. 
law;  Ijon  ligger  i  _  (^roceg)  meb  bcm  they  are  a, 
law;  flaa  i  -  meb  be  at  variauce  with;  bringe  i 
_  meb  l)inanbfn  set  into  autagonism.  Strib|bai- 
a  warlike,  martial,  bellicoso;  combative.  -bor 
^eb  c  warlike  el.  martial  disposition,  combative 
ness.  Stribe,  flrcb,  ftribt  vi  fight,  combat,  battle 
(i  Crb,  Strirt)  contend,  strive,  dispute;  t  proi 
=  fnfle;  -  imob  meb  .£)anber  og  gjøbber  strugglt- 
most  manftilly;  bit  -r  imob  it  is  el.  runs  contrarj 
to,  is  a  variauce  with,  militates  against,  gocf 
against,  is  opposed  to;  3)i)ret  -r  for  at  tomme  les 
the  animal  struggles  to  get  loose;  -  Sinteren 
obcr  el.  igennem  struggle  through  the  winter: 
jeg  liax  -t  i  mange  ?lar  for  at  opnaa  bet  I  havt 
striveu  many  years  to  attain  it;  _  fig  frem 
struggle  ouwaid;  _  meb  Sleben  struggle  with 
death;  _  ben  gobe  Strib  OM  fight  a  good  fight, 
war  a  good  wajfare;  —  ftribel  vU  quarrel, 
wrangle;  be  ftrebeS  om,  ^oem  ber  ffulbe  gaa  ferft 
inb  ai)  3)jarcn  they  were  disputing  about  who 
should  enter  flrst;  —  ftribenbc  a  eontendiug, 
conflicting;  (mobftribfiibe)  contradictoty,  incom- 
patible,  antagonisiic;  be  -  5Uarter  the  eontending 
parties;  _  Sixav  interfering  claims;  ben  ~  ftirte 
the  Church  militant;  _  imob  contrary  to,  ant- 
agonistic  to,  nbhorrent  to;  —  c  combataut;  dis- 
putant.    Striben  c  struggling. 

Stri  blja'artt  «  rough-haired. 

Stribig  a  (i  Sinbet)  headstioug,  obstiuate, 
stubboru,  selfwilled,  cautankerous;  (mobfat)cou- 
trary;  -e  ^unfter  moot  el.  debateable  points; 
gøre  rn  nt  -  dispute  a  thiug  with  one.  -()eb  c 
((Sgenftaben)  obstinacy,  stubbornutss,  wilfuluess; 
(pi    er)  contention,  dispute,  controversy. 

'^Stri'bregne  vi  rain  in  torrents. 

Stribélbnlbcr  din  of  war.  -bog  day  of  battle 
cl.  contest;  alle  mine  -e  bibl  all  the  days  of  my 
appoiuted  time.  -emne  fe  -ipørgSmaal.  -folt  fe 
-mattb.  -tjammer  war-hammer,  pole-axe.  -lianbffe 
gauuilet;  fafte  -n  til  en  thiow  the  gauiitlel  to 
one.  -^elt  hero,  warrior.  -^eft,  -liingft  war 
-horse,  charger.  -t)orn  war-horn.  -l)ær  army, 
host.    -Ijaticbémonb  chief,  commander  in  chie^ 

Stri'bfinbet  a  headstrong,  obstinate,  stubbor 

Strtbi3|  træf  ter    pi     military     force,      -læmf 
warrior.    -t«Ue  war-club.    -l^ft  love  of  combaj 
-liften  a  eager  for  combat.  -manb  (pi  -mænb,  -foll 
combatant,  warrior,  flghting-man.    -mob  martifl 
courage.     H-nt«be   encounter.      -^lunft    moote 
point,  moot  case  el.  point,  issne,  poiut  iu  debatd 
-ffrift  polemical  pamphlet      -f|p«rgSrøaol  coi_ 
troversial  questiou,   point  in  debate.     -uaaben 
bibl   weapon   of  war(fare).     -nont  a  iuured  el. 
traiiied    to    war,    veteran,     -nogn    war-chariot. 
-æble  apple  of  discord,  bone  of  contention.   -efSe 

Stri'bulbet  a  coarse-wooled. 

*Stric  c  <fe  n  tow-liuen,  packingcloth. 

Strigle  c  -r  curry-comb.  Strigle  vt  currj 
dress.  -b«rfte  horse-brush.  Striglen,  Strigli* 
c  currying. 

Strit    c  rogue. 

Strife  [e.]  fe  Strejf. 

Stritfe  c  -r  lope,  cord,  halter;  tal  ilte  om  -nJ 
t)ængt  røantg  ^u§  name  not  a  rope  in  his  hou^ 
that  hanged  himself. 

Strifte  rfkuit;  *  _  paa  new-foot.  -bog  knittit 
-book.     -buti^er  pi  knitted  pautaloons. 




knitting-box.  -garn  knitting-yarn  f[.  stockhig 
-yaiu,  (af  SBomuib)  kiiitiing  coUou.  -trofl  knit- 
tiiig  hook.  -funft  knittiug.  •furti  kiiilting 
-basket,  -moffe  siilch.  -ntaffine  knitting-ma- 
chiiie.  -naal,  -Jjinft  knittiug -needle.  -<)Ofe, 
•liung  knittiiig-bag.  -ffebe  case  for  knitting 
-ueedles,  kiiittlng-sheath.  ©Jrilfcrffe  c  r  knit- 
ter.     Stritfrfiift  silk  for  knittiug. 

Strittcftige  c  lopeladder. 

Stritlelftrønipe  t-toikiug  that  is  beiug  knitted. 
•taj  (bet  man  tjar  i  Slrbejbe)  kuittiug;  (bft  for= 
nebne  til  at  ftrifte)  kuittiug-ihiugs  pi. 

@trtf|maal,  -ntaatt  je  Strege. 

Stritntng  c  kuittiug;  (Oraiig)  purling. 

Strifé  u  f  strifi. 

©trittu't  c  stiic'ture. 

*@tril  c  -er  peHsant  in  tbe  neighbourhood  of 

Strinte  c  -r  stripe,  streak.  Strimet  a  striped, 

Striitimel  c  -mier  slip,  strip,  ribbou,  shred; 
(fruiei)  fiill,  (^ttic=)  rulT;  eii  _  2anb  a  strip  of 
land.    Strimle  vt  nb  shred  oti". 

Stringent'  a  stringent. 

StriVlJe  c  -r  piggin. 

Strivjjc  vi  (onij  gad  el.  stroU  about. 

Strippe  ȃ  (Sobat)  strip. 

Stripé  fe  Stribe. 

tStritte  vt  &  i  (fafte)  hurl,  tiing. 

Stritte  vi  (.meb  58eneiie)  straddle;  _  imob  resisl; 
Jpaaict  r  ub  fra  Jpoi;ebet  the  hair  bristles  ou  his 
hewd;  -iibe  ?)Der  distended  udder. 

Strofe  c  -r  stanza,  stiophe. 

Strontian  <■,  -jorJ),  -ojtjb  strontiau,  strontia. 
Strontium  n  stiouiium.  StrontiumocQb  strontic 

Strop',  Stroppe  c  -per,  -r  (ogf.  ^)  strap,  strop; 
_  af  StibSmaiibjgajii  selvagee;  (at  jammeiifpleifet 
Joe)  giummet,  (meb  pje)  snotter.  Stroplænge 
^  sling.  Stroppe  vt  strap;  -  af  p  Jio  blow  up; 
_  op   p   nerve. 

Stroi>icbr^bning  c  ntin  miuing  by  banks. 

Strube  c  -r  tbroat;  gribe  en  i  -ii  seize  ene  by 
the  tbroat;  flære  -ii  oDer  \>aa  eii  cut  oue's  tbroat; 
fæiie  eii  fiiiicen  ifaa  -n  put  one  to  the  last  ex- 
tremity.  Strubcjbogftai'  guttural  letier.  -natte 
fe  -laag.  -finnebe  V  jugulars.  -Ijofte  croup, 
croop.  -^oort)  laryux.  -laag  epiglottis.  -I^b 
guttural  sound,  -pofc  throat-pouch,  gular  poucb. 
-puntt  mil  centre  of  the  basliou.  -faor  wound 
in  the  tbroat.  -fpejl  laryngoscope.  -tone  gut- 
tural accent.  -tirrtng  tubercular  laryngttis. 
-oenti(  thiottle-valve. 

*Struto  c  tube,  snout. 

Stru&el  c  -bier  eddy,  whirlpooi. 

Strube  c  -er  ostrich,  Struthiu  camelus.  StrutoS|= 
agtig  «  osirich-like,  struihiou.s.  Strubf(e)fug(c 
pi  siruthions  bird.«,  coursers.  StrubSjfjeber 
ostrich-feather.  -maoe  osirich  stomach  -unge 
young  ostrich.  -Uinge  ostrich-fern,  Strut/iiopteria 
aermiinica.     -otg  ostrich-egg. 

Struma  c  struma.     Strume'é  a  strumous. 

Strunf  «  erect,  upiight.  -^Stru^te  p»  parade, 
figure.     Struntljeb  c  eieciness. 

Strunt  jogcr.  •itcger  c  e  arciic  skua,  dung 
-hunter,  Le»trx». 

tStrut'  c  -ter  a  kind  of  biscuit. 

Strutte  vi  strut. 

•Strt)  c  tow,  hards;  narre  op  i  _  cheat  e(. 
wiiidle  with  a  vengeance. 

•Str^g  H,  pi  =,  rapid(s). 

StrQg  pi  beating,  thrashing,  drubbing. 

Strijgbrcet  n  (p.  Sueflag;  trap-door. 

Strege,  fireg,  ftrøget  vt  slroke,  rub,  sweep;  ^ 
lower,  launch,  strike;  -  iiinneb  irou  linen;  _  en 
Jpeft  rub  dowu  a  horse;  -  »Jitafler  sprtad  plaster; 

-  SRejer  catch  shrimps;  _  9Rurften  make  bricks; 
_  en  SSæg  paiut  a  wall,  to  ®Qnge  fttogen  meb 
Cliemoling   painted  with  two  coats  of  oil  paint; 

-  et  SJiaal  strike  a  measure,  en  ftrogen  Xefte  a 
level  tea'poouful;  .  en  SntD,  £e  whet  el.  sharpen 
a  knife,  scythe,  _  en  Siagefnto  strap  a  razor;  _ 
flaget,  Slæerne  ^  strike  el.  lower  the  colours, 
the  yards;  _  Sejl  strike  sail;  _  (f.  (Sfé.  en  ^axa.- 
graf)  strike  out;  _  en  (paa  en  Eifie  o.  I.)  scratch 
one;  _  glat  smooth  (down);  _  o/-  ,  fig  (om  Jpefte ) 
interfere;  Satten  ftrjjg  fig  (op)  imob  mit  '-^en  the 
cat  was  rubbing  against  my  legs;  —  vi  (fare) 
run,  pass,  shoot,  (om  SBinb  o.  I  )  sweep;  (til  St5= 
amen)  be  ploughed,  plucked;  gjenben  -r  (a:  glag) 
the  enemy  strikes;  —  mtt  pr<tp  k.  udn :  af  sweep 
el.  wipe  otT;  ftrog  Saarerne  af  JSjnene  brushed 
the  tears  from  his  eyes,  _  en  ivt)r\ii![e  af  strike 
a  match;  ftrug  ^aaret  fra  HJanben  brushed  the 
hair  oflf  his  forehead;  min  (Sangen,  Seiet  -r  fra 
9iorb  mob  3nb  the  stratum,  laver,  runs  from 
North  to  South;  fluglen  ftrog  langS  tjenab  'ilKuren 
the  ball  grazed  the  wall;  _  .^aaret  i  Sjejret  briish 
up  the  hair;  '•'••-  meb  be  consumed,  spent;  die, 
go;  _  Sanbet  om  el.  omtring  i  Sanbet  stroll  about 
the  country;  _  om  paa  ©aberne  gad  el.  saunler 
about  the  streets;  '"_  op,  lick;  -  o  O  er 
meb  Ijcete  pay  over  with  tar;  ftrog  fig  ooer  Pinene 
passed  his  hånds  across  his  eyes;  _  en  til  Sagen 
whip  one  at  the  whipping-post;  _  ub  scratch 
out,  eflace,  erase,  expunge;  iron,  smooth  by 
ironing;  _  unber,  fe  Unberfttpge;  —  enftr()geube 
SKinb  a  smacking  bretze;  i  en  -nbe  Sart  at  a 
rattling  pace;  bet  gear  -nbe  itgoes  on  swimmingly, 
at  a  dashing  rate;  en  -nbe  2tffætning  a  roaring 
tråde.  Strpge|bolt  heater.  -borb  iron(ingj 
•table;  brickmaker's  bench.  -bræt  irouing-board. 
-flabe  rubbiugplate  el.  surface,  friction  surface, 
card-match.  -grib,  -griå  grate  for  smooihing 
-irous.  -inftrument  stringed  instrument,  -icern 
(smoothing)  iron,  flat-iron,  sad-irou.  -fltebe 
ironing-cloth  el.  -blanket,  -tone  iioner.  -Itjar' 
tet  string  quarlet.  -lagen  iron(ing)-sheet.  -lot 
lacquer.  -noal  fe  "i^robernaal.  -ortefter  string 
■baud.  -aMw  flat-irou-heater,  ironing  stove. 
Strt)gec  c  -e  stringed  instrument  player,  pi 
string>;  ^  smart  breeze.  Strljgelrcm  (razor) 
strap  el.  strop,  -ffe  (iDiur.)  pointiug-ladle,  flsh. 
•flo  vet  cutting-shoe.  -fpaan  (t.  Se)  strickle. 
-ftaat  tool-sharping  sieel.  -ftong  fe  Sttjre'.  -ftif, 
-ftiffe  (.luciler-)match.  -ftot  (t.  Sornniaaling)  strike, 
strickle.  -ftue  ironiug-room.  -ftøole  boot  for 
horses,  -træ  fe  -ftot.  —  Strijgj^olt  fe  ©trtjgeftof. 
•tai  fe  ®traa=.  -maal  siricken  measure,  eveu 
full  measure.     -niug  c  stroking  eic.  (je  Strege). 

I      Strqtni'n  c  strych'uiue,  strych'nia. 
I      '-'Stripe,  -te,  -i  vt  sirangle,  throttle. 

Stræbe,  -te,  -t  ti  endeavour,  strive;  _  af  alle 
ftræfter  strain  every  uerve,  strive  with  might 
and  maiu;  _  efter,  fe  (Sfterftræbe;  -  imob  F  make 
rcsistance,  resist,  strnggle,  -  til  et  iOiaal  pursue 
an  object;  _  en  efter  Sioet  seek  el.  attempt  one's 
life.  -bjælfe  prop,  siay.  Stræben  <  striving 
etc,  pursuit,  exertion,  endeavour  (efter  at  to). 
Stræbepille  buttress.  Stræber  c  -e,  fe  -bjælte; 
<!,  outrigger;  stretcher.  Stræbe|raa  ,1.  chafing 
spar.  -fitnne  preveuter-piate.  -ftinnebolt  pre- 
venter-bolt.  Stræbfom  a  induslrious,  hard 
-workiug,  hard-worked,  plodding.  Stræbfom- 
^eb  c  industry. 

Stræbe  n  -r  (liUe  ®abe)  narrow  street,  låne; 
(Sunb)  strait(s);  -t  t)eb  Gibraltar  the  straits  of 

Stræt'  n  ^  (Slag  i  iBenbing)  stretch,  reach; 
fætte  et  (Stptte  Soo)  i  _  get  (a  lopei  upon  a 
stretch.  Strætjbar  a  duclile,  exteusible,  tiact- 
ible.    -bjælle  stretcher.    -boo  ^  the  good  board. 




>l)ammer  stretch-hammer,  enlarging  hammer, 
-^olt  stretcher.    -^ooeb  drawing-head. 

Stritte  (ogf.  ftrattf,  ftroft)  vt  stretch;  _  en  til 
forben  fell  one  to  the  ground;  _  ®ebær  lay 
down  arms;  vr  stretch  one's  self;  (i  en  9{etning) 
stretch,  reach,  extend;  (forlængeS)  stretch;  _  fig 
i  ®ræ§fet  lie  down  on  the  grass;  —  vi  _  til 
suflfice,  be  sufficient  el.  enough;  _  ub  mend  one's 
pace,  J,  ftræf  ub  (paa  Staterne)!  give  way!  lay 
out  on  your  oars;  i  el.  )i)aa  ftralt  9lrm  at  arm's 
length.  Stcæfte  [t.]  c  -r  min  thnrl.  @trætte|  = 
bant  rack.  -fiam  nurse-pond.  Sttatttliq  a  je 
©træfbar.  @tr(EtteIigt)eb  c  ductilenes.s,  ductility. 
Str(ClIe|tnHf(eI  extensor.  -^linb  stretcher.  •ramnite 
stretching-frame.  -feng  stretch-bed.  @tr(et|Iine 
ram-line,  life-line.  -mafline  drawing  frame. 
Strcefning  c  -er  stretching  etc,  stretch;  (f.  (Sf§. 
af  Sanb)  tract.  range,  extent,  distance.  Strætl- 
otitt  spreading  oven.  -ftett  spreading-plate. 
■tot)  lifting-rope;  4j  life-line,  (til  Unberftaaning  af 
©ejl)  jacli-rope.  -Oalfesteel-roller,  drawing-roUer, 
finishing-roll.    •tiært  stretching-machine. 

@tr(enge(  c  (Sqgb.)  strangles 

*®træt»  n  toil,  pains  pi.  @tr(Stie  vi  strive, 
toil.    Strætifom  fe  Stræbfom. 

Str«  c  -er  sleeper,  (^lob§)  chock. 

@Jr«  vt  strew;  _  3JleI,  ©alt  o.  1.  faa  sprinkle 
With  flour,  salt  etc;  _  $alm  unber  kreaturer 
litter  cattle;  fe  ©anb.  <Str«|(einær!ninger  de- 
sultory  remarks,  -hlaat  (blue)  frost.  -iotatS 
pulverized  borax.  -IiDrt)  pi  4/  waste  boards, 
slabs.  -baafc  dredging-box,  dredger.  -clfe  c 
litter.    Stmelfcfjalm  straw  for  litter. 

Streg  imp  fe  ©trtige. 

Strøg  n,  pi  =,  fmeb  SSue  ofo.)  stroke,  touch, 
dash;  (jRetning)  direction;  (®gn)  tract,  region, 
neighbourhood;  fe  Slnftrøg. 

Stregaffet  c  litter-fork. 

Stre'gfugte  pi  birds  of  passage,  migratory 

©tra'glinic  c  line  of  direction. 

Streg  obiS  n  scattered  estate. 

Stre'glffub  fe  ©trejfflub.  -Jjt8  adv  in  patches, 
here  and  there. 

Stra'gebffe  c  top-dressing. 

Stredolm  c  straw  for  litter. 

Strejfe  fe  ©trejfe. 

Strem'  c  -me  (glob)  river,  stream;  (af  Orb) 
stream  (of  words),  profusion  of  language;  (©trBni> 
ning)  current;  (regelmæSfig,  fom  eeb  (Sbbe  og  f^lob) 
tide;  ftær!  -  a  strong  current;  meb  -men  imob 
with  a  contrary  el.  adverse  current;  Ijaoe  SBinb 
og  _  imob  ftg  have  wind  and  current  (e{.  tide) 
against  one;  tnbgoaenbe  -  indraught;  jTibenS  _ 
the  tide  of  the  times;  S)onau-raen  the  river 
Danube;  en  -  af  Saorer  a  flood  of  tears;  en  _  af 
2i}å  a  stream  el.  flood  of  light;  ligge  paa  -men  ^ 
be  lying  in  the  stream;  SItbet  ligger  opfoajet  for 
-men  the  vessel  is  riding  head  to  the  tide  el. 
is  tiderode;  -men  fætter  agterinb  the  tide  (current) 
sets  from  astem;  i  -me  in  torrents;  -men  »enbte 
fig  fig  the  tide  (of  battle)  turned;  gaa  el.  foømme 
mob  -men  fig  go  against  the  stream  el.  current; 
følge  -men  fig  foUow  the  multitude,  follow  in 
the  stream  of  people,  go  before  the  wind. 
Strem|aabning  drain.  -afbrQber  elect  interrup- 
tor,  rheotome,  clrcuit  breaker.  -onb  harlequin 
duck,  Anas  Aistrionica;  *fe  gifleanb  (ftor).  -onfer 
(J,  stream-anchor.  -antertoo  stream  cable. 
-baab  river-boat.  -bob  sea-bath,  bath  in  the 
open.    -brog  current. 

Stramel  n  dredging  meal. 

Stremlfalb  fall,  rapid(s).  -fort  river-naviga- 
tion, -forbonb:  i  -  in  a  tide-way.  -gong  cur- 
rent. -tjuirbcl  Whirlpool,  eddy,  swirl.  •fontrittg, 
•tæntring  turn  of  the  tide.     -foblitig  race,  tide 

-rip.  -tort  current  .chart.  -Ireb8  elect  circuit 
-lurtt  weir.  -leje  bed.  -leb  course  of  a  stream 
river,  -mooler  elect  rheometer.  Stremme  v 
stream;  +  vt  pour;  Xaarer  -be  fra  ^anl  ^jne  tears 
gushed  from  his  eyes;  |»aoet  -be  igennem  3)t(ie 
brubet  the  sea  rushed  through  the  breach  in  tli( 
dike;  Sanfer  -be  inb  \>aa  mig  thoughts  crowd«  c 
on  me;  fRegncn  ^ar  -t  neb  ben  ^ele  Slat  the  ran 
has  been  pouring  down  (in  torrents)  all  nigbt; 
_  0  0 er  af  overflow  with;  bet  -be  gfolf  til  i  tufen&= 
bi§  people  thronged  in  el.  flocked  to  the  place 
by  thousands;  SBlobet  -be  mig  til  .ipooebet  the  bloc  d 
rushed  to  my  head;  SBlobet  -be  ub  af  Saaret  the 
blood  gushed  from  ihe  wound;  _  ub  (om  35amp, 
®o§)  escape.  Stremmebié  odv  in  torrents,  in 
streams.    Stremning  c  -et  flow;  conc  current. 

Strembe  c  ,-r  stocking;  fe  aial.  -boonb  garter. 
-bræt  s.  form.  -fob  foot  of  a  s.  -gom  worsted 
el.  yam  for  stockings.  -bæl  heel  of  a  s.  ''-læftcr 
stocking-feet.  -leé  a  without  stockings,  stoclc- 
ingless.  -fool(c)  sole  of  a  .s.  -ftoft  leg  of  a 
stocking.  -ftritntng  knitting  (of)  stockings. 
-fbilfcl  clock.  -oirtning  fe  -oæceri.  -bæb  stocl;- 
ing-frame.  -boeoer  stocking-weaver.  -bæberi 

Streml^æl  duc  d'albe.  *-rflS  fe  -tobling.  -ret 
adn  tide-rode.  -retning  direction  of  the  current. 
-fejlobS  current  sailiug.  -filb  argentine,  Argen- 
tina sihis.  *-fIot>t  tide  rip,  eagre.  -fttfte,  -fllft- 
ning  change  of  the  current  -flutntng  eleet 
closing  (of)  the  current,  -flutter  circuit-closer. 
-ft^rte  electromotive  power,  -ftær  fe  25anb  . 
-fætning  ^l,  set  el.  setting  of  the  current.  -fa 
fe  -fobling.  '"Stremt  a.  fter  et  _  the  current  is 
strong  here.  Strem|tolb  river-duty.  -vtt^tet, 
•benber  elect  commutator,  rheotrope. 

Strelbulber  sprinkling   powder.     -fonb  sar 
(for   strewing   on   writing),    writing   .sand. 
dredger,  sugar-sifter.     -futter   powdered  sug 
-tanter  pi  apothegms,  desultory  thoughts. 

Stua'ge  c  sto'wage.    -tiorrr  stowage  goods.i 

Stub'  c  -be  (STræftub  ofo.)  stub,   stump; 
bit;   (af  Som)  stubble;    *  f>)ng  en  -  give 
snatch  of  a  song;    bet  ftal  opgaa  et  Miå  af  3fai 
bibl  there   shall   come   forth   a   rod  out  of  thej 
stem  of  Jesse.  Stubof  grebe  white  crop.  -'Stubll 
c  -r  stub,  stump.     Stubbe  vt  dock,   curtail. 
Stubbe|goa§  stubble-goose,  g.  fed  outhestubbl 
-græsning  feeding  on  the  stubble;  stubble-grai 
-loft  flooring. 

Stubi'n  fe  ©tupin. 

Stubljorb  stubble-ground.  -mart  stubble-fleld. 
•meUe  post-mill.  -ptejning  ploughing  (in)  the 
stubble.  -roe  late  turnip,  t-ftttbe  fe  3;roifel. 
-tælling  counting  the  stumps  (of  felled  timber). 

Stub  c  -e  buUock;  (ooet  fiie  Slår  gammel)  ox; 
*bull;  (©fælbSotb)  rude  fellow;  ben  tommer  ogfaa 
ftem,  fom  ager  meb  -e  fair  and  softly  goes  far. 
-ogtig  a  fia  rude,  boorish.  -ogtigbeb  c  boorish- 
ness.  —  Stube|briber  drover.  -febning  fatteu- 
ing  bullocks.  -tjanbel  tråde  in  bullocks  el. 
oxen,  -iionbler  dealer  in  bullocks.  -^olb  feed- 
ing bullocks;  stock  of  bullocks.  -t)olbcr  bullock 
-feeder.  -^orn  ox's  horn.  -^tjrbe  neat-herd. 
-tolb  ox-calf.    -teb  (ox  )beef. 

Stubcl  c  -bier  (p.  SBøéfe)  hammer-bridle. 

Stubentortcb  n  ox-  el.  bullock-market. 

Sfubeut'    c    -er    (college-)student,    universll 
student,   collegian,    undergraduate;    ^on   bleo , 
he  was  entered  at  the  university,   he  was 
triculated;  Stub.  t^eol.  student  of  divinity  (o.  fl;j 
©tub.    pbil.   junior   soph.    —    Stubenter|aar 
coUege-years.      -ogtig    a    studentlike.      -bot 
foundation  for  students,    college,     -breb  sug 
-plums.      -etSomen   matriculation   examinatio^ 
-forening  students'  club  el.  union,   (SBijgninge 




ihe  clubhouse  of  the  students,  -^aore  raisius 
and  almonds.  -ftue  student's  cap,  college-cap, 
(enaelfl)  mortar-board.  -ti«  coUege-life.  -mæSfifl 
a  &  adv  studeut-like.  -ncHife  sweet-william, 
Dianthus  barbatus.  -famfunb  ie  -forening,  -faitfl' 
forening  students'  Choral  Uuion.  -f))rog  stu- 
dent's cant.  -tog  students'  excursion.  -oerDenen 
college  land.  Stubentito'd  F  fe  -mæSfig.  Sttt= 
tentmagerfoenb  c  juc  =  Stubent. 

@tubttiriutger  c  cattledealer. 

Stttbe'rc  vt  &  i  study;  (f.  (SfS.  3ura)  read  law; 
_  flittigt  study  hard,  ply  the  hooks;  _  oeb  2t)i 
el.  om  »JiQtten  lucubrate;  lobe  en  -  send  one  to 
the  university;  f)an  -r  i  ftoben^aon  he  studies  el. 
keeps  terms  at  Copenliagen,  he  is  at  the  uni- 
versity of  C;  -  xiaa  meditale;  fjan^  Sale  Dot  meget 
-t  his  speech  was  very  studied  el.  elaborate; 
Stuberenbe,  fe  Stubent;  en  ftuberet  Wanb  a 
man  of  classical  education,  a  university  et.  col- 
lege man;  en  oel  -t  Wanb  a  man  of  extenslve 
reading,  a  good  scholar.  @tubere|tantnter,  -»«• 
relfe  study,  closet.  -lamt^e  reading  lamp.  Stn- 
ke'ring  c  -er  studyiug;  study. 

étubejr«gter  c  fe  -^qrbe. 

@tubie  c  &  71  -r  stud'y;  brioe  -r  carry  on,  con- 
dnct,  studies,  -goarben  the  University  building 
of  Copenhagen.    Stnbium  n  -ier  study. 

Stnbé  c:  paa  i+  i)  en  -  on  (el.  of)  a  sudden. 
StnbS  a  grnflf,  rough;  *piqued,  out  of  humour. 
Stnbébrtst  riser.  Stubfe  vt  (afforte)  crop,  dock, 
curtail;  (om  Jrceer)  lop,  trim:  _  op  (fminte;  point, 
rouge;  -  tit  make  trim.  Stubfe  vi  (forbaofeS) 
start,  be  startled.  Stnbfen  c  starting,  amaze- 
ment.  ©tubfer  c -e  (S3øbt.)  spoke-shave  t@tub§|> 
bane  fe  Sprobe.  -Ijorc  cavy,  Cavia.  Stubø^cb, 
6tubfigt)eb  o  gruflfness.  Stubfig  a  gmff.  @tubS= 
mnd  vole,  Uypwlaui.  Stubening  c  cropping 
etc,  curtailment  etc.  @tub§|rnfp  horn-rasp. 
-«tet  a  crop-eared. 

='@tuc  vt  sprain.  ^ 

@tne  c  -r  room,  apartment,  parlour;  (i  Sflgf« 
■^uS)  ward;  t  (®.toge)  grouud-floor;  *small  dwell- 
ing-house;  t  -"  til  ®aben  the  ground-floor  front; 
-n  til  iSaarben  the  ground-floor  back;  60  i  -n  live 
on  el.  occupy  the  ground-floor.  -ttcteft  arrest 
in  one's  ownrooms.  -betræt  liangingsp/.  -borb 
parlour  table.  -bcQllu))  private  marriage;  t)Olbe 
-  be  married  privately.  f-butil  ground-floor 
shop.  -beife  parlour-guu.  -breéferet  a  trained 
in-doors.  -btft  room-  el.  parlourdoor.  t-etage 
ground-floor.  (l)»or  ber  ifte  er  Sælber)  basement, 
amr  first  story,  -fange  prisoner  in  his  own 
rooms.  -fine  house-fly,  Musca  domestic.  -fufli 
cage-bird,  aviary  bird.  -fængfet  arrest  in  one's 
own  rooms.  -gang  visitation  of  the  wards. 
-gartneri  window-gardening.  -griå  stay-at-home. 
-guln  parlour-flour.  -gt^mnaftif  parlour  gymna- 
stics.  -Ijelt  carpet  kuight.  -^unb  chamber-dog. 
-ftnS  mansion,  dwclliiig-house  (in  the  country). 
-tantnterat  chamber-fellow,  chum.  -lone  wards 
•woman.  -fnftnr  window  gardening.  -ItO  sedeu- 
tariness,  sedentary  life.  -loft  ceiling.  -luft 
(confined)  air  of  a  room.  -U)  sheller  (of  a  room). 
t-l(enge  dwelling-house.  -lærb  closet  philosopher. 
•nøgle  key  of  a  room.  -orgel  small  portable 
organ.  -<>ige  house-maid,  chamber-maid,  parlour 
-maid.    •^olxtittx  closet  politician. 

@tuert  c  -er  J,  steward.  -lugar  steward's 

Stuelfibber  sedentary  person.  -ur  clock. 
•Harme  htat  of  a  room.    -oielfe  fe  -brpUup. 

Stnf,  Stuffe  c  -r  specimen  (of  ore). 

Sttti'  n  stucco;  oDertræfte  meb  -  slucco,  over- 
lay  el.  coat  with  stucco. 

Stnie  vt  (Smeb.)  jump. 

@tuftalt  c  stucco.    Stntattu'r  c  stucco(-work). 
Stultatø'r  c   er  stuccoer,  worker  in  stucco. 
Stuttet  fe  Stilte. 
StuMo  ?j,  @ttttma§fe  stucco. 
Sttt'fning  c  jumping. 

*Stullc  vi  be  toddliug  about,  busying  one's 
self  with  trifles. 

Stum'  <«  mute,  dumb,  speechle.%;  (om  SSiit) 
flat,  uufermented;  _  Xjener  dumb  waiter;  _ 
^gerfon  theat  mute;  _  ©cene  dumb  show;  -t  ©pil 
dumb  show,  bye  play;  -t  Kort  skeletou  map; 
i8  er  -t  B  is  still;  ben  -me  (i  *Portici)  Masaniello. 
-^eb  c  dnmbness,  muteness,  mutism. 
-fStumle  vi  totter. 

Stum))  a  blunt,  duU,  (95inlel);  (Segle) 
truncated.  Stum^i  c  -er  stump,  fragment;  (SReft, 
Skoning)  remnant;  *coarse,  brown  bread;  t(Kæle» 
nabn)  pet;  ^  (af  TOcerSjeil)  close-reef;  ftcere  «n  - 
af  cut  otf  a  piece,  flaa  i  -er  og  ©tijtfer  knoek 
to  pieces,  smash;  fammenflitfet  af  -er  og  StQifer 
pieced  together;  ^olbe  paa  -etne  save  something 
out  of  the  wreck.  @tum))e  c  -r  prov  round  (of 
bread)  @tum))eraa  lower  topsail  yard.  <3tnm' 
pet  a  stumpy.  ®tumt)|l)ale  bobtail.  -Ijalet  a 
dock-tailed,  bob-tailed.  -fteb  c  bluntness.  -jafle 
Short  jacket.  -nafc  snub-nose.  -næfet  a  snub 
-nosed.  -rnm))et  a  fe  -^alet.  -ointlet  a  obtuse 

@tnnb  c  time;  enbnu  (pao)  en  -  yet  a  while; 
om  en  liben  _  in  a  little  while;  en  gob  -  a  good 
while;  i  en  ull)»etig  _  in  an  evil  hour;  t  fjarenS 
_  in  t!ie  hour  of  danger;  bet  flete  i  ben  famme  _ 
it  happened  at  the  same  moment;  enbnu  i  benne 
_  to  this  hour;  al  ben  -  since,  inasmuch;  Stu  nber 
pi  leisure,  time;  gibe  fig  gobe  -er  take  one's  time; 
bet  ^ar  gobe  -er  there  is  no  hurry  @tttnbe  v 
imperg  &  i  Slfteuen  r  til,  bet  -r  ab  liften  evening 
is  approaching  el.  drawing  near;  _  efter,  til, 
imob  aspire  to,  aim  at;  -  en  efter  Siitiet,  fe  Stræbe; 
_  til  $Dile  yearn  el.  long  for  repose.  ®tunben 
c  aspiring  etc,  longiug.  —  StunbedlUd  a  bust- 
ling,  fidgety;  en  _  a  busy  trifler  el.  idler,  a  fidget. 
-løétieb  c  bustling,  busy  trifling.  @tunbom, 
ftunbum  adv  sometimes,  at  times. 

"■Stnp  n,  pi  —,  precipice.  Btupt,  -te,  -t  vi 
drop,  fall  (suddenly). 

@tmi'(e>  c  fe  Stompe.  Stupe'tt  vt  shadow 
with  a  stump,  tint  by  dubbing  with  rubbers.      « 

@tH|)i'b  a  stu'pid.  "-ite't  c  stupid'ity. 

@tnt)i'n  c  -er  quick-match.  Stupxntøv  match 

*@tur(^cn)  a  dejected,  in  low  spirits,  mopish. 
Sture  vi  .sit  moping. 

Sturté  [t.]  c  fe  Sti!  (S)ne). 

tStut'  rt  Short,    -flag  square  flag.    -garn  stops. 

Sttt'tftingft  fe  ©toB  . 

Stutitlorap  cleat.  -tag  c  ^  top-lining.  -matte 

Stu'tmcfter  c  master  of  the  stud.  ©tutter!' 
n  -er  stud. 

*®tutttng  c  -er  short  timber-sledge. 

Stub  c  -er  remnant;  *  fe  StQb. 

Stu  bbolt  c  J>  dump  bolt. 

*Stuoe  fe  *Stue. 

Stuue  vt  (9Kab)  stew. 

Stutte  vt  (patte)  stow;  J,  (ont  Saften)  stow, 
trim.    -gob8  stowage  goods. 

Stuoe))anbe  c  stew-pan. 

Stuner  c  -e  4,  stevedore.  -løn  stevedores 

Stu'bjflaabc  ^,  floating-stage.  -^atttioU  dump 
rag- bolt.  -t^olter  pi  dunnage.  -Hamp  cleat. 
•laft  butt.  Stu'Oning  c  stowing;  J,  stowing, 

Stu'øning  fe  ©tutning. 

Stu'ouing  c  (af  9Kab)  stewing. 




6tu't)ning8|ntaabe  J,  mode  ofstowage.  -out' 
foftninger  stowage  expenses.  -rum  stowage 
(room).  —  ©tut)|ft«b  bult  -talje  rolling  tackle; 
yard-arm  guy. 

6tfl9'a(^<i81i9)ugly,  ill-looking,  hard-favoured, 
ill-favoured,  (ntilbere  Ubtr.)  plain,  homely;  en  _ 
(uartig)  S)reng  a  nasty  boy;  en  _  i!Db  a  disagree- 
able  sound;  en  _  £ugt  a  nasty  el.  offensive  smell; 
-t  Sejr  foul  el.  nasty  weather;  en  _  ©ag  a  nasty 
taste;  en  -  S8ane  a  nasty  el.  odious  habit;  en  _ 
Sioft  an  odious  el.  abominable  viee.  *@t4gg{ng 
c  -er  ugly  fellow.  ®tJ)gl)eb  c  ugliness;  *abomi- 
nations,  horrors  pi. 

ettjgifl  a  Styg  ian. 

*@tt)8»)eir  n  nasty  weather. 

6tJ)!|ttrIiejl»tr  piece  worker.  -Bot  vent  bit, 
priming  wire.  -fab  large  cask,  lun,  butt.  -gabS 
mere  general  goods,  piece  goods.  -gobSfarten 
the  general  tråde,  -gobéfrngt  freight  by  parcels. 
-gobélabning  general,  assorted  cl.  mixed  cargo. 
•Utit  artillery-horse.  -funler  pupil  of  an  artillery 
-sehool;  non-commissioned  oiRcer  in  the  artil- 

QttfUe  n  -r  piece,  bit;  (ftanon)  piece  of  ord- 
nance;  6r^be  i  -r  break  in  el.  to  pieces;  arbejbe 
Xsaa  ~  be  on  the  piece;  i  bet  _  on  that  score;  i 
nogle  -r  ^or  f)an  SRet  in  some  points  he  is  right; 
et  -  SBiIbt  a  head  of  game;  et  -  Sæ6e  a  cake  of 
soap;  100  -r  Soæg  100  head  of  cattle;  et  -  of  en 
Solbat  a  piece  of  a  soldier,  somewhat  of  a 
soldier;  et  ~  Strbeibe  a  piece  e(.  stroke  of  work; 
et  -  (SSei)  a  little  way,  some  distance,  amr  a 
piece;  et  langt  _  a  long  way,  a  great  way,  far; 
et  gobt  -  inb  i  ben  inobnere  Sliber  well  on  into 
the  maturity  of  manhood;  bet  nqe  _  (p.  S^eatret) 
the  new  piece  el.  play;  et  flet  el.  ncbrigt  _  a 
scurvy  trick;  at  bu  gjorbe  bette  -  bibl  that  thou 
hast  done  this  thing;  ^on  lob  fine  -r  fpille  paa 
3fjenben  he  played  his  cannou  upon  the  euemy; 
jeg  blæier  ^am  et  _  I  don't  care  a  tig  for  him; 
_  for  -  piece  by  piece;  ^Bor  meget  for  -t  how 
much  a-piece;  naor  bet  fommer  til  -t  after  all; 
ba  bet  lom  til  -t  when  it  came  to  the  point,  to 
the  trial,  P  to  the  scratch;  en  Slien  af  famme  _ 
a  leaf  out  of  the  same  book.  ©t^ttc  vt  cut  in 
pieees;  _  ub  parcel  out;  _  fammen  piece  together. 
-Uiå  ndv  (el.  i  -)  by  the  piece,  piecemeal,  in 
detail,  by  instalments;  bibl  t)i  forftaa  _  we  under- 
stand in  part;  —  +  a  piece-meal,  fragraentary. 
-»ær!  patchwork.  ®tt)flfnægtgun-carrier.  -fugte 
<annon-ball.  -tufl  artillery-driver.  -fcebe  warp 
of  straight  threads.  -(aber  gunuer;  (SJebft.)  ram- 
mer. -Unie  typ  brass  rule.  -uteSftng  block-brass. 
StDtntug  c  piecing.  ©t^lHiort  ^L>  port-hole, 
(gun-)port.  -talje  ^f>  gun-tackle.  -traab  straight 
thread.  -ulb  gare.  -sogn  artillery- waggon. 
-»olb  land-battery. 

©t»)ltfer  pi  Sty'lites. 

t€tl)IIe))ig  c  sand- piper,  Totamts  hyitoleucon. 

@tJ)t08rap'  c  stylog  raphy. 

@tl)(te  c  -r  stilt;  gaa  vaa.  -r  walk  upon  stilts. 
Stljlte  vi  walk  upon  stilts;  (gaa  langfomt)  walk 
slowly;  vr  fig  od  fall  into  bombast.  -banS  danee 
upon  stilts.  -gang  walking  upon  stilts.  -gienger 
c  -e  walker  upon  stilts;  fe  -lober.  -I«6er  (»"^ugl) 
stilt-plover,  stilt  (-bird),  Hirrmntopus.  -^cibt 
long  stride. 

€tt)m))er  c  -e  (uåiel  ©taffel)  poor  wretch; 
(Slobrian)  bungler.  -agttg  o  bungling.  -agtig^ 
t|cb  c  bungling.  St^mpre  vt  mutilate;  -  fammen 
bu n gie,  botch. 

■tStijne  fe  gtceone  ot  (beftære;. 

t©t^r  c  (Stat)  tax,  impost. 

©tijr  n  F"  (Støj,  Uro,  »iJeoægelfe)  hubbub;  gøre 
-  (fiøjer)  make  fun,  (Optøjer)  kick  up  a  row. 

St^r  n  ^  steerage;  bet  oor  faa  ftille,  at  ber  intet 

_  tjor  paa  ©fibet,  »i  ^aobe  intet  -  paa  bet  it  was 
so  calm,  that  she  had  no  steerage-way;  ^olbe  . 
paa,  ^olbe  _  i  keep  one  in  check;  gaa  ober  . 
come  to  nought  el.  nothing;  faette  ooer  _  squander, 
squander  away,  run  through.  StJjr|6orb  n  star 
■board;  -  meb  SRoret!  star  board  the  helm!  ti 
laa  ooer  -  (el.  bi  laa  meb  SBagborb?  ^a{\t)  we  wera 
on  the  port  tack;  gaa  meb  -§  jgialie  be  on  Xhi 
starboard  tack.    -borbå«  starboard. 

'■'Sttjre  vi  make  a  noise,  kick  up  a  row. 

@tl)re  vt  ^  steer;  (lebe)  direct,  guide,  conduct, 
manage;  (be^erfte)  rule,  control;  -  fig  contrcl 
one's  self;  _  en  fturS  steer  a  course;  -be  Sur8  J> 
course  steéred;  _  efter  S'ompaéfet  steer  by  com- 
pass;  _  SSloxts  stand  North;  ^oorlebeS  -r  ben?  ho\/ 
does  she  carry  her  helmV  ben  -r  itte  she  has  d) 
steerage  way;  ~  efter,  imob  make  el.  stand  foi; 
■be  iSurfen  til  shaped  his  course  to;  drengen  Dl 
itte  labe  fig  -  the  boy  won't  submit  to  control, 
the  boy  is  unmanageable;  _  fin  SSrebe  ofo.  con- 
trol el.  curb  one's  anger;  _  fit  ©inb  ciirb  one's 
temper;  _  tilfrebé,  tilrette  quiet,  calm;  _  fin  S^'t 
gratify  el.  satisfy  (ogf.  control)  one's  desire;  ■c 
Sltfuiotio  governs  au  accusative  case;  gorfftnet 
■be  bet  anberlebeS  Providence  ordained  otherwist. 
®tl)re  n  helm.  Stt)re|aare  steeAing)oar.  -a))> 
pavat  steering  apparatus  el.  gear.  -blof  guide 
■block.  -6orb,  -brætter  rudd er- boards,  -egen 
flaber  steering  qualities.  -fort  steerage-way 
-fjcber  rectrix,  pi  rectrices.  -^u§  pilot-house. 
-inbretntng  fe  apparat.  -joØe  guy.  -!lob§  tap 
pet,  guide-bloek.  -lompaé  fe  StQt=.  -loftet  fe 
Stt)r=.  -liner  yoke-ropes,  (t.  "^aaX))  tiller-ropes. 
®t»)relfe  c  rule,  management,  direction:  fe  33e= 
fttjretfe;  gorfqnetS  -  God's  guidauce,  the  dlrectiou 
of  providence.  *®tflrelfe§fæt  mode  of  govern 
ment.  St^rel^jlnb  tiller.  -))Iabe  guide-plate 
StJjrcr  c  -e  ruier,  director;  fe  ©t^refjeber.  ®tt)re| 
ramme  guides,  -rebftober  steering  gear.  -reg^ 
ler  fe  SiQrings=.  -renbe  (®mp.)  slotway.  -ribber 
guides,  -fegment  yoke.  -ftrue  steering  screw. 
<Stt)reémanb  (tj  boat-steerer.  fig  ruier,  chief. 
StJjrelftong  (t.  SSogn)  splinter-bar  supporter; 
(®mp.)  guide-rod.  -ftregen  the  lubber's  point. 
-toarn  dr  pilot  tower,  conning  tower.  -toD 
guide,  -træ  J>  sheer-pole;  rack.  Sttjring  c  4> 
steering;  (2)mp.)  parallel  motion.  @tJ)rtngéregler 
steering  rules. 

Sttjrfe  c  strength;  (i8inben§,  ^vigSO  force; 
prøoe  -  meb  en  try  one's  strength  agaiust  one; 
I)an  l^ar  itte  fin  _  i  Satin  Latin  is  not  his  forte, 
©ttjrfe  vt  strengthen,  fortify;  -nbe  Cuft  bracing 
air;  -nbe  Wibler  strengthening  medicine,  cor- 
roborants,  tonics,  restoratives.  St^rtelboanb  J, 
cross-timber,  (i  ©ejl)  strengthening-band.  -bolt 
(p.  Sejl)  strengthening  piece.  -bro  J-  sholes. 
-brit  pick-me  up.  -forI)olb  relative  strength, 
-gang  ^  binding  strake.  -Ion  strengthening 
piece.  -lifte  mil  state.  Sttjrfelfe  c  strengthening 
etc.  ®tJ)rte|pr«oe  trial  of  strength;  (f.  StS.  p. 
Sætting)  test-proof  of  strain.  -ftreng  strengthen 
ing  band.     StflrtnJng  fe  Stqrielfe. 

@tt)'r|tompaé   ^  steering  compass.     -loftet  « 
loaded   el.    trimmed   by  the  stem.     -(aftig^eb  e 
being  trimmed  by  the  stem.    Stqriig  u  managi 
able,  controUable.  StQr(igt)eb  c  manageablen 
©t»rliner  pi  >!,  yoke-lines. 

Sujrmonb  c,  -mcenb  .1-  mate;  anben  -  secoi 
mate.  —  ©tijrmonb^lclco  navigation  pupil, 
•ctéamen  mate's  exHmiuaiion,  ben  tjøjere  -  mate'f^ 
extra  exarninations.  -empl^j  a  situation  ns  mate. 
-tunft  navigation,  art  of  navigation,  -officeret 
navigatiug  lieutenants  and  sublieutenauts.  -po- 
tent mate's  certiflcate.    -flole  navigation  schooL 

-t-Stljrre  vt  fe  gorftqrre. 

St^rftong  c  ($mp.)  guide. 





St^rt  n  i^inU)  dishing.  ♦St^rt  c  fe  ©tgrteBab. 
-bt)b  «  steep-to. 

Stijrte  vi  fall  down,  tumble  down,  toppie 
down;  banfet  til  ^on  -t  dances  till  he  drops; 
jpeften  -be  the  horse  fell  el.  dropped  down;  the 
horse  dropped  dead,  —  vt  precipitate,  hurl; 
(omftorte)  subvert,  overturn,  overthrow;  -  (en) 
overthrow,  ruin;  (et  2æ§)  shoot,  tip;  —  meb 
prcfp  &.  lido  -  en  fra  Xronen  dethrone  one;  _ 
frem  rush  forward,  make  a  rush;  -be  ftg  I  mine 
91rme  threw  himself  into  my  arms;  _  fig  i  %ox-- 
bceroelfe  pluuge  into  ruin,  run  headlong  into 
(iestructioii  el.  perdition;  ber  -be  en  9JJængbe  5"" 
inb  a  crowd  of  people  riished  in;  -  inb  el.  uC 
bolt,  dart,  rush  in  or  out;  ^an  -be  meb  jpeften 
the  horse  fell  wilh  him;  ifiegnen  -be  neb  the 
rain  poured  down  in  torrents;  _  orafulb  fall 
to  the  ground;  -  fig  otier  fall,  rush,  pounce, 
upon;  -  f ammen  fall  el.  tumble  down,  fall  to 
ruin,  fall  in,  collapse;  Saarerue  -be  ^enbe  ub  af 
linene  tears  gu.shed  from  her  eyes;  _  fif)  (nb)  i 
58anbet  pi  unge  into  the  water;  —  ftt)rtenbea 
fe  Stormeiibe  (Sqtfe).  St^rtelbob  shower-bath. 
-^-falb  cataract.  -i-flob  fe  Stijbrub.  -færbifl  a 
rt-ady  to  drop  down.  -flob^  goods  stowed  in 
bulk.  -gobélobning  c-argo  in  bulk.  -tarre  tip 
■cart,  tilt-cart.  -plabå  place  of  deposit.  -f« 
heavy  sea,  topping  sea;  faa  en  -  ooer  ship  a 
heavy  sea.  -jjonb  falling  water,  waterfall. 
Styrtning  falling  etc,  fall,  tumble,  overthrow; 

SttjrtS  [t.]  c  -er  (»lilf )  plate. 

étfl  rooUtr  (el.  -oortec)  pi  losing  el.  loose 

*®tJ)0  c  -er  (bird's)  tail. 

Stooer  '^  -e  stiver,  (ringe  9Kønt)  farthing.  •f«n= 
flcr  c  -e  skinflint;  catch-penny  writer.  -foengeci 
«  catch-penny  work.  -ficngecvi^o^ult  catch 
-penny,  pot-boiler. 

Stæbig  a  refractory;  (om  Jpefte)  restive,  restiff. 
-l)cb  c  refractoriness;  (en  Jpeftg)  restiveness,  res- 
ti  ffuess. 

Stceger  pi  saddle-tree  bars. 

tStætfc  vt  (iætte  t  Staf)  stack. 

Stætfe  vt  (Singerne  paa  en  5ugl)  clip  el.  cut 
(the  wings  of  a  bird).  fig  -  S?tngerne  paa  en  clip 
•one's  wings.    Stcctning  c  clippiug  etc. 

tStæfning  c  stacking. 

©tænber  pi  fe  Stanb.  Stccnberlblab  parlia- 
menlary  gazette.  -be))uterct  member  of  a  con- 
sultative  chainber,  deputy,  delegale.  -fotfat= 
iiing  fe  -inbretning.  -for^anblinger  debates  of 
tlie  States,  -fororbntng  slatute  about  ffonsulta- 
live  States,  -forfamltng  consultative  chamber, 
States,  estates.  -^ué  assembly-room  of  the 
States,  -tnbrrtningen  the  institution  of  consul- 
tative States.  -lo«  ie  -fororbninq.  -ntiibe  assembly 
of  the  States,  -fol  fe  -t)ug.  Stænberff  a  of  the 
States.  Stccnbertibcnbe  )e  blao.  -»atg  parlia- 
mentary  ele(;tion(s). 

♦Stænberborr!  n  frame-work. 

©tænbig  (t  &  *)  a  constant. 

"Stæng  n,  pi  =,  fe  8iibe=. 

tStcenge  n  fe  Jp»ftænge. 

Stænge  fogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  (fætte  Stænger  tieb)  pole, 
stake,  (luffe  meb  Joærftang)  bar;  (laofe  af)  lock 
(up);  (meb  .Doengetaal)  padlock;  (meb  Sfoabe)  bolt; 
(^ot)n)  block  up,  close  up;  *_  2<£cter  stick  peas, 
*-  af  for  fflaéjen  turn  oflf  the  gas;  _  inbe,  ube 
shut  in,  out. 

Stange^  i  top-mast-.  -Iiarbun  top-mast  back 
-stay.     •tjangere  burton  pendants. 

Stænget  c  -gier  stem,  stalk.  -baarrn  a  cau- 
line.  -biab  stem-leaf.  -focmig  a  cauliform. 
•I«8  a  acaulous.  -{(lire  plumule.  -ftqtfe  inter- 

tStængcrotte:  glo  fom  en  -  stare  like  a  stuck 


Stængefating  c  ^  top-mast  cross-trees. 

Stængcfilb  c  fe  Jpunbeftejle. 

Stængel ftag  »I,  top-mast  stay.  -ftagfeit  top 
-mast  stay-sail.  -ftagfcil^gititoo  ofo.  top-mast 
staysail-brails  etc.  -ttant  top-mast  rigging. 
-binber,  -uinbercb  top-mast  rope.  -æfel^oueb 
top-mast  cap. 

Stængtes  vd  shoot  into  stalks,  get  stalk. 

Stængning  c  barring  etc.  (fe  Stænge).  Stæng= 
fel  c  &  n  feucing;  fence;  bar,  barrier;  lock  and 
key.     *fe  Stæng. 

Stænt  n,  pi  =,  ((Serningen  at  ftænte)  sprinkling, 
sprinkle;  (f.  ©f?.  ©abeftcent)  stain.  spot,  splash; 
(Sb  )  spray;  fig  touch,  taste,  sprinkling,  dash; 
fafte  -  paa  tlirow  a  slur  on.  Stænte  vt  (f.  ®f8. 
%e\)  spriukle;  (ooerftænfe)  splash,  spatter,  _  SSanb 
paa  en,  paa  ®uloet  sprinkle  water  upou  one, 
upon  the  floor;  bet  -r  it  drizzles.  —  Stænle|  = 
foft  sprinkle,  -tæber,  -flinnc  splash-board,  dash 
ing-board.  Stænlet  a  spottecl.  Stæntcoanb 
water  for  sprinkling.  Stænfning  c  sprinkling 
etc;  (flijbenbe  9Jfetalg)  spattering.  Stæntregn 
sprinkling  rain,  sprinkle. 

tStænte  c  -r  stile. 

Stær  [*Stær']  c  -e  starling,  Sturnui. 

Stær  ['Stær']  c  ^  fe  Star. 

Stær  ["St«r']  c  ub.  pi:  ben  graa  _  (S^gbom) 
cataract,  glaucoma;  ben  iorte  _  amaurosis,  drop 
serene;  operere  for  _  couch  a  cataract.  -btinb  a 
purblind.     -brtlter  spectacles  for  couched  eyes. 

StærlbroSfet  fe  jRofenbroSfet.    -bne  starling. 

Stærctuc  c  tuft  el.  tussock  of  sedge. 

Stærjgræå  fe  Star=. 

Stærtjtnbc  c  film  of  the  cataract. 

Stært  a  .strong;  (focer)  stout;  -e  2)rifte  strong 
el.  heady  liquors,  ardent  spirits.  -  Sulbe  severe 
el.  cold;  _  SBarme  intense  heat;  _  fRegw 
heavy  rain;  _  Sorben  loud  thunder,  en  _  SBinb 
a  violent  el.  high  wiud;  en  _  Strøm  a  rapid 
current;  _  Sabning  high  charge;  et  -t  Slog  a 
violent  el.  severe  blow;  -  (2tnfi9t8=)  garoe  deep 
colour;  en  _  Siftert  a  powerful  telescope;  _ 
5e6er  high  fever;  -e  9tanber  strong-minded  per- 
sons; er  meget  _  at  flibe  paa  has  a  great  amount 
of  wear  in  it;  bet  er  et  -t  Sttjfte  that  is  going  it 
rather  far,  that  is  rather  extraordiuary,  rather 
too  bad;  ^an  Bar  mig  for  _  F  he  was  too  many 
for  me;  [Vriftelfen  bleo  mig  for  -  the  temptation 
was  too  much  for  me;  bet  bleo  mig  for  -t  it 
would  no  longer  go  down  with  me;  be  Bare 
10,000  TOanb  -e  they  mustered  10,000,  they  were 
10,000  strong;  Boere  -  i  en  SSibenftab  be  well 
versed  in  a  science;  et  JJnbtt^f  fom  er  bleoet  -ere 
og  -ere  l)o3  mig  an  impression  that  has  growu 
upon  me;  ben  -mi  9iet  the  law  of  the  stronger 
el.  strongest,  the  right  of  the  strong  hånd,  club 
law;  —  ftærtt  adv.  gaa  _  walk  quick  el.  fast; 
bet  btæfer  -  it  blows  hard;  bet  regner  -  it  rains 
very  hard  el.  fast,  it  rains  apace;  bet  frQfer  _ 
it  freezes  hard;  blobe  _  bleed  freely;  ootée  _ 
grow  apace;  tænfe  _  paa  noget  think  seriously  of 
something;  i)a\i  er  _  forfalben  el.  t)eiigioen  til  2)rit 
he  is  mueii  given  el.  addicted  to  drink  el. 

Stærfaåfe  c  starling-box. 

Stærttjbefæftet  a  strongly-fortified.  -Iil)gget  a 
strong(ly)-built,  -«t  strong  beer.  Stærtuanb 
diluted  aqua  fortis. 

Stærltnio  cataract -knife.  -naal  couching 
-needle.     -ofteration  couching  for  the  cataract. 

Stært  vt»  !f  Stjcert. 

tStætte  je  Stænte. 

Stæon  c  4/  (gorO  stem,  prow;  (iSogO  stem 
-post;   fra  _  til  _  from  stem  to  steru;   ffQbe  ooer 




•  _  make  headway;  ©ft6  meb  rejfenbe  -  bluff 
-headed  ship.  ét(Ek)n|Iiaanb  stem-band.  -6c= 
ucebnet  a  armed  with  bow  and  stern  guns. 
@t(Ctine  vi  head,  stand,  steer;  _  imob  head  right 
on.  bear  towards;  _  Sforb  efter  stand  to  the 
northward;  ^bab  _  bi  nu?  how  is  her  head  now? 
—  vt  ^  ~  imob;  _  Søerne  head  the  sea;  _  @trønt= 
men  stem  the  tide  el.  eurrent. 

<3takine  vt  (beffcere;  offappe)  prune,  poll;  trim, 

Stteøne  n  -r  appointment,  rendezvous,  assigna- 
tion;  *c  fleet  of  coasting  traders;  fætte  en  _ 
make  an  appointment  to  meet  one.  Stcetine  vt 
(inbftæbne)  summon,  cite,  serve  with  a  writ;  f)on 
bar  -t  mig  ber^en  i  Siften  p  he  has  appointed 
me  to  meet  him  there  this  evening.  @tictine|< 
t)«!)  day  fixed  by  summons  to  appear  in  court. 
-ntaal  fe  ©tæbning.  -ntøbe  rendezvous,  assigna- 
tion,  »c  tryst.    -)iengc  vi  citation  fees. 

Stfcttneltræ  n  pollard. 

Stæuncuibne  n  fe  ©tæbningSmanb. 

©fætinifolb  J,  rake  of  the  stem.  -fob  stem 
■ffiot  (o.  ft.).    -ilb  end-on  fire. 

6t(Ctining  c  (©erningen)  summoning  etc;  (f{rift= 
lig  Jsnbfolbelfe)  summons,  citation.  @tætining§= 
manb  c  .summoner,  process-server. 

@t(Ctin|tanoner  bow-and  stem  guns.  -flinner 
shoeing  piates.  -ffub  rake  of  the  stem  or  stern 
•post.  -fl«ttfr  skeg  shores.  -tr«t  stem  piece 
and  stern  piece. 

*@fa  c  -er  landingplace,  hard. 

'■•■<Bi9,  ft«b  a  steady,  firm;  ftBfb)t  adv  fe  ©tøt. 
*St»,  (f(«be)  vt  steady,  support. 

■•'■®f«b  n,  vi  =,  goblet. 

®t«b  (hornets  ^løbning)  steeping  of  grain; 
'ftorn,  fom  £)ar  bæret  i  iSIøb)  steeped  grain. 

St«bc,  -te,  -t  vt  found,  cast;  (efter  en  bi§  SKobel 
el.  i  en  gorm)  mould;  (om  Som)  steep;  -t  Scern, 
Staal  cast  Iron,  steel;  _  ftanoner,  Kugler  ofb.  cast 
cannons,  balls  etc;  _  £q?  mould  candles,  p 
bob  (and  curtsey);  Sfraften  fibber  fom  om  ben  bar 
-t  ^fao.  Sem  the  coat  flts  you  like  a  glove;  fibber 
fom  -t  )3aa  .Oeften  sits  as  if  rooted  to  the  saddle. 
Støbejarbejbe  work  of  cast  metal,  -flaffe  flask. 
-form  mould.  -funb  archæ  cast-flnd.  -gobS  cast 
work,  cast-iron  ware,  castings  vi-  -ftolå  head. 
-bul  funnel.  -^ttS  foundry.  -I)t)tfe  casting  house 
el.  hut.    -jrern  cast-iron. 

Støbefar  n  steeper. 

Sf«be|Inolb  fe  -ta»).    -ler  vitriflable  marl. 

®t«belub  c  cold  lye. 

®t«be|(t)8  mouldcandle.  -malm  casting  metal, 
-oon  smelting  furnace.  Støber  c  -e  founder, 
caster.  ®t«be|rflnbseam.  -renbe  gutter.  Støberi' 
»j  foundry.  @tøbe|fanb  sand  for  founders. 
-febbel  tyv  bill  of  fount.  -ffol  outer-coating. 
•f!e  casting  ladle,  hand-ladle.  -flor^je  fe  -ftof. 
-ftoal  cast-steel.  -ftcn  artificial  stone.  -tap  head. 
Stø'bning  c  founding,  casting  etc;  fia  af  een  ~ 
(all)  of  one  piece. 

'Sitelt  n  support. 

^^<Støb,  ©tøbe  fe  ©tø. 

Støb  n,  pi  =,  (Jpanblingen)  push,  thrust;  (meb 
lioDebet)  butt;  (meb  goben)  kick;  (meb  *^I6uen, 
^poonben)  push,  shove.  nudge;  (meb  Jiolf)  stab; 
(i  jjægtning)  longe,  thrust;  (beb  ©ammenftøb,  og 
fo)  shock,  blow;  ^f,  (mob  ®runben)  thump,  bump; 
<af  SBogn)  jog,  jolt;  (beb  3orbrQffeIfe)  shock,  con- 
cussion;  (eieftrift)  shock;  (SSinb)  gust,  puff;  (i 
trompet)  blast;  (om  ^elbreben)  shock;  (SSirfningen 
af  f.  @t8.  9{æbeffag)  bruise;  (Ujæbn^eber  i  SSej)  un- 
evenness  of  ground;  (eeb  ^lanfer)  butt;  (@tuB  af 
Zxce,  vi  ogf.  -e)  stub,  stump;  t  prov  (©tt)!te, 
Stunb)  bit;  fg  (lil  noget)  impulse;  tage  -  (i  en 
■^  Saab)  fend  ofiF;  ofbærge  -et  ward  off  the  blow; 
"^       gibe  et  -  i  en  S^romprt  sound  a  trumpet;  fig  bet 

bar  et  fiaarbt  -  for  ^am  that  was  a  hard  el.  sail 
blow  el.  shock  to  him;  bet  førfte  _  the  first 
shock,  (i  93in.  the  lead);  tage  imob  bet  førfte  .. 
take  the  lirst  brunt;  gibe  bet  fibfte  _  put  th^ 
flnishing  stroke  to.  Støb|o'f:  en  gammel  -  an 
old  fogy.  -bræt  (i  Troppe)  riser,  -bunbbreech, 
bottom.  -bunbSftruc  breech-pin.  -centrnni 
centre  of  percussiou. 

Støbe,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  (puffe)  push,  thrust;  (for- 
nærme)  offend,  hurt;  (birfe  -nbe  paa)  jar  upon. 
(i  Worter)  pound,  pestle,  bray;  (om  SJogn)  jolt, 
jog;  (om  ©ebcerer)  kick,  recoil;  'om  ©fib)  strike; 
en  ipeft  ber  -r  a  hard-trotting  horse;  ~  en  Solbøtt'' 
make  a  summerset;  _  JZ'jet  offend  the  eye;  blibi' 
-t  be  oflFended,  take  offence;  -  fig  hurt  one'fi 
self;  _  af  knock  ofif;  _  an  offend  (imob  against) 
-  en  for  93rl)flet  strike  one  upon  the  chest,  hli 
one  a  blow  upon  the  chest;  _  en  for  .fiobebci 
affront,  offend  one;  -  f  r  a  (2anb)  push  olf,  shovt 
oflf";  _  en  Jionge  fra  Tronen  dethrone  a  king;  ^aii 
-r  atte  fra  fig  beb  fin  ubenlige  Slbfærb  he  repels 
everybody  by  his  unfriendly  demeanour;  _  §ul 
i  knock  a  hole  in;  _  en  åaarbe  i  2i«et  paa  en 
run  a  sword  into  one's  body,  run  one  through 
with  a  sword;  _  i  en  Trompet  blow  el.  sound  a 
trumpet;  -r  i  røbt  has  a  sbade  of  red;  jeg  -bte 
meb  goben  imob  el.  poa  ...  I  struck  my  foot 
against  .  .  .;  _  imob  (ramme)  strike;  _inb  knock 
in;  _  Tøren  inb  break  el.  burst  open  the  door; 
_  neb  knock  down,  (meb  JEnib,  ©bærb)  stab;  _ 
omfulb  push  el.  thrust  down,  overturn,  over- 
throw,  (fun  fig)  subvert;  -  op  (Ib§)  start;  _  op 
til  be  adjacent  to,  abut  upon,  adjoin:  _  T)øren 
op  push  the  door  open;  bet  -r  op  i  ^om  he  19 
belching;  benne  9JJab  -r  op  this  meat  eoraes 
against  me;  -  en  J£>are  op  start  a  hare;  _  ober 
knock  over;  blioe  -t  ober  noget  take  offence  at 
a  thing;  _  oberborb  knock  overboard;  _obet= 
enbe  overturn,  overthrow,  upset;  ~  paa  (noget i 
stumble  el.  light  upon,  come  across;  ftui§  jeg  -r 
paa  bet  if  it  falls  in  my  way;  ~  paa  ®runb  run 
aground,  strike;  _  paa  en  fall  in  with  one,  meeL 
one  unexpectedly;  blioe  -t  paa  en  be  offendec 
with  one;  _  fammen  come  in  contact,  run  el 
knock  together,  (f.  @t§.  om  ©fibe)  run  foul 
each  other,  collide;  mat  meet;  _  fammen  i  ec 
53nnlt  converge  to  one  point;  bi  -te  fammen  af  ei 
^ænbelfe  we  met  fortuitously;  -  til  (f.  @f§.  §æren 
join  (the  army);  ^an  -te  til  mig  he  gave  me  i 
push,  he  ran  against  me;  _  til  (U^elb  o.  b 
happen,  supervene;  _  ub  knock  out;  _  en  ub  a 
en  gorfamling  expel  one  from  el.  turn  one  om 
of  a  meeting;  —  ftøbenbe  a  offensive,  harsh 
(fe  obfr.);  —  ftøbt  vart  &  a  fe  obfr.;  _  2frug! 
bruised  el.  speeked  fruit.  Støbe|bttl  beetle 
-maftine  key-groove  engine.  Blotting  machinei 
Støber  c  -e  (i  9Korter)  pestle;  p  en  gammel  -  an 
old  fellow  el.  fogy. 

Stø'blfuge  vertical  joint,     -fiolt   top-timber; 
-^(eoert  hydraulic  lever. 

*Støbt9  a  steady. 

Stø'bljcertt  (p.  Sølfe)  stopper  (for  the  rammer),^ 
(p.  Slfiel)  hurter-plate.  -taarbe  rapier.  -tling! 
thrusting-blade.  -læber  bill  tip.  -mine  torpedo. 
Støbning  c  pushing,  jolting  etc.  Støb|V«bt 
buffer,  -remme  p^cheek-braces.  -ffinne  (3ærnb.)j 
shin,  fish-plate.  -ffitje  axle-tree-washer,  pol 
-plate.     -foettc  (3ærn6.)  joint-sleeper. 

©t«bt  odo  fe  ©tø,  ©tøt. 

Stø'b|tanb  tusk.    -tong  tongs  with  to  and  fn 
motion,    -tonen  the  glottal  catch. 

Støbttiæf  adv  fe  ©tøt. 

Stø'b|uaaben  weapon  for  thrueting.    -Dliadi 
by  (tits  and)   starts,   at  intervals,   (om  Stnb) 

*Stø^eb  c  steadiness. 




3t«i  c  noise,  racket;  gere  _  make  a  noise. 
iije  vi  make  a  noise;  —  ft»jenbe  a  noisy; 
\ieiibe,  raafcenbe)  vociferous,  clamorous.  iStøjrn 
)(imour,  vociferation. 

rtajen  part  -.  {)Bor  fian  er  _  og  fløjen  F  where 
has  gone  to. 
ctette  vt  start  (a  bolt), 
r totfer  c  sead,    horse- mackerel,    Coranx  tra- 

Hel  c  -er,  (e  Sæter. 

?tonnc  PI  moan,  groan.    @t«nnen  c  moaniiig, 
iiiiiig,  moan,  groan. 
3t«nncr(t)  c  -er  stanchion. 
c\ep  w,  pl  =,   hole  in  the  read  (in  winter). 
5l«r  c  -er  sturgeon.  Ac-ipenser  eturio. 
2t«r  c  -er  pole.     @tøre  it  put  (the  corn)  on 
I 'S  (for  dryiiig). 

cto'rfanflft  c  sturgeon-tishery. 
ctorfiuS  7»cookii)g  ,  brewing-,  washing-house. 
Startiuat  c  fe  Spæf^ugger. 
Siarjc  o  -r,  ie  Wotrelfterje. 
cierf  ne  vt   coagulale,   curdle,  congeal,  clot; 
■^lob  gore.    -ning  c  congealing  etc,  congela- 
:    coagulation. 

rtarre  comi)  af  Stor;  ben  _  fiatefiémui  the 
,'er  catechism;  —  adv.  p  iffe  -  not  very 
■  h. 

;t«rrelfe  c  -r  (boobe  legemlig  og  inbtjortes  Stor« 
greatness,  magnitude;  (i  3}imenfioner)  large- 
-,  size;  flQffelfe,  Cmfang)  bigne.'^s,  bulk;  (f»»jbe 
tallness,   height;    trath  &  ast  (og    ont   Sfljr) 
^nitude;    (i  Sllgcbra)   quaniity;    (^erfon)  nota- 
;> ,  star,  person of note;  naturlig  -  (om  Walerier, 
mer   ofo.)   fuU,    natural   size;   i  naturlig  _  as 
.■  as  life.     ®t«rrclfetære  algebra;  geometry; 
rto'rrogn  c  roe  of  the  sturgeon. 
"it«rft  »uperl  af  Stor.    Stflrftcbclcn  the  greater 
,    the  best  part,   ;he  major  part  el.  portion, 
Lienerality,    most;   for  _   for    the  most  part, 

ciof  adv  firmly,  steadily;  *constantly;  _  faa 
ieady  (as  she  goea) !  gabet  ligger  _  the  cask 
(ime;  (ogi.  imi,er  af  Støtte);  -  tat  constantly; 

stev  a  steady;  sure.  -Ijtb  c  steadiness. 
ctettt  vt  stay,  loQ\aafio}  prop,  support,  sustain, 
!  up,  fio  back  up,  bear  out;  J,  (^ale  tot)  haul 
laut;  ftflt  bet  (9ioret)  steady  the  helm!  ftøt  ben 
raeb  SRoret  meet  her  with  the  helm!  _  en  Wening 
paa  found  el.  rest  an  opinion  on;  —  »r  _  fig  ipaa 
el.  til  lean  upon  el.  against;  fig  rely  on;  —  vi 
stand;  ftet  for  Slffalb !  keep  her  to!  nothing  olT! 
^n  Ian  iffe  _  x><ia  ftne  93en  he  cannot  stand  on 
his  legs.  ®t«tte  c  -r  prop,  stay,  support,  shore; 
(éøjle)  column,  pillar;  (»SiHeb-)  statue;  (Stioer) 
shore;  ^  (oeb  bet  opftcaenbe)  stanchion;  (imellem 
kæftene)  pillar;  fio  supporter,  support;  ftaa  fom 
en  _  stand  like  a  statue;  ^an  »ar  min  Wlberbomå 
_  he  was  the  prop  of  my  age,  a  comfort  to  my 
age;  til  _  for  in  .support  of.  St«tte|ti(ab  stipule. 
•boet  stylite.  -but  stanchion.  -flabe  lower  sur- 
face.  -fob  pedestal,  foot  of  a  column  el.  pillar. 
-gans  colonnade.  -^age  .side-hook.  -^elgen 
Stylite.  -(lobeb  fe  -fnap.  -hiap  capital  of  a 
column,  -fæp  fe  ftoB.  -piUt  pillar,  column. 
-tunft  point  of  support,  -ftoge  stay,  prop. 
-fkao  staflf,  support,  -tov  guy.  -tjærf  substruc- 
ture;  shoring,  shores. 
<^@t«tting  ie  Stutting. 

St«»  n  (ogfaa  fig)  dust;  (poa  Sommerfuglene? 
Singer)  scales  }  I;  gøre  _  raise  the  dust,  make  a 
dust;  etS  Slår  the  days  of  our  years;  iijo  @ange 
ri  er  -etS  'Hav  three  score  and  ten  is  the  mark; 
•et8  ©ørn.  Sønner  the  children  of  clay.  St«'»|. 
Iwb   vapour   baih.      -blob    ie     broger.      -blotnft 

male  flower.  -bolb(t)  puck-ball,  puflf-ball,  Zj/co- 
perdon  bovinta.  -branb  burnt-ear,  .smut  of  corn, 
Uredo  segttum.  •brtUcr  goggles.  -bel  fe  -gran. 
•brager  stamen.  -^-bragt  pctt  fe  -bæl fe.  -boctfe 
coat  el.  layer  of  dust;  fig  mortal  frame,  vessel, 
coil,  tenement  of  clay.  -btetfet  a  covered  with 
dust,  dusty. 

@t«be  vt  track  el.  hunt  by  Ihe  scent;  -  SBilbt 
op  start  game;  _  op  {fig)  ferret  el.  hunt  out;  - 
igennem  search  (through);  —  vi  _  efter  search  el. 
rake  for;  _  omfring  efter  hunt  el.  rake  about  for. 

@t«øe  vi  be  dusty;  +fe  Støoregne;  bet  -r  ftærft 
it  is  very  dusty;  t  <  _  af  dust,  wipe  away  the 
dust.    @tøue|t(ub  duster.    -foft  dust-brush. 

Støver  c  -e  hound,  retriever;  *p  first-rate 
haiid,  dab. 

Xtøbewflle  c  feather-brush,  whiskbrush. 

@tø  olførmig  «  in  the  form  of  dust,  pulverous. 
-fratle  duster,  dust-coat.  -fri  a  free  from  dust. 
-gemme  fe  -fnap.  •gran(b)  atom,  mote.  -ftbirbel 
eddy  of  dust.  -jprb  dusty  soil.  -faabe  V)louse. 
■tanal  ^  pollen  tube.  -lappt  fe  -fraffe.  -fnap, 
Anop  ^  anther.  -tom  fe  5Potlen=.  -tul  small 
-coal.  -lag  layer  of  dust.  -laoine  drift  ava- 

@tøule  c  -r  boot;  (lang)  blucher,  Wellington; 
($umpeO  barrel;  F  bære  poa  -me  be  on  the  move; 
be  drunk;  F  en  gob  _  with  a  difference;  en  gob 
_  er  bu  the  devil  you  are;  bu  fnaffer  en  gob  _ 
you  talk  nonsense;  ^  SKaften  flaar  i  _  the  mast 
is  fished  below  deck.  @t<0lc  vi  F  march.  trot. 
®t«tile|bcftt)tter  boot  protector.  -blot  boot-tree, 
set  of  boot-trees.  -børfte  blacking-brush.  -fob 
foot  of  a  boot.  -I)æl  heel  of  a  boot.  -llem 
pinehing  boots.  -tnagt  boot-jack.  -tratte  boot 
-top.  -trog  boot-hook.  -læber  boot-leather. 
-næfe  toe.  -pubfer  shoe-black,  boot-cleaner. 
-foal(e)  boot-sole.  -flute  tip.  -ftoft  leg  of  a 
boot,  boot-leg.  -firaber  (door-)scraper.  -fnabct 
long  toe.  -fnube,  -fptbå  boottip,  toe.  -ftrop 
boot-strap,  boot-garter.  -ftrømper  pi  boot-stock- 
ings.  StøOtet  a  booted,  in  boots;  (om  SJugl) 

Støolrt'ter  pi  fe  Stioeletter. 

Stø'Olmel  mill-dust,  dustings;  ^  pollen,  -uool 
^  stamen.  Støbuing  c  dusting.  @tøp>erle 
seed-pearl.  -plet  spot  of  dust.  -pung  fe  -fnop. 
-regn  drizzling  rain.  -regne  vi  drizzle,  mizzle. 
-røv  ^  pollen  tube.  -fanb  fine  sand.  -figte 
fine  sieve.  -ftgtning  fof  Srubt)  dusting,  winnow- 
ing.  -ft^  cloud  of  dust.  -f))abe  dust-pan. 
-foantp  fe  bolb.  -fæt  pollen  bag.  -taage  cloud 
of  dust.  -traab  filament,  -tæt  a  dust-proof. 
•tør  a  dry  as  dust.    -Uej  pistil,  pointal. 

Subatpi'nft  a  .subalpine. 

Subaltern'  a  k  c  t  subal'tern,  subordinate, 

Subart'tift  a  subarctic. 

Subba§  c  sub-base,  sub-bass. 

'Snbbe  vi  dabble,  splash;  drag.  Subbe  c  slut. 
Subbet  n  slultish. 

Subbitag  n  sub-voucher. 

Subbominant  c  subdominant. 

Subjett'  n  -er  sub'ject;  et  baarligt,  forlorent  - 
a  mauvais  sujet,  a  bad  lot,  a  black  sheep;  et 
ungt  -  a  youth,  a  young  man.  Sub'iett{io  u 
subjec'tive.    -ibite't  c  subjectiv'ity. 

Subjuuttib  c  the  subjunc'tive  (mode). 

Subtutan  a  subcutaneous. 

Subli  nt  a  sublime,  -o't  n  -er  sub'limate. 
•e're  it  sub'limate.    -e'ring  c  sublimation. 

Subtuna'rift  o  sublu  nary. 

Submari'n  u  submarine. 

SubntiS'  a  submis.sive,  humble. 

Submultiplum  n  submultiple. 

Suborbtnjatio  n  c  subordina'tion.     -atio'nd- 




fejt,   -ationSferfeclfe  breach  of  discipline,   dis- 
respect.    -c're  vt  aubo'rdinate. 
@uborl)'ti  n  subox'ide. 

©ublp'oier  pi  sub'sidies  tyl;  a  subsidy.  -flstC' 
f raltat  contract  of  subsidy.  -fibitt'V  a  subsid'- 

éubftftcnS'  c  subsist'ence.  •miblet  means  of 

Subflri|bc'rc  vi  Opaa)  subscribe  (to),  -bent'  c 
-er  snl)spriber.  -^tio'n  c  -er  subscrip'tion.  — 
SubfIrt>)tto'nå|ba(  subseription  ball.  -iubbt)= 
belfe  prospectus.  -lifte  ofsubscribers.  -plan 

€ub|ftan3'  c  -et  sub'stance;  (Kog.)  gelatiue. 
-ftanticl'  c  sub'itati'tial.  -'ftantiti  n  -er  noun. 
-  ftantiutff  'j  substan'llve. 

©ubftiltue're  vt  sub'stitute.     -tut'  c  -er  snb'- 
stitute.    -tutto'n  c  substitu'tion. 
©ubftra't  n  -pr  substratum. 
©ubfume're  vt  subsu'me. 
@ubtt'l  a  flue-spun,  over-refined. 
@ttbtra|f)en&'  c  -er  sub'trahend.    -Ije  rc  »<  sub- 
tract'.    -Itton  c  -er  subtrac'tion. 
Subtro'|)ifl  a  subtrop'ical. 
©ubucnie're  vt  aid.    -tio'n  c  subven'tion. 
©u'bnn  n  the  Souda'n. 
Subcr  c  -e  tencb,  Cvprinus  tinca. 
Sttble  »<  tit  soil. 

©ufftlfttit'cc    c   self-sufflciency,    assertiveness. 
-fant'  1  self-suflicient;  substantial,  stout. 
©uffij'  n    er  sufif  ix. 

©uf jle'rc  vt  prompt.    ©ttffl«'r  c  -er  prompter. 
©ttffl«'r|Iiog   prompt-book,  prompt-copy.      -ftul 
prompter's  box     ©uff(øfe  c  -r  prompter. 
©uffragrt'n(-biffop)  c  -er  suffragan. 
'^©u'jjbron  n  backsweep  of  the  waves. 
©uge  vi  &  t  suck;  _  op  suck  up;  _  i  ftg,  tit  ftfl 
s'iek  in,  imbibe,  absorb,  -  ftg  faft  adhere;  fe  2ab. 
©uge|aare  absorbeut.    -ftft  remora,  Echeneit  re 
mora.      -fob    suctorial  foot.      -gtaS  breast-glass. 
•foV   sucker.      -læber   sucker.      -ntuub    moiith 
adapted  for  suction.    ©ugen  c  sunking,  suction. 
©ugelorm   gourd-worm.      -)mm))e   sucking-   el. 
siiction-pump;    Ztt^h    og   _   lifting   and   forcing 
pump.    -rob  sucker.    -rar  sucking-pipe  el.  -tube. 
-ffottt,    -Ptoe    (6oS    3gle,    SBlætf.)    sueking-disc, 
sucker.    -fnabet  trunk  (of  insects).    -tientti  foot 
valve.    -borte  nippie,  teat,  dug.    -uaege  suction 
-wick.    -tiært  puraping  apparatus. 
*©ugg  c  -er  big,  thumping  fellow. 
*©ugge  c  -r  sow;  J,  dumbcleat.    -tap  J,  dumb 
Suggeftl'bfptfrgémaat  n  leadiug  question. 
©u'gning  c  sucking,  suction. 
©uit'e  c  -r  (tJølge)  retinue,  attendance,   (ogfaa 
iRætfe)  suite;  (i  Sortfpil)  sequence,  flush;    å  la  - 
III  il  unattaclied. 

©uf  n,  p(  =  &,  -fe  sigh,  (tungt)  groan;  -(ene§ 
85ro  tlie  Bridge  of  Sighs;  ^'f  Di  faar  ifte  _  for  o3 
we  get  no  respite. 
©uta't  c  suc'cade,  eandied  lemon-peel. 
©ufce|be're  vt  succeed.  -é'  c  success.  -Sfto'n 
csacces'sion.  —  ©utce§fio'né|berettiget  «  inherit- 
able.  -trlg  war  of  succession;  ben  fpanfte  _  the 
war  of  the  Spanish  succession,  -orben  order  of 
succession,  -putoer  sucession  powder.  -ret 
(right  of)  succession,  ©ufceåfio  a  succes'sive. 
SufceS'for  «  -o'rer  succe.ssor. 

©utfe  vi  sigh,  (tungt)  groan;  _  efter  sigh  el. 
groau  for  el.  after;  _  for  adore:  -  ooer  sigh  over 
el.  for;  _  unber  groan  under,  ©utten  c  sighing; 
SSinbenS  _  the  soughing  of  the  wind. 

©ufter  n  -e  sugar;  en  Sop  _  a  loaf  of  sugar; 
raat  _  raw  sugar;  raffineret  _  refined  sugar;  neb= 
lægge  i  _  preserve  in  sugar.  ©utfcr|agur!fr 
cucumbers  preserved  in  sugar.     -atfovn  fe  -lun. 


•OPJ  cultivation  of  the  sugar-cane.     -bager  con 
fectioner.   -bnnerbutit  confectioner's  shop,  candj 
-shop.    -bngeri  confectionery.    -bngoært  confec 
tionery.  -bebe  fe  -roe.   -brøb  sponge-eake    -bennr 
sugar-bean,    Phi^eoluii    vulgiriif.      -bildfe    sngai 
-box      -baafe  sngar-box.     -bannetfe   formation 
of  sugar.    -be|g  comflt-paste.    -fobrltation  manu- 
facttire  of  sugar.    -fab  sugar-cask.    -form  sngai 
-mould.      -gnft   sugar-mite,    Leoin'im  n-mrhnrini. 
•flobt  confectionery,  sweets.    -liirfe  sugar  raillet, 
Sorohum  stcehnratum.     -t|Olbig  a  saccharlferous. 
-l)olbigf)eb  c  richness  in  sugar;  amount  of  sugar. 
•^onning  sugar-honey.    -fiué  siigar-honse,  sugar 
-reflnery.     -Jjaft  sugar-crop.     -fagc   sugar-cake. 
•fonbiå  sugar-candy.    *-lo0rlng  fe  -ttiebat.    -tiftt 
suarar-ljox        -tlftetræ    Cuba    wood.      -flemme, 
*-fU)pe  fe  -tang.    -logeri  sugarboilery.     -trtngte 
sugar-cracknel.     -tugle  sugar-plum.     -tulor  ca- 
ramel.     -len  sugar-maple,  -tree,    Aner  tftcchari- 
nuii.     •manbel  sugar-almond,    sugared  alinond. 
-mart  sugar-field.    -melon  muskmelon.    -mefte 
overseer  in  a  reflnery.     -ntunb   sweet-mouthe 
person,    -mærte  S*  skirret,  Siitm  nin'trum.    -m«D 
sugar-mill.   -oplaåning  solution  of  sugar.  -paln| 
sugar     palm,     Arenon    mcchtrifera.       -p(anta|| 
sugar-planlation.    -pteffen  sweet  rake.    -prøPf 
saccharometer.  -pære  sugar-pear,  blanket,  -raff 
nnbert  sugar-refinery.    -rob  )e  -mær!e.    -roe  sugi» 
-beat.      -rofc    damask    ro-fe.      -rar    sugar-cane 
-faft  juice  of  the  sugar-cane.   -fager  confection- 
ery.     -fofS    sugar-nippers    pi.      -firup    syrup 
•ffaal  sugar-basin,    -ffe    -fmag  tast 
of  sugar.     -ftof  sacchariue  matter  et.  principl 
-f^ber  sugar-boiler.    -fqbcri  sugar-boilery.    -ftjgi 
diabetes.    -fJjlte  vt  conserve,  candy.     -fl)re  sac 
charic  acid.    -fab  a  sweet  as  sugar.    -tang  sugar 
•tongs  pi.     -tang  ^   sweet  tangle,  houRy-ware, 
Limiwirta  tdccharina.  -top  sugar  loaf.  -topformet 
«  flippe  sugar-loaf  rock.     -toebaf  sweet-biscuit. 
-tai   confectionery.     '■■•unge    F  darling,    honey. 
-Panb  sugared  water.    -Parer  fe -tui.    -oarefabri= 
fant  coufectioner.   -ærter  sugar-peas,  sweet  peas. 
-al  sugar-beer.     ©utre  vt  sugar,    sweeten    with 

©u(  n  meat. 

©ulamitQ  hihl  Shulamite. 

©nie  oi  f.  et§.  gtceft  -r  mere  enb  ftøb  pork  goes 
farther  than  beef. 

©Ule  c  -r  gannet,  solangoose,  booby,  Suld 

©utelfab  dish  of  meal  -mab  meat.  -purer 
pi  meat.  -tioeKing  milk-porridge  boiled  witU 

©utfla't  n  -er  sul'phate.  -i'b  n  -er  sul'phide. 
-It  n  sul'phite  —  ©ulfolfalt  sulpho-salt.  -f^re 
sulphur  acid.     ©nlfure't  n  sul'phuret. 

©utt  c  hunger;  fe  jpunger. 

©ultan  c  -er  sultan,  -inb'e  c  -r  sultaua.  ©ul= 
tanébane  purpie  waterhen,  Pjrphvrio. 

©ulte  "«■  hunger,  starve;  _  iljiet  die  of  starva- 
tion;  vt  starve,  famish;  _  i^jet  starve  to  death, 
kill  by  starvation;  _  ub  famish,  starve  (out). 
©tt(tc|fobre,  -fabe  vt  feed  ill  el.  scantily,  unier- 
feed,  starve.  -fabe  insufficient  food.  -tungen 
the  art  of  starving.  -tunftner  artist  in  sttirving. 
•lur  low,  strict  regimen,  fasting  cure.  -Ian 
starvation  wages.  ©utten  a  hungry,  sharp-set; 
naar  man  er  -,  fmager  alting  gobt  hunger  is  the 
best  sauce.    ©uftil)jet  p  starvation. 

©utuaerue  the  Sooloo  Islands  et.  Archipelago. 

©um'  c  -mer  sum;  ben  Ijele  -  the  sum  total. 

©umat  c  sumach. 

©umbutrob  c  sumbul-root,  Enri/angiun  sunibu/. 

"©umle  vi  fe  ©møle. 

©umma  c  fe  Sum;  _  Sateri?  carried  forward; 
in  -  altogether,  in  short.     ©umma'rifl  a  sum- 




mary,  sweeplng,  wholesale;  adv  summarily. 
®untme  op  vt  sum  el.  cast  up,  total  up;  vi  bet 
-r  (fig)  op  it  runs  up  to  a  large  sum. 

@umme  fig  tir  compose  one's  mind,  coUect 
one's  self,  recover  one's  balance. 

énmme  vi  buzz,  hum;  -nbe  Sonfonanter  voiced 
consonants.    Summen  c  humming,  buzzing. 

Summe're  vt,  _  fammen,  fe  ©umme.  Sum= 
Hte'rtng  c  summing  up. 

@um9  c  -e  (ftb  (Sgn)  swamp,  fen;  (ubgraoet  %ox> 
b^bning)  pool.  SumplaQtig  a  swampy,  fenny. 
•bftOcr  coypu,  Mt/opotamu8  coypus.  -c^prcS  de- 
clduous  cypress,  Taxodium.  -cg  .swamp  oak, 
tree  horsetail,  Casiuzrina  equiseti/olia.  Sumpet 
a  fe  -agtig.  @ump|fc6cr  marsh  fever.  -firben 
eft,  Licerta  paludosa.  -fUgt  fen-fowl.  -gaS  fire 
-damp,  marsh-gas.  -grunt)  fe  -jorb.  -^«g  harrler, 
Circus.  'ttene  (fmaoplettet)  spotted  gallinule, 
Gallinula  porzana;  (røbbliSfet)  common  gallinule, 
water-hen,  G.  chloropua.  éumpig  a  fe  -agtig. 
Sttmpljorb  .swampy  ground.  -lanb  swampy 
land.  -(anbSfqgbomme  paludal  diseases.  -loS 
booted  lynx,  Lynx  ckaui.  -luft  fe  -goS.  -mejfe 
marsh-titmouse,  blackcap,  Paruspaluttris.  -p(an= 
ter  pi  marshy  piants.  -rté  marsh-rice,  Oryza 
»ativa.  -fanger  marsh  warbler,  Cilamodut  pa- 
Iwtris.  -flilbpabbc  mud  tortoise,  Emye.  -fnegl 
paludina.     -ftroa  spike-rush,  ELeocharis. 

@umptuo'rtO»e  pi  sum'ptuary  laws. 

@ump|ugle  short-eared  owl,  Strix  brackyotua. 
•tmnb  bog-water.    -uej  path  across  a  swamp. 

Sunb  n  -e  sound;  ■■''fgfoergefteb)  ferry;  Sunbet  the 
Sound;  fig  oHe  _  ece  lufte  all  means  of  escape 
are  cut  ofiF. 

Sunb  a  (rof!)  sound,  healthy,  hale,  healthful; 
(gaonlig  for  Sunb^eben)  wholesome,  healthy, 
healthful,  salutary,  salubrious;  frift  og  _  hale 
and  hearty;  -t  Srce  sound  el.  hearty  wood;  -t 
Segeme  sound  et.  hale  body;  en  _  Sjæl  i  et  -t 
Segeme  a  sane  mind  in  a  sane  body;  _  gorftanb, 

-  SKenneffeforftmib  sound,  common  el.  good  sense, 
sound  understanding;  _  ®om  el.  2ære  sound 
reasoning,  doctrine;  _  SBeliggen^eb,  Slima,  S8e= 
ffæfttgelfe,  SKotion  healthy  el.  healthful  situation, 
climate,  employment,  exercise;  _  %e'bt  whole- 
some food;  _  liuft  (el.  Sttma)  salubrious  air 

Sunbaøerne  the  Sunda  Islands. 

@nnbe  fig,  fe  ©umme  fig. 

Snnb^eb  c  health;  (bet  at  ocere  gaonlig  for 
©unb^eben)  healthfulness,  salubrity,  wholesome- 
ness;  britte  en§  _,  paa  en§  _  drink  one's  (good) 
health;  fpabfere  for  fin  _  p  walk  constitutionally. 

—  @«nbl)eb8|atttorUeterne  the  Health  Author- 
ities.  -bepiS  certiflcate  of  health.  -brønb  min- 
eral waters,  mineral  spring,  thermal  waters. 
-brif  sanitary  potion.  -fl»ne(  Welsh  flannel. 
-forflrifter  sanitary  regulations.  -f^lbe  exuber- 
ance  of  health.  -fienfQn :  of  _  from  considerations 
of  health.  -filbc  fe  -brønb.  -loUegium,  -!ommi8= 
^Ott  board  of  health,  sanitary  board  el.  com- 
mission.  -lare  dietetlcs  pi.  -pa8  J,  bill  of 
health.  -pleje  hygiene.  -politi  sanitary  police. 
•)>røøe  quarantine.  -raab  remedy  for  the  pre- 
«ervation  of  health.  -rcget  dietetic  el.  sanitary 
rule.  -rejfe  excursion  in  pursuit  of  el.  for  the 
recovery  of  health.  -tegn  sign  of  health.  -til= 
ftonb  State  of  health.  -ubftilltng  Health  Exhibi- 
tion.  -^-^rt  medicinal  herb.  -pebtægter  fe  -for> 
ftrifter.    -Pæfen  sanitary  system;  ie  -autoriteterne. 

Sttnb|*farl,  -manb  ferry-man,  waterman. 
*-ma»c  (flsh-)  sound,  flsh-maw,  swim.  '''-penge 
ferrlage.    '-fteb  ferry.     -tolb  (the)  sound  dues. 

Sunn^amp  c  sunn  el.  Bengal  hemp,  Crotalaria 

Sunntt'er  pi  Sun'nites,  Sunniahs. 

Sarfen:  2)anff.ængelft  Drbbog. 

Sttp  c  sup',  sip.    Sttpe  vi  p  tippie. 

Superb'  a  superb. 

éuperficiærlbonbe  superfic'iary.  -fæfte  super- 

Superfin  c  su'perflne. 

Sttperfoåfa't  n  superphos'phate  (of  lime). 

Supcrintcnbent'  c  -er  superinten'dent. 

©upcrt«'r  c  -er  supe'rior  (officer). 

Superfar'go  c  -er  superca'rgo,   cap-merchant. 

Sup'erflog  a  overwise;  en  _  53erfon  a  wlseacre. 

Sttper'IatiP  n  -er  gram  superlative. 

Supernaturolllå'me  c  supernat'uralism.  -ift' 
c  -er  supernat'uralist. 

Superojfl'b  n  perox'ide,  superox'ide. 

Supl'num  n  the  su'pine. 

Suppe  c  -r  (meft  om  ftobO  soup,  broth;  (SKel-, 
eSrijnO  porridge,  gruel;  (Sanb,  ^bort  ftøb  el.  fJifT 
er  fogt)  boiling. 

Suppeba'3  p  :  oære  i  en  ftem  _  be  in  a  nice 
pickle;  nu  fibbe  Bi  tnibt  i  -en  we  are  now  in  a 
nice  pickle,  Indeed. 

Suppelfob  soup-dish,  tureen.  -gr^be  soup 
-pot.  *-Iaol  fe  6øbef«al.  -tage  cake  of  portable 
broth.  -fob  (^oorpaa  @.  er  fogt)  meat  of  which 
soup  has  been  boiled;  (fføb  til  at  foge  S.  paa) 
meat  flt  for  soup.  -I«tten  soup-kitchen.  -mab 
spoonmeat.  -ftoat  porringer,  soup-basin.  -fle 
dessert-spooa.  -ftep  soup-ladle.  -taUerten  soup 
-plate.  -terrin  fe  -fab.  -urter  pi  pot-herbs. 
•Plff  bunch  of  pot-herbs. 

Supplciant'   c  -er  deputy,   substitute.     -ont' 
fortcgnelfe  (t.   ^ur^)  tales-book.     -ment'  n  -er 
sup'plement.     -ment,   -menta'rifl.   -mentæ'r  a 
supplemen'tary,  supplemen'tal.     -'re  vt  supple 
ment',  eke  out.   SnppIe'ringSPalg  bye-election 

Suplpllce're  vi  petition,  -pdf  c  er  petition 
•pttlant'  c  -er  petitioner,  sup'plicant,  applicaut 

Suppo|ne're  vt  suppose.  -fltio'n  c  -er  suppo 

SuppurI atio'n  c  suppura'tion.  -e're  vi  sup'- 

Supremi  a't,  -ati'  n  supremacy.  -a'tSeben  the 
oath  of  supremacy. 

Sur'  fe  6urr. 

Sur  a  sour,  acid;  chem  acetous;  (og  Bitter, 
fom  umoben  5rugt)  acerb,  sharp;  -t  fulfurt  Salt 
supercarbonate;  _  foSforfur  Salf  superphosphate 
of  lime  (o.  fl.);  -  TOælt  sour  milk,  (t^t)  old  milk; 
-t  ^rbejbe  hard  work;  ^aoe  -e  Sen  have  ulcerous 
el.  ulcerated  legs;  bun  giorbe  ^am  SiOet  -t  she 
led  him  a  (dog's)  life,  she  led  him  a  sad  life 
of  it,  made  life  a  burden  to  him;  efter  ben  føbe 
S'tøc  fommer  ben  -e  Soie  after  sweet  meat  comes 
sour  sauce;  ban  fer  faa  _  ub  fom  en  (SbbitebrQgger 
he  looks  as  sour  as  a  crab;  gøre  -e  Winer  frown, 
look  surly;  bet  bar  et  -t  26ble  ^an  maatte  bibe  i 
it  was  a  bitter  pill  he  had  to  swallow;  bet  falber 
mig  -t  it  is  hard  for  me;  gøre  fig  Sioet  -t  em- 
bitter  one's  own  life;  be  ere  -e,  fagbe  Slæoen  om 
^Rønnebærrene  foxes  when  they  cannot  reach  the 
grapes,  say:  they  are  not  ripe;  —  furt  adv. 
fe  _  (til)  frown  (at);  -t  fortjent  hard  eamed. 
Su'ribenet  a  fe  oofr.  -br«b  small  leavened  loaf 
made  of  bolted  rye-meal;  *brown  bread.  -brønb 
■e  ©unb^ebsbrønb.  -brønbSoanbe  mineral  waters. 
-bejg  leaven;  fig  af  famme  _  fom  of  a  piece  with. 
*-bao  ensilage,    -^eb  c  soumess,  acidity. 

Sur^olt  c  ^  port-bar. 

Stt'rib«  fermented  hay.  -laal  sourcrout;  typ 
advance  (on  weekly  wages);  aftjene  fin  _  clear 
an  advance.  -fUPer  oxalis.  -Køperfatt  oxalate. 
-fløperf^re  oxalic  acid.  -laben  a  sourish.  -mule 
vi  look  sour  el.  sulky,  grump.  -mulen  c, 
-muleri  n  sulkiness.  -mtcll  fe  ©ur.  Surne  vi 
turn  sour. 

Surnnmerae'r  a  supemu'merary. 





@tirc:  Iø6e  _  be  confused;  bet  Ijøber  _  for  mig 
I  am  quite  perplexed,  I  am  at  my  wits'  end; 
^on  løb  _  i  9lot)nene  he  confounded  the  names; 
bet  tjøber  f)an  altib  _  i  it  always  puzzles  him. 

Surre  vi  hum,  buzz.  -n  c  humming,  hum, 

Surre  vt  J^  lash,  secure.  ®ttrre|BjæUe  (S3rob.) 
racking-balk.  -line  i.  lanyard.  -|)inb  raek-stick. 
•tot)  J,  lashing,  frapping.  Surring  c  lashing. 
—  SurrittflSlbrofl  ^  frapping.  -fætting  crapper 
-chain.  'ittop  heel-lashing.  -toti  fe  ®urre=.  -«je 
lashing  eye. 

Surrogat  n  -er  substitute,  succedaneum,  make- 
shift,  apology. 

Su'rlftefl  beef  steeped  in  vinegar  and  roasted. 
-ftof  chem  oxygen.  -f«b  a  sour-sweet.  -torn 
barberry,  Berberis  vulgaris. 

SurturBranb  c  surturbrand. 

Su'r|bani)  erude  bran-vinegar.  -ajet  a  blear 

SuS  c  revel,  riot;  lebe  i  _  og  S)u8  lead  a  life 
of  riot  and  revel. 

SuS  n  (SBinbenS)  whistling,  bowling;  (om  Sugler 
ofo.)  whistling,  whizz;  (for  Ørene)  humming, 
tinkling  fin  one's  earsV 

Sufan'na  Su'san,  Susan'na. 

Sufe  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vi  (om  SBiiiben)  whistle,  bluster; 
(om  ftugler,  5l5ile  ofb.)  whistle,  whizz;  bet  -r  for 
mine  pren  my  ears  tingle;  _  let  (om  SBtnben)  sigh, 
murmur,  whisper.    Sufen  c  fe  ©uS. 

•Sufet  a  half-witted. 

Sufjieft'  a  suspicious,  suspected. 

Snfjpenitie're  vt  suspend.  -fio'n  c  suspen'sion. 
Sufticnlfia  a  suspen'sive.  -fo'riunt  n  »urg  sus- 
pen'sory,  truss. 

Sut'  c  sucking-bag. 

Sut'  c  sea-side  plantain,  Plantago  maritima. 

'^Sut  c  whine,  whimpering. 

*Suter  c  black  goby,  rock-fish,    Gobius  niger. 

*Sutre  vi  whimper. 

Sutte  vi  suck.    SuttefJaffe  suckingbottle. 

Suttt'r  c  -er  su'ture,  seam. 

Suuerce'n  c  -er  sov'ereign.  -ite't  c  sov'e- 

Suseræ'n  c  -er  su'zerain. 

Skiiiber  c  -e  ^t  swab. 

*Stioberg  n  steep  and  smooth  mountain-side. 

Soo6er|oænbfel»I,  snaking.  -eube  fag-end  (of 
a  rope).  -gaft  swabber.  -toft  fe  Soaber.  -fta8, 
-t«rn  snaking;  gøre  _  paa.  snake.  Sttabre  vt 

Sbobfl  c  ilow  of  language,  oratory. 

tSuabfe  [t.]  vi  prate.  tSbubfcr  c  -e  prater. 
tStoobfig  a  loquacious.    tStiabftgticb  c  loquacity. 

Sbag,  foa'gt  a  weak,  (i  ^øiere  ®rab)  feeble; 
(ringe)  faint,  slight;  (om  ffirilfe)  weak;  _  QSren 
slight,  slender  branch;  _  »Jjenbe,  23^  ofb.  weak 
enemy,  town;  _  ^axMe,  £^8,  S^b  duU  el.  faint 
colour,  light,  sound;  _  Sabning  low  charge;  en 
_  ©tei  a  slight  noise;  et  -t  $aob  a  faint  el. 
forlorn  hope;  ~,  -t  ^elbreb  delicate  health;  _  af 
Jpelbreb  delicate,  of  delicate  health;  bet  -ere  Søn 
the  softer  sex;  ftoa  '^aa  -e  gøbber  be  weak,  pre- 
carious,  in  a  precarious  state;  i  et  -t  Øjebli!  in 
a  moment  of  weakness;  jeg  tenber  l^on§  -e  ©ibe 
I  know  his  foible,  I  know  his  weak  point;  ban 
er  _  i  £attn  he  is  defleient  in  Latin,  he  knows 
but  little  of  Latin,  he  is  a  poor  Latin  scholar; 
§æren  er  for ,_  (o :  er  i!fe  ftor  nof)  the  army  is 
too  small;  *er  _  for  has  a  weakness  for;  —  f  bagt 
adv  weakly  etc;  -t  befolfet  thinly  populated;  -t 
faltct  mild  cured.  Sbage  c  ()).  ©obel)  faible. 
Stiagelig  a  weakly,  infirm,  delicate;  _  ©unbftebS- 
tilftanb  delicate  state  of  health.  Sbageltg^eb  c 
weakness,  feebleness.  Soag^eb  c  -er  (legemlig) 
4ebility;  (legemlig  og  aanbelig)  weakness,  feeble 


ness,  infirmity;  (foagt  $unft)  infirmity,  foible, 
weak  point;  t=©^gbom.  S»og|t)eb8fe}l  (moral) 
weakness,  infirmity.  -ticbSfljnb  sin  from  natural 
frailty.  -(ebStilftanb  state  of  weakness  el.  de- 
bility,  prostration.  -^iertct  a  faint -hearted. 
■^oncbct  a  weak-headed.  Soagma'tiler  c  -e  F 
joc  weakling.  Stiagl finbet  o  imbecile,  crazy. 
•ftinet  a  dim-sighted,  having  weak  eyes.  -f^net* 
^cb  c  amblyopy.  Soagtbtigget  a  weakly  con- 
structed.    Sbagtroenbe  a  weak  in  faith. 

Sttflj  a  fe  ©oej. 

Stoai  c  (©fraabeb)  bevel;  ^ugge  x>a<i  ~  bevel. 

SUoJ  i,:  ligge  ifaa  ~  be  swinging.  SeajBottt 
swinging  boom;  (©loeberO  guess-warp  boom; 
(»eb  Sølbaling)  outrigger.  Sttaje  vi  swing  to  and 
fro;  ^  swing;  _  op  for  SBinben  tend  to  the  wind; 
_  op  el.  neb  meb  ©teømmen  tail  up  el.  down  the 

Suoje,  fbaj^ugge  vt  bevel. 

Stiajen  c  swinging.  Sbajerum  n  room  to  swing. 

*S»iil  fe  ©bale  c  3. 

Stinl,  fea'It  a  cool.  tSboIe  c  cool.  Sbule  vt 
cool;  -i  vd  cool,  become  cool. 

Sbale  o  -r  swallow,  Hirundo;  9Kurv  ftirfe« 
swift,  black-martin;  Cypgelu»;  en  _  gør  ingen 
©ommer  one  swallow  does  not  make  a  summer. 
Sttale  vt  (neb)  dovetail,  scarf  with  a  swallow 
-tail,  tongue. 

Sbole  c  -r,  *St)iJl  -er  gallery,  balcony. 

S»oIe|b(j!fe,  -bænicooler.  -brif  coolingdraught, 
refreshing  drink. 

St>ale|bue  swallow  (pigeon),  Columba  mercu- 
rialis.  -ftolc  swallow's  tail;  fort  swallow-tai' 
swallow-tail  butterfly,  Papilio  machaon. 

SPoIelfar  cooler,  coolin g  vat.  -maffine  (91KøII.) 
hopper-boy.    -obn  leer. 

Sbalcjrebe  swallow's  nest.  -rob  swallow-wort, 
celandine,  Aselepias  vincetoxicum.  -rumpe  swal- 
low's tail;  (Sioleftøb)  .«wallow-tail;  (©ammenfælb= 
ning)  dovetail,  swallow-tail.  -rumpefil  dovetail 
file.  -rumpetraab  dovetail  wire.  -ffinne  dove- 
tail plate.   -fnrcppe  sandpiper,  Totamis  hypoleucoi. 

Sbolcfpnnb  c  cooling-pail. 

Soalejfpurp  pied  fly-catcher,  Jfiweicapa  atri- 
captlla.    -ftjært  fe  -rumpe. 

Sbnleftue  c  cooling-room. 

SPaIe|tornffflbewoodswallow,  Artamun.  -tvttt 
(lømr.)  culvertail.    -træffe  vt  culvertail. 

SPaIet«nbe  c  refrigeratory. 

Spolejunge  young  swallow.  -urt  swallow 
-wort,  Cheiidonium. 

SPaleponb  n  cooling-water. 

SPoIePtpftjært  c  swallowtailed  thrush,  Enni- 

*SPo'Igang  c  fe  ©oale  3. 

SPa'I^eb  c  coolness. 

Spoling  c  eooling. 

Spoling  c  dove-tailing,  tonguing. 

*SPfllfer  c  J^  drunken  sailor. 

Spoui  fe  ©oemme. 

SPomp  c  -e  sponge;  ^  &  med  fungus,  pi  fungi 
og  funguses;  ^an  briffer  fom  en  -  he  drinks  like 
a  flsh.  -ogtig  a  spongy,  fungous.  -ogttgtteb  c 
fungosity.  -boofe  lower  part  of  a  tobacco-pipe, 
receptacle  (of  the  tobacco-juice;.  SPOttipe  vt 
p  drink  like  a  flsh.  SPOtttpebille  erotylus 
SPompet  a  spongy.  SPompe|toro(spoDge-coral 
-ftdf  fungin. 

SPonbt  fe  ©einbe. 

SPoue  c  -r  swan,  Cvgnus;  ung  _  cygnet.  -6a; 
swan-skin,  swansdown.  •iavm,  -brpft  poet 
soft  and  snow-white  (el.  snowy)  bosom.  -butt 
swan's-down.  -fjeber  swan's  quill  el.  feather. 
•flof  flock  of  swans.  -gaa8  Canada  el.  cravat 
goose,  Cpgnopsis  canadensis.  -^olS  swan's  neek. 
-^al§(6«jle)Ktgooseneck.  -^olSegleplesiosaurus. 






•Ijam  3wan's  skin;  poet  swan's  wings  pi.  -^tiiti 
a  white  as  a  swan.  -jagt  swan-shooting.  -mu§= 
Ung  anodonta,  -fang  fig  dying  strains  (of  a 
swau).  -fftnb  swan's  skin.  -unge  young  swan, 
cygnet.    -oingc  swan's  wing.    -«gle  fe  -Iiaiaøgle. 

Suang  imp  fe  Soinge. 

tSttang  o  (nm  Som)  blighted,  empty. 

Søang  c  hollow  of  the  sole. 

6oang :  gaa  i  -  prevail,  be  prevalent  el.  rife. 

*@»ange  c  -r  groin. 

@tianger  a  fe  grugtiommeltg;  _  poo,  +af  pregnant 
with.  -ffo6  n  pregnancy.  -ftab§t)Crii>be  period 
of  gestation.   -flabétegn  symptom  of  pregnancy. 

Stiangdet)  c  emptiness. 

Stianare  c(  (lun  fig)  impregnate. 

Bvans  c  fe^ale;  (af  Saoet)  trail.  @tiattS|bHI  fric- 
tion-plate.  Soanfe  vi  wag  the  tail;  f  (om  $erfon) 
waddle.  strut;  3'""^  Detre  .  .  .  oin!e  meb  fCjnene 
og  gaa  frem  og  ~  bibl  the  daughters  of  Zion  walk 
with  .  .  ,  wanton  eyes,  walking  and  mincing  as 
they  go.  (3tian8{ jammer  tilt-hammer,  lifting 
-hammer,  -trflbé  mil  stock-cheek  clout.  -rigel 
trail-transom.  -ring  ring  of  the  trail-transom. 
-ffrue  c  {paa  ®eoær)  breech-pln,  thumb-nut. 
•ftnttt  tail-piece. 

éoar,  ftiore  a  fe  ©ttær. 

©»ar  n,  pi  =,  answer,  reply;  Belræftenbe  _ 
answer  in  the  affirmative,  éencegtenbe  _  answer  in 
the  negative  (paa  to);  giBe  en  _  return  el.  give  one 
au  answer;  gat)  intet  -  oflfered  no  reply;  ber  lom 
intet  _  no  answer  was  returned;  faa  -  get  an 
answer;  til  _  paa  in  answer  of,  in  reply  to; 
Bltbe  en  _  ftQibig  return  no  answer;  t)an  bliwt 
olbrig  -  ffijibig  he  is  never  at  a  loss  for  a  reply; 
intet  _  er  ogfaa  et  ~  no  answer  is  an  assent;  _ 
iibbebfS  (S.  u.)  an  answer  is  requested  (R.  S.  V.  P.). 
@»arabre§fe  c  reply  to  the  address.  Snore  vt 
&  t  answer,  reply,  re.spond;  (om  næSoife  tjenere) 
answer  again;  bet  -r  itte  it  does  not  agree;  _ 
©fatter  og  Slfgifter  pay  scot  aud  lot;  -  3;olb,  Seje 
pay  duty,  rent;  _  for  (inbeftaa  for)  answer  for, 
be  answerable  el.  responsible  for;  bu  -r  mig  for 
I  hold  you  responsible  for;  -igen  F  answer 
again;  -paa  answer  el.  reply  to;  -  til  (paSfe 
til)  agree,  correspond,  be  of  a  piece  with,  in 
keeping  \vith,  answer  to;  -be  itle  til  »ore  gorbent« 
ningcr  did  not  (quite)  come  up  to,  was  (rather) 
Short  of,  our  expectations ;  —  foarenbe  cor- 
responding;  og  bertil  -nbe  .  .  .  and  ...  to  cor- 

éoare,  foarlig  (+a),  ftiarligen  adv  greatly, 

-fSuorelfe  c  payment. 

@tia'r|(Ǥ  a  (fom  intet  -  faar)  unanswered;  (fom 
intet  _  gioerj  not  answering,  mute,  silent.  -fa(ut 
return  salute.  -fignal  reply  signal,  -ffrttielfe 
written  answer,  reply,  letter  in  answer.  -ftanber 
^l,  answering  pendant. 

Bvatt  a  (poet  &  '■')  swarthy,  black.  -olf  dark 
elf,  black  elf  -anb  black  duck,  Anns  nigra. 
■tog  black-backed  gull,  blackback,  Larus  inari- 
n««.  -fnglene  the  auk  tribe.  *-or  common  alder, 
Alnus  glutino9a.  -ftbe  harp  seal,  Greenland  seal, 
Pkoca  groenlandica. 

•©oaroe  vt  tum.    -r  c  -p  turner. 

*@tie  c  &  n  -er  piece  of  land  reclaimed  by 

@ticbbe  c  -r  ,i,  (i  ©pant)  shore. 

©beb  imp  of  ©Bibe. 

®»eb  c  perspiration,  sweat;  fomme  i  -  get  into 
a  p.  el.  a  sweat;  Bære  babet  i  -  be  in  a  (profuse) 
perspiration,  quite  in  a  p.,  in  a  bath  of  p.;  i 
bit  SlnfigtS  _  in  the  sweat  of  thy  brow,  bibl  in 
the  sweat  of  thy  face;  (Sngeift  _,  fe  -fot.  *®t»eb 
«  fe  ©oebt.  ©»ebjblegner  p/ prickly  heat.  -batn)) 
profuse  perspiration.  -banivenbe  a  smoking  (with 

perspiration).  -braabe  drop  of  perspiration,  bead 
of  sweat.    -bribenbe  a  diaphoretic,  sudoriflc. 

Sbcbe,  -te,  -t  vi  &  t  perspire,  sweat;  ^  steam 
(planks);  sp  bleed;  _  %xan  p  be  in  a  muck  of 
sweat;  -  af  9Ingft  sweat  for  fear;  _  oBer  be 
sweating  at;  tage  inb  at  _  paa  take  a  sweat;  _ 
ub  fig  unleam;  _  ub  af  (f.  ©fS.  et  Sræ)  exude 
from;  F  bet  ^ar  jeg  rent  -bt  ub  I  quite  forgot 
that.  @bebe{bab  sweating-bath,  sudatory.  -brif 
sudorific,  diaphoretic.  -bug  bibl  napkin,  hand- 
kerchief  -feber  fe  ©Bebfot.  -^vl  pore.  -laSfe, 
lifte  stove,  kiln,  steamer.  -lur  course  of  sudor- 
ifics.  -lælber  damp  cellar  for  testing  gun  barreis. 
-mibbel  sudorific. 

@ueben  partic  af  ©bibe,  foie;  a  p  sly,  shrewd, 
knowing;  -t  ©mil  shrewd  smile,  leer.  -Jjeb  c 
cunning,  shrewdness. 

SntebeHborgiit'ner  c  -e  Swedenbo'rgian. 

©uebelobti  reheating-furnace.  -^lore  pore. 
■))ulticr  sudoriflc  el.  diaphoretic  powder. 

Sueber  c  -e  p  gammel  _  old  fellow,  old  fogey. 

©uebeift  te  sudatory.  -f»)ge  fe  ©Bebfot.  —  (S»eb)» 
futs  light  bay  horse.  @»ebtg  a  fe  ©Bebt.  (5Beb|= 
lirtel  sudoriparous  gland.  -lugt  sweaty  smeU. 
-rem  hat-lining.  -fot  sweating  sickness.  Soebt 
a  sweaty,  moist  with  perspiration.  Sbebulb 
wool  in  the  yolk. 

tSucj  «  lithe,  pliable,  springy.  *®tiet  c  -er 
switch.    Sbeje  vt  bend. 

©bejf  [t.]  c  mil  tuft. 

©bejfe  vt  curve,  sweep,  round  ofiF.  -ntafftne 
fe  -foB.  —  ©bejf  Ifil  file  for  key-holes.  -jammer  fe 
t?ob=.  ©bejfning  c  sweeping,  rounding.  —  ©bejlf|° 
fab  sweep -saw,  turning-saw.  -fto!  warping 

©Oejr^gget  a  saddle-backed,  hollow  backed. 

^■ot\%  [t.]  c  sp  blood.    ©beffe  [t.]  vi  bleed. 

©ucj§bor  a  weldable.  ©bejfe  vt  weld.  ©»eif(e)= 
bebe  welding  heat.  ©bejSuiug  c  welding.  — 
©bej§|obn  welding- furnace.  -ranb  seam.  -fanb 

©nejtfer  c  -e  fe  ©d^roeij  ofB.;  (53ortner)  porter; 
dairy-man,  cheesemaker.  -forbunb  Helvetian 
confederation.  -garbe  Swiss  guard.  -i^at  Swiss 
hat.  -\;^Xitti  Swiss  chalet.  -tanton  Swiss  canton. 
-oft  Gruyére.    ©beitferfi,  fbejtfift  a  Swiss. 

*@tieib  c  crank-handle.  ©beibe  vt  tum  round 
by  a  crank-handle. 

*@uet  n  rickets. 

©oeQe  c  -r  sleeper. 

©oenb  Swain,  Sweyn. 

©bcnb  c  -e  (^aanboærféf.)  journeyman,  working 
.  .  .  (®ulbfmebe=  working  jeweller  ofB.);  (et  ungt 
OTanbfolt)  swain,  lad.  @benb|barn  male  child. 
-bom  c  chastity,  pudicity;  ^an  ^ar  fin  _  he  has 
never  known  woman.  —  ©benbejgitbe  feast 
given  by  mechanics  on  their  entering  a  Cor- 
poration of  journeymen.  -herberge,  -fro  jour- 
neymen's  club.  -Ittbe  joumeymen's  chest  el. 
fund.  -len  journeyman's  wages.  -^røbe,  -ft^ffe 
journeyman's  probation  work. 

©ueuff  a  Swedish.  *©bcttffe  c  -r,  fe  ©Benffer; 
green  grossbeak,  Fringilla  chloris.  ©benffer  c 
-e  Swede.    ©bcnffliarb  scarifier. 

©oerrig  n  Sweden. 

©beffe  [é]  c  -r  prune,  dried  plum;  fom  en  _ 
as  easy  as  kiss  hånd.  -blomme  damascene, 
damson,  Prunus  damaseena ;  (liHe  fort)  damask 
-plum.  -))rind  split- fig.  -fubbe  barley-broth 
with  prunes,  plum  porridge.    -tærte  prune-tart. 

©oeojer  pi  Suevi.    -iff  a  Suev'ic. 

©Oibel  c  -bier  bulb.  -fiff  typ  pie,  pi.  -glaS 
root-glass.    -marmor  cipolin. 

©bibe,  fbte,  fBeb,  (-i-foiebe),  fbebet  vt  singe, 
scorch;  ^un  ^or  fbebet  3Raben  she  has  burnt  the 





meat;  -  af  set  fire  to,  vi  burn,  blaze;  —  futbeå 
vd  burn  to.    Soibning  singeing  etc. 

@t)ie  c  smart,  sharp  pungent  pain.  @»ie, 
(+fjiibe)  (ogf.  fueb,  fbebet)  vi  smart,  pain,  aehe; 
fy  bet  -r  til  f)am  el.  til  i)an%  5pung  he  must  smart 
for  it;  bette  Zah  -x  enbnu  til  mig  I  still  feel  the 
efFect  of  this  loss. 

*@tiie«tætle  n  brand. 

Stiift  n,  pi  =,  whiff,  puflf.  ©ttifte  vi  whiflf. 
@t)iften  c  whiffing. 

Snig  c  fraud,  deceit.  -ng'tig  a  fraudulent, 
deceitful ;  i  _  .^enfigt  with  intent  to  defraud. 
•agt'ig^eb  c  fraudulence,  deceitfulness.  ®»tge, 
foeg,  joeget  vt  deceive,  disappoint;  (Bebragz,  befsige) 
defraud;  _  fit  gfæbrelanb  i  %axeni  ©tunb  forsake 
one's  country  in  the  times  of  danger;  _  fit  Søfte, 
fit  Orb  break  one's  promise,  one's  word;  _  en 
$ige  deceive  a  girl,  (br^be  SégteftabSløfte)  break 
a  promise  of  marriage;  _  garoen  (i  ^ortftil)  re- 
voke,  not  to  foUow  suit;  benne  9tagte  timbe  fet  _ 
this  nail  might  easily  give  way.  @titg(c)fulb  a 
fe  Sbigagtig. 

@tiiger|batter  daughter-in-law.  -faber  father 
-in-law.  -førælbre  pi  father-  and  mother-in-law. 
-tn'be  c  -r  sister-in-law.  -mober  mother-in-law. 
-f«tt  son-in-law. 

'^©Uigt  c:  giee  -  bend,  gipe  way.  Svigte  vi 
b.  f. 

@titgte  vt  (en)  fail,  forsake,  abandon,  desert, 
disappoint  (one);  J>  swift;  (et  Sejl)  balance  (a 
sail);  ilte  _  en  stand  by  one;  I)on  -r  olbrig  et 
gobt  2ag  he  is  never  absent  from  any  merry- 
making;  mit  jSje  -r  mig  my  sight  fails  me;  min 
^ulommelfe  -r  mig  my  memory  fails  me;  5an§ 
.  gobe  ^umør  -be  fiam  his  humour  failed  him;  _ 
fin  spiigt  betray  one's  duty;  ^an  -r  albrig  Rn  93ligt 
he  never  flinches  el.  shrinks  from  his  duty;  — 
vi  -  i  gorenS  ©tunb  be  wanting  at  the  time  of 
danger;  Bi  »entebe  Itam,  men  tjan  -be  we  expected 
him,  but  he  did  not  come;  ^an  -r  ilfe  i  et  gobt 
£ag  he  is  a  jolly  good  fellow;  meb  olbvig  -nbe 
3oer  with  unfailing  el.  unflagging  zeal.  @tiigte|  = 
tth  J>  balance  reef.  -ting  spider-hoop.  -ta(ie 
swifter-tackle.    -toti  swifter. 

@kiigting  c  ^  catharping  Soigtingdl^olt 
catharping-leg.  -reb  o.  fl.  ©bigtr  @bigt> 
f^ænbe  swifter. 

@t>i!'  c  -fer  spigot,  vent-peg.  -Bor  gimlet. 
-jammer  tack-driver.    -^ul  spigot-hole. 

Soitle  vt  reef  (the  sails  of  a  mill);  trim  (the 
beard),  point  (a  horse-shoe  nail). 

@tiitte(  c  -fler  clock.  -^tvsmptv  elock-stockings. 
©bille  vt  clock. 

@t>tttn«IIe  c  see-saw. 

*®»ia  c  -er,  fe  Sljlb;  fe  ©bette. 

©tiime  c  swoon;  i  -  in  a  swoon;  ftaa  i  ~  stun 
(by  a  blow).    -f(ag  a  stunning  blow. 

©tiim|Ie  vi  be  dizzy  el.  giddy;  jeg  -r  el.  bet  -r 
for  mig  I  grow  dizzy,  my  head  tums  el.  swims. 
-len  c  giddiness.  -Icnbe  a  dizzy,  giddy.  -ting 
e  darnel,  Lolium  temulentum;  *a  fickle,  unsettled 
person,  -mel  c  giddiness,  dizziness,  vertigo, 
swimming  (in  the  head),  -mel  a  giddy,  dizzy; 
blibe  _  be  taken  with  giddiness,  turn  dizzy.  — 
©bimmeljfri  o  free  from  giddiness.  -fteb  c  fe 

*©liimærfe  n  brand. 

S»in  n,  pi  =,  bog,  swine,  pig;  (i  SiUorb)  fluke; 
fig  beast;  bære  fulb  fom  et  ~  be  drunk  like  a  pig; 
^aue  _  ipaa  ©fooen  be  crazy  el.  cracked;  fofte 
ferler  for  _  throw  pearls  before  swine.  @uin|  = 
agt'ig  a  swiuish,  hoggish,  piggish.  -agt'ig^eb  c 
hoggishness,  swinishness,  piggishness. 

©binb  n  fe  -ing.  ©»inbe,  feanbt,  fbunbet  vi 
(forfbinbe)  vanish,  fade  away;  (forminbfteS)  dwindle 
'down),  diminish,  shrink;  _  fien  waste,  be  wasted. 

be  consumed;  i  be  fbunbne  ®age  in  times  past, 
in  the  days  gone  by. 

©binbcl  c  [t.j  giddiness,  frenzy,  fever;  bubble, 
[e.]  swindle.    *©Binbet  a  fe  Seimmel. 

©ttinbjen  c  vanishing  etc.  -ing  c  shrinking, 
shrinkage,  waste,  loss,  uUage.  -fot  consump- 
tion,  decline,  phthisis.  -fotlg  a  consumptive, 

©tiine  vi  &  t  (til)  soil. 

©i>ine|abl  breeding  el.  rearing  of  swine.  -Binb 
vt  tie  together  all  the  legs  of  an  animal;  ed 
-bunbet  ©tib  a  ship  that  is  moored  head  ancj| 
stem.  -blob  hog's  blood.  '-blomme  fe  giomme, 
-bltere  hog's  bladder.  -bob  hog's  shoulderj 
*-br^e  fe  -trug.  -b^lb  furnncle.  -bæft  dirty 
fellow,  beast.  -b«nne  hog's  bean.  -berfter  pi 
(hog's)  bristles,  -bitb  common  sow  thistle,  iS'ojj- 
chus.  -brioer  pig-driver,  -bum  ?e  ^efte=.  -fcbi 
hog's  lard,  pork  fat.  -fcnnifcl  hog's  fennel, 
-ftomme  fe  glomme.  -flQlIe  prov  flitch  of  bacon, 
-f^lling  phalanx.  -f«be  food  for  swine.  -gtlbei 
sow-gelder.  -gøbntng  hog's  dung.  -b«ttr  hog'a 
hair.  -bole  pig's  tail,  ^  weld,  Reseda  luteo/a 
-belb  Strange  piece  of  good  luck,  windfall,  fluke, 
-belbig  a  confoundedly  lucky;  ^an  er  rigtig  _  h« 
is  a  lucky  dog,  indeed.  -bforb  herd  of  swine 
-botb  keeping  pigs.  -bobeb  head  of  ahog.  -bunb 
wild-boar  hound;  P  fe  -bæft.  -b^tbe  swine-herd. 
-ifter  suet,  lard.  -jagt  hunting  of  the  wild  boar., 
■taal  fe  -bilb;  fe  ©loolber--.  -!«b  fe  gflæft.  -tetttt 
pig's  liver.  -I^Hc  fe  -^elb.  -læber  hog-skin  el, 
hog-leather.  -matte  hog's  paunch.  -mel  coars« 
meal,  -millel  hoggish  fellow.  -mælbe  commoi 
orache,  Atriplex  patula.  -xactXt  sow's  mllk;  ^ 
fe  -bilb.  -møg  hog's  dung.  -nijre  pig's  kldney, 
-tieft  swine  fever.  -(joltfl,  -^oliftbeb,  fe  ©nebigj 
©nebigfieb.  -^alittl  foul  play.  -jjelfc  hog's  pud' 
ding,  pork-sausage.  -ri'  n  -er  (Urenlig^eb)  swinish- 
ness, fllthines.s;  (Steb,  !^bor  ©Din  opføbeS)  piggery 
•r^g  back  of  a  hog;  chine  of  pork;  .X,  marling 
-hitches;  (til  9lnler)  anchor-lining.  -jlbe  fe  giæftft 
fibe.  -flinb  hog-skin.  -fitnfe  ham.  -ffagte] 
pork-butcher.  -ffagtning  slaughtering  of  swine 
*-fmttlt  -fmer  fe  -febt  -fniber  (e  -gilber.  -fnub< 
snout  of  a  hog.  -ftalb  fe  -fti.  -fteg  roast  pork; 
tvp  fat.  -fti  hog-sty,  hog-pen.  -f^lte  fe  ^reSfefQlte. 
-tonb  hog's  tooth.  -tibfel  fe  -bilb.  -to  h(  ' 
wool.  -trug  hog's  trough.  -trt)ne  snout  of  t 
hog.  -tunge  hog's  tongue.  -tenbc  swill-tub 
-tiogter  fe  -^tjrbe.  t-æbe  fe  -føbe.  -ajc  ^  swine'i 
succory,  Amoserit.  -evc  pig's  ear;  loose  el 
dangling  ear. 

©Oing  n,  pi  =,  ("ogf.  c  -er)  swing;  (i  ©tribning 
flourish;  (^aanbtag)  crank-handle;  fig  tlight;  (®rei 
ning)  turn;  turning  point^  elbow;  raftt  -  stylish 
ness;  fe  -om.  ©uing|ba§fe  swivel-gun.  -bon 
swlnging-boom.  -bor  centrifugal  drill.  -bri 
swi vel-bridge,  swing-bridge,  ©uinge  (ogf.  fbonj 
fbunget)  vi  &  t  swing;  (om  Sugle  [f».  fig  op])  soa 
(up);  (frem  og  tilbage)  oscillate;  _  af  turn  asid« 
_  (breje)  om  wheel  about  el.  round;  _  (mel 
gatten  el.  fiommetørllæbet  wave  one's  hat  el 
pocket-handkerchief;  _  (meb)  ©bærbet  brandisl 
el.  flourish  the  sword;  ~  om  hjørnet  turn  (round 
the  corner;  _  fig  i  ©ablen  vault  into  the  saddle 
_  fig  ober  throw  one's  self  over,  vault  over; 
fig  ioejret  fi,g  raise  one's  self;  _  Jpør  swingle  fiax 
—  foingenbe  a  $umpe  oscillating  pump; 
-nbe  2æ§  a  swinging  cartload.  ©tiingebur  am 
plitude  of  oscillation. 

©otngel  a  P  fe  ©bimmel. 

©oingel  «  fescue-grass,  Festuca;  fe  ©bimttng 

©Oingel  c  -gier  splint-tree;  (til  ^Sumpe)  brake 
($rægn.)  bar,  lever,  beam.  ©))ingeI{bor  auger 
-fob  (t.  $ør)  swingle-bench.  -tappt  (p.  SSogn 
swingle-tree  clasp.    -^nm)ie  brake  pump.   -rinf 




Bwingletree  ring.  -f^aan  swingle,  swingling 
-knlfe  (-staflf,  -wand). 

@otnge|rum  frce-range,  scope.  -tvm  je  Seinflel- 

Stiinglfjeber  fe  ®tagfjeber;./f<7  tage  »eb  -en  collar. 
-fulb  a  brimful.  -Iiatnmei  swing-tree,  swingle 
-tree.  -^jul  fly-wheel.  -laSfe  (t.  Korntng)  shaking 
-frame,  -febel  swing-kettle.  -lolbe  (poa  glue) 
poiser.  -Iraft  tangential  force.  -lugle  ball  of 
a  fly-press.    -f«Ke  fe  -lolbe. 

@l>ingle  vi  (f.  (SfS.  om  en  bruften  TOanb)  reel. 

@uing|Iob  fe  -oægt.  Sbingning  c  -er  swing- 
ing  etc;  swing,  vibration,  oscillation.  @tiing< 
ningS^Ian  plan  of  oscillation,  ©uingntngåtib 
time  of  vibration  el.  oscillation.  St)ing|om  c 
tour,  Circuit;  f®an§)  kickup,  step-out,  hop;  foa 
ftg  en  -  (meb)  be  dancing  (with).  -VlOD  swing 
-plough.  -preéfe  fly-press.  -ruHc  patent-mangle. 
-H-ffMtnwe  fe  ©enttifuge.    -»CEgt  fe  *)3erpenbi!el. 

Sbinfe  vi  wriggle.  igbintc  c  digression;  flaa 
en  _  digress,  meander.    -atente  by-errand. 

©Uinff,  ©oinfl^cb,  fe  SBinagtig,  -^eb.  *®»i'nfOE, 
SOintag  c  badger. 

*@t»int  a  &  adv  quick.  Sbiltte  fig  vr  make 
haste,  look  quick. 

©»{<)  c  instant,  moment;  fian  t>av  en  lille  _  i 
Kom  he  took  a  trip  to   Rome;  i  en  _  in  a  trice. 

Sbitt'  n  smack,  crack.  S»i|>|)c  vt  (f.  &i.  meb 
»Jifl)  crack;  smack,  flick. 

@bi))))e  vi  whisk,  run. 

@Oit)ftof  c  switch. 

€tiit)|tur  trip,  flying  visit;  gøre  en  -  take  a 
trip.    -ætenbe  hurried  errand. 

©Utr  c  riot  and  revel,  dissipation,  carousing; 
tjcere  paa  _  F  be  on  the  spree;  p  bar  en  ren  - 
for  "^om  was  a  real  treat  el.  god-send  to  him. 

@bire  vi  revel,  riot,  carouse,  -nbe  a  fuddled. 
S»irc|br8bcr,  -gaft  reveller,  rioter,  carouser. 
■gilbe,  -log  drinkiug-bout,  carouse.  -lib  life  of 

+@bir<>e  vi  (fsibe)  bite,  pinch. 

@øicre  vi  whirl,  turn  round;  (fumme)  buzz; 
(om  f^ugl)  whir;  bet  -r  for  mig  my  head  is  in  a 

Sbiffc  fe  ©Beffe. 

Sbit'c  fe  Sutte. 

^Sbitfe  [t.]  vt  fry. 

Stioger  [aa]  c  -gre  brother-in-law.  Sbogerflab 
«  affinity.    Suogetfte  c  -r  sisterin-law. 

*S»oIl  c  -er  (heavy)  stick,  bludgeon;  f  hig, 
thumping  fellow,  fe  $r^gl.  Sbotfe  vi:  ligge  og 
-  \>aa  Søen  be  buflfeting  about;  —  vt  f  \e 

*@»or  c  fe  Snær. 

Sbor,  fboren  fe  ©oærge. 

Soobct  [aa],  @tiobt  r  sulphur,  brimstone; 
getiigent  -  native  s.;  (i  Stænger)  roll-brimstone; 
renfet  -  washed  sulphur.  @oot)l|aftr^f  impression 
in  sulphur.  -ogtig  a  sulphureous,  sulphurous. 
•altotiol  sulphuret  of  carbon,  carbonic  disul- 
phide.  -ontimontum  sulphuret  ofantimony.  -bab 
sulphureous  bath,  sulphur-bath.  -balfam  bal- 
sam of  sulphur.  -blanbet  a  sulphureous,  sul- 
phuretted,  mixed  with  sulphur,  combined  with 
sulphur.  -blomfter  pi  flowers  of  sulphur.  -bifl 
siilphuret  of  lead,  plumbic  sulphide  (o.  P.). 
t-bttnt(e)  sulphuretted  hydrogen,  hydro-sul- 
phuric  acid,  hydric  sulphide.  -brønb  ie  -filbe. 
-cqanfaHum  sulphocyanide  of  potassium.  -bnmb 
sulphureous  vapour.  SooDle  vt  fumigate  with 
sulphur,  sulphurate.  ®tioti(ert§  fe  -ft§.  Sooblet 
«  sulphurous,  sulphureous.  Sboollfrt  a  free 
from  sulphur.  -grube  brimstone-  el.  sulphur 
-pit.  -gni  a  of  a  brimstone  colour,  brimstone 
-Goloured.  -gnib  protosulphuret  ofgold.  -^olbig 
a  sulphureous,  sulphuretted,  sulphurj'.    -^^tte 

brimstone-house.  Sboblingcsulphuring.  SbOblU 
•jærn  sulphuret  of  iron,  iron  pyrites,  ferrous 
sulphide.  -jorb  sulphureous  earth.  •lalittta 
potassic  sulphide  (o.  fl.).  -lilbe  sulphureous 
spring.  -ItS  pyrites.  -Inlfitaf  fe  -olfo^ol.  -Ibi!» 
f*U)  mercuric  sulphide.  -teber  liver  of  sul- 
phur. -lugt  smell  of  brimstone,  sulphureous 
smell.  -metal  sulphide.  -utålf  precipitated 
sulphur.  -nittet  hair-pyrites.  -olie  sulphurated 
oil.  -))(after  brimstone -plaster.  -|)«l  lake  of 
fire  and  brimstone.  -regn  rain  of  brimstone, 
sulphurous  rain.  -rob  sulphur  -  weed ,  Peuce- 
danum.  -r«g  fe  -bamp.  -falbe  sulphurated  oint- 
ment.  -ftit,  -ftitte  (brimstone)  match,  lucifer. 
-ftittefabril  match  manufactory.  -ftittefabritant 
match -maker.  -^itteæfte  match -box.  -fut  a 
sulphuric;  -t  Salt  sulphate;  -t  SIft,  Sin  sulphate 
of  lead,  tin;  plumbic,  stannic  sulphate  (o.  fl.) 
-fijre  sulphuric  acid,  hydric  sulphate.  -fQreaU' 
^l)brib  sulphurous  anhydride.  -firling  sul- 
phurous acid.  "fulb  sulphuret  of  silver,  -traab, 
-tænber  thread  dipped  in  sulphur,  match. 
-triocib  sulphurous  trioxide.  -unberftite  hypo- 
sulphuric  acid.  -uubcrf^rling  hyposulphurous 
acid.  -unberf^rlct  a  hyposulphurous.  -Danb 
sulphureous  water.  -banbftof  fe  -brinte.  -botS 
paint  for  shoes.  -bært  sulphur-works  pi.  -jint 
zinc  sulphide.    -æter  sulphuric  ether. 

••'©buU  c  -er,  fe  Soulft;  fe  3§fouII. 

SbuKen  c  swelled,  swoln,  tumid,  turgid. 
Sbutnte  vi  (ogf.  fig)  swell;  _  op  swell  (out). 
@bulnten  c  swelling,  swell.  -i-SuuIne  vi  swell, 
become  swoln.  Soulft  c  -er  swelling,  tumor; 
fig  bombast,  turgidity,  turgid  style.  Sbutftig  a 
bombastic,  turgid.    Ébul^ig^eb  c  fe  Soulfl  fig. ' 

'Si^np'  n  swap,  (c  fe  S»tp  c).    @bu))^e  vi  swap. 

@bccttc  vt  weaken,  enfeeble,  debilitate,  im- 
pair;  fe  Sftiffe;  -t  ^ufommelfe,  S^n  an  impaired 
memory,  eye-sight.  -Ife  c  weakening,  (ogf. 
fprogl.)  debilitation,  enervation;  inflrmity. 

©»otlbe  vt  (@axo.j  swell,  raise;  '^vi  fe  Sbulme. 
<3b(clbning  c  swelling. 

©bælg  n,  pi  =,  (Strube)  throat,  gullet,  swal- 
low;  (Slfgrunb)  abyss,  gulf;  bunbløft  _  bottomless 
pit;  aSetænbelfe  i  -et  pharyngitis.  Sboelge  vt 
swallow,  gulp,  gorge;  vi  fig  ~  i  revel  el.  luxuri- 
ate  in ,  batten  on ;  _  i  Doerflob  roll  in  plenty. 
et  -nbe  25l)6  a  yawning  abyss.  @b(elglatart^ 
catarrh  of  the  pharynx.  Sbælguing  c  swallow- 
ing  etc. 

'■'SbæKe  fe  Soulme. 

*®bælt(e)  c  (omtr.)  beggar-my-neighbour. 

-i-Sbælte  fe  Sulte. 

@b(er  c  rind;  (ftegt)  crackling. 

Sbicr  a  heavy,  ponderous;  (om  93erfon)  big, 
huge;  (om  SSin)  heady;  (om  Søj)  heavy,  strong, 
substantial;  -t  Slrbejbe  hard  work;  bet  -e  {Rytteri 
the  heavy  cavalry;  -t  SffltS  heavy  ordnance  el. 
artillery,  et  -t  fjoretagenbe  a  laborious  task,  a 
difflcult  undertaking ;  en  -  Sø  a  heavy  sea ;  -e 
?Penge  a  lot  of  money;  —  fuært  adv  p  exceed- 
ingly,  immensely,  hugely;  _  ræb  sore  afraid. 
Sbæranler  hest  bower. 

@tiae'rb  n,  pi  =,  (-1-  -e)  sword;  <!,  lee- board. 
■bib  fe  -^ug.  -btbt  a  hacked.  -blob  sword 
-blade,  -btabet  a  with  ensiform  leaves.  -brober 
fe  -ribber,  -bælte  sword-belt.  -bærer  fe  -ribber. 
■bønne  sword-bean,  Fkageolui  lunatut.  -bannet 
a  sword-shaped,  ensiform.  -banS  .»^word-dance. 
■brager  .-^word-bearer.  tSbærbeltobbe  fe  SDærb= 
fæfte.  SodCfklfeier  sword  -  cutler.  -flft  sword 
-flsh,  Xiphiat;  fe  ©pæt^ugger.  -formig  fe  -bannet. 
-foefte  hilt  of  a  sword.  -^aore  Tartarian  oatå, 
Avena  orientalis.  -^ug  cut  with  a  sword.  -lant^ 
sword-fight.  -Hinge  sword-blade.  -tnab,  -tneif 
pommel  of  a  sword.    -lilje  iris,  rain  bo w  flower. 




flag,  Iris;  gul  _  fe  Slæg;  bloa  _  fleur-deluce, 
orris-root  plant,  /.  germanica;  ftinlenbe  _  (stink- 
ing)  gladwyn,  /.  /oelidissima.  -ob  sword's 
point,  -orben  order  of  the  sword.  -rem  fe 
-6æltc.  -ribbet  knight  of  the  order  of  the  sword. 
@»«rb§^|Ufl  fe-:^ug.  Stiærblflbe  male  line.  -ffebe 
sword-sheath.  -ffifte  sword-flght.  -flag  stroke 
with  a  sword;  uben  -  without  striking  a  blow. 
SbffrbSob  fe  -ob.  SocerbSicg  edge  of  the  sword. 
@t)(erb|tange,  -tunge  tang  of  the  sword.  +-oant 
a  accustomed  to  sword-flght. 

@ti(crge,  faor,  fboret  vi  &  t  swear;  _  og  banbe 
swear;  _  en  SSenflab  swear  el.  vow  friendship  to 
one;  _  $æ»n  vow  vengeance;  -  til  ganen  swear 
to  one's  colours;  _  falff  take  a  false  oath,  for- 
swear  one's  self;  jeg  tør  fsærge  paa,  ot  .  .  .  I'll 
take  my  oath,  I'll  be  swom  that  .  .  .;  labe  en 
_  2;ab8l)eb  swear  one  to  secrecy;  f Borne  gfjenber 
swom  enemies;  foorne  58enner  sworn  friends, 
firm  and  fast  friends.   @ti(ergen  c  swearing  etc. 

@ti(e'rlemmet  a  large-limbed;  mere  _  larger 

Soærnt  c  -e  swarm;  lebe  i  ©Dir  og  _  lead  a 
life  of  riet  and  debauchery,  lead  a  dissipated 
life.  Stticrme  vi  (f.  efg.  om  58ier)  swarm;  (fotre) 
revel,  riot;  _  omfring  i  £anbet  rove  through  the 
country;  (Ⱦre  begejftret)  be  an,  rave; 
_  for  admire,  fancy,  (ftærfere)  love,  be  an  en- 
thusiastic  admirer  of,  rave  about,  (en)  worship. 
@t>(ernte^u(  fe  gitjoe^iul.  Sooermen  c  swarming 
etc.  @tiærme|)ieriobe  fe  -ttb.  ©nærmer  c  -e 
(Sbiregaft)  rioter,  reveller;  (Begejftret  SJlonb)  en- 
thusiast  (for),  lover,  enthusiastic  admirer  (of); 
(ijonatifer)  fanatic,  visionary,; 
(i  fif^roærferi)  squib,  cracker,  serpent.  ©tjærmeri' 
n  enthusiasm;  (fBinfteligt,  for  ftore  ajJænb  o.  b.) 
hero-worship.  St)ærmer(i)fla visionary, fanatical, 
enthu.siastic.  ©»ærmcrin'be,  Suærmerfle  c  -r 
(female)  enthusiast.  ©tiærmetib  (om  ^ter) 
swarming  season.  ©t)(rrra|f))ore  moving  spore. 
-^nget  small  brood  (of  oysters). 

Bttce'tpnie  c  fe  ©ijpube. 

©»ærte  vt  black,  blacken;/?!/  blacken,  asperse. 
©tifltrte  c  blacking;  t  F  9»ie  i  -n,  fe  9JæIbe. 
©tiærtelgr^be  black-pot.  *-græ§  fe  -bælb.  -!oft 
black  brush.  -Oælb  gipsywort,  Lycopus  euro- 
pceus.    ©tticrtntng  c  blacking. 

t@t)æ»)  11  tail. 

*©»>«»  c  fe  ©beib. 

*©»>ætte  c  fe  ©øgeurt. 

©ticctie  vi  (i  Xiuften)  hang,  hover;  {X)Oia  SSanbet, 
ogfaa  i  2uften)  float;  (om  ^erfoner)  glide,  skim, 
flit;  gugleu  -be  ^øft  i  Suften  the  bird  sailed  high 
in  the  air;  _  imellem  ^oab  og  Sfrljgt  float  between 
hope  and  fear;  _  meHem  £ib  og  ffiøb  be  in  a 
state  el.  be  hovering,  between  Ufe  and  death; 
_  i  gare  be  in  imminent  danger;  _  i  be  ^øjere 
aiegioner  fig  be  in  the  clouds;  ben  grr^gt  l^bori  be 
oltib  -be  the  fear  which  they  always  had  be- 
fore them;  ©særbet  -be  ober  l^anS  §ooeb  the 
svrord  hung  el.  was  suspended  over  el.  above 
his  head;  @ubS  Slanb  -be  ooen  ober  SSanbene  the 
Spirit  of  God  moved  upon  the  face  of  the 
waters;  foæbenbe  a  (om  en  ©og)  pending;  _ 
gorm,  UbtrtjiSmaabe  vague  form,  style;  ben  - 
©tatSgælb  the  floating  national  debt.  ©Oict)e|' 
Pue  syrphus.  -^ub  flying-membrane.  ©Dtetien  c 

©ti«b  n,  pi  =,  swaddle,  swaddling-cloth  el. 
•clout;  ^  involucre. 

©bøbe  c  -r  whip;  (ogf.  fig)  scourge;  gibe  ^eften 
af  -n  apply  et.  make  use  of  the  whip;  løre  'i;>aa., 
menS  man  ^ar  -n  strike  while  the  iron  is  hot, 
make  hay  while  the  sun  shines. 

©tføbe.  -te,  -t  vt  (om  aSarn)  swaddle,  swathe; 
(om  en  ^bilfenfom^elft  @enftanb)  wrap;  -  inb  wrap 


up;  —  vi  sweep.    ©uøbebarn  infant  (in  arms) 
babe,  baby  (in  swaddling-clothes). 

©oøbebrøbte  pi  flagellants. 

©oøbebug  c  wrapper. 

©ti«bel)ug  n  cut  el.  lash  with  a  whip. 

©o«be]Itft, -lifte  swaddling-band.  ©Qøbelfebar«: 
fe  ©bøbebarn. 

©Oøber  c  4,  lanyard. 

©t)øbe|rem  lash,  whip-lash.    -ffoft  fe  53tfteftaf 
-flag  fe  -ftitg.    -fnært  fe  *JJiftefnært. 

©Uøbetø)  swaddling-clothes  pi.  —  @t)ø'b|Iai 
a  swaddled.  -lift  fe  ©oøbe=.  ©Oø'lining  c  swad< 

+©ti«ft  n,  pi  =,  fe  SSinbpuft. 

*©Mft  n,  pi  —  ^  fe  9{eb  3. 

©uamme  {poet  foam)  vi  (ogfaa  fig)  swim;  %-A 
-r  pao  SJanb  wood  floats  upon  water;  ®uloet  ■ 
meb  SSanb  the  floor  is  deluged  with  water;  bu 
-be  i  Saarer  she  was  bathed  in  tears;  _  i  SBIt 
be  bathed  in  blood,  welter  in  blood;  _  ooer 
giob  swim  (over,  a  river;  giften  flal 
brandy  is  Latin  for  flsh;  vt  _  ^efte  water  horseå 
take  horses  into  the  water;  —  -  n  b  e  a  swimmin 
etc;  her  natant;  -nbe  83om  boom;  -nbe  fiabni« 
mere  floating  cargo ,  -nbe  SSetingelier  floatin 
conditions  (o.  fl.).  ©Dømme |anftaU  fe  -flole.  -be 
natatory  leg.  -bentlisber  fe  -butSer.  -bille  hydr< 
philus.  -blære  (^og  gift)  swim;  (til  Wenneft«! 
air-bladder.  -butler  bathing-trowsers  el.  drawerj 
-batte  swlmming  girdle,  life-belt,  life-buo; 
lifepreserver.  -bQgti(|  a  able  to  swim.  -b^tlc 
diver.  -finne  fin.  -fjeber  fin.  flaabe  bathin 
-raft.  -fob  webbed  foot;  forfinet  meb  -føbb( 
web-footed,  palmiped.  -fugt  web-footed  bin 
swimmer  -binbe,  -^ub  web;  meb  -  webbei 
uben  ~  not  webbed.  -frabbe  fln-footed  cral 
-Iran  ball-cock.  -funft  art  of  swimming  el.  nati 
tion.  -lærer,  -mefter  swimming-master.  -^lat 
(©friftft.)  floating-plate.  -J)0te  fe  -fob.  ©Oømmi 
c  -e  swimmer;  (t  ®ampf.)  float.  -rebftab  swin 
ming-apparatus.  -fele  e  swimming- rope.  -flo! 
swimming -school.  -fnæ)>))e  phalarope,  Phalt 
ropus.  -fteb  swimming-place;  (©teb,  ^bor  ma 
fbømmer  Jpefte)  watering-place.  -ta^  stroke  (i 
swimming).  -trøje  cork-jacket.  ©oømning 
swimming;  _  gennem  SSrænbtngcr  surf-riding. 

©^  vt  sew;  _  en  Sjole  make  a  gown  el.  coa 
labe  ftg  _  en  gratie  have  a  coat  made;   - 
Snap  t  sew  on  a  button;  _  et  Sdrme  inb  take 
a  sleeve;  ^un  fab  og  -ebe  she  sat  at  her  need 
■work;  ^un  -r  gobt  she  is  a  good  needle  womai 

Sybarit'  c  -er  syb'arite.    -'iff  a  sybaritical 

©^biU'e  fe  ©ibljlle. 

©qborb  n  work-table. 

©^b  c  &  adv  south;  -enS  SItma  the  cllmate  of 
the  South;  i  _  for  south  of;  Sinben  blæfer  fra  _ 
the  wlnd  blows  south;  ©tibet  ftqrebe  retoifenbe  _ 
the  ship  steered  true  south;  _  til  Cft,  ©.  t.  C. 
South  by  East,  S.  b.  E.;  ©.  t.  SS.,  S.  b.  W.;  ®. 
O.  t.  D.  S.  E.  b.  E. ;  ©.  C.  t.  ®.  S.  E.  b.  S.; 
©.  SS.  t.  SS.  s.  W.  b.  W.  etc.  ©^b|amerita 
South  America  ofB.  -bonen  the  Southern  railway. 
-bo  inhabitant  of  the  South,  -brebbe  latitud 

©t)be  vi  &  t  (t  føb,  føbet)  seethe,  boil.  -« 
seething,  boiling. 

©^blefter  adv  southward.  -enbe  south  end. 
©l)berøerne  the  Hebrides.  ©Qb{for  præp  (to 
the)  South  of  -fra  adv  from  the  South,  -frug- 
ter fruits  of  the  South,  -gaaenbe  a  southerly, 
going  south.  —  n:  for  -  .southward  bound;  paa 
_  on  her  way  south.  -grænfe  southern  limit 
el.  frontier.  -^abet  the  South-sea.  -^at)§farer 
South-sea  man.  -bao^øerne  the  South  Sea  Is- 
lands, -font  fe  -fibe.  -torfet  the  Southern  cross. 
-!^ft  south  coast.     -lonb   the  south,   southern 





country.  -lanbff  a  southern.  S^blifl  a  South, 
southerly,  southern,  meridional;  i  bet  -e  @nglanb 
in  the  South  of  England;  _  Srebbe  south 
latitude;  _  Seflinatton  south  declination;  —  adv 
towards  the  south,  to  the  south ward.  @Qi»(tgft 
a  southemmost ,  southmost.  tSl)bIino  c  \t 
-lænber.  Sflb|l>j8  aurora  australis,  Southern 
lights.  -Icenber  c  -c,  -((cnbtng  c  -er  southerner, 
southron.    -magnetiéme  south  magnetism. 

®l)'tining  c  seething,  boiling. 

©flblo'ft  south-east.  -o'ftlig  a  south-east, 
south -eastern;  adv  to(wards)  the  south-east. 
•o'^tjtnb  south-east  wind.  -ooer  adv  south- 
ward.  'paa  adv  south.  -(»ot  South -pole,  the 
antarctic  pole.  -t»oI(ttr)ctrIeIen  the  antarctlc 
circle.  -))0((ar)egnene  the  antarctic  regions. 
'polattitttet  the  Antarctic  Ocean,  the  South 
Polar  Sea.  -})oIadanbene  |e -polaregnene.  -pvinUtt 
the  South,  -^j^nt  south  point,  -raitb  southern 
edge;  (af  Solen  el.  'iWaanen)  southern  limb.  -fibe 
southside,  southern  side.  -f<)tb8  South  point. 
•ftranb  south  shore.  -ftregen  the  South  point. 
•f^bo'ft  South  South  East.  -f^bo'ftlig  a  south- 
southeasterly.  -f^bseft'  South  South  West. 
•f^boeft'Iig  a  southsouthwesterly.  -f^bøft  ?e 
-f^boft.  -t^f!,  -tuffer  South-German.  -tflfflanb 
South  Germany.  -ticft'  south-west;  (©ømanbS^at) 
south- wester.  -bcft'Iig,  -ueft're  a  south-west, 
south-westerly,  south-westem;  adv  to(ward.s)  the 
south-west.  -oeft'ttgft  a  southwesternmost.  -j»eft'> 
»i«b  South-wester.  -eft',  -aft'Ug,  -eft're  fe  -oft, 
-oftlig.    -eftiigft  a  southea-stemmost. 

S^enit'  c  syenite. 

@Q{erfte  c  -r,  -|omfru,  -tone  needle-woman, 
seamstress,  sempstress. 

@5f'il|i8  csyphilis.  -l'ber  p<  syphil'ides.  -i'tiff 
o  syphilitic. 

@^fo'n  fe  Sifon. 

@^g  a  (lun  fom  5)3ræbifat)  111;  (minbre  brugeligt 
i  @ngl.  enb  i  SImer.)  sick;  (i  minbre  ®rab)  indis- 
posed,  complaining;  (naonl.  om  2egem8bele) 
diseased,  distempered ;  en  _  a  sick  person,  an 
invalid,  (patient)  a  patient;  be  -e  the  sick;  -e  og 
Saarebe  sick  and  wounded;  en  _  gob  a  bad 
foot;  -e  kartofler  diseased  potatoes;  ligge  -  be 
confined  to  one's  bed  by  illness,  lie  111,  be 
lald  up  ill;  ligge  _  af  be  down  in  el.  with;  filiee 
-  be  taken  ill,  fall  111  el.  sick;  lægge  fig  _  lay 
up,  invalid,  anftiHe  fig  ~  sham  illness;  ocere  _ 
paa  Sjæl  og  Segeme  be  ill  el.  sick  in  mind  and 
body;  Boere  _  efter  hanker  after;  _  for  SpørgSmaal 
bibl  doting  about  questious;  Se  taler  for  S)ere3 
egen  -e  TOober  that  Is  oue  for  me  and  two  lor 

S^garn  n  sewing  cotton. 

@^gbom  c  -me  illness,  sickness,  disease,  dis- 
order,  malady;  (minbre  6ett)b.)  complaint;  (meft 
om  2)l)r)  distemper;  (om  'i|Jlanter;  om  Sinbet) 
disease;  en  (et  oift  Slag«)  _  a  disease;  falbe  i  en 
-,  faa  en  -  faa  ^alfen  be  taken  ill.  —  Sflgbomå]= 
aarfag  cause  of  (the)  disease.  -batterier  pi 
becteria  of  disease.  -forfatb  invalldism;  ^ade  _ 
be  prevented  by  disease.  -fornt  form 
•^iftorie  fe  Soge=.  -lære  pathology,  nosology. 
-(ieriobe  period  of  illness  el.  disease.  -f  mitte  con- 
tagion,  infection  (of  disease).  -fpire  disease  germ, 
morbid  germ.  -ftof  miasma,  malaria,  -tegn 
symptom  (of  a  disease).  -tib  time  of  a  disease. 
-tilfælbe  fit  of;  case  of  sickness.  •\)cet- 
lenbc  a  SBaftcrier,  fe  -batterier.  ©Ijge  c  -r,  en 
fmitfom  -  a  contagious  disease;  ben  engelfTe  _ 
the  rickets;  f^  for  ben  flemme  _  out  upon  it! 
tut!  fie  for  shame!  gib  ^an  faa  ben  flemme  -  a 
pest  upon  him! 

Stjgelotteft  sick-certificate.  -baare  stretcher. 
-beretning  physician's  report  (of  patients),    -be' 

f«g  visit  to  a  patient  el.  to  an  invalid,  sick 
-visit,  doctor's  visit,  -barrer  porter  (at  the 
hospital),  -btif  medicinal  potion.  -g^mnaftit 
movement-cure,  kinesipathy.  -^tftorfe  history 
of  an  lUuess,  of  sickness.  -^jent  asylum  for 
invalids.  -^I«!))  medlcal  attendance.  -^«8 
inflrmary.  -journal  case-book.  -tantmer  sick 
-room.  -tadfe  sick-club.  -toft  food  for  patients, 
diet  for  the  sick.  -iDorter  sick-quarters.  -I<j(e) 
sick-berth.  -leje  sick-bed,  bed  of  sickness;  ligge 
poa  -t  keep  one's  bed,  be  conflned  to  one's 
bed,  stretched  on  a  bed  of  sickness;  ^on  er  lige 
tommen  op  fra  fit  langoorige  ~  he  has  just 
recovered  from  a  severe  illness.  Sqgelig  a 
sickly,  inflrm,  morbid,  ailing,  valetudinariau. 
@qgeligl)eb  c  sickliness,  morbidness,  bad  health, 
ill-health.  ©5ge|lifte  sick-list;  fætte  paa  -n  put 
el.  enter  on  the  sick-list,  invalid,  -luft  sick 
-room  air.  -tttfaf  4^  sick-berth,  sick-bay.  -mab 
fe  -toft.  -meéfe  ^  sick-mess.  -<)oSfer(fle)  fe 
-»ogter.  -^leje  nursing  of  el.  attendance  on  the 
sick.  -|)lejer(ffe)  fe  -oogter.  -ratt^ort  report  on 
the  sick.  -rum  ^J,  sick-bay.  -r4gt  fe  -pleje,  -fol 
fe  -ftue.  -febbel  ticket  of  admission  (into  an 
infirmary).  -feng  fe  -leje.  -ffib  hospital -ship, 
floating  hospital,  -fpife  fe  -toft.  -ftalb  stable 
for  sick  horses,  -ftol  invalid-chair,  bath-chair, 
perambulator.  -ftnc  ward  (of  an  infirmary). 
-telt  sick-bay.  -trøfter  comforter  of  the  sick. 
•bogn  carriage  el.  cart  for  transporting  the  sick 
or  wounded,  ambulance,  invalid  carriage;  fe 
-ftol.  -bogter(fte)  attendant  on  the  sick,  (sick-) 
nurse ,  hospital  nurse ,  (ooerorbnet)  matron. 
•oarelfe  sick-room.  *@4'g(ing  c  -er  invalid, 
valetudinariau.  S^'gne  v%  sicken;  _  ^en  lan- 
g^ish,  droop. 

<S\i\iom\tn,  -lone  fe  S^erfte. 

S^tofant'  c  -er  syc'ophant. 

®qt'omor  c  sycamore,  Ficua  sycomorus. 

@qturt)  c  work-basket. 

®^t  c  -e  awl;  p  -e  ($enge)  tin,  rhino.  -bittb 
awlwort,  Subularia. 

Sfltb  c  -er  sill,  groundsill. 

Sqlbannet  a  awl-shaped,  ^  subulate. 

Sfllbe  vt  put  sllls  undemeath.  —  @Q(b|'^inur 
foundation(-wall).    -ften,  -træ  sill. 

S^Ieimager  c  -e  awl-maker.  -ftlf  prick  with 
an  awl. 

©flife  c  -r  sylph.  -let  o  light  as  a  sylph. 
-lignenbe  a  sylph-like.     Sqlfi'be  c  -r  syl'phid. 

©^'llformet,  -formig,  fe  -bannet.  -^»o8  a  sharp 
as  an  awl. 

S^lje  c  -r  a  kind  of  brooch.  -torn  brooch 

S^n  fe  SQib. 

Sfltta'bift  a  syllab'ic. 

S^tte  fe  SQlje. 

©Qllec  pi  (SSæen.)  heddles,  healds. 

©J)lIogt§'|rae  c  -r  syl'logism.  -'tifl  a  syllo- 

®>j'l|flaft  handle  of  an  awl.  -ffiibd  c  point 
of  an  awl.    -f^tibS  a  pointed  like  an  awl. 

Sfllt  c  salt  marsh. 

S^lte  vt  (i  2llm.)  pre-serve;  (i  Sutter)  conserve, 
candy;  (i  Salt  el.  ©bbtte)  pickle;  F  -  ^olUz  fool 
away  time.  iS^lte  c  brawn,  souse,  pickled  pork, 
potted  ham.  S^lte|ogtttf  cucumber  for  pickling. 
-flæff  pork  (for  plckling).  -gla§  fe -trutte.  -gtlS 
pickled  pig.  -lebel  preserving-pan  el.  kettle. 
■trutte  glass  el.  crock  for  preserves  el.  pickles, 
pickle-pot;  jar.    -loge  pickle,  brine,  souse. 

@Qlten^  c  salt  marsh. 

Sfltteltib  season  for  preserving  el.  pickling, 
pickling  season.  -t«i  sweet-meats,  conserves, 
preserves,  jam.    -taiSiUvXtt  jam-pot. 




®^It|flr«8  salt-marsh  grass;  fe  ©tronbtreljage. 
•i)9  salt-marsh  hay. 

©tiltning  c  preserving,  plckllng. 

S^|I«n  pay  for  sewing;  jeg  ^ax  Betolt  4  MigSboIer 
i  _  I  have  paid  four  rixdoUars  for  the  making 
of  it.    -ntaiifine  sewingmachlne. 

i3^m|bo'I  n  -er  sym'bol.  -Jolil' c  symbol'ogy; 
theoi  symbol'ic(s).    -ioift  a  8ymbol'ic(al. 

S^tttlfont'  c  -er  sym'phony.  -fo'nifl  a  sym- 
phon'ic,  sympho'nious. 

S^mlrøetti'  c  sym'metry.  -tne'tri^  a  sym- 

<Bt)mpa\ti  c  -er  sym'pathy.  •(te)'tfff  a  sym- 
pathet'ic,  congenial.  -ti'raab  sympathetic  re- 
medy.  -tifc're  vi  sym'pathize;  be  font  _  meb  ^ont 
his  sympathizers;  be  font  _  meb  Dpreret  the  sym- 
pathizers  with  the  revolt. 

S^tnlJlrga'betne  pi  the  Symple'gades. 

S^nUptoni  n  -er  sym'ptom.  -a'tifl  a  svmp- 

®Un  n,  pl=  &  -er,  (6^n?et)ne)  sight,  eyesight, 
(faculty  of)  vision,  eye{s);  (noget,  mon  fer  eUer  be= 
tragter)  sight,  spectacle;  (Synsforretning)  survey, 
view,  inspeetion;  (®enfærb,  inbbilbt  ©Qn)  appari- 
tion; vision;  -er  pi  visions;  en,  ber  jcebnlig  far  -er 
a  visionary;  en  Stftianbltng  om  -et  a  treatise  on 
eyesight;  latie  et  flar>)t  -  be  sharp-sighted;  mifte 
-et  lose  one's  eyesight;  Ijatie  et  fort  _  be  short 
-sighted  el.  near-sighted ;  ^  for  insight  into;  bi 
t)oobe  -  for  6ag(e)n  we  had  ocular  demonstra- 
tion of  it ;  i)at)t  et  mørft  _  paa  take  a  gloomy 
view  of;  p  toge  -et  fra  take  the  shine  out  of; 
toge  -  paa  take  a  survey  of,  survey,  view, 
inspect;  et  ftolt  _  a  grand  sight;  for  et  -8  ©fftlb 
for  show,  for  the  sake  of  appearances,  for 
appearance's  sake;  beb  -et  af  at  (the)  sight  of; 
tabe  af  ©^ne  lose  sight  of;  bør  albrtg  tobeS  of  - 
should  never  be  lost  sight  of;  of  -e  out  of  sight; 
til  el.  i  -e  in  sight;  bi  fit  f)am  i  -e  he  came  in 

iS^naol  c  needle. 

Sljttngo'flC  c  -er  syn'agogue.  -fotftonber  ruier 
of  the  synagogue. 

@4'niar  a  visible. 

@^nb  c  -er  sin;  -en  (i  Slim.)  sin;  bet  -eng  TOen« 
nefte  that  man  of  sin;  tærligfieben  ftal  fljule  -er§ 
TOangfolbig^eb  charity  shall  cover  the  multitude 
of  sins;  bet  er  ~  (©fobe)  it  is  a  pity;  bet  er  ftor  _ 
it  is  a  great  pity,  a  thousand  pities;  bet  er  _ 
for,  om  (*i,  paa)  i)am  he  is  to  be  pitied  (ftor  _ 
greatly  to  be  pitied);  bet  er  ~  og  ©!am  it  is  a 
sin  and  a  shame;  ^bob  meb  -en  fommer,  meb 
©orgen  Bortgoor  ill-gotten  goods  seldom  prosper; 
fe  2)0;  lob  ^om  i!fe  bø  i  -en  did  not  let  him  off 
so  easily,  made  him  pay  for  it.  S^nbc  vi  sin; 
fibob  ^or  jeg  -et?  what  sin  have  I  committed?  — 
@4ttbc|bett)nget  a  sin-oppressed.  -Bob  penance. 
-^-bt^t  fe  -regtfter.  -bul  scapegoat.  -bJjrbe  weight 
el.  burden  of  sin.  -falb  fall  (of  man),  -fti  a 
free  from  sin.  -frilieb  freedom  from  sin.  -fttlb 
a  sinful.  -leonet,  -litt  sinful  life.  -I«8  fe  -fri. 
•nab  fe  -btjrbe.  •-^jenge  a  shameful  extortion. 
S^nber  c  -e  sinner;  (i  ttfe=reltgiøg  SSettjb.)  cul- 
prit,  delinquent;  ®ub  bær  mig  -er  noabtg!  God 
be  merciful  to  me,  a  sinner!  @))nberegt^ev  list 
of  sins.     S^nbcrin'be  c  -r  (female)  sinner. 

S^nbrtltg  a  &  adv  particular;  fe  SBef^nber lig; 
^ax  itte  _  £^ft  have  no  great  mind ;  —  adv 
particularly;  iffe  «  very  little,  not  greatly,  not 
particularly,  (beb  aibj.)  not  very.  -^eb  c  -er  sin- 
gularity,  peculiarity,  particularity. 

©^nbelfljul  cover  el.   cloak  for  sin.     -f!»Ib 
gailt  of  sin. 
(S^HbeSmoIogi  c  syndesmol'ogy. 
SUnbel^raf   punishment  for  sin.     -fatm  un- 

•ttctl  slave  \ 


concernedness  about  one's  sins. 
sin.  -bel  sinful  course. 
S^nbflob  c  deluge,  flood. 
S^nblfri,  -fritieb  fe  ©t)nbe=.  Sflnbig  a  sinfu 
wicked;  F  en  _  ©tøj  a  shocking  noise.  S^nbii 
^cb  c  sinfulness.  ' 

®l)nbi!o't  n  syn'dicate;   olHce   of  a 
®J)nbtfu8  c  syndic. 

e^nboffcr   sin-offering.    -   ®9nbé|bebibft<)ei 
-trfenbclfe   con.sciousness  of  one's  sins.     -foi 
labelfe  remission  of  sins. 

S^ne  vi  (toge  fig  nb)  look  well,  appear  to  eU 
vantage;  vt  (befigtige)  inspect,  view. 
S^ner^i'  c  syne'chia. 

S^ne'brlet  the  Sanhedrim  el.  SanOiedrin. 
©^HcrgiS'me  c  synergism. 
@^ne§,  ftjnteS  vd  &  impers  (ftnbe)  think,  flnJ 
(^abe  Ubfeenbe  of)  seem,  appear;  +=  fe8;  bet 
faa  so  it  seems;  bel  _  fom  om  it  looks  as  if, 
would  seem  that;  fom  Se  _  as  you  please;  _  oi 
like;  _  meget  gobt  om  like  very  much;   I)bab 
Se  berom  ?  what  do  you  think  of  it ;   jeg  _  L 
^øre,  erinbre  I  seem  to  hear,  remember;  fom  b| 
_  apparently;  *  F  _  ©l)nb  i  en  pity  one,   thir 
pity  of  one;  mig  ~  methinks,  I  think. 

