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B.  0.  BAKER 






Practical  and 





Revised  Edition. 

Containing  20,000  common  words  with  tlieir 
correct  spelling,  syllabication,  pronunciation, 
definition,  and  shorthand  outline. 

With  an  appendix  containing  the  Names  of 
the  States  and  Territories  and  their  Capitals, 
with  shorthand  outlines;  Rules  for  Spelling, 
Capitalization,  and  Punctuation  ;  Common  Ab- 
breviations; Foreign  Phrases  and  Commercial 


Author  of  "  Complete  Shorthand  Manual"  and  "Shorthand 
Copybook."  Teacher  and  Reporter  of  Thirty  Years'  Experi- 






_  late,  hat,  ask,  arm,  all,  care, 
^  senate,  final. 

e    =   eve,  ell,  err,  gvent,  recent. 
i     =    time,  tin,  Tdea. 
o    =   cold,  hot,  orb, Sbey:  ooze,  book. 
11    =•    luie,  cup,  fiill,  urn,  unite,  rude. 

y  =  pity- 


th  =  =  then,  (/tin. 

foreign  nasal  =  a«'k6r'. 


The  principal  Accent  is  shown  by 
a  heavy  mark  [  '  J;  the  secondary 
Accent  is  shown  by  a  light  mark  [ '  ]. 

Unaccented  syllables  are  separated 
by  Hyphens. 


rt.djective,  K.oun,  /roK.oun,  adit.erh, 
ci?«y.unction,  in/erj.ecUon,  //.ural, 
.f.  ingular,«?.ascu  line, y.enii  nine, /<;«.- 
essive,  /rc/.osition,  z-.erb,  ^.ransi- 
tive,  /.ntransitive,  /.articiple,  ^.ast, 
/r.esent,  ;w/.erfect. 

^.rench,  Cerman,  //.alian,  Z^.atin, 
etcetera,  myth.ological,  op.posite 
pert.aining,  syl.lable. 

Thcjirst  spelling'x^  to  guide  as  to 
syllabication;  the  second  spelling  sets 
forth  X.\ie  pronunciatiott. 

Copyrighted  1896  and  1905. 




a-back'   [i-bJk']  adv.  backvrard 
ab'a-CUS    [iba-kus]  K.  countingframe 
a-baft'  [a-baftl  prep,  behind 
a-ban'don  ta-bSn'dfln]  v.t.  to  forsake 
a-base'  [abas]  v.t.  to  humble 
a-bash'   [a-bash']  f.t.  to  confuse 
a-bate'    [a-batl  -<j.t.  to  lessen 
ab'a-tis  [ab'a-tis]  «.  a  fort 
aljat'toir'  [aT^atnyar'] «. slaughterhouse 
abTja  [ab'ba]  «.  father 
ab'bess  [abT^Ss]  «.  head  nun 
ab'bey  [ab'by]  «■  a-  monastic  building 
ab'bot    [ab'but]  n.  head  of  an  abbey 
ab'di-cate  [ab'di-kat]  m.t.  to  renounce 
ab-do'men  [ab-do'men]  «.  the  belly 
ab-dom'i-nal   [ab-domi-nal]  a. 
ab-ducf     [ab-duktT  -.-.t.  to  kidnap    [ro 
a'be-Ce-da'ri-an  [a'be-se-da'rl-itnl«. ty- 
ab'  er-ra'tisn  [ab'er-ra'shun]  n.  insanitj 
a-bet'  [a-bet']  f.t.  to  help 
a-bey'ance    [a-ba'^ns]  n.   suspension 
ab-hor'  [ab-horT  'J.t.  to  detest 
ab-hor'rence  [ab-h6r'r«ns] «.  detestation 
a-bide'  ta-bid']  t'.J.  to  stay 
a-bil'i-ty  [a-bin-ty]  n.  being  able 

ab'ject  [ab'jekt]  a.  vile 
ab-jure'  [ab-jurT    "V-t.  to  abandon 
a-blaze'  [a-bla^T  adv.  &  a.   afire 
a'ble   [alVl]   a.  efficient 

a'ble-bod'ied    [-bod'id]  a.  robust 

a-bloom'    [a-bloom']  ad-j.  in  bloom 
a-blush'     [a-blush']  adv.  &  a.   ruddy 
ab-'u'tion  [ab-lu'shun]  «.  washing 
ab'ne-gate    [abne-gat]  v.t.  to  deny 
ab-nor'mal   [ab-n6r'm<il]  a.  unusual 
a-board'  [a-bord]  adv.  &.  prep,  on  board 
a-bode'    [a-bodT  n.  dwelling 
a-bol'ish    [a-bSl'lsh]  v.t.  to  revoke 
ab'o-li'tion  [ab'4-llsh'Qn]  «.  [fiil 

a-bom'i-na-ble  [a-bOm  i-na-b'l]  a.  hate 
a-bom'i-nate    [nat],  v.t.  to  detest 
ab  o-rig'i-nal[ab'6-rlj'l-nol] «. primitive 
ab'o-rig'i-nes  [nez]  native  races 
a-bor'tion  [-ibor  shun)  n.  miscarriage 
a-bor'tive  [-tiv]  a.  fruitless 
a-bound'    [a-bound']  v.i.  to  be  plentiful 
a-bout'  [about']  prep,  near 
a-bove'    [a-biiv']  prep,  over 
ab-rade'     [ab-rad]   v.i.  to  rub  off 
ab-ra'sion  [ab-ra'zhQn]  «,  a  rubbing  off 
a-breast'   [a-brest']  adv.  side  by  side 
a-bridge'   [i-brlj]  v.t.  to  shorten 
a-broad'  [a-brad']  adv.  widely 
ab'ro-gate  [ab'ri-gat]  v.t.  to  repeal 
ab-rupt'  [ab-rupt"]  a.  sudden 
ab'scess  [al.scs]  »/.  galhering  of  humor 
ab-scis'sion  [ab-sizh'fln]  «.  cutting  ofl 
ab-scond'  [ab-skOnd]  v.i.  to  steal  off 
ab'sence  [ab'sens]  «.  away  from 
ab'aent    [ab'sfnt]  a.  not  present 
ab  sen-tee*    [ab'stn-tt-']  n.  one  absent 
ab'sinthe'  [ab'sIn/A]  k.  a  strong  drink 








ABS  2 

ab'so-lute  [M/sS-lut]  a.  unrestrifled 
ab  SO-lu'tion  [ab  sS-lu'shun]  >;.  pardm 
ab-80lve'  [.Ih-sOlv']  v.t.  to  acquit 
ab-SOrb'  [11i-s6rb']  v.t.  to  swallow  up 
ab-sorb'ent  [-cnt]  a.  sponge-like 
ab-sorp'tion  (.lli-sflrp'shun) ;;.  taking  in 
ab-stain'  [.-il.-strml  T'.i.  to  keep  from 
ab-ste'mi-OUS  [ab-ste'ml-us]  a.  sparing 
ab'sti-nence  [ab'stl-n«is]  n.  self-denial 
ab'stract  [ab'strlkf]  «.  abridgment 
ab-atruse'  [.Ib-strijs')  a.  obscure 
ab-surd'    [rib-sOrd]  a.  ridiculous 
ab-surd'i-ty  [ab-sOrdl-ty]  n. 
a-bun'dance   [a-bun'd<ins]  «.  plenty 
a-bun'dant     [-dant]  a.  ample 
a-buse'    [i-buz]  v.t.  to  injure 
a-bu'sive  [a-bu'slv]  a.  insulting 
a-but'ment   [i-butrnt-nt]  «.  end  of 
a-but'tal    [,i-butt<!l]  n.  headland 
a-bys'mal  [i-blz'mal]  a.  bottomless 
a-byss'   [i-blsT  «.  a  deep  chasm 
a-ca'cia  f.ika  sh.i]  k.  a  shrub 
a-cad'e-my  [,'i-kad'c-my]  «.  school 
A-ca'di-an  [a-ka  dl-<jn]  a.  of  Acadie 
a-can'thuSta-kanV/fus]  «.  pricklyplant 
ac-cede'  t^k-sed)  tm'.  to  concur 

ac-cel'er-ate  [ak-sel'er-at]  j/./.  to  hasten 
ac'cent'  [ak'senf]  «.  stress 
ac-cen'tu-ate  [ik-sen'td-at]  v.t.  to  em- 
ac-cept'  tsk-sept']:-./.  to  receive  [phasizc 
ac-cept'a-ble    [-i-b'l]  a-  welcome 
ac-cept' ance  [-ans]  «.  acceptation 
ac-cess'  [ak-sesT  «.  admittance 
ao-cess'i-ble    t-I  b'l]  a.  obtainable 
ac-ces'sion    [^k-sCsh'On]    n.  aJdition 
ac-ces'so-ry  [ak-scs's6-ry]  a.  aidmg 
ac'ci-dent    [.11;'sl-d<-nt]  «.  mishap 
ac-claim'  c.  -kUm]  v.t.  to  applaud 
ao-cla-ma'tion    [ak-kla-ma'shDnJ   K. 
ac-cli'mate  [ak-kll'mat]  f./.  to  accustom 
ac-cliv'i-ty  tsk-kllv'l-ty]  «.  ascent 
ac-com'mo-datc  [.ik-ksm'mS-datiz'.^.  t' 
ac-com'mo-da'tion  [da'shuni  h.  [sui 
ac-com'pa-nist   [nist]  n. 
ac-com'pa-ny  [  ny]  v.t.  to  escort 
ac-com'plice[ak-kOm'plls]  «.  accessor 
ac-COm'plish  [pllsh]  v.t.  to  complete 
ac-COrd'  [ak-k6rd'l  n.  agreement 
ac-COrd'ance  []  tt.  harmony 
ac-COrd'ing  (-in:;)  /.<?.  agreeing 
ac-cor'di-on  [ak-kor'dl-Qn]  «. 
ac-cost'  [ak-kOst']  v.t.  to  speak  to 
ac-COU-cheur'  [ak-koo-shcr]«.manmid 
ac-count'  [ak-kounf)  «.  reckoning  [wifi 
ac-count'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  liable 
ac-count'ant     [-itnt]    n.  reckoner 
ac-count'-book'  [-16Sk']M.    [trapping? 
ac-cou'ter-ments  [ak-kso'tcr-mfnts)  « 
ac-cred'it  [ak-kred'It]  v.t.  to  sanction 
ac-cres'cent  [ak-krSs'sfnt]  a.  g^rowinj 
ac-crete'  (ak-kret]  v.i.  to  growtogethe; 
ac-cre'tion  [ak-kre'shOn]  >i.  increase 
ac-crue'  [ak-kru'J  v.i.  to  gain 




^ '  L 

ACC  3 

ac-Cu'mil-late  [ak-ku'mft-lat]f  ./.to store 
ac'cu-ra-cy  [ak'ku-ra-sy]  «.  precision 
ac'cu-rate  [rSt]  a.  correcl 
ac-curse'  [ak-kars]  i:t.  to  curse 
ac-CUs'a-ble  [Sk-kuz'a-b'l]  a.  blamable 
ac  CU-sa'tion  [ak'kii-za'shun]  m.  censure 
ac-cuse'  [ak-kuz']  -■.t.  to  charge  with 
ac-cus'tom  [kustQm]  ^■./.  to  familiarize 

ace  [a-^]   T..  a  unit 

a-ceph'a-lous  [a-sSf'a-IQs]  a.  headless 
a-cerb'  [i-serb']  a.  bitter 
a-cerb'i-ty    [a-scr'bl-ty]  h.  bitterness 
a-ce'tic    [a-sst'lk]  a.  vinegar  acid 
ache  [ak]   ;;.  pain 
a-chieve'  [a-chevT  -v.t.  to  obtain 
a-chieve'ment  [mfnt]  k.  a  feat 
ac'id  [as  id]  ,7.  sour 
a-cid'u-late  [a-sid'a-Iat]  v.t.  to  sour 
ac-knowl'edge  [akn6l'ej]  v.t.  to  own 
ac-knowl'edg-ment  [mcnt]  n. 
ac'me   [ak'me]   ;:.  highest  point 
ac'o-lyte   [ak'4-lit]   «.  server  in  church 
ac'o-nite    [ak'4-nit]  «.  a  poison 
a'com  [a*kurn]  ?r.  seed  of  the  oak 
a-cous'tic  [a-kous'tik)  a.   pert,  to  sound 
ac-quaint'  [ak-kwant']z'.  to  make  known 
ac-quaint'ance  [.insj  «. 
ac'qui-esce'  [ak'kwi-es']  ■v.i.  to  assent 
ac  qui-es'eence  [s^ns]  k.  consent 
ac-quire'  [  ak-kwir]  v.t.  to  gain 
ac-quire'ment  [mfnt],  «. 
ac'qui-si'tion  [ak'kwi-zlsh'flnl  «.  gain 
ao-quit'  rak-kwit']  v.t.  to  discharge 
ac-quit'tal  [tiH]  «.  set  free 
a'cre  [a'ker]  n.  a  piece  of  land 
a'cre-age   [a'ker-3j]  «.  area  in  acres 
ac'rid  [akrid]  a.  bitter 
a-crid'i-ty     [a-krid -r-ty]   k.    bitterness 
ac'ri-mo-ny  [ak'rl-m6-ny]  «.  sharpness 
ac'ro-bat  [ak'r4-bat]  «.  a  vaulter 
ac'ro-bat'ic  [ik]  a. 

a-cross'  [a-krOs]  /»rir;».  from  side  to  side 
a-cros'tic  [a-krOs'tIk]  n.  word  puzzl. 
act    [akt]  tr.t.  to  perform 
ac'tion  [ak'shOn]  n.  movement 
ac'tive  [ak'tiv]  a.  nimlile 
ac'tor  [ak'ter]  «.  stage  player 
ac'tresa  [aktrfe]  n.  lady  actor 
ac'tu-al  [ak'til-<il]  a.  real 
ac'tu-al-ly    [ly]  adv.  positively 
ac'tu-a-ry  [4-rj]  n.  a  clerk 
ac'tu-ate  [-at]  I'.t.  to  arouse 
a-cu'men  [ ikumfin]  «.  sagacity 
a-cu'mi-nate  [a-ka'ml-njt]  a.  tapering 
a-cute'  [a-kut'l  a.  sharp 
ad'age  [ad'Sj  «.  maxim 
a-da'gio  [idii'jt]  //.  slow 
ad'a-mant  [ada-mSnt]  w.  very  hard 
a-dapt'  [.idapf]  vj.  to  adjust 
a-dapt  a-bil'i-ty  [-i-bil'i.ty]  n. 
add    ['id]  7  ..'.  to  augment 
ad-den'dum  [ad-dcnMam]  «.  appendix 
ad'der   (ad  <!<>)  «.  a  vrjicnt 


ADD  4 

ad-dict'  [ad-dlkf]  v.t.  to  habituate 
ad-di'tion  [ad-dlsh'un]    n.  increase 
ad'dle     [Id'd'l]    a.   putrid 
ad-dress'  [.1d-dres']   «.  a  speech 
ad-duce'    rad-dus']  v.t.  to  allege 
ad-du'ci-ble  [ad-du'si-h'l]  a. 
a-dept'  [A-d6pt']  K.  one  skilled 
ad'e-quate  [ad'e-kwSt]  a.  equal  to  need 
ad-here'    [id-her']  v.i.  to  stick 
ad-her'ence  [irns],  «.  fideUty 
ad-her'ent    [-t-nt]  a.  follower 
ad-he'sion    [ad-he'zhun]   «.  union 
ad-he'sive    [-siv]  a.  sticky 
a-dieu'    [A-du]  n.  a  farewell 
ad  in'fi-ni'tum  [adln'il-ni'tum]i:.end- 
ad'i-pose'  [ad'I-pos']  a.  fatty  [lessly 

ad-ja'cent  [ad-ja'sent]  a.  close 
ad'jec-tive[ad'j6k-tlv]«. qualifying  word 
ad-join'  [ad-join']  v.t.  to  join  to 
ad-journ'  [ad-jarn'j  v.t.  to  put  off 
ad-judge'  [,vl-juj']  v.t.  to  decide 
ad-ju'di-cate  [ad-ju'dl-kat]  -i/.^.toaward 
ad-ju'di-ca  tor  [ka'tcr],   n.  awarder 
ad-junct'   [ad-jOngkt]  a.   united  to 
ad-jure'    [ad-jur'J   v.t.  to  command 
ad-just'  [id-just]  v.t.  to  fit 
ad-just^ a-ble    [i-li'l],   a.  adaptable 
ad'ju-tant  [ad'jii-tant]  n.  an  officer 
ad-min'is-ter[ad-mln'ls-ter]t'./.  to  man 
ad-min'is-tra'tion  [tra'shun]  n.  [age 
ad-min'is-tra'tor[-ter],   n.  manager 
ad'mi-ra-ble  [ad'ml-ra-b'l]  a.  wonderful 
ad'mi-ral    [ad'ml-ral]  n.  naval  officer 
ad  mi-ra'tion  [ad'ml-ra'shOn]  k. esteem 
ad-mire'    [ad-mir']  v.t.  to  regard 
ad-mir'er   [er]  n.  lover 
ad-mis'si-ble  [5d-mis'si-b'l]  a.  allow- 
ad-mis'sion  [ad-misli'un] «. access  [able 
ad-mit'  [admit']  v.t.  to  suffer  to  enter 
ad-mit'tance    [tans]  «.  entrance 
ad-mix'ture  [ad-mlks'tfir]  «.  blending 
ad-mon'ish  [ad-m6n'Isli]  7'./.  to  reprove 
ad'mo-ni'tion  [ad'mS-nish'un]  n. 
ad-nas'cent  [ad-nas'scnt]  a.  growing  on 
a-do'  [a-do5']  K.  trouble 

ad'o-les'cent  [ad'S-les'scnt]  a.  growing 

A-do'nis  [,i-do'ms]  71.  beautiful  youth 
a-dopt'  [a-di5pt']  v.t.  to  take  by  choice 
a-dop'tion  [a-dSp'shOn]  n.  adopting 
ad'o-ra'tion  [ad'6-ra'shun]  «.  worship 
a-dore'  [a-dor']  v.t.  to  reverence 
a-dorn'  [a-dorn']  v.t.  to  embellish 
a-down'     [a-doim']  adv.  &t.  frep.  down 
A  dri-at'ic  [a'dri-at'ik]  n.  a  sea 
a-drift'  [a-drilt]  a.  &  adv.  floating  at 
a-droit'  [.i-droif]  a.  expert        [random 
ad'u-la'tion  [ad'u-la'shun]  ».  flattery 
a-dult'  [a-dult']  ;;.  a  mature  person 
a-dul'ter-ate  [a-dul'tcr-at]!'./.  to  debase 
a-dul'ter-a'ted  [-a'ted]  a.  not  pure 
a-dul'ter-y   [-y]  «.  unfaithfulness 
ad  va-lo'rem  [ad  va-la'rsm]  L.  value 
ad-vance'  [ad-vans']?/./,  to  proceed  [duty 
ad-vance'ment  [-m^nt]  71.  progress 




ADV  5 

ad-van'tage  [ad-vantsj]  «. lienefit        I 
ad'van-ta'geous[ad'jus]  a.        i 

ad'vent  [advent]  «.  coming  [ual 

ad'ven-ti'tious  [ad'ven-tlsh'Os]  a.  cas- 
ad-ven'ture  [ad-vsn'tur]  n.  risk 
ad-ven'tur-er  [ad-vsn'tur-cr]  «. 
ad'verb  [ad'vcrli]  >/.  a  modifying  word 
ad'ver-sa-ry  [ad'vSr-sS-ry]  «.  enemy 
ad'verse    [Sdvcrs]   a.   contrary 
ad-ver'si-ty  [ad-versl-ti]  «.  misfortune 
ad-vert'     [advert  ]  I'.i.  to  allude  to 
ad-vert'ent  [t-nt]  a.  heedful 
ad'ver-tise'  [adver-tlz']  f ./.  to  publish 
ad-ver'tise-ment  [ad-vcr'tiz-mfnt]  «. 
ad-vice'  [advls]  a.  counsel 
ad-vis'a-ble  [adviza-b'l]  a.  expedient 
ad-vise'  [Sd-vtzT  v.t.  to  give  advice 
ad-vise'ment   [nu-nt]  «.  information 
ad-vis'er  [PrV/.one  who  advises  [advise 
ad-vi'so-ry  [-\i'z6-ry]  a.havingpowerto 
ad'vo-cate[5d'v4-kSt) «.  pleader 
adz  [adz]  w.  a  kind  of  ax 
^-ge'an    [eje'an]  n.  a  sea 
^-o'li-an^-o'lI-<in]  a.  pert,  to  the  wind 
.ff'o-lus  K.  [e'4-lfls]  god  of  the  winds 
a-e'ri-al    [i-e'rl-ul]  a.    pert,  to  the  air 
ae'rie   [S  r^'l  "■  an  eagle's  nest. 
a'er-i-form  [a'erl-form]  a.  gaseous 
a'er-o-lite  [-8-l!t]  k.  a  meteoric  stone 
a'er-o-naut  [nat]  k.  a  balloonist 
a'er-0-^tat[-stat]  H.aballoon  [medicine 
iCs'cu-la'pi-us  [5s'kii-la'pl-as]H.godof 
aes-thet'ic  [es-C/iet'Ik]  a.  artistic 
a-far'  [i.far']  at^v.  far  away 
af  fa-bil'i-ty  [affa-bll'I-ty]  «.  courtesy 
af fa-ble  [aft  a-b'l]  a.  courteous 
af-fairs'     [Sf-firz']  «.//.  business 
af-ifect'   [af-fekt'l  i'.(.  to  act  upon 
af  fec-ta'tion[affek-ta'shun]«.pretence 
af-fec'tion  [affek'shfln]  «.  love 
af-fec'tion-ate  [St]  a.  loving 
af-fec'tion-ate-ly  [it-ly]  adv. 
af-fec'tive  [affek'tlv]  a.  emotional 
af-fi'ance  [affians]  «.  plighted  faith 
af  fi-da'vit    [af 'fi-da'vit]  n.  sworn  de- 
af-fil'i-ate  [af-fU'I-at]  -z'.toally  [position 
af-fil'i-a'tion   [a'shfln]  n.  adoption 
af-fin'i-ty  [affinity]  k.  relation 
af-firm'  [af-fcrm']  v.f.  to  assert 
affir-ma'tion  [affer-ma'shon]  n. 
af-flrm'a-tive  [af-ferm'a-tiv]  a. 
af-fix'    [.Iffiks]  v.e.  to  annex 
af-fla'tus    [af -fla'tOs]  «.  inspiration 
af-flict'  [af-fllkt']  v.e.  to  distress 
af-flic'tion    [af-fllk'shun]  «.  trouble 
af'flu-ence  (af 'flS-^ns]  «.  great  plenty 
afflu-ent  [ern]  a.  wealthy 
afflux'  [af'flOks')  K.  a  flowing  towards 
af-ford'  [af-fbrd']  z'.t.  to  spare 
af-fray'  [af-fra']  «.  a  tumult 
af-fright'  [affrit']  n.  terror 
af-front'    [affrOnf]  v.t.  to  insult 
af'ghan  [af'gnn]  «.  a  wrap 
a-flre'     [4flr']  adv.  Si  a.  on  fire 






a-float'    [a-flOt]  adv.  &  a.  on  water 
a-foot'    [a-t'66t']  adv.  on  foot 
a-fore'said  [a-fbr'sed'l  «.        [er  reason 
a  for  ti-o'ri[af6r'shI-5'r!] /..with  strony- 
a-fraid'[.\frSd']r7. timid 
Af'ri-can  (af 'rl-knn]  a.  pert,  to  Africa 
aft'er  [aftTr]  a.  adv.  ^  prep,  later 
aft'er-math  [-ina//ij ;/.  second  mowing; 
aft'er-noon'  [noon']  ji.p.m. 
aft'er-ward  [-wcrd]  adv.  subsequently 
a-gain'  [a-^en']  adv.  iV/^f/.  once  more 
a-gainst'  [a-g6nst']  prep,  opposite  to 
a-gape'  [a-gap']^(/t'.  &(i.  eager  attention 
ag'ate  [.Ig'St]  «.  kind  of  small  type 
age  [aj]  n.  time  of  life 
a'ged  [a'jed]  a.  old 
a'gen-cy    [a'jfn-sy]  n.  management 
a'gent  [a'jint]   n.  a  deputy    [«.  a  mass 
ag-glom  er-a'tion  [ag-glom'er-a'shun] 
ag'gran-dize  [ag'gran-dizjz'.toaugment 
ag'gra-vate  [.Ig'gra-vStJ  v.t.  to  provoke 
ag  gra-va'tion  [ag'gra-va'shOn]  n. 
ag'gre-gate  [ag'gre-gst]  n.  a  sum 
ag-gres'sioa  [ag-gresh'an]  n.  attack 
ag-gres'sor  [ag-gr6s'ser]  n.  assaulter 
ag-grieve'    [ag-grev]   v.t.  to    afBicft 
a-ghast'    [agist]  a.  terrified 
ag'ile  [aj'il]  a.  nimble 
a-gil'i-ty   [a-jll'l-ty]  n.  activity 
ag'i-tate  [aji-tat]  v.t.  to  disturb 
ag  i-ta'tion   [ta'shun]  n.  a  disturbance 
ag'i-ta'tor    [aj'I-tater]    «.  a  disturber 
a-glow'  [agio']  adv.  in  a  glow    [swallow 
ag-nos'tic  [ag-nOs'tIk]  ;;.  one  professing 
ft'S^'  [a-go']  a.  &  adv.  past     [ignorance 
a-gog'  [a-grtg']  a.  &  adv.  eager 
ag'o-ny_  [ag'O-ny]  ,t.  anguish 
a-gra'ri-an  [a-gra'n-an]  a.  pert,  to  land 
a-gree'  [a-gre']  v.i.  to  concur 
a-gree'a-ble  [ah'l]  a.  pleasing 
a-gree'ment  [nunt]  >!.  concurrence 
ag'ri-cul'ture  [ag'rl-kOl'tdr]  «.  farming 
a-ground'  [a-ground']<jrfi/.& a.  stranded 
a'gue  [agij]  «.  a  chill 
ah     [a]    ititerj.    an  exclamation 
a-head'  [a-hed']  adv.  in  front 
aid  [.ad]  n.  h-lp 

aid'de-camp'  [ad'dc-ka?i']  «.  camp  as- 
ail    [al]    v.i.   to  be  ill  [sistant 

ail'ment    [al'mfnt]  n.  indisposition 
aim  [.am]  71.  direction;  purpose 
aim'less    [-I6s]  a.  without  aim 
air    [."ir]    ;/.   the  atmosphere 
air'- brake'  [-brak]  «. 
air'y    l-y]  a.  light;  open 
aisle  [il]  n.  passage  in  a  church 
a-jar'  l.i-jar']  adv.  partly  open 
a-kim'bo  [a-klm'li6]  a.  bent  arms 
a-kin'    [a-kin']  a.  related  by  blood 
a-lack'  \\-\i.V"\i"terj.  expressing sorrov. 
a-lac'ri-ty    [a-l.'ik'rl-ty]  n.  lively 
a  la-mode'[.a'la-m4tl')rto'w.&rt.  infashion 



ALA  7 

a-larm'    [a-larml    «.  fright 
a-las'  [i-las  ]  interj.  expressing  sorrow 
alb  [.M'.'l  >:.  a  priest's  white  tunic  1 

al'ba-tross  falM-tras]  k.  large  sea  bird 
alTje'lt  [alTjg'It]  cottj.  even  though  I 
al-bes'cent  (albJs  Sf  nt]  ,i.  turning  white 
al-bi'no[Sl-hin6]«.white-bloodecl  person 
al'bum  [album]  of  photographs 
al-bu'nien  [al-bQ'm^n]  «.  -white  of  egg 
al'che-my  [arke-my];;. occult  chemistrj- 
al'co-hol  [al'kS-hSl]  n.  pure  spirits 

al'co-ran, al'ko-ran  [alkS-rin]  Koran 
al'cove  [alTcSv]  «.  a  recess 
al'der  [alder]  n.  a  tree 
al'der-man  Laldcr-nnJn]  n.  magistrate 
Al'der-ney  Lai  dcr-ny]  >i .  a  breed  of  cattle 
Al'dine  [al'din]  a.  finely  printed  edition 
ale  [rd]  >i.  a  beverage 
a-lem'bic[a-lem'blk]!i.adistilling  vessel 
a-lert'    [a-lert]  a.  watchful 
al'ge-bra  [al'jc-bri]  branch  of  mathemat- 
a'li-as  [ali-as]  adv.  otherw  ise  called  [ics 
al'i-bi   [an-bl]  «.  in  another  place 
al'ien  [alycn]  a.  a  foreigner 
a-light  [a-llt']  v.i.  to  dismount 
a-lign'ment  [a-lin'mcnt]  II.  in  line 
a-like'  [i-lIW]  a.  similar 
al'i-ment  [al'i-m^nt]  >;.  food 
al  i-men'ta-ry  [ari-m6n'ta-ry]  a. 
al'i-mo-ny  [all-mS-ny]  k.  allowance 
al'i-quot[alikwOt]  a.  dividing  without 
a-live'[a-liv']  a.  having  life      [remainder 
al'ka-li  [al'ka-ll]  «.  a  caustic  base 
al'ka-line  [lin]  a.  having  alkali 
all    [al]  a.  the  whole 
Al'lah    [aria]  «.  Arabic  name  of  God 

al-lay'  [ai-is"]  v.t.  to  soothe 

alle-ga'tion  [aric-ga'shun]  «.  affirma 
al-lege'  [al-lej ']-■./.  to  affirm  [tion 

al-le'giance  [al-lejiins]  «.  loyalty 

al'le-go-ry  [anc-gfi-ry]  along  metaphor 
al  le-gret'tO  [.lllc-gret'tfi]//.  quick  time 
al-le'gro  [.ll-Ie'gri]  //.  quicker  tl-.analle- 
al-le'vi-ate  [al-le'vl-at]  -j.  to  allay  [gretto 
al'ley  [ally]  «.  a  narrow  passage 
al-li'ance  [al-iruns]  «.  a  league 

al-lied'  [.illid]  a.  joined 
al'li-ga'tor    [al'll-ga'ttr]  «.  a  reptile 
al'lo-cu'tion  [ariiku'shOn]  «.  speech 
al  lo-path'ic  [,'il'l6-pa//i'Ik]  a.  mode  of 
al-lop'a-thist  [al-16p'a-//ilst]  n.     [cure 
al-lop'a-thy  [al-10p'a-/';iy]  n. 
al-lot'    [al-lOf]  V.I.  to  distribute  by  lot 
al-low'  [al-lou]  v.t.  to  permit 
al-low'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  admissible 
al-low'ance  [nns]  «.  a  stated  quantity 
al-loy'  [alloi']  «.  mixed  metal 
all'spice'    (al'spis)  «.  tlie  pimento 
al-lude'  [allud]  i.i.  to  refer  to 
al-lure'  [allur]  v.l.  to  tempt 
al-lu'sion  [allO'zhOn]  «.  reference  to 
al-lu'vi-um  [al-IQ'vl -flni]  «.  deposit 
al-ly'  [';Ili  ]  -.l.  to  unite       Png  mother 

al'ma  ma'ter   (alma  ma'tcr]  L.  foster- 







r  r^ 




al'ma-nac  [al']  71.  a  calendar 
al-might'y    [al-mlfy]  a.  all-powerful 
alm'ond  [i  muiul)  ;;.  a  kind  of  nut 
al'mon-er  (.irmuner]  «.  aims-giver 
al'most  [alinost]  adv.  nearly 
alms  t.imz]  ii.s.S^f'l.  gifts 
alms'-house'  [lious]  n.  a  poorhouse 
al'oes  [al'oz]  «.  s.  a  purgative 
a-loft'    [i-lOftT  adv.  on  high 
a-lone'  [a-lon]  a.  single 
a-longf'  [a-lang']  adv.  onward 
a-loof  [a-loof]  adv.  &  fref.  away  from 
a-loud'  [a-loodT  adv.  loudly 
al-pac'a  [al-pak'a]  «.  a  kind  of  cloth 
al'pha  [arfa]  n.  the  first  Greek  letter 
al'pha-bet[-bet]  the  letters  of  a  language 
al'pine  [al'pin]  a.  lofty 
al-read'y  [_al-redy]  arf^-now 
al'so  [alsS]  adv.  &  coiij.  likewise 
al'tar  [alter]  n.  communion  table 
al'ter  [al'tcr]  v.t.  to  change 
al'ter-a'tion  [-a'shun]  tt.  a  change 
al'ter-ca'tion  [-ks'shun]  n.  a  wrangle 
al-ter'nate    [al-tcr'nat]  a.  by  :urns 
al-ter'na-tive  [ni-tiv]  a.  choice 
al-though'    [al-tho]  conj.  be  it  so 
al'ti-tude  [alti-tud]  k.  height 
al'to  [altOJ  ;;.  between  tenor  and  soprano 
al'to-geth'erLaltSo-geth'erJaorT/.  wholly 
al'um  [srom]  7;.  a  chemical 
al'u-min'i-umtalu-min'i-um]  1  %,|',ffg 
a-lu'mi-num[a-lu'mi-num]  n.  j    j^eta'i 
a-lum'na[a-lum'na]  n.f.s.  lady  graduate 
a-lum'nae  t-ne]  n./.  plural  of  alumna 
a-lum'ni  [i-lum  '■m\  n  .pi.  male  graduates 
a-lum'nUS  [nus]  n.  singular  of  alumni 
al'ways  [al'wiz]  adv.  continually 
am  [am]  the  firstperson  of  the  verb  to  be 
am'a-bil'i-ty  [am'a-bll'i-ty]  lovableness 
a-main'  [a-man']  adv.  with  might 
a-mal'gam  [a-maVg^m]  «.  mixed  with 
a-mal'ga-mate  [ga-mat]  v.t.  [mercury 
a-man'u-en'sis  [,i-man'u-en'sis]  copyist 
am'a-ran'thine  {■tk\n'[  a.  unfading 
a-mass'[a-mas']  V.  to  pile  together 
am  a- teur' [am  a-ter']?z.non -professional 
am'a-tive   [am'a-tiv]  a.  full  of  love 
a-maze'  [A-maz']  v.t.  to  astonish 
a-maze-ment  [mcnt]  «.  wonder 
Am'a-zon  [.Im'.i-zen]  n.  female  warrior 
am-bas'sa-dor  [am-bas'sa-dcr]  n.  envoy 
am'ber  [am'licr]  «.  a  mineral  resin 
am'ber-gris  [am  bcr-gres]  «.kind  of  wax 
am'bi-ent  [am'bi-t-nt]  a.  surrounding 
am'bi-gu'i-ty    [am'bi-gu'i-ty]  n.  doubt 
am-big'u-ous  [-u-iJs]  a.  doubtful  | 

am-bi'-tion  [Sm-bish'Qn]  desire  to  excel 
am-bi'tious  [-us]  a.  1 

am'ble  [am'b'l]  v.t.  to  pace 

am-bro'sia[-bro'zha]  fabled  food  of  gods  I 
am'bu-lance  [am'l;>a-lans]ahospitalcarti 
am'bu-la-to-ry  [la-tS-ry]  walking  j 
am  "bus-cade'    [am'bus-kad']  «.  ambush  ' 










AMB  9 

am'buSh[Sn)'bo5sh]  «.  a  device  to  entrap 
a-mel'io-rate  [a-mely6-ratjf./.  to  make 
amen'    [a  men']  i'«:'^>7'.  so  be  it    L'^tter 
a-me'na-ble  [a-me'na-b'l]a. accountable 
a-mend'     [a-mdndT  -vj.  to  reform 
a-mend'ment  [-mait]/!.  alteration  ftion 
a-mends'  [a-mendz*]  ;:.j.  &/*/.  repara- 
a-men'i-ty   [a-men'i-ty]  «.  gentleness 
a-merce'ment  [a-mcrs'm^nt]  «.a  fine 
A-mer'i-can  [a-mer'I-ktznj.r.  of  America 
am'e-thyst  [am  e-//iist]  a  precious  stone 
a'mi-a-ble  [a'mi-a-b*l]  a.  lovely 
am'i-ca-ble  [amt-ka-b'!]  a.  friendly 
a-mid'ships  [a-mid'shlps]  adv.  middle 
a-midst'[a-mTdst']/r</.  among    Lofship 
a-miss'  la-mis']  adv.  &  a.  wrong 
am'i-ty  [Smi-ty]  n.  friendship 
am-mo'ni-a  [am-mSni-i]  n.  hartshorn 
am  mu-ni'tion  [im'mii-nish'un] «. pow- 
a-mon^  [i-mung']  pref.  mixed  with 
am'-o-rous  [am'6-rus]  a.  loving 
a-moimt'  [a-mounf]  K.  the  sum  total 
am-pere'  [im-par']  n.  electric  quantity 
am-phib'i-OUS[-fIbl-us]  a.  double  living 
am  phi-tite'a-ter  [am-fi-//ie'a-ter] «. 
am'ple  ram'pM]  a.  capacious 
am'pli-fy  [am'pli-fl]  v.t.  to  enlarge 
am'pu-tate  tam  pu-tat]  v.xa  cut  offa  limb 
am  pu-ta'tion  [am'pu-ta'shun]  n. 
a-muck'  [a-mOk]  adv.&.a.  reckless 
am'u-let   [am'u-let]  «.  a  charm 
a-mus'a-ble  [i-muz'a-b'l]  a.  funny 
a-muse'  [a-muz  ]  v.t.  to  divert 
a-muse'ment  [-mt-nt]  «.  sport     fplace 
an-ach'o-rism[an-ak'4-riz'm] «. error  of 
an-ach'ro-nism  [-rS-nlz'm]  «.  error  of 
an  a-con'da  [in  a-kOn'da]);. snake  [time 
a-nEe'mi-a  [i-ne  ml-i]   n.  bloodlessness 
an  aes-thet'ic  [an'es-/A6t'Ik]«.ether,etc. 
an'a-gpram  [ana-gram]  «.  word  puzzle 
an  ■a-lep'tic[anVi-lep'tik]K. a  restorative 
a-nal'o-gOUS  [anari-gtis]  n.  resembling 
a-nal'o-gy  [-jy]  n.  similarity 
a-nal'y-sis   [a-nSl'I-sIs]  n.  a  resolving 
an'a-lyst  [an  a-IIstjK.  one  who  analyzes 
ana-lyt'ic-al  [ana-llt'l-knl]  a.  fments 
an'a-lyze  [an'a-liz]t/.  to  resolve  into  ele- 
an'a-pest  [an'a-p6st]  «.  a  metrical  foot 
an'arch-ist  [an'.irk-Tst]  k.  a  rcvolter 
an'arch-y  [-y]  >;.  a  lawless  state 
a-nath'e-ma  [a-na/Zt'e-maJ  «.  a  curse 
a-nat'o-mist  [a-nat'4-mlst]  «.  dissector 
a-nat'o-my[-my] «. study  of  parts  ulbody 
an'ces-tor  [an'scs-tCr]  k.  forefather 
an-ces'tral[an-scs'tral]a.  from  ancestors 
an'ce8-try[an'scs-try]  n.  lineage 
an'cbor  (.'mg'kt r]  instrument  for  holding 
an'chor-age  [-Sj]  >i.  a  roadstead 
an-cho'vy  [an-chuS-J]  «.  small  herring 
an'cient  [an'sh^nt]  a.  old  flegretto 

an-dan'te  [.in-dan'ti]  //.  slower  than  al- 
an'ec-dote  (In'ik-dijt]  «.  a  short  story 
a-nem'o-ne  [.i-nfim'A-nt]  n.  wind  flower 



'-^    /-^ 








a-nent'  [a-nenf] />-<•/.  concerning 
an'e-roid  [in  e-roidj « .kind  of  barometer 
an'eu-rism   [anu-rlzm]  ti.  blood  tumor 
a-new'  [anu]  adv.  afresh 
an'gel  (anjel)  «.  a  spirit  messenger 
An'ge-lus(an'je-lCis]>;.a  form  of  devotion 
an'ger  [ftnggcr]  >i.  wrath 
an'gle  [Snu'g'l]  ».  a  corner 
An'gli-can    [anggll-knn]  a.  English 
An'glo-Sax'on  [anggl6-saksun]  n.  old 
an-go'la  [an-go'la]  «.  a  fabric     lEnglish 
An-go'ra[an-go'ra]  kind  ofgoat, cat, etc. 
an'gry  [Sng'gry]  a.  furious 
an'guish    [ang'gwlsh]  n.  distress 
an'gu-lar  [ang'gu-Ier]  a.  pointed 
an'i-line   [an'l-lln]  «.  a  coal-tar  dye 
an'ile(an'Il]  a.  old  womanish  t«.censure 
an  i-mad-ver'sion  [an'imad-ver'sl  fin] 
an'i-mal   [an'i-m<;n  ".  a  beast  f.inimal 
an  i-mal'cule   [-mal'kil]  «.  very  small 
an'i-mate  [mat]  r.  to  enliven 
ani-mos'i-ty  [-mOs'l-ty]  «.  enmity 
an'i-mus   [-mus]  n.  spirit  ffoot 

an'kle  [angk'l]  «.  jointbetween  leg  and 
an'klet  [angklet]  «.  an  ankle  ring 
an'nalsian'ntilz]  «.//.  records 
an-neal'  [an-ner]  z:t.  to  toughen 
an-nex'  [an-nsks'J  v.t.  to  add 

an-ni'hi-late[an-ni'hi-lat]-'.  to  reduce  to 
an  ni-ver'sa-ry  [an 'nl-ver'sa-ry]  yearly 
An'noDom'i-ni  [an'nSdam  i-ni]  A.D. 
an'no-ta'tion  [-ta'shfln]  comment  notes 
an-nounce'  [an-nouns']i'./'.  to  proclaim 
an-noy'  [an-noi']  -j.i.  to  \eK 
an-noy'ance  ;-ans]  n.  vexation 
an'nu-al  [an'fl-<7l]  a.  yearly 
an-nu'i-ty  [an-nu'I-ty]  «.  payable  yearly 
an-nul'  [an-nfll]  z.t.  to  make  void 
an-nun  ci-a'tion  [an-nfln'si-a'shun]  M. 
an'ode  [an'od]  «.  positive  pole  of  battery 
an'o-dyne  [an'6-dm]  that  which  soothes 
a-noint'  [.i-noint ■]!■./.  to  rub  with  oil 
a-nom'a-lous  [a-nOm'a-lus]  a.  irregular 
a-nom'a-ly  [-ly]  «.  an  irregularity 
a-non'  [i-n6n']  adv.  soon 
a-non'y-mou3  [t-mOs]  a.  without  name 
an-oth'er  [an-uth'erl/w;;.  not  the  same 
an'swer  [an'scr]  v.t.  to  reply 
an'swer-a-ble  [i-bl]  a. 
ant  [,int]  ?i.  an  insect  [position 

an-tag'o-nism  [an-tag'4-nTz'm]  n.  op- 
an-tag  o-nis'tic  [-nis'tik]  n. 
ant-arc'tlO[ant-ark'tik]  <2.  op.  to  arctic 
an'te-ced'ent  [anto-sed'e-nt]  n.  priur 
an'te-cham  ber  [-chani'liEr]  «.  a  lobby 
an'te-date'  [dat]  71.  apriordate 
an'te-di-lu'vi-an[-di-Iu'vi-i2Hj(2. before 
an'te-lope[.lop]  71.  an  animal  [the  deluge 
an  te-me-rid'i-anr-me-rid'i-,in]  a.m. 
an-ten'na  [an-tsn'na]  n.s.'hom  of  insect 
an-ten'nse  [-ne]//.of  antenna  [marriage 
ante-nup'tial  [an'te-nup'shrtl],7.  before 
an'te-pe'nult[-pe'nult]syl.  before  penult 





an-te'ri-or  [an-te'ri-er]  <i.  before  in  time  | 
an'them  [anV/iSm]  «.  a  sacred  song 
an'ther  [InV/ier]  n.  part  of  flower 
an-the'sis  [an-z/ie'sls]  time  of  full  bloom 
an'thra-cite  [in'CAra-sU]  »i.  hard  coal 
an  ti-bil'ious  [in  tl-bll'yOs]  a.  relieving 
an'tic  [Sn  tik]  )!.  acaper       Ibiliousness 
an'ti-christ  [Intl-krist]  k.  op.  to  Christ 
an-tic'i-pate  [in-tls'I-pat]  -'.  to  forestall 
an'ti-dote  (anti-dot]  h.  counteractive 
an'ti-mo-ny  [antl-mi-ny]  >t.  a  metal 
an-tin'o-my  [antln'4-m>]  k.  opposition 

an-tip'a-thy  fan-tip 'a-//iy]  «.  aversion 
an' ti-pode[an'tl-pod]«.j.exactly  opposite 
an  ti-py'rine[intl-pi'rin]  «.  a  febrifuge 
an'ti-qua'ri-an  [-kwa'rl-<7n]  a.  ancient 
an'ti-qua-ry  [an'tl-kw-S-rj]  «. student  of 
an'ti-qua  ted  [kwa'ted]  a.    [oldthings 
an-tique'  [an-tek']  a.  ancient 
an-tiq'ui-ty  can-tlk'wl-ty]  n.  ages  past 
an  ti-sep'tic  [an'ti-sep'tlk]«.a preserver 
an  ti-tox'ine[-t5ks'ln]diphtheria specific 
an-tith'e-SJ3  [an-tU/jf-sis]  «.  contrast 
an'ti- type  [an  tl-tip]  n .  that  which  is  typ- 
ant'ler[intler]  «.  a  stag's  horn      \i&&d 
an'vil  [anvil]  «.  an  iron  block 
anx-i'e-ty  [ang-zl  e-ty]  «.  concern 
anx'ious  [angk'shOs]  a.  concerned 
a'ny  [fn?]  a.  Sifron.  some 
a'ny-bod-y  [-bsd-y]  ».  anyone 
a'ny-how'  [-hou]  ad-j.  in  any  way 
a'ny-thing  [-//:Ing]  «.  any  object 
a-or'ta  [S-6r'ta]  n.  the  main  artery 
a-pace'  [a-pasT  adv.  quickly  [dians 

A-pa'ches  [i-pa'chaz]  « .pi.  a  tribe  of  In- 
a-part'  [a-partT  arf-'.  separately 
a-part'ment  [mt-nt]  n.  a  room 
ap'a-thy    [ap  i-//%y]  n.  unconcern 
ape  [ap]  «.  a  monkey 
Ap'en-nines[5p'6n-nmz]  «.  mts.  in  Italy 
a-pe'ri-ent  [a  pe'rl-fnt]  n.  a  laxative 
ap'er-ture  [apcr-tir]  ?i.  an  opening 
a'pex[a'peks]  n.  the  summit 
a-phel'ion  [a-fel'yOn]  n.  op.  perihelion 
aph'o-rism  (af  Arlz'm]  n.  a  pithy  saying 
Aph  ro-di'te  [afr4-di'te]  «.  the  Greek 
a'pi-a-ry  [a'pI-S-ry]  «.  bee  house  [Venus 
a-piece'  [l-pesT  adv.  each  by  itself 
ap'ish  ['ip  Nh)  <i.  proneto  imitate 
a-poc'ry-pha[a-p6kri-fa] «.//. 
ap'o-gee[ap4-je]>i. moon's  farthest  point 

A-polli-na'ris wa'ter  [a-poili-na'ris] 

A-pol'lo  [a-pOriA]  ti.  the  "sun  god" 
A-pol'ly-on  (a-pSl'lMn]  «.  destroyer 
a-pol'o-gize[.i-p6r4-jlz]f.i'.  to  makeex- 
ap'o-logue  [ap'4-16g]  amoral  fable  Icuse 
a-pol'o-gy  [.i-p<'jr6-jy]  n.  an  excuse 
ap'o-plexy  [ap'4-pleks'y]  «.  a  disease 
a-pos'ta-sy  [i-pOs'ta-sJ]  n.  perversion 
a-p08'tate[-tat)  to  cause 
a-poa'til  [4-p6s'tIl)  n.  a  marginal  note 




APO 12 

a-pos'tle  [A-pSs's'I]  K.  one  sent  forth 
ap'o-thegm[ap'(5-Mem]«.a  terse  remark 
ap  0-the'o-sis  [-//;e'«-srs]  k.  deification 
Ap  pa-la'chi-an  [appa-la'chi-an]  n. 
ap-pair  [ap-paF]  v.t.  to  terrify  fpliances 
ap'pa-ra'tus[ap'pa-ra'tus]  n.s.^pl.s.^. 

ap-par'el  [ap-psr'si]  «.  clothing 
ap-par'ent  [Sp-parV-nt]  a.  within  view 
ap  pa-ri'tion  [ap'pd-rish'un])!.aspecte: 
ap-peal'  [ap-pel']  n.  an  earnest  request 
ap-pear'    [Sp-pgr']  v.i.  to  come  in  sijjht 
ap-pear'ance  [-.zns]  n.  coming-intoview 
ap-pease'  [ap-pez']  i-.t.  to  calm    fpeals 
ap-pel'lant  [ap-pel'Unt]  n.  onewhoap- 
ap'pel-la'tion    [ap'pel-Ia'shDn]  «.narae 
ap-pend'  [ap-pSnd']  v.t.  to  attach  to 
ap-pend'age  [-Sj]  n.  an  adjunct 
ap-pen'dix  [ap-pen'diks]  n.  an  addition 

ap'pe-tite  [ap'pe-tit]  n.  a  want  or  desire 
ap'pe-ti'zer  [tl'zer] ;;  .that  which  creates 
ap-plaud'  [ap-plad']t'.  to  extol  lappetite 
ap-plause'  [5p-plazT  n.  approval 
ap'ple     [ap'p'l]  n.  a  fruit 
ap-pli'ance  [ap-pli'^nsj  n.  apparatus 
ap'pli-ca-ble  [ap'pU-ka-b'l]  a.   suitable 
ap'pli-cant  [krmt]  K.apetitioner 
ap'pli-ca'tion  [-ka'shun]  n. 
ap-ply'  [Sp-pli']  v.t.  to  put  to  use 
ap-point'  [appoint']  ij.t.  to  designate 
ap-point'ment [ment]  n. 
ap-por'tion   [ap-pOr'shOn]  -v.  to  divide 
ap-por'tion-ment  [nunt]  «. 
ap'po-site  [ap'pO-zlt]  a.  suitable 
ap-prais'al   [ap-praz'^l]  «.  valuation 
ap-prais_e'  [ap-praz'Jx/.to value     fhighly 
ap-pre'ci-ate[ap-pre'shiat]z/.  to  esteem 

ap-pre'ci-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «. 

ap'pre-hend'  [ap'pre-hSnd']  ■v.  to  anti- 
appre-hen'sion  [lien'shun]  n.  [cipate 
ap  pre-hen'sive  [-siv]  a.  fearful  of 
ap-pren'tice  [ap-pren'tis]  «.  a  learner 
ap-prise'    [Sp-prlzT  -v.t.  to  inform 
ap-proach'  [ap-prSch']  v.  to  come  near 
ap-proach'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  accessible 
ap-pro'pri-ate  rap-pro'prl-St]<r.  suitable'pri-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  asumset 
ap-prove'[ap-proov']  -u.t.  to  ratify  [apart 
ap-prox'i-mate[ap-prSks'I-m5t]  a.  near 
ap-pur'te-nance  [ap-pOr'te-nans]  «.  a 
a'pri-COt  [.lprI-kOt];i.afruit  [belonging- 
A'pril  [a'pril]  «.  the  fourth  month   [effect 
a'pri-o'ri  [a'prl-o'n]  L.  from  cause  to 
a'pron    [a'pum]  «.  an  article  of  dress 
ap'ro-pos'  [."ip'rS-po']  a.  appropriate 
apse  [aps]  n.  a  domed  recess  in  a  church 
apt  [apt]  a.  fit 

apt'i-tude  [ap'ti-tad]  «.  fitness 
a^qua  [a'k^.i]  ;;.  water 
a'l^ua  for'tis  [-fflr'tls]  n.  nitric  acid 
a?  ua-reUe'[ak'wa-rel']«.kindofpainting 


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a-qua'ri-um[i-k»arl-am]  «.  a  fish  tank 
A-qua'ri-us  [a-kwari-Qs]  a  constellation 
aq'ue-duct  [ak  we-dukt]«.  waterconduit 
a'que-ous  [a  kw-e-as]  a.  watery 
aq'ui-line  [ak'wMinlu.likeeagle'sbeak 
Ar'ab  [Sr  ab]  «.  a  native  of  Arabia 
ara-besque'  tlra-besk']  ji.  a  low-relief 
Ar'a-bic  [ar'a-bik]<j.  of  Arabia  (.carving 
ar'a-ble  [b'l]  a.  plow  land 
Ar  a-ma'ic  [ar'a-ma'lk]  >i.  a  language 
ar'bi-ter    [arTni-ter]  n.  a  referee 
ar'bi-tra-ry  [-trl-ry]  a.  bound  by  no  law 
ar'bi-trate  [-trat]i/.r.  to  hear  and  decide 
ar  bi-tra'tion  [tra'shun]  >i. 
ar'bi-tra  tor  [tra'ter]  k.  an  umpire 
ar'bor  [arlicr]  «.  a  bower 
ar'bo-re'tumtar'bS-re'tOm]  n.atree  mu- 
arc    [ark]  K.  part  of  a  circle  [seum 

ar-cade'  [ar-kad'J  a  covered  passageway 
Ar-ca'di-a[ar-ka'di-a]  >i.  rural  happiness 
archtarch]>;.a  curie  spanningan  opening 
arch  an'gel  [ark  an'jel]  «.  a  chief  angel 
arch  bish'op  [archlnsh'Cip]  chiefbishop 
arch'er-y  [arch'er-y]«.bows,arrows,etc 
ar'che-type  [SrTcc-tlplw.model  fdedses 
ar  chi-pera-gO[ar'ki-pcl'a-g6]isle-stud 
ar'chi-tect[-tikt]  it.  a  building designei 
ar'chi-tec'ture  [tek  tiir]  art  of  building 
ar'chi-trave  [-rrav]  h.  moldings 
ar'chivea  [Sr'kivz]  «.//  public  records 
arch'ly  [Srch'ly]  atfv.  waggishly 
arch'ness  [arch'nes]  «.  waggishness 
arc'tic  [irk'tlk]  a.  northern;  «.  overshoe 
Arc-tu'rus  [ark-ta'rQs]  «.  a  star 
ar'dent  (St'dtnt]  a.   fiery 
ar'dor  [ar'der]  «.  zeal 
ar'du-OUS  [ar'du-us]  a.  difficult ;  trj-ing 
are  [ir] //-.indicative//,  of  "l^"   [lines 
a're-a  [a  rea]  «.  the  space  within  given 
a-rear'  [a-rerT  ad-v.  backward 
ar'e-fy  [irf-ft]  v.t.  to  dry  [test 

a-re'na[i.rena]  «.  place  of  public  con- 
a-re'o-la(.i-re'6-la]«.ring  round  a  pustule 
a  re-om'e-ter[a're-Oni'e-ter]hydrometer 
ar'gent  [ar'jent]  K.  silver 
ar'gil[irjil]  K.clay 
Ar'go  [  ir  gS]  )!.  a  southern  constellation 
Ar'go-naut  [argO-nat]  «.  a  Creek  hero 
ar'go-sy  [ar'g«-sy]  !,.  a  large  ship 
ar'gu-a-ble  [ir'gu-i-b'I]  a.  debatable 
ar'gue  (ir'gu]  -z-.i.  to  reason 

Ar'gus[rirg0s]  myth,  beingwithioo  eyes 
Ar'gus-eyed'  [.ir'gas-M]  «.  watchful 
ar'ld  [-,r  1.1)  a.  dry  and  barren 
A'ri-es  [a  rl-ez)  «.  a  constellation 
a-right'  [i-rit']  adv.  rightly 
a-n»e    I  i  riz)  tj.  to  springup      fliility 
ar  is-toc'ra-cy(ar'ls-t6k'rasy] «.  the  no- 
a-ris'to-crat[a-rls't*-krat]  proud  person 
ar is-to-crat'ik  far1s-t«krat'ik]  a. 
a-rith'me-tic  [.irr^A'mi'-tlk]  «.  the  sci- 
ark  [irk]  ti.  a  chest        [ence  of  numbers  I 
arm  (.irmj  «.  a  limb  | 


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ar-ma'da  [ar-ma'da]  a  fleet 
ar  ma-dil'lo  [ar'ma-dil'16]  n.  an  animal 
ar'ma-ment  [ai'ma-m^nt]  ;r. armor, etc. 
ar'ma-ture[ar'ma-tQr]«.  part  of  dynamo 

arm'cliair'  [arm'char']  n. 
Ar-me'lli-an[ar-me'nl-an]a.of  Armenia 
arm'ful  [ful]  tt.  fArminius 

Ar-min'i-aniar-mlnl-an] «.  follower  of 

ar'mis-tice  [armls-tis]  it.  truce 
arm'letCarm'lct]  n.  an  arm  ring 
ar'mor  tSrmcr]  w.a  defensive  covering 
ar'mo-ry  [ar'm6-r>]  «.  a  place  for  arms 
arms  [armz]  weapons  of  war 
ar'my    [ar'my]  «.  large  body  of  soldiers 
ar'ni-ca[ar'ni-ka]K.atincture  for  external 
a-ro'ma  [a-ro'ma]«. agreeable  odor  luse 
ar'o-mat'ic  [ar'4-mat'Ik]  a.  fragrant 
a-rose'  [a-roz']'Z'.i.  past  tense  of  "arise" 
a-round'    [around']  aJv.  on  all  sides  of 
a-rous'al  [a-rouz'al]  K.  a  waking  up 
a-rouse'  [a-rouz']^'y.towakeup 
ar-peg'gio  [.ir-pedjfi]  ;i.  notes  playedin 
ar-raign'[."ir-ran']-y.^to  indict  Irapidsuc- 
ar-range'  [ar-ranj'lz'./.  to  adjust  Icession 
ar'rant  [Sr'rimt]  a.  notoriously  bad 
ar'ras  [Irnis]  «.  hangings;  tapestry 
ar-ray'  [ar-ra]  «.  beautiful  attire 
ar-rears'  [ar-rerzT  overdues 
ar-rest'  [ir-rSstT  v.l.  to  seize  and  fix 
ar-riv'al  [ar-riv'rtl]  «.  reaching  a  place 
ar-rive'  [ar-r!v']  'j.i.  to  come  to 
ar'ro-gant    [ar'rS-gant]  a.  haughty 
ar'rO'W[ar'rS]  «.  a  missile  shot  from  a  bow 
ar'row-root  [-root']  n .  a  plant ;  a  food 
ar'se-nal  [ar']  «.  a  military  store 
ar'se-nic  [ar'se-nik]  K.  a  poison 
ar'son  [ar's'n]  «.  wilful  burning  of  house 
art   [art]  n.  craft;  skill 
ar-te'ri-al[ar-te'rt-al]  an  artery 
ar'ter-y  [ar'ter-y]  «.  a  blood  vessel 
Ar-te'sian[ar-te'zh<jn]  of  Artois,  France 
ar-te'sian  -well  [-wel]«.aflowingwell 
art' ful[art'ful].!  .crafty 
ar'ti-choke  [ar'ti-chok]  K.afood  plant 
ar'ti-cle  [-k'l]  «.  a  distinct  part 
ar-tic'u-late  [.ar-tik'ii-lit]  -.t.  to  speak 
ar-tic  u-la'tion  [  la'shfln]  >i.  [distinctly 
ar'ti-fice    [ar'tl-fis]  k.  an  artful  trick 
ar-tif'i-cer  [ar-tlf'I-ser]  ;:.  a  mechanic 
ar'ti-fi'cial  (ar'tl-fish'<!l]  a.  made  by  art 
ar-til'ler-ry  [ar-tll'ler-y]  tt.  cannon, etc. 
ar'ti-san   [ar'tl-zan].  «.  a  mechanic 
art'ist   [artist]  «.  one  skilled  in  art 
art'less  [art'lSs]  a.  free  from  guile 
Ar'yan  [ar'yan]  n.  the  Japhetic  race 
as    [az]    adv.  &  conj.  like 
as'a-fet'i-da[as'a-fst'i-da] «.  a  fetid  gum 
as-bes'tos  [Is-bes'tOs]  «.  a  mineral 
as-cend'  [as-sendl  'o.i-  to  mount  up 
as-cend'ant  [-<rnt]  a.  rising 
as-cend'en-cy  [-<'n-sy]  «.  domination 
as-cen'sion  [as-sen'shun]  n.  going  up 
as-cent'  [as-sent]  n.  the  act  of  rising 
as'cer-tain  [as'scr-tan]  -z/.Momake  sure 






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as-cet'ic  [is-sat'Ik]  ■;.  austere 
as-cribe'    [is-krib  ]  v.t.  to  impute 
ash  [a,l!]   >:.  a  tree 

a-shamed'[a-shamdTa.affeifledby  shame 
ash'en    [.IshVn]  a.  ash-colored 
ash'es  [Ish'ez]   «.//.  what  remains  after 
a-shore'[a-shor'].2rff.  onshore    [burning 
A  si-at'ic  [Sshi-at'Ik)  a.  of  Asia 
a-side'   (i-sid'l  adv.  apart 
as'i-nine  [4s  i-nin]  a.  like  an  ass 
ask  [ask]  f.t.  to  request 
a-skance'[a-skans']  adv.  sideways 
a-skew'  [a-ska']  adv.  &  a.  asquint 
a-slant'  [.i-slant']  adv.  sloping 
a-sleep'  [a-slepT  adv.  in  a  state  of  sleep 
asp  [asp]  n.  a  small  poisonous  reptile 
as-par'a-gUS[as-para-sus]/i.  a  culinary 
as'pect  [Js'pekt]  n.  appearance     [plant 
asp'en    [pen]  >i.  a  tree 
as-per'i-ty  [as-per'i-ty]  k.  harshness 
as-perse'  [Is-pers']  v.t.  to  defame 
as-per'sion  [as-pershOn)  n.  calumny 
as'phalt  [As'falt]  n.  mineral  pilch 
as'pho-del  [as'fi-del]  «.  a  plant 
as-phyx'i-a  [as-frksl-a]  n.  suffocation 
as-pir'ant  [as-pirV7nt]  who  aspires 
as'pi-rate  [as'pl-rat]  v.t.  to  breathe 
as  pi-ra'tion  [ra'shunlx.adesire  to  rise 
as-pire'  [Ss-plr]  v.i.  to  desire  to  rise 
as-pir'ing-ly    [-ing-ly]  adv. 
a-squint'  [a-skwint]  adv.  obliquely 
ass  [.1^1  yi.  a  beast  of  burden 
as-sail'  [Ss-sal']  v.t.  to  attack 
as-sail'ant  [-ijnt]  n.  one  who  attacks 
as- sas'sin[as-sas'sln])i. one  who  kills  ore 
as-sas'sin-ate  [-sl-nat]  v.t.    [ott  guatu 
as-sault'  [as-salf]  «.  a  violent  onset 
as-say'  [Ss-sa]  v.t.  to  examine  ore 
as-sem'blage  [as-sem'blaj]  n.  many  in 
a3-sem'ble[-b'l]i'.to convene  [one place 
as-sem'bly  t-hly]  «.  a  company 
as-sent' [is-senf]  v.i.  to  agree  to 
as-sert'[fts-serf]  declare  positively 
as-ser'tion[as-ser'shun]K. an  affirmation 
ass'es'  bridge'[5s'6z  brij']«.  p.5,  Bk.  I.. 
as-sess'tSs-ses')-'./.  to  value  for    [Euclid 
as-8ess'ineiit[mfnt]  >t.  apportionment 
as-Sess'or  [sfr]  n.  a  valuer 

as'sets[ab'sets));  .//.one's  entire  propert\ 
as-sev'er-ate  (.'issev'cr-at]  v.t.  to  aver 
as-sev'er-a'tion  [-a'tlian]  n. 
aa'si-du'i-ty  [assl-du'l-ty]  «.  diligence 
as-sigrn'  (as-sln']  v.t.  to  make  over 
as  Slgn-ee '  (as'slne']  ».  one  appointed 
as  sig-na'tion[as'sig-na'shan]>i.appoint- 
as-sign'ment  [.ib-sin'm^nt]  k.  (ed  place 

as-sim'i-late[.-ie.sim'y-lat]z/  become 
as-sist'  t.-.^-  .istji/.!.  to  help        [a  part  oi 
as-sist'ance  [-ans]  n.  help 
as-sist'ant  [-antj  n.  a  helper 
as-8ize'  [-is-slz']  «.  a  court 
a3-so'ci-ate(as-s?)'shi-at)«.  a  companion 
as-soci-a'tion[is-sO'sI-a'shOn]«.a  union 
as'80-nant[as'sA-nanl]  a.  vowel  rhym'ng 




as-sort'  [.Is-sflrt']  v.t.  to  separate 
as-sort'ment  [-m; nt] «.  variety  [subside 
as-suage'  (as-swaj']'Z/./.  to  allay;  I'.i.  to 
as-sume'  [.Is-sum  "\v.tXo  take  for  granted 
as-3ump'sit  las-sump'slt]  an  ad^ion  on  a 
as-SUmp'tion[-sliun]  it.  [verbal  promise 
as-SUr'ance  [a-shur'^ns]  n.  confidence 
as-sure'  [.i-sliijr']  v.l.  to  vouch  for 
as'ter[Ss'ter]  n.  the  Michaelmas  daisy 
a3'ter-isk[-lsk]  n.  a  reference  star  [*] 
a-stern'  |, i -stern  ]  adv.  backward 
as'ter-oid  [Is'tcr-oid]  «.  a  minor  planet 
asth'ma  [as'ma]  n.  a  disease  affecting 
a-stir'  (aster']  ad-v.  active       [breathir 
as-ton'ish  [as-t6n'Ish]  ■:'./.  to  surprise 
as-tound'  [Ss-tound]  v.t.  to  amaze 

a-strad'dle  [.istradd'l]  adv.  astride 
as  tra-khan'[as'tra-kan']  n.  fur  cloth 
as'tral   [Js'trul]  a.  star-like 
a-stray'[a-stra']rtrff.outof  the  right  way 
as-tric'tion[as-trik'shQn]  «.  binding 
a-stride'  [A-strid']  adv.  leg  on  each  side 
as-trin'gent  [as-trln'jt-nt]  n.  binding 
as'tro-labe[as'tr6-lab]  «.  star  instrument 
as-trol'o-gy  [as-tr6l  S-jy]  n  .what  stars  tell 
as-tron'o-my  [as-trOn  i-myj  n .  science  of 
as-tute'  [as-tuf]  a.  shrewd        (the  stars 
a-sun'der  [i-sQn'der]  adv.  apart 
a-sy'lum  [4-si'lum]  k.  aplace  of  refuge 
at     [at]  />•<■/.  proximity  to 
ate  [at]  the  past  tense  of  "eat" 
ate-lier'  [at<'-lyS']  «.  an  artist's  studio 
a'the-ism  [a'/Ae-Iz'm]  «.  denial  of  God 
ath'e-ne'um  [a/A'e-ne'flm]  n.  temple  of 
a-thirst'  [,i-//!ierst']  a.  thirsty    [learning 
ath-lete'[a/.4-let']  n.  trained  strong  man 
ath-let'ic  [a/A-let'lk]  a.  pert,  to  physical 
a-thwart'  [a-/;!wart']/»-<'/.across  [traiu- 
At-lan'tic[at-lan'tlk]  n.  an  ocean     [ing 
at'las  [at'his]  «.  a  book  of  maps 
at'mos-phere  [at'mSs-fer]  k.  the  air 
a-toU'  [a-tol]  ;i.  a  coral  lagoon  island 
at'om  [atum]  n.  an  indivisible  particle 
at'om-i  zer  [-i'zer]  «.  a  sprayer 
a-ton'a-ble    [a-ton'a-b'l]  a.  expiable 
a-tone'  [a-ton  ]  v.t.  to  expiate 
a-tone'ment  [a-tOn'mi'nti  n.  reconcilia- 
a-ton'ic  [a-tan'Ik]  a.  unaccented      [tion 
a-tro'cious    [a-tro'shOs]  a.  -wicked 
a-troc'i-ty  [i-trOsI-ty]  u.  cruelty 
at'ro-phy  [at'rO-fy]  )i.  a  wasting  away 
at-tach'  [at-tach]  v.t.  to  fasten  to 
at  ta  ch^'  [at 'ta  sha'] « .one  attached  to  an 
at-tach'ment[at-tachmcnt]  h. [embassy 
at- tack'  [at-tak'j  v.t.  to  assault 
at- tain'  [at-tan]  v.t.  to  reach  by  efforts 
at- tain'meilt[at-tan'mfnt]«.  acquisition 
at'tar  [at'tcr]  n.  a  fragrant  essential  oil 
at-tempt'  [at-temf]  «.  an  endeavor 
at-tend'  [at-tend']  v.t.  to  wait  on 

at-tend'ance[at-tSn'd(rns]  n.  waiting  on 
at-tend'ant  [  d<7nt]  n.  one  who  attends 
at-ten'tion  [at-ten'shun]  n.  heed 
at-ten'tive  [-tlv]  a.  heedful 





at-ten'u-ate  tat-tS/i  "ii-at]  v.  to  make  thin 
at-tenu-a'tion  [at-tend-a'shun]  «. 
at-test'  [at-test  ]  z-.t.  to  certify 
at  tes-ta'tiontat'tes-ta'shQnJ« testimony 
at'tic  [at'tik]  >i.  a  room  next  the  roof 
at-tire'  [at-tir]  k.  dress;  clothing 
at'ti-tude  [at'ti-tad]  n.  posture 
at-tor'ney  [at-tur  nyl  h.  a  legal  agent 
at-tract'  [at-trikf]  v.t.  to  draw  to 
at-trac'tion  [at-trak'shun]);.  drawingto 
at-tracf  ive  [at-trakt'Iv]  a  inviting 
at-trib'ute  [attrib'ut]  v.t.  to  ascribe 
at'tri-bute[at'trI-bOt]«.aquality  of 
at'tri-bu'tion[-bu'shOn]  n. 
at-trite'  [at  trlt  ]  n.  ivom  by  friction 
at-tri'tion  [ittrlsh'Qn]  u.  abrasion 
at-tune'  [at-tOnT  •:■,/.  to  put  in  tune 
au'burn  [a  bum]  a.  reddisli  brown 
auc'tion  [ik shun]  n.  selling  by  bids 
auc  tion-eer'  [  er']  «.  a  seller  by  auction 
au-da'cious  [i  dSshus]  a.  daring 
au-dac'i-ty  [,i-aas'I-ty]  n.  effrontery 
au'di-ble  [i   li-l.'l]^  actually  heard  fers 
au'di-ence  [3  dl-tns)«.  assembly  of  hear- 
au'di-phone  La'dl-fon]  n.  a  dentiphone 
au'dit  [adit] -'./.to  examine  accounts 
au'di-tor  [adi-ter]  n.  a  hearer ;  examiner 
au  di-to'ri-um[-to'ri-amj  body  of  a  hall 
aufait'  [ofS'I  F.  expert 
Au-ge'an  [a-je'an]  a.  exceedingly  filthy 
au'ger  [a's? r]  n.  a  large  boring  tool 
aught  [at]  adf.  in  any  degree 
aug-ment'[agm6nt']  v.t.  to  increase 
au'gur  [a 'gar]  z.t.  to  foretell  by  omens 
Au'gust  [a  gust]  ;/.  the  eighth  month 
au-gust'  [a-gust  ]  a.  dignified 
auk  [ak]  n.  an  arctic  sea  bird 
aunt[.iiit];/.  uncle's  wife, or  sisterof  father 
au're-ate  [a  re  at]  a.  golden   lor  mother 
au-re'li-a  La.-re  ll-a]  k. gold-color  pupa 
au're-ole  [a'rc-ol]  «.  a  halo  of  light 
au'ric  [a'rik]  a.  pert,  to  gold 
au'ri-cie  [a'rl-k'l]  «.  the  outer  ear 
au-ric'-u-lar  L^rlk'Ci-ler]  pert,  to  the  ear 
Au-ro'ra[ri-rr.'ra]w.  goddess  of  the  dawn 
au-ro'ra  aus-tra'lis[-as-tra'lis]  jsouth- 
au-ro'ra  bo  re-a'lis(ljo'rca'lis]Sern  cV 
au-ro'ral[arrj'riil]i2.rosy  [northern  lights 

au-rif'er-ous[a-rirrr-as]rt.  gold-bearing 
au'rist[i'ribl]  u.  an  ear  doi^tor 
aus'pi-ces  (is'|il-sez]  «.//,  patronage 
aus-pi'cious  [is-plsh'us]  a.  propitious 
aus-tere'  [astSr']  a.  stern;  severe 
aus-ter'i-ty  Last&r'l-ty]  ,^.  harshness 
aUS'tral  [as'tnil]  a.  southern 

Aus-tra'li-an[as-tra'li.<jn]a.of  Australia 
Aus'tri-an  Las'trl-«n]  a.  of  Austria 
au-then'tic  [a-C/jin'tlk]  a.  guuuine 
au  then-tic'i-ty  [-tls'Ity]  h.   genuine- 
au'thor  [a'^/'er]  n.  the  maker  of      [ness 
au'thor-ess   f  as]  k.  a  lady  author 
au-thor'i-ty[a-/.«6r'l-t5]  h.  power  [itive 
au'thor-ize  bVAOr-Iz)  v.l.  to  empower 

-     4.>- 







au'to-  [a'ti^O  />■(•.  one's  self;  one's  own 
au  to-bi-og'ra-phy  [S'tS-bi-og'ra-fj;] );. 
au-toc'ra-cy  [-i-tsk'ra-sy]  >i.  supremacy 
au'to-crat  U  to-krat]  >i.  a  despot 
au'to-graph  [a'tfi-graf]  ?:.  one 'sown  sig- 
au-tom'a-ton  t,i-tilm'a-ton] ;;.      Inature 
au  to-mat'ic  [a'to-mst'ik]  «. self-acting 
au'to-type  [a't*-tip]  «.  a  facsimile 
au'tumn  [I'tum]  n.  "tliefair'of  tlieyear 
aux-il'ia-ry  [agz-Ii'y.i-ry]  ».  subsidiary 
a-vail'a-ble  [a-vari-b'l]  a.  usable 
a-vails'  [a-valz']  «.//.  the  proceeds 
av'a-lanche'  [av'a-lanch']  n.  a  sliding 
av'a-ricetav'a-ris]«.greei.llmassof  snow 
av  a-ri'ci0U3[-rIsli'Qs]  a.  greedy 
a-vaunt'  [i-vanf]  i>i/er/.hegone 
a've  [.ivf]  ;;.  a  prayer 
a-venge'  [avonj]  i./.  to  vindicate 
a-ven'ger  ta-ven'jer]  «.  one  who  avenges 
av'e-nue[av'c-nu]  n.  a  wide  street 
av'er-age  [avcr-aj]  «.  medial;  amean 
a-ver'  ;  >■  tr]  t'.C.  to  affirm  positively 
a-verse'ti-vtrs']  a.  disliking;  reluClant 
a-ver'sion  [aver'shfln]  «.  dislike 
a-vert'  [avfrf )  i'./.  to  ward  off 
a'vi-a-ry  (avi-s-ryj  >t.  a  bird  house 
a-vid'i-ty  [a-vld'l-ty]  n.  eagerness 
av'o-ca'tion  [av'S-ka'shnn]  >i.  pursuit 
a-void'   [a  void']  I'./,  to  shun 
a-void'ance  [frns]  it.  shunning 
av  oir-du-pois' [av "er-du-poiz']  n .weight 
a-vouch'  [a-vouch']  v./.  to  assert  posi 
a-vow' [a-voL'']z'.to  declare  openly  [tively 
a-wait'  [a-waf]  v.i.  to  expect 
a-wake'  [a-wak']  v.  to  rouse  from  sleep 
a-ward'  [a-ward'l  t'./.  to  adjudge 
a-ware'  [a-wSr']  n.  apprised 
a- way'  [i-wa']  ativ.  absent 
awe  [ril  I!,  dread 
aw'ful  [aful]  a.  frightful 
a-wkile'  [a-hwirj  <ir/t'.  for  a  time 
awk'ward  [akwerd]  a.  clumsy 
awl  [al]  !t.  a  pointed  tool 
awn'ing  [an'Ing]  n.  a  roof-like  cover 
a-woke'  [i-wok']  past  tense  of  "awake" 
a-wry'  [a-ri']  a.  twisted;  askew 
ax    [aks]  ft.  a  hewing  or  "chopping  tool 
ax'i-om  [aks'l-um]  u.  self-evident  truth 
ax'is  [aks'is]  n.  axle  fturns 

ax'le  [aks"lj  fi.  the  pinon  which  awheel 
aye  [al]  nd7J.  modification  of  "yea" 
a-za'le-a  [a-zale-a]  n.  a  flowering  shrub 
az'i-muth  [az'I-muc;;]  «.arcofthehori. 
a-zo'ic  [a-zCi'ik]  a.  absence  of  life    Izon 
az'ote  [az'iit]  «.  nitrogen 
a-zot'ic  [a-zOt'Ik]  n.  pert,  to  azote 
Az'tec[az'tek]  «.anearlyrace  in  Mexico 
az'ure  [izh'ijr]  a.  sky-blue 


Ba'al  [ba'al]  n.m.  a  Phoenician  god 
bab'ble  [babli'l]  v.z.  to  talk  much 
bab'bler  [bab'bler]  «.  an  idle  talker 

■y-^"^  ^ 



ba'bel  [haoel]  >:   confusion 
bab-oon'    [bab-oon]  //.  a  kind  of  ape 
ba'by  [bahs-]  n.  a  young  cliilJ 
ba'by-ish  [baby-lshl ,;.  childish 

bacca-lau're-ate  tMk'ka-ia'rest]  pert. 

bac  ca-rat'[bak  ka-ra'l«.aganieitoB.A. 
bac'cha-nal  [lak'ka-ni?!)  n.  a  carouser 
bac  cha-na'li-an  [-na'li-nn]«. 

Bac'chus  [bakTcOs]  «.  the  god  of  wine 
bach'e-lor[bache-ler])i.  unmarried  man 
ba-cil'li[ba-sirir|  ".//.vegetable  disease- 
ba-cil'lus  [-lus]  s.  of  bacilli  Igerms 

back  [hak]  «.  the.  hinder  part 
back'bite[-blf]  v.t.  to  slander 
back'bjne'     [bon']  n.  the  spine 

back'down   [doun]  «.  agiiingup 
back'gam  monc-gam'un]  «.  a  game 
back' ground   [-ground'];/. space  behind 
back'hand  ed  [handed]  <»  awkward 
back'ing  [-ing]  «.  support 
back'set'   [sef]  h.  a  relapse 
back'slide'  r-sUd']  v.i.  to  fall  away 
back'ward  [-werd]  a.  slow 
ba'con  [bak'n]  «.  hog's  flesh 
bac-te'ri-um[-um]j^.  of  bacteria  (germs 
bad  [I  .'id]  a.  evil 
badge  [bjj]  k.  a  mark 
badg'er  [baj'er]  n.  an  animal 
ba  di  nage'  [ba'de'nazi.-J  II.  silly  talk 
bad'ly    [badly]  «</w.  ill 
baffle    [baf  ri]  v.t.  to  check 
bag  [big]  «.  a  sack  or  pouch 
ba-gasse'  [ba-gas]«.  crushed  sugar  cane 
bag  a-telle'  (bag'a-t6l']  «.  a  trifle 
bag'gage  [I'lggij]  «.  trunks,  etc. 
bag'ging  [hsg'glng]  «.  cloth  for  bags 
bag'gy  [b.-.g  g\]  a.  flabby 
bagn'io  [ban  vp]  w.  a  brothel 
bag'pipe  [bag'plp]  «.  a  wind  instrun;en 
bail  \\~>^^\  ".  security  bond 
bail'iff  [bal'iff]  «.  an  officer 
bait  [bat]  !z.  enticement 
baize   [baz]  «.  a  kind  of  cloth 
bake  [bak]  v.t.  to  cook 
bak'er   [bak'er]  n.  one  who  bakes 
bak'er-y  [->■]  «.  a  bakehouse 
bal'ance  [bal'ans]  «.  adjustment 
bal'co-ny  [bal'kS-ny]  n.  a  gallery 
bald  [bald]  a.  hairless 
bal'der-dash  [balder-dSsh]  «.  trash 
bald'ly  [baldly]  adv.  without  reserve 
bale  [bsl]  «.  a  bundle 
ba-leen'  [ba-!en']  u.  whalebone 
bale'ful    ['fijll  a.  destructive 
balk  [bik]  V.I.  to  stop 
ball  fbal]  «.  a  round  body 
bal'lad  (ballad)  «.  a  song 
bal'last  [bil'last]  ■v.  to  load;  k.  a  load 
bal'let  [bal'14']  n.  a  dance 
bal-loon'  (bal-lSon'J  n.  an  air  ship 
bal'lot   [bSllut)  V.  to  vote  ;  ;/.  a  votn 
bal'lot-box'  ("bOks'l  k.  a  box  for  votes 
balm    [bam]  ».  a  healing  ointment 




bal-mor'al  [bal-mdr'nl]  «.  a  petticoat 
balm'y  [bamy]  a.  soothing 
bal'sam  [l^al  s^m]  «.  a  resin 
Bal'ti-more  [Ul'ti-mor]  «.  the  city  of 
bal'us-ter  [  Os-ter]  u.  a  rail 
bal'us-trade    [bsl'  ]  n.  a  row  of 
bam-boo'  [bSm-li6o]);.a  plant  Lbalusters 
ban  [ban]  «.  a  public  notice 
ba-na'na    [banana]  K.  a  fruit 
band  [band]  «.strap;nuniber  of  musicians 
band'age  [  aj]  «.  a  wrapping     [kerchief 
ban-dan'na  [ban-dan  a] «.  colored  hand- 
band'box  [bandTaSks]  n. 
ban'dit  [bandit]  «.  a  lawless  fellow 
ban'dy  [bandy]  v.t.  to  exchange 
bane  [ban]  «.  harm 
bane'ful  [hanful]  a.  deadly 
bang  [banjf]  n.  a  heavy  blow 
ban'gle  [banjj'g'l]  n.  an  ornament 
ban'ish  [ban  Tsh]  v.t.  to  drive  out 
ban'ish-ment  [mcnt]  «.  exile 
ban'is-ter  [banis-tcr]  u.  a  baluster 
ban'jo    [banjo]  )i.  a  musical  instrument 
bank  [bangk]  «.  a  money  office 
bank'er  [-er]  tt.  a  bank  manager 
bank'rupt  [rOpt]  «.  an  insolvent 
bank'rupt-cy  [sy]  «.  insolvency 
ban'ner  [banner]  n.  a  flag 
banns  [banz]  >».//.  notice  of  marriage 
ban'quet   [l)ang'kwet]  w.  a  feast 
ban'tam  [ban']  «.  a  small  fowl 
ban'ter  [ban  tcr]  «.  joking 
bant'ling  [bant'llng]  n.  an  infant 
ban'yan  [bar.  y<in]  «.  a  tree 
bap'tism    [liap  tiz'm]  «.  a  sacrament 
bap'tist  [-list]  );.asect 
bap-tize'[-ti2']  v.t. to  immerse;  tochristen 
bar  [bar]  v.t.  to  hinder 
barb  [barb]  w.  a  sharp  point 
bar-ba'ri-an  [bar-ba'rl-an]  «.  a  savage 
bar-bar'ic  [  bar'Ik]  a.  barbarous 
bar'ba-rism  [ba-riz'm]  «.  savage  state 
bar-bar'i-ty  [bar'i-ty]  n.  cruelty 
bar'ba-rous  [ba-rus]  a.  brutal 
bar'be-cue  [be-ku]  «.  an  out-door  feast 
bar'ber  (  If" r]  n.  one  ivlio  shaves 
bar'ber-ry  [ber-ry]  n.  a  shrub      [a  fort 
bar-bette'  [bar-bet  ]«.  mound  ofearth  in 
bar'bi-can  [lilkan]  «.  tower  of  defense 
bard  [bard]  n.  a  poet 
bare     [bar]  a.  naked 
bare'faced'  [fast]  a.  audacious 
bare'ly  [-ly]  adv.  merely 
bar'gain   [bar  gen]  «.  a  contrail 
barge  [barj]  «.  a  vessel 
bark   [bark]  >i.  the  rind  of  a  tree 
bar'keeper  [bar'kep'er]  H  a  liquor  seller 
bark'en-tine  [barken-ten]  n.  a  three- 
bar-ley  [bar'ly])i.agrain   [mastedvessel 
barn  [bam]  a.  an  out-building 
bar'na-cle  [bar'na-k'l]  H.  a  shell  fish 
ba-rom'e-ter  [ba-rOm'c-tcr]  n.  airpres- 
bar'on    [bar'un]  ;i.alord      [sure  meter 
bar'on-et  [-et]  «.  a  title 


N->  \^ 






barque  [bark]  n.  a  vessel 
bar'rack  [bar'rak]  «.  a  house  for  soldiers 
bar'rel  [bar  r4l]  «.  a  cask 
bar'ren  [bar  ten]  a.  sterile 
bar'ren-ness  [nes]  «.  sterility 
bar  ri-cade'  [bar'rikad']  >i.  a  defense 
bar'ri-er  [bar'rl-?r]  a.  an  obstruction 
bar'ris-ter  [bar'ris-ter]  «.  a  lawyer 
bar'row  [bar'rS]  «.  a  hand  cart 
bar'ter  [barter]  T.t.  to  exchange 
Bart'lett  [lart  let]  >/  .favorite  kind  of  pear 
bar'i-tone  [bar'iton]  a.  a  deep  voice 
ba-rouche'lbi-rSoshTn. kind  of  carriage 
ba'sal  [lia'stil]  ti.  pert,  to  the  base 
ba-salt'  [ba-saltT  «.  a  kind  of  rock 
base  [has]  n.  bottom 
base'ball'  [-bal']  «.  a  game 
base'born'  [-hum']  a.  vile;  mean 
base'-burner  [-burn'er];;.  kind  of  stove 
base'ly  [ly]  adv.  shamefully 
base'ment  [-mt-nt]  k.  the  ground  floor 
base'ness   [-nes]  «.  vileness 
bash'ful    [bash'ful]  a.  timid 
bash'ful-ness  [nes]  «.  diffidence 
ba'sio  [ba'sik]  rt.  serving  as  abase 
bas'il  [baz  il]  n.  bark-tanned  sheep  skin 
ba-sil'i-ca  [b.i-zll'i-ka]  «.  a  building 
bas'i-lisk  [bazl-lisk]  «.  a  lizard 
ba'sin  [ba's'n]  «.  a  shallow  vessel 
ba'sis  [I -a  sis]  yi.  foundation 
bask  [liask]  -■.!.  to  lie  in  warmth 
bas'ket  [bas'ket]?^.  vessel  made  of  splints 
basque  [b.isk]  «.  kind  of  lady's  jacket 
bas  -re-liaf  [bare-lef]  F.  low  relief 
bass  [bas]  n.  a  fish 
bass  [bas]  n.  lowest  part  in  music 
bas' set  [bSs'set]  T'.;.  to  crop  out 
bas'si-net(bassl-net]  )i.a  basket  cradle 
bas'so  [bas's6]  ».  lowest  part  in  music 
bass'wood'    [bas'wood']  n.  a  tree 
bas'tard[bas'terd]«.an  illegitimate  child 
baste  [bast]  I'.c.  to  sew  loosely 
bas-tile'    [bas-tel'j  h.  a  fortress 
basti-na'do[bas'tI-na'd4]  «.  a  beating 
bas'tion  [baschun]    «.  part  of  a  fort 
bat  (bat]«.  a  ball  club;  a  flying  mammal 
batch  [bach]  «.  a  quantity 
bate  [ViSt]  f ./.  to  lessen 
ba-teau'  [ba-to']  ».  a  clumsy  boat 
bath  {\::irli'\n.  place  to  bathe;  a  bathing 
bathe  [bath]  tj.  to  wash 
ba-tiste'    [ba-test'J  k.  a  kind  of  cloth 
bat'on  [liat  On]  k.  a  leader's  staff 
bat-tal'ion    [bat-taryOn]    «.  a  bixly  of 
bat'ten  [bat't'n]«.stripof  wood  tsoldiers 
bat'ter  [bat'tcr]  v.t.  to  beat;  to  bruise 
bat'ter-y  [-y]  «.  several  cannon 
bat'tle  [batt'l]  «.  a  combat 
bat'tle-ax'  (aks']  «. a  broadax 
bat'tle-door'  [-dor']  n.  a  play 
bat'tle-ment  [nicnt]  «.  fortification 
bat-tol'o-gy  (bai.t&r4-jy]«.  using  nced- 
bau'ble  [t«bl]  «.  gewgaw     [less  wurds 






baw-bee'  P'S-be']  Scotch,  a  lialfpenny 
bawd'i-ly  [ladl-lyl  adv.  lewdly 
bawd'i-ness  [nes]  n.  lewdness 
bawd'y  [lady]  a.  obscene 
bawd'y-house'  [-hous']  «.  a  brothel 
bawl  [l.alj  f.2.  to  cry  out 
bay  [!  i.i)  «.  a  sea  inlet ;  the  laurel  tree 
bay'ber-ry    [bsr-rj]  «.  a  tree 
bay'o-net  [ba'6-n6t]  k.  a  weapon  friver 
bay'ou  [Moo]  n.  an  inlet  from  a  gulf  or 
bay'rum'  (1  ri'rum']  n.  a  fragrant  liquid 
bay'win'dow  [win'd*]  n. 
ba-zaar'  [bazar']  «.  room  to  sell  goods 
bdel'lium  [bel'yOm]  «.  a  gum  resin 
be     [be]  Z'.i.  to  exist 
beach  [bech]  n.  a  sandy  shore 
beached  [becht]  f.p.  stranded 
bea'con  [be'k'n]  n.  a  signal  light 
bead  [;>ed]  >/.  a  perforated  ball 
bead'ing    [-Ing]  «.  a  kind  of  molding 
bea'dle  [beVri]  «.  crier  of  a  court 
bea'gle  [beg'l]  «.  a  hunting  dog 
beak  [bek]  n.  the  bill  of  a  bird 
beal  [bel]  v.i.  to  gather  m:itter 
beam  [liem]  «.  a  large  piece  of  timber 
beam'ing  [Ing]  a.  radiant 
bean  [ben]  n.  a  kind  of  pulse 
bear  [bar]  n.  an  animal;  ^'.  to  convey 
bear'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  tolerable 
beard  (ber;']  n.  hair  on  the  face 
bear'er  [bar'cr]  n.  one  who  bears 
bear'ing    [V)ar'Ing]  n.  behavior 
beast  [best]  n.  an  animal 
beast'ly  [iy]  a.  brutal 
beat  [bet]  ^'-to  strike;  «.  adishonest  person 
beat'en  [bef'n]  a.  conquered 
be'a-tif'ic-al  [bea-tif'I-krtl]  a.  blissful 
be-at  i-fi-ca'tion  (lie-at'i-fi-ka'shun] 
be-at'i-fy[be-at'i-fri  v.t.  to  make  happy 
beat'ins  [bet'Ing]  n.  a  throbbing 
be-at'i-tude  [be-at'I-tad]  «.  blessedness 
beau    [bo]  ?/.?«.  an  escort;  a  lover 
beaux  \\.az\pL  of  beau 
beau'  i-de'al  [-t-de'.il]  n.  a  mental  model 
beau  monde'  [mojjd']  F.  the  gay  world 
beau'te-OUS  [-tc-Qs]  a.  very  fair 
beau'ti-ful    [bu'tl-ful]  a.  pretty 
beau'ti-fy  [-tl-fi]  v.t.  to  adorn 
beau'ty  [bu'ty]  n.  attractiveness 
bea'vcr  [be'vcr];:.  an  amphibious  rodent 
be-calm'    [be-kam']  v-t.  to  still 
be-cause'  [Ix-kaz']  conj.  inasmuch 
beck  [bek]  v.l.  to  call  by  a  nod 
beck'on  [bekk'n]  '.j.t.  to  make  a  sign 
be-cloud'  [be-kloudT  -v.t.  to  dim 
be-come'  [bckum']  v.t.  to  be  suitable  to 
be-com'ing  [ing]  a.  proper 
bed  [bed]  n.  a  place  to  sleep  in  fwet 

be-dab'ble  [be-dab'b'l]!'./.  to  sprinkle  or 
be-daub'  [bf-dab']  v.t.  to  soil 
bed'bu^'    [bed'bug']  «.  an  insect   [room 
bed'cham  ber  [-chamlier]  «.a  sleeping 
bed'clothes'  [-klothz  ]  «.  blankets,  etc. 






bed'ding  [b6d-ding]  «.  bed  materials 
be-deck'  [be-dek]  v.t.  to  adorn 
be-dev'il    (lie-dev"l]  v.t.  to  corrupt 
be-dew'  [be-du]  -v.t.  to  moisten 
be-dim'  [lic-dim']  v.t.  to  flarken 
be-diz'en[l)e-dizzn]-^.to  dress  tawdrily 
bed'lam  [bedl.rm)  11.  madhouse:  uproar 
Bed'ou-in[bed'66-en]  n.z.  nomadic  Arab  [ 
bed'quilt'  [bid'kwiltT  «.  a  coverlet 
be-drab'ble  [lii:-dr.1b'b'l]-».  to  befoul 
bed'rid  den  [in^d'rid'd'n]  a.  confined  to 
bed'rock'  [  rSk']  n.  solid  rock  Ibed 

bed'room  [room]  «.  a  sleeping  room 
bed'side'   [sM  ]  ;<.  siileof  bed 
bed'spread    [spred'l  n.  a  coverlet 
bed'stead  [-stedj  «.  a  bed  frame 
bed'time'  [-tim']  ».  time  to  retire 
bee  [be]  «.  an  insedl ;  a  contest 
beech  [bech]  n.  a  tree 
beef  [bef  ]  n.  tlie  flesli  of  a  cow  or  oy 
beefsteak'   [-stSk']  k.  a  sliceof  I  eef 
bee'hive'   [be'liiv]  n.  hive  for  bees 
bee'line'  [lin  ]  n.  a  strai^'ln  course 
Be-el'ze-bub  [be-elze-bub]  n.  the  Devil 
been  [bin]  /./.  of  "be" 
beer   [ber]  «.  a  be^erage 
beet  [bet]  K.  an  edible  root 
bee'tle  [be't'l]  «.  an  insedt 
beeves  [bevz]  //.  of  "beef,"  the  animal 
be-fall'   [l^-fal]  v.t.  to  happen 
be-fit'    [ix  frt  ]  -v.t.  to  suit 
be-flt'ting  [ting]  a.  proper 
be-fog'  [be-fCg']  -d.t.  to  mystify 
be-fool'  [be-fool]  v.t.  to  deceive 
be-fore' [bc.for'] />-<■/.  in  front 
be-fore'hand'    [hind]  adv.  ahead 
be-fore  men'tioned  [men'shOnd]  a. 
be-fore'time'    [tim]  adv.  formerly 
be-foul'  [be-foul]  v.t.  to  soil 
be-friend'  [be-frend']  v.t.  to  succor 
beg  [bSg]  v.t.  to  ask  earnestly  for 
be-gan'  [lie-gSn'J  i  ast  tens,-  of  "begin' 
be-get'  [be-gC-t]  v.t.  to  procreate 
beg'gar  (beggcr)  «.  one  who  begs 
beg'gar-ly  [-1J]  adv  mean 
be-gin'  [l«;-gm']  v.  to  commence 
be-gin'ner  [-ncr]  n.  one  who  begins  any- 
be-gin'ning  [nmg]  «.  the  origin  [thinj; 
be-gone'    (U'-j,'On']  iw/cr;.  goaway 
be-50'ni-a[lje-g0'nl-a]«.a  tropical  plan: 
be-grime'  [l/-grim']  v.t.  to  soil 
be-grudge'    [hw-grflj']  v.t.  to  grudge     i 
be-guile'    [be-gllT  v.t.  to  delude  by  craft 
be-gun'  [U-guu]  /./,  of  "begin" 
be-half  [lif-haf]  ;,.  support 
be-have'  [i;e-liav']  v.t.  to  act 
be-hav'ior    [yer]  «.  conduct 
be-head'    [Ix-hed]  v.t.  to  decapitate 
be-hest' [tc-licst]  «.  acommaml 
be-hind'  \\i-\\\n<.V'\prfp.  at  the  rear 
be-hind'hand'  [-hind']  a.  late 
be-hold'  [Uj-hsld]  v.t.  to  see 
be-hold'er      [--'r)  <.    a  spectator        [for 
be-hoove'  ^J:-\\^v"\v.t.xo  be  necessary  I 

X     \w 







be'in[^  [I'e'In^]  ?i.  existence 
be-jew'el  [Iw-ju'el]  v.t.  to  ornament 
be-la'bor  [be-la'ber]  -zr.t.  to  beat  soundly 
be-lat'ed    [be-lat'ed]  a.  delayed 
be-lay'  [be-laT  v.  to  lie  in  wait  for 
belch  [helch]  v.i.  to  give  vent  to 
bel'dam  [berdSm]«.  an  ugly  old  woman 
be-lea'guer  [be-le'ger]  v.t.  to  besiege 
bcl'  es-prit'  [bel'  Ss-pre']  F.  fine  wit 
bel'fry  [liU'fry]  n.  a  bell  tower 
Be'li-al[be'II-<il] «.  personification  of  evil 
be-lie'  [be-lT']  ij.t.  to  slander 

be-licf  [be-lef]  «•  faith 
be-licvo'  [bc-lev']  v.t.  to  take  one's  word 
be-licv'er  [-cr]  «.  one  who  believes 
be-lit'tle  [be-llt't'l]  v.t.  to  make  small 
bell  [bel]  n.  a  cup-shaped  metallic  vessel 
bel  la-don'na   [bel'la-don'na]  K.aplant 
belle  [bsl]  )i.  A  pretty  young  lady  ferature 
belles-let'tres  [bsl-let'tcr]  F.  polite  lit- 
bel'li-COse'  [bgl'll-kos']  a.  pugnacious 
bel-lig'er-ent  [bel-llj'er-cnt]  a.  warlike 
bell'  mefal  [-m5t"liM.ahard  alloy 
bel'low  [bel'li]  v.i.  to  roar  like  a  bull 
bel'loWS  [bel'lus]  «.^.&//.  a  machine  for 
bel'ly  tbel'ly]  «.  the  abdomen   [blow 
be-long'  [Ijc-lBng']  t'.i'.  to  pertain  to 
be-low'  [t>e-l6]/;^f/.  under 
be-loved'  [l>e-luvd']/./.         -i    greatly 
be-lov'ed  [Ijc-luv'ed]  «.  &  a.  \    loved 
belt    [belt]  K.  a  girdle  [a  fine  view 

bel  ve-dere'[berve-der']«.coramanding 
be-moan'  [be-mon']  v.  to  lament 
bench  [bencli] «.  a  long  seat ;  a  work  table 
bond    [bend]  '..i.t.  to  curve 
be-neath'  [be-neth  ] /?-</.  under 
ben'e-dict  [bSn'e-dikt]  man  just  married 
ben  e-dic'tion  [-dik'shun]  «.  blessing 
bcne-fac'tion  [-f  ak'shun]  h.  a  gift 
ben  e-fac'tor  [-ter]«.confererofbenefits 
bcn'e-fice  [bSn'c-fTs]  n.  a  church  living 
be-nef'i-cence[be-nefi-Sfns]«. kindness 
be-nef  i-cent  [-sent]  a.  doing  good 
ben  e-fi'cial  [ben'e-f  Ish'ijl]  <j.  helpful 
ben'e-fi'ci-a-ry[-I-S-ry]  n  receiverof  help 
ben'e-fit  ;'-ien'e-fIt]  «.  an  act  of  kindness 
be-nev'o-lence  [be-nev'i-lms]  «.  kind- 
be-nev'o-lent   [U-nt]  a.  kind        Iness 
be-nign'  [Vic-nln"]  a.  favorable 
be-nig'nant  (be-nig'n<int]  a.  gracious 
ben'i-son  [ben'i-z'n]  n.  blessing 
bent     [bent]  a.  curved 
be-numb'  [be-num']  vJ.  to  stupefy 
ben'zine    [ben'zin]  «.  a  volatile  oil 
be-queath'  [be-kweth ']  t'./'.to  give  by  will 
be-quest'  [be-kwest]  «.  a  legacy 
be-rate'  [bc-tatT  -v.i.  to  scold 
be-reave'  [lic-rev']  ij.t.  to  deprive 
be-reave'ment  [mtut]  n.  deprivation 
ber'ga-mot   [bergimOt]  k.  a  perfume 
ber'ry  [bSr'ry]  n.  any  small  fleshy  fruit 
berth  \\xxth]  n.  an  allotted  place 
be-seech'  [Iic-sech']  v.t.  to  entreat 
be-set'    [bc-set]  -v.t.  to  surround 







be-shroud'  [be-shroudl  I'.t  to  screen 
be-side'  [be-sid']  f>ref.  on  one  side  of 
be-sides'   ['tx-s\dz']aiiv.  more  than  that 
be-siege'[be-sej  ]  i .  to  beset  with  an  army 
be-smear'  [be-smerT  7.  to  bedaub 
be-smirch'    [lie-smerch]  ;■./.  to  sully 
be'som   [le'zum]  k.  a  broom 
be-sot'   [le-s6t'3  ii't.  to  stupefy 
be-span'gle[-spSng'g'l]z'.  to  adorn  ring 
be-spat'ter[  -spatter]-',  to  soi  1  by  splash- 
be-speak'[-spek']t'.  to  speak  l>eforehand 
best  [t  est]  a.  most  good 
bes'tial  [bSs'chal]  a.  brutal 
be-stir'  [lie-ster]  V.I.  to  move  actively 
be-stow'  [lie-sto']  z',t.  to  give  or  conier 
be-stride'  [be-strid']  v.  with  legs  astride 
bet  [bet]  K.  a  wager 
be-take'  [be-tak]  -v.t.  to  resort 
beth'el  [be/A'el]  «.  a  place  of  worship 
be-think'  [be-//;Ingk']  T.i.  to  recollect 
be-tide'  [lie -tid '] -r-.  to  happen  to 
be-times'  [be-timz]  arfi'.  in  good  season 
be-to'ken  [be-to'k'n]  ''.t.  to  foreshow 
be-tray'  [be-tra']  z.t.  to  be  false  to 
be-troth'   [he-trO/'/!']  v.t.  to  affiance 
bet'ter  [bet'tcrj  a.  an  improvement  on 
bet'ter-ment  [-m^-nt]  ?:.  improvement 
be-tween'  [be-twen ']/'■</».  intervening 
bev'el  [bev'el]«. aslant 
bev'er-age[-er4j]>(. a  liquid  for  drinking 
bev'y  [bev'y]  n.  a  company  of  ladies 
be-wail'  [bc-wal']  v.t.  to  lament 
be-ware'    [be-wir']  v.i.  to  take  heed 
be-wil'der  [lie-wll'dcr]  v.t.  to  perplex 
be-wil'der-ment  [mfnt]  n.  a  tangle 
be- witch'  [lae-wlch]  v.t.  to  cliarin 
be-witch'er-y  [-er-y]  «.  fascination 
bey  [ba]  ;;.  a  Turkish  governor 
be-yond'[l5c-y6nd']  prep,  on  further  side 
bd-zique'  [ba-zek]  n.  a  game  at  cards 
be-zo'ni-an  [he-zo'nT-fm]  ?/.  a  beggar 
bi'as   []  «.  inclination;  slant 
bib  [hib]  drink:  j/.child'schinapron 
bi-ba'cious  [bi-ba'shus]  a.  given  to  drink 
bi-bac'i-ty  [Il-bssl-ty]  n.  tippling 
bib'ber  ['lcr]  «.  a  tippler 
Bi'ble  [liib':]  ;i.  abo..k:   tlie  Scriptures 
bib'li-cal[blb'llk,jl]<i.pert.  tothe  Bible 
bib  li-0g'ra-phy[-8g'ra-fy]);.  history  of 
bibli-ol'o-gy  [.-il'i.jy]  book  lore  [Ixioks 
bib'u-lous  [Mb  u-lus]<r. imbibing  Tyears 
bi  cen-ten'ni-al[bi'ssn-t6n'ni-al]rt.joo 
bick'er  [blkTrlr/.toquarrel 
bi'cy-cle[brsl-k'l] ;/.  a  2 -wheeled  vehicle 
bid    fbltl]  v.t.  to  offer 
bid'ding  [bid'ding]  «.  command 
bide  [bl-l]  ■n.i.  to  wait  for  [yean 

bi-en'ni-al  [bi-tn  ni-«l]  a.  once  in  two 
bier  [br-r]  «.  frame  for  carrying  the  dead 
bi-fur'ca-ted  [bi-fQr'ki-tSd)  a.  forked 
big  [bij;]  a.  large 

big'a-my  [big'i-my]  «.  double  marriage 
big'ger  [big'gcr]  a.  larger 
big'gest  [big'gfstl  "•  larjrr-it 




\_^    N    ^ 



bight  [bit]  «.  a  loop 
big'ness  [MgnesJ  n.  bulk 
big-no'ni-a  [big-no'nl-a]  «.  a  plant 
big'ot  [big'ut]  n.  one  set  in  his  belief 
bi-j ou' [be -zhoo ']  n.s.  anything- small  and 
bi-joux'  [It-zhooz]//.  of  bijou   [pretty 
bil'bo  [I)!!  lid]  n.  a  kind  of  sword 
bile  [bil]  n.  a  fluid  secreted  by  the  liver 
bilge  [bllj]  n.  the  bulging  part  of  a  cask 
bil'ious  [bil'vus]  a.  having  excess  of  bile 
bil'ious-ness  [-yus-nes]  «.  bilious  state 
bilk  [bllk]t'./.  to  frustrate 
bill  [bll]  n.  a  statement 
bill'board'  [Lord]  «.  bulletin  board 
bil'let   [lill'Iet]  «.abarof  iron  or  wood 
bil'let-doux'  [bll'la-doo']  n.  a  love  letter 
bil'liards[biryerdz]K.agame  [language 
bil'lings-gate'  [bil'lIngz-gStT  «.  coarse 
bil'lion  [bil  yun]  n.  a  thousand  millions 
bil'low  [bll  6]  n.  a  wave 
bil'ly  [hrlly]  «.  a  club  [metals  as  money 
bi-met'al-lism  [bi-met'al-llz'm]  n.  two- 
bi-month'ly    [bi-mQn/A'ly]  n.   once  in 
bin    [b!n]<;.  abox  fordust.etc.  [two  mons. 
bi'na-ry  [bi'na-ry]  a.  two ;  double 
bi'nate  [bini;]  a.  double 
bind  [binii]  T.  to  tie  together 
bind'er-y  [-cr-y] ;;  .where  books  are  bound 
bind'ing[-Ing] >/ .book  cover;3. obligatory 
bi-Og'ra-phy  [-fy] ;;.  life  history  [writer 
bi-ol'o-gy  [hi-Ol'S-jy]  n.  the  science  of  life 
bi'ped  [1  i  pcd]  n.  a  two-footed  animal 
birch  [licrcU]  ;;.  a  tree 
bird  [berd]  a  feathered  winged  animal 
bird'cage'  [kaj']  «.  a  cage  for  birds 
bird's'eye'  [•;']  «.  as  seen  by  a  flying  bird 
birth  [Vtr,'/':]  it.  the  act  of  being  born 
birth'day[-da']  «.  the  day  of  one's  birtl-. 
birth'place'[-plas ']w. where  one  wasborn 
birth'right'  [-:it']  «.  right  by  birth 
bis'cuit  [biskit]  H.  kind  ol  bread 
bi-sect'  [bi-sekf]  i'.  to  cut  into  two  parts 
bish'op  [bish'up]  K.  a  spiritual  overseer 
bish'op-ric  [-rik]  «.  a  bishop's  see 
bi-sil'i-cate   [bi-sil'i-kat]  «.  a  chemical 
bis'muth  [blz'mO/A]  n.  a  metal 
bi'son  [liis6n]  n.  a  wild  ox  ;  the  buffalo 
bis-sex'tile  [bis-seks'til]  k.  leap  year 
bit    [bit]  ?i.  a  morsel ;  iron  part  of  bridle 
bite  [bit]  'J.  to  cut  with  the  teeth 
bit'ing  [ing]  a.  sharp ;  severe 
bit'ing  in'  [-in']  ;:.  corrosion  by  acids 
bit'stock  [bit'stok']  K.  a  brace 
bit'ter    [bittrr]  a.  acrid 
bit' ter-ness[-nes]«.severity  [nightshade 
bit'ter-sweet  [bi:'ti;r-swet']«  tliewoodj 
bi-tu'mcn  [;  i-tu'nien]  k.  mineral  pitch 
bi-tu'mi-nous  [ml-nils]  a. 
bi'valve  [M'valv]  a.  having  two  shells 
biv'ouac    [iilv']  ~c\i.  to  encamp 
bi'week'ly    [bi'wek'ly]  a.  fortnightly 
bi-zarre'    [bc-zar']  a.  odd;  fantastic 





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blab  T'lMl  "■■'•  to  tell  thoughtlessly 
blab'ber  [blab'ber]  «.  a  tattler 
black  [blak]  it.  destitute  of  light 
black'art'  [art'J  «.  magic 
black'bair  [hal]  f.e.  to  reject  by  vote 
black'bass'   [-bis]  «.  a  kind  of  fish 
black'ber-ry  [-ber-ry]«.  fruit  of  bramble 
black'bird  l-berd] «. 
black 'board  [bord ']  n .  blackened  board 
black'cap'[-kap  ]  «  the  mock  nightingale 
black'coat'  [ksf]  «.  aclergj'man 
black'en[-'n]j'.  to  make  black;  to  defame 
black'guard  [blag'gard]  v.l.  to  revile 
black'guard  ism[-iz'ni]  n.  ruffianism 
black'heart  ed[-hart'edl  .i.  morallybad 
black'hole    [hoi]  «.  a  dungeon 
black'ing  [-Ing]  «.  paste  for  shoes 
black  lead'    [led'l  »;.  graphite 
black'leg  [-leg]  n.  a  gambler 
black'letter  [letter]  a.  old  English 
black'list  (lIstT  >! .  list  of  suspicious  per- 
black'mair  [mal]  n.  extortion     [sons 
black'smith  [-smI//0  «.  iron  smith 
black'thorn'  [-/Aorn']  «.  the  sloe  tree 
blad'der  [blad'der]  «.  a  sac  for  fluid         i 
blade  [bl.ld]  «.  cutting partof  instrument 
blam'a-ble[blama-b'l](i.  deserving  cen- 
blame  [blam]  -<j.t.  to  censure  [sure 

blameless    [les]  a.  innocent 
blame'wor  thy  (wur  tliy]  <?.  culpable 
blanch  [blanch]  i-.t.  to  whiten  [dessert 
blanc-manche'  [bla-ma«zh']  «.  kind  of 
bland  [bland]  a.  mild  ;  smooth-tongued 
blan'dish  [blan'dlsh]  vJ.  to  cajole 
blan'dish-ment  [ment]  n.  soft  speech 
blank  [blangk]  a.  not  written  upon 
blan'ket  [blang'kSt]  «.  loosely -woven 
blare  [blar)«.  a  bellowing  noise  [woollen 
blar'ney  [llar'ny]  «.  coarse  flattery 
bla-8^'  [blazi']  a.  usedup 
blas-pheme'  [blas-fem']  v.  to  utter  blas- 
blas'phe-my  [-my]  n.  profanity        [my 
blast  [blast]  n.  a  violent  gust  of  wind 
blast'ed  [-id]  a.  confounded ;  withered 
bla'tant  [bla'tant]  a .  clamoring ;  bawling 
blaze  T'llz]  ?/.  aflame 
bla'zon  [bla'z'n]  f.  to  display  pompously 
bla'zon-ry  [-ry]  «.  artistic  display 
blea  [blc]  u.  the  inner  bark  of  a  tree 
bleach  [blOch]  T.t.  to  make  white 
bleak  [blek]  a.  unsheltered  ;  desolate 
blear  [bier]  a.  having  watery  eyes 
bleat  [MCI]  n.  a  sheep's  cry 
blee  [  M.:]  n.  likeness 
bleed  [l  led]  v.i.  to  lose  blood 
blem'ish   [blSmlsh]  «.  that  which  mars 
blench  [blanch]  -v.i.  to  flinch;  to  shrink 
blend  [l-lOnd]  -v.i.  to  mingle  together 
bless  [blc-s]  v.t.  to  wish  happiness  to 

bless'ed     [•'^''l  "■  happy 
bless'ed-ness   [-nts)  «.  happiness 
bUss'ing  [-Ing]  7/.thatwhicli  makes  one 
blew  [>>10]  »>«/.  of 'blow"     [truly  happy 







blight  [lilit]  v.t.  to  blast 
blind  t;4ind]  a.  deprivea  of  sight 
blind'er(-tr]  n.  a  leather  screen  on  bridle 
blind'fold  [fold']  cover  the  eyes  ol 
blind'ly  [.ly]  adv.  as  if  blind 
blind'ness  [-nes]  n.  inability  to  see 
blind'- worm'  [-w(lrm']>i.  the  slow-worm 
blink  [blingk]  to  peer  with  half-shut  eyes 
blink'ers  [-crz] «.//.  g-oggles 
bliss    [lills]  71.  the  highest  happiness 
bliss'ful  [.ful]  a.  full  of  bliss 
blis'ter[l.lls'ter]  «.a  kind  of  pustule 
blithe     [blith]  a.  joyous 
blithe'some  [sum]  c.  gay 
bliz'zard    [l.lizzcrd]  «.  sudden  violent 
bloat  [1  .l5t]  -IK  to  puff  up  [cold  snow-storm 
bloat'er  [tcr]  «.  a  smoke-dried  herring 
block  [bisk]  M.  solid  mass  of  wood  or  stone 
block-ade'    [-ad]  v.  to  shut  in  by  siege 
block'head'  [-hed']  «.  a  stupid  fellow 
block'house'  [-hous']  n.  a  wooden  fort 
blonde   [blond]  -i.  one  with  liglit  hair  and 
blood  [bludl  n.  the  life  fluid      [blue  eyes 
blood'ed[-t;d]  a.  of  the  best  stock 
blood'hound'  [-hound']  >i.  breed  of  dogs 
blood'less  [les]  a.  without  blood 
blood'root'  [root]  n.  a  plant 
blood'shed'    [shed]  «.  slaughter 
blood'shot'  [-shSf]a. inflamed,  as  the  eye 
blood'suck'er  [-suk'er]  «.  a  leech 
blood'thirst'y  [-cAersfy]  a.  vindictive 
blood' vessel  [-ves'sel] «.  a  vein  or  artery 
blood'y  [-y]  a.  blood-stained  ;  murderous 
bloom     [bloom]  n.  a  blossom 
bloom'er  [-Er]  >/.  a  costume 
blos'som  [blos'sum]  n.  a  flower 
blot  [bI5t]  n.  a  spot  or  stain 
blotch    [blSch]  «.  skin  eruption 
blot'ter  [l.lot'ter]  ;;.  a  blotting  pad 
blouse  [bluuz]  «.  a  kind  of  loose  coat 
blow  fl.lo]  n.  a  stroke 
blow'pipe'  [-pip']  >:.  a  pipe  for  fusing 
blowth  \\Ablli]  II.  a  blossoming 
blub'ber  [blub'bcr]  «.  the  fat  of  whales    ' 
bludgf'eon  [blOj'un]  «.  short  heavy  stick 
blue  [bill]  II.  one  of  the  primary  colors 
blues  [l.luz]  K.//.  low  spirits 
blue'beir  [-bel']  n.  a  plant;  a  flower 
blue'dev  lls[-d6v"lz]  >i  delirium  tremens 
blue'grass'  [-gras]  x.  species  of  grass 
blu'ing  [ing]  II.  used  for  tinting  linen 
blue'stocking[-st6k'ing]«  literary  lady 
blue'stone'  [-ston']K.  sulphate  of  copper 
bluff  [bluf]  ,T.  blustering 
blun'der    [blun'dFr]  «.  a  mistake 
blun'der-bus  [bus]  «.  a  short  gun 
blunt  [l.lunt]  .7.  liaving  thick  edge 
blunt'ly  [-ly]  ac/v.  abruptly 
blunt'ness  [nSs]  «.  dullness 
blur  [blfir]  v.f.  to  obscure 
blur'ry  [-ry]  a.  blurred 
blurt  [blurt)  v.t.  to  utter  suddenly 
blush  [blQsh]  -v.i.  to  redden  with  shame 




blus'ter  [Mus'ter]  n.  a  hnisterous  noise 
blus'ter-er  [-cr]  «.  a  swaggerer 
blus'ter-ing  [Ing]  «.  boastful  ftippet 
bo'a  [bo  a]  ft.  serpent;  kind  of  snake-like 
boar  [b5r]  tt.  the  male  of  swine 
board  [bord];/.  food;  thin  piece  of  timber 
board'er    [-er]  n.  one  who  boards 

board'ing-house'  [ing-hous]  n. 

boast  [bost]  v.t.  to  brag 
boast'er  [er]  >i.  a  braggart 
boast'ful  [-fill]  it.  self-praising 
boat  [bot]  71.  a  vessel 
boat'man  [-m^rn]  «.  a  boat  manager 
boat' swain  [-swin]  tt.  a  ship  officer 
bob  [I'f^b]  fi.  a  jerky  motion 
bob'bin  [bin]  «.  a  kind  of  spool 
bob'bi-net'   [ngf]  «.  cotton  lace 
bob'tail'    [tai]  k.  a  short  tail 
bock'beer'    [bok'ber']  «.  strong  beer 
bode     [bod]  V,  to  forebode 
bod'ice  [bod'ls]  «.  a  corset 
bod'i-ly  [-My]  a.  entirely 
bod'kin'   [kin]  k.  a  large  pin 
bod'y  [-y]  «.  a  person 
bod'y-guard'  [-gard']  n.  a  retinue 
bog  [t>6g]  n.  a  marsh 
bog'gle  [gl]  v.i.  to  hesitate 
bog'gy  [-g>]  a.  swampy 
bo'gus    [bo'gfls]  a.  spurious 
bog'wood'  [bOg'wood]  n.  wood  dug  up 
bo'gy  [lio'gy]  «.  a  spectre  [from  peat  bogs 
boil    [boil]  v.t.  to  cook 
boil'er  [-er]  «.  that  in  which  anything  is 
bois'ter-OUS  [bois'ter-Qs]  a.  loud  [boiled 
bo'lar  [Vi5'ler]  rt.  clayey 
bold  [hold]  a.  daring 
bold'en  [bold'n]  tj.I.  to  make  bold 
bold'faced'  [fast]  a.  impudent 
bold'ness  [-nes]  ?i.  courage 
bole  [bol]  H.  earthy  clay 
boll  [br.l]  K.  the  pod  of  a  plant 
bo-lo'gna[l'6-lo'nya]>i.  a  kind  of  sausage 
bol'ster  [bolster]  >i.  a  long  pillow 
bolt  [bolt]  v.t.  to  fasten  with  a  bolt 
bo'lus    [bo'Ius]  K.  a  large  pill 
bomb  [b6nil  tt.  an  explosive  shell 
bom -bard'ment[-l>;ird'mcnt]  Han  attack 
bom-bas'tic  [bOm-bas'tlk]  a.  pompous 
bomba-zine'  [bum'ba-zen']  «.  a  fabric 
bone  .•..;)  r.  good 

bo'na  fi'de  [bo'na  fi'd?]  /..  in  good  faith 
bo-nan'za  [bA-nSn'za]  n.  a  rich  vein 
bon'bon'  [b6«'l»6«'l  jt.  a  sugar  plum 
bond  Ib.->n(l]  «.  an  obligation 
bond'age  [-aj]  tt.  servitude 
bond'ed  [  .-.l)  a.  under  bond 
bond'hold'er(-h6ld'?r]H.  holder  of  bonds 
bonds'man    (b6ndz'man]  n.  a  surety 
bone  [boil]  rt.  hard  p.irt  of  skeleton  o' 
bone'set    [set']   «.  a  plant      [animal; 
bon'fire  [b/in'fir]  «.a  large  fire 
bon'net  (hon 'net'] «.covering  for  the  head 
bon'i-face  (b^n'lfas]  >i.  an  innkeeper 
bon'mot'    [b6«'ni4'l /^.  ajest 

BON 30 

bon'ni-ly  [bSn'nl-Iy]  adv.  gayly 
bon'ni-ness  [-nC-s]  y/.gayety 
bon'ny  [Ii6n'ny]  a.  good;  handsome 
bo'nus  [bo'nus]  n.  premium 
bon'y  [b5'ny]  a.  full  of  bones 
boo'by   [I  o51.y]  n.  a  dunce  ;  a  bird 
boo'dle  [l,ooM'l]  ;;.  bribe  money 
boo'hoo'  [bdo'lioo']  v.i.  to  bawl 
book    [book]  n.  a  volume  fbooks 

book'bind'erf.l)ind'crJ  n.  onewho binds 
book'binder-y[-y]);.  place  where  books 
book'bind  ing  [lugj  «.         lare  bound 
book'case'  [kas']  n.  case  for  books 
booked  [l  6okt]  a.  registered 
book'ish  [I  txk'Islij,;.  studious  Taccounts 
book'keep  er  [-kep'er]  «.  onewhokeeps 
book'mak'er[-mSk'cr]  «.  a  betting  man 
book'man[  nian]  7i. a  scholar  la  compiler 
boom  [lioT.niJ  7'./.  to  advance       [weapon 
boom'er-ang  [-er-ang]  -v.  an  Australian 
boon     [boon]  «.  a  benefit 
boor    [boor]  n.  a  rude  fellow 
boor'ish    [ish]  a.  unmannerly 
boost    [boost]  v.t.  to  lift ;  to  push 
boot  [boot]  n.  foot  wear 
booth     [booth]  «.a  covered  market  stall 
boo'ty    [booty]  n.  plunder 
booze   [boo2]  v.i.  to  tipple 
booz'er  [boo'zcr]  «.  a  toper 
booz'y    [boozy]  a.  befuddled 
bo'rax   [bOraks]  «.  a  drug 
bor'der  [border]  «.  the  outer  edge 
bore  [bor]  V.  to  pierce;  n.  the  tidal  flow 
bo're-as     [bo're-rts]  «.  the  north  wind 
born  [born]  part,  brought  into  life 
borne  [barn]/./,  of  "bear"  ;  carried 
bor'ough  [bur'6]  n.  a  village 
bor'row  [h6r'r6]  v.t.  to  get  a  loan 
bosh     [liCsli]  n.  trash  ;  nonsense 
bos'om  [booz'iim]  7t.  the  breast 
boss  [bBsJ  n.  a  master 
bot'a-ny  [bat'a-ny]  «.  science  of  plants 
botch  [bach]  71.  a  clumsy  patch 
botch'er  [er]  n.  a  bungler 
botch'y  [y]  a.  poorly  done 
both  [ho//(]  a.  the  two 
both'er  [beth'fr]  T.t.  to  annoy 
both'er-SOme  [sum]  tr.  vexatious 
bot'tle[bBt'ri]«vesselwithnarrow  mouth 
bot'tom[bat'tum];;.  the  base  ;  lowest  part 
bot'toraed  [tumd]  a.  grounded 
bot'tom-less'  [les]  a.  fathomless 
bot'tom-ry  [-ry]  k.  a  contract 
bou'doir'  [boo'dwor']  n.  a  lady's  room 
bough    [bou]  «.  an  arm  or  large  branch 
bought  [bat]  /./.  purchased       [of  a  tree 
bou  illon'  [boo'yaK']  F.  a  kind  of  soup 
bou'le-vard  [lioo'lc-var]  «.wideavenue 
bounce  [bouns]  v.i.  to  leap 
boun'cer    [-ser]  k.  something  big 
boun'cing  [sTng]  a.  big;  healthy 
bound     [biiuiul]  //.  made  fast 
bound'a-ry  [a-ry]  h.  a  limit 
bound'less  [les]  a.  unlimited 








boun'te-OUS[houn'te-Qs]  a.  generous 
boun'U-ful   [-ti-ful]  a.  liberal 
boun'ty  [-ty]  n.  generosity 
bou-quet'  [bso-ka]  «.abunch  of  flowers 
bour'bon  [t'oor  1100]  «.  an  obstinate  cy- 
bour'bon-ism[-iz'm]>i.  Iservative 

bour-geois'  [hur-jois  ]  «.  kind  of  type 
bourn  [tiorn]  «.  a  limit ;  goal 
Bourse  [boors]  «.  Paris  Stock  Exchange 
bout  [liout]  ;;.  a  turn 
bo' vine  [bo'vin]  a.  pert,  to  the  ox  or  cow 
bow  [bou]2/./.  to  bend;  7t.  forepart  of  ship 
bow  [b5]  K.  an  instrument  to  shoot  arrows 
bow'els  [bou'elz]  «.//.  the  intestines 
bow'er  [bou'cr]  «.  a  shelter 
bow'ie  knife'[bs'enif']«.  hunting  knife 
bowl  [bol]    n.  a  concave  vessel 
bowl'der   [drr]  n.  a  large  stone 
bow'line  [bo'lln]  n.  a  rope 
bowl'ing  [boring]  n.  a  game 
bow'man  [bo'm<zn]  «.  an  archer 
box  [boks]  n.  a  chest 
boy   [boi]  n.  a  male  child 
boy'cott  [-k6t']i'.^.to  withhold  trade 
boy'ish  [-Ish]  a.  like  a  boy ;  puerile 
brace  [bras]  i',t,  to  tighten  ;  to  strain  up 
brace'iet   [-let]  ?/.  a  wrist  ornament 
bra'cing  [bra  sing]  a.  invigorating 
brack'et  [brak'et]  «.  a  shelf 
brack'ish  [ish]  a.  salty 
brad  [brad]  «.  athin  nail  without  a  head 
brae  (bra]  Scotch,  a  hillside 
brag  [brSg]  v.i.  to  boast 
braa'gart  [-gcrt]  n.  a  vain  fellow 
brag'ger  [-ger]  n.  a  boaster 
Brah'ma  [brami]  k.  the  Hindoo  Creator 
brah'min[.mTn]>i.asacredcaste  Hindoo 
braid  []  t..-.  to  plait 
braid'ing  [ing]  ».  plaiting 
brain  [brln]  >t.  seat  of  the  intellect 
brain'less  [I6s]  a.  without  brain  ;  silly 
braise  [braz]  v.t.  to  stew  in  covered  pan 
brake  [l>rrik)K.appliance  to  check  motion 
brake'man  [-m.m]  n.  applier  of  brake 
bram'ble  [bram1>"l]  «.  a  prickly  shrub 
bran  [br.ln]  «.  the  coat  of  cereal  grains 
branch  {'  ran'  1  ]  >i.  the  limb  of  a  tree 
bran'chi-a  [bring'kl-a]  «.j.  gill  of  fish 
bran'chi-ae  [brangTcI-S]  f>!.  of  branchia 
bran'chi-al  [-<il]  a.  pert,  to  gills 
brand  [brand]  •;..'.  to  mark 
bran'dish  [bran'dlsh]  -v.t.  to  flourish 
brand'-new'  [brand' -nQT  a.  quite  new 
bran'dy  [lirSn'dy]  n.  distilled  wine 
bra'sier  [bra  zhPr]  «.  worker  in  brass 
brass  [bras]  n.  alloy  of  copper  and  zinc 
brass'y  [-J]  a.  made  of  brass;  impudent 
bra- va'do(bra-va'd4]  «.boastful  behavior 
brave  [brav]  a.  courageous 
brave'ly  [-ly]  adv.  in  a  brave  manner 
brav'er-y  [brav'cr-J]  «.  courage 
bra'vo  [brS'vA]  inlerj.  well  done 
brawl  [brjil]  n.  a  noisy  contention 
brawn  [br^n]  n.  muscular  strength 




brawn'y    [-y]  a.  muscular 
bray  [bra]  «.  a  harsh  sound;  an  ass's  cry 
bra'zen  [bra'z'n]  a.  made  of  brass;  im- 
breach  [brech]  n.  a  gap  tpudent 

bread  [brtd]  ;i.  food  made  of  flour 
bread'stufF  [-stflf]  n.  grain,  flolir.  etc. 
breadth  [lirSd//;]  n.  width 
break  [Irak]  ■z/.t.  to  sunder 
break'age  [sj]  «.  a  breaking 
break'down'  [doun']  >t.  a  downfall 
break'er  [fr]  n.  a  foamy  wave 
break'fast  [brek'iast]  >i.  the  first  meal 
break'-up(-up']«  a  disruption  [of  harbor 
break'wa  ter  [-wa'ter]  «.wall  at  mouth 
breast    [I. rest]  ;i.  forepart  of  the  chest 
breast'boue'[-bon']«.  bone  of  tlie  breast 
breast'pin'  [-pin']  «.  omamtr.t 
breast'work'    (-wQrk']  «.  a  fortification 
breath    [\~reth'\  n.  respiration 
breathe  [lireih]  z.i.  to  respire 
breath'less  [br6//:1es]  a.  out  of  breath 
bred  [bro.i]/./.  of  "breed" 
breech  [l  .rech]  x .  the  hinder  part  of 
breech'load  er  [lod'er]  n.  a  firearm 
breech'es  [tjrlch'ez]  «.//.  trousers 
breed  [bred]  v.  to  bring  forth 

breed'ing  [  ing]  n.  training 
breeze  [brez]  u.  light  wind 
breez'y  [  y]  a.  airy 

breth'ren  [brethren]  fellow  mem- 
breve  [brev]  ;/.  a  note  in  music        [bers 
bre-vet'  [bre-vtt']  «.  a  commission 
bre'vi-a-ry  [bre'vl-a-ry]  n.  an  abridg- 
bre'vi-ate  [brevl-st]«. a  summary  [ment 
bre-vier'  [bre-ver']  u.  a  kind  of  type 
brev'i-ty  [brevity]  «.  shortness 
brew  [br.:J]  I'.t.  to  concoct 
brew'er-y  [-fr-y]  n.  a  brewhouse 
bribe  [brili]  n.  a  gift  for  bad  uses 
brib'er-y  [-er-y]  n.  corrupt  giving 
bric'-a-brac'[brlk'a-brak']  k.  curiosities 
brick  [tirlk]  >:.  baked  clay  [bricks 

brick'-kiln   [kll]  n.  a  kiln  for  burning 
brid'al     [bridal]  a.  pert,  to  a  bride 
bride  [brid]  »i.  a  woman  newly  married 
bride'groom'  [-g^oom]  n.  a  man  newly 
bride'weir  [wel]  «.  a  prison  [married 
bridge  [brlj]  «.  a  span  over  anything 
bri'dle   [brl'd'l]  n.  a  curb 
brief  [bref]  n.  concise 
bri'er  [brier]  M.  prickly  shrub ;  wild  rose 
brig  [brig]  «.  a  two-masted  vessel 
bri-gade'  [bri-gad']  «.  a  body  of  troops 
brig'and   [brig'tmd]  k.  a  robber 
brig'and-age  [-sj]  «.  plunder 
bright    [brit]    a.  shining 
bright'en  [n]  v.t.  to  enliven 
bright'ness  [-nes]  «.  glitter 
bril'lian-cy  [bril'yan-sy]  «.  brightness 
bril'liant  [brll'yant]  a.  sparkling 
brim  [brim]  n.  upper  edge 
brim'ful'  [fiil']  a.  full  to  the  brim 
brim'ming   [mlng]  a.  overflowing 
brim'stone   [ston]  «.  sulphur 








brin'dled  [brin'd'ld]  a.  with  dark  streaks 

brine  [brin]  ;i.  salt  -nater 

bring  [Sring]  -'./.  to  fetch 

brink  [bringk]  k.  the  edge  of  a  steep  place 

brin'y  [brui'y]  a.  salty 

brisk  [brisk]  a.  lively ;  active 

bris'tle  [bris's'l]  «.  stiffhair  of  swine 

bri-tan'ni-a  [brl-tan'nl-a]  «.  an  alloy 

Brit'ish[brUlsh]  Great  Eritain  j 

Brit'on  [brftan]  n.  a  native  of  Britain 

brit'tle  [Irit't'lja.  fragile 

brit'tle-ness  [-nes]  k.  fragility 

broach  [broch]  pierce;  to  put  forth 

broad    [brad]  a.  wide 

broad'cast'  [kast]  <r.  widely  diffused 

broad'cloth  [kiat^]  «.  woollen  cloth 
broad'side'    t^'dT  k.  side  of  a  ship 
broad'sword  [sord]  «.  a  weapon 
bro-cade'  [brSksd  ]  «.  silk  stuff 
broo'co-li  [brOk'k6-lri«.kind  of  cabbage 
bro'chure  [brS'shqr]  K.  a  pamphlet 
bro'gan  [bro'gan]  >t.  a  stout  shoe 
brogue  [brSg]  n.  corrupt  dialect 
broil  [broil]  v.e.  to  cook  over  hot  coals 
broke  [brok]  /./.  of  "break" 
bro'ken  [brak'n]  a.  sundered 
bro'ken-heart  ed  [-hart'ed]  a.disconso- 
bro'ker  [broker]  K.  an  agent  Llate 

bro'ker-age  (4j]  «.  a  broker's  fee 
bro'mine[bromin]n.drug         [branches 
bron'cbi-a  [brOng'ki-a]  n.//.  windpipe  & 
bron'chi-al  [al]  a.  pert,  to  bronchia 
bron-chi'tis[br0n-k5't!s]  k  disease  of  br'a 
bron'cho   [brang'kS]  «.  Mexican  horse 
bronze  [brSnz]  k.  an  alloy 
brooch    Cbroch]  ».  an  ornament 
brood  [brood]  V.  to  dwell  upon 
brook  [brook]  K.  a  small  stream 
broom  [broom]  «.  a  brush 

broth  [bro/;<] «.  soup 
broth'el[br6th'Sl]K.  abadhouse  [parents 
broth'er  [I  iruth  'er]  n.  male  born  of  same 
broth'er-hood  [-hSod]  w.a  fraternity 
broth'er-ly  [-ly]  adv.  as  a  brother 
brough'ani[broo'am]  K.  kind  of  carriage 
brow  [brou]  n.  the  forehead 
brow'beat'    [brou'bet]  v.e.  to  bully 
brown  [broun]  «.  a  dusky  red  color 
brown'ie  [I]  «.  good-natured  fairy 
browse  [brouz]  ■z'.t.  to  nibble  and  eat 
bru'in  [bryln]  Dutch,  brown  j  a  beat 
bruise  [bryz]  n.  a  contusion 
bruis'er  [-cr]  «.  a  pugilist 
bruit'ed  [brnt'Sd]*.  reported 
bru-nette'  (brsj-nSt]  «./.  a  dark  beauty 
brunt  [brflnt]  K.  the  heat  of  an  onset 
brush  [brCsh]  K. implement  forsweeping 
brusque  (br?6sk]  a.  rough;  abrupt 

brusque'ness   [-nss]  «.  biumness 

brus'sell  [brfls's^lz]  n.  kind  of  carpet 
bru'tal  rbrg'tal]  a.  savage 
bru-tal'i-ty  [bry-tar-I-t>]  w.inhumanitj- 
bru'tal-ly  [bni'talljt]  adv.  cruelly 
brute  [bryt]  n.  a  beast 




bru'tish  [hru'tlsh]  a.  like  a  brute  I 

bub  [liul.]  >:.  .1  little  boy  I 

bub'ble  [111]  «.  globule  of  air  I 

buc  ca-neer'  [buk'ka-ner'J  it.  a  robber 
buck  [hijk]  n.  a  male  deer 
buck'board'  [bord]  >:.  a  vehicle 
buck'et  [huk'C-t]  n.  kind  of  pail  fof  Ohio 
buck'eye'  [-rj «.  horse-chestnut;  a  native 
buck'ish    [Ish]  a.  foppish 
buc'kle  [kl]  z'.(.  to  fasten 
buc'kler  [kler]  «.  a  kind  of  shield 
buck'ram  [ram]  n.  a  coarse  linen 
buck'shot'  [shOt'l  «.  coarse  shot 
buck'skin'    [skin]  k.  a  leather 
buck'wheat'  [-hwef]  «.  a  grain 
bu-col'ic    [bij-kOl'Ik]  a.  rustic 
bud  [bud]  T.i.  to  sprout  fdhism 

Bud'dha[hood'da]  n.  the  founder  of  Bud- 
Bud'dhism   [diz'm]  «.  a  religion 
budge  [buj]  zf.(.  to  stir 
budg'et[-et]  K.  a  bag;  a  financial  state- 
buff  [buf]  «.  a  color  Iment 
buf  fa-lo  [liflf'fa-lo]  n.  a  wild  ox 
buff'er  [buf'er]  «.  a  cushion 
buffet  [liuf 'fet]  v.t.  to  beat  back 
buf 'fet-ing   [Ing]  k.  adversity 
buf-foon'  [buffoon']  k.  a  mimic 
bug    [bug]  «.  an  insect 
bug'bear'  [-bar"]  «.  a  specter 
bug'gy  [-iri']  >i.  a  vehicle 
bu'gle  [bu'g'l]  K.  kind  of  trumpet  [inlay 
buhl[bul]>i.unburnished  gold,  brass,  etc. 
build  [Mid]  v.t.  to  construct 
build'er  [-er]  k.  a  carpenter  ;  a  maker 
build'ing  [-Ing]  n.  an  edifice 
built  [bllt]  a.  constructed 
bulb    [bulb]  ?i.  a  knob-like  root 
bulge  [bulj]  «.  a  protuberance 
bulk    [liulk]  K.  the  size  of  a  thing 
bulk'head'   [-hed]  n.  a  partition  wall 
bulk'i-ness  [-i-nss]  «.  size 

bulk'y  [-9)  a.  large 
bull  [bul]  II.  male  of  large  animals 
buU'doze'  [doz]  v.t.  to  intimidate 
bul'let   [bul'let]  «.  a  missile 
bul'le-tin  [l>ul'le-tin]  n.  a  public  notice 
bull'head'ed  [bul'hed-6d]  a.  obstinate 
bul'lion  [liUl'yun]  K.  gold  or  silver 
bul'lock  [bQl'lOk]  «.  an  ox 
bull's-eye'  [bulz'i']  n.  center  of  a  target 
bul'ly    [liul'ly]  «.  a  noisy  fellow 
bul'rush    [bql'rush']  n.  a  large  rush 
bul'wark  [liul'wDrk]  k.  fortification 
bum'mer[hum'mer]  «.  a  worthless  fellow 
bump  [bump]  n.  a  heavy  blow 
bump'kin  [kin]  «.  a  clown 
bump'tious  [-shus]  a.  self-conceited 
bun  [liun]  >!.  a  kind  of  cake 
bunch  [lunch]  !i.  a  cluster 
bun'combe  [bung'kum]  «.  flattering  talk 
bun'dle  [bun'd'l]  n.  a  package 
bung  [l>iiui;]  n.  stopper  of  a  cask 
bun'gle  [bung'g'l]  ?t.  awkward  work 
bun'gler    [gler]  «.  a  clumsy  workman 





bun'gling  [bung'gling]  a.  clumsy 
bun'ion  (han'yun]«. a  swelling  on  ball  of 
bunk  [hungk]7z.  sleeping l^rth  Igreat  toe 
bun'ko  [L)iing'k6]  H.  a  swindling  game 
bunt  [bunt]  v.z.  to  swell  out,  as  a  sail 
bun'ting  [bun 'ting]  n.  thin  stuff  for  flags 
buoy  [bwoi]  «.  a  floating  objei^ 
buoy'an-cy  [-<zn-s>']  n.  lightness 
buoy'ant  [-ant]  a.  floating;  light 
bur  [bur]  «.  a  prickly  coating  of  seeds 
bur'den  [d'n]  «.a  load 
bur'den-some  [-sum]  a.  heavy 
bu'reau  [bu'rS]  «.  a  desk  ;  an  oflice 
bur'gee  [bur'je]  small  coal ;  kind  of  flag 
bur'gess[burjes]  «.  inhabitant  of  a  boro' 
bur'glar  [burgler]  K.  a  housebreaker 
bur'gla-ry[bur'gla-ry]«.  housebreaking 
bur'gun-dy  [bur'gun-dy]  >:■  a  wine 
bur'i-al  [b6r'rl-<H]  «.  interment 
bur'ied  [ber'rid]  a.  covered  over 
bu'rin  [bu'rln]  «.  an  engraving  tool 
burl  [\mT\]  v.l.  to  finish  cloth 
bur'lap  [bur'lap]  «-  a  coarse  fabric 
bur-lesque'  [bur-lesk']«. ludicrous  show 
bur'ly  [bOrly]  a.  bulky ;  boisterous 
burn  [burn]-'.:',  to  be  on  fire  (flame  issues 
burn'er  [bumfr]  71.  that  from  which  a 
bur'nish  [burnish]  v.t.  to  brighten 
bur'row  [bOrrS]  ■v.i.  to  excavate 
burst  [burst]  v.t.  to  break  with  force 
bur'y  [f-'C-r'ry]  z',t.  to  inter  ;  to  cover  over 

bur'y-ing-place'  t-pl5s']  «. 

bush  [bush]  n.  a  shrub  ;  a  wild  forest 
bush'el[bush'6l]«.  four  pecks:  a  measure 
bush'el-man  [-man]  n.  clothes  mender 
bus'ied  [biz'zld]/./.  kept  busy 
bus'i-ly  [llz'i-lf]  adf.  actively 
busi'ness  [Mz'nes]  n.  affairs 
busi'neS3-like'[-lik']a.byright  methods 
bus'kin  [bQs'kIn]  «.  kind  of  half  boot 
buss  [bus]  T.t.  to  kiss  rudely 
bust  [biist]  n.  the  chest 
bus'tle  [buss'l]  K.  hurry;  kind  of  pad 
bus'y  [blzz5']  a.  diligent 
bus'y-bod  y  [bod  y]  «.  a  meddler 
but  [i  iut]  pr^p.  adv.  &  conj.  however 
butch'er  [bijch'er]  v.t.  to  slaughter 
butch'er-y[-J]«. murder  [the  wines,  etc. 
but'ler  [but'ler]  «.  servant  in  charge  of 
butt  (but)  i-.t.  to  strike  with  the  head,  as 
but'ter  [  tcr]  n.  a  product  of  milk    [a  ram 
but'ter-cup'  [kOp'J  «.  a  plant ;  a  flower 
but'ter-fly'   [  fll  ]  n.  a  winged  insect 
but'tock    [bQt  tak]  K.  the  rump 
but' ton  [buffn]  v.t.  to  fasten 
but'tresa  [bat'trss]  «.  a  prop 
bux'om  [bficks'Om]  a.  stout  and  rosy 
buy  (br)  -,■.!.  to  purchase 
buy'er  [blt-r]  «.  a  purchaser 
buzz    [bOz]  ».  a  humming  sound 
buz'zard  [ztrd]  n.  a  bird 
buzz'-saw'  [bQz'sj']  «.  a  circular  saw 
by    [bl]  prif.  &  adv.  near 