é^nge,  fang,  funget  vi  &  t  sing,  (t,  poet,  o| 
røesfe,  aSægterfong  o.  b.)  chant;  _  for  lead  off; 
meb  join  in  the  singing;  _  op  sing  out;  _  efti 
SJober  sing  by  note,  from  notes;  jeg  ^or  'ifstt  eL 
gugl  _  om  a  little  bird  has  whispered  in  mj 
ear;  ftal  -§  paa  een  ©tobelfe  is  to  be  sung  to  oa 
syllable ;  fe  SKerl ;  tale  noget  -nbe  speak  with 
tone.  @^ngc|gat)e  gift  of  .song.  -for  chort; 
of  Singers,  -funft  art  of  singing.  é^ngeHg 
singable.  ©»nge|l^ft  fondness  el.  love  of  sing 
ing.  -lærcc  singing-msuster.  -maabe  manuer 
singing.  -mcftcr  singing -master.  @t)wgc« 
singing.  ®t)ngeH>r«OC  singing  rehearsal.  -fiol 
singing -school.  -f^it  opera,  musical  pieca 
•^emme  singing  voice;  (i  gjJufif nummer)  voc  ' 
part.  -ftlifle  fe  -fpit.  -fufflar  prompter,  -f^j 
rage  for  singing.  -tiwe  singing  lesson.  -to« 
ét)ning  c  (af:  ©ijne  vt)  inspeetion. 
Sining  c  (of :  ©o)  sewing;  (©øm)  .seam;  J,  roa 
lashing.  *St)tting§mon  turning-in. 
©^«f  n  {paa  fuftefnøre)  sinker. 
©yntc,  fant,  funlet  vt  (fbælge)  swallow;  fe  ©ænf^ 
—  vi  (falbe  neb)  sink;  (om  3orb  o.  b.)  subsidfl 
(libt  efter  libt)  settle  (down);  om  asanbftona 
SBorom.)  fall,  go  down;  ©fibet  er  funfet  the  shU 
has  foundered  el.  Is  gone  down;  _  i  forben  sin| 
into  the  earth;  _  om  paa  (Sulbet  fall  upon  tt 
fioor;  fall  down;  _  i  ftnæ  sink  down;  labe  SBjælfe 
~  noget  lower  the  beam  a  little;  labe  ©tcmmen 
lower  one's  voice;  labe  |)obebet  _  hang  one'l 
head;  SSonbet  begQnber  at  _  the  water  begins  to_ 
fall;  _  fommen  settle;  Bringe  til  ot  _  fammen  settle;' 
fig  ^anS  SKob  fonf  he  became  disheartened;  l^on 
er  funfen  b^bt  he  has  debased  himself  very 
much,  he  is  fallen  very  low;  -r  i  ^^rtS  is  falling, 
going  down;  -nbe  gonb  sinking  fund.  ©^n!c|= 
bebbing  groundways.  -fri  a  unsinkable,  un-_ 
sinking,  unsubmersible.  -fcerbig  a  in  a  sinking 
State  el.  condition.  -lob,  -bægt  sinker,  é^ntettj 
©Qntning  c  sinking;  foundering  etc;  subsidence] 
swallowing.  ©Qntlabe  vt  load  to  the  sinking 

©4n|Io)7e  c  mu»,  gran},  med  syncope. 
vt  syn'copate. 

©^nttctlt^g'me  c  syn'cretism. 
cretist.    -ift'ifl  a  syncretistic. 
©qulroniftift  a  syncronistic. 
*®t)'ntbcrb|e    vt    hoodwink. 
-pocus,  jugglery. 
©t)'niig   a   visible;    blibe 



-er  syn' 



come  into  view, 




•8«re  vt  make  visible;  _  ftg,  _  for  jtg  felb  visu- 
allze,  realize.  -^rt  c  visibility,  vislbleuess,  per- 
ceptibility,  (StjetneS)  apparition. 

S^no'lbt  c  -r  syn'od.  -btt'l  synod'ical.  -ba'I' 
belret  syn'odal. 

S^nlonqm  a  synon'j-mous;  -e  UbtrQ!  Inter- 
changeable  terms;  —  -er  syn'onym.  -an^inil' 
c  synonym'ic.  -ott^'mifl  a  synonym'ic.  -on^' 
tnite't  c  synon'ymy,  synon'ymousness. 

®»)no<)'ti|Icrne  the  three  flrst  evangelists,  the 
synoptists.    -fl  a  synoptic(al). 

6ljnotiiai^inbe  c  syno'vial  membrane  (o.  fl.). 
@Q'niS|aa{ining  pupil,  -afée  optic  el.  visual 
axis.  -bebrag  optical  deception  el.  delusion. 
•eune  (power  of)  vision,  sight.  -felt  fleld  of 
view.  -forretning  inspection,  survey.  S^nfl  a 
visionary.  @^nS|traft  power  of  vision.  -Ireb8 
horizon;  Jig  range  of  vision;  »c  ken.  -tappttne 
fe  gir^øjene.  -linie  line  of  vision;  horizon.  -(tere 
optics,  -ntaobe  view.  -inanii  surveyor,  inspec- 
tor.  -neroe  visual  nerve,  -organ  visual  organ, 
organ  of  vision.  -t)untt  point  of  view;  fra  for« 
^eQige  -er  from  different  angles,  -ranb  horizon. 
-fonS  sense  of  sight,  eyesight.  -ffuffelfe  fe  -66= 
brog.  -ftraaic  visual  ray.  -oibbe  range  (of 
sight  cl.  vision),  -oilbejfe  (optic)  illusion. 
•Hintet  visual  angle. 

é^n|ta!§'  c  syn'tax.     -tof'tiff  a  syntactic(al). 

S^nt^e'lfe  c  synthesis.    -'tifl  a  synthet'ic(al). 

6^i<)ige  fe  -iomfru.  -plahe  (p.  S^mafline)  cloth 
•plate.  -pofe  work-bag,  reticule.  -|inbe  sewing 
cushion . 

S^rajtn'g  ?j  Syr'åcuse.  -!nfa'ner  c,  -fu'fifl  a 

Sljromme  c  work-frame. 

S^re  c  -r  (i  aiifler)  groove. 

@J)rc  c  -r  acid;  (^lonte)  sorrel,  Rumex  acetoaa-, 
*sour  whey;  _  i  9KoBen  acidity  in  the  stomach, 
sourness  of  stomach.  (g^rc  vt  sour;  -  Sejgen 
leaven  the  dough.  S^re|b«nt))enbe  a  antacid. 
-^olbig  a  acidiferous. 

@^|ref»ijlter  fe  -fager. 

S^re'n  c   er  lilac,  Svringa. 

@^re|foIt  salt  of  lemons,  sorrel-salt.  -ffrff^^e 
fe  S^re  ^.  -ftngenbe  a  antacid.  S^rct  a  acidi- 

@qri|cn  n  Syr'ia.    -er  c  Syr'ian. 

Sqring  c  shield. 

Sqring  fe  et)ren.  ' 

@^rift  a  Syr'iac,  SjT'ian;  ~,  bet  -e  (£^)rog 
Syriac,  the  Syriac  language. 

S^'rlig  a  sourish,  tart,  subacid,  acidulated. 
•^eb  c  acidity.    @l)rnet  a  soured. 

Sqrte  c  -r  syrtis. 

Sijru^j  fe  Sirup. 

S»)  faøer  sewing  implements.  -filfe  sewing 
silk.  -ifolc  sewing -school.  -flrin  work-box. 
-ftruc  screw-cushion. 

St)éle  vi  (meb)  be  busy,  occupy  one's  self 
(with).    @t)SIen  c  busying  one's  self. 

©^éfcl  c  -fler  avocation,  occupation,  business; 
Sagens  fæboonlige  -fler  the  usual  routine  of  the 
day.  Spéfel  n  -fler  (p.  3^1)  district,  province. 
t®^6fel|lone  teetotum.  -ntanb  (poa  5§Ianb  og 
ijæroerne)  judge  and  revenue  officer  of  a  district. 
•fætte  vt,  employ,  occupy.  -ftcttelfe  c 
occupying,  busying;  emplovment,  engagement; 
fe  Stjgjel  c. 

@t)fte'nt  n  -er  sys'tem;  (StobeO  staff;  efter  et 
forbebret  _  on  an  improved  system;  bringe  i  _ 
reduce  to  a  system,  -otit'  c  sys'tematism. 
-a'tiler  c  -e  sy.s'  -atife're  vt  sys'tema- 
tize.  -a'tifl  a  .sy.stemat'ic(al);  adv  systematic- 
ally,  on  system,  -fattritant,  -Iroemnter  system 
-maker,  -monger.  -foranbring,  -ffifte  change 
of  system. 

S^'lften  sewlng-stone,  sewingcushion.  -fting 
.stitch.    -ftue  sewing-room;  fe  -ffole. 

*@l)t  n  whimpering.     Sflte  vi  whimper. 

@Q|toti  J,  la.sher,  lashing;  frapping.  -traab 

@t)tten  num  card  seventeen.  -be  num  ord 
seventeenth.  @^tti  num  card  seventy.  @t)tti- 
aarig  a  septuagenary;  en  _  a  septuagenarian,  a 

S^tøj  n  needle-work,  sewing. 

®^tt  .seven;  fnafte  _  Sange  og  _  !6rebe  (om) 
spin  a  long  yarn  (about);  bet  barer  altib  -  2ange 
og  -  SBrebe,  inben  fian  Bltoer  fcerbig  he  is  always 
very  long  in  getting  ready.  @^b|oorig,  -aard 
a  septennial,  seven  year.s,  .seven  years  old;  en 
-aarS  5Dreng  a  boy  of  seven  (years).  -aarStrigen 
the  seven  years'  war.  -arntet  a  seven-armed. 
-ftlabet  a  seven-leaved.  -bobbelt  fe  -folb.  @^« 
benbe  seventh;  bet  _  53ub  the  eighth  command- 
ment;  for  bet  _  seventhly;  til  _  og  fibft  ultimately; 
last,  not  least;  i  ben  _  himmel  in  raptures,  in 
bliss,  fe  ^imntel.  ©^tienbebel  c  seventh.  S^net 
c  -e  seven.  ®^P|folb,  -folbig  sevenfold,  septuple. 
-fannet  a  heptandrous.  -^nnnet  a  heptagynous. 
-lant  septangle,  heptagon.  -tantet  a  septangu- 
lar.  -toblet  a  ^  seven-fingered.  -ntileft«bler 
seven-league  (-leagued)  boots.  -jJbet  a  septi- 
lateral.  -fo»er  fig  great  sleeper,  lie-a-bed,  slug 
-a-bed;  (SQr)  dormouse,  Myoxus  glis;  -ne  pi  the 
seven  sleepers  (of  Ephesusj.  -fotierbag  day  of 
the  seven  sleepers.  -ftjerncn  the  Seven  Stars, 
the  Pleiad(e)s.  -ftrenget  a  seven  stringed.  -tttt 
the  number  seven;  (J)mp.)  slice.  t-**  f«  S^tti. 
-tiben:  t)eb  _  about  seven. 

S^læfte  fe  -ftrin.    -aje  »1-  lashing-eye. 

@«bc  c  -r  soap.  Sæbe  vt  soap;  _  inb  (Sinneb) 
soap  (linen),  (©tæg)  P ,  ogf.  fig  lather;  _  af  wash 
with  suds.  -agtig  a  soapy,  .<aponaceous.  -bslttc 
soap-bubble.  -bær  soap-berry.  -bættræ  .«oap 
-berry  tree,  Sapindus  saponoria.  -baofe  .soap 
-box.  -fierbing  soap-cask.  -jorb  fuller's  earth. 
-toV  soap-dish.  -toft  shaving-brush.  -tngle  soap 
-ball,  wash-ball.  -lim  soap-size.  -Inb  soap-lye. 
-mefter  overseer  in  a  soap-manufactory.  -plafter 
soap-plaster.  -prop  suppository.  -putUer  soap 
-powder.  -riS  soap-whisker.  -rob  fe  -urt.  -ftnm 
lather.  -fpirituS  spirit  of  soap.  -flen  soap 
-stone,  steatite.  -f^ber  c  -e  soap-boiler.  -ft|beri 
n  -er  soap-manufactory.  -ftjberlub  caustic  lye. 
-tr«  fe  -bærtræ.  -tpæt  fe  -tobft.  -nrt  soap-wort, 
fuller's  herb,  ISaponaria  officinalis.  -bObft  wash- 
ing  with  soap.    -ponb  suds,  soap-suds. 

@«b  c  -er  (Sceboane)  custom,  usage;  rene,  gobe 
-er  good,  pure  morals;  -er  og  ®li!!e  manners 
and  custnms;  man  ftol  _  følge  cHer  2anb  ftQ  you 
must  do  in  Rome,  as  they  do  in  Kome. 

Sæb  c  (gro)  seed;  (grofom,  Sæbctorn)  grain; 
(Som,  bofSenbe  cl.  ^oflet)  crop;  (^o«  9!)?enneffer  og 
®t)r)  semen,  sperm;  bibl  (©fterfommere)  seed;  -en 
ftaar  gobt  i  aiar  there  is  a  fine  show  of  cornthis 
year.  @aeb|art  species  of  grain.  -bille  corn 
-weevil,  Calundra.  -blare  spermatic  el.  seminal 
vesicle.  -b^rfe-fim.  -batter  seed-harrow.  -ittV 
ning  covering  in  the  seed. 

Sæbe  n  -r  (ogf.  fig)  seat;  -t  (SSagbelen)  the  seat 
(of  honour);  toge  _  take  a  seat;  bringe  til  _  get 
seated;  faa  _  i  obtain  a  seat  in.  @icbe|bab  sitz 
•bath,  hip-bath.  -ben  hip-bone.  -benStnnbe 
condyle  of  the  hip-bone.    -brcet  seat. 

@Kbebt)g  n  barley  for  seed  etc. 

@(rbegaarb  c  (privileged)  manor,  country  seat. 

®ffbe|torn  seed-corn.    -lanb  corn-land. 

Sotbelig  a  of  good  morals,  moral,  -^eb  c 
morality,  morals.  -^ebSatteft  certiflcate  of  char- 
acter.    -^ebSloO   moral   law.    —   Sacbelloetbont 




moral  doctrine.  -l«re  ethlcs,  moral  philosophy. 
•lærer  moralist. 

Sæltemaaneb  c  October, 

(Sæbcmolert  n  picture  of  manners. 

Sæbelraanbsower,  seedsman.  -raorf  com-fleld. 

(3æb«<)ube  c  (p.  3l6e)  callosity. 

©æbetib  fe  Saotib. 

Sæbeucntil  c  (S)mp.)  conical  valve. 

©æ'blftnt  spermatozoid.  -flaab,  -flob  pollu- 
tion, involiintary  discharge  of  semen.  -fare 
last  ploughing.  -følge  c  succession  of  crops. 
-gaaS  bean-goose,  A7iaer  aegetum.  -tfeft  corn 
harvest.  -tanal  spermatic  duet.  -lor  spermatic 
vessel.  -lirtel  spermatic  gland.  -forn  grain 
of  seed.  -leber  fe  -fonal.  -legeme  fe  -fim.  -om- 
ffribning  regulation  of  wages  in  accordance 
with  the  prices  of  corn.  -renSningiSmafline 
winnowing-machine.  -rug  rye  for  seed.  -flifte 
rotation  of  crops.  -f))tre  germ,  seed-bud.  -ftaf 
corn-stack.  -ftreitfl  spermatic  cord.  -ftfiU  pollen. 
-traab  ^  filament,  -ubtømmelfe  discharge  of 

@(Ebt>ane  c  -r  custom,  usage,  habit,  practice, 
wont.  -ret  customary  law.  @æbba'nUg  a  cus- 
tomary,  usual,  ordinary,  wonted,  habitual;  bet 
-e  the  u.sual  thing.  @æbt>o'nlig(t)t8)  adv  usu- 
ally,  generally,  as  a  general  thing;  font  _  as 
usual.  @Kbtian§m(cSftg  a  customary;  conven- 

@ie'bt>(ebfle  c  semen,  sperm. 

•©æing  c  -er  herring  el.  silvery  gull,  Larua 

®æl'  c  -fe  sack,  bag;  tefie  Sotten  i  -len  buy  a 
pig  in  a  poke;  i  -  og  Slfte  in  sack-cloth  and 
ashes.  -Bæger  common  honesty,  satin-wort, 
Lunaria  hiennia.  -'bdttv  muslin  moth,  Payche. 
•"ot^vpl  tunicate  mollusks,  -formig  a  bag-shaped; 
^  saccate.  -fulb  c  sackful.  -^inbe  serous  mem- 
brane,  <S(CtIe  vt  sack,  bag,  put  into  a  sack  el. 
bag;  vi  (om  filæber)  pucker,  be  baggy. 

©æfte|boonb  sack-string.  -brejl  crash.  -gabe 
turn-again-alley.  -gobS  sack-goods.  -Iterreb 
sack-cloth,  bagging,  sacking,  -I«6  jumping  in 
sacks.  'piltt  bag-pipe.  -))itier  bag-piper.  -f|>inber 
fe  -Bærer.  -t«j  fe  -lærreb.  -bogn  waggon  for 
com-.sacks.  —   @æ(|flQ  cumulus.     -ftiulft  cyst. 

®æl  c  seal,  Phoca. 

Sæl  n,  pi  =,  fe  Sæter^Qtte. 

tSæl  a  happy. 

Særanb  fe  ©jæHonb. 

©ælbe  vt  (gHel)  sift  (meal).  +-fulb  a  brimful. 
©ælbning  c  sifting. 

®æ'(|fonger  sealer.  -fangerbam)>ftib  sealing 
steamer.  -fangertur  sealing  voyage.  -fongft 
sealing,  seal-fishery,  -fishing. 

@æ(ge,  folflte,  folgt  vt  sell;  (naonlig  SSarer  af 
en.  el.  anben  ©lagS)  vend;  (igen,  ^oob  man  felB 
!^ar  fa6t)  resell;  _  i  bet  flore  sell  wholesale;  _  i 
bet  fmaa  retail;  _  ub  (reolifere;  sell  ofF;  -§  for 
sells  at;  fælg  itfe  S8jørnen§  ^ub  ofo.,  fe  SSiørn; 
don't  eat  the  caifin  the  cow's  belly;  »first  catch 
your  hare».  @ælge|tiret)  bill  of  sale.  -lone, 
-læUtttg  basket-woman.  <Sæ(geIig  a  saleable, 
vendible.  Sælgelig^cb  c  saleableness.  Sælgen 
c  selling.  @ælger  c  -e  seller,  vender;  (for  en 
^øbmanb)  town-traveller.  @ælgerinb'e  c  -r 

@æi|^unb  fe  ©æl.  -^unbe-  fe  @æl=.  *-Ilu6be 
bat  (for  clubbing  down  seals).  -I«b  fleshofthe 
seal,  seal-beef. 

Sællanb  fe  ©joellanb. 

©ællfllnb  sealskin.  -fliubSfnffert  sealskin 

@æ(font  a  Strange,  singular,  odd.  -^eb  c 
strangeness,  singularity,  oddness. 

®æ'I|f<)^b  harpoon  el.  spear  for  killing  seals 
-f|Ⱦl  seal-blubber.    -tran  sealoil. 

@ænf:  i  _  agroimd,  to  the  bottom;  bore  ei 
©fib  i  -  sink  a  ship;  ff^be  i  _  sink  (by  a  shot) 
Sænie  vt  sink;  let  down,  lower;  _  ftilferten  de 
press  the  telescope;  ^  _  Sonbet  lay  the  land, 
-  SBliflet  cast  down  one's  eyes;  _  ftg  sink  (downj 
fall,  (om  gugl)  stoop;  meb  -t  jZ5je,  93(if  with  dow 
-cast  eyes,  look.  Sænic  c  -r  swage,  bottom-di^ 
Sænie  n  -r  sinker,  sinking-weight,  lead. 
®ænte|Iaåfe,  -lifte  fe  ©ænt«.  Sænfer  c  meo 
countersink.  iSænteramboIt  swage-anvil.  @ænte| 
ften  sinker,  -fttjlfe  fe  Sænf=.  -oaab,  -bob  sein« 
castingnet.  —  <Sænt|grube  (Særnb.)  sink-hoW 
-taSfe  caisson.  -lifte  stone-coffln;  cofferdat 
•folli  bradawl.  ©ænfning  c  sinking.  ®ænf|ft^!l 
wattle-work.    -bært  fascine-work. 

©ær  a  singular,  odd,  Strange;  *fe  -beteS;  "crosi^ 
peevish.  Særjaftr^l  fe  ®e})arat=.  -be'leS  a  pa 
ticular,  peculiar,  special,  especial;  —  adv  parti 
cularly,  peculiarly.  -be'Icé^eb:  i  _  adv  in  pa 
ticular,  (more)  especially.  -egen  a  peculia 
special,  particular.  -egen^eb  c  peculiaritj 
particularity.  -eje,  -ejenbom  exclusive  posse 
sion,  monopoly.  -følelfe  nationalism.  -gtjlbf 
a  characteristic.    -Ijeb  c  singularity,  oddity. 

©ærl  c  -e  shift,  smock,  chemise;  ^  covei 
©ærteleS  a  smockless,  shiftless. 

@æ'r|fenbe  n  characteristic,  distinctive feature 
-lenbelig  a  characteristic.  -tulbSbern  pi  childre' 
of  diflFerent  beds.  -tuttnr  special  culture.  -Ifl 
separate  purchase  (of  land).  -lønnet  a  diclinoi: 
Særlig  a  (tåbelig  obf!ilt;  separate,  distinct;  (fæ)^ 
egpn)  especial,  particular.  Særling  c  -er  whin 
sieal  person,  excentricp.,  queer  fellow,  odditj 
Særllot)  by-law.  -mærfe  distinctive  mark,  dis 
tinguishing  character,  characteristic.  -naøl 
proper  name.  -tiræg  peculiar  stamp,  -ret,  -rej 
tigt)eb  privilege.  -ftnb  singularity,  oddnesi 
•finbet  a  singular,  odd,  opinionated.  -ftnbet^e 
c  fe  -finb.  -H-ffiKe  vt  distinguish.  -ffilt  a  sepa 
rated,  separate,  distinct,  pi  several;  et  -  Sopitlj 
a  chapter  by  itself:  —  adv  separately.  -firift 
monography.  •ftabe,  •ftanb^untt,  •ftitting  pe 
culiar  position.  -f^n  phenomenon,  prodig 
+-f^nt  a  rare.  -tegn  fe  -lenbe.  -tr^f  fe  ©epara 
aftrt)f.    -oæfen  individual. 

Sæfon'  [fr.]  c  -er  sea'son.  SæfonSIort  seaso^ 

Sæt'  n,  pi  =,  (©bring)  bound;  (tjbab  ber  fætt« 
frem  oft).  poa  engang,  om  ®æftet»j,  ^orceUæn  oft>| 
set;  (S'tæber)  suit  (of  clothes);  (et  ©lagg  $ooebtø| 
coilTure,  head-dress;  (9Raabe)  manner,  way;  bfl 
gat)  et  _  i  ^am,  ^on  gao  et  _  he  started;  *xiaa. 
og  SStå  in  some  way.  ScetlbDlt  set-bolt.  -borj 
J,  wash-board.    -bræt  fe  ©tøb=. 

'•'Sæter  c  -e  mountain  pasture;  m.  dairy; 
-§  in  the  mountain  pasture.  -brug,  -brift  dairy 
-farming  on  the  mountain  pastures.  -^at)n 
mountain  pasture.  -ffunb  shepherd's  dog,  coUey. 
-^t)tte  mountain  dairy.  -jente  girl  tending  the 
cattle  in  a  mountain  pasture.  -juab  produce  of 
the  mountain  dairy.    -Vige  fe  -jente. 

Sætlgang  c  ^1,  spirketting.  -^ogc  fe  Sægge'j 
-jammer  sethammer,  -jærn  i,  caulking-iror 
-linie  J^  stepping-line.    -tnel  starch. 

Sætning  c  -er  setting,  placing  etc;  (af  Qftb 
0.  1.).  settling;  J^  (om  ©tromj  setting,  (fartøjs 
pitching;  gram  sentence,  clause,  proposition. 
Sætningélatcent  phrase-accentuation.  -bt)gniu{| 
eonstruction  of  sentences.  -bel  part  of  the  ser 
tence.  -forbtnbelfe  connexion  of  sentence 
•lære  syntax. 

Sætjjort  e  J,  half-port. 

*®æ'tre  vi  be  with  the  cattle  at  the  „©æter" 

Sæt|ffti)|>er  substitute  et.  deputy  master,  •ffr« 




set-screw.  •ft^Ife  (leat.)  scene,  set.  -ftQrntanb 
deputy  mate. 

éctttt,  fatte,  fat  vt  set,  place,  put;  tvp  compose, 
set  up,  put  in  type;  (færbig)  fat  tvp  in  type;  ^ 
(om  ©trøm.  Sejl)  set,  (om  SRejéiiingenj  set  up; 
(i  ^ant)  pawn;  (f.  &U.  i  Satin)  stump;  _  faft 
arrest,  Jig  nonplus;  fæt  at  bet  f!er  suppose  that 
should  happen;  _  8H8  set  ears,  ear;  _  onbt  S3Iob 
make  bad  blood;  _  i8Iomft  put  forth  flowers;  _ 
aSIæf  make  ink;  _  grugt  set;  _  en  ®ame8  $aar 
do  a  lady's  hair;  _  3glet,  ftltjftér  apply  leeches, 
a  dyster;  _  Sfnoppet  put  forth  buds;  be  fotte  tjam 
en  SDHnbeftøtte  they  erected  el.  raised  a  monument 
to  him;  _  ©atfen  (5t)r».)  form  the  composition; 
_  ©qgbommen  arrest  the  diseæ^e;  ~  et  Silfælbe  put 
el.  suppose  a  c&se;  _  Sræer  plant  trees;  —  vi 
(f.  (&U.  om  $inb)  bring  forth  young;  ^1,  (om  gar- 
toj)  send,  (om  ©trøm  o.  b.)  set;  lomme  -nbe  come 
fuli-drive;  —  »/•  _  Rg  (fonfe)  subside,  settle;  (om 
tBejret)  become  settled;  fæt  2)em!  sit  down!  be 
seated!  take  a  seat;  fatte  fig  igen  resumed  his 
chair,  ^an?  Jpibfig^eb  OtI  fnart  -  fifi  his  passion 
will  soon  subside;  _  fig  faft  get  flxed;  _  fig  et 
iUtaal  propose  an  object  to  one's  self;  —  meb 
præp  og  adv:  _  af,  fe  9tffætte,  (til  en,  til  et  S3rug) 
leave,  set  aside;  (meb  S3aab)  push  off,  shove  off; 
fæt  af!  mil  recover  arms!  _  et  iQen,  en  9lrm  af 
amputate  a  leg,  an  arm;  Bi  fatte  ^am  af  unberoejg 
we  set  him  down  on  the  way;  fSoæget  -r  af  the 
cattle  are  losing  flesh  el.  falling  away  (in  flesh); 

-  of  ipaa  9)Jælfen  begin  to  give  less  milk;  _  a  f- 
f  t  e  b  make  ofl",  dart  ofl";  -an  art  ram  home;  i 
set  up;  _  efter  en  go  el.  set  out  in  pursuit  of 
one,  abs  give  chase;  _  efter  fig  ieave  behi^id; 
!^on  fatte  ^am  $iftoIen  for  SiJrijftet  he  clapped  the 
pistol  to  his  breast;  _  en  noget  for  set  one  a  task; 
_  onbt  for  en  ^ol  nogen  prejudice  one  against  a 
person;  _  fig  for  purpose;  -  en  (Srænfe  for  put  a 
limit  to;  _  en  til  ijorm^nber  for  make  one  the 
guardian  of;  _  for  gobt  J>  set  up  for  a  full  due; 

-  fra  (meb  Saab),  fe  _  af;  (en  9Kaf!inbel)  discon- 
nect,  throw  out  of  gear;  _  en  Stol  frem  place 
a  chair;  _  ben  put  aside;  _  fine  $enge  i  sganfen 
deposit  el.  lodge  one's  money  in  the  bank;  i)an 
fyit  fat  ftn  gormue  i  ^orbegobS,  ©tatSpapirer  he 
has  vested  his  money  in  landed  property,  the 
fiinds;  _  en  noget  i  Jpooebet  put  a  thing  into  one's 
head;  _  fin  ®tebe  i  delighl  in;  _  fin  røre  i  glory 
in,  pride  one's  self  upon;  _  i  3lrbejbe  set  at 
work;  _  i  2anb  land;  _  i  £eb  set;  _  i  fflhifif  set 
to  music;  -  i  ©ibe  typ  make  up;  _  fig  i  ICefoft- 
ring  put  one's  self  to  expense;  _  fig  i  ®ælb  run 
into  debt;  fe  SUefpeft;  fæt  5Dem  i  mit  ©teb!  put 
yourself  in  my  place;    —   vi  -  i  ©øen  ^  pitch; 

-  i  Sxttbbm  bite  the  crib;  *_  i  cry  out,  shout; 
•-  i  et  Sfrig  scream,  give  a  cry;  '*fatte  i  at  le 
burst  out  laughing;  -'fatte  i  at  gø  set  up  bark- 
ing; _  igennem  carry  through,  eflfectuate, 
achJeve;  _  fin  SSilje  igennem  carry  one's  point;  _ 
onbt  imellem  make  mischief  between;  _  imob 
fe  ^aarb;  -  fig  imob,  fe  9Kobfætte;  _  inb  (fremmeb 
fiPæg  0.  b.)  impound;  _  |)eften  inb  put  up  the 
horse;  (om  SBejr)  vi  come  on,  (om  ©trøm  o.  1.) 
set  in;  _  en  inb  i  put  one  up  to,  give  one  an 
idea  of;  _  fig  inb  i  make  one's  .self  familiarwith, 
study  up;  realize;  identify  one's  self  with:  _  inb 
(PoPe)  stake;  _  neb  paa,  fe  SWebfætte;  -  fig  neb 
(nebfætte  fig)  settle,  establish  one  self;  _  fig  neb 
fom  jpinblenbe  set  up  in  Imsiness;  _  om,  fe  Cm= 
fætte;  _  en  Stang  o  m  ^  o  u  g  ^  send  up  a  top- 
målt; _  en  illaa  omljoug  J,  cross  a  yard;  _  en 
a3ar6erfniP  op  set  up  a  razor;  _  en  ©ao  op  set 
and  sharpen  a  saw;  _  op  Jpaar  do  hair;  _  op  til 
Sluftion  put  up  by  auction;  -  op  (ftriftl.)  draw 
up;  _  et  alPorligt  Slnfigt  op  put  on  a  grave  face; 

-  fig  op  imob  set  one's  self  against,   set  one's 

face  against,  rise  against;  _  ober  (gaa  oBer)  cross; 
(meb  et  ^op)  leap;  (fætte  anbre  oper)  convey 
across,  ferry  across;  _  en  ooer  nt  give  one  charge 
of  st;  lob  ^eften  _  ooer  SRætoærfet  leaped  his  horse 
over  the  rails;  _  inb  p  a  a  rush  on;  rush  in  among; 
_  (noget)  paa  Sin  ateep  (something)  in  wine;  - 
paa  33øren  turn  out;  _  garoe  poa  colour;  fatte 
potten  paa  put  on  his  hat;  _  Siugt  paa  perfiune; 
-  StrQberi  poa  spice;  _  ©mag  paa  flavour;  _  31b 
paa  put  fire  to;  _  jjonb  paa  set  water  over  the 
fire;  _  ^ufet  paa  ben  anben  ©nbe  throw  the  house 
out  of  the  window;  _  paa  Zamp  »t,  set  up  on 
end;  ''_  paa  (Saloe)  rear;  _  f  am  men  put  to- 
gether;  _  %oU  fammen  set  folks  together  by  the 
ears;  -til  waste,  spend;  _  ©tibet  til  lose  the 
ship;  fe  ©ejl;  _  fiioet  til  perish,  lose  one's  life; 
ben  gobe  |)t)rbe  -r  l2tBet  til  for  gaarene  bibl  the 
good  shepherd  giveth  his  life  for  the  sheep;  - 
til  (en  $ri§)  put  down  at;  _  9Kufil  til  set  to 
music;  _  fig  til  f)eft  get  on  horseback,  take  horse, 
mount;  _  en  til  at  make  one;  -  tilbage  (pao  fit 
Stcb)  replace;  bette  Sab  ^at  fot  ^am  meget  tilboge 
this  loss  has  greatly  reduced  him;  _  ub  (Xøi) 
pawn,  (iBam)  put  out  to  nurse;  (et  DiQgte,  en 
iiøgn)  set  abroad;  _  en  ub  ob  ®øren  turn  one 
out  of  doors;  _  en  83oob  ub  put  a  boat  out,  (fra 
S)æf)  lower  a  boat;  _  ©filbPogter  ub  post  sentries; 
fatte  to  ©lagSbrøbre  ub  poa  ^am  set  tvvo  buUies 
at  him;  _  ub  of  ©pillet  send  to  Coventry;  vi  ~ 
ub  (offteb)  start;  fe  Ubfætte;  _  fig  ub  ooer  disregard; 
_  unber  3tf|iemntng  put  to  the  vote;  ~  unber 
®ebat  bring  in  question.  Sætte] biftop  bishop 
substitute.  -bræt  t2/p  compositor's  bosird.  -biim 
store  pond.  -bommer  commissioned  judge.  -PfI 
fish-fry.  t-fott  people  who  receive  pawns  for 
the  lombard.  -larpc  young  carp.  t-Ione,  -manb 
receiver  of  pawns  for  the  lombard.  -luift  slip, 
cutting.  t-foclber  lombard's  receivlng-ofiBce. 
•linie  tvp  setting-rule.  -Iflg  fe  ©tilløg,  -mafline 
type-setting  machine,  type-setter,  composing 
machine.  -)>il  slip  el.  cutting  of  a  willow. 
•plante  slip  of  a  plant,  "'-potettå  pi  sets.  ©at« 
ter  c  -e  tvp  compositor;  (Sabeft.)  drift;  (^are) 
doe-hare;  fe  ©ætterl)unb.  Sættcrfejl  error  of  the 
compositor.  ©ættert)unb  setter.  ©(Ctteri'  n  -er 
composing-room,  case-room.  <B(Sttttlen  compos- 
itor's wages.  ®ætte|rob  off-set  (of  a  root).  -rufe 
bow-net  (.set  up  near  the  shore).  -fft^pcr,  -ft^r« 
manb,  fe  ©æt=.  -ftogc,  -ftong,  -ftol,  fe -iDift.  -rtb 
breeding  time.    -Pogn  spare  el.  reserve  waggon. 

SæP  c  club-rush,  Scirpus  lacustris. 

*Be  n  (9?anb,  ^oori  nt  er  fogt)  boiling. 

@«  c  -er  (Snbfø)  lake;  (f>a»et)  the  sea,  ocean; 
(?)ølge)  sea,  wave;  (i  ©ommenfætninger :  Sø«)  ma- 
rine, naval,  maritime;  poa  -en  at  sea;  oeb  -en  at 
the  seaside;  Ubfigt  oDer  -en  sea-view;  foær  el.  ^øi 
_  a  heavy  sea;  ^ul  -  a  hoUow  sea;  ^olbe  -en 
keep  the  sea;  ingen  iBoob  !unbe  :^olbe  en  fooban  _ 
no  boat  could  live  in  such  a  sea;  tunne  ^olbe 
©øen  (om  gortøj)  be  sea-worthy;  til  -i  at  sea; 
rejfe  til  -8  go  by  sea;  goo  til  -§  take  to  a  sea- 
faring  life;  fare  til  -i  follow  the  sea,  be  a  sea- 
faring  man;  ^olbe  ftg  langt  til  -§  keep  a  wide 
ofting,  give  the  land  a  wide  berth;  gi!  20  ftport« 
mil  til  -S  made  an  offlng  of  20  miles;  ftoo  til  -8 
stand  (out)  to  sea;  Bort  £Ber^errebømme  til  -S  our 
maritime  siipremacy;  i  ooben,  rum  -  in  the  open 
sea,  in  the  main  ocean,  in  blue  water,  (noget 
fro  £onb)  in  the  offlng;  føg  rum  -  !  get  an  offlng ! 
mellem  -erne  in  the  trough  of  the  sea;  ben  toger 
-erne  gobt  she  behaves  well  in  a  seaway;  Bi  fif 
en  foær  _  ooer  og  we  shipped  a  heavy  sea;  ftilfe 
i  -en  put  to  sea;  færbig  til  at  ftitfe  i  -en  ready 
for  sea;  lobe  ^om  fejle  ftn  egen  _  let  him  shift 
for  himself  ®«|ognrf  sea-cucumber,  Cncumaria. 
•alpttne  the  Maritime  Alps.    -anemone  sea-ane- 




mone,  Actinia.  -(tnUogenber  maritime  matters. 
•armatur  naval  armament.  -arfenal  naval  arse- 
nal, -artilleri  naval  artillery;  naval  ordnance. 
-artiDerift  naval  gnnner.  -adfurance  fe  -forfi!ring. 
-atlaS  maritime  atlas.  -Jaab  sea-going  boat. 
-bab  sea-bath.  -Iiabeanftalt  sea-water  bath. 
-bagge  dredging  machine.  -barometer  marine 
barometer,    -batteri  seaward  battery. 

@«be  vt  eat  with  a  spoon,  sip;  Je  Kaal.  -fab 
soup-dish.  -fa«t  cabbage-broth.  -mob  spoon 

éøl^eti:  fætte  _  wear  sea-legs.  -beft^tning 
naval  armament.  -bjørn  sea-bear,  Otaria  umina. 
-blob  fe  aiofanbe.  -blære  physalia.  -bnb  ware- 
house,  -bombarbement  naval  bombardment. 
-bomulb  marine  cotton.  -borre  fe  -pinbfDtn. 
-brag  roar  of  the  sea.  -breb  sea-side.  -breb 
sea-letter.  -briS  sea-breeze.  -brug  naval  el. 
maritime  custom;  'navigation,  flshing,  -br^ber 
breakwater.  -bugt  creek  of  a  lake.  -bunb 
bottom  of  a  lake.  -bønne  sea-navel,  Turbo 
ruooms.    -coutume  fe  -ftif. 

@eb  a  sweet;  (om  ^erfon;  dear,  charming;  fao 
er  bu  -  F  that's  a  dear. 

@øbag  c  sea-day. 

Søbagtig  a  sweetish. 

@øbam^mafftne  mari'ne  steam-engine. 

Søbe  vt  sweeten.  ©øbelig(ett)  adv  sweetly; 
fotie  _  sleep  soundly. 

@øbermanlanb  n  Suderma'nia. 

Sø'b|flræ§  flote-grass,  Glyceria.  -grøb  frii- 
menty.    -^eb  c  sweetness. 

Sølbioe  dike  (against  the  sea).  -bjæbel  sea 
■devil,  Lophius  piscatorius. 

@ø'blaben  a  bland,  -^eb  c  blandness.  <5øbUg 
a  fe  ©øbagtifl,  Søb'me  c  sweetness.  Søbmælf§. 
oft  sweet-milk-cheese.    »SøblJOtet  c  fe  SBotate. 

*©ø'|brog  heave  of  the  sea;  backsweep.  -breO 

®ø'b|rob  fe  SiSfelrob.  -flærm  sweet  cicely, 
Myrrhis  odoraia.  -talenbe  a  honey-mouthed  el. 
-tongued.  -tateul|eb  c  sweet  word.s.  Søbtbuf' 
tcnbe  a  sweet-smelling. 

@ø|b4gtlg  a  (om  Sfibj  .sea-worthy.  -b^gttgt^eb 
(om  Stib)  sea-worthiness.  -b^r  aquatic  el.  marine 

@ø|ebber!o:^  sea-spider,  Maia.  -egenfla^er  sea 
-going  qualities.  -elg^ebition  naval  expedition. 
-elefant  sea-elephant,  Cyitophora  probosddea. 
-etabliSfement  naval  establishment,  -etot  Royal 
Navy.  -fare  peril  of  the  sea.  -farenbe  a  sea 
faring,  -farenbe,  -farer  c  sea-farer,  sea-faring 
man,  mariner;  be  •§  ^er  Navigators'  islands. 
-fart  navigation,  -fartéafgifter  navigation  dues. 
•fartiSbog  sailor's  certifieate.  -fartSfommtSfton 
Marine  Board.  -fartSIooen  the  Merchant  Ship- 
ping Aet.  -fartøi  fe  -boab.  -faft  a  secured  for 
sea-service.  *-fln  Lap  fisherman,  t-fiff  fresh 
-water  fish.  -fjer  sea-pen,  Pennatuca.  -ftaabe 
sea-going  fle et.  -folfp/ seamen,  mariners,  -for- 
Ilaring  (maritime)  declaration;  (®oIum. )  extended 
protest;  labe  o^itage  ~  extend  the  protest.  -for= 
fitring  marine  insurance.  -førfifring^foHce 
marine  police,  -forfifringåfelffab  marine  el. 
sea  insurance  company.  -forføar  naval  defence. 
-fort  sea  el.  maritime"  fort. 

*®øft,  Søfte  n  fe  Keb  3. 

Sølfugl  sea-fowl,  sea-bird,  aquatic  fowl.  -f^r 
sea  light,  -fægtning  naval  combat.  -fæftning 
maritime  fortress.  -gaaeube  a  sea-going.  -gang 
(foroarfaflet  af  SBinb)  heavy  sea,  high  sea;  (efter 
Ijoarbt  SBejr)  swell;  (SBrænbing)  surge;  i  _  in  a 

@øge,  -te,  -t  vt  seek,  search  for,  look  for,  be 
in  quest  el.  search  of,  (gaa  ^^pptgt  tit)  resort  to, 
patronize,  frequent,  affect;    (at)  endeavour,  try, 

seek  (to);  (oeb  SRetten)  sue;  (anfoge  om)  sue  for. 
solicit,  apply  for;  »ære  ifærb  meb  at  _  be  on  the 
search;  jeg  ^ar  -t  ^am  flere  ®ange  I  have  called 
on  him  several  times;  -r,  faa  ftulle  3  Rnbe  bibl 
seek  and  ye  shall  find;  _  SJøben  court  death; 
_  ^abn  repair  to  port,  seek  port;  _  2onb  stand 
in  for  land;  biSfe  SSarer  -8  meget  these  goods  are 
in  great  demand  el.  request;  fom  -§  beoift  oeb 
sought  to  be  proved  by;  bære  meget  -t  be  much 
sought  after;  -gt  (Ubtr^I  o.  1.)  far-fetched;  _  af, 
fe  Slfføge;  _  efter,  fe  ©øge;  _  en  for  ®ælb  sue 
one  for  debt;  _  :^en  til  resort  to;  _  ^jælp  boS 
en  apply  to  one  for  assistance;  _  inb  paa  make 
up  to,  press  on,  try  to  close  with;  _  inb  til  en 
^abn  make  for  a  port;  _  ©elftab  meb  en  associ« 
ate  with  one;  _  n  e  b  move  down;  _  o  m  solicin 
apply  for;  _  op,  fe  Cpføge;  _  til  resort  to,  affectj 
_  ub  pick  out,  single  out,  select;  vi  move  outJ 
make  olf;  -  unber  £anb  make  for  the  landl 
Søgen  c  seeking,  searching  etc,  search.  Søgetj 
c  -e  seeker,  (ogfaa  om  SRebffab)  searcher,  (2:olb» 
Betjents)  spear. 

Søgn  a:  ^eHigt  og  -t  weekdays  and  Sundays- 
be  -e  Sage  on  weekdays.  Søgnebag  c  -e  weelj 

Sø'gning   c  seeking,  searching  etc,   searchl 
(f.  efg.  til  et  SSærtSljuS)   custom,  patronage,  rut 
of  customers;    (©ftcrfpørgfel)    demand,    request 
"^ar  gob  -   is  much  frequented,  has  a  good  rui 
of  customers. 

Sø'|græ§  sea  weed.    -grøn  o  sea-green. 

©øglmaot  n,  pi  =,  prosecution,  lawsuit. 

©øgtlieb  c  word-seeking. 

Søfgut  jack,  tar.  -tjaarb  a  exposed  to  thi 
sea.  -^anbel  maritime  tråde,  -^anbetdftab  sea 
port  (town).  -^ane  gurnet,  Trigla  gumardus-,  \ 
2om;  fe  -lielt.  -^are  sea-hare,  Aplvnia.  -tiatti 
sea-port.  -^ett  naval  hero.  -fteft  (gift)  .sea-horse 
Hippocampus.  -^orifonten  the  sea  horizon 
-^æber  naval  glory. 

*®øie  c  -r  ewe. 

Søjle  c  -r  pillar,  column;  (Ooltaift)  pile.  -boirl 
pillar  and  claw  table.  -bagning  colonnadi 
-fob  base  of  a  column  el.  pillar,  pedestal.  -fol 
mig  a  columnar.  -gang  colonnade.  -^al  co 
Inmnated  el.  pillared  hall;  portico.  -^elget 
Stylite.  -^oneb  capital.  -orben  order  of  columnj 
-par  pair  of  columns,  -rab,  -rælte  row  of  columil 
el.  pillars;  meb  en  _  omtring  peripteral;  meb  1 
-r  omfring  dipteral;  ~  foran  Snbgangen  prostyli 
-ffaft  shaft  (of  a  column),  -ft^ffe,  -ftump  fragj 
ment  el.  stump  of  a  column.  i 

SølinbruUerebe  pi  men  belonging  to  the  mari 
time  inscription.  -inbruQering  enrolment  d 
men  for  the  navy,  maritime  inscription.  -ingeniør 
mari'ne  engineer.  -iS  sea-ice.  -journal  ship 
-journal,  -fabet  naval  cadet.  -labet^^ttabemi, 
=.3nftitut  naval  academy  el.  college.  -labetunber^ 
officer  midshipman,  (meb  Dfficer2e(?amen)  past 
midshipman.  -tage  clypeaster.  -talenber  naut- 
ical  almanac.  -tamp  naval  fight  el.  combat. 
-tanten:  oeb  -  at  the  sea-side.  -taptajn  master, 
skipper,  captain  (of  a  merchant  ship);  (t  TOarinen) 
Captain  of  the  Royal  navy.  -taruSf  e  gold  sinny, 
Crenilabrtm  norvegiciia;  +  =  ftoruSfe.  -tat  fe 
|)oo=.    -titfert  naval  telescope. 

•Sølt  n  fe  e^nt. 

*SøH(e)  c  dent. 

Sø'Itlima  maritime  climate.  -tlæber  pi  sea 
-clothes,  ship-clothes.  -tnæler  mantis-crab, 
Sgutlla.  -fo  sea-cow,  manatee,  Manahts;  fe  255« 
gong.  -tompaS  mariner's  compass.  -tonge  sea 
-king;  fe  ©rønlanbSbue.  -tort  dead  man's  toe, 
Alcvoniumdieitatum.  -tort  (sea-)chart.  -tortartiv 
hydrographic  oflSce.  -trobbe  fe  ©tranb=.  -trebé 
sea-crawfish,  lobster;  lake  crawfish.    -Irig  mari- 




time  war,  naval  war.  -Iriger  naval  warrior. 
•hrigSarfcnal  naval  arsenal.  -ttigé^iftorien 
naval  history.  -Irigdtjenefte  naval  service  (o.  fl.). 
•foartmil  naulical,  sea  el.  geographical  mile. 
-ItKeft^uS  ?c  fioæftfiu«.  -tDnbig  a  nautical;  -e 
nautical  men;  -t  SJtebletnmer  nautical  assessors. 
-Hft  sea-coast,  sea-margin,  seaboard. 

64{  c  (3:ong)  dulse,  Fucus  palmatué. 

@»I  n  ie  Sele,  Søleri. 

@*|lagun(e)  marine  lagoon.  -la|i  ie -fin.  Maj 
salmou  caught  in  the  sea. 

@<Ie  c  &  n  mire,  mud.  @«Ie  vt  soil,  dirty, 
befoul;  -  fifl  i  wallow  in;  _  fig  til  dirty  one's 
self;  vi  dabble,  paddle;  Je  ©mele. 

@øjleb  fe  »ej;  en  (ogj.)  the  common  track  of 
Vessels.    -lebå  ndp  by  sea. 

@«le|f«te  miry  el.  muddy  walking.  -ftttl  (3)mp.) 
sludge-hole,  mud-hole. 

@ø|Ie)(igf|eii  je  Sft&§=.  -leotiari)  sea  leopard, 

@øleri'  n  dirtiness,  uncleanliness,  filthiness; 
fe  smølert     ®«let  a  miry,  muddy. 

@øl(ilie  crinoidean.  -limiter  pi  fe  -inbrnUerebe. 
-Uu  seafaring  life. 

@«lje  c  -r,  fe  S^lfe. 

@«Ile  a  F  poor,  (P  silly). 

@«ne  c  -r  (Siætin.)  heddle. 

S«|lob8  sea-going  pilot,  -tog  sea-log.  -lott 
maritime  law.    -luft  sea-air.    -lugt  sea-smell. 

@«l»>  n  Silver;  Aer  argent;  fint  _  pure  sllver; 
inbfotte  i  -  set  in  silver;  6efloa  meb  _  tip  with 
Silver.  3ølt){aare  vein  of  silver.  -ogtig  a  sil- 
very.  -alber  silver-age.  -amalgam  amalgam  of 
Silver,  -arlieibe  silver-work.  -arJejbcr  worker 
in  Silver,  silver-smith.  *-afalb  fe  aifalb.  -baanb 
silver-ribbon.  -balte  silver  tray.  •hantttxti  silver 
bantam.  -borre  silver-bar.  -beflag  silver-mount- 
ing.  -bcfXagen  o  silver-mounted,  mounted  with 
Silver.  -bjcergtxErt  silver  mine.  -blaa  a  of  a 
silvery  hue.  -blob  leaf-silver,  silver-leaf;  omeri' 
fonft  _  silvery -leaved  oleaster,  Elæagnus  argentea 
-blant  a  silvery,  bright  as  silver.  -blil  silver 
in  thin  piates.  -bregne  rue-leaved  fem,  Gymno- 
gramma.  -brotabe  silver -brocade.  -bromib 
bromide  of  silver.  -bronce  silver  bronze.  -br^l= 
lu^  silver  wodding,  -cQanib  cyanide  of  silver. 
-baafe  silver-box.  -baler  (Danish  or  Norwegian) 
Silver-dollar  (fe  SDaler).  @elucr=  (i  Smf.)  silver. 
iS«loergl«b  c  litharge.  Søloern  a  silver,  her 
argent.  @«lt)|ertå  silver-ore.  -farbe  silver 
-colour  el.  -hue.  -faruet  a  silvery;  argent. 
-fafan  silver-pheasant,  Phaninnus  nvcthemerus. 
-fiflt  silver-fish.  -ftaabe  (Spanish)  silver-fleet,  fleet 
of  galleons,  -fob  silver-foot;  (9Kønt.)  silver 
standard,  -fæfte  fe  -tjefte.  -gaffel  silver-fork. 
•gamma  gamma  moth,  Pltmia  gamma,  -gevalt 
fe  -l)oIbtgl)eb.  -gibbon  wow-wow,  Bylobates  agilis. 
-glan§  silvery  lustre;  (røetal)  silver-glance.  -glin« 
fenbe  a  silver-shining.  -graa  silver,  silvery, 
silver-gray.  -gran  silver-fir,  Picea.  -grube 
Silver-mine.  -grunb  silver  ground.  -græS  silver- 
weed,  Potentilla  anserina.  -tfaav  silver-hair, 
Silver  el.  silvery  looks,  -^alfet  a  silver-necked. 
•Ijefte  silver-hilt.  -^ejrc  egret,  Ardea  egretta. 
-^olbig  a  argentiferous.  -^olbigiieb  amount  of 
Silver.  -^ernertS  muriate  of  silver.  -^»ib  a 
silver-white.  t-ilte  oxide  of  silver,  argentic 
oxide.  -jobtb  iodide  of  silver.  -lammer  plate 
-room  (in  the  royal  household).  -lanbc  silver 
jug  el.  tankard.  -lar  silver-vessel.  -Hang  silver 
el.  silvery  sound.  -!lor  a  (SScel  el.  SBanb)  limpid, 
pellucid;  _  Stemme  silver(-toned)  voice.  -tlorib 
silver-chloride.  -tna^i  silver  button.  -Inabpet 
a  silver-buttoned.  -fuib  silver  knife.  -lom 
grain  of  silver.  -Ior8  silver  cross,  -træ  lepisma. 
-tugle  Silver  ball.     -'-fbeite  fe  SBaagmær.     -læbe 

Silver  chain.  -lignenbe  a  silvery.  -lotfet  a 
silver-locked.  -l^feftage  silver  candle-stick. 
-l*oe  puma,  Felis  eoncolor.  -n  alm  fe  -ertS. 
-mcbalfe  silver  medal.  -mine  silver-mine.  -mor 
silver-tissue.  -raunb  sharkmolh,  CucuUia.  -m*nt 
silvercoin.  -naat  silver  pin.  -nitrat  argentic 
nitrate.  -eblødning  solution  of  silver.  -titqi^ 
fe  -ilte.  -t)a<)tr  silver-tissue  (paper).  -ficnge  pi 
silver-money.  -penninge  bibl :  trebioe  _  thiriy 
pieces  of  silver.  f-pil  fe  §at)torn.  -plabc  plate 
of  Silver,  -^»letterer  silver-plater.  ■jplet(tering) 
silver-plating.  -<)0))  keeper  of  plate  in  the  royal 
household.  -<)0<>^elabele-tree,  whitepoplartree, 
Pop\dve  alba.  -pritfet  «  silver-dotted.  -prøbe 
assay  of  silver.  -ranbet  a  silver-edged.  -rig  « 
richin  silver.  -rubel  silver  ruble.  -ræb  silver 
-fox,  Canis  argentatus.  -fager  silver  things. 
-falbeter  nitrate  of  silver.  -fcrbice  service  of 
plate.  -ffaal  silver  basin,  -ftab  plate  press. 
-ffe  silver-spoon.  -ffib  (Spanish)  silver-ship, 
galleon.  -ffrin  silver  casket.  -f!um  scum  el. 
dross  from  silver.  -ffæg  silver  beard.  -flfltr 
silvery  lustre.  -ftaaet,  -flagen  a  silver-mounted. 
-fmeb  silversmith,  -fnor  silver  cord.  -fbinb 
spun  silver.  -flirttt  scattering  (of  the  silver 
grain).  -fpanbt  a  with  silver  buckles.  •\p(etUt 
a  silver-speckled.  -ftaal  silver-steel.  -ftage  fe 
-mieftage.  -ftong  fe  -barre,  -ftift  sil  ver-pencil, 
silver-point.  -ftraale  silvery  ray.  -ftribe  silver 
stripe.  -ftflflc  piece  of  silver.  -fulfib  fe  Sooi)l= 
følB.  -fæbe  silver-soap.  -tone  silvery  note  el. 
tone.  -traab  (Zxaat  af  SbIp)  silver-thread;  (meb 
Sølo  omcunben  Xroob)  silver-wire.  -trifitielfe 
polishing-slate.  -t«j  plate,  silver.  -ur  silver 
-watch.  -urt  fe  -grceå.  -bagt  silver-weight. 
•bsrbi  real  value.    -bær!  silver-mine. 

é«|Iægb  district  for  naval  conscription.  -Ug 
f:  Stranbløg.  -løjtnant  lieutenant  of  the  Royal 
navy.     -løbe  sea-lion,  Otaria  jubata. 

@øm'  n  (*  ogfaa  c),  pi  —,  nail;  ftaa  -met  i?a<x 
^ooebet  hit  the  (right)  nail  on  the  head. 

Søm'  c  me  seam;  *sewing;  t(^antning)  hem; 
^  suture;  fe  efter  i  -mene  examine  the  seams  of, 
fig  go  over,  examine  narrowly,  inquire  into  the 
ins  and  outs  of, 

@ø|magt  naval  force  el.  strength;  (^Ration) 
naval  el.  maritime  power,  -manb  sailor,  sea- 
man,  mariner,  seafaring  man. 

@ømanbå|arbejbe  sailor's  work.  -af^l  sailors' 
home.  -bibliotef  seamen's  library.  -bQgtig^eb 
nautical  skill.  -fonb  merchant  seamen's  fund. 
-forening  sailors'  club.  -gang  sailor's  gait. 
-garn,  -gob§  fe  Sli6mQnbi=.  -Ijjem  sailors'  home. 
-bof))itaI  seamen's  el.  marine  hospital,  -ftttå 
seamen's  boarding-house.  fe  -^jem.  Sømonbffttb 
n  seaman.ship.  @omanb3|lla3fen  fe  -fionben. 
-tloeber  seamen's  clothes;  slops;  en  fom  fælger  _ 
slop-seller;  fitfte  til  -  slop-chest.  -lin  seaman's 
life.  -mceåfig  a  seamanlike;  ship-shape.  -orb 
sailor's  word.  -patent  register-ticket.  -ffif 
maritime  usage.  -fprog  fe  Søfprog.  -ftanben 
the  .seafaring  class  el.  community.  -tøj  seamen's 
trap  el.  kit.  -ubtr^t  fe  Søubtrof.  -biS :  paa  - 
seaman-like.  -bæfen  sailor's  manners.  -øje:  et 
øuet  -  the  eye  of  an  experienced  seaman. 

€ø|maftine  fe  -bampmaftine. 

®øm|bor  gimlet.    -fabrll  nailery. 

iSemfoIber  c  -e  folder. 

(Søm^obeb  n  head  of  a  nail. 

@ø!mtl  sea-mile;  (ben  engelffe  er  1  9Ktnut,  ben 
banfte  og  norfte  4  SRinuter).  -militær  a  naval. 
-mine  submarine  mine,  torpedo,  -mineftation 
torpedo  station,  -mincbæfenet  submarine  min- 
ing;  the  torpedo  system,  -minifter  minister  of 

@øm{)ærn,  -Hob  heading-tool. 




iSømdcgger  c  (p.  ©Dmaffine)  hemmer.  t@ømme 
»«  &  i  (f.  ef§.  et  2:ørHæbe)  hem. 

Semmc  «J  nail. 

©«mmc  V  imperg  &  r  (ftg)  be  becoming,  be 
proper,  be  decent;  _  fig  for  en  become,  beseem, 
befit  one.  Semmelig  a  becoming,  beseemlng, 
decent,  decorous,  befltting.  ®«mmetig^cb  c 
decency,  decorum,  propriety,  suitableness,  fit- 
ness. —  ®«mmcUg^ctiS|f«Iclfe  (a)  sense  of  de- 
cency.   -^enft)n :  af  -  for  deceney's  sake. 

*@«mmctftc  c  -r,  fe  ©^pige. 

t®«mntefttng  n  hem-stitch.  Sømning  c  hem- 

@ein{ri)tte  thornback,  Rija  clavata.  -fmeii 
nailer,  nail-maker.  -fpibS  point  ofa  nail.  -ftil 
pricking.    -ten  nail-rod,  slit-rod. 

Sølmur  sea-wall.  -mu8  heart-urchin,  >Six«- 
tanguH.    -mærtc  beacoo,  sea-mark;  buoy. 

©«n  c  -ner  son. 

Sønaal  pipe-flsh,  Synpnathus. 

Senbag  c  -e  Sunday,  Sabbath;  om  -en  on,  of 
a  S.,  on  Sundays,  on  the  Sunday;  pao  _  on  Sun- 
day, next  S.;  i  -§  last  Sunday.  —  @ønbag§|=att- 
bagt  Sunday's  devotion.  -onfigt  joyful  counte- 
nance.  -arbejbe  Sunday-work.  -barn  Sunday 
-child.  -blab  Sunday  paper.  -bogftati  dominical 
letter,  -bragt  Sunday-clothes.  j-fobgænger  fair 
-weather  pedestrian.  -fotnøjelfe  Sunday  amuse- 
ment.  -^tJtle  Sunday  rest.  -jæger  make-believe 
el.  would-be  sportsman.  -fjote  Sunday  gown 
el.  coat.  -flæber  pi  Sunday-clothes,  hoUday 
-clothes.  -Mæbt,  -pljntet  a  in  S.  el.  holiday-dress, 
in  her  Sunday  best.  -rt)tter  unskilful  rider. 
-fclffob  Sunday-party.  -flole  Sunday-school. 
-ftabé  F  Sunday  best. 

(Sønben  a  South,  southern,  southerly.  t@ønben 
c  bibl  the  south.  *(Sønben|fjeIb3  adv  south  of 
the  Dovrefjeld.  *-fjeIbfl  a  lying  south  of  the 
D.;  bet  -e  Dlorge  the  South  of  Norway.  -fjorbS 
adv  south  of  the  taay.  -for  south  of;  adv  to  the 
south.  -fra  adv  from  the  south.  t-Ianb§  adv 
in  the  south  of  the  island.  -om  south  of. 
-ftorni  southerly  gale.  -^røm  (a)  southerly  cur- 
rent  el.  stream.  -Uinb  south-wind.  •binbSftornt 
southerly  gale.    <Sønber  a  south,  southern. 

Sønber :  i  _  adv  asunder;  _  og  fammen  to  bits, 
to  fragments,  F  to  jelly,  to  a  mummy.  @ønber|  = 
bibc  bite  to  pieces.  -brnbt  a  fractured,  broken; 
et  ~  og  fønberftøbt  fjerte  bibl  a  broken  and  a 
contrite  heart.  -BrQbe  vt  break  (asunder).  -br>)= 
belfc,  -br^bntng  c  breaking  a.sunder.  -bele  vt 
decompose.  -bcHng  c  decomposition;  subdivi- 
sion, -fllc  file  to  pieces.  -ftoenge  vt  tear,  lace- 
rate,  mangle,  -gnaoe  gnaw.  -gnaoelfe  c  gnaw- 
ing.  -gnibe  vt  rub  to  pieces;  grind,  triturate. 
-l^alle  vt  hack  el.  chop  to  pieces.  -^ngge  vt 
cut  el.  hew  asunder.  -fugning  cutting  el.  hew- 
ing  etc. 

éønbcrji^be  South-Jutlander.  -jQUanb  South 

@ønber|Itemnte  vt  sqneeze  el.  crush  to  pieces. 
-t-IIøbc  vt  cleave.  -Innfe  vt  crush  (to  pieces); 
ben  famme  flal  ~  bit  $ooeb  bibl  it  shall  bruise 
thy  head;  et  -ft  fjerte  a  contrite  heart;  bem  fom 
5at)e  et  -(et  ftjerte  bibl  the  broken  hearted.  -Inn-- 
f  clfe  c  contriteness,  contrition.  -Inuf er  c  crusher. 
-tnuSning  crushing  etc.  -føre  drive  to  pieces; 
break  by  driving  over. 

©ønberlonb  n  south,  south  side,  southern 

©ønberilemme  vt  (anatomere)  anatomize;  (fønber- 
rtbe,  ogfaa  fig)  dismember.  -lemntetfe  c  dis- 
memberirg,  dismemberment;  fig  (f.  (£fS.  SSegre« 
Ber§)  analysis.  -reoet^eb  c  distracted  state,  dis- 
traction.  -ribe  vt  tear  asunder,  rend  asunder, 
di)lacerate;  fig  affect  deeply  with  grief;   meb 

-reone  fjerter  broken-hearted,  with  lacerated  cl 
broken  hearts;  -nbe  ©inerte  heart-rending  pain 
•rl)ffc  vt  pull  asunder,  -fabe  vt  saw  up,  saw  in 
pieces.  -ffttbt  o  shattered  (by  shot).  -fftcre  »I 
cut  asunder;  cut  up.  -flaa  vt  break  el.  smås! 
to  pieces,  shatter.  -fitbe  vt  tear  asunder;  fii 
lacerate;  -nbe  9{ag  heart-piercing  compunction. 
-bte  ijølelfer  lacerated  feelings.  -f<)lintre  vt  .shivei 
to  pieces,  shatter.  -fptftte  vt  split  el.  riv< 
asunder.  fplittctfe  dismemberment.  -fprængt 
burst,  split  asunder;  blow  up.  -ft^tte  vt  cii1 
up,  parcel  out.  -ftøbe  vt  crush,  knock  to  pieces 
fe  -brubt;  ^bo  fom  falber  Jjaa  benne  ©ten,  ffal 
whosoever  shall  fall  on  this  stone,  shall  tx 
broken.  -trampe  fe  -træbe.  -tratte  vt  te 
pieces.  -træbe  vt  crush  with  the  foot,  trea<l 
under  foot.    -Urtfte  vt  wring  asunder. 

@ønbre  «  southern,  south. 

Sønbrc  vt  sever.  f  Sønbrig  a  broken.  @ø» 
bring  c  disunion. 

®ø|netbe  sea-nettle,  Actima.  -neHifc  plumo« 
anemone,  Actinolobn  dianthus. 

©øntig  a  filial.  —  ©ønnelbørn  j)^  son's  children 
grand-children.  -batter  son's-daughter,  granc 
-daughter.  (Sønnclc  c  cont  little  son.  ®ønne| 
lone  son's  wife,  daughter-in-law.  -lø§  a  sonlesa 
■føn  grandson.  -fønSbattcr  great-granddaughtet 
-fønåføn  great-grandson. 

Søjobbcr  fe  ©tranbobber.  -officer  naval  ofllcer 
-orb  sea-terpi,  nautical  term.  -orbbog  nautical 
dictionary.  -orm  sea  serpent.  *-orre  blacl 
scoter,  Anas  fusca.  -papegøje  puifin,  Mormo 
fratercula.  -parti  sea  view.  -pa§  sea-brief,  sej 
pass.  -pattebQr  vi  marine  mammalia.  -pinbfOil 
sea-egg,  seaurchin,  Echintis, 

*®øpi  n  sweepings. 

Sø'plante  c  aquatic  plant. 

*®øple|brætdust-pan.  -btjnge  dust-heap.  -Ioåf( 

@ø|poIiti  marine  police,  -proteft  (ship's)  prO' 
test,  sea  protest;  melbe  _  notify  average.  -pnnj 
ascidian.    -pølfe  sea  slug,  trepang,  Holothuria. 

*6ør  «  F  (meft  i  ©mf.)  South. 

@ø|*raaf  spoondrift.    -robn  fe  ©laro. 

*®øre  fig  vr  haul  round  to  the  south. 

Sølrcbflabcr fishing-tackle.  -rejfe (sea)voyaga 

Søren  Severinus;  fe  8?egne6og;  t  flaa  til  _  F 
wet  one's  whistle.  <3ørenfen :  ^r.  _  F  the  Dåne: 
t  røabant  _  F  Mrs.  Jones. 

©ølreferbc  naval  reserve,  -ret  (®omftol)  marv 
time  court;  (Boofamling)  maritime  law.  -retS- 
bcftgtelfe  survey  held  by  a  maritime  court 
-retétnbfalbelfc  summons  to  appear  before 
maritime  court.  -retétcnbelfc  maritime  decision; 
-rctSfag  maritime  cause,  m.  law  case.  -ret§" 
ftæbning  fe  -ret§tnb!albelfe.  -rettigljeb  maritim« 
pri vilege  el.  right. 

Sørge  vi  (føle  ©org  otter  el.  for)  grieve  (at  elj 
for),  sorrow,  mourn  (for);  (6ære  ©org)  go  into 
mourning,  be  in  mourning  (for);  labe  gftolen  - 
give  dull  care  the  go-by  (fe  Stol);  -  for  (tage  fig 
af)  take  care  of,  provide  for;  bet  ftal  jeg  nol 
for  I  will  take  care  of  that,  see  to  that;  _  for 
6an§  |5ornøbent)eber  administer  to  his  wants; 
for  fig  feitt  gain  one's  own  livelihood,  shift  for 
one's  self;  -  for  at  see  that,  (meb  3nf.)  take  care 
to;  —  vt  *~  en  mourn  one,  be  in  mourning  for 
one;  -  ^en,  fe  ^cnførge.  @ørge|aar  year  of 
mourning.  -beføg  mourning  visit,  -bubftafr 
(-ttbenbe)  sorrowful  mesage.  -bog  day  of  sorrow. 
-btgt  funeral  elegy,  dirge.  -bragt  mourning 
-suit  el.  -dress;  (en  ®nte§)  (widow's)  weed.s.  'batte 
pall.  -foliet  funeral- torch.  -fane  black  flag. 
■feft  fe  -^øjtib.  -flor  mourning-crape,  black  band. 
-f{ue  anthrax.  -gubStjenefte  funeral  service. 
-^fll  funeral  hall.     -lieft  mourning-horse.     -t|tt? 




house  of  mourning.  -^øltib  funeral  feast  el. 
solemnities.  -tappe  mourning-cloak;  willow 
-butterfly,  Vaneita  antiopa.  -faret  mourning 
•coach,  •flang  mournful  sound,  doleful  sound, 
dolorous  sound.  -Køtte  mourning-bell.  -flæbe 
flineral  pall.  -tlieiier  pi  mourning-clothes.  -flæt»= 
iting  fe  -braflt.  -florbt  a  dre.ssed  in  mourning. 
t-Ione,  -fotnbe  mourning-woman.  Sørgelig 
a  Rorrowful,  mournful,  sad,  tragical,  distressing, 
dlstressful,  doleful,  dolorous;  i  en  -  ®rab  sadly. 
CKrgeltQb  mournful  sound,  -tnogoftn  mourning 
shop.  -mardi  funeral  march,  dead  march. 
■minbe  cenotaph,  monument,  -muftt  funeral 
music.  Sørgenbe  c  mourner.  @ørge{o))trin 
mournful  scene.  -tia))ir  black-edged  paper. 
'par  couple  of  mourners.  -^)tl  weeping  willow, 
Js'alix  babylonicu.  -<>ragt  funeral  pomp.  -ranb : 
meb  _  edged  in  black.  -fang  funeral  song  el. 
dirge.  -ffare  funeral  train  el.  procession,  -ffraal 
wail,  wailing.  -ffrig  mournful  cry.  -(I«r  moum- 
ing-veil.  -fnij)  mourning-band.  -f^jil  tragedy. 
•ftue  funeral  oration.  -tib  mouming-time.  -tv 
bettbe  mournful  news.  -tog  funeral  procession. 
-tone  mournful  tone,  doleful  tone,  dolorous 
tone.  -tei  mourning  apparel.  -Oogn  mourning 
-coach.  Sørgmob  n  fe  Sørgmobig^eb.  @«rgjno'big 
a  melancholy,  sad,  sorrowful.  @«rgino'bigi)eb 
c  melancholy,  sadness,  sorrowfulness. 

@«|rJge  fe  -ftot.    -rififo 

'©«'rlættbtng  c  -er  southerner. 

S« prof  Ji  spoondrift;  sea-spray.  -robb^r  pi 
marine  carnivora. 

*S«'r<jaa  adn  in  the  south. 

*Qatpe  c  mash. 

@e|rul(e  roll  of  the  navy.  -runt  sea-room. 
•ruftning  fitting  out  el.  equipment  of  a  naval 
force,    -rnte  sea  route. 

*®«rti  c  -er  rudd,  red  eye,  Cvprinus  erythroph- 

©«|r«r  serpula.  -r«bcr  pirate,  corsair.  -røoeri 
piracy.  -r«»crff  a  jiiratical.  -røtterftib  pirate. 
•røbertog  piratical  expedition.  -fag  naval  el. 
maritime  cause.  -faldt  sloke,  Uiva  lactuca. 
-fait  .sea-salt,  bay-salt.  -fejer  naval  victory. 
•fibe:  paa  -n  seaward;  fra -n  from  (the)  seaward. 
■ffabe  damage  at  .«ea,  sea-damage.  -ffabet  a 
water-damaged,  sea-damaged. 

@«ffenbe  pi  brother  and  sister,  brothers  and 
.sisters;  fem  _  a  family  of  flve.  -Pavn  cousin, 
german  cousin,  flrst  cousin. 

@«'|flib  (iftanb  til  at  fiolbe  Søen)  sea-worthy 
ship;  (meb  ^enf^n  til  ©fiBetS  gobe  el.  flette  egen= 
fTaber)  sea-boat.  -ffif  maritime  usage.  -f(ilb= 
paPPt  turtle,  Chelonia.  -fiolen  the  Lake  school. 
-ffnbe  sea-boat.  -ffnm  spray,  sea-foam.  -ffu^ 
set  of  the  sea.  *-i7»æt  fe  -ftænt.  -flaaet  o  da- 
maged  by  sea-water.  -flag  sea-battle,  naval 
engagement  el.  battle.    -f(ange  sea-serpent. 

+@«8Ung  c  farthing. 

S«|foIbotmarine.  -f<)rog sea-language.  -fffrøjte 
floating  engine.  -ftab  seaport  el.  seaboard  town. 
•ftat  maritime  state  el.  power,  naval  power. 

Safter  c  -fire  sister.  -blof  Jy  sister-block. 
-barn  pi  sister's  children,  nephews  and  nieces. 
•botter  sister's  daughter,  niece,  -^ab  hatred 
between  sisters. 

Sefterfoge  c  doughcake. 

é«fter|I(crUg6cb  sisterly  love  el.  afifection. 
-følfotn  sister  keelson,  bilge  keelson.  @øfterlig 
a  &  adv  sisterly,  -hsisterish.     @øfter|ltl  c  f  little 

I  sister.  t-Iob  jur  sister's  share  of  an  inheritance. 
-ntanb  brother-in-law  (sister's  husband).  -nia= 
rincn  the  sister  Service,  -morb  sororicide. 
-ttiorbcr  sororicide.  -^ar  couple  of  sisters.  -feng 
shakedown.  -ffab  n  er  sisterhood.  -f)>rog  sister 
town.    -f«n  .sister's  son,  nephew. 

®«'|ftjerne  star-fish,  Aiterias.  -ftorm  storm  at 
sea.  -ftrætning  tract  of  the  sea;  sheet  of  water; 
extent  of  ocean,  -ftflffc  marine  et.  sea  picture, 
sea-piece,  seascape.  -fttirfe  naval  force.  -ftDrt= 
ning  heavy  sea.  -ftant  (sea-)spray.  -ftærl  a 
(om  Sfi6e)  sea-worthy;  (om  ajlennefter)  a  good 
sailor,  sea-stomached^  meflet  _  a  capital  sailor. 
-ft«bler  pi  seaboots.  -fttdle  sea-swallow,  com- 
mon  tern,  Sterna  hirimdo.  -fbam))  sponge.  -fflg 
a  sea-sick.  -f^ge  sea-siekness.  -taftit  naval 
tactics.  -tanb  tooth-shell,  DentiUum.  -ter»tinu& 
nautical  term,  sea  term.  -termometer  mari'ue 
thermometer.  -terne  fe  -fcate.  -tcrritorinm 
maritime  jurisdiction  el.  territorial,  -tjeneftc 
sea-service,  naval  service,  -tog  naval  expedition. 
-togt  cruise.  -tolb  customs.  -træfning  naval 
engagement,  -trøje  pea-jacket,  (tort)  greggo. 
-tuti))an  balanus.  -tur  sea  voyage;  marine  ex- 
cursion.  -tøjQuS  naval  arsenal,  -tønbe  buoy. 
-ubtr^t  nautical  phrase  el.  term.  -ubqgtig  a 
unseaworthy;  gøre  _  disable.  -u^ljre  sea-monster, 
sea-beast.  -ulf  salt,  sea-dog;  (jytfl)  sea  scorpion, 
Cottua  scorpio.  -ttIO  sea-wolf,  Anarrhichas  iupu». 
-ulQtfe  shipping  casualty,  disaster  el.  casualty 
at  sea.  -ur  chronometer,  ship's  chronometer. 
-baub  sea-water.  -bant  a  used  el.  accustomed 
to  the  sea;  6lioe  _  get  one's  sea-legs  on.  -bant- 
^eb  c  seaworthiness.  -bcj  passage  by  sea,  way 
by  sea;  sea-route.  -bejrSbag  sea-day.  -bejrå= 
nat  sea-night.  -bejrércglerne  the  rule(8)  of  the 
road  at  sea.  -bibenffab  navigation,  nautical 
science,  -bifte  sea-fan,  6rore'onia.^a6e<^«m.  -binb 
sea-wind,  sea  breeze. 

€øbn  c  sleep;  en  let  ~  a  light  sleep,  a  slumber; 
-en§  SRige  slumberland;  falbe  i  _  fall  asleep,  drop 
asleep,  fall  off  to  sleep;  ftjnge  en  i  -  sing  one 
to  .sleep;  bugge  en  i  _  rock  one  to  sleep;  oætfe 
en  af  -e  awaken  one  out  of  his  sleep;  i  SøDne 
asleep,  sleeping,  in  one's  sleep;  tale,  gaa  i  -e 
talk,  walk,  in  one's  sleep.  @øbn|ag'ttg  a  sleepy, 
drowsy.  -ag'tigtieb  c  sleepiness,  drowsiness, 
somnolence.  -betinget  a  heavy  with  sleep. 
-bringenbe  a  soporiferous,  somnlferous,  narcotic. 
-bruften  a  drowsy,  sleep-charged.  -bQ^fe  vt  lull 
asleep.  -bbSfenbc  a  fe  -bringenbe;  _  SJlibbel  so- 
poriflc.  -fSøone  vi  fall  asleep.  ©øtinetr^ne  n 
cont  sleeper,  dormouse.  ®øbn|'''-grætten  a  cross 
from  sleepiness.  -gænger  c  -e  somnambulist, 
sleepwalker.  -gængeri  n  somnambulism,  sleep 
walking.  -gængerffe  fe  -gænger.  ®øbnig  a 
sleepy,  drowsy,  somnolent.  @øt)nig^eb  c  sleepi- 
ness, drowsiness.  Søunigber  c  p"  sluggard. 
@øbn|Iø§  a  .sleepless;  jeg  ligger  meget  _  I  am  a 
bad  sleeper.  -løå^cb  c  sleeplessness,  want  of 
sleep;  insomnia.  -tung  a  drowsy,  overcome  by 
sleep.    -banbring  fe  -gængeri. 

@ø{bæbningen  the  naval  service,  -bæfåt  ma- 
rine el.  aquatic  plant,  -bærn  defence  on  the 
sea-side;  (©ømagt)  naval  force;  tnavv.  -bæmC' 
<)Iigtige  fe  -inbruEerebe.  -vattS  fe  -léb?.  -bæfen 
navy,  naval  establishment;  maritime  matters, 
nautical  affairs;  Stbéftrift  for  _  Nautical  Magazine. 
-æg  fe  -btnbfoin.  -øre  ear-shell,  sea-ear,  Haliotis. 
-ørn  sea-eagle,    HuUaetm  albicil/a.     -ørreb   fe 




%,  t  [%i]  n  -er  T,  t  [tee];  abbr:  t.  =  til  to; 
%i).  =  Sønbe  barrel. 

'Zaa  c,  pi  %(xtx  toe;  gaa  x>^Qi  Sceerne  walk  on 
tiptoe;  træbe  en  paa.  Xceerne  tread  on  one's  toes; 
fig  trifle  with  one;  _  ifoia.  et  Snæ  ^  the  short 
tail  of  a  knee. 
'-!£aa6e  c  -r  fool,  simpleton.  2laabetig  a  silly, 
foolish,  fatuous,  stupid.  Saabelig^eb  c  silliness, 
stupidity,  foolisliness,  folly,  fatuity.  %aa\>enaXtt 
fe  %aaht. 

taabiaXU  c  J,  pointer,  snake-piece,  brace. 

%aai  n :  {naife  ^fn  i  -et  talk  at  random;  at  gaa 
i  -et  not  to  liave  one's  wits  about  one,  to  be 
thoughtless  el.  heedless. 

*S:flag  c,  pi  Sæger,  fibre,  root-fibre;  rootlet. 
•Bær  stone-bramble,  Rubus  »axati/is. 

taaqe  c  -r  fog,  (lettere)  mist.  -flgtig  a  misty. 
'iantt  fog-bank.  -Biaebe  (taaget  ©fitlelfe  e(. 
2aogefIt!IelTe)  misty  form,  (uftart  SSiCebe  i  Sjælen 
ofB.)  airy  vision;  pi  dis.solving  views  el.  figures. 
-bant^,  -bunft  misty  vapour,  misty  exhalation, 
haze.  -bæltet  a  covered  with  fog.  -fri  a  free 
from  mist  el.  fog.  -fulb  a  misty,  foggy.  -tiortt 
fog-horn.  -lanon  fog-gun.  -Kolte  fog-bell. 
■lonb  foggy  country.  -let  a  light  as  mist.  -luft 
misty  el.  foggy  air.  *-Iur  fe  -^orn.  -mett  a 
obscured  by  fog,  -nat  foggy  night.  -plet  (aat 
&  med)  nebula;  (p.  røbelften)  cloud.  -fignal  fog 
-signal,  -fliflelfe  fe  -BiUebe.  -ffub  (firing)  a  fog 
-gun.  -fftj  foggy  cloud.  +-fl^98e  foggy  darkness 
el.  obscurity.  -ftor  foggy  el.  misty  veil.  -fl«ret 
a  veiled  in  mist.  -fMC  drizzling  snow.  -ftjerne 
nebula.  -ftrilie  narrow  band  of  fog.  -f^n  fe 
-MUebe.  S^aaget  a  foggy,  (ogfaa  fig)  misty,  hazy, 
dim,  nebulous;  fig  vague.  Saoge|ti:om)»et  fog 
-trumpet.    -»cjr  foggy  weather. 

Saa'lgcenger  c  -e  digitigrade.    -^oette  toe-cap. 

'Zaal  n  patience;  gioe  _,  flaa  fig  til  -8  have  el. 
take  patience.  'Zaalt,  tao'lte,  taa'It  vt  (ub^olbe; 
ubftaa)  bear,  stand,  support;  sufifer,  endure;  (finbe 
fig  i;  forbrage)  bear  with,  brook,  put  up  with, 
submitto;  tolerate;  (tunne  bære)  .^c  bear,  sustain; 
jeg  fan  itfe  _  f.  @f§.  SSin  wine  does  not  agree 
with  me;  -r  gobt  ot  gemmeS  keeps  well;  bet  -r  ilfe 
SSabft  it  won't  wash;  benne  Sag  -r  ingen  Dpfættelfe 
this  business  admits  of  no  delay  el.  brooks  no 

XaaUt)  n  toe-joint. 

taateliQ  a  (libeltg)  tolerable,  supportable, 
bearable,  endurable;  (mibbelnt.)  passable,  toler- 
able, indiflferent;  adv  passably  etc.  -i-^eb  c 
tolerableness.    Saalig  fe  Saalmobig. 

SaaI{ntob  n  (t  c)  patience.  -mo'big  a  patient, 
long-sufifering,  uncomplaining.  -ttto'big^eb  c 
patience;  _  obecoinber  alt  patience,  money  and 
time  bring  all  things  to  pass;  patience  and 
perseverance  will  bring  a  snail  to  Jerusalem; 
^aoe  _  meb  bear  with;  mtfte  -en  get  out  of  pa- 
tience, lose  patience,  (albelel)  get  out  of,  lose, 
all  patience.  •mobig^eb^arbejbe  work  of  pa- 
tience. -mobtg^eb§))røoe  trial  of  patience.  — 
l^aa'Ilfom  a  patient,  tolerant,  -font^eb  c  for- 
bearance,  tolerance. 

?aa|neg(  toe-nail.    -næfe  toe. 

Saat  c  drop;  briffe  en  ~  ober  S^ørften  take  a 
drop  too  much. 

Saare  c  -r  tear;  fælbe  -r  shed  tears;  foømme  i 
-r  be  bathed  el.  dissolved  in  tears;   fmelte  ^en  i 

-r  melt  into  tears;  ^enbel  Pjne  Bare  futbe  af  -i 
her  eyes  were  sufTused;  -rne  ttiUebe  ^enbe  neb  al 
Stnberne  the  tears  trickled  dowu  her  cheeks, 
-rne  lom  ^enbe  i  JZ5jnene,  ^un  fif  -r  i  iZ5jnene  th< 
tears  came  into  her  eyes;  lo,  tit  jeg  fif  -r  < 
øjnene  laughed  till  the  tears  came,  till  I  cried 
Saare{ben  lachrymal  bone.  +-bltt  fe  ^ænge« 
-Bllt  tearful  glance.  -blænbet  a  blinded  witD 
tears.  +-baati  fe  -flob.  -bugget  a  wet  with  tears, 
teardewed,  tear-stained.  -fiftellachrymal fistula 
•flaab,  -flob  n  med  epiphora,  the  watery  eye 
-flob  c  flood  el.  torrent  of  tears.  -fri  a  fre« 
from  tears.  -fulb,  -ftjlbt  a  tearful.  -gang  lachryJ 
mal  duet.  -grube  lachrymal  pit,  -ftao  oceas 
of  tears.  -tanal  lachrymal  canal.  -lilbe  sourej 
of  tears.  -firtel  lachrymal  gland.  -f-fnufclfl 
joc  brushing  away  of  tears.  -Irutfe  lachryma- 
tory.  -fualt  a  f.  (Sf8.  meb  -e  Drb  iu  words  Inter- 
rupted  by  sobs;  meb  -  Stemme  in  a  voice  stifled 
by  sobs.  -I«8  o  tearless.  -milb  a  easily  moved 
to  tears.  -i-offer  ofFering  of  tears.  -(letlc  poei 
pearly  tear.  -^erfc  teardistilling  drama.  -))l( 
weeping  willow,  SMx  babylonica.  ->iti!,  -punti 
lachrymal  point,  -rig  a  lachrymose.  -ftr««  f« 
-flob  c.  -fæ!  lachrymatory  bag.  -txsbrt  a  f« 
-bugget.  -oæbffe  lachrvmal  fluid  el.  humor, 
-bætb  fe  -flob. 

Saarn  n  -e  tower;  (^3.  Sirfe)  steeple;  (i  Sfal) 
rook,  castle;  (paa  SfiB)  turret.  Saarulagtig  a 
tower-like.  -borg  turreted  castle.  -bljgning  (bel 
at  bqgge  et  Saarn)  building  of  a  tower;  (Soarn] 
tower.  Soatue  vt  (btinge  op)  pile  up,  heap  upi 
vr  fig  (+vi)  tower.  -i-SIaarnet  a  turreted,  toweryi 
^aarnlfalt  kestrel,  castrel,  windhover,  Falcc 
tinnunculus.  -fartøj  fe  -fitb.  -flej  vane  el.  weathe] 
-cock  on  a  steeple.  -fregat  turret  frigate^ 
-fængfel  keep,  dungeon.  -gang  fe  SBægtergang/ 
-gemuter  dungeon-keeper.  -^«j  a  steeple-highj 
towering.  *-toge  fe  Sranfe=.  -lammer  towel 
-room.  -tanon  turret-gun.  -flotte  tower-bell, 
-Ixiap  ball  of  a  steeple  el.  spire,  -tommanb«^ 
i,  Captain  of  the  turret,  -mafttne  (®mp.)  steepl« 
-engine;  (til  ^anontaarn)  turret-engine.  -<)ort  J 
turret  (gun)  port.  *-fenneV  fe  -urt.  -ftib  turret 
-ship.  -fnegl,  -fnætle  turritella.  -f^itbS  tip  ol 
a  steeple.  -fptr  spire,  -fuote  fe  tirfefoale.  -uglÉ 
sereech-owl,  Strix  flammea.  -ur  tower-clock, 
turret  clock.  -urt  tower  mustard,  Turritis. 
■uagt  (aSagten,  fom  ^olbeg  i  laorn)  tower-guard; 
(ben,  ber  ^ar  SSagt  i  Xaarn)  warder.  -tiinbue 
tower-window.  -bogtec  fe  -gemmer,  -tjægter 
watchman  (on  a  tower). 

2;aa'|fpibé  tiptoe.    -fteb  toe-piece. 

*2aote  c  -r  sucking-bag. 

♦Soatt  c  -er  strand. 

Xab  n,  pi  =,  loss,  (®ab§falb)  bereavement; 
libe  _  suffer  el.  sustain  a  loss,  sufi"er  in  pocket; 
^ar  libt  ftort  _  has  been  a  heavy  loser,  has  been 
heavily  hit;  arbejbe  meb  _  work  at  a  loss;  fælge 
meb  -  sell  at  a  sacriflce;  meb  -  af  with  loss  of; 
-8  og  SJinbingS  ^onto  the  account  of  losses  and 
profits;  bet  antages  at  ^atie  bragt  -  it  was  con- 
sidered  a  losing  speculation;  unber  _  af  under 
pain  of  losing.  %af)t,  -te,  -t  vt  lose;  _  røobet 
lose  heart;  _  af  SQne  lose  sight  of:  -  Sporet  (om 
^unbe)  be  off  (the)  scent,  be  at  fault;  _  en  qSrocesS 
be  cast  at  law;  _  en  SWafee  let  down  a  stitch; 
^an  -r  *Penge  he  is  sinking  capital  el.  his  outlay; 




-V  »et)  ®entogeIfe  suffers  by  repetition;  _  i  SScegt 
lose  weight;  ^un  -bte  ftoptjeti  ^aa.  ®ul»et  she 
dropped  the  cup  on  the  floor;  fe  9iæfe;  iBejr; 
gaa  tafit  be  lost;  giee  -it,  gtoc  fig  -6t  give  in  el. 
up,  throw  up  the  sponge,  knock  under,  P  cave 
in,  knuckle  under  el.  down  (for  to);  -6t  i  SSeun- 
bring  lost  in  admiration;  fe  SBogn;  —  »r  _  fig 
(forfoinbe)  be  lost,  vanish;  (om  Smerte)  cease, 
pass  away,  subside;  (om  Soner)  die  away;  (om 
goroer)  friide;  (6Itoe  baarligere)  deteriorate;  _  fig  i 
drømmerier  be  lost  in  reveries;  '^un  ^ar  -bt  fig 
meget  she  has  fallen  ofif  very  much;  bet  bil  -  fig 
meb  Sliberen  it  will  wear  off  with  age;  ben  -nbe 
the  loser. 

SabeC  c  -ler  table;  ben  lille  _  the  multiplica- 
tiou  table.    -form:  i  _  iu  a  tabular  form. 

flabelig  a  liable  to  be  lost. 

SabeQa'riff  «  tabular,  tabulated;  -  Doecfigt 
table.  Saberuccrt  coUection  of  (statistical) 

Sabcn  c  losing  etc. 

Sabcrna'Iel  n  -lier  tab'eruacle. 

Sabforbcling  c  apportioning  (of)  the  loss. 

^tableau'  n  -er  picture,  tableau;  -er  the'it  spec- 
tacu'lar  scenes;  _  vivant  tableau  (vivant). 

Sable  b'l)o'tc  n  table  d'hote,  ordinary. 

S^o'bélifte  c  list  of  killed  and  wounded. 

Sobu  n  taboo';  belægge  meb  -,  etflcere  for  _, 

%ain\at\x't  c  mw»  tab'lature. 

Saburet'  c  -ter  tab'ouret,  stool;  fig  seat  in  the 
cabiuet,  place  in  the  ministry. 

tS^abber  c  (8og{)oebe)  buckwheat.  -^aaé  ber- 
nicle  goose,  Anstr  bernicla.    -uiffe  smooth  tåre. 

Saferct'  c  -ter  stencil. 

Saffel  n  -er  (diuuer)  table;  ftort  _  grand  dinner; 
bolbe  QQbent  -  keep  an  open  house  el.  table. 
^affeljanb  pochard,  Faligulaferina.  -ba^  Table 
Bay.  -blætg  table-bluflf;  -et  Table  Mountain. 
-bælfet  table-decker.  -fDrmigt  $tano  square 
pianoforte,  -frugt  table  fruit.  -glad  fe  Sable'. 
•raufil  music  at  diuner.  -olie  sweet  oil.  -{lenge 
table-money,  allowance  for  table  expenses. 
•^cevt  dessert-pear.  -fait  basket-salt.  -ferotcc 
table-plate,  service  (of  plate  etc).  -ften  table 
diamond.  -ur  time-piece,  table-clock,  bracket 
-clock.  -»ægt  platform  balance.  -«ble  dessert 

"Xa^i,  ta\\t  c  -er  tatter.    Slaffe  vt  ~  op  tatter, 

Soft  n  -er  taffeta,  taflfety.  SafteSbaanb  taffety 
-ribband.    Saftbætier  taffeta-weaver. 

Sag,  n,  pi  =,  (meb  -giaanb)  grasp,  hold,  gripe; 
(^oanbgreb)  handle;  (meb  9lare)  stroke;  (fibfte 
4)ianb  i  iSaab)  stroke;  *wrestliug;  *tage  -  wrestle; 
faa  -  i  get  hold  of;  tage  et  ~  i  take  hold  of; 
take  a  puU  of;  flippe  -et  let  go  one's  hold;  ifte 
flippe  -et  retain  one's  hold. 

Sag  n  -e  (til  ^u8  oio.)  roof;  '^(i  SSærelfe)  ceiling; 
Stroa-  thateh;  Segb  tiling;  ®fifer=  slated  roof; 
belægge  et  -  meb  Straa,  Seglften,  Stifer  thateh, 
tile,  slate  a  roof;  lægge  el.  ^ænge  _  roof;  bo  unber 

-  meb  en  live  under  one  roof  with  one;  be  fiabbe 

-  oDer  ^oaebet  they  had  a  roof  el.  a  house  over 
their  heads;  iffe  "^aee  _  ouer  ^obebet  have  no 
shelter  el.  refuge;  unber  -  under  shelter  el. 
cover;  ®[æben  ftob  tjojt  i  -et  «tlie  fun  was  fast 
and  furious«;  ftal  forfQnbe?-  paa  -ene  616^  shall 
be_  proclaimed  upon  the  house-tops.  Sag|aa§, 
-bjaelfe  rool'-beam  -blif  iron-plate  (for  rooflng). 
-bro  covered  bridge,  -br^tt  fe  -ffoeg.  -broaber 
p/,  -bttfp  drip  from  the  roof;  tomme  af  9iegnen  i 
-brt)ppet  fall  from  the  fryiugpan  into  the  fire. 
•bæffct  «  roofed,  covered  with  a  roof.  -bcetning 
roofing,  covering,  planking.  -boetningSmaterioIe 

Siorfen:  a)anf(=(gngelf(  Crbbog. 

Soge,  tog,  taget  vt  &  i  take;  (i  SSetaling)  charge; 
_  Stffteb  take  leave;  -  Slrtium  matriculate;  _ 
(Snbe  end,  come  to  an  end;  -  (£f?amen  pass 
one's  examination;  _  ^art  make  way,  make 
progress;  _  S'ngten  take  to  one's  heels,  take 
flight;  -  et  gorée^olb  make  a  reservation;  jeg  -r  mig 
ben  gri^eb  I  take  the  liberty,  I  make  bold,  I  beg; 
fe  TOunb,  Orb;  -  Deer^aanb  be  ou  the  increase; 
gain  ground,  grow  (upon);  _  93Iab3  take  a  seat, 
sit  down;  take  up  room;  _  præmie  carry  ofT  a 
prize;  -  Sfabe  suffer  damage;  _  en  StiHtng  carry 
a  position;  _  Sæbe  take  a  .seat;  _  SBejcn  go,  take 
one's  way,  take  the  road;  Srulfen  -r  tre  potter 
tlie  jar  holds  three  quarts;  bet  tog  fire  Simer  it 
occupied  four  hours,  took  us  f.  h.;  _  bet  roligt 
take  things  quietly;  jeg  eeb,  ^bor(ebe§  man  flal 
_  bam  I  know  how  to  deal  with  liim;  —  vr 
-  fig  nær  take  to  heart;  _  fig  nt  let  take  st 
easy;  _  ftg  (=  tage)  take;  _  fig  (om  ®^r)  conceive; 
tog  fig  meb  Jpiii'l'f"  "P  til  ^anben  raised  his  hånd 
to  his  forehead;  *_  fig  improve  -—  vi  (rejfe)  go; 
Stormen  tog  iffe  faa  meget  the  gale  was  not  so 
much  felt;  F  1^8  bil  ~  og  gaa  ber^en  I  will  just 
go  there;  —  meb  præp  &  adv.  _  of,  fe  _  bort; 
(forminbfTe?)  deerease;  (i  Sortfuil)  cut;  (fra  SSejen) 
strike  off;  -  en  af  take  one's;  labe  ftg 
_  af  sit  for  one's  portrait,  take  a  sitting,  have 
one's  likeness  taken;  _  af  Sorbet  clear  the  table; 
_  af  3)age,  fe  S)ag;  -  ®utt)tæpperne  af  take  up 
the  carpets;  -  .gatten  af  uncover  one's  head;  - 
Eioet  af  en  kill  one;  _  bet  Søfte  af  en  make  one 
promise;  _  af  og_  paa,  *  _  Si'fP"  play  at  cat's 
cradles;  _  fig  af  interest  one's  self  for,  exert 
one's  self  in  behalf  of,  take  up;  take  charge  of; 
_  af  Steb  set  off,  start;  -  (noget)  bort  remove, 
take  off;  -  bort  (rejfe,  goa)  set  off,  go  away, 
start;  _  berl)en  go  there;  -  efter  imitate;  fe 
Sat;  -  (antage)  for  take  for,  (fejlagtigt)  mistake 
for;  _  en  for  at  bære  judge  one  to  be;  tog  SSarer 
for  SReften  took  the  rest  out  in  goods;  _  fifl  noqet 
for  busy  one's  self  with  something,  be  doing 
something;  _  (en)  for  fig  take  to  task,  take  in 
hånd;  -  for  fig  help  one's  self,  f  fall  to;  _  for 
ftg  af  SRetterne  help  one's  self  to  what  is  on  the 
table;  _  fra,  fe  eifratage;  _  fra  l^inanben  take  to 
pieces  (et  Ur)  take  down;  -  frem  bring  el. 
take  out,  produce;  -  ^cn  go;  *  -  i  take  hold; 
exert  one's  self;  _  fig  i  9lgt  heed,  take  care; 
_  i  Seft^ttelfe  take  under  one's  protection;  fe 
J)el;  _  en  i  @b  swear  one  (in),  put  one  on  his 
oath;  _  i  ^forfdar  defend;  _  i  iJorbar  take  into 
one's  custody;  _  i  Jpaanb  shake  hånds  with;  - 
^oanb  i  meb  lend  a  hånd;  _  en  i  SJatfen  seize 
one  by  the  neck;  fe  Slole,  Sfob;  -  i  fig  revoke, 
retract;  tog  fig  i  bet  stopped  himself,  thought 
heiter  of  it;  _  igen  take  back;  *  make  resist- 
ance,  show  fight,  (i  Drb)  retort;  -  imob,  fe 
9Robtage;  uilbe  iffe  tage  imob  ^am  would  not  see 
him;  _  imob  ®runbe  listen  to  reason;  _  inb 
(ogf.  om  flæber.  Sejl)  take  in,  (i  Strilning)  nar- 
row, (aRebicin)  take;  -  inb  at  foebe  paa  take  a 
sudorific;  ~  inb  i  en  Sro  put  up  at  a  country 
-inn;  tag  Slarerne  inb!  unship  your  oars!  _  meb 
take  along  with  one;  take  in  addition,  add;  bet 
maa  ■§  meb  i  ^Beregningen  it  must  enter  into  the 
calculation;  -  meb  fig  bring;  _  SBenene  meb  fig 
find  one's  legs;  -  meb  35ampbaaben  go  by  the 
steamer;  _  meb  diligencen,  Sampbaaben  til  Jp.  take 
the  coach,  tlie  steamer,  for  H.;  -  Slffteb  meb 
take  leave  of;  _  <l>arti  meb  take  side  with,  side 
with;  _  bet  ftrengt  meb  stand  upon;  _  mob,  fe  _ 
imob;  _  TOaften  neb  unship  the  mast;  -  (noget) 
omborb  i  et  Stib  ship;  -  op,  fe  Optage;  (^oob 
ber  er  falben  til  Qorben)  pick  up;  (^oab  ber  er 
funfet)  recover,  (Stib)  raise,  lift;  _  fin  Siole  op 
tuck  up  one's  dress;   _  en  røafte  op  pick  up  a 




stitch;  _  Bel  o»  take  in  good  part;  -  ilbe  op  take 
amiss,  take  unkindly;  _  (en  Same)  op  take  out; 
fan  -  bet  op  meb  is  a  match  for;  _  op  paa  fine 
^nbtcegter  antieipate  one's  income;  •  _  fig  op 
improve,  pick  up;  -  en  Rappe  otter  ftg  put  on 
a  cloak;  _  ftg  nt  ober  undertake  st;  _  ooer  SSerlin 
go  via  Berlin;  ^an  tog  fin  ®ab  berober  it  was  the 
death  of  hiim;  -  poa  (en  S8ogn)  take  up;  _  paa 
fifl,  _  fine  Slæber  paa  put  on  one's  elothes,  take 
on  one's  things;  _  paa  (SBeje)  take  on;  ^un  tog 
paa  el.  til  at  græbe  she  began  to  weep;  bet  r 
paa  kræfterne  it  is  very  exhausting;  IjenbeS  ftbfle 
S^gbom  fiar  -t  feært  paa  fienbe  she  is  very  much 
exhausted  after  her  last  illness;  her  last  illness 
has  told  on  her;  _  l^aarbt  paa  handle  roughly; 

-  en  paa  Crbet  take  one  at  his  word;  _  fig  paa, 
fe  ^aatage;  _  paa  Canbet  go  into  the  eountiy;  fe 
gjøle,  SBare;  _  fig  fommen  pull  one's  self  together; 

-  til  increase;  SSinben  tog  til  the  wind  increased; 
fian  tog  tit  ^elfingor  he  went  to  Elsinore;  _  til 
Sen§  take  to  one's  heels;  _  til  gange  take 
prisoner;  _  til  ^uftru  take  for  one's  wife;  -  til 
jpatten  touch  one's  hat;  _  til  Saffe  meb  (+  -  nt 
til  Soffe)  put  up  with,  be  satisfied  with:  _  til 
SoIIe  meb,  Ifibab  ^ufct  formaar  take  pot-luck;  bet 
■S  tit  Satfe  it  goes  down:  fog  til  at  hegan  to;  _ 
til  Tig  (9Kab)  take,  (en  ytring)  take  home  to 
one's  self;  fe  9Jtob;  *  -  gmubl  til  fig  catch  the 
dirt;  _  fine  Øjne  tit  fig  withdraw  one's  glance; 
_  fig  tit  fjerte  lay  to  heart;  _  fig  til,  fe  _  fig  for; 
_  ttlbage  take  back,  (Drb)  revoke,  retract, 
(9lnføgning)  withdraw;  -  ub,  fe  Ubtage;  -  nb  paa 
ilonbet  go  into  the  country;  tog  nb  fom  (SouBernante 
went  out  as  governess;  _  ub  (af  SSanfen)  with- 
draw; _  fip  frauft  ub  look  el.  show  well;  -r  ftg 
meget  u^elbigt  ub  is  seen  to  great  disadvantage; 
_  fig  ub  fom  look  like;  -  unber  SSeftanbling  take 
in  hånd;  _  unber  CBcrBejetfe,  _  B  eb  9iæfen,  58inge-- 
benet,  fe  b.  D. 

tasetttSi  c  attic. 

tagfat':  tege  -  play  catch. 

Sft'fllfctte  c  rib,  purline.    -filt  roofing-felt. 

'■■Saga  c  -er,  fe  SCal.    -et  fe  Saltet. 

5:fl'g|gefim§  comice.  -lidlm  thatch.  -^ul 
aperture  el.  opening  in  a  roof.  -totttnter  garret. 
-tonftrultiott  kind  of  roof. 

*2;ogI  n  horse-hair.   -orm  hair-worm,  Gordiun. 

So'gllogt  a  imbricate,  imbricated.  -luge 
shutter  on  the  roof  -lægte  lath.  -I«g  fe  f»u§= 
løg.  -feS  a  roofless.  •moor  fe  i)u§=.  -Jt»o§ 
thatch-moss,  Bryum  rurale,  -tnøttniltg  top  of  a 
roof,  ridge.  -(lattiie  pantile.  -pa^  carton-pierre 
(for  roofing),  roofing  paper,  asphaltic  roofing 
-felt.    -plobe  shingle. 

2:a'g|raft  fe  -fpærre.  -rejSning  raising  of  a 
roof,  roofing.  -rcnbe  roof-gutter.  -rt)g,  -rl^gnittg 
fe  -mjønning.  -rljtter  ridge  turret,  -rer  fe  -renbe; 
reed,  Phragmites.  -fitfcr  roofing  slate.  -ff«g 
eaves  pi.  -ftiaan  shingle.  -fparre,  -fpær  rafter. 
-ften  file.  -ftige  slater's  ladder.  -ftol  roof-timber. 
-ftraa  thatch.  -ftiolc  fe  |)U§=.  -fætte  vt  roof  in. 
-tælfer  slater.  -tælning  thatching;  slating. 
-øinbue  dormer-window,  (i  glugt  meb  laget)  sky 
-light,    -utnlel  angle  of  the  roof    -tiært  roofing. 

SaiKe  fe  Xalje. 

2:aiof(obett  the  Tågus. 

%al  el.  tttllt  c  -fer  (fremftaaenbe  ©pib§)  jag; 
(paa  ^jort  ofB.)  branch,  antler;  (pao  $jut)  tooth, 
cog;  'ler  pi  (^æmorrl^oiber)  blind  piles. 

Sat'  c  thanks;  -!  thanks!  thank  you!  mange 
- !  many  thanks !  thank  you  very  much !  ia  - ! 
jo  _ !  yes,  (I)  thank  you;  nej  - !  no,  (I)  thank 
you !  thank  you,  I'd  rather  not;  fao  _ !  that 
will  do,  thank  you;  Bibe  en  _  for  be  much 
obliged  to  one  for;  fige  en  -  thank  one,  give 
el.  render  one  thanks;  jeg  figer  _  for  mig  I  doclare 

off;  meb  -  (mobtage  noget)  gratefully,  thankfully; 
®ub  ffe  -!  thank  God  el.  thanks  be  to  God;  _ 
ffat  ®e  liaBe  thank  you;  bet  ftol  bu  il!e  ^abe  -  for 
thank  you  for  nothing;  faa  STam  til  ~  get  blame 
el.  reproach  instead  of  thanks;  bet  er  -fen  (man 
fiar)!  there  is  gratitude!  tage  fil  -fe,  fe  Sage. 
5laf|obre§fe  address  el.  vote  of  thanks.  -^-fttIl> 
a  grateful.  %altt  r.t  thank,  give,  render  cl. 
return  thanks;  jeg  ^ar  ^am  at  -  for  bet  I  have  tq 
thank  him,  may  thank  him  for  that,  I  am  in- 
debted  el.  beholden  to  him  for  that;  bet  fan  bU 
_  big  felB  for  you  have  (only)  yourself  to  thankj 
-t  Boere  thanks  to,  owing  to;  -  af  resign;  -  til 
be  thankful. 

*%alU  c  -r,  fe  ISagftebetle. 

2:aIfcHirctt  letter  of  thanks.  -Ben  prayer  oi 
thanksgiving.  -fcft  (feast  of)  thanksgiving, 
-gubStjencftc  thanksgiving  service. 

SaltcflaV  c  ^  hill  mustard,  Buninn  orientali* 

S:offcl  n  -er  i  (runner-)tackle;  tenfe  for  -  og 
%ov  scud  under  bare  poles.  Xa!fc!o'b§,  Xat 
fcla'gc  c  rigging.  2:oIffI|blo!  tackle- block 
-bænbfet  whipping.  -garn  whipping  twine 
-jolle  girtline.  -loft  riggingloft.  -mcfter  master 
-rigger,    -bæfen  matters  relative  to  rigging 

ialfelfalme  thanksgiving  hymn.  -fang  sonjf 
of  praise  and  thanksgiving. 

SaHct  a  antlered;  toothed,  jagged,  indented;" 
3(  dentated. 

talte  vt  ^  rig;  _  et  6fi6  rig  a  ship;  -  eit 
lamp  whip  a  rope;  -t  fom  ©tonnert  schoonet 
■rigged  (o.  fl.);  -  a*,  fe  Slftafte  Salling  c  rig- 
ging.   SalHngSflag  whipping  tum. 

SaflUS  a  thankless.  -nem'inelig  a  grateful 
thankful;  et  -t  $u6litum  an  appreciative  audience 
Bære  en  -  be  grateful  to  one.  -ncmmctig^eb  é| 
gratitude,  thankfulness.  -ncm'tncngt)cb8f«Ielf 
feeling  of  gratitude.  -ncm'mcUgficbSgætb  in«; 
debtedness;  ftoar  i  -  tit  ^am  owes  him  a  de"  ' 
of  gratitude. 

Sofnæbficbe  pi  dentirosters. 

Sal'l offer  thank-otfering. 

2af§  c  fe  SafStræ. 

SafSlatio'tt  c  -er  valnation,  appraisement;  esti 
mate.  -atto'nSforrctning  b.  f.  -atio'nSntanb 
-a'tor  c  -er  appraiser,  valuer.  -atio'nSprlS  esti 
mated  value.    -e'te  vf  valne,  rate,  appraise. 

Saflfl'geUe  thanksgiving,  expression  of  thanks. 
-fftitielfe  letter  of  thanks  el.  acknowledgment 
■fft)Ibtg  a  obliged,  indebted. 

SafSnaal  c  yew-needle. 

SoISt  c  -er  rate,  estimated  value;  set  price; 
SrobtafSt  assize  of  bread. 

Safåfræ  n  yew,  yewtree,  Ta.vu9  baccata. 

SalStfum  c  estimated  value. 

Saft  c  -er  (i  TOuftt,  San§,  SRoning)  time;  mu9 
(9lfbeling)  bar,  measure;  (fin  Sfolclfe)  tact,  dis- 
cretion;  fiet  -i  SfJobe  semibreve;  6et  -8  ^aufe  bar 
of  rest;  ^olbe,  flaa  Satten  keep,  beat  time;  ^/g  _ 
'/s  measure;  tomme  ub  af  -en  break  time;  i  ~  meb 
in  time  to.  Saftlort  species  of  time.  -bel  divi- 
sion, count.  Saftc'rc  vi  beat  time.  Sattc'ring 
c  beating  of  time.  Saftlfaft  a  exact  el.  steady 
in  keeping  time,  rhythmical.  -faft^cb  steadiness 
in  keeping  time.  -fulb  o  discreet.  -futb^eS) 
discemment,  tact,  discretion. 

Sttftlf  c  tac'tics  pi.  Saf'titer  c  -e  tactic'ian. 
Saffiff  o  tactical. 

Sa!t|Ie§  a  indiscreet,  tactless,  having  no  tact. 
-IǤ6cb  want  of  tact,  indiscretion.  -moalrr 
metronom e.  -ntrcSfig  a  measured.  -flag  beat. 
-ftol  baton.    -ftrcg  bar(-line). 

SalOtnge  c  peacock  butterfly,    Vanesta  Jo. 

Sar  n,  pi  =,  number;  ariih  number,  ciplier, 
figure;  lige  _  even  numbers;  ulige  _  odd  numbers; 
uben   _   out   of  number,    numberless;  fire  i  -let 




four  in  number,  four  of  them;  tage  -let  ^1,  ff.  ®t8. 
»eb  SoSninq)  keep  tally;  i  jpiinbrcbev  i  Jiiflnb-,  t 
gncfe-  by  hundreds,  hy  tliousands,  by  scores. 
Iialiabticrbium  numeral  adverb.  -angitielfer 

J^ofn'r  c  -er  robe,  gown. 

Sa(!6ctcgne{fe  designation  by  figures.  -bogftati 
n timeral  letter,     -bøjning  plural  inflection. 

Zalt,  tQ'Ite,  talt  fogf.  -be,  -t)  vi  &  t  speak;  (i 
Samtale)  talk;  (fomlale)  converse,  di.«course;  _ 
fagte,  fiejt  speak  low,  loud  el.  aloud;  i  9llmtnbe< 
ligfieb  t  speaking  generally;  vt  _  Sanft,  ©ngelff, 
?vranf!  speak  Danish,  English,  French;  vr  _  fig 
troet  weary  one's  self  with  talking;  —  meb  præp 
k  adv:  -  efter  en  mimic  el.  imitate  one's 
manner  of  speaking;  _  en  efter  TOunben  coax  el. 
wheedle  one;  _  for  en  (ogf.  fig)  speak  el.  plead 
in  one"s  favour  el.  in  one's  behalf;  fig  tell  in 
one's  favour;  _  for  (anSefale)  advocate,  recom- 
mend;  -r  for  (ttjber  vaa)  goes  to  show  e(.  prove, 
gives  el.  lends  (some)  countenance  to  the  notion 
that,  favours  the  belief  that;  olt  -r  for  a  great 
deal  might  be  said  in  favour  of  bet  -r  fiojt  for 
it  speaks  volumes  for;  bet  -r  for  fig  felo  it  tells 
its  own  story;  ^on  fan  _  for  fig  he  has  sotne- 
thing  to  say  for  himself;  Ijan  -r  gobt  for  fig  he 
is  a  fine  speaker;  _  fien  i  S8inb  og  Sgejr  speak  at 
random,  to  no  purpose;  -  i  TOnnben  x>Cia  ^tier= 
anbre  talk  against  each  other;  fe  Wunb,  ©øOn, 
Jone;  bette  -r  i  mob  this  tells  el.  makes  against; 

-  meb  en  (i  2llm.)  see  one  el.  speak  to  one;  jeg 
moa  _  et  ^nr  Crb  meb  Ijam  I  must  have  a  little 
talk  with  him;  jeg  maa  ~  nnber  fire  ^\m  meb  ^am 
I  must  speak  in  private  with  him;  jeg  ^or  iffe 
•alt  meb  fiam  i  be  fibite  fjorten  3)age  I  have  not 
seen  him,  to  speak  to,  this  fortnight;  jeg  fiar 
ingen  at  -  meb  I  have  nobody  to  talk  to;  meb 
{lam  fan  mon  iffe  _  fig  til  IRette  there  is  no 
Teasoning  (arguing)  with  him;  ber  er  en,  foni  Oil 
_  meb  %tm  you  are  wanted;  _  meb  fig  felB  speak 
to  one's  self;  fjan  fon  fiffert  -  meb  berom  I  think 
he  has  a  word  to  say  about  that;  lob  bu  bare 
Ⱦre  at  _  meb  fier  don't  you  interfere  here  el. 
don"t  you  put  in  your  oar  here;  man  -r  ftøjt 
^erom  it  is  a  thing  much  talked  of;  :^ele  ^fien 
-r  berom  it  is  the  talk  of  the  whole  town;  man 
-r  iffe  mere  berom  there  is  no  more  talk  of  it; 
CO.,  tal  albrig  om  bet  don't  mention  it;  lab  o§  iffe 

-  mere  om  bet  we  will  say  no  more  about  it; 
bet  er  iffe  oævbt  at  _  om  it  is  not  worth  men- 
tioning;  iffe  at  _  om  to  say  nothing  of,  not  to 
mention,  let  alone,  letting  alone;  Ttben  Bt  -r  om 
talking  of;  fiøre  _  om  hear  tell  of;  jeg  ^or  iffe 
l)prt  _  berom  I  have  not  heard  of  it;  naor  man 
-r  om  ganben,  er  Ijan  nærmefl  talk  of  the  devil 
and  he  will  appear;  ^an  -r  ooer  fig  he  talks 
wildly;  _  f ammen  talk  toge th er,  converse;  tiQab 
mig  at  _  ub  allow  me  to  finish;  bi  bille  ■?  oeb 
om  benne  Sag  en  anben  ®ang  we  will  talk  over 
that  matter  another  time;  —  tolenbe  n  expres- 
sive,  significant,  suggestive;  en  _  laBlbeb  an 
eloquent  el.  pregnant  silenee;  bet  er  et  _  S3et)i# 
Xiaa  it  speaks  volumes  for;  be  _  Mertoner  the 
interlocutors;  ben  .  the  speaker.  Sole  c  -r 
(^onblingen  at  tale,  (S»neu  til  at  tale)  speech;  (bet, 
'om  figeé)  speech,  talk,  discourse;  bette  er  en 
tiaorb  ~  hihl  this  is  a  hard  saying;  eber§  -  ffot 
bære  ja,  jo,  nej,  nei  hibl  let  your  communication 
be,  yea,  yea;  nav,  nav;  fiolbeen  _  make  a  speech, 
deliver  an  address,  oration,  (gejftlig)  sermon; 
bolbe  en  _  offentlig  speak  in  public:  hon  bolbt  fin 
førfte  -  (om  5Riq§bag«mænb)  he  delivered  his 
maiden  speech;  faa,  forlange  i  _  obtain,  demand, 
speech  with;  fon  mon  fao  ^om  i  -  nu?  is  he  to  be 
seen  now?  ^an  er  oanftelig  at  faa  i  _  he  is  ditficult 
of  access,  it  is  difflcult  to  gain   access  to  him; 

Sfruen  er  iffe  at  faa  i  _  the  lady  is  not  visible; 
folbe  i  -n  interrupt;  ^bob  er  -n  om?  what  are  you 
talking  about?  ber  er  _  om  there  is  a  question 
of;  før  ber  er  _  om  before  there  is  any  question 
of;  -n  er  iffe  berom  that's  not  the  matter '  in 
question,  that  is  not  the  question,  that  is  beside 
the  question;  berom  fan  iffe  bære  _  that  is  out 
of  the  question,  not  to  be  thought  of;  gjorbe,  at 
ber  iffe  funbe  blibe  _  om  at  fobe  rendered  sleep- 
ing  out  of  the  question;  fomme  )faa.  ~  be  men- 
tioned,  discussed;  bringe  et  6mne  paa  _  start  a 
subject;  bragte  -n  til  at  falbe  tiaa  introduced  the 
mention  of.  -fS:oIe|boonb  fe  Sunge-.  -brug  usage 
of  language,  -^-bqgning  construction  of  sen- 
tences.  -bel  part  of  speech.  -bQgtig^eb  fluency. 
-enl)eb  speech-unit.  -ebne  faculty  el.  power  of 
speech.  -fejl  defect  of  speech.  -form  mode  of 
expression.  -fri^eb  freedom  el.  liberty  of  speech. 
•færbigbcb  fluency. 
SalrgaQ'a  c  -er  talegalla,  Megnpodium. 
^atelgauer  oratorical  powers  el.  endowments, 
rhetorical  gifts,  -gitter  grate  (in  a  nunnery). 
-t-!oin;»  debate.  -funft  art  of  speaking,  oratory. 
-funftncr  rhetorician.  -Itjb  sound  of  speech, 
spoken  sound.  -I^ft  talkativeness.  -maabe 
mode  of  expression,  phrase;  locution;  blotte  -r 
mere  words  of  course.  -maftine  speaking-ma- 
chine.  -metoben  the  articulation  system,  iaien 
c  speaking;  talking. 
^tnl'enftcb  n  numeral  unit. 
Salent'  c  -er  fTOønt)  tal'ent. 
iJalcnt'  M  -er  tal'ent,  faculty,  natural  gift, 
natural  endowment;  accomplishment;  bet  er  ett 
Wanb  af  _  he  is  a  talented  man,  he  is  a  man 
of  talent(s)  el.  parts;  f)an  fiar  intet  _  for  .  .  .  he 
has  no  talent  for  .  .  .  !£a(ent|fu(b  a  tal'ented, 
gifted.  -Ifl§  «  without  talent(s).  -leStltt  want 
of  talent(s). 

Salej  organ  fe  -rebffab.  Xaltt  c  -e  speaker, 
orator.  !£n(crcbffab  organ  of  speech.  taitV' 
Incb  oratorical  artiflce.  Xalertunft  rhetorical  el. 
oratorical  art.  S^alcrftol  pulplt;  (paa  bet  gamle 
romerfte  J^orb)  rostra  pi.  !ta(e|rør  (i  en  Sugning) 
speaking-pipe  el.  -tube,  whisperingtube;  (9Jaaber) 
speaking-trumpet.  -ftolc  deaf  and  dumb  school 
on  the  speaking  system.  -f))CDg  spoken  lan- 
guage; bet  engelffe  _  spoken  English.  -ftemmc 
speaking  voice.  -ftrøm  flow  of  words.  -flue 
parlour.  -fæt  phraseology.  -ftjg,  -trcengt  a 
eager  to  speak,  dying  to  speak,  -time  conversa- 
tion  lesson  *-bfi  F  :  'fe  ftærf  i  -en  not  eon- 
spicuous  for  oratory.  -øbclfe  practise  in  speak- 

Xatlftgnr  fe  -tegn.  -for^ølb  numerical  propor- 
tion,   -forffct  numerical  difference. 

Salg  c  tallow,  (9Jt)reO  suet.  -agtig  a  tallowy. 
Salgc  vf.  tallow.  Salgfabritant  tallnw-manu- 
facturer.  t-grcucr  pi  greaves.  -binbe  membrane 
of  the  tallow.  -flub  tallowing-cloth.  -fo|)  grease 
cup.  -fran  >1<  tallowcock.  -It)8  tallow-candle; 
Oormlt)«)  mouldcandle;  (Spebel^?)  dip.  *-OSe, 
-tit  fe  itøbmejfe.  -(ilafter  greased  patch.  -praaå 
dip.  -brou  .1.  shot-plug.  -f^re  sebacid.  -træ 
tailowtree,  StilUnoin  sehi/em. 

taW^a^Ift  reel  which  marks  the  number  of 

Salitiot'tialme  c  shreetaly,  Conrpha  umbraeuH- 
/er 'I. 
SaliSman  c  -er  tal'i.sman. 
Solje  c  -r  (2ib)  waist;  (tlrigur)  figure. 
Saljc  c  fe  Sarbeftot.    Salfc  vt  (fibebugge")  side. 
Snijc  c   r  J,  tackle;  fætte  en  -  paa  el.  bugge  en 
-  (an;  hook  on  a  tackle;  bugge  en  _  ub  unhook  a 
t.;  enfelt  -  gun-tacle;  treftaaren  _  luff 
-tackle  purchase;  firffooren  -  twofold   purchase. 
fef§ffaaren  -  threefold  purchase;  Sfræbber=  jigger; 





Salje  vi  ^t  purchase,  bowse.  Xalit\blot  pur- 
chase-block.  -^oge  tackle-hook.  -løber  tackle 
-fall.    -reb  laniard. 

Saljel^inb  fe  ^orBeftof.    -e!3e  squaring  axe. 

Xalt  c  tale,  talk.  -jorb  magnesia.  -ffifer 
talc-slate,  lalcose  schist.  -fVott)  magnesite, 
magnesian  spath.    -ftett  fe  %alt. 

*S:oa  c  -er,  fe  grtjr  (Sræ). 

Satlet'fen  c  -er  plate;  bi)6  ~  sonpplate;  flob  _ 
flat  plate;  en  -  ®u>)pe  a  plateful  of  soup;  lab 
fiam  faa  bet  tx^a  fin  -  PUt  that  in  his  pipe. 
XaUcttenl^otmiq  a  plate-shaped.  -jammer  swell- 
ing-hammer.  -lui«  plate-basket.  -rift  fe  ■  »armer. 
-rælfc  dish-shelf,  dish-catch,  plate  rack.  -fliffer 
c  e  lick-plate,  liek-platter.  -oarnter  c  -e  plate 

Sal|Iotteri  lottery  with  numbers.  -laS  a 
numberless   countless.     -majeftoetett  King  Mob. 

Salnta  c  talma. 

Satmigulb  n  talmy-gold,  Abyssinian  gold. 

Salmub  c  talmud.    -ift'iff  a  talmudistic. 

Salon'  [fr.]  c  (<).  S:nib)  heel;  (p.  D6Iigation) 

Soriorb  numeral.  -^lerlc  big  round  and  even 
pearl.  -punfel  figure  punch,  -regning  arith- 
metie.  -rig  a  numerous ;  Ⱦre  -ere  enb  out- 
number.  -rig^eb  c  numerousness.  -ræfle  nu- 
meral serie.s.  -fanå  facultyofnumeration.  -ffltie 
dial  plate.    -ftribning  writing  of  flgure.s. 

SaiSmanb  c  spokesman,  advocate,  exponent; 
-en  rel  the  paraclete,  bibl  the  comforter. 

S^allftørrelfe  number,  numerlc  quantity.  -fl)= 
flerø  numerical  system,  -tegn  numeral  char- 
acter el.  figure.    -uærbi  fe  -ftørrelfe. 

%am'  a  tame;  (fun  om  S^r)  domesticated;  ben 
-me  ®ao§  the  domestic  goose,  etc;  gere  _  Jig 
make  tractable,  manageable. 

Santarin'be  c  -r  tam'arind.  -mo§  pulp  of  the 
tamarind.  -tr»  tamarind(-tree),  Tamarindus 

Xamati^'  c  -er  tam'arisk,  Tamarix  gallica. 

Slitmbur  c  -er  drummer. 

Santbn'r  c  fort  tam'bour.  -e're  vt  tam'bour. 
—  Sambnre'r|naa(  tambour-needle.  -ramme 
tambour  frame,    -fting  tambour-stitch. 

Samburi'n  c  -er  tabour,  tambour,  tambourine. 
-brobert  tambour(-work).  -naat  fe  SEamburemaal. 
•\p\Utv  tabourer. 

^tamburmajor  c  drum-major. 

Samldeb  c  tameness.    -fræ  domestic  fowl. 

Samié  n  tammy,  taminy. 

'Zam'if  c  -e  rope's  end;  J,  ((Snben  af  et  Stftffe 
3;o»)  rope-end,  end  (of  the  rope),  (Straffe^ 
rebftab)  colt;  faa  _  get  flogged;  fig  en  ftor  -  a 
big,  thumping  fellow;  -en  brænber  (2eg)  hot 
boiled  beans.  Sam^Je  vt  beat  with  a  rope's  end, 
rope's  end;  flog  with  a  colt.  2:ampebænbfe(  J, 

Sam))er|bag  c  Ember-day.  f-ret  court  held 
about  the  Ember-days  for  adjudging  matri- 
monial  causes.  t-retSfag  matrimonlal  cause. 
-nge  Ember-week. 

^am^ning  c  beating  with  a  rope's  end. 

!£am|fbanen  the  tame  swan.  -fbinet  the  do- 
mestic bog, 

Samnliff  a  Tam'il. 

Sanb  c,  pi  Sænber,  tooth;  ('paa  9li»e,  ^a.m, 
®affel,  ^ar»e)  tooth;  prong;  tine;  {x^i^a  |)jul)  cog, 
tooth;  faa  Sænber  cut  teeth;  :^ar  faaet  ftn  førfte  - 
has  cut  his  first  tooth;  træffe  en  -  ub  draw  a 
tooth;  fig  ftaa  ben  _  ub  give  it  up;  2»iben§  _  the 
band  el.  ravages  of  time;  noget  for  -en  some 
dainty  l)it;  ^olbe  _  for  3;unge  keep  one's  own 
counsel;  -  for  2unge!  F  mum's  the  word;  fe 
Slob;  fole  en  Jjoa  2;oenberne  feel  one's  pulse, 
sound  one;  »ife  3:ænber  show  the  teeth  el.  one's 

teeth ;  aSarnet  ^or  onbt  for  Sænber  the  child 
sufiers  from  teething;  imellem  Xænberne  under 
his  breath;  !^or  $aar  >(scia  Jænberne  is  not  to  be 
trifled  with;  behæbnet  tit  Scenberne  armed  cap-a 
-pie,  to  the  teeth;  ffcere  S^oenber  grind  the  teeth, 
gnash  the  teeth,  mine  Sænbcr  løbe  i  SSanb  my 
mouth  waters.  2:anb|ben  dentine.  -befætninj 
set  of  teeth,  dentition.  -bogftab  dental  (lelterj 
-brub  cutting  of  the  teeth,  dentition,  teethin 
-brælfer  c  -e  tooth-drawer,  tootlibreaker.  -bljg 
ning  dentition.  -b^Ib  gum-boil.  -bceger  hore 
hound,  Ballota  nigra.  -bceig  heath-grass,  Tri^ 
odia  decumbena.  -berftc  tooth-brush.  -banneif 
formation  of  teeth,  dentation.  -bue  tooth-bille* 
pigeon,  Didunculus  strigirostrin. 

Sanbe  c  -r  (paa  2^§)  snuff,  cabbage-head. 

Sanb|et  a  toothed;  Si*  dentate,  dentated.  -fall 
fe  -fælbning.  -feber  teething  fever,  fever  fron 
dentition.  -fil  equallingfile;  (3^onb(cegeé)  rugin« 
scraper.  -ftftel  fistula  in  the  gum.  -fll8  splinte 
of  a  tooth.  -for^olb  dentition.  -formet  a  den 
ticulate,  dentieulated,  dentate,  dentated.  -fæli 
ning  shedding  el.  changing  of  teeth.  -graE§  j 
Snabel,  -gumme  gum.  -goirbe  jaw.  -fjali 
neck  (of  a  tooth).  -bolSboanb  anodyne  ueck 
lace.  -^jul  cog -wheel,  toothed  wheel.  -^M 
hole  in  a  tooth.  -Ijttle  .socKct.  -Ijbol  toothe 
el.  denticete  whale,  dolphin,  Delphinvut.  -Ijaji 
toothing-plane.  -(l)«bl)jærn  toothed  plane  iron 
-larbe  toothed  carp.  -ferne  pulp  (of  thi 
tooth).  -Hm  fe  -lerne,  -ftt  Alling  for  teeth 
-Irone  crown  of  a  tooth.  -f^ften  the  Coast  o 
Ivory.  -føb  gum.  -l^b  dental  sound,  -læge  de 
tist,  dental  surgeou.  -Itegefunft  dentistry.  -lægi 
ftuberenbe  student  of  dentistry.  -leS  a  toothle.s! 
be  -e  zoo  the  edentates.  -loSljeb  toothlessnesi 
-mtbbel  dentifrice,  remedy  for  the  tooth-ach 
-nerbe  nerve  of  the  teeth.  -nøgle  key-instr 
ment.  -o:beration  dental  operation,  -vafta  too 
paste.  -berler  teething  corals.  -binc  tooth-ach 
-buloer  tooth-powder,  dentifrice.  -rob  root 
a  tooth;  ^  tooth-wort,  tooth-vioiet,  Dentiri 
-ræffc  row  of  teeth.  -ftifte,  -ffiftning  fe  -fæli 
ning.  -fliue  ratchet.  -ffraber  tooth -scrapei 
-flib  wear  of  the  teeth.  -fmertcr  fe  -pim.  -fn 
arch  dentil,  indentation.  -f))tb3  tooth-poin' 
-ftang  rack.  -ftiffer  c  -e  tooth-pick.  -ftuml 
stump  of  a  tooth.  -ftærl  a  having  strong  teet 
-fubftan§  dentine.  -fæt  set  of  teeth.  -fætnini 
dentition,  teething,  cutting  of  the  teeth.  -tfl 
tooth-key.  -tromle  clod-crusher.  -træffer  (3Jei 
ftab)  tooth-drawers  pi,  tooth-key;  (^erfon)  toot] 
-drawer.  -ttirfiS  occidental  turquois.  -ubtræ! 
ning  tooth-drawing.  -nrt  fe  Snaoel.  -banb  toot! 
-water.    -ocerf  fe  -pim. 

*%tmt  fe  2:anbe. 

2:ong  c.  pi  Sænger,  (^Ibtang)  (pair  of)  tongs; 
(liEe  S^ang,  9Ji»tQng)  (pair  of)  nippers,  (pair  of) 
piucers;  chir  Ibrceps. 

Slang  c  seaweed,  tangle,  (sea-)tang,  Fuctu; 
aSrebtang  notched  wraek.  '^-oal  blenny.  -art 
species  of  .seaweed.  -afte  kelp.  -brænbtng 
burning  of  sea-weed.    -bigc  fe  -gærbe. 

Sange  c  -r  (2onbtunge)  spit  el.  tongue  (of 
land);  (paa  Snio  o.  1.)  tang.  Sangejirrn  tang 

Sangjené  c  tangent,  -ent'  c -er  wa^A  tan'gent; 
(paa  gortejjiano)  key,  note;  efter  -en  at  (el.  in)  a 
tangent,  -cntta'ltraft  tangen'tial  force,  -e're  vt 
touch,  be  tangent  to;  -n  be  a  tangent.  -c'ring8= 
))unft  point  of  taction. 

Sanger  «  (S8y)  Tangier. 

Sangformig  a  having  the  form  of  a  pair  of 
tongs,  forcipated,  forceps-like. 

Sang  I  gærbe  dike  of  seaweed.  -gubning 
manure  of  burnt  et.  rotten  sea-weed.    -flæbt  « 




overgrown  with  sea-weed.  -Io!e  rock-ling, 
Motflta.  •Io))))e  sand-skii)per,  flea-lobster,  Gam- 
niariin.  -nonl  needle-flsh,  Xi/ngnathus.  -iilante 
alga,  pi  algæ.  -fait  salt  oblained  from  burnt 

Sangffanfe  c  tenaille. 

S:a«8lfnarre  c  flfteen-spiued  siickle-back, 
Garierosteus  spinackia.  -ffiral  c  blenny.  -ftitling 
fe  -fnarre. 

San!  c  ^l,  tank. 

Sanf e  c  -r  thought,  idea;  b^be  -r  deep  thoughts; 
fomle  fine  -r  compose  el.  collect  one's  thoughts; 
bet  Bar  min  _  ot  rejfe  imorgen  it  was  my  inten- 
tion to  depart  to-morrow;  -r  eve  tolbfri  thoughts 
go  free,  our  thoughts  are  our  own;  ft'»»bet  ^ar 
en  -  the  meat  is  touched;  ben  frie  _  free  thought; 
!Je  ntaa  flaa  fcct  af  -rne  you  must  banish  el.  dis- 
miss it  from  your  mind;  en  _  af  a  suspicion  of; 
iffc  _  flf  not  a  suspicion  of;  i  mine  -r  er  bet  rig- 
tigt in  my  opinion,  to  my  thinking,  it  is  right; 
i  -n  in  idea;  falbe  i  -r  fali  into  a  revery;  ftaa  i  -r 
stand  musing,  be  in  a  brown  study;  bragte  t)am 
til  at  falbe  i  bt)6e  -r  threw  him  into  deep 
thoughts;  ftaa  i  ben  _  at  believe,  be  of  opinion, 
under  the  impression,  that;  ^aa  mig  i  -rne!  re- 
member  me !  I)an  Ijar  bet  altib  i  -rne  lie  is  ahvays 
thinking  about  it;  ^an  ^ar  -rne  meb  fig  he  has 
(all)  his  wits  about  him;  ban  bar  iffe  -rne  meb 
fig  he  is  inattentive,  he  is  absent;  I)OQb  er  -n 
meb  .  .  .  ?  what  is  the  meaning  of  .  .  .  ?  ^an  ^ar 
meget  ^øje  -rom  Rg  felo  he  has  a  very  high 
opinion  of  himself;  -n  om  the  idea  of;  alene  -n 
(om)  the  mere  idea  (of);  -n  om  ®eben  the  thought 
el.  idea  of  death;  jeg  giorhe  mig  ingen  _  om  I  did 
not  think  of;  Ⱦtte  -n  om  suggest;  jeg  tom  ifaa. 
ben  -  the  thought  siruck  me;  fomme  Xtaa  anbre 
-r  change  one's  mind;  bringe  en  paa  onbre  -r 
induoe  one  to  change  his  mind;  t  ^aoe  -til 
en  $ige  fancy  a  girl.  Xanfe{beftemmelfc  term. 
-betxegclfe  train  of  thought,  association.  -biUcbe 
image.  -^-bIiI  thoughtful  glance.  -bagning 
structure  of  reasoning.  •btjbbe  profundity,  j 
depth.  •cfépertmcnt ;  fom  et  _  for  arguments; 
sake.  +-folfIucr  soph'ist.  -faft  a  hard-lieaded.  i 
-fottig  a  jejune,  shallow.  -flugt  flight  of  thought.  i 
-forbinbelfe  association  ot  idea-^.  -fortn  form  of 
thought.  -f-forf«g  fe  -cf^pcrimcnt.  -foroirring 
confusion  of  idea«  el  thoughts.  -foftcr  offspring 
of  the  mind.  -fr«  suggestion,  -fulb  a  thought- 
ful, pensive,  thought-ladeu.  -fulbbeb  thought- 
fulness,  pensiveness.  -ffllbe  richnes.s  of  thoughts 
el.  ideas  -ftjlbig  a  rich  in  ideas  cl.  thoughts. 
-f«Ige,  -gong  train  of  ideas,  chain  el.  train  of 
reasoning.  -glimt  flash,  -inbgitielfe  suggestion. 
-inbbolb  store  of  ideas.  -tlart)eb  clearness  of 
reasoning,  perspicuity.  -traft  intellectual  power. 
-frcb§  range  el.  sphere  of  thought.  -leg  fe  -fpil. 
■liti  meditative  el.  contemplative  life.  -ll)n 
■læfer  thoughtreader.  -IccSning  thought-read- 
ing.  -Ia§  a  thoughtless,  untliinking,  unreason- 
iug,  scatter-brained.  -l^åljeb  thoughtlessness. 
-t^-tttagt  (e  -traft.  -net  fe  -ipinb.  -oucrfering 
thought-transference.  -rem  phylactery.  -ret  je 
-rigtig,  -retning  school  of  thought.  -rig  n 
teeming  el.  abounding  with  thought.  -rigbom 
abundauee  el.  richness  of  thoughts.  -rigtig  <* 
logicai.  -rtgttgi)eb  logic.  -ringe  pi  tiring-irons. 
•rcette  train  of  thoughts  el.  ideas.  -fleti  a  im- 
becile; fatuous.  -fpaaner  pi  aphorisms.  -f^jtl 
witty  conceit,  witticism,  joke;  tinefift  _  Chinese 
puzzle.  -fliinb  net  of  rea'^oning,  subtle  reason- 
ing. -ftircbt  a  absent,  abstracted.  -f)>rtng  skip 
of  thought,  abrupt  el.  sudden  transition  of 
thought.  -f|>rog  apothegm,  device,  -ftof  sub- 
ject  of  thought  el.  meditation,  -ftrcg  da.«h  (— ). 
-ftribtg  a  contradictory,  illogical.     -ftrøm  cur- 

renl  of  thought.  -ft^rte  fe  -froft.  -f^åfel  intel- 
lectual occupation.  +-\cet  way  of  thinking. 
■t-tegn  representation  of  an  idea.  -tom  a  void 
of  thought,  fatuous.  -tom^eb  fatuity.  -traab 
thread  of  thought  el.  of  one's  thoughts.  -træl- 
bom slavery  of  thought.  -tOang  restraint  on 
thought.  -uboetSling  commerce  of  thoughts. 
-tierben  ideal  world.  -Dirtfom^eb  action  of 
thought,  of  the  mind.  -tirimmel  crowd  of 
thoughts.  -oægt  weightiness.  -bægtig  a  weighty, 
profound,  full  of  thought.  -Oættenbe  a  suggest- 
ive, full  of  suggestion,  thought  -  producing, 
thought- compelling.  -ytring  expression  el. 
utterance  of  thoughts.  -økielfc  exereise  of 

S^anni'n  c  tan'nin. 

2:ont  c  &  n  trumpery,  vanity,  nonseuse;  fare 
meb  ~  be  trilling,  talk  non.sense. 

Santa'I  n  tau'talum.  ISantalit'  c  tan'talite. 
Santa'Ift)re  tantal'ic  acid. 

SontloHfe'rc  r«  tantalize.  -o'Uff  a  -e  Sbaler 
el.  Santaluétoaler  the  tormcnts  of  Tantalus. 

Sante  c  -r  aunt. 

2;ontej'(c)  c   er  fe  S^unfift. 

S^antieme  c  -r  percentage. 

%a)f'  c  -pe,  -per  (Sønbetap)  tap,  faucet,  spigot; 
(i  ©nebter-  el.  Sømmcrarbejbe)  tenon;  j«ecA  journal, 
(oaa  3;ræat«el)  gudgeon,  {ifaa  ftaaenbe  SltSel)  pivot; 
(pao  ^anon)  trunnion;  (til  5Eopriffelj  pillar,  tige; 
anat  process;  famle  oeb  -  tenon  together.  %alf\' 
anfatS  (i  Ur)  piniou-plate.  -baanb  urt  trun- 
nion-hoop.  -bor  tap-bore,  pivot  drill.  -brljp 
(tap-)droppings.    -bietfet  art  cap-square. 

%apt't  n  -er  (meb  inbocebebe  gigurcr  el.  iBitleber) 
tap'estry;  (Setræt)  hanging;  C^apirébetræf)  paper 
-hangings,  wall-papers  pi;  bringe  paa  -et  bring 
upon  the  carpet  el.  tapis;  Ⱦre  paa  -et  be  upon 
the  carpet  el.  tapis.  Satictjborb(t)  paper-border. 
-ber  jib-door.  -fabrit  mauufactory  of  paper 
-hangings.  -fabrifant,  -mager  (ben,  fom  gør 
Sopeter)  paper-stainer,  (ben,  fom  betrætter  SSægge) 
paper-hanger.  -mønfter  pattern  of  liangings  el. 
tapestry:  -naal  tapestryneedle.  -pa))ir  paper 
-hangings,  wall-papers  pi.  Sa^etfe'rbi  fe  J8lab= 
ftærer.  Xapct^evt  vt  hang  with  tapestry,  tap- 
estry; (meb  'ilJapir)  paper.  Sotietfe'rer  c  e  paper- 
hanger;  upholsterer.  Snpctfe'rtng  c  papering. 
S;atiet|f«mbullen-nail.  -oæoerweaverof  tapestry. 

S^a<>|fil  pivot -file.  -forbinbelfe  tenon  and 
mortise  joint,  -formet  a  tenon-like.  -friftion 
axle-friction.  -ftane  faucet  and  spigot.  -^jttt 
wheel  turning  on  a  pivot,  -ftnl  tap-bole,  faucet 
-hole;  (for  fmeltet  9JJetal)  shuttle,  sprue;  (Snebt.) 
mortise.    -^oirbet  oTiat  axis. 

2:a))io'ta  c  tapioca. 

Sa))i'r  c  -er  ta'pir,  Tapirua. 

2;apt8fcri'  n  -er  (gobelin)  tapestry. 

'tap\tax  mash-tub.  -file  fox-wedge.  -leje, 
*-lngcr  bearing,  pillow-block,  (journal- jbox;  (til 
lobret  Sop)  .step.  S^apning  c  tapping  etc.  %aplft 
vt  (fl^benbe  2?arer)  tap,  draw;  (Snebt.)  tenon, 
mortise.  —  %a.ppt\iox  fe  2;ap=.  -brcjeftol  pivot 
-lathe.  -t)Ot»  underback.  -lar  fe  2ap=.  -Iran 
fe  Xop^ane. 

!£a))^enftrcg  c  tattoo,  drumbeat;  flaa  _  beat 
the  tattoo. 

%aifptv  a  brave,  valiant,  valorous,  gallant;  ^olbe 
fig  _  F  stand  lo  one's  guns.  -I)eb  c  bravery, 
valour,  gallantry. 

Sa))^e|ftang  pliig-beam.    -trug  underback. 

2;oi»|rififeI,  *-rifle  pillar-breeeh,  rifle-mu.sket. 
-ring  trunnion-coil.  -rioal  pivot-broach.  -ftitte 
trunnion-shoulder.  -flrue  pivot-screw.  -fl«re> 
mafline  tenon  cutting  machine.  -ftrstmoat 
mortise-gauge.  -ftQlIe  art  reinforce,  trunnion 




Sara  c  mere  tåre. 

Xatan'M  c  -(er  tarantula,  Lycosa  tarentula. 

tatanttV  c  tarantella. 

S^araregning  c  tareaccount. 

%att  c  -r  alga. 

Zavtnt'  n  Taranto. 

Xaxt'tt  vt  tåre. 

*%atetOt\t  c  eod  taken  in  .shallow  water. 

Sarif  c -er  tar'iflf.  -teftemmelfet  tariff  rating.s. 
•fotfer  pi  taritr  rates. 

%att9i'nmå  Tarquin. 

Satlatan  n  ta  rlatau. 

Xavm  c  -e  gut;  -e  intestines.  -bob  injection. 
-bettenbelfe  euteritis.  -tirof,  -brub  fe  -Iw6.  -fiftel 
fi.stula  of  the  anus.  -gigt  iliac  passion,  ileus. 
•ilintt,  •l)ut»  peritoneum.  -^inbebetænbelfc  peri- 
tonitis.  -inb^olb  contents  of  the  guts.  -tanaUn 
the  intestinal  canal  el.  tube.  -tatarrt)  catarrh 
of  the  intestines.  -tittel  intestinal  gland.  -IraS 
mesentery.  -lab  enteroeele.  -ntt  caul.  -rar  fe 
-tonal,  -faar  sore  in  the  guts.  -fnft  enteric 
juice,  -filing,  -flængning  twistiug  of  the  gut, 
miserere,  -fntt  euterotomy.  -fnor  fe  -ftreng. 
-ftcn  enterolite.  •ftreng  cat-gut,  gut -string. 
•ftrengfabrtt  catgut-manufactory,  gut-works. 
-ftrengfabritant  gut-spinner,  catgut-maker.  -fæt 
fe  -l^inbe.  -treoler  intestinal  villi.  -»rib  colic. 
t-brtb'9l«n  wild  service-tree,   Sorbus  torminalie. 

Sara  c  S(  taro,  Caladium  eseulentum. 

Saro't  n  tar'ock.    -fort  tarock  card. 

Sorpe'iff;  ben  -e  Slippe  the  Tarpeian  Rock. 

Sarre  fe  Såre. 

Sarfe  c  -r  tarse,  tarsus. 

Sartan  n  ta'rtan. 

Saria'r,  -i'ct  fe  Xatar. 

Sartaru§  n  Ta'rtarus. 

SarU  c  &  H  behoof,  requirements;  good,  bene- 
flt;  oaretoge  en§  _  look  after  el.  attend  to  one's 
interests;  fremme  Staten^  -  promote  the  public 
good;  inbrettet  efter  sBegijnberc«  _  prepared  to  meet 
the  wants  of  beginners.  Sarbetig  a  (i  i!eBe= 
moabe)  frugal;  (i  Slæbebrant)  plain,  homely, 
modest;  fig  scanty,  meagre.  Sarbeligijeb  c  frugal- 
ity:;;  lom  og  fpi§  til  iDMbbag 
^03  o?  i  al  -  come  in  a  friendly  way  and  dine 
with  us.    -fSarblaé  a  needless. 

Safle  c  -r  (line  «l5ofe)  pouch,  wallet;  (til  ©tolc= 
Børn)  satchel;  (i^ige)  wench,  minx,  baggage;  -r  paa 
^umpefpil  nipping-eheeks;  jeg  ubfenbte  eber  uben 
53ung  og  Safte  og  ©to  bibl  I  sent  you  without 
purse,  and  scrip,  and  shoes.  -bælte  belt  with 
pouches.  -QtaS,  -nrt  fe  §t)rbetaf(e.  -trabbe 
pungar,  crab-fish,  Cancer  pagurus.  -lao§  large 
padlock.    -lomme  outside  pocket,  flat  poeket. 

Saftenf))iKer  c  -e  juggler,  conjurer.  -i'  n 
juggling,  jugglery.  -funft  juggling  el.  conjuring 
trick,    -pofe  juggler's-bag. 

SaffebotS  n  currier's  black. 

*Saf8  c  paw;  wolf. 

Saft|c  c  -r  key.    -atu'r  c  key-board. 

Sata'r  c  -er  Ta'rtar,  Tatar,  -ic't  Ta'rtary.  -iff 
a  Tartarean. 

Såter  c  -e  glpsy.  -banbe  gang  of  gipsies. 
■gooå  fe  @ouI.  -toinbe  glpsy  (woman).  •pigt 
gipsy  girl.    Soterfle  c  -r,  fe  -totnbe. 

Satooe'rle,  tattue'r|e  vt  tattoo;  tattow.  -ing 
c  tattoo;  tattooing. 

Satte  vt:  _  aial  catch  eels  with  worms  on 

*Saup  fe  Sod. 

Sanrien  n  Tauris. 

Sauto|logt'  c  -er  tautol'ogy.  -lo'giff  a  tauto- 

Sab  imp  af  2:ie. 

Sobe  c  -r  fibre. 

Sabl  n,  pi  =,    (5j;oPBært   paa   ®ti6)   rigging; 

Stibet  forgit  meb  Sop  og  _  the  ship  was  totall 

Sabl  n,  pi  =,  square;  (SræO  panel;  (glifi 
slab,  flag;  (i  SBinbingSBærtéb^gntng)  brick-noggini 
+  (sBrætjpiU  tables  pi;  fpitte  -  play  at  tabl 
Sabllborb,  -bræt  draught- board,  chequere 
board,    t-bril  draught-  el.  chess-mau. 

Soale  c  -r  (af  Warmor)  table  (of  marble);  (i 
bobber,  'iilt)  oio.)  plate,  sheet;  (af  Sræ)  boa« 
(til  at  ftrioe  paa)  slate;  (i  Stoleftuej  blackboaw 
fe  ogf.  Kirte«;  iJogaritmetaole  table  of  logarithmi 
2ooen§  r  bibl  the  tables  of  the  law;  be  tolo  - 
JJooe  the  laws  of  the  Twelve  Tables.  Saolejb: 
lead  in  slabs  el.  piates,  sheet-lead.  -bog  tabl 
-book.  -bcerer  alms-collector.  -farbe  lopici 
colour.  -glaé  plate-glass.  -latfe  Sdjellot.  -mc§ftja 
sheet  brass.  -penge  mouey  collected  in  churc 
during  sermon.  -regning  reckoning  el.  figurii^ 
on  the  slate.  -ffifer,  -ften  slate,  arKillaceou 
schist,  grapholite.  Sablet  u  chequered;  i(i5uli 
parqueted.  SabletrJjt  block  printing.  —  Saul, 
•grunb  chequered  grouud.  -manfter  chequere^ 
pattern.    -rube  square.    -tiært  chequered  worl 

Sab;&  o  silent,  hushed;  (af  SBane;  taciturr 
sileut,  reticent;  (fom  itle  røber,  ^Dob  lian  itte  mat 
discreet;  en  ~  S3øn  a  sileut  el.  mental  prayei 
-{)eb  c  silence;  ubrnbelig  -  iuviolable  .secrecj 
unber  -é  ijøfte  under  the  promise  of  secrecy 
foroentningSfulb  ~  a  hush  of  expectation;  brinj 
til  -  silence,  still;  beoare  -en  keep  silence;  forb 
goo  i  el.  meb  -  pass  over  in  silence.  -^ebSfljftcme 
the  sileut  system. 

Sajet'  c  -ter  yellow  hyacinth,  Nardaaus  tazetta 

Se  vr  -  fig  fom  en  braD  Sari  behave  like 
gallant  fellow;  forftaar  at  _  fig  knows  how 
comport  liimself 

Se  c  -er  tea;  britte  ~  lake  tea;  ftænfe  _  po 
out  tea;  laue  _  make  tea;  en  Sop  -  a  cup 
tea;  -en  er  paa  sBorbet  tea  is  ready. 

Seattrce  n  teak,   teaktree,    Ttctonia  yranuit 

Sea'tcr  »  -tre  the'atre,  play-house;  (Stueptab 
stage;  Ⱦre  i  -tret  be  at  the  play;  gaa  i  -tiet  gi 
to  the  play;  gaa  til  -tret  go  on  the  stage;  forlai 
-tret   leave   the   stage.     Seotcr|obi§   theatrici 
uewspaper.   -bane  theatrical  career.    -beføgen! 
a  playgoing;  c  playgoer.    -billet  ticket  (for  ihj 
play).   -cenfor  examiuer  of  plays.   -(^ef  fe    bire, 
tør.    -coup  clap-trap.     -btgtcr  dramatic  autho: 
stage-writer.     -btreft^r  manager  of  a   theatri 
-bQgtig  o  flt  for  the  stage,     -cffelt  stage-efl'eci 
-ferien    the    olf  .seasou.     -gal    «    stage -strue' 
-gænger  c  -e  theatre-goer,  play-goer.    -tjat  ope 
-hat,  crush-hat.    -I|elt  hero  of  the  stage,    -bbiéf  e: 
stage   whisper.     -taSfe    treasury    ot    a    theatre; 
theatrical    fund(s).      -faéferer    treasurer    to    a 
theatre.    -fitfert  opera-glass.    -tneb  stage-trick. 
-tontroller  box-keeper.     -tup  clap-trap.     -ffln= 
big^eb    theatrical    kuowledge.      -lip    theatrical 
lile.     -loge    box    in   a    theatre.      -maler    scene 
-painter.     -maleri  stage-painting.    -mørte  stage 
darkness.    -ptatS  seat  in   tho  theatre.    -platat, 
•program  play-bill.     -refenccnt  dramatic  critic. 
-ffræbber    stage  -  tailor.      -ffnrt    stage    villain. 
•^Qtte  (stage)  play,  piece  for  the  theatre.    -fæfon 
theatrical  season.    •føgenbe  u  playgoing.     -tje= 
nefte  stage  duty.     -bcrbenen  stageland.    -bæfen 
theatrieals  pi. 

Seati'ncr  c  -e  The'atin,  The'atine. 

Seatra'lff  a  theat'rical,  stagey. 

Se|aol  culti vation  of  tea.    -batte  tea-tray. 

Se']blab  tea-leaf  -borb  teatable.  -bræt  tea 
-board,  -brøb  tea-cake.  -buft  tea  shrub,  tea 
plant,  tea-tree,  Thea  viridia,  Thea  bohea.  -boafe 
tea-eaddy.  -bng  cloth  for  a  tea-table.  ••fab 




Stflt  c  -e  (til  Jage)  tile;  (til  SKurarbejbe)  brick; 
ftrijge  _  make  el.  inould  tiles  el.  bricks.  2;egl|' 
arbejbe  brick  work.  -tiratnbei:  brick-maker,  tile 
-maker.  -brænberi  brick  -  mauufactory,  brick 
-tield;  (bet  at  brænbe  %.)  buruing  of  tiles  el.  bricks. 
-irænbetmcfter  master  brick-maker.  -bqggtt  a 
brick -built.  -bannet  «  shaped  like  a  brick. 
-fortiet  a  of  a  brick-colour,  testaceous.  -form 
tile-  el.  brick-mould.  -flulo  brick-floor.  -I)h8 
shed  for  drj-iug  bricks.  -^Ijtte  fe  -brænberi. 
•i)(engt  a  tiled.  -jorb  tile-  el.  brick-clay.  -labe 
brick-sbed.  -lagt  a  paved  with  bricks.  -ler  je 
-jorb.  -lægte  tile  lath.  -mel  brick-dust.  -rønr 
brick-wall.  -ODn  tile-  el.  brick-kihi.  -r«b  )e 
-faroet.  -ften  fe  Jegl;  raa  -  adobe.  -ftcnS-  fe 
2:egl=.  -ftenSte  brick-tea.  -ftrljger  fe  -brænber. 
•ftrQgning  formiug  of  bricks.  -tog  tile  roof. 
-tolt  a  tiled.  -tæffer  tiler.  -t«rti  moulded  peat. 
-Ⱦg  fe  -mur.    -Ⱦrt  je  -brajnberi. 

Segn  n,  pi  =,  sigu,  mark,  token,  iudicatiou; 
alg,  mus,  astr  sign;  (i  ®t)gb.)  symptom;  Oor. 
Barfel)  presage,  forebode,  omen;  (5eft=)  badge; 
(SBiBet)  ticket,  (UbgangSO  check;  -  paa  el.  til 
sign  etc.  of;  et  JiberneS  -  a  sign  of  the  times; 
ber  er  aUe  _  (Ubfigter)  til  there  is  every  promise 
of;  gere  _  til  en  sign  el.  make  signs  to  one, 
make  one  a  sign;  gjorbe  -  til  %a.m,  at  ^an  ffulbe 
fætte  fig  motioued  him  to  take  a  seat;  tole  i  _ 
talk  in  dumb  show;  be  tolo  ^intntel«  the  twelve 
celestial  signs;  SorfetS  _  the  sign  of  the  cross; 
_  og  uiiberlige  ®erninger  signs  and  wonders; 
Ⱦre  et  _  'faa.  be  indicative  of,  til  -  paa  at  as  a 
proof  that,  in  token  that;  oije  -  til  show  symp- 
toms of.    Segnbillebe  symbol. 

Segne  vt  &  i  (nteb  »IQant  of».)  draw,  deliueate, 
design;  (tegne  et  Ubfaft)  sketch;  (mærfe)  mark;  _ 
en  $olice  effect  a  police;  -t  ftapital  subscribed 
Capital;  _  efter  SJaturen  draw  from  life  el.  nature; 
—  vr  fig  subscribe,  sigu,  give  iu  one's  name, 
put  one's  name  dowu;  (unberffrioe  fig)  sign, 
underwrite;  -  fig  for  5  SI),  til  .  .  .  subscribe  5 
sh.  towards;  _  fig  for  10  (StSemplarer  engage  to 
purchase  10  copies;  -be  fig  i  tjeubeé  9lnfigt  was 
depicted  in  her  face;  -be  fig  tåbelig  imoo  .  .  . 
stood  sharply  outlined  agaiust;  _  fig  til,  fe 
nbfr.  _  til;  —  vi  -be  til  at  promised  to;  Det  -r  til 
en  gob  ^eft  there  is  every  appearance  of  a  good 
harvest;  ^an  -r  til  at  blioe  en  gob  Sanbmoiib  he 
bids  fair  to  become  a  elever  husbandman. 
Segne|befti{  (case  of)  drawing  instruments,  -bog 
(til  at  tegne  i)  drawing-book;  (Sommebog)  pocket 
-book;  (til  Cptegnelierj  memoraudum-book.  -borb 
drawing-table.  -bræt  dravving-board.  -formonb 
head  el.  chief  draughtsmau.  -lontor  drawing 
-Office.  -Irtbt  drawing- chalk.  -tul  charcoal 
-crayon.  -fnnft  art  of  drawing.  Segnetfe  c 
registry;  subscription;  t  -r  copy-books  (of  royal 
letters;.  Scgncllærer  fe  -niefler.  -mo))Ve  drawing 
-porlfolio.  -rocfter  drawing -master,  -manfter 
drawing-pattern.  Segncn  c  drawing.  Segnc|  = 
^O^ir  drawing-paper,  vellum-paper.  -pen  draw- 
Ing-pen.  •peuQC  entrance  money.  Segner  c  -e 
drawer,  designer,  draughtsman.  Segnejfol  de- 
signing-room.  -ftifer  black  chalk,  graphic  slate. 
•flole  drawing  school,  school  of  design,  -ftift 
drawing- pin.  -ftemt»e,  -ftttb,  -ftup(e)  stump, 
rubber,  -time  drawing -lesson.  -unberoidning 
drawing  lessons  pL  -øoelfe  drawing-exercise. 
Segning  c  -er  (bet  at  tegne)  drawing,  sketching 
etc;  draughtsmanship;  (noget,  fom  er  tegnet) 
drawing,  design,  sketch,  draught;  subscription. 

Segnjlære  semiology,  symptomatology.  -firift 
hieroglyphics  pi.  -fVrog  language  of  signs, 
(finger-and-)sigu  language.  -fQftem  system  of 
signs  el.  signals,    -fætning  punctuatlou.    -t^ber 

interpreter  of  signs.    -tqbntng  interpretation  of 
signs.    -ublæggcr  fe  -tijber. 

Se!i)onbel  lea- tråde;  (SJutilen)  tea-shop. 
-tonbier  tea-merchant;  (i  bet  fmou)  tea-dealer, 
teaman.    -^onbfte  mitt. 

'Seie  vt:  ~  ©ren  tease  oakum. 

'Selcbær  fe  a;aagbær. 

*Seig  c  -er  ridge;  piece  of  land. 

Sci'n  c  the'ine;  thei'na. 

♦Xeine  (e  Sene. 

"Scinefnob  c  overhånd  knot  on  the  bight. 

Scint  [fr.]  c  complexion,  colour. 

SciS'imen  The'ism.  -t'  c  -er  the'ist.  -fift  a 

Sfjft,  Sejfte  c  -er  black  guillemot,  tystey, 
Uria   grylle.     *-fiff  gunnel;    Gunnellus  vulgaris. 

Seltonbe  fe  potte.  -loSfe  tea-chest.  -tebet 
tea-kettle.    -top  tea-cup. 

Setlnit'  c  tech'nics  pl\  technicalities.  -'niff  a 
technic(al).  -nolog  c  -er  technorogist.  -nologi' 
c  technol'ogy.  -nolo'gift  a  technolog'ic(al). 
-tonit'  c  tecton'ics  pi. 

Sefåt  c  -er  text;  (i  TOuftt)  words;  (mobf.  ^Uvi- 
ftrationer)  letter • ;  narrative;  læfe  en  -en 
rebuke  one,  read  one  a  lecture;  læfte  ^am  orbent= 
lig  -en  took  him  flnely  to  task;  »ibere  i  -en!  go 
on  !  gaa  fra  -en  be  put  out;  2lninærfning  unber  -en 
footnote;  beftrioenbe  -  letter-press  descriptions; 
3lluftrationer  i  feloe  -en  letter-press  eugravings. 
Sefåtjbog  text  book.  -forbebring  emendation 
(of  the  text). 

SetStilinbuftri  c  tex'tile  industry. 

Sefåttritit  c  textual  criticism. 

Setéttt'r  c  tex'ture. 

Selomo'ner  c  telamones. 

Seleifon'  c  -er  tel'ephone.  -fone're  vt  tel'e- 
phoue.  -font'  c  teleph'ony.  -fo'niff  a  tele- 

Selegro'f  c  -er  tel'egraph;  wire;  per  -  by  tele- 
graph. SelegrofloSfiftent  telegraph'icclerk.  -be= 
-flirer  head,  manager,  of  the  telegraph  office.  -bub 
telegraph  boy.  -bompfftb  telegraph  steamer. 
-bepei^e  telegraphic  despatch,  message.  -efterret' 
ning  telegraphic  news  el.  intelligence;  (Selegram) 
telegram,  message.  Sclcgrofc're  vt  tel'egraph, 
mes.sage;  F  wire,  (meb  unberfeift  %.)  cable.  Sele* 
groflflog  signalflag,  -forbinbelfe  telegraph  com- 
municatiou.  Selegrofi'  c  teleg'raphy.  Selegro'« 
fiff  a  telegraphic.  Selegrofift'  c  -er  teleg'raphist, 
amr  (telegraph-)operator.  Selcgrof|tobel  fe  'too. 
-fontor  telegraph  office.  -lebning,  -linie  line 
(of  telegraphs),  telegraph,  -ifdl,  -ftong,  -ftol^e 
telegraph  pole.  -ftib  telegraph  ship.  -ftotion 
telegraph  station,  -tjenefte  telegraphy.  -too 
telegraph-cable.  -troob  telegraph- wire.  -Ⱦfen 
telegraphy,  telegraphic  service. 

Selegram'  n  -mer  (telegraphic)  message,  tel'e- 
gram.  Selegrom«  telegramic.  Selegrombefor- 
bring  transmission  of  telegrams. 

Selemat  Telem'achus. 

Selco|logi  e  teleol'ogy.   -lo'giff  a  teleolog'ical. 

Sclefto'li  n  -er  tel'escope.  -ift  a  telescop'ic(al). 
-fnætte  t€lescope(-shell),  Trochus  telescopium. 

Sellu'r  n  tellurium.  -forbinbelfe  telluride. 
•^olbig  a  containing  tellurium.  -ift  a  telluric. 
-f^re  telluric  acid. 

Selt  n  -e  tent;  nebtoge  et  -  strike  a  tent;  en 
®el  af  tropperne  er  i  -e  part  of  the  force  is  under 
canvas.  -bob  tent  used  as  a  shop.  -boer  dweller 
in  a  tent.  -bp  camp.  -bætte  tent  cover.  Selte 
vi  &  t  (opfætte  Selt)  pitch  a  tent;  (bebætfe  meb 
Selt)  cover  with  a  tent.  Seltlgobe  street  of  tents. 
-forre  baggage-cart.  -tnap  knob  of  a  tent-pole. 
-lejr  camp  of  tents.  -line  tent-rope.  -li»  living 
in  tents.  -lærreb  canvas  for  tents,  tent-cloth. 
-moger  c  -e  tent-maker.    -ptti,  *-|i{ngg  teutpiu. 




•  vti  tent-rope.  -fcng  tent-bed.  -ftanø,  -fiol  tent 
-pole.  -lag  pavilionroof.  -ttOfltt  (til  at  føre 
Selte  paa)  tent-waggon,  baggage-waggon;  (meb 
ielt  ooer)  covered  waggon,  tilt-waggon.  -»(tg 
tent  wall. 

Xtma  n  -er  theme,  subject. 

Sentafftne  c  tea-urn. 

Setnmclig  adv  tolerably;  _  lolbt  rather  cold; 
_  ftrflmt  rather  tight;  -  gobt  pretly  well;  ~  meget 
pretty  much;  en  _  ftor  giob  a  fair-sized  river;  _ 
baorlige  Ubfigter  rather  a  bad  look-out;  foa  ~ 
pretty  well;  pretly  much;  —  t  o  tolerable, 

2;emVtt  c  (SBæDn.)  temple. 

Scmtiel  n  -»)Ier  temple;  (poet)  fane.  -i^gning 
buildlng  of  the  temple;  fe  Se m^Jel.  -bar  door  of 
the  temple  (o.  fl.),  -Ijot  portico  of  a  temple. 
-^erre  (Knight)  Templar,  Knight  of  the  Temple; 
-r  Knights  Tempiars.  -otben  order  of  the 
Tempiars.  •tibbcr  fe  -^erre.  -fttenbet  saerilegist. 
-ftænbcrff  a  sacrilegious.  -f«j>n  sleeping  in 
the  temple.  -ttnbe  pinnacle  of  a  temple.  -tie- 
ncfte  service  in  the  temple. 

^emvcra  c  distemper,  tempera;  a  -  in  dis- 
lemper,  •maleri  distemper  painting;  picture  in 

S;emlpcro«tent'  n  -er  tem'perament,  temper. 
Xcm})crament§fcjt  constitutional  fault. 

Sempcratu'r  c  -er  temp'erature;  mus  tem'pera- 
ment; oeb  ^øj  _  at  a  high  temperature.  -foron= 
bring  change  of  temperature,  temperature 
change.  -forIj«jeIfe  elevation  of  temperature. 
•togttagelfcr  observations  of  the  temperature. 
•fort  temperature  chart.  SIcwVftc'rfniO  pallet 
-knife.  Sem^erc're  vt  temper;  -t  ^linto  temper- 
ate  climate. 

2;em|>ti'nolie  c  oil  of  the  mountain-pine. 

Scmjjo  »j  -er  n,us  time,  measure;  mil  move- 
ment,  time;  ta6e  -  (i  ©fof)  lose  lime.  S:eniVo= 
rifc'rc  vi  tem'porize.  S;ent<)or«r  a  temporary. 
2^em)»uS  n  -poxa  tense. 

Sem^rle  c  Captain  Cook's  tea  tree,  Mannka 
■scrub.  Leptospermum  scoparium. 

Sen  c  -e  tspindle;  '^slender  rod. 

2;enaill'e  c  /ort  tenaille. 

2;ena'fcl  n  -tier  tvp  visorium. 

S^enbonnei  a  fusiform. 

Senbcné'  c  -er  ten'dency,  bias,  drift;  (^enfigt) 
purpose;  "^abe  _  til  at  have  a  teudency  to,  tend 
to.  •roman  novel  with  a  purpose.  !Jcnbentta'§ 
a  biased,  warped,  purposeful.   S^cnbc're  vi  tend. 

Senbcr  c  -e  tender. 

S^enbrc  [fr.]  a  delicate. 

Sene  c  -r  bow-net,  weel. 

Sencriff'a  n  Ten'eriflFe. 

Se'nl formet,  -formig  o  fusiform.  -fulb  c 

!Eeno'r  c  -er  ten'or.  •bafun  tenor  trombone. 
S;enorift'  c  -er,  fe  -fanger.  Semrlflooig,  •nogle 
tenor  clef  -patti  tenor  (part),  -fanger  tenor 
-Singer,    •ftemme  tenor-voice. 

Senotomi'  c  tenoVomy. 

S^enrcf  c  tenrec.  Centetea  ecaudatua. 

2;enta'fler  pi  ten'tacles,  feelers. 

Scnta'men  n  -mhia  examination. 

S^c'noinge  c  (©»inb.)  heck,  flyer. 

Scobromi'n  c  theobro'mine. 

S^cobicc'  c  theod'iey. 

ScoboHt'  c  -er  theod'olite. 

S:eobor  Theodore.    2:eo'borif  Theod'orick. 

Sco'filué  Theoph'ilus. 

^Seogoni'  c  theog'ony. 

!£eo|frati,  n  theoc'racy.  -fra'tiff  a  theocrat'- 

Seollo'g  c  -er  theologian,  divine.  -logi'  c 
theol'ogy,  divinity.    -lo'gift  a  theolog'ic(al). 

Seo|re'm  »  er  the'orem.  -re'tifet  c  -e  the-  -rctife'rc  vi  the'orize.  -re'tlf!  a  thcoret- 
ical.  -ri'  c  -er  the'ory;  fremiætte  en  _  start  a 

5;co|fo'f  c  -er  Iheos'ophist.  •fofl'  c  theos'ophy. 
•fo'fift  a  theosoph'ic(al). 

Sle'Itilante  fe  -buft.    -pottt  tea-pot. 

2;era!^)i'  c  med  therapeu'tics  pi.  •^cu'tift  a 

S:ercnt8'  Ter'ence. 

Sere'fe  Theresa. 

Sleriof  c  theriae,  theri'aea. 

Scrmjer  pi  thermæ.    -iff  a  Ihermal,   thermic. 

Serrai'n  c  -et  term;  (meb  ^enftjn  til  aifbrag  i 
SBetaling)  installment;  fætte  en  _  fix  a  time. 
Serminlié'røe  c  ter'minism.  -ift'  c  -er  ter'miq;  -ologt'  c  lerminol'ogy,  technicology.  ttt't 
minus  c  -ni  term.  Sermi'noiS  a  &  adv  by  im 

Sermit'  c  -er  C^tjib  TOijre)  termite.  Termes. 

Sermome'tcr  n  -tre  thermom'eter;  tiDor  ^ojl 
ftoar  -tret?  what  is  the  height  of  the  t.  V  bet  ftaaii 
paa  100  it  is  el.  .stands  at  10  o.     -Ijojbcr  pi  Iherf 
momet'rical   reading.    -fngle  ball  of  the   ther 
momeler.     -ror  tube  of  the  t.    -ffala  scale 
the  t.    Sermome'triff  a  thermometrical. 

Seerne  c  -r  (Sjeneftepige)  hand-maiden. 

iterne  c  -r  tern,  sea-swallow,  Sterna. 

Seerne  c  -r  (i  flotteriet)  trey. 

^te'rne  c  '9{ube)  square,  diamond;  (gobleiej 
step.    2;crnet  a  chequered. 

S^erning  c  -er  die  {pi  dice);  math  cube;  (fi 
fantet  ©tljlfe)  square;  faift  -  loaded  die;  f^jille  -i 
play  at  dice;  fafte  -erne  throw  the  dice;  -f 
taftet  the  die  is  cast.  1£:erntng|Ba;gcr  dice-box, 
•bannet  a  cubical.  -falb,  -toft  cast  cl.  throw  of 
a  die,  of  the  dice.  -monftcr  chequered  pattem 
•f^iil  game  at  dice.    -ojnc  pips  on  the  dice. 

Sclrofe  tea  rose. 

%ivpi  vt  f  igennem  toil  through. 

Serpentin  c  turpentine.  '3:er))cntin|f|olbig 
terebinthinate.  -olie  oil  of  turpentine.  -f^jiritui 
spirit  of  turbenline.  •tros  turpentine-tree,  tere 
binth,  Fistacia  terebinthus. 

S;errocot'ta  c  terra  cotta. 

2;errain'  »  -er  mil  country,  (ogf.  fia)  groun 
afføge  -et  scour  the  country;  tjinbe  -  gain  groun 
(on  one);  tabe  _  lose  ground  (with  one). 

SJerraS'fe  c  -r  ter'race.  •formig  a  in  Ihe  for; 
of  a  terrace;  terraced. 

2;crrcft'riff  a  terrestrial. 

Serrin  c  -er  tureen.  •Bræt  table-mat.  •JaagS 

Scrrito'rinm  n  -ier  ter'ritory.  —  Slerritoria'I|« 
^ojfjeb  territo'rial  jurisdietion.  •ret  territoriality. 
•rettig^eb  c  -er  territorial  right,  -fljftemet  the 
territorial  system. 

!Jcrror|ife're  vt  keep  in  terror,  ter'rorize  (over). 
-iémc  c  ter'rorism.    -i^'  c  -er  ter'rorist. 

Xet^  c  -er  <!,  toggle;  fætte  -  for  toggle. 

iScrtid  c  tvp  great  primer.  Jlertio'nfeber  ter'- 
tian  ague.  Scrtto'ocfgcl  c  thlrd  of  exchange. 
aiertiæ'r  a  ter'tiary. 

2:ert8  c  et  (i  fægtning,  Sortfpil)  tierce;  mua 
third,  tierce;  ftor,  liKe  ~  major,  mlnor  third; 
falbe  ub  i  _  thrust  in  tierce,  -be'cime  thirteenth. 
-flojtc  third  flute,  •mojo'r  tierce-ma'jor.  -lob 
series  of  thirds. 

S^erjerot'  c  -er  pocket-pistol. 

Serjet'  c  -tet  trio. 

2;cr8i'n  c  -er  terzarima. 

Selfelffab  tea-party.  -fl,  *-fil  tea-.strainer. 
-ffoal  fe  -top.  -ffe  tea-spoon.  -ffefulb  c  tea 
-spoonful.  -ffænter  publican  who  keeps  a  tea- 
and coffee -house,  -ftrin  tea-canister.  -forter 
2)1  teas. 




Xtd)ii9  Jltirre,  -flicrre  Thespian  cart. 

Seft  c  cupel,  refining-vessel. 

ttftatittt  the  test-aet. 

Seftoment'(c)  n  -et  (lastl  will,  testament;  gjøre 
fit  -  make  one's  will;  bet  gamle,  bet  nl)e  -  the 
old,  new  testament;  tnunbtligt  _  nuncupative 
will;  bB  uben  at  gere  _  die  intestate;  bo  og  efter« 
labe  _  leave  a  will,  die  testate.  S^cftttmciitd'rtff 
a  tcstamen'tary.  ^tcftamcntartiing  testamentary 
heir,  devisee.  Seftamfnte're  vt  bequeath,  leave 
by  will,  will.  ^cftamcntjcegcr  legacy-hunter. 
SeftantentSvibne  attestiug  witness  (to  a  will). 
Stfta'jtor,  -trij  c  -er  the  testator,  testatrix. 

jc'fttl  tea-service. 

!tcftif'cl  c  -Iler  tes'tlcle,  stone. 

Scftimo'ntutn  « -ter  certificate;  {UniB.)testamur. 

tttt  [fr.]  c:  tage  -n  take  the  lead;  _  a  -  tete 

S:e'fii)  tea-time. 

S;efra|e'J)cr  »»  -bre  tetrahedron.  -forb'  c  -er 
tet'racbord.  -mc'tcr  n  -e  tetram'eter.  Xctrari^' 
c  -er  te'trarch. 

Zftei  tea  things  pi. 

teuton  c  -er  Teu'tou.    -tf!  a  Teuton'ic. 

Xeuont)  tea.  -oanbSfarl  milksop.  •øaniid* 
tnccQt  tea  punch,  lace  tea. 

Sfjloé  n  Texas,    -otter  c,  -a'nff  a  Tex'an. 

Sfjara  ie  Sara. 

S^^autnaturg'  c  er  thaumaturgus,  thauma- 

!S:4cb|en  n  Thebes.  -a'nev  c,  -a'nff  a  The'ban. 

Sljemfen  the  Thames. 

Ifieotrtt'  Theoc'ritus. 

'Ztftotie  c  -r  theorbo. 

Iliertno  <)^Iæ  Thermop'ylæ. 

S^céfo'Uicn  n  Thes'saly.  -er  c,  -ft  a  Thes- 

SI)c8folD'ni|ta  n  Thessalonica.  -lerne  the  Thes- 

Sl)i  conj  for,  because;  (berfor)  consequently, 

ttfib tt  n  Thi'bet.  -a'ner  c,  -o  nfl  a  Thib'etan, 

S^omaé  Thomas,  Tom;  _  af  2Jquino  Thomas 
Aquinas,  -foéfot,  -flag  basie  cinder.  -triftncp^ 

*2;t|orremaaneb  January. 

ttfot^ifant  c  phalarope. 

^ftract|cn  n  Thracia.    -er  c,  -ft  a  Thracian. 

Sftug'  c  -ger  Thug. 

S^uj'tt  c  thuja,  thuya,  arbor  vitæ,  T/iuja  occi- 

S^U'nfiff  c  thunny,  Thynnns  vnlgaris. 

S^u'rgau  w  Turgo'via. 

!£l)uringjen  n  Thurin'gia.  -er  c,  -fl  a  Thu- 
ringian.     S^^itringcrffobcn  the  Thuringerwald. 

S^tjrfuiftoD  c  thyrsus. 

Xi  c'ird  num  ten;  c  (i  Sort)  ten.  -oar  de- 
cennium, -aarig,  -oorS  a  of  ten  years,  ten 
years  old. 

2tber(floben)  c  the  Tiber. 

Si'jblabct  a  decaphylloiis.    -cettt  dime. 

Sib  c -er  time;  pram  time,  tense;  J^  (2:ibeBaiib) 
tide;  fanb  -  aet  apparent  (solar)  time;  Slibeté  _ 
the  time  at  ship;  gtebetS  _  the  time  at  place; 
nu  er  bet  _  now  is  the  time;  ^ar  Se  _  et  jJieblif  ? 
have  you  a  moment  to  spare?  ^t)ab  _  er  bet 
paa  Skagen?  what  time  of  the  day  is  ii?  gio  -! 
9«o  fun  -  !  fairly  and  softly !  gioe  -  give  time; 
^i»  big  - !  take  (your)  time;  3llting  ^aber  fin 
etunb  og  en^oer  Qbrcet  ...  fin  _  to  every  thing 
there  is  a  season  and  a  time  to  every  purpose; 
ber  er  ingen  _  at  fpilbe  there  is  no  time  to  be 
lost  el.  to  lose;  Bi  ^ar  ingen  _  at  ipilbe  we  have 
•,no  time  to  lose;  bet  ^ar  gob  -  el.  oi  fiaoe  gob  _ 
there  is  no  hurry;  jeg  t)ar  Inap  _   I  am  pressed 

for  time;  ber  er  Inap  _  paa  Suffer  sugar  is  scarce; 
long  -  a  long  time;  fulb  -  fuU  time;  Slrbejbet 
font  ar6ejber  fulb  ~  full- timer;  fe  SHaab;  en  jib 
one  time;  ber  oar  en  _  ba  time  was  when;  een 
_  ^ørte  man  meget  om  one  used  to  hear  a  good 
deal  of;  en  -  lang  some  time,  for  a  time;  bu  ^ar 
Balgt  en  faa  ^elbig  -  you  have  timed  your  visit 
so  happily;  ben  3;ib  then,  at  that  time,  ben  _ 
Bil  lomme  the  time  will  come;  jeg  erinbier  ben  _ 
ba  I  remember  when;  al  ben  _  all  the  time;  fe 
Sorg;  5Eiben  time;  -en  og  Summet  time  and 
space;  omflifte  -en  meb  (SBigVbni  depart  this  life; 
l&ele  -en  the  whole  time,  throughout,  all  along; 
-en  gaar  time  runs  fast;  -n  læger  alle  iSaar  in 
the  end  all  things  will  mend;  noar  -en  femmer 
in  due  time;  forbrioe  -en,  flaa  -en  it)iel  kill  time; 
tilbringe  -en  pass  il.  spend  the  time  el.  one's 
time;  gøre  en  -en  long  bore  one;  bet  Bil  -en  lære, 
Bife  time  will  show  el.  prove,  time  must  be  left 
to  show,  it  remains  to  be  seen;  gamle  2  tb  er 
ancient  times;  n^ere  -er  modem  times;  gobe  -er 
good  times;  trange  el.  flette  -er  hard  times;  bet 
Bar  baarltge  -er  times  were  bad;  bet  oar  anbre  -er 
times  have  changed;  —  (meb  prcep):  ^  gaa 
glip  af  en  -  lose  a  tide;  goa  op  Beb  ^jælp  af  -en 
tide  (it)  up;  gaa  neb  aeb  ^jælp  af  -en  lide  down; 
en  ~  af  tre  Slår  a  space  el.  period  ofthree  years; 
fe  -en  an  wait  and  see,  fe  ®e;  efter  nogen  -S 
gorlob  after  some  time;  fort  _  efter  a  short  time 
afterwards;  for  (en)  lang  -  fiben  a  long  while 
ago;  for  en  _  fiben  some  time  ago;  Bi  ^ar  -en  for 
oS  we  have  plenty  of  time,  time  enough  and 
to  spare;  for  lange  -er  for  a  long  time  to  come; 
for  aEe  -er  for  all  time;  for  en  at  present,  pro 
tern.;  fra  _  til  anben  from  time  to  time;  fra 
gammel  _  from  time  ont  of  mind;  gammel  fjor 
-en  prematurely  old,  old  before  his  time;  i  -e 
in  time;  i  rette  _  in  due  time;  et  Crb  i  rette  _ 
a  word  in  season;  i  Bor  _  in  our  (own)  time  el. 
day;  t  lang  -  for  a  long  time  past;  i  fin  -  (5Dr= 
tiben)  sometime,  (5remtiben)  in  due  time  el. 
course;  i  ben  fenere  _  of  late,  of  late  times;  i  ben 
førfte  _  in  the  first  place,  for  some  time,  to  be- 
gin  With;  længere  ^en  i  -en  at  some  later  time, 
further  ou;  i  biSfe  -er  as  times  go;  ffiffe  fig  i  -en 
comply  With  the  times;  meb  -en  in  time,  in  the 
course  of  time,  in  process  of  time,  with  time; 
bet  Bil  Bife  fig  meb  -en,  fe  oBfr.;  om  et  9Iar§  -,  en 
SDJaanebé  _  in  a  twelvemonth,  month;  om  fort  - 
shortly;  bltoe  o  Ber  -en  stay  behind  one's  time; 
poa  nogen  _  for  some  time;  pan  lang(e)  -(er)  for 
a  long  time  past;  fælge  x^aa  -  sell  on  credit;  paa 
famme  -  at  the  same  time;  bet  er  paa  -e  it  is 
(quite)  time;  bet  er  pao  ^øi(e;  _  it  is  high  time; 
til  en  -  for  a  time;  til  eoig  -  for  ever,  eternally; 
til  fine  -er  at  times,  til  en^Ber  -,  til  alle  -er  at  all 
times;  lige  til  ben  _  ba  up  to  the  time  that;  bet 
er  ingen  -  til  there  is  no  time  for,  til  ot  to;  giBe 
fig  _  til  at  tænfe,  betænfe  stop  to  think,  pause 
to  consider;  ber  ffal  -  til  alting  it  is  no  use 
hurry ing  too  much. 

Sibe|bog  (book  of)  hours  {cathol).  -ftuertj 
period.  xibenbc  c  -r  tidings,  news;  (SlBiS)  news- 
paper,  Sibcipengc  journeyman's  fees  to  a  cor- 
porationchest.    -oanbe  fe  jiboanbe. 

Si'biiabn  tide-harbour,  tidal  harbour.  tXibtg 
a  timely,  seasonable,  timeous.  tSIibiglieb  c 
seasonableness.  t2;t'b!ort  c  fe  2ib8forbriB.  Si  bltg 
a  &  adv  early;  arie  (ogf.)  betimes,  in  good  time, 
at  an  early  period;  -  moben  precocious,  forward; 
for  _  o  premature;  for  _  tommen  (83arn)  prema- 
turely born;  faa  -  paa  Staret  at  that  early  season 
of  the  year;  -ere  «  previous,  former;  adv  pre- 
viously,  formerly,  heretofore;  theretofore;  i  bet 
-fte  at  the  eailiest.  Si'blig^cb  c  earliness. 
-fSi'b|l<8  a  not  subject  to  time.    t-'«8  c  meadow 




-saffrou,  (Jolchicum.  -maalet  fe  Zxth.  •mrerte 
sigu  of  ihe  proper  time.  *2;i'bntBg  c  -er  news- 
Xiiobbclt  «  tenfold,  decuple. 
2ii)é|aanb  spirit  el.  geuius  of  the  age.  -of> 
beting  period  el.  division  of  time.  -affnit  period. 
•olber  age.  -angioelfe  date.  -ort  kind  of  time. 
•begreb  notion  el.  idea  of  time.  -beregning  cal- 
culation  of  time,  cliroaological  reckoning.  -be- 
f^jorclfc  saviug  of  time.  -bef))arenbe  fe  -fparenhe. 
-bidcbc  Picture  of  the  time.  -biacblig  a  illu- 
strative of  the  time.  -branbrør  time-fuse.  -bel 
portion  of  time. 

Sibfe  c  -r  sea  buckthom,  Hippophui:  rham- 

S^ibfel  c  -fler  thi.stle,  Carduun  &  Circium,  -fuot 
thistle-down.  -fnglc  globe -thistle,  Echinops 
sph  arocephatuB . 

2;ibå|eM()eb  unit  of  time,  time  unit.  -ferbrib 
c  (+AJ)  pastime.  -forJjolb  relation  of  time,  pi  fe 
-omftænbiflfteber.  -forffet  difference  in  el.  ol 
time.  -frift  space  of  time.  *-fæIIe  contemporary. 
-f«(gc  chronological  order.  -grænfc  time  limit. 
■lliftoric  history  of  the  time.  -^ccbb  fe  $æt)b. 
-jteøning  fe  -ælDatioii.  -lebc  tedium,  weariness. 
-længbe  length  of  time.  -teb  period.  -maai 
nieasure  of  time.  -mnaler  time-keeper,  time 
-piece.  -minuter  minutes  of  time.  -mærtc 
charameristic  of  an  age.  -mæéjtg  fe  -foarenbe. 
-mæSftg^eb  c  seasouableness,  opportuneness. 
-nof  udv  in  time,  early  enough,  time  enough. 
-omftnenbtg^cber  times,  cireumstances,  junc- 
turefsj.  -orb  verb.  -orbcn  chronological  order. 
•ptceq  fe  -mærfe.  -Vuntt  moment  el.  point  of 
time,  juncture.  -regning  chronology;  fer  ben 
frifteltge  _  before  the  Christian  era.  -rum  period. 
-fefuMber  seconds  of  time.  -ftgnal  time-.signal, 
(Deb  Sfub)  timegun.  -fignati»tug(e  time-ball. 
-ffifte  change  of  time;  period.  -ffrtft  periodical 
(publication  el.  journal),  magazine,  review,  se- 
rial.  -fparcnbe  a  time-saving.  -f^jtlbc  (a)  waste 
of  time.  -fpilbenbe  «  time-wasting,  -f^ørg^^ 
ntool  question  of  time.  -fsarenbc  a  suitable  el. 
suited  to  the  times,  adapted  to  the  spirit  of 
the  age,  seasonable,  opportune,  well-timed. 
•tai  loss  of  lime.  -tobel,  -tablc  chronological 
table.  -tiilfaar  fe  -omftænbigfjeb.  -ætbatton  ast 
equation  of  time. 

2^ibt  adv  often,  frequently;  _  og  ofte  often 
and  often.  -onf«rt  -nctvnt,  -omtolt  a  oft-men- 

Si'bbonbe  n  tide.  —  2ib»onb§|b«Igc  tidal 
wave,  (meget  flor)  bore.  -ntaalcr  tide-gauge. 
-ftgnal  tide  signal,    -ftrem  tide. 

lie,  tQD  (ttiebe),  tiet  vi  be  silent,  keep  silence, 
hold  one's  peace;  _  meb  noget  keep  a  thing  se- 
cret,  keep  the  secret  of;  Ijan  fan  ilte  -  he  can't 
keep  a  secret;  faa  til  at  _  silence,  put  to  silence; 
-  til  say  nothiug  to,  pass  in  silence;  ben  ber  -r, 
famtptfer  silence  is  consent;  *l5enge  for  at  _  hush 
money;  —»<(+  =  gortie);  _  i£)jel  kill  by  silence. 
Slenbc  ord  num  tenth;  for  bet  _  tenthly,  in 
the  tenth  place. 

Sienbe  c  r  tithe,  tenth:  foore  _  pay  tithe  (of 
on).  Xicnbe  vi  pay  tithe(s).  -afgift  money  paid 
in  lieu  of  tithes  in  kind.  -afladning  commuta- 
tion  of  tithes,  tithe  commutation.  -oger  fleld 
subject  to  tithe.  -afforb  fe  -forening,  -bærcnbe 
o  titheable,  tithe  paying.  -citron  shaddock, 
Citrus  decui/ianus. 
2:tcnbebcl  o  tenth  (part),  tithe. 
S;tcnbe|ejer  tithe-owner.  -forening  composi- 
tion  of  tithes.  -f ororbning  tithe  ordinance.  -fri 
a  exempt  from  tithes,  tithe-free.  -fri^eb  exemp- 
tion    from    tithes.      -gaarb    tithe-paying    farm. 

•QttaS,   •totn  oft).   tithegoose,   -corn  etc.     -tal 
barn  for  church-tithes.    -neg  sheaf  of  tithe-cor 

Sienbei^jflrt  fe  -bel. 

Sienbeiyengc  tithe-money.  -l»Iigt  liability 
pay  tithes.  -))tigtig  a  titlieable.  -rettig^i 
right  of  demanding  tithes.  -fantter  fe  -tage 
-fotg  defraudation  of  tithes.  -tager  c  -e  tithe 
receiver  of  tithes.  -tægt  receiviug  of  tithe 
-ta;tter  he  that  counts  the  tithe-sheaves.  -uæfe 
(matters  relative  to)  the  tithes.  -ijber  titl 

2:ier  c  -e  ten. 

Siere  comp  (af  2;ibt)  oftener,  more  frequentl; 
bu  maa  itle  foinme  _,  gøte  bet  _  don't  con: 
again,  don't  do  it  any  more;  jeg  fao  t)am  iffe 
I  did  not  see  him  any  more.  Sieft  sup:  al  fo 
-  every  now  and  then. 

2;«|fotb  fe  -bo66elt.  -fabbet  a  decapodal,  d( 

Siger  c  -gre  tiger,  FeliD  tigris.  Sigerjagtig 
tiger-like.  -blil  tiger's  look.  -bflr  fe  Sige 
-fittfe  amadavade,  spotted  bengalist.  Puteli 
umaitdava.  -^eft  quagga.  -fjerte  heart  ofslon« 
2:tgerin'be  c  -r  tigress.  2:iger|fot  tiger-ca 
Feiis  pardalis,  -ffinb  tiger's  skin.  -ftonge  spo 
ted  python,  Fython  tigris,  -fnætle  tiger-shel 
Cvprcetx  tigris.  -træ  tiger-wood,  itakawoo< 
Machcerium  Schomburgkii.  -ungC  young  tigei 
tiger  cub. 

2;igge  vt  &  i  beg;  gaa  om  og  -  go  a-begginf 
~  for  jpoermanbl  ®bc  beg  one's  bread  trom  doc 
to  door;  _  om  noget  beg,  importune  one  for 
thing;  _  fig  igennem  beg  one's  way  through; 
fig  inb  get  admission  by  begging;  _  fig  noget  t 
obtaiu  by  begging.  S:tgge|færbig  a  uearly  n 
duced  to  beggary,  penniless.  -færbig^eb  impj 
cuniosity.  Stggen  c  begging.  kigger  c  -e  beg 
gar,  mendicaut.  —  2;tgger|agtig  u  beggarlj 
like  a  beggar.  -banbe  gang  of  beggars.  -bo« 
(SBarn  af  2:.)  beggar's  child;  (s8arn,  fom  tiggei 
beggar-child.  -breu  begging-  el.  mendican 
-letter,  -f-brober  fe  -munf.  -breng  beggar-boj 
•flong:  goa  _  go  a-begging.  *-gut  fe  -orenj 
•l)aanbt)icrt,  tiggeri'  n  begging,  beggary,  men 
dicity,  mendicancy.  -fone,  -fæUing  begga 
-woman.  -tifte  fe  -breb.  -munt  mendicant  friaj 
-orben  order  of  mendicant  friars,  mendicaq 
order.  -pat  lot  of  beggars,  beggarly  set.  -pig 
beggar-girl.  -^jofe  beggar's  wallet.  -ranunti 
celery-leaved  crowfoot,  Uanuncultti  aceleratiu 
S^iggerfle  c  -r  beggar-woman.  2:igger|ftati  bej 
gar's  stalf;  tjan  er  bragt  til  -en  he  is  utterly  ruinec 
he  is  gone  to  the  dogs,  reduced  to  beggary. 

Si'gret  a  spotted  el.  speckled  (like  a  tiger) 

Silfant   decahedron.     -fantet  a   decahedral 
-Irone  coin  of  ten  ftroner.     -tronefebbet  note 
ten  droner. 
Stttol  n  tick-tack. 
ti'ttvce  n  teak. 

XiV  prcep  (ofteft)   to:    rejfe   _   Sonbon   go   to 
London;   gaa  -  Sengg  go  to  bed;   gaa  -  ^i5unb» 
go   to   the  bottom,   go   down;   fenbe  ~  send  to 
fmge  fig   £)en  _   steal  ofT  to;   fra  øberft  -  neberfi 
from  top  to  bottom;  —  Bibrage,  git)e,  laane,  ooer 
labe,  fælge  _   contribute,    give,    lend,  leave,  sell 
to;    ftrtoe  -   write  to;    fri  _   propose   to;    igttc  - 
listen  to;  gioe  fit  Samttjtle  _  consent,  give  one' 
consent  to;  bringe  _  bring  to;  bømme  -  senteno 
to;   opmuntre  _   encourage   to;   inbbqbe  _  grofo' 
invite  to  breakfast;  ftengioe  fig  -  addict  el.  devo 
one's  self  to;  —  oant  _  accustomed  to;    forfalbei 
_  addicted  to;   —   banne  en  TOobfætning  _  stan 
opposed  to;  fatte  ^ab  _  take  a  dislike  to;  —  ligi 
-  all  the  way  to;  10  _  20  ten  to  twenty;    _  mi 
gorbaufelfe  to  my  astonishment;   _  ©fobe  for  t 





the  detrimeiit  of;  _  SBoaBen  to  arms;  gao  _  Spilbe 
go  to  waste;  tage  -  Sciie  take  lo  oue's  heels;  _ 
at  to;  —  towards  (t)enimob,  i  JHetning  af):  i)an 
gif  ab  33Qen  ~  he  went  towards  the  tovvu,  SBejen 
brejer  af  -  globen  the  road  turns  oft' towards  the 
river;  toiiib  _  big !  twist  towards  you !  oil  itle 
forfloa  langt  -  at  6etale  .  .  .  will  uot  go  far  to- 
wards payiug;  —  till  (lib) :  _  ben  Sib  till  then; 
Oent  _  imorgen  wait  till  to-morrow;  fia  borgen 
_  9tftcn  from  moruing  till  uight;  —  for:  ber  er 
SJreo  _  big  there  is  a  letter  for  yoii;  sbogen  er 
iffe  _  big  the  book  is  not  for  you,  ^an  l)at  I»6t 
en  23og  -  mig  he  has  boiight  a  book  lor  me; 
■^oab  fao  Di  -  Srofof'/  SDHbbag?  what  are  we  to 
have  for  break  fast,  diunerV  ocelge  -  ajolbgiftémanb 
choose  for  au  arbiter;  tage  -  ttone  take  for  oue's 
wlfe;  rufte  fig  _  fttig  prepare  for  war;  _  £alfl(3) 
for  sale;  -  @oun  for  for  ihe  beuefit  of,  —  min 
^Ifrejfe  -  my  deparlure  for;  Signal  -  a  signal  for; 
£i)ft  -  a  faucy  for;  naar  min  SEib  er  -  bet  wheu 
I  have  lime  for  it,  —  for  ftor  _  too  large  for; 
gob  not  _  good  euough  for;  —  in:  _  9tarJ,  fe 
Silaaré;  ^er  -  iianbs  iii  this  eouutry;  -  goiflaring 
af  iu  explanatiou  of,  _  Jpjælp,  Straf,  Srobg,  Unb= 
ffHiDning,  2(jre  for  in  aid,  puuishment,  spite, 
excuse,  houour  of;  _  ©rinbring  om  iu  remem- 
brance  of;  -  Segn  paa  iu  sigu  of;  fætte  ftt  ^paab, 
fin  2ib  -  place  oue's  hope,  coufldence  iu;  — 
iu  to:  foruanble  _  change  iulo;  fætte  _  25ægs  drive 
into  a  coruer,  —  on :  _  goCé  ou  foot;  _  ^eft  ou 
horseback;  _  Sfibo  ouboard  ship,  _  alle  Siber  ou 
every  side;  _  ^ajre  ou  the  right  baud;  —  a  t :  _ 
en^oer  3:ib  at  all  times;  -  fine  Siber  at  times; 
Ⱦre  _  iBrqUup  be  at  a  weddiug;  inufe  -  smell 
at;    trænge  _  !8unbS  i   get   at  the  boltom  of;    — 

-  of:  gorfaltec  -  author  of;  9Jiober  _  the  mother 
of;  ftærlig^eb  -  love  of;  Xlonge  -  Saumort  kiug 
of  Denmark;  ®reD  g.  _  til  Si.  Count  F.  of  K.; 
Dfeglen  ~  the  key  of;  greben  ~  aitéfilbe  the  peace 
of  Roskilde;  —  by:  -  iionb«,  So§,  Sanbg  by  land, 
sea,  water;  _  ®iDtoocne  og  ®aarbingerne!  hånds 
by  the  c-lue  garnets  aud  buutlines!  _  Slnbefaling, 

-  et  govfog  by  way  of  reeommeudation,  experi- 
ment,  jeg  maa  t)a»e  bet  -  Qul,  ^aaffe,  januar,  _ 
paa  greDag  1  must  have  it  by  Christmas,  Easter, 
January,  Friday;  —  as:  btfbe  ~  ®æft  invile  as  a 
guest;  tage  _  Sfåempel  take  as  au  example;  ^aoe 

-  ©runbfætning  hold  as  a  maxim;  —  with:  Dft 
at  fpife  _  SBrobet  cbeese  to  eat  with  my  bread; 
gtD  mig  libt  Sauce  -  sHuffen  I  waut  some  sauce 
with  this  steak;  —  agaiust:  bætlebe  grofoft- 
borbet  _  fiaptajnenå  jpjemtomft  was  laying  the 
breakfast-table  agaiust  the  Captaiu's  return;  — 
beside:  fatte  fig  tjen  _  f)am  (went  up  and)  sat 
down  beside  him;  —  (anbre  iliaaber):  -  Ul^lfe 
unfortuuately;  t-  9Jiorgen  this  morning;  ~  Stor= 
ffebet !  mau  the  mainsheet !  gøre  en  -  Konge  mako 
one  (a)  kiug;  bien  ubnæont  -  ©utjernor  was  ap- 
pointed  goveruor;  tiaw  -  58ebfte  make  a  fool  of; 
fe  in^  _  en  go  and  see  oue,  look  one  up;  flaa  ~ 
SBæbg  bet;   fpife  -  3Kibbag,  2liten   dine,  sup;   tage 

-  Crbe  speak,  lift  oue's  voice,  hold  forth;  tcaf 
^aanben  _  fig  drew  back  his  hånd;  nære  ~  Sinbl 
have  a  mind;  »nffe  en  _  iJQtte  wish  oue  joy;  læfe 
fig,  gætte  fig,  flutte  fig  _  read,  guess,  couclude; 
(fe  forreften  Serber,  Subftantioer  og  aib= 
jeltider);  —  ado:   gaa  _!  go  on!    tjugge  -,  ftøbe 

-  cut,  thrust;  ffære  _,  ribe  _,  fe  Silftære,  Silribe; 
oære  _  exist;  fom  Bi  er  ^røbre  -  like  brothers; 
bet  er  ingen  i)Ji)tte  _  it  is  no  use;  bet  er  ingen 
Stabe  _  at  forfege  there  is  no  harm  iu  trying; 
(fe  forreften  SJerbernej;  af  og  _  uow  aud  theu;  fra 
og  _  to  aud  fro;  bet  ger  ^oerten  fra  eller  -  it's  of 
no  moment;  en  _  one  more;  faaban  en  -  such 
another;  en  ^eft  _  au  additional  horse,  auother 
horse,  oue  more  horse;   en  l)alD  ®ang  ~  faa  lang 

half  as  long  again;  meb  fflælte  -  with  a  girdle 
10  it;  _  og  meb  including;  *eveu,  moreover;  — 
CO/y  till,  until. 

2:i('aagre  fig  vr  obtain  by  usury. 

Siloo'ré  adu  advauced  iu  age  et.  iu  years; 
blioe  _  get  old. 

Xillag'teré,  -aVUti,  -an'IecS,  fe  aigteo,  ofo. 

!£il'aroet  «  inherited. 

Silba'ge  adv  back,  backward(s);  ^an  bleo  -  he 
remained  behind;  ^an  maatte  blioe  -  i  Stolen  he 
was  kept  in;  labe  blioe  _  leave  behind;  oære  _  i 
Siben  be  behind  the  day;  frem  og  -  forward  and 
backward;  ber  er  intet  anoet  _  for  ftam  there  is 
uothing  else  (left)  for  him;  tænte  _  paa  recall 
to  mind;  ftaar  enbnu  -  bas  to  be  done  yet;  fia 
ligge  meget  _  be  ju  a  very  backward  siale,  be 
behind-hand;  ^an  ^ar  intet  _  he  has  uothing  left 
(to  him;;  -  !  back  ! 

Xiiia'Qe\betaU  ot  pay  back,  repay.  -betaling 
repayment,  return. 

Stibo'gcblit  n  retrospect,  retrospective  glauce; 
fig  tofte  et  _  paa  examine  retrospectively. 

Xilba'gebUoenbe  u  f.  ©f«.  be  -  ®æfter  theguests 
who  (doj  did  not  inteud  to  go,  who  iuteud(edj 
to  remaiu  behind;  be  _  SolDater  the  soldiers 
who  are  el.  were  to  stay  behind,  who  were  not 
goue,  who  had  been  left  behind. 

Silba  gebriuge  tt  bring  back. 

liiiha' ^tba\tt  a  bent  el.  iucliued  backward.^. 

Silbagcbriue  vt  drive  back,  force  back,  repel. 

Siibagejcr^olbe  vt  recover.  -ert)Olbelfe  c  re- 

7iiba'ge|etobre  vt  recapture,  retake.  -erobring 

2:ilba'ge|faib  n  falling  back;  (om  S^gbom)  re 
lapse,  -falbenbe  a:  ~  %a\\\st  recediug  forehead. 
-falbSfcber,  -falbétt)fu§  relapsing  fever. 

Xilba  gefart  c  return. 

Sitba'gclforbre  vt  reclaim.  -forbring  reclama- 

2:tlba'ge{gaacnbe  a  retrograde,  retrogressive. 
-gang  retrograde  movemeut,  retrogradaiiou,  re- 
trogressiou;  disimprovemeut,  decline;  i  _  retro- 

2:iiba'ge{gitie  vt  give  back,  return,  restore. 
-gioelfe  c  returuiug,  restoring,  return,  restora 

Xtlba'ge{i)Olbe  vt  hold  el.  keep  back,  retain; 
tiun  tnnbe  næppe  -  fine  Saarer  she  could  scarcely 
restraiu  her  tears  el.  refrain  from  weeping. 
-^olbelfe  c  retention.  -boIbelfCiSret  right  of  re- 
tention, -bolbeu,  -bolbenbe  a  reserved,  back- 
ward.   -botben^eb  c  reserve. 

Xtlba'gcjfalbc  vt  call  back,  recall;  unsay, 
repeal,  revoke;  _  et  Signal  aunul  a  siguai. 
-talbclfe  c  ecall,  revocation;  retractation,  with- 

Silbo'ge  fttftc  »f  throw  back;  reflect.  -taftning 
c  throwing  back;  (Siefletéion)  reflection;  (af  ii^ben) 
reverberation;  (Silbageftøb)  repercussiou.  -foft= 
ningSuintei  angle  of  reflexion. 

'3;tlba'getomft  c  return. 

Xtlba'gejlcoere  vt  return,  restore.  -leoering 

Xtlba'ge{Iægge  vt  travel,  cover,  pass  over,  tra- 
verse,  advauce;  ben  -lagte  SSej  the  jouruey  el. 
distance  performed,  the  road  one  has  travelled; 
di  bafe  lagt  10  ^'1  i  «"  Sime  we  have  done  10 
miles  in  an  hour;  et  -logt  Stonbpunft  a  thing  of 
the  past,    -læggelfe  c  travelling  etc. 

2:ilba'gelcenet  «  recumbent. 

Xi(ba'ge|løb  n  runuing  back,  return,  (SJanbé) 
reflux,  (HanonS)  recoil.    -løbenbe  a  recurrent. 

Xilbagemard^  c  march  back. 

i:ilba'gepreUing  c  rebound. 

Xilbagejreffe   c   return,   journey   el.    voyage 


back;   paa  -n  when  returning.     -tejfcnbe  a  re- 

J^tlba'gcruUct  part  rolled  back;  a  S(  revolute. 

2;tlba'gcr»)fnijifl  c  pulling  back;  countennarch; 
iiiiber  -en  on  oiir  march  back  el.  retreat. 

!S;tItia'gcfeenbe  a  her  regardant. 

!ttIba'oe|fenbe  it  send  back.  •fenbclfe  c  send- 
ing back. 

SJilba'gelflrJbcnbe  a  retrograde,  retrogressive. 
-ffribt  n  step  backwards,  re  trogradation,  retro- 
gression,  retrograde  step. 

-^S;tlbo'flcffruc^  c  screwing  back. 

+%Uha'Qt\^t<eUt,  -ffrærømc  vt  frigliten  back, 

Slilbo'gclffuejtbe  a  fe  -fecnbe. 

2;tlbo'fle||Ioo  vt  repel.  -ftog  n  rebound;  fof 
Sanon)  recoil;  atavism;  je  -falb. 

H-Xilba'gefpor  ie  SBagfpor. 

S;ilba'gcf^)rlng  n  leap  el.  leaping  back;  rebound, 
resilience,  recoil. 

S^ilba'geftnacnbe  a  remaining,  in  arrear,  un- 

2;ilbo'gcift«b  n  back-thrust,  repercussion,  re- 
pulse,    -ftflbt  a  repelled,  repulsed,  discouraged. 

2:ilba  gcfunfen  pnrt  fallen  back. 

iilba'gcftjn  n  retrospect,  looking  back. 

S^tlba'gcfegniitg  c  revendication. 

Silba'gcltagc  vt  retake;  recapture.  -togeJfc  c 
retaking;  recapture. 

S:ilba'gctDg  n  retreat;  afffære  en  -et  cut  off 
one's  retreat;  blæfe  til  -  sound  the  retreat;  til= 
træbe  -et  beat  the  retreat. 

Iilba'gc|truffen  a  retired.  -truttcn^eb  c  re- 
tiredness,  .seclusion. 

2:tlba'gctræbclfc  c  retirement,  resignation. 

S^ilbflgcjtræHcIig  a  (om  SJ'Iør)  retractile.  •trcst 
ning  c  drawing  back,  retraction.  -Ir/tfniltgSetine 
retractility.    -troctningStraft  power  of  retraction. 

S^ilba'getrængc  u  toree  back;  fig  repress,  re- 

Silbo'gcbcj  c  way  back,  return. 

Silbagelbcnbc  {+)  vi  return,  -ocnbclfc,  -tienben 
c  return,  tftabig)  recurrence;  phys  reversion. 
-ucnbcjibe  a  recurrent. 

Silbo'gcoigcnbc  a  retreating;  _  ®ong  (i  Ur) 
recoil  escapement. 

Stiba'gclbirtcnbe  a  reacting,  retroactive;  gram 
reflexive;  (2oB)  retrdspective,  retroactive;  _  Sraft 
retroactive  eiFect.  -oirfning  c  reaction,  retroac- 

1Eilbo'ge|t>ifc  vt  show  back;  ^^crepulse,  reject. 
-btSning  c  showing  back;  fiø  repulsion,  rejec- 

S;tIbo'BC|«nf!c  vt  wish  back. 

^tl|bcbe  vt  (ogf.  fip)  adore,  worship;  ^vr  fig 
=  58ebe  om.  -bcbclfe  c  adoratipn,  worship. 
-bcbclfeSbærbig  a  adorable.  -bcbcr  c  e,  -bebcrffe 
-r  adorer,  worshipper,  oont  follower;  fig  t)enbe8 
-e  her  admirers. 

Silbebft'e  adv  fe  SSebfte. 

Silbcgc  vt  pitch  over;  (lufte)  pitch  up. 

%ilf)tt)ev  n  appurtenances.  adjuncts,  belong- 
iugs,  surrroundings,  accompaniment,  concomi- 

Silbe'né  fe  SBen. 

!SiIbe{rebe  vt  prepare.  -tcbclfc  c  -r  prepara- 
tion.  -reber  c  -e  preparer.  -rebning  c  preparing, 

Stibetle  fig  vr  obtain  by  begging.j 

!£ilbinbe  vt  bind  up,  tie  up;  _  en«  jZJjne  blind- 
fold  a  person;  meb  -Bunbne  JCjne  with  my  eyes 
bandaged,  blindfolded. 

XU|b(anbc  vt  admix.    -btanbing  admixture. 

2:it|blttielfe,  -bliben  c  coming  into  existence, 
genesis,     -blibelfeémoabe  c  manner  in  which 

auything   originates,   genesis.     -bntie(feS))roccd 
XU\UoW,  -bo'gé,  fe  ©lob,  S8og. 
tUiiottte  vt  besmear  el.  daub  with  ink,  ink. 
S:iIbo'rbe  adv  ^.   alongside;   fætte  en  Kanon  _ 
run  out  a  gun.    -fcetning  c  running  out. 

2;iIbo'rbé  ado  -.  gaa  ~  go  to  dinner  (el.  supper); 
fibbe  ~  be  at  dinner  (el.  supper). 

S;il|bringe  »«  bring,  carry  to;  _  Siben  spend 
(the,  one's)  time,  pass  (away)  time;  ^on  tilfirogte 
®agen  meb  at  læfe  he  spent  the  day  in  reading; 
I)an  ^ar  tilbrogt  tre  9Ior  bermeb  he  has  spen 
three  years  on  it.  -bringelfe  bringing  etc 
delivery.    -bringer  c  -e  (TOent.)  layeron. 

S;ilbub  n  offer,  proffer,  tender. 

Silbunbé',  ie  «unb,  Sit. 

Xilb»)be   vt   otier,    proffer,   tender;    —   vr  ff 
offer   one's  self;  offer;    jeg  -feob  mig  at  gøre  bet 
offered  to  do  it;   ber  -6øb  fig  en  SJejlig^eb  an  op 
portunity  preseuted  itself,  offered. 

S;tl|b^gge  vt  add  (to  a  building).  -bljgning 
■er  adding  etc;  building  added  to  another. 

2:ilbl)tte  fig  i:r  acquire   el.  obtain   by  way 
exchange;  +vt  ~  en  nt  acquire  st  for  one  by  ea 

2;il|beje  rt  (banwe  oeb  at  bøje)  form  by  bending 
bend.  -Wj'elig  a  (til)  inclined,  prone,  disposed 
apt,  given  (to);  man  funbe  ocerc  -  til  et  tro  on 
would  be  apt  to  suppose.  -bej'ctig^eb  c  -er  in 
clination,  propensity,  disposition,  pronenesi 
tendeney,  leaning;  (for  en)  affection,  attachmeni 
gifte  fig  af  ~  marry  for  love;  fatte  _  for  form 
attachment  to. 

2;ilb«'rlig  o  due,  proper,  suitable;  i  ..  2lffta 
at  a  proper  el.  safe  distance;  ber  er  mere  enb 
there  is  more  than  necessary.  -^eb  c  suitabL 
ness,  propriety. 

■SilbogS'  fe  ®ag. 

Xiljbanne  vt  fashion,  form,  work.  -bannei* 

Æil|bele   vt   allot,    assign   (to),   confer  on 
upon;   (bete  fortioIbSmæSftg)   apportion;    ~    ®tr( 
inflict  puuishment  on;    ^obebrollen   oar    -It   t' 
principal   character  was  cast  to.     -beling 
lotting;  allotment;  infliction. 

Silbe'18  adv  partly,  in  part. 

S;il|bigte  vt  (tilføje  Cpbigtelfer  tit  noget)  fab: 
eate,  eke  out  with  false  additions;  (tilføje  et  Sigi 
add.    -bigtning  c  false  addition,  fabrication. 

Silbomé'  adv  fe  Som. 

^il|6rage  -i-vt  draw  (together);  +_  en  nt  dra'  _ 
st  on  one;  —  vr  fig  (paaføre  fig)  draw  \ipon  one's 
self,  attrået;  (fiænbeS)  come  to  pass,  happen. 
-brogclfc  c  -r  occurence,  event    adventure. 

Sillbrcjet  a  J,  hove-to.  -brejning  c  heaving 
-to,  laying  (the  ship)  to. 

H-S;il|bri!fc  vt  drink  one's  health;  -brulfen  (ogf.) 

+S:ilbr»)^»)e  vt  en  nt  give  one  st  drop  by  drop. 

2;ilbæf|fc  vt  cover  (up),    -ning  c  covering  (up). 

Xilbæté'  adv.  rigge  et.  fenbe  -  send  down, 
send  on  deck;  ftaa  -  knock  down. 

2;tlbænge  vt  fe  Doerbænge. 

Xilba'be  adv  fe  ®øb. 

S:ilbømme  vt  (tilfenbe)  adjudge,  adjudicate, 
award;  (paalægge  oeb  Som)  sentence  (one)  to  do 

Silb«r§'  adv  to  the  door. 

S;tl'|egnc  rt  appropriate,  (f.  (£t§.  en  Sog)  dedi- 
cate,  inseribe;  (tiUægge  fom  (Sgenftab)  attribute 
(oUc:  en  nt  st  to  one);  —  vr  fig  appropriate  (to 
one's  self),  make  one's  own;  acquire,  master, 
pick  up.  -cgnelig  a:  let  _  easily  maslered. 
-egnclfe  c  -r  dedication;  appropriation;  acquire- 

Silcnbc  adv  fe  (Snbe.     -bringe  vt  bring  to  a 




conclusion,    fiuish,    accomplisli.      -bringelfe    c 
conclusion,  consummation. 

i:ilfattie  vt  fall  to  one"s  lot,  devolve  on,  ac- 
crue  to. 

Xilfalå'  adv  for  sale,  venal,  buyable. 

Sitfong'e  adv  fe  Sange,  •tagetfe  c  capture, 
seizure,  appreheusion. 

Silfantaferc  fig  vr  dreain  one's  self  pos- 
sessed  of." 

SilfeltS'  adv  fe  5elt. 

S:illfi(c  vt  form,  fashion  by  filing,  file;  fig  po- 
lish, finish,    -ftling  c  filing;  finish. 

iSilftnbc  v(  jur  sentence. 

Silfjcclbd'  ndv  OU  tlie  mountains. 

^ttlfliffe  vt  patch  to  el.  on. 

Silftugt  c  refuge;  tage  fin  _  til,  føge  _  ^o§ 
have  refourse  to,  take  refuge  in,  throw  one's 
self  upon,  fall  back  upon,  resort  to;  fogte  _  i 
^aonen  put  into  the  port  for  refuge;  finbe  -  ^o§ 
find  an  asylum  with.  Silflugt^lfiatin  port  el. 
harbonr  of  refuge,  refuge  haven,  -fteb  place  of 
refuge,  asylum. 

Stlfl^bc  vt  flow  to;  labe  nt  _  en  grant  et.  allow 
one  st;  bet  -r  Ijam  mange  uoiéle  3"btfegter  he  is 
in  the  receipt  of  much  uncertain  income. 

Xil|ffl)ttc  vt  move  iuto;  Ktmovein.  -flljtning 
remove;  immigration. 

Silflljucnbe  a  stray;  fonime  _  come  flying. 

2;iIfob§'  adv  OU  foot,  afoot. 

2;ilforl)anbIe  fig,  fe  JilføBe  fig. 

"SilfotlobcHg  a  to  be  relied  el.  depended  on, 
reliable;  _  Sfterretning  certain  intelligence;  adv 
really;  bet  er  _  fonbt  it  is  undoubtedly  true,  jeg 
t)il  _  itte  Bente  tænger  positively  I  won't  walt  any 
louger.  -^cb  c  certainty,  authenticity;  (^erfoné) 

Stlfo'rn  [aa]  ado  formerly,  before,  heretofore. 

Xilforotbnc  vt  (in  law)  nominale,  appoint, 

SilfrcbS'  [é]  a  content,  satisfied,  pleased;  jeg 
bat  _  at  I  should  not  be  sorry  if;  adv  -.  ijan  Silbe 
ilfe  tabe  fig  ftille  _  he  would  not  be  satisfied; 
l^an  Bilbe  iffe  gibe  fig  _  lie  was  not  to  be  Iran- 
quilized  el.  calmed.  -fteb  c  content,  content- 
ment,  satisfaction.  -ftlKe  vt  content,  satisfy, 
gratify;  _  fin  funger  appease  one's  huuger;  _ 
alle  gorbringer  meet  all  demands;  _  fig  fetb  please 
one's  self.  +-ftia'clig  a  satisfiable.  -fttttclfe  c 
gratification,  appeasement,  satisfaction.  •fttUenbe 
a  satisfactory;  gratifying;  ado  .salisfactorily,  to 

2;ilfrcmg'  a  f  forward. 

'2;ilfriff  jnc  vi  recover,  rally,   -ntng  c  recovery. 

Silfroéfcn  a  frozen  (over),  covered  with  ice. 
Xilfrljfe  vi  freeze  over  et.  up. 

Silful'be  ado  fully,  completely,  to  the  fuU. 

SillfQgct  fe  jEilføget.  -f^jgning" c  being  covered 
et.  blocked  up  by  snow-drifts. 

Silfqlb|e  vt  fiU  up.    -ning  c  filling  up. 

tUfceqtt  fig  vr  gain  (in  fight). 

Siljfcelbe  «,  pi  =,  case,  instance;  accident, 
occurence;  (Stump,  Iræf)  chance;  (©tjgbomSanfalb) 
flt,  attack;  for  bet  _,  ot  tjan  ...  in  case  he  .  .  .; 
i  faa  _  in  that  case;  i  bette  _  in  this  instance; 
i  -  af  iu  case  of,  in  the  event  of;  i  et^dert  -,  i 
oUe  _  at  all  events,  at  any  rate,  in  any  and 
every  case;  i  Ⱦrfte  -  if  the  worst  comes  to  the 
worst;  bet  er  iffe  t  meb  ^am  this  is  not  the  case 
with  him,  i.s  uot  his  case;  fom  -t  er  meb  as  is 
the  case  with;  ftolc  paa  -t  trust  to  the  chapter 
of  accidents;  i  _  contingently;  i  paafommenbe  _ 
on  an  emergency;  for  mulige  -  for  an  emergency; 
i  bet  forubfatte  _  in  the  case  put;  i  bet  foretiggenbe 
-  in  the  present  case;  -t  er  Itgefom  SfRggen  of 
^fornuften  chance  is  the  shadow  of  reason,  as  it 
■■    re;   bet  Bar  -t  fom  f»rte  bem  fammen   they  met 

by  chance;  beb  et  -  by  chance;  bet  Bar  fun  Pcb 
et  (rent)  _  it  was  by  (mere)  chance;  Beb  et  iQfte- 
ligt  -  by  some  happy  accident;  ^Bi3  bet  Birfelig 
er  -t  if  it  be  really  the  faet;  if  that  really  is  so; 
flere  _  of  ^otera  se'veral  cases  of  cholera;  ijan  \)at 
et  flemt,  forligt  _  he  has  a  bad,  dangerous  com- 
plaint;  bet  er  et  _,  ber  fer  ub  fom  en  Zante  it  is 
accidentally  done  for  the  purpose.  -fæ'Ibig  a 
accidental,  casual,  fortuitous,  contingent,  occa- 
sional,  chance;  _  ©ctft  chance-comer;  -t  58efenbt= 
ffob,  SRøbe  chance  acquaintance,  meeting;  _ 
Sorrefponbent  occasional  correspondent.  -fct'V 
big^eb  c  -er  casualty,  accident,  accidental  cir- 
cumstauce;  ((Sgenft.)  accidentality.  -fæ'ibigoid 
adv  by  chance,  accidentally,  casually,  fortui- 
tously,  as  it  happeued  el.  happens. 

XilfæWei  adv  iu  common,  jointly,  conjointly; 
l^oBe  -  have  in  common;  fig  ftoBe  noget  _  meb 
partake  of  (the  nature  oO,  (om  fiig^eb)  have 
some  resemblance  to. 

tilføget  a:  95ejen  er  -  the  road  is  blocked  up 
by  snow-drifts;  ^tufet  er  -  the  house  is  buried 
iu  drifts  of  snow. 

Silfejjc  vt  add,  affix,  append;  (foroorfoge)  cause, 
do,  bring  on,  infilet  on;  -  en  6fabe  do  one  an 
injury;  _  en  fjforncermelfe  offer  au  insult  to;  -be 
6am  et  fnuienbe  9JeberIag  gave  him  a  crushing 
defeat.  -ctfe  c,  -cnbr  n,  -ning  c  addition;  note, 
observation;  postscript;  codicil;  -r  og  Stettelfer 
addenda  and  corrigenda. 

2;tlf«j'e  adv  fe  goje. 

XiUetqe  ado  fe  -Jotge  c. 

Si(f«r|e  vt  carry  to,  convey  to,  supply  with; 
-enbe  a  Sar  afTerent  vessels.  -fel  o  -fler  con- 
veyance  to;  supply;  (ftriftlig)  entry;  (^ootegning) 

2:ilgo«  {+)  vi  happen;  ''et:  itte  ot  -  not  pro- 
curable,  not  to  be  had. 

Sitlgong  e  (SBej)  access,  approach;  (gorøgelfe) 
augmentatiou ,  increase;  *resource,  supply. 
•gongélifte  list  of  accessions. 

XiigobnS'  adv  completely,  eff'ectually,  to  some 
purpose,   F  with  a  vengeance. 

tilgift  c  something  given  into  the  bargain, 
surplus,  surplusage,  over-measure,  make-weight; 
(^o§  iSogeren)  inbread;  jeg  fif  SoSfen  i  _  I  got  the 
box  iuto  the  bargain. 

Xilgifte  fig  vr  acquire  by  marriage;  _  fig  ?lSenge 
marry  a  fortune. 

X  til  gitre  vt  grate,  close  with  a  grate.  •gitrtng 
c  grating. 

Sillgiue  vt  forgive,  pardon  (en  nt  one  st  el. 
for  st);  titgiB  mig  for  benne  ene  ®ang  forgive  me 
this  once.  -gi  ttclig  a  pardonable,  forgivable, 
venial.  -gt'beiigtjeb  c  pardonableness,  venial- 
ness,  veniality.  -gioelfe  c  forgiveness,  pardon; 
jeg  beber  ®em  om  _  I  beg  your  pardon. 

"Stigjort  a  afifected,  manufactured.  •ffttt  c 

^tttgo'bc  adv  due,  owing;  jeg  ^or  enbnu  100 
Saler  ~  lioi  ifam  he  still  owes  me  100  dollars; 
bu  ^or  ben  gornjøjelfe  _  you  have  that  pleasure 
to  come,  to  look  forward  to;  gere  fig  _  enjoy 
ouese'.f,  gøre  fig  ~  meb  regale  one's  self  with; 
fe  _  look  after  the  comforts  of;  'fiolbe  en  nt  - 
excuse  one;  bet  fom  mig  ~  it  stood  me  in  good 
stead.  -g«re  vt  utilize.  -((atienbe  n  due,  what 
is  owing  to  one,  outstanding  debt;  mit  -  ^o? 
I)am  what  he  owes  me.    -flri»»c  vt  credit. 

S;ilgrife  vt  dirty,  soil. 

tilgroet  a  overrun,  overgrown. 

Xtlgrun'be  adv.  goo  _  be  ruined,  go  to  ruin; 
bu  Bil  goa  _  beroeb  you  will  ruin  yourself  by  it; 
@fi6et  git  -   the  ship  went  down  el.  foundered. 

Xilgrænfcnbe  a  adjacent,  conterminous,  bor- 
dering upon. 




Sifgæng'cHg  i  approachahle,  (ogfao  fio.)  ac- 
cet^pilile,  available;  let,  Baiiffetig  _  easy,  difficult, 
of  aocess  el.  approach;  _  for  open  to;  _  i  a3og= 
fianbefen  accessible  in  tbe  bookselling:  tråde;  gøre 
2?ærfet  let  -t  for  engelffe  Srefere  l)ring  tbe  work 
Avitbin  easy  reach  of  English  readers.  -((eb  c 
approachableness;  (ogfaa  fig)  accessibility. 

SUdaanbe  "dv.  gao  en  _  aid  one,  assist  one. 

'Sil^amre  vt  hammer,  fashion  with  the  ham- 

!S:H6(tnb(e  vr  ftg  acquire  by  pnrchase. 

^^il^okienbe  a  J^:  be  _  Sejt  the  sails  tbat  are 
(were)  set. 

tilitatti'  adv  at  sea. 

S;il|^eftc  vt  Rtitch,  sew  to.  -f)eftning  c  stitcb- 

*%i\^il\ti  vp  heal.    -ntnfl  c  healing. 

Silfirft'  ndv  on  horsebaok;  ftige  -  take  horse, 
monnt  (one's  horse). 

Silt)ictn|(e  ftq  vr  legally  to  establish  one's 
title  to.  •lingSeb  oath  proving  one's  title  to  a 

tXilJjjæHie  vi  give  ald  el.  assistance  to. 

iWtio'Itt  adv  (fammen)  together;  (aHe  fammen) 

2;it|f)0lb  «  (f.  (5I§.  Qf  qjolitiet)  injunction;  (%ih 
flugtSfteb)  place  of  resort;  stronghold;  fif  _  om 
flt  mube  .  .  .  wns  bonnd  over  to  appear.  -^olbe 
vt  enjoln.  -kolber  c  -e  (i  2aQ§)  tumbler.  -t)0lber= 
fjer  spring  of  the  tumbler.  -iiotierlap  lift 
-tumbler.    -f)D(b§rteb  haunt,  place  of  resort. 

tilt\o't>e  ndn  fe  fiof. 

3;ilf|uglgc  vt  fashion  by  hewing,  rough-hew, 
beard;  (retDinflet)  sqnare;  -t  Svømmer  wrought 
timber.  -ntng  c  rongh-bewing  etc.  -ningSIinte 

^Jflhtt'fe  odv  fe  ^ii§. 

XifhUtffc  it  whisper  to. 

2:iIlH)I|Ie  vt  veil.  wrap  up,  muffle  up.  -ling, 
-ntng  '■  veiling  etc. 

Silfiægte  vt  hook  on,  clasp  on  (til  to). 

Silftæn'be  adv  to  hånd.  -fommen  n  come  to 

!£it|d(eng  n  fJiHæg)  pppendix,  supplement; 
(iJSartt)  party,  adherents  pi;  (Befsærligt)  inciim- 
branre.  -Iiænger  c-epartizan,  adherent,  follower, 
votary.    -i-l)ængt  n  (om  95inbue)  curtained. 

^i(i)(ettbe  ftg  vr  acquire  a  prescriptive  right  to. 

'tilf)ei'te  adv  fe  ©øjre. 

Xillfi-Or  n  appurtenances  pi.  -ftere  rt  belong 
to;  benne  Sjener  -r  mig  this  is  my  servant;  SSogen 
-r  mig  tbe  book  belongs  to  me.  -^arenbe  a 
appertinent;   companion.     -Iiørenbe  n  fe  S^il^ør. 

2;tllj«rer  c  e,  -in'be  c  -r  auditor,  hearer, 
listener;  en  talrig  ©fare  af  -e  a  large  audience; 
fiar  mange  -e  (om  ^rceft)  is  much  run  after.  -trcbS- 
audience.    •))(abfen  fe  Sifffuer«. 

S:iI'Jl«t>|Ie  vt  plane,  fashion  by  planing.  -Ung 
e  planing. 

J^tltn'tctlgtfre  vt  annihilate,  destroy,  demolish; 
-gjort  a  ^<7  paralysed,  crushed,  overvvhelmed. 
-garelfe  c  annihilation,  destruction. 

Slirilenbe  a  hastening  to  the  spot. 

Sil'ifet  1  covered  witb  ice,  frozen  over, 
frozen  up. 

Xilfoffe  rt  soil,  dirt,  besmear. 

litje  c  -r  t  <fe  poet  board,  plank,  *(i  SSoab) 
bottom  board,  burden. 

Xiljuble  vt  (en  Sifalb)  applaud  one  with  cries, 
cheer  one. 

!£itf(i(be  vt  call  (in),  summon.  -Ife  c  sum- 

iJilfflfte  vt  throw  to,  cast  to;  (meb  3orb)  fill 
up  with  earth;  .i,  belay;  -be  ^am  et  %ob  threw 
him  a  rope;  ^an  -be  fienbe  foretfTebe  iBIilfe  he  cast 
amorous  looks  at  her;   ^an  -be  6am  et  Drebt  ^je= 

faft  he  darted  an  angry  glance  at  him.  -nt« 
c  Alling  etc;  ^  belaying.  -nlng§f(om<)e  ,1,  b< 
laying-clamp.    -ninglnagle  belaying-pin. 

S;ilfcnbc  vt  adjudge,  award,  allot;  (en  nt  on 
st  fl.  st  to  one). 

!S:ilfenb'e  adf-  gibe  -,  fe  -gtbe:  giee  ftg  -  dli 
close  one's  self  -gtbe  vt  notify,  signify,  d< 
Clare,  make  known;  show,  evince;  bet  -S  ficrW 
oEe  bebfommenbe  notice  is  hereby  given  to  ai 
whom  it  may  concern.  -gioelfe  c  notificatioj 
notice,  intimation. 

SiTfcnbcffc  c  award,  adjudication. 

XiJtttlte  vt  putty.    -ntng  c  puttying. 

2;t((Ia<)|)C  vt  SBifatb  applaud;  (meb  Spob 
smooth,  flatten. 

Xifflatte  rt  blot  over;  (meb  ©miib?)  bespatte 
tpp  mactile,  cloud. 

2:iHUn|e  vt  fill  up  with  luting  el.  morta 
-ing  c  Alling  etc. 

itlflttil^e  rt  cut  out      -ning  c  cutting  ou' 

SJtffriffre  vt  paste  on,  to,  over. 

S:tI|Ino<)))e  vt  button  up.  -Ina|)ning  c  buttoi 
ing  up.  -tnappet  a  fig  reserved.  -tna))))ett)eb 

XilfnoBet  a  ,X.  knotted  together  with. 

S:itfnt)t|te  vt  fasten  with   a  knot.     -ntng 
fastening  etc;  fig  connection;  t  ~  til  ip  conne< 
tion  with.     -ntng§l)untt  n  connecting  point; 
2^Qle)  (point  of)  departure. 

S;tlfont|me  ri  ffomme  til)  supervene.  be  addec 
(bære  oBerenSftemmenbe  meb  en§  JRetttg^eb)  be  du« 
be  owing  to;  (Bære  enS  ^ligt)  be  one's  dutj 
(tiaSfe  ftg)  l)e  flt,  be  suitable;  jeg  forbrer  iffe  mel 
enb  bcr  -r  mig  I  demand  no  more  than  my  du< 
bet  -r  mig  meb  SRette  it  is  justly  due  to  me;  bi 
-r  Ijam  at  fiolbe  Stigningerne  Beblige  it  is  incun] 
bent  upon  him  el.  it  is  his  duty  to  keep  th 
buildings  in  repair;  _  bit  SRige  hihl  thy  kingdoi 
come;  bet  -r  iffe  oS  ot  bømme  it  is  not  ours 
judge.  -mcffc  c,  fe  -ft.  -menbe  a  coming, 
come,  future;  due;  bet  -the  ftiture;  i  bet  _  iJi 
hereafter;  min  _  ©Boger  my  brotber-in-law  tha 
is  to  be;  min  _  (53rub)  my  intended.  -menbe 
due.    -ft  c  coming,  advent. 

2:tlf ort'  ndv  -.  fomme  -  (iffe  naa  bet  eftertragtebi 
be  worsted,  be  foiled,  get  the  worst  of  it;  je 
fom  _  (f.  (£f8  meb  SSfngene)  my  money  ran  shori 
bi  fom  -  Xiaa  Sabningen  .t.  the  cargo  turned  o« 
short.    *-fontmfIfer  pi  shortcomings. 

Siltribtc  vt  chalk  over. 

•^Silfræoc  rt  summon,  cite. 

XWtxeVLe  vt  cruraple,  rumpie. 

■f2;iIfBtbre  vt  chirp. 

tWtcempe  vr  ftg  gain  in  fight  el.  by  fighting 
fig  obtain,  gain;  _  fig  ©ejren  obtaln,  achieve 
gain  the  victory,  gain  the  day;  -  fig  ^rifen  win 
carry  the  prize. 

S:il|f«be  vt  buy  in  addition;    -  en  nt   buy 
purchase  st  for  one;    —    vr   ftg   acquire   by  pui 
chase,  purchase.    -!«6§'  adv  fe  2!ilfal§. 

XilfajS'  adn:  ligge  _  be  in  bed;  gaa  _  turn 
IjoBe  2?Qgt  _  sleep  in. 

Xtlførle  v:  (om  §efte)  break  in;  gobt  -rte  $ 
well-broken  horses;  tian  fif  93rænbet  frit  -rt  h( 
got  the  ftiel  carted  to  bis  house  free  from  ex 
pense;  -ført  a  F  drunk.  -lørfel  c  carting  (home) 

2;iKoan'§  ndn  fe  2oon  n. 

2;iIIaafe  vt  lock. 

SiHabe  vt  ff^lbe  meb  Cabning)  load,   providi 
with   a  ftill  cargo;    et  -t  ©ftb   a  laden  vessel; 
paanl)  reload. 

2;iI|Iabe,  -lob,  -fabt  vt  permit,  allow,  give  leava 
fom  jSbriflfieben,  f.  ®fl.  at  ^otbe  !8ært?^u§)  licens< 
titlab  mig  at  bemærfe  allow  me  to  observe;  je 
litlob  mig  at  6.  I  ventured,  presumed,  took  leav 
el.  begged  to  observe;  -r  %t1  if  you  please;  oi 




;ft  -r  weather  permitting;  bet  -8  ingen  ot  no- 
;y  is  allowed  to;  tillob  fig  meget  ftærfc  Hi-- 
i'er  indulged  in  some  very  strong  language; 
rerene  _  iffe  en  faaban  f^ortolfning  the  words  do 
i  admit  of  such  a  construction;  —  tillabt  a 
nwed,  pennitted;  (efter  Soocne)  legal,  lawfiil; 
:orft)ftemet  er  _  the  metric  system  is  permis- 
•la'belig  n  allowable,  permissible;  (lotilig) 
i  tul.    -(a'belig^cb  c  allowableness;  lavvfulness. 

iabclfe  c  permission,   allowance;    (Sebiding)   li- 

ciise;  meb  bereS  _  with  your  permission,  under 
Toiir  favour,  if  you  please;  tron  jeg  mener,  meb 
^r.  9J'é  -  I  hold,  pace  Mr.  N;  ^or  _  til  at  is 
allowed  to. 

SiUabning  c  loading  (of  a  ship). 

*tiaaq§'  ndv  ie  Silpa«. 

SiUogt  fe  JiQægge. 

StQanbtnn  c  alluvion,  deposit. 

^^tOanbd'  ndv  by  land;  ou  land;  gongen?  ftrig?> 
magt  _  og  tilbanbS  the  military  and  naval  forces 
of  the  king;  ^er  ~  in  this  country. 

Stnat)|C  vt,  prepare,  cont  concoct;  _ 
TOaben  cook  the  dinner.     -ttitig  c  dressing  etc. 

Xillicbc  rt  (SSanb)  let  on,  carry.  -(cbningS^ 
gr«ft  feeder. 

StUebct  a  articulated,  jointed. 

SiUejc  fe  ile\e. 

SiIIem))|e  vt  adapt  (to),  accommodate  (to), 
modify  (according  to),  -ning  c  -er  (efter)  adap- 
tation (to);  modifikation. 

JiUtb  c  (til)  confidence  el.  trust  (in),  reliance 
(oni;  fiabe  _  til  have  confidence  in,  faith  in, 
rely  upon;  fætte  fin  -  til  put  el.  repose  confidence 
in,  place  reliance  on,  put  tnist  in;  6ar  ingen  _ 
til  6am  distrusts  him;  tabe  -en  til  lose  confidence 
in;  i  _  til  inisting  to,  on  the  strength  of.  — 
Xillibålerflærtng  fe  -tiotum.  -for^olb  relations 
of  confidence.  -fulb  a  confident,  confiding, 
full  of  confidence,  trustful,  tnisting.  -fulb^cb 
c  confidence,  trustfulness.  -ijticrti  (commission 
of;  trust  -ntanb  trusted  agent,  deputy.  'poH 
place,  Office  el.  situation  of  trust,  -tegn  token 
fl.  i^roof  of  confidence.  -Ootum  vote  of  con- 
fidence. XtUtbticeffenbe  a  that  inspires  confi- 

billige  ndo  also,  too,  withal,  moreover. 
•ntcb  præp  together  with,  along  with;  t  adv  = 

l^iltigge  vt  belong  to.  -nbe  a  adjacent;  be- 
longing.    -nbe  n  adjacent  grounds,  surroundings. 

2:iUigning  c  »1,  sewing  on  the  bolt-rope. 

l;iHtme  vt  gine  on  el.  up. 

^illirle  fig  vr  manouevre  one's  self  into  the 
possession  of. 

XiHifte  fig  vr  acquire,  obtain  by  artlfice  el. 

Sini'tte,  SilliuS'  adv  fe  Sib. 

!!;iUob|be  vt  solder  to  el.  on.    -ning  c  soldering. 

%\l,loiU  vt  allnre.  -loftelfe  c  -r  allurement, 
enticement.  -lotlenbe  a  alluring,  entlcing, 

XlOuflte  vt  close,  shut.     -niitg  c  closing  etc. 

XiUure  fig  ''•  (f-  ffifS.  Unberretning  om  noget) 
gain  (information  ofa  thing)  by  eaves- dropping. 

SiQuffe  fig  vr  obtain  surreptitiously  el.  by 
undue  means. 

Xinntining  c  J,  luffing  (up). 

-^Xi^l)nc  rt  flash  upon. 

liUDl'fe  fe  2t)ffe. 

liU^flc  vt  iiroclaim,  publish  (the  bans  [of 
marriage  ).  -ning  c  publication  of  the  bans. 
•ningéattcft  certificate  of  publication. 

SiHtjbc  fig  vr  ascribe  falsely  to  one's  self;  til- 
leift  a  factitious,  sbam. 

XiUccg  n,  pi  =,  (i  Mim.)  addition;  (til  Sog  el. 
89!ab)   supplement,  pi   (SilfjBJelfer)   addenda  pi; 

(8fræbber8)  furnishing;  (of  fioæg)  breeding  (of 
cattle):  -  i  2øn  increase  of  salary;  gøre  behørigt 
_  b<io  ®runb  af  .  .  .  make  allowance  for.  Xil« 
Iflcgge  vt  (føje  til)  add,  adjoin,  superadd;  (oDer- 
brage)  confer  el.  bestow  upon;  (tilregne)  ascribe, 
attribute,  assign  to,  (©genffab)  predicate  of;  fejl= 
agtig  _  misassign  to;  _  9Sigtigf)eb  attach  import- 
ance to;  _  fioæg  breed,  rear  cattle;  ©øen  er  til- 
lagt the  sea  is  covered  with  ice  cl.  frozen  over. 
2;ia(eggelfc  c  adding  etc.  ZiUceqS-  additional, 
supplemental,  supplementary.  —  XtQcegdlafgift 
surtax,  surcharge,  -artitel  additional  article. 
■ficftcmmelfer  additional  provi.4ons.  -fictitUtng 
additional  grant,  -blob  supplement,  -b^r  aui- 
mal  el.  cattle  for  breeding  el.  to  breed  from. 
-form  participle.  -fragt  extra  freight.  -laltt 
calf  to  be  reared.  -fube  breeding  hive.  -loB 
supplemental  law.  f-wobe  pravi  participle; 
t  -ni  DJutib,  gørnutib  the  present,  past  participle. 
•tttanifcft  .1,  supp.ementary  manifest,  -orb  gram 
adjective.  -^iræmie  additional  el.  extra  pre- 
mium.  -ror  false  rudder.  -ftrof  additional 
pnnishment.  -tolb  extra  duty,  surcharge,  -traf- 
tat  supplementary  treaty. 

TiUteqt  n  healed  up  el.  over. 
I     XiUcett  a   acquired;   noget   _   something  one 
has  been  taught  to  do  el.  say;   -e  grafer  phrases 
learned  by  rote,  second-hand  phrases. 

%\i\\eb  n,  pi  =,  (om  9?anb)  afHux;  (om  ffllenneffer) 
conflux,  concourse;  (til  $o|j)  run,  start,  fig  at- 
tempt,  effort;  tage  _  take  a  run  (before  leaping); 
jpop  meb  -  a  running  leap;  ^an  ^ar  altib  ftcerft  _ 
Qf  unge  goll  many  young  gentlemen  flock  to 
him  every  day;  ^an  l)ar  ftættt  _  (om  gøbmanb) 
he  has  a  run  of  customers.  -labcnbe  a  running 
(to  el.  up  to);  -  Jpunb  stray  dog;  benne  $unb  er 
fommet  _  this  dog  came  running  to  my  house. 
•ieMtanal  feec'er. 

2;tafljct  a  fe  JiHtjbe. 

ijilmofl'bc  ndv  fe  Waabe. 

Xilntaajlc  vt  measure  (out)  to;  fip  (om  Siben") 
allot  to;  Siben  er  mig  fnapt  -It  the  time  allotted 
to  me  is  very  short,  I  am  pressed  for  time. 
-Ung  c  measuring  etc. 

Silntooiå  adv  fe  TOaat  2. 

Silntflb  c  by-meat,  vegetables. 

Stimonbå'  adv  fe  TOanb. 

Xttmeb  adv  moreover,  besides. 

!EtIlniclbe  vt  communicate,  notify,  state  to, 
inform,  give  notice,  apprize  of.  -nttlbelfe,  -mel- 
bing  c  notification. 

SUmo'be  adv.  bel  _  in  good  spirits;  ilbe  _  in 
bad  spirits,  uneasy,  uncomfortable;  bære  -  fom 
om  feel  as  if;  jeg  6leb  flet  iftc  »el  _  berbeb  (bet 
ftob  mig  iffe  an)  I  did  not  like  it  at  all;  Bære  el. 
blioe  unberlig  _  feel  strauge. 

tStlmo'rgcn  [oa]  adv  F  this  morning. 

Stilmure  vt  wall  up,  brick  up.  -muring  c 
walling  up. 

tilnaQiU  vt  nail  up,  spike  up.  -ling  c  uail- 
ing  etc. 

Xilnatitt  71  sumame;  meb  -  surnamed. 

Slilnifte  vt  (en)  nod  to  (one);  -  en  iBifalb  nod 
approbation  to  one. 

Xilinærmelig  n  approachable.  -narmclfe  c 
-r  approach,  approximalion;  ^a  advance.  -n«r= 
mcIfeéUiS  ado  approximately;  anything  like;  a 
approximate,  approximative. 

jtlnæonc  vi  jvr  nominate,  appoint  (along 
with  others). 

Silna'b,  Silo'rbc  fe  9tøb,  Crb. 

itilo'tierd  [aa]  ado  (mere,  enb  ber  er  brugt)  lefl, 
over;  (mere,  enb  ber  bruge«)  to  spare;  ber  bleo  et 
gobt  Stntfe  of  Slæbet  -  there  was  a  large  piece 
of  the  cloth  left;  ban  bar  ingen  $enge  _,  men  i)an 
mangler  deller  ingen  *JJenge  he  has  no  money  ta 




spare,  but  he  does  not  want  money  either;  bet 
©tQffe  ber  bleo  -  the  remaining  piece;  bet,  ber 
B(et)  _  the  remainder;  ^aoe  -  for  be  partial  to; 
6an  f)ar  meget  -  for  ^igeii  he  is  very  fond  of 
the  girl;  jeg  fer,  at  jeg  er  _  ^er  I  perceive  I  am 
not  wanted  here,  that  I  am  one  too  many  here. 
■bteocn  a  remaining,  left,  bet  -ne  the  remainder, 
the  rest;  ben  enefte   ne  tlie  only  one  left. 

Si(Vat{tt  vt  pacli;  _  en  meb  Jilceber  muffle  one 
up;  -tap  fuddled,  top-heavy.  -ning  c  pack- 
ing  etc. 

XitpaS'  adv  suitable,  aright;  lom  -  came  in 
very  well,  came  handy;  f)ar\  tom  rigtig  _  he 
came  just  in  due  time  el.  very  opportunely;  _ 
fattet  properly  salted;  er  bet  -?  will  that  do? 
jeg  !an  albrig  gore  ijam  noget  -  I  eau  never  do 
auythiug  to  please  him;  gore  fig  felo  _  please 
one' s  self;  gere  oEe  _  F  make  thiugs  pleasant 
all  round;  jeg  er  itfe  ganfte  »el  ~  I  don't  feel 
quite  well;  bet  tom  mig  oel  _  it  stood  el.  served 
me  in  good  stead;  *_  (til  §am) !  serve  him  right ! 

Si()>a§|fe  vt  tit,  suit,  adjust  (a  thing  to  an- 
other).    -ninfl  c  fltting  etc;  adjustment. 

%UpUtte  vt  spot,  stain;  kjolen  er  ganfte  -t  the 
dress  is  stained  all  over. 

2:il)>(igte  vt  oblige,  bind. 

Xilpløjle  vt  plouglj  (a  fleld).  -ning  c  ploughing. 

+Xt(<)raffe  fig  vr  obtain  by  importunity. 

2;tH>ro^>|^e  vt  cork;  plug  up.  -ning  c  corking 

Sit'raaB  n  cry,  shout  (to),  hail,  acclamation. 
-raabe  vt  cry,  shout  (to  one),  hail  (a  ship). 

Siltaa'be  ado  fe  atoob  l. 

$t(|r9aJ)C  vt  advise,  connsel.  -raa'beltg  a  ad- 
visable.    -roabelfe  c  advice,  counsel. 

SilroobS'  ado:  fperge  _  consult,  ask  advice  of. 

Silrafte  vt  p  (tilfmubfe)  befoul,  dirty;  (mi§« 
l^anble)  damage,  spoil;  Jlg  abuse,  run  down. 

3:t(ranc  fig  vr  seize  on,  possess  one's  self  of, 
usurp.    -Ife  c  usurpation. 

Æiirc'bc  adv  ready,  in  readiness. 

Silrebe  vt  prepare,  make  ready;  (fie^anble) 
treat;  tibe  tilrebt  roughly  håndled  el.  treated; 
badly  damaged, 

S^tlrcbcn  a  (om  $eft)  trained,  broken  (in). 

Sitrebning  c  preparation,  an-angement. 

£{({ regne  vt  impute,  attribute,  ascribe,  (en  nt 
st  to  one),  set  down  to  one's  account.  -reg'ne> 
Ug  a  imputable,  (om  <l5erfon)  accountable.  -reg'tte= 
liglteb  c  imputableness;  accountableness,  aecoun- 
tability.    -rcgnelfe  imputation. 

Silrejfe  c  fe  ^enrejfe.  -nbe  a  (passenger)  ar- 
riving;  oar  tommen  _  had  arrived;  jeg  føgte  f)an8 
Slaon  blanbt  be  _  I  looked  for  his  name  among 
the  arrivals. 

Silret'tc  adv  aright;  fætte,  lægge  noget  _  set, 
put  something  to  rights,  adjust,  arrange,  (igen) 
rearrange;  fætte  ftg  -  seat  one's  self  comfort- 
ably;  Bife  en  -  direct  one,  give  one  directions; 
fe  -Bife;  jeg  ton  ifte  tomme  _  meb  fiam  I  can't 
come  to  an  understanding  with  him;  Iijoelpe  - 
set  right;  tafe  en  ~,  tale  fig  _  meb  en  make  one 
listen  to  reason,  reason  with  oue;  finbe  fig  ~  see 
one's  way.  2:ilrettc|(ctggc  vt  arrange  (conve- 
niently),  set  out,  marshal.  -loeggetfe  (conve- 
nient)  arrangement.  -Uife  vt  reprimand,  rebuke. 
-l>i?ntng  c  -er  reprimand,  rebuke,  wigging. 

Xilribe  vt  (en  |)eft)  break,  train  (a  horse). 

Silrigjge  vt  rig.  -ning  c-,  ben  er  unber  _  she 
is  being  rigged. 

!£i(rtite  fig  vr  seize  upon,  usurp,  engross. 

2;tIro'r8  fe  Kor. 

Sitrufte,  Silruftntng  fe  Ubrufte. 

2;i(r>jge,  -rage  vt  make  smoky;  bet  fmutte  S3e= 
troet  er  gonfte  -t  the  fine  hangings  are  quite 
smoke-stained,    smoky;    _    et    aJlerftumSpibe^oBeb 

season  a  meerschaum-bowl;  _  et  (alminbeligt) 
*lJt6e^0Beb  coat  (the  inside  of)  the  bowl  of  ( 
pipe  by  smoking. 

Silfåa  vt  sow  (a  field).    -ning  c  sowing. 

Xtlfagn  n,  pi  =,  promise. 

Silfalgå'  fe  ©olg. 

Slilfam'men  adv  together,  in  all;  betwee 
them.  -f«je  vt  bibl  ^Bab  ®ub  ^ar  t,  ffal  TOenre 
ftet  iJfe  abftilte  what  God  hath  joined  togetha 
let  no  man  put  asunder.  -tagen  a  aggregat^ 
-taget  adv  altogether,  in  the  aggregate. 

*Xilfnmfc  vt  fit  together. 

Slillfanbe  vi  get  sanded  u.:>,  blocked  up  wilS 
sand;  -t  a  sanded  up,  silted  up,  -fanbingf 
being  sanded  up. 

tiWati  fe  Silfætning. 

3;ilfc  vt  look  to,  attend  to,  inspect;  supa 

S:tl|fcjleabc  a  saillng  up.  -fejIS'  adv  und« 
canvas,  under  way. 

2!ilfeHb|e  »i  send,  transmit,  forward  (to),  -el' 
c  sending  etc,  transmission. 

2;i(fengS'  adv.  gaa  _  go  to  bed;  ligge  _  be  i 

2;i(fi'bc  ado  aside,  on  one  side,  out  of  ti 
way.  -h-tægge  vt  lay  aside.  -fætte  »f^set  el.  la 
aside;  (en)  pass  fone)  by,  neglect  el.  slight  (one 
put  (one)  in  the  background;  ^an  -fatte  ben  a 
minbelige  Jpeftig^eb  he  neglected  common  poli 
ness.  -fættelfc  c  setting  aside;  passing  by,  i 
glect,  slight;  bet  bar  ganfte  Bift  en  -  af  2)em 
tainly  he  slighted  yoii;  meb  _  af  to  the  negl© 
of,  in  violation  of 

Silflbft'  ado  at  last,  at  length;  (oeb  Dpregnj 
lastly,  flnally;  (i  Orunben)  after  all. 

»Xiiftg  n  afflux  (of  water). 

Sillflge  vt  (loBe)  promise;  (befale  at  mobe)  su; 
mon,  order  to  attend;  funb  Wennefteforftonb  fpm 
at  _  common  sense  seems  to  suggest;  ^Di§  bl 
fjærte  -r  big  if  you  find  it  in  your  heart.  -flgct 
c  suramons,  order  to  attend;  fe  ogfaa  'Jilfag; 
-ftgclfeåbretJ  written  summons  el.  order  to 

Stiftgte  vt  intend,  aim  at;  bet  -be  ISjemeb  t 
object  aimed  at. 

Stllftfre  vt  (en  nt)  secure  (st  to  el.  for  on 
($enge)  settle  st  upon  one.  -fltring  c  securi 

Xtlftnbå'  adv  disposed  fe  ©inb. 

!ti(ffa'bcfomtnen  a  hurt,  injured,  wounded, 

2:ilffam'me  adv.  gøre  _  abash,  shame,  put 

SilftibS'  adv  on  shipboard,  onboard  ship. 

Silftifte  vt  allot  to  one  (out  of  an  inheritance); 
+  -  fig,  fe  2;il6t)tte  fig. 

2:itffitfc  vt  fe  Silfenbe,  (beftemme,  gioe  en  til  2ob) 
dispense,  destiue,  allot.  -Ife  c  -r  dispensation 
(of  providence). 

S:tl|ffrift  c  written  communication.  -ftriue  vt 
(ftrioe  til)  write  to;  (tillægge,  gioe  ©ttjlb  for)  attri- 
bute, ascribe,  set  down,  impute  (st  to  one);  er 
ot  -  is  attributable  to;  _  fig  ©ejren  claim  the 

Silftrnc  vt  screw  on;  screw  down. 

2;ilftub.ra,  pi  =,  (SStbrag)  contribution;  (af  bet 
Offentlige)  subsidy,  grant;  tjan  l)ar  gjort  et  ntjt  ~ 
af  20  Sr.  he  has  paid  an  additional  sum  of 
twenty  er.;  fian  foar  et  aarltgt  _  af  100  Kr.  he  re- 
ceives  an  annual  sum,  grant  el.  gift  of  100  er. 
in  aid. 

Slilfftt'e  ado  fe  ©tue  n. 

2:ilftner  c  -e  spectator,  beholder,  lookeron, 
on  looker;  t)an  Bar  tun  _  he  was  a  mere  spec- 
tator; -ne  Xf^ya.  Somebien  the  audience  at  the 
theatre.  -bæntc  ri  -seats  of  the  theatre.  %\i- 
ftnerinbe  c  -r  spectatress.     Silftuervlflbfcn  the 




auditory,  the  auditorium,  the  audience  part  el. 
portion  of  the  theatre,  the  house. 

Silftqbe  vt  contribute,  add. 

Silflqne  vt  wash  ashore,  deposit. 
.  ^illflqnbe  vt  prompt,  incite,  stir  up;  -nbe  a 
promptiug  etc,  iaceatlve.  -^Dnbelfe  c  -r  in- 
citament, incentive,  prompting,  stimulus;  af 
egen  _  of  one's  own  accord;  Jpaa  ~  af|at  the  in- 
stanee  of.  •ftljnber  c  -e  prompter,  inciter,  insti- 

Si(|flare  vt  cut  out.  -flaret,  -ffærerfle  c  fa- 
shioner,  cutter-out.  -flæretfiorb  cutting  board. 
-flærerlnio  paring-knife.  •ftærerfatS  tailor's 
scissors.    -ftæring  c  cutting  out. 

!ti(flær^e  vt  whet,  sharpen  at  the  point. 

Stlflebie  vt  convey  (en  nt  st  to  one).  -«i«9 
c  conveyance. 

SillJIaa  vt  knock  down  (at  an  auction).  -flag 
n  knockiug  down  etc;  (oeb  ©meltning)  flux 
(-powder).  -flager  c  -e  hammer-man.  -flag= 
l^ammcr  two-handed  hammer. 

+j;tlfleffe  fig  vr  obtain  by  flattery  el.  cajolery. 

2;iljliblc  vt  sharpen.    -«tng  c  sharpening. 

Stlfftttttng  c  silting. 

Xtljflutning  c  accession,  voluntary  submission 
and  uniou,  sympathy,  adhesion,  response;  (2uf= 
ning)  shuttiug.    -flutte  vt  shut. 

2:tlflænge  vt  throw  el   fling  to. 

Stlfl«r|e  vt  veil;  fig  veil,  gloss  over.  -ing  c 

Xilfmigre  fig  i""  acquire  by  flattery. 

Silfmilc  vt  smile  upon;  _  en  S?ifalb  smile 
approvingly  to  one;  i)an  -be  mig  SSifalb  he  smiled 
his  approbation. 

Xitfmubfe  vt  soil,  dirty. 

Silfmatle  vt  besmear,  bedaub;  fe  Silfmubfe. 
-ing  c  besmearing  etc. 

♦Xilfnoale  Tig-  fe  SCilfnige  fig. 

Xitfnaofe  vt  soil,  dirty. 

Sitfne  vt  cover  up  with  snow,  snow  up. 

3:i(fnige  fig  vr  obtain  fraudulently,  surrep- 
titiously,  obtain  by  underhånd  practices.  -Ife  c 
fraudulent  acquisition,  surreption. 

2:ilfnit  n  cutting  out;  cut,  form,  guise. 

2:i(fni)be  fg  v  obtain  by  fraud. 

Silfn^Cte  ug  «"■  obtain  by  parasitical  arts, 

2:Ufnec|e  vt  lace  together  el.  up;  _  Struben 
paa  en  strangle  one.    -ing  lacing  etc. 

2:i(|fyibfe  vt  sharpen  at  the  point,  point  (ogf. 
fio),  taper;  -fp  ibfet  a  (ogf.  ./ip)  pointed.  -ffiibS- 
ning  c  pointing;  taper. 

Sil  i  f  pigre  et  nail  up.    -fpigring  c  nailing  up. 

tU^piWe  adv  fe  Spilb,  Spilbe  c. 

2:tlf pille  fig  vr  gain  by  play  el.  gaming. 

Silfptld'  adv  J,:  tafte  -  bring  to  the  capstan 
el.  windlass. 

*XiIfprang  n  run,  fe  liHab. 

2:i(fprøjtet  a  bespattered. 

Silfpunfe  vt  buug  up. 

Silfpq  vt  bespew. 

XiiipttiU  vt  bespit. 

S^ilfpteble  vt  add,  superadd,  mix  with.  -ning 
c  adding  etc,  addition,  admixture. 

Silfpærire  vt  bar,  barricade.  -ring  c  barring 

Silfpørgje  vt  question,  ask  a  question.  -fet  c 
questioning,  interrogating. 

3:i(ftaa  vt  (belenbe)  confess;  (debgaa)  admit, 
own;  (beoilge)  grant,  accord  to;  gorbrQberen  f)ax 
-t  the  criminal  has  confessed;  jeg  -r,  ot  jeg  ilfe 
fer  inbfaa  bet  rigtige  beri  I  own  that  I  did  not 
see  the  truth  of  it  before;  jeg  -r,  at  feg  er  træt 
I  confess  that  I  am  tired  el.  I  confess  to  being 
tired;  bet  moa  leg  -!  upon  my  word!  in  all 
coiiscience!  _  $rioilegt«r  grant  privileges.    -clfe 

aarfen:  S)onff=@ngelft  Crbbog. 

c  -r  confession;  admittance;  (gnbrømmelfe;  93e= 
biding)  concession;  (af  SRobtagelfe)  acknowledg- 

Silftanb  c  state,  condition;  i  ben  _  at  in  a 
State  to;  i  eu  baarlig,  ftem  -  in  a  bad  way,  case 
el.  plight. 

Silftebe  [æ]  vt  allow,  grant. 

Silfte'be  [æ[  adv  at  hånd,  present;  tomme  _ 
(igen)  come  back,  return;  be  found,  come  to 
rights;  ©oftoren  tom  ^urtig  _  the  doctor  was 
promptly  in  attendance;  tixte  ~  be  by,  be  at 
home,  (for^aonben)  be  forth-coming:  ber  er  ingen 
gare  _  there  i.i  no  danger.  -lontft  c  arrival; 

!titfte'belig  [æ]  o  allowable,  permissible.  -fteb 
c  allowableness.  Silftebelfe  c  allowance,  grant, 

2:ilfte'bc|u«relfe,  -bæren  c  presence.  -bæcenbe 
a  pre.sent;  in  attendance;  en  af  be  -  ^errer  one 
of  the  gentlemen  present;  be  _  the  company; 
ber  tan  naturligbtS  itfe  bære  STale  om  be  _  the 
present  company  always  excepted. 

♦Silftelning  c  -er  arrangement. 

Silftitlc  vt  slip  into  one's  hånd. 

Siipillle  vt  remit,  send,  hånd,  wait  upon  one 
with     -ling  c  remitting. 

3;i(ftimlenbe  vart  crowding  in 

Silftjoele  fig  vr  fnoget)  take  (a  thing)  by  theft, 
purloin,  .steal  (a  thing). 

j;iIftD'Iå  adv  fe  Stol. 

2:i(fiop|pe  vt  stop  up,  fill  up,  plug  up;  choke 
up.    -ning  c  stopping  etc. 

+2:ilftribe  Hg,  fe  Xiltæmce  ftg. 

-i-Silftr^ge  c«:  tilftrtig  bereS  jZ)ine  6t6i  shut  their 

Stlftræbe  vt  aim  at,  aspire  to. 

SillftrocKe  vi  sufflce.  -ftraf'felig  a  suificieat, 
adequate.  -ftrc!'!elig{|eb  c  sufficiency,  adequacy. 

Silftrømlme  vi  pour  in,  rush  in;  vt  pour  in 
upon;  -menbe  vart  k  a  aflfluent;  bet  |eftigt  _ 
SBanb  the  violent  flow  of  water;  ben  -  ?folfe= 
maife  f^lbte  fnart  ^ufet  the  house  was  soon  fllled 
bv  the  crowd  of  people  rushing  into  it.  -ning  c 
afflux,  affluxion,  influx;  faf  golt)  concourse. 

S:ilftubfie  vt  trim.    -ning  c  trimming. 

Xiiftunbenbe  a  approaching. 

2:ilftutie  vt  stow  fuU. 

2:i(ftffnge  vt  shut,  lock,  fasten,  bar. 

%WHavAt  vt  bespatter. 

Sillftab  n  mishap,  reverse.  -fKbe  vt  k  i 
happen,  befall;  ber  maa  bære  -bt  ^am  et  U^elb  he 
must  have  met  with  some  accident,  -ftøbenbe 
a  adjacent,  adjoining;  (Dmftænbtg^eb)  unforeseen, 

2;tlft«ue  vt  cover  with  dust. 

ttilfublc  vt  soil,  defile,  dirty,  foul. 

Sitlfoar  n:  paa  eget  9tn=  og  _  at  one's  own 
peril.  -fbttre  vt  answer  to.  -fbarcnbc  a  corre- 
sponding,  to  correspond,  parallel,  fellow,  to 
match;  proportionate;  t  _  ®rob  correspond- 

S;ilf»ine  vt  soil,  dirty,  foul;  _  Ttfl  soil  el.  dirty 
one's  self,  make  a  mess  of  one's  self. 

2:i(fø»rge  vt  swear  to;  be  tilfoor  ^tnanben  ebig 
2:rof(ab  they  swore  each  other  eternal  fldelity. 
-Ife  c  swearing. 

Sitfti  vt  sew  on  el.  up. 

Xilfon  n  inspection,  superintendence,  care, 
supervision;  ^aoe  _  meb  see  to,  look  after. 

Silfq'ne  adv  in  sight;  tomme  _,  labe  fig  - 
appear,  come  to  light,  ^.  OQr,  Hanterne)  open 
out;  tomme  _  igen  reappear.  -totnft,  -labelfe  c 
appearance;  phenomenon.  -labenbe  a  apparent, 
seeming,  ostensible;  adv  apparently  etc. 

XitfQning  c  sewing  on,  sewing  up. 

XilfqnS  cmbebe   bibl  bishopric.     -^abenbe   a 





in  charge;  c  superintendent.  -fommiSflon  board 
of  inspectors.  -manb  inspector,  surveyor,  super- 
visor, superintendent,  caretaker.  -ttærgc  guardian 
for  absent  heirs. 

Stifætlte  vt  (tilføje)  put  to,  add;  (om  2fortni:e) 
lose;  squander  away;  J:,  (Sejl)  set  (sall);  tiljcet 
flere  Sejl  clap  more  sails  on  her;  _  Sagerne 
(®mp.)  tighten  up  the  bearings;  _  £it)ct  perish, 
lose  one's  life.  -ning  c  er  addition,  admixture, 
alloy  (oHe  ogf.  fig)\  loss;  J^  setting  (of  sail), 
making  (sail);  legne  -en  (Simj).)  slack  the  bear- 

$ilfale  vt  soil,  dirty. 

Silfamme  vt  nail  up. 

2^tlf«8'  adv.  bære  -  be  at  sea;  qaa,  fore  _  go 
to  sea:  rejfe  _  og  tiEanb?  go  by  water  and  by 
land;  fe  Sø. 

tiUaa'U  adv  fe  %aa1.  n. 

'■'tiUttQ  n  energy,  enterprise. 

Si(|tage  vr  fig  assume  (to  one's  self);  ri  in- 
crea^e,  grow;  _  i  9tlher  grow  older;  _  i  SStibom 
grow  wiser;  _  i  Kræfter  gain  strength ,  get 
stronger;  -tagenbe  a  increasing  ete.;  her  cres- 
cent,  increscent;  ben  nbe  SfJloane  the  increasing 
moon,  the  crescent;  ben  til=  og  aftagenbe  9J?oane 
the  waxing  and  the  waning  moon.  -tagen  c, 
•tagenbe  n  increase;  »ære  i  _  be  on  the  in- 

Siltal'fc  adv:  tage  -  put  up  with,  be  satisfied 
with;  toge  _  (meb  i)bob  ^ufet  fotntoar)  take  pot 
-luck,  bu  moa  toge  -  you  must  do  as  we  do. 

2liltal|(e  vt  rig.    -Ung  c  rigging. 

'tiltale  vt  accost,  address,  (en  SKængbe)  ha- 
rangue;  jur  proseeute,  sue;  Jig  attrået;  commend, 
recommend  el.  approve  itself  to;;  Bære  -It  for  be 
el.  stand  accused  of;  (ben)  -te  the  aceused,  the 
defendant;  bet  -r  mig  ifte  I  don't  fancy  el.  like 
it,  it  does  not  take  my  fancy,  does  not  com- 
mend itself  to  me;  føle  fig  -It  of  take  kindly  to; 

nbe  a  pleasing,   pleasant,  winning,   taking, 

engaging,  sympathetic;  libet  -  unsympathetic. 
Stltale  c  address,  jur  prosecution;  fion  er  fat 
unber  ~  an  action  has  been  brought  against 
him;  iian  ^or  oæret  unber  -  for  galff  he  has  been 
prosecuted  for  forgery;  fion  er  Bleoen  frifunben 
for  eibere  -  he  has  been  acquitted  for  want  of 
evidence,  there  was  a  verdict  of  Not  Proven; 
gibe  en  Sbor  paa  ~  give  one  tit  for  tat,  return 
the  compliment. 

S^ilteftatnentcre  vt  bequeath  to. 

2:ilttgge  fig  vr  obtain  by  begging. 

Xiltinge  fig  vr  negotiate. 

StUorbne  vt  cry  to  one  with  a  thundering 

2;tUDr»)8'  fe  Sorb. 

S:iltro«tVe  vt  trample  (down). 

XiUrD  vt  (en)  give  one  credit  for;  jeg  -r  ^om 
olt  gobt  I  expect  nothing  but  good  from  him; 
en  foobon  Dnbffob  funbe  jeg  itte  _  ftom  I  could 
never  have  suspected  him  of  such  malice;  -  fig 
ot  feel  confident  of,  make  sure  of.  !£iltra  c 
confldence,  trust,  faith;  finbe  _  find  credence; 
^Qbe  _  til  plaee  (one's)  confldence  in,  put  one's 
trust  in;  man  !an  iffe  |ab£  ~  til  ^am  he  is  not  to 
be  relied  on;  jeg  \ox  ingen  ftjnberlig  _  tit  "^om  I 
entertain  no  very  high  opinion  of  him. 

Sllltrobfe  fig  vr  obtain  by  threats,  bully  (one) 

S:ittrnmfc  fig  b.  '. 

!£ilttt)gle  fig  vr  obtain  by  importunate  solicita- 
tion el.  begging. 

Sillræbc  vt  (et  ©mBebe,  9Jrb)  step  into,  enter 
upon;  (et  gorbunb,  Qnterelfentftob)  enter  into, 
join;  (TOening,  ?)tring)  .subscribe  to,  agree  with; 
-  en  SKejfe  set  out  upon,  start  on,  proceed  on, 
begin,  a  journey  el.  voyage;  _  et  Sorflag  seeond 

a  motion;  fom  fon  -8  ftrafg  with  immediate  pos- 
session;  ben  -nbe  (S3eftt)rer  ofb.)  the  succeedin)r 
(manager  etc);  -nbe  £ubf!ri6enter  intending  sub- 
scribers.  -Ife  c  (af  (SmBcbe,  ®ob§  ofb.)  steppinjr 
into,  entering  on  el.  upon;  (til  Sronen)  acces 
sion  (to  the  throne);  (of  en  SRejfe)  .setting  out 
beb  9trben8  _  on  (the)  taking  possession  of  thi 
inheritance.  —  2liItræbetfe8]gUbe  admission  din 
ner.  -(iræbilen  inaugural  sermon,  entranc( 
-set mon.    -tole  inaugural  address. 

%\\\\.X«,\\t  vt  attrået;  (93(anter)  raise;  _  fig  v; 
attrået,  draw  upon  et.  to  one's  self  -trætfeifig  ' 
attractable.  •triettelig^eb  c  attractability.  -træ! 
fenbe  a  attractive;  _  firoft  attractive  force;  |uti 
^or  et  meget  _  SSæfen  she  has  very  engaging 
manners.  -træfning  c  attraction;  raising.  -ningé 
Iraft  c  attractive  force  el.  energy,  (ogf.  jig) 
(power  of)  attraction,  jig  charm. 

Siltrienge  vt  need,  stand  in  need  of. 

•t-Siltrænge  fig  vr  obtain  by  violent  meani 
arrogate  to  one's  self,  usurp. 

Siltnffc  rig,  fe  Jilbtjtte  fig, 

Si(tt)ingc  fig  vr  obtain  by  force,  force;  ^i 
tiltbong  Rg  93ogen  he  forced  the  book  from  mi 

S;iltæl|ie  vt  count  out  to  one.  -ling  c  coun 
ing  out  etc. 

Siltænfe  vt  intend  for;  +  fe  Siltro. 

StldonbS'  adv  by  water,  fe  SRibe;  SrigSmogten 
tiHanbS  og  _  the  Army  and  the  Navy;  bort  fionbS 
f^orfbor  tiDanbS  og  _  the  defence  of  our  country 
ashore  and  afloat;  gorbtnbelfen  -  the  water-com- 

2;tltiant  a  habitual,  accustomed;  bet  -e  one's 
old  habits;  the  old  groove. 

2;i(tiete  vt  weigh  out  to  one. 

Siluei'c  adv:  bringe,  ftaffe  -  procure.  -Bringe 
procure,  provide;  (^enge)  raise;  (bringe  iftonb) 
effect,  bring  about;  _  Crben  restore  order.  -Iirin- 
gclfc  c  procuring  etc,  procurement;  restoration. 

S;ilt)ejr§'  adv  J>  aloft. 

^ilbefåle  fig  vr  (f.  ®t§.  ®ulb  for  Sølb)  (ex)chang 
(silver)  for  (gold). 

S;il»enbc  vt  procure,  (en  nt  st  for  one);  ■-  « 
fig  acquire  el.  obtain  by  underhånd  meani 
contrive  to  get  possession  of,  appropriate  t 
one's  self.    -If«  c  appropriation. 

Stltienftre  adv  to  the  left;  on  theleft(hand] 
wil  fe  -!  eyes  left! 

SilOifte  vt  waft  to;  -be  tjam  mit  gorbel  wave 
my  handkerchief  to  him. 

SitOinbe  fig  vr  gain,  win.    -Ife  c  galning  ett 

Xilbinte  vt  nod  to;  _  en  Sifalb  nod  approbs 
tion  to  one. 

Silttirlle  vt  manufacture;  -  Slæbe  of  Ulb  e 
SSomulb  work  wool  el.  cotton  into  cloth.    -ning 
c  manufacture. 

Siltiiå'fc  adv  certainly,  assuredly. 

Sitoogné'  adv  by  carriage.  driving. 

S^tfbofSenbe  a  increasing;  ben  -  Ungbom  the 
rising  generation. 

Xtlortfte  fig  vr  gain,  obtain'«<by  force);  ^on  -be 
fig  ^rifcn  he  carried,  won  the  prize. 

S;tlt»æbå'  adv:  floa  -  lay  a  wager;  jeg  bil  flai 
_  meb  btg  om  t)bab  bet  ftol  Ⱦre  I  will  bet  yoi 
any  sum. 

iilbæfét  c  increase,  augmentation,  accessio; 

Xtluænne  vt  habituate,  inure,  accustom 
tilbont  a  fe  obenfor. 

Sillbærclfc  (+-»)ær  c  &  n)  c  existence,  being; 
Sdmpen  for  -n,  2:iI»æreIfc§|fonH)en  the  struggle 
for  existence.  -loU  law  of  existence.  -tilftonb 
State  of  being.  2;t(oæren  c  being.  Siltiærcnbe 
o  existing,  existent. 

SiluærfS'  adv:  goo  _  go  about  it. 

Stlægt'c  adv  fe  ^gte. 





XU  et9e  vt  fe  5rilt)ugge. 

!Ji('«nffe  vt  wish;  jeg  -r  ®em  'alt  muligt  ^elb 
I  wish  you  every  success. 

Sirnbal  c  raised  pie. 

'timt  c  -r  hour;  (UnbertitSningSO  lesson;  paa  en 
_  in  an  honr;  caa  -n  immediately;  om  en  -  in 
an  hour;  om  en  -S  %it  in  an  hour  or  so;  for  en 
_  fiben  an  hour  ago;  jeg  Benter  Ijam  ^Ber  _  I  expect 
him  hourly;  fiBer  _  faa  ®agen  every  hour  in  the 
day;  iiani  _  er  flaaet  his  hour  is  come;  -r  igen= 
nem,  5ele  -r  for  hours;  tage  -r  ^o§  take  lessons 
from,  of  el.  with;  fe  Sebtg.  Sime| betaling  pay 
for  the  hour.  -bræt  hour-dial.  -b«n  hourly 
prayer.  •cirttl  ast  liorary  circle,  hour-circle. 
•g(aS  hour-glass,  saud-glass.  -bjul  hour-wheel 
of  a  watch,  count-wheel.  -flotte  clock  that 
strikes  the  hour.  -tarfel;  for  _  when  hired 
by  time.  -lang  a  f.  ®!§.  et  -t  Opljolb  a  pause 
of  an  hour;  e  laler,  ^Uræbitener  ofB.  speeches, 
sermous  that  last  for  hours;  ^olbe  -e  Sjaler 
speak  for  hours.  Simelig  a  temporal;  bet  -e 
things  temporal;  forlabe  bet  -c  depart  this  life. 
Stmeltgbeb  c  temporal  existence.  Simellinie 
hour-Iine  on  a  sun-dial.  -tærer  private  teacher, 
teafher  who  gives  lessons  by  the  hour.  -løn  fe 
-fietaling.  ^ime§  vd  happen,  befall.  Simejflag 
hour-stroke  (on  the  clock).  -itot  sun-dial.  -tabel 
table  of  lessons,  time-table.  -tol:  i  -.  fe  -tiiS. 
-tatile  fe  -tabel,  -unbertiidning  instruction,  teach- 
ing  by  the  hour.  -J)i§  adv  by  the  hour;  i  _  for 
hours  (together).  -ointel  ast  horary  angle,  hour 
-angle,    -»ifer  hour-hand. 

timian  c  thyme,  Thymw  vulgarig;  Bilb  _  wild 
th>Tne,  mother  of  thyme,  T.  »erpyllum. 

^imotbe}'  c  tim'otiiyf-grass),  herds-grass,  cat's 
-tail-grass,  Phleum  pratense.     -grceS  b.  f. 

%imo  ttttué  Tim'othy,  Tim. 

Simur  Timour. 

Sin'  n  (rent)  tin;  (blonbet  meb  S3IQ  og  anbre 
WetflHer)  pewter. 

Sinantu  c  tin'amus,  tinamou. 

Sin'lafte  oxide  of  tin,  tin-putty.  -bitlorib 
stannous  chloride.  -blab  tinfoil.  -blif  tin-plate. 
•bæger  tin-  el.  pewter-cup.    -baafe  tin-box. 

%xnb,  tintt  c  -r  (5iælb=)  peak,  (ogf.  Jig)  sum- 
mit, pinnacle;  fig  acme;  (paa  Wvir,  Zaaxnj  battle- 
ment  (of  a  tower  el.  wall);  (i  ^arB  el.  5RiBe) 
tooth,  tine.  *5llnbe  vt  tooth  (a  rake).  S^inbe^ 
beftiger  Alpine  climber.  Xinbtng  c  bibl;  paa  -n 
af  3:emplet  on  a  pinnacle  of  the  temple. 

Xinbing  c  -er  temple.  —  2;tnbinge|ben  temporal 
el.  temple  bone.  -fjaar  hair  on  the  temples. 
-bule  temporal  fo.sse.  -ntnftet  temporal  muscle. 
2:inbingé^u(Saare  temporal  artery. 

2:inbre  vi  sparkle,  twinkle;  -nbe  a  sparkling 
etc;  F  -  gal  in  a  towering  rage.  Slinbren  c 

^Sinboeb  c  fe  Xibfe. 

Sine  c  -r  a  kind  of  round  wooden  box  el. 

*2;ine  vt  &  »'  thaw. 

♦Sine  vt  (sB^g)  hummel. 

Sin  lertd  tin-ore.  -fab  pewter-dish.  -ftt  tin 
-file.  -filfpaan  tin-filings,  -folie  fe  -blob.  -fflr« 
ilfe  fe  -ojtjbul.    -førenbe  «  tin-bearing. 

Sing  c,  pi  =,  thing;  ben  i+tet)  lille  næSBife  - 
the  pert  little  hnssy;  ^an  fiar  flet  ingen  -  he  has 
got  nothing  at  all;  blanb  bu  big  ilte  i  anbre§  _ 
don't  you  meddle  in  what  does  not  concern  you; 
bBab  ber  gjorbe  en  enbnu  Boerre  to  make  matters 
worse;  fian  forftaar  fig  libt  paa  mange  _,  men  fan 
intet  tilgoBn?  he  is  Jack  of  all  trådes  and  master 
of  none;  fremfor  alle  -  above  all;  bet  Bar  ftore  _ 
ot  it  was  a  grand  thing  to;  it  was  a  wonder 
that;  ftan  i)at  ftore  -  i  Sinbe  he  forms  great 
•  mes;  BaSfe  fine  _  mind  one's  business;  ben  _ 

that;  -ene  (i  9llm.)  things;  -eneS  Siilftanb  the  state 
of  things. 

Sing  n,  pi  =  (Steb,  ^Bor  SRet  bolbeS)  court, 
assize;  teyre;  (repr.  iJorfantl.)  hou.«e;  ^olbe  -  ad- 
minister  justice;  paa  -e  in  court;  in  parliament. 
Singlbog  minutes  of  assize.  -bub  summons  to 
an  assize  -bag  assize-day.  -folt  those  who 
meet  at  an  assize.  -freb  peace  established  at 
assizes.  -^olb  holding  of  assizes.  -bu§  assize 
-house,  hall  of  justice.  '-lag  circuit.  -l^fe, 
-læfe  vt  publish  el.  proclaim  at  an  assize,  register, 
record  (in  the  register  of  mortgages),  file.  -H8= 
ning,  -tædning  publication  el.  proclamation  at 
an  assize,  recording.  -lædningé^rototol  register 
of  mortgages  -manb  one  who  meets  at  an 
assize.  =>-reife  circuit,  teyre.  Singdbom  judg- 
ment  of  assize.  SingSeb  oath  taken  at  an 
a.ssize.  Singlftritier  clerk  of  a.ssize.  -fteb  place 
of  assize.  -ftub  pettifogger.  -ftue  justice-hall. 
SingSbibnc  extract  of  the  records  of  an  assize. 

Singc  vt  bargain,  higgle;  vt  _  i  Sære  bind 
apprentice;  _  i  Roft  put  out  to  board,  board; 
_  fig  i  åoft  5o§  board  with;  *  -  contract  el. 
bargain  for,  bespeak.    Singen  c  bargaining. 

Singeft  c  -er  F  fe  Sing.  Singtig  a  pertaining 
to  things. 

Singning  c  bargaining. 

Singrube  c  tin-mine,  stannary. 

Sing8|leje  hire  of  things.  -retten  the  Rights 
of  Things. 

Sin|i|anbe(  tin-trade.  -t|anb(er  dealer  in  tin. 
-ilte  fe  -rjljb. 

Sintat  n  tinkai. 

Sinjlalt  fe  -ofte.  -tanbe  tin  pot.  -tiS  tin 
•pyrites.  -tloriD  stannic  chloride.  -tlorQr  fe 
-biflorib.    -tnap  tin  button.    -IrnS  tin  jug. 

tSlntfmeb  c  wood  gambet,  Totantu  glureola; 
fort  _  green  gambet,  T.  ochroput. 

Sintiu'r  c  -er  tinc'ture 

Sin  I  lag  tin  deposit.  -lob,  -lobning  tin  solder. 
-Obn  furnaoe  for  smelting  tin.  -ø£t|b  stannic 
hydrate  el.  acid  -0£Qbul  stannous  oxide.  -))labe 
tin-plate.  -^»letter  (@tø6n.)tin-stains.  -rnUe  roll 
of  tin.  -rætte  shelf  for  pewterplates.  -fait  tin 
-salt,  muriate  of  tin.  -fte  pewter-spoon.  -fotbat 
tin  soldier.  -ftcn  tin-stone.  -fteber  pewterer. 
-f^re  fe  -ojtjb.  -f^reanbflbrib  stannic  oxide. 
•fl|reo£))but  stannous  hydrate.  -talterten  pewter 
-plate,  tin-plate. 

Sinte  c  -r  bladder-worm,  Cvsticercus;  pi  (^o* 
®bin)  measles.  -orm  fe  3;inte.  Sintet  a  measled, 

Sinitetratlorib  fe  -tlorib.  -t«j  pewter-ware, 

Sip'  c  -per  tip. 

Sip'olbefaber  c  great-great-grandfather. 

Sip'olbentober  c  greatgreat-grandmother. 

Si{)>unber  ten-pounder.  >))ttnbig  a  of  ten 

Sipoogn  c  tip-cart. 

Sirabc  c  -r  tirade. 

Sirall  je're  vi  skirmish;  mere  draw  accommoda- 
tion  bilis.  -j«'r  c  -er  skirmisher.  -je'rfægtnins 
c  skirmish. 

Siriltnnge  c  ^  fe  tæHingetanb. 

Siro'nift  a:  -e  92oter  Tironian  notes. 

Sirre  vt  tease,  irritate,  goad.  Sirren  c  leasing 

SirSbag  c  Tuesday;  i  -8  last  Tuesday. 

Sifa'ne  c  ptis'an. 

Sifte  vi  whisper. 

Sidbe  c  -r  bitch. 

tSilt  c  -er,  fe  *13loB-.    Sifterent  flail-strap. 

•Slftel  c  -er,  fe  Sibfet. 

Siftil'le  c  -r  F  chemise,  shift. 

Sit'  ',dv  fe  2ibt. 





XW:  lege  -  play  at  bopeep. 

'tittti  n  ten.  -f^ftentet  the  decimal  system  el. 

Xita'n  c  -er  Ti'tan.  Sito'n  n  tita'nium.  -^ol« 
big  a  titaniferous.  5;ita'JtifI  Titan'ic,  Ti'tan; 
titan'ic.  ^ita'n|j(ern  titanic  iron.  -furt  Salt 
ti'tanate.    -ftjre  titanic  acid. 

tSite  c  -r  sandpiper,  Totanu». 

•Site  c  -r  titmouse,  Parus. 

Xit'tl  c  -tier  title;  unber  _  af  under  the  title 
of.  -atl  title-slieet.  -biHebe  fe  -tobBer.  -blob 
title-leaf,  title-page.  -hoQfta\)  tvp  two-line-letter. 
-lobber  frontispiece.  -rotte  title-ctiaracter,  title 
-role,  title-part.  -febbe(  title-slip.  -f^ge  title 
-mania.    -bignet  fe  -to66er. 

3;itre'r|anoI^fe,  -metobc  c  titration. 

Xittt  vi  peep.    -leg  c  bopeep. 

Xitttlatu'r  c  titles.  Situle're  vt  title,  entitle, 
style,  name,  address,  (for  ^ett)  dub.  Situtoe'r  a 

Siur  c  -er  capercailzie,  wood-grouse,  cock  of 
the  wood,  Tetrao  urooalltis. 

2li«re  c  -r  coin  of  ten  „^re". 

tS^jabber  c,  tjabre  vi  fe  Sfabber,  flabre. 

sjal!  c  -er  ^  tjalk. 

f%iat'  n  f  tat,  pat,  rap.    Sjatte  vt  tat,  rap. 

tSjobS  c  tatter,  rag.    Sjabfet  a  tattered. 

tSjelb  n,  pi  =,  tent.  tSjelbe  vi  &  t  poet 
pitch  the  tent;  hang,  drape. 

"Sjetb  c  fe  ©tronbftobe. 

Sjene  [æ],  tje'nte,  tje'nt  vi  &  t  serve;  (fortjene) 
earn;  _  font  Stuepige  be  a  house-maid;  l^un  ntao 
ub  at  _  she  must  seek  menial  employment; 
hihl  er  tffe  tommen  for  at  labe  ftg  _,  men  for  at  ~ 
came  not  to  be  ministered  nnto,  but  to  minister; 
_  5Penge  make  money;  ber  er  noget  at  _  there  is 
money  to  be  made;  -r  gobt  has  a  good  income; 
makes  a  large  profit;  _  fit  SSrøb  earn  one's 
living,  _  libt  xxiix  en  ftitfeltg  5Dlaobe  turn  an  honest 
penny;  6an  -r  ^oS  mig  he  is  in  my  service;  tjen 
mig  i  at  .  .  .  oblige  me  by  .  .  .  el.  do  me  the 
favourto  . .  . ;  ^oormeb  fon  jeg  .  .  .  ®em?  howcan 
I  be  of  service  el.  useful  to  you?  bet  fan  jeg  tffe 
tiære  -nt  meb  that  won't  do  for  me,  that  vi^on't 
serve  my  turn;  :^an  ^ar  -nt  ftg  op  til  ®eneral  fra 
©olbat  he  has  served  up,  worked  his  vray  up, 
from  the  ranks  and  become  a  general;  _  faa  og 
faa  meget  's^OlO,  make  so  much  by;  jeg  tjente  20 
2)aler  {i^OiOi  forretningen)  I  was  20  dollars  in 
pocket;  bette  ffal  _  big  til  Slbdarfel  this  shall 
be  a  waming  to  you;  ^»ab  flaf  bet  -  til?  w^hat's 
the  use  of  that?  bet  -r  ^am  til  Unbfttjlbning  it  is 
some  excuse  for  him,  may  plead  his  excuse; 
hihl  '^bab  ber  -r  tJI  bin  greb  the  things  which 
bélong unto thy  peace;  —  tjenenbe  a:  ben  -nbe 
SlaSfe  the  menial  class;  hihl  -nbe  SJanb  minister- 
ing  spirit;  joc  en  -nbe  Slanb  a  Jack-in-offlce. 
Sjener  c  -e  (man-)servant,  footman,  groom;  lifte 
_  tiger;  StrtenS  -  minister;  StatenS  _  public 
functionary;  ærbøbigfte  _  your  servant,  your 
obedient  servant;  fom  §erren  er,  faa  er  -en  like 
master,  like  man,  bad  masters  make  bad  ser- 
vants.  —  Sjencr|arbejbe  man-servant's  work; 
menial  virork.  -bræt  fe  -fæbe.  -bragt  servant's 
dress,  livery.  -^olb  keeping  of  servants.  Sjener- 
tn'be  c  -r :  ffiereS  cerbøbige  _  your  humble  servant; 
hihl  ^erren§  _  the  handmaid  of  the  Lord. 
Sjenerltammer  servants'  room.  -tjole  livery 
-coat.  -Ian  (man-)servant's  wages.  -perfonate, 
Sjenerftab  n  domestics,  servants p^.  Sjencriffare 
host  of  servants.  -flabber  servants'  gossip.  -ftanb 
condition  of  a  servant.  -fæbe  {^ao.  en  5}ogn) 

Sjenefte  [æ]  c  -r  service;  (Sonbition)  place;  fe 
kongelig;  gøre  _  serve;  gøre  _  fom  serve  for  el. 
as,  do  duty  for;  assist  el.  offlciate  as;  gør  gob  ~ 

works  el.  answers  very  well;  gør  _  baobe  fom  .  . 
og  fom  pays  the  double  debt  of  .  .  .  and  of; 
gøre,  oife  en  en  _  do  el.  render  one  a  service 
ijil  %t  ifle  gøre  mig  ben  _  at  .  .  .  please,  do  m( 
the  favour  to  .  .  .;  tilBøb  ^am  min  ~  offered  hin 
my  services;  :^ooe  _  mil  be  on  duty;  Baoe  _  be 
hoffet  be  in  waiting;   opftge    n  (om  Xjeneftefotl 
give  waming;    tage   _    go    into    service;    tak 
service  et.  employ;  ^an  tog  -  ^o§  mig  he  entere 
my  service;  tage  _  i  peeren  go  into  the   armj 
tage  _  fom  SOlatroå  enter  the  service  as  a  sailo) 
ber    er   en   gob   _   lebtg  there  is  a  good  plac 
vacant,   ben  ene  _  er  ben  anben  oærb  one  goof 
turn  deserves  et.  asks  another;  i  -n  on  servio 
^an  er  gammel  i  -n  (om  SrigStjenefte)  he  is  an  oli 
soldier;  træbe  i  -n  enter  the  service;  ^an  er  enbn 
i  -n  he  is  still  a  soldier,  he  has  not  yet  serve 
his    time ;    i    ubenlanbff    _    on    foreign    servia 
er   i    aftttj    ~    is    on    the    active    list;    ©!t6  i 
ship   in  commission;   biet)  tagen  i  bere?  -  w 
retained  by   them;   ^bab   ftaar  til  _?   what  al 
your    commands?    what   is    for   your   servic« 
ftaar  til  -  for  is  at  the  disposal  of;  bet  ftaar  1 
S)erel  _  you  are  welcome  to  it;  jeg  er  el.  ftai 
ganfte  til  ®ere8  _  I  am  entirely  at  your  servia 
til  _    at  your   service;    uben   _   out  of  plac< 
Sjeneftelaar  pi  years  of  service,    -alber  seniority 
in  service  el.  Office,    -aniiggettber :  i  _  on  ser- 
vice,  -atteft  certificate  of  service,   -bolig  lodge. 
-breb  official  letter,     -bub  errandman.     -børn 
serving  children.    -bag  day  of  service,    -breng 
servant  lad,  boy;  *  fe  -tarl.   -fol!  servants.    -for= 
^ofb  relation(s)  of  master  and  servant.    -forret= 
ninger :  i  oigtige  _  on  important  duty.    -f orfeeif e 
breach   of  duty.     -fri  a  free   el.  exempt  from 
service,     -fri^eb  leave  (of  absence),     '"•gut  fe 
-tarl.     -beft  cavalry   el.  artillery  horse.      -iber 
zeal  in  the  service,   -tarl  man( -servant).    -!binbe 
serving-woman;    hihl   bond-woman.     -Iebtgt)eb 
vacancy.     -lifte  mil  lists.    -l«8  a  out  of  place 
el.   service,     -i-inanb  functionary.     -^ige   maid 
-servant.   -Idigt  (service)  duty;  ifølge  _  by  virtue 
of  Office,    -reglement  service  regulations.    -fag 
matter  relative  to  offlce  el.  service,   -ftribelfc  fe 
-breb.    -tib  time  of  service,     -telegram   official 
telegram.    -tQenbe  domestics,  servants  pi.    -t<§ 

Sje'niig  [æ]  a  serviceable,  useful.  -n-^eb  <■ 

Sjenft|ag'tig  a  ready  to  serve,  obliging,  help 
ful,  neighbourly;  altfor  -  offlcious,  over-officious. 
-ag'tigbeb  c  readincss  to  serve,  obligingness, 
helpfulness;  altfor  ftor  -  officiousness,  over 
-officiousnes.s.  -bqgtig  o  fit  for  service,  service- 
able, efficient,  efFective.  -bt)gtigf|eb  (service) 
efflciency.  -fær'big  fe  -ogtig.  -fær'big^eb  fe 
-agtig^eb.  -gørenbe  a  (beb  ^of,  om  3;jener  ofo.) 
in  waiting,  in  attendauce;  mil  on  duty.  -gøring 
O:  unber  -en  while  on  duty,  -babenbe  a  in 
charge,  -ibrig  a  assiduous,  indefatigable.  -ibrig* 
beb  zeal  in  the  service.  -lebig  fe  Sjenejtefri. 
Sjenfiing,  -ligt  (t  røebfør  af  Ejenefte)  by  virtue 
of  ofiice;  -Itgf  t  adv  officially,  as  in  duty  bound. 
SjenftifCQtbtg  a  owing  duty  el.  service,  in  duty 
bound;  adv  fe  -ligft.  -bitt'ig  fe  -agttg.  -tiiaig^eb 
fe  -agtigtieb. 

*S;jern  «,  pi  =,  tam,  small  lake,  merelet. 

*3;jor,  Sjore  fe  3;øjr,  %s>\xt.' 

%\ttxt  c  tar;  brænbe  _  make  tar.  Sjære  vt  tar. 
Sjærel beton  artificial  asphalt,  gas-tar.  *-br(tbe 
vt  tar.  -brænbcr  manufacturer  of  tar;  .J;,  fe 
-tugte,  -brænberi  tar-manufactory.  -bærme  dregs 
of  tar,  -galbe  tar-gall.  -grube  tar-pit.  -bolbig 
a  yielding  tar.  -bu§,  -Ij^tte  fe  -brænberi.  -fonbf 
tar-box.  -!ebe{  tar-kettle.  -!oft  tar-brush .  -tugle 
4^  logger-head.    -nettt!e  German  catch-fly,  lime 




-wort,  Lychnia  viscaria.  -Blie  coal-oil.  -osn  tar 
-kiln.  -pa)f  tarred  paper.  -(jaftiUeT  pi  pastilles 
of  tar.  -pinb  fe  -ftiHe.  -pt^  tar-bucket.  -fle 
tar-ladle.  -ftilfe  tarred  stick;  font  en  2ug  poa  en 
-  like  a  fly  in  a  tar-box.  -fæbe  tarsoap. 
Sjaret  a  tarred.  Sjareltønbe  tar-barrel.  -urt 
Lobel's  catch-fly,  Silene  Amieria;  fe  -nellife. 
-Bonb  tar-water.    -«fe  tar-ladle. 

2;i«'nt  c  -e  (meb  3}ebtorne)  thom,  thom-bush; 
(meC  Sarftome)  brier,  briar,  bramble.  —  'Sietnt\- 
bttfl  fe  Jjarn.  -fulb  a  fuU  of  thorns  and 
brambles.  -gcetbe  thorn-fence.  -^orti  bush 
-harrow.  -tiat  thom-hedge.  -trat  thicket  of 
thorns  and  briers,  -rtå  thorn-twigs,  twigs  of 
brambles.    -ftot  brier-stick. 

tSo  c  hair,  coat  (of  hair). 

•5:0  c  kind,  nature,  mettle. 

So  vt  wash. 

So  card  num  two;  en  _  (i  Sortfpil)  a  deuce; 
_  both;  _  ®Qnge  twice;  )8Iab  font  tommer  _ 
e  om  Ugen  biweekly  paper;  _  og  _  by  twos, 
two  by  two;  eet  af  _  one  of  two  things;  tlu66er 
og  ftlubbet  er  _  there  are  clubs  and  clubs;  lob 
fig  bet  iffe  ftge  _  @onge  needed  no  second 
bidding;  bet  er  faa  ftlfert  fom  at  _  og  -  er  fire  it 
is  a  dead  certainty;  bet  ftal  oi  Ⱦre  -  om  two 
can  play  at  that;  fe  9J?ening,  ©lo.  So|aartg, 
•attrå  a  biennial;  et  -t  53arn  a  child  two  vears 
old.    -artaet  a  two-armed. 

%obat'  c  tobacco;  p  the  weed;  r^ge  _  smoke; 
bruge  -  (Snuå)  take  snuflf;  firaa  -  chew  (tobacco), 
itte  en  <pibe  _  oærbt  not  worth  a  button  el. 
farthing;  iffe  fterre  enb  _  for  en  ©lilling  a  little 
dapperling.  — Sobof§|aftctobaeco-ashes.  -aOlcul- 
ture  of  tobacco,  tobacco-growing.  -blob  tobacco 
leaf  -bl^  lead-sheet.  -bob  tobacconist's  shop. 
-bonfesnuff-box.  -bamttfumesof  tobacco,  -borter 
tobacco  grower.  -b^rtning  fe  -aol.  -fabril  to- 
bacco- el.  snuft"-manufactory.  -fabritation  to- 
bacco-manufacture.  -^anbel  tobacco-trade,  to- 
bacconist's shop.  -^anbler  tobacconist,  dealer 
in  snuff  and  tobacco.  -I)«ft  tobacco-crop.  -tamfer 
nicotianine.  -faåfe  tobacco-box.  -f[t)fter  tobacco 
injection.  -lugt  smell  of  tobacco.  t-Jnnrl  to- 
bacco field.  -o(tc  tobacco-oil.  -^libe  tobacco 
-pipe;  tobacco-pipe  fish,  Fisttdaria  tabacaria. 
-plantage  tobaoco-plantation.  -plante  tobacco 
plant.  -))(antittng  tobacco-planting.  -))ung  to- 
bacco-pouch.  -rut,  -ruKc  roll  of  tobacco.  -r«g 
tobacco-smoke.  -t^ger,  -røger  smoker  (of  to- 
bacco), en  ftært  _  a  great  smoker.  -regning, 
•røgning  smoking,  -faft,  -fance  tobacco-juice. 
-ff^  cloud  of  tobacco-smoke.  -f))inber  tobacco- 
nist. -f<)tnberitobacco-manufactorv.  -^iHtobacco 

Solbaftfl  a  biba.slc.  *-ben:  ftaa  );>aa  ~  rear. 
-benet  a  twolegged;  et  _  ®Qr  a  biped. 

Sobl'aé  Tobias,   To'by.;  biU  Tobiah,  To'bit. 

Sobl'n  n  (Søj)  tabby. 

Xobi'§(ftff)  c  launce,  Amviodytes  tobianus. 

So'ib(abet  a  ^  two-leaved,  diphyllous;  (Snio, 
Strue)  iwo-bladed. 

Socctttegli  c  backgammon. 

XobbQ  c  toddy,  -tanbe  toddy-jug.  -ffe  toddy 
-ladle.    -bin  toddy. 

Solbert  a  bipartite;  -  latt  duple  time.  -bob= 
bcit  a  double. 

So'btentopf  [t.]  n  caput  mortuum.  So'bt> 
fi^lfiger  [t.]  c  life-preserver. 

Xo{b(cttcr  c  -e  line-of-battle  ship,  two-decker. 
-bæf§fartø)  twodecked  vessel. 

Soen  c  wa.shing. 

So  [er  c  -e  two.  -etaqtS  a  two-storied.  -fje'rbe= 
bclé  laft  time  of  two  crotchets  el.  of  two  fours. 
-fliget  a   ^  bifid.     -fløjet  o  two  winged,    -folb 

adv  doubly,    two-fold.      -folbå   a   donble,   two 
-fold.    -frøblabet  a  fe  Sofirablabet. 

Soft  c  -er  enclosed  home-field. 

Softe  c  -i  J;,  thwart. 

Softeager  c  fe  Soft. 

Softejborb  J/  fe  -ribbe,    -gong  landing  strake. 

Softejorb  c  fe  Soft. 

Softelribbe  thwartclamp,  sea-craft.  -ftreg  fe 

Sog  imp  fe  Sage. 

Sog  [ao]  n,  pi  =  (+  -e),  expedition,  march, 
progress;  procession,  array;  (fjelttog)  campaign; 
{paa  3ærnbane)  train;  blanbet  _  mixed  train;  -et 
gaar  the  train  .starts;  flutte  pg  til  -et  fall  in; 
flutte  -et  bring  up  the  rear.  Sogbcling  division 
of  the  train.  Soge  vi  march.  Sogjforfintelfe 
delay  of  the  train.  -fører  c  guard,  amr  con- 
ductor.    'peviønalt  men  attending  the  train. 

So  grenet  a  two-forked,  bifurcate. 

So'gftanbSning  [aa]  c  stopping  of  the  train. 

Sogt  n  -er  ^  cruise,  expedition;  *  fit. 

So'gtabel  [aa]  c  railway  time  tables,  list  of 

Sogte  vi  cruise. 

•  SogtebiS  adv  by  flts,  by  intervals. 

Solgqtbig  a  chem  fe  -mægtig,  -^anlct  a  two 
-håndled,  two-eared.  -fannet  a  !if  diandrous, 
diandrian.  -^cb  c  duahiy.  -^eft§  fe  -fpænbig. 
■-'•'■-hjuler  c  -e  bicycle.  -^'julet  a  twowheeled. 
-^unbrebaarébag  bicenteuary.  -i)ænbet  u  two 
-handed.  -^ænbig  a  (røufif)  for  two  hånds. 
-t|ø)be  ^1,  double  altitude. 

Soilet'  n  -ter  toi'let;  gore  _  dress,  -borb  dress- 
ing-table.  -møbel  wardrobe.  -ffrin  dressing 
-box  el.  case.  -f<)ejl  dressing-glass,  toilet-glass, 
cheval-glass.    -fæbe  soap  for  the  toilet. 

Soilinet'  n  toilinette. 

Sotammerf9f:emet  the  bicameral  system. 

Sofa^er  c  Tokay  (wine). 

Sofimblabet  a  dicotyledonous ;  be  -be  the 
dicotyledons.  ^ 

tSotte  vi  behave  like  a  fool;  _  til  noget 
blunder  upon  something.  t-ffifte  n  random 

Sottobil'je  c  backgammon. 

*Soln  [6]  c  -er  gill  (of  a  fish). 

So'trone  c  coin  of  two  „Kroner". 

Sol'  c  -le  stopper,  stoppie;  J>  (2laretol)  thole, 
pin;  fig  faa  bet  peb  i  -lene  at  a  furious  rate. 

Sotb  c  duty  (af,  paa  on);  (iJanb=,  a3ro=,  åanah, 
aSej=  og  aJJøHetolb)  toll;  -en  the  customs.  -afgifter 
customs  duties.  -angioelfe  entry  at  the  custom 
-house;  (5Dotum.)  (billof)  entry,  -anmelbelfe  entry; 
gøre  _  (for  et  ©ttb)  report,  -anorbninger  customs 
regulalions.  -oSftftentcustom-house  officer,  -baab 
custom-house  boat.  -bar  a  dutiable,  liable  el. 
subject  to  duty,  customable.  -bar^eb  liabiUty 
to  duty.  -bcljanblct  « :  -be  SSarer  goods  examined 
and  cleared.  -be^anbling  clearance.  -beffljttelfe 
protection.  -beftillingémanb  subordinate  custom 
-house  officer,  -betjent  fe  -aSfiftent.  -bob  custom 
-house,  -bobbr^ggc  custom-house  quay  (0.  p.). 
-bom  toll -bar.  -bøgerne  the  Custom-house 
books.  -be^artement  Customs  Department. 
-botumcnter  cu.stom-house  documents.  Solbe  vt 
toll;  fe  gortolbe-  SoIb{etig)>ebition  custom-house. 
-embebe  appointment  in  the  customs.  -embebS- 
manb  officer  of  the  customs.  Solber  c  -e  re- 
ceiver of  customs;  bibl  publican.  SoIb|etaten 
the  Customs.  -fag  the  customs,  custom-house  de- 
partment,  -fartøj  revenue  vessel.  -flag  custom 
-house  flag.  -forening  Customs'  League  el. 
Union,  -fortlaring  fe  -angibelfe.  -fororbning 
Customs'  order.  -for|)agter  farmer  of  the  customs. 
-forfegling  custom-house  seal.  -forøalter  receiver 
of  the  customs,  toll-gathcrer.     -fri  a  toll-free, 




duty-free;  Slonfer  ere  -  thoughts  go  el.  are  free, 
our  thoughts  are  our  own.  -fri^eb  exemption 
from  duty.  -fttttttionffr  customs'  official.  -gobt= 
gøcelfe  drawback.  -gobtgørelfedbettiS  brawback 
-certiflcate.  -grænfe  custom-bouudary.  +-^tt§  fe 
-Bob.  -inbtagter  pi  custom-house  receipts.  -in^ 
f tietMc  surveyor  of  the  customs.  -tantmer  custom 
-house;  Customs.  -tav  toll-dish.  -laSferer  Col- 
lector  of  Customs.  -Ilorerc  make  eutry  el.  clear 
at  the  custom-house.  -tlarering  (custom-house) 
clearance.  -tlorcrinflSbeuiS  clearance.  •lontor 
custom-house.  -tottttoUet  Controller  of  Customs. 
-Ir^bfct  revenue  cruiser.  -tr^bdtiæfenet  the  pre- 
ventive  service.  -lutter  revenue  cutter.  -tOit- 
tering  clearance.  -linie  customs-line.  -lotie,  -loti= 
giUning  customs'  laws,  customs'  acts.  •mattt 
custom-house  mark.  -officiattt  fe  -em6eb§manb. 
-o^gitielfe  entry  at  the  custom-house.  -o^lagS' 
fttté  bonded  el.  bonding  warehouse.  -otH)eti«rfel§' 
tietjent  receiver  of  customs.  -o^f^n :  ftoa  unbet 
_  be  placed  under  the  surveillance  of  the 
customs.  -a))ft)nSbetjent  custom  house  officer. 
■palttnS  custom -warehouse,  government  ware- 
house; fe  -oj)Iag§5u§.  -^a^irer  custom-house 
papers.  -))a8,  -^joSferfcbbel  permit.  -^erfonale 
stafif  of  customs'  officials.  -))(igtig  a  fe  -bar. 
•plombe  lead(-cocket).  -regning  custom-house 
bill.  -rcttig^eb  right  of  levying  duty.  t-riber 
mounted  revenue-officer.  -rorStarl  custom-house 
waterman.  -mUe  tarifif.  "-miert  tide-waiter. 
-fatfer  rates  of  duty.  -febbel  cocket(-card). 
-fegl  seal  of  the  custom-house,  custom-house 
seal;  fe  -plombe.  -fcgtSbrub  breaking  the  custom 
-house  seal.  -ff  ritt  er  clerkof  the  customs.  -ftation 
customs'  station,  -fteb  custom-house.  -ftem^el 
custom-house  stamp.  -ftt)relfen  the  Customs 
(Department).  -fUig  defraudation  of  the  customs. 
-tarif  tarifif  (ofduti es).  -B og t  tide-waiter.  -bifita- 
tion  the  Customs'  examination  -txegt  customs' 
weight  -bcefen  the  customs  (and  all  matters 
relative  thereunto). 

Soicbbet  a  matfi  binominal. 

SoIer|an'ce  c  toleration,  tol'erance.  -anceebitt 
edict  of  toleration.  -ant'  a  tol'eraut.  -e're  vt 

Soli  c  -e  interpreter;  fe  3?jøb6en;  i,  flt-rod;  art 
former.  2;olt|e  vt  interpret;  (ubtr^tle)  express. 
-ning  c  interpretation. 

•SoK  c  -er,  fe  ZaU. 

SoIJe  fe  Sol  i«.  Sottelgang  crow-lock.  -gangS^ 
tiampt  rowlock-chock. 

SloUetnib  c  sheath-knife;  (ftor)  dirk,  amr  bowie 

SoUellieber  leather  fiUing  of  the  rowlock. 
-tttnb(e)  thole(-pin). 

SoUerift'  P  fe  StrtiHertft. 

Sotulbalfam  c  balsam  of  Tolu.  -træ  Tolu- 
-tree,  Myroæylcm  toluiferum. 

Solb  card  num  twelve;  p  ringe  -  for  en  call  one 
over  the  coals,  read  one  a  lesson.  -aarig,  -aorS 
a  twelve  years  old.  -beling§ft)fteract  the  duodeci- 
mal system,  -ftngertarm  duodenum.  -garniSline 
twelve  thread  line.  -fannet  a  dodecandrian. 
•Runnet  a  dodecagynous,  dodecagynian.  -lont 
dodecagon.  -tantet  a  twelve-angled.  -liræbilen 
divine  service  at  noon.  -^unber  twelve-pounder. 
-tinnbig  a  of  twelve  pounds;  -  Kanon,  fe  -punber. 
-flbet  a  of  twelve  sides,  dodecahedral.  i=*-ftiKing 
coin  of  the  value  of  12  „Sttllinfl".  SolOte 
twelfth;  ben  _  januar  the  twelfth  of  January, 
January  the  twelfth;  for  bet  _  twelfthly,  in  the 
twelfth  place.  —  Solutelbel  twelfth  (part);  fem  -e 
five  twelfths.    -patt  fe  -bel. 

3o|Iøl)et  a:  _  ©tibmanbSgarn  two-yarn  spun- 
yam.    -(øliig  a:  ~  ©frue  double-thread  screw. 

%om'   [6]    a    empty,    fig    void,    (mentngSIoé) 

inane;  _  paa  empty  of;  -t  Stum  empty  place, 
void,  phj/a  vacuum;  ^an  gtf  bort  meb  -me  ^ænber 
he  went  away  empty-handed;  fpitle,  læfe  for  -me 
SJænfe  play,  read,  to  empty  benehes,  to  the 
walls;  bet  er  lutter  ~  ©nat  it  is  mere  idle  talk; 
■^anS  §o»eb  er  -t  he  is  addle-headed ;  -me  5Eønber 
bulbre  meft  empty  vessels  make  the  greatest 

SolntanbS^aanb:  paa- meb  alonewith.  -manbS^ 
ttt^ift  double-dummy,  -mafter  c  -e  twomasted 

Xoma't  c    er  tomato,  Solanum  lycapersicum. 

Sombaf  n  tombac,  pinch-beck,  Bath  metal. 

S^ombota  c  lottery,  tombola. 

%omt  c  -r  tome. 

Soml^eb  c  emptiness,  vacuity,  inanity;  (gølelfeli 
void,  vacuum.  -fjernet  a  empty-headed.  -itænbejl 
a  empty-handed. 

Samling  fe  Sumling. 

Somme  c  -r  iuch;  ^  k*  thumb.  Sommeifinged 
c  thumb,  master- finger.  Sommeli'ben  Toiq 
thumb;  fe  ®ærbefmutte. 

SommeI|Iæber  flnger-stall.  -tan  c  great  toe. 
-tot  (SBarnefpr.)  the  thumb. 

Somme|maa(    inch - measure.     -firue    thuml^ 
screw.     -fto!   inch-scale,    foot-rule,    Carpenter'! 
rule.     -fflm   one   inch  nail.     -t^f  a    one  incl( 
thick.    -»i§  ado  by  the  inch. 

tSompet  a  crack-brained,  crazy. 

*Somreb§  [6]  adv  empty. 

♦Somfet  [6J  a  fe  Sompet.  '''Somfing  c  -etg 

SomftibS  i  linien,  -mærlerne  the  light-watet 
line  el.  mark.    Somfæt  c  empty  sack. 

Somt  [*é]  c  -er  site  (of  a  building),  (ground) 
plot;  yard. 

Somtarm  c  jejunum. 

*Xomte  c  -r,  fe  9Ulfe. 

Somtegrné  n  rubbish. 

Somtrumfiben  (Smp.)  the  vacuum  side. 

Somoegtig  a  ^  didynamous;  chem  diatomic. 

Son'  c,  pi  =,  ton. 

Sonolite't  c  tonal'ity.    Sonart  fe  3;oneart. 

Sone  vt  J,  (giag)  show,  display,  fly  (the  col- 
ours);  vi  ~  frem  loom. 

Sone  c  -r  (S^b)  sound,  tone;  (9Kelobt)  tune; 
((£ftertrl)l)  accent,  emphasis;  (IJedemaabe)  ton, 
fashion;  (i  9KaIert)  tone;  mus  tone,  (musical) 
note;  ^ol«  -  semi-tone;  angitie  n  give  the  tone; 
en  9Kanb  af  gob  ~  a  wellbred  man;  bet  er  iffe  gob  « 
it  is  not  bon  ton,  not  good  form,  not  the  thing 
en  befalenbe,  ooerraftet  -  a  tone  of  command,  sur- 
prise; i  en  rolig  _  in  a  calm  (tone  ofj  voice;  ^an 
taler  i  en  ^ej  -  he  speaks  in  a  high  strain. 
Sone  vi  &  t  sound;  -nbe  a  voiced  (consouant). 
Sone|afftanb  interval,  -angioenbe  a  who  glve^ 
the  tone,  who  leads  the  fashion.  -ort  key. 
-bannctfe  intonation,  -bigt  fe  -bigtning.  -bigter 
composer,  tone-poet.  -bigtning  composition, 
tone-poem.  -falb  accent,  emphasis.  -fjer  reed.  _ 
-fornemmelfe  sen.sation  of  tone.  -fnib  a  tune-, 
ful.  -ffllbe  fulness  of  tone.  -f«lge,  -gang  succes- 
sion of  tones,  -gioenbe  a  fe  -angttjenbe.  -tijulet 
the  phouic  wheel,  -ftolb  emphasis.  -Ijul  souncl 
-hole.  -Ijejbe  pitch.  -lunft  art  of  music.  -funft>. 
ner  musician.  -f-ffab  lyric  poem.  -f«n  mode,< 
-log  accent.  -leg  music.  -lære  acoustics.  -l«j 
run  of  notes,  -maaler  tonometer.  -maleri  tone 
-plcture.  -mefter  tone -master,  -patiir  toned 
paper.  -rebffab  musical  instrument,  -rig 
souorous,  harmonious.  -ræ!te  series  el.  succesi 
sion  of  tones  -r«r  musical  tube.  -ffala  fe  -fttge. 
-ftifte  change  of  tone.  -ffratb  clangor.  -flutninø 
eadence,  accentuation,  -fprog  sound-language. 
-ftige  scale,  gamut.  -ftrøm  flow  of  melody. 
•ft^lte  piece  of  music.    -f^ftem  musical  system. 




•tean  miu  musical  note;  (®ftertr^I8t.)  accent. 
-trin  interval,  -trcefning  intonation.  -DelSIing 
fe  -ffifte.  -»(Sflt  emphasis.  -Uælt)  wealth  of 
tones,  -ttærl  je  -btgtniiig.  Sonifo  c  the  key 
•note,  the  tou'ic. 

Soning  c  wasliing. 

Soning  c  J^  looming. 

Sonift  a  ton'ic. 

%onta\btnne  tonquin-  el.  tonka-bean.  -græS 
Je  (?ulQf8.  -fomfercoumariue.  -træ  tonquin-bean 
tree,  Dipterix  odorata.    -urt  fe  ©tenfløbet 

Sonitn  n  Tonquiu.    -e'flff  a  Tonquinese. 

So'njløS  o  (om  ^nftrument)  tuneless;  (om 
©temme)  husky;  (uben  Sftertr^!)  unaccented. 
•tia^ir  fe  Sone-. 

Sonftl'  c  -lec  ton'sil. 

So'nftooclfc  c  accented  el.  tonic  syllable. 

Sonftt'r  c  ton'sure. 

Sonti'ne  c  -r  tontine. 

So'ntrqt  n  tinted  impression. 

Soogtre'biotebelS  9iobe  demi-semi-quaver ;  _ 
^Paofe  demi-semiquaver  rest. 

So^J'  interj  done!  a  bargain ! 

So^'  -pe  (6pib§)  top,  summit;  (vaa  %\xqle) 
tuft,  crest;  ^  panicle;  (til  at  lege  meb)  top,  peg- 
top; J,  (af  SRunb^oIt  of».)  head;  (af  SKaft)  mast- 
head;  (om  aSafterne,  KejSningen)  top,  rigging; 
(*ølge=)  crest;  fe  -maal;  meb  _  (paa)  heaped;  en 
-  Sufter  a  loaf  of  sugar;  fra  _  til  %aa  from  head 
to  foot,  from  top  to  toe,  from  the  crown  of  his 
head  to  the  sole  of  his  foot;  tage  en  i  -pen  take 
one  by  the  hair  el.  forelock.  So))anl>  fe  2:op<)et; 
tufted  pochard,  Fuligula  cristata. 

%9pti'^  C  -er  to'paz.  S;o^»«'é(toIt6iri)  topaz 
■throated  humming-bird,  Topaza  pella. 

So|)|bat)ian  crested  baboon.  -bibe  vt  bite  the 
top  off,  top,  crop.  -btenbfel  J^  headseizing. 
-ceHe  top-cell.  -bne  fe  Joppet.  -cnbc  top,  top 
-end,  head.  -flabe  upper  surface.  -flag  flag  at 
the  masthead.  -fornet,  -frønnet  o  withered  at 
the  top.  -fulb  a  heaped.  -gaft  fe  Zo^i--.  -Ijejre 
crested  heron,  little  egret  heron,  Ardea  gar- 
zetta.  -^oUænbere  (^lønS)  polands,  -^ne  pointed 
cap.  -^ugge  fe  -ftæwte.  -^«ne  hoazin,  Opis- 
ttiocomus  crifitatus;  fe  Soppet. 

So))inambu'r  c  Jerusalem  artichoke,  Belianthus 

2o|iiff  a  top'ic(al). 

So))|)OI(e  sheer-head  girtline,  masthead  girt- 
line,  -tanterne  masthead  light.  -lent  ^1,  lift, 
topping  lift.  -lent^blol  lift-block.  -lont  crested 
grebe,  Podiceps  criatatus.  *-lHe  fe  -^ue.  -Itsrfe 
crested  lark.  -l«å  a  without  a  tuft  el.  top. 
•ntaal  heaped  measure.  -maalt  fig  f.  ©fi.  _  3lat 
arrant  fool,  regular  el.  downright  fool;  _  ©lurf 
arch-villain,  paramount  villain,  pure  scoundrel; 
~  %æ  arch-dolt  etc.  -mejfe  topet,  crested  tit- 
mouse, Faru«  crittatug. 

So^jolgra'f  c  -er  topog'rapher.  •gcafi'  c  to- 
pog'raphy.    -gra'ftff  a  topograph'ic. 

So))|pe  «<  J, ;  _  en  fRaa,  SBom  top  (up)  a  yard, 
boom;  -be  9Rær§feit  whole  topsails;  —  vi  ~  op 
top  up;  —  vr  -  ftg  rise  in  a  crest;  —  t  toppet 
vd:  lomme  op  ot  _  p  quarrel,  fall  to  logger- 
heads;  p  -nbe  fulb  brimful;  -nbe  gal  in  a 
towering  passion.  So^i^et  a  (om  gitgle)  tufted, 
crested;  (topmaalt)  heaped;  _  Slnb,  Sne,  ^øne 
crested  duck,  pigeon,  hen. 

So))|t)UnIt  pinnacle;  math  vertex;  ast  zenith; 
fig  culminaling  point,  acme,  climax.  -ramme 
(3>mp.)  upper  frame,  -reb  ^  pendant  '-ribe 
vt  bully.  -fejl  topsail.  -feUcri  celery.  -feng 
bed  With  a  pointed  top.  2;o<>§gaft  topman. 
So))|f{arb  shag,  Fhallocrocoraj:  cristatua.  -ffub 
top-shoot.  -fnegl,  -fnælfe  turbinate  shell.  -fvi- 
renbe  a  viviparous.    -ftcctine  vt  pollard.   -fnHer 

loaf-sugar.  -furring  head  lashing.  -f»  topping 
sea.    -t«r  a  dried  at  the  top. 

So|t>unber  c  -e  two-pounder.  -))unbig,  -|>«nb3 
a  of  two  pounds'  weight;  -^junbig  ftanon  two 

So))|t)ange  J^  hounds  pi.  -bentil  head-valve. 
-bintel  vertlcal  angle,  -ttidnet,  -tiiSfen  a  with- 
ered at  the  top. 

Solrabaaret  a  f^artøj  bireme.  -råbet  a  two 
-rowed;  Oralfe)  double -breasted,  -buttoned. 

Sorbift  c  -er  scarab,  scarabee. 

Sorben  [6]  c  {+pl  -ex)  thunder;  -en  „flog  neb"  i 
Saaritet  the  tower  was  struck  by  lightning;  bet 
trætter  op  til  ~  a  thunder-storm  is  gathering. 
■fSorbenlafleber  fe  2qn=.  +-boU  fe  -file.  -brag 
crash  of  thunder.  -bub,  -bubftab  terrible  and 
unexpected  message  el.  tidings.  -bniber  rumbling 
of  thunder.  -bJjge  thunder-shower;  (paa  Soen) 
thunder-squall.  -bren  fe  -bulber.  -gnb  Thunderer. 
+-^ammer  b.  f.  f.  -file  thunder-bolt;  fe  9lattelQé. 
-leber  fe  fi^nafleber.  -Inft  heavy,  sultry  air. 
-lummer  o  sultry.  +-lflb  thundering  sound, 
t-maal  fe  -røft.  -regn  fe  -B^ge.  -rift  voice  of 
thunder.  -^abe  damage  done  by  a  thunder 
-storm,  -firalb  clap  of  thunder.  -ffrte^tte  bur- 
dock,  Arctium  lappa.  -ft^  thunder-cloud.  -ftt)lle 
fe  -b^ge.  -flag  fe  -ftralb.  -ftemme  fe  -tøft.  -ften 
thunder -stone.  -ftorra  thunder-storm.  -tale 
thundering  speech.    -uejr  thunder-storm. 

*2:orbi'»el  c  -er,  fe  Sorbift. 

Sorbne  [6]  v  impera  thunder;  bonbe  og  _  P  curse 
and  swear;  _  mob  denounce.  Sorbneren  the 

Solrebet,  -rettet  a  4,  double-reefed;  _  5IKer§fejIå= 
!uling  double-reefed  topsail  gale. 

tSorlmaaneb  c  month  of  March.  -maanebS«! 
March  beer. 

Sormentil,  c  to'rmentil,  Tormentilla  erecta. 

So'rn  c  -e  (SBebtorn)  thorn,  spine;  (SJarlt.) 
prickle,  (af  ^ærn  o.  1.)  pin,  spike;  (©meb)  triblet; 
$Pib=,  éage=  hawthorn;  ^Qben-  wild  brier;  Slijnger« 
bramble;  (poa  ©pænbe)  tongue  of  a  buckle;  bet 
er  ^am  en  _  i  Øjet  it  is  an  eye-sore  to  him,  a 
thorn  in  his  side,  obnoxious  to  him;  ingen  fRofer 
uben  -e  no  rose  without  a  thorn. 

Sorna'bo  c  -er  tornado. 

So'rublab  furze,  whin,  gorse,   Ulex  europæua. 

So'rne|buff  thom-shrub,  bramble,  brier;  bibl 
bush.  -fri  a  thornless.  -fulb  a  thorny,  prlckly, 
-gærbe  thorn-fence.  -^æt(fe)  thorn-hedge.  -Irat 
bush  el.  (tæt)  thicket  of  brambles  and  thorns. 
-Irone  crown  of  thorns.  -trone  vt  crown  with 
thorns.  -IǤ  a  thornless.  -rofe  dog-rose.  -fti 
thorny  path.  -ftrøet  a  thorny.  Sornet  a  thorny, 
prickly,  spinous.    Someoej  fe  -fti. 

So'rniflrben  fe  -øgle.  -g^oel  fe  -blob.  -iriff 
linnet,  Fringilla  cannabina. 

Sornift'er  c  &  n  -fire  knapsack. 

So'rnjroKe  thornback,  dorn,  Maja.  -ffabe, 
•■ffrife  butcher-bird,  shrike,  Laniua;  alminbelig 
(røbr^gget)  -  red-backed  shrike,  flusher,  L.  col- 
lurio;  ftor  -  sentinel  shrike,  gray  el.  cinereous 
shrike,  L.  excubitor.  -tap  spinal  process.  -tibfel 
spear  el.  bur  thistle,  Carduua  ianceotatua.  -«gle 

SoroS'  c  -fer  towering  mass  of  ice. 

tSor^)  c  -er  hamlet. 

Sor^JC'bo  c  -er  torpedo,  -boab  torpedo  boat. 
■f or)iS  torpedo  corps.  -læbe  chain  of  torpedoes. 
-ffib  t.  ship.    -bcefenet  the  torpedo  system. 

SorSbag  c  -e  Thursday;  i  -2  last  Thursday. 

Sorfio  n  c  to  rsion. 

Sorft  c  -e  cod,  codfish,  Gadua  morrhua;  f  en 
paa  -en  a  slap  in  the  face.  —  Sorffejfangft  cod 
•flshery.  -ftfier(fartøj)  codman.  -flab  fe  -munb. 
•garn   cod-seine.     -^oneb   (ogf.    om    SlcelbSorb) 




cod's  head.  -IcDer  cod-liver.  -leuertratt  cod 
liver  oil.  -ntunb  toad-flax,  butter  and  eggs, 
Linaria  vulgaris. 

Sorffen  part  fe  3;oerfte. 

3;orfte|))anbc  (SlælbSorb)  fe  -l)obeb.  -rogn  cod 

Sort  c  p  Injury,  disgrace.  %nWxt  vt  scoflf, 
mock,  scorn,  deride,  insult,  affront. 

Xortu'r  c  to'rture;  bruge  _  itnob  put  to  tor- 
ture, -lammer  torture  -  chamber.  -rebflab  in- 
strument of  torture. 

forummet  a  Sf  bilocular. 

*2:oro  c  fe  a;jøro. 

%0X)}  n  e  market,  market-place ;  til  -8  to 
market;  fig  6ringe  til  -§  produce.  tSorUC  vi 
market.  —  Soroelboti  market  -  booth.  -bonbe 
peasant  who  brings  farm-produce  to  market, 
marketer.  -bag  market-day.  -brnøer  market 
-porter,  -freb  public  security  at  markets.  -griS 
P  fe -brager.  -^aKle)  market-hall.  -fonefe-fælling. 
•furO  market-basket.  -læUing  market-woman, 
stall-woman.  -tøb  (Sø&manbftab)  purchase  (at  a 
market);  ($rt§)  market-price.  -tabe  vt  buy  at 
a  market.  -læS  market-load.  -manb  market 
-man.  -meftcr  clerk  of  the  market.  -orben 
market-regulations.  -ptnQt  market-fees.  -plabS 
market-place.  -|)rt8  market  price.  -ret  right 
of  holding  markets.  -f|»onb  raarket-pail.  -flabe 
stand  at  a  market.  -fegenbe  a  frequenting  the 
market.  -OOfltt  market-cart.  -Otcgter  policeman 
at  a  market.    'Sorbfere  vt  carry  to  market. 

So  ffaltebc  pi  bivalves. 

%oSta'n\a  n  Tus'cany.    -ff  a  Tusean. 

tSoffilting  [6]  c  coin  of  the  value  of  two 
„SfiHing";  ftinnenbe  fom  en  n^flaoet  _  bright  as 
a  new  sixpence. 

So'Iftioet  o:  _  æiot  double  block.  -^Qggebe 
SfOlI  amphiscfi,  amphiscians.  -^patttt  a  of  double 
columns,  -ftianb  double  team.  -ft^ænberfeng 
double  bed.    -f^tenbig  a  pair-horse. 

SoSfe  c  -r  fool,  booby,  ninny,  simpleton, 
blockhead.  SoSfe  vi  behave  el.  aet  like  a  fool; 
fe,  ij'ooi  t)an  gaar  og  -r  (om)!  look,  how  he  is 
fooling  about.  Soi^fejagtig  a  foolish.  -faor 
simpleton.  -fugl  fe  gule.  -glob  a  foolishly 
glad.  -gob  a  foolishly  kind.  -gob^eb  foolish 
kindness.  -^obeb  fe  3;o§fe.  S^oSfcrt'  n  -er  foolery. 
SoSfet  a  (taabelig)  foolish;  (bum)  silly,  stupid, 
idiotic;  6(ere  fig  -  ob  behave  el.  aet  like  a  fool; 
bet  er  til  at  blibe  _  ooer  it  is  enough  to  drive 
one  mad;  _  ©not  nonsense;  bet  er  flet  i!fe  faa  _ 
it  is  not  half  bad;  gør  ifte  -be  Spørggmaal  don't 
ask  foolish  questions.    -bom  a  fe  SoSfet. 

tSoft  c  (bilb  fflJerianj  organy.  Origanum  vul- 

So'IftabelfeS,  -ftobet  a  of  two  syllables,  dis- 
syllabic.  -ftabclfcéorb  dissyllable.  -ftemmig  a 
of  el.  for  two  voices.  -ftregett  a  :  -gne  C,  C  with 
two  strokes.    -fæbet,  -fæbtg  a  for  two  persons. 

Sot  c  -ter  tuft;  »fe  Saatt;  en  -  Jpør  omfring 
JRotfe^oeebet  a  head  of  flax  around  the  rock; 
tage  en  i  -ten,  fe  Sop;  tomme  i  -terne  ifaa  6tnanben 
fall  together  by  the  ears. 

Sot'  a  if  taut,  tight;  ^ale  _  haul  taut,  tighten 

Sotolfet  a  two-toothed. 

Sotai  n  (the)  number  two. 

Sota'l  a  to'tal.  -af^olben^eb  tee-totalism. 
•belob  total  amount  (o.  fl.).  -inbtr^t  general 
impression.  Sotaliter  adv  totally.  Sotalite't  c 

SotalSftjftemet  binary  el.  dyadic  arithmetic. 

Sota'Ilfum  (sum)  total,  -trl)!  gross  pressure. 
-ubfalg  general  clearance.  -oirtntng  general 

So|ttben  c  de/-,  tjeb  ~  about  two  (o'clock). 

*Sotne  vi  4j  tighten. 

So  I  tommer,  -tomS  a  two  inch.  -totifejld' 
ftonnert  double-topsail  schooner.  -traabet  a  of 
two  threads,  two-threaded.  -traller  c  -e  two 
■move  problem,  -turig  a  fiaaS  twice  tuming 
lock,  double  lock. 

Sougentlig  a  bi  weekly, 

Zonpé'  c  -er  toupee,  toupet. 

Sour  fe  Sur. 

Sourntque't  c  tour'niquet. 

Sournu're  c  deportment;  (^joa  ftjole)  bustle, 
tournure,  dress-improver. 

Sob  n  -e  rope;  (af  fdcerefte  SlogS)  cable;  et  tre 
Somme  _  a  three-inch  rope;  et  O'/s  Somme  _  a 
nine  and  a  half  inch  cable;  -ene  ( Slntertobene) 
the  cables.  Sobjanfætter  rope  rammer,  -ban« 
rope  railway.  -bolt  J,  shroud  stopper,  -britfl 
J,  cable-tier.  -bro  rope  bridge.  Sobe  vt  (Sæbeti 
taw,  dress.    Sooenbe  rope-end.  1 

Sober  c  -e  tawer,  skin-dresser.  ' 

Soblfenber    4>   rope -fender,     -g^nge   swing. 

Solbinget  a  two-winged,  dipteral,  dipterous; 
be  -be  the  diptera. 

Soo|tnebctbecket.  -Iranå  rope  grammet.  "-Ibeil 
coil  of  rope.     -lojcrt  ^  grummet.    Sottncr  fq 
Sooer.    So»|farbt«g  keckhng.    -flagning  layini 
ofropes.  -fttgc  rope-ladder.  -ft»o<i  strap,  -taflini 
whipping.    -oært  cordage,  rope(s). 

Sooærbig  n  chem  fe  -mægtig. 

Sower  n  the  Tower. 

Sojttologt  c  toxicol'ogy. 

So|''ærinfl  c  pair-oar-boat.   -are  c  coin  of  tw 
„^re".    -oret  a  two-eared. 

*Sraa  a  slow,  unwilling;  rancid. 

tSraob'  n,  pi  =,  (Srin)  thread;  (gobfpor)  fooi 
-print;  (Sræbebræt)  treddle,  treadle. 

Sraab  c  -e  (of  $ør,  ©ilte  ofti.)  thread;  (SBomuIbS  , 
cotton;  (af  SKctal)  wire;  (i  Sræ)  grain;  fig  thread, 
(lebenbe)   clue;    lei   paa  -en  loose;  en  9laal§ 
needleful;    -en  i  eng  Sole  the  thread  of  one' 
dlscourse;  fænger  i  en  _  hangs  upon  a  thread, 
fe  Surre.     Sraab  |agtig  a  thready.    -alge  con 
ferva.    -arbejbe  wire-work.   -batterier  pi  threa^ 
-bacteria.    -bar  a  threadbare.    -blonber  fe  -Intp 
linger.   -bnr  wire-cage.  -bannet  a  thread-.shaped, 
filiform.    Sraabct  a  thready;  (i  SSrubbet)  flbrous! 
Sraob  I  formet,  -formig,  fe  -bannet.     -fr^nfcr  pi 
thread    fringes.      -gitter    wire-grating.      -gla 
filigree  glass,  reticulated  glass.    -^anbel  håber- 
dasher's  shop.    -^anbler  haberdasher.    -^anbffi 
thread-glove,  Berlin  (glove).    -bafbe  hasp,  reel 
-fammerbug  linen  cambric.    -IHnIe  wire-gauge, 
-tnay  shirtbutton.  -fnt^Jlinger  threadlace.  -lori 
reticle,  filament.    -Icber  thread-guide.    -lebnin^ 
telegraph-wire.    -lære  fe  -tlinfe.    -løb  wiretwis" 
barrel.    -matrel  cobbler-fish,  Blepharis.    -mølle; 
wire-mill.    -net  reticle.    -nagle,  *-nafte  ball  el 
clue    of    thread.      -orm    filaria,    thread -worm 
•paiUettev  spangles.      -ret   adv  straight  (as  an 
arrow;.     -rulle   reel.     -fof§   wire-drawers.    -fitt 
thread  rush,   Juncus  filiformia.     -fnor   cord   of 
thread.  Mtalbe  fe -ruHe.  -f olb  wire  sieve.  *-ft>iger 
fe   -ftift.     -fpinbcr,    -f<)inberfte   thread -spinner. 
•ft)inbert    sewing  -  thread   manufactory.     -f))ore 
fragrant  orchis,    Gymnadenia.    -ftift  wire  tack. 
-ftrammer   (Sftm.)  thread -tlghtener.     -ftrambe 
thread-stocking.    -fam  fe  -ftift. 

Sraabt,  traabtc,  fe  Sræbe. 

Sraa'b|træt!er  c  -e  wire  drawer.  -trælfert  w, 
•trtetning  wire-drawing.  -tæller  thread-counter, 
weaver's  glass.  -bante  fe  -fianbfte.  -oinbe  wire 
-drawing  machine.    -Oinbfel  thread-paper. 

*Sraa'fjer«et  a  (6m«r)  ropy  (butter). 

*SraaIte  vt  &  i  tramp,  trample. 

Sraalle  vi  baste,  tack. 

SrodiQt'  c  tra'chyte. 




+Srobe'tet  a  traditional. 

Srabitio'n  c  -er  tradlt'ion.   -el'  a  tradit'ional. 

Srof'  imp  (e  Sræffe. 

Srafif  c  traflf'ic.  -c^ef,  -bitettør  traflac-manager. 
Scafite'renbc  a  trafflcking. 

S^ragant'  c  gum-tragacanth  plant,  goat's 
thorn,  Astragalug  tragacantha.  -gtttntni  (gum) 

Sragebi'e  c  -t  trag'edy.  •btgter,  -flriJter  tragic 
poet.  •f))iner  trage'dian.  ^ragifer  c  -e  trage'- 
dian.  —  Sragilfontebtc  tragi-com'edy.  -lontifl 
a  tragieom'ic(al).    S^ragiff  a  tragic,  tragical. 

Sragt  c  -er  funnel,  tunnel,  -agtig,  -bonnet,  |e 
■formet.    Sragte  »«  pour  through  a  funnel. 

Sragte  vi  efter  aim  at,  aspire  to,  aflfect,  pur- 
fue;  -r  i!fe  efter  6»ie  Jing,  men  l^olber  eber  til  bet 
iQBe  mind  not  high  things  but  condescend  to 
men  of  low  estate;  5e  2it).  dragten  c  aspiration, 
pursuit;  fe  Sigten. 

Sragtepofe  c  filtering-bag.  —  Sragtlformet, 
•forntig  a  funnel-shaped ;  ^  infundibuliform; 
et  _  9let  a  tunnel-  el.  funnel-net. 

Ttain  fe  Sræn. 

Trat'  imp  fe  Srætte. 

Srafoåfcrier  pi  annoyances,  vexations. 

Srateotomi'  c  tracheot'omv. 

♦Sroffc  fe  Iraafte. 

*5roft  c  -er  region,  tract. 

2:ratta't  c  -er  treaty,  (lille  ©Irift)  tract;  ^JSarifer 
-en  the  treaty  of  Paris;  inbgaa  en  -  enter  into  a 
treaty.  SrattatlmæSftg  a  according  to  (the) 
treaty  el.  treaties.  -fclftab  tract  society.  -ftribig 
o  contrary  to  (the)  treaty  el.  treaties. 

Srotte'rie  fe  S^e^onble,  ©eeærte;  _  meb  treat  to; 
F  (fpenbere)  stand;  ijtiem  -r  F  who  stands  treat? 
-ing  c,  2:ratteincnt'  n  entertainment;  Jig  (tVon) 
treatment.    Xraltir'r  c  -er  restaurant. 

''Stol'  c  p  tUHe;  humour;  paa  ben  _  in  that 

'^5:role|»ott  c  barrier-gate. 

♦SroUe  c  -r  {paa  ^ærnbane)  trolley. 

XraUe  vt  &  i  troU,  hum.  iSraUen  c  trolling 

l^rallec  pi  trellis,  lattice.  5:rol|  titnbue  latticed 
window.  -uærf  lattice-work,  grating,  (af  ©taal« 
traob)  netting. 

'Iram'  c  door-steps  pi. 

Txamt  c  fe  Sramfilfe. 

!tratn|ie  vt  tramp,  trample;  _  neb,  til,  fe  9Jeb=, 
2iltramj)e;  vi  stamp  one's  foot;  _  i  ®utt)et  stamp 
the  floor;  _  paa  trample  upon.  iSramtien  c 
tramping  etc. 

S:romiiclbt)r  n,  pi  =,  Bactrian  eamel,  two 
-hunched  camel. 

SrrjwDeffeoIe  c  heavy  boot. 

trampolin  c  -er  spring-board. 

Sramfillc  c  tram. 

•XroralifaE  c  steel-trap. 

Sron,  t^ron'  c  train-oil,  flsh-oil,  (9Kebtcin=) 
codliver  oil.  -brsnber  train-oil  boiler.  -brænberi 
manufactory  of  train-oil.  -brKttbing  manufac- 
turing ot  train-oil. 

tranttfé'  c  -r  trench.    Xxtmått'vt  vt  carve. 

Sranbqr  n  animal,  from  which  oil  is  obtained. 
Xrone,  ftranne  vt  grease  with  train-oil. 

Irane  c  -r  crane,  Grus. 

Xrancbccr  n  cranberry.  -bufl  cranbeny  bush, 
I  riiciniiim  oxpcoccoi. 

Xranejfjeber  crane's  feather.  -^oI8  crane's 
ueck;   ^  heron's-bill,  Erodium.     -næb  fe  Storfe= 

Sronct,  ttrannet  a  like  train-oil. 

Xranc  unge  yonng  crane.  *-bifIe  bush  vetch, 
Vicia  itupium. 

txanW  c  blubber-fish. 

Xrang  c  want,  need;  tomme  i  _  come  to  want; 

-  for  in  need  of;  faler  _  til  ot  longs  to,  feels 

impelled  to;   lebe  i  ftor  _  live  in  great  distress 
el.  indigence;  ber  er  -  til  there  is  a  want  of. 

Srang  a  narrow,  strait;  ben  3Sej  er  -  fom  fører 
til  2tliet  bibl  narrow  is  the  way  which  leadeth 
unto  life;  -e  Saar  narrow  el.  straitened  circum- 
stances  el.  means;  jeg  bleo  _  om  fjærtet  my  heart 
grew  faint;  -e  Siber  hard  times;  —  trangt  adv. 
bo  -t  be  cramped  el.  pinched  for  room;  fibbe  -t 
beb  et  95orb  be  crowded  (el.  straitened  for  room) 
at  a  table;  gaa  -t  work  tightly.  Sranglboret  a 
small-bore.  -bt^ftet  o  (fom  ^ar  trang  S9rt)ft{)ul^eb) 
narrow-chested;  (fom  ej  fon  aanbe  frit)  a.'sthmatic. 
-br^ftig^eb  c  asthma.  -^eb  c  narrowness,  strait- 
ness.    -t)0Uet  a  hoof-bound. 

Sran  I  grebet,  *-grnE,  *-grugge  residueof  blub- 

*2:rangfielt  a  straitened  for  room,  cramped. 

Sranitogeri  (omborb)  try-works.  -logtting  fe 
-brænbing.  -tatntie  train-oil  lamp.  -lugt  smell 
of  train-oil.  Srattne  vt,  Srannet  a  fe  Srane, 

llranSattio'n  c  -er  transac'tion. 

Sronåolbi'ttff  f.  transalpine. 

XranSattan'tift  a  transatlan'tic. 

Sranéfifluratio'n  c  transfigura'tion. 

Sranéfupo'n  c  transfu'sion. 

Sronfit'  mere  tran.s'it.  SJrattfttCre  vi  pass 
through,  be  transmitted  through.  SIranfitigebé 
transit-goods.  -banbel  transit-tråde,  •inftrutnent 
transit(-instrument)  (o.  fl.). 

Sron'fttib  a  gram  transitive. 

!£ranfit'toIb  c  transitduty  el.  dues. 

%xan^late't  c  -er  (authorized)  interpreter  and 
translator  of  foreign  languages. 

Srawåmittø'r  c   er  transmitter. 

SronSporcnt'  n  -er  transpa'rency.  -tompaå 
hanging  compfcss,  tell-lale.  -fæbe  transparent 

i£rattS)iir{atto'n  c  perspiration.  -c're  vi  sweat, 

2:ran§tione'r|e  vt  transpose.  -ing  c  transposi- 

S;rottåH)Ott'  c  trans'port,  conveyance,  (Cber= 
brag.)  transfer;  mere  (i  93og)  (amount)  brought 
over  el.  forward,  •^orta'bel  a  transpo'rtable. 
"(jortere  vt  transpo'rt;  (ooerbrage)  transfer;  (i  33og) 
bring  over.  —  2;ratt8^ort|eBne  carrying  capacity. 
•fart  transport  tråde  el.  service,  -mibbel  means 
of  conveyance.  -omfoftningcr  (charges  oO  con- 
veyance. -bram  (til  ©ftjté)  ordnance  barge. 
-flib  transport.  -ftoUe  futteril.  -tjencften,  -bæfenet 
the  transport  service.  SranSporta'r  c  -er  math 

'Zxanipofition  c  transposition. 

SranSfccnbcnt'  a  transcen'dent;  math  trans- 
cenden'tal.    -ol  a  transcenden'tal. 

S;ran§fcbt'  c  -er  tran'sept. 

Xranåfubftontiatio'nen  transubstantia'tion. 

Srongfumt'  c  -er  copy,  transumpt. 

XronftøOler  boots  greased  with  train-oil;  -ne 
F  king  Clog. 

SronSuoa'Ifle  5RepubIif;  ben  -  the  Transvaal 

Sronéberfo'I  a  &  c  -er  transversal,  -maale^ 
ftof  diagonal  scale.  -mofflne  ma- 

Sranifæbc  soap  made  with  train-oil.  -tanbc 
train-oil  barrel. 

%xap'  c  ub.  pi  min  trap.    txap'  trappe'an. 

%xa.p'  c  fe  Srapguo?. 

^Sro^i'  c  -pn,  fe  Srappe. 

txapt'ft  n  -er  gymn  trapeze.  Slrobe'Aiutn  n  -ier 
trapezium.  Xra)>e3tttnftner  trap'ezist.  Xro^jejoi'b 
n  -er  trap'ezoid. 

XxaptinnV  n  Treb'izond. 

XroygaaS  c  bustard,  Otia. 




Xvappt  c  -r  staircase,  stairs;  (ubenfor  3)ør) 
(door-)  steps;  (i  Slæbe)  uuevenness;  hemmelig  ~ 
private  stairs;  en  fmu!  _  (Opjaiig)  a  fine  flight 
of  stairs;  op<  neb,  ab  -n  up,  down,  stairs;  en  ~  op, 
to  -r  op  up  one  el.  two  pair  of  stairs,  one  el. 
two  pair  of  stairs  high;  ®ai  paa  -n  staircase  gas. 
S;r(itipc|affat8  landing,  stairhead.  -bannct  a 
formed  lil£e  stairs.  -gang  staircase  (hall),  -gatil 
serrated  gable.  -gelcettber  banisters.  -^uS  well. 
•Ub  flight  of  steps.  -o))gang  staircase.  -rift 
step-grate.  •rum  space  in  a  building  for  the 
stairs,  well(-hole).  -fnit  graduated  cut.  -f:pint)el 
cockle  of  a  staircase.  -ftcn  stone  stair,  door 
-step.  -ftigc  set  el.  pair  of  steps,  portable  steps, 
step-ladder.  -taarn  steeple  with  a  winding 
staircase.  -trin  step  ofa  staircase.  -tæ|)))e  stair- 
case-carpet.  -tǤ  kitchen-wench.  -tiange  string 
-board.    -tiiS  adv  in  the  form  of  stairs. 