'^        ^^ 



V-\V  V 






by'gfone'  [bi'gOn']  a.  past 
by'-law'    [bi'la]  n.  a  regulaaon 
bys'sine  rtis'sln]  a.  silk-like 
by'stand'er  [bi'stan'der]  ».aspectator 
by'-street'  [bl'strgf]  n.  a  cross  street 
by'way'  [bi'wa']  «.  a  private  way 
by'word'  [bi'wQrd']  k.  common  faying 
by-zan'tme  [bi-zan'tin]  k.  a  coin 

cab  [kab]  «.  a  vehicle 
ca-bal'  [ka-bal']  n.  an  intrigue 
cab-a-lis'tic  [kab-a-Us'tlk]  a.  mystic 
cab'bage  [kab'bij]  «.  a  vegetable 
ca-besse'  [ka-bes']  «.  a  fine  silk 
cab'in  (kab  in]  «.  a  hut ;  room  in  a  ship 
cab'i-net  [kab'i-net]  «.  a  closet 
cab'i-net-mak'er  [-mak'er] «. 
cab'i-net-work'  [-wurk]  n. 
ca'ble  [kaTi'l]  «.  a  strong  rope  or  chain 
ca'ble-gram '  [-gram']  «  message  by  cable 
cab'man  [kab'miin]  «.  a  cab  driver 
ca-boo'dleika-l)Oo'd'lJ  71.  the  whole  lot 
ca-boose'  [ka-boos']  w.  a  toolcar 
cab'ri-ole'  [kab'rl-ol]  «.  a  leap 
cab'ri-0-let'  [kab'ri-6-la']  F.  a  cab 
ca-ca'o  [ka-ka'6]  n.  the  chocolate  tree 
ca'chou'[ka'sho5']«.aromaticpill  llaugh 
cac'kle  [kakTc'l]  K.noiseofahen 
ca'co-let'   [ka'kS-la']  F.  a  litter         ling 
ca-col'o-gy  [ka-k61'6-jy]«.  bad  speaking 
ca-coph'o-ny   [ka-korS-ny]  n.  discord 
cac'tus  [kak'tus]  ;;.  prickly  tropical  plant 
ca-da'ver  [ka-da'ver]  ;:.  a  corpse 
ca-dav'er-ous  [ka-dav'er-us]  <z.  ghastly 
cad'dy  [kad'dy]  K.  a  box  for  tea 
cade  [kad]  a.  bred  by  hand 
Ca'dence    [ka'dtns]  «.  fall  of  the  voice 
ca-det'  [ka-d6t']  K.  a  miUtary  student 
Cse'sar  [se'zcr]  «.  a  Roman  emperor 
ca'f^'  [kafa']  n.  a  coffee  house;  restaurant 
caf-fe'ine  [kaf-fein]  «.  essence  of  coffee 
cage  [kaj]  n.  an  inclosure 
cairn-gorm'  [kSrn-girm']  «.  a  crystal 
cais'son  [kas'son]  ti.  ammunition  chest 
cai'tifF  [ka'tif]  ;:.  a  despicable  person 
ca-jole'  [ka-j61']  v.t.  to  flatter 
cake  [kak]  «.  a  sweetened  loaf 
cal'a-bash  [kali-bash]  n.  a  gourd 
Cal  a-boose'  [kal'a-boos']  n.  a  prison 
ca-lam'i-tous[ka-lam'i-tiis]a. disastrous 
ca-lash'  [ka-lash']  n.  a  vehicle 
cal-cine'  [kal-sin'J  v.  to  reduce  to  powder 
cal'ci-trant  [kal'sl-trant]  a.  stubborn 
cal'ci-um  [-Om]  n.  an  elementary  metal 
Cal'cu-late  [karku-lat]f./.  to  compute 
Calcu-la'tion  [la'shun]  k.  reckoning 
Cal'cu-la  tor[-la'ter]  ?t  one  who  computes 
cal'cu-li  [karku-li]  «.//.  of  calculus 
cal'cu-lus  [-lus]  K.J.  high  algebra;  gravel 
Cal'dron  [kal'drfln]  ti.  a  large  kettle 
cal'en-dar  [kalen-der]  «.  almanac 






cal'en-der  [karsn-der]  «.  a  hot  press 
cal'ends[-endz)K./>/.  first  days  of  months 
ca-les'cence[ka-lesVns]»i  growing  heat 
calf  [kll]  «.  the  young  of  the  cow 
calfskin'  [kafskln']«.  leather  made  of 
cari-ber[kal'I-hcr]  «.size     [calf  s  hide 
cal'i-CO  Ckari-kiS]  n.  a  cotton  cloth 
cal'i-duct  [kal'idukt]  «.  a  pipe 
cal'i-graph'[kil'i-gTafT«.  a  typewriter 
ca-li^ra-phy  [ka-lig'rafy]   k.  writing 
cal'i-pers[kan-perz]  compasses 
ca'liph  [ka'llf  ]  «.  a  successor 
calis-then'ics [kal'is-^Aen'iks]  ;;.g5'm- 
calk  [kak]  v.t.  to  fill  cracks  Lnastics 

call  [kal]  -J.t.  to  summon 
cal'la  [kalla]  n.  a  plant 
call'er    [kaler]  n.  one  who  calls 
cal'ler  [kai'Ier]  Scotch,  a.  refreshing 
call'ing  [kaling]  K. vocation  ;  visiting 
cal-li'o-pe[c51-l!'5-pe]«.  musical  instru- 
cal'lous  [kal'lus]  a.  hard  \miin\. 

cal'low  [kario]  a.  unfledged 
calm    [kam]    a.  still ;  quiet ;  serene 
calm'ness  [nes]  k.  state  of  being  calm 
cal'o-mel  [kal'6-mel]  «.  a  drug 
ca-lor'ic  [ka-lerik]  n.  heat  pieat 

calo-ric'i-ty  [kar6-ris'I-ty]    k.  animal 

calo-rif'ic  [rlf  ik]  a.  heating 
calum'ni-a  tor  [ka-lQm'nl-a'terJ  «. 
ca-lum'ni-ous  [-us]  a.  abusive 
cal'um-ny  [karum-ny]  n.  slander  fcified 
Cal'va-ryC-vi-ry']  ;i. where  Christ  wascru  i 
calve  [kav]  zi.i.  to  bring  forth  a  calf 
calv'ish  [ish]  a.  like  a  calf 
Cal'vin-ism[-vIn-Iz'm]«.Calvin's  tenets 
Cal  vin-is'tic  [Is'tik]  a.  pert,  to  Calvin 
ca'lyi  [ka'llks]  n.  a  flower  cup 
cam  [kim]  It.  that  which  varies  motion 
Cam'bri-a  [kamlirla]  L.  Wales 
cam'bric  [kam'brlk]  n.  linen  cloth 
came  (ksm)  imp.  of  "come"  [Africa 

cam'el  [kam'el]  7i.ananimalof  Asiaand 
ca-mel'o-pard  [ka-mer4-pard]K. giraffe 
cam'e-0  [kamt-6]  «.  a  carved  jewel 
cam'o-mile  [kam6-mil]  k.  an  herb  tonic 
camp  [k'lmplT  topitchtents  ferations 
cam-paign'  [kam-pan']«.  aseries  of  op- 
cam-paign'cr  t-?r]Koldsoldier[ringing 
cam  pa-noro-gy[kam'pa-n61'6-jy]  bell 

cam'  phor  [  f  ■  r]  >i .  a  gum 
cam'pus  [klm'pus]  n.  college  grounds 
can  [kSn]  aux.  -v.  to  be  able 
Can'a-da  tkan'a  da]  w.countryn.  of  U.S 
ca-naille'[ka-nSl']F.themob;  the  rabble 
ca-nal'lka-nar)«.  an  artificial  water  way 
ca-nard'  [ka-nard']  «.  a  newspaper  hoax 
ca-na'ry  [kana'ry]  «.  a  bird 

can'cel  [kan's.:l)  v.t.  to  annul 
can'cel-la'tioni-la'shun) ».  annulling 
can'cer  [k-m'str]  n.adisease;  aconslel- 
can'cer-0U8  [flsj  a.  like  a  cancer  llation 





ean'de-la'brum  [kan'dc-la'brOm]  n. 
can'did  [k.ln'did]  a.  frank 
can'di-date  [kan'dl-dat]  «.  office  seekei 
can'did-ly  [kan'dld-ly]  adv.  frankly 
can'died  [k.ln'dld]  a.  preserved  in  sugar 
can'dle'd'l]  «.  a  roll  of  tallow,  etc. 
Can'dle-mas  [mas]  «.  Feb.  2nd. 
can'dle-stick'  [-stik']  «.  candle  holder 
can'dor  [kSn'dcr]  «.  sincerity 
can'dy[kan'dy]«.  article  of  confectionerj 
can'dy-tuft'  [kan'dy-tuft']  >i.  a  plant 
cane  [kan]  n.  a  walking  stick 
ca-nes'cent  [ki-nSs'sfnt](i.  growingpale 
ca-nine'  [ki-nin']  a.  pert,  to  a  dog     [star 
can'is-ter  [kan'Is-ter]  n.  a  box  for  tea 
can'ker[kang'k?r]  n.  that  which  corrodes 
can'ni-bal  [kSn'nl-brtl]  n.  a  man-eater 
Can'ni-bal-ism[iz'mJ  «.  barbarity 
can'non  [kan'nun]  n.  a  large  gun 
can'non-ade'  [ad']  n.  an  attack 
can'not   [kan-nOt]  a2tx.  v.  to  be  unable 
can'nu-la  [kan'nu-la]  «.  a  surgical  tube 
can'nu-la'ted  [lated]  n.  hollow 
can'ny  [kan'ny]  <;.  cunning 
ca-noe'  [ka-noo']  ;i.  a  kind  of  rude  boat 
ca-non'  [kan'yun]  Spanish,  a  gorge 
Can'on  [kan'un]  n.  a  law  fcanon 

ca-non'ic-al  [ka-nOn'i-kal]  rt.pert.  to  a 
can  on-i-za'tion  [kan'uni-za'shon]  n. 
can'on-ize  [kan'un-iz]-!/.  to  make  saint  of 
can'o-py   [kan 'Spy]  k.  a  covering 
cant  [kant]  it.  inclination 
can'ta-lev'er[kan'ta-lev'er]  «.abracket 
can'ta-loupe  [-ta-loop]  «.  muskmelon 
can-tan'ker-ous  [-tang'kcr-us]  a.  ugly 
can-ta'ta  [kan-ta'ti]  ;;.  a  musical  poem 
cant'ed   [kan'tsd]  d.  having  angles 
can-teen'  [kan-ten]  >t.  a  tin  vessel 
can'ter  [kan'ter]  «.  an  easy  gallop 
can'ti-cle  [kan'ti  k'lj  «.  a  psalm 
can'til-late  [kan'til-lat]  ti.i.  to  chant 
can'til-la'tion  [-la'shun]  «.  chanting 
cant'ing  [kant'Ing]  k.  hypocrisy 
can'tle  [kan'fl]  ?;.  a  fragment 
can'to  [kan  to]  ;;.  division  of  a  poem 
can'ton  [kan  tun]  «.  a  district 
can'tor  [kan'tOr]  «.  a  singer 
can'vas  [kan'vus]  «.  coarse  cloth 
can'vass  [kan'v,!s]  z'.t.  to  solicit 
can'vass-er  [er]  «.  a  solicitor 
can'yon  [kSn'yun]  n.  same  as  "canon" 
caout'chouc  [koo'chook]  «.  India  rubber 
cap  fkapl  n.  a  cover  for  the  head 
ca'pa-bil'i-ty  [ka'pa-bll'l-ty];<.  capacity 
ca'pa-ble  [-b'l]  a.  possessing  ability 
ca-pa'cious  [k.i  pa'shus]  a.  l.irge 
ca-pac'i-tate  [ka-pas'l-tat]  v.  to  enable 
ca-pac'i-ty  [Ity]  «.  power  to  receive 
cap-a-pie'  [kap'a-pe']  ad-u.  head  to  foot 
ca-par'i-son[kapar'isun]  -v.  to  adorn 
cape  [kap]  ;;.  a  headland 
ca'per   [ka'pcr]  v.i.  to  leap 




ca'pi-a«  [kapl-os]  L.  a  writ 
cap'il-la-ry  [kapll-li-rj']  a.  hair-like 
cap'i-tal  ('...1p  \-w\\  n.  stock  in  trade 
cap'i-tal-ist  [Ist]  it.  a  moneyed  man 
cap  i-tal-ize'  [-Iz]  ■:■./.  to  use  as  capital 
cap  i-ta'tion  [-ta'shunj  n.  a  poll  tax 
cap'i-tol   [to!]  n.  a  state  house 
ca-pit'u-late[ka-pUu-lat]7'.  to  surrender 

ca-pit  U-la'tion[-Ia'shfln]  m. agreement 
ca'pon   [krip'n]  ;;.  a  gelded  male  chick 
ca-price'    [ki-pres]  «.  a  whim 
ca-pri'cious  [ka-prlsh  as]  a.  changeable 
cap'ri-corn[kap'rl-karn]  >i .  a  zodiac  sign 
cap'si-cum    [kapsl-kum]  k.  red  pepper 
cap-size'  [kapsiz]  •:■./.  to  upset 
cap'stan  [stan]  «.  a  vertical  windlass 
cap'sule  [sOl]  k.  a  gelatinous  shell 
cap'tain  [tin]  n.  a  chief  ofiicer 
cap'tion  [shun]  >;. an  arrest;  a  heading 
cap'tious  [shus]  a.  apt  to  catch  at  faults 
cap'ti-vate  [kap'ti-vat]  -v.t.  to  charm 
cap'tive  [kap'ttv]  n.  one  taken  prisoner 
cap-tiv'i-ty  [-tlv1-ty]  n  .state  of  bondage 
cap'tor  [kip'ter]  w.  who  takes  a  prisoner 
cap'ture  [kap'tur]  v.  totakeby  force 
car  [kar]  «.  a  railway  carriage 
car'a-mel  [kar'a-mel]  >i.  a  kind  of  candy 
car'at  [kar  at]  «.  a  weight  of  four  grains 
car'a-van  [kir'i-van]«.abody  of  travel- 
car'a-vel  [kir'a-vel]  «.a  small  ship  [ers 
car'a-way  [kar'a-wS]  «.  a  plant 
car'bine  [karliin]  «.  a  short  gun 
car-bol'ic  [kar-honk]  «.  a  coal-tar  acid 
car'bon  [kar'hOn]  )i.  an  elementary  sub- 
car-bon'ic[-Ik]  a.  pert,  to  carbon  [stance 
car'bon-ize  [-Iz]  i/.  to  convert  into  carbon 
car'boy  [karTjoi]  «.  a  large  glass  bottle 
car'bun-cle [kar 'bflng-k'l])i.  tumor;  gem 
car'cass  [kar'kds]  «.  dead  body  of  beast 
card  [kard]  «.  a  piece  of  pasteboard 
card'board'  [bCrd"]  «.  stiff  paper  [fruit 
oar'da-inoin[kar'da-mGm];:  an  aromatic 
car'di-ac  [kar'dl-ak]  a.  pert,  to  the  heart 

car'di-nal  [nai]  a.  chief 
care  \V\r\  n.  solicitude 
ca-reen'  [ka-ren]  f.i.  to  incline 
ca-reer'  [k.i-rer]  «.  a  course 
care'ful  [kir'fijl]  a.  attentive 
care'ful-ly  [ly]  adv.  with  care 
care'less  [k.lrles]  a.  thoughtless 
care'lesfl-ne8a[-n£s]  «.  negligence 
ca-reds'  [kares]  «.  act  of  affection 
ca'ret  [ka'rSt]  n.  the  omission  mark  [a] 
care'wom  [kSr'worn  ]<i.  worn  with  care 
car'gO  [i;'lr'j,'A]  >:.  frei^'ht     [ridicule  one 
car'i-ca-ture[kar'I-ka-tQr]  «.  a  picture  to 
car'i-ole  [kar'I-ijl]  n.  a  vehicle 
car'man  [karm<in]  «.  a  driver 
car'mine  [kar'min]  «.  a  red  color 
car'nage   tkar'nlj]  «.  slaughter 
car'nal   [Ttar'n^l)  a.  pert,  to  thebody 
car'nal-iz6   [  iz]  v.t.  to  debase 
car'nal-ly  [-ly]  adv.  sensually 
car-na'tion  [k.irnashOn]  m.  a  flower 





car'ni-val  [kar'nl-val]  n.  a  festival 
car-niv'o-rous  [Icar-nlv'S-rOs]  a.  flesh- 
car-noSe'[kar-n5s']  a.  fleshy         [eating 
car'ol  [kir  ul]  n.  asong  of  joy ;  a  warble 
ca-rot'id    [ka-r6t'Id]  n.  an  artery  of  the 
ca-rous'al[ka-rouz'al]  n.  reveling  [neck 
ca-rouse'  [ka-rouz]  -j.  to  revel 
carp  [karp]  71.  a  fish ;  ■v.  to  cavil 
Car'pen-ter[kar'p5n-ter]  n.  wood  worker 
car'pet  [kSr'pet] ;;.  a  floor  covering 
car'pet-bag'[-l>ag']  «.  a  hand  bag 
car'pet-bag  ger[ger]  «.  an  adventurer 
carp'ing  [kSrp'Tng]  «.  fault-finding 
car'riage  [kar  rlj]  «.  a  wheeled  vehicle 
car'ried  [kar'nd]  /./.  of  "carry" 
car'ri-er    [kir'rl-er]  ?;.  one  whoconveys 
Car'rion    [kSr'rl-On]  «.  decaying  flesh 
car'rot  [karrflt]  «.  an  esculent  root 
car'ry    [kar'ry]  -v.t.  to  bear 
car'ry-all'  [al']  k.  aone-horse  vehicle 
cart  [kart]  n.  a  i-wheeled  carriage 
cart'age  [-sj]  n.  pay  for  caning 
carte'blanche'[kart'blaMsh']/'.  a  signed 
car-tel'  [kar-t6r]«.  an  agreement  [blank 
car'ti-lage  [kar'tl-13j]  n.  gristle 
cart'man  [kart'mi^n]  H.  a  teamster 
car-toon'  [kar-toon']  n.  a  caricature 
car'tridge  [kar'trlj]  n.  powder  and  ball 
cart'wright'  [kart'rit]  «.  cart  maker 
carve  [karv]  •:■./.  to  cut         [plank  edges 
car'vel-built  [kar'vel-bllt]  a.  with  flush 
cas-cade'  [kas-kad'J  «.  a  waterfall 
case  [kas]  «.  a  covering 
case'mate  [kas'mat]  n.  pert,  to  a  fort 
case'ment  [kas'm<-nt]  n.  a  molding 
cash  [kash]  «.  money 

cash'-ac-count'  [-ak-kountT  «. 
cash'book  [-boSk]  «.  book  of  account 
cash-ier'  [kash-er]  n.  cash  keeper 
cash'mere  [kash'mer]  «.a  woolen  cloth 
cas'ing  [ka'slng]  «.  framework 
ca-si'no  [ki-se'nO]  ;;.  a  dance  hall 
cask  [kask)  ;/.  a  barrel-shaped  vessel 
cas'sa-va  [kas'sa-va]  «.  a  plant 
cas'sia  [kash'i]  n.  Chinese  cinnamon 
cas'si-mere  [kls'sl-mer]  «.  thin  woolen 
cas-si'nO  [kas-se'nS]  n.  a  card  game 
cas'sock  [kas'sOk]  «.  a  clerical  garment 
cas'so--wa-ry  [kass6-wS-ry]  «.  abird 
cast  [ka5t]  --.t.  to  throw  [by  dancers 


cast'a-way   [-a-wa]  n.  an  outcast 
caste    [kast]  K.  rank  or  class  in  society 
cast'er  [cr]  >i.  small  wheel  on  swivel 
caa'ti-gate  [kas'tl-gat]  v.t.  to  chastise 
cas'ti-ga'tion  [ga'shun]  n.  reproof 
cast'ing  [kast'Ing]  «.  molded  metal 
cast'i  ron   [kast'i'Qrn]  «.  molded  iron 
cas'tle  [kas  '1]  «.  a  fortress 
cas'tor  [kas'ter]  n.  a  genus  of  rodents 
cas'tor-oir[-oir)«.oil  ofthe  castor  bean 
cas'trate[kas'trat]t'.  to  deprive  of  power 







cas'u-al-ly[kazh'iS-al-lJ]ai/f .  by  chance 
cas'u-al-ty  [tj]  «.  an  accident 
cas'u-ist-ry  (istrji  «.  false  reasoning 
ca'sus  [kasQs]  L.  an  event 
cat  [kst]  K.  a  domestic  animal 
cat'a-COmb    [a-kom]  h.  a  cave;  a  tomb 
cat'a-falque'  [if  alk]  «.  a  bier 
cat'a-lep  sy   [kat'a-lSp'sy]  «.  a  seizure 
cat'a-logue  [log]  «.  a  list        fmenses 
cafa-me'ni-a  [kata-me'nl-a]  the 
cat'a-mount  [mount]  ti.  the  wild  cat 

tet'a-plasm  [piaz'm]  «.  a  poultice 

cat'a-pult  [pait]  K.a  kind  of  sling 
cat'a-ract  [-rakt]  n.  a  great  waterfall 
ca-tarrh'  [ka-tar']  ;;.  a  disease 
ca-tarrh'al  [-.d]  a.  pert,  to  catarrh 

ca-ta3'tro-phe[ki-tas'tr*-fc])i.  calamity 
cat'boat'  [kat'bst  ]  n.  kind  of  sail  boat 
catch  [kach]  v.t.  to  lay  hold  on 
catch'ing  [-Ing]  a.  contagious 
catch'up  [kSch'flp]  n.  same  as  "catsup" 
catch'pen-ny  [kach'pen-ny]  a.  worthless 
catch'word  [kach'wQrd']  «.  a  cue 
cat'e-chise  [kate-klz]  -J.t.  to  question 
Cat'e-chisin[-kTz'm]  n.  book  of  questions 
cat'e-go-ry  [  kat  e-g6-r>-]  n .  order  or  class 
ca'ter  [kS'tfr]  t.i.  to  provide 
cat'er-pil  lar    [kat'er-pirier]  «.  worm 
cat'gUt'(k5t'gatT  «.  cord  made  of  entrails 
ca-thar'tic    [ka-i'/'iar'tik]  «.  a  purge 
ca-the'dral[ka-/Ae'dr<zl]«. ahead  church 
cath'ode    [ka/Aod]  «.  the  negative  pole 
cath'o-Hc  [ka.';%'4-ltk]  «.  universal 
ca-thol'i-cism  [kiY/ial'i-srz'm]  «. 
cath  o-lic'i-ty  [kac^i  S-lis'i-ty]  ti. 
ca-thol'i-Con[ka-CAOl  'I-k6n]  H  .a  panacea 
cat'nip'  [kat'nTpT  «.  a  plant  like  mint 
cat's'-paw'  [kats'pa']  H.  a  dupe 
cat'sup  [kat'sup]  ti.  a  table  sauce 
cat'tle    [katfl]  «.//.  oxen,  cows,  etc. 
cau'cus  [ka'kus]  K.  a  political  meeting 
cau'dal  [ka'd<jl]  a.  pert,  to  a  tail 
cau'dle  [kad'l]n.  warm  drink  for  the  sick 
caught  [kat]  p.p.  of  "catch" 
caul  [kal]  n.  a  membrane ;  a  net 
cau'li-flow  er[ka'lI-flou'er]  n .  a  cabbage 
caus'al  [ka'zdl]  <i.  pert,  to  a  cause 
caus-al'i-ty[-zari-t>']«-agency  of  cause 
cause  [kaz]  v.t.  to  be  the  occasion  of 
cause'less  [les]  a.  groundless 
cause'way  [-»&]  n.  a  raised  roadway 
caus'tic  [kas'tik]  n.  corroding  chemical 
cau'ter-ize   [ka'ter-Iz]  ^/./.  tobum  with 
cau'tion  [ka'shOn]  n.  prudence  [caustic 
cau'tion-a-ry  [-a-ry]  a.  warning 
eau'tioua  [kjt'shus]  a.  watchful 
cav'al-cade'  [kav'al-kad'J  «.  horsemen 
cav  a-lier'  (kav'a-lfir'J  k.  a  knight 
cav'al-ry  [kav'al-ry]  n.  horse  soldiers 
cave  [kav]  «.  a  subterranean  cavity 
ca've-at  [ka'vf-at]  /..  a  law  term 
cav'ern  [kav-ern]  n.  a  large  cave 
cav'ern-ous  [-Os]  a.  hollow 
cav'il  (kivllj  v.i.  to  find  fault 




caw  [ka]  K.  the  cry  of  a  crow  or  raven 
cay-enne'  [kS-Sn]  «.  cayenne  pepper 
cease  [sesj  -.i.  to  stop 
cease'less  [-ISsJ  a.  continual 
ce'dar[se'der]  n.  a  majestic  evergrreen  tree 
cede  [sed]  I'./,  to  relinquish  ;  to  give  up 
Ce-dil'la[se-dina]  n.  /".marlc  of  soft  c  [5] 
ceil  [sel]  V.  to  line  or  finisli  a  surface 
ceil'ilig  [-Ing]7;.  overhead  lining^  of  room 
cel'e-brant  [sel'e -brant] officiating  priest 
cel'e-brate  [brat]  v.t.  to  commemorate 
cel'e-bra'ted  [-bra'tgd]  a.  well-known 
cel'e-bra'tion  [-shun]H.  actofcelebrafg 
ce-leb'ri-ty  [sc-l6b'ri-t>'] «.  one  of  renown 
ce-ler'i-ty  tse-lSr'I-ty]  «.  quickness 
cel'er-y  [sel'er-y]  «.  a  salad  vegetable 
ce-les'tial  [se-l6s'chal]  a.  heavenly 
cel'es-tite  [sel'es-tit]  «.  a  blue  mineral 
ce-lib'a-cy  [se-lTb'a-sy]  n  unmarried  state 
cell  [sel]  «.  enclosed  space  in  prison 
cel'lar  [sprier]  7t.  room  under  house 
cel'le-pore  [strie-por]  n.a.  kind  of  coral 
cel-lif'er-OUS  [sel-lifcr-us]  a.  with  cells 
cel'lu-lar  [sel'u-ltr]  a.  containing  cells 
cel'lu-loid  [sgl'O-loid]  k.  artificial  ivory 
cel'lu-lose'  [sel'i-los']  «.  plant  skeleton 
Celts  [selts]  n./'l.  the  Welsh,  Irish,  etc. 
Celt'ic  [sel'tlk]  a.  pert,  to  the  Celts 
ce-ment'    [se-menf]  v.t.  to  unite 
Cem'e-ter-y  [sem'e-ter-y]  n.  burying  pi. 
cen'o-taph   [sen'4-taf]  n.  empty  tomb 
cen'ser  [sSn'ser]  n.  incense  pan 
cen'sor  [56n's6r]  K.  a  critic 
cen'sure  [sSn'shijr]  «.  blame 
cen'sus  [s&n'sus]  «.  an  enumeration 
cent  [sSnt]  n.  a  hundred;  a  coin 
cen'tal  [sen'tnl]  n.  a  hundredweight 
cen'tare    [sSn'tar]  «.a  measure  of  area 
cen'taur[s5n'tar]K.  J^man  ^horsemytli 
cen'te-na'ri-an[sen'tena'ri-<in]  u.  one 
cen-ten'ni-al[sen-ten'nl-al]a.  laged'oc. 
cen'ter  [sSn'ter]  «.  middle 
cen'ter-board'  [bSrd]  n.  sliding  keel 
cen'ter-piece'  [-pes']  n.  an  ornament 
cen'ti-grade  [sen'tl-grad]  «.ioo°  scale 
cen  time'[sS»i 'tern'] /^.  100th  part  of  franc 
cen'ti-me  ter   [sen'tl-me'ter]  «.  3^  inch 
cen'ti-ped  [-p6d]  n.  loo-legged  insedt 
cen'tral  [sen'tr^l]  a.  pert,  to  the  center 
cen'tral-ize  [-!z]t'. to  center  fthe center 
cen-trif'u-gal[sen-triru-gal] flying  from 
cen-trip'e-tal[scn-trip'e-t(7l]  a.  flyingto 
cen-tu'ri-on  [-tu'n-un]  «. officer  Icenter 
cen'tu-ry  [sSn't4-ry]  n.  too  years 
ce-ram'ic  [si-ram'lk]  .i.  pert,  to  pottery 
Cer'be-rus[seT'be-rQs]«.  hell's  watchdog 
ce're-als[se're-«lz]  «.//.  wheat,  rye,  etc. 
cer'e-bel'lum  [sSr'e-bSl'lum]  «.  back  of 
cer'e-bral  [-br^lld.pert.tobrain  [brain 
cer'e-brum  [-brum]  «.  the  brain 
Ce'res  [se'rez]  n.  the  goddess  of  cereals 

O^r^  ck  c 





cere'nient  (ser'mmt]  ft.  a  shroud 
cer  e-mo'ni-aUser  e-mo'nI-<iI]  a.  follow- 
cere-mo'ni-ous[-us]<i.formaUing  ritual 
cer'e-mo-nyl-ny] ;:.  prescribed  forraalitj' 
ce-rise'  [sr-rcz']  F.  cherry  ;  cherry  color 
ce-rog'ra-phy  [se-rOg'ra-fy]  «.  wax  en- 
cer'tain  [ser'tin]  a.  sure  Igraving 

cer'tain-ly  [ly]  adv.  unquestionably 
cer-tiri-cate  [ser-tifi-kSt]  u.  voucher 

cer'ti-fy  [scr'tl-f  i]  f.t.  to  testify  to 
cer  ti-o-ra'ri  [scr'shl-i-ra'-rl]  Z.awrit 
cer'ti-tude  [ser'tl-tud]  tt.  assurance 
ces-sa'tion  [ses-sa'shDn]  H.  suspension 
ces'sion  [sesh  un]  ?;.  asun-ender 
cess'pool'  [ses'pool]  tt.  filth  receptacle 
chafe  [chaf]  t-.C.  torub;  to  provoke 
chaff  [cIiAf]  «.  husks  of  grain ;  banter 
cha-grin'  [sha-grin]  K.  vexation  ' 

chain  [chin]  «.  connected  seriesof  links 
chair  [chSr]  «.  a  seat 
chair'man  [mm]  tt.  presiding  officer 
chair'man-ship  [-ship]  «. 
chaise  [shi:]  7;.  a  gig  [per-plateengr'ng 
chal-cog'ra-phy[kal-k6g'ra-fy]  «.  cop- 
chal'dron  [chal'drfln]  «.  coal  measure 
chal'ice  [chalis]  n.  a  cup 
chalk  [chak]  «.  white  earthy  substance 
chal'lenge  [chal'lenj]  v.i.  to  defy 
chal'leng-er  [lenjcr]  k.  one  who  defies 
chal'lis  [shal'Iy]  tt.  a  soft  woolen  cloth 
cha-lyb'e-ate[kallbe4t]  .2.  having  iron 
cham'ber   [cham'ber]  K.  a  room 
cham'ber-lain  [linj  «.  an  officer 
cham'ber-maid   [mad]  «.  a  servant 
cha-me'le-on  [ka-me'le-On]  tt.  a  lizard 
cham'fer  [chamfer]  v. I.  to  groove 
cham'ois  [sham'my]  «.  kind  of  antelope 
champ   [champ]  f.C.  to  chew 
cham-pagne'  [sham-pan]  k.  a  wine 
cham'pi-on  [cham'pi-un]  «.  a  defender 
chance  [chins]  «.  a  happening 
chan'cel  [chansel]  «.  part  of  church 
chan'cel-lor  [icr]  «.  an  officer 
chan'cer-y  [chan'ser-y]  tt.  a  court 
chan'de-lier'[shan'de-15r')«.  gas  fixture 
chan'dler  [chan  dlcr]  tt.  a  dealer 
change   (chanj)  v.^.  to  alter 
change'a-ble  t-a-b'l]  a.  fickle  ;  varying 

change'a-ble-ness  [-nes]  «.  fickleness 

change'less  [ISs]  a.  constant 
chan'nel  [channel]  >i.  a  passage 
chant  [chant]  v.t.  to  sing 
chan'ti-cleer    [chan'tl-kler]    tt.  a  cock 
cha'os  [kaOb]  tt.  a  confused  mass 
cha-Ot'ic    pcJ-Ot'Ik]  u.  confused 
chap  [chap]  tt.  a  crack  ;  a  fellow 

chaps  [chops]  K.//.  the  jaws 
cha'par-ral'ichapar-ral']  rt.  a  thicket 
chap'el  [chapel]  >/.  a  small  church 
chap'e-ron     [shap'-cr-On]  k.  attendant 
chap'Iain  fchap'lln)  «.  a  clergyman 
chap'lain-cy  [sy]  k.  chaplain's  office 
chap'let  [chap 'let)  ».  a  wreath 
chap'ter    [chap'ter]  ».  a  division 




char  [char]  z>.t.  to  reduce  to  charcoal 
char'ac-ter    [kir'ak-tcr]  »;.  what  one  is 
char'ac-ter-is'tic  [is'tik]  «.  a  crait 
char'ac-ter-ize  [iz]  ■v.t.  to  describe 
cha-rade'  [sha-rad'J  n.  kind  of  riddle 
char'coal'tchar'kol'J  w.charred  wood.etc 
charge  [charj]  I'.t.  to  accuse 
charge'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  accusable 
char'ger  [char'jcr]  «.  a  war  horse 
char'i-ot   [char'I-Ot]  «.  ancient  war  cart 
char'i-ta-ble  [chir'I-ta-b'l]  a.  liberal 
char'i-ty  [char'i-ty]  n.  love 
cha-ri'va-ri'  [sha-re'va-re']  F.  mocking 
char'la-tan  [shar  li-tan]  k.  a  quack 
char'lotte-russe'[5har'lot-njs']  «.  cake 
charm  [charm]  7t.  delight 
charm'ing  [Ing]  a.  quite  attractive 
char'nel  [chiir  nel]  a.  containing  flesh 
Cha'ron  [ka'rOn]  «.  mythical  ferryman  of 
chart  [chart]  «.  map    [ghosts  into  Hades 
char'ter  [char'ter]  7t.  documentor  rights 
char'tered  [char'terd]  a.  having  charter 
char'y    [char'y]  a.  careful  (Italy 

Cha-ryb'dis  [ks-rib'dls]  «.  whirlpool  in 
chase  [chas]  v.t.  to  pursue 
chasm   [kazm]  «.  a  cleft 
chaste[chast](7.  pure  in  heart  and  conduct 
chas'ten[cha's'n]z/.  to  punish  and  correct 
chas'tened  [chS's'nd]  a.  disciplined 
chas'ten-ing  [cha's'n-ing]  «. 
chas-tise'  [chas-tiz']  v.t.  to  punish 
chas-tise'ment  [mfnt]  n.  punishment 
ehas'ti-ty  [chas'tl-ty]  n.  purity 
chat  [chat]  n.  a  familiar  talk 
cha'teau'  [sha'to']  F.  a  country  seat 
chat'tels  [chat'flz]  «//.  goods 
chat'ter  [chat  tor]  «.  idle  talk 
chat'ty  [chatty]  <i.  talkative 
chaw  [cha]  v.t.  to  masticate 
cheap  [chep]  a.  low-priced 
cheap'en  [chS'p'n]  v.  to  depreciate 
cheat  [chet]  1!.  a  fraud 
check  [chfk]  v.t.  to  restrain 
check'ers  [chek'erz]  draughts 
check'mate  [chek'mat]  v.  to  defeat 
cheek  [chsk]  n.  side  of  face 
cheer  [cher]  «.  a  shout 
cheer'ful  [fijl]  a.  lively 
cheer'ful-ness  [nss]  «.  good  spirits 
cheer'less  [-les]  .i.  gloomy 
cheese    [chez]  «.  a  milk  produ(5t 
chee'tah    [che'ta]  k.  a  tame  leopard 
chef -d'oeuvre'[shS'devr']/".mast'rpiece 
chem'i-cal[kem'l-kal]  pert,  to  chemistry 
che-mise'  [she-mez']  undergarment 
chem'ist[kem  istjone  vers'd  inchemistry 
chem'is-try  [-try]  KScienceof  substances 
che-nille'  [shf-nel]  x.a  tufted  cord 
cher'ish  [cherish]  •!/./.  to  hold  dear 
che-root'  [chc-root]  «.  an  inferior  cigar 
cher'ry[cher'ry]M.well-known  stone  fruit 
cher'ub  [cherub]  >t.s.  a  child  angel 
cher'ub-im  [chsr'u-bim]  //.  of  cherub 
chess  [chSs]  n.  an  Intellectual  game 


^  c4^... 




chest    [chest]  H.  a  box  with  a  lid 
chest'nut  [ches'nflt]  k.  a  nut ;  an  oldjoke 
chev  a-lier'  [sh4v'a-ler']  >t.  a  knight 
chev'i-ot  [chev'l-Qt]  «.  a  woolen  fabric 

chew  [chu]  f.t.  to  bite 
Chey-ennes'[she-enz]«  tribe  of  Indians 
chi-cane'  [shl-kanT  «.  trickery     [tifice 
chi-can'er-y  [shikan'er-y]  n.  unfair  ar- 
chick'en-heart  ed[-hart'6d]  a.  timid 
chick'en-pox'tpOks']  «.  a  disease 
chic'o-ry  [chik'S-rj-]  «.  a  root ;  a  plant 
chide    [chid]  v.l.  to  scold 
chief  [chef]  H.  principal 
chiefly  [-ly]  adv.  principally 
chieftain  [tin]  «.  a  leader 
chiffo-nier'  [shlf'fi-ner']  «.  cupboard 
chi'gnon   [shin'yOn]  «.   a  knot  of  hair 
chig'oe  [chig'S]  n.  a  S  American  tick 
chil'blain'    [chU'blan']  «.  a  swelling 
child  [child]  «.  a  young  person 
childe    [child]  >i.  nobleman's  eldest  son 
child'hood  [hSod]  k.  infancy 
child'ish   [Ish]  a.   like  a  child ;  silly 
child'ish-ness  [-nSs]  «.  simplicity 
child'like'  [Itk]  a.  meek 
chil'dren  [children]//,  of  child 
chil'i  [chilTl  ?i.  kind  of  red  pepper 
chill  [chTl]  «.  a  cold 
chill'i-ness   [I-nes]  «.  coldness 
chill'ing  [-Ing]  a.  cold 
chime[chim]  H.harmonious  sound  ofbells 
chi-me'ra  [kl-me'ra]  «.  a  fancy;  a  vagary 
chi-mer'ic-al  [kl-merl-kal]  a.  fanciful 
chim'ney  [chim'nyi  >i.  a  flue 
chim-pan'zee[-pan  zc]  n .  an  African  ape 
chin    [chin]  >i.  part  below  the  mouth 
chi'na  (china]  >t.  porcelain 
chin-chil'la(chln-chiria]«.  small  roden 
chine  [chin]  «.  an  animal's  backbone 
Chi-nese'  [chi-nez']  a.  pert,  to  China 
chink  [chlngk]  I!,  a  small  cleft 
Chi-nook'  [chl-nook]  >!.  Flathead  Ind'n 
chintz    [clilnts]    K.  printed  cotton  clotli 
chip  [chip]  v.t.  to  hew  |^/ 

chip'munk'  (-mungk']«.ground squirrel  ^_ 
chip'per  [-i«^r]  ,1   lively  \' 

Chip'pe-way  [  [jc-wS]  L.  Super'r  Ind'i 
chi-rog'ra-phy(kl-rOg  ra-fy]«. writing 
chi-rol'o-gy  [ki-r6l  6-jy]  n.  dumb  sign 
chi'ro-man  cy  [ki'r6nian'sy]  palmistr> 
chi-rop'o-dist  [ki-r6p'4-dlst]  foot  doctor 
chirp  [thcrpl  «.  a  bird's  note 
chi-rur'ge-ry  [kl-rdr  jcr-y]  n.  surgery 
chis'el    [thiz  tl]  K.  an  edge  tool 
chit  [rhit]  >i.  a  child 
chit'ter  lings    [tcr-llngz]  «.  pig's  guts 
chit'ehat    (rliitchat)  n.  prattle 
chiv'al-rous  |slilv'al-rus]  a.  gallant 
chiv'al-ry  [ry]  «.  system  of  knighthood 
chive   ['  hiv]  M.  kind  of  onion 
chlo'ral[klo'ral]«.  sleep-producing  drug 
chlo'rate    [-rSt]  ».  salt  of  chloric  acid 
chlo'ro-form[-r4fi5rm)  n.  an  anaesthetic 

y^       /^  /^ 





chlo-ro'sis  [kl8-r5'sls]  «.  green  sickness 
chock  [chok]  «.  a  -wedge 
choc'o-late  [Slit]  ji.  a  drink 
Choc'taws[cliOk  taz]  >t  .//.tribe  of  Ind'ns 
choice  [chois]  a.  select 
choir  [kwir]  K.  a  body  of  singers 
choke  [chok]  fj.  to  obstrua 
chol'er  [kol-er]  k.  anger 
chol'er-a  [a]  «.  a  bilious  disease 
chol'er-ic  [tk]  a.  easily  irritated 
choose  [chooz]  ii.t.  to  prefer 
chop  [ch6p]  -v.e.  to  cut  off 
chop'fall'en  [-fal'n]  a.  dejected 
chop'house'  [-hous  ]  «.  an  eating  house 
chop'sticks'[-stiks']«.//.  a  Chinaman's 
cho'ral  [ka'ralja.pert.  to  a  chorus  [forks 
chord  [kord]  K.  combination  of  tones 
chores    [chorz]  «.//.  small  jobs 
chor'is-ter  [kOr'Is-tcr]  >i.  choir  leader 
cho'rus  [ko'rus]  II.  a  large  choir 
cho'sen  [cho'z'n]  a.  picked  out ;  selected 
chow'chow'  [chou'chou  ]  n.  pickles 
chow'der  [chou'der]  H.  a  kind  of  stew 
Christ   [krist]  n.  the  Messiah 
chris'ten  [krls"n]  v.i.  to  baptize   Ttries 
Chris'ten-dom[-dum]  n.  Christian  coun- 
Chris'tian[kris'ch(;n]«  disciple ofChrist 
Chris'tian-ize  [iz]  -v.  to  turn  to  Christ 
Chris-tian'i-ty  [-chSn'r-ty]  «.  belief  in 
Christ'mas[krls'm.!s]«.  Dec.  i5  [Christ 
chro-mat'ic  [kr6-mat'lk]  u.  color 
chrome   [krom]    k.  a  mineral 
chro'mo-type  [kro'mi-tip]  «.  color  prim 
chron'ic  [krSn'lk]  ,i.  lingering 
chron'i-cle    [krOn'I-k'l]  n.  a  record 
chron'i-cler  [kler]  «.  a  historian 
chro-nol'o-gy  [kr4-nor6-jy]  «.time 
chro-nom'e-ter[-nOm'e-ter]«  time-k'p'r 
chrys'a-lis    [krisalls]  «.  insect  pupa 
chrys-an'the-mum  [-an7;ze-mum] «. 
chry  s'o-lite  [krls'SlIt]  n.  a  gem 
chub  [chub]  n.  a  fish 
Chub'by  [by]  a.  plump 
chuck  [chuk]  H.  a  gentle  blow 
chuc'kle  [chuk'k'l]  «.  suppressed  laugh 
Chuff'y  [chufy]  a.  surly 
chum  [chum]  n.  close  friend 
church  [church]  «.  house  of  worship 
church'yard'[-yard']«.  grounds  about  a 
churl    [chiirl]  >;.  a  rude  man       [church 
churl'ish  [-ish]  «.  surly;  rude 
churl'ish-ness[-nes]  n.  rudeness 
chum  [chOrn]  v.t.  to  stir;  to  beat 
chute  [shoot]  >t.  a  trough  ;  a  tube 
chut'ney   [chot'ny]  «.  kind  of  pickle 
chyle  [kil]  II.  digested  food 
chyme    [klm]  k.  partly-digested  food 
ci-ba'tion  [slba'shun]  «.  act  of  eating 
cic'a-trice  [sik'a-trls]  «.  a  scar  [Cicero 
Cic'e-ro'ni-an  [sis'e-ro'nI-<jn]a.pert.  to 
ci'der  [si'der]  H.  juice  of  apples 
ci-gar'  [sl-gar']  II.  tobacco  roll 
cig'a-rette'   [sig'i-rSt']  k.  small  cigar 
cim'o-lite   [slm'6-lit]  «.  a  kind  of  clay 






cin-cho'na  [sln-ko'na]  «.  quinine 
Cinc'ture    [slngk'tur]  n.  a  girdle 
cin'der  fsln'der]  «.  an  ember     [burning 
cin  er-a'tion[sin  er-a'shun]  n.  tile  act  of 
cin'na-mon  [sln'na-mOn]  H.  bark;  spice 
ci'pher  [sittr]  t.i.  to  use  figures 
cir'cle  [bfr'k'I]  n.  a  ring-like  figure 
cir'cuit  [scr'kit]  «.  a  going  round 
cir-cu'i-tous  Iser-ku'I-tus]  a.  indirect 
cir'cu-lar  [scr'ku-lcr]  <i.  round 
cir'cu-late  (-l:it]  t ./.  to  pass  around 
circu-la'tion  [la'shfln]  ;j.  diffusion 

cir-cum'fer-ence  tkflmier-?ns]  n.  rim 
cir'cum-flex  [iliks]  n.  accent  mark  [a] 
cir  cum-ja'cent[-jri's<-nt]  a.  lyinground 
cir  cum-lo-cu'tion  t-id-ku'shun]  n. 
cir'cum-nav'i-gate  [nSv'i-gat]  t.  t. 
cir  cum-scribe'(skrIb']i'.tolimitwithin 
cir'cum-spect  [spekt]  ,7.  prudent  ftion 
circum-spec'tion  [spek'shun]  «.  cau- 
cir'cum-stance  [stans]  n.  event 
cir'cum-stanced   [-stlnsf]  «.  situated 
cir'cum-stan'tial  [-stan'shal]  a.  casual 
circum-vent'[-vent']  ^./.to  get  around 
circum-ven'tion [-ven'shun]  «.  decep- 
cir 'cum-volve'[-v(llv']i/.to revolve  Ltion 
cir'cus  [s<7r'kQs]  «.  circular  space;  show 
cis'tern  [sls'tem]  n.  a  reservoir 
cit'a-del  [slfad^I]  «.  a  fortress 
ci-ta'tion  [si-ta'shun]  «.  a  quotation 
cite  [sit]  v.t.  to  quote 
cit'i-zen     [sit'i-z'n]  n.  inhabitant 
cit'i-zen-ship  [-ship]  «.  status  of  citizen 
oit'rate  [slt'rStJ  n.  a  salt  of  nitric  acid 
cit'ric  [-rlk])i.  sour  acid  from  lemons.etc. 
cit'ron    [slt'rfln]  n.  a  fruit 
cit'y  [sit'y]  n.  a  large  town 
civ'ic  [siv'lk]  a.  pert,  to  citizenship 
civ'il  [sTvil]  a.  courteous  :  not  military 
ci-vil'i-ty  [-I-ty]  n.  politeness 
civ'il-i-za'tion[-za'shan]  n.  culture 
civ'i-lize   [-llz]  -u.t.  to  refine 
civ'i-lized  [-ITzd]  a.  cultivated 
civ'il-ly  [-ly]  adv.  politely 
clab'ber  [klabWr]  «.  curdled  milk 
clack  [klak]  n.  a  sharp  noise 
clad  [kla.I]  /./.  of  •■clothe" 
claim  [klam]  -v.t.  to  call  for 
clair-voy'ant[klar-voi'(jnt]  mind  reader 
clam  [klam]  h.  a  shell  fish 
clam'ber  [kUm'lx'r]  ■v.i.  to  climb 
clam'my  [klam  my)  a.  sticky 
clam'or  [klam'cr]  n.  an  outcry 
clam'or-oU3[-us]  a.  noisy 
clamp  [klSmp]  1.1.  to  fasten 
clan  [klan]  «.  a  tribe;  a  clique 
clan-des'tine  [klan-d6s'tln]  «.  secret 
clan?  [klang]  w.  a  metallic  sound 
clank  [klangk]  n.  a  ringing  sound 
clan'nish  [kl&n'nlsh]  a.  closely  united 
clap  [kl.-ip]  v.t.  to  strike 
clap'board'  [kiab'ljArd']  «.  a  thin  board 
clap'per(klap'pcr)  «.  tongue  of  a  bell 
clap'trap'  [kiap'trap')  «.  humbug 




^  ^  ir 




Clar'ence  [kUrVns]  «.  kind  of  carriage 
clar'et   [klir'et]  «.  a  French  wine 
Clar'i-fy  [klar'i-fri  -^'-t.  to  make  clear 
clar'i-net'  [-nst]  n.  a  musical  instr. 
Clar'i-on   [klar-I-un]  «,  a  shrill  trumpet 
clash  [klash]  v.i.  to  interfere 
clasp  [klasp]  -o.t.  to  inclose 
class  [klas]  «.  a  group 
clas'sic  [klS'i'stk]  a.  first  rank  authority 
clas  si-fi-ca'tion  [klas-si-n-ka'shun]  «. 
clas'si-fy  [klassl-fi]  I'./,  to  arrange 
class'mate  [klas'mat]  «.  a  schoolmate 
clat'ter  [klat'ter]  -v.i.  to  talk  fast 
clause    [klaz]  n.  subdivision 
Clav'i-cle  [klSv'I-k'l]  «.  the  collar  bone 
claw  [kla]  n.  a  sharp,  hooked  nail 
clay  [kla]  n.  kind  of  earth 
clean  [klen]  a.  free  from  dirt 
clean'li-ness    [klen'll-nes]  n.   state  of 
cleanse  [klenzlz^./.  to  purify  Ibeingclear. 
clear  [kler]  ,r.  plain 

clear'ance  (-.msj  «.  the  act  of  clearing 
clear'-cuf  [kut]  a.  distinct  outline 

clear'-headed  [-hed'ed]  a.  intelligent 

Clear'-sight'ed  l-slt'ed]  a.  discerning 
clear'-sight'ed-ness  [nes]  «. 
cleat  [klet]  n.  a  strip  of  wood 
cleave    [klc-v]  ^.t.  to  separate 
cleav'er  [Pr]  n.  a  butcher's  ax 
clef  [kief]  n.  sign  in  musical  notation 
cleft  [kleft]/./.&rt.  divided 
clem'a-tis[klema-tls]«.climbing  flower 
clem'en-cy   [-«-n-sy]  n.  mercy 
clem'ent    [-.-nt]  a.  merciful 
cler'gy   [klcr'jy]  «.t]ie  ministry 
cler'gy-man  [man]  n.  a  minister 
clerk  [klcrk]  n.  an  assistant 
clev'er  [klev'er]  a.  good-natured;  dex- '(;^ 
clev'er-ness  [-nes]  «.  dexterity  [terous 
clew  [klu]  tt.  a  hint;  a  guide 
click    [kllk]  n.  a  sharp  noise 
cli'ent  [kli'rat]  n.  a  lawyers  customer 
cli'ent-age  [aj]  «.  a  body  of  clients 
Cliflf  [klif  ]  n.  a  steep  rock 

Cli-mac'ter-icikli-mak'ter-lk]  a.  critical 
cli'mate_[kli'mst]  «.  temperature 
cli-mat'ic  [kli-mat'Ik]  a.  pert,  to  climate 
cli'max[kli'maks]«.highest  point 
climb  [klim]  ■v.t.  to  creep  up 
clinch  [kllnch]  -v.t.  to  fasten  fment  _ 

clinch'er  [klmch'er]  K.  a  decisive  argu-! 
cling  [kllng]  v.i.  to  adhere 
clin-ic-al  [klml-kal]«.pert.toabed  pa- 
clink  [kllngk]  n.  a  sharp  sound      [tient 
clink'er  [-fr]  -n.  vitrified  matter 
clink'er-built'  [bllt]  a.  overlapping 
clip  [klip]  I'.t.  to  cut 
clip'per  [prr]  71.  a  sharp-built  vessel 
clique    [klek]  «.  a  party  ;  narrow  circle 
cloak  [kluk]  n.  a  garment 
clock  [kISk]  n.  a  timekeeper 
clod  [kk.d]  n.  a  lump  of  earth 
clod'hop-per  [hOp-pcr]  «.  rude  fellow 
clod'pat ed  [-pated]  a. stupid 

^  ^ti" 




clog   [klSg]  v.l.  to  obstru(ft 
clois'ter  [klois'ter]  «.  a  monastery 
clois'tered  [klois'terd]  a.  solitary 
close  [kloz]  V.!.  to  shut 
close'fist  ed  [klos'flsted]  a.  miserly 
close'mouthed   [mouthd]  ,i.  secretive 
close'ness  (  nes)  m.  nearness 
clos'et    [klOz  et]  «.  a  small  room 
clo'sure  [kla  zhur]  «.  a  closing,  as  of  a 
clot  [klCit]  n.  a  coagulated  mass  [debate 
cloth  [klo/^]  «.  woven  material 
clothe  [kloth]  -v.t.  to  cover 
clothes  [klBthz]  garments 
cloth'ier  [klothyer]  «.  a  tailor 
cloth'ing    [ing]  >i.  garments 
clot'ted  [klot  ted]  a.  sticky  ;  slimy 
cloture' [klitiir']  F.  same  as  ■•closure" 
cloud  Ikloud]  z'.t.  to  obscure 
cloud'less  [les]  a.  clear 
cloud'y  [  y]  a.  not  bright 
clove    [klov]  K.  a  spice 
clo'ven  [klovn]/./.  of  "cleave" 
clo'ver  [klo'ver]  >/.  plant,  genus  trifolium 
clown  [kloun]  «.  a  buffoon 
clown'ish  [Ish]  a.  rude 
cloy   [kloi]  z-.t.  to  fill  to  loathing 
club    [kluh]  K.  a  stick;  an  association 
cluck  [klflk]  K.  a  mother  hen's  call 
clue  [klu]  K.  same  as  "clew" 
clump  [klump]  «.  a  cluster  of  trees 
clum'si-ly  Iklflmzl-lyjarfi'.  awkwardly 
clum'sy  [klum  zy]  a.  awkward 
clus'ter  [klus  ter)  K.  a  bunch 
clutch  [kluch]  -v.t.  to  seize 
clut'ter  [klut'tcr]  K.  disorder 
clys'ter  [klls'ter]  k.  an  injection 
coach   [koi  h]  >i.  a  carriage:  a  tutor 
coach'man  [-man]  «.  a  coach  driver 
CO-   [ko-]  pre.  with  ;  together ;  joint 
CO-ac'tive  [ki-aktlv]  a.  united  inaction 
Co'ad-ju'tor  [kO'Sd-ju'ter]  «.  assistant 
CO-a'gent  [k6-aj£-nt]  ?:.  joint  worker 
co-ag'u-late  [ki-agu-lSt]  -v.  to  curdle 
coal  [k.-ilj  «.  fuel 

coal'-black'[-blsk']a.  as  black  as  coal 
coal'cart'  [-kart]  «.  cart  carrying  coal 
coal'heav  er[-hev'er]  «.  coal-carrier 
coal'hod  ■  [hod  ]  k.  a  box  to  hold  coal 
coal'house'[-hous'];f. place  to  store  coal 
CO  a-lesce'  [koa-les'l  v.t.  to  unite 
CO  a-les'cence  [sens]  «.  act  of  uniting 
CO  a-les'cent  [smt]  a.  blending 
coa-li'tion  (ko'i-llsh'On)  «.  union 
coarse    [kOrs]  a.  rough 
coarse'ly  [-ly]  adv.  in  a  coarse  manner 
coarse'ness  [-nfts]  «.  vulgarity 
coast    [kost)  K.  the  shore;  the  border 
coast'er  [-tr]  n.  vessel  in  the  home  trade 
coat  (kot)  K.  an  upper  outside  garment 
coax  [kclks]  v.t.  to  persuade 
CD'haltlki-iliOlt)  «.  tough  reddish minera' 
cob'ble  |k6l.l/l]  v.t.  to  mend 
cob'bler  (  t.lCir)  «.  a  shoe  mender 
cob'ble-stone  [stsn  ]  it.  a  large  pebble 




co'bra  [ko'bra]  K.  a  hooded  snake 
cob'web'  tkOb'web']  K.  a  spider's  web 
co'ca  [ko'ka]  ;i.  dried  leaf  of  a  Peru  shrub 
co'ca-ine  [ko'ka-In]?;.  a  drug 
coch'i-neal  [kOch'l-nel]  «.  insect;  a  dye 
cock  [kak]  ft.  a  male  bird 
cock-ade'  [-ad]  ;i.  a  hat  badge 
cock  a-too'  [kok'a-tso'l «  a  crested  parrot 
cock'a-trice[-trTs]  «.  afabulous  serpent 
cock'crow  ing  [kro'Ing]  «.  early  dawn 
cock'er-el  [-cr-gl]  «.  a  young  cock 
coc'kle  [kOkk'U  «•  a  bivalve  mollusk 
cock'ney   [kCk'ny]  «.  a  Londoner 
cock'roach  [-roch]«.  insect;  Crotonbug 
cocks'comb'  [koks'kom']  «.  a  plant 
C0ck'spur'[k6k'spQr']  K.  a  plant 
cock'swain  [-swSn]  «.  boat  steerer 
cock'tair  [tal']  K.  a  brandy  drink 
co'coa  [ko'kO]  !t.  a  tree;  a  beverage  fnut 
CO'coa-nut'   [-Qut']  n.  hard-shelled 
co-coon'  [k8koonT«.  case  of  a  chrysalis 
cod  [kOd]  i:.  important  edible  fish 
cod'dle  [kSd'dM]  T.i.  to  pet 
code  [kod]«.  a  digest  of  laws 
Co'dez  [k5'deks]K.  ancient  manuscript 
codg'ertkaj'er]  «.  a  miser;  an  odd  person 
cod'i-cil  [kud'i-sll]  a.  a -will  supplement 
co'di-fy  [kodi-fi]  v.t.  to  classify 
co-ed  u-ca'tion  [ko-sd'u-ka'shQn]  «. 
CO  ef-fi'cient  [koef-flsh'mt]  a. 
co-e'qual  [ki-g'kwal]  a.  of  equal  rank 
co-erce'  [ki-crs]  v.t.  to  constrain 
co-er'oion  [k4-er'shQn]«.  act  of  coercing 
C0-e'val[ki5-e'val]a.of  same  age  and  time 
co'ex-ist'  [kiegz-Ist']  ■z'.  to  exist  at  the 
CO'ex-ist'ence  [t-ns]  k.  [same  time 

co'ex-ist'ent  [t-nt]  a. 

coffee    [kc'ifft]  «.  a  berry;  a  beverage 
coffee-house'  [hous]  k.  acafiJ 
coffer   [kof'fcrj  ri.  a  chest 
coffin    [kSf'fIn]  «.  a  burial  case 
cog  [^Hg]  >:.  the  tootk  of  a  wheel 
co'gent  [ks'jent]  a.  convincing 
co'gent-ly  [-ly]  acfv.  convincingly 
cog'i-tate  [koj'l-tat]  v.i.  to  think 
cog  i-ta'tion  [-ts'shfln]  «.  meditation 
COg'nac'  [kSn'yak']  n.  French  brandy 
COg'nate  [kOg'nat]  a.  related 
cog-na'tion  [kog-na'shun]  H.  affinity 
COg-ni'tion[-nl5h'un]>:. perception  ftion 
COg'ni-zance  [kog'ni-zans]  «.  observa- 
COg'nizant   [zant]  a.  aware  of 
COg-no'men  [k6g-no'men]  It.  surname 
co-hab'it   [k6-hab'It]  -v.  to  live  together 
CO-here'  [k6-her']  v.i.  to  stick  together 
co-her'en-cy[-en-sy]«  cleaving  togethe 
CO-her'entt-cnt]  a.  logically  consistent 
CO-he'sion  [ki-he'zhun]  n.  close  union 
CO-he'sive  [-slv]  a.  producing  cohesion 
coiffure    [koif 'fur]  «.  a  head  dress 
coil  [koil]  K.  bundle  of  rope;  z-./.  to  wind 
coin  [koin]  7'. to  mint;  to  convert  intocoins 
coin'age  [4j]m.  coins; coining  expenses 



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CO  in-cide'  [koKn-sid']  r.j.  to  concur 
co-in'ci-dence  [kS-in'si-dfns]  k. 
CO-in'ci-dent  [de-nt]  ii.  concurrent 
CO-i'tioiX[k6-Ish  un]  ?:.  a  coming  together 
coke  [kck]  tr.  charred  coal 
CO-la'bor-er  [ko-lalier-erln. an  associate 
Col'an-der[kul  an-der]  n  .kind  of  strainer 
cold  [kold]  a.  not  heated 
Cold'-blood'ed[blQd'5d]a.  hard-hearted 
cole  [kol]  K.  a  kind  of  cabbage 
cole'slaw'  [-sla]  «.  cabbage  salad 
col'ic  [korik]  K.  pain  in  the  abdomen 
col-lapse'   [kCI-Iaps']  I',  to  fall  together 
col'lar  [k6rier]>i.aneckband  [suddenly 
col'lards  [lerdz]  «.//.  young  cabbage 
col-late'  [kOl-lati  v.l.  to  gather  together 
col-la'tion  [kOI-la'shfln]  w.  a  light  lunch 
col'league     [kdl'leg]  n.  an  associate 
Col'lect  [koriakt]  n.  a  short  prayer 
col-lect'  [kOl-ISktT  v.t.  to  gather 
collect'ive  [-tlv]  ,i.  formed  by  gathering 
col-lect'or  [-ter]  n.  a  gatherer 
col'leffe  [korifj]  «.  an  advanced  school 
col-le  gi-ate  [-I4'jl4t]  j.  pert,  to  college 
col-lide'  [-lid']  -  .1.  to  dash  against  each 
col'lie  [k6riy]  «.  Scotch  sheepdog  [other 
col'lier  [yer]  n.  a  coal  digger 
col'lier-y  [-y]  «.  a  coal  mine 
COl'li-gate[koriI-gat]  7.  to  bind  together 
Col-li'sion  [k&l-llzh  un]  fi.  a  striking  to- 
COl'lo-cate  [kSl'lS-katlr/.^.toset  [gether 
col  lo-ca'tion[-ka'shun]  «. arrangement 
col  lo-cu'tion  [ku'shun]  k.  conference 
col-lo^e'  tki51-15g']  plot  mischief 
col-lo'qui-al  [  15  kwl-al]  a.  pert,  to  con- 
COl-lude'  [kOl-lud']  v.i.  to  conspire 
Col-lu'sioa  [Ifl'zhQnJ  «.  co-operation  for 
col-lu'sive  [kil-luslv]  a.  [fraud 

CO-logne'  [kS-lon']  M.  a  liquid  perfume 
co'lon  [ko'lOn]  «.  a  punctuation  mark  [:] 
COlo'nel  [kflr'nd]  K.  an  officer 
CO-lo'nJ-al  [kolo'ni-al]  a.pert.  tocolony 
col'o-nist  [kc!il  4-nIst]  K.  a  settler 

col  o-ni-za'tion  [kui  d-ni-za'shfln]  n. 

col'on-nade'  [k61  On-nad']  n.  series  of 
Col'o-Iiy[k8r8-ny]«. settlement  [columns 
col'or  [kulcr]  «.  hue;  t/.  to  tinge 
COl'ored  [karcrd]  a.  having  color 
col'or-ing  [kOI'cr-Ing]  «.  act  of  giving  a 
col'or-less  [les]  a.  without  color  [color 
CO-los'sal  [kft-IOs']  a.  huge 
Coli-se'umtkari-se'Om]  «.;Roman  am 
Col  OS  se'umlkirosse'amjiphithcater 

Co-los'sU8fk4  IOs'sfls]«.  gigantic  statue; 
col'por  tage  [k(5l'p/jr'tij]«.tractdistrib.f 
col'por  teur[tcr]/(.  distributorof  tracts 
colt  [k6ltj  ft,  a  young  male  horse 
colt'er    [  ^r]  tt.  a  plow  attachment 
Co-lum'bi-a  [kS-lOm'bl-i]  «.  America 
Co-lum'bi-anf-an]  a.  pert,  to  the  U.  S 





col'um-bine  [kOl'Om-bm]  n.  plant 
CO-lum'bite  [-bit]  «.  a  mineral 
Col'umn  [ksrom]  «.  a  pillar 
col'za  [kol'za]  K.  cabbage  seed  oil 
com-  [kOm]/>-f.  with;  together 
co'ma  [ko'ma]  n.  state  of  insensibility 
Co-man'ches  [k6-man'ch6z]  «.  Indian 
Co'ma-tose'[k5'ma-tos']  a.  drowsyLtribe 
comb  [kam]  v.t.  to  disentangle 
com'bat  [kSm'Mt]  -^.t.  to  fight  against 
com'bat-ive-nes3   [iv-nes]  «.  figlit 
com  bi-na'tion  [-bl-na'shun]  «.  union 
com-bine'  [blnT  ii.t.  to  unite  with 
com-bus'ti-ble  [bQs'tlb'l]  a.  fiery 
com-bus'tion  «.  actofburning 
some  [kOm]  v.i.  to  approach  the  speaker 
CO-me'di-an  [kSme'dl-^nl  n.  an  actor 
come'down'  tkum'doun']  «.  humiliation 
Com'e-dy  tkOm'e-dj]  n.  a  comic  play 
Come'li-nesS[kum'lI-nes]Kbeing  comely 
comely  [kum'Iy]  a.  pleasing;  agreeable 
Com'et   [kOm'et]  n.  star  with  a  tail 
com'fit  [kum  fit]  «.  a  confection 
COm'fort  [fert]  «.  solace 

com'fort-a-ble[-i-b'I]  a.  having  comfort 
Com'fort-er  [er]  «.  the  Holy  Spirit 
COm'fort-less  [iss]  a.  cheerless 
com'ic    [kum'Ik]  a.  ludicrous 
com'ic-al  [ikizl]  a.  exciting  mirth 
com'i-ty    [r-ty]  n.  courtesy 
C0m'mark6m'ma]«.punctuationmark  [.] 
com-mand'  [mand']  i/./.  to  direct 
com-mand'er  [er]  «.  an  officer 
com-mand'er-y[-y]K. secret  order  lodge 
com-mand'ing[-ing]  a.  exalted 
com-mand'ment[m«nt]  n.  a  charge 
com-mat'ic  [kSm-matTk]  a.  concise 
com-mem  o-ra'tion  [-ra'shfln]  «. 
com-mence'  [mens]  v.t.  to  begin 

Com-mence'ment[mmt]«.  a  beginning 
com-mend'[.mend']  v.  to  recommend 
com-mend'-a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  laudable 
com  men-da'tion  [da'shOn]  «.  praise 
com-mend'a-to-ry  [a-t4-r$]  a. 
com-men'su-rate[  men 'shu-rat]3. equal 
COm'ment[kfim'ment]  n.  remark 
com'meu-ta-ry[-tarj]  n.  exposition 
com'men-ta'tor  [tcr]  «.  expositor 
com'merce  [mcrs]  «.  trade 
com-mer'cial    [-mcrsh.jl]  a.  trading 
Com-min'gle  [k&m-mlngg'IJz/.  to  blend 
com'mi-nute   [ml-nQt]  v.t.  to  pulverize 
com-mis'er-ate[-mlz'er-at]  f.t.  to  pity 
com-mis  er-a'tion   [-a'shfln]  «. 
com'mis-sa-ry  [-s4-ry]  K.  an  ofBcer 

com-mis'sion[-mish'an]T'./.to  authorize 
com-mis'sion-er  [-er]  «.  a  deputy 

Com-mit'  [kOm-mlt]  v.t.  to  intrust 
com-mit'tee  [te]  «.  members  appointed 
com-mit'ment  [mcnt]  «.  a  warrant 
com-mix'  [mlksT  -  ■'■  to  blend 
com-mix'ture  r-tir]  n.  a  compound        , 
com-mode'   [-modT  «.  chest  of  drawers' 






com-mo'di-ous  t-mSdlQs]  a.  suitable 
C0m-mod'i-tyim0dl-t5'l«. merchandise 
com'mo-dore'  [-mft-dor  ]w.  naval  officer 
com'mon  [-mQn]  a.  ordinary 
eom'mon-ly  [if]  adv.  ordinarily 
com'mons  [z]  >;.//.  mass  of  the  people 
com  mon-weal'  [wel')  «.public  welfare 
coin'mon-wealth'[-w6lfA]  «.  a  state 

com'mo-rant  [•m4r<int]  «.  a  resident 
com-mo'tion  t-mo'shun]  n.  agitation 
COm-mune'  [-mun]    T.i.  to  converse 
com'mune  «.  the  common  people 
COm-mu'ni-cant[-k<jnt]«. church  mem- 
coni-mu'ni-cate[-kat]7'.f.toimpart  Lber 
crm-mu  ni-ca'tion  [ka'shfln]  ■(. 
eom-mu'ni-ca-tive[-ka-tivja.  talkative 

com-mun'ion  C-munVflnj  «.  fellowship 
com'mu-nism  [mii-nlzm]  k.  socialism 
com-mu'ni-ty  [mflnl-ty]  k.  the  people 
com  mu-ta'tion[-ma-ta'5hQn] «  substitu 
com-mute'  [mutT  t». /.to  exchange  Ition 
Com-pact'  [pikf]  a.  close  togetlier 
com'pact  >i.  a  covenant 
com-pact'ness  [nfts]  «.  density 
com-pan'ion  (  pSnyfln)  «.  an  associate 
com-pan'ion-ship  [ship]  n.  fellowship 

COm'pa-ny  [kOm'pany]  >  assembly 
Com'par-a-ble  [k6m  par-a-b'l]a.  worthy 
COm-par'a-tive[-tIv]a.  [of  comparison 
com-pare'  [  pir  ]  -v.l.  to  liken  [paring 
com-par'i-son  [-par'l-san]>i.  actofcom- 
Com-part'ment[-part-m<nt]n. a  division 

com'pasa  [kam'pas]  «.  e-ctent  [circles 
com'pass-es  [-izln.fl.  instr.  for  making 
Com-pa^'sion[-pash  an] «. fellow-feeling 
com-pas'sion-ate  [at]  a.  merciful 
com-pat'i-ble  [pat'i-b'l]  a.  agreeable 
com-pa'tri-ot  [pa  triOt]M.  a  fellow  pa- 
com-peer'  [per]  «.  an  equal;  mate  [triot 
corn-pel'  [pel]  v.t.  to  urge  with  force 
com'pend  [ptnd]  «.  a  summary 
com-pen'di-ou3[-pen  di-us]  a.  concise 
COm-pen'di-um[um]  «.  an  abridgment 
com'pen-sate  [  p6n-sat]2'./.  to  remuner- 
compen-sa'tion  [sa'shOn]  n.  pay  [ate 
com-pete' [-pet ']!'.!.  to  contend  in  rivalry 
com'pe-ten-cy  [  fic-trn-sj]  «. sufficiency 
Com'pe-tent  [tent]  a.  capable 
COmpe-tl'tion  [tlsh'On]  «.  rivalry 
com-pet'i-tor  [pet'ltcr]  >i.  a  rival 
com  pi-la'tion[pMa'shanl«. a  selection 
com-pile'  [  pil]  i/./.  to  collect  [tion 

com-pla'cen-cy  [pla'sm-sj; «.  satisfac 
Com-pla'cent  [sent]  a.  self-satisfied 
Com-plain'  [-pISn']7'.».to  lament  [plains 
com-plain'ant  [-ant]  n.  one  who  com- 
com-plaint'  [plant']  «.  accusation 
com'plai-sance'  [plSzans];!.  courtesy 
COm'plai-sant   [-zant']  n.  courteous 
Com'ple-ment  [-plc-m«nt]«.  full  amount 
com  plete'  [plSt']  a.  nothing  lacking 
com-ple'tion  [-shan]«, act  of  completing 
com'plez  [plsks]  a.  ni.t  simple 
Com-plex'ion[pl£k'shan]  n.hueofskir 






COm-pli'ance  [pllVzns]  n.  yielding  to 
COm-pU'ant  t-«nt]  a.  yielding 
com'pli-cate  (pll'kat]  a.complexfment 
com  pli-ca'tion  [ka'shOn]  «.  entangle- 
com-plic'i-ty  [plls'I-tylw.  guilt  sharing 
COm'pli-ment  [  pll-mtnt]  n.  praise 
com  pli-men'ta-ry    [men'th-ry]  a. 
com-ply'  [-pM']  v.i.  to  jield  assent 
COm-po'nent  [po'nfnt]  «.  an  ingredient 
COm-port'  [-port']  v.i.  to  agree 
com-port'ment  [-mfnt]  n.  behavior 
com-pose'  [-paz']  ^■./.  to  make  up 
COm-pos'er   [-pOz'er]  n.  a  music  author 
com-pos'ite  [-p'!)z'lt]  a.  compounded 
com-po-si'tion  ( isA-zishun]  h. 
com-pos'i-tor  [pOz'lter]  h.  type-setter 

COm'post  [post]  n.  a  fertilizer 
com-po'sure  [pS  zhur]  «.  calmness 
com-pound'  [-pound]  v.t.  to  combine 
com'pound  «.  a  combinatioa         [stand 
com  pre-hend'(-pre-hSnd']T'  under- 
oom'pre-hen'si-ble  [-hen'si-b'l]  a. 
com  pre-hen'sion  [-shun]  n. 

corn-press'  [-pr6s']  -v.t.  to  condense 
com-pres'sion  [  presh'Qn]  n. 
com-prise'  [-prtz]  v  i.  to  include  [ment 
COmp-trol'ler  [kOn-tron~r]«.  controller 
Com-pul'sion  [-pul'shuu]  «.    constramt 
com-pul'sive  (-slv]<r.  able  to  compel 
Com-pul'so-ry  [si-ry]  a.  compelling 
com-ptinc'tion  [-pungk'shQn]  n. remorse 
com'pu-ta'tion  [pa-ta'shun]  n.  calcula- 
com-pute'  [-put']  v.t.  to  calculate    [tion 
com'rade  [r^d]  ».  a  companion 
con-  [k8n-]  pre  with;  together 
con  z'.t.  to  study:  to  peruse 
con-cat  e-na'tion  [kat'e-na'shQn]  «. 
can'cave  [-kav]  a.  hollowed  out 
con-ceal'  [  sel']  v.t.  to  hide 
con-ceal'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  able  to  be  hid 
con-ceal'ment  [mtnt]  n.  act  of  hiding 
coa-cede'  [-sed]  -v.t.  to  yield;  to  grant 
con-ceit'  [sff]  n.  self-love;  a  thought 
con-ceit'ed-nes3  [-ed-nes]  «.  vanity 
coii-ceiv'a-ble  [sev'a-b'l]  a. 
con-ceive'[-sev']x'./.  to  form  in  the  mind 
con-cen'trate  [sSn'trSt]  v.t.  to  focus 
con-cen'tric  [-trik]  a.  having  a  common 
con-cep'tion[-sep'shiin]«.a  notion  [center 
con-cern'  [-sern]  v.t.  to  relate  to 
con-cern'    [sern']  k.  business 
con-cern'ed-ly  [ed-ly]  adv.  sympathet- 
concern'ing  [Ing]  />>-«•/ .pert,  to  [ically 
con-cert'  [-sert]  v.t.  to  plan  together 
COn'cert  «.  harmony 
con-cert'ed  [-edj  a.  agreed  on      finstr 
concer-ti'na  [ser-te'iid]    «.   a   musical 
con-ces'sion  [sesh'un]  «.  a  grant 
conch  [kOngk]  n.  a  kind  of  sea  shell 
con'chi-fer  [-kl-fcr]>i.a  shell  fish  [shells 
con-chol'o-gy   [-kol'4-jy]    n.  science  of 
con  cierge'  [kS«'sy4zh'i  F.  a  janitor 



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C0n-cil'i-ate[k6n-sil'I-at]7'./.to  win  over 
con-cil'i-a-to-ry  [-siri-a-ti-ryja.  pacific 
con-cise'  [-sls'jii.  condensetU  terse;  brief 
C0n'clave[k6ng  klavjx.a  close  assembly 
COn-clude' [kSn-kladl  v.t.lo decide;  end 
con-clu'sion  [  klu  zliQn]«.  the  end 
con-clu'sive  [  klu'siv]  <i.  decisive 
con-coot'  [-kOkt]  v.t.  to  prepare;  devise 
C0n-coc'tion[-k6k'shun)«.  ajreparation 
con-com'i-tant  [-keml-tantj  u.attend- 
con'cord  [kOngkord]  n.  harmony     ling 
con-cord'ance  [ans]   «.  a  Bible  index 
con'course  [kOng'kors]  k.  an  assembly 
COn'crete    [konkret')  ji.  road  stuff 
con-cre'tion  [kre'shun)  «.aclot 
COn'cu-bine  [kOngku-bin]  «.  a  mistress 
con-cu'pis-cence  [konka'pis-]  «.sex- 
C0n-cur'[k6n-kur-']r-.i.  toagree  lual  lust 
COn-CUr'rence  [kur'rirns]  n.  agreement 
con-cur'rent  [-rsnt]  a.  at  same  time 
COn-CUs'sion[kush'Qn]«.collision  shock 
COn-demr'[-dfm]  v  t.  to  censure 
con  dem-na'tion  [na'^hun]  «.  censure 
con  den-sa'tion  [-sa'shfln]   «.condens- 
C0n-dense'[-d5ns']  v.t.  to  thicken     ling 
con-dens'er  [den'ser]  «.  a   compressor 
con'de-scend'   (de-send']  t.:.  to  stoop 
con'de-scen'-sion  [sen'shun]  n. 

con-dign'  [din']  a.  deserving 
con'di-ment  [dl-ment]  ».  a  relish 
con-di'tion  [-dishOn]  n.  a  rank  ;  a  state 
con-di'tion-al  (-shun-alja.  not  absolute 

con-dole'  f-dsl']  v.i.  to  grieve  with 
con-do'lence[-do'lcns]«  expressed  grief 
con-done'  [don')  v.t.  to  forgive 
COn'dor[d6r] « .  S.  American  bird  of  prey 
con-duce'  [das']  v.i.  to  lead  to 
con-du'ci-ble  [du'sl-b'l]  a.  tending  to 
eon'duct  [  dukt]  k.  behavior 
con-duct'  v.t.  to  lead:  direct;  manage 
COn-duct'ive  [dOktlv]  a.  leading 
con-duct'or  [ttr]  n.  one  who  conducts 
COn'duit    [dit]  n.  a  pipe  for  fluids 
cone  [kon]  n.  fir  fruit;  a  round  wedge 
co'ney  [ko'ny]  n.  a  rabbit 
COn'fab  [kCjn'fSb]  «.  familiar  talk 
con-fab  u-la'tion  [-a-la'shunj  j^. confab 
COn-fec'tion  [fekshun]  «.  sugar  stuff 
COn-fec'tion-er  [-cr]  «.  candy  maker 
con-fec'tion-er-y  I-er-y]K.candiesrance 
con-fed'er-a-cy  [fsd'cr-a-sy]  K.analli- 
eon-fed'er-ate  t-St]  a.  allied;  «.  an  ally 
con-fed-er-a'tion  [-s'shfln]  n.  a  league 

COn-fer'  ffrr']  v.i.  to  consult;  to  bestow 
con'fer-ence  [irns]  n.  a  consultation 
Con-fesa'  [fis']  v.t.  to  own  up;  to  admit 
con-fess'er  f-<-r]  «.  maker  of  confession 
COn-fes'sion'-f'':sh'fln]«.an  admission  of 
con-fes'sion-al  [-<il]  «. confession  plact 
COn-fes8'or[fc5't:r]«  hearer  of  confession 

C0n'fl-dant'""»-5  ['<'''n'fl-  >  a  very  ^lose 
con  fi-dante'"/<  dint']     \  friend 
con -fide'  [fid]  v.t.  to  intrust 

con'fi-dence  [fi-d^ns]  «.  trust 

^    ^    ') 

■  C D       -C-J 




OOn'fl-dent  [d^nt]  a.  sure 
COn'fi-den'tial  [den'shal]  a.  trusted  in 
COn'fi-dent-ly  [dcnt-ly]  adv.  positively 

con-fine'  [-(M]v.t.  to  limit 
con-fine'ment  [mfnt]  «.  seclusion 
con-firm'  [-ferm]  t./.  to  ratify  [ing 

con'fir-ma'tion  [-fer-ml'sliiin]K.  ratify 
con'fis-cate  [fis-katlJ/.^.to  seize  as  for 
eon'fis-ca'tion  [-ka'shun]  «.  seizure 
Con'fla-gra'tion  [flagra'shQn]  n.  a  fire 
con'flict  [flikt]  n.  violent  collision 
con-flict'   z'.t.  to  collide  fstreams 

con'flu-ence  [-flii-fns]  k.  junction  of  two 
con'flu-ent  l<;nt]  a.  flowing  together 
con'fiux  [-fluks]  «.  a  meeting  of  currents 
con-form'  [-form']  v.t.  to  make  like 
con-form'a-ble  [abl]  a.  like  [forming 
con-form'i-ty  [  form'I-ty]  «.  likeness 
con-found'  [found']  vJ.  to  confuse 
con'frere'  [kOn'frSr']  F.  intimate  friend 
con-front'  (kOn-frunt']  v.t.  to  face  fciu' 
Con-fu'cian[kCin-fushan]a.  pert.  Confu 
Con-fu'ci-us  [shl-fls]  «.  a  philosopher 
con-fuse'  [  fuz]  f./.  to  jumble  together 
con-fu'sjon  [fu'zhun]  7t.  disorder 
con-fute'  [fuf]  v.t.  to  disprove 
con-geal'  [-jSl'l  "■'■  to  freezS  [freezing 
con'ge-la'tion  [  je-l&'shun]  «.  act  of 
COn-gen'ial  [-jen'yal]  a.  agreeablelbirth 
con-gen'i-tal  [-jen'l-tal]  a.  dating  from 
con'ger  fkOng'gSr]  «.  a  kind  of  sea  eel 
con-gest'  [kfln-jesf]  v.t.  to  clog 
con-gest'ed  [-ed]  a.  clogged  [intoaheap 
COn-ges'tion  [jes'chun]  «.  a  gathering 
Con-glom'er-ate[gl6m'er-at]  a.  mixed 
con-glom'er-a'tion  [s'shun]  «.a  mass 
con-glu'ti-nate[-nat]  v.t.  to  glue  to- 
con' gou  [kOng'goo]  «  a  black  tealgether 
con-grat'u-late  [kon-grat'il-lat]  v.t.  to 
con-grat  u-la'tion[  la'shun])i.iOTshjoy 
COn'gre-gate[kong'grc-gat]  gather 
con'gre-ga'tion  [-ga'shun]  «.  assembly 

con'gre-ga'tion-al  [ga'shun-ul]  a. 
Con'gress  [grres]  n.  a  convention 
con-gres'sion-al  [kan-gresh'un-an  ". 
con'gru-ent  [-konggru-(?nt]   a.  suitable 
con-gru'i-ty  [kOn-gni'I-ty]  n.  fitness 
COn'grU-OUS  [kOng'gru-us]  a   fit 
con'ic-al  [kOn'I-krtl]  a.  round  ^.-pointed 
co'ni-fer  [ks'ni-fer]  H.cone-bearingtree 
CO-nif'er-OUS  [kS-nlfer-us]  a. 
CO'nine  [ko'nTu]  n.  a  poison 
con-jec'ture  ikon-jek'tur]  «.  a^ess 
con-join'  [-join]  v.t.  to  unite 
con-joint'  [joint']  a.  united 
con'ju-gal  [ksnji-gal]   a.  matrimonial 
con'ju-gate  [-jii-gat]z'./.  to  inflscta  verb 
con'ju-ga'tion  [ga'shun]  «. 

con-junc'tion  [jungk'shun]  n.  union 
con-junc'tive  [tiv]    a.  serving  to  unite 
COn-junc'ture  [tiir]  n.  acrisisfentreaty 
COn'ju-ra'tion[-ju-ra'shQn]K.  an  earnest 

-^^  ■'^  ■-> 

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COn-jure'   [-jur'Jf./.  to  adjure;  to  call  on 
con'jure  [kon  jur]  v.t.  to  enchant 
con'"Ur-er  [-er]  u.  a  magician 
con'nate  [kSn  nit]  a.  beingofsamebirth 


■  ^-< 

con-nect'  [nekt']  v.t.  tojoin  together     | 
con-nec'tion  [-n^kshun]  ;z. junction       1 
con-niv'ance  [niv'ans]  k.  passive  con-j 
COn-nive'  [niv  J  v.i.  to  wink  at       Lsent  j 
connois-seur'  [  nIs-sOr']  «.  a  critic        I 
COn-nu'bi-alt-nu'bi-al]<i.pert.  marriage 
con'qucr  [kong'kcr]  v.t.  to  overcome 
con'quer-or  [-er]  «.  the  victor 
COn'quest  [kSng'kwSst]  n.  victory 
con  san-guin'i-ty  [kon'san-gwmT-ty]>i 
con'science  [shc-ns)  ).•.  the  moral  sense 
con  sci-en'tious  [-shi-en'shOs]  a. 
con'scious  [shus]  a.  aware      fconscious 
con'scious-nesa  [-nSs]  ;;.  state  of  being 
Con'script[-skrIpt3  v..  one  forced  to  enlist 
COn'se-crate  [se-krat]  v.t.  to  dedicate 
con-sec'u-tive  [sCku-tlv]   <r.  in  regular 
con-sen'sus  [-s6n  sus]  «.  accord  Lorder 
con-sent'  [-sent]  k.  acquiescence 
con'se-quence  [se-kwSns]  n.  a  result 
con'se-qaent  [  kwint]  a.  following 
Conse-qucn'tial  [kwen'shal]  n.fingly 
COn'ser-va'tion  [-ser-va'shun]  n.  preser- 
con-serv'a-tive  [scrva-tiv]  «.  [vation 
con'ser-va  tor  [ser-vl'tcrlx.  a  preser\'er 
C0n-serv'a-tO-ry[-t6-rj']«.a  greenhouse 
COn-sid'er  [sld  cr]  v.t.  to  think  upon 
COn-sid'er-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  important 
con-sid'er-ate  [St]  a.  prudent 
con-sid er-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «. attention, 
con-sign'  [sinTw.^.  to  deliver 
con  sign- ee' [sine']  «.  receiver  of  goods  j 
COn-sign'or  [sin  or]  n.  sender  of  goods, 
con-sign'ment[-mc:nt]  «.  goods  sent 
con-sist'  [slstT  ii.i.  to  be  made  up  of 
Con-sist'en-cy  [slsttrn-sy]  n.  harmony 
Con-sist'ent  [te-nt]  a.  not  contradictory 
con-sis'to-ry  [tS-ry]  n  a  council 
con'so-la'tion  [sS-ls'shOn]  «. solace 
con-sole'  [-■^'l']  '^.t.  to  comfort 
con-sol'i-date  [san-dat]  -v.t  tounite 
COn'aols  [silz]  «  //.  British  stocks 
con'so-nance  [-s8-nans]  «.  accord 
Con'so-nant  [sirurnt]  «.  a  letter 
con'sort  [sfirt]  >i.  a  partner 
con-sort'  v.t.  to  associate 
COn-spic'u-OUS  [sprk'fl-Qs]  a.prominent 
con-spir'a-cy  [  splr'a-sj]  «.  a  plot 
con-spire'  [^.pir]  v.t.  to  plot  together 
con'sta-ble  [kQnsta-b'l]  K.  an  officer 
con'stan-cy  [stan-sj]  n.  fixedness 
con'stant  [stunt]  a.  unchanged    [group 
con'-stel-la'tion  [std-l-la'shan] 
con'ster-na'tion  [-stcr-na'-]  «.  dismay 
con'sti-pa'tion  [-sti-pa'-]  n.  costiveness 
COn'sti-tute  (tut)  v.t.  to  make  up 
con'8ti-tu'tion[tQ'shQn]  «. 
con'sti-tu'tion-al  [  .il]  .z.  lawful 

\3       V 

<•      c/__S> 


p    P      J3    p/ 

r  C-Cr 

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\..1.L   I 




con-strain'  [-stTan]  ■n./.  to  compel 
con-straint'  [-stianf]  n.  restraint 
con-strict'  [kSn-strikf]  T.t.  to  cramp 
con-stric'tion  [-strik'shQn]«.  a  narrow- 
COn-strict'or  [tcr]  n.  a  serpent         ling 
con-struct'  [-strukf]  z-.t.  to  build 
con-struc'tion  [-struk'shfln]!i.  structure 
con-strue'  [-stru']  v.t.  to  interpret 
con'sul  [-5S1]  «.  an  officer  abroad 
Con'su-late  [-lit]  «.  a  consul's  office 
con-sult'   [-suit']  v.t.  to  ask  advice  of 
con  Sul-ta'tion[-sul-ta'shun] «.a council 
con-sume'  [-sum']  v.t.  to  use  up 
con-sum'er  [er]  user 
con'sum-mate  [-sflm'mat]  -v.t.  to  finish 
COn-Sump'tion  [-sump'shun]  h. a  disease 
con-sump'tive  [-t:v]  a.  wasting 
con'tact  [-takt]  n.  touch 
con-ta'gion  [-ta'jun]»i.  spreading  of  dis- 
COn-ta'gious  [-jus]  a.  catching        [ease 
con-tain'  [-tan']  ^.t.  to  hold 
con-tam'i-nate  [tam'i-nat]  -v.t.  to  taint 
con-temn'  [-tern']  v.t.  to  scorn 
con'tem-plate  [tem-piat]  -ii.t.  to  study 
con'tem-pla'tion  [pla'shQn]  v..  study 
con-tem  po-ra'ne-ous  [po-ra'nc-us]  a. 
con-tempt'    [temt]  n.  scorn 
con-tempt'i-ble  [-i-b"l]  a.  mean 
con-tend'  [tend']  v.i.  to  strive 
con-tent'  [-tent']  a.  satisfied 
COn'tentS  [s]  what  anything  holds 
conten'tion  [tgn'shun]  «.  strife 
con-tent'ment  [-tent'ment]  71.  satisfied 
con-test'    [-ttst']  v.t.  to  contend  for 
con'test  K.  earnest  dispute 
con-test'ant  [-nnt]  «.  one  who  contests 
con'text  [tSkts];;.  what  surrounds  a  text 
con  ti-gu'i-ty   [tl-gu'I-ty]    «.  nearness 
Con-tig'u-OUS  [-tig  4-us]a.near;touching 
con'ti-nent[-tI-n^Tit]«. large  body  of  land 
con-tin'gen-cy  [tln'jcn-sy]  n.  chance 
con-tin'gent  [-jcnt]  n.  casual 
con-tin'u-al  \-t-a\\  a.  lasting 
con-tin'u-ance  [-ans]  «.  duration 
con-tin  u-a'tion  [-a'shun]  n.  extension 
con-tin'ue  [-u]  v  j.  to  keep  on 
con  tin-u'i-ty  [nu'I-ty]  n.  uninterupted 
COn-tin'u-OUS  [-fi-us]  a.  unbroken 
con-tor' tion  [tor'shun]  k.  a  twist 
con-tour'  [-toor  ]  «.  outline 
con'tra-  [k6n'tra-]/>>-^.  against 
con'tra-band  [-band]  «.  illegal  trafiic 
con-tract'  [-trakf]  v.i.  to  draw  together 
con'tract  «.  a  compact:  an  agreement 
COn-trac'tion  [trak'shan]  «.  shortening 
COn-tract'or  [ter]  n.  one  who  contracts 
con  tra-dict'  [-tra-dikt']  v.t.  to  gninsay 
con  tra-dic'tion[-dIk'-]  «.  a  gainsaving 
con  tra-dict'o-ry  [tS-ry]  a.  inconsistent 

con-tral'to  [-trai'tS]  «.  cito 
con  tra-ri'e-ty  [-tra-ri'e-ty]  «.  antago- 
con'tra-ry  [tra-ry]  a.  adverse        [nism 
con-trast'[-trast']»./.to  set  in  opposition 

■^  ^  r  a 





con'trast  «.  unlikeness 

eon  tra-vene'  [tra-ven']  t'.?.  to  oppose 

con-trib'ute  [k6n-trib  Qt]  z\t.  to  give  in 
con'tri-bu'tion  [tri-bu'-]  n.  Lcommon 
eon-trib'u-toi"[-tTibu-ter] « .  one  contrib- 
C0n'trite[-trjt) .;.  humbly  penitent  [uting 
Con-tri'tion  [trlsh'un]  n.  repentance 
COn-txiv'ance  [-triv'ans]  «.  a  device 
con-trive'  t-trlv']  v.t.  to  plan 
COn-trol' [trol  ]  -v.t.  to  rule;  to  govern 
con-trol'ler  I-ler]  n.  one  who  controls 
con'tro-ver  sy  [-tr6-ver'sy]  K.  a  dispute 
COn'tro-vert  [vert]  v.t.  to  dispute 
con  tu-ma'cious  [-ma'shus]  u.  perverse 
con'tu-ma-cy  [  mi-sy]  k.  perverseness 
COn'tU-me-ly  [-me-l>]K.  insolence;  dis- 
con-tuse'  [tuz']  i./.  to  bruise  [grace 
Con-tu'sion  [  tu  zhun]  ".a  bruisefriddle 
CO-nun'drum[kO-nun'drum]  H.  a  kind  of 
con  va-lesce'  [kSn Va-les']  w.t.  togain 
conVa-les'cence  [-sms]  n.  [health 
con  va-les'cent  [sent]  u.  getting  well 
COn-vene'[-ven ']  v.t. to  cause  to  assemble 
con-ven'ience  [yens]  «.  free  from  dis- 
con-ven'ientt-yfnt]  «.  suitable  [comfort 
con'vent  [-vent]  n.  a  monasterylsembly 
con-ven'ti-cle  [ven'tl-k'l]  ;.•.  private  as- 
Con-ven'tion[shun]«.a  meeting  of  dele- 
con-ven'tion-al  [.^l]  a.  formal  [gates 
con-verge' [vcrj'l'  tend  to  one  point 
COn-ver'gent  [ver'jcnt]  a.  converging 
COn'ver-sant  [-ver-sant]a.  familiar  with 

con'ver-sa'tion  [sa'shQn]  «.  talk 

con- verse' [-<  r  rs 'jT/.z.  to  talk  together 
Con-ver'sion;-vcr'shun]»;. transmutation 
con-vert'  [vCrt]  -v-t.  to  change  belief 
con' vert  «.  one  who  is  won  o-  er 
con-vert'i-ble   [-l-b'l]   a.  susceptible  of 
con'vex  [-vsks]  a.  bulging         ichange 
COn-vey'  [va]  -v.t.  to  carry 
con-vey'ance  [mis]  m.  a  vehicle 
con'vict  [-vlkt]  >i.  a  sentenced  criminal 
COn-vict'  7. C.  to  prove  guilty  [ing 


con-vince'[vinsTT'./.  to  satisfy  by  proof 
con-vin'ci-ble  [vin'sl-b'l]  a. 
con-viv'i-alt  vlv'.i-al]<i  jovial  [meeting 
con  vo-ca'tion  [vd-ka'shunj  «.  a  called 
con-voke'  [vok']  v.t.  to  call  to  meet 
con  vo-lu'tion[-v8-lu'shan] ». 
con-volve'  [  • 'jU']  t;./.  to  wind  together 
COn-vol'vu-lu8[val'v(i-lus]  «.  flowering 
con-voy'  [-voi]  v.t.  to  escort  [bindweed 
con'voy  n.  an  escort 
con-vulse'  [-vuls']  v.t.  to  shake 
con-vul'sion  [vulshfln]  k.  a  shaking 
con-vul'sive  [sTv]  a.  spasmodic 
coo  t  koo]  v.t.  to  aa  in  a  loving  way 
cook  [krxjk]  >i.  aprepareroffoodfortable 
cook'er-y  [-tr-y]  n.  a  cook's  art 
cool  [kWl]  a.  moderately  cold ;  not  hasty 
COol'nesS  [nOs]  «.  moderate  cold;  calm- 
ooon  [V:o?)n]  «.  a  raccoon  [ness 

coop  [ki>4>]  «.  a  poultry  \Kn 








COOp'er  [-?r]  n.  a  cask  maker       fgether 
co-op'er-ate  [k6-6per-at]  2.1.  to  act  to- 
co-op er-a'tion  [a'shun]  n.  joint  action 
CO-op'er-a-tive  [-S-tlv]  a.actingjoimly 
coot  fkoot]  K.  a  wading  bird;  a  simpleton 
cop  [kOp]  I!,  the  head;  a  policeman 
CO-pai'ba  [ki-pa'ba]  n.  an  oil  resin 
co'pal  [ko'pal]  «.  a  resia 
co-part'ner  [kS-part'ncr]«.  a  sharer 
cope  [kop]T'.!.  to  contend  with  [Copernicus 
Co-per'ni-can  [kA.p5r'ni-kan]  a.  pert,  to 
Co-per'ni-CUS[-kus]«.  a  Prussian  as  tron- 
eo'pi-OUS  [ko'pl  us]  a.  plentiful      [omer 
COp'per  [k6p'pcr]  II.  a.  common  red  metal 
COp'per-as  [as]  k.  g^reen  vitriol 
cop'per-head  [-hod]  «.  an  Amer.  snake 
cop'pice  [kSp'pIsJn.  abrushwood thicket 
copse  [kOjis]  «.  same  as  "coppice" 
Copts  [kSpts]  M.//.  an  Ejrs'ptian  race 
COp'u-late   [kOp  ulat]   -v.i.  to  come  to- 
COp'u-la'tion  [la'shOn]  K.  union  Igether 
Cop'tl-la-tive  [la-tiv]  a.  connecting 
Cop'y   [-y]  «.  reproduction  of  an  original 
cop'y-ist  [ist]  «.  a  transcriber 
cop'y-right'  [-rif]  n.  an  author's  right 
CO-quet'  [ki-kef]  v.t.  to  trifle  in  love  af- 
CO-quette'^' ./".a  trifling  vain  woman^fairs 
cor-  [k5r-]/>'tf.  witli;  together 
COr'al  [kOr'al]  K.  a  sea  insect  rock 
COr'ban  [kor'ban]  n.  an  offering  to  God 
COr'bel  [hel]  k.  a  kind  of  bracket 
cord  [kord]  n.  a  string 
COrd'age  [-Sj]  «.  ropes  [forts;  a.  sincere 
cor'di-al  [kSr'dl-al]  «.  that  which  com 
Cor'doil[k6r'd6n]«.abadge;  sentinel  line 
COr'do-van  [-di-van]  «.  kind  of  leather 
Cor'du-roy'  [du-roiT  «.  ribbed  velvet 
COrd'wain-er  [kordwan^r]  n.  a    shoe 
core  [kor]  n.  the  kernel;  the  heartlmaker 
co're-spond'ent  [ko're-sp6nd'<rnt]  K. 
co'ri-an'der  [ko'n-an'der]  «.  a  plant 
Cor'inth  [kOrIn//:]  «.  a  city  of  Greece 
Co-rin'thi-an  [kS-rln'/AI-an]  a. 
cork  [kork]  M.bottlestopper;barkoftree 
cork'screw'  [skni ']  «.  Instr.  for  drawing 
Corm  tkfirm]  n.  kind  of  bulb  root  Icorks 
COr'mo-rant  [kor'  mS-rant]  K.  sea  raven 
corn  [kfim] «.  grain;  horny  growth  on  toes 
corn'cob'  f-kOb']  n.  spike  of  Indian  com 
cor'ner  [korner]  n.  an  angle 
cor'net  [-net]  k.  wind  instrument 
cor'nice  [-nls]  «.  a  molded  projection 
Com'ish  [-nTsh]  a.  pert.  Cornwall,  Eng 
COr'nu-co'pia[k6r'nu-ko'pi-a]K. emblem 
cor'ol-la-ry  [kSr'61-la-rJ']''.adeduction 
CO-ro'na  [ki-rS'na]  ».  a  halo  fing 

COr'o-na'tioil[kBr'4-na'shQn]  «.  a  crown 
cor'o-ner  [ncr]  «.  an  inquest  officer 
cor'o-net  [not]  «.  kind  of  crown     \\\% 
COr'po-ral  [k6r'p4-ral]  an  officer;  a.bod- 
cor'po-rate  [-rSt]  a.  incorporated 
cor'po-ra'tiont-ra'shun)  n.a  body  politic 
cor-po're-al  [kOr-po're-al]  a.  material 
corps  [kor,  s.;  kors,//.]  n.  body 





corpse  [kflrpsl  K.  a  dead  human  body 
cor'pu-len-cytkor'pu-ltn-syjw. fleshiness 
COr'pu-lent   [lent]  a.  very  fat;  fleshy 
COr'pus-cle  [-pus-s'l]«.  a  minute  particle 
cor-ral'  [kOr-ral]  n.  inclosure  for  cattle 
cor-rect'  [-rect]a.  free  from  error      fing 
COr-rec'tion  [rekshfln]  »i.act  of  correct- 
cor  re-late' [■re-lat']z'.c. to  put  in  relation 
cor're-la'tion  [-is'shunlii.  Itoeachother 
COr-rel'a-tive  [-reli-tlv]  a.  [nicatewith 
cor  re-spond'l-re-spSnd'l  z'.i.  tocommu- 
cor re-spond'ence  [ens]  >i. 
corre-spond'ent [-cnt]  n. 
cor'ri-dor  [ksrri-dor]  «.  a  passageway 
COr'ri-gi-ble[-jI-b'l]  a.  can  be  corrected 
COr-rob'o-rate[-r6b'd-rat]  v.i.  to  confirm 
cor-rode'  [rOdT  •;■./.  to  eat  away  froding 
OOr-ro'sion  [-ro'zhiln]  n.  process  of  cor 
cor'ru-gate  [-?at]  z'.t.  to  wrinkle 


cor-rupt'  t-rflpt]  a.  tainted      [corrupted 
cor-rupt'i-blel-l-b'l]  a.  capable  of  being 
cor-rup'tion  [-rup'shun]  «.  putrefaction 
cor'sair  [kSrsdr]  a.  a  pirate 
cor'set  [set]  K.  stays 
cortege'  [kSr'tJzh']  «.  a  procession 
Cor'tes  [k6r'tesjM.//.Spaniih  legislature 
cor'us-cate   [kSr'Qs-kai]  r.i.  to  sparkle 
cor  us-ca'tion  [kd'slmn]  «.  glitter 
COr-vette'  [kOr-vgt']  k.  war  vessel 
CO  ry  ph^e'  [k6re'fa']>/.F. ballet  dancer 
COS-met'ic  [kSz-mSt'Ik]   «.  a  skin  wash 
co3-mog'o-ny  [mOgfi-nj]  «.  a  science 
cos-mog'ra-phy  [fy]  «.  world  descrip- 
COS  nio-pol'i-tan[-m4-pC)l'l-tan];i.  [tion 
cos'mos    [kOzmOs]    >i.  order:  the  world 
Cos'sacks  [kos's&ks]  n.  a  Russian  tribe 
cost  [kostlf!.  the  amount  paid  for  a  thing 
COs'ter-mon  ger  [kSs'ter-mQng'ger] 
cos'tive  (-tlv]rt.  having  no  motion  of  the 
cest'ly  [k6stly]  a.  expensive       Ibowels 
cos'tume'  [kOs'tOm]  «.  dress 
cos'tum  er  [fr]  tt.  a  dealer  in  costumes 
cot  (kotjx.dim.of  "rnttage';a  small  bed 
cote  [kot]  H.  sheep  pen;  dove  house 
CO-tem'po-ra-ry  [kS-tem'pS-rS-ry]  r 
cote-rie'  [kft'tc-rf]  h.  a  clique 
CO-til'lion  [kS-tiryun]   «.  a  brisk  dance 
COt'tage  [kOt'tij]  «.  a  small  house 
cot' ton  [kOt't'n]  K.  a  wool-like  substance 
couch  (kouch]  >:.  a  lounge 
Cou'gar  [koS'gar]  K.  the  Amer.  panther 
cough  (k6f  ]  K.  an  action  of  the  lungs 
coun'cil  [koun'sll]  «.  an  assembly 
coun'cil-or   [-cr]   «.  member  of  council 
coun'sel  [-s£l]  «.  advice;  f.  to  advise 
coun'sel-or  [-cr]  «.  an  adviser 
count   [koimt]  -v./.  to  reckon;  n.  an  earl 
coun'te-nance[koun'te-nans]«.the  face: 
count'er  [tcr]  >i.  a  reckoner      [i/.  to  aid 
coun'ter  n.  a  table;  a.  adverse 
counter-act'  [  .ikt']  v.f.  to  hinder 
coun'ter-bal  ance  l-\M'ans]v.t.  tobal- 
coun'ter-feit  [fit]  «.  an  imitation  [ance 
coun  ter-mand'  [msnd']  v.t.  to  revok 





coun' ter-m arch  [march ']«. retrocession 
coun'ter-pane   t  pan'l  «■  a  bed  coverlet 
coun'ter-part'  [part']  «.  a  similar  part 
coun'ter-poise'  [poiz']  «. 
coun'ter-sign  ['-sin']  «.  a  password 
coun'ter-sink'i-singk'Jf./.  to  depress 
count'ess  (koum'es)   n.  wife  of  an  earl 
count'less  [des]  a.  innumerable 
coun'tri-fied[kQn'trI-fid](j.with  country 
coun'tryikun  try];;. not  the  town Imanner 
coun'try-man  [m^n]  n.  a  rustic 
coun'ty  [koun'tyl  n.  part  of  a  state 
coupe'  [koo'pS'l  n.  a  vehicle 
cou'ple  [kup'  '1]  n.  two  fhyme 

coup'let  [det]  n.  two  lines  of  verse  that 
coup'ling  [ding]  K.  a  uniting  apparatus 
cou'pon  [koo'pOn]  k.  a  certificate 
COUr'age  [kOr'Sj]  «.  bravery 
cour-a'geous  [a'jus]  a.  brave 
cou'ri-er  [koori-er]  k.  a  messenger 
course  [kors]  n.  a  way 
cours'ing  [  Ing]  n.  hunting  v;ith  dogs 
court  [kort]  n.  a  yard;  a  tribunal 
C0ur'te-0U3  [kdr'te-us]  a.  polite 
cour'te-san  [kert'-e-zan]«./.a prostitute 
cour'te-sy  [sy]  w.  politeness      [respect 
courte'sy   [kiirt'sy]    n.   woman's  act  of 
court-ier[kort'yer]  «.  attendant  at  court 
COUrt'ly[dy)  a.  polite;  dignified[tribunal 
court  mar'tial  [-niar'sh<?l]  n.  a  military 
court'ship  [ship]  n.  love  making  [child 
cous'in  [kuz'  'n]  n.  an  aunt's  or  uncle's 

COve  [kfiv]  n.  recess  in  the  shore  [in 

COv'e-nant[kuv'e-n<int]«.  an  agreement 
Cov'er  [cr]  n.  a  lid;  v.t,  to  overspread 
cov'ered  [crd]  a.  hidden 
cov'er-let  [let]  n.  upper  cover  of  bed 
cov'ert  [ert]  n.  a  shelter 
cov'ert-ly  [  ly]  adv.  in  private 
cov'et  [St]  II. t.  to  long  for 
C0v'et-0U3  [  us]  a.  eager  to  have 
cov'ey  [-y]  n.  flock  of  birds 
COW  [kow]«.  female  of  bovine  animals 
COw'ard  [erd]  n.  a  timid  person 
cow'ard-ice  [is]  «.  extreme  timidity 
cow'boy'    [boi']  «.  a  cattle  herder 
COw'catch  er[-k4ch'er]  «.  engine  guard 
cow'hide'  [hid']  n.  ox  skin;  a  whip 
cowl  [koul]  ?:. monk's  hood;  chimneypot 
co'work'er  [wQrk'cr]  «.  fellow  worker 
COw'pox'   [pOks]  n.  a  disease 
COw'rie  [-ry]  «.  African  shell  money 
cow'slip'   [-slip]  ;;.  early  spring   flower 
cox'comb'  [koks'kdm]  n.  a  dude 
coy  [koi]  a.  shy;  modest 
COy'neSB    [-n5s]  m.  modesty 
COy-ote'  [koi-ot']  «.  the  prairie  wolf 
Coz'en  [kuz'  'n]  v.t.  to  cheat;    to  deceive 
Co'zy  [ks'zy]  a.  snug;  n.  a  tea-pot  cover 
crab  [krSb]  «.  a  Crustacea 
crab'bed  [-bed]  a.  cross;  peevish 
crack  [krak]  n.  a  crevice;  v.  to  break 
Crack'er  [-erj  u.  a  thin  biscuit 








Cra'dle   [kra'd'l]  «   a  child's  bed 
craft  [kraft]  ;i. cunning;  a  trade;  a  vessel 
craft'ily  [-My]  aJv.  cunningly 
craft'i-neS3  [-I-nes]  n.  cunning 
craft'y  [y]  a.  wily;  cunning 
crag  [kr.lg]  «.  a  steep,  rugged  rock 
crake  [krSk]  k.  a  liird  of  the  rail  family 
cram  [kram]  -v.  to  crowd;  to  stulf 
cramp  [krSmp]«.  affection  of  the  muscles 
cran  [kran]  ti.  Scotch,  barrel  ofherrings 
cran'ber-ry [-ber-ry]  ?r.  a  red,  acid  l)errj' 
crane  [krSn]  n.  a  wading  bird;  a  hoist 
era  Ili-ol'o-gy[kra'nl-01'S-]«.  science  of 
cra'ni-um  [um]  «.  the  skull        ibkulls 
crank  [krSntjk]  >t.  a  bent  axis;  a  maniac 
cran'ny  [kran  ny]  «.  chink  in  a  wall 
crape  [kr3p]  ?i .  a  kind  of  mourning  stuff 
crash  [krash]  h.  noise  of  breaking 
crate  [krai]  ;i.  hamper  for  crockery 
Cra'ter  [krater]  «.  mouth  of  volcano 
Craunch  [kranch]  -v.e.  to  crush  with  the 
cra-vat'  [kra-vat']  «.  a  neckcloth  [teeth 
crave  [kra\]  -v.  to  beg  or  desire  earnestly 
cra'ven  [kra'v'n]  a.  faint-hearted 
craw  [kra]  K.  a  bird's  crop  fcean 

craw'fish   [-flsh']«.  lobster-like  crusta- 
crawl  [kral]  z\  to  move  as  a  worm 
cray'on  [kraun]  «.  kind  of  chalk  pencil 
craze  [kraz]  «.  strong,  habitual  desire 
cra'zy  [kra'zy]<z. broken  in  intellect  [ment 
creak    [krek]    «.  a  sharp,  grating  sound 
cream  [krem]  «.  fatof  milk;  best  of  any- 
cream'er-y  [-er-y]  n.  cream  store  [thing 
crease    [kres]    «.  mark  made  by  folding 
Creas'y  [-y]  a.  having  creases 
cre-ate'  [kre-af]  v.t.  to  bring  into  being 
Cre-a'tion  [asliun]    k.   what  is  created 
cre-a'tor   [ter]  n.  one  who  creates 
crea'ture  [kretur]  n.  a  created  being 
creche  [krJsh]  «.  a  public  nursery 
cre'dence  [kre'dirns]  n.  belief    fmonials 
cre-den'tials[krc-den'shalz]  «.//.  testi- 
cred'i-ble  [kred'l-b'lja.whatmaybebe- 
Cred'it  t-Itl  n.  trust ;  confidence    [lieved 
cred'it-a-ble  [-a-b'l]a. deserving  esteem 
cred'it-or  [-er]  «.  one  who  trusts    [upon 
cred'u-lous  [-Qlus]   a.  easily  imposed 
creed  [kred]  «.  belief 
creek[krek)K.  a  small  cove  ;  a  brook 
Creeks  [s]  «.//.  tribe  of  Amer.   Indians 
creel  [krel]  n.  a  fish  basket 
creep  [krep]  v.i.  to  crawl  as  a  worm 
creep'er  [-er]  n.  that  which  creeps 
creep'ing  [-mg]  a.  crawling 
Crees  [krez]  «.//.  a  tribe  of  Indians 
Cre'mate  [kre'mat]  t'.t.  to  burn       [dead 

crem'a-tO-ry  [kri!iii'a-t4-r>-l>(.  a  fumac 
Cre-mo'lUl[krc-m5na]  n.  kindofvioli] 
Cre'ole  (krtvil]  «.  native  of  W.  Indies 
cre'o-SOte  [kre'fl-s6t]  n.  wood-tar  oil 
cre'pon(kre'|,*n]«.thin  silk  or  wool  stuff 
cres-cen'do  [kr4s-sfin'd4j  n.  music  mark 




1  \'^ 





cres'cent  [-s<rnt]  ft.  shape  of  new  moon 
cress  [kres]  It.  a  salad  plant 
crest  [krest]  >i.  a  tuft;  an  emblem 
Crest'ed  [ed]  a.  having  a  crest 
crest'fal'len  [-fal"n]  a.  dejected 
cre-ta'ceous  [krc-ta'shus]  a.  chalky 
cre-tonne'  [krt-tOn']  n.  kind  of  chintz 
crevasse'  [krS'vas']  ».  a  crevice 
erev'ice  [krev'ls]  n.  a  crack 
crew  [kru]  «.  a  ship's  company 
Crew'el  (el]  n.  yarn 
crib  [krib]  n.  a  manger;  v.i.  to  cage 
crib'bage  t-t'Sj]  «.  game  of  cards 
crick'et  [krik'et]  >t.  a  game  ;  an  insect 
Cri'er  [kri'cr]  It.  one  who  proclaims 
crime  [krim]  «.  violation  of  law 
crim'i-nal  [krlm'I-nrtl]   n.  an  evil-doer 
crim'i-nate  [-nat]  I'J.  to  charge  with  a 
crimp  [krTmp]  vJ.  to  curl  [crime 

crim'son   [krlm'z'n]  «.  a  red  color 
cringe  [krinj]  v.i.  to  make  one's  self  ser- 
crin'klefkrmg'k'l]  k.  a  wrinkle        [vile 
erin'o-line  [krin'6-IIn]  n.  a  hoop  skirt 
cripple  [krIp'p'l]«.one  partially  disabled 
Cri'sis  [kri'sis]  n.  the  turning  point 
crisp  [krisp]  a.  in  a  fresh  condition 
cri-te'ri-on   [kri-te'n-un]  «.  a  standard 
Crit'ic  [krit'ik]  II.  a  reviewer         [gerous 
crit'ic-al[-I-kal]a.pert.  tocriticism;  dan- 
crit'i-cise   [-slz]  f ./.  to  judge  as  a  critic 
Crit'i-cism  [stz'm]  n.  censure 
cri-tique'  [kri-tek]  «.  a  criticism 
croak  [krok]  n.  cry  of  raven  or  frog 
rro-chet'   [krS-sha']  n.  kind  of  knitting 
crock  [krOk]  n.  an  earthen  pot 
crock'er-y  [-er-y]  «.  earthenware 
croc'o-dile  [-4-dTl]  «.  a  reptile 
cro'cus(kro'kus]  :i.  an  early  spring  flower 
Croe'sus  [kre'sus]«.an  ancient  rich  king 
crom'lech    [krCmisk]  n.  ancient  Celtic 
crone  [kron]  «.  an  old  woman       laltars 
cro'ny  [kro'ny]  n.  a  chum 
crook  [krook]  ?;.  a  shepherd's  staff 
crook'ed   [-ed]  a.  not  straight 
crook'ed-ness  [-nes]  «.  perverseness 
crop  [krCp]  n.  standing  grain 
cro-quet'  [kri-ka]  «.  an  open-air  game 
cro'sier  [kro'zher]  «.  a  bishop's  staff 

cross  [krSs]  n.  a  gibbet ;  a.  peevish 
cross'bones't-bOnz'))!.//.  bones  crossing 
cross'ex-am'ine  [-in]  v.i.  to  question 
cross'eyed'  [-idT  a.squint-eyedlclosely 
cross'ing  [krSs'Ing]  «.  intersection 
crotch'et  [krOch'et]«.  music  note;  whim 
crotch'et-y  [-y]  a.  full  of  whims 
cro'ton-bug'  [kro'tQn-bQgTK.  water  bug 
crouch  [krouch]  -v-i.  to  stoop  meanly 
croup  [kroop]  n.  a  throat  disease 
crow  [kro]  «.  a  bird ;  ■v.i.  to  exult 
crowd  [kroud]  k.  a  throng ;  "v-i.  to  press 
crown  [kroun]  «.  a  wreath;  a  reward 
Crows  [kroz]  tt.  Montana  Indians 
cru'cial  [kru'shal]  a.  severe;  trying 




^  ^^  — 




Cm'ci-ble  [si  b'l]  «.  a  melting  pot 
cru'ci-fix  [-f  Iks]  «.  a  cross 
Cru'ci-fy    [f  i]  -u.t.  to  fasten  to  a  cross 
crude  [krjld]  a.  in  its  natural  state 
Cru'el  [Very  el]  a.  having  no  pity 
cru'el-ty  [-t5*]  «.  inhumanity 
cru'et  [krij'et]  n.  a  vial 
cruise  (knjz]  r.«.  to  wander;  K.avoyage 
cruis'er  [kry'zcr]   n.  a  ship  that  cruises 
crul'ler  [krQllfr]  M.kind  of  cake 
crumb    [krum]  «.  a  small  piece 
crujn'ble  [-b'l]  v.t.xa  break  into  crumbs 
crump'et   [krllrap'et]  «.  kind  of  griddle 
crunch  [kranch]  f.  tochew  noisilylcake 
cru-sade'  [kn)sad']«.any  zealousmove- 
cruse  [krys]  «.  a  bottle  ;  a  cup  [ment 

crush  [krflsh]  v.t.  to  grind;  to  press 
crust  [krilst]  n.  the  outside  covering 
crus-ta'ce-a  [krus-ta'she-a]  »i.//.  [shell 
crus-ta'ceous[-shils]  J.  having  crust-like 
crust'y  [-yi  a.  like  crust;  surly 
crutch  [krflch]  «.  staff  with  crosspiece 
cry  [krl]  f.i.  to  call  earnestly ;  n.  clamor 
crypt  [kript]  n.  kind  of  vault        [writing 
cryp-tog'ra-phy   [tOg'ra-f^]   «.  secret 
crys'tal  [krls't^l]  n.  transparent  solid 
crys  tal-li-za'tion  [li-za'shan]  n. 
crya'tal-lize  [liz]  v.t.  to  cause  to  form 
cub[k0b] »!.  young  of  the  bear  &c.  [crystals 
Cu'ban  [kO'ban]  a.  pert,  to  Cuba 
cube  [kub]  «.  a  sij-sided  solid 
cu'beb  [ku'bSb]  «.  kind  of  pepper  berry 
cu'bic  [-blk]  a,  having  form  of  cube 
cu'bit  [-lit]  n.  a  measure  of  length 
cuck'oo  [kook'oC]  n.  a  bird 
cu'cum-ber  [ka  kQm-ber)  n.  a  vegetable 
cud  [kfld]  n.  a  chew  ;  a  quid 
cud'dle  [d'lj  -v.i.  to  nestle 
cud'dy  [-dy]  K.  a  small  cabin 
cud'gel  ( jel]  «.  a  thick  stick 
cue  [kQ]  n.  a  hint ;  a  billiard  rod       [slap 
Cuff(kQI]  >i.  foldatend  ofsleeve;  f./.to 
cui-rass'  [kwe-ras']  «.  a  coat  of  mail 
Cui  Bine'  [kwe'zen']  F.n.  cookery     [ing 
cu'li-na-ry  [ka'll-nt-ry](i.  pert,  tocook- 
cull  [kal]  ^'.t.  to   gather;  to  pick  out 
cul'len-der  [-lan-df  r)  n.  a  strainer   [ing 
cul'let  [-let]  n.  broken  glass  for  re-melt- 
culm  [kfllm]  n.  coal  dust    [highest  point 
cul'mi-nate  [kai'minat]  v.i.  to  reach 
cul  mi-na'tion  [na'shon]  n. 
CUl'pa-ble  [pa-bl]  a.  blamable 
Cul'prit  [prlt]   «.  one  accused  of  crime 
cul'ti-vate  [ti-vat]  v.i.  to  till 
culti-va'tion  [va'shon]  n.  tilline 
cul'ti-va  tor  [ter]  k.  a  tiller;  a  harrow 
cul'ture(tflr]  n.actof  cultivating;  refine 
cul'vert  [vert]  n.  an  arched  drainlment 
cum'ber  [kumljcr]  v.i.  to  embarrass 
cum'ber-Bome  [sum]  a.  burdensome 
CUm'broUB  [bras]  a.  clumsy;  heavy 
cum'in  [kflm'ln]  n.  fennel-like  plant 
cu'mu-late   [ka'mft-lat]   v.i.  to  heap  up 
cu'mu-la-tive  [ll-tiv)  a.  adding  to 







CU-ne'i-form  [kune'r-form;    a.  wedge- 
CUn'ning[kun'nIng]K.skill;  craft  [shaped 
cup  [kup]  ?/.  a  drinking  vessel 
cup'board  [kub'berd]  >t.  a  small  closet 
Cu'pid  [ku'pid]  «.  the  god  of  love 
CU-pid'i-ty  [k(i-pld'i-ty]  «.  greed 
Cu'po-la  (kup4-la]  tt.  a  small  dome 
cur[kar]«.an  inferior  dog;  worthless  man 
cur'a-ble  [kOr'a-b'l]  a.  healable 
cu'rate  [karat]  «.  a  vicar's  assistant 
cur'a-tive  [kOr'a-tlv]  a.  tending  to  cure 
CU-ra'tor  [kfl-ra'ter}  «.  a  custodian 
curb  [kQrV>]  ft.  a  hindrance:  ^■^-  to  check 
CUrb'stone'  [-ston']  «.  an  edge  stone 
curd  [kflrd]  w.  coagulated  milk 
cur'dle  [kar'd'l]  v.i.  to  coagulate 
cure  [kur]  n.  a  healing;  v.t.  to  heal 
cur'few  [kOr'fu]  «.  evening  bell 
CU'ri-0  [ku'rI-A]  «.  any  article  of  virtu 
CU  ri-os'i-ty  [Os'I-tyJw. that  which  is  cur- 
curl  [kCrl]  v.t.  to  twist  into  ringlets 
cur'lew  [kflr'lu]   K.  a  wading  bird 
cur-mud' geon  [kflr-mud'jun]  k.  a  miser 
CUr'rant  [r^ntj  «.  a  small  raisin    [lates 
cur'ren-oy  [  rtn-sy]  «.  that  which  circu- 
cur'rent  [  passing;  a  flowing 
cur'rent-ly  [-lyj  adv.  generally     [study 
cur'ri-er  [kur'rl-er]  tt.  a  leather  dresser 
cwr'ry  [kflr'ry]  i>.t.  to  rub;  to  scrape 
curse  [kQrs]  I',  to  swear;    k.  malediction 
curs'ed  [-sd]  a.. afflicted;  hateful 
curs'ive  [kur'slv]  a.  flowing 
cur'so-ry  [kflr'sS-ry]  a.  careless;  hasty 
curt  [kart]  a.  very  brief 
cur-tail'  [kQr-tal']  v.t.  to  shorten 
cur'tain  (kar'tin)  «.  a  hanging  screen 
curt'sy  [kOrt'sy]  k.  act  of  respect 
cur'va-ture  [kQr'va-tur]  «.  a  bend 
curve  [kQrv]M.  a  bending  without  angles 
cush'ion  [koosh'Qn]  ".  a  soft  pad 
cusp  [kQsp]  ti.  horn  of  new  moon 
cus'pi-dor  [kus'pl-dor]  «.  a  spittoon 
cus'tard  [tcrd]  «.a  pudding 
CUS-to'di-an  [ts'dl-an]  k.  a  keeper 
cus'to-dy  [-tidy]  n.  a  keeping 
CUs'tom  [kub'tamj  «.  habit;  usage 
cus'tom-a-ry  t-5-ry]  a.  hat>itual 
CUs'tom-er[fr]  n.  abuyerfdues  are  paid 
cus'tom-house  [-hous'l«.  where  custom 
cut  [kflt]  v.t.  to  gash;  to  divide 
cute  [kflt]  a.  abbrev.  of  "acute";   clever 
cu'ti-cle  [ku'tl-k'l]  K.  the  outer  skin 
cut'lass  [kat'las]  n.  a  navy  sword 
Cut'ler-y  [-ler-y]  «.  cutting  instruments 
cut'let  [-l6t]  «.  piece  of  meat 
cut'ter  [-tcr]  «.  a  sleigh;  a  sailing  vessel 
CUt'throat'  [kflt'^Arot]  «.  a  murderer 

cut'tle-fiah'  [kat'fi-fish]  «.  a  fish 
cy'cle  [si'kM]  tt.  a  circle;  an  age 
cy'clone  [si'klon]   ti.  kind  of  whirlwind 
cy'clo-pe'di-a  [si'kl6-pe'dl-a)  «.  a  book 
Cy'clops  [si'klOps]  ti.pi.  myth,  giants 




cy'clo-style  [sltlS-stll]  «.  manifolding: 


cyl'in-der  (sll'ln-der]  >:.  a  hollow  roller 

cym'bal  [slralaal]  «.  ancient  mus.  instr. 

cyn'ic  [sln'Ik]  n.  a.  snarler 

cy'press  [si  pres]  k.  an  evergreen  tree 

cyst  [sist]  ,!.  kind  of  bladder 

czar  [zar]  K.  title  of  Russian  emperor 

cza-ri'na    [za-re'na]«.title  of  czar's  wife 

Czechs  [cheks]  K.branch  of  Slavic  family 


dab  Cdab]  «.  a  blow 
dab'ber  [ber]  n.  kind  of  pad 
dab'-ble  [b'l]  v.i.  to  do  in  small  way 
dab'bler  [bier]  «.  one  who  dabbles 
da  ca'po  [da  ka'pO]   //.  from  beginning: 
dace  [Us]  >!.  kind  offish  ID.C. 

dachs'hund'  (daks'hunt]«.  C.  a  badger 
dac'tyl  [dak'til]  n.  poetical  foot       [dog 
dac  tyl-ol'o-gy  [-ij-jy]  «. art ofusing fin- 
dad  [dad]  «.  word  for  father  [geralphabet 
da'do  [dii'dS]  ?i.  a  border 
daf  fo-dil  [daf 'fi-dll]  n.  a  flower 
daft  [daft]  a.  foolish 
dag'ger  [dag'ger]  «.  a  short  sword 
Da'gO  [da  gS]  „.  Italian,  Spaniard  or  Per- 
Da'gon  [-gSn]  n.  Philistine  god  [tuguese 
da-guerre'o-type  [da-g6r'4-tip]  «. 
dah'lia  [dalya]  «.  a  flower 
dai'ly  [da  ly]  «.  every  day 
dain'ti-ly  [dan 'tidy]  aiH'.  nicely 
I    dain'ti-ness  [-n6s]  «.  delicacy 
dain'ty  [ty]  «.  &  a.  delicate 
dai'ry  [da  rj')  «.  a  milk  house 
da'is  [da  Is]  «.  a  platform 
dai'sy  [da  zy]  «.  a  flower 
Da-ko'tas  [da-k5taz]  tribe  of  In- 
dale  [dal]  «.  a  valley  [dians 

dal'li-ance  [daril(7ns]«.  act  of  dallying 
dai'ly  [Iiriy]  z.i.  to  while  away  time 
dalse'gno  [dal'san'y*]  •''.  "repeat  from 
dam  [lam]  ■:■.  to  obstruct  Isign" 

dam'age  [dam'aj]  -z/.t.  to  injure 
dam'age-a-ble  [-a-bi]a. liable  to  injun' 

Dam'as-cene  [-^s-sen]  Damas- 
Da-mas'cus(mas'kfls]«. Syrian  city[cus 
dam'ask  [risk]  k.  kind  of  silk  stuff 
dame  (dainj  «.  an  elderly  lady 
damn  [dam]  i/.t.  to  condemn         fnation 
dam'na-ble  [-nab"!)  a.  deserving  dam- 
dam-na'tion  [na'shQnl^.cimdenmation 
damned  [damd]  a.  condemned 
damp  [damp]  v.t.  to  moisten 
damp'er  [-<r]  «.  sliding  plate  in  a  flue 
damp'ness  l-nss]  «.  moisture 
dam'sel  [damzel]  k.  a  young  woman 
dam'son  [z'n]  n.  a  fruit 
dance  [din-,]  -a.  to  move  nimbly 
dan'-de-lion  [dan'dcdlOn]  «.  a  plant 
dan'dle  [  d'l]  -v.e.  to  fondle 

dan'drufF[-draf]  «.  scurf  on  the  scalp 
dan'dy  [dy]  «.  a  fop 
Dane  [dan]  «.  native  of  Denmark 
dan'ger  [dan'jcr]  «.  peril 






dan'ger-OUS  [dan'jer-Qs]  a.  unsafe 
dan'gle  [dSng'g'l]  -v.i.  to  hang  loosely 
Dan'ish  [cisnlsh]  a.  pert,  to  the  Danes 
dan  seuse'  [da«'sez']    «.  female  dancer 
Daph'ne  [dSf  ne]   n    a  nymph;  an  ever- 
dap'per  [dap  per]  a.  trim  ;  lively  Igreen 
dap'ple  [dap'p'l]  a  spotted 
dare  [dar]  z'.t.  to  venture 
dar'ins  [-ing]  n.  boldness 
dark  [.I.irk]  a.  obscure 
dark'en  ( -n]  v.t.  to  make  dark 
dark'ly  [-ly]  adv.  dimly 
dark'ness  [-nes]  n  absence  of  light 
dar'ling  [dar'ling]  71.  a  favorite 
darn  [darn]  v  t.  to  mend 
dar'nel  [diir'nel]  n.  specieD  of  grass 
dart  [dart]  «.  short  lance;  f. I  to  fly  swift- 
dash  [d.'isli]  t/.  to  strike  violently  Ih 
dash'board'  [-bord']  n.  mud  guard 
das'tard  [das'terd]  n.  a  coward 
da'ta  [da'ta]  «.//.  facts  given 
date  [dat]  n.  a  given  point  of  time 
daub  [dali]  -y./.  to  besmear 
daub'er  [er]  «.  one  not  skilled 
daugh'ter  [da'ter]  ft.  a  female  child 
daunt  [.lint]  '•.■.!.  to  dismay 
daunt'less  [les]  a.  bold 
dau'phin  [dafin]  «.eldestsonofFrencli 
dav'it  [davit]  «.  a  boat  crane         [king 
daw  [da]  >i.  kind  of  crow 
daw'dle  [da'd'l]  x.;.  to  trifle 
daw'dler   t-dler]  «.  a  trifler 
dawn  [dan]  K.  first  light  in  morning 
day  [dri]  ji.  division  of  time;  opp.  tonigh: 
day 'book'  [-book]  «.  journal  of  accts. 
day'break'   [-brak']  n.  the  dawn 
day'laljor  [-la'ber]  k.  day  work 
day'light'  [lit']  «.  sunlight 
days'man  [dazraSn]  n.  a  mediator  [day 
day'spring'  [da'spring]  k.  beginning  01 
day'star'   [-starT  n.  the  morning  star 
day'time'  [-tim  ]  «.  while  it  is  day 
daze  [daz]  v.t.  to  stupefy;  to  confuse 
daz'zie  [dazz'l]  v.t.  to  confuse  withbril 
dea'con  [de'k'n]K.achurch  oflicerlliance 
dea'con-ess  [-es]  n.  a  female  deacon 
dead  [ded]  a.  lifeless 
dead'en  [-nl  v.i.  to  make  as  dead 
dead'head'  [-hed']    «.   receiver  of  free 
dead'house'  [-hous"];;.  a  morgue[tickets 
dead'lock'  [-16k]  n.  a  standstill 
dead'ly  [-ly]  adv.  mortal 
dead'ness  [-nes]  «.  dullness 
deaf  [>ief  ]  a.  wanting  sense  of  hearing 
deafen  [-n]  v.t.  to  make  deaf 
deafness  [-nSs]  n.  inability  to  hear 
deal  [del]  v.i.  to  trade 
deal'er  [-er]  >i.  a  trader 
deal'ing  [-Ing]  «.  a  transaction 
dean  [den]  «.  dignitary  next  to  a  bishof 
dean'er-y  [-er-y]  «.  dean's  residence 
dear  [der]  a.  highly  valued;  costly 
dear'ly  [ly]  adv.  heartily 
dear'ness  [-nes]  n.  costliness 

.Li  rxj 




dearth  [der/A]  «.  scarcity;  famine 
death  (ae//i]  «.  cessation  of  life 
death'less  [  les]  a.  immortal 
de-bar'  [de-bar'J  ■v.t.  to  shut  out 
de-bark'   [de-bark  T  7/./.  to  land        ring 
de  bar-ka'tion  [debar-ka'sliun]«.Iand- 
de-base'    [de-bas]  1:/.  to  lower 
de-bat'a-ble  [de-bat'a-b'I]  a.  disputable 
de-bate'[-batT«.di5cussion  ;  T).  todiscuss 
de-bauch'  [de-bach']«.  excessive  indulg- 
de-bauch'er-y  [-er-yl«. sensuality  lence 
de-ben'ture  [de-bSn'tur]  ?:.  a  writing 
de-bil'i-tate  [de-bin-tat]  v.i.  to  weaken 
de-bil'i-ty  [de-bll'I-ty]  «.  feebleness 
deb'it  [dSb'It]  -:(.  to  charge  with  debt 
deb  o-nair'   [deb'4-nar']  a.  graceful 
deliris'  [dS'bre']  K.  rubbish 
debt  [dSt]  «.  that  which  is  due 
debt'or  [-er]  n.  one  who  owes 
de  but'  [dS'bu']  n.  a  first  appearance 
dec'ade  [dek'ad]  ?i.  a  group  of  ten 
de-ca'dence  [de-ka'dcns]  ji.  decay 
dec'a-gon  [dek'a-gOn]  >i.  lo-sided  figure 
dec'a-logue  [-'Sg]  «. the  commandments 
de-camp'  [de-kSmp']  v.i.  to  march  off 
de-cant'  [de-kSntT  v.t.  topou«  off 
de-cant'er  [er]  w.  a  vessel  fur  liquor 
de-cap'i-tate[de-k5p'l-tat]t'./.  to  behead 

de-cay'  [dc-ka]  k.  decline;  z/.«".  to  rot 
de-cease'  [de-ses]  k.  death 
de-ceased'  [sest]  a.  dead 
de-ceit'  [de-set]  k.  deception 
de-Ceit'ful  [ful]  ^.trickish  rdeceit 

de-ceiv'a-ble  Ide-seva-b'l]  a.  subject  to 
de-ceive'  [de-sev']  z./.  to  mislead 
de-ceiv'er  [-er]  >t.  a  cheat;  an  impostor 
De-cem'ber  [de-sem'ber] «.  last  month  of 
de'cen-cy  [de's<rn-sy]  ;i.  propriety  [year 
de'cent  |de's<-ntl  n.  comely;  seemly 
de-cep'tion  (de-sSp'shan]«. cheat;  fraud 
de-cep'tive  [de-sSp'tIv]  a.  misleading 
de-cide'  [He-sId']  -v.  to  determine 
de-cid'u-OUS    [de-sld'u-as]  a.  notperen- 
dec'i-mal  [d&'I-mal]  «.  a  tenth       [nial 
de-ci'pher  [dc-st'fer]  v./.  to  unfold 
de-ci'sion  [deslzh'un]  «.  determination 
de-ci'sive  [dc-si'slv]  n.  conclusive 
deck  [dek]  >i.a  ship  floor;  v.t.  to  adorn 
de-claim'  [d*  klam']  v.i.  to  harangue 
dec  la-ma'tion  [dek'la-ma'shun]  «. 
de-clam'a-to-ry  [de-klSm'atiry]  a. 
dec  la-ra'tion  [dikls-ra'shfln]«.a  state 
de-clare'  [dc-kiar]  v.t.  to  assert    [ment 
de-clen'sion  [dc-kl6n'shfin]  x.  inflection 
de-clin'a-ble  [de-kUn'a-b'l]  a. 
dec  li-na'tion  [d4k'll-na'shQn)«.  refusal 
de-cline'[dr-klin']t/./.  to  refuse;  to  inflect 
de-cliv'i-ty  [kllv'I-ty]  «.  a  slope 
de-COCt'  [-kfikt'l  v.t.  to  compound 
de-coc'tion  [kak'shfin]  n  an  extract 
decom-pose'  [le'kfim-pnz'lr' decay 
de-oom  po-si'tion  [-kom'i)ft-7.ish'fln]  « 
dec'o-rate  [d.rk'Ar.'it]  t-./.  to  adorn 
dec  o-ra'tion  [ra'shOn]  «.  an  ornament 




dec'o-ra-tive  [-ra-tlv]  a.  adomiflg 
dec'o-ra  tor  [-4-ra'ter]  «.  an  adorner 
de-co'rous  [de-ko'rfls]  a.  becoming 
de-co'rum  [rum]  n.  dignity 
de-coy'  [de-koi']  v.t.  to  entrap 
de-crease'  [de-kres]  -vj.  to  diminish 
de-cree'  [de-kre']  n.  an  edict 
de-Crep'it  [dc-krep'It]  a.  broken  down 
de-cry'  [de-kri']  v.t.  to  cry  down 
de-cum'bent  [de-kflmlDcnt]  a.  prostrate 
ded'i-cate  [ded'i-kat]  i-.t.  to  set  apart 
ded  i-ca'tion[-ka'sliun]K.asettingapart 
de-duce'  (de  dus']  f.t.  to  draw  from 
de-du'ci-ble  [-du'si-b'l]  a    inferable 
de-duct'  [de-dukf]  -j.t.  to  take  from 
de-duc'tion  [-dOk'shun]  «.  an  inference 
deed  [ded]  I'.t.  to  convey;  n.  an  act 
deem  [dem]  v.t.  to  judge;  to  think 
deep  [dep]  a.  profound;  not  shallow 
deep'en  [dep'  'n]  v.t.  to  make  deeper 
deep'ly  [ly]  adv.  at  a  great  depth 
deer  [der]  «.  s.  Scpl.  a  wild  animal 
de-face'  [de-fas']  v.t,  to  mar  I'y  eifacing 
de'  fac'to  [de  fak'tS]  L.  in  fact 
de  fal-ca'tion[de■f51■ka'5hun])^.steaIin,e• 
def  a-ma'tion  [def'a-ma'shun]«.calum- 
de-fame'  [de-fam']  v.t.  to  slander       [ny 
de-fault'    [de-falt']  «.  a  failure 
de-fault'er  [er]  «.  an  embezzler   [trate 
de-feat'  [ilc-fet']t'./.  to  vanquish;  tofrus- 
de-fect'  [dc-fekt']  71.  imperfection 
de-fec'tion  [de-fek'shun]  ti.  desertion 
de-fect'ive  [tiv]  a.  faulty 
de-fend'  [dc-fsnd']  v.t.  to  protect 
de-fend'ant  [-ant]«. one  making  defense 
de-fend'er  [-er]  «.  one  who  defends 
de-fense'  [de-fens']  n.  a  guard;  a  j 'rotec- 
de-fen'si-ble  [de-fen'si-b'l]  a.  [tion 

de-fen'sive  [siv]  a.  serving  to  defend 
de-fer'  [dC  fer']  v.t.  to  delay 
def'er-ence  [defer-ens]  n.  a  yielding 
def  er-en'tial   [-en'sh<;l]  «.  respectful 
de-fi'ance  [de-fl'tms]  «.  a  daring;  achal- 
de-fi'ant  [-ant]  a.  bold  [lenge 

de-fi'cien-cy  [de-flsh'cn-sy]  «.  shortage 
de-fi'cient[-tnt]  .^.  lacking 
def'i-eit  [def'i-sit]  k.  lack 
de-file'  [de  f  il']  v.t.  to  soil;  to  pollute 
de-file'ment  [-m<-nt]  «.  foulness 
de-fin'a-ble  (fin  a-b'l]rt.  can  be  defined 
de-fine'  Idcfin]  v.t.  to  describe 
def'i-nite    [def'i-nlt]    a.  certain;  limited 
def  i-ni'tion   [-nish'un]  n.    explanation 
de-fin'i-tive  [de-flni-tlv]  a.  final 
de-flect'  [dc-flekt']  v.t.  to  turn  aside 
de-flec'tion  [-flek'shQn]«.atumingaside 
de-flo'rate  [de-flo'rSt]   a.  past  flowering 
de-flour'  [-flour']  v.t.  to  rob;  to  ravish 
de-form'    (de-form']  ■?'.;■.  to  mar      (ment 
def  or-ma'tion  [der6r-raa'-]«. disfigure- 
de-formed'  [de-formd']  a.  misshapen 
de-form'i-ty  [-l-ty]  n.  distortion 
de-fraud'  (de-frad']  v.t.  to  cheat 
de-fray'  [de-fra']  v.t.  to  pay 

L---°  \^^  ''^—5  ^ 




deft  [deft]  a.  handy  ;  neat 
deft'ly  [-ly]  ,7d-,.  dextrously 
de-funct'  tde-fungkt  ]  a.  dead 
de-fy'  [de-fi]  z'.i.  to  dare 
de-gen'er-a-cy  [de-jen'er-a-sy]M.  decay 
de-gen'er-ate  (cr-at]  v.t.  to  deteriorate 
de-gen  er-a'tion  [a'shun]  k.  decay 
de-glu'ti-nate  [-glutl-natjT/.^.to unglue 
deg  lu-ti'tion  [dSg'liS-tish'-]  «.  swallow- 
deg  ra-da'tion  [dSg'ra-da'sliQn]  «.  ling 
de-grade'  [  it-grad']  v.r  to  lower 
de-grad^ed  [ed]  a.  debased 
de-gree'    [de-greT  w.  measure  ;  grade 
de  i-fi-ca'tion  [del-fl-ka'shOn]  ;i.  deify- 
de'i-fy   [-fl]  ;■./.  to  make  a  god  of    [inu: 
deign  [dan]  V.  to  condescend  [ture 

de'ism  [de'Iz'm]  k.  belief  in  God  and  na- 
de'ist  [-1st]  K.  one  who  professes  deism 
de'i-ty  [ty]  k.  God;  the  divine  nature 
de-ject'  [de-jekf]  i/.i.  to  dispirit 
de-ject'ed  [-ed]  a.  cast  down  fspirit 

de-jec'tion    [de-jsk'shun]    «.lowness<.f 
dejeuner'  [M'zhe'ni']  F.  >i.   breakfast 
deju're  [de'ja're]  Z.  by  right 
de-laine'  [d?-Ian']  «.kind  of  cloth  [tribe 
Del'a-wares  [dera-w4rz]«.//.an  Indian 
de-lay'[de-Ia']  >i.  a  deferring;  t.  to  retard 
de'le  [de'le]  k.  printer's  cancel  mark 
de-lec'ta-ble  [de-lfk'ta-b'I]^.  delightful 
del'e-gate  [  Ure-gat]i!.  a  chosen  deputy 
del  e-ga'tion  [-ga'shan]  «.  delegates 
del  e-te'ri-ous  [-te'n-us]  a.  injurious 
de-lib'er-ate  [dc-IIb'cr-St]n.  not  sudden 
de-lib'er-ate  [  at]  t'.  to  reflect  upon 
de-lib  er-a'tion  [-a'shun]w.delilierating 
del'i-ca-cy  [del'I-ka-sy]«.  nicety;  dainty 
del'i-cate  [kit]  a.  nice;  soft  and  tender 
de-li'cious  [de-llsh'jjsj  a.  delightful 
de-light'  [  lit  )  >i.  pleasure;   i'.  to  please 
de-light'ed  [-ed]  a.  pleased;  glad 
de-light'ful  [-ful]  a.  highly  pleasing 
De-li'lah  ['lciria]«. Sampson's  mistress 
de-lin'e-ate  [linc-at]  t./.  to  sketch 
de-lin  e-a'tion  [-a'shun]  n.  an  outline 
de-lin'quen-cy  [-Ilng'kwcn-sf]  );.afault 
de-lin'quent  [-kwent]  «.  an  olTendcr 
de-lir'i-ous  [-iTrT-us]   a.  insane;  ravins' 
de-lir'i-um  [-l-Cim]  «.  mental  aberration 
de-liv'er  [  llv'cr]  vJ.  to  give  up:  to  re- 
de-liv'er-ance  [-ans]  «   a  freeing  [lease 
de-liv'er-cr  [-fr-cr]  ;;.  a  rescuer 
dc-liv'er-y  [->•]  «.  release;  distribution 
dell  [del]  K.  a  small  valley  fr.yer 

del'ta  [deltajw.  alluvial  land  at  mouth  of 
de-lude'  [de-lad']  -j.e.  to  deceive      [flow 
del'uge  [derfljl«.  inundation;  ti.  toover- 
de-lu'sion  [de-IQ'zhOn]  k.  deception 
de-lu'sive  [slv]  a.  deceptive 
delve  [drlv]  T.f.  to  dig  fdeceiver 

dem'a-gogue  [dem'a-gOg]  «  a  political 
de  mar-ca 
de-mean'  [dc-mtn  ]  v.r.  to  behave 

I  I  M 

d          1/ 


1         p         p 

ague  [dem'a-gOg]  n   a  political 

'[•I'-mAnd']7^/.toask;torcquire!       I             /—  I            /T^^ 

:ate  (.K-mar'katlT/./.tomarkl.y    I    \^-~^  U-s^__T^ 

a'tion  f  kA'shOn]  «.     [bounds   [^  " 




de-mean'or  [-fr]  >i.  behavior 

de-ment'ed    [de-menfed]  a.  mad 

de-men'ti-a  [de-men'shl-a]    «.  madness 

de-mer'it  [mer'It]  «.  a  fault 

dem'i-  [dCm'I-]/*-^.  halt 

dem'i-god  [gad]  >i.   a  half-god;  a  hero 

dem'i-john[-jOn]«. bottle  in  wicker  work 

dem  i-monde'[-m6wd']  >  one  of  doubtful 

dem'i-rep'  [-rep']  F.  n.  \  reputation 

de-mise'  [d?miz']K.deathrgovt.-,  a  party 

de-moc'ra-cy   [-mok'ra-sy]    n.  people's 

dem'o-crat  [dem'4-crat]  «. 

de-mol'ish    [de-mOl'Ish]   •z/./.  to  destro; 

de'mon  [dS'nrOn]  n.  an  evil  spirit  J 

de-mon'e-tize  [de-mun'e-tiz]  I'.t. 

de-mo'ni-ac  t-mo'nl-ak]«.  possessed  by 

de'mon-ol'o-gy  [de'mSn-ol'S-jy]  n. 

dem'on-strate  [  On-strat]  -v.t.  to  prove 

dem'on-stra'tion  [djm'on-stra'shun]  «. 

de-mon'stra-tive  [de-mOn'stra-tlv]  a. 


de-mor'al-ize  [-iz]  z'.t.  to  corrupt 

de-mur'  [de-mur']  z'.i.  to  delay;  to  pause 

de-mure'  [de-mur']  a.  grave;  sedate         1 

de-mur'rage[-mur'rJj]«.delay  of  freight    I  ^\ 

de-mur'rer  [mur'rcr]  «.exceptioninac-:  U~N/^    | 

den  [dsn]  tt.  a  cave  [tion  at  law 

de-ni'al  [de-nl'iil]  n.  refusal;  negation 

den'i-zen  [dSn'I-z'n]  «.  a  dweller 

de-nom'i-nate  [  nOm'i-nat]  v.t.  to  name 

de-nom  i-na'tion  [na'shun]  «.  aname 

de-note'  [dS-nof]  -v.t.  to  mark 

de-nounce'  [de-nouns'] z/.<.  to  stigmatize 

de-nounce'ment[-m(?nt]K.  denunciation 

dense  [dens]  a.  thick;  close;  compact 

den'si-ty  [dSn'sl-ty]  k.  compactness 

dent  [dunt]  «.  an  indentation 

den'ti-frice  [din'ti-frls]«.  tooth  powder 

den'ti-phone  I -fon]  K.  teeth-hearing  instr. 

den'tist  [dintist]  k.  tooth  doctor 

den-ti'tion  [tlsh'On]  «.  teething 

de-nude'  [de-nud]  r./.  to  strip 

de-nun'ci-a'tion    [de-nun  si-a'shfln]  n 

de-ny'  [df -ni]  -v.t.  to  disown 

de-o'dor-ize  [dc-o'der-iz]f  .^.tokill  odo 

de-part'  [dc-piirt']  v.i.  to  leave 

de-part'ment  [-m^'nt]  «.  a  division 

de-par'ture  [de-partur]  «.  a  leaving 

de-pend'  [dc-pSnd']  v.i.  to  rely 

de-pend'ence  [-<ns]  k.  reliance 

de-pend'ent  [-fnt]  a.  relying  on 

de-pict'  [dcpikt]  ^.t.  to  portray  fmover 

de-pil'a-to-ry  [dc-pira-tS-ry]  «.  hairre- 

de-plete'  [df-plef]  v.t.  to  empty 

de-ple'tion  [deple'shun]^.  an  emptying 

de-plor'a-ble  [dc-plor'a-b'l]  a.  sad 

de-plore'  (dc-plSr']  v.t.  to  lament 

de-ploy'  [dc-ploi]  V.  to  extend 

de-pone'  [de-pon']  v.i.  to  testify 

de-po'nent    [dc-po'nfnt]«.a  witness[ple 

de-pop'u-late  [pOp'ii-lat]  v.t.  todispeo- 

de-port'  (de-port']t'./.  to  transport[tation| 

de  por-ta'tion  [-pSr-ta'shun]«.transpo 

de-port'ment  [-p6rt'm<-nt]  n.  conduct'"! 





de-pose'Cde-poz'  testify:  to  dethrone 
de-pos'it  (pOz  it]  v.l.  to  put  in  or  aside 
de-pos'i-ta-ry  [i-tiry]  n.  fvit 

dep  o-si'tion[dep'6-2ish'Qn]  w.anafRda- 
de-pos'i-tor[de-pS2'Iti?r]>i.  one  deposit- 
de-pos'i-to-ry[-i-t4-r5']". warehouse  ling 
de'pot  [de'pi)  «.  a  railway  station 
de-prave'  [de-prav'J  i/.;.  to  corrupt 
de-prav'i-ty  [pravl-tylw.  wickedness 
dep're-cate  [dep're-kat]  v.t.  to  regret 
de-pre'ci-ate  [de-pre'shl-at]z'./.  to  decry 
de-pre  ci-a  'tiont-a'shOn]  «.  fall  in  value 
dep're-date   [dfp're-dat]  v.l.  to  plunder 
dep  re-da'tion  [da'shun]  k.  spoliation 
de-press' [dr-prsss']  f.t.  to  cause  to  sink 
de-pres'sion  [-prSsh'un]  «.  dejection 
dep'ri-va'tion  idip'ri-va'shOnl  «. 
de-prive'  [de-priv]  v.t.  to  take  from 
depth  [dSpth)  K.  deepness  fmittee 

dep  u-ta'tion  [depfl-ta'shOn]  «.  acom- 
de-pute'  [de-putT  -v.!.  to  appoint 
dep'u-ty  [depQ-ty]  «.  a  representative 
de-range'  [Ic-ranj']  v.t.  to  disturb 
de-range'ment  [-mfnt]  «.  disorder 
der'e-lict  [der'e-llkt]  a.  neglectful 
de-ride'  [de-rid]  v.:.  to  ridicule 
de-ri'sion  [-rizh'un]    n.  scorn;  mockery 
de-ri'sive  [ri  siv]  a.  mocking         ffrom 
der  i-va'tion    [derl-va'shun]   «.  drawn 
de-riv'a-tive  [de-rlvi-tlv]  a.  derived 
de-rive'  [-riv  ]  7  ./.to  draw  from  fof  the  skin 
der  ma-tol'o-gy  [der'ma-tOl'-] « .science 
der'o-gate  [der'4-gat]  v.t.  to  detract 
der'rick  [dsrrik]  „.  a  crane  ling 

der'rin-ger  tderrln-jer]  «.  a  pistol 
der'vish  [derVlsh]  «.  a  Persian  monk 
des-cant'  [des-kanf]  v.i.  to  comment 
de-scend'  [dc-send']  v.t.  to  go  down 
de-scend'ant  [-ant]  n.  an  offspring 
de-scen'sion  [-sJn'shfin]  «.  descent 
de-scent'  [-sent]  «.  birth;  lineage   fpict 
de-scribe'  [skrib']  ■!/./.  to  explain;  to  de- 
de-scrip'tion  [-skrlp'shQn]«.  account  of 
de-scrip'tive   [-tlv]  a.  describing 
de-scry'  [skri]  v.t.  \o  espy 
des'e-crate  (dss'c-kr.'ifi  t/./.  to  profane 
des  e-cra'tion  [-kra'sliun]«. profanation 
des'ert  [dSz'crt]  n.  a  barren  sandy  plain 
de-sert'  [dc-zcrt'J  v.t.  to  run  away 
de-sert'er  f-cr]  „.  one  who  deserts 
de-ser'tion  (  zCr'slum)  >:.  deserting 
de-serve'  [-rrrv']  v.t.  to  merit 
des  ha-bille'  [dszi-bel']  ,c.  an  undress 
des'ic-cate  r  l.H'ik-kat]  v.t.  to  dry  up 
de-sid  e-ra'tum  [dc-sid'c-ra'tQm]  «. 
de-sign'  [  7in']  «.  a  plan;  v.  to  plan 
des'ig-nate  |  Ic-s'Ig-nat]  v.t.  to  name 
des  ig-na'tion  f-na'shan]   «.  indication 
de-sign'cd-ly  [de-zln'td-lj]  adv.  by  de- 
de-sign'er  |  rr]  «.  a  contriver  Isign 

de-sign'ing  [-ing]  a.  scheming 
de-sir'a-ble  [-zlr'.i-l/l]  a.  worthy 
de-sire'  [-zlr]  v.t.  to  wish  for 


l  1  1  L/ 


DES  74 

de-sir'ous  [de-zirOsl  a.  feelinff  a  desire; 
de-sist'  [-zlsf]  v  i.  to  forbear  Isolicitous 
desk  [desk]  n   a  table;  a  pulpit 
des'o-late  [des'4-lat]  v.t.  to  lay  waste 
des'o-late  [-lit]  a.  laid  waste;  alone 
des  0-la'tion  [la'shQn]  h.  ruin   [of  hope 
de-spair';,le-sp4r']j/  lose  hope;  >i. loss 
des  per-a'do   [des'per-a'dS]   «.  a  ruffian 

des'per-ate  [4t]  a.  rash 
des  per-a'tion  [a'shunl  n  hopelessness 
des'pi-ca-ble  [despT-ka-bM]  a.  mean 
de-spise'  [de-spIz']-j'.c.tolookdownupon 
de-spite' [spit ']^J.malice:•^■Y.tovex;/r;/. 
de-spite'ful  [■ful]a.  maliciouslinspiteof 
de-spoil'  [dc-spoil']  v.t.  to  rob  [age 

de-spond'  [-spOnd]  -v.i.  to  lose  all  cour- 
de-spond'en-cy  [-fn-sy]  «.  lo-.v  hearted- 
de-spond'ent  [e-nt]  a.  depressed  Iness 
des'pot  [des'pfttj  71.  a  tyrant 
des-pot'io  [des-pOt'ik]  a.  arbitrary 
des'po-tism[-p6-tiz'm]K.  absolute  power 
des-sert'  [dez-zcrt']);.  last  dinner  course 
des  ti-na'tion[des'tl-na'-]  K.endofjour- 
des'tine  [des  tin]  v.t.  to  ordain  [ney 

des'ti-ny  [-tiny]  «.  unavoidable  fate 
des'ti-tute  [-tut]  n.  in  want 
des  ti-tu'tion  [-tu'shun]  n.  want 
de-stroy'  [de-stroi']  v.t.  to  ruin 
de-stroy'er   [-er]  «.  one  who  destroys 
de-struc'tion  [-struk'shanju .demolition 
de-struc'tive  [tiv]  a.  ruinous 
des'ue-tude  [des'we-tiSd]  n.  disuse     [ed 
des'ul-to-ry  [dSs'ul-tS-ry]  a.  disconnect- 
de-tach'  [de-tach']  z'./.  to  disconnect 
de-tanh'ment[-mfnt] «.  a  detached  body 
de-tail'  [-tal]  Z'./.  to  particularize 
de'tail  «.  a  minute  portion 
de-tain'  [tsn]  v.t.  to  keep  back 
de-tain'er  [fr]  n.  one  that  detains 
de-tect'  [-tekf]  v.t.  to  find  out 
de-tec'tion  [-tek'shfln]  n.  discovery 
de-tect'ive  [-tekfu]  «.a  police  spy 
de-ten'tion  [.ten'shun]  «.  restraint 
de-ter'  [-ter]  v.t.  to  prevent 
de-ter'gent  [jcnt]  a.  cleansing    f^'orse 
de-te'ri-o-rate  [-tc'ri-4-rat]  v.i.  to  grow 
de-ter'mi-nate  [tcrmr-nat]  a.  fixed 
de-ter  mi-na'tion[-mi-na'-]«. fixed pur- 
de-ter'mine  [-mln]  v.  to  resolve     tpose 
de-test'  [tSst'l  v.t.  to  abhor 
de-test'a-ble  [-a-b'!]  a.  odious 
det  es-ta'tion  [defes-ta'shiin]  «.  hatred 
de-throne'  [de-Mron']  v.t.  to  depose 
det'o-nate  tdet'6-nat]  v.i.  to  explode 
det'o-na'tion  [na'shun]  explosion 
de  tour'  [de'toor']  n.  a  circuitous  way 
de-tract'  [-trakf]  v.i.  to  defame 
de-trac'tion  [trak'shun]    n.  derogation 
det'ri-ment  [det'ri-ment]  n.  harm 
de-tri'tion  [de-trish'un]  n.  a  wearing  ofT 
de-tri'tUS  [-tn'tas]  n.  what  is  worn  off 
deuce  [dus]  n.  two-spot  card;  the  devil 
Deuter-on'o-my  [du'ter-Sn'i-my]  n. 
dev'as-tate  [dev'as-tat]  v.t.  to  waste 


4.4?.  J- J- 




devas-ta'tion  f-ta'shOn]  n.  ravage 
de-vel'op  [de-vsrop]t/.to  unfold;  to  grow 
de-vel'op-ment  [mcnt]  «.  unfolding 
de'vi-ate  [de  vi-at]  ^■.i.  to  turn  aside 
de  vi-a'tion  [-a'shan]  «.  a  turning  aside 
de-vice'  [de-vIs  ]  «.  a  contrivanj:e 
dev'il  [dev"l]  K.  Satan:  an  evil  spirit 
de'vi-OUS  [de  vJ-Qs]  a.  going  astray 
de-vise'  [de-vIzT  v.  to  plan  ;  to  contrive 
de-vis'er  [-er]  k.  one  who  plans 
de-void'  [void]  a.  destitute;  lacking 
de-volve'  [volv']  z\t.  to  be  handed  over 
de-vote'  [-vof]  v.t.  to  give  up  wholly  Ito 
de-vot'ed  [-^d]  a.  zealous;  given  up  to 
de-vot'ed-ness  [-sd-nes]  «.  zealousness 
dev  o-tee'  [dev'4-te']  «.  one  devoted 
de-vo'tion  [de-vo'shun]  K.  worship 
de-vour'  [-vour']  v.t.  to  eat  up 
de-vout' [-vnut]  (I.  pious  ritated 

dew  [du]  «.  moisture  of  night  air  precip- 
dex-ter'i-ty  [d6ks-ter'I-ty]  k.  skill 
dex'ter-OUS  [-Os]  a.  expert  rstance 

dex'trin  [deks'trin]  n.  a  gummy  sub- 
dex'trose  [-tros']«.starchand  fruitsugar 
dey  [da]  «.  an  Algerian  title 
dia-be'tes  [lia-be'tez]«. kidney  disease 
di  a-bol'ic-al  [bol'l-kal]  a.  devilishfter 
dia-crit'ic  [diakrit 'Ik]  K. mark  on  vowel 
di'a-dem  [dim]  «.  a  crown  [vowel 

di-aer'e-sis  [dl-Sr'e-sIs]  «.  twodotsover 
di  ag-no'sis  [diag-no'sis]  n.  determina- 
di-ag'c-nal  [di-ag'i-nul]  n.  ition 

di'a-gram  [diagram]  n.  a  plan 
di'al  [  I!-.iI]  n.  faoe  of  clock,  watch,  5:c. 
di'a-lect  [-a-lekt]K.  local  form  of  speech 
di'a-logue  [lag]  «.  dual  talk  [circle 
di-am'e-ter  [diameter]  «.  width  of  a 
di'a-mond[di'a-mund]>;. a  precious  stone 
Di-an'a    [di-ai  a]  «.  goddess  of  hunting 

di'a-pa'son[dia-pa'zOn]«. musical  scale 
di'a-per  [  :;  i-per]«.sortof  figuredcloth 
di'a-phragm  [fram]  .i.a  dividing  mem- 
di  ar-rhe'a  [-ar-re'd]  «.adisease[brane 
di'a-ry  [-a-ry]  «.  a  daily  journal 
dib'ble   [<l!b'l>'l]    v.  to  dip  as  in  angling 
dice  [dis]  )!.//.  small  spotted  cubes 
dick'er  [dlk'er]  «.  a  bargain 
dic'tate  [dik'tat]  v.  to  utter;  to  direct 
dic-ta'tion  [ta'shiln]  «.  ordering 
dic-ta'tor  [-tPr]  n.  one  who  dictates 
die  ta-to'ri-al[-ta-to'rl  al]a.overbearing 
dic'tion  [shun]  «.  style 
dic'tion-a-ry  [J-rJ]  «.  a  lexicon 
di-dac'tic  [dl-dak'tik]  a.  instructive 
die   [di]  f.i  to  expire;  «.  metal  with  de- 
di'et  [diet]  n.  food  [vice 

differ  [dlffrr]  T.i.  to  disagree;  to  be  un- 
dif  fer-ence  [•<-ns]  «.  distinction  [like 
dif'fer-ent  [-ent]  a.  unlike  [ference 

dif  fer-en'tial  [■«n'shal](i.pert.  to  adif- 
dif  fi-cult  f  fl-kOlt]  a.  not  easy 
dif'fl-cul-ty  [-kul-t{')n.  what  is  not  easy 
dif fi-dence  [dms]  «. distrust 



DIF  76 

dif  fi-dent  [cUnt]  a.  distrustful 
dif-fuse'  [dif-fuz  ]  v.l.  to  spread 
dif-fuse'ly  [fus'ly]  ac/v.  widely 
dif-fu'sion  [fuzhunj  ?i.  i  spreading 
dif-fu'sive   [-fu'slvja. spreading  widely 
dig  [iHg]  f-  to  excavate ;  ;:.  a  thrust 
di-gest'  [di-jesf]  Z'.t.  to  reflect  upon;  to 
di-gest'i-ble  [  T-b'l)a.  [.turn  into  chyme 
di-ges'tion  [-j6s'chun]K. act  of  digesting 
dig'ger  [dig  ger]  tt.  one  wlio  digs 
dig'it  [dij  it]  «.  a  finger;  a  measure 
dig'ni-fy  [dig'ni-fl]  f ./.  to  honor 
dig'ni-ta-ry   [tS-ry]  «.  person  of  rank 
dig'ni-ty  [ty]  «.  honor    ring  onesount! 
di'graph  (di'graf]«.t\vo  vowels  express- 
di-gress'  [dlgres']  ■v.i.  to  deviate 
di-gres'sion    [-gresh'un]  k.  a  deviation 
di-gress'ive  [-gres'iv]  a.  swerving 
dike  [dik]  >;.  a  ditch;  an  embankment 
di-lap'i-date  [di-lap'i-dat]2/.!.to  fall  into 
di-lap'i-da'tion  [-da'shon]  n.     idecay 
di-late'  [dl-lat']  r./.  to  expand 
di-la'tion  [-la'shOn]  «.  expansion      {off 
dil'a-to-ry  [dil'a-ti-ryja.  inclined  to  put 
di-lem'ma  [dl-16m'ma]  n.  a  quandary 
dil'i-gence    tdiri-j<rns]    n.   op.  tonegli- 
dil'i-gent  [-I-jf-nt]  a.  steadily        Igence 
dill  [dll]  n.  an  herb 
di-lute'  [dl-lut']  T'.t.  to  weaken 
di-lu'tion  [lo'shun]  «.  act  of  diluting 
di-lu'vi-an  [-vl-an]  a.  pert,  to  deluge 
di-lu'vi-um  [-Qm]  n.  a  deposit 

dim  [dim]  <7.  obscure 
dime  [dim]  n.  Am.  ten  cent  piece 
di-men'sion  [dl-men'shun]  K.  size 
di-min'ish  [-minish]  v.i.  to  lessen 
di-min'u-en'do[-a-en'd4]tt.  music  mark 
dim  i-nu'tion  [dim'l-nu']   «.  decrease 
di-min'u-tive  [dl-mrn'ii-tlv]  a.  small 
dim'i-ty  [dim'I-ty-]  «.  a  cotton  cloth 
dim'ly  [dim'ly]  atfr.  not  clearly 
dim'ness  [nes]  «.  obscurity 
dim'ple  [p'l]  «.  a  dent 
din  [din]  n.  confused  noise 
dine  [din]  v.i.  to  eat  dinner 
din'gle  [dlng'g'l]  «.  a  narrow  dale 
din'gy  [din'jy]  a.  soiled:  of  dark  color 
din'ner  [-ner]  «.  the  chief  meal 
dint  [dint]  «.  force;  a  small  cavity 
di'o-cese  [di'6-ses]  «.  a  bishop's  district 
di-op'trics  [di-0p'trlks]w.a  science[view 
di  0-ra'ma[di'S-ra'ma]  «.an  illuminated 
dip  [dip]  V.  to  plunge  [throat 

diph-the'ri-a  [dlf-^Ag'rl-J]  «.  disease  of 
diph' thong  (dif^;ftOng]  k   two 

di-plo'ma-cy  [sy]  «.  tact  fmacy 

dip'lo-mat  [-mat]>!.one  skilled  in  diplo 
dip'per  [dlp'per]  ti.  a  ladle;  a  bird 
dire  [dir]  a.  portentous 
di-rect'  [dlr6kt']«.  straight;  w.^.to  guide 
di-rec'tion   [rek'shOn]   «.  guidance 
di-rect'or  [rSkt'er]  n.  a  managerlcourse 
di-rect' o-ry  [-4-ry]  «.  a  guide;  a  com 



1     I  I  L 




dire'ful  [dir'fijl]  a.  dreadful 
dirge  [derj]  k.  mournful  music 
dirk  [derk]  «.  a  dagger 
dirt  [dert]  «.  mud  or  dust;  filth 
dirt'y  [der'ty]  a.  not  clean 
dis-  [dis-]  a  negative  prefix 
dis'a-bil'i-ty  [dlsa-bll'l-ty]«.  weakness 
dis-a'ble  [-ab'l]  -  ./.  to  impair;  to  untit 
dis'a-buse'  [A-bflz'l  v.t.  to  undeceive 
dis  ad-van'tage  [ad-van'tsj]  n.  loss 
dis-ad  van-ta'geou3  [vrtn-ta'jus]  a. 
dis  af-fect'  [-af-fekt'j  v.t.  to  alienate 
disa-gree'  [-igrS']  -.t.  to  differ 
dis  a-gree'a-ble  t-a-b'l]a. not  agreeable 
dis  a-gree'ment  [m.-nt]  k.  a  falling  out 
dis  al-low'[-allou']f.?.torefuse  to  allow 

dis'al-low'ance  [-ans]  «. 
dis  an-nul'  [-an-nal'];./.  to  render  void 
dis  ap-pear'  [-ap-pSr']  -v.i.  to  vanish 
dis  ap-pear'ance  [ans]  «.  a  vanishing 
dis'ap-point'   [ap-poinf]  v.t.  to  defeat 
dis  ap-point'ment  [nu-nt]  «.       [hope 
dis-ap  pro-ba'tion  [ap  prS-ba'shOn]  « 
dis  ap-prov'al  [presov'al]  «.        fwrong 
dis  ap-prove'  [proov']  v.t.  to  regard  as 
dis-arrn'r-armli/./.to  deprive  of  weapons 
dis  ar-range'  [  ar-ranj']  v.t.  to  unsettle 
dis  ax-ray'  [ra']  n.  disorder 
dis-as'ter  [diz-as'ter]  «.  a  calamity 
dis-as'tr0U3  [trfls]  a.  very  unfortunate 
dis'a-vow'  rils'a-vou']  v.t.  to  disown 
dis  a-vow'al  [-al]  «.  rejection  &  denial 
dis-band'  [band']  v.t.  to  disperse 
dis  be-lief  [be-lsf  ]  «.  unbelief  [credit 
disbe-lieve'  [-tie-lev']  v.t.  to  refuse  to 
dis-bur'den  [bQrd'n]  v.t.  to  unload 
dis-burse'  [bflrsT  v.t.  to  expend 
disc  [cbak]  >t.  same  as  "disk" 
dis-card' [ills-kiird]  i/./.  to  reject    [tify 
dia-cem'  tdlz-zern']z'.<.  to  see  and  iden- 
dis-cem'ment  r-mfnt]K.  act  of 
dis-charge'  [.Us-charj'Jx'./.  to  dismiss 
dis-ci'ple  [sipl]  «.  a  follower;  a  pupil 
dis ci-plin-a'ri-an  [si-plin-a'ri-an]  ». 
dis'ci-pline  [dis'sl-plln]  «.  correction 
dis-claim'  [klam]  v.t.  to  disavow 
dis-close'  [dis-kloz']  v.t.  to  uncover 
dis-col'or  [kcil'er]  v.t.  to  stain 
dis-com'flt  [  kflm'fit]  v.t.  to  defeat 
dis-com'fi-ture  [  fl-tirj  >;.  a  defeat 
dis-com'fort  [frn]  «.  want  of  comfort 
dis  corn-mode'  [kom-mod'j  v.t. 
dis'con-cert'  [kOn-sert']  v.t.  to  confuse 
dia'con-nect'  [nekt']  v.t.  to  separate 
discon-nec'tion  .-nL-k'-]    n.  separation 
dia-con'so-late  [-kfm's«-llt]a.  sorrowful 
dis'con-tent'  [dIs'kftn-tSnt']  n.  not  con- 
discon-tin'ue  (tln'Ci)  v.t.  to  cease  [tent 
dis'cord'  [  ils'kftrd]  «.  strife 
dis-cord'ant  [-antj  a.  harsh;  jarring 
dia'count'  [dls'knunf]  «.  deduction 
dia-coun'te-nance  [koun'tc-nans]  v.t. 
dia-cour'age[dlskflr'4j)i'./'.  to  disheart- 
dis-COUrse'  [kSrs')  v.i.  to  talk  ten 


K  iv^  \yy  l| 




dis-cour'te-OUS  [dIs-kar'te-as](T.  uncivil 
dis-COv'er  [kuver]  v.t.  to  find  out 
dis-cov'er-y  [er-y]  n.  a  disclosure 
dis-cred'it  [kredit]  z-./.  to  doubt 

dis-creet'  [kref]  a.  prudent 
dis-crep'an-cy  [krep'iin-sylw.  variance 
dis-cre'tion  [kresiifln]  «.  prudence 
dis-crim'i-nate  [-krim'l-nat]  -v.  to  treat 
dis-crim  i-na'tion  [i-ns'-]  n  [unequally 
dis-cur'sive  [kfir'siv]  a.  desultory 
dis-CUSs' [kus']  7. C.  to  examine  by  debate 
dis-cus'sion  [-kush'un]  n.  a  debate 
dis-dain'  fdTs-dSn']  «.  contempt 
dis  "lain'm    [  fnl]  a.  haughty 
dis-ease'  [dl'-ez"  n.  a  malady 
dis  em-bark'  [disem-bark']^'.^.  to  land 
dis'em-bar'rass  [bsr'ras]  v.t.  to  free 
dis'em-bel'lisht-l.el'lish]z'.  to  disadorn 
dis'em-bod'ied  [bod'ld],;. without  body 
dis  em-bod'y  [■>■]  v.t.  to  divest  of  body 
dis'em-bow'el  [-bou'Sl]  v.t.  to  take  out 
dis  en-chant'  t-^n-chant']  -v.t.  tbowels 
dis  en-dow'ment  [dou'mfnt]  «. 
dis  en-gage'  [-gaj']  i/./.  to  free 
dis'en-tan'gle  [-tang'g'l]  I'.t.  to  loose 
dis  es-tab'lish(-6s-tab'lish]i'  unset- 

dis-fa'vor  [dis-fa'ver]  n.  dislike  Itle 

dis-fig'ure  [f  ig'ir]  v.t.  to  mar 
dis-fran'chise[-frSn'chTz]z'./.  to  deprive 
dis-gorge'[.g6rj']r.  to  give  up  [of  rights 
dis-grace'  [■g;ras']«.dishonor;  I'./.todis- 
dis-grace'ful  [-t'ljl]  a.  shameful  ihonor 
dis-guise'  [-glz'J^/.^.to  mask;  n.  a  mask 
dis-gust'[-gusfl>!.  loathing-.T/.C. to  excite 
dish  [dTsh]  n.  an  open  vessel  [distaste 
dis  ha-bille'  [dls'a-bll'J  «.  a  negligent 
dis-heart'en[-hart"n]t'./.to  deject  [dress 
di-shev'el[dl-shev"l]z'./.  to  let  hair  hang 
dis-hon'est  [dls-6n'est]<z.faithless  [loose 
dis-hon'or  [-er]  «.  shame;  z./.  to  debase 
dis-hon'or-a-ble  [-i-b'l]<7.  without  hon- 
dis-in'cli-na'tion  [-kli-na'shflni  «.  [or 
dis'in-cline'  [klin']  •:■./.  to  excite  aver- 
dis  in-fect'  [fekt']  TJ.t.  to  purify  [sion 
dis in-gen'u-ous  [jSn'a-QsJ.j.not noble 
disin-her'it  [-hsr'n]  tv.  to  cut  off 

dis-in'te-grate[-te-grat]t'.to  decompose 
dis'in-ter'  [dls'In-ter']  -u.t.  to  dig  up 
dis-in'ter-est-ed   [-sst-6d]  a.  unselfish 
dis-join'  [disjoin']  v.i.  to  separate 
dis-iunc'tive  [jflngktlv]  a.  separating 
disk  [disk]  n.  a  circular  plate  [like 

dis-like'  [dls-llk']  «.  aversion;  -j.  not  to 
dis'lo-cate  [-li-kat]  v.t.  to  disjoint 
dis'lo-ca'tion  [ka'shfln]  «.  out  of  joint 
dis-lodge'  [dlslOj]  v.t.  to  drive  out 
dis-loy'al  [dis-loi'al]  a.  false 
dis-loy'al-ty  [ty]  «.  want  of  loyalty 
dis'mal  [d'lz'mnl]  a.  gloomy 
di»-man'tle  [dls-man'fl]   -v.t.  to  divest 
dis-mast't-mast']  v.t.  to  deprive  of  mast 
dis-may'  [-ma']  v.t.  to  appall;  n.  terror 
dis-mem'ber  [mSm'ber]  v.t.  to  sever 
dis-miss'  [mis']  v.t.  to  discharge 






J^-J:;-i  V 


dis-mis'sion  [Jis-mlsh'Qn]  n. 
dis-mount'  [mount '}  z:i.  to  alight 
dis  o-be'di-ence  [o-be'di-t-ns]  «. 
dis  o-be'di-ent  [di-dnt]  a.  not  obeying 
dis  O-bey'  [-ba'lx.i'.not  to  obeylobliging 
dis  0-blige'    [bllj']   z\t.  to  refrain  from 
dis-or'der  [Us-or'clEr]  h.  confusion 
dis-or  gan-i-za'tioii[-gan-i-za'shiJn]«. 

dis-or'gan-ize  [-iz]  v.t.  to  break  up 

dis-own'   [ilii-on']   f./.  to  refuse  to  o-rni 

dis-par'age    [pJr'aj]  v.i.  to  undervalue 

dis-par'i-ty  [i-ty]  k.  inequality  [partial 


dis-patch'  [  picli  ]  -z-.t.  to  send  away 

dis-pel'  [-pel]  Ty.?.  to  disperse         [shop 

dis-pen'sa-ry  [pensa-rS]  n.  a  medicine 

dis  pen-sa'tion  [sa'shunlH. dealing  out 

dis-pense'  [  .  ins']  ■z:i.  to  do  without 

dis-perse'  [  txrs]  v.t.  to  scatter 

dis-per'sion   [per'shan]  «.  a  scattering 

dis-pir'it-ed  [prrlt-gd]  a.  dejected 

dis-place'  [pias  ]  i./.  to  put  out  of  place 

dis-play'    [pla]  v.t  to  unfold;  to  show 

dis-please'  [plez]  z'.t.  not  to  please 

dis-pleas'ure  [plSzhur]  n.  dislike  III  J 

dis-port' [-port  ) -iM.  to  play      ftr'-bution!    h        a.  \^        "A 

dis-pos'al  [poz'al]  «.  arrangement;  dis- 1—^  \/        6  \> 

dis-pose'  [-p5z'3  ^'.'.  to  arrange;  to 

dis  po-si'tion  [-p6-zlsh'Qn]  »r.  temper         J 

dis  pos-sess'  [-pl5z-zes]^'./'. to  deprive  of    "^ 

dis  pro-por'tion  (pr*  por'shOn]  «.  dis-        V 

dis  pro-por'tion-al  [-shun-al]a.  [parity 

dis-prove'  [lls-prSov"]  T.t.  to  refute 

dis'pu-ta-ble  [-pi-ta-l/i]  a.  doubtful 

dis  pu-ta'tion  [ta'shun]  «.  verbal  con- 

dis-pute'  [.Us-put']  7^.1.  to  contend   [test 

dis-qual  i-fi-ca'tion  [kwsn-fi-ka'-] «. 

dis-qual'i-fy  [-i-fi]  I'.t.  to  make  unfit 

dis-qui'et  f  Us-kwi'etjK.uneasinessfinto 

dis  qui-si'tion  [-kwi-zish'Qn]«.  inquiry 

dis  re-gard'  [re-gard']  n.  wantofatten- 

dis  re-gard'  -.  .t.  to  pay  no  heed  to  [tion 

dis-rep'u-ta-ble  [rep'u-ta-b'l]  a.  low 

dis  re-pute'  [re-put']  «.  dishonor 

disre-spect'  [spekt']  «.  incivility 

dis  re-spect'ful  [fal]  a.  uncivil 

dis-robe'  [dis-rob']  ^ .  to  undress 

dis-rup'tion  [-rflp'shOn]  «.  a  breach 

dis-sat is-fac'tion  [sat'K-f^k'shOn]  n. 

dis-sat  is-fac'to-ry  [ti-ry]  a. 

dis-sat'is-fied  [-is-fld]  a.   rot  satisfied 

dis-sat'is-fy[-frit.^.to  render  unsatisfied 

dis-sect'  [-sckt]  v.t.  to  cut  into  sections 

dis-sect'ed  [-cd]  a.  divided  [ing 

dis-sec'tion  [-s6k'shfln]«.  actof  dissect- 

dis-sem'ble  [dis-sem'b'l]  v.i.  to  feign 

dis-sem'bler  [bltr]  n.  a  hypocrite 

dis-sem'i-nate  [-i-nSt]  -vj.  to  spread 

dis-sen'sion  [si-n'shOn]  n.  strife 
dis-sent'  [dissent']  ■v.i.  to  diflfer 
dis-sent'er  [-~r]  k.  one  who  dissents 
dis  ser-ta'tion[dls'str-ta'-]«. a  discourse 
dis-sev'er  (lls-s6vTr]  v.t.  to  separyx 
dis-sim'i-lar  (■■;Im't-l~r]  a.  unlike 

J-  J-  J->  i-^ 

i^   r~^    ^    k^ 







dis-sim'u-la'tion  [-aia'shOn]  n.  deceit 
dis'si-pate  [dis  si-pat]  v.t.  to  squander 
dis  si-pa'tion  [pa'shun]  k.  debauchery 
dis'so-lute  [si-lut]  a.  debauched 
dis'so-lu'tion  [-lu'shun]  n.  dissolving 
dis-solve'  [dIz-zfllv']z'.to  melt;  to  annul 
dis'so-nance  [dls'sd-ndns]  «.  a  discord 
dis-suade'  [dis-swad'Ji'.c.  to  divert  from 
dis-8yl'la-blet-siria-bM]«.  two-syllable 
dis'taff[ti2f] «. staff  for  holding  flaxlword 
dis'tance(t<jns]«.  space  between  two  ob- 
dis'tant  [tant]  a.  not  near  (jects 

dis-taste'  tdls-tast']  «.  dislike 
dis-taste'ful  [fijl]  a.  displeasing 
dis-tem'per  [tem'perj  m.  disease 
dis-tend'  [tend']  v.t.  to  expand 
dis-ten'tion  [-t6n'shun]«.a  swelling  out 
dis'tich  [dis'tfk]  «.  a  couplet 
dis-till'  [dis-tll']  -v.t.  to  refine 
dis  til-la'tion  [la'shun]  k.  vaporization 
dis-till'er-y  [-er-y]  «.  a  still  house 
dis-tinct'  [dis-tlngkf]  a.  clear 
dJS-tinc'tion  [tingk'shOn]  n.  rank 
dis-tinc'tive  [tiv]  a.  distinguishing 
dis-tinct'ly  [tlngkt'lj]  adv.  dearly 
dis-tinct'ness  [nes]  k.  clearness 
dis-tin'guish  [tlng'gwlsh]  v.tAo  mark 
dis-tort'  [tOrf]  v.t.  to  twist  [fuse 

dis-tract'  [trSkt']!'./.  to  perplex;  tocon- 
dis-trac'tion  [trSk'shan]   n.  confusion 
dis-train'[-tran']-?'./.to  confiscate  [apart 
dis-tress'  [dls-tres']«. anguish;  suffering 
dis-tress'  v.t.  to  cause  pain  to 
dis-trib'ute  [-trib'flt]  v.t.  to  deal  out 
dis'tri-bu'tion  [trl-bo'shun]   n.  appor- 
dis'trict  [dls'trrkt]  n.  a  regionltionment 
dis-trust'  [dls-trQsf]  v.t.  to  doubt 
dis-turb'  [tflrb']  v.t.  to  derange 
dis-turb'ance  []  n.  a  tumult 
dis-turb'er   [-er]  n.  one  who  disturbs 
dis-un'ion  [dls-un'y"n]  m.  separation 
dis-use'  [-us]  n.  cessation  of  use 
ditch  [dich]  K.  a  trench  [before 

dit'to  [dlt'tfi]  «.  the  same  thing;  adv.  as 
dit'ty  [dit'ty]  tt.  a  song       [ing  the  urine 
di'u-ret'ic  [dIQ-r6t'lk]«.medicineaffect- 
di-ur'nal   [di-ur'ndl]  a.  daily 
di-van'  [dl-van]  «.  a  seat;   a  low  sofa 
dive  [dtv]  v.i.  to  plunge;    K.  a  low  place 
div'er  [-er]  «.  one  who  dives;  a  bird 
di-verge'  [di-vcrj']t'.z'.  to  tend  to  spread 
di'vers  [dl'verz]ii.  several;  sundry(apart 

di'verse  [di'vers]  a.  different       [diverse 
di-ver'si-fy    [dl-ver'sl-fi]   v.t.   to  make 
di-ver'sion  [-vcr'shun]  ?/.  pastime 
di-ver'si-ty  [si-ty]  n.  variety 
di-vert'  [divert']  v.t.  to  turn  aside 
Di'ves  [ili'vez]Z,.  riches;  a  Bible  charac- 
di-vest'  [di-v6st']  v.t.  to  strip  Iter 

di-vide'  (-vid']  r.;'.  to  separate  into  parts 
div'i-dend  [dlv'I-dend]  n.  a  share 
di-vid'ers   [dlvld'erz]  compasses 
div'i-na'tion  [dlv'I-nS'shun]  n.  foretell- 
di-vine'  [dl-vin']  a.  Godlike  [ing 



I  I  u.A... 

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di-vin'er  [dlvtn'er]  «.  one  who  foretells 
div'ing  [div  Ing]  .1.  moving-  under  water 
di-vin'i-ty[dr;vlnl-ty]«.  God;  di-nity 
di-vi'sion  [-vIzh'OnjK.  difference;  avote 
di-vi'sor  [v  izrr]  K.  that  which  divides 
di-vorce'  l\  Ors'li'.  to  separate;  n.  sepa- 
di-vulge'  [-vfllj]  v.f.  to  reveal      Iration 
di-vul'sion  [-vul'shun]«.arendingasun- 
diz'zi-ness  [dtz'zt-nes]«. vertigo       [der 
diz'zy  [diz  zy]  .7.  giddy 
do  (do5)  J-.  to  perform  ;  to  act 
doc'ile  [dos'll]  <i.  teachable    ffor  vessels 
dock  [d6k];-./.  to  cutoff;  «. a  plant;  a  slip 
dock'et  [dsket]  >;.  a  list;  a  digestistores 
dock'yard'   [yard']    u.   yard  for  naval 
doc'tor  [tcr]*!.  a  physician;  v.l.  to  apply 
doc'trine  [trln]  n.  tenets         Iremedies 
doc'u-ment  [  a-m«it]  k.  a  legal  paper 
dodge  [dt.jl  t-.  to  evade;  «.  a  trick 
doe  [do]  ».  a  female  deer 
do'er  [dSo'cr]  >i.  one  who  does 
doe'skin' [do'skin  ]  «   skin  of  doe;  kind 
doff  [dOf  ]  T..'.  to  take  off  lof  cloth 

dog  [dOg]  «.  an  animal 
dog'cart'  [karfj  K.  a  light  cart       fdays 
dog' days'   [Hz]   «.//.  sultry  summer 
dog'ged-ly  [dCg'gSd-ly]  adv.  sullenly 
dog'ger-el  [dOgger-al]  «.  loose  verse 
dog'ma  fdOgmA]  «.  an  opinion 
dog-mat'ic  (  mat'Ik]  «.  overbearing 
dog'nia-tize[-ma-tiz]t/  assert  as  sure 
dog'watch'  [dOg'wSch'J  «.the  two-hour 
dog'wood'  [-wSSd']«.kindoftree  [watch 
doi[ly  [doily]  >i.  a  small  napkin 
do'ings  [doolngz]  «.//.  actions 
dole  [dol]  v.t.  to  deal  out 
dole'ful  [dorfiil]  a.  sad 
doll  [d.-.l]  K.  a  toy  baby 
dol'lar  [doner]  ,1.  an  American  coin 
dol'or-OUS  [dOlerus]  a.  distressing 
dol'phin  [dSlfln]  «.  st-ecies  of  fish 
dolt  [dolt]  M.  a  stupid  fellow 
do-main'  [dSman]  «.  empire;  estate 
dome  [d5m]  «.  a  large  cupola 
do-mes'tic  ['iAmSs'tlk]^.  pert,  to  house 
do-mes'ti-cate  [tikat]  T.t.  to  tame 
dom'i-cile  [di-jm'i-sil]  >i.  an  abode 
dom'i-nant  (dam  In<int]  a.  ruling 
dom'i-nate  [drimtnat]  v.f.  to  rule 
doni  i-na'tion  [na'shun]  «.  authority 
dom  i-neer'  (d0m'i-n6r']  7'.  to  tyrannize 
do-min'ic-al  [d4-mlnl-kal]3.  pert.Sun- 
dom'i-nie  (drjm'r-nl]«.a  clergyman[day 
do-min'ion  |  14-mIn'yun]  K.  control 
dom'i-no  [dfjinlni]  «.  a  mask 
dom'i-noea  (  noz]  «.//.  a  game 
do'nate  [donatj  z.e.  to  give 

do-na'tion  [d6na  shun)  «.  a  gift 

done  fdfln]//.  of  o'l;;  finished 

don'key  [dOngk^]  «.  an  animal 

do'nor  [drj'nCpr)  «.  a  giver 

doo'dle  (dSo'd'l)  II.  a  trifler 

doom  [dWm]  v.t.  to  condemn         [ment 

dooms'day'  [dsomz'da'j  «.  day  ofjudg- 


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door  [dor]  «.  an  entrance  way 
Dor'ic  [d6r'Ik](r. an  order  of  architecture 
dor'mant  [dor'mant]  a.  sleeping 
dor'mi-to-ry  [-ml-t6-ry]  k.   a  bedroom 
dor'sal  [dor'sal]  a.  pert,  to  the  back 
do'ry  [do'ry]  k.  a  kind  of  rowboat 
dose  [dos]  «.  a  potion  fdots 

dot  [d6t]«.a  small  spot;  v.i.  to  mark  with 
do'tage  [do'tSj]  «.  feebleness;  senility 
do'tard  [do'terd]  n.  one  in  second  child- 
dote  [dot]-!'.;',  to  be  foolishly  fond  of  [hood 
dot'ted  [dOt'ted]  a.  marked  with  dots 
dou'ble  [dub"l]  a.  twofold 
doubt  [dMut];i.  uncertainty;  7/.  to  distrust; 
doubt'ful  [ful]  a.  uncertain      Ito  waver 
doubt'less  [-ies]  adv.  without  doubt 
douche  [doosh]  «.  jet  of  water  or  vapor 
dough  [dr.]  n.  unbaked  bread 
dough'nut  [do'nOt]  n.  a  fried  cake 
dough'ty  [dou'ty]  a.  able;  strong 
dough'y  [do'y]  a.  like  dough 
douse  [dous]  v.t.  to  dip  into  water 
dove  [duv]  ;;.  a  bird  of  the  pigeon  family 
dove'cot'  [duv'kOt']  n.  a  dove  house 
dove'tair  [duv'talT  v.t.  to  fit  into 
dow'dy  [dou'dy]  <r.  ill-dressed;  vulgar 
dow'el  [douel]  n.  a  peg  t'o^kuig 

dow'er  [dou'er]  K.  a  gift 
down  [doun]  n.  fine  hair;  adv.  below 
down'fair  [-fal']  n.  a  sudden  fall 
down'right'  [-rif]  a.  plain  fing 

down'ward  [-werd]  a.  &  adv.  descend- 
down'y  [rloun'y]  a.  soft,  like  down 
dow'ry  [dou'ry]  n.  a  bride's  portion 
dowse  [dons]  'Z'.f.  same  as  "douse" 
dox-ol'o-gy  [dOks-Ol'4-jy]  n.  a  hymn 
doze  [doz]  v.i.  to  sleep  lightly;  n.  light 
doz'en  [duz"n]  n.  twelve  [sleep 

doz'y  [doz'y]  a.  sleepy 
drab  [drab]  n.  a  dull  gray  color      [gling 
drab'ble   [drabTD'l]   7<,C.  to  wet  by  drag- 
drachm  [dram]  ji.  same  as  "dram" 
draft  [dr  lit]  n.  bill  of  exchange 
drag  [dr,-ig]  v.i.  to  pull 
drag'ging  [drSg'glng]  /./r.  slow 
drag'o-man  [-6-m,in]    «.  an  interpreter 
drag'on[-un]>/.?^n';'/i.  a  winged  monster 
dra-goon'  [dra-goon']  «.  a  cavalryman 
drain  [dran]  v.f.  to  empty;  «.  a  sewer 
drain'age  [-aj]  n.  a  draini.  g 
drake  [drak]  k.  a  male  duck 
dram   [dram]  «.  Jg  oz.;   a  small  glass  of 
dra'ma  [dra'ma]  K.  a  play  [spirits 

dra-mat'ic  [dra-mSflk]  a.  ?  theatrical 
dra-mat'io-al  [-i-knl]  a.  J 
dram'a-tist  [dram'a-tlst]«.aplaywright 
dram'a-tize[-atiz]T'.;'.to  adapt  to  drama 
dram'shop'  [dram'shOp']  ?:.  a  saloon 
drape    [drap]  7/./.  to  adorn  with  drapery 
dra'per-y  [dra'per-y]  n.  cloth 
dras'tic  [dris'tik]  K.  a  violent  purgative 
draught  [draft]  n.  a  current  of  air 
draw  [dra]  v.t.  to  pull  along 




draw'back'  [dra'bak'J  «.  disadvantage 
draw'bridge' [brlj  ]  «.  a  swir.g  bridge 
draw'er  [draer]«.  a  sliding  box;  maker 
draw'ing  [dra  Ing]  «.  dclineationfroom 
draw'ing-room'  [room'] ;;.  a  reception 
drawl  [Jral]K.slowspeaking;  t/.^.to utter 
drawn  [dran]/.;>.  of  "draw"  Islowly 
dray  [dra]  «.  a  low  cart 
dread  [dred]  t>.  to  fear;  «.  apprehension 
dread'ful  [-ful]  a.  terrible  (fancy 

dream  [drem]  «.  a  sleeping  vision;  f.  to 
dream'er  [dreni'er]  k.  one  who  dreams 
drear  tdrer]  <2.  dismal 
drear'i-ness  [l-nes]  «.  gloom;  solitude 
drear'y  [drer  y]  a.  comfortless:  dismal 
dredge  [drej]«.a  dragnet;  i:  to  scoop  up 
dregs  [dregz]  «.//.  sediment 
drench  [ilrench]  f./.  to  wet  thoroughly 
dress  [dres]  I',  to  attire;  «.  apparel 
dress'y  [-y]  a.  showy 
drib  [drib]  v.t.  to  do  by  little  and  little 

drib'ble  [-b'l]  v.i.  to  drip 

drib'let   [drib'letj  «.  a  small  sum 
dried  [drid]  a.  freed  from  moisture 
dri'er  [dri'er]  n.  that  which  dries 
drift  [drift]  tt.  tendency;  v.i.  to  float 
drill  rdril]  ■z/.f.  to  pierce;  to  train 
drill'ing  [-Ing]K.  coarse  clotli;  -v.  boring 
drink    [drlngk]    z:  to  imbibe;  n.a  liquid 
drip  [drip]  z'.i.  to  fall  in  drops 
drive  [driv]    z'.t.  to  impel;  k.  a  roadway 
driv'el  [drlv"l]  v.i.  to  be  foolish:  K.non- 
driv'el-er  [drlv"l-er]  «.  a  fool        [sense 
driv'er  [drlv'cr]  «.  one  who  drives 
driz'zle  [drizz'l]  «.  fine  rain 
droll  [drol]  a.  queer 
droU'er-y  [drol'cr-y]  n.  buffoonery 
drom'e-da-ry  [drum'c-da-ry]«.  a  camel 
drone  [dron]  «.  an  idler 
dron'ish  [dron'Ish]  a.  lazy 
droop  [drSop]  v.i.  to  hang  down 
drop  [drOp]  v./.  to  let  fall 
drop'per  [per]  «.  instr.  for  dropping 
drop'si-cal  [drOp'sIkal]  a.  diseased 
drop'sy  [drSp'sy]  n.  a  disease 
dros'ky  [dros'ky]  «.  a  Russian  jaunting 
dross  [drOs]  >!.  refuse  [car 

drought  [drout]  K.  want  of  rain 
drove  [drov]  «.  a  herd  of  cattle 
dro'ver  [dro'vcr]  k.  a  cattle  dealer 
drown  [droun]  z/.  to  suffocate  in  water 
drowse  [drouz]  7/.«.  to  slumber 
drow'si-nesB  [drou'zl-nes]  «.  sleepiness 
drow'sy  [drou'zy]  a.  sleepy 
drub  [drab]  t./.  tolieat 
drudge  [drflj]  -v.i.  to  do  menial  work 
drudg'er-y  [drOj-er-J]  k.  menial  work 
drug  (drOgJ  «.  a  medicine 
drug'gist  [ilrOg'glst]  «.  a  pharmacist 
Dru'id  [drtj'Id]    k.  ancient  Briton  priest 
drum  [rlrnm]  k.  mus.  instr.;  7/.  to  beat  a 
drum'mer  [mer]  «.  an  agent        [tlruni 
drunk  1  IrOntrk]  a.  intoxicated 
drunk'ard  [erd]  «.  an  habitual  sot 





drunk'en  [drungk"n]  n.  inebriated 
drunk'en-ness  [nes]  n.  inebriety    fwet 
dry  [dTi]''J.  to  free  from  moisture;  a. not 
dry'ad  [dri'ad]  n.myth.   a  wood  nymph 
dry'ly  [dri'Iy]  adv.  in  a  dry  manner 
dry'ness  [  nes]  «.  quality  of  being  dry 
dry'salt  er  [-salt'er]»/.  a  dealer  in  salted 
du'al  [du  .!l]  a.  pert,  to  two    (meats,  &c. 
du-al'i-ty  [du-arity]  n.  being  two-fold 
dub  [dub]  v.t.  to  strike 
du'bi-OUS  [dutil-us]  a.  doubtful 
du'bi-OUS-ly  [-ly]  adv.  doubtfully 
duc'at  [duk'at]  «.  a  European  coin 
duch'ess  [duLh'es]  n.  wife  of  a  duke 
duch'y  tduch'j)  11.  a  dukedom 
duck  [duk]  n.  a  water  fowl;  v.  to  dip 
duct  [dukt]  ji.a  tube 
duc'tile  [duktil]  a.  easily  drawn  out 
dude  [dud]  )i.  a  dandy 
dudg'eon  [duj'unj  «.  anger 
duds  [dudz]  «.//.  old  clothes 
due  [du]  a.  owed  ;  payable 
du'el  [duel]  )/.  a  combat  between  two 
du-en'na[da-en  na] « .  Sp.  lady  in  waiting 
du-et'  [du-ef]  n.  music  rendered  by  two 
duke  [duk]  «.  title  next  below  a  prince 
dul'cet  [dulset]  a.  melodious 
dul'ci-mer  [dursl-mer]n.  stringed  instr. 
dull[dul)  a.  stupid 
dull'ard  [-?rd]  n.  a  stupid  person 
dull'ness  [dalnes)  n.  stupidity 
dulse  [duls]  K.  a  seaweed 
du'ly  [duly]  adv.  regularly;  fitly 
dumb  [duni]  a.  mute 
dum'found   [  found  ■]i'.^.  to  strike  dumb 
dum'my  [dum  my]  7t.  a  sham  package 
dump  [dump]  z'./.  to  unload 
dump'ling  [ling]  n.  kind  of  pudding 
dun  [dun]  v.t.  to  request  paym-nt:  a.oi  a 
dunce  [duns]  k.  a  dullard    Ibrown  color 
dung  [dung]  H.  manure 
dun'geon  [dun  jan]  «.a  dark  prison 
du'o-dec'i-mal  [dui-des'i-mai]);. 
du  0-dec'i-mo  [mS]  «.  twelve  leaves  to 
dupe  [dup]  v.t.  to  deceive  [a  sheet 

du'plex  [du'pleks]  a.  two-fold;  double 
du'pli-cate  [duplI-kSt]  a.  double;    n.  a 
du-plic'i-ty  [di-plls'l-ty']  n.  deceitlcopy 
du'ra-ble  [du'ra-b'l]  a.  lasting 
dur'ance  [dur'ans]  n.  imprisonment 
du-ra'tion  [diira'shun]   «.  continuance 
du'ress  [du'rfis]  «.  constraint 
dur'ing  [dur'lng]  prep,  in  the  time  of 
dusk  [dusk]  n.  twilight 
dusk'y  [dusk'y]  a.  partially  dark 
dust  [dust]  «.  fine,  dry  dirt  or  earth 
du'ti-a-ble  [du'tl-a-b'l]  a.  subject  to  tax 
du'ti-ful  [dutiful]  a.  obedient 
du'ty  [du'ty]  n.  obligation 
dwarf  [dwarf]  «.  one  of  small  size 
dwell  [dwel]  v.i.  to  abide 
dwell'ing  [Ing]  «.  an  abode 
dwin'dle  [dwin'd'l]  v.i.  to  diminish 
dye  [di]  v.t.  to  color;  n.  stain 


.j_-J-J-  I 




dye'ing  [dl'lngjn.process  of  fixing  colors 
dy'ing    [di  Ir.g]  n.  expiring  (forces 

dy-nam'ics  [di-nam  Iks]  «.  science  of 
dy'na-mite  [drna-mlt]  «.  an  explosive 
dy'na-mo  [-mS]  «.  an  electric  machine 
dy'nas-ty  [dini25-ty]«. sovereignty  Tease 
dys'en-ter-y[-en-tSr-y]>i.  intestinal  dis- 
dys-pep'si-a  [dIs-pep'sI-4]  «.  disease  ot 
dys-pep'tio  [-tik]  a.  (the  stomach 

each  [5ch]  a.  every  one 
ea'ger  [e  gerj  a.  impetuous;  zealous 
ea'gle  [e'g'I]   n.  a  bird  of  falcon  family 
ea'glet  [eglet]  «.  a  young  eagle 
ea'gre  [e  ger]  «.  flood-tide  wave 
ean'ling  [en  ling]  «.  anew-born  lamb 
ear  [Sr]  «.  the  organ  of  hearing 
ear'ache'  [-ak  ]  «.  pain  in  the  ear 
earl  [crl]  n.  an  English  title  fsions 

earl'dom   [errdQm]«.  an  earl's posses- 
ear'less  [er'lSs]  a.  without  ears 
ear'ly  [er'ly]  adz:  in  good  season 
earn  [ern]  z-.t.  to  gain  by  labor 
ear'nest  [cr'nest]  a.  zealous:  intent  fner 
ear'nest-ly  [A^]adv.  in  an  earnest  man- 
ear'nest-ness  [nes]  «.  intentness 
earn'ings  [cm'ingz]  «.//.  wages;  gains 
ear'ring'   [er'ring  ]  «.   an  ear  ornament 
ear'shot'  [er'shOf]  «.  hearing  distance 
earth  \?Tth]  n.  our  planet 
earth'born'  [-t>6rn  ]  a.  earthly;  human 
earth'en  [er/A"n]  a.  made  of  clay 
earth'ly  [-lyjao't/.  worldly;  not  heavenly 
earth'quake'  [kwak'JK.  an  earth-shak- 
earth'work'  [-wCirk']«.an  embankment 
earth'worm'  f-wflrm']«.  an  angleworm 
earth'y  [y]  a.  earthlike 
ear'wig'  [er'wig'j  «.  an  insect 
ease  [ez]  n.  rest;  facility;  f.  to  relieve 
ea'sel  [ez'l]  n.  picture-holding  frame 
eaa'i-ly  [ez'I-ly]  adv.  readily;  with  ease 
eas'i-ness  [-nes]  «.  ease 
east  [est]  «.  point  of  compass  op.  west 
Eas'ter[ester]  K.  a  church  festival 
eas'ter-ling  [llngj  «.  an  eastern  native 
east'er-ly  [ly]  „dv.  to  or  from  the  east 
east'ern  [esfern]  a.  oriental 
east'ward  [-werd]  adv.  toward  the  east 
eas'y  [C-z'y]  a.  not  difiicult 
eat  [5t]  V.  to  take  food  ;  to  devour 
eat'a-ble  [-a-bl]  a.  fit  to  eat 
eat'er  [Sfer]  k.  one  who  eats 
eat'ing  [it'lng]  «.  act  of  taking  food 
eau  de  vie'  [o'  d<r  vC]  n.  F.  brandy 
eaves  [Ovz]  n.ft.  the  edge  of  a  roof 

eave8'dropper[dr6p'pcr]K.a  concealed 
ebb  (.1,)  v.i.  to  How  back  ilistencr 

eb'on-ize  (.■;l.'uii-I/l  ^'•'•  to  make  black 
eb'on-y  (  y]  «.  a  species  of  hard  wood 
e-bri'e-ty  ("■■brl'f-tj]  «.  intoxication 
eb  ul-li'tion  |.-l.fll-lish'fln]  «.  a  boiling 
Ec'ce  ho'mo  (ck'se  h.^'ni«J/..t«:hold  the 
en-cen'trio  (Ck-stn'trlkJ  a.  odd        (man 

I  .       L 






ec'cen-tric'i-ty  [trisl-ty]  «.  oddity 
ec'chy-mo'sis  [6k  kimo'sis]  «. 
ec-cle  si-as'tic  [-kle'zl-as'tlk])i.  a  priest 
ech'e-lon  [eshV-10n]«. step-like arrange- 
ech'o  [6k'4]  K.  a  reflected  sound     Lment 
e-clat'  [e-kla]  n.  splendor 
ec-lec'tic  [ek-lek'tlk]  a.  selected  from 
e-clipse'   [e-kllps']  n.  obscuration      [all 
e-clip'tic  [e-kllp'tlk]  n.  the  sun's  path 
ec'logue  [ek'lOg]  n.  a  pastoral  poem 
e'co-nom'ic   [s'ki-nSm'Ik]  <?.  frugal 
e  CO-nom'ic-al  [-I-kal]  a.  with  frugality 
e-COn'o-mist  [e-kSn'S-mlst]  «.  financier 
e-con'o-mize  [mlz]-:;.  to  expend  frugal- 
e-con'o-my  [ekan'6-niy]7i.  frugality  [ly 
^  COS'saise'  [a  kfls'sSz']  F.n.  a  dancing 
ec'sta-sy  [Sk'sta-sy]  «.  rapture       Ltune 
ec-stat'ic  [ek-stit'ik]  a.  rapturnus 
ec'u-men'ic  [ek'u-men'Ik]  a.  } 

ec'u-men'ic-al  [-.-k^^l]  a.      5  ""'^'^'^^a' 
ec'ze-ma  [sk'ze-ma]  «.  a  skin  disease 
ed'dy  [gd'dy]  :i.  a  whirlpool;  ■v.  to  circle 
E'den[eVU-n]  v.  paradise  fmammals 

e  den-ta'ta  [e'den-ta'ta]  «.//.  toothless 

edge  [eil  «.  border;  cutting  side  of  blade 
edge' wise  [cj'-.viz]  adz'.  sideways 
ed'i-ble  [ed'i-b'l]  a.  eatable 
e'dict  [e'dikl]  K.  a  decree  \\ng  up 

ed'i-fi-ca'tion  [Sd'I-fI-kS'shan];i. build- 
ed'i-fice  [ed'r-fls]  n.  a  building 
ed'i-fy  [ed'I-fTJt'  instruct:  to  upbuild 
ed'it  [edltlz/./.  to  prepare  for  publication 
e-di'tion  [c-dtsh'un]  «.  a  publication 
ed'i-tor  fed'I-ter]  >i.  one  who  edits     por 
edi-to'ri-al  [-to'rl-al]  n.  written  by  edi- 
ed'u-cate  [ed'ii-kat]  v.i.  to  instruct 
ed'u-ca'tion  [-ka'shfln]  k.  instruction 
edu-ca'tion-al  [-<?l]  a.  upbuildipty 
ed'u-ca'tor  [ed'ii-ka'tcr]  k.  a  teacher 
e-duce'  [e-dus']  v.t.  to  draw  out 
eel  [el]  n.  an  elongated  fish 
e  en  [en]  at/z-.  contraction  for  "even" 
ef  fa-ble  [ef  fa-h'l]  a.  explainable 
ef-face'  [ef-fas']  ■v.t.  to  erase 
ef-fect'  [Sf-fskf]  «.  the  result 
ef-fect'ive  [-fek'tiv]^.  producing  results 
ef-fects'  [el-fc-kts']  >;//.  goods;  chattels. 
ef-fec'tu-al  [ef-fek  ta-al]  a.  adequate 

ef-fem'i-na-Cy[-fSm'I-n4-sy]  ".womanly 
ef-fem'i-nate[  nStJ«. womanish  lquali;> 
ef-fen'di  [Cf-fen'dri  r«>-,t.>;.civictitle.sir 
ef  fer-vesce'  [ef  fer-ves']  v.i.  to  bubble 
ef-fete'  [effef]  a.  worn  out 
ef  fi-ca'cious  (-f  t-ka'shos]  a  effectual 
ef'fi-ca-cy  f-Va-sy]  n.  force;  energy 
ef-fi'cien-cy  [f  ibh>n-sy]  ti.  ability 
ef-fi'cient  [-^nt]  rt.  producing  results 
ef  fi-gy  (et  f  i-gy]  h.  image  of  a  person 
ef-flo-resce'  [ef  flo-res']  v.i.  to  blossom 
efflo-res'cence  [-sens]  «.  the  flowering 
ef  flu-ence  [6f'flu-fns]«. what  issues  from 
ef-flu'vi-a  [ef-llu  vl-aj  /»/.  of  ••effluvium" 
ef-flu'vi-um  [  Qm]  n.s.  bad  smell 
efflux   [Sf'fluks]  >!.  an  elTusion 




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effort   [effurt]  K  exertion;  endeavor 
ef-front'er-ycef-franfcr-yjn.  impudence 
ef-ful'gence  [ef-mi'jfns]  «.  splendor 
ef-ful'gent  [jt-nt]  a.  bright;  luminous 
ef-fu'sion  [5f-fu'zhQn]K.  aprauring  out 
eft  [eft]  «.  kind  of  lizard 
€-gad'  [e-gad']  iitterj.  an  oath 
e-gest'  [c-jesf]  '^.t.  to  void;  to  throw  out 
6ggr  [eg]  «.  embrj'o;  a  germ  cell 
egg'er  [eg'er]  K.  an  egg  collector 
egg'nog'  Feg'nCg']  11.  kind  of  drink 
eg'lan-tine  [eg  lan-tin]  «.  sweetbrier 
e'go  (e  gS]  L.  I;  self-conscious  subject 
e'go-ism  [eg6-!zni|  a.  love  of  self 
e'go-tism  [e'gi-tlz'm]  u.  self-praise 
e  go-tis'tic-al  [-tis'tl-knl]  a.  vain 
e-gre'gious  [e-gre'jCs]  a.  extraordinary- 
e'gress  le'grcs]  k.  a  going  out;  exit 
e'gret  [egret]  «.  kind  of  heron 
eh  [a  or  e]  *«/^r/.  expression  of  inquiry 
ei'derduck   [I'derdQk]  k.  a  v.ater  fowl 
eight  [St]  a.  twice  four 
eight'een'  [S'ten']  a.  tivice  nine 
eighth  [at/A]  a.  eighth  place 
eight'y  [i'tv]  a.  fourscore  [Welsh  bards 
eis-tedd'fod  [is-tethvOd]  «.  meeting  of 
ei'ther  [e'thcrJ<r.&/r('«.one  or  tiie  other 

e-jac'u-late  [t-jak'u-latl^'.;.to  throw  out 
e-jac'u-la'tion  I-la'sh(in]«.exclamation 
e-_ject'  Ic-jskt']  I'.t.  to  cast  forth 
e-jec'tion  [c-jek'shOn]  J!,  expulsion 
eke  [Ek]  T./.  to  prolong:  adv.  likewise 
e-lab'o-rate  [c-lab'4-rit]  <;.  studied 
e-lab'o-rate  [-rat]  -v.t.  to  improve 
e-lapse'  [c-laps]  t^-.j.  to  glide  away 
e-las'tic  [c-las'trk](7.  able  to  spring  back 
e  las-tic'i-ty  [e'las-tis'r-ty]  «.  springi- 
e-late'  [?-lat']  v./.  to  exalt  [ness 

e-la'tion  [c-la'shQn]  «.  exaltation 
el'bow  [SITd*]  «.  ajoint  of  the  arm 
eld'er  [el'dCr]  a.older; officer:  a 
eld'er-ly  [ly]  a.  somewhat  old      [shrub 
eld'est  [II  dest]  a.  oldest  [region 

El'  Do-ra'do  [Si'dS-ra'dS]  «.  a  fabulous 
el  e-cam-pane'  [-e-kam-pan'J  «.  a  plant 
e-lect' [c-lekt']  a.  chosen;  r./.  to  select 
e-lec'tion  [c-lek'shan]  k.  choice 
e-lec'tion-eer'  [-er'i  7/.i.  to  work  for  a 
e-lect'ive  h'-lek'tlv]  a.  [candidate 

e-lect'or  [.■-Ick'tcr]  «.  a  voter 
e-lec'tric  [f -Ick'trrk]  a.  pert,  electricity 
e'lec-tri'cian  [e'lCk-trtsh 'an]  «.   [agent 
elec-tric'i-ty   [-tris'i-ty]  «.  a  subtile 
e-lec'tri-fy  I  -lek'tn-fi]  excite 
e-lec'trode  [trSd]  «.  cither  electric  pole 
elec-trol'y-sis  [6'lek-trOl'l-sls]  n. 
e-lec'tro-lyte  [e-lek'trS-lIt]  «.  [trolysis 
e-lec'tro-plate'  [-pl5t']7/.to  coat  by  clec- 
e-lec'tro-type  [-tip]  «.  fac-simile  plate 
e-lec'tu-a-ry  [til-J-o]  k.  a  confection 
elee-mos'y-na-ry  [cl't-mos'i-na-rj-)  a. 
el'e-gance  [.llf-gans]  «. grace 
el'e-gant  [gant]  a.  polished 

-'t '- 

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cl'e-gy  [ele-jyj  ;;.  a  plaintive  poem 
el'e-ment  [-m,nt]  n.  an  ingredient 
el'e-men'ta-ry  [-mcn'ta-r>']  a.  simple 
el'e-phant  [-fjnt]»i.  largest  land  animal 
el  e-phan'tine[-fan'tin]rt.huge  [disease 
el'e-vate  (Olt-vat]  x'./.  to  raise 
el  e-va'tion  [va'shunlw.  a  high  place 
el'e-va'tor  [ol'e-va'ter]  «.  a  lifter 
e-lev'en  [c-lev"n]  a.  ten  and  one 
e-lev'enth  lclev"nM]  after  tenth 
elf  [SlfJ  «.  a  fairy 
e-Iic'it  [e-lls'lt]  ii.t.  to  draw  out 
e-lide'  [c-lkri  -..'.t.  to  cut  off,  as  a  vowel 
eli-gi-bil'i-ty  [ci'i-ji-bii'i-tyi  «.  fitness 

el'i-gi-ble  [crr-jl-b'l]  a.  suitable 
e-lim'i-nate  tf-lIm'I-nat]i<./.to  set  aside 
e-li'sion  [cUzh'On]  «.  a  striking  out 
elite'  [S'let ']  )i.  a  select  circle 
e-lix'ir  [e-llks'er]  «.  a  cordial 
elk  [elk]  n.  a  large  deer 
ell   [el]  n.  a  measure 
el-lipse'  [el-lips'l  n.  an  oval 
el-lip'sis  lel-lip'sis]  n.  omission 
elm  [elm]  >i.  a  shade  tree  [art 

el'o-CU'tion  [tlo-ku'shun]  k.  oratorical 
el'o-cu'tion-ist  [ist]  n. 
e-lo'gi-um  [o-loji-umj  «.  praise;  eulogj- 
E-lo'him  [c-lo'him]  Heb.  name  of  God 
e-lon'gate  [e-lSng'gat]  'u.t.  to  lengthen 
C-lope'  [e-lop']  v.i.  to  run  away 
e-lope'ment  [imnt]  «.  a  running  away 
el'o-quence  [el'S-kw^ns]  n.  oratory 
cl'o-quent  [kw^nt]  a.  fluent  [other 

el3e[els](7<T'-'.&<'c»t''. otherwise;  a.&pron. 
else'where'  [-hwar'l  ao'T'.  another  place 
e-lu'ci-date  [c-lu'sl-dat]i<.  to  make  clear 
e-lu'ci-da'tion  [-il.i'shun]  n.  a  making 
e-lude'  [e-lud'l  T  ./■.  to  evade  [clear 

e-lu'sive  [e-lu'si\  J  a.  tending  to  elude 
e-lu'so-ry  [e-lu's4-ry]  <2.  evasive 
elves  [elvz]  of  elf 
e-ly'sian  [e-Uzhiin]  i?.  beatific 
E-ly'sium  \fi-\iz\i'um\H.?nyth.       [type 
em  [em]  w.sq.  of  type:  unit  in  measuring 

e-ma'ci-ate  [c-mi  siu-ati  i/.z.  to  lose  flesh 

em'a-nate  (.ima-nat)  Z'.t.Xo  flow  from 

e-man'ci-pate  [e-man'si-pat]  c-./.  to  free 

e-man'ci-pa'tion  [pa'shun]  «.  deliver- 
em-balm'  [em-bam]  t./'.topreserve[ance 
em-bank'  (.:m-bangk'l  t ./.  to  bank  up 
em-bank'ment  [-nunt]«.  bank  of  earth 
em-bar'  [Smbar']  v.t.  to  bar  in      [order 
em-bar'go  [em-bar'gS]  n.   a  restraining 
em-bark'  [em-bark'l  -'.i.  to  go  on  board 
em-bar'rass  [barras]  z./.  to  perplex 
em-b?.s'sa-dor  [-bas'sa-der]«.  an  envoy 
em'bas-sy  l-b.js-sy]  «.  a  delegation 
em-bel'lish   [em-beriish]  v.t.  to  adorn 
em'bers  [em'bcrz]  «.//.  coals  of  fire 
em-bez'zle  [em-bSz'z'lJ  Ti.t.  to  steal 
em-blaze'  [em-blaz']  7,1.  to  embellish 
em'blem    [em'liltm]  «.  a  symbol 
em'blem-at'ic  [at'ik]  «.  symbolic 

rv.  rw:x 

n  n 

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em-bod'y  t5m-b<5d'y]  v.t.  to  incorporate 
em-bold'en  [txjld'n]  t/.;.  to  encourage 
em' bon  point'  [a«'bo«p«SK'|  F. 
em-boss'  JC*m-b^s']  ij.t.  to  raise  in  relief 
em-bow'el  [-bou'elj  Z'.t.  to  disembowel 
em-brace'  [em-bras']  i.t.  to  encircle 
em-bra'sure  f-bra'zhur]  «.  an  opening 
em  bro-ca'tion  [bri-ka'shun]«.a  lotion 
em-broid'er-y  [em-broid'er-y]  «. needle 
em-broil'  [broil  )  -..t.  to  entanglelwork 
em'bry-0[Sm'brI-6]«.genn;  undeveloped 
e-mend'[e-mend')i'.  to  make  better[state 

em'en-da'tion  [Sm'sn-da'shOn]  «. 

em'er-ald  [em'er-aldjK.  a  precious  stone 

e-merge'  [c-mcrj]  x-.i.  to  issue  from 

e-mer'gen-cy  [e-mer'jfn-syj«.  exigencj- 

e-mer'i-tus  [mer'I-tflsl^? .honorably  dis-  /  A 

em'er-odsifm  er-<5dz]«.//.pileslcharged  '.^-^/  b  ^-^/ b^f^  , 

e-mer'sion[c-nicr'sh(in)«.arisingout  of 

em'er-y  [emery);:,  a  polishing  mineral 

e-met'ic  l?-met'Ik|  k.  a  purgative 
em'i-grant  lem  I-gT<mt)«.onegoingout 
em'i-grate  I  gr.ltj  t.i.  to  leave  a  country 
em  i-gra'tion  Igra'shunl   «.  a  leaving 
em'i-nence  (SmI-niTisI  k.  high  position 
em'i-nent  I  ncnti  <i.  higli;  lofty 
em'i-nent-ly  |  lyl.rn'T.  in  a  high  degree 
em'is-sa-ry  [IssS-rylw.  an  agent-  a  spy 
e-mis'sion  (e-mtsh  Qnl  «.  an  issue 
e-mit'  [emit  I  •: ./.  to  send  forth 
em'met  lemmetl  «.  an  ant:  a  pismire 

e-mol'li-ate  |e-morii-at]  -v.t.  to  soften 

e-mol'lient  r-yfnt|«.aHayer  of  irritation 
e-mol'u-ment  (e-mol  u-mrnt|  «.  profit 
e-mo'tion  |c mo  shun]  «.  feeling 
em-pale'  [em-pal  |  ■v.t.  to  impale 
em'per-or  (fm  per-?r|  n.  a  sovereign 
em'pha-sis  |tm  fa-sis]  «.  stress;  force 
em'pha-size  j-slzii/./  to  lay  stress  upon 
em-phat'io  lem-fit  Ik]  a.  forcible 
em'pire  \im  pirl  «.  realm  of  an  emperor 
em-pir'ic-al  |-pir  i-k,H|  a 
em-ploy' (  ploi|7  /  to  occupy;  to  use 
em  ploy-ee'  lem  ploi-6'I  «.  one  hired 
em-po'ri-um  |-p5'rr-um|w.tradingplace 
em-pow'er  I  pou  crjt.:'.  toijive  powerto 
em'press  (ffm  pr6s]  n   female  sovereign 
emp'ti-ness  [6mp'tl-n5s|  «.  void  space 
emp'ty  ffmp'tjjr'./'.to  exhaust;  a.  vacant 
empy-re'an  [cm  pi-re'^ni  «. 
e'mu  [•-  muj  «.  the  Australian  ostrich 
em'u-late  Km'filit]  ■v.l.  to  imitate 
emu-la'tion  [la'shan]  «.  imitation 
em'u-la  tor  lem'u-l.Vtcr]  n.  competitor 
e-mul'sion  (c-morshQnJ  «.  a  remedy 
en  lenl  n.  half  an  em 
en-a'ble  [6n-a'bl]  -vj.  to  make  able 
en-act'   [C-n-akf  |  ■v.t.  to  decree 
en-am'el  [enamel]  «  a  polish 
en-am'or  [en-am  er]  v.t.  to  charm 
en-camp'  \'-n  kamp'J  ■v.i.  t<>  pitch  tents 
en-camp 'ment(ni^nt]«.campmgi)lacc 
en-caus'tic  [en-kjisilk)  «.  burned  in 
enceinte'  (a«'sa<it'|  a.  pregnant 




en-chain'  [en-chan]  -v.t.  to  fasten 
en-chant'  |  cn-cham  ]  ii.t.  to  bew  itch 
en-chant'ment  [-m^nt]  n.  fascination 
en-cir'cle  [en-ser  k  1]  vU.  to  surround 
en-co'mi-um  [-ko'mI-um]«. high  praise 
en-C0m'pas3  (en-kQm  pas]t../. to  inclose 
en  core' |a«'k5r'l  adT.\  or  interj.  again 
en-coun'ter  [en-koun'ter]«.a  fight;  -v.xo 
en-cour'age  [kur'SjJw./.toinspirittmeet 
en-croach'    [en-kroch]  f.!.  to  intrude 
en-cum'ber  [kflm'her]  v-t.  to  obstruct 
en-cum'brance  [brans]  k.  a  burden 
en-cyc'li-cal  [en-slk  li-kal]  a.  general 
en-cy  clo-pe'di-a  len-srkl6-pe'dl-al  n. 
en-cyst'  [en-sist'l'&  enclose  in  a  cyst 
end  [end]  ^i.  conclusion;   z-.  to  finish 
en-dan'ger  [en-danjcr]  •i'./.  to  risk 
en-dear'  I-der'Ji'.i'. to  make  more  beloved 
en-dear'mcnt  [-mcntl  n.  what  endears 
en-deav'or  [dever]  «.  an  attempt;  11.  to 
en-dem'ic  [5n-d5m'Ik]  a.  [try 

en-der'mic  [-der  mik]  a.  acting  throurjh 
en'dive  [en  dlv]  n.  an  herb 
end'less  (end  les]  a.  without  end 
en'do-  Kn  Jij  \fye.  within 
en'do-gens   |  jCnzl  «//.  pithless  plants 
en-dow'  Un  dou  ]  ut.  to  bestow  upon 
en-dow'ment   [  mcnl]  k.  gift;  capacity; 
en-due'  len  du  |  -  /.  to  invest        [talent 
en-dur'a-ble   [endurabl|«    bearable 
en-dur'ance  [ansj  «.  patience         (tain 
en-dure'  [en-dOr  1  -v.  to  continue;  tosus- 
en-dur'ing  IC-n  dur  ingi  a.  lasting 
en'e-my  [enc-myj  n.  a  foe 
en  er-get'ic  [ener-jet'ik]  a.  active 
en'er-gy  [en'cr-jy]  «.  vigor 
e-ner'vate  [c-nCr  vat]  ■v.t.  to  enfeeble 
e-ner'vate  [vst]  a.  weak 
en-fee'ble  [en-fe'b  IJ  -v.t.  to  weaken 
en-force'  (C-n-lors  ]  -v.t.  to  compel 
en-force'ment  [-mfntj  «.  compulsion 
en-fran'chise  [en-frSn  chlzj  ■v.t.  to  free 
en-gage'  l-j.'lj  1  v.t.  to  bind;  to  employ 
en-gage'ment  [-ment]  «.  battle;  pledge 
en-gen' der  [en-jen  der|  •i'./.  toprodi 
en'gine  lenjtnj?:. power-giving  mach 
en'gi-neer'  [jl-ner'l  k.  engine  operator 
Eng'lish   (tng'gllshl  K.  people  of  Eng. 
en-graft'  [en-graft]  I'.t.  to  graft  in 
en-grain'  |en-gran'l  v.t.  to  dye  in  grain 
en-grave'  [en-grSv']  v.t.  to  cut  in 
en-grav'er  [-er]  «.  one  who  engraves 
en-gross'  (en-gros'l  '■./.  to  absorb 
en-gulf  [en-gulf]  v.t.  to  swallow  up 
en-hance'  [en-hans'l  v.  to  augment 
en-hance'ment  [ment]   «.  increase  in 
e-nig'ma  If-nla-'maJ  n.  a  riddle     [value 
e'nig-mat'ic  [e'nig-mat'Ik]   a.   obscure 
en-join'  [cn-join'J  t"./.  to  forbid 
en- joy'[en-joi']  v.t.  to  take  pleasure  in 
en-joy'a-ble  [-a-blja.  yielding  pleasure 
en- joy'ment  [-mcntl  «.  satisfaction 
en-kin'dle  [en-kln'd'l]  v.t.  to  excite 






y  y  y 





en-large'  [en-Iarj']  71. t.  to  increase 
en-light'en  [-Htn]  v.t.  to  make  clear  to 
en-list'  ren-)=st  ]  f.t.  to  enroll 
en-liv'en  len-llv"n]  i\t.\a  give  spirit  to 
en'mi-ty  ffn'ml-ty]  «.  hatred;  ill-will 
en-no'ble  (en-no'b'l]  1  .t.  to  dignify 
en  nui'  [a"  nwe']  «.  languor;  tedium 
e-nor'mi-ty  [e-nor'mi-tj-]  n.  an  airocitj- 
e-nor'mOUS  [mCs]  a.  huge;  beyond  rule 
e-nougb'  (enuf  ]  a.  iufticient;  adv.  fully 
en-quire'  [gn-kwir]  v.  to  inquire 
en-rage'  [en-raj']  v.t.  to  make  furious 
en-rapt'  Ten-rSpf] /.<?.  bound  up 
en-rap'ture  [en-rap  tar]  v.t.  to  delight 
en-rich'  [5n  rich)  vt.  to  make  rich 
en-robe'  [earob']  v.t.  to  attire        fcord 
en-roU'  t-roH  v.t.  toput  on  a  roll;  to  re- 
en  route'  [an'  root']  F.  on  the  way 
en-sam'ple  [en-sampl]  «.  an  example 
en-sconce'  [en-skons]  v.t.  to  shelter 
en-shrine'  [en-shrin']  v.t.  to  cherish 
en-shroud'  [-shroud]  ^../.  to  cover 
en'si-form  [en  si-form]  a.  sword-shaped 
en'sign  [sin]  n.  a  flag;  naval  officer 
en'si-lage  [si-lij]  «.  preserved  fodder 
en-s!ave'  [en-slav']t/./.tomakeaslaveof 
en-snare'  [en-snar]  v.t.  to  entrap 
en-sue'  [en-su  ]  v.i.  to  follow 

en-tab'la-ture  [Sn-tab  la-tiir]  n. 

en-tail'  [en-tal  ]  n.  rule  of  descent 
cn-tan'gle   [Sn-tanggl]  v.t.  to  involve 
en'tcr  [enter]  v.i.  to  go  in 
en-ter'ic  [.;ii-tfr"tk]  a.  intestinal 
en-ter'ic  fi'ver  [fever]  «.  tyjhoid 
en'ter-prise  [en •tcr-priz]«. undertaking 
en  ter-tain'  [-tcr-tan']  v.t.  to  amuse;  to 
en  ter-tain'ment[-mfnt]  «.       [please 
cn-thrair  [en-/;;ral  ]  v.t.  to  enslave 
en-throne'  [en-Z/irSn"]  ■v.t.  to  crown 
en-thuse'  [en  tAuzl  v.  to  inspire 

en-thu'si-asm  [-cAuzi-Sz'm]  «.  ardor 
en-thu'si-ast  [-ast]  >:.  a  fanatic 
cn-thu  si-as'tic[-as'tik]  a.  zealous 
en-tice'  [en-tis  ]  -t^.t.  to  tempt 
en-tire'  [en-tir']  a.  whole;  complete 
en-tire'ly  [ly]  adv.  fully 
en-tire'ty  I-tyJ  «.  comjileteness 
en-ti'tle  [6n-ti  t  1]  v.t.  to  qualify 
en'ti-ty  Ten  tt-ty]  «.  being;  existence 
en-tomb'  (  toom  ]  z.t.  to  bury  (of  insects 
en  to-mol'o-gy  [  tfi-mel'ijy)  «.  science 
en  to-zo'a  [zo'i]  intestinal  worms 
entr'acte'  [a^'trakf]  F.  «.  interlude 
en'trails  [en  trSlz]  «.//.  bowels;  guts 
en'trance  [en  trans]«.  adoor;  an  ingress 
en-trance'  [en-trans]  -v.t.  to  enrapture 
en-trap'  [en-trSp]  v.t. to  catch  in  a  trap 
en-treat'  [cn-trit']  v.t.  to  beseech 
en-treat'y  (■{•]  n.  supplication 
en  tr^e'  [an'trS']  F.  free  access;  firstdish 
en'try  (fn'trj)  «.  ingress;  vestibule 
en-twine'  [cn-twin]  i.t.  to  twine  about 
e-nu'mer-ate  [K-namvr-atjv.t.  to  count 
e-nun'ci-ate[-nOnshI-at]T'.f. to  proclaim 

ci^    "^^ 











e-nunci-a'tion  [e-nun'shi-a'shcn]  n. 

en-vel'op  [6n-vel'6p]  ■v.t.  to  wrap  about 
en'vel-ope  |en'vel-6p]  n.  a  wrapper 
en-ven'om  [en-v6n'um]  v.t.  to  poison 
en'vi-a-ble  [6n'vI-4-b'l]  a.  desirable 
en'vi-OUS  [en'vI-Os]  a.  covetous 
en-vi'ron  [en-vl'run]  z'.t.  to  surround 
en-vi'rons  t-runz]  k.//.  suburbs 
en'voy  [Sn'voi]  n.  a  messenger        [ness 
en'vy  [en'vy]  I'.t.  to  covet;  K.  covetous- 
e'o-cene  [e'6-sen]  a,  pert,  recent  geolog 
e'on  [e'On]»f.long  time;  an  ageLical  time 
E'os  [e'Os]  H.  myth,  the  Greek  Aurora 
e'pact  tc''p^^i*]  "•   moon's  age  Jan.  I 
ep'au-let'  [ep'a-lef]  «.  shoulder  piece 
e  pergne'  [S'pirn']  «.  a  table  decoration 
e-phem'er-al  [c-f6m'cral]<J.  short-lived 
eph'od  [ef  M]  «.  Jewish  sacred  garment 
ep'i-  [ep'I-]  pre.  upon,  beside,  etc. 
ep'ic  [ep'lk]  >i.  a  narrative  poem 
ep'i-cene  [ep'I-sen]  a.  sexless 
ep'i-cure  [ep'I-kur]  «.  a  high  liver 
ep  i-CU-re'an  [ku-re'an]  a.  luxurious 
tp'i-dem'ic  [dem'Ik]  a.  wide-spreading 
epi-der'mis  [-der'mls]«.  the  outer  skin 
epi-glot'tis  t-glOt'tis]«. lid  of  wind-pipe 
ep'i-gram  [gr.lm]  «.  an  effusion  of  wit 
ep'i-graph  [epl-graf]  «.  an  inscription 
ep'i-lep'sy  [-lep'sy]  n.  a  paroxysmal  dis- 
ep'i-lep'tic  (ep  I-lep'tIk]  a.  lease 

ep'i-logue  [ep'I-lag]  n.  conclusion 
e-pis'co-pal  [e-pIs'kS-pal]  n. 
e-pisco-pa'li-an  [ps'li-.m]  n. 
ep'i-sode  [&p'I-s6d]«.an  incidental  story 
e-pis'tle  [e-pis'l]  «.  a  letter 
ep'i-taph  [ep1-t4f]«.  a  tomb  inscription 
ep'i-thet  (ep't-//ietl>!.  a  qualifying  word 
e-pit'o-me  (e-plt'4-mc]  «.  an  abridgment 
e-pit'o-mize  [miz]  v.t.  to  summarize 
ep'i-zo'a  [Sp'I-zo'J]  «.//.  animal  vermin 
ep'och  te()'Ok]  n.  a  period  of  time 
Ep'som  salts' [ep'sOm  salts')  K. 
e  qua-bil'i-ty[e'kwa-bil'lty]«.evenness 
e'qual  (e'kwdl]  a.  uniform;  same  value 
e-qual'i-ty  [c-kwOl'I-ty]  n.  similarity 
e  qual-i-za'tion    [ekwol-I-za'shun]    71. 
e'qual-ize  [e'kwal-iz]i'.;.  to  make  equal 
e'qual-ly  [ly]  ad^.  alike;  evenly    fness 
e'qua-nim'i-ty  [kwa-nlm'i-ty]  «.calm- 
e-qua'tion  [c-kwa'shun]  n.  equality 
e-qua'tor  [ter]  «.  geographical  line 
e'qua-to'ri-al  [e'kw4-to'rl-sl]  a.    rman 
e-ques'tri-an  [c-kwes'trl-an]  w.ahorse- 
e  qui-lib'ri-um[e'kwi-lili'ri  (jm]«.equi- 
e'quine  [e'kwin]  a.  horse-like        [poise 
e'qui-noc'tial  [e'kwl-n0k'sh(7l](2.  [night 
e'qui-nox  [ekwi-nOks]    n.   equal  day  & 
e-quip'  [e-kwip']  Z'.t.  to  furnish 
eq'ui-page  [ek'wl-paj]  «.  showy  turn-out 
e-quip'ment(e-kwlp'm?nt] « .furnishings 
e'quj-poise  [e'kwI-poiz]».  equal  balance 
eq'ui-ta-ble[  ek'wi-ta-b'l]  a.  just 
eq'ui-ty  [Sk'wi-ty]  «.  justice 






e-quiv'a-lent[e-kwlva-lnit)«.  an  equal 
e-quiv'o-cal  re.kwiv«.k<il)  j.  doubtful 
e-quiv'o-cate  [-katj  7  .i.  to  mislead 
e'ra  [e'ri]  n.  a  period  of  time 
e-rad'i-cate  [e-rSd  I-kSt]  v.t.  to  destmv 
e-rad  i-ca'tion  [kS'shunlM.  destruction 
e-rase'  [e-ras  I  -i-.t.  to  rub  out 
e-ra'sure  Ceri'zhar]  «.  obliteration 
ere  [arj  /r^/.  &  adv.  before 
Er'e-bus  [ere-busj  .;.  the  lower  world 
e-rect'  [erekf]  a.  upright:   T.t.  to  build 
e-rec'tion  (e-rekshunj«.  act  of  building 
ere  long'  (SrlOnsj'J  -"iv.  soon 
erg  [erg]  «.  unit  of  energy  in  physics 
er'go  [ergSj  L.  co,tj.  &  ad-v.  therefore 
E'rin  ferin]  n.   poetic  name  for  Ireland 
er'mine  [er'mlnj  «.  a  fur-bearing  animal 
ern  [f  rnj  «.  the  sea  eagle  l.iway 

e-rode'  [e-rSd  ]  v.t.  to  corrode:   to  wear 
e-rod'ent  [e-redVnt]  n.  a  caustic 
E'ros  [SrOs]  n.  the  Greek  Cupid 
e-rose'  (e-ros'J  a.  as  if  eaten  away 
e-ro'sion  [e-rSzhUn]  «.  canker;  wear 
e-rot'ic  [e-rat'Ik]  a.  amatory 
err   [er]  f .«.  to  deviate;  to  do  wrong 
er'rand  [errand]  «.  a  set  task 
er'rant  (gr'rant)  a.  roving:  wandering 
er-ra'ta  (Sr-rSta]  «.//.  of  "erratum 
er-rat'ic  [er-ratik]  a.  eccentric 
er-ra'tum  [erratum]  «.  an  error 
er-ro'ne-OUS  (ro  neOs]  a.  incorrect 
er'ror  [Sr'rer]  «.  a  mistake;  a  blunder 
Erse  [ers]  n.  Highland  Gaelic 
erst  [erst]  adv.  at  first 
erst  while'  [-hwil']  adv.  formerly 
er  uc-ta'tion  [erQk-ts'shQnj  «.  a  belch- 
er'u-dite    [er'O-dIt]  a.  learned  [ing 

er  u-di'tion  [Sr'O-dlsh'unJ  «.  learning 
e-rup'tion  [erupshan]«.abreaking..ut 
er  y-sip'e-las  [erl-slp'e-las]«.  a  febrile 
esca-lade'  [eska-lad']  «.  (disease 

es-cal'op  [Ss-kOl  up)    ,,.  a  cur\ing  edge 
es  ca-pade'  [iskapad'i  "•  -i  pranlc 
ea-cape'  [es-kap]  v.t.  to  avoid 
es-carp'ment  [■karp'm<'nt]  n. 
es-cheat'  [chef)  «.  reversion  of  realty 

es-chew'  [es-chij)  v.i  to  slum 

es'cort  [esk6rt)«.  an  attendant;  a  guard 
ea-cort'  [es-kflrt']  v.t.  to  attend 
es  cri-toire'  [eskre-twar']  «.  a  writing 
es'cu-lent  [eskO-Unt]  a.  eatable  [desk 
Es-cu'ri-al  [es-kurl-al]  a.  Spanish  pal. 
es-cutch'eon  (kOchfln)  «.  a  shield  (ace 
Es'kl-mo  |.-s  klmi)  «.  an  Arctic  race 
e-soph'a-gus  [e-sora-gus]  «.  the  gullet 
es  0-ter'ic  [esd-ter'Ik]  a.  secret 

e8-pal'ier(es-pirycr);;. fruit-trees' train- 
es-pe'cial  (Cs-peshVil}   a.   chief;  special 
es-pe'cial-ly  (-ip)  adv.  particularly 
es-pi'al  iJs-pIVil)  n.  act  of  espying 
es'pi-o-nage  [L-,pi-<nJji  «.  spying 
ei  pla-nade'  [  pla-nad'j  «.  a  level  space 
es-pouse'  [es-pouz']  v.t.  to  betroth 





es-py'  [Ss-p!'J  Tj.t.  to  discover 
es-quire'  [es-kwlrj  k.  civic  title 
es'say  [fis'sSJ  k.  a  composition 
es-say'  [es-sa]  ■v.l.  to  attempt  to  do 
es'say-ist  [Js  sa-lst]  «.  an  essay  writer 
es'sence  [cs  sens]  n.  perfume;  extract 
es-sen'tial  [Ss-sen'shal]  a.  necessary 
es-tab'lish  [establish]  i/.l.  to  found 

es-tab'lish-ment  [-m«it]  «.  institution 

es-tate'  t*js-tat']?:.  possessions;  property 
es-teem'  les-tem]  -b.t.  to  prize  higlily 
es-thet'ics  [-i^/zet'IksjK.  science  of  beau 
es'ti-mate  |es'tl-mat]  ':'.<.  to  judge 
es  ti-ma'tion  I-ma'shun]   n.  judgment 
es  trade'  [es'trad'j   «.  kind  of  platform 
es-trange'  (6s-tranj']  v.t.  to  alienate 
es-treat'  [Ss-tret]  w./.  to  enforce 
es'tu-a-ry  [as  tu-S-ryJ  «.  liver  mouth 
et'  cet'e-ra  [ef  &et'e-ra]  L.  and  so  forth 
etch  [5chl  v.t  to  corrode  with  acid 
etch'ing  [Och'lngl  «.  an  acid  engraving 
e-ter'nal  Ic-tcr'nnl]   a.  always  existing 
e-ter'ni-ty  [-nl-tyj«.  endless  duration 
e'ther  [e7/;erj  «.  a  volatile  liquid 
e-the're-al  [e-i'/ze  re-al]  a.  heavenly 
eth'ic-al  [S/AIkal]  a.  moral 
eth'ics  [£/;;iks]  «.  doctrine  of  duty 
eth-nol'o-gy  [gC/z-nOrSjy]  «.  science  of 
et'i-quette    [St'I-ket]  n.  decorum  [race 
et'na  [et'na]  n.  spirit  cooking  lamp 
et'y-mol'o-gy  [I-mel'Sjy]  «.  wordhis- 
et'y-nion  [-mOn]?;.a  primitive  word[tory 
eu'cha-rist  (u  ka-rlst]  n.  the  sacrament 
eu'chre  [u'ker]  ;(.  a  game  of  cards 
Eu'clid  [u'klid]  K.  a  Greek  geometer 
eu-lo'gi-um  [uloj!-um]«.  formal  praise 
eu'lo-gize  [OlA-jiz]  v./.  to  extol 
eu'lo-gy  (u  l6jy]  n.  praise 
eu'nuch  [Unuk]  «.  a  castrated  male 
eu'phe-mism  [-fc-mTz'm]«. softened  ex- 
eu'pho-ny  [fo-ny]  ji.  harmonylpression 
eu'phu-ism  [ufu-iz'm]  n.  affectation 
eu-re'ka  [u-re'ka]j«i'c»y.  I  have  found  it 
Eu'ro-pe'an  [u'rfi-pe'anj^r.pert.  Europe 
Eu-ter'pe  [u-ter  j^e]  n.  one  of  the  muses 

e-vac'u-ate  [c-vak'u-sti7A/.  to  withdra 
e-vacu-a'tion  [  a'shanj  «.  (from 

e-vade'  i?;vad)  v.t.  to  avoid 
ev'a-nes'cEnt  [ev'a-nSs'scntJ  ,1   fleeting 
e-van'gel  fc-vanjelj  J!   a  herald       |(li> 
e'van-gel'io-al  [e'van-jel'ikidjn.ortho 
e-van'gel-ist  |evan'jel-Ist]  n.  preacher 
e-van'gel-ize  |  IzJ  v.t.  to  preach  gospel 
e-vap'o-rate  (e-vftp'O-rStJ  -v.t.  to  dry  Ito 
e-vap  0-ra'tion  [ra'shun]  «.   a  dry 
e-va'sion    [e-va'zhOn]  H.  an  avoidance 
e-va'sive    [e-va'slv]  a.  equivocating 
eve  [ev]  «.  short  word  for  evening 
e'ven  [e'v'n]  a.  level;  adv.  likewise 
e'ven-ing  [Ing]  «.  decline  of  day 
e'ven-SOng'[-sOng']  n.  evening  service 
e-vent'  [event]  «.  a  happening 
e-ven'tu-al  [e-vgn'tii-alj  a.  final 




e-ven'tu-al-ly  te-ventii-al-Iy]a<fi'.final- 
ev'er  1C\  Fr]  adz:  always  lly 

ev'er-glade  f-glad]  n.  swampy  land 
ev'er-green  [gren]  a.  always  green 
ever-last'ing  [last'Ing-]  a.  eternal 
ev  er-more'    [mor']   adv.  always;  ever 
ev'er-y  [ivcr-y]  a.  all,  taken  separately 
ev'er-y-bod  y  [body]  «.   every  person 
ev'er-y-thing'  [-/Aing]  ?i.  all  things 
ev'er-y-where't-hwir'i^rfi'.in  all  places 
e-vict'  [f-vikf]  z'.t.  to  put  out 
ev'i-dence  [ev'i-dtrns]  «.  proof 
ev'i-dent  [-dt-nt]  a.  manifest 
ev'i-dent-ly  [ly]  adv.  clearly 
e'vil  [e  vl]  ,!.  wicked;  «.  harm 
e-vince'   fe-vlns']  -v.t.  to  prove;  to  show 
e-vis'cer-ate  [e-vis  ser-atj  disem- 
ev  0-ca'tion  [-6-ka'shun]  «.  calling- out 
e-Toke'  [e-vok]  v.t.  to  call  forth       fing 
evo-lu'tion  [Sv'«-lu'shunl  >:.  an  unfold- 
e-volve'  [e-vOlv'J  v.t.  to  unfold 
e-vul'sion  [e-vul'shun]  II.  a  rooting  out 
ewe  [u]  «.  a  female  sheep 
ew'er  [uer]  «.  a  pitcher 
ewt  [Ctl  n.  the  newt  Tquire 

ex-act'  [egz-akt'J  a  accurate;  v.t.  to  re- 
ex-act'ing  [-ing]  a.  extorting 
ex-ac'tion  [egz-ak'shOn]  k.  extortion 
ex-act'ly  [egz-akt'ly]  adv.  precisely 
ex-act'ness  [  nes]  «.  nicety 

ex-ag'ger-ate  [-aj'Sr-atji^.^.to  overstate 
ex-ag'ger-a'tion  [a'shOn] «. 

ex-alt'  [.5gz-alt']-Z'./.to  elevate;  to  glorify 
ex  al-ta'tion  [al-ta'shun]    «.  elevation 

ex-am  i-na'tion  [egz-am'i-na'shun]  «. 
ex-am'ine  [jgz-am'in]  -v.t.  to  inspect 

ex-am'in-er[  rn-er]«.onewhoexamines 
ex-am'ple  (igz-amp-lj  «.  a  model  [tion 
ex  an-the'ma  [eksan-^'/ie'maJ  k.  emp- 
ex-as'per-ate  rfgz-as'per-at]  v.t. to  irri- 
ex-as  per-a'tion  [a'shon]  h.         [tate 
ex'ca-vate  [-^kska-vat];/./.  to  hollow;  to 
ex  ca-va'tion  [va'shun]  «.      tdig  out 
ex-ceed'  [sk-sed']  -v.t.  to  excel 
cx-ceed'ing-ly  [rng-ly]  adv.  greatly 
ex-cel'  [.•■k-s;r]  v.l.  to  surpass 
ex'cel-lence  [ek'sSl-kns]   «.  merit 
ex'cel-len-cy  [Ifn-sJ]  «.  title  of  honor 
cx'cel-lent  [.l<rnt]  a.  of  great  worth 
ex-cept'  (Ok-sepf)  v.t.  to  exclude 
ex-cep'tion  [sep'shanjK.  exclusion;  ob- 
ex-cep'tion-a-ble  [..i-bM]  a.      (jection 
ex-tep'tion-al  [.<7l]  a.  not  ordinary 
CX-cerpt    [ek-serpt]  «.  a  selected  part 
ex-cess'  [ek-sts']  k.  too  much 
ex-cess'ive  [Iv]  a.  beyond  limit 

ex-change'  [cks-chanj'j  v.t.  to  change 

ei-change'a-ble  [i-bl]  a.  [for  another 
ex-cheq'uer  [Cks-chtker]  «.  treasury 
ex-cise'  [fkslz'j  «.duty  oi.  liquors,  etc. 
ex-ci'sion  (C-k-sIzh'OnJ  n.  a  cutting  oti 
ex-cit'a-ble  (-siti-bl)  a.  easily  roused 
ex-cit'ant  [cksltant]  >,.  a  stimulani 





ex-cite'    [Sk-sit'l  t.I.  to  rouse  to  feeling 
ex-cite'ment  [-lufnt]  n.  agitation 
ex-claim'  |eks-klam']  vS.  to  cry  out 
ex  cla-ma'tion  l-kla-ma'shun]«.  outcry 
ex-clam'a-to-ry  [eks-klami-ti-ry]  a. 
ex-clude'  [eks-klad]  v.t.  to  shut  out 
ex-clu'sion    [-klu'zhOnJ   «.  a  debarring 
ex-clu'sive    l-slv)  a.  select  fout 

ex-cog'i-tate  [eks-koj'r-tati-z'.i'.  to  think 
ex  com-mu'ni-cate[  koui-nm'nikat]7/. 
ex  com-mu  ni-ca'tion  [ka'shun]  «. 
ex-co'ri-ate  [eks-kori-at]  v.i.  to  gall 
ex-co  ri-a'tion  [a'shfln]  n.  an  abrasion 
ex'cre-ment  (eks'krc  incnt]  «.  otTal  lity 
ex-cres'cence  (eks-kresscnsl'/.superflu- 
ex-crete'  [eks-kret]  v.t.  to  throw  otf 
ex-cru'ci-ate  l-krn'sht-atjz'./.  to  torture 
ex-cul'pate  [eks-kal  pat]  '•J.t.  to  acquit 
ex'cul-pa'tion  t-pa'shun]w.exoneration 
ex-cur'sion  [-kar'shun]  ji.  ajaunt 
ex-CUS'a-ble  [-kOzahl]  a.  pardonabl 
ex-cuse'  [eks-kuz)  t.I.  to  pardon     (doi 
ex-cuse'  [-kus  l  ?/.  reason  offered  for  pai 
ex'e-cra-ble  [eks'e-kra-b'lju.  detestable 
ex'e-crate  [-krat]  v.t.  to  detest  utterly 
ex  e-cra'tion  l-kra'shfln]  ;/.  iletesiatiou 
ex'e-cute  [eks'c-kut]  -■.!.  to  perform 
ex  e-cu'tion  [-ku'shunj  n.  legal  putting 
ex-ec'u-tive  [egz-ek u-tu)  «.  govei 

ex-ec'u-tor[-ter|  «.  one  carrying  out 
ex  e-ge'sis  [Sks'e-je'sls]«. an  exposition 
ex'em-pla-ry  [5gz'em-pl4-ry]  a.  worthy 
ex-em'pli-fy  [egz-em'pll-fijz'.^.to  show 
ex-empt'  [egz-emt'l  a.  free  (forth 

ex-emp'tion  [-emp'shun]  «.  immunity 
ex'er-cise  leks'er-siz]  «.  practice  Lftom 
ex-ert'   [egz-ert]  v.t.  to  put  forth 
ex-er'tion  [egz-er'shun]  n.  an  effort 
ex'e-unt  [eks'e-unt]  they  go  out 
ex-fo'li-ate  [eks-fo'll-at]   v.  to  scale  oft 
ex  ha-la'tion  [eks'ha-la'shun]  n.  vapor 
ex-hale'  (eks-hal']  -v.t.  to  emit 
ex-haust'  [egz-ast'J  v.t.  to  empty 
ex-haus'tion  [-as'chQn]  n.  weariness 
ex-hib'it  [sgz-ibit]  -v.t.  to  show 
ex  hi-bi'tion  [eks'hl-blsh'On] 
ex-hil'a-ratetegz-ira-ratjw./.to  enliven 
ex-hort'  (egz-5rt']  ^.t.  to  incite 
ex'hor-ta'tion  [eks'hor-ta'shun]  «. 
ex-bume'  [6ks-hum']  -v.t.  to  disinter 
ex'i-gen-cy  [gks't-j^'n-sy]  «.  crisis;  ur- 
ex'i-gent  [eks'ijentj  a.  pressing  Igency 
ex'ile  l-ilj  v.t.  to  banish;  n.  banishment; 
ex-ist'  [egz-isf]  v.i.  to  be      [one  exiled 
ex-ist'ence  [-^■ns]  «.  life;  state  of  being 
ex'it  [fks'It]  n.  a  going  out;   a  doorway 
ex'o-dus  [6ks'4-dusl«.  a  departurefoflice 
ex'  of-fi'ci-0   [eks'  6f-fIsh'i-6]   L.  from 
ex'o-gens  [-d-j5nz]K.//.  plants  with  pith 
ex-on'er-ate  [6gz-0n'er-at]  v.t.  to  clear 
ex'o-ra-ble  [6ks'4-r4-b'l]  a.yieldingfne 
ex-or'bi-tant  [6gz-6r'bi-taut)  a.  excess- 

_e <2_j    e_D 





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ex'or-cise  [5ks'6r-slz]  v.t.  to  expel 
ex-or'di-Um  [4gz-6r'dI-amJ«.beginning 
ex  o-ter'ic  teks  6-tir'lk]  a.  open;  public 
ex-ot'ic  [egz-6t'ik]  «.  a  plant  not  native 
ez-pand'  [5ks-pand]  v.l.  to  spread 
ex-panse'  [Cks-pans  )  «.  extent 
ex-pan'sion  [-pan'shQn]n.  enlargement 
ex-pan'sive  [eks-pin'slv3  a.  spreading 
ex'  par'te  (Sks'par'tc)  L.  one-sided 
ex-pa'ti-ate  [pa'shl-at]  v.i.  to  enlarge 
ex-pa'tri-ate[-trl-at]-z<./.  to  banish  [upon 
ex-pect'  [eks-pekf]  v.t.  to  look  for 
ex-pect'an-cy  [-<zn-sy]  n.  expectation 
ex  pec-ta'tion[-pek-ta'shun]>i.anticipa- 
ex-pec'to-rant  [eks-pek't4-r^nt] nation 
ex-pec'to-rate  [-ratj  v.t.  to  spit       fity 
ex-pe'di-en-cy  [Sks-pe'di-im-sy]  K.util- 
ex-pe'di-ent  t-di-fnt]  a.  useful 
ex'pe-dite  [eks'pe-dit]  •!'.<.  to  hasten 
ex  pe-di'tion  [-dlsh'un]  k.  an  enterprise 
ex'pe-di'tious  [Os]  a.  quick;  speedy 
ex-pel'  I6ks-pel]  7'./.  to  eject 
ex-pend'  [eks-pend  ]  v.t.  to  spend 
ex-pend'i-ture  [-I-tflr]  n.  disbursement 
ex-pense'  [eks-pSns']  «.  outlay;  cost 
ex-pen'sive  [eks-pen'slv]  a.  costly 
ex-pe'ri-ence  [eks-pe'ri-cns]  >;.  skill 
ex-pe'ri-enced  [-fnst]  a.  skillful 
ex-per'i-ment  [5ks-par1-mfnt]K.  atrial 
ex-pert'  [Sks-ptrf]  a.  dexterous         (for 
ex'pi-a-ble[eks'pl-a-b'l]«. can  be  atoned 
ex'pi-ate  [Sks'pi-at]  v.t.  to  atone  for 
ex'pi-a'tion  [-pl-a'shOn]  «.  atonement 
ex  pi-ra'tion  [eks  pi-ra'shan]  k.  cessa- 
ex-pire'  (eks-pir]  v.i.  to  die  [tion 

ex-plain' [eksplan'l  v.t.  to  make  plain 
ex'pla-na'tion  [Sks'pli-na'shun]  «. 
ex-plan'a-to-ry  [eks-plan'a-ti-ry]  a. 
ex'ple-tive  [iks'pl5-tlv]  a.  superfluous 
ex'pli-ca-ble  [pli-ka-b'l]  a.  explainable 
ex-plic'it  [Sksplls'lt]  a.  plain 
ex-plode'  [eks-plod'l  v.i.  to  burst 
ex-ploit'  [eks-ploit'l  „.  an  heroic  act 
ex  plo-ra'tion  [plS-ra'shun]  «.  search 
ex-plore'  f-plor']  v.t.  to  search  through 
ex-plo'sion  [iks-plo'zhQn]  «.  a  bursting 
ex-plo'sive  [  slv],i.thatwhich  explodes 
ex-po'nent  [pon^ntln.  a  representative 
ex-port'  (Sks-pSrt]  v.t.  to  send  abroad 
ex'port  [eks  port]  «.  what  is  exported 
ex-pose'  lekspoz']  v.t.  to  lay  orien 
expo-si'tion  [  pAzIsh'un)  ".exhibition 
ex-pos'tu-late  [pOs'tfl-lat]  v.i.  xoitgat 

CX-po'sure  loks-pu'zhur)  «.  openness 
cx-pound'  I-kspoundl  v.l.  to  set  forth 
ex-press'  [priis]  v.t.  to  utter;  n.  a  train 
ex-press'age  [Jj]  «.  carrying  charge 
ex-pressed'  |,:ksprcsri//  diM.i.ired 
ex-pres'sion|.|,resh'Qnl«  representation 
ex-press'ive  (  prts'lv]  a.  indicative 
ex-press'ly  (  prfs'IJ]  adv.  particularly 
ex-pugn'  (ekspOn)  v.t.  to  vanquish 
ex-pul'sion  [  pul'shfln)  «.  a  driving  out 
ex-punge'  |eks  pflnj'l  v.t.  to  rub  out 







ex'pur-g'ate  [Sks'pQr-gat]  w.^.  to  cleanse 
ex'qui-site   [ekskwl-zitj  a.  nice 
ex-scind'  leks-sind']  -v.t.  to  cut  off 
ex'tant  [eks'tant]  a.  existing 
ex-tem'po-ra-ry  (6ks-tem'p6-rary]   .2. 
ex-tem'po-re  [-re]  ad-v.  witliout  study 
ex-tem'po-ri'ze  [-riz]  v.  to  act  offiiand 
ex-tend'  [Jks-t6nd']   v.t.  to  stretch  out 
es-ten'sion   [-ten  shun]  k.  a  stretching 
ex-ten'sive  |-slv]  a.  wide;  far-reaching 
ex-tent'  (eks-t6nt'j  K.  size;  bulk 

ex-ten'u-ate  [ten'il-at]  ^.t.  to  palliate 
ex-ten'u-a'tion  [-a'shun]  h.  [outside 
ex-te'ri-or  [te'n-er]  a.  external;  n.  the 
ex-ter'mi-nate  [eks-ter'mi-nat]  -v.t.  to 
ex-ter'mi-na'tion[-na'shQn]M.  (destroy 

ex-ter'nal  [Sks-ter'nal]  a.  outward 
ex-tinct'  [eks-tingkt]  a.  quenched 
ex-tinc'tion  [eks-tlngk'shun]  K.       (out 
ex-tin'guish  [6ks-tlng'gwlsh]r'./.  to  put 
ex'tir-pate  [eks'ter-pat]  -vJ.  to  root  out 
ex-tol'  [eks-tOl']  ■zi.t.  to  praise 
ex-tort'  [eks-torf]  v.t.  to  exact 
ex-tor'tion  |eks-t6r'shun]  «.  undue  ex- 
ex'tra  [eks'traj  a.  in  excess  [action 

ex-tract'  [fks-trakt']  v.t.  to  draw  out 
ex-trac'tion  [-trak'shun]  n.  lineage 
ex'tra-di'tion  [Sks'tra-dish'un]  n. 
ex-tra'ne-OUS  [eks-tra'ne-us]  a.  foreign 
ex-trav'a-gance  [eks  trav'a-gans] « 

ex-trav'a-gant  [-gant]  a.  excessive 
ex-treme'  [-trem']  a.  utmost;  K.  utmost 
ex-trem'i-ty  [-trem'I-tyl;i.theendlli 
ex'tri-cate  [eks'trl-kat]  v.t.  to  liberate 
ex-trude'  [eks-trnd']  j/./.to  thrust  out 
ex-u'ber-ance  [eks-Qljer-uns]  n.  abun- 
ex-ude'  [cks-ud']z/.^.todischargetdance 
ex-ult'  [egz-ait']  v.i.  to  rejoice  [ly 

ex-tllt'ant[-rtnt]  (2. rejoicing  triumphant- 
ex-u'vi-a  [egz-u'vl-a]   n.s.  cast-off  skin 
ex-u'vi-se  legz-uVl-e]  pi.  of  "exuvia" 
eye  [  I  ]  «.  the  organ  of  sight 
eye'brow'  [i'brou'jK.hairy  archovereye 
eye'lash'  li'lash'I  «.  hair  along  eyelid 
eye'let  n  let]  «.  a  small  hole 
eye'sight  [i'sit]  «.  sense  of  seeing 
ey'rie  la'rj]  «.  place  of  eagle  s  nest 

fa-ba'ceous  IfJ-ba'shas]  a.  bean-like 
fa'ble  [fa'bl]  «.  a  fictitious  story 
fab'ric  [fab'rik]  «.  texture;  structure 
fab'ri-cate  [fabrlkat]  v.t.  to  frame 
fab'ri-ca'tion  (ka'shQn]  k,  a  falsehood 
fab'u-list  Ifabu-list)  «.  fable  writer 
fab'u-lous  I  lus]  3.  not  real;  incredible 
fa  cade'  Ifi'sad']    n.  front  of  a  building 
face  [fas]>i  countenance;  v  t.  to  confront 
fac'et  Ifas'et]  k.  a  small,  plain  surface 
fa-ce'ti-JB    [fa-se'shl-el  witticisms 
fa-ce'tious  (fa-sS'shus]  a.  witty 
fa'cial  [fa  shal]  a.  pert,  to  the  face 
fac'ile  [fasil]  a.  easy 






fa-ci)'i-tate   [fa-sin-tSt]   v.t.  to  make 
fa-cil'i-ty  (tyj  «.  dexterity  [easy 

fa'cing  [fa  sing)  n.  a  lining- 

fac-sim'i-le  [fak-sim  i-ie]  «.  exact  copy 

fact  [fakt]  K.  a  reality 
fac'tion  [fak'shQn]  K.  aparty 
fac'tious  [fakshils]  a.  turbulent 
fac-titious  [tish'us]  a.  made  by  art 
fac'tor  [fak'ter]  «.  an  agent 
fac'to-ry  [fak't4-rj]  n.  a  workshop 
fac-to'tum  [fak-to'tflm]  «.  a  ser\ant 
fac'ul-ty  tf  ak'ul-ty]  «.  talent ;    corps  of 
fad  (fad]  M.  ahohby  [teachers 

fade  (fad)  %\i.  to  lose  color 
fad'ed  (faded)  a.  grown  dim 
fade'less   [fad'Ies]  a.  not  liable  to  fade 
fad'ing  (fading)  a.  losing  freshness 
fae'ces  [fesez)  «.//.  excrement 
fag  [fag)  n.  a  drudge;  t .  to  tire 
fag'-end'  (fag -end]  «.  refuse  part 
fag'ot  [fSg'ut)  n.  a  bundle  of  sticks 
Fah'ren-heit  tf?-r<Ti-hit)  x.athermom- 
fail  [fsl)  7'.:'.  to  fall  short  [cter 

fail'ing  (-ing)  a.  weakening;  n.  a  fault 
fail'ure  [farQr]  «.  want  of  success 
fain  [fan)  a.  pleased  [to  swoon 

faint  [fant]  .7.  weak;  dim;  «.  asvvoon;x'.i. 
faint'-heart  ed  [-hiirt'ed)  a.  timorous 
faint'ing  (-Ing)  «.  syncope;  a  swooning 
faint'ness  [fantnes)  «.  dimnesc 
fair  (far)  d. handsome;  light;  w.abazaar 
fair'ly  (fSr'ly)  ad-j.  justly 
fair'ness  [fSr'nSs)  n.  honesty 
fair'y  ('y)  «.  an  imaginary  being 
faith  (fac/i)  n.  belief;  trust;   confidence 
faith'ful  (fa^/i'fyl)  a.  loyal 
faith'ful-ness  [nss)  n.  loyalty 
faith'less  [-les)  a.  false 
fake  [fakjK.atrick;  aswindle; steal 
fa'kir  [faker]  «.abegging  monk;  street 
fal-cade'  [fal-kad')  n.  [hawker 

fal'ca-ted  [farka-ted)  a.  hooked  like  a 
fal'chion  [falshun]  «.  a  sword  [sickle 
fal'con  [fa'k'n)  «.  species  of  hawk 
fal'con-ry  [-rj)  «.  art  oftraining  falcons 
fall  [fal]  T  i.  to  drop;  n.  descent  (ceive 
fal-la'cious  [falla'shfls)  a.  fitted  to  de- 
fal'la-cy  [faria-sj]  k.  a  deception 
fall'en  [fal"n]  a.  dropped  [to  err 

fal  li-bil'i-ty  [fariibil'itj)  «.  liability 
fal'li-ble  [l.-I]  a.  liable  to  err 
fal'low  (fan*)  a.  not  tilled 
false  (fals)  <7.  not  true 
false'hood  [hood)  «.  a  lie 
false'ly  [-ly)  adv.  not  truly 
fal-set'to  [falset'tij  «.  the  false  voice 
fal'si-fi-ca'tion  [fsl'si-fi-ka' 
fal'si-fy  [  fi)  -u.l.  to  make  false        [ing 
fal'si-ty  (t?)  n.  a  lie:  deceit 
fal'ter  [fsl  tcrj  v.i.  to  hesitate 
fame  [fam)  «.  renown 
famed  [famd]  a.  renowned 
fa-mil'iar  (fA-mll'ycr)  a.  intimate 
fa-mil  iar'i-ty  r-yar'l-tj)«.  intimacy 







fa-mil'iar-ize  [fa-mil'ycr-iz]  v.t.  fhold 
fam'i-ly  tiam'l-ly]  «.  collective  h^ 
fam'ine  [fam'In]  n.  dearth;  want 
fam'ish  [famish]  v.i.  to  starve 
fa'mOUS  [fa'mus]  a.  renowned 
fan  [fan]  ■<■.  to  stir  the  air 
fa-nat'io  [fa-nat'lk]  n.  a  wild  enthusiast 
fa-nat'ic-al  rr-k<;l]a.likea  fanaticfasi: 
fa-nat'i-cism  [T-sIz'm]  «.wildenthus 
fan'ci-er  [fan'slcr]  «.  one  governed  b; 
fan'ci-ful  [fan'sl-ful]  <t.  visionary  (fane 
fan'cy  [fan'sy]7M.toimagine;  K.alikin; 
fan-dan'go  [fan-dang'gS]?;.  aSp.  dance 
fane  [fan]  ,i.  a  temple 
fan'fare'  [fan'fAr']«. flourish  oftrumpet: 

fan-far'on-ade'  [fanfaron-ad']  n. 
fang  [fang]  «.  long  tooth  of  a  snake 
fan'gle  [-g'l]  «.  a  trifling  ornament 
fan'tail'ffan'tal']  n.  a  variety  of  pigeon 
fan-ta'si-a   [fan-ta'zl-a]    «.    capricious 
fan-tas'tic  [fan-tas'tIk]a.notreal|musi 
fan'ta-sy  [ti-sy]  «.  vagary  of  imagina 
fan'toc-ci'ni  ['tSt-che'nc]  [tioi 
far    [far]  a.  distant;  adij.  widely 
farce  [fars]  n.  a  ridiculous  show 
far'ci-cal  [far'sl-k«l]  a.  like  a  farce 
fare  [far]  >;.  price  of  passage;  vd.  to  go 
farewell'  [far'wel']  iuterj.  adieu  Iwell 
far'fetched'  [far'fScht']  a.  brought  from 
fa-ri'na  [fa-ri'ni]  n.  flour;  meal  [far 

far  i-na'ceoU3    [far'I-na'shus]  a.  mealj 
farm  [farm]  II.  tract  of  land  [mar 

farm'er  [-er]K.  one  who  farms;  husband 
farm'house'  [hous']  n.  farmer's  home 
farm'yard'  [-yard']  n.  farm  enclosure 
far'o  [f  ar'6]  n.  a  game  of  cards 
far'ri-er  [fSr'rl-er]  n.  a  horseshoer 
far'row  [far'rS]  a.  barren 
far'ther  [far'ther]  a.  more  remote 
far'thest   [-thest]  a.  most  remote 
far'thing  [thing]  n.  a  British  coin 
far'thin-gale  [-thlng-gal]«.  ahoopskirt 
fas'di-a'ted  [fash'i-a'ted]  a.  bound  up 
fas'ci-cle  [fas'si-k'l]  «.  compact  cluster 
fas'ci-nate   [-nat]  v.t.  to  charm 
fas'ci-na'tion  [-na'shun]  «.  a  spell 
fas-cine'  [fas-sen']  k.  a  bundle  of  sticks 
fash'ion  [fash'un]  ».  style;  -v.t.  to  mold 

fash'ion-a-ble  r-a-b'i]  a.  stylish 

fast  [fist]  7'.!.to  abstain  from  food;a.firm; 
fas'ten  ["n]  v.t.  to  make  firm    [swift 
fas-tid'i-0U3  [fas-tid'I-us]   a.  over  nice 
fast'ness   [fast'nSs]  «.  a  stronghold 
fat   [fat]  ,7.  fleshy  ;  rich;  fertile 
fa'tal  [fa'tal]  a.  deadly 
fa'tal-ist  [-1st]  n.  a  believer  in  fate 
fa-tal'i-ty  [fatality]  «.  decree  of  fate 
fate  [fat]  «.  destiny 
fat'ed  [fat'ed]  <.  .  doomed 
fa'ther  [fS'ther]  >  .  the  male  parent 
fa'ther-in-law'  [-in-la']  «. 
fa'ther-land'[-land']«.  one's  native  land 
fa'ther-less  [  les]a. without  living  father 
fa'ther-ly  [-ly]     .  like  a  father 






fatll'om  [fatli'um]  «.  two  yards 
fath'om-a-ble  l-a-b'l]  a.  measurable 
fath'om-less  [-les]  *:.  incomprehensible 
fa-tigue'  [fj-teg]  «.  weariness 
fat'ness  [fat'njs]  «.  corpulency 
fat'ten  [fat't'n]  v.t.  to  make  fat 
fat'ty  [fat'ty]  a.  containinsi  fat 
fa-tu'i-ty  [fa-tu'I-tyl  n.  stupidity    [city 
fauTJOUrg*  [f5tio5r']«.suburbofFrencli 
fau'cet  [fa'set]  n.  outlet  for  liquid 
fault  [fait]  >i.  an  error;  a  defect 
fault'less  [falt'16s]  a.  without  error 
fault'y  [falt^'l  a.  not  correct 
Faun  [fin]  ;;.  a  rural  deity  fcountry 

fau'na  [fi'na]   ?;.  animals  peculiar  to  a 
fau  tcuil'  [lo'tel'l  F.  «.  an  armchair 
fa'vor  [f  I'vrr]  «.  akind  act;  v.t.  to  treat 
fa'vor-a-ble  [-a-l>'l]<i. propitious  [kindly 
fa'vored  [favrrd]  a.  countenanced 
fa'vor-ite  [fa'ver-It]  n.  one  preferred 
fa'vor-it-ism   [-lt-1z'm]  «.  partiality 
fa-vose'  [fa-vos']  a.  honeycombed 
fa'vus  [f  S'vus]  n.  disease  of  scalp 
fawn  [fan]  K.  a  young  deer ;  ■v.i.  to  court 
fay  [fS]  n.  a  fairy  Ifavor 

fe'al-ty  [fe'.tl-ty]  n.  loyalty  | 

fear  [fi-r]  n.  fn^'ht;  v.t.  to  dread 
fear'ful  [fer'fgl]  a.  timid;  afraid 
fear'less  [fer'l<^s]  a,  bold;  courageous 
fea  si-bil'i-ty  [fe'zl-bil'l-ty]);.  practica- 
fea'si-ble  [b'l]  a.  practicable        [bility 
feast  [fest]  H.  a  repast;  »>.;.  to  gratify 
feat  [fetl  «.  an  exploit 
feath'er  [fsthTr]  »i.  aplume 
feath'ered(-?rd]  a.  clothed  with  feathers 
feath'er-y  [■>■]  a.  pert,  to  feathers 
fea'ture  [fe'tijr]«.  structure  of  anything 
fea'tures  [fe  turz]  «./>/.  the  face 
feb'ri-fug^  [fcb'rl-fuj]  ;i.  fever  medicine 
fe'brile  [febrll]  a.  feverish  [month 

Feb'ru-a-ry  [f6b'n!4-ry]  «.  the  second 
fe'ces  [fesez]  K.//.  same  as  "  faeces  " 
fec'u-la  [fekd-la]  «.  starch 
fec'und  [fek'und]  a.  prolific 

fed  (f<d]/./.  offeed'- 
fed'er-al  [fcdcr-rtl]  a.  confederate 
fed'er-ate  [fed'er4t]  a.  leagued 
fed  er-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  a  league 
fee  [fr-]  «.  a  payment 

fee'bla  [feii'i]  a.  weak 

fee'ble-ness  [nes]  k.  debility         [food 
feed  [fsd]  t.  to  eat;   to  give  food  to; «. 
feel  :fLl]  T.l.  to  perceive  by  touch 
feel'er  ( fel  ."rj  «.  that  which  feels 
feel'ing  [-Ing]  «.  touch  ;  emotion 
feel'ing-ly  [Ij?]  orf*.  tenderly 
feet  :fc;|  «.//.  of  ■•foot  ■• 
feign  ;  fan]  t.i.  to  pretend 
feigned  [fand]  a.  pretended       [fanner 
feign'ed-ly  [fan'«d-IJ] adv. ina feigned 
feint  [f.liit]  >i.  a  pretense  [ulate 

fe-lic'i-tate  (ft-lls'l-tat)  f ./.  to  congrat- 
fe-lic'i-t0U8  [tOs]  a.  successful:  happy 


C      V], 





fe-lic'i-ty  [fe-lls'l-ty]  n.  bliss 
fe'line  [fC'lin]  a.  stealthy,  like  a  cat 
fell  [fel]  past  tense  of  "fall";  a.  cruel 
fel'low  [feri4]>;.anassociatersame  kind 

fel'low-crea'ture  t-krg'ttjr]  «.  one  of 

fel'low-ship  [-ship]  n.  association 
fel'ly  rffl'ly]  ".  part  of  rim  of  wheel 
fe'lo-de-se'  [fe'14-dc-se']  «.  a  deliberate 
fel'on  [ffl'un]  n.  a  criminal         (suicide 
fe-lo'ni-OUS  [fc-lo'ni-us]   a.  malignant 
fel'o-ny  [fd'S-ny]  n.  a  crime 
felt  ( felt] «. unwoven  cloth;/*./,  of  "feel" 
fe-luc'ca  [fe-luk'ka]  k.  kind  rf  sailboat 
fe'male  [fenial]  «.  sex  op.  male 
fem'i-nine  [fem'l-nin]  a.  womanly 
fern  i-nin'i-ty  [-i-tj]  «.  womanliness 
fem'o-ral  [fSm'*-rffl]ff.pert.  to  the  thigli 
fe'mur  [femur]  n.  the  thigh  bone 
fen  [fen]  «.bnggy  land 
fence  [fens]  ■zj.i.  to  inclose  ftia 

fen'ci-bles  [f5n'sl-b'lz]>i.//.  home  mili- 
fen'cing  [fensingj  >;.  sword  exercise 
fend  [fend]  z'.t.  to  keep  off 
fend'er  [fSnd'er]  71.  a  guard 
Fe'ni-an  [fe'nl-nn]  «.  member  of  Irish 
fen'nel  [fennel]  n.  a  plant  [societj 

fen'ny  [fen'ny]  a.  abounding  in  fens 
feoff  [fef]  v,t,  to  invest  with  possession 
fe'rine  ffe'rin]  a.  wild 
fei;'ment  [fer'mtnt]  w.  yeast 
fer-ment'  [fFr-ment]  I'.t.   to  effervesce 
fer  men-ta'tion  [ftrmen-ta'shuu]  n. 
fern  [fern]  ti.  a  plant  [ferns 

fern'er-y  [limCr  y]  «.  place  for  rearing 
fe-ro'cious  [ft-ro'shus]  a.  fierce 
fe-roc'i-ty  [fe-rOs'I-ty]  n.  fierceness 
fer'ret  [fer'ret]  «.  kind  of  weasel 
fer'ro-type  [fcr'rO-tii.]  u.  tintype    [iron 
fer-ru'gi-nous  [fer-ru'ji-nus]  a.  having 
fer'rule  [fer'rll]  «.  a  ring;  a  bushing 
fer'ry  [fer'ry]  k.  place  for  crossing  river 
fer'ry-boat  [-Lot]  n.  boat  for  crossing 
ler'ry-man  [ -miin]  n.  one  attending  a 
fer'tile  [fer'tll]  a.  fruitful  [ferry 

fer-til'i-ty  [ftr-tlll-tyj  «.  fecundity 
fer'ti-lize  [fCr  li  liz]  I'.t.  to  enriLh 
fer'ti-lizer  [li  zrr)  n.  manure 
fer'ule  litr'\\]v.l.  to  punish;  w.flat  piece 
fer'ven-cy  [fcr'vfn-sy]«.  ardor[ofwood 
fer'vent  [ffr'vcnt]  a.  hot;  earnest 
fer'vid  [fcr'vid]  a.  vehement:  zealous 
fer'vor  [fer'ver]  n.  heat  of  mind 
fes'cue  [fes'kfl]  «.  a  pointer 
fes'tal  [fes'trtl]  a.  joyous 
fes'ter  [f es'tfr]  v.i.  to  generate  pus 

fes'ti-val  [fes'ti-v<ii]  «.  a  feast 
fes'tive  [f  es'tiv]  a.  gay 
fes-tiv'i-ty  [rcs-tlv  i-ty]  n.  gayety 
fes-toon'  [festoon']  It.  a  bunch 
fetch  [fech]  -i/.t.  to  bring 
fete  [fSt]  H.  a  festival 
fe'tich  [fe'tlsh]  «.  an  objer*of  excessive 
fet'id  [fet'Id]  a.  stinking  [devotion 

fe'tish  [fe'tlsh]  >i.  same  as  "  fetich  " 


.^  v^ 







fet'lock  [f6t'10k]«.  tuft  of  hairon  horse  ^ 
fet'ter  [-terj  v.t.  to  enchain  lleg 

fe'tUS  [f  e  tus]  «.  animal  before  birth 
feud  [f  ud]  K.  a  quarrel 
feu'dal  [ffl']  a.  held  by  tenure 
feu'dal-ism  [iz'm]  «.  feudal  system 
feu  dejoie'  [fe'  d<rzhwi']/^.K.abonfirL 
feu  ille-ton'  [fe'y?-t5«']F.«.  newspaper 
fe'ver  [fever]  «.  a  disease  [tale 

fe'ver-ish  l-ishl  a.  having  fever 
few  [fu]  .7.  not  many 
fez  [f  Cz]  n.  a  Turkish  cap 
fiance'  [fe'-a«'sS']  F.n.  betrothed  mai 
fi  an  c^e'  F.n.  betrothed  woman 
fi-as'co  ;fc-as'k«l  /'.«.  complete failurt 
fi'at  [fiat]  «.  a  decree 
fib  [fib]  ~,:i.  to  lie;  k.  a  lie 
fib'ber  [-Iwr]  n.  one  who  tells  fibs 
fi'ber  [filler]  n.  slender  thread     [afibei  | 
fi'bri-form   [fitrl-form]  a.  resemblint 
fi'brous  [f  i-brus]  a.  containing  fibers 
fib'u-la  [fibu-la]  «.  a  bone 
fich'u  [f  ish'u]  K.  a  woman's  cape 
fic'kle  [f  Ik'k'l]  a.  unstable 
flc'tion  [shun]  n.  tales;  stories 
fic-ti'tious  [tfshus]  <i.  imaginary 
fid'dle  [fid'd'l]  «.a  violin 
fi-del'i-ty  [f  i-dsli-t>-]  «.  faithfulness 
fidg'et  [fij'et]  7'.  to  be  restless 
fidg'et-y  [fijet-yi  ,;.  restless  ftrusi 

fi-du'ei-a-ry  [fi-do'shi-a-rj]  a.  held  in 
fie  [f !]  intcrj.  expressing  dislike 
fief  [f  efj  «.  a  fee;  a  feudal  estate 
field  [felil]  «.  a  large  enclosure 
fiend  [fend]  «.an  infernal  being 
fiend'ish[-ish]  a.  like  a  fiend 
fierce  [fers]  a.  furious 
fiercely  [fers'lj]  adv.  furiously 
fieree'ness  [nes]  n.  fury 
fi'er-y  [f  i  er-y]  a.  passionate 
fife  [fif]  M.  a  musical  pipe 
fifteen'  [t  If'ten]  a.  five  and  ten 
fifty  [fifty]  ,;.  five  times  ten 
fig  [fig]  7i.  a  fruit 
fight  [( it]  v.t.  to  contend  with 
fig'ment  (f  is  nunt]  n.  a  fiction 
fig'ur-a-tive  [flgur-a-tlv]  a.  typical 
fig'ure  [fig  ur]  «.  form;  a  character 
flg'ured  [urd]  a.  adorned  with  figures 
Fl'jl-an  [fejc-an]  «.  native  of  Fiji  isles 
fil  a-ment  [fira-m^ntj  «.  a  fiber 
fil'bert  [firi^rt]  K.  a  nut 
filch  [filch]  v.t.  to  steal 
file  [f  il]  H.  a  rubbing  tool;  -v.  to  arrange 
fil  lal  [fllyal]  a.  child-like  [parent 

fil  1-a  tion  [I-a'shOn]  u.  rel.  of  child  to 
fil^i-bus'ter  [fll'I-baster]  «.  freebooter 
fil^l-gree  [fi;  I.grg]  «.  ornamental  work 
fil  ing  [firing]  «.  fragment  filed  off 
fill   [fil]  v.t.  to  make  full 
flHet  [f  nict]  K.  a  sash 
fil'lip  [-lip]  -v.t.  to  snap  with  the  finger 
filly  (firi^]«.  a  young  mare 
film  [film]  «.  a  thin  skin 





fil'ter  [fil'ter]  K.  a  strainer 
filth  [filf/!]  K.  foul  matter;  dirt 
filth'i-ness  t-I-nes)  «.  foulness 
fil'trate  [f  il'trat]  -v./.  to  filter 
fil-tra'tion  [fll-tra'shun]  «.straini^g: 
fim'bri-ate  [flm'brlSt]  a.  bordered 
fin    [fin]  ;i.  a  fish's  paddle 
fi'nal  [final]  a.  conclusive 
fi-na'le  [fc-na'lS]  k.  the  closing  part 
fi-nal'i-ty  [fi-nal'I-ty]  k.  final  state 
fi-nance'  [f  l-n.lns']  k.  revenue;  money 
fi-nan'cial  [f  I-nan'shal]  a.  pert,  money 
fin'an-cier'  [fIn'an-ser']H.  a  treasurer 
fin'back    [fln'bak']  «.  kind  of  whale 
finch  [finch]  ;;.  species  of  bird 
find  [find]  v.i.  to  discover  fofTense 

fine  [fin]  a.  elegant;  «.  sum  imposed  fo: 
fine'nesS  [fin'nes]  «.qualityofbeingfine| 
fin'er-y  [fin Tr-y]  n.  showy  clothes  I 

finesse'  [fe  nes']  n.  stratagem 
fin'fish'  [f  In'flshT  n.  op.  to  shell  fish 
fin'ger  [fing'ger]  n.  part  of  hand  I 

fijl'i-cal  [fin'i-kal]  a.  overnice  I 

fin'ing  [fining]  «.  act  of  imposing  a  fine; 
fi'nis  [fi'nis]  L.  an  end  ] 

fin'ish  [f  in'isli]x'./.to  accomplish;  to  end 
fin'ished  [fin'isht]  a.  completed  ] 

fi'nite  [fi'nit]  a.  limited 
Finn  [fin]  M.  native  of  Finland 
fin'ny   [finny]  <i.  pert,  to  fishes 
fiord  [fyord]  >i.  a  Norwegian  firth 
fir  [fcr]  K.  a  coniferous  tree 
fire  [fir]  «.  combustion;  ignition 
fire'arms'  [fir'irmz]  «.//.  weapons 
fire'brand'  [-brand']  «.  piece  of  burning 
fire'fi/'  [-fli]  «.  luminous msect    [wood 
fire'man  [-man]  ?:.  stoker;  one  of  fire  bri- 
fire'side    [bid]  >i.  the  hearth  [gadc 

fire'works'  [-wCirks']  >;./.'.  pyrotechnics 
fir'ing  [-ing]  «.  discharging  firearms 
fir'kin  [fcr'kin]  n.  a  small  cask 
firm  [fcrmj  a.  constant 
fir'ma-ment   [fCr'ma-m^nt]  «.  the  sky 
fir'man  [Icr'man]  «.  a  Turkish  decree 
firm'ness  [ffrm'nes]  «.  strength 
first  [ftrst]  a.  foremost 
first'born'  [-bom']  n.  eldest 
first'-class'  [klas']  a.  best  quality 
first'ling  [-ling]  ?t.  firstborn  of  animals 
first'-rate    [  -rlt ']  a .  of  highest  exce  Hence 
firth  [fcrtli]  Si-oU/z.  arm  of  sea;  frith 
fisc  [f  isk]  K.  public  treasury 
fis'cal  [fis'kal]  rt.pert.  to  public  revenue 
fish  [fish]  n.  a  water  animal 
fish'er-y  [f  ish'cr-y]  >:.  place  to  catch  fish 
fis'sile  [f  is  sil]  a.   capable  of  being  split 
fis'siire  [f  ish'ur]  «.  a  cleft;  a  crack 
fist  [fist]  «.  the  closed  hand 
fis'tu-la  [fis'tu-la]«.  an  ulcer;  an  abscess 
fit  [fit]  «.  a  paroxysm;   a.  suitable;  z:  to 
fit'ful  [fit'ful]  a.  spasmodic  [adjust 

fit'ness  ffit'nes]  >t.  adaptation 
fit'ting  [fit'ting]  a.  suitable 
fitz  [fits]  «.  a  son 