2;rotH>ift'  c  -er  Trap'pist.  -Hofter  convent  of 
Trappists,    -orben  order  of  la  Trappe. 

SrniS'  c  p  fe  Srobl. 

2lraå'  c  min  trass. 

tXrafaffe  vt  f  worry,  bait;  tfiog. 

*2;rafe  c  -r  rag,  tatter. 

Sraffc  vi  trudge. 

S^raélfa't  c  -er  mere  drawee.  -fcnt'  c  -er 
drawer.  -fe're  vt  draw  (on),  value  on;  -t  S8et2el 

SraSftg  a  F  fe  Srobfig. 

Sratte  c  -r  draft,  draught,  valuation. 

*2:raug  n,  pi  =,  fe  Jrug. 

^rouma'tiff  a  traumat'ic. 

traurig  [t.]  p  a  melancholy. 

*S;rauft  a  firm,  stanch. 

trat)  n  (+c)  trot;  t  ~  at  a  trot,  at  the  trot;  i 
taftt  _  at  a  brisk  trot;  i  fulbt  _  at  full  trot;  fætte 
^eften  i  _  put  the  horse  into  a  trot,  make  the 
horse  trot. 

ttavaijt  c  -t,  -flu^)  J,  pinuace,  launch. 

Sraoe  vi  trot. 

S^rotic  c  -r  score  of  sheaves  of  com,  thrave; 
en  _  Softe  a  thrave  of  brooms.  -ifoh  shock  (of 
coru),  stook. 

Srotjel  a  fe  Srabl. 

XraOer  c  -e  (match-)  trotter,  (high-)  stepper. 
S^ratierbane  trotting-track. 

S^rouer'fc  c  -r  trav'erse.    -'re  vi  &  t  trav'erse. 

S^rauerti'n  c  trav'ertine. 

2:ro»eft|e'rc  vt  travesty,  burlesque;  -eret  a 
travestied,  travesty.  -e'ring  c  travestying,  bur- 
lesquing.  •{'  c  -er  trav'esty,  parody,  a  vpork 

Xraoeftige  c  staggers. 

Xrattefætning  c  putting  up  in  shocks. 

%tat)\taplei  n  trotting-match.     -lere  vt  trot. 

Xrat)(  o  busy;  I)at)e  -t  be  busy;  fit  -t  began  to 
busy  himself,  to  bestir  himself,  lost  no  time; 
I)on  l^or  foa  -t  font  en  9Ku§  i  Sarfelfeng  he  is  as 
busy  as  a  hen  with  one  chlcken.  f^^i^flflc  'o  inip : 
bet  -r  ilfe  there's  no  hurry;  +vi  busy  one's  self. 
S^raol^eb  c  bustle,  press  of  business. 

%xa'ti\l9h  n  trotting.    *-rtbe  vt  trot. 

%vt  card  num  three;  en  _  (t  Sortfptl)  a  three; 
ben  _  og  t^eenbe  the  twenty-third;  _  (Sange  thrice, 
three  times;  aEe  gobe  ®onge  er  _  number  three 
is  always  fortunate,  three  is  the  charm;  SBIab 
fom  fommer  _  (Sange  om  Ugen  triweekly  journal; 
fe  ^aar,  ©fribt.  érelaorig  «  triennial;  b.  f.  f. 
-oaré  a  three  years  old.  -armeta  three-armed. 
-benet  a  three  legged.  -btabct  a  three-leaved, 
triphyllous,  (Srone)  three-petaled,  tripetalous; 
(Strue)  three-bladed.  -beting  tripartition.  -belt 
«  tripartite;  _  S^att  triple  time. 

-eSrebing  c  third  part  of  a  barrel. 

Sreb'itie  thirty.    SrebitieaarStrigcn  the  thirty 

years'    war.      Srebittte  thirtieth.      Srebiutebcl 

thirtieth  part. 

2;rcbjc  ord  num  third;  -  tapitel,  ftloSfe,  Merton 
the  third  chapter,  class,  person;  bet  _  Sub  the 
fourth  commandment;  et  _  gioeS  itfe  there  is  no 
middle  course.  2;rcbje|bogéfebcren  the  quartan 
ague  el.  fever.  -bel  c  third  (part);  en  -  ftørre 
one  third  larger.  -manb  a  third  person  el.  party; 
jeg  faar  nof  nu  oære  _  (ben,  ber  gaar  imeUem  to 
ftribenbe)  well,  I  suppose  I  shall  now  be  obliged 
to  go  between.  -^lart  fe  -bel.  -pva\i  subdeacon. 
-fibftc  a  the  last  but  two;  gram  the  antepeuul- 
timate;  _  ©taoelfe  the  antepenult  (imate). 

^relbobbcU  a  three-fold,  triple;  ben  -e  ftrone 
the  tiara,  the  triple  crown.  SIrebS,  trebftnb^tque 
fe  STreS.  Srelbæfler  (Sti6)  three-decker;  fsolitary 
snipe,  Sco/opax  major,  -e'nig  a  triune.  -c'nig' 
lieb  Trinity.  -cnig^ebStcercn  the  doctrine  of  thi 
Trinity,  Trinitarianism.  -er  c  -e  three.  -farbc 
a  tricoloured.  -fingret  a  ^  ternate.  -fliget 
trilobed,  trilobate.  -fob  tripod,  trevet.  -fobå' 
moft  tripod  mast.  -folb  adv  thrice(told);  +a  three 
fold,  triple.  -fol'big  a  triplicate;  (-enig)  triune, 
-fol'big^cb  Trinity.  -fol'big^cbSbog  Trinity.  -forf 
trident.  -fr«et  a  three-seeded.  -grenet  a  threi 
-prouged.  -g^lbig  a  chem  fe  -mægtig.  -Ijnge  ar-' 
row-grass,  Triglochin.  -fannet  a  ^  triandrous, 
triandrian.  -^cb  c  triad.  *-^juler  c  -e  tricycle 
sociable.  -fjernet  a  three-cornered  -^otiebet  a 
three-headed.  -^un'brebe  three-hundred.  -^UU' 
brebeaarSbag  tercentenary.  -Runnet  a  ^  trigy- 
nous,  trigynian. 

Srejfejl  n  trysail.    2;rcjfcjt§=  trj-sail. 

2:re|fant  triangle.  -tantet  a  trlangular;  three 
-cornered;  _  $at  cocked  el.  three-cornered  hat^ 
_  Sret)  cocked-hat  note.  -lantfit  threa-square 
file,  -fantStat  pi  triangular  numbers.  -ta))flet 
a  tricapsular,  three-capsuled.  -tejferforliUHber 
the  Triple  Alliance  of  the  Imperial  Powers,  tb 
three  Emperors'  alliance,  -tlang  triad.  -flof; 
flea-bane,  flea-wort,  Conyza.  -flaftet,  -tleuet 
trifld.  -ttetier  c  trefoil;  n  fig  trio,  triumvirate,] 
P  prial.  -toblet  a  ^  ternate.  -fort  c  &  >i  (thre 
-card)  loo.  -Iro'net  the  Crowns,  the  Crow 
batteries.  -Itbet  a  math  trinomial.  +-lebé 
tripartite.  -linict  a  threelined;  _  ©trofe  triplet, 
tiercet.  -l^ben  a  three-yarn.  -løbig  o  (Stru 

Srcma  n  diæresis. 

2:rc|monb8  (SS^ift)  three-handed  (whist),  t-mor 
cola  of  the  value  of  3  (Danish)  marks.  t-mart§i 
bob  infamous  fine  of  3  (Danish)  marks,  t-morti^ 
manb  (one  sentenced  to  pay  the  infamous  fin 
of  3  marks),  infamous  person,  person  brande^ 
with  infamy.  -maft(er)  c  three-masted  vessel. 
•maftet  a  three-masted,  *-menning  second' 

Sremme  c  -r  (i  SBinbue  o.  I.)  cross-piece,  -bar, 
(paa  ©tot)  rung,  (i  ©tige)  round,  rundle,  rung, 
(i  ®ærbe  o.  1.)  rail. 

Sremullant'  c  -er  P  shake;  (i  Drgel)  tremolo, 
trem'olant.  -c're  vi  sing  el.  play  vibrato  el.  tre- 

Sremægtig  o  chem  triatomic. 

S:rctt  im%)  fe  Stine. 

Srcnbe  three. 

2:rcttb|e  vt  warp.    -ing  c  warp. 

Srcnfe  c  -r  snaiHe,  bridoon.     -bib  snaffle-bit. 

S;renf|e  vt  ^.  worm.    -niug  c  worming. 

Srcot'tenbebelå  Saft  time  of  three  quavers. 

2Cre))0'n  c  -er  trepan'.  -e'rc  vt  trepan'.  -e'ring 
c  trepanning. 

^repang'  c  trepang,  Holttthuria  edulis. 

Srelpunbcr  (trepunbig  Sanon)  three-pounder. 
-^unbig  a  of  three  pounds.  -rabaaret. -rabaarig 
a   With   three  ranks  of  oars;    _   ©fi6    trireme. 




•rabct  a  three  rowed,  trifarious.  -rebet  a  ^  three 
-reefed,  close-reefed;  _  ^OieråfejlS  ftuling  close 
-reefed  topsail-gale.  -titibet  o  ^  trinervetd), 
trinervale,  three-nerved.  'ZvtS'  [o]  F  ie  IrefinbS= 
t^oe.    Xrefibet  a  threesided,  trilateral. 

Sref  inb^ltqoc  sixty.  -ttjueaartg  a  sixty  years 
old;  of  sixty  years;  _  "^Jerion  sexageuarian. 
•tQocnbc  sixtieth.    -t^benbebcl  sixtieth  (part). 

Ste'Iffoarct  a  cut  in  three;  J,  three-fold. 
•ffoftet  a  woven  with  three  treddles.  -fflbet  a 
Ihree-aisled.  -ffioct  a  (ifålot)  treble,  three-sheave 
el.  three-fold  block.  t-ftiHittB  foin  of  the  value 
of  3  „Stilling",  -ftooet  -floflet  a  three-stranded, 
three-cord.  -fValtet  a  typ  with  three  columns; 
fe  -tloftet. 

Srcåfc  c  -r  lace,  galloon. 

SreSfe,  SrcSfe  te  vt  plait,  braid.  SrcSning, 
Sreåfe'ring  c  plaiting,  braiding.  %vt^\t>'v  c  -er 
plaiter,  braider. 

Sre'{ftaoelfeé=  trisyllabic.  -ftaoclfcéorb  trisyl- 
lable.  -ftaoei  a  fe  -ftacelie8=.  -ftemmig  a  for 
three  voices  el  parts,  -ftrenget  a  three-stringed, 
(■i^iauo)  trichord.    -ftrøgen  'i  with  three  strokes. 

Srefu'r  n  old-fashioued  cabiaet;  fig  et  gammelt 
_  au  old  hag,  old-fashioned  beldame. 

Srelfoebig,  -fæbet  a  having  three  seats.  -iaatt 
a  three-toed.  -taflet,  -tanbet  a  with  three  prougs, 
trideut(ed).  -tol  (uumber)  three.  '■'-ti  fe  Srettt. 
•tiben:  oeb  -  about  three.  -tommeret  -totne  a 
three  inch.  -toffiet  a  three-pointed.  -traabet 
a  of  three  threads.  -træller  c  -e  (©lal)  three 
-move  problem,  three-mover. 

Srettett  card  num  thirteeu.  -be  thirteeuth  — 
Srettcnbejbag  twelfthday,  Epiphany.  -bel  thir- 
teeuth (part;.    2:retti  thirty. 

Srejtuftnb  three -thousaud.  -ttiunben  a  fe 

Treuga  Dei  the  Truce  of  God. 

Xrei ugentlig  a  threeweekly.  t-oang^brug, 
-oangSbrift  system  of  three  years'  rotation  of 

Sreben  a  slow,  slack,  backward,  loth;  sullen. 
-I)eb  c  slowness,  slackness. 

Sirejoaerbig  a  chem  fe  -mægtig,  -ægget  a  three 

Srtangjel  c  -gier  triangle.  -ule'te  vt  trian'- 
gulate.  -ule'ring  c  triangula'tion.  -ular  a 

Sria'rterne  pi  the  triarii. 

XrlaSiformationen,  -gru))))en  c  the  trias. 
SrtaS'  triassic. 

Sribometer  n  tribom'eter. 

Sribrai^qd  c  tribrach. 

Sribu'n  c  -er  trib'uue.  Xribuna'I  n  -er  tribu'- 
nal.  Sribu'ne  c  r  (2aler=)  trib'uue;  (Silftuer--) 
grand  stand.  2:rtbunebiIIet  ticket  for  the  grand 
stand.    Scibut'  c  -er  tnb'ule. 

Srico't  [fr.]  c  tricote,  fleshings,  stockinet. 
Sticota'ge  c  b.  f.  Srico'tbulder  elastic  trousers. 

S^ricqt'le  c  -r  tri'cycle. 

Sribeht  fe  Srient.    -i  net,  -i'nfl  a  Triden'tine. 

Xribfe  fe  StiSfe. 

Sriel  c  stone-curlew,  stone-plover,  Oedicnemu* 

Stient  n  Treut. 

Srier  n  Trier,  Treves. 

Srieft  n  Trieste. 

Sriftong'  c  -er  triph'thong. 

Stiglljf'  c  -er  tri'glyph. 

S^tigonolmetti'  c  trigonom'etry.  -me'trift  a 

Xrili'n  c  -er  trichina.  -fqgboin  tricbiniasis, 

Srilll'nlfl  a :  bet  -e  S^ftem  the  doublyoblique 
prismatic  system. 

2:ttlD(o'tén  c  the  tri'colour. 

Sriltrat  c  backgammon. 

Srille  c  -r  mus  shake;  flaa  en  -  b.  f.  f.  SriUe 
vi  make  a  shake,  shake. 

SriWc  c  -r  (runb  3;ingj  disk,  trundle,  (p.  TOabel) 
caster,  (@orn)  reel;  *light  phaeton,  pouy-car- 
riage,  waggonette,  antr  buggy.  2:riUe  vt  &  i 
roll,  trundle;  (om  Saarer)  roll,  trickle;  (poo  2riEe= 
fier)  wheel,  barrow.    SrtUebør  c  (wheel-;barrow. 

SriUclæbc  c  chain  of  shakes. 

SriQetiogn  c  truudle-cart. 

SriUiug  c  -er  (i  WøUt)  trendle. 

SriUing  c  -er  three-twin  child;  -er  three  at  a 
birth;  nebtomme  meb  -r  be  delivered  of  three 
children  (at  a  birth).  StiUtnglbarn  fe  Srifling. 
■n«b  triple  uut.  -rige  three  united  kingdoms. 
-feftenbc  three  brothers  (sisters)  bom  at  a  birth. 
-æble  triple  apple. 

2:rtIIio'n  c  -er  trill'ion. 

Srilobit'er  pi  tri'lobites. 

Srttogi'  c    er  trilogy. 

Srimcft'er  n  -e  trimester. 

Xrime  ter  n  -e  trim'eter. 

l^ritnle  vi  fe  jTrille. 

Srimorfi'  c  trimo'rphism. 

Xrin'  n,  pi  =,  step;  (i  ©tige)  round,  rung;  fio 
stage,  development;  (®rab,  mus)  degree;  ftaa  pao 
et  ^øjt  _  stand  high,  l)e  in  an  advanced  state. 

Xrinb  «  round,  plump;  —  trinbt  arfc  around; 
_  omtring  all  around. 

Srinbal  c  terraced  valley. 

SrtnbjeS  vi  grow  round.  -^eb  c  roundness. 
■maoet  a  rouud-bellied. 

Srine  Catherine,  Kate. 

lErine,  tren  (-^-be),  trinet  vi  step,  tread. 

ttin^elQt  c  gradual  succession,  gradation, 
graduated  series. 

Srinittt'Irier  pi  Triuitarians.  -riff  o  trini- 
tarian.    -tié  o  Trin'ity-Sunday. 

Slrtnl^Ianle  c  tread.    -rælte  fe  -falge. 

♦Srinfe  fe  Srenfe. 

"Xrinfe  vi  roll. 

Xriniflttie  shifting-head.  -tii*  adv  step  by 
step;  a  (grabeis)  gradual,  successive. 

%tio  c  trio. 

Srio'l  c  -er  trl'ole,  triplet. 

Srit)'  [e.]  c  trip. 

Srli)'  n  Short  step,  trip;  _,  trop,  2;ræfto  tip 

Srip'el  fe  Srippel. 

Srip  ellaUiance  c  triple  alliance,  -fait  triple 
salt.    -talt  triple  time. 

Sri))fl«il  n  imitation-velvet. 

Sripltl'  c  surrejoiuder.  Sriplila't  »i  -er  trip'- 
lieate.    Sri))la :  in  -  iu  triplicate. 

tStipmabatn  c  worm-grass,  tripmadam,  Sedttm 

Srip'olltå  n  Tripoli,  -lita'ner  c  -e  Tripolitau. 
-lita'nff  a  Tripol'itau,  Trip'oliue. 

Xviptt  vi  trip,  pick  one's  way,  mince. 

Srippel  c  (SB^ift)  triple,  lurch. 

SIrippel  c,  -jorb  tripoli,  rottenstone.  Srit>))elfe 
c  brick-dust  (for  polishing).  2:rip))el{ffifer  tri- 
poli slate  el.  schist.    -ften  fe  Srippel. 

2:rtp))en  c  tripping.  *3;tippe|taffe,  -t«8  gad 

SriquebaUe  [fr.]  c  truck  (for  cannon). 

XriSfe  vi  F  -  af  trudge  along. 

SriSfe  c  -r  puUey.  XriSfe  vt  hoist  el.  lower 
by  means  of  pulleys.  -blol  block  of  a  pulley. 
-^ul  sheave  of  a  pulley.  -tiærl  mechanism  of 

Xrlft  a  melancholy,  depressing,  dreary,  lugu- 
brious,  cheerless,  (ftristful). 

Xrit'  n  step,  tread;  mil  l^olbe  _  keep  time;  fia 
^olbe  -   meb  keep  up  el.  keep  pace  with;   ^on 




f)oltn  ilfe  _  he  is  out  of  time;  fig  fætte  i  _  set 
a  going. 

2;rit'ott  c  -o'ner  Tri'ton.  Xtitonåfttttt  zoo 

Stiumf  c  -er  tri'umph;  i  -  triumphant(ly); 
føre  i  -  lead  (about)  in  triumph;  fiolbe  -  triumph, 
celebrate  a  triumph.  Sciutnfa'tor  c  tri'umpher. 
^riumftitte  trium'phal  arch.  Xrluwfe're  vi  tri- 
umph, exult  (ouer  at  st,  over  one);  -erenbe  a 
triumphant,  elate;  ben  -be  ftirfe  the  Church 
triumphant;  et  -be  ®inil  a  smile  of  triumph. 
2:riumf|))0rt  triumphal  port.  -roob  cry  of 
triumph.  -fajle  triumphal  column,  -tog  trium- 
phal procession.    -Oogn  triumphal  car. 

Srinm|t)i'r  c  -er  trium'vir  (pi  triumviri). 
-tifra't  n  trium'virate. 

Sriøalent'  a  fe  Sresærbig. 

*!Erit)e,  tres,  treeet  vt  catch,  grab,  clutch. 

!£rit)elig  a  plump,  well-fed.  -fteb  c  plumpness. 
Xtittelfe  c  thriving.  %txt>t§  vd  thrive,  succeed; 
=''be  el.  feel  comfortable. 

SriJjio'I  a  fe  SriBiel.  SrtUialite't  c  -er  trite- 
ness;  conc  commonplaee,  truism,  platitude. 
Xrititallnatitt  popular  name;  (9trtS=)  trivial 
name.  -ffolc  middle-class  school.  SlriJJieC  « 
hackneyed,  tedious,  obvious,  trite,  common- 

Sria't  c  -er  sorting-machine. 

•Sro  c  -er  wooden  channel  el.  trough. 

%vo  a  true,  faithful,  trusty;  (Unberfaot)  loyal, 
faithful;  (fiutomntelfe)  reten  ti  ve;  t  ==  trofl^lbig; 
en  el.  noget  _  faithful  to;  ille  -  false  to;  fe  ®ulb. 
%ti>  c  faith,  belief;  (Stitro)  credence;  (SUelig.) 
faith;  ben  friftelige  _  the  Christian  faith  el.  reli- 
gion; gaa  otier  til  ben  friftelige  _  turn  Christian; 
frafolbe  fin  -  turn  apostate:  -en  ifaa  the  belief  in; 
{jabe  -  poa  have  faith  in;  fætte  -  til  credit,  give 
credit  to;  ingen  _  til  no  confidence  in;  gibe  fin 
_  jiledge  one's  vow;  brtjbe  fin  -  break  one's 
vow;  jeg  ftob  i  ben  _  ot  I  was  imder  theimpres- 
sion  that;  X>(^a  ~  og  Sobe  on  trust;  i  gob  -  in 
good  faith;  fit  -en  i  ^cenberne  had  conviction 
brought  home  to  him;  min  -!  upon  my  word! 
bet  er  min  _  ot  my  belief  is  that;  ttage  -en  fra 
(en)  joc  beat,  rout.  S^ro  vt  &  i  believe;  (tænfe) 
think;  (fætte  3;ro  til)  credit,  believe,  give  credit 
to;  relig  believe;  ifle  -  (en,  noget)  disbelieve;  bu 
fan  itfe  _  .  .  .  you  cannot  imagine,  you  have 
no  idea;  _  mine  egne  §3jne  trust  el.  credit  my 
o-wn  eyes  et.  senses;  efter  i)t)at  jeg  -r  to  the  best 
of  my  "belief;  if!e  bet  jeg  fan  -  to  the  best  of 
my  belief  not;  bet  fan  bu  _  you  may  be  sure  of 
that,  amr  you  bet!  bet  -r  jeg  nof  I  believe  you; 
jo,  bet  -r  jeg  yes,  I  think  so,  so  I  believe;  _  paa 
Oub  believe  in  God;  be  fom  _  paa  the  believers 
in;  _  en  til,  fe  Siltro;  _  en  gobt  trust  one;  -  en 
Doa  ficmi  Drb  believe  one's  word;  iffe  til  at  - 
not  to  be  trusted;  jeg  r  at  funne  ...  I  believe 
myself  able  to  .  .  .;  man  -r  '^boD  mon  ønfter  the 
wish  is  father  to  the  thought.  -hXroblcOC«  a. 
be  -ne  Sleibigere  those  inhabitants  of  Slesvic 
who  have  remained  loyal. 
ttoåfiS'Ut  pi  troches. 
'ttoåfæ'  c  -er  trochee.  -ifl  a  trochaic. 
2;rob8  c  defiance,  contumacy,  obstinacy;  6t)be 
en  _  bid  defiance  to,  defy  one,  set  one  at  defi- 
ance; Jjao  _  in  sheer  defiance;  til  -  for  in  defi- 
ance of,  in  spite  of.  2;rot»§  præp  in  spite  of, 
in  the  face  el.  teeth  of;  -  nogen,  ~  ben  bebfte  as 
well,  as  fast  etc,  as  any  one.  Sroftfe  vt  defy, 
bid  defiance  to,  brave,  beard,  fly  in  the  face  of; 
_  igennem  carry  through  (in  spite  of  all  resi- 
stance);  -r  en^oer  Seffribelfe  baffles  description; 
—  vi  be  refractory;  _  poo,  fe  53uffe  poo.  !£robftg 
a  defying,   defiant,  refractory,  froward;   _  SUJine 

air  el.  look  of  defiance.    Srob^g^eb  c  refraclori- 
ness,  frowardness. 

Sroenite  part  believing;  en  -  a  believer;  be  _ 
the  faithful.    Xroenbe  » :  ftaa  til  -  deserve  credit. 
2;rofafit  a  &  adv  faithful,   trusty;   ®ub  er  _ 
God  is  faithful.    -^eb  c  fidelity,  trustiness. 
Srofæ'  c  -er  troph'y. 
SrofllobJjt'  c  -er  trog'lodyte. 
2:ro|t)icr'tig  a  open-hearted,  hearty;  t  fe  -fttjl« 
big.    -I)iertigl^eb  c  open-heartedness. 

2;roj'a  n  Troy.    Srojalner  n,  -'nfl  a  Tro'jan; 
ben  -e  Sfrig  the  Siege  of  Troy. 
S^roto'r  c  -er  trocar,  tro'char. 
*2rotIe  fe  Sraotle. 
Srolæ  fe  Ztoéia. 

'S.xoX'b  t  c  -E/  *  n.  pi  —,  goblln,  gnome,  troll, 
ogre;  ■■'■  fig  wicked  person.  Srotb|anb  tufted 
duck,  Fuligula  crittata.  *-bIom  lady-fern,  Aiple- 
nium  filix  femina.  *-6ær  fe  girblob  (and  some 
other  unpalatable  berries).  -boofe,  -bifføel  ma- 
gic  box.  Srolbbont  c  witchcraft,  sorcery.  — 
2;roIbbom§|frttft  magic  power.  -lunft  magic 
art.  •magt  fe  -traft.  -orb  magic  word,  spell. 
-h-flag  fe  2;rt)lle=.  Srolbe  fe  2:rQEe=.  Srolberi'  fe 
JroHeri.    *2;roIbet  a  naughty. 

Srolblfolt  mountain-sprites.  -^at  fly-bane, 
Agariciia  mvsearius;  *wolf  S-bane,  Aeonitum  ly- 
coctonum.  -^efå  witch,  sorceress.  -^unl  cacha- 
lot,  Phpsefer  macrocephalus.  '-^(tg  alder  buck- 
thorn, iJAawnMs/ranoM^a.  -lorlfe -monb.  *-f|ær" 
ting  fe'-IæHing;  great  weever,  Truchinus  draco. 
*-fjcerringf^)ijt  fe  -fmør.  -lotie  fe  -feefS.  -lunft  fe 
-bomSfunft  -tbtnbe  fe  -^ct§.  -t^nbig  o  versed  iu 
witchcraft,  in  the  magic  art.  -ttjnbigbeb  witch- 
craft. -tælling  fe  -^efg;  (of  Srubt)  maroon,  devil. 
•lonb  enchanted  land.  -iJjgte  magic  lantern. 
-manb  sorcerer,  wizard.  'pal  lot  of  goblins. 
-reben  a  elf-ridden.  »Strolbffab  fe  -bom;  -pof. 
*-ungc  naughty  child.  -urt  fe  Sufeurt;  fe 

2;roltg  n  credible.  SroUg(eu)  adv  truly,  faith- 
fully.  -Ijeb  c  credibility. 
Stolje,  %toVi\,  %xoViX)  c  -er  troUy. 
Xto\to'\>e  betroth,  aflftance.  -louclfe  c  betroth- 
ment,  espousals  pi.  -tottcIfcSbag  day  of  espou- 
sals.  -iDUelfe^ring  bridal  ring.  -lottet  c  affian- 
ced,  intended,  betrothed.  ' 

%xo'l8é   a   faithless,    perfidious;    -e!    traitori' 
(traitoress!);  be  -eS  SBej  er  ^oarb   bibl  the  way  o£ 
transgressors  is  hard.    -Ijeb  c  faithlessness,  per 
fidy,  bad  faith;  en  -  an  aet  of  perfldy. 
tSrout'  c  -mer  (of  SSæb)  thrum,  warp-end. 
Srontber  c  water-pressure  blast  engine. 
S:romIc  [*6]  c  -r  (boa  Saftelobu)  drum;  (til  3orb) 
roller,  land-roll.     Stomle  vt  roll.    S^romlclflgte 
composition-sieve.    -ftot  barrel-loom.    Srontling 
c  rolling. 

Xrominc  [*6]  c  -r  drum;  ben  liHe  -  the  side 
-drum;  floo  poo  -,  røre  -n  beat  the  drum;  unber 
-rnei  2t)b  with  drums  beating;  floo  paa  ben  ftore 
fig  blow  the  trumpet.  Sromme  vi  &  t  drum, 
beat  the  drum;  oont  {p.  $tano)  strum;  _  meb 
^fingrene  paa  SSorbet  drum  with  one's  fingers  on 
the  table;  _  faramen  drum  up.  2:rommc|banbolér 
drum-strap.  -ben  drum-ossicle.  -bue  drum 
-pigeon,  Columba  duuvpns.  -fift  drum-flsh,  Fo- 
gonias  chromis.  -fober  drum-case.  -^inbe  mem- 
brane  of  the  tympanum,  drum  membrane.  -^ule, 
-^ul^eb  tympanum,  barrel  of  the  ear.  -^titroel 
roll.  -febet  barrel  (of  a  drum).  -Hue  drum 
-string.  -I^b  sound  of  the  drum.  -rejf  hoop 
(of  a  drumj.  -ftgnat  beat  of  drum.  -ffinb  drum 
-skin,  -head.  -flog  beat  of  drum.  -flager  drum- 
mer;  fe  -bue.  -f})t|b  vet  trocar.  -ftit,  -ftifte,  -flof 
drumstick;  -ftot  ^  {paa  So«))  (storm-)stump. 
-f^ge  tympanitis,  tympany. 




Sroin^e't  c  -er  trum'pet;  J,  sheepshank;  ftjube 
i  -en  (ogt.  Jig)  blow  the  trumpet.  Ztompe't- 
blomfi  trumpet-flower,  Bignonia.  3rom))ete  vi 
sound  el.  blow  the  trumpet.  2;rom)>e'ter  c  -e 
trum'peter.  —  2;romt)cter{bue  trumpeter.  -goHB 
trumpeter's  round.    -tieft  Irumpeter's  horse. 

Srompe'tlfifl  trumpet-flsh,  Centrigcus.  -fugl 
trumpeter,  Pnophia  crepitms.  -trone  fe  -blomft. 
-firalb  blast  of  the  trumpet.  -fttegl^  -fnætic 
roaring  buckle,  Baccinum  xmdatum.  -fnor  trum- 
pet-string.  -ftil  »i,  sheepshank.  -ftab  flourish 
(of  trumpets).    -træ  trumpet-wood,  Cecropia. 

Xtona  n  trona. 

Xronb^jem  n  Drontheim,  Tronhjem. 

Srone  c  -r  throne;  beftige  -n  mount,  a.scend 
the  throne;  fonitne  pao  -n  come  el.  .succeed  to 
the  throne;  fcette  paa  -n  place  on  the  throne, 
enthrone;  jætte  (en)  paa  -n  igen  restote  (one) 
to  the  throne;  ftebe  fra  -n  drive  from  the  throne, 
dethrone.  S^rone  vi  bc  euthroned  el.  throned, 
throne;  -nbe  throned.  —  Sron|artiing  heir  to 
the  crown  el,  throne,  heir  apparent.  -bcfttgelfc 
acees.sion  (to  the  erown).  -frofigelfe  re.«ignation 
of  the  throne,  abdication.  -følge  order  of  suc- 
cession (in  a  kingdom),  -følgeatt  aet  of  settle- 
ment, -følger  successor,  heir  to  the  crown,  heir 
apparent.  -^immet  canopy.  -træOer  fe  -præten= 
bent.  -lebig^eb  vacancy  of  the  throne.  -ptcettn- 
bent  pretender  to  the  throne.  -raner,  -røuer 
usurper  (of  the  throne).  -fal  ihrone-rooni.  -feng 
canopied  bed.  -ffiftc  accession  of  the  uéw  king. 
•ftribig^eber  successional  troubles.  -tale  speech 
from  the  throne.  Royal  speech. 

"Ztop'  c  -pe  troop;"  ^ottie  -  keep  up;  Sropper 
pi  troops,  forces. 

Xtope  c  -t  trope,  -(anttcne  the  tropical  coun- 
tries.  Xroperne  pi  the  tropics.  Sro))if'fugt 
trop'ic  bird,  Phaeton.  Sro^jiff  a  trop'ical;  bet 
-e  Stfrifa  intertropieal  Africa. 

%toppe\battt)  troop-boat.  -ntaiSfe  force.  -f«ttt= 
ling  gathering  of  troops.  -ft^rtc  force.  -tranS' 
pott  conveyance  of  troops.  2:ro|j(pe)tJi8  adv 
troop  by  troop,  in  troops. 

Sroquc're  vi  truck,  barter. 

XvoH'  n  baggage.    -^cft  baggage-horse. 

SrBåjartttet  articlo  of  faith  el.  belief;  pi  cre- 
denda.  -tietenbelfe  (!8ef.  om  en§  %io)  confession 
of  faith;  (tort  sBegreb  af  en  dig  9{eIigion§lære)  creed, 
symbol,  -belentier  confessor.  -Bog  book  of 
faith.  -brober  fellow-creedsman,  -believer,  (co-) 
reUgionist.  -eb  test  oath.  -foranbring  change 
of  faith,  reformation,  -form  form  of  faith. 
•formular  formula  of  belief.  -foroanbt  c  -t,  fe 
-brober.  -^elt  champion  of  faith.  -iuer  (religi- 
ous)  zeal.  -fraft  strength  of  faith.  -traftig  a 
of  strong  faith.  -Irig  religious  war.  -litt  reli- 
gious  life.  -Iterbom  religious  tenet.  -lære  reli- 
gious system,  creed,  faith.  -norm,  -regel  stan- 
dard of  belief.  -fog  matter  of  faith.  -famfunb 
religions  commuuity.  -fanblfeb  religious  truth. 
-fætntng  dogma  -toang  intolerance,  -bibenflab 
dogmatics,  iheology. 

Sro'ffab  c  fidellty,  faithfulness,  lovalty.  — 
Sroftabéjbrub  breach  of  faith.  -eb  oath  of  alle- 
giance.  -Ufte  vow  of  fidelity.  -^lant  pledge 
of  lidelity,    -tegn  sign  of  fidelity. 

S^roffQl'big  a  simple(-hearted),  confiding,  un- 
suspecting,  unwary.    -(|eb  c  simpllcity. 

SroS|tar(,  -fntegt  baggage  waggoner. 

SroSfc  c    r  clay-mill. 

Srodfe  c  -r  rope,  hawser,  warp.  -flaaet,  -flaget 
f«  (SoODcert)  hawser-laid  (rope). 

*Xroft  c  -er  thrush,  Turdun. 

'Zro^noQti  c  baggage-waggon. 

l;rottoi  r  ffr.)  n  -er,  fe  gfortoD. 

Sroubabour  c  -er  minstrel. 

2;ro|t)tUig,  -oillig^eb  fe  Settroenbe.  -Qoer'big 
a  worthy  of  belief  el.  credit,  trustworthy,  (itle 
om  ^erfon)  credible,  authentic;  jeg  Iftar  ^ert  af  -e 
JlfOll  I  have  been  credibly  informed,  -Ooer'big- 
^eb  c  credibility,  authenticity,  (om  ^erfon)  trust- 

trott  SSoegt  troy-weight. 

Srn'e  vi  &  t  threaten,  menaee;  fig  impend 
over;  -  ab  shake  one's  fist  at;  -be  (ab)  ^am  meb 
Stoffen  shook  his  stick  at  him;  -be  a1}  i)am  meb 
ging^ren  held  up  her  foreflnger  at  him;  _  meb 
threaten;  ben  SBeleiring,  ^bormeb  ber  -beS  the 
threatened  siege;  bet  -r  meb  Siegn  it  looks  like 
rain;  -  paa  £tbet  threaten  one's  life;  _  fig  noget 
til  obtain  a  thing  by  threats;  _  en  til  at  threaten 
one  into  -ing;  —  truenbe  a  threatening. 

Srnffct  fe  Sræffe. 

Srng  n  -e  trough. 

*'S:ruge  fe  Srqge. 

Xru'g|t)ti(el0tng  cross-vault.  -ffrobc  scraper. 
-fto!  stand  for  a  trough. 

truttet  fe  Xræfle. 

Sruraf  c  -er  trump;  fig  iffe  anbet  enb  en  _  only 
a  bit  of  bravado;  ftitfe  meb  _  trump,  take  with 
a  trump,  ruff;  fptUe  oUe  fine  -er  ub  put  forth  all 
one's  strength;  fætte  nt  igennem  meb  en  _  carry 
st  with  a  high  hånd;  tage  en  meb  _  drive  one 
into  a  corner.  S^mmfe  vi  lead  a  trump;  _  ub 
trump  out;  _  oDer  overtrump.  !£rumf|eS,  -fnægt, 
-tonge  ofo.  the  ace,  knave,  king  of  trumps. 

tS^runte  c  -r  stub,  stump,  log. 

Xrup'  c  -per  band,  Company. 

2:ru))ial  c  troopial;  Cansiua,  Icterus. 

Sruf'el  c  -fler  threat,  menaee.  —  Smfeldl&reo 
threatening  el.  comminatory  letter.  -^-fuIb  « 

Srut  c  -er  f  chaps,  jaw;  fætte  _  pout.  -mnnb 
pouting  lip;  gøre  -,  fætte  -  op  pout. 

*2;rutne,  ttrutte  swell,  bulge  out.  »Srntten 
a  swoln. 

Sprutte  vi  (i  ^om)  toot. 

•2;r^BeI  a  dismal. 

Slr^g'  a  secure,  safe  (for  from);  (t  Sinbet)  con- 
fiding, confident;  self-reliant;  gøre  en  _  throw 
one  off  his  guard;  ligge  i  fin  -gefte  3øon  be  fast 
asleep;  —  trijgt  adv  safely,  with  safety,  se- 
curely;  confldently;  man  fan  -t  fige  it  is  safe 
to  say. 

•^Sr^ge  c  -r  frame  of  wicker-work,  snow-shoe, 


Sr^ggelig  adv  fe  oafr.  Sr^gt.  Srflg^eb  c  secur- 
ity,  safety;  confldence. 

:trqgle  vt  beg,  importune,  solicit;  vi  beg. 
Srflglebren  begging  letter.  Srflgler  c  -e  (im- 
poriunate)  beggar.  3:ri)glen  c,  2;r»)gleri'  n  beg- 
ging, importunlng  etc. 

'Zttft'  n,  pi  =,  pressure,  squeeze;  pkv»  og  fig 
pressure;  (af  $rifer)  depression,  pressure;  (9lftt.) 
impression;  (i  SSogftaB)  thick  stroke;  ubePe  et  - 
exercise  a  pressure.  Xttft  c  ub.  pi  print;  paa  _ 
in  print;  unber  -fen  in  the  press,  passing  through 
the  press;  gob,  ftarp,  ofo.  -  good,  bold  etc.  type; 
tæt  -  close  print;  lobe  noget  ubgaa  i  el.  gioe  noget 
i  -fen  print  el.  publish  something.  Srflflart 
sheet  of  letter-press.  -balbe  printing-ball.  -bor 
flddledrlll.  -centrum  centre  of  pressure.  -fejl 
erratum,  misprint,  -fejliliftc  table  of  errata, 
-fjeber  detent.    -fob  (©tjm.)  presser-foot. 

iSr^tte  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  &  t  press,  squeeze;  (bripe) 
force,  thrust;  ti/p  print,  _  paont)  reprint;  (plage) 
oppress;  _  (et.  _  fig)  (om  gugle)  sit  close;  labe  _ 
print;  Sfoen  r  mig  the  shoe  pinches  me;  ben 
peb  bebft  ^oor  ©loen  -r  fom  fiar  ben  paa  every 
one  knows  where  his  own  shoe  pinches;  ^eften 
er  bleoen  -t  (af  ©abelen)  the  horse  has  been  gal- 
led (by  the  saddle);   -i  af  ©orger,  fjattigbom   be 




weighed  down  by  sorrow,  poverty;  '^aii  -8  iffe 
af  ©runbfætninger  he  is  not  overlnirtheued  by 
principle;  typ  maa  el.  fon  -8  for  press;  mebenS 
bette  -§  as  we  go  to  press;  -be  jøjer  printed 
troods;  _  ^anbelen  paralyze  tråde;  _  TOarfebet 
mere  overstock  the  market:  _  noget  af  i  SJo'S 
take  an  impression  of  a  thing  in  wax;  _  et 
fio66erfliI  of  throw  off  an  impressiou  of  a  copper 
-plate;  bet  -r  mig  for  SBr^ftet  I  have  au  oppres- 
sion of  the  chest;  ^an  -be  mig  i  ,!paonben  he 
squeezed  my  hånd;  -be  i)am  et  5gengcftt)tfe  i 
.^aanben  slipped  a  piece  of  money  into  his  hånd; 
ftan  -be  mig  i  fine  5ttrme  he  hugged  me  in  his 
arms;  -t  meb  nQ  og  ttjbetig  ©frift  printed  in  a 
new  and  clear  type;  -  jpatten  neb  i  |Z5jnene  sloueh 
one's  hat;  ~  paa  en  gfjeber  totich  a  spring;  _  fit 
Segl  unber  put  one's  seal  to;  —  »c  _  fig  inb 
et.  op  tit  cling  to;  -  fig  oeb  shrink  from;  -  fig 
ceb  at  be  loth  el.  reluctant  to;  —  trtjftenbe  </ 
heavy:  oppressive,  grievous;  tr^f  fetadepressed; 
-et  Silftonb  depressed  state,  depression.  2^rl)fte|  = 
aat  year  in  which  a  book  is  printed.  -form 
printing-block.  -frt^eb  liberty  el.  freedom  of 
the  press,  a  free  press.  -færbig  a  ready  for  the 
press.  -marFtnc  printing-machine.  Sr^IIen  c 
oppression  (for  SSr^ftet)  of  the  chest. 

Srtjlfer  c  -e  printer;  (mobf.  Sætter)  pressman; 
(Boa  ®ør)  handle  el.  knob  (of  a  door).  -flff 
European  flle-fish,  Baltsten  caprincus.  ^^rljffen' 
n  -er  printing-hoiise,  printing-offlce;  fenbeS  i  -et 
goes  to  the  printer's.  Xvifltnlien  printer's 
wages  pi.  -^rcSfe  printing-press.  -ftiærte  print- 
er's ink. 

2:rt)f!e|fieb  place  where  a  book  is  printed; 
ixx^a  iitelbtab)  imprint.  -ttiattg  restraints  on  the 

2;r^f|leje  fe  -»anbe.  -maaler  pressnre  gauge, 
manometer.  S^rJjfniitg  c  typ  printing;  (»eb  9?ægt) 
pressiire.  Slrtjfningéotntoflnittger  expenses  of 
printing.  S;r»)fH)onbe  J,  (®mD.)  thrust-bearing. 
-()a))tr  printing-paper.  -Jiraue  (®mp.)  pressure 
•test.  •^um))e  force-  el.  forcing-pump.  -fngcr 
pj  printed  matter,  prints,  -fctdten  c  F  cuff, 
slap.  -ftiærtc  printer's  ink.  -telegraf  printing 
-telegraph.  -Dier!  forcing-pump,  water-works 
With  pipes  for  high  service,  high-service  works. 

Sr^ne  vt  enchant,  charm,  fascinate;  _  frem 
conjure  forth.  -fSlr^ttclagtig  a  magic.  +-binb 
magic  bandage.  -Bjærg  enchanted  mountain. 
-6Iif  fascinating  glance.  -bæger  eharmed  cup. 
-brtt  enchanted  potion,  philter.  -i-bttnft  magic 
vapour.  -flfljte  magic  flute,  -formel,  -formular 
charm,  spell,  exorcism.  -^a§fcl  witch-hazel, 
-tree,  Hamnmelis.  -Kattg  magic  sound,  -tnube 
magic  knot.  -traft  magic  power.  -freb§  magic 
el.  eharmed  circle.  -funft  magic  el.  fascinating 
art.  -fblft  divlning-rod;  (til  at  finbe  SSanb)  dow- 
ser,  dowsing-rod.  -Ii)ttbtg,  -It)nbtg(|eb  fe  SErolb'. 
•Itjgte  magic  lantern.  -magt  fe  -fraft.  -mtbter 
pi  magic  means,  charms,  spells.  -)-2;rt)ttcn  c 
charming.  2^rl)Ite|øtiera  fairy-opera.  -orb  magic 
word,  word  of  conjuration.  -^)il  magic  arrow. 
SrtjHcri'  n -er  enchantment,  magic,  fascination. 
2;r>)Kertn'be  c  -r  Slr^ttertng  magic 
ring.  S;rt)ttertff  a  magieal,  enchanting.  S^rt)I= 
lerffe  c  -r  enchantress.  ^rt)IIe|rune  magic  rune. 
•fong  magic  song.  -ffiolb  magic  shield.  +-ffittl 
enchanted  cover,  -ffrift  magic  writing.  -jtag : 
»eb  et  _  in  a  magicai  way;  fom  Oeb  et  -  as  if  by 
magic.  -ftot  enchanted  castle.  -flummcr  magic 
sleep,  trance.  -f{<»r  magic  veil.  -f^icjl  magic 
mirror.  -ffob  magic  et.  magician's  wand.  -fljn 
magic  et.  fascinating  sight.  -tale  fascinating 
speech.  -urt  magic  herb.  -tierben  enchanted 
world,  world  of  wonders.  -Oife  fe  -fang.  -»(erl 
work  of  enchantment. 

2:rt|ne  c,  *n  -r  snont. 

"tvct  n  -er  tree;  (95eb)  ub.  pi  wood;  (gob)  cask; 
of  -  wooden;  bygget  of  -  wood-built.  wooden 
-built;  t)Bt)(e  tmob  -et  plane  across  the  grain; 
botSer  ilfe  pao  -er  are  few  and  far  between,  not 
to  be  found  every  dav.  Srælaore  vein  in  wood. 
•affalb  waste  wood.  -agerhøne  tree-partridge, 
Arboricola.  -agttg  a  woody,  ligneous.  -alfobol 
fe  -fcirttuS.  -arbejbe  wood-work.  -art  species 
of  tree.  -artet  a  arboreous.  -aSbeft  wood-rock. 
-affe  wood-ashes.  -baanb  wooden  hoop.  -bar 
CI  treeless.  -barf  bark  of  trees.  -baft  l)ast.  -ben 
wooden  leg.  -benet  «  wooden-legged.  -befttjt' 
ter  (iron)  tree-guard,  iron-cradle.  -beuoldct  a 
wooded,  arboriferous.  -bi  wood-bee,  Xyiocopa. 
-blol  wooden  block;  (fbcert  Stalle  Jrce)  log. 
•blæfcrue  pi  the  wood-wind,  the  wood.  -bojc 
wooden  buoy.  -borb  wooden  tal)le.  -borer 
ship-worm,  Teredo.  -braub,  -br^ttbe  dry  rot. 
-brif(fe)  wooden  plate;  (t.  Spil)  wooden  man. 
■brtf3  wooden  pallet,  -bro  wooden  bridge. 
•brotægnihg  wooden  pavement.  -buf  jaek, 
trestle;  capricorn,  Cerambyx.  -bul  stem  of  a 
tree.  -bJjggercp/ tree  nest-building  hirds,  -bag- 
ning wooden  building.  -b«je  wooden  buoy. 
•bampcr  wooden  steamer. 

Sræbc,  -te,  -t  vt  (en  gjaot)  thread. 

5:ræbe,  troobte,  traobt  vi  &  t  (i  2llm.;  ogf.  om 
t)i§fe  gugle)  tread;  (trine)  step;  _  et  Drget  blow 
the  bellows  of  an  organ;  _  fejl  make  a  false 
step;  _  nærmere  approach,  draw  near;  l&ar  traobt 
fine  SSørneflo  is  past  the  spoon,  fe  33ørnefto;  — 
(meb  pra>p  &  adv):  ~  of  retire,  withdraw;  resign 
Office;  mil  træb  of!  break  your  ranks !  ~  on  take 
one's  position,  draw  up,  fall  in  rank;  _  fro,  fe 

-  of:  _  frem  advance;  (i  Woteri  o.  t.)  stand  out, 
show  out,  deflne  itself;  Stanben  felb  -r  frem  for 
o8  meb  uubfigetige  guffe  bihl  the  Spirit  itself 
maketh  intercession  for  us  with  groanings  which 
cannot  be  uttered;  _  i  (f.  ©fS.  Snabfet)  step 
into,  walk  in  (the  mudj;  _  i  en8  gobfpor  follow 
one's  example;  _  i  en  anbenS  ®teb  take  (get) 
one's  place,  sueceed  one;  -  iftebenfor  replace, 
take  the  place  of,  (fortrænge)  supersede;  _  i  ftroft 
come  into  force;  -  i  Sjenéfte  take  service,  enter 
into  service,  enter  the  service:  -  i  StrfenS  jjenefte 
enter  the  church,  take  (holy)  orders;  fe  ®fron!e, 
©f^gge;  _  imøbe  come  forward  to  meet  one;  - 
inb  i  SfSgteftonben  marry.  enter  the  married 
state;  træb  inbenfor  walk  in,  step  in;  -neb, 
fe  5Uebtræbe;  -  om  fall  into  step;  -  op,  fe  Dptræbe; 

-  op  poa  mount;  -  ober  go  over;  _  en  poo 
%ottn  tread  upon  one's  feet  el.  toes;  -  en  paa 
Sigtornene  Jig  tread  heavily  upon  one's  corns; 
_  fommen  meet;  _  fammen  igen  reassemljle;  _ 
til  step  up;  join;  _  ^jælpenbe  til  step  in  to  one's 
relief;  _  tilbage  draw  back,  stand  back,  (for 
Pjet)  recede;  -  titfibe  stand  aside;  -  ub,  fe 
Ubtræbe;  _  unber  Sføbber  trample  upon,  trample 
under  foot.  2;ræbe!b(ab,  -bræt  treadle.  -bjut 
tread-wheel.  -far  treading-vat.  -lab  treadle  (of 
a  weaver's  loom).  -møUe  tread-mill.  -pube  (p. 
®^r§  2fob)  pad,  -faal  sole  (of  the  hoof).  -tou 
^  horse,     -tflrb  drag-turf.     -t-pogn  velocipede. 

2;ræ  Ibrejer  turner  in  wood.  -brejning  turn- 
ing  in  wood.  -ebbife  woodvinegar,  pyroligneous 
acid.  txcect  a  woody,  ligneous;  (f.  (£f§.  om 
fRæbbife)  stringv;  (om  Smør)  sided. 

Sræf  n  {*  ogf.  c),  pi  =>,  chance,  hit,  coinci- 

2:ræ!foIb  biowing  down  of  trees.  -fang  wooden 
utensils  pi.  -fort«i  wood-vessel.  -forbe  colour 
of  wood. 

Sræffe,  trof,  truffet  vt  (romme,  ogf.  mus)  hit; 
^møbe)  meet  (with),  come  across;  phya  impinge 
upon;    _  en  lijemme   find   one  at  home;    benne 




TOaler  -r  gobt  this  painter  hits  ofif  a  likeness 
well;  Sfubet  traf  the  shot  took  effeet;  Suglen  traf 
liam  iffe  the  ball  missed  him;  ^an  -r  gobt  he  is 
a  good  marksman;  traf  mine  iZ^ren  assailed  my 
ears;  /tg  fjøle  fig  truffen  tind  one's  self  hit,  feel 
one's  self  culpable,  become  confused  el.  dis- 
concerted;  i)an  fBlte  fig  truffen  the  cap  titted;  S8e= 
ff^lbningen  -r  .  .  .  the  charge  is  applicable  to 
.  .  .;  _  en  \)aa  bet  Dmnie  gteb  strike  home;  fiobbet 
trof  6am  it  fell  upon  him;  .  netop  ben  rette  5Etb 
come  in  the  very  nick  of  time;  _  gorberebelfer, 
en  CoertnSfomft,  et  SBalg  make  preparations,  an 
agreement,  a  choice;  _  inb,  fe  Snbtræffe;  ~  paa 
fall  in  With,  come  across,  hit  upon;  _  fa  mm  en 
meet,  (om  SBegibj  coincide;   _  til  ot  happen  to; 

—  træffes  meet;  t)an  -å  poa  Tit  Rontor  he  is  to 
be  seen  at  his  otfice;  —  w  fig  happen,  fall  out; 

—  træffenbe  a  (Sig^eb)  strikiug;  (^emærfning) 
appropriate,  to  the  point,  pertinent;  et  -nbe 
6!lempel  an  example  in  point;  —  adv  nbe  6e= 
tegnet  happily  hit  otf;  bet  er  færbcIcS  -nbe  éteoen 
fagt  it  has  been  said  with  eminent  propriety. 
Sræffer  c  -e  hit.  Sræffeflffcrfieb  accuracy  (of 
shooting).  træfning  c  -er  battle,  action;  divi- 
sion, line. 

Sræ|fl6er  woody  flber.  •flaabe  fe  2:ømmer--. 
-forbinbelfe  boud,  joining  (of  timber).  -forfiub' 
tiing  fe  -tinb.  -frugt  tree-fruit.  -fr«  seed  of 
trees.    -fælbntng  felling  of  trees. 

%xaq  a  sltiggish,  slow,  tardy;  —  adv  gao  -t 
.fiff  hang  fire. 

Sr(c;gaart>  orehard  -gatoi^e  patten,  -gong 
■Aalk,  alley.    -gartner  nursery-man,  arborist. 

SrægHtb  c  sluggishness.  -^ebSmontcnt  mo- 
ment of  inertia. 

Sræ'lgmlipe  clump  of  trees.  -gricnfen  the 
limit  of  trees. 

*Srasflt  fe  Jrogt. 

Srcrjgulo  wooden  floor.  -jammer  mallet; 
woodman's  hammer;  (i  *piano)  jack.  -^anbel 
tråde  in  wooden  wares.  -(lanbter  dealer  in 
wooden  wares.  -^oue  fe  -gaarb.  -^cft  wooden 
horse;  (t.  Straf)  timber-mare.  -^Mb  wood  sheath- 
ing.  -^u3  timbered  house,  loghouse.  -IfiJtpå 

Sræf  [e.]  n,  pi  =,  (i  SB^ift) :  -fct  the  odd  trick; 
to  _  two  by  tricks. 

Sræf  n,  pi  =,  (SR^I)  pull;  (f.  (518.  |)efte§)  trac- 
tion;  (meb  $en)  stroke,  dash;  (9lnfigtgO  trait, 
feature;  (i  Stat  o.  1.)  move;  (gugll)  roding, 
roading,  passage,  flight;  (meb  <l5enfel)  touch;  (af 
Soratter)  trait  (of  character),  feature;  ^1,  fe  -penge; 
-febbel;  ^an  gjorbe  bet  3  (Sange  i  -  he  did  it  three 
times  running  el.  three  times  in  succession;  10 
SJJite  i  _  ten  miles  at  the  stretch,  on  el.  at  a 
stretch,  at  a  pull;  tre  9?ætter  i  _  for  three  con- 
secutive  nights;  tre  Simer  i  _  for  three  hours 
at  a  spell  el.  together;  en  ^el  Uge  i  _  a  whole 
week  on  end;  gøre  be  førfte  _  til  en  Sfigur  draw 
the  first  lines  of  a  figure;  P  Qaa  paa  _  go  on 
the  loose.  SIræf  c  ub.  pi  (2uft.)  draught,  current 
of  air;  ber  er  ingen  .  i  Cbnen  the  stove  does  not 
draw;  nebabgaaenbe  _  down-draught. 

%Ta\taal  cesarean  cow-cabbage.  -far  wooden 
vesfel.    -foéfe  wooden  box. 

Sræflbaanb  fe  2;rætte=.  -bont  draw-beam.  -bro 
draw-hridge.  -brug:  til  -  for  draught.  -brønb 
draw  well.  -bflr  (Etjr,  fom  brugeé  til  at  t.)  draught 
-cattle;  (5Dtir,  fom  flifte  Cpbolbifteb)  migratory 
animals;  Sameltn  6rugt8  albrig  fom  -  the  oamel 
is  never  uscd  for  draught.  -ftft  migratory  fish, 
migrating  fish.  -fri  a  free  from  draught.  -fugl 
bird  of  passage,  -futb  a  draughty.  -færge  ferry 
-bridge,  -darnionita  accordion.  -f|cft  draught 
-horse,  (eeb  .ftanal)  track-horse.    -bjul  wheel  (for 

a  draw-well).  *-l)oU  purse-net.  -ftul  vent;  wire 
-drawing  hole.    -lj«bl  spoke-shave. 

Sræltlle  wooden  wedge.  -tirfebærtræ  fegugte=. 

S:ræffaffe  c  infu.'^ed  coflfee. 

%TcelU,  trat,  truffet  vt  &  i  draw,  drag,  pull; 
(i  Srætfpil)  move;  ifiinier,  Streger;  om  $laftre, 
Ccn,  %e)  draw;  (en  S3oab  langS  Stranben)  track; 
(f.  6l8.  om  Sfotjfnffppen)  rode,  hoad;  ^»ib  ffat  _ 
white  to  play;  Sejlene  _  the  sails  draw;  bet  -r 
6et  there's  a  draught  (of  wind)in  here;  fe  ®lant; 
J^anbffe;  _  fulbt  ^ul  command  crowded  houses; 
_  Sfort  draw  for  the  lead:  _  2ob  draw  lots,  cast 
lots;  _  $lonter  raise  piants;  SftBet  -r  9Sanb  the 
ship  makes  water;  *-r  fig  for  fiurtigt,  longfomt 
(om  Urj  is  galning,  losing  (time);  —  (meb  præp 
&  adv):  _  nf  meb  noget  F  carry  a  thing  otF;  _ 
noget  af  (i  en  SRegning)  deduct  (from  an  account); 
_  af  (Ur,  tvp  0.  fi.)  fe  9lftræfte;  ((Seoær)  pull  the 
trigger,  (om  Sanon)  pull  the  trigger-line;  (om 
røøbler)  polish;  (^at)  clean  and  polish;  -  gratfen, 
StøDlerne  af  pull  otf  one's  coat,  boots;  _  an 
tighten,  draw  together;  (om  Jpunb)  point;  -bort 
vt  draw  away;  vi  (om  fRøg  o.  1.)  clear  away, 
disperse;  mange  gugle  _  bort  om  SSinteren  mauy 
birds  migrate  towards  winter;  _  (Sarbinet  for 
draw  the  curtain,  pull  the  blind;  -fra  draw 
(the  curtain,  the  bolt);  (frabrage)  deduct,  sub- 
tract;  _  2;iben  fien  procrastinate;  bel  -r  ^en  it 
takes  a  long  time;  _  en  i  Jpaarene  pull  one  by 
the  hair  cl.  pull  one's  hair;  _  i  et  JoD  pull  (at) 
a  rope;  _  en  i  J6rmet  pull  one  by  the  sleeve; 
_  t  Sløjlen  rein  in,  draw  rein;  -  i  (om  3)ragt) 
don;  _  i  Sangbrag  spin  out;  aiegimentet  traf 
igennem  23t)cn  the  regiment  marched  through 
the  town;  _  meb  fig  drag  along  (with  one); 
Sttjerne  traf  mob  SSeften  the  clouds  passed  off 
towards  the  west;  -om  vi  alter  the  move;  - 
(2ob)  om  draw  for;  -  omfring  roam  et.  wander 
about;  -  op  draw  up;  -  SBanb  op  draw  water; 
bet  -r  op  the  clouds  are  gathering;  bet  -r  op  til 
Usejr  a  storm  is  brewing,  coming  on;  fe  Cp= 
trætte;  -  o  o  er,  fe  Doertrætre;  Ubejret  Bil  -  ooer 
the  storm  will  blow  over;  -  paa  sBenene  drag 
one's  limbs  along;  -  paa  Drbene  drawl;  -  paa 
Sfulbrene  shrug  the  shoulders;  -  (f.  (Sf8.  ferler) 
paa  en  Snor  string  (beads);  _  paa  9tarerne  ^t*  tug 
at  the  oars,  pull  well;  træt  paa  Slarerne,  OTanne ! 
pull  away,  my  lads!  -  poo  SSagt  mount  guard; 
_  poa  (fig,  Slæber  ofo.)  put  on;  _  (en  SSefSel)  paa 
draw  (a  bill)  upon;  -  fammen  draw  together, 
gather;  fe  _  op;  ^eftene  -  gobt  fammen  the  horses 
pull  well  together;  _  fig  fammen  contract;  -  Cp' 
mærtfom^eb  til  fig  attrået  attention;  -  Søren  til 
shut  the  door;  _  fig  tilbage  draw  back,  retreat, 
retire,  withdraw,  recede;  _  fig  tilbage  til  fall 
back  upon;  -  tilbage  vt  draw  back,  (i  ©fat)  re- 
treat; -  ub  draw  o>it,  extract;  fe  -  i)en;  (flæbe 
fig  af)  strip,  peel;  3Jøgen  trat  ub  the  smoke 
cleared  out;  -  fig  ub  af  withdraw  from,  back 
out  of;  —  trættes  vd  meb:  jeg  bar  en  fiaarb 
gaber  at  -8  meb  I  am  troubled  with  a  hard 
father;  jeg  ^ar  bi8fe  93ørn  at  -8  meb  I  have  these 
children  on  my  hånds;  jeg  maa  jo  -S  meb  ^am  i 
nogen  Sib  I  shall  not  be  able  to  get  rid  of  him 
for  some  time,  you  see;  -S  meb  en  SUgbom  la- 
bour  under,  be  afifected  with  a  disease;  bet  ffol 
Pi  -8  om  F  we  will  have  a  tussle  for  it.  2:rætte|  = 
baanb  running-string.  -b«nt  (Sraabt.)  draw 
-bench.  -garn  drag-net.  -jærn  (t.  9){etaltraab) 
draw-i>late,  drawing-plate.  -fniP  spokeslmve. 
•fnube  slip-knot,  running-knot.  -fraft  drawing 
power.  Xrtetfelig  «  ductile.  SJrætfcliglieb  c 
ductility.  S^rælfert  fe  træfning.  S:rccHe|naot 
Itodkin,  drawing-through  needle.  -penge  fe 
2ræf=.     -punfel   tracer.     5;r«ffer  c  -e   p  street 




•walker.  Sræftelfeb&el  fe  2;ræl=.  -tib  time  of 

2;ræf|flinge  spokeshave.  -Iroft  fe  brætte«. 
-IiEtie  chaiu-trace. 

^Srætlam^cr  pi  slippers  with  wooden  soles. 

Srætlloft  (Sflmr.)  hook-scarph.  -laffet  a  hook 
-scarphed.  -laftning  hook-aud-butt.  -line  liue 
el.  rope  for  drawing,  dragrope,  guess-rope. 

2:ræ'|It«)b8  log  of  wood.  Mlufibe  mallet. 
-Itæbning  (om  ©amptebel)  lagging. 

JJrætlmlblicl  epispastic.  -m^re  migratory  ant, 
Formica  cephalotes. 

Sræ'Itnoft  knot  in  wood.    -tneoel  toggle. 

Srcetnittg  c  -er  drawing  etc.  (fe  Srætfe);  ~  i 
Semmerne  spasm;  (i  ainfigtet)  twitch.  —  Xxat- 
ning@|bag  day  of  drawing.     -lifte  list  of  prizes 

ttK'\tno\>  bud  on  a  tree.  -tnuh  fe  -tlob«. 
-tnæ  J/  wooden  knee. 

S;ræt'|o«)n  draught-furnaee.  -))a))ir  blotting 
-paper.  -(»enge  ^  allotment  money.  -plate  fe 
Sræfleiærn.  -^ilafter  blister,  vesicatory,  blistering 
plaster;  ./Jff  attraction.  t-^)t>tte  tea-pot.  -Vunfe(I) 
fe  2;ræf!e=. 

Sræ'Irone  c  tree-top. 

2:r(Cl{rutie  ventilator  in  a  window.  -ruUe 

Zva']ttt)itt  fe  -<)itfer. 

Srcetlrør  air-pipe,  air-tube.  -fou,  *-fag  cross 
-cut  saw.  -febbel  J,  allotment  note.  -fele  traces. 
-flib  canal-boat.  -fittte  drum.  -flrue  draw 
-screw.  -flejte  track-boat.  -ipH  accordion. 
-f^IebSning  drawing-splice.  -ftang  drawing  rod. 
-ftot  wad-hook.  -ftub  draught-ox.  -ft^tfe  at- 
traction.  -fteoU  loug  boot.  -tib  fe  Sræfte^. 
-toti  fe  -line.    -t«8  P  street-walker. 

Xræ'lttl  charcoal.    -jærn  charcoal-iron. 

Xrtetloei  towing-path,  (langg  Sanal)  track-road. 
-Olnb  draught.  -Jiob  drag-net.  -ttogn  hand-cart. 
•ixert  wire-drawing  machine.    -tiest)  draw-loom. 

S^rdellfcnguru  tree-kangaroo ,  Dendrolagm. 
-lette  mallet. 

XraV  c  (t  n)  -le  thrall,  serf,  bondsman,  slave. 

'•■■'Srær  c  (gifl)  dace,  Gyprinus. 

'XxctXa^  timber,  amr  lumber;  t)anble  meb  _  deal 
in  timber.  -badfin  timber-basin.  -brager,  -farer 
timber  vessel  el.  ship.  -^anbe(  timber-trade. 
-^attbter  timber-merchant,  amr  lumber-man. 
-maaler  timber  meter. 

SrællbaareJt  a  slave-born.  -binbc  vt  enthrall, 
enslave.  -bonbe  serf,  soccager.  -bom  c  thral- 
dom,  bondage.  -bomSaag,  -bomSaanb  o.  fl.,  fe 
SEræIIe=;  bibl  en  -bomSaanb  the  spirit  of  bondage. 
-b^r  fig  drudge.  »SræJte  vt  enthrall.  %tct\- 
luinbc  bondswoman.  Xrcette  vi  slave,  drudge, 
toil  like  a  slave. 

iSroettelaag  yoke  of  bondage.  -aanb  slavish- 
ness,  servility.  -arbejbe  work  flt  for  slaves, 
drudgery.  -baanb  bonds  of  slavery,  -blob  blood 
of  slaves,  -b^rb  slavish  birth.  -baab  slavish 
deed.  -bont  fe  -arbejbe.  -fiol  crowd  of  slaves. 
-fflbt  fe  Stcelfiaaren.  -gerning  fe  -arbejbe.  -^annb  ■ 
for  _  at  the  bands  of  a  slave,  -^oer  host  el. 
army  of  serfs.  -faar  the  position  of  a  slave. 
•lio  slavish  life,  life  of  a  slave,  -lænfer  chains 
of  slavery,  -ntærfe  brand  of  slavery.  +-raærte 
vt  put  the  brand  of  slavery  on.  -natin  (S8enæo= 
nelfe  af  Sræl)  name  of  bondsman;  (SJJaDn,  fora 
gioeé  en  2;ræl)  name  of  a  bondsman.  -jtnb  slav- 
ishness,  servility.  -finbet  a  fe  2:ræl=.  -fjæl  slav- 
ish mind.  -ftanb  state  of  thraldom  el.  bondage. 
•bté :  paa.  _  like  slaves,  -bærf  fe  -orbejbe.  ttali 
fe  2:ræIfom.  Srætfinbet  a  servile,  slavish.  2:ræl= 
font  a  toilsome,  laborious;  adv  laboriously. 
Sroelfomfieb  c  laboriousness. 

SIrcrItné  wood-louse,  Oniscus  aiellua.  -lærfe 
woodlark,    Alauda    arborea.      -løber    fe    -pifter. 

-lag  tree-onion,  Canada  onion,  Allium  cepa 
viviparum.  -I«8  a  treeless,  destitute  of  trees, 
•maleri  painting  on  wood.  -manb  fio  dry-as 
-dust.  -mangel  scarcity  of  wood.  -mart)  pith 
of  a  tree.  -maSfe  wood-pulp,  woodpaste.  -ma- 
terialier  wood  materials.  -mel  wood-dust.  -mo§ 
tree-moss.  -mofait  inlaid  wood-work.  -mure 
pi  Hg  wooden  walls. 

%x(en  n,  j(i=,  ar(  train(ofartillery);  Oærnb.) 

2:r(enagle  wooden  pin,  peg;  ^  treenail. 

Slrænerje  vt  &  i  train.    -ing  c  training. 

krænge,  -te,  -t  vt  &  »'  press,  force,  drive,  push; 
-frem  advance,  push  on,  (-  x>o^a)  swarm  up;  _ 
fig  frem  press  forward;  _  igennem  c(  peuetrate; 
force  one's  way  through;  vi  fig  prevail;  _  tnb  i 
enter  (into),  penetrate  into,  make  one's  way  el. 
insinuate  one's  self  into;  _  fig  meb  Wagt  inb 
et  $ul  force  one's  way  into  a  house;  -  inb  pai 
en  fig  urge  one,  press  one  hard;  l)an  -r  fig  ini 
aEeeegne  he  thrusts  himself  in  everywhere;  - 
ti 0-0.  swarm  up;  hustle  each  other;  ~  yx'b  vi  k.  t 
crowd  out. 

Xrænge,  -te,  -t  vi  (til)  want,   be  in  want  el.j 
need  (of),  need,  stand  in  need  of;  ^an  -r  i(fe  hi 
suflfers  no  want,  wants  nothing;  —  trcengenb 
a  indigent,  needy,  nacessitous;   blioe  _  come  to 

broengen  c  hustling.  ^rtrngfel  c  -flet  (af  golf) 
crowd,  press,  pressure,  crush;  (9Kobgong)  distress, 
bibl  tribulation,  affliction;  »eb  mange  -fler  througl 
much  tribulation.  —  2:r(engfelS|oar,  -bag,  -ti' 
year,  day,  hour  of  distress  el.  tribulation. 

Screening  c  fe  Srænering. 

Srænifuff  baggage-waggoner,  -mil  mile  ruu,j 
traiu-mile.    -folbat  train  soldier. 

tSrænebbc  c  wooden  club. 

Srænar  c  -er  trainer. 

S:ræ|olie   wood-oil.     -o^al   semi-opal. 
wood-worm,  timber-sow,  wood-fretter,  Ånobiu 
(2arbe).    -^iber  tree-pipit,  titling,  titlark,  Anth 
arboreus.     -IfilUt  common  creeper,   Certhia  fa 
miliaris.     -»»inb  wooden  stick,  peg.     -»linbftii; 
tree-porcupine,  Cercolabes.    *-))H)lærle  fe  -piber, 
-plante  tree-plant.  -)tlantning  (^anblingen)  plan 
ing  of  trees,  woods;  (en  SBeplantning)  plantatiou, 
-^»ro<)    wooden   plug.      -peS    wooden    bucket, 
-reoler  battens. 

-i-Srærlng  c  -e  wily,  crafty  person,  old  fox. 

^rcejrtng  annual  ring.    -rob  tree-root.    -ræt 
oærf  wood-fence,  wooden  railing.    -fobel  swor 
of  lath.     -fabel  wooden  saddle.     -faft  sap  of 
tree.     -fager  wooden  articles.     -foloe  cemem 
for  trees. 

SIcæff  a  wily,  crafty. 

*2:ræffe  vt  fe  Xcerfle. 

2ræ  Iffe  wooden  spoon.  -ffebe  wooden  sheath 

Sræfifelig  adv  craftily.    Sræft^eb  c  craft,  wili- 

Slræ'lflib  wood  ship,  wooden  ship.  -ffo 
wooden  shoe.  -ffobanS  clog-dance.  -ffobanfer 
clogdancer.  -ffole  nursery.  -ffomager  maker 
of  wooden-shoes,  sabot-maker.  -ffomagerbærf« 
fteb  wooden-shoe  manufactory.  -ffomanb  fe  -f(o= 
mager,  -flonæb  shoe-bird,  whale-headed  stork, 
Balænioeps  rex.  -ffrue  wood-screw,  screw-nail; 
wooden  screw.  -ffærer  c  -e  (Xplograf)  wood 
-engraver,  xylographer;  (S3itteb=)  carver.  -ffcereri, 
-ffærerfunft,  -ffæring  woodengraving  el.  cutting, 
xylography;  carving.  -flange  dendrophis.  -fliberi 
wood-grinding  manufactory.  -fnit  wood  cut, 
engraving  on  wood,  xylograph.  -fnog  fe  -flange. 
■^■fn^b^e  fe  jpolt--.  -fort  (description  of)  wood. 
-f^aaner  pi  shavings  el.  chips  of  wood.  -fpanb 
wooden  pail.  -ft»ant:  ben  et  bngget  paa  -  her 
framing    is    of  wood.      -fptrituS    wood   spirit, 





pyroligneons  el.  pyroxylic  spirit,  methylic  alco- 
hbl,  methylated  spirits  (of  wine).  -fptint  splint 
ofwood.  -f^itlt  Je  fpiritug.  -ftabel  pile  of  wood. 
•^amme  stem  of  a  tree.  -ften  petrified  wood. 
-ftige  wooden  ladder.  -ftof  (GcIIulofe)  woody 
fibre,  woody  matter,  lignine;  fe  -maSie.  -ftol 
wooden  chair.  '^ol\>e  wooden  post.  -ftui 
stump  el.  stub  of  a  tree.  -ftit!  ligneons  stucco. 
-ft^He  piece  of  wood.  t-ft«J)  fe  -ftw6.  -ft«0 
wood-dust.  -fur  o  pyroligneous.  -foatn))  ama- 
<iou,  Boletus;  fe  ^u8=.  -f»)re  ligneous  acid,  wood 

Srat'  or  tired,  wear>'  (of  of),  vvearied,  fatigued 
<with);  (feb  af)  weary  (of),  tired  (with). 

Srcejtanerfen  wooden  plate,  platter,  -tanb 
cog,  -taoletr^l  block-printing;  block-book. 
-teré  ,t.  toggle. 

Irætfjeb  c  weariness,  fatigue,  lassitude. 

2:ræ!tln  wood-tin.  -tjoere  wood-tar.  -to<J  top 
el.  head  of  a  tree. 

%t(ttte  vt  tire,  weary,  fatigue;  —  trætte§  vp 
be  tired  etc;  —  trcettenbe  a  tiresome,  weari- 
some,  tedious. 

Xtcettt  c  -X  dispute,  quarrel;  (<proce§)  litigation; 
ligge  i  _  be  quarrelling;  fomme  i  -  quarrel;  bømme? 
for  unøbig  -  be  fined  for  frivolous  and  vexatious 
litigation.  %t(tUt  vi  dispute,  bandy  words;  _ 
imob  contradict;  —  trætte?  vd  quarrel.  Xrcttttl' 
Iiraber  quarrel- picker,  litigious  person,  -toer  a 
quarrelsome,  disputatious.  -ffCt^eb  c  quarrel- 
somene.'^s,  disputatiousness. 

2ra  I  tøffel  clog.  -Wj  wooden  utensils  pi. 
-UlJi  wood-flock.  -tfttqiti  American  quail,  Ortyx 
virginianus.  -tjare^attbel  fe  -^anbel.  -onrer  pi 
fe  -fager;  fe  -laft. 

2:c(Ctien  fe  a:ret)en. 

^raevt  c  -er  fibre,  flbril,  filament,  thread;  tife 
en  _  not  a  button;  itfe  en  tør  _  not  a  dry  thread. 
airæole  vt  &  i  ~  op,  ub  ravel  (out).  —  ttattle\' 
lilømftret  <Pragtftjerne,  fe  -frone.  -bunbt  fe  -Intppe. 
-gibé  ftbrous  gypsum,  English  tale.  -falf  fibrous 
limestone,  satin-spar.  -tttiip)>e  bunch  of  fibres. 
-Irone  ragged-robin,  Lj/chnis  flot  cuculi.  -munb 
lancelet,  Amphioxus.  -rob  fibrous  root.  -ftof 
fibrous  substance;  Oifiriti)  fibrin.  Srftbtet  a 
fibrous,  fllamentous.  ^SrceoleoceD  n  fibrous  tissue 
d.  texture. 

Xræl*«iirfe  fe  -materialter.  -tioIS  fe  ^obebot«. 
♦»(tg  wooden  wall.  -VCilét  growth  of  trees. 
-o«rI  wood-work.  -æber  (3nf.)  xylophagan. 
-»gie  tree-lizard. 

*%te  c  -er  small  enclosed  fleld,  fold. 

Sraffel  c  -fler  truffle,  Lycoperdon  tuber,  -^unb 
truffle-dog.    -jager,  -f«ger  tniflfle-huuter. 

+5;r«g  fe  Sræg. 

Sr«je  c  -r  jacket,  jerkin;  (til  Same)  jacket; 
faa  en  bojifet  -  get  a  thrashing  el.  trouncing;  faa 
€n  daab  -  get  thoroughly  drenched;  oobe  fin  _ 
look  danger  in  the  face. 

Sr«iebu'S  c  trois-deuce;  paa  en  _  at  hazard, 
At  a  venture,  at  random. 

tSrøjel^ane  (3)mp.)jacket-cock.  -Ilæbt  a  dressed 
in  a  jacket.  -lomme  jacket  pocket.  -ærme  jacket 

Srøffe  c  (Paa  2;ungen)  thrush. 

Srøfte  c  rotten  wood,  touchwood.  Ilrøffe  t^' 
grow  rotten,  •itcentt  firewood  partly  rotten. 
drøftet,  '''trøften  u  rotten. 

Srøft  c  comfort,  consolation;  (SEiHib)  confid- 
ence;  bet  er  en  baarlig  .  that  is  a  cold  comfort. 
ti;røfl  a  firm,  staunch.  i:røfte  vt  comfort,  con- 
sole;  _  fig  comfort  one's  self,  take  comfort;  _ 
fig  meb  (ben  Xanfe;  at  take  comfort  in  the  thought 
that;  _  fig  til  (DODc)  venture,  dåre,  trust  one's 
aelf  (to);  (tro  r»9  iftanb  til)  think  one's  self  able. 
—  3;røfte|bret»  consolatory  letter,    -futb  a   con- 

iiarfen :  2;anff=(£ngelff  Crb6og. 

solatory.    -gruttb  ground  of  comfort.    Srøftelig 
a  (fom  fan  trufteS)   consolable;    (trøftenbe)   conso- 
latory. 2:røfte(né)orb  words  of  comfort.   Srøfter 
c    -e   comforter    (ogfaa    bibl),    consoler;    bolster 
cushion  el.  pillow  (for  chairs).    Srøfterig  a  full 
of  comfort,  consolatory,  consoling.    Xrøftermanb 
c  fe  3:røffer.     Srøfte^rift  consolatory   writing. 
SrøfteSIøå   a   inconsolable,   disconsolate:   (mt4= 
trøftenbe)  di.sheartening,  distressing.    Srøfteélød' 
f)eb  c  disconsolateness.     Xrøftetole  consolatory 
discourse  el.  sermon.     Srøftig  a  of  good  cheer, 
jfeftcrfcé'Ifer  c  Circassian.    -fift  a  Circassian. 
S:frt|ub  er  c,  pi  =,  Chud.    -ifl  a  Chudic. 
Xf(^uftf(^er  c,  pi  =  Chukch. 
Sfctfeflue  c  tsetse,  Glotsina  morsitans. 
Suba  c  -er  tuba. 

Sube'rfel  c  -fler  tu'bercle.  -bonnelfe  c  tuber- 
culization.  —  Suberlfulo'fe  c  plithisis.  -fulø'd 
a  tuber 'culous,  tubercular. 

Sttbero'fe  c  -r  (garden)   tuberose,   Polianthea 
Siibingett  n  Tubingen. 
-t-Sub  n  howl. 

Sub  c  -e  spout;  (oaben)  lip;  (p.  SBlæfebætg)  nose 
-pipe.    -brttft  arytenoid  cartilage. 

Sttbe  vi  {i)t)U)  howl;  (om  Ugle;  hoot;  (f.  ef§.  i 
^orn)  toot;  cont  (græbe)  whine,  pule;  _  en  |Srene 
fulbe  din  one's  ears ;  man  ntao  _  meb  be  Uloe  man 
er  ibtanbt  when  you  are  at  Rome,  do  as  Rome 
does.    Subetjorn  tooting-horn. 
Slubetanbe  c  jug  el.  mug  with  a  spout. 
Suben  c,  ijuberi'  n  bowling  etc.  (fe  Sube). 
Sttbfe  c  -r  toad,   Bu/o.     -fif!   angler,   fishing 
-frog,  Lophius  j'iscatorius.   -græS,  -flo  toad-rush', 
Juncus  bufoniun.    -ften  toad-stone. 
Stt'bftraale  vi  F  howl,  roar. 
*%\ii  c  -r  scouring-clout,  mop. 
Xixt  c  -r  knoU,  little  hillock,  mound;  (af  tuef. 
<J5lante)  tuft,  tussock;  SKqre-  ant-hill;  gøre  -r  til 
Siærge  make  mountains  of  mole-hills;  liben  3;ue 
ofo.  fe  Sæ?;  a  small  leak  will  sink  a  great  ship. 
-formet,    -formig    ^   cespitose.     -græS   sedge, 
C'irex.     -mljre  red-ant,  wood-ant,  Formica  ru/u. 
-<>lo»  plough  for  levelling  knolis. 
Suf  c  tufa,  tuff. 

•Sufå   n   paltry   stufi",  a  poor  aflfair.    Sttfå  c 
-er  muir.    Suffe  vi  bungle,  fumble;  vr  fig  op  fag; 
_  fifl  fammen  tangle.    Sluffc  c  tangle. 
Sttfften  c  fe  Xuf. 

*2lufteK  Puck,  the  brownie,  Robin  good  boy. 
Sugt  c  (3)ifcipltn)  discipline;  (Strof)  correction; 
et  -eng   SRié  a  scourge;   ^olbe  t   _   hold  under 
discipline;    i   _    og   røre    in    all   chastity   and 
honour;    meb   _    at   melbe   with    reverence    be 
it  spoken.    +-brttb  breach  of  discipline.    Xugte 
vt   chastise,    correct,    castigate,    chasten,    disci- 
pline; '-(Sten)  boast;  _  op,  fe  Dptugte;   ben  fom 
elfTer  ^am,  -r  l)om  tiblig  bibl  he  that  loveth  him, 
chasteneth  hlm  betimes.    Sugtelfe  c  -r  chasti se- 
ment,  castigation,  correction.    !£ttgtemefter  cor- 
rector,  chastener;  Bor  _  til  Sriftum  our  school- 
master  to  bring  us  unto  Christ.    Sugtl^ud  house 
of  correction,  bridewell;  bømme  til  -et  sentence 
to  hard  labour,  ftober  i  -et  is  a  convict.     -^ttS- 
fange  prisoner  in  the  house  of  correction.   -ftuå-- 
tanbibat  felon.     -tiuåftrof  hard  labour,   penal 
servitude    fugtig  a  decent,  modest.    'S;ugttgl;eb 
c  modesty,  decency.    Sugt|lø§  a  uudisciplined. 
-løS^rb  c'want  of  discipline.  -Pant  a  discipline  d. 
3:uta'n  e  -er  tou'can. 
•Sutle  o«  fe  Slubre. 
Xututut  U  c  tucotuco,  Gtenomya. 
Xulametat  n  Tula-metal. 
%\x\ip<in   c   -er  tu'lip;    p   lobe  en  lugte  til  -en 
pitch  into  one.   ^uli))a'n|iieb  bed  of  tulips.    -løg 




tulip-biilb.  -f^gen  the  tulip  mania.  -tr«  tiilip 
-tree,  Liriodendron  ttilipi/erum;  tulip-wood,  white 

'■'Sntt  c  -er  roll,  bundle;  fool.  Sutte  c  -r  fool- 
ish,  silly  woman.  Sutte  vt:  _  tnb,  _  fammen 
bundle  up,  together;  _  fig  bort  go  astray;  be 
put  out.  Suttjen,  -et  a  crazy,  foollsh.  -iuB  c 
-er  fool,  idiot. 

Sul'u^  c  -per  top-coat. 

Sumle  vi  (falbe)  tumble,  toppie;  be  95ørn  _  for 
meget  ^erinbe  tbese  children  make  too  much 
noise  here;  -  tilbage  stagger  back;  _  tncb  struggle 
wlth;  vt  ~  en  Jpeft  manage  a  horse;  —  »r  _  Hg 
disport  one's  self;  _  fig  i  »ilbe  ®Iæber  riot  in 
wild  pleasures;  ^an  fjat  t  fig  meget  om  i  ^erben 
he  has  ,';een  a  great  deal  of  the  world;  {)an  ^or 
-t  fig  ifaa  ©øen  he  has  been  tos.sed  od  the  waves; 
-é  om  pao  .^otiet  be  knocked  about  on  the  ocean, 
be  buffeting  about  the  sea.  Sumlen  c  tumbling 
etc;  noise,  racket.  Suntle^labd  place  of  exer- 
cise;  fig  range,  fleld.  Suntter  c  -e  dolphin, 
JJelphimm  phocæna;  (®ue)  tumbler,  roller,  Co- 
lumha  gyratrix.  Sutttliug  c  -er  small  tumbler; 
fe  Sumler  (3)ue).  Suutntel  c  tumult,  bustle, 
uproar,  racket;  SSerbené  _  the  vortex  of  the 
world.    '■Summelt  c  -er  (3)ue)  tumbler. 

Suutmeiuttiff  a  p  bewildered;  gøre  _  be- 

tSumraeruin'(ine)  c  &  n  ease,  leisure;  i  min 
gobe  _,  i  mit  eget  _  at  my  leisure;  ben  gamle  _  the 
old  groove. 

tSum<)et,  *Suwfet  n  fe  3:ompet,  Somfet. 

Suntult'  c  tumult,  riot,  disturbance.  -uant' 
c  -er  rioter.    -uo'riff  a  tumul'tuous. 

"Sun  «,  pi  =,  court,    farm-yard,  prov  town. 

Sune' If er  c,  -fifl  n  Tunis'ian. 

Su'uftfl  fe  S{)unfift. 

Sung  a  heavy,  ponderous;  -t  SIrbejbe  weary 
work ;  -t  ®inb  gloomy  disposition ,  dillicult 
temper;  _  ©til  heavy  el.  ponderous  style;  -t  ©uf 
groan;  en  _  ©fæbne  a  hard  fate;  et  -t  9lemme 
H  duU  comprehension;  bet  er  -t  at  mifte  fit  enefte 
58arn  it  is  hard  to  lose  an  only  child;  l^aOe  en  _ 
jpaanb  be  heavy-handed;  bære  _  i  ^»obebet  feel 
one's  head  heavy,  feel  drowsy;  ieg  er  ~  om 
lipjertet  my  heart  is  heavy;  —  tungt  adv  heavily; 
ligger  -t  i  SOJooen  is  heavy  to  digest;  fooe  -t  be  a 
sound  sleeper.  -blobig  a  thick-blooded,  melan- 

Sunge  c  -r  tongue;  (©prtg)  tongue,  language; 
(of  iJanbj  tongue;  (paa  aSægtffaol)  cock;  (gift)  sole, 
Solea;  (3:agften)  flat  tile;  (p.  SniP;  tang;  typ 
(galley-)slice;  faa  -n  paa  ®otig  give  a  loose  to 
one's  tongue;  foa  en§  _  paa  ®ang  set  one's 
tongue  a  goiug,  draw  one  out;  ræffe  _  ab  en 
put  one's  tongue  out  at  a  person;  bet  ligger  mig 
pflo  -n  I  have  it  on  the  tip  of  my  tongue,  at 
my  tongue's  end;  bet  ©pørgimoal  faibt  mig  paa 
-n  the  question  rose  to  my  lips;  :^on  ^or  en 
fitjbenbe  _  he  has  a  glib  tongue;  ^ar  to  -r  i  een 
røunb  is  double-tongued;  fe  2anb;  meb  -n  ub  af 
jpalfen  panting.  Sunge|aarelingualvein.  -baanb 
ligament  of  the  tongue;  {%t\\)  tongue-tie;  pære 
gobt  ffaaren  for  _  have  a  well  oiled  tongue,  have 
the  gift  of  the  gab;  løfe  en§  _  fe:  foa  enS  Sunge 
poa  ®cng.  -ben  hyoid  bone.  -blegn  blister  on 
the  tongue.  -bogftaki  lingual.  -bfllb  boil  on  the 
tongue.  -fil  tongue(file),  cross-flle.  -fOinbre  fe 
Sunge  (Sif')-  -formig  a  lingulate,  ligulate. 
-førbig  a  voluble,  rapid  el.  fluent  of  words. 
-fcerbigbeb  c  volubility.  -grøft  (^08  ^efte)  hollow 
in  which  the  tongue  lies.  -inftrument  reed  in- 
strument, -firtel  lingual  gland.  -fræft  cancer 
of  the  tongue.  -I^b  lingual  sound.  -l»8  a 
tongueless.  -ntaal  language;  bibl  tale  meb  frem« 
mebe  -   speak  with  tongues.     -muffel  lingual 

mu.scle.  -neroe  lingual  nerve.  -(iDbning  tongue 
-grafting,  -vap  «  voluble.  -rob  root  of  the 
tongue.  -flag  stroke  of  the  tongue.  -f^atel 
spatula,  tongue-depressor.  -f))ib§  tip  of  thei 
tongue.  -ft«b  tonguing.  Sunget  a  tongued; 
fe  -formig. 

Sunglfoerbig  a  slow,  heavy,  -fcerbigtieb,  heaviness.  *-f«r  fe  -fcerbig.  -fteb 
heaviness.  -^(cnbet  a  heavy-handed.  -Jer,  *-^«rt. 
a  hard  of  hearing.  -Ijerfg^eb  c  difficulty  et. 
hardness  of  heariug.  -jorb  barytes.  -(aben  a 
heavy,  -mælenbe,  -mælet  a  havfng  difficulty  ot 
utterance.  -nem,  -nemmet  a  indocile,  indocible, 
dull  of  comprehension,  a  slow  learner.  -neml)el>. 
indocility,  indocibility.  -finb  fe  -finbig^eb.  -fin« 
btg,  *-finbt  a  melancholy.  -finbtg^eb  c  melan- 
choly.  -fmelteltg  a  difflcult  of  fusion,  -fpat 
sulphate  of  barytes.  -ftcn  tungsten,  -ftenfqre 
tuugstic  acid.  *-\6  swell.  -feonet  n  that  sleeps 
heavily.  —  Sungt|bepæbnet  a  heavy-armed. 
-labet  a  heavyladen.  -oplefetig  a  diflicult  of 

Sungu'fer  pi  Tunguzes,  Tnngooses. 

*Sungt)int  a  ponderous,  clumsy,  impracticable. 

Sunita  c  tunic. 

Sunler  c  -e  (©eft)  Tunker,  Dunkard. 

Sunnet  c  -er  tunnel. 

Sunnolit  c  rorqual,  Balærwptera  gigas. 

Su^aj'a  c  fe  SViotrefpibSmuS. 

Sur  c  -e  (lide  SRejfe)  trip,  excursion,  run;  (Slab) 
turn;  (Sog)  expedition;  (i  SonS)  figure;  jeg  gjorbe, 
-en  fro  Jtøbenliaon  til  ...  1  made  the  tour  from 
Copenhagen  to  .  .  .;  toge  en  2!rofte  i  enfelt  _  take 
a  cab  by  the  drive;  nu  er  -en  til  big  it  is  your 
turn  now;  ftoo  for  -  til  stand  next  in  rotation 
for;  ftob  for  _  (til  at  gøre  Sjenefte)  was  next  for 
duty;  gaa,  ribe,  føre  en  _  take  a  walk,  ride, 
drive,  go  out  for  a  walk  etc;  er  ført  ub  en  _ 
is  out  for  a  drive;  goa  of  efter  -  retlre  by  el.  ia 
rotation;  fomme  i  -  meb  at  get  into  a  habit  of; 
p  ^on  er  Pont  til  -en  he  is  inured  to  it. 

Suranft  a  Toura'nian. 

Surba'K  c  -er  turban,  -formet,  -formig  a 
turban-shaped.  -ife'ret  o  turbaned.  -lilje  mar- 
tagon,  Turk's  cap,  Lilium  martagon.  . 

Surbi'ne  c  -r  tur'bine. 

Surbe,  tør,  turbe,  turbet  «t  dåre;  tør  el.  _  teft 
fpørge  may  I  ask;  jeg  _  itle  gøre  bet  I  dared  not 
do  it;  bft  tør  jeg  iffe  I  dåre  not  (do  it);  bet  _  bel 
^ænbe  fig  it  may  possibly  happen;  bet  tør  ^ænbe 
ot  it  may  be  that;  om  jeg  foa  tør  fige  if  I  may 
(be  permitted  to)  say  so;  jeg  tør  not  ftge  I  think 
I  may  safely  say. 

*Sure  c  -r  (til  Sap)  faucet. 

Sure  vi  (omfring)  be  roving,  coursing,  about; 
*  be  on  the  spree,  on  a  round  of  pleasures. 

Surfeftan  n  Turkestan,  Turcomania. 

Surfi  §  ie  Sijrfié. 

Surtoman'  c  -ner  Tur'coman. 

Surmalin  c  tour'maline,  tur'maline. 

Surner  c  -e  one  who  practLses  gymnastics-  el. 
athletics,  gymnastic,  turner. 

Stttne'r|e  vi  tilt,  joust. 

Surne'n^eft  horse  used  at  tournaments.  -ing 
c  -et  tournament.  -traoe  her  label,  -lanfe  jousl- 
ing  lance.  -looe  pi  laws  of  tournaments.  -platS 
tilt-yard.  -<)ri§  prize  of  the  tournament.  -f<>it 

Surnforening  gymnastic  el.  athletic  union. 
Surning  c  gymnastic  exercises. 

Surn|fun^  gymnastic  art.    -ffo  athletic  shoe. 

Surni<)(é)  c   é  turnip. 

Surnud  c  -er  rotation. 

Surtelbue  c  turtle-dove,  Columba  turfur. 

Su'rbté  adv  by  turns,  by  el.  in  rotation,  turn 
and  turn  about. 





Sufd^  c  mus  floiirish. 

Xu\åt  n  Indian  ink,  China-ink;  tegne  meb  _ 
draw  vnth  Indian  ink.  Sufi^Cre  vt  &  i  wash; 
chir  caiiterize.  S^ufti^'mftnér  cameo.  -^enfet 
brush  for  washing.    -tegning  China-ink  drawing. 

Snftnb^  tuftnbe  a  thousand;  _  og  een  9iot  the 
Arabian  Nights;  _  @ange  om  gorlabelje  a  thiousand 
pardons;  en  6lanbt  -  one  in  a  thousand.  !£ufintl|' 
aarig  «  thousand  years  old,  bet  -e  9lige  the 
millennium;  ben  e  SQtfalig^eb  the  millennial 
happiness.  -ben  millepede,  Julus;  centlpede, 
scolopendra,  Scolopendra;  J^  racking  seizing. 
-blab  water  milfoil,  Myriopkyllum.  -tiel  thou- 
Fandth  (part),  -bobbelt  adv  a  thousand  times. 
Sufinbe  num  ord  thousandth  Sufittbltdttiet  « 
many -eoloured.  -folb  adv  a  thousand  fold. 
■folbig  a  thousandfold.  -fr^b  daisy,  «c  gowan. 
Bellis  perennis.  -fr*  allseed,  Radiola  mille- 
grana.  -gt)Ibett  red  centaury,  Erytkræa  cen- 
taurium.  -tunftncr  man  of  many  arts,  Jack  of 
all  trades.  -P«n  amaranth,  Amarantus.  >fteitt= 
mig  a  many-voiced.  -tal,  -tiiS:  i  ~  by  el.  in 

Swfl  M  Je  %u\<i). 

Snft|e  vi  &  t  barter,  truck,  f  swap.  -^anbet 
barter,  truck,  truckage. 

♦SnSIe  li  fe  «|5u§le. 

SuetiKrle  n  dusk,  twilight;  i  -t  in  the  twilight, 
between  the  lights.  -fOflettner  hawk-moth, 

•SInSfe  c  -r  goblin,  troll. 

^SuSfelabb  c  -er  rincompoop,  muff,  whipper 

"tun  c  -er  tuft. 

'Sut  c  fe  3;ub;  joc  (pouting)  mouth,  llps;  gøre 
~  pout. 

Xttt'  c  -ter  comet;  en  _  $enge  a  rouleau,  a 
roll  of  money  in  paper.  Xutte  vt  ($enge)  roll 
up  money  in  paper. 

'Zntia  c  tutly. 

tuttt  vi  fe  Zrutte. 

2:banbt  imp  of  loinbe. 

Sbang  imp  af  Soinge. 

Ssang  c  force,  compulsion,  restraint,  restric- 
tion,  coercion,  constraint;  af  _  on  compulsion; 
meb  -  by  constraint,  forcibly;  uben  _  without 
restraint,  unconstrained;  unber  SooenS  ~  under 
a  penalty;  unber  (SfgefutionS  _  under  pain  of 
execution;  lægge  -  paa  ftg  constrain  oneself 
Xuanglfri  a  unrestrained,  unconstrained;  SSærfet 
ubfommer  i  -e  ^efter  the  work  will  be  published 
in  numbers  at  indefinite  periods;  bet  _  ©Qftem 
the  no-restraint  system,  -frl^eb  fe  -loS^eb.  -I«8 
ie  -fri.  -løSfteb  c  freedom  from  restraint.  — 
!tbangd{a(torb  compulsory  composition.  -arbejbe 
compulsory  el.  hard  labour.  -arbcibSanftalt  fe 
-bui.  -auttion  execution  sale.  -boob  compulsory 
baptism.  -f-^erte  despot,  tyrant.  -^uå  work- 
house  for  vagrants.  -Ilauful  penalty.  -turS 
compulsory  rate  of  exchange.  -laon  forced 
loan.  -loo  coercion  bill,  Coercion  Aet,  coercive 
law.  -tnibbel  compulsory  el.  coercive  means. 
•mulft  daily  fine.  t-tn«Ue  soc-mill.  -paS  com- 
pulsory passport.  -ipliOt  compulsory  duty.  -Voli= 
tit  policy  of  coercion.  -regel  compulsory  rule. 
-ret  right  of  compulsion.  -fele,  -trfljc  fe  ©pænbe« 
treje.    -t»Jå  adv  by  force. 

*S;»are  c   r  twirling-stick. 

tWiat  c  -fer  biscuit,  rusk,  top  and  bottom; 
(Ur)  turnip. 

Soebafifl  a  bibasic. 

Stie'blab  n  sarabacca,  Asarvm  europæum. 

Sticbo  c  ^  dioecia.    -(»lante  dioecian. 

tSoebe  c  peninsula. 

Snelbeling  bipartition,  bisection.  -bett  a  two- 
parted,  bipartite. 

Soe'Ibragt  e  dissension,  disunion,  discord, 
-bragtdaanb  spirit  of  dissension. 

Sbceggct  fe  Jdecegget. 

Snefaruct  a  bicolour(ed),  twocoloured. 

Soc  fliget  a  ^  bilobed,  bilobate. 

Snefolbig  a  double. 

Xueforf  c  twopronged  fork. 

t2;»>ef«rc  n  prov  collision. 

t2;t»ege  c   r  forked  brauch.    Sneget  a  forked. 

2:»e'grenlct  a  two-pronged.   -itig  c  bifurcation. 

2:oc'grøb|et,  -grøbig  a  yielding  two  crops  in 
the  year,  biferous. 

Soeiiornet  a  two-horned. 

2;i)e^otiebet  o  two-headed. 

St)e|f)ot)et  a  fe  -flooet. 

Soeijoceloet  a  convexo-convex. 

3:t>et|Knbet  a  (fom  ^ar  to)  bimanous;  (fom  bruget 
6egge  lige  gobt)  ambidexter. 

tSltjeilte  n  peroxide. 

^belfamt*  single  combat,  wager  of  battle; 
(35uel)  duel. 

'Zve'Hovtt  a  bisulcous,  cloven-footed. 

StJC'tIoftet  a  two-cleft,  bitid,  bifurcate. 

3;oe'Itøtiet  a  (fløoet  to  «Qnge)  twice-cleft;  fe 

Stie'Ini))tiet  a  ^  diadelphian,  diadelphous. 

'Soe'frogct  a  bent  double,  doubled-up;  be 
ftob  -be  af  fiatter  they  quite  doubled  themselves 
up  with  laughter. 

Soelulfur  a  f.  et8.  Ølotron,  fe  9Jatron. 

+5;»et«J»^ie  vi  duel. 

tvetennet  a  of  both  sexes,  hermaphrodite. 

2:t)elt)b  c  diphthong. 

Suctøben  a  double. 

Xtiemoben  a  unevenly  ripe. 

^tienbc  two. 

Stiefinbet  a  fickle,  wavering.   -f)eb  c  fickleness. 

Soefført  n  divided  skirt. 

%'oe'\paltet  a  two-cleft. 

Stjeftjccrt  c  fe  JDtentbift. 

StJeftjnct  a  that  sees  double. 

Sueianb  c  dead-nettle,  Lamium  album;  (gij!) 

Soetcgn  n  digraph,  digram. 

%t>eti>p  c  double  peak. 

Sbetulle  c  -r  hermaphrodite. 

Soetunget  a  double- tongued.  -^eb  c  double 
-dealing,  duplicity. 

Suet^bifl  a  (fom  Ian  t^be«  paa  to  9Koaber)  equl- 
vocal,  ambiguous;  (uoiS,  miStænfelig)  doubtful 
questionable;  (fitbtig)  indelicate,  indecent.  -^eb 
c  ambiguity,  double  meaning,  equivocalness, 
equlvocation;  -er  indecencies. 

Søeægget  a  two-edged. 

Sot  ititerj  fy!  _  big  (an)!  fie  upon  you!  out 
upon  you! 

tStJt'gælb  c  double  fine. 

StiiU  n  twill. 

StiiUing  c  -er  twin.  -baarett  a  twin-bom. 
■brobcr  twin  -  brother.  -følt  pi  twin  nations, 
-føbt  a  fe  -baaren.  -^øje  pi  twin  hillocks.  -Itttftai 
twin  el.  hemitrope  crystal.  -lonb  fe  -rige.  -«<b 
double-nut.  -pat  pair  of  twins.  -rige  realm 
consisting  of  two  united  kingdoms.  -ri«g  double 
-ring,  gimmal,  gemel-ring.  -fi«I  twin  soul. 
-ftrue  twin  screw.  -ftjerne  double-star.  -føfter 
twin-sister.    -æble  double-apple. 

iStiinbc,  toanbt,  tounbet  vt  twine,  twist;  _  op 
untwist;  _  ftg  op  untwist.  tSoinbe  c  prov 
doubled  thread.  Søtnbemølte  twist-mill.  Sbi«' 
ber(ffe)  c  -e,  -r  twister.  Soinbing  c  twisting, 
*2:tiinbtraab  linen  yarn. 

tSIbine  vi  whine,  whimper.  Søinen  c  whining 

tSbtnge,  tbang,  ttjunget  vt  force,  compel,  con- 
strain, coerce;  Srifti  Kcerlig^eb  -r  08  the  love  of 





Christ  constraineth  us;  _  fig  til  at  le  force  a 
laugh;  bet  er  en  tttungen  Sag  it  is  compulsory  el. 
obligatory  (upon  one),  ie  Soungen;  -nbe  a  irre- 
sistible;  -nbe  ©runbe  cogent  reasons.  Soittoe  c 
-r  (Struetbinge)  vice;  (til  ©fo)  thong,  latchet. 
•holt  wring-bolt.  -bom  wring-stafiF.  isninger  c 
-e  (SCjBmr.)  tie;  +  =  SBetBinger.  +Sl)tngfet  c  fe 

SItiift  c  dispute,  disagreement,  difference;  liti- 
gation;  lebe  i  _  (meb)  live  at  variance  (with); 
le»e  i  ibelig  _  live  like  cat  and  dog;  -enS  2®ble 
tlie  apple  of  discord,  bone  of  contention;  „i)W 
fig  blanber  i  anbreS  ~"  those  who  In  quarrels 

SDift  n  twist,    -affalb  white  waste. 

lloifte  vi,  -§  vd  dispute,  contend,  contest. 
Soifite{cmne  fe  -»untt.  -fr«  fe  SoiftenS  Seble. 
•maat  n  fe  Sbift.  -ifvivitt  matter  of  dispute, 
point  at  issue.  Soifttg  a  (uenig)  at  variance; 
(tbitilfomj  disputable.  +Stii{tiggøire  vt  disunite, 
set  at  odds.    Soiftig^eb  c  -er,  fe  Sbift. 

Suittl  [*  ubt.  2t)il]  c,  pi  =,  doubt;  bære  el.  ftaa 
i  _  be  el.  stand  in  doubt,  feel  a  doubt;  nære  ~ 
om  doubt;  bi  nære  ingenfom^elft  -  we  have  no 
manner  of  doubt;  _  om  ot  doubt  that;  bære  i  -, 
om  feel  a  doubt  whether;  brage  i  _  question, 
call  in  question;  uben  _  without  doubt,  doubt- 
less,  undoubtedly,  no  doubt;  uben  al  -  v^ithout 
the  least  doubt;  ber  opftob  _  a  doubt  arose; 
fætte  ubenfor  al  _  put  beyond  a  doubt;  bet  fan 
bære  _  unberfaftet  it  may  admit  of  doubt;  bet  er 
l)æbet  ober  ol  _  it  admits  of  no  doubt  whatever. 
Soittle  vi  (om)  doubt,  call  in  question,  question; 
jeg  -r  ilte  berom  I  make  no  doubt  el.  question 
of  it;  jeg  -r  ttfe  om  el.  x>^a  at  I  have  no  doubt 
but  that;  —  tbtblenbe  a  doubtful;  i  en  -nbe 
Sone  doubtfully.  -i-2:tiitilett  c,  Ssibteri'  n  fe  Sbibl. 
Seitiler  c  -e  doubter,  sceptic.  2:bibleft)g  a  having 
a  passion  for  doubting.  S^biblef^ge  passion  for 
raising  doubts.  Stiitil|raatiig  a  in  doubt,  in 
suspense,  doubtful,  irresolute,  in  ivio  minds. 
-raabig^eb  c  irresolution,  hesitation.  SoiUlS' 
raool  n  fe  2:oibl;  (tbiblfomt  Silfælbe)  doubtful 
case.  Sbiblfom  a  doubtful,  dubious,  question- 
able.  Sloitttfom^eb  c  doubtfulness,  dubiousness. 
XuiOlStilfælbC:  i  _  in  case  of  doubt. 

Sbunbet  fe  STmnbe. 

Suttngen  a  forced ,  strained ,  constrained, 
laboured;  (i  Dpfjørfel)  stiff,  constrained. 

%\ictv  ['^toær']  a  cross-grained,  sullen,  surly, 
grumpy;  perverse;  <'obtuse,  stubbed,  steep. 

SbæraitS  c  transverse  ridge. 

Sboerager  c  field  lying  transversely  before 

SkiceralSe  c  transverse  axis. 

Søærbaanb  n  transverse  Ugature,  cross-band; 
anat  transverse  ligament. 

SOcecbane  c  cross-line. 

Soærbebbing  c  cross-bitt. 

"Xtiærben  n  spavin. 

2;t)ærbiber  c  -e,  fe  5Ebærbriber. 

Suærbjælfe  c  cross-beam. 

*3;»)ærtirat  a  precipitovis. 

Xtiærbrub  n  transverse  fracture. 

Sbærbræt  n  ^  thwart  board. 

Xtxcrb^gning  c  transverse  building. 

^^tiærbænl  c  cross- bench. 

Xbærbal  c  cross-valley. 

^Oær|belttig  transverse  partition.  -belt  a 
divided  across. 

Slbcerbige  »  cross  dike. 

Sbcerbriuer  c  self-willed  person,  obstinate  per- 
son, wrong-head,  snail,  slug;  J^  leevrardly  vessel; 
(i  8pliblningj  middle  strand. 

*Sbærbt)b  a  steep-to. 

S^bætbæmning  c  fe  Xbærbige. 

Sbare  vt:  _  ub,  fe  Ubtbære. 

So  ære  vi  sulk. 

Sbætfliiite  c  German  flute. 

Sbærfolb  c  transverse  fold. 

2:ueerfolio  c  oblong  folio. 

S^bærfortøining  c  breast-fast,  thwartrope. 

Sttærlfure  cross-furrow.  -futet  a  cross-fur- 

3;uærft)lblng  c  glutton. 

2»rergabe  c  cross-street. 

Suærgong  c  crosspassage. 

*2;bærgrctter  ^  fork-beams. 

Xbærgroft  c  cross-ditch. 

Soærtiaanb  c  hand's  breadth. 

S^uærljaanbtag  n  crutch. 

2Ⱦr|borbc  vt  cross-harrow.  -fiarbiting  cross 

Sbær^eb  c  surliness,  morosity;  perverseness. 

Soærbobeb  n  T  nail;  *  cross-grained,  dis 
obliging  fellow,  fe  3;bærbriber. 

*2;bærjttfte  c  (Sømr.)  bearer. 

*2;«)ærle  s:  xiaa  ~  fe:  poa  tbærS, 

2;bærflom|)e  c  cross-chock. 

2;uærfnæf  n  sudden  bend. 

Sbærfurb  c  pannier. 

Sbærtagt  a  laid  across. 

Sbærlofif  c  butt. 

iZoærleje  n  cross-birth. 

Sbærltggenbe  a  transverse. 

Soærlinic  c  cross  line,  diagonal  line. 

S^bærmaal  n  diameter. 

Sbærlmuttb  c,  -munbet  a  giff  plagiostome, 
plagiostomous  fish. 

Soærmur  c  transverse  wall. 

2:bærmuflel  c  transverse  muscle. 

Soærlnoab,  -nob  ^  butt. 

%t><tv)f\e\\t  vt  cross -plough.  -ning  cross 

Sbær^iofe  c  knapsack;  fe  -briber. 

Sbæt!^  adv  hJ,  abeam;  _  af  abreast  of;  agten 
for  _  abaft  the  beam;  -for  across;  abreast  of; 
forenfor  _  ^  before  the  beam;  _  i  £æ  on  the 
lea  beam;  _  igennem  right  through;  _  inb 
for  abreast  of;  _  o  m  fet^rborb  on  (the)  starboard 
beam;  _  ober  across,  athwart;  br^be  _  ober 
break  right  through,  break  in  two;  -  )fa.a  Jif 
athwart;  pao  _  across,  athwart,  cross-wise;  paa 
RrtjbS  og  _  in  all  directions,  every  way;  fpjørge 
en  )fa(x  ttr^bS  og  _  cross-question  one;  poa  lang? 
og  paa  ~  to  and  fro,  forwards  and  backwards; 
bet  tam  ^am  l;)m  _  it  put  a  spoke  in  his  wheel; 
_  til  Subart  on  the  weather  beam;  -  ub  fot 
abreast  of. 

2:oærfabeI  c  sidesaddle. 

Xbærfaltng  c  cross-trees  pi. 

S^bærfcttton  c  transverse  section. 

S^oærfent  c  ^,  balk,  cross-spale. 

Xuærftnbet  a  cross-grained. 

S^bærlffoar  transverse  incision.  -ffaaren  a  cnt 

S^bærfftb  n  transept. 

2:bærf!ib8  a  &  adv  J,  athwart-ship.  -tttitn  th 
transverse  axis  of  rotation,  -(iggenbe  a  athwart' 
ship.  -linie :  i  ©tibetS  _  in  the  direction  of  hei 

Sbærlflot  -ffttb  athwarthship  bulkhead. 

Soærlfnit  fe  -ftaar;  fe  -feftion;  i  _  in  section, 

SIbærfpalte  c  transverse  fissure. 

2;oærftanb  c  «««  false  relation. 

*2:ȾrftBnbfe  vi  stop  suddenly  et.  short,  pa 
up  short. 

Suærlftang  fe  -træ. 

3:bærftati  c  (SRun.)  side-stroke;  (side)  bar,  (side] 

S^Dcerfti  c  cross-path,  cross-way. 




^tmrl^reg,  -fttibe  c  cross-streak,  cross-stripe; 
fætte  _  oDcr  t  cross  the  letter  t. 

S^oierftreg  »  cross  el.  transverse  direction  el. 

SocErftrøm  c  cross-current. 

SDoerftQtle  n  cross-piece. 

Soccrfum  c  sum  of  the  digits. 

Xsærfæl  c  wallet. 

Xosrføm  c  cross-seam. 

!£0(ert  adv  across;  _  igennem  straight  through; 
*  ftanbje  _  stop  suddenly,  pull  up  short;  *  breie 
_  of,  oenbe  _  om  turn  sharp;  br^be  ober  _  cut  the 
matter  short. 

Soacrta))  c  anat  transverse  proces.s. 

2;uættttnob  adv  on  the  contrary;  præp  quite 

intrary  to,  right  against 

'Snærtom  adv  fe  ibcertimob. 

^occrltoti  |e  -fortejning. 

Xoærtræ  n  transom,  cross-har. 

SBærtammer  n  cross-timber. 

•Xoæroebfag  c  cross-cut  saw. 

Suceruej  c  cross-road,  cross-way. 

Xuærootb  c  traverse. 

Snæruccg  c  cross-wall. 

S«æv«I8e  c  adze,  addice. 

Xoæt'  c  washing,  wash.  -itinfl  c  washing. 
Soættc  vt  wash.  —  !Jnætte|tar  washing-tub. 
•tebel  washing-copper.  Sloætterfte  c  -r  washer- 

2;^  vi  (^en,  tilj  take  cl.  seek  refuge  (with), 
have  recourse  to,  resort  to,  take  to,  recur  to, 
relv  on. 

»S^tioft  c  fe  Sælberljalé. 

Xljbe  vt  (ubt^be)  explain,  expound,  interpret, 
decipher;  t  =  83etQbe;  —  vi  paa  augur,  bespeak, 
be  suggestive  of,  argue,  go  to  show,  imply, 
suggest,  tell  of;  _  til  allude  to;  Wærfer,  fom  _ 
pao  (f.  (£{?.  en  gob  2egem86eftaffen^eb)  marks,  which 
are  the  signs  of  (a  good  constitution  etc);  ber 
er  intet  fom  -r  poa  at  there  is  nothing  to  shov? 

2:qbcltg  a  (at  forflaa,  aabenbar)  plain,  (at  fe, 
fiøre)  distinct,  (fun  om  ^"mftilling)  explicit;  meb 
-e  Crb  in  plain  words;  _  Ubtale  distinct  utter- 
ance;  F  ben  er  _  that's  a  straight  tip;  —  adv 
plainly  etc;  tale  -  speak  plain;  læfe  -  read 
distinctly.  ^^Qbeliglgøre  vt  explain,  render  more 
appareut,  illustrate.  -fteb  c  plainness,  distinct- 
ness.    -UtS  adv  obviously. 

^S^bcr  c  -e,  fe  ©raoftifte. 

^tljb'ning  c  explaining  etc;  interpretation. 

Iflcnbe  n  servant;  coll  domestics,  sei'vants, 
menials  pi  -lou  Servants  Aet.  -l«n  servant's 
wages.    -Dcerelfe  servant's  room. 

S:t)fo'n  c  -er  typhoon. 

5t)f'ué  c  ty'phus  (fever). 

ZttQt  33ra^e§  Sag  day  when  everything  goes 

S^ggc  vt  &  i  chew,  masticate;  _  \)aa,  b.  f.;  fig 
chew  the  cud,  ponder  on.  -Beoaegelfe  masticat- 
ing  motion.  -muflel  masseter,  masticatory 
muscle.  -rebffaber  masticatory  organs.  T^Qggen, 
Sl^gning  c  ehewing,  mastication. 

x^l'  a  (i  9tlni.)  thick;  (om  $erfoner)  corpulent, 
stoiit;  (om  ^apir)  stout;  (opfdulmet)  swoln;  (om 
fl^benbe  Sing)  thick;  p  (frugtf.)  big  with  child; 
_  TOælf,  fe  -mælt;  ben  -fe  ®nbe  the  butt  end,  the 
chump  end;  _  og  feb  stout;  blioe  -  grow  stout, 
(om  5Kælf)  curdle,  turn;  F  gere  fig  _  af  brag 
of;  en  -  Saoge  a  dense,  intense,  fog;  -t  aKorfe 
intense  darkness;  _  Ubibenfteb  gross  el.  dense 
ignorance;  Sari  ben  fe  Charles  the  Fat;  fio 
igennem  -t  og  ttjnbt  through  thick  and  thin, 
through  rough  and  smooth;  bet  -fe  af  SJaaret  the 
thick  of  the  thigh;  -t  9iemme  duU  comprehen- 
-ion;   —  adv  thick(ly);   fmøre  -t  paa  lay  it  on 

thick.  S^IIormet  a  thick-armed.  -benet  a  thick 
-legged.  -blabet  a  thick-leaved;  be  -be  ^  the 
crassulaoeæ.  -blobet  a  thick-hlooded.  -brQftet 
the  thick  brisket.  -bug  colossus,  lump  of  flesh. 
-buget  a  big -bellied,  obese.  '-b^gb  thickly 
populated  district.  *-eng  thick -grown  grass. 
-falben  a  stoutlsh.  -fingret  a  thick  fingered. 
-fl^benbe  a  thick,  inspissate.  -fob  fe  Kriel. 
-^aaret  a  thick-haired.  -^atfet  a  thick-necked. 
-beb  c  thickness.  -botiebet  a  thick-headed,  thick 
-skulled.  -bnb  zoo  pachyderm.  -^ubet  a  (ogf. 
fio)  thickskinned;  zoo  pachydermatous;  -be  ®0r 
pachydermata.  -tom  chine.  *5;9lle  c  thick 
weather,  fog;  fe  Jijlning. 

%tftte  n  (^Rening)  opinion,  judgment;  (fi^ft) 
will,  pleasure;  efter  eget  _  at  will,  cont  at  one's 
own  sweet  will. 

^^{felfe  c  thickness.  Sællert  c  -er  F  stout 

%t)tteé  (ogf.  -tel)  vd  think,  be  of  opinion, 
deem,  opine,  ^vat>  ~  big  om?  what  do  you  think 
of?  ^oab  _  eber  om  Sriftuå?  what  think  ye  of 

S^IIIinbet,  -læbet  «  chubby-cheeked.  -Ubet 
a  stout.  *-laQ  '■  calf.  -I«uet  a  thick-leaved. 
-maoet  o  big-bellied.  -mælt  loppered  milk, 
(bonny-)clabber.  -ntcelet  a  having  a  thick  utter- 
ance.  Sljtnc  vi  (-^-S  vd)  thicken;  (om  91Rælt)  curdle, 
turn.  3:qtning  c  (bet  ot  t^tne)  thickening;  (©lob=) 

S^fo  fe  Sege. 

3:Qllt>anbet  a  thick-skulled.  -faalet  n  thick 
-soled.  -fnl  c  fer  thickset  fellow.  -ffaUet  a 
thick-shelled.  -ftammet  a  having  a  thick  trunk. 
-fteg  rump(-piece).  -ften  brait.  -ftillet  a  thick 
-stemmed.  -f«m  raised  embroiderv.  -tatnt  large 
intestines.  -ulbct  a  thick-wooled.  -øomntet  a 

S^lbe  vt  till;  _  i  fig  guzzle. 

Sbtt  c  tulle. 

%mt,  S^lbt  c  -er  dozen. 

^ttmpa'n  c  typ  tym'pan. 

5;^nb  a  (i  8llm.)  thin;  (fpæb)  slender;  (mobf.  tæt) 
thin,  sparse;  (om  Zei)  sleazy;  (om  Sunbftober) 
weak;  -bt  ^l  small  beer;  en  _  S^ffe  a  scanty 
success;  -t  ^n§  a  thin  house;  -t  fiio  diarrhea; 
—  tljnbt  adv  thinly;  F  6ebe  -t  ask  humbly. 
SQnb|benet»  thin-legged.  -blabet  a  tenuifolious. 
-blit  sheet  iron  for  thin  piates.  -brDft  thin 
brisket.  Xxinbe  vt  thin;  -8  vd  grow  thin,  be- 
come  tbinner.  !S:t)nb|flQbenbe  a  thin.  '-fængt 
a  thinnish.  -fiaaret  a  having  thin  hair.  -beb 
c  thinncss.  -bnbet  a  thinskinned.  *-bugget  a 
(SSræber)  dressed  thin,  (Sfoo)  thinned.  -b<Ote  vt 
plane  thinner.  -iS  thin  ice.  -jærn  fe -blit.  -Ilitbt 
a  thinly  dressed.  -Itttet  a  lank.  -nsbbet  a 
tenuirostral;  be  -be  the  tenuirosters.  -faolet  a 
thin-soled.  -ftdUet  a  thin-shelled.  -ftibt  a  worn 
thin.  -f^tebe  vt  spread  thinly.  -fteg  sirloin. 
-ften  thin  matt.    -torm  small  intestines. 

*5:bne  vt  joc  murder,  dispatch. 

!!:t)ngbe  cgravity,  heaviness,  weight;  -n  gravity. 
-fraft  force  of  gravity.  -loo  law  o f  gravitation. 
-bunft  centre  of  gravity.  -»itlning  etfect  of 
gravity.  tS^bnge  c  burden.  !£qnge  vi  be  heavy; 
Sflrben  -r  mer  paa  benne  ©ibe  enb  paa  ben  anben 
the  burden  is  heavier  on  this  .side  than  on  the 
other;  bet  -r  for  meget  i  min  Somme  it  is  too 
heavy,  too  great  a  weight,  for  my  pocket;  biSfe 
fiænter  -  ej,  be  lette  these  chains  do  not  feel 
heavy,  they  make  me  lighter,  as  it  were;  —  vt 
load;  -§  af  Sorger  be  oppressed  with  grief;  -é  af 
florenes  Scegt  be  weighed  down  by  age;  bet  -be 
mit  fjerte  it  weighed  upon  my  heart;  ben  9ieb' 
'  fIogen|eb,  ber  fljneS  at  -  l^am  the  depression  that 
seems  to  sit  upon  him;  fe  S8ett)nge.    Sqngning  c 




gravitation.    *SQnøre,  ttingft  corøp  &  superl  af 
2:un9.    S^itflfel  c  burden. 

Z^p't  c  -r  type;  -r  tvp  type(s),  letters.  -ffvittC' 
maftine  typewriter.  Sq^'ift  a  typlc(al),  repre- 
sentative  (for  of).  —  Sl^^jolgra'f  c  -er  typog'rapher. 
-gvafi'  c  typog'raphy.  -grafik  a  typograph'lc(al). 
S^»)'uå  c  fe  Zt>pe. 

%ttv  c  -e  (ogfaa  a«<r)  buU. 

t2;j)r  «  F  a  licking. 

Sqtan'  c  -net  ty'rant  (ogf.  ^ugl,  Tyrannus); 
Sriftion  -  Christian  the  Cruel.  -mert),  -morber 
tyran'nicide.  S^ranni'  n  tyr'anny.  SJjranlni- 
fe'rc  vt  tyrannize  (over),    -'wtf!  a  tyrannicai. 

tSflre  vt  get  through,  dispatch;  lick. 

Sljrel fægtning  buU-flght.  -got  a  (om  ®øer)  in 
heat.  -^ol8  buU's  neck.  -lalD  buU-calf.  -ta))fun 
bull-leader.  -mie  bull's  plzzle.  -|)if!  drover's 
whip.  —  tSl^rlgilbing  gelt-bull,  ox.  -^alfet  a 

*S:qri  n  resinous  wood,  lightwood.  -falfel 
torch  of  resinous  wood,  pine-knot  torch. 

Stjrt  c  -er  Turk;  bonbe  font  en  -  swear  like  a 
trooper,  porter.  —  %\)tU\f>ltta  a  Turkish  blue. 
-^Otteb  Saracen's  head.  -frig  war  wlth  the 
Turks,  Turkish  war.  -tro  Mohammedanism, 
Turkism.  -tienitg  a  proTurklsh.  2;qrti'et  Tur- 
key;  bet  afiatifte  _  Turkey  in  Asia,  Aslatic  Tur- 
key.    Stirfinb'c  c  -r  (female)  Turk. 

Xlivti'é  c  -er  turquois. 

2;^r!if!  a  Turkish;  -e  ^ætfener  cymbals;  -e 
aSønner  haricot  beans;  _  fjlonel  stout  flannel; 
-  ^ue  fez;  _  ^Bebe  Indian  corn,  maize,  Turkish 
wheat;  _  Snob  Turk's  head;  -  $t6e  chibouk, 
(meb  S8onb)  hookah;  _  Sæppe  Turkey-carpet. 
S^rtifflrabt  Turkey-red.    -finbet  a  pro-Turkish. 

■fX^i'tteitn  a  with  calf. 

2:qrol'  n  (the)  Tyr'ol.  XttvoUt  c  -e,  -inb'e  c  -r 
Tyrole'se.  2:qro(er|^at,  -fang,  -oalS  Tyrolese 
hat,  song,  dance.    S^rolft  a  Tyrolese,  Tyrolean. 

S^tr^e'nff  a  -.  bet  -^e  $00  the  Tyrrhenian  Sea. 

%\iVUS  n  Tyre,  Tyrus. 

3t^§'!  interj  hush ! 

■-•^SJjSboft  fe  Jlælberftall. 

Sqff  a  German;  bet  -e  ^orbunb  the  Germanic 
confederation;  ben  -e  Crben  the  Teutonic  Order; 
be  -e  fRibbere  the  Teutonic  knlghts;  -e  Slumpet 
dumpllngs;  _  2oa§  German  spring-lock;  _  SRtgel 
spring  bolt.  SQfljagtig  a  German-like.  -agtig^ 
Ijeb  c  Germanism.  -bannct  a  educated  in  Ger- 
man. 2;9ffe  vi,  tt)fle8  vd  speak  German.  Sloffen 
p  the  Germans;  the  German  language.  German. 

2:qf!enbæf  n  fe  TOeHembæt. 

Safter  c  -e  German.    2:t)f!eri'  n  Teutomania. 

S^ff^eb  e  Germanism.  -lonb/iGermany.  -finbet 
a  of  the  German  party,  pro-German.  -talenbe 
a  German-speaking.  -øfterrigff  a  Austro- German. 

SqSning  c  hushing.  S^^Sningdraab  cries  of: 
silence!  S^Sfe  vt  hush,  silence;  vi  -  pao  en 
tell  one  to  be  silent. 

Stift  c,  S^ftetræ  fe  Sørftetræ. 

Slqft  a  hushed,  silent;  adv  silent.  -^eb  c 
silence.    Stjftne  vi  grow  silent. 

*1S,m  n  whimpering.    S^tjte  vi  whimper. 

*2flte  vi  ub  ooze  el.  trickle  out. 

l^mttftat  n,  pi  =,  red  wortleberry,  cowberry, 
Vaccinium  vitis  idæa. 

ZX^ti  c  e  thief,  robber;  OnbbrubSO  burglar;  (i 
SJQfet)  thief,  waster;  ftop  -en!  stop  thief!  ~  tror, 
lioer  SKonb  ftjæler  a  thief  thinks  every  man  a 
thief;  be  fmaa  -e  fænger  man  op,  be  ftore  laber 
man  gaa  laws  catch  flies,  but  lets  hornets  go 
free;  fe  Eejligl^eb.  St)»|ag'tig  a  thievish,  thieving. 
•ag'tig^eb  c  thievishness,  thieving  disposition. 

■X%t)\i,  Sqtie  c  -er  pitch-fork. 

2;q»ie  currf  num  twenty;  ^an  er  enbnu  ilfe  _  Stor 
gammel  he  is  not  yet  twenty  (years  old);  p  he 

8  still  in  his  teens,    -aarig  a  twenty  years  old 
of  twenty  years. 

2;>Hie|banbegang  ofthieves.  -braenbtabranded 
(for  theft);  p  confounded.  -bccnf:  paa  -en  in 
the  felons'  dock. 

^^qticbobbelt  a  twenty  fold;  bet  -e  twenty  time« 
as  mueh. 

*S:qt)c|fant  fe  -fnægt. 

3;>)»e|folb  fe  -bobbelt. 

2:^belgob8  fe -fofter.    -^aanb:  bet  er  borttommel 
beb  _  it  has  been  stolen,     -^aanboært  thief 
profession.    -^nl  prison  el.  cell  for  thieves;  fd 
>rebe.     -fnægt   thief.     -tofter   stolen   goods    et 
stolen  property. 

S^^ttetrone  ccoiu  of  twenty  „Sroner". 

Slqtjelfoinb  thievish  quean.  -(t^gte  dark  Ian 
tern.  -mcerle  brand  for  theft.  -natnr  thievish 
nature,    -naon  name  of  thief. 

S^QOenbe  num  ord  twentieth.  -bel,  -pati 
twentieth  part. 

Stjttenegle  skeleton  key.  -^jal  set  el.  lot  ol 

Sqoclpnnber  twenty-pounder.  -^nnbig  a  ol 
twenty  pounds'  weight. 

2;t)»e|rab  fe  -fnægt.  -rebe  den  el.  nest  oi 
thieves.  %Xi\ttti'  n  -er  theft.  S^oejfelflab  gang 
el.  band  of  thieves.  -ffrog  slang,  -ftreg  thief's 
trick,  -træfter  thief-catcher,  -taker.  -t«]  fe  paf, 
-eerne  the  Ladrones  —  ^t^bl^ænbet  a  light 
-fingered.  ~-jo  skua,  Leatris  parasiticus .  -tenbC 
vt  accuse  (one)  of  theft. 

!£t|a§|bom  sentence  for  theft.  -bømt  a  con- 
victed  of  theft.  -foft  a  burglarproof  -^æler 
receiver,  -lob  law  relative  to  theft.  -mærfe  f^ 
2:t}tte=.  -fag  action  for  theft.  -firof  penalty  for 
theft.    S^tiftjæle  vt  steal.    S^bte  fe  Stjotenbe. 

*S;æft  c  scent. 

S^æge  c  -r  bug,  Gimex. 

*S:æger  pi  af  iaag. 

tSægt  c  take,  taking;  hiU  prey.  —  tSIægte 
bog  c  fixed  day  for  the  hearing  of  a  cause,  day 
in  court,    t-fæ,  -toæg  stray  cattle  arrested. 

Skætte  w  (^nbe)  grace. 

Sætte  vt  (ogf.  tatte,  talt)  roof;  (meb  ©traa) 
thatch.  tSætte  n  (Sæfte)  roof,  cover,  -gara 
thatcher's  twine.  -^alm  thatch.  -tæp  stick 
used  in  thatching.    -lab  thatcher's  stand. 

Sættelig  a  agreeable,  sweet,  attractive,  win- 
ning,  pleasing.    -^eb  c  attractiveness. 

Sæftellijng  heather  for  thatching.  -manb^ 
thatcher.  -naol  thatcher's  needle.  -r«t  thatch- 

Sætte§  vd  please;  *(t«ge  tiltalte)  take  pot-luck, 

Sættelfpaon  shingle.  -ftol  fe  -lab.  -tang  tongs 
witli  thick  jaws.  Sætning  c  rooflng;  thatching 
SæfningSrøttobe  roofing  method. 

*Sætbar  a  countable. 

•Sæle  c  frost  in  the  ground,  frozen  ground, 
-gr«p  n  hole  in  the  frozen  road  oaused  by  the 

Sælge,  tæUe  (ftære)  vt  whittle.  -tnlb  whittle, 

tSælle  c  fe  Xalg. 

Sætte,  talte,  talt  vt  count,  number;  _  noget 
poa  fingrene  check  something  oflf  on  one's  fing- 
ers: _  efter  count  over;  _  op  add  up,  sum  up, 
cast  up;  _  en  blanbt  Sigterne  number  one  among 
el.  rank  one  with  the  poets;  ^an§  3)age  ere  talte, 
his  days  are  numbered;  _  mange  Star  number 
many  years;  —  vi  ~  til  ttjoe  count  (to)  twenty;, 
bet  -r  itte  that  goes  el.  counts  for  nothing. 
SæUeapparat  counter;  turnstile  and  counter. 
SæUelig  n  numerable,  that  may  be  counted.. 
SæUelmaftine  fe  -apparat.  Sætter  c  -e  (i  ©ant) 
teller;  (t  9tegnetuuften)  numerator.  Sætterpoft  (i 
SBanf)  tellership.    Sætting  c  counting  etc. 




Xoemtat  vt  tame,  domesticate;  (^eft)  break 
<iu);  (om  Bilbe  ^i)r)  reclaim;  _  fine  fitbenftabec, 
SBegærlig^eber  control  (el  curb)  oae's  passions, 
<iesires.  XætnnteHg  a  that  may  be  tamed;  (om 
eilbe  ®nr)  reclaimable.  !£(emmcc  c  -e  tamer. 
Sæmning  c  taming  etc,  domesticalion. 

!£iEnt)bar  a  inflammable,  ignitible.  -fteij  c  in- 

Sænbe,  -te.  -t  vt  kindle,  light,  ignite;  _  en 
©OODlftit  strike  a  match;  _  op,  ie  Optænbe;  _  3tb 
paa  set  fire  to;  —  vi  <-i.  _  fig)  take  flre,  ignite, 
_  op  light  the  fire;  9iJt)et  -å  the  new  moon  ap- 
pears.  !£(enbe{animunition  priming  -taSfe  fire 
-box.  -mibbel  means  of  ignition.  S^ænbec  c  e 

S^ænber  pi  af  S^anb  teeth.  -ftoerenbe  a  grinding 
his  teeth. 

Sænblficette  pereussion  cap.   Slættbiitg  c  light- 
ing,   ignition.     2l(enb|(abning  bursting -charge. 
-naal  igniting  needle.    •naolégetxer  needle-gun, 
needle-rifle,   needle-prime  musket,     -tev  quick 
-match.    -fatS  priming(-composition);  (^paa  %æxib- 
ftifte)  head.    -fnor  match-cord.    -ftlf(Ie)  (luclfer-) 
match,    -ftiffabritant  o.  fl.,  fe  ©ooDlfliCfe=.    -fiif= 
ftatio  match-box  stand. 
fZcent  c  -r  young  shoot  of  a  tree,  scion. 
Xæn<i\ti  c  -flet  adze,  addice. 
tantbav  a  fe  3;ænfelig. 

Xante,  -te,  -t  vi  &  t  think:  (tro,  formobe)  think, 
suppose;  (ftao  i  SBegreb  meb,  liaoe  i  ©inbe)  be 
Koiug  to;  bet  -r  jeg  I  think  so,  bet  -fte  feg  not 
I  thought  as  much;  tænf  engang  only  think;  tale 
uben  at  _  speak  without  reflecling;  tænt  far  bu 
taler  look  before  you  leap;  bet  tunbe  jeg  -  I 
thought  as  much;  bet  !an  iffe  -g  e(.  laber  ftg  ille 
_  it  cannot  be  conceived  el.  imagined;  fao  fattig 
fom  -i  fan  as  poor  as  poor  can  be;  —  vr  _  fig 
imagine,  fancy,  conceive;  bu  fan  _  (big)  you 
may  imagine;  at  _  fig  (til)  .  .  . !  the  idea  of .  .  .  ! 
—  (meb  vræp  &  adv):  ~  efter  consider,  _  fig 
inb  i  make  real  to  one's  self.  realize;  _  om 
think  of;  _  fifl  om  reflect;  _  oser,  fe  Cftertænte; 
-paa  noget  think  of  el.  on  something,  reflect 
on;  bet  er  en  Srøft  at  -  paa.  at  it  is  some  con- 
solation  to  reflect  that;  jeg  tom  til  at  _  paa  I  be- 
thought  me  of,  it  occurred  to  me;  bringer  mig 
altib  til  at  _  paa  is  associated  in  my  mind  with; 
bringer  en  til  at  _  paa  suggests,  is  suggestive 
of;  bet  er  itfe  at  _  paa  it  is  not  to  be  thought 
of;  *  Bære  -ft  paa  ot  intend  to;  _  fig  til; 
*  -  fig  til  at  intend  to;  —  tæntenbea  thinking, 
reflective,  thoughtful;  _  SScefen  rational  being. 

ZctnU\tMne  power  of  thinking.  -form  fe  Sante- 
form.  -friljeb  liberty  of  thinking.  -traft  fe  eone. 
^sntelig  «t  imaginable,  conceivable.  jloentelto 
Ijeb  c  conceivableness.  3;atnte|Iære  logie.  -maabe 
■way  of  thinking,  mind.  Sænfer  c  -e  thinker, 
speculator,  reasoner.  Sæntelfoet  fe -maabe.  2;ænt> 
ning  c  thinking,  thought.  iæntfom  a  thought- 
ful, meditative,  reflecting.  Sæntfomt)eb  c  reflec- 
tion,  consideratencss,  thoughifulness. 

tappt  n  -r  (til  (Sult),  dropper)  carpet:  (til  S8orb) 
cover;  (ulbent  %.  i  Seng)  blanket;  (til  at  lægge 
ooer  en   Seng)  coverlid,  coverlet,  counterpane; 
(ftuftet   Sengetæppe)  quilt;   (paa  Seater)  curtain. 
^a;p))e{grael  water-hair  grass,  Catxbrosa  aqvatica. 
-foft  carpet-broom.     -t*j  carpeting. 
Toerbe  c  a  kind  of  ray,  ltai<x  radiata. 
Xcett  vt  consume,  waste;  vi  paa  waste;  ^an  -r 
paa  fit  Smørrebrøb  he  is  walking  into  his  bread 
and  butter;  Søen  -r  the  sea-air  gives  an  appe- 
tite;  -é  ^en  waste  away;  -nbe  Stjgbomme  wasting 
diseases    Xcettptn^t  money  to  live  upon;  (SRejfe^ 
penge)  viaticum. 
-t-Særge  vt  exasperate,  irritate. 
Saring  c  (jpanbl.  at  tære)  cousumiug;  (S^gbom) 

consumption,  decline,  phthisis;  fætte  -  efter  9læ= 
ring)   cut   your   coat  according   to   your  cloih. 
Særingépatient  consumptive  invalid. 
2;ærne  c  fe  Serne. 
Xætpe  fe  3;erpe. 
Xceré  fe  Zeti. 

Xavit  pi  a  thrashing.  Soerffe  vt  (ogf.  i  ®et. 
prtjgle)  thrash;  _  igennem  curry  one's  hide, 
thrash  one  soundly,  (en  8)og)  wade  through;  _ 
nt  inb  i  en  beat  st  into  one;  bu  ffal  ifte  binbe 
SRunben  til  paa  Otéen,  fom  -r  bibl  thou  shalt  not 
muzzle  the  ox  that  treadeth  out  the  corn. 

tSærffcI  c  -tier  (til  iJinneb;  batlet,  beetle,  bittle 
(for  beating  linen). 
2;ærf!el  c  -tier  (3)ør0  threshold. 

SærfIe|Io  thrashing -floor.  -lint  thrasher's 
wages.  -maabe  mode  of  thrashing.  -manb 
thrasher.  -mafline  thrashing-maehine.  -møUc 
thrashing-mill.  -penge  ?e  -Ian.  -picjl  fe  »Ulejl. 
2lærf!cr  c  -e  thrasher.  2:ærfle|rebpfab  thrashing 
-implement.  -ttavt  fe  maffine.  Xæcffning  c 

Sæ'rte  (*55;ær'tc)  c  -r  tart;  turnover;  t  (3ruen= 
timmer)  prude.  2lærtc|bejg  paste  fortarts.  -panbe 
tart-pan.  '''-peit  a  prudish,  precise.  -ri'  n 
prudery.    iS^æctet  n  prudish. 

tt^æfe  vt  (om  Ulb)  tease. 

fXa^  P  fe  Særff. 

Xat'  a  tight,  close,  dense,  compact;  (iffe  læf) 
tight;  (om  StoD)  thick;  *  (om  9Rælf)  ropy;  *  bliPe 
_  (om  9Kælt)  rope;  en  -  Sam,  te  -fam;  en  -  Saage 
a  dense  fog;  gøre  -  tighteu;  —  adv  close.  closely, 
ligge  -  fammen  be  close;  _  ubenfor  SJtjen  just 
outside  the  to:vn;  _  Peb  close  by,  close  to;  -  oeB 
Ijinonben  close  together;  fejle  -  tit  SSinben  hug 
the  wind;  _  til  SStnben!  keep  her  close!  ^olbe  _ 
be  tight;  Ao  be  silent,  keep  one's  own  counsel; 
brifte  _  driuk  deep.  SætlbefoUet  a  densely 
-peopled,  thickly  inhabited.  *-grænbt  a  popul- 
ous.  -I>eb  c  tightness,  closeness,  density,  -tam 
small-tooth(ed)  comb.  -ttippet  «  close-cropped. 
-liggcube  «  mus  close.  Xcetne  +  vt  fe  jTætte;  *vi 
tighten.  Sætning  c  tightening.  Xtetlpattet  a 
closely  packed.  -rebet  i  fe  8lo§'.  -ftreuen  a 
close,  closely-written.  -fluttenbe  a  tight,  close. 
tight-fltting.  -fluttet  «  (SRæffe)  close,  serried 
(rank).  Sætte  vt  tighten.  "Sætte  c  something 
added  to  milk,  to  make  it  hold,  prevent  coagula- 
tion.  —  Sættc|*græS  butterwort,  Finguicula. 
t-tam  fe  5Eættam.  -fnio  (33øbt.)  stopper,  '^-melt 
UDCoagulated  old  milk,  ropy  milk. 

*Sæo  c  fe  ZxH. 

fXcette  p  fe  ttæoe,  Kæft. 

Sæpe  c -r  (ogf.  yJff)  bitch.  -^nnb  bitch.  -ttPalp 
bitch-puppy.  -fat  tib-cat.  •m^nbe  greyhound 

X9  V  impers,  vt  &  i  thaw;  _  Op  vi  &  t  thaw. 
Xe  c  thaw.    -brub  sudden  thaw. 

Sabbel  c  -bier  jot,  tittle,  iota;  itte  en  -  not 
one  iota;  ffal  enb  itte  bet  ntinbfte  Sogftoo  eller  en 
-  forgao  af  Sooen  bibl  one  jot  or  one  title  shall 
in  no  wise  pass  from  the  law. 

*S«bber  c  -e,  fe  Siur. 

Xøffel  c  -fler  slipper  ftaa  unber  -flen  be  hen 
-pecked  el.  wife-ridden.  Seffe(|bIomft  calceolaria, 
slipperwort.  -banfer,  -flelt  fe  -træl.  -leg  hunt 
-the-slipper.  -mager  slipper-maker.  -regimente 
petticoat-government.  -flo  (t.  Jpeftj  pantou-shoe. 
•træl  hen-pecked  husband.  Søfle  vi  f  trudge; 
_  af  take  one's  self  ofT,  wag. 

"Xei  c  stretch;  gioe  -  stretch. 

S«j  n  stuflf,  cloth,  fabric;  (SRebftaber,  Silbeljør) 
things,  gear;  (DteifegobS)  luggage;  (Slæber;  SSabff) 
clothes;  cotit  stuflf,  irash;  ^1,  traps,  effects,  kit; 
^un  Pat  i  -et,  ftob  meb  -et  paa  she  had  her  things 
on;  Jig  gaa  i  -et  be  takeu  in;  gammel  i  -et  au 




old  hånd;  bumi  -  stuff  and  nonsense,  trash;  fe 

taianttt  n  ^t>  small  bower-anchor,  stream 

Søjiilomft  artificial  flower.  -IiBin  cloth-beam, 
weaver's  beam. 

tS«ie  c  prov  fe  Sot. 

*S«ie  i«  stretch,  draw  out;  vr  fig  stretch. 
Xøietig  a  extensible. 

Sejeti'  «  stufif,  trash,  trumpery.  —  %ei\%iftttt 
c  (©tjm.)  feeder.  -^ot  silk-hat,  velvet-hat,  tulle 
hat  etc.  -^ttS  arsenal,  -^ufiforbaltec  Director 
of  Artillery  and  stores. 

2;«j|Hemme  fe  Slæbe=. 

teiltaht,  -lætttng  streamcable. 

'teltt  c  -r  rein;  trælte  i  -n  draw  rein,  rein  in; 
gicf  |)eflen  -n  give  the  reins  to  one's  horse,  give 
the  horse  his  head  el.  the  head;  naar  itian  gicer 
ben  -n  when  he  gets  his  head;  gi»e  fine  Siben- 
flaber  -n  give  a  loose  to  one's  passions;  gaa  bag 
-n  balk,  jib;  §eft  font  gaar  6ag  -n  balker,  jibber; 
fiolbe  lort  i  -  hold  tight  in  hånd;  Jig  f)oIbe  en  i 
ftramme  -r  hold  a  tight  hånd  ef.  rein  over  one. 
Sujle  vt  (baabe  egentl.  og  fig)  bridle.  iSøjteting 
bridle-ring,  bit-ring.  iajlc81«3  a  unbridled, 
licentious.  S;«jtc§(«§^eb  c  licentiousness.  S;«j= 
liitfl  c  bridling. 

S^øjlmager  c  e  clothweaver.  -tneftet  Master 
of  the  Ordnance. 

tvit  n,  pi  =,  telher.  Sfljre  vt  tether.  — 
S;ajre|9ræ§  grass  where  cattle  are  tethered. 
-tlilbc  hoppie.  -UUt  maul.  -pcei  tether-peg. 
!£i>iting  c  tethering. 

S^ejlrenStttng  cloth-cleansiug.  -rutte  (clothes-) 
mangle,  -ffo  cloth-shoe.  -fmeti  tool-smith. 
-fnor  clolhes-line.  -ftttjer  clothes-prop.  -ftrim- 
ntel  strip  of  cloth.    -ftøole  cloth-boot. 

!£øite  c  -r  hussy,  minx. 

2:«it0U  n  J,  stream-cable. 

^«j|tran§l)ort«r  fe  -flijtter.  -Jjnttet  inspector 
of  an  arsenal. 

telptt  c  -e  churl,  lout,  boor.  -afltig  a  churl- 
ish,  loutish.  -agtig^eb  c  churlishness,  loutish- 

Xøltuft  c  fe  jTjøseir. 

2:ømnte  (*  ogf.  %»m')  o  -r  rein,  bridle;  J,  (til 
Sæber)  scope;  føre  fine  jpefte  unber  een  -  drive 
four  in  hånd;  ^olbe  en  i  _  keep  one  in  check, 
put  a  curb  on  one.  %emme  vi  (paalægge  Samme) 

2:«mme,  -te,  -t  vt  (f.  efg.  et  ®Iq8)  empty,  drain; 
-  en  giafle  finish,  f  floor,  a  bottle. 

Sømmer  n  timber,  amr  lumber;  (i  ©libe) 
timber,  frame,  -arbejbe  carpenter's  v?ork,  car- 
pentry,  timber-vv^ork.  -bi  carpenter-bee,  Xylo- 
copa.  -binbtng  joining  of  timber.  -Hot  block 
of  timber.  -blyant  carpenter's  pencil.  -Bygget 
o  timber-built.  -bagning  timbered  house,  log 
-house,  -bof  camber  dock.  -flaabe  raft.  *-fI«b" 
ning  rafting  el.  floating  of  timber.  -f  oli  Carpent- 
ers, -^aanbf anger  assistant  Carpenter,  -iiaant- 
Xfcevt  carpenter's  craft.  -^anbel  timber-trade, 
-tjanbler  timber-merchant.  -^ugger  hewer  of 
timber.  -^ugft  hewing  el.  felling  of  timber. 
*-^ængfeI  fe  |>ængfel  *.  -in^ptUet  ^  visiting 
timber-inspector.  -Ilør  J,  timber  dogs.  -(åbning 
cargo  of  timber.  '''-lenf c  floating  boom  of  timber, 
fe  liængfel  *.  *-Ittnn  c  pile  of  timber.  -lære : 
bære  i  _  be  apprenticed  to  a  Carpenter,  -lærling 
carpenter's  apprentice.  -maal  timber-measure. 
-niaaling  measuring  of  timber.  -manb  Carpenter; 
-mænb  (i  ^ooebet)  hot  coppers,  headache  next 
morning,  -me^er  master  Carpenter.  *-mærfer 
timber -marker,  -plaiå  timber-yard.  -renbe 
flume.  -foti  long  saw.  -ffott  forest  of  timber 
-trees.     -flæber    timber -ship.      -ftabel   pile   of 

timber.  -fti!  J^  timber-hitch.  -fto!  log,  piece 
of  timber,  stick.  -{(um))er  timber-ends.  -fttenb 
journeyman  Carpenter,  -træ  timber-tree.  -bært 
fe  -arbejbe.  -Oærltøj  carpenter's  tools.  -oISc  axe 
for  hewing  timber. 

Sømning  c  -er  emptying. 

Sømre  vi  Carpenter,  do  carpenter's  work;  vt 
frame,  build,  make,  timber,  Carpenter.  Sømrer 
c  -é  Carpenter. 

Sønbe  c  -r  barrel;  (TOaal  for  tarre  9Sarer)  four 
bushels,  half  a  quarter,  comb;  ^  buoy;  en  _ 
®ulb  100,000  Rix- dollars  (a  plum  =  100,00» 
pounds  sterling);  en  _  Sanb  t  measure  of  land 
of  56,000  square  feet;  •'■'acre  (40,000  square  feet); 
neblcegge  i  -r  barrel;  fmager  af  -n  has  a  tang  of  the 
cask;  af  ben  famme  _  of  the  same  sort;  Sip,  Zap  _ 
tip-tap-toe.  Sønbejbaanb  hoop.  -bunb  bottom 
el.  head  of  a  barrel;  -e  barreis'  heads.  -bøje 
cask-buoy.  -bætfel  cover  for  a  barrel.  -gjør^ 
fe  -baanb.  -gobS  barrelled  goods.  -^bælbina 
barrel  vault,  full- center  vault.  -terne  barrel 
-churn.  -lab  stand  for  barreis.  -længe  ^  butt 
•sling,  -maal:  efter  _  by  the  barrel,  in  barreis 
-penge  buoy-money. 

Sønber  n  tinder. 

Sønbe|fnæ!te  dolium.  -flab  stave,  -fqftemer 
the  tub  system,  -fæ!  four-bushel  sack.  -tap 
tap.  -bager  buoy  beacon.  -biS  adv  by  the 

Sør'  præs  of  Surbe. 

Sør  (*ter')   a  (baabe  egentl.  og  fig)  dry;  (om 
Stil  ogf.)  barren,  jejune;  ^abe  fit  paa  bet  -re  b 
well  off,   safe;   »i  fab  meb  -re  SIKunbe,  fit  fjberten 
tjoobt  eUer    t  we  got  neither  bi  te  nor  sup;  _ 
^alfen  parched;   -t  SBrøb  bare  bread;   -re  iiug 
caning;  fe  ^t)be.    Sørj'aar  dry,  rainless  year  el. 
summer,    -af  c  reprimand;   faa  en  -  be  repri 
manded.    -a'ftlitb  rubber.    *'-bante  vt  dry-beat, 
beat  severely.    -bot  dry  dock.     -flft  dried  fish, 
dried  cod.  -^alfet  a  dry.   -^eb  c  dryness.    -^inbet 
a  scarious.     -^olbe  vt  keep  dry.     *Sørte  vt  &  i] 
fe  Zevte.  Søtte  c  drought.  Sørtefulb  a  droughty 
Sørtlæbe  n  -r  kerchief,  handkerchief;  neck-cloth; 
shawl.   tSørtne  «t  dry  up.    Sør | lægge  u«  drain, 
(i  ftor  TOaaleftot)   reclaim.     -lægning   draining, 
(i  ftor  SJfaaSeftof)  reclamation.  *-lænbta  (om  Qorb 
dry.    -mob  dry  food.    -malt  dried  malt.    -mnn« 
bet  a  getting  neither  bite  nor  sup.    -mnrin 

Søm  n  &  c  ^  (Cmbrejning;  a^ur)  turn;  (oetyj 
Slrbejbe  ofb.,  ®t)ft)  spell;  (i  Slnterfæberne)  cross  in' 
the  hawse;  (©tøb)  shock,  blow;  fig  toge  -et 
ward  oft"  the  blow,  stand  the  brunt.  Sørnc  vi. 
imob  strike  against;  _  inb  turn  in;  _  op  for  Slnfere 
bring  up;  _  fommen  collide;  _  nb  turn  out.: 
Sørnenbe  c  ^  guy.  —  SørnejplobS  anchorage, 
-to«  stream-cable. 

Sørre  (fom  vt  ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  &  i  dry,  desiccate 
(om  Steb  ogf.)  jerk;  f  fig  cheat;  -?  dry;  —  vi 
dry;  —  vr  fig  wipe  one's  self;  _  fig  i  Slnfigtet, 
om  ajJunben  wipe  one's  face,  mouth;  _  af  wipe 
up  el.  ofF;  -inb  dry  up  el.  in,  fig  come  to 
nothing;  _  op  dry  up;  wipe  up.  Sørre  «:  til  _ 
to  dry.  Sørre]  bræt  drying-board.  -gnlb  fe  -loft. 
•ffuS  drying  house.  -tammer  drying  -  place. 
-tlub  clout  for  wiping,  rubber,  -loft  drying 
-loft.  Sørrelfe  c,  Sørre|olte  drying-oil.  -oU« 
kiln.  -plab§  drying-ground;  (5plabg,  I)t)or  Slæbe 
of».  tørres  ubfpilet  pao  9\ommer)  tenter-ground. 
-fnor  clothes-line.  -ftue  drying-room.  Sørring 
c  -er  drying,  desiccation;  til  _  to  dry. 

Sørlftoet  a  dry-shod.    -fpinbing  dry-spinning. 

Sørft  c  thirst.  "Sørft  a  fe  Sørftig.  Sørftc  vi 
be  thirsty;  fig  (efter)  thirst  (for).  Sørfte] flange 
dipsas,  Coluber  dipsas. 

tSørftetræ  n  black  alder,  Uhamnua  frangula. 




Xørftig  a  thirsty.    -fftb  c  thirstiness. 

S«r!ftof,  -fubftanS  dry  stuff  cl.  matter. 

■t%etV,  *5;orii  c  peat;  turf.  -ngtig  a  turfy, 
peaty.  -affe  o.  fl.,  |e  %øxr)e=.  -b^rttting  artificial 
production  of  turf. 

X<rtie|afle  turf-ashes  pt.  •bonbt  peat-carrier. 
-branbfel  peat-fuel.  -buntt  boggy  ground.  -bon- 
nelfe  formation  of  peat.  -fl(«b  turf  embers  pi. 
•g«rtng  c  making  of  turf.  Søtoegn  boggy 
country.  Xørbelgrati  turf-pit.  -gratining  dig- 
ging  of  peat.  -grunb  \t  -6unb.  -ftuå  turf-house. 
•tlb  peat-fire. 

Søroejr  n  dry  weather. 

S«rtic||otb  turfy  el.  peaty  soli,  peat-soil.  -jærn 
implement  for  cuttlng  turf.  -tantniec  turf 
•room.  -tul  peat  coal,  charred  peat.  -lag  layer 
of  peat.  -lob  share  el.  part  of  a  peat-bog.  -loft 
turf-loft.  t-Iube  peat-shed.  -lugt  smell  of  peat. 
-mel  turf-dust.  -»08  sphagnum,  t-ntofe  peat 
-bog,  turfmoss.  -roranie  frame  for  making  turfs 
in.  -røg  peat-smoke,  -reek.  -flifte  fe  -lob. 
-ffær  (bet  at  ftære  5EerB)  turf-cutting;  (Zøvte- 
mofe)  peat-bog,  (og(oa  SRet)  turbary.    -fmul  peat 

-du8t.  •fbabe  turf-spade.  -ftol  pile  el.  stack  of 
turf.  -fttlfrr  peat-cutter.  -tag  turf  roof.  -tjare 
peat-tar.  t-triUer  fio  F  bumpkin.  —  2:«r0|grali< 
ttittg,  -jorb  0.  fl.,  fe  Zøtte'.  '■•m\)v  fe  iBtOemofe. 
•ptante  plant  found  in  peaty  soli.  -boetdt  growth 
el.  formation  of  peat. 

*Sørt)(CtIdgr(ed  n  small  meadow-rue,  Thalic- 
trum  flavuvt;  twin-flower,  linnæa. 

'Zexaytt  a  dry-eyed. 

%6i  c  -e  cont  wench,  hussy;  (ung  fionbSbQpige) 
lass;  min  egen  (foere)  -  my  darling,  my  dear 
girl;  en  fnabS  _  a  baggage.  ^øfebreng  c  moUy, 
mollycoddle    Søfet  a  wanton. 

Sø'lfjati  snow  broth.    -fne  thawy  snow. 

Safte  vi  p  fe  Jørfte. 

■~3;«t>  71  fe  SBrøot. 

%6Mt  vt  felt;  *  vi  fe  aSrøDle. 

'ttttc  vi  tarry,  loiter,  linger;  _  nieb  delay;  ber» 
ntcb  maa  iffe  -8  this  sufFers  no  delay;  tøt)  libt! 
stop  a  little,    Søoen  c  tarrying,  delay. 

!£ø|tieir  thawing  weather,  open  weather,  thaw. 
•binb  thawing  wind. 


U,  u  n  -er  U  u  [you];  abbr:  U.  =»  Uge  week; 
u.  =  unber  under;  ug.  =  ubmærfet  gobt  optime. 

U!  fe  U^. 

ttaabenbar  a  not  manifest. 

Uaabnet  a  unopened. 

■4-Uaanb  c  a  narrow  mind,  shallowness. 

Uaanbbar  a  irrespirable. 

Uaor  n  year  of  scarcity. 

Uabet  c  commoners  pi.  UabeHg  a  plebeian, 
not  noble. 

UabfttU'elig  a  inseparable;  (uopløfelig)  indis- 
sohible;  -e,  fe  SeIf!o6?fugIe.  -f|eb  c  inseparability. 
Uabftilt  a  inseparate. 

Uabf))Utgt  a  unasked. 

tlabbaret  «  unwarned,  unadmonished. 

-^nafbe'be({g  a  unpardonable. 

Uafbrubt  «  uninterrupted,  unintermitting, 
unlntermittent,  unbroken,  continual,  incessant; 
adv  incessantly  etc,  without  intermission.  -i-^eb 
c  incessancy,  unceasingness. 

Uafbcit  a  undivided. 

Uaflgjott  a  unsettled,  undecided,  unadjusted, 
uddetermined,  pending.  -gørenbe  a  indecisive, 
inconclusive,  (Spil,  ©log)  drawn.  -gørlig  a  un- 
decidable,  that  cannot  be  decided. 

ttaf^fntet  a  unclaimed. 

Uaf  I  hjulpen«  unalleviated;  unsupplied.  -^iæl'-- 
ptltQ  a  irremediable. 

naf kolben  a  intemperate;  (nabnl.  i  føbef.  ^enf ) 
incontinent.    -Ijcb  c  intemperance;  incontinence. 

Uafl^ænbelig  a  iualieuable.  -^(cnbelig^eb  c 
inalienableness.  -^ænbct  «  unsold;  uutrans- 

Uaf^cetigig  a  independent.  -^eb  c  independ- 
ence.  -^ebéerfloering  deelaration  of  independ- 
ence.  -ftcbåfølelfc  spirit  of  independence.  -^eb8> 
frigen  the  War  of  Independence. 

ttaftlæbt  a  not  undressed. 

ttaffortet  a  unabated,  uncurtailed. 

Uaftaafet  a  unlocked,  on  the  latch. 

Uafla'beftg  a  incessant,  unceasing,  uninter- 
mitting, unlntermittent,  without  intermission; 
adv  incessantly.    -fteb  c  incessancy. 

Uafløft  a  uurelieved. 

Uofrettet  a  untrained. 

-fUaffe'eUg  a  incalculable,  immeasurable. 

Uaffenbt  a  not  sent. 

nafffaaren  a  not  cut  off. 

Uafffaffet  a  unabolished. 

ttaffo'nlig  a  inexpiable,  that  cannot  be  ex- 

ttaff(et'(te)Hg  a  unsaleable,  unmarketable,  not 
vendible,  a  drug  in  the  market;  (fra  ©mbebe) 
that  cannot  be  dismissed,  irremovable. 

Uaftatt  a  uucounted;  adv  without  counting 

Uaftalt  a  not  previou.sly  concerted  (el.  agreed 

ttaftrutten  a  (om  Ur)  not  set  right. 

Uafttiæt'teUg  a  indelible. 

ttafben'belig  a  inevitable.  -^eb  c  inevitable- 

Uafbi'benbe  adv  unknowingly,  unwittingly, 
unintentionally;  bet  er  mig  ganfte  _  I  know 
nothing  at  all  about  it;  mig,  big,  ^am  oftJ.  -  un- 
known  to  me,  you,  him  etc.  el.  without  my, 
your,  his  knowing  it. 

nafbi'feltg  a  not  to  be  rejected,  that  cannot 
be  refused;  inevitable,  peremptory,  imperative. 

Uaf  bær'gelig  a  not  to  be  warded  oflf  el.  pre- 

Hag  tet  conj  though,  although,  albeit;  >  ^on 
Dat  abBoret  (although)  being  warned;  prap  not- 
withstanding,  in  spite  of. 

*)  3  en  flor  ^el  af  be  meb  U=  fammenfatte  aibjeltiuer,  ^»or  Sonen  f)er  er  logt  paa  førfte  Stodelfe, 
Ian  ben  ogfaa  ofte  bcere  paa  ^obebftaoelfen. 




Uaot'tiaagitien^eb  c  inattention. 

Uagt'fom  «  inattentive,  uegligent,  careless, 
heedless.  -l)cb  c  inatteatioa,  negligence,  care- 
lessness,  heedlessness,  inadverteacy. 

ttatturat  a  unprecise.  -^eb  c  want  of  preci- 

Ua(minbe(ig  «  uncommon,  rare;  (ufæboanlig) 
uausual,  extraordinary;  ado  uncommoaly.  -^et* 
c  nncommonness. 

tlanlbcagt  a  undisposed  of,  unprovided  for, 
<$enge)  uninvested.  -bring'elig  «  not  te  be  dis- 
posed  of;  -e  S3rebe  dead  letters. 

Uanbægtig  a,  iadevout,  devoutless.  -^eb  c 

Uanet  a  unsuspected,  undreamt  of. 

Uanifccgt'eltg  n  undisturbable,  unassailable; 
jur  int'ontestable,  indisputable,  -fægteiig^eb  c 
incontestableness.  -fægtet  a  unafFected,  un- 
moved  (af  by). 

Uanfjirt  a  not  quoted. 

UangioeR  a  not  stated;  (om  SSarer)  unentered. 

ttanigreben  a  unassailed.  -gcibelig  a  unas- 
sailable, unimpeachable.  -gri'betig^eb  c  unas- 
sailable nature. 

Uangret  a  unrepented. 

Uantct  ie  Upaaantet. 

Uanmcibt  a  unannounced,  usherless. 

Uanmobet  a  unrequested,  unsolieited. 

ttanfe'Ifg  a  plain-looking,  insigniflcant,  un- 
sightly.    -^eb  c  insigniflcance,  unsightliness. 

Uanfet  a  humble,  mean,  unrespected;  jyræp 
without  regard  to,  notwithstauding. 

Uttnftæn'big  a  iudecent.    -^eb  c  indecency. 

Uattftø'belig  a  inoftensive.  -^eb  c  inofFensive- 

Uanftia'Tiig  a  irresponsible;  ffiongen  er  _  tbe 
king  can  do  no  wrong.     -^eb  c  irresponsibility. 

Uanføgt  a  unsolieited. 

Uanta'getig  a  inadmissible;  (om  ^erjon)  ineli- 
gible.    -Ijeb  c  inadmissibility. 

UanItaft'cHg  a  unassailable,  unattackable.  that 
cannot  be  touched.  -taft'elig^eb  c  unassailable 
nature,  -toftet  «  unassailed,  unattacked,  un- 

nan|tæn'betig  a  un-inflammable.  -tæn'belig^ 
fteb  c  uninflammable  nature,  -tænbt  a  un- 

ttanoen'betig  a  inapplicable  (paa  to),  -^eb  c 
inapplicability.  Uantienbt  a  unused,  unem- 

ttanbift  a  unassigned,  not  passed  for  payment. 

Ua))))ettt'(tg  «  uninviting,  unsavoury.  -^eb  c 

ttarbejbfom  a  not  industrious. 

tiar'ttg  a  impolite,  rude,  uncivil;  (om  S8arn 
o.  b.)  naugbty.  -Ijeb  c  impoliteness,  ineivility, 
rudeness;  naughtiness. 

ttoéfuveret  a.  uninsured. 

Uautoriferet  a  Sobg  unlicensed  pilot. 

Ubaaren  «  unborn. 

ttbagt  a  unbaked. 

Ubagtalt  a  uncalumniated. 

Ubalanceret  a  unbalauced. 

Ubanet  a  unbeaten,  uutrodden. 

Ubarberet  a  unshaved. 

Ubartet  a  untanned;  jig  rough. 

Ubarmhjertig  a  unmereiful,  merciless,  re- 
morscless,  uncompassionate.  -^cb  c  unmerci- 
fulness,  mercilessness,  remorselessness. 

Ubearbejbet  a  crude;  -  gelt  uutrodden  fleld. 

Ubeboelig  n  uninhabitable.  -^eb  c  uninhabit- 
ableness.  Ubeboet  a  uninhabited,  unoccupied, 

UbebQrbet  o  unencumbered. 

Ubebragelig  a  infallible.  -^eb  c  infallibility, 

-fttbe'brctlg  a  fe  Uforbebetlig. 

Ubcbfe)t  a  unasked,  uninvited. 

Ubebætfet  a  uncovered. 

Ubebocroet  a  sound. 

Ubccbigct  a  unsworn. 

Ubefalet  a  without  order. 

Ubejfarena  unexperienced,  unseasoned.  -foret 
a  not  navigated,  (Sei)  untrodden. 

UbefdIIet  a  having  no  population,  thinl; 

Ubeforbret  a  unforwarded;  (^erfon)  unpr( 

Ubefragtet  a  unfreighted,  unengaged. 

Ubefrugtet  a  unimpregnated,  unfecundated. 

Ubefoengt  a  uninfected. 

Ubefærbet  a  unfrequented. 

Ubefæftet  a  unfortifled;  fi-a  uusteadfast,  ui 
stable,  unsettled.  -^eb  c  instability;  (om  USerfoi 
unsettled  state  of  mind. 

Ubeføjet  a  unauthorized,  incompetent;  (?)trti 
0.  I )  unvvarranted. 

Ubegattct  a  not  gifted,  incapable. 

Ubegrabet  a  unburied. 

Ubegri'belig  «  incomprehensible,  inconcei 
able,  unintelligible.    -fteb  c  incomprehensibilitj| 

Ubegroet  a  fe  UbeoolSet. 

Ubegrunbet  a  fe  Ufltunbet. 

Ubegrcebt  <i  unwept,  unmourned. 

Ubegrænfct  a  unbounded,  illimitable. 

Ubegieret  a  unrequested,  unsolieited. 

ttbcijaaret  a  hairless. 

Ubelbag  n  dislike,  disgust.  -^a'gelig  a  ui 
pleasant,  disagreeable,  displeasing,  unacceptabli 
•ba'geCigbeb  c  disagreeableness,  unpleasantnea 
annoyance,  vexation,  jå  disagreeables. 

Ubébeftet  a  unencumbered. 

Ubebinbret  a  fe  U^inbret. 

Ubebjertet  a  faint-hearted,  cowardly.  -^eb 

Ube{bjce(b'elig,  -bjælV'fom  a  awkward,  helj 
less.  -bjælb'cngbeb,  -tijælv'fombeb  c  awkwaro 
ness,  helplessness. 

Ubebcenbig  a  clumsy.    -i)Cb  c  clumsiness. 

Ubebøolet  a  unpolished,  unreflned,  rude,  ui 
civilised,  unmannerly;  _  ^oalp  unlicked  cul 
-^eb  c  rudeness. 

Ubetenbt  a  unknown;  en  _  an  unknown  pea 
son;  _  meb  unacquainted  with,  ignorant  oi 
-f!ab  n  (meb,  til)  ignorance  (of). 

Ubetlibbet  o  uncurtailed. 

Ubettcebt  a  nnclothed. 

Ubetrawfet  a  ungarlanded,  uncrowned. 

Ubefrceftet  a  unconflrmed. 

Ubeltuem  a   (ufttffet)   unflt,  unsuitable,  inco: 
venient;   (umagelig)  uncomfortable;   bet  er  mig 
It  does  not  sult  me;   f«le  fig  -  feel  out  of  sorts 
-toentbeb  c  unfltness,  inaptitude.    -toemiReHg^ev 
c  inconveniency,  discomfort. 

UbetQmret  a  unconcerned;  Ⱦr  -  for  keep 
your  mind  at  ease  about.  -^eb  c  unconcerned- 

Ubelagt  a  (meb  Xinfolie)  unquicksilvered. 

Ubelaftet  a  unburdened,  unloaded. 

Ubelaoet  o  unprepared. 

Ubelejlig  a  inconvenient,  inopportune, 
c  ineonvenience. 

Ubeletieu  a  ill-bred,  ill-mannered.    -fteb 
-breeding,  rudeness. 

Ubetæft  o  not  much  read  in  book-s,  illiterate. 
-^eb  e  want  of  reading,  illiteracy. 

Ubelønnet  a  unrewarded,  unrequited. 

Ubemanbet  a  (om  ©tib)  without  (her)  crew, 

Ubemiblet  a  without  fortune,  poor,  unpor- 
tioned,  unmoneyed. 

Ubelmæ'rtelig  (+)  o  fe  Umærlelig.    -martet  a 




unperceived,   unnoticed,    unobserved,   obscure; 
odv  secretly,  furtively.    -mærlet^eJi  c  obscurlty. 

Ubtntfttet  o  not  used,  uuused,  unemployed. 

ttbejnceunelig  (+)  a  not  to  be  named.  -næont 
a  auonymous,  unuamed;  arith  indefluite,  ab- 
stract;  aibbition  otD.  i  -e  %al  simple  addition  etc. 

tlberaab  a  -.  meb  -  |)U  indeliberately,  without 

nberammet  a  not  fixed,  not  appointed,  un- 

Ubereben  «  (om  Jpefte)  unbroken,  untrained. 

tibercbt  "  unprepared. 

nberebOtUtg  a  unwilling,  unwilling  to  oblige. 
-^eb  c  unwillingness  (to  oblige). 

nbelrcg'nclig  «  incalculable,  l)eyond  compu- 
tation;  fickle,  capricious.  -reg'netigticb  c  incal- 
culableness;  capriciousness  -regnet  a  uuanti- 
cipat«d,  unlooked  for;   exclusive  of,  exeluding. 

Jttbcrejft  a  (*Cerjon)  untravelled;  (Canb)  un- 
visited,  unfrequented. 

Uberettet  a  without  receiving  the  sacrament. 

Uberettiget  a  (^Jerfon)  unauthorized,  not  eu- 
titled,  unentitled;  (f.  Sfl.  til  at  ^anble)  not  li- 
censed;  (*Uaaftonb  o.  I.)  unwarranted,  unauthor- 

ttberigtiget  a  uucorrected;  unpaid. 

ttberqgtet  a  of  unspotted  reputation,  of  good 
character,  unimpeachable.  -I)eb  c  good  cha- 

nbe|remme(tg  a  inglorious.  •r«mt  a  uot-re- 
nowned,  fameless,  obscure. 

ttber«rt  <»  untouched,  unafifected;  labe  _  leave 

Ubefaaet  a  unsown. 

nbefat  u  unoccupied;  vacant,  unfiUed. 

Ube  fcj'telig  «  innavigable.  -fejlet  a  unnavi- 

Ubefejret  a  unconquered,  unvanquished. 

Ubefct  a  unseen,  without  seeing  it. 

nbejtnbig  «  inconsiderate,  imprudent,  heed- 
less,  -^eb  inconsiderateness,  imprudence, 
heedlessness,  rashness. 

tibefiælet  a  inanimate. 

Ubeftnaren  a  uncut;  .Æg  uncurtailed,  unabrid- 
ged,  unimpaired. 

Ubeftabtget  a  unhurt,  undamaged,  uninjured, 

tlbeffattet  a  untaxed,  having  no  contriliutions 
to  pay. 

nbefteben  a  immodest,  indiscreet;  immoderate, 
pretentious;  intrusive,  impertinent,  -fteb  c  im- 
modesty,  want  of  delicacy,  iudiscretion,  imper- 

nbefliftet  a  uncalled  for,  uneommissioned, 

Ubefttnnet  a  not  shone  upon,  unlighted. 

Ubeffretien  a  not  written  ou,   (ogf.  fig)  blank. 

Ubeffrtoeltg  a  indescribable,  unspeakable. 

ttbcftqttet  a  unprotected;  unsheltered. 

Ube^æftiget  a  unoccupied,  unemployed,  dis- 

Ubeffæmmet  «  unshamed,  undisgraced. 

Ubeffærmet  n  unprotected. 