V.  V^Vy^i 




five  [fiv]  it.  four  and  one 
fix  [flks]  •:■./.  to  establish;  to  repair 
fixed  [flkst]/./.  of  "fix";  settkJ      fagc 
fix'ture  [fiks'tur]  n.  permanent  append- 
fizz  [f  !z]  v.i.  to  make  a  hissing  sound 
fiz'zle  [-z'l]  ■:■.!■.  to  hiss;  ;i.  ridiculous  fai'- 
f  jore"  [fyiJrd]  >;.  same  as  "fiord"        lure 
flab'bi-ness  [flab'bi-nes]  h.  softness 
flab'by  [flah'by]  a.  soft;  flaccid 
flac'cid  [flak'sid]  a.  limber;  lax 
flag  [iLli;]  ;;.  a  banner;  kind  of  reed  fping 
flag  el-la'tion  [flajel-la'shfiniH.awhip- 
flag'eo-let'  [fl5j'4-16t']  «.  a-wind  instr. 
flag'ginu  [llatrging]  «.  pavement 
flag'gy  [fliggS]  a.  weak 
fla-gi'tious  [fla-jish'us]  a.  corrupt 
flag'on  [flag'un]  «.  a  vessel  for  liquor 
fla'grant  [fla'gmnt]  «.  glaring        fship 
flag'ship'  [fiag'ship']    u.    commander's 
flag'staff  [-staf]  «.  staff  liearing  a  flag 
flag'stone'  [-ston']  «.  a  flat  paving  stone 
flail    [till]  n.  a  grain  beater 
flake  [ilik]  n.  a  snow  film 
flak'y  [flak  J']  a.  in  flakes 
flam'beau  [flamtj*]  «.  a  torch 
flame  [rtSm]  n.  a  blaze 
flam'ing  [flanrTng]  «.  blazing         Fbird 
fla-min'go  [fla-ming'gS]  «.a  red  wading 
flange  [flanj]  «.  an  edge,  as  of  a  wheel 
flank  [flcingk]  T.i.  to  border 
flan'nel  [flan'nel]  «.  woolen  cloth 
flap  [flap]  v.t.  to  move,  as  wings 
flap'jack'  [flSp'jak']  «.  a  pancake 
flare   []  v.i.  to  burn  unsteadily 
flash  [flash]  «.  a  burst  of  light 
flask  [flask]  «.  a  bottle 
flat  [flat]  a.  horizontal  and  even 
flat'i  ron  [flat'i'urn]  /f.  ironing  utensil 
flat'neS3  [flat'nSs]  «.  levelness 
flat'ten  [flat't'n]  v.t.  to  make  flat 
flat'ter  [flat'ter]  v.t.  to  cajole 
flat'ter-y  [flaftcr-y]  ,i.  false  praise 
flat'u-lent  [flat'Q-l«it]  a.  windy 
fla'tus  [fla'tus]  «.  a  breath 
flaunt  [flant]  v.i.  to  flutter 
flau'tist  [fla'tist]  «.  a  flutist 
fla'vor  [fla'vfr]  «.  savor:  relish 
flaw  [fla]  n.  a  crack;  a  defect 
flax  [flaks]  K.  a  plant 
flaz'en  [flaks  -n]  a.  fair  and  flowing 

flay  [fla]  z-.t.  to  skin 

flea  [flCJ  «.  a  troublesome  insect 
fleam  [flcm]  m.  kind  of  lancet 
fleck  [flck]  «.  a  spot 
fledge  [fltj]  V.I.  to  supply  with  feathers 
flee  [rie]  i/.j.  to  run  away 
fleece  [fles]  «.  wool  from  sheep 
flee'cy   [flc'sy]  a.  wooly 
fleet  (flctj  «.  group  of  ships 
fleet'nesa  [flet'nfis]  «.  swiftness 
Flem'ish  [flL-m'Ish]  a.  pert,  to  Flanders 
flesh  (il.Jil  n.  meat 
flcsh'i-ness  [I-nCs]  k.  plumpness 
flesh'y  [flesh'yj  a.  having  flesh 








FLt  106 

fleur'de-lis'  [flcr'd^-Ie']  F.  «.  the  French 
flew  [flu]  past  tense  of  "fly  "  llily 

flex  [fleks]  ■;■./■.  to  bend 
flexi-bil'i-ty[fleks'l-bll1-t5]  k.  pliancy 
flex'i-ble  [flSks'I-b'I]  u.  pliant 
flex'ion  [flek  shun]  m.  a  bending 
flick  [fllk]  T..'.  to  whip  lightly 
flick'er  [fliker]  v.r.  to  flutter 
flight  [flit]  w.    a  running  away 
flight'i-ness  [flit  I-nes]  «.  wildness 
flim'sy  [flTm'z\']  a.  weak 
flinch  [flinch]  v.i.  to  shrink 
fling  [fling]  v.i.  to  hurl 
flint  [flin»]  ;:.  a  hard  stone 
flint'y  [flinty]  a.  resembling  flint 
flip'pan-cy  [fllp'pan-sy]  «.  volubility 
flip'pant  [flTp'prznt]  a.  rapid  of  speech 
flirt  [flcrt]  ;(.  a  coquette 
flir-ta'tion  [flcr-tashun]  «.  coquetry 
flit  [flit]  v.t.  to  dart  along 
flitch  [flich]  K.  a  side  of  bacon 
float  [fiot]  f.i.  to  swim 
flock  [flak]  f  !.  to  gather  in  crowds 
floe  [flo]  «.  mass  of  floating  ice 
flog  [fl6g]  Z'./.  to  whip 
flood  [flud]  7  .1.  to  deluge;  «.  inundation 
floor  [flor]  >:.  the  supporting  platform 
flop  [flftp]  -v.t.  to  clap  the  wings 
rio'ra  [flo'ri]  «.  goddess  of  flowers 
flo'ral    [flor,?]]  a.  pert,  to  flowers 
flo-res'cence  [fl6-res'st'ns])i.blossoming 
flo'ri-culttire  [flo'rl-kai'tur]   «.  flower 
flor'id  [flOr'Id]ir.flushed  with  red  [raising 
flor'in  [fl6r  In]  n.  a  coin 
flo'rist  [flo'rlst]  >t.  flower  raiser 
floss  [flOs]  >i.  a  silken  substance 
flo-til'la  [fli-tiria]  «.  a  little  fleet 
flot'sam  [fi6t'siim]  ji.  floating  wreck 
flounce  [flouns]  n.  dress  trimming 
floun'der   [floun'der]  «.  a  flat  fish 
flour  [flour]  K.  ground  grain 
flour'ish  [flurTsh]  T.!.  to  thrive 
flout  [flcut]  T.i.  to  sneer  fliquid 

flow  [flo]  ji.  a  current;  i/.t.  to  move,  as  a 
flow'er  [flouTr]  «.  tjie  blossom   [de-lis" 
flow'er-de-luce'  [-d^-lus']  k.  See  "fleur. 
fiow'er-y  [flou'cr-y]  a.  full  of  flowers 
flown  [flun]/./.  of'fly" 
fluc'tu-ate  [fluk'tu-at]  tm'.  to  rise  and  fall 
flue  tu-a'tion  [S'shun]  k.  variation 
flue  [flu]  ).■.  a  chimney 
flu'en-cy   [fluVn-sy]  «.  volubility 
flu'ent   [flu'ent]  a.  voluble 
flu'id  [flu  id]  H.  a  liquid;  a.  not  solid 
fluke  [fluk]  It.  a  fish;  part  of  an  anchor 
flume  [flum]  «.  mill-race;  a  conduit 
flum'mer-y  [flum'mcr-y]  n.  kind  ofpap 
flun'ky  [flung  ky]  >!.  livery  servant 
flur'ry  [flur'rj]  «.  commotion 
flush  [flash]  f.i.  to  blush 
flus'ter  [flfls't'r]  n.  confusion 
flute  [flut]  fi.  a  wind  instrument 
flut'ed     [fluted]  a.  grooved 
flut'ist  [flutist]  >t.  flute  player 



^.-_^  ..^m. 

r?TrT_.  Q.,- 







flut'ter  [flutter)  ■v.  to  agitate 
flu'vi-al  [flu  vl-al]  a.  pert,  to  rivers 
flux  [fluks]«.  matterwhich  flows;  change 
flux'i-ble  [fluks'I-b'l]  a.  fusible 
fly    [fli]  ;r.  an  insect;  "V.  to  moveas  a  bird 
fly'blow'   [-bio']  «.  a  fly's  egg      [in  air 
fly'ing  [fli'Ing]  a.  moving  on  wijigs 
foal  [fol]  n.  a  colt 

'oam  [fom]  >t,  froth;  v,i,  to  form  froth 
'ob  [fib]  ;i.  a  watch  pocket  [focus 

'o'cal-ize  [f6k«l-Iz]   v.t.  to  bring  to  a 
"o'cus  [fo'kus]  K.  point  where  rays  meet 
'od'der  [fodder]  «.  food  for  cattle 
oe  [f  o]  «.  an  enemy  ftus" 

Cfi'tus  [fetus]  K.  embryo;  same  as  "fe- 
off   [fOgl  «•  dense  vapor;  mist 

Og'gy  [fSg'gy]  a-  misty 

o'gy  [fo'g\-]  n.  a  dull  old  fellow 

'oi'ble  [foi'b'l]  It.  a  failing 

'oil  [foil]  v.t.  to  frustrate 

oist  [foist]  T.t.  to  pass  off  as  genuine 

old  [folil]  1'./.  to  double;  ;i.  sheep  pen 

o'li-age  [fo'll-aj]  «.  leaves 

0  U-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  leafing 
ol'io  [fbl'yS]  «.  a  page 

oik  [f.-.k]«.  people  [people 

olk'lore'  [fok'lor'J  n.  legends  among 
'ol'li-cle  [fol'll-k'l]  «.  a  seed  pod 
'ol'low  [fol  14]  ».<.  to  pursue 
ol'low-er  [.er]  «.  a  disciple 
ol'ly  [foriy]  ?i.  foolishness       finstigate 
0-ment'  [f6-ment']t/./.  to  encourage;  to 
omen-ta'tion  [fo'mSn-ta'shan]«.exci- 
'ond    [fon.l]  a.  loving  [tation 

on'dle  [fonvri]  i>.?.  to  caress 
ond'ness  [fOnd'nes]  «.  affection 
'ont  [fAnt]  «.  a  set  of  types 
ood  [food]  «.  victuals 

001  [fool]  n.  one  deficient  in  reason;   a 
bol'ish  [-Ish]  a.  unwise  [dolt 
'ools'cap'  [fo51z'k5p']«.  kind  of  paper 
'oot  (friCtl  ,1.  lower  part  of  leg 
oofball'  [-bal]  H.  a  ball  for  kicking 
'oot'ing  [-Ing]  >;.  foundation 
'oot'light'  [ilf  ]  H.  front  light  on  stage 
bot'man  [-itl/ii]  «.  man  servant 
bot'pad'    [-pSd  ]   H.  higliwaynian 
oot'print'  [-print']  «.  mark  left  by  foot 
oot'step'  [-step']K.sound  or  track  of  foot 
OOt'stool'  [stoBl']  «.  a  foot  support 

op  [i.-.y,]  n.  a  vain  man;  a  dude 
bp'per-y  [fOp'[£r-y]  ,t.  showy  folly 
or   [for]  pre*.  8i  cojtj.  because 
or'age  [fOrajJ  n.  food  for  animals 
or'ay  [for'i]  >i.  a  raid 
or-bear'  [fCrblr']  abstain  from 
or-bear'ance  [-ans]  n.  lenity 
br-bid'  [fOr-bld']  v.t.  to  prohibit 
or-bld'ding  [-ding]  a.  repulsive 
orce  [fors]  n.  strength;  v.l.  to  compel 
'orce'ful  [fOrsfifl]  a  exertmg  force 
or'ceps  [fOrsC-ps]  w.  pincers 
br'ci-ble  [for'sl-b  1]  a.  powerful 
ord  [ford]  II  t.  to  wade  through 






'ore  [for]  adv.  in  the  part  going  first 
'ore-bode'  [hod']  v.t.  to  foretell 
'ore-cast'  [far-kast'J  v.t.  to  foresee 
'ore'cas'tle  [fSr'kas"!]  «.  fore  part  of 
ore-close'  (for-kloz']  v.t.  to  stop   iship 
ore-clo'sure  [klozhur]  71.  prevention 
'ore'fa'ther  (for'fa'thcr]  «.  an  ancestor 
ore'fin  ger[-flng'ger]«.  finger  next  the 
ore-go'  [for-go'J'Z'.^.togive  up  Ithumb 
ore'ground'  [for'ground]  n.  front 
'ore'head  [fOr'ed]  n.  the  brow        Lhand 
or'eign  [fOr'In]  a.  alien 
or'eign-er  [cr]  n.  an  alien 
'ore'land'  [for'land']«.  a  cape  fforehead 
ore'lock'  [for'lok']   n.  lock  of  hair  on 
'ore'man  [for'niim]  n.  chief  man 
ore'most'  [fsr'mosf]  a.  most  advanced 
ore'noon'  [for  noon]  n.  morning;  a.m. 

ren'sXC  [fS-ren'sIk]  a.  rhetorical 
'ore'part'  [for'pSrf]  «.  the  front  part 
ore-run'ner  [for-rfln'ner]  ;/.  one  going 
ore'sight'  [for'slf]?/. prescience  [before 
'or'est  [fOr'est]  «.  many  trees;   a  wood 
'ore-stall'  [for-stal']  v.t.  to  anticipate 
or'est-er  [f6r'est-cr]  «.  forest  caretaker 
or'est-ry  [-r>]  n.  science  of  forests 
'ore'taste'  [for'tast'J  «.  anticipation 
'ore-tell'    [fnr-tel']  v.t.  to  prophesy 
Ore'thought'    [thax'}  ?;.  provident  care 
'or-ev'er    [fOr-6v'cr]  adv.  always 
ore-warn'   [-Ham]  v.t.  to  caution 
ore'wom  an  [woom'anlH.  head  woman 
'or'feit  [for'fit]  v.t.  to  lose  by  a  fault 
'or'fei-ture  [fl-tur]  ;;.  loss  of  right 
'or^-e  [forj]  ;(.  a  smith's  furnace    [forges 
'or'ger  ffor'jcr]  n.  a  falsifier;  one  who 
'or'ger-y  [y]  it.  act  of  fabricating 
or-get'  [f6r-get']i'/./.  to  cease  to  reraem- 
or-get'ful  [f^l]  a.  apt  to  forget        [ber 
'or-give'   [fOr-glv']  v.t.  to  pardon 
or-give'ness  [nes]  n.  remission 
or-got'ten  [gOt't'nln.left;  unthoughtof 
'ork  [fork]  n.  a  pronged  tool 
'or-lorn'  [f6r-16rn']  a.  wretched 
'orm  [form]  n.  shape:  v.t.  to  construct 
'orm'al  [fnrm'irl]  a.  ceremonious 
'or-mal'i-ty  [fOr-mal'l-ty]  n.  ceremony 
'orm'al-ly  [f6rm'«l-ly]  adv.  stiffly 
or-ma'tion  [fOr-ma'shun]  «.   structure 
orm'a-tive  [forma-tn]  rt.  giving  form 
'or'mer  [for'mer]  a.  previous 
'or'mer-ly  [for'mer-ly]  adv  in  time  past 
'or'mio  (fdr'mlk)  a.  derived  from  ants 
Or'mi-cate  [for'mt-kSt]  a.  pert,  to  ants 
or'mi-da-ble  [for'mlda-b'l]  a.  dreadful 
'or'mu-la  [for'miS-Ia]  n.  a  prescription 
or'mu-la-ry  [IS-ry]  «.  prescribed  form 
or'mu-late  [-lat]  v.t.  to  state 
br'ni-ca'tion  [nl-ka'shun]  n.  adultery 
or-sake'  [fSr-sak']  v.t.  to  desert 
br-sooth'  [fOr-soo^A]  adv.  in  fact 
or-swear'  [swar]  v.t  to  deny  on  oath 
Ort  [fort]  n.  a  fortified  place 


"V  ^ 





forte  [fort]  ;;.  the  strong  point 
for'te  [for  ta]  adv.  strongly;  loudly 
fortll  [for//:]  adv.  onward;  forwardfpear 
forth'com'ing  [-kum1ng]a.  ready  to  ap- 
forth  with.'  {{oUh'-KUh']  adv.  at  once 
for'ti-eth  [fortl-e/A]  a.  the  fourth  tenth 
for  ti-fi-ca'tion   [-fl-ka'shOn]   n.  a  fort 
for'ti-fy  [fOr  ti-fl]  v.t.  to  strengthen 
for-tis'si-mo    [fSr-tls'sT-mS]  adv.  verj- 
for'ti-tude  [fdr'ti-tud]«.couragelloudly 
fort'night'  (fort'nit']  k.  two  weeks 
for' tress  [for'tres]  k.  a  fort 
for-tu'i-tous  [f6r-tu'I-tas]  a.  casual 
for'tu-nate  (f^rtu-nSt]  a.  lucky 
for'tune  [fortun]  k.  wealth;  chance 
for'ty  [for  t>]  a.  four  times  ten 
fo'rum  [fb'rOm]  n.  a  court 
for'ward  [forwerd]  a.  in  advance 
for'-ward-ness  [for'werd-nes]   k.  ardor 
fosse  [fSs]  K.  a  ditch:  a  moat 
fosse'way'  [fds'wa']  k.  a  Roman  road 
fos'sil  (f6s'sll]  71.  animal  remams  found 
fos'sil-ized  [■\zA]a.  antiquated  [in rocks 
fos'ter  [f6ster]  v.t.  to  cherish 
foul  [foul]  a.  filthy 

fou  lard'  [foo'lard']  «.thin  kind  of  silk 
foul'ly  [foully]  adv.  filthily;  shamefully 
foul'ness  [-nes]  «.  foul  condition 
found  [found]  V.  past  tense  of  "find" 
foun-da'tion  [founda'shun]  w.  a  basis 
foun'der  [foun'der]  v.t.  to  sink      [child 
found'ling  [found  iTng]    K.   a  deserted 
found'ry  [ry]  n.  metal  works      ["font" 
fount  [fount]  It.  a  fountain;  also  sameas 
foun'tain  [foun'tm]  h.  ajet  of  water 
four  [for]  a.  twice  two 
four'fold'  [for'fold']<j.  &  ai/i'. quadruple 
four' score'  [skor]  a.  eighty 
four'teen'  [for'tenT  a.  twice  seven 
fourth  [for//i]  a.  next  after  third 
fo've-ate  [fo've-St]  a.  pitted 
fowl  [foul]  7:.  a  bird  (shooting  fowl 

fowl'ing-piece'  [-ingpes]  «.  a  gun  for 
fowl'er  [fouler]  K.  a  sportsman 
fox  [f'ks]  >i.  an  animal  noted  for  craft 
fox'y  [f6k5y]<i-  ■»iiy 
f  3y  er'  (fwa'yS']  F.  ».  theater  lobby 
fra'cas  [fra'kas]  «.  an  uproar;  a  brawl 
frac'tion  [frik'shfln]  «.  a  part 
frac'tious  [frak  slms]  a.  cross;  irritable 
frac'ture  [frik'tur]  v.t.  to  break 
frag'ile  [fraj'U]  a.  brittle;  frail 
frasf'ment  [frag'm^nt]«.  a  piece  broken 
fra'^ance  [fra'grans]  n.  perfume      [off 
fra' grant  [fra'grant]  a.  odorous 
frail  [fr.ll]  a.  weak 
frail'ty  [fral'ty]  h.  infirmity      fcompose 
frame  [frSm]  «.  structure;  fabric;  v.t.  to 
fram'ing  [Ing]  «.  construction 
franc  [frSn^jk)  n.  a  French  coin 
fran'chise  [fran'chlz]  «.  privilege 
Fran-cis'can  [frSn-sIs'kan]  n.  an  order 
fran'gi-ble  [jl-b'l]  a.  brittle  lof  monks 
frank  [frangk]  a.  candid 










f-ank'in-cense  [frSngkln-sens]  «.  fra- 
frank'ness   [-nes]  ;/,candortgTant resin 
fran'tic  [fran'tik]  a.  furious 
fra-ter'nal  [fra-ter'nal]  a.  brotherly 
fra-ter'ni-ty  [-nl-ty]  «.  brotherhood 
frat'ri-cide  [frat'ri-sid]  k.  brother  mur- 
fraud  [frad]  ti.  deception  Ider 

fraud'u-ient  [-u-U-nt]  a.  deceitful 
fraught  [frat]  a.  laden 
fray  [fra]  n.  a  combat 
freak  [frek]  «.  a  whim;  a  monstrosity 
frec'kle  [frek'k'l]  n.  a  spot 
free  [frS]  a.  exempt  from 
free'boot  er  [-lioot'er]  «.  a  robber 
freed'man  [fred'mun]  k.  a  freed  slave 
free'dom  [fre'dflm]  n.  liberty 
free'-hand'    [-hand]  a.  drawn  without 
free'ly  [fre'ly]  adz\  plentifully     linstrs. 
free'man  [-manlK.  one  enjoying-  liberty 
free'ma  son  [-ma's'n]  «.  member  secret 
free'stone'  [-ston']  «.  sandstone    lorder 
free'thinker  [-/Alngk'fr]  «.  an  atheist 
free'wiir  [fre'wir]  a.  voluntary 
freeze  [frez]  ^.z.  to  congeal 
freight  [frat]  n.  cargo 
French  [french]  a.  from  France 
fren'zy  [fren'zy]  71.  madness 
fre'quen-cy  [frekwcn-sy]  ti.  repetition 
fre'quent  [-kwrnt]  a.  often 
fre'quent-ly  [-ly]«rf"'-niany  times; often 
fres'co  [fres'ki]  «.  painting  on  plaster 
fresh  [fresh]  a.  new  and  strong;  not  salt> 
fresh'en  [fr£sh"n]  ■v.t.  to  revive 
fresh'et  [fresh'et]  n.  a  flood 
fresh'man  [-munjK.  student  in  first  col 
fresh'ness  [nes]  «.  vigor        [lege  yeit 
fret  [fret]  f.  to  be  vexed;  to  worry 
fret'ful  [fret  fql]  a.  peevish 
fret'work'  [fret'wjjrk]  >i.  open  work 
fri'a-ble  [fria-b'l]  a.  easily  crumbled 
fri'ar  [frJ'er]  «.  a  monk 
fric  as-see'  [frik'os-se']  «.  a  stew 
fric'tion  [frik'shfln]  h.  a  rubbing 
Fri'day  [frlda]  n.  sixth  day  of  week 
friend  [frend]  n.  a  companion 
friend'ly    [frend'ly]  a.  sociable 
frieiid'ship  [-ship]  «.  attachment 
frieze  [frez]  «.  a  border 
frig'ate  [frig'it]  «.  a  war  ship 
fright  [frit]  ;;.  terror 
fright'en  [frit'n]  t/./.  to  terrify 
fright'ful  [fill]  a.  awful 
frig'id  1     ■        X.  very  cold 
fri-gid'i-Vj  iirl-gla'i-r/i  «.  coldness 
frill  [fril]  n.  a  ruffle 
fringe  [frinj]  «.  an  open  border 
frip'per-y  [frip'pcr-y]  «.  old  clothes 
frisk  [frisk]  -<.'.i.  to  frolic 
fris'ket  [frl5'ket]H.part  of  printing  pres: 
frisk'i-ness  [frisk  i-nSs]  «.  gayety 
frisk'y  [frlsk^-]  a.  frolicsome 
frit  [frit]  n.  glass  material 
frith  [frl/A]  n.  same  as  "firth" 
frit'ter  [frlt'ter]  n.  a  small  cake 








fri-vol'i-ty  [frl-vSl't-ty]  «.  trifling 
friv'o-lous  [iriv'6-lus]  a.  trivial 
friz  [frii]  -.t.  to  curl 
friz'zle  [frlzz'l)  -v.t.  to  crisp 
fro  [fro]  itdv.  from;  op.  to  in  "to  and  fro" 
frock  [frOk]  )(.  a  garment 
frog   [fr-^g]  n.  an  amphibious  animal 
frol'ii  [frOllk]  v.i.  to  play 
frol'lC-SOme  [sQm]  a.  gay;  sportive 
from  [frSmJ/rt-/.  out  of;  op.  of  "to" 
frond  [fr6nd] «. leafing  of  ferns.palms,&c. 
front  [frunt]  n.  the  foremost  part 
front'age  [-5j]h.  frontpart  of  house,  lot, 
fron'tal  []  a.  being  in  front  l&c 
fron'tier  [fron'ter]  «.  the  border 
fron'tis-piece  [-tls-pes];;.  part  first  seen 
frost  [frSst]  Ji.  frozen  dew  fbody 

frost'bite'  [bif]  >:.  freezing  of  part  of 
frost'ed[-ed]tz.covered  with  resemblance 
frost'work'  [-wurkl  «.  lof  frost 

froth  [fr6^/0"-foam:  spume;  Z'.i.  to  foam 
frounce  [frouns]  I'.t.  to  plait 
frou'zy  [frcu'zy]  a.  musty 
fro'ward  [fro  werd]  a.  refractory- 
frown  [froun]  v.i.  to  scowl 
Irovi'y  [frouy]  a.  rancid 
frow'zy  [fruu'zy]  a.  same  as  "frouzy" 
fro'zen  [fro  z'n]  a.  congealed 
fruc  ti-fi-ca'tion  [fruk'ti-fi-ka'shan] «. 
fru'gal  [fru'jjal]  a.  saving 
fru-gal'i-ty  [fru-gali-ty]  n.  prudence 
fruit  [frut]  n.  what  is  produced 
fruit'ful  [fmt'ful]  a.  prolific 
fruit'ful-ness  [nes]  n.  fertility 
fru-i'tion  [fru-ishun]  n.  enjoyment 
fruit'less  [frut'le!,]<2.  barren;  useless 
fru  men-ta'ceous[fru'men-ta'shus] 
fru'men-ty  [ty]  «.  pap  [sembling  grain 
frush  [frush]  n.  frog  of  a  horse's  foot 
frus'trate  [frus'trat]  v.t.  to  balk 
frus-tra'tion  [frOs-tra'shun]  K.  defeat 
frus'tum  [frus'tum]  ti.  base  part  of  cone 
fru'ti-cose    [fru'tl-kos')  <j.  shrublike 
fry    [frT]  v.t.  to  roast  in  a  pan 
fuch'si-a  [fu'shl-a]  n.  a  garden  flower 
fud'dle  [fad'd'l]   v.i.  to  drink  to  excess 
fudge  [ffij]  K.  nonsense 
fu'el  [fu'61]  «.  matter  to  bum  fger 

fu'gi-tive  [f  u'ji-tiv]    K.  one  fleeing  dan- 
fugue  [fug]  «.  a  musical  composition 
ful'crum  [ful'krum]  n.  a  prop 
ful-fiir  [fulfil]  7-./.  to  accomplish 
ful-flU'ment  [m^nt]  «.  completion 
ful'gent  [faljcnt]  a.  shining 
full  [fyl]  a.  replete;  v.t.  to  make  compact 
full'er  [fyl'er]  «.  one  who  fulls  cloth 
fuU'ness  [fijrnCs]  n.  abundance 
ful'ly  iriflly)  adv.  completely 
ful'mi-nate  [fOl'ml-nat]  t/.j.  to  censure 
ful'some  [falsfim]  a.  gross         [wardly 
fum'ble  [fOm'b'l]   v.i.  to  attempt  awk- 
fume  [fftm]  v.i.  to  rage;  yi.ft.  smoke 
fu'mi-gate  [fa']  v.t.  to  perfume 
fu  mi-ga'tion  [-g.Tshnn))/.  disinfection 

?  r"   \ 









fun  [fnn]  K.  sport;  liumor 
func'tion  [fungk'shunj  «.  office;  duty 
func'tion-a-ry  [4-ry]  «.  an  office  holder 
fund  [fund]  n.  capital  tJerlying 

fun'da-men'tal  [funda-men'tirl]  <i.un 
fu'ner-al  [fu'ncr-,;!]  n.  burial  rites 
fu-ne're-al  tfu-n6rc-<!l]<i.mournful;  dis- 
fun'gi[fun'ji)  ;!.//  of  "fungus"       Imal 
fun'gOUS  [tung'gus]  a.  spongy 
fun'gUS  [fung'gus]>/.  mushroom  growth 
fun'nel  [fun'nel]  ii.  a  chimney 
fun'ny  [funny]  a.  comical 
fur  [fflr]  K.  hair  on  animals 
fur'be-low  [fiirbe-lo]  ti.  a  flounce 
fur'bish  [fur'blsh]  v.t.  to  polish 
fu'ri-OUS  [furius]  a.  violent 
furl  [fflrl]  v.t.  to  roll  up 
fur'long  [furlong]  «.  eighth  of  a  mile 
fur'lough  [furl*]  K.  leave  of  absence 
fur'nace  [lur'nis]  «.  a  heater 
fur'nish  [fur'nish]  v./.  to  supply 
fur'ni-ture  [fur'ni-tur]  «.  goods 
fu'ror  [fu'rSr]  «.  fury;  rage 
fu-ro're  [foo-ro'rS]  J!  n.  enthusiasm 
fur'ri-er  [fQr'rl-er]  K   fur  dealer 
fur'row  [fur'ri]  K.  a  trench 
fur'ry  [fur'rj'J  a.  havinj,'  fur     [moreover 
fur'ther  [further]  a.  more  remote;  adv. 

fur'ther-ance  [-<zns]  h.  promotion 
fur'thest  [fur'thest]  a.  most  distant 
fur'tive  [furtlv]  a.  sly 
fu'ry  [fu'i^]  K.  rage;  madness 
furze  [furz]  K.  a  shrub 
fuse  [fiiz]  1'.  to  melt;  «.  same  as  "fuze' 
fu-see'  [fu-ze]  H.part  of  a  watch 
fu'sel  [fusel]  H.  an  acrid,  oily  liquid 
fu'si-ble  [fu'zl-b'l]  a.  meltable 
fu  sil-eer'  [-zrl-er]  «.  foot-soldier 
fu  sil-lade'  [']  «.  a  volley 
fu'sion  [fu'zhun]  n.  melting 
fuss  [fus]  «.  ado  about  trifles 
fuss'y  [fus'y]  a.  overnice 
fus'tian  [fus'ch<jn]  n.  cotton  stuff 
fus'ti-ga'tion  [-tiga'shun]  «. beating 
fust'i-neSS  [fust'T-nSs]  «.  ill  smell  frou 
fust'y  [fust'y](Z. moldy;  musty[mustineb 
fu'tile  [fu'tll]  a.  of  no  effect 
fu-til'i-ty  [fu-tll'I-ty]  n.  uselessness 
fu'ture  [fij'tur]  >i.  time  to  come 
fu-tu'ri-ty  [fu-ta'rl-ty]  «.  future  time 
fuze[fijz]  n.  combustible  tube  for  explod 
fuzz  [fciz]  n.  down  [ing  powdei 

fuzz'y  [fuz'y]  a.  having  fuzz 
fy  [fi]  iti^cyj.  expressing  dislike 

gab  [g&b]  K.  idle  talk;  v.i.  to  prate 
gab'ble  [b'l]  «.  rapid  meaningless  tail 
ga'bi-ons  [ga'bl-Onz]  fortificatior 
ga'ble  tga'b'l]  >i.  roof  peak         ^ba5ket^ 
gad  [gad] -y.z.  to  walk  about  idly;  H.goad 
gad'der  [-der]  n.  a  rambling  gossip 
gad'fly'  [  fli]  ".  an  insect 
Gadhel'ic  [gal'Ik]  a.  pert,  to  Irish 
Gael'ic  [gank]a.pert.  Highland  Scotcl 




gaff  [gSf  ]  n.  a  spear;  a  spar 

gaffer  Lgarfer]  «.  an  old  man        fcock 

gaffle  [gafri]«.artificial  spur  for  game- 

g^S  [gig]  ■«'■  to  silence;  to  choke 

gage  [ijaj]  «.  a  variety  of  plum 

gai'e-ty  [ga'e.ty]  «.  mirth 

gai'ly  [gS  ly]  rto-i'.  merrily 

gain  lijan]  ^  ^,  >o  obtain;  «.  profit 

gain'er  [gSn'er]  «.  one  who  gains 

gain'less  [ganlesj  a.  unprofitable 

gainsay'  Isr.insS']  v.t.  to  contradict 

gair'ish  [gSrlsh]  a.  same  as  "garish" 

gait  [gSt]  K.  manner  of  walking 

gai'ter  (gater)  «.  a  shoe 

ga'la  [gS'la]  M.  pomp;  show;  festivity 

gal  ac-tom'e-ter  igaiak-tom'e-tcr]  «. 
gal'ax-y  [gal'aksy]  «.  a  cluster;  assem 
gale  [gal]  >i.  a  strong  wind  Iblage 

ga-le'na  [galena]  K.  lead  ore 
gall  [^1]   K.  a  bitter  fluid 
gal'lant  [gal'lant]  a.  courtly 
gal-lant'  [gal-lanf]   «.  one  who  woo«s 
gal'lant-ry  [gallantry]  «.  chivalry 
gal'le-on  [le-Qn]  «.  ancient  three-deck 
gaiaer-y  [ler-y]  «.  elevated  floor  [ship 
gal 'ley  [gaily]  «.  low  flat  vessel 
gall'fly'  [gal'fli]  «.  an  insect 
gal'lic  [galllk]  a.  pert,  to  gall 
Gal'lic  [crarilk]  a.  pert.  Gaul  or  France 
Gal'li-can  [ll  kan]  a.  French 
Gal'li-cism  [slz'm]  «.  a  French  idom 
gal-li'nae  [-line]«.//.  kind  of  pheasants 
gall'ing  [gal'Ing]  a.  vexing 
gal'li-pot  [garil-pot]  «.  a  small  pot 
gal'lon  [gariun]  n.  a  liquid  measure 
gal'lop  [gariup]  v.i.  to  move  with  leaps 
gal'lows  [ganos]  n.s.  a  gibbet 
ga-loche'  fga-IOsh  ]  k.  an  overshoe 
ga-loot'  [ga-loof  ]  «.  a  worthless  fellow 
gal'op  [gal'8]  F.H.  kind  of  lively  dance 
ga-lore'  [gi-lOr']  a.  &  „.  plenty 
ga-loshe'  [-ISsh]  «.sameas"galoche" 
gal-van'ic  [jjSIvanlk]  a.  electric 
gal'va-nism  [galva-nlz'mjK.electricity 
gal'va-nize  [nlz]  v.f.  to  electroplate 
gam'ble  [g.lm  b-I]z/.!.  to  play  for  money 
gam'bler  [ffam'bler]K.onewho  gambles 
gam-boge'  [gam-bsBj']  «.  a  yellow  pig- 
gam'bol  [-bol]  v.i.  to  skip  about   (ment 
gam'brel  [gambrcl]  «.  horse's  hind  leg 
game  [^'Sm]  „.  any  sport;  wild  meats 
game'cock'  [kok'jw.malefightingfowl 
game'some  [sum]  a. sportive  [inapark 
game'ster  [g.1m'sttr]  «.  a  gambler 
gam'in  [gSmln]  F.ti.  a  street  Arab 
gam'mer  [gam'mcr]  «.  an  old  woman 
gam'mon  [gam'mOn]  «.  a  hoax 
gam'uf-  (Kamut)  h.  a  music  scale 
gan'dei  [gander]  n.  a  male  goose 
gang  fiiang]  «.  a  troop 
gan'gli-on  [ganggll-OnJn.nervecenter 
gan'grene  [^'anggrCnJ  >i.  mortification 
gang'way'  (gang'wa)  >,.  a  passageway 






gan'net  tgan'nSt]  «.  kind  of  sea  bird 
gaol  [jal]  n.  prison.  Same  as  ■■jail" 
S^P  [jfAp]  «•  an  opening 
gape  [gap  or  gap]  i/.i.  to  yawn 
gar  [gar]  n.  kindoffsh 
garb  [g:irb]  n.  dress;  aitire 
gar'bage   [gar'baj]   «.   refuse 
gar'ble  [garlVl]  vJ.  to  sift;  to  pervert 
gar'den  [giir'd'n]  ;;.  plot  for  vegetables 
gar'den-er  [cr]  „.  one  who  gardens 
gar'den-ing  [ing]  «.  horticulture 
gar'gle  [gar'g'r,  «.  a  throat  wash  [spout 
gar'goyle  [gar'goil]  ;;.  grotesque  water 
ga'ri-bal'di   [ga'rl-hal'dl]   «.   a  lady's 
gar'ish  [glr'Ish]  a.  showy;  gay     fwaist 
gar'land  [gar'land]  K.  a -wreath 
gar'lic  [gar'ltk]  n.  a  plant  [ing 

gar'ment  [-mcnt]  k.  any  article  of  cloth- 
gar'ner  [gar'ner]  n,  a  granary;  'v.t.  to 
gar'net  [gar'ngt]  «.  a  mineral  [gather 
gar'nish  [gar'nlsh]  i/.t.  to  adorn  [wages 
gar'nish-ee'  [-s']  i>.t.  to  attach  one's 
gar'ni-ture  [-m-tur]  «.  that  which  gar- 
gar'ret  [gSr'ret]  n.  an  attic  (nislies 

gar'ri-son  [ri-s'n]  n.  troops  in  a  fort 
gar' rot  [gar'rSt]  «.  bandage  tightener 
gar-rote'    gar-rot']  v.t.  to  choke 
gar'ru-lous  [^Sr'rn-IQs]  a.  talkative 
gar'ter  [gar'ter]«.aband  for  supporting 
gas  [gas]  n.  aeriform  fluid  [hose 

gas'a-lier'  [-a-ler']  «.  gas  chandelier 
Gas'con  [gas'kOn]  a.  pert,  to  Gascony 

gas'con-ade'  [gas'kon-ad']  v.i.  to  boast 

gas'e-OUS  [-c-Os]  a.  of  the  nature  of  gas 
gash  [gash]  >i.  a  cut:  "v.t.  to  cut  deeply 
gas'i-form  [gas'I-form]  a.  like  gas 
gas'light'  [lit]  ;i.  light  yielded  by  gas 
gas'  meter  [me'tcr]  n.    a  gas  measure 
gas'o-lene  [gas'6-len]  >  ^.highly  imlam- 
gas'o-line   [gas'S-lin]imable  liquid 
gas-om'e-ter[-Om'e-ter]«.  gas  reservoir 
gasp  [gasp]  T.i.  to  catch  the  breath 
gas'sy  [gSs'sy]  a.  full  of  gas 
gas' trie  [gas'trik]  a.  pert,  to  stomach 
gas'tric  juice'  [jus']  n.  a  stomach  acid 
gas-tri'tis[-trt'trs]  «.inflam.ofstomach 
gas'tro-nom'ic  [gas'trS-nOm'ik]  a. 
gas-tron'o-my  [gas-tr5n'6-my]  «.  epi- 
gate  [gat]  n.  an  opening  [curism 

gate'way'  [-wa']  n.  where  gate  is  hung 
gath'er  [gath'er]  v.t.  to  collect 
gath'er-er  [gath'er-er]  n.  a  collector 
gath'er-ing  [gath'er-Ing]  n.  a  crowd 
gat'linggun  [gat'llng gun'] K.Am,  gun 
gaud'i-ness  [gad'I-nes]  n.  showiness 
gaud'y  [gad'y]  a.  showy  [ure 

gauge  [gaj]  n.  a  measure;  v.i.  to  meas- 
gauge'a-ble  [-a-b'l]   a.  may  be  gauged 
gauged  [gajd]/./.  measured 
gau'ger  [ga'jcr]  «.  one  who  gauges 
gau'ging rod'  [ga'jing rsd]  >i. 
Gaul    [gal]    n.   old  name  of  France 
gaunt  [gant]  a.  lean 









gaunt'let  [gant'lSt]  n.  a  glove 
gauze  [gaz]  k.  thin  kind  of  cloth 
gauz'y  [gaz'y]  ".  resembling  gauze 
gav'el  [gSv'el]  «.  a  chairman's  mallet 
gav'ot  [gav'St]  «.  kind  of  dance 
gawk  [gak]  «.  a  simpleton 
gawk'y  [gak'y]  a.  clumsy- 
gay  [^5]  a.  merry 
gay'e-ty  IgS^tyl  «.  mirth 
gay'ly  [galy]  adv.  merrily 
gaze  [£rSz]  i\i.  to  look  steadily         flope 
ga-zelie'    [ga-zSl]  «.  species  of  ante- 
ga-zette'  [gi-zSt]  «.  a  newspaper 
gaz  et-teer'  [gazet-ter'Jw.geographical 
gear  [ger]  «.  trappings  Idictionary 

gear'ing  tger'mg)  k.  harness 
gee  [je]  v.i.  to  turn  from  the  driver 
geese  t£re5]  >;.//.  of  "goose" 
Ge-hen'na  [tjt-hsn'nfi]  «.  Hef>.  hell 
gel'a-tin  [jefa-tln]  «.  isinglass 
ge-lat'i-nous  [je-latl-nQs]  a.  like  jelly 
geld  [geld;  v.t.  to  castrate 
geld'ing  [-Ing]  k.  a  gelded  animal 
gel'id  [jel'Id]  a.  very  cold 
ge-lid'i-ty  I  jelld'I-ty]  «.  frigidity 
gem  [j6m]  K.  any  precious  stone 
Gem'i-ni  Jjim  l-ni)  "f-  the  Twins 
gem'ma-ry  [jem'ma-ry]  M.  jewels 
gem'my  {j6m'my]  a.  full  of  gemsfman 
gen  darme'  [zhaK'darm']   F.n.   police- 
gen'der  [  i'^n'der]   «.  distinction  of  sex 

gen'e-al'o-gist  [-ai'ijist]  «. 

gen'e-al'o-gy  [-jy]  «■  pedigree 
gen'e-ra  tjin'e-ra]  of  "genus" 
gen'er-al  [  er-al]  a,  common;  k.  a  chief 
gen'er-al-ize  [iz]  v.  to  take  a  general 
gen'er-al-ly  t-'y]  adv.  usually       (view 

gen'er-al-ship  [ship]  n.  leadership 
gen'er-ate  ( jan'er-at]  v.t.  to  produce 
gen  er-a'tion  [s'shfln]  n.  race 
gen'er-a-tive  (-a  tiv]  a.  prolific 
gen  er-OS'i-ty  [Os'I-ty]  n.  liberality 
gen'er-OUS  [Jin  cr-Os]  a.  liberal 
gen'e-sis  [jSn'c-sIs]  «.  origination 
gen'et  [jC-n'ei]  n.  a  small  Spanish  horse 
gen'ial  [j.^n']  a.  cheerful 
ge  ni-al'i-ty  [js'ni-al'l-ty]  «.  gayety 
gen'i-tal  [j4n'I-t<jl]a.pert.  to  generation 
gen'ius  [jen'yOs]  «.  talent 
gens  [jenz]  K.  a  tribe;  a  clan 
gen-teel'    [J6n-t6lj  a.  polite 
gen'tian    tjc-n'shanj   «.  a  plant 
gen'tile  [jcn'tll]  «.  a  pagan 
gen-til'i-ty  [jen-tiri-ty]   «.    politeness 
geu'tle  [jcnt'l]  a.  mild;  placid 
gen'tle-man  [-man]  n.  a  well-bred  man 
gen'tle-neas  [ji-n't'l-nts]  n.  mildness 
gen'tly  [jen'tlj]  adv.  softlyj 
gen'try  [jen'try]  n.  nobility 
gen'u-ine  [j.;n'a-In]  a.  real;  natural 
gen'u-ine-ness  [-nes]  u.  reality 
ge'nus  [jii'nQs]  «.  class  of  many  species 




ge-od'e-sy[jc-Sd'e-sy]  «.  land  surveying 
ge-og'ra-pher  [Ogra-fer]  k. 
ge'o-graph'ic-al  [je'6-graf'i-kal]  a. 
ge-0g'ra-phy[jc-6g'ra-fy]«. cosmogony 
ge-ol'o-gist  [je-6r*-jlst]  K. 
ge-ol'o-gy[-jy]«.  science  of  earth's  crust 
ge-0m'e-try[-6in'e-try]«. a  math. science 
ge-ra'ni-umL-ia  ni-um]  «.  a  plant 
ger-bo'a  [jcr-bo'a]  «.  the  jerboa 
germ  [j?rm]  «.  origin;  embryo 
Ger'man  [jer'mizn]  a.  pert,  to  Germany 
ger-mane'  [jer-man']  a.  relevant 
ger'mi-nate  [jer'ml-nat]  t/i.  to  sprout 
ges-ta'tion   [jSs-ta'shun]  «.  pregnancy 
ges-tic'u-late   [-tik'u-lat]   v.i.  to  make 
ges-tic'u-la'tion  [-la'shun]  «.  [motions 
ges'ture  [jSs'tur]  «.  a  motion 
get  [get]  i/J.  to  obtain 
gew'gaw  [gu'ga]  «.  a  showy  trifle 
gey'ser  [gi'ser]  «.  a  boiling  spring 
ghast'ly  [gistly]  a.  deathlike;  pallid 
gher'kin  [ger'kin]  n.  kind  of  cucumber 
ghost  Igost]  >!.  an  apparition 
ghost'ly  [gost'ly]  a.  like  a  ghost 
ghoul  [gool]  K.  demon 
gi'ant  [ji'.int]  «.  a  very  large  man 
gi'ant-ess  tj5'<'ntss]  k.  a  female  giant 
giaour  [jour]  Turk.n.  disbeliever  in  Mo- 
gib'ber  [j lb IjerlM. balky  horseihammed 
gib'her  fglbl^er]  "v.u  to  speak  rapidly 

gib'ber-ish  [ish]  «.  silly  talk 

gib'bet  [jlbTsSt]   «.   frame  for  hanging 
gib'hous  [gfb'hus]  a.  convex   [criminals 
gibe  [jib]  ?i.  a  scuff;  a  taunt        [poultry 
gib'lets  [jrb'Igts]  n  pi.  edible  inmeats  of 
gid'di-ly   [gid'dl-ly]  adv.  unsteadily 
gid'di-ness  [-nSs]  n.  vertigo 
gid'dy  [gld'dy]  a.  light  headed 
gift  [gift]  «.  a  present 
gig  [gig]  K.  a  vehicle;  a  rowboat 
gi-gan'tic  [jt-gin'tlk]  a.  enormous 
gig'gle  [gig  g'l]  i>.i.  to  laugh 
gild  [gild]  v.t.  to  adorn  with  gold 
gild'er  [gilder]  K.  one  who  gilds      [leaf 
gild'ing  [Ing]  K.  overlaying  with  gold 
gill  [gll]  «.  fish's  respiratory  organ 
gill  tjll]  n.  fourth  of  a  pint 
gilt  [gilt]  a.  gold  or  its  like 
gilt'-edged'  [■ejd']  a.  of  best  quality 
gim'blet  [glm'blet]«.  same  as  "gimlet" 
gim'let  [gim'lSt]  n.  instr.  for  boring 
gimp  [gimp]  «.  edging 
gin  [jIn]  n.  an  alcoholic  drink 
gin'ger  [jlnjCr]  «.  a  plant 
gin'ger-ly  [jin'jer-ly]  adv.  nicely 
ging'ham  [ging'am]  k.  cotton  cloth 
gin'net  [jinnet]  «.  same  as  "genet" 
gin'seng  [jin'sfing]  «.  medicinal  plant 
gip'sy  [  jlp'sy]  K.  same  as  "gypsy" 
gi-raffe'  [jlraf]  «.  tallest  of  animals 
gird  [gSrd]  T.t.  to  encircle 
gird'er  [gcrd'cr]  n.  a  main  beam 
gir'dle   [ger'd'l]  «.  a  belt 
girl  [gerl]  K.  a  young  female 











girl'hood  [gerlTiSSd]  «.  state  of  being  a 
girt  l^en]  ^■.^  to  gird  U'irl 

girth  [ijer/A]  M.  a  strap 
gist  [jlst]  n.  the  main  point 
give  [ijiv]  V.  to  bestow;  to  yield 
giv'en  [giv'n]/./.  of  "give- 
giv'er  [glv?r]  «.  one  who  gives 
giv'ing  [-ing]  «.  act  of  bestowing 
giz'zard  [giz'zcrd]  n.  stomach  of  a  fowl 
gla'cial  [gla'shal]  a.  icy  [field 

gla'cier  [-shcr]  ;(.  an  inland  moving  ice- 
glad  [gild)  a.  pleased;  happy 
glad'den  [glad'd'n]  ■v.i.  to  make  glad 
glade  [trl'iil]  u.  an  opening  in  a  wood 
glad'i-a  tor  [t;lJd'I-aicr]  «.  a  fighter 
glad'i-ole  [glad'i-ol]  «.  a  lily-like  plant 
glad'ness  [i,'l.-id'n6s]  fi.  joy 
glad'some  [yljd  sum]  a.  pleasing 
glair  []  «.  the  white  of  an  egg 
gla'mour  [gla'moor]  «.  a  spell 
glance  [glans]  «.  a  rapid  view 
gland  [ghliiil]  >i.  a  secreting  organ 
glan'ders  [glSn'derz]  «.a  horse  disease 
glan'du-lar  [diS-ler]  a.  pert,  to  glands 
glare  [?iar]  «.  a  dazzling  light 
glar'ing  [ijl.UIng]  a.  notorious   [stance 
glass  [ijl.isl  n.  a  brittle,  translucent  sub- 
glass'i-ness  [-I-nts]  k.  smoothness 
glass'y  [glis'J]  a.  resembling  glass 
glau'cous  [glakOs]   a.  of  a  sea-green 
glaze_[glaz]  ?  ./.  to  make  glossy     [color 
gla'zier  [gla'zher]  «.  a  glass  setter 
gleam  [glem]  t/.s.  to  shine 
glean  [ylen]  7,.f.  to  gather;  to  cull 
glean'er  [trlen'er]  «.  one  wlio  gleans 
glebe  [gleb]  «.  a  clod;  land;  soil 
glee  [gle]  K.  joy;  merriment 
glen  [glcnj  w.adale 
glib  rgllb]  a.  voluble;  flippant 
gUb'ly  [glibly]  aJv.  flippantly 
glide  [glid]  -v.i.  to  move  smoothly 
glim'mer  [gilmmCr]  v.i.  to  shine  faint- 
glimpse  [gllms]  «.  a  hurried  view      [ly 
glint  [gllnt]«.  a  glance;  t.  to  peep  forth 
glis'ten  [glls"n]  T/.i.  to  shine 
glis'ter  [glls'ter]  i-.R  to  be  bright 
glit'ter  [gllt'ter]  T,.!.  to  sparkle 
gloam  [gloni]  -v.i.  to  begin  to  grow  dark 
gloam'ing  [glSmlng]  «.  twilight 
gloat  [glot]  z.!.  to  stare  with  desire 
globe  [glr.l,]  ,1.  a  spherical  body 
glob'u-lar  [glCb'U-ler]  a.  round 
glob'ule  [gl6b'Ql]  K.  a  small  globe 
glom'er-ate  lglOmcr-,1t)i/.  to  collect  in 
gloom  l^floom]  «.  sadness  [a  ball 

gloom'i-ly  [-i-lj]  o^i,.  sadly 

gloom'i-ness  [-I-nSs]  n.  obscurity 
gloom'y  [gloom'J]  a.  clouded 
Glo'ri-a  (i;l.-,rl-i]  «.  a  doxology 

glo'ri-fy  ((jlr/rl-H]  t../.  to  praise 
glo'ri-ous  (i;l.'j'rl-flsl  a.  excellent 
glo'ry  [jrh-.'r^l  «.  splendor 
gloss   (t;lfjs]    n.   polish 


T  I. 









glos'sa-ry  [gl6s'sa-ii?]  «.  a  vocabulary 
gloss'y  tfc'lCsy]  a.  shiny 
glot'tis  [glottis]  }i.  end  of  larynx 
glove  [gliiv]  >i.  cover  for  the  hand 
glow  (glo]>:.heat;  T-.j.  to  shine  with  heat 
glow'er  [glouer]  I'. I.  to  stare  angrily 
glow'worm'  [wijrm'l  K.  kind  of  firefly 
glu'cose'  [glu'kos']  «.  grape  sugar 
glue  [glii]  '!.  an  adhesive  gelatin     fslue 
glue'pot'  [-pCf]  11.   utensil   for  melting 
glu'ey  fglo'y]  a.  of  the  nature  of  glue 
glum  [glum]  a.  sullen 
glut  [srlnt]  v./.  to  gorge 
glu'ten  [glu  ten]  «.  starch 
glu'ti-nous  [glu'tl-nus]  a.  like  glue 
glut'ton  [glOt't'n]  «.  an  excessive  eater 
glut'ton-y  [glut't'n-y]«.exce5s  in  eating 
glyc'er-in  [glls'er-In]    k.  an  oily  liquid 
glyph  [glif]  «.  a  groove 
gnarl  [nirl]  v-t.  to  growl;  «.  a  knot 
gnarled  [narld]  a.  knotty 
gnash  [nish]  vJ.  to  grind  one's  teeth 
gnat  [nat]  n.  a  small  insect 
gnaw  [na]  v.i.  to  bite  off 
gneiss  [nis]  k.  crystalline  rock 
gnome  [nom]  n.  a  dwarf;  a  goblin 
gno'raon  [no  mOn]  n.  sun-dial  index 
gnos'tic  [nOs'tIk]  K.  one  claiming  deep 
gnu  [nu]  M.S.  African  antelope  [wisdom 
go  [fro]  T.i.  to  move  along 
goad[god]7'./.  to  incite:  >i.  pointed  instr 
goal  [gol]  «.  the  end  [for  driving  beasts 
goat  [got]  K.  an  animal 
goat  ee'  [go'te']  «.  a  chinbeard 
gob  tgOb]  ;:.  a  mouthful 
gob'ble  [gOb'b'i]   V.    to  swallow  hastily 
gob'let  [gOb'lSt]  K.  a  drinking  glass 
gob'lin  [gOb  lln]  »:.  an  evil  spirit 
god  [tr'^d]  >i.  an  object  of  worship 
god'dess  [g6d  des]  >i.  a  female  god 
god'fa'ther  [-f  a'ther]  K.  child's  sponsor 
god'head  [gSdhed]  «.  deity 
god'less  [god'lss]  a.  without  a  god 
god'like'  [gOd'lik'ja.  resembling  a  god 
god'li-ness  [gOd'ItnSs]  ?i.  piety 
god'ly  [crSd'ly]  a.  devout  fsor 

god'moth  er  [muth'cr]  a.  woman  spon- 
god'send'  [gOd'sSnd']  n.  good  fortune 
god'speed'  [-sped]  «.  a  wish  for  success 
gog'gles   [gOgg'lz]    «.//.  kind  of  eye 
go'ing  [gSing]  II.  departure       [glasses 
go'ings  [go'Ingz]  «.//.  doings;  ways 
goi'ter  [goiter]  K.  a  neck  disease 
gold  [gold)  n.  most  precious  of  metals 
gold'en  [goId"n]  a.  resembling  gold 
gold'smith'  [-sml/A'lw.a  worker  in  gold 

golf  [golf]  >!.  a  ball  game 
Gol'go-tha  [gaVgt-t/ii]  n.  Calvary 
go'mer  [gcp'mer]    K.  a  Hebrew  measure 
gon'do-la  [gOn'dS-la]  k.  a  Venetian  boat 
gon  do-lier'  [-ler']  «.  a  boatman 
gong  [gSng]  n.  kind  of  bell 
good  [good]  a.  &  «.  op.  of  "evil" 



n  ^-\ 





gcod  -by'  [g^6d'-hV]inter/.  a  farewell 
good'isll  [good  Ish]  a.  tolerable 
good'li-ness  [g6od'li-iies]«.  comeliness 
good'ly  [goodly]  a.  pleasant;  agreeable 
good'ness  f-nSs)  h.  quality  of  being  good 
goods  [Ljoodz]  «./•/.  wares;  chattels 
goose  [iToos]  n.  a  fowl  of  duck  family 
goose'ber-ry  [goozlier-ry]  «.  a  fruit 
go'pher  [go'fer]  «.  a  burrowing  rodent 
Gor'di-an  [gordr-an]  a.  intricate 
gore  [gor]  K.  blood:  z'./.  to  stab       [vine 
gorge  [gorj]  ■Z'.t.  to  gormandize;  «.a  ra- 
gor'geous  [gflr'jus]  a.  showy 
Gor'gon  [gor  gOn]    «.  a  faliled  monster 
go-ril'la  [girilla]  k.  V,'.  African  ape 
gor'mand  [gor'mand]  k.  a  glutton 
gor'mand-ize  [iz]  v.  to  eat  greedily 
gor'y  (trnry]<7.  bloody 
gos'hawk'  [gSs'hak]  n.  a  large  hawk 
gos'ling  [gOzUng]  n.  a  young  goose 
gos'pel  [f;55'p6l]  H.  good  news 
gos'sa-mer  [gos'sa-merjn.  a  thin  fabric 
gos'sip  [jjosslp]  v.f.  to  talk  much 
got  [jjOt]/./.  of  "get" 
Goth  [gi'tf^t']  n.  one  of  an  ancient  race 
Go'tham-ite  [go /A<im-!t]«. New  Yorker 
Goth'ic  [gn//i'Ik]  a.  pert,  to  the  Goths 
gouge  [gouj]  ■v.t.  to  scoop  out 
gourd  [gord]  K.  a  plant  of  melon  kind 
gout  'iTout]  n.  a  paroxysmal  disease 
gout'y  [grout'y]  a.  subject  to  gout 
gov'ern  [guv'crn]  -v.t.  to  direct 
gov'ern-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  obedient 
gov'ern-ess  [Ss]  «.  a  lady  tutor 
gov'ern-ment  [-m<nt]  >;.  control 
gov'ern-or  [-er]  >i.  one  who  governs 
gown  [goun]  n.  a  dress 
grab  [grab]  v.  to  seize  hastily 
grace  [gras]  «.  divine  favor;  beauty 
grace'ful  [grSs'f^l]  a.  full  of  grace 
grace'less  rgrSs'lSs]  a.  corrupt 
gra'cious  [gra'shus]  a.  kind 
gra'date  \ZT^\\ht]v.t.  to  arrange  in  har- 
gra-da'tion  [gr4-da'shun]  «.         [mony 
grade  fgrad]    «.  step  or  degree;  a  slope 
gra'di-ent  [gra'dl-f  nt]    k.  rate  of  slope 
grad'ing  [grading]  «.  a  leveling 
grad'u-al  [grad'u-al]  a.  by  degrees 
grad'u-ate  [-at]  v.t.  to  confer  a  degree 
grad  u-a'tion  [-a'shnn]  «. 
graft  [graft]  v.t.  to  insert  a  scion 
grail  [gral]  n.  a  chalice 
grain  [gran]  «.  seed;  the  cereals 
gram  (i;ram]  «.  metric  unit  of  weight 
g:ram'ma-logue  [-ma-log]  «.  word  sign 
gram'mar  [gram  intr]  «.  science  of  Ian- 
gram-ma'ri-an  [-ma'ri-rjn]  «.    [guage 
gram-mat'ic-al  [gram-mat'lkalj  a. 
gram'pus  [gram'pOs]  n.  a  kind  offish 
gran'a-ry  [grSn'a-ry]  «.  a  grain  house 
grand  [grand]  a.  splendid  [man 

gran-dee'  [gran-de]  «.  Spanish  noble- 
gran'deur  [gran'dOr]  «.  majesty  [father 








gran-dil'o-quent  [gran-dirS-kw^m]  n. 
grand'moth  ertgrand'muth'erjM.  a  par- 
grange  [ijranj]  n.  a  farm    [ent's  mother 
gran'ite  [gran'it]  «.  a  hard  rock 
grant  [errant]  vj.  to  admit 
gran-tee-  [gran-te]  «.  receiver  of  grant 
grant'or  [grant'or]  K.  one  who  grants 
gran'u-lar  [grSn'u-ler]  a.  like  grain 
gran'u-late  [latji/.^.toform  into  grains 
gran'u-la'tion  [gran'd-la'bhun]  «. 
gran'ule  [grln'ul]  «.  a  little  grain 
grape  [grSp]  «.  fruit  of  tlie  vine 
grap'er-y  [grSp'er-y]  «.  a  vineyard 
graph'ic  [graf'Ik]  a.  descriptive 
graph'ite  [grant]  k.  black  lead 
grap'nel  [grSp'nel]  «.  a  small  anchor 
grap'ple  [grap'p'l]  v.t.  to  seize 
grasp  [grasp]  f ./.  to  grip;  «.  hold 
grass  [gras]  >i.  herbage         [cust  family 
grass'hop'per  [-h8p'per]«.  insect  of  lo- 
grate  [grat]  «.  fuel  holder;  v.  to  rasp 
grate'ful  [grat'fljl]  a.  thankful 
grat'er  [gratfr]  k.  instr.  for  rasping 

grafi-fi-ca'tion  [grat'i-fr-ka'shun]  «• 
grat'i-fy  [grat'I-fl]  please 
grat'ing  [grating]  a.  making  a  harsh 
gra'tis  [gra'tls]  adv.  freely  [sound 

grat'i-tude  (grat'l-tudj  «.  thankfulness 
gra-tu'i-tOUS  [gri-tn'I-tOs]  a.  free 
gra-tu'i-ty  [gra-ta'I-ty]  «.  a  present 
grat'u-late  [grat'fi-lat]  v.t.  to  congratu- 
grat'u-la'tion  [-la'shun]  «.  [late 

grave[grav]  n.  place  of  burial;  a.  serious 
grav'el  [grav'el]  «.  small  stones 
grav'er  [grav'cr]  «.  an  engraver's  tool 

grav'i-tate  [grav'i-tat]  v.i.  to  tend  to 
grav'i-ta'tion  [-ta'shon]  «.         iward 

grav'i-ty  [grav'I-ty]  «.  weight 
gra'vy  [gra'vj']  «.  meat  juice 
gray  [grS]  «.  white  mixed  with  black 
graze  [graz]  v.i.  to  feed  on  grass 
graz'er  [graz?r]  «.  one  that  grazes 
gra'zier  [gra'zher]  pasturing  cat- 
grease  [gres]  «.  animal  fat  [tie 

greas'y  [grez'y]  a.  full  of  grease 
great]  a.  large 
great'er  [grat'er]  a.  larger 
great'nesa  [-nes]  «.  state  of  being  great 
greaves  [grevz]  tallow  sediment 
Gre'cian  [gre'shan]  «.  citizen  of  Greece 
greed  [gred]  «.  greediness 

greed'i-nes3  [-i-nss]  «.  voracity 

greed'y  [gred^]  a.  eager  to  obtain 
Greek  [grSk]  «.  a  Grecian 
green  [gren]  «.  a  color  [money 

green'backs'  [-baks]  n.J>l.  V.  S.  paper 
green'gage'  r-gaj']  «.  kind  of  plum 

green'horn'  [gren'harn']  «.  a  raw  youth 
green'house'  [-hous']  «.  a  plant  house 
green'ness  [gren'nfis]  n.  verdancy 
green'room'  [-ro5m']  «.  theater  retiring 
greet  [gret]  T.t.  to  welcome  [room 

greet'ing  [greting]  n.  salutation 
gre-ga'ri-ous'  [gre-ga'ri-Qs]  a. 





gre-nade'tsre-n5d']n.  an  explosive  shell 
gren  a-dier'  [grena-der'J  «.  a  foot  sol- 
gren  a-dine'  [-den']  „.  thin  silk  idler 
grew'some  tgru'sOm]  a.  frightful 
grey'hound'  [gra'hound']  «.  a  dog 
grid'dle  [grldd'l]  «.  a  cake  pan  fsil 
grid'i  ron  [grld'iflrn]  «.  a  grated  uten- 
grief  [gref]  n.  sorrow  fwrong 

griev'ance  [grev'ans]  «.   a  feeling  of 
grieve  [grev]  v.i.  to  inourn 
griev'ous  [grevus]  a.  painful 
griffin  [griffin]  n.  fabled  monster 
grill  [grll]  v-t.  to  broil 
grim    [grim]  a.  sullen;  surly 
gri-mace'  [gri-mas']«. distortion  efface 
gri-mal'kin  [gri-mal'kin]  «.  an  old  cat 
grime  [grim]  «.  ingraineil  dirt 
grim'y  [grimy]  a.  full  of  grime 
grin  [grin]  -j.i.  to  laugh 
grind  [grind]  v.t.  to  crush;  to  sharpen 
grind'er  [grlnd'er]  K.  one  who  grinds 
grind'stone  [-ston']«.  sharpening  stone 
grip  [grip]  «.  a  grasp;  'v.t.  to  clutch 
gripe  [grip]  v.t.  to  give  pain 
grippe  [grc p]  F.n.  the  influenza 
gris'ly  [griz  ly]  a.  frightful 
grist  rgrl-.t]  n.  grain  for  grinding 
gris'tle  [grls"l]  «.  a  cartilage 
grit  [grit]  «.  sand:  fortitude 
griz'zle  [griz'zl]  «.gray 
griz'zly  [grizzly]  <i.  somewhat  gray 
groan  [grOn]  ^.i,  to  moan 
groat  [sny\  n.  an  old  Eng.  coin 
groats  [grats]  «.//.  dried  crushed  grain 
gro'cer  [groscr]  «.  dealer  in  household 
gro'cer-y  [-y]«. grocer's  store  (supplies 
&ropr  [gfOg]  K.  spirits  and  water 
groin  [groin]  K.  part  of  body 
groom  [groom]  ti.  a  hostler 
groove  [groov]  «.  a  furrow 
grope  [grnp]  ■v.i.  to  feel  along  fture 

gros'grain'  [grO'grSn]  a.  of  coarse  tex- 
grosa  [gros]  a.  coarse 
gro-tesque'  (gri-tesk']  a.  ludicrous 
grot'to  [grOt'tS]  K.  a  large  cave 
ground  [ground]  K.  laud 
ground'less  [groundlss]  a.  false 
ground'nut'  [nQt]  «.  the  peanut 
ground'sel  [-s5l]  «.  a  common  weed 
group  [gr?5<5p]  ,1.  a  cluster 
grouse  [gr.Hii]  «.x.  &//.  abird 
grout  [grout]  «.  coarse  meal  (^/.groats) 
grove  [grSv]  «.  a  small  wood 
grov'el  [gr6v"I]  zf.z.  to  creep;   to  cringe 
grow  [gr^.]  z'.i.  to  increase 
growl  [groul]  v.t.  to  snarl 
grown  [grOn]/./.  of'grow";  increased 
growth  [groM]  «.  progress 
grub  [grab]  -v.i.  to  dig;  >,.  a  larva 
grudge  [grCj]  v.t.  to  envy 
grudg'ing-ly   [InglJ]  aJv.  covetously 
gru'el  [i'P)  .:•!]  „.  a  thin  porridge 
gruff  [grulj  a.  harsh;  severe 
grufTuCBS  [grOfiics]  «.  sternness 





grum  [^um]  a.  morose 
grum'b'le  [jirumb'l]  t-.i.  to  complain 
grum'bler  (grum'bler]  n.  a  fault  finder 
grunt  [grunt]  n.  a  guttural  sound 
gua'no  tg-ivS'nS]  n.  a  fertilizer 
guar  an-tee'  [gSr'ante'J'Z/.^.  to  -warrant 
guard  [gardjt'./.  to  defend;  n.  an  escort 
guard'i-an  [gard'i-an]  n.  a  protector 
gua'va  [gwa'va]  «.  a  tropical  fruit 
gud'geon  [gfljun]  «.  an  iron  pin;  a  fish 
guer'don  [ger'dun]  K.  a  reward 
guer-ril'la  [gSr-nl'la]  «.  irregular  war- 
guess  [g6s}  ii.t.  to  conjecture  [fare 
guest  [gest]  K.  a  visitor 
guid'ance  [gld'ans]  n.  direction 
guide  [gid]  v.t.  to  lead;  n.  a  leader 
gui'don  tgi'dnn]  n.  a  small  flag 
guild  [gild]  «.  a  fraternity 
guile  [gil]  n.  cunning                         fcere 
guile'less  [gil'lgs]);.  without  guile;  sin- 
guil'lo-tine'  [gll'iS-ten']  «.  beheading 
guilt  fgllt)  n.  offense;  crime      [machine 
guilt'i-ly  [gllt'i-Iy]  adv.  criminally 
guilt'less  [-16s]  a.  free  from  guilt 
guilt'y  [gllt'y]  a.  not  innocent 
guin'ea  [gin-e]  «.  an  old  Eng.  coin 
guise  [giz]  K.  dress:  manner 
gui-tar'  [gl-tar']  n.  a  stringed  instr. 
gulch  [gulch]  n.  a  dry  ravine 
gulf  [gulf]  «.  a  large  bay 
gull  [gul]  -v.t.  to  deceive;  n.  a  sea  bird 
gul'let  [gul'lgt]  «.  the  esophagus 
gul'li-ble  [gul'lI-b-1]  a.  easily  gulled 
gul'ly  [gQl'ly]  n.  an  eroded  channel 
gulp  [gulp]  v.t.  to  swallow 
gum  [gflm]  K.  a  vegetable  secretion 
gump'tion  [gump'shOnl  K.  shrewdness 
gun[gun]  n.  instr.  for  shooting;  a  firearm 
gun'boat  [gun'bOt]  «.  a  war  boat 
gun'  cot  ton  [kOt'fn]  n.  an  explosive 
gun'pow'der  [-pou'der]  «.  an  explosive 
gun'smith'  [smMh'^n.  maker  of  guns 
gun'stock'  [-stOk]  H.  part  of  a  gun 
gun'wale  [-wSI]  k.  upper  edge  of  shin's 
gur'gle  [gurg'l]  v.i.  to  bubble  out  [side 
gur'net  [gur'net]  71.  a  fish;  sea  robins 
gush  [gush]  v.i.  to  flow 
gust  [gQst]  K.  a  blast  of  wind 
gus'to  [gus'tO]  n.  relish 
guts  [gQts]  «.//.  entrails               Tof  gum 
gut'ta-per'cha  [gut  ta-per'cha]  «.kin(l 
gut'ter  [gut'ter]  n.  a  channel       fthroat 
gut'tur-al  [guftur-al]  a.  formed  in  tlic 
&uy[Si]  "■  a  steadying  rope;  a  queer per- 
guz'zle  [guz'z'l]  -v.t.  to  drink  fast    Ison 
gym-na'si-um  [jln.-na'zI-Om]  n. 
gym'nast  [jimnast]  n.  an  athlete 
gym-nas'tic  [jim-nas'tik]  a.  athletic 
gyp'sum  [  jlpsum]  «.  a  mineral 

gyp'sy  rjip'sy]  «.  a  vagabond 
gy'ral[ji'r.,l]  a.  whirling 
gy-ra'tion  f  ji-ra'shun]«.  a  circular  mo- 
gyve  ( jiv]  v.t.  to  chain  Ition 

-    ~] 







ha  [h-A]:rtr>'f.  denoting' 
ha'be-as  cor'pus  [ha  be-as  kor'pus]   «. 
hab'er-dash  er  [h4b'er-dasli'er]«.[berk 
ha-ber'ge-on[ha-li?r'je-On]«.  short  hau- 
ha-biri-ment  (ha-biri-intnt]«.clothing 
hab'it  [hah  It]  ;;.  custom;  garb 
hab'it-a-ble  [hablt-a-b'l]  a.  fit  to  live  in 
hab'i-tat  [hab'I-tSt]  m.  the  natural  abode 
hab  i-ta'tion  t-ta'shun]  n.  a  house 
ha-bit'u-al  [ha-blfu-al]  <?.  customary 
ha-bit'u-ate  [-at]  -z/.t.  to  accustom 
ha'bitu'd'  [a'bc'tu'S']  F.n.  a  frequenter 
hack  [hrik]  «.abbrev.  of  ••hackney" 
hac'kle  [hakk'l]  v.t.  to  tear  asunder 
hack'man  [hak'nimi]  «.  a  hack  driver 
hack'ney  [hik  ny]  «.  kind  of  coach 
had  [IiS-l]  /./.  of  -have"  rfish 

had'dock  [h.1<rauk)    «.   a  marine  food 
Ha'des  [ha'dez]  «.  the  nether  world  [ca 
hadj'i  [hSj'T];/.  Moham.  pilgrim  to  Mec- 
hoe'mal  [he'mal]  a.  pert,  to  the  blood 
haft  [haft]  «.  a  handle 
hag  [liiij]  «.  an  ugly  old  woman 
hag'gard  [hag'gcrd]  a.  pale;  wild 
hag'gle  [hsgg-i]  '.J./,  to  cut 

hail  [hil]  ;;.  frozen  rain;  ■Z'.i.  to  salute 
hair  []  u.  a  filament 
hair'dress'er  [-drSs'cr]  «.  a  barber 
haired  [liar  1]  >r.  having  hair;  hairy 
hair'split  ting  [hdr'spllt'ting]  a.  trivial 
hair'y  [hiry]  a.  covered  with  hair 
hal'berd  [hol'lierd]  «.  an  ancient  spear 
hal'cy-on  [hal'sl-6n]  n.  calm;  blissful 
hale  [lial]  a.  robust;  healthy 
half  (haf  ]  ;;.  one  of  two  equal  parts 
half-and-half  k.  mixed  malt  liquors 
half  blood'  [blud']<7.  kin  by  one  parent 
half -blood  ed  [-6d]  a.  of  parents  of  dif. 
half-breed'  [-bred'Ja.half-bloodedirace 
half-pen-ny  [ha'p6n-ny]«.    Eng.  ceni 
hari-but[holI-but]«.  a  large  edible  fisl: 
hall  [lial]  ".  a  passage  way  j 

hal  le-lu'iah  [harie-lo'ya]  n.&LinterJ. 
hal-loo'  [h.11-Ioo']'Z'  shout  to  a  person 
hal'low  [hall*]  v.t.  to  consecrate    [day 
hallow-een'  [-en']  «.  eve  of  All  Saints' 
hal-lu  ci-na'tion  t-lu'sr-na'shun];<.de- 
ha'lo  [ha'!4]  K.  a  circle  of  light     [lusion 
halt  [lialt]  v.i.  to  come  to  a  stop 
hal'ter  (hal'ter)  k.  a  strap;  a  noose 
halve  [liav]  •z/./.  to  cut  into  2  equal  parts 
halves  [havz]  «.//.  ofhalf  •• 
hal'yard  [hal'yerd]  n.  a  rope 
ham  lliini]  n.  thigh  of  a  hog 
hame  [ham]  «.  part  of  a  liarness 
Ham-it'ic  [ham-Iflk]  a.  pert,  to  Ham 
ham'let  [himlet]  n.  a  small  village 
ham'mer  [-mer]  «.  tool  for  pounding 
ham'mock  [mOk]  «.  a  hanging  bed 
ham'per  [ham'iier]  -v-t.  to  impede 
ham'atring'  [-string'jK.  a  thigh  tendon 
hand  [h.-md]  «.  extremity  of  the  arm 
hand'bill'  [-bH')  «.  a  small  bill 


^^  - 








hand'book'  [hand'bookT  «.  a  manual 
hand'cuff  [-kuf']»./'.  to  fetter;  n.  a  man- 
hand'ful  [ful]  n.  a  small  quantity  [acle 
hand'i-cap  [han'dl-kap]   «.  an  encum- 
hand'i-ly  [Ily]  adv.  adroitly     Ibrance 
hand'ker-chief  [hangker-chif]  71. 
han'dle  [han  cl'l] «.  the  part  for  grasping 
hand'or'gan  [hand'or'gan]    k.  a  music 
hand'saw'  [-sa']K.  one-handed  saw  Ibox 
hand'some  [lian'sOm]  a.  comely 
hand'wrifing  [hanil'rlt'lng]«.  chirog- 
hand'y  [hand'y]  a.  convenient       [raphy 
hang  [hSng]  v.t.  to  suspend 
hang'dog'  [hang'dSg  ]  a.  ashamed 
hang'man   l-man]    «.   one  who  hangs 
hank  [hangfc]  «.  skeins  of  yam    [others 
han'ker  [hang'ker]  ii.i.  to  long  for 
han'som  [han'sum]  «.  a  carriage 
hap  [hap]  71.  chance 
hap'haz'ard  [hap'hSzfrd]  k.  chance 
hap'less  [haplSs]  a.  unlucky 
hap'ly  [ha|i'ly]  adv.  by  chance 
hap'pen  [hap'p'n]-j'.i'.  to  come  by  chance 
hap'pi-er  [hap'pl-er]  a.  more  happy 
hap'pi-est  [hap'pl-gst]  a.  most  happy 
hap'pi-ly  [hap'pl-ly]  adv.  luckily 

hap'pi-ness  [happi-nes]  «.joy;  bliss 

hap'py  [hap'py]    a.  joyous 
ha-rangue'  [Ha-rSngT  ?i.  a  noisy  address 
har'ass  [har'.is]  v.t.Ko  weary;  to  fatigue 
har'bin-ger  [har'bln-jcrjji.a  forerunner 
har'bor  [har'ber]  «.  a  haven  for  ships 
hard  [hard]  n.  firm;  solid 
hard'en  [hard'"n]  v.l.  to  make  hard 
har'di-hood  [har'd!-ho6d]  »;.  bravery 
har'di-ly  [har'dl-ly]  adv.  stoutly 
har'di-ness  [har'dl-nes]  «.  boldness 
hard'ly  [hard'Iy]  adv.  with  difficulty 
hard'ness  [hard'nas]  «.  quality  of  being 
hard'ship  [hard'shrp]  «.  fatigue     [hard 
hard'-tack'  [hard'-tak']   n.  sea  biscuit 
hard'ware'    [war]  «.  metal  wares 
har'dy  [har'dy]  a.  daring 
hare  [h4r]  «.  a  large  rabbit 
hare'lip'   [har'llp']  n.  a  lip  deformity 
ha'rem  [ha'rem]  «.  room  for  females 
har'i-cot  [har'e-k6]  ;;.  kind  of  bean 
hark  (hark]  v.l.  to  listen 
har'le-quin  [har'lc-kln]  «.  a  buffoon 
har'lot  [har'lst]  71.  a  prostitute 
harm  [harm]  «.  injury;  v.t.  to  damage 
harm'lful   [harm'ful]  a.  hurtful 
harm'less  [harm'les]  a.  free  from  harm 
har-mo'ni-OUS  [mo'nl-as]  a.  agreeing 
har-mo'ni-um  [-am]  «.  reed  mus.  instr. 
har'mo-nize  [har'mS-nIz]  v.i.  to  agree 
har'mo-ny  [har'm6-ny]  71.  melody 
har'ness   [har'nes]    71.  equipment 
harp    [harp]  71.  mus.  instr. 
har-poon'   [harpoon')  K.  whaling  spear 
harp'si-chord  [harp'sl-kord]  n.  a  mus. 
har'py  [har'py]  n.  a  myth,  monster  [instr. 
har'que-bus  [har'kwe-bus]  M.anct.  gun 





har'ri-er  [hSr'rl-er]  «.  a  hare  hound 
har'row  [har  rS]  «.  a  farm  implement 
har'ry  (liar  ry]  v.e.  to  pillage 
harsh  [harsh]  a.  rough 
harsh'ness  [harsh  nSs]  «.  severity 
hart  [hart]  n.  a  stag 
harts'horn'  [harts'hSmT  «.  ammonia 
har'vest  [har  vest]  «.  what  is  reaped 
har'vesi-home'  [-hBm']K.  harvest  feast 
har'vest  moon'  [moon]  n.  Sept.  m. 
has  [hiz]  T.  third  per.  sing,  of  "have 
hash  [hash]  n.  minced  meat 
hash'eesh  [hash 'ash]  «.  a  narcotic  drug 
hasp  [hasp]  «.  a  clasp 
has'sock  rhassOkj  «.  a  mat 
haste  [hast]  ».  speed 
has'ten  [h5s"n]  v.  to  hurry 
has'ti-ly  [has'tr-Iy]  adv.  quickly 
has'ty  [hasty]  a.  speedy:  rash 
hat  [hat]  n.  a  cover  for  the  head 
hat'a-ble  [hat'a-b'l]  a.  arousing  dislike 
hatch  [hach]  v,t.   to  brood;   to  generate 
hatch'el  [hachel]  «.  kind  of  comb 
hatch'er  [hach'er]  n.  an  incubator 
hatch'et  [hach  st]  n.  a  small  ax     [arms 
hatch'ment  [mcnt])!.  mourning  coatof 
hatch'way'  [wa  )  .;.  a  cellar  way 
hate  [hat]  «.  dislike;  ■v.t.  to  detest 
hate'ful  [hatfgl]  n.  malevolent 
ha'tred  [ha  tred]  «.  aversion 
hat'ter  [hatter]  «.  maker  of  hats 
hau'berk  [hftberk]  «.  coat  of  mail 
haugh'ti-ly  [hatt-Iy]  adz>.  proudly 
haugh'ti-ness  [ha  tl-nes]  «.  pride 
haugh'ty  [ha'ty]  a.  coiftcmptuQus 
haul  [hal]  -v.l.  to  pull;  to  drag 
haunch  [hanch]  n.  the  hip 
haunt  [hant]  -v.t.  to  frequent 
haunt'ed[hant'4d]a.  inhabited  by  ghosts 
haut'boy  (hol)oi]  «.  kind  of  clarinet 
hauteur'  [hs'ter')  «.  pride;  arrogance 
have  []  v.t.  to  possess  [dress 

hav'e-lock  [hav'elok)«. soldier's head- 
ha'ven  [ha'v'n]  «.  place  of  refuge 
hav'er-sack  [havtr-sak]  k.  a  food  bag 
hav'oc  [havOk]  «.  devastation 
haw  [ha]  Tj.i.  to  speak  hesitatingly 
hawk  [hak]  n.  a  bird  of  prey 
hawk'er  [hak'er]  «.  a  peddler 
haws'er  [hazfr]  «.  a  small  cable 
haw'thom'   [ha'/Aflrn]  «.  a  shrub 
hay  [lia]  n.  cut  and  dried  grass 
hay'cock'  [ha'kok']  «.  a  pile  of  hay 
Hay'ti  [hatl]  «.  a  W.  Ind.  island 
Hay'ti-an  [ha'tT-in]  a.  pert,  to  Hayti 
haz'ard  [haz'crdj  v.i.  to  venture 
haz'ard-OUS  [hazfrd-Os]  a.  risky 
haze  [h.lz]  «.  a  vapor;  ■v.t.  to  play  tricks 
ha'zel  [hSz'l]  «.  a  shrub  [on 

ha'zel-nut'  [.nat']  «.  nut  of  the  hazel 
ha'zi-ness  [ha'zI-nSs]  «.  mistiness 
ha'zy  [liSz^]  a.  thick  with  vapor 
he  (he)  pron.  any  male  person 
head  [hed]  «.  part  of  body 







head'ache'  [hed'ak']  n.pain  in  the  head 
head'-cheese'  t-chez']K. kind  of  bologna 
head'dress    [-dres']  «.  liead  covering 
head'er  [hc-d'er]  «.  a  plunge  headlong 
head'ing  [lud'tng]  «.  a  title 
head'land  [land]  «.  a  foreland 
head'less  [liSd'les]  a.  having  no  head 
head'light    [lit']  «.  front  light  of  train 
head'line'  [Hn']  k.  title  line         fmost 
head'long'  [long]  adv.  withheadfore- 
head'most'  [hed'mosf]  a.  first  in  line 
head'quar'ters  [-kwar'terz]  «.//. 
haad'stall'[-star)«.part  of  bridle  rgrave 
hfvad'stone'  [-ston]  «.  stone  at  head  of 
head' Strong''  [strCmg']  a.  obstinate 
head'way    [hed'wa']  «.  progress 
head'y  [hed'y]  a.  rash 
heal  [hel]  '■-■■t-  to  make  well 
heal'a-ble  [hela-b'l]  «.  able  to  be  healed 
heal'er  [hel'er]  «.  one  -who  heals 
health  [hel//;]  K.  state  of  being  sound 
health'ful  [liel//;'ful]  a.  -well 
health'y  [hSlM'y]  a.  hale;  sound 
heap  [hep]  71,  a  pile 
hear  [her]  vJ.  to  perceive  by  the  ear 
heard  [herd]/./,  of  "hear" 
hear'er  [lierer]  n.  one  who  hears 
hear'ing  [her'ing]  k.  atrial 
heark'en  [hark"n]  v.i.  to  listen 
hear'say'  [her'sa']  n.  common  talk 
hearse  [hers]  «.  carriage  for  the  dead 
heart  [hart]  n.  the  center  of  life 
heart'ache'  [hart'ak']  «.  sorrow        fly 
heart'brokeii[-br6'k'n]  a. grieved  deep- 
heart'burn'  [-bOrn']  n.  a  burning  in  the 
hearth[har//:]  ;f.  chimney  iloor[stomach 
hearth'stone'  [har/A'stSn']   «.  fireside 
heart'i-ly  [hart'My]  adv.  with  zeal 
heart'i-ness  [hart'I-nes]  «.  sincerity 
heart'less  [hiirt'les]  a.  cruel 
heart' s'-ease'  [harts'ez']  «.   the  pansy 
heart'sick'  [hart'slk']  a.  depressed 
heart'y  [hart'y]  a.  cordial  [warm 

heat[het]  7:.aproductof  fire;  "v.Xo  make 
heat'er  [het'er]  «.  that  which  heats 
heath  [he//!]  «.  a  plant;  place  where  it 
hea'then  [he'th'n]  «.  a  pagan  [grow; 
hea'then-dom  [-diimj??. realm  of  pagan 
hea'then-ish  [-Ish]  a.  rude  lism 

hea'then-ism  [iz'm]  n.  idolatry 
heath'er  [heth'crj  n.  heath 
heave  [hev]  v.t.  to  lift 
heav'en  [h5v"n]  n.  the  sky;  paradise 
heaves  [hSvz]  n.  a  horse  disease 
heav'i-er  [hev't-er]  a.  more  heavy 
heav'i-ly  [l-ly]  adv.  with  great  weight 
heav'i-ness  [hSv'I-nes]  «.  weight 
heav'y  [huv'y]  a.  weighty  fly 

He'be  [he  be]  «.  goddess  of  youth 
heb'e-tate  [hsb'e-tat]  v.t.  to  blunt 
He-bra'ic  [he-bra'Ik](j.pert.  to  Hebrews 
He'brew  [he'bru]  n.  a  Jew 
hec'a-tomb  [hek'i-tooni]    n.   a  sacrifi 

l;l  1 

I  h 




hec'tic  [hsk'tik)  <i.  feverish      fapparatus 
hec'to-graph  (-t6-graf]>/ .multi-copying 
hec'tor  [hek  ter]  f./.  to  tease 
hed'er-ose'  [hsd'er-os]  u.  full  of  ivy 
hedge  [lifjl  «.  thicket  of  shrubs       \n\i\ 
hedge'hog'  [hog]  ».  small  prickly  aui. 
hedge'row'  (hej'ro)  w.  row  of  shrubs 
he-don'ic  [hedon  Tk]  a.  pert,  to  pleas- 
heed  [hed]  T./.  to  regard  with  care    lure 
heed'ful  (hedful]  n.  attentive 
heed'less  [hedltsl  .».  careless 
heel  [hel]  «.  hinder  part  of  the  foot 
heerball'  thel'lal'l  «.  a  black  wax 
heft  [h^ft]  .;.  weight  fship 

he-gem'o-ny  [lie-j5m'8-ny]  >;.  leader- 
he-gi'ra  [he-ji'ra]  >i.  first  year  Moslem 
heifer  [hgfer]  «.  a  young  cow  lera 

height  [hit]  ".  elevation 
height'en  [hit  "n]  t.i.  to  increase 
hei'nous  [ha  nus]  a.  atrocious  I 

heir  [Sr]  «.  one  who  inherits 
heir'ess  [.ues]  «.  a  female  heir 
heir'loom    |,ir'loom']«.fanuly  keepsake 
hek'to-graph  «.  See  •■hectograph" 
held  [h6!dl  /./.  of  "hold" 
he-li'a-cal  [he-liak<jl]  a.  at  same  time 
hel'i-cal  [hsn-k.^l]  a.  spiral         [as  sun 
he'li-o-graph  [heli-6-graf]  n.  a plioto- 
he'li-o-trope  [trop]  i.  a  flower  [graph 
he'lix  [heliks]  w.  a  spiral  line 
holl  [hil]  «.  the  abode  of  evil  spirits 
hel'le-bore  [-le-bor]  k.  medicinal  plant 
Hel'len-istrheriSn-tstl  K.Greek  scholar 
hell'ish  [hsl'lsh]  a.  malignant 
helm  [helm]  >:.  ship's  steering  apparatus 
hel'met  [hSl'met]  k.  armor  for  the  I 
help  rhSlpl  «.  assistance;  ■v. I.  to  aid 
help'ful  [helpTul]  a.  useful 
help'less  [h.-lp'les]  «.  weak 
help'mate'  [help'mat']  k.  a  companion 
help'meet'  [hslp'met']  «.  a  wife 
hel'ter-skel'ter   [hel'ter-skelter]  arfr-. 
helve  [hf-lv]  K.  an  ax  handle 
hem  [hem]  v.i.  to  border;   n.  the  edge  . 
he'mal  [he'mni]  a.  pert,  to  the  blood 
hem'a-tite  [hcma-tit]  k.  an  ore  of  iron 
hem'i-  th.-m'i  J/rc.  half 
hem'i-sphere  [sfer]  «.  half  a  sphere 
hem'i-spher'ic-al  [-sferM-k>l]  a. 
hem'i-stich  [hem'I-stik]  k.  half  averse 
hem'lock  [liem'lek]  «.  atree  [of  poetry 
hem'mer  [liL-m'mer]  k.  one  who  hems 
hera'or-rhage  [  Or-rSj]  «.  flow  of  blood 
hem'or-rhoids  [  roitlsj  «.//.  piles 
hemp  [hc'Tiip)  >/.  a  fibrous  plant 
hemp'en  ilicmp"n]  a.  made  of  hemp 
hem'8titch[h6m'stlrh]  7'. /.to  open  stitch 
hen  th';n]  a.  a  female  fowl 
hen'bane'  ( hiin'ban'] « .a  poisonous  plant 
hence  [hilnsl  ac/v.  from  this  place 
henceforth'  [htns'fBr/A'lW?'.  in  future 
hence  for'ward  [for'werd]  aJv. 
hench'man  [hfinch'man]  «.  a  servant 
hen'ner-y  [hCn'ner-^l  «.  hen  house 






hen'peck'  [hen'pek'J  v. I.  to  harass 
he-pat'ic  [he-pat'ik]  a.  pert,  to  the  liver 
hep'ta-gon  [hep  ta-gOn]K.a  seven-sided 
hep'tarch-y  [-tarlcy]  71.  Lfigure 

her  [her]/>-o«.ohj.&poss. caseof  "she" 
her'ald  [lier'ald]  ;(.  one  who  proclaims 
he-ral'dic[he-rardlk]«.  pert,  to  heraldry 
her'ald-ry  [heraldry]  K.  coat  of  arms 

herb  [crb]  n.  a  plant  Iscience 

herb'age  [frbsj]  ».  grass 
herb'al-ist[h5rl.',7l-Ist);i. dealer  in  herbs 
her-biv'o-ra  [her-biv'6-ra]  «.//.grazers 
Her-cu'le-an  [her-cu'le-nn]  a.  strong 
herd  [hf  rd]  «.  a  flock  of  beasts 
herds'man  [herdz'm^n]  71.  a  cattleman 
here  [her]  adv.  in  this  place 
here-aft'er   [-aft'er]  adv.  in  the  future 
here-by'  fher-M  1  adv.  by  means  of  this 
her'e-dit'a-ment  iher'e-dit'a-ni<fnt]  «. 
he-red'i-ta-ry  [he-red'I-tS-rj]  a.     [ties 
he-red'i-ty   [ty]  «.  inheriting  of  quali- 
here-in'  [her-In]  adv.  in  this 
here-of  [her-Cf]  adv.  of  this 
her'e-sy  [heresy]",  religious  error  fesy 
her'e-tic  [.e-tlk]«.  one  holding  to  aher- 
heretO-fore'[hertoo-for']<j,i'i..  formerly 
here'un-to'  [her'un-too']  adv.  unto  this 
here'up-on'  [her'flp-On']  adv.on\\i\% 
here-with'  [her-wl.'/r]  adv.  ■niththis 
her'it-age  [her'It-aj]  «.  inheritance 
her-maph'ro-dite  [her-mafridit]  «. 
her-met'ic-al  [h6r-met'I-kal]  a.  closed 
her'mit  [her'mlt]  «.  a  recluse 
her'mit-age  [-Sj];;.  a  secluded  dwelling 
her'ni-a[her'ni-.i]  71.  rupture 
he'ro  [hero]  «.  a  brave  man 
he-ro'ic  [he-roTk]  a.  daring 
her'o-ine   [her  O-In)  «.  a  female  hero 
her'o-ism  [her'6-Iz'm]  »i.  bravery 
her'on  [her'un]  71.  a  water  fowl 
herr  [her]  n.  German  for  "Mr." 
her'ring  [her'ring]  «.  a  food  fish  ["her" 
her-self'[h?r-self]/ro.  emphatic  form  of 
hes'i-tan-Cy  [hez'i-tan-sy]«.  a  faltering 
hes'i-tate  [hSz'I-tat]  v.i.  to  waver 
hes  i-ta'tion  [hezI-ta'shOn]  n.  doubt 
het'er-0-dox  [hefer-i-doksj.t.  heretical 
het'er-0-doxy  [-er-S-dOks  y]  «.  heresy 
hef  er-9-ge'ne-OUS  [-je'ne-Qs]a.  unlike 
hew  [hu]  v.t.  to  cut  [ure 

hex'a-gon  [heksagOn]  «.  six-sided  fig- 
hey'day    [ha'da]  «.  time  of  triumph,     5 
■hi-a'tus  [h!-a'tus]  h.  agap 
hi-ber'nal  [hibernal]  «.  wintry  fwinter 
hi'ber-nate  [hi'ber-nat]  T.i.  to  pass  the 
Hi-ber'ni-an  [hi-ber'ni-an]  a.  Irish 
hic'cough  [hik'kijp]  «.  convulsive  catch 
hick'o-ry  (hik  6-ry]  «.  a  hardwood  tree 
hid  [hid]  a.  concealed 
hid' den  [hldd'n]  a.  secret 
hide  [hid]^'.?.  to  conceal;  «.  animal  skin 
hid'e-OUS  [hld'c-us)  .;.  frightful 
hid'e-ous-ness  [-nes]  «.   Rightfulness 
hid'ing  [hid'Ing]  n.  concealment 

\_r  ^  ^ 






hie  [hi]  f.i.  to  hasten  [things 

hi'er-arch  [hrer  ark)  «.  ruler  of  sacred 
hi'er-arch  y  (hi'er-ark  y]  «.  priest-rule 
lli'er-0-glyph'ic[-4-Klif  Ik]  «.  a  symbol 
hig'gle  [hig'g'l]  ■z/.i.  toquibble 
high  [hi]  .!.  k'fty 
high'er  [hler]  a.  more  high 
high'-flown'  [hi'flon]  <j.  proud      fgio" 
high'land  [hil<jnd]  «.  mountainous  re- 
high'ly  [hilyl  adv.  to  a  high  degree 
high'-minded  [-mind'ed]  a.  noble 
high'ness  [hi'nes]  k.  loftiness 
high'way'  [hi'waT  k.  a  road  rber 

high'way  man  [-m<tnl  k.  highway  rob 
hi-la'ri-OUS  [lii-lari-us]  a.  mirthful 
hi-lar'i-ty  [lii-lar'i-t>']  «.  gayety 
hill  IhTl]  }!.  an  elevation  of  land 
hill'ock  [hlluk]  >:.  a  small  hill 
hilt  [lull]  n.  a  handle 
him  [luni]/ro«.  obj.  case  of  "he" 
hind  [hind]  «.  a  female  deer 
hin'der  [hinder]  v.t.  to  impede 
hin'der-ance[-<ins]  «.  See  "hindrance" 
hind'most'  [hlnd'mosf]  a.  last 
Hin'doo  [hIn'doS]  «.  native  of  India 
hin'drance  [hm'drans]  >t.  an  obstacle 
hinge  [hmj]  k.  a  doorjoint 
hint  [hint]  z-./.  to  suggest;  H.  an  allusion 
hip  [hip]  «.  the  thigh 
hip'po-drome  [hlppS-drom]  «.  a  circus 
hip-poph'a-gi  [-p<5f'a-ji]K.//.horsetiesh 
hip-poph'a-gy  [jy]  n.  leaters 

hire  [hlrl  i.e.  to  employ  [phibian 

hire'ling  [hlrllng]  ti.  a  mercenary 
hir-sute'  [her-sut]  a.  hairy 
his  (liIz]/ron.  belonging  to  him 
hiss  [his]  ij.t.  to  show  contempt  for 
hist  [hist]  inlerj.  be  silent 
his-to'ri-an[hIs-to'ri-an]M.  a  chronicler 

his-tor'ic  [hls-t6r'ik]  pert,  to  history 
his'to-ry  [hlsto-rj]  «.  a  record     [stage 
his  tri-on'ic  [triOn'Ik]   a.  pert,  to  the 
hit  [hit]  v.t.  to  strike;  w.  a  striking 
hitch  [hich]  -v.!.  to  fasten;  n.  a  catching 
hith'er  [hlth'er]  adv.  to  this  place 
hith'er-to'  [hIth'cr-tSS']  adv.  until  now 
hive  [hiv] -z/./.  to  shelter;  «.  a  bee  house 
hives  [hivz]  «.  a  disease 
hoar  [hOr]  a.  white  with  age 
hoard  [hOrd]  "v.t.  to  lay  up;  n.  a  hidden 
hoarse  [h6rs]  a.  harsh  IcoUection 

hoar'y  [hOr^]  a.  gray  with  age      fceive 
hoax  [huks]  K.  adeception;    v.t.  to  de- 
hob'ble  [hftb'b'l]  v.i.  to  walk  lamely 
hob'by  [h6b'by]  «.  a  favorite  theme 
hob'by -horse'  [hftrs']  «.  child's  toy 
hob'gob  lin  [hSb'gOb'lIn]  n.  an  imp 
hob'nail'  lhf>l.']  «.  a  large  nail 
hob'nob'  [hOb'nOb']  i/.i.  to  associate  fa- 
hock  [hnk]  K.  Rhenish  wine      Imiliarly 
hock'ey  [hOkJ]  «.  a  game  P'ric 

hod  (hfjd]  K.  box  for  carrying  mortar 
hoe  [hr,]  w.apardcntool 



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hog  [hOg]  «.  a  swine;  a  mean  fellow 
hogs'head  IhOgzhed]  n.  a  large  cask 
hoi'den  Ihoi'd'n]  >;.  a  bold,  rude  girl 
hoist  [hoist]  v.l.  to  raise;  «.  an  elevator 
hold  [hold]  i>./.  to  restrain;  «.  a  grip 
hold'back'  [hold'l.ak']  n.  a  cherk 
hold'er  [cr]    «.   one  who  or  that  which 
hole  [hoi]  n.  a  cavity  [liolds 

hol'i-day  [hSl'I-dS]  n.   a  dayof  gayety 
ho'li-ness  [ho  lines]  «.  sacredness 
hol'land  [hfll  hmd]  «.  linen  stuff 
hol-lo'  [hoi  lo']  interj.  ho  there;  stop 
hol-lQa'[hOl-lo']  interj.  same  as  •'hollo** 
hol'low  (h(in4]  K.  a  cavity;  o.  concave 
hol'ly  [holly]  n.  a  shrub 
holm  [horn]  K.  kind  of  oak;  an  islet  [fice 
hol'o-caust  [hOl'lS-kast]  «.  burntsacri. 
hol'o-graph  [-graf  ]  ;:.  a  paper  entirely 
ho'ly  [holy]  a.  sacred  fstone 

ho'ly-stone'  [ston']  «.  deck  scrubbing- 
hom'age  [hOm'aj]  «.  reverence 
home  [horn]  ;;.  one's  dwelling 
home'less  [hom'les]  a.  without  a  home 
home'ly  [hom'Iy]  a.  -with  plain  features 
ho'me-0-path'ic  [ho'nK-ipa/A'ik]  a. 
ho'me-op'a-thist  [  op'a/Aist]  rt.   ring 
ho-me-op'a-thy  [//ly]  >i .  system  of  cur- 
home'sick'  [hom'sIk']3.pining  for  home 
homft'spun  [hom'spun]tr.  coarse:  plain 
home'stead    [hom'sted]  «.   home  place 
home'ward  [hom'werd](i.  toward  home 
hom'i-cide  [hOm'I-sId]  «.  murder 
hom'i-let'ics  [ISt'Iks]  n.  artofpreach- 
hom'i-ly  [hOm'I-ly]  ji.  a  discourse    ling- 
hom'i-ny  (hOm'i  ny]  «.  hulled  corn 
ho'mo-ge'ne-ous  [ho'm*  je'ne-us]  a. 
ho-mog'e-ny  [hi-mojcny]  «. 
hone  [hon]  K.  asharpeningstone;  w.^.to 
hon'est  [Onest]  a.  upright         [sharpen 
hon'est-ly  [On'gstly]  rtu'i'.  justly 
hon'es-ty  [On'gs-ly]  «.  candor 
hon'ey  [hun'y]  «.  bees' product 
hon'ey-comb'  [*k6ni']  n.  bees'  cells 
hon'ey-moon'  [moon]  n. 
hon'ey-suc'kle  [suk'k'l]  «.  a  flower 
hon'or  fOn'er]  n.  esteem;  respect 
hon'or-a-ble  [On'er-a-b'l]  a.  noble 
hon'or-a-bly  [On'er-i-bly]  adv.  fairly 
hon'or-a-ry   [S-ry]  «.  conferring  honor 
hood  fhood)  n.  a  head  cover 
hood'lum  [hood'lum]  n.  a  rowdy 
hood'wink  [hood'wtngk]  f.l.  to  blind 
hoof  [hoof]  «.  animal's  foot 
hook  [h66k]«.  a  catch;  %/.!.  to  catch  with 
hoop  [hoopj  }i.  a  band  [a  hook 

hoo'sier  [hoo'zhfr]  «.  citizen  of  Indiana 
hoot  [hoot]  v.i.  to  cry  out 
hop  [hop]  •Z'.!.  to  leap;   «.  a  leap;   a  vine 
hope  [hop]  v.i.  to  trust;  n.  a  desire 
hope'ful  [hop'ful]  a.  full  of  hope 
hope'less  [hop'les]  a.  without  hope 
hope'less-ness  [ngs]  tt.  despair 
hop'per  [hOp'per]  n.  grain  mill  feeder     | 

—^        J  ^ 

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hop'ple  [hSppl]  >,.  a  fetter;   •:■  /.  to  fet- 
hop'scotch   [liL>p'5ki5ch  in.  a  game   Iter 
ho'ra-ry  ;h6  ra-ry)  .i.  pert,  to  an  hour 
horde  [hord]  «.  a  wandering  gang 
hore'hound'  [hor'hound]  k.  an  herb 
ho-ri'zon  [hi-ri  :an]  «.  limit  of  virion 
hor  i-zon'tal  [hSri-zOn't.iI]  a.  level 
horn  [hdrn]  «.  an  antler;  a  bugle 
horn'bilV  [hSm'bi'.T  «.  a  bird 
horn'blende  [blend  ]  «.  a  mineral 
hor'net  [hor'net]  «.  an  insect 
horn'pipe   [hom'pip]  «.  a  dance 
horn'y  [horn  y]  a.  resembling  horn 
hor'o-loge  [h.5r4loj]  >i.  a  timepiece 
ho-roro-ger[h4rOl4-jcr)  m.  watchmak- 
ho-rol'o-gy  [-jy]  n.  science  of  time    [er 
hor'o-SCOpe  [hSr'S-skop]  >r.  fortune  told 
hor'ri-ble[hOr  rl-b'l]<i  dreadful|by  stars 
hor'rid  [h(")r'rld]  a.  shocking;  offensive 
hor'ri-fy  [-rl-fl]  v.t.  to  strike  with  hor- 
hor'ror  [hOr'rcr]  K.  terror  [ror 

horse  [hors]  >i.  a  domestic  animal 
horse'bacK'  (h6rs'bak]>i.a  horse's  back 
horse  -chest'nut[-ch6s'nat]w.thebuck- 
horse'man  [-m,in]  n.  a  rider     leyetree 
horse'-rad  ish  [rad  ish]  u.  a  pungent 
hor'ta-to-ry  (hor 'ta-t4-ry]!r. inciting  [root 
hor  ti-cul'tur-al    [hortl-kul'tur-al]    a. 
hor'ti-cul'ture  f-tarl«. flower  gardening 
hor  ti-cul'tur-ist  [-1st)  «.  flower  raiser 
ho-san'na  [h4-zan'na]  iytterj,  praise  to 
hose  [hoz]K.j.&/Astockings;atube[God 
ho'sier-y  [hi^zhcr-J-]  n.  knit  goods 
hos'pice  [hft'^  pes]  n.  a  convent 
hos'pi-ta-ble  [h(Ss'pI-ta-bM]  a.  friendly 
hos'pi-tal  [h^s'plt-al]  n.  home  for  sick 
hos'pi-tal'i-ty  [pl-tSll-ty]  «.  friendli- 
host  [liM<;tl  I.',  a  landlord;  a  crowd   (nesc 
hos'tage  Hi's  tjjl  «.  a  person  pledged 
hos'tel-ry  [hos  tel-ry]  «.an  inn 
host'ess  [host'Ss]  K.  a  landlady 
hos'tile  [bus  til)  a.  antagonistic 
hos-til'i-ty  [hOs-tll'ItJ]  n.  enmity 
hos'tler[hOs'ler]«.  one  caring  for  horses 
hot  [^'^t^  a.  very  warm  [growth 

ho  t'bed'[hf)t'li6d]«.placefavoring  rapid 
ho-tel'  [h4tel]  n.  an  inn 
hot'house'  [hot'hous]  n.  consen-atory 
Hot'ten-tot  [t'n-tOt]  «.  S.  Afr.  savage 
hough  [hok]  i.t.   to  cut  the  hamstrings 
hound  [liound]  H.  a  dog 
hour  [our]  «.  period  of  sixty  minutes 
hou'ri  [hou'rl]  n.  a  Moham.  nymph 
hour'ly  [our  ly]  ,1.  every  hour 
Hours  [ourz]  goddesses  of  seasons 
house  [hous]  n.  a  dwelling 
house'hold'  rhous'hold']  n.  family 
house'hold  er  [-t  r]  «.  head  of  family 
house'keep  er  [-k6p?rj  «. 
hous'ing  [houz'Ing]  «.  horsecloth 
hov'el  [hOv'el]  «.  a  miserable  shelter 
hov'er  [liQvcr]  v.i.  tu  hang  over 
how  [hou]  adv.  in  what  manner     n>ack 
how'dah  [houdi]  «.  scat  on  clephauti 




how-ev'er  [hou-6v'er]  adv.  at  least 
how'itz-er  [hou'Its-er]  n.  short  cannon 
howl  [houl]  z/.j.  to  wail;   n.  a  mournful 
hub  [hub]  n.  nave  of  wheel  [cry 

hub'bub  [hnb'bab]  «.  tumult;  loud  noise 
huek'a-back  [hOk'a-bak]  n.  toweling- 
huc'kle-ber'ry[huk'k'l-ber'ry).i.  a  ber- 
huck'ster  [huk'ster]  n.  a  peddler       [ry 
hud'dle  [hnd'd'l]  v.  to  crowd  together 
hue  [bu]  n.  tint;  color 
huff  [huf]  «.arage 
hug  [hug]  ■v.t.  to  embrace 
huge  [huj]  a.  large  festant 

Hu'gue-not  [hu'ge-nOt]  n.  French prot- 
hulk  [hulk]  );.  body  of  ship 
hull  [hul]  n.  a  covering;  a  shell 
hum  [hum]  -0,1,  to  buzz 
hu'man  [Im  m<in]  a.  resembling  man 
Lu-mane'  [liu-man']  a.  kind 
hu-man  i-ta'ri-an  [hu-manl-ta'ri-un],! 
hu-man'i-ty  [humSn1-ty]  «.  kindness 
hu'man-ize  [hunmn-Iz]   ■v,t.  to  soften 
hum'ble:iulm'b'l]<7.  lowly;  z/.  to  degrade 
hum'bug    [hum'bug']  «.  an  imposition 
hum'drum'  [hOm'dram']  a.  stupid;  dull 
hu'me-rus  [hume-rOs]  n.  bone  of  upper 
hu'mid  [hrrnild]  a,  damp     [part  of  arm 
hu-mid'i-ty  [hu-midl-ty]  n.  moisture 

hu-mil'i-ate  [mii'T-at]  -v.t.  to  humble 

hu-mili-a'tion  [a'shun]  n.  abasement 
hu-mil'i-ty  [hu-mil'T-ty]  n.  meekness 
hum'ming  [hum'mmg]  n.  a  sound 

hu'mor  [hu  mCr]  71.  temper;  wit;  animal 
hu'mor-ist  [-1st]  n,  a  wit        [moisture 
hu'mor-OUS  [ha'mer-Qs]  a.  witty 
hump  [hump]  n.  a  protuberance 
hunch  [huiKh]  t'./.  to  push  [son 

hunch'back'  [-bak']  n.  a  deformed  per- 
hun'dred  [hun'dred]  a.  ten  times  ten 
hung  [hung]  J*./,  of  "hang" 
hun'ger[hunggerj<;. desire  forfood;7/.to 
hun'gry  [grj]  a,  wanting  foodLlong  for 
hunk  [hungk]  11.  a  large  piece 
hunt[hi3nt]  •7.2'.  to  seek;  K.actof  seeking 
hunt'er  [hunter]  «.  one  who  hunts 
hur'dle  [hurVri]«.  a  framework  of  wood 
hurl  [hurl]  i\t.  to  tlirow  [or  iron 

hur'ly-bur'ly  [hur'Iy-bur'ly]  n.  tumult 
Hu'rons  [hu'rOnz]  Indian  tribe 
hur-rah'  [hur-ra']  «.  a  shout 
hur'ri-cane  [hur'ri-kan]  n.  a  storm 
hur'ry  [hOr'ry]  n.  haste;  w.z.  to  hasten 
hurt  [hurt]  f..'.  to  harm;  n.  a  wound 
hurt'ful  [liurt'ftjl]  a.  injurious 
hur'tle  [hur  tl]  7;.z.  to  dash;  tojostle 
hus'band  [hOz'biznd]  k.  a  wife's  mate 
hus'band-man  [-m,;n]  «.  a  fanner 
hus'band-ry  [huz'bnnd-ry]  k.  ti'.lage 
hush  [hush]  'j.i.  to  silence;  «.  stillness 
husk  [husk]  M.  cover  of  grain 
hus'ki-ness  [hiis'kl-nes]  «.  hoarseness 
hus'ky  [hus'ky]a.  hoarse 
hus-sar'  [hijz-zar']  «.  a  cavalrj-man 





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hus'sy  [huz'zy]  k.  a  worthless  girl 
hus'tle  [hus'l]  v.e.  to  jostle 
hus'wife  [hQz'zIf]  «.  a  housekeeper 
hut  [hat]  «.  a  small,  shed-like  house 
hutch  [hQch]  «.  a  bin;  a  coop 
huz-za'  [huzza]  interj.  hurrah 
hy'a-cinth  [hra-sln//i)  «.  a  flower 
hy'brid  [hilirld]  «.  mongrel       [serpent 
hy'dra  [hi'dra]  n.  myth,   many-headed 
hy'drant  [hi]  «.  a  water  plug 
hy-drau'lic    [hi-dralik]    a.   moved    by 
hy'dro-gen    [hi'dr8-jen]  >;.  agas  [water 
hy-drom'e-ter[hi-drSm'e-ter)«.a  gauge 
hy-drop'a-thy  [hi-dri5p'a-//iy]  n. 
hy  dro-pho'bi-a  [hi'dr«-{o'hl-a]  n. 
hy-e'na  [hie'na]  «.  a  wild  animal 
Hy-g:e'ia  [hi-je'ya]«-  goddess  of  health 
hy'gi-ene  [hl'jl-en]  «.  science  of  health 
Hy'men  [hl'men]  n.  god  of  marriage 
hymn  [lilm]  n.  a  sacred  song  [tier 

hy-per'bo-le  [hi-per'li4-le]  n.  exaggera 
hy'phen  [lii  fen]  n.  a  mark,  [-] 
hyp'no-tism  [htp'no-tlz'm]  k. 
hyp  o-chon'dri-a   [hip  4-kon'dri-a]  « 
hy-poc'ri-sy  [hl-pflk'ri-sy]  n.  deceit 
hyp'o-crite  [hip'S-krit]  «.  a  dissembler 
hyp  o-crit'ic-al  [krlt'I-knl]  <j.[the  skin 
hy  po-der'mic  [hi  pi-der'mlk]  a.  under 
hy-pot'e-nuse  [hi-p5t  c-nusj  «. 
hy-poth'e-sis[-pii//!e-sls]  n.  asupposi- 
hy'son  [hi's'n]  n.  kind  of  tea  [tion 

hys'sop  [hlssOp]  «.  a  plant        [disease 

hys-ter'ics  [hls-tSrlks]  a  nervous 

I'll  fyon.  ist  per.  sing.;  the  speaker 
i-am'bic  [i-am'blk]  71  .two-syllable  poetic 
i-am'bus  [-bus]  «.  an  iambic  [foot 

i'bex  [i'beks]  n.  animal   of  goat  family 
i-bi'dem  [i-bI'dem]/..,?(T'i'.in  same  place 
i'bis  [i'bls]  n.  a  large  wading  bird 
i-ca'ri-an  [i  ka'rl-nn]  a.  soaring 
ice    [1^1  n.  any  frozen  fluid 
ice'berg'  [Ts'l">crg']«.  a  floating  ice  mass 
ice'-cream     [-kremT  n.  frozen  cream 
Ice'land  moss'  \_-\anA  m6s']  «.  lichen 
ich-neu'mon  [tk-nainfm]  «.  a  weasel 
jch  thy-ol'o-gy  [Ik7/;l-61'6-jy]  «. 
i'ci-cle  [i  sT-k'l]  H.  ice  pendant 
i'ci-ness  (I'sl-n6s]  «.  frigidity 
i'cing  I  bMig]  «.  su;{ar  coating  [breaker 
i-con'o-clast  [i-kSn'S-klastj  u.   image 
i  co-nog'ra-phy  [iki-nog'ra-fj]  n. 

ic'te-rus  [Ikle-rOs]  «.  the  jaundice 
i'cy  [i  sy]  a.  resenibljn_g  ice;  cold 
i-de'a  [i  de  a]  >\.  a  mind  picture 
i-de'al  [ide'id]   n.  a  mental  conception 
i-de'al-ism  [l-de'al-Iz'm]  >r.imat-ery 
i-de'al-ist  [I  de'ul-Isi)  h.  one  idealizing 
i-de'al-ize  [-Iz]  ii.t.  to  make  ideal 
i'dem  [T'ticm]  L.pron.  or  a,  the  same 
i-den'tic-al  [l-d.'n'tl-k/il]  a.  the  same 
i-den  ti-fi-ca'tion  (fi-ka'shon)  n. 
i-den'ti-fy  [-ft]  v.t.  to  prove  to  be  the 
i-den'ti-ty  [-tj']  «.  sameness  [sam 


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i-de'o-gram  [l-d6'6-grSm]  «.  a  symbol 
ides  [idz  ]>;.//.  13th  &  15th  of  momlis 
id'i-0-cy  [M'I-6-sy)  «.  state  of  being  an 
id'i-0-graph  [graflK.  trade-marktiJiot 
id'i-om  [Irl'I-um]  jt.  a  language's  cast 
id'i-0-mat'ic  [-4-mat'Ik]  a.  pert,  idiom 
id'i-o-syn'cra-sy  [sing'kra-sy]  «. 
id'i-ot  [Id'I-6t]«. one  lacking  intelligence 
idi-ot'io  [-Ot'lk]  a.  like  an  idiot 
i'dle    ti'd'l]  a.  not  occupied 
i'dle-ness  [I'd'l-nes]  n.  inactivity 
i'dler  [Tdler]  «.  a  lazy  person 
i'dly  [i'dly]  adv.  lazily 
i'dol  [idol]  n.  an  object  of  worship 
i-dol'a-ter[i-dora-tcr]  ».  idol  worshiper 
i-dol'a-try  [try]  n.  idol  worship 
i'dol-ize  [idol  iz]  v.t.  to  love  to  excess 
i'dyl  [T'dll]  n.  a  short  pastoral  poem 
if  [If]  conj.  provided  that;  in  case  that 
ig'ne-OUS  [Ig'ne-us]  a.  pert,  to  fire 

ig'nes  fat'u-i  [ig'nezfat'i-rj «.//.»  de- 
ig'nis  fat'u-us[ig  nisfat'u-us]«.j^.)  coj 

ig-nite'  [Ig-mt]  v.t.  to  set  on  fire 
Ig-no'ble    [fg-no'b'l]  a.  mean;  not  noble 
ig'no-min'i-ous  [ig'nS-min'i-as]  a. 
ig'no-min-y  [-min-y]  n.  shame;  infamy 
ig'no-ra'mus  [ra'mus]  «.  a  block-head 
ig'no-rance  [-rans]  n.  wantof  knowl- 
ig'no-rant  [r^nt]  a.  not  knowing[edge 
ig-nore'  [Ig-uor]  v.t.  to  not  recognize 
i-gua'na  [Igwa'na]  «.  kind  of  lizard 
i'lex  [risks]  H.  holly  tree  genus 
Il'i-ad  [Tl'I-rtd]  n.  Homer's  epic  poem 
Ik    [Ilk]   a.  same;  each;  every 
11  [IIJ  <i.  sick:  unfavorable 
1-le'gal  [Il-le'gal]  a.  unlawful 

rie-gal'i-ty  [iric-gai'i-ty]  «. 
1-leg'i-ble  [lej'i-b'l]  a.  not  readable 
rie-git'i-mate  [irie-jit'i-mSt]  a. 
1-lib'er-al  [Il-llb'er-al]  a.  niggardly 
1-lic'it  [Illls'It]  a.  not  allowed        [less 
1-lim'it-a-ble  [-lim'lt-a-b'l]  a.   bound- 
1-lit'er-ate  [Il-lItfr-St]  a.  unlettered 
U-na'tured  [Ilna'turd]  a.  cross;  surly 
ll'ness  [lings]  n.  sickness;  disease 
1-log'ic-al  [Il-I6j'I-kal],r.  unreasonable 
1-lume'  [Ilium']  •?'./.  to  make  light 
l-lu'ini-nate[-lunil-nat]f. /.to  brighten 
l-lu'mi-na'tion  [na'shOn]  n. 
1-lu'mine  [il-lumin]  v.t.  to  light  up 
1-lu'sion  [zhun]  n.  a  false  show 
1-lu'sive  [-sivj  a.  deceitful 
1-lu'so-ry  [-s4-ry']  a.  fallacious     [clear 
l-lus'trate  [ll-las'trat]     v.t.    to    make 
1  lus-tra'tion  [-tra'shQn]«.  elucidation 
1-lus'tra-tive  [ll-lus'tra-tiv]  a. 
l-lus'tri-ous  [tri-Os]  a.  famous 
m-  [\m-]fre.  same  as  "in;"  not 
m'age  [Imaj]  x.  a  likeness 
m'age-ry  [Im'Sj-ry]  n.   imaginary  pic 
iT-ag'i-na-ble  [Tm-aj'I-na-b'l]i7.  [tures 
m-ag'i-na-ry  [nS-ry]  a.  not  real 
m-ag'i-na'tion  [na'shDn]  «.  fancy 
m-ag'i-na-tive  [na-tlv]  a.  fanciful 

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m-ag'ine  [Tm-ljln]  t.  to  fancy 
m-bank'ment  [-bangkin<rnt]>:.  a  hank 
m'be-cile  lnnl>f-5ll]<i.  feeble;  «.  an  iil- 
m  be-cil'i-ty  [sll'I-tj]  k.  debility    liot 
m-bed'  [imhsd]  Z'.t.  to  sink  in 
m-bibe'  [ini-bU.  J  t./.  to  dnnk  rter 

m-bit'ter  [Imbltt^r]  f.l.  tomakebit- 
m-brogl'io  [broryfijw. misunderstand- 
m-brue'  (Imbra']  v.t.  to  drench      (ing 
m-bue'  [IiTi-bQ]  TV  to  tinge  deeply 
m'i-ta-ble  (Iml  ta-b'lj.z.can  be  copied 
m'i-tate  [im'l-tat]  v.t.  to  copy 
mi-ta'tion  [tS'shfln]  n.  similarity 
m'i-ta-tive  [ta-tiv]  a.  tending  to  copy 
m'i-ta  tor  f-ta'trr]  m.  one  wlio  imitates 
m'ma-nent  [irn'ma-n^nt]  a.  inherent 
[ra-man'u-el  [Im-manu-Sl];;.  Cod  with 
m  ma-te'ri-al  (Im'ma-te'rl-,;l]  <r.     lus 
m  ma-ture'  [ma-tur'Ja.  not  full  grown 
m-meas'ur-a-ble   [mSzh'Qr-d-b'I]  a 
m-m«'ili-ate  [Tm-me  dl  at]   a.   instant 
m-me'di-ate-ly[-ly],tir'r'.without  delay 
m-mem'o-ra-ble  [-mem'6-ra-b'l]  a. 
m'me-mo'ri-al  nm'm^-mo'ri-^l]  a. 
m-mense'  [nn-nicus  J  a.  vast;  huge 
m-men'si-ty  [  incn'sl-iy]  «.  infinity 
m-men'su-ra-ble  [shij-ra-b'I]  a. 

m-merge'  [Jm-mcrj]  T.f.  to  immerse 
m-merse'  (mcrs]  t./.  to  dip  into  fluid 
m-mer'sion  [-mtr'shun]   «.  a  dipping 
m-mesh'  Um-mesh  ]  v.i.  to  insnare 
m'mi-grant  [Tm'ml-grtznt]  «,  fcountr^' 
m'mi-grate  l-grat]  v.i.  to  move  into  a 
m'mi-gra'tion  [gra'shOn]  k.        [peril 
m'mi-nence  [im'mlmns]  k.  a  state  of 
m'mi-nent  [Im'ml-ncnt]  a,  impending 
m-mis'ci-ble  [im-mis'si-bl]  a. 
m-mo'bile  [Im-mo1>Il]  a.  fixed;  stable 
m  mo-bil'i-ty  [im'm6-bll'i-t>]  k. 
m-mod'er-ate  [mad  "fr-Jt].!.  excessive 
m-mod'est  [est]  a.  indelicate  fty 

m-mod'es-ty  [  fis-tyju.wantofmodes- 
m'mo-late  [im'mSlat]  vJ.  to  sacrifice 
m'mo-la'tion  C-Is'shun]  «.  sacrifice 
m-mor'al  nm-mSr'iil]  u.  licentious 
m  mo-ral'i-ty  [im  inS-ral'i-ty]  «.  vice 
m-mor'tal  [im-m6r'ttzl]  a,  eternal 
m'mor-tari-ty  [Tm'mSr-tal'l-ty]  «. 
m-mor'tal-ize  [Im-mort.d.iz]  ^^/. 
m'mor-telle'  finimc-.r-tel']  «.  a  plant 
m-mov'a-ble  [Im-iuoov'i-b'l]a.  firm 
m-mu'ni-ty  [mO'nl-tJ]    «.  exemption 
m-mure'  [ mur  ]7A/.tu  c.mfine  by  walls 

m-mu  ta-bil'i-ty  [ma'ta-bil'i-tj]  «. 
m-mu'ta-ble  [b'l]  a.  invariable 
mp  [Imp]  «.  a  puny  devil  fplace 

m-pact'  [Im-pSkt']  1'./.  to  wedge  into  a 
m'pact  (Im  pikt)  ti.  forcible  contact 
m-pair'  [Im-pir]  vJ.  to  make  worse 
m-pale'[-pir]  v.(.  to  fix  upon  a  stake 
m-pal'pa-ble  [-|,arpab'l)  a.  not  to  tie 
m-pan'el  rimpanCl)  -v.f.  to  enroll  (felt 
m-par'i-ty  [  plr'liJJ  >t.  inequality 


n  -1 

(T^  (^^  ^ 




im-part'[Tm-part']  v.t.  to  share;  to  give 
im-par'tial  [im-par'shal]  a.  unbiased 
im-parti-al'i-ty  [-shi-al'i-ty]  n.     [ble 
im-pass'a-ble  [-pas'a-b'l]  a.  notpassa- 
im-pas'si-ble  [-pas'si-b'l]   a.  unfeeling 
im-pas'sion  [im-pisli'un]  T.t.  to  move 
im-pas'sioned  [-unt'.]<7. ardent  [strongly 
im-pas'sive  [Im-pas'siv]  a.  unmoved 
im-pa'tience  [-pa'shfns]K.  restlessness 
im-pa'tient  [-shmt]  a.  fretful 
im-peach'  pm-pecli']  '•.'■!.  to  arraign 
im-peach'ment  [-mtnt]  »;.  arraignment 
im-pec'ca-ble  [-pek'ka-b'l]  a. 
im'pe-cu'ni-ous  [-pc-ku'ni-us]  a.  poor 
im-pede'  [Im-ped']  '■.;■.  to  hinder 
im-ped'i-ment  [-ped'l-m^ntj  n.  obstacle 
im-pel' [Tm-pel']  •Z'.i'.  tourge 
im-pend'ing  [-pcnd'Ing]  a.  threatening 
im-pen'e-tra-ble   [im-pen'e-tra-b'l]   a. 
im-pen'i-tence  [-i-tt;ns]  «. 
im-pen'i-tent  [-tent]  a.  of  a  hard  heart 
ira-per'a-tive  t-per'a-tiv]  a.  authorita- 
im  per-cep'ti-ble [-ptr-sep'tl-b'l] a. Ltive 
im-per'fect  [per'fekt]  a.  defective 
ira'per-fec'tion  [-fSk'shQn]  «.  a  defect 
im-pe'ri-ai  [-pe'n-al]  a.  pert,  to  empire 
im-per'il  [im-per'Il]  v.t.  to  endanger 
im-pe'ri-OUS  [im-pe'ri-us]  a.  haughty 
im-per'ish-a-ble  [-per1sh-a-b'l]  a. 
im-per'son-al  [-iif  r'sun-al]  a. 
im-per'son-ate  [st]  •z'./.  to  personify 
im-per  son-a'tion  [-a'shQn]  n. 
im-per'ti-nence  [-t!-n«'ns]  «.  rudeness 
im-per'ti-nent  [ncnt]  a.  rude    tturbed 

im'per-turb'a-ble  [-turb'a-b'lja. 
im-per'vi-OUS  [-vl-us]  a.   impenetrable 

im-pet'u-os'i-ty  [im-pet'u-as'i-ty]  «. 
im-pet'u-ous  [-us]  a.  hasty 
im'pe-tus  [im'pe-tu=])!.  force  of  motion 
im-pi'e-ty  [Impi'e-ty]  n.  ungodliness 
im-pinge'  pm-plnj']  -y.;.  to  strike 
im'pi-OUS  (im 'pi-US]  a.  profane 
im-pla'ca-ble  [-pla'ka-b'l]  a.  stubborn 
im-plant'  [Ira-planf]  v.t.  to  inculcate 
im'ple-ment  [Im'ple-mcnt]  n.  a  tool 
im'pli-cate  [Im'pli-kat]  -v.t.  to  involve 
im'pli-ca'tion.  [-k5'shQn]«.an  inference 
im-plic'it  [Im-plts'It]   a.  without  doubt 
im-plicd'  [im-plid]  a.  inferred 
im-plore'  [im-plor']  v-t.  to  beseech 
im-ply'  [im-pll']  -v.t.  to  infer 
im  po-lite' [im'pS-lIf]  a.  uncivil;  rude 
im-pol'i-tic  [Im-pOl'T-tlk]  a.  unwise 
im-pon'der-a-ble  [Tm-p5n'der-a-b'l]  a 
im'port  [Im'port]K. meaning:  whatisim 
im-port'  [Im-port]f .  to  bring  inLported 
im-por'tance  [-pfir'tans]  n.  weight 
im-por'tant  []  a.  full  of  import 
im'por-ta'tion  (im'p6r-ta'shan]«. [ports 
im-port' er   [Im-porfer]  n.  one  who  im- 
im-por'tu-nate  [por'tu-nSt]  a.  teasing 
im  por-tune'  [Im'pOr-tun')  w.^.  to  tease 
im-pos'a-ble  [Im-poz'a-b'I]  a.         fflict 
im-pose'  [Im-poz']  w./.  to  deceive;  to  in. 

^  o 






m-pos'ing  [Im-poztng]  a.   impressive 
m  po-si'tion  (Im  pa-zlsh'un]»/.  a  cheat 
m-pos  si-bil'i-ty  [im-p6ssi-bn'I-ty]«. 
im-pos'si-ble  [bl]  a.  cannot  be 
m'post  [impost]  K.  a  tax 
m-pos'tor  [im-pfistrr]  h.  a  pretender 
m-pos'ture  [-tur]  t:.  act  of  cheating- 
m'po-ten-cy  [Im'pi-t^n-sy]  «.  inability 
m'po-tent  [Im'pi-tirnt]  a.  weak 
m-pound'  [pound  ]  f  ./.to  coniine  fpoor 
m-pov'er-ish  [■r'-'v'cr-Ish]?'./'.  to  make 
m-prac  ti-ca-bil'i-ty  t-prak'ti-ka-]  >,. 
m-prac'ti-ca-ble  [-b'I]a.  impossible 
m-prac'ti-cal  [-kiz.]  a.  not  practical 
m  pre-ca'tion  [pre-ka'shOnln.acurse 
m-preg'na-ble  [Im-preg'na-b'l]  a. 
m-preg'nate  [-nat]  w./.  to  make  preg- 
m-press'  [Im-presJ^-./.  to  stamp  [nant 
m-press'i-ble  [l-b'!]  n.  susceptible 
m-pres'sion  [-prcshun]  k.  a  stamp 
m-press'ive  [TmprSs'Iv]  a.  solemn 
m-press'ment  [nunt]  «.  drafting- 
m- print'  [Im -print]  v-f.  to  impress 
m'print  [im  print]  «.  printer's  mark 
m-pris'on  [Tm-prlz"n]  z-./.  to  confine 
m-pris'on-ment[-m«nt]>i. confinement 
m-prob  a-biri-ty[im-pr6ba-bil'!-ty] « 
m-prob'a-ble  [-b'l]  a.  unlikely 
m-promp'tu  [-prOmp'tfi]  a.  or  adv.  off- 
m-prop'er  [propTr]  «.  unfit        [liand 
m  pro-pri'e-ty  [impri-pri'c-ty]  >;. 
m-prove'  [-proo%-]  T.i.  to  make  better 
m-prove'ment  [mcnt]  «.  progress 
m-prov'i-dent  [Im-prOv'I-de-nt]  a.  fter 
m-prov'ing  [-proov'!ng]<j.  getting  bet- 
m  pro-vise'  [imprS-viz']  f./.  todooff- 
m-pru'dence  [im-priidcns]  «.     ihand 
m-pru'dent  [dt-nt]  a.  rash 
m'pu-dence  [Im'pu-dcns]  «.  sauciness 
m'pu-dent  [-drat]  a.  saucy 
m-pugn'  [Im-pun']  v.t.  to  oppose 
m-pu'is-sance[-puis-s<ins)«.  inability 
m'pulse  [impuls]  «.  sudden  force 
m-pul'sion  [im-pal'shfln]  «.  act  of  im- 
m-pul'sive  [-slvl,j.quicktoactlpelIing 
m-pu'ni-ty  [im-punl-ty]  «.  security 
in-pure';im-pflr']  a.  not  pure;  unchaste 
m-pu'ri-ty  [im-pu'ri-ty]  «.  pollution 
m'pu-ta'tion  [Im'pats'shnn]  «.ahint 
m-pute'  [Im-put]  v./.  to  ascril)e 
n  [In]  />-£•/>.  within;.;>r?.  among;  not 
in'a-bil'i-ty  [in'i-bll'l-ty)  «.  weakness 
nac-ces'si-ble  [inak-s6s'T-b'l)  a. 
n-ac'cu-ra-cy  [In-ak'ku-ra-sy]  h. 
n-ac'cu-rate  [-rii]  a.  not  exact 
in-ac'tion  [In-ak  shun]  k.  idleness 
n-ac'tive  [In-ak'tiv]  a.  idle 
nac-tiv'i-ty  [lnak-tlv'i-ty]K.inertness 
n-ad'e-qua-cy  [ln-ad'«-kwa-sj)  «. 
n-ad'e-^uate  [-kwit]  a.  insufficient 
n  ad-mis'si-ble  [In'ad-mls'sl-bM]  «. 
n  ad-vert'ent  [-vrn'mt]  a.  heedless 
n-af  fa-ble  (In-af'fA-b'IJ  a.  not  social 
n-al'ien-a-ble  tinal'y<m-4-bl]  a. 


n  o 




in-a'mo-ra'ta  [en-a'mS-ra'ti]  K.  female 
in-a'mo-ra'to  t-tu}  ?;.  male  lover  Llover 
in-ane'  [rn-an]  a.  empty 
in-ail'i-mate[In-an'I-mit]a.without  life 
in'a-ni'tion  [In'i-nlsh'un]  m.  weakness 
in-an'i-ty[-an'I-ty]K.  void  space;  frivol- 
in-ap'pli-ca-ble  [in-ap'pli-ka-b'l]ii.iity 
in-appli-ca'tion[-k5'shun]M. indolence 
in'ap-proach'a-ble  [ap-proch'a-b'l] a. 
in'ap-pro'pri-ate  [pro'pri-at]  a. 
in  ar-tic'u-late  [in'ar-tik'O-lit]  a. 
in-ar'ti-fi'cial  [ti-fish'al]  a.  artless 
in'at-ten'tion  pn'at-tsn'shan]«.negleci 
in'at-ten'tive  [-tlv]  a.  careless 
in-au'di-ble  [In-a'dl-b'l]  a.  noiseless 
in-au'gu-ral  [-gu-ral]a.pert.  inaugura- 
in-au'gu-rate  [-Tit]-v.(.  to  install  [tion 
in-au'gu-ra'tion  [-ra'shun]  «. 
in'aus-pi'ci0US[In'as-pIsh'us]  a. unlucky 
in'born'  [In'b6rn']  a.  implanted  by  na- 
in'bred'  [In'bred']  a.  natural  Iture 

in-cal'cu-la-ble  [in-kal'ku-la-b'l]  a. 
in'can-des'cence  [in'kan-des'sfns]  « 
in'can-des'cent[-s«nt]a.white  with  heal 
in'ca-nes'cent  [in'ka-nes'sfnt]<i.  hoarj 
in'can-ta'tion  [kan-ta'shOn]  «. charm 
in-ca'pa-ble  [In-ka'pa-b'l]  a.  not  able 

in'ca-pac'i-tate  [in'ka-pas'i-tat]  v.i. 
in'ca-pac'i-ty  [ty]  «.  unfitness 
in-car'cer-ate  (in-kar'ser-atji/.^  to  im- 
in-car'cer-a'tion  [a'shon]  «.    iprisor. 
in-car'nate  [nit]  a.  clothed  with  flesh 
in'car-na'tion  [inkar-na'shan]  «. 

in-case'[In-kSs']7'./.  to  inclose  in  a  case 
in-cas'tel-la  ted  [kas'tel-lated]  a. 
in-cau'ti0U3  [m-ks'shus]  a.  careless 


in-cav'erned  [In-kav'?rnd]  a.  closed  in 
in-cen'di-a-riamr-ssn'di-a-riz'm] «.  ar 
in-cen'di-a-ry  [i-ry]  n.  a  burner    [sor 

in-cense'  [In-s6ns']  v.t.  to  madden 
in'censefln'sens]  «.  burnt  gums,  spices 
in-censed'  (In-s6nst']  a.  angered      [&c 
in-cen'tive  [In-sen'tlv]  «.  a  motive 
in-cep'tion   [In-sfip'shOn]  «.  beginning 
in-cer'ti-tude  [in-scr'ti-tod]  «. 
in-ces'sant  [Inses's(2nt]  a.  contmual 
in'cest  [In'sest]  «.  a  crime  fincesi 

in-ces'tu-OUS   [In-sSs'tO-us]  a.  guilty  ol 
inch[Inch]  >i.  unit  of  measure;  twelfth  ol 
in'cho-ate[Iirk«4t]<i.  just  begun  (a  fooi 
in'ci-dent  [in'sl-dcnt]  >i.  an  event 
in'ci-den'tal  [-den'tal]  a.  casual 

in-cin'er-ate  [In-sin'Crat]  I'.t.  to  burn 

in-ciner-a'tion  [a'shOn]  «.  (to ashes 
in-cip'i-ent  [slp'I-cnt]  iz.beginning  to  bi 
in-cir'cum-spect  [inser'kflm-spekt]  ,r 

in-cise'  [m-siz']  7'./.  to  i  ut  into;  to  gasl 
in-ci'sion  [In-srzh'On]  >i.  a  cut  into 
in-ci'sive   [In-si'slv]  a.  cutting 
in-ci'sor  [In-sJ'zcr]  «.  a  front  tooth 
in-cis'ure  [Instzh'flr]  n.  an  incision 
in-cit'ant  [-si't(int]«. a stimulantf incite- 
in'ci-ta'tion  [m'si-ta'shOn] «.that  which 




in-cite'  [In-sit]  rt.  to  stir  up 
in-cite'ment  [-ni<Tit]  k.  motive 
in  ci-vil'i-ty  [in  sl-vll'l-t>j  «.  rudeness 
in-clem'en-cy  [in-klemVn-sJ]  «.  rigor 
in-clem'ent  [In-klSmVnt]  a.  stormy 
in  cli-na'tion  (in'kli-na'shun]  K.  desire 
in-cline'  [m-klin')  v  i.  to  lean 
in-close'  [inkloz]  v.t.  to  shut  in 
in-clo'sure  [Inklo'zhur]  «.  fenced  space 
in-clude'  (in-klud]  v.t.  to  contain 
in-clu'sive  [m-klu'siv]  a.  inclosing 
in-COg*  [inkSg']  adv.  short"incognito 

in-cog'ni-to[-nI-t4)<7.  in  disguise  ftice 
in-COg'ni-zant  t-ziint|  a.  failing  to  no- 
in-CO-her'ent  finkO-her'ent)  a.  loose 

in  com-bus'ti-ble  [rnkOm-bQs'ti-b'l]  a 

in'come  finkum]  ;i.  revenue 

in  com-men'su-ra-ble  [shu-ra-b'l]  a. 

in  com-mode'  [mod'l  v.t.  to  annoy 
in  com-mo'di-ous  [mo'dius]  a.    [less 
in-com'par-a-ble  [  pira-b'l]  a.  match- 
in  com-pat'i-ble  [pat'i-b'l]  a. 
in-com'pe-tence  [pe-tens]  k.  inability 
in-com'pe-tent[ttnt]<z.without  ability 
in  com-plete'  [plet]  <z.  defective 
in-com  pre-hen'si-ble  [-hen'si-b'l]  a. 
in  com-press'i-ble  [pres'i-b'l]  a. 
in  con-ceal'a-ble  (in  kon-sel'a-b'l]  a. 
in  con-ceiv'a-ble  [sev'a-b'l]  «.   [open 
in  con-clu'sive  [  -kla'siv  J  a.  not  ended 
in-con'gru-ent  [in-kOng'gru-fnt]  a. 
in  con-gru'i-ty  [In'kSn-grji'i-ty]  H. 
in-con'gru-ous  [kSng'gru-Qs]  a.  unfit 
in-con'se-quent  [-sc-kwcnt]  a.  illogical 
in  con-sid'er-ate  [sid'er-atj  a.  rash 
in  con-sist'en-cy  [sis'tirn-sy]  «. 
in  con-sol'a-ble  [-sol'a-b'U  n.  grieved 
in-con'stan-cy  [-st.zn-sy]  k.  fickleness 
in-con'stant  [in-kOn'st<jnt]  a.  fickle 
in  con-test'a-ble  [test'a-b'U  a.  not 
in-con'ti-nence  [tl-ne-ns]  h. [contested 
in  con-trol'la-ble  [trol'la-b'lj  a. 
in-con  tro-ver'ti-ble  [-trd-ver'tr-b'l]a. 
in  con-ven'ience  [ven  ycnsj  h. trouble 

in  con-ven'ient[-yfnti<?. giving  trouble  I 
in-cor'po-rate  lin-korpi-ratlT/.?.  [body 
in-cor  po-ra'ted  [ted]  n.  united  in  one 
in-cor  po-ra'tion  (in-k6r'p4-ra'shun]«. 
in  cor-po're-al  [In'kar-p5're-al]  a.bod- 
in  cor-rect'  (rekt)  a.  inaccurate  [iless 
in-cor'ri-gi-ble  [rljr-b'l]  a.  hopeless 
in  cor-rupt'  [rupt'j  a.  pure 
in'cor-rupt'i-ble  [rflptib'li  a. 

in-crease'  (In-kres]  v.i.  to  grow 
in-cred'i-ble  (-kr*dI-b'l)a.not  believed 
in  cre-du'li-ty  [In-kre-du'll-ty]«.  unbe- 
in-cred'u-lou3  [lnkred'4-IQsl  a.     [lief 
in'cre-ment  (inkrc-m<-nt)  k.  increase 
in-crim'i-nate  (in-krrm'i-nat)  v.t. 
in-crust'  (inkrust'J  v.t.  to  form  a  crust 
in'crus-ta'tion  [in'krOs-ta'shfinl  «. 
in'cu-bate  irngka-t^t)  v.  to  hatch 
in  cu-ba'tion  [-ba'shOn]  n. 
in'cu-ba'tor  t-ter]  «.  egg  hatcher 








n'cu-bus  [ing'ku-bus)  «.  a  nightmare 

n-cul'cate  [in-korkat]  v.t.  to  teach 

n-cul'pate  [in-kul'pat]  v.t.  to  blame 

n-cum'ben-cy  [b^n-sj]  «  [office 

n-cum'bent    [-b^nt]   «.   one    holding 

n-cum'brance  [-brans]  «  clog 

n-cur'  [in-kur']  w.^.  become  liable  [able 

n-cur'a-ble  [in-kflr'a-b'l]  a.    not  cur- 

n-cur'sion  [in-kCir'shQn]  k.  a  raid 

n-dcbt'ed  [in-det'ed]  a.  in  debt 

n-debt'ed-ness  [-nus]  «.  lestyl 

n-de'cen-cy  [In-de'sfn-sy]   n.  immod- 

n-de'cent  [-sent]  a.  immodest 

nde-ci'sion  [in'dc-sizh'un]  «. 

n'de-ci'sive  [-si'sn]  a.  undetermined 

n'de-co'rous  [-ko'rus]  a.  rude 

nde-co'rum  [-ko'rOm] «. 

n-deed'  [in-ded']  ad-j.  in  truth 

n'de-fat'i-ga-ble  [in'dc-fat'l-ga-b'l]  a. 

n  de-fen'si-ble  [in'de-fen'sl-b"l]  a.  [ed 

n-dof  i-nite  [In-derr-nlt]   a.  not  limi'- 

a-dcl'i-ble  [In-del'I-b'l]  a.  permanent 

n-del'i-ca-cy  [in-del'I-ka-sy]  n. 

n-del'i-cate  [-kat]  a.  gross;  coarse 

n-dera'ni-fy  [In-dem'nl-f  i]  v.t. 

n-dem'ni-ty  [-ty]  »;.  security 

n-dent'  [in-dint]  v.t.  to  notch 

n'den-ta'tion  [in'den-ta'shun]». notch 

n'dent'cd  [In-dent'ed]  a.  notched 

n-den'ture  [rn-den'tur]  n.  agreement 

nde-pend'cnce  [In'de-pend'ens]  n. 

n'de-pend'ent  [-cnt]  a.  free 

n'de-scrib'a-ble  [in'de-skrlb'a-b'l]  a. 

nde-struc'ti-ble  [in'de-struk'tl-b'l]i2. 

nde-ter'mi-nate  [in'dc-tcr'mi-nat]  a. 

n'dex  [in  d;ks]  n.  pointer  [can 

n'di-an  [In'dl-an]  a.  aboriginal  Ameri- 

n'di-arub'ber[-riib'bCr]  w.gum elastic 

n'di-cate  [Tn'di-kat]  v.t.  to  show 

ndi-ca'tion  [-ka'shun]  n.  sign 

n-dic'a-tive  [m-dlk'a-tiv]  a.  pointing 

n'di-ccs  [in'dl-sez]  «.  plural  of  "index" 

n-dict'  [in-dit]  v.t.  to  accuse 

n-dict'a-ble  [-a-b"l]  a. 

n-dict'ment  [-ment]  «.  charge 

n-dif  fer-ence  [In-dif  fcr-cns]M.apathy 

n-dif'fer-ent  [-mt]  a.  not  good 

n'di-gence  [In'dl-j^ns]  «.  poverty 

n'di-gen-cy  [In'dr-jfn-sy]  n.  poverty 

n-dig'e-nous  [in-dij'e-nOs]  a.  native 

n'di-gent  (in'di-j<rnt]  a.  poor 

n'di-ges'tion  [In'dl-jSs'chQn]  n. 

n-dig'nant  [In-dlg'nont]  a.  angry 

n'dig-na'tion  [-na'shiin]  «.  wrath 

n-dig'ni-ty  [-ni-t>]  «.  contumely 

n'di-gO  [mdl-g6]  71  a  plant;  a  blue  dye 

n'di-rect'  [rekt']  a.  not  straight 

n'dis-cern'i-ble  [in'dlz-zern'i-b'l]  a.     "      J        l/\ 

ndis-creet' [in  dis-kret']  a.  imprudent  I        d       \ 

n  dis-cre'tion  [-kresh'un]  « 

n'dis-crim'i-nate  [-krim'i-nJt](j.[sary 

n'dis-pen'sa-ble[-pen'sa-b'l]  a. 

n  dis-pose'  [pnz']  v.t  unfit 

n-dis'po-si'tion[-p6'zish'un]«.  illness 


7  ^ 





in-dis'pu-ta-ble  [pu-ti-bl]  n.  sure 
in-dis'so-lu-ble  [-s6-IQ-bll  a.  firm 
in  dis-tiact'  [-tingt']  a.  not  clear 
in-dite'  [in-ditj  -^.t.  to  compose      [only 
in  di-vid'u-al    [In'dl-vld'u-al]  «     one 
in  di-vid  u-al'i-ty  [ai'i-ty]  n.  unity 
in  di-vis'i-blef-viz'i-h'l  J  «. not  divisible 

in-doc'tri-nate  [in-dok'tri-nat]  v.t. 
in'do-lence  [indS-lfns]  «.  idleness 
in'do-lent  (Ic-ntJ  a.  idle  (tamable 

in-dom'i-ta-ble  [in-dOm'I-ta-b'l]  a.  un 
in-dorse'  [Indors'j  v.t.  tosign;  to  sane 
in  dor-see'  Iln'dor-se'j  «.  signer    [tion 
in-dorse'ment  [in-dOrs'nu-nt]  «. 
in-du'bi-ta-ble  lin-dubi-ta-b-lj 
in-duce'  (in-dus']z'./.  to  prevail  on  [dent 
in-duce'ment  [-ment]  n.  motive 
in-duc'tion  [In-duk'sliun]  «.  entrance 
in-duct'ive  [-tlv]  a.  leading  to 
in-dulge'  [m-diJlj']  v.t.  to  gratify 
in-dul'gence  [rn-dul'jfns]  n.  gratifica- 
in-dul'gent  [-j<nt]  «.  kind  Ition 

in'du-rate  [iii<Iu-rSt]  a.  hardened 
in'du-ra'tion  [-ra'shun]  u.  act  of  hard- 
in-dus'tri-al  [Jn-dus'trl-<jl]  a.     lening 
in-dus'tri-ous  t-Os]  a.  diligent 
in'dus-try  [indus-tr>-]  «.  diligence 
in'dwell  ing  [in'dweringj  «.  residence 
in-e'bri-ate  [In-e'brf-at]  «.  drunkard 
ine-bri'e-ty  (ine-bri'e-ty]  «. 
in-ef  fa-ble  [ui-effa-b'l]  a.  unutterable 
in  ef-fect'ive  [In'ef-fek'tiv]  a.  notabl 
inef-fec'tu-al  t-tja-nll  ".  [power 

in-ef fi-ca-cy    [fl-ki-sy]    «.  want  of 
in  ef-fi'cient  [-fish't-nt]  <z.  incapable 
in-el'e-gant  [m-ere-g<JntJ  a.  homely 
in-el'i-gi-ble  [-I-ji-b'I]  a.  not  qualified 
in-ept'  [In-Cpf]  a.  unfit  [parity 

in'e-qual'i-ty  [in'e-kwOl'i-tyl  «•  dis- 
in-eq'ui-ta-ble  [in-ek'wi-ta-b'l]  a.  not 
in-ert'  [In-erf]  <t.  sluggish  (just 

in-er'ti-a  [In-er'shl-d]  «.  lifeless 
in-ert'ness  [in-ert'nes]  ?i. 
in-es'ti-ma-ble  [inestl-ma-b'l] ,?. 
in-ev'i-ta-ble  [in-ev'I-ta-b'I]  a.  sure 
inex-act'ness  [in'egz-akt'nes]  n. 
in'ex-cit'a-ble  [in'ek-sit'a-b'l]  a.  dull 
inex-cus'a-ble  (In'iks-kuz'a-b"!]  a. 

inex-haust'i-ble  [in'egz-ast'i-b'ij  a. 
inex-ist'ent  [in'cgz-lstVnt]  a. 
in-ex'o-ra-ble  [In-cks'«-ra-bM)  a. 

in'ex-pe'di-ent  [in'eks-pe'di-cnt]  a. 
in'ex-pen'sive  [-pfin'siv]  a.  cheap 
in  ex-pe'ri-ence  [pe'rr-^ns]  k. 
in-ex'pli-ca-ble  [pli-ka-b'l]  «. 
in  ex-press'i-ble  [pres'l-b'l]  a.  untold 
in  ex-tin'guish-a-ble  a.  r-ting'gwish- 
in-ex'tri-ca-ble  [-tri-ka-b'lj  a.    la-b'lj 
in-fal'li-ble  [In-farit-b'l]  a.  certain 
in'fa-mous  [(n'fi-mCiiJ  a.  odious 
in'fa-my  l-mpj «.  disgrace 
in'fan-cy  [Inf<7n-5y]  k.  l,al  y-hood 
in'fant  trn'fant]  «.  ababy 
in-fan'ti-cide  [In-fln'tl-sld]  k.  murder 



n'fan-tile  [in'fun-til]  a.  childish 
n'fan-try  [try]  «.  foot  soldiers 
n-fat'u-ate  [lu-fat'u-ai]  v.t.  to  delude 
n-fat'U-a'tion  [a'shun]  n.  folly 
n-fect'  Itn-fekt']  v.t.  to  taint  fing 

n-fec'tion  [In-f4k'shun)H.act  ofinfect 
n-fec'tious  [shus]  a.  contagious 
nfe-lic'i-ty  [Infe-lls'l-ty]  «.  misery 
n-fer'  [infer']  -v.t.  to  deduce  [inferred 
n-fer'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  capable  of  being 
n'fer-ence  [-^ns]  7t.  conclusion 
n-fe-ri-or  [In-fe'rl-er]  a.  subordinate 
n-fe'ri-or'i-ty  [-Sr'l-ty]  k.  lower  state 
n-fer'nal  [in-fcr'n<jl)  a.  hellish 
n-fer'tile  [til]  a.  not  productive 
n-fest'  [in-fesf]  v.t.  to  disturb 
n-fest'ive  [iv]  a.  dull 
n'fi-del  [In'fi-dfl)«.  unbeliever 
n'fi-del'i-ty  [-del'r-ty]  n.  unbelief 
n'fi-nite  [In'fl-nlt]  «.  boundless 
n'fi-nite-ly  (lyl  adz-,  immensely 
n'fin-i-tes'i-mal   [i-tes'l-mal]  a.  mi- 
n-fin'i-tive  [-tn  J  a.  unlimited      Inute 
n-fin'i-tude  [tUd]  n.  without  limits 
n-fin'i-ty  [-ty]  «.  unlimited  extent 
n-firm'  [In-fFrm']  a.  feeble 
n-firm'i-ty  [I-ty]  n.  failing- 
n-firm'a-ry  [-a-r>]  «.  a  hospital 
n-flame'  [In-flam']  v.t.  to  kindle 
n-flam'-ma-ble  [in-flam'ma-b'l]  a. 
n'flam-ma'-tion  [ma'shun]  «.  heat 
n-flam'ma-to-ry  [ma-to-ry]  a. 
n-flate'  [tn-flat'i  v.t.  to  swell 
n-fla'tion  [In-fla'shun]  H.  distention 
n-fla'tus  [In-fla'tus]  n.  inspiration 
n-flect'  [in-flekt']  v.t.  to  bend 
n-flec'tion  [In-flek'shOn]  «.  a  turniuL; 
n-flex'i-ble  [In-fleks'i-b'l]  a.  rigid 
n-flict'  [iu-fllkt']  v.t.  to  apply 
n-flic'tion  [In-fllk'shun]  n.  punishment 
n'flo-res'cence  [in'flo-rss'scns]  n. 
n'flu-ence  [  In'flu-.ns]  «.  sway 
n  flu-en'tial  [•ensliizl]  a.  powerful 
n'flu-en'za  [za]  «.  a  cold 

n'flux'  [In'fluks']  «.  a  flowing  in 
n-fold'  [In-fold'J  v.t.  to  clasp 
n-form'  [in-form']  v.t.  to  instruct 
n-form'al  [-aX]  a.  not  formal 
n-form'ant  [-mit]  «.  tnfonner    fnews 
n  for-ma'tion  [in'for-ma'shun]  n. 
n-form'er  [Pr]  «.  one  who  inlomis 
n-frac'tion  [In-frak'shun]  «.  breach 

n-fran'gi-ble  [in-fran'ji-b'l]  a. 

n-fre'quent  [in-fre'kwfnt]  a.  rare 
n-fringe'  [In-frlnj']  v.t.  to  violate 
n-fringe'ment  [mcnt]  k.  violation 
n-fu'ri-ate  [in-fu'ri-at]  v.t.  to  enrage 
n-fuse'  [In-fuz']  t'./.  pour  in,  as  a  liquid 
n-fu'si-ble  t-fu'zl-b'l]  a.  not  fusible 
n-fu'sion  [-zhun]  n.  pouring  in 
n-gen'iou3  [In-jen'yus]  skillful 
n'ge-nu'i-ty  [In'je-nu'i-ty]  ti.  skill 
n-gen'u-ous  [in-jen'u-us]  a.  candid 
n-glo'ri-ous  [in-glo'rl-Os]  a.  shameful 




in' got  (In'gOtI  «.  mass  of  metal 
n-graft'  im-graft']  v.t.  to  insert  [grain 
n' grain'  (In'gran'J  v.t.   to  dye  in  the 
n-gra'ti-ate[in-grashi-atlf.;.  [thanks 
n-grat'i-tude[in-gr5t'i  tudi«.«ithout 
n-gre'di-ent  [Ingredi-fnt)  «.  an  ele- 
n'gress  (In  gres]  K.  entrance        [ment 
in-gulf  [ingulf]  v.t.  to  swallow  up 
n-hab'it  [in-hab'Itl  v.i.  to  dwell 
n-hab'it-a-ble  [abl]  a. 
n-hab'it-ant  (It-ant)  n.  a  dweller 
n-haXe'  [inhal]  v.t.  to  inspire 
n-hal'er  [  erl  k.  medical  apparatus 
n  har-mo'ni-ous  [in'har-mo'nl-usl  a. 
n-her'ent  [in-herVnt]  a.  innate 
n-her'it  [In-herit]  ---.t.  to  possess 
n-her'it-ance  [ans]  w.patrimony 
n-hib'it  [m-hlbitl  -i.  .t.  to  restrain 
n-hos'pi-ta-ble  [in-hospl-ta-bl]  a. 
n-hu'man  [In-hu'mtm]  a.  cruel 
n  hu-man'i-ty  [man'I-ty]  n.  cruelty 
n-im'i-cal  [in-im'I-k.ill  <i.  adverse[tion 
n-im'i-ta-ble  [-ta-b'll  a.  above  imita- 
n-iq'ui-tOUS  [in-ik'wi-tus]  a.  wicked 
n-iq'ui-ty  [In-Tk'wI-ty]  n.  crime 
n-i'tial  [mish-dl]  n.  first  letter 
n-i'ti-ate  [ish'-T-atl  v.t.  to  introduce 
n-i  ti-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  beginning 
n-i'ti-a-tive  [-a-tiv]  k.  that  which  be- 
n-i'ti-a-tory  [-to-ry]  a.  Igins 

n-ject'  [in-jekt'lt'./.to  throw  in  [jected 
n-jec'tion  [-jekshOni  ».  substance  in- 
n-ject'or  pn-jekt'erl  «.  injecting  instr. 
n  ju-di'cious  [In'ju-dish'us]  a.  unwise 
n  -  junc'tion[In-jungk'shun);  order 
n'jure  [injur]  v.t.  to  hurt 
n  -  ju'ri-0U3  [In-ju'rl-fls]  a.  hurtful 
n'ju-ry  [in  jury]  n.  damage 
n-jus'tice  [in-jus'tisl  «.  wrong 
nk  lingk]  «.  writing  fluid 
n'kling  [Ing'kllng]  n.  a  hint 
nk'stand'  [ingk'stand'i  n. 
n-laid'  (m-lad' ]/./*.  of  "inlay" 
n'land  [in'land]  a.  within  land 
n-lay'  [In-la']  v.t.  to  insert 
n'let  [mist]  n.  a  bay:  that  which  is  let 
n'mate'  [In'mat'J  «.  a  lodger  [in 

n'most'  [In'most'J  a.  deepest  within 
nn  [in]  n.  public  house 
nn'keep  er  (In'kep'f  r)  n.  keeper  of  an 
n'nate  [Innit]  a.  inborn  (inn 

n'ner  [In'ner]  a.  interior 
n'ner-moat'  [-most]  a.  deepest  within 
n'ning  [Milnjj]  h.  the  turn  of  being  in 
n'no-cence  [m  n6-sfns)«.harmlessr.ess 
n'no-cent  [In'n6-s«nt]  a.pure;  guiltless 
n-noc'u-OUS  t-n6k'ii-us]  a.  harmless 
n'no  rate  [mnSvat]  v.t.  to  change 
n  no-va'tion  (va'shunl  n.  new  thing 
n-nox'iou3  [In-nOk'shus]  a.  harmless 
n  nu-en'do  [nfl-Sn'dS]  n.  oblique  hint 
n-nu'mer-a-ble  [In-nu'mcr-i-b'l]  «. 
in-oc'u-late  [in-ftk'd-lati  v.  to  bud 
n-oc  u-la'tion  (Li'shnn)  «.  act  of 


^  ^^ 





in-o'dor-ous   [mo'der-Qsl   a. 
in  of-fen'sive  [Offen'siv)  a.  harmless 
in  of-fi'cial  [in  of-fish'ulla.notofficial 
in  of-fi'cious  |-fls]  a.  unfit 
in-op'er-a-tive  [mop  trs-tivi  a. 
in-op  por-tune'  ( -p6r-tun')  a.  untimely 
in-or'di-nate  [or  dl-nat]  a.  excessive 
in  or-gan'ic  ;-6rgan'lk]  a.  not  organic 
in-os'cu-late  (Tn-as'kil-latl  ii.t.  to  unite 
in'quest  [in'kwest]  n.  inquiry 
in-quire'  (inkwirj  v.i.  to  ask 
in-quir-er  [-cr]<i. 
in-qui'ry  [y]  «.  a  query 
in  qui-si'tion  [in'kwlzlsh'unl  «. 
in-quis'i-tive  [kwlz  i-tlv]  a.  prying 
in'road'  [in'rod]  n.  attack 
in'sa-lu'bri-OUS  [Insi-lQ'hrt-Qs]  a. 
in-sane'  [m-san  j  a.  deranged 
in-san'i-ta-ry  [m-sar/i-ta-ry]  a. 
in-san'i-ty  [ty]  w.craziness 
in-sa'tia-ble  [In-sa'sha-b'l]  a.  greedy 
in-sa'ti-ate  [-shi-at]  a.  not  satisfiable 
in  sa-ti'e-ty  [In'sa-ti'e-tyl  n.  greedy 
in-scribe'  [in-scrib]  v.t.  to  write  on 
in-scrip'tion  [-skrip'shQn]  n.  address 
in-scru'ta-ble  [Sn-skru'ta-b'l]  a. 
in'sect  (in  sekt]  «.  small  animal 
in  se-cure'  [in'se-kur']  a.  not  safe 
in'se-cu'ri-ty  [Tn'se-ku'ri-tyl  «.  danger 
in-sen  si-bil'i-ty  [in-sensl-bil'i-ty]  n 
in-sen'si-ble  [bl)  <r.  unfeeling  (torpor 
in-sep'a-ra-ble  [insep'a-ra-bl]  a.  fast 
in-sert'  [In-serf]  -..■.t.  to  thrust  in 
in-ser'tion  [inscr  shun]  >/.  piece  set  in 
inside'  (In'sid'l  n.  internal  part 
in-sid'i-OUS  [in-sid'I-us]<i.  deceitful;  sly 
in'sight'  [Tn'slt'l  >!.  deep  view 
in-sig'ni-a  (in-signi-a)  badges 
in  sig-nif  i-cant  [nif  i-k>?nt] «. trifling 
in  sin-cere'  [in  sm-ser']  a.  false 
insin-cer'i-ty  [ser'i-ty]  n.  falseness 
in-sin'u-ate  [u-atj  v.t.  to  hint 
in-sin  u-a'tion  [a'shunl  «.  ahint 
in-sip'id  [in-sip'id]  a.  tasteless 
in-sist'  [Tn-sist]  ■£<.!.  to  urge 
in-snare'  [m-snar')  i.e.  to  entangle 
in'sole'  [Tn'sol]  «.  inside  sole  of  shoe 
in'so-lence  [in-sS-lcns]  n.  impudence 
in'so-lent  [-lent]  a.  insulting 
in-sol'u-ble  [In-sOlii-b'l]  a.  not  soluble 
in-sol'ven-cy  [ven-sy]  «.  bankruptcy 
in-sol'vent  [vent]  a.  bankrupt     (ness 
in-som'ni-a  [In-s6m'nl-a]  n.  sleepless- 
in  so-much'  [in'sS-much']  adv.       [ous 
in  SO-no'rous  [-no'riJs]  a.  not  melodi- 
in-spect'  [m-spckt'l  v.t.  to  examine 
in-spec'tion  [InspSk'shun]  n.  [or 

in-spect'or  |in-spek'tcr)  n.  a  supervis 
in  spi-ra'tion  [tn'spira'shun]  n. 
in-spire'  [in-spir]  v.t.  to  infuse 
in-spir'it  [Tnsplr'rt]  v.t.  to  animate 
in  sta-bil'i-ty  lin'sta-bll'i-ty] »;. 
in-stall'  (instal'l  v.t.  to  seat 
in  stal-la'tion  [in'stOl-la'shOn)  n. 









l-stall'ment  [-stal'mcntl  k.  part  pay 
I'stance  [in'stiins]  k.  occurrence 
I'stant  [inst.jnt]  a.  ivithout  delay 
I  stan-ta'ne-OUS  [In'stSn-ta'ne-Qs]  a. 
I'stant-ly  [in'sttint-ly]  ^^t/z'.  at  once 
l-state'  [in-stat']  z'.t.  to  place  in  office 
i-stead'  [in-sted']  ac/-'.  in  place  of 
l'step[m'step]«.arch  or  middle  of  foot 
I'sti-gate  [in'stl-grat]  f./.  to  incite  to 
I  Sti-ga'tion  [ga'shun]  H. 
l'sti-ga'tor[-gatrr]«.  one  who  incites 
L-still'  tin-stn']  Z'.t.  to  infuse 
L'stinct[Instingktl  «.  natural  impulse 
l-Stinc'tive  [in-stm^k'tiv]  a. 
I'sti-tute  fin'stl-tut]  K.  society;  law 
isti-tu'tion  [-sliun]  7».  establishment 
i-struct'  (in-strukt']  v./.  to  teach 
i-struc'tion  [-strQk'shun]  «.  teaching 
i-struct'ive[-tiv]a.serving  to  instruct 
i-struct'or  [tCr]  h.  a  teacher 
i-struct'ress  t-tres]  k.  a  governess 
.'stru-ment  [m'stru-m<-nt]  K. 
.  stru-men'tal  [instru-men'tdl]  a. 
I  stru-men-tal'i-ty  [-tal'i-ty] «. 
I'sub-jec'tion  [In'sub-jek'shun]  «. 
1  sub-mis'sion  [-mish'un]  «. 
I  sub-or'di-nate  [-sflb-or'di-nat]  a. 
1  sub-or  di-na'tion  [-na'shun]  «. 
I'sue-tude  [In'swc-tud]  «.  absence  of 
i-suf'fer-a-ble  [in-suffcr-a-b'l]  a. 
I'suf-fi'cient  [-flshVnt]  a.  not  enough 
I'su-lar  [iusu-ler]  tf.  circumscribed 
I'su-late  [-lat]  i:f.  to  isolate 
1  su-la'tion  [-la'shun]  h.  isolation 
I'su-la  tor  [-tCr]  H.  that  which  isolates 
I'sult  [-suit]  ?:.  a  marked  disrespect 
i-su'per-a-ble  [in-su'prr-a-b'l]  <t. 

iSUp-pOrt'a-ble  |in'sup-p5rt'a-b'l]  a. 
.-SUr'ance  [In-shur'-<msl  H. 
.-sure'  [in-shur']  -^.i.  to  make  sure 
.-SUr'er  l-rr]  «.  one  who  insures 
,-sur'gcntlin-sfir'jfntl«.  rioter 
.  sur-mount'a-ble  [-mount'a-b'I]  a. 
.sur-rec'tion  [In'sur-rek'shOn]  «. 
.'SUS-cep'ti-ble  [In'sus-sSp'ti-b"I]  a. 
-tact'  |;n-t.'ikt']  a.  untouched     [pable 
-tan'[ji-ble  [in-tan'jr-b"ll  «.  not  pal- 
'te-ger  [In'te-jcr]  K.  the  whole 
'te-gral  [In'te-gralJ  a.  complete 
'te-grant  [-gnznt]  a. 
/te-grate  [in'tS-grat] v.t. tocomplete 
,-teg'ri-ty  [in-teg'rl-ty]  k.  honesty 
,-teg'u-ment  irn-tCg'u-m^nt]  >t.  a  skin 
,'tel-lect  [in'tel-lekt]  «.  the  knowing 
.  tel-lec'tu-al  [-lek'tu-alj  a.    [faculty 
-tel'li-gence  [-li-jcns]  n.  news 
-tel'li-gent  [m-tel'lr-j^nt]  ^.knowing 
;-tel'li-gi-ble  [-jl-b'l]  a.  plain;  clear 
,-tem'per-ance  [in-tem'per-ans] «. 
i-tem'per-ate  [-it]  a.  excessive 
L-tend'  Iln-tC-nd']  v.t,  to  purpose 
i-tcnse'  [rn-tcns'J  a.  ardent     (intense 
i-tcn'si-fy  [slfi]  v.f.  to  make  more 
i-ten'si-ty  [ty]  u.  extreme  degree 




in-tent'  [intent]  n.  meaning 
in-ten'tion  [in-ten'shun]  h.  design 
in-tent'ness  |-nes]  »/.  attention 
in'ter-  tin'ter-]/rf/?jr.  among;  between 
in-ter'  [inter']  v.t.  to  bury 
in-ter'ca-la-ry  [-ka-li-ry]  a.  additional 
in'ter-cede'  [setl']  vJ.  to  mediate 
inter-cept'  [in'ter-sept'j  v.t.  to  stop 
in'ter-ces'sion  [sesh'an]  n. 
in'ter-ces'sor  [ses'scr]  «.  a  mediator 
in'ter-ces'so-ry  [-sS-rJ]  «.  pleading  for 
inter-change'  [chanj']  n.  exchange 
in'ter-course  [kors]  H.communicatior 
inter-dict'  [Mlikt'l  i>./.  to  forbid 
in'ter-est  [  ost]  t'V.  to  concern 
in'ter-fere'  [fCr']  v.i.  to  interpose 
in'ter-fer'ence  [ens]  n.  mediation 
in'ter-im  [  im]  «.  mean  time 
in-te'ri-or  [inten-er]  a.  within 
in'ter  -  ject'  [jekt']  v.t.  to  insert 
in'ter-jec'tion  [jek'shfln]  ti. 
in'ter -lace'  [las']  i/.  to  intermix 
in'ter-line'  [lin'j  i/.t.  to -write  bet 
in'ter-lock'  r-l6k']  v.t.  to  embrace 
in'ter-lo-cu'tion  [Is-ku'shun]  n. 
in'ter-lope'  [lop']  z'.i.  to  forestall 
in'ter-lo-per  [cr]  n.  an  intruder 
in'ter-lude  [lud]  n.  part  between  acts 
inter-med'dle  [-med'd'l]t'.j.  tomeddl 
in'ter-me'di-ate  [-me'dl-at]  a.  middle 
in-ter'ment  [m.nt]  71.  burial  [less 

in-ter'mi-na-ble  [mi-ni-b'I]  a.  eml 
in'ter-min'gle  [minsj'g'l]  %'.t.  to  mi>c 
in'ter-mis'sion  [ -mish'un]  n.  a  pause 
in'ter-mit'tent  [mit'tent]  a. 

in'ter-mix't-miks'l-'./.tomix  together 
in-ter'nal  (-n,;I]  a.  inward 

in'ter-na'tion-al  [nash'un-rtl]  a. 
in-ter'po-late  [pslat]  v.t.  to  insert 
in-ter'po-la'tion  [la'shfln]  n. 
in'ter-pose'|-poz']7'./.  toplacebetween 
in'ter-po-si'tion  [pa-zish'un]  w.medi- 
in-ter'pret[-pret]  -v.t.  toexplain  lation 
in-ter'pre-ta'tion  [pre-ta'shon]  «. 
in-ter'pre-ter  [pret-fr]  n.  translator 
in'ter-reg'num  [reg'num]  n. 
in-ter'ro-gate  [in-ter'rS  gat]  v.t.t.o  ask 
in-ter'ro-ga'tion  [ga'shan]  «.  inquiry 

inter-rupt'  [ropt'l  •?■./.  to  hinder 
inter-rup'tion  [rup'shan]  n.  stop 
inter-sect'  [-s6kt']  v.t.  to  cross 
in'ter-sperse'  [spers']  ■v.t.  to  scatter 
in'ter-state'  [stat']  a.  between  states 
in-ter' stice  [stls]  «.  a  space;  a  crack 
in'ter-twine'  [-twin']  v.t.  to  unite 
in'ter-val  [val]  «.  space  of  time 
in'ter-vene  [-ven]  v.t.  to  come  between 
in'ter-ven'tion  [-ven'shun]  «. 
in'ter-view  [vij]  «.  a  mutual  seeing  of 
in'ter-weave'  [-wev']  v.t.  to  intermix 
in-tes'tate  [in-tes'tit]  n.  without  a  wil 
in-tes'tine  [tin]  a.  internal 




:i_.:^-^  1 




■thrall'  [In-//irari  ■:-.t.  to  enslave 
'ti-ma-cy  [in'ti-masyl  n.  closeness 
'ti-matt  [-mat]  i\  to  announce:  a.  fa- 
ti-ma'tion  [-ma'shun]  «.         Imiliar 
-tim'i-date  (in-tlm'ldstl  i-.^  to  make 
-tol'er-a-ble  [-er-S-b'!]  a.  [timid 

-tol'er-ance  [-uns]  «.  bigotry 
•tol'er-ant  [-.mtj  a.  bigoted 
■tomb'  [In-tocm'l  -J.  t.  to  hury 
to-na'tion  [na'shunj  H.  chanting 
-tone'  [in-ton  )  -'./.to  chant 
-tox'i-cate  [-f-kat]  'o.t.  to  make  drunk 
-tox  i-ca'tion  [ka'shun]  «. 
-tract'a-ble  [-trakt'a-b'l]  a.  stubborn 
■  tran'si-tive  [si-tlv]  a.  not  passing 
-trench'  [intrench']  i\t.  [farther 

-trench'ment  [mcnt]  n. 
-trep'id  [intrepid]  a.  brave 
in  tre-pid'i-ty  [-tre-pid'i-t5')  n.  valor 
I'tri-ca-cy  [tri-ka-syl  «.  complication 
I'tri-cate  [kit]  a.  complicated 
1-trigue'  [in-treg']  M.aplot 
1-trin'sic  [m-trinslk]  a.  inherent 
l-trin'sic-al-ly  [-sl-k<il-ly]  adv.  truly 
1  tro-duce'  [tri-dus']  'j.  t.  to  bring  in 
1  tro-duc'tion  [duk'shun]  n. 
1  tro-duc'to-ry  [-tS-ry]  a.  prefatory 
1  tro-spec'tion  [spek'shon]  «. 
l-trude'  [In  trude'l  v.i.  to  trespass 
1-tru'sion  [in-tni'zhun]  n.  entering 
l-tru'sive  [siv]  a.  encroaching 
1-trust'  [in-lrubt']  I'.t.  to  confide 
1  tu-i'tion  [intfl-Ish'un]  n.  instinct 
1-tu'i-tlve  [in-tQ'i-tiv]  a.  knowing 
1-un'date  (in-andat)  v.t.  to  deluge 
1  un-da'tion  [da'shun]  n.  a  flood 
1-ure'  [in-ur]  t./.  to  accustom 
1  U-til'i-ty  (in  u-til'l-ty]  n.  uselessness 
1-vade' (in-vad  1  'J.t.  to  enter  and  at 
1-vad'er  [-er]  n.  one  invading       [tack 
l-val'id  [In-vil'Id]  a.  of  no  force 
I'va-lid  'in  valid]  «.  a  sick  one       fen 
1-val'i-date  (in-val'I-datl'Z'./.  to  weak 
i-val'u-a-ble  [in-varu-a-bl]  a. 
1-va'ri-a-ble  [in-va'ri-a-b'l]  a. 
1-va'sion  [-^hun]  n.  act  of  invading 

1-vec'tive  [m-vek'tiv]  «.  abuse 

1-veigh'  [In-va']  v.i.  to  rail  against 
I-vei'gle  [In-ve'g'l]  v.t.  to  entice 
1-vent'  [In-vent'  1  ti.t.  to  devise 
l-ven'tion  [In-ven'shan]  «.  device 
J-vent'ive  [In-vent'  toinvem 
1-vent'or  (-?r]  n.  a  contriver 
I'ven-to-ry  [in'veu-tAry]  «.  alist 
1-verse'  (In-vfrs'  |  a.  inverted     [down 
l-vert'  [Invert]   V.I.   to   turn   upside 
n-ver'te-brate  (in-vrr'tc-brSt)  a. 
a-vest'  [In-v.-bi'l  V.!.  to  clothe 
i-ves'ti-gate  lin-vestf-gat]  v.t. 
a-ves  ti-ga'tion  [gl'shan]  «.researcl 
n-vest'i-ture  [I-tiir]  «.  conferring 
a-vest'ment  [nifnt]  «.  [right 

tt-vet'er-ate  [In-vSt'Pr-St]  a.  habitual 
l-Tid'i-OUa  [In-vId'I-Os)  n.  envious 





in-vig'or-ate[-vIg'er-atli'./.  to  animate 
in-vin'ci-ble  [in-vin'si-b'l]  a. 
in-vi'o-la-ble  [In-vi'6-la-b'l)  a.  sacred 
in-vi'o-late  [lat]  a.  not  violated 
in-vis'i-ble  [In-vlz'i-b'l]  a.  unseen 
in'vi-ta'tion  [Invl-ta'shun]  «.  request 
in-vite'  (in-vlf]  v.t.  to  ask 
in-VO-ca'tion  [invfi-ka'shfln]  «.  prayer 
in'voice  [Invois]  n.  a  list 
in-voke'  [in-vsk'l  v.t.  to  ask 
in-vol'un-ta-ry  [invslun-ta-ryl  a. 
in  vo-lu'tion  [in'vS-lu'sIifln]  n. 
in-volve'  tm-volv']  i'.^.  to  entangle 
in-vul'ner-a-ble  iinvol'ncr-a-bl]  a. 
in'ward  [in'werdj  a.  internal 
in'wards  [werdzj  a.  same  as  "inward" 
i'o-dine  !I'6  din]  «.  a  drug 
i-o'ta  [i-o'  );.  small  part 
ip'e-cac  [ip  e-kak]  «.  ipecacuanha 
i-ras'ci-ble  [i-rSs'sI-b'l]  a.  irritable 
ire  (irl  n.  anger  [colors 

iri-des'cent    [ir'I-d6s's«nt]    a.    many 
i'ris  [i  ris)  n.  rainbow  [Irelan  . 

I'rish   [i  risli]   n.  s.  and  //.  natives  of 
irk'some  lerk'sum]  a.  tedious 
i'ron  [i'uni]  n.  a  metal 
i-ron'ic-al  [l-r6n'i-k<il]  a.  sarcastic 
i'ron-y  [i  urn-y]  a.  ridicule 
Ir'0-quois'[lr6-kwoi']».an  Indian  tribe 
ir-ra'di-ate  [ir-ra'di-at]  ij.t.  to  brighten 
ir-ra'tion-al  lir-rish'un-al]  jj.  absurd 
irre-cep'tive  lir'rC-sep'tiv]  a. 
ir're-claim'a-ble  [klam'a-b'l]  «.  lost 
ir-rec  on-ci'la-ble  [ir-rek'&n-si'la-b'l]rt 
ir'rs-deem'a-ble  [ir're-dem'i-b'll  a. 
ir-ref  ra-ga-ble  [gi-b'l]  a.  undeniable 
irre-fut'a-ble  (Ir'rc-fut'a-b'll  «.  fixed 
ir-reg'u-lar  [  reg'u-lcr]  «.  not  uniform 
ir-reg  u-lar'i-ty  [-lar'i-ty]  n. 
ir-rel'e-vant  [L-rel']  a.  foreign 
ir  re-li'gion  [ir'rc-ltj'unl  ;;.  impiety 
ir're-li'gious  [us]  <7.  impious 
ir're-me'di-a-ble  [ir're-meMi-4-bli  a. 
ir're-mov'a-ble  [Ir're-moov'a-b'l]  a. 
ir-rep'a-ra-ble  [ra-b'l]  a.  ruined 
irre-press'i-ble  [ir'-re-pres'i-bl]  a. 
ir're-proach'a-ble  [ir're-proch'a-bl]  a. 
irre-sist'i-ble  [zist'i-b'l]  n.  invincible 
ir-res'o-lute  [ir-rez'6-lQtl  a.  wavering 
ir-res  o-lu'tion  [la'shun]  «.      [regard 
ir're-spec'tive  [spek'tlv]  a.  without 
irre-spon'si-ble  [si-b'l]  a.  not  liable 
ir're-triev'a-ble  [Ir-re-trev'i-b'l)  a- 
ir-rev'er-ence  l-tr-ens]  «.  disrespect 
ir-rev'er-ent  [-(iitl  a.  not  reverent 
ir're-vers'i-ble  [ir're-vers'i-b'l]  a. 
ir-rev'o-ca-ble  [Tr-rev'S-kJ-b'l]  c^- 
ir'ri-gate  |irri-gatl  v.t.  to  water 
ir'ri-ga'tion  [ga'shfln[  «.  overflow 
ir'ri-ta-ble  [ta-b'l]  <!.  cross 
ir'ri-tate  [tat]  v.t.  to  vex 
ir  ri-ta'tion  [ta'shun]  n.  anger 
ir-rup'tion  [ir-rup'stiunl«.  a  breaking 
i' sin-glass  [-zin^glas]  «.mica;  gelatin 












is'land  [i'Und]  «.  land  surrounded  by 

isle  (il)  n.  an  island  Iwatei 

i'so-late  [i  sa-iat)  I'.t.  to  detach 

i  SO-la'tion  t-la'shunj  n.  separation 

Is'ra-el-ite  [iz'rS-Sl-it]  «.  a  Jew 

is'sue  [ish  u]  II.  adischarge 

isth'mus  I  is'mus  ]  It.  slip  of  land 

I-tal'ian  [ital'yanl  «.  native  of  Italy 

i-tal'ic  [-ik]  a.  kind  of  type 

itch  [ichl  «.  a  disease:  strong  desire 

i'tem  |i  tein]  rtiff.  an  article 

it'er-ate  [it'crat)  v.l.  to  repeat 

it  er-a'tion  [It'cr-a'shOnl  «.  repetition 

i-tin'er-a-cy  [i-tiner-a-sy]  >;. 

i-tin'er-ant  [imtl  a.  wandering 

it-self  [itself  ]/>-<;m. 

i'vo-ry  [I'vS-ryl  «.  elephant's  tusk. 

i'vy  [i^'yl  n.  a  climbing  plant 

jab'ber  [jab'ber]  -v-i.  to  chatter 
Jack  [.iik]  «.  a  name;  a  tool 
jack'al'  IjJk'al'l  k.  an  animal       rcomb 
jack'a-napes'  [  jsk'a-naps'j  h.  a  cox- 
Jack'ass'  I-as']  «.  a  male  donkey 
.jack'daw'  [jak'da']  «.abird 
jack'et  [  jak'et)  «.  a  short  coat      fknife 
.jack'knife'  l-nifl   «.  a  strong  pocket 
jack'straw'  [stra'l  «.  a  scarecrow 
jack'plane'  [plan']  K.aplaneforrough 
jac'o-bin  |  S-l.m]  K.awhite friar  [work 
.iac'o-net  [-6  net]  h.  soft  muslin 
jade  [  jad]  «.  a  tired  horse;  a  wench 
Jag  r  jSg]  K.  a  small  load;  v.  to  notch 
.ja-gu-ar*  [  ji-gwar']  «.  an  animal 
Jail  ( jsl]  ".  a  prison 
jail'er  [-tr]  n.  a  prison  keeper 
Jak'o  ( j  Jk'o)  H.  an  African  parrot 
Jal'ap  [  jal'dp)  «.  a  plant;  a  purgative 
Jam  I  jam]  -^.t.  to  crowd;  «.  a  preserve 
jamb  [Jaml  ti.  door  post 
Jan'gle  I  jungg  1)  v.i.  to  quarrel 
Jan'i-tor  [  jan'i-tcrj  h.  a  potior 
Jan'u-a-ry  [janila  ry]  «.  first  month 
Ja'nus  [ja  nusj  71.  agod  with  two  faces 
Ja-pail'  [  j'lpan'l  v.t.  to  varnish         [an 
Jap  a-nese'  [  jlp'a-nez')  <r.  pert,  to  J.ip- 
Ja-phet'io  [jl-fOt'ik]  «.  Japlieth  race 
ja-pou'i-ca  [  ji-pSn'I-ka]  u.  a  flower 
Jar  [  iSr]  ti.  kind  of  vial;  v.  to  shake 
Jar  di  niere'  [zhJr'dO'']  w.F.avase 
Jar'gon  [  \.\t'-^'/,n\  «.  [pear 

jar  go-nelle' I jargi-nOl']   k.   kind   of 
Jas'mine  [jas'min]  «.a  plant 
Jas'per  [jasper]  «  astone 
jaun'dice  [j.inMt'-l  «.  a  disease 
jaunt  []  v.i.  to  ramble 
Jaun'ti-ly  ['tl-ljj  atfv.  arily 
Jaun'ty  ['tj  ]  a.  showy 
Ja'va  I  ja'va]  «.a  M.ilny  island 
java'lin  [jiv'llnj  ;i.  a  spear 
jaw  tjal  «.  bones  of  the  mouth 
jay  Ij.-i)  «.  abird 
jeal'ous  ( jcI'OsI  n.  suspicious 
jeal'ous-y  i  y]  «.  envy 





jean  [.ian]  «.  twilled  cotton  clot'.i 

jee  [jc]  -'.  same  as  "gee" 

Jeer  [  jcr]  n.  derision 

jeer'ing-ly  [-mg-ly]  adv.  scornfully 

Je-ho'vah  [je-ho'va]  ».  God 

je'hu  tje'hu]  «.  a  coachman 

.je-june'  [jejun']  a.  barren 

jel'ly  tjel'ly]  «■  gelatin 

.jem'my  [jem'my]  n.  short  crowbar 

.jen'net  [jen'netj  «.  a  small  horse 

.jen'ny  [jen'ny]  «.  spinning  machine 

jeop'ard  [jep'erd]  v.t.  to  hazard 

jeop'ard-ize  [iz]  v.t.  to  risk 

.jeop'ard-y  \-y\  n.  danger 

,jer-bo'a  [jcr-bo'a]  n.  Egyptian  rodent 

jerk  Ijcrk]  v.t.  to  throw  suddenly 

jer'kin  fjer'kinl  n.  a  waistcoat    fcattl 

jer'sey  [jcr'zyl  ?:.  a  garment;  breed  of 

jess  tjes]  K.  a  ribbon 

jest  [jest]  «.  a  witticism 

jest'er  [er]  n.  a  buffoon;  court  fool 

Jes'u-it  [  jez'u-it]  n.  of  a  religious  order 

jes'U-it'ic-al  []  a.  pert  to  Jesuit 

Je'sus  [je'zus]  n.  our  Lord 

jet  [jet]  n.  a  mineral 

jet'sam  [jct's^ml  «.  sunken  goods 

jet'ti-son  [jet'ti'sfln]  «. 

Jew  [  juj  71.  an  Israelite 

jew'el  [iu'el]  «.  precious  stone 

jew'el-er  [-fr]  «.  dealer  in  jewels 

jew'el-ry  (ju'el-ry)  ;;.  jewels 

Jew'ess  [Ju'es]  «.  Hebrew  woman 

jez'e-bel  [jez'e-bel]  K.  a  vicious  woman 

jib  [jib]  H.  name  of  a  ship  sail 

"jibe  [jib]  -v.t.  to  shift 

jiffy  [jiffy]  n.  a  moment 

jig  ri'g]  "•  a  dance 
jilt  [Jilt]  H.  a  flirt 
jim'my  [  jimmy]  n.  a  tool 
jin'gle  [jing'g'l]  v.i.  to  clink 
job  [job]  n.  a  piece  of  work 
job'ber  [  jsb'ber)  n.  a  dealer 
job'bing-house'  [job'bmg-hous']  k.. 
jock'ey  [jok'y]  71.  horse-rider 
jo-cose*  [jS-koz'l  a.  waggish 
joc'u-lar  [  jok'u-ler]  a.  merry 
joc'und  [jek'und]  a.  lively 
jog  [jog]  v.t.  to  push 
jog'gle  [jSg'g'M  v.t.  to  shake 
join  [join]  v.t.  to  connect 
join'er  [  join'er]  n.  a  carpenter 
joint  [joint]  n.  an  articulation 
joint-ly  [-ly]  adv.  in  concert 
join'ture  [join'tur]  n.  union 
joist  [joist]  H.  piece  of  timber 
joke  [jok]  71.  ajest;  v.i.  tojest 
jolll-fi-ca'tion  [jol'll-fi-ka'shunl  '■ 
jol'll-ly  [  jel'lMyl  adv.  merrily 
jol'li-ty  [ty]  «  gayety 
jol'ly  [jolly]  a.  gay;  merry 
jolt  [jolt]  K.  to  shake 
Jo'nah  [  jo'na]  n.  bringer  of  ill  luck 
jon''quil  [jOn'kwIl]  k.  an  early  flower 
joss  [jOs]  71.  a  Chinese  idol 

/      / 










os'tle  [jOs'U  f.r  to  push 

ot  ( jSt]  «.  least  quantity 
ounce  [jouns]  t>.  to  jolt 
our'nal  [  jur'nal]  «.  a  record 
our'nal-ism  [Tz'm]  n.  editing 
our'nal-ist  [ist  J  k.  a  writer 
our'ney  [jQr'nylw.j.  to  travel;  «.  a  trip 
our'ney-man  [-ny-rmrni  «.  mechanic 
oust  [joust]  >i.  a  mock  fight 
ove  [.lov]  >i.  Jupiter     ■ 
o'vi-al  (jovi-rtll  a.  joyous 
owl  [jol]  n.  the  cheek 
oy  [  joi]  n.  gladness 
oy'ful  [lul]  a.  very  glad 
oy'less  [-lesl  a.  sad 
oy'ous  [usj  a.  glad 
u'bi-Iant  [  ju']  a.  rejoicing 
u'bi-lee  [  ju'bi-le)  «.  season  of  joy 
u'da-ism  (ju'di-Izml  «.  Jewish  creed 
udge  Ijuj]  v.t.  to  decide 
udg'ment  [  juj'mfnt]  n.  discretion 
u'di-ca-ture  [judi-ka-tir]  «.  a  court 
u-di'cial  [ju-dlsh'«l]  a.  legal 
u-di'cia-ry  [Ju-dlsh'a-rj]  k.  a  court 
u-di'cious  f.iu-dlsh'iis]  a.  wise 
u&  [jujj]  ft.  earthen  vessel 
Ug'ger-naut   [gcr-natl   «.  a    Hindoo 
Ug'gle  [-g'l]  v.t.  to  conjure  Igod 

Ug'gler  [jug'glcr]  «.  a  deceiver 
u'gu-lar  ( ju'gu-Ier]  a.  a  vein 
uice  ejus]  «.  a  liquid  fing  juicy 

u'ci-ness  [ju'si-n6s]  «.  quality  of  be 
ui'cy  rju'sy]  a.  full  of  sap  or  juice 
u'jube  [  jii'jub]  K.  small  tree  and  fruit; 
u'lep  [  ju'Iep]  «.  a  drink  Icandy 

U-ly'  1  jil-li']  K.  seventh  month      [ture 
um'ble  r  jQm'b'l]  v.t.  to  mix;  7t.  a  mix- 
ump  [  jiimpj  "v.!.  to  leap;  n.  a  leap 
unc'tion  [jungk'shun]  «.  union 
unc'ture  [jungk'tur]  k.  crisis 
une  fjun)  «.  sixth  month 
un'gle  [jiJn'g'll  K.  a  thicket 
un'ior  [jun'yer]  91.  younger  person 
u'ni-per  [juniper]    n.   an   evergreen 
unk  rjungk]  «.  old  iron.  &c,  [tree 

unk'et  [et]  f.i.  to  feast 
u'no  [ju'no]  71.  queen  of  heaven  [state 
un'ta  [jun'ta]    «.   Spanish  council   of 
un'to  [to]  K.  a  fraction  [chief  god 

u'pi-ter  [jupl-tcr]  «.  a  planet;  myth. 
u'ra  (  ra]  >i.  mountains  in  Switzerland 
U  rid'ic-al  [  jurld'l-kal]  a.  legal  form 
u  ris-con'sult  [ju'ns-ksn'salt]  «.   [er 
U  ris-dic'tion  [illk'shunlw.  legal  pow- 
u  ris-pru'dence  (■pru'd<'ns]  n.  law 
u'rist  [  jurist]  K.  one  versed  in  law 
u'ror  t  ja'rFr]  k.  a  jury  man 
u'ry  [  ju'ryj  K.  men  to  decide  evidence 
ust  [just]  a.  fair;  exact;  honest 
us'tice  [jfls'tls]  ».  impartiality;  equity 

jus  ti-fl'a-ble  [jOs'tl-fi'i-b'li  a. 

jus  ti-fi-ca'tion  [jas'ti-fi-ka'shfln]  «. 

jus'ti-fier  |  jfls'tl-fl'cr]  «.  defender 

jus'ti-fytjQstl-flj*./.  toshowtobejust 

I.  ^  /  6 




just'ness  [jQst'nes]  h.  exactness 
jut  [jQtJ  f.i.  to  project 
,ju've-nile  [ju'vc-nil]  a.  youthful       \n. 
jux'ta-po-si'tion  [jQks'ta-p6-ztsh'un] 

kai'ser  [kl'zer]  «.  German  emperor 
kale  [kali  n.  a  kind  of  cabbage 
ka-lei'do-seope  [ka-li'di-skop]  «. 
kal'ends  f-indzl  «.  same  as  "calends" 
kal'so-raine  l-sO-min]  «.  kind  of  paint 
kan'ga-roo'  [kang'ga-roo']  k. 
ka'o-lin  [ka'odm]  «.  China  clay 
karn  [kSin]  n.  pile  of  rocks 
ka'ty-did'  [ka'ty-dld'j  n.  an  insect 
kedge  [kej]  71.  small  anchor 
keel  [l^eij  it.  a  ship's  backbone 
keel'age  [-Sj]  «.  ship's  due,  or  toll 
keel'son  f-s'n]  «.  an  inside  keel 
keen  [kon]  a.  sharp 
keen'ly  [-ly]  ad~^.  acutely 
keen'ness  [-nSs]  k.  sharpness 
keep  [kepi  ■Z'-'.  to  retain 
keep'er  (kep'er]  h.  g-uardian 
keep' sake'  [kep'sak']  n.  a  token 
keg  [kegl  n.  small  cask 
ke'loid  [keloid]  a.  tumorous 
kelp  [kelpl  «.  seaweed 
kel'pie  [-py]  n.  Scotch^  a  spirit 
ken  [k5nl  v.t.  to  know 
ken'nel  [kennel]  «.  dog-house 
ke'no  [ks'noj  ^j.  a  gambling  game 
ken'tle  [ken'fl]  n.  hundred  weight 
ker'chief  [ker'chif  ]  «.  ahead-dress 
kerf  [kf'rf  1  n.  notch  made  by  saw 
ker'mes  [ker'mSz]  n.  a  scarlet  dye 
kern  [kern]  «.  Irish  foot  soldier 
ker'nel  [nel]  n.  the  gist  of  anything 
ker'o-sene'  [ker's-sen]  «.an  oil 
ker'sey  [kfr'zy]  n.  woolen  cloth 
ketch  [kc-ch]  n.  a  kind  of  sailing  vessel 
ketch'up  [kech'Op]  n.  a  sauce 
ket'tle  [ket't'l)  «.  iron  vessel        [drum 
ket'tle-drum  [-drum]  «.akirid  of  small 
key  [ke]  n.  lock  opener 
Khe'dive'  [kS'deev']  h.  a  viceroy 
kick  [kik]  71.  blow  with  foot       1  Indians 
Kick-a-poos'  l-apooz]   «.//.    tribe   of 
kid  [kid]  It.  young  goat 

kid'nap'  [nap  ]  v.i.  to  steal 

kid'ney  [kid'ny]  n.  part  of  body 
kill  [kil]  C'./.  deprive  of  life 
kiln  I  kil]  Ji.  large  oven  [weight 

kil'o-gram  [kilogram]  «.  measure  of 
kil'o-me'ter   [meter]  «.   measure  of 
kilt  [kilt]  K.  short  petticoat         [length 
kim'bo  [klm'bS]  a.  crooked;  arched 
kin  [kin]  n.  kindred 
kind  [kind]  a.  good  hearted 
kin'der-gar  ten  [krn'der-gar'tSn]  n. 
kin'dle  [  kin'd'l  j  v.!.  to  take  fire 
kind'li-er  [kind'll-er]  a.  more  kindly 
kind'li-ness  [kind'll-nes]  «.  mildness 
kind'ly  jkind'lyl  a.  with  good  will 
kind'ness  [kind  nes]  n.  good  will 





kin'dred  [kin'dreaj  a.  related:  it.  rela- 
kine  [kin)  >!./■/.  cows  [tions 

kin  e-mat'ics  [kine-mat'lks]  «. 
ki-ne'to-graph  [ki-ne'togrii]  «. 
ki-ne'to-scope  [ki-neto-skopi  k. 
king  fkin^l  fi.  sovereign 
king'dom  [king'dumj  «.  areg^ion 
kink  [kingk]  >!.  a  twist 
kins'folk'  Iklnz'fbk']  «.  kindred 
kins'man  [kinz'man]  «.  a  male  relative 
ki-osk'  [kc-Cskl  «.  Turkish  tent 
kip  [kip]  II.  kind  of  leather 
kip'per  [per]  a.  gay 
kirk[k'rk]  ».  a  church 
kir'mess  [kcr'mes]  n.  aa  entertainment 
kir'tle  [kcrtl]  «.  agown  [suchasalute 
kiss  Ikls]  ■:•./.  to  salute  with  the  lips;  k. 
kit  [kit]  «.  set  of  tools 
kitch'en  [klch'en]  «.  cook-room 
kite  [kit]  ri.  a.  toy;  a  bird 
kith  [ki/;j]«.  kindred 
kit-ten  [kit-t'n]  «.  ayoungcat 
kit'ten-ish  [-Ish]  a.  playful        [seag-ull 
kit'ti-wake    [klt'tl-wak]    «.    northern 
kit'tlish  [llsh]  <i.  ticklish 
klep  to-ma'ni-a  [klep'tS-ma'ni-d]  «. 
klep'to-ma'ni-ac  [  ak]  «.  a  thief 
knab  [nab]  v.^.  to  seize 
knack  [nak]  «.  dexterity 
knag  [nai;I  ".  knot  in  wood 
knap'sack'  [nap'sak']  >t.  soldier's  sack 
knave  [nav]  k.  dishonest  man 
knav'er-y  [nav'or-y]  «.  fraud 
knav'ish  [nav'Ish]  a.  fraudulent 
knead  [ned]  v.t.  to  work  dough 
knee  [ne]  «.  part  of  leg 
kneel  [nel]  v.t.  to  bend  the  knees 
knell  [nel]  K.  stroke  of  a  bell 
knew  fnu] />./■«■««  of  "know" 
knife  [nlf  ]  «.  sharp  blade 
knight  [nit]  «.  a  champion 
knight'hood  [hasd]  k. 
knit  iiiit]  z:t.  to  join 
knob  [nob]  It.  a  bunch 
knob'by  [nOb'by]  a.  bunchy 
knock  [nOk]  zr.t.  to  strike 
knock'er  [-cr]  k.  a  door  hammer 
knoll  [nol]K.  small  hill 
knot  [ni^t]  K.  a  tie 
knot'ty  [nOt'ty]  a.  full  of  knots 
know  In..]  v.(.  to  understand  clearly 
know'a-ble  [nOa-bl]  a.  may  be  known 
knowl'edge  [nOl'Sj]  k.  learning 
known  [nOn]/./.  of  "know" 
knuc'kle  [nuk'k'l]  «.joint  of  finger 
ko'bold  [kobold]  «.  a  goblin 
Koh  i-noor'  [ko'I-noor')  «.  a  famous 
kohl  [V;oI]  u.  dye  for  eyelids     [diamond 
ko'peck  [ko'pek]  «.  a  Russian  coin 
Ko'ran  [kOrun]  k.  Mohammedan  Bible 
kou'miss  [kSo'mls]  «.  a  liquor  made 
kraal  [kril]  it.  [from  mare's  milk 

Krish'na  [krlsh'ni]  n.  Hindoo  god 
krul'ler  [knll'lcr]  u.  a  crisped  cak- 








ku'miss  [koo'mis]  x.same  as  "koumiss' 
ky'a-nite  [Wa-nit]  «.  a  mineral 


la'bel  [la'bal]  «.  an  inscription 
a'bi-al  [-bl-alj  a.  pertaining  to  the  lips 
a-bor  [-bor]  t;.;.  to  toil  Iroom 

ab'o-ra-tO-y  [lab'6-ra-t4-ryl  «.  work- 
a'bor-er  [la'ber-er]  n.  one  who  laliors 
a-bo'ri-OUS  [la-bs'ri-us]  a.  toilsome 
a'bor-less  [la'ber-les]  a.  easy 
a'brose  [la'hrSs]  a.  having  thick  lips 
a-bur'num  [la-bar'nflm]  n. 
ab'y-rinth  [lab'l-rln//!]  ».  a  maze 
ac  [lak]  H  a  kind  of  resin 
ace  [las]  K.  interwoven  threads 
ac'er-ate  [las'er-at]  v.t.  to  rend 
ac'er-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  a  tearing 
ach'ry-mal  [lak'ri-m<il]  «. 
ach'ry-mose'  [mosi  a.  tearful 
ac'ing  [las  ingj  n.  a  cord;  quantity  oi 
ack  [lak]  K.  want  llacc 

ack'ey  t-y]  «.  a  footman 
a-COn'ic  [  la-kOn'ik  1  a.  concise  in  words 
ac'o-nism[lak'4-niz'ml!z.  concise  style 
ac'quer  [lak'er]  k.  a  varnish 
a-crosse'  [la-krSs']  «.  a  Canadian  game 
ac'ta-ry  [lik'ta-ry]  a.  milky 
ac'te-al  [-te-al]  a.  pertaining  to  milk 
ac'te-OUS  t-Os]  a.  milky 
ac'tic  [-tlk]  a.  pertaining  to  milk 
ac-tom'e-ter[-t6m  e-trri>i.  milk  gauge 
a-Cu'nar  [la-ku'ner]   «.  a  sunken  ceil- 
ad  [lad]  M.  aboy  lingpanel 

ad'der  [-dtr]  «.  a  frame  with  steps 

ade  [lad]  -'.t.  toio^d 

ad'ing  [-Ing]  n.  freight 
a'dle  [la'd'l]  n.  kind  of  large  spoon 
a-drone'  [la-dron']  S/>.  ti.  a  pirate 
a'dy  [laVly]  7t.  a  well-bred  woman 
a'dy-like'  [-lik']  a.  like  a  lady 
a'dy-love'  [-luv'J  «.  sweetheart 
ag  [lag]  a.  tardy 
ag'gard  [gcrd]  «.  a  loiterer 
,a-gOOn'  Lla-goon']  n.  shallow  lake 
aid  [lad]/./.  o{ lay.  deposited 
aia  [lan]/./.  odie.  did  lie 
air  [lar]  «.  wild  beast's  bed 
aird  [lard]  Scotch  n.  lord 
a'i-ty  [la'I-ty]  n.  the  people;  not  clergy 
ake  [lak]  ».  water  surrounded  by  land 
a'ma  tia'ma]  n.  a  Thibet  priest 
amb  [lam]  n.  young  sheep 
am'bent  [bent]  a.  gliding  over 
amb'kin  [kin]  «.  a  small  lain'.> 
amb'like'  [lik']  a.  mild;  gentle 
am'bre-quin  -[ber-kln]  «.  a  drapery 
amb'skin'  [-skin']  «.  dressed  skin  of 
ame  [lam]  a.      [lamb  with  tlie  wool  on 
ame'ness  [-nes]  «.  weakness 
a-ment'  [la-menf]  v.i.  to  bewail 
am'en-ta-ble  [lam'5n-t4-b'I]  «.  pitiful 
am'en-ta'tion  [-ta'shun]  «.gr:ef 
am'i-na  |Um'l-na]  k.  thin  plate 
amp  [lamp]  ;:.  light-producing  vessel 




lamp'black'  [blsk]  ».  fine  soot 
lam-poon'  [lam-po5n)  i'.  to  abuse 
lam'prey  f-pry)  «.  a  fish 
la'na-ry  [la'na-rjl  k.  a  place  to  store 
lance  ['.ins)  «.  a  Ions' spear  Iwool 

lan'cer  [ISn'scr]  «.  kind  of  cavalryman 
lan'cet  [lan'set]  n.  sharp  instrument 
lance'wood  [lans'wood]  «.  tough  wood 
lan'ci-nate  [lan'sl-nat]  z'.t.  to  tear 
land  [l.-ind]  II.  earth;  ground 
lan'dau  [lan'do]  «.  a  coach 
land-ed  {-ii\fj>.  of"  land" 
land'ed  a.  possessing  land  fman 

land'grave'  [-grav']  w.  a  German  noble- 
land'hold  er  (-hold'crl  tt.  land  owner 
land'ing  [mg]  «.  a  whart 
land'la  dy  [-la'dy]  «.  inn  mistress 
land'lock'  [lok  )  •v.t.  to  land  bound 
land'lord'  [-lord']  «.  owner 
land'mark'  [-mark]  «.  boundary 
land' scape  [-skap]  n.  land  scene 
lane  ['An]  >i.  passageway 
lan'guage  [lang'gwjj]  k. human  speech 
lan'guid  [gwid]  a.  feeble 
lan'guish  [gwish]  v.t.  to  grow  dull 
lan'guor  [gwcrl  «.  dullness 
lank  i'lnjTkJ  a.  slender;  lean 
lan'tern  [lantern]  «.  cover  for  a  light 
lan'yard  [-ycrd]  w.  a  ship  rope 
lap  [lap]  z-.t.  to  fold;  to  lick  up 
la-psl'  (la-pel'l  «.  part  of  a  coat 
lap'ful  [lapful]  «.  full  lap  fer 

lap'i-da-ry  [lap'i-di-ry]  «.  gem  polish- 
Lapp  [lap]  H.  one  from  Lapland 
lap'pet  [pet)  K.  decorative  fold 
lapse  [laps]  ^'.!.  to  glide  [anvil 

lap'stone'    (lap'ston']   «.   shoemaker's 
lap' wing'  [wing'l  K.  European  bird 
lar'board'  [lar'bord'l  «.  left  side  of  ship 
lar'ce-ny  [lar'se-ny]  «.  theft 
larch  [larch]  K.  a  tree 
lard  [lard]  «  fat  of  swine 
lard'er  [lard'er]  n.  a  room  for  food 
large  [larj]  a.  of  great  size 
larg'er  [-er]  comp.  a.  of  greater  size 
large'ly  [ly]  ad-v.  widely 
larg'est  [est]  sup.  a.  the  biggest 
large'ness  [nss]  «.  bulk 
lar'i-at  [lar'i-at]  n.  a  lasso 
lark  [ISrk]  n   a  bird 
lark'spur  [spur]  k.  a  plant;  flower 
lar'rup  [larrup]  ■v.t.  to  beat 
lar'va  [lar'vi]  «.  insect  in  grub  state 
lar  yn-gi'tis  [lir'fn-ji'tls]  n. 
lar'ynx  [-Ingks]  «  part  of  windpipe 
las-civ'i-0U8  (las-slvl-Cisl  a.  wanton 
las-civ'i-ou8-nes8  [ncs]  «. 
lash  [lash]  -L'.i.  to  strike 
lass  (las)  «.  a  girl 
las'si-tude  [las'sI-tQd]  «.  languor 
las'so  [las'sAj  n  rope  with  noose 
last  [list]  a.  the  latest;  the  hindmost 
last'ing  [-Ing]  a.  durable 
latch  [lath]  «    the  catch  of  a  door 









latch'et  tlSch'St]  «.  shoe  string 
late  [lat]  "■  tardy;  after  due 
la-teen'  [l,i-ten']  k.  triangular  sail 
late'ness  [lat'nes]  «,  tardiness 
la'tent  [la'tfnt]  a.  not  seen;  hidden 
lat'er  [later]  a.  subsequent 
lat'er-al  [\it'er-iz\]iz.  pert,  to  the  sides 
lath  [lath]  «.  tliin,  narrow  strip  of  wood 
lathe  [lath]  n.  machine  of  turning 
lath'er  [li/A'Er]  «.  foam  of  soap 
lat'in  [latin]  a.  Roman 
lat'i-tude  [lat'i-tud]  n.  extent;  breadth 
lat'ter  [lat'ter]  a.  last;  modern 
lat'ter-math  [-math]  x.seconj  mowing 
lat'tice  [lat'tTs]  ?;,  wooden  net-work 
laud  [lad]  K.  praise 
laud'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  praiseworthy 
lau'da-num  [la'da-num]  K.  opium 
lau-da'tion  [lada'shun]  «.  praise 
laud'a-tO-ry  [lad'a-to-rj']  «.  praising 
laugh  [laf  ]  n.  expression  of  mirth 
laugh'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  ludicrous 
laugh'ing-gas  [-ing-gas] 
laugh'ter  [laf'ter]  «. 
launch  [lanch]  v.t.  to  set  afloat 
laun'der  [lan'dEr]  v.t.  to  wash 
laun'dered  [-derd]/./.  having  been 
laun'der-er  [-er]  «.  wash-man  [washed 
laun'dress  [-drSs]  «.  wash-woman 
laun'dry  [-dry]  n.  wash-house 
lau're-ate  [la're-St]«.  one  crowned  with 
lau'rel  [la'rel]  K.  ashrub  [laurel 

la'va  [la'vi]  n.  volcanic  melted  rock 
lav'a-tO-ry  [lav'a-tS-ryJ  «.  place  for 
lave  [lav]  %'J.  to  bathe  [washing 

lav'en-der  [lav'en-der]  «.  an  aromatic 
la'ver  [la'ver]  n.  large  basin  [plant 

lav'ish  [lav'ish]  a.  wasteful 
law  [la]  n.  a  rule 
law'ful  [-fgl]  a.  legitimate 
law'giv'er  [-giv'er]  n.  a  legislator 
law'less  [lales]  a.  illegal 
law'less  ness  [-nes]  n.  disorder 
law'mak'er  [la'mak'erj  «.  lawgiver 
lawn  [Ian]  n.  grass  plot 
lawn'ten'nis  [lan'tSn'nls]  >i.  a  game 
law'suit'  [la'suf]  n.  process  in  law 
lawyer  [-ycr]  «.  an  attorney 
lax  [laks]  a.  loose;  flabby 
lax'a-tive  [-a-tlv]  a.  purgative 
lax'i-ty  [-I-ty]  «.  slackness 
lay  [la]  ?:.  a  song;  Z'.i.  to  put  down 
lay'er  [-cr]  >i.  a  stratum 
lay'man  [-man]  «.  one  of  the  people 
laz'a-ret'  [liz'a-ret']  ^.«.  pest  house 
la'zi-ness  [la'zl-nes]  k.  state  of  being 

la'zy  [la'zyj  a.  indolent 
lea  [le]  «.  a  meadow 
leach  [lech]  v.t.  to  make  lye 
lead  [led]  K.  a  metal 
lead'en  [-'n]  a.  made  of  lead 
lead'er  [led'er]  n.  a  chief 
lead'ing  [-rng]  a.  most  important 
leaf  [lef  ]  n.  part  of  plant 





leafage  [4j]  n.  foliage 
leafless  [-les]  a.  without  leaves 
leaflet  [-let]  «.  a  little  leaf 
league  [leg]  «.  to  unite 
lea'guer  [le'ger]  «.  a  confederate 
leak  [lek]  ii.t.  to  ooze  through 
leak'age  [lek'aj]  n.  a  leaking 
leal  [lel]  a.  faithful 
lean  t'en]  v.i.  to  incline;  a.  thin;  lank 
lean'ness  [-nes]  n.  want  of  flesh 
leap  [lep]  ■v.i.  to  spring 
leap'frog'  [lep'frog]  «.  a  game 
leap'year'  [lep'yer']  «.year  of  sefidaj-s 
learn  [lem]  z\l.  to  acquire  skill 
learn'ed  [Icmed]  a.  skillful 
learn'ing  [lern'ing]  «.  knowledge 

lease  [iss]  -v.t.  to  let 

lease'hold'  [-hold]  a.  a  tenure 
leash  [lesh]  v.t.  to  bind 
leashed  [lesht]/./.  of  "leash" 
least  [lest]  a.  smallest 
leath'er  [leth'er]  «.  dressed  hides 
leave  [lev]  v.t.  to  depart  from 
leav'en  [lev'n]  «.  yeast 
leav'ings  [lev'Ingz]  «.//.  things  left 
lec'ture  [lek'tur]  «.  a  discourse 
lec'tur-er  [-cr]  h.  a  speaker 
lec'turn  [-turn]  «.  a  reading  desk 
led  [led]/./,  of  "lead" 
ledge  [le.i]  «.  a  ridge 
ledg'er  [lej'cr]  ji.  account  book 
lee  [le]  n.  a  calm 
leer  [ler]  n.  an  oblique  look 
lees  [lez]  ;;.//.  sediment 
lee'ward  [le'wcrd]  a.  the  sheltered  side 
lee'way'  [le'wa'J  ?;.  side  movement 
left  [left]  a.  opposed  to  the  right 
left'hand'  [-hind]  u.  the  left-side  hand 
leg  [leg]  «.  lower  limb 
leg'a-cy  [leg'a-sy]  It.  a  bequest 
le'gal  [legal]  a.  lawful 
le-gal'i-ty  [le-gal'I-ty]  n.  lawfulness 
le'gal-ize  [le'g<il-iz]  v.t.  authorize 
leg'ate  [legit]  «.  an  envoy 
leg'a-tee'  [leg'a-te']  K.heir 
le-ga'tion  [le-ga'shun]  «.  an  embassy 
leg'end  [lejend]  II.  a  s'ory 
leg'end-a-ry  [lejen-ds-ry]  a.  fabulous 
leg'er-de-main'  [-cr-dc-mSn']H.a  trick 
leg'ging  [legging]  «.  cover  for  leg 
leg'i-ble  [lej'i-b'l]  a.  readable 
leg'i-bly  [blj]  adv. 
le'gion  [le'jCin]  «.  a  great  number 
leg'is-late  [Icj'is-lat]  v.i.  to  make  laws 
leg  is-la'tion  [-la'shun]  «.  laws 
leg'is-la-tive  [la-tivj  a. 
leg'is-la'tor  [H'tcr]  n.  a  lawgiver 
leg'is-la  ture  [-tur]>i.  law-making  body 
le-git'i-ma-cy  [li-jrt'i-mi-sy]  k. 
le-git'i-mate  [mSt]  a.  genuine 
leg'ume  [ic-g'um]  «.  a  pod 
le-gu'mi-n0U8  [Ic-gu'inl-nQs]  a. 
lei'sure  [Ic'zhttr]  «.  vacant  time 
lem'ming  (lem'mtng)  «.  arctic  mouse 

(^...r/r?  n 




lem'on  [IC-m'Qn]  «.  a  fruit 
lem'on-ade'  [ad']  n.  a  drink 
le'mur  [le'mur]  n.  kind  of  ape 
lend  [lend]  v.t.  to  allow  the  use  of 
lend'er  [-cr]  n.  one  who  lends         Fsic 
length  [lengM]  n.  trfe  longest  dime 
length'en  [-'n]  v.t.  to  extend 
length'y  [y]  a.  long 
le'ni-en-cy  [le'nl-cn-sy]  «.  mercy 
le'ni-ent  [-<nt]  a.  relaxing 
len'i-ty  [len'r-ty]  «.  kindness 
lens  [lenz]  «.  a  glass 
lent  [lint]  K.  spring  time 
lent'en  [-'n]  a.  pertaining  to  lent 
lon'til  [Icn'til]  n.  a  plant 
len'tor  [tSr]  «.  slowness 
Le'o  [le'o]  n.  a  sign  of  the  Zodiac 
le'o-nine  [le'O-ninJ  a.  lion-like 
leop'ard  [lip'crd]  n.  an  animal 
lep'er  [lep'cr]  n.  one  who  has  leprosy 

lep'er-ous  [us]  a. 
lep'ro-sy  [lep'rC-sy]  n.  a  disease 
lop'rous  [IC-p'rCs]  II.  pert,  to  leprosy 
le'sion  [le'zhQn]  «.  a  wound 
less  [les]  a.  smaller 
1-S-see'  [-se']  H.  leaseholder 
Isss'en  [-'n]  'J.t.  to  diminish 
less'er  [-rr]  a.  smaller 
les'son  [les's'n]  71.  instruction 
les'sor  [-sOr]  n.  one  who  leases 
lest  [lest]  conj.  for  fear  that 
let  [let]  -v.t.  to  permit 
le'thal  \\i'tha\\  a.  deadly 
le-thar'gic  [le-//iar'jlk]  a.  dull 
leth'ar-gy  [leth'ar-jy]  n.  drowsiness 
Le'the  [le'thc]  ?;.  river  of  oblivion 
let'ter  [Ict'tcr]  k.  an  epistle 
let'tered  [tCrd]  a.  educated  [point 

let'ter-press'     [let'tfr-pres']     n.  type 
let'tuce  [Ict'tls]  «.  a  plant        [alkaloid 
leu-CO'ma-ine  [lu-ko'ma-tn]  n.  a  vital 
Le-vant'    [le-vint']    «.    Mediterranean 
lev'ee  [lev'c]  n.  bank  of  a  river      [lands 
lev'el  [-el]  a.  horizontal 
le'ver  [le'vcr]  «.  a  bar 
le-vi'a-than  [le-vi'a-//;<jn]  H.  sea  ani- 
Icv'i-gate  [-gatjl/.topolishitomix  [mal 
Le'vite  [le'vlt]  K.Jewish  priest 

le-vit'ic-al  [Ic-vJt'I-kal]  «•  priestly 
Le-vit':-CUS[-kus]  «.  third  book  in  Bible 
lev'i-ty  [lev'I-ty]  n.  frivolity 
lev'y  [lev'y]  'J.t.  to  impose 
lewd  [lud]  a.  licentious 
lewd'ness  [ncs]  n. 
lex'i-con  [leks'i-ksn]  n.  a  dictionary 
ley  [le]  «.  a  lea;  a  meadovir 
li'a-bil'i-ty  [it'a-bii'r-ty] «. 

li'a-ble  [-b'l]  a.  responsible 
li'ai'SOn'  [le'a'z6«']  «.  improper  inti- 
li'ar  [li'er]  «.  one  who  lies  [macy 

li'as  [li'ds]  «  sort  of  limestone 
li-ba'tion  [shun]  «.  an  offering  of  wine 
li'bel  [li'bel]  K.  defamatory  writing 
li'bel-ant  [-ant]  k.  one  who  libels 

r\  r\r\0.. 

.0....C  r\ 






li'bel-er  [-er]  «.  defamer 

li'bel-OUS  [us]  a.  defamatory 

lib'er-al  (lib'cr-nll  a.  g^enerous 

lib  er-al'i-ty  [-al'i-ty]  k.  candor 

lib'er-al-ize  [-al-iz]  v.t.  to  enlarge 

lib'er-ate  t-st]  -v.t.  to  free 

lib'er-tine  [tin]  «.  a  debauchee 

lib'er-ty  [ty]  «.  freedom 

li'bra  [U'br.i]  k.  a  sign  of  the  Zodiac 

li-bra'ri-an  [li-bra'ri-<7n]  «.        ibooks 

li'bra-ry    [ll'bra-ry]    ii.    collection   of 

li-bra'tion  [li-brS'shQn]  «. 

li'cense  >t,  permission  [license 

li-cen'ti-ate  fli-sen'shl-at]  «.  one  with 

li-een'tious  [-shus]  a.  dissolute;  impure 

li'chen  [liken]  «.  flowerless  plant 

lic'it  [Ils'It]  a.  lawful 

lick[likl  «.  a  stroke  of  the  tongue 

lic'o-rice  [oris]  «.  a  sweet  root 

lic'tor  [tor]  «.  Roman  ofiRcial 

lid  [lid]  «.  a  cover 

lie  [b]  K.  an  untruth;  v.  to  tell  untruth 

lief  [lef]^./-.'.  gladly 

liege  [lej]  a.  faithful 

lien  [Ie"n]  K.  legal  claim 

lieu  [111]  >!.  in  place  of 

lieu-ten'ant  [lu-ten'ant]  «.  an  officer 

life  [lif  ]  !t.  existence 

life'blood'  [blud']  n.  vital  blood 

life'boat'  [bot']  n.  saving  boat 

life'less  [les]  a.  dead 

life'like  [-Mk]  a.  true  to  life  [saver 

lifepre-serv'er  [-pre-zerv'tr]    n.   life 

life'time'  (tim']  n.  duration  of  life 

lift  t'lft]  -■■'■  to  elevate 

lig'a-ment  [lig'a-mt-nt]  k.  a  cord 

lig'a-ture  [-tur]  k.  a  band 

li'ght  [lit]  >t.  luminous  fluid 

light'en  [-'n]  v.l.  to  make  lighter 

iight'er  [-fr]  k.  a  boat 

light'er-age  [-aj]  «.  cost  of  unloading 

light'house'  [lit'hous']  «.  tower  light 

light'ning  [ningl  «.  flash  of  light 

lights  [litb]  n.  lungs 

lig'ne-OUS  [Ug'nc-us]  a. -wooden 

lig'nite  |li;i'nitl  ji.  mineral  coal 

like  IlikI  n  similar 

like'li-hood  [-ll  hoSd]  «.  probability 

like'ly  [ly]  adv.  and  a.  probably 

lik'en  [ n]  v.l.  to  compare 

like'ness  [ni-s)  «.  resemblance 

like-wise  [wiz]  adv.  and  conj. 

lik'ing  [Ini;]  n.  pleasure 

li'lac  [iri.ikl  >i.  a  shrub 

Lil  li-pu'tian  [lll'llpu'shan]  <z.  small 

lil'y  [lU'yl  K.  a  plant  and  flower 

limb  [Urn]  «.  a  large  branch  of  tree  ■ 

lim'ber  [l*  r]  a.  flexible 

lim-bo  [l^i]  n.  bondage 

lime  [lim]  «.  a  cement 

lime'kiln'  [-kll'l  «.  a  furnace 

lime'stone'  [sicn']  «. 

lim'it  (Krii'll]  It.  utmost  extent 

lim  i-ta'tion  [  Ita'shun]  «.  restraint 

r  r  rx.  /7 




lim'it-ed  [It-ed]  a.  restricted 
lim'it-less  [les)  a.  unbounded 
lim'mer  [Um'mer]  n.  a  dog 
lim'ner  [ntrj  «.  a  decorator;  an  artist 
limp  [limpl  V.!.  to  walk  lamely;  not  stiff 
lim'pet  [lim'petl  «.  small  shell  fish 
lim'pid  flrm'pid)  a.  clear 
lin'a-ment  [Itn'S-ment)  n.  lint 
linch  [linch]  K.  a  ledge 
linch'pin'  [pin]  «.abolt 
lin'den  [Un'dfn)  h.  a  tree 
line  [lin]  K.  a  cord;  any  long  mark 
lin'e-age  [Im'e-Sjl  «.  progeny 
lin'e-al  [line-«ll  a.  hereditary 
lin'e-a-ment  [-a-m«nt]  «.  feature 
lin'e-ar  [ar]  a.  having  lines 
lin'en  [Itn'en]  K.  cloth 
lin'ger  [Itng'ger]  vi.  to  loiter 
lin'gO  [-gB]  n.  speech 
lin'gual  [gwal]  a.  of  the  tongue 
lin-gviist  [-gwlst]  «.  skilled  in  language 
lin'i-ment  [Un'r-mfntj  n.  an  ointment 
lin'ing  [Im'ing]  n.  inner  cover 
link  [lingk]  «.  ring  of  a  chain 

lin'net  [Iln'net]  «.  a  bird 
li-no'le-um  [li-no'lc-um]«.  kind  of  floor 
lin'seed'  t-sed']  n.  flax  seed  Icloth 

lint  [lint]  n.  scraped  linen 
lin'tel  [iTn'tel]  K.  timber  over  doorway 
li'on  [li'un]  n.  an  animal 
li'on-ess  [-es]  «.  female  lion 
li'on-ize  [Iz]  v.t.  to  flatter 
lip  [Up]  n.  edge  of  mouth  [melting 

liq'ue-fac'tion    [Ukwc-fak'shan]    n. 
liq'ue-fy  [fi]  f.t.  to  melt 
li  queur'  [le'ker']  F.  n.  a  cordial  drink 
liq'uid  [llk'wid]  }i.  a  fluid 
liq'ui-date  [lik'wr-dat]  v.t.  to  settle 
liq'ui-da'tion  [da'shOn]  «.  adjustment 
liq'uor  [llk'cr]  k.  spirituous  drink 
lisp  [lisp]  n.  faulty  speaking 
list  [list]  n.  a  catalogue 
lis'ten  [lls"nl  to  hearken 
list'less  [list'les]  a.  heedless 
lit'a-ny  [llt'a-ny]  n.  a  prayer 
li'ter  [le'ter]  K.  about  a  quart 
lit'er-al  [lit'er-ul]  a.  in  exact  words 
lit'er-a-ry  [-S-ry]  a.  versed  in  letters 
lit'er-ate  [it]  a.  learned 
lit'e-ra'ti  [life-ra'ti] »;.//.  learned  men 
lit'e-ra'tim  [trm]  adv.  letter  for  letter 
lit'er-a-ture  [S-tur]  «.  learning    [men 
lit'e-ra'tus  [Irt'e-rS'tfls]  «.j.  learned 
lith'arge  [li/A'arj]  n.  lead  monoxide 
lithe  [lith]  a.  pliant;  flexible 
lithe'ness  [nes]  «.  flexibility 
lithe'some  [sflm]  a.  nimble;  supple 
lith'i-a  ll!//j'i-a]  K  a  mineral;  an  alkali 
lith'o-graph  [-fi-graf]  v.t.  to  print  from 
li-thog'ra-phy  [ra-fy]  n.  [stone 

lit'i-gant  [gfint]  «.  party  in  a  lawsuit 
lit'i-gate  [gat]  v.t.  to  contest  in  law 
lifi-ga'tion  [gS'shQn]  k.  lawsuit 
lit'mus  [litmus]  «.  a  dye 





lifter  [ter]  K.  rubbish 
lit'tle  t-tl]  a.  small 
lit'tle-ness  [-nes]  «.  meanness 
lit'ur-gy  [lifur-jyl  «.  ritual 
live  [llv]  -.■.!.  to  exist 
live'li-hood  [liv'li-hood)  «.  support 
live'li-ness  [nes]  k.  vivacity 
live'Iong'  [llv'lOng']  a.  for  life;  entire 
live'li-er  [liv'U-Fr]  a.  comp.  of  lively 
live'li-est  [est]  «.  suf.  of  lively 
live'ly  [lyl  ari-^'.  full  of  life:  quickly 
liv'er  [liver]  «.  an  organ  of  the  body 
liv'er-wort'  [-wOrt']  k.  a  plant 
liv'er-y  [  y)  k.  servant's  dress         fete 
live'-stock'  [Uv'-st6k']K.  cattle, horses 
liv'id  [liv  Id]  K.  of  a  lead  color 
liv'ing  [ingl  a.  existing 
liz'ard  [lizerdj  «.  a  reptile 
Ua'ma  [lama]  ti.  an  animal 
load  [I6d]  «.  a  burden 
load'stone'  [-ston'J  «.  a  magnet 
loaf  [lof  ]  M.  a  mass  or  lump 
loarer  [-?r]  «.  an  idle  man 
loam  [lorn]  ft.  soil 
loan  [Ion]  z'.t.  to  lend 
loath  [la/A]  a.  unwilling 
loathe  [l5th]  v.t.  to  feel  disgust 
loath'some  [sum]  a.  odious 
lob'by  rlib'by]  h.  ante-chamber 
lobe  [lol'l  H.  a  division 
lo-be'li-a  [16-be'li-a]  n.  a  plant 
lob'ster  [lobster]  «.  a  shell  fish 
lo'cal  [lo'k(zl]  a.  confined  to  a  spot 
lo-cal'i-ty  [16-kari-t5-]  «.  limitation 
lo'cal-ize  [lo'kul-iz]  -^.t.  to  make  local 
lo'cate  [lo'kat]  ii.t.  to  place 
lo-ca'tion  [iS-ka'shfln]  k.  place 
loch  [lok]  Scotch,  lake 
lock  [16k]  H.  a  fastener 
lock'er  [-er]  ».  a  ship  cupboard 
lock'et  [St]  «.  an  ornament 
lock'up'  [up]  H.jail 
loco-mo'tion  [lokfi-ms'shun]  «. 
lo'co-mo  tive  [tiv]  «.  railway  engine 
lo'cust  [lo'kust]  K.  an  insect;  a  tree 
lode  [lo.l]  «.  a  mineral  vein 
lodge  [I'.i]  v.i.  todwell  temporarily 
lodg'ing  [Ing]  v.i.  temporary  dwelling 
lodg'ment   [-mrnt]    k     state   of  being 
loft  [1  JltJ  «.  room  under  roof       [lodged 
loft'i-ly  [i-Iy]  adv.  proudly 
loft'i-ness  [nes]  k.  pride 
loft'y  [y]  a.  high 
log  [log]  «.  unhewed  timber 
log'ger-head'  [gfrhed']  «.  a  dunce 
log'lC  [luj  Ik]  n.  science  of  thought 
log'ic-al  (Ikal)  a.  sensible 
lo-gi'cian  [l4-jlsh'an]  n.  areasoner 
log'o-type  (I6g'6-tip]  K.  two-letter  type 
log'wood  [lOg'wood]  «.  dye-wood 
loin  [loin]  «.  part  of  the  body;  the  reins 
loi'ter  [loi'tcr]  v.i.  to  linger 
loll  [101]  v.i.  to  recline 
lom'bard  tlOm'bfrd]  «.  a  money  lender 






one  [Ion]  a.  solitary 
one'li-ness  [-Ii-ncs]  «.  solitude 

one'ly  [lyl  a.  SL-cluded 

one'some  [sum]  a.  solitary 

ong  [long^]  a.  extended 

ong'er  r-vr^r]  comp.a.  more  extended 

on-gev'i-ty  [lOn-jev'I-ty]  «.  long  life 

Ong'ing  [16ng'ingl  «.  eager  desire 

on'gi-tude  [16n'jl-tud]  k.  measure 

on'gi-tu'din-al  [-tu'dl-nal]  a.  length 

ong'some  [long'sQm]  a.  tedious 

ook  [look]  v.t.  to  see 

ook'ing-glass'  [-Ing-glas']  «.  a  mirror 

ook'out'  (out']  71.  small  tower 

oom  [loom]  n.  weaving  machine 

oon  [loon]  n.  a  water  fowl 

oop  [loop]  n.  a  fold 

OOSe  [loos]  a.  unbound 

oos'en  [-'n]  v.t.  to  relax 

oose'ness  [nes]  «.  relaxed  condition 

op  [lop]  v.t.  to  cut  off  [side 

op'sid'ed  [-sid'ed]    a.   leaning    to   one 

0-qua'cious  [l6-kwa'shus]  a.  talkative 

ord  [lord]  n.  a  master 

ord'li-ness  [-ll-nes]  n.  dignity 

ord'ly  [-ly]  <t.  haughty 

ord'snip  [-ship]  ;;.  power 

ore  [lor]  n.  learning 

or'gnette'    [lor'nySt']    F.  n.   kind    of 

ose  [looz]  V.  t.  to  mislay      [opera  glass 

os'er  [-cr]  K.  one  that  loses 

OSS  [los]  H.  privation 

OSt  [lost]  a.  missing 

ot  tl6t]  «.  piece  of  land;  fortune 

oth  \\oth\  a.  and  adv.  Sfe  "loath 

'tion  [lo'shun]  «.  a  wash  [willing 

ot'ter-y  [lOt'ter-y]  «.  a  chance 

tus  [lo'tSs]  n.  a  plant 
cud  [loudlff.  noisy 
ounge  [lounj]  v.i.  to  stroll 

oung-er  [-cr]  n.  an  idler 

ouse  [lous]  n.  an  insect 

OUs'y  [louz'yl  <r.  full  of  lice 

out  [lout]  n.  a  mean  fellow 

Ov'a-ble  [Iflv'a-b'l]  a.  amiable 

ov'age  [luv'aj]  «.  a  plant 

ove  [luv]  n.  affection 

ove'feast'  [fesf]  «.  religious  festival 

ove'li-ness  [-It-nes]  n.  charm 

ove'ly  [-ly]  a.  charming. 

ov'er  [-cr]  n.  sweetheart 

OW  [lo]  a.  not  high 

OW'er  [-er]  a.  farther  down;  v.  to  reduce 

ow'er  [lou'cr]  v.i.  to  be  cloudy  [height 

ow'er-ing  [-Ing]  a.  cloudy 

ow'land  [lu'land]  «.  flat  country 

Ow'li-neSS  [-ll-nes]  n.  humility 

ow'ly  [lyl  a.  humble 

ow'ness  [nes]  n.  want  of  dignitj 

oy'al  [loi'al]  a.  faithful 

,oy'al-ty  [-ty]  «.  fidelity 

oz'enge  [loz'enj]  n.  candy 

ub'ber  [lab'ber]  n.  clumsy  fellow 

u'bri-cate  [lu'brl-kat]  v.t.  to  smooth 







lu'cent  [lu'si-nt]  a.  shioing 
lu'cid  [lusid]  a.  clear 
lu'ci-fer  [lu'sl-fer]  n.  a  match 
luck  [luk]  «.  good  fortune 
luck'i-ly  [-My]  adv.  happily 
lu'cra-tive  [lu'krS-tiv]  a.  profitable 
lu'cre  [lu'ker]  K.  profit;  riches 
lu'di-crous  [li'di-krus]  a.  funny 
luflf  [luf  ]  '■.{.  to  turn  to  the  wind 
lug  (lusl  -'.t.  to  haul 
1  up  gage  [gaj]  n.  baggage 
lug'ger  [ger]  «.  small  vessel 
lu-gu'bri-OUS  [lu-gu'brl-us]  <z. mournful 
luke'warm'  [lak'warra'l  a.  tepid 
lull  [lull  -'■'   to  quiet 
lull'a-by  [-a-bi]  It  baby  song 
lum-ba'gO  [lum-ba'gS]  «  a  pain  in  back 
lum'ber  [lum'l)cr]  «.  timber 
lu'mi-na-ry [ 111  ml-n4-r>- J w.body  giving 
lu'mi-nous  [nus]  a.  shining  [light 

lump  [lump]  «.  small  mass 
lu'na-cy  [luna-sy]  K.  insanity 
lu'nar  [lu'ner]  a  of  the  moon 
lu'na-tlC  [lu'natik]  n   insane  person 
lunch  [lunch]  «.  slight  repast 
lung  [lung]  «.  respiratory  organ 
lunge  [lunj]  «.  a  thrust 
lurch  [lurch]  ii.i.  to  shift 
lure  [lOr]  v.t.  to  entice 
lu'rid  [lurid]  a.  gloomy 
lurk  [lurk]  v.i.  to  lie  hid 
lus'cious  [lush'Qs]  a.  delicious 
lust  [lust]  K.  desire 
lus'tre  [lus'ter]  «.  brightness 
lus'ti-ly  [-tl-ly]  adv.  with  vigor 
lus'ti-ness  [-nes]  «.  strength 
lus'trous  [IQs'trus]  a.  shining 
lust'y  [lusty]  a.  vigorous 
lute  [lut]  n.  instrument  of  music 
lux-u'ri-ance  [lugz-u'ri-ans]  «. 
lux-u'ri-ant  [ant]  a.  abundant 
lux-u'ri-OUS  [-rl-us]  a.  rich;  expensive 
lux'u-ry  [luk'shu-ry]  k.  delicacy 
ly-ce'um  [li"se'um]  k.  literary  society 
lye  [li]  n.  alkaline  water  [dining 

ly'ing  (li-lngl;*./.  of/iV,  falsifying:  re- 
lynch  [\\niih]v.t.  to  hang  contrary  to  law 
lynx  [!ink3]  K.  a  feline  animal 
lyre  [!ir]  «.  a  kind  of  harp 
lyr'ic-al  [llr'I-kal]  a.  poetical 
lyr'ic  [llr'Ik]  «.  a  poem 

ma'am  [mam]  «.  madam 
Mab  [mab]  «.  fairy  queen  [pave 

mac-ad'am-ize  [mak-ad'am-lz]  v.i.  to 
mac  a-ro'ni  [■  i-ro'nl]  «.  edible  paste 
mac  a-ron'ic  [-rftn'lk]  a.  confused 
mac  a-roon'  (roSn']  n.  small  cake 
ma-caw'  [mi-ka]  «.  species  of  parrot 
mace  [mas]  «.  a  spice  [lean 

mac'er-ate   [m.'is'er-lt]  r/.t.  to   make 
Mach  i-a-vel'ian  [mSk'l-i-vSl'yan] 
mach'i-natet  nM\v.i.  tocontrive  (sign 
mach  i-na'tion  [  ni'shun)  «.  awful  d^ 







ma-chine'  [ma-shen']?;.  an  engine 
ma-chin'er-y  [-Cr-y]  n.  implements 
ma-chin'ist  [-ist)  ;;.  constructor  of  ma- 
mack'er-el  [mak'er-el]  n.  a  fish  [chines 
mack'in-tosh  [-!n-tash]  «.  waterproof 
mac'ro-cosm  [rO-kSz'ml^.  the  universe 
mac'u-late  [mak'a-lat]  -v.t.  to  stain 
mad  [mid]  a  angry 
mad'am  [mad  <?ml  n.  married  lady 
mad'cap'  [mad'kap']  n.  a  romp 
mad'den  [mad'd'n]  v.t.  to  make  furious 
mad'der  [mad'dcr]  «.  a  plant 
ma-dei'ra  [ma-ile'ril  «.  a  wine       fmiss 
ma'de-moi  selle'  [mi'd'mwa'zel')  n.F. 
mad'house'  [mad'hous']  ;<.  insane  asy- 
raad'man  [-m<zn]  n.  crazy  person    \\\xm 
mad''ness  [-nes]  n.  distraction 
Ma-don'na  [ma-<10n'na]  n.  Virgin  Mary 
mad're-pore    [niilnj  y.r,r]   n.   kind  of 
mad'ri-gal[inad  ri-ij.d];i.apoem|.coral 
mael'strom  [mal'sfrum)  n.  Norm. 
mag'a-zine'  [maga-zen']  n.  periodical 
mag'da-len  [ili-len]  «.  reformed  harlot 
ma-gen'ta  [ma-jen'ti]  n.  a  reddish  col- 
mag' got  [mSg'gut]  »/.  a  grub  lor 
Ma'gi  [nia'jl]  w.//.  wis;  men 
raag'ic  [maj'ik]  «.  sorcery 
mag'ic-al  [maj'i-k<rl]  a.  wonderful 
ma-gi'cian  [m.i-jlsh'nn]  n.  enchanter 
mag'is-te'ri-al  [maj'is-te'ri-alj  <i. 
mag'is-trate  [trut]  ?i.  executive  officer 
mag'na-nim'i-ty  [magna-nirn'r-ty]  ?i. 
mag-nan'i-mous  [i-mus]  a.  liberal 

mag'nate  [mlg'nat]  n.  aperson  of  rank 
mag-ne'si-a  [-ne'zhl-a]  >i.  a  chemical 
mag'net  [mag'net]  n.  loadstone 
mag-net'ic  [-Ik]  a.  attractive 
mag'net-ism  [Tz'm]  i;.  power  of  attrac- 
mag'net-ize  [Iz]  ?'./.  to  fascinate  [tion 
mag-nif'i-cat  [i-kat]  ?!.  song  of  Virgin 
mag-nif'i-cence  [l-scns]  n.        [Mary 
mag-nif  i-cent  [i-scnt]  a.  grand 
mag'ni-fi'er  [inair'ni-fi'cr]  );.extoller 
mag'ni-fy  [fij  v.t.  to  exalt 
mag-nil'o-quent  [kwfnt]  a.  pompous 

mag'ni-tudo  [tud]  «.  size      [sp^aK 
mag-no'li-a  [nelt-aj  «.  flowering  tree 
mag'pie  [pi]  ».  a  bird 
ma-hog'a-ny  [ma-hog'a-ny]  K.  kind  of 
maid  [mad]  ;;.  a  girl  [wood 

maid'en  [-'n]  71.  a  maid;  anc.  instr.  of 
maid'en-hair'  [-har']«.afern  [torture 
maid'en-ly  [ly]  a.  modest;  like  a  maid 
naid'serv'ant  [-sfrv'fjnt]  ». 

mail  [mjl)  n.  armor;  letttrs 
mail'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  can  be  mailed 
maim  [mSm]  v.t.  to  cripple 
main  [mjn]  ;;.  force;  the  sea;  J.  chief 
main'land'  [land']  n.  the  continent 
main'mast'  [-mist']  «.  principal  mast 
main'sail'  [-sal']  «.  principal  sail 
main'stay'  [-sts']  n.  chief  support 
main-tain'[man-tan']'t'.;.  to  hold  [port 
raain'te-nance  [man'tc-nans]  «.  sup 





maize  [mSz]  «.  Indian  corn 
ma-.jes'tic  [mi-jss'tik]  a.  grand     fally 
ma-.jes'tic-al-ly  [-ti-k<il-ly]  atf-v.  roj-- 
maj'es-ty  [maj'es-ty]H. grandeur  ftery 
ma-jol'i-ca  [ma-jsrj-ka]  K.  kindofpot- 
ma'jor  [ma'jer]  rt.  greater:  ?i.  next  above 
ma-jor'i-ty  [ma-jar'i-t>]  «.        tcaptain 
make  [mSk]  z:t.  to  do 
mak'er  [-or]  H.onewho makes  fpedient 
make  shift [mak'shift]«.temporaryex- 
mal'a-chite  [mal'a-kit]  h.  ftra'shun]  k. 
mal  ad-min  is-tra'tioa     [-ad-min'is- 
mal  a-droit'  [mal'a-droit']  a.  clumsy 
mal'a-dy  [-dy]  «.  a  disease 
Mal'a-ga  [yi]  «.  a  wine 
mal'a-pert  [pert]  a.  saucy;  bold 
mal-ap'ro-pos'  [mSl-ip'rO-po']  a.&adv 
ma-la'ri-a  [mi-la'ri-a]  «.  bad  air 
ma-la'ri-ous  [us]  a.  unhealthy   fisfied 
mal'con-tent'  [mal'kon-tent'Jw.  dissat- 
male  [mSl]  ;;.  masculine  fcurse 

mal  e-dic'tion   tmale-dlk'shun)    n.   a 
mal  e-fac'tor  [-fak'tcr]  k.  a  criminal 
ma-le£'i-ceut  [ma-lef  I-stnt]  a.       fwill 
ma-lev'o-lence   [ma-lev'S-kus]  «.  ill 
ma-lev'o-lent  [-It-nt]  a.  envious  fdoing 
mal-fea'sance    [mal-fe'zans]   h.  evil 
mal  for-ma'tion  [for-ms'shun]  k. 
mal'ice  [maris]  «.  enmity 
raa-li'cious  [mi-Ush'us]  a.  ill-disposed 
ma-lign'  [mA-IIn']  f.  to  defame         [ice 
ma-lig'nan-cy  [ma-llg'nan-sy]  «.  mal- 
ma-lig'nant  [-n«nt]  a.  pernicious 
ma-lig'ni-ty  [nl-ty]  «.  malice 
ma-lign'er  [mi-lin  fr]  «.  adefamer 
mal'i-SOn  [mall-zn]  k.  curse 
mall  [nial]  n.  wooden  beetle  or  mallet 
mal'lard  [mallerd]  «.  adrake 
mal'le-a-ble  [msrie-a-b'l]  a.  yielding 
mailed  [mald]/rtr;.  beaten 
mal'let  [mSl'let]  «.  wooden  hammer 
mal'low  (mallo]  k.  a  plant      [practice 
mal-prac'tice    [mal-prSk'tls]  n.    evil 
malt  [malt]  n.  grain  germinated 
Mal-tese'  [mal-tez'l  a.  pert,  to  Malta 
mal'tha  [malV/ia]  k.  kind  of  pitch 
mal-treat'  [mal-tref]  vJ.  to  abuse 
malt'ster  [malt'ster]  «.  maker  of  malt 
mal  ver-sa'tion  [mal'ver-sS'shun]  w. 
mara-ma'  (mama']  «.  mother 
mam-ma'li-a  [mam-mS'lI-4]  n.fil. 
mam'mon  Imani'mun]  K.  god  of  riches 
mam'moth  [-math]  a.  very  large 
man  [ui.'m]  n.  male  human  being 
man'a-cle  [a-kl]  «.  handcuff 
man'age  [man'Sj]  v.t.  to  conduct 
man'age-a-ble  [-ib'l]  a.  tractable 
man'age-ment  [-mtnt]  n.  administra- 
man'a-ger  [  i  j' r]  «.  director        yiiuw 
man-da'mus  [di'mus]  «.  a  writ 
man'da-rin'  [■di-ri;n']«.  Chinese  officer 
man'date  [niandit]  h.  acommand 
man'da-to-ry  [di-ti-ryj  a.  commanded 
man'di-ble  [-dl-b'l]  k.  bird's  beak 


7;_  7^ 




man'do-lin  [-d6-lln]  n.  a  kind  of  lute 
man'drake  [man'drSk]  n.  a  plant 
man'drill  tman'dril]  )!.  African  baboon 
mane  [man]  «.  hair  on  neck  of  horse 
ma'nes  [ma'nSz]  «.//.  ghosts  fceeding- 
ma-neu'ver  [ma-noo'vcr]  ?/.  adroit  pro- 
mange  [manj]  n.  a  disease  Imetal 

man'ger  [man'jcr]  n.  feed  box 
nian'gle  [mang'g'l]  -v.t.  to  lacerate 
man'go  [manage]  «.  a  fruit 
man'grove  [mang'grov]  n.  a  tree 
man'gy  [mSn'jy]  a.  scabby  [hole 

man'hole'  [man'hol'J  «.  sewer  or  boiler 
man'hood  fman'hood]  n.  man's  estate 
ma'ni-a  [nid'ni-a]  ?:.  insanity 
ma'ni-ac  [ni5'nT-ak]  n,  insane  person 
man'i-cure  [kur]  n.  care  of  the  nails 
man'i-fest  [nian'i-f:st]  a.  plain 
man'i-fes-ta'tion  t-ies-ta'si;ijn] «. 
man'i-fes'to  [fcs'to]  «.  a  declaration 
man'i-fold  [-fold]  a.  numerous 
man'i-kin  [kin]  a.  a  dwarf;  model  of 
ma-nil-la  [nia-nll'la]  K.  [the  body 

ma'ni-OC  [mS'nl-Sk]  n.  tropical  plant 
man'i-ple  [man'I-p'l]  «.  part  of  priest's 

ma-nip'u-late  [-nip'u-lati  v.t.     [dress 
ma-nip'u-la'tion  [li'shun]  n.  [Spirit 
Man'i-tO  [mSn'r-tSl  n.  Indian  Great 
man'kind'  [man'kind']  «.  human  race 
man'li-ness  [-U-neF]  «.  dignity 
man'ly  [lyl  <r.  dignified 
man'na  [-n.-\]  ;r.  miraculous  food 
man'ner  [ncr]  «.  custom 
man'ner-ism  [-iz'm]  7t.  peculiarity 
man'ner-ly  [ly]  adv.  and  a. 
man'ners  [man'ncrz]  n.fl.  behavior 
man-of-war'  [man'Ov-war']  «. 
man'or  [manTr]  n.  a  district 
manse  [mansl  «.  a  parsonage 
man'sion  [mftn'shOn]  It.  a  house 
man'slaughter  [man'sla'tCr]  n.  mur- 
man'tel  [m.ln't'l]  «.ashelf  [der 

man'tle  [man't'U  k.  a  cloak 
man'tu-a  [man'tu-a]  k.  lady's  gown 
man'u-al  [a-.u]  n.  a  hand  book      ftory 
man'u-fac'to-ry  [  fak't6-ryj  «.  afac- 
man'u-fac'ture  [-tur]  t/.t.  to  make 
man'U-mit'  (mTt']  v.t.  to  liberate 
ma-nure'  [nil-nur']  «.  fertilizer      [ing 
man'u-script  [manu-skript]  71.  awrit- 
ma'ny  [men'y]  a.  not  few 
map  [mSp]  v.t.  to  plan;  «.  a  plan 
ma'ple  [ma'pl]  ».  sugar  tree 
mar  [mar]  v.t.  to  disfigure 
ma'rah  [ma'ra]  71.  bitterness         \7naic 
mar'a-nath'a  [mar'A-nSC/i'a]  n.  .Ara- 
ma-ras'mus  [ma-raz'mus]  k.  fder 

ma-raud'  ( mi-rad'  \v.t.\o  rove  for  plun- 
ma-raud'er  [-er]  71.  a  roving  plunderer 
mar'ble  [mar'b'l]  «.  kind  of  lime  stone 
marc  [mark]  n.  refuse  of  grapes  [steps 
marchfrnarchlz/.j'.  to  move  with  regular 
mar'chion-ess  [mar'shun-es]  n. 



mar'cid  [mar'slil]  .i.  lean;  withered 
Mar'di-Gras'  [mar'degra']  «./^.  fest: 
mare  [mar]  ?/.  female  of  liorse  |.val 

mare's'-nest'  [marz'nest'l  ft. 
mare"s'-tair  [tal']  «.  streaky  cloud 
mar-gar'ic  [mar-gir'ik]  a. 
mar'ga-rin  [mar'ga-rin]  «. 

mar'ga-rite  [-rit]  n.  a  pearl 
marge  [marj]  n.  poetic  for  **margin'* 
mar'gin  [miir'jrn]  ».  edge 
mar'gin-al  [-.d]  a.  on  the  margin 
mar-go' sa  [mar-go'saj  »;.a  tree  of  India 
mar' grave  [mar'grSv]  n.  Ger.  marquis 
mar'gra-vine  [-gra-ven]  k. 
mar'gue-rite  [-g<r-rct]  k.  the  daisy  ft! 
mar'i-gold  [mar'i-gold]  «.  yellow  flow 
ma-rine'  [ma-ren']  a.  pert,  to  the  sea 
mar'i-ner  [mari-nCr]  h.  a  seaman 
mari-o-nette'  [-i-6-net']  «.  a  puppet 
mar'ish  [-Ish]  «.  low  wet  ground  [l>and 
mar'i-tal  [mar'I-tal]  <j.  pert,  to  a  hu 
mar'i-time  [niir'I-tim]  «.  naval:  marine 
mar 'jo-ram  [mar  jS-rdm]  K.  a  plant 
mark  [mark]  Z'.^.  to  draw  a  line;  to  note 
marked  [markt]  a.  noticeable 
mark'er  [marker]  «.  one  who  marks 
mar'ket  [market]  «.  place  of  sale 
mar'ket-a-ble  [  a-b'l]  a.  salable 
marks'man  [marks'man]  w.  good  shot 
marl  [marl]  K.  kind  of  clay 
mar'line  [mar'lln]  «.  a  small  line  f  tion 
mar'ma-lade  [mar'ma-lsd]  «.  a  conici  - 
mar'mose'  [-mos']  «,  kind  of  opossum 
mar'mot  [mar'mOt]  n.  an  animal 
ma-roon'  [mi-roCn']  n.  dull  red  color 
marque  [mark]  n.  a  license 
mar-que'  [marks']  «.  a  large  tent 
mar'quess[-kwcs]«.  same  as  "marquis" 
mar'quis  [mar'kwls]  h.  title  below  duke 
mar'quise'  [mar'kez']  «.  wife  of  marq. 
marred  [mard]/./.  ofwur  disfigured 
mar'riage  [mir'rij]  n  wedlock      flock 
mar'ria(je-a-ble  [-a-bl]  a.  fitforwed- 
mar'ried  [mar  rid]  a.  wedded 
mar'row  [mSr'ri]  «.  the  best  part 
mar'ry  [mar'rj]  t'.t.  to  unite  in  wedlock 
Mars  [m.'irzl  Ji. god  of  war;  aplanet 

Mar  sei  liaise'  [mar'siyi'j  k.  /". 
mar-seilles'  tmar-sSlz']  x.afabric 
marsh  [miirsh]  it.  low, boggy  land 
mar'shal  [mar'sh<zl]  k.  an  officer 
marsh'y  [marshy]  a.  boggy 
mart  [mart]  «.  a  market 
mar'ten  [mar' ten]  ?/.  an  animal 
mar'tial  [mar'bh<jl]  a.  warlike 
mar'tin  [nuir'tln]  ».abird 
mar' ti-net'[ntt']«. strict  disciplinarian 
mar'tin-gaie  [mar'tin-gil]  «.  a  strap 

mar'tyr  (mart  r]  h.  one  put  to  death 
mar'tyr-dom[-dOm]«.  Lfor  his  religion 
martyr-ol'o-gy  [-Ol'4-jy]  «.  a  register 
mar'vel  [vel]  «.  a  wonder  (of  martyrs 
mar'vel-0U8  [-as)  a.  wonderful  fliick 
mas'cot  [mas'kot]  «.  bringer  of  good 






mas'cu-line  [maskulinl  a.  male 

mash  [mash]  Z'.i.  to  bruise 

mask  [mask]  7'./.  to  cover 

ma'SOn  [mi's'n]  «.  a  builder 

ma'son-ry  [-r5']  «.  work  of  a  mason 

masque  [mask]  n.  a  mask 

mas  quer-ade'  t-ker-sd')  «.  a  disguise 

mass  []  n.  lump;  R.C.  sacrifice  in  the 

mass'meet  ing  [Tng]  h.        [Eucharist 

mas'sa-cre  [mas'sa-kfr]  v.r  to  murder 

mas-sage'  [ma-sazh']  ji.  a  rubbing 

mass'ive  [nias'Iv]  a.  bulky 

mast  [mast]  )t.  an  upright  ship  pole 

mas'ter  [mas'tcr]  «.  a  director 

mas'ter-ly  [-ly]  n.  skillful 

mas'ter-piece'  [-pes']«.one's  best  work 

mas'ter-y  [y]  «.  dominion 

mas'tic  [inas'tlk]  «.  a  tree  and  its  resin 

mas'ti-cate  [mas'tr-katj  v./.  to  chew 
mas  ti-ca'tion  [ka'shunj  «.  chewing 
mas'tiff  [mas'tif]  tt.  large  dog 
mas'to-don  [mas'tS-dOn]  »;.  extinct  an- 
mat  [mat]  tY.  to  twist  together     [imal 
mat'a-dore  [mat'a-dor]  «.  bull  fighter 
match  [mich]  «.  a  contest 
match'less  [-les]  a.  having  no  equal 
mate  [mat]  ji.  companion 
ma-te'ri-al  [ma-te'rl-al]  a.  important 
ma-te'ri-al-ism  [iz'm]  «.  a  doctrine 
ma-te'ri-al-ist  [ist]  «. 
ma-teri-al'i-ty  [i-ty]  «.  reality 
ma-te'ri-al-ize  [iz]  v.e. 
ma-te'ri-al-ly  [ly]  arfi'.  essentially 
ma-te'ri-a  med'i-cat-ri-amed'i-ka]Z,. 
ma-ter'nal  [ma-tcr'nol]  <?.  motherly 
ma-ter'ni-ty  [nl-ty]  >i.  motherhood 
math  e-ma-ti'cian  [matish'nn]  «. 
math  e-mat'ics  [mat'iksi  «. 
mat'in  [mat'in]  ?:.  morning  [ment 

mat  i-n^e'  [mat'I-na]  «.  day  entertain- 
ma-trass'  [ma-tras'l  «.  chemical  vessel 
ma'trice  [ma'trls]  «.amold 
mat'ri-cide  [mat'ri-sid]  «.  fenroll 

ma-tric'u-late    [ma-trik'u-lat]    v.i.  to 
ma-tric  u-la'tion  [la'shun] ;:. 
mat  ri-mo'ni-al  [mit'rl-mo'nl-rtl]  a. 
mat'ri-mo-ny  [-mo-ny]  «.  marriage 
ma'trix  [ma'triks]  II  sameas"matrice" 
ma'tron  [ma'trijn]  «. 
mat'ter  [mat'tcr]  ;;.  substance 
mat  ter-of-fact'  [Ov-fakt']  a.  dry  talk 
mat'ting  [ting]  «.  straw  carpet 
mat'tock  [mat'tuk]  «.  a  pickax 
mat' tress  [tres]  >i.  a  bed 
mat  u-ra'tion  [-u-ra'shun]  «.  ripeness 
ma-ture'  [ma-tur']  a.  ripe;  full  grown 
ma-tu'ri-ty  [ma-tij'ri-t>-]  It.  ripeness 
maud'lin  [mad'IInl  a.  weak  and  silly 
maul  [Mial]  t'./.  to  beat 
maund'er  [mand'cr]  I'.l.  to  mutter 
Maun'dy  Thurs'day[man'dy  thurz'di] 
mau  SO-le'um  [ma'sd-le'flm]  «.  a  toml 
mauve  [mov]  «.  kind  of  violet  color 






maw  [ma]  rt.  a  stomach 
mawk'isll  [ish]  a.  nauseous 
maz-il'la  [maksll'la]  ".jawbone 
max'im  [maks'Im]  ji.  general  principl 
max'i-mum  [maks'I-mOm]  «.  greatest 
May  [ma]  «.  fifth  month 
may'be  [lie]  «</:'.  perhaps 
may'bush'  [bush']  n.  the  hawthorn 
may'flow'er  [-flouTr]  k. 
may'hein  [ma'hem]  ?/.  mutilation 
may'or  [mSTr]  «  chief  city  officer 

may'or-al-ty  [ma'Cr-al-tj]  «.  office  of 
maze  [maz]  «.  intricacy  Lmayor 

ma'zy  [ma'zy]  a.  winding 
mead  [med]  *;.  fermented  liquor 
mead'ow  [med'O]  h.  grass  land 
mea'^e  [me'gcr]  a.  scanty 
mea  ger-ness  [-nes]  n.  scantiness 
meal  [mel]  «.  a  repast 
meal'i-ness  [I-nes]  «.  dryness 
meal'y  [y]  a.  dry  and  friable 
mean  [men]  a.  base 
me-an'der  [me -Sn'der]  v.t.  to  wind  and 
mean'ing  [men'Ing]  >t.  purpose      [turn 
mean'ly  [-ly]  adz:  poorly 
mean'ness  [-nes]  «.  stinginess 
mean'time'  [-tim']      )        the  inten-en 
mean'while'  [hwil']  J  "'     ing  time 
means  [menz]  «.//.  resources 
mea'sles  [me'z'lz]  «.  disease 
meas'ur-a-ble  [mezh'ur-4-b'l]  a.  mod- 
meas'ure  [mezh'ur]  ?f.dimension   [eratc 
meas'ure-ment  [-ment]  «.  area 
meat  [met]  n.  flesh  of  animals 
me-chan'ic  [mc-kan'Ik]  «.  artisan 
me-chan'ic-al-ly  [-i-kal-ly]  adv. 
me-chan'ics  [-Iks]  «.  a  science 
mech'an-ism  [mek'an-iz'm]  n. 
mec'o-nate  [-e-nit]  K.meconic  acid  salt 
med'al  [medal]  it.  reward  of  merit 
me-dal'lion  [mc-dal'yQn]  «.  antique 
med'dle  [-d'l]  v.i.  to  interpose     Imeda'. 
med'dler  [-dlcr]  ».  busybody 
med'dle-some  [med'd'1-sflm]  a. 
me'di-ae'val  [me'dl-e'val]  a.  pert,  mid- 
me'di-al  [mi'iU-al]  a.  idle  ages 

rae'di-ate  Ime'tll-it]  a.  middle        ftion 
me'di-a'tion  [me'di-a'shun]«.interven- 
me'di-a'tor  [mC'dl-S'trr]  «.  intercessor 
me  di-a-to'ri-cl  [-i-to'ri-<il]  a. 
mcd'ic-al  [mO  I'i'-k<rl]  a.  medicinal 
med'i-ca-ment  [-ki-mt-nt]  «.medicinc 
med'i-cate  [kat]  v.l.  to  heal         [icin. 
med  i-ca'tion  [-ka'shun]  «.use  of  mod- 
me-dic'i-nal  [nic-dls'i-nol]  a.  curative 
mcd'i-cine  [med'l-sin]  «.  a  remedy 
rae'di-o'cre  [me'dl-O'kcr]  a.  middling 
me  di-oc'ri-ty  [-6k'rl-ty] «. 
med'i-tate  ['i-tlt]  v.i.  tocontcm- 
med-i-ta'tion  [-ta'shOnJ  «.  [plate 

med'i-ta-tive  [td-tlv]  a.  thinking 
me'di-um  [mo'dl-Qm]  n.  m'ddle  degree 
med'lar  [mid'irrl  x.kind  of  tree  and  its 
med'lcy  [mid'ly]  >i.  a  mixture        [fruii 


n  .13 



me-dul'la  [me-dul'la]  «.  pith;  marrow 
Me-du'sa  [mc-da'sa]  «.  myth,  the  Gor- 
meed  [med]  «.  reward  Igon 

meek  [mek]  a.  mild  of  temper       » 
meek'ness  [-nfis]  mildness        fmineral 
meer'schaum  [mer'sham]  «.  clay-like 
meet  tmet]  I'.t.  to  come  together 
meet'ing[-rng]«.  a  company  [anc.bldg. 
meg'a-lith[n;eg'a-l!//!]«-  large  stone  in 
me-gilp'  [megilp']  n.  kindof  varnish 
me'grim  [me'grim]  n.  sick  headache 

melan-cho'li-a  [mei'sn-ko'li-a] «. 
mel'an-chol'ic  [-kSl'Ik]  a.  dejected 
mel'an-chol-y  [meran-kOl-yl  «.  sad 
me-lange'  [mS-laKzh']  n.  a  mixture 
me'lee'  [mi'la'l  «.  a  fight 
mel'io-rate  [mel'yS-rSt]  v.t.  to  improve 
mel'io-ra'tion  [-ra'shun]  «. 

mel'low  [niel'lO]  <J.  soft 

me-lo'de-on  [me-lo'de-un]«.  reed  organ 

me-lo'di-OUS  t-lo'di-us]  a.  musical 
mel'O-dra'ma  [mer6-dra'ma]«.  kind  of 
mel'o-dy  [-s-dy]  «.  harmony        idrama 
mel'on  [mel'Qn]  «.  a  fruit 
melt  [melt]  v.t.  to  liquefy 
mel'ton   [mel'tun]   n.  kind   of  woolen 
mem'ber  [mem'bTr]  n.  a  limb       [cloth 
mem'brane  [mem'bran]  n. 
mem'bra-nous  [mem'bra-nus]  a. 
me-men'to  [mc-men'tO]  «.  a  token 
mem'oir  [m.lm'war]  «.  biography 
mem'o-ra-ble  [niem'6-ra-b"I]  a. 
mem'O-ran'dum  [mem'6-rin'dum]  n. 
me-mo'ri-al  (nic-mo'ri-<!l]  a.  honoring; 

me-mo'ri-al-ize  \-\z\  -v.t.  to  petition 
mem'o-rize[mem'6-r!z]  v.t. 
mem'o-ry  [-ry]  n.  a  faculty  of  the  mind 
men  [men]  of  "man" 
men'ace  [m5n'i5]f  ./.to  threaten  [show 
men-ag'er-ie  [men-azh'Cr-y]  «.  animal 
mend  [menl]  v.t.  to  repair 
mend'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  can  be  mended 
men-da'cious   [men-da'shOs]  a. 
men-dac'i-ty  [men-das'i-ty]  «. 

men'di-cant  [men'di-k<int]  n.  [herring 
men-ha'den.  [men-ha'd'n]  «.  akindoi 
men'ial  [niCn'y<rl]  n.  servant 
menin-gi'tis  [men'In-ji'tis]  K. 
Men'non-ite  [men'nOn-it]  n.  a  sect 
men'stru-al  [men'stru-nl]  n.  monthly 
men'SU-ra'tion  [men'shu-ra'shOn]  H. 
men'tal  [men't^l]  a.  intellectual 
men'thol  [men'Mol]  «. 
men'tion  [men'shun]  Jt.  told  briefly 
men'tion-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a. 
men'tor  [men'tSr]  n.  a  wise  counselor 
mer'can-tile  [mcr'kan-til]  a. 

mer'ce-na-ry  [-sena-ry]  a.  hireling 
mer'chan-dise  [-chrtn-diz]  n.  wares 
mer'chant  [chant]  «.  a  trader 
mer'chant-a-blfe  t-a-bM]  a.  fit  for  sale 
mer'ci-ful  [si-full  <i.  humane 
mer'ci-less  [-sMss]  a.  cruel 

mer-Cu'ri-al  [.ku'll-ul]  a.  sprightly 




Mer'cu-ry  [-ku-ryl  >:.  a  planet;   quick- 
mer'cy  [-sy]  «.  compassion  /silver 

mere  [mer]  a.  nothing  else;  simple 
mer'e-tri'cious  [mere-trish'usj  a. 
mer-gan'ser  [mcr-gan'ser]  «.  kind  of 
merge  [mcrj]  •:■..'  to  absorb  [duck 

me-rid'i-an  [nie-rid'l-<inl  n.  noon 
me-ri'no  [me-re'nO]  «.  a  wool  fabric 
mer'it  [m6r'It]  h.  worth 
mer'i-to'ri-ous  [to'n-as]  a.  worthy 
mer'maid  [mer'niad]  ;:.  sea  nymph 
mer'ma.n  [-num]  n.  man  lish 
mer'ri-ly  [mSr'rl-ly]  a<i-'.  with  mirth 
mer'ri-ment  [m<rnt]  k.  mirth 
mer'ry  [mCr  ry]  n.  joyous 
me'salll  ance'CmS'za'le'ans']  i^.  a  mis- 
mesh  [mish]  n.  network  lalliance 
mes'mer-ism  [mez'mcr-Iz'm]  n. 
mes'mer-ize  f-iz]  v.e.  to  put  to  sleep 
mesne  [men]  a.  middle 
mess  [mesl  n.  a  dish;  crew 
mes'sage  [mes'sSj]  h.  communication 
mes'sen-ger  [-jcr]  «.  bearer  of  message 
Mes-si'ah  [mes-sia]  «.  Christ 
Mes'si-an'ic  [-an'ikjr..  pert,  to  Messiah 
mes'sieurs  [mesh'yerz]  }i.J>L  sirs 
mess'mate'  [mes'mat'J  k.  table  mate 
mes'suage[mes'swajjK.  dwelling  house 
met'al  [mSt'al]  K.hard  fusible  substance 
me-tal'lic  [me- tar  Ilk]  a.  nature  of  metal 
met'al-lur  gist  [met'al-lur'jisti  «. 
met'al-lur  gy  [-jy]  x.artofmetalwork 
met'a-mor'phic  [m5t'a-m6r'flkl  a. 

met  -amor'phoEet-fos]c/./. to  transform 

met'a-phor  [-i-fcr]  M.ashort  similitude 

met  a-phor'ic-al  [met'a-fSr'i-k.ili  u. 
meta-phys'ics  [met'a-flz'iks]  «. 
mete  [met]  z\£.  to  measure 
me'te-Or  [me'tc-cr]  «.  aerolite 
me'te-or'io  [-Or'lk]  a.  transient 
me'ter  [me'ter]  K.  a  measure    f  of  honey 
me-theg'lin[me-//ieg'l in ]«. drink  made 
meth'od  'me//:'ud]  fi.  manner  of  doing 
me-tkod'ic-al  [me-th6d'I-kal]  u.having 
Meth'o-dism  [-4-dIz'm]  «.         [method 
Meth'o-dist  [nie/A'6-dlstl  «.  a  sect 
met'ric  [mct'rik]  <».  measure 
met'ric-al  [-ri-kdlj  a.  pert,  to  meter 
me-trop'o-lis  [-trOp'6-lls]  k.  chief  city 
metro-pol'l-tan  [met'r6-pol'l-t«n]  a. 
met'tle  [nut'tl]  «.  spirit;  courage 
met'tle-some  [-sum]  a.  fiery  fico 

IIIex'i-can[meks'I-k<7n]a.  pert,  to  Mex- 
mi-as'ma  [nii-az'niA]  n.  malaria 
mi'ca  [mi'ki]  71.  a  transparent  mineral 

Hich'ael-mas  [mik'ei-mas] «. 