Ube  ftaoet,  -flagen  a  not  mounted,  ($eft)  un- 
shod,  Ouftage)  unhooped. 

ttbefmittet  a  unstained,  unblemished,  unpol- 
luted,  immaculate;  ben -e  Unbfangelfe  immaculate 

nbeftan'big  a  inconstant,  fickle,  changeable. 
-Ijeb  c  inconstancy,  fickleness,  levity,  variable- 

nbeftcgcn  a  unclimbed,  uever  climbed. 

Ubelftem'melig  a  indeterminable,  nondescript. 
-ftcm'mclig^eb  c  indeterminable  nature,  -ftetnt 
a  undecided,  undetermiued,  indeflnite,  un- 
defined,  not  fixed;  matk  (iiigning,  koefficient  ofD.) 

indeterminate;  (om  begreber)  vague;  (af  Sara(ter) 
irresolute,  ben  -e  2lrtitel  the  indefinite  article, 
paa  bet  -e  vaguely;  paa  _  Xib  indefinitely;  ubfætte 
paa  ~  3;ib  defer  sine  die;  Seje  poa  _  Sib  hiring 
at  will;  en  tjener  fom  et  fæftet  paa  ~  Zit  a  ser- 
vant  at  will.  -ftemt^eb  c  indecision,  uncer- 
tainty;  vagueuess,  irresolution. 

Ubefti'gelig  a  inaccessible.  -^eb  c  inaccessi- 

nbeftif'Ielig  a  incorruptible.  -t)eb  c  incorrup- 
tibleness,  incorruptibility. 

nbeftri'bclig  «  incontestable,  indisputable, 
unquestionable.  -Ijeb  c  indisputableness,  incon- 
testability.  Ubeftribt  a  undisputed,  uncou- 

nbeftutten  a  incorrupt. 

Ubefublet  a  uupoUuted. 

Ubefungen  a  unsung,  not  celebrated  in  poetrj'. 

Ubclfoaret  a  unanswered.  -foa'rlig  a  uu- 

ttbefoæret  a  unoppresscd,  unburdened. 

Ubeføgt  a  unvisiTÆd,  (gorelæSning)  unattended. 

Ubeførget  "  undone,  unattended  to,  unper- 
formed;  -ebe  iBrede  dead  letters;  kontoret  for  u. 
S9.  the  Dead  Letter  Office. 

Ubctagen  a  open,  allowed. 

ttbetaielig  a  invaluable,  above  all  price,  in- 
estimable.  -l)eb  c  inestimableness.  ttbetatt  a 

UbetibS  adv  unseasonably,  iuopportunely. 

UbettmeUg  a  unseasonable,  inopportune,  un- 
timely,  illtimed,  intempestive.  -^eb  unseason- 
able ness. 

Ubetinget  o  (uben  SSettngetfe)  unconditional; 
(abfolut)  unqualified,  absolute;  _  Siltto,  Stjbig^eb 
implicit  faith  el.  confidence,  obedience;  et  ~ 
Cnbe  an  unmitigated  evil;  adv  decidedly,  ab- 
solutely,  unconditionally.     -Ijeb  c  absoluteness. 

Ubetitlet  a  untitled. 

Ubetonet  a  unaccented,  unemphasized. 

Ubetraabt  a  untrodden. 

Ubetrutfen  «  unpapered. 

Ubetoin'gelig  «  Invincible,  unconquerable,  in- 
domitable.  -^eb  c  invincibleness.  Ubetoungen 
a  un.subdued,  unconquered. 

Ubet^'belig  a  insiguiflcant,  inconsiderable, 
mediocre;  unimportant,  trifling,  trivial,  slight. 
-tjeb  c  insignificance,  inconsiderableness,  trivial- 
itv;  en  -  a  trifle. 

Ubetinget  '«  unencumbered,  unweighted. 

+ttbct(cn'telig  a  safe. 

Ubetanl'fom  a  inconsiderate,  unthinking, 
heedless,  rash.  -t(eb  c  inconsiderateness,  heed- 
lessness, rashne-ss,  iudiscretion. 

Ubeoanbret  a  unversed,  unconversant. 

Ubebant  a  unaccustomed,  unused,  unhabit- 
uated  (meb  to),    -fteb  e  want  of  practice. 

Ubeoaret  a  unpreserved. 

Ubeoibft  a  unconscious;  iustinctive;  oæie  ftg 
felB  _  be  unconscious;  bet  »at  mig  -,  at  bet  flete 
I  was  quite  ignorant  of  it;  ^alo  -  sub-couscious, 
—  adv  instinctively.    -^eb  c  unconsciousness. 

Ubeoilget  a  not  granted  el.  (pari)  voted. 

Ubeøi'i^iiø  a  that  cannot  be  proved,  indemon- 
strable.     -Ijeb   c  incapability   of  being  proved, 
lack  of  evidence.    Ubebtft  a  unproved. 
Ubeoogtet  a  unguarded 

Ubeoæbnet  a  unarmed;  for  bet  -ebe  JSie  to  the 
naked  eye,  to  the  unassisted  vision. 

Ubeooc'gelig  a   (fom  ilte   fan  beoægeS)  immov- 

able;    (ubaielig)  iuflexible,    inexorable;    (fom  itte 

beoæger    fig)      -^eb    c    immobility. 

Ubcoæget  a  unmoved. 

Ubibelft  a  uuscriptural. 

Ubitlig    a   unreasonable,   unfair,    unjust,    in- 




equitable.  -fittt  c  unreasonableness,  unfairness. 
+-l>ié  adv  imreasonably. 

It'blanbet  a  unmixed,  unmingled,  unalloyed. 

n'bleget  a  unbleached,  brown. 

tt'lblib  a  inclement,  harsh,  severe,  ungen  tie. 
-l)eD  c  harshness,  (om  SBejret)  inclemency. 

U'lilottig  a  bloodless,  unbloody. 

U'blu  a  shameless,  impudent,  barefaced;  en 
_  $ri?  an  exorbitant  price.  -ffler'big  a  un- 
chaste,  bold.  -fær'big^eti  c  boldness,  uncha- 
stity.  -ftei  c  shamelessuess,  impudence,  bare-  exorbitance. 

ttbo'belig  a  irreparable,    -^eb  c  irreparability. 

tnbobemaa(  n  case  which  cannot  be  atoned 
for  by  money,  felony. 

Ubobfter'big  a  impenltent,  uncontrite.  -^eb 
c  impenltenee. 

tlBonct  II  unwaxed. 

Ubor'gerltg  a  imcitizenlike. 

nbro'bertio  a  unbrotherly,  unbrotherlike. 
-^eb  c  unbrotherliness. 

tt'brubben,  U'brubt  «  unbroken. 

Itbru'gbar  a  unserviceable,  unsuitable,  unflt 
for  nse  el.  servlee.  -^cb  c  unserviceableness. 
Ubru'gelig  a  useless;  not  in  use,  out  of  use, 
disused;  gøre  -  disable;  blioe  (gjort)  _  become 
disabled.  ttbru'gelig^eb  c  uselessness;  unusual- 
ness,  rarity.    U'brugt  a  unused. 

+Ubr^'bcltg  n  unbreakable;  fe  U6røbettg. 

tt'brælfet  a  unbroken. 

Ubrænb'bar,  ubrænbelig  a  incombustible. 
•^eb  c  incombustiblenes,s. 

ttbTøbeltg  a  inviolable.     -^cb  c  inviolability. 

Ububen  a  uninvited,  unbidden,  self-invited; 
_  Oceft  intruder. 

Ubunben  o  (Iø§)  unbound,  unfettered;  (uinb= 
ffrænfet)  unrestrained,  unrestrieted;  _  Stil  prose. 
•^eb  c  uurestraint,  freedom  from  restraint. 

'^ttb^gb  c  uninhabited  region,  desert. 

Ub^gget  a  unbnilt. 

ttbicn'big  a  indomitable,  untamable,  un- 
manageable,  unruly.  -^eb  c  unmanageableness, 
unruliness,  refractotiness. 

Ubæft  n  beast,  brute. 

Ubej'elig  «  inflexible,  unyieldlng,  unbending. 
-^eb  c  inflexibility. 

Ubøtt()d'rlig  n  deaf  to  all  prayers,  inexorable, 
inflexible.  -ftcb  c  inexorableness,  inexorability, 
inflexibility.    Ub«nf)Øtt  a  unheard. 

ncibtltferct  a  uncivilized. 

Ub  odv  out  (of),  forth;  Brage  -  go  forth;  tale 
rent  _  unbosom  one.self;  lab  mig  tale  -  let  me 
finish  speaking;  Ugen  -  to  the  end  of  the  week; 
ie  SIribt;  en  _  af  bor  'Glitte  one  from  amongst 
ns;  bragte  t)am  ~  af  ftg  feln  made  him  beside 
himself;  _  for  J>  oflf;  ttiæxi  -  for  abreast  of; 
_  fra  starting  from,  taking  one's  departure 
from;  ftaa  _  fra  2anb  stand  ofT  shore;  3lar  _, 
8lar  inb  year  by  year;  gaa  ~  og  inb  i  et  ^118 
have  the  nm  of  a  house;  jeg  »eeb  ftoerfen  -  eller 
inb  I  am  quite  bewildered,  at  sea,  perfectly  in 
the  dark;  ^an  maatte  -  meb  he  had  to  pay;  fe 
Sprog;  _  ot)er  beyond;  _  »aa  ®agen  later  in 
the  day;  til  longt  _  paa  Slatten  till  late  in  the 

ttbaab  c  misdeed,  enormity,  atrocity,  outrage. 
UbaabSntanb  evil-doer,  malefactor. 

Ublaanbe  vt  breathe  forth;  vi  (bø)  expire. 
-aattben,  -aanbtng  c  breathing  forth. 

ttbflb  adv  outward.  -bøjet  a  bent  outwards, 
0.  fl.    -gaaenbc  a  out-going. 

Ubab'Ielig  o  unblamable,  irreproachable. 

Uboblftræbenbe  o  outward.  -tit  adv  outwardly. 
-benbt  a  turned  outward,  everted. 

Ubaf  prcep  out  of. 

Ubagle  vt  cart  out.    -ning  c  carting  out. 

tttbager  c  outlying  fleld. 

Ubannet  a  uncivilized,  unpolished,  rudo, 
underbred,  uneducated.  -^eb  c  want  of  educf,- 
tion;  ill-breeding,  bad  manners. 

nbanff  o  not  (el  bad)  Danish,  un-Danish;  ur  - 
national,  -^eb  c  want  of  Danish  feellng,  want 
of  patriotism;  (fprogl.)  incorrectness,  conc  bai  - 
barism,  solecism. 

Ubatbejbe   vt  compose,  prepare,   (gøre  fcerbifl) 
finish;   en  -t  Zali  an  elaborate  speech.     -Ife 
composing,    flnishing;   (en  ftriftlig)  composition, 
written  exercise,  paper;    (Slolefag)  composition. 

nbarmet  a  impoverished. 

Ubartle  vi  degenerate;  -t  degenerate.  -elf«, 
-en,  -ning  c  degeneration. 

tibaruing  c  distant  heir. 

Ubafct  a  knocked  up,  dead  beat,  jaded,  toJ 

ttbatterlig  a  undaughterly. 

+U'bbaabe  vt  boat  out. 

tt'bboge  iJt  bake  sufficiently. 

n'bbaUotere  vt  blackball. 

U'bbantle  vt  beat  out,  knock  out;  (Slæbe 
beat  thoroughly,  beat  the  dust  out  of.  -ning 
beating  ete. 

tl'bbart  c  outer  bark. 

ttbbafnjne  vt  trumpet,  blazon  (forth  el.  abroad), 
-be  bereS  egen  MoS  blew  their  own  trumpets. 
-ning  c  -er  trumpeting  etc. 

tt'bbebe  ftg  vr  request;   Sbar  -8  the  favour 
an  answer  is  requested. 

U'b|bebre  vt  repair,  mend;  (TOaleri)  restor 
■bebting  c  repair,  reparation,  mending,  restou 
tion.  —  Ubbebring^l^auH  repairing-port. 
toftningec  of  repairs. 

n  bbene  vt  CS^qle)  bone. 

tt'bbetalle  vt  pay  (out),  disburse.  -ing 
disbur.sement,  outgoing;  forfalbe  til  _  fall  du 
_  (beb  Søb  af  ®aarb)  2000  Sroner  posse.ssi« 
With  2000  er.  cash.    -ingSftornt  (t  Sant)  run. 

U'bbibe  vt  bite  out;   lose  (a  tooth)  by  bitir 

tt'bbinb|e  vt  tvp  tie  up;  t(Sreaturer)  turn  ou 
•ing  tying  etc. 

It'bblanbc  vt  dilute. 

U'bbtomftrc  vi  be  in  full  bloom,  be  ft 
blown;  fe  2tfblomftre. 

tt'bblæfle  vt  blow  out;  (Smp.)  blow  off;  tpu 
lish  (by  biowing  a  trumpet).  -ning  c  blowii 
etc.  —  UbblæSningål^ane  (S)inp.)  blow-ofl"-co(jl 
-t)nm))e  (®mp.)  brine-pump.  -røv  (3)mp.)  bio 
-off-pipe.  'H 

U'bbløble  vt  soak,  steep,  macerate;  (fait  2f'ff 
0.  1.)  fre.shen.    -ning  c  soaking  etc. 

U'bborle  vt  bore  (out,  up),    -ing  c  boring. 

tl'bbrebc  vt  spread,  extend;  (f.  (Sf8.  Slrraene) 
stretch  out;  (et  iR^gte)  spread,  divulge,  circulate; 
(Særbomme  ofe.)  diffuse,  propagate,  disseminate; 
—  vr  fig  spread,  extend;  _  fig  oocr  en  Sag  ex- 
patiate,  descant,  dilate  upon  a  matter;  _  fig 
(fom  et  8iQgte)  spread,  get  abroad;  —  ubbrebt 
a  (Zxo,  9it)gte  0.  b.)  widespread,  (SBlob)  widely 
■circulated;  -e  ftunbffaber  extensive  knowledge. 
-Ife  c  spreading  etc,  spread,  extension;  (om 
aærbomme  of».)  propagation. 

tt'bbcingle  vt  bring  out;  (Sretie)  deliver;  _ 
meget  af  en  (Sjenbom  make  much  (money)  by  a 
property;  _  f.  ©tå.  SongenS  ©faal  propose,  give, 
drink  the  health  of  the  king.  -etfe,  -ning  c 
bringing  etc;  (sBrebel)  delivery. 

U'bbrub  n,  pi  =,  outbreak,  breaking  out;  (om 
SSulIan)  eruption;  (om  Sibenffaber)  burst,  outburst; 
et  ftær!t  -  af  Satter  a  peal  of  laughter;  tomme  til 
_  break  out. 

U'bbrumme  vt  growl  forth. 

U'bbrtibc  vt  fe  Ubbrætte;  vi  (om  %ar\qet,  9(lb, 
ftrig  ofB.)  break  out;  (brljbe  frem)  burst  (forth); 


621  Ube 

(eeb  birefte  Stnforfel)  exclaim,  cry;  _  i  en  Strøm 
of  ©fælbSorb  give  vent  to  a  torrent  of  abuse; 
f)an  -brøb  i  Eatter  he  broke  out  into  laughter; 
ifan  -brøb  i  l^øj  fiatter  he  burst  out  into  a  loud 
laugh;  ^un  -brøb  i  ®raab  she  burst  into  tears; 
ber  -brøb  Jflb,  Srig  a  fire,  a  war  broke  out. 

U'bbraf|fe  vt  break  out.    -ning  c  breaking  out. 

tt'bbrænble  vi  (brænbe  til  Snbe)  bum  out;  vt 
burn  out;  (renje  eeb  JBrænbing)  cleanse  by  bum- 
Ing;  ckir  cauterize;  -bt  SBuItan  extinct  volcano. 
•ing  c  burning  etc. 

tt'bbr«Ie  vt  roar  out;  vi  f)av  -t  has  done 

tl'bbub  n  summons  el.  call  to  arms;  offer  (for 
fale);  -  og  (Sfterfpørgfel  supply  and  demand. 
fUftbubSfolI  levj'. 

tt'bbuet  a  bowed  el.  bent  out,  convex. 

tt'tilug|e  vt  emboss.  •nittg  c  embosslng;  conc 
bulging,  art  swell,  (p.  ©øjle)  enta.sis. 

nbbugfertng  c  towng  out. 

U'bbugtet  a  wavy. 

tt'bbutning  c  swelling. 

tt'bbunbe  vt  bottom. 

U'bbljbe  vt  (til  Salg)  oflfer,  display  (for  sale); 
(inbfalbe)  summon. 

'U'bbqgbing  c  -er  stranger,  non-parishioner. 

It'bbQgger  c  -e  (ben,  font  bor  paa  en  affibe?  3orb= 
lob)  cottager  living  in  remote  parts;  (ben,  {om  er 
flettet  ub  til  et  anbet  ®ogn)  one  removed  into 
another  parish. 

tt'bbqgget  a  projecting,  overhanging.  Wb- 
bagning  c  additional  structure;  projecting  part 
(of  a  building),  jut-room. 

tt'b|b))tte  n  clear  profit,  proceeds,  earnings, 
yield;  (af  SSant,  9lftieforetagenber  ofb.)  dividend; 
fiff  result,  outcome,  gain.  -iXfttt  vt  make  the 
most  of,  utilize.  -b^ttelfe,  -bytning  c  utiliza- 
tion,  making  the  of.  -bQtter  c  -e  extor- 
tioner.    -bqtterig  a  profitable,  valuable. 

tl'bbcerle  vt  bear  out,  carry  out;  (©rebe)  de- 
liver,   -ing  c  bearing  etc,  delivery. 

U'bb«b|e  vt  repair;  (§unbt)r)  spay.  -nitig  c 
repairing  etc. 

tt'bbøje  vt  bend  outwards. 

n'bbample  vt  evaporate;  (f.  ®f?.  fiinneb)  air 
flinen).    -ning  c  evaporation;  airing. 

tt'bbanne  vt  form,  finish,  perfect;  (aanbel.) 
cultivate,  train,  improve;  -  ftg  (til  nt)  train, 
prepare  one's  self,  serve  an  apprenticeship. 
■Ife  c  perfection,  finish;  cultivation,  improve- 
ment:  training. 

tt'bbanfet  a  knocked  up  by  dancing. 

U'bbelie  vt  (til  el.  tblanbt)  distribute  (among), 
deal,  portion  el.  parcel  (out);  serve  out,  issne 
(til  el.  iblanbt  to),  dispense  (to);  _  Slag  deliver 
blows;  _  aSefalinger  give  orders;  _  Saframentet 
administer  the  sacrament.  -ing  c  -er  distribu- 
tion, dispensation,  issue;  (om  Saframentet)  ad- 

U'bbte  fe  Ubpatte. 

tt'blbrag  n  extract;  fort  _  abstract,  summary; 
f  =  (Snbe.  -brage  vt  draw  out,  vt  educe  (ogf. 
chem  &  arithm)  extract;  _  en  Slutning  draw  a 
conclusion;  —  t^t  fe  3)rage  ub.  -bragning  c 
drawing  etc,  extraction;  deparlure.  -bragSui^S 
udv  by  extract. 

K'b|breje  vt  get  out  by  tuming;  hollow  out 
by  turuing.  -brcjc^aal  inside  tool,  side  tool. 
-brcjerbintel  sliding-square. 

Ubbrif  le  vt  drink  out,  drink  off.  -tting  c 
drinkiug  etc. 

U'bbriule  vt  drive  out,  expel,  displace;  _ 
SjcESle  out  devils;  (om  breoet  9(rbeibe)  em- 
boss,  chase;  -enbe  a  expulsive.  -elfe,  -ning  c 
driving  out;  (i  TOebtcinen)  expulsion;  (of  ajjæoie) 

-t^n'bbremme  vt  dream  out;  dream  to  the 

U'bbuft|e  vt  exhale  (perfume).  -ning  c  ex- 

tt'bb«nft|e.  o<  exhale;  vi  evaporate,  (igennem 
^uben)  perspire.  -ning  c  -er  exhalation,  evapo- 
ration, efliuvia;  perspiration. 

U'bb^bje  vt  deepen,  make  deeper.  -ning  c 
deepening.  -ningSarbejber  deepening  opera- 

U'bbQrt|r  vt  fig  cultivate  (to  perfection),  per- 
fect.   -ning  c  (perfect)  cultivation. 

nbibø  vi  become  extinct.  -b«b  a  extinct. 
-bøen  c  extinction. 

U'bb«r  c  outer  door. 

Ube  ndv  out;  (ube  af  ©ufct)  abroad;  (ubenfor  i 
bet  grie)  outofdoors;  (forbi)  at  an  end,  finished, 
over;  ber  _  out  there;  oære  _  be  (away)  from 
home,  be  out,  gone,  (probucere  fig)  be  in  the 
field;  bet  er  -  meb  bum  it  is  all  over  with  him, 
he  is  a  lost  man;  _  af  |Sje,  _  af  Sinb  out  of 
sight,  out  of  mind;  fe  Stanb;  ^an  er  _  af  fig  felo 
(af  ®læbe)  he  is  beside  himself,  out  of  his  mind, 
(with  joy);  langt  _  befloegtet  distantly  related; 
nu  er  ^uhbrebe  og  eet  _  there's  the  devil  to  pay 

nbejbliøe  vi  stay  out  el.  away,  fail  to  come 
el.  appear;  jur  make  default,  suffer  a  default; 
en  -bleoen  a  defaulter;  iSubet  er  -bleoet  the  mes- 
senger  has  not  made  his  appearance;  S3etatingen 
-biet)  payment  was  not  forthcoming;  Ijan  er  -bleoen 
meb  SSetoIingen  ooer  3;iben  he  has  passcd  the 
time  of  payment;  be  -bleone  9Keblemmer  the  ab- 
sent  members;  b""  er  -bteBen  i  flere  Uger  he  has 
absented  himself  for  several  weeks;  ber  er  flere 
^ofter  -bleone  there  are  several  mails  due;  Sftbet 
er  -bleoet  (ooer  Siben)  the  ship  is  overdue.  -bli= 
Pelfe,  -blioen  c  staying  out,  non-appearance, 
absence,  non-aTival,  non-attendance;  (fra  9Jetten) 
default.    -blibelfeSbont  judgment  by  default. 

Ubefter  adv.  ftaa  _  J,  stand  oflf-shore,  stand 
for  the  offlng. 

nbeglemme  vt  forget,  omit. 

Ubrtéamincret  a  passed;  certificated. 

ttbetépeblere  vt  clear  outwards.  -ition  c  clear- 
ing outwards. 

Ubellabe  vt  leave  out,  omit.  -labelfe  c  -r 
omission;  meb  _  af  omitting,  leaving  out. 

Ubclag'tig  a  not  participating,  having  no 
share  el.  part  in.    -Ijeb  c  non  participation. 

tlbe'Ibar,  ube'Ielig  a  indivisible.  -Mb  c  in- 
divisibility,  indivisibleness.  U'belt  a  undivided, 
entire;  -  iBifalb  unanimous  applause.  U'bet= 
tagenbe  a  indifferent  to,  unfeeling. 

Ube|lulfe  vt  shut  out,  lock  out;  fig  exclude, 
debar;  _  fra  Stranlen  disbar;  bleo  t  -af  Slubben 
was  expelled  his  club;  -r  aKultg^eben,  Santen 
precludes  the  possibility,  the  idea.  -tuttelfe  c 
exclusion;  expulsion;  meb  -  af  excluding,  to  the 
exclusion  of.  -luttcnbe  a  exclusive;  ado  exclu- 
sively,  entirely,  whoUy. 

Uben  a  præp  without;  -h  (ubenfor)  outside;  _ 
nogen  9lariag  without  any  cause  whatever;  _ 
^at  with  no  hat,  without  a  hat;  Oæce  _  be  out 
of;  jeg  fan  not  leoe  _  bet  I  dåre  sav,  I  can  do 
without  it;  ingen  _  none  but,  nobody  but;  intet 
_  nothing  but;  —  -^-adv  wihout,  outwardly;  — 
con)  without;  _  at  bibe  bet  without  knowing  it; 
_  at  lobe  fig  forftijrre  af  undisturbed  by;  _  at  jeg 
Bibfte  bet  without  my  knowing  it;  _  faa  er  (oar) 
except  in  the  case  that,  unless  perchance. 

ttbenab  adv.  lære  noget  _  learn  something 
^ofif)  by  heart,  commit  to  memory;  lunne  -  know 
by  heart,  by  rote,  be  letter-perfect  in.  -lart  a  : 
noget  _  a  thing  of  rote.  —  nbenabdjlettie  lesson 




to  learn  by  heart.  •Iierbotn  cram.  Aavtn, 
-læåntng  getting  by  heart. 

niienborbS  a  outboard;  —  adv  outside  the 
ship,  on  Ihe  outside;  (oberBorb)  overboard,  -fro 
from  the  (el.  her)  outside.  -flicbning  outside 

tlbenb^S  adv  out  of  town;  a  not  resident  in 
town;  -  SKcbIcmmer  country-members.  -boeitbe 
pl  people  not  resident  in  town. 

tlbcnberS  adv  out-ofdoors,  outdoors;  a  out 

^Ubcrtettro<)æiff  a  out  of  Europe. 

Ubenfor  adi;  outside,  without;  (Saren)  at  el. 
before  the  door;  fætte  _  turn  out;  jeg  »il  ^elft 
cære  _  I  would  rather  have  uothing  to  do  with 
it;  —  præp  out  of,  outside;  -  33Qen  out  of  toven; 
_  |iufet  outside  the  house;  _  S5øren,  SSinbuerne 
before  the  door,  the  windows;  ingenftebS  -  (£ng= 
lanb  nowhere  out  of  England;  i  (Snglanb  (_  Os-- 
forb  Stift)  in  E.  (other  than  the  diocese  of  O.;; 
3?ognen  't)o\bt  -  ^ufet  the  carriage  stopped  before 
the  house;  er  _  ©agen  is  beside  the  question;  - 
a(  %bitil  beyond  all  doubt.  -ftaoenbe  a  outside; 
o  outsider,  impartial  spectator. 

tlbenfra  adv  from  without,  from  (the)  outside. 

ttbengærbS  udv  outside  the  fence. 

ttbcn|(anb§  adv  abroad.  -lanbfl  a  foreign; 
outlandish.  -lanbSrejfe  joumey  abroad;  -r  coU 
foreign  travel. 

ttbenom  præp  round  about,  outside  of;  gaa  _ 
Sagen  elude  the  subject,  beat  about  the  bush; 
gaa  _  SSanfteligl^ebcn  shirk  the  difficulty.  Uben^ 
om§  a  et  _  SHetenbtflab   a   chance   acquaintance. 

—  nbcnotn§|bett)emmeItg^cber^  -(etlta^eb  oflaces. 
•((C^ntng  desxiltory  reading.  -fnal  desultory  el. 
irrelevnnt  talk.  -f))ørg§mai>t  secondary  question. 
-ubgiftcc  extra  expenses. 

Ubenlotier  adv  &  præp  over.  -paa  præp  out- 
side; (om  S'Iæber)  above;  adv  on  the  outside. 

Ubcn|ret(ig.  -rct§  a  extrajudicial. 

UbenrigS  adv  abroad,  out  of  the  kingdom. 
-fart,  -ftanbcl  foreign  tråde,  oversea  tråde. 
Ubenriflff  a  foreign.  Ubenrigålminifter  minister 
of  foreign  aflfairs.  -minifterium  ministry  of 
foreign  aflfairs,  foreign-oflfice,  -(tolitit  foreign 

nbenflterS  adv  outside  the  (range  of)  rocks, 
in  the  open  sea. 

ttbenfognS  a  extra-paroehial;  adv  extra-paro- 

-t-ltbenftaaenbe  fe  Ubenforftoaenbe. 

ttbentil  adv  outside. 

Ubentbtbl  fe  Xstol. 

Ubenberben  e  outward  world. 

Ubenlbolb  exterior  rampart.  -OOtbS  adv  out- 
side el.  without  the  walls. 

nbenbceltS  a  (i  Sortfpil)  not  trurap,  plain;  fig 
irrelevant;  odv  f  abroad. 

nbettboerler  pl  outer  works. 

nbeVige  c  outdoor  servant. 

Ubeftaaenbc  a  (om  ®ælb,  gorbringer)  outstand- 
ing;  jeg  ^ar  ~  $enge  I  have  money  owing  to  me; 
jeg  ^or  _  Oælb  I  have  outstanding  debts;  l^obe 
noget  _  meb  en  be  at  odds  with  one. 

nbffiænge  vt  shut  out. 

n'bfalb  re,  pl  =,  (SRefuItat)  issue,  result,  up- 
shot;  mil  sally,  sortie;  (i  tJægtelunft)  pass;  ^elbigt 

—  success;  ultjlfeltgt  _  failure,  failing,  miscarri- 
age;  faa  et  baarligt  _  fail;  olt  faar  et  gobt  _  for 
^am  everything  succeeds  with  him;  gate  et  - 
mil  sally  out,  make  a  sally,  (gægtefunft)  make  a 
pass.  nbfalbe  vi  fe  ^Jalbe  ub;  -nbe  SSot)  aflaring 
bow;   -nbe  SSanbe  the  ebbing  cl.  receding  tide. 

—  ttbfalbSltiort  c  sally-port.  -bonbe  fe  oBfr. 
•uinfel  angle  of  reflexion. 

U'bfare  vi  go  forth;   bibl  ber  ubfor  3Ib  there 

rose  up  fire.     tt'bfart  c  -er  (Ubfort,  Sortgang* 
exit;  (jur,  Ubflugt)  excursion. 

tU'bfoftct  a  starved,  emaciated. 

*U'bfattlg  a  destitute. 

U  'bfeijc  vt  sweep  out.  -«ing  c  sweeping  out 
clean  sweep. 

U'bftllc  vt  file  out.    -ing  c  filing  out. 

U'bfinbe  vt  find  out,  make  out;  elicit. 

n'bftringétnaftine  c  paying  out  machine. 

U'bftfte  vt  fish  out. 

It'blflaab,  -flob  n  (§anblingen)  flowing  out, 
efflnx:  (bet,  fom  fltjber  ub)  discharge,  flux. 

U'bflttgt  c  ({gerningen  at  flQCc  ub)  flight;  (Sur) 
excursion,  outing,  trip;  (UbDej)  escape;  (UnbftQlb= 
ning)  shulfle,  evasion,  shift,  subterfuge;  bet  er 
en  baarlig  _  that's  a  poor  (shuffling,  lame)  ex- 
cuse;  føge  -er  shuffle;  ^on  oeb  nof  ot  finbe  en  _ 
he  is  sure  to  find  a  hole  to  creep  out.  j 

n'b!f[t)be  vi  flow  out,  issue,  emanate.  -ft^belfel 
•f(qben  c  flowing  out,  out-flowing.  ^ 

Ublfl^ttc  vt  &  i  move  out.  -fltjtning  moving 
out,  exodus.  t-f(^tUr  c  -e  peasant  who  moves 
his  house  out  of  a  village.  -flt)ttergaarb  pea- 
sant-house  moved  out  of  a  village.  i 

U'bfinbe  vi  flv  out;  leave  the  nest.  I 

U'bfobrc,  Ubfobring,  fe  UDfore.  • 

U'bfoIblE  vt  unfold;  (f.  ©!«.  gane)  unfurl; 
(f.  ®t§.  Slabe)  expand;  math  (en  giabe)  develop; 
fio  (aabenbore)  unfold;  (lægge  for  33agen  ofo.)  dis 
play;  (ubbifle)  develop.  -ning  c  unfolding  etc.j 
expansion;  development;  display. 

U'bfor  præp  ia  front  of,  fe  Ub  for. 

tt'bfor|bre  vt  (til  Mamp)  challenge,   call  out 
(trobfe)   defy,    dåre;    (trcefe)   require,    call    forj 
-brcnbe  «  defiant.    -brer  c  -e  challenger.    -brini 
c  challenge.    -brtngSbreb  challenge. 

U'bfor|e  vt  line.    -ing  c  llning. 

U'bform|e  vt  form.    -ning  c  forming. 

tt'bforffie  vt  find  out,  trace,  ((Sgn  o.  1.)  explored 
(en)  sound,  -er  c  -e  explorator.  -ning  c  exH 
ploring  etc,  exploration. 

U'b  fragt  c  outward  freight. 

U'bfri   vt  deliver,   set  free,   liberate.     -elf« 
deliverance,  liberation. 

U'bfritte  vt  (en)  question  closely;  (nt)  pum| 
out,  worm  out.  -fritntng,  -fritten  c  pumpinj 

n  bfug|e  vt  pin  up,  rejoint.  -ning  c  pinnin| 

'^Ubfugle  pl  birds  that  breed  on  outlying  rocli 
and  clifts. 

tt'bfDtbie  vt  fill  up,  fill  out;  (Sd^cma)  fill  in^ 
Jig  ($Iab§)  fill;  -enbe  a  expletive.  -ing,  -ninfl 
Alling  up.  —  ttbf^Ibning§|bagc  (fr.  SfalenberJl 
complementary  days.  -farbcr  complementarj 
colours.    -balg  bye-election. 

ttbf(cgt|e  vt  fight  out.    -ning  c  fightingout. 

tU'bfæUcb  c  outlying  common. 

it'bfærb  c  departure. 

tl'bfærbige  vt  draw  up,  prepare,  expedite,  dis- 
patch.  -Ife  c  drawing  up  etc,  preparation,  ex- 

U'b|f«rc  vt  carry  out,  (SSarer)  export;  (9lr6eibe 
of».)  execute,  aecomplish,  perform;  (SSefaling 
0.  I.)  carry  out;  mwi,  theat  execute,  play;  (et 
©mne  o.  I.)  work  out,  follow  up;  -  et  SSarp  run 
el.  put  out  a  warp;  ^an  bil  _  35oftorena  3ioUe  (paa 
Seatr.)  he  will  sustain  the  character  ofthePhy- 
sician;  bibl  -te  onbt  3iQgte  om  brought  up  an  evil 
name  upon;  bibl  ~  bereS  SRet  maintain  their 
cause.  -førbar  a  practicable.  -f«relfc  c  carry- 
ing  out,  execution,  accomplishment,  perform- 
ance, -ferer  c  (af  58arer)  exporter;  (af  Slrbejbe 
ofb.)  executer.  -føringSgang  anat  excretory 
duet.  -f«'rlig  a  practicable,  performable,  achie- 
vable;   (fulbftcenbig)  full,  copious,   detailed,  ex- 




Plicit;  —  adv  flally  etc,  at  length,  in  extenso; 
meget  _  at  great  length;  nogenlebeS  _  in  some 
detail.  -ftfTligljcb  c  practicability,  possibility; 
ftilness,  detail,  explicitness;  mcb  megen  _  wiih 
great  fulness,  in  great  detail,  at  great  lengtii. 
-farffl  c  exportation,  export;  t  =  -førelfe;  til  _ 
for  exportation.  —  ttt)f«rfel$|artilel  (staple  of) 
export;  pi  export  goods.  •forbub  prohibition 
of  exportation.  -^anbel  export  tråde.  -)>r(emie 
boimty.  -febbel  permit.  -ftel»  place  of  depar- 
ture;  market.    -tolb  exportduty. 

tt'bgaa  et  issue;  (ubelabeS)  be  omitted,  struck 

•;    labe  noget  _  i  Srtjffen  publish   something; 

_  ei    SSetoIing   issue   an   order;   et  -et  Xræ  a 

ayed  tree.    -enbe  a  outward;  _  SSarer  exports; 

ommen   »ar   -   the   current  was   setting   out. 

nc  n  departure;   advance   money;    for   _   out- 

...;d-bound.    •ninså))enge  advance- money;  9ln= 

Oisning  paa  ~  advauce  note. 

ttt'bgaorb  outlying  farm. 

U'bgabe  c  outlying  street. 

U'bgang  c  -e  (^anblingen)  going  out,  departure; 
(©lutning)  is.sue,  end;  (SIuefpiHerS;  tvp)  exit; 
(Steb)  outlet,  issue,  pas.sage  out;  SlaretS,  TOaane= 
ben§  -  end  (el.  expiration)  of  the  year,  month. 
—  nbgangSlbiUet  check,  pass-check;  tage  _  joc 
vanish.  -bag  Sunday  out.  -bør  outer  door. 
'tiattn  port  of  sailing.  -Ijeft  (Sritte)  jade.  -linie 
tvp  rest.  -I«b  ^35mp.;  eduction  passage,  -pnntt 
starting-point,  (point  of;  departure.  -re^Ii!  exit. 
•r«r  (émp.)  eduction-pipe.  -Rben  (Smp.)  the 
eduction  side.  -tap  eduction  trunnion.  -tiQa- 
belfe  leave  of  absence,  -tolb  export-duty.  -tur 
Sunday  out.  -oentil  (Smjj.)  eduction"  valve. 
-otnlet  art  elevation,    -eg  fe  -^eft. 

tl'bgaoe  c  -t  edition. 

tt'bgenne  vt  drive  out. 

tl'bgerning  c  outdoor  work. 

U'bgift  c  -er  expense,  expenditure,  outgo,  out- 
going;  bæffe  -erne  pay  expenses;  fere  til  -  carry 
to  the  expenditure;  fætte  fig  i  _  for  go  to  the 
expense  of  —  ttbgift^ibilag  voucher,  -bog  ex- 
pense book.  -Voft  item  of  expenditure.  -flbc 

It'blgitic  vt  give  out,  expend  (til  in);  (SRattoner 
0.  1.)  i.ssue;  (^Bger  oftj.)  publish,  issue,  (om  Ub= 
giuer)  edit,  (om  grorfatter)  bring  out;  _  poont)  re 
•publish;  (SBefoIinger)  issue,  give  out;  _  *$orolen 
give  the  parole;  _  mange  $enge  spend  much 
money;  _  falfte  ^enge  pass  el.  utter  counterfeit 
coin,  forged  uotes;  —  er  _  fig  for  noget,  for  en 
anben  $erfon  pass  one's  self  off  as  something 
for  another,  purport  to  be;  -n  efter  iJorfatterenS 
5)eb  posthumous.  -gioelfe  c  expenditure;  pu- 
blicatton;  utterance;  unber  _  in  course  of  publi- 
cation.  -gtuer  c  -e  publisher,  (fom  beferger  Ub= 
gieelfen;  SRebaftør)  editor. 

ttbgjort  a  f  hackneyed. 

tt'bglatlte  vt  smooth.    -ntitg  c  smoothing. 

Ubglibning  '•  slide,  slip. 

ttbglebje  vt  heat  thoroughly,  glow  out;  cheni 
calcine.    -ning  c  heating  etc. 

n'bgnib{e  vt  rub  out.    -ning  c  rubbing  out. 

tt'bgmnfTe,  n'bgranflning  fe  Ubforfle. 

tt'bgraoe  vt  (of  forben)  dig  out,  exhume,  ex- 
humate;  (en  ^anal  o.  1.)  excavate. 

tt'bgraoerle  vt  (f.  (£t§.  i  JtoBBertable)  engrave. 
-iitg  c  engraving. 

ttbgraoning  c  -er  digging  out,  exhumation, 

tll'bgrine  vt  f  laugh  at. 

tt'blgrnble  vt  think  out,  excogitate.  -grublen 
c  excogitation. 

tt'bgrunb|e  vt  penetrate,  fathom.  -flfe  c  pene- 
trating  etc. 

n'bgrtrbe  vt:   fine  Pjne  cry  one's  eyes  out; 

_  fm  Sorg  weep  one's  iill;  —  vi  ^at  -t  has 
ceBsed  weeping. 

U'bgrøftc  vt  drain  (by  ditches). 

tl'bg))be  vt  pour  out;  _  jEaarer,  SSIob  shed  tears, 
blood;  _  fin  ^arme  ober  vent  one's  spleen  el. 
anger  against;  _  fit  |)jerte  (for)  imbosom  one's 
self  (toj;  _  Rg  (om  glob,  9Sonb)  flow,  empty 
itself;  -bt  (om  giff)  spent.  -Ife  c  -r  pouring  out, 
etfnsion,  outpouring;    -r  [paa  Srfl!)  lucubratiors. 

U'bgcclb  c  debt(s)  ovying  el.  passive. 

U'bgærbc  n  boundary  fence,  ring-fence. 

U'bgærle  vi  ferment  sufflciently.  -ing  c  fer- 

tl'bg«re  vt  constitute,  compose,  make,  form, 
(om  tSælb,  kapital  ofb.)  amount  to,  come  to;  nb« 
gjør  et  ringe  (Slntal  ofo.)  i  Sml.  meb  bears  but  a 
small  proportion  to. 

U'bf|al|te  vt  pick  out;  (32aale)  hole.  -ning  c 
plcking  out;  holing. 

U'bibdle  vt  haul  out;  ^  (ubrufte,  om  et  ©lib) 
fit  out;  delay,  put  oif.  -tiolcr  c  -e  (©birebrober) 
rake,  dissipated  fellow,  old  rip;  J,  outhauler. 
—  ttb^aterljoUe  heel-roope.  -fttop  i,  head-eariug 
strop.  -Joije  outhaul  tackle.  Ubbnling  c  haul- 
ing  etc;  equipment,  ontflt. 

U'bl^amre  vt  hammer  out,  beat  out;  fom  ton 
-§  malleable.    -bamring  c  -er  hammering  etc. 

nblbatin  c  out-port.    -bat)nS(ob§  outport-pilot. 

tttbbcgle  vt  fe  ®ennem^egle. 

il'bbtgn  n  fe  Ubgærbe. 

tt'bbctée  vt  J^  unshackle;  _  9(nlerfættingen  un- 
bend  the  cable. 

n'b^rnte  vt  fetch  (out). 

ttbbiøning  c  heaving  out  el.  oflf. 

n'bbj(el))e  vt  help  out. 

tl'b^j«rne  n  remote  corner. 

tt'bl^olb  n  mus  pause;  ber  er  intet  -  meb  '^am 
he  is  past  endurance.  Ubitotbe  vt  bear,  stand, 
endure,  support,  sustain,  go  through  with,  bear 
ui)  agaiust;  _  en  SSelejring  stand  a  siege;  _  en 
©traf  suffer  a  punishment;  _  krøben  stand  the 
proof  el.  test;  _  en  Storm  (om  et  ©fib)  weather 
a  storm;  fan  tf!e  _  ben  %avXt  cannot  brook  the 
thought.  -^ot'belig  a  endurable,  supportable. 
-^olbenbe  a  persevering.  -t)otben^eb  c  persever- 
ance,  endurance,  staying-power(s) ,  staying. 
-bolbåtegn  n  mu« 

tt'b^olm  c  remote  islet  el.  holm. 

tt'bljoret  n  wasted  by  lewd  living. 

tl'blbug  n  brushwood.  -^ugge  vt  hew  out, 
cut  (out);  (<l3aptr  o.  1.)  pink;  _  et  ©raomonument 
hew  out  a  sepulchral  monument;  _  et  SiUebe 
cut  out,  sculptnre,  carve,  an  image;  -  ©tier  i 
en  ©fob  cut  out  paths  in  a  wood;  _  en  ©fob  cut 
an  openlng  in  a  wood;  cut  down  a  wood,  (for- 
tt)nbe)  thin  a  wood.  -tjugning  c  hewing  out, 
cutting  out  etc;  (i  ©fob)  opening.  -!|ugge)«rn, 
-IlugSjærn  stamp,    -^ugft  fe  -^ug,  -l^ugning. 

U'bbulie  vt  hollow,  scoop  (out),  excavate. 
-(n)ing  c  -er  hollowing  (out),  excavation. 

tt'bl^ungre  vt  starve  fout),  famish,  subdue  by 
huuger.    -^ungring  c  starving  etc 

tt'b^uS  n,  out-buildlng,  (out-)  offlce. 

tl'blbbilc  »i  &  _  ftfl  vr  rest  el.  repose  (one's 
self);  -^ Bilet  a  rested,     -^tiite(u)  c  relaxation. 

tt'b^uirble  vt  roll  out;  spin  out. 

ttbbbidle  vt  hiss  out. 

tt'b^tiieltiet  a  convex;  -  til  Begge  Siber  bicon- 

tl'b^^re  fe  gorBDre. 

tt'b|t)i)^fe  vt  hiss.    -b^Sfrn,  -IfQSning  c  hissing. 

tt'b  fjcrng  n  any  thing  hanging  out.  -Iiienge 
vt  hang  out;  -fiængenbe  a  33ob  a  flaring  bow. 
•bttngning  c  hanging  out.  —  nb^«ngd{arl  tvp 
proof-sheet,  advauce-sheet,  early  sheet.   •tlitvx- 




|»lat  early  copy.  -ffob  street  show-case.  -flilt 
sign-loard,  sign. 

U'b|f|ætie  v<  signalize,  distlngiiish;  <i/p  italicize; 
((ægge  SBoegt  pao)  lay  emphasls  on.  —  -^cettelfe 
signalizing  etc;  -rne  ere  af  08  the  itallcs  are  ours. 

U'bl^øtre  vt  retail.    -tiølring  c  retailing,  retail. 

+U'b^«rc  vi  fe  ^øre  ub. 

tUt»l  præp  fe  3. 

Ubitilomatiff  a  undiploraat'ic. 

Ut)ifct)>ttneret  a  undis'ciplined. 

Uli|ife  vt  get  out  of  the  iee,  cut  out  (through 
the  ice.)    -iSning  c  cutting  etc. 

tt'bjage  vt  drive  out,  expel.  -Ife  c  expulsion, 

U'bjorii  c  distant  grounds  el.  fieids. 

U'b|uble  vt  siug  forth  jubilantly. 

tt'bjætmle  vt  (g(atte)  smooth;  (iæune)  make  even 
el.  level,  even,  level;  (gøre  lige,  ftiHe  Jjao  lige  gob) 
equalize;  fia  (©tribig^eber  ofo.)  adjust,  settle. 
-tnj  c  -er  smoothing  etc;  equalization;  settle- 
ment, adjustment.  -ingStJtigtjMr  collation,  hotch- 

U'ttaate  vt  choose,  elect,  select;  iiani,  ^enbeS 
-be  the  woman  of  his  choice,  the  man  of  her 
choice.  -Ifc  c  choice,  selection,  election;  bibl 
ben  føntige  ~  the  adoption;  ben  f.  -8  ^anb  the 
spirit  of  adoption. 

U'bfalbe  vt  call  out. 

U'bfnttt  c  outskirt,  out-of-the-way  part. 

Vi'blaplpt  vt  tt,  cut  out  el.  off.  -ning  c  cut- 

tt'b|!aft  n,  pi  =,  draught,  sketch,  design  (til 
of).  -lafte  vt  cast  out,  throw  out,  eject,  art 
project,  (oberfiorb)  throw  overboard;  (2;egning  ofB.) 
sketch,  make  a  draught;  (5151ait  0.  b.)  devise,  lay 
down;  -t  ®ob8  goods  jettisoned,  jetsam.  -faftelfe, 
-tafining  c  casting  out,  ejection;  projection;  _ 
of  ®ob8  jettison  of  goods. 

tt'bferne  vt  extract  by  churning. 

It'blfig  n  look-out;  ^olbe  _  look  out;  i)Me  ~ 
have  the  look-out;  ftoa  j)oo  -  be  on  the  look-out; 
l^olb  gobt  _  keep  a  good  look-out  (efter  for,  nteb 
on).  -lig,  -ftger,  -ftgSmanb  c  look-out  man, 
balker.  —  Ub(ig§|)ioft  look-out  (station),  -rum 
look-out  box.  -tenbe  crow's  nest.  -tam  look 

tt'b|Itle  vt  wedge;  (Søj)  insert  a  gusset  in. 
-tilen  c  »lin  dwindling. 

Il'b!lnr|e  vt  fe  Stfdare.    -ing  c  clarifying. 

U'btlarer|e  vt  (om  @ft6)  clear  out,  clear  out- 
\yards,  enter  out(wards).  -Ing  c  clearance  (out). 
•ingåfieb  port  of  clearance. 

n'btttnining  c  (2:emr.)  thinnlng. 

U'b|l(i|)  n  slip  (cut  out  of  a  paper),  cutting 
(from  a  paper),  snipping.  -tli)>ning  c  cutting 
out.    -tlippe  vt  cut  out. 

U'blti|>^e  c  outlying  rock. 

Ubnip^bog  c  scrap-book. 

U'bt(icb|e  vt  dress  out  el.  up,  disguise.  -ning 
C  drGssiiiET  6tc 

U'b'flællfe  vt  (f.  ©fS.  om  Stomfter)  bring  out 
(om  2@g)  batch  («c  cleck);  fia  hatch,  plot.  -ning 
c  hatching.  ttb{lcelnittg§{a))^arat  hatchlng-ma- 
chine.  incubator.    -oun  hatching-oven. 

U'btogle  vt  boil  out.    -ning  c  boiling  out. 

U'blontmanibere  vt  call  out  for  service,  -to  c 
order  to  join  the  army. 

n'blfomme  vi  come  out,  (om  SSog  0.  I.)  be 
published;  netop  -t  just  out;  alt  bet  ubtomne  all 
published;  -mne  Søger  publications;  er  -t  i  anben 
Ubgaoe  has  reached  a  second  edition.  -lontttte 
n  competence,  competency,  subsistence,  liveli- 
hood;  ^an  ^ar  fit  (anftcenbige)  -  he  has  a  compe- 
tency, fit  gobe  _  an  easy  competency,  fit  rigelige 
-  an  ample  competency;   ber  er  intet  _  meb  f)im 


there  is  no  dealing  with  him.    -f-f omft  c  coming 
out;  outcome,  re.sult;  t  =  Ubfomme. 

tt'b{frab3  n  scraping.  -trabfe  vt  scrape  out 
($t6e)  unstop;  _  en§  pjne  tear  el.  scratch  one'f 
eyes  out.    -trab§ning  c  scraping  etc. 

U'bfrogle  vt  corbel.    -ning  c  corbelling. 

U'bfram|me  vt  display,  make  a  parade  of 
-ning  c  displaying  etc. 

nbtrqble  vi  creep  out.    -ning  c  creeping  out. 

U'btr^ftie  vt  squeeze  out.  -ning  c  squeezing 

Ubfrænget  a  tumed  inside  out. 

tt'bfrætic  vt  req\iire,  demand. 

tt'bfæmme  vt  comb  out. 

U'btæmlJe  vt  (en  Strib)  fight  out.  -Ife  c  fight- 
ing  out. 

U'bt«l>|e  vt  buy  out.    -ning  c  buying  out. 

U'b|tare  vt  cart  out;  -tørt  a  (om  $eft)  jaded. 
-f«rfel  c  ($anbf.)  carting  out;  departure;  (Steb) 
passage  out. 

tX'bllaan  n  loan.  -laane  vt  lend  (out).  -laaner 
c  (money-)lender.  -laaning  c  lending.  -laanå 
rente  interest  on  loans. 

n'b(ab|c  vt  phvs  discharge;  fe  2o8fe;  _  fin  SBre 
vent   one's   anger;   _  fig   vr   express   one's  sel 
^an  ublob   fig  meb  at  .  .  .  he  asserted  that  . 
bu  maa  ifte  _  big  for  nogen  berom  you  must  not 
say   a  word   about   it  to  any  one;    _  fig  Oibt  oi 
6rebt   om  expatiate  on.     -elfe  c  -r  expressio 
•er  c  -e  phv^  discharger,  discharging-rod.     -nini 
c  discharge;  arch  projection. 

U'bltagbe,  -lagt  af  Ublægge. 

tt'btaue  vt  babble  out. 

U'blanbet  n  de/  foreign  countries,  f.  parts;  i 
abroad;  fra  -  from  abroad;  fenbe  til  _  send  abroai 
^anbel  meb  -  foreign  tråde;  6eftemt  til  _  ^  forei 
-bound,    bound   foreign;    forfærbiget   i   _   foreigi 
-made;  Bqgget  i  _  foreign-built. 

tt'ble  vt  laugh  at,  deride,  ridicule. 

U'b|(ebe  vt  (flutte)  infer,  deduce;  (Drb,  ^ertora' 
0.  1.)  derive,  deduce;  -  fra  (titflribe)  refer  el.  attrl 
bute  to;  fan  -§  fra  is  deducible  from.  -leber 
chem  cathode.  -lebning  c  deduction;  derivatio: 
(®mp.)  eduction. 

Ubleget  a  (gifl)  spent  (fish). 

U'blteje  vt  let;  (fremtefe)  sub-let.  -lejer  c  lei 
sor,  letter,  hirer  out;  (af  Søretøjer)  job-maste 
-lejning  c  letting  etc. 

•t-U'blcbelfe  c  decrepitude,  decay,  dilapidatio 

U  bleoerle  vt  deliver  up,  give  up,  surrende 
(Slmmunttion  0. 1.)  serve  out;  flaner  -8  plans  ma; 
be  had;  ^or  faaet  fit  So  -t  has  obtained  his  dir 
charge,  -ing  c  delivery,  reddition,  restitutlo: 
(af  jforBrijbere)  extraditibn;  _  af  33o  discharge 
Ublet)ering§|orbre  delivery  order.  -febbel  bi 
of  delivery.  -ttb  time  of  delivery.  -trattat  bi' 
of  extradition;  (om  S?ng8fanger)  cartel. 

U'bleoet  a  wasted  (in  constitution),  super- 
annuated,  decrepit,  decayed. 

U'blibe  vi:  l)an  ^ar  -bt  his  sufiferings  are  over. 

n  bjliggenbe  a  outlying.  -ligger  c  -e  J>  fe  Ub= 
lægger,  Ubflqtter;  tråder  in  an  outof-theway 
plaee;  guard-ship.  —  Ubtigger|boin  outrigger. 
-goorb  fe  UbflQtter=.  -fteb  fe  Ubflqtter;  out-of-the 
-way  trading-station. 

U'bttgnie  vt  assess.  -ing  c  assessment.  —  Ub= 
Hgning^Hinrti  n  (Staf)  handicap  match,  -tnr- 
nering  handicap  tournament. 

ttblinie  c  -r  outline. 

tUblob  c  outlying  piece  of  land. 

U  bloblbe  vt  portion  (out);  (3orb)  parcel  out. 
-ning  c  portioniug  etc. 

U'blobfle  vt  pilot  out(wards).  -ning  c  pilotage 

tt'blotte  vt  (en)  lure  out,  (nt)  worm  out,  elicit; 
føge  at  -  nt  af  en  pump  one. 




n'i)(o$|fe  vt  discharge,  unship,  land;  bet  -b« 
^oantum  the  output;  ^ar  -t  has  completed  the 
discharge.    -niuB  c  discharge. 

ttblottje  vt  promise;  _  en  SØelønning  offer  a  re- 
ward.    -ning  c  promise. 

+n'i)tube  vi  jut  out,  project. 

tt'btuble  vt  (ubblebe  i  2ub)  steep  in  lye;  (ub> 
DQbfte)  elutriate.  -tting  c  steeping  in  lye;  elu- 

U'bluftle  vt  air,  ventilate;  —  vr  fig  p  take  the 
air.    -tting  c  -et  airing,  ventilation. 

It'blugle  vt  weed  out.     -wing  c  weeding  out. 

it'btuttc  vt  let  out. 

tt'blutre  vt  fe  Sutre. 

tt'bllqb  c  iinal  sound;  i  _  at  the  endof  words, 
■when  final.    -It)bcnbe  a  iinal 

U'blflfe  vt  je  iit)\e  ub;  —  vi  .shine  forth;  ^ar  -t 
has  ceased  to  shine;  ber  bleo  -t  for  bem  their 
banns  were  read  for  the  last  time. 

U'blQi^ning  c  thinning. 

tt'bl^tte  et  learn  by  listening. 

tl'bllag  n  (af  *Penge)  outlay,  advance,  disburse- 
ment;  jur  execution;  20  93unb  fontant  -  20  pounds 
out  of  pocket;  erftatte  en  ^an%  ~  reimburse  one; 
faa  fine  _  bætfebe  recover  one's  expenses;  gere  _ 
advance  the  money,  pay  the  expenses;  gere  _  i 
take  in  execution,  distrain.  -((cgge  vt  (ont  ^enge 
ofo.)  lay  out,  advance,  (en  til  (SjenHom)  assign; 
(forllare)  explain,  interpret,  construe;  (SaB)  fe 
Sægge  ub;  -  et  gartej  paa  beti  ©fation  place  a 
vessel  on  her  station;  _  en  font  ©arnefaber  father 
a  child  upon  one;  -  alting  til  bet  eærfte,  bebfte 
put  the  worst,  the  best,  construction  on  every 
thing.  -laggelie  c  interpretation.  -lægget  c  =e 
expositor,  interpreter;  ^  outrigger;  fe  Soegge^age; 
(i  fiuglefpil)  jack.  -wing  c  explanation,  interpre- 
tation; (af  Sao)  setting;  (af  SBojer,  ff^rffib)  placing. 

—  nblæg^Iforretning  aet  of  execution,  fleri  fa- 
cias.    -tager  distrainor. 

U'blæl|fe  vi  leak  out,  -ning  c  leakage;  (bet 
Ublæffcbe)  ullage. 

Ubllan'blg,  -lan'blft  «  fe  Ubenlanbfl.  -læn'big' 
dcb  c  exile.  -lanbing  c  -e  foreigner,  alien;  Stil= 
Itng  fom  _,  bet  ot  Ⱦre  _  alienism,  alienage; 
®æfter  og  -e  paa  forben  bibl  strangers  and  pil- 
grims on  the  earth. 

ttl'blænge  c  block  of  outhouses. 

tt'blært  a  having  served  one's  apprenticeship; 
en  ~  ©foelm  a  consummate  rogue. 

U'btcEfe  vt  read  to  the  end. 

n'blløb  n  running  out,  flow;  (giob?)  outlet, 
issue,  mouth,  (gorløb)  expiration;  ^ar  intet  ftjnligt 
_  has  no  visible  discharge;  ^ar  _  igennem  is 
drained  by.  -Uie  vi  (forløbe)  expire;  (fonime  tit 
Snbe)  end,  come  to  a  close;  (om  Sanb  i  ZimeglaS 
ofo.)  run  out.  -løber  c  3(  runner,  sucker,  stole, 
off-shoot;  (of  33ioErg)  spur,  counterfort.  -løbning 
c  running  out.  —  Ubløbi^lgrøft  drain.  -tftint, 
-ttan  discharge-cock.  -^u(  (Støbn.)  tap-hole. 
-renbe  gutter,  -rør  discharge-pipe.  -tib  expira- 
tion.   -Dcntil  di.scharge-valve. 

n'bløfle  vt  (friføbe)  ransom;  (frigøre)  release; 
(pantfatte  ©ager)  redeem,  take  out  of  pawn; 
(9KebarDtnger  o.  b.)  pay  off;  mech  disconnect. 
tting  c   -et   ran.soming;    releasing;    redeeming. 

—  nbt«3ningd|a))))arat  disconneeting  gear.  -greb 
stop,  lever,  -ftjul  (Urm.)  ratchet-wheel.  -tob  = 
ling  clutch.  -ret  jur  right  of  purchase.  -fnnt 
price  of  redemption. 

'tt'bmaal  n  parcel  of  land. 

tt'bmaal|e  vt  measure  (out);  (om  ©libe,  gabe) 
gauge;  -  i  Mtenoi?  measure  by  the  ell.  -er  c 
measurer.    -tng  c  measuring;  gauging. 

It'b|magre  vt  emaciate.  -magrtng  c  emacia- 

aarfen:  SJanft^engelft  Orbbog. 

tt'bmaile  vt  dress  out,  deck  out,  fig  out, 
bedizen.    -ning  c  dressing  out  etc. 

U'bmalle  vt  (meb  ^Jaroer  ogf.  fig)  colour,  paint; 
(i  Drb)  depict;  {paa  TOøtle)  grind  out;  _  Sanbet 
af  en  ®am  drain  a  pond;  _  fig  picture  (to  one's 
self);  —  vi:  ^or  -t  has  ceased  painting.  -ing  c 
colouring;  grinding  out;  draining. 

ttt'btttalte  vt  milk  dry. 

tt'bntane  vt  exorcise. 

U  b|mat(^  c  marching  out.  -mard^ere  vi  march 

tt'bmarl  c  t  distant  field;  *  wood  pasture, 
hill  pasture. 

-htt'bmartre  vt  torment,  torture. 

tt'bmartie  vt  emaciate,  enervate,  enfeeble; 
Oorbcn)  exhaust.    -Ife  c  enervation. 

U'bntafet  a  mashed;  »fe  Ubafet. 

U'bmatte  tt  exhaust,  fatigue,  prostrate.  -Ife 
c  exhaustion,  prostration. 

U  bmcjSlle  vt  chisel  (out),    -ling  c  chiselling. 

U'bmelbe  vt  (af  S!o(e)  take  out;  (uDnæone)  nomi- 
nate,  appoint;  —  vr  ftg  (of  et  ©elffab)  withdraw 
one's  name  (from  a  society).   -Ife  c  withdrawal. 

'U'bmeHe  fe  Ubmalfe. 

tt'bmubre  vt  clear  of  mud,  cleanse. 

U'bmunb|e  vi  disembogue,  debouoh;  fig  ~  i 
result  in.    -ing  c  disemboguement. 

tt'bmur  c  outer  wall. 

*U'bnH)nt|e,  -ning  fe  Ubmønte. 

tt'blmærle  vt  (gøre  fenbelig)  mark  out;  fig 
distinguish;  —  vr  fig  distinguish  one's  self, 
make  one's  mark;  _  fig  oeb  be  distinguished 
by,  characterized  by,  remarkable  et.  eminent 
for.  -mccrtelfe  c  distinction;  (t.  (Sf2amen)  a  first 
class.  -marUt  a  remarkable,  distinguished,  of 
note,  (fortræffetig)  excellent,  first-rate,  high-class; 
—  adv  remarkably,  eminently;  -  gobt  (Saralter) 
optime,   ,-f-mærfet^eb  c  excellency. 

tt'b|nt«nftre  vt  reject  at  a  muster  (as  unfit  for 
service);  vi  ^  sign  articles.  -mønftring  c  reject- 
ing  etc,  rejection. 

tt'bntøntle  vt  coin.    -ning  coining. 

*ttbnaS)n  n  nickname. 

•tt'bnifte  vt  fe  giifte  ub. 

U'bn^tte  vt  turn  to  account,  utilise;  exhaust, 
use  up,  wear  out.    -Ife  c  utilisation. 

U'bntetine  vt  nominale,  appoint;  Biet)  -t  til 
aHinifter  was  appointed  minister.  -Ife  c  -r 
nomination,  creation,  appointment;  (UbnæonelfeS- 
breo)  letters  of  creation,  patent;  betenbtgore  enS 
_  gazette  one;  t)ai\i  -  til  gjltnifter  his  appoint- 
ment as  a  minister  el.  to  the  ministry.  —  ttb= 
næbnelfeålbreo  fe  oofr.  -ret  right  of  presenta- 

Uboticr  adv  out,  outward,  ^  oflFward,  sea- 
ward,  olf;  —  præp  beyond. 

H'bH)a!te  vt  unpack.  -(»alfer  c  -e  unpacker. 
-glatning  c  unpacking. 

n'b))ant|e  vt  distrain.  -et  c  distrainer.  -ning 
c  -er  distraining,  execution,  distress. 

U'b))arceaer|t  vt  parcel  out  (into  lots).  -ing 
c  parcelling  etc. 

n  b))atte  vt  suck  dry. 

U'bpegle  vt  point  out,  indicate,  designate. 
-ning  pointing  etc. 

Ubpenlne  vt  thin.    -ning  c  thinning. 

U'b|))enfle  vt  pencil  &  paint  with  (too)  great 
minuteness,  elaborate.  -(lenfling  c  elaboration 
of  detail. 

U'bperfe  fe  UbpreSfe. 

nb^ibje  vt  hiss;  _  et  ©fueipil  damn  a  play; 
blioe  -pebet  (om  ©fuefpillet)  get  the  goose,  be 
goosed.  -ning  c  hissing;  (af  et  ©tuefpil)  damn- 

-ftl'bpige  c  outdoor  servant. 

U'b^iiaie  vt  pick  out.    -ing  picking  out. 





U'i)))in|e  vt  (^Pftige)  extort;  (en)  impoverish, 
strip,  fleece;  (Qorb)  exhaust.  -ing  c  extorting 

tt'b)>ifl|e  vt  whip  out,  lash  out;  (Qorben)  ex- 
hanst,  scourge.    -ttliiB  c  whipping  etc. 

nbplantje  vt  planl  out;  (of  5|5otte)  unpot. 
-ning  c  planting  etc. 

tt  btflafire  vt  blab  out,  let  out. 

tt'b^Jlotte  vt  flatten. 

U'bp'<)Iut  cuUing.  -^(uffe  vt  select,  cull. 
•))Iutning  c  -er  selecting,  culling. 

U'bl|)l$nbre  vt  plunder,  pillage;  (om  en  inb« 
taflet  w^;  sack.    -^Itinbriitg  c  -er  plundering. 

U'bl^olftrc  vt  stutr,  pad.  •^olftdng  c  stuffing 

U'b^ofi  c  out-post. 

tt'b^otte  vt  pot  out. 

tn'b))range  vt  hawk. 

tt'bVreSlfe  vt  press  out,  express;  _  ^enge  ex- 
tort money  (from);  Jig  (Saarer  o.  1.)  wring  (out), 
force  (out),  draw;  (Zei)  take  the  creases  out  of. 
■niltfl  c  -er  pressing  etc;  (of  $engf)  extortion. 

U'b^)rif|!e  vt  prick  out,    -ning  c  pricking  out. 

tt'btirille  vt  prick  out. 

tt'b^rotiiantrrct  a  provisioned. 

tt'bt*rQgIe  vt  beat  out. 

tt  bjtiræge  vt  (til)  coin  (into);  fg  en  ^forfatters 
Roralter  -r  fig  i  Ijani  6til  the  character  of  an 
author  is  impressed  on  his  style.  -ptce^et  a 
(ftærtt)  _  (strongly)  marked,  well -marked, 
emphatic,  pronounced.    •^rcegnittg  c  coinlng. 

tt'b))Uin^|e  vt  pump  out.  -ning  c  pumping 

U'b|))urre  vi  rouse,  call.  -surring  c  rousing 

U'b))ufte  vt  blow  out. 

tt'biitjnt  c  far  projecting  point  of  land. 

U'b^^nt|e  vt  dress  out,  deck  out;  fig  embellish. 
-ning  c  -er  dressing  etc. 

tt'b^«nfe,  Ub|;i>nffe  vt  discover  by  pondering, 

n'bt)«fe  vt  bale  out  by  buckets. 

tt'b|raab  n,  pi  =,  outcry,  exclamation,  shout; 
fomme  i  _  become  notorious.  -raabe  vt  &  i 
cry  out,  exclaim,  ejaculate;  (fjjøjtibeligt)  proclaim, 
6Iet)  -t  til  fionge  was  proclaimed  king;  bcere  ilbe 
-6t  be  in  bad  repute.  -raabcr  c  -e  proclaimer, 
herald,  (public)  crier.  —  ttbraabSlorb  interjec- 
tion.  -tegn  exclamation,  e.  point,  note  of  ex- 
clamation e(.  of  admiration. 

tt'brabcr|e  vt  erase.    -ing  c  erasion. 

tt'brage  vt  rake  out. 

tt'brantatiff  a  undramat'ic(al). 

tt'branbet  a  emarginate. 

tt'brangcre  vt  discard,  reject. 

tt'btapjjie  vt  roughcast.  -ning  c  rough-cast- 

tt'brnfe  vi  spend  one's  rage  el.  fury;  '^on  fior 
-t  (SSrebe)  his  rage  is  spent;  he  has  sown  his 
wild  oats. 

•U'brafct  part  slidden  el.  fallen  out  el.  down. 

U  b{rebc  vt  furnish,  supply;  (ubrufte  ©!iBe  ofo.) 
fit  out;  +  (bringe  SRebe  i)  unravel;  _  $enge  raise 
el.  procure  money;  ^on  Ton  i!te  _  Cmfoftningerne 
he  is  not  able  to  furnish  the  expenses;  -  fig  of 
extricate  one's  self  from.     -rcbclfe  c  fe  -rebning. 

ti  breben  a  (om  ^cft)  foundered,  knocked  up. 

tl'b|reber  c  furnisher.  -rebning  c  -er  raising, 
procuring;  levying;  fltting  out.  *-tCbfel  c  -fler 
tax,  contribution. 

W'brcgnic  vt  calculate,  compute.  -ing  c  -er 
calculation,  computation. 

M'brejfe  c  journey  el.  voyage  out;  outward 
passage  el.  route. 

M'brcnfle  vt  clean  (out),  cleanse,  purify. 
•ning  c    er  cleaning  etc. 

tt'brefie  vt  fe  {Rette  ub. 

U  bretie  vt  do,  eflect,  perform;  _  et  SSrtnbi 
execute  a  commission;  !^on  fan  intet  _  he  can 
do  nothing,  cannot  get  on,  makes  noprogress, 
(imob)  cannot  prevail  against.  -Ife  c  perform- 

U'brtbcr  c  -e  mil  scout. 

tt  b|riggei  c  e  outrigger.  -tigget  a  SSoob  out- 
rigger  (boat). 

ttbrit  lelig  a  undrinkable. 

tt'brinb!e  vi  flow  out,  issue;  (forlebe)  elapse, 
expire.    -ing  c  flowing  etc. 

tt  bring  I  e  rt  hollow,  sweep;  (f.  ©!«.  en  S^emife) 
cut  low.    -ning  hollowing  etc. 

tt'bringle  vt  (meb  Slotfe)  ring  out.  -ning  c 
ringing  out. 

tt'briO|e  vi  tear  out,  snatch  out;  (uboibe) 
broach.    -cife,  -ning  c  tearing  etc.  J 

tt  brobe  root  out.  i 

tt  broning  c  rowing  out  el.  off;  (i  ftn^jt.)  start 

ttbrugle  vt  (ogf.  fig)  hatch.  -ning  chatchlng, 
-ning§   fe  Ubtlæ!ntng8=. 

tt  bruUe  vt  (i  flere  a3et.)  roll  out;  (noget  fommen| 
runet)  unroll. 

tt  brnm  n  shed. 

tt'brunbe  vt  (runbe  inbtienbig)  scoop;  •f(afrunbe]P 

tt'bruft|e  vt  (om  ®ft6e)  fit  out,  equip,  (JJOonQ) 
re-equip,  (om  ©olboter)  equip,  accoutre;  fi,g  (meb, 
equip,  furnish  (with);  -t  (a\  S'Joturen)  meb  en< 
dowed  with.  -ning  c  -er  fitting  out,  equippin 
etc;  equipment,  accoutrement,  outflt.  -ningS 
^Obn  c  port  of  fltting  out. 

tt'b|r^bbc  vt  eradicate,  root  out,  extirpate, 
exterminate.  -r^b'belig  a  eradicable.  -r^bbelfi 
c  eradication,  extirpation,  extermination.  -t^i' 
belfrStrig  war  of  extermination.  -ribber  c  ex 

tt'brlige  fe  Ubrøge. 

tt'b|r>)Ife  vt  pluck  el.  pull  out;  —  vi  mare 
out.    -r^Hcn,  -rtjtning  c  plucking  etc;  marchs 
ing  out.    -rl)fletgoffet  c  meck  lifting-lever.    -r^li 
ningSorbre  fe  SJiotrf).. 

U'brljftle  vt  shake  out.    -ning  c  shaking  ou 

tt'broelie  vt  extend,  stretch  out. 

ttbr«g|e  vt  (brtbe  ub)  smokeout;  ($i6e)smok 
out,    finish;    (meb    9Jjøgelfe)   fumigate.     -ning 
smoking  etc. 

tt'br«j  a  not  lasting,  not  holding  out,   thi 
does  not  go  a  great  way. 

tt'brent|nte  vt  evacuate,  clear  (out),  -nini  etc,  evacuation. 

tt'br«r|e  vt  i  mix  up  with,  rub  into.    -ing 
mixing  etc. 

tt'bfoa  vt  sow.    -ning  c  sowing. 

tt  bifagn  n,  pi  =,   saying,  statement,   a 
tion,  averment.    -fagnSørb  gram  verb. 

tt'bfolg  n,  pi  =,  sale;  shop;  -!  selllng  off! 
—  ttbfolg§H»ri8  selling-price.  -fteb  shop,  store, 

tt'bfamte  vt  pick  out,  select. 

tt'bfot  a  exposed,  open,  liable,  subject  (for 
toj;  tvp  finished;  fe  Ubfcette.    -^eb  c  liability, 

U'bfato|e  vt  saw  out,  cut  out.  -ning  c  sawing 

ttbfrfiafte  vt  (SSjrergb.)  sink. 

tt'bfc  vt  select,  mark  (out),  pitch  upon,  _  en 
Cfftcer  til  .  .  .  designate  an  ofiacer  for  .  .  .;  -  fig 
fix  upon. 

tt  bfccnbe  n  appearance,  exterior,  look,  aspect, 
complexion,  face;  {)Qt)e  -  of  have  the  appearance 
of;  ^an  giber  fig  et  bigtigt  -  he  gives  himself 
airs;  gibe  ftg  et  bærbtgt  ~  assume  an  air  of  dig- 
nity;  jeg  tenber  ^om  of  ~  I  know  him  by  sight; 
ot  bamme  efter  -t  to  judge  by  appearances;  of  et 




tontantift  -  roman  ti  c-looklng  (o.  fl.);  gioe  ftg  _  af 

ntfejllet  a  run;  _  ®iftance  distance  run.  -ittg 
c  leaving  the  port,  putting  to  sea. 

tt'bfenble  vt  send  (oflf,  out),  dispatch;  (2^8, 
SSattne,  SJeg)  emit,  send  forth.  -elfc  c  -r  send- 
ing etc;  emission,    -ing  c  -e  deputy,  emissary. 

+tt  bftbhcr  c  -e  outside  passenger. 

n  bfibe  c  -r  outside. 

U'blfige  vt  assert,  state,  pronounce;  log,  gram 
predicate;  (opftgc)  give  notice.  +-flfleU9  a  eflfable, 
pronounceable.  -pjelfe  c  a.sserting  etc.  -figenbe 
n  as.sertion,  statement. 

n'blfigt  c  -er  pros'pect,  view,  look-out,  Out- 
look, opening,  vista;  (Steb)  outlook;  fe  Dserfigt; 
meb  -  tit  facing;  fig  gioe  -  til,  ftitle  i  Ubftgt  hold 
out  a  prospect  of;  ^ar  rimelig  -  til  stands  a  fair 
chance  of;  ftar  nogen  _  til  will  run  some  chance 
of;  ber  er  al  _  til  there  is  every  prospect  of; 
bermeb  ^ar  bet  longe  -er  that  will  not  be  for  a 
long  time  yet.  -ftgtSbrcnt  bench  from  which 
there  is  a  fine  prospect.  -figtStmnft  point  of 
view,  Outlook. 

tl'bflre  it  adorn,  decorate. 

tI'bj!D|e  vi  ooze  el.  trickle  out.  -ning  c  oozing 

tt'bflaaren  a  cut  out;  (i  2ræ)  carved;  bibl  -et 
©iHebe  graven  image;  fe  Ubflære. 

tU'b^abe  vt  trick  out,  bedizen,  make  a 
fright  of. 

tn'b|f!oI,  -flaningSbrftt  (outside)  slab,  flaw 

U'bfTamme  vt  chide,  put  down,  reprove,  re- 

tll'bffatte  vt  impoverish  by  extortionate  taxes. 

it'bfTatie  vt:  -be  ^»ibe  ©treger  paa  bent  bibl 
pilled  White  strakes  in  them. 

U'b|f!cjc  vi  swerve,  deviate;  (op'^øre  meb  2lr> 
bejbe)  J:,  knoek  off;  ti  Solen)  digress;  (i  Sednet) 
commit  excesses,  lead  a  dissolute  life.  -flcjelfe 
c  -r  deviation,  aberration;  digression;  pi  fig  ex- 
cesses. -ffejenbe  a  dissolute.  -fleining  c  (fro 
9lr6ejbe)  ^  knocking  ofif. 

■i-U  bffel  n  border,  boundary. 

n'bflibe  vt  (Sortføre  i  ©fi6)  ship;  (lo$fe)  unship; 
(lanbfætte)  disembark,  debark.  -ni«g  c  -er  ship- 
ment;  disembarkation;  disembarkment,  debarka- 
tion.  —  Itbflibntngéibro  wharf.  -^obn  shipping 
port.  -^ram  lighter,  -ftanb:  i  -  fit  for  shlp- 
ment.    -fteb  place  el.  port  of  shipment  etc. 

Ubftiftle  vt  (bele)  parcel  out;  (ifær  om  5orb) 
allot.     -nittg  c  -er  parcelling  out;  allotment. 

U'bfftlte  vt  fe  Ubfenbe. 

tt'blftiQc  vt  separate,  lay  ofi";  med  secrete; 
chem  disengage,  (Bunbfælbe)  precipitate;  _  ©bIB 
of  93lt)  part  silver  from  lead:  —  vr  Tig  separate; 
precipitate.  -f!iHtlfe,  -flilning  c  separation; 
secretion;  disengagement;  precipitation. 

ttt'bflinle  c  fe  Ubffol. 
Ubfljæmt  a  spoilt. 

*ViW\e\p\t  it  groove.  -ning  c  -et  grooving; 

n  bflott  c    e  straggling  wood. 

U'bfloble  vt  shovel  out. 

n  bftrable  vt  scratch  out,  erase.  -ning  c  -er 
scratching  out,  era.sure. 

tt'bftreben  a  (om  ftorn)  in  ear. 

ttbflregen  a  famed,  noised,  bepraised;  in  bad 

U  bflrift  c  -er  (Slfftrift)  copy,  transcript;  {paa 
SSret)  ofB.)  super-scription,  address;  (p.  gflofte  o.  1.) 

tt'bflrige  vt  fig  cry  up,  extol;  (i  flet  Set.)  cry 
down,  decry;  —  vi  ^or  -t  has  done  crying. 

tt'bflrible  vt  copy,  transcribe;  (©fatter  o.  I.) 
levy,  impose;  (©olbater,   Søfolt)  raise,   enlist;  fe 

gulbftrioe;  -  en  SJigSbog  issue  writs  for  convening 
a  diet;  —  ubf  freoen  a  copied  etc;  =  fulbjTreoen; 
(fro  ^ofpitalet)  discharged;  ^on  er  -n  (om  ^orf.)  he 
has  written  himself  out;  J,  -n  til  et  beftemt  Slib 
drafted  to  a  particular  ship;  et  2lntal  -ne  ©efoll 
a  draft  of  men.  -ning  c  -er  levying  etc,  con- 
scription,  enlistment.  —  ttbftribningStlrebS  re- 
eruiting  district.  -febbel  discharge,  -bcefenet 
the  recruiting  service,  the  conscription. 

tt'bflrue  vt  screw  out. 

tt  bflub  n  (of  SSarer)  refuse;  (ubrugbor  £ing) 
rubbish,  trash;  (af  golfet)  refuse,  scum,    dregs. 

—  ttbflnb^iarl  waste  sheet.  -gobå  fe  -dorer. 
-))a))ir  waste  paper.    •barec  refuse  goods. 

U'bflur  n  pent-house. 

U'blfl^be  vt  push  out;  (meb  ©f^bftjooben)  shoot 
(out),  discharge,  project;  (brage)  reject;  tvp  im- 
pose ;  (opfætte)  delay;  —  *vr  fig  jut  out. 
■ff^belig  a  protrusile.  -ff^bclfc  fe  Ubfættelfe. 
-fl^bning    pushing    etc. ;    discharge    rejection. 

-  tlbflDbningél^oftigtieb  initial  velocity.  -Itaft 
projectile  force. 

U'bftqIKe  vt  (PQlIe);  (fl^He  bort)  wash  out 
el.  oflf;  (Ulb,  |)uber)  scour.  -ling,  -ning  c  -er 
rlnsing  etc. 

tt'blflKlbe  vt  abuse  grossly,  call  (one)  names. 
■f-ff«lb§orb  fe  ©tælbSorb. 

-t^ttblffætnme  vt  disflgure. 

tt  b|ff«nl  c  retail  of  spirits  etc  •ffcenle  vt 
pour  out;  (fælge  glaéoig)  retail.  -floentning  c 
pouring  out,  retail(ing). 

tt  bftær  n  outlyiiig  rock. 

tt'blftcere  vt  cut  out;  (i  Xræ  ofb.)carve,  sculp- 
ture;  chir  (ogf.)  extirpate;  J,  _  en  fiøber  unreeve 
a  fall.  -ffætemnftine  punching-machine.  -fastet 
c  -e  carver.  -flæring  c  cutting  etc;  sculpture; 
excision,  extirpation. 

tt'blfloa  vt  fe  ©loo  ub.  -ftoaet  a  (f.  efS.  i  9In= 
figtet)  pimpled,  having  an  eruption  el.  efHores- 
cence;  (ffæHet)  scurfy.  -ftaaning  c  breaking  out 
etc.  (fe  ©laa  ub).  *-flaflt  c  outlying  hay-field. 
-ftag  n  (i  SSoegt)  tum,  turning;  (5|5enbul?)  oscilla- 
tion; (g!efultat)outcome,  outcrop;  fe  Ubflag§lob» 
ning;  gioe  el.  gere  -et  tum  the  scales  el  balance, 
decide  the  matter;  bette  giorbe  -et  i  ftompen  this 
determined  the  issue  of  the  battle;  ben  ©temme 
fom  gør  -et  the  casting  vote,  casting  voice. 
•flagen  a  (om  ^aax)  floating,  dishevelled;  ben 
bele  -ne  Sag,  9Jat  (all)  the  live-long  day,  night, 
all  night  long.  -flagmaftine  punching-machine. 
•flagning  c  cutting-out;  ie  -flaaning.  -flagSfeber 
exanthematic  fever.  •flagSlabning  (?fCrD.)  chasse. 
-flagoær!  (røønt.)  blank-cutting  machine. 

tt  biflette  vt  blot  (out),  efiface,  obliterate,  ex- 
pungé,  wipe  out  el.  away,  do  away;  (Slittot) 
plane  inside,  •fletning  c  planing  inside.  -flet= 
telfe  c  blotting  out,  eflfacing,  obliteration,  wip- 
ing  out  etc. 

tt  bfltb|e  vt  grind  out.    -ning  c  grinding. 

tt'bnibc  vt  wear  out. 

tt'bfli^jjie  vt  let  out. 

tt'bjittflle  vt  extinguish.     -ning  c  extinction. 

tt'bflutjte  vt  typ  justify.    -ning  c  justiflcation. 

tt'bflDnge  vt  hurl,  fling  out,  dart.  -ntafline 
centrifugal  machine. 

tt'bflæbe  vt  (flæbe  ub)  drag  out;  (offræfte)  wear 
out,  jade. 

tt'bftcet  n  eruption,  tetter,  rash;  (^o§  ©efte) 
farcy.    ttbflætéfeber  fe  Ubflag§=. 

tt'bfnteble  vt  forge;  (ftrælte)  beat  out.  -aing 
c  forging  etc. 

tt  »fmelt|c  vt  melt,  (Wetol)  fuse;  et  melt  out. 
-ni.ig  c  melting  etc. 

tt'blfmibe  vt  tum  out.  -fmiber  c  -e  chucker 

ttbfntinte  vt  gloss  over,  colour. 





n'bfmnglle  vt  smuggle;  fig  juggle  et.  splrit 
away.    -u«fl  c  smuggling  etc. 

H'bftttQtlte  vt  embellish,  set  oflF,  deck.  -ninfl 
c  -er  embellishment.  -nittS^fiOttrer  mus  orna- 

tt'blfnit  n  cut,  cuttiug;  (i  ffonten)  notch,  (paa 
Sorberfiæffen)  neek;  math  sector.  -f nitte  vt 
carve  in  wood. 

tt'bfotgt  a  sold  oflf,  sold  out;  (om  S3og)  ex- 
hausted,  out  of  the  market,  out  of  print;  ben 
et  netop  _  we  are  just  out  of  it;  theat  olt  er  ~ 
all  issued! 

tl'bfon|J>re  vt  separate,  pick  (out),  single  out; 
fe  aiffonbre.    -bring  c  separation  etc. 

tI'bfon|e  vt  atone  for,  expiate;  _  fig  be  recon- 
ciled;  fan  -g  meb  ^enge  is  atonable  with  money. 
-ing  c  -er  expiation;  reconciUation. 

tt'bfotie  vi  sleep  enough,  sleep  one's  fill;  — 
vt  sleep  ofF  el.  away;  _  Éufen  sleep  off  intoxica- 
tion,  sleep  one's  self  sober. 

tt'bf|ie{b|e  vt  spy  out,  explore;  (en)  watch;  _ 
Banbet  scour  the  country,    -ning  c  spying  etc. 

tt'bf^jeluleret  fe  Ubftuberet;  en  ubftefuleret  Søgn 
a  circurastantial  lie. 

tt'bftiil  n  lead. 

U'bf^i({e  vt  stretch  out,  dlstend.  -ing  c  -er 
stretching  out  etc. 

U'bf»>iae  vt  (i  eortfpil)  lead,  play  flrst;  (fpiUe 
til  ®nbe)  play  to  the  end;  _  et  ©<)il  finish  a 
game;  ^an  ^ar  -t  Ttn  ffloHe  "^er  it  is  all  over  with 
him  here,  he  is  played  out. 

tt'bft)inb{e  vt  spin  out;  —  vi  tiar  -fpunbet  has 
done  spinning;  —  vr  ber  -fpanbt  fig  en  ©amtale 
a  conversation  ensued,  this  gave  rise  to  a  con- 
versation.    -ing  c  spinning  out. 

tl'bf^jiotte'te  vt  (en)  be  a  spy  upon;  fe  Ub= 

tt'bftftre  vi  germinate,  spring  forth. 

tt'bf))ife  vt  eat  out,  eat  up. 

tt'bf:pore  fe  Dpfpore. 

U'bf^reb|e  vt  spread,  scatter,  disseminate; 
(iRljgter)  circulate,  spread,  divulge;  (SStnger) 
stretch  out.    -elfe,  -ning  spreading  etc. 

tt'b|f)>ring  n  (^ilbe  ofo.)  source,  head-waters; 
(Dpfioo)  origin;  (om  SBfomfter)  budding;  fe  tJrem- 
fprtng;  ^ar  fit  ~  takes  its  rise;  fig  originates  (in). 
-færinge  vi  (om  glob)  spring,  rise,  take  its  rise 
(from,  out  of);  en  -fprungen  Stofe  a  fuU-blown 
rose;  Stnemonetne  er  -fprungne  the  anemones  are 
out;  ©foben  er  -fprungen  the  woods  are  (out)  in 
leaf,  fulbt  u.  in  fuU  leaf. 

tt'bf))rnbe  vt  spout. 

-ftt'bftiræffe  vi  burst  out. 

tt'bfprtengt  a  biasted. 

tl'bf^Jtajt'e  vt  eject,  squirt  out.  -ning  c 
ejection.    -ningdtør  (p.  Sprøjte)  nozzle. 

tt'bfpQ  vt  vomit  forth;  -  ®tft  og  ®albe  sputter 
one's  gall.    -ning  c  vomiting. 

tt'bfpQtt|e  vt  spit  out.    -ning  c  spittlng  out. 

U'bfpæbe  vt  fe  ©pæbe. 

tt'bfp(et|!e  vt  plaster,  rough-cast.  -ning  c  -er 
plastering,  rendering. 

tt'bfp(enb{e  vt  stretch,  extend,  distend.  -ing 
c  -er  stretching,  extension,  distension. 

n'bf^oerret  a  Spread  (out). 

n'bjfpørge  vt  (noget)  find  out  (by  inquiring); 
(en)  (close-Jquestion,  pump.  -f^øcgen  c  question- 

tt'bftaa  vt  (libe,  gennemgaa)  undergo,  experi- 
ence;  (toote)  bear,  support;  (libe,  forbroge)  bear, 
abide;  _  en  Strof  suffer  a  puuishment;  -r  nu  fin 
©traf  is  now  working  out  his  time;  _  en  Cpera= 
tion  go  through  an  operation;  -  fin  fiæretib  serve 
one's  time;  l^aobe  -et  fin  Scetetib  was  out  of  his 
time;  —  vi  stand  over. 

U'bftaaenbe  a  protruding;  spreading;  fe  Ube- 

U'bftafferle  vt  garnish,  trim  (up);  (nabnl.  itontft; 
rig  (out),  caparison,  dress  up.  -ing  c  furniture, 
trimmlng  etc. 

*U'bftage  vt  stake  out,  mark  by  stakes. 

n'bftamme  vt  stutter,  stammer  out. 

-fU'bftantpc  vt  stamp  out. 

tU'bftnnb  c  a  quarrel. 

U'bftotionerle  vt  station,    -ing  c  stationing. 

tt'blftebe  et  (SSefoling,  «Benge,  SiHetter)  issue;  ^ 
en  Obligation  enter  into  bond;  _  en  SSeléel  drav 
el.  give  a  bill;  _  en  JRegning  make  out  a  bill;  . 
en  ttotttering  give  a  receipt;  _  et  ®o!ument  exe 
cute  a  deed.  -^ebelfe  c  issue,  issuing;  drawing 
making  out;  exeeution.  -ftebelfedbag  date  ol 
issue.    -fteber  c   e  issuer;  drawer. 

tt'bftcttinte  vt  blackball. 

U'bftigle  vi  step  out,  alight.  -ning  c  Stepping 
out,  alighting;  Deb  -en  in  el.  on  alighting. 

tt'bl^ille  vt  fe  ©titte  ub;  Ubftage;  -  øjnene  pai 
en  put  out  one's  eyes;  +_  i  ©taal  engrave  ii 
Steel;  -ftttfenbe  a  projecting.  -ftifterbc^ggi 
pier.    -ftitning  c  engraving. 

tt'blftiUe  vt  exhibit,  place  on  exhibition;  Ⱦr 
-t  be  on  exhibition;  _  SSarer  til  ©alg  expose  el 
set  up  goods  for  sale.    -ftiHer  exhibitor. 

U'bftiKing  c  -er  exhibition,  exposition.  —  tt'i 
ftining^llieføgenbe  c  show-goer.  -bagning  ex 
hibition  building.  -bag  day  of  the  Exhibition 
-genftanb  exhibit,  object  of  exhibition.  -tomtti 
Commission.  -lolale  show  room(s),  exhibitioi 
room.  -mebalie  prize-medal.  -ffob 
-oærclte  showroom. 

+tt'bftimle  et  swarm  out. 

tt'blftoppc  vt  stuflf.     -^opning  c  -er  stufflngj 
(féunften  at  _  Sugle  ofo.)  taxidermy.     -ftopper 

tt'bftraal|e  vt  &  i  radiate,  emit  rays,  beai 
forth;  +vr  fig  radiate.  -ing  c  radiation,  -ingi 
Vnntt  point  of  radiation. 

tt'bftralt  a  (Dib,  ftor)  extensive,  wide;  i 
t^bning  in  a  larger  sense;  fe  Ubftrætfe. 

U'bftramlntc,  -ning  fe  Ubfpænbe. 

U'bftregle  rt  strike  out,  blot,  score  el.  croi 
out,  dash  Cover),  erase,  put  out,  expunge,  dra^ 
a  pen  through;  _  eng  Sliabn  pao  en  Stfte  erai 
one's  name  from  a  list,  line  one's  name  out 
a  list;  -et  ©teb  erasure.  -ning  c  erasure, 

tl'bftribe  vt  fight  out;  —  vi  ^an  l^or  -bt 
struggles  are  ended. 

U'bftrljgle  vt,  -ning  c  fe  Ubftrege;  ©tr^ge  ul 
-ningétcgn  typ  dele. 

tt'b^ræl|te  vt  stretch  out;  (ogf.  fig)  extend; 
—  vr  fig  extend.  -ning  c  (Ubeibelfe)  extension; 
(Dmfong)  extent;  i  fulb  _  to  the  full  extent;  i 
ftor  _  extensively,  to  a  great  extent,  largely. 

U'bpr«  vt  strew,  scatter,  sow;  (tun  fio)  dis- 
perse, disseminate. 

tt'b{ftr«mme  vi  stream  forth,  emanate;  fe 
Strømme  ub;  -i-  vt  pour  forth.  -prammen,  -ftram= 
ning  c  streaming  forth,  outflow,  fiow,  eifluence; 
(af  iitji)  emission;  (af  2)amp,  ®ag)  escape;  (af 
ffiamp  »eb  Sonbeniation)  exhaustion,  eduction.  — 
tlbftr«mntn9§|r«r  eduction  ■  pipe.  -fiben  the 
eduction  side.    -tientil  eduction  valve. 

tl'bftubcre  vt  (ubtænte)  devise,  contrive;  -ftu= 
beret  a  studied,  elaborate;,  (meget  liftig)  crafty. 

U'bftue  c  outer  room. 

U'bftuffcn,  af  Ubftifte. 

It'bftt)t|Ie  vt  parcel  out,  subdivide.  -ning  c 
parcelling  out,  subdivision. 

tt'bift^r  n  endowment,  dowry,  portion;  (af 
røabler  og  flæber  til  93rub)  trousseau;  (naonl.  til 
aieife)  outfit,  equipment,  (f.  ®fg.  SSogé  og  theat) 




get-up,  makeup,  -ft^re  vt  (3)Btre)  portion,  en- 
dow;  (Sønner)  establish;  igærelfet  er  finuft  -t  the 
room  is  handsomely  furnished;  ^on  er  præfltigt 
■t  he  is  splendldly  equipped;  rigt  -t  (af  9iaturen) 
richly  endowed,  highly  gifted;  SJogen,  Styltet  er 
prægtigt  -t  the  book,  piece,  is  splendidly  got 
up,  mounfed,  sumptuously  produced.  -fttjretfe, 
•ftt^ring  c  fltting-up,  decoration,  furniture, 
equipment  etc;  get-up,  make  up,  finish.  — 
ttbfJ^tSlforeftiaiwg  |e  -ftijffe.  -forretniitfl  furni- 
ture establishment,  -^anbler  furniture-dealer. 
■fttjffe  speetacular  play  el.  drama. 

Ubft^rtlc  vt  hurl  (out),  (Sæ8  o.  t.)  shoot;  — 

I  rush  out.    -tiittg  c  hurling  etc. 

n'bft«b|e  vt  cast.    -winfl  c  casting. 

tt'bfMbe  vt  (ftøbe  ub)  cast  out,  thrust  out;  (of 
Selffa6)  expel;  (JBogftat))  suppress;  (3Jo!aI,  StaBelfe) 
elide;  _  et  Sfrig  set  up  a  cry,  utter  a  shriek;  _ 
en  (£b  rap  out  an  oath;  _  en  offtnelig  ®b  dis- 
charge a  horrible  oath;  _  gorbanbelfer  use  im- 
precations;  _  et  Sut  heave  a  sigh.  -Ife  o  cast- 
ing   out    etc,    expulsion;   suppression,   elision. 

n'bftønnc  vt  groan  out. 

tt'blfuge  vt  suck  out;  Jlg  fleece;  shear,  (Soli) 
overtax.  •fugetfe  c  -r  extortion,  exaction.  -fuget 
c  -e  fleeeer,  extortioner,  blood-sucker.  -nittg  c 
-er  sucking  out. 

tt'bfntfe  vt  sigh  out. 

tt'bfnltlc  vt,  -ning  c  fe  Ubljungre. 

tt'bfbaining  c  swiuging  out. 

U't>foeb|e  vt  &  i  sweat,  exude;  fig  forget,  un- 
learn,  lose  the  remembrance  of.  -nittg  c  exuda- 

U'bfuelStiittg  c  reheating,  welding. 

♦tl'bfOinct  a  dirtied,  grimy. 

Ubfuing  »  ($enbul§)  oscillation. 

U'bfoingtttng  c  mil  wheeling. 

+n'bfi)ulme  vi  swell  out. 

U'bfnærme  vi:  ;^an  ^ar  t  he  has  sown  his 
wild  oats. 

U'blfoceoelfer  pi  debauch,  debauchery,  -fuæ= 
Ueitbe  a  debauched,  dissolute,  licentious;  (liberlig) 

tt'bfJ)  vt  embroider.    -tting  c  embroidering. 

tl'bt^ttge  vt  sing;  vi  f)av  f)an  iffe  fnort  -funget? 
hasn't  he  soon  done  singing? 

U'bfreb  c  seed  (sown);  Ijan  ftar  næppe  l^øftet  fin  _ 
he  has  scarcely  reaped  as  much  as  he  sowed. 

tt'blfælge  vt  sell,  sell  oflf;  _  i  fmaat  retail; 
■folgt,  fe  oBfr.;  -§!  sellingout!  sellingoflf!  -fælger 
c  -e  vendor. 

U'blfætte  vt  fe  Sætte  ub;  (f.  (Sf§.  for  gare, 
SuftcnS  3nbflt)belfe  expose  (to);  (Sfilbbagter)  set, 
post,  station;  (afmærte)  set  oif,  set  out;  (|)eft) 
discard;  (opfætte)  put  oft',  defer,  postpone,  ad- 
joum;  (boble)  find  fault  with,  censure,  criticise, 
blame  (something  in  el.  somebody  for);  ($enfion. 
Sum)  settle,  fix  (for  on);  (?|Jri8opgot)er)  propose, 
set  out;  (SSelønning,  $ri§)  offer;  tvp  finish  (setting); 
mut  transcribe,  adapt,  arrange,  _  paa  ubeftemt 
Sib  defer  sine  die;  berpaa  er  intet  at  _  no  fault 
can  be  found  with  it;  _  fig  for  lay  oue's  self 
open  to;  ^on  Sar  -fat  fig  for  gare  he  has  exposed 
himself  (to  danger);  _  fig  for  at  run  the 
of;  ber  er  -fat  en  Selønning  there  is  a  reward 
out;  ubfatte  plejebørn  boarded-out  children,  — 
part  ubfat,  fe  osfr.  -fættting  c  mus  transcrip- 
tion,  adaptation,  arrangement,  -fættclfe  c  -r  (for 
gare  ofs.)  exposure;  (Cp^olb) delay, postponement; 
(S)obeI)  animadversion,  stricture,  censure;  (of 
fiejlig^eb  o.  I.)  ejectment.  —  U'bfætter|ljcft  dis- 
carded  el.  supernumerary  cavalry  horse,  -fo, 
-fo  cow,  sow,  no  longer  used  for  breeding. 

tni|f«ge  vt  fig  select;  -føgt  a  choice,  select, 
exquisite,  picked,  recherché.  -fegttittg  c  selec- 

tt'bførge  vt:  ^ar  -t  bas  done  mouming. 

*tt'btog  n  withdrawal. 

U'bltage  vt  take  out;  _  StæPning  mob  serve  a 
writ  on,  summon;  (ubbælge)  pick  out;  (f.  (SIS. 
SWonbflob  til  et  gforetagenbe)  tell  off,  tell  out, 
draft;  -  Qfnfetnoben  af  gjerftæ  draw  poultry;  _ 
3nbbolbene  of  gut,  (af  ^ore)  hulk;  _  S3enene  af 
bone;  -togen  (f.  6t8.)  S^Hing  drawn  chicken. 
•tagelfe,  -tagning  c  taking  etc. 

tt'btale  vt  pronounce;  (ubfige)  enunciate;  _  et 
JSnfte,  en  9Kening  express  a  wish,  an  opinion;  _ 
ot  declare  that;  ^  -é  itle  h  is  not  sounded;  boor 
-i  bore,  bcor  is  spoken  bore;  _  fig  express 
one's  self,  deliver  one's  self;  _  fig  omftænbelig 
be  explicit;  ^on  -te  fig  ilte  Pibere  he  did  not  ex- 
plain  himself  any  further;  _  fig  for  recommend, 
advocate;  —  ^obe  -t  have  done  speaking;  — 
ubtalt  a  fig  pronounced.  Hbtate  c  (f.  ®I8.  i 
fremmebe  Sprog)  pronunciation;  (9Kæle)  articula- 
tion,  utterance.  -Ibttegttelfe  system  of  notation. 
-I«ire  orthoepy.  tlbtalelfe  c  expression,  declara- 
tion,  observation;  $reéfen2  -r  opinions  of  the 

tt'bta^ilpe  vt  (om  ©ritte)  tap,  draw  (off  el.  out); 
(tømme)  drain.    -tting  c  -er  tapping  etc. 

tt'btegnie  vt  (tegne,  mærte)  mark,  note.  -dfe, 
-in  g  c  -er  marking. 

U'btilficnS  fe  Sen. 

U'bltfene  vi  serve  one'.s  time.  -tjent  ahaving 
served  one's  time,  time  •  expired;  (uftitlet  tit 
3;jenefte)  unflt  for  service,  superannuated;  gom» 
mel  _  Solbat  veteran. 

tt'bto  vt  wash  out. 

tt'bitog  n,  pi  =,  (Ubmarc^)  out-march;  (f.  6l§. 
of  en  S8og,  fommentrængt  gremftiHing)  abstract, 
epitome,  compend,  precis,  summary,  syllabus. 
-togSOiå  adv  compendiously. 

tt'btollje  vt  interpret;  (om  Srømme)  expound. 
•ning  c  -ér  interpretation;  expounding. 

U'tone  vi  &  t  sound  forth. 

it'btoning  c  washing  out. 

U'btOTbne  vt  thunder  forth. 

U'btraabt  fe  Ubtræbe. 

U'btriKe  vt  wheel  out. 

U'btrotttme  vt  publish  by  beat  of  drum;  ^n 
^or  -t  (fortalt)  bet  i  I)ete  SSpen  he  has  cried  it 
about  the  whole  town. 

tt'bttuttet  fe  Ubtrætfe. 

n'b|tt)){  n,  pi  =,  (i  oHe  aSet.)  expression;  (om 
Stil)  diction;  (9lnftgt8=  ogf.)  look;  (Drb  ogf.)  term; 
(Solemaabe  ogf.)  phrase;  meb  et  forflibt  _  in  hack- 
neyed  phrase.  -tralle  vt  (beb  Drb,  Segn  ofo.) 
express;  tell  of;  (foo  ub  »eb  at  trijtte)  squeeze 
out,  press  out;  fom  gorfatteren  -r  bet  as  the 
writer  puts  It  el.  phrases  it;  —  »r  fig  express 
one's  self;  —  -trijlt  a:  (en§)  -fte  SBillebe  the 
exact  el.  very  picture  of,  the  express  image  of. 
-tr^l'telig  a  express;  adv  expressly,  distinctly, 
on  purpose,  in  set  terms.  —  ttbtrt)t§|fulb  o  ex- 
pressive,  suggestive,  meaning.  -lǤ  a  having 
no  expression,  expressionless.  -løS^eb  want  of 
expression.    -maabe  mode  of  expression. 

tt'b|træbe  vt  tread  out;  wear  out;  —  vi  (om 
SnbDolbe)  come  out;  (af  et  Selflab)  retire  el.  with- 
draw (from  a  society);  (of  golfelirten)  secede 
(from  the  established  church);  (af  ®mbebe)  retire 
(from  Office);  en  -troobt  a  seceder.  -træbelfe  c 
coming  out;  retirement,  withdrawal;  secession; 
(af  S3lob)  extravasation.  -træbning  c  treading 
out;  wearing  out. 

tt'bltræl  n,  pi  =,  (of  Sotteri)  drawing;  (gtStrott) 
extract,  decoction;  (poa  bittert)  draw.  -ivctltt 
vt  draw  out,  (ogf.  ehem  &  matk)  extract.  -ttr«t= 
ning  drawing  etc,  extraction.  —  tlbtrael^lbøcb 
telescope-table,  expandiug-table,  extending  el. 
extension  lable.    -feng  lelescope  bed. 




+tl'fctt«net  o  wom  out. 

Il'btrtenge  vt  crowd  out. 

ttbtrætte  vt  fatigue,  knock  up. 

itbtræole  vt  ravel. 

tt'btunge  vt  indent,  seallop. 

tt'btoinge  vt  force  out. 

1t  b|tvaere  vt  rub  out,  dilute;  fio  spin  out. 
-tboeret  a  prolix,  tedious,  redundant,  -tttftring 
c  -er  dilution. 

tt'btbætte  fe  Ubto. 

tt'bt^b|e  vt  interpret,  expound;  coustrue  (font 
into).  -iting  c  -er  interpretation,  exposition; 

It'btQgBct  a  J,  (SSærl)  unseamed  (oakum). 

n  bt^nble  vt  thin.    -ing  c  thinning. 

tt'btoellle  K<  count  out,  reckon  out.  -ling  c 
-er  counting  etc;  disbursement. 

tt'btænte  »*  imagine;  excogitate,  invent,  con- 
trive,  devise,  think  out. 

n'bt(cr|e  vt  emaciate;  waste.  -ittg  c  emacia- 

tt'btætftje  vt  tbrash  out;  vi  l^otte  -t  have  done 
thrashing.    -nittg  c  thrash  etc. 

n'btøntme  vt  exhaust;  med  evacuate,  deplete; 
_  fig  spend  itself;  globe«  -r  ftg  i  the  river  emp- 
ties  its  waters  into;  _  fig  i  Unbf!ljlbntnger  be  lost 
in  apologies;  min  Slaalmobig'^eb  er  -mt  nu  I  have 
lost  patience  now;  ^on  ^or  -mt  min  Kaalmobig^eb 
he  has  put  me  out  of  patience,  made  me  lose 
my  temper.  -Ife  c  -r  exhaustion;  evacuation. 
-nbe  a  fig  exhaustive,  full;  med  evacuant,  evac- 
uative;  _  TOibbel  evacuant.  —  ttbtøtnningSl^ane 
(®mp.)  eduction  cock.  -ta<>  eduction  trunnion. 
-øentil  eduction  valve. 

tt'b|t«rre  vt  dry  up,  exsiccate,  desiecate;  (om 
©umpe)  drain;  -§  vd  dry  up;  -nbe  a  med  desic- 
cant;  -nbe  iUJJibbel  desiccant,  desiccative.  -tørring 
c  drying  up,  exsiccation;  draining. 

Ubu'eltg  a  incapable,  unable,  unqualifled;  ^on 
er  _  til  ot  6eft5re  et  ©mfiebe  he  is  incapable  of 
holding  (an)  office;  l^on  ^ar  gjort  mig  _  (uftiltet) 
til  .  .  .  he  has  made  me  unflt  for  .  .  . ;  tian  er  _ 
til  alt  he  is  a  good-for-nothing.  -^eb  c  incapa- 
bility,  incapacity,  disqualification. 

■fttbttlgt  a  undisguised. 

tt'bbaaget  a  spent  wlth  watching. 

U'btiabffie  vt  wash  (out);  (om  ©aar)  bathe. 
-»In g  c  washing  out  etc. 

tt'btiagt  c  outpost. 

tt'btialg  n  selection,  choice,  pick;  t  (i  9lig§bag 
ofb.)  (select)  committee;  ^enbife  til  et  _  refer  to 
a  (select)  committee.  UbOalgSlbeticnIning  re- 
port of  the  committee.    Ubtiatgt  a  fe  Ubbælge. 

tt'bbalfle  vt  roll  out.    -ning  c  rolling  out. 

tt'bbanble  vt  steep  in  water,  (ogf.  fig)  dilute; 
(fait  ftab  0.  1.)  unsalt.  -ing  c  -er  steeping  etc, 

tt'b|t)anbre  vi  emigrate.  -tionbrer  c  -e  emigrant. 
-banbrerfttb  emigrant-ship.  -Uanbring  c  -er  emi- 
gration, exodus.  -—  Ubtianbting§|agent  emigra- 
tion agent,  -galffai  emigration  mania.  -tontoir 
Emigration  Office.    -loU  Emigration  Aet. 

tt'bbar))e  vt  warp  out. 

-ftl'btie  c  longing  to  go  abroad. 

tt'bttej  c  (Ubrejfe)  ub.  pi  way  out,  outward 
journey;  pi  -e  (SiJlibbel  til  at  !omme  ub  af  2for= 
legenl^eber)  way  out  of  (a  difficulty),  means,  ex- 
pedient,  r&source;  compromise;  |an  ^or  ingen 
anben  _  enb  has  no  alternative  but;  gere  -e  for 
el.  til  5Penge  raise  the  wind. 

U'bJieJle  vt  weigh  (out),  -ning  c  weighing 

n'btict§|Ie  vt  exchange.  -Ung  c  exchange;  mech 

tt'bbenbig  a  outward,  external,  exterior;  _ 
6ibe  outside;  bet  -e  the  exterior;  _  SSintel  ex- 

ternal el.  exterior  angle;  —  adv  externally,  (on 
thé)  outside. 

tt'blbibe  vt  widen,  enlarge,  extend,  amplify, 
dilate,  expand;  SSlilfet,  Ubfigten  -S  the  vlew, 
prospeet  widens:  -  fjertet,  ©inbet  enlarge  the 
heart,  the  mind;  .fjertet  -é  the  heart  expands; 
_  til  extend  to;  _  fig  expand,  dilate;  widen, 
broaden,  develop  (til  into);  enlarge  one's  pos- 
sessions;  -bibenbe  o  dilative,  expansive;  -bibenbe 
røuftel  dilator.  -bibetraft  fe  -BibningSfraft.  -bibelio. 
a  extensible,  expansible,  dilatable.  -t)ibeltgi)ei 
c  expansibility,  dilatability.  -bibelfe,  -bibninø 
c  enlargement,  extension,  dilatation,  expansion, 
-bibelfc8(bibningå)traft  dilatability,  extensibla 
et.  expansive  power.  -bibelfe§t)0litil  forward 

ttbbigning  c  mug  modulation. 

U'bbif|le  vt  (binbe  noget  op,  fom  bar  inbfbB6l 
el.  inbbillet)  unwrap;  fig  (ubfolbe)  develop,  evolve; 
(tljbeliggere)  explain,  set  forth,  propound;  fulb« 
ftænbig  t  full-grown;  —  vr  fig  develop,  evolvej 
chem  be  set  free.  -Ung  c  -er  development;  phyt 
evolution;  chem  emi.ssion,  escape;  growth;  ex- 
pianation,  explication, exposition.  —  Ubbitling8|i 
bane  course  of  development.  -bQgttg  a  capabli 
of  development.  -ebne  power  of  development. 
-gang  process  of  development.  -tjiftoric  develop 
mental  history.  -læren  the  doctrine  of  evolu- 
tion, -ntanb  evolutionist.  -|)eriobe  period  o 
development;  -n  puberty.  -tirocrS  developmen- 
tal  process.  -ræffc  series  of  evolutions  el.  devel 
opments.  -ftabinm  developmental  stage,  pha.^^ 
of  development.  -teorien  the  theory  of  evolu 
tion.  -tib  (fmitfom  ©^gbomS)  period  of  incuba-] 
tion.    -trin  fe  -ftabium. 

ttbbi^^e  vt  pick  out  (the  light  coin)  by  mean 
of  scales. 

n'boirl|e  vt  efFect,  obtain;  (om  §efte^o»)  parejj 
vi   (opføre   at   Birte)    cease   operating,     -elfe 
effecting.    -ning  c  paring  (of  the  hoof). 

tt'b|»tfe  vt  (bortjage)  show  out,  turn  out;  (Biie)l 
show;  (lægge  for  ®agen)  show,  exhibit,  evince,! 
manifest,  put  forth;  -  Sræer  mark  trees  to  b ' 
felled.  -bifenbe  n:  efter  .  .  .  _  as  shown  el.  in-^ 
dicated  in  .  .  . 

tt'b|»ifle  vt  wipe  out,  efface,  rub  out,  {mi 
©Barai),  o^f.  om  Sanon)  sponge.  -bifler  wai 
-hook.    -Otffning  c  wiping  out,  rubbing  out. 

tt'bbiåning  c  turning  out,  expuLsion;  markin: 

tt'bbitre  vi  effloresce. 

tt'bbo(§|e  vi  grow  up;  »ære  -n  be  full  grown 
-ning  c  full  growth. 

U'bbarte§  a  exterior,  outside,  external;  til  _ 
SSrug  for  outward  application;  —  adv  outwardly. 
ttbborteS  n  exterior,  externals  pi.;  ^an§  _  his 
exterior,  his  person,    -^eber  pi  externals. 

tt'bbotere  vt  blackball. 

U'bbrib|e  vt  wring  out.    -ning  c  wriuging. 

tt'bbriftc  vt  wrest  el.  wrench  out. 

tl'boaeg  c  outwall, ,  outer  wall. 

tt'bbæfning  c  cutting  a  vessel  out  (througli 
the  ice). 

tt'bbKfSt  c  er  excrescence,  outgrowth,  protu- 
berance;  (tøbagtig  og  ^)  caruncle;  (Sen-)  exo- 

U'bbælbe  vi  spring  forth,  issne,  well  out  el. 

U'bbtslge  vt  choose,  select,  elect,  pick  out;  — 
uboolgt  a  choice,  select,  picked;  be  -te  the 
elect;  faa  ere  -te  few  are  chosen;  be  faa  -te  the 
chosen  few;  -t  Songe  ofB.  king  etc.  elect;  boltete 
-te  the  elect  of  the  people;  gorf^netS  -te  the 
chosen  of  Provldence.  -tfe  c  selection,  (ogfoa 
hibl)  election. 

U'bbærtå  adv.  gaa  -  turn  one's  toes  out  in 




ttbQB  a  sballow. 

ttb^b  c  -er  vice,  bad  habit,  fault.  ttb^big  a 
unvirtuous,   vicious.     ttti^big^eii  c  viciousness. 

ntiQgtis,  -qeb  fe  Ubuelig;  gøre  .  til  incapac- 
itate  el.  dlsable  from.  -IjebSjiaS  discharge  as 
unfit  for  military  service. 

Ub^r  n,  pi  ==,  noxious  animal,  monster. 

ttbflrleUg  a  irreclaimable.  U'bQrfet  a  unculti- 

Ubæbe  vt  eat  out. 

tttbæbif!  a  nefarious. 

Ubættet  a  uncovered;  unpaid. 

Ubaem'tieHs  a  unquenchable. 

Ubæfflc  -er-  -nlng  fe  Ubforbre  (til  ffamp). 

ttb«  c  -er  remote  el.  outlyiag  island. 

ttbøbt  a  unchri.stened,  unbaptized. 

Hb«b  c  shocking  death. 

ttbø'belig  a  immortal;  ^ar  en  -  ®jæl  (ogf.)  has 
a  soul  to  save.    -Ijeb  c  immortality. 

ttbørr  ttbørfen  c  remote  desert,  waste. 

ttbøfle  vt  pour  out;  (mcb  ^fetar)  bale  out;  _ 
SBIob,  iaorer  shed  blood,  tears;  _  55enge  scatter 
money,  _  fit  fjerte  (for)  uubosom  one's  self  (to); 
~  fn  SSrebe  vent  one's  anger.  -Hing  c  pouring 

Ub|«tie  vt  exercise,  practise;  (om  noget  onbt) 
perpetrate;  _  SSoIb  commit  violence;  ben  -nbe 
SKagt  the  executive  (power),  -abetfe  c  exercise, 
practice,  discharge;  perpetration,  commission. 
-atter  c    e  practiser;  perpetrator,  committer. 

Ueffen  a  odd;  bet  er  ifle  faa  -t  that's  not  amiss; 
en  itte  -  Seniærfning  a  not  impertinent  remark; 
ipiUe  effen  eder  _  play  at  even  and  odd. 

Ueftergi'oelig  a  irremissible. 

tteftcrga'rlig  a  that  cannot  be  counterfeited; 
(uefterlignelig)  inimitable.  -^eb  c  inimitability, 

Uefterlig'nelig  a  inimitable. 

ttefterrettelig  a  not  to  be  relied  el.  depended 
on,  not  to  be  trusted,  untrustworthy,  unreliable; 
negligent.   -^rb  c  untrustworthiness;  negligence. 

neftertomtfont  a  inconsiderate,  unthinking. 
-^eb  c  inconsiderateness. 

Uegen  a  alien  (to,  from),  foreign  (to). 

Ucgenjnqtte  fe  -ntjttig^eb.  -n^t'tig  a  dis- 
interested.    -n^t'ttglieb  c  disinterestedness. 

Ue'gentng  a  improper;  figurative,  tropical;  et 
meget  -t  Ubtr^t  a  term  far  from  literally  strict; 
bet  -e  beri  the  impropriety  of  it.  -(leb  c  impro- 

UetSantineret  a  uncertificated. 

Uelffoærbig  a  unlovely,  unamiable,  disagree- 
able.    -Ijeb  c  unloveliness  etc. 

Uen'belig  a  inflnite,  endless,  interminable; 
math  inflnite;  i  bet  -e  ad  inflnitum,  iudefinitely; 
—  adv  inflnitely,  exceedingly;  bet  _  liHe  the 
iofinitely  little;  _  belt,  -  ItUe  infinitesimal,  -^eb 
c  Infinity,  endlessness;  (u^^re  SWængbe)  inflnity, 
inflnitude,  no  end  of. 

Uengelfl  a  un-Eng'lish. 

Ue'nig  a  of  a  difiterent  opinion,  at  variance, 
at  odds;  ocere  _  meb  en  disagree  el.  dififer  with 
one,  difier  from  one  in  opinion,  be  at  issue 
With  one;  blioe  _  quarrel,  fall  out;  jeg  er  _  meb 
mig  felt)  I  hesitate,  I  cannot  make  up  my  mind. 
-^eb  c  disagreement,  disunion,  dissension,  differ- 

UenS  o  unlike;  fe  Uenig;  adv  diflFerently.  -axitt 
a  heterogeneous.  -arteti^eb  c  heterogeneous- 
ness.    -titngebe  pi  heteropters. 

^Uer  c  sea-perch,  rosefish,  northern  sebastes, 
Norway  haddock,  SebaHes  norvegicut. 

Uerfaren  a  inexperienced.  -^eb  c  inexperi- 

Uer^ol'belig  a  unattainable;  (®celb)  irrecover- 
able;  -e  gotbringet  bad  debts. 

Uer^oer'tieng  a  not  to  be  acquired. 

Uertenbtlig,  -^eb  fe  Utofnemmelig. 

Uer^at  telig  a  irreparable,  -^eb  c  irrepara- 

Uf!  interj  fy!  *oh!  (exclamation  of  pain). 

Ufaberlig  a  unfatherly. 

Ufalmet  a  unfaded. 

Ufarbar  a  impassable,  impracticable;  CSlot) 
unnavigable,  innavigable.  -^eb  c  impassable- 

Ufarlig  a  undangerous.    -^eb  c  safety. 

Ufarbct  a  not  dyed,  undyed;  fig  uncoloured, 
unbiassed;  Zei  af  _  ©ilfe  raw  cloth. 

Ufat'telig  a  inconceivable,  Incomprehensible. 
-^eb  c  incomprehensibility,  incomprehensible - 
ness,  inconceivableness. 

Ufej'I|bar  a  infallible,  unerring,  unfailing. 
-^eb  c  infallibility,  iufallibleness.  -Iia'rHg  a 
unfailing;  adv  infallibly,  unfailingly,  undoubt- 
edly,  without  fail,  to  a  certainty. 

UfeftUg  a  work-a-day. 

Ufilofofifl  a  unphilosoph'ical. 

Ufin  a  unreflned,  unmannerly,  indelicate, 
vulgar,  in  bad  taste,  -^eb  c  bad  taste,  indeli- 
cacy,  vulgarity. 

U'fjebret  a  unfeathered,  unfledged. 

n'n«g  a  prov  unfledged. 

Ufollelig  a  unpopular. 

Uforan'bcriig  a  unchangeable ,  immutable, 
unalterable,  invariable,  -^eb  c  unchangeable- 
ness,  immutability.  U'foranbret  a  unchanged, 

Uforarbejbet  a  unwrought,  unmanufactured, 

Uforar'gett^  a  inofifensive. 

Uforbeberltg  a  incorrigible ,  irreclaimable, 
inveterate,  confirmed ,  joc  past  praying  for. 
-^cb  c  iucorrigibility.  Uforbe'bret  a  unimproved, 
uncorrected,  unreformed. 

Uforbel)olben  a  opeu,  free,  unconcealed.  -^eb 
c  openness,  sincerity,  unreserve. 

Uforberebt  a  unprepared;  —  adv  off-hand,  on 
the  spur  of  the  moment,  -fteb  c  unprepared- 

Uførbtomtnet  a  unambiguous. 

Uforbr^'belig  a  unforfeitable. 

Uforbrcen  belig  a  incombustible.  -fteb  c  in- 
Combu.stibility,  incombustibleness.  U'forbroenbt 
a  unburned,  unburut. 

Uforbelagtig  a  disadvantageous,  unprofltable; 
(Ubfeenbe)  unprepossessing;  man  Oibfte  intet  -t  om 
bem  nothing  was  known  against  them;  bet  -e  beb 
the  dlsadvantage  of.  -^eb  c  disadvantage,  un- 

Uforbra'gelig  a  insupportable,  intolerable, 
insufferable,  quarrelsome;  +intolerant.  -^eb  c 
insupportableness,  iutolerableness;  -^intole^ance. 

Uforbulgt  a  undisguised. 

Uforbuntlet  a  undimmed,  unclouded. 

Uforbær'belig  a  incorruptible.  -^eb  c  incor- 
ruptibility.  —  U'forboeroet  a  incorrupted,  un- 
corrupted,  unspoiled,  untainted,  unsophisticated, 
unvitiated,  innocent.  -^eb  c  incorruptness,  in- 

Uforb«i'e(ig  a  indigestible.  -fieb  c  indigesti- 
bility;  ■¥  (S^gbom)  indigestion.  U  forb«iet  a  un- 
digested;  (meft  fig)  crude.  -^eb  c  undigested 
state,  crudeness. 

Ufore'neUg  a  incompatible ,  irrecoucilable, 
inconsistent  (with),  abhorrent  (to);  ere  -e  (ogf.) 
cannot  stand  together.    -^eb  c  incompatibility. 

Uforet  a  unlined. 

UforfaCffelig  a  that  cannot  be  adulterated. 
—  U'forfalffet  a  unadulterated,  unsophisticated, 
genuine,     -^eb  c  genuineness. 

Uforfaren  a  unpractised,  inexperienced. 




Uforfuløt  a  unpursued;  not  persecuted. 

Uførftengetiø  «  free  from  vanity,  unostenta- 

Uforfærbet  a  undaunted,  intrepid,  dauntless. 
•ffttt  c  intrepidity,  undauntedness. 

ttforglem'tnelig  a  unforgotten,  not  (el.  never) 
to-be-forgotten,  ever-memorable.  -^eb  c  im- 
perishable  memory. 

Uforgti'beHg  a  -.  min  e  SKening  my  humble 
opinion;  my  most  settled  opinion. 

ttforgæn'gelig  a  Imperisliable,  undying.  -^eb 
c  imperishableness. 

Ufort)aa'BentIig  arfcunexpectedly.  Xt'iotttaaitt 
a  unhoped  for. 

ttforl)olet  fe  Ufortøtjet. 

ttfor^aftet  a  unhurried. 

Uforljin'bevUg  a  that  cannot  be  prevented, 
inevitable.    ttforliinbret  a  unprevented. 

Ufor^olbémæåfig  a  disproportionate ,  inordi- 
nate;  adv  disproportionately,  out  of  all  propor- 
tion.   -Ijeb  c  disproportion. 

Ufortaft'elig  a  not  to  be  rejected,  unexcep- 
tionable.    -^eb  unexceptionableness. 

UfotlKaret  a  unexplained.  -Karltg  a  inex- 
plicable,  unaccountable;  pao  en  albeleS  -  SUlaabe 
most  unaccountably.  -Ka'rltg^eb  c  inexplicable- 

ttførlltebt  a  undisguised. 

Uforftt^t  a  undismayed. 

Uforlottet  a  unabridged 

ttfottraen'telig  a  imperishable,  indestructible, 
bibl  incorruptible.  -^cb  c  imperishableness;  bibl 
incorruption.  tt'forlrænlet  a  unimpaired,  in- 

■fUforlegcn  a  unembarassed. 

ttforli'geltg  a  irreeoncilable;  ?e  Uforenelig,  -l^eb 
c  irreconcilableness;  ineompatibility. 

ttfotlig'nelig  a  incomparable,  matchless,  peer- 
less,  unsurpassed. 

»Ufortigt  a  fe  Uen§. 

tlfotlooct  a  unbetrothed,  disengaged. 

ttfor'ntetig  a  shapeless,  amorphous,  unshapely; 
informal.    -^eb  c  deformity;  informality. 

ttforment  a  allowed,  permitted;  bet  ffal  Ⱦre 
©em  _  at  you  are  free  el.  at  liberty  to. 

Uformet  a  shapeless. 

ttfortnilbet  a  unmitigated. 

ttfortninbflet  a  unabated,  undiminished,  un- 

ttfoimobentng  a  unexpected,  unlooked  for. 
•^fb  c  unexpectedness.  tt'formobet  fe  Ufor- 

tUforrøtte  c  inability. 

Uformuenlbe  a  fortuneless,  portionless,  poor. 
-f)eb  c  (røangel  paa  ^formue)  want  of  means; 
(9KangeI  paa  ©Bne)  inability. 

nforlmærlt  (-f-mærlet,  -ntærfeligt)  adv  unper- 
ceived,  unnoticed,  unobserved,  imperceptibly. 

Uformørtet  a  unclouded. 

ttfornuft  ft  (TOanget  paa  gomuft)  irrationality; 
(Zilfibefcettelfe  af  gornuftenS  SSrug)  absurdity,  un- 
reasonableness,  unreason.  -ig  o  irrational;  un- 
reasonable,  absurd,  -ig^eb  c  absurdity,  un- 

ttforiHet  a  unrenewed  ete.  (fe  ^otntie). 

Uforttøben  a  unnecessary,  needless,  unealled 
for,  gratuitous.    -^eb  c  needlessness. 

ttfornejelig  a  not  to  be  contented  el.  satisfled, 
insatiable,  hard  to  please;  unpleasant.  -^eb  c 
insatiability.    ttfornøjet  a  fe  3Kt8forneiet. 

ttfor^tigtet  n  free  from  obligation. 

ttfotraab'neltg  a  not  liable  to  decay,  im- 
putrescible,  incorruptible.  -^eb  e  incorruptibil- 
ity.    U'forrrtobttet  a  undecayed. 

Uforrettet  a  undone,  unperformed;  ^an  lom 
tilbage   meb  -  ©og  he  returned  without  having 

effected   his  object,   aceomplished   his   errand 

Ufor|r^!fet  a  lyimoved,  flxed,  firm.  -r^I'Ielig 
a  immovable. 

Uforfogt  a  undaunted,  undismayed;  bær  -! 
keep  up  a  good  heart!  -^eb  c  undauntedness, 

Uforfeglet  a  unsealed. 

Uforfigtig  a  incautious,  imprudent,  unwary. 
unguarded,  improvident.  -^eb  c  imprudene« 
incautiousness,  improvideuce,  unwariness,  in 
discretion.    -OiS  adv  incautiously. 

Uforjllrct  a  uninsured. 

Uforflammet  a  (gros)  insolent,  (ftamløS)  im 
pudent,  shameless,  barefaced.  -Ijeb  c  insolene« 
Impudence,  shamelessness ,  effrontery,  bare 

Uforftanfet  a  unintrenched. 

Uforfltjlbt  a  undeserved,  unmerited,  adv  uij 
deservedly;  innocently. 

Uforfonttg  o  implacable,  irreeoncilable,  uql 
forgiving,  iincompromising;  (polit )  intransigen^ 
-^eb  c  implacability. 

Uforftaa'elig  a  unintelligible.  -^eb  c  uninte 
ligibility.  Uforftaacnbe  a  without  comprehen 
sion,  in  the  dark,  a  stranger. 

Uforlftanb  c  want  of  sense  el.  judgment.   -fta« 
btg    a    indiscreet,    injudicious.     -ftanbig^eb 
(f)anbling?)   injudiciousness ;    (*pcrfon8)   want   o 
sense  el.  judgment. 

Uforftilt  a  unfeigned,  undisguised. 

ttforftljr'relig  o  (rolig)  imperturbable,  cool 
-l(cb  c  imperturbability.  Uforft^rret  a  calm,  un 
disturbed,  unvexed;  (ilte  foruroliget)  untroubled 

Uforfba'rilg  a  inexcusable,  unwarrantablé 
unjustiflable,  iudefensible.  -^eb  c  inexcusabli 
ness,  unjustifiableness. 

ttforf^nct  a  unprovided. 

Uforf^'Hlig  a  improvident.     -^eb  c  impro 

Uforfætitg  a  unintentional,  undesigned,  ii 
voluntary.    -ffeb  undesignedness. 

Uforføgt  a  untried,  unattempted;  (^erfon)  ii 
experienced.      -^eb  c  inexperience. 

Uforfarget  a  unprovided  for. 

Uforta'belig  a  not  to  be  lost,  not  losabL 
(SRet)  inalienable.    -^eb  c  inalienableness. 

Ufortalt  a  without  disparagement  to. 

Ufortinnet  a  untinned. 

Ufortjent  a  undeserved,  unmerited. 

Ufortolbet  a  unentered,  duty  ofif,  not  du 

Ufortrubt  a  unregretted. 

Ufortrøben  a  unwearied,  indefatigable,  patient, 
assiduous.  -^eb  c  indefatigableness,  patience, 

Ufortænlt  fe  Ufortalt. 

Ufortæret  a  uncousumed,  entire. 

Ufortøbet  o  immediate;  adv  Avithout  delay, 
without  loss  of  time,  immediately,  forthwith, 
promptly,  incontinently. 

Uforubanet  a  undreamt  of. 

+Uforubfattet  a  unprejudiced. 

Uforubfe'lig  a  unforeseeable,  that  cannot  be 
foreseen;  _  jgiænbetfe  ^  aet  of  God.  -fteb  c  un- 
foreseeable nature.  U'forubfet  a  unforeseen, 
unlooked  for. 

Uforoonftet  o  incorrupt,  unadulterated,  un- 
sophisticated;  (Oeb  inbftubte  Drb  ofb.)  uninter- 
polated.  -^eb  incorruptness.  Uforoan'ffelig  a 
incorruptible,  unalterable. 

Uforoarenbe  a  unawares,  inadvertently;  fomme 
otier  en  _  F   catch  one  napping. 

ttforbentct  fe  Ueentet. 

Uforoin'beltg  a  irrecoverable ,  irretri evable. 
•^eb  c  irrecoverableness,  irretrievableness. 




nfortiiS'nelig  a  unfading,  undying. 

ttfortiuntirn  a  not  recovered  el.  got  over. 
nforoeblet  a  raw,  unwrougM;  (om  9ioce)  un- 
improved;  (om  Sræ)  ungraftedf 

nfragaatlig  a  undeniable. 

U'franferet  a  not  post-paid,  unpaid. 

U'fronft  a  not  French,  un-French. 

UfrafftrieltB  a  inseparable. 

tt'fraocnbt  a  intent,  flxed;  adv  intently. 

nfraoigetig  a  not  to  be  devlated  from,  un- 
alterable,  invariable;  _  SSeflutning  flxed  resolu- 
tion; _  SSetingelfe  absolute  condition;  adv  invari- 
ably.    -^cb  c  invariableness,  fixeduess. 

tt'freb  c  war,  troubles  pi,  disturbances  pi; 
(5E;8ebragt)  dissensiou;  lebe  i  ~  be  at  variance; 
ftifte  _  imeHem  set  at  variance  el.  loggerheads. 

ttfrt'beltg  a  unpeaceable.  -t)eb  c  quarrel- 

U'frcbet  a  unprotected. 

tt'frebiSmanb  c  fighter,  rough,  buUy. 

Ufrcbfom'tneHg,  -ffttt  c  fe  Ufrebelig. 

U'frebå  fttfter  fe  grebSforft^rrer.  -tib  time  of 
troubles  el.  war. 

tlfreinfom'melig  a  impassable,  impracticable. 
-^eb  c  impassablenes.«,  impracticableness. 

tt'fri  a  not  free,  unfree;  en  _  9Ranb  a  bonds- 
man;  en  -  Silftanb  a  state  of  bondage.  -^cb  c 

tt'friftet  a  (ti  frtftet)  unt«mpted;  (ej  ^irøbet)  un- 
tried,  inexperienced. 

tt'fritiintg  a  involuntary,  unintentional. 

U'from  a  irreligious,  undevout. 

U'froéfen  o  unfrozen. 

Ufrugtbar  a  unfruitful,  barren,  sterile,  (om 
3orb)  infertile,  unfertile;  Jig  falbt  i!le  i  -  Qforb 
was  not  thrown  away.  -^cb  c  unfruitfulness, 
barrenness,  sterility,  infertility,  unfertileness. 

Ufrugtfomtnetig  a  unpregnant. 

*Uf§  fe  Seiufg. 

Ufulbbaorcn  a  embryonic,  abortive. 

Ufutbbt)rbet  a  unfinlshed,  unaccomplished, 
imperformed,  unexecuted. 

Ufttlbenbt  a  imperfect,  unflnished,  unaccom- 
plished. -^eb  c  unflnished  el.  unaccomplished 

ttfulbtommen  a  imperfect.  -^eb  c  -er  imper- 

Ufutbftænbig  a  Incomplete,  defective,  imper- 
fect. -^eb  c  incompleteness,  defectiveness,  im- 

Ufnlbtallig  a  incomplete  (in  number),  not  a 
quorum.     -^eb  c  incompleteness. 

Ufnnberet  a  unfunded. 

ttfqibeftgørenbe  a  unsatisfactory. 

•ttf^nbtg  a  unmetallic. 

»Uf^felig  a  unsavoury,  nasty. 

Ufærb  c  misfortune,  disaster;  bu  ffal  foo  en  - ! 
woe  betide  you ! 

nfæcbig  a  unflni.shed.    -^eb  c  unflnished  .state. 

Uføbt  a  unbom. 

ttf«j'e(ig  a  uncomplying,  uncomplaisant,  un- 

ttfa'lcltg  a  imperceptible. 

Ufelficrigtig  a  incon.sistent. 

Ufoifom  a  insen.sible,  apathetic,  impas-sible; 
(^Qarbt)iertet)  unfeeling;  _  for  insensible  to.  -^cb 
c  insensibility,  apathy,  want  of  feeling. 

Uf«r  a  di.sabled  (til  for);  fe  Ufarbar. 

nfere  n  impassable  road,  slough,  mire;  Jig 
mes;;;  fomme  i  et  -  make  a  mess  of  it. 

nf«rl)eb  c  disability  (to  labour). 

tlgalant  a  ungal'lant,  uncomplimentary. 

ttgangbar  o  not  curreut,  uncurrent. 

Ugaranteret  a  unguaranteed. 

Ugarberet  a  (Sfal)  unprotected. 

Ugaroet  a  untanned. 

*ngat>tt  n  mischief. 

Uge  c  -r  week;  om  en  _  In  a  week;  ibog  om  en 
_  tUs  day  week;  to  (Sange  om  -n  twice  a  week; 
l^ele  -r  weeks;  ^abe  _  be  on  duty  (for  the  week); 
^»er  fin  -  week  (and  week)  about.  Ugejarliejbe 
weekly  work;  a  week's  work.  -btob  weekly 
paper.  -bag  day  of  the  week;  (6øgneb.)  week 
-day;  t(^ot)eribag)  cottager's  soccage  day.  -bag8= 
gubStienefte  week  day  service,  -feft  (3øberne8) 
the  feast  of  weeks.  -^øjtib  weekly  festival,  -toft 
weekly  provision,  -long  a  a  week  long,  of  a 
week.  -len  weekly  pay  el.  wages.  -maaneb 
four  weeks.    -marfeb  weekly  fair. 

Ugenert  a  free- and- easy,  at  one's  ease;  cool, 
unconcemed;  );)aa  en  temmelig  _  TOaabe  in  a 
rather  cavalier  fashion;  gare  en  _  SSrug  of  make 
free  with;  —  adv  coolly,  quietly,  unconcernedly, 
cavalierly.  -^eb  c  ease,  unconstraint,  free -and 
-easy  behaviour. 

Ugentlig  a  weekly,  hebdomadal;  adv  weekly. 

Uge||ienge  weekly  allowance  of  money.  'piqt 
maid  engaged  by  the  week.  -^ræbilen  week 
-day  sermon.  -regning  (9lfregning)  weekly  settle- 
ment of  accounts;  (ugentl.  3?e^ning)  weekly  bill. 
-rente  weekly  iuterest.  -ftrtft  weekly  (paper 
el.  periodical),  hebdomadal.  *-ft«bt  adv  every 
(blessed)  week.  -tal  number  of  weeks.  -tjenefte 
week's  service.    -bi8  adv  by  the  week. 

U'gerne  adv  unwillingly,  reluctantly,  grudg- 
ingly,  with  a  bad  grace;  jeg  fer  tun  _  at  I  object 
to,  set  my  face  against. 

U'gerning  c  -er  enonnity,  outrage,  gross  mis- 
deed.  Ugerningåtnanb  perpetrator  of  an  enorm- 
ity  etc.,  evil-doer,  malefactor. 

*ttgg  F  :  fætte  _  bristle  up. 

Ugper  c  caddis,  cad-bait. 

Ugtft  o  unmarried,  single,  unwedded;  ~  Stanb 
celibacy,  joc  single  blessedness. 

Ugilb  a  jur  incompetent  to  give  evidence. 

Ugilbet  a  not  castrated,  entire. 

U'gjort  a  unmade,  undone,  unperformed;  labe 
_  let  alone,  leave  undone,  fail  to  do;  gjort  ©er« 
ning  Ian  ilte  Bliue  _  what  is  done  cannot  be 

U'gtab  a  joyless,  cheerless. 

U'gIo(8)fe'rét  a  unglazed. 

Ugle  vt  ub  bedizen,  rig  out;  ^un  ^or  _  fig  ub 
fom  en  ©ælgetælling  she  is  dressed  up  like  a 
basket- woman. 

Ugle  c  -r  owl;  (^oft)  duster;  -me  (3nf.)  the 
noctuidæ;  fange  en  _  (J,  chapel,  broach  to;  t  (ogf.) 
catch  a  crab;  ^an  ec  fom  en  -  imellem  en  glot 
Rrager  he  is  their  butt,  their  laughing-stock;  -n 
tijller  ^enbe?  58ørn  er  be  lønnefte,  enSoer  mener 
f)ani  _  er  en  ^oH  every  one  thinks  his  geese 
swans;  bet  er  -r  t  SKofcn  mischief  is  brewing, 
there  is  a  snake  hid  under  the  grass.  Ug(e|agttg 
a  owlish.  -ibiUcbe  a  fright.  -fangning  J;,  chapel- 
ing.  -^obeb  ugly  face.  -^«g  hen-harrier,  Circua 
cyaneui.  -rebe  owl's  nest.  -fe  vt  F  look  at  one 
with  an  evil  eye,  stare  one  out  of  countenance. 
-ffrig  hooting  of  an  owl.  -ftiale  podargus,  more 
-pork.    -unge  owlet,  young  owl. 

Uglftitt  c  Howleglass;  fio  wag,  rogue.  -ftreg 
roguish  el.  mischievous  trick. 

Ugrammatilalff  a  ungrammat'ical. 

-fUgran'fteltg  a  inscrutable. 

*Ugrei'  a  entangled,  (om  %o\))  foul.  *Ugrcie 
c  entanglement;  i  _  out  of  order  el.  gear,  wrong. 

U'grifl  a  Ugrian. 

-t-ttgrunb  c  fe  Ugrunbet^eb. 

U'grunbet  a  grouudless,  unfounded,  gratuitous. 
-^eb  o  groundlessness,  want  of  foundation. 

U'graS  n  fe  Utrubt. 

Ugu'belig   a  impious,  ungodly,  wicked,  un- 




holy;  P  (oberorbentlig)  precious,  roaring.    -^eb  c 
impiety,  wickedness,  ungodliness. 

Ugunft  c  disfavour,  displeasure;  beb  Siberneå 
_  owing  to  the  frowns  of  fortune,  having  fallen 
on  evil  days.  Ugun^ig  a  unfavourable,  un- 
toward,  unpropitious,  adverse;  unbet  meget  e 
S8tlfaar  under  great  dlsadvantages;  unber  fao  -e 
Omftænbig^eber  font  muligt  under  every  disad- 

ngqrbig  a  invalid,  (nuU  and)  void;  gøre  _ 
make  void,  vitiate.    -^eb  c  invalidity,  nuUity. 

U'QcetiQS  a  uncommon,  unusual. 

tl'gæret  a  unfermented. 

Ugotft'fri  a  inhospitable.  -^eb  c  inhospitality, 

ttgø'rlig  o  impracticable,  infeasible.  -^eb  c 
impracticability,  impraclicableness,  infeasibility. 

Ut)!  tU^a!  int  (Smerte,  2forftræfteIfe)  oh! 
(O^fen)  ugh !  (2?cemmelfe)  pugh ! 

+tt^tianbgt'i'beltg  a  impalpable. 

tt^aanbte'rlig,  U^anbelig  a  unhandy,  awk- 
ward,  unmanageable ,  unwieldy.  -^eb  c  un- 
handiness  etc. 

tt^armonift  a  inharmonious,  discordant. 

n^egnet  o  unfenced. 

tt^eibre'belig,  -tjeb  W  Ulægeltg;  -e  incurables. 

tt^etb  n,  pi  =,  (entelt)  misfortune,  mischance 
mishap,  accident;  (Wangel  paa  ^elb)  bad  luck 
(9UligI^ttelfe)  failure;  tit  _  for  unfortunately  for: 
tit  Qlt  _  as  bad  (ill)  luck  would  have  it.  -britigenbe 
o  mischievous,  unlucky.  U^erbtg  a  unfortunate. 
unlucky,  untoward;  (af  ?)bre)  ungainly,  (ube= 
Magelig)  awkward;  (miSIig)  objectionable;  adv  ~ 
ftifiet  placed  at  a  disadvantage.  n^el'bigoB 
adv  unluckily,  unfortunately.  nt)elb|ftiangeir  a 
ill-omened,  fatal.    -ttatMenit  a  ill-boding. 

-f-tt^eUig  a  unholy. 

n^enftgtSmæiSfig  a  inexpedient;  inadequate  to 
the  purpose.    -^cb  c  inexpediency. 

U^ilbet  a  unbiassed,  unprejudiced,  unin- 
fluenced,  impartial;  —  adv  impartially.  ^^tb  c 
unprejudicednes.s,  impartiality. 

n^in'berlig  a  not  hindering. 

tt^inbret  «  unhindered,  unimpeded,  unob- 
structed;  _  Slbgong  free  access;  ganfle  _  without 
let  or  hindrance. 

n^iftoriff  a  unhistor'ical. 

U'^iemlet  a  unauthorized,  unauthenticated;  _ 
SSefibbelfe  illegal  possession. 

tt'^jttl))en  a  unaided. 

tt^jtet'iietig  a  unaidable,  past  help,  (tun  om 
Sing)  irremediable.  -^eb  c  irremediableness. 
tt'f|j(S())fom  a  unwilling  to  help. 

n^Ia'n  c  -er  U'lan. 

U^olbbar  u  not  durable,  perishable;  fiø  un- 
tenable,   unmaintainable.     -^eb  c  untenability. 

tt^ttinft  a  tilthy,  na.sty.  -^eb  c  filthiness, 
nastiness;  -er  filth. 

tt^qgge  c  discomfort,  uncomfortableness. 

n^^g'gcUg  o  (iffe  ^Qggelig)  uncomfortable, 
cheerless;  (fæl  oft).)  dismal;  (ilDefpaaenbe)  sinister; 
(ofiernaturlig)  weird,  »c  uncanny;  btiae  _  tilmobe 
feel  uncomfortable;  bet  -e  i  ©titttngen  the  horror 
of  the  situation,  -^eb  c  uncomfortableness; 
Oæll^eb)  dismalness. 

ttij^tUt  a  unfeigned. 

tt^^re  a  enormous,  tremendous,  huge,  pro- 
digious;  adv  enormously  etc.  tt^^re  n  -r  mon- 
ster, prodigy.  U^^'tUg  a  monstrous.  U^Q'vIig' 
^eb  c  -er  enorniity,  monstrosity. 

tt^icberltg  a  (uberømmelig)  inglorious;  (æreløS) 
dishonourable.    -^eb  c  dishonourableness. 

n^iCQnet  a  unrevenged,  unavenged. 

Itbøfiig  a  uncivil,  impolite,  discourteous, 
rude.  -^eb  c  incivility,  impoliteaess,  discourtesy, 
rudeness;  en  _  an  aet  of  discourtesy. 

ntiø'riig  a  inaudible.    -^eb  c  inaudibleness. 

Uijørfont  a  disobedient.  +-^cb  c  disobedience. 
U^«rt  II  (fom  ifle  ^øreS)  unheard;  (fom  albrig  et 
erfaret  el.  ^ørt)  unheard  of,  unprecedented. 

U^øbifl  (t  indecent,  indecorous.  -Ijeb  c  in- 
decency,  indeeorum. 

ttfinblet  a  rough,  unflnished. 

Uiberegnet  a  not  included,  exclu.sive  of. 

Uigen|breben  a  unrefuted.  •bri'ttelig  a  irre- 
futable,  irrefragable,  unanswerable.  -brl'belig« 
^eb  c  unanswerableness,  irrefragableness. 

Uigenføbt  a  unregenerate(d). 

ttigengoclbt  a  unrequited. 

UigenfaCbelig  a  irrevocable;  —  ado  irrevoc- 
ably;  _  tabt  lost  beyond  recall.  -^eb  c  irre, 
vocableness,  irrevocability. 

nigettfen'belig  a  irrecognizable,  unrecogniz 
able.    -fteb  c:  ti(  _  past  recognition. 

Utgeni«'fcltg  a  unredeemable. 

UigennctttbrQ'beng  a  not  to  be  broken  through 

U(t)gennemfø'ctig  a  impracticable.  -^eb  c  im^ 

Uigennemfigtig  o  intransparent,  opaque.  -^el 
c  opaqueness,  opacity. 

Uigennemfluetig  a  fig  impenetrable.     -fteb 
impenetrableness,  impenetrabllity. 

Uigennemtrængelig  a  impenetrable,  impen 
vious,  impermeable.  -^cb  c  impenetrability, 
Uigennemtroengt  a  unpenetrated. 

tttgentagclig  a  not  to  be  repeated. 

Uigcnbin'beltg  a  irrevocable. 

Utmoblfagt  o  uncontradicted.  -fi'geltg  a  va.- 
contestable,  incontrovertible,  indisputable,  -ftge 
(igtieb  c  indisputableness. 

Uimobftaaeltg  a  irresistible,  resistless.  -^ei 

-t-Uimobftrt  belig  a  incontestable. 

Uimobtd'getig  a  insusceptible  (for  of);  _  fo 
®runbe  proof  against  argument,  -^eb  c  ia- 

Uinbbubcn  a  uninvited. 

Uinbbunbcn  a  unbound. 

Uinbfriet  a  (uinbløft)  unredeemcd;  (SBeBel  o.  I 

tttttb^egnei  fe  Utiegnet. 

Uinbiø  feltg  a  irredeemable.  ttinbtøft  a  fi 

ttittbffreben  a  not  registered. 

Uinbflræntet  a  unlimited,  unrestricted ,  un 
bounded,  uncontrolled,  (røagt)  absolute;  _  ^erre 
sovereign  lord;  ^erffer  -  reigns  supreme.  -^eb  c 

Uinbta'gelig  a  impregnable.  -^eb  c  impregn- 
ableness,  impregnability.  U'inbtaget  a  not 
taken;  (u^ilbet)  unprejudiced,  unprepossessed, 

Uinbbiet  a  (f.  ©fg.  3orb)  unconsecrated;  fia  un- 
initiated,  uninitiate;  en  ~  an  outsider. 

Uinterei^lfant  a  uninteresting.  -feret  a  un- 
interested;  (uegenntjttig)  disinterested.  -fert^eb 
c  disinterestedness. 

Uitticrtfaet'telig  a  impracticable,  infeasible. 
-^eb  c  impracticability,  infeasibility. 

Ujorbet  a  unburied. 

nfæbit  a  uneven  (ogf.  jig),  rough,  -^eb  c  un- 
evenness,  roughness,  inequality. 

Utalbet  a  unca'lled. 

Ufalfet  a  unplastered. 

tttamffb^gttg  a  disabled;  gøre  _  put  horn  de 
comhat,  disable. 

Uto'é  c  -er  ukase. 

nten'belig  a  not  to  be  known  (again),  not  to 
be  recognised,  unknowable,  undistinguishable; 
gøre  _  disguise,  (SWønt)  deface.  -^eb  c  impos- 
sibility  el.  difflculty  of  being  known  again. 
U'tenb^ab    n    fe    Ubetenbftab.     U'tenbt    a   un- 




known;  ignorant  (meb  of),  unacquainted  (with). 
en  i  StbiSpreSfen  _  ©til  a  style  uuknown  to  the 
newspaper  press.  -t-U'Ienbt^eb  c  being  unknown, 
novelty,  unfamiliarity. 
ntirtcHg  a  secular. 
+ntlan'berlig  a  unexceptionable. 
U  lor  a  not  clear,  (plumret)  turbid,  muddy; 
(om  Olaå)  dim;  ;ia  indistinct,  obscure;  (forBirret) 
confused;   ^  foul;  _  goreftiHing  dim  el.  vague 
idea;  -t  ^obeb  clouded  perception;  rage  _  meb  J, 
run  foul  of,  foul,  fig  fall  foul,  fall   out;   fall  at 
odds   el.    to    loggerheads   (with).      -^eb    c    -er 
turbidness;    dimnes.s;   confusion;  indistinctness, 
tt'tlareret  a  unpaid. 
U'IIipliet  a  uncut,  unshorn. 
ntlug   a,    imprudent,   Indiscreet,   ill 
•advised.    -ftob  c  imprudence,  indiscretion,  un- 
wisdom,  impolicy. 

ntlte'belig  n  (ogf,  fig)  unbecoming;  fig  in  bad 
taste,  offensive,   -ftel)  c  bad  ta.ste,  offensiveness. 
tt'Kæbt  a  ^  (©ejl)  uncovered. 
ntlntiet  o  unsplit. 
Ufoflt  a  unbolled. 
tttompenferet  a  uneompensated. 
niom))Iet  a  incomplete.  defective,  deflcient. 
ntongeUg  a  unkingly. 
ntontant  a  F  unreliable. 
tl'Iriflerfl  a  unwarlike. 

ttfrift  elifl  a  unchristian.    -^eb  c  unchristian- 
ness.    ntrtften  a  unchristian,  infldel. 
U'IritIf!  a  uncrit'ical. 

n'Irubt  w  weed,  weeds  pi;  _  forgaar  i!te  weeds 
grow  apace,  evil  weeds  never  wither;  he  always 
comes  back  like  a  bad  shilling. 
n'frtifiaQtferet  a  uncrystallized,  amorphous. 
Ufrtc  nc  n  the  Ukraine. 
Ufræn'lclig  a  inviolable.    -^eb  c  inviolability. 
U'frænfct  a  inviolate. 

U  trtcbet  a  uncalled  upon,  not  dunned;  un- 
tttultioeret  a  uncul'tivated;  uncivilised. 
niunftlet   a   artless,   inartificial,   unaffected. 
-^eb  c  artlessness,  simplicity. 
ntunftttcrtfl  a  inartistic,  bad  art. 
nturant  a  uncur'rent 
ttt'fBemS  a  unsuitable. 

U'ttietndlørb  pi,  +-tale  abusive  words  el.  lan- 
guage, bad  language. 

tt'tDinbelig  a  unwomanly;  gøre  _  unfeminize. 
-^eb  c  unwomanly  conduct  el.  manners. 

tlfqubig  a  ignorant  fof),  unskilled  (in),   not 
conversant  (with).    .^|eb  c  ignorance;  unskilful- 
Ultifl  a  unchaste.    -^eb  c  unchastity. 
tl'tKmntet  a  not  combed,  joc  unkempt. 
tt'tar  a  unacceptable,  unpleasant;  bet  er  mig 
-t  I  am  sorry  for  that;  bet  er  mig  iffe  -t  at  ^øre 
I  am  glad  to  hear  it.    -'lig  o  unkind.     -lig^eb 
M'Unntt  a  fe  SønSløS. 
'"Hl  a  tainted. 

niabft  a  (om  ©t^beo.)  uncharged,  unloaded; 
(om  %axta\)  unladen. 
*niage  fe  Utaoe. 
tilaget  a  geol  not  .stratified. 
nian'elig  a  unblamable,  blameless,  irreproach- 
able,  irreprehensible.   -^eb  c  blamelessness,  irre- 

ntatie  »  disorder;  bringe  i  _  put,  throw  into 
disorde r,  upset;  fomme  i  _  get  out  of  order, 
become  deranged. 

nib  c  wool.  -agtig  a  woolly.  -arbejber  |e  | 
-ocetter.  -blaav  noils.  •barenbc  a  bearing  el.  j 
producing  wool,  laniferous.  -bamaff  (wor.sted)  i 
damask,   -bittlen  woollen  blanket  el.  rug.   tttben  I 

a  wooUen.  ttlblfaot  wool-bearingsheep.  -f årtier 
wool-  el.  woollen  dyer.  -farbet  a  wool-dyed, 
dyed  in  grain;  _  Søj  cloth  in  grain.  -fUU 
worsted  velvet.  -foret  a  wool-lined.  •frt^ttfe 
woollen  fringe.  -garn  woollen  yarn,  worsted. 
-gobd  woollen  goods.  -^aor  woolly  hair.  -^aaret 
a  laniferous,  lanigerous,  S(  lanate.  -^aitbet 
woollen  tråde,  -itanbler  dealer  in  wool,  wool- 
man,  woolstapler.  -^ofe  fe  -ftrømpe.  -inbuftri 
woollen  manufacture.  -tam  woolcomb.  -tarbe 
wool-card.  -tlipning  shearing  of  sheep.  -ttolte 
woollen  petticoat.  -Irabfer  wool-carder.  •tam- 
tiing  wool-combing.  -tot  lock  of  wool.  -marteb 
wool-market.  -mu8  chinchilla,  Eriomys  lanigera. 
-muSfetin  mousseline-laine.  -pl^bS  worsted-shag. 
-rig  a  woolly,  fleecy.  -ro!  wheel  for  spinning 
wool.  -fals  shears  pi.  -fftnb  wool-fell.  -ftjorte 
woollen  el.  flannel  shirt.  -fifl  fleecy  cloud. 
-flart  woollen  petticoat.  -fol  wooUen  sock. 
-forterer  wool-sorter,  -picker.  -ffjinber,  -f|)i«= 
berfle  spinner  of  wool.  -f)>inbcrt  wool-spinning, 
woollen  mill.  -ftrem))e  woollen  stocking.  -fat 
(©æt  Ulb)  wool-sack.  -fætle  (til  SBrpftoærn)  wool 
■pack.s.  'tatit  filament  of  wool.  -tolb  duty  on 
wool.  -tot  tuft  of  wool.  -tr«  fe  ©ilfe6omulb8=. 
-traje  woollen  jacket;  flannel  shirt  el.  vest. 
•tctptft  woollen  blanket.  -t«j  woollen  stuif, 
woollen.  -tejflixrm  ^  (woollen)  screen  bulkhead. 
-oabftemafline  woolwashing  machine.  -ttabft« 
tting  wool-washirg.  -oottte  woollen  mitten. 
-barer  woollen  goods,  woollens,  worsted  ar- 
ticles,  hosiery.    -vietier  woollen  weaver. 

'•'Ule  vi  howl. 

tlleber  c  non-conductor. 

llleb(b)et  «  not  jointed,  inarticulate. 

Ulegemliq  a  incorporeal.   -Ijcb  c  incorporeity. 

ntej'Ugle  vt  trouble,  incommode,  inconveni- 
ence;  _  fig  meb  at  take  the  trouble  to,  be  at  the 
trouble  of;  _  fig  et  ©tebS  ^en  be  at  the  trouble 
of  going  somewhere.  -^eb  c  inconvenience, 
trouble ;  gøre  -  give  trouble ;  gøre  en  _  put 
one  to  inconvenience,  give  one  trouble;  gøre 
ftq  ben  _  at  take  the  trouble  to,  be  at  the 
trouble  of;  gør  3Jem  ingen  _  don't  put  yourself 
out  (of  the  way);  fomme  tit  _  come  at  an  incon- 
venient  time,  give  trouble;  jeg  inbfer  jeg  tommer 
til  _  I  feel  I  am  intruding;  lomme  i  _  get  into 

ttlemtie  c  detriment,  inconvenience,  drawback, 
objection,  take-oft',  '  ^.  ©tgnal  for  _  signal  of 
distress;  be  gjorbe  08  ingen  -  they  offered  us  no 

nii'belig  a  intolerable,  insufferable,  excruciat- 
ing,  exquisite  (pain).    -f|cb  c  intolerableness. 

ttitbenfla'belig  o  dispassionate. 

Ulig  a  unlike,  pi  (inbbOrbcS;  dissimilar. 

Ulige  a  unequal;  et  -  %&[  an  uneven  el.  odd 
number;  lige  eHer  _  odd  or  even;  —  udv  _  lange 
of  unequal  length;  _  ftore  unequal,  of  unequal 
size;  _  ftørre,  bebre  far  greater,  better.  U(ige|> 
artnet  a  with  unequal  arms.  -artet  <t  heteroge- 
neous.  -artet^eb  c  heterogeueousness.  -battttet 
a  geom  dissimilar.  -beleitbe  a  arith  aliquant. 
-fittttet  ^  imparipinnate.  -ftbet  a  unequal-sided, 
(3;riangel)  scalene. 

Uttg^eb  c  dissimilarity,  dissimilitude ,  dis- 

Ultmet  a  ($apir)  unsized. 

Ulibdlfaar  n  mortal  wound;  fig  gioe  nt  et  _ 
strike  at  the  root  of    -fog  capital  offence. 

UH  c  -e  sea  scorpion,  Cottua  acorpius;  (røatroå) 

Ulla  Ulrica. 

Ulme  vi  smoulder;  længe  -nbe  WiSfornøjelfe 
long  smouldering  disaffection. 

ninti'tt  c  ul'mine.    -f^re  ulmic  aoid. 




*Ur«e  vi  become  talnted. 

UlOltet  a  not  curly. 

niooformelig  o  informal,  irregular,  bad  in  law. 
nioti'Iig  a  unlawful,  illegal,  contrary  to  law. 
Ulotilig^eb  c  unlawfulness ,  illegality.  Ulatt« 
moeS'fig  «  illegal. 

nitit  Ulrich;  p  fige  _  shoot  the  cat.  Ultil'a, 
Ulrif'fe  Ulri'ca. 

nitima'tunt  n  ultimatum,    ttltimo  the  last. 

nUta  adv  &  c  ultra.  -(c)l8'ine  c  ul'traism. 
■lonfertjotit)  a  ultra-conservative  (o.  fl.).  -ntoti'tt 
n  ultramarine,  -mottto'n  a  ultramon'tane;  c  ultra- 
mon'tanist.    -montaniå'men  ultramon'tanism. 

niugct  o  unweeded. 

UIO  c  -e  wolf;  (Sptnb.)  devil,  willy;  ben  ene  - 
æber  iffe  ben  anben  dogs  do  not  eat  dogs,  fe 
gooreflæber,  Sube.  —  tttoelagtig  «  wolflsh.  -art 
species  of  wolf.  -ebberfot>  wolf-spider,  Lycosa 
ingeru.  -flS  fe  SSopft.  -fOb  club-moss,  wolfs 
-claw,  Lvcopodium.  -fcelbe  wolf- trap.  *-gau))e 
large,  fuU-grown  lynx.  -gran  «  wolf-coloured. 
-gtott  pit  for  catching  wolves;  -e  mi/  wolf-hoIes, 
trap -holes,  trous-de-loup.  -^ule  wolfs  den. 
•^Mttb  wolf-dog.  -funger  wolflsh  el.  voracious 
appetite,  med  bulimy,  bulimia.  -Jagt  wolf-hunt- 
ing.  -jisgeir  wolf-hunter.  t-jægermtftet  master 
of  the  wolf-hounds.  -leje  wolfs  lair.  -nt(C(I 
wolfs  milk,  Euphorhia  (ifær  E.  he/ioscopia). 
•ven  fe  Kballueb.  -fofS  wolf-trap.  -ffiMb  wolfs 
skin.  *-fiJV  fe  SBofift.  -ftue  fe  -grab.  -ftiælg  fe 
®onefpoIte.  -tanb  wolfs  tooth,  (paa  Sqb)  briar 
■tooth.  -unge  wolfs  cub.  -pcb  fe  Salloeb. 
UlPin'be  c  she-wolf. 

UHb  c  noise,  clamour. 

ni^'big  a  disobedient  (imob  to);  Pære  en  _ 
disobey  one.    -^eb  c  dlsobedience  (imob  to). 

ttttltlc  c  -r  misfortune ,  calamity,  disaster; 
bringe  -  bring  ill  luck;  gib  bu  faa  en  - !  a 
plague  upon  you;  fe  8onb;  en  -  !ommer  fiælben 
Qlene  misfortune  uever  comes  single  el.  singly, 
it  never  rains  but  it  pours;  -n  er,  at  .  .  .  the 
misfortune,  the  worst  of  it  (p  the  mischlef)  is 
that  .  .  .;  f^  f  or  en  - !  fie  for  shame!  out  upon 
it!  l^Bob  _  er  ber  t  bet?  where  is  the  harm?  i  -n 
under  misfortunes;  6ringe  i  _  be  the  cause  of 
one's  misfortune ,  bring  trouble  et.  calamity 
upon  one;  ønffe  ~  o  o  er  en  wish  one  ill:  ^on 
giorbe  en  -  paa  fig  felo  he  made  away  with  him- 
self;  lugter  font  en  _  stinks  like  heil;  til  _  un- 
luckily,  unfortunately;  til  al  -  as  Ul  luck  would 
have  it;  bet  Bar  til  _  for  ^am  it  was  his  mis- 
fortune; lomme  tit  _  meet  with  an  accident;  ^un 
tom  til  _  og  flog  Spejlet  itu  she  had  the  mis 
fortune  to  break  the  glass.  ttOjItetictngenbe  a 
fatal,  bringing  misfortune.  niQl'feUg  a  (ogf. 
om  gølelfen)  unhappy;  (u^elbig)  ulucky,  unfor- 
tunate;  (bømt  til  Unbergang)  ill-fated,  hapless, 
devoted;  (|)cenbelfe)  disastrous,  calamitous;  gøre 
.-  ruin;  labbe  Ⱦret  -  i  Scerlig^eb  had  been 
crossed  in  love;  —  adv  enbe  _  fall  out  unluckily. 
Ul^tteligPiS  adv  unfortunately,  unluckily.  — 
niqlfe^laar  year  of  misfortune.  -aåfnratice  fe 
-forrtlring.  -bom  child  of  evil  destiny.  -bubftab 
fatal  news,  bad  news.  -bog  day  of  misfortune. 
-fotfifring  Insurance  against  accidents.  -fugl 
btrd  of  ill  omen.  -fælle,  -lommcrot  fellow 
suflferer,  companion  in  misfortune.  -^tenbelfe 
accident,  -profet  prophet  of  evil ,  croaker. 
-ftebet  the  scene  of  the  disaster.  -tegn  sign  of 
misfortune.  ttl^ftefttftcr  breeder  of  misehief. 
Ult)tte8UilfæIbc  (disastrous)  accident,  casualty. 
niqffa'Iig  a  disastrous,  infelicitous,  unhappy. 
ttlplfo'lig^eb  c  infelicity,  unhappiness. 

n(9ft  c  dislike,  disinclinatiou,  disrelish,  dis- 
gust,  distaste;  gøre  noget  meb  _  do  a  thing 
reluctantly,   with  reluctance,  with  little  heart; 

■^aPe  _  til  have  a  dislike  of;  -  til  ot  fpife  wani 
of  appetite. 

tttt|ft'e(ig  a  unpleasant.   -l^eb  c  unpleasantness 

Uloe'getig  a  incurable.  -^eb  c  incurablenesu 

ttltegt  a  unhealed. 

"UlæKbe  n  rough,  rugged,  impracticable 
ground.  Udcnbt  a  rough,  rugged,  impracti- 

*ttl«ntelig  a  fe  Sebeløg. 

Ui«cb  n  unlea'med,  unlettered,  illiterate. 

UtærbiHig  a  indocile.    -^eb  c  indocility. 

tllæ'fetqnbig^eb  c  illlteracy. 

tl(«'felig  a  illegible.    -^eb  c  illegibility. 

Ulæft  a  unread. 

Ulæff'elig  a  unquenchable.  Ulteflet  a  (om  ftolt) 
unslaked,  quick. 

Ulønnet  a  unpaid;  gratuitous. 

Utø'felig  a  iusolvable,  (SSonftelig^eb)  inextric- 
able.  -^eb  c  insolvable  nature.  U'Iøft  «  un- 

Umoobc^olben  a  immoderate,  intemperate. 
-^eb  intemperance. 

nmoabelig  «  (i  5R^belfer)  immoderate,  intem- 
perate; (ooerorbentlig  ftor)  immense,  enormous; 
—  adv  immoderately   etc.     -^eb  c  Immoderab,  intemperance,  excess. 

Unioaleltg  a  immeasurable ,  immensurabl 
immense.  -^eb  e  immensurabiUty,  immensit; 
tt'tttoalt  a  unmeasured. 

Untag(e)  c  pains,  trouble;  fpilbt  ~  labour  in 
vain;  '^on  fparebe  |»er!en  $enge  eHer  ~  he  spared 
neither  labour  nor  expense;  gøre  en  _  put  one 
to  trouble;  gøre  fig  _  take  pains;  gør  fig  meger; 
_  for  ot  is  a  great  pains  to;  gjorbe  fig  al  mulig 
_  for  at  took  every  pains  to;  gjorbe  fig  ingen  fpn- 
berlig  _  for  at  was  at  no  great  pains  to;  "^Pil 
man  gjorbe  fig  rigtig  -  if  the  proper  trouble  were 
taken;  bet  er  ilte  -n  Pærbt  it  is  not  worth  while, 
for  33em  it  is  not  worth  your  while.  Itntage  et 
trouble,  incommode;  —  vr  fig  take  (the)  trouble, 
be  at  the  pains;  t)t)i§  ®e  Bil  -  S)em  ^en  til  mig 
if  you  will  be  at  the  trouble  of  calling  or  m^ 

nmoge  a  not  matching,  odd. 

tlma'gelig  a  incommodious,  inconvenient, 
comfortable,  uneasy,  (om  ©tiP)  laboursome,  ni 
easy;  —  adv   fibbe  ~  be  uneomfortably  seate^ 
ligge  _  tilanteré  ride  hard.    -^eb  c  ineommodiou 

ttlmagfønt  a  troublesome,  harassing. 

Umalet  a  unpainted. 

Umonbig  a  unmanly,  efifeminate.     -^eb 
manliness,  effeminacy. 

Umanerlig    a    (uben    Wanerer)    unman'nerlj 
mannerless;  (umaabelig)  immense,  enormous; 
enormously.    -^eb  c 

Umofleret  a  unmasked. 

Umberfift  c  maigre,  Sciæna. 

Umbra(iorb)  c  umber. 

Umbrer  pi  Umbrians.  Umbrien  n  Umbria. 
UmbrijI  a  Umbrian. 

Umebbeielig  a  incommunicable.  -^eb  c  in- 
communicableness.  m 

Umcbbc  Ifom  a  incommunicative.  -lieb  c  id 
communlcativeness.  ^' 

Umebgø'riig  a  unmanageable,  intractable,  un- 
tractable,  unnegotiable,  heavy  on  hånd.  -^eb 
c  intractableness,  perverseness. 

Umeb^orbelig  a  contrary  to  law.  -^eb  c  con- 
trariety  to  law. 

Umcbltbenbe  a  incompassionate. 

Umelobifl  a  unmelodious. 

Umcnneffe  n  monster,  inhuman  wretch.  — 
ttmenneftelig  a  Inhuman,     -^eb  c  inhumaiuty. 

Ument  a  not  meant,  feigned. 

Umetobiff  a  unmethod'ical. 

•   Umi 



Untibbelliar  o  immediate,  direct;  spontaneous, 
imconscious.  -Ijeb  cimmediateness;  spontaneity, 
spontaneousness,  imconsciousness . 

nmtlb  a  harsh ,  unkind ,  (SJeir)  inclement, 
(ftlima)  ungenial.  -Ijtb  c  harshness,  unkindness, 

ntnilitcertfl  a  unmilitarj-. 

nmtn'belig  a  immemorial;  i  el.  fro  -e  Xtbet 
time  out  of  mind,  from  time  immemorial. 

tlmt^forftaa'tltg  a  not  to  be  misunderstood, 

ttmiSIenbelig  a  evident,  unmistakable,  not 
to  be  mistaken. 

Umiftelig  a  indispensable,  absolutely  neces- 
sarj';  fe  Ufortabelig.    -Ijeb  c  indispensableness. 

ttmi§tt)'be(tg  a  unequivoeal. 

ttmiétæn'telig  a  (i  begge  S8et )  unsiispicious. 
-^eb  c  unsuspiciousnes.s. 

Umiétcent'fotn  a  unsuspicious,  unsuspecting. 
-^eb  c  unsuspectingne.s.s. 

timtåtccnit  (t  unsuspected. 

ntniåunbt  a  unenvied. 

ntnobcn  a  unripe,  (meft  figi)  immature.  -^eb  c 

Umobetlig  a  unmotherly. 

Umonartiff  a  antimonarchical. 

ttmoralfl  o  immoral. 

nmotiDcrct  a  gratuitous,  uncalled  for. 

ttmu'Iig  a  impossible;  jeg  fon  iffe  gere  bet  -e 
I  cannot  do  impossibilities;  ^borfor  flulbe  bet 
Bære  -t  ot?  where  is  the  impos.sibi)ity  of?  —adv 
bu  Ion  -  goo  ub  you  cannot  po.ssibfy  stir  out. 
•8»re  vt  render  impossible,  forbid.  -^eb  c  -er 

nmuftlalfi  a  unmu'sical;  (om  $erfon)  no  mu- 

ttm^nbig  a  not  of  age,  under  age;  ^on  er  - 
he  is  a  mlnor,  he  is  not  of  age;  ^or  jljult  bette 
for  be  Bife  og  forftonbige  og  oo6enbaret  bet  for  be 
-e  bibl  hid  these  things  from  the  \vise  and 
prudent  and  hast  revealed  them  unto  babes; 
gøre  _  =  -fl*re  vt  declare  one  incapable  of 
managing  his  affairs.  -^eb  c  minority,  nonage. 
-tiebStllftonb  b.  }.;  fætte  i  _,  fe  UntQnbtggøre. 

tttn^ntet  a  uncoined. 

ttmoelenbe  a  not  having  the  power  of  speech, 
dumb;  _  23^r  dumb  animal,  brute;  be  _  ®^r 
the  lower  animals. 

Umæ  rftlig  a  imperceptible,  insensible;  un- 
remarkable;  adv  impereeptibly.  -^eb  c  imper- 
ceptibility.     Wmcevtet  a  unmarked. 

ttmst'tetiø  a  insatiable,  unsatiate,  ohem  In- 
saturable.    -^eb  c  in.satiableness. 

Umøbltttt  a  unfurnished. 

ttmøntet  o  uncoined. 

Uni»r  o  (Soli)  not  sufflciently  burnt. 

Unaabe  c  disgrace,  disfavour;  folbe  i  _  be  dis- 
graced,  incur  disgrace;  folbe  i  _  ^oå  incur  the 
disgrace  of;  Bære  i  _  l)e  in  di.sgrace,  under  a 
cloud;  Bære  i  _  ^08  be  out  of  favour  with;  Bære 
i  -  Oeb  |)offet  be  in  disgrace  (disfavour)  at  court. 
ttnaabig  a  ungrracious. 

Unational  a  antinational. 

Unatur  c  fe  Unoturligtieb.  —  Unaturlig  a  un- 
nat'ural,  contrary  to  nature,  preternatural;  (om 
Stilen)  forced;  (pootoget)  aflfected.  -^eb  c  un- 
nat'uralness,  contrariety  to  nature;  forcedness; 

Unait  c  unau,  two-toed  sloth,  Bradypu«  di- 

Unattnlgioen  a  not  named,  anonymous;  en  _ 
an  anonymou.s  writer.  -funbig  a  "renownless, 
unrenowned,  fameless,  obscure.  -lunbig^eb  c 
want  of  renown,  incelebrity. 

Uncial  c  -er  un'cial  (letter). 