Mic'mac  [-m.'ik]  >«.  a  trilie  of  Indians 
mi'crobe  (mi  krobj  «.  small  organism 
mi'cro-cosm  [mikri-kOzm]  n. 
mi'cro-phone  [-fun]  ».  sound  increaser 
mi'cro-SCOpe  [-skSp]  «.  magnifier 
micro-8cop'ic-al  [-sk6p'i-kal]  a. 

mid  [inM]  a:,  miiltllcpart 

mid'day  [-da'j  «.  noon 



mid'dle  [mM'd'll  «.  central  portion 
mid'dle-man  [-man]  h.  a  broker 
mid'dling  [inid'cUlng]  a.  ordinary 
midge  [mij  J  "■  an  insect 
midg'et  [mij'et]  n.  small  person 
mid'land  [midland]  a.  interior 
mid'night'  [nit]  n.  12p.m. 
mid'ship'  [slUp]  a.  middle  of  ship 
mid'ship'man  [-man]  «.  naval  cadet 
midst  [midbt]  }i.  middle 
mid'summer  [mid'sflm'mer]  «. 
mid'way'  [mid'wa']  ai/v.  and  a.     [tant 
mid'wife'  [mld'wlf]  n.  childbirth  assis- 
mid'win'ter  [mid'win'ter]  n.  middle  of 
mien  [men]  n.  manner  [winter 

might  [mit]  «.  force 

might'y  [-yl  a. 

mi'gnon-ette'[min'yQn-et']  «.  a  flower 
mi'grate  [mi'grat]  ■v.i.  to  remove 
mi-gra'tion  [mi-gra'shun]  a. 
mi'gra-to-ry  [mi'gra-to-ry]  a.  roving 
mild  [mild  I  a.  gentle 
mil'dew  [mll'dul  n.  webby  fungi 
mild'ness  [mild'nes]  «. 
mile  [mil]  n.  320  rods;  5280  feet 
mile'age  [mil  aj]  «.  distance  in  miles 
mile'post'  [-post'  ]  «.  a  mark 
mile'stone'  [-ston']  «. 
mil'i-tan-cy  [mirt-tan-sy]  n.  warfare 
mil'i-tant  [mil  i-t<7nt]  a.  combating 
mil'i-ta-ry  [miri-ti-ry]  n.  soldiery 
mil'i-tate  [miri-tat]  v.i.  19  contend 
mi-li'tia  [ml-Ush'a]  n.  state  troops 
mil£  [milk]  «.  white  fluid 
milk'maid'  [-mad']  n.  dairy  maid 
milk'man  [-man]  «.  milk  peddler 
milk'weed'  [-wed']  «.  a  plant         [ing 
mill  [mil]  ;;.  machine  or  place  forgrind- 
mil-len'ni-um  [-ni-um]  «.  1000  years 
mil'le-pore  [le-por]  n.  a  kind  of  coral 
mill'er  [mil'er]  «.  mill  attendant 
mil'let  [let]  n.  kind  of  grain 
mil'li-ner  [li-ner]  «.  bonnet  maker 
mil'li-ner-y  [-ner-y]  n.  hats,  laces 
mill'ing  [mll'Ing]  n.  grinding 
mil'lion  [mil'yun]  «.  1,000,000  [million 
mil  lion-aire'  [-4r']   «.   man  worth  a 
mil  lion-air'ess  [-es]  u.y.        [of  mill 
mill'stone  [mll'ston]  h.  circular  stone 
mill'wright  [-rit]  11.  builder  or  maker 
milt  [milt]  >i.  thespleen  [of  mills 

milt'er  [-er]  >t.  a  male  fish 
mim'io  [mim'Ik]  f./.  to  imitate 
mim'ic-ry  [ry]  «.  imitation 
min'a-ret  [min'a-ret]  «.  lofty  tower 
mince  [mlns]  I'.i.  to  chop  fine        (meat 
mince'meat'  [met']  «.  finely  chopped 
min'cing  [mln'sing]  a.  affected  nicety 
mind  [mind]  It.  the  intellect 
mind'ful  [ftjl]  a.  observant 
mind'lesa  [-les]  a.  careless 
mine  [min]  n.  a  pit;  f.  to  sap;  pron.  my 
min'er  [-cr]  n.  one  who  mines 
min'er-al  [mln'er-al]  k.  stone 






min  er-al'o-gy  r-al'4-jy]  k.  a  science 
Mi-ner'va[nii-ner'vaJ«. goddess  of  IV 
min'^le  [minjjjj'll  '-J-t-     Idom  and  arts 
mkl'i-a-ture  [a-turj  «.  small  portrait 
min'i-fy  [min'i-fij  f.t.  to  diminish 
min'im  [nim':ml  n.  note  in  music 
min'i-mize  [mini-mlz]  'u.t.  to  reduce 
min'i-mum  [miu'I-mum]  «.  a  trifle 
min'ion  [min'vun)  k.  small  type 
min'is-ter  |min  is-tcrj  n.  parson 
min  is-te'ri-al  [  te'rl-al]  a.  serving^ 
min  is-tra'tion  [-tra'shunj  «.  agency 
min'is-try  [tryl  m.  service 
mink  [uiingk]  n.  an  animal 
min'now  [minnol  «.  small  fish 
mi'nor  [mi  nfrl  a.  smaller  [number 

mi-nor'i-ty   t"ii-nCr'i-ty]    «.   smaller 
Min'o-taur  [inin'o-tarj  H.  »y.//i.mon- 
min'ster  [-stf  r]  n.  cathedral  [ster 

min'strel  [nun'strell  «.  a  singer    |tion 
min'strel-sy  [-sy  l  «•  minstrel's  occupa- 
mint  [TiiMit]  T'.i'.  to  coin;  «.  a  plant 
min'u-end  [aend]  «.  largest  number 
min'u-et  [et]  ».  a  dance 
mi'nus  [minus]  <7.  less 
min'ute  (min  it]  «.  60  seconds 
mi-nute'ly  [nii-nutlyl  a.  nicely 
mi-nu'ti-a  [mi-nu'shi-al  «.  minor  detail 
minx  [mlngks]  n.  a  wanton  girl 
Mi'ra  (mi  ri)  «.  a  variable  star 
mir'a-cle  (mira-k'l)  n.  a  wonder      [ful 
mi-rac'u-lous  [ml-rak'u-lus]  a.  wonder 
mirage'  [me'razh'l  n.  optical  effect 
mire  (mirj  n.  spongy  earth 
mirk'y  [merk'y]  it.  dark 
mir'ror  [mir'rerj  k.  looking-glass 
mirth  [merth]  71.  merriment 
mirth-ful  (ful)  a.  merry 

mirth-less  [Icsi  a.  sad 

mir'y  (miry)  a.  muddy 
mir'za  [mer'zd]  «.  Persian,  prince 
mis-  \m\i'\f>ijix,  amiss;  wrong;  ill 
mis  ad-ven'ture  [mls'ad-ven'tiir]  n. 
mis-ad-vised'  [ad-vlzd'j  a.  ill  advised 
mis  al-li'ance  [-.'d'll'ans]  «.  bad  match 
mis'an-thrope(-in-//';rop)  n.  man-hater 
mis  an-throp'ic  [-ik]  a.  hating  men 
mis-an'tliro-py  (mis-an'//ir6-pyj  ti. 
mis-ap  pli-ca'tion  t-.ip'pli-ka'shan] «. 
mis  ap-ply'  (iiiib'ap-pli')  v.t.  [shun]  «. 
mis-ap  pre-hen'sion  (mis-ap'pre-han' 
mis  be-have' (mis'be-hav'jw.  behave  ill 
mis  be-hav'ior  [hSv'yer)  k.  rudeness 
mis  be-lieT  (  Icf*]  «.  erroneous  belief 
mis-cal'cu-late  imis-kal'kaiat)  v. 
mis-cal  cu-la'tion  [la'shunj  «.  error 
mis-car'riage  [miskir'rijj  «. 
mis-car'ry  |  r,  1  -,-.i.  togo wrong 
mis  cel-la'ne-ous  (mis'sel-la'nu-Qsl  a. 
mis'cel-la-iy  [la-nyl  «.  a  medley 
mis-chance'  [mis-chins']  n.  mishap 
mis'ehief  ( mis',  hlf )  k.  harm 
mis'chief-mak'er  [-maker)  «. 
mis'chie-VOUS  [mls'ch^-vus)  a.  harmful 





mis'ci-ble  [-si-b'l]  a.  mixable       (judge 
mis'con-ceive'  t-kon-sev']  v.  to  mis- 
mis'con-cep'tion  [-sep'shOn]  n.  false 
mis-con'duct  [dukt]  n.  oflense  [guess 
mis'con-jec'ture   [-jek'tur]   n.  wrong 
mis-con-struc'tion  [struk'shun]  «. 
mis-con'strue  |-stru]  vj. 
mis-count'  [mls-kounf]  «.  an  error 
mis'cre-ant  [kre-ant]  n.  a  vile  wretch 
mis-deal'  [derj  v./.  to  deal  amiss 
mis-deed'  [inis-ded'l  n.  an  evil  deed 
mis'de-mean'or  [mis'de-men'er]  «. 
mis'di-rect'  [mls'de-rekt']  v.L  frection 
mis'di-rec'tion  [-rek'shun]  K.wrongdi- 
mis-do'  [-doo']  v.e.  to  do  wrongly 
mis-do'ing  [-doo'ing]  n.  a  crime  done 
mi'ser  [mi'zer]  7t.  covetous  person 
mis'er-a-ble  Imlz'er-a-b'l)  a.  unhappy 
mi'ser-ly  [mi'zer-ly]  a.  niggardly 
mis'er-y  [miz'er-y]  «.  distress 
mis-fea'sance  [-fe'zfrns]  n.  a  trespass 
mis-fit'  [mis-fit']  }i.  bad  fit  |form 

mis-form'  [■{orm']Ti.l.  to  make  in  an  ill 
mis-for'tune  [mls-for'tun]  n.  disaster 
mis-give'  [gW]  v.t.  to  fill  with  doubt 
mis-gov'ern  [guv'ern]  v./. 
mis-guide'  l-gid']  v.i.  to  guide  wrongly 
mis-hap'  [mis-hap']  n.  misfortune 
mis-hear'  [her']  71.  to  hear  incorrec 
mis'im-prove'  [-proov']  v.L  to  abuse 
mis'in-form'  [mts'in-fSrm']  -^^ 
mis'in-ter'pret  [-ter'pretl  v.t.        ^ 
mis-judge'  [mis-jflj']  v.  to  misconstrue 
mis-lay'  [-l.T]  v./.  tolay  in  wrongpl 
mi'sle  (niiz"ll  n.  fine  rain 
yi_^  ^mis-lead'  [mis-led']  v.t.  to  deceive 
mis-man'age  [mis-man'aj]  v. 

mis-no'mer  [-nS'mor]  >i.  wrong  name 
mi-sog'a-my  [ml-sSg'a-my]  n. 
1  _jnis-place'  [mis-plas'j  v.i. 
mis-point'  [mls-poinf]  v.t. 
mis-print'  [print']  «.  error  in  print 
mis-pri'sion  [prlzh'un]  «.  negligence 
mis-prize'  [priz']  f ./.  to  undervalue 

mis-pro-nounce'  [-pr4-nouns']  ■z'./. 
mis-quote'  [mis-kwaf]  v.  U.  and  i.) 
mis-read'  [mis-red]  v.t.  to  read  amiss 
mis-rep're-sent'  [mls-rep're-zent'];'.;' 
mis-rep're-sen-ta'tion  [ta'shun]  «. 
mis-rule'  [-rul']  -■.  to  misgovern 
miss  [mis]  71.  unmarried  lady;  v.  to  fai 
mis' sal  []  «.  a  Mass  book 
mis'sel-toe  [miz'zel-to]  «.       [bad  form 
mis-shap'en   [mTs-shap"n]    a.   h 
mis'sile  [-sll]  n.  a  weapon  thrown 
miss'ing  [-ing]  a.  lost;  not  there 
mis'sion  [mish'un]  n.  the  art  of  sending 
mis'sion-a-ry  [-a-ry]  n.  one  sent 
mis'sive  [mls'siv]  «.  written  message 
mis-spell'[mis-sper]'z'./.  to  spell  wron 

mis-spend'  [spend']  v.t.  to  waste 
mis-state'  [-stat']  t/./.  to  state  wrongly 
mis-state'ment  [-mcnt]  n.  a  lie 
mis-step'  [step']  t-.:.  to  go  astray 





mist  [mist]  rt.  watery  vapor 
mis-take'  tmls-tsk'l  v.t.  to  misjudge 
mis-tak'en  [-n]/./.  of  "mistake   :  in 
mis'ter  [mis  terj  K.  a  title  [error 

mis'tle-toe  [miz"I-to]  k.  a  plant 
mis'tral  []  it.  a  cold  wind 
mis-treat'  [mis-tref]  v./.  toalmse 
rois'tress  t-trcs]  k.  woman  with  author- 
mis-trust'  [trust']  «.  distrust  jity 
mis-trust'ful  [-ful]  a.  having  mistrust 
mist'y  [mist  y  I  <!.  foggy  [z'V.  to  mistake 

mis-un  der-stand' [mis-un'der-stand'i 
mis-un  der-stand'ing  [ing]  «. 
mis-use'  [mis-uz  I  -■./.  to  misapply 
mite  [iiiit]  II.  minute  object 
mi'ter  [miter]  t./.  to  match  together 
mit'i-gate  [mitlgat]  t/.e.  to  alleviate 
mit  i-ga'tion  [ga'shun]  k.  relief 
mit'ten  [mlt'ten]  «.  cover  for  hana 
mit'ti-mus  [mittl-mus]  «.  a  writ 
mix  [miks]  z'.t.  to  mingle 
mix'a-ble  [-a-b"l]  a.  may  be  mixed 
mixed  [mlkst]  a.  united 
mix'ture  [mlks'turj  7i.  a  compound 
miz'zen  [miz'z'n]  a.  hindmost 
miz'zle  [miz'z'l]  n.  fine  rain     [memory 
mne-mon'ics    [nc-m6n'iks]    ?t.    art   of 
moan  [mon]  v.i.  to  lament 
moat  [mot]  K.  a  deep  trench 
mob  I  mob]  K.  a  rabble 
mo'bile  [mo'bll]  a.  movable 
mo-bil'i-ty  [niS-biri-ty]  h.  fickleness 
moc'ca-sin  (mok'ki-slnl  «.  Indian  shoe 
Mo'cha  [mo'ka]  K.  a  cotTee  from  Mocha 
mock  [m6k]  Z'.i.  to  imitate 
mock'er-y  [mOk'er-y]  n.  imitation 
mock'ing-ly  [mOk'Ing-ly]  adv. 
mock'ish  [mOk'ish]  a.  sliam 
mode  [mod]  n.  meihofl;  fashion 
mod'el  [mOd'elJ  «.  pattern 
mod'el-er  [-cr]  n.  one  who  models 
mod'el-ing  [mgiK. 
mod'er-ate  [luod'cr-at]  v.t.  to  repress 
mod  er-a'tion  i-a'shun]  «.  calmness 
mod'er-a'tor  [tfr]  «.  presiding  oiTicer 
mod'ern  [mod'cm]  a.  recent 
mod'ern-ize  [Iz]  i/.f.  to  render  modem 
mod'est  [mCKlest]  a.  bashful 
mod'i-cum  [mOd'I-ltum]  k.  a  little 
mod  i-fi-ca'tion  (-ka'shOnJ  «.  a  change 
mod'i-fy  [fi]  i'  /.  to  qualify 
mod'ish  [mod'ishj  a.  fashionable 
mo  diste'  [mA'dcst']  n.F.  dressmaker 
Mo'docs  [mu  doks]  «.//.  tril)eof  Ind  ns 
mod'u-late  [ui(5d'(i-lSt)  v.(.  to  inflect 
mod  u-la'tion  [la'shun]  «.  melody 
mo-gul'  [migul'l  K.  large  engine 
mo'hair'  [mn'h.'ir'l  «.  a  fabric 
Mo-ham'med-ism  [ham'mc-d-lz'm]  k. 
Mo'hawk  [mO'ligk]  «.  a  tribe  of  Ind'ns 
Mo-hi'cans  [mA-he'kanz]  «.//. 
moi'e-ty  [moi'c-ty]  >i.  half  [appearance 
moire  [inwar]  «.  /•".  tabric  with  watered 
moist  [rnoibtj  a.  damp 




tnois'ten  [mois"nl  v.t.  to  mnkerlamp 
mois'ture  Imois'tur]  n.  dampness 
mo'lar  (mo'lerj  «.  a  tooth 
mo-las'ses  [ni6-!as'sezj  n.  a  syrup 
mold  [molrl]  v.t.  to  shape     Fwho  molds 
mold'er  |-er]   I'.i.  to  crumble:    ;;.  one 
mold'ing  I-Jnsl  ".  ornament 
mole  [mol]  n.  an  animal 
mol'e-cule  rTnorr-kul)  n.  invisible  par- 
.mo-lest'  (niS-lcst  J  -v.t.  to  vex         [tide 

moles-ta'tion  (nioles-ta'shuni  «. 
mol'li-fy  [mol'li-fij  v.t.  to  soften 
mol'lusk  (niol'luskl  n.  a  shell  fish 
molt  [molt]  v.t.  to  shed  hair 
mol'ten  Imol't'n]  a.  melted 
mo'ment  iniumfntj  n.  an  instant 
mo'men-ta-ri-ly  [-men-ta-n  lyj  .tdv. 
mo'men-ta-ry  [ts-ry]  a. 
mo-men'tous  ImS-men'tus)  a.  weighty 
mo-men'tum  |-tum]  n.  impetus 
mon'ad  [m-'inad]  71.  an  atom 
mon'arch  ImOn'irk]  k.  ruler 
mo-nar'chal  Im6-nar'k<tl)  a.  imperial 
mon'arch-y  Imon'ark-y]  k.  a  kingdom 
mon'as-ter-y  ImOn'fis-ter-yl;;.  convent 
mo-nas'tic  [mO-nas'tikl  n.  a  monk 
Mon'day  |  dS)  ?/.  s^-cond  day  of  week 
mon'e-ia-ry  [mun'e-tS-ryl  a.  pecuniary 
mon'e-tize  \-'az\v.t.  to  adopt  as  money 
mon'ey  [mun'y]  n.  medium  of  exchange 
mon'eyed  |  num'ldl  a.  wealthy 
mon'ger  [inUng'ger]  «.  a  dealer 
Mon-go'li-an  [mOn-go'lI-izn)  a. 
mon'gTel  [mQng'grelj  a.  mixed 
mo-ni'tion  [mo-nish'unj  n.  advice 
mon'i-tor  [niOn'i-ter]  «.  adviser 
mon'i-to-ry  [to-ry]  a.  warning 
monk  Inmngk]  «.  a  priest 
mon'key  [mung'kyj  n.  an  ape 
mon'o-  \m.a\\t-\prcfix,  one 
mon'o-dy  [dy]  n.  song  for  one  voice 
mo-nog'a-ray[m8-n6g'a-my]«.one  wife 
mon'o-g-ram  lni6n'6-grani]  n. 
mon'o-lith  \W!h\  «.  pillar  of  one  stone 
mon'o-logiie  I -log]  «.  soliloquy 
mon  o-ma'ni-a  |ma'ni-al  n.  insanity 
mo-nop'o-list  |nie-nOp'6-list]  «. 
mo-nop'o-lize  (liz]  v.t.  to  engross  all 
mo-nop'o-ly  [lyl  «.  sole  right 
mon  o-syl'la-ble  [nion'6-sll'la-b'l]  n. 
mon'o-the-ism  Imrin'e-the-izml  belief 
mon'o-the-ist  [-ist]  n.  [in  one  God 

mon  o-the-is'tic  [-ts'tik]  a. 
mon'o-tone  I  tonl  n.  one  tone 
mo-not'o-nous  (me-n6t'6-nus]  a.  dull 
mon-sieur'  tmo-sye')  n.  F.  sir 
mon-soon'  |m6n  soon']  n. 
mon'ster  [monster]  n.  a  prodigy 
mon-stros'i-ty  [-stras'l-ty]  n.  monster 
mon'strou3  [mOn'strus]  a.  huge 
month  [mfmth]  n.  four  weeks 
month'ly  [ly]  a.  every  month  [rial 

mcn'u-ment  [mOn'u-ment]  n.  a  memo- 

moii-u-men'tal  l-tfil]  (/.pert,  tomon't 




moo  [moo]  '<  .!.  to  low 
mood  finood]  ft.  humor 
mood'i-ly  l-MJ)  atf-; 
aood'y  [y]  a.  fretful 

moon  [moon]  «.  the  earth's  satellite 
moon'shiae  (sliin)  «.  moonlight 
moor  ['.noor]  >:.  a  marsh;  ''.  to  secure  a 
moor'ing  [ingj  «.  [vessel 

Moor'ish  [ishl  It.  pert,  to  Morocco 
moose  I  moos]  K.  the  elk 
moot  [moot]  v.i.  to  argue 
moot'ed  ted]/./,  disputed 
mop  [:n6pl  «.  a  cleaning  implement 
mope  1  mop]  II.  a  dull  person 
mop'ish  [mop'ish]  <7.  dull 
mo-quette  [ms-ket]  k.  kind  of  carpet 
mo'ra  [mo'ra]  K.  a  tree 
mo-raine'  [m6-ran']«.  debris  carried  hy 
mor'al  ("lOr'irl]  <?.  virtuous       jglaciers 
mo  rale'   |m6'ral'j  «.  j^.  condition  of 
mor'al-ist  [mOr'.ilIstl  «.  [army 

mo-ral'i-ty  [mOrall-tyl  k.  virtue 
mor'al-ize  |niOrVrl-iz|  v.  i.  to  reflect 
mo-rass'  (mCras' )  /;.  a  marsh 
Mo-ra'vi-an  ImS-ra'vl-an)  «.  asect 
mor'bid  [mor  l>iil|  a.  sickly   I  substance 
mor'dant  |m6r'cl<?ntl   k.  a  corroding 
more  [mOr]  (2.  increased  [fabric 

mo-reen'  [mo-ren'l  >i.  kind  of  woolen 
mor'el  [morel]  «.  kind  of  mushroom 
mo-relle'  [me-rel'l  «.  the  nightshade 
mo-rel'lo  |-1S]  7t.  kind  of  cherry 
more-o'ver  [mor-ovrr]  ad-v.  likewise 
Mo-resque'  [luO-rcsk]  a.  Moorish 
morgue  [morgi  k.  adeadhouse 
mor'x-bund  [inor'i-bund]  a.  dying 
Mor'mon  rmor'mfln)  k.  a  sect 
morn  [mOm]  «  poetic  for  morning 
morn'ing'tmorn'ingi  «.  first  part  of  day 
mo-roc'co[m6-r6k'k6jK.  kind  of  leather 
mo-rose'  (mfi-ros'l  <j.  sullen 
mo-rose'ness  [ncs]  «. 
Mor'pheus  [morfusl  n.  god  of  dreams 
mor'phine  [mor'finj  jt.  opium 
mor'ris  [m6r'r]s]  n.  a  Moorish  dance 
mor'row  [mOr'rfi]  h.  next  day 
mor'sel  [mor'selj  ».  small  piece 
mor'tal  [mor'tatj  a.  subject  to  death 
mor-tal'i-ty  [mCr-tal'I-ty]  k.  death 
mor'tal-ly  lmor't<?l-ly]  ativ. 
mor'tar  [mor'tfr]  «.  building  material 
mort'gage  [mor'gSj]  «.  a  writing 

mort  ga-gee'  (mflr'gS-je'] «. 
mort'ga-gor  [-jer]  h.  giver  of  mortgag< 
mor  ti-fi-ca'tion  lni6r'tr-fi-ka'shuni« 
mor'ti-fy  [fij  v.l.  to  humble 
mor'tise  [mflr'tls]  t/.^  to  cut  in  timbei 
mor'tu-a-ry  (-ta-S-ryl «.  burial  place 
mo-sa'io  (mA-z.Tiki «. 
mos'lem  (mOz'lem]  «.  Mohammedan 
mosque  [irOsklw.  Mohammedan  tcnipU 
mos-qui'to  (ni6s-ke't4)  ».  an  insect 
moss  |m<'>s|  ».  a  plant 
moss'back'  [mOs'bak'J  ».  partisan 



O^  ^. 






moss'rose'  t-roz)  «.  a  kind  of  rose 
moss'y  [-yl  a.  moss-grown 
most  [most]  a.  highest  degree 
most'ly  [mSst'ly]  adv.  chiefly 
mote  [mot]  «.  a  small  particle 
moth  [mor/i]  «.  an  insect 
moth'er  [muth'er]  «.  female  parent 
moth'er-in-law'  [-in-Ia'J  n. 
moth'er-ly  [ly]  a.  tender 
moth'y  (moth  y]  a.  full  of  moths 
mo'tion  [mo'shun]  «.  movement 
mo'tion-less  [les]  a.  at  rest 
mo'tive  [motlv]  «.  cause 
mot'ley  [m6t'Iy]  a.  mixed-up 
mo'tor  I  mo'ter)  a-  a  mo\'er 
mot'tle  |m6t'tl]  v.t.  to  spot 
mot'tled  l-fld]  a.  spotted 
mot'to  [  te)  «.  a  maxim 
mound  [mound]  «.  artificial  hill 
mount  [mount]  v.i.  to  go  up 
moun'tain  [mountln]  n.  an  elevation 
moun  tain-eer'  [er'l  n.  rough  person 
moun'tain-ous[-us](i.full  of  mountains 
mount'e-bank  [e-bangk]  >t.  charlatan 
mount'ed  [ed]  a.  on  horseback 
mourn  [mornl  v.i.  to  grieve 
mourn'er  [or]  rt.  one  who  mourns 
mourn'ful  [full  a.  sad 
mourn'ing  [  ing]  «.  sorrowing 
mouse  (mous)  II.  an  animal 
mous'er  [mouzer]  n.  a  cat 
mous'ing  [ing]  «.  prying 
mouth  [mouth]  «.  aperture:  opening 
mouth'ful  [full  «.  small  quantity 
mouth'piece'  [pes' l  k.  spokesman 
mov'a-ble  [moova-b'l]  a.  not  fixed 
move  [moov]  v.t.  to  stir 
move'ment  [ment]  k.  motion 
mow  l;no|  -.'J.  to  cut  grass 
mown  [mon]  /./.  and  a.  cut  down 
Mr.  [mis'ter]  a.  man's  title 
Mrs.  [missis]  n.  married  woman's  title 
much  [much]  a.  a  great  deal 
mu'ci-lage  [mu'sI-Uj]  «.agum 
muci-lag'i-nous  [laj't-nusj  a.  sticky 

muck  [muk]  K.  vegetable  mold 
muck'worm'  [wQrm]  n.  a  miser 
muck'y  [yl  a.  miry 
mu'coUS  [mfl'kus]  K.  slimy  substance 
mu'cus  [niukusj  K.  a  viscid  fluid 
mud  [mud]  K.  moist  earth 
mud'dle  [mud'd'l]  v.t.  make  turbid 
mud'dle-head'  [hed'J  n.  stupid  person 
mud'dy  [muddy]  a.  impure 
mud'sill'  [mud'sil)  H.  lower  sill 
muff  1  mijf  ]  ft.  hand  protection 
muffin  [-fTn]  «.  a  cake 
muffle  [f  11  t'-t.  to  wrap 
muffler  [-fler]  «.  a  scarf 
mug  [mug]  n.  adrinkingcup 

mug-gy  [gS'l  a.  damp 
mug'wump'  [mug'wOmp']  n.  a  bolter 
mu-lat'tO  [mu-lat'ti]  «.  a  half-breed 
mul'ber-ry  [mulber-ry]  «.  a  berry 


o.         -s 






mulch  Imulch]  «.  to  cover 
millet  [inulktl  «.  forfeiture  (whee^ 

mule   linul]   K.  an  animal;   spinning 
mu  le-teer*  [rau'le-ter'j  «.  mule  driver 
mu'ley  [mu'ly]  >t.  long  saw 
mul'ish  [mulisli]  a.  stubborn 
mull  [mull  H.  muslin 
mul'lar  [mul'ler]  /;.  adie 
mul'lein  [mul'lm]  h.  a  plant 
mull'er  [inul'er)  «.  a  pestle 
mul'let  (inul'letl  K.  a  fish 
mul'ley  [moo'lj]  a.  withouthoms 
mul'lion  [muryun]  «.  bar  in  window 
mul'lock  [muriek]  it.  rubbish 
multi-fa'ri-ous  [murti-fa'ri-fisi  a. 
mul'ti-form  [U-fonu]  a.  many  forms 
mul'ti-ple  [mul'ti-p"!]  a.  manifolil 
mul  ti-pli-ca'tion  [pli-ka'shun]  n. 
mul  ti-plic'i-ty  [-plis'i-ty]  k. 
mul'ti-ply  [  pli]  t'./-  to  increase 
mul'ti-tude  [tudl  k.  a  crowd 
mul  ti-tu'di-nous  [-tu'di-nus]  a. 

mum  [mum]  a.  silent 
mum'ble  ImQm'b'lj  v.i.  to  mutter 
mum'bler  I-bler]  «.  one  who  mumbles 
mum'mer-y  [mer-yl  «.buffoonry 
mum'i-fled  [mi  fid]  a.  withered  and 
mum'mi-fy  [fi]  v.t.  to  embalm  Idried 
mum'my  (mum 'my)  K.  embalmed  body 
mump  'LinumpJ  Z'.!.  to  deceive 
mumps  I  mumps]  >i.  a  disease 
munch  [munclij  v.i.  andi.  to  chew 
mun'dane  [mun'dSn]  <?.  earthly      [city 
mu-nic'i-pal    [nm-nis'I-pr?!]   a.  of  the 

mu-nic  1-pal'i-ty  [pal'ity)  «. 
mu-nif'i-cence  [nif'i-Sfns]  h.  bounty 
mu-niri-cent  [Sfnt]  a.  liberal 
mu'm-ment  [mu'ni-mfnt]  «.  munition 
mu-ni'tion  [ma-nish'On]  «.  war  mate- 
mu'rage  [mu'rSj]  «.  a  ux  trial 

mu'ral  [-r<7l]  a.  pertaining  to  a  wall 
mur'der  [mur'der]  «.  to  kill  unlawfully 
mur'der-erl-er)  w.oneguilty  of  murder 
mur'der-ess  [es]  «.  woman  who  mur- 
mur'der-OUS  t-us)  a.  cruel  [ders 

mure  ;iiuir]  t  ./■.  to  wall         fand  a  base 
mu'ri-ate    [miirl-at]    n.   muriatic  acid 
murk  I  murk]  it.  darkness 
murk'y  [-y]  a.  obscure 
mur'mur  [mijr'mijr]  v.z.  to  grumble 
mur'rain  [murrln]  «.  a  cattle  disease 
mus'cat  [mus'k^t]  ft.  a  grape 
mus'cle  [inus'l]  It.  organ  of  motion 
mus  CO-va'do  |k6-va'd6l  a.  raw  sugar 
Mus'co-vite  [kivit]  >t.  a  Russian 
mus'cu-lar  [mus'ku-ler]  a.  powerful 
muse  [nifiz]  7M'.  to  meditate 
mu-se'um  (uiu-zc-'uml  «.  a  repository 
mush  |n:us!i]  )/.  a  puilding 
mush'room  [-ruuni]  n.  a  fungus  plant 
mu'sic  finfl'slk]  ft.  melody 
mu'sic-al  (mu'zl-kal)  rt.  melodious 
mu-Sl'cian  [ma-zlsh'<jn]  u.  one  skilled 
musk  IniiJskJ  It.  a  perfume        [in  music 









mus'ket  ImQs'ketl  «.  a  gun 
mus'ket-eer'  [-er']  h.  a  soldier 
raus'ket-ry  [-ry]  >i.  the  fire  of  muskets 
musk'mel'on  [musk'inercin]  h.  a  fruit 
musk'rat'  [mOsk'rat'J  «.  an  animal 
mus'lin  (muz'lln]  h.  a  thin  cloth 
imiss  [n,us|  v.t.  (crumple 
inus'sel  tmus's'l]  «.  shell  fish;  a  mol- 
muss'y  [nius'y]  a.  rumpled  |lusk 

r.iust  (in.i^tl  v.i.  or  aux.  to  be  obliged 
mus-taclio'  [iims-tash']  K.  hair  on  lip 
raus'tang  [mus'tang]  n.  a  wild  horse 
mus'tard  fmus'terd]  n.  a  plant 
inns'ter  [mus'ter]  «.  a  gathering 
mus'ty  [imls'ty]  a.  stale 
mu  ta-bil'i-ty  [mu'ta-bll'i-tj]  «.  varia- 
mu'ta-ble  [mO'ta-b'l]  a.  unstable  Ition 
mu-ta'tion  [mu-ta'shiin]  n.  change 
mute  Imfit]  (7.  dumb 
mu'ti-late  [rau'ti-lat]  v.t.  to  maim 
mu'ti-la'tion  [-la'shunl  «.actof  muti- 
mu'ti-neer'  [-ner']  n.  rebel         llating 
mu'ti-nous  [-nus]  a.  seditious 
mu'ti-ny  [-ny]  «.  insurrection  (grumble 
mut'ter  [mut'ter]  v.i.  to  speak  low;   to 
mut'ton  [luflt't'n]  71.  flesh  ofsheep 
mu'tu-al  [inO'tu-rtl]  a.  common 
mu'tu-al'i-ty  [-al'l-ty]  «.  interchange 
mu'tu-al-ly  r-ally]  ««?»• 
mux  [muks]  v.t.  to  mix 
muz'zle  Imuz'z'l]  v.t.  to  sheathe 
muz'zy  [muzzy]  a.  dazed 
'my\uri'\fos.J'ron.  and  ^.belonging  to  me 
my-o'pi-a  Imi-o'pi-a]  «.  shortsighted- 
my  r'i-ad  [  I-ad]  a.  great  number     1  ness 
myr'mi-don     [mer'ml-don]    n.    ci 
myrrh  [mer]  «.  an  incense  [soklier 

myr'tle  |m5r't'l]  «.  evergreen  shrub 
my-self  (mi-self]  emph.pron.  I  or  m 
myS-te'ri-OUS  [mls-te'ri-us]  a.  secret 

rays-te'ri-ous-ly  [-ly]  adv. 
mys'ter-y  [mis'ter-y]  -n.  the  unknown 
mys'tic-al  (mis'tl-kal]  a.  obscure 
mys'ti-fy  [mis'tl-fl]  v.t.  to  puzzle 
myth  \m\th-\  n.  a  fable 
myth'i-cal  \m\th'\-Va\\  a.  fabulous 

my-thol'o-gy  imT-^/jol'^-jy]  n. 

nab  [nib]  v.t.  to  seize 
na'bob  [na'bSb]  n.  a  wealthy  man 
na'dir  [-derj  -.i.  lowest  point;  op.  zenit 
nae'vus  [ne'vus]  «.  birth  mark 
nag  [nSg]  V.  to  tease 
nag'ging  [glng]  a.  fault  finding 
Na'iad  (na'yad]  «.  water  nymph 
nail  [nal]  V.  to  fasten;  n.  spike 
nail'brush'  [brOsh'i  n. 
nail'er  [er]  n.  maker  of  nails 
na'ive'  (na'ev'l  a.  unaffected  simplicit 
na'ive'te'  [na'ev'ta']  n.  F.  native  sin 
na'ked  [na'ked]  a.  bare  [plicity 

na'ked-ness  [-nes]  n.  bareness 
nam'a-ble  [  nam'a-b'l  l  a.  may  be  named 
nam'by-pam'by  [nam'by-pam'by]  a. 





name  [nam]  n.  appellation 
name'less  |-iesj  <j.  anonymous 
name'ly  [-lyl  itrff.  by  name 
name'sake'  (sak'J  k.  one  named  for 
nan-keen'  [nan-ken']  k.  kind  of  cloth 
nap  [nii'l  «.  a  short  sleep 
nape  [up]  ".back  part  of  neck 
na'pha  water  [na'fa  water)  ti. 
naph'tha  [nrifz/ia]  k.  volatile  liquid 
naph'tha-lene  [-len] «. 
na'pi-form  [na'pi-fomi]  «. 
nap'kin  tnapkln]  ?i.  small  towel 
nap'less  [-ISs]  a.  threadbare 
Na'ples  [iirrp'U]  «.  acity  of  Italy 
na-po'le-on[na-po'lc-On]«.  French  coin 
nappe  [nap]  «.  surface 
nap'ping  [nap'pTng]/r^j".^.  dozing 
nap'py  [nappy]  a.  sleepy;  shaggy 
nar-cis'sus  [nar-sls'sus]  K.  a  plant 
nar-co'sis[-ko'sis]  ?*.  privation  of  sense 
nar-cot'ic  [kSt'Ik]  k.  a  drug  l  loid 

nar'co-tine  [uarko-tin]  ».  opium  alka- 
nard  [nir  '.]  n.  oriental  perfume  plant 

Nar'ra-gan'setts  [narra-gan'sets]  k. 
nar-rate'  [nar-rat'l  v.f.  to  relate 
nar-ra'tion  [iiar-ra'shun)«.  description 
nar'ra-tive  [nur'ra-tiv]  «.  story 
nar-ra'tor  [nar-ra'ter]  «.  relator 
nar'ra-to-ry  |-ra-t4-ry]  a. 
nar'row  [nirro]  tt.  a  little  breadth 
nar'row-cr  [-er]  a.  com/>.  of*' narrov.'" 
nar'row-ly[-ly]aa't/.  with  little  breadth 
nar'row-ness  [-n6s]  «. 
nar'whal  []  «.  kind  of  whale 
na'sal  [na'zul]  a.  of  the  nose 
na-sal'i-ty  [na-zai'I-ty] «. 
nas'cent  [nas's^nt]  a.  evolving      ffruit 
nase'ber  ry   [naz'ber'ry]  k.  a  tropical 
nas'ti-ly  |n,is'tl-ly]  aifz:  offensively 
nas'ti-ness  [-ncs]  «.  dirtiness 
Nas-tur'tium  [nas-tar'sham]«.aplant 
nas'ty  [nas'ty]  <?.  dirty 
na'tal  [na'wl]  <?.  native 
na'tant  [na'wznt]  a.  floating 
na'ta-to'ri-um  [na'ta-to'rl-um]  >i. 
na'ta-to-ry  (-lo-r;]  a. 
natch  [ii.iih]  n.  rump  of  beef 
Natch'es  [nach'ez]  «.//.  tribe  of  Ind'ns 
na'tion  [nS-'shun]  «.  division  of  people 
na'tion-al  [nash'un-al]  a. 
na'tion-al-ism  f-iz'm]  «.  nationality 
na'tion-al-ist  t-ist]  «.   national  unity 
na  tion-al'i-ty  [-al'l-ty]  «.     [advocate 
na'tion-al-ize  [-al-iz]  VJ.  to  make  na 
na'tive  [na'tiv]  a.  born  in  [tional 

na-tiv'i-ty  [na-tlv'I-ty]  «.  birth 
nat'ty  [nifty]  a.  neat 
nat'u-ral  (nat'u-rall  a.  not  acquired 
nat'u-ral-ism  [-iz'ni]  ii. 
nat'u-ral-ist  [-hx]  n. 
nat  u-ral-i-za'tion  [-i-za'shon]  k. 
nat'u-ral-ize  [iz]  t-./.  to  confer  ri;,'! 
nat'u-ral-ness  [-nos]  n.  conformity  to 
na'ture  [n.ltur]  «.  the  creation 




naught  fnat)  K.  nothing 
naugh'ti-iy  [na'tr-ly]  adv.  wickedly 
naugh'ti-ness  [nes]  >i.  badness 
naugh'ty  [na'ty]  a.  mischievous 
nau'se-a  [na'shS-A]  «.  stomach  sickness 
nau'se-ate  [at]  v.i.  to  sicken 
nau'seous  [na'shus]  a.  sickening 
nautch  [nach]  «.  Hindoo  dancing  enter- 
nau'tic-al  [na'tl-k(!l]  a.  [tainment 

nau'ti-lus  t-lO^.)  n.  a  kind  of  shell  fish 
na'val  Inl']  a.  marine 
naveinav]?/.hubofwheel;  body  of  church 
na'vel  [na'v'l]  «.  center  of  abdomen 
nav'i-ga-ble  InSv'S-gi-b'l]  a.  sailable 
nav'i-gate  1-gat]  ~'.t.  to  sail  on 
nav'i-ga'tion  [-ga'shun]  ?/. seamanship 
nav'i-ga'tor  [nav'r-ga'ter]  n.  sailor 
nav'vy  [nAv'vyJ  n.  laborer 
na'vy  Ina'vyl  ?'•  fleet  of  ships 
nay  [na]  ad-v.  no 

Naz'a-rene'    [naz'a-ren']   k.  one  from 
neap  [nSp]  a.  low  (Nazaretl; 

neap'tide'  I-tid']  n.  low  tide 
Ke'a-pol'i-tan    [ne'a-p61'i-tan]  n.  na 
near  fner]  ad%'.  nigh         Ltive  of  Naples 
near'ly  [ly]  adv.  almost 
near'ness  [nesj  n.  closeness 
neat  [net]  a.  tidy 
neat'ly  [-ly]  adv.  tidily 
neat'ness  t-nes]  «.  tidiness 
neb'u-la  [nel/u-la]  >i.  s.  misty  object 
neb'u-lae  [-le]  «.//.  of  "nebula" 
neb'u-lous  [lOs]  a.  misty  [bly 

nec'es-sa-ri-ly  r-rl-lyj  adv.  unavoida- 
nec'es-sa-ry  [nes'es-sa-ry]  «.  inevitable 
ne-ces'si-tous  [-tfls]  a.  destitute     ipel 
ne-ces'si-ty  [ty]  k.  want 
neck  [nek]  ?/.  part  of  body' 
neck'lace  [-las]  «,  ornament 
neck'tie' [tt'l  «.  ascarf  [etc. 

neck'wear'  [wdr']  «.  cravats,  collars, 
ne-crol'o-gy  [nc-kror6-jy]  n. 
nec'ro-man'cy  [rfi-man'sy]  n.  magic 
ne-crop'o-lis  [-krSp'S-lIs]  «.  graveyard 
nec'rop-sy  (nek'rOpsy]  >i.  an  autopsy 
ne-cro'sis  [nc-kro'sisj  n.  a  disease 
nec'tar  [nek'ter]  H.  drink  of  thegods 

nec'tar-ine  [-in]  n.  a  fruit 
ned'dy  [ned'dy]  «.  a  donkey 
nee  lnal/./.yV»z.  bom 
need  [ned]  k.  want 
need'ful  [ful]  n.  needy 
nee'dle  [ne'd'l]  n.  sewing  tool 
need'less  [ned'les]  a.  groundless 
need'less-ly  [ly]  adv. 
need'y  [ned'y]  a.  very  poor 
ne'er  [nar]  adv.  abbrev.  for  "never" 
ne-fa'ri-OUS  [ne-fa'rl-Qs]  a.  heinous 
ne-ga'tion  [ne-ga'shCin]  H.  denial 
neg'a-tive  [neg'A-tIv]  «.  opp.  to  aff. 
neg-lect'  [neg-lekf]  v.t.  to  slight 
neg-lect'ful  [-fljl]  a.  careless 
neg'li-gee'  [negll-zha']  «.  easy  attire 

n^~^       V 






neg'li-gence  [-j<-ns]  «.  slight  attention 
neg'li-gent  (  jint]  <i.  careless 
ne-go'ti-a-ble  [nc-gO'shiab'll  a. 

ne-go'ti-ate  [at]  z.:.  to  treat  with 
ne-go  ti-a'tion  [  S'shiln]  «.  trading 
ne-go'ti-a  tor  t  a  ter)  a.  a  mediator 
ne'gress  (ne'gres)  n.  black  woman 
ne'gro  [grA]  «.  black  man 
ne'gUS  [ne'gus]  K.  a  drink 
neigh  [na]  v.i.  to  whinny 
neigh'bor  [n.l'berl  it.  one  adjoining 
neigh'bor-hood  [hood]  n.  vicinity 

neigh'bor-ly  [K]  a.  social 

nei'ther  [nether]  conj.  not  either 
Nem'e-sis  [nem'c-sisl  «.  a  goddess 
ne'O  lne'6l/>-t:/fj:new;  recent 
ne'o-phyte  [ne'4-fitl  «.  a  new  convert 
neph'ew  (nc-fai  «.  a  relation 
nep'o-tism  Inep'O-tlz'm)  n.  favoritism 
Nep'tune  [nep'tun]  k.  a  planet 
Ne'ro  [ne'rS)  n.  a  cruel  Roman  emperor 
nerve  Inerv]  n.  a  sinew 
nerve'less  [lesl  «.  weak 
nerv'ine  [nerv'In]  n.  a  nerve  medicine 
nerv'ous  [flsl  <7.  excitable  rtion 

nerv'ous-ness  [nes]  «.  nervous  condi- 
nerv'y  [  y]  "■  strong 
nes'cience  [ueshens]  «.  ignorance 
ness  [n5sl  11.  a  headland 
nest  [nest]  «.  a  bed  for  birds 
nes'tle  |nes"l|  tm.  to  lie  close 
nes'tling  I-lIng]  «.  a  young  bird 
nes'tor  (nes'tSr)  H.  gray-headed  parrot 
nes-to'ri-an  [nSsto'n-unJ  <!.  wise 
net  [nitl  n.  a  snare 
neth'er  [neth'er]  a.  lower 
neth'er-most'  [-most'J  a.  lowest 
net' ting  (ntt'tingj  «.  network 
net'tle  |  t'l)  n.  a  plant 
neu'ral  [nu'ral]  a.  pert,  to  nerves 
neu-ral'gi-a  [nii-rarjl-i]  «.  a  disease 
neu-ral'gic  |-jik|  a.  pert,  to  neuralgia 
neu-rol'o-gy  I  -rordjyl«.  science  of  the 
neu  ro-path'ic  |pa//<'lk]  a.        [nerves 
neu-rot'ic  [nurSt  Ikj  H.a  nerve  disease 
neu'ter  (nuter)  a.  impartial 
neu'tral  [trt!!]  a.  on  either  side  not 
neu-tral'i-ty  [trali-tyj  >t.  Igaged 

neu'tral-ize  [trrtl-iz]  i.t.  to  render 
nev'er  [nf\'er]  (1(^7^. at  no  time  [neutral 
nev'er-more'  I-nior'l  adv.  never  again 
nev  er-tbe-less'  [•thir-les'jarfi'.  at  least 
new  (nu)  <i.  recent  [stairway 

new'el  [nuc-H  n.  upright  post  circular 
new'fan'gled  l-fang'g'ld)  a.  new  made 

Kew'found-land'  [nu'fond-iand]  n 

new'ly  Inu'ly)  ad^i.  recently 
new'ness  [ncbj  «.  novelty 
news  [nuzj  11.  fresh  tidings 
news'pa  per  [pa'perl  «.  ajournal 
news'y  [  y]  a.  full  of  news 
newt  I  ijiJt)  >i.  kind  of  salamander 
next  [niikstl  a.  nearest 
Ni-ag'a-ra  [ni-ag'i-ri]  «.  N.  Am.  river 





nib  Inlhl  n.  a  prong 

nib'ble  [-b'll  v.t.  to  bite 

nib'bler  (-bler|  «.  one  who  nibbles 

nic'co-lite  [nik'ko-lit]  k.  a  mineral 

nice  [iiTsl  a.  exquisite 

nice'ly  [-ly]  adv. 

nice'ness  1-nesl  u.  state  of  being  nit 

ni'ce-ty  |ni'se-tyl  «.  precision 

niche  [niclil  «.  a  recess 

nick  [nik]  )/.  a  notch 

nick'el  l-cl  l  n.  a  small  coin 

nick'name'  (-nam']  «.  fancy  name 

nic'o-tine  [-o-tlnl  «.  an  alkaloid  Inest- 

nid'i-fi-kate  [nicl'i-fi-katl  v.i.  to  buiU: 

niece  [nC-s]  «.  daugbter  of  bro.  or  sister 

nig'gard  |  nig'gerU]  n.  a  miser 

nig'gard-ly  [-ly]  n.  stingy 

nig'ger  (-i;cr|  ;;.  vulgar  name  for  negn 

nigh  I  nil  ,r.  near 

night  tniti  II.  darkness 

night'cap'  l-kap'l  n.  cap  worn  in  bed 

night'dress'  I-dres']  n.  a  nightgown 

night'in-gale  [-in-gal]  n.  song  bird 

night'ly  t-ly]  «■  every  night 

night'mare'  (-mAr'l  «.  frightful  dream 

night'shade'[-shad')«.  poisonous  plant 

night' time' l-tinie']«.bet»een dusk  ant. 

ni-gres'cent  [ni-grcs'sd-nt]  a.       [dawn 

ni'hil-ism  Ini'hrl-iz'm]  ;/.  nothingness 

ni'hil-ist  1 -ist]  «.  one  of  a  secret  society 

Nile  (nil]  ;;.  a  river  of  Egypt 

nil  Inil]  >!.  nothing 

nill  [nTl]  './.  to  refuse 

nim'ble  [.ijm'l.'l]  a.  active 

nim'ble-ness  [nes]  n. 

nim'bus  Inim'bus)  !i.arain  cloud 

nin'com-poop  [mn'kem-poop]  «.  a  fooi 

nine  IninJ  a.  one  less  than  ten 

nine'pins  [nin'pinz]  n.  a  game 

nine'teen'  l-ten'J  <i.  one  short  of  a  score 

nine'teenth'  i-tencA'i  a.  inintl. 

nine'ti-eth  \-l\-eth\  a.  one  after  eighty 

nine'ty  l-ty]  n.  nine  tens 

nin'ny  [nin'nyj  «.  a  simpleton 

ninth  [nin/A]  a.  next  after  eighth 

nip  (nipl  n.  a  pinching 

nip'pers  [-|.erz]  pincers 

nip'ple  [-p'l]  «.a  teat 

Ni'san  Ini'sin]  «.  first  month  Jewish 

ni'si  liu'sll  coHj.  L.  unless  lyear 

ni'sus  [ni'sus]  n.  an  effort 

nit  Init)  >i.  egg  of  insect 

ni'ter  [ni'ter]  n.  saltpeter 

ni'trate  l-trat]  «.  nitric  acid  and  a  base 

ni'tric  [-trik]  <r.  containing  nitrogen 

ni'tro-gen  [ni'trO-jen]  «.  a  gas;  azote 

ni-trog'e-nous  [ni-trOj'e-nus]  a. 

ni  tro-glyc'er-in  [ni'tr6-g!is'er-in]  n 

ni'trous  [-trils]  a.  pertaining  to  niter 

niks  [niks]  n.  a  water  spirit 

no  [no]  adz'.  a  denial;  a.  not  any 

No'ah  [no'a]  n.  a  patriarch 

nob'by  [nob'by]  a.  stylish 

no-bil'i-ty  [nS-bll'I-ty]  «.  rank 






.r.-^.  -  -Z:. 

no'ble  fnob'll  a.  stately 
no'ble-man  (-ni<in|  n.  a  peer 
no'ble-ness  l-nesl  «.  dignity 
no'bly  I  bly]  adv.  in  a  noble  manner 
no'bod-y  |nobOd-yl  n.  no  one      Inight 
noc-tur'nal  lnOk-tOr'nal]  a.  pert,   to 
nod  lr,i"ll  f.i.  to  bow 
nod'al  I  iioa'.il  J  a.  pert,  to  "node" 
nod'dle  InOd'd'l]  ».  the  head 
nod'dy  |-ily)  «.  a  fool 
node  (n  1.1)  «.  where  a  curve  crosses  itself 
nod'u-lous  [nOd'fl-lasl  <i.  having  knots 
nog  fnSjl  H.  abbrev.  for  "noggin" 
nog'gin  [gin]  »;.  a  small  cup  or  mug 
nog'ging  [gingl  «.  kind  of  brick  wall 
noise  inoizl  n,  confused  sound 
noise'less  [-les]  a.  no  noise 
noi'some  Inoi'sum]  a.  hurtful 
nois'y  [noiz'yl  ('.  boisterous 
no-li'tion  [nS-lish'Onl  n.  unwillingness 
nom'  de  plume'  [nom'  dcplum'j  a.  F. 
nom'ad  a.  roving 
no-mad'ic  [nO-madik]  a.  wandering 
no'men-clature  [no'men-kla'tir]  «. 
nom'ic  [nOm'ik]  a.  ordinary 
nom'i-nal  [nomi-mrll  a.  not  real 
nom'i-nal-ly  [lyl  adv.  byname 
nom'i-nate  L"itl  w-'-  to  name        ling 
nora  i-na'tion  (na'shunl  ji.actof  nam- 
nom'i-na-tive  [-na-tivl  a.  designating 
nom  i-nee'  (  ne'l  tt.  candidate 
no-mol'o-gy  (nS-nior6-j>'J«. legislation 
non-  [n-m-!/>-.7f.r,  not  Ifusa' 

non  ac-cept'ance  t-ak-sept'iins]  k.  re- 
non'age  [-Sj]  «.  minority;  underage 
non  a-ge-na'ri-an  [-a-gc-na'ri-an]  71. 
non'a-gon  I  iron]  >.•.  nine-sided  figure 
non  ac-quaint'ance(-ak-kwant'rtns]H. 
non  ap-pear'ance  [-.ip-per'ans)  n. 
non  ar-riv'al  [-ur-tiv'^l]  «.  not  come 
non  at-ten'tion  [-at-ten'shon]  n.   no 
nonce  InonsJ  n.  present  purpose    Iheed 
non  cha  lant'  l-sii.iKin'l  a.  careless 

non  com-mis'sioncd  [mfsh'und]  a. 
non  com-mit'tal  1-mrt'tall «. 
non  com-pli'ance  (-pli'«nsl  «.  refusal 
non  con-cur'  l-koii-kilr'l  ■v.i.  to  dissent 
non  con-duct'or  (-duk'ter]  «.  insulator 
non  con-form'i-ty  [-(orm'i-tyl  11.   ling 
non  con-ta'gious  i-t5'jus]a.notcatch 
non  de-liv'cr-y  [-dc-liv'£r-yj  n.  kept 
non'de-script  [-de-skript]  a.  novel;  odd 
none  \\\im\  d.  and/ro«.  notone       [use 
non  cf-fect'ive  [nOn'ef-f4k'tlv]  a.  no 
non  e-lec'tion  [-c-lek'shun]  it.  void 
non-en'ti-ty  [-in'tl-tyl  «.  not  existing 
non  es-sen'tial  [-es-sen'sh<il)  a. 
none'such'  [inm'sQch'l  H.noolhersuch 
non  ex-ist'ence  [-egz-ist'cns]  n. 
non  ful-P.ll'ment  rfglfii'm«nt]  «. 
no-nil'lion  inAnllyOnl  «. 
non-in  ter-ven'tion  [-ter-ven'shOn] «. 
nonme-tal'lic[-mt-tal'lik]<i.  not  metal 






non'ny  [n<Sn'ny]  n.  a  silly  fellow 
non'pa-reil'  [nOn'pa-rel'l  a.  nonesuch 
non-pay'ment  [-pa'mfnt]  «.  not  paid 
non'plus'  [nun'plus'J  v.i.  to  puzzle 
non'pros'l  •prds'ji'.;'.  to  fail  to  prosecute 
non-res'i-dent  Infin-rez'I-dfnt]  a. 
nonre-sist'ance  [re  zist'ans]  «.pas- 
non'sense  [bens]  «.  folly  [siveness 

non-sen'si-cal  [sen'sl-kal]  a.  absurd 
non'suit'  [nOn'sut']  «   suit  withdrawn 
noo'dle  [noo'd'l]  n.  a  ninny 
nook  [nook]  7(.  a  corner 
no-ol'o-gy  |n6-6rd-jy]  «.  science  of  the 
noon  [noon]  ;;.  midday    [unticrstandin^ 
noon'tide'  [-tid')  ;;.  time  of  noon 
noose  [noos]  71.  a  loop 
nope  [nop]  K.  a  bull-finch 
nor  [nor]  ca>!j.  a  negative 
nor'mal  [nOr'ninl]  a.  natural 
Nor'man  [-miin]  a.  pert,  to  Normandy 
Norse  [nors]  «.  language  of  N.  Europe 
Norse'man  [-mun]  n.  a  Northman 
north  [nor//;]  )!.  a  direction  op.  to  south 
north'east'  [est']  «.  between  north  and 
north'east'ern  [ern]  a.  [east 

north'ern  1-ern]  u.  pert,  to  north 
north' ward  |-werd]  n.  toward  the  north 
northwest'   (-west']  k.  between  n< 
north-west'ern  [-ern]  a.         [and  west 
Nor-we'gi-an  [nor-we'jl-an]   «.  native 
nose  [noz]  !t.  part  efface       [of  Norway 
nose'bag'  [bag']  «.  a  feed  bag 
nose'gay'  [-ga']  «.  abouquet        [noses 
no-sol'o-gy    [n6-s6r6-jy]    7t.  study   of 
nos'tril  InOs'tril]  «.  part  of  nose 
nos'trum  [trum]  n.  quack  medicine 
not  [nSt]  aii-'.  denial 
not'a-ble  [not'a-b'l]  a.  remarkable 
no'ta-ry  [no'ta-ry-]  n.  civil  olficer 
no-ta'tion[n6-ta'shun]  ?!.act  of  record- 
notch  [nOch]  «.  to  cut  ling 
note  [not]  7'J.  to  observe 
note'-book'  [not'-bSSk']  n.  record  book 
note'pa'per  [pa'per]  «.  paper  5x8 
note'wor'thy  [-wOr'thy]  a.  remarkabh 
noth'ing  [nu/A'ing]  n.  none  at  all 
no'tice  [no'tls]  «.  perception 
no'tice-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  conspicuous 
no'ti-fi-ca'tion  [fj-ka'shun]  «.  notice 
no'ti-fy  [-fi]  z'.t-  to  give  notice 
no'tion  [no'shijnl  ft.  an  opinion 
no'tion-al  l-al]  a.  fanciful 
noto-ri'e-ty  [-t6-rT'e-ty]  «.  distinction 
nO-to'ri-OUS  [nO-to'ri-us]  a.  noted 

not'with-stand'ing    [nsfwith-stand' 
noun  [noun]  n.  a  name  [ing]  prep. 

nour'ish  [nur'ish]  Z'.t.  to  feed 
nour'ish-ment  [mentj  ;;.  food 
nov'el  [nfiv'cl]  a.  new;  n.  a  tale 
nov'el-ist  [-ist]  «.  a  novel  writer 
nov'el-ty  [  ty]  n.  newness 
No-vem'ber[n6-vem'ber]  n.  nth  month 
no-ven'ni-al  [-ven'nl-<jl]  a.  every  nine 
nov'ice  [nOv'Is]  n.  beginner  [years 







no-vi'ti-ate  [nS-vish'I-Stl  «.  a  novice 
now  [nou]  iitiz>.  instantly 
now'a-days'  [a-daz]  at/v. 
no'ways'  tno'waz]  adv.  not  at  all 
no'where'  [hwar'l  adv.  not  any  where 
no'wise'  [-wizl  ad-:  in  noway 
nox'ious  (nak'shusl  a.  hurtful 
noz'zle  [nOz'zl]  «.  a  short  tube 
nu'cle-US  [nu'kle-us]  >i.  central  mass 
nude  [nuii]  a.  naked 
nudge  Inujl  I./,  to  touch  lightly 
nu'di-ty  (nu'ditjl  «.  nakedness 
nu'ga-to-ry  [nuga-ts-ryl  a.  trifling 
nug'get  (nujfge'l  "■  1"">P  of  gold 
nui'sance  [mi  sans]  >i.  offensive 
null  ih"ll  .'.void 
nul  li-fi-ca'tion  [lifi-ka'shani  «. 
nul'li-fi  er[fier]«.one  who  makes  void 
nul'li-fy  [f  i]  '■/.  to  make  void 
numb  [nuinl  a.  insensible 
num'ber  [nOm'ber]  v.t.  to  count       fble 
Num'bers  [z]  n.  fourth  book  of  the  Bi- 
num'ber-less  [-les]  a.  countless 
nu'mer-al  [nu  mer-alj  «.  a  figure 
nu'mer-ate  [at]  I'.t.  to  number 
uu  mer-a'tion[-a'shunl>i.  a  numbering 
nu-mer'ic-al  |meri-k,ill  a.  numbered 
nu'mer-ous[numer-usJa.  great  number 
nu  mis-mat'ic  (numlz  mit'tk]  a. 
nun  [nun)  fi.  woman  in  convent     [Pope 
nun'ci-0    [-shio]    «.  representative  of 
nun'cu-pate  [ku-pat]  v.i.  to  declare 
nun'ner-y  [ner-y]  h.  a  convent 
nup'tial  [nup'shal]  a.  pert,  to  marriage 
nup'tials  I-shrtlz]  n./>/.  marriage 
nurse  [nCirs]  z^.t.  to  foster 
nurs'er-y  (er-yl  k.  child's  room 
nurs'ling  [ling]  w.  an  infant 
nur'ture  [nOr'tur]  v.t.  to  feed 
nut  [nutj  II.  a  fruit 
nut  meg  r-mcg]  >i.  a  spice  nut 
nu'tri-ent  [nu'trl-.-ntl  <?.  nutritious 

nu'tri-ment  ino  tri-mt-nti  «.  food 
nu-tri'tion  [nQ-trish'un]  >i.  nutriment 
nu-tri'tious  (-trlsh'us]  a.  nourishing 
nu'tri-tive  |nu'trr-tiv)  a.  alimental 
nut'shell'  (niit'shel'l  ".cover  to  kernel 
nux  vom'i-ca  |nuks'vc>m'l-ka]«. 
nuz'zle  (nQz'z'l)  v.i.  to  foster 
nye  Ini)  m.  brood  of  pheasants 
nymph  [nimf )  «.  goddess  of  woods 

oaf  [of]  «.  an  idiot 
oak  |6kj  It.  a  tree 
oak'en  [-'nl  a.  made  of  oak 
oak'um  [Qm)  «.  loose  fibre 
oar  'Ir]  «.  long  paddle 
oared  Ifltd]  a.  furnished  with  oars 
oar'less  [Rs)  a.  without  oars 
oars'man  (Orz'munl  «.  a  rower 
oar'weed   [6r'w4d')  «.  seaweed 
o'a-sis  |6'4sls)  fertile  spot 
oat'cake'  [(■it'klk'l  «.  take  made  of  oat- 
oats  [Olsl  «.//.  gr.iin  lineal 




oath  {bt!i\  n.  affirmation 
oat'meal'  [St'meri  «.  meal  of  oats 
ob'du-ra-cy  [Sb'du-ra-sJ]  n.  obstinacy 
ob'du-rate  [rati  a.  unyielding       ['ince 
0-be'di-ence    [o-be'di-cnsl   «.   compli- 
o-be'di-ent  [cnt)  a.  dutiful 
o-bei'sance  (simsi  «.  a  bow 
ob'e-lisk  [Ob'e-Uskl  «.  a  pillar 
ob'e-lus  ;-lcisl  n.  any  pointed  mark 
Ob'er-on  [-Cr-enl  n.  king- of  fairies 
0-bese'  [6-bes'l  a.  fat;  stout 
0-bes'i-ty  [O-bes'i-ty]  n.  fleshiness 
0-bey'  [S-ba'l  •:■./.  to  comply 
ob-fus'cate  [Sb-fus'katl  t/.^.  to  darken 
o'bit  [o-bitj  H.  date  of  one's  death 
0-bit'u-a-ry  [6-bit'u-a-ry]  n. 
ob'ject  [Ob'jcktl  n.  something  tangible 
ob-ject'  lob-jekt'l  -v.l.  to  oppose 
ob-,iec'tion  [ob-jek'shun]  n.  scruple 
ob-.jec'tion-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a. 
ob-.jec'tive  [tiv]  a.  outward 
ob-.ject'or  [6b-jokt'erl  «. 
ob-jur'gate  [6b-jur'gat]  v.t.  to  chide 
ob'Jur-ga'tion  (ab'.iur-ga'shunj  n. 
ob-.jur'ga-to-ry  [Ob-jQr'ga-tO-ryl  a. 
ob-'late'  [lat'J  a.  flattened  at  the  poles 
ob-la'tion  [ib-la'shOn]  n.  a  sacrifice 
ob'li-gate  [ob'll-gat]  I'.t.  to  bind 
ob'li-ga'tion  [-fja'sliun]  n.  a  duty 
ob'li-ga-to-ry  [-tra-tS-ry]  a  binding 
0-blige'  [o-blijl  1'  t.  to  compel 
0-bli'ging  [jlng]  a.  civil 
ob-lique'  |Ob-lek'l  a.  slanting 
ob-lit'er-ate  [6b-Iit'5r-at]  v.t.  to  erase 
ob-lit'er-a'tion  t-a'shfln]  h.  extinction 
ob-liv'i-on  [-llv-'i-un]  «.  forgetfulness 
ob-liv'i-OUS  l-usj  a.  forgetful 
ob'long  [ob'long]  a.  longer  than  broad 
ob'lo-quy  [ob'lo-kwy]  k  slander 
ob'mu-tes'cence  (ob'mu-tes'sfns]  n. 
ob-nox'ious  [Ob-nok'shus]  a.  hateful 
o'boe  [ri'li.jil  ;r.  a  wind  instrument 
o'bo-ist  [r.'bo-ist]  «.  performer  on  oboe 
ob-scene'  (5b-sen'l  a.  lewd 
ob-scen'i-ty  (ab-sen't-tyj  u.  lewdness 
ob'SCU-ra'tion  lob'sku-ra'shun]  «. 
ob-scure'  |db-skur']  a.  dim 
ob-scu'ri-ty  [6b-sku'ri-tyl  h.  gloom 
ob'se-crate  [Ob'se-krat]  v.t.  to  beseech 
ob'se-cra'tion  [kra'shun]  «.  entreaty 
ob-se'qui-OUS  [Ob-se'kwl-us]  a.  servile 
ob'se-quy  (6b'se-kwy]  «.  funeral  rite 
ob-serv'a-ble  [ab-zerv'a-b'l]  a. 
ob-serv'ance  [-.ins]  n.  a  practice 
ob-serv'ant  [-imt]  a.  mindful 
ob'ser-va'tion  [ob'zer-va'shflnj  «. 
ob-serv'a-to-ry  [Ob-zcrv'a-to-ry]  n. 
ob-serve'  [ob-zerv'l  ii.t.  to  heed 
ob-serv'er  [-er]  «.  one  who  observes 
ob'so-lete  [Sb'sSdetl  a.  disused 
ob'sta-cle  [6b'sta-k'l]  «.  obstruction 
ob-stet'ric  (-stefrlk)  a. 
ob'sti-na-cy  [Ob'stl-ni-sy]  «.  firmness 

\_\^\"  V 







ob'sti-nate  r  nitl  n.  stubborn 
ob-strep'er-ous  (streper-Osj  a.  noisy 
ob-Struct'  (ol.-strukt'l  ^v.  to  stop 
ob-struc'tion  l-struk'shunl  «.  obstacle 
ob-struc'tion-ist  |-tst|  «.hinderer 
ob-struct'ive  [tiv)  a.  hindering 
ob-tain'  [ObtSn  l  ^•./.  to  acquire 
ob-tain'a-ble  lib'l)  a.  procurable 
ob-trude'  (5b-trud'l  I'.f.  to  intrude 
ob-tru'sion  (6l>-truzhunl  m.  intruding 
ob-tru'sive  [siv]  <r.  pushing 
ob-tiind'  [0V)-tund'l  v.r.  to  blunt 
ob-tuse'  I6b-tus'|  .7.  dull 
ob-tuse'ness  [nesl  k.  bluntness 
ob-tu'sion  [ftb-tuzhun]  k.  made  blunt 
ob'verse  (Ob  versj  h.  prin.  face  of  coin 
ob-vert'  [vert']  v./.  to  turn  toward 
ob'vi-ate  ICb'vi-atj  v.t.  to  prevent 
ob'vi-ous  (us]  (7.  plain 
ob'vi-ous-ly  [ly]  ndv.  clearly 
OC-ca'sion  [ok-ka'zliQn]  ft.  occurence 
oc-ca'sion-al  (nil  a.  casual 
oc-ca'sion-al-ly  [rtl-Iy]  .7<fv.  at  times 
oc'ci-dent  (ok  sl-d^ntj  «.  the  west 
OCCi-den'tal  I-den'tal)  a.  western 
OC-cip'i-tal  (sipltrtlj  rt.  pert,  to  back 
oc'ci-put  |6k  sj-puti  7(.  lofskull 

oc-cult'  [okkult]  a.  concealed       [star 
OC  cul-ta'tion[k01ta'shunl)(.eclipse  of 
oc'cu-pan-cy  (-kii-pan'syj  ;i. possession 
oc'cu-pant  li)i?ntl  «.  dweller 
OC  CU-pa'tion  [pa'shun]  k.  calling 
OC  cu-py  [pll  v.t.  to  possess 
oc-cur'  [ok-kur'  1 1'.!.  to  meet 
oc-cur'rence  (ok-kor'rcnsl  «.  event, 
o'cean  (o  shim)  «.  the  great  outer  sea 
0  ce-an'ic  [o'shS-Sn'ikl  a.  pert.toocean 
0-ce'a-nus  [Ssea-nub]  ».  goil  of  ocean 
0-cel'la-ted  [O-sel'la-tedl  a.  like  an  eye 
0-cel'luS  (-IQsl  II.  eye  like  spot 
o'ce-lot  [asclOtl  H.  kind  of  wild  cat 
o'cher  i  okerl  >i.  colored  clay 
o;'ta-son  (uk'tS-gOn)  h.  8  sided  figure 
OC-ta^'o-nal  [oktagOnul]  a. 
oc'tant  [Ok'trtnt]  «.  eighth  part  of  circle 
oc'tave  |-tSv]  ;(.  the  diatonic  scale 
OC-ta'vo  l-vOl  If.  book  8  leaves  toasheet 
OC-tet'  t^jk-tet')  II.  music  by  8  voices 
OC-til'lion  (Ok-tH'yunl  tt.  unit  with  27 
Oc-to'ber  loklOlicr]  «.  (ciphers 

OC  to-ge-na'ri-an  l6k'tC-je-na'ri-<in];i. 
oc'to-pus  [Ik'tS-pus]  tt.  the  devil  fish 
DC  to-roon'  (roon']  II.  one  with  mixed 
OC'tu-ple  (tiip'll  (T.  eight-fold      [blood 
oc'u-lar  (Okii-lerl  n.  pert,  to  the  eye 
oc'u-list  l-llstl  H.  eye  doctor 
odd  i  J 1 1  rt.  singular  fsoc. 

Odd'fellow  [-ffel-lA]  «.  one  of  a  secret 
odd'i-ty  [l-tyl  11.  singularity 
odd'ly  [ly]  aiiv.  strangely 
odd'ness  [-nfisl  >i.  strangeness 
odds  ( 'idzj  II.  ■'III.!,'',  and//,  difference 
ode  [O'll  «.  short  pOL-m 






O'din  [o'dtn]  «.  North  European  myth, 
o'di-ous  [o'cll-us]  a.  hateful  [god 

o'di-um  [um]  n  hatred 
o'dol  (o'dol)  !i.  a  mouth  wash 
o'dor  [o'der]  n.  perfume 
o'dor-ous  [-usl  a.  fragrant 
Od'ys-sey    [6d'Is-sy]  n.   Homer's   epic 
o'er  [6r\J>ref  over  Ipoem 

of  [Sv]  />-<•/.  relating  to 
off  |6f  I  ad-j.  separation 
offal  [Sf'f.tll  >(.  carrion;  refuse 
of-fence'  [Sf-fens'J  k.  an  insult 
of-fend'  [Sf-fend'l  v.t.  to  displease 
of-fend'er  [crj  «.  a  wrongdoer 
of-fen'sive  (of-fen'sni  a.  insolent 
offer  [61  ferj  v.t.  to  present 
of'fer-ing  (Ing]  n.  thatwhich  is  offered 
of  fer-to-ry  [-to-ry]  n.  the  collection  at 
off'hand'  [Of'hand']  a.  instant    [church 
office  [-fibl  7i.  place  of  business 
of  fice-hold'er  [-hold'erj  «.  an  officer 
offi-cer  [uffi-ser!  «. 
of-fi'cial  [6f-f  Ish'al]  a.  pert,  to  office 
of-fi'ci-ate  [-I-at]  v.i.  to  act 
of-fi'cious  [-us]  a.  meddling 
oflfing  [ofing]  n.  deep  water 
off'scour'ing  [6f  skour'ingj  n.  refuse 
off'scum'  [-skum']  n.  filth 
off'set'  [-sSt'l  v.t.  to  balance 
off'shoot    ['shiSot']  «.  a  branch 
off' spring  [spring]  n.sin^.  and//, 
oft  (Oft)  <7,i'z'.  often 
often  [Ofn]  aiiv.  frequent 
of  ten-times  [Of'n-timz]  adv.  often 
o'gle  [6'g'l]  ?^.  amorous  side  glance 
o'gre  [6'ger]  w.  an  imaginary  monster 
o'gress  [o'gres]  k.  female  ogre  [on  tone 
oh   [oj   /7//'£'?7'.  with  meaning  depending 
ohm  [6m]  n.  unit  of  electric  resistance 
O-id'i-um  [6-Id'I-um]  k.  vine  mildew 
oil  loil]  71.  unctuous  substance  loily 

oil'i-ness  [-i-nes]  7i.   quality   of  being 
oil'y  [-yl  <7.  containing  oil 
oint'ment  [oint'm^nt]  «.  salve 
o'kra  [okraj  «.  aplant 
old  (okll  a.  aged 

old'en  ['n]  a.  ancient  (style 

old'fash'ioned  [fash'und]  a.  obsolete 
O'le-ag'i-nous  [o'le-aj'l-nOs]  a.  oily 
ole-an'der  [-an'der]  tl.  a  shrub 
O'le-as'ter  [-as'ter]  «.  the  wild  olive 
O'le-O-graph  [O-graf  ]  k.  kind  of  litho. 

o'le-o-mar'ga-rine  [-mar'ga-rin]  «. 
ol-fac'to-ry  [fak'tS-ryJ.r.  pert,  to  smell 
ol'i-gar  chy  [61'i-gar'ky]  n.  a  govern- 
o'li-O  [o'liO]  K.  a  miscellany  [ment 

ol'ive  [el'iv]  «.  a  tree  and  its  fruit 
ol'o-gy  [olo-jy]  n.  colloquial  name  for 
0-lym'pi-ad  [6-lim'pi-ad]  h.      [science 
om'ber  [6m'ber]  «.  a  game  at  cards 
0-me'ga  [4-me'ga]  «.  last  letter  Greek 
om'e-let[ -let  I  «.egg  pancake    [alphabet 
o'men  [o'men]  n.  a  foreboding 
o'mer  [O'merJ  n,  a  Hebrew  measure 


r  O  r 




Om'i-nOUS  [aml-nQs]  a.  portentous 
O-mis'sion  [i-mishun]  «.  left  undone 
0-mit'  limit  ]  z-.r.  to  leave  out 
Om'ni-  [am  al-lpre/ij:,  all,  every 
om'ni-bus  (Cm'nJ-bOsl  >i.  a  vehicle 
om-nific  (om-nif  ik)  a.  all  creating 
on-nip'o-tence  [nip'o-tt-nsl  «.  God 
om-nip'o-tent[-ttntla.unlimitecl  power 

on'ni-pres'ence  [ens]  «.  everywhere 
om  ni-pres'ent  (tnt]  a.      (knowledge 
om-nis'cience  [am-nish'^s)  «.  all 
om-niv'o-rous  [Om-niv'i-rus]  a. 
on  [i'Mi  1  pyfp.  in  contact  with 
once  (wi'ms)  ad-j.  for  one  time 
on  dit'  (ox  dc]  F.  it  is  said 
one  [wun]  a.  single  unit 
one'ness  [nSs]  n.  unity  fdians 

0-nei'das  [4-nidaz)  n.fl.  tribe  of  In- 
on'er-ate  [On'er-atl  r-.t.  to  burden 
on'er-ous  [-usj  a.  burdensome        [else 
one's'seir  [wflnz'sSlf  ]  H.not  somebody 
on'ion  [un'yun]  ?f.  edible  bulbous  root 
on'ly  [on'ly]  a.  singly;  afff. simply;  con, 
on'set   [on'set]  «.  an  assault      [except 
on'slaughf  [On'slat']  n.  an  attack 
on  to  l'"'n'too]/rt7>,  upon 
o'nus  l".  nus]  «./,.  a  burden 
on'ward  [On'werd]  adv.  forward 
o'nyx  [oniksl  n.  a  veined  gem 
o'o-lite  [0  e-litj  n.  variety  of  limestone 
oo'long  (oo'lOngl  jt.  a  tea 
ooze  [oJz]  n.  soft  flow 
0-pac'i-ty  [Spas'i-ty]  «.  want  of  trans- 
o'pal  I J  pi!l)  n.  a  mineral  Iparency 

o  pal-es'cent  [-es's^nt]  a.  opal-like 
0-paque'  [O-pak]  a.  not  clear 
o-paque'ness  [nes]  «.  opacity 
o'pen  [0  p  n)  <!.  not  shut  up 
o'pen-air'  a.  out-door 
o'pen-hand  ed  [hand  ed]  a.  liberal 
o'pen-ing  t-Ing]  «.  a  beginning 
O'pen-ly  (.:,  p'n-ly]  ad-j.  not  in  private 
o'pen-mouthed'  [-mouthd'J  a.  gaping 
O'pen-ness  t-nes)  «.  state  of  being  open 
op'er-a  [Op'er-i]  n.  musical.drama 
op'er-ate  [Oper-at]  v.i.  to  perform 
op  er-at'ic  lop'er-at'ik]  a.  musical 
op  er-a'tion  [-a'shun]  n.  action 
op'er-a-tive  [-j-tlv]  n.  a  worker 
op'er-a  tor  [-J'ter]  n.  one  who  operates 
op'er-ose'  [c^p'er-os'l  a.  weary;  tedious 
o'phite  (.J  fit]  K.  kind  of  marble 
oph-thal'mi-a  [of-^Aai'ml-i]  «.eyedis- 
oph-thal'mic  [mlk]  a.  ocular        lease 
O  pi-an'ic  [6  pl-an'lk]  a.  pert,  to  opium 
O'pi-ate  lo'pl-atl  «.  a  narcotic 
o-pine'  [4pin']  -v.t.  and  i.  to  think 
o-pin'ion  Ifi-pIn'yOn]  «.  a  notion 
o-pin'ion-ated  [-a'ted]  a.  obstinate 
O-pin'ion-ist  I  Ist]  n.  [from  poppy 

o'pi-um  ("ipl-um]  «.   a  drug  obtained 
op  0-del'doc  ((■ip4-d<;l'd6k|  «. 
O-pos'sum  [A-pfts'sOm]  ii.  an  animal 
op  pi-la'tion  Ivp  )>i  la'shfln)  «. 








Op-po'nent  [Sp-po'ncnt]  n.  opposer 
Op'por-tune'  [Op'pSr-tun'l  <;.  timely 
oppor-tune'ly  [-ly]  adv.  seasonably 
op'por-tu'ni-ty  [-tQ'nI-t>]  «.  occasion 
op-pos'a-ble  [6p-poz'a-b'l)  a. 
op-pose'  [Op-poz'l  v.t.  to  olistruct 
op-pos'er  (er]  n.  an  adversary 
op'po-site  [Op'po-zlt]  a.  facing- 
op'po-si'tion  [-zish'finj  7t.  resistance 
op-press'  [Sp-pres'J  'v.t.  to  burden 
op-pres'sion  [6p-presh'an]  «   tyranny 
op-press'ive  [6p-pres'IvJ  a.  heavy 
Op-press'or  [-erj  n.  tyrant 
op-pro'bri-OUS  [pro'brf-Os]  a.  despised 
op-pro'bri-ura  [-um]  «. disgrace 
op-pugn'  [6p-pQn']  -v.t.  to  attack 
op-pug'nant  tOp-pQg'nnnt]  a.  hostile 
op'tic  [r.p'tik]  ti.  an  eye 
Op'tic-al  |6p'ti-l«7ll  (Z.pert.  to  the  sight 
Op'ti'cian  [tish'^nj  «.  dealer  in  glasses 
op'tics  [-tiks]  ?2.  science  of  light  &  vision 
Op'ti-graph  [-ti-graf  ]  n. 
op'ti-mism  [-tI-mrzni]K.all  for  the  best 
op'ti-mist  [6p'ti-mlstl  n. 
op'tion  [6p'shun]  «.  choice 
Op'tion-al  \-a\\  a.  at  one's  choice 
op'u-ience  (op'i-lcns]  >/.  wealth 
Op'u-ient  [lent]  <r.  wealthy 
or  [6t]  conj.  marks  an  alternative 
or'a-cle[6r'a-k'l]»!.mouth-piece  of  deity 
0-rac'u-lar  [O-rak  u-ler]  a.  pert,  to  or- 
o'ral  [o'rul]  a.  spoken  [acle 

or'ange  [Sr'enj]  n.  a  fruit 
or'ange-ade'  [-sd'J  «.  orange  juice  fant 
or'ange-man  [mizn]  n.  Belfastprotest- 
or'an-ger-y  [-enj-er-y]  ?/.  orange  grove 
o-rang'ou-tang'  [o-rsng'oo-tang']  n. 
O-ra'tion  [6-ra'shiin]  ii.  speech 
or'a-tor  [cSr'a-ter]  n.  a  speaker 
or  a-tor'ic-al  [-t6r'l-kalj  a.  rhetorical 
ora-to'ri-o  [to'rt-S]  «. 
or'a-to-ry  [ts-ry]  h.  eloquence 
or'a-tress  [-tres]  «.  female  orator 
orb  [orb]  ;:.  a  globe 
or-bic'u-lar  [6r-bik'ii-lerl  a.  spherical 
Of'bit  [or'bit]  «.  a  planet's  path 
or'chard  [or'cherd]  «.  fruit  garden 
or'ches-tra  [or'kes-tra]  «.  musicians 
or'ches-tral  [■tta\]a.  pert,  to  orchestra 
or'chid  [orkld]  «.  a  showy  flower 
or-dain'  [or-dan'J  v.i.  to  appoint 
or'de-al  [or'de-alj  n.  a  severe  test 
or'der  [or'tler]  «.  method 
or'der-ly  [-ly]  k.  military  messenger 
or'der-ly  [ly]  adv.  methodically 
or'di-  nal  [-dl-nal]  a.  order;  n.  ritual 
or'di-  nance  [or'di-nflns]  «.  an  edict 
or'di-  aa-ri-ly  [-ni-rMy]  adv,  as  a  rule 
or'di-na-ry  [-ry]  a,  common 
or'di-na'tion  [-na'shun]  k.  a  rite 
Ord'nance  [ord'n^rns]  «.  cannon,  etc. 
or'dure  [dr'dur]  «.  dung;  filth 
ore  [or]  n.  a  metal 
or'gan  [Sr'gan]  n.  an  instrument 

\   ^    \-> 


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or-gan'ic  [6r-gan'ikl  a.  structural 
or'gan-ism[5r'g<in-lz"mJ«.  living  body 
or'gan-ist  (or'gan-istl  K. 
organ-i-za'tion  [6r'gan-I-zS'shun]  »; 
Or'gan-ize  [or'gan-izl  v.f.  to  arrange 
or'gies  [flr'jtzl  «.//.  revelry;  a  carouse 
or'i-el  [o'ri-el]  ».  a  gallery;  bay  window 
o'ri-ent  [-entl  a.  eastern 
0  ri-en'tal  [en'tal]  a.  pert,  to  the  east 
or'i-fice  [or'if  is]  «.  an  opening 
or'i-flamb  [-flim]  «.  a  red  silk  flag 
or'i-gin  [Or'I-jinl  k.  source 
O-rigr'i-nal  [4-rIj'i-n<?ll  «.  not  copie:l 
0-rig  i-nal'i-ty  (-nril'i-ti)  «.  newness 
0-rig'i-nate  l  nat)  v.i.  to  cause  to  be 
o'ri-ole  [o'ri-ol]  «.  a  singing  bird 
0-ri'on[4-ri'6n]«.  constellation  of  stars 
or'i-son  [Sr'i-zOnl  h.  a  prayer 
or  mo-lu'  [or'mi-lu'l  k.  kind  of  brass 
or'na-ment  [or'na-nu-nt]  f./.  to  adorn 
or  na-men'tal  [-men't<7li  <».  adorned 
or'na-men-ta'tion  [men-ta'shun]  a. 
or'nate  [Or'nitJ  .i.  beautiful 

or  ni-thol'o-gy  [orni/Aol'S-jyl  «• 
o'roide  [o'roid]  h.  an  alloy  resembling 
o-rol'o-gy  [o-rsro-jyl  "■  Igold 

o'ro-tund'  [6'r6-tflnd]a. musical;  smooth 
or'phan  [or'fan]  k.  without  parents 
or'phan-age  t-ijl  «■  orphan  asylum 
Or'phe-US  [6r'fe-usl  h.  a  mytliic  poet 
or'pi-ment  [pT-mt-nt]  «.  yellow  arsen 
or're-ry  [6r'r$-ryJ  n.  solar  system  model 
or'ris  [Orris]  >t.  kind  of  flower-de-luce 
or' tho-(6r'th6-]/>-?.right;correct;  sound 
Or'tho-dox[6r7/i6-d0ks]<r.sound  in  faith 
or'tho-e-py  [S-py]  «.correctpronunc 
or-thog'ra-phy  [-//i6g'ri-fy]  «.  [ation 
or-thop'e-dy   [6r-iAop'e-dy]  7:.  curing 
os'cil-tate  [us'sil-lat]  v.t.      [deformity 
OS  cil-la'tion  [-la'shun]  n.  vibration 
os'cu-lcte  (us'k(i-lSt]  v.i.  to  kiss      [Ing 
OS  CU-la'tion  [li'shfln]  n.  act  of  kiss 
0'sier[ozhJr]«. a  willow;  basket  willow 
OS'mOSe  [Oz'mos]  «.  mixing  of  liquids 
os'mund  [Oz'mund]  «.  a  flowering  feyi 
OS'prey  [6s'pra]  h.  the  fish-hawk 
OS  se-OUS  (Cs'se-usJ  a.  bony 
OS  si-fi-ca'tion  [os'sl-fl-ka'shan]  «. 

os'si-fy  [  fi]  T-l-  to  harden 
os-ten'si-ble  [6s-t6n'si-b'li  a.  shown 
08  ten-ta'tion  [-ta'shun]  «.  pomp    * 
OS  ten-ta'tious  [-shos]  a.  boastful 
Oste-ol'o-gy  [Os-te-Ol'4-jy]  «. 
os'tra-cism  (Os'tra-slz'm)  «.  exclusion 
os'tra-cize  [siz]  f ./.  to  exclude 
OS'trich  [Ostrich]  «.  large,  tall  bird 
Oth'er  [flth'er]  conj.  not  this 
Oth'er-wise  [wlzj  a,iz:  difl'erently 
Ol'ta-was  (Ot'ti-waz)  «.//.  tribe  of  In- 
Ot'ter  [(■jt'terj  «.  an  animal  Idians 

ot'to-man  [ut'tA-man]  n.  stuffed  scat 
ouch  (owth)  «.  ajewel  socket 
ought  [at]  aux.v.  in  duty  bound 
ounce  [ouns]  ».  a  weight;  kid  of  leopard 






our  [our] /'oss.pron.  belonging  to  us 
our-selves'  [-selvz'J/ron. 
oust  [oust]  z:t.  to  cast  out 
OUSt'er  [er]  Jt.  ejection;  one  who  casts 
out  [out]  «</f.  away:  not  in  tout 

out-bid'  [-bid' I  z'.t.  to  bid  more 
out'break'  [-lirak'J  «.  an  eruption 
out'building  [-blld'Ingl  k.  outhouse 
out'cast'  [kast'l  K.  a  vagabond 
out'come'  [kum']  k.  result 
out'cri  er  [krier]  M.  a  herald 
Out'cry'  [-kri'J  K.  loud  cry 
out-do'  [•doo']v.e.  to  excel 
out'doors'  [dorz']  adv.  out  of  doors 
OUt'er  [er]  a.  external 
out'er-most'  [-most'  ]a.  extreme  outside 
OUt'fit  [-fitl  >i.  equipment 
out-flank'  [-flangk'J  v.e.  to  pass  around 
OUt-flow'  I-flo']  v.i.  to  flow  out 
out-gen'er-al  [-jen'er-alj  v.t. 
OUt'gO'  [go']  K.  expenditure 
OUt'gO  ing  [iiig]  >i.  departing 
out-grow'  [gra'J  v.i.  to  surpass 
out'growth'  [gro/A']  «.  a  result 
out'ing  [ing]  n.  an  airing 
out-land'ish  [-ISnd'Ish]  a.  clownish 
out-last'  [list']  v.i.  to  survive 
out'law'  [la']  !i.  a  robber 
out'lay'  [la']  K.  expenditure 
out'let'  [let']  It.  an  exit 
out'line'  [lin']  «.  sketch 
out-live'  [llv'l  v./.  to  survive 
out'look'  [-look']  >!.  prospect 
out'ly'ing  [H'ing]  a.  remote 
out'most   [most']  a.  farthermost 
out-num'ber  [-num'ber]  v.t.  toexcee^^ 
out'post'  [-post']  K.  advanced  post 
out'puf  [put)  «.  amount  produced 
out'rage'  [rsj']  «.  gross  injury 
out-ra'geous  [-ra'jus]  a  heinous 
out'rid'er  [-rid'er]  >t.  a  servant 
out'rig'ger  [rig'ger]  «.  aspar 
out'right   [uut'rit'J  ad-j.  utterly 
out' set   [out'set']  n.  a  setting  out 
out-shine'   [out-shin'l   f.t.   to  excel  in 
out'side'  [sifl'l  u.  external       [splendor 
out  sid'er  [sld'er]  «.  not  of  the  party 
out' skirt'  [out'skert']  k.  border 
out-spo'ken  [out-spo'k'n]  a.  openly 
out-stand'ing  [-stind'Ing]  a.  not  paid 
out-stretch'  [strech']  v.t. 
out-strip'  [out-strip']  v.e.  to  outrun 
OUt'ward  [out'werd]  a.  exterior      fdoni 
out-'wit'  [out-wit' ]f./.  to  surpass  inwis- 
o'val  [6'v(7l]  «.  egg-shaped  figure 
o'va-ry  [o'va-ry]  «. 
O-va'tion  [6-va'shun]  «.  a  tribute 
ov'en  [ijv'  n]  n.  heater  for  baking 
o'ver  [o'ver]/rf/.  and  adv.  above 
O'ver-act'  [-akt]  v.i.  to  act  to  excess 
o'ver-alls  [-alz]  n.//.  loose  trousers 
0  ver-anx'ious  [-sngk'shos]  a. 
0'ver-awe'[-a']  v.t.  to  restrain  by  fear 
o'ver-bal'ance  [-bal'ans]  v.e. 




over-bear'ing  [bar'lng]  a.  arrogant 

o'ver-board  [-bord]  arfr. 

0  ver-bur'den[-bur'd'n]i'.^.  tooverloac'. 

O  ver-cast'  [kast'j  -v.t.  to  darken 

o'ver-charge'  [charj']  n. 

o'ver-coat  [kot]  k.  a  garment 

0  ver-come'  [  kum']  7./.  to  subdue    . 

0  ver-do'  [5  ver-doo']  v.l-  to  exhaust 

0  ve^-d^a■w't■dra']^■./.  to  draw  in  excess 

0  ver-due'  [du')  a.  past  due 

0  ver-flow'  [-flo'l  ^■./.  to  inundate 

o'ver-growth'  [gro/A]  «. 

0  ver-hang'  [hang'l  v.  to  hang  over 

0  ver-has'ty  [hss'ty)  a.  too  hasty 

0  ver-haul'  [hal'l  f ./.  to  inspect 

0  ver-head'  [hed']  adv.  above 

0  ver-is'sue  [ish'u]  «.  excessive  issue 

o'ver-joy   Ijoi'l  k.  great  Joy 

o  ver-lay'  [is'l  v.t.  to  cover 

0  ver-load'  [lod']  v.t.  to  load  too  much 

0  ver-look'  [look'l  v.t.  to  excuse 

o  ver-much'  [much']  a.  too  much 

O  ver-neat'  [net']  n.  excessively  neat 

0  ver-nice'  [nis'l  a.  fastidious 

0  ver-pass'  [pas']  v.t.  to  surpass 

O  ver-pow'er  [-pou'er]  v.t.  to  defeat 

O  ver-rate'  [rS  t' ]■;■./.  to  rate  too  highly 

o  ver-reach'  [rech']  v  i.  to  cheat 

over-ride'  [rid']  v.t.  to  annul 

0  ver-rule'  [rul']  v.t   decide  against 

0  ver-run'  [run']  v.t.  to  invade  and  oc- 

O  ver-see'  [  se'l  v.t.  to  direct         Lcupy 

0  ver-seer'  [  ser*]  «.  supervisor 

0  ver-shad'ow  (shad'Sj  v.t.  to  obscure 

o'ver-shoe   [shoo]  h.  rubber  shoe 

0  ver-shoot'  [shoot']  v.t.  to  exceed 

o'ver-sighf  [sit']  «.  an  omission 

o  ver-spread'  [spred']  v.t.  to  cover 

0  ver-step'  [step']  v.t.  to  transgress 

0  ver-stock'  [-st6k'i  v.t.  to  fill  too  full 

o'vert  [6  vert)  a.  public 

o  ver-take'  [o'ver-tak']  v.t.  to  catch 

0  ver-throw'  l-thrb'\  v.t.  to  destroy 

o'ver-ture  [O  ver-tir]  «.  music 

0  ver-turn'  [".  ver-tOrn']  v.t.  to  upset 

0  ver-ween'  [-wen']  v.i.  to  presume 

0  ver-whelm'  [hwelm']  v.t.  to  crush 

0-vip'a-rous  [6-vIp'a-rQs]  a.  [bryo 

o'vule  [o'vul]  n.  an  egg  or  seed  in  era- 

o'va  [ova]  «.//.  eggs;  germs 

o'vum  [-viim)  U.S.  of  "ova" 

owe  [')]  v.t.  to  be  indebted 

ow'ing  [6'Ing]  /./.  and  a.  due 

owl  [oul]  n.  a  night  l)ird  of  prey 

owl'et  [ct]  «  a  little  owl 

own  [On]  v.t.  to  possess 

own'er  [-er]  n.  proprietor 

own'er-ghip  [-ship]  n.  proprietorship 

ox  [i^iks]  11.  an  animal 

ox'eye'  [I'j  «.  a  plant 

ox'ide  [ftks'ld]  «.  a  chemical;  rust 

ox'i-dize  [oks'I-dlz]  v.t.  to  form  oxide 

ox'lip  I -lip)  n.  a  flower;  the  cowslip 

ox'y-gen  (•■jksl-jfn)  «.  vital  jiart  rjf  air 


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ox'y-gen-ize  [iz]  vj.  to  oxidize 
ox'y-tone  [aks'I-ton]  n  acute  sound 
o'yer  [oyer]  M.  a  hearing 
oys'ter  [ois'ter]  n.  shell  fish 
o'zone  [6'zon]  n.  form  of  oxygen 
o'zo-nize  [o'zi-niz]  v.t. 

pa  [pa]  n.  shortened  form  of  "papa" 
pab'u-lum  (pab'ii-lum]  n.  food 
pace  [pas]  tt.  a  step 
pa'cer  [pa'ser]  «.  ahorse 
pa-cif  IC  [pa-sif'ikj  ft.  gentle 
pa-cif  i-ca'tion  [pa-sIflka'shQn]  n. 
pac'i-fy  [pas'i-fil  f./   tocalra 
pack  [p4k]  n.  a  bundle 
pack'age  [-aj]  «.  a  parcel 
pack'er  [pak'er]  n.  one  who  packs 
pack'et  [-et]  «.  a  1  ttle  bundle 
pack'man  [man]  «.  a  peddler 
pact  [pakt]  }i.  an  agreement 

pad  [pad]  f.c.  to  stuff 
pad'ding  [-ding]  «.  stuffing 
pad'dle  [pad'd'l]  i>.i.  to  row 
pad'dock  [pad'duk]  «.  a  small  park 
pad'dy  [pad'dy]  «.  an  Irishman 
pa-del'la  [pa-del'la]  n.  a  large  cup 
pad'lock'  [pad'lSk'l  «.  a  portable  lock 
pa-dro'ne  [pa-dro'nS]  «.  a  patron 
pae'an  [pe'<in]  n.  ajoyous  song 
pa'gan  [pa'g<in]  «.  a  heathen 
pa'gan-ism  [-iz'm]  k.  heathenism 
pa'gan-ize  [iz]  vj.  to  convert  to  pa- 
page  [paj]  «.  one  side  of  a  leaf  [ganism 
pa'ging[pa'jingl)<.  numbering  of  pages 
pag'eant  [pajVnt]  «.  display 
pag'eant-ry  \.-rj\  n.  show 
pa-go'da  [pa-go'da]  K.  idol  temple 
paid  [pad]  <i.  hired 
pail  [pall  «■  a  bucket 
pail-iasse'  [pal-yas'l  «.  bed  mattress 
pain  [pan]  n.  distress 
painTul  [-ful]  a.  distressing 
pain'less  [-les]  a.  without  pain       [care 
pains'tak  ing  [panz'tak'ing]   n    with 
paint  [pant]  •:■.  to  color 
paint'ed  [-ed]  <2  covered  with  paint 
paint'er  [erj  n.  one  who  paints 
pair  [par]  n.  two  of  a  kind 
pal'ace  [pal'Ss]  «.  a  grand  house 
palan-quin'  [par«ng-ken'l  n.  a  litter 
pal'a-ta-ble  [pal'S-ta-b'l]  n.  savory 
pal'a-  tal[pal'a-tal]<i.  pert,  to  the  palate 
pal'ate  [pal'at]  «.  roofof  the  mouth 
pa-la'tial  [pa-la'shal]  a.  magnificent 
pa-la'ver  [pa-la'ver]  n.   talk 
pale  IpSl]  a.  whitish 
pale'face'  [fas']  «.  a  white  person 
pale'ness  [nes]  n.  wanness 
pa'le-o-graph  [pa'le-6-graf  ]  k. 
pa'le-ol'o-gy  [ps'le-al'o-jy]  «. 
pal'ette  [pal'et]  n.  oval  tablet 
pal'frey  [pal'fry]  «.  saddle  horse 
pal'ing  [paring]  «.  picket  fence 
pal'i-sade'  [pal'i-sad']  k.  defense 



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pall  [pal]  K  a  cloak 
pal-la'di-iun  [p&l-la'dl-QmJ  n. 
pal'let  tpil'let)  K.  straw  bed 

pal'li-ate  [pai'li-st]  v.(.  to  mitigrate 
palli-a'tion  [-a'shOn]  «.  excuse 
pal'li-a-tive  [-i-tiv]  a.  serving  to  miti- 
pal'lid  tpil'lKl]  J.  pale  Igate 

pal'lid-ness  [-nes]  «.  paleness 
pal'li-um  [psril-um]  «.  a  cloak 
pall'mall'  [pel'mel']  «.  an  old  game 
pal'lor  [pal'ler]  n.  paleness 
palm  [pam]  fi.  a  tree 
pal-met'to  [pal-met'ti]  «.  a  tree 
pal'mis-try  [mls-trjl  k.  hand  fortune 
palm'y  [p-im'yl  a.  prosperous     LtelUng 
pal'pa-ble  [pal'pa-b'l]  a.  distinct 
pal'pi-tate  [piipi-tsti  v.z.  to  pulsate 

pal  pi-ta'tion  [-ta'shunl  «.  throbbing 
pals'grave'  [palz'grav'J  «.  a  count 
pal'sy  [pal'zjl  «.  a  disease 
pal'ter  [ter]  v.t.  to  trifle 
pal'txi-ness  t-tri-nes)  71.  vileness 
pal'try  [trj]  a.  wortliless 
pa-lu'dal  Ipa-lu'dal]  a.  marshy 
pam'pas  [pam'paz]  «./>/.  vast  plains 
pam'per  [pam'perl  I'./,  to  gratify 
pam'phlet  [pSm'fletl  «.  a  small  book 
pam  phlet-eer*  [er'l  n.  a  scribbler 
pan  [pSn]  «.  a  shallow  dish 
pan'a-ce'a  [pan'a-se'al  ?i.  a  medicine 
pan'cake'  (pan'kak']  n.  a  thin  cake 
pan'cre-as  [pang'krS-«s]  «.  a  gland 
pan-de'an  [pan-de'<7n]<i. 
pan'der  [pSn'der]  z'.  to  minister  to  evil 
pane  [pan !  H.  plate  of  glass        [designs 
pane-^r'ic  [pin'S-jIr'lk]  «.  eulogy 
pan'e-gyrist  [jirlst]  «.  a  eulogist 
pan'el  [panel]  «.  part  of  door 
pang  [pang]  it.  agony 
pan'ic  [pSn'Ik]  «.  sudden  fright 
pan'ic-strick'en  [-strik'n]  a.    fright- 
pan'nel  [pan'nelj  71.  asaddle  [ened 

pan'nier  [panycr]  tt.  a  basket 
pan'o-ply  [pan'6-ply)  >i.  armor 
pan  O-ra'ma  (pan'S-ra'ma)  «.  a  picture 
pan'sy  [pan'zy'J  ».  a  flowering  plant 
pant  [pint]  ■:/.!.  to  gasp 

pan'ta-lets'  (pan'ta-lets']  «./>/. drawers 
pan  ta-loons'  [loonz'j  «.//.  trousers 
pan-the'on  [-//(e'OnJ  «.  a  temple 
pan'ther  [  animal    [strument 
pan'to-graph  [ti-grafj  h.  drawing  in- 
pan'to-mime  [-mim]  71.  dumb  show 
pan'try  [pan'try]  n.  a  food  closet 
pap  [pap]  jr.  soft  food 
pa-pa'  [p.i-pa]  «   father 
pa'pa-cy  [pa'p.i-sy)  «.  office  of  pope 
pa'pal  [  pul]  a.  of  the  pope 
pa-paw'  [pa-pa' I  H.  a  tree 
pa'per  [pa  per]  n.  thin  sheets 
pa  pier'-mache'  [pi'pyl'-ma'shi']  «. 
pa'pist  [plst]  «.  a  Roman  Catholic 






pa'pist-ry  [-ry]  «.  popery  fplant 

pa-py'rus    tpa-pi'rOs]    «.    a    rush-like 
pa-poose'  [pa-poos']  «.  an  Indian  babe 
par  [par]  ;;.  equal  value 
par'a-ble  [para'-bM]  a.  allegory 
pa-rab'o-le  [pa-rab'6-le]  u.  similitude 
par'a-chute  [-shut]  h.  part  of  balloon 
par'a-clete  [par'a-klei]  «.  an  advocate 
pa-rade'  [pi-rSd']  «.  a  display 
par'a-digra  [pSr'a-drm]  it.  a  model 
par'a-dise  [dls]  n.  heaven 
par'a-dox  t-d6ks]  «.  contradiction 
par'af-fine  [par'af-fln]  n.  a  tar  product 
par'a-gon  [a-gOn]  «.  an  equal;  a  model 
par'a-graph[-graf]«. section  of  writing 
par'al-lax  [par'al-laks]  n. 
par'al-lel  [parallel]  a.  similar 
par  al-lel'o-grara  [-<7l-lel'4gram]  n. 
pa-ral'y-sis  [pa-rali-sisj  «. 
par'a-lyt'ic  [par'a-llt'lk]  a. 
par'a-lyze  [-Hz]  v.t.  to  unnerve 
par'a-mount  f-mount]  a.  superior 
par'a-mour  [moor]  h.  a  lover 
par'a-pet  [petj  n.  a  rampart 
par'a-pher-na'li-a  [fer-na'li-a]  «. 
par'a-phrase  [fraz]  z'.t.  to  interpret 
par'a-site  [sit]  «.  a  toady 
par'a-sol'  [sal']  «.  a  sun  shade 
par'boil'  [pSr'boil']  v.e.  to  cook 
par'cel  [-selj  tt.  a  package 
parch  [parch]  v.t.  to  scorch 
parch'ment  [-mcnt)  «.  dressed  skin 
par'don  [par'd'n]  n.  remission 
par'don-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  excusable 
pare  [par]  v.t.  to  cut  off  [cine 

par'e-gor'ic  [par'e-gCir'ikl  «.  a  medi- 
par'ent  [par'fnt]  h.  father  or  mother 
par'ent-age  [-aj]  «.  descent 
pa-ren'tal  [pa-ren't.;!]  a.  devoted 
pa-ren'the-sis  [-thS-srs]«.  incl"d  words 
par'en-thet'ic-al  [par'en-/Aet'i-kaI)  a. 
par'e-sis  [pSr'S-sIs]  «.  partial  paralysis 
pa'ri-ah  [iia'ri-a]  n.  an  outcast 
par-hel'ion  [par-heryun]>i.  a  mock  sun 
pa'ri-an  [pa'ri-dn]  a,  a  ware 
Par'is  [pSris]  w.  chief  city  of  France 
par'ish  [par'Ish]  >i.  a  society;  field 

pa-rish'ion-er  [pa-rish'un-er]  «. 
par'i-ty  [par'Ity]  «.  equality 
park  [park]  tt.  an  enclosure 
par'lance  [par'luns]  «.  talk 
par'ley  [-ly]  discussion 
par'lia-ment  [par'Ument]  k.  assembly 
par'lia-men-ta'ri-an  [-ta'ri-«n]  n. 
par'lia-men'ta-ry  [li-msn'ta-ry]  a. 

par'lor  ['ler]  n.  a  room 

Par-nas'sus  [nas'sus]  n. 
pa-ro'clli-al  [-ro'ki-<il]  a.  of  the  parish 
par'o-dy  [par'O-dy]  «.  burlesque 
pa-roie'  [pa-roT]  «.  word  of  honor 
par'o-quet'[par'6-k6t'l«.asmaIl  parrot 
par'ox-ysm  [par'oks-iz'mi  >i.  a  fit 
par-quet'  [par-kS']  n.  theater  seats 
par'ra-keet'  [par'ra-kef]  «. 





par'ri-cide    [parrl-sid]    «.    murder  of 
par'rot  l-rOt)  «.  a  bird  Iparei 

par'ry  [r^'l  z./.  to  ward  off 
parse  [pars]  %■.(.  lo  analyze 
par  si-mo'ni-ous  [par'si-mo'm-Qs]  <i 
par'si-mo-ny  [mo-ny]  «.  stinginess 
pars'ley  [pars'ly)  h.  a  plant 
pars'nip  [nip]  k.  a  vegetable 
par'son  [pnr'sn]  n.  a  clergyman 
par'son-age  t-Sj  ]  x.  a  house  for  parson 
part  [part]  a.  portion 
par-take'  [partak]  '•.■.{.  to  take  part 
par-tak'er  t-er]  «.  a  sharer 
par-terre'  [par-tSr]  it.  flower  garden 
par'tial  [par'shul]  a.  biased;  in  part 
par'tial-ism  i-iz'm]  «. 

par'tial-ist  (isti  «. 
par'tial-ly  []  adv.  in  part 
par  ti-al'j-ty  [par'shi-al'l-tjl  n.  favo: 
par-tic'i-pant  [par-tisi-pant]  a. 
par-tic'i-pate  [-patl  v  i.  to  take  a  part 
par-tic  i-pa'tion  [pa'sliOni  «. 

par'ti-ci-ple  |p.'ir'tl-sl-p'l]  n.  verb  form 
par'ti-cle  [jar  tl-kl]  n.  an  atom 
par-tic'u-lar  [pSr-tik'il-ler]  a.  specific 
par-ticu-lar'i-ty  [lar'i-tyj  u. 
par-tic'u-lar-ize  [par-tik'u-leriz]  w./. 
part'ing  [parting]  a.  separating 
par'ti-san  [par'tlznn]  «.  adherent 
par'ti-san-ship  [shipi  «. 
par-ti'tion  [tish'un)  v.  to  divide 
part'ly  [partly]  ari-v.  in  part 
part'ner  [-net]  ?r.  an  associate 
part'ner-ship  [ship]  h.  contract 
par'tridge  [partrlj]  k.  a  bird 
par  tu-ri'tion  [-tu-r!sh'un]K.  childbirth 

par'ty  (pSr'tyl  «.  a  company 
par've-nu'  [par'vc-nu'l  n.  an  upstart 
pas'chal  [pas'knl]  a.t>assover 
pa-sha'  [pa-sha'l  K.  hon.  Turkish  title 
pass  [pas]  v.i.  to  go 
pass'a-ble  [-abM]  a.  tolerable 
pas'sage  [pas'sij]  «  vestibule 
pas'sen-ger  [pas'sen-jer]  «.  a  traveler 
pas'sion  [pash'On]  «.  emotion 
pas'sion-ate  [St]  a.  easily  angered 
pas'sion-ate-ly  [-ly]  ad-v.  ardently 
pas'sive  [pas'slv]  a.  inactive 
pass'o'ver  [pas'o'verj  «.  a  Jewish  feast 
pass'port  [pas'port]  u.  a  license 
'/ass'word'  [i)as'wGrd']  «.  countersign 
past  [past]  n.  former  time 
paste  [pSst]  H.  a  dough 
paste'board'  [Ijord]  «.  paper  board 
pas'tel  [pastil]  n.  colored  crayon 
pas'tern  [pastern]  u.  part  of  hoof 
pas'til  [pas'ttl]  «.  a  lozenge 
pas'time'  f-tim']  n.  recreation 
pas'tor  [  ter]  «.  a  shepherd 
pas'tor-al  [pas'ter-al]  «.  a  poem 
pas'tor-ate  [jAs'ter-St]  «.  ministry 
pas'try  [pas'trj']  «.  pies,  tarts,  etc. 
pas'tur-age  [pas'tflr-lj]  n.  grazing 
pas'ture  [pas'tOrJ  v,  to  graze 



pat  [pat]  I'.t.  to  tap 
patch  (p4ch]  -v.t.  to  mend 
patch'work'  [-wQrk'J  «.  piecework 
pate  [pst]  It.  top  of  head 
pat'en  [paten]  n.  a  plate 
pat'ent  [patent]  n.  writing  protecting 
pat'ent-a-ble  [a-bM]  a.  linvention 

pat  ent-ee'  [tn-te']  «.  one  holding  pat 
pa-ter'nal  (pa-ter'nulja.  fatherly    lent 
pa-ter'nal-ism  [izm]  n. 
pa-ter'ni-ty  [nl-ty]  n.  fatherhood 
pa'ter-noster[pa'ter-nOs'ter]«.  Lord's 
path  {Y>'^th\  71.  a  footway  Iprayer 

pa-thet'ic  [pa-/'/jet'ik]  a  affecting 
pa-thet'ic-al  [-r-k<jl]  ad-d. 
path'less  [pa^'A'les]  a.  untrodden 
pa-thol'o-gy  [pa-i'.'icrS-jyl  «.  science  of 
pa'thos  [pa7/j6sl  «.  a  quality  [diseases 
path'way  Ipa/A'wa']  «.  footpath 
pa'tience  [pi'sh^ns]  «.  perseverance 
pa'tient  [pa'sh^nt]  a.  persevering 
pa'tri-arch  Ipa'trl-ark]  71.  an  elder 
pa  tri-ar'chal  [ar'krtl]  a.  venerable 
pa-tri'cian  [pa-tnsh'an]  7i.  nobleman 
pat'ri-mo-ny  [pat'r!-in6-ny]«.an  estate 
pa'tri-Ot  [patrl-at]  «.  loyal  citizen 
pa  tri-ot'ic  [-6t'lk]  a.  full  of  patriotism 
pa'tri-ot-ism  [pa'trl-6t-iz'm]  71.  love  of 
pa-trol'  [pa-trol]  H.  a  guard      [country 
pa-trol'man  [-nmn]  71.  a  watchman 
pa'tron  [pa'trun]  71.  a  supporter 
pat'ron-age  [pat'run-sj]  ?;.  support 
pat'ron-ize  [  iz]  v.t.  to  favor 
pat  ro-nym'ic  (pat'r6nim'ik]  71. 
pat'ten  [pat'ten]  Ji.aclog 
pat'ter  [pat'ter]  v.t.  to  spatter 
pat'tern  [tern]  «.  a  design 
pat'ty  [ty]  11.  a  little  pie 
pau'ci-ty  [pa'sl-ty]  «.  scarcity 
paunch  [panch]  71.  the  abdomen 
pau'per[pa'per]  «.  a  dependent 
pau'per-ism  [izm]  «.  penury 
pau'per-ize  [-iz]  -v.t.  to  impoverish 
pause  [paz]  «.  cessation 
pave  [pav]  v.t.  to  prepare 
pave'ment  [ment]  h.  paved  ro?d 
pa-vil'ion  [pa-vH'yOn]  «.  large  tent 
pav'ing  (pSv'Ingl  «.  a  pavement 
paw  [pa]  71.  the  foot  of  beasts 
pawl  [pal]  71.  a  sliding  bolt 
pawn  [pan]  a.  a  pledge  [der 

pawn'brok'er  [-bro'ker]  «.  money  len- 
pay  [pa]  v.t.  to  compensate 
pay'a-ble  [i-b'l]  a.  justly  due 
pay-ee'  [-e'J  71.  receiver 
pay'mas'ter  [master]  «.  one  who  pays 
pay'ment  [-mcntj  71.  recompense 
pea  [pe]  71.  a  vegetable 
peace  [pes]  «.  tranquillity 

peace'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  quiet 

peace'ful  [pes'ful]  a.  tranquil 

peach  [pech]  K.  a  fruit 

pea'cock'  [pe'ksk']  71.  kind  of  pheasant. 

pea'jack'et  [-jak'et]  «.  sailor's  coat 






peak  [pek]  K.  the  top 
peak'ed  [pek'Sd]  a.  pomted 
peal  [pell  «.  a  loud  sound 
pe'an  [pe  anj  K.  a  song  of  praise 
pea'nut  IpenutJ  «  a  plant 
pear  lpAr|  «.  a  fruit 
pearl  [pJrl]  h.  a  gem 
pearl'ash'  [-ash]  h.  lye 

peart  Ipertl  a.  lively 
peas'ant  [pez'.int]  «.  a  rustic 
peas'ant-ry  (rji  n:  rustics 
peat  [pet]  H.  decomposed  plants 
peb'ble  [peb'bM]  w.  a  small  stone 
peb'bly  (-bl>']  n.  full  of  pebbles 
pe-can'  [pe-k&n]  h.  a  nut 
pec'ca-ble  (pek'ka-bll  a.  liable  to  sin 
pecca-dil'lo  [-dll'lS]  >i.  an  offense 
pec'cant  [p6k'k«nt)  </.  criminal 
pec'ca-ry  [ka-ry]  «.  S.  Am.  kind  of  hog 
pec-ca'vi  [-ka'vi]  /..  I  have  sinned 
peck  [pekl  M.  eight  quarts 
pec'to-ral  (pCk  tfi-r.ill  n.  of  the  breast 
pec'u-late  [peku-lat]  -'.i.  to  embezzle 
pecu-la'tion  [pek'ii-la'sliOnl  n.  theft 
pe-cul'iar  [pckul'yerl  a.  special 
pe-cul  iar'ty  [yir'l-tyl  «.  singularity 
pe-cul'iar-ly  i-yer  ly]  aiiv. 
pe-cun'ia-ry  [pe-kQn'yS-iyl  a. 
pe-Cu'ni-OUS  [pcku'nlusj  a.  rich 
ped'a-gog-ism  [ped's-gog-iz'm]  «. 
ped'a-gogue  (pedS-gOgl  >i.  a  teacher 
ped'a-go  gy  [i-gSJll  «.  pedagogism 
ped'al  [peddl]  II.  foot  lever     [learning 
ped'ant    [ped'^nl]    «.   a    displayer    of 
ped'ant-ism  [-i?ntlz'm]  «.  pedantry 
ped'ant-ry  [-nnt-rj]  «.  acts  of  a  pedant 
ped'dle  [pSd'd'l]  v.i.  to  hawk 
ped'dler  (ped'dlerl  >t.  a  hawker 
ped'es-tal  [ped'es-t(?ll  >i.  base  of  statue 
pe-des'tri-an[pc-destri-rtnl  k.  a  walker 
pe-des'tri-an-ism  [iz'm]  «.  walking 
ped'i-gree  [podi-gre]  «.  lineage 
pe-dom'e-ter  [p5-dOm'c-ter)  «. 
pe-duil'cle[pc-dung'k'l]K.  stem  of  plant 

peek  [pek]  v.i.  to  peep 
peel  [pel]  v.(.  to  strip  off 
peep  [pep]  H.  a  chirp;  sly  look 
peer  [i>ir\  it.  one  of  same  rank 
peer'age  [per'ij  ]  >t.  the  nobility  • 
peer'less  [per'lts]  a.  matchless 
pee'vish  [pe'vlsh]  a.  petulant 
pee'vish-ly  [ly]  itfiv.  petulantly 
pee'vish-ness  [nc-s] «.  petulance 
peg  [pig!  "•  a  wooden  pin  [horse 

Peg'a-sua  [[jeg'S-sus]  k.  fabled  winged 
peg'ma-tite    lp6g'ina-titl   k.  a  coarse 
pelf  (p'lf  1  '<■  ill-gotten  riches     [granite 
pel'i-oan  (pel'l-kon)  k.  web-footed  Dird 
pe-lisse'  [pf-liJs'l  it.  a  lady's  garment 
pel'let  [pcl'ltt]  «.  a  little  ball 
pell'mell'  [pel'mel'l  adv.  mixed  up 
pel-lu'cid  (pel-lu'sld)  a.  transparent 
pel-lu'cid-r.?88  [-nes]  «.  clearness 
pelt  IpOlt)  «.  a  hide  with  hair  on 





pelt'ry  [pelt'ryl  n.  skins 
pel'vis  [pelvis]  n.  lower  abdomen 
pen  [pen]  v.t.  to  confine 
pe'nal  [pe'nizl]  a.  incurring  punishment 
pen'al-ty  lpen'«l-ty]  ;i.  punishment 
pen'ance  [-ans]  h.  self-imposed  penalty 
pen  chani'  [prin'shan'j  u.  bias 
pen'cil  Ipen'sill  n.  writing  instrument 
pend'ant  []  n.  hanging  ornament 
pend'ent  [-intl  a.  suspended 
pend'ing  (ing)  a   in  suspense 
pen'du-lous  [pen'dii-lus]  a.  swinging 
pen'du-lum  [du-lum]  n.  part  of  clock 
pen'e-tra-ble  [-tra-b'l]  a.can  be  entered 
pen'e-trate  [-e-trat]  v.t.  to  enter  into 
pen'e-tra'tion  [pen'e-trS'shQnl  «. 
pen'e-tra-tive  [tri-tiv]  a.  sagacious 
pen'guin  [pen'gwln]  ».  sea  fowl 
pen-in'su-la  [-In'su-la]  n.  neck  of  land 
pen'i-tence  [-l-ttns]  n.  contrition 
pen'i-tent  [pen'i-tcntl  a.  repentant 
pen  i-ten'tial  [ten'shulj  a.  sorrowful 
pen  i-ton'tia-ry  [-sha-ry]  n.  a  prison 
pen'knife'  (pen'nif  J  n.  small  knife 
pen'man  [pen'mnn]  n.  a  writer 
pen'man-ship  [ship]  n.  writing 
pen'nant  []  n.  a  small  flag 
pen'ni-less  tpen'ni-les]  a.  poor 
pen'non  [pen'nunl  n.  awing:  a  pinion 
pen'ny  [pen'ny]  n.  a  small  coin 
pen'ny-a-lin'er[-a-lin'er]«. poor  writer 
pen'ny-roy'al  i-Xii\'a\\  n.  an  herb 

pen'ny-weight'  [pen'ny-wst]  «. 
pe-nol'o-gist  [pS-nSlo-jisiJ  «• 
pe-nol'o-gy  [-jyl  "■  art  of  punishment 
pen'sile  [pen'sil]  a.  hanging 
pen'sion  [pen'shOn]  n.  a  payment 
pen'sion-er  [-er]  n.  a  dependent 
pen'sive  [pen'siv]  a.  thoughtful 
pent  [pent]/./,  or  a.  confined 
pen'ta-gon  [-ta-gOn]  n.  five-sided  figure 
pen-tag'o-nal  [-tag'e-nal]  a.  (ers 

pen'tar-chy  [-tar-ky]  «.  five  joint  rul- 
pen'ta-teuch  [tatuk] «. 
pen'te-cost  [tS-kSst]  n.  Jewish  festival 
pen'te-cos'tal  [-kos'tnl]  a.  whitsuntide 
pe'nult  [penult]  H.  last  sylable  but  one 
pe-num'bra  [pf-num'bra]  n.  • 

pe-na'ri-ous  [pS-nu'rr-us]  a.  stingy 
pen'u-ry  [pen'u-ry]  n.  want 
pe'o-ny  [pe'S-ny]  «.  a  plant 
peo'ple  [pe'p'l]  ;:.  a  community 

pep' per  [pep'per]  «.  a  spice 
pep'per-mint  [mint]  n.  a  plant 
■pep'sin  [sin]  K-  substance  secreted  by 
pep'tic  [pep'tik]  a.  digestive    [stomach 
per'ad-ven'ture  [-tiir]  adTj.  and  co>ij. 
per-am'bu-^te  [per-am'bu-lat]  v.t. 
per-am'bu-la'tion  [-la'shun]  «. 
per-am'bu-la'tor  [-la'ter]  k.  \h\e 

per-ceiv'a-ble  [sev'a-b'l]  a.  percepti- 
per-ceive'  [-sev']  f.t.  to  d'scern 
per-ceiv'er[-sev'er]?r.  one  who  discerns 



V.  v. 






per-cent'age  [-sent  Sj)  u   rate  percent. 
per-cep'ti-ble  [sep'tl-bl]  a.  discerni- 
per-cep'tion  [-sep'shQn]  «.  idea       [ble 
per-cep'tive  [-tlv]a.  used  in  perception 
per'cep-tiv'i-ty  [-tiv'i-ty]  n. 
perch  [perchj  n.  a  fish;  a  measure 
per-chance'  (-chanb'l  adv.  by  chance 
per'co-late  [-ko-lat]  f.t.  to  filter 
perco-la'tion  [-la'shun]  >;.  filtering 
per-cus'sion  l-kush'un)  n.  collision 
per-di'tion  [-dlshonl  «.  destruction 
per-du'  (dii']  a.  hopeless 
pere-gri-na'tion  [-S-gri-na'shQn]  « 
pere-gri-na  tor  [-na'ter]  ».a  wanderer 
per'emp-to-ri-ly  [-emp-to-rl-ly]  adz'. 
per'emp-to-ry  tper'emp-ti-rj]  a. 
per-en'ni-al  tper-en'ni-«l]  a.  constant 
per'fect  Iper'fekt]  a.  faultless     fdition 
per-fec'tion  [  fek'shOn]  k.  perfectcon- 
per'fect-ly  (fekt-ly)  adv.  faultlessly 
per'fect-ness  [-nes]  n. 
per-fid'i-ous  [-fidl-Os]  a.  false 
per'fi-dy  [  fi-dy)  «.  treachery 
per'fo-rate  [f  6-rat)  v.t.  to  pierce 
per'fo-ra'tion  [-ra'shun]  n.  a  piercing 
per'fo-ra-tive  [-tn]  a.  power  to  pierce 
per-force'  [fors'l  adv.  of  necessity 
per-form'  [form']  f.^.  to  do 
per-form'ance  [-ans]  «.  action 
per-form'er  [er]  n.  one  who  performs 
per-fume'  \-ium'\'v.t.  to  scent 
per-fum'er-y  [-fOm'ery]  h.         Iferent 
per-func'to-ry  [-fungk'tS-ry]  a.  indif- 
per-haps'  [haps]  adv.  it  may  be 
per'il  [per'il]  «.  danger 
per'il-OUS  [-us]  a.  dangerous 
pe'ri-od  [pe'ri-ud]  H.  portion  of  time 
pe-ri-od'ic  [-odlk]  a.  at  stated  times 
pe-ri-od'ic-al  [-l-k<!l]  «.  a  magazine 
pe-ri-od'ic-al-iy  [-l-kal-ly]  adv. 
per  i-pa-tet'ic  [peri-pa-tet'ik]  a. 
pe-riph'er-y  [pS-rif  er-y)  «.  the  surface 
per'i-phrase  [per'I-fraz]  k. unnecessary 
per'ish  [per  ish]  v.i.  to  die  [words 

per'ish-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  liable  to  decay 
per'i-stjle  [per'i-stil]  «.  columns 
per'jure  Iper'jur]  v.t.  to  make  false  oath 
per'jur-er  [jOr-Sr]  k.  a  liar 
per'ju-ry  [-jury]  n.  false  swearing 
perk  IiiCrk]  a.  spruce;  vain 
per'ma-nence  [per'nia-n^ns]    k.  fixed- 
per'ma-nen-cy  [ma-ntn-sy]  «.     [ness 
per'ma-nent  [mii-nrntl  a  abiding 
per'me-ate  [me-at]  v.l.  to  penetrate 
per'me-a-ble  [-mf-a-b'l]  a.  penetrable 
per-mis'sion  [mlsh'Qn]  ».  leave 
per-mis'si-ble  [mls'sl-b'l]  ^.allowable 
per-mit'  [iiiu'l  v.t.  to  allow      [change 
per  mu-ta'tion  [mil-ts'shunl  «.  intcr- 
per-mute'  [niut]  v.l.  to  interchange 
per-ni'cious  (  nish'Os]  «.  hurtful  jtion 
per  O-ra'tion  (  4-ra'shun]  «.cndofora- 

per  pen-dic'u-lar  (■pen-<lik'(ller]  a. 
per'pe-trate  [pS-trai]  v.t.  to  do 





per'pe-trator  [pJ-tra'ter]  n. 
per-pet'u-al  [pet'ual]  a.  constant 
per-pet'u-al-ly  [ly]  adv.  constantly 
per-pet'u-ate  [at]  '<j.t.  to  cause  to  en- 
per-pet  u-a'tion  [a'shun]  «.        [dure 
per  pe-tu'i-ty  [pS-tu'l-ty]  >;.  endless- 
per-plex'  [picks']  i/.;.  to  puzzle   [ness 
per-plex'i-ty  [i-ty]  «.  doubt 
per'qui-site  [  kwl-zlt]  >i.  a  fee 
per'se-cute  [sS-kut]  ■v.t.  to  harass 
per  se-cu'tion  [ku'shun]  «. 
per'se-cu'tor  [sS-kQ'ter]  «.  an  enemy 
per'se-ver'ance  [-ver'«ns]«.  constant- 
per  se-vere'  [-sf-ver'l^.i.  to  persist  [cy 
per-sim'mon  [simmun]  Ji.  a  tree 
per-sist'  [sisf]  v.i.  to  stand  firm 
per-sist'en-cy  [-fn-syl  «.  doggedness 
per-sist'ent  [-sistVnt]  a.  fixed 
per'son  [s  n]  >i.  an  individual         (ance 
per'son-age[-sun-aj]  k. exterior appear- 
per'son-al  [sun-ul]  a.  individual 
per  son-al'i-ty  [-sun-al'i-tyi  «. 
per'son-al-ly  [-«l-ly]  ad~^.  in  person 
per' son-ate  [-sun-at]  v.t.  to  assume 
per'son-a  tor  [-sOn-S'ter]  «.  |tion 

per  son-a'tion  [-sun-a  sh;<nl  «.  imita- 
per-son  i-fi-ca'tion  [ifi-ka'shunj  «. 
per-son'i-fy  ( -sbn'\-i\]vJ.  to  personate 
per-spee'tive  [spek'tiv]  k.  a  view 
per  spi-ca'cious  [spi-ka'shus]  a. 

per  spi-cu'i-ty  l-ku'l-ty']  n.  clearness 
per'spi-ra'tion  |  rS'sliun]  «.  sweat 
per-spire'  [spir]  z:i.  to  sweat 
per-suade'  [-swad']  ■v.t.  to  win  over 
per-sua'sion  [swa'zhun]  n.  influence 
per-sua'sive  [siv]  a.  inducing 
pert  [pert]  a.  saucy 
per-tain'  [p5rt:m]  v.i.  to  belong 
per  ti-na'cious  [tl-na'slms]  ^.resolute 
perti-nac'i-ty  [nas'i-ty']  n.  obstinacy 
per'ti-nen-cy  |nt-n-sy]  «.  fitness 
per'ti-nent  [n^'nt]  a.  fit 
per-turb' [per-tiirb'l  t'./  to  vex      [tion 
per  tur-ba'tion  [turba'shun]  «.agita- 
pe-rus'al  [pe-ruz'al]  «.  the  act  of  read- 
pe-ruse'1-ruzjT'./.toread  [ing carefully 
per-vade'  Iper-vad]  ■v.t.  to  permeate 
per-verse'  [vers]  a.  wayward 
per-verse'ness  [vers'nes]  «.  obstinacy 
per-ver'sion  [-ver  shun]  h.  wrong  use 
per-ver'si-ty  l-sl-ty]  u.  wickedness 
per-vert'  [vert]  i!.t.  to  misapply 
per-vert'er  [er]  h.  one  who  perverts 
per'vi-OUS  [vi-us]  a.  permeable 
pes'ky  [pesky]  .!.  vexatious  [trine 

pes'si-mism  [pes'si-mizm]  >i.  a  doc- 
pes'si-mist  (-mist)  h.  a  fault  finder 
pest  [pest]  n.  the  plague 
pes'ter  [pester]  v.t.  to  annoy 
pest'house'  [pest'hous]  «.  a  hospital 
pes-tif  er-OUS  [pes-tirer-Qs]  a.  hurtful 
pes'ti-lence  [ti-lcns]  «.  plague 
pes'ti-lent  l-tl-lfnt]  a.  noxious 
pes'ti-len'tial  i-ti-len'shal]  a. 

\ — ^\~v~^ 




pes'tle  [pes"l]  «.  a  pounder 
pet  [pet]  ti.  a  fondiing 
pet'al  [petrti)  >:.  a  leaf 
pet'it  Ipety]  a.  small 

pe-ti'tion  [pt-tlsh'Cin]  «.  an  entreaty 
pe-U'tion-er  [er]  «. 
pet  ri-fac'tion  [pet'rt-fSk'shQnl  >i. 
pet'ri-fy  [li]  zy.  to  become  stone 
pe-tro'le-um  [pStro'lS-Om]  «.  rock  oil 
pet'ro-line  (petrO-lIn]  >t.  aparaffine 
pet'ti-coat  [pet'tl-kot]  «.  a  garment 
pet'ti-fog  [log]  v.i.  to  argue  trickily 
pet'ti-fogger  [-fCg'ger]  «.  inferior  law 
pet'ti-ness  l-ti-ncb]  h.  meanness     Iyer 
pet'ty  ipifty]  ,t.  trifling 
pet'tish  Ipct  tish]  a.  fretful 
pet'u-lance  [pet'iJ-Uns] «.  pettishness 
pet'u-lan-cy  [pefQ-l<?n-sy]  «. 
pet'u-lant  ti)et'a-l<7nt]  a.  fretful 
pe-tu'ni-a  [pe-tu'nla]  ».  a  plant 
pew  Ipu]  >:.  a  church  seat 
pew'ter  [puter]  n.  an  alloy 
pha'e-ton  [fSS-tOn]  «.  a  carriage 
pha'lanx  IfSlingks]  n.  body  of  troop; 
phan'tasm  [f.ln'taz'm]  k.  a  dream 
phan'tom'tuni]  «.aspecter 
phar  i-sa'ic-al  (far'i-sa'i-kalj  a.  hypo 
phar'i-sa-ism  l-sSIz'm]  «.        [critical 
Phar'i-see  [far'I-se]  «.  a  Jewish  sect 
phar'ma-cist[  far'ma-slst]  «.a  druggist 
phar'ma-cy  [far'ma-sy]  k.  a  drug  store 
phase  [fizj  K.  appearance 
pheas'ant  [feziint]  h.  a  bird 
phe'nix  [fC  niks]  ;;.  a  fabulous  bird 
phe-nom'e-nal  [fS-nOm'S-nirl]  a. 
phe-nom'e-non  [-non]  n.  unusual  ap 
phi'al  Ifliil]  )i.  a  small  bottle  [pearance 
phi-lan'der  [fl-lancler]  ^^^.  to  flirt 

phil  an-throp'ic  ifiran-//;r6p'ik]  a. 
phi-lan'thro-pist  [fi-lan'thrS-pist]  « 
phi-lan'thro-py  [py]  n.  good  will 
phil  har-mon'ic  [filhar-mon'lk]  a. 
phi-lip'pic  [fillppik]  «.  harsh  speech 
phi-loVo-gist  [fl-16r6-jlst]  «. 
phi-lol'o-gy  [filol'i-jy]  k. 
phil  o-pe'na  [firo-pe'na]  «.  a  present 
phi-los'o-pher  [fi-l6s'6-fer]  n. 
phil  o-soph'ic-al  [firS-sof  i-k<!lj  a. 
phi-los'o-phize  [ft-lOs'S-fiz]  v.i. 
phi-los'O-phy  (fl-los'4-fy]  «. reasoning 
phil'ter  [firtC-r]  «.  a  charm 
phiz  [flz]  >i.  the  face 
phlegm  [  fleiii  1  ti.  viscid  mucus 
phleg-mat-ic  [fleg-mat'lk]  a.  sluggish 
phlox  [rtuks]  );,  a  plant  I  speech 

pho-na'tion  [fina'shun]  K.  articulate 
pho-net'ic  (  nCt'Ik]  a. of  the  voice 
pho-net'i-cal-ly  |-ikal-lyj  at^-v. 
pho  ne-ti'cian  [nJ-tish'rjnJ  «. 
pho-net'ics  l  Iki]  «.  science  of  sounds 

phon'ic  If.nlkl  (I.  pert,  to  voice 
pho'no-graph  ifonAgraf)  «. 
pho-nog'ra-pher  [fAnOgra-fer]  «. 

pho  no-grapn'ic  [fc'ni-grsf'ik]  .i. 

r  V) 





pho-nog'ra-phy  [fi-nug'ra-fy]  «. 
pho-not'y-py  [fo-nat'l-py]  h. 
phos'phate  ifos'fat]  n.  a  salt 
phosphor-es'cence  [for-essras]  n. 
phosphor-es'cent  (-smt]  a.  luminous 
phos-phor'ic  [fOs-fOrIk]  a. 
phos'phor-us  [-us]  h.  a  chemical 
pho'to-graph  [fo'to-graf]  h.  a  picture 
pho-tog'ra-pher  (fS-tag'ra-ferJ  «. 
pho  to-graph'io  [fo'to-grafik]  a. 
pho-tog'ra-phy  [fs-tsg'ra-fy] «. 
phrase  [fraz]  >!.  a  brief  expression 
phrase-ol'o-gy  [fra'zSol'S-jy]  «. 
phre-nol'o-gist  [fre-n6r6-jist]  «. 
phre-nol'o-gy  [jy]  «.  craniology 
phren'sy  [fren'zy]  n.  delirium 
phthis-ic  [tiz-tk]  «.  a  lung- disease 
phthi'sis  [.'/iT'sis]  n.  a  lung  disease 
phy-lac'ter-y  [fr-Iak'ter-y]  n.  a  charm 
phys'ic  [fizik]  «.  a  cathartic 
phys'ic-al  Ifiz'Ikdl]  n.  material 
phy-si'cian  ;fi-zish(7n]  «.  a  doctor 
phys'ics  ffiz'iks]  ?i.  science  of  nature 
phys'i-og'no-my  [fiz'i-sg'nS-my]  n. 
physi-ol'o-gist  [fiz'i-sl'6-jist]  w. 
phys'i-ol'o-gyt-jyl  "■  science  of  animal 
phy-sique'  (fl-zek')  «.  build      [organs 
pi  [pi]  11.  type  unsorted  fsoft 

pi'a-nis'si-mo  lpe'a-nls'sl-m4]  <r.  very 
pi-an'ist  [pi-an'istj  «.  a  piano  player 
pi-an'o[pT-an'6]  71.  a  musical  instrument 
pi-as'ter  [pi-as'terj  ?;.  a  coin 
pi-az'za  [pl-az'za]  n.  a  veranda 
pi'ca  Ipi'ka]  It.  a  kind  of  type 
pick  Iplk]  T.t.  to  choose 
pick'a-nin'ny  Ipik'a-nm'ny]  n.  negro 
pick'ax'  Iprk'aks']  «.  a  pick  [child 

pick'ed  [piked]  a.  pointed 
pick'er-el  [pik'er-el]  n.  a  fish 
pick'et  fpik'et]  n.  pointed  stake 
pic'kle  [pik'k'l]  f.t.  to  preserve 
pick'lock'  [pik'lok'l  «.  a  tool 
pick'pock  et  [pIk'pOk'et]  k.  a  thief 
pic'nic  [pik'nik]  H.  a  party 
pi'cra  Ipi'kra]  n.  a  drug 
pic-to'ri-al  [pik-to'n-al]  a.  of  pictures 
pic'ture  [plk'tur]  v.t.  to  delineate 
pic  tur-esque'  [esk']  a.  pleasing 
pie  [pT]  >:.  pastry 
pie'bald'  Ipi'bald']  a.  mottled 
piece  [pes]  n.  a  fragment 
piece'meal'  [mel']  adzr.  in  part 
piece'work'  [-\vGrk']«.workby  the  job 
pied  [pid]  ,2.  spotted 
pier  [per]  n.  a  wharf 
pierce  [pers]  f.t.  to  penetrate 
pi'e-ty  [pi'f-ty]  «.  godliness 
pig  Ipik']  "■  young  swine 
pi'geon  Ipij'un]  71.  a  bird 
pi'geon-heart'ed  [liart'gd]  a.  timid 
pi'geon-hole'  [-hoi'  ]  ;i.  compartment  in 
pig'ger-y  Ipig'ger-y]  «.  pigpen    [desk 
pig'gish  [piggish]  a.  greedy 
pig'headed  [-hed'ed]  a.  stubborn 




g'ment  [pig  nun t]  k.  a  paint 

g'tail'  tpig'tal'l  «.acue 

ke  (pik)  «.afish 

le  [pill  «•  aheap 

les  Ipilz]  «.//.  a  disease 

I'fer  tpil'ter)  r.t.  to  talce  by  theft 

I'grim  [prrgrlml  n.  a  traveler 

1' grim-age  [Sjl  «.  journey 

I'ing  [piling!  «.  series  of  piles 

U  (pill  «■  medicine  ball 

I'lage  (prriJjl  v.t.  to  plunder 

I'lar  [pil'ler]  «.  a  column 

I'lion  [pil'yunl  n.  cushioned  saddle 

I'lo-ry  [-lo-rS'J  71.  instrument  of  pun- 

I'low  [pillAl  «.  a  cushion       [ishment 

I'low-case'  [-kSs'l  «.  a  cover 

-lose'  [pi-los'l  a.  hairy 

'lot  [pi'lut]  J!,  a  steersman 

mp  [pimp]  H  a  pander 

m'ple  (pimp'l)  «.  a  swelling 

n  [pin]  v.t.  to  fasten 

n'a-fore  [pin'a-fcr'  |  w.  a  child's  apron 

nch  tpiiv  111  ;./.  to  squeeze 

nch'beck  [-bsk)  h.  a  yellow  metal 

nch'ers  [erzj  ;/.//.  a  tool 

n'cush'ion  [pin'kSosh'Qn]  n 

ne  [pinl  «.  a  tree 

ne'apple  [pin'ap'p'i]  «.  a  fruit 

n'er-y  [pin'er-y]  H.  pine  forest 
n'feather    [pin'fether]    ?i.    small 
n'ion  [pinyunl  H.  a  wing         [feather 
nk  (pingkl  11.  a  plant 
n'nace  [pin'nis)  h.  small  boat 
n'na-cle  [pin'na-k'l]  n.  lofty  point 
nt  [pint]  )i.  4  gills 

0-neer'  [pi'6-ner']  «.  one  who  goes 
'OUS  [pi'us]  (7.  devout  [before 

p  [pip]  «.  aseed 
pe  [pip]  «.  a  tube 
p'er  [piper]  H.  a  player 
p'ing  [piping]  «.  pipes  collectively 
p'pin  [pippin]  ti.  a  kind  of  apple 
'quan-cy  [pekan-sy]  h.  sharpness 
que  [pek]  -.J. I.  tootfend 
'ra-cy  (pi'rasy)  «.  sea  robbery 
'rate  [pi'rSt]  «.  sea  robber 
r  OU-ette'  [pir'5o-et']  v.i.  to  whirl 
s  ca-to'ri-al  [pis'kato'ri-al]  a. 
sh  [pish]  :>//fr;'.  an  exclamation 
s'til  [pis'tlll  n.  part  of  flower 
s'tol  [pis'tQl]  71.  firearm 
s-tole'  [pls-tol']  71.  Spanish  coin 
s'ton  fpIs'tOn)  71.  metal  rod 

pit]  «.  a  cavity 
t'a-paf  (plt'a-pat'l  adv.  in  a  flutter 
tch  [pich]  I/./,  to  toss 
tch'dark'  [dark']  a.  very  dark 
tch'er  [cr]  M.  earthen  dish 
tch'fork    |f6rk'/«.  farming  utensil 
tch'y  [i>ltrh'yl  a.  dismal 
t'e-OUS  [plt'S-fls]  a.  sorrowful 
t'fall'  [plt'fal'l  K.  a  trap 
th  [\>Uh]  71.  vigor 
th'i-ly  \\t\Ch'\-\^\  adv.  vigorously 





pith'y  rpf^'y]  "■  forceful 
pit'i-a-ble  [pit'i-a-b'l]  a.  sad 
pit'i-ful  [pit'f-ful]  <z.  merciful 
pit'i-less  |pit'M6sl  a.  inerciless 
pit'tance  [pU'tans]  «.  a  trifle 
pit'ted  (pit' ted]  a.  marked  with  pits 
pit'y  [pit'yl  I'.t,  to  show  pity 
piv'ot  Iplv'iitl  n.  end  of  shaft 
piv'ot-al  [piv'Ot-al]  a.  as  turning  point 
pla'ca-ble  [pls'ka-b'l]  a.  appeasable 
pla-card'  [pla-kard')K.  a  poster 
pla'cate  [pla'kat]  7/./.  to  pacify 
place  [plas]  -v.t.  to  locate 
plac'ertplas'erl«.  earth  containing  gold 
plac'id  (plas'idj  a.  unruffled 
pla-cid'i-ty  [pla-sid'i-tj']  «.  serenity 
plac'id-ness  [plas'rd-nes]  n.    [wTitings 
pla'gia-rism  IplS'ja-riz'ml  «.  stolen 
pla'gia-rist  [-rist]  n.  literary  thief 
pla'gia-rize  [-riz]  v.t.  to  steal  ideas 
pla'gia-ry  [ry]  «.  literary  theft 
plague  IpUg]  v.t.  to  tease 
plaid  Iplad]  n.  checkered  cloth 
plain  [plan]  <;.  evident 
plain'ness  Iplan'nes]  «.  clearness 
plaint  Iplant]  n.  a  lament 
plain'tiff  [plSn'tif  ]  n.  complainer 
plain'tive  [plan'tiv]  a.  repining 
plait  [plat]  «.  a  braid  or  flat  fold 
plan  [plan]  h.  a  project 
plane  [plan]  n.  a  tool 
pian'et  [planet]  >i.  celestial  body 
plan'et-a-ry  [-S-ry]  a.  of  the  planets 
plank  [plangk]  «.  aboard 
plant  [plant]  v.t.  to  put  in  the  ground 
plan'tain  [plan'tSn]  «.  an  herb 
plan-ta'tion  [ta'shfln]  «.  a  large  farm 
plant'er  [plant'er]  «.  one  who  plants 
plash  [plash]  «.  a  puddle  fsand 

plas'ter   (plaster]  K.  lime,  water  and 
plas'tic  [plas'tlk]  (Z.  can  be  molded 
plas'tron  [plas'trOn]  n.  fencer's  pad 
plat  [(Mat]  n.  level  ground 
plat'band'  tpiat'band'J  n.  a  border 
plate  [plat]  w.  a  dish 
pla-teau'  [pla-to]  «.  a  table-land 
plat'en  [plat'en]  >t.  part  of  a  typewriter 
plat'form'  [plat'form]  n.  a  raised  floor 
plat'i-num  [piat'inum]  n.  a  metal 
pla-ton'ic  [pla-t6n'ik]  a.  philosophical 
Pla'to-nism  [pla'te-niz'm]  «. 
pla-toon'  [pla-toon']  «  body  of  soldiers 
plat'ter  [platter]  n.  shallow  dish 
plau'dit  [pla'dit]  )!.  applause 
plau'si-ble  [-zi-b'l]  a.  seemingly  right 
plau'si-bly  [-bly]  adv.  in  a  plausible 
play  (plal  v.i.  to  frolic  [manner 

play'bill    [pla'biH]  «.  programme 
play'er  [pla'er]  «.  an  actor 
play'fel'lo'W  [-feri6]  «.  a  playmate 
play'ful  [pla'fijl]  a.  merry  [play 

play'ground'  [-ground']  ?/.  ground  for 
play'house'  [hous']  n.  a  theater 






play'mate'  [mst'l  «.  a  play-fellow 
play'thing'  (//ilng'I  «.  a  toy      Fplays 
play'wrighf    [-right)    k.    maker    of 
pla'za  Ipl.i  zal  II.  public  square 
plea  [plel  >!.  a  lawsuit 
plead  [pled]  -'.r.  to  argue 
plead'er  IpISderJ  >i.  an  advocate 
plead'ings  [pledingz]  «.//.  law  term 
pleas'ant  fplez'iznt]  <j.  clieerful 
pleas'ant-ry  tplez(mtr>l  «.  gayety 
please  (plezj  f,/.  to  satisfy 
pleas'ing  [plez'lngl  a.  agreeable 
pleas'ur-a-ble  [plezh'ur-a-b'l]  a. 
pleas'ure  Iplezh'ur)  k.  enjoyment 
plebe  IplSb]  >i.  the  mob 
ple-be'ian  [plSbe'yrmJ  a.  vulgar 
pledge  Ipledji  «.  a  promise  Tstars 

ple'ia-des   [ple'ya-dez]  «./>/.  group  of 
plen  i-po-ten'ti-a-ry«.[plsn'i-p6-ten'- 
ple'na-ry  Ipie'na-ry]  <j. entire  [shl-a-ryl 
plen'i-tude  (pl^n'r-tad]  «.  abundance 
plen'te-0U3  [plen'tJ-us]  a.  fruitful 
plen'ti-ful  li)len'tl-full  <r.  abundant 
plen'ty  [plenty]  «.  abundance 
ple'o-nasm  lple'4-nazmj  «. 
ple'o-nast   [  n.lst)  k.  one  addicted  to 
pleo-nas'tic  [nas'tikj  a.       [pleonasm 
pleth'o-ra  [ple//id-ra]  >i.  repletion 
ple-thor'ic  [pif-thor'ik]  a. 
pleu'ra  (plura)  «.  lung  cover 
pleu'ri-sy  Iplu'rl-sy]  n.  a  disease     [ted 
plex'i-form  [pleks'I-form]  a.  complica- 
pli'a-bil'ity  [pira-bll'l-ty]  n. 
pli'a-ble  [pli'a-b'l]  a.  limber 
pli'a-ble-ness  [pli'a-b'1-nes]  k. 
pli'an-cy  [pli'<!n-sy]  «.  flexibility 
pli'ant  [pli'dnt]  a.  flexible 
pli'ca  [plika]  «.  disease  of  the  hair 
pli'ers  [pU'erz]  k.^/.  pinchers 
plight  [plit]  -v.t.  to  pledge 
plight'er  [-er]  k.  one  who  plights 
plod  liilod]  ■v.i.  to  trudge 
plod'der  [plod'derj  >i.  a  drudge 
plod'ding  [ding]  a.  industrious 
plot  [i>lC>t]  II.  intrigue 
plot'ter  [plst'terj  K.  a  schemer 
plow  [pliju]  >i.  agricultural  implement 
plow'raan  [-nmn]  «.  a  husbandman 
plow'share'  |sh,1r'l  «.  part  of  plow 
pluck  [pluk]  7'./.  to  pull 

plucked  [plaktj/./.  of  "pluck" 
pluck'y  [pluk'y]  a.  spirited 
plug  [plug]  v.t.  to  stop 
plum  [plum]  >:.  a  fruit 
plum'age  [plum'Sj]  k.  bird'-:  feathers 
plumb  [plum]  (I.  perpendicular 
plurab'age  [plum'aj]  «.  Icadwork 
plum-ba'go  [ijlfim-ba'gfi]  >i.  a  mineral 
plumb'er  jplum'er]  h.  a  lead  worker 
plumb'ing  Iplum'lng)  ti.  lead  pipe  re- 
plume  Ipluuij  «.  a  feather  [pairing 
plum'er-y  [plum  Cr-^)  ii.  plumage 
plum'met  [plum'met]  «.  a  weight 
plump  IplQnip]  rt.  fleshy 

\    v    ^ 




plun'der  [plun'der]  -v.t.  to  rob 
plun'der-er  [der-er)  «.  a  robber 
plunge  [plunj )  f./.  to  thrust 
plun'ger  [plun'jer]  «.  a  diver 
plu'ral  [plu'riil]  a.  more  than  one 
plu-ral'i-ty  [plu-ral'i-tyl  «.  a  majority 
plu'ral-ize  [plu'ral-iz]  v.t.  to  multiply 
plus  [plus]  ;;.  sign  (  +  )  denoting  addi- 
plush  [plush]  >!.  a  fabric  1  tion 

plu-toc'ra-cy  [plu-tOk'ra-sy]  ;;      (ruler 
plu'to-crat   [-to-krat)  «.  wealth-power 
plu'vi-OUS  (pla  vl-(is]  a.  rainy 
ply  [pli]  z\t.  to  use  steadily 
ply'er  [pli'er]  «.  he  who  plies  [air 

pneu-mat'ic  [nu-mat'Ik]  a.  containing 
pneu-raat'ics  [-tks]  n.  science  of  air 
pneu-mo'ni-a  [-mo'ni-a]  n.  a  disease 
poach  [poch]  1.2.  to  steal  game 
poach'er  (pech'er]  «.  a  game  thief 
pock'et  [pOk'et]  «.  a  bag  or  pouch 
pock'et-book'  [book']  ;;.apur5e 
pock'et-knife'  [-mf  ]  >i.  small  knife 
pod  [[inl]  ;;.  capsule  of  a  plant 
podge  [p6jl  n.  a  puddle 
podg'y  [pSj'yl  a.  fat  and  short 
po'em  [po'eni]  n.  composition  in  verse 
po'e-sy  [po'J-syl  >i.  poetry 
po'et  [po'et]  ;;.  author  of  a  poem 
po-et'ic-al  r-I-kitl)  a.suitablefor poetry 
po'et-ize  [Iz]  z\i.  to  compose  verse 
po'et-ry  (rj)  >i.  verse;  rhyme 
poign'ant  [poin'^nt]  a.  sharp;  keen 
poign'ant-ly  [-ly]  arfz'.in  sharp  manner 
point  [point]  ».  a  sharp  end 
point  blank'  [-blangk'l  adv.  directly 
point'ed  [point'ed]  a.  sharp 
point'ed-ly  [point'ed-ly]  adv. 
point'er  [point'er]  k.  an  index 
point'less  Ipoint'les]  a.  dull 
poise  [poiz]  i\t.  to  balance 
poi-son  [poi'z'n]  «.  virus 
poi'son-OUS  f-us]  a.  noxious 
poke  (pok]  v.t.  to  push  against 
pok'er  [pok'er]  >i.  a  game  at  cards   [fear 
pok'er-ish   [-Ish]  a.  adapted  to  excite 
po'lar  [p5'ler]  a.  pertaining  to  the  poles 
po-lar'i-ty  [p6-lar'i-ty]  «. 
po  lar-i-za'tion  [po'ler-i-za'shun]  >i. 
polar-ize  [-Iz]  v.t.  to  give  polarity  to 
pole  Ipol]  >i.  a  long  rod 
pole'ax'  [pol'aks'l  n.  a  battle-ax 
pole'caf  [pol'kaf]  «.  an  animal 
po-lem'io  [p6-lem'ik]  a.  controversial 
po-lem'ic-al  [po-lem'i-knl]  a. 
po-lem'ics  f-iks]  n.  art  of  controversy 
po-lice'  [p6-les'l  ?z.  body  of  civil  officers 
po-lice'man  ( p4-les'man]  n.  a  constable 
pol'i-cy  IpOli-syl  «■  motive;  object 
pol'ish  [parish]  -'./.  to  burnish 
pol'ished  [pOl'Isht]  a.  refined 
pol'ish-er  [-Ish-er]  «.  he  who  polishes 
po-lite'  IpO-lit']  a.  courteous 
po-lite'ly[-ly]  do'i'.  in  a  polished 
po-lite'ness  [nes]  n.  courtesy 




pol'i-tic  [psri-tlk]  <i.  discreet 
po-lit'i-cal  [pilit'I-ku!]  a.  fman 

pol  i-ti'cian  [psri-tish'an]  k.  a  states- 
pol'i-tics[  i-tiks]/!. science  of  govemni't 
pol'i-ty  [tj  ]  ».  system  of  government 
pol'ka  [polka]  K.  a  dance 
poll  [pol]  '■./.  to  enter  votes 
pol'len  [pOl'len]  II.  flower  dust 
pol-lute'  [pOl-lut'l  -v.t.  to  soil 
pol-lu'tion  [pOl-lu'shun]  K.  impurity 
Pol'lux  [psrioks]  «.  a  fixed  star 
po'lo  [po  16]  II.  agame 
po  lo-naise'  [naz']  »;.  article  of  dress 
pol  troon'  [pOl'troon'j  ii.  coward 
pol  y-an'dry  [pol'i-an'dry]  it. 
po-lyg'a-mist  [p6-lig'a-mist]  «. 
po-lyg'a-mous  [pS-Ilg'a-mOs]  a. 
po-lyg'a-myt-niy]  71.  plurality  of  wives 
pol'y-glot  [pclf-glst]  II. 
pol'y-gon  [-i^on]  II.  many-sided  figure 
po-lyph'o-ny  [pS-ltf  6-ny]  k. 
pol'y-pus  (pori-pfls]  It.  a  tumor 
pol'y-sylla-ble  [pol'i-stl'la-b'l]  «. 
pol  y-tech'nic  [piil'I-lek'nik]  a. 
pol'y-the-ismC-Mf-Iz'm])!.  many  gods 
pol'y-the-ist  [pori-Mf-ist]  it. 
pom'ace  [piim'Ss]  k.  crushed  fruit 
po-ma'ceous  [p6-ma'shus]  a. 
po-made'  IpS-mad']  «.  ointment 
pome  [pOm]  It.  a  fruit 
pome'gran'ate  [pum'grSn'St]  «.  a  fruit 
pom'mel  [pOm'mel]  i'.  to  beat 
po-mol'o-gy  [p6-mi5r6-jj]  «.  science  of 
pomp  [pMinp]  «.  parade  [fruits 

pom'pa-dour  [p5m'pa-door]  It. 
pomp'ous  [pOmp'us]  a.  boastful 
pon'oho  [pOn'chi]  u.  a  kind  of  cloak 
pond  [pond]  ;;.  a  body  of  water     [lively 
pon'der  [ponder]  f./.  toconsider  atten- 
ponder-a-bil'i-ty  [a-bil'i-ty]  k. 
ponder-os'i-ty  [-os'ity]  it.  weight 
pon'der-ous  [-us]  a.  weighty 
pone  [pon]  ;/.  a  corn  cake 
pon'iard  [pon'yerd]  It.  a  dagger 
pons  as'i-no'rum  [ponz  as'(-no'rQm]M. 
pon'tifF  [pon'tif  ]  It.  a  high  priest 
pon-tif  ic  [-Ik J  «.  papal 
pon-tif  i-cal  [-i  k<il]  a.  pert,  to  pontiff 
pon-tifi-cate  [-i-k;t]  w.pope's  term  of 
pon-toon'  [pin-tuun]  It.  [office 

po'ny  [pony]  It.  a  small  horse 
poo'die  [pijo'd'l]  It.  a  small  dog 
pooh  [puu]  iittcrj.  nonsense 
pool  (pool]  K.  a  puddle 
poor  [poor]  <J.  needy 
poor'house'  [-hous']  «.  almshouse 
poor'ly  [poor'ly]  a.  not  in  health 
pop  [pop]  It.  an  explosive  sound 
pope  [pop]  ".  bishop  of  RomS 
pope'dom  [pop'dum]  n.  papal  dignity 
pop'er-y  [pSp'er-J]  n.  Romanism 
pop'gtin'  [pOp'gOn'l  «.  a  child's  gun 
pop'in-jay  [-in-ja]  >t.  a  fop 
pop'lar  [-ler]  It.  a  tree 

\  \ 


I   POP 



pop'lin  [-Itn]  K.  a  kind  of  fabric 
pop'py  [py]  «.  a  plant 
pop'u-lace  [u-las]  n.  the  people 
pop'u-lar  [u-ler]  a.  liked  by  the  people 
pop'u-lar'i-ty  [-lar'l-tj']  h.  public  favor 
pop'u-lar-ize  [-ler-iz]  v.t.  to  make  pop- 
pop'u-late  [u-lat]  v.t.  to  people     [a\Tir 
pop  U-la'tion  [u-la'shunj  n.  the  people 
pop'u-lous  [u-lus]  n.  full  of  people 
por'ce-lain  [p6r's4-lin]  ii.  china  ware 
porch  [purLh]  ».  covered  entrance 
por'cu-pine  [por'ku-pin]  «.  an  animal 
pore  [piir]  11.  small  opening 
pork  [park]  n.  flesh  of  swine 
pork'er  [pork'er]  H.  a  hog 
por'ous  tpor'us]  a.  full  of  pores 
por'phy-ry  [p6r'f!-rj]  n.  a  kind  of  rock 
por'poise  [porpus!  it.  a  fish 
por'ridge  [por'rtj]  «.  a  kind  of  broth 
port  [port]  11.  a  haven 
port'a-ble  [a-b'I]  a.  easily  transported 
port'age  [port'aj]  «.  sailor's  wages 
por'tal  [por'ti?!]  tt.  an  entrance 
porte'mon-naie'  [port'mun-na']  «. 

por-tend'  [p6r-tend']  v.t.  to  foreshow 
por-tent'  [portent']  ?/.asign;  an  omen 
por-tent'ous  [p6r-tent'us]  a.  ominous 
por'ter  [porter]  «.  doorkeeper 
port-fol'io    rport-fbl'yO]  n.  a  case  for 
por'ti-CO  [por'tr-ko]  «.  a  piazza  [papers 
por'tion  [jior'shun]  n.  a  share 
port'li-ness  [port'lr-nes]  n.  corpulence 
port'ly  [p"'rt'ly]  a.  imposing 
port-man'teau  [pOrt-min'tS]  «.abag 
por'trait  [|ir,r'trSt]  n.  a  picture 
por-tray'  [por-tra']i'./.  topaintordraw 
por-tray'al  [por-tra'«l]  «.  description 
pose  [pOz]  V.  to  question:  to  take  atti- 
pos'cr  [  cr]  J!,  apuzzle  [tude 

pO-si'tion[pQ-zish'un]«.  attitude;  stand 
pos'i-tive  [pOz'I-tIv]  <?.  actual 
pos-sess'  [poz-zes'I  v.t.  to  own 
pos-ses'sion  [-zesh'On]  n.  ownership 
pos-sess'or  [pt5z-zes'er]  7t.  owner 
pos'si-bil'i-ty  [p6s'sl-b!l'l-ty]  «. 
pos'si-ble  [pus'si-b'l]  a.  likely 
post  [post]  v.t.  to  mail 
post'age  [post'aj]  n.  mailing  charges 
post'al  [dl]  a.  belonging  to  the  P.  O. 
post'date'  [post'dat]  •:' /.  to  after-date 
post'er  [post'er]  }i.  a  placard 
pOS-te'ri-or[pOs-te'ri-er]a.  later  in  time 
pos-ter'i-ty  [p6s-tSr'I-ty)  «.  ofl'spring 
pos'tern  [  pos'tern]  «.  small  gate 
post'ilu-mous  [p6st'hii-mQsl  a. 
pos-til'ion  [pus-tU'yun]  n.  a  rider 
post'ing[post'tng]«.  transferring accts. 
post'man  [post  nwn]  «.  letter  carrier 
post'mark'  [post'mark']  v.t.  to  stamp 
post'mas'ter  [post'mas'ter]  «. 
post-mor'tem  [mor'tem]  a.  after  death 
post'of  fice  [-Sf  fis]  K.  office  for  mail 
post-pone'  (post-pon'l  7'./.  to  delay 
post-pone'ment  [men  t]«.  a  putting  off 




post'script[-skrIpt]M.  addition  to  letter 
pos'tu-late  tpOs'tu-lSt]  -.J.t.  to  assume 
pos  tu-la'tion  [-la'shun]  «.  assumption 
pos'ture  [pob'tur] «.  position 
po'sy  [po'zyl  11.  a  nosegay 
pot  [pi^t]  n.  earthen  vessel 
pot'ash'  [pot'asli']  7t.  a  chemical 
po-tas'si-um  [pStas'sl-flm]  «.  a  metal 
po-ta'tion  [pSta'shOn]  «.  a  draught 
po-ta'to  [|i6-ta't6j  «.  a  vegetable 
po'ten-cy  [p5*t(-n-syl  n.  capability 
po'tent  [po'tt-nl]  a.  powerful 
po'ten-tate  [po'trn-tatl  «.  a  prince 
po-ten'tial[p6'ten'sli«l]a.  in  possibility 
poth'er  [poth'er]  f.t.  to  perplex 
po'tion  [po'shunl  «.  a  dose 
pot'ter  [p6t'ter]  «.  clay  worker 
pot'ter-y  [p6t'ter-y]  «.  earthenware 
pouch  [pouch]  n.  a  small  bag 
pou-drette'  [poo-dret]  n.  a  manure 
poul'ter-er[porter-er]«.  poultry  dealer 
poul'tice  [poltls]  «.  soft  composition 
poul'try  [pol'trjl  n.  domestic  fowls 
pounce  [pouns]  v.t.  to  seize  upon 
pound  [pound]  «.  a  weight;  i6  ozs. 
pound'er  [er]  «.  a  pestle 
pour  [por]  I'.t.  to  cause  to  flow 
pout  [pout]  I'-i.  to  look  sullen 
pov'er-ty  [pOv'er-ty*]  n.  penury 
pow'der  [pou'der]  n.  fine  particles 
pow'der-y  [y]  a.  friable 
pow'er  [-er]  «.  ability  to  act 
pow'er-ful  [er-ful]  a.  strong 
pow'er-less  [-er-les]  a.  impotent 
pow'wow'     []")Ou'wou'3    n.    disorderly 
pox  [poks]  n.  a  disease  [meeting 

practi-ca-bil'i-ty  [ti-ka-bil'r-tj]  > 
prac'ti-ca-ble  [prak'ti-ka-b"I]  a. 
prac'ti-cal  [kul]  a.  turned  to  use  [way 
prac'ti-cal-ly  [-ly]  adv.  in  a  practical 
prac'tice  [pr.ik'tls]  «.  custom 
prac-ti'tion-er  [tish'Qn-er]  h.  a  doctor 
prag-mat'ic-al  [prag-mat'j-kal]  a. 
prai'rie  [pra'ri]  «.  grassy  plain 
praise  [pr3z]  7'./.  to  commend        fable 
praise'worthy  [-war'tliy]<i.  commend- 
prance  [prans]  i.i.  to  spring  as  a  horse 
prank  [prangk]  k.  a  trick 
prate  [prat]  i'.t.  to  chatter 
prat'tle  [prat't'l]  «.  empty  talk 
prat'tler  [prat'tlCrl  «  one  who  prattles 
pray  [pra]  -j.i.  to  supplicate 
prayer  [pr.'ir]  h.  entreaty 
prayer-ful  [ful]  a.  devotional 
preach  [prCch]  v.t.  to  discourse 
preach'er  [  Gr]  h.  one  who  preaches 
pre-ad'am-ite  [pr*-ad'<7m-tt)  a. 
pre'amble  [prc'am'b"l]  «.  a  preface 
pre  ar-range'  [prO'Sr-ranj']  v.t. 
preb'end  [prelj'end]  it.  a  payment 
pre-ca'ri-ous  [pr?-ka'rI-Qs]  a.  doubtful 
prec'a-to-ry  [prek'a-t4-ry)  a. 
pre-cau'tion  [pr*-ka'shan]  n.  previous 
pre-cau'tion-a-ry  [-ir>]  a.  [t.irc 






pre-cau'tious  [-shQs]  a.  precautionary 
pre-cede'  [  sc-d')  -v.e.  tog-o  before 
pre-ced'ence  [  fnsi  n. 
pre-ced'en-cy  [.nsyl  «.  priority 
pre-cen'tor  [pre-senterj  n.  choir  leader 
pre'cept  [pre'sept]  H.  maxim 
pre-cep'tor  fpre-sep'ter]  «.  a  teacher 
pre-cep'tress  1-trSs]  71.  female  teacher 
pre'cinct  [prS'singkt]  «.  boundary 
pre'cious  (presh'us)  a.  costly 
prec'i-pice  (pres'i-ptsl  «.  a  cliff 
pre-cip'i-tant  iprS-sipi-tant]  <j. 
pre-cip'i-tate  [-tatl  a.  overhasty 
pre-cipi-ta'tion   [-ta'shun]    ;;.    great 
pre-cip'i-tous  [-tas]  a.  hasty        ihurry 
pre-cise'  [pre-sis']  a.  exact 
pre-ci'sion  [slzh'un]  «.  exactness 
pre-clude'  [prf-klad'i  v.t.  to  stop  [out 
pre-clu'sion  [-klu'zhun]  «.  a  shutting 
pre-co'cious  [-ko'shQs]  a.  premature 
pre-COC'i-ty  [-kSs'I-ty]  «.  forwardness 
pre-con-ceive'  [pre-kon-sev]  -.t. 
pre-cur'sor  [pr4-kur'ser]  u.  forerunner 
pred'a-to-ry  [pred'a-to-rj]  «. 
prede-ces'sor  [pred'S-ses'ser]  n. 
pre-des'ti-nate  (prS-desti-nat)  v.t. 
pre-des'ti-na'tion  [na'shun]  n. 
pre-des'tine  [pre-destinj  v.t. 
pre-de-ter'mine  [pre'dS-ler'mIn]  n. 
pred'i-ca-ble  [pred'l-ka-b'll  ,1. 
pre-dic'a-ment  [prS-dlka-m^nt]  n. 
pred'i-cate  [pred'i-kSt]  v.t.  to  affirm 
pred'i-ca'tion  [-kj'shun]  «.  assertion 
pred'i-ca-to-ry  [-ka-t6-r>J  a.  positive 
pre-dict'  [prS-drkt']  v.t.  to  foretell 
pre-die'tion  [prS-dlk'shun]  n.  prophecy 
pre'di-lec'tion  [pre'di-lek'shun]  It. 
pre'dis-pose'  ipre'dis-poz']  v.t. 
pre-dis'po-si'tion  (-dis'po-zisU'un)  n. 
pre-dom'i-nance  [pre-dom'i-n«ns]  >i. 
pre-dom'i-nant  []  n.  prevalent 
pre-dom'i-nate  [ii.itj  v.i.  to  prevail 
pre-em'i-nence  ipre-em'i-ncnsi  n. 
pre-em'i-nent  [  nent]  a.  surpassing 
pre-emp'tion  [pr^'cmp'shun]  n. 
pre-empt'or  [pre-emter]  n. 
pre  en-gage'ment(preengsj'niinti« 
pre'ex-ist'ence  (pre'egz-Ist'e-nbl  ;;. 
preface  [pref'Ss]  n.  introduction 
pref'a-tO-ry  [prera-tS-ry]  a.  opening 
pre-fer'  [prf-fer']  v.t.  to  choose 

pref  er-a-ble  [prefer-a-bl]  a. 
pref'er-ence  [prefEr-^ns]  >;.  a  choice 
pre-fer'ment  (pre-ferment]  n, 
pre-fig'ure  (-flg'ur]  ■;'./.  to  foreshadow 
pre-fix'  tprS-fiks'l  v.t.  to  put  before 
preg'nan-cy  [preg'n<in-sy]  «.  fertility 
preg'nant  []  a.  full  of  promise 
pre-hen'sile  [pre-hen'sll]  a.  grasping 
pre-judge'  [jujjz'./.decide  beforehand 
pre-.ju'di-cate  [prSju'di-kat]  v.t. 