*Unbtt(f)  adv  aside,  away,  back. 

Unbbrage  vt  k  r  (en  [noget])  withdraw,  take 
(away  [from]),  deprive  (of);  _  en  fro  Strof  screen 
one  from  punishment;  —  ur  _  ftg  (fro)  avoid, 
shuu,  (fin  $ligt  0.  1.)  shirk,  eyade.  -Ife  c  with- 

Unbe,  -te,  -t  vt  not  grudge  el.  envy,  be  pleased 
With;  (forunbe)  allow,  grant;  ilte  _  grudge;  ieg 
-r  5ont  IjonS  S^lfe  I  do  not  grudge  el.  envy  his 
good  fortune,  I  am  pleased  with  his  good 
fortune;  -  en  bet  bebfte  wish  one  every  success; 
-r  fig  ingen  ^oile  gives  himself  no  rest;  bet  er 
S)em  oel  -bt  you  are  welcome  to  it. 

Unbc'cime  c  -r  eleventh. 

Unbentag  n  fe  9lftægt. 

Unber  n  -e  {*pl  =)  wonder,  marvel,  prodigy; 
bet  er  intet  _  it  is  no  wonder;  beb  et  _  by  a 

Unber  prtep  (i  9llm.)  under:  _  20  9lar  under 
twenty;  _  Sefoliug  of  under  the  command  of; 
_  ®flg§  Doto  under  this  date;  _  15be  gebruor 
under  date  February  15,  _  gfirmo  .  .  .  under  the 
firm  of  .  .  .;  _  ^Jor^onbling  under  deliberation; 
_  gormtjnberflob  under  guardianship ;  træbe  _ 
gøbber  tread  under  foot;  -  .^oonb  og  Segt  under 
(my  etc.)  hånd  and  seal;  -  Jptmmelen  under 
heåven;  _  forben  underground;  _  2oo§  og  2ufle 
under  lock  and  key;  -  SenftobS  TOofte  under 
the  mask  of  friendship;  ^on  fCtioer  -  ftt  fgtt 
SfJoBn  he  writes  under  {amr  over)  his  own  signa- 
ture;  _  bi»fe  Cmftft-ubigbeber  under  these  circum- 
stances;  Bære  _  ©efl'be  under  way;  _  ©engen 
under  the  bed;  traf  ^om  frem  -  Sengen  dragged 
him  from  under  the  bed;  bet  er  -  SSonb  it  is 
under  water;  —  (tun  om  Steb;  underneath;  — 
(@teb,  JRong,  gortrin)  beneath,  below;  _  9}ul 
below  zero;  ^on  er  _  mig  (i  SRong,  5Kummer  ofB.) 
he  is  below  me,  he  is  inferior  to  me;  bet  er  _ 
min  SBærbigbeb  it  is  beneath  me;  gifte  fig  _  fin 
©tonb  marry  beneath  one's  self;  —  (om  Xib) 
d uring:  _  krigen  during  the  war;  _  9Ribbag?= 
mooltibet  during  dinner;  _  Kong  tJreberit  ben  3bie8 
9Jegering  during  el.  in  the  reign  of  Frederik  the 
Third;  —  in:  _  ^reSfen  in  the  press;  _  ooben 
Jpimmel  in  the  open  air;  IjoBe  _  ^ænber  have  in 
hånd;  _  SBooben  in  arms;  _  SStjgning  in  (the) 
course  of  construction  el.  erection,  being  built; 
—  amidst:  _  ftlofferneS  Slong  amidst  the  ring- 
Ing  of  bells;  ~  gotfetS  9ubeIroob  amidst  the 
acclamation  of  the  people;  —  by:  ^on  gif  - 
9loBnet  9J.  he  went  by  the  name  of  N.;  —  on: 
_  (£b(8)  Silbub  on  (el.  upon)  oath;  meb  ftone  og 
jDotter  _  9lrmen  with  wife  and  daughter  on 
his  arms;  _  ben  SBetingelfe  ot  .  .  .  on  condition 
that  .  .  .;  ~  ©trof  of  on  pain  of;  —  to:  fætte  - 
58otering  put  to  the  vote;  fomme  _  9luftion8= 
jammeren  go  to  the  hammer;  tilflrioe  en  et  S3reo 
_  3lbre?fe  .  .  .  write  one  a  letter  to  the  address 
of  .  .  .;  —  at;  _  en  SJintel  of  at  an  angle  of;  — 
(onbreTOoober):  _  fjorfifringer  om  fm  UflQIbig^eb 
protesting  his  innocence;  _  en  ©trøm  of  loorer 
(while)  shedding  a  torrent  of  tears;  _  eet  col- 
lectively,  together;  —  adv  -.  goo  _  be  lost,  founder; 
ber  ligger  noget  _  there  is  something  behind,  at 
the  bottom  of  this;  —  (fe  >i<erberne). 

Unberofbeting  c  subdivision,  subsectlon. 

Unberagent  c  sub-agent,  under-agent. 

Unberanfigt  n  lower  part  of  the  face;  (3nf.) 

Unberjarnt  c  forearm,  lower  arm.  -armdliolb 
(ffridet)  underhånd  bowling. 

Unberart  c  subspecies. 

Unberbalance  c  deficit;  en  _  of  a  deficit  of. 

Unber|bar  a  wonderful,  wondrous,  marvellous, 
miraculous.  -barn  wonderful  child,  wonder  el. 
prodigy  of  a  child,  infant  pheuomenon. 

*Uttber{befaI  n  =  -befolingSmænb. 




UnberbefalingSmanb  c  subordinate  el.  petty 

ttnI)erBenII«ber  fe  UnberButSer. 

ttnberbertber  c  rongh-rider. 

itnberbetjent  c  under -officer,  inferior  func- 

ttnberbiiliotefar  c  sub-librarian,  assistant 

nntierbib  n  the  lower  teeth  jutting  out  beyond 
the  uppcr. 

+Unberbineb  n  poet  wonderful  picture  el. 

ttnberbinble  vt  tie  (up),  take  up.  -iwg  c  liga- 

ttnberblomft  c  marvel  of  Peru,  Mirabilis 

ttnbcrblol  c  lower  block. 

Unberbom  c  (»3.  SBogn)  thill. 

Unberbonnet  c  ^  drabler. 

nnbetborb  n  (p.  S31æfe&ælg)  bottom-board. 

Unbetbrafer  pi  ^t,  lower  braces. 

»ttnbetbrttfl  n  appurtenance,  appendage. 

Ilnberbub  n  ofFer  below  the  price  fixed;  lower 
offer  el.  bid. 

Itnberbnggaarbingcr  pi  lower  buntlines. 

ttnberbuféer  pi  drawers. 

UnberbQbe  vt  underbid'. 

Unberb^glge  vt  (f.  Sfs.  et  SKonutnent)  build  a 
substructure  for,  build  under  (a  monument); 
fig  ground.  -tting  c  sub.structure,  underbuilding, 

ttnberb«jet  a:  meb  -ebe  S3en  cross-legged. 

tnnbcrban  c  fe  Unberfaat. 

Unberba'nig  a  submissive;  ®ere§  -fte  3;iener 
your  most  humble  el.  most  obedient  servant; 
gore  fig  en  ~  reduce  one  to  subjection:  ^  ^oinber, 
»ærer  eberS  ^gtemænb  -e  bibl  ye  wives,  be  in 
subjection  to  your  own  husbands,  -deb  c  (Unber= 
giBenfjeb)  subjection;  (gbm^gt)eb)  submission,  de- 

nnberbejUg  a  admirably  beautiftil,  wonder- 
fully  fine,  (fun  om  grucnt.)  passing  fair. 

n«betbel  fe  9i?eberbet;  _  af  ©ejl  ^  foot  of  a 

Unberbeling  c  subdivision. 

Unbcrbotttinont  c  subdominant. 

tlnberbotntner  c  inferior  judge. 

Unberbøm^ol  c  lower  court. 

♦ttttbcrbrag  n  fe  Unberbønning. 

-i^ttnbetbrngt  c  under  garments. 

UnbeirlbreiereB  4>  jeer,  jear.  -brejerebSbløt 
jeer  block  (o.  fl.).  -brejet  a  hove-to;  ligge  -  lie 
-to,  be  hove-to.    -btcjning  heaving-to. 

-i-Unberbrot  c  fe  Unberfonge. 

nnberbline  c  under  feather-bed. 

itnberbæt  n  lower  deck. 

ttnberbønning  c  ground-sweU. 

ttnbcrbør  c  lower  door. 

Unbercfgtrcmttetet  pi  nether  extremities. 

ttnbercnbe  c  heel. 

tlnberlfalb  n  water  passing  beneath  the  wheel. 
-falbd'  undershot.  —  nnberfa(bS|l)iuI  undershot 
-wheel.  -tnøUe  undershot-mill.  -bonb  fe  Unber« 

ttnberfamine  c  sub-family. 

ttnberfangle  vt  (S^gn.)  underpln.  -ning  c 

Unberfcit  n  (S8æb.)  bottom  of  the  warp. 

tt«berfcltt)erre  c  second  in  command. 

Unbcrflabc  c  under  el.  lower  surface,  base. 

itnberfobcr  n  lining. 

tlnberfogei:  c  nnder-bailiff. 

Unbcrfore  vt  line. 

nnberformanb  c  (f.  9Ir6.)  second  foreman. 

Unberførftaa  rt  understand,  supply,  imply, 
bet  -§  ot  SWanben  enbnu  leber  it  must  be  under- 

stood  that  the  man  is  still  alive.  -elfe  c  sub 
audition,  implication;  meb  -  af  at  with  a  sub 
audition  that. 

tlnbcrforttalter  c  siibmanager. 

Unberfrafte  c  under  coat. 

Unberfutb  a  wonderful,  marvellous,  wondrous 

+nnbcrfttnb  c  fe  Unberfunbtg^eb. 

Unberfun'big  a  crafty,  cunning,  disingenuous. 
-^eb  c  craft,  cunning. 

ttnbergaa  vt  undergo',  suffer,  pass  through; 
tui  fe  ®ao  unber. 

Unbergaarbinger  p(  J,  lower  buntlines  and 

Unbergang  c  destruction,  ruin,  (om  ®ft6)  loss; 
biet  til  _  doomed;  Sære  fin  _  nær  be  on  the 
verge  of  ruin;  ile  fm  -  imøbe  go  to  ruin. 

Unbergnrbin  n  outside  curtain. 

ttnbcrgartncr  c  under-gardener. 

Unbergefjaltig  a  below  the  standard. 

Unbcrlgerning  fe  -»oert. 

Unbcrlgioe  vt  subject  (to);  Bære  noget  el.  nogen 
-n  be  subject  to  something  ef.  somebody.  -gioen 
c  -tone  inferior;  Bære  milb,  ^aarb  mob  fine  Bne  be 
kind,  harsh  to  one's  inferiors.  -gioen^eb  c  sub- 
jection, svibmission. 

Unbergtt)|to»  n  d, clewgamet.  -tobSbloI clué 
-garnet  block. 

Unbergjorb  c  girth. 

UnbcrgobS  n  lower  rigging. 

Unbergrabje  vt  undermine,  sap,  underpinionj 
_   ®runbBolben  sap   the   foundation;    -enbe 
destructive.    -ttittg  c  undermining. 

Uttbergratier  c  under-sexton. 

Unberlgrunb  c  subsoil.  •gtunbSpiob  subsoil 
plough.  -grunb8|)lfljning  subsoil  ploughing,  sub- 

Unbergrut^^e  c  sub-group. 

tlnbergttb  c  inferior  god,  under-god. 

tlnbergutn))  c  lower  part  of  the  rump. 

Unberlgær  c  under  yeast.  -gæret  i  produced 
by  sedimentary  fermentation,  -gæring  c  sedl 
mentary  fermentation,  fermentation  from  below, 
-gæråal  beer  fermented  from  below. 

ttnbcr|g«renbe  a  wonder-working,  miraculous, 
-gerer  c  -e  miracle-worker. 

ttnber^aan'ben  adv  privately,  under  hånd;  bel 
ffal  fælges  -  it  is  to  be  disposed  of  by  tender, 

ttnbcr^ale  vt  ^  underrun;  _  fiolfer  og  Stobei 
board  tacks  and  sheets. 

nnbcr^ali^  c  lower  part  of  the  neck;  4^  lowei 

ttttber^anble  vi  negociate,  treat,  make  terml 
(with).     -^anbtec    c    negociator.     -^anbUng 
negociation;   ftoar  i  _  om  ^fl6et  of  is  in  treaty 
for  the  purchase  of 

nnbcrljabettbe  pI  inferiors. 

UnberijaBålebning  c  submarine  cable. 

Unbcrlftolb  »support,  maintenance,  subsistence; 
_  i  gattig^uå  in-maintenance;  tjener  fit  _  earns  his 
livelihood.   -I)Otbe  vt  support,  maintain,  sustain, 
subsist;  (more)  entertain;  _  fig  meb  en  converse_ 
with  one;  -nbe  a  entertaining.    -Ijolbning  c  fe^ 
Unberfiolb;  entertainment,   conversation.     -^olb'fl 
ning§bibrag  subsistence-money,  (til  froftiltfiufttu)  ■ 

Unber^obeb  n  {paa  ©lufe)  tail-bay;  (3nf.)  under 
side  of  the  head. 

tinberdub  c  under-skin. 

nnberf)ug  n  (p.  %xl)  iirst  course. 

Unbertiuoft  c  (Xømt.)  under-bevelling. 

Unber^u§  n  Lower  House,  (Sngl.)  House  of 
Commons,  anir  House  of  Representatives. 

Unbetilte  n  suboxide. 

Unberjogt  c  chase  of  small  game. 

Unberjomfru  c  under  housekeeper. 




Unbtrjjortien  fe  Unberbcrbfn.  -lottiifl  a  subter- 
lanean,  subterraneous,  uudergroiind;  _  fiBcelsing 
el.  Sirfe  crypt;  be  -e  ®uber  the  infernal  deitles; 
be  -e  the  elves,  the  good  people.  •iorS>$  o 

ttnbeTtai)t)t  c  cuddy. 

ttnbcrfanonér  c  J^.  gunner's  mate. 

ttnbcrfnttt  c  under  side;  under  el.  loweredge. 

Unberfofte  vt  &  r  (^etiftille  itl;  finbe  fig  i)  sub- 
mit  (to);  _  fig  (en,  nt)  subject  one's  self  (to); 
Ⱦre  -t  be  subject  el.  subjected  to;  StJisI  -t  open 
to  doubt;  er  ingen  SuinI  -t  admits  of  no  doubt. 
•(fe  c  subjection,  submission. 

ttnbetfcnbe  vt  reverse  el.  quash  (a  sentence), 
overrule,  disaflBrm.    -He  c  reversal. 

nnberttrurg  c  assistant-surgeon. 

tInberTjole  c  underskirt,  gown. 

UttbcrfloSfc  c  lower  class;  (9?otur^.)  sub-class. 

Ujtbcrllofte  c  under-petticoat. 

ni!bcrfIor!f»)re  perchloric oxide.  -firling  hypo- 

nnberlKttbtr  pi  under-garments.  -Kisbtting  c 
suit  of  under-garments. 

ttnberfof  c  under  cook. 

nnbrrtongc  c  petty  el.  .«ubject  king. 

tlnbertonftrufter  c  assistant  coDstructor. 

tinberlo))  t  saucer. 

nnbertor)>oraI  c  corporal. 

tinbrrfroft  c  miraeulous  power. 

Unberfrobc  c  stomacher. 

itnberfro))  c  lower  part  of  the  body. 

Wnbrrfrijbé  n  (TmX))  cross-tail. 

Unberfiie  vt  subdue,  subjugate;  (i  SBæKt)  stunt. 
-Ife  c  sujection,  subjugation. 

ttnberruntte  c  false  collar. 

nnbrr|I(Clie,  -læoe  c  lower  el.  nether  jaw. 
•tat>tbtn  inferior  maxillary  bone. 

ttnberf«bc  vt  (beftil!e)  bribe;  (falfte  SSibncr) 

Unberf^rfcl  c  (».  Seoter  o.  I.)  veranda. 

llnberlabct  a  (SKine)  undercharged  (mine). 

ttnberlag  n  (til  noget)  underlayer,  support;  (af 
3orb  oib.)  substratum;  (t.  Stribning)  writing-pad; 
(unber  Sabning)  dunnage;  (unber  S:iamt)ni.)  sleepers 
pi;  (t.  gitibebro)  floating-pier,  (unber  ^anfer)  back- 
ing; (i  SBørncfeng)  bed-guard;  (unber  SBræfffong) 
glut,  fulcrum;  tvp  underlay;  fe  Unbergrunb;  Unber= 

ttnberlagen  n  bottom  sheet. 

ttnbcrIagéH)Iobe  tvp  imposing-stone,  press 
-stone,  fundament,  -ftra  stocks.  -trenfe  bri- 

Unbeticgen  o  inferior  (to),  overmatched,  (i  Slntol) 
outnumbered.    -^cb  c  inferiority. 

Unberlrm  n  nether  limb. 

ttnbcrlctt  n  arriere-flef 

tttiberlig  a  Strange,  singular,  odd,  queer;  t  = 
forunberlig;  en  _  ^iii  a  queer  chap;  »ar  noget  _  af 
fig  seemed  strange  in  his  ways;  -t  nof  for  a 
wonder;  Segn  og  -e  (Scrninger  signs  and  wonders; 
fe  lilmobe. 

Unbcrlig  n,  pi  =,  J,  (af  6cjl)  foot,  (Sob)  foot 

■ftlnberligge  vi  fe  SJigge  unber. 

ttnbcrittggenbe  part  (nebenfor  liggenbe)  .subja- 
cent;  (font  ^erer  til)  belonging  to,  dependent  on. 
•liøger  c  nether  millstone. 

unbcrltg^cb  c  strangeuess,  singularity,  oddity. 

ttnbertiu  n  belly,  abdomen;  (ftlæbningSftt^fle) 
sllp-body  tinberlittå  abdominal,  hypogastric. 
ttnbrrtibélieKrnbcIfe  gastritis. 

Unbrrltcbc  c  under  lip;  (3nfelt8)  labium;  (p. 
Criibé)  lal  ellum. 

ttnbeilffbcr  «  under-leather. 

Unccrlægc  c  assistant  surgeon. 

nnberlacggc  vt  underlay';  subject  to,   assign 

to;  -  et  Orb  en  Set^bning  put  a  constiuction  on 
a  word;  _  fig  subdue;  Ⱦre  en  -lagt  be  subject 
to  one;  Sfabningcn  er  -logt  gorfcengelig^eb  bibl 
the  creatnre  was  made  subject  to  vanity.  -Ife 
c  underlaying  etc;  subjection. 

Unberlccrer  c  -e  u.sher,  assistant-teacher. 

Uttbtrlæfejt  n  ^  lower-studdingsail  —  nnber> 
((cfejliliagtertiater  c  lower-studdingsail  boom. 
•falb  lower-studdingsail  halyard.  -for^oler  lower 
-studdingsail  boom  fore-guy. 

nHberl«Ii  n  covered  channel. 

ttnbcrlU^e  vt  become  extravasated;  -t  (SSlob) 
extravasated  blood;  -t  meb  33Iob  Hvid  from 
extrava.sated  blood;  -nbe  a  ^jul  wheel  passing 
under  the  body  of  the  carriage.  -I«6er  (3æm6.) 

Unberlejtnant  c  sublieutenant. 

ttnber{niaa(  n  ui  dermea.sure,  notfuUmeasure, 
short  measure,  deficiency  (in  measure).  -maaUc 
c  one  who  is  below  the  standard;  inferior  person, 
.second-rate  hånd,  understrapper. 

Unberntattb  c  inferior,  underling. 

Unberiraaftinift,  J,  -maftinntefter  c  assistant 

Unbermaft  c  ^1,  lower  mast. 

Unbcrmejerift  c  assistant-manager  of  a  dairy. 

Unberntefter  c  J,  under-master,  masters  mate. 

Unber>niner|e  vt  undermine,  sap.  -iwg  cunder- 
mining  etc. 

Unbermule  c  (<;.  giintelooS)  lower  lip  of  the 

ttnbertttunb  c  lower  part  of  the  mouth,  under 

Unbetmunbenng  c  kit. 

nnbermoerdfcjl  n  lower  topsail. 

ttnberncbcn  adv  {+proep)  below. 

Unbernicb  n  under  part  of  the  bill. 

ttnbcrioffieér  c  non-commissioned  officer,  ^, 
(ogf.)  petty  officer.    -offtcérSfnot  chevron. 

itnberottati  c  sub-octave. 

Unbcrorben  c  sub-order. 

tinberiorbtte  vt  (fig)  subordinate  (one's  self)  to; 
-orb net  a  &  c  subordinate,  a  (tinge)  humble; 
(ubifltig)  minor,  secondary.  -erbnen,  -orbnelfe, 
•orbttitig  c  subordination. 

Unbertiant  n  mortgage. 

Uttber))art  fe  9JeberDeI. 

nnber))lante  vt  plant  under. 

ttnbcr^iriS  c :  til  _  at  a  sacrifice. 

Unberraa  c  lower  yard. 

ttnbcrratff  c  -z  ^  truss-parral. 

nnberranb  c  lower  edge,  (6olen§)  lower  limb. 

Unberrrbet  purt  J,  (^aI8)  boarded  (tack). 

Unbcrrcjf  c  under-hoop. 

Unbcrrct  c  inferior  el.  lower  court  of  law  el. 

ttnbetrctning  c  -er  intelligence,  information; 
intimation;  til  _  for  for  the  information  of. 

ttnbcrretSbommcr  c  judge  of  an  inferior  court. 

nnbrrrette  (om)  vt  inform,  acquaint,  apprise 
(of);  -  fejl  misinform,  megi't  fejl  -t  greatly  mis- 
informed;  _  en  om  at  inform  one  that. 

ttnberriber  c  ^  rider. 

Unb  er  {rum  n  room  on  the  ground  floor;  ^ 
lower  hold.    -runtSftatfer  yi,  hold-stanchlons. 

ttnbcrifaat  c  -ter  subject;  joc  -terue  the  under- 
standings,  supporters,  -faatlig  a  f.  ©f?.  mine  -e 
pligter  my  duties  as  a  subject;  ^an  er  6le»en  løft 
af  ftt  -e  gor^olb  til  Songen  af  ofo.  he  has  been 
absolved  from  his  connection  as  a  subject  wilh 
the  king  of  etc. 

ttnberfaI))cterfQre  c  nitric  peroxide. 

Unberlfeft  n  j,  course,  lower  sail.  -fejISgobfet 
the  gear  of  the  courses. 

Unberfetretaer  c  under-secretary. 

tlnberfibe  c  under  side. 




nnberflaat  c  saucer. 

ilttbcrflaorcn  a  typ  kerned. 

Itnberflibet  n  the  immersed  part  of  tbe  ship's 
body  el.  hull. 

tlnberflitiSlisge  c  assistant  surgeon. 

Unbcrffjortc  c  under  shirt. 

Itnberftor^e  c  under  crust. 

ttnberfloo  c  underwood. 

tlnberlflrtft  c  signature;  egen'^ænbig  _  sign 
manual;  ubcn  _  unsigned.  -ffritte  vt  sign,  fig 
endorse.  -flrloer  c  signer,  -ftritining  c  signing, 

nnberffub  n  deficit  {ifaa  of). 

Unberftqbe  vt  fe  Unberftilfe;  +_  fig  slip  in, 
creep  in. 

UnbcrfftjUe  vt  undermine. 

Unberff«be  n  lower  sheet. 

Unberffan  a  fe  -bejlig. 

tluberftørt  n  petticoat. 

»1,  (et  Sejl)  bend  (a  sail).  -flag  n  {%amr.)  traverse; 

nnberfIa))Qaarbtng  c  ^  slab-line. 

tlnbcrflæb  n  embezzlemeut,  peculation,  mal- 
versation,  defalcation;  ^  barratry. 

ttttbcrf^it  n  ^  lower  capstan. 

Unbetfta  &  arfu  undermost,  lowermost,  lowest, 
(of  to  lower);  -e  SSatteri  lo\\'er  gun-deck;  —  adv 
at  the  bottom. 

Unberftaa  fig  vr  presume,  dåre,  have  the 

ttnberfiag  n  lower  stay.  -feil  lower  stay- 

ttnbcrftalbmeftcr  c  under-equerry. 

Unberfiamtne  c  stock. 

Unberftang  c  topmast. 

Unberftattjotbet  c  deputy-govemor. 

Unberftati^fetretæv  c  under-secretary  of  state. 

Unbcrften  c  nether  mill-stone. 

Unberftigcr  c  min  underground  manager. 

Unberftitte  vt  insert  surreptitiously,  forge; 
-ftuttet  SSred,  ®otument  a  supposititious  el.  sub- 
stituted  letter,  deed. 

ttnberftregle  vt  underline,  underscore,  -ning 
c  underlining  etc. 

Unberftr^gle  vt  coat,  give  a  coating,  -ning  c 
coating  etc. 

Unberftrønt  c  under-current,  under-tow. 

tlnberftrønHJC  c  under-stocking. 

tlnberftutfet  a  fe  -ftilte. 

Unberftilfe  n  bottom  piece. 

ttnberft^rmanb  c  second  mate. 

ttnberftøtltc  vt  (ftøtte)  prop;  fig  support,  suc- 
cour,  assist,  second,  back,  (meb  5Penge  ogf.) 
subsidize;  -be  Seatre  subventioned  theatres. 
-ning  c  -et  propping;  prop,  support,  -telfe  c  -r 
support,  aid,  assistance,  succour,  supply;  offentlig 

-  a  grant  in  aid.  —  UnbcrftettetfeSanftalt  chari- 
table  institution,  -fonb  beuefit  fund.  -forening 
beneficent  society,  charity  orgauisation  society; 
(getirtbig)  beneflt  society,  provident  institution. 
■^unlt  fulcrum.    Unberftøtter  c  -e  supporter. 

Unberfuottllf^re,  -firling  fe  StjoBlunber«. 

-i-nnberfl)g  a  marvel-loving. 

ttnberftebig  a  ^  inferior,  hypogynous. 

Hnbcrfælge  vt  undersell'. 

Unberfoetning  c  minor  (proposition). 

ttnberftetfig  a  square-built  el.  set,  square. 
-I)cb  c  squareness  of  flgure. 

+Unberf«  c  fe  Unberbønning. 

ttnbcrføge  vt  examine  (into),  investigate,  in- 
QUire  into,  search  into,  look  into;  (fonbere)  probe; 

-  paant)  re  examine;  ~  nøje  scrutinize,  scan,  over- 
haul;  (ulenbte  (Sgne)  explore;  (om  Jolbo.)  search. 
-Ife  c  -r  examining  etc,  examinatlon,  Investiga- 
tion,   inquiry,    scrutiny,    search;    onflille  _  om 

inquire  into;  foretage  en  _  set  on  foot  an  inquiry 
el.  investigation.  —  Unberføge(fed|bommer  in 
quisitor.  -etS^jebitlon  exploring  expedition. 
-fomntiSfion  investigation  committee,  commis- 
sion  of  inquiry.  -re|fe  exploring  journey  el. 
(tilDanbS)  voyage.  Unberføger  c  -e  inquirer, 
examiner;  (i^ottigo.)  district  visitor. 

Unberfaifl  a  submarine. 

Unbcrtag  n  grasp  under  the  arms  (in  wrest- 

ttnbertanb  c  lower  tooth. 

ttnber|tegne  vt  fe  Unberffiiue;  -be  the  under- 
signed;  -t  sigued.  -tegner  c  signer,  -tegning  c 

Unbcrti'ben  adv  sometimes,  at  times. 

Unbertitef  c  sub-title. 

nnbertolbbetjent  c  Customs'  oflficer  of  an  in- 
ferior degree. 

UnbertD))Ienter  pi  i,  lower  lifts. 

Unbertraab  c  (Sijm.)  lower  thread.  j 

ttnbcrtrcnfe  c  bridoon. 

nnbcrtrt)l!e  vt  (loæle)  stifle;  (til6aget|olbe,  tt)inge 
restrain,  repress;  (Sret),  SSog  o.  1.)  suppress 
(Dprør)  crush,  suppress;  (fortrtjife)  oppress.  -tr^l 
felfe  c  -r  suppression;  (af  en  mægtigere  ofb.)  op- 
pression,   -trtjller  c  -e  oppressor. 

+tlttbertræffe  vt  fall  short  of 

nnbertr«ie  c  -r  under-jacket. 

Unber|tt)inge  vt  subdue,  subjugate,  (ogf.  fia^ 
St)ft  0.  1.)  conquer.  -ttiingetfe  c  subduing  etc. 
subjection,  subjugation.  -tvinger  c  -e  subduer, 

ttnbertei  n  under  garments,  under-clothing; 

ttnberDanbS'  submarine,    -flær  sunken  rocki| 

Unbertiont  n  ^  lower  rigging. 

tlnbertiarme  c  bottom  heat. 

ttnbcrtiejé  adv  on  el.  by  the  way,  on  the  roadi| 
(om  fiabning)  on  the  water. 

Unbertierben  c  lower  el.  infernal  regions  pi 

Unberueft  c  uuder-waistcoat. 

Unbertiinbue  n  lower  part  of  the  window. 

Unbertiifle  vt  instruct  (one  in  st),  teach  (one 
st);  ab9  give  lessons;  _  i  Sloler  teach  classes, 
-ning  c  instruction;  gitje  _  give  lessons;  inb6t)rbe4 
_  mutual  instruction.  —  ttnber»iånittg8|onftall 
educational  establishment,  -fag  branch  of  leartt 
ing.  -inf|)c!t«r  inspector  of  schools.  -loXali 
class-room.  -maabe,  -metobe  method  of  instruc- 
tion, -materiel  educational  apparatus.  -mini> 
fterium  ministry  of  instruction,  -plan  coursi 
el.  system  of  instruction,  -f^ftem  system  of  i 
-time  hour  of  instruction,  lesson.  -Ⱦfenel 
education,  educational  matters. 

UnberDogn  c  under-carriage. 

llnbertJOibSbige  n  small  dike  in  front  of  a 
larger  one. 

Unbert)urber|e  vt  underrate,  under-estimate, 
undervalue.  -ing  c  underrating,  undervaluation, 

nnberlticegt  c  under  -  weight ,  short  weight, 
light  weight.    -tiægtig  a  being  underweight. 

Uttbertiærf  n  wonder,  miracle;  SSerbenS  f^O  -er 
the  seven  wonders  of  the  world. 

nnbertenbring  c  amendment  of  an  amend-; 

Unberærme  n  under-sleeve. 

Unberøtirigtjeb  c  lower  magistrate. 

Unbfalbe  vt  fall  from,  escape;  forsake,  abandon^ 

Unbfange  vi  &  t  conceive.    -Ife  c  -r  conce; 

Unbfl^  (+ttnbfl^gte)  vt  &  i  escape;  vt  (unbgoa, 
evade,  elude;  (fil))  shun,  avoid. 

UnbfiQOe  vt  escape  (by  flight). 

Unblgaa  vt  (flo)  shun,  avoid,  eschew;  (unbflQ 
escape,  evade,  elude;  (if!e  bemærte?  af)  escapej 




^biS  jeg  fon  _  bet  if  I  can  help  it.  -gaa'elig  a 
avoidable.   -gaa'elig^eb  c  possibility  of  avoiding. 

nnbgælbe  vt  pay,  suffer,  smart  (for),  pay  the 
penalty  of;  —  vi  for,  b.  f.    -Ift  c  retribution. 

nnbi'ne  c  -r  undine,  ondine. 

Ilnbtomiine  vi  escape  (af  from),  make  good 
one's  escape,    -ft  c  escape. 

Unblabe  vt  omit,  forbear;  fail  (lun  meb  to). 
•tfe  c  -r  omission. 

HnbUtje  vt  kill,  slay. 

ttnbløbe  vi  escape,  run  away. 

ttntire  et  surprise,  astonish;  bette  -be  mig  this 
surprised  me;  —  +vi  fe  -  ftg;  —  «  imp  bet  -r 
mig  ot  I  wonder,  I  am  astonished  that;  bet  maa 
itfe  _  2)em  you  must  not  lie  surprised;  _  Havr; 
■8  vd  (otiet)  wonder,  marvel,  be  surprised  (at), 
bet  er  itle  at  -8  ooer  it  Is  not  to  be  wondered  at; 

—  -nbe  a  wondering,  astonished.  ttttbren  c 
wonder,  astonistiment. 

-f-Unbriøe  vt  snatch,  rescue  from. 

Unblfe  fig  vr  (seb,  for)  be  ashamed  (of),  blush 
(at,  for);  _  fig  beb  at  be  ashamed  to.  -St'Uq  a 
basliful,  shy,  shamefaced;  _  ooer  ashamed  of 
-feelfe,  -fe'lig^eb  c  bashfulness;  uben  -feelfe  un- 

ttnbftge  vt  defy,  threaten  with  deadly  revenge. 
-Ife  c  detiance,  etc. 

ttnblflQlbe  vt  excuse  (l^o§  el.  for  en  to  one), 
exculpate;  -  fig  excuse  one's  self,  apologize, 
make  an  apology  el.  make  excuses;  _  ftg  for  nt  (fom 
man  ^ar  gjort)  excuse  one's  self  for  st,  (fom  mon 
itfe  ønflet  at  gøre)  from  st;  _  fig  meb  plead; 
^ooc,  ^olbe  en  -bt  hold  one  excused;  jeg  Bil 
^abe  2)em  -bt  poo  ®runb  af  ...  I  excuse  you  on 
account  of  .  .  .;  unbftplb!  I  beg  your  pardon; 
-fttjibenbe  a  apologetical;  (formilbenbe)  ex- 
tenuating.  -flQl'belig  a  excusable,  venial. 
*  -ftqtbning  c  -er  excuse,  apology;  exculpation; 
baarlig,  tom  -  poor,  lame,  excuse;  til  _  for  in 
excuse  of;  6ebe  om  -  beg  one's  pardon;  anføre  til 
fin  _  plead  fas  au  excuse). 

Unbftaa  Rg  vr  (for)  excuse  one's  self  el.  beg 
to  be  excused  (from),  refuse,  decline. 

tlnbfli))))e  vi  &  t  escape;  -flap  meb  9Jøb  og  næppe 
had  a  narrow  escape. 

ttnbftilte  fig  vr  abscond. 

Unbfætlte  vt  succour,  relieve.  -ning  c  relief, 
succour;  ile  .  .  .  til  _  hasten  to  the  rescue  of.  — 
nnbfatning8|eIS))ebttion  relief  expedition.  -far= 
t*|  relief  vessel.    -^ær  relleving  army. 

itnbltnge  vt  except.  -tagelfe  c  -r  exception; 
meb  _  af  with  the  e.  of;  en  -  fra  an  exception 
from  el.  to.  -tagelfeS^  exceptional.  -tagelfeSfri 
a  free  from  exceptions.  -tagelfe8t)i§  adv  rarely, 
by  exception,  as  a  rare  exception;  a  exceptional. 
Uttbta'gen  præp  except,  excepting,  excepted, 
save,  barring,  bar,  (efter  SJJægtelje)  but. 

ttnbutationSteorten  c  the  undulatorj'  theory. 

UnbDige  vi  &  t  e.«cape;  vt  (f.  @tg.  et  ®Iag)  elude; 
(fil))  avoid,  (beb  Ubflugter)  evade.  -Ife  c  escape. 
-IfeSforføg  attempt  at  escape,  -nbe  o  evasive. 
-fiiot  siding,  turn-out  rails.  -fteb  (i  ftanal) 

tlnb{t)(ere  vt  -r,  -be,  -t  do  without,  dispense 
with.  -ooe^rtig  o  that  may  be  dispensed  with, 
dispensable.  -ki(e'r(ig^eb  c dispensableness, super- 

Une'ret  c  united;  -be  (Srælere  Greeks  that  have 
joined  the  Roman  Catholic  church. 

Itng  a  young,  youthful;  i  mine  -e  2)age  in  my 
younger  days,  when  I  was  young;  bet  -e  2ianmarl 
young  Denmark. 

ttngar|n  n  Hungary.  -er  c  -e  Hungarian.  -ft, 
ungerft  a  Hungarian;  -e  Støblec  Hessian  boots; 

-  Sanb  Hungary  water. 

Ungbom   c    youth;    (unge    9Renneffet)    young 

Sarfen:  S)anft-®ngelft  Crb6og. 

people;  i  fin  blomftrenbe  -  in  the  flower  of  his 
age;  _  og  SJiåbom  følgeS  fjælben  ab  we  cannot 
expect  old  heads  on  young  shoulders.  -bom"' 
melig  a  youthful,  juvenile.  -bottfnteUg^eb  c 
youthfulness.  —  Uttgbomå|aarp<  early  el.  young 
years,  youthful  days.  -alber  youthful  el.  juve- 
nile age.  -arliejbe  juvenile  work.  -baarlig^eb, 
-baarftab  the  folly  of  one's  youth.  -bage  youth- 
ful days.  -bigt  juvenile  poem.  -brøm  youthful 
dream,  dream  of  one's  youth.  -elflebe  the  love 
el.  sweetheart  of  one's  early  years.  -erinbring 
youthful  remembrance;  -er  recollection  of  Tmy) 
youth.  -fejl  youthful  error,  -forpilbelfet  youth- 
ful vagaries,  -frlff  a  youthfully  fresh.  -friftbeb 
freshness  el.  bloom  of  youth.  -fro  a  young  and 
joyous.  -fQrtg^eb  ardour  of  youth,  youthful 
ardour.  -gldebe  youthful  joy.  -^ibfig^eb  fe  -f^rig= 
tieb.  -ffitm  the  home  of  one's  youth,  early 
home.  -ilb  fire  of  youth.  -inbtt^f  youthful 
impression.  -filbe  fountain  of  youth.  -traft 
youthful  vigour.  -traftig  a  in  youthful  vlgour, 
young  and  vigorous.  -{(crlig^eb  youthful  love. 
-Jonb  land  of  one's  youth.  -Ho  youth.  -l^ft  youth- 
ful glee  el.  delight.  -løfte  early  el.  youthful  pro- 
mise.  -mob  youthful  courage.  -Pnb  youthful 
mind.  -ffrift  youthful  et.  juvenile  writing;  -er 
books  for  the  young.  -fføn^eb  youthful  beauty. 
•f^nb  sin  of  one's  youth.  -ttb  (time  of)  youth. 
-oarm  a  youthfully  warm.  -oarnte  youthful 
warmth  el.  ardour.  -ben,  -Oeninbe  early  friend. 
-Pærf  juvenile  work. 

Unge  c  -r  young  one;  f  imp,  urchin;  føber 
lebenbe  -r  brings  forth  living  young. 

Ungefær  [t.]  ndv  fe  Omtrent. 

ttngerfoenb  c  -e  young  man,  swain. 

Unglflf!  young  flsh.  -fugt  young  bird.  *-fæ 
young  cattle.  *-gnt  youngster.  *-I)eft  young, 
unbroken  horse.  -I)øpeb  fe  -nøb.  -tavl  bachelor. 
-Ifltte=  fe  Ungfarl?-. 

nngfar(8{bat{g  bachelor's  apartments.  -^'-fabber 
unmarried  sponsor,  -pilbe,  -log  bachelor's  party. 
-tejlig^eb  fe  -Bolig.  -It»  life  of  a  bachelor,  -ftattb 
bachelordom,  bachelorhood. 

ttngfo  c  ungka-puti,  Hylobates  agilis. 

Unglto  young  cow,  heifer.  -toæg  young  cattle. 
-ntonb  »I,  ordinary,  light  hånd.  -mø  young 
maiden.  -nøb  young  ox  el.  heifer.  -ffop  young 
wood.    -foin  young  hog. 

Unilform'  c  -er  u'niform,  regimentals  pi;  (til 
^berbagSbrug)  undress  uniform,  -focme're  vt 
dress  in  uniform;  ^an  er  fmuft  -t  he  wears  a  fine 
uniform;  be  ere  en§  -be  they  wear  the  same 
uniform,  -forme'ring  c  clothing.  -formite'tSatt 
Aet  of  Uniformity.  —  uniformå|fralIe  regimental 
coat.    -bue  soldier's  cap.    -ft^ltec  regimentals. 

Unif  a  uni'que.    tt'nitnm  n  uni'que. 

UniHct  a  {%V,r)  unhobbled  (buU). 

ttnio'n  c  -er  u'nion.  -metal  union  metal.  — 
ttnton8{aIt  Aet  of  Union,  -flag  union-flag,  (meb 
blot  UnionSfarberne)  union-jack.  -mætte,  -tegn 
union,    -trattat  treaty  of  union. 

ttnifo'n  a  unis'onous.    -t  ado  in  u'nison. 

Unita'rilev  c  -e,  -ft  a  Unitarian. 

Unioatent'  a  chem  monatomic. 

ttniluerS'  n  u'niverse.  -oerfa'l  a  univer'sal. 
-tietfa'l=  universal. —  UnioerfaliorOing  residuary 
legatee,  heir  general;  (ifølge  ©lægtftab)  heir  at 
law.  -fobec  universal  fodder.  -geni  universal 
genius.  UnioerfaliS'me  c  univer'salism.  Uni« 
oerfalift'  c  -er  univer'salist.  Unioerfalite't  c 
universal 'ity.  Unioerfat|tobting  universal clutch. 
-leb  universal  joint.  -(elSiton  encyclopedia. 
•mibbel  sovereign  remedy,  oatholicon,  panacea, 
cure-all.  -nøgle  universal  screvv-wrench.  -piller 
cure  all  pills.    ttnioerfel'  o  univer'sal. 

Unioerfite't  n  -er  univer'sity;   ligge  beb  -et  be 





at  college.  —  UniOerfttCt^laar  year  at  the  uni- 
versity.  -bibUotef  university  library.  -Ii{b({a= 
te!or  llDrarian  of  the  university  library.  -b^fl= 
itinfl  university  building.  •bannelfe  university 
education.  -bannet  a  university-taught;  en  - 
Wonb  a  university  man.  -tantinerat  fellow 
-student;  (i  ©amferibge)  fellow-Cantab.  -litt  college 
-life.  -lærer  u.  teacher  el.  professor,  ^•^ilitnbiat 
substitute  to  a  professor. 

ttnioerfttttt  fe  UniberS. 

Unobe  c  -r  bad  habit. 

ttnorbift  a  unnor'thern. 

ttnorft  a  not  Norwegian. 

Unfe  c  -r  Oaguar)  ounce,  Felx»  onea. 

ttnfc  c  -r  ounce.    -t»i§  adv  by  the  ounce. 

ttn^tte  c  uselessness,  inutility,  unprofltable- 
ness;  til  ~  uselessly,  to  no  purpose.  Unittet  a 
not  used,  unemployed.  nn^ttig  a  useless,  un- 
profltable.    tlnqtt'ig^eii  c  fe  Untjtte. 

ttnaeg'tcHg  a  undeniable. 

Unaenfom  a  unsparing. 

ttnKO'nelig  a  that  cannot  be  named,  not  to 
be  mentioned;  (ufigelig)  inexpressible;  F  ^an*  t 
his  inexpressibles,  inexplicables,  unmentionables. 
U'naont  a  unnamed,  not  named,  anonymous. 

ttnø'big  a  unnecessary,  needless.  -Ijeb  c  need- 
lessness;  til  -  needlessly.    U'nøbt  fe  UftoHet. 

ttnøboenbig  a  unnecessary,  needless;  (oBer= 
flsblg  superfluous.  -^eb  c  needlessness;  super- 

nnøjagttg  a  inaccurate,  incorrect.  -^eb  c  In- 
accuracy,  incorrectness. 

ttn«ifotn  a  not  content  with  little,  hard  to 
satisfy,  greedy.     -^cb  c  greediness. 

ttomticbet  a  unasked,  unsolicited. 

nomgæng'etig  a  (banffelig  at  ontgoaS)  un- 
soclable,  inconversable;  (uunbgaaelig)  unavoid- 
able;  —  adv  _  nøboenbig  absolulely  necessary. 
-^cb  c  unsociableness. 

Uomflaaren  a  uncircumcised. 

Itomftiftelig  a  immutable.  -^eb  c  immut- 

tlomftri'belig  o  fe  Uomtbiftelig. 

ttomftø'belig  a  irrefragable,  incontestable,  in- 
controvertible.  -^eb  c  incontestability,  Incon- 

Uomfæt'telig  o  unnegociable,  unsaleable.  -^eb 
c  unsaleableness. 

ttomtaaget  a  unclouded,  unobscured. 

ttomtaU  a  unmentioned,  not  spoken  of. 

nomtoift'elig  a  indisputable,  incontestable,  in- 
controvertible.    -^eb  c  indisputableness. 

notnbenbt  a  unconverted. 

tlotib^g'gelig  a  unedifying.  -^eb  c  unedifying 

tto^lbagelig  a  indiscoverable,  undlscoverable. 
•baget  a  undiscovered. 

no))bir'IeIig  a  unpickable,  not  to  be  picked. 

tinmannerly,  underbred.  -^eb  c  unmannerliness, 

Uofbrt'tieng  a  not  to  be  had  el.  procured. 

iloiibtjrtet  a  unaultivated. 

UoVfinbfom  a  uninventive. 

tto^jorbret  a  unsolicited,  uninvited,  of  one's 
own  aecord. 

tto))funben  a  uninvented. 

nofilf^rbeltg  a  that  cannot  be  realized,  that 
cannot  be  gratified.  -fljtbt  a  unfulfilled,  un- 
aceomplished,  ungratified. 

tto)>gt'oeHg  a  never  to  be  relinquished. 

tto^^ot  belig  a  not  to  be  delayed,  immediate; 
adv  fe  UfortBBet. 

tto|)^e'rng  a  incessant,  unceasing,  uninter- 
mitting,  unremitting;  —  adv  incessantly  etc. 

Uop\ttttttt  a  uncleared,  obscure.  -Ka'rlig  o 

no))tagt  a  indisposed,  disinclined.  -^eb  c  in 

tto^lD^fet  a  unlanded. 

Uøiilutiet  a  unopened.  , 

tto^I^ft  a  unlighted;  unexplained;  unenligh( 

ttot>l«'fe(ig  a  insoluble,  Indissoluble,  irresolt 
able;  en  -  (Saabe  an  inextricable  riddle;  en 
Knube  an  inextricable  knot.  -^eb  c  insolubilitj 
Xl'ople^  a  undissolved. 

UotJmaalt  a  unmeasured;  unsurveyed. 

Uo^Mtærtfotn  a  inattentive,  unobservant.  -^tl 
c  inattention. 

Uo^naa'etig  a  unattainable,  unreachable,  un 
touchable.  -ijcb  c  unattainableness.  H'opnaat 
a  unattained;  unrivalled. 

tto^rebt  a  (om  ©eng)  not  made. 

Uø^rettelig  a  irreparable,  irremedlable,  irr< 
trievable.  -l|eb  irreparableness  etc,  irreparj 

Uotirigtig  a  uncandid,  insincere.  -^eb  c  wat 
of  eandour,  insincerlty. 

Uotifi'geltg  a  irrevocable,  that  cannot  be  call 
in;  _  Dbltgation  unredeemable  bond.  -^eb 
meb  flere  2lar8  _  not  to  be  called  in  for  seve 

tto))|ffaaren  a  (33og)  not  cut  open,  uncut; 
55(øil   terry   velvet.     -ff«r(tg   a   (Sørtjemofe) 

Uo^fli'belig  a  never  to  be  worn  out,  imperisi 
able;  unfailing.    -^eb  c  imperishableness. 

Uo))f))0'tng  a  untraceable. 

ttoiifi)ringenbe  a  ^  indehiscent. 

UojifcEt'tetig  a  admitting  of  no  delay,  urge 
pressing.    -^eb  c  urgency. 

narben  c  disorder,  derangement;  untidinei 
i  _  in  disorder,  out  of  order,  (bulter  til  'bn\h 
helter-skelter,  (^ær)  in  confusion,  (3lffærer)  di 
ranged;  fomme  i  _  get  out  of  order,  beco: 
deranged;  bringe  i  _,  bringe  _  i  put  out  of  ordei 
derange,  throw  into  confusion.  Uor'benttig 
disorderly;  untidy;  -t  £iO  irregular  life.  -^eb  c 
disorderliness,  want  of  order. 

ttørb^ølben  a  apt  to  break  promlse,  untrust- 
worthy,  a  promise  -  breaker.  -^eb  c  habit  of 
breaking  one's  word,  untrustw^orthiness. 

Uorbnet  a  unordered,  unarranged. 

Uorganifl  a  inorganic(al). 

Uortobotå  a  uno'rthodox. 

ttortogroftft  a  unorthograph'ic,  misspelt. 

noDcrbrageltg  a  untransferable,  inalienable. 

UoberenSlftemmelfe  c  -r  disagreement,  incon- 
gruity,  discrepancy;  i  _  meb  out  of  harmony 
with.  -ftcmmenbe  a  disagreeing,  incongruous, 

ttooergaaeUg  a  unsurpassable. 

Uobertom'tnetig  a  (SBonfteligl^eb)  insuperable, 
inextricable,  insurmountable;  (umulig)  imprac- 
ticable,  impossible,  exorbitant.  -^eb  c  imprac- 

Uooerlagt  c  unadvised,  inconsiderate,  ill-ad- 
vised,  unpremeditated,  rash. 

Uooerlfe'elig  a  fe  Uooerfluelig. 

nooerfat  a  untranslated. 

Uotierffrt'beltg  a  insuperable,  impassable. 

ttotterffttettg  a  interminable,  exceeding  the 
range  of  vision,  boundless;  incalculable.  -^eb  c 

Uøoerftt'gelig  a  insurmountable.  -^eb  c  in- 

Uo»erfflct'tcIig  a  untranslatable.  -f|eb  c  un- 

ttoOerta'telig  a  unpersuadable. 

ttobertruffett  a  unsurpassed. 




ttonertrdeff' e(io  a  unsurpassable.  -^eb  c  un- 
rivalled  superiority. 

Uot>er|tiin'be(ig  a  invincible;  (uotierfttgelig)  in- 
surmountable,  insuperable.  -oinbeng^eb  c  in- 
vincibleness,  invincibility;  iusuperableness,  in- 
superability.  -ounben  o  uncouquered,  unvan- 
qvnshed,  unbeaten. 

n^anagtet  a  unheeded,  unnoticed,  dlsregarded, 

E        npaaantct  a  not  complained  of,  unimpeached. 
I        Ui)oofal6ct  a  uncalled-for. 
i        Ui)aa!Io  gelifl  a  unexceptionable,   creditable, 
irreproacliable.    -^eb  c  unexceptionableness. 

U))aafI(Cbt  a  undressed. 

Uifaali'beltg  a  not  to  be  relled  on,  untrust- 
worthy,  uureliable,     -^eb  c  unrellableness. 

Upttapaé'ietiQ  a  inattentive,  heedless.  -^eb  c 
inattention,  heedlessness. 

npaaregneltg  a  not  to  be  reckoned  upon. 

U))aafet  a  unheeded,  overlooked. 

U))aaflønnet  a  unappreciated. 

n))aatatt  a  unceusured,  unimpeached,  not 
complained  of,  unchallenged. 

Ut)aatt)tt)'(e{ig  a  unquestionable,  indubitable; 
mtv  indubitably,  unquestionably. 

Upaatantt  a  unthought  of. 

nj)aa{tiirtet  a  uninfluenced.  -Dir'Ielig  a  in- 
sensible  (af  to),  impassible. 

U^aat)if'(e)(ig  a  untraceable. 

UfianSret  a  unarmoured. 

U^arlamcnta'rifl  a  unparliamen'tary. 

Xlpavttt,  *tt>or  o  not  matched,  odd. 

n^artifl  a  impartial,  unbiassed.  -^eb  c  im- 

Upaé'^tlig  a  indisposed,  unwell.     -^eb   c  in- 
I      disposition. 

I  n^jodfenbe  o  improper,  unbecoming,  unseemly, 


U^adtiæ  n  upas(-tree),  Åntiarii  toxicaria. 

n^atriotift  a  unpatriot'ic. 

n:|itrfonIig  a  Impe'rsonal;  (iffe  figtenbe  til  nogen) 
not  personal.    -^eb  c  impersonality. 

tt'pletttt  a  unstained,  unblemished,  immacu- 
late.    -^eb  c  immaculateness,  immaculacy. 

tt'tvligt  c:  til  _  unduly,  injuriously. 

n  iilultrt  a  unpluck'ed. 

U'pljjjct  a  unploughed'. 

Upoetiff  a  unpoet'ical. 

nagleret  a  unpol'ished. 

n^olitin!  a  impolitic,  unpolit'ical. 

ltipo))tt{iær  a  unpop'ular.  -laritet  c  unpopu- 

U'^rattifl  a  not  practical,  unprac'tical. 

U'^jrioritetet  a  unsecured. 

Il'))rii)il{geret  a  non-privileged. 

U'Vrobultio  a  unproduc'tive. 

Wpxopoxtiont'xtt  a  disproportioned. 

U'^rowtantcret  a  unprovisioned. 

U'præcié  a  unpreci'se. 

U' præget  a  uncoined. 

nprooet  a  untried,  untested,  unproved. 

npunttlig  a  unpunc'tual.  -^eb  c  unpunctu- 

ttp^ntet  a  ©at  untrlmmed  hat. 

*ut  c  -er  incline  of  debris,  tract  covered  with 
loose  stones,  talus. 

Ur«  flrst,  primitive,  original,  primordial,  pri- 

Ur  n  -e  (fiontmeO  watch;  (meb  ^erpenbilel) 
clock;    efter    mit  _   by  my  watch. 

ttraab  n  (flet  SRaob)  bad  oounsel;  (gare)  mis- 
chief,  danger;  ber  er  _  paa  gærbe  there  is  mis- 
chief  brewing;  mærte  _  take  the  alarm,  p  smell 
a  rat. 

tlraa'belig  a  unadvisable. 

nraabigf|ebd{ttlftanb  fe  UmQnbig^ebS'. 

ttraffliieret  a  unrefined. 

Uraftr^I  n  first  impression. 

tlraget  a  unshaved, 

nralbjærgene  the  Ural  (Oural)  mountains. 

Ura'nglimmer  c,  tlranit'  c  u'ranite,  uran-mica. 
nra  nium  n  uranium.  Ura'ttO£4b  n  uran'ic  oxide. 

ttranfagclig  a  inscrutable,  unsearchable. 

*Ilrappct  a  unplastered;  -be  9Rure  visible  brick- 

ttrbaanb  watch-string,  ribbon. 

ntba'n  a  urbane,    -ite't  c  urban'ity. 

tt'rbeboere  pi  aborigines. 

tt'rbiUebe  n  -x  prototype,  archetype. 

U'rbjærg  n  -e  primitive  rock. 

U'tcelle  c  primitive  cell. 

tl'rbljr  n  protozoan. 

ttrebe  n  disorder,  confusion,  entanglement. 
intricacy;  bringe  i  -  throw  into  confusion,  en- 
tangle,  embroil;  fomme  i  _  get  into  confusion, 
become  confused  el.  entangled.  Urebe  a  fe 
Urebig.    Urebet  a  fe  Urebt. 

ttre'beliø  a  dishonest,  unfair,  -^eb  c  dis- 
honesty,  unfairness. 

ttrebelig  a  tangled.  Utebt  a  (i  Uorben)  dis- 
ordered,  in  disorder;  (om  ©oor)  tangled,  matted, 

ttregelmrcdfig  a  irregular;  anomalous;  en  _ 
(Bygget)  33?  a  rambling  town.  -^eb  c  -er  irre- 
gularity,  anomaly. 

tirege'riig  a  ungovernable ,  unruly,  intract- 
able,  umnanageable.  -^eb  c  intractableness, 
intractability,  unruliness. 

Uregi^re'ret  o  unregistered,  unrecorded,  un- 

tiregtementeret  a  non-regulation. 

ttregnet  a  not  included  in  the  account,  not 

ttregnleret  o  not  regulated,  unadjusted. 

Uren  a  unclean,  (blanbet  meb  noget  urent)  im- 
pure,  foul;  (funbig)  unhallowed;  -e  ®^r,  9lonber 
unclean  beasts,  spirits;  typ  &  ^l,  (garoanb  oft).) 
foul;  (Sone)  out  of  tune;  false;  (SSbelften)  cloudy, 
flawy.  -^eb  c  uncleanness,  impurity.  Ucetttig  a 
uncleanly,  fllthy.  Urenlig^eb  c  uncleanliness, 
fllthiness;  _  fra6ebe8  commit  no  nuisance;  -er  pi 
impurities,  fllth.    Urenfet  a  uneleaned. 

Urcputerlig  a  disreputable,  bad  form. 

•Uret  a  fe  Urlænbt. 

Uret  c  injustice,  wrong;  fiaoe  _  (i  en  SKentng) 
be  wrong,  (i  en  ®ag,  moralff)  be  in  the  wrong; 
^ooe  ftor  _  be  very  wrong:  ^aoe  fulbftænbig  -  be 
altogether  wrong;  meb  -te  unjustly;  meb  Wette  el. 
-te  right  or  wrong;  bet  er  _  af  ^am  at  ...  it  is 
wrong  in  him  to  .  .  .;  man  ^ax  gjort  mig  -  I  have 
been  wronged;  gøre  ~  imob  en  aet  unjustly 
towards  one;  beri  mao  jeg  gibe  ^am  -  I  must 
diflfer  from  him  in  that,  there  I  flnd  he  is  in 
the  wrong;  ertenbe  fin  -  acknowledge  one's  self 
in  the  wrong;  bringe  -ten  paa  ftn  ©ibe  put  one's 
self  in  the  wrong.  Uret  a  &  adv  wrong;  paa 
-te  ©teb  in  the  wrong  place,  out  of  place;  ^an 
bar  lommen  til  ben  -te  f  he  had  got  the  wrong 
sow  by  the  ear;  ben  -te  Wammon  the  mammon 
of  unrighteousness.  -fær'big  a  unjust,  iniquitous, 
unrighteous.  -far'bigt)Cb  c  injustice,  iniquity, 
unrighteousnes.s.  -micSfig  a  unlawful,  illegal, 
unjust,  wrongful.  -tnæSng^cb  c  unlawfulness, 
illegality.  Urettelig  fe  Urigtig.  UtetUiS  a  un- 

Uretten  a  unground;  t(®ang)  unraked. 

Urfabril  watch-making  establishment,  •^fni- 
fatton  watch-making  tråde. 

U  rfabcr  c  first  parent,  flrst  progenitor. 

Urfll  equalling-flle.  -fjeber  watch  -  spring. 
-foberal  watch-case. 

U'rfolt  n  primitive  et.  aboriginal  people. 





n'rform  c  original  el.  primitive  form. 

tt'rformotio«  c  primitive  formation. 

U'rforælbre  pi  first  parents. 

tt'rgamntol  a  very  old,  primeval,  pristine. 

nrge'r|e  vt  urge,  insist  upon.  -Ing  c  insistence 
(of  upon). 

ItrglaiS  wateh-glass,  crystal.  -glaSittbfatning 

U'tflrttnb  c  first  el.  primeval  cause. 

U'rflMnftew  c  diabase. 

tU'v^ane  c  black  cock,  heath-cock,  Tetrao 
tetrix.  -Q<ne  c  heath-hen,  grey-hen.  -^ønS 
black  grouse,  black  game. 

tt'rbiem  n  primeval  home. 

Ur^jul  v^atch-  el.  clock-wheel.  -Qolber  clock 
-frame;  watch-stand. 

ttriau:  ^r.  _  Mr.  what  d'ye  call  him,  my 
(fine)  gentleman,  the  fellow,  the  rogue. 

ttriaS  Uri'ah.  -Brett  perfldious  letter  (destruc- 
tive  to  the  bearer).  -|>ofi  forlorn  post  (such  as 
Joab  assigned  to  IJriah). 

tttribbet  a  not  ribbed. 

Ilrib'berltg  a  unchivalrous. 

Urigtig  a  wrong,  incorrect.  -l^eb  c  incorrect- 

Urfmelig  a  absurd,  preposterous,  incongruous; 
(ubilltg)  unreasonable,  unconscionable,  -^eJ>  c  -er 
absurdity,   preposterousness;  unreasonableness. 

ttcintet  a  not  rhymed;  -be  S8er§  blank  verse. 

ttri'n  c  u'rine.  Uri'nlagtig  a  urinary.  ttrina'l 
M  -er  u'rinal.  ttri'nl&Iæte  urinary  bladder.  •ivX- 
tientie  a  diuretic,  urinative. 

ttriniibaanere  pi  aborigines. 

ttrlne're  vt  u'rinate.  ttri'nfi^el  c  urinary  flstula. 

Utinget  o  not  ringed. 

tlri'nglad  urinal,  -frog  urinal.  -labning 
urination,  -tøt  urethra.  -^anbSning  ischury. 
-ften  urinary  calculus  el.  calculi.  -ftof  urea. 
-fntt  ©alt  urate.  -ftjgbomme  urinary  aflfections. 
•f^re  uric  acid.  -trang  urgency  of  makingwater. 

UrIaSfe  watch  el.  clock-case. 

tt'rtitbe  c  fountain-head. 

ttrflotte  clockglass. 

U'rfroft  primitive  force. 

U'rlriftenbDmmen  primitive  christianity. 

Urtcebe  watch-«haiu,  watch-guard;  (om  ^alfen) 
guard-chain.  -læbeftabS  watch- trinkets.  •laml^t 
carcel  lamp.  -lob  clock-weight.  -(otntne  watch 
-pocket,  fob. 

U'rt^b  c  primitive  sound. 

*tlr'Iænbt  a  stony,  covered  with  loosestones. 

Urmager  c  -e  watch-  el.  clock-maker.  -breng 
watch-maker's  apprentice.  -flt  watch-file.  -i'  n, 
-fnnft  art  of  watch-  el.  clock-making.  -|)adfer 
adjusting-compasses.  -foenb  journeyman  watch 
-maker.    -tang  watchmaker's  pliers. 

U'rraenne^e  n  primitive  man. 

U'rmober  c  first  mother. 

Urne  c  -r  urn. 

U'rnøb  n  bibl  wild  ox,  wild  bull. 

U'rjnøgle  watch-key.  -nøgle^ifee  watch-key 

Uro  c  disturbance,  disquiet,  disquietude,  un- 
rest;  (i  Ur)  balance;  fia  uneasiness,  anxiety, 
alarm;  bringe  _  i  Sejren  alarm  the  camp;  bofe  - 
i  SBenenc  have  pins  and  needles  in  one's  legs. 
-brejeftot  arbor-engine.  *Uroe  vt  disquiet,  dis- 
turb.    +UrofttIb  «  full  of  anxiety. 

Urot'tclig  a  not  to  be  shaken,  firm,  immov- 
able,  unshaken;  determined;  fe  UforftQrrelig.  -^eb 
c  firmness,  fixedness.    U'rolfet  a  unshaken. 

UroI§e  c  -r  urus,  Bos  urut;  aurochs,  Bo»  bison. 

Urolb  ?e  Urttb. 

Uroiig  a  turbulent;  (om  StnbSBeUægelJe)  restless, 
uneasy,  anxious  (for  for,  about),  joc  exercised; 
($06)  roagh,  tempestuous;  (SJejr)  stormy,  rough, 

boisterous;  en  _  Slot  a  restless  night;  -  <Bøtn,  -e 
©rømme  troubled  el.  perturbed  sleep,  dreams;  ben 
-e  9tar§tib  the  stormy  season;  jeg  er  _  ober  fjani 
grobæreife  I  am  uneasy  at  his  absence.  -i-Uro(ige 
vt  disturb,  alarm.  Urolig^eb  c  -er  (Uro)  commotion, 
disturbance,  trouble,  turbulence;  (S8e!t)mring,  ©org 
ofo.)  anxiety,  uneasiness,  restlessness. 

Uromantifl  a  unroman'tic. 

Uroft  a  unpraised,  uncommended.  , 

Uroftifter  c  -e  (2;rættebrober)  quarreller;  (^eb8» 
forfttjrrer)  alarmist,  disturber,  rioter. 

UroSoærbig  a  undeservlng  of  praise,  illaudable, 

U'r^abbe  c  labyrinthodon. 

Urflioe  dial-plate,  face  of  a  watch,  clock 
-face  el.  -dial.    -fnor  fe  -baonb. 

U'rfloti  c  -e  primeval  el.  primitive  forest, 
(auatr)  primitive  bush. 

U'rjlim  c  protoplasm.  i 

U'rf<>rog  »  primitive  language.  ; 

Urftanb  error,  -fiatto  watch-stand.    -ftift  pin. 

Urfutinerinberne  pi  the  Ursulines. 

Urt  c  Ol.)  wort. 

Urt  c  -er  herb,  plant;  (£æge=)  simple;  *granne 
-er  greens.  Urte|agtig  a  herbaceous.  -bob  bath! 
of  simples,  -beb  garden -bed  for  vegetables. 
t-bob  grocer's  shop,  amr  grocery.  t-bog  herbal." 
-brif  decoction,  apozem.  -gaarb  garden.  -gaarbS' 
tnanb  gårdener,  -^atje  fe  -gaarb.  -loft  nosegay, 
posy.  t-Itam,  -Iramoarer  grocery,  amr  groceries. 
t-Irætnmer  grocer.  -lunbflab  knowledgeofherbs. 
-fur  herbal  course  of  medicine.  -t^nbig  a  skilied 
in  the  knowledge  of  herbs.  -oft  sapsago.  -<)Ofe 
poultice  of  boiled  herbs.  'potte  flower-pot. 
-))Ottefab  flower-pot  saucer.  -potteftinUt  cache 
-pot.  -famler  collector  of  herbs,  herbalist. 
-famling  collection  of  piants.  -fu))^e  vegetaljle; 
soup.    -oanb  water  distilled  from  herbs.  i 

Urttb  clock-time.  ) 

U'rtib  c  remote  antiquity. 

U'rtilftanb  c  primitive  condition. 

U'rtra^  c  diorite. 

Urunb  «  out  of  centre,  untrue.  -^eb  c  -et 
protrusion.  ' 

U'roerben  c  primeval  world. 

ttrbifer  hånd  of  a  watch  el.  clock. 

U'rbælger  c  -e  original  elector. 

Ur|tiærI(Ur)  watch;  (SSærf  i  Ur)  watch-  el.  clock 
-work,  -movement.    -tiavlétampt  carcel-lamp. 

U'roafen  »  primordial  being. 

UrJ)b  n  lumber,  litter.  Ur^b'betig,  *»'r^bbi§ 
a  disorderly,  untidy.  UrQb'belig^eb,  *tt'r^bbigbeb 
c  disorderliness,  untidiness.  —  Ur^bdj lammer 
lumber-room.    -Inro  fe  $R^bbe«. 

Ur^'gelig  a  unsmokeable. 

Ur^g-gclig  o.  fl.,  fe  Uroflelig  ofo. 

Urteb  a  undaunted,  intrepid. 

Urø'rlig  a  immovable,  stationary;  -t  ®obå  im- 
movablespZ,  real  estate;  -  ©jenbom  real  property. 
Urørt  o  untouched,  intact;  (ubeoæget)  unmoved. 

Ufaa'rbor,  -l^eb,  fe  Ufaarlig.  Ufaaret  a  un- 
wounded,  unhurt.  Ufaa'rlig  a  invulnerable, 
(om  SrigSftib)  impregnable;  »ære  _  (of».)  bear  a 
eharmed  life.  Ufaa'rlig^eb  c  invulnerableness, 

tUfaatteS  adv  on  bad  terms,  fallen  out. 

itfabtet  a  unsaddled,  bare-backed. 

Ufaglqnbig  a  iucompetent. 

Ufagt  a  unsaid,  not  said;  bet  ftal  jeg  tabe  oære 
_  I  shall  say  nothing  about  that,  I  can't  tell; 
bet  er  fagt,  og  _  fan  bet  ifte  blibe  it  is  said  and 
you  can  not  unsay  it. 

Ufa'lig  a  (mobfot  folig)  unblessed;  (u^elbig) 
baleful,  woful.    -bcb  c  unblessedness. 

Uf  altet  a  unsalted. 

Ufambrceg'tig  a  disagreeing,  at  variance,  dis- 




cordant,  disunited.  -I)eb  c  disagreement,  dis- 

+nfammen^(eng  c  disconnectedness. 

Uf  ammeni  tiængenbe  a  incoberent,  unconnected, 
disconnected,  disjointed.  •l^sttgen^eb  c  discon- 

nfammen^ørenbe  a  not  belonging  together. 

Uiammenlig'neHg  a  incomparable. 

Ufammcnfat  a  uncompounded,  simple. 

Ufon'ce  c  -r  (commercial)  usage,  custom. 

Ufanb  «  untrue,  false,  -^ett  c  -er  untruth, 
falsehood,  falsity;  fige  _  tell  a  falsehood,  lie. 
•fær'bffl  a  not  veracious;  fe  ogfaa:  Ufanb.  -fat'' 
btg^eb  c  untruth.  -fl^'nlig  a  improbable,  un- 
likely;  ille  _  as  likely  as  nol.  -f^'nlig^eii  c 
improbability,  unlikelihood. 

nfanS  c  nonsense. 

Ufau'felig  a  imperceptible  by  the  senses,  in- 
corporeal,  immaterial,  unbodied. 

nfatinet  a  not  missed,  unregretted. 

Uåbe'Ier  pi  Uzbecks. 

Uftj'Itiar  a  unnavigable,  innavigable.  -^eb  c 

Ufel,  UfcUg.  fe  USfel. 

Ufclfta'bctig  a  unsociable.  -^eb  c  insociability, 

UfelOftænbiga  dependent,  subordinate;(Karaft.) 
]>liant,  yielding.  -^eb  c  dependency;  want  of 
iiidependence,  pliancy. 

Ufet  a  unseen. 

nfi'gelig  a  unspeakable,  unutterable,  ineffable, 

ttfigtbar  a  thick,  hazy. 

Uftgtet  a  not  bolted. 

Ufifter  a  unsafe,  insecure,  precarious;  (tbiDlfotn) 
doubtful,  uncertaiu;  (SBIit,  ^aanb,  ®ang)  unsteady; 
gøre  -  (om  iRBdere)  infest.  -fieb  c  unsafety,  in- 
security;  uncertainty;  unsteadiness. 

Uffao'nfom  a  unsparing,  unmerciful,  merciless. 
•^eb  c  unmercifulness. 

tU'ftooren  [t.]  a  -.  labe  en  -  let  one  alone. 

U'flobt  a  uncreated. 

Uffa'belig  a  harmless,  innocuous,  innoxious. 
-^eb  c  harmlessness,  innocuousness.  tt'flabt  a 
unhurt,  unharmed,  unitijured,  undamaged,  un- 
scathed,  scathless.  tlffabt^eb  c  uninjured  con- 
dition  el.  state. 

U'flaUet  a  not  peeled. 

Uflatte'rltg  fe  Uourberlig. 

tt'flct  a  undone,  not  happened. 

U'ffib^mædftg  a  unshipshape. 

+Ufltftelig  fe  Uomftiftelig. 

tt'ffiftet  a  undivided;  fe  i8o. 

U'ffiit  c  bad  habit,  bad  custom;  nuisance. 
Ufftt'fcHg  a  unmannerly;  (*om  SSøm)  naughty. 
Uffillclig^cb  c;  *naughtiness. 
U'ffilfct  a  (til)  unfit,  unqualifled,  unsuited  (for); 
gøre  _  til  unfit  for,  disable  from.  ttftittet^eb  c 

+ttffineng  a  fe  Uabf!illelig. 

tU'fljet  c  wrong,  injustice.  Uff  jcUig  a  unjust, 

+U'f!ittlt  a  unconeealed. 

U'ffoet  a  unshod. 

U'ffretjen  o  unwritten. 

U'ffrioefjjnbig  a  unable  to  write. 

ttffræHet  a  not  peeled;  -be  kartofler,  $otete8 
poiatoes  in  tbeir  jackets;  _  ingefær  coated ginger. 

U'ffr«mtft  a  sincere,  unfeigned. 

U'ft»mtnct  a  aJJæll  new  milk. 

-^IX'ftQ  a  fe  Uræb. 

U'flQtb  c  innocence,  guiltlessness.  Uff^rbig 
a  innocent ,  guiltless  (of);  unoffending;  faa  ~ 
font  et  nflføbt  S9arn  innocent  as  a  sucking  dove. 
nfltilbigticb  c  fe  UftQib;  i  al  _  quite  innocently. 
ttflQlbtg^ebi^tilftanb  state  of  innocence. 

-ftl'flagget  a  beardless. 

nflanbet  a  unviolated. 

U'ftøn  a  unbeautiful,  ungraceful,  inelegant, 
unhandsome.  -^eb  c  inelegance,  ungracefulness. 
unhandsomeness . 

nfføn'fonta  ungrateful,  unthankful,  insensible 
of  kindness.  -^eb  cunthankfulness,  ungratefulness. 

tt'fleben  a  not  ground,  not  polished;  fig  un- 
polished,  unreflned,  rude;  en  _  Siamant  a  rough 
diamond  (ogf.  fig  =  ~  ^erfon).  -^eb  c  rudeness, 
roughness,  impoliteness. 

n^t'belig  a  that  cannot  be  worn  out. 

nsiing  c  -er  wretch. 

Uf(ul'telig  a  inextinguishable,  unquenchable. 

U'flatet  a  unveiled. 

*U'fmag  c  disagreeable  taste. 

ttfntageltg  a  (uben  ©mag)  insipid,  tasteless; 
(ilbefm.  og  fig)  unpalatable,  (for)  to  the  distaste 
of    n'ftnagt  o  untasted. 

Ufntel'telig  a  infusible.  -^eb  c  infusibility. 
U'fmeltet  a  unmelted;  unfused. 

tl'finibtg  a  inflexible. 

tt'ftttinlet  a  unpainted;  (tife  forflennet)  un- 
varnished,  unembellished;  (oprigtig)  unaflfected, 
sincere,  genuine,    -^eb  c  genuineness. 

It'ftttQtfet  a  unadorned. 

ttt'fntlbe  c  folly. 

tt'fn«ret  a  unlaced. 

Ufo  c  mere  usance. 

nfocial  a  antisocial. 

tifolgt  a  unsold. 

ttfoltb  a  unsafe,  unsound. 

ttfoHbatift  a  limited. 

ttfonet  a  unexpiated,  unatoned. 

ttfortetet  a  unsorted. 

Ufpal'telig  a  uncleavable. 

U'fparet  tt'fVart  a  unspared. 

U'f|)ibfet  a  unpoiuted. 

nfpi'felig  o  uneatable,  inedible.  -^eb  cinedi- 

ttfpo'riig  a  untraceable;  inscrutable.  -^eb  c 

nfpunben  a  unspun. 

nftiurgt  a  unasked. 

Uéfel  a  poor,  wretched,  miserable,  paltry, 
pitiful.  *-bom  fe  -:^eb.  -^eb  c  misery,  wretched- 
ness,  paltriness.   -r^g  F  c  vveak  person;  wretch. 

nfiabig  a  unsteady,  unstable,  unsettled,  change- 
able,  inconstant,  wavering,  (ogf.  om  QSejr  og  SSinb) 
variable;  _  og  flygtig  ftat  bu  Ⱦre  xi(i<i  ^ox'btn  hibl 
a  fug^itive  and  a  vagabond  shalt  thou  be  in  the 
earth.  -^eb  c  instability,  inconstancy,  change- 

•U'ftanb  c  disorder,  disrepair,  bad  repair;  i  _ 
out  of  order,  out  of  repair. 

n'ftanb^aftig  a  unsteadfast,  inconstant. 

Uftanb'fclig  a  not  to  be  checked  el.  arrested, 
checkless,  irrestible,  impetuous.  -^eb  c  irre- 
sistibleness.  tl'ftonbfet  a  unchecked,  unstopped. 

*tt'ftel  n  disorder.    Uftelt  a  in  disorder. 

tt'ftemt  a  untuned,  out  of  tune. 

tt'ftetn^Iet  a  unstamped. 

-t-ttftigelig  a  =  Ubeftigelig. 

tt'ftioet  a  unstarched. 

ttt'ftoffet,  ublotfet  og  unøbt  a  uncompelled,  un- 

ttflraff' elig  a  (fltjlbfri)  irreproachable,  blameless; 
(fom  itfe  !an  ftraffeé)  unpunishable.  -^eb  o  irre- 
proachableness,  blamelessness;  exemption  from 
punishment,  impunity.  tt'ftraffft  a  unpunished, 
adv  With  impunity.    tlftraffet^cb  c  impunity. 

ttftcibig  rt  incontestable ,  indisputable,  in- 

It'^rællclig  a  not  extensible,  inductile.  -^eb 
c  inductility. 

n'ftr<gett  a  not  ironed. 




tt'ftttberet  a  not  uuiversity  -  taught;  (ilfe  om 
5Pcrfon)  unstudied. 

•tt'ft^fte  n  injury,  wrong. 

n'fiQf  n  uproar,  tumult. 

iXftt)'tliQ  a  ungovernable,  unmanageable,  un- 
ruly,  (!un  om  $erJon)  intractable,  out  of  hånd. 
■l^eb  c,  intractableness,  intractaWlity. 

*tlft^r'tclt9  a  F  enormous,  immense. 

*tt'ft«,  U'fttb  a  unsteady.    -^eb  c  unsteadiness. 

tifunb  a  (ille  larf()  unhealthy,  unsound;  (ftabelig 
for  ©unbl^eben)  unhealthy,  unwholesome ,  in- 
salubrious,  insanatory.  -^cb  c  unhealthiness, 
unsoundness;  unwholesomeness,  insalubrity. 

nfur<)|a'tor  c  -er  usurper,  -e'te  vt  usurp. 
-e'rittB  c  usurpation. 

U'fuefåbar  a  unweldable. 

U'ftienfl  a  not  Swedish. 

Uftii'geHg  a  faithful,  unfailing. 

tt'foættet  a  unimpaired;  _  ^ntereSfe  unflagging, 
unabated  interest. 

Uftimtnetrtft  a  unsymmet'rical. 

ttf^nHJOtctiff  fe  Ultjmpattfl. 

ttfQm|)atif!  a  uncongenial. 

Uf^'ttlig  a  invisible,  unseen.  -^eS)  c  invi- 

ttf^ret  a  unleavened,  azymous;  be  -be  SBrøbS 
ffiage  the  days  of  unleavened  bread. 

nfttftematifl  o  unsystemat'ical. 

Ufæbelig  a  immoral,  licentious.  -^eb  c  im- 
morality,  licentiousness.    tt'fceber  pi  bad  habits. 

Ufæbba'nlig  «  unusual,  uncommon;  bet  er  ifte 
-t  it  is  no  unusual  thing.    -^cb   c  unusualness. 

tIfæCgetig  a  unsaleable,  unmarketable,  un- 
merchantable.    -^eb  c  unsaleableness. 

Uf«ben  a  unsodden;  gtoe  en  raat  for  -t  give 
one  tit  for  tat,  a  Rowland  for  an  Oliver. 

tlføbtjgttg  a  unseaworthy;  gjort  ~  disabled. 
-^cb  c  unseaworthiness. 

Ufirgt  a  unsought;  unafifected. 

Uføltljnbig  a  non-nautical.  -mattbSmæSfig  a 

nføtn'melig  a  unseemly,  indecent,  indecorous. 
-I^eb  c  unseemliness,  indecorousness,  indecency. 

Uføfterlig  a  unsisterly. 

ItfønHg  a  unfilial. 

ttføtiant  a  unaccustomed  to  the  sea,  not 
trained  to  the  sea,  joc  unseaworthy;  ^an  er 
enbnu  _  he  has  not  yet  got  sea-legs;  en  _  (SKatro?) 
land's-man,  fresh-water  sailor. 

ttltaat  c  fe  Utoalmobig^eb. 

tltaa'Ietig  a  intolerable,  insufferable,  insup- 
portable,  aggravating,  past  endurance,  unindur- 
able.    -^cb  c  intolerableness. 

tttaaiig,  Utaalntobig  a  impatient  (ober  at, 
efter  for,  efter  at  to);  blibe  _  lose  patience,  lose 
one's  temper.    -^eb  c  impatience. 

ttta'Iie(ig  «,  -^cb  c  fe  Ufortabelio,  Umifteltg. 

Utaf  c  reproach,  blame;  jeg  fif  lun  _  til  Søn 
I  only  got  censure  for  my  pains. 

Utaf  let  a  %am'p,  Sooenbe  fag-end. 

tttafnemmettg  a  (5|5erfon)  ungrateful,  unthank- 
ful;  (ittrbejbe  o.  I.)  thankless.  -^eb  c  ingratitude, 
unthankfulness ;  thanklessness.  *U'toffo»n  a 

Utal  n  awful  number,  no  end  of.  Utariig  a 
innumerable,  numberless,  unnumbered,  count- 
less;  -e  ©ange  times  out  of  number.  Utal'Hg^eb 
c  innumerability,  innumerableness;  en  -  af  an 
inflnitude  of.    Utalt  a  uncounted,  untold. 

Ute'rlig  a  impure,  obscene,  unchaste.  -^eb  c 
impurity,  obscenity,  (i  3;ale)  ribaldry,  hibl  las- 

Utib  c  unseasonable  time,  unseemly  hour;  til 
el.  i  -e  untimely,  unseasonably,  out  of  time; 
i  Sibe  og  -e  in  season  and  out  of  season.  Utibig 
a  untimely,  unseasonable,  premature,  ill-timed. 

misplaced;  (borft  ofb.)  dull.  Utibig^eb  c  unsea- 
sonableness;  dullness. 

Utilbøjelig  a  diainclined,  indisposed;  gøre  ~ 
til  disincline  from.    -^eb  c  disinclination. 

Utilbørlig  a  improper,  undue;  adv  improperly, 
(i  _  ®rab)  unduly.    -t)eb  c  impropriety. 

Utilfotla'belig.  -^eb,  fe  Upoalibelig^eb. 

UtilfrebS  a  dissatisfied,  disconlented;  _  meb 
fig  felB  ill  at  ease  with  one's  self.  _  meb  at  dis- 
pleased  that.  -^eb  c  dissatisfaction,  discontent. 
•fiillelig  a  not  to  be  satisfied.  -i-^tllelfe  c  dis- 
satisfaction. -ftiUenbc  a  dissatisfactory,  unsatis- 
factory.    -ftiUet  a  unsatisfled. 

Utilgtbeltg  a  unpardonable,  unforgivable.  -^eb 
c  unpardonableness. 

Utilgængelig  «  inaccessible,  unapproachable; 
impervious;  _  for  unconsultable  by.  -fjeb  c  in- 
accessibility,  unapproachableness. 

Util^ugget  a  uncut,  unsquared,  rough,  (om 
Sten)  unhewn. 

Util^ljHet  a  unveiled,  undisguised. 

UtililtartaniS'tne  c  utilita'rianism.  -ta'riet  c 
utilitarian.    -ta'rifl  a  utilitarian. 

UtiUaafet  a  unlocked. 

UtiQabelig  a  illicit,  inadmissible;  —  adv  (i  _ 
®rab)  beyond  excuse,  beyond  measure,  extra- 
vagantly.    -fteb  c  illicitness. 

UtiUutfet  a  unshut. 

Utilnærmelig  a  unapproachable. 

Wtiipa^  a:  oære  _  feel  ill  el.  unwell.  -^eb  c 

Utilraa'belig  a  unadvisable.  -^eb  c  inadvi- 

Utilreben  a  unbroken,  uubacked,  unmanaged. 

Utilregnelig  a  unimputable,  irresponsible.  -^eb 
c  irresponsibility. 

UtiljTøret  a  unveiled. 

Utilfte  belig  o,  -^eb  c,  fe  Utiltabelig. 

Utilftræftelig  a  insufficient,  inadequate.  -^eb 
c  insufflciency,  inadequacy. 

Utiltatlet  a  unrigged. 

Utilbant  fe  Ubant. 

-t-Utiloejebringelig  a  not  to  be  procured. 

fUti'melig  a  untimely,  unseasonable. 

Uting  c  absurdity,  nuisance,  non-entity. 

Utje'nlig  a  unserviceable,  unsuitable.  -^leb  c 

U'tjen^lagtig  a  disobliging,  unaccommodating. 
-agtig^eb  c  disobligingness.  -b^gtig  a  unflt  for 
service,  unserviceable;  (paa  ®runb  af  ©aar  of».) 
disabled;  gøre  _  disable.  -b^gtig^eb  c  unfitness 
for  service. 

U'tjæret  a  untarred;  _  Sobdcerl  white  rope. 

Uto'))|ien  n  Utopia,  -i'  c  -er  uto'pianism.  -tff 
a  utopian.    -i^'  c  -er  uto'pist,  uto'pian. 

tUtorffen  a  prov  unthrashed. 

Utred^t  n  Utrecht.    Utrei^terfløjl  U.  velvet. 

Utri'tielig  a  unhealthy,  withered. 

U'tro  a  unfaithful,  false  (to). 

Utrolig  a  incredible,  past  all  belief;  til  bet  -e 
to  an  incredible  degree,  to  a  degree.  -^eb  c 

U'lroffab  c  unfaithfulness,  infidelity. 

U'trobcerbig  a  unworthy  of  belief,  not  to  be 
credited,  apocryphal. 

iX'tttiQ  a  insecure,  unsafe.    -^eb  c  insecurity. 

Utrflg'let  a  unsolicited. 

U'tr^tt  a  unprinted,  unpublished. 

-^U'tr^ngcnbe  a  not  indigent,  not  in  want. 
'^Utrængémaal  n:  i  ~  needlessly. 

Utrættelig  a  indefatigable,  unwearied,  un- 
tired,  vmtiring,  (i!te  om  $erfon)  unremitting, 
unflagging.  -l|eb  c  indefatigableness,  unwearied- 

ntrøft'elig  a  inconsolable,  disconsolate  (ober 
at),    -^eb  c  diseonsolateness. 




tttngt  c  unchastity,  lechery,  lewdness;  Begaa 
_  commit  fornication.  Utugtig  a  lewd,  un- 
chaste,  indecent.    ntugtig^eb  c  fe  Utugt. 

ttltBf((e)  n  prov  wretch.  -agtig  a  vile,  mean. 
•agtig^eD  c  -et  meanness,  ba.seness. 

U'toetqtiig  a  unequivocal,  unmistakable.  -^eb 
uneqnivoral  character. 

tttoioCfoin  a  undoubted,  unquestionable,  in- 
dubitable.  -t  adv  iindoubtedly,  beyond  a  doubt. 
-^eb  c  indubitableness. 

tt'tounbet  a  imlwisted. 

n'toungen  a  (fritjiHig)  unforced,  uncompelled, 
spontaneous;  (naturlig,  fri)  unconstralned,  un- 
aflfected,  easy,  free,  informal.  -^eb  c  freedom 
from  constraint,  ease. 

nt^'belig  a  indistinct.     -^eb  c  indistinctness. 

tlt^ff  a  not  German. 

IttQfle  n    r  sprite,  hobgoblin,  ogre. 

tttoet'felig  a  disagreeable.  -^eb  c  disagree- 

ntccm'meUg  untameable,  irreclaimable ,  in- 
domltable,  tameless.  -^eb  c  untameableness 
etc.    Wttemvxet  a  untamed. 

ntæn'f elig  a  unimaginable,  inconceivable.  -Jeb 
c  inconceivableness. 

nttentf  otna  unthinking,  inconsiderate,  thought- 
less.    -Ijeb  c  inconsiderateness,  thoughtlessness. 

ntCErflet  a  ualhrashed. 

Utæt'  o  (tæl)  leaky;  (om  ^cern)  tlawy;  Saren  er 
_  the  door  does  not  join  well;  _  ©teb  leak, 
leakage,  (ifær  om  ®a3)  escape,    -^eb  c  leakiness. 

Ut«j  n  vermin. 

nt«i(et  n  unbridled,  iinchecked. 

+nt«m'mellg  a  Inexhaustible. 

tttørret  o  undried. 

•ttterjit  a  not  thirsty;  brifte  ftg  _  quench  one's 

tlttbbannet  a  nndeveloped;  uneducated. 

tlube6(itie(ig  a  unfailing,  inevitable,  certain. 

ttubfolbet  a  not  nnfolded. 

Hubforfletig  a  unsearchable,  inscrutable.  -ffti 
c  in.scrutableness. 

ttubførlig  a  impracticable.  -^eb  c  impracti- 
cability.    Uubfart  a  unetfected, 

UubgiDcn  a  unpublished. 

ttubgrunbetig  a  unfathomable.  -fteb  c  un- 
fathomable  nature.   Uubgrunbet  a  unfathomed. 

nubt)o(be(ig  a  intolerable,  unbearable,  unin- 
durable.    -^eb  c  intolerableness. 

nubr^bbeiig  a  ineradicable. 

Hubfigelig  a  unutterable,  unspeakable;  -e 
©utfe  btbl  groans  that  cannot  be  uttered.  -|eb 
c  unspeakableness. 

ttubflettetig  a  inetfaceable,  indelible.  -^eb  c 

ttnbflutteng  a  fe  Uftulfelig. 

ttttbfprungen  a  nnblown. 

Uubftaaelig  a  unbearable,  past  endurance. 

+tlubt(i'Ieltg  a  unutterable. 

nubt«mmclig  a  inexhaustible,  exhaustless. 
-^eb  c  inexhaustibility. 

nubttfrrelig  a  not  to  be  dried  up,  inex 

ttuboitlct  o  nndeveloped;  rudimentary. 

Uunberføgt  a  vmexamined;  unexplored. 

nunbgaa'elig  a  unavoidable,  never-to-be 
-avoided,  inevitable;  fonbt  ftg  i  bet  -e  yielded 
to  the  inevital)le.    -^eb  c  inevitableness. 

ttunbffqlbeltg  a  inexcusable.  -^eb  c  inex- 

tlunbDaerlig  a  Indispensable.  -^leb  c  indis- 
pen.sablenes.«,  indispensability. 

ttbaabenøoet  a  undrilled. 

ttoabffet  a  unwashed;  _  Ulb  woo,l  in  the  yolk. 

tttialgbar  a  ineligible.    -^eb  c  ineligibility. 

ttnalfet  a  not  fuUed. 

tUuan,  ttoane  a  vicions,  furious. 

ttbane  c  -r  bad  custom,  bad  habit;  +want  of 
practice;  tiar  ben  _  at  (ogf.)  has  a  trick  of. 

Uoa'niig  a  unusual. 

noant  a  unaccustomed,  umised  (meb  to),  -^eb 
c  want  of  practice. 

+Utiarig  a  not  durable,  -^eb  c  want  of  dura- 

nøarfom  a,  -^cb  fe  Uforrigttg. 

Ubeber^æftig  a  insolvent,  not  to  be  trusted 
in  money  matters;  irresponsible.  -Ijeb  c  inability, 
insolvency;  irresponsibility. 

Ubebertbægenbe  a  unrefreshing. 

Utieblommenbe  a  not  relating  to,  not  con- 
cerning;  en  mig  _  Sag  an  affair  in  which  I  am 
not  concerned;  bet  er  Sagen  _  this  is  irrelevant 
to  the  subject,  foreign  to  the  ptirpose;  _  (^er= 
foner)  persons  not  concerned,  strangers,  intriiders; 
_  forbQbeS  31bgang!  no  admittance,  except  on 
business ! 

Uoejbar  a  fe  Utjejiom. 

Utie|r  n,  pi  =;  storm,  rough  weather,  hard 
weather.— Ut)ejrå|bebubet,-fuglstorm-presaging 
hird;  esp  storm-petrel.  -nat  stormy  night.  -fifl 
thunder-cloiid.  -ftorm  tempest.  -fuanger  a 
storm- presaging.    -truenbe  a  storm-menacing. 

ttbel'fom  a  trackless,  pathless,  impervious. 
•^eb  c  imperviousness. 

•ttbct  adv  unwell. 

Uoelfomtnen  o  unwercome. 

Uoen  c  -ncr  enemy,  (+unfriend);  be  ere  btebne 
-ner  they  have  fallen  out,  they  have  quarrelled. 
ttucnUg  a  unfriendly,  unkind.  noen'Itg^eb  c 
unfriendliness,  unkindness.  ttbenftab  n  enmity. 
Utiett  ftabclig  a  unfriendly.  -ffabelig^eb  c  un- 

noentenbe  adv  unexpectedly.  ttbentet  a  un- 
expected,  unlooked-for. 

ttttiib  n  imbecility;  fatbe  i  _  swoon. 

ttoi'bettibe  a  ignorant  (om  of);  _  i  (ogf.)  abroad 
in.  -^eb  c  ignorance.  -^eb§fejl  c  fault  el.  mis- 
take  from  ignorance,  -ffabeltg  a  unscientiflc, 
unphilosophical,  unscholarly.  -ftabeligfleb  c  tm- 
scientific  character. 

Uuigttg  a  unimportant,  immaterial.  -^eb  c 

ttOiiS  a  unwise,  injudicious. 

tttiilbig  a  jur  impartial. 

Ubllje  c  (onb  SBilje)  ill-will,  malevolence;  (Ul^ft) 
reluctance,  aversion;  (TOiS^ag)  displeasure,  dis- 
gust,  indignation.  ttbiKaatlig  a  tnvoluntary, 
beyond  one's  own  control.  ubidaa'rlig^eb  c 
involuntariness.  Ubillig  a  unwilling;  adv  grudg- 
iugly,  with  a  bad  grace.  UoirUg^eb  c  unwilling- 

Ubitttg  a  fe  Ubtlbig. 

Ubinget  a  wingless,  apterous. 

Ubittelig  a  unreal,  unsubstantial.  -'fteb  c  un- 

Ubirlfont  a  (ilte  arbejbfom)  inactive,  inert, 
idle;  (fom  ingen  SBirfntng  gør)  inefiScacious,  in- 
eflfective,  inefficient,  inoperative;  gøre  _  render 
inert  el.  inoperative.  -fleb  c  inactlvlty,  inaction; 
idleness;  inefficacy,  inefficiency. 

Ubiå  a  uncertain,  doubtfiil,  undecided;  ^faa  bet 
-fe  at  a  venture;  -t  of  ^tiab  ®runb  for  some  un- 
known  reason.  >^eb  c  uncertainty;  |oIbe  i  - 
keep  in  suspense. 

Ubifelig,  uoifeUgen  adv  unwisely. 

Uoid'netig  a  unfading,  imperishable.  -^eb  c 

UoittetUg  a  (ubetenbt)  unknown;  (uBebibft)  un- 
couscious;  mig  -  unknown  to  me. 

Uoittig  rt  unwitty,  duU,  stupid;  *senseless, 
impertinent;  bet  bar  ilfe  -t  it  was  rather  witty 
el.  not  unwitty. 




■^X^t^otStn  a  not  fuU-grown. 

tittortt  a  naughty,  mischievous,  unmannerly, 
petulant,  rude,  rough,  -^eb  c  naughtiness, 

nøurberlig  a  invaluable,  inestimable,  Inap- 

nøæinet  a  unarmed,  fe  U6et)æ6net. 

ttDff'gerlig  a  not  to  be  refused  el.  declined; 
en  _  93Iigt  an  absolute  duty;  adv  without  oppo- 
sition, unhesitatingly. 

ttttærb  n  worthlessness.  ntiæt'big  a  fifle  »ærbig) 
unworthy,  undeserving  (til  of);  (^ammelig)  un- 
worthy,  unbecoming,  base.  noærbig^eb  c  un- 

UtKCftn  n  disorder,  disturbance,  nuisance. 

Uuæfentlig  a  unessential,  immaterial.  -^eb  c 
immaterialness;  conc  unessential,  thing  of  miuor 

tttøfftte  c  -r  evil  spirit,  ogre. 

ttæbef  a  ignoble,  base. 

Ucebelmobig  a  ungenerons. 

tticgte  a  not  genuine,  spurious,  bastard,  imi- 
tation, amr  bogus;  _  SBam  natiiral  chlld,  illegit 
imate  chlld,  bastard  child,  by-blow;  _  SSrøl' 
improper  fraction;  _  3)iamonter  false  dlamonds. 
paste;  er  _  i,om  Sarbe)  does  not  wa-sh;  _  ^QSmiii 
mock-orange,  Philadelphus  coronarius;  _  Snip' 
linger  imitation  lace;  -  $erle,  ?Ru6in  mock  pearl, 
m.  ruby;  _  ©en  natural  etc.  son  (fe  _  S3ani). 

+Uænt^cb  c  spuriousness;  lUegltimacy. 

Uænfet  a  disregarded. 

Uætbebig  a  dlsrespectful,  irreverent.  -fteb  c 
disrespect,  irreverence. 

tUoere  c  fe  Sianære. 

Uærlig  a  (urebelig)  dishonest;  (tjonærenbe)  ia- 
famous,   dlshonourable,   ignominious.       '^eb 
dishonesty;  ignominy. 

n«)'nclig  tt  out  of  slght. 

ttøbet  a  unexerclsed,  unpractised,  untrained 
raw.    -^eb  c  want  of  practlce  el.  training. 

SB,  tt  [aSe]  n  -er  V,  v  [vee];  abbr:  SS.  =  SBeft 
West;  8?efter6ro  (the  western  suburb  of  Copen- 

SBaaben  w,  pi  =,  weapon;  mil  arms  pi;  J,  (®I. 
■iPumpe)  weejee;  fe  -art;  gamilie«  arms,  coat  of 
arms,  escutscheon;  6ære,  føre  ~  bear,  carry  arms; 
ftoo  unber  _  be  in  el.  under  arms;  gribe  til  - 
take  (up)  arms,  rise  (up)  in  arms;  bet  banfte  _ 
the  Danish  (coat  of)  arms.  SBaaben|att  c  arm 
(of  service),  -baanb  her  fesse.  -btllebe  armorial 
bearings.  -bog  book  of  heraldry.  -borg  fig 
rampart  of  arms.  -brog  dia  of  arms.  -Bvober 
brother-at-arms ,  companion  in  arms;  -brøbre 
brethren  in  arms.  -brug  the  use  of  arms. 
-bttlbev  fe  -brag.  -b^rb  poet  bearing  arms.  -baab 
martial  el.  warlike  achievement  el.  exploit,  feat 
of  arms.  -baniS  sword-dance.  -biærb  a  valiant, 
valorous.  -biærb^cb  c  valour.  -brager  armour 
-bearer,  armiger,  (e)squire.  -btigtig  a  capable 
of  bearing  arms,  able-bodied.  -b^gtig^eb  capa- 
bility  of  bearing  arms.  -bljft  fight,  battle. 
-fabrit  manufactory  of  arms.  -fabcitant  sword- 
-cutler;  gunsmlth.  -felt  qviarter,  fleld.  -fralte 
coat  (of  arms),  tabard.  -fæUe  fe  -brober.  -færb 
warfare.  •f(Erbigt)eb  dexterity  el.  skill  In  arms. 
•f«t  fe  -btjgtig.  -f-gtant  fe  -Hong.  -glanS  splen- 
dour  of  arms.  -gnl)  fe  -Hang.  -^at  fe  -fal. 
-^anbler  dealer  in  arms,  armorer.  -^elb  success 
in  war.  -^erolb  king  at  arms.  -^|ælm  her 
helmet,  -kolber  supporter.  -Ijuå  armory;  (Beb 
Sirfe)  porch.  -^ttile  fe  -ftilftonb.  -latnmer  armory. 
•tapi^t  fe  -fiolc.  -!enber  herald,  -fifte  arm-chest. 
-ffole,  -Ijortet  coat  of  arms.  -tlang  clash  el. 
din  of  arm-s.  -ttirren  rattle  of  arms.  -Hæber 
armour.  -tlcebt  o  armed.  -longe  king  of  arms. 
■lunft  heraldry.  -ft)nbig  «  skilied  in  heraldry. 
•larm  fe  -brag.  -leg  military  exercise.  -lljb 
sound  of  arms.  -I^tte  success  in  war,  fortune 
of  war.  -lære  system  el.  science  of  arms.  -I«§ 
a  unarmed,  weaponless.  -(øS^cb  defenceless- 
ness.  -mager  c  -e,  fe  -fnieb.  -magt  military 
power  el.  force;  meb  ~  by  force  of  arms.  -maler 
blazoner.  -mefter  armorer.  -mærle  device. 
^-m«  amazon.  -mønftring  muster  of  arms. 
-VlabS  place  of  arms;  (aiUorntplabg)  alarm-post. 
-ruftet  a  armed.    -rugning  armour.   -fal  armory. 

armorial  hall.  -faloe  weapon-salve.  -famlini 
collection,  depot,  museum,  of  arms.  -ftioll 
coat  of  arms,  shield  of  arms,  t-ffiit  review,  «J 
wapinschaw.  -fmcb  armorer.  -ftitler  heraldid 
engraver.  -ftilftanb  truce,  armistice,  cessatioif 
of  arms.  -ft^rlc  fe  -mogt.  -ftærl  a  well  armedl 
-fbenb  fe  -brager,  t-tag  wapentake.  t-t^i«g 
-flue.  -traje  coat  of  mail.  -»ant  fe  -bogtiq.  -ær 
military  renown.  -øbelfer  pi  military  exercise^ 
-«bet  a  exercised  in  arms,  traiued  to  arms. 

ajaob'  n  fe  S8ob. 

SSaob  a  wet;  l^oerlen  -t  eHer  tørt  neither  bite  no^ 
sup  (el.   sip);   en  _  ®raB  a  watery  grave;  en    _ 
Srøje  a  wettlng;  -e  SSaarer  liquids;   gøre  _  wet; 
_  fom   en  brufnet  SJtuS  wet  as  a  drowned  rat. 
£Baabagttg  a  moist. 

$aabe  danger,  peril;  accident;  beb  el.  af  ~ 
by  accident.  !Baabe|bob  fine  for  accidental 
mischief.  -brob  homicide  by  misadventure. 
-ilb  accidental  fire.  t^^oobelig  a  perilous. 
SBaabelfaor  accidental  wound.  -fag  action  for 
accidental  mischief.  SBaabeSgeming  fe  -sær!. 
SBaabelflttb  chance  shot.  -oært  chance  aet  el. 
de  ed. 

!8aa'b|^eb  c  wetness.  *-lænbt  a  (om  3orb)  wet. 
•floet  a  wet-shod. 

aaSaabt  n  Vaud.    -lænber  c  -e  Vaudois. 

SBaabajet  a  having  moist  cl.  wet  eyes. 

tiBaag  a  weak. 

SBaag  c  fe  SJluSbaag. 

*SBaag  c  fe  SBog. 

*S}aag  c  fe  SJor. 

■^iBaag  c  -er  (small)  bay,  inlet. 

SBaag,  S^aage  c  -r  opening  in  the  ice. 

Saagc  vi  wake ,  be  awake;  _  oeer  watch 
(over);  _  ober  at  take  care  el.  see  that;  _  ^o§  en 
@Qg  sit  up  with  a  sick  person;  _  beb  et  Sig 
wake  a  corpse;  _  for  el.  ober  ©toteng  SSet  watch 
over  the  welfare  of  the  state. 

*i8aage^0al  c  beaked  whale,  Hyperoodon  ro- 

93aage{Iotie^  -fainbe  sicknurse.  -I*n  wages  of 
a  sicknurse.  SBaagcn  c  waking.  SBaagen  a  awake, 
waking;  -gne  9fætter  wakeful  (el.  sleepless) 
nights;  -gne  Drømme  day-dreams,  waking  dreams; 
i  9tatten2  -gne  %\mtx  in  the  silent  watches  of 




the  night;  ^aee  et  -t  j25je  nteb  keep  a  watchfal 
eye  on.  SJaagen^eb  c  watchfulness,  wakeful- 
ness.    S3aage|nat,  -ftite  lich-wake. 

*æaag(e)mab  c  glut,  fulcrum. 

Saa'gtnter  c  deal-flsh,  Trachypterua  areticus. 

Saagne  m'  (t  &  P  vt)  wake,  awake  (of  from). 

*8oaI  n,  pi  =,  k  SSaage  c. 

tSaalen  a  fe  SSoIen. 

Saanb  c  wand,  rod. 

*Saanb  c  er  water-rat,  water-vole,  Arvicola 

SBaanbe  c  fSfJeb)  distress,  perplexity,  embarrass- 
ment;  (Smerte)  pain.  SBaanbe  fig  vr  groan, 
moan.  -fulb  a  aåiicted,  distressed,  anguished. 
-tiage  wailing.  -ftrig  cry  of  pain.  -ful  moan 
(of  anguish). 

Skaaning  c  -er  dwelling,  habitation.  —  Sao« 
ningdl^ni^  dwelling-house,  mansion.  -rut«,  -ftue 

Soor  n  (til  Scngtlæber)  cover,  case,  bed-tick; 
(løiet)  tlek. 

Saor  c  (gorflor)  spring;  i  _  this  spring;  om  -en  in 
the  spring;  *t  -ti  last  spring;  til  -en  next  spring, 
in  the  spring.  SBaar|b(i)inft  spring  el.  vernal 
flower.  -blomftrcnbe  a  tlowering  in  the  spring. 
-Ii«b  harbinger  of  spring,  -b^g  spring-barley, 
Uordeum  wlgare.  -bat  spring-brook,  *-bær  a 
calving  in  the  spring,  -bag  spring-day.  SBaoreS 
V  imp  (+  SBoore  »»')  become  spring,  -fifttri 
spring-fishiDg.  -flagrer  c  )e  -flue.  *-flom  spring 
freshet  el.  flood.  -flue  caddice-fly,  Phryganea. 
-førgtemmigei  creeping  forget -  me-not ,  Ompha- 
lodes  verna.  -frift  a  fresh  as  spring,  -froft 
spring-frost,  -grøn  a  light-green.  -Ijare  March 
hare.  -iionning  spring  -  honey.  -^unbetunge 
Venus'  navelwort,  Omphalodes  linifolia.  -ijøebe 
spring-wheat,  Triticum  aetivum.  -^Otblilontme 
spring  snow-flake,  Lexicojum  vemum.  -)Ktinbøgn§> 
))unttet  ihe  vernal  eqinoctial  point.  *-faaI  fe 
2<orterob.  *-Ianten  fe  -parten,  -tiotfe  fe  Sne«. 
-fiflfbt  a  in  spring-dress.  *-fntbcn  de/  the  scar- 
city  of  food  for  the  cattle  in  spring.  -!orn 
spring-corn.  -lagt  a  spring-ploughed.  JBaarlig 
vernal.  Saarllttft  spring-air,  vernal  air.  -loegning 
spring-ploughing.  -tnaaneb  spring-month,  vernal 
month,  *  March,  -not  spring  night.  *-onn 
ploughing  and  sowing  season,  spring  work. 
•-(»arten  de/  the  spring  season.  -pitie  vt  spring 
plough.  •pteininq  spring  -  ploughing.  -regn 
spring-rain,  vernal  showersp/.  -rug  spring-rye. 
-falat  corn-salad,  Valerianella.  -ftlb  spring 
-herring,  herring  in  the  sixth  year.  -ff^  spring 
cloud.  -fol  vernal  sun.  -ftrønt  vernal  torrent. 
-f«b  fe  -lorn.  *-l|)ing  spring  assizes.  -tib  spring 
-time.  -torff  springcod.  -tejer  pi  spring  stufTs. 
-»ejr  spring-weather.  -binb  spring  wing.  -Oiol 
March  violet,  .sweet  violet,    Viola  odorata. 

SaoS  n,  balderdash,  moonshine,  33aafe  vi  talk  nonsense.  SBaafe^ooeb, 
^aafer  c  -e  rattle.    !6aafet  a  nonsensical. 

-aSaatt,  ^aatte  c  -er,  fe  SSante. 

Sa'ble,  +2Jaiiel  c  r  blister,  vesicle.  SSablet  a 
blistered,  blistery. 

*i8ab  n,  pi  =,  fe  SSeb. 

iBab  n,  pi  =,  ford.    33a'bbar  a  fordable. 

*!6a  bben  >i  -er  winch. 

Sobc  vi  wade:  ~  oBer  ford,  pass  by  fording, 
pass  ou  foot.  Sabclfob  grallatory  foot.  -fugl 
wading-bird,  -wader,  grallatorial  bird. 

Sabentcluttt  n  vademecum,  companion. 

Sabeifteb  ford.  -fiøtilcr  pi  waterproof  boots, 

Sabmcl  n  wadmal,  frleze,  russet.  IBabmelS^ 
fofte  frieze  coat  (o.  fl.). 

iBabning  c  wading,  fording. 

iBabff   c  (bet  at   babfte,   Jjbj)  wash,  washing; 

laundry-work;  Zei  til  _  clothes  for  the  wash; 
gibe  i  el.  tit  -,  fenbe  paa  -  send  to  the  wash;  er 
i  en  is  being  washed,  is  in  the  wash;  gaar  af  i 
-en  won't  wash,  washes  off.  !Babf{  c  -er  (i  SbV 
fen;  sink;  p  gaa  i  -en  come  to  nought  el.  nothing, 
go  to  the  dogs.  JBabfle  vt  &  i  wash;  (i  Sort) 
cut;  -  op  wash  up  (the  dinner  service);  fom  fan 
-8  washable;  F  en  fiarl  el.  noget,  ber  ^ar  -t  fig 
a  stunner;  bet  er  en  2øi.  en  i»at  ofo.,  ber  tjor  -t 
fig  she  is  a  stunning  girl,  that's  a  stunning  hat; 
_  en  ren  /ig  whitewash  one;  jeg  -r  mine  ^ænber 
(i  Uft^Ibig^eb)  I  wash  my  hånds  of  it;  ben  ene 
^oanb  -r  ben  anben  one  good  turn  deserves  an- 
other,  claw  me  and  l'll  claw  thee,  you  scratch 
my  back  and  l'll  scratch  yours.  —  lBabfIe|anftalt 
washing  establishment,  -balfe,  -balle  washing 
tub.  -bf«rn  racoon,  Procyon  lotor.  -blaat 
Queen's  blue.  -bræt  washboard,  buck -stage; 
tvp  wetting- board,  -batten  fe  -fob.  -børfte 
scrubbing  brush.  -bag  washing  day.  -fob  (wash 
-band)  basin.  *-fille  fe  -llub.  -gulb  wash-gold. 
-tanbfltr  wash-leather  gloves,  washing  gloves. 
-^uå  wash -house,  laundry.  -joHe  J,  clothes 
-line.  -jorb  fe  ajalteiorb.  -far  washing- tub. 
-tebel  wash-kettle  el.  -copper.  -tjole  washing 
dress.  -llub  dish-clout.  -tone  fe  SBabfterfone. 
-tælber  wash-cellar.  -lub  lees.  -ntanb  washer 
-man.  -maflinc  washing -machine,  (færegne 
©lagS):  dolly,  cylinder  washing-mill.  -penfel 
long-handed  brush.  -^labS  washing -place, 

^abfter  c  -e  washer.  -bcenl  washing-bench. 
SBabfleregning  washerwoman's  bill.  Sabfter^uS 
wasli-house,  laundry.  iBabfleri'  n  er  wash-house, 
washing -establishment.  iBabfIer|toue  washer- 
woman ,  laundress.  Atm  wages  for  washing. 
-pige  lanndry-maid.  SabfterS  n,  pi  =,  laundry, 

iBabffelfebbel  list  of  things  to  be  washed.  -fer» 
bante  wash-stand.  -ftinb  wash-leather,  (femftet) 
shammy-leather.  -flinbå^anbfter  fe  -^onbfiter. 
-ftoffer  pi  washing  fabrics.  -foantp  sponge. 
-fæbc  common  white  soap.  -tin  stream-tin. 
-trug  washing  -  trough ,  buddle.  -tøj  washing; 
washing  fabric.  -tianb  water  for  washing. 
-boHc  fe  -fab.  '-oattbSmugge  ewer,  jug.  -i-tianbS' 
ftol  fe  -fcrbonte.  -agte  a  washable.  SBabffgulb 

iBabflning  c  washing. 

SBabfæt  c  -le  portman teau,  knapsack,  travelling 

•SBabtræ!  fe  SSobbrag. 

SBaf ' !  wowwow ! 

SBoffel  c  -fler  wafHe,  wafer;  »arme  -fler  jog 
boxes  on  the  ear.  -bager  wafer-maker,  waferer. 
-jærn  waffle  el.  wafer  iron  et.  tongs.  -tctppt 
honey-comb  counterpane.  SBaflc  vt  box  one's 

SBag  a  vague. 

^agabonb'  c  -er  vag'abond,  vagrant.  -e're  vi 
vag'abondize.  -e'ring  cvag'abondage,  vagrancy. 

^age  vi  (om  ^eje)  watch;  (om  SBaab)  live. 
iBager  c  -e  J,  (gømærfe)  Ijeacon,  buoy;  (paa  9Kofte> 
top)  vane.  ^agerlbøje  beacon,  buoy,  floating 
beacon.    -penge  beaconage. 

*2$agge  vi  waddle. 

aSaflgon'  c  -er  rallway-carriage. 

Éagtieb  c  vagueness. 

'SBagi  n,  pi  =,  iBagle  c  -r  perching  stick. 
iSaglc  fifl  vr  roost. 

Sagnerianer  c  -e,  SBa'gnerft  a  Wagne'rian. 

*3$agnt)nnb  »  grampus,  Delphinus  orca. 

SBagt  c-erwatch,guard;  J,  watch;  (5D'Jonb)guard, 
seutinel;  (fiofale)  guard  el.  waich-house;  occre  el. 
flaa  paa  _,  ^aoe  _  be  on  guard  el.  duty;  flitle, 
jætte  paa  ~  put  on  guard;  ^olbe  _  keep  watch 




el.  guard;  træffe  t)aa  ~  mount  guard;  træffe  of  - 
go  off  guard;  afløfe  -en  relieve  guard;  ^an  bleo 
ført  i  -en  he  was  brought  to  the  station-  el. 
watch-honse;  unber  ftcerf  -  under  a  strong  guard; 
flaa  -  om  form  a  guard  round.  i8oflt|6aaI,  -bluS 
fe  -i(b.  -i^efen  4^  the  officer  in  charge  of  the 

IBagtel  c  -tier  quail,  Perdix  coturnix.  -fangft 
quail-catching.  -garn  quail-net.  •Itvin'b  pointer. 
t-toitfle  corncrake,  landrail,  Crex  pratenais.  -pibe 
quail -pipe.  -jlafl  call  el.  note  of  the  quail. 
-træl  migration  of  quails. 

!Bagt|fri  a  free  from  guard,  off  guard,  off 
duty.  -gIttS  watch  glass.  -gerenbe  a  golf  men 
on  watch.  -Ijatieniie  a  on  guard,  on  watch; 
ben  -  Officer  the  officer  on  guard  (el.  duty); 
»1,  the  officer  of  the  watch.  -Ifoltt  mounting 
guard;  keeping  watches.  •^unb  watch -dog. 
-fiu8  guard-liouse,  watch-house.  -ilb  watch-flre. 
-tammerat  watch -mate.  -floffe  watch -bell. 
-manbflab  men  on  watch  el.  guard.  -mefter 
sergeant;  *  keeper,  door-keeper.  -^arabe  parade 
of  the  soldiers  on  guard.  -po^t  watch  sentinel. 
•xnUe  ^  watch-bill.  -ftib  guard  ship,  watch 
-vessel.  -ffifte  changing  el.  relieving  guard; 
conc  watch.  -firiuer  garrison-clerk.  -ffub  watch 
-gun,  gun-flre.  SBogtSofficer  officer  of  the  watch. 
SJagtfom  a  watchful,  vigilant.  iBagtfomlieb  c 
vigilance.  ^agtf^t^ite  guard-house  flre-engine. 
fSaQtStttUt  fe  aSagt--.  ^ogtl^ue  guard -room. 
-taarn  watch-tower.  -tjencfte  guard  duty.  -tut 

SBa^abit'er  pi  Wahabees. 

^a\t,  Sejb  c  woad,  Isatia  tinctoria.  -ttfle 
woad-ashes.  -fartier  woad- dyer.  -lage  woad 
-cake.    -mølle  woad-mill. 

SBaje  vi  fly,  float,  wave.    SSajen  c  flying  etc. 

^ajfen^uS  n  orphans'  asylum,  orphan  house, 
orphanage.  -born,  -breng,  *-gttt,  -^ige  orphan 
-house  child,  boy,  girl. 

'^alan'tt  c  -r  vacancy.  -ttlfælbe:  i  _  on  a 
vacancy,  in  case  of  vaeancies.  !8alattt'  a 
va'cant;  opftoo  -  declare  vacant. 

SSatci'Ine  c  vac'cine  matter,  lymph.  -ne're  vt 
vac'cinate.  -natio'n  c  vaccina'tlon.  -national 
tttteft  vaccination  certiflcate.  -natø'r  c  -er  vacci- 
na'tor,  vaccinist,  vaccination  officer. 

Safte  c  wacke,  wacky. 

SBaffer  a  *  (tun  ont  Ubfeenbe)  pretty,  handsome, 
flne;  t(^^99fl'9/  //Pinl"J  pleasant,  nice,  amiable, 
amr  elever;  'en  -  Sag  some  fine  morning;  *  en 
_  SfiHing  a  pretty  penny;  -t  adv  nicely;  *_!  J> 
handsomely !  *  bebe  -t  bag  hard.  -I)eb  c  amiable- 

fSaUevi  (roffej  shake,  totter;  (»ære  ut)t§)  waver, 
fluctuate,  vacillate;  _  i  fin  Scflutning  falter  in 
one's  resolution;  —  batlenbe  a  shaking  etc; 
be  -nbe  the  waverers.  aSaflebutle  tumbler.  ajal= 
len  c  (SRoffen)  shaking,  tottering;  (Ubeftentt^eb) 
vacillation,  fluctuation.  —  3$atIet)orn  a  waver- 
ing,  vacillating.    -^eb  vacillating  disposition. 

aSalt,  »atte  fe  SSæfte. 

SSafuunt  n  vacuum.  -pumpt  v.  pump  (o.  fl.). 
a?afHum8|gangexhaust-passage.  -maolcr vacuum 
gauge,    -»ettttl  .snifting  el.  vacuum  valve. 

+3iaV  c  (ffi^ft)  coast. 

aSat  c  fe  SBolplabS. 

ISalbirt  c  maple,  sycamore,  Acer  paeudopla- 

Salborg  Walpur'gis. 

ajolbenfernep^the  Waldenses.  $petrug  Salbud 
Peter  Waldo. 

Satbl^orn  n  French-horn,  bugle.  -^ornblæfer, 
-^ornift  c  -er  player  on  the  bugle.  -4orn(c)IIang 
the  sound  of  bugles.    -fnæ^^ie  fe  Sfobfnæppe. 

Salen  a  benumbed,    numb  (with    cold);  fig 

feeble,   half-hearted;  —  adv  tage  -t  paa  nt  go 
about  st  in  a  half-hearted  manner. 

SalenS'  c  chem  atomicity. 

Sal'enltin  Valentine,  -ti'ne  c  -r  val'entinq 
-ttnSbreø  valentine. 

Salerio'nla  c  vale'rian.    -f^re  valer'ic  acid 

aSJaleg  n  Wales.    3BoJe'flff  «  fe  SaCififl. 

Sallfart  c  -er  pilgrimage.     -fart  vi  make  | 
p.,    go   on   a   pilgrimage.     -fart^fteb   place 

Salg  n,  pi  =,  choice,  option,  selection;  (imel 
lem  to  Xing)  alternative;  (af  g^rfte  ofo.)  electioi 
(af  deputeret)  election,  return,  poll;  (»eb  Ruglei 
ballot(ing);  af  frit  _  from  choice;  fif  -et  imeHei 
was  left  to  choose  between;  f)mi  ^an  ^aobe  ^ 
(imellem  to  2:ing)  if  he  were  to  choose;  træffe  ( 
_  make  a  choice;  træf  3)ere§  _  make  your  choio 
el.  election;   bu  ^or  -et'take  your  choice,  thi 
is  optional  to  you;  ber  er  intet  Salg  there  is 
choice,  it  is  Hobson's  choice;   Ⱦre  paa  ~  be 
candidate    (for    election)    ftiEe    fig   til   _   stam 
tgaa  _  ubi  choose  between.     Satgjagent  elei 
tioneering  agent,      -aft   election.     -bar  a  el:' 
ible.   -bar^eb  c  eligibility.   -bor^ebScenfuS  pro 
erty  qualiflcation.    -berettigelfe  right  of  votinj 
-berettiget   a   entitled   to   vote.     -berettiget 
voter,  elector.    -beftittetfe  bribery  in  electio 
-beftt)relf e  committee.   -beft^rer  returning  offic 
-bebægetfe  stir  of  election.    -bre»  certiflcate 
election.    -cenftt§  electoral  qualiflcation.     -b 
election-day.    -biftrift  fe  -freb«.    -efterretningi 
election  intelligence  el.  news.   -embebe  electi 
Office,     -fif  fe  -fneb.     -forfomltng  meeting 
electors,    amr  caucus.    -fri  a:    -t  gag   optioni 
el.  discretionary  subject,  amr  elective.     -fri^ 
freedom   el.    liberty   of  choice;    (i  politift   S8et, 
liberty  of  voting,  freedom  of  elections.     *-fii'' 
fraud  at  elections.     -fqrfte    elective    monarc' 
+-fætter  adoptive  cousin.     -^anbting  electio: 
-ftcrre  elector.  -intriger  electioneering  intriguei 
-lam^  contest  of  the  election,  contested  el 
tion,  electioneering  struggle.     -tampagne  el 
tioneering    campaign.       -tanbibat     candida 
-tapittttation  charter.    -Hage  election  petition. 
•tlo8fe  class  of  electors.     -tneb  electioneering 
trick,     -tommitté   committee;    'committee  of 
elections.    -tonge  elective  king.     -trebS  ward, 
electoral  division,  electorfal)  district,  constitu- 
ency,   (parliamentary)   borough.     -lifte  register 
of  electors   el.   voters;   (ooer   Slfftemningen)  poll 
-book.    -lob  law  of  elections.     -maabe  manner 
of  election.    -manb  elector.    -manøure  fe  -fneb. 
-menig^eb  free  congregation.   -monarft  elective 
monarchy.    -møbe  fe  -forfamling.    -notitfer  pi  fe 
-efterretninger,     -oratoftninger  pi   electoral   ex- 
penses.   -optøjer  electoral  disturbances.  -periobe 
electoral  period.    -program  electoral  platform. 
-propaganba  electioneering.  -prototol  pollbook. 
•præft  elective  parson.  -reform  electoral  reform, 
•ret,    -rettig^eb    (elective)   franchise,    electoral 
rights   el.    privileges,    sutfrage.     -rige   elective 
kingdom.     -rig^bag    fe    -ting.     -febbel    voting 
-paper,  written  vote.     -fejer  electoral  victory. 
-flægtflab  elective  afflnity.    -fprog  motto,    -ftat 
elective   state.     -fteb  place   of  election,    poll. 
•fttmme    vote.     -ftuc    election -room.     -f^ftem 
electoral    system,     -tale    candidate's    address. 
-ting    elective    assembly.     -tribune    hustings. 
-tr^f  pressure  on  electors.     -urne  ballot-box. 
-oæfen  elective  system. 

Salibe're  vt  be  equivalent  to. 

Salt  c  -er  roll,  (til  ©ome^aar)  hair-pad. 

Salte  vt  full,  mill.  Salte  c  -r,  fe  -møUe.  -folb 
false  fold,  wrinkle.  -jammer  fulling-hammer. 
-jorb  fuller's  earth.  -tar  fuUing  vat;  (^attem.) 
battery.     -møKe  fulliug  mill,  gig-mill,  fullery. 




mtlitv  fuller.   »olier  c  -e  ftiUer.    »atlejl'  n  fe 

galfning;  =mølte.     9}aIIe|fIo  pi  shoes  for  fuUing 
leather.    -ftot  fuller';*  hammer,   »altjorb  fuUer's 
sarth.    Spaltning  c  fuUing. 
SoIfQ'rierne  pi  ihe  Valkyries,  battle-nymphs. 

Salla!  c  -fer  gelding. 

»oaolliet  n  Walla'chia.  -'er  c,  -'ifl  a  Walla'- 

tSaHank  n  France. 

SoHe  c  whey;  t?Oltc  _  idle,  do  nothing. 
•agtig  a  wheyey.  -tur :  6ruge  _  drink  whey  for 
one's  health.  -oft  cheese  made  of  whey.  -pumpe 
whey-pump.  -fttlfer  sugar  of  milk-  -fur  a  acid 
from  containing  whey.  t-f»i«  hog  fed  on  whey. 
1 8oHet  a  wheyey. 

aSattiS  n  (ftonton)  Valais. 

Soni'fer  c  -e  VVelshman;  -ne  the  Welsh.  -inb'e 
c   r  Welshwoman.    »oUififl  a  Welsh. 

^aUo«  c  -er  Walloon. 

SBoIm  c  arch  hip.    -tag  hip-roof. 

Valmue  c  poppy;  Papaver;  (Bilb)  corn  poppy, 
P.  rhoeas;  (bQrtet)  opium  poppy,  white  poppy, 
P.  sovmifervvi.  SBalmuej familien  the  papa- 
veraceous  piants.  -fra  poppy -seed,  -tratiS 
garland  of  poppies.  -tronfet  a  crowned  with 
poppie.s.  -olie  poppy  oil.  -foft  poppyjuice, 
opium;  pharm  meconium.  -ftcrngel  poppy-stalk. 
-f^re  meconic  acid. 

!8a'Ine  vi  grow  numb  (with  cold). 

^alnøb  c  -ber  walnut;  ©fiHetummet  i  en  _ 
zest.  !2$a(nøb(Iie)otie  nutoil.  -f!oI  walnut-shell. 
•træ  walnut-tree,  Juglans  (regia);  amerifanft  - 
hickory,  Carya.    -træ,  -»eb  walnut  wood. 

Salo'nier  pi  valonia. 

»al^labS  c  battlefleld,  field  of  battle,  be^olbe 
-en  remain  master  of  the  field. 

!Batra»  c  k  n  saddle-cloth. 

tBairao  fe  ^oaliaD. 

Sal8  c  -e  <fe  -er  waltz;  banfe  _  el.  SBoIfe  vi 

Salfe  c  -r  cylinder,  roller;  mech  (til  S)tiBremrae) 
drum.  Solfe  vt  roll.  -bljj  sheet-lead.  -formet, 
-formig  a  cylindrical.  -Ijjttl  wheel  turning  a 
cylinder;  (Urm.)  centre-wheel.  -tobber  sheet 
-copper.   -maftine  rolling-machine.  -malle  roller. 

Salfer  c  -e  waltzer. 

Salfefnætle  c  volute,   Voluta. 

SBalfctrin  n  waltz-step. 

iBalf  el  træfning  cylinder- printing.  -tr^Imafline 
cylinder-printing  machine.  -Pettt  rolling  ma- 
chine el.  min. 

Salff  o  (t)  fe  SBælfl;  -e  aSønner  el.  -bønner  garden 

Salft^nge  c  catapult. 

SBalte  vi  fe  ©talte. 

*S8altre  fe  SSroIte. 

SJalut'a  c  value;  -  for  fine  iJSenge  his  money's 
worth,  the  worth  of  his  money;  _  mobtaget  for 
value  received;  _  i  SRegning  value  on  account. 

Samle  vi  &  impers  nau.seate,  loathe,  become 
squeamish;  SKaben  -r  mig  I  loathe  my  food,  my 
food  palls  upon  me.  Sammel  a  mawkish, 
nauseous,  sickly.  —  Sammeljt)eb  c  mawkish- 
ness,  nauseousness.  -fab  a  nauseously  sweet, 
sweeily  mawkish. 

SampQ'r  c  -er  vampire-bat,  Phvllostoma,  (ogfaa 
fio)  vam'pire. 

San  a  woni;  f  plejer  _  is  wont,  is  in  the 
habit  of. 

Sanabt'n  m  vana'dium.   -f^re  van'adous  acid, 

San'jart  c  wickedness,  -arte  fe  SBanflcegte. 
-a'rtig  a  wicked;  ben  onbe  og  -e  Slceqt  bibl  an 
evil  and  adulterous  generation,  -a'rtig^eb  c  fe 
SJanort;  9Runbå  _  bibl  a  froward  mouth. 

Sanb^rbig  a  low-born.  -^eb  c  low  birth  el. 

*Sattb  a  fastidious. 

Sanb  n  -e  water;  *tarn,  lake;  SBonb«  water, 
aquatic;  fait  -  salt  water,  sea  water;  ferft  _  fresh 
water;  rinbenbe  -  running  water;  ftiUeftaaenbe  _ 
stagnant  water;  bet  ftiHe  _  ^ar  ben  btfbe  ®runb 
still  waters  run  deep;  -et  61toer  bQfiere,  grunbere 
(unber  ©ejlabg)  the  water  is  deepening,  shoaling; 
•et  ftaar  ^øjt,  labt  the  water  i.s  high,  low;  -et 
(SibBonbet)  ftiger  ^urttg  the  tide  is  flowing  fast; 
—  fijlbe,  inbtage  -  ^  water,  take  in  water;  Bi 
beg^nbe  at  mangle  -  we  are  getting  short  of 
water,  water  is  running  short;  bet  l^olber  ilte  _ 
fig  it  won't,  won't  hold  water,  lobe  fit  - 
make  water;  trætte  _  make  water;  træbe  -e,  -et 
tread  (in  the)  water;  —  (meb  xrræp  og  adv):  af 
bet  renefte  _  of  the  first  water;  en  Sort),  tonferoatio, 
af  bet  renefte  -  a  Torv  of  Torie.s;  (o6e  fulb  af  - 
(om  Sti6)  become  water-logged;  gao  i  -et  bathe, 
go  bathing,  fig  f  go  wrong,  come  off  second 
best,  be  sold;  ftob  i  -  (til  Knæerne)  was  above  his 
knees  in  water;  fifte  i  rørt  -(e)  fish  in  troubled 
waters;  en  ©torm  i  et  &lai  ~  a  tempest  in  a 
teacup  el.  teapot;  ^an§  S^ænber  loBe  i  _  his  teeth 
water;  ^an§  SJlunb  leber  i  -  his  mouth  waters; 
ber  maa  løbe  meget  _  i  ©tronben  forft  it  cannot 
be  for  a  long  time  yet;  meb  -  i  |)ufet  with  water 
laid  on;  _  i  ^oDebet  hydrocephalus,  water  ou 
the  brain;  floa  (toibt)  _  i  SBlobet  take  it  coolly; 
bære  _  i  et  ©olb  carry  water  in  a  sieve;  f^lbes 
meb  _  og  ftjnte  (om  SSaab)  be  swamped;  bu 
bærer  itte  -  i  mob  ^am  you  are  not  fit  to  hold 
a  caudle  to  him;  forfine  et  ©tib  meb  _  water 
a  ship;  Særen  om  -et  hydrology;  fiale  -  op 
draw  water;  o  o  en  -e,  o  o  er  -et  above  water; 
l^olbe  fig  ooen  -e  Jig  keep  one's  head  above 
water;  tage  _  ober  ship  water,  take  water  on 
board;  *'tage  fig  _  ooer  ^otiebet  get  out  of  one's 
depth;  paa  -et  on  et,  in  the  water;  oi  tom  plub= 
felig  paa  bQbere  _  we  deepened  our  water  sud- 
denly;  ligger  ^øjere  paa  -et  is  higher  out  of  the 
water;  paa  20  gob  _  in  20  feet  water;  fætte  paa 
-et  launch;  løbe  paa  -et  be  launched;  ben  ligger 
gobt  poa  -et  she  sits  well  on  the  water;  gængfet 
paa  -  og  Srøb  imprisonment  on  bread  and 
water;  bet  er  _  paa  ^an?  SKøtle  that  is  grist  to 
his  mill;  blide  til  _  come  to  nothing;  rejfe  til  -å 
travel  by  water;  ribe  til  -*  ride  to  water;  fig 
ribe  el,  trætte  til  _  abuse,  worry,  drive  from 
pillar  to  post;  unber  _  under  water;  fætte  unber 
_  flood,  (nebfænte)  submerge,  immerse;  o  eb  -et 
at  the  water-side,  Saanbjaare  veiu  of  water. 
■aftebning  draining,  drainage.  -afløb  drainage. 
-agtig  a  watery,  aqueous,  waterish.  -agtig^eb 
c  wateriness,  waterishness.  -atå  poud-weed, 

Sanba't  c  -er  (ogfaa  fig)  Vandal.  Sanbtt'l|ifl 
a  vandaric.    -i§'me  c  van'dalism. 

Sanblaloe  water  soldier,  knight's-wort,  Slra- 
tiotes  aloides.  -angetil  wild  angelica,  ground 
ash ,  Angelica  avlveitria.  -anter  ^  breaker. 
•areal  expanse  of  water.  -arbe  brook-lime, 
Veronica  Beccabunga;  chickweed,  AUine  media. 
-baab  water-tank.  -bab  (ogf.  chem)  water-bath. 
-balje,  -balle  water-tub.  -ballaft  water  ballast. 
-ba^ftn  water-basin.  -be^olber  reservoir,  cistern, 
tauk.  -bel|olbning  stock  el.  supply  of  water.  -bi 
drone;  ^  -erne  the  idlers,  -biUe  aquatic  beetle. 
-binbenbe  «  retentive  of  moisture.  -bjærg  water 
-mouutain.  -blaa  a  sea-blue.  +-bleg  a  wan, 
pallid.  -blegn  blister,  -blomft  aquatic  flower. 
-bil)  molybdeua.  -blQfurt  ©alt  molybdate. 
-blære,  -boble  water -bubble.  -borbøtjajbc  J^, 
freeboard.  -brol  hydrocele.  -Srunrob  water 
betony,  Scrofularia  aquatica.  -brtjnet  the  water's 
edge.  -brønb  bibl  well  of  water,  -bqgmefter 
hydraulic  architect  el.  engineer.    -bqgning  sub- 




marine  building.  -i^gningStunfit  submarine 
architecture ,  hydraulic  engineering.  -fi^lb 
oedema.  -icelte  pi  bibl  rivers  of  water.  -Btctten 
water-basin.  -bærer  water  carrier.  -bølge  wave. 
-cifterne  water-tank.  •tiaab  baptism  with  water. 
-bom  pond.  -bam:|)  (aqueous)  vapour.  -bel 
particle  of  water.  -braabe  drop  of  water,  water 
-drop.  -brog  water-course,  river-course,  water 
-Chain,  -brager  fe  -6ærer.  -britfer  water-drinker. 
•broSfel  water-ousel,  Cinclus  aquaticus.  -bruHen 
a  saturated  with  water.  -bunt  breaker.  -b^b' 
ben  the  depth  of  water.  -b^r  aquatic  animal. 
SJanbe  n  water;  a  heavy  fall  of  rain;  p  bet  er 
et  afenbe  ~,  bet  jøfer  -  neb  it  is  pouriug  down; 
fiøjt,  loot  -  high,  low  water;  bflflligt  _  the  com- 
mon  height  of  the  water;  næfte  _  next  tide. 
iBanbe  vt  water;  irrigate;  (Soæg  o.  b.)  water; 
■-■'  _,  _  ub  (fait  gift  el.  Reb)  freshen;  vi  (om  Sanon= 
lunte)  graze  the  water,  rieocbet;  (om  ^eft)  stale. 

♦SBOttbe  vt  reject,  refuse. 

^anbebberlo^  c  water-spider,  Arovroneta. 

!8attbct  c  conduct;  |)onbeI  og  -  tråde  and 
commerce,  business,  eommon  intercourse. 

SSanbern  c  -er  (9lbe)  wanderoo,  Macacua  si- 
lenus.   . 

Sanben  c  watering.  SBanbet  a  watery;  fig  in- 

Sanblfab  basin;  ^  water-cask.  -folb  water- 
fall,  (meget  ftort)  cataract;  (minbre)  cascade;  (iffe 
lobret)  rapids.  -fart« j  tank-vessel.  -farue  water 
-colour;  mole  i  _  paint  in  water-colours.  -fafline 
fasclne  for  pools,  -fattig  a  waterless.  -fattigbom 
seareity  of  water;  aridity.  -fennifel  fe  SSillebo. 
-filter  (water-)filter.  -fiol  fe  -tjøUife.  -firben 
water  newt,  Triton,  -flaoe  surface  of  the  water; 
sheet  of  water;  i  -en  at  the  water's  edge. 
-flagrer  fe  S8aorf(ue.  -ffaflc  water-bottle.  -flob, 
•f(om  inundation,  flood,  -f{uc  fe  SSaorfliie.  -for= 
binbelfe  water  communication.  -forbrug  con- 
sumption  of  water.  -forraab.  -forfljning  .supply 
of  water.  -fri  a  free  from  water;  chem  an- 
hydrous;  _  ©flre  anhydride.  -fra  water-frog, 
edible  frog,  Bsna  eaculenta.  -fugl  water-fowl, 
aquatic  bird.  -fure  water- furrow.  -fqlbning 
watering.  -ft)lbningéfab  gang-cask.  -fQlbningS- 
ftcb  watering  ■  place.  -ftjrbocrferi  water -fire 
-work.  -færbfct  communication  by  water. 
•f«(er  dowser.  -feleri  bletonism.  -ferenbe  a 
containing  water.  -gang  J>  water-line;  fig  blun- 
der, failure,  defeat;  i  -en  at  the  water-line,  about 
the  water's  edge;  ®ti6et  fif  et  @fub  i  -en  the  ship 
received  a  shot  between  wind  and  water;  unber 
-eii  under  water.  -ga§  water-gas.  -i-gemme  fe 
-be^olber.  -glaS  (®Ia§)  tumbler;  (©tof)  water-glass. 
-grob  ditch,  trench.  -gren  water-shoot.  *-gro 
fe  ®obtraab.  -grab  grits  boiled  in  water.  -graft 
fe  -grab.  -^aar  conferva,  pi  confervæ.  -jammer 
water-hammer.  -^anewater-cock.hydrant.  -^inbe 
amnion.  -^iul  water-wheel.  -^olbcnbe  a  reten- 
tive  of  moisture.  -^olbig  a  watery,  aqueous, 
hydrous.  -^olbig^eb  c  amount  of  water  (con- 
tained  in  st.).  -ftofe  waterspout.  t-^OU  water 
-trough.  -^ul  pool  (of  water).  -^unb  water 
-dog.  -fiuS  privy,  necessary.  -^oiroel  eddy, 
Whirlpool.  t-^J)lb  fe  Soalteeb.  -^æbelfe  oedema. 
-^afbe  water-level.    -t)ane  water-hen,  FiUiea. 

Sanbiemenélanb  n  Tasmania. 

SBanbinbtag  intake,  SSanbing  e  watering,  ir- 
rigation;  fpool.  —  SBanbingS'fteb  watering-place. 
-trug  watering-trough.    -uogn  water-cart. 

lBanb|infeft  aquatic  insect.  *- jomfru  fe  -n^mfe. 
-fal»  water  -  beetle ,  Dvnticus.  t-fam  cistern, 
tank.  -tanal  canal.  -tanbe  (til  ©erbante)  water 
-jug,  ewer;  (til  ^obe)  watering  el.  water -pot. 
-fonbemuéUng watering-pot,  Aspergillum.  -{anbe> 
ftimmet  blue  mould,  Anpergiltus.     -fanten  the 

water's  edge.  ^-tappe  saddle.  -far  water-butt 
cistern,  vat.  -faraffe(r)  (water-)decanter,  water 
bottle.  -forre  water -cart.  -farfe  bitter -cress 
Cardamine  pratensia;  t  water-cress,  Siavmbriwr, 
natturtium.  -todfe  j,  tank.  t-figer  tnrn-cock 
-fiffert  water- teleseope.  -fllbe  fe  ftilbe.  -fife 
reservoir,  -tiar  a  clear  as  water,  limpid.  -flar^tb 
limpidity.  -flofet  water  -  closet.  -folb  a  rav 
and  chilly.  -fom))a8  fluid  compass  el.  card. 
-fob  (p.  3iof)  water -can.  -topptv  water -poj:, 
chicken-pox.  -fraft  water-power;  fiæren  om  - 
hydrodynamics.  -fran  (3ærnb.)  water  crane; 
(j)mp.)  gauge-cock.  -franS  horned  pondweecl, 
Zannichellia  paluttris.  -trutfe  water-jug.  -fraft 
nome.  -fum,  -fumme  basin.  -tunft  water 
■works,  fountain.  -fur  hydropathic  regime:  i 
el.  cure,  water -cure.  -furonftalt  hydropathic 
establishment,  water-cure  (establishment),  -tæni' 
met  a  water-combed.  -fær  c  water-devil,  Hydrc- 
philua.  -fær  n  fe  Seer.  -fær  a  fond  of  watei . 
-faler  alcarraza  (vessel).  -laaS  stench-trap, 
water  trap.  -langning  handing  water.  -latrin  e 
watercloset.  -lebning  aqueduct,  conduct.  -leb= 
ningdrar  conduit-pipe.  -libt  a  .sufferer  by  thu 
flood.  -ligger  leaguer.  -lilje  fe  Stafanbe.  -linie 
^  water-line;  -n  meb  lobet  ©fib  the  load  water 
-line.  -\appt  water-flea,  Gyclops,  Daphnia.  "lugi: 
(i  gi^bebo!)  scuttle  -  hole.  -luffe  fe  -laaå.  -lufl 
water-palmer,  Asetlua  aquatictts.  -lægcfunftew 
hydropathy.  -lab  stream  of  water,  v/ater-course. 
-laftningérebftob  water-raislng  engine.  -laS  o; 
water-less,  arid.  -Ia§^eb  want  of  water,  aridity. 
-maal  water-gauge.  -maaling  gauging  of  water. 
-mobra8  water-bed.  -maleri  water-colour  (paint- 
ing).  -manb  (-bærer)  water-carrier;  (|)immeltegn) 
water-bearer;  J,  second  captain  of  the  hold;  jelly 
-fish,  Medusa,  -mangel  seareity  of  water;  gif 
inb  til  .  .  .  poa  ®runb  af  ~  put  into  .  .  .  short 
of  water.  -raonaber  aquatic  manoeuvre.  -maSfe 
body  el.  volume  of  water.  -mejeri  dairy  oj 
the  cold  water  system,  -melon  water-melom 
Cucurbita  citrullus.  -mefter  master- turncocMl 
-mibc  water-mlte,  Hydrachna.  -mulbbarb  watel 
-mole,  shrew-mole,  Scalops.  -mure  pi  watery 
mountains.  -mt)g  water -gnat.  -m^nte  water 
-miut,  Mentha  aquatica.  -mæUQbe  quantity  of 
water.  -mærfe  n  (i  alle  S3et.)  water-mark.  -mærfe 
c  celery,  Apium  graveolena;  milk-parsley,  Peuce- 
danum  palustre;  celery-leaved  crowfoot,  Banuif 
cidus  sceleratus;  fe  -paftinaf.  -maUe  waterml' 
-malter  water-miller.  -martet  hydraulic  morta 
-naøle  pennywort,  white  rot,  Hydrocotyle  vu 
gariH.  -neg  wheat-sheaf  jet.  -nibeau  wati 
-level,  -n^mfe  water-nymph;  dragon-fly,  Libt 
iula.  -næfe  dripnose,  spout.  -nab  fe  -mange 
-emflag  pi  water-dressings.  -o^jat  aqueous  opal 
-obftanber  upright  waste-pipe.  -orgel  wate 
-organ,  hydraulicon.  -orm  water-worm.  -paftinaf 
water -parsnip.  Stunt  lati/olium.  »beber  water 
-pepper,  Polygonum  hydropiper.  -))eberrob  water 
radish,  Nasturtitim  amphibium.  -^erle  fe  ®Ia§= 
perle,  -beft  wather-thyme,  Elodea  canadensig. 
-bibc  hookah.  -piber  sea  titling,  rock  pipi^ 
Anthu8'iquaticu8.  f-blabber  puddle,  plash.  -blåt 
^  watering-place.  -blante  aquatic  plant,  -bort« 
laf  water- purslane,  Feplis  porttda.  -boliti  water 
-police,  -port  «!,  fe  -luge.  -boft  pump.  -brøbe 
water-ordeal.  -pube  water-bed.  -bl)t,  -pal  pool, 
puddle.  -ba§  water -bucket.  *-ratle  fe  -riJle. 
-ranunfel  water  crowfoot,  Batrachium.  *-ration 
allowance  of  water. 

iBanbre  vi  wander,  walk,  roam,  perambulate; 
bibl  walk;  mech  travel;  _  inb  immigrate;  _  ub 
emigrate;  _  I)erfra  depart  this  life;  _  i  ^apir= 
f uroen  go  into  the  waste-paper  basket;  —•!;»•  fig 
træt  tire  one's  self  with  walking; —  banb ren be 





a  itinerant;  erratic;  et  -nbe  Softeffaft  (o.  1.  =  leBenbe) 
a  perambulating  broomstick  etc;  en  _  SRibber 
a  knight  erraut;  -nbe  *Ptnb  speclreinsect,  Phasma; 
je  58lab.  $anbre|aat  travelling  year.  -blol 
erratic  l)lock.  -Bog  a  kind  of  passport  for  trav- 
elling journeymen.  -brtft  migratory  instinct. 
-Sue  passenger-pigeon,  Columba  migratorxa.  -folf 
passenger-  el.  peleriue-falcon,  Falco  peregriniu. 
■f-gang  piomen&åe.  -Qtaétioppt  migratory  locust, 
Acridium  migratoriutn. 

SBanbrejåtttng  c  rising  of  the  water. 

Sonbreif ouS  J,  lizard;  (til  ©tøber)  traveller. 
-Iron  travelling  crane.  -lin  itinerant  life.  -l^ft 
roaming  propeni^ity.  -lærer  itinerant  teacher. 
•m^re  wandering  ant,  Anom(ma  arcem.  S^anbrcn 
c  wandering. 

SJanblrenbe  water-plpe.  -renSningSmafline 

93anbrer  c  -e  wanderer,  way-farer,  rambier, 
roamer.  —  $anbre|rafen  erratic  erysipelas.  -fjiir 
^  waist-iree,  rough-tree.  -ftoti  fe  SBanbringS". 
-ftjerne  erratic  .star.    -tib  travelling  time. 

i@anb|ret  c  right  to  water;  property  in  water. 
•ret  a  horizontal,  level,  -ret^eb  horizontality. 
-reben  a  ground  with  water. 

'■■aSanbreue«  «  badly  managed. 

Sanblrig  a  abounding  with  water,  well 
watered.  -rigbotn,  -rig^eb  abundancy  of  water. 
•rige  watery  kingdom.  ^anbritSe  water-rail, 
Rallus  aqxiaticus. 

Sanbring  c  -er  wandering  etc.  (fe  SSanbrc) 
ramble ,  peregrination  ,  perambulation ;  meah 
travel.  —  S8oMbring8jaar,  -bue  o.  fl.,  fe  SBanbre-. 
-t-^anbringftob  n  travelling.  !BanbringS|t(e)i  fe 
-ftao.  -manb  wanderer,  way-farer,  traveller. 
•rotte  browu  el.  Norwegian  rat.  Mus  decumanus. 
-ftat)  walking-.staff,  pilgrim's  staff.  -t-taffe  fe 
aiejfe--.    -i-tiej  journey. 

^anb|rofen  erythema.  -rotte  water-rat,  Arvi- 
cola  amfibia.  -mm  water-space  ^  water-hold. 
•rebning  water-retting,  watering.  t-r«ttile  water 
violet,  feather-foil,  Hottonia  palustrin,  fe  SSlcere' 
rob.  -r«r  conduit-pipe;  (t  SRørfebel)  water-tube; 
•  ^  fe  SEagrar.  -røråtebel  tubular  boiler.  -foa 
water  tub.  -fofflr  water-sapphire.  -foI§  shears 
moved  by  water,  shearing-machine.  -falantanber, 
ftor  great  water-newt.  Triton  cristatus;  liUe  smootb 
water-newt,  T.  punctatus.  -famliitg  colleciion 
of  water.  -famlingdliann  catch  water  reservoir. 
•fanger  fe  -broSfel.  -fa»  mill-saw  moved  by 

SBanbdbeit  n  geog ;  bet  gcelber  til  -  tbat's  neither 
here  nor  there. 

Sanblfejll  .save-all.  -feng  water-bed.  -fennefi 
mustard-flour  mixed  with  water;  ^  great  water 
-cress,  Nasturtium  amphibium.  -ftabe  damage 
by  water.  -^arnt^be  fe  (Siftt^be.  -ftat  water 
-tax.  -ffel  water-.shed,  water-parting,  dividing 
ridge,  divide  (».  ffanal)  summit -level,  -fli 
double  canoe,  podoscaph.  -fliftnittfl§t)ane  (2)mp.) 
change- water -cock.  -fliftningéfran  two-way 
cock.  -^iftning§))um|)e  brine  pump.  -ffift- 
ningdrør  change- water- pipe.  *-fIlKc  n  fe 
-ftel.  -flinb  water -tight  skin  from  Green- 
land. -fltlBe  hydraulic  drum.  -ftolbet  a  scalded. 
-ffor^ie  surface  of  the  water;  i  -n  at  the  water's 
edge,  -flor^ion  water-scorpion,  Nepa. 
-firne  water-screw,  spiral  pump.  -ffr«l  hydro- 
phobia.  •\lt(eppt  water-dock,  Buwiex  aquaticus. 
-ftnb  water-shoot.  -fifl  a  afraid  of  water.  -flt> 
c  watery  cloud.  -^Qbenbe  a  water-proof.  *-fI^b3 
eonveyance  by  water.  -flq^eb  dread  of  water. 
-fl^I(Ie)  heavy  shower,  bibl  storm ,  tempest. 
-ft«r  scissor-bill,  Rhyncops;  *fe  ©pibémuS.  -^aatt 
a  damaged  by  water,  water-damaged.  -flange 
(ogfao    ast)    water -snake;    (til    Sprajte;    water 

■hose.  -flite  vt  grind  with  water.  -flibt  a  water 
-worn.  -fmag  watery  taste,  t-fnarre  fe  -rifle. 
-fnegl  (3)t)rj  water-snail.  -fnegl,  -fnæ!Ie  fe  -ffrue. 
-fnog  fe  -flange,  -fot,  -fottig  fe  SSaterfot.  -fp«nb 
M'ater-pail.  -f<)e|I  surface  el.  mirror  of  the 
water,  expanse  of  water;  level  of  the  sea. 
-f)>ib§mu§  water-shrew,  Sorex  fodiens.  -f<)ilb 
waste  of  water.  -\p\v  mare's  tail,  bottle-brush, 
Hippuris  vulgaris.  -f|)ring  jet  of  water,  foun- 
tain.  "-fpræt  fe  2)amtæge.  -fprajte  squirt,  syringe, 
•ftob  bibl  city  of  waters.  -ftanb  height  of  the 
water;  (®mp.)  water-line;  ^øj  -  high  water;  lao  - 
low  water. 

!SanbftanbS|gIa3  water  glass.  -^anc,  •Iran 
water-gauge  cock.  -ntaater  water-mark;  (2)nip.) 
water -gauge,  •mcerfe  water  mark.  •regulator 
owerflow-valve.  -ficnintng  lowering  of  the  water 
level,    -ttifer  fe  -ntaaler. 

SBanblfteb  watering-place.  •ftemning  damming 
up  of  water.  -ftcn  water  stone.  -fttnbtcet  tubular 
dropwort,  Oenanthe  fistulosa.  -ftjcrne  water-star, 
starwort,  Gallitriche  verna.  -ftof  hydrogen,  -ftof- 
QQpero£^b  hydric  peroxide  (flere  Smi.  af  SBanbftof, 
fe  iBrint).  -fioOe  water-conduit.  -ftraale  jet  of 
water.  -ftxippt  water-bucket.  •ftr«nt  torrent  of 
water.  •ftær  fe  -broéfel.  •ftøoler  pi  water-proof 
boots.  •fugenbe  a  absorbing  water.  -inppt 
water-gruel.  -foul^  oedema.  -fticelg  fe  -^Birbel. 
-f^g  a  swampy.  -f^n  Inspection  of  watercourses. 
-fæ!  depression  in  the  roof.  -fælger  water-seller. 
-f«  bibl  standing  water.  -f«ger  spring-finder. 
-fejle  column  of  water.  -føjlemafline  pressure 

IBanbt  imp  fe  SSinbe. 

Sanbltaarn  water-works.  -termometer  water- 
el.  marine  thermometer.  -toma  waterless.  -trenfe 
watering-bridle.  -trug  watering  trough.  -trulten 
a  water-soaked.  -tr^t  pressure  of  water,  hydro- 
static  pressure.  -trceber  phalarope,  Fhaiaropus. 
-træltenbe  a  fe  -fugenbe.  -tub  water-spout.  •tæge 
water -bug,  Hydrocorisa.  'tttt  a  waterproof, 
water -tight;  gøre  _  waterproof;  -  %b\  water- 
proof;  _  Slum  water-tight  compartment.  -tcet^eb 
impermeability,  waterproofness.  -tønbe  water 
■cask.  -ur  water-clock,  clepsydra.  -Oagten  J, 
the  idlers.  -bej  water  way;  (ob)  -en  by  water. 
-ueibreb  water  plantain,  Alisma  plantag  o.  -tiogn 
water-cart.  -oooe  bibl  wave.  -bæbfte  (i  ^jet) 
aqueous  humour.  -Oægt  level.  -oaegtSIoere 
levelling.  -øælltng  water-gruel.  ■Maxi  water 
works  pi.  -ticertS  a  ~  %otb\n'bt\\t  communica- 
tion  by  water;  adv  by  water.  -tiæfen  establish- 
ment for  the  supply  of  water.  -«gle  water-newt. 
-«rfen  watery  waste.    -«fe  ladle. 

SSane  c  -t  custom,  habit;  af  _  from  habit;  -n 
er  ben  onben  9?atur  use  is  second  nature;  «how 
use  doth  breed  a  habit  in  a  man»;  gammel  _ 
Biber  Bebft  habit  is  everything;  tomme  i  _  meb 
get  into  the  habit  of,  fall  into  a  habit  of;  tomme 
af  -  raeb  get  out  of  el.  lose  the  habit  of;  gøre 
fig  noget  til  ~  make  a  habit  of  something;  gaoe 
til  el.  for  _  at  have  a  habit  of,  be  in  the  haWt 
of;  bet  er  bleoet  ^am  til  en  -  it  has  grown  into 
a  habit  with  him;  paa  fflrunb  of  -ni  95lagt  from 
n  (el.  the)  force  of  habit;  foa  ftor  er  -n§  9Kagt 
such  is  the  force  of  habit.  SBanelbritter  habitual 
drunkard.  -b^r  fig  creature  of  habit;  slave  of 
custom.  -fejl  fe -fQnb.  -gængen  »j  routine.  -Irisen 
conventional  Christian.  -Hu  life  of  habit  el. 
routine,  •mennefle  fe  -bur.  •mæSfig  a  habitual, 
of  routine,  -fag  (matter  of)  habit.  -f»)nb  habit- 
ual sin,  besetting  sin. 

!Banf«bfel  c  abortion. 

SBanfør  a  crippled ,  lame ,  disabled.  -^eb  c 
lameness,  infirmity. 

iBang  c  -e  (enclosed)  field. 




SJanøe  c  -r  (paa  Srappe)  string-board,  bridge 
-board;  mech  cheek;  ()paa  ©tige)  cheek,  upright; 
(9lopert=)  bracket;  (IRox--)  sweep  of  the  tiller;  -r 
(paa  SrejerS.)  bed.  -ft«»t  rabbet  plane. 
Sangdeb  n  gate  to  a  field. 
San|f)elb  n  mlsfortune,  disaster.  -^elbe  vt 
disflgure,  deform,  deface.  -^elbelfe  c  defaee- 
ment,  disfigurement. 

aSanl^eOig   a   profaue.     -^eUige   vt    profane, 
desecrate.    -^eltigelfe  c  profanation,  desecration. 
-^eUig^eb  c  profanity,  profaneness. 
%an^jemme(  c  defective  title. 
San^ugge  vt  spoil  by  cutting,  mangle. 
SBanHæber    disgrace,     -l^æbre  vt  dishonour, 

SaniU'e  c  vanilla.  •åfotoltht  vanilla  choco- 
late.  -ié  vanilla  ice.  -ftang  vanilla  pod.  -træ 
vanilla-plant,  Epidendrum  vanilla. 

Sanlant  c  -er  wane,  bad  bevel,  sap,  flaw, 
dull-edge.  -et  a  backsided,  flawed,  sappy, 
flawy;  _  %Bmvan,  ^pionfe  wane-wood. 

Sante  vi  stroll,  roam,  wander,  rove;  *  ~  i  et 
j^uS  visit  a  house,  (ftabigt)  have  the  run  of  a 
house,  be  a  frequent  visitor  at  a  house;  v  imp 
ber  -r  albrig  onbet  enb  J&ug  I  am  alvpays  sure  of 
a  drubbing;  ber  -r  $ug,  ^»iS  .  .  .  you  may  expect 
a  drubbing,  if;  ber  -be  ^ug  there  fell  some 
blovtrs;  ber  -r  gob  3Rab  og  ^rilfe  there  will  be  a 
treat;  ber  -be  Sin  og  Sage  we  were  treated  with 
wine  and  cakes;  ber  -r  ifte  noget  ibag  you  won't 
get  anything  to-day;  I  shall  not  give  you  any- 
thing  to-day. 

S^anfclmobtg  a  flckle,  inconstant.  -ffti  c  fickle- 
ness,  inconstancy. 
'  Sgflnflæbe  vt  misbecome. 
ISantun'big  a  ignorant,    -^eb  c  ignorance. 
IBa'nIig  a  usual,  customary,  habitualj  paa  - 
!8i§    in    the   usual    way,    as   usual.      -tiig    adv 

SSanImagt  c  impotence.  •maegtig  a  impotent. 
•nttcgtig^eb  c  impotence. 

SBoniprtib  disfigurement ,  blemish.  -)>r^be  v 
disflgure.    -))rQbeIfe  |e  -pxt)t). 

%an|rt),  -r^gte  n  ill  repute,   disrepute,   dis- 
credit;  bringe  i  _  bring  a  bad  name  on;  fomme  i 
_  get  into  bad  repute.    *'-r^gtet  a  of  ill  repute. 
^nnlrøgt   bad   tending,    neglect.      -tøgte   vt 
tend  ill,  neglect. 
»nnlfir,  -Pre  fe  -jjr^b,  -pr^be. 
^anjffabe    vt    deform,    disflgure,    misshape. 
•flabtting   c  monster.     -ffaBt  a  deformed,  dis- 
flgured,  misshapen,  monstrous.    -ffabt^eb  c  de- 
formity,  monstrosity. 
tSSanfle  c  bibl  blemish,  corruption. 
SSanfleHg   a  difficult,  hard;  (^erfon)  hard  to 
please;  -  paa  ^efte  hard  to  please  in  a  horse; 
-   at   betiife  difficult  of  proof;  l&obe  -t  beb  el.  for 
at  have  (some)  difflculty  in;  —  adv  with  diffl- 
culty,    not   easily,    (næppe)    hardly.      -g*re   vt 
impede,   render  difficult.     -^eb  c  -er  difflculty; 
-en  »eb  the   difflculty  of;   lægge  -er  i  SBejen  for 
throw  difflculties  in  the  way  of;  gjorbe  ingen  -er 
meb    at    made   no   difflculty  in,    F    made  no 
bones   about;    rejfe    -er  raise    difflculties,    start 
objections;  ^oPe  _  oeb  at,  fe  58anf!elig. 
''SSnnfljattc  fe  SBanrøgte. 
»anffub  fe  SSanbfiub. 
*Æanffæbne  c  unhappy  fate,  misfortune. 
93anf((egt|e  vi  degenerate.    -ning  c  degenera- 
SSanfmag  c  ill  taste. 

SBanifmcegte  vi  languLsh,  fatnt,  grow  faint. 
^^-fntægtig  a  faint. 
•SSonftelt  a  ill  managed,  in  bad  order. 
aSanf^ne  vt  fe  aSan^elbe. 

SBont  a  &  part  accustomed,  used;  paa  fin 
S3t§  in  his  usual  way. 

SBflttt  n  -er  ^  shroud;  shrouds  pi;  et  ©pcenb  - 

a  pair  of  shrouds;  i  -et  in  the  rigging.    -bob 


•aJnntc  vt  &  i  jeg  -r  el.  bet  -r  mig  I  want. 

iBante  c   r  mitten. 

aSatitlJær«  sheer-batten.    -tappt  hood  for  the 

rigging.     -tliiabe   shroud -truck,     -tttob  shroud 

-knot.    -Icjber  Jacob's  ladder. 

lBan|trtbed  vd  thrive  ill,  pine  away;  *  be  un- 
comfortable;  *l5igen  -8  the  girl  is  stunted.  -tretieit 
a  stunted.  -treoen^eb  c  stuntedness.  -trittelfc, 
•tripfel  c  thriving  111,  pining  away.  -triPtting 
stunt;  fe  -trioelfe. 

JBantro   a   (fom   ifle   tror  anbre)  incredulous, 
disbelieving,  hard  of  belief;  (tf fe  rettroenbe)  un- 
believing.  Vantro  cincredulousness,  incredulity, 
disbelief,  infldelity,  unbelief     f&antto,  -enbe 
infidel,  unbeliever. 

JBantlftruc  rigging  screw.  -flaaet  a  shroud 
-laid.  -ftoppcr  shroud-stopper.  -træ  sheer-pole 
•«jc  collar  of  the  shroud.  i 

SJattPate  c  inadvertence;  af  _  inadvertentll 
from  inadvertence.  1 

iBanPib    n    insanity,    mental    derangement, 
lunacy;   forelftet  til  _  madly  in  love;  brioe  en  tt[| 
_   drive   one   mad.    —   %anPtbd{ latter    insai 
laughter.      -ritS   frenzy.     -fmit    insane    smil| 
SBattPittig   a  insane,    lunatic,  deranged.    Sal 
Pittig^eb  c  fe  3?anPib;  t  &  bibl  ignorance. 
SBanPofåen  o  stunted,  undersized. 
'SBonlP^rbc,  -P«re  vt  neglect,  slight. 
iBonæ're  c  dishonour,  ignominy,  infamy,  dli 
grace.    SBatttere  vt  dishonour,  disgrace,    -nbe 
ignominious,  disgraceful,  infamous. 
SBapctt'r  [fr.)  c  &  n  flne  muslin;  -8  7)Zvapour 
SBapit't  c  wap'iti,  Cervua  Canadenais. 
SBor  imp  af  SSære. 
*ænr  c  fe  9?or. 
*S8ar  n  fe  SBaar  n. 

SBar  a  (t  &  *)  watchful,   wide  awake,   ca^ 
tious;  blioe  _  become  aware  of,  be  sensible 
percelve;  *ftaa  -  stand  at  gaze. 

SSarag'ttg  o  bibl  ~  i  aSsnnen  continuing  insta 
in  prayer.  -^eb  c  bibl:  meb  ol  -  with  all  pe 

Sa'ribinb  (loose)  paper  cover,  -børser 

iBarbe  c  -r  cairns,  beacon,  land-mark,  sea-mar^ 
muret  beacon  of  masonry. 

SBorc  s  (5paapo8fen6eb)  guard,  care;  tage  fig 
el.  i  -  for  take  care  of,  beware  of,  be  on  one_ 
guard  against;   tage  _  paa  attend  to,   observe7 
watch,  have  an  eye  upon;  ^at  nof  at  tage  _  has 
enough    upon    his    hånds;   +paa    en   -    as   a 
matter  of  prudence.    SBare  »t  -  poa  attend  to; 
—  vt  -  (ab)  warn;  _  fig  take  care,  take  heed, 
tiBore  c  (gorBorfel  for  Søben)  wraith. 
Sorc  vi  last,    endure;   bet  Bil  iffe  _  længe  it 
will  not  be  long;   bet  -be  itte  længe  før  it  wa 
not  long  before;  bet  -be  noget  længe  for  pan  fo« 
he  was  rather  long  in   coming;   i  be  fire  2)ag 
fom   bereS  Dpt)olb  -be  during  the  four  days 
their  stay;  _  længere  enb  outlast. 
^ore-  <f»  spare  fe  9ieferBe>. 
Sgare  c,  pi  =  &  -x,  (5Eing,  fom  fælgeS)  article 
commodity,  ware,  pi  articles  etc,  merchandis^ 
goods  pi;  f  tage  for  gobe  _  put  up  with;  toga 
for  gobe  -r  pass  current;  tageS  for  gobe  _  of  paa 
el.  go  down  with.    •affettber  consignor. 
SBareanfer  spare  anchor  ofb. 
ajore|artiIel  article.    -batte  bale  of  goods.   -it 
l^olbning   stock,    goods   on   hånd.     -bog  stor 
•book.     -itfttt    barter.     -forfalder   adulterant^ 




-forfewbelfe  transmission  of  goods;  shipment. 
•fortegnetfe  list  of  goods;  (galtura)  invoice;  (til 
Jolbftcejenet)  report.  -f«rfel  carriage  el.  convey- 
ance  of  goods. 

SSoregobé  n  J,  spare  stores. 

Sareltjanbel  business  el.  trafiic  in  goods.  -^wS 
ware-house,  store-house.  -fenbet  one  versed  in 
the  knowledge  of  goods. 

^areflteber  pi  .1,  slops. 

SJarelloQo  package  of  goods.  -tonto  goods 
account.  -luBbffab  knowledge  of  goods.  -lælbct 
.■itore-cellar.  -lager  stock(-in-trade),  store.  -UHX- 
Ion  commercial  dictionary.  -tifte  fe  -fottegnelfe. 
-loft  store-loft.  -I«8  load  of  merchandise.  -jnob= 
taget  receiver  of  (the)  goods,  consignee.  -misg= 
let  broker.  -ntærle  tråde  mark,  merchandise 
mark.  -oplag  depot,  store,  -oplægget  bonder. 
•pti§  price  of  goods.  -prøbe  sample,  pattern 
(of  merchandise),  tråde  pattern.  -tegning  in- 
voice, bill  of  parcels. 

*Sareten  c  spare  reindeer. 

Soreflrnet  pi  (t.  ftanoner)  preserving  scre^vs. 

SSotefott  commodity,  article. 

SBareftang  c  .spare  topmast. 

aSateftempet  n  tråde  mark. 

+SSotetaartt  n  fe  gtjrtaam. 

93ate|tage  vt  attend  to,  take  care  of.  -tagelfe 
c  attending  to  etc,  care.    -tegn  fe  SBortegn. 

»arcltog  fe  ®obl=.    -ttonSpott  fe  -førfel. 

Satetrst  n  cover. 

Sareticgt  c  («eftt)ttelfe)  care;  (SSebogtning) 
custody,  keeping,  safeguard;  tage  i  (fin)  -  take 
charge  of;  fætte  unber  -  take  into  custody;  tom 
unber  -  was  placed  in  custody.  —  SBatet(egt8|  = 
arteft,  -f ængfel  custody;  (fiolalet)  house  of  deten- 

!Batet«nbe  c  J,  buoy. 

aSarcubftiatng  c  exhibition  of  goods. 

<'»arg  c  -er,  fe  m». 

S8a't|l)aar  fe  -borfter. 

SBo'r^eb  c  watchfulness. 

SJati  a  bel  a  &  c  va'riable.  -ant'  c  -er  (various) 
reading,  va'riant.  -atio'n  c  er  varia'tion;  range, 
-ationéregning  calculus  of  variations. 

aSaticeUer  pi  cbicken  pox,  varicella. 

i8ati|e'rt  vi  vary,  (imeUem)  range;  vt  vary, 
diversify.  -ete't  c  -er  vari'ety.  -eté'S^eatet 
theatre  of  varieties,  music-hall. 

^atig  a  durable,  lasting,  permanent,  abiding. 
•^eb  c  duration,  durability,  permanence,  con- 

$atitø'§  a  var'icose,  var'icous. 

SJa'tIig  a  cautious,  circumspect. 

Satm  a  (ogf aa  om  golelfe)  warm,  (ftærfere)  hot; 
-t  ajanb  hot  water;  -t  SSab  hot  bath;  et  -t  SSærelfe 
a  warm  el.  heated  room;  -e  2anbe  hot  countries, 
warm  climates;  gao  af  fom  -t  Srøb  go  off  like 
hot  rolls;  tale  ftg  -  warm;  i  -e  Ubtr^f  in  feeling 
terms;  —  oarmt  culv  warmly;  bet  git  -t  til  it 
was  hot  work.  SBatmjblobet  -blobig  a  warm- 
cl.  fig  hot-blooded. 

$Batme  c  (ogfao  om  galelfer)  warmth,  heat; 
(om  %B\i\'\t)  fervour,  ardour;  '•'  fire;  fri  _  sensible 
heat;  8  ®raber8  -  50  degrees;  i  benne  -  in  this 
hot  weather;  to  -r  two  heats;  foa  -  i  restore 
warmth  to;  ftbbe,  ligge  i  -n  sit,  sleep  in  a  heated 
room;  tage  ~  (til  fig)  heal,  get  heated.  ^atme 
vt  warm,  heat;  (oeb  at  gnibe)  chafe;  _  op  warm 
up,  F  -  en§  9Jt)g  el.  SRQaftljtter  curry  one's  hide; 
warm  one's  jacket;  _  enS  ^ren  box  one's  ears. 
Sarmel appatat  warming  apparatns.  -beb  hot- 
bed, -bcttfen  n  warming- pau.  -bun!  fe  -flafte. 
•effelt  hertting  power,  -entieb  caloric  unity, 
thermal  unit.  -tone  heating  power.  -flaH^e 
warming- bottle.  -fot^olb  thermal  condition. 
-f^tbe  speciflc  heat,  capacity  for  heat.    -gibet  fe 

-lilbe.  -gtab  degree  of  heat;  *  bet  er  -r  the 
thermometer  is  above  the  freezingpoint.  -gtlfbe 
foot-stove.  -gtænfe  limit  of  heat.  -lapacitet 
heat-capacity.  -!a§fe  heater.  -lilbe  source  of 
heat.  -Intb  linen-warmer.  -lebenbe  a  heat-con- 
ducting.  -leber  conductor  of  heat;  flet  -  bad 
conductor  (of  heat),  nonconductor.  -tebning 
conduction  of  heat;  fe  -apparat,  -tebningdebne 
thermal  couductivity,  conductive  power  for 
heat.  -lebning8!oefftcient  coefficient  of  cou- 
ductivity. -linier  pi  thermic  lines,  -læte  theory 
of  heat.  -maalet  calorimeter,  thermometer. 
-ntaaling  calorimetr>-.  -mangbe  quantity  el. 
amount  of  heat.  -obetflabc  heating -surface. 
-obetffub  surplus  heat.  -ret  air-flue,  caliduct. 
-fpilb  los.«  el.  waste  of  heat.  -ften  warming 
-stone.  -ftof  caloric.  -fttaaic  ray  of  heat. 
-ftraaling  radiation  of  heat.  -fttarantng  current 
of  heat.  -ftue  warming  room.  -tab  fe  -fpilb. 
-teoti  theory  of  heat.  -ubfttaaling  fe  -ftraaling. 
-nbbilling  development  of  heat. 

SBatmlftjettet  a  warm-hearted.  -l)jettetft«b  c 
warm-heartedness.  -bu8  hothouse,  -indplante 
hothouse  plant.  -InftSappatat  hot-air  apparatus. 
-luftSmafline  hot-air-engine.  -pteSfe  caiender. 
IBatmtføtcnbe  a  fe  -fjertet. 

æarnttoanbélbe^olber  hot-well.  -btenb  hot 
-water  well.  -ciftetne,  -laSfe  fe  -be^olber.  -pumpe 
hot-water  pump.  -tebning  warm-water  retting. 
-tat  hot-water  pipe. 

SBorp  n,  pi  =,  J,  warp;  fthrow  of  the  net;  =Me 
2af8e=.  -att!er  kedge.  Sarpe  vt  i.  warp,  (oeb  ^iælp 
af  9ln!er)  kedge;  (tafte)  heave;  -  fig  inb  warp  in. 
—  !8arpe|b«je  warping  buoy.  -gobS  warps.  -H^bS 
cathole.  -længbe  warp's  length.  -tutte  friction 
roller.    -ttoSfe  warp.    JBatpning  c  warping. 

3Sarf(!^au  n  Warsaw. 

SBarraga'l  c  fe  Singo. 