prej'u-dice  [prej'il-dis]  ji.  bias 
pre.j'u-di'cial  [-dish'iill  a.  biased 
prel'a-cy  [prel'a-syj'i.  office  of  a  prelate 




pre-lim'i-na-ry  [prS-lln.  i-nS-ryl  a. 
pre'lude  [prelCul)  >i.  introduction 
pre  ma-ture'  |  ma- tare')  <i.  too  early 
pre-med'i-tate  [prS-med'itat]  ■v.t. 
pre-med  i-ta'tion  [ta'shOn]  «. 
pre'mi-er  [pre  nii-er]  «.  chief 
prem'ise  [prem'is]  n.  a  supposition 
pre'mi-um  [premi-um]  «.  a  prize 
pre'mo-ni'tion  [pre'mS-nlsh'un]  k. 
pre-mon'i-to-ry  [prSmOnito-rj]  a. 
pre-oc'cu-py  dirJ-ok'ku-py]  v.t. 
prep  a-ra'tion  [prep'S-ra'shfln]  >t. 
pre-par'a-tive  [prf  par'a-tlv]  a. 
pre-par'a-to-ry  [prf-par'a-tS-ry]  a. 
pre-pare'  [prS-par'J  v.t.  to  make  ready 
pre-pay'  [prS-pa]  i/./.  to  pay  in  advance 
pre-pense'  [pens']  a.  preconceived 
pre-pon'der-ance  [-peinderuns]  «. 
prep-o-si'tion  [prep-6zish'un] «. 
pre  pos-sess'  [pre'p6z-zes']  v.t. 
prepos-ses'sion  [zesh'unl  n. 
pre-pos'ter-ous  [pre-pos  tcr-fis]  a. 
pre-rog'a-tive  [prS-rflijativ]  u. 
pre'sage  [prc'saj]  «.  an  omen 
pres'by-ter  [prez'by-ter]  »i.  a  priest 
Pres  by-te'ri-an  [-te'ri-nn]  n.  a  sect 
pres'by-ter-y  [ter-yl  «• 
pre'sci-ence  [pre'slii-^ns]  «.  foresight 
pre-scribe'  [i  rcskrib']  v.e.  to  dictate 
pre-scrip'tion  [skrip'shun]  >i 
pres'ence  [prez'tns]  «   opposed  to  ab- 
pres'ent  [tnt]  «.  a  gift  isence 

pre-sent'a-ble  [prf-zent'a-b'l]  a. 
pres  en-ta'tion  [prez'en-ta'shunl  ji. 
pre-sen'ti-ment  [presen'ti-nifntj  >i. 
pres'ent-ly  [prezVnt-lyl  a<i'z'.  soon 
pre-sent'ment  [prS-zent'm^ntl  ii. 
pres  er-va'tion  [prez'er-va'shun]  ii. 
pre-serv'a-tive  (prezerv'a-tiv)  «. 
pre-serve'  [pr5-zerv']  v.i.  to  save 
pre-serv'er  [zerv'er]  k.  one  who  saves 
pre-side'  [prf-zid]  v.i.  to  watch  over 
pres'i-den-cy  [prez'r-drn-syi  h. 
pres'i-dent  [prez'I-di^ntl  k.  chief  officer 
presi-den'tial  [den'shnll  a.  pert,  to 
press  [pres]  t ./.  to  squeeze  [prest. 

pres'sure  [prcsh'ur]  «.  a  squeezing 
pres'tige  [pres-tlj]  ji.  influence;  fame 
pres'tO  Ipres'ti]  aifz:  quickly 
pre-sump'tion  (prf-zump'shOnj  71. 
pre-sump'tive  [  zOmp'tlvJ  a.  probable 
pre-sump'tu-ous  [tu-Os]  a.  insolent 
pre'sup-pose   [  suppozl  r./.  toassume 
pre-tend' I  pre  ■  tend' )w.  J.  to  make  believe 
pre-tend'er  [CrJ  h.  a  claimant 
pre-tense'  [prf  tens']  m.  assumption 
pre-ten'sion  [priten'sliOn]  «. 
pre-ten'tious  [shOsl  a.  presuming 
pre  ter-nat'u-ral  [prfi'ter-njt']  a 
pre'text  [preiekst]  M.  excuse 
pret'ty  [prit'rjl  n.  neat;  pleasing 
pre- vail'  Iprtval')  v.i.  to  be  in  force 
prev'a-lence  (prcv'a-lrnsi  «. 



prev'a-lent  [Ifnt;  a.  prevniling 

pre-var'i-cate  [prt-var'i-kst)   11.1.  to 
pre-var'i-ca'tion  [ks'sliun]  «.  [evade 
pre-var'i-ca  tor  [prSvar'i-ka'ter]  «. 
pre-vent'  [p>'*-'^'5nt']  v.t.  to  frustrate 
pre-vent'er  l-er]  ji.  ahinderer 
pre-ven'tion  [sliun]  «.  a  thwarting 
pre-vent'ive[-iv]«.  that  which  prevents 

pre'vi-OUS  [pre'vl-Os]  a.  preceding 
pre'vi-OUS-ly  [-ly]  adv.  beforehand 
prey  [prft]  n.  plunder 
price  [pris]  n.  value  at  sale 
price'less  [-les]  a.  of  great  value 
prick  [prik]  z:t.  to  pierce 
prick'ly  [lyl  «.  full  of  sharp  points 
pride  Iprkl)  «.  state  of  being  proud 
priest  tprestl  n.  a  minister 
priest'cralt  [-kraft]  «.  priestly  policy 
priest'hood  [-hood]  «.  office  of  a  priest 
prig  [prigl  n.  conceited  fellow 
prim  [prim]  a.  precise 
pri'ma-cy  Ipri'ma-sy]  h.  supremacy 
pri'mal  |pri  miTlJ  a.  first 
pri'ma-ri-ly  [-ma-ri-ly]  adv.  originally 
pri'ma-ry  [pri'ma-ry]  a.  original 
pri'mate  [pri  mat)  ?«.  an  archbishop 
prime  Iprim]  a.  first 
prim'er  [prim  er]  Ji.  book  for  a  beginner 
pri-me'val  [pri-mevnlj  a.  original 
prim'ing  [prim'ing]  h.  first  coating 
prim'i-tive  [prim'i-tiv]  n.  first 
pri  mo-gen'i-tor  [pri  mojcn'i-torj  «. 
pri  mo-gen'i-ture  [tur]  n. 
pri-mor'di-al  [prim6r'di-<il]a.  primary 
prim'rose    Iprlm'roz'l  71.  aplant 
prince  tP^ins]  n.  a  sovereign 
prince'ly  [prlns'ly]  n.  royal 
prin'cess  [prin'ses]  k.  female  prince 
prin'ci-pal  [-sl-pdl]  ;i.  chief  or  head 
prin  ci-pal'i-ty  [pal'i-ty]  «.  territory 
prin'ci-ple  [p'l]  n.  a  general  truth 
prink  [prlngk]  v.t.  to  dress  up 
print  [print]  v.l.  to  stamp 
print'er  [print'erl  II.  one  who  prints 
pri'or  tprier]  a.  former 
pri  or'i-ty  [pri'er'i-ty]  «.  precedence 
pri'o-ry  (pri'6-ry]  «.  a  religious  house 
prism  Iprizm]  «.  geometrical  term 
pris-mat'ic-al  [priz-mati-kulj  a. 
pris'on  [priz  "n]  11.  a  jail 
pris'on-er  [er]  71.  a  captive 
pris'tine  1  pris' tin]  a.  primeval 
pri'va-cy  [prl'va-sy]  n.  seclusion 
pri'vate  [pri'vst]  a.  secluded 
pri  va-teer'  [pri'va-ter'l  h. 
pri'vate-ly  [vit-ly]  adv.  not  openly 
pri-va'tion  [-va'shfin]  h.  need 
priv'i-lege  [priv'l-lej]  71  liberty 
priv'i-ly  Iprivl-lyl  adv.  secretly 
priv'y  [priv'yl  <2.  secret 
prize  [priz]  v.t.  to  value  highly 
proba-bil'i-ty  [prob'a-bil'i-ty]  «. 
prob'a-ble  [prOb'a-b'U  a.  likely 
prob'a-bly  [-bly]  adv.  in  likelihood 





pro'bate  [prr.bat]  w.  official  proof 
pro-ba'tion  [prO-ba'shun]  «.  trial 
pro-ba'tion-a-ry  [-i-ry]  a.  tprobe 

probe    [probj  v.t.   to   examine   with   a 
prob'i-ty  [prOb'i-tjJ  n.  integrity 
prob'lem  t-lcm)  «.  case  for  solution 
prob  lem-at'ic-al  [at']  a. 
pro-bos'cis  [prfl-bes'sis]  «.  a  snout 
pro-ce'dure  [-se'dur]  «.  process 
pro-ceed'  IprO-sed'l  T.i.  to  advance 
pro-ceed'ing  [-ingl  ?:.  a  transaction 
pro'ceeds  [  sedz]  «.//.  product       [tion 
proc'ess  [pros'cs]  n,  continuous  opera- 
pro-ces'siou  [pro-scsh'un]  ?/.  a  retinue 
pro-claim'  [klani]  ^V.  to  promulgate 
proc  la-ma'tion  [prok'la-ma'shun]  «. 
pro-cliv'i-ty  [i)rs-kliv'[-tyl «. 
pro-cras'ti-nate  [jirs-kras'ti-natl  v.t. 
pro-eras  ti-na'tion  [na'shun];;.  delay 
pro'cre-ate  [prB'krSat]  i/.t.  to  beget 
proc'tor  IprOk'ter]  «.  college  officer 
pro-cur'a-ble  tprO-kur'a-b'IJ  a. 
proc'u-ra'torfprek'u-ra'ter)>;.an  agent 
pro-cure'  [prO-kurJ  -v.t.  to  obtain 
pro-cure'ment  [-mt-nt]  «.  attainment 
pro-cur'er  t  Cr]  n.  a  pander 
prod  iprr,  II  z .!.  to  goad 
prod'i-gal  [[irodi-gol]  a.  wasteful 
prod  i-gal'i-ty  [-gSl'l-ty]  «.  waste 
pro-di'gious  [pr6-dij'usl  a.  wonderful 
prod'i-gy  IprOdi-jy)  it.  a  wonder 
pro-duce'[pr6-dus']^'./.to  bring  forward 
prod'uct  [prCd'ukt]  «.  consequence 
pro-duc'tion  [pro-duk'shun]  ii.  fruit 
pro-duc'tive  [prS-dflk'tIv]  a.  fertile 
pro'em  [pro'em]  31.  introduction 
prof'a-na'tion  [prora-na'shun]  n. 
pro-fane'  [irO-fan  ]  a.  irreverent 
pro-fan'i-ty  [fan  i-ty]  «.  blasphemy 
pro-fess'  [pra-fes'l  %.t.  to  pretend 
pro-fes'sion  [fesh'un]  n.  an  avowal 
pro-fes'sion-al  []  a.  pertaining  to 
pro-fess'or  [  -fes'er J  ?:.  a  teacher 
proffer  (iirOf  ferlf./.  to  make  a  tender 
pro-fi'cien-cy  [-fishVn-sy]  ti.  skill 
pro-fi'cient  [fnt]  «.  well-skilled 
pro'file  Iprr.'fil]  «.  an  outline 
profit  Iprufit]  «.  gain 
prof  it-a-ble  [a-b'l)  a.  gainful 
profit-less  [les]  a.  withoutprofit 
prof  li-ga-cy[-lr-ga-syl«.  dissoluteness 
profli-gate    [gSt]   «.  a  dissolute  per- 
pro-found'  [pr4-found'l  a.  deep       [son 
pro-found'ness  [-nis]  «.  depth     fstint 
pro-fuse'   [prO-fOs]  a.  giving  without 
pro-fuse'nes8  £-nesl  «.  extravagance 
pro-fu'sion  [DrS-fQ'zhOnJ  «. 
pro-gen'i-tor  (pr6-jcn'l-terj  «. 
pro-gen'i-ture  [tdrl  «.  a  birth 
prog'e-ny  lproj'4-nyj  >i.  offspring 
prog-nos'tic  [pr0g-n5s'tlk]a. 
prog-nos'ti-ca-ble  [ti-ka-b'l]  a. 
prog-nos'ti-cate  (-k.ltl  v.t.  to  predict 
pro'gramme  [progr.'unl  «.  order 






pro-gress'  fprOgres]  v.i.  to  advance 
pro-gres'sion  [gresh'unj  k.  course 
pro-gress'ive  [gres'Iv]  a.  improving 
progue  [irug]  v.t.  to  prick 
pro-hib'it  [r>ra-hlb'lt]  ii.l.  to  forbid 
pro'hi-bi'tion  [pro'hi-liIsh'Qn]  n. 
pro-hib'it-o-ry  [pr6-liibit-6-ryl  a. 
pro-.ject'  IprS-jekt']  T.t.  to  cast  forward 
pro-.ject'ile  |-il]  ,i.  a  missile 
pro-jec'tion  [jek'shOn));.  a  jutting  out 
pro'late  [pru'lat]  a.  extended 
pro-lif'ic  [pr«-lif  Ik]  a.  fruitful 
pro-lif'ic-ness  [nes]  n   fruitfulness 
pro-lix'  IprSliks']  a.  tedious 
pro-lix'i-ty  [i-tj]  «.  minute  detail 
pro'logue  Ipro'lOg]  «.  preface 
pro-long'  [prS-lOng'l  ■!■•■'■  to  continue 
pro'lon-ga'tion  [i)r6'16n-ga'6liQn]  u. 
prom  e-nade'  [proni'S-nad'j  «. 
prom'i-nence  [J-n^'ns]  k.  elevation 
prom'i-nent  [nentj  a.  distinctly  ninni- 
pro-mis'cu-ous  [prO-mis'kii-Qs]  a.  |fest 
prom'ise  IprOm'is]  z>.t.  to  engage  to  do 
prom'is-so-ry  [prOm'Is-sS-ryJ  a. 
pro-mote'  IprS-mot']  -j.t.  to  elevate 
pro-mot'er  l-er]  «.  anencourager 
pro-mo'tion  [-mo'shun]  h.  artvanceme't 
prompt  Iproiut]  a.  quick  to  act 
prompt'i-tude  [-Itud]  u.  alacrity 
prompt'ness  [nes]  n.  readiness  [claim 
pro-mul'gate  IprS-mul'gat]  -u.t.  to  pro- 
pro'mul-ga'tion  [pro  niul-ga'simnj  ii. 
prone  (prOii]  r7.  inclined 
prone'ness  [nes]  «.  disposition 
prong  tprSng]  ji.  the  tine  of  a  fork 
pro'noun  [pra'noun]  n.  word  for  a  noun 
pro-nounce'  [prS-nouns]  Z'.t.  to  speak 
pro-nounced'  [-nounst]  a.  decided 
pro-nounce'ment  [nouns'mfnt]  n. 
pro-nun  ci-a'tion  [-nunshi-a'shun]  u. 
proof  1  proof  J  «.  evidence 
prop  [prop]  v.t.  to  support  [zation 

prop  a-gan'da  [h-gan'da]  «.  an  organi- 
prop'a-gate  [a-gat]  v.l.  to  increase 
prop  a-ga'tion  [-ga'shiin];/. production 
pro-pel'  [pro-pel']  v.t.  to  drive  fonvar.l 
pro-pel'ler  [pfl'ler]  «.  a  screwsteamer 
pro-pend'  IprO-pend]  -v.i.  to  incline 
pro-pen'si-ty  [pen'si-ty]  k.  tendency 
prop'er  [prop'erj  a.  appropriate 
prop'er-ly  [-ly]  adv.  suitably 
prop'er-ty  [ty]  n.  an  estate 
proph'e-cy  [prdf 'S-sy]  «.  a  foretelling 
proph'e-sy  [prOf'£-si]  v.t.  to  foretell 
proph'et[pr6f  et]  j;.  a  foreteller  [events 
pro-phet'ic    [prfl-feflk]    a.    foretellinj; 
pro-pin'qui-ty  [pri5-ping'kwi-ty]  it. 
pro-pi'ti-ate  [pish'i-atl  v.t.  to  atone 
pro-piti-a'tion  [-a'shOn]  «.      [piatory 
pro-pi'ti-a-to-ry  l-pisli'i-a-tS-ryJ  <;.  e\- 
pro-pi'tious  [prO-pish'us]  a.  favorable 
pro-pone'  [pr6pon']  v.t.  to  propose 


cr\  (r\ 




pro-por'tion  [pri-por'shunl  «.  a  share 
pro-por'lion-al  [.jI]  <i.  suitable  degree 
pro-por'tion-al-ly  [nl-lyl  aJz:  [tion 
pro-por'tion-ate  [itj  f./.  to  proper- 
pro-pos'al  [  pC.z'.il]  ;i.atender  [cration 
pro-pose'  [puz]  t'.c  to  offer  for  consid- 
prop  o-si'tiou  IprOp'6-zisli'unl  ti. 
pro-poimd'  [pr6-poui!d']  i-./.  topropose 
pro-pri'e-ta-ry  [-pri'f-t3-ry]  «.  owner- 
pro-pri'e-tor  [-ter]  «.  an  owner  [ship 
pro-pri'e-ty  [-pri'4-ty]  n.  fitness  fling 

pro'ra'ta  Ipro'ra'ta]  L.  in  proportion 
pro-rogue'  (pr6-rog'J  f./.  to  adjourn 
pro-sa'ic  [prS-za'Ik]  <i.  uninteresting 
pro-sce'ni-um  [pr4-se'ni-umi  k. 

pro-scribe'  (prS-skrib'l  •?■./.  to  prohibit 
pro-SCrip'tion  [-skrlp'shun]  «.prohibi- 
prose  [prozl  ;;.  lang.  not  in  verse    Ition 
pros'e-CUte  [pr6s'6-kut]  •z/./.tocontinue 
pros'e-CU  tor  [-S-ku'terl  «.  an  accuser 
pros'e-lyte  [iir6s'6-lit]  ». anew  convert 
pros'e-ly-tism  [-ll-tlz'ni]  >i. 
pros'i-ness[proz'I-n6s!  «.  tiresomeness 
pro-slav'er-y  [pr4-slav'er-y]  a. 
pros'o-dy  [pri5s'#-dyl  «   grammar  term 
pros'pect  [prOs'pekt]  >i.  outlook 
pro-spec'tive  [pr6-spek'tiv]<7,  in  future 
pros-pect'or  [pros-pekt'erl  n.  fgramme 
pro-spec'tus  |pr4-spek'tusJ  «.   a  pro- 
pros'per  [jrOs  per]  v.t.  to  be  successful 
pros-per'i-ty  [prOs-per'I-ty]  tt.  success 
pros'per-OUS  [prus'per-Cis]  a.  successful 
pros'ti-tute  [prOs'tl-tut]  >:.  astrumpet 
pros  ti-tu'tion  [-tu'shun]  h.  lewdness 
pros'trate  [prfts'trSt]  ■:'  /.  to  lay  flat 
pros-tra'tion  [tra'shun]  j;.  dejection 
pros'y  [prozyl  a.  dull  and  tedious 
pro-tect'  [pri-tekt']  vJ.  to  shield 
pro-tec'tion  [tek'shOn]  «.  shelter 
pro-tec'tion-ist  [-Ist]  «. 
pro-tect'ive  [-tekt'iv]  a.  defensive 
pro-tect'or  [-er]  «.  a  defender 
pro-tect'or-ate  [-er-at]  k. 

pro  te'ge'  [pr6'ta'zhi'l  n.m.  1  one  pro 

protegee'  [pri'ts'zhs']  ti.y  (  tected 
pro-test'  lpr6-test']  v.e.  to  declare 
Prot'es-tant  (prot'ss-tnnti  «. 
prot'es-ta'tion  [-ta'slmn]  k.  dissent 
pro'to-col  liT.'j'ti-kcJl)  91.   original  copy 
pro'to-plast  [plast]  h.  the  original 
pro'to-type  [pro'ti-tip]  h.  pattern 
pro-tract'  |pr6-traktl  Z'.^.  to  continue 
pro-tract'ed  [-C-d]  a.  continued       [ance 
pro-trac'tion   [-trak'shun]  «.  continu 
pro-trude  (  tryd]  v.t.  to  project 
pro-tu'ber-ance  [tubc-r-ans]  «. 
proud  (proud)  a.  haughty 
proud'ly  [ly]  ac/v.  haughtily 
prove  [proov]  v.i  to  verify 
prov'en  |[>r("7ov'n)/./.  or  a.  proved 
prov'en-der  IprOv'Sn-der)  «.  feed 
prov'erb  IprOv'Srb]  «.  a  maxim 





pro-ver'bi-al  [pri-ver'bl-irl]  n.  current 
pro-vide'  [pr6-vid'|  v./.  to  supply 
pro-vid'ed  [-ed]  con/,  on  condition 

Prov'i-dence  [prev'i-d^'ns]  «.  God 
prov'i-dent  [l-dcnt]  n.  prudent 
prov'i-den'tial  [-den'shal]  a. 
prov'ince  [prfw'Ins]  n.  a  district 
pro-vin'cial  [prS-vin'shal]  a. 
pro-vin'cial-ism  [iz'm]  «. 
pro-vi'sion  [prs-vlzh'un)  «.  eatables 
pro-vi'sion-al  [■.!]]  a.  temporary 
pro-vi'so  Ipr6-vrz6]?i.  a  clause  limiting 
prOV'O-ca'tion  [pr6v'6-ka'shunl  tt. 
pro-VO'ca-tive  [pr6-vo'ka-tIv|  a. 
pro-voke'  [vok')  v./.  to  irritate 
prov'ost  [prOv'ust]  «  an  officer 
prow  tprou]  K.  fore  part  of  a  ship 
prow'ess  t-es]  n.  fearlessness 
prowl  [prowl]  t'.i.  to  rove  for  prey 
prox'i-mate  [pr6ks'I-mSt]  a.  nearest 
prox-im'i-ty  [Tni'I-tyl  ?t.  nearness 
prOx'i-mo[-l-ni6l//.i!:.  in  the  nextniontli 
prox'y  IprOks'yl  it.  a  substitute 
prude  [prud]  «.  over-sensitive  person 
pru'dence  tpru'di-ns]  n.  carefulness 
pru'dent  t-il<-nt]  a.  frugal 
pru-den'tial  [den'shal]  a.  discreet 
pru-den'tial-ly  [-ly]  adv.  prudently 
prud'er-y  [prud'er-y]  n.  coyness 
prud'ish  [prudish]  a.  very  formal 
prune  [prun]  v./.  to  trim;  it.  a  fruit 
pru-nel'la  [pru-nel'la]  tt.  woolen  stuff 
pru'ri-ent  [|iru'rl-fntj  a.  lustful     faeid 
Prus'sic  [prus'slk]  a.  pert,  to  Prussic 
pry  [prl]  'c\f.  to  inspect  closely 
pry'ing  r-lng]  a.  inquisitive 
psalm  [saml  >t.  a  sacred  song 
psalm'ist  [Ist]  n.  sacred  song  writer 
psal'ter  [salter]  «.  psalm  book 
psal'ter-y  [y]  «.  musical  instrument 
pseu'do-nym  [su'd6-nlm]  h. 
pshaw  [sha)  ittterj.  an  exclamation 
psy-chol'o-gy  [si-kOlO-jy]  ;;. 
pu'ber-ty  [pu'ber-ty]  «.  adult  age 
pub'lic  [pub'llk]  n.  the  people 
pub'li-can  [pubdl-k^n]  n.  taxcoUecto 
pub'li-ca'tion  [pub'lr-ka'shunl  n. 
pub-lic'i-ty  [pub-lls'l-ty]  n.  notoriety 
pub'lic-ly  [pub'lik-ly]  adv.  openly 
pub'lish  [pub'lish]  -v.t.  to  announce 
pub'lish-er  [er]  n.  bookmaker 
puck'er  [puk'er]  v.t.  and  i.  to  wrinkle 
puck'ish  [pflk'ish]  a.  mischievous 
pud'der  [pud'der]  v.i.  to  splash 
pud'ding  [pud'ding]  «.  a  species  of  food 
pud' die  [pud'd'l]  ;;.  a  small  pool 
pu'den-cy  [p4'dfn-sy]  n.  modesty 
pudg'y  [pud'jyl  a.  short  and  fat 
pu-dic'i-ty  tpu-dls'r-ty]  n.  chastity 
pu'er-ile  [pu'er-il]  a.  trifling;  boyish 
puff  [pufl  n.  a  whiff 
puffin  [puffin]  ti.  sea  bird 
puff'y  [puffy]  a.  bombastic 
pug  [pug]  v.t.  to  spread  with  mortar 



T.-  ^J  ) 




pugh  (pool  inlfj.  word  of  contempt 
pu'gil-ism  tpu'jil-iz'ra)  m.  boxing 
pu'gil-ist  [pu  jll-Ist)  H.  a  boxer    (some 
pug-na'cious  [pug-na'shuil  a.  quarrei 
pug-nac'i-ty  [nSs'I-tyl  ».  quarrelsome- 
pug'nose'  [  noz'  I  H.  a  thick  nose    [ness 
pu'is-sance  [pu'Js-s<ins]  «.  power 
pu-is'sant  [pii-is's<intl  a.  powerful 
puke  [pukl  T'./.  to  vomit 
pul'chri-tude  [pQl'krl-tudl  «.  beauty 
pul'ing  [paring]  a.  whining 
pull  [pullx'./.  to  draw  or  at  tempt  to  draw 
pull'back'  [pul'liak'l  «.  a  hindrance 
pulled  [puld]  <z.  plucked 
pul'let  [pul'let]  «.  a  young  hen 
pul'ley  [pul'lyl  H.  a  wheel 
pul'lu-late  tpul'lu-lStl  v.i.  to  germinate 
pullu-la'tioa  [la'shunl  «.  a  budding 
pul'mo-na-ry  [pornid-na-ryl  a.  pert,  to 
pulp  [pulp]  K.  a  soft  mass  L'ung^ 

pul'pit  [pul'pTtl  «.  preacher's  desk 
pul'sate  [pulsatl  v.i.  to  throb 
pul-sa'tion  [pul-sa'shCinl«.  a  throbbing 
pul'sa-to-ry  [-sa-tO-ry]  a.  throbbing 
pulse[pflIs)>:.beati'gofheart  and  arteries 
pui'ver-ize  [pul  ver-Iz]  v.t.  to  reduce  to 
pu'ma[pu'majM. American  lion  [powder 
pum'ice  [pum'Is]  «.  spongy  stone 
pump  [pumpl  T.t.  to  draw  water 
pump'klll[pump'klnl</.aplant;  its  fruit 
pun  [punl  z'.i.  to  play  upon  words 
punch  [punch)  K.  a  thrust  or  blow 
punch'eon  [pOnch'iJnl  n.  a  large  cask 
punc-til'io  [I'Lingk-tirySj  H.  nicety:  ex-  \\ 
punc-til'ious  [-yus]  a.  exact     (actness     ? 
punc'tu-al  [pungk'tu-al]  a.  prompt       J 
punc'tu-al'i-ty  [-(rl'l-ty]  n.  exactness 
punc'tu-ate  [|.ungk'tu-ati  v.t. 
punc'tu-a'tion  [a'shunj  K.act  ofpunc- 
punc'ture  [tar]  VJ.  to  pierce    [tuating 
pung[pung|  K.  a  rude  sleigh 
pun'gen-cy  [punjt-nsyl  n.  sharpness 
pun'gent  [je-nt]  a.  penetrating 
pun'ish  [Ish]  v.t.  to  chastise    [ishment 
pun'ish-a-ble  t-a-b"!]  a.  liable  to  pun- 
pun'ish-ment  [-m^nt]  n.  a  penalty 
pu'ni-tive  [pu  nl-trv]  a.  pert,  to  punish- 
punk  [pungk]  11.  a  fungus  1  nient 

pun'ner  [pGn'ner]  n.  a  punster 
pun'sterlpun'ster)  H.a  player  on  words 
punt  [piJnt]  H.  a  flat-bottomed  boat 
pu'ny  [puny]  a.  small  and  feeble 
pup  [  pup]  «.  a  young  dog 
pu'pil  [pu'pll]  «.  a  learner 
pup'pet  [pOp'pet]  K.  a  doll 
pup'py  [pQppy]  K.  the  young  of  a  dog 
pur  [pfir]  v.i.  to  murmur  as  a  pleased  cat 
pur'blind'  [piir'blind']  a.  near-sighted 
pur'chas-a-ble  [-chSs-a-b'l]  a. 
pur'chase  [chas]  v.t.  to  buy 
pur'chas-er  [-er]  n.  one  who  buys 
pure  [p'lr]  (I.  stainless 
pure'iy  [pOr'lJ)  adv.  merely 
pur-ga'tion  [pargl'shunj  a. 





pur'ga-tive  [-ga-tlv]  a.  a  cathartic 
pur'ga-to-ry  [-t«-ry]  «.  place  of  purifi- 
purge  [purjl  f.f.  to  cleanse  Ication 

puri-fi-ca'tion  [pu'ri-fi-ka'shan]  n. 
pu'ri-fler  [pu'ri-frer]  71.  a  refiner 
pu'ri-fy  [|iu'ri-fil  -••/•  to  make  pure 
pu'ri-tan  \-tnu]  ;/.  strict  relig-ionist 
puri-tan'ic-al  [tan'f-kal]  a.  rigid 
pu'ri-tan-ism  [-t<7n-iz"mi  w. 
pu'ri-ty  [purity]  it  chastity      fstones 
purl  (I'url)  t'.z.  to  flow  gently  among 
pur'lin  [pur'lin]  k.  a  brace 
pur-loin'  [pur-loin']  ?;■.?.  to  steal 
pur'ple  [pilrp'l]  K.  a  color 
pur'port  [jiCir'port]  «.  significance 
pur'pose  [piJr'pOs]  «.  intention 
pur'pose-ly  [lyj  <jrfw.  designedly 
purse  [  puri  ]  «.  a  bag  for  money 
purse'proud'  [pQrs'prouci'j «. 
purs'er  [purs'er]  n.  a  vessel  officer 
pur-su'ance  [pfir-su'ans]  «.  accordance 
pur-su'ant  [ant]  a.  conformable 
pur-sue'  [pur-su']  v.f.  to  follow 
pur-suit'  [pur-sut']  K.  a  going  after 
pur-vey'  [pur-vS'l  v.f.  to  provide 
pur-vey'ance  l-ans]  n.  provisions 
pur-vey'or  [-er]  «.  a  caterer 
pur'view  [vu]  h.  limit  of  authority 
pus  [pfls]  ;i.  purulent  matter 
push  [push]  7-.f.  to  shove 
pu'sil-la-nim'i-ty  [-sil-la-nim'i'tyi  >/. 
pu  sil-lan'i-mous  (pu'sil-lan'i-mcisi  ,7. 
puss  [pus]  n.  a  cat 
pus'tule  [jms'tul]  «.  a  pimple 
pus'tu-lous   [-tu-lub]    71.    covered  with 
put  [put]  J' /.  to  place  [pimples 

pu'tre-fac'tion  [pu'trS-fak'shunj  ;;. 
pu'tre-fy  [pu'trS-fi]  ^.i.  to  make  foul 
pu-tres'cence  [pu-tres'sens]  «. 
pu-tres'cent  [-st-nt]  a.  becoming  rotten 
pu'trid  [pu'trld]  a.  decomposed 
put'ter  [put'ter]  -z/.i.  to  trifle 
put'ty  [put'ty]  H.  a  kind  of  cement 
put'up'  [put'up']  a.  plotted 
puz'zle  [puz'z'l]  Z'.e.  to  perplex 
puz'zler  [-zler]  «.  that  which  puzzles 
pyg'my  [pig'my]  «.  a  dwarf         (unient 
pyr'a-mid  [plr'a-mld]«.  Egyptian  mon- 
pyre  [plr]  ?i.  a  funeral  pile 
py-ri'tes  [pi-rl'tez]  «.  an  ore 
pyr  o-tech'nics  [pir'6-tek'niks]  «. 
pyr'rho-nist  [pir'ri-nistj  «.  a  skeptic 
py'thon  [pi'thSn]  7t.  a  serpent 


quack  [kwik]  >;.  a  charlatan 
quack'er-y  [-er-yj  «.  false  pretending 
Quad  ra-ges'i-ma  [-ra-jes'i-ma]  «. 
quad'ran  gle  [kwod'rSng'g'l]  >i. 
quad'rant  fkwfid'runt]  k. 
quad'rat  l-rat]  7t.  a  metal  block 
quad-ren'nial  [rSn'nl-al]  a.  4  years 
qua-drille'  [kwa-drfl'l  «.  a  dance 
quad-ril'lion  [kwod-rrryun]  «. 
quad-roon'  [roon]  «.  a  mulatto 






quad'ru-ped[-ru-pecl]»i.4legged  animal 
quad'ru-ple  Ip'l)  a.  fourfold 
quaff  ikviafl  'i\t.  to  drink  copiously 
quag'mire    [kwSg'mir)  «.  abog 
quail    kwSl]  >i.  a  bird 
quaint  [kwant]  a.  odd 
quaint'ness  [-nes]  k.  oddness 
quake  [kwak]  Z'.i.  to  tremble 
ftuak'er  [-er|  «.  one  of  a  sect 
quak'ing-ly  [Vng-lyl  adv.  fearfully 
qual  i-fi-ca'tion  [kwOl'I-fl-ka'shunl  >;. 
qual'i-fied  Ikuol'i-fld]  a.  competent 
qual'i-fy  (fl)  v.e.  to  make  capable 
qual'i-ty  [  tji  «.  character 
qualm  Ikwam]  n.  nausea 
qualm'ish  [ish]  a.  inclined  to  vomit 
quan'da-ry  (kwOn'da-ryl  «.  perplexity 
quan'ti-ty  |kw0n'tl-ty|  >i  a  portion 
quar'an-tine  [kwOr'an-ten]  « 
quar'rel  |kw6r'rel]  k.  wrangle 
quar'rel-some  [sum]  a.  irritable 
quar'ry  IkwOr'ryl  «.  a  stone  pit 
quart  (kwart]  k.  two  pints 
quar'ter  [kwar'ter]  >:.  a  fourth  part 
quar'ter-ly  [ly]  <!(/-■.  every  3  months 
quar'ter-raaster  [masterl  k 
quar'tern  Ikwar'teml  «.  a  quarter 
quar-tet'  [kwar-tet|  «.  4  singers 
quar'to  Ikwar'tS]  k.  a  square  book 
quartz  [kwarts]  h.  part  of  granite 
quash  Ikwdsh]  ^>.r  to  annul 
qua'si  [kwS'si]  «.  I.,  in  a  certain  sense 
quas'si-a  [kwosh'I-a]  n.  abitterwood 
qua-ter'ni-on  fkwa-ter'nl-unl  K. 
qua'ver  [kws'ver]  v.i.  to  vibrate 
quay  ike]  «.  a  wharf 
queen   Ikwen]  h.  a  sovereign;  wife  of  a 
queen'ly  (ly)  n.  like  a  queen  [king 

queer  Ikwer)  a.  singular 
quell  [kwel]  z'.i.  to  suppress 
quench  rkwenchl  77 1.  to  allay 
quench'a-ble  (a-b'Ii  a. 
quench'less  [lesi  a.  (some 

quer'u-lous     (kwer'u-IQsl    a.    quarrel- 
que'ry  (kwe'ryl  ".  a  question 
quest  ;kuest|  «.  a  search 
ques'tion  Ikwc-schun]  n.  an  inquiry 
ques'tion  a-ble  [-al/li  a.  doubtful 
ques'tion-er  [er]  h.  inquirer 
ques'tor  (kues'tOrl  n.  Roman  officer 
queue  [ku]  »  a  pigtail 
quib'ble  [kwib'b'U  t/.  to  trifle 
quick  (kwlk)  <i.  prompt 
quick'en  [-n]  v.t.  to  hasten 
quick'lime  Ik  wik'lim'lw. unslaked  lime 
quick'ly  [kwlk'ljl  arfi;.  with  haste 
quick'ness  (nesl  «.  speed 
quick'sand'  (■s.1n<r|  «.  moving  sand 
quick'sil'ver  (  sll'vcr]  «.  mercury 
quick'step'  [step')  k.  lively  march 
quid  [kwid]  >i.  a  cud 
qui-es'cence  (kwi-es's^nsl  k. repose 
qui-es'cent  f-se'nti  a.  at  rest 

qui'et  [kwi'et]  a.  still 





qui'et-ly  f-lyl  adv.  noiselessly 
qui'et-ness  |-n.-s]  «.  stillness 
qui'e-tude  [kwi'S-tudl  «.  repose 
qui-e'tus  [kwi-e'tfls]  «.  final  discharge 
quill  [kwil]  n.  a  large  feather 
quilt  [kwllt]  «.  bed  cover 
quince  [kwins)  «.  a  fruit 
qui'nine  Ikwi'nin]  n.  Peruvian  bark 
quin'sy  [kwln'zj]  h.  a  throat  disease 
quin'tal  [kwin'tirl]  «.  weight  of  lOO  lbs. 
quin-tes'sence  [-tes'sens]  «.  best  part 
quin-til'lion  l-til'yun]  >i.  aunitwithiS 
quip  [kwjp]  n.  a  taunt  Iciphers 

quire  [kwirj  «.  24  sheets 
quirk  [kwerk]  «.  a  sudden  turn 
quit  [kwit!  'j.i.  to  cease 
quit'claim'  [klSm'l  v.t.  to  release 
quite  1  kwit  I  adv.  very  much 
quiv'er  |kwiv-erl  ■S'  to  tremble 
Q,uix-ot'ic  (kwlks-it'ik)  a.  romantic 
quiz  Ikwiz)  V.  to  puzzle 
quiz'zic-al  lkwiz'zi-k«ll  a.  sportive 
quoits  [kwoits]  «.//.  a  game 
quon'dam  [kwSn'dam]  a.  former 
quo'rum  [kwo'rOm]  h.  required  number 
quo'ta  [kwo'tn]  n.  a  proportion 
quo-ta'tion  |kw6-ta'shun]  «.  a  citation 
quote  [kwoi]  z'.t.  to  repeat 
quoth  [k^v6//;l^^^  spoke  fterm 

QUO'tient  Ikwo'shcnt]  «.   arithmetical 


raVbet  [rab'betl  «.  a  groove 
Rab'bi  [rab'bl]  «.  Jewish  title 
rab'bit  [rab'bit]  n.  an  animal 
rab'ble  (rab'b'll  ;;.  a  mob 
rab'id  [rab'idj  a.  furious 
rac-COOn'  [rlk-koon']  n.  an  animal 

race  (rSs)  '^'-i-  to '"" 

ra'cer  [rS'ser]  «.  a  runner 
rack  [rak]  v.t.  to  torture 
rack'et  Irak'et]  n.  confused  noise 
ra'cy  Irasy]  a.  spirited 
ra'di-ance  [ra'dl-ans]  n  splendor 
ra'di-ant  [-rtnt]  a.  bright 
ra'di-ate  [at]  v.t.  to  emit 
ra'di-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  diffusion 
ra'di-a'tor  [-a'terl  «.  a  heater 
rad'i-cal  [rrul'I-kal]  a.  extreme 
rad'i-cal-ism  [iz'ml  n.  a  doctrine 
rad'i-cal-ly  [-kal-lyj  adv. 
rad'i-cate  [-kstj  v./.  to  root 
rad'ish  trad'ish]  n.  a  plant 
ra'di-US  [rl'dl-OsJ  «.  semi-diameter 
ra'dlX  [ra'diks]  n.  a  root 
raff  [raf]  n.  the  mob 
raffle  [raf  f'l]  «.  kind  of  lottery 
raft  [raft]  n.  a  float 
raft'er  [raft'er]  «.  a  roof  timber 
rag  [rag]  «.  a  tattered  piece 
rag'a-muf  fin  [rag'a-mOf  fin]  «. 

rage  [rSj]  n.  anger 
rag'ged  [rag'ged]  a.  in  tatters 
raid  (rad)  a.  a  foray 
rail  [ral]  v.i.  to  scoff 





y/..yr-.^-A  c/ 

RAI  225 

rail'ing  [-ingl  <t.  insulting 
rail'ler-y  [rSl'ler-yl  ».  banter 
rail'road'  [ral'rod'I  «.  car  track 
rai'ment  (ri  nicnt)  «.  garments 
rain  (ran]  v.i.  to  fall  in  drops 
rain'bow'  [-Iw'l  h.  colored  arch 
raise  Iraz]  ■:■.<•.  to  lift 
rai'sin  [ra'z'n]  ji.  a  dried  grape 
ra'ja  [raja]  K.  Hindoo  prince 
rake  fak  ]  »(.  a  tool  with  teeth 
rak'ish  I-ish]  a.  dissolute 
ral'ly  [  ral'lyl  v.!.  to  assemble 
ram  [r.lm  J  «.  male  sheep 
ram'ble  |-li'l!  v.i.  to  stroll 
ram'bler  (MSr)  k.  a  rover     fbranching 
ram  i-fi-ca'tion  [rami-fl-ka'shun]  n.  a 
rarn'i-fy  l  n  1  -'.t.  to  separate  into  parts 
ram'raer  (rani  iner]  «.  a  ramrod 
ramp'age  [rSmp'Sjl  «.  rioting 
ramp'ant  Irlnip'ont]  a.  leaping 
ram'part  [ram'part]  >i.  bulwark 
ram'rod'  Irarn'r^d']  ??.  gun  rammer 
ranch  ( rant h]  «.  grazing  farm 
ran-che'ro  [rSncha'riS]  h.  a  herdsman 
ran'cid  [rln'sldl  a.  musty 
ran'cor  (rang'ker]  n.  hatred 
ran'cor-ous  [  fls|  a.  malignant 
rand  [rand]  ».  a  border 
ran'dom  [ran'dum]  a.  by  chance 
range  [ranjj  v.i.  to  rove 
ran'ger  [ran'jcr)  n.  a  rover 
rank  (rSngk)  n.  row;  degree 
ran'kle  [rSng'k'll  v.i.  to  fester 
ran'sack  [rSn'sak]  v.t.  to  search 
ran'som  [ran'sflm]  v.t.  to  redeem 
rant  [rant]  v.i.  to  rave 
rant'er  [er]  «.  noisy  talker 
rap  [rap]  v.i.  to  knock 
ra-pa'cious  [ra-pS'shfls]  a.  greedy 
ra-pac'i-ty  [rapSs'I-tyl  «.  greediness 
rape  [rapl  v.t.  to  ravish 
rap'id  [rap' id)  a.  very  swift 
ra-pid'i-ty  [ra-pld'l-tyl  «.  swiftness 
ra'pi-er  [ra'pi-er]  ii.  narrow  sword 
rap'ine  (rlp'lnl  k.  plunder 
rap-port'  [rap-port]  ».  accord 
rapt  [rapl  ]  n.  transported;  enraptured 
rap'ture  [rap-tur]  ».  ecstacy 
rare  [r.'ir)  a.  scarce 
rare'e-fy  (rar'{-f!l  v.t.  to  make  thin 
rare'ly  [rAr'ly]  adv.  not  often 
rare'ripe'  [rir'rip'J  a.  early  ripe 
rar'i-ty  (rar'ltj'l  n.  thinness 
ras'cal  [ris'knll  k.  mean  fellow 
ras-cal'i-ty  [ras-kai'I-ty]  «.  base  fraud 
ras'cal-ly  [ras'kal-ly]  a.  worthless 
rase  [rSz]  v.t.  to  destroy 
rash  (rishj  a.  indiscreet 
rash'ness  [-nes]  «.  indiscretion 
rasp  [rasp]  v.t.  to  grate 
rasp'ber-ry  (raz'ber-rj)  n.  a  fruit 
rasp'y  [r.isp'y]  a.  grating 
rat  (r.'itl  «   rodent  mammal 
rat'a-ble  (rlt'a-b'l]  <r.  may  he  rated 







ratch'et  [rSch'St]  «.  niched  wheel 
rate  [rSt]  «.  a  proportion 
rath'er  [rath'er]  adv.  preferably 
rat  i-fi-ca'tion  [rit'I-fl-ka'shun]  n. 
rat'i-fy  trat'I-fi]  v.t.  to  approve 
ra'ti-0  [rS'shl-o]  «.  proportion 
ra'ti-oc'i-nate  [rSshi-os'i-niti  v.i. 
ra  ti-oci-na'tion  [na'shun]  «. 

ra'tion  [ra'shun]  H.  an  allowance 
ra'tion-al  [rash'un-ul]  a.  not  absurd 
ra'tion-al-ly  [-!>]  adv.  reasonably 
ra'tion-al-ism  [rash'Qn-al-Iz'm]  n. 
ra'tion-al-istt-Ist]«.  he  who  accepts  ra- 
ration-al'i-ty  [-al'l-ty]  k.     Itionalism 
rat- tan'  [rSt-tSn']  «.  a  slender  stem 
rat-teen'  [rat-ten']  «.  woolen  cloth 
rat'tle  [rat't'l]  -v.i.  to  clatter 
rat'tle-box'  [-boks'i  «.  a  toy 
rat'tle-brained'  [brand']  a.  giddy 
rat'tle-Snake'  [-snak]  «.  a  serpent 

rav'age  [rav'Sj]  v.t.  to  pillage 

rav'a-ger  [rav'a-jer]  «.  a  spoiler 
rave  [rav]  v-i.  to  be  delirious 
rav'el  [rav"l]  v.t.  to  untwist 
ra'ven  [ra'v'n]  «.  a  bird 
rav'en-OUS  [rav"n-us]  a.  greedy 
ra-vine'  [raven']  «.  a  gorge 
rav'ish  [rav'Ish]  v.t.  to  assault 
rav'ish-ment  [-m«-nt]  n.  rape 
raw  [ir»]  a.  not  cooked 

raw'boned'  [-bond']  a.  gaunt 
raw'hide'  [-hid]  n.  riding  whip 
ray  [rS]  «.  abeam  of  light 
ray'less  [-ISs]  a.  dark 
raze  IrSz]  v.t.  to  obliterate 
ra'zor  [ra'zer]  n.  sharp  blade 
ra'zure  [rS'zhiir]  «.  an  erasure 
reach  [rech]  v.t.  to  extend 
re-act'  |re-akt']  v.t.  to  do  again      [tion 
re-ac'tion  [rf-ak'shun]  n.  reverse  ac- 
re-ac'tion-a-ry  [-S-ry]  a.  causing  reac- 
read  [red]  v.t.  to  peruse  [tion 

read'a-ble  [red'a-b'l]  n.  legible 
read'er  [red'er]  n.  one  who  reads 
read'i-ly  [r5d'I-ly]  adv.  promptly 
read'i-ness  [-nes]  n.  willingness 
read-just'[rea<i-.iust']-J'.^.  to  rearrange 
re  ad-just'er  [re'ad-jiist'er]  k. 
re'ad-just'ment  [mrat]  «. 
re'ad-mis'sion  (re'ad-mish'Oni  n. 
re'ad-mit'  |re'ad-mit']  x'.^  admit  again 

read-mit'tance  [-t<ins] «. 

read'y  [red'y]  a.  prepared  forde 

read'y-made'   [mad']  a.  not  made  to 
reaf-firm'  [re'af-f  erm']  v.t.  to  confirm 
re-a'gent  [rf-a'jtnt]  «.  a  test 
re'al  [re'ul]  a.  not  artificial 
re'al-ism  [-rz'm]  k.  a  doctrine 
re'al-ist  [-Ist]  n.  believer  in  realism 
re-al'i-ty  [rJ-al'I-ty]  «.  real  existence 
re'al-i-za'tion  [re'^tl-i-zs'shQn]  «. 
re'al-ize  [re'.jl-iz]  v.t.  to  make  real 
re'al-ly  lre'<il-ly]  adv.  actually 
realm  [relm]  «.  a  kingdom 




re'al-ty  [re  ijl-ty]  >i.  real  estate 
ream  Ircm]  );.  24  quires 
re-an'i-mate  [rS-Sni-mst]  v.t. 
re-an  i-ma'tion  [nia'shon)  «.  revival 
re  an-nex'  (re'annjks']  Z'.t.  to  reunite 
reap  [rep]  -c.t.  to  gather 
reap'er  l-er]  n.  one  who  reaps         Igain 
re  ap-pear*  [re'apper'j  v.i.  to  appeara 
reap-pear'ance  [uns]  n. 
re  ap- point'   [point']  v.t.  to  appoini 
re  ap-point'ment  [m^nt]  ».       [again 
rear  [rer]  a.  hindermost 
rear  [rer]  -.-.t.  to  raise 
rear'mosf  [most']  a.  last  [again 

re  ar-range'  [re'ar-ranj'jy./.to arrange 
re  ar-range'ment  [mfnt]  n.      (again 
reas-cend'   [re  as-sSnd']  ^.i.  to  mount 
rea'son  [re  zn)  -•.  to  argue 
rea'son-a-ble  [abl]  «■  rational 
rea'son-er  [-er]  ?r.  one  who  argues 
re  as-sem'ble  [re'as-ssm'b'l]  i'. 
re  as-sert'  [-ris-seri'lf.^.  toassert  again 
re  as-ser'tion  [ser'shon]  i  y. 
re  as-sume'  [re'as-sum']  v.t.  to  resume 
re  as-sure'  [re  a-shur')  t-.t.  to  quiet 
re-bate'  [rf-hat']  -■./■.  to  discount 
reb'el  [rSb'gl]  «.  a  revolter 
re-bel'  [rf-bel]  v.i.  to  revolt 
re-bel'lion  [yun]  «.  insurrection 
re-bel'lious  [yOs]  a.  disposed  to  rebel 
re-bound'  [rebound]  v.i.  to  fly  back 
re-buflf  [rf-buf  ]  v.t.  to  check 
re-build'  [re-blld']  v.t.  to  build  again 
re-buke'  (rS-buk']  v.t.  to  chide 
re'bus  [rebus]  n.  a  riddle 
re-but'  !r4-bat']  v.t.  to  contradict 
re-but'tal  [tr;!]  <r.  contradiction 
re-cal'ci-trant  [rS-kalsi-trrtnt]  a. 
re-cal  ci-tra'tion  [trs'shun]  «. 
re-call'  Irf-kal]  -■  /.  to  revoke 
re-cant'  (rSkant]TV.  to  retract 
re  can-ta'tion  [re'kan-ta'shun]  h. 
re  ca-pit'u-late  [reka-pit'illat]  v.t. 
reca-pit  u-la'tion  [la'shun]  «. 
re-cap'ture  [re-kap'tur]  v.t.  to  retake 
re-cast'  [r€-kast']  v.t.  to  mold  again 
re-cede'  (rS-sSd']  v.i.  to  retreat 
re-ceipt'  Irf-55t'l«.  acknowledgement 
re-ceiv'a-ble  [rS-sev'a-b'l]  a. 
re-ceiv'er  [er]  u.  he  who  receives 
re'cen-cy  [re's^n-sy]  «.  freshness 
re-cen'sion  [rS's^n'shun]  n.  a  review 
re'cent  |re  sent)  a.  new 
re'cent-ly  [ly]  adv.  newly 
re-cep'ta-cle[risep'ta-k'l]«. repository 
re-cep'tion  [shOnJ  «.  entertainment 
re-cep'tive  [tlv]  a.  able  to  hold 
rec  ep-tiv'i-ty  [rss'cp-tiv'i-tj]  «. 
re-cess'  [rises']  «.  a  retiring 
re-ces'sion  (rdsesh'Onl  «.  ceding  back 
re-charge'(recharj'l7'.^.andi.  toattack 
rec'i-pe  [rC-s'I-pJ]  n.  prescription  [anew 
re-cip'i-ent  (ri-slp'l-^ntj  «.  a  receiver 



/^  /\ 





re-cip'ro-cal  [rSsIp'rO-kal]  a.  mutual 
re-cip'ro-cate  [-kat]  v.t.  to  alternate 
rec'i-proc'i-ty  [rSs'I-prOs'i-tj-]  n.  inter- 
re-cit'al  [rc-sU'al]?!.  narration  [change 
rec  i-ta'tion  [res'i-ta'shun]  K.  rehearsal 
rec'i-ta-tive'  [ta-tev']  «.  recital 
re-cite'  (rS-sit'l  v.t.  to  tell  over 
reck  [  rel;]  T.i.  to  take  heed 
reck'less  [-les]  a.  heedless 
reck'on  l-'n]T'./.  to  compute 
re-claim'  Ireklam']  v.t.  to  recover 
re-claim'a-ble  [a-b'I]  a.  [covery 

rec  la-ma'tion  trek'la-ma'shun]  n.  re- 
re-cline'  [re-klin]  ^.t.  to  lean 
re-cluse'  [ri-klus'l  «.  one  living  apart 
re-clu'sion  [rS-klu'zhOn]  n.  seclusion 
recog-ni'tion  trek'eg-nlsh'fln]  k. 
rec'og-ni  za-ble  [ni'zab'l]  a.  known 
re-cog'ni-zance  [rSkOn'i-zans]  k. 
rec'og-nize  [rek'Og-niz]  ■v.t.  to  know 
re-coil'  IrSkoil']  vi.  to  start  back 
rec'ol-lect'  lrek'61-lekt']  v.t.  to  recall 
rec'ol-lec'tion  [rek'Sl-lek'shfln]  H. 
rec  om-mend'  [rek'Om-mend'l  v.t. 
rec  om-men-da'tion  [-men-da'shQn]«. 
re'com-mit'  |re'kOm-mit']  v.t.       [pay 
rec'ora-pense  [rek'Om-pens]  v.t.  to  re- 
rec'on-ci'la-ble  [rsk'on-sl'la-b'l]  a. 
rec'on-cile'  [rek'on-sil']  v.t.  to  pacify 
rec  on-cil'i-a'tion  [-sil'i-a'shun] »/. 
rec'on-dite  [rek'On-dIt]  a.  abstruse 
rec'on-noi'ter  [-noi'terl  v.t.  to  search 
re'con-sid'er  (re'kOn-sid'erl  v.t. 
re  con-sid'er-a'tion  [a'shun]  n. 
re'con-struct'  (re'kon-strukt']  v.t. 
re'con-struc'tion  [strflk'shun]  k. 
re-cord'  [rf-kord']  v.t.  to  enroll 
re-cord  [rek-erd]  n.  a  register 
re-cord'er  [rS-kord'erl  ii.  an  officer 
re-count'  [rSkount'J  v.t.  to  tell  over 
re-course'  (rS-kors'l  «.  resort 
re-cov'er  (rf-kuv'er]  v.t.  to  regain 
re-cov'er-a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  regainable 
re-cov'er-y  [y]  «.  restoration 
rec're-ant  [rek'rf-rtnt]  a.  false 
rec're-ate  [rek'rf-atl  v.t.  to  cheer 
rec're-a'tion  [-a'shun]  n  pastime 
re-crim'i-nate  [rS-knm'I-natJ  v.t. 
re-crim'i-na'tion  [-na'shon]  «. 
re-cruit'  Irt-krut]  v.t.  tosupply 
rec'tan  gle  [rek'tang'g  l)  «. 
rec-tan'gu-lar  [rek-iang  ga-ler]  a. 
rec'ti-fi  a-ble  [rek'ti-fla-bl]  a. 
rec'ti-fi-ca'tion  [ks'shun]  n. 
rec'ti-fy  [rek'tl-fi]  v.t.  to  amend 
rec'ti-tude  [rSk'tl-tud]  «.  integrity 
rec'tor  [rek'ter]  «.  a  clergyman 
rec'to-ry  [rek'to-ry]  h.  parsonage 
rec'tum  [rek'tum]  n.  part  of  intestines 
re-cum'bence  [rS-kumbens]  «.  resting 
re-cutn'bent  [-bent]  a.  reclining 
re-cu'per-ate  [rS-ku'per-at]  v.t. 
re-CU'per-a'tion    [rS-ka'per-a'shiJn]  K. 
re-cur'  [rSkur]  v.i.  to  return 




re-Cur'rence  [rS-kQr'r^ns]  n.  return 
re-cur'rent  [rent]  a.  recurring 
red  [red]  a.  a  color 
re-dan'  [rS-dan]  «.  a  fort 
red-ar'gue  Iredar'gu]  r./.  to  refute 
red'breasf  [red'brest'l  n.  a  bird 
red'den  (redd'n]  v.e.  to  make  red 
red'dish  (red  dish]  a.  somewhat  red 
re-deem'  [rS-dem']  v.t.  to  ransom 
re-deem'a-ble  [a'bl]  a.  ransomable 
Re-deem'er  [  er]  >t.  the  Savior 
re-demp'tion  [-demp'shun]«.  salvation 
re-demp'to-ry[-t6-rylii.paid  for  ransom 
red'o-lence  [red'6-lfns]  h.  fragrance 
red'o-lent  (lentl  a.  odorous 
re-dou'ble  [rS-dub"l]  v.t.  to  multiply 
re-doubt'  (rJ-dout']  u.  small  fort 
re-doubt'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  n.  formidable 
re-dound'  [-dound']  v.i.  return;  to  roll 
red'ow-a  [red'Sa]  >t.  a  dance  Ibach 

re-dress'  (rfdres']  v.l.  to  set  right 
re-duce'  [rSdus]  z'.t.  to  diminish 
re-du'ci-ble  (rS-dusi-b'l]  a. 
re-duc'tion  [rS-duk'shOn]  );.  decrease 
re-dun'dance  IrSdun'ditns]  n.  excess 
re-dun'dant  l-d.jnt]  «.  exuberant 
re-du'pli-cate  [rf-du'pll-kst]  <i.  double 
re-du  pli-ca'tion  [ri  du'pli-ka'shunjK. 
re-ech'o  [re-ek'6l  v.i.  to  resound 
reed  [red]  «.  a  plant 
re-ed'i-fy  [re-ed'Ifi]  v./.  to  rebuild 
reef  |ref  J  v.t.  to  shorten  sail 
reek  Irek]  z/.i.  to  emit  vapor 
reek'y  [y]  a.  foul 
reel  [rel]  f.i.  to  stagger 
re  e-lect'  [re'S-lekt'l  v./.  to  elect  again 
re  e-lec'tion  [re'S-lek'shun]  «. 
re  em-bark'  ireem-lark']  v. 
re  em-brace'  [-brSs'lz'.t.  embrace  again 
re  en-act'lreen-akt']iv./.  toenactagain 
re  en-act'ment  1-mtnt)  «. 
re  en-force'  l-fars'l  v.t.  to  strengthen 
re  en-force'ment  i-m^nt]  n. 
re  en-gage'  [re'engaj')  v. 
re  en-gage'ment  i-mcnt]  n. 

re  en-llSt'  (re  en-list')  V. 

re  en-list'ment[-nifnt]  «.  [again 

re  en-slave'  (re'en-slav']  v./.  toenslave 
re-en'ter  (reen'ter]  v.f.  toenter  again 
re  es-tab'lish  (rees-tab'lishi  v.t. 
re  es-tab'lish-ment  I-m<'ntI  n.  [shun] 
re  ex-am  i-na'tion  >i.  [retgzam'l-na' 
re  ex-am'ine  [re'cgz-am'in]  v.e. 
re-fect'  Ire-ft-kt')  vj.  to  refresh 
re-fec'tion  [re-fik'shan]  «.  a  lunch 
re-fec'tive  [re-fek'tlv]  «.  refreshing 
re-fec'to-ry  [tS-ry]  «.  dining  hall 
re-fer'  [refer]  v.i.  to  appeal 
re-fer'a-ble  (a-b'l]  a.  assignable 
rcfer-ee'  (ref5r-6']  «.  judge 
re-fill'  [re-fll'l  V.  it.  and  j'.)  to  fill  again 
re-fine'  [rJ-fin']  v.t.  to  clarify 
re-fine'ment  (ment]  h.  gentility 
re-fln'er-y  [-er-Jl  «.  refining  works 

/^    ^^ 

A^  /V.  A^ 



re-flt'  fr5-flt']  v.t.  to  repair 
re-flect'  (r^-flekt']  v.t.  tomeditnte 
re-flect'ing-ly  (ing-Iy)  adv. 
re-flec'tion  [rf-flek'shun]  «.  meditation 
re-flect'ive|rS-flekt'Iv]«. throwing' back 
re-flect'or  [er]  n.  that  which  reflects 
re'flex  fre'fleks]  n.  thrown  back 
ref  lu-ent  [reflu-cnt]  a.  ebbing 
re'flux'  Ire'fluks'J  n.  reaction 
re-form'  Irfform'l  I'.t.  to  amend 
ref  or-ma'tion[rcf'Or-ma'shun]«.  fjail 
re-form'a-to-ry  [rS-form'a-ti-ry]  n.  a 
re-formed'  [rj-formd']  a.  formed  again 
re-form'er  l-lorm'er]  n.  one  who  labors 
re-fract'l-frftkt' ]!/./. to  bend  I  for  reform 
re-frac'to-ry  [tS-ry]  a.  obstinate    |ing 
re-frain'  IrS-fran']  -v.i.  to  forbear 
re-fresh'  IrJfresli')  v.t.  to  revive 
re-fresh'ment  [-m<?nt]  «.  food      [cool 
re-frigf'er-ate  [frij'er-at]  -v.!.  to  make 
re-frig'er-ator[frIj'er-ater]«.  ice  box 
refuge  Irsriij]  n.  shelter 
ref  U-gee'  [ref'iije']  n.  a  runaway 
re-ful'gence  (rS-ful'jims)  n.  splendor 
re-ful'gent  Ijfnt]  <j.  shining 
re-fund'  Irf-fund']  ii.t.  to  payback 
re-fund'ment[-m<-nt]«.act  of  refunding 
re-fur'nish  [re-fOr'nish]  v.t.  to  furnish 
re-fus'al  [rS-fuz'^l]  n.  option       lagain 
re-fuse'  [rS-fOz']  -v.t.  to  reject 
refuse  [ref'ilsj  n.  sediment 
ref  U-ta'tion [ ref'u- ta'shOn ]  «.disproval 
re-fute'  [rf-ful')  v.t.  to  disprove 
re-gain'  IrfgSn']  -v.t.  to  recover 
re'gal  []  a.  royal 
re-gale'  Irf-gal']  v.t.  to  refresh 
re-gale'mentl-mfnt]  n.  refreshment 
re-ga'li-a  |r5gS'lI-a]  decorations 
re-gard'  [r$-gard']  v.t.  to  respect 
re-gard'ful-ly  [-ful-ly]  a.  mindful 
re-gard'less  (-les]  a.  heedless 
re-gat'ta  |rf-gat'ta]  «.  boat  race 
re'gen-cy[re'jfn-sy]  «.  authority  [anew 
re-gen'er-ate  |rf-jen'er-St]  v.t.  to  make 
re-gen'er-a'tion  [a'shtin]  «.  new  birth 
re-gen'er-a-tive  [ -stiv]  a. 
re'gent|re'jfntl<2.  ruling 
regime'  [rSzhim'j  n.  system  of  rule 
reg'i-men  [rej'l-men];^.  system  ofoVder 
reg'i-ment    frej'f-ment]    n.    body    of 
reg  i-men'tal  [tal]  <7.  (troops 

reg  i-men'tals   [talz]   military 
re'gion  [re'jun]  K.  country  [dress 

reg'is-ter  (rejis-ter]  n.  a  record 
reg'is-trar  [trar]  n.  a  recorder 
reg'is-trate  [ttat]  v.t.  to  register 
reg'is-tra'tion  [tra'shQn]  n. 
reg'is-try  [try]  «.  enrollment 
re'gi-U3  [reji-us]  a.  royal 
reg'nant  [rcg'nrtnt]  a.  prevalent 
re-gret'  [rS-grCt']  n.  sorrow 
reg'u-lar  [reg  u-ler]  a.  orderly 

reg'u-lar'i-ty  [lar'i-ty]  n.  method 







re^U-lar-ly  [  \er\y]affv.  methodically 
reg'u-late  i-lat]  T.t.  to  adjust 
reg  u-la'tion  (-la'shOn)  it.  order 
reg'u-la  tor  l-ia'ter]  n. 
re  ha-bil'i-tate  [reha-bll'ltat]  v.t. 
re  ha-bil  i-ta'tion  [-ts'shan]  k. 
re-hash'  [  re-hash' 1 1./.  make  over 
re-hears'al  [rf-hers'^l]  >i.  recital 
re-hearse'  [rS  hers']  v./.  to  repeat 
reign  [rfinl  f .  to  rule  [back 

re  im-burse'  (re'im-hflrs'l  v.i.  to  pay 
re  im-burse'ment  [in<rntl  «. 

rein  [ran]  >.•.  a  strap 
rein'deer  [der]  n.  an  animal 
reins  franz)  «,//.  lower  part  of  back 
re  in-state'  [re'in-stat'J  v.t.  toiestore 
re  in-state'ment  [mfntj  h. 
re  in-sure'  |-shur')  7./ to  insure  again 
re-is'sue  IrC-rsh'u]  v.  to  issue  again 
re-it'er-ate  [re-lt'er-at]  z-.e.  to  repeat 
re-it  er-a'tion  [-s'shun]  «. 
re-.ject    [rS-jekf]  v.f.  to  refuse 
re-.jec'tion  [rS-jek'shun]  «.  refusal 
re-joice'  [rS-jois]  v.t.  toexult 
re-.joi'cing  [sing]  «.  gladness 
re-join'  [rejoin]  ft.  to  join  again 
re-join'der  l-der]  h.  an  answer 
re-ju've-nate  (rS-ju'vf-nat]  v.t. 
re-iu've-na'tion  [na'shun]  «.     [again 
re-kin'dle    [rekin'dl]    ■zt.l.    to  kindle 
re-lapse'  [re-laps']  ■v.t.  to  slip  back 
re-late'  [rf-lat]  v./.  to  narrate 
re-la'tion  [rJ-lS'shOn]  h.  kindred 
re-la'tion-ship  [ship]  «. 
rel'a-tive  [rela-tlv]  a.  pertaining  to 
re-lax'  [r?-liks']  v.t.  to  loosen 
re'lax-a'tion  [-a'shun]  «.  act  of  relax- 
re-lay'  [ro-ls']  v.t.  to  lay  again         [ing 
re-lease'  [rules']  v.e.  to  let  go 
rel'e-gate  [rel'f-gSt]  ■v.t.  to  banish 
rel  e-ga'tion  [gs'shun]  «.  exile 

re-lent'  [rJ-lent]  I'.t.  to  yield 
re-lent'less  [ISs]  <?.  unyielding 
rel'e-van-cy  [rel'S-van-sy]  n.  applica- 
rel'e-vant  (-v<7ntl  «.  applicable    [bility 
re-li  a-bil'i-ty  [rf-ira-bil'i-ty'l  «. 
re-li'a-ble  [r?li'a-b'l]  a.  trustworthy 
re-li'ance  [rf-ll-ans]  ".dependence 
re-li'ant  [-ant]  a.  confident 
rel'ic  [rel'lk]  «.  a  memorial 
rel'ict  [rel-Ikt]  n.  a  widow 
re-lier  [rS-lef]  «.  help 
re-lieve'  [rJ-leve']  v./.  to  lighten 
re-li'gion  [rc-llj'un]  «.  piety;  system  of 
re-li'gion-ist  [-Ist]  it.  a  zealot       Ifaith 
re-li'gious  [rS-lIj'fls]  a.  devout       fdon 
re-lin'quish  [llng'kwlsh]  v.t.  toaban- 
rel'i-qua-ry  [rel'l-kwj-ry]  «.  box  fur 
rel'isn  [rerish]  ■v.e.  to  enjoy  [relics 

re-lu'cent  [r4-lQ'sfnt)  a.  glittering 
re-luc'tance  [rS-liik'tans]  «.  hesitation 
re-luc'tant  [tant]  <i.  disinclined 
re-ly'  [rf-li'i  i.i.  to  trust 
re-main'  [rS-man')  v.i.  to  stay 

/"/^r /^-f" 

^^  ^-AcAcX 




re-main'der  [-der]  «.  balance 
re-mand'  [rSmand)  v.t.  to  send  back 
re-mark'  (remark']  v.  to  say 
ie-mark'a-blet-a-b'l]a.  notable   friage 
re-mar'riage  Ire-mar'rlj)  n.  2nd  mar- 
re-med'i-less  [rS-med'l-les]  a.  incura- 
rem'e-dy  Irurn'e-dyl  «.  cure  Ible 

re-mem'ber  [rS-member]  v.t.  to  recall 
re-mem'brance[-br(7ns]  «.  recollection 
re-mind'  |  remind'  1 »./.  to  put  in  mind 
re-mind'er  (cr)  n.  thatwliich  reminds 
rem  i-nis'cence  [rem'l-nis'sfns]  71. 
rem  i-nis'cent  [sent]  a.  inclined  tore- 
re-miss'  [rS-mis'l  a.  negligent      Imind 
re-mis'sion  [rSmish'unl  «.agivingup 
re-miss'ness  [rS-mis'nes]  n. 
re-mit'  [rc-mit'l  v.t.  to  send  back 
re-mit'tance  [tans)  n.  the  sum  sent 
re-mit'tent  [tent)  a.  a  medical  term 
re-mit'ter[rSmIt'ter]«.  one  who  remits 

rem'nant  Irem'nnnt]  «.  remainder 
re-mod'el  [re-mOd'el]  f.t.  to  make  over 
re-mod  i-fi-ca'tion  [i-fi-ka'shon]  «. 
re-mod'i-fy  [ifi]  v.t.  to  reshape 
re-mon'strance  [rS-mOn'str«nsi  n. 
re-mon'strate  [-strst]  v.t. 
re-morse'  (re-mors']  «.  anguish 
re-morse'less  [les]  a.  cruel 
re-mote'  [rf-niot'l  a.  faraway 
re-mount'  |re-mount']  v. 
re-mov'a-ble  [rS-moov'a-b'I]  a. 
re-move'  (rc-moov']  v.t.  to  move  away 
re-mu'ner-ate  [rfmu'ner-st]  v.t. 
re-mu  ner-a'tion  [s'slmn]  «.  pay 
re-mu'ner-a-tive  [ativ]  a.  paying 

rend  [rendl  v.t.  to  tear 
ren'der  [ren'der]  v.t.  to  return 
ren'dez-vous  [rSn'de-voo]  n.  meeting 
ren-di'tioD  [rendish'an]  ;:.  version 
ren'e-gade  [ren'S-gSd]  n.  vagabond 
re-new'  [rc-nu]  v.t.  to  recreate 
re-new'a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a. 
re-new'al  [-.;1]  «•  act  of  renewing 
re-nounce'  [rSnouns'l  v.t.  to  disavow 
re-nounce'ment  [ment] ;;. 
ren'o-vate  |ren'6-vatl  v.t.  to  renew 
ren'o-va'tion  [-va'shun]  n. 
re-nown'  Iri-nown']  «.  fame 
re-nowned'  lr4-nown'd']  a.  famous 
rent  [rent]  v.t.  to  lease 
rent'al  [-<il!  n.  a  rent  roll  [recount 

re-nu'mer-ate  [rS-nu'mer-at]  v.t.  to 
re-nun'ci-a'tion  [re-nun'shi-a'shfln] « 
re-or'gan-i-za'tion  [grrn-i-za'shunl^ 
re-or'gan-ize  [re-or'gun-iz]  v.t.  and  i 
rep  [rep!  )J.  a  kind  of  cloth 
re-paint'  [re-pant']  v.t.  to  paint  anew 
re-pair'  [rS-pir']  v.i.  to  mend 
rep'a-ra-ble  [rep'a-ra-b'l]  a.  restorable 
rep'a-ra'tion  [ara'shun]  «.  amends 
rep'ar-tee'  [rep'ar-te'l  n.  witty  reply 
re-pass'  [re-pas']  v.t.  to  pass  again 
re-past'  [rS-past']  ;;.  a  meal 








re-pay'  [rf-pS]  -./.  to  pay  back 
re-pay'ment[mirnt]  «.  reimbursement 
re-peal'  [ripel]  v.t.  to  annul 
re-peat'  [rSpet]  v.t.  to  relate  again 
re-peat'er  [er]  h.  a  firearm 
re-pel'  [rf-pel]  ^■.t.  to  repulse 
re-pel'lent  [rS-pel'l^nt]  a.  repulsive 
re-pent'  [r4-penfl  ■v.i.  to  feel  sorrow 
re-pent' ance  {-ans\  «.  contrition 
re-pent'ant  []  a.  penitent 
re'pertoire'  [rep'er''1  K.  a  list 
rep'er-to-ry  [rep'er-tO-ryl  «.  an  index 
rep'e-ti-tion  lrep'S-ti-shQnl«.  iteration 
re-pine'  Irf-pln]  v.i.  to  murmur 
re-place'  [rf-plas'l  v.t-  to  restore 
re-plant'  [replant'J  v.t.  to  plant  aga.n 
re-plen'ish  (r5-plen'ish]t/./.  to  fill  anew 
re-plen'ish-ment  [-mirnt] «. 
re-plete'  [re-piet]  a.  full 

re-ple'tionlrJ-ple-shQn]«.  over-fullness 
re-plev'in  [rJ-plev'in]  k.  a  writ      fply 
rep  li-ca'tion  [rep'li-ks'shun]  «.  are- 
re-ply  (rS-pli'l  v.t.  to  answer 
re-port'  [rS-porf]  -v.t.  to  relate 
re-port'er  (  er]  «.  one  who  reports 
re'por-to'ri-al  [re'pOr-to'rI-al]  a. 

re-pose'  [iS-pozj  -<.•.{.  to  rest 
re-pos'i-to-ry  [rf-poz'r-tsry]  k. 
re'pos-sess'  [repOz-zes']  v.t.  to  regain 
re-po'sure  [rS-po'zhur]  «.  rest 
repre-hend'trep'rS-hend'lx'./.  to  chide 
rep're-hen'si-ble  [rep'rS-hen'si-b'l]  a. 
rep're-hen'sion  [shfin]  h.  censure 
rep  re-hen'sive  (rep'rS-hen'siv]  a. 
rep  re-sent'  [  rep'  rf -zent']-:'./.  to  exhibit 
rep  re-sen-ta'tion  [zents'shun]  n. 
rep're-sent'a-tive  [zent'ativ)  a. 
re-press'  [rcpres]  v.t.  to  suppress 
re-pres'sion  [rSpresh'un]  K.  restraint 
re-prieve'  [rSprev'l  v.t.  to  respite 
rep'ri-mand  [rep'rl-mand]  k.  censure 
re-print'  [re-print'l  k.  anew  edition 
re-pris'al  [reprizul]  «.  retaliation 
re-proach'  [rS-proch]  •:'./.  to  blame 
re-proach'ful  [  ful]  a.  scornful 
rep'ro-br.te  [rep  rO-bat]  a.  wicked 
rep  ro-ba'tion  [rep'rS-ba'shfin]  «. 
re  pro-duce'  [rs  pr6-dus']  v.t. 
re  pro-duc'tion  [duk'shOnl  «. 
re-proof  (re  proof]  «.  reprimand 
re-prov'a-ble  Ire-proov'a-b'l]  n.  blam- 
re-prove'  [r5-pri3ov']  v.t  to  chide    [able 
rep'tile  [rep'tlll  n.  a  crawling  animal 
re-pub'Uc(rJpul)'lik)H.  commonweal  til 
re-pub'lic-an  (rcpub'll-kanl  «.  a  party 

re-pub'lic-an-ism  [-ll-kan-izin]  «. 
re-pub  li-ca'tion  [repub'li-ka'shonix. 
re-pub'lish  [lisli)  v.t.  to  publish  anew 
re-pu'di-ate  [re-pu'di-at]  v.t.  to  dii- 
re-pu  di-a'tion  c-a'shun)  n.        lavow 
re-pug'nance  ( rfi-pOg'nanslw.  aversion 
re-pue'nanl  [ripug'nunt)  a.  hostile 
re-pulse'  [r^pals'l  v.t.  to  repel 
re-pul'sion  [ri-pul'shQnl  n. 




re-pul'sive  [rf-pOl'sIvl  a.  repellent 
rep'u-ta-ble  (rep'i-ta-b'lj  a.  creditable 
rep  u-ta'tion  [  ta'shun]  n.  character 
re-pute'  [re-put]  ?:,  public  estimate 
re-quest'  [rf-kwest]  -v.t.  to  ask 
re'qui-em  [rekwl-em]  «.  funeral  hymn 
re-quire'  [re-kwlr']  I'.t.  to  need 
re-quire'ment  [-m^nt]  «.  a  need 
req'ui-site  [rekwlzit]  a.  needful 
req'ui-si'tion  [-zlsh'un]  «.  demand 
re-quit'al  [rSkwit'al]  h.  satisfaction 
re-quite'  [rS-kwit]  v.t.  to  satisfy 
re-scind'  [rS-sInd']  v.t.  to  annul 
re-SCis'sion  (rf-slzh  un]  «.  annulling 
res'cue  [res'kQ]  v.t.  to  save 
re-search'  [rf-serch']  «.  investigation 
re-sem'blance  [-zem'blijns]  >i.  likeness 
re-sem'ble  [rS-zem'b'l]  v.t.  to  look  like 
re-sent'[-zcnt']  1'./.  to expressdispleas- 
res  er-va'tion  [rez'er-va'shun]  «. 
re-serve'  (rS-zerv')  v.t.  to  hold  back 
res'er-voir'[rez'er-vw6r']«.  water  tank 
re-side'  [rcsid'J  v.i.  to  dwell 
res'i-dence  [rez'l-d^ns]  «.  dwelling 
res'i-dent  [-dfnt]  k.  an  inhabitant 
re-sid'u-a-ry  (rS-zidu-arji  «. 
res'i-due  [rez'I-dul  it.  remainder 
re-sid'u-um  frS-zId'u-umj  «.  residue 
re-sign'  (rf-zin']  v.t.  to  relinquish 
res'ig-na'tion  [rez'igna'shunj  «. 
res'in  [resin]  n.  a  gum 
res'in-OUS  [us]  a.  nature  of  resin 
re-sist'  [rS-zist]  i./.  to  withstand 
re-sist'ance  [-<rnsl  «.  opposition 
re-sist'i-ble  [i-bl]  n. 
re-sist'less  [-les]  a.  irresistible 
res'O-lute  [rez'4-lut]  n.  steadfast 
res  0-lu'tion  [lu'shun]  «.  decision 
re-solv'a-ble  [rS-zolv'abl]  a. 

re-solve'  [rc-zOlv'l  v.t.  to  purpose 
re-solv'ent  [tnt]  x.  a  solvent 
res'o-nance  [rez'6-n.jnsi  «. 
res'o-nant  [n.mtj  a.  echoing  back 
re-sort'  [rSzurt  ]  h.  recourse 
re-sound'  (rS-zound'l  %\t.  to  echo 
re-source'  [rS-sors'j  «.  means 
re-spect'  [rS-spekt'l  v.t.  to  esteem 
re-spect  a-bil'i-ty  [a-bil'i-tyl  «. 
re-spect'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  worthy  of  re- 
re-spect'ful  [ful]  (I.  civil  Ispect 

re-spec'tive  [rS-spek'tIv]  a.  relative 

re-spec'tive-ly  [lyl  adv. 
res  pi-ra'tion  [res'pi-ra'shQn]  «. 
re-spir'a-to-ry  [rS-spJr'a-tS-ryj  a. 
re-spire'  [rS-spir']  11. i.  to  inhale 
res'pite  [ris'pit]  «.  delay 
re-splen'den-cy  (rj-splen'dfn-syi  n. 
re-splen'dent  t-dfnt)  a.  bright 
re-spond'  [respond  1  v.t.  to  reply 
re-spond'ent  [  ^nt]  a.  answering 
re-sponse'  |rS-sp6ns'l  n.  reply 
re-spon'si-bil'i-ty  [spsn'si-byl'i-tj]  n. 

re-Spon'si-ble  [si-b'lj  a.  amenable 


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re-spon'sive  (slv]  a.  in  sympathy 
rest  [rSst]  K.  quiet  fhouse 

res'tau-rant    [res'tS-rant]    k.  eating- 
res  ti-tu'tion  [ris'tl-tu'shun]  n. 
rest'ive  [restiv]  a.  uneasy 
rest'less  [resfles]  a.  disquieted 
res  to-ra'tion  (res'tS-rs'shunj  n. 
res  to-ra'tion-ism  [iz'm]  h. 
re-stor'a-tive  [rS-stor'a-tlv]  n.  a  cura- 
re-store' [rS-stor'l  v.t.  to  return     Itive 
re-strain'  (rS-strSn']  t/.  to  restrict 
re-straint'  [rS-strSnt'l  «  restriction 
re-strict'  [rS-stilkt'l  v.  to  limit 
re-stric'tion  (rS-strik'shQnl  n. 
re-strict'ive  [rS-strikt'Iv]  <i.  limiting 
re-sult'  [rS-zult'l  K.  effect 
re-sult'ance  f-ans)  «.  a  result 
re-sume'  (rf-zum'l  v.t.  to  begin  again 
re-sump'tion  [rJ-zOmp'shun]  K.      rter 
res-ur-rect'  [rez-flr-rekt'l  v.i.  todisin- 
res  ur-rec'tion  [rek'shfln]  «. 
re-sus'ci-tate  [rS-sQs'si-tst]  •:'./.  to  re- 
re-sus  ci-ta'tion  [ts'shun]  «.      ivive 
re-tail'[re-tsri«.  opposed  to  wholesale 
re-tail' er  [-er]  «.  retail  salesman 
re-tain'  [r?-tSn']  v.r  to  keep 
re-tain'er  (-eri  «.  a  fee 
re-take'[re-tSk']  z:t.  to  recapture  [kind 
re-tal'i-ate[rJ-tari-stl  v.  to  repay 
re-tal  i-a'tion  [-s'shun]  «.  requital 
re-tal'i-a-to-ry  [-a-tS-rSJ  a.  retaliative 
re-tard'  [rS-tiird]  v.e.  to  hinder 
retch  [rSch]  v.i.  to  strain 
re-ten'tion  [rS-ten'shun]  K.  a  retaining 
re-ten'tivet-tiv]  u.  with  power  to  retain 
ret'i-cence  [ret'r-sens]  «.  reserve 
ret'i-cent  [-sfnt]  a.  uncommunicative 
ret'i-cule  (reti-kul)  «.  a  small  bag 
ret'i-na  [ret'l-na]  k.  part  of  the  eye 
ret'i-nue  [rStlnu)  «.  a  suite 
re-tire'  [rS-tlr'l  -v.t.  to  withdraw 
re-tire'ment  [mirntl  «.  seclusion 
re-tort'  [rS-t6rt')i'.^  to  answer  [change 
re-touch'   [re-tflch')  v.t.   to  corrector 
re-trace'  lrttTSs']v./.  to  go  back 
re-tract'  [rS-trakt'J  v.t.  to  recall     [ing 
re-trac'tion  [trak'shOnl  «.  a  withdraw- 
re-treat'  [rStrefJ  «.  a  refuge 
re-trench'  [r'-trench'l  v.t.  to  curtail 
re-trench'ment  [-nu-nt]  n.  a  lessening 
ret  ri-bu'tion  [rct'ri-bu'shQnJ  «. 
re-trieve'  (ri-trev'l  v.i.  to  regain 
ret'ro-cede  (rct'r6-sed]  v.i.  to  go  back 
refro-ces'sion  [-sSsh'Qn]  k.         [ward 
ret'ro-grade  [grad]  v.i.  to  move  back- 
ret'ro-gres'sion  [refri-gresh'On]  «. 
refro-spect  (-spekt)  h.  view  of  the  past 
ret'ro-spec'tion  (-spik'shon]  « 
refro-spec'tive  [-spsk'tiv]  a. 
ret'ro-vert  [vC-rt)  v.t.  to  turn  back 
re-turn'  [ri-x(irn']v.e.  go  or  come  again 
re-turn'a-ble[-a-b'lla.  may  be  returned 
re-ua'ion  (r6-un'yOn)  n.  a  meeting 

re'u-nite'  [re'd-nit'i  v 

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re-veal'  [rS-vel'l  v.t.  to  disclose 
rev'el  [rev'Sl]  n.  a  carousal 
rev'e-la'tion  irev'f-la'shun]  n. 
rev'e-la'tor  [-ter]  n.  a  revealei 
rev'el-ry  [rev'el-ry]  «.  noisy  festivity 
re-venge'  |r4-venj']  v.t.  toavenge 
re-venge'ful  [ful]  a.  vindictive 
rev'e-nue  [riv'e-nO]  n.  income 
re-ver'ber-ate  [re-ver'ber-at]  -v. 
re-ver'ber-a'tion  [-a'shiin]  «.  re-echo 
re-vere'  [rc-ver'J  •z'./.  to  venerate 
rev'er-ence  Irev'er-^ns]  «.  veneration 
rev'er-end  [-end]  «.  title  of  respect 
rev'er-ent  [-cnt]  <?.  respectful 
rev'er-en'tial  [-en'shrtl]  a. 
rev'er-ie  [rev'er-i]  n.  deep  musing 
re-ver'sal  [rS-ver'sol]  «.  change 
re-verse'  [rS-vers']  v.t.  to  turn  around 
re-vers'i-ble  [-i-b'l]  a.  turnable 

re-ver'sion  [re-ver'shfln]  H.  law  term 

re-ver'sion-a-ry  [a-ry]  a. 
re-vert'  [rS-vcrt'l  i.'.i.  t'o  return 
re-vert'i-ble  [i-b'l]  n. 
re-vest'  [re-vest']  -v.t.  to  clothe  again 
re-view'  [re-vj/']  ?i.  re-examination 
re-view'er  l-erj  n.  an  inspector 
re-vile'[rc-vir]  v.  it.  and  i.)  to  reproach 
re-vile'ment  l-mcnt]  n.  abuse 
re-vis'al  [rJ-viz'^l]  m.  revision 
re-vise'  [rc-vlz'l  v.t.  to  review 
re-vi'sion  [r5-vizh'unl  n.  revised  form 
re-vi'sion-a-ry  l-i-ry]  a.  revisory 
re-vi'so-ry  [rS-vI'zS-ry]  a.  revising 
re-viv'al  [rS-v!v'«l]  «.  a  renewal 
re-viv'al-ist  [-Ist]  n.  a  clergyman 
re-vive'  [rc-vlv']  i/.z.  to  reanimate 
re-viv'i-fy  (rS-viv'i-f!]  v.t. 
rev'O-ca'tion  [rev'O-ka'shiln]  «.  repeal 
re-voke'  [rJ-vok'l  v.t.  to  recall 
re-volt'  [re-volt']  «.  insurrection 
rev'O-lu'tion    [rev'6-Iu'shun]   n.  over- 
rev'o-lu'tion-a-ry  [-J-ry]  a.      [throw 
rev'o-lu'tion-ize  [-Iz]  v.t.  to  change 
re-volve'  [rS-volv'J  v.i.  to  turn 
re-volv'er  [-er]  n.  a  firearm        [change 
re-vul'sion   [rS-varshun]  «.  a  sudden 
re-ward'  [rS-ward']  v.t.  to  repay 
re-write'  [rS-rlt')  v.t.  to  write  again 
rhap'so-dy  [r&p's6-dy]  n.  a  poem 
rhet'o-ric  rtit'6-rik]  n.  oratory 
rhe-tor'ic-al  [rS-tOr'i-k«l]  a.  oratorical 
rhet'o-ri'cian  [ret'6-rrsh'an]  «. 
rheum  [rum]  «.  a  disease 
rheu-mat'ic  [ru-mat'lk]  a.  [disease 

rheu'raa-tism  [-ma-ttz'm]  n.  a  painful 
rhi-noc'e-ros  [ri-n5s'4-r6s]  «.  a  beast 
rho'di-um  [ro'di-Om]  n.  a  metal 
rho'do-den'dron  [ro'd4-d5n'dr6n]  «. 
rhu'barb  [ru'barb)  n.  a  plant 
rhyme  [rim]  «.  poetry 
rhythm  [rith'm]  n.  metre 
rib  [rib]  K.  part  of  body 
rib'ald  [rib'izld]  a.  obscene 
rib'ald-ry  t-ry]  «.  indecency 








rib'bon  [rlb'bun]  k.  a  fillet  of  silk 

rice  I  risl  II.  a  plant  and  its  seed 

rich  (rich]  a.  wealthy 

rich'es  I  -ez]  n.  ft.  wealth 

rich'ness  t-nes]  n.  fertility 

rick'ets  Irlck'etsJ  «.  a  disease 

rick'et-y  Irfck'et-y]  a.  shaky 

ric  0-chet'  |rik'6-shs']  «.  a  rebound 

rid  1  ri  i]  7-./.  to  be  free  of 

rid'dance  (rld'dirnsl  k.  deliverance 

rid'dle  [rld'd'll  «.  a  puzzle 

ride  (ridj  -j.i.  to  be  carried 

rid'er  l-er]  «.  a  horseman 

ridge  (rljl  «.  a  crest 

rid'i-cule  (ricl'Ikul]  «.  derision 

ri-dic'u-lous  |ri-dik'a-ias]  a.  ludicrous 

rife  Irif  1  a.  prevalent 

riffraff  (rif  raf)  «.  the  rabble 

ri'fle  I  r!T  1]  K.  a  firearm 

rift  [rift]  K.  a  cleft 

rig  [rig]  T'.<.  to  equip 

rig'ging  [rigging]  n.  dress,  tackle, etc. 

right  Irit]  <i<//Vr/it'^,  correct 

right'eous  [rl'chus]  <i.  godly 

right'eous-ness  [nes]  n.  holiness 

right'ful  (-ml)  <i.  lawful 

right'hand'  [band]  ».  on  the  right 

right'hand  ed  [ed]  a. 

right'ly  [ly]  .m'r.  properly        Iminded 

right'mind  ed    [minded]     a.    honest 

rig'id  [rij'id]  a.  unyielding 

ri-gid'i-ty  Iri-jid'itj]  «.  stiffness 

rig'id-ly  [rij'id-ly)  ad-j.  stiflly 

rig'id-ness  [nes]  «. 

rig'ma-role  (rig'ma-rol)  «.  foolish  talk 

rig'or  [rlg'er]  n.  severity 

rig'or-OUS  [rig'er-us]  a.  strict 

rill  Irll]  «.  a  streamlet 

rim  I  rim]  v.t.  to  border 

rim'mer  [rlm'mer]  n.  a  tool 

rind  [rind]  n.  external  covering 

rin'der-pest  [rin'der-pest]  «.  a  cattle 

ring  IrinjTl  "•  sound;  a  circle      Idisease 

ring'lead'er(ring'led'er]«.  chief  leader 

ring'let  [let]  n.  a  curl  of  hair 

ring' worm'  t-wurm]  «.  a  skin  disease 

rink  [ringk]  «.  enclosure  for  skating 

rinse  [rins]  v.t.  to  cleanse 

ri'ot  [riut]  K.  tumult 

ri'ot-er  [li'ut-er]  «.  a  reveler 

ri'ot-OU8  [-us]  a.  tumultous 

rip  I  rip]  %i.t.  to  tear 

ripe  [rip]  a.  mature 

rip'en  |rip"n]  v.i.  to  grow  ripe 

ripe'ness  [rTp'nis]  «.  maturity 

rip'ple  [rlp'p'l]  «.  a  little  wave 

rise  [riz]  v.i.  to  mount  up 

ris'i-ble  [rlzl-b'l]  a.  laughable 

ris'inglrlz'Ing]  a.  ascending 

risk  [ribk]  M.  hazard 

risk-y  |-^']  a.  hazardous 

rite  I  rjt)  H.  ceremony 

rit'u-al  [rlt'a-allw.boolcofrites     fship 

rit'u-al-ism  [-Iz'm]  «.  system  of  w 

^y^  ^ 






rit'u-al-ist  [ist]  «. 
ri'val  [ri'vul]  }i.  competitor 
ri'val-ry  Vri'v.zl-ry]  h.  competition 
rive  [riv]  v./.  to  split 
riv'er  Iriv'er]  «.  a  large  stream 
riv'et  [riv'et]  V.  to  fasten  firmly 
riv'u-let  Irlv'a-let]  «.  asmall  stream 
roach  [roch]  «.  a  fish;  a  cockroach 
road  [rod]  II.  highway  troad 

road'bed'  [  rod'bed']  n.  foundation  for 
road'stead  [rod'sted]  «.  an  anchorage 
road'ster  [rod'ster]  h.  ahorse 
roam  [rom]  z'.i.  to  wander 
roam'er  [er]  «.  a  wanderer 
roan  Iron]  >!.  a  kind  of  leather 
roar  [ror]  v.  to  bellow 
roar'er  [er]  k.  a  riotous  fellow 
roast  [rost]  vJ.  to  bake 
rob  [rOb]  ':/.  to  plunder 
rob'ber  [robber]  «.  a  thief 
rob'ber-y  [y]  «.  theft 
robe  (rob]  !i.  a  garment 
rob'in  [rSb'in]  n.  a  bird 
ro-bust'  [rSbflsf]  <i.  vigorous 
ro-bust'ness  [nes]  «.  vigor 
rock  I  rOk]  )(.  a  large  fixed  stone 
rock'a-way  [rSk'a-wa]  «.  a  carriage 
rock'er  [rOk'er]  «   a  rocking-chair 
rock'et  [nSk'et]  «.  a  firework 
rock'y  [rSk'y]  «.  full  of  rocks 
rod  [rod]  n.  a  slender  stick 
ro'dent  [ro'd^nt]  a.  gnawing 
roe  [ro]  ".  a  female  deer 
roe'buck'  [ro'bOk'l  «.  Asiatic  deer 
ro-ga'tion  [ro-ga'shun]  n.  supplication 
rogue  [r5g]  n.  a  vagabond 
rogu'er-y  [rog'er-y]  w.  cheating 
rogu'ish  [rog'ish]  a.  knavish 
roil  [roil]  -v.t.  to  disturb 
roist'er  [roist'er]  v.i.  to  bluster 
roist'er-er  [-er]  k.  a  noisy  fellow 
roll  (rol]  v.t.  to  revolve 
roll'er  [rSl'er]  n.  a  cylinder 
rol'lic  [roriik]  v.i.  to  frolic  fover 

roU'ing  [rol'Ing]  a.   turning  over  and 
Ro'man  [ro'm<in]  >!.  native  of  Rome 
ro-mance'  [ro-mins]  «.  fiction 
ro-man'cer  [man'ser]  «. 
ro-man'cist  [mSn'sist]  «.  a  romancer 
Ro  man-esque'  [rSman-esk']  a. 
Ro-man'ic  [man'lk]  a.  pert,  to  Rome 
Ro'man-ism  [man-Iz'm]  k.  R.C.  relig- 
ro-man'tic  [ro-mSn'tlk]  a.  fanciful  [ion 
romp  [r6mp]  h.  rough  sport 
ron-deau'  [i6n-do']  «.  a  kind  of  poetry 
ron'dure  [rOn'dur]  >i.  plumpness 
rood  [rood]  n.  a  measure  of  5j  yards 
roof [roof]  n.  a  cover 
roofing  [-ing]  >i.  material  for  roof 
rooflet  [roof-let]  ti.  a  small  shelter 
rook  [rook]  n.  abird  like  the  crow 
rook'er-y  [ro6k'er-y]  n.  a  rook  resort 
room  [room]  2'.i.  to  lodge 
room'er  [room'er]  «.  a  lodger 




room'i-ness  [i-nss]  >t.  spaciousness 
room'mate'  Iroom'mSt']  «.  a  chum 
room'y  [roomy]  "■  spacious 
roor'bach  [roor'bak]  k.  a  falsehood 

roost  IrSost]  K.  a  perch 
roost'er  l  ruost'er]  K.  a  cock 
root  [root]  «   underground  part  of  plant 
rope  IrOpl  ti.  large  stout  cord 
rop'y  I  51  <7.  stringy 
ro'sa-ry  Iro'za-ryl  K.  a  garland 
rose  Irozl  «.  a  flower 
ro'se-ate  [rozS-St]  a.  full  of  roses 
rose'ma-ry  |roz'in5-r>]  h.  a  plant 
ro-sette'  IrO-zef]  n.  a  ribbon  rose 
rose' wood'  [  roz'wood'  ]  «.a  cabinet  wood 
ros'in  [rSzin]  k.  pine  tree  product 
ros'ter  [rOs'ter]  «.  a  register 
ros'trum  lr6s'truml  K.  pulpit;  platform 
ros'y  Irozy)  a.  red 
rot  [rCit]  v.i.  to  decay 
ro'ta-ry  [ro'ta-ry]  a.  turning 
ro'tate  Iro'tat)  v.i.  to  turn 
ro-ta'tion  (rO-tS'shan)  h.  act  of  turning 
ro'ta-tive  [ra'ta-tlv]  a.  rotary 
rote  I  rot]  It.  repetition 
rot'ten  IrOt't'n]  a.  decayed 
ro-tund'  IrO-tund]  <7.  round 
ro-tun'da  Ira-tun'da]  n.  round  building 
ro-tund'i-ty  IrO-tund'I'tylw.  roundness 
rouge  Iroozh)  «.  a  cosmetic 
rough  |ruf]  n.  uneven 
rough'ly  [IJ]  adz:  harshly 
rou-lette'  [roo-let'l  h.  a  game 
round  [lound]  a.  circular 
round'a-bouf  (round'a-bout]  a.  indi- 
roun'del  Iroun'del]  «.  a  circle  Irect 

round'e-lay  Iround'f-la]  h.  a  dance 
round'er  |round'er|  «.  a  tool 
round'house'  Iround'hous  J  k. 
round'ly  Iround'ly]  arfv.  boldly 
rouse  Irouz)  t'.  to  wake;  to  excite 
rous'ing  t-ing]  a.  exciting 
roust  !  roust)  t'./.  to  disturb 
roust'a-bouf  (roust'about'] «.  a  deck- 
rout  [rout]  f./.  to  defeat  [hand 
route  [root]  K.  a  course 
rou-tine'  [roo-ten'l  n.  regular  course 
rove  1  rov]  v.t.  to  wander 
Tov'er  [rov'er]  «.  a  wanderer 
row  lr"i]  T'./.  to  propel  with  oars 
row'boat'  [ro'liot'l  «.a  small  boat 
row'dy  [rou'dy)  K.  ruffianly  fellow 
row'dy-ism  (rou'dy-Iz'm]  tt. 
rowed  [ro  1|  /./>.  of"  row,"  did  row 
row'el  (rou'el)  K.  part  of  spur 
row'en  [rou'cn  |  tt.  a  stubble  field 
row'lock  (ro'lokl  »i.  oar-rest 
roy'al  (roi'all  a.  kingly 

roy'al-ism  iiz'm]  «. 

roy'al-ist  [Ist]  «.  adherent  of  a  king 

roy'al-ly  (lyl  ai/v.  like  a  king 

roy'al-ty  l-tyl  ».  sovereignty 

rub  Iriil.j  t'./.  to  chafe 

rub'ber  (rOb'ber)  «.  caoutchouc 

/V/i  A.  A 

a...'a:.a  a 





rub'bish  Irub'bisli]  n.  Irasll 
rub'ble  [rul)'l)'l|  n.  broken  Stones 
ru-bes'cent  Iru-bes'sintI   <?.   becoming 
ru'bi-CUnd  [rubi-kundj  rt.  reddish  (red 
ru'by  [ru'byl  n.  a  [jrecious  stone 
ruche  (roosh]  n.  ruffling 
ruc'tion  [ruk'shun]  «.  a  quarrel 
rud'der  Irud'der]  >i.  helm 
rud'di-ness  |rud'dl-ncs]  n.  redness 
rud'dy  [rud'dy]  a.  reddish 
rude  Irud]  a.  rough;  lacking  delicacy 
ru'di-ment  Iru'di-mfntJ  it,  a  beginning 
ru-di-men-tal  [mcnt.jl]  a.  first  rules 
ru-di-mcn-ta-ry  l-ta-ryj  a.  initial 
rue  [ru]  z\t.  to  regret 
rue'ful  l-ful]  a.  sorrowful 
ruif  [ruf]  i<.t.  to  ruffle 
ruffian  [ruf'ydn]  n.  abrutal  fellow 
ruffian-ism  |-iz  m)  >i. 
ruffle  IrufflJ  -v.t.  to  wrinkle 
rug  Irugl  n.  a  mat 
rug'ged  [rug'gedl  a.  uneven 
ru'in  Iru-inl  11.  destruction 
ru'in-0U3  I  ub]  .1.  wasteful 
rul'a-ble  Iriil'a-b'll  a.  lawful 
rule  |rul]  n.  method 
rul'er  [rul'er]  n.  agoveinor 
rul'ing  [rul'ing]  a.  controlling 
rum  |rum]  «.a  liquor 
rum'ble  IrumblJ  n.  low  heavy  nrise 
ru'mi-nate  |ru'mi-nat]  v.t.  to  ponder 
ru  mi-na'tion  [ru'mina'shunl  ;/. 
rum'mage  Irum'raSj]  -v.i.  to  search 
ru'mor  j  ru'mer]  n.  current  report 
rump  (runipl  71.  the  buttock 
rum'ple  Irump'l]  z»./.  and:,  to  wrinkle 
rum'pus  [rum'pusl  ?2.  a  quarrel  |er 

rum'sell'er  [rQm'sel'cr]  «.  saloon  keep- 
run  trijn]  z'.i.  to  move  swiftly 
run'a-way'  [riin'a-wa'J  11.  a  fugitive 
run'del  [run'dcl]  n.  a  small  stream 
rung  [rung] /A  did  ring 
run'ner  [run'ncr]  ;;.  a  racer 
run'ning  [-nlng]  a.  moving  swiftly 
runt  [runt]  n.  a  dwarf 
rup'ture  [rup'tur]  -v.t.  to  break 
ru'ral  [ru'r^l]  a.  rustic 
ruse  [ruz]  n.  deceit 
rush  [rush]  v.t.  to  hurry  forward 
rush'light'  [rush'lif]  n.  a  feeble  light 
rusk  [rusk]  n.  a  kind  of  bread 
rus'set  [rus'set]  a.  brown 
Kus'sian  [rush'an]  n.  from  Russia 
rust  [rust]  v.i.  to  corrode 
rus'tic  [rus'tik]  a.  awkwarci 
rus'ti-cate  [rus'ti-kstj  v.i. 
rusti-ca'tion  [-ka'shun]  «. 
rus-tic'i-ty  [rQs-tis'I-ty' «.  rudeness 
rust'i-ly  [rust'I-ly]  adv. 
rust'i-ness  [rustlnes]  K. 
rus'tle  [rus"l]  v.i.  to  rattle 
rust'y  [rust'y]  a.  covered  with  rust 
rut  [rut]  n.  track  of  a  wheel 
ru'ta-ba'ga  [ru'ta-ba'ga]  n.  a  turnip 




ruth'less  [ru//<'l6sl  a.  cruel 
rye  Iri]  «.  a  kind  of  grain 

sa'bal  [sS'bal]  k.  palm  tree 
sab'a-oth  [saba-oi'/il  k.  armies 
Sab'bath  [Sabb<?//i]  n.  weekly  holy  day 
sa'ber  |  si  l>erl  «.  a  sword 
sab'ba  tism  [sab'ba-tlz'm]  k.  rest 
sa'ble  Issb'lj  «.  an  animal 
sal'u-lous  (salulus]  a.  sandy 
sac  (sak)  n.  a  bag  for  liquid;  a  cyst 
sac'cha-rate  |sak'ka-rat)  «.  asucrate 
sac'cha-rine  [sakka-rin]  a.  sweet 
sac'cha-rone  |  ron)  «.  an  oily  liquid 
sac'cha-rose'  l-rss]  «.  cane  sugar 
sac  er-do'tal  ls.aser-do'tull  a.  priestly 
sac  er-do'tal-ism  |-iz  m]  >i. 
Sa'chem  l^a  chem)  H.  Indian  chief 
sach'el  Isachel)  ».  see  satchel 
sa  chef  [sa'sha'l  k.  ascent  bag 
sack  Isskl  >!.  a  bag 
sack'cloth'  Isak'klO//;']  «.  bagging 
sack'ful  hak'ful)  .?.  bag-full 
sack'ing  |  saklng]  «.  coarse  cloth 
sacque  |  sak  J  «.  a  garment 
sac'ra-ment  Isak'ramfnt)  >i.  eucharist 
sa'cre  Isakerl  i^./.  to  make  sacred 
sa'cred  |  ss'kred]  a.  holy 
sac'ri-fice  Isak'n-fls]  n.  offering 
sac  ri-fi'cial  |sak'ri-fish'<il]  a. 
sac'ri-lege  U^'ikri-lejl  h.  profane  use 
sac  ri-le'gious  l-ri-le'jus)  a.  impious 
sac'ris-tan  Isak'rlstanl  «.  a  sexton 
sac'ris-ty  Isak'rls-ty]  «.  vestry 
sad  Isadl  ,1.  dejected 
sad'den  Isad'd'nJ  z/./.  to  make  unhappy 
sad'dle  Isad'd'l]  -'.;■.  to  encumber 
sad'dler  Isad'dler)  h.  saddle  maker 
sad'dler-y  (yl  «.  saddlers  wares 
sad'i  ron  Isad'i'Om]  k.  a  flat-iron 
sad'ly  |-,ad'lyl  adv.  sorrowfully 
sad'ness  Isad'nes]  «.  sorrow 
saeng'er-fest  [sengger-festj  «. 
safe  Isaf  1  a.  secure 
safer  [safer]  romp.  a. 

safest  ;ssf 'est|  sup.  a. 

saf"'guard'  (saf'gard'l  H.  defense 
safe'keep'ing  [saf'keii'ing)  w.  custody 
safe'ty  i-°f'tyl  >i.  freedom  from  danger 
saffron  (sif 'fran)  a.  deep  yellow 
sag  [s^s:;)  7'.i.  to  bend 
sa-ga'ci0U3  [siga'shQs]  a.  shrewd 
sa-gac'i-ty  [s,i-gas'I-tyl  «.  penetration 
sage  [s;ij  ]  u.  wise  man;  a  plant 
Sag  it-ta'ri-u8  isaj'it-ta'ri-us)  «. 
sa'go  [sag6l  «.  a  plant 
said  Ised)  a.  before-mentioned 
sail  I  sS  1 1  v.l.  to  navigate 
sail'a-ble  (sara-b'l)  a.  navigable 
sail'or  [sarer]  h.  mariner 
saint  [sam]  k.  godlyperson 
saint'ed  (sSnt'ed)  ti.  consecrated 
saint'ly  IsSnt'lJl  n.  like  a  saint 
sake  tsSkJ  H.  regard;  reason 


«^  _-<l 



sal'a-ble  [sal'a-b'l]  3.  fit  for  sale 
sal'ad  [salnd]  «.  dressing 
sal'a-man'der|sal'a-man'der]  n. 
sal'a-ried  [salarld)  a.  paid  by  salary 
sal'a-ry  [sal'a-ry]  «.  wages 
sale  [sal]  n.  market 
sal'e-ra'tus  [sal'Jrs'tus]  «.  potash 
sales'man  [salz'man]  n.  man  who  sells 
sales'wom'an  [-woSm'an]  n.         [nent 
sa'li-ent  Isa'll-irnt]  a.  leaping;  promi- 
sa'line  [sa'lin]  a.  salty 
sa-li'va  Isa-lI'va]  «.  spittle  [saliva 

sal'i-vate  [sarrvst]  v.t.  to  produce 

sal'let  [sal'letl  «  a  light  helmet 
sal'low  [sal'l6]  a.  yellowish  color 
sal'ly  [sal'ly]  -v.i.  to  rush  out 
sal'ma-gun'di  [salma-gun'di]  «. 
salm'on  [sam'un)  >i.  a  kind  offish 
sa'lon'  [salon')  n.  reception  room 
sa-loon'  (sa-loon'J  «.  grogshop 
sal'si-fy  [salsi-fyl  «.  oyster  plant 
salt[sal:l  ;i.  chloride  of  sodium 
salt'cel-lar  [salt'sel-lerj  «.  adish 
salt'pe'ter  [salt'pe'ter]  }t.  niter 
salfrheum'  [rum']  «.  a  skin  disease 
sa-lu'bri-OUS  [sa-lu'brl-us]  a.  healthy 
sal'u-ta-ry  |saruta-r$]  «.  beneficial 
sal  U-ta'tion  [salu-ta'shun]  «.  salute 
sa-lu'ta-to'ri-an  [salu'ta-to'ri-an]  K. 
sa-lu'ta-to-ry  [sa-la'ta-ta-ryi  a. 
sa-lute'  jsa-lot]  'c-.t.  to  greet 
sal'u-tif'er-ous  [sal'i-tif'er-os]  a. 
sal'vage[sarvij]«.  pay  for  saving  cargo 
sal-va'tion|sil-va'shun]«.  redemption 
sal-va'tion-ist  [isii  «. 
salve  [sav]  n.  ointment 
sal'ver  [sal'ver]  «.  a  waiter 
sal'vo  [  salvo]  n.  a  volley 
Sa-mar'i-tan  [sa-mar  i-tan]  «. 
same  [sam]  a. 

same'ness  [sam'nes]  «.  similarity 
samp  [samp]  ?i.  coarse  meal 
sam'ple  [sam'p'l]  «.  specimen 
sam'pler  [sam'pler]  «.  pattern 
san'a-to-ry  [san  a-t6-r>]  a.  curative 
san'a-to'ri-um  [to'rtum]  «. 
sane  ti-fi-ca'tion  [-ti-fi-ka'shOn]  «. 
sanc'ti-fi'er  [sangk'ti-fi'er]  «. 
sanc'ti-fy  [sangk'ti-fi]  v.t.  to  hallow 
sanc'ti-mo'ni-ous  [mo'ni-us]  a. 
sanc'ti-mo-ny  [-m6-ny]  «.  holiness 
sanc'tion  [sangk'shun]  v.t.  to  ratify 
sanc'ti-ty  [sangk'tl-ty]  n.  purity 
sanc'tu-a-ry  [ti-S-r)-]  «.  a  church 
sanc'tum  [sSngk'tum]  n.  sacred  place 
sand  [sand]  ;;.  fine  particles  of  stone 
san'dal  [san'dal]  «.  kind  of  shoe 
san'dal-wood'  (san'dal-wBod']  «. 
sand'pa'per  [sand'pa'per]  «. 
sand' stone'  [sand'ston'j  «  freestone 
sand'wich  [sSnd'wIch]  v.  to  interlard 
sand'y  [?and'y]  a.  full  of  sand 
sane  [san]  a.  sound  in  mind 
sane'ness  [sSn'nes]  «.  sanity 










sang  froid'  [sanfrMa']  «.  calmness 
san'gui-na-ry  [sanggwi-ns-ry]  a. 
san'guine  (sang  gwln)  a.  confident 
San'he-drin  [san  hS  drin)  «.     (retreat 
san'i-ta'ri-um    [i  ts'riumi  «.  health 
san'i-ta-ry  [san'i-ta-r>i  a.  hygienic 
san'i-ty  [sAni-tyl  h.  saneness 
sans  [sSnzl^rir/.  without 
San'skrit  [san'skritjx.adead language 
sap  [sip]  «.  juice  of  plants 
sa-pid'i-ty  [sa-pid'I-tyl  «.  taste 
sap'ling  IsSp'lIng]  «.  a  young  tree 
sa'pi-ent  tsS'pI-ent]  a  sage:  wise 

sap'o-na'ceous  [sapona'shusjrt.soapy 
sap'phire  [saflr]  «.  a  gem 
sap'py  Isip'py]  .1.  juicy 
Sar'a-cen  [sSr'asen]  «.  Mussulman 
sar'casm  fsSrkaz'm]  «.  ridicule 
sar-cas'tic  (sSr-kas  tiki  «•  taunting 
sar-coph'a-gus  [sar-kOf 'a-gusj  «.tomb 
sar'dine  (sar'den]  H.  kind  of  fish 
sar-don'ic  [sar-don'ik]  a.  sarcastic 
sar'sa-pa-ril'la  [sar'saparSl'la]  «. 
sar-to'ri-US  [sar-to'rI-us|  «.  a  muscle 
sash  [s5sh]  n.  frame  of  window 
sas'sa-fras  [sassa-fras]  «.  a  tree 
Sa'tan  IsStiin]  «.  the  devil 
sa-tan'ic  [sa-tan'ik]  a.  devilish 
Satch'el  [sachel]  «.  ahandbag 

sate  [sat]  ii.i.  to  fill 
sat-een'  [sSt-en]  «.  dress  goods 
sat'el-lite  [sat'el-llt]  «  a  moon 
sa'ti-ate  [ss'shi-at]  %\t.  to  glut 

sa-ti'e-ty  [sa-ti'S-tyl  h.  repletion 
sat'in  l-,atln)  «.  silk  cloth 
Sat'i-net'  [satinet')  «.  kind  of  cloth 
sat'in-wood'  [sat'in-wood']  ».an  East 
Sat'ire  [sat'Ir]  «.  irony  llndia  tree 

sa-tir'ic-al  [satir'i-k<il]  rt.  abusive 
Sat'ir-izeisat'er-iz]t'.?.  tocensure  [tent 
sat  is-fac'tion  [sat'is-fSk'shun]  «.  con- 
sat  is-fac'to-ri-ly  [-tirl-lyl  a.  rightly 
sat  is-fac'to-ry  (-td-ry)  a.  sufficient 
sat'is-fied  [-Is-tidJ  a.  contented 
sat'is-fy  [safls-fi)  -v.i.  to  gratify 
sat'u-rate  [safii-rat]  ■v.t.  to  soak 
Sat'ur-day  [sat'Or-dS]  «.  seventh  day 
Sat'urn  Isat'urn]  «.  a  planet 
sat'ur-nine  [sat'Or-nin]  n.  grave     [son 
sat'ur-nist  [sat'ur-nistl  «.  a  dull  pe: 
sa'tyr  Isati-rl  «.  a  sylvan  deity 
sauce  Isas]  K.a  relish 
sauce'box'  [sas'beks'J  n.  a  saucy  child 
sauce'pan'  [sas'pan]  «.  astewpan 
sau'cer  [sa'ser]  h.  a  dish 
sau'ci-ly  [sa'slly]  adv.  impudently 
sau'ci-ness  [sa'sl-nEs]  «.  rudeness 
sau'cy  I^Ji'sJJ  a.  rude 
sauer'krauf  [sour'krout'l  «.  pickle 
saun'ter  [san'tCr]  ^/.i.  to  loiter 
sau'sage  [sa'sSjl  k.  roll  of  meat 
sav'age  [sav'Ajl  a.  untamed 
eav'age-ry  (sav'aj-r^l  «.  barbarity 
sa-van'na  [sa-van'na]  n. 










save  Isav]  -v.t.  to  rescue 
sav'e-loy  [sav'f-loi]  «.  dried  sausage 
sav'ing  [sSv'Ing]  a.  frugal 
Sav'ior  IsSvyer]  «  Jesus  Christ 
sa'vor  [sa'ver]  n.  taste;  flavor 
sa'vor-y  Isa'ver-y]  a.  pleasing  to  taste 
saw  [sa]  /;.  a  tool 

saw'dusf  [sa'dflst']  «.  dust  of  wood 
saw'yer  [sa'yer]  n.  one  who  saws 
sax  [saksj  n.  tool  for  tiimming  slate 
Sax'on  fsaks'Qn]  n.  from  Saxony 
say  IsS]  v.t.  to  speak 
say'ing  [sS'Ing]  n.  a  maxim 
scab  |sk:il']  k.  a  disease 
scab'bard  [skab'berd]  «.  a  sheath 
scab'by  (skab'by]  a.  mangy 
Sca'brOUS  [skS'brfls]  a.  scaly 
scaffold  Iskaffold]  h.  staging 
scald  [skaldj  V.  to  burn 
scale  [skal]  -j.t.  to  measure 
SCal'lop  [skel'lap]  «.  a  shell  fish 
scalp  [skalpl  71.  part  of  head 
SCal'pel  [skal'pel]  «.  thin,  keen  knife 
Scal'y  IskSl'y]  a.  covered  with  scales 
scamp  [skamp]  k.  a  rogue 
Scam'per  [skam'perj  -v.i.  to  run 
scan  Iskan]  -j.t.  to  scrutinize 
scan'dal  [skan'dalj  «.  disgrace 
scan'dal-ize  \_-\z\  v.t.  to  disgrace 
SCan'dal-OUS  [us]  a.  slanderous 
Scan  di-na'vi-an  iskandi-ns'vi-an]  «. 
scant  Iskant]  a.  limited 
scant'ly  (skanfly]  adv.  barely 
scant'y  Iskant'y]  a.  sparing 
scape'goaf  iskSp'got]  «. 
scap'u-la  [skapu-la]  «.  shoulder  blade 
scap'u-la-ry  [ll-ry]  «.  friar's  garb 
soar  []  n.  mark 
scarce  Iskars]  a.  rare 
SCarce'ly  (skars'iyj  ao'r/.  hardly 
SCar'ci-ty  [skar'sl-ty]  n.  lack  of  plenty 
scare  Iskir]  «.  fright 
Scare'croW  [skar'krs'l  w.  a  fright 
scarf  [skarf]  K.  neck  cover 
SCar'i-fy  [skSr'I-fl]  t^./.   to  cut  the  skin 
SCarla-ti'na  [skar'la-te'na]  ;;. 
scar'let  [skar'let]  n.  bright  rc.1 
scarp  [skarp]  n.  a  steep  descent 
scat  Iskat]  interj.  go  away 
scath  [ska//z]  «.  damage 
scathe  [sksth]  v.t.  to  injure 
SCat'ter  [skat'ter]  v.t.  to  spread 
scav'en-ger  [skav'en-jerl  n. 
scene  [sen]  «.  part  of  play 
SCen'er-y  [sen'er-y]  «.  landscape 
scen'io  Isenik]  a.  theatrical 
scent  [sent]  K.  odor 
scep'ter  [sep'ter]  ?/.  a  royal  mace 
sched'ule  [skedul]  k.  list 
scheme  Iskem]  k.  plan 
schem'er  [skem'er]  n.  a  plotter 
schism  IsTzm)  11.  breach  of  unity 
schis-mat'ic  (slz-mat'ikl  a.  partisan 
schol'ar  [skOl'er]  «.  learner 




schol'ar-ship  [ship]  «.  learning 
scho-las'tic  Uka  las  tik)  a.  scholarlike 
scho-las'ti-cism  [ti-sizm]  «. 
school  iskool]  v.t.  to  educate 
schoon'er  [skooner]  «.  a  vessel 
sci-at'i-ca  [si-at'I-ka]  «.  a  disease 
sci'ence  (siVns]  k.  knowledge 
sci  en-tiric  [sl'en-tlf*lkl  a.  learned 
Sci'en-tist[-Jn-trst]«. learned  in  science 
scim'i-ter  [sim'I-ter]  k.  short  sword 
scin'til-late  [sintil-lat]  v.t.  to  sparkle 
SCi'on  Isi  un)  H.  an  offspring 
scis'sors  [siz'zerz] ».  shears 
Sclave  [sklav]  «.  same  as  Slav 
scoff  ;skOf  ]  v.i.  to  sneer 
scold  likoldj  v.t.  to  berate 
scoop  [skoop]  n.  a  large  ladle 
scoop'net'  Iskoop'ngt]  k.  hand  net 
scope  l»kop]  «.  range  of  view 
scorch  iskorch]  ^.t.  to  parch 
score  Iskor]  k.  a  record 
sco'ri-a  (sko'ri-a)  K.  slag 
scorn  [skorn]  i-.l.  to  disdain 
scorn'ful  [skorn'ful]  a.  disdainful 
Scor'pi-o  [sk6r'pl-6l  «.  constellation 
scor'pi-on  [skor'piun]  «.  reptile 
scot  [f-kstl  II.  a  fine 

scotch  iskOch]  V.  to -wound  [land 

Scotch'man  [skachnian]  k.  from  Scot 
scoff  ree'  [skst'fre']  a.  untaxed 
Scot'tish  [skittish]  a.  of  Scotland 
scoun'drel  Iskoun'drel]  ti.  a  rascal 
scoun'drel-ism  [Iz'm]  k.  baseness 
scour  likour]  v.t.  to  clean 
scourge  [skurjj  «.  a  lash 
scout  iskout]  K.  a  spy 
scow  [skou]  «.  a  boat 
scowl  Iskoul]  n.  a  frown 
scrab'ble  [skrab'b'l]  v.i.  to  scramble 
scrag  [skrag]  «.  a  lean  person 
scrag' gy  lskrag'g>'l  «.  scragged 
scram'ble  [skramb'lj  ■v.i.  to  climb 
scrap  [skrap]  K.abit 
scrape  [skrap]  v.t.  to  grate  harshly 
scrap'py  (skrap'pyj  a.  lacking  unity 
scratch  [skrach]  «.  a  slight  wound 
scrawl  [skral]  v.l.  to  scribble 
scream  [skrem]  n  a  shriek 
screech  [skrech]  k  a  shrill  cry 
screech'owl'  (skrech'oul'l  «.  a  bird 
screed  [skred]  «.  a  harangue 
screen  (skren]  Z'.t.  to  shield 
screw  Iskru]  •£>./.  to  force;  to  fasten 
screw'driff'er  [skta'driv'er]  >:.  a  tool 
scrib'ble  (skrib'b'l)  i/.i.  to  scrawl 
scrib'bler  [skrlb'bler]  «. 
scribe  [skrib]  «.  a  copyist 
scrim  Iskrlml  «.  open  linen  fabric 
scrim'mage  [skrim'mSjJ  h.  a  fight 
scrimp  [skrimp]  i/.t.  to  scant 
scrip  [skrlpl  «.  a  wallet;  a  certificate 
script  [skriptl  K.  kind  of  type 
scrip'tu-ral  [skrlp't<l-r«ll  a.  biblical 
Bcrip'ture  [skrip'tur]  u.  the  Bible 


^\^        ^ 







Scrive'ner  Iskrrv'ner]  «.  a  writer 
scrof  u-la  [skrOf  Q-li]  «.  a  disease 
scrof  u-lou3  [skrOf  a-lus]  it. 
scrog'gy  [skrSg'gy]  a.  stinted 
scroll  Isknjl]  It.  a  roll  of  writing 
scrub  [skriih]  T/./.  to  scour 
scrub'by  [-l,y]  n.  stunted  ingrowth 
scru'ple  Iskru'p'l]  v.L  to  hesitate 
scru'pu-lous  [skru'pii-lQs]  a.  careful 
scru'ti-nize  [  skru'  u-mz]'v.t.  to  examine 
scru'ti-ny[skru't!-ny]«.  minute  inspec- 
scud  [skud]  v.i.  to  move  swiftly      |,tion 
scud'dle  [skud'd'l]  v.i.  to  hurry 
SCuiFlskuf]  V.  to  shuffle 
scuffle  [skuffl]  ^'.^■.  to  strive 
scull  Iskul]  «.aboat 
SCul'ler-y  [skul'ler-y]  «.  kitchen 
scul'lion  [skul'yun]  «.  a  servant 
sculp'tor  [skulp'ter]  «.  a  carver 
sculp'ture  [skolp'tiir]  «.  art  of  carving 
scum  [skuni]  u.  refuse 
scurf  [skurf]  «.  dandruff 
scur-ril'i-ty  [skur-ril'l-ty]  «.  abuse 
scur'ril-ous  [sk-lr'rll-us]  a.  abusive 
scur'vi-ness  [skar'vl-nesl  }i.  vileness 
scur'vy  [skur'vy]  >:.  a  disease 
scut'tle  fskut't'l]  >(.acoalhod 
scythe  [sith]  «.  haying  tool 
sea  [se]  n.  the  ocean 
sea'board'  [se'bord]  k.  sea-shore 
sea'far'er  [se'fir'er]  «.  a  sailor 
seal  [sel]  «.  animal;  stamp  [ing 

seal'ing  [sering]/a>-/.  stamping;  clos 
seam  |sem]  f.  to  crack  open;  to  sew 
sea'man  (se'man]  tt.  a  mariner 
seam'less  [sem'les]  a.  without  a  seam 
seam'stress  [-stres]  «.  a  needlewoman 
seance'  [sS'ans']  «.  session 
sea'port'  [se'port']  «.  a  harbor 
sear  [ser]  v.i.  to  scorch 
search  [serch]  v./.  to  seek 
search'er  [serch'er]  «.  an  examiner 
seas  [sez]  «.//.  plural  of  "sea" 
sea'son  [se'z'n]  «.  a  period  of  time 
sea'son-a-ble  [se'z'n-a-b'l]  a.  timely 
sea'son-ing  [se'z'n-ing]«.  a  condiment 
seat  1  set]  «.  chair,  stool,  etc. 
sea'weed'  [se'wed']  «.  marine  plant 
se-cede'  ts4-sed'  ]  v.i.  to  retire 
se-ces'sion  [sf-sesh'Qn]  «.  withdrawal 
se-clude'  [sS-klud'J  Z'.i.  to  separate 
se-clu'sion  [sS-klu'zhun]  «.  privacy 
sec'ond  [sc-k'und]  a.  next  to  the  first 
sec'ond-a-ry  [-und-a-ry]  a.  subordinate 
sec'ond-clajs'  [ssk'und-klas'l  a. 
sec'ond-hojid'  [hand']  a.  not  new 
sec'ond-rate'  l-rat']  a.  inferior 
se'cre-cy  [se'krS-sy]  «.  privacy 
se'eret  [se'kret]  a.  concealed 
sec're-ta-ry  |sek'rS-ta-ryl  «.  clerk 
se-crete'  [sS-kref]  v.t.  to  hide 
se-cre'tion  [sS-kre'shun]  n.  separation 
se-cret'ive  [sS-kret'Iv]  a.  private 
sect  [sekt]  «.  a  denomination 



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.  enticement 

sec-ta'ri-an  [sekta']  a.  partisan 
sec-ta'ri-an-ism  [iz'm]  k. 
sec'tioa  [sek'shanj  «.  division 
sec'tion-al  ;sek'shan-<jll  a.  local 
sec'tion-al-ism  [iz'm]  «. 
sec'u-lar  (sek'u-lerj  a.  worldly 
se-cure'  isS-kurJ  a.  safe 
se-cu'ri-ty  ;sf-ku'ri-tyl  «.  safety 
se-date'  isfdat']  a.  calm 
sed'a-tive  [sed'a-tlv]  «.  a  remfedy 
sed'en-ta-ry  [seden  ta-r5']  a.  inactive 
sed'i-ment  :sed  I-mcntJ  «.  settlings 
se-di'tion  [sj-dish'un]  n  revolt 
se-di'tious  [sS-dlsh  Os]  n.  factious 
se-duce'  [sS-das']  ■c.c.  to 
se-duc'tion  [-dak'shun] 
se-duc'tive  [sf-dak'tiv]  «.  tempting 
sed'u-lous  [sed  alas]  a.  untiring 
see  lie]  z.'.!.  to  behold 
seed  (sed)  M.  progeny;  embryo        fseed 
seed'ling  (sed'ling]  k.  grown  from  the 
seed'y  Ised'y]  a.  shabby 
seek  Isek]  T/.i.  to  search 
seem  [sem]  f.i.  to  appear 
seem'ing'  [sem'ing]  a.  apparent 
seem'ly  [sem'ly]  a.  suitable 
seen  [sen]/./,  of  "see",  beheld 
seer  lier]  «.  a  prophet 
see'saW  [ss'sa  ]  h.  a  play 
seethe  Iseth]  z'.t.  to  boil 
seg'ment  [segment]  «.  a  section 
se^re-gate  [segrS-gatJ^'.i.  to  separate 
seign'ior  [sen'yer]  >i.  a  lord 
seine  [sen]  «.  a  large  net 
seize  [aez]  vJ.  to  grasp 
sei'zure  [se'zhQr]  «.  a  taking 
sel'dom  [s^l'dam]  a(rz>.  rarely 
se-lect'  [sS-lekt'l -Z'.  topick  out 
se-lec'tion  [sS-lek'shunl  «.  choice 
se-lect'man  [man]  «.  a  town  officer 
self  [self]  12   personal 
self  con-ceit'  [kOn-set']  k.  vanity 
self  con-ceit'ed  [ed]  a.  vain 
self  con'fi-dence  [-fi-dcns]  «. 
self  de-fense'  [dS-fens']  k. 
self  gov'ern-ment  [guv'ern-m^nt]  «. 

self  in'ter-est  [in'ter-estl  k 
selfish  [selfish]  a.  loving  self     [much 
self'ish-ness  [ncs]  k.  loving  self  too 
selPlove'  [luv]  K.  selfishness 
self  right'eous  (ri'chusl  a.  pharisaic 
selfsame'  [s^ni]  a.  identical 
self  will' l-wll']  K  obstinacy 
sell  (sell  ^■'-  to  dispose  of 
sell'er  [sel'er]  K.  one  who  sells 
sel'vage  Isel'vej]  «.  edge  of  cloth 
sem'blance  (sem'blans)  ».  likeness 
sem  i-an'nu-al  [sem'ian'u-al)  a. 
sem  i-cir'cle  [r-ser'k'l]  w.halfcircle 
sem  i-co'lon  [ko'lcm]  «.  a  mark  [ ;  ] 
sem'i-na-ry  [sfim'T-nJ  rj]  h.  a  school 
Sem-it'ic  [si-m-Iflkl  «.  pert,  to  Shcm 
sem'i-tone  (semi-ton)  «.  half  tone 
sem  0-li'na  [sSm'i-lC'na]  «.  fine  flour 




sem'pi-ter'nal  [sem'plter'nalj  II. 
sen'ate  (sen'at]  «.  council 
sen'a-tor  [-a-terj  n.  member  of  senate 
sen  a-to'ri-al  [sen'a-ts'rl-al]  a. 
send  I  send;  -'./.  to  dispatch 
se'nile  [se'nil]  a.  old-manish 
sen'ior  [sen'yer]  ir.  elder 
sen-ior'i-ty  Isen-yOr'i-ty]  «.  priority 
sen'na  (sen'naj  !t.  amedicine 
sen'night  [sen'nit]  tt.  a  week 
sen-sa'tion  [sen-sa'shun]  ft.  feeling: 
sen-sa'tion-al  [-<j1]  a.  emotional 
sense  [sCnsl  «.  feeling;  import 
sense'less  i-les]  a.  foolish 
sen  si-bil'i-ty  |sen'sibil'i-ty]  k. 
sen'si-ble  [sen'si-b'l]  a.wise 
sen'si-bly  |sen'si-bly]  adv.  judiciously 
sen'si-tive  Isen'sl-tlv]  a.  easily  moved 
sen'su-al  lsen'sliu-«l]  a.  carnal 
sen'su-al'ism  [Iz  m]  «.  sensuality 
sen'SU-al'i-ty  (al'l-tyl  k.  lewdness 
sen'su-al-ize  I-iz]  ■v.t.  to  debase 
sent  [sent]/./,  of'send",  did  send 
sen'tence  [sen'tcns]  «.  doom;  words 
sen-ten'tious  [sen-ten'shus]  a.  pithy 
sen'ti-ent[-shl-fnt)a. having  perception 
sen'ti-ment  [sen'ti-mtntl  ?;.  feeling 
sen'ti-men'tal  [-men'tal]  a.  romantic 
sen'ti-nel  [sen'tl-nt'I]  «.  a  guard 
sen'try  (ben'try]  ti.  a  sentinel 
sep'a-ra-ble  [sep'a-ra-b'l)  a.  divisible 
sep'a-rate  [sep'a-rat]  v.l.  to  part 
sep'a-ra'tion  [-ra'shun]  n.  disunion 
Sep-tem'ber  [-tem'ber]  ?i.  ninth  month 
sep-ten'ni-al  [sep-tenni-al]  a. 
sep'tu-ple  [sep'tQ-p'l]  a.  sevenfold 
Sep'ul-cher  [sep'Ql-kerl  n.  a  tomb 
se-pul'chral  isgpul'kriilj  a. 
sep'ul-ture  Isep'ul-tiirl  «.  a  burial 
se-qua'cious  [sSkwa  shus]  a.  pliant 
se'quel  Ise'kwel]  ».  consequence 
se'quence  [se'kwfns]  k.  succession 
se-ques'ter  [sS-kwes'ter]  ^j.  tosetapart 
seq  ues-tra'tion  [sek'wes-tra'shQn]  «. 
se-ragl'io  [si-iAVyS]  n.  aharem 
ser'aph  [ser'.if )  «.  an  angel 
se-raph'ic  [se-rSfik]  a.  angelic 
ser'a-phim  [ser'a-flm]  «.//. class  of  an- 
sere  [sOrl  a.  dry;  withered  Igels 

sere-nade'  lser'4-nad'l «.  music 
se-rene'  Ise-ren'J  a.  calm 
se-ren'i-ty  [se-ren'i-ty]  n.  calmness 
serf  [serf]  n.  a  slave 
serge  [serj]  «.  kind  of  cloth 
ser'geant  [sar'jcntl  n.  officer 
se'ri-al  [se'ri-<jl]  «.a  tale 
se-ri'ceous  [sS-rlsh'us]  a.  silky 
se'ries  [se'rez]  n.  course 
se'ri-OUS  [se'rl-usl  a.  earnest 
ser'mon  Iser'mOn]  n.  discourse 
ser'mon-ize  [ser'mun-izl  v.t.  to  preach 
ser'pent  [sEr'p<-ntl  «.  a  snake 
ser'pen-tine  [ser'pentin]  a.  winding' 
ser'ra-ted  [ser'rS-ted]  a.  notched 



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ser'ried  {ser  rid]  a.  compact 
se'rum  Ise  ram]  «.  a  lymph-like  fluid 
serv'ant  [servant]  k.  a-domestic 
serve  Iserv]  z\i.  to  assist 
serv'ice  [serv'ls]  «.  act  of  serving 
serv'ice-a-ble  t-a-b'l)  a.  useful 
serv'ile  [sCrvil]  a.  slavish 
ser-vil'i-ty  [ser-vilityj  «.  slavery 
serv'i-tor  [serv'i-ter]  >t.  a  servant 
serv'i-tude  [serv'Itad]  «.  service 
ses'a-me  [s6s'a-mS]  «.  a  plant;  a  charm 
ses'sion  [seshun]  «.  assembly 
set [set]  a.  fixed 
set'back'  [set'bak']  «.  a  relapse 
set'off'  Iset'Of)  «.  counter-claim 
set-tee'  [set-te'l  «.  a  sofa 
set'ter  [set'ter]  x.adog  |ment 

set'ting   [setting!  "•  a  fixing:  environ- 
set'tle  [seffl]  v.t.  to  adjust 
set'tle-ment  [m^ntl  >:.  adjustment 
set'tler  [set' tier]  M.  a  colonist 
set'tlings  [seftllngzl  «.//.  dregs 
sev'en  [sev"nj  a.  one  more  than  6 
sev'en-teen'  [-ten]  a.  ten  and  seven 
sev'en-ty  [ty]  >:.  seven  tens 
sev  en-up'  [-up']  «.  a  card  game 
sev'er  [sev'Sr]  -v.t.  t<  -separate 
sev'er-al  [sev'Sr-al]  <i.  sundry 
sev'er-al-ly  [-ly]  adv.  individually 
sev'er-ance  [-ans]  «. separation 
se-vere'  [se-ver'J  a.  stern 
se-vere'ly  [s5-ver'ly]  aJzi.  sternly 
se-ver'er  [sS-ver'er]  a. 
se-ver'i-ty  (sSver  r-til  «.  harshness 
sew  (so)  r  f.  tostitch 
sew'age  [sCS'Sj]  «.  refuse  liquids 
sew'en  [su'en]  «.  a  kind  of  trout 
sew'er  [su'er]  ?:.  a  drain 
sew'er  |  soer]  «.  one  who  sews 
sew'er-age  [su'Sr-Sj]  h.  drainage 
sex  [seks]  K.  male  or  female 
sex  a-ge-na'ri-an  [-ajfna'ri-an]  «. 
sex'tant  [seks'tiint]  «.  measuring  inst. 
sex'ton   [seks'tun]  ».  church  oliicer 
sex'tu-ple  [sfks'tij-pl]  K.  sixfold 
sex'u-al  [seksu-<jl]  a.  p-:'t.  to  sex 
shab'by  [shab'liyl  a.  mean;  ragged 
shack'le  [shak'k'l]  n.  a  fetter 
shad  IshSd]  II.  a  kind  offish 
shad'dock  [shad'duk]  >/.  large  orange- 
shade  [shSd]  ■z'.Mo  screen       [like  fruit 
shad'ow  tshad'6l  «.  darkened  place 
shad'ow-y  [-y]  a.  gloomy 
shad'y  Ishad'y]  "•  causing  shade 
shaft  I  shaft]  It.  an  arrow 
shag'gy  [shSg'gy]  a.  rough        (leather 
sha  green'     [sliagrsn'l  h.  a  kind  of 
shake  [shSk]  v.  to  shiver 
Shak'er  (shak'fr)  «.  a  Quaker 
shak'y  [shak'y]  a.  unsound 
shale  [shall  K.  fine-grained  rock 
shall  [shal]  v.i.  and  aiix.  should 
shal'lop  [shariQpl  «.  a  boat 
shal-lot'  Ishal-lOt']  «.  kind  of  onion 







shal'low  [sharii]  a.  not  deep 
sham  [sham]  a.  false;  «.  a  fraud 
sham'ble  Isham'b'l]  z'.i.  to  shuffle 
sham'bleslsham'b'lz)K.//.meat  market 

shame  IshSml  >i.  disgrace 
shame'faced  isliamfast)  d.  bashful 
shame'ful  Ishamful]  a.  degrading 
shame'less  [shamles]  a.  immodest 
sham'my  [sham'my]  >;.  leather 
sham-poo'  [sham-poo]  v.l.  to  clean 
sham'rock  (sham'rCk]  n.  white  clover 
shang  hai'  ishang'hi'j  a. 
shank  [shangk]  h.  hone  of  the  leg 
shan'ty  [shan'ty]  h.  a  hut 
shape  Ishapl  >i.  form 
shape'ly  [shSp'lyl  a.  symmetrical 
share  [shir]  «.apart 
share'hold-er  [holder]  «.  a  partner 
shark  | shark]  n.  a  fish 
sharp  [shiirp]  a.  keen 
sharp'en[5harp"n]z'.^.  to  make  sharp 
sharp'er  [sharp'er]  H.  a  swindler 
sharp'ly  [sharply]  adv.  keenly 
Shas'ter[shas'ter];!.  Hindoo  sacred  bk 

shat'ter  [shat'ter]i'./.  to  break 
shave  [shav]  v.t.  to  cut  closely 
shaver  [shav'er]  «.  a  sharper 
shawl  [  shal  ]  «.  a  wrap  I  Indians 

Shaw'nees'    [shanez']    tribe   of 
sheaf  Ishef  J  H.  a  bundle  of  grain 
shear  [sher]  v.t.  to  clip 
shears  [sherz]  large  scissors 
sheath  [she//;]  K.  a  scabbard 
sheathe  [sheth]  -v.t.  to  cover 
sheath'ing  ishe/A'  «. 
shed  [shed]  K.  a  building 
sheen  [shen]  «.  brightness 
sheep  [shep]  n.  an  animal 
sheep'ish  [shep'tsh]  a.  bashful 
sheer  [sher]  v.i.  to  turn  aside;  a.  ni 
sheet  [shet]  71.  abed  covering 
sheik  [shek]  K.  an  Arab  chief 
shek'el  (shek"l]  «.  an  ancient  coin 
shelf  (shelf  ]  «.  platform 
shell  [shell  «.  a  bomb 
shel'lac'  [shel'lak']  «.  a  varnish 
shell'fish'  [shel'flsh]  H.  oysters,  etc. 
shel'ter  [shelter]  «.  protection 
shelve  [shelv]  v.t.  to  place  on  shelf 
Shem  [shem]  «.  a  son  of  Noah 
shep'herd  [shep  erd]  k.  a  sheep  herder 
sher'bet  [sher'bet]  «.  a  drink 
sher'iff  [sher'If]  «.  a  county  officer 
sher'ry  [sher'ry-]  n.  a  wine 
shib'bo-leth   [shib'bSle//:]  «.  watch- 
shield  Isheld]  v.t.  to  protect  [word 
shift  [shift]  v.t.  to  move 
shift'less  [les]  a.  improvident 
shil-la'lah  (shil-la'lal  «.  a  cudgel 
shil'ling  [shilling]  n.  a  coin 
shim'mer  [shimmer]  v.i.  to  gleam 
shin  [shin]  n.  lower  part  of  leg 
shin'dy  [shln'dy]  k.  disturbance 
shine  [shin]  v.t.  to  give  light 


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shing-le  [shlng'g'I]  n.  a  thin  board 
shin'ing  Ishinlngl  <i.  emitting  light 
shin'y  [shin  yl  n.  bright 
ship  [ship]  )t.  a  vessel 
ship'build  er  [shlp'build'er]  «. 
ship'mate'  [ship'matj;;.  a  fellow  sail 
ship'ment  [-nu-nt]  «.  goods  shipped 
ship'ping  [ping]  «.  ships  in  general 
ship'shape   [ship]  a.  tidy 
ship'wreck'  [rek]  «.  wreck  of  ship 
ship'yard'  [yard]  « 
shire  \-,\\\r\  h.  an  English  county 
shirk  (sherkl  v.t.  to  avoid 
shirred  [sherd]  <t.  drawn 
shirt  Ishert]  ».  garment 
shirt'ing  [ingl «.  cloth 
shiv'er  [shiv'er]  v.i.  to  tremble 
shiv'er-y  [shiv'er-5']  n.  trembling 
shoal  [shol]  n.  a  shallow 
shock  [shok]  «.  a  blow 
shock'ing  [ing]  a.  dreadful 
shod-dy  [sh(5d'dyl  a.  not  genuine 
shoe  [shoo]  n.  foot  covering 
shoe'maker  [mik'er]  k. 
shook  [shook]/./  of'shake",  trembled 
shoot  [shijot]  v.  to  bud;  to  discharge 
shop  [shop]  «.  a  store 
shop'keep  er  [-kep'er]  k.  a  tradesman 
shop'lift  er  [irft'ei]  «.  a  thief 
shore  [shOr|  n.  coast 
short  [short]  a.  not  long 
short'age  [short'aj]  ».  adeficiency 
short'en  [sh6rt"nl  v.t.  to  lessen 
short'hand    [-hand']  n.  stenography 
short'lived    [livd]  a.  not  living  long 
short'ly  [short'lj-]  adv.  soon 
shot  [shot]  «.  a  marksman         ["shoat" 
shote  [shot]  n.  a  young  hog;  same  as 
should  [shood]  imp.  of  "shall",  ought 
shoul'der  (shol'der]  «.  part  of  body 
shout  [shout]  71.  a  loud  outcry 
shove  [shuv]7/.  to  push 
shov'el  [shuv"ll  V.  to  throw 
shov'el  (shQv"l]  «.  a  kind  ofskoop 
show  [iho]  v.t.  to  display 
show'bread'  [sho'brid]  «.  holy  bread 
show'er  (shou  er]  H.  a  fall  of  rain 
show'er-y  [y]  a.  rainy 
show'i-ly  [sho'l-ly]  rtrt'z'.  pompously 
show'y  [shoy]  a.  fine;  gay 
shrap'nel  [shrap'nel]  «.  shell  of  bullets 
shred  [shred]  «.  a  fragment 
shrew  [shru]  ti.  a  scold;  kind  of  mouse 
shrewd  [shrud]  a.  keen 
shrew'ish  (shru'Ish]  a.  peevish 
shriek  (slirC-k]  v.i.  to  scream 
ahriev'al-ty  (shrev'ul-tj]  «.  sheriffalty 
shrill  Ishrll)  a.  piercing 
shrimp  [shrimp]  ».  a  shell  fish 
shrine  [shrin]  «.  ar.  altar 
shrink  ishrlngk)  t/.i.  to  contract 
shriv'el  [shrlv"l)  -v.l.  to  shrink 
shroud  [shroud]  v.  to  veil  [Lent 

shrove'tide'  IshrOv'tld)  «.  just  before 


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shrub  [shrubl  71.  woody  plant 
shrub'ber-y  [slirubher-yl  )/.  bushes 
shrug  [shrug]  v.t.  to  draw  up  theshoul 
shuck  UhukJ  ;i.  a  husk  Lders 

shud'der  [shud'tler)  zi.i.  to  quiver 
shuffle  IshiJf  nj  v.t.  to  shift 
shun  [shun]  v.t.  to  avoid 
shunt  [shunt]  V.  to  turn  off 
shut  [shut]  v.t.  to  close 
shut'ter  [shut'terl  n.  a  blind 
shut'tle  [shut'fl]  «.  thread  holder 
shy  [shi]  a.  timid 
sib'i-Iant  tslb'i-l<jnt]  a.  hissing 
sib'yl  [sib'il]  «.  fortune-teller 
sick  [sik]  a.  ill 

sick'en  [sik"n]  v.t.  to  become  sick 
sick'ish  [slk'ish]  a.  nauseous 
sick'le  [slkk'l]  n.  reaping  hook 
sick'li-ness  [sik'll-nes]  n.  disease 
Sick'ly  [sfkly]  a.  ill 
sick'ness  [slk'nes]  k.  illness 
side  [si'i]  71.  margin  [iture 

side'board'[s7d'l)6rd']«.  apiece  of  furn- 
side'long'  [sid'long'J  a.  obliquely 
si-de're-al  [si-de're-al]  a.  starry 
side'walk'  [sid'wak']  k.  a  raised  walk 
side'wise'  [sid'wiz']  an'i'.  on  one  side 
si'dle  [si'd'l]  v.i.  to  movesidewise 
sid'ing  [sid'Ingl  n.  aside  track 
siege  [sej]  «.  continuous  effort 
Sie'mens-Mar  tin  [-menz-mar'tin]  «. 
si-en'na  [sl-en'nij  «.  colored  clay 
si-er'ra  fse-er'ra]  n.  saw-like  mountain 
si-es'ta  [sS-es'ta]  ;i.anap  [ridge 

sieve  [siv]  «.  a  strainer 
sift  [sift]  v.t.  to  separate 
sigh  [si]  v.i.  to  lament 
sight  [sit]  71.  vision 
sight'less  [sit'les]  <z.  blind 
sight'li-ness  [sit'li-nesj  n.  comeliness 
sight'ly  [sTt'ly]  a.  conspicuous 
sig-moid'al  [sig-moid'alla. likean"S" 
sign  I -in]  7t.  token 
sig'nal  (sig'nall  a.  notable 
sig'nal-ize  (naliz)  v.t.  to  distinguish 
sig'nal-ly  [sig'n<il-ly]  arft/.  eminently 
sig'na-ture  [na-tur]  «.  name  or  sign 
sig'net  [signet]  «.aseal 
sig-nif  i-cance  [nirikans]  «.  import 
sig-nif'i-cant  [kunt]  a.  important 
sig  ni-fi-ca'tion  [sig'ni-fi-ka'shun]  «. 
sig'ni-fied  [ni-fid]/./.  of  "signify" 
sig'ni-fy  [slg'ni'fi]  v.t.  to  express 
Sign-or'  [sen-yor'l  ft.7n.  Italian  for  Mr. 
Sign-o'ra  tral«./.Itaiian  Madam.Mrs. 
Sign-o're  [ri]  «.«;.  title  of  respect,  Sir 
Sign-0-ri'na  [sen'yire'na]  n.f.  Italian 
si'lence  [sTkns]  «.  stillness  [Miss 

si'lent  [si'l<'nt!  a.  still 
si-le'si-a  [st-le'shi-a]  n.  coarse  linen 
si'lex  [si'leks]  71.  flint  [black 

silhou-ette'  [sll'ooet']  «.  portrait  in 
silk  [silk]  71.  fine  soft  thread 
silk'i-ness  [sllk'ines]  n.  silky  quality 


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silk'weed'  (silk'wed'i  ». aplant 
silk'worm'  [silk'wQrm]  n. 
silk'y  Isilk'yl  .7  soft 
sill  [sil]  K.  threshold 

sil'li-ness  [sH-linesi  n.  folly 

sil'ly  [sillyj  a.  simple  [van 

sil'van  (sirv<m]  <i.  woody:  same  as  syl- 
sil'ver  [silver]  «.  a  metal  (silver 

sil'ver-ware'  l-uar]  «.  dishes  made  of 
Sil'ver-y  (sir very)  ,1.  bright 
sim'i-lar  [slmiierl  n.  like 
sim  i-lar'i-ty  l-lar'ltyj  «.  likeness 
sim'i-le  [sim'IlJl  «.  similitude 
sim'mer  (simmerl  Z'.i,  to  boil  gently 
sim'o-nyl Sim '6-ny  I « -church  corruption 
si-moom'  fsr-moom'J  «.  hot,  dry  wind 
sim'per  [slm'per]  n.  a  silly  smile 
sim'ple  Isim'p'l]  <T.  plain  fson 

sim'ple-ton  [ilmpMtun)  k.  silly  per- 
sim-plic'i-ty  [  plisl-tyj  «.  plainness 
sim'pli-fy  [  pit  fi)  r.e.  to  make  clear 
sim'ply  (sim'ply)  (Ki'z'.  plainly;  only 
sim  U-la'crum     [  u-la'krum]    n.    sem- 
sim'u-late[-u-latJi'./-to assume  [blance 
si  mul-ta'ne-OUS  [si'mul-tS'nS-QsJa-  at 
sin  [sin I  >t.  transgression        [same  time 
since  [sins]  arf;'.  before  now 
sin-cere'  (sin-ser'i  a.  true 
sin-cer'i-ty  [sln-ser'l-tyl  «.  honesty 
sine  [sin]  «.  mathematical  term 
si'ne-cure[si'ne-ki}r|<;.  office  with  little 
sin'ew  [sln'ij]  n.  tendon  [work 

sin'ew-y  [sm'ii-y]  a.  strong 
sin'ful  [sinfijll  a.  wickeil 
sing  [sing]  z'.i.  to  utter  musical  sounds 
singe  [sinj]  zj.i.  to  scorch 
sin'gle  [sing'g'l  1  a.  one  only 
sin'gle-tree'  [tre  J  »;.  pert,  to  harness 
sin'gly  [sing'glyl  (rnfz'.  individually 
sing'song'  [sing'sOng'l  ij.  drawling 
sin'gu-lar  [sing'gu-ler]  rt.  uncommon 
sin  gu-lar'i-ty  [lar'i-tji  w.oddness 
sin'is-ter  [sinister]  a.evil;  left  hand 
sink  [singk]  v.i.  to  lower 
sin'less  Isln'les]  a.  innocent 
sin'ner  Isln'ner]  ft.  an  offender 
sin  u-os'i-ty  IsIn'Q-Os'i-ty)  «-  a  curve 
sin'u-OUS  [sin  u-us]  <?.  crooked 
si'nus  [sinus]  «.  a  bending  fdians 

Sioux  [suo]  «.  sitij,'.  and//,  tribe  of  In- 
sip  [sip]  Z'.t.  to  taste 
si'phon  [si'fon]  «.  bent  tube 
sir  [ser]  M.  a  title 

Sir-dar'  [scr-dar'l  >i.a  Hindostan  chief 
sire  [sir]  >!.  a  father 
si'ren  [siren]  «.  a  fascinating  woman 
Sir'i-U8  [slr'I-Os]  >/.  the  dog  star 
sir'loin'  [ser'loin]  it.  loin  of  l)eef 
si-roc'oo  [st-rOkkS]  It.  a  hot  » ind 
sir'rah  [sir'ra]  u.s.  term  of  contempt 
sir'up  [sir'upl  «.  same  as  "syrup" 
sis'ter  (sister]  «.  a  relationship 
sis'ter-hood'  (-h55d']  «.  society 
sis'ter-in-law'  [  inial «. 