SBarfcl  n  (t  c)  -fler  (Slboarfel)  warning;  (lool.) 
notice ,  summons;  (gorOarfel)  omen ,  forebode; 
meb  et  jSieblifS  _  at  a  moment's  notice;  ?lften8  _ 
notice  given  tbe  day  before.  +-fulb  o  ominous. 
-fong  warning  song.  —  !8ttrfeie|!a(b  warning 
call.  -taab  warning  cry.  -taab  warning  advice. 
-t«ft  warning  voice.  -fftig  ominous  .shrlek. 
-tegn  omen.  -tib  space  of  time  between  cita- 
tion and  appearance  in  court.  iBo'tffo  vt  warn 
(om  of);  vi  i,  for  aUoret  con  the  helm.  »atflo ! 
interj.  look  out!  take  care!  out  of  the  way! 
make  way!  ajatfto  n  warning;  gibe  en  et  _  put 
one  on  his  guard,  on  the  alert,  give  one  a 
notice,  the  alarm.  SBatSIe  vt  (aboare)  warn; 
(bebube)  presage,  bode,  augur;  (ftcetme)  sumiron, 
fom  -r  .  .  .  ominous  of  .  .  .  -i-  -  en  nt  give  one 
warning  of  st;  —  vi  ~  om,  fe  -  vt  (bebube);  -  gobt, 
ilbe,  for  bode  well,  ill,  for  el.  to.  SBatélet  c  -e 
(^firben)  monitor,  Varanm;  *(Sugl)  butcher-bird, 
Lanius  excubitor.     SBatdIing  c  summons. 

£Ba'tfom  fe  SSarlig.  -^cb  c  caution,  cautious- 
ness,  circumspection. 

SBatfooicnne  c  -r  Varsoviana. 

SBatte  op  vi  &  t  wait  (upon),  attend. 

SBa'ttegn  n,  pi  =,  (3SarfeI)  omen,  forebode; 
(Sømærtej  sea-mark;  (Senbemærle)  mark. 

Sattpenge  [t.]  pi  (©mbebimanbS)  allowance; 
(Dfficerg)  half-pay;  fætte  paa  ~  give  an  allowance; 
plaoe  on  half-pay. 

aSatulv  c  -e  were-wolf. 

Safal'  c  -ler  vas'sal.  -eb  vassal's  oath.  -for- 
^olb  va.ssalage.  -pligt  fealty.  -ftat  vassal  state. 
•tjenefte  feudal  service. 

*i8aå'«  i  nogle  ®mf.  af  »onb  f.  (£!§.  SoS'atb, 
-brag  fe  ajonb-. 

SJafe  c  -r  vase. 

fiBafc  c  causeway  of  fascines. 




'>Sofe  c  (ogf.  ^(7)  tangled  mass,  tangle;  ^  (Sofl) 
mop,  swab;  (Kniber)  selvagee-nippers. 

Safctiortt  re  aavil  for  beatiug  vessels. 

SJafeli'ttc  c  vas'eline.    -olie  vaseline  oil. 

S8ofe|mo(cri  vase-painting.   -{itante  vase-plant. 

tæofeoej  o  fe  SSafe  2. 

*i8a§8ro  c  ^  fe  ©ofatraab. 

*SJo8f jelb  e  dusky  gambet,  Totanua  fuscus. 

SBaf!ul«'8  a  vas'cular. 

*SBa8H)iV  fe  SIKuJBoage.  -pui  puddle.  »oSfe 
vi  wade.  SaSfen  a  watery.  SBa§|truffen  a 
water-soaked.    -Dceding  water-grael. 

Sot'  n  &  c  -ter  wadding;  et  _  a  sheet  of 
wadding.    -agtig  a  llke  wadding. 

9}ater  [t.]:  i  -  horizontal;  ftiHe  i  _  level;  Bringe 
ub  af  -  unlevel.  -6orb  n  ^  water-ways  pi,  (paa 
58aab)  water-board,  (ober  3)ør  o.  I.)  water-spout, 
-shoot,  -table.  -Iiori)§lam  ^l,  chlme  of  the  water- 
ways.  -clofet  water  ■  closet.  -foft  a  »J,:  er  _ 
has  sutficient  cargo  or  ballast  in  her  bottom. 
•Heri  shipping  clerk.  -line  J,  swifter.  -lifte 
^._^  horizontal  tie.  -nogle  stop -water.  -paé  n 
•!¥'  (water)  level;  plumb-level.  -^jaSIttabrant  qua- 
drant.  -paéitiUtt  a  (om  Kanon)  (laid  at)  point 
-blank.  -|)roof  waterproof  cloth.  -feil  water 
-sail,  save-all.  -ffont  c  shipping  master,  water 
-bailiff.  -ffttb  firing  at  point  blank;  -S  Slfftonb 
point-blank  range.  -ff«tic  lower  studdingsail 
outhauler.  -flaoet  a  water-laid.  -fot  dropsy. 
•fotagtig,  -fottig  a  dropsical.  -ftag  n  ^  bob 
-stay.  -ftagSbøjIe  bobstay  collar  (o.  fl.).  -ftol 
water-frame.    -ttJift  water-twist. 

SBatlfabrit  wadding  manufactory.  -fabcilant 
fe  -mager. 

^atittt'ntt  the  Vat'ican. 

SBat|tttager  c  -e  manufacturer  of  wadding. 
-mafline  (i  ©tJtnbert)  blower. 

SBo'tre  vt  water;  -t  ©titetøj  watered  silk. 
SBatring  c  watering. 

i8at|fi«c  fe  aScerl«. 

S8at|te'te  vt  wad,  stuff  (with  wadding).  -tering 
c  wadding. 

»atterfot  fe  58aterfot. 

SlBattff  a  jbamptebel  waggon  boller. 

ajou!  fe  SBobtio«. 

9Jau  c  weld,  wold,  dyer's  weed,  yellow  weed. 
Reseda  luteola. 

!8aucanfonfI'  o  Sæbe  pitch-chain. 

IBaubeDiQ'e  c  -r  vaudeville. 

IBauIunbnr  fe  SBelunb. 

!&aHtiatt  c  wou-wou,  silvery  gibbon,  Hylohates 

^ant^aVL  n  vauxhall. 

^t  c  k  n  (Smerte)  pain,  ache,  anguish;  (Sorg) 
woe;  -er  pi  throes  cl.  pains  of  child-birth;  %o\' 
fene§  _  og  8JeI  the  welfare,  the  weal  and  woe, 
of  nations;  -erneg  SSeg^nbelfe  the  beginning  of 
sorrows.  SBc!  interj  woe!  _  mig  ultjffelige!  o  »e! 
woe  is  me!  raafie  (at  og)  ~  ooer  cry  woe  upon, 
throw  up  one's  bands  at;  -  ben  fom  woe  to  him 

iBei)  præg  af  SSibe. 

SBeb'  [é,  *oe'b]  præp  (oftefl)  by:  ftrats  _,  tæt  - 
close  by,  hard  by;  ftob  _  ^Iben  was  standing  by 
the  fire;  „  Si)S  by  eandle  light;  _  et  STitfælbe  by 
chance  el.  accident;  _  9tatm  by  el.  of  the  name 
of;  føre,  tage  _  $oanben  lead,  take,  by  the  band; 
^an  Iiolbt  ftg  _  mig  (foft)  he  held  on  by  me, 
(i  Slær^eben)  he  kept  close  to  me;  _  ^an§  ^jælp 
by  el.  through  his  ald;  _  glib  by  diligence; 
bræbt  _  et  Slag  killed  by  a  blow;  _  at  arbejbe 
by  working;  paa.  ®anff  _  tranlated  into  Danish 
by;  _  (fiingften)  91.  af  (poppen)  58.  by  .  .  .  from  .  .  .; 
-  ®ub  1  by  God !  _  min  9@re  by  el.  upon  my 
honour;  ^bob  forftaar  man  _  .  .  .  ?  what  is  meant 
by  .  .  .?   what  is    the  meaning  of  .  .  .V  —  at: 

_  3)øren  at  the  door;  <Urofe8for  _  et  Unioerfitet 
professor  at  (in)  a  univer.sity;  ®efanbt  _  Jpoffet 
ambassader  at  the  court  "of;  _  benne  $ib  at, 
by  el.  about  this  time;  _  ®aggrt)  at  daybreak; 
_  6ani  ®øb  at  his  death;  _  Segtjnbelfen  af  at  th<* 
commencement  of;  -  ©Qnet  af  at  the   sight  o(^ 

—  bet  førfte  ^ug  at  the  first  blow;  _  ^aanben 
hånd;  —  on:  _  Xberafen  on  the  Thames;  ^elfingå 
ligger  _  Ørefunb  Elsinore  stands  on  the  Soun< 
SSeliggen'^eb  -  ^cernbanen  situation  on  the  railwaj 
et  §otel  _  en  ©0  i  Italien  an  hotel  on  an  Italia 
lake;   ^an  er  _  (anfat  beb)  SimeS  he  is  on  tbi 
Times;   ber  er  en  Rapettan  _  ©tiftelfen  there  is 
chaplain  on  the  Foundation;  _  benne  iieilig^É 
on  this  occasion;  _  j^oreipørgfel  on  inquiry;  \{ 
Bor  flere  ®ange  -  (nær  beb)  at  I  was  several  tim« 
on  the  point  of;  —  through:  jeg  fif  bet  ot  bil 
_  ^am  it  came  to  my  knowledge  through  hin 

—  of:    Slaget   _   Seipjig  the  battle  of  Leipzij 

—  to:  !&ænge  foft  ~  adhere  el.  cleave  to;  SJæge 
et  ^ofpital  physician  to  an  hospital;  bære  gob 
en  be  kind  to  one;  blibe  _  Sagen  keep  el.  stic 
to  the  point;  tænte  _  ftg  felb  thiuk  to  one's  sel 

—  in:  bet  Ijor  ben  ©jenbommelig^eb  -  fig  there  i 
this  peculiarity  in  el.  about  it;  ber  er  intet  gob 
onbt,  ....  there  is  no  good,  harm  in  .  .  .;  ft« 
_  SRqtteriet,  be  lette  Sropper  be  in  the  eavalry, 
the  light  troops;  bære  _  gobt  |)elbreb  be  in  good 
health;  bære  _  $enge  be  in  cash;  jeg  bar  _  (ifæt 
meb)  at  ftribe   I  was  writing  el.  in  the  aet 
writing;  —  against:  fom  ftaat  _  IjanS  9labn 
9iegifter,  fjorteguelfe)  standing  against  his  nam| 

—  (anbre   902 aa ber):   ber  er  intet  _  ^am  he 
not  good  for  much;  ^on  l^or  gobt  -  at  gøre  bjL 
it  is  an  easy  thing  for  him  to  do;  l^an  befonbt  ftg  ' 
bel,  ilbe  _  bet   it  .agreed  with  him,  it  di.sagreed 
with  him;   gøre  _  (iflanbfætte)   en  Stng  mend 
thing;  jeg  tunbe  itte  gøre  _  bet  I  could  not  hel 
it;  røre  _  noget  touch  a  thing;  bære  _  (tilftaa)  owij 
acknowledge;  —  adv  -.  blib  _  go  on,  proceed; 
tommer  itte  mig  -  it  is  no   business  of  min^ 
talel  _  speak  together;  :^olbe  -  continue,  go  oi 
persist;  ftralS  el.  tæt  (ber)beb  close  by,  hard  \A 

SBeb'  [é,  ''SSe'b]  f  «>  *'cwood;  *firewood;  fafT 
-bet  hard-grained.    -ofte  wood-ashes. 

Scbbenb(e)  c  ivy,  Hedera;  oberootSet  meb  -  ivie^ 
-agtig  a  hederaceous.  -blob  ivy  leaf.    -tran§  iv 
wreath.    -tuift  twig  of  ivy.    -ronte  ivy-vine 

•"SB'eb|6ef^»areIfe  saving  of  fuel.  -Iief^arenbe| 
fuel-saving.  '        _ 

9Jeb|bUbe  vi  continue,  go  on,  keep  on,  perse- 
vere;  Ijan  -bleb  at  fpille  he  kept  on  (el.  continued) 
playiug;  -bleb  at  bære  SBenner  remained  friends; 
-bleo  at  løbe  kept  running;  —  vt  go  on  with, 
continue.  -bjiticlfe,  -blitien  c  continuance,  per- 
severance.  -blioenbe  a  continued,  persistent; 
adv  still;  er  _  continues  to  be;  tror  -  persists 
in  thinking. 

SBebborer  c  goat  moth,  <7os»tt»  liøniperda. 

^ebbø'rlig  a  due,  suitable;  _  ©traf  condign 
punishment;  —  adv  duly. 

SBcbceUe  c  wood  cell. 

SBebbe  fe  SBæbbe. 

SBebel  [t.]  c  «p  tail,  brush,  scut. 

SSeberbugtet  a  fe  SBinbffæb. 

SSeberfa'reS  vd  happen,  befall;  bet,  fom  -  en, 
ton  ogfoo  møbe  en  anben  what  happens  to  one 
may  also  befall  another;  ber  -foreS  el.  er  -faret 
^am  en  UlQtte  he  met  el.  has  met  with  an  acci- 
dent; btg  ftol  intet  onbt  _  you  shall  not  be 
hurt;  lobe  en  -  SRet  do  one  justice. 

SBcberljæf'ttg  a  solvent;  _  9Kanb  a  man  of 
credit;  (om  Korafter)  responsible.  -^eb  c  solvency; 
credit;  responsibility. 

ajeberlltiæ'ge  vt  refresh.   -i-IO(egeIig  arefresh- 




Ing.  -ttiiegelfe,  -loæ'gning  c  refireshment,  re- 

%eber|(ag  n  compensation,  requital;  commuta- 
tiou;  (SB^git.)  abutment;  til  _  for  in  compensation 
el.  return  for;  uben  _  gratis,  gratuitously;  ^vai) 
fan.  et  9)}enne[[e  gioe  til  _  for  fin  ©jcel?  whai  shall 
a  man  give  in  exchange  for  his  soul?  -lagSfci 
a  gratuitous;  -t  ado  gratis,  gratuitously.  -laQé^ 
tnur  springing  wall,  abutment.  -lagge  vt  com- 
pen>^ate,  inilemnify. 

tSBcbcrport  c  -er"  opponent,  adverse  party. 

ajeberfttjg'gclig  a  abominable;  alt  bet  font  er  -t 
bibl  every  abomination.  -ffti  c  -er  abominable- 
ness,  abomination;  g)belæggelfenl  _  the  abomina- 
tion of  desolation. 

SBcbet'  c  -ter  vedette,  vidette. 

SSeblfallel  torch  of  firewood.  --fof«  cord  of 
wood  (ie  %ar)n). 

Scblfeje  vt  annex,  subjoin,  afiix;  til  -be  ?l5nfer 
at  the  prices  affixed.    -følning  c  annexing  etc. 

SSebgaa  vt  admit,  own,  acknowledge,  confess, 
confess  to;  +  =  SBebfomme.  -elfc  c  admission, 
acknowledgment . 

Sebt)atic  c  firewood  yard. 

Scbtjeftle  vt  attach,  annox,  affix,  append.  -tti«g 
c  attacbing  etc. 

Seb^otbenlbe  a  persevering,  continuons,  con- 
tinued,  prolonged,  incessant.  -^eb  c  persever- 

Scbl^uggctwood-cutter;  fe  (Slfen6en§næB.  -ftMg= 
itv«tdt  wood  cuttor's  axe.   -^ug^  wood-cutting. 

!Beb|^(ettg  n  appendage.  -liænge  vt  adhere, 
cleave  to;  (tilføje)  append.  -I^cengen  c  adherence, 
attachment  (ueb  to}.  •^cengcnbc  a  attached,  ap- 
pendent.  -I|(engen^eb  c  fe  -gængen.  -I|(cngfel  n 
fe  aSebljæng. 

tS8eb!aft  c  pile  of  firewood. 

9$ebtenbe  fig  vr  own,  own  to,  acknowledge, 
recog:nize  as  one's  own;  tfte  »ille  _  fig  disown; 
-8  vd  b.  f.  -Ifc  c  recognition;  recognizance,  ac- 

SBebflæbe  vt  adhere  to,  cleave  to. 

!Bebti«oning  c  wood  splitting. 

SJcbj tomme  vt  concem,  regard,  respect,  bear 
on;  fe  Somme  tieb;  (ifte)  _  ©agen  be  (ir)relevant 
to  the  matter.  -lommenbe  part  concerned;  _ 
forfatter  the  author  in  question;  _  Sluføger  the 
party  applying;  —  præpfe  aingaaenbe.  -tommenbe 
«  (bej  _  those  concerned;  jeg  l^ar  talt  meb  -  I 
have  spoken  with  the  party  concerned,  with 
the  person,  the  individual;  ^øje  _  the  authorities. 
-lommenbe  n-.  for  mit  (perfonlige)  _  for  my  part, 
as  far  as  I  am  (personally)  concerned,  personally; 
for  2)anmart8  _  as  to,  with  respect  to,  in  the 
case  of  Denmark;  on  behalf  of  J). 

^eblagt  part  af  SSeblægge. 

»eblt'ge  adv  ^olbe  _  el.  -^olbe  vt  (f.  <EU.  a3?g= 
ninger)  keep  in  repair;  (beDare)  preserve;  support, 
maintain,  keep  up;  (aSreobefiUng  o.  1.)  carry  on, 
keep  up;  be  ere  gobt  -bte  they  are  well  preserved 
el.  in  gooa  condition  el.  repair.  -Ijolbelfe  c 
keeping  in  repair;  preservation ,  maintenance. 
—  ^ebligcfioIbelfeélDmloftninger  costs  of  preser- 
vation. -tiiftanb  state  of  preservation  el.  repair. 
•ttbgift  outlay  for  repairs. 

SBebltggenbe  a  adjacent,  adjoining;  fe  aieblagt. 

!8eb, lægge  vt  append,  affix.  annex,  (i  33reD) 
inclose;  -lagt  fenber  jeg  inclosed  etc,  under  this 
cover,  I  send;  SSeblagte  the  inclosed;  ben  Doer^ 
flaget  -lagte  Segning  the  diagram  afiixed  to  the 
estimate.    •(agning  appending  etc. 

SSebret  c  right  of  cutting  firewood,  fire-bote. 

SSebrøre  vt  touch,  concem,  afTect;  -nbe  part 
&  prcep  fe  SSeblommenbe. 

■^SBeblfli  fe  -træ.  -ffjul  wood-shed.  -flærer  c 
sawyer  of  firewood. 

Sarfen:  Sanft-gngelf!  Crbbog. 

SBebffrHie  vt  aSebtegne. 

£Beb|ftaa  vt  maintain,  stand  by,  persist  in 
asserting;  fe  SSebgoa;  Staa  beb.  -fta'aelfe  c  main- 
taining  etc.    -ftaaenbe  a  annexed. 

SBeblfiabel  pile  el.  stack  of  firewood.  *-ft^!!e 
fe  -træ.    *-f ætter  wood-measurer. 

3$eb{tage  vt  agree  (on),  resolve,  adopt,  vote, 
sanction,  pass,  (en  Som)  acquiesce  in;  Seftut' 
ningen  -togeS  enftemmig  the  resolution  was  carried 
unanimously;  _  at  agree  to;  -tagen  a  ag^eed, 
received,  recognised,  established,  conventional. 
-tageif e  c  agreeing  etc. ;  adoption ;  (af  Sob) 

H-SBebtaleS  vd  fe  SaleS  beb. 

9$eb|tcgnc  vt  note,  mark,  sign.  -ning  c  note, 
annotation,  remark. 

Seb|torn  spine,  thorn.  *-tot»)  wood-market. 
*-træ  billet,  stick  of  firewood,  (flere  ©mf.  fe 

Scbtægt  c  -er  received  el.  established  custom, 
habit,  standing  rule  el.  order;  efter  gammel  _ 
according  to  old  observance;  -er  pi  by-laws  (of 
a  society).  —  SBebtægtS^enft^n  regard  to  estab- 
lished custom.  -mæSfig  a  customary,  established 
by  custom. 

+i8cbbant  a  accustomed. 

!8eb|Dare  vi  endure,  continue.  -tjarenbe  a 
continual,  unceasing,  constant;  —  adv  still;  er 
_  fQg  continues  (to  be;  ill.  -tiåren,  -oarcnlteb  c 

SBeg  imp  af  SSige. 

SBeg  a  pliant,  flexible,  limber,  »weak.  fSBege 
vt  make  pliant. 

*SBege  fe  SSæge. 

SBegetiabi'I  n  -ier  veg'etable.  -obl'If!  o  veg'e- 
table;  _  Srøl^aar  alva  marina,  -oria'ner  c  -e 
vegeta'rian.  -nrtaniS'mecvegeta'rianism.  -atio'n 
c  vegeta'tion.  -ati'b  (el.  beg'-)  a  veg'etative. 
-e're  vi  veg'etate.    -e'ren  c  vegetating. 

JBe'giieb  c  pliancy,  flexibility,  limberness. 

Segne  vt  bend;  _  et  Søm  turn  the  point  of 
a  nail  over. 

SBegne  pi:  paa  mine,  ^on§,  ^enbeS  _  on  my,  his, 
her  behalf  el.  account;  paa  ^r.  2l.'§  -  on  the 
part  el.  behalf  of  Mr.  A.;  alle  -  everywhere; 
alle  bibe  _  here,  there  and  everywhere;  tommer 
ingen  _  makes  no  way,  no  progress,  cannot 
get  on. 

*i8e'g  i  raggen  the  small  of  the  back.  -fttn  fe 

%el)itel  71  -Her  (ogf.  figi)  vehicle. 

iBe^mret  c  vehmic  tribunal. 

S8ej  c  -e  (tonttet,  feloe  SSejen)  road,  (mere  abftr., 
SRetning)  way;  (©fibeS)  track,  route;  (SSejlcengbe) 
distance;  ben  lortefte  _  the  nearest  way,  the 
shortest  cut;  ben  ^albe  -  halfway;  gibe  ^alo  - 
break  the  way;  ^ele  -en  all  the  way;  ben  baabe 
_  chem  the  wet  process;  benbte  ^obebet  en  anben  _ 
turned  her  head  the  other  way;  Jig  ben  anben  _ 
(bet  røobfatte)  with  a  difference;  et  ©tQltc  _  some 
distance;  en  9Kil8  _  ^erfra  at  a  mile's  distance; 
bi  ^at  enbnu  lang  _  we  have  a  long  way  before 
us  yet;  ben  tilbogelagte  _  J,  the  distance  run; 
finbe  _  find  one's  way;  bane  fig  -  make  el.  force 
one's  way;  rejfer  famme  _  (fom  jeg)  is  travelling 
my  way,  in  my  direction;  ®bt>en8  _  the  path  of 
virtue;  gaa  3fietten§  _  go  to  law:  gaa,  ribe  fin  _ 
go  off,  go  one's  way,  ride  ofT;  gaa  bin  _  get 
you  gone,  go  about  your  business;  ^an  tommer 
ingen  _  bermeb  he  does  not  get  on,  he  makes 
no  progress;  jeg  fan  ingen  _  tomme  meb  ^am  I  can 
do  notlilng  with  him;  jeg  er  SSejen  og  ©anb^eben 
og  £it)et  bibl  I  am  the  way,  and  the  truth,  and 
the  life;  *ftbor  tog  ^an  -enY  where  did  he  go  to? 
*ber  er  itte  mere  enb  Siben  og  -en  there  is  no 
time  to  be  lost;  atle  SSeje  føre  til  9iom  there  are 





more  ways  to  the  wood  than  one;  bet  ^or  gobe 
-e  there's  no  hurry,  it  is  no  matter;  eberS  -e  ere 
ilfe  mine  -e  bibl  your  ways  are  not  my  ways; 
ijotjer  lobet  alle  Rebninger  Bonbre  i  bere§  egne  -e 
suffered  all  nations  to  walk  in  their  own  ways; 
qaa  ntobjatte  -e  pursue  opposite  courses;  —  (m  e  b 
præp):  ab  ben  _  (by)  that  way;  ob  ^f'^ff"  -'? 
which  way;  af  -en  out  of  the  way;  qaa  of  -en 
get  out  of  the  way;  bet  ligger  of  -en  for  mig  it  is 
out  of  my  way;  bet  bar  ilte  af  en,  om  it  would 
not  be  amlss  el.  inexpedient,  would  be  as  well, 
no  bad  thing;  er  ilfe  (faa  rent)  of  -en  is  not 
(much)  amiss;  r^bbe  af  -en  make  away  with,  fe 
9J^bbe;  fitiob  er  ber  i  -en?  what  is  the  matter? 
what  has  happened?  what  hinders?  ber  er  nt  i 
-en  meb  ifam  there  is  something  the  matter  el. 
amiss  with  him;  fom  om  ingenting  »or  i  -en  quite 
unconcerned;  tiære,  ftoo  en  i  -en  be,  stand  in 
one's  way;  lægge  en  noget  i  -en  throw  something 
in  one's  way;  -lægge  i  _  el.  -en  set  oif,  set  out, 
Jig  go  at  it;  fio  ftiQe  fig  i  -en  for  militate  against; 
tfor  i  -en  =  ifortiejen;  er  i  en  gob  ~  has  a  good 
business;  fætte  en  i  -  start  one  in  life;  giBe  fig 
paa  -en  set  out;  paa  -en  fortalte  ^an  mig  ofo.  as 
we  went  along  etc;  ^  poo  -en  til  on  her  passage 
to,  en  route  for;  Bor  iffe  lommen  longt  paa  -en 
had  but  advanced  little  on  his  way;  paa  _  til 
bound  for;  Bære  paa  -en  til  at  .  .  .  be  on  the 
point  of;  (gobt)  poo  ~  til  ot  6liBe  bet  (well)  on 
the  way  el.  road  to  it;  paa  gobe  -e  (om  ftBinber) 
in  the  family  way;  Bære  poo  gobe  -e  til  be  in  a 
fair  way  to;  poo  rette  _  on  the  right  road;  fomme 
poo  gole  -e  go  astray  el.  wrong;  toge  poo  _,  -e 
take  on;  fomme  til  -e  come  to  light;  firinge  el. 
floffe  til  -e,  fe  SilBeiefiringe.  SBeil  anlæg  maklng 
el.  constniction  ofroads;  new  road.  -attorbnittg 
regulations  of  the  road.  -arlicibe  road-work, 
road-mending.  -arbejbet  road-labourer,  road 
-mender,  nawy.  -bone  roadway.  -iat  a  pas- 
sable, practicable.    -barket)  c  practlcability. 

*SBcilior  a  ponderable.    -^eb  c  fe  S8eielig|cb. 

aSej  I  betjent  overseer  of  roads.  -breb  way-bread, 
plantain,  Piantago.  »br^ber  pioneer.  -bagning 
fe  -anlæg,  -btjrbe  burden  of  maintaining  the 

S33ei(1^feI(-fIobcn)  the  Vistula.  -<>ifl  med  plica. 
'Xev  cherry-stick,  Weichsel-holz.     -træ  mazard. 

»cib  fe  æaio. 

Sejbe  vt  bag,  shoot,  catch;  _  en  ^are  hulk  a 
hare;  _  et  ®orn  empty  el.  unmesh  a  net.  ''■■■-I)«ar 
whiskers,  -bul  fundament.  *-tit  c  fe  ©tenBenber. 
-f-Doert  sport. 

tSeje  vt  (i^jelflao)  slay. 

SBeje  (-^Bog)  vi  &  t  weigh;  Bog  mere  weighing, 
wt.  (weight);  fon  iffe  _  og  Brage  cannot  be 
choosers;  fom  fon  -§  ponderable;  -  of,  fe  SlfBeje; 
_  mob  ^inonben  poise,  balance;  mon  fan  iffe  - 
bet  op  meb  ^tr\ge  it  is  not  to  be  had  for  love  or 
money;  ~  op  imob  (-^meb)  counterbalance ,  be 
equafto;  bet  -r  gobt  til  it  is  rather  heavy;  _  ub 
weigh  out.  SJejegobS  weight  goods.  SBejelig  o 
ponderable.  Seieligbcb  c  ponderability,  ponder- 
ablenes.  Sejc|ntoftine  weighing  machine;  weigh 
-bridge.  -plaH  (B.  S8æbbelø6)  paddock.  SBejer  c 
-e  weigher,  meter. 

8ejet  c  -e  ^  fe  SSæger. 

%ejcr{a§fiftent  weigher's  assistant.  -bob  weigh 
-house,  weighinghouse.  SSejerebflab  weighing 
implement.  Siejerlgcb^r,  -I«n,  -penge  weighage, 
metage;  t(for  Ulb)  tronage.  -fcbbet  weighing 
-certificate.    tSJejc^aal  scale. 

Sejlforenbe  a  wayfaring;  c  traveller,  passenger. 
•forbcbting  mendingof  the  roads.  -freb  (public) 
security  on  the  road.  -f^lb  road-metal,  road 
-covering.  -grøft  ditch  by  the  roadside.  -t«< 
iptitet  road-surveyor.     -lont  roadside.    -lart. 

-lort  road  map,  ronte-map.  -tenbt  a  acquainted 
with  the  road.  -tor§  cross  on  the  roadside. 
-iQnbtg  fe  -fenbt.  -ttjnbig^eb  acquaintance  wth 
the  road. 

tSBcjlc  c  -r  ford. 

SBejllebc  vt  guide,  lead,  conduet;  instruct;  -nbe 
Drb  word  of  guidanee  el.  instruction,  -t-tebclfe 
fe  -tebning.  -leber  guide,  conductor,  SSlinbe  ere 
23linbe§  -e  bibl  they  be  blind  leaders  of  tha 
blind.  -Icbning  c  guidanee,  conduet;  instruc 
tion;  (33og)  guide;  til  _  for  for  the  guidanee  ol 
-legeme  road -bed.  -længbe  distance,  spao 
-lærfe  fe  S:op=.  -leS  o  pathless,  trackless.  -moa 
fe  -længbe.  -wooler  pedometer,  odometer.  -ma 
ting  measuring  of  roads.  -mefter  inspector  o 
roads.  -mærfc  track-mark.  -ttiøbc  {Wete  of  a?eie 
meeting  of  roads;  (9Købe  poo  SSej)  meeting  on  ( 
road.    -net  system  el.  plexus  of  roads. 

SBejning  c  weighing. 

SBeJlopffln  surveying  of  the  roads.  -o^ifQnS 
ntanb  fe  -inipeftar.  -ouergang,  -oberferfel  Oærnb. 
level  Crossing,  -penge  tumpike-money.  -p* 

SBcjt  n  (SBejrlig)  weather;  (3tanbe)  breath;  (Sinb 
Wind;  *(fiugt)  scent;  gobt  _  fine  weather,  a  fim 
day;   flcmt,   ft^gt  _  bad,   foul,   weather;  ^oorbJj 
ftormenbe   _   heavy,   severe,   rough,    boisteroui 
weather;  oHe  ©logS  -  all  weathers;  om  -et  tiUobi 
weather  permitting;  -et  6læfer,  ^Bor  bet  Bil  thi 
wind   bloweth   where  it  listeth;   truebe    ene  « 
©øen  bibl  rebuked  the  winds  and  the  sea;  foll 
i  -et  cold  weather;  i  -et  up,  aloft;  meb  ®unben 
■et  hottom  up;  meb  Stæfen  i  -et  with  his  nose  ii 
the  air;  fig  fætte  Sfæfcn  i  -et  carry  the  nose  high 
fao    -et    igen   recover   one's   breath;    get   one' 
second  wind;  til  -§  4j  aloft;  fBinge  fig  i  -et  riH< 
mifte  el.  tabe  -et  breath;   bet  tog  næften  -i 
fro  mig  it  nearly  took  away  my  breath;   træfl 
-et  draw  breath,  træffe  -et  b^bt  draw  a  long 
low  breath;  for  at  træffe  -et  for  breath;   fnotfi 
gøre  noget   ^en    i  -et   talk,  do  something  heei 
lessly;  floa  noget  ^en  i  _  og  S8inb  make  light 
a  thing;  Bebe  om  gobt  _  cry  mercy,   eat  humb 
pie;   fomme  unber  _  meb  noget  get  scent  of 
thing.    33ejr|beftanbig  a  weather-proof.    -bibt 
-flogen.    -bog  journal  of  the  weather.    Sejre 
scent,   get  scent   of,   wind;  t(lufte)  air;  _  ^ei 
bort,  fe  ^enBejre;  _  ub  air;  —  vi  scent;  — _  vr  ft| 
op  soar.   Sejren  c  seenting,  smelling.    SBejrlffltti 
fe   SSinb>.     -fnft  a  wind  bound,  weather-bonnd. 
-flej  vane.   -foranbrtng  weather  change,  change 
of  el.   in   the   weather.     -forbolb   atmospheric 
conditions.  -forubftgelfe  (weather)  forecast.  -gab 
air-hole.   -gla§  weather-glass.   -^aarp^  whiskers, 
tactile  hairs.   -baarb  a  exposed  to  hard  weather, 
vxnsheltered ,    unprotected,   storm-vexed,   wind 
-loved.    -l)onc  ogf.  Jig  weather-cock.    -^aneri  n 
P    tergiversation.     -bat  hood  for  a  chimney. 
-i-bcntntng  respiration,    --boocb  fragment  of  a 
rainbow;  weather-gall.    -l|ut  air-hole.    -tiatte  fe 
-f)Ot.     -iagttagetfe   meteorologieal  observation. 
*-Iart  fe  -tort.   -labe  squall.    *-totn  nose,  scent. 
-fort  weather-chart.     t-lnle  breeze.     -f^nbig  a 
weather-wise.    *-lo8  weather,  climate.    SBcjrtig 
n  weather.    !8cjr|lp§  Saint  Elm's  light;  »aurora 
borealis.  -lærcmeteorology.  -mebbelelf  er  weather 
intelligence,    -mærte  fe  -tegn.    -ntatlc  windmill. 
-waHcpuntpe  windmill  pump.     -matter  owner 
of  a  windmill.    -omflag  fe  -foronbring.    -profet 
weather-prophet,  weather-spy.    -f(t)alt  air-shaft. 
-ffabe    damage    done   by   the  weather.     -ftifte 
change  of  weather.    -flaaft,  -flagen  a  weather 
beaten,  bitten,    -i-fmulbre,  -fmulbrtng,   fe  %ot= 
Bitre,    -fol  mock-sun.    -fpaabom  prognostieation 
of  the  weather.    -ftoHc  air- way.    -Pr«g  direetion 
of  the  wind  el.  current  of  air.    -ftgttc  portion  of 




a  ralnbow  f^een  in  the  horizon.  -f^g  «  weather 
■sick.  -ffln  fe  SiiftfQn.  -tej«  sign  el.  prognostic 
of  the  weather.  -telegram  telegraphic  weather 
intelligence,    -trætning  respiration. 

i8ej;fcntte<)  bedgemnstard ,  Sinymbrium  o/fi- 
cinale;  (finblabet)  flixweed,  <S'.  sophia.  -{Itfer^eb 
safety  of  the  roads.  -flat  road-tax.  -ffel  (Steb, 
^Oor  SJeje  bele  fig)  branching  off  of  a  road,  cross- 
road;  (©fel,  bannet  af  en  S8.)  limit  formed  by  a 
road.  -flrob  road-scrapings.  -flærtier  road-metal. 
-fncgl  slug,  Lima.r.  -f»»or  fe  |»iuIfpor..  -ften 
road-metal.  t-fti»  a  (^ogn)  broad.  *-ftoH>e 
road-post  (to  mark  out  the  length  of  road  that 
each  landowner  is  bound  to  keep  in  repair). 
•ftrælning.  -ft^Ife  piece  of  (a)  road.  -Hette  mile- 
stone.  -f»«t)  road-dust  el.  -drift,  -f^n  inspection 
of  roads. 

*S?eit  c  -er  ditch,  drain;  låne. 

Settolb  c  duty  el.  toll  paid  on  a  road. 

Écftrotnle  c  steam  roller. 

SSejtéftoné  c  St.  Vitns'  dance,  chorea. 

^cjttcrtng  c  provisions  for  the  road. 

*a?eiD  fe  »etj. 

SejlOilb  u.  601  -  had  lost  his  way.  -ttlfer 
(TOonb)  gnide;  {paa  SSej)  finger-post,  direction 
-post;  (93og)  directory;  J,  fairleader.  -DifertranS 
leading  thimble.  -tiiferftro^)  spurling-line.  •ooef en 
matters  conceming  roads. 

Sellage  c  lamentation;  +vi  lament. 

SBefSel  c  (Dmfliftning)  change;  (93iælfe)  trimmer. 

Seldel  c  -Iller  (Sratte)  bill  (of  exchange), 
draught,  draft;  (egen,  inben6^8  promissory  note, 
note  of  hånd;  _  paa  fort  Sib  short  bill;  _  paa 
lang  2ib  long  bill;  træffe,  ubftebe  en  _  draw, 
issne  a  bill;  nfceptere,  enboSfere,  proteftere  en  _ 
accept,  endorse,  ]>rotest  a  bill;  fig  træffe  -fgler 
paa  lay  under  contribution. 

Seflel|aager  usury  by  means  of  promissory 
notes,  -afeevt  acceptance  of  a  bill  of  exchange. 
-anfoar  liability  upon  bilis.  -arBitrage  arbitra- 
tion  of  exchanges.  -orteft  seizure  for  a  bill  of 
exchange.  -ftattl  bank  that  discounts  bilis  of 
exchange.  -betaler  payer  of  a  bill.  -Blanlet 
blank  draught,  bill-form.  -bog  bill-book.  -breti 
fe  SgefSfl.  -br«g  fe  -brift.  -courtage  bill-broker- 
age.  -bebitor  party  to  a  bill.  -brift  rotation 
of  crops.  -bu^ililat  duplicate  of  a  bill.  -b^r 
proteus.    -ejer  fe  -ijabtv. 

9Sef§eIe'r(er)  c   c  exchanger,  money-changer. 

»clåeljfalff,  -falffnerlforgingof  bilis,  -farbet 
o  shot  (-colouredy.  -feber  intermittent  fever. 
-forbring  demand  arising  from  a  bill.  -forfalbS* 
bog  bills-due  book.  -for^otb  mutual  el.  recipro- 
cal  relations,  correlation,  correlativeness.  -for= 
matib  preceding  indorser.  -forretning  banking 
business;  (enfelt  forretning  meb  SBefSel)  exchange 
matter,  -generation  altemate  generation,  -giber 
drawer.  -gælb  bill  debt.  -4anbe(  business  in 
bilis  of  exchange.  -^anbler  bill-broker.  -^aber 
c  -e  bearer  el.  holder  of  a  bill,  bill-holder. 
-bjul  change-wheel.  -^æle  p'  revolving  heels. 
-fantion  endorsement,  surety  for  payment  of 
bilis,  -fantionift  endorser.  -lonto  account  of 
exchange.  -totiibog  bill-copy  -  book.  -froti  fe 
-forbring.  -Irebit  paper  credit.  -Irebitor  fe 
-^oBer.  -lurS  (rate  of)  exchange.  -IurSbereg= 
ning  fe  -orbitroge.  -loø(gibning)  law  of  bilis 
of  exchange.  -1^8  changing  light,  -mcegler 
bill-broker.  -nobe  passing  note,  appoggiatura. 
-obligation  bond  having  some  of  the  privi- 
leges  of  a  bill  of  exchange.  -omgang  proceed- 
ing  in  the  case  of  bilis,  -omfætning  circula- 
tion  of  bilis  of  exchange.  -plabé  place  of  ex- 
change. -borlefeuiHe  billcase,  bilis  and  accep- 
tances.  -broteft  protest,  -prooifion  exchange. 
•regning  calculation  of  exchange.  -rente  interest 

on  a  bill  el.  bond.  -ret  right  of  exchange;  fe 
-loD.  -rig  a  full  of  vicissitudes.  -rim  alternative 
rhyme.  -riftomo  redrawing.  -retter  bill-jobher. 
-rytteri  cross -accommodation  el.  -acceptance, 
kite-flying  system;  bribe  -  be  engaged  in  accom- 
modation-bihs,  fly  the  klte.  -fag  matter  of  ex- 
change; action  about  a  bill  of  exchange.  -fang 
alternative  song.  -fob  ordinary  el.  long  saw. 
•ftbig  o  reciprocal.  -fbll  alternative  play.  -ftem« 
bel  bill-stamp.  -ftiUet  a  altemate.  -ftiaittø 
alternation,  -ftrøm  elect  alternate  current. 
-ftrømmaflinc  machine  with  an  alternate  cur- 
rent. -fnm  amount  of  a  bill.  -tager  taker  cl. 
buyer  of  a  bill  of  exchange.  -ubfteber  drawer. 
-biibt  game  frequenting  a  certain  place.  -binlel 
altemate  angle,  -birfning  reciprocal  action, 
reciprocity  of  action,  interaction.  -tiiå  a  alter- 
nate, alternating;  adv  alternately,  in  turns. 
-boert  Wheels  that  turn  the  hånds.  JBetSIC  vt  &. 
i  (0.  $enge,  flifte)  change;  (ubBefgte)  exchange; 
_  om,  fe  DmbefSle.  SBelSling  c  exchange,  ex- 

ajefélæber  fe  iBcefglæber. 

SeftorrabiuS  c  radius  vector. 

Sel'  n  welfare,  good,  beneflt,  weal.  Set'  adv 
«fe  con}  well;  befinbe  ftg  _  be  well;  jeg  er  iffe 
rigtig  _  I  am  rather  unwell,  out  of  sorts;  ieg 
befonbt  mig  _  beroeb  it  did  me  good;  ^on  er  _ 
faren  he  is  well  oflf;  bet  goar  ^am  -  he  gets  on 
well;  Bille  en  -  wish  one  well;  foB  -!  I  wish 
you  good  night;  gøre  _  do  good;  og  beri  gjorbe 
Ian  -  and  he  was  right;  gib  bet  Bar  fao  _ !  that 
would  be  good  news,  I  wish  he  would  (etc); 
gøre  _  imob  be  kind  to,  befriend;  _  ben,  fom 
happy  he  (el.  the  man)  who;  _  big,  at  it  is 
lucky  for  you  that;  _  møbt!  well  met;  »!_<!, 
all  right !  _  roet !  J,  rowed  o£F  all !  way  enough ! 
_  i  røafftnen  that  will  do  with  the  engine!  _ 
6eift !  high  enough !  _ !  nu  _ !  well !  well  then ! 
ja  -!  certainly,  to  be  sure;  —(rigelig,  for) 
kjolen  er  _  Bib  the  coat  is  rather  wide;  (gobt  og) 
_  otte  2:ommer  fuUy  el.  quite  eight  inches;  _  faa 
ftor  fom  rather  larger  than;  ^an  Bar  iffe  _  tommen 
^jem,  for  he  had  scarcely  reached  home  when; 
ba  be  _  Bar  ube  af  SS^en'once  out  of  the  town; 
—  (not,  formobentltg)  fan  (funbe)  _  Bære  .  .  . 
may  (might)  be;  \)an  gør  bet  _,  naar  man  beber 
f)am  berom  I  dåre  say  he  will  do  it  when  he  is 
asked;  tror  bu  _,  at  ^an  tilgiBer  mig  do  you 
think  (indeed)  that  he  will  pardon  me;  bu  ^ar 
iffe  gjort  bet,  _?  you  haven' t  done  it,  have  you? 
jeg  be^øBer  bog  _  iffe  en  nlj  Sfulbmogt  I  suppose 
I  shan't  require  a  new  power  of  attorney;  bet 
er  iffe  -  muligt  it  is  hardly  possible;  bet  er  -  iffe 
muligt?  you  don't  say  so?  ^an  fan  _  Bære 40  Slår 
I  fancy  he  may  be  about  40;  —  (Biftnof)  Bel 
.  .  .  men  certainly,  it  is  true,  indeed,  no  doubt 
.  .  .  but;  though,  if;  _  ftnber  man  bet  ofte,  men 
iffe  altib  no  doubt,  it  is  often  found,  but  not 
always.  tSeI|agtbar  «  right  worshipful.  -an' I 
interj  well!  go  to!  -anftæn'big  a  proper,  de- 
corous.  -anftæn'bigl(ebpropriety,decorum.  -artet 
a  well-bred,  well  brought  up,  not  degenerated. 
-baaren  a  wellborn;  (2;itulotur)  worshipful.  -baa= 
ren^cb,  3!ere5  _  your  worship  el.  honour.  -be- 
finbenbe  n  health ,  healthfulness;  healthiness. 
-befæftet  a  properly  el.  securely  fastened;  well 
fortified.  -befejet  a  well-grounded,  legltimate. 
-begabet  a  glfted,  talented.  -begrnnbet  fe  -beføjet. 
-be$ag  n  (t  c)  delight,  pleasiure;  i  'ftoilfen  jeg  l^aBer 
_  bibl  in  whom  I  am  well  pleased.  -be^a'gelig  a 
pleasing,  agreeable,  gratifying;  !^an  er  mig  _  (ogf. 
bibl)  I  am  well  pleased  in  (with)  him;  ®ub  - 
acceptable  to  God.  -be^a'geligfieb  fe  SSelbebag;  i 
røenneftene  en  _  bibl  good-wlll  to  men.  -be^olben 
a  safe  and  sound,  -be^omgt  a  (^unb)  with  fine, 





hanging  ears.  -befenbt  a  well-known,  familiar. 
-belottt'me !  fe  SBetomnie.  -bemeibt  a  before  men- 
tioned.  -bttaai,  -bttaabt  a:  ineb  _  ^u  delibe- 
rately.  -ieregnet  a  well-calculated.  -befat  a 
well-fllled,  well-furnished.  •fttftaltct,  -beftaltet  a 
duly  appointed.  -betjent  a  well-served.  -be= 
tcenft  a  well  considered,  well-advised;  ^ar  i!fe 
Iftanblet  -  i  at  has  not  been  well-advlsed  in  -ing. 
-bebaaoen  a  gracious,  favonrable.  -bicerget  a 
well-ended.  -bygget  a  well-built.  -b^v'big, 
•b^t'big^eb^  fe  -baaren.  -bannet  a  well-formed. 
•betlet  a  vvell-tilled.    -bis'big  fe  -gø'renbe. 

'•'»ele  c  -r  (i  røetal)  flaw. 

SBefer^Oerbet  a  well-eamed. 

SBelfler  c,  pi  =,  Guelf.    -ift  a  Guelph. 

93el|  forfaren  a  praciised,  experienced.  -for' 
tctttt  a  well-performed;  meb  _  2©rtnbe  with  the 
object  of  one's  mission  accomplished.  -forflQibt 
a  well-merited.  -forftaaet  a  well- und erstood. 
-forfinet  well-provided;  well-stocked.  -fortjient 
well-deserved,  (Straf)  condign;  ntjber  _  ^nbeft  is 
deservedly  popular.  -færb  c  (+«)  welfare.  -færbS^ 
lotttmitté  committee  of  public  safety.  -færbSfag 
matter  of  vital  importance.  -foirbStab  pecu- 
niary  loss.  -fert  a  well-kept;  well-conducted. 
-gaaenbe  n  (SSelfærb)  welfare;  (©elb)  prosperity; 
britfe  paa  enS  _  drink  (to)  one's  health;  ^an  er 
i  Bebfte  _  he  is  well  and  comfortable.  -gerning 
benefit,  benefaction,  charitable  deed;  oife  en 
-er  confer  benefits  upon  one.  -giort  a  well 
done;  t«  benefits.  -grnnbet  a  well-grounded, 
well-founded.  -gørenbe  a  (funb)  beneficial, 
salutary;  (belbæbig)  beneficent,  benevolent,  char- 
itable; i  _  pjemeb  for  benevolent  objects,  for 
a  b.  object.  -geren^eb  c  beneficence,  charity. 
-g«ren^eb3anfta(t  charitable  institution,  -gøren^ 
l^ebdfelffab  benevolent  society.  -gører  c  -e  bene- 
factor, -gørertnbe,  -gererfle  c  -r  benefactress. 
-^aoenbe  a  well-to-do,  in  easy  circumstances, 
warm.  ■  ^aoen^eb  c  easy  circumstances,  opulence, 
ample  means.  -^aber  c  -e  f  well-to-do  man, 
people.  -^olben  a  well-to  do.  -inbrettet  a  well 

^eU'n(papit)  n  vellum-paper,  wove  paper. 
•form  wove  mould.    -))argantent  vellum. 

£Bet|tIang  harmony,  melody,  euphony.  -Hln= 
genbe  a  euphonic,  euphonious,  harmonious. 
-Kcebt  a  well-dressed.  -tommen  a  welcome;  ac- 
ceptable; sære  _  (om  ^erfon)  be  welcome;  6i)be, 
l^ilfe  _  welcome,  bid  welcome;  bQfte  t)am  _  bibl 
bid  him  God  speed;  -fommen  n,  -lomft  c  welcome, 
-lomftbæger  cup  of  welcome.  -fomftbril  draught 
of  welcome.  -fomft^ilfen  welcome.  -tomftfang 
song  of  welcome.  -lomftftaal  fe  -lontftfiæger. 
■fonferberet  a  well-kept,  in  good  condition,  in 
a  State  of  good  preservation;  er  _  (om  Sperfon) 
Carries  his  age  well,  wears  well.  -lagret  a  well 
•seasoned.    -laftenbe  a  J,  that  carries  well. 

aSeJte  c  -r  axle-tree,  shaft. 

SBeUebnet  n  good,  high  el.  luxurious  living, 
luxury.    -h-tebner  c  good  liver. 

»eOing  fe  a^æHing. 

SBeijIugt  perfume,  scent,  odour.  -(ngtenbe  a 
odorous,  sweet-scented,  fragrant;  perfumed;  _ 
©oger  perfumes;  gøre  -  perfume,  scent.  -lub 
pleasing  sound,  euphony,  harmony;  for  -en§ 
©l^lb  euphoniously.  -Itibenbe  a  fe  -flingenbe. 
-ttfttet  a  successful;  feUcilous;  (Seften  o.  I;)  »ar 
meget  -  was  a  great  success,  was  attended  -vvith 
considerable  success. 

»ett^ft  c  (l^øi  ®rab  af  iBelBe^ag)  luxury,  delight; 
(fanfelig  9Jt)beIfe)  sensual  rapture;  (Jilbøjelig^eb 
bertil)  voluptuousness,  sensuality,  lust;  meb  _ 
voluptuously.  -oanbenbea  voluptuous.  -bruften 
a  intoxicated  with  senaual  rapture.  -t-fnib  a 
voluptuous.     SBeB^ftig   a   (^engtoen    til    SBeK^ft) 

voluptuous,  sensual;  (fom  næHer  el.  rober  SJeHljfti 
lascivious,  wanton;  t  =  Doerbaobig.     SBeUqftigi 
beb  c  lasciviousness.     JBeU^ftlling,  -ning  c  -el 
voluptuary,   sensualist,     -lænie  fetters  of  sen 

S8el|Iærb  o  erudite.  -lønnet  a  well  paid.  -magi 
vigour,  strength;  oar  i  fin  _  was  in  his  heyday 
-magtSbage  day.s  of  vigour  el.  power;  i  ^ané 
in  his  palmiest  days.  +-menen  c  well-meanini 
•menenbe  a  well-meaning,  -intentioned;  meft 
best-intentioned.  -mening  a  well-meaning.  -mets 
a  well-meant  -intended.  -næret  a  well -fed 
-nteret^eb  c  good  condition,  stoutness. 

ScIoct<)e'b(e)  c  -er  velocipede,  (,paa  to  ^jul 
bicycle;  ribe  paa  ~  bicycle.    -ribning,  -ribt 
bicycling.    -retter  bicyclist. 

IBel'lo^bragen  a  well-bred;  bet  er  itfe  -t  (ogf. 
it   is   not  good  form.     -o^bragen^eb   c  gooi 
manners.    -ot)(agt  a  in  high  spirits.    -orbnet  < 
well  arranged.    -tiløjet  a  well-ploughed.    -pto 
(lortioneret   a   well-proportioned,   well-poised 
-rettet  a  well-directed,  -aimed.   -fejlenbe  a  tha 
sails    well.     -fet  a  looked  upon  with  favour 
popular.     -fig'ne   vt  bles.s;   @ub   _   ®em!   Go^ 
bless  you!  ®ub  -  Siem,  ^»or  Ion  2)e  .  .  .  my  dea 
Sir  (girl  etc.)  how  can  you  .  .  .?  -t  3s6ufommeIf 
of  blessed  memory;   en  -t  Sbé !  a  capital  idea 
en  -t  atppetit  a  famous  appetite;  i  -be  Cmftæn 
big'^eber  in  the  family  way;  foaban  en  -t  *)Stg 
such  a  dear  girl;  ^  min  gaberS  -be  bibl  ye  blessej 
of  my  Father.     -fig'nelfe  c  -r  blessing;  (lun 
egl.  S8et.)  benediction;  ®ub§  -  af  (f.  SK.  aioifi 
any  amount  of,  no  end  of  (newspaper.s) 
galore;   ber  er  ingen  _  beroeb  it  brings  no  go 
luck.    -fig'nelfeSrig  a  blessed,  rich  in  blessia 
beneficial.    -finbet  a  well-intentioned,  well-dii 
posed,  well-affected.   -flabt  a  well-shaped,  wel 
-made,  well-formed.     -fliltet  a   well  qualifl 
(til  for),    -ffolet  a  well  schooled,  well  traiae^ 
-ffrcben  a  well  written.    -fmag  fine,  agreeal)' 
taste  el.   flavour,    palatableness.     -fmagenbe 
savoury,    palatable.     -^pccltet    a:    en  _  ^ung 
long  purse,    -ftaaenbe  fe  -^aoenbe.     -ftanb  proi 
perity,  prosperous  circumstances;  t  P  turmof 
havoc.    -ftanbStilbe  source  of  prosperity.    -Pe 
a   properly   roasted   el.    done.     *-ftelt  a   we: 
-ordered,   -conducted,   -managed.     -ftemt  a  fi 
vourably    disposed.      -ftiUet   a   4f   'SeJO    wel 
-trimmed.     -ftuberet  a  well-read;  en  _  tHani 
good  scholar.   -talenbe  o  eloquent.   -talenbeb 
eloquence,  (power  of)  oratory,  (Sunft)  rhetorii 
-talent|eb§tunften  rhetoric.  -ti(freb§  a  well-satii 
fied;  fe  ©eto=.     -tilfrebg^eb  satisfaction;  (meb 
feltJ)  self-complacency.     -tilført  a  well-broken'? 
-tjent  a  old  (in  the  service)  and  deserving,  of 
long  standing;  en  _  ^at  a  sea.soned  hat.    -truffen 
a   well   taken;    et   _   portræt  a  good   likeness. 
•tcentenbe  a  of  good  principles,  right-minded. 
-nbruftct  a  well  equipped.    -nnberrettet  a  well 
iutormed.     -i-ttnberrettet^eb  c-  ^anS  -  the  au- 
thenticity   of  his  information,     -batgt    a   well 
-chosen,  -selected.    -bi§  a  sapient.    -tiitje  bene- 
volence,   kindness,  good-will.     -biUtg   a   bene- 
volent, kind,  kindly;  adv  benevolently  etc;  _ 
ftemt  mob  favourable  to,   favourably   disposed 
towards.     -binig^eb   fe   -bilje.    -boléen   a  well 
■grovvn,   well- set,  good-sized.     -bære  n  &  c, 
+-bæren  c   well-being.    -bnber  well-wisher,  fa- 
vourer.  patron,    -bnberinbe,  -^nberfle  c  -r  well 
-wisher,  patroness.  t-»'beIaworshipful.  t-æ'bet= 
l^eb  worship.    -ærbær'big  o  reverend.    -ærbær'= 
big^eb  c  reverence;  ^ans  _  ^t.  iJSaftor  9J.  *Ji.  the 
Rev.  N.  N.    -øbet  a  praetised. 

SJelrøob  c  &  n  sadness.  -mobblanbct  a  not 
unmixed  with  sadness.  -mobig  asad,  sorrowful. 
melaneholy.  -mobig^eb  c  sadness,  sorrowfulness. 




—  Semobd|((ib  o  sad  and  gentle.  +-bllf  sorrow- 
ful  glance.  -fwlb  a  fe  SBemobig.  +-(0119  melan- 
Choly  song.  -t-fatin  sad  regret.  -fttl  sigh  of 
sadness.  'ttttttt  tear  of  sorrow.  +-tone  melan- 
choly  note. 

•!8en  a  \e  5Bæn. 

iBen'  c  -net  friend;  -nerne  the  Friends,  Quakera; 
t  the  Grundtvigians;  Ⱦre  en  _  af  be  a  friend  to, 
(f.  ®f8.  af  Sunftfager)  be  a  lover  of  .  .  .,  partial 
to  .  .  .;  en  af  mine  -ner  one  of  my  friends;  en  _ 
af  mig  a  friend  of  mine;  gobe  (cont  fine)  -ner 
great  friends;  Ⱦre  gobe  -ner  meb  be  (good) 
friends,  on  friendly  terms,  with;  gøre  ftg  gobe 
-ner  el.  •til  -i  meb  make  friends  with;  ffaffe  ftg 
-ner  make  friends;  bli»e  gobe  -ner  igen  make 
friends  again,  make  it  up;  ftitteS  fom  -ner  part 
friends;  l^olbe  flg  gobe  -ner  meb  begge  farter  keep 
on  good  terms  ■with  both  parties. 

SBena'I  a  ve'nal.    -ite't  c  venal'ity. 

SBcttbe,  -te,  -t  vt  &  i  turn;  J,  (ftagbenbe)  tack, 
go  about;  (foBenbe)  wear;  Har  til  at  _!  about 
ship  I  Sfibet  t)it  ilfe  - !  she  will  not  stay;  nægtebe 
at  _  missed  stays;  _  &aabe  fig  turn  one's  coat, 
be  a  turn-coat;  fian  -r  en  ^re  tre  ®ange  he  looks 
twice  at  his  money;  _  en  JRtiggen  turn  one's 
back  upon  one;  —  er  _  fig  tum;  (om  SJinben) 
change,  shift,  come  round;  _  fig  plubfelig  turn 
Short;   33lobet  ^at  -bt  ftg  the  tables  are  turned; 

—  (meb  prcep  &  adv):  ~  Slnftgtet  bort  tum  one's 
face  away;  _  eni  fjerte  fra  ftg  estrange  one; 
^an  beb  tffe,  Iftoor  ^an  ftal  -ftg  ^en  he  does 
not  know  where  to  turn;  ^bor  jeg  -bte  mig  ^en 
whereever  I  turned;  _  ^jem  return  home;  l^an 
-bte  ftg  i  Sengen  he  turned  over  in  bed;  _  pjnene 
i  ^ooebet  roll  one's  eyes;  Bringe  fjertet  tit  at  _ 
ftg  i  2itiet  make  one  sick,  make  one's  stomach 
rise;  _  fig  i  fin  ®raB  turn  in  one's  grave  el. 
coflBn;  -  inbab  vi  face  inwards;  _  mob  Sfloben 
face  the  river,  front  (to)  the  river;  -bte  SSrebfiben 
mob  presented  her  broadside  to;  SfJaalen  -r  ben 
ene  @nbe  mob  the  needle  points  one  end  towards; 
ben  ene  af  Slæberne  -bt  mob  9iorb,  ben  anben  mob 
St)b  one  of  the  sledges  heading  north,  the 
other  heading  south;  _  neb  tum  down(wards); 
_  om  »t  turn  (back);  _  noget  om  tum  (over)  a 
thing;  ^an  -bte  SBlabet  om  he  turned  over  the 
leaf;  oenb  om,  (neberft  i?aa  en  Sibe)  turn  over! 
over !  _  39eoægelfen  om  mech  reverse  the  motion; 

—  5Regelen  om  the  rule;  _  fig  om  tum 
round;  _  op  og  neb  Jpaa  tum  topsy  turvy;  ber 
oar  -nbt  op  og  neb  paa  bet  it  was  turned  upside 
down;  ben  Sibe  -r  op  that  side  is  turned  up- 
wards;  mebenS  ^an  -bte  SRijggen  t  i  I  while  his  back 
was  turned;  ^an  fab  og  -bte  SRtjggen  til  SSinbuet 
he  sat  with  his  back  (turned)  towards  el.  to 
the  window;  btSfe  SBinbuer  _  (ub)  til  ©aben  these 
Windows  look  (out)  upon  el.  into  the  street, 
face  the  street,  give  upon  the  street;  -bte  S3reb- 
fiben  til  presented  her  broadside;  _  ftg  el.  -8 
(fortianbleS)  til  change  el.  tum  into;  -  fig  til  en 
tum  to  one;  _  tilbage  return;  _  bet  taabne  ub 
F  cut  up  rough;  _  bet  inbtjenbige  ubab  p.  nt. 
tum  st  inside  out,  !8enbc]buf  cross-head.  -citlel 
fe  -freb§.  -fure  .second  fiirrow.  -^age  cant  hook. 
-^alå  ^vryneck,long-tongue,emmet-hunter,  Yunx 
torquiUa.  -taabe  turn-coat,  time-server.  -laabevi 
n  tergiversation.    -frcbS  tropic. 

IBenbrlrob  c  fe  SSaleriona. 

SJenbelmccrIe  tuming-mark.  -^(abå  turaing 
-room.  -ploti  turn-wrest  plough.  -(luntt  turning 
point;  math  point  of  inflection;  fturOe  meb  - 
inflected  curve,  fig  tuming-point,  new  depar- 
ture;  _  i  enS  SiD  crltical  moment,  turaing-polnt, 
of  one's  life. 

a?enbet  c,  pi  =,  Wend,  Vandal. 

Senbelcejf  e  c :  gere  .  put  back  el.  ttim  halfway. 

-taa  versatile  toe.  SJenbittg  c  turning,  tum; 
*(en  af  flere  Smoature)  trip,  jotimey;  ^  tacking; 
(i  Stil)  turn  (of  phrase),  mode  of  expression; 
i  en  fnæoer  (+fmal)  _  at  a  pinch,  on  the  spur  of 
the  moment;  F  tnan  maa  fe  at  'hjælpe  fig  i  en 
fnæber  -  we  must  make  a  shift;  fnar  (^urttg,  rafl) 
i  en  quick  (in  emergencies);  pære  fen  i  -en  he 
slow,  a  slow  coach,  J^  slack  in  stays;  ben  _ 
Sagen  ^abbe  taget  the  course  el.  tum  things  el. 
matters  had  taken.    43.^enbtitg8(«d  a  irrevocable. 

Senbift  a  Wendish,  Vandal' ic). 

Sene  c  -r  vein.  -betænbelfc  phlebitis.  -blob 
venous  blood. 

a^ene'big  n  Ven'ice. 

SScnetatio'n  c  venera'tion. 

SBene'rifl  a  venereal;  bære  -  have  the  venereal 
disease;  _  Saar  venereal  sore;  _  S^gbom  venereal 
disease,  fFrench-pox. 

SBen'ern  c  the  Lake  Wener. 

^enetila'tter  c  -e  Vene'tian.  •anerittb'e  c  -r 
(fair)  Venetian.    -a'nfl  a  Venetian. 

SBtnittb'e  c  -r  friend,  fair  friend,  lady  friend. 

»enlig  a  kind,  friendly;  (83^,  SBærelfe  0.  1.) 
pleasant.  -^eb  c  friendliness;  kindness,  good- 
ness;  pleasantness.  -finbet  n  (mob)  friendly 

$enne|anftgt  friend's  face.  -i-blib  a  friendly. 
■brcb  friend's  letter,  -foft  a  constant  in  friend- 
ship.  -fa^^eb  constancy  in  friendship.  -fobn 
friendly  embrace.  -flot  lot  of  friends.  -gooe 
gift  of  a  friend.  -^aanb  friendly  band.  -^ilfen 
friendly  greeting.  -^ioel^  friendly  aid.  -^ulb  a 
afiFectionate.  -^nS  house  of  a  friend.  -trebd 
circle  of  friends,  friendly  circle.  •læbe  ring 
of  friends.  -!ær  a  friendly.  -!ab  a  friendly 
bargain.  -log  party  of  friends.  -lǤ  a  friend- 
less,  unfriended.  -ntøbe  meeting  of  friends; 
tmeeting  of  Grundtvigians.  -napu  name  of 
friend.  -orb  friend's  word.  -pligt  duty  of  a 
friend,  friendly  duty.  -roob  friend's  advice. 
+-falig,  -faligfieb,  fe  -fæl.  -felffab  fe  -lag.  -^nb 
friendly  disposition,  friendliness.  -fleb  bosom 
of  a  friend.  -fntll  friend's  smile,  -fæl  a  liked, 
beloved;  klndly,  amlable.  -fcel^eb  c  popularity. 
-tab  loss  of  a  friend.  -tale  friendly  discourse. 
•tjenefte  piece  of  friendship,  friendly  tum.  -tte 
o  true  el.  faithful  to  one's  friends.  -tOift  dispute 
between  friends.  -bolb :  i  -  in  the  custody  of 
a  friend. 

!Ben|fIab  n  -er  friendship,  amity;  flutte  -  con- 
tract  a  friendship,  become  friends;  nære  -  for  feel 
friendship  for;  ftutle  -  meb  form  a  friendship 
Avith;  bebt«  mig  bet  _  do  me  the  favour.  -fla'belig 
a  friendly,  amicable.   -fto'belig^eb  c  friendliness- 

SBenflabåjbaanb  bonds  el.  ties  of  friendship. 
-bebié  proof  el.  mark  of  friendship.  -forbinbelfe 
bond  of  friendship.  -for^olb  terms  of  friend- 
ship, friendly  terms,  -forbnnb  friendly  alliance. 
-forfttring  protestatlon  of  friend.ship.  -))røoe 
proof  of  friendship.  -taab  0.  fl.  fe  S8enne=. 
-ft^fte,  -tjenere  piece  of  friendship,  friendly  aet 
el.  turn.  -tegn  token  el.  mark  of  friendship. 
-eernc  the  Friendly  Islands. 

JBcnftrc  a  left;  her  sinister;  til  _  (poa  _  Sibe) 
on  the  left,  (^en  til)  to  the  left;  _  om!  to  the 
left!  face  to  the  left;  paa  _  Sibe  on  the  left 
-hånd  side;  _  .&oanb  the  left  hånd,  (9il)tter8)  the 
bridle  hånd;  _  Sfob  the  left  foot,  (3J^tter§)  the 
stirrap  foot,  gifte  fig  til  _  ^aanb  marry  Avith 
the  left  hånd;  (Stftermaol  til  _  ^aant)  lefi-handed 
marriage;  Snle  til  _  ^aanb  left-handed  widow. 
—  s  the  Liberals,  Democrats;  _  ©entrum  the 
Moderate  lil)erals;  pberfte  _  the  Radicals.  3$enftreh 
blab  democratic  paper.  -btejet  a  levogyrate. 
•forening  democratic  union,  -grnfipe  section  of 
Democrats.     -gtenget  a  SIrue,  fe  -fCrue.     •^9\1^ 




Democratic  quarters.  ^-Iiarabt  o  left-handed. 
-leber  democratic  leader,  -tnanb  Democrat.  -mi' 
nifierittm  liberal  ministry.  -pattiet  the  liberal 
party.  -lireSfen  the  democratic  press.  •ffaaren 
a  6Irue  el.  -flcue  left-hand(ed)  screw.  -fnoct  a 
sinistral,  sinistrorse,  sinistrorsal.  -ttenbt  a  zoo 
wlth  eyes  on  the  left  side.  •Uælgec  liberal 

Sente  vt  expect;  await;  jeg  -r  ^lao  ©bar  fra 
l^atn  I  expect  an  answer  from  him;  man  -r, 
at  ...  it  is  expected  that  .  .  .;  si  _  ^am  iaften 
we  expect  him  this  evening;  t)an  -r  S3rebe  he 
expects  letters;  ber  -r  mig  et  focert  SlrBejbe  a  diffl- 
cult  work  awaits  me,  is  before  me;  -§  4f  is  due, 
ben  ^obbe  Ⱦret  -t  i  nogle  SJage  she  had  been 
some  days  overdue;  —  vr  fig  nt  expect  st,  jeg 
-r  mig  en  rig  ^øft  I  expect  a  rich  harvest;  -r  ftg 
is  near  her  conflnement,  ~  vi  wait,  stay;  jeg 
»il  _  I  will  wait;  jeg  »il  ifle  _  længer  I  will  not 
stay  any  longer;  naar  man  Blot  -r,  fan  man  6Iioe 
Songe  af  ©»errig  everything  comes  to  him  that 
waits;  bet  fan  _  there  is  no  hurry  about  that; 
»ent  bu  Bare  I  I'U  be  even  with  you  yet !  ftaa  (fibbe, 
ligge)  ofl  -  be  waiting;  —  (m et  prcep) :  »ent  ingen 
9Jaobe  af  mig  expect  no  mercy  at  my  hånds; 
_  efter  wait  for;  _  meb  noget  put  off,  delay  a 
thing;  _  meb  SIKaben  wait  dinner  (efter  en  for 
one);  -  paa  en  wait  for  one;  jeg  -r  paa  (oppeBier) 
l^anS  8lnfomft  I  await  his  arrival;  (abe  en  _  (paa  ftg) 
keep  one  waiting,  {paa  noget)  keep  one  out  of; 
_  en  ttlBage  expect  one  back;  —  »entenbe(8) 
part  expected,  jur  expectant.  SJente  «:  i  _  in 
expectation,  in  prospect.  iBentetig  a  to  be  ex- 
pected; fom  -t  »ar  as  might  have  been  expected; 
adv  probably,  likely.  ^Benten  c  waiting  etc, 
expectancy.  SBentej^enge  (e  SSart-;  *flne  for  keep- 
ing  post-horses  waiting.  -fal  waiting  apartment 
el.  room.  -ftunii,  -tib  time  passed  in  waiting. 
•tiicrelfe  fe  -fol. 

SBenti'I  c  -er  (til  fiuftbefSl.)  air- hole,  scuttle; 
(røaftin.)  valve,  escape-valve.  -oHo'n  c  ventila'- 

%entilatto'n§|a|)))arat  ventilating  apparatus. 
•tanal  fe  -rør.  •maftine  ventilator;  (til  SBærelfe, 
Cftinb.)  punkah.  -ot)«  ventilatingstove.  -r«r, 
-fd^alt  ventilator-pipe.  ^tntila'tov  c  -er  ven- 

SBentt'(|br(ening  air-draining.  -bstfel  valve 
-cover.  SBentile're  vt  (ogf.  fio)  ven'tilate.  3Jenti(|- 
fjebet  valve-spring.  -^one  air-cock.  -^(cngfel 
valve-hinge.  •lammet  valve-box.  -ta§fe  slide 
-case.  -løftet  valve-lifter.  -^otte  pi  brass  glasses. 
-f))t«bel  valve  -  spindle.  -fto))|)et  valve -guard. 
-ji^tet  valve-guide.   -faebe,  -taUetten  valve-seat. 

SenuSllBjcctg  anat  mons  veneris;  -et  (©agn)  the 
Venusberg.  -baltt  (®o<)Ie)  cestum.  -i^ttteftnrefle 
Venus's  fly-trap.  -gennemgang  Venus-transit. 
-Ijaat  fe  grue=.  -musling,  -fncctfe  Venus,  -f^iejt 
Venus'  looking-glass,  Campanula  speculum.  -ften 
needle-stone.  -tempel  temple  of  Venus,  -tiifte 
Venus'  fan,  Gorgonia  flabellum.  -Bogn  c  wolfs- 
bane,  Aconitum  napellus. 

SSena'é  o  ve'nous. 

SBetaat  n  wail  of  woe,  (loud)  lamentation. 

£Betan'ba  c  -er  veranda. 

Setatti'n  c  veratrlna,  vera'trine. 

SJetbo't  a  -a'i.'  ve'rbal.  -abjettit)  verbal  ad- 
jective.  -injurie  libel.  -note  verbal  note.  -fnJ« 
^antiti  verbal  (noun). 

SSetbe'na  c  ver'vain,  verbena. 

Setbum  n  -Ber  ve'rb. 

letben  c  -er  world;  l^ele  _  all  the  world,  the 
whole  world;  en  l^ef  -  a  world  in  itself;  ben  flore 
_  the  great  world;  bu  ftore  -!  Good  gracious! 
ben  fine  _  high  life;   ben  anben  _  the  next  el. 

other  world;  bet  er  ben  forferte  _  it  is  quite  pr« 
posterous;  fe  gorfert;  ©»ineneS  _  pigland  (o.  fl.] 
tage  _,  fom  ben  er  take  things  as  they  are;  b« 
er  58erben§  ®ang  so  goes  the  world,  that's  tlij 
way   of  the   world,   that's  the  way  the  worli 
wags;  ol  -8  9Jigbom  all  the  riches  in  the  worldj 
al  -8  %\t)  no  end  of  time;  til  ingen  -S  9l5tte  to  m 
earthly  use  el.  purpose,  perfectly  useless;  ingei 
-§  2;tng  no  earthly  thing;  ^on  er  bet  Bebfte  SKennefl 
af  -  he  is  the  best  man  in  the  world,  the  l>ea 
of  men,  the  best  man  breathing;  meb  ben  ftørfl 
3Jolig^eb  af  ~  with  all  the  coolness  in  life;  ifl 
for  at  -I  ^erlig^eb  not  for  all  the  world'.s  gran 
deur;  ilfe  for  alt  i  -  not  for  the  world,  not  fo 
worlds,   not  upon  any  consideration;  intet  i 
nothing  on   earth;    Bbot)   i  al   _?   what  iu   th 
name  of  wonder?  what  on  (the)  earth?  what  ii 
the  world?    o  »er   ^ele  _  all  the  world  ovei 
Bringe   til  _  bring  into  the  world,  bring  forth 
fomme  til  _  come   into   the   world,   be   bor: 
Bringe  ub  of  ~  fig  explode,  demolish;  broge  vL 
i  _  go  about  the  world;  fomme  ub  i  ~  see  th 
world.    2Jetbenå|aonb  soul  of  the  world,  spi: 
of  the  universe.    -al^t  axis  of  the  world.    -al 
universe.    -anffuelfe  view  of  the  world.    -bo 
worldly-minded  person,  worldling.    -begiøen^el 
historical   event.     -Betømt  a  far-famed;   worli 
-famed,  world-famous,  very  celebrated,  of  worL 
-wide  renown,  world-renowned.     -Betømmelfi 
-Bet«mt^eb  world-wlde  fame.   -Befftioclfe  cosm 
graphy.    -beffttuct  cosmographer.    -betragtnini 
fe  -anffuelfe.    -botget  citizen  of  the  world, 
mopolite.     -botgeclig  a  cosmopolitan.    -btanl 
conflagration  of  the  universe.    -bagning  fabrii 
el.  system  of  the  world.    -bame  woman  of  thi 
world.   -belpartof  the  world,  continent.   -bigt 
world-poet.   -egn  region  of  the  world.   -erfarim^ 
experience  of  the  world.    -etobtet  couqueror  ol 
the   world.     -fotagt    eontempt   of  the    worl4 
-fteben  the  peace  of  the  world.    -gejfttig  a  & 
secular.    -^anbel  universal  trafflc.    -^au  ocea: 
main   sea.     -i-l)elt   world-famed   hero.     -^erti 
bømme  empire  of  the  world.    -^etftet  ruier 
the  world.    -^iftotie  history  of  the  world,  u 
versal  hi.story.   -^iftotiff  a  of  universal  history^ 
in  the  history  of  the  world.    -^jøtne  quarter 
the  globe,    -font  region  of  the  world;  fe  -^jorn 
-tlobe   fe   -legeme.     -Ilog  a  wordly  wise,  havin; 
knowledge  of  the  world.    -tløgftob  knowledgi 
of  the  world,  worldly  wisdom.    -fott  map   eti 
chart   of  the   world.     -ftebé  orb  of  the  worl" 
-lunbffab  knowledge  of  the  world.  -leb  fe  -Bjørm 
-legeme   heavenly   body.     -litetatnt   univers 
literature.   -Uo  wordly  life,  busy  life.   -tou  uni< 
versal  law.   -I^ft  worldly  pleasure.  -læte  cosmi 
logy.    -løb  course  of  the  world.     -magt  powei 
of  this  world.   -manb  man  of  the  world.   -matfeb 
emporium.    -menne^e  worldling.   -omfejlet  cir 
cumnavigator  (of  the  globe),    -omfejling  circum- 
navigation.  -otben  system  of  the  world.  -(tetiobe 
period  of  the  world's  history.    -po\  pole  of  the 
world.     -tefotmatot    reformer   of    the    world. 
-tummet  def  spaee.    -fjæl  fe  -aanb.   -ffabet  cre- 
ator   of  the    world.      -ffæbne   destiny    of   the 
world.    -f))tog  universal  language,  world-speech. 
-ftab  world-city.    -fjjftem  .system  of  the  world. 
-teatct   cosmorama.      -ttæt    a    world  -  wearied; 
worldworn.   -ubftiUing  universal  exhibition.  -øje 

SSetbSIig  a  temporal,  secular,  (ogf.  om  ©inbet) 
worldly,  mundane;  ben  -e  ^iftorie  civil  el.  pro- 
fane history;  ben  -e  3Kagt  the  secular  power. 
-gøte  vt  secularize;  make  worldly-minded. 
-gøtelfe  c  .secularization.  -beb  c  temporality, 
seeularity,  worldliness.  -ftnbet  a  worldly-minded. 
•bi8  a  worldly  wise;  c  philosopher. 




$erifi|ce're»<ver'lfy;  (regulere)  adjust.  •ce'rinø, 
•latio'n  c  veriflca'tion. 

SBrrling  c  -er  hunting,  Emberiza. 

SBerntetl'  [fr.]  n  vermeil. 

iBcrni§  fe  genitS. 

SBerone'fiff  a  Veronese. 

^kro'nita  c  speedwell,   Veronica. 

SBertt'nff  «.-  be  e  Saler  the  speeches  against 

SStrå  »,  p/  =,  verse;  F  ^on  fanger  )faa.  bet  fibfte 

he  is  drawing  near  his  end,  he  is  upon  his 
last  legs;  ^onS  ^taalmobtgfieb  fong  )faa  bet  fibfte  _ 
his  patience  was  drawing  to  a  close  et.  termina- 
tion;  paa  ~  in  verse;  flride  el.  gere  _  write  el. 
compose  poetry  el.  verses;  _  6  og  7  verses  6 
and  7.    -H^eråagtig  a  verse-like. 

SSerfa'l  c  -er  capital  letter,    -tiogftao  b.  f. 

SJeråjort  kind  el.  species  of  verse.  -bunbett  a 
metrical,  versified.  -(tegning,  -baunelfe  versi- 
fication.  —  £erfe{faib  rliythm.  -fob  (metrical) 
foot.  -form  fe  SBerSart.  -!unft  fe  95erS=.  -lære  fe 
58erS=.  •maal  metre,  -mager  c  e  verse-maker, 
verse-monger,  versifler,  verseman,  poetaster. 
•magert  n  verse-making,  rhyming. 

Serfc're  vi  circulate,  be  abroad;  -r  for  JRetten 
is  hefore  the  court,  is  peuding. 

SerSlfob  fe  95erfe=.  -form:  i  _  in  the  form  of 
verse.    -galftab  versifying  mania. 

SJerflfilcere  vt  ve'rsify.  -tation  c  versifica'tion. 
-lator  c  -er  ve'rsifler.  -tato'riff  a  versifying,  of 

SSerfio'«  c  -er  ve'rsion. 

SerSltunft  fart  of)  versification.  -tunftner 
versifier.  -linie  line  of  verse.  -I«re  prosody, 
rules  of  versification.  -n«b  the  necessity  of  the 

SSerft  c  -er  werst,  verst. 

^ectebra't  c  -er  ve'rtebrate. 

iBetttfa'I  o  ve'rtical.  -cirlet  vertical  circle 
(o.  fl.).    -linien  the  vertical. 

iBeferfloben  the  Weser. 

SBefif'jel  c  -Ker  ves'icle.    -nttf'S  a  vesic'ulous. 

SBefi'r  c  -er  vi^ier. 

•i8e§Ie  a  def  little. 

SBcSIe^la'ner  c  -e,  -a'nfl  a  Wes'leyan. 

tSegpe  c  -r  fe  ^oepé.    -fall  fe  ©purtje^øg. 

SJefper  c  vespers. 

SBefperebe  c  wasp's  nest. 

^cfper|tlotte  c  evening-bell.  t-Ioft  c  after- 
noon  repast,  nimchion.    -ttb,  -time  vespers. 

^eftieoaag  c  honey-buzzard.   Fernis  apivoru*. 

SBeft  c  -e  waistcoat,  amr  vest;  (2)ante')  vest,  car- 
digan; F  fiiHe  nnber  -en  lay  in,  put  away. 

S8eft(en)  west;  lige  i  _  due  west;  _  t.  9t.  W.  by 
N.;  as.  9J.  as.  W.  N.  W.;  <«.  SS.  t.  as.  N.  W.  by  W. 
etc;  fra  -  from  (the)  west;  i  _  (in  the)  west; 
ret  el.  lige  i  _  due  west;  i  _  for  west(ward)  of; 
ntob  _  towards  the  west,  westward;  SBinben  er 
gaoet  om  til  _  the  wind  has  shifted  to  the  west. 
J8eft=  west,  western.  SSeftaber  pi  American  mon- 
keys,   i'i/wtæ  platvrhinæ. 

3$efta(inb'e  c  -r  ves'tal.    SBefta'lf!  a  ves'tal. 

!Beft|aften  Western  Asia  (o.  fl).  -banen  the 
Western  (Railway).    -efter  adv  westward,  west. 

8Jefte|lno<)  waistcoat-button.  -tratie  waistcoat 
collar.    -fcebe  Albert  chain. 

Seften  c  the  west.  ^eften  ado  from  the  west. 
Seftenbe  c  west  end.  SSeften|*f>aIb8  adt>  west  of 
the  Langfjeld.  *-fjælbff  a:  bet  -e  9lorge  the  West 
of  Norway  (west  of  the  L.)-  -fot  prcep  west  of, 
to  the  westward  of.  -fra  ado  from  the  west 
el.  westward.  -om  proep  (to  the)  westward  of. 
•ftorm  westerlv  gale.  -»inb  west-wiud,  westerly 
Wind.  »efter  «  fe  aSeft.  —  i8efter|botten  «  West- 
Bothnia.  -bro  n  the  western  suburb  of  Copen- 
hagen,  -gbtlanb  West-Gothland.   -l^immelen  the 

western  sky.  -font  fe  S8eft>.  -(anben  the  Occi- 
dent, -leben  the  western  regions  p^  -Uitpoet: 
i  _  in  the  West.  -lænbing  c  er  inhabitant  of 
the  West,  westerner.  -ijtaa  adv  westward.  -pott 
the  West-gate.    t-bOOOOO  n  fe  -^adet. 

Sl^cftetø)  n  waistcoat-stuflf,  umr  vesting. 

SBeftj folen  n  Westpha'lia.  -folff  a  Westpha'lian; 
_  ©finte  Westphalia  ham;  ben  -e  5reb  the  peace 
of  Westphalia. 

SBeftlfarer  c  -e  West-Indiaman.  -gaaenbe  a 
(©trøm)  westerly;  (gortøi)  bound  west.  -gaaeube 
« :  for  _  westward-bound;  faa  -  on  her  way  west. 
•goter  pi  Visigoths.  -goti^  a  Visigothic.  -gribbe 
pi  American  vultures.  -grtenfe  western  limit  el. 

aSe^ibu'le  c  -r  hall,  ves'tibule. 

3Jeft|inbia'ner  West  Indian.  -tn'biefarer  West- 
indiaman.  -in'bien  the  West-Indies.  -in'bifl  a 
West -Indian,  West  India,  -fant  west  side; 
western  edge;  fra  -en  from  the  westward.  -ttift 
westcoast,  western  coast.  -(anbet  de/  the 
western  part  of  the  country,  the  West,  *the 
West  and  part  of  the  South  coast  of  Southern 
Norway.  ^eftlig  a  western,  westerly,  west;  -ft 
westmost,  westerrmiost;  —  adv  towards  the 
west,  to  the  westward.  lBeft{(iengbe  west  longi- 
tude.  ^--(lenbing  c  -er  inhabitant  of  the  „9Jeft= 
tanb",  westerner.  -magterne  the  western  powers. 
-manlanb  n  Westmania.  -norboeft  o.  fl.  fe  SSeft. 
-otter,  -paa  adv  (to  the)  westward.  -paSfaten 
the  eastern  tråde.  -))ttnftet  the  West.  -ranb 
western  edge;  (©olenS,  9Kaanen8)  western  limb. 
SJeftre  a  western;  west.  SBeftre  ftg  vr  haul  round 
to  the  west.  $eft{romerft  a  Western,  of  the 
Western  empire,  -ftbe,  -fpibS,  -ftranb  west  el. 
western  side,  point,  shore.  •ftregen  the  West 

*aSet'  [é]  n  F  fe  aSib  n. 

SBetcra'n  c  -er  vet'eran. 

S8etertn«'t  c  -er  veterinarian,  vet'erinary  sur- 
geon.  -læge  b.  f.  -flole  veterinary  school  el. 
college.    •Dtbenffaben  veterinary  science. 

Seto  n  veto;  neblægge  fit  _  imob  put  a  veto  on. 

aSette  c  -r  wight.  -tib  (fire  supposed  to  bum 
at  night  in  the  cairns  of  heroes),  cairn-fire. 
-Il)§   fe  S^gtemonb;  min  finger-stone,  belemnite. 

SJetturt'n  c  -er  vetturino. 

*!8cti  c  -er  crank-handle,  winch. 

SBctier  [æ]  a  agile,  nimble,  active,  dapper. 
-^eb  c  agility,  activity,  nimbleness. 

taSetJl,  iBeiile  c  -er  rope;  (^øoetil)  hayband. 
Senle  vt  twist. 

JBeble  vt  J,  rattledown  Seoling  c  -er  J,  rat- 
lin  g. 

»ejee'r  o.  fl.,  git?ér. 

ajeji'r  c  -er  vizier. 

SB^ig'  c  -ger  whig.  -(Ȍrtiet  the  Whig  party 
(0.  fl.). 

aSS^flq  c  whiskey,  whisky. 

SB^i^  c  whist;  en  -,  et  ^arti  -  a  game  of 
whist,  -parti  a  party  of  whist-players.  -fpiKet 
the  game  of  whist. 

SBi  pron  pers  we;  i)i  .  .  .  felb  we  .  .  .  ourselves; 
_  atle  we  all,  all  of  us. 

iBiabuft'  c  -er  vi'aduct. 

SBibe  c  -r  lapwing,  peewit,  Vanellus,  t-febt 
butter-wort,  Pinguictda.  -æg  peewit's  egg;  ^ 
fritillary,  snakeshead,  Fritillaria  meleagris. 

$ib|ratio'n  c  -er  vibra'tion.  -re'te  vi  vi'brate; 
•  nbe  a  vibratory.  -re'ren  c  vibration,  -rio'net 
pi  vibriones. 

»Ice-  vice-,  deputy-.  -abmiral  viceadmiral. 
•btrettør  deputy-manager.  •formanb  fe  -præfibent, 
(i  Unber^ufet)  deputy-speaker.  -guoerner  deputy 
-govemor.  -longe  viceroy.  -longelig  viceroyal, 
viceregal.     •fongeoærbig^eb   viceroyalty,   vice- 




royship.  -tonful  vice-consul.  -Jjræfibent  vice 
-president,  deputy-chairman.  -^r(eftbent))Oft, 
•(»rafibentflai  vlce-chair.  -Bært  deputy- land- 
lord, landlord's  surveyor,  house-agent. 

iStcom'te  c  -r  vi'scount.   -S'fe  c  -r  vi'scountess. 

$ib'  n  (2forftanb)  wits,  sense;  (SBittig^eb)  wit; 
gaa  fra  -  og  éontlitig  lose  one's  wits. 

Sib  «  wide,  ample,  large;  _  ^larmont  open  et 
dispersed  harmony;  ben  -e  SSerben  the  wide 
world;  i  -e  Srebfe  extensively;  S)øren  ftaar  faa  _ 
3Jæg,  ®ab  the  door  is  wide  open;  comp  -exe 
wider;  (Qbcrligere)  farther,  further;  i  -ere  SBetqb^ 
ning  by  extension;  uben  -ere  (Dmftænbig^eber) 
without  further  ceremony  el.  ado,  as  a  matter 
of  course,  just,  at  once,  abruptly;  freely,  off 
hånd,  summarily,  ami  right  away;  —  adv  vitt, 
Bibere,  fe  nbfr.  SBibt.  SSibaaben  a  wide-opeu; 
•sprawling  on  one's  back.  SBibbc  c  ub  pi  width; 
(j)2  -r)  wide  expanse,  vast  space,  extensive 
waste,  moor.  SBibe  adv  poet  far.  SJtbe  vt  ub,  fe 

SBibe,  beb,  bibfte,  bibft  vt  know,  be  aware;  bet 
beb  jeg  ifle  I  don't  know;  jeg  bcb  bet  ifte  rigtig 
I  hardly  know;  bet  er  nt  fom  ®ub  og  |»bermanb 
beb  at  everybody  knows  that;  bet  maa  ®ub  _ 
God  knows;  uben  at  -  bet  without  knowing;  bet 
»eb  jeg  fiebre  I  know  all  about  it;  bet  bibfte  jeg 
uof  I  thought  as  much;  ^an  tommer  iffe,  at  bu 
beb  bet  (*faa  meget  bu  beb  bet)  I  tell  you  he 
■vviU  not  come;  ^bem  beb  om  itfe  who  knows 
but;  ilte  bet  jeg  beb  not  that  I  am  aware  of, 
not  that  I  know;  faa  bibt  jeg  beb  as  far  as  I 
know,  to  (the  best  of)  my  knowledge;  ber  er 
noget  bift,  jeg  beb  ilte  !^bab,  beb  ^am  there  is  an 
indescribable  something  about  him;  p  beb  bu 
^bab !  I  tell  you  what !  upon  my  word !  ^bab 
man  itfe  beb,  ^ar  man  ifte  onbt  af  what  one 
does  not  know,  eauses  no  woe;  _  en  STat  for 
be  obliged  el.  grateful  to  one  for;  foa  at  _ 
learn;  lobe  en  _  noget  acquaint  one  with  el. 
inform  one  of  a  thing;  ^on  lob  mig  _,  at  (gab 
mig  at  forftaa)  he  gave  me  to  understand  that, 
(fenbte  munbtlig  i8ub)  he  sent  me  word  that, 
(fenbte  ftriftlig  SSubj  he  wrote  me  word  that, 
(gab  mig  SBarfel)  he  gave  me  notice  el.  warning 
that;  lab  ingen  _  bet !  don't  tell  it  to  anybody; 
jeg  gab  -,  jeg  gab  gerne  bibft  I  should  like  to 
know,  I  wonder;  man  tan  itle  bibe  there  is  no 
knowing;  man  bil  bibe  at  it  is  said  el.  under- 
stood  that;  man  bit  _  at  18.  ^ar  fagt  B  is  under- 
stood  to  have  said;  btbfte  at  fortæfie  could  tell, 
asserted,  professed  to  know;  Ijan  beb  altib  at  tlare 
fig  he  always  contrives  to  find  a  way;  ^on 
beb  fig  albrig  filter  he  never  feels  secure;  jeg 
beb  mig  uff^lbig  beri  I  know  I  am  innocent  of 
it;  —  (meb  prcep  &  adv):  _  af  noget  know  of 
something;  _  af  fig  felb  be  conscious;  t)un  bibfte 
itte  af  fig  felb  af  ®[æbe  she  was  beside  herself 
with  joy;  -  af  Srfaring  know  from  experience; 
^boraf  beb  bu  bet?  how  do  you  know  that? 
fian  bil  itte  ~  af  ©ønnen  he  will  have  nothing  to 
say  to  his  son;  jeg  bil  itte  -  af  ben  ©tøj  (at  fige) 
I  won't  have  that  noise;  t)an  bil  itte  _  noget  af 
bet  at  fige  he  won't  listen  to  it,  he  is  unwilling 
to  hear  of  it,  he  turns  a  deaf  ear  to  it;  f)ex  beb 
man  itte  af  ©tjgbomme  (ot  fige)  diseases  are  un- 
known  here;  inben  ^an  bibfte  (et  Drb)  af  bet  before 
he  was  aware  of  it,  in  no  time;  jeg  beb  itte  af 
at  I  don't  know  that;  _  forub  know  before- 
hand;  _  meb  fig  felb  be  conscious  of;  _  om 
know  of  el.  about;  ^an  beb  ^berten  ub  el.  tnb 
he  does  not  know  which  way  to  tum;  — 
bibenbe  part  &  a:  et  _  58lif  a  significant  glance; 
bære  -nbe  om  know  of,  be  cognizant  el.  aware 
of,  privy  to;  bel  -nbe  at  conscious  that.  %ibe|> 
Begærlig   a   desirous   of   knowledge,    curious, 

inquisitive,  inquiring.  -bcgstlig^eb  c  (+  -begær  n) 
love  of  knowledge,  (liberal)  curio.sity,  inquisi- 
tiveness,  an  inquiring  spirit.  -I^ft,  -liften  fe 
-begærlig^eb,  -begærlig.  iBiben  c  knowledge, 

JBtben  adv  -.  f)at  bæret  _  om(fring)  has  travellec 
far  and  wide. 

SBibenbe  n  knowledge;  meb  mit  -  (og  SSilje)  h] 
el.  with  my  consent,   with  my  will;  uben  mit 
(og  SSilje)  without  my  knowledge,  unknown  td 
me,  without  my  privity;  against  my  will;  mel 
_  og  95tlje  wittingly,  deliberately;   meb  el.  ubei 
fit  _  wittingly  or  unwittingly;  mob  bebre  _  agains| 
his  own  better  conscience. 

SBibenom  adv  fe  SSiben. 

aSibenlftab  c  science,  knowledge;  t  =  8}iben 
-er  sciences;  -erne  joc  the  ologies.  •fla'belig  c 
scientiflc(al),  philosophical;  ^an  l)ax  nljbt  en  , 
Ubbannelfe  he  is  a  scholar;  _  iKøjagtig^eb  philo 
sophical  exactness;  —  adv  scientifically; 
bonnct  TOanb  a  scholar.  -ftabelig^eb  c  (^oab  bel 
^ører  til  SSibenffaberne)  matters  of  science;  (bibei^ 
ftabelig  Stjgttg^eb)  scientiiic  acquirements.  - 
S^ibenftabSjbljrte]:  cultivator  of  science.  -foL 
branch  of  knowledge.  -monb  man  of  science, 
philosopher,  scientiflc  man,  scientist.  -famfunb, 
■felflab  scientiflc  and  literary  society. 

SBibere  a  &  adv  comp  'it  S8ib,  SSibt.    9Sibeie| 
beforbring  forwarding  on;  retransmission,  -bo 
ticlfe  development. 

SJiberelbtgtning    [t.   SSteber=]    re-compositio: 
-for^anbling  resale. 

iSibcrelforfenbelfe  fe  -Beforbring.     -gaaenbe 
further,  ulterior;  more  extensive,  more  thoroug 
-going.     -tommen  a  advanced;   -mne  »  pi  adl 
vanced  pupils  el.  learners.    -lejfe  further  jou 

aJtberctrDt  [t.  ffiSieber-]  n  second  el.  inner  fornij 

SBtbertog  n  [t.]  arch  abutment. 

SLUbcrrtft  c  [t.]  vet  withers. 

iBiberbcerbig   a   [t.]   untoward,    disagreeabl 
•^eb  c  -er  trouble,  perplexity. 

+!8ibe|tarft  c  fe  -begærlig^eb. 

"SBibf^lbt  a  full  of  wit  and  humour,  sparklln; 

SJi'b^afct  a  sickle-shaped,  bow-legged. 

SBl'b^eb  c  wideness,  amplitude,  largeness 

SBibim|atio'n   c  legalization ,  authenticatio 
-e're  vt  legalize.    SBibiå'fe  c  -r  legalized  copyi 

SSi'bjc  c  -r  willow,  Salix;  fe  -Baanb.  -baani 
withe,  withy,  withy  band,  osier-band.  -ftetning 
osier-work,  wicker-mat.  -gten  osier  twig.  -fur» 
osier-basket.    -^>il  willow.    -rtå  osiers  pi. 

•SBi'btjenbt  a  widely  known,  far-famed 

»iBlblef'tig  fe  SBibtløftig. 

tSibttfå  a  witless;  senseless.  -^cb  c  witless- 

SBibne  vi  &  t  give  evidence,  depose;  ^an  -be 
ot  fiate  fet  he  deposed  to  having  seen;  _  (om) 
©onbbeben  bear  witness  to,  bear  testimony  to, 
testify  the  truth;  ^anS  SlrBejber  -  om  utrættelig 
giib  his  productions  evince,  speak  to,  indefatig- 
able  application.  iBibne  n  -r  (ben,  fom  bibner) 
witness;  (ebfboret)  deponent;  (SSibneSBQrb)  evi- 
dence; (frem)føre  -r  call  el.  produce  wittnesses; 
folbe  til  _  call  to  witness;  tage  -r  paa  call  wit- 
nesses  to;  ^aoe  _  ipaa  have  a  witness  to;  bære  _ 
til  be  a  witness  of,  witness,  (til  at  that);  Bære  _ 
om  bear  witness  to;  i  -r§  ^ao^ør  in  the  presence 
of  witnesses;  uben  -r  privately.  iBibne|bebt§  evi- 
dence. -eb  oath  of  witnesses.  -faft  o  fe  S8ibne8=. 
-forfar  examination  of  witnesses.  -forttoring 
deposition,  -farfel  production  of  evidence.  -loge 
witness-box.  +-!Ǥ  a  without  a  witness.  -pligt 
obligation  of  giving  evidence.  '-proo  fe  -ubfagn. 
— -  ^tbne§{bt)rb  n,  pi  =,  (Ubfagn  om  en  SagS 
gor^olb  ofb.)  evidence;  testimony;  (ebeligt  ubenfor 





JHetten)  affidavit;  (Sltteft)  testimonlal,  certificate, 
attestation;  afgifte  -  (for  SJetten)  give  evidence, 
depose;  til  _  in  witness  (whereof);  aflægge  _  om 
bear  testimony  to;  gide  en  et  gobt  _  give  one  a 
good  testimony  el.  character;  bu  ftal  tf!e  fige 
faift  -  om  bin  5Jæfte  bibl  thou  shalt  not  bear  false 
witness  against  thy  neighboiir;  ^on  Ijober  ille 
lobet  Hg  felo  uben  -  he  left  not  himself  without 
witness;  til  Qberligere  _,  F  more  in  token.  -foft 
a  that  can  be  proved  by  valid  witnesses,  legal; 
adv  in  the  presence  of  witnesses.  -far  a  ad- 
missible  el.  unobjectionable  as  a  witness.  Sibne- 
ftæoning  (ganbl.  at  inbftæone)  summouing  of 
wtnesses;  (åalbSfebbel)  writ  of  siimmons.  !BU>ne> 
ubfagn  evidence. 

8i'tif!ab  n  fe  58ibenbe;  t  =  Sunbffab. 

♦SSibffræmt  a  terrified  out  of  one's  wits. 

•85i'bfpurgt  a  widely  known,  far-famed. 

Sibt  adv  far,  widely;  comp  Oibere  farther, 
further,  sup  »ibeft  farthest,  furthest;  bræerne  ere 
»lantebe  for  _  fra  ^inanben  the  trees  are  planted 
too  far  apart;  _  og  6rebt  far  and  wide;  tale  _  og 
brebt  speak  at  great  length,  expatiate,  enlarge; 
+g8re  -  og  brebt  of  noget  make  a  fnss  about  a 
thing;  ^Bor  _  er  ^an  lommen?  how  far  has  he 
got,  what  progress  has  he  made?  bet  er  fommet 
_  meb  fiom  he  is  far  gone;  ^an  ^ar  bragt  bet  _  i 
fin  ftunft  he  is  very  proticient  in  his  art;  brioe 
noget  for  _  carry  a  thing  too  far,  overdo  a 
thing;  breb  bet  faa  ~,  at  carried  matters  to  siich 
a  length  that;  bette  gaar  for  _  this  is  too  bad, 
this  is  going  too  far;  gif  albrig  faa  _,  at  fian  never 
went  the  length  of  -ing;  er  bet  tommet  foa  -,  at? 
has  it  come  to  this  that?  føjebe  fig  faa  -  at  ^an 
fagbe  yielded  to  the  extent  of  saying;  for  faa  - 
fom  in  as  far  as,  so  far  as;  bet  Ian  for  faa  -  Ⱦre 
gobt  nof  that's  very  well  as  far  as  it  goes,  so 
far  so  good;  faa  ~,  ^bor  -,  fe  <Baa,  ^box;  —  comp 
bibere:  fom  iffe  ftort  -ere  enb  til  did  not  advance 
much  beyond;  ^bab  faa  -ere?  what  more?  gaa 
■ere  go  on;  jeg  fan  iffe  gaa  -ere  ibag  I  can  go  no 
further  to-day;  oi  maa  -ere  we  must  be  on;  fagbe 
-ere  went  on  to  say;  »i  fparge  -ere  we  proceed 
to  ask;  Iæ§  -ere!  read  on!  fian  læfte  -ere  uben  at 
iett>mxe  fig  om.  mig  he  continued  to  read  without 
noticing  me;  og  faa  -ere  and  so  on,  et  cetera; 
and  what  not;  iffe  (faaban)  -  (=  ftjnberlig)  not 
particularly;  bringe  -ere  (fortælte  igen)  repeat;  ber 
er  intet  -ere  foretaget  nothing  further  has  been 
done;  inbttl  -ere  for  the  present,  so  far,  till 
further  notice,  provisionally,  for  a  time;  uben  - 
fe  iPib.  lBibt|befenbt  a  widely  known.  -beireift 
a  travelied;  en  _  Wanb  a  great  traveller,  -be^ 
rl)gtet  a  notorious.  -berømt  a  far-famed,  far 
-renowned.  -breben  fe  -gaaenbe.  -forgrenet  a 
Avidely  spread,  wide-branching.  -gaaenbe  a  far 
-going,  extreme.    -f-grenet  fe  -forgrenet. 

SBibtleftig  a  (i  2ale,  gtil  ofb.)  prollx,  diffuse, 
long-winded,  tedious,  lengthened,  protracted, 
prolonged,  elaborate;  (ubftraft)  extensive,  widely 
extended;  (oibt  mellem  fiinierne  i  Srtjf  ofo.)  wide 
between  the  lines;  (ubfoæbenbe)  dis.sipated;  -e 
Slægtninge  distant  relations;  ©ogen  er  meget  _ 
the  case  is  very  complex;  bet  bilbe  bære  for  -t  at 
it  would  be  (too)  tedious  to.  -^eb  c  prolixity. 
difliiseness;  pi  -er  difliculties,  ado,  unnecessary 

Sibtlomfottenbe  a  extensive.  -rættenbe  a  far 
-reaching.  -ftnenbe  a  far  looking.  -ftralt,  -nb= 
ftralt  a  widely  el.  far  extended,  far-stretching, 
extensive.    -fnicoenbe  a  diflfuse. 

SJtbunber  n  -e  wonder,  prodigy.  -barn  fe 
Unberbarn.  -lanb  landof  wonders.  ilMbun'berlig 
a  wondrous,  prodigious,  wonderful,  marvellous; 
grænfer  til  bet  -e  is  little  less  than  marvellous; 
adv  wonderfully,  to  a  miracle.   SBibun'bertig^cb 

c  wonderfblness.  Sibnnbcriflirn  a  wonderfully 
fine,  of  wonderful  beauty.  -tro  belief  in  mir- 

Sic  vt  (tnboie)  consecrate;  (Segtefolf)  marry, 
wed;  (en  Sifp)  consecrate;  (en  fgræft)  ordain  (a 
clergyman);  fig  _  til  devote  to;  _  fig  tit  devote 
one's  self  to,  give  one's  self  up  to;  -t  til  UlQlfen 
doomed;  +  _  inb,  fe  Qnbbie.  -bifb  suffragan 
bishop.  -loaft  fe  a?ie»anb§foft.  »ielfe  c  -r  wed- 
ding  ceremouy.  SBielfebreb  fe  Songebreb.  — 
JBielfeSjatteft  certificate  of  marriage,  marriage 
certificate.  -formular  formulary  of  the  marriage 
ceremony.  -ring  wedding-ring.  SBielfetale  nup- 
tial  address. 

SBien  n  Vien'na.  SBiener  c  -e  Vienne'se,  in- 
habitant  of  Vienna.;  -ne  the  Viennese.  —  SEBienerl^ 
br«b  (omtr.)  Bath  buns.  -grønt  parrot-green. 
-boffet  the  Vienna  court.  SBtencrinb'e  c  r 
Viennese  (woman  et.  lady).  9Biener|ta(!  French 
chalk.  -tongreSfen  the  Congress  of  Vienna. 
-bais  Viennese  waltz.  -bogn  phaeton.  3Bienft 
a  of  et.  from  Vienna,  Viennese. 

iBierwalbftabt'erføen  the  Lake  of  the  Four 
-Forest-Towns  in  Switzerland. 

9Jiebanb  n  holy-water.  —  !Biebanb3|(ar,  -lebel 
holy  -  water  font  et.  basin.  -loft  holy  -  water 
sprinkle,  aspergill. 

SBift  n,  pi  =,  pufif  el.  breath  (of  air  et.  wind). 

SSifte  vi  (flagre)  flutter,  (tangfomt)  wave;  (om 
2t)§)  flicker;  _  meb  ^aanben,  meb  et  Sorftæbe 
wave  one's  hånd,  a  handkerchief;  ^unben  -r  meb 
^alen  ihe  dog  wags  his  tail;  vt  (beoæge  gennem 
auften)  waft;  (meb  aStfte)  fan;  _  fig  i  ainfigtet  fan 
one's  face.  SBifte  c  -r  fan;  (SKaftine)  fan(-blower); 
^  spunyarn  winch;  (p.  2:ob)  voyal,  viol.  SSiftej« 
apparat  fan.  -bfabet  a  with  flabellate  leaves. 
-brsnber  fan-tail,  bat  wing.  -b^g  French  barley. 
-bælg  ventilator,  -bcerer  fan-carrier.  -bannet 
fanshaped ,  ^  fliabellifonn ,  flabellate.  -bue 
queen's  pigeon,  Goura  victoria.  -fabritant  fan 
-maker.  -formtg  fe  -bannet.  -Ijanbler  fan-seller. 
Skiften  c  waving  etc;  _  meb  ^atte  waving  of 
hat.  2Jifte|baIme  fan-palm,  Chamcerop»  o.  fl. 
-bingebe  pi  rhipipters.    IBiftning  c  fe  SBiften. 

SBig  c  -e  &  -er  creek,  cove,  inlet. 

iBige,  beg,  oeget  vi  (gioe  efter)  yield,  give  way 
(for  to);  (gibe  ^tabé)  cede;  _  af,  fe  Stfbige;  _  af 
SBefen  for  en  make  way  for  one;  -  bort  (btg  bag 
mig)  Satan!  get  thee  hence  (get  thee  behind 
me)  Satan!  _  for  gjenben  retreat  before  the 
enemy;  -  fro  depart,  leave;  oig  iffe  fro  Stebetl 
don't  budge!  _  tilbage  draw  back,  recede,  re- 
treat (meb  grQgt,  Slffll))  recoil,  flinch  (for  from); 
_  tilfibe  step  aside;  —  vt  -  fin  $lab?  cede  el. 
give  up  one's  place;  ^ar  »eget  ^tobfen  for  has 
been  replaced  by;  _  8ur8  give  way;  _  ftt  Sæbe 
resign  one's  seat;  *(®ab)  set,  (^eft)  guide,  turn; 
—  bigenbe  a:  fturferne  er  _  exchanges  are 
declining.    '•■-jern  set.    -f<»or  siding,  shunt. 

SBigi'Iie  c  -r  vig'il. 

SBignet'  c  -ter  vignette,  -inbfatning  tvp  flower 

*»igfel  c,  SBigfle  vt  (e  SBielfe,  SSie. 

SBigtig  o  important;  (fom  gor  fig  -)  consequen- 
tial,  important,  self-assertive;  (fom  er  of  Sægt) 
momentous,  weighty;  -ft  principal;  bet  -fte  the 
main  thing;  gore  fig  bigtig  affect  importance, 
be  consequential,  give  one's  self  airs;  put  in 
one's  oar,  thrust  one's  nose  in;  ^on  er  oltib  foo 
_  he  is  80  consequential,  always.  -^eb  c  import- 
ance, consequence;  fe  -magert,  -mager  c  -e  cox- 
comb,  squaretoes,  prig.  -magert  n  consequen- 
tialuess.  -^»er,  ''-^lære  f  fe  -mager,  -peteri  n  fe 

SJipø'r  c  vig'our. 

SJitS  a  wise,  sage,  sapient;  en  -  a  wise  man, 




a  sage;  be  -e§  ©ten  the  philosopher's  stone;  et 
Crb  er  nof  for  ben  -e  a  word  to  the  wise  is 
enough,  joc  a  nod  is  as  good  as  a  wink  to  a 
blind  horse;  Ⱦre  -  paa  be  aware  of;  blide  _  paa 
learn;  gere  en  _  paa  noget  initiate  one  into 
something,  apprise  one  of  a  thing. 

SBila'r(ittS)  c  -er  (-ier)  substitute,  deputy.  -ia't 
w  vica'riate,  vic'arship.  -te'te  vi  aet  in  el.  fill  el. 
siipply  the  place  of  another,  aet  as  substitute 
el.  deputy;  _  for  en  aet  as  one's  deputy. 
-ie'renbe  a  vlca'rious.    -ie'ring  c  acting  etc. 

filing  c  -er  Wiking,  pirate  (in  ancient  times), 
freebooter,  filibuster;  piraey;  ligge  i  _  be  engaged 
in  a  piratical  expedition;  brage  i  et.  paa  ~  go  out 
on  a  piratical  expedition  —  Sgitittgelagttg  a 
piratical.  -b  alten  the  law  of  the  Wikiugs.  — 
Stlinflcl,  S8t!ingé|flaabe  fleet  of  pirate.s.  -færb 
fe  -tog.  -Uo  life  of  the  pirates.  -fn«tte  wiking's 
bark.  -tibett  the  Wiking  age.  -tog  piratical  ex- 

SBilte  c  -r  vetch,  Vicia.  -ager  fleld  of  vetches. 
■fober  vetches;  oats  and  vetche.s.  -I)alin  vetch 
-straw.    -^atire  oats  and  vetches. 

mtUl  c  -fler  (i  (Sigar)  filler. 

•S8tfle  i't  fe  ærifte  *. 

»ille  vt  wrap,  twist;  _  inb  i  (f.  (Sf§.)  ^apix 
wrap  up  in  paper;  _  fainmen  roll  el.  wrap  up; 
fe  ogf.  Slfbifle,  Snboifle,  Cmoifle,  Opoifle;  vr  _  fig 
løg  extricate  one's  self;  _  fig  om  twist  itself 
around;  +  _  ftg  ub  unfold.  -baanb  roller.  SBitter 
c  -e  zoo  tortrix. 

$it§e  vi  wax.    -tiot§  pouch  varnish. 

S^ifto'tia  Victoria;  raabe  _  cry  vic'tory;  ftqbe 
_  shoot  in  honour  of  the  victory.  -n'nff  a  Vic- 

!Stttua'Iter  pt  provisions,  victuals.  SBittualieh 
^anbel  cook-shop.  -^anbtec  provision  -  dealer. 
-ttclbcr  underground  larder. 

SBilUtt'je  c  -r  vicuna,  Auohenia  vicunia.  -H(b 
vigonia  wool. 

SJilb  a  wild;  (xaa,  barbariff)  wild,  savage,  un- 
civilized;  (grum)  fierce,  ferocious,  savage;  (ube- 
regnelig) flighty;  *(0reb)  angry,  in  a  passion;  en 
~  ®reng  a  rompish  el.  unruly  boy;  en  _  %e&  a 
romp;  en  -  (o:  uregerlig)  |ieft  an  unmanageable 
horse;  -e  (SJlenneffer)  savages;  -t  Søb  proud  tlesh; 
-e  ®i)r  wild  beasts;  et  -t  StO  a  dissolute  life;  « 
af  Ubfeenbe  wild,  haggard;  oolée  -  grow  wild  el. 
naturally;  i  _  Silftanb  in  a  state  of  nature, 
under  nature;  i  _  glugt  in  rout;  !afte  paa  -  Slugt 
rout  completely;  fare  _  go  astray,  lose  one's 
way,  stray;  farer  itfe  -  bibl  be  not  deceived; 
lebe  en  _  lead  one  astray,  mislead;  _  fremmeb, 
fe  -fremmeb;  f  ~  paa  Kareten  all  abroad;  i  -en 
&tt),  fe  ©It);  poet  i  ben  -ene  ©tot),  paa  ben  -ene 
4)ebe  (0.  t^.)  lu  the  wild  forest,  on  the  wild 
moor;  —  O  i  I  b  t  adv  wildly;  OotSe  -t  grow  wildly; 
tale  -t  talk  wildly,  rave.  SBilblanb  wild  duck, 
Anaø  boschaa,  (ifær  faunen)  mailard,  (|)unnen) 
flapper,  -bane  (tongelig)  forest;  (prioat)  chase, 
(oflf.  fiff)  preserve.  -baSfe  wild  boar,  jlg  wild, 
hare-brained  fellow,  scapegrace.  t-brob  roasted 
venison.  -b^r  wild  beast.  -i^SBUbe  vt  mislead; 
-ei  vd  go  astray.  33ilbelfe  c  (gej(tagelfe)  mistake, 
error;  (©inbSfraoærelfe)  delirium;  tale  i  _  be  de- 
lirious,  raving.  SBttb(e)rebe  c  &  n  perplexity, 
confusion;  jeg  er  tommen  i  _  bermeb  it  has  put 
me  to  a  stand;  bringe  en  i  _  perplex,  puzzle, 
confuse  one.  -tSBilblfore  vi  fe  oof.  fare  bilb. 
-farelfe  c  error,  delusion;  bringe  ub  af  -n  un- 
deceive,  disabuse;  foæoe  i  _  be  under  a  delusion. 
-farenbe  (-i-faren)  a  (f.  ©fS.  SSanbringSmanb)  (a 
wanderer)  who  has  lost  his  way;  (foroilbet,  om 
2)t)r)  stray;  fig  (fejlagtig)  erroneous;  bet  ~  i  the 
fallacy  of;  3  Bare  fom  -  gaar  ye  were  as  sheep 
going  astray.  -fremmeb  a  utterly  Strange,  whoUy 

unknown,  a  perfect  (utter,  entire,  total)  Strange] 
(to).  -gaa§  wild  goose,  Awer  cineretta;  f  f( 
efter  -gæSiene  stand  gaping.  -gaafejagt  wild-goos« 
chase.  -gong  labyrinth.  -geb  wild  goat,  pa.seng 
Capra  cegagriis.  -Ijcb  c  wildness,  savageness 
ferocity,  fierceness;  (Uroltg'^eb,  Uft^rligbeb;  åaab 
^eb)  wildness,;  rompishness.  -^ooebef 
fe  -finbet.    -^uber  pi  American  hides. 

SJilbig  a  partial. 

»Ilbing  fe  SBilbling. 

iStlbltat  wild  cat,  Felig  catus;  fig  rantipotø 
(ifcer  $ige)  romp.  -lebc  vt  lead  astray,  mislead 
misguide;  -nbe  a  misleading.  -(ebelfe  mislead 
ing  etc.  aSilbliMg(rob)  c  wild  stock.  2Jllb|l«j 
field  garlic;  Allium  oleraeeum.  -manb  savage( 
F  gaa  paa  en  _,  løbe  meb  en  _  find  a  mare'i 
nest.  -mart  waste,  wilderness.  -raofe  moor, 
+S8lIbncS  vd  go  astray.  !BtIbtti§  [t.]  n  wilder 
ness.  !8ilb|orne  wild  boar,  (i  trebje  Star)  hog 
steer.  -raabig  a  irresolute.  -raabig^cb  irresolui 
tion.  -ren  wild  reindeer.  -ftnbet  a  wild.  iSilJx 
ftab  n  &  c  wildness.  SJtlblft^tte  fe  aSilbt=.  -fmat 
ter  pi  Jutland  ponies.  -fo  wild  sow.  Silbfott 
a  intricate.  SBilbfom^eb  c  intricacy.  Silblfpoi 
wrong  track  el.  scent;  pao  _  at  fault,  olf  lh( 
track;  fig  oære  paa  ~  go  upon  a  wrong  tack,  b« 
all  abroad;  føre  el.  bringe  en  paa  _  put  one  on 
a  wrong  el.  false  scent,  throw  one  off  the  scent, 
-ftamme  fe  SBilbling.  -fti  wrong  path.  ^-ftraa  a 
tomme  paa  ~  fe  -fpor.  *-ft^ring  fe  -ba8fe  fig, 
-ftJtn  wild  boar;  (ungt)  shoot,  shoat;  i  anbet  %a\ 
hog.  -fuinefiobeb  boar's  head.  -foineI|unb  bo 
-hound.  -fotneiagt  boar  hunt.  -fttineUje  wili 
-boar's  lair.    -foinefpQb  boar-spear. 

SBiIbt  11  (ogfaa  om  Søbet)  game;  (meft  om  2)Qre 
tøb)  venison.  -otti  breeding  of  game.  -bone  fi 
SBilb«.  -beftanb  fe  -ftonb.  -frebning  fenciug  el, 
preservation  of  game.  -gccrbe  fence  to  kee, 
out  deer.  -^anbel  dealing  in  game;  (SJutilcnj 
poulterer's  shop.  -^anbler  game-dealer,  gam< 
-salesman;  poulterer  and  fruiterer.  -lugt  gam( 
-smell;  antage  -  get  high.  -læber  deer-skia 
-rig  a  abounding  in  game.  -ftabe  damage  don 
by  deer.  -ftinb  fur  (of  wild  animals).  -ft^tti 
gåmekeeper.  -fmag  flavour  of  game;  fom  ^ai 
_  gamy.  -ftabe  preserve.  -ftattb  stock  of  deen 
•t^b  déer-stealer,  poacher.  -t^tieri  deer-stealing, 

SBilbttiotéenbe  a  growing  wild,  indigenous. 

SBilbltflfter  c  roistering  German,  German  buUy; 
-t^ffcri  n  German  arrogance.  -Vin  Virginian, 
creeper,  American  ivy,  Ampelopaia.  -æfel  wil(' 
ass,  koulan,  Equua  hemionua. 

æil^etm  William,    -i'ne  Wilhelmina. 

SBilje  c  -r  will;  tage  -n  for  ©erningen  take  thi 
desire  for  the  performance!  ®ub§  ~  ftel  God'; 
will  be  done!  bermeb  fter  oor  -  such  is  our 
pleasure;  SRanb?  _  9JlanbS  jptmmerig  my  mind  to 
me  a  kingdom  is,  a  wilful  man  must  have  his 
way,  wilful  will  do  it;  ben  frie  _  free-will;  min 
fibfte  _  my  last  will  and  testament;  gob  -  brager 
tungt  Sæ§  nothing  is  impossible  to  a  willing 
mind;  ^aoe  ben  bebfte  -  have  the  best  intentions; 
brioe  fin  _  igennem  carry  one's  point;  faa  fin  - 
have  one's  will  el.  way;  t)un  ftt  fin  _  she  had 
her  own  way;  l^an  fif  fin  _  meb  fienbe  he  had 
his  will  of  her;  l^an  bil  ^otie  fin  _  he  will  have 
his  own  way;  of  egen  fri  _  of  one's  own  free 
will;  alting  gaar  i)am  efter  -  every thing  suc- 
ceeds  to  his  wishes;  til  SrobS  for  ^onl  gobe  _ 
in  spite  of  his  good  intentions;  meb  _  on  pur- 
pose, purposely;  meb  ben  bebfte  -  with  the  best 
intentions;  ilte  meb  min  gobe  _  not  willingly, 
not  when  I  know  it;  mob  fin  -  in  spite  of 
one's  own  self,  against  one's  will;  Bære  el.  gøre 
en  til  -  oblige  one.     J8ilje|6eftcmmetfe   deter- 




mination  of  the  will,  volition.  -foft  a  firm,  of 
firm  resolution,  strong  of  will.  -foft^eb  firmness 
(of  mind  el.  purpose),  -fritieb  freedom  of  will. 
-l«S  a  having  no  will  of  one's  own.  -(øS^eb 
want  of  \nll.  -retMing  direction  el.  bent  of 
the  will.  SiljeSatt  aet  of  the  will,  volition. 
»iljeSfofl  matter  of  free  will.  aStlie,fm!c,  -ftærl 
fe  -faftfieb,  -faft.  -foog  a  weak,  pliable.  SgiljeS' 
ytring  expression  el.  manifestation  of  the  Avill, 

Sili'Iaar  n,  pi  =,  (33etingelfe)  coudition,  terms; 
(Dmftænbig^eber)  circumstances;  paa  el.  unber  biSfe 
-  on  these  terms;  +  {e  'i^illaarlig^cb;  •  fe  Slftægt. 
■taa'rlig  a  (frtoiUigj  spontaneous ,  voluntary; 
(egenmægtig)  arbitrary,  high-hauded;  (umottDeret) 
gratuitoas;  (om  fiontrafter)  conditional.  •tttatiiq- 
f)ti>  c  spontaneousue.»^s,;  arbitrari- 
ness.    *!8i(faori&inanb  Je  SlftcegtSmanb. 

3$iIIa  c  -er  country-house,  villa. 

SSittc,  t)i(,  »ilbe,  »illet  vi  &  t  be  willing;  (ønfle) 
wish,  want;  jeg  oil  I  will;  jeg  oilbe  I  would;  jeg 
bat  -t  I  have  wished  (meaut,  intended)  to;  ^an 
'^at  albrig  -t  he  has  never  been  willing  to;  at 
jeg  flulbe  -  that  I  .should  wish  to;  Ijan  fan  gøre 
bet,  naar  ban  oil  he  can  do  it,  when  he  will, 
chooses  el.  pleases;  ^ai\  funbe  nof  gøre  bet,  men 
l^an  Bil  (bet)  iffe  he  could  do  it,  but  he  won't; 
fom  bu  Bil  as  you  like  el.  please;  ^an  fan  gøre 
tom  ^an  Bil  he  may  please  himself;  oil  bu  fom 
jeg  if  you  are  of  my  mind,  If  you  like;  om  ®ub 
bil  if  it  please  God,  God  willing;  boab  enten  ^an 
nu  oil  eller  iffe  willing  or  not  willing;  bet  oære 
nu  fom  bet  Bil  be  that  as  it  may,  however  that 
may  be;  fte  ^oab  ber  _!  whatever  may  happeu; 
bet  oære  naar  eller  l^oor  bet  oil  whenever  el.  wher- 
ever  it  be;  (meb  Cbjeft):  Songen  Bil  bet  it  is 
the  kings  pleasure,  the  king  will.s  it;  uben  at  _ 
bet  unlntentionally,  unawares;  røenneffet  fan  iffe 
alt  ^Oab  bet  Bil  man  cannot  do  all  that  he 
pleases;  man  fan,  bfab  man  Bil  where  there  is  a 
%vlll,  there  is  a  way,  nothiug  is  impo.ssible  to 
a  willing  mind;  ger,  bf  ab  ®e  oil !  do  whatever 
you  please!  gør  meb  mig,  boab  bu  Bit!  do  your 
worst!  ^un  oeb  boab  bun  Bil  she  knows  her  own 
mind;  ban  boabe  Bil  og  iffe  Bil,  ban  Beb  iffe,  l^oab 
^an  oil  he  is  wavering,  he  doe.s  not  know  his 
own  mind;  boab  oilbe  ^an  ber?  what  did  he 
want  here?  ^an  fige,  boab  ban  oil  whatever  he 
may  say;  ^an  oære,  ^oem  ban  oil  whoever  he  may 
)>e;  !^an  ^ar  -t  min  25øb  lie  wished  my  death; 
(^erfonSobj.):  ban  Bil  mig  oel  el.  mit  SKel  he 
wishes  me  well;  |on  Bil  mig  ilbe  he  wishes  me 
harm;  ^oab  oil  bu  (mig)?  what  do  you  want  (of 
me  el.  with  me);  jeg  forftob  iffe,  boab  ban  oilbe 
mig  I  dldn't  understand  what  I  was  wanted  for; 
(meb  3nftnitiB):  jeg  oil  iffe  gaa  I  don' t  want 
el.  choose  to  go;  jeg  oilbe  juft  baoe  gaaet,  bo  bu 
fora  I  was  just  going  away  when  you  came; 
jeg  oilbe  gerne  goo  I  want  to  go;  jeg  oil  gerne 
gøre  bet  I  am  willing  el.  ready  to  do  it;  jeg  oil 
iffe  gerne  gøre  bet  I  am  unwilling  to  do  it,  I 
should  not  like  to  do  it;  jeg  Bil  el.  Oilbe  gerne 
^aoe  ben  Sog  I  should  like  to  have  that  book; 
jV^  oil  b filere  blioe  I  had  rather  stav;  jeg  oil 
(liilbe)  beHere  l^oBe  %e  (enb  ftaffe)  I  shall"  (should) 
p'.-efer  tea  (to  coflfee);  ®e  oil(le)  behage  at 
'O;  bon  Bil  ^aoe  100  ftr.  for  bet  he  a.sks  100  er. 
for  it;  jeg  Bil  rejfe  i  9Korgen  I  am  goiug  away 
to  morrow;  man  Bil  baOe  fet  ^am  ^er  it  is  under- 
stood  that  he  has  been  seen  here;  bfab  Oil  bu 
fige  bermeb?  what  do  you  mean  by  that?  Bil 
bu  oære  faa  gob  at  fige  mig  ofo,  please  tell  me, 
tell  me,  if  you  please;  ber  er  nogen  fom  oil  tale 
meb  2)em  you  are  wanted;  jeg  oil  gerne  oibe  I 
want  to  know;  XibSfftiftet  Bil  oibe,  at  the  journal 
aflfects  to  know   that   (fe  SSibe);   jeg   oilbe  ønffe 

ofo.  I  wish  el.  would;  (meb  3tt):  ^an  bil,  at  jeg 
ffal  gaa  he  wishes  me  to  go;  boab  oil  bu  (^abe), 
at  jeg  ffal  gøre?  what  will  you  have  me  do? 
jeg  oil  (baoe),  at  bu  ffal  ^aa  I  want  you  to  go; 
(guturum):  jeg,  oi,  otl  iffe  leBe  længe  I,  we, 
shall  not  live  long;  bu,  ^,  i)an,  be  Bil  iffe  leoe 
længe  you,  he,  they,  will  not  live  long;  (raeb 
præp  &  adv):  jeg  Bil  of  I  want  to  get  off;  bon 
Bil  iffe  of  meb  bet  he  does  not  want  to  part  with 
it;  Bil  offteb,  bort  wants  to  be  oflf;  oil  forbi 
wants  to  pass;  Bil  frem  want.«  to  get  ou;  SSløb 
Bil  frem  murder  will  out;  ^oor  Bil  bon  !^en? 
where  is  he  going?  fig  what  is  he  driving  at? 
what  is  he  up  to?  oil  ^jem,  igennem,  inb 
wants  to  get  home,  through,  in;  Oil  bu  meb? 
will  you  come  with  us?  will  you  be  of  the 
party?  ^oab  oil  bu  meb  bet?  what  are  you  going 
to  do  with  that?  Bil  neb,  op  wants  to  get 
down,  up;  jeg  Bil  til  ©nglonb  I  am  going  to 
England;  bon  Bil  nu  til  ot  goo  he  is  now  about 
to  go;  ^on  Bil  nøbig  bertil  he  is  unwilling,  loth. 
reluctant,  to  do  it;  ber  oil  meget  til  much  will 
be  required;  oil  tilbage,  ub  wants  to  get  back, 
out;  oil  nøbig  ub  meb  ^jjengene  is  not  very  willing 
to  come  down  with  the  money.  SiØen  c  voli- 
tion. $iUig  a  willing;  ready;  fe  SSilbig;  fanbt  -e 
Iføbere  met  with  ready  purchasers;  _(t)  adv 
willingly,  readily,  freely;  ^  apace,  roundly. 
%illtg]^eb  c  ub.  pi  (£bfl)  willingness,  readiness; 
pi  -er  (S:ienefte)  favour,  service. 

'^SBlKinfl  fe  jpoiHing. 

SJilter  a  giddy,  wild,  boisterous. 

SSimmel  c  -er  brace,  (fun  sBorejæmet)  bit.  -iot 
wimble.    -ffoft  bit-stock,  brace. 

iBim))et  c  -pier  ^  pennant,  pendant,  streamer. 
-folb  pendant  halyards,    -ftoge  pendant-stafl'. 

aSimS  a  nimble,  brisk,  quick;  +  _  i  $ooebet 
in  a  maze.  *SBit«8  c  -er  fussy  little  fellow. 
iBintfe  et"  whisk,  fuss,  bustle. 

fSin  c  -e  wine;  fe  -ronfe;  oilb  _,  fe  58ilb=.  S8i«|  = 
oonb  spirit  of  wine;  (reftificeretj  alcohol.  -oor 
wine  year.  -agtig  a  vinous.  -anler  wine-anker. 
-ontisg  vineyard  -oul  vine  husbaudry.  -atiler 
wine-grower.  -baffc  fe  -bjærg,  -betlæbt  a  vine 
-clad.  -bjærg  vioeyard.  -bjærgfncgl  viueyard 
-snail,  Belix  pomatia.  -falab  vine-leaf  -blonitne 
queen- mother.  -e-6onbe  wine-grower.  -bær 
grape,  -bærflafe  buuch  of  grapes,  -bærme 
dregs  of  wine.  -bærmeafle  ashes  of  tartar. 
-bærolie  essence  of  cognac,    -canbel  caudle. 

!8incen3  Vincent. 

Stnil)  c  -er  winch. 

SSitib  «:  lægge  _  poo  apply  one's  self  to,  lay 
one's  self  out  for,  study. 

SBittb  c  -e  Wind;  J,  breeze  wind;  gob,  føjelig 
_  fair  wind;  baarlig  -  adverse,  foul,  contrary 
Wind;  ftærf  _  high  el.  strong  wind;  meget  ftærf  _ 
heavy  wind;  foog,  laber  _  light  wind;  Poo,  løj  - 
lig:ht  air;  gøre  _  (Slæft)  brag,  boast;  bet  er  bore 
_  it  is  all  moonshine;  flippe  en  -  break  wind; 
^ænge  Soppen  efter  en  hang  one's  cloak  to  the 
wind,  fe  ^oppe;  for  -en  J^  Ijefore  the  wind,  fro 
•en  otT  the  wind;  tage  -en  fro  becalm;  blæfer  -en 
fro  ben  Sant?  is  the  wind  in  that  quarter? 
oenbe  gennem  -en  stay,  tack,  go  about;  løbe  op 
i  -en  shake  the  vessel  in  the  wind;  boffe  i  -en, 
oære  belt  oppe  i  -en  be  all  in  the  wiud  el.  in  the 
wind's  eye;  oære  i  -en  fig  be  in  hot  water,  -'be 
much  sought  after;  foo  _  i  Sejlene  caich  the 
wind;  toæré  poo  -en  with  the  wind  abeam;  ligge 
gobt  op  til  -en  hold  a  good  wiud;  bclbe  Sfibet 
til  -en  hold  the  ship  to;  fofte  til  -en  heave  to; 
fnibe  til  -en  J,  hug  the  wind;  oeb  en  by 
the  wind;  fejle  tæt  oeb  -en  (bibeoinb)  ^  sail  close 
-hauled,  SBinbe  pi  med  flatulence,  windinesss; 
fom  foroarfoget  -e  flatulent;  Wibbel  mob  -e  car- 




minative;  plageS  of  -e  be  troubled  with  flatulence 
el.  Wind.  lBinb|aa6en  a  exposed  to  the  wind, 
bleak.    -aate  vein  of  wind. 

-HiBt'niiam))  c  fumes  of  wine. 

iBinblfiar  fe  -aoben.  -botte  air-bubble.  -brof 
pneumatocele.  -brub  wind-shake.  -bræt  panel. 
•bunben  a  windbound.  -bflge  squall.  -b«|tel  fe 
-moger;  (58otfeIfe)  puff:  ^  pudding-vane.  -bøSfe 
air-gnn.  +-bi;aobe  spray.  -brejniMfl  shift  of  wind. 
•bveoen  a  wind-beaten,  wind-tossed.  -bribenbe 
a  carminative;  _  TOibbel  carminative.  -britiec 
windbound  ves.sel.    SBinbe  v  imp  blow. 

Sittbe,  banbt,  Bunbet  vt  gain,  win;  _  SBifalb  gain 
approbation;  _  en§  |>jerte  win  el.  gain  one's 
heart;  -  et  2anb,  en  é^  conquer  a  country,  a 
town;  -  'Prifen  carry  oflf  el.  win  the  prize; 
_  ©ejr  gain  the  victory  el.  the  day;  _  Slaget 
win  el.  gain  the  battle;  _  ©pillet  win  the  game; 
10  ^otnt  er  Bunbet  ©pil  10  points  constitute 
game;  _  Stb,  <J5lab8  ofB.  gain  time,  room;  _  en§ 
SiHib  gain  el.  win  one's  confidence;  _  monge 
SSenner  make  many  friends;  _  SSæbbeløbet  win 
the  race;  •  _  noget  el.  ot  come  to  an  end  with, 
get  done  with,  be  able  to  finish,  get  time 
enough  for;  —  _  en  feer  become  fond  of  one,  take 
a  liking  to  one;  —  gain,  win;  '^on  funbe  ilte  - 
ftiem  he  could  not  gain  his  home;  bu  -r  itfe 
\aa.  langt  ibog  you  won't  be  able  to  go  so  far 
to-day;  ^on  ^ar  bunbet  (i  ©pil)  he  is  a  winner, 
he  came  off  a  winner;  Uret  -r  the  watch  gains; 
—  (meb  proep  &  adv):  ~  en  for  en  ©ag  gain 
one  over,  enlist  one  in  a  cause;  -  en  for  fig 
interest  a  person  in  one's  favour;  _  SuBen  fra 
get  to  windward  of;  *  _  frem  til  reach;  !^an  fiar 
Bunbet  i  f.  ©!§.  Qfnbfl^belfe  he  has  gained  el.  in- 
creased  in  influence;  -igen  win  back;  regain; 
_  3;o6et  i  nb  igen  retrieve  one's  loss;  _  inb  paa 
gain  upon;  _  meb  follow;  *master,  manage,  get 
through;  _  ©ejr  oBer  en  gjcnbe  get  the  better 
of  an  enemy,  conquer  an  enemy;  ^on  Banbt 
poa  Sornet  he  had  a  profit  on  the  corn;  *_  paa 
beat,  get  the  better  of,  prevail  against;  _  til= 
boge,  fe  -  igen;  ^un  ^ar  Bunbet  Beb  fit  Cpfiolb 
^er  she  has  been  improved  by  her  stay  here; 
l^on  -r  beb  nærmere  SSetenbtftab  he  improves  upon 
acquaintance ;  —  Binbenbe  a  prepossessing, 
winning;  ben  -nbe  the  winner. 

SBinbe  c  -r  windlass,  winch;  (®ornO  reel. 
SBinbe,  Bonbt,  bunbet,  vt  (SEraab  o[B.)  wind;  (I)ejfe 
meb  en  SSinbe)  up;  _  of,  op,  fe  SlfBinbe  2, 
DpBinbc.  S8inbe|bojrt  J,capstan-bar.  -botwimble. 
-bro  draw-bridge.  -brønb  draw  well.  -^jnl  wheel 
ofa  winch.  -jærnwrench.  *-lttbbe  winch-barrel. 

SBinbelbugt  spiral  bend.  -Bong  windiug  way. 
•fnoet  a  Winding,  spiral,  -ftolpe  newel.  -truppe 
cockle-stairs,  cork-screw  stairs,  {hibl)  Winding 
stairs,  (ffont^lie)  wentle-trap,  Scalaria.  -trin 

SBinbeIt)ft  c  desire  of  gain.  SBtnben  c  winning 
etc.  (fe  SSinbe  vt  l);  -§  og  %abi  Konto,  fe  lab. 

SSinbepinb  c  winder. 

SBinber  c  -e  gainer,  winner. 

aSinbciveb  n  capstan-rope.     -fpil  winch. 

3$inbe|ft)g  a  greedy  of  gain;  covetous.  -f^ge 
cupidity,  lust  of  lucre,  covetousness,  thirst  of 

S8inb|*folb  fe  -fælbe.  -fang  (amount  of)  sail; 
(Ur.)  fiying-wheel;  ^julfoSferne  toge  -  the  paddle 
-boxes  hold  the  wind.  -fanger  J,  cowl-shaped 
top.  -fangSbar  wind -screen,  '^-flage  fe  -toft. 
-ff«i  vane.  -foranbring  change  el.  shift  of  wind. 
-for^olb  State  of  the  wind.  -fælbe  tree  blown 
down,  windfall.  -glug  air-hole.  -baarb  a  wind 
-loved,  fe  SBejr«.  -Qarpe  aeolian  el.  eolian  harp 
el.  lyre.  -^o8  ranter.  -^ofe,  -^birttel  whirl- 

SBlnbice're  vt  vin'dicate. 

SBinbig  a  (blæfenbe)  windy,  blowy;  (pralenbe) 
windy,  bragging,  boasting,  -^eb  c  windiness, 
propensity  to  brag  el.  boast. 

Sinbi|tatio'n  c  vindica'tion.  -tio'nSnago 
tro  ver. 

SBinbing  (af  SBinbe  vt  1)  c  gain,  profit,  lucre; 
fe  OJubSfr^gt. 

SBinbing  (of  SBinbe  vt  2)  c  -er  ^vinding,  twist 
coil;  (fpirolformig)  spire;  (i  ©true)  thread;  gjernenf 
-er  the  convolutions  of  the  brain. 

SBinbljnnfer  dandy.  -lammer,  -!o8fe  fe  -lob. 
•-fort  fe  -tort.  -faft  squall,  gust  of  wind.  -fot»t 
gust  of  wind.  -lebct  (®mp.)  air-chamber  el.  vessel; 
(til  ©prøjte)  pump-kettle;  (i  SSlcefemaftine)  bias 
-regulator,  -fegle  bird-clapper.  -flap  clack-valv« 
-folit  windy  colic.  -topper  dry-cupping;  fættej 
dry-cup.  -tort  wind  chart,  -frulning  rippU 
-fugle  eolipile;  mil  ball  with  a  hole  in  it.  -lol 
-lobe  valve-  and  wind-box,  wind-chest.  -logt . 
røg,  fe  -æg,  -l^§  port-fire.  -iQSgaffel  pin 
linstocks.  -maaler  wind -gauge,  anemomete 
-mager  c  -e  boaster ,  braggart ,  braggadoci<i 
•magcrl  n  brag,  humbug,  -maffine  airinj 
-machine;  air-compartment.  -motor  wind-motoi 
-meQe  windmill.  -møOepumpe  windmill  pumj 
-meQer  owner  of  a  windmill.  •n'oxi 
-furnace.  -pibe  air-pipe.  -pttft  breath  of  wind 
cat's  paw. 

SBi'nIbranf  dregs  of  wine.  -branler  c  6t| 

SBinblret   a  in  the  direction  of  the  wind; 
head  to  wind.    -retning  direction  of  the  wind 

SBi'nbritfer  c  wine-drinker. 

SBinbrofe  c  card  of  the  compass,  compaij 
-card,  (itfe  fiørenbe  til  SEompaS)  dumb-card. 

SBi'n|bro§fel  wine-thrush,  Turduaiiiacua.  -br« 
grape;   ton   mon   og   fonte  -r  of  3;ome?  do  men 
gather  grapes  of  thoms?    -bruetlafe  bunch  of 
grapes.    -bruemoS  preserved  grapes. 

Stnblrar  n  air-pipe.    -fof  (t.]  c  fe  -moger. 

SBinbfel  n  -fler  (til  ®arn)  thread-paper,  winde 
.^  winch, 

aSinblftbe  wind-ward;   SBærelfernc  poa  -n  the 
wind-ward  rooms;  J^  weather-side.    -flabe  dam- 
age done  by  the  wind.    -ffe,  -ffeb,  -flebe, 
barge-board,  verge  board. 

SBinbffi'belig  a  industrious,  diligent.  -^eb' 
industry,  industriousness. 

SBinblfCifte  change  of  wind.  -ff^  cloud  indi- 
cative  of  wind.    -ftære  fe  -fte.    -ffærm  screen. 

SBinbffæb  a  warped.  -^eb  c  warping,  winding; 
fri  for  _  out  of  winding. 

SBinblffore  fe  -6rub.  -fluger  horse  that  champs 
the  air.  -fnar  a  swift,  fleet  as  the  wind.  -fpiUer 
greyhound,  -fpring  sudden  shift  el.  change  of 
wind.  -fprætte  fe  -6rub.  -ftiHe  n  &  a  calm; 
(fulbftænbigt)  dead  calm;  ligge  i  _  be  becalmed; 
ber  inbtroabte  ~  it  fell  calm;  bet  _  SBælte  the 
calms  of  the  Cancer,  -ftreg  point  of  the  com- 
pass. -ftræoer  arch  stay  against  the  %vind. 
-fir«g  direction  of  the  wind.  -^t)rte  force  of 
wind.  -ft^rfemaaler  fe  -mooler.  -ft«b  gust  of 
wind.  -f^ge  flatulence.  -tr^f  pressure  of  the 
wind.  -t«r  a  air-dried;  gaunt,  shrivelled.  -terre 
vt  dry  in  the  air. 

a3inbu(e)  n  -er  window,  (til  ot  oobne  poo  ^ængfler) 
casement,  (til  ot  fl^be  op)  sash,  (lille  runbt)  buU's 
eye;  fe,  tofte,  uo  af  -et  look,  fling  oiit  of  (the) 
window;  tofte  ^enge  ub  of  -et  fig  play  ducks  and 
drakes  with  money;  fe  inb  ab  fine  egne  -er  fig  get  a 
glimpse  of  ourselves  as  others  seeus.  S8tnbu(e)§i  = 
aabning  bay.  -beflag  iron-monnting  of  windows. 
-bl^  glazier's  lead,  came.  -bolt  bolt  for  securing 
shutters.  -brt^ftning  parapet.  -bue  arch  over  a 
window.      -ebbertop    domestic    spider,    Aranea 






domettica.  -ftøj  wing  of  a  window.  -for)»)bning 
embrasure,  window-recess.  -forhøjning  window 
-bench,  -seat.  -garbin  window-outain.  -gitter 
grating  of  a  window.  -gIo8  window-glass.  -^age 
hoolc  for  fastening  a  window,  snaclcet.  -ticcngfcl 
liinges  of  a  window.  -inbfatning  case  of  a 
window.  -tarm  wiudow-frame;  (ben  neberfte  Sibe 
beraf)  (window)  sill.  -frog  ye  -Iiage.  -lem,  -luge 
fe  -flobbe.  -(qdning  bay.  -^liBe  window-pier.  -voP;  (muret)  mullion.  -pube  window 
-cushion.  -ramme  wiudow-frame,  casement.  -rofe 
rose-wlndow.  -rube  window-imne.  -flammel  fe 
-for^Bining.  -ffat  window-tax.  -ffobbe  window 
-shutter.  -f<»roåfe  fe  -tremme,  -ftabel  pivot  for 
the  liinges  of  a  window.  -ftang  window-bar. 
-tremme  cross-l)ar  of  a  window. 

%i'n|bnnf  winejar,   -bunder  pi  fumes  of  wlne. 

93inb|øaage  hole  in  the  ice  made  by  the 
-\vind.  -bifer  anemoscope,  wind-dial.  -bær!  bel- 

Sin  i  borter  ie  -aoler.    -b^rfning  fe  -a»l. 

SBinbjceg  wind-egg.    -aje  4j  wind's  eye. 

Sinbøfct  a  .squint-eyed. 

5Bin|ebbite  vinegar.  -egn  wine-coimtry  el.  -dis- 
trict.  -elfter  lover  of  wine.  -fab  wine-cask. 
•flofle  wine-botile.  -forfalffer  adulterator  of 
wine,  -forfatflning  adulteration  of  wine  -for= 
taab  stock  el.  store  of  wine.  -gaarb  vineyard. 
•gaarbSmanb  vine-dresser;  bibl  hui^bandman. 

Singe  c  -r  wing,  pinion;  .^  (paa  ©ejl)  gore, 
(p.  ^IfeiO  wing,  (p.  S8ocfpri)b)  bee;  t  F  box 
on  the  ear;  ^  wing;  r  (paa  en  aJiøEe)  (mill-)wings, 
sweeps  pi,  (paa  2)ampfltb8ftrue)  fans,  lilades,  vanes 
(of  the  screw;;  flaa  meb  rne  flap  el.  beat  the 
wings;  gat)  mig  -r  fig  lent  me  wings.  iBinge{  = 
baften  flnttering  of  wings,  -ben  wing -bone; 
tage  en  oeb  -et  lay  one  by  the  heels,  coUar  one. 
-bebcegelfe  fe  -flag.  -brebbe  fe  -ftræfning.  -brubt 
a  having  a  broken  wing.  -bælg  ventilator. 
-bflflfjer  pi  wing-coverts.  -bælte  {"ifoé  3nfelter) 
wing-shell  el.  -case.  -btettet  a  sheath-winged; 
-be  pi  coleopterous  el.  sheath-winged  insects, 
beetles,  amr  bugs,  -fang  fe  -flrcetntng.  -fjeber 
wing-feather.  -frugt  winged  el.  alate  fruit,  sa- 
mara, -tiat  winged  cap,  petasus.  -^efl  winged 
horse,  -taft  fe  -flag.  -Ilabe  poet  light  dress. 
-titebt  a  poet  winged.  -lam  a  with  lamed  wings. 
-let  a  poet  winged.  -laS  a  without  wings,  wing- 
less.  -mur  wing- wall.  -par  pair  of  wings,  -ftubt 
a  winged.  -ft^be  vt  wing.  -{Y^gge  shadow  of  the 
wings,  -flag  stroke  of  the  wing(s),  wing-stroke; 
fia  winged  flight.  -flagen  fe  -brubt.  -fnegl 
pteropod.  -fn  telte  stromb.  -fpibS  tip  of  the 
wing.  -ftrtctning  stretch  of  a  bird's  wings,  ex- 
panse  of  wing,  alar  expanse.  -ft^tte  Aving  of  a 
(boiled  el.  roast)  fowl.  -^(ette  vt  clip  the  wings  of. 
-flættet  a  having  the  wings  clipped.  -ftært  a 
having  strong  wings.  -ft«0  dust  on  the  wings 
of  insects.  -fbamp  chantarelle,  Cantarellus. 
SBitt^et  a  winged.    SJingetap  fe  SSlab^. 

2?t'ttlgilbe  wine  party.    -gla§  wine-glass. 

-^S8ingler  c  -e  swindler. 

Si'nigrøn  a  wine  seasoned.  -gub  Bacchus. 
•g«r  wine-lees.  -gsring  vinous  fermentation. 
-Ijalte  hoe  used  in  vineyards,  -danbcl  wine 
-tråde,  -^anbler  wine-merchant.  -^aoe  vineyard. 
•btt8  tavern;  wine-merchants.  -tftft  vintage. 
-fl»fter  bibl  grape-gatherer. 

Siut  n,  pi  =,  sign,  signal,  beck  with  the 
hånd;  (meb  jSjnene)  wink;  (i»entQbning)  hint, 

Si'n|tanbewine-can.  -tarwine-vessel.  -laraffel 

S^inte  vi  &  t  beckon;  _  ab  beckon  to;  _  en 
Bort  wam  one  off  (by  a  nod);  _  en  tilbage 
beckon  one  to  come  back;  -be  ^am  ^en  til  mig 

beckoned  him  to  come;  -be  meb  |»aanben  til  bem 
waved  my  hånd  to  them;  p  bev  er  -t  af  it  is 
no    go.      -trabbe  sand-erab,    Gelaaimue  voeans. 

SBintel  c  -Iler  angle;  (SBærftøj)  .square;  (t.  ®ør= 
flotte)  bell  crank;  (p.  $reSfe)  cramp  iron;  i  ~ 
square;  ret  _  right  angle;  fpibS,  ftump  -  acute, 
obtuse  angle;  unber  en  -  at  an  angle;  i  ret  - 
meb  at  a  right  angle  to.  Sinteljafftanb  angular 
distauce.  -ben  side  of  an  angle,  -biåmer  letter 
-balance,  -bue  arch  of  an  angle,  -bøjle  goose 
-neck.  -bannet,  -formig  a  angular.  -bage  square; 
<i/p  composing-stick.  -$aftigi|eb  angular  velocity. 
-bjørne  angular  corner.  -jærn  angle-iron.  -lineal 
square.  -maaler  goniometer,  circumferentor; 
(beoægelig)  bevel,  folding-rule.  -maaling  gonio- 
metry,  measuring  of  angles,  -maftine  (®mp.) 
diagonal  engine.  -ret  a  rightaugled,  -ftriber 
hedge-lawyer.  -ftiUing  angular  position,  -ftreg-- 
maal  square  marking-gauge.  -tag  right-angled 
roof,  span-roof,  compass-roof.  -bægtftang  crank 

finten  c  winking,  nodding,  beckonlng. 

SBi'ntcnber  judge  of  \vine. 

SBi'nterneolie  oil  extracted  from  grape-stones. 

SBintlet  o  angular. 

SBi'nltolbftaal  a  kind  of  cold  candle,  spiced 
wine  with  bread.  -tort  list  of  wine-prices. 
-tru8  wine-jug.  -tbift  twig  of  vine,  bibl  vine. 
-tqnbig  a  &  c  judge  of  wine,  oonnoisseur  in 
wines.  -t^per  wine-cooper.  -tielber  (pritiat) 
wine-cellar;  (^oorfra  S5in  fælgeS)  wine-vaults. 
-tær  a  fond  of  wine.  -tøler  wine-cooler.  -lager 
store  of  wines.  -lanb  wine-countrj-;  Wineland. 
-lugt  smell  el.  flavour  of  wine.  -lul  phylloxera. 
-løb  vine-leaves  pi;  (StUebl).)  pampre.  -løbblab 
vine-leaf.  +-løbrante  vine.  -maal  wine-mea.sure. 
-maaneb  vintage  month,  October.  -maft  grape 
-cake.  -mjøb  vine-mead,  vinous  hydromel. 
-moft  fe  Sruemoft.  -mubber  wine-mother.  -oplag 
stock  of  wine.  -oft  sillabub,  wine-whey.  -palme 
wine-palm,  (oftinbift)  Caryota  urens,  Phoenix 
aylvestris  &  Boransus  flabelliformia ;  (afritanfl) 
Raphia  vini/era.  -perfe  wine-press.  -pibe  wine 
-pipe.  -plantage,  -plantning  vineyard.  -plet 
wine-stain.  -pofe  wine-skin.  -probucercnbe  a 
wine-growing.  -probuttton  wine-produce.  -prøue 
test  of  wine;  ^vine  .sample,  -prøoer  (ogf.  SIpparot) 
wine-taster.  -pæl  vine-prop.  -pære  wine-pcar. 
-rante  vine,  Vitis  vini/era.  -regning  wino-bill. 
-rig  a  abounding  in  wine,  viny.  -rofe  eglantine, 
Éosa  eglanteria  et.  rubiginosa.  -rubc  garden  rue, 
Ruta  graveolens.  -ru§  Intoxication  from  wlne. 
-fauce  wine  sauce,  -ftot  wine-tax.  -flænlec 
vintner.  -fmag  vinous  taste  el.  flavour.  -fmager 
wine-taster.  -fort  sort  of  wine.  -fpirituS  spirit 
of  wine.  -ften  tartar.  -ftenlab  crab's  cye  lichen, 
Lecnnrria  pallescens.  -ftewåflaffc  ashes  of  tartar. 
-ften^jorb  acetate  -ftenSfura:  -t  ©alt 
lartrate.  -ftensf^re  tartaric  acid.  -flot  vine, 
vine-plant,  grape-vine.  -ftue  wine-house;  \vine 
-room.  -fuppe  barley  gruel  flavoured  with  wine. 
-fur  a  having  vinous  aeidily:  -t  Salt  tartrate. 
-fboblf^re  sulphovinic  acid.  -f^re  acid  contained 
in  wine.  -farlig  a  fe  -fur.  -fæt  winebag.  -to^iper 

Sinter  c  -tre  winter;  -en  er  beg^nbt  for  Slioor 
the  Winter  has  regularly  set  in;  i  _  this  winter; 
om  -en  in  el.  durlng  (the)  winter;  til  _  next 
winter;  -en  ober  throushout  the  %vinter,  mibt 
paa  -en  in  the  depth  of  winter;  *"-8  ®ag  in  (the) 
Winter.  !Binter|aften  winter-eveniug.  -anb  fe 
Spibg.-.  -arbcjbe  winter  work.  -ofterå  ludian 
chrysanthemum.  -beftilling  winter  employment. 
-blomme  winter  aconite,  Eranthus  hiemalis. 
-blomft  Winter -flower.  -blæft  wintry  blast. 
-bo(ltg)  winter-dwelling.    -brttfl :  til  _  for  winter 




use.  -Brærtbfel  winter-fuel.  -6^g  wlnter-barley; 
*-bar  ffl  (So)  that  calfs  in  winter.  -bog  wlnter 
day;  *the  14th  of  October;  (om)  -e  in  (the)  winter. 
■bragt  winter  dress;  (om  giigl)  winter  plumage, 
Avtnter  dress,  -btiale  hyperuation,  wintersleep; 
ligge  i  -  hybernate.  -eg  chestnut  oak,  Quemw 
iesgiliflora.  -felttog  winter  campaign.  '-'-fiffe 
ivinter  flshing.  -fober  winter-fodder.  -fobre  vt 
winter.  -fobring  wintering.  -fortljftclfe,  -for= 
nøiclfe  winter  amusement.  -fornabcn^eber  p^ 
necessaries  for  the  winter  sea.son.  -fortaab 
winter  supply.  -fraffe  great-coat,  winter  over- 
coat, -froft  winter's  frost;  (Sfabe)  frost-bite. 
-frugt  winter  fruit.  -fugt  snow  bunting,  Plec- 
frophanes  nivalis.  -ficlbet  a  felled  in  winter. 
•fælbing  winter-felling.  -f«be  winter-food.  -fare 
State  of  the  roads  in  winter,  sledging;  *paa  -t 
on  sledges,  on  the  snow.  -gamtttel  a  a  winter 
old.  -gemt  a  kept  till  late  in  winter,  kept 
during  Winter,  -gerning  winter  work.  -glæber 
=  -fornjøjelfer.  -groti  poet  wintry  grave,  -groet 
a  grown  in  the  winter.  -græsning  winter-pasture. 
-grøn  a  ever-green.  -gr«n(t)  c  winter- green, 
Pprola;  fe  ©ingran,  ©fooftjerne,  SSebBenbe.  -gæl 
snowdrop,  Oalanthus  nivalis.  -^aar  winter-coat. 
-f|itlOaar  winter  half  year.  -i^at  winter-bonnet. 
-^atoe  winter -garden,  -^atin  winter  quarters, 
^vinter-ha^bou^;  ligge  i  _  winter;  lægge  fig  i  - 
take  up  one's  winter  quarter.  -^atire  winter 
oats.  -Qfent  winter-home.  -^u8  winter-house. 
-^tiebe  winter  -  wheat.  -l^tiile  winter -repose. 
-ifoternt  isocheim,  isochimene.  -laabe  winter 
-cloak.  -lafll  winter-cabbage,  Bra»»ica  acephala. 
•lappe  winter  cloak.  -lorfc  yellow  rocket, 
Barharea  vulgarie.  -Ijole  winter-gown.  -Kæber 
pi  winter -clothes.  -Kæbning  suit  of  winter 
-clothes.  -ttæbt  o  in  winter -clothes,  winter 
-dressed.  -Køkier  cowgrass,  Tri/olium  pratense 
perenne.  -tolb  o  wintry  cold.  -!orn  wiuter-com. 
•toft  winter  fare.  -lulbc  winter-cold.  -tbarter 
winter-quarters;  gaa  i  -  take  up  one's  winter 
quarters.  -Ibælb  fe  -aften,  -(anbflab  winter-scene, 
w.  landscape,  w.  prospect.  -legenbe  a  spawning 
in  winter.  -leje  winter  habitation  el.  -quarters, 
J,  wintering  station;  ligge  i  ~  winter.  -Icir 
winter-camp  el.  quarters.  •ttvlei  queen's  stock, 
Matthiola  incana.  SBinterlfg  a  wintry.  SBtnter|- 
ligger  wintering  ship.  -tilje  false  winter-green, 
Pprola  rotundifolia.  -Ub  winter-life.  -Ittft  winter 
-air.  -læ  winter  shelter.  -lægge  vt  fe  pløje.  -Ug 
cibol,  Ållium  cepa.  -maaucb  winter-month.  -ntarl 
poet  wintry  field.  -morgen  winter  morning. 
-mærlcr  pi  »t  winter  marks,  -mulm,  -marfe 
winter- darkness.  -nat  winter  night.  -nattergal 
fe  Sfcernfpurt).  -oji^olb  (SioSop^olb)  sustenance 
for  the  winter;  (Dpt)oIblfleb)  winter -residence. 
*-9plaQ:  ligge  i  _  winter,  be  laid  up  during 
winter.  -^iteje  fe  -røgt.  -^laje  c«  winter-plough. 
-))løjning  winter-ploughlng.  -tiærc  winter-pear, 
keeper.  -ra))unfel  corn-salad.  -regn  vnnter 
rain.  -rejfe  winter-joumey.  -rug  winter-rye. 
-ræbbif(c)  winter-radish.  -ragt  tending  in  winter. 
-faaet  a  sown  about  winter.  -fejtabé  winter 
-navigation,  -ft^  wintry  cloud.  -f-flum  fe  -boole. 
-fmar  wlnter-butter.  -fnc  winter's  snow.  -fnæ))))e 
fe  ©tranbrftle.  -fol  winter  sun.  -fot^berb  winter 
solstice.  -f:|)tnat  fe  ©pinat,  engelft.  -ftobc  winter 
-station,  -gation  wintering  station,  -ftorm  winter 
tempest.  -ftue  winter-room.  -fæb  winter-grain; 
winter-crop.  -f æbe  fe  -op^olb.  -fabn  winter-sleep. 
-lib  winter-time  el.  season;  »eb  _  in  winter. 
-togt  winter  cruise.  -tur  winter  voyage.  -taj 
winter  stuff;  w.  garments.  -ulb  spring  wool. 
-t>cj  winter-road;  btfe  en  -en  send  one  about  his 
1  lusiness  el.  to  the  right  about;  turn  one  out  of 
doors.     -bejr  winter  weather;   (t)interltgt   SSejr) 

-bittb   winter  wlnd.     -tiæf§t 
-bærelfe  fe   ftue.   -aite  winter 

-tolb  duty  Ol 
bet  fieg^nbe 

wintry  weather 
perennial  plant, 
-apple,  keeper. 

!6i'n|tienbe  tithe  paid  of  wine 

®lntre  ober  vt  &  i  winter;  -S  vd 
at  -8  it  is  getting  wintery. 

S8i'n|træ  fe  -ftof.    -tanbe  wine-tun,  wlne-casij 
-tanbefabril    tun-factory       -uaUe   wine-whey 
•bogn  wine-waggon.    -bægt  wlne-gauge.    -æb( 
vinous  apple. 

SBio'l  c  -er  ^  vi'olet.   Viola,    -blaa  «  violet 

SBio'lbloI  J,  fiddleblock. 

SJtotet'  o  vi'olet,  purpie. 

S8toli'n  c  -er  vi'olin,  flddle;  <1>  bee-block,  bee 
-blot  fe  aStol=.  -bræt  finger- board.  -Bue  violii 
-bow,  flddle-stick.  -fabrilant  fe  -mager.  -^oH 
neck  of  a  v.  SBioIiuift'  c  -er  violin'ist.  Siolin| 
faSfe  violin -case.  -mager  c  -e  violin -maker 
-nagle  treble  clef  -ffole  tutor  for  the  violin 
-f^Jil  violin  playing.  -f^iQer  violin-player,  playe 
el.  performer  on  the  v.  -ftot  bridge  of  a  violin 
-ftreng  string  ofa  violin,  fiddle-string.  -birtuoi 
virtuoso  on  the  violin. 

S8iolon|cer  c  -ler  violoncello,  bass-viol.  -ctOif) 
c  -er  performer  on  the  violoncello. 

SBio'lrob  c  orris-root. 

SBio'Ilfiru^)  sirup  of  violets.  -tobal  fe  SBonbe^ 
-træ  violet  wood. 

S8i))'  n  move  of  the  balance,  bob;  c  J,  bight 
(<Pinb)  cat;  ftaa  _  play  at  tip-cat 

^ippt  vi  &  t  see-saw,  bob  up  and  down,  rock 
guglcn  fob  og  -be  paa  ®renen  the  bird  was  swlnginj 
on  the  branch;  S3ørnene  _  ^^inanben  paa  et  Sroe 
the  children  are  see-sawlng  on  a  plank;  _  o| 
vt  raise;  SBinben  -r  Meben  op  og  neb  the  wim 
swings  the  nest  up  and  down;  33rættet  -r  tb 
board  tilts  up;  f  _  (af  ^pinben)  put  down,  wors 
extinguish.  Si^))e  c  -r  (f.  @fl.  til  aSrønb)  swip 
(t.  Snappenaale)  header;  itilSrejn.)  drlllbow;  (t 
^arefangft  o.  1.)  spring;  (9lt§)  ear;  *  5"  fe  Zopf, 
Åtjbe  _  ear;  fig  ftao  pao  -en  hang  in  the  balance, 
-bjælfc,  -bom  jib.  -bro  bascule  bridge,  -bræi 
see-saw(-board),  plank-tilt.  -brejetab  hand-tool 
lathe.  -galge  strappado.  -gt)nge  fe  -bræt.  -Hob" 
lever-prop.  -leg  see-saw,  tetter-totter.  *-<)in! 
ff  SKip  c.    SBi))ning  c  see-sawlng. 

æi»i8!  pop!  whip! 

SBipftjært  c  wagtail,  Motaeilla;  Blaa  el.  ^bib 
pied  wagtail,  water-wagtall. 

IBirat  c  (+  n)  frankincense,  incense;  ./Is' Incensej 
ftrø  _  for  en  burn  incense  to  one,  flatter  one 
SiroI(§)|6arI  incense-bark.  -bamfi,  -buft  (par- 
fume of)  incense.  -buftenbe  a  incense-breathing 
-ffaal  censer.  -fl^  cloud  of  incense.  -træ  frank- 
incense-tree,  olibanum-tree,  Boawellia. 

SBlre  c  ribbon- wire. 

SBiri'Iftemme  c  single  vote. 

SBirfe  vi  (inbbirte  [poo])  aet  (upon),  work  (upon), 
influence;  (gere  SSirfning)  take  effect,  tell;  (om 
Sægemibler)  operate;  _  pao  ©anfeme  aflfect  the 
senses;  bringe  til  at  _  paa  bring  to  bear  upon; 
_  for  en  make  interest  for  one;  _  tilbage  paa 
react  on;  —  vt  (orbejbe,  frembringe)  work;  (tjæfte) 
weave;  *(gtfl)  prepare;  _  $o»en  pare  the  hoof; 
—  Birlenbe  a  acting  etc;  -nbe  Slarioget  ope- 
rative causes,  *SBlrte  n  material.  %firle|aar 
year  of  activity.  -bag  work-day.  -ebne  efficacy. 
-felt  field  of  activity,  province.  -form  form  of 
action,  -jærn  paring-knife,  butteris.  -froft 
power  of  action,  actlve  power,  -frebd  sphere 
of  action,  of  labour  el.  usefulness,  distrlct  of 
one's  labours. 

Sirfeltg  a  real,  veritable,  actual,  bona-flde; 
ftemmenbe  meb  bet  -e  Sor^olb  in  accordance  with 
faet;  ^æren?  -e  ©t^rfe  the  eflTective  strength  of 




the  army;  adv  really,  actually.  -g«re  vt  realize, 
actualize.  -g^relfe  c  realization.  -^cb  c  reality; 
i  -en  in  reality,  in  eff'ect;  filioe  til  _  be  reallzed; 
gøre  til  _  realize.  •^ebåbiOeber  pictures  of  real 
life.     •^eb§tirceg  actnality.     -Jjcbéfanå  realism. 

®irfe|lt)ft  desire  for  action,  activity  of  mind. 
-Iljften  a  aotive,  indefatigable.  -inaabe  mode  el. 
mauner  of  action  el.  operation,  -mibbel  means, 
agency.  Sirfe«  c  working.  SBirterum  space  el. 
scope  for  action. 

SBirlntng  c  -et  eflfect,  operation;  ojøre  _  take 
eflfect,  tell;  uben  -  of  no  efifect,  fe  SBirfningSIøS. 
—  SBtrlningé !  centrum  centre  of  efifort.  -for^olb 
relation  of  cause  and  efifect.  -fnlb  a  effective, 
telling.  -løS  a  ineflfective,  inoperative;  fløre  - 
render  of  no  elTect.  -I«å^eb  c  inefficacy.  -tnaabe 
fe  9?trle=.    -))untt  fe  -centrum. 

!6irtfont  a  active;  (!rofttg  [f.  efg.  om  aoegemibbel]) 
efifective,  succes.sful.  -^cb  c  ((Sgenfto6en)  activity; 
(aSirfning)  agency;  (SJirlen)  operation.s,  eflforts, 
labours;  »ultanft  _  volcanic  action;  i  fulb  -  in 
full  activity;  begtjnbe  fin  _  commence  operations; 
træbe  i  _  bé  carried  into  efifect;  come  to  any- 
thing;  gaa  oeer  i  anben  _  embrace  another  pro- 
fession; gaa  ooer  i  gejfllig  _  take  (holy)  orders, 
enter  the  chnrch.  -$eb§brift,  -i)eb§trang  activity, 

SSirrf  fe  ^birre;  bet  -r  for  mig  my  head  swims, 
is  in  a  whirl;  -  meb  ^ooebet  wag  cne's  head. 

SBtrtttO'd  c  -er  virtuoso;  +a  masterly.  -ite't  c 
virtuosoship,  mastership,  eminent  skill.  -ttticSftg 
a  masterly. 

^irnar  n  hubbub,  confusion. 

SBié  c  (•  ogf.  n)  way,  manner;  pQO  ben  -  in  that 

ms  a  te  ma. 

^iS'  a  certain;  (fiffer,  foreilfet,  paolibelig)  sure; 
_  3[nbtægt  sure,  flxed,  regular  income;  ^an  faar 
-fe  $enge  om  aKoaneben  he  receives  a  certain  sum 
every  month;  ^olbe  for  -t  take  el.  hold  for  cer- 
tain; Bære  _  paa  be  certain  el.  positive  of,  (»ære 
ftlfer  vaa,  foroiSfet  om)  be  sure  of;  -t  C<)f)o(b§fteb 
settled  abode;  fige  for  -t  .say  for  certain;  bet  er 
-t  og  fanbt  and  that' s  a  faet;  -t  er  bet  at  iian 
certain  it  is  that  he,  as  a  matter  of  faet  he; 
Ⱦre  _  i  fin  Sag  be  sure  of  what  one  says;  oibe 
for  -t  know  for  certain  el.  for  a  faet;  en  -  TOanb 
a  certain  man;  en  -  Dr.  gi.  one  Dr.  N.;  noget  -t 
a  certain  something;  lab  bet  oære  -t,  at  bu  tommer 
be  sure  to  come;  bu  fan  Ⱦre  _  paa,  at  jeg  ffal 
lomme  I  am  sure  to  come;  bet  er  ben  -fe  3)Bb  at 
it  is  certain  death  to,  you  are  a  dead  man  if; 
Ⱦre  ben  -fe  SRuin  for  bring  sure  destruction  on; 
til  -fe,  fe  SBiåfelig;  —  oift  orfp  fe  nbfr. 

iBi§=tt=3Si'§  adu  opposite;  c  _  a  vis-a-vls. 

SiScai^a  c  -er,  fe  'igampaS^are. 

SJi'Sbom  c  wis'dom;  F  ubframme  ftn  -  display 
one's  learning;  f  i)t}ot  ^at  bu  btn  _  fra?  where 
have  you  got  your  information?  ©alomonS  -§ 
S3og  Wisdom  of  Solomon.  —  StSbotn§|aanb  spirit 
of  wisdom.  -Itlbe  source  of  wisdom.  -Icere 
philosophy.  -orb  word  of  wisdom,  wise  .saying. 
-f)>rog  wise  sentence,  apothegm.  -tanb  wisdom 
-tooth,  wise  tooth;  faa  fine  -tænber  cut  one's  wise 

SJife,  -te,  -t  vt  show;  (lægge  en  ©genftab  for 
Sagen)  exhibit,  evince,  display;  _  Sænber  show 
the  teeth;  tian  -fte  mig  fin  |)at)e  he  showed  me 
about  his  garden;  _  en  en  Sjenefte  do  one  a  favour; 
_  en  Cpmærtfom^eb  pay  one  attention;  Uret 
-t  .  .  .  the  watch  points  to  .  .  .  termometret  -r 
80  SBarme  the  thermometer  is  at  50";  ..  gjenben 
Srebfiben  present  the  broadside  to  the  enemy; 
Siben  Bil  _  it  remains  to  be  seen;  —  vi  Sættingen 
-t  St^rborb  the  chain  ef.  cable  grows  on  the 
starboard  bow;  XroSfen  -r  mibtftibs  the  hawser 

bears  amidships;  —  »r  _  fig  appear,  make  one's 
appearance,  (fomme  for  2)agen)  become  apparent, 
come  to  be  seen;  for  at  _  ftg  to  show  olf;  bet  Bit 

-  fig  we  shall  see;  bet  -fte  ftg  <)lubfelig  it  burst 
upon  the  eye;  bet  -fte  ftg  at  Bære  rigtigt  it  tumed 
out  to  be  right;  Stjernerne  -fte  fig  paa  Rimten  the 
stars  came  out;  _  ftg  fom  en  SKanb  play  the  man, 
show  one's  self  a  man;  _  fig  fom  enl  SSen 
prove  one's  self  one's  friend;  —  *  -i  vd  appear, 
be  visible;  —  (meb  prcep  &  adv):  ~  Bort  fe 
SSortoife;  _  fro  fig  refuse;  _  frem  show,  exhibit; 

-  en  nogenftebS  ^en  direct  one  to  a  place,  (til 
en)  refer  one  to;  ~  igen  discover  stolen  goods 
(by  witchcraft);  _  en  i  nb  take  el.  show  one  in; 
-r  mob  gjorb  points  towards  the  North;  _  en 
neb  show  one  the  way  down;  _  en  om(tring) 
i  ^ufet  show  one  all  over  the  house;  -  meb 
fingeren  paa  noget  point  at  a  thing  with  the 
finger;  Uret  -r  paa  tolB  the  watch  points  to 
twelve;  -r  fig  meft  til  fin  gorbel  shows  best,  to 
greatest  advantage;  -  tilbage  paa  (om  SRelatiB) 
relate  to;  bear  upon;  _  en  2)øren  el.  _  en  ub 
turn  one  out,  show  one  the  door. 

SBife  c  -r  queen-bee  (fe  SBifer). 

SBife  c  -r  song,  ditty;  (®abeBife)  ballad;  forftaa 
en  ^alBfBæbct  _  take  a  hint;  ben  gamle  _  the  asual 
song,  the  old  story;  ©nben  paa  -en  the  end  of  it. 
Stfe|bog  song-book.  -bigter  writer  ot  songs, 
song-writer.    -btgtning  writing  of  songs. 

9$tfe|træmmer  ballad -monger,  ballad  •  .singer. 
•læUittg  woman  who  sells  ballads. 

£Bifeltg(en)  adv  wisely  etc.  (fe  S?tt§  a). 

9Stfe{mager  c  -e  ballad-maker,  -monger.  -ntageri 
n  song-writing.  -manb  fe  -fræmmer.  -melobl  air 
of  a  song. 

SSifer  c  -e  index,  (p.  Ur)  hånd;  queen-bee, 
mother-bee.    SBifetceMc  royal  cell. 

SBifé't  n  mil  sight.  -tnbftrøg  notch.  •U«te 
line  of  sight.  -flub  point- blank  shot.  -ftof 

S8ife'r|e  vt  (om  '^ai,  ogfaa:  labe  Bifete)  visa, 
vise;  (maale)  gauge,    -tng  c  viséing  etc. 

S8ifcr*|gttt  c  errand -boy.  -ftjitl  dial- wheel. 
-I«8  a  queenless.  -ft«ttc  way-post.  -tong  (Urm.) 
hand-pincers.  -bfcgt  bent  lever  balance,  -bært 

SBtfelfamling  collection  of  songs.  -^ttm|),  "-ftub 
bit  of  a  song.    -tone  air  (of  a  song). 

iBid^eb  c  certainty;  (©ifferf)eb)  surety;  Bibe  meb 
_  know  for  certain;  faa  _  om  ascertain,  get  cer- 
tain intelligence  that;  ffaffe  ftg  _  (om)  make  sure 
(of);  ^aBe  _  be  sure;  en  til  _  grænfenbe  ©anb« 
fqnlig^eb  a  moral  certainty. 

Sifti'bel  a  to  be  seen.  -io'n  c  -er  vis'ion. 
-ion«'r  a  &  c  er  vis'ionary.  -i'r  n  -er  visor, 

SBifi'r  c  -er  (3Ktnifter)  vizier. 

Sifit'  c  -er  vis'it;  gøre  (en)  _  pay  a  visit;  gaa 
ub  i  -er  go  visiting.  SBifttatio'rt  c  inspection, 
visit.  —  SBifttatio'né|betjent  visiting  oflacer.  -flag 
visiting  flag.  -lofontotit)  pllot-engine.  SifltotS 
c  -er  visitation.  iBiftte'rtang  vet  searcher.  Si= 
fite'rc  vt  inspect,  search;  (om  en  S8ifp  el.  $roBft) 
vis'it.    Sifite'ring  c  inspection,  examination. 

Sifltlttabt  a  in  visiting  dress,  -fort  (visiting-) 
card,  address-card,  F  pasteboard;  (fotograferet) 
carte  de  visite.  -tortftaat  card-basket,  card-tray. 
-mure  visiting  ant,  Atta  cepkalotes. 

Sifl  c  -e,  (af  fialm,  ^ø  ofB.)  wisp;  (Sgtfleflub) 
rubber;  _  paa  Suppen  bunch  of  herbs  boiled 
with  soup;  F  loni  en  _  in  a  trice. 

Siffe  vt  wipe,  rub;  art  sponge.  Siffe|IIttb, 
•lap  rubber,  -flæbe  rubbing-cloth,  dish-cloth. 
-iKber  india  rubber.  -Iaber§bolb(t)  india  rubber 
ball  (0.  fl.).  Siffer  c  -e  art  sponge;  Orettefættelfe) 
rebuke;    (SBiffellubj  rubber;   (CBn=)  maulkin.   — 




ajlfferlfolbc  spongehead.  -fnirlel  worm  of  the 
sponge.  -ftoge  sponge-staff.  iBiflcft^tbrejel  jack 
-towelling.    SBiffeft^tte  fe  -flub. 

SBiffnet  n  vegetable-net. 

SBi'SmonJ)  c  wise  man,  sage;  (ironift)  wiseacre. 

SSiiSntutd  c  l)ismuth.  -gtanS  bismuth-glance. 
-^Bibt  pearl-white.  -ilte  fe  -ofS^b.  -{loriii  bis- 
muthous  chloride.  -nittat  bismuthous  nitrate. 
•olS^b  bismuthous  oxide.  -f^re  bismuthic  oxide. 

iBtSnc  vi  witber,  fade;  _  Bort,  ^en  fade  away, 
+  vt  wither.  +SBi8ncna  a  liable  to  fade.  SBfSnett 
c  withering  etc.  !8t8neH)oIitll  obstruction.  -^lO' 
lititer  obstructionist. 

SBi'Snæfct  a  fe  9tæ§oi?. 

*aSif|)  c  -er  whisk.  SKif^ic  vt  whisk,  beat  (eggs 
etc);  vi  wag  (the  tail). 

SSiSfe  c  dyer'.s  weed,  dyer's  greenwood,  waxen 
woad,  Genista. 

S8i§f C  vt  fe  æt)§fe;  ~  -  luHe !  luUaby !  lullaby ! 

SSi8felt8(en)  adv  eertainly,  surely,  to  besure, 
of  a  surety,  of  a  certainty. 

SBiåfelutte  c  lullaby. 

SBiSfen  a  withered.  SBi3fett|(|eb  c  witheredness, 
withered  state;  flaccidity.    -^)inb  fagot. 

Sift  adv  eertainly;  i)an  bil  _  iffe  gøre  bet  mere 
I  am  sure,  he  won't  do  it  any  more;  bu  »ibfte 
bet  _  iffe  you  did  not  know  it,  I  suppose;  ^an 
er  12  Siépunb  faa  _  fom  et  he  is  twelve  stone 
if  he  is  one;  -  iffe  (nej)  by  no  means;  jo  -! 
dåre  say !  indeed !  the  idea !  I  wish  he  may  get 
it;  fe  _  paa  en  look  signiflcantly  el.  intelligently 
at  one.  SSiftnot  adv  (bift)  no  doubt;  (rigtignof) 
it  is  true,  no  doubt,  eertainly. 

93i§t)a§  n  nonsense;  _!  fiddlestick!  fiddledee 

SBUalite't  c  vital'ity. 

SSitie're  vt  vit'iate. 

Sitrio'I  c  vit'riol.  -branta  vitriol -throwing. 
-^olbig  a  vitriolic.  -fitftte  vitriol-house,  -works. 
-nafta  vitriol-ether.  -olie,  -f^re  oil  of  vitriol, 
sulphuric  acid.  -råbt  colcothar.  -tjanb  vitriolic 

ajitS  [t.]  c  -er  joke,  witticism. 

SBittetlig  a  known  publicly,  generally  known, 
notorious;  begao  en  _  <Bt)nh  commit  a  sin  know- 
ingly  el.  deliberately;  _  ®ælb  acknowledged  debt; 
bet  er  -t  it  is  a  matter  of  notoriety;  bet  er  mig 
itte  -t  it  is  unknown  to  me;  mig  -t  as  far  as  I 
know,  to  my  knowledge;  l^eroeb  gøreS  -t  know 
all  men  by  these  presents;  —  adv  notoriously. 
SBitterliøliieb  c-  unberflrtoe  til  _  sign  one's  name 
as  a  witness;  til  _:  witness  to  the  signature. 
-^ebSUibne  witness  (at  signing),  (attesting)  wit- 

SUittig  a  witty,  elever;  et  -t  ^obeb  a  wit;  -t 
.^nbfalb  joke,  sally;  jeg  fer  iffe  bet  -c  (i)  I  don't 
see  the  joke  (of).  SSitttg^eb  c  -er  ((Sgenffaben)  wit- 
tiness;  (en)  joke,  witty  saying  el.  thing,  (føgt) 
witticism;  fige  -er  say  witty  things,  be  witty; 
F  riDe  -er  af  fig  crack  jokes.  —  S8tttigl)eb8|tiIob 
comic  paper.  -jagt  seeking  for  wit,  aflfectation 
of  wit.  -jæger,  -fræmmer,  -tnager  wit-snapper, 
would-be  wit.    -^ebSoær!  work  of  wit. 

ajijj  c  poet  wife. 

*93i>)ang  c  bitter-sweet,  Solanum  dulcamara. 

SBibat!  long  live!  raabe  _  for  cheer.  -raab  pi 

*SSiBenbeI  c  woodbine,  (and  some  other  climb- 
ing  piants). 

SSlucr're  c  -r  civet,  genet. 

aSlOifeltio'n  c  vivisec'tion. 

æiii'r  c  fe  SBtfir. 

SBlicé  n  fleece. 

SJtieSfingen  n  Flushing. 

SBob'  n  (fe),  pi  =,  (large)  fishing-net,  seine. 

-oal  eel  caught  in  the  seine.     -brog  sweep  of 
the  seine.    -flftert  flshing  with  the  seine. 

SSog  mere  fe  SSeje. 

*18og  [aa]  c  -er  36  (Dan.  el.  Norw.)  pounds, 

SBoge'ferne  pi  the  Vosges. 

SBogn  c  -e  (i  Slim.)  carriage;  (firhjulet  SlrbejbS 
el.  2aft')  waggon,  wain;  (ftor  bebæffet  SranSporl 
ttogn)  van;  (tohjulet  2lrbejb§=  cl.  £oft=)  cart,  ca: 
($erfto6§=,  firbjulet)  carriage,  chariot,  drag,  phac 
ton  ,  brougham ,  britshka ,  barouche ,  breakf 
(gommelbagS,  Såret)  coach:  (QcernbmieO  carriagi 
amr  car;  (®obS=)  waggon,  amr  freight  car;  (Sroftei 
cab;  ^eften  ^ar  albrtg  goaet  for  _  the  horse  hai 
never  been  in  harness;  _  meb  fefé  Jpefte  for  ( 
carriage  and  six;  §efte  og  _  carriage  and  horses 
'^an  er  itte  tabt  Bag  af  en  _  he  is  no  fool,  he  i 
up  to  a  thing  or  two;  til  -8  driving.  3Jogn| 
-af§e(  axle  of  a  waggon,  -beflag  iron-work  of  ( 
waggon,  -betræl  cover  for  the  seats  of  a  car 
riage.  -bom  perch.  -borg  rampart  of  waggons 
-Bremfe  brake.  -bro  carriage-bridge.  -bræt  fod 
-board,  -bu!  coach-box.  -bunb  bottom  of  i 
carriage.  -bqgger  fe  -fabritant.  -btefte  (cart-  el 
waggon)  tilt.  -bør  carriage-door.  -fabrit  car 
riage -factory,  coach -manufactory.  -fabrttatti 
carriage  ■  builder ,  coach -maker.  -fabritatiol 
building  of  carriages.  -fabing  body  of  a  car 
riage.  -fjeber  carriage-spring.  -fjæl  side-piea 
of  a  waggon,  -færbfet  carriage  tratRc,  wheelec 
trafflc.  -føre  wheeling.  *-grinber  fe  -letter 
-jammet  splinter-bar.  t-^auer  fe  -letter.  -Ije 
coach-  el.  carriage-horse.  -^iinmet  fe  Jlalecf)e, 
-djtti  wheel  of  a  waggon  el.  carriage.  -^tti' 
coach-house,  chaise-house.  -^Qnbe  cushion  foi 
the  seat  of  a  carriage.  *-ftæfler  fe  -letter,  -feb 
waggon-boller.  -lifte  fe  -ftrtn.  -lort  a  carria; 
-pass.  -turb  wicker-body  of  a  waggon.  -!æ' 
drag-chain.  -tap  stud-stave.  -labntng  fe  -læ 
-lat  wood-fllling.  -larm  din  of  carriages.  -lal 
fe  SBognmanbSlat).  -leje  carriage-hire;  (for  3tr6ejb< 
førfel)  cartage.  t-letter  pi  rails,  rack.  -l^g 
carriage  lantern.  -læå  waggon-load,  cart-loai 
-mogafitt  fe  -tifte.  -mager  c  -e  coach -maker  e 
builder;  cart-wright,  waggon  -  wright.  -3nnl 
coach-master,  hackney-man. 

S8ogttmanb§|l)eftcarter'shorse,hackney( -horse] 
-lart  carter's  man.    -lontor  livery-stable.    -tu 
cabman;    waggoner,     -lab    carters'    compan 
-Iæ§  waggon-load.    -bogit  waggon. 

S8ogn|mePer  cart-taker.  -^arf  waggon-par 
-))0§  order  of  free  conveyance.  -rcbffab  carriage 
-furniture.  -remife  fe  -ftur.  -ruf  front  head. 
-rummel  din  of  carriages.  -ræflc  row  of  carriages. 
-ffammel  stool  for  Stepping  into  a  carriage. 
-fliftc  change  of  carriages.  -ff  jut  fe  -ftur.  -firin 
chalse-box.  -ffttr  coach-house,  cart -house. 
-ffaer  master-bar.  -fmarelfe  cart-grease.  -fmarer 
Oærnb.)  lubricator.  -[pani)  team  of  carriage 
-horses,  -fjior  rut.  -ftang,  -ftjært  pole  of  a 
waggon  el.  carriage.  -ftige  fe  -trappe,  -ftol 
waggon-seat.  -ftutteri  stud  of  draught-horses. 
-ft^rer  charioteer.  -fæbe  fe  aigeflol.  -tog  train 
of  carriages.  -ttan^pott  mil  convoy.  -trappe 
steps  for  getting  into  a  waggon,  -trin  pi  car- 
riage-steps.    -tøj  carriage-fumiture. 

SBogte  vt  watch,  guard;  -  en  for  (■^fra)  noget 
guard  one  from;  _  Soæg  tend  cattle;  —  vi  paa 
watch;  all2l  ^jne  _  pao  btg  bibl  the  eyes  of  all 
wait  upon  thee;  —  or  _  ftg  for  take  care,  take 
heed,  guard  against;  have  a  care,  beware  of; 
bogt  big  for  at  take  care  not  to,  take  care  how 
you.  fBogtev  c  -e  (ogf.  bibl)  keeper;  (af  fibæg) 
herdsman,  cowherd,  shepherd.  —  Sogter|boHg 
keeper' s  dwelling  el.  lodge.  -breng  shepherd 
boy.     -^unb   shepherd's    dog.     -^nS    keeper's 




lodge.    IBogterinti'e  bibl,  iBagterffe  c  -r  keeper.  | 
tgogtning  c  watcliiug  etc. 

æoioo'b  c  -er  waiwode,  vai'vode.  -ffot  n  -er 

Sofa  I  c  -er  vowel.  !Bota'(  o  vo'cal.  -for' 
anbring  vowel -change.  l^ofolife're  vt  vo'calize. 
IBota'liff  a  vocal'ic.  JBotai|{onccrt  vocal  con- 
cert.  -l^b  vowel -sound,  •muftt  vocal  music. 
•pnntt  gram  vowel-point.  -fammcnftøb  hiatus. 
-fotS  vocal  theme. 

Sjol'attb  c   er  the  vo'cative. 

SBoIé  n  wax;  obertrcelfe  meb  _  wax,  cere.  SBoI8I  = 
aftrqt  wax-impre.ssion,  squeeze  in  wax.  -affteb^ 
ning  -bi  foimdress  bee,  wax-bee. 
•biUebc  waxen  image,  -bfcg  c  bleaching  of  wax. 
-bleger  wax-bleacher.  -blcgeri  wax-bleachery. 
-blomft  honey-wort,  Cerinthe;  (funftig)  wax-flower. 
-bteb  a  .soft  as  wax.  -b^nne  wax  -  beau.  -ccOe 
wax-cell.  -bug  c  &.n  oilcloth,  wax-  (el.  waxed-) 
cloth,  American  cloth,  oil-skin;  (tit  ©uloe)  floor 
-cloth.  -bug§))a|)ir  oil-cloth  paper.  -butte  wax 
-doU.    JBotåe  vt  wax. 

Sotde  [ogf.  -te]  vi  grow,  wax;  (tiltage)  increase; 

-  frobtg  luxuriate;  -r  fiurtig  (om  plante)  is  a  fast 
grower;  globen  -r  the  river  is  rising;  labe  9KoU' 
ftad)en  _  grow  the  moustache;  i  bette  Sanb  -r  ub= 
mærfet  fiorn  tliis  country  grows  excellent  corn; 
l^ar  -t  fig  ufenbelig  ha.s  grown  out  of  knowledge; 

-  bet  af  fig  grow  out  of  it;  ^an  er  -t  fra  mig,  er 
-t  mig  oder  Jpobebet  he  has  outgrown  me;  ^an  er 
-t  fra  fine  ©uféer  he  has  outgrown  el.  grown  out 
of  his  breeches;  be  ere  -be  fra  SRtfet  they  have 
growu  too  old  for  whlpping;  _  frem  grow  out; 
gjort  til  at  _  i  made  for  me  to  grow  up  to;  fig 
6on  -r  mig  o  o  er  |>ot)ebet  (blioer  for  mægtig)  he  is 
growing  upon  me,  getting  beyond  my  control; 

-  f  am  men  coalesce;  _  tit  grow,  increase  in 
size;  SSebene  -  til  meb  QSrcS  the  flowerbeds  are 
overrun  el.  overgrown  with  grass;  —  sotSenbe 
a  growing;  her  issuant;  -nbe  Sele  J,  meridional 
part;  -nbe  Sort  ^  Mercator's  chart  el.  projection. 

.  SJotdej bi)gtig  a  capable  of  growth.  -troft  power 
of  growth.  -trebS  zone  in  whieh  a  plant  grows. 
SJotden  c  growing.  JBotSett  a  grown,  fuU-grown, 
grown-up,  adult;  be  -f§ne  the  adults,  the  adult 
persons;  en  _  Smnbe  (quite)  a  woman;   oære  en 

-  be  a  match  for  oue;  jeg  er  ^am  ifte  _  he  is 
too  much  el.  too  many  for  me;  oære  en  Dpgaoe 

-  be  equal  el.  competent  to  a  task.  *S8ot8enbe 
s:  i  _  on  the  increase.  ^ot§c|ru«t  space  for 
growing,  -ftcb  native  place  (ofa  plant),  habitat. 
-baert  c  growing  pains. 

Soféifatfet  wax-torch.  -farbe  wax-colour; 
waxen  el.  wax-like  colour.  -farbet  a  wax 
-coloured.  -figur  wax-figure,  pi  wax-works. 
■fQrftitte  vesta.  -gul  a  yellow  as  wax.  -^arbitd 
cerine.  -^ub  cere.  'Xa^iixitt  wax-works  pi,  wax 
-work  show,  Tussaud  collection.  -tage  wax 
-comb.  -lerte  fe  -lijS.  -lagen  cere-cloth.  -lavxlft 
wax-lamp.  -I^é  wax-candle,  (ntinbre)  taper. 
-larreb  oil-cloth.  -maleri,  -maling  encaustic. 
•mafte  wax -mask.  -mel  bee-bread.  -m<t  fe 
©imøl.  -noefe  wax-nose;  fig  fætte  en  en  -  X>^a. 
humbug  el.  mystify  one.  -olie  oil  destilled  from 
wax.  •opai  White  opal.  -))alme  wax-palm, 
Uereoxylon.  -papir  waxed  paper.  -))erle  wax 
-bead.  -perfe  wax-press.  -Vlafter  wax-plaster. 
-biet  wax-stain.  -borå  wax-myrtle,  bay-berry, 
Myrica  ceri/era.  -breåfe  fe  -perfe.  -falbe  cerate. 
-ftibe  cake  of  wax.  -ftabel  wax-taper.  -ftitte 
vesta.  -taft  oilskin,  -tablc  wax-tablet.  -traab 
waxed  tbread.  -tr«  fe  -poti;  tallow-sumach, 
lihut  succedanea. 

Sol(a)  c  (i  Spil)  vole. 

»olb  c  ub.  pi  (TOagt,  JJroft)  power;  (Oberlaft) 
violence,    force;    meb  _   by   force;   tage  meb   _ 

fiarfeu:  Sanft-Sngclft  Crbbog. 

ravish;  brugte  itte  _  imob  l^enbe  did  not  offer 
her  physical  violence;  gøre  _  paa  do  violence 
to,  put  violence  upon;  meb  _  og  9)Jagt  with  all 
one's  might;  ftrige  paa  ~  call  out  for  help,  cry 
murder;  i  en8  _  in  one's  power;  gioe  fig  i  en» 
_  put  one's  self  in  one's  power;  gioe  fig  ®ub  i  _ 
commend  one's  self  to  God;  fe  ganben,  ^oKer; 
^an  bor  *3olter  i  _  he  lives  at  some  out-of-tbe 
-way  place,  over  the  hills  and  far  away,  nobody 
knows  where. 

SBoIb  c  -e  (en^ber  3[orbsolb)  mound,  dike;  (tit 
tJæftningSoærf)  wall,  rampart;  f&*  sward,  turf, 
green  fleld.  SJotblarbejbe  work  on  the  ramparts. 
•orbejber  excavator.  -batte  sloping  ascent  to  a 
rampart.  -brub  breach  of  a  rampart.  -bcent 
banquette.    -b«åfe  wall-piece. 

iBolbe,  -te,  -t,  vt  cause,  occasion,  be  the  cause 
of;  bet  -te  ^am  en  TOængbe  SBrflberter  it  caused 
him  no  end  of  trouble,  entailed  a  lot  of  trouble 
upon  him;  bet  -r  at  ^an  er  fattig  that  is  owing 
to  his  poverty. 

l8olbclig(en)  adv  forcibly,  by  force. 

Soibermiåfe  c  Walpurgis'  day  the  Ist  of  May. 

SBotblfore  vi  carry  one  off"  by  force,  -ferelfe, 
•farfel  forcible  abduction. 

SBoIblgobe  Wall-street.  -gang  walk  on  a  ram- 

^olbgift  c  arbitration;  afgøre  beb  -  arbitrate; 
labe  ofgøre  beb  _  refer  cl.  submit  to  arbitration. 
—  !8olbgift§|bom  fe  -fenbetfe.  -bomftol  fe  -ret. 
-tenbelfe  award  (of  arbitratorsj.  -manb  arbi- 
trator.  -mæSftg  a  &  adv  by  arbitration  el.  arbi- 
trators.    -ret  court  of  arbitration. 

SJoIb|gibe  vt  refer  to  arbitration;  leave  to 
one's  mercy,  to  one's  tender  mercies.  -grab 
moat.    -gcefte  vt  assault  one  in  his  own  house. 

®olb|-''5fl  meadow-hay,  hay  of  natura!  grasses. 
-tælbcr  casemat«,  -tam^e  parapet-lamp.  -labet 
frame  of  a  garrison-piece.  -mefter  inspector  of 
ramparts.  »plobS  site  (of  a  castle).  -^jæl  palisade. 
-reb  barrier  reef. 

J8oIb§|b«ber  pi  fine  for  assault.  -baab  fe  -ger= 
ning.  -fofrb  violence.  -gerning,  -^anbliug  aet 
of  violence,  outrage.  -^erre,  -Ijerffer  usurper. 
-^errebømme  tyranny. 

2}olb|ftl)t8  heavy  ordnance.    -flQnge  catapult. 

^oIbå|mogt  violence.  -manb  perpetrator  of 

3^otbfucgt  c  vine  snail,  Belix  pomatia. 

iSotbfom  a  violent;  lægge  _  ^aanb  poa  lay 
violent  et.  forcible  hånds  upon.  -^eb  c  -er 
violence  (ub.  pi);  aet  of  violence. 

aSolb§|ret  right  of  the  stronger.  -fog  action 
for  assault. 

!Bo(bfteb  n  site  (of  a  castle). 

iBotb|tage  vt  ravish;  bibl  take  away  by  violence. 
-h-toger  c  -e  ravisher. 

SBolbtimian  c  basil,  Calamintha  acinos. 

!&otb|tægt  rape.    -tcegtSmanb  ravisher. 

iBolf  [t.]  c  (©pinb.)  devil,  willy,  twilly.  Sotfe 
vt  devil.    SBolfemaffine  fe  SSolf. 

IBoIfram  n  wolfram,  -ftaal  tungstic  steel. 
-fur  a :  -t  ©alt  tungstate.    -f^re  tungstic  acid. 

aSoIie're  c  -r  aviary. 

SBottaftonit'  c  woUastonite. 

SBoIoutæ'r  c  -er  volunteer. 

iBolffernc  pi  the  Volsci. 

SBoIto  ip  a:  ben  -e  ©ajle  the  voltaic  pile. 

iBoUe  c  -r  (i  9itbntng  og  fægtning)  volt;  (i  Sort= 
fpil)  pass,  slipping  the  card;  fig  dodge;  flaa  - 
make  the  pass. 

!8o(ti|ge're  vi  practise  gymnastics,  vault.  -ge'' 
ring  c  gymnastics.    -geu'r  c  -er  gymna-st. 

JBolum'lett  n  -mina  vol'ume.  -i««'8  a  volu'- 

*ÆoIu'te  c  -r  volute. 





Sotocriej  c  mountain  tobacco,  Arnica  mon- 

SBottt'  c  -me  paunch,  belly. 

SBombat  c  -ter  wombat,  Phascalomya. 

Somtti't)  n  -er  emetic. 

'•'SBon  c  likelihood. 

*i8onb  c  -er  water  rat,   Hypudæus  amphibius. 

♦SBonb  [6]  a  angry.  -otb  jp?  angry  worda,  a 

Sor  c  prot)  matter,  pus. 

58or  [<xa]  pron  poss  (fonj.)  oiir;  (obf.)  ours;  -e 
our  people;  oi  f(oI  gere  -t  we  shall  do  ours; 
benne  _  QfnbSilbning  this  faiicy  of  ours;  (fijem)  til 
-t  home. 

Sorbe  vi  become,  wax,  be;  _  S^§ !  let  there 
be  light!  -nbe  a  that  is  to  be,  future.  SBorben 
c  genesis;  i  fin  _  in  an  embryo  state. 

Sot^cr're  heaven,  goodness. 

3Jørtngut  n  gut. 

33orneb  c  -e  serf,  villein  (regardant),  predlal 
slave,  predial  tenant.  +-I«nle  poet  fetters  of 
villenage.  -ret  c  right  of  villeinage.  -ffal*  c 
bond-service,  serfdom. 

SBorJ)  c  ^  transom. 

^o'rfætning  c  suppuration,  purulency. 

SBo'rte  [aa.],  *S8orte  [6]  c  -r  wart;  (SBrQft'  og  p. 
<J5ifton)  nippie;  vet  horny  excrescence;  (p.  3fJafet) 
button,  knob.  SBortejagtig  a  warty.  -biber 
verrucous  cricket,  Loeusta  verrucivora.  -tfatte 
nipple-eap.  -mfflt  wolf  s  milk,  Euphorhia.  -rob 
pilewort,  lesser  celandine,  Ficaria.  -fbitt  wart 
-hog,  Phacackærui.  -UbbætSt  {p.  3;inbin9en)  mast- 
oid  process. 

5Bote'r|c  vt  &  i  vote.  -ing  c  -er,  fe  SIfflemning; 
fætte  unber  ~  om  put  the  question  that.  -ingl' 
tema  voting  subjeet.  S8oti't>=  votive.  IBotHtn 
»  -to  vote. 

•æott  fe  aSaat. 

SBoti'  n  fe  aSoBBob. 

tSob'  o  fe  aSaofl. 

^ottc  [ao]  c  -r  (SSøIge)  wave;  brioe  for  SBinb  og 
_  be  adrift. 

SBotie  [aoj  «  (fjfore)  peril,  jeopardy;  fætte  i  - 
put  in  peril  etc,  risk.  S3ot»e  vt  (ogfao:  booe  fig, 
fætte  poo  ©pil)  venture;  (nbfætte  for  %axf,  fætte 
paa  ©pil)  risk;  ^bo  intet  -r,  intet  binber  nothing 
venture,  nothing  have,  faint  heart  never  won 
fair  lady;  briftig  -t  ^alBt  er  Bunbet  fortune  favours 
the  bold;  —  vi  _  (paa)  at  dåre  to,  venture  to; 
_  at  giBe  fig  af  meb  venture  at,  on  el.  upon; 
='jeg  ffal  _  for  at  F  I  promise  you  that;  — 
vr  _  fig  til  venture  upon,  risk;  _  fig  nb  venture 
out.  S8»e|^al8  desperado.  SJobelig  fe  SSoBfom. 
+SBotie]Iflft,  -mob  daring.  -f)>il  hazard.  -ftljlfc 
daring  el.  venturesome  deed.  SBobet  a  hazarded, 
bold,  risky.  "'SBoOetleb  c  boldness,  riskiness. 
SSo'bfom  a  venturesome,  adventurous,  daring, 

Sottbob!  bow-wow!  c  ($unb)  bowwow. 

SBtraa  c  -er  nook,  corner. 

^raabc  vt  bore  the  nave  of  (a  wheel). 

+!8raoI  n,  pi  =,  bawl,  squall,  roar.  SBraate  vi 
bawl,  squall,  roar. 

IBraa'flab  n  corner-press. 

SBrog  n,  pi  =,  wreck;  er  fulbftænbigt  _  is  a 
total  loss;  fafte  el.  flaa  -  poa  reject.  SBragl-'botb 
ie  -bræt.  -brnbt  a  shattered,  wreeked.  -bræt 
(outside)  slab;  flaw-piece.  SSrage  vt  (for!ofte) 
reject;  (fortere)  sort;  fan  ifle  Bælge  og  ~  cannot 
be  choosers;  ^an  -r  intet  nothing  comes  amiss 
el.  foreign  to  him.  3.<tagcmaal  gauging-rod. 
SJrogcn  c  rejecting  etc.  SJroger  c  -e  sorter;  gauger. 
Sragcrbob  sorter's  otflce.  SBraglfjæl  fe  -Bræt. 
-gobå  goods  of  inferior  quality;  wreckage.  -iK' 
fpcftar  receiver  of  wreck.  -mærfe  wreck-buoy. 
SJragtttng  c  fe  SSragen.    JBtaolp(t)nbrer  wrecker. 

•^(^nbring  pillage  el.  plunder  of  wreck,  wreck 
ing.  -ret  right  of  jetsam  and  flotsam.  -ftum^ 
•fH)f!e  bit  of  a  wreck.    •tomme  wreeked  tlmber 

Utalte  vi  waddle.    JBralten  c  waddling. 

tSJrompet  a  warped. 

£Brang  a  wrong,  erroneous,  Incorrect,  ''-'Ji^ 
perverse,  wayward,  untractable;  ben  -e  ©ibe 
(f.  ®K.  en  ©trampe)  the  wrong  side;  _  ©trifninj 
purling.  SBrangbtllebe  fe  SSrænge=.  iBrange  ( 
wrong  side,  seamy  side;  Benbe  -n  ub  turn  th« 
wrong  side  outward.  %range(ig(en)a<^c  wrongly 
SBranglfl^nbre  flat-fish  wish  eyes  on  the  wronj 
side.  -gang  (©trifn.)  purl.  -^eb  c  wrongness 
-lære  erroneous  doctrine,  heterodoxy.  -lærei 
heretic,  teacher  of  heretic  doctrines.  -mafA 
close  stitch.  -flbe  fe  SBrange.  -ftrube:  lomme  i 
go  down  the  wrong  way;  faa  i  -n  swallow  th« 
wrong  way,  *\elt^  adv  against  the  sun.  -UiH 
a  self  conceited.  -»iiS^eb  self-conceit.  -biUig  i 
perverse,  disobliging.  -oilje,  -btUig^eb  dia 

SSrante  vi  be  morose,  peevish.  Vranten  t 
morose,  peevish,  churlish.  Sranten^eb  c  morose 
ness,  peevishness,  churlishness.  iBrantejfiøfi 
grumbier.    -tiorn  fe  SSranten. 

SBreb  a  angry;  bltBe  _  oBer  get  angry  el.  flj 
Into  a  passion  at;  bliBe  _  pao  en  get  angry  witl 
one;  bliB  itte  _  don't  be  angry  (with  me);  gøn 
_  make  angry,  anger,  exasperate;  i  et  -t  jSjeblil 
in  a  moment  of  anger.  iBreb|ag'tig  a  prone  t( 
anger,  passionate,  choleric,  iraseible,  bibi  angry, 
-ag'tigljcb  c  irascibility.  IBrebe  c  anger,  wrathj 
ire,  choler,  reseutment;  _  oBer  anger  etc.  at; 
ubg^be  fin  -  oBer  vent  one's  anger  against; 
iBørn,  ftar  bibl  children,  vessels,  of  wrath.  -t-SBrebi 
vt  ang  r.    -^S8rebc^g  adv  angrily. 

SSrcben  a  twisted  (fe  SSiibe);  Jig  cross-grainedi 

SBreb  e§  vd  get  angry. 

Srebe8|attfolb  fit  of  anger.  +-f*lelfe  feelin, 
of  anger.  -f-I^n  poet  of  anger,  -orb 
words  of  anger,  angry  words.  -rebme  flash  ol 
anger,  -ubbrub  fe  -anfalb.  !6rebtabcn  fe  SSrebagti^ 
•bne  ajliner  angry  looks.  JBreblaben^eb  c  irascl 

»rebfe  [é]  fe  SSribfe. 

tSBrebt  n  (urebt  ®arn  ofB.)  tangle;  fe  SSrøB! 
$reti(e  vt  tangle;  _  op  unravel;  vi  fe  SgrøBle 

SBrib  n,  pi  =,  writhing,  wringing;  (i  Unberlibet' 
griping  pain  in  the  stomach.  4.SBr{b{6Iegn  blister] 
-bor  gimlet,  (ftørre)  auger.  -bær  buckthom-berr; 

aSribe,  Breb,  orebet  vt  twist,  Togfaa  Slæber)  wrin 

-  |)alfen  om  paa  en  wring  off  one's  head,  wri: 
one's  neck;    _   fine  §ænber  wring  one's  hånds] 

-  ©aften  af  SRibS  wring  the  juice  out  ofcurrantsj 
_  9løglen  om  turn  the  key;  -  af  (lø§)  wrencr_ 
ofif;  —  vr  ~  fig  writhe,  (bline  Preben)  twist;  -  fig' 
fra  wiiggle  out  of  _  fig  beb  at  gøre  noget  shrink 
from  doing  a  thing.  9$ribe|baanb  twisted  line 
el.  string,  -maffine  wringer.  Striber  c  -e  door 
-handle.  SBrtbning  c  -er  wringing  etc;  twist,  tor- 
sion. iBribnlngålfaft^eb,  -ftJjrfctorsioualstrength. 
tJBribfe  vi  f  fret,  snap,  make  a  peevish  gesture. 
SBribtorn,  SSrietorn  buckthorn,  Bkamnus  cathar- 

SSrttfe  vt  &  i  wriggle;  (meb  9Iare)  scuU;  *sprain; 
_  meb  ^oBebet  wriggle  one's  head.  SBrt!(fc)|aarc 
scull.  -5uIscuUing-notch,  stern-rowlock.  2Jritfctt 
c  wriggling.  !BriflcH)tnb(e)  stern-rowlock.  -bor« 
O!  shaky,  rtckety. 

SJrimlc  vi  (af)  swarm,  shoal  (with);  bet  -r  af 
(+meb)  gift  i  |»aBet  the  sea  teems  with  flsh; 
_  af  gejl  swarm  with  errors.  !IBrtmmeI  c  swarm, 
shoal;  (^oS  ^eft)  colic. 

SBrittgclftornet  a  having  twisted  horns.  '*!Brittgt 
n  quibbles.  -fSBrittgle  vt  entwine,  twist;  *vi 
quibble.    *3JrlngIet  a  quibbling. 




tSrinfl  a  rank. 

SSrlnffe  vi  neigh.  SBrinffen  c  neighing,  neigh. 
t'-BrinJIer  c  -e  stallion. 

*Srioin|l>ei8  c  -er  pettifogger.  -pti^tti  n  petti- 

Sri))tie  vi  tiflf,  be  pettish.  Sti^tien  a  testy, 
touchv.    SBri)>))en4eb  c  testines«,  touchiness. 

»tiefe  (e  SBribJe. 

SSrIft  c  -er  instep. 

iBrifte  vt  wrest,  wrench;  _  noget  ub  af  en8 
^aonb  wrest  s^omething  from  el.  out  of  one's 

Sræl  n,  pi  =,  roar,  squall,  bawl.  IBrdcIe  (ogf. 
-te,  -t)  ci  squall,  roar,  bawl.  Vrælen  c  squalllng, 
roaring,  bawling. 

Sprænge  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  twist;  *tum  inside  out; 
-  (9Runb)  ab  make  mouths  (upon)  el.  at,  make 
a  wry  face  at;  _  Jiæfe  turn  up  one's  nose;  — 
vi  -  ah,  fe  _  9Runb  ab;  _  efter  mimic,  ridicule; 
Sranøebilletie  caricature.  ^tcenQtn,  iBrænotiing 
c  making  mouths  (at). 

»ræ»I,  SBræuIe,  fe  SBresI. 

SrøOi  n  balderdash,  nonsense,  flddle-faddle, 
stuflF,  bosh;  F  ab.surd,  nonsensicalfellow;  takind 
of  twisted  teacake,  bet  er  noget  -  that  is  all  non- 
sense; F  asTf  -  rai.'ie  needless  objections.  -aøttg 
a  nonsensical.  -agtig^eb  c  absurdity.  SBratile 
vi  prate,  twattle,  talk  nonsense.  —  SBr«»Ie|6afte, 
•fiotieb,  SJretiler  c  -e  prater,  twattler.  iSrøttfen  c, 
^raoleri'  n  prating,  twattling.  JBrøOte{Uottt  a 
twattling.    -oorn^eb  c  twattling  propeusity. 

Subber  c  hoopoe,  Upupa  epop«. 

$ngge  c  -r  cradle;  Bar  i!!e  funget  for  tnin  _  was 
not  prophesied  at  my  birth.  %ugge  vt  (&  vi) 
rock;  ~  \)aa  9lrmen  nurse;  _  i  Søbti  rock  to  sleep; 
_  ffg  i  tomme  gor^aabntnger  _  lull  el.  delude  one's 
selfwith  vain  hopes.  aSuggelbaonb  cradle-band. 
-barn  infant,  baby  (in  the  cradle).  -bue  head 
of  the  cradle.  -gaoe  christening  gift;  Jig  dower. 
-gænge  rocker  of  a  cradle.  -tlceber  pi  cradle 
-clothes.  -fniU  mincing-knife.  -lab  trestle  of  a 
cradle.  Suggen  c  rocking.  4-S8ugge!not  fe -barn. 
•(lenge  (sponsors)  christening  present  to  the 
nurse,  -pubt  cradle -cushion.  -fang  lullaby, 
cradle  ditty.  -^aal  engraver's  cradle.  -ftol 
rocklngchair.  -ftne  infants'  asylum.  -»»ife  fe 

Sngt|e  [t.]  vt  op  raise  by  means  of  a  lever. 
-tlobå  fe  S8ippe=.    -ning  c  raising  etc. 

SBttlc  vf  J>  woold;  gammon. 

iBttlf,  oulfe,  fe  SBoIf. 

Sttlga'ta  the  vul'gate.    Sulgæ'r  a  vul'gar. 

!Bnling  c  -er  J;.  gammoning.  SJulingSgat  gam- 
moning-hole  (o.  fl.). 

Sulfa'n  c  er  volcano.  -ife're  vt  vul'canize. 
-ife'ting  c  vnlcanization.  -tS'nte  c  the  Volcanian 
theory.  -ift'  c  -er  vol'canist.  -maUe  herned 
pout,  Pimelodut.    SBuIta'nfl  a  volcan'ic. 

Snnbe  c  -r,  fe  Saar. 

Sunbct  part  fe  3Sinbe. 

!8m>ti !  int  slap  dash ! 

9Surbe'r|e  vt  (anflaa)  value,  appraise,  estimate 
(til  at);  (ftatte)  appreciate,  value;  -  efter  %ox- 
tjenefte  do  justice  to  -ing  c  valuation,  appraise- 
ment.  —  ^urberingi^lforretning  appraisement. 
■lone,  -manb  valuator,  appraiser.  -fum  appraised 
value;  (D.  Sluflion)  upset  price. 

Snr^  fe  SBorp. 

Snr^  c  ^  puddening. 

SStjler  [t]  c  -e  factionist,  revolutionist. 

*3?fl'rbe  fe  SSere. 

9?fléfe  vt  fe  2)Q§fe. 

93ac'bn{e  vt  arm;  vr  fig  arm  (one's  self),  take 
arms;  meb  -t  Jpaanb  with  strong  hånd,  by  force 
of  arms.  f-ncr  c  e  esquire.  -ning  c  -er  arming; 

»«b'  c:  flaa  til  -i,  fe  SBæbbe.  »æbbe  vi  &  t 
wager,  bet,  lay  a  wager  el.  bet;  _  om  en  bet^belig 
Sum  lay  a  considerable  wager;  jeg  bil  _  l^bob= 
foml^elft,  at  I'd  lay  any  wager  that;  jeg  -r  meb 
3)em  ti  mob  en  I'll  bet  you  ten  to  one;  man  fan 
_  2  mob  1  it  is  two  to  one.  —  93(ebbe|tam)i 
contest  for  a  wager.  -!«tfel  driving- match, 
chariot-race.  -leg  betting-game.  -leb  race,  foot 
-race,  horse-race;  løbe  -  run  a  race,  race.  -(øbcc 
racer,  race -horse.  -løbebane  race-course  el. 
-ground.  -løbS^eft  fe  -lober  -maal  wager,  bet; 
inbgaa  et  _  lay  a  wager.  SBæbben  c  wagering 

SBæbber  c  -e  (ogfaa  ftrigSmafline)  ram,  prov  tup; 
(gilbet)  wether;  -en  ast  Aries,  the  Ram;  ^tjbraulifl 
_  water-ram.  !B(ebber|boti  projecting  prow  of 
a  ram.    -^orn  ram's  horn;  ^f,  beak. 

!Bæbbe|rioen,  -tlbt  riding-match,  race. 

S8(Ebber{t«b  ram-mutton.  -lam  he-lamb,  tup 

SBccbberotting  c  rowing-match. 

^(Cbberlflib  ram(-ship),  steam-ram.  -fitnb 
ram's  fleece,    -ftætin  beak. 

Sæbbelfang  singing-match.  -fanget  competitor 
in  song.  -fejlobS,  -fcjling  sailing-match,  regatta. 
-ftrib  fe  -famp.  -ftiømning  swimming- match, 
•ftjngen  fe  -fang. 

i8æbbr|e  vt  &  i  ram.    -ing  c  ramming. 

!B(cbe  vt  wet,  moisten.  93icbe  c  wet,  wetness, 

SBiebfle  c  -r  liquid,  fluid,  moisture,  humor; 
(i  planter  og  b^rifte  fiegemer)  juice;  (i  Segemet) 
humor;  baarlige  -r  an  unhealthy  temperament. 
Sæbff  e  vi  secrete  a  humor,  run;  ^(^bibi)  vt  water; 
—  vr  fig  liquefy;  -nbe  a  Saar  running  sore. 
SBæbftejblanbing  mixture  of  dififerent  liquids. 
-form  a  fluid  form.  -fnlb  a  full  of  humors; 
SJJarben  i  ^an§  SBen  bar  —  bibl  his  bones  were 
moisten  ed  with  marrow. 

*SSæft  c  woof. 

SBæg'  fe  i8«gge  c 

!8æg  (*S8æg')  c  -ge  wall;  fioib  fom  en  (tallet)  _ 
pale  as  ashes;  *_  i  -  (immedlately)  adjoining; 
inben  fire  -ge  between  four  walls;  -gene  ^abe  jSren 
walls  have  ears;  *bort  el.  ^en  i  -gen,  -gene  pre- 
posterous,  absurd,  putting  the  cart  before  the 
horse;  fætte  til  -8  drive  into  a  comer;  fe  ganben, 
9gonbe,  ©tolpe,  Bib.  SBæg|ber((ebning  hangings. 
-biUebe  wall-picture. 

Sæge  c  -r  wick;  fi  Spinberi)  sliver. 

iBægellfinb  fe  -finbig^eb.  -finbet,  -finbig  a  flckle, 
wavering,  vacillating.  -{!nbet^eb,  -finbig^eb  c 
fickleness,  vacillation. 

SB«ger(e)  pi  thick  stuff.  iBsgergaug  strake 
of  thickstufi". 

*Sægef«b  c  fe  fi^fefib. 

iBæglfaft  a  flxed  to  the  wall.  -flobe  surface 
of  wall. 

SæB(9e)  c   «  wedge. 

tSBægge  vt  fe  SSæfle  vt  (3fen). 

JBæggejfort  wall-map.  -lob  wall  feather-moss, 
Hypnuiii  p'irietinum.  -IttS  house-  el.  bed-bug, 
P  B-flat,  Vimex  lectularius.  -pttitt  (®ame)  wall 
-flower.  -:pub§ntng  plastering.  *-reift  a  wall 
-sided.  -flab  press.  .fmeb  fe  ^obntngeur.  -fmørcr 
dauber.  -f <>cjl  pier-glass.  *-fprunge  ehink  in  the 
wall.  -taolc  fe  ajceg-.  -tæge  fe  -hiS.  -tappe  hang- 
ings pi.  -tai  bed-bugs  pi.  —  *aSa;g|tmcHem  adv 
from  wall  to  wall.  -lampe  walllamp,  hanging 
lamp.  -maleri  mural  painting.  •-mofe  fealher 
moss,  Hvpnum.    -))itte  pier. 

©æ'gre  fig  vr  (Beb  at  gøre  noget)  refuse,  de- 
cline  (to  do  a  thing).    SB«  gring  c  -er  refusal. 

i8æg]f!ab  fe  SBcegge-.    -ftiUet  «  ^  parietal. 

Sægt  c  ub  pi  (røaal  paa  Xtjngbe,  ogf.  fig) 
weight;    (pi  -e  <fe  -er,  S8ægtf!aol)  balance,  (ftor) 





weighing-machine;  ast  the  balance,  Libra;  efter 
_  by  weight;  ^abe  _,  bære  af  ~  caiTy  weight; 
lægge  -  paa  lay  stress  on;  attach  importance  el. 
weight  to;  tnpaa  ligger  ingen  -  that  does  not 
slgnify;  tftiat)  ~  ligger  ber  »aa  .  .  .  ?  what  signifies 
.  .  .  ?  gab  ^an§  Drb  _  added  weight  to  his  words. 
SBægtlangitielfe  statement  el.  .specification  of  the 
weight.    -orm  fe  -ftangSarm. 

SBægtauIe  c  black-board. 

f8ceQt\balttnce  beam.  -Itjielfc  beam  (of  the 
balanfie).    -cn^eit  unit  of  weight. 

SScegtcr  c  -e  watchman;  (i  Sao§)  detector. 
S8(egter|gang  watchman's  gallery  on  a  tower; 
J,  stern-gallery,  (paa  ftore  SIi6e)  balcony;  falft  _ 
imitation  gallery.  -^u§  watchman's  box.  -Ijlolc 
watchman's  coat.  -Jiibe  watchman's  whistle. 
•taah  call  e(.  cry  of  the  watchman,  watchman's 
call  el.  cry.  -fang  watchman's  .song.  -ftilt 
watchman's  badge.  -»er§  pi  verses  sung  by 
the  watchman ,  watchman's  verses.  -»in  bad 

SSiegtlfabtifant  scale-maker.  -forbeting  distri- 
bution of  weights.  -forringelfe  loss  of  weight, 
(ilKønterl)  wear.  -fulb,  -f^lbig  a  weighty,  heavy. 
-f^Ibe,  -f4(btg6eb  specific  gravity.  SBtegtig  a 
weighty.  SBægtig^cb  c  weightiuess.  ajægtllob 
weight.  -lotigiunittgen  the  laws  about  weights 
and  measures.  -la§  a  weightless,  imponderable. 
•løS^eb  imponderability.  -naale  pi  pins  sold  by 
weight.  -nota  bill  of  weight.  -firøue  test  of 
weight.  -pnnb  pound  of  weight.  -ftaol  scale; 
Bragte  -en  til  at  ^ælbe  til  '^anS  ©ibe  turned  the 
scale  in  his  favour.  -ftang  lever.  -ftangSarm 
arm  of  a  lever;  mech  leverage.  -ftangSfottiinbelfe 
combiuation  of  levers.  -ftangStraft  lever  power. 
-ftatiti  balance-stay.  -f^ftent  system  of  weights. 
-tab  loss  of  weight,  shrinkage,  -tttttge  tongue 
el.  cock  (of  a  balance). 

SBæf'  adv  off,  gone;  goa  nu  _  be  et.  get  ofiF 
now;  lægge  _  put  away;  _  meb  fingrene!  bands 
off!  fnat  _!  speak  away!  fire  away!  etc;  mit 
Ur  er  ~  my  watch  is  gone ;  ^an  er  _  af  ®læbe 
he  is  beside  himself  with  joy;  jeg  er  _,  ganffe  _ 
I  am  enraptured,  quite  enraptured;  ^an  er  _ 
(fortaBt)  he  is  lost,  he  is  done  for;  ^an  er  itte  _ 
he  is  not  amiss,  not  half  bad;  i  eet  -  inces- 
santly;  _  meb  .  .  .  away  with;  fe  dSlatbæl. 

fSalU  vt  (Sfen)  cut  a  passage  (in  the  ice);  _  ub 
cut  out;  _  inb  cut  in;  -  SKaobbenie  4,  reem  the 

SBæffe  (»gf.  ba!te,  batt)  vt  (fra  ©øbn)  wake, 
awake,  awaken,  (om  Worgenen)  call;  Jig  create, 
raise,  excite,  rouse;  _  goreftittingen  om  suggest, 
ben  2f.  at  suggest  that;  _  en  gforefttEing  convey  a 
notion;  _  Sippetiten,  SfJljggerrig^eben  whet  the 
appetite,  curiosity;  _  enS  røeblibenl^eb  rouse 
one's  compa.s.sion;  fobenbe  ^unb  ftal  mon  ej  _ 
let  sleeping  dogs  lie;  —  bætfenbea  awakening, 

^(etUtlamai  c  ^  reeming-iron. 

!B(cnelfe  c  impulse,  stimulus;  revival,  (reli- 
gious)  awakening.  battet  c  -e  awakener;  (i  Ur) 
alarum;  (®mp.)  check-alarum;  fe  ©anfetage. 

2JæHe|tabot  c  ^  fe  -tlamaj. 

aJæHe(r)|ttt  alarm -clock  el.  -watch.  -bær! 
works  of  an  alarm-clock.     S^ælning  c  waking. 

aSætntng  c  cutting  etc.  (fe  SSæffe  1). 

tSJælålc  vt  wax.  -tæbec  wax-leather.  -lætrreb 
fe  58ol§=.    $æl§ning  c  waxing. 

SBæf^t  c  ub.  pi  (bet,  at  bot§e)  growth;  (^øjbe, 
©ttffelfe)  stature;  (pi  -er)  herb,  plant;  fttjbe  el. 
tage  _  grow;  @ub  fom  giber  -  bibl  God  that  giveth 
the  increase.  lBæt3t|grættfe  line  of  vegetation. 
-^u8  conservatory,  green-house.  -lære  botany. 
-))criobe  period  of  growth.    -riget  fe  $lante=. 

®«lb  n,  pi  =,   spring ;  _  af  Soner  flood  of  I 

harmony;   _   of  ftærlig'^eb  mine  el.   wealth   c 

SSælbe  c  &  «  power,  might. 

Sælbe  vi  well,  spring  et.  issue  forth.  t-lili 
fe  ajælb. 

SBælbig  a  powerful,  mighty;  en  _  3æger  fa 
^errenS  ^nfigt  a  mighty  hunter  before  the  Lord 

i8ælb|ntofe  quagmire.     -batib  n  spring-watei 

+8JæIe  c  lint. 

aJælge,  botgte,  bolgt  vt  choose,  select;  (til  e 
^oft,  til  Konge  ofb.)  elect;  (tit  røggboglmanl 
elect,  return;  _  beb  ^»oanbSopræfning  elect  b; 
show  of  hånds;  _  fig  choose.  bælgen  c  choosinj 
iBætger  c  -e  elector,  voter,  constituent.  —  JBælger 
foliet  the  eleetorate.  -foreuing  voters'  a,ssocii 
tion.  -forfamling,  -mebe  meeting  of  electors  et( 

aJætig  a  fiery,  (high-)  spirited.  -^eb  c  spirii 

ISælling  c  milk-pottage,  frumenty;  fig  medlej 

SBælfe  vt  finish,  round  ofif.  -maftine  self-actini 
engine  for  rounding.     £Bæ(Sfi{  round-oflf  file. 

SBælff  a  Italian;  -e  S3ønner  garden  beans;  _  fRo 
devil's  turnip,  Bryonia.  -binb  half  calf.  -lart 
Italy.    -nab  walnut. 

aSætt  c  trump;  bære  i  -en  be  in  vogue,  be  aH 
the  fashion;  ^on  er  i  -en  he  is  a  rising  man. 

Ⱦlte  vt  (ruEe)  roll;  (fafte  om)  upset,  tun 
over,  overturn,  overset;  fig  _  ©fijtben  poo  cas 
et.  throw  the  blame  upon;  bu  fior  -t  en  ©te 
fro  mit  fjerte  you  have  lifted  a  weight  off  m 
heart;  en  tung  S8t)rbe  er  -t  fro  mit  ©inb  a  moui 
tain  is  raised  ofF  my  spirits;  _  at  8l)rben,pfl 
lay  the  whole  burden  on:  —  vi  tumble  pvei 
cant,  be  overturned  el.  upset,  (lomme  -nbe)  jaou: 
rush,  stream;  ^on  -be  (meb  SSognen)  his  carriag 
was  overturned  et.  upset;  Suf!en  -be  (meb)  SJogne 
the  coachman  upset  the  carriage;  en  S31obftrøJ 
-be  ^om  ub  af  9Kunben  the  blood  gushed  froi 
his  mouth;  —  w  _  fig  roll;  ~  fig  i  ^Dijnbct  walloi 
el.  welter  in  the  mire;  _  fig  i  fit  93tob  welter 
one's  gore;  _  fig  poo  fit  Seje  toss  about  in  (one'i 
bed;  fig  _  fig  inb  poo  en  pick  a  quarrel  wit| 
one,  fix  a  quarrel  on  one.  *S8æUe  c  -r  pilfl 
mass.  ajæltelfjæl  mould -board,  -fri  a 
liable  to  be  upset.  -nem  a  easily  upset.  f&ali 
tiing  c  rolling  etc. 

SBæltSfort  n  trump. 

SBæltfom  fe  SSættenem. 

SJænttncIig  a  nauseous,  disgustful,  disgusting 
fulsome,  loathsome,  repulsive;  -^bære  _  beb 
2?æmme»  beb.    -I)eb  c  nauseou.sness,  fulsomenesa 
loathsomeness.     SBæmmelfe  c  disgust,  nausea 
fatte  ~  for  take  a   loathing  to;  foroorfoge  en 
make  one  sick,  nauseate  one.    %æmmc§  vd  (bebj 
be  disgusted  (with),  loathe. 

SBæn  a  poet  fair. 

SSænge  n  (-hc)  -r  enclosed  fleld. 

^SBæn^eb  c  beauty. 

SBænne  (ogj.  bont,  bonte,  bænt)  vt  accustom;  _ 
_  en  of  meb  noget  break  one  of  a  thing;  _  fra_ 
(S8rl)ftet)  wean;  —  vr  fig  af  meb  disaccustom  el 
break  one's  self  of;  _  fig  til  accustom  one's  seli 
to,  get  accustomed  el.  used  to,  familiarize  one'i 
self  to,  til  ot  get  into  the  habit  of. 

*S8ær  n,  pi  =,  JDuUv  gifte-,  gugle>,  9®g'. 

SBæ'rb  a  (fom  ^or  en  biS  SUærbi)  worth;  (oærbig] 
worthy;  bet  er  itfe  mere  -t  it  is  not  worth  more 
bet  er  it!e  -t  you  had  better  not;  fe  Umage; 
Ijam  ifre  _  is  not  worthy  of  him;  ol  96re 
worthy  of  all  honour,  very  respectable  et.  cred 
itable.  SJærb  n  {+ c)  worth,  value;  bet  flat  je( 
lobe  ftao  beb  fit  ~  that's  a  thing  I  shan't  tak« 
upon  me  to  decide,  it  may  go  for  what  it  ii 
worth;   tillægge  ftort  _  attach  great   value  to, 




SærbeliQCU  adv.  otngaa?  _  for  perten  bibl  walk 
worthy  of  the  Lord. 

:8ærbi'  c  -er  value,  price;  ftore  -er  large  sums, 
a  large  amount  of  property;  til  en  _  af  of  el. 
(inbtil)  to  the  value  of.  IBærbilanoitietfe  state- 
ment of  value.  -bcftemmelfe  valuation.  -breti 
letter  eontaining  money.  -en^eb  standard  of 
value.  -forrtngelfc  lessened  valne,  depreciation, 
deterioratlon.  -forfcnbclfe  remittance  of  money. 
•for^ejclfe,  -foregclfe  iucreased  value.  -fulb  a 
valuable,  costly.    -fulbfteb  c  value. 

!S(Crbig  a  worthy;  (om  SBæfen,  iDJaabe)  dignlfied; 
_  til  worthy  of  (oflfao  uben  of);  fom  »ar  en  6ebre 
Sag  -  deserving  of  a  better  cause.  Særbige  vt 
think  worthy  of;  ^an  -be  mig  itte  et  Soar  he  did 
not  deign  el.  coudescend  to  answer  me,  vouch- 
s^afed  no  answer;  ^un  -er  mig  if!e  fin  Særligfieb  she 
does  not  vouchsafe  to  love  me,  she  does  not 
think  me  worthy  of  her  love;  —  vi  &  -8  vd  at 
deign,  condescend,  vouchsafe,  to.  9?(crbiot)cb  c 
-et  (58æfen;  ^oft)  dignity;  (til  noget)  worthiness; 
unber  min  -  below  my  dignity,  below  el.  heneath 

SBærbi'Igenftanbe  pi  articles  of  value.  -Ie8  a 
valueless,  worthless.  -leS^eb  c  worthle.ssness. 
•maalcr  standard  of  value.  -^avirer  pi  bonds, 
stocks  and  shares,  papers.  -tolb  ad  valorem 
du  ty. 

+S5ærblfWb  merit,  desert.  -fætte  vt  estimate, 
value;  -  for  ^øjt,  laot  overvalue,  undervalue. 
-fcctning,  -fættelfe  c  valuation. 

^ære,  er,  oar,  oærei  et  be;  i  ^am  letie,  røre^  og  ere 
bi  bibl  in  him  we  live,  and  move,  and  have  our 
being;  berfom  ^an  if!e  oar  if  it  had  not  been  for 
him,  but  for  him;  ^oab  t)ærre  er,  tiar  to  make 
matters  worse;  naar  faa  er  such  being  the  case; 
^oiS  faa  er,  at  if  so  be  that;  fun  en  Slagge  af 
^Dob  ^un  »ar  but  a  shadow  of  her  former  self; 
til  el.  af  et  førfte  (Jorføg  at  _  for  a  flrst  attempt; 
(<BaéfiB)  ^an  er  bienen  bablet  he  has  been 
blamed;  bet  er  fagt  it  has  been  said;  bet  er  '^am 
it  is  he;  faa  er  bet  so  it  is;  faa  bar  bet,  ot  then 
it  was  that;  bet  bar  ret!  that  is  right!  bet  »ar 
morfomt!  that's  a  good  joke!  bet  »ar  en  anben 
2ole  that's  a  different  affair;  ber  er  9J!ennef£er 
fom  there  are  people  who;  ber  er  bem  fom  there 
are  those  who;  ber  er  intet  at  gøre  there  is 
nothlng  to  be  done;  ^»ab  er  ber  at  gøre?  whatis 
to  be  done?  bet  er  at  »ente,  foretrcetfe  it  is  to  be 
expected,  preferred;  bet  er  mig,  fom  Iførte  jeg 
...  1  fancy  I  hear;  3ngen,  Ⱦre  ftg  frcmmeb  el. 
inbføbt  no  one,  whether  foreigner  or  native; 
bet  »ære  ba  unless;  bet  _  nu,  fom  bet  »il  be 
that  as  it  may,  however  that  may  be;  bet  _  fagt 
engang  for  alle  be  it  said  once  for  all;  bet  fa  ar 
faa  -  so  let  it  be;  bet  !an  gerne  _,  at  it  may  be 
that,  F"  bet  !an  nof  _  at  fian  bleo  forftræffct  he 
was  frightened  and  no  mistake;  bet  fan  _  (»ente) 
til  imorgen  that  may  be  left  till  to-morrow;  lab 
_  have  done;  don't;  tab  -,  at  though,  albeit; 
lab  mig  -  let  me  alone;  lab  faa  -!  be  it  so! 
boab  ftal  bet  _?  (^»ab  »il  2)e  ntjbe)  put  a  name 
to  it;  ©fibet  flulbe  -t  ;^er  ben  16be  she  was  due 
on  the  slxteenth;  —  (meb  præp  &  adv):  ~  af 
meb  be  rid  of;  _  efter  en  press  one  hard;  _  for 
like,  be  in  favoiu-  of,  be  for  -ing;  ^er  er  iffe 
anbet  for  there  is  nothing  else  for  it;  fan  ifle  _ 
fra  ^am  cannot  be  away  from  him;  _  fra  fig  felf 
be  beside  one's  self;  jeg  ^ar  -t  ^o8  3)em  I  have 
cailed  on  you;  _  i  meb  be  intimate  with;  _  igen 
remain,  be  left;  _  imob  object  to;  *b€n  2:ib  er 
nu  inbe,  ba  the  time  is  now  come  for  el.  when; 
-meb,  fe  TOeb  adv\  ^»orlebeé  er  bet  meb  SJem? 
how  are  you?  ^ar  -t  meb  til  has  had  a  haud  in, 
has  taken  a  part  in;  ^»o  fom  ifte  er  meb  mig,  er 
imob  mig  he  that  is  not  -with  me,  is  against  me; 

bet  er  meb  ot  briffe  fom  meb  at  ftrioe  drinking  is 
like  wrlting;  _  længe  om  be  long  about;  fe  Dm; 
^an  gab  ilfe  _  o  »er  at  he  would  not  take  the 
trouble  to;  9Jlaabe  at  -  "^aa  manner  of  being; 
_  til  exist,  be  in  being;  efterfom  SSejret  er  til 
according  to  the  state  of  the  weather;  p  ber  er 
til  5om  there  is  something  in  store  for  him;  fe 
Silbage,  Ube,  SBeb.  i8ære(fe  n  -r  apartment, 
room;  leg  gif  i^OlO.  mit  ~  I  went  to  my  own  room; 
8=58ærelferS  Sejlig^eb  eight-roomed  house;  l'SSæ« 
reljelfeS  JCejligbcb  house  of  a  single  room,  single 
room  house,  ^ærentaabe  way,  manner  of  being. 
boeren  c  being. 

SBocrft  n  -er  wharf,  dock-yard.  —  JBæcftdji^ef 
dockyard  superintendent,  -flritiei:  dockyard 
clerk  (0.  ft.). 

Sarge  vt  (forfoare)  defend;  vi  _  for  defend; 
—  vr  ftg  defend  one's  self;  jeg  lunbe  itfe  _  mig 
for  ben  Sanie  I  could  not  get  rid  of  the  idea, 
could  not  help  thinking.  iBacrge  c  <fc  n  ub.  pi 
(Soroaring)  custody.  SJsrge  c  r  (gorfoarer)  de- 
fender;  (^orm^nber)  guardiau;  (SBeftt^rer  af  9[Rl)nb= 
lingS  ®obg)  trustee.  JSoecge  n  (SBaoBenj  weapon 
el.  means  of  defence;  sword;  (9JJoboærge)  de- 
fence.  93icrge|braab  venomous  sting.  -t«8  a 
defenceless.  -løS^eb  c  defencelessness.  -ntffal 
guardianship.    -^enge  trustee's  allowance. 

iBæringer  pi  Warings. 

SBætl  c  ache,  aching;  (i  fiemmerne)  rheumattsm; 
*suppuratlon;  pus,  gathering;  jeg  ^ar  _  i  mit 
$ooeb  my  head  aches. 

i8«rt  n  (3:o»»ærI)  oakum;  tjæret,  utjæret  _ 
black,  white  oakum;  piBe  -  pick  oakum. 

S«rl  n  -er  work;  (gabrif)  works,  factory;  -et  i 
et  Ur  the  works  el.  movement  of  a  clock  el. 
watch;  -et  prifer  9Jlefteren  the  workman  is  known 
by  his  work;  bet  er  i  -  at  ..  .  it  is  in  contempla- 
tion  to  ... ;  gaa  i  -  meb  set  about;  fætte  i  _ 
set  on  foot;  accompllsh,  carry  into  action  el. 
execution;  gaa  til  -8  go  to  work;  bet  er  altfammen 
^on8  -  it  is  all  his  doing;  ftribe  til  -et  set  to 
work;  lægge  |)aanb  'paa.  -et  set  to  work;  put  the 
shoulder  to  the  wheel.  SBcerfblQ  pig-lead,  raw 
lead,  workable  lead. 

SJærlbrnbben  a  palsical,  palsied.   -^eb  c  palsy. 

!Bi)ert|bræt,  -bætit  work-bench,  working-bench, 

SBoerfe  vi  ache;  *suppurate,  fester;  mit  ^o»eb 
-r,  bet  -r  i  mit  $o»eb  my  head  aches.  '"-ftitger 
swoln  finger. 

*SBærtcn  n  linsey-woolsey. 

SBærflflib  industry.  -f æUc  fellow-worker.  -f«er 
foreman    -^eaig  a  pietistic.    -^eQig^eb  pietism. 

æærffreg  c  ^1,  rave  hook. 

aSærfmefter  c  manager  of  a  factory. 

Scectt)iIletfTe  c  -r  oakum-picker. 

a3ær{8|brift  factory  business,  -ejer  owner  of 
a  manufactory. 

aSærflftlfe  silk  for  weaving.  -ftcb  workshop. 
-ftebSlotaIc  workshop.  -ftJ)rer  fe  -mefter.  -it\ 
implement,  tool.  -tøj8fobera(  tool-holder.  -tø{8> 
lifte  tool-chest.  -t«j3mafline  tool-engine.  -t*|8« 
^jofe  bag  of  tools. 

SBoerling  c  -r  (Sfugl)  hunting,  Emberiza. 

SScern  n,  pi  =,  defence.  SBærtte  vt  &  i  defend, 
protect;  _  om  b.  f.  —  !8(crne|bqgtig  a  capable 
of  bearing  arms.  -fri  a  exempt  from  military 
service.  -^Ugt  liability  el.  duty  to  bear  arms; 
compulsory  enlistment,  conscription  for  the 
army;  alminbeltg  _  general  militarj'  service,  uni- 
versal liability  to  service;  aftjene  [m  -  serve 
one's  time  in  the  army.  -(iligtig  o  liable  to 
bear  arms.  -<)Iigt§Io»i  Conscription  Aet.  -t-SBotrner 
c  -e  defender.  Værneting  venue.  !B(ern(«8  a 




^avpt  (t  &  *)  vt  lay  eggs.  -tlb  lajing  season. 
^ær^ftting  laying. 

aSicrre  a  &  adv  {comp  af  ilbe,  onb)  worse; 
f)at  foranbret  ftg  til  bet  bærre  has  altered  for 
worse;  bet  bliBer  _  og  _  it  goes  from  bad  to 
worse;  mon  funbe  træffe  bet  _  you  might  go 
farther  and  fare  worse;  ille  _?  nothing  worse? 
gøre  galt  -  make  matters  worse;  for  iffe  at  fige 
noget  -  to  say  nothing  worse;  af  grQgt  for  noget 
_  lest  worse  should  happen  to  him;  ^oab  -  er, 
»ar  worse  than  that,  to  make  matters  worse; 
f  ben  »or  _  that  beats  everything. 

SBarf  flo !  =  »ær  foo  gob  (fe  ®ob);  here  (it  is), 
here  you  are,  there  (it  is);  yes,  do,  by  all 
means,  all  right?  go  on;  come  in ! 

Scerft  a  &  adv  {sup  of  ilbe,  onb)  worst;  ^on  er 
i!!e  _  he  is  none  of  the  worst;  er  fig  felB  -  (el. 
_  imob  fig  felb)  is  his  own  worst  enemy;  i  -e  golb 
at  (the)  worst,  if  the  worst  came  (comes)  to  the 
worst;  gere  fit  -e  do  his  worst,  work  his  wicked 

iBætt  c  -er  (i  S8ærti^u8)  landlord,  host,  inn- 
keeper;  (i  9llnt.)  host,  entertainer;  (®ier)  land- 
lord; zoo  host;  gøre  SRegning  uben  ~  reckon  el. 
count  without  one's  host;  fungere  fom  _  do  the 

fStttt^olt  pi  entertainers. 

SBærtinb'e  c  -r  landlady;  hostess;  fungere  fom  _ 
do  the  honours.    ^attplante  c  host. 

SiertS^ud  public  house,  inn.  -^olb  keeping 
of  a  public  house,  -^olber^  -tnattb  publican, 
innkeeper,  (licensed)  victualer.  -tone  landlady 
of  a  public  house,  mistress  of  an  inn.  -rettigleb 
licence  to  keep  a  public  honse.  tSættftttt  n 

SBæfel  c  -er  weasel,  Muatela. 

^lefen  n  -er  (teoenbc)  being,  entity;  (Qfnbbegreb 
af  forftelligt,  fom  banner  et  ^ele,  f.  &U.  SrigS= 
Ⱦfen  ofti.)  institution,  affairs,  matters,  system, 
department,  belongings;  (3Jatur)  nature;  (fibre 
Slnftonb;  manners,  address;  efter  fit  -  essentially; 
jeg  mærfebe,  ber  oor  et  uffinligt  _  i  Stuen  I  became 
aware  of  a  presence  In  the  room;  brioer  fit  _  ber 
haunts  the  place,  disports  himself  there;  gøre  - 
of  make  a  fuss  et.  an  ado  about,  parade;  bet 
rene  _  hard  cash;  fe  SRen;  alt  bette  _  all  this  sort 
of  thing.     -^el>   c  being.     -laå  a  non-existent. 

—  SJoefenSlen^ei)  consubstantiality.  -forflel  ea 
sential  difference.  -forffeUig  a  essentially  6iSé 
rent.  -maxU  characteristic.  SBcefentlig  a 
sential;  i  bet  -e  substantially,  in  substance; 
olt  -t  in  all  essentials;  er  -  for,  er  noget  -t  Di 
is  an  essential  of;  bet  -e  Qfnb^olb  the  substance 
adv  essentially,  substantially;  (for  ©tørftebelen 
in  the  main;  (foo  gobt  fora)  virtually.  Stefent 
lig^eb  c  essentiality. 

*SBæfle  c  -r  (small)  bag,  pouch. 

^attt  c  -X,  fe  SSette. 

SBæo  c  -e  (røaftine  til  SSættning)  loom;  (©ompBæa 
power-loom;  (bet,  ber  ȾbeS  el.  er  tjcebet)  wel 
texture;  —  n,  pi  =,  (©eEe=  o.  b.)  tissue,  texture 
fig  tissue;  p  ('»S  ©nof)  idle  chatter,  twattle 
SBætte  vt  &  i  weave;  fio  F  twattle,  prose;  F 
Sirteni  SBobmel  preachify,  sermonize;  -be  S^øje 
textile  fa  bries. 

SJoeoer  a  fe  SBeber. 

SBtcoer  c  e  weaver;  fe  -fugl,  -Inægt.  -orbejbiL 
weaver's  work.  -bom  weaver's  beam.  -breng 
weaver's  apprentice.  "fwnj  weaver,  Ploceus. 
•^aanbbccrt  weaver's  craft.  iBatueri'  n  -er  weaving 
manufactory.  ^æt)er|ittbuftri  textile  industry. 
-lam  (Oiitter  pi)  weaver's  reed(s),  slaie(s).  -f (iftec 
weaver's  starch,  dressing,  -fnube  weaver's  knot. 
-Inægt  Onieft)  harvest-man,  Phalaiig%uni  opilio. 
-lob  fe  SJæb  c  -labe  lay;  batten,  comb-tray. 
•mefter  master-weaver.  -penge  weaver's  wages. 
-ffomraci  treddle  of  a  loom.  SSættetfle  c  -r  (fe- 
male)  weaver.  -flette,  -ft^ttel  weaver's  shuttle. 
-fpole  quill;  (til  Cpljafpning)  windingspool.  -ftang 
fe  -6om.  -ftot  fe  SJæb  c  -fJne  weaving-room, 
weaver's  work-room.  -fuenb journeyman  weaver. 

SBætil  o.  fl.,  fe  SSetil. 

SBoe'blKren  histology.     iBæ'tining  c  weaving. 

—  *S8æ'»)|fIc  fe  SSæbertom.  *-ftcbtnbec  reed-cutter. 
SBætiélærcn  histology. 

^æit  fe  aSrefSt. 

♦SBccjtcrlig  a  in  fuU  growth,  growing  well. 
•i8æt§tcrffo»)  wood  in  full  growth. 

SB«lfungcrnc  the  Wolsungs. 

SBølunb  Wayland  (the  Smith), 

SBaltte  c  sibyl. 

*iBerc  vt  heed.  regard. 

*!8«rter  c  &  w  (sweet-)  wort.  -fage  wort-cake, 
sweet  cake. 


I,  E  M  -er  X,  x;  fætte  en  et  X  for  et  U  throw 
dust  into  one's  eyes,  humbug  one. 

Xantbi'n  c  xan'thine. 

Xantqifl  a  Xanthian. 

Xnnt^oge'n  n  xan'thogen.  -furt  Salt  xan- 
thate.  -f^re  hydroxanthic  acid.  Xant]^o)>rotei'n< 
f^W  xanthopote'ic  acid. 

Xantippe  c  -r  xanthippe,  shrew,  vixen. 

3£ebet'  c  -!er  xebec. 

3Eere§  c  sherry  (wine). 

Xqlolgra'f  c  -er  xylog'rapher,  wood-engraver. 
•grafe're  vt  engrave  ou  wood.  -grafi'  c  xylo- 
g'raphy,  wood  -  engraving.  -gta'pff  a  xylo- 


),  ^  n  -er  Y,  y  [wy]. 

}a:  fige  _  bray  (llke  an  ass). 

)aåit  c  -er  yacht;  SejIobS  meb 

I  en,   ber   brioer   benne   Sport   yachtsman.     -flab 
-er  yachting;  |     g)af(ofSe)  c  fe  (Srgnteofle. 




^amHtOi)  c  yam,  Dioacorea. 

^anlee  c  -r  Yankee. 

^at'agan  c  -er  yataghan. 

^awd  (Si)9bom),yaws, 

^be  rf  (gioe)  yield,  render;  (betole,  f.  ©ts.  Slat) 
pay;  _  SInerfenbelfe  do  justice  to;  _  røobftanb 
offer  resistance;  _  JpQlbeft  do  homage  lo;  _  ^icetp 
lend  assistance  to.  *^be|eone  productivy.  t-^«, 
t-torn  oio.  hay,  corn  etc.  payable  as  rent. 
^belfe  c  -r  yielding  etc;  conc  prestation,  con- 
trihution.    ?)ber  c  -e  contributor,  payer. 

g)beT|aune  glume.  -borl  outer  bark.  -bunb 
4,  outer  Shell.  *-6uf8er  overalls,  -bteger  outer 
calyx.  -bel  exterior.  -b«r  outer  door.  -enbc 
outer  end.  -folb  »I-  outer-halyard.  -filet  uuder 
-side.  -flabe  outer  el.  external  surface.  -flig 
outer  lobe.  *-frafte  top-coat,  greatcoat.  -garn 
(i  2oDB.)  outside  el.  outer  yarns.  -graU  outer 
fosse  el.  treuch.  -grænfe  outer  boundary.  -Ijub 
fe  Ober^ub;  (p.  SKonitor)  outside  skin.  -tant  ex- 
treme  verge,  outskirt.  -Il^tier  outer  jib.  -flab= 
-ning  ^  outer  planking.  +-frcbå  periphery.  -loar 
outside  el.  roasting  side  of  the  round.  -leb 
math  extreme.    -lem  extremity. 

^berlig  a  extreme,  excessive;  +(ubt)orte§)  out- 
Avard;  adv  near  the  edge;  (i  I)øi  ®rab)  extremely, 
excessively;  comp  -ere  further,  additional,  adv 
further,  in  addition,  -gaaenbe  a  extreme,  ultra; 
c  extremist,  ultra.  -^eb  c  -er  extreme,  extremity; 
brioe  til  -  push  to  an  extreme;  lobe  bet  fommc 
til  -er  carry  things  to  extremities. 

^berllig  J,  leech;  leech-rope.  -llwle  outline. 
-lontme  outer  pocket.  -lære :  lieftenS  _ :  the  con- 
formation  of  the  horse,  -mere  adv  furthermore, 
moreover;  hereafter.  -mur  outer  wall.  -nol  ^ 
outer  yard-arm.  -^jlabe  outside  plate.  -^labd 
outside  place.  •-^loft  outpost.  -puntt  extreme. 
-canb  outer  edge.  -reb  outer  road.  -ftbe  out- 
side. -ffal  outer  rind;  (2)ampf.)  shell.  -ffanfe 
outer  intrenchment.  -^orpe  outer  crust.  -fCrue 
female  screw.  -fløbbarm  ^l,  tack.  -^øbe  ji,  (til 
SæfeiO  tack.  -flag  ^  riding  turn.  -fpibS  ex- 

©berft  »up  outmost,  extreme;  (®rab)  utmost, 
extreme;  ben  fom  gaar  eller  ftaar  _  the  outside 
one;  ben  -e  3lrmob  the  utmost  poverty,  extreme 
poverty;  ben  -e  S)ag  the  day  of  judgment;  ben  -e 
@nbe  the  extremity;  ben  -e  gfare  extreme  peril; 
i  -e  ®rab  in  the  last  degree;  bet  -e  9KørIe  the 
outer  darkness;  ben  -e  ^riS  the  outside  price; 
af  -e  S^gtigfieb  of  the  last  importance  el.  conse- 
quence;  bet  -e  jSjeblif  the  last  moment;  tjcere  el. 
ligge  paa  fit  ?)berfte  be  at  the  last  extremity; 
bet  er  lommet  til  bet  -e  meb  ^am,  ^an  er  bragt  til 
bet  -e  he  is  reduced  to  extremity,  put  to  his 
last  shifts,  he  is  at  the  last  cast;  ^an  laber  bet 
tomme  til  bet  -e,  før  ....  he  carries  things  to 
extremities,  before  .  .  . ;  til  bet  -e  to  the  utmost; 
forfoare  til  bet  -e  defend  to  the  last  extremity; 
—  Qberft  adv  farthest  out,  on  the  outside,  at 
the  extreme  el.  very  end  el.  edge;  (®rab)  ex- 
tremely, exceedingly,  (bagefter  Slbj.)  in  the  ex- 
treme; _  tiltiøjre  farthest  to  the  right. 

2)ber|ftation  out -station,  -ftemme  extreme 
part.  -ftilling  extreme  position.  *-ft«»>lcr  pi 
over-boots,  -f»m  outer  seam.  -taa  outer  toe. 
•totter  pi  outside  strands,  -txappt  steps  before 
the  house,  -tei  outerstufF  (of  a  garment).  -tetn 
^  riding  turn.  -tianb  outside  water.  ''-»eb 
sap.  -Derbenen  the  outer  el.  external  world. 
•tinling  outer  gammoning.  -»æg  outer  el.  ex- 
ternal wall.  -Ooerelfe  outer  room  el.  apartment. 
9'bmQg  a  humV)le,  lowly.  ^bm^ge  vt  humble, 
humiliate;  _  fig  for  en  humble  one's  self  el.  one's 
pride  before  one;  nbe  a  humiliating.  ?)b= 
m^'itliS  adv  humble.    ^bm^gelfe  c  -r  humilia- 

tion.  ^b'm^g^eb  c  humility,  humbleness,  low- 

?)'bre  a  outer,  outward;  exterior,  external;  ben 
_  aJliSfion  the  foreign  mission;  bet  -  the  out- 
ward appearance,  the  surface,  the  exterior. 
2)bre  >t  JpiifctS  -  the  exterior  el.  externals  of 
the  house;  en?  -  one's  exterior,  (outward) 
appearance,  presence;  ^anS  ^ele  _  his  tout  en- 
semMe;  ^ar  et  biftingoeret  -  is  distinguished 

2)lbe  op  vt  unknit,  unweave. 

^m))e  c  -r  graft,  scion.  ^mpt  vt  graft,  in- 
oculate  (on).  -tni»  o.  fl.  fe  «|Jobe=.  g)m|)ning  c 

2)mte  vi  om  whisper,  talk  softly  el.  secretly 
of;  ber  -8  om  it  is  darkly  whispered,  It  is  hinted; 
—  vt  breathe. 

^nbe  vt  like,  be  fond  of,  be  partial  to,  affect; 
_  fig  inb,  fe  ^nb^nbe;  —  ^nbet  u  liked,  favourite; 
en  -t  ©fuefptHer,  Sigter  a  popular  actor,  poet; 
gøre  fig  -t  af  ingratiate  one's  self  with,  make 
one's  self  liked  with;  ^an  er  -t  (begunftiget)  af 
Songen  he  is  favoured  by  the  king;  §an  er  -t  af 
goltet  he  is  popular,  he  is  a  favourite  with  the 
people.  ^ttbe  c  -r  grace,  charm,  ^nbejfulb  fe 
-rig.  t^nbelig  a  fe  ^nbig.  +2)nbela8  a  ungrace- 
ful.  ^nber  c  -e  lover,  ^nberig  a  charming, 
graceful.  ^nbeft  c  favour,  good  graces;  t  =  ?)nbe; 
i  _  f)oi  en  in  favour  with  one,  in  one's  good 
graces;  fætte  fig  i  _  ^o8  ingratiate  one's  self 
with.  g)nbig  a  graceful;  tiubmærfet)  charming, 
delightful,  amr  elegant,  ^nbigtieb  c  -er  charm. 
^nbling  c  -er  favourite.  —  ^nbling§=  favourite, 
pet.  j)nbling3{i)ef{Kfttgelfe  favourite  occupa- 
tion  el.  pursuit,  hobby,  -b^r  pet  animal.  -^erre= 
bømme  favouritism.  -ibé  crotchet.  +-I9P  hobby. 
■tilbøjelig^eb  predileetion. 

?)ngel  c  (ogf.  cont)  brood;  (giffeS)  fry;  (S^ampig= 
noneré)  spawn;  (jSftet«)  spat.  -tnolb,  -tnop,  -leg 
axillary  bulb.  -fom  a  prolific.  -fom^eb  c  proli- 
ficness.  ■ta»le  comb  that  contains  young  brood. 
•t«r»  (S^amp.)  spawn  brick. 

^ngle  vi  breed,  multiply,  propagate.  ^ngtej^ 
bam  breeding  pond.  -ePne  procreative  power. 
•tavpe  brood-carp.  -fnop  fe  ?)ngel=.  ^nglett  c 
breeding.  ^ng(e|plabS,  -fteb  breeding  place. 
-tib  breeding  time,  (gugleS)  brooding -  time, 
(gifteå)  spawning-season. 

Yngling  c  -er  youth,  young  man.  ^ngtingej, 
g)ttgltng§|alber  adolescence,  (age  el.  years  of) 
youth.    -forening  young  men's  association. 

^ngre  conp  af  Ung  younger;  (af  fenere  Sato) 
later;  et  »Par  9Kaaneber  _  enb  jeg  a  few  months 
younger  than  I,  a  f  m.  my  junior  el.  junior  to 
me,  my  junior  by  a  few  months;  be  _  SKeblemmer 
the  junior  members;  ben  _  ©ten=,  3ærnalber  the 
later  stone,  iron  age;  ®e  fer  _  ub  (enb  Se  er)  you 
don't  look  your  age.    gngft  »up  youngest. 

2)nf  c  Oommet)  misery,  wretchedness;  (9Reb= 
^nt)  pity;  bet  Bar  en  -  at  fe  it  was  a  pitiful 
sight;  faa  bet  Bar  en  _  pitifully,  miserably.  2)«Ie 
vt  pity;  Qnleå  vt  oBer  (-hBeb)  have  pity  on,  com- 
miserate,  pity;  *  -  fig  vr  wail.  ^ntelig  a  piti- 
ful, pitiable,  miserable,  ^nteligiieb  cpitifulness, 
miserableness.  §)ntfom  a  (elenbig)  miserable, 
wretched;  (raeblibenbe)  compassionate.  ^^ntfom* 
^eb  c  compassion.  ^nt|»(sr'big  a  pitiable,  piti- 
ful.   -»aer'bigt)eb  c  pitiableness. 

^»ern  n  Ypres. 

t9j»ern  c  wych  elm,  Scotch  elm,  Ulmus  mon- 

2)p|(e  vt  raise;  _  en  Xrcette  stir  up  a  quarrel; 
_  Klammeri  meb  en  pick  a  quarrel  with  one. 

ypperlig  a  excellent,  capital.  -^eb  c  excel- 
lence, superiority.  i^pperft  a  supreme,  highest, 
chief;  er  ben  -e  holds  the  first  place.     g)p|>erfte| 




pra\t  high  prlest,  pontiflf;  -en§  SSærbig^eb  the 
high-prieslshlp,  the  pontiflcate.  -pttefttlxQ  a 

^^^ig  a  (frobig)  liixuriant,  exnberant;  {ot)er= 
baobig)  luxurious.  -^cb  c  (Oberbaabigtieb)  luxiiry; 
(grobig^ebj  luxuriancy,  exuberance. 

*glre  vi  swarm. 

*^rle  n  craft,  tråde,  art. 

+2)ff  a  brave. 

g)fo<)  c  hyssop. 

*9fite  vt  make  (cheese).  gftctl'  n  -er  cheese 
-making  establishment,  cheese-dairy  g)fitn{ng  c 

*^te  c  sap  wood,  blea. 

2)lrc  tt  ntter,  express;  ^an  l)or  engang  -t  for 
mig  he  once  said  to  me;  ^on  t>il  iHe  _  fig  beroin 

for  nogen  he  will  not  tell  anybody  his  opinion 
of  it,  he  will  not  declare  el.  express  himseli' 
concerning  this  matter  to  any  one;  be  fibfle 
Crb  -be§  langjomt  the  last  words  came  out 
slowly;  ®t)gbontnien  i)ax  enbnu  itfe  -t  fig  the 
disease  has  not  yet  appeared  el.  broken  ont 
ber  -be  fig  nionge  Segn  ipaa  SDJi?foniøjelfe  therd 
appeared  many  .»iymptoms  of  discontent;  en^Bea 
Kroft  ftræber  ibeligt  at  -  fig  any  power  is  con^ 
stantly  endeavouring  to  manifest  itself.  ?)trittj 
c  -er  uttering;  expression,  saying,  remark;  (a 
Jivaft  ofb.)  manifestation.  — g)tring§|frit|eb  liberts 
el.  freedom  of  speech.  -maabe  mode  of  expressioi 
el.  of  manifestation. 

^ttcrjorb  c  yttria.    ^ttriunt  n  yttrium. 

^t)cr  n  -e  udder,  bag.    -ietænbelfe  inflamma'^ 
tlon  of  the  udder. 


S,  S  ]©æt']  n  -ber  Z,  z  [zed  el.  izzard]. 

Sfliiftnri'ag  Zachariah,  ($rof.)  Zechariah. 

.Aaffer  n  zafFre,  zaffer. 

SoW^ammet,  -faSfc  pay-offlce,  -department, 
Paymaster  General's  department. 

Aatnio  c  Sambo,  Zambo. 

Aott  a  fe  ©ort. 

AeBaot^ :  ben  ^erre  _  the  Lord  of  sabaoth. 

St^va  c  -er  zebra,  Equus  zebra,  -agtiøa:  nteb 
-e  Striber  zebra-striped.  -træ  zebra-wood  (af 
Omphalobium  Lamberti).     -ulti  fe  53ung=. 

3cJ«fof8e)  c  zebu,  Indian  ox.  Bos  indicus. 

lebulon  bibl  Zebulun. 
Je(!^{'n  c  -er  se'quin,  ze'chin. 
Sec^^CH  c  zechstein. 
iebe^ta^  Zedechiah. 
tebøatrob  c  zed'oary,  Cvcuma. 

JefJjr  c  Zeph'yr.  -garn  Berlin  avooI.  -Kæbe 
zephyr  cloth.    -tet  a  zephyr-like. 

3eIo't  c  -er  zeal'ot.  -ift  a  passionately  zeal- 
ous,  fanatical. 

3etiit^ » zen'ith;  i  _  in  el.  at  the  zenith.  -bi« 
ftance  zenith  distance. 

3coIit^'  c  ze'olite. 

Biliettat  c  zib'et,    Viverra  zibetha. 

Biel)IHng  fe  ©i!Iing. 

Biffer  n  -fre,  fe  ©iffer. 

Bigctt'ner  c  -e  gipsy;  -ne  (ogf.)  Little  Ægypt. 
Biøcuncriagttg  a  gipsy-like,  Bohemian.  -ibanbe 
set  el.  gang  of  gipsles.  -6artt  gipsy-child.  -foH  pi 
gipsies.  Siocunerinb'e  c  -r  gipsy-woman.  3^9^«' 
nerllio  glpsy  life.  -})ige  gipsy-girl.  ^tgeunerffe  c 
-r  gipsy-woman.  3<flEttner|fVr«)g  gipsy  dialect, 
zingarree.    -telt  gipsy's  tent.    -Oæfen  gipsyism. 

Sitjat  n  zigzag.    -linie  zigzag  line. 

Sint  c  zinc,  zink.  -ngtig  like  zink.  -amalgam 
amalgam  of  zinc.    -arbejbet  zinc-worker.    -afle 

dross  of  zinc.    -btenbe  zinc-blende,  black-jacS 
-6Iit  sheet-zinc.    -blomfter  zinc-bloom. 

3tnte  c  -r  comet. 

3tnl|crt§  zinc-ore.  -gla8  calamine.  -^o(bi( 
a  zinkiferous.  -tiutbt  zink-white.  -^^brojtji 
zinc-hydrate.  t-ilte  fe  -oj^b.  -larbonat  zinc  car^ 
bonate,  calamine.  -florib  zinc  chloride.  -Ojtji 
zinc  oxide.  -<)labc  plate  el.  sheet  of  zink.  -))ol 
zincode.  -r«g  solidified  zinc-vapours.  -fjjojj 
sparry  calamine.  -ftitning  zincography.  -ftaber 
zink-works.  -fulfat  zinc  sulphate.  -tag  zinfl 
•covered  roof,  zinc-covering.  -bitriot  zinc-vitriolj 
White  vitriol.    -cetSning  fe  -ftitning. 

3inno'ber  e  &  n  cinnabar.  -tab a  vermilion| 
-røbt  n  cinnabar  red. 

Bipo'ra  Zipporah. 

3ir  0.  fl.  fe  ©ir. 

Sirbcttræ  n  Siberian  stone-pine,  Pinua  eembra. 

Birfo'n  n  zir'con.  3i>^ti>'nium  n  zirconium. 
3irfoninm|ilte,  -jorb  zirconia. 

3ifcl  c  zizel,  zisel,  suslik,  Spermophiltie  citiUiia. 

3it^cr  c  cither,  cithern,  cittern.  -f^jiUcr  player 
on  the  cither. 

3itre  vi  0.  fl.,  fe  ©ttre. 

3obel  fe  ©obel. 

Bobiala'U^S  n  zodi'acal  light. 

Bono  c  (©t)gb.)  shingles. 

3one  c  -r  zone. 

3oo|fl)t'c-erzo'ophyte.-Iemi'czooch'emy. -(o'g 
c  -er  zool'ogist.  -logi'  c  zool'ogy.  -lo'giftazoolog'- 
ical;  ben -e^afte  the  Zoologicai  Garden,  F  the  Zoo. 

3ua'ti  c  -er  zouave. 

Buibcrf«en  Zuyder  Zee. 

Aulu  c  -er,  -faffer  Zulu.    -lanbet  Zululand. 

Biiridft  n  Zurieh. 

Bweibriitfen  n  Bipont,  Deuxponts. 

Btotbel  fe  ©bibel. 

BQmo'ti^  a  zymot'ic. 


31®,  æ  n  -er  diphthong. 
3®'ble  n  -X  apple;  -t  falber  iffe  langt  fra  ©tammen 
such  as  the  tree  is,  such  is  the  fruit;  like  sire 

(el.  father),  like  son;  like  mother,  like  child; 
bibe  i  bet  fure  _  make  a  virtue  of  necessity, 
swallow  the  (bitter)  pill;  gioe  et  _  for  at  fao  en 




l^ære  i  Stebet  throw  a  sprat  to  catch  a  herring. 
3(fbIe!oar  (gobt)  (good)  year  for  apples.  -agtig 
a  resembling  an  apple.  -bloinfl  apple  blossom. 
■frugt  pome.  •gaarb  orchard.  -gelé  apple 
-jelly.  -gr«t>  apple -fool,  (meb  riflcbe  93røbftitier) 
apple  Charlotte,  -grøn  a  apple -green,  -^aoe 
orehard.  -loge  apple -cake.  ^-taxt  codling. 
•ferne  kemel  of  an  apple.  -lerne^nS  apple 
-core.  -fomtJOt  stewed  apples.  -lone  fe  -fæUing. 
-fOAbc  apple -quince.  •IccUing  apple  woman, 
coster- monger.  -ntoS  apple -sauce;  fe  -greb. 
-ntoft  cider,  -poitti  apple- pie.  -rofe  fe  Stn=. 
-runb  a  apple-shaped.  -ftol  peel  of  an  apple. 
-ffimmel  a  dapple-gray.  -ffioe  (Sfioe  af  æ&Ie) 
sliee  of  an  apple;  t(©Ia93  Sage)  dough-nut. 
-flioeftcne  pi  cup-stones.  -ffræl,  -ftræUing 
paring  of  an  apple.  -ftilt  apple -stalk.  -f^re 
malic  acid.  -ttb  apple  season.  -træ  apple-tree, 
Pvnts  waiug.  -tfltrte  apple-tart.  -Diller  codling 
moth,  Carpocapsn  pomonana.  -tiin  apple  wine. 
-ætet  malic  ether. 

SGbbife  c  fe  ebbife. 

3(?be,  aab,  æbt  vt  eat;  (om  ®Qr,  lebe  af)  feed 
upon;  (fortære,  om  ftorpe  iBæbffer)  corrode;  giue 
at  _  feed;  -  i  fig  (ogf.  fig)  swallow;  _  om  fig 
spread;  _  .©iil  igennem  eat  a  hole  through;  — 
vr  ~  fig  inb  i  eat  into;  _  fig  inb  el.  op  i  Sinben 
hug  the  wind;  -r  fig  igennem  eats  its  way  through. 
3eie  c  &  n  food.  SGbeibolt  P  glutton.  -gilbe 
p  feed.  -gloS  seed-glass.  -foSfe,  -!o^>  seed 

9@bel  a  noble;  _  |ieft  blood  horse;  -ble  SDJetaHer 
precious  (el.  noble)  metals,  bullion;  -t  Wetol 
perfect  metal;  be  -blere  ffiele  the  vital  parts  el. 
organs;  _  ^olbning  graceful  bearing;  _  58in 
generous  wine;  fe  SRuft.  Sd^beljangelit  garden 
angelica,  Archangelica  o/ficinalis.  -baarcn,  -bXfV' 
big  a  of  noble  birth,  noble-born.  -fait  noble 
el.  true  falcon.  -gran  silverfir,  Pinus  i>icea. 
-fteb  c  nobleness.  f-^jertigljeb  c  generosity. 
tSebeli^  a  noble. 

9(£be(tg  a  eatable. 

9@belitoraI  isis.  -loift  scion,  graft.  -manr  fe 
(s!oe=.  -mob  fe  -mooig^eb.  -mo'big  o  noble- 
mindeu,  magnanimous,  generous.  -niobig^eb  c 
noblemindedness,  magnanimity,  generosity.  -ri8 
fe  -feift.  -rnft  fe  9?uft.  -finb  fe  -mobig^eb.  -finbet 
fe  -mobig.  -ften  precious  stone,  gem;  uægte  _ 
paste.    -tÆntenbe  a  noble-minded. 

9gbe!h)ft  appetite  for  food.  +-I^ften  a  hungry. 
9(Sben  c  eating,  9(Sber  c  -e  eater,  feeder.  9@be< 
rrbffab  organ  of  eating.  Srøberl'  n  gormandizing. 
36be|ft)ge  inordinate  appetite  for  food,  bulimia, 
bulimy.  -tib  feeding-time.  -trug  trough  for 
feeding.    -oarer  fe  gøbeoarer. 

røbi'l  c  -er  e'dile. 

9(£'b(ing  c  -e  noble  man,  worthy. 

3G'bru  a  sober;  blioe  _  sober;  gøre  _  sober. 
9(?brn'eltg  a  sober.  9@brueltg^cb  c  sobriety. 
2(Sbru^eb  c  sobemess. 

Srøbfc  fe  Setfe. 

3ég  [*aeg')  c  -ge  edge;  (p.  %b\)  selvage;  flibe 
-  TDdd  give  an  edge  to. 

3Gg  [*9<fg']  n,  pi  =,  egg;  ^  ovule;  fom  et 
pillet  -  as  a  new  penny,  neat  as  a  pin;  lægge  _ 
lay;  biippe  i  _  egg,  -get  Dil  lære  Jpenen  Jack  Sprat 
would  teaoh  his  gi'andam,  go  and  teach  your 
grandmother  (to  suck  eggs  el.  to  milk  ducks). 
$($g!6(Crenbe  a  egg-bearing,  oviferous,  ovigerous. 
-bannclfe  egg-development.  -bonnct  a  egg 
-shaped,  ovate.  *-bram  fe  SGggcfnopS.  •formet, 
•forntig  fe   bannet. 

9@gge  vt  egg,  stir,  goad;  _  til  SRaferi  stir  to 
frenzy;  _  til  at  goad  on  to;  —  -nbe  a  stimulat- 
ing,  inciting. 

$@ggei blomme  yelk  el.  yolk  of  an  egg.    -bor. 

•braab  ovipositor.  -bæger  egg -cup.  -bæger^ 
ftotio  egg-stand.  -bani  dance  among  eggs 
laid  on  the  ground.  -gul  a  yellow  (as  the 
yolk  of  an  egg).  -^anbler  egg -dealer,  egg 
-merchant.  -^inbe  membrane  round  the  white 
of  an  egg.  -t)Oibe  white  of  an  egg,  oval- 
bumen,  glair.  -^Pibeagtig  u  albuminoid,  glairy. 
-IjOtbetjolbig  a  albuminous.  -^pibeftof  albumen. 
-ftotbefljgbom  Bright's  disea.^e.  -Ijene  brood-hen, 
layer.  -fagc  omelet;  _  meb  fine  Urter  savoury 
omelet;  _  meb  ©pltetej  sweet  omelet,  •toger  egg 
-glass.    -top  eggcup.    -lebet  oviduct. 

aGggcIfc  c  stimulation,  incitement.  9(^ggelfe$> 
mibbel  incentive. 

3(Sgge{mab  food  made  of  eggs.  -mælt  custard. 
-palning  egg-packing.  -pifter  egg-whisk,  egg 
-beater.  -runb  a  oval.  -rare  fe  Møræg.  -^ai 
egg-shell.  -ftnm  frothed  eggs.  -fnapd  egg-flip, 
eggnog.  -fnstte  ovula.  -fpifc  ie  -mob.  -ftou 
arcti  ovum.  -ftel  egg-stand.  -ftot  ovary.  -f^g 
a  about  to  lay  eggs;  fig  cont  agog.  -fi»be  egg 
-soup.  -tobb^  fe  seg-.  -ubrugning^maftine  fe 
fRngemaftine.  *oær  place  where  eggs  of  sea 
-birds  are  gathered.    -«l  (egg-)flip,  egg-hot. 

2Ggi'be  c  æ'gis. 

SGfljtern  n  edge-tool,  edged  tool. 

*9égle  vr  fig  inb  paa  en  pick  a  quarrel  with 
one.    -ftjg  a  quarrelsome. 

3@g|((eggettbe  a  oviparous.  -lægger  c  -e  (gob) 
(good)  layer.  -lægning  laying.  -lægningdapparat 

•aegne  vt  bait  (the  hook). 

96g|net  egg  net.  -olie  egg-oil.  -oft  custard. 
-plante  egg-plant,  mad-apple,  Solannm  melon- 
gena.     -ruub  a  oval. 

3($gftaa(  n  cutting-tool. 

tSégt  c  -er  (soccage)  driving. 

9@gte  a  (ægteføbt)  legitimate,  lawfully  be- 
gotten;  (uforfalftet)  genuine,  true;  _  gartie  lasting 
colonr;  _  (Jøbfel  legitimacy;  _  ^am  lawfully 
begotten  child;  _  ©tene  precious  stones;  »  ©ølt) 
real  silver;  en  -  Jpobona  a  real  Havana;  en  - 
Sngelffmanb  a  true(-born)  Englishman. 

9@gte  »:  til  _  in  marriage;  toge  til  _  marry. 
2(?flte  vt  marry.  -barn  child  got  in  wedlock, 
legitimate  child.  -folt  man  and  wife.  -forbin- 
belfe,  -forening  matrimonialconnection.  -fæMe 
spouse,  consort;  -r  fe  -Bor.  -føbfel  legitimacy. 
-^alPbet  better  half.  -Jjerre  spouse,  lord.  -^n« 
ftru  wedded  wife.  -tone,  -tPinbe  fe  -t)uftru.  -tæt» 
iigljcb  conjugal  affection.  -leje  fe  -feng.  -mage 
fe  -fælle,  •manb  married  man,  husband,  -pagt 
marriage  contract.  -par  married  couple.  -pet 
cont  goodman,  Benedick.  -feng  marriage  bed. 
-ftob  n  -er  matrimony,  marriage,  wedlock;  (2iB) 
married  life;  i  fit  førfte  _  l^aobe  ^an  en  Slatter  by 
his  flrst  marriage  he  had  a  daughter;  -er  flutteS 
i  jpimlen  marriages  are  made  in  heaven.  -ftabelig 
a  matrimonial,  conjugal,  connubial;  bet  -e  £iO 
married  life. 

3(Sgteftab§{baanb  connubial  tie,  bondsof  ma- 
trimony. -brub  adultery.  -brQber  adulterer. 
-br^berfle  c  -r  adulteress.  -!|inbring  obstacle 
to  marriage.  -tanbibat  marrying  man.  -ton» 
tratt  marriage-contract  el.  articles  pi.  -I^tte 
married  happiness.  -løfte  promise  of  marriage. 
-mægler  matrimonial  agent,  -plan  project  of 
marriage,  matrimonial  scheme.  -fag  matrimo- 
nial cause.    -ftilémiSfc  divorce. 

9iKgte|ft«nb  matrimony,  marriage,  wedlock, 
married  state.    -Pie  vt  marry.    -pitt  fe  -fiuftr«. 

S^gt^eb  c  genuineness. 

aegttørfel  c  fe  SGgt. 

ai@gtobbl)  c  eggnog,  egg-flip. 

aegiPoabcn  edged  weapon.  -penbe  vt  turn 
sides  to  middle. 




^qtfp't\ta  n  E'gypt.  -er  c,  -ift  a  Egyptian; 
-ip  TOerle  Cimmerian  darkness.  -olo'fl  c  -;r 
Egyptol'ogist,  Egyptol'oger. 

Stegæ'iffe  .&a»,  bet,  the  Ægean. 

9@tel  Pæt'el]  a  disgusting,  loathsome,  ful- 
some.  -iftt  c  disgust,  loathsomeness.  +$i(glle§ 
vd  bet,  fe  SSæmmeg. 

^tSlt  vi  (2;amr.)  make  a  peg-shoulder. 

Wtva't  a  e'qual  to. 

9®U)0'tor  c  the  equator,  the  line;  unber  -  on 
the  equator;  l308fere  _  cross  the  equator;  3orben§, 
|)imlen§  ~  the  terrestrial,  the  celestial  equator. 
■io'l  n  -er  equato'rial.  -ia't-  equato'rial.  -itt'I' 
liffert  fe  -iol  n. 

26ttii|Iibrift'  c  -er  equil'ihrist.  -nottia'i-  equi- 
noc'tial.     -tittient'  n  -er  (ogf.  chem)  equiv'alent. 

2©li>e  c  oldness,  old  age,  age;  antiquity. 
9®Ibe  vt  make  old;  -å  vd  grow  old,  age.  2®lb« 
gantmet  a  very  ancient,  very  old.  2@Ibre  cowp 
af  ®ammel  older,  elder;  _  gorbringer  prior  el. 
anterior  claims;  _  9lumre  (of  SBIab)  back  numbers; 
en  _  S)ome  an  elderly  lady;  ©nglaiibS  _  ^iftorie 
the  early  history  of  England;  ben  _  ^ærnalber 
the  early  (el.  earlier)  iron  age;  jeg  er  to  9lar  _ 
enb  i)an  I  am  his  senior  by  two  years;  jeg  følger 
fjælben  _  x^olU  SRaab  I  seldom  foUow  the  adviee 
of  my  elders.  trøliift  sup  af  ®animel  oldest, 
eldest  (elder  og  eldest  fun  attributtBt);  fra  be  -e 
2iber  from  the  earliest  times.  S^tbfte  pi  (i 
9ieligion8famfunb  og  bibl)  elders. 

mUtlfoll,  -tomt,  -vige  ofD.,  fe  ®IIe=. 

3@IItng  c  -er  duckling.  9@Itingeanb  duck  with 
a  brood  of  ducklings. 

W:lm  c  elm,  Ulmua;  ben  l^o§  oS  alm.,  fe  gpern; 
ben  i  Sngl.  alm.  common  el.  English  elm,  U. 
campeHris;  flærmblomftret  -  Dutch  elm,  U.  effuaa. 
2@Imetræ  elm;  elm  wood. 

2@lte  vt  knead;  f  »»'  plod,  trudge  (in  mud). 
t2<SUe  c  &  n  mud.  3)@(te| marine  butter- worker. 
-møQe  clay-mill.     9@Uning  c  kneading. 

9@minec  c  fe  ©mmert. 

3@mne  n  -x,  fe  emne. 

2Gnbre  vt  alter,  amend.  Irøtttirtng  c  alteration. 
9®ntiring§forf(ag  amendment;  fitEe  et  _  move 
an  amendment. 

9@ne'aSrøtte  cayopollin,  Philander  dorsiger. 

9Gnei'J»en  the  Eneid. 

9@ng  a  fe  (Sng. 

9@ngfte  vt  alarm,  frighten;  —  vr  fig,  -S  vd  be 
alarmed  el.  frightened.  3^ngfte{ig  a  (urolig) 
uneasy,  apprehensive;  (6elt)mret)  anxious;  (om= 
l^^ggelig)  scrupulous,  solicitous;  -halarming;  _  for 
uneasy  etc.  about.  ^C^ngftetig^eb  c  apprehen- 
sion;  anxiousness;  diffldence.  3i@ngftetfe  c  un- 
easiness;  anxiety. 

2@nfe  vt  regard,  heed,  notice,  pay  heed  to; 
uben  at  _  regardless  of. 

2@B'I|er  pi  Æolians.  -Iff  a  Æolian,  Eolian, 
Eoric;  n  (©t)rog)  Eol'ic. 

2®oI(tt)8^or<)e  c  Æo'lian  harp. 

tær  c  fe  St^orn. 

2® ro  c  era. 

2@'r|tiar  a  modest,  (om  Ubfeenbe,  9Kine)  demure. 
-6«'r^eb  c  modesty.  -he'bxq  a  respeetful,  defe- 
rential;  ®ere8  -e  2;jener  your  most  obedient  ser- 
vant;  min  -e  ©frioelfe  my  respects;  -ft  adv  (2JreB= 
ftil)  yours  (most)  respectfuUy.  -Iiø'big^cb  c  re- 
spect,  deference. 

2@re  c  honour;  ($æber)  glory;  _  bære  ®ub 
glory  be  to  God;  _  ben,  ber  -  hev  honour  where 
(el.  to  whom)  honour  is  due;  al  -  bærb  very 
creditable;  bet  er  al  _  tocerb  it  is  not  to  be  re- 
fused;  bet  er  min  _  for  nær  it  is  below  my  dig- 
nity,  below  me;  berøBe  en  ^ige  l^enbeS  _  dishonour 
a  maiden;  gøre  en  -  be  creditable  to  one,  be  a 
credit  to  one,    reflect  (much,  great)  credit  on; 

gøre  en  Hben  _  be  dlscreditable  to  one,  refl« 
little  credit  on;  gør  mig  ben  _  at  do  me  th 
honour  to;  jeg  iiav  ben  _  ot  Bære  ...  (i  IBreBe) 
have  the  honour  to  be  .  .  .;  jeg  flal  ^obe  ben 
I  shall  do  myself  the  honour;  ^øfte  baabe  _  i 
gortjenefte  obtain  honours  and  emoluments;  it 
leBne  en  _  for  en  ^alo  ©fiHing  abuse  one  Uke 
pickpocket;  mifte  fin  -  jur  be  branded  with  ( 
sentence  of)  ignominy;  Bife  en  ben  fibfte  -  pa 
one  the  last  honours;  —  (mebproep):  gøre  -  a 
make  much  of;  en  SOlanb  af  -  a  man  of  honoui 
an  honourable  man;  fom  9J}anb  af  _  in  honouj 
i)an  l)ar  megen  _  beraf  it  does  him  great  honou 
el.  credit,  it  redounds  much  to  his  honoui 
tragte  efter  _  pursue  glory;  i  5Eugt  og  _  in  a 
honour  and  decency;  SereS  Drb  i  -  with  yo 
leave;  liolbe  i  _  honour;  ^an  ^ar  ingen  _  i  2i»( 
he  has  no  feeling  of  honour  about  him;  fætte  ( 
_  i,  gøre  fig  en  _  af  take  a  pride  in,  think  it  ai 
honour,  glory  in;  i)on  fætter  en  _  i  it  is  his  an 
bition  to;  paa  -n§  SSlaxt  in  the  field  of  honoui 
paa  (min)  _  upon  my  honour;  t>aa  -  og  ©amo' 
tig^eb!  honour  bright!  regne  fig  bet  til  _  tak 
credit  to  one's  self  for  -ing;  naar  ©naBS  fomm 
til  -,  Beb  bet  iffe,  l^Borban  bet  Bil  Bære  put  a  bei 
gar  on  horseback  and  he  will  ride  to  the  dev; 
2@rc  vt  honour;  ær  btn  gaber  og  SlKober  hono 
thy  father  and  thy  mother;  ben  -be  Sæfer  tJ 
(genlle)  reader;  ffiereS  -be  your  favour.  26re| 
Itegærlig  a  covetous  of  honours.  -bigt  laud 
tory  poem,  eulogy  in  verse.  -fornærmelfe 
injurie,  -f r^gt  awe,  veneration;  ^aBe  _  for  rev( 
rence,  revere.  -fr^gtbqbcnbe,  -frt)gtinbgqben' 
a  awful;  (ærBærbig)  venerable.  -f«lb  a  honov 
able,  glorious.  -ttæbntng,  -Kæber  state-dre 
robe  of  honour.  -lær  a  jealous  of  one's  honoui 
nice  on  the  point  of  honour.  -lær^eb  c  jealou: 
of  one's  honour.  -Ia§  a  ignominious,  infamoui 
dishonourable.  -tod^eb  c  ignominy,  infam 
dishonourableness.  -minbe  monument  to  one' 

2Grenbc  n  -r  errand;  commission;  gaa  -r 
errands,  run  (on)  errands,  be  sent  (on)  messagei 
^igen  bleB  fenbt  i  _  the  servant  was  sent  on  (a: 
errand;  ^an  l^ar  ubrettet  ftt  _  he  has  done 
errand;  meb  Bel  forrettet  _  with  the  object  of  hii 
mission  accomplished;  fe  Uforrettet;  ^Bob  er  ®ere§ 
_?  what  is  your  business  (with  me)?  l^au  fagbe 
mig  -t  he  told  me  the  errand;  jeg  ^ar  et  _  I  have 
something  to  do;  giorbe  fig  et  _  ber  found  some 
pretext  for  going  there;  gaa  en§  _  fig  play  into 
one's  hånds.  2(Srenbe(«§  a  =  meb  uforrettet 
Serenbe     *26renb§ftfr  a  fit  to  do  errands. 

2@retH>rt§  c  speedwell,   Veronica. 

2@re|:port  triumphal  arch  el.  gateway.  -rig  a 
rich  in  honour,  glorious.  -rørenbe,  -r«rlg  a 
defamatory,  injurious  to  one's  honour,  libellous. 
-rartg^eb  c  defamatory  nature. 

3@re3|6et)i§ning  demonstration  of  honour. 
-Borger  honorary  citizen  el.  freeman;  gøre  en  tit 
_  af  ©tåben  present  the  honorary  freedom  of  the 
city  to  one.  -bag  day  of  glory.  -bame  lady  of 
honour.  -br tf t  innate  love  of  honour.  -embebe 
post  of  honour.  -erltærtng  apology,  honourable 
amends.  -forfbor  defence  of  one's  honour. 
-felclfe  (sense  of)  honour.  -gotie  fe  S6ref(ænf. 
-grab  honours.    -gælb  debt  of  honour. 

2($re§|!(æbntng  dress  of  honour.  -tran§  crown 
of  honour.  2ereffub  salute.  —  2@re|ffænbenbe 
a  fe  -rørig,  -flænber  defamer,  slanderer.  -ffænl 
present  el.  gift  of  honour.  2(Sre3|Iegton  legion 
of  honour.  -nteblem  honorary  member.  -0|>« 
rejigning  (honourable)  satisfaction.  -orb  word 
of  honour;  paa  -  on  my  honour;  on  parole;  jeg 
giBer  3)em  mit  _  paa,  at  .  .  .  I  pledge  you  my 
honour  that .  . .   -pojt  post  of  honour.   -pvcemit 




prize  of  honour,  honorary  prize.  •firæftbent 
honorary  chairman.  -rettnitiQ  defence  of  (one's 
own  el.  another's)  honour,  rehabilitation,  -ret 
court  of  honour.  -fadet  honorary  el.  memorial 
sword.  -fag  point  of  hononr;  affair  of  honour; 
action  for  defamation;  bet  er  en  ~  for  l^om  at  he 
is  in  honour  bound  to.  -f  alut  salute  of  honour. 
-fm^tle  honourable  decoration.  -ftrof  ignoml- 
nious  punishment.  +-fæbe  fe  2©re--.  -tegw  badge 
of  honour.  -titet  title  of  honour.  •trin  degree 
of  honour.  3(Sreåt)agt  guard  of  honour.  9Gre= 
fflfle  pas.sion  for  honour.  2Gref«be  seat  of 

taeretræ  fe  9tt)orn. 

3@re|tqo  fe  -ftænber.  -tetft  thirst  of  honour, 
ambition.    -uer§  fe  -bigt. 

♦rø'rfufll  fe  (Sberfugl. 

SCSrgerlig  o  vexatiou.s,  provoking,  annoying, 
aggravating;  (ærgret)  vexed,  annoyed,  nettled; 
6litie  _  otier  noget  be  vexed  el.  annoyed  at  some- 
tliing;  tjoere  _  paa  be  vexed  with;  i  en  -  ®rob 
Ipffelig  aggravatingly  happy. 

SGrflet  rig  a  ambitions.    -^|eb  c  ambition. 

3@rgre  vt  vex,  annoy,  provoke,  fret;  _  inberlig 
uettle;  —  «r  fig  be  vexed,  annoyed;-  fig  ooer 
be  vexed  at,  fret  at,  be  annoyed  by,  ouer  at 
that;  _  ftg  hemmelig  fret  inwardly.  -tfe  c  -r  vex- 
ation,  annovance,  ohagrin. 

mttt   fe  erfe=. 

Sé'riig  a  honest,  fair,  upright;  naar  man  bil 
Boere  _  in  fairness;  bet  er  en  _  ©ag  it  is  no  crime; 
mit  -e  9Ja»n  my  fair  name;  fe  Slinb;  -  adv 
honestly;  ben  er  ~  fine  10  Sroner  oærb  it  is  worth 
10  er.,  if  one;  _  talt  honestly;  mene  bet  _  meo  en 
mean  well  by  one;  fom  ^an  _  fortjener  as  he 
amply  el.  richly  deserves.  -^cb  c  honesty,  fair- 
ness; -  dårer  længft  honesty  is  the  best  policy, 
honesty  is  best  at  et.  in  the  long  run. 

9@rme  n  -r  sleeve;  Binbe  en  noget  paa  -t  palm 
a  falsehood  upon  one,  htimbug  one,  throw  dust 
into  one's  eyes;  rtjfte  en  Sale  af  -t  make  an  off 
-hånd  speech;  SBonben  ftilfer  ^am  ub  of  -t  what 
is  bred  in  the  bone  will  never  be  got  out  of 
the  flesh.  -fober  sleeve-lining.  -forlltcbe  pin- 
afore.  -gab,  -^itl  hole  for  the  sleeve.  -laabe 
cloak  with  sleeves.  -Ilna<)  sleeve-button;  bo6< 
belte  -r  a  pair  of  sleeve-links.  -linning  wrist- 
liand.  -(«å  a  sleeveless.  -f))j(Elb  gusset.  -ttce 
(Stræb.)  slee ve-board 

2©rt  c  -er  pea  {pi  peas  &  [coll]  pease),  Pisum 
»ativum;  granne  -er  green  peas;  graa  -er  gray  el. 
field  peas;  gule  -er  garden  peas,  (Suppe)  (old) 
pea-soup;  fe  Jtlare.  —  2©rte]ager  field  of  peas. 
-beb  bed  of  peas.  -btomft  papilionaeeous  flower. 
•blomftrebe  pi  papilionaceous  piants.  -balg 
peas-cod,  pea-shell.  -f(^  pea  moth,  Mamestra 
piti.  ='-grflf8  fe  -^alm.  -gr«n  a  pea-green.  -^alm 
pea-straw;  be  ^ænge  fammen  fom  _  they  are  thick 
as  inkle-weavers.     *-Iaol  fe  -fuppe. 

S^rtefsUing  c  molly-coddle. 

If&tttltap  pea-rod.  -InS  pea  louse,  ApMs 
pist.  -moé  peas-pudding,  -mnS  fe  93ranb=. 
t-reoe  shoot  of  a  pea,  -ri§  fe  fæp;  *fe  -^alm. 
•feng  fe  -beb.      -ffjælnt,  *-ffolm  fe  -bælg. 

aerteffol  fe  Slrtiffot. 

S^rtejftang  fe  -tæp.  -ften  pea-stone.  -fut^tie 
pea-soup.    -træ  Siberian  acacia,  Rohinia. 

S^roær'big  o  reverend,  venerable;  (meft  cont 
om  Stif  0.  1.)  time-honoured.  -^leb  c  venerable- 

2G8'  n  fe  ©S. 

2G8culi'n  n  es'culine. 

2(ffe  vi  (om  SBtlbt)  feed. 

*9®fe  vi  ferment,  rise. 

9©fel  c  Sin  -gier  donkey;  (meft  Jf^)  ass,  jackass, 
F  Ned,  Neddy.  -agtig  a  ass-like,  asinine. 
•brioer  ass-  el.  donkey-driver.  •(§)fober  cotton 
-thistle,  Scotch  thistle,  Onopordon  acunthium. 
•f«t  foal  of  an  ass.  -(d)^tn8ft  male  ass.  -(S)^obeb 
^.  cap.  -^ub  fe  -ftinb.  9(gfe(inb'e  c  -r  she-ass. 
æfelljnæll  asses'.milk.    -rQtter  donkey-rider. 

3@fel§{agttrt  wild  cucumber,  squirtingcu- 
cumber,  Momordica  elaterium.  -brs  asses'  bridge. 
•fober  0.  ft.,  fe  9eiel=.  SCfelfttnb  ass's  hide. 
3efel§|ftiart  Jig  kicking  the  dead  lion.  -«re 
ass's  ear;  ^  eyebolt  of  the  cap;  (t  S3og)  dog's 
ear;  gøre  -aren  i  dog's-ear.  —  Séfeljbcebbeløb 
donkey-race.    -are  ^t  fe  2©felS=. 

''tSPng  c   er  gunwale,  gunnel. 

trøff  ie  9lfl. 

9Gffc  vt  demand;  _  til  leefamp  challenge;  -e- 
ub,  fe  Ubæfle. 

frøfle  c  -r  box;  (ifær  til  QuDeler)  casket.  9Sf!e|. 
bnnb  bottom  of  a  box.  -børfter  hog's  bristles. 
-form  box-form.  -fnlb  c:  en  _  9Jinge,  <Pult)er  a 
box  of  rings,  powder.  -laag  lid  of  a  box.  -mager 
c  -e  bandbox-maker. 

aeflelfc,  Srøffntng  c  claim,  claiming. 

aeffetror  fe  Slffetræ. 

3eftula'<)  Esculapius.  -flange,  -fnog  Escula- 
pian  snake,  Elaphis  Æaculapii. 

''2(?fle  vt  design,  mean,  intend  (for). 

2Gf)p  c  -er  aspen,  asp(-tree),  trembling  poplar, 
Potmlwi  tremnla.     W:\pel9P  aspen  leaf. 

5røft|etif'  c  esthet'ies  el.  æsthet'ics p^  -e'tifer 
c  -e  æsthet'ic.  -e'tifl  a  esthet'ic(al)  el.  æsthet'- 

æt'  c  -ter  (Dprinbelfe,  SS^rb)  origin,  birth; 
(Stamme,  ©lægt)  family,  race,  stock.  -gob  a  of 
good  family. 

aeta'l  n  e'thal. 

2G'ter  c  ether.  -art  ether.  -bebøbe  vt  ether- 
ize.  2@te'riff  a  ethereal;  _  Clie  volatile  essen- 
tial  oil.    2®terfl)re  lampic  acid. 

9i®tio'p|cr  c  -e  E'thiop,  Ethio'pian.  -ien 
Ethiopia.  -if(  a  Ethiop'ie,  Ethio'pian;  n  (Sproget) 

3etI|^'Ira  e'thyl,  e'thule.  æt^^Ii'n  n  e'thylene. 

ætiologi'  c  etiol'ogy. 

•Setle  vt  intend. 

9@t|leb  generation.  -i-Iebe  vt  adopt.  +-Iebtng 
adopted  child.  -i-(ebning  c  adoption,  -ting  c 
-er  descendant.    -manb  kins-man. 

Wtntt  n  (mount)  Ætna,  Etna. 

WtS\iat^t  caustic  baryte.  -bejbfe  chemical 

2©tfe  vt  chem  corrode;  med  cauterize;  (Segn.) 
etch;  en  -t  Segning  an  etching;  -nbe  a  caustic, 
corroding;  -nbe  ©ubftanfer  caustics,  corrodents. 
ætfelgrnnb  etching-ground.  -Innft  etching. 
-naat  etching-needle.  -oanb  aquafortis.  —  9@tS|= 
lali  caustic,  potassic  hydrate.  -fatitub 
caustic  lye.  -mibbet  corrosive,  cauter.  -natron= 
tttb  etching-lye  of  soda.  3@t§ning  c  etching 
etc.     ætåoæbfte  etching-lye. 

Setftor  a  high-born.  —  9@tte|gaarb  family 
estate.  -fagn  family  tradition,  -tat  genealogy, 
pedigree.    -totile  fe  ©tam=. 

fSoent^r  fe  ©oent^r. 

taeul  n,  mpUn  c  fe  ærBOl.  mpU  fe  æroole; 
(lioes)  squabble. 

t3Gorcb  n  rowen,  stubble  field;  opgioe  _  turn 
cattle  into  the  rowens;  Jiø  throw  up  the  game. 
2@0reD,'græ§ning  pasture  in  rowens.  -fm«r 
stubble-butter.  -tib  time  when  the  cattle  are 
at  rowens. 



0,  t  n  -er;  abbr :  ^.  =  Øre  (fe  b.  D.),  Pft  East, 
|2fter6ro  (the  eastern  suburb  of  Copenhagen). 

©  c  -er  island,  isle;  (lille  0)  Islet,  holm;  -en 
M^obug,  -en  SBigf)!  the  isle  of  Rhodes,  the  isle 
of  Wight.  0|6o  c  -er,  -Iioer  c  -e  islander,  in- 

-^0^)e  n  fate. 

Øbe  a  deserted,  desolate,  (ub^rfet)  waste;  Iceflge 
~,  fe  ^belægge;  _  for  devoid  of.  Øbe  n  desert, 
waste.  Cbe  (ogf.  -te,  -t)  vt  waste,  lavish.  ØJ)e|> 
itttitn  a  deserted.  -gnatb  untenanted  farm. 
■lonb  c  waster,  .spendthrift,  squanderer,  prodigal . 
•(iggenbe  a  deserted,  (om  røar!)  uncultivated. 
-lægge  vt  (forbærse)  ruin,  destroy;  (lægge  jøbe,  om 
et  2anb)  lay  waste,  waste;  (fororme)  ruin,  im- 
poverish;  t)an  l)ar  -lagt  alt,  ^bab  f)an  ejebe  he  has 
run  through  his  whole  fortune;  -læggenbe  a 
ruinous,  destructive,  devastating;  _  for  destruc- 
tive  to  el.  of;  -lagt  a  ruined;  (ubmattet)  linocked 
up,  -Ittggelfe  c  -r  (Oforbæroelfe,  Unbergang)  ruin, 
destruction;  (^ærjen  o.  I.)  havoc,  devastation, 
desolation;  3;iben§  -r  the  havocs  of  time;  -n8 
SBeberftljggelig^eb  bibl  the  abomination  of  desola- 

Øbe(ængelfe8|brtft  destructive  instinct.  -etine 
destructive  power,  -trtg  war  of  destruction, 
destructive  war.  -maftine  engine  of  destruction. 
■rafeci  vandalism.  -txett  worli  of  destruction. 
Øbeltegger  c  -e  destroyer. 

Øbe'm  n  oedema.  -o'tiff,  -ate'å  a  edem'atous, 

Øben  c  wasting,  waste.  Øber  c  -e,  fe  -lanb; 
efter  en  gob  Sluler  tommer  en  gob  -  the  miser  saves 
for  the  spendhrift  to  speud.  Øbfet  n  prodigal, 
lavish;  wasteful,  extravagant;  (oserfløbig)  pro- 
fuse;  _  meb  prodigal  of;  t  adv  prodigally  etc; 
omgoaS  -t  meb  be  prodigal  of,  waste.  Øbfel^cb 
c  prodigality,  lavishment,  lavishness,  wasteful- 
ness,  extravagance,  profuseness;  (Doerfløbig^eb) 
profusion.  Øbfte  vt  _  bort  dissipate,  squander, 
vi  be  wasteful  el.  prodigal;  _  meb  lavish,  be 
lavish  el.  prodigal  of.    Øbflen  c  squandering  etc. 

*0bflig  n  desolate,  dreary. 

Ølflot  fe  -gruppe,  -f oli  insular people,  islanders. 
•fæftning  insular  fortress. 

Øg  n,  pi  =,  (work-)horse,  jade;  prov  f  mare; 
fiø  F    ass. 

Øflc  (ogf-  -te,  -t)  vt  eke  (out),   -nattn  nickname. 

Øgle  c  -r  small  lizard,  newt,  eft;  zoo  (i  tiibere 
58et.)  saurians,  sauria;  fig  viper.  Øg(e{btb  bite 
of  a  poisonous  reptile.  -^abbe  salamander. 
•rebe  nest  of  vipers.  -jlægt  generation  of  vipers. 
•tunge  foul  el.  slanderous  tongue.  -unqejig  imp, 
young  viper,  scapegrace.  -Qnget  brood  of  vipers. 
•at  fe  -flægt. 

Ø'gntng  c  eking;  cono  seam,  join. 

0'|gru))Ve,  •^ati  cluster  of  istands,  archipelago. 

Øje  n  -ine  (om  9?aale  og  anbre  ®enftanbe  ber  fun 
^ar  eet :  -r)  eye;  (Sefraft)  sight;  {paa  ftort  og  Ixt-- 
ntng)  pip;  {\>aa  ©tjnaol,  jammer,  |Z)t§e,  SWøIIeften, 
<lSaofugtefieber,  i  Cft,  »reb,  ©uppe)  eye;  (Slabaje) 
eye,  gem;  (<)5oint)  point;  ^  eye,  (©tog  )  collar; 
(p.  gammel)  clasp-ring;  (p.  Snop)  shank,  fætte  _ 
poa  en  S'nop  shank  a  button;  oHeS  |25ine  all  eyes; 
floo  fijøieft  Øjne  throw  the  highest  number;  mine 
-ne  løbe  i  SSonb  my  eyes  water;  |eg  :^ar  ifte  luftet 
et  _  {)ele  9latten  I  did  not  sleep  a  wink  last  night; 
ilte  et  _  not  a  single  scrap;  gøre  ftore  -ne  stare, 

be  all  astonishment,  open  great  eyes,  open 
one's  eyes;  ^bob  -t  ej  fer,  bet  ^ijertet  ej  rører  wL, 
the  eye  sees  not,    the  heart  rues  not,  what  oi 
does  not  know,  causes  no  woe;  fire  jSjne  fer  mel 
enb  to  two  eyes  see  better  than  one;  tunbe  næpj 
tro  mine  egne  Øjne  could  hardly  credit  el.  believ 
my  own  senses;  noget  fom  ftøber  -t  an  eyesorJ 
-neneS  £^ft  bibl  lust  of  the  eye;  —  (meb  prcep, 
adv):   ube  of  _,  ube  of  ©inb  out  of  sight,  out  i 
mind;  tomme  itte  mere  for  mine  Øjne  let  me  nevé 
see  you  again;   jeg   §ar  olbrig   fet  ^enbe  for  mil 
?5ine  I  never  set  (P  clapped)  eyes  upon  h«^ 
biig  for  fine  egne  Pjne  bibl  wise  in  his  own  coi) 
ceit;  tomme  en  for  ~  meet  one's  eye,  come  beforé 
one,  come  under  one's  eyes;   ftoor  mig  attib  foj 
_  is  always  present  to  me;  for  oUeS  Øjne  in  ti 
face  of  day;  ligge  lige  for  -nene  be  quite  obviou 
ftljgge  for  -nene  shade  one's  eyes;   binbe  for  c 
|2ine  blindfold  one;  baoe  for  -  have  before  on(| 
fig  keep  in  view,   have  in  one'.s  eye,   keep 
have  one's  eye  on;  _  for  -  og  Sanb  for  %ani  i 
eye  for  an  eye  and  a  tooth  for  a  tooth;  ^ace 
for  have  an  eye  for;  fig  lutte  -nene  for  shut  onel 
eyes  to,   wink  e(.   connive  at,  blink;   foo   -m 
oobne  for  beeome  alive  to;  gaa  bort  fro  mine 
out  of  my  sight;  tunbe  itte  foa  mine  jjjne  fro  bl 
could  not  take  my  eyes  off  it;  S8or  §erre  mættl 
9Kunbfn  førenb  -nene  better  fill  a  glutton 's  bel 
than  his  eyes;  onbt  i  -nene  (a)  pain  in  the  eye 
i  mine  -ne  to  my  mind,  in  my  eyes,  to  my  eyd 
in  my  opinion;  i  mine  aaone  -ne  to  my  face;  fair 
(el.  fpringe)  i  -nene  strike  the  eye,  be  conspici 
ous;   te  en  lige  op  i  -nene  laugh  right  in  one^' 
face;  fe  en  lige  i  Øjnene  look  one  straight  in  the 
face;  bet  er  ^om  en  Som  i  -t  it  is  an  eyesore  to 
him;    jeg  fit  jToorer  i  -nene  the  tears  came  into 
my  eyes;   putte  en  SBloor  i  -nene  cast  a  mist  be- 
fore, throw  dust  into,  one's  eyes;  ftitfe  en  i  -nene 
strike  one's  fancy;    F  bet  fan  bu  bibe  big  i  -nene 
pao  over  my  left;  meb  Blotte  -ne  withthenaked 
eye;   mon  fan  fe  bet  meb  et  ^olot  _  you  may  se 
that  With  half  au  eye,   he  that  runs  may  read 
mønftre  meb   -nene  eye  over;  fig  fe  meb  egne  -i 
see  With  one's  own  (bodily)  eyes,  see  for  onej 
self;  fe  meb  onbreS  -ne  see  through  other  peoplej 
eyes;   ftuge  meb  -nene  gaze  intently  at;   føge  må 
-nene  look  for;   ^aoe,   ^olbe  _  meb  have  el.  kcM 
an  eye  upon,  watch;  ^ooe  et  eaogent  ~  meS  keef 
a  strict  eye  upon,  watch  closely;  ^an  ^or   neif 
meb  fig  he  has  (all)  his  eyes  about  him,  nothin™ 
is  lost  upon  him,   he  is  not  to  be  eaught  nap- 
ping; floa   nene  neb  cast  down  one's  eyes;  floa 
-nene  op  lift  up  el.  raise  one's  eyes;  jeg  ^t  -nene 
op  my  eyes  were  opened;  :^olbt  ^oonben  oser 
Øjnene  shaded  his  eyes;   bære  blinb  paa  bet  eng 
_  be  blind  of  an  eye;   fe  noget  paa  enS  -ne  rea 
something  in  one's  eyes;  foo  -  poa  discover,  b 
come  aware  of,  set  eyes  on,  catch  sight  of,  mak^ 
out;  oobne  -nene  poo  en  open  one's  eyes;  ^obe 
_  poa  fiber  ginger  =  ^obe  -nene  meb  fig;   ^obe 
gobt  _  til  look  with  favourable  eyes  on;  unbel 
fire  -ne  between  two  persons,  among  ourselve^ 
privately,   in  private,   alone,    four  feet  upon  , 
fender,  en  ©omtale  unber  fire  -ne  a  private  con 
versation;  jeg  f)ar  noget  at  fige  ®em  unber  fire  -n 
I   have  something   for  your  private   ear;    ocet 
unber  fire  -ne  meb  be  closeted  with;  bet  ftete  unbe 
f)ani  -ne  it  happened  before  his  eyes  el.  in  Iiu 
sight;  gaa  en  unber  -ne  flatter  one;  fe  (en  el.  nogeti 




itnber  -ne  face;  træbe  unber  -nene  appear  before, 
come  in  sight  of.  Øjelaare  ocular  vein.  +-Iie= 
hrog  Optical  deception,  Illusion,  -blegn  blister 
in  the  eye.  -bli!  twinkling  (of  an  eye),  moment, 
instaut,  minute;  et  -i  Sag  the  business  of  a 
moment;  6ent)ttc  -fet  take  time  by  the  forelock; 
om  et  -  in  a  moment;  )paa  -let  in  a  moment,  on 
the  instant,  this  el.  that  very  minute;  for  -fet 
at  present;  for  et  _  fiben  this  moment;  i  bette  _ 
at  this  moment;  i  -fet  on  the  spur  of  the  moment; 
i  bet  rette  _  in  the  nick  of  time;  i  ^an§  Il)fe  -fe 
in  his  lucid  intervals;  ^oert  _  every  few  minutes; 
lian  BentebeS  fioert  _  he  was  momently  expected. 
•blilfclig  a  momentary,  instantaneous,  imme- 
diate;  adv  this  moment  et.  instant,  immediately. 
•bltllelig^e))  c  instantaneousness.  -blifSfotograft 
instantaneous  photograph.  -bolt  ^i,  eye-bolt. 
-b^Ib  sty.  -bænbfet  J,  eye-seizing.  -bannet  a 
shaped  like  an  eye,  ocellate.  -boudie  eyedouche, 
eye-cups.  -fiftel"  flstula  lachrymalis. "  -flob  n  fe 
^iexu.  -gla8  eyeglass;  (i  Stttcrt)  eye-piece.  -Qittbe 
membrane  of  the  eye.  -^ule,  -t)uUng  socket  of 
the  eye.  -tojnmcr  chamber  of  the  eye.  -laft 
glance;  ueb  farfte  _  at  first  sight,  at  the  first 
buish,  on  first  being  seen.  -Itrtel  lachrymal 
gland.  -tlap  blinker,  winker,  eye-flap.  -ftifl, 
-frog  corner  el.  angle  (-i-tail)  of  the  eye,  canthus. 
-loa^  fe  Pjen=.  -Itgnenbe  a  eye-like.  -Hnfe  (cry- 
stalhne)  lens.  •tnaal  measui-e  by  the  eye;  efter 
_  (om  SIrbeibe)  by  the  rule  of  thumb.  -meb  n, 
pi  =  (+-er),  object,  aim,  end;  ifax  til  _  has  for 
its  object;  i  bet  _  at  for  the  purpose  of;  -et  ^eHifjer 
9KibIet  tlie  end  justifies  the  means.  -tnuftet 
muscle  of  the  eye.    -mærle  mark;  fe  -meb. 

Øienibab  ophthalmic  bath.  -bcff^tter  eye 
-shade.  -betænbctfe  inflammation  of  the  eye. 
-br^n  eyebrow.  -br^n^^bæloing  superciliary 
areh.  -brflnSmuffeleorrugator,  corrugant muscle. 
•bnnben  the  back  ,of  the  eye.  -boui^e  fe  gJje-. 
Cienerbe  optic  nerve.  Øjenct  retina.  £>)en|= 
flob  «  walery  eye,  epiphora.  -forblinbelfe  Op- 
tical illusion,  -^oor  pi  eyelashes.  -fful  (f.  Sfg. 
i  en  ajlafte)  sight-hole.  *-^btbc  white  of  theeye. 
•tlap  fe  Pic=.  -Ilitti!  infirmary  for  diseases  of 
the  eye.  -laag  eyelid;  ftrampe  i  -et  nystagmus. 
-læge  oculist,  ophthalmic  surgeon,  f  eye-doctor. 
•lægcfunft  ophthalmic  art.  -mibbel  ophthalmic. 
•operation  operation  on  the  eye.  -blne  pain  in 
the  eye.  -blafter  eye-plaster.  -faloe  eye-salve. 
Øjenéforblinbelfe  optic  illusion.  Cjenlffobe 
eyeaffection.  -ffalf  fe  -tjener;  bibl  hypocrite. 
-ftalt^eb  c  bibl  hj-pocrisy.  -flccrm  .shade  for  the 
eyes.  ØjenSlQft  delight  of  the  eyes.  Øjen|= 
fmerte  fe  -pine.  -fbejl  ophthalmoscope.  -f:^leb3« 
«i«g,  -f))(ej§  fe  Pie=.  -fbrog  language  of  the 
eyes.  -ften  fe  ^ie=.  *-ftiffer  dragon-fly,  Libel- 
hda.  -fbog  o:  er  _  has  weak  eyes.  -foag^eb 
weakness  of  the  eyes.  -f^gbom  disease  of  the 
eye.  -fq'nlig  a  apparent,  evident,  obvious;  t-t 
SBibne,  fe -»ibne.  -f^'nlig^eb  obviousuess.  -taage 
mist  before  the  eyes.  -tanb  eye-tooth,  dog-tooth. 
-tjener  eye-servant.  -tjeneri  n,  -tjenefte  eye 
-service,  -traft  eyebright,  Euphrana;  stitchwort, 
Siellaria  holostea.  -banb  eye-water.  -Oibne  eye 
-witness.    -bibpet  pi  fe  -br^n.    -bært  fe    btne. 

Øjelbor  pair  of  eyes.  -biet  speck  on  the  eye, 
albugo,  leucoma.  -bunit  point  of  distance,  point 
of  sight,  vauishing  point.  -fafS  eye-scissors, 
caunula  scissors.  -fbotte  palpebral  flssure.  -fbejl 
fe  Øien=.  *-fbIci8,  -fbUbSntng  ^  eye-splice. 
-ften  eye-ball,  apple,  pupil  of  the  eye;  fig  en§  _ 
the  apple  of  one's  eye.  -ftil  loop.  -ftilt  (f)oi 
fire&s)  peduncle.  -f^n  eyesight;  tage  i  _  vlew, 
Inspect,  take  a  view  of;  fortjener  at  tageS  i  _ 
merits  inspection.  -bibne  fe  ^jen>.  -bcebfle 
humour  of  the  eye.     -æble  eye-ball.     Øjne  vt 

(blibe  bar,  flelne)  descry,  spy,  espy;  (fe)  see,  be- 
hold; _  £anb  sight  the  land. 

Ø'Ilima  n  insular  climate. 

ØIo|no'm  c  -er  {paa  ^lofpital  ofo.)  steward; 
(fporfommeltg  "SSlani)  ecou'omist,  manager,  -nomi' 
c  econ'omy.  -nomifere  vi  eeon'omize.  -no'miff 
a  econom'ical. 

ØlSe  c  -r  axe,  ax,  (minbre)  hatchet.  -blab 
blade  of  an  axe.  -jammer  back  of  au  axe. 
-^ug  blow  with  au  axe. 

Øfécn,  øténe  pi  af  DUe,  oxen.  Øti$en|briber 
drover.  -t)anbc(  iraffic  in  oxen.  -bu8  fe  -ftalb. 
-ntartcb  ox-fair.  -ftalb  ox-stable.  -tolb  duty  on 
oxen.    -torb  ox-market.    -bogn  ox-cart. 

ørSelffoft  handle  of  an  axe;  ®obbag !  - !  I  talk 
of  chalk  and  you  of  cheese.    -aje  eye  of  an  axe. 

*Øft  c  -er  spell  of  work  el.  time  betweeu  two 

Ølume'nifl  a  ecumen'ical,  oecumen'ical. 

*0l  c  (excessive)  heat 

ør  (*JZ>1)  n  beer;  t^nbt  _  small  beer;  engeift 
^bibt  _  ale;  bagefter  tommer  tQnbt  -  an  after-wit 
is  everybody's  wit;  F  »ife  en  ^»or  SaBib  tøbte  -let 
set  one  right,  give  one  a  lesson,  teach  one 
manners;  -let  af  Sanben,  SJibbet  af  $anben  when 
wine  sinks,  words  swim.    Ølafgift  beer-tax. 

Ø(anb  n  Island. 

Øt{anlcr  beer-anker.  -baS  rough  bass-voice. 
t-birøpel  beer-keg.  -bob  beer-shop.  -brtiggcr 
beer-brewer.  -bryggeri  brew-house;  beer-brew- 
ing.  -brbfltting  brewing  of  beer.  -bærme  dregs 
ofbeer.  -btitfer  beer-drinker.  -bunl  beer-bottle. 
-bunft  fume  ofbeer.  -ebbitc  ale  vinegar,  alegar. 
-fab  beer-cask.  -floffe  l^eer-bottle.  -forfalffntng 
adulteration  of  beer,  beer-doctoring.  -gI«S 
tumbler,  -gær  beer-yeast.  -^at((e)  ale-house. 
-banbel  (^anbel  meb  Øl)  beer-trade;  (SButilen) 
beer-vender's  shop.  -^anbler  beer-seller,  beer 
-vender.  -bu8  beer-house,  ale-house,  beer-shop. 
-^øbl  F  beer-drinker,  ale-house  customer.  -lanbe 
beer-can.  -lor  beer-vat.  -lib^ie  low  beer-shop. 
-Inejbe  fe  -;^u8.  -tone  beer-woman,  ale-wife. 
-tro  fe  -^u».  -ItnS  beer-mug.  *-tbeife  delirium 
tremens,  the  horrors,  -tælber  beer-cellar.  -lob 
gawntree,  gauntry,  ale-stool.  ØUebrøb  n  beer 
-soup,  (sort  of)  ale-berry.  øaebriibS=  fiy  maudlin, 
empty,  shallow,  weak,  soft.  ØUegreb  c  por- 
ridge  with  beer.  ØBet  a  tipsy,  beery.  01|maal 
mea.sure  for  beer  el.  ale.  -manb  potman.  -oft 
beer-posset  el.  whey.  -)irøber  instrument  for 
testing  beer.  *-ret  alehouse  licence.  -tuS  in- 
toxication  from  beer. 

*0'lreg  c  summer-colt. 

Øllfalg  vending  of  beer.  -ftat  lieertax. 
•ftum  beer-froth.  -ftæntet  fe  -tapper,  -ftæntning 
retailing  of  beer  in  a  beer-shop.  -fnat  beery 
nonsense.  -fort  kind  of  beer.  *-peb  beer-can. 
-fubpe  fe  ^Itebrøb.  -topber  ale-house  keeper, 
keeper  of  a  beer-shop.  -træ  beer-cask.  -tung 
a  heavy  with  beer.  -tnnnel  beer-cellar.  -tønbe 
beer-barrel.  -ubfalg  fe  -^anbel.  -urt  wort.  -oogn 
beer-cart  el.  waggon,    -brager  ale-taster. 

Øm'  a  (ogf.  fin)  tender;  (fom  gør  onbt)  sore; 
tage  el.  røre  en  paa  bet  -me  (©teb)  touch  the  sore 
point;  er  -  ooer  fine  93ørn  dotes  upon  his  children; 
er  -  DBcr  fm  SGre  is  jealous  of  his  honour. 

Øm^nbt'tig  [t.]  a  sensitive,  thin-skinned;  _ 
imob,  ooer  sensitive  to.    -beb  c  sensitiveness. 

Ømlfobet  a  foot-sore.  -fobetbeb  c  foot-soreness. 
-felenbe  a  sensitive,  -^eb  c  .soreness;  fig  tender- 
ness.  -h-^ebSfuIb  a  tender,  -bjærtet  «  tender 
-hearted.  -tæbet  a  tcnder-mouthed  Ømme  vi 
aehe,  smart;  -^-i  vd  (om  Zænber)  be  set  on  edge; 
fig  -g  beb  feel  pity  for;  —  vr  fig  moan,  groan 
(with  pain);  wince;  fig  -  fig  beb  feel  reluctance 
el.  be  reluctant  to.     -fØmmelig  a  painful;  adv 




aaa  ~  tioa  gebberne  walk  as  if  one  had  sore  feet. 
Ømlfflnbtt,  -fflnbetficb,  fe  -toalig.  -taallB  a  de- 
licate,  (ogf.  .Ag)  thin-skinned,  sensitive.  -taalxQ' 
^Eb  csensitiveness.  Ømtfølenbea  tender-hearted. 

Ønatuv  c  insular  character. 

Ønffe  n  -r  wish,  (2Qft)  desire;  bære  efter  _  be 
to  one' s  liking;  olt  gaor  Ijam  efter  _  everything 
sncceeds  to  his  wishes;  jeg  ^ar  intet  _  om  at  I 
have  no  wish  to.  Ønfle  vt  wish,  desire,  be  de- 
sirous  (of  el.  that);  _  en  nt  wish  one  st;  jeg  -r 
i\am,  at  I  wish  for  his  sake  that;  jeg  -r  intet 
^eHere  there  is  nothing  I  shoiild  like  better;  ber 
er  en  fom  -r  at  tale  meb  2)em  yoii  are  wanted, 
Sir;  bet  er  at  ~  it  is  to  be  desired;  laber  intet  til- 
bage ot  _  leaves  nothing  to  be  desired;  —  vr  fig 
npget  wish  for,  wish  to  have  el.  get,  desiderate; 
_  fig  fri  for  deprecate;  _  fig  nt  tilbage  wish  some- 
thing  back;  _  fig  tilbage  wish  one's  self  back; 
-nbe  aoptative.  Ønfte|barn  long-desired  child. 
-ftat  wishing  cap.  -ftiift  divining  rod  el.  twig. 
CnfteliQ  a  (fom  iøt  snfteS)  to  be  wished,  desir- 
able;  (fielbig,  fom  gaor  efter  ^nfte)  lucky,  wished 
for;  minbre  _  undesirable.  Ønffeligljeb  c  desir- 
ability.  ØnfEe|maabe  the  optative.  -febbel  list 
of  desiderata,  -fcetntttg  optative  proposition, 
-»aonb  fe -fbift.  ØHfllJjætbifl  a  desirable.  -ttat' 
big^eb  desirability. 

*0r  c  -er  sands  (at  the  mouth  of  a  river). 

Ør  a  (i  ^obebet)  confused,  giddy  in  the  head; 
jeg  bliber  -  i  ^obebct  berbeb,  bet  gør  mig  _  it 
makes  my  head  swim;  gøre  en  ganfte  -  (ueb  ©naf) 
din  one's  ears,  make  one's  head  ache;  t)an§  £^ffe 
^ar  gjort  ^om  _  his  good  fortune  has  turned 
his  head. 

Øre  c  -r  a  coin,  the  hnndredth  part  of  a 
„^rone"  (about  half  a  farthing).  Øre  vi  fommen 
Club  together. 

Øre  n  -n  &  -r  (ogf.  ^an!.)  ear;  (p.  SRing,  SRør 
0.  I.)  lug;  ftubfe  -ne  paa  crop  the  ears  of;  fpibfe 
-ne  prick  up  one's  ears;  ^olbe  -ne  flibc  look  sharp, 
have  all  one's  wits  about  one;  put  a  bold  face 
on  it,  brave  it  out;  barme  enS  -n  box  one's  ears; 
bære  lutter  _  be  all  ear(s)  el.  attention;  tube  en 
ne  fulbe  din  el.  deafen  one's  ears;  fe  @rQbe;  gaa 
inb  ab  bet  ene  _  og  ub  af  bet  anbet  eome  in  at 
one  ear  and  out  at  the  other;  man  flal  ^øre 
meget,  før  -ne  gaar  af  en  that's  a  good  one;  fe 
ganben;  flø  fig  bag  -t  scratch  one's  ears;  lian  l^ar 
noget  bag  -t,  en  9Jæo  bag  -t  he  is  after  some  mis- 
chief;  ffribe  noget  bag  -t  note,  make  a  note  of, 
a  thing;  fomme  en  for  _  come  to  one's  hearing, 
reach  one's  ear,  reach  one;  l^olbe  fig  for  -ne  stop 
one's  ears;  pxæfi  for  bøbe  -n  preach  to  an  in- 
attentive  audience,  preach  to  the  wind;  bet  er 
at  tale  for  bøoe  -n  it's  talking  to  the  wind;  bet 
maa  ^aae  ringet  for  bine  -n  your  cheeks  must  have 
bcen  very  hot;  fe  ®ufe;  tfabe  ~  for  have  an  ear 
for;  ^at>e  onbt  i  -ne  have  a  pain  in  one's  ears; 
bbifte  en  nt  i  -t  whisper  st  in  one's  ear;  træffe  i 
-t  pull  by  the  ear,  pull  one's  ears;  f)olbe  en  i  -ne 
keep  one  in  order;  meb  ^ængenbe  -n  lap-  el.  flap 
-eared;  bleb  ^eb  om  -ne  grew  very  nervous;  fufe 
en  om  -ne  din  el.  deafen  one's  ears;  bære  i  (Sælb, 
forlibt  til  op  o  ber  -ne  be  over  head  and  ears  in 
debt,  in  love;  ftaa  en  paa  -t  give  one  a  box  on 
the  ear;  fao  paa  -t  get  a  box  on  the  ear,  get 
one's  ears  boxed;  fobe  paa  fit  grønne  -  be  fast 
asleep;  laone  -til  listen  to,  lend  an  ear  to; 
»enbe  bet  bøbe  ~  tit  turn  a  deaf  ear  to  st;  ©fibet 
lægger  -t  til  she  heels  over;  lægger  -ne  tilbage 
lays  his  ears  back.  Øre|abe  galago,  Otolicnw. 
-balje,  -balle  tub  with  handles  el.  ears.  -ben 
pi  bones  of  the  ear,  ear-bones,  ossicles.  -be= 
tænbelfe  inflammation  of  the  ear,  otitis.  -brufett 
fe  -fufen.  -bruf!  cartilage  of  the  ear.  -b^Ib  boil 
in  the  ear.    -bannel  a  shaped  like  an  ear,  auri- 

culate.  -bofl  fe  figen.  -b«»enbe  a  deafeuing. 
-fof an  eared  pheasant,  Crossoptilon  auritum. 
-febt  fe  -bof§.  -flflCtt  n  &  c,  pi  =  k  -er  box  on 
the  ear.  -flijj  tip  el.  lobe  of  the  ear,  earlap. 
-flob  n  discharge  from  the  ear,  otorrhoea.  -formig 
fe  -bannet.  -gong  auditory  passage.  -go^Ie  au- 
relia.  -grib  eared  vulture,  Otogypn.  -grtjbe  pot 
with  ears.  -jammer  malleus.  -()inbe  fe  Sromme- 
l^inbe.  -bom  ear-trumpet.  -^ul  orifice  of  the 
ear.  -^ulc,  -^u(l)cb  concha,  alveary.  -^oæltiing 
helix.  -^æng  pendant  of  ear-rings.  -fatarrb 
aural  catarrh.  -tiffcrt  auriscope.  -tirtel  parotiJ 
(gland).  -fttt^i,  *-t(af  earlap.  -tnogler,  -Inoflcir 
fe  -ben.  -frulfe  jug  with  ears.  *-fi)te  fe  ©Iritfe 
■Inp  fe  flip.  -lofter  j)i  earlocks;  pendants.  -l(cg(| 
fe  ércn=.  -læp  fe  -flip.  -l«§  a  earless.  -motl  fi 
-abi.  -mibbel  cure  for  complaints  of  the  eatl 
-muffel  muscle  of  the  ear.  -nevtie  auriculs^ 

*Ørenbe  fe  Ørliben. 

Øren|l)oor  ear-locks.  -loller  fe  |Zire=.  -1^1 
atidible  sound;  man  fan  iffe  ^øre  _  for  al  ben  <B\» 
there's  no  hearing  a  word  for  all  that  noisa 
-læge  aural  surgeon.  -ring  earring;  pi  ear-drops 
-tbift  earwig,  Forficula  auricularia. 

Ørelpil  round-eared  willow,  Salix  auritct, 
-pine  ear-ache.  -faar  wound  in  the  ear.  -ffl 
ear-pick.  -ffrtftemaal  auricular  confession 
-fman§,  -fmob8  F  feast  el.  treat  for  the  ears 
-fmertc  ear-ache.  -fnegt  ear-snail,  Helix  auri 
culata.  -fpejl  auricular  speculum.  -fprøjti 
syringe,  -fp^ttirtel  fe  -firtel.  -fteu  (bo§  giji; 
otolite,  otolith.  -ft^tfer  J>  cheeks.  -ft«b  mei 

Ørefnnb  n  the  Sound.  —  ØrefunbSlli^e  Sound 
list.    -tolben  the  Sound  dues. 

Ørelfufen  tingling,  singing  el.  ringing  in  th( 
ear.  -fttin  blunttoothed  dolphin,  Delphinui 
tvrsio.  -fæl  fur  seal.  -fønberrioenbe  a 
-piercing.  Øret  a  eared,  Sf  auricled.  Øre|i 
tromme  tympanum,  drum  of  the  ear,  ear-drumj 
-tuber  c  -e,  -tuberffc  c  -r  scandal-monger,  tali 
-bearer,  whisperer,  -tuberi  n  scandal,  slanderj 
tale-bearing.  -ttiift  fe  Pren=.  -t«ue  fe  -figen, 
-bonb  endolymph;  perilymph.  -Oibne  ear-wi 
ness.  -tiofS  ear-wax,  cerumen.  -Pof§tirtel  cer 
minous  gland.    -Ⱦbffc  fe  -banb. 

Ø'rl^eb   c  confusion,  giddiness.     -^ouebet 
fe  ^r. 

01  rig  a  fuU  of  Islands,  -rige  kingdom  of  ii 
lands;  insular  kingdom. 

Ørf,  Ørfen  c,  pi  ^rfener  desert,  wildernessj 
waste;  gøre  til  en  _  lay  waste;  jeg  er  ^an8  ^ø'^ 
fom  roaber  i  -en  bibl  I  am  the  voice  of  one  er 
ing  in  the  wilderness;  bet  bar  fun  en  SRøft  i  - 
it  was  preaching  to  the  wind.  Ørlenbeboe 
inhabitant  of  the  desert. 

*Ørfc(n)bag  c  week-day. 

Ørfen|b^r  animal  of  the  desert.  -græS  desert 
grass.  -llofter  o.  fl.  monastery  in  the  desert. 
-laber  cream-coloured  courser,  Cursoriwi  hahel- 
linus.  -plante  plant  of  the  desert.  -rejfe  jour- 
ney  through  the  desert,  travelling  through 
deserts,  -ræb  fennec,  Canis  fennec.  -fanb  sand 
of  the  desert.    -bcj  road  through  the  desert. 

Ørfenaerne  the  Orkneys. 

Ørfe§l<r8  a  idle,  (om  ^ing)  inoperative.  -t)tb 
c  idleness. 

*0'rliben,  «renbe  liben  a  F  diminutive, 

Ø'rn  c  -e  eagle,  Åquila.  —  Ørne|agtlg  a 
aquiline.  -blif  sharp  el.  eagle  eye.  -bregne 
brake,  braken,  Pteris  aquilina.  -fif!  maigre, 
Scicena  aquila.  -fjcber  eagle's  feather.  -flugt 
eagle  flight.  -grib  fe  £amme=.  -^om  eagle's 
skin  (with  the  feathers).    -flo  talon  of  an  eagle. 




•næb  eagle's  beak.  -ncefe  aquiline  nose,  hook 
-nose;  meb  -  aquiline-nosed.  -rebe  eagle's  nest, 
eyry.  -rolle  eagle-ray,  sea-eagle,  Myliobates. 
-ifrig  eagle's  cry.  -ftcn  eagle-stone,  aetites. 
•træ  eagle-wood.  -ugle  eagle  owl,  Strix  buho. 
-unge  eaglet.  -uinpe  wing  of  an  eagle.  -øttriol 
Roman  vitriol.    •6\c  fe  -blif. 

Ørrcb,  Orret  c  -er  trout,  Salmo  fario;  fiafS' 
salmon-trout,  sea-trout,  Salmo  trutta.  Ørrcbl" 
bfel  troiit-stream.  -eitt  troutriver.  -fangft  fe 
-fifteri.  -faroet  a  tront-coloured.  -fiffer  trout 
-fisher.  -fifleri  trout-flshing.  -ftong  trout(-fish- 
ing)  rod. 

■'Ørff  a  dizzy,  dozlng,  absent,  confused. 
*Ørfle  c  stupor,  doze,  absence  of  mind,  con- 

*0'rfttiaa  pi.  af  ^rltben. 

Ø'roaagnet  o  half-awake. 

Ørielle  c  range  of  Islands. 

S>\t,  -te,  -t  vt  bale,  dip,  scoop,  (af  Srønb  og 
fio)  draw;  _  SBanb  af  en  SBrenb  draw  water  from 
a  well,  -  en  Saab  bale  a  boat;  _  lenS  bale  out; 
_  Clie  i  3lben  add  fuel  to  the  flames;  _  op,  nb, 
fe  DjJøfe,  Ubøfe;  _  $enge  ub  squander  away  money; 
—  vi  forfatteren  ftar  eft  af  gobe  Kilber  the  author 
has  drawn  (his  information)  from  good  sources; 
gjegnen  øfte  neb  the  rain  poured  down,  fell  in 
torreuts;  _  oj),  '■'-  for  help  the  soup;  -nbe  a:  en 
-nbe  SRegn  a  pouring  rain.  Øfe  c  -r  scoop:  *ladle; 
(SB^ge)  heavy  shower.  Øfe|^|ul  scoop-wheel. 
-lar  scoop,  boat's  scoop,  baler.  Øfen  c  baling 
etc.  Øfe|rum  well  room.  -fle  ladle.  -flotti 
(long-handled)  scoop,  -^x'xppt  dipper.  -uærf 
machine  for  baling  out  water. 

Øflen  c  -er  small  ring  cl.  eye,  lug;  (p.  Knop) 
shank.    Øftenflrue  eye-bolt  with  screw. 

0'§ning  c  bailing  etc.  ØSreg«  torrents  of 
rain,  a  heavy  downpour  of  rain.  Ødregne  vi 
bet  -r  the  rain  falls  in  torrents. 

Øfi  8  &  adv  East,  east;  -  til  9?orb  East  by 
North  (ofc);  fra  _  from  the  east;  i  _  in  the  east; 
ret  i  _  due  east;  (i)  _  for  east  of;  mob  -  towards 
the  east,  (to  the)  eastward;  gennem  _  by  east. 
Øfl'  eastem,  east.  Øft|aier  pi  monkeys  of  the 
old  world,  Simice  catarhinæ.  -Slngeltt  East 

Øftot  c  fe  Isrige. 

Øftlbane  Eastem  Railway.  -efter  adv  east- 
ward, east.     Øften  fe  ^ft.     Øftenbe  c  east  end. 

Øftenifor  prop  east  of;  adv  more  to  the  east- 
ward. -fra  adv  from  the  east(ward).  -om  prop 
eastward  of.  -ftorm  easterly  gale.  -firøm  easterly 
current.  -tiattbc  current  from  the  east.  -tieir, 
•Binb  east-wind. 

Øfter  adv  &  s  fe  jZSft;  i  _  og  SBefter  fig  every- 
where.  Øfter{6otten  n  East  Bothnia.  -Bre  n 
the  eastern  suburb  of  Copenhagen.  -b>jgb 
eastern  settlement,  -fra  adv  from  the 
•gabe  East  street.  -i  adv  eastward.  -lanb 
eastern  country;  (Crienten)  the  East.  -lanbff  a 
oriental.  t-Ieben,  -libe  poet  the  East.  -lænber 
c  -e,  -lænbing  c  -er  Oriental.  -Jiort  the  East 
Gate.  -rige  n  Austria.  -riger  c  -e  Austrian; 
toft  _  Austro-German.  -rigff  a  Austrian.  -rigff- 
ruSfifl  a  Austro-Russian. 

Øftcrå  c,  pi  =,  oyster,  Ostrea.  Øfter3|aol 
breeding  of  oysters,  oyster-culture.  -aoler  oyster 
-grower.  -bante  oyster-bank.  -fangft,  -fifferi 
oyster-flshing.  -goffel  oyster-fork.  -gilbe  oyster 
-feast.  -banbel  oyster  tråde,  -^anbicr  oyster 
-man.  -fniU  oysterknife.  -lurO  oy.ster-basket 
-lotlber  cyster  shop.  -leje,  -pavt  oyster-bed. 
-poftej  oyster-patty.  -flal  oyster-shell.  -ffraber 
scraper.    -ftrabning  dredging  for  oysters.    -flæg 

beard  of  the  oyster.  -ftue  oyster-room.  -tiben 
the  oyster-season.    -Qngel  oyster-spat. 

Ø^erføen  the  Baltic.  —  Øfterføjfarten  the 
Baltic  tråde,  -flaaben  the  Baliic  fleet.  -I)aiine 
Baltic  ports,  -ifl  a  Baltic.  -lanb. -proOinS  o.  f(. 
Baltic  country,  province  etc.  -filb  herring  of 
the  Baltic. 

Slft\tttvopa  Eastem  Europe.  -farer  c  -e  east- 
ward-bound  Vessel,  -gaaenbe  a  easterly;  (iJartBj) 
eastward  bound.  -gaaenbe  «:  for  _  eastward 
•bound;  paa  _  on  her  way  east.  -got^er  Ostro- 
goth.  -got^iff  a  Ostrogothic.  -gribbe  pi  vul- 
tures  of  the  old  world,  Vulttirma:  -grænfe 
eastern  frontiér;  eastern  limit,  -bimmelen  the 
eastern  sky.  -lånt  east  el.  eastern  side;  fra  -en 
from  the  eastward.  -l^ft  East  el.  eastern  coast. 
*-Ianbet  the  East  country,  the  south-eastern  part 
of  Norway  (east  of  the  Langfjeld  and  south  of 
the  Dovre).  Øftlig  a  eastem,  easterly;  bet  -e 
©nglanb  the  East  of  England.  *Øft{((enbing  c 
-er  easterling,  inhabitant  of  „jZ5ftlanbet".  -norb- 
eft  East  North  East.  -otier  adv  eastward.  -ptta 
adv  eastward;  in  the  east.  -paSfat  East  tråde 
-wind.  -$reu3fen  East-Prussia.  -punltet  the 
east.  -p^nt  east(ern)  point,  -ranb  eastern  edge, 
(©olen§,  9Raonen§)  eastern  limb.  Øftre  a  de/ 
eastern,  east.  Øftre  fig  vr  haul  round  to  the 
east.  Øftlromerf)  a.  bet  -c  SRige  the  Eastern 
empire,  -fibe  East  side.  -ftranb  east(ern)  shore. 
-ftregen  the  East  point.    -f^b«ft  East  South  East. 

Øne  it  &  r  (lære  »eb  Poelfe,  ubøoe)  practise; 
(ubbanne,  ubbille  »eb  ibelig  SSrng)  exercise,  train; 
_  3,rolbom  practise  witchcraft;  _  SiltrætningSfraft 
exercise  an  attraction;  _  SBolb  use  violence;  — 
vr  fig  i  S5an§  practise  dancing;  — •  a»et  a  prac- 
tised,  skilled,  expert.  Ønelfe  c  -r  practice, 
exercise;  ^ar  lang  _  i  is  an  old  band  at;  -n  gør 
røeftecen  practice  makes  perfect,  use  makes  per- 
fectness;  jeg  er  nbe  af  -n  I  am  out  of  practice; 
my  hånd  is  out;  t)olbe  fig  t  -n  keep  one's  hånd 
in.  —  Ønetfe^lbrig  training  brig  (o.  ft.)  -lejr 
camp  of  instruction  el.  exercise.  -moft  training 
mast.  -plab3  place  of  exercise.  -riffel  prac- 
tising  rifle.  -ftib  training  ship  (o.  fl.).  -ft^lle 
exercise,  theme.  -tabel  exercise  table.  -tib 
time  for  practice.  -togt  training  cruLse.  -tur 
training  expedition. 

Ønerben  c  world  of  Islands,  Polynesia. 

Øoerlig  adv  near  the  surface. 

Øtierft  a  uppermost,  topmost,  top,  highest; 
fiff  supreme,  highest;  bet  -e  the  top;  -e  Slaéfe  the 
first  class;  be  -e  planeter  the  superior  planets; 
bet  -e  S)cet  the  upper  el.  main  deck;  —  adv 
uppermost,  at  the  top;  _  »eb  Sorbet  at  the  head 
of  the  table;  ftbbe  _  i  filalfen  be  the  head-boy, 
be  at  the  head  of  one's  form;  ftao  _  paa  2iften 
head  the  list;  _  ftaar  fig  chief  among  these  is; 
fra  _  til  neberft  from  top  to  bottom;  from  head 
to  foot.  Ønerftbefalenbe  c  commander-in-chief. 
tøberpe  c  -r  chief,  leader,  captain;  bibl  head, 
ruier.  Ø'tire  a  de/  upper.  Øbreitalien  o.  fl. 
Upper  Italy  etc. 

Ø'Orig  a  remaining;  bet  -e  the  rest,  remainder; 
mine  -e  ffiage  the  rest  of  my  days;  en  of  3)øtrenc 
er  gift,  be  -e  ofo.  one  of  her  daughters  has  mar- 
ried,  the  others  etC;  for  -t,  i  -t  (as)  for  the  rest; 
besides;  otherwise,  in  other  respects. 

Ø'brig^eb  c  -er  magistrates,  authorities;  ben 
gejftlige  -  the  spiritual  authorities;  be  -er,  fom  ere 
bibl  the  powers  that  be.  —  Øorig^cbål befaling 
magisterial  order  el.  mandate.  -beftiUing  ma- 
gisterial  offlce.    -|>erfon  magistrate. 

•'ØE  fe  PKe. 


In  this  dictionary  the  syllabic  accent  is  marked  by  the  sign  ('),  whenever 
it  is  011  any  other  syllable  than  the  first;  where  there  is  no  accent-sign  the  accent 
is  always  on  the  first  syllable. 

When  the  accent-sign  is  placed  after  a  ooioel,  this  vowel  is  long;  when 
after  a  consonani,  the  preceding  vowel  is  short:  when  there  is  no  accent-sign, 
the  accented  vowel  is  long,  when  ending  the  word  or  followed  by  only  one  con- 
sonant;  short,  when  followed  by  more  than  one. 

The  accentuation  of  English  words  is  not  marked  here,  except  when  the 
similarity  between  the  English  and  the  Danish  word  might  lead  to  a  false  accen- 
tuation, as  in  ?lfcent'  ac'cent. 

As  to  pronunciation,  little  more  has  been  attempted  than  to  mark  the 
different  sounds  of  accented  c  and  o  —  the  pronunciation  of  the  other  vowels 
being  comparatively  uniform. 

@,  when  long,  takes  a  sound  rather  similar  to  the  English  a  in  ale,  only 
a  little  less  open  and  without  the  «vanish»  in  e,  generally  heard  in  the  English 
vowel;  as  in  3Rcn,  93egre'b.  Exceptionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  ce  (something 
like  the  English  a  in  care) ;  this  is  marked  by  [æ]  after  the  word,  as  in  tjene  [æ], 
beb're  [æ]. 

@,  when  short,  has  the  sound  as  the  English  e  in  set,  as  in  ipeft,  ntett, 
beret'te.  Occasionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  the  long  c  described  above  (only 
short);  this  is  marked  by  [é]  after  the  word,  as  in  i^eht  [é];  the  same  sound 
generally  occurs  (though  not  marked  here)  in  the  neuter  of  adjectives  and  the 
participle  of  verbs  with  a  long  e,  as  in  feb,  n  febt  [é],  bere'be  part  berebt  [é]. 

O,  when  long,  has  an  intermediate  sound  between  the  English  vowels  in 
toe  and  tao,  as  in  bo,  formo'be,  |)o'rn.  Exceptionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  aa 
(English  o  in  more);  this  is  marked  by  [aa]  after  the  word.  as  in  o'tte  [aa]. 

D,  when  short.,  has  the  sound  of  English  o  in  not  (only  a  little  less  open), 
as  in  So^t  (food),  nof,  befol'fe.  Exceptionally  it  takes  the  sound  of  the  long  o 
described  above  (only  short);  this  is  marked  here  by  [6]  after  the  word,  as  in 
^oft  [6J  (broom). 

The  inflection  of  compounds  is  not  given  here,  as  they  follow  their 

Whenever  no  conjugation  of  single  verbs  is  given,  they  conjugate  in  the 
regular  way,  by  adding  -be  to  the  infinitive  in  the  imperfect  tense,  and  -t  in  the 
participle  (corresponding  to  the  English  regular  conjugation  in  -d). 

Like  as  English  adjectives  form  their  adverbs  by  adding  -ly,  so  in  general 
do  Danish  by  adding  -t.  Consequently,  to  save  space,  such  adverbs  as  a  rule 
are  not  given  in  this  dictionary. 

Hettelfer,  CORRIGENDA. 

aSeb  en  gejltagelfe  er  9lrtiIIen  JterMe  Jat  unber  Siavnt. 


•     signifies  that  either  the  leading  word 


=    equal,  the  same.                             ^M 

of  an  article,  or  that  part  of  it  which 

+     rare 


stands  before  the  vertical  stroke    ,  is 

t     obsolete  forætbet. 

to  be  repeated. 

p    colloquial  bagtig  Xote. 

_     rep 

aces  the  Danish  word  in  question. 

p    popular,  vulgar,  loDt,  ftmpelt. 

t     Danish  (not  used  in  Norway).             1 

^   naval  term  ©ømanbåfprog.            .^M 

*     Norwegian  (not  used  in  Denmark).     1 

^    botany.                                            ^^M 




French,  and  keeping  the  French 











geometry.                                ,^| 




grammar.                                ^^ 




heraldry.                                 J^| 



i  ?«m. 

commonly.                               ^^H 




the  imperfect  tense.               ^| 




interjection.                            ^| 




ironically.                               ^^ 




instead  of  tXtebenfor.             '^| 




jocularly  fpogenbe.                  ^| 


common  gender  ^^ætleåtøn  (taking 


law  term  juribiff  Ubtr^f.         B 

the  article  en,  ben). 


compare  jceunfør.                   ^| 




logic.                                       ^^1 


surgery  Éirurgi. 


with  meb.                               ^| 




mathematics.                         H 




medicine.                                 ^* 


concrete  fonfret. 


mercantile  ^anbetåjprog. 






contemptuously  foragtcltflt. 




definite  beftemt. 


mineralogy;    mining  95jærgDær!å 


steam-engine  2)ompmaffine. 


b.  D. 

this  word,  these  words. 



b.  f. 

the  same. 


neuter  ^fntetføn. 

b.  1  f. 

the  same  as. 


below  nebenfor. 




something  noget. 




even  ogfaa. 



0.  1 

and  the  hke  og  lignenbe. 





f.  må. 

for  instance. 


ordinal  number  iDrbengtal. 








etc.  og  faa  ttibere. 


above  oBenfor. 


German   %\)'^   (Oermoniåme,    ber 


on  paa. 

\\)xiti  ooerfløbig  eDer  iffe  ret  natu- 













plural  gltrtol. 


case  Xilfætbc. 


poetical  bigterij!. 


typography  Sogtr^!. 


pronoun  pronomen. 


without  ubeit. 








by  »eb. 






noun  Subftantiw. 


veterinary  art  3)QrIægefunft. 




intransitive  verb. 


compounds  ©ammenfcetninger. 


passive  verb. 


sport  ^agt 


reflexive  verb. 


something  noget 


transitive  verb. 


superlative;  supine 




jk#ii«a^i' « wi    ■>m^^ .       wnn   cj  ^    i«f  V 









^  3.  udg.