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sit  (sit)  v.i.  to  occupy  a  seat 
site  I  sit]  n.  a  situation 
sit'u-a  ted  (slt'u-5ted)>(i>-/.  placed 
sit  U-a'tion  [sifQ-a'shunJ  «.  place 
sicz'bath'  [sits'ba/A'l  n.  hip  bath 
Si'va  [^e'v.i)  11.  Hindoo  avenger  god 
Si'van  [sivSn]  «.  third  Jewish  month 
si'win  Isewin]  n.  same  as  "sewen" 
six  IsTks]  a.  twice  three 
six'teen'  (siks'ten'l  a.  six  and  ten 
Six'ty  Isiks'tyj  a.  six  times  ten 
siz'a-ble  |siza-b'li  a.  good  size 
si'zar  [si'zer]  n.  free  student 
size  [^iz|  n.  bulk:  thin  glue 
siz'ing  Isiz'ing]  «.  weak  glue 
siz'zle  (biz'z'lj  -d.i.  to  fry- 
skate  [skat)  v.  to  move  on  skates 
ske-dad'dle  (skf-dad'dli  -u.i.  to  flee 
skein  [skanl  n.  reeled  yarn 
skel'e-ton  [skelf-tunj  n.  framework 
skel'ter  [skel'ter]  'd.t.  to  hurry 
skep'tic  Iskeptik)  n.  a  doubter 
skep'tic-al  (skeptl-k<il)  a.  doubting 

skep'ti-cism  [sizm]  «.  doubt 
sketch  [skSch)  K.  draught 
skew  |sku|  7'.  to  move  obliquely 
skew'er  |sku'er|  «.  wooden  pin 
skid  [skid]  n.  a  wagon  clog;  drag 
skiff  Isktt  1  K.  a  boat 
skillea  Iskild]  a.  expert 
skill  1  skill  ).-.  ability 
skil'let  [skil'letl  K.  a  kitchen  vessel 
skill'ful  [skll'full  a.  expert 
skim  I  skim  I  'j.t.  to  glide  over 
skimp  [skimp]  u.t.  to  do  carelessly 
skim'mer  Isklm'nier]  «.  a  utensil 
skin  (skin)  H.hide 
skin'deep'  [-dep'l  a.  superficial 
skin'flinf  Iskln'flinfl  n.  a  miser 
skin'ny  [skin  ny]  a-  wanting  flesh 
skip  Iskip]  -'.t.  to  omit;  to  bound     [sel 
skip'per  [skip'perj  n.  master  of  a  vcs- 
skir'mish  [sker  mish]  n.  a  fight 
skirt  [skertl  «.  edge;  article  of  dress 
skit'tish  [Sklt'tish]  a.  shy 
skit'tles  [skitt'lzl  a  game 
ski'ver  [ski'ver)  «.  split  leather 
skulk  [skulk]  v.i.  to  lurk 
skull  [skQl]  H.  part  of  the  head 
skunk  [skungk]  «  an  animal 
sky  [ski]  H.  the  firmament  ling 

sky'larking  [larking]  j^ar/.  carous- 
sky'lighf  [ski'lit'l  It.  window  in  roof 
sky'rock  et  [rOk'ct]  «.  a  firework 
slab  [slSb]  n.  a  flat  stone 
slab'ber  [slOb'ber]  -v.i.  to  drool 
slack  [slik]  a.  loose 
slack'en  [slak'n]  v.  to  abate 
slag  [sISg]  «.  metal  dross  fsley" 

slaie   [sla]   «.  weaver's  reed.     Same  as 
slake  [slak]  v.t.  to  quench 
slam  [slam]  v.t.  to  bang 
slan'der  [slander]  «.  defamation 
slan'der-er  [slanderer]  «.  adefamer 

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an'der-OUS  [sl5nder-as]  a.  malicious 

ang  (slSng)  >i.  low  language 

ant  [slant]  «.  a  slope 

ap  Islap]  ■:•./.  to  strike 

ap'dash'  [slSp'dash']  a.  at  random 

ash  h'ish]  V.  to  cut 

at  (slStl  «.  a  narrow  strip 

ate  (slat)  H.  stone 

at'ing  [slat'ingl  n.  slate  material 

att  [sl.1t]  >t.  stone  veneer 

at'tern  [slat'teml  «.  a  sloven 

augh'ter  [sla'ter]  It.  butchery 

ave  [Slav]  v.i.  to  drudge 

av'er-y  [slSv'er-y]  «.  bondage 

av'ish  [slSv'Ish]  a.  servile 

avs  [slavz]  «.//.  people  of  N.  Europe 

av'ic  [sliv'lk]  a.  Slavonic 

ay  [sla]  -■./.  to  kill 

ea'zy  (sle'zj'J  a.  flimsy 

ed  [sled]  «.  vehicle  with  runners 

edge  [sl^j]  «,  a  hammer 

eek  [slek]  a.  glossy 

eek'ly  [slek'lyj  adv.  smoothly 

eep  [slep]  n.  slumber 

eep'er  [slep'erl  «.  slumberer;  sleeping 
,eep'i-ly  [slep'l-lyj  a<fx'.  drowsily  [car 

eep'less-ness  [-les-nes]  a.  not  sleepy 

eep'y  [slep'yj  a.  drowsy 

eet  [slet]  It.  cold  rain  or  hail 

eeve  [slev]  «.  arm  cover 

eigh  [slS]  It.  a  vehicle 

eight  [slit]  It.  artful  trick 

en'der  [slen'der]  a.  slight 

euth'hound'  [slu/A'hound']  K.blood- 

ew  [slu]/./.  did  slay  [hound 

ey    [!:IiJ    It'   w'eaver's  reed;   same  as 
lice  [slis]  K.  a  thin  cut  "slaie" 

lick  [silk]  a.  smooth 
lide  [slid]  T/.j.  toslip 
slight  [slitj  It.  neglect 
lim  [slim]  a.  slender 
lime  [slim]  It.  viscous  mud 
iim'y  [slim'5'1  a.  of  nature  of  slime 
ling  [sling]  ■v.t.  to  throw 
link  [sllngk]  v.i.  to  steal  away 
lip  [slip]  v.i.  to  slide 
lip'per  [slipper]  It.  a  light  shoe 
lip'per-y  t-y]  a.  smooth 
lip'shod  [slip' shod]  a.  careless  in  dress 
it  [slit]  f./.  to  cut 
liv'er  [sllv'er]  It.  a  splinter 
■oat  [slot]  «.aslat 
.ob'ber-y  [slab'ber-y]  a.  wet 
loe  [sir,]  It.  a  British  shrub 
lo'gan  [slo'gan]  K.  Scotch  war-cry 
loop  [sICTop]  It.  a  vessel 
lop  [slup]  v.f.  to  spill  carelessly 
lope  [slop]  v.t.  to  slant 
lop'ing  [slop'Ing]  a.  inclining 
lop'py  [slOp'py]  a.  spattered 

lot  (slcjtl  It.  a  slit 
loth  [slo//i]  «.  laziness;  an  animal 
loth'ful  (slO/A'ful)  a.  lazy 
louoh  [slouch]  ^■./.  to  hang 

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slough  [sloul  n.  a  miry  place 
slough  [sluf  ]  «.  serpents  cast-off  skin 
slov'en  [sluv'i-n]  «.  a  slattern 
slov'en-li-ness  [li-nes]  >i.  untidiness 
slov'en-ly  [slQvVn-ly]  adv.  untidily 
slow  (slol  a.  inactive 
slue  [slu]  V.  to  slide  twistedly 
slug  [slug]  «.  sluggard 
slug'gard  [slug'gerd]  n.  a  drone 
slug'gish  [slug'gish]  a.  slow 
sluice  [slQsl  n.  a  floodgate 
slum  [slum  ]  «.  a  vile  place 
slum'ber  [slQm'ber]  -v.i.  to  sleep 
slum'ming  [slflm'ming] /./>-.   visiting 
slump  [slump!  v.i.  to  sink      [the  slums 
slur  [slur]  v.t.  to  traduce 
slush  [slOsh]  n.  soft  mud 
sly  [sli]rt.  wily 

smack  [smak]  n.  a  kiss;  a  sailing  vessel 
small  [small  a.  little;  mean 
small'pox'  [smal'pOks'l  n.  a  disease 
smalt  [smalt]  n.  a  blue  pigment 
smart  [smart]  v.i.  to  feel  a  lively  pain 
smart'ly  [smart'ly]  adv.  keenly 
smash  [smash]  v.t.  to  break  to  pieces 
smat'ter  [smat'ter]  v.t.  to  babble 
smat'ter-ing[-ing]?i.  slight  knowledge 
smear  [smer]  -v.t.  to  daub 
smell  [sm6l]  H.  scent 
smelt  [smSltl  H.  a  kind  of  fish 
smelt'ing  [-ingl/./>-.  melting  ore 
smi'Iax  [smiiaks]  «.  a  trailing  plant 
smick'er  [smik'er]  v.i.  to  smirk 
smile  [smil]  v.i.  to  laugh  silently 
smirch  [smerch]  v.t.  to  cloud 
smirk  [smerk]  71.  a  forced  smile 
smite  [smit]  v.t.  to  strike 
smith  \%w.\th\  n.  blacksmith 
smith'er-eens'  [smith'er-enz']  «.//. 
smit'ten  [smit  fn]/./.  struck 
smock  [smOk]  «.  a  chemise 
smoke  [smok]  «.  fume;  visible  vapor 
smok'y  [smok'y]  a.  hazy;  fumid 
smol'der  [smol'der]  v.i.  to  burn  slowly 
smooth  [smooth]  a.  not  rough 
smooth'bore'  [bor'  ]  a.  not  rifled 
smooth'ly  [smooth'ly]  rtrft'.  evenly 
smoth'er  [smuth'erj  v.t.  to  suffocate 
smouch  [smooch]  v.t.  to  soil 
smudge  [smuj]  «.ablot 
smug'gle  [smug'g'l]  v.t.  to  evade  duty 
smu^'gler  [smuggler] «. 
smut  [smut]  v.t.  to  stain:  to  sully 
smut'ti-ly  [smut'ti-ly]  adv.  foully 
smut'ty  [smut'ty]  a.  obscene 
snack  [snak]  n.  hasty  repast 
snag  [snSg]  v.t.  to  injure 
snail  [snal]  n.  a  slimy  moUusk 
snake  [snSk]  «.  serpent 
snak'y  [snSk'y]  a.  deceitful 
snake'stone'  [-ston'l  k.  Scotch  hone 
snap  [snap]  v.t.  to  break 
snap'pish  (snip'plsh]  a.  peevish 
snare  [snSr]  v.t.  to  entrap 










snarl  [snarl]  v.t.  to  growl 

snatch  tsnadi]  -v.t.  to  twitch 

snath  [snath]  >i.  handle  of  a  scythe 

sneak  [snek]  v.i.  to  crouch 

sneer  [sner]  v.l.  to  scoff         [from  nose 

sneeze  [snez]  I'.i.  to  eject  air  violently 

snick'er  [snlk'er]  v.i.  to  laugh  slyly 

sniff  [snif  ]  f.i.  to  snuff 

snip  [snip]  v.t.  to  cut  off 

snipe  [snip]  n.  a  bird 

sniv'el  [sniv"l]  v.i.  to  cry  weakly 

snob  [snCb]  «.  a  vulgar  person 

snob'bish  [snOb'bish]  a.  pretentious 

snooze  [snoozl  v.i.  to  doze 

snore  [snor]  «.  a  nasal  noise 

snort  [snort]  k.  noise  made  by  horse 

snout  [snout]  «.  nose  of  a  beast 

snow  [sno]  «.  frozen  vapor 

snow'y  [sno'yl  a.  spotless 

snub  [snub]  v.t.  to  rebuke 

snuff  [snuf  ]  v.t.  to  sniff 

snurfle  [snaffl]  «.  nasal  twang 

snug  [inugl  a.  close;  compact 

snug'gle  [snug'gU  v.i.  to  nestle 

SO  [so]  adv.  in  that  manner 

soak  [sok]  v.t.  to  drench 

soap  [sop]  «.  washing  material 

soap'stone'  [sop'ston]  «.  talc 

soar  [sor]  v.i.  to  mount 

sob  [sOb]  v.i.  to  cry 

so'ber  [sober]  a.  grave;  steady 

SO-bri'e-ty  [sC-bri'S-tyJ  k.  temperance 

so  briquet*  [s4'brS'k4']  «.  a  nickname 

SO  cia-bil'i-ty  [so'sha-bil'i-ty)  «. 

so'cia-ble  [sO'sha-b'l]  a.  accessible 

so'cia-bly  [so  sha-bly]  adv.  familiarly 

so'cial  [s5'sh(7l]  a.  friendly         [society 

BO'cial-ism  [so'sh<jl-iz'm]«. doctrine  ol 

so'cial-ist  [s5'sh<?l-istl  «. 

so  cial-is'tic  [soshal-Is'tik]  a. 

SO-ci'e-ty  [sS-si'c-ty]  n.  company 

sock  [sok]  K.  short  stocking 

sock'et  [sSk'et]  K.  a  receptacle 

sod  [audi  K.  turf 

Eo'da  [so'da]  «.  a  chemical 

so-dal'i-ty  [s6-dari-ty]  «.  a  fraternity 

sod'den  (s6d'd'n]  a.  saturated 

sod'dy  [sOd'dyl  a.  turfy 

so'di-um  {so'dl-Om]  «.  a  metal 

so'fa  [so' fa]  «.  a  long  seat 

soft  [sc^ft]  a.  yielding 

soft'en  [sOf'n]  v.t.  to  make  soft 

soft'ly  [sOft'lyl  aav.  gently 

BOg'gy  [sOg'gil  a.  soaked 

soil  [soil]  «■  dirt 

soiree'  [swa'ra')  «.  a  party 

so'joum  [so'jCim]  v.i.  to  tarry 

sol'ace  [sorSs]  n.  comfort  in  grief 

SO'lar  isO'lcr]  a.  of  the  sun 

sold  [sold]/./,  of  "sell",  did  sell 

Bol'der  [sftd'cr]  «.  metallic  alloy 

sol'dier  [sal'jer]  «.  a  warrior 

80l'dier-ly  [IJ]  a.  brave 

sole  [bOlJ  u.  bottom;  .1.  alone 





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sol'e-cism  (sOl'4-sIz'nil  n.  syntax  mis 
Sole'lylsol'  singly;  alone  [take 
sol'emn  [si'trem]  a.  serious  [ness 

SO-lem'ni-ty  [s6-lem'nl-ty]  «.  serious- 
sol'em-ni-za'tion  [sorem-ni-zs'shuni 
sol'em-nizeis(jrem-niz]f./.  to  celebrate 
so'len-oid  Uo'lcn-oiil)  n. 
sol  fa' Uul'la']  «.  the  gamut 
sol'fe-ri'no  [sSl'fa-re'nO)  «.  pink  color 
SO-lio'it  (sOlisit]  v.t.  to  ask  earnestly 
SO-lic-i-ta'tion  [I-ta'shun'  n.  request 
SO-lic'it-or  [iter]  «.  one  who  solicits 
SO-lic'i-tous  [us]  a.  concerned 
SO-lic'i-tude  [sO-lis'i-tud]  71.  anxiety 
sol'ld  Isorid]  a.  hard  [ship 

sol'i-dar'i-ty  [sorr-dar'i-ty]  «.  fellow- 
SO-lid'i-fy  [s61id'l-fij  v.t.  to  harden 
SO-lid'i-ty  [sS-lid'I-tyl  «.  density 
so-lil'o-quize  [so-lil'S-kwizl  v.i. 
SO-lil'o-quy  [s6-lil'6-kwy]  n.  talk  to  self 
sol'i-ped  [sal'i-ped]  n. 
sol  i-taire'  [sisri-tar'l  k.  preciousstone 
sol'i-ta-ry  [sorf-ts-ry]  a.  lonely 
sol'i-tude  Isol'i-tud]  n.  loneliness 
so'lo  [so'16]  71.  one  voice 
sol'stice  [sOl'stls]  «.  astronomical  term 
sol'u-ble  (sSl'u-b'l]  a.  may  he  dissolved 
SO-lu'tion  [sS-lu'shun]  n.  explanation 
solv'a-ble  [s6lv'a-b'l]  a.  can  be  solved 
solve  [solv]  v.t.  toexplain;  toget result 
sol'ven-cy  [s6l'v«n-sy]  «.  ability  to  pay 
sol'vent  [sOl'vi-nt]  a,  able  to  pay 
som'ber  [s6m'ber]  a  gloomy 
some  [sum]  a.  not  much 
some'bod-y  [siim'bod-y]  n.  some  person 
some'how'  [sum'hou']  ao'z'.  some  way 
som'er-sault  [sum'er-saltl  n.  a  leap 
some'thing  [sum7/;Ing]  n.  apart 
some'time'  [sum'tlm'l  adv.  once 
S0me'what'[sum'hw6t']  «.  more  or  less 
some'where'  [-hw4r']  adv.  someplace 
som-nam'bu-lism  (sOm-nam'bi-llz'm] 
som-nam'bu-list  [list]  w.  sleepwalker 
som-nif  ic(sOm-nif  IkJ<!.  inducing  sleep 
som'no-lence  [-no-lcns]  «.  sleepiness 
som'no-lent  [Unt]  <i.  sleepy 
son  [sun]  n.  a  male  child 
SO-na'ta  [sOn-na'ta]  71.  music 
song  [sOng]  71.  a  ballad 
song'ster  [ster]  k.  a  singing  bird 
song' stress  [sires]  «./. 
son'in-laW  [sun'inla'J  k. 
SOn'net  [s6n'netl  7t.  a  poem 
so-no'rous[s6-no'rus)£i.  yielding  sound 
soon  [soon]  adv.  speedily 
soot  [soot]  «.  black  ashes 
sooth  [soo/;i)  71.  truth 
soothe  [si3oth]  v.t.  to  pacify 
SOOth'say'er[sooth'sa'er]K.  a  foreteller 
SOOt'i  ness  [soot'i-nes]  k.  foulness 
soot'y  [siSot'y]  a.  foul  with  soot 
sop  [s6p]  71.  anything  steeped 
soph'ism  (s6f  iz  m]  K.  a  fallacy 
SOpb'ist  [sOf  1st]  «.  deceiver 

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so-phis'ti-cal  [so-fls'tl-)c«lI  a. 
so-phis'ti-cate  [-kat]  v.t.  to  corrupt 
soph'ist-ry  fiOflst-rj]  «. 
soph'o-more  [sOf  6-m5r]  n.  second  year 
sop  o-rifici  s6p'4-rlf Ik  ]a.causing  sleep 
SO-pra'no  [sOprri'nS]  n.  the  treble 
sor'cer-er  Isor'serer]  H.  a  conjurer 
sor'cer-ess  (es)  «.y.  female  sorcerer 
sor'cer-y  [s6r'ser-y]  k.  magic 
sor'did  [sor'dld]  a.  vile 
sore  |sor]  <!.  tender  to  the  touch 
sore'ly  [sor'ly]  aifv.  grevioubly     [cane 
sor'ghum  [s6r'guml  tt.  Chinese  sugar 
sor'rel  [sc5r'rell  «.  a;  <i.  a  color 
sor'ri-ly  [si">r'ri-lyl  nrfz'.  poorly 
So-ro'sis  [sB-ro'sisl  k.  a  woman's  club 
sor'row  [sSr'ri]  k.  grief 
sor'row-ful  [sOrrO-fijll  a.  sad 
sor'ry  [sOr'ryl  «.  grieved 
sort  [sort]  H.  species 
sor'tie  [sSr'tS]  «.  a  sally 
so'so'  [so'so'l  a.  tolerable;  passable 
sot  |sot]  >i.  habitual  drunkard 
sot'tish  [sfit'tish]  a.  drunken  [tone 

sot'to  voce  [sot'tS  vo'chS  I  //.  in  under- 
soil [sijol  >!.  acoin;  the  French  cent 
soubrette'  [suij'bret'l  ;;.  a  lady's  maid 
soubri-quet'  [siio'brS-kS'lw.  nickname 
SOU-chongf'  [s<x)-sh6ng'l  K.  kind  of  tea 
sough  l>Lif  I  H.  roar  of  winder  sea 
soul  Isoll  K.  spirit 
soul'less  [sol'Ies]  a.  mean 
sound  [sound]  v.  to  make  a  noise 
sound  (sound)  ti.  that  which  is  heard 
sound  (soundl  a.  stable;  safe;  secure 
sound'ness  [nesl  «.  solidity 
soup  [sixipl  !/.  broth 
sour  [sour]  a.  tart 
source  (sr.rsl  «•  spring;  origin 
sour'crouf  [sour'krout]  ii. 
souse  [sous]  •v.f.  to  plunge  in  water 
south  (south)  H.  opp.  to  north 
south-east'  [south-east)  a. 
South'ern  [sQth'ern]  a.  from  the  South 
sou  ve-nir'  [soo'vf-ner'l  K.  keepsake 
SCv'er-eign  [suverln)  >;.  monarch 
sov'er-eign'ty  [suv'er-in'ty]  «. 
sow  [sou]  «.  female  hog 
Spa  [spa]  n.  mineral-water  spring 
space  fspis]  ft.  room 
spa'cious  [spa'shus]  a.  roomy 
spade  [sp5d]  «.  digging  tool 
spal'peen  [spal'penl  «.  a  scamp 
span  (sii.'in)  K.  a  team  [discs 

span'gles  [sping'g'lz]  «.  small  shiny 
Span'iard(span'yerd)«.  one  from  Spain 
span'iel  [spSn'yel]  n.  a  dog 
Span'ish  [span'Ish]  a.  of  Spain 
spank  [spangk]  v.e.  to  slap 
spar  [sparj  K.  a  mineral;  v.i.  to  box 
spare  (spSr)  a.  scant 
spare'rib'  [spir'rrb'J  ».  porlc 
spar'ing  (sparing)  a.  saving 
spark  [spark]  n.  particle  of  fire 

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spar'kle  [spiir'k'I]  v.  to  glisten 
spar'row  [spar'ro]  «.  a  bird 
spar'row-grass'  [-gras'J  a.  asparagus 
sparse  [spars]  a.  thinly 
spar'tan  [spar' tan]  a.  undaunterl 
spasm  [spaz'm]  n.  cramp  |sive 

spas-mod'io  [spSz -mod'Ik]  a.  convul- 
spat  [ipat]  n.  a  U(tle  quarrel 
Spat'ter  [spat'ter]  v.t.  to  soil 
spat'u-la  [spat'il-la]  n.  palette  knife 
spav'in'rn]  ?;.  a  horse  disease 
spawn  (span)  «.  fish  eggs 
spay  [spS]  I'.t.  to  castrate 
speak  Isjiek]  T.i.  to  talk 
speak'a-ble  [sijOk'a-b'l]  a.  oral 
speak'er  [spOkerJ  n.  a  chairman 
spear  [sperl  n.  lance 
spear'mint'  [sper'mlnt']  n-heto 
spe'cial  [spesh'all  a.  specific 

spe'ci-al'i-ty  [spcsh'i-ai'i-tyi  k. 
spe'cial-ty  [spesh'al-ty]  «. 
spe'cie  [spe'shi]  «.  coin 
spe'cies  [spe'shezl  «.  s.  and//,  a  sort 
spe-cif  ic  [sp4  sif 'ik]  a.  definite 
spe-cif  ic-al-ly  [slfi-kal-lyl  adz'. 
spec  i-fi-ca'tion  [spcs'I-fl-ka'shun]  ;;. 

spec'i-fied  [spes'i-fid]/./. 
spec'i-fy  [spes'i-fi]  v.  to  designate 
spec'i-men  [spes'I-m^n]  ?;.  sample 
spe'cious  [spe'shus]  a.  plausible 
speck  fspekj  3t.  a  spot 
spec'kle  [spek'k'lj  v.t.  to  spot 
spec'ta-cle  [spSk'ta-k'l]  ji.s.  show 
spec'ta-cles  [-ta-k'lz]  n />l.  eye-glasses 
spec-tac'u-lar  lspek-tak'a-ler](Z. showy 
spec-ta'tor  [spek-ta'ter]  «.  an  observe 
spec'tre  [spek'ter]  «.  a  phantom 
spec'tro-scope  [-trO-skop] ;;.  optical  in 
spec'trum  L-trum]  ?;.scaleoflightcolor 
Spec'u-latet-u-lStl7'.  tomeditate;  tobuy 
cpeC'U-la'tion[-shfm|  »;.  c.intemplation 
spec'u-la-tive  I^l.Ck'u■la■tiv]  a.  ideal 
spec'u-la'tor  [-u-la'tCrJ  n.  a  theorist 
spec'u-lum  [spek'u-lQm]  n.  a  reflector 
speech  Ispech]  ?<.  an  address 
speech'i-fy  [spSch'i-filx'.e.  to  harangue 
speech'less  [spech'les]  a.  dumb 
speed  [sped]  t'-i  to  make  haste 
speed'i-ly  [sped'l-lyj  adv.  quickly 
spell  I  spell  n.  charm 
spell'er  [spel'er]  «.  spelling  book 
spend  [spendl  I'.t.  to  part  with 
spend'thrift  [spend' thrift' iH.  prodigal 
sper'ma-ce'ti  [sper'ma-se'tl]  «.  whale 
spew  [spu]  v.t.  to  vomit  [wax 

sphere  [sfer]  k.  a  globe 
spher'ic-al  [sfcr'i-kal]  a.  like  a  sphere 
Sphe'roid  [sfe'roidj  n.  flattened  sphere 
sphinx  [sfingksl  ii.  a  fabulous  monster 
Spic-ca'to  [spjk-ka'ti]  a.  pointed  notes 
spice  [spis]  n.  sauce  flavors  I  in  music 
spi'cy  [spi'syl  a.  pungent;  smart 
spi'der  [spr'der]  k.  an  insect 







spig'ot  [spTg-'ut]  >i.  cask  peg 
spike  Ispik]  )(.  a  large  nail  | plant 

spike'nard  ispik'nardl  «.  an  aromatic 
spile  [spil]  «.  cask  vent  peg 
spill  [spil]  v./.  to  shed 
spin  [spin]  ■I'./,  to  whirl  fgreens 

spin'ach   [spin'Sj]  «.  a  plant  used  for 
spi'nal  [spi'n<>l)  a.  vertebral 
spin'dle  [spln'd'll  «.  shaft;  arbor 
spin'dling  l  spm'dling  j  a.  tall  and  slen- 
spine  [spinl  w.  backbone  Ider 

spin'et  [spinet]  «.  small  harpsichord 
spin'ner  [spln'ner]  11. m.  one  who  spins 
spin'na-ker  [na-kerlw.  three-cornered 
spin'ster  Ispln'ster)  «.  a  maiden  [sail 
spin'stxessispln'streslw.y.  woman  who 
spi'ral  [spi  r.?ll  a.  windings  [spins 

spire  I  spirj  K.  a  steeple 
spir'it  Ispir'it]  a.  life 
spir'it-less  [spir'U-les]  a.  dejected 
spir'it-u-al  (splr'l t-d-al  |  a.  not  material 
spir'it-u-al-ism  [Izni]  k.  a  doctrine 
spir'it-u-al-ist  [spirit-u-al-istl  «. 
spir  it-u-al'i-ty  [al'i-tyl  «.  purity 
spir'it-u-al-ize[-Tt-ii-(il-!z]z'./.  to  refine 
spir'it-u-al-ly  [spir'rt-ii-iil-ly|  aiii: 
spir'it-u-OUS  [splr'it'u-us]  a.  ardent 
spit  l-^pit]  >:.  saliva 
spitch'cocked'  fspich'kekt'l  a. 
spite  l^pit)  >:.  grudge 
spite'ful  (splt'ful  I  n.  malignant 
spit'fire'  [splt'firj  «.  a  violent  person 
spit'tle  t^P't't'll  «.  saliva 
spit-toon'  [spit-toon' )  >t.  a  cuspidor 
spitz'dog'  [sprtz'dSg'  [  «.  breed  of  dogs 
splash  [bplash]  v.i.  to  spatter 
splash'y  [-y]  a.  wet  and  muddy 
splay'foot'  [spla'footj  «.  flat  foot 
spleen  [^.plenl  >i.  an  organ;  ill  humor 
spleen'y  [  yl  a.  peevish 
splen'dent  [splen'dmtl  a.  shining 
splen'did  [splendid  j  «.  magnificent 
splen'dor  [splen'derl  n  brilliancy 
splen'e-tic  [splen'4-tlkl  a.  fretful 
splice  [spllsl  v.i.  to  join 
splint  [splintl  «.  piece  split  off 
splin'ter  [splln'terl  k.  a  sliver 
split  [split]  T/.i.  to  burst 
splurge  [splfirj  1  H.  bluster 
splut'ter(splflttcrlf  .1.  to  speak  hastily 
spoil  [spoil  1  x'-/.  to  ruin 
spoke  [spok]  K.  ray  of  wheel 
spo'li-ate  [spo'll-at]  v.  to  plunder 
spo  li-a'tion  (-a'shun]  k.  robbery 
sponge  [spunjli'.  to  wipe;  k.  a  protozoan 
spon'ger  [spun'jer]  K.  a  hanger-on 
spon'gi-ness  [-jl-n6s]  «.  porousness 
spon'gy  [spunj  yl  a.  soft;  elastic 
spon'sor  [spon'serl  h.  surety 
spon  ta-ne'i-ty  [sp&n'ta-ne'i-tji  «. 
spon-ta'ne-OUS  [-as]  a.  voluntary 
spook  [  spiKik  I  «.  an  apparition 
spool  ( spool  I  t'.t.  to  wind 
spoon  (spoon)  H.  a  utensil 

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Spoon'ey  [spoon  yl  a.  foolishly  fond 
'   spoon'ful  [spoon  fii'l  K.  full  spoon 
SpO-rad'io  [spS-radlk]  a.  single 
spore  [sporj  H.  a  minute  germ 
sport  [sport]  ;i.  amusement 
sport'ful  [■-port'fql]  a.  frolicsome 
sport'ive  (spr.rt'lvj  a.  gay 
sports'man  [sports'man]  «.  a  hunter 
spot  [spot]  n.  a  blot 
Spot'leSS  [spst'les]  a.  pure 
spouse  [spouz]  «.  a  married  person 
spout  [spout]  "v.i,  to  spurt 
sprain  [spran]  ^.i.  to  strain 
sprat  [sprat]  w.  small  herring 
sprawl  [spral]  -v.i.  to  spread 
spray  [spra]  «.  a  twig;  water 
spread  [spred]  -v.t.  to  scatter 
spread'ea  gle  [egl]  a.  bombastic 
spree  [sprej  «.  a  carousal 
sprig  [sprig]  K.  a  twig 
spright  [sprit]  «.  a  spirit 
spright'li-ness  [Unas]  «.  briskness 
spright'ly  [sprit'ly]  a.  lively 
spring  [spring]  ■v.i.  to  leap 
springe  [sprTnj]  «.  a  snare  jity 

spring'i-ness  [sprlng'i-nes]  «.  elastic- 
Spring'y  [springy]  a.  elastic 
sprink'le  (sprink'lj  v.t.  toscatterover 
sprink'ler  [-ler]  n.  a  watering  pot 
sprink'Ung  [Mngl/ar/.  scattering 
sprint  [sprint]  z'.i.  to  run 
sprite  [sprit]  «.  a  fairy 
sprout  [sproutl  «.  shoot  of  a  plant 
spruce  [sprus]  a.  neat 
spry  [spri]  a.  nimble 
spume  [spurn]  «.  foam 
spunk  [spungk]  ft.  spirit 
spur  [spCir]  v.t.  to  hasten 
Spu'ri-OUS  [spQ'rl-us]  a.  false 
spurn  [spiirn]  v.t.  to  reject 
spurt  [spQrt]«.ajet 
sput'ter  [spatter]  v.i.  to  utter  hastily 
sput'ter-er  [-er]  k.  a  fast  talker 
spy  [spi]  v.t.  to  espy 
squab'ble  [skwOb'VI]  v.i.  to  dispute 
squad  [skwod]  «.  small  party 
squad'ron  [skwSd'run]  ».  a  fleet 
squal'id  [skwol'ld]  a.  foul 
squall  [skwal]  k.  sudden  violent  wind 
squa'lor  [skwa'lor]  n.  filthiness 
squan'der  [skwen'der]  v.t.  to  waste 
square  [skwar]  a.  even;  exact 
squash  [skwOsh]  «.  a  vegetable 
squat  [skwot]  V.  to  stoop;  to  settle 
squat'ter  [skwSt'ter]  n.  unlawful  set- 
Squaw  [skwal  It.  Indian  woman       Itler 
squeak  [skwek]  «.  sharp  shrill  cry 
squeal  [skwel]  v.i.  to  cry 
squeam'ish  [skwem'Ish]  a.  dainty 
squeeze  [skwez]  v.l.  to  press  closely 
squelch  [skwelch]  v.t.  to  silence 
squib  [skwib]«.wittyessay;  fire-cracker 
squil'gee  [skwil'jS]  n.  rubber  scraper 
squint  [skwint]  v.i.  to  look  obliquely 


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squire  [skwir]  «.  a  magistrate 
squirm  [skwerm]  z'.z.  to  wriggle 
squir-rel  [skwer'rel]  k.  an  animal 
squirt  [bkwertj  ti.  ajet 
stab  [stab]  7'./.  to  pierce      fLatin  hymn 
Sta'bat  Ma'ter  [sta'batma'ter]  u  /.. 
sta-bil'i-ty  [sta-hll'l-tyj  k.  firmness 
Sta'ble  [sti'b'l]  «.  stall;  a.  fixed 
stack  [stakl  71.  pile;  chimney 
stac-ca'to  [stak-ka't6]  a.  disconnected 
stad'dle  [stad'd'l]  «.  a  prop 
staff  [staf]  >i.  a  support 
stag  t^tag]  K.  male  red  deer 
stag^e  [staj]  h.  a  platform 
stag'ger  [  stag'ger]  v.i.  to  reel 
stag'gers  [stag'gerzj  «.//,  a  horse  dis- 
Sta'ging  fsta'jing]  K.  platform       [ease 
stag'nant  [stag'nnnt]  «.  motionless 
stag'nate  [stagnst]  t.z.  to  stop 
stag-na'tion  [stag-na'shQn]  «.  torpor 
staid  [stad]  <7.  sober;  steady 
stain  [itan]  ■;■.;■.  to  discolor 
Stain'less  [stan'les]  a.  spotless 
stair  [star]  h.  a  step 
stake  [stak]  «.  -wager:  post  Tposit 

Sta-lac'tite  [sta-lak'tit]  «.  cave  roof  de- 
sta-lag'mite  [stalag'mit]  «.  cave  floor 
stale  [stall  17.  not  new  [deposit 

stalk  [stak]  >;.  stem  of  a  plant       [tense 
stalk'ing-horse'  [ing-hors]  «.apre- 
stall  [stal]  «.a  stable  division 
Stal'lion  [stSIyun]  H.  a  male  horse 
stal'wart  [stol'wert]  o.  brave 
stam'i-na  [stam'I-na]  «.//.  vigor       [er 
Sta'men  [sta'men]H  male  organ  of  flow- 
Stam'mer  [stam'mer]  v.i.  to  stutter 
stamp  [stamp]  t./.  to  impress 
stam'pede  [stamped]  «.  panic 
stanch  [stanch]  a.  steadfast 
stan'chion  [stan'shun] «.  a  prop 
stand  [stand]  f.i.  to  stop 
Stand'ard  [stand'erd]  k.  model 
stand'ing  [standing]  «.  rank 
stand'point'  [stand'point']  «.  position 
8tan'nel[stan'nel]«.  stone  yeller;  a  bird 
stan'nic  [stan'ik]  a.  containing  tin 
Stan'za  [stanza]  «.  part  of  poem 
Sta'ple  [sta'p'l]  K.  chief  traffic 
star  [star]  «.  a  heavenly  body     [of  ship 
Star'board'  [-bord]  «.  right-hand  side 
starch  [starch]  v.  to  stiffen 
starch'ly  [starch'lyj  adv.  stifliy 
starch'y  [starch'yj  a.  stiff 
stare  [stare]  v.t.  to  gaze  at 
stark  [stark]  a.  stiff;  rigid 
star'ling  [star'llng]  «.  a  bird;  a  fish 
star' ry[star'rji<j. many  stars  [withstars 
8tar'span'gled[-spang'gl'd]  II.  studded 
start  [start]  7'.  to  move  suddenly 

star-va'tion  [star-va'shon]  n. 

starve  [stlrv)  v.i.  to  famish 
Starve'ling  [-ling]  «.  one  who  hungers 
state  [stat]  v.t.  to  narrate 
Stat'ed  [siat'ed]  «.  regular 


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state'house't-hous']  «.  a  state  capitol 
state'li-ness  [stat'lI-nSs]  «.  grandeur 
state'ly  [stat'ly]  a.  grand 
State'ment  [stat'ment]  n.  an  account 
state'room'  [-room']  «.  a  cabin  room 
states'man  [stats'man]  «.  a  politician 
stat'ics  [stat'Iks]  h.  science  of  force 
sta'tion  [sta'shOn]  V.  to  set;  k.  a  depot 
sta'tion-a-ry  [-i-ry]  «.  fixed 
Sta'tion-cr  t-er]  n.  a  paper  merchant 
sta'tion-or-y  [-cry]  «.  pa^cr.  ink, etc. 
Sta-tis'tic3[sta-tts'tlks]  n.fl.  facts 
Stat'u-a-ry  [stlt'O-a-ry]  n  statues 
Stat'ue  [stat'll]  n.  an  image 
stat'u-ette'  [stat'o-et']  ».  small  statue 
stat'ure  [stst'ijr]  «.  h^i^ht 
Sta'tus  [sti'tus]  K.Z. condition 
stat'ute  [stSt'ijt]  n.  a  Uv 
stat'u-to-ry  [stat'S-tJ-ryi  a. 
staunch  [stancb]<».  strong;  firm 
stave  [stav]  ■v.t.  to  burst  in 
stay  [stS]  II.  tor-main 
stead'fast  [stjd'i-st]  a.  firm 

Stead'i-ly  [stJd'I-ly]  adv.  firmly 
stead'i-nCSS  [storings]  «.  firmness 
stead'y  [stid'y]  a.  Uxa. 
steak  [stik]  «.  slice  of  beef 
steal  [stci]  v.t.  to  s'licvc 
stealth  tst5l//2]  «.  secret  act 
Stealth'i-ly  [My]  adv.  slyly 
stealtVi-ncss  [-I-n--:;]  ? .  secrecy 
Stealth'y  [stelz/j'y]  a.  sly 
steam  [stem]  ??.  vapor 
steam'on'gine  [stem'6n'jin]  «. 
steam'or  [stem'er]  n.  a  steamship 
Steed  [bted]  «,  a  horse  [stance 

Ste'a-rin   [ste'a-rdij  ».  hard  fatty  sub- 
ste'a-tite  [ste'a-tit]  «.  soapstone 
steel  [stel]  K.  hardened  iron 
Steel'y  [stel'y]  a.  hard 
steel'yard  \<-,\.-l  yard]  k.  a  balance 
steep  [step]  rt. precipitous 
stee'ple  [ste'p'l]  n.  aspire 
Steer  [ster]  v.t.  to  guide 
steer'age  [ster'sj]  ?i  guidance 
stem  [stem]  11.  the  main  stock 
stench  [stench]  n.  a  bad  smell 
Sten'cil  [sten'sll]  n.  printing  pattern 
ste-nog'ra-pher  [stSnSg'rafer]  n. 

sten'o-graph'ic  [sten'S-graf'ik]  a. 
ste-nog'ra-phy  [stS-nSg'ra-fy]  n. 
sten-to'ri-an  [sten-ts'ri-an]  a.  loud 
step  [step]  v.i.  to  pace 
Step'broth'er  [step'brQth'er]  71. 
Step'child'  [step'child']  n. 

step'daugh'ter  [step'da'ter]  «. 
step'fa'ther  [step'fa'ther]  n. 
step'moth  er  [step'mflth'er]  «. 
steppe  (stf].]  ;;.  elevated  plateau 
step'ping-stone'  [step'ping-ston'] «. 
ste're-op'ti-con  [ste'rS-6p'ti-k6n]  k. 
ste're-o-scope  [ste'rS-6-skop]  n. 
8tere-0-8C0p'ic  [ste'rS-6-sk6p'lk]  a. 
ste're-0-type[ste'rS-6-tip)fi.  fixed  type 


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Ster'ile  [ster'il)  a.  barren  [ 

Ste-ril'i-ty  [sti-rrli-tyj  «.  barrenness  o^^- os^x-|  c^    ^^ 
ster'ling  [ster'lingl  n.  genuine;  pure  Y  Y     |        J    <^ 

stern  [stern]  a.  unfeeling  (^ 

ster'num  [ster'niJm]  k.  the  breastbone 
ster'to-rous  [ster'tO-rQs]  rt.  snoring 
stet  [st6t]  L.  -■.  let  it  stand 
steth'o-scope  [ste^/j'S-skop]  k. 
ste've-dore'  [sts'vc-dor']  >t.  dock  hand 
stew  [stu]  z\t   to  boil 
Stew'ard  [stu'erd]  «.  a  manager    f  trust 
stew'ard-ship  [ship]  «.  an  office  of 
stick  [stik]  f./.  to  pierce 
stick'i-ness  [stlk'ines]  n.  tenacity 
stie'kle  [stik'k'l]  I'.i.  to  contest 
Stic'kler  [stik'kler]  k.  obstinate  fellow 

stick'y  [stik'y]  a.  gluey 
Stiff[5tifl<?.  firm 
stifiPen  [stif  'nl  '^'.t.  to  make  stiff 
stififnecked'  [stJf'nekt']  a.  stubborn 
sti'fle  [sti'fl]  v.t.  to  smother 
Stig'ma  [stlg'ma]  n.  a  brand 
Stig'ma-tize  [stlg'ma-tiz]  v.t.  to  brand 
stile  [stil]  u.  steps  on  a  fence 
sti-let'to  [sti-let'to]  It.  a  dagger 
still  [still  a.  quiet;  ?i.  adistillery 
still'born'  [stil'born'l  a.  dead  at  birth 
still'house'  [stil'hous']  «.  distillery 
still'hunt'  (stil'hunt']  «.  quiet  search 
Still'ness  [stU'nesl  «.  quietness 
still'y  [stil'y]  a.  still;  silent 
Stilt  [stilt]  K.  a  crutch 
stilt'ed  [stilt'ed]  <r.  elevated;  pompous 
stim'u-lant  [stlm'u-l<int)«.  an  excitant 
Stira'u-late  [stlm'ii-latl  z.t.  to  incit 
stim  u-la'tion  [stim'u-la'shijni  >i. 
Stim'u-la-tive  [stim'ii-la-tiv]  a.stirring 
Stim'u-lus  [stim'Q-lus]  «.  an  incentive 
sting  [^ting]  >i.  sharp  pain 
sting'y  [sting'y]  a.  able  to  sting 
stin'gy  tstln'jy]  a.  miserly 
stink  (stlngk]  «.  an  offensive  smell 
stint  [stint]  11.  a  limit 
sti'pend  [stipend]  «.  wages        [of  pay 
stip'ple[stip'pl)T'./.  to  engrave  by  dots 
Stip'u-late  (stip  u-lat]  ■:'.  to  bargain 
stip  u-la'tion[-ia'shQn] agreement 

stir  [ster]  T.l.  to  move 

stir'ring  [ster'rlng]  a.  exciting     [ding 

Stir'a-bout'  [ster'a-bout'j  «. hasty pud- 

stir'rup  [ster'rQp]  ?(.  saddle  ring 

stitch  [-.tlch]  -v-l.  to  sew 

stive  ( s  tiv  ]  v.t.  to  crowd  around 

Stoai  [stot]  K.  an  animal 

Stock  [,t6k]  H.  supply 

stock  ade'  (id'l  n.  a  barrier        [stocks 

Stock'broker  [broker]    h.   dealer   in 

stock'ex-change'  (-eks-chanj']  «. 

stock'hold  er  [lisld'er]  «. 

stock'ing  [stoking]  «.  foot  covering 

stock'Job  ber  [jCb'bcrl  «.  a  broker 

stock'man'  [-.tMk'man'l  «.  a  herdsman 

Stock'still'  [stOk'stll']  a.  perfectly  sti'.l 

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stock'y  [stok'y]  a.  stout 
Sto'ic  [sto'ik]  «.  unfeeling  person 
Sto'i-cism  [  i-sizm]  n.  impassiveness 
Stok'er  [stok'er]  K.  a  fireman 
Stole[st5l]«   vestment;  •:•.  to  have  taken 
Stol'id  [stSl'Id]  <z.  stupid  [tion 

Stom'ach  [stum'ak]  n.  organ  of  diges- 
Stone  [ston]  «.  mineral 
Stone'blind'  [ston'blind']  a.  quite  blind 
Stone'cold'  fston'kold']  a.  very  cold 
stone'cufter  [-kut'ter]M.  stone  dresser 
Stone'dead'  [ston'ded']  a.  quite  dead 
stone'deaf  [ston'def]  a.  quite  deaf 
stone'heart'ed  [stSn'hart'ed]  a.  cruel 
stone'still'  [stsn'stll']  a.  not  moving 
stone'ware'  [war']  «.  potters  ware 
stone's'throw  tstonz'cAro']  k. 
ston'i-ness  [ston'I-nes]  ?j.  hardness 
ston'y  [ston'y]  a.  hard 
stool  [stoolj  n.  a  seat 
stoop  [stoop]  V.  to  bend  over 
Stop  (stop]  V.  to  cease 
stop'cock'  [st0p'k6k']«.  a  faucet 
stop'page  [stop'psj]  k.  a  check 
stop'per  [stsp'per]  K.  a  cork 
Stop'ple  [stdp'p'l]  n.  a  stopper 
Stor'age  [stor'aj]  «.  cost  of  storing 
Sto'rax  [sto'raks]  «.  resin 
store  [stor]  n.  a  warehouse;  stock 
Store'house'  [hous']  «.  repository 
Store'keep  er  [kep'er]  n.  a  merchant 
sto'ried  [storid]  a.  told  in  story 
stork  [stork]  71.  a  bird 
storm  [storm]  n.  rain  [condition 

storm'i-ness   [l-nes]   «.   tempestuous 
Storm'y  [stormy]  a.  violent 
sto'ry  [sto'ry-]  n.  a  tale 
Sto'ry-book'  (book']  n.  book  of  stories 
sto'ry-tell'er  (tel'ler]  n.  a  narrator 
stout  [stout]  a.  muscular 
Stout'hearted  [hiirt'ed]  a.  courageous 
Stout'ness  [stout'nesj  n.  strength 
stove  [sto\']  n.  place  for  fire 
stow  [sto]  z'.t   to  lay  up 
stow'a-way'  [sts'a-wS']  n.  ahider 
stra-bis'mus[stra-biz'mus]?!.  cross-eye 
Strad'dle  [strSd'd'l]  ^'.z.  to  part  the  legs 
Strag'gle  [strag'g'l]  v.i.  to  rove 
strag'gler  [straggler]  n.  a  rambler 
straight  [strat]  n.  without  bend 
straight'en  [strat"n]  v.t.  \est 

straightfor'ward  [for'werd]  a.  hon- 
straight'way'  [strat'wa']  arfw.  atonce 
strain  [stran]  v.t.  to  filter 
Strain'er  [stran'er]  n.  a  sieve 
strait  [strat]  a.  narrow 
Strait'en  [strat"n]  ■v.t.  to  make  narrow 
strait'laced'  [strat'last']  a.  stiff 
strand  [strand]  -v.t.  to  run  ashore 
strange  [stranj]  a.  queer 
Strang'er  [stranj'er]  n.  a  guest 
Stran'gle  [string'g'ljT'.^.  to  choke 
stran' gu-la'tion[5trang'gu-la'shun]«. 
strap  [strap]  «.  long  narrow  strip 







Strat'a-gem  [5trat'a-jSml  «.  artifice 
Strat'e-gist  [strat'S-jistl  «.  deviser 
Strat'e-gy  [strat'S-jyl  «.  generalship 
strat'i-fy  [-l-fi]  -^^.t.  to  form  in  layers 
stra'tum  [stra'tum]  n.  rock  bed 
straw  [stra]  !t.  stalk  of  grain 
straw'ber'ry  [stra'ber'ryj  «.  a  berry 
stray  [stra|  v.i.  to  rove 
streak  [strek]  «.  stripe 
streak'y  [strek'y]  a.  striped 
stream  [strSm]  v.i.  to  flow 
stream'er  [strem'er]  n.  a  pennant 
stream'let  (strem'letl  «.  a  rivulet 
street  [stret]  >i.  a  road 
street'walk  er[-wak'erl«.  a  prostitute 
strength  [streng//i]  «.  force 
strength'en  [-'nl  I'.t.  to  fortify 
stren'u-OUS  [stren'u-Qs]  a.  zealous 
stress  [stresl  H   pressure 
stretch  [strech]  -j.t.  to  strain 
Stretch'er  [strech'erl  «.  a  litter 
strew  [stru]  -v.t.  to  scatter 
strick'en  [strik"nl/./>.  of  "strike" 
Strict  [strlkt]  a.  exact 
strict'ure  [strlkt'iir]  «.  censure 
stride  [strid]  n.  a  long  step 
Strife  [strif  1  n.  contention 
strike  [strik)  -'.l.  to  hit 
Strik'ing  (strik'lngj  a.  impressive 
string  [string]  h.  slender  cord 
strin'gen-cy  [strm'j<rn-sy]  n.  tightness 
strin'gent  [strin'j^nt]  a.  severe 
string'y  [strlng'yl  a.  ropy 
strip  [strip]  v.t.  to  peel 
stripe  [strip!  "■  a  line 
strip'ling  [strlp'lingl  n.  a  lad 
strive  [striv]  ~\i.  to  endeavor 
stroke  [strok]  k.  a  blow 
stroll  [strol]  v.i.  to  roam 
strong  [strong]  a.  muscular 
strong'hold'  [-hold]  k.  a  fortress 
strop  [strop]  K.  a  strap 
struct'ur-al  [strukfiir-al]  a.  form  of 
Struct'ure  [strijkt'ilr]  «.  a  building 
Strug'gle  [strug'g'l]  v.i.  to  endeavor 
strug'gler  [strug'gler]  tt.  a  striver 
strum'pet  [stram'pet]  h.  a  prostitute 
strut  [strut]  >i.  a  pompous  step 
strych'nine  [strik'nln])!.  a  poison  drug 
stub  [stub]  V.I.  to  strike  against 
Stub'ble  [stub'b'l]  «.  grain  stumps 
stub'born  [stob'bern]  a.  obstinate 
stub'by  [stob'by]  a.  short  and  thick 
stuc'co  [stuk'ki]  n.  plaster 
stuck'up'  [stfik'up"  a.  arrogant 
stud  [stud]  v.t.  to  adorn 
Btu'dent  [stuVUnt]  «.  a  scholar 
stud'ied  [stiJd'Idl  a.  well  considered 
stu'di-o  (stu'dl-4l  K.  artist's  room 
stu'di-ous  [stQ'dl-Qsl  a.  diligent 
stud'y  [stdd'J]  v.i.  to  learn 
stuff  [stuf  ]  v.  to  cram 
stuffing  (stfiringi  K.  filling 
6lul'ti-iy[sttirtl-f  !]f ./.  to  make  foolish 



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Stum'ble  [stOmbl]  v.t.  to  trip 

stum'bling-block'  [biingbiak']  «. 

stump  [stump]  «.astub 
Stun  [stun]  v.t.  to  daze 
stunt  (stunt]  -■./.  to  dwarf 
stu  pe-fac'tion  [stupSfak'shOnl  «• 
stu'pe-fy  (stu'pf-fij  z'.t.  to  make  dull 
Stu-pen'dous  [sta-pen'dus]  a.  wonder- 
Stu'pid  (stu'pidi  a.  very  dull  |ful 

stu-pid'i-ty  [stu-pid'I-t>l  «.  dullness 
stu'por  [stupOr]  n.  numbness 
Stur'di-ly  [stur  dl-ly]  a,1v.  stoutly 

stur'di-ness  [stur'dl-nes]  «.  stoutness 
Stur'dy  [stur'dy]  <?.  hardy 
stur'geon  [stur'jun]  n.  a  fish 
Stut'ter  [stut'ter]  f.  (t.  and  i) 
sty  [sti]  ;:.  a  pen  for  swine;  a  boil 
style  [stil  ]  >!.  manner:  a  pen 
styl'ish  [stn'ish]  17.  genteel 
styp'tlC  [stfp'tik]  a.  stopping  bleeding 
sua'sion  [swa'zhunl  «.  persuasion 
suave  [swav]  a.  pleasant 
suav'i-ty  [swav'I-ty]  n.  agreeableness 
sub  [sub]  prefix  meaning  toider 
sub-al'tern  [sub-al'tern]  a.  inferior 
subdi-vide'  [dr-vld']  v.  to  redivide 
sub'di-vis'ion  [sub'df-vizh'On]  n 
sub-due'  [sub'da'l  'u.t.  to  conquer 
sub-ed'i-tor  [subed'I-ter]  n. 
sub-ja'cent  [ja'sfntj  a.  lying  under 
sub-ject'  (sub-jekt']  ■v.t.  to  subdue 
sub'ject  [sub'jek^]  n.  theme 
Sub-jec'tion  [-jek'shun]  n.  conquest 
sub-.jec'tive  (sOb-jek'tlv]  a. 
sub'ject-mat  ter  [sub'jekt-mat'ter]  «. 
sub-join'  [sub-join'J  ■v.t.  to  annex 
sub'ju-gate  [-ju-gSt]  v.t.  to  subdue 
sub  ju-ga'tion  [ga'shOn]  n.  rule 
Sub-junc'tive  [jungk'tivl  a. 
sub-let'  [sub-let'J  w./  to  underlet 
sub'li-mate  [-ll-mat]  v  t.  to  refine 
sub  li-ma'tion  [ma'shun]  «.  elevation 
sub-lime'  (sOb-lim']  a.  grand 
sub-lim'i-ty  [sOb-lIm'i-tj']  ?;.  grandeur 
sub'lu-na-rj  t-lu-nS-ry]  a.  earthly 
sub'ma-rine'[-ma-ren'jff.  under  the  sea 
sub-merge'  [sub-merj')  v.t.  to  flood 
sub-mis'sion  [mlsh'un]  n.  obedience 
sub-mis'sive  [mis'siv]  a.  humble 
sub-mit'  [  submit'  J  v.t.  to  yield  to 
sub-or'di-nate  [or'di-nat]  v.t. 
sub-or  di-na'tion  [ns'shun]  «.    foath 
sub-orn'  [sflb-orn'l  v.t.  to  lead  to  false 
sub-poe'na  [sub-pe'na]  v.t.  to  summon 
sub-scribe'  |sub-skrib'j  v.  to  sign 
sub-scrib'er  [sub-skrib'Sr]  n. 
sub-scrip'tion  [-skrlpshun]  n.  pledge 
sub  se-quent  [-sS-kw^ntj  a.  later 
sub-serve'  (sub-serv'l  v.t.  to  promote 
sub-serv'i-ent  [-l-fnt]  a.  subject  to 
sub-side'  [sOb-std'I  v.i.  to  sink 
sub-sid'i-a-ry  [sld'l-i-ry]  a.  helping 
sub'si-dize  [  sidizj  v.t.  to  aid 
sub'si-dy  [sub'sl-dy]  n.  tribute;  aid 

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sub-sist'  [suh-sist'l  zi.i.  to  live 
sub-sist'ence  l-t-ns]  «.  livelihood 
sub'stance  (sub'st^nsl  h.  material 
sub-stan'tial  [stan'shalj  a.  solid;  real 
sub-stan'ti-ate  [sub-stan'shi-sti  z'.i. 
Eub'stan-tive  [substan-tiv]  «.  a  noun 
sub'stl-tute  l',ub'stl-tut)  «.  exchange 
sub  sti-tu'tion  [-tu'shun]  «.  proxy 
sub-stra'tum  (strS'tum]  ti.  thesubso 
sub'ter-fuge  [sub'ter-fuj]  «. evasion 
sub  ter-ra'ne-ous  [ra'nS-us]  a.  unclei 
sub'tile  (sub' til)  a.  thin  [ground 

sub'tle  [sut"ll  a.  sly;  artful 
sub'tle-ty  lsut"l-ty] «.  cunning 
sub'tly  Isut'lyl  adv.  slyly 
sub-tract'  [sub-trakf]  v.t.  totakefrom 
sub-trac'tion  [-trak'shunl«.  deduction 
sub'urb  (suburb]  n.  outskirt  [city 

sub-ur'ban  (sub-ur'bunl  a.  around  the 
sub-vene'  [sub-ven'l  v.i.  to  happen 
sub-ven'tion  [-ven'shun]  «.  support 
sub-ver'sion  [ver'shOn]  K.  overthrow 
sub-vert'  [sub-vert' l  'j.t.  to  destroy 

sub'way  [sub'ws] «. 

SUC-ceed'  [sCik-sed'  ]  '■.  to  follow;  to  win 
SUC-cess'  [siik-ses'l  >t.  favorable  issue 
SUC-cess'ful  [suk-ses'ful]  a.  fortunate 
SUC-ces'sion  [sesh'un]  k.  following 
suc-ces'sive  [-ses'slv]  a.  unbroken 
suc-ces'sor  (  sesser]  n.  follower 
SUC-cinct'  (suk-slngkt']  a.  concise 
SUC'cor  [suk'ker]  f.t.  to  help        (beans 
SUC'co-tash  (s(lk'k*tashl  n.  com  and 
suc'cu-lent  [suk'ku-U-nt]  a.  juicy 
SUC-cumb'  (suk-kuml  v.i.  to  yield 
such  [buch]  a.  of  that  kina 
suck  CsukJ  ^.i.  to  absorb 
SUCk'er  l  -erl  k.  a  fish;  that  which  sucks 
SUCk'le  [suk'k'l]  iKt.  to  nurse 
suck'ling  [suk'ling]  n.  young  at  breast 
SUC'tion  [suk'shun]  >i.  drawing 
SUd'den  [sud'den]  a.  abrupt 
suds  [sudz]  «.//.  soap  and  water 
sue  (su)  V.I.  to  prosecute 
Su'et  (su'et)  ti.  the  hard  animal  fat 
suffer  [suffer]  V.  to  have  pain 
suffer-a-ble  (a-b'l]  a.  tolerable 
suf  fer-ance  [-.ins]  «.  endurance 
suffer-er  (suf  fer-er]  K.  one  in  pain 
suffer-ing  [ing]  n.  distress 
suf-fice'  (suffiz'l  v.t.  to  content 
8uf-fi'cien-cy  [sQf-flsh'«n-sy| «. 
suf-fi'cient  [-fut]  a.  enough  flable 

suffix  Isufflks]  n.  added  letter  or  syl- 
suf  fo-cate  (suffA-kat)?'.  to  smother 
suf  fo-ca'tion  (  ka'slmn]  «.  a  stifling 
suf  fra-gan  (sarfra-g.m]  a.  assistant 
suffrage  [buffrdj]  >/.  a  vote 
suf  fra-gist  [sof'frijlstl  «.  voter 
suf-fuse'  [saifoz'l  v.i.  to  overspread 
suf-fu'sion[fa'  overspread- 
SUg'ar  (shoTjg'er]  v.t.  to  sweeten     [ing 
sug'ar-cane'  (kan'i  «- aplant 
SUg'ar-y  [shoog'er-Jj  a.  sweet 




SUg-gest'[sug:-j6st']  vj.  to  hint 
sug-ges'tion  [-jes  chOn]  «.  intimation 
sug-ges'tive  (jest'iv)  a. 

SU  i-ei'dal  [su'Isi'dnl]  a.  self-killing 
su'i-cide  [su'l-sld]  n.  self-murder 
suit  (silt)  n.  set  of  clothes 
suit'a-ble  [sOt'a-b'l]  a.  proper 
suit'a-bly  [sut'a-bly]  ad'o.  fitly 
suite  (swet)  «.  a  set  of  rooms 
suit'or  (sut'er)  «.  a  lover 
sulk'i-ly  [sulk'My]  adv.  sullenly 
sulk'i-ness  [sQlk'l-nes]  n.  suUenness 
sulks  [sulks]  a  sulky  mood 
sulk'y  [sulk'y]  a.  sullen;  n.  road  cart 
sul'len  [sul'lcn]  a.  cross 
sul'ly  [sul'ly]  -v.t.  to  soil 
sul'phate  [sQI'fat]  n.  a  salt 
sul'phur  [sul'fur]  n.  brimstone 
sul'phu-rous  (sQl'fur-fls]  a.  of  sulphur 
sul'phur-y  [-y]  a.  like  sulphur 
Sul'tan  [sul'tffn]  n.  Turkish  ruler 
sul'tri-ness  [tri-nes]  n.  close  cond.  of 
sul'try  [sul'try]  a.  hot  and  moist       [air 
sum  [sum]  n.  amount  total 
SU'mac  [su  mak]  «.  a  shrub  ftra 

Su-ma'tran  [soo-ma'trrtn]  <7.  ofSuma- 
sum'ma-ri-ly  [sum'mari-lyl  adv. 
sum'ma-ry  [ry]  n.  a  summing-up 
sum'mer  Isum'mer)  n.  a  season 
sum'mit  [sflm'mlt]  ;;.  the  top 
sum'raon  [sum'mun]  v.t.  to  notify 
sum'mons  [sum'munz]  n.s.  a  legal  call 
sump'tu  a-ry  [sQmp'tu-S-ry]  a. 
sump'tu-ous  [sump'tu-us]  a.  costly 
sun  [sun]  n.  the  luminous  orb 
Sun'beam'  [bem]  «.  sun-ray 
sun'burn'  [-bQm']  n.  tan 
Sun'day  [da]  n.  first  day  of  week 
sun'der  [sun'der]  v.t.  to  part 
sun'down'  [sun'down']  «.  sunset 
sun'dries  [sfln'drlz]  7t.pi.  variety 
sun'dry  [sun'dry]  a.  several 
sun'flow'er  [sun'flou'er]  n.  a  plant 
sun'ny  [sun'ny]  <2.  bright  (the  sun 

sun'rise  [sun'riz]  71.  first  appearace  of 
sun'shin'y  [sOn'shmy]  a.  clear 
sup  [sup]  v.t.  to  sip  \over 

SU'per  [su'per]  prefix  signifying  above, 
su'per-a-ble  [-a-b'l]  a.  surmountable 
SU  per-a-bun'dance  [-a-bon'dans]  «. 
super-a-bun'dant  [-dant]  a. 
su'per-an'nu-ate  [-an'nu-at]  k.  andK 
SU-perb'  [superb']  a.  grand 
su'per-car'go  [su'per-kar'gi]  n. 
su'per-cil'i-ous  [sil'f-us]  a.  hauty 
su'per-fi'cial  [fish'al]  a.  shallow 
SU'per-fi'cies  [flsh'ez]  n.  surface 
su'per-fine  (fin)  a.  very  fine 
su'per-flu'i-ty  [-flu'i-ty]  n.  excess 
su-per'flu-ous  [flu-us]  a  useless 
su'per-heat  (  het]  v.t.  to  overheat 
su'per-hu'man  [hu'man]  a.  divine 
super-in-tend'  (su'per-ln-tsnd']  I'.t. 
super-in-tend'enoe  [-ens] ;;.  care 

/  C  J.-^- 

^    ^ 




su  per-in-tend'ent  [fntl  k.  overseer 
SU-pe'ri-or  l-u-pe'ri-er]  a.  greater 
su-pe  ri-or'i-ty  [-dr't-tyl  «.  excellence 
su-per'la-tive  [sa-pei'lativj  a. 
su  per-lu'nar  Uuper-lu'ner)  a.  | 

su-per'nallsQ-perncill.i. of  things  above 
su  per-nat'u-ral  [super-nat'a-r<jl)  a. 
su  per-nu'mer-a-ry  [-nu'nier-s-ri)  a. 
su-per-er  o-ga'tion  [er'Sga'shun]  «. 
su  per-scribe'  [  skrib'l  t.l.  to  write  on 
su  per-scrip'tion  (-scrlp'shunl  k. 
su  per-sede'  [  >>ed)  -v.t.  to  replace 
su  per-sti'tion  [-stish'an]  «. 
su  per-sti'tious  [stish'Osl  a. 
su  per-struc'tion  t-struk'shan]  «. 
su  per-struct'ure  [ur]  n. 
su'per-vene'[-ven'j  v.i.  to  happen 
su  per-vise'  [su'per-viz'lc-.c.  to  inspect 
su  per-vis'ion  C-vizh'un]  >i.  charge 
su  per-vis'or  [viz'erl  »<.  overseer 
SU-pine'  [supln]  a.  negligent 
sup'per  hupper]  »<.  evening  meal 
sup-plant'  [sup-plant]  x./.  to  remove 
sup'ple  l'>upp'n  a.  pliant  fdition 

sup'ple-ment  [supplj-ment]  k.  an  ad- 
sup'ple-ment  [ment]  v.t.  to  add 
sup  ple-men'ta-ry  [men'tarjl  a. 
sup'pli-ant  (  pli-<int]  a.  beseeching 
sup'pli-cant  [kcznt]  ".  a  petitioner 
sup'pli-cate  [kat]  '•.■.(.  toentreat 
sup  pli-ca'tion  [ka'shunl  It.  entreaty 
sup'pli-ca-to-ry  [-kati-ry]  a.  humble 
sup-ply'  [sup-pli'l  ^'.Z.  to  furnish 
sup-port'  (iup-port'J  ■v.t.  to  maintain 
sup-port'er  [er]  «.  an  adherent 
sup-pos'a-ble  [sup-poz'a-b"l]  a. 
sup-pose'  [sup-poz'I  t'.t.  to  imagine 
sup'po-si'tion  [pfizish'un]  k. 
sup-press'  [sup-pres'  1  %'.t.  to  quell 
sup-pres'sion  [presh'fln]  «.  overthrow 
SUp-press'or  [pres'er]  «.  captor     [pus 
sup'pu-rate  [purSt]  v.i.  to  generate 
8U-prem'a-cy  (sQ-prema-sy]  «.  rule 
8U-preme'  [su-prem'J  a.  utmost 
sur-cease'  tsur-ses']  «.  cessation 
sur-charge'  [charj'l  v.  to  overload 
sur'cin  gle  [sur'slng'g'l]  «.  girth 
sur  [sOr]  prefix  meaning  over,  above 
surd  [surd]  k.  hard  element  of  speech 
sure  l>>!iurl  a  certain 
sure'ty  [shitr'tyl  ii.  abondsman 
surf  [surf  ]  n.  swell  of  the  sea 
sur'face'  [sur'fSs'l  «.  outside  face 
sur'feit  [surfltj  «.  excess  in  eating 
surge  (surjl  H.  swell 
sur'geon  [sdrjOn]  «.  doctor 
sur'ger-y  [jer-y]  «.  manual  healing 
sur'gi-cal    sOrjI-ka!]  a. 
sur'loin'  (sflr'loin'l  k.  loin  of  beef 
Bur'li-est  [-ll-sst)  a.  super!,  of  "surly" 
sur'ly  [sCir'I5'l  <i-  ill-natured 
sur-raise'  (s(Jrmiz'|  v.  to  guess 
BUr-mount'  (sOrmount'l   f.f.   to  rise 
sur-mount'a-ble  la-b'l)  <j.         l  above 

\       \ 





SUr'name'  (sfir'nam'l  «.  family  name 
sur-pass'  [sur-pas'l  i>.t.  to  outdo 
sur-pass'a-ble  (  h-b'l]  a. 
sur'plice  [sur'plis]  n.  priest's  robe 
sur'plus  [sCir'plusl  k.  the  excess 
sur-prise'  [sur-priz')  n.  astonishment 
sur-ren'c'er  [sur-ren'derl  v.t.  to  yield 
SUr  rep-ti'tioUS  [sur'rep-tlsh'us]  a. 
sur'ro-gate  [sur'rfi  gat]  71.  officer 
sur-round'  [  -round'  ]  v.l.  to  encircle 
sur-sol'id  [sur-sOl'Id]  n.  5th  power 
sur-tout'  [sur-toot'l  «.  overcoat 
sur-veil'lance  [sfir-varydnsi «.  watch 
sur-vey'  [sur-vS'l  I'.t.  to  overlook 
sur-vey'or  [-er)  n.  land  measurer 
sur-viv'al  [sur-viv'ol]  k.  an  outliving 
Sur-vive'  [sur-viv']  v.t.  to  outlive 

sus-cepti-bil'i-ty  [-sep'ti-bii'r-tyi  «. 
sus-cep'ti-ble  [sus-ssp'ti-bl]  a. 
SUS-pect'  [sus-pekf]  v.t.  to  surmise 
SUS-pend'  [sus-pend'l  z'  I.  to  delay 
SUS-pend'er  [-erl  n.  braces 
SUS-pense'  [-pens']  h.  uncertainty 
SUS-pen'sion  [pen'shun]  ;;.  delay 
sus-pen'so-ry  [sS-ry]  «.  a  truss 
SUS-pi'cion  [sus-plsh'un]  ;;.  mistrust 
SUS-pi'cioUS  [-shus]  a.  distrustful 
sus-tain'  [bus-tan' ]•:'./.  to  support 
SUS-tain'a-ble  (-a-b'l)  <j.  bearable 
sus'te-nance  [tf-nans]  ».  food 
Sut'ler  [sut'ler]  «.  armypeddler      fing 
sut-tee'tsuf  te']«.  Hindoo  widow  burn- 
su'tra  [suu'tra]  n.  Hindoo  literature 
su'tvjre[su'tiir])i .wound  stitching;  seam 
su'ze-rain  [su'zf-rSn]  «.  superior  lord 
swab  [swOb]  «.  a  mop 
S'wad'dle  [swOd'd'lJ  v.t.  to  bind  about 

swag'ger  [swag  ger]  v.i.  to  boast 

swain  [swSn]  n.  a  rustic  lover 
swale  [swal]  n.  low.wet  land 
swal'low  [swal'lS]  h.  a  swift-flying  bird 
swamp  [swOmp]  ;(.  spongy  land 
swamp'y  [swSmp'y]  a.  spongy 
swan  [sw5nj  n.  a  large  web-footed  bird 
swap  [sw6pl  v.t.  to  exchange 
sward  [sward]  n.  turf 
swarm  [sw.rrm]  ■;■.;.  to  throng 
swarth'i-ness  [swar//;'i-nes]  k. 
SWarth'y  [swar/Zz'y]  a.  dusky 
swash  [swOsh]  n.  splash 
swath  [swa/A]  n.  sweep  of  a  scythe 
sway  [sw5]  "v.i.  to  move 
swear  [swir]  v.t.  to  be  profane 
sweat  [swet]  -J.i.  to  perspire 
sweat'y  [-yl  <i.  moist 
Swed'ish  [swed'ish]  a.  from  Sweden 
swee'ny  [swe-ny]  n.  a  horse  disease 
sweep  [swepl  I'./  to  brush 
sweep'stake'  [swep'stak']  «. 
sweet  [swet]  a.  not  sour 
Sweet'en  [swet"n]  T.t.  to  make  sweet 
sweet'heart'  [-hart']  n.  lover  or  mis- 
sweet'meat'[-met'l«.  a  preserve  [tress 
swell  [swel]  v.i  to  dilate 









swell'ing  [swering]  «.  a  tumor     rheat 
Swel'ter  [-ter]  v.  to  be  oppressed  with 
Swelt'ry  [swelt'ry]  17.  su'itry 
swerve  [swerv]  Z'.i.  to  deviate 
swift  (swtftl  <?.  rapid;  t:.  a  bird 
swift'ness  1-nesI  «.  rapidity 
swig  [-wig-l  »(.  a  lung- draught 
swill  IswU]  f.t.  to  inebriate 
swim  [swim]  -•.!.  to  float 
swim'raing-ly  (Insj-Iyl  adv.  smoothly 
swin'dle  [swin'd"!)  ^^.t.  to  cheat 
swin'dler  [swin'dlei  |  «.  a  rogue 
swine  [sninl  «.■  s.  a  hog:  //.  hogs 
swing  [swingl  -'.i.  to  vibrate 
swirl  Iswerll  I.  (/.and  I.)  to  whirl 
switch  [swichl  f.  to  lash;  n.  a  lash 
swiv'el  [swiv'MI  f.  to  revolve 
swoU'en  [swor'n)/./.  of  "swell" 
swoon  [swoon]  XM.  to  faint 
swoop  (swoop]  f.  to  fall  on  and  seize 
sword  Isord]  «.  a  weapon 
sword'fish'  [-fish']  >:. 
syc'a-more  [sika-mcSr]  «.  a  tree 
syc'o-phant  [^Ilc'S-funt]  «.  a  flatterer 
sy'e-nite  [sfS-nit]  «.  a  rock         [lables 
syl-lab'ic  [sll-Iib'Ik]  a.  relating  to  syl- 
syl-lab  i-ca'tion  [sil-labi-ka'shun]  «. 
syl'la-ble  [silla-b'l]  «.  part  of  word 
syl'la-bus[ -bus  ]«.  abstract  of  discourse 
s.yl'lo-gism  [-l4-jizm] «. 
sylph  Isflf )  «.  a  kind  of  fairy 
Syl'van  [silvan]  a.  forestlike 
syn-,  sym-  prefixes  meaning  with 
Sym'bol  [sim  bSl]  It.  a  type 
Sym-bol'ic  (slm-bSlikl  a.  typical 
sym'bol-ism  [iz'm]  n. 
sym'bol-ize  [iz]  v.i.  to  typify 
sym-met'ric-al  [sim-metri-kal]  a. 
sym'me-try  l-mf-trj)  «.  regularity 
sym  pa-thet'ic  [pa-thSt'lk]  a.  tender 
sym'pa-thet'ic-al-ly  [-i-kal-ly]  adzi. 
sym'pa-thize  [-thiz]  v.i.  to  agree 
sym'pa-thy  [//ly]  «.  compassion 
sym'pho-ny  (5lm'f4-nyl  ».  harmony 
sym-po'si-um  [-p4'sl-um]  «.  a  feast 
symp'tom  IsUnp'tum]  k.  a  sign 
syn'chro-nise  [singkro-niz]  v.i. 
syn'co-pe  [sing'ki-pS]  n.  a  fainting 
syn'dic  (sin  dik]  «.  an  official 
syn-ec'do-che  [sln-ek'd4-kc)  «.  a  trope 
syn'di-cate  [-dikdtj  «.  an  association 
syn'od  [sin'ud]  «.  a  church  council 
8yn'o-nym[-4-nIm ]«.  equivalent  word 
syn-on'y-moU8  [-On'I-mfls]  a.  identical 
syn-op'sis  [Op'slsJ  «.  a  general  view 
syn'tax  [sln'taks]  «.  apart  of  grammar 
syn'the-sis  [sinVA4-sisl  «. 
8yph'i-li8[siri-lls)K.  a  venereal  disease 
sy-rin'ga  [5l-rlng'  n.  a  bushy  shrub 
syr'inge  [sir'inj]  n.  a  hand  pump 
syr'up  [sir'op]  k.  sweet  juice 
sys'tem  [sls'tfim]  n.  method 
sya'tem-at'ic  [-at'lk]  a.  methodical 

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SYS  27< 

sys'tem-a-tize  f-a-tlz)  ^.t.  to  regulate 
Sys'to-le  [sis't5-lc]  n.  contraction 
Syz'y-gy  [stzl-jy]  n.  a  point  in  orbit 


tab  [tib]  ;;.  a  tag- 
tab'by  [tah'byl  n.  a  brindled  cat 
tab'er-na-cle  [tab'er-na-k'l]  «. 
tab'la-ture  [tab'la-tur]  k.  painting 
ta'ble  [ta'h'l]  «.  apiece  of  furniture 
tab'leau'  [tab'lo']  ?;.  living  picture 
ta'ble-cloth'  [ta'b'l-kloth'J  n. 
ta'ble  d'hote  [ta'bl'dat)  tt.  an  ordinary 
ta'ble-land'  [ta'b'l-land'J  k.  a  plateau 
ta'ble-spoon[ta'b'l-spoon]«.  big  spoon 
ta'ble-spoonful  [-spoon'ful]  «. 
tab'let  [tablet]  n.  a  lozenge 

ta'ble-ware'  [-war']  «.  dishes 

ta-boo'  [ta-boo']  '■.  to  forbid 
tab'ret  [tab'ret];:.  a  musical  instrument 
tab'u-lar  [tab'u-ler]  a.  in  schedule  form 
tab'u-late  [tsb'u-lat]  -j.t.  to  shape 
tae'a-ma-hac[tak'a-ma-hak'J  n.  a  tree 
ta-chom'e-ter  [ta-kom'S-ter]  k. 
ta-chyg'ra-phy  [ta-klg'ra-fy]  n. 
tac'it  [tls'it]  a.  silent 
tac'i-turn  [tas'I-tum]  a.  reserved 
tack  [tak]  v.t.  to  fasten 
tacked  [takt]/(ir;.  fastened 
tac'kle  [tak'k'l]  v.t.  to  seize 
tac'kling  [tak'kling]  n.  harness 
tacks  [taks]  ;;.//.  small  nails 
tact  [takt]  «.  readiness  [verer 

tac-ti'cian  [tak-tish'<zn]  «.  a  maneu- 
tac'tics  [tak'tlks]  «.  battle  plans 
tad'pole'  [tad'pol]  n.  young  frog 
taf  fe-ta  [taf  fe-ta]  n.  kind  of  silk 
taffrail  [ral]  «.  stern  railings 
taffy  [taffy]  n.  candy 
tag  [tag]  n.  label 
tag'rag'  [tag'rSg']  «.  the  rabble 
tag'tail'  [-tal']  n.  a  hanger  on 
tail  [tal]  n.  the  end 
tail'board'  [-bord']«.  end  board 
tai'lor  [taler]  n.  clothier 
tai'lor-ess  [-es]  n.f.  female  tailor 
tail'piece'  [tal'pes']  n.  an  appendage 
taint  [tant]  v.t.  to  corrupt 
taint'less  [tant'les]  a.  pure 
take  [tak]  v.t.  to  seize 
take'off' [tak'df  ]  «   an  imitation 
take'up'  [tak'up']  v.  to  tighten 
tak'ing  [t&k'Ing]  a.  alluring 
talc  [talk]  K.  a  mineral 
tale  [tal]  «.  a  story 
tale'bear  er  [barer]  «.  a  tattler 
tal'ent  [tal  <nt]  «.  ability 
tal'ent-ed  [-ed]  a.  gifted  mentally 
ta'les  [ta  IC-z]  ;i.//.  added  jury 
tal'is-man  [taliz-miin]  71.  a  charm 
tal'is-man'ic  [-man'ik]  a.  magical 
talk  [tak]  n.  converse 
talk'a-tive  [a-tlv]  a.  garrulous 
talk'er  [-er]  n.  a  prattler 
tall  [tal]  a.  high 


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tal'low  ttsrisl  K.  grease 
tal'low-y  [tari6-y]  a.  greasy 

tal'lied  [tariid]/>./.  of  ■"tally"' 
tal'ly  [tiriyl  z.e.  to  suit 
tal'ly-ho'  [tal'Iy-ho'l  h.  a  coach 
Tal'mud  [talmudl  «.  Hebrew  lawbook 
tal'on  (t.ircin]  «.  claivofa  foul 
tam'a-ble  [tam'a-b"l]  a.  can  be  tamed 
tam'a-rind  [tSm'a-rindl  n.  a  tree 
tam'bour  (tam'boor]  >t.  a  tambourine 
tarn  bour-ilie'(t5m'boor-en']«.  a  drum 
tame  [tam]  a.  not  wild 
tame'less  t-lesl  a.  not  tamable 
tamp  [timp]  z:/.  to  plug  up 
tam'per  [tamper]  -•./.  to  meddle 
tan  [tin]  Z'.t.  to  brown 
tan'dem  It&n'dem]  aifK.  horses  in  line 
tang  1  tang)  »;.  a  relish;  strong  taste 
tan'gen-cy  (tanjcn-sy)  «.  a  contact 
tan'gent  [-jt'nt);i.  a  line  touching  curve 
tan'ger-ine'  [jer-en'lK.  kind  of  orange 
tan  gi-bil'i-ty  (ji-brl'l-tyi  n. 
tan'gi-ble  [ji-b'l]  a.  palpable 
tan'gi-bly  I  ji-bly]  aiiz:  perceptibly 
tan'gle  [  tSng'g'l]  7:  to  snarl 
tan'gly  [tang'gly]  a.  intricate 
tank  I  t.'mgkj  «.  a  cistern 
tan'nin  [tan'nlnl  n.  an  astringent 
tank'ard  [tSngk'erdj  »;.  drinking-cup 
tan'ner  [tanner]  «.  leather  maker 
tan'ner-y  [ner-yl  «.  house  for  tanning 
tan'sy  [tan'zyl  «.  a  bitter  plant 
tan'ta-lize  [tan'ta-lizl  ■:•./.  to  tease 
tan'ta-mount  [tantamount]  a. 
tan'trum  [tan'trflm]  h.  an  ill  humor 
tan'yard'  [yard]  «.  tannery  yard 
tap  [tap]  f.e.  to  rap  lightly 
tape  [tsp]  «.  band  of  cotton 
tape'line'  [-lin]  «.  measuring  line 
ta'per  [tS'per]  ;:.  small  wax  candle 
tap'es-try  (tapestry)  «.  hangings 
tape'worm  [tsp'wurm]  «. 
tap'house   [tap'hous  1  «.  a  liquor  store 
tap  i-o'ca  [tap'S-o'ka]  u.  food  from  cas- 
ta'pir  ItS'per) /!.  an  animal  [sava 

ta'pis  1  tapis]  j:.  table  cover 
tap'room'  (tap'room]«.  a  barroom 
tap'rOOf  [rijof]  >t.  main  root  of  tree 
tar  I  H.  pitch;  a  sailor 
ta-ran'tu-la  (ta-ran  tula)  k.  a  spider 
tar'di-ly  [tar'dl-ly]  adv.  slowly 
tar'di-ness  [tiir'dl-nSs)  «.  slowness 
tar'dy  [tar'dy]  a.  slow 
tare  Itir]  «.  a  weed;  an  allowance 
tar'get  [  target]  k.  a  mark 
tar'gum  [tiirgOm]  « 
tar'ifFi  tar'If  ]  k.  duty  on  imports 
tar'la-tan  [tSrla-tan]  n.  thin  muslin 
tar'nish  ItSr'nlsh)  ^'.  to  soil 
tar-pau'lin  I  tSrpa'lIn  ]  >t.  sailor  hat 
tar'ry  ltar'r5']  v.i.  to  stay  behind 
tart  M.irt]  a.  sour 
tar'tan  |  tar' tan]  k.  woolen  cloth 
tar'tar  (tar' tar)  «.  ill-tempered  person 






tar-tar'icttar-tar'Ikla.  an  acid  from  tar 
tart'ly  [tSrt'lyl  adf.  with  acidity     Ita; 
tart'ness  [nes]  «.  quality  of  severity 
task  [task]  II.  a  lesson 
task'mas'terlmaste:!  «.  an  oversee 
tas'sel  [tas's'U  >i.  an  ornament 
taste  ttast]  T.(.  to  try  the  flavor 
taste'ful  [tast'fiill  a.  tasty 
taste'less  [les]  a.  insipid 
tast'i-ly  ttast'I-ly]  adv.  with  good  taste 
tast'y  Itasfyl  (7.  elegant 
tat'ters  [tafterzl  «.//.  rags 
tatter-de-mal'ion[  ■  terdS-mal'yun  I « . 
tat'tle  [tat't'll  t.z.  to  prate 
tat'tler  [  taf  tlerl  « .  a  gossiper 
tat- too'  [  tat-too' 1  V.  to  mark  the  skin 
taught  [tat]/./,  of  "teach",  instructed 
taunt  [tantl  v.t.  to  revile 
taunt'ing-ly  [Ing-Iyl  adv.  mockingly 
Tau'rus  tta  rusl  n.  a  constellation 
taut  Itat]  a.  stretched 
tau-toi'O-gy  (ta-tol'e-jyl  n.  repetition 
tav'ern  [tav'em]  n.  a  hotel 
taw'dri-ly  |ta'drl-ljl  adv.  gaudUy 
taw'dry  [-dry]  a.  showy  ornaments 
taw'ny  Ita'nyl  a.  yellowish 
tax  Itaks]  «.duty 
tax'a-ble  [-a-b'lj  a.  subject  to  duty 
tax-a'tion  [-a'shun]  ».  assessment 
tax'i-der'mist  itsks'i-der'mlstl  h.  em- 
tax'i-dermy  [-myl«.  Ibalmer 

tax'pay'er  [paer]  «.  one  who   pays 
tea  ( te]  «.  a  beverage;  supper  [taxes 

teach  [tech]  t'.  to  instruct 
teach'a-ble  [-a-bl]  a.  docile 
teach'er  [-er]  n.  an  instructor 
teach'ing  [-tng]  n.  instruction 

tea'cup'  [te'kup'i  >i. 

teak  [tek]  II.  an  East  India  tree 

teal  Itel]  ;i.  a  kind  of  duck 

team  ltem])/.J.  two  or  more  horses 

team'ster  |  tem'ster)  n.  a  driver 

tea'pot'  [te'pSt]  n.  a  vessel  for  tea 

tear  iter)  n.  fluid  from  the  eyes 

tear'less  l-les]  a.  unfeeling 

tease  |tez]  v./.  to  annoy 

tea'sel  |te  z  I]  ;;.  aplant 

tea' spoon'  [te'spijon]  «.  a  small  spoon 

tea'spoon'ful  [ful]  n.  a  fluid  dram 

teat  |tc-tl  :t.  the  nipple 

tech'nic-al  I  tek'ni-k<Jl]<r  characteristic 

techni-cal'i-ty  [kal'i-ty]  «. 

tech'nic-al-ly  itek'ni-k<!l-ly|  adv. 

tech-nol'o-gy  (tek-nol  o-jy)  u. 

ted'der  I  tedder)  n.  hay  spreader 

Te  De'um  Ite'de'um)  Z.  an  old  hymn 

te'di-OUS  Ite'dl-us]  a.  wearisome 

te'di-um  jte'dl-iiml  >t.  irksomeness 

teem  (lem]  •:■  /.  toabound 

teens  I  tenz]  n.p/.  years  13  to  19  inch 

tee'ter  [teter]  v.  (^  andi.l  to  seesaw 

teeth'ing  Iteth'ing]  «.  cutting  teeth 

tee-to'tal  [te-to'tal]  a.  total 

tse-to'tal-er  [-er]  k.  abstainer 





teg'u-ment  f  teg  iS-mfnt|  «.  covering 
tel-au'to-graph  [tel-a'tS-graf )  «. 
tel'e-gram  (telf-gram]  k.  dispatch 
tei'e-graph  [tcl'4-grafl  «. 
tele-graph'ic  [-graCikl  a.  signal    [tor 
te-leg'ra-pher  (tS-lSgra-ferJ  «.  opera- 
te-leg'ra-phy  [fyl  K.  |ment 

tel'e-phone  [tel'Sfonl  «.  sound  instru- 
tel'e-scope  [-skopl  «.  optical  instrum't 
tel  e-scop'ic  [skCip'tk]  a.  farseeing 
tell  [tel)  Z'.r.  to  make  known 
tell'er  [tel'er]  «.  a  bank  officer 
tell'tale'  [tel'tSl'l  «.  officious  informer 
te-mer'i-ty  Ite-mer'Ityl  «.  rashness 
tem'per  [tcm'per]  «.  disposition 
tem'per-a-ment  [a-m^nti  « 
tem'per-ance  [-.msl  k.  moderation 
tem'per-ate  [-at]  a.  cool 
tem'per-a-ture  [a-tur]  «.  state 
tem'pest  [tempest]  «.  a  storm 
tem-pes'tu-OUS  [-pes't4-usl  a.  stormy 
tem'plar  [  tem'pler]  n.  a  Knight 
tem'ple  [tim'p'U  «.  a  church;  an  edifice 
tem'po-ral  [tem'p6-ral)  a.  fleeting 
tem'po-ra-ry  [ri-ry]  a.  transient 
tem'po-rize  ttSm'pO-rlz]  v.i.  to  delay 
tempt  [triiit]  -■./.  to  entice  [ment 

temp-ta'tion  [temp-ts'shun]  k.  allu 
tempt'er  [temt'er]  u.  the  devil 
ten  [tenl  <j.  nine  and  one 
ten'a-ble  f  ten'a-bll  a.  defensible 
te-na'ci0U3  [tenSshus]  a.  firm 
te-nac'i-ty  [tJ-nas'I-ty]  «.  firmness 
ten'an-cy  [ten'.in-sy]  >l.  occupancy 
ten'ant  [tcn'«ntl  «.  dweller 
ten'ant-less  [-les]  a.  unoccupied 
tench  [tench]  >!.  a  freshwater  fish 
tend  [tend I  ''.  to  watch;  to  move  towards 
tend'en-cy  [tend'cn-sy]  «.  inclination 
ten'der  [ten'der]  a.  soft 
ten'der-heart'ed  [ten'der-hart'ed]  a. 
ten'der-loin'  [loin']  «.  a  beefsteak 
ten'der-ness  [nGs]  «.  kindness 
ten'don  [tcndiin]  «.  a  sinew 
ten'dril  [tcn'dril]  k.  a  shoot 
ten'e-ment  [tenf-m^-nt]  «.  ahouse 
Ten'er-iffe'  [ten'er-if]  h.  a  Canary  Is- 
ten'et  [tcn'fit]  «.  opinion  [land 

ten'fold'  [tcn'fbld'l  a.  and  adv.  in  tens 
ten'nis  (ten'nls]  >i.  a  game 
ten'on  [  tin'un]  fj.  to  fit  into  a  mortise 
ten'on-saw'  [-sa'l  >i.  saw  with  back 
ten'or  [tC-n'er]  n.  music;  general  drift 
ten'pen-ny   [tcnpcn-ny]   a.  a  size  of 
ten'pins'  [tSn'plnz]  k.  a  game     tnails 
tense  [tens]  a.  rigid;  «.  time  of  act 
ten'sile  [ten'sll]  a.  ductile 
ten'sion  [ten'shan]  >i.  stiffness 
ten'ai-ty  [ton'sl-ty)  «.  tenseness 
tent  It' nt]  «.  a  pavilion  [sect 

ten'ta-cle  [tcn'tak'l]  <i.  feeler  of  an  in- 
ten'ta-tive  (t.'i-iiv]  it.  experimental 
ten'ter-hook'  [ten'ter-hook']  n. 
tenth  [ten/AJ  «.  tenth  part 





te-nu'i-ty  [tSnu  Ityl  ?/.  thinness 
ten'u-OUS  [ten'u-usj  <j.  slender 
ten'ure  (ten'url  n.  a  holding- 
tep'id  [tepid]  a.  luke-warm 
ter'gi-ver-sa'tion  [ji-ver-sa'shflnl  n. 
term  [term]  »(.  limit  [woman 

ter'ma-gant  [ter'ma-g-ant]  n.  scolding 

ter'mi-na-ble  [tcr'mr-na-b'l]  a. 
ter'mi-nal  [  ti;r'mi-n<tl  1  a.  ending 
ter'mi-nate  (ternii-nat]  -j.t.  toend 
termj-na'tion  [ns'shanj  «.  result 
ter'mi-nol'o-gy  [nOl'S-jy]  h. 
ter'mi-nus  [-nus]  n.  a  boundary;  end 
terne'plate'  [tcin'plst'l  n.  [level 

ter'race  Iter'riis]  ?;.  a  balcony;   raised 
ter'ra  cot  ta  [icr'ra  kot'ta]  ti. 
ter'rafirma  [fer'mal  /..  solid  earth 
tar-ra'que-ous  [ter-ra'kw4-Qs]  a. 
tsr'ra-pin  [-ra-pln]  «.  kind  of  tortoise 
ter-rene'  [ter-rSn']  a.  earthly 
ter-res'tri-al  [ter-res'trl-al]  a.  pert,  to 
ter'ri-ble  [ter'n-b"!]  a.  awful         [earth 
tDr'ri-er  [ter'ri-er]  «.  a  dog 
t3r-rif'ic  [ter-riflk]  a.  dreadful 
t3r'ri-fied  [ter'ri-fid]  a.  frightened 
ter'ri-fy  [ter'rl-fi]  v.t.  to  alarm 
ter-rig'e-nous  [tcr-rlj'e-nus]  a. 
terri-to'rj-al  (ter'ri-to'ri-all  a. 
ter'ri-to-ry  [ter'ri-tS-ry]  «   district 
ter'ror  [tcr'rerj  71.  extreme  fear 
terse  [ters]  a,  concise  [formation 

ter'ti-a-ry  [ter'shi-S-ry]  a.  third  geol. 

tes'sel-la'ted  [tes'sei-iatsd]  a. 

test  [test]  «.  trial 
tes'ta-ment  [tes'ta-mfntl  n.  a  will 
testa-men'ta-ry  [-men'ta-rjl  a. 
tes-ta'tor  [tes-ta'ter]  n.m.  bequeather 
tes-ta'trix  [tes-tatriks]  n.f. 
tes'ti-cle  (tes'tl-k"l]  n.  male  gland 
tes'ti-fied  [tes'ti-fid]/./. 
tes'ti-fy  [tes'ti-fi]  -J.i.  to  give  evidence 
tes'ti-ly  [tes'ti-ly]  adv.  peevishly 
tes'ti-mo'ni-al  [tes'ti-mo'ni-<jli  n. 
tes'ti-mo-ny  [-m6-ny]  «.  evidence 
tes'ty  [tes'ty]  a.  fretful 
tet'a-nus  [tct'a-nus]  n.  lockjaw 
tete-a-tete'  [tat-a-tSt']  n.  private  talk 
teth'er  [teth'cr]  v.t.  to  confine 
tet'ra-gon  [tet'ra-gOn]  71.  4-sided  figure 
tet  ra-he'dron  [tet'ra-he'drOnl  ». 
te'trarch  [te'trark]  k.  petty  king 
tet'ter  [tetter]  «.  askin  disease 
Teu-ton'io  Itu-ten'rk]  a.  Germanic 
text  [  tckst]  71.  subject 
text'book'  [book']  n.  school  book 
text'ile  [tcks'til]  a.  woven 
text'ure  [tekst'ir]  7i.  thing  woven 
tha'ler  [t;i'ler]  7t.  the  German  dollar 
than  [than]  C07ij. 
thane  [.Vzin]  k.  old  English  title 
thank  [.'/ilngk]  Z'.  to  express  gratitude 
thank'ful  [fulj  ,?.  grateful 
thank'leSb  [-les]  a.  ungrateful 
thanks'giving  [giving]  «.  praise 


I— ^    t-— ^   l--^    V-y 





tha'ros  (MSrOs]«.  an  American  butter, 
that  I  that)  pron..  a.  conj.  &  adv.        1  fly 
thatch  [c/iachi  «.  straw  roofing 
thaw  \!h5.\  v.i.  to  melt 
the  I  thf  U  tlie )  1  thS  1  definite  article 
the'a-ter  [/■/le'a-ter]  H.  a  play-house 
the-at'ri-cal  [cAf-at'''-  dramatic 
thee  \\\\b\pron.  obj.  case  of  "thou"' 
theft  K/teft]  H.  act  of  stealing 
their  (tharl/roH.  and  a.  of  them 
the'ism  l/Ae'Izin]  ji.beliefinaGod 
the'ist  U/:e  ist]  n.  believer  in  theism 
them  1  thSmJ/roK.  obi.  case  of  "they  " 
theme  UAeml  n.  subject 
them-selves'  \-%i\sz'\pron. 
then  I  then  1  conj.  therefore 
thence  l  thensl«<i'i'.  from  that  place    [on 
thence'forth'  | -forth' l  arfi.  from  then 
thence  for' ward  [-for'werd]  adv. 
the-oc'ra-cy  |.'/;S.6k  rasy]  «.  govt,  by 
the-od'i-cy  l.'/i4-od'l-sy|  k.  iGoil 

the-od'o-lite  |.'/iJ-od6-liti  k         |vin.- 
the  o-lo'gi-an  |//;e'6-lo'jI.anl  «.  a  di. 
the  o-log'ic-al  [  iftj']  a. 
the-ol'o-gy  l-6l  6-jyl  «.  divinity 
the'o-rem  l  /;;e'6-rem  I  ".  a  rule 
the  o-ret'ic-al  IcAeS-rSt'i-krtll  a. 
the'o-rize  [rizl  v.i.  to  speculate 
the'o-ry  I/Ae'ft-rN-l  »i.  speculation 
the-os'o-phy  |/''!S-fis'6.fyl  n  adoctrine 
ther  a-peu'tic  |/-/:era-pu'tikl  a. 
ther  a-peu'tics  [tlks]  «.  healing  art 
there  uhf.r)  adv.  in  that  place 
there  a-bout'  l-.i-l.out'l  adv.  nearly 
there-after  [  af  terl  adv.  afterward 
there-at'  I -at)  adv.  at  that  place 
there-by'  |-ln'l  that 
there-fore'  [for'  I  adv.  for  that 
there-from'  l-from'l  adv.  from  that 
there-in'  l-in  ]  adv.  in  that  respect 
there-of  1  of  1  adv.  of  this 
there-on'  l-sn]  ,i<iv.  on  this 
there-to'  \.\Tjz,\adv.  to  this 
there  up-on'  [-up-an'l  adv.  at  once 
there-with'  [  with]  adv.  with  that 
ther'mal  I^^iernwil)  <?.  warm 
ther-mom'e-ter  [//ler-mOm'S-ter]  n. 
ther'mo-stat  (/■/ierni6-stat]  «. 
the-sau'rus  [//jS-sa'ruslK.  a  cyclopedi; 
these  I  tlie?l/)-<;«.  plural  of  "this" 
the'sisl/Zie'sis)  H.  an  essay 
the'ur-gy  [/•-'leur.jyl  «.  Platonic  magic 
thews  \thuz\  muscles 
they  I  thS  1  proH.  more  than  one 
Thib'e-tan  ttib'S.t<in]  a.  of  Thibet 
Thi-be'tian  [ti-bs'shan)  a. 
thick  (CAlkl  rt.  dense 
thick'en  [//'!ik"nl  v.  to  make  thick 
thick'et  (cAiket)  n.  a  wood 
thick'headed  [-hsd'ed]  a.  stupid 
thick'set'  [sst'l  <t.  stout 
thick'skuU'  [skOl']  «.  a  blockhead 
thief  U/iefl  «.  one  who  steals 
thieve  IC/icvl  v.  <t.  and  i.)  to  steal 






thiev'ish  f  isli|  o.dislionest 
thigh  l/M]  >i.  fleshy  part  of  the  leg 
thill  \fM\\  «.  a  shaft 
thim'ble  \t/iim'b'\]  n.  finger  cap 
thim'ble-ber  ry  [ber'ryl  >;.  a  berry 
thim'ble-ful  I  full  «,  a  small  quantity 
thim'ble-rig'  l-ngl  v.e.  to  cheat;  »;.  a 
thin  i//iin  I  <t.  not  thick  [trick 

thine  |  thin  ]  pron.  and  J.  thy 
thing  [/Alngl  II.  something 
think  \th\nz\i\v.t.  to  meditate 
think'ing  l-mg]  a.  reflecting 
thin'ness  I  nes]  n.  being  thin 
third  |//!erd|  II.  a  third  part 
thirst  |//ierstl  n.  drought 
thirst'i-ly  l/.'iersfilyj  adv.  with  thirst 
thirst'i-ness  l-I-nes)  k.  thirst 
thirst'y  |//2erst'yl  a.  dry 
thir'teen'  [t/iex'ten']  a.  ten  and  three 
thir'teenth'  |ten//j  J.i. 
thir'ti-eth  \-v\-ith\  a. 
thir'ty  |/;';er'ty|  a.  three  tens 
this  |thisl/^o«.  not  that 
this'tle  |//;is  '11  «.  a  plant 
thith'er  Ithltherl  adv.  to  that  place 
thith'er-ward'  [-weid]  adv. 
thong  |//iong)  n.  a  strap 
Thor  |//:or)  II.  myth.  God  of  thunder 
tho'rax  [/•//orSks]  «.  the  chest 
thorn  |C/;6rn]  ii.  a  woody  shoot 
thorn'y  I-yl  a.  sharp 
thor'ough  |/-'!ur  6)  <t.  complete 
thor'ough-bred' I  bred' j. I. pure-blooded 
thor'ough-fare  [far  i  «. 
thor'ough-go  ing  [goingi  a. 

thor'OUgh-ly  |-ly|  adv.  fully 

thor'ough-ness  |  nesi  a. 
those  |tliuz]/;v;/.  plural  of  "that" 
thou  I  thou  1  pron.  you 
though  (thol  coitj.  granting 
thought  |//;al|  «.  meditation 
thought'ful  [full  a.  careful 
thought'less  jlesl  a.  giddy 
thou'sand  \tl!ouzanA\  a   ten  hundred 
thou'sandth  [-zandth]  a. 
thrall  |//.'ral]  «.  slavery 
thrall'dom  [dumj  «.  slavery 
thrash  [/ArSsh]  v.t.  to  beat 
thread  [//irid]  h.  a  very  small  twist 

thread'bare'  [bar]  a.  worn  out 
threat  [//iretl  n.  denunciation 
threat'en  |/Aret"n|  v.l.  to  menace 
three  [threl  a.  two  and  one 
three-cor'nered  [kornerdi  a. 
three'fold'  |f5ld|  a.  triple 
three'pence  [/AripVns]  n.  three  cents 
three'pen-ny  [-^n-ny]  a.  mean 
three'ply  (/■/ire'pU'l  a.  threefold 
three'score  [skor;  o,  sixty  fsong 

thren'o-dy  [Ihrin't-dy]  11.  lamentation 
thresh'old  (C/;resh'oldl  n.  door-sill 
threw  [thta]  imp.  did  throw 
thrice  [//;ris]  adv.  three  times 
thrift  [/Arlftl  II.  prosperity 

(     ( 









thrift'i-ly  (//:rlftilyl  a.iz-^  (rugaUy 

thrift'i-ness  |I-nJsl«.  frugality 

thrift'less  I-l4sl  a.  extravagant 

thrift'y  |-yl  a.  frugal 

thrill  :.'/!rilJ  H.  effect 

thrive  \rhi\v]  i-.i.  to  prosper 

throat  |.'/!ro«l  K.  part  of  the  neck 

throb  l.'/irOb)  -v.i  to  pulsate 

throe  [.v'lrol  «.  extreme  pain 

throne  IfAron)  k.  a  royal  seat 

throng  f//ir6ngl  ft.  a  crowd 

throt'tle  \thrbl't'\\  zi.t.  to  choke 

through  |//;rool/rf/.  by  means  of 

through-out'  [out  l/>r<;».  entire 

throw  \thro]  f.t.  to  fling 

thrown  [//irSn]/./.  cast 

thrush  l/;irushl  «.  .ibird 

thrust  l/Arustl  v.t.  to  stab 

thud  l/ziudl  «.  a  dull  sound 

thug  |//:ugl  «.  murderous  robber 

Thu'le  IthQlS)  «. 

thumb  I  //luni  1  «.  short  thick  finger 

thumb'screw  l-skrij  i  n. 

thum'mim  (//Vum  mlmj  n.fl. 

thump  i/;;ump|  v.t.  to  strike 

thun'der  |  /Aun'der)  v.i.  to  roar 

thun'der-bolt  [bolt' 1«. lightning  shaft 

tbun'der-clap  [klap'i  n. 

thun'der-cloud  [kloud  i  »r. 

thun'der-storm'  [stSrm  ]  n. 

thun'der-struck'  [strfik)  a. 

Thurs'day  |.'/Vurz'dS)  »;.  fifth  day 

thus  1  tliu^l  adv.  this  manner 

thus  |//!us)  n.  kmd  of  frankincense 

thwack  l^AwSkl  v.t.  to  thump 

thwart  [/Awart]  v.t.  to  frustrate 

thy  \\\\\\pron.  of  thee 

thy'in  \th\\x\  |  «.  a  kind  of  cedar 

thyme  Itim]  «.  a  fragrant  plant 

thym'ol  [tim'oll  H.  an  antiseptic 

thy-self  (thi-seir  j  pron.  yourself 

ti-a'ra  (tia'ral  u.  acrown 

tib'i-a  [tibial  II.  the  shin-bone 

tick  inkli' !.  to  beat 

tick'et  [tlkctl  «.  a  label 

tick'ing  |tlk  Ingl  «.  cloth  for  bed  tick 

tick'le  [tik"ll  v.t.  to  please;  to  touch 

tick'lish  [tlkllsh]  a.  unstable 

tid'al  [tid'irl]  a.  caused  by  tides 

tid'bif  (tid'blt'l  K.  delicate  piece 

tide  [tid]  «.  stream;  season 

ti'di-ly  [tl'dl-lyl  ad-j.  neatly 

ti'di-ness  (nesl  n.  neatness 

ti'dings  [ti'dlngzl  news 

ti'dy  [ti'dyl  .1.  orderly 

tie  [tij  v.t.  to  fasten 

tied  [tid]/./.  of  "tie", bound 

tier  Iter!  n.  a  row 

tierce  !ter5!  «.  44  gallon  cask 

tiff  [tif  J  H.  a  contention 

ti'ger  [  tiger)  n.  an  animal 

tight  (tit)  a.  close 

tight'en  [tlt'nl  v.t.  to  make  close 

tights  [tits)  close-fit  garments 

)    1  )    3 

V   3   (  L. 




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ti'gress  [ti'gresi  K.  female  tiger 
tike  |tik|  M.acur  rcarriage 

til'bur-y  [til'lier-yl  «.   a  two-wlieeled 
til'de  I  tel'dS]  n.  Spanish  accent  (  "  ) 
tile  I  til]  «.  baked  clay 
till  I  til)  %\t.  to  cultivate 
till'a-ble  [til'a-b'l)  a   fit  for  the  plow 
till'age  Itll'Sjl  n.  culture 
till'er  I  tiler]  jt.  a  plowman 
tilt  I  tilt  I  >;.  an  awning;  a  thrust 
tim'ber  [tlm'ber]  K.wood 
tim'brel  |  tlm'brel]  n.  kind  of  drum 
time  1  tim]  n.  a  period 
time'hon'ored  [-On'erdl  a.  venerable 
time'keep'er  I-kepEr)  n.  a  timepiece 
time'li-ness  I-li-nes]  n.  in  season 
time'ly  jtim'Iy]  a.  early;  soon 
time'piece  |tim'pes)«.  a  clock  or  watch 
time'ta'ble  |  tim'ta'b'l  I  «.  a  schedule 
tim'id  I  timid]  a  fearful 
ti-mid'i-ty  |I-ty]  n.  fear 
tim'o-rous  1  tim'Er-fis  I  n.  timid 
tim'o-thy-grass'  ltim'6-/Ay-gras'1  «. 
tin  I  tin]  n.  ainetal  Itract 

tinot'ure  |  tlngkt'ur]  «.  a  tinge;   an  ex- 
tin'der  Itin'der]  n.  kindling 
tine  (tin)  «.aprong 
tin'foil'  Itin'foil]  n.  leaf  tin 
ting  [ting]  «.  a  tinkling 
tinge  I  tinj]  ■z'./.  to  color  [pain 

tin'gle  [ting'g'l]  -v.i.  to  feel  a  sharp 
tink'er  [tingk'er]  n.  a  mender  of  pans, 
tin'kle  ftlng'k'l]  -v.i.  to  click  letc 

tin'ner  [tinner]  n.  tinman 
tin'ny  [tin'ny]  a.  like  tin 
tin'sel  Itin'sel]  1'./.  to  make  gaudy 
tin'smith'  (tm'smli'A']  n.  a  tinner 
tint  [tint]  ;/.  a  slight  coloring 

tintin-nab'u-la'tion  [-ii-la'shani  "• 

tin'type'  [tm'tip']  »;.  ferrotype  picture 
tin'ware'  (tln''l  k.  utensils  made  of 
ti'ny  [tiny]  «.  smal'  [tin 

tip  [tip]  n.  theen.l 
tip'pet  [tip'pet]  n.  a  scarf;  a  cape 

tip'ple  [tip'p'll  I'-i-  to  drink 
tip'pler  [tip'pler]  «.  a  drunkard 
tip'sy  [tip'sy]  a.  intoxicated 
tip'toe'  [tip'to')  n.  end  of  toe 

tip'top'  [tlp'tOp'l  "■  the  best 

ti-rade'  [tr-ra<r]  «.  bitter  language 

tirailleur'  [tg'ral'yer'j  «.  skirmisher 

tire  [tir]  n.  rim  of  wheel 

tire'some  [tlr'sum]  a.  tedious 

ti'ro  [ti'rS]  «.  same  as  "tyro" 

tis'sue  [tlsh'u]  11.  texture 

Ti'tans  [tt'tanz)  «.//.  fabled  giants 

tithe  ttith)  «.  a  tenth 

tit'il-la'tion  [tifrl  la'shon]  n.  tickling 

tit'lark'  [tit'l.-irk']  n.  kind  of  lark 
tit'mouse'  [tit'mous']  «.  a  tomtit 
ti'tle  [ti't'l]  x.aname 
ti'tle-page'  [ti't'l-psj']  «. 
tit'ter[  tit' ter]w.z. to  laugh  with  restraint 
tit'tle  [tit'fl]  n.  an  iota;  small  part 








tit'u-lar  [titu-ler]  a.  nominal 
to  [tool  [l56\/>re/>.  opp.  to  "from" 
toad  [to  i]  K.  an  animal  like  a  frog 
toad'y-ism  [tody-Izm]  ».  fawning 
toaJ'y  (trxi'yl  «.  flatterer 
toast  [trstl  -•  /  todry:  h.  dried  brearl 
to-bac'co  [tSbakk*!  «.  aplant    jhacco 
to-bac'co-nist  [nistl  «.  vender  of  to- 
to-bo^gan  [tSbaggan]  «.  a  sled 
toc'sin  (tok'sinl  «.  alarm-bell 
to-day'  [t56-da'l  «.  this  day 
tod'dle  [todd'l]  v.t.  to  walk 
tod'dy  [tsd'dyl  «  aliquor 
to'dy  [tody]  II.  small  bird 
toe  [to)  w  part  of  foot 
to'ga  [to  gal  »i.  a  Roman  loose  garment 
to-geth'er  [too-geth'er]   cjrff.  in  com- 
tog'ger-y  [tog  ger-y]  ii.  clothes    Ipany 
tog'gle  Itdg'g'l)  II.  a  kind  of  button 
toil  [toil]  II.  labor 
toil'er  (toil'er!  It.  one -who  toils 
toil'et  [toil'etl  K.  act  of  dressing 
toil'some  [toil'sOm]  j.  laborious 
to-kay'  (to-ka'J  II.  kind  of  grape  wine 
to'ken  [tok'n]  K   asouvenir 
told  [told]/./,  of  "tell", did  tell 
tole  [tol]  z'.t.  to  draw  gently 
tol'er-a-ble  1  tarer-a-b"lj  <i.  supportable 
tol'er-a-bly  I-b!y]  adz:  passably 
tol'er-ance  !-.!ns)  «.  endurance 
tol'er-ant  [-.intj  <i   indulgent 
tol'er-ate  |-atj  z:t.  not  to  restrain 
tol-er-a'tion  [-s'shon]  k.  sufferance 
toll  [toll  It  a  tax 
tolled  [t5ldl/jr/  rungasabell 
to-lu'  (t5-loo  ]  H.  fragrant  balsam 
tom'a-hawk  [t6m'a-hakl  it 
to-ma'to  [t6-ma't6l  «.  a  fruit;  love-apple 
tomb[tooml«   vault;  grave 
tom'boy' [tom'boi'l  K  a  rude  girl 
tomb'stone  liuom'stonl  «  monument 
tom'cat  [toni  kat]  «  male  cat 
tome  1  tr.m)  It   a  book 
tom'fool  (tOm'foori  «.  a  trifler 
torn  fool'er-y  (ery)  i:.  trifling 
to-mor'row  It.Ti-mOr'r6|  it   next  day 
ton  [tCnl  «   2.000  pounds 
tone  [ion]  It  sound 
tone'less  [ton'lSs]  a.  unmusical 
tongs  1  tongz)  «.//  fire  tool  [taste 

tongue  Itungl  It    organ  of  speech  and 
tongue'tied'  l-tidj  a.  mute 
ton'ic  ( tftn'Ik  1  It  a  medicine 
to-night  I  tiTo-nit]  «  this  night 
ton'nage  jtun'nij)  «.  weight 
ton'sils  1  tun'sllz]  «./>/.  glands  of  throat 
ton-so'ri-al  [tOn-so'rI-all  a.barbering 
ton'sure  lian'shijrl  «.  shearing 
ton-tine'  (tonten'l  it   kind  of  annuity 
too  [t^l  titiv.  more  than  enough;  also 
took  [t^k]  <>«/.  of  "take",  did  take 
tool  (trjoll  It.  implement 
toot  [toot]  v.i.  to  sound 
tooth  [twM]  « 








ooth'ache'  [-ak'i  «.  tooth  pain 
OOth'brush'  [-brush')  h.  tooth  cleaner 
ooth'pick   [-pfk'l  n. 
ooth'some  [suml  a.  palatable 
op  Itfipl  71.  highest  part 
o'paz  (to  paz)  n.  a  gem 
o'per  [to'per]  71.  a  drunkard 
op'heav'y  [tSp'hevyl  a-  unbalanced 
;op'ic  [tfjp'ik]  »i.  subject  of  discourse 
;op'ic-al  [tup'I-k«l|  a.  limited 
op'knot'  [top'nat'l  «.  head  crest 
op'most'  [tap'most'l  a.  uppermost 
,0-pog'ra-phy  [tS-pOg'ra-fyj  n. 
op'ple  (top'p'll  'u.i.  to  tumble 
op'sair  [tSp'sal'l  n. 
op'soiV  [tOp'soil']  «.  surface  soil 
Op'sy-tur'vy  |t6p'sy-t0r'vy]  adv. 
Oque  I  tnk  ]  «.  kinil  of  cap 
orch  I  torch]  n.  a  light 
orch'lighf  |'t6rch'lit'l  «. 
or'chon  lace'  1  tor'shSn  ISs'l  n. 
or'ment  |  tor'ment]  n.  anguish 
:or-ment'  (tor-ment'l  t'./.  to  vex 
or-ment'or  [erj  ;;.  persecutor 
;or-na'do  Itorna'dSj  n.  a  hurricane 
or-pe'do  |  t6r-pe'd6|  n.  an  explosive 
;or'pid  Itorpicl]  a.  sluggish 
.Or'por  1  tOr'pOr]  «.  dullness 
:or'que  (tOrkl  n.  a  collar 
or' rent  |  t6r'rfnt]  n.  a  violent  current 
or'rid  ( turrld]  <7.  parched;  hot 
or'sion  [tor'shun]  K    act  of  twisting 
iort  I  tort]  ;;.  a  civil  wrong 
or'toise  Itur'tis]  «.  a  shielded  reptile 
or'tu-OUS  [tor'tij-usl  a.  twisted 
or'ture  Itor'turJ  h.  pain 
:o'ry  Itory]  n.  adherent  of  the  crown 
,OSS  Itas]  •;'./.  to  throw 
o'tal  [to']  a.  full;  entire 
;o-tal'i-ty  [t6-tal'i-ty]  k.  whole  sum 
,Ote  (tot]  v.t.  to  carry 
o'tem  [to' tern]  «.  a  rude  picture 
lOt'ter  I  tet'ter]  v.i.  to  reel 
,OUch  [tuchl  v.t.  to  come  in  contact 
OUch'i-ness  [l-nes]  n.  peevishness 
ouch'ing  (-ingl  a.  pathetic 
OUCh'stone'  [ston']  ?:.  a  test 
iouch'y  [yl  a.  peevish 
;OUgh  [tijfl  a.  strong 
ough'en  [taf'nl  v.  (;■.  and  i.) 
our  [trrr.r]  ti.  <?.  journey 
our'ist  [  ist]  n.  a  traveler 
;our'na-ment  [namentl  n.  mock  fight 
our-nure'  [toor-nur'l  «.  a  figure 
ou'sle  [tou'z'll  -ii.t.  to  tumble 
OW  [to]  n.  apart  of  flax;  -v.  to  draw 
o'ward  [ts'werd]  a.  approaching 
o'ward-ly  [-lyl  a.  docile 
tow'boat'  [to'bot'l  «.  a  canal  boat 
O'Wed  (tod]/<Tr/.  drawn 
O'w'el  [tou'6l]  n.  a  napkin 
ow'er  [  tou'er]  V.  to  rise  high 
own  [tnuni  n.  a  collection  of  houses 
own'clerk  [-klerk]  n.  a  recorder 




town'hair  [hal'I  «■  a  public  building 
town'ship  [shlpl  n.  a  district 
towns'man  (tounzmunj  >;.  a  citizen 
town'talk  [toun  taki  «.  common  talk 
toy  [toil  «.  a  plaything 
trace  I  tras  |  -■.  to  mark 
trace'a-ble   (trasa-b'll  a.  discoverable 
tra'cer-y  [trSser-yl  «.  a  network 
tra'che-a  Itra'kf  al  «.  j.  windpipe 
track  [trik]  «.  a  trace 
tracked  (traktl/.ir/.  traced 
tract  [trakt]  h.  a  region;  a  treatise 
tracta-bil'i-ty  (a-bil'l-tyj  «.  docility 
tract'a-ble  (ah  U  a.  docile  (paper 

tra'cingf  UrS'singl  «.  marking  on  thin 
trac'tion  [trak'shunl  «.  attraction 
trade  [tradl  >i.  traffic 
trade'mark'  l-mark'l  k.  a  sign 
trad'er  l  trad  5r|  «.  a  merchant 
trades'man  [trSdz'manl«.  shop-keeper 
trat;es'un  ion  i-fln'yuni  «.  (count 

tra-di'tion  (tradishunl  «.  an  oral  ac 
tra-di'tion-al  l-.d]  a.  ancestral 
tra-duce'  Itra-dOs]  Z'.t.  to  defame 
traffic  I  trafflkl  v.i.  to  trade 
trag'a-canth  itrsga-kan///]  K.agum 
tra-ge'di-an  Itra-je  dl-an)  «.  an  actor 
trag'e-dy  [irij  5-dyj  «.  a  fatal  event 
trag'ic  1  trajikl  a.  mournful 
trail  ItrSlj  U.3.  track 
train  Itran)  it.  cars  connected 
train'er  [  traner]  «.  an  instructor 
trait  ItrStl  K.  apeculiarity 
trait'or  Itrat  er]  K.>K.  a  betrayer 
trai'tor-OUS  |trat6r-us|  a.  faithless 
trai'tress  |  tra'tresj  «./.  deceiver 
tram  l  trim]  >i.  a  four-wheeled  truck 
tram'mel  (tram'mell  H.  a  net 
tramp  |  tramp]  n.  a  vagabond 
tramp'er  [tramper]  «.  a  vagrant 
tram'ple  (tram'p'll  v-t.  to  tread 
tram'way  (tram'waj  «.  awagonroad 
trance  [trins]  «.anecstacy 
tran'quil  [tringkwll]  a.  calm 
tran'quil-ize  ikwil-iz)  v.t.  to  quiet 
tran-quil'li-ty  [  kwil'll-ty]  »i.  calmness 
trans-  a  prefix  meaning  over,  across 
trans-act'  [trans-akt]  ■v.t.  to  perform 
trans-ac'tion  [slmnl  «.  an  alTair 
trans  at-lan'tic  [-atlan'tik]  a. 
tran-scend'  itrrm-send]  v.i.  to  excel 
tran-scend'ent  [-ent]  a.  very  excellent 
tran  scen-den'tal  ( tran'sen-den'tal ]  a. 
tran-scribe'  [']  ii.t.  to  copy 
tran-scrib'er  I-er] «.  acopyist 
tran'script  1  tran'skript]  k.  a  copy 
tran-scrip'tion  [skrlp'shOn]  k.  copy 
tran'sept  [tr.'insepi]  «.  a  cross  aisle 
trans-fer'  [transfer'] -z/./  to  convey 
trans-fer'a-ble  [a-b'l]  a.  negotiable 
trans'fer-ence  [fer-rns]  k.  transfer 
trans-fig  u-ra'tion  (fig'tl-ra'shuni  «. 
trans-fig'ure  (flg'ir]  v.l.  to  change 
trans-fix' [flks'l  i/./.  to  pierce  ] 










trans-form'  [form'l  v.t.  to  change 
trans  for-ma'tion  [for-ms'shuni  «. 
trans-fuse'  [fuz'J  v.i.  to  transfer 
trans-fu'sion  (  fuzhuni  «. 
trans-gress'  (  fjres'|t<./.  to  violate 
trans-gres'sion  l-greshOn)  «.  otTense 
trans-gres'sive  igrcs'siv]  <;.  faulty 
trans-gress'or  |  gres'er]  ;/.  a  sinner 
tran'sient  [tran'sht-nt]  a.  fleeting, 
trans'it  I  tr.'ms'itl  n.  a  passing  over 
tran-si'tion  ItrSn-sizh  unl  n.  change 
tran'si-tive  [tran'sitivj  <;.  passing 
tran'si-to-ry  [sltO-ry]  a.  fleeting 
trans-late'  (trans-lat]  v.t.  to  interpret 
trans-la'tion  I  la'shfln]   «.  interpreta- 
trans-lat'or  [later]  n.  [tion 

trans-lu'cent   [lu's^'ntl   a.  admitting 
trans-mit'  [mltlz'.?.  tosend  off  |  light 
trans-mit'ter  [ter]  «.  sender 
trans-mute'  [ -mut]  ii.t.  to  transform 
tran'somi  tran 'sum  ]?i,  window  over  door 
trans-par'en-cy  (trans-pSrVn-syJ  >i. 
trans-par'ent  [parVnt]  a.  clear 
tran-spire'  Itranspir']  v.i.  to  occur 
trans-plant'  [trans-plant']  vt.  to  re- 
trans-port'  [-port'lT^./.  to  carry  [move 
trans-port'a-ble  l-a-b'l)  <;.  movable 
trans  por-ta'tion  [pSr-ta'shun]  n. 
trans-port'ed  [ -port'ed l /./. entranced 
trans-pose'  [poz  )  v.t.  to  change 
trans'po-si'tion  [pozish'on]  «. 
trans-verse'  [vers]  a.  crosswise 
trap  1  trap]  f.t.  to  insnare 
tra-pan'  |  tra-pan]  v.t.  to  insnare 
trap'door'  [trap'dor']  n.  floor  door 
tra-peze'  [tra-pez']  «.  a  horizontal  bar 
trap'per  [trap'per]  «.  hunter 
trap'pings  [pingz]  «.//.  ornaments 
trash  [trash]  «.  stuff  without  worth 
trash'y  [y]  a.  useless 
trav'ail  [  trav'al]  v.i.  to  labor 
trav'el  |  trav'el]  ■v.i.  tojoumey 
trav'el-er  [er]  n.  tourist 
trav'erse  [trav'ers]  't/.  to  cross 
trav'es-ty  [trav'es-ty]  ^/.aburlesquc 
trawl  [tr{il[  n.  fishing  line 
tray  [tra[  ;;.  a  salver 
treach'er-ous  [trech'er-fls]  a.  faithless 
treach'er-y  [trsch'er-y]  «. perfidy 
trea'cle  [trS'k'l]  n.  a  syrup 
tread  [trid[  v.t.  to  step  on 
tread'le  [tred"l]  «.  part  of  loom 
trea'son  (trS'z'nJ  ».  disloyalty 
trea'son-a-ble  [ab'll  a.  traitorous 
treas'ure  [  trezh'iir]  v.  to  lay  up 
treas'ur-er  [er]  «.  a  receiver 
treas'u-ry  [y]  n.  a  place  for  money 
treat  [tret]  v.t.  to  manage 
trea'tise  [tre'tls]  n  a  tract;  an  essay 
treat'ment  [iret'mcnt]  «.  usage 
trea'ty  [tre'tyl  n.  negotiation 
tre'ble  [treb"il''-a<^"te;  sharp 
tree  Isre)  «.  largest  woody  plant 
tre'foil  [tre'foil]  »i.  a  plant 






trel'lis  [trelllsl  n.  lattice-work 

trem'ble  (trem'b'lj  t.i.  to  quiver 
re-men'dous  Itrf-nien'dQsl  a.  terrific 
re'mor  [tre  mOr)  «.  a  shivering 

trem'u-lous  [trem'iilusl  a.  trembling 

trench  |  trench)  H.  a  ditch 
rench'ant  I-iJnt)  a  cutting:  sharp 

trench'ant-ly  [lyl  adr.  sharply 
xench'er  [er]  «   a  ditch  digger 
Tend  [trend]  -•./.  to  tend 
re-pan'  [  trS-pSn' )  v.  to  cut  skull 
rep  i-da'tion  (trep'l-da'shunl  n  fear 
res'pass  [tres'pasl  -v.i.  to  go  too  far 
;ress  i  tres]  «.  a  ringlet 
res'tle  |tres"l|  >;.  a  scaffold 
rey  i  trSl  n.  a  three-spot  card 
ri'ad  (triad]  «  union  of  three 
ri'al  1  tri'rtlj  H.  a  test  [figure 

ri'an'gle    ]  tri'ang'g'll    n     three-sided 

tri-an'gu-lar  [tn-ang'gii-ler]  a. 
ri'as  ftri'as]  tt.  geological  term 
ribe  Itrib]  it.  a  family 
rib  u-la'tion  [trlbfl-la'shflnj  n.  trial 
ri-bu'nal  [tri-bu'nal]  n  a  justice  court 
rib'une  (trib'fm]  h   an  officer  of  Ronne 
rib'u-ta-ry  [ii-tS-rjl  «  a  subject 
rib'ute  ftrlb'ut]  h.  a  contribution 
rice  [tris]  «.  a  very  short  time 
ri-chi'na  [tnki'na]  n.  s.  a  parasite 
ri-chi'nje  [tri-kfne]  n  p!.  fment 

ri'chord  [tri'kord]   >i.  3String  instru- 
rick  [trik]  v.t.  to  cheat 
rick'er-y  [-er-y]  n.  artful  device 
rick'isb  l-Ish]  a.  knavish 
ric'kle  [trlkk'l]  ^■.^'  to  drop 
rick'ster  [tnk'ster]  «.  a  cheat 
rick'y  [trik'yl  (I  knavish 
ri'col  or  [tri'kul'erl  n.  as-colored  flag 
ri'cy-cle  ftri'sl-k'!]  n.  3-wheel  cycle 
ri'dent  [tri'dent]  «.  a  3-tined  spear 
ri-en'ni-al  Itri-finni-all  n.  three  years 
ri'fle  Itrifl]  «.  thingof  little  value 
ri'fling  [trifling]  a.  trivial 
rig'ger  [trigger]  «.  a  catch 
rig  0-nom'e-try  [trlg'6-n6ni'4-try]  it. 
rill  [  tril  1  «.  a  trembling  sound     Iphers 
ril'lion  [trllyan]  n.  a  unit  with  12  ci- 
rim  (trim)  a.  in  good  order 
rim'ly  rtrlm'ly]  ad-\  nicely 
rim'ming  ftrlni'mlngl  »  ornament 
rin'i-ty  I  trinity]  n.  three  in  one 
rin'ket  [tring'ket]  »;.a  trifle 
ri'o  (tri'ii  «.  three 
rip  [  trip]  v.t.  to  tumble:  to  stumble 
ripe  [trip]  K.  entrails 
ri'ple  [trip'  1]  a.  three-fold 
rip'let  [trlp'let]  n.  one  of  three 
ri'pod  [tri'pOd]  H.  three-footed  utensil 
ri-sect'  ( tri-sekt'  1  v.t.  to  cut  into  three 
rite  1  trit  I  <i.  common  (pieces 

rit'u-rate  [trlturSt]  T/./.  to  grind  to 
ri'umph  [triumf]  «.  victory    Ipowder 
ri-um'phal  |-um'falj  a.  victorious 
xi-um'phant  [fant]  a.  proudly 

I  ^ 


■i-U  V 

kl-  .k  ..v.. 

1  KU 





tri'une  ttrifln]  a.  three  in  one 
triv'et  Itriv'etl  «.  a  three-legged  stool 
triv'i-al  |triv'l-al]  a.  of  little  worth 
tri'weeklyttri'wek'ljla.  thrice  weekly 
tro'che  (troke)  n.  a  cough  drop 
troll  ( trol  1  v.e.  to  roll;  to  angle  for 
trol'lop  ItrOl  lupl  >z.  a  slattern 
trom'bone  [trOm  bon]  «.ahorn 
troop  [  troopl  )i.  a  company 
troop'er  l  er)  «.  a  cavalryman 
trope  I  a.  a  figure  of  speech 
tro'phy  Itrofyl  «.  memorial  of  victory 
trop'ic  1 1  rOp  ■  fk  1  K .  r  tropics 

trop'ic-al   ItrOpik.;!]    a.    within    the 
trot  I  trot  I  -'.!.  to  run 
troth  [XrC,!/i\  n.  faith;  belief 
trot'ter  ( trat'ter]  «.  a  trotting  horse 
troub'le  Itrub'll  v.t.  to  annoy 
troub'le-some  [sfim]  a.  giving  trouble 
troub'lous  [trub'lQsl  a.  agitated 
trough  I  trfif  I  «•  a  long  tray 
trounce  l  trouns ]  v.t.  to  whip 
troupe  I  truT5p  1  «.  a  company 
trou'sers  Itrou'zerzJ  a  garment 
trous  seau'ltrooso'lK.  outfit  of  a  bride 
trout  I  trout]  «.  a  fish 
trow  I  trf.ul  •:'.  (t.  and  z.)  to  believe 
trow'el  Itrou'el]  K.  a  mason's  tool 
tru'an-cyl  tru'<in-syl«.  stay  from  school 
tru'ant  I  tru'ant]  «.  an  idler 
truce  [trusl  «.  an  armistice 
truck[triikl«.a  low  cart;  vegetables,  etc. 
truck'age  [truk'Sj]  «.  freight 
truck'le  [truk'k'l]  w.  to  submit 
truck'man  [truk'm.7n|  «.  a  carman 
tru'cu-lent  [trukQkntl  a.  fierce 
trudge  I  truj  1  v.t.  to  jog  along 
true  1  tru  1  a.  exac  t;  not  false 
true'blue'  [tru'blu'l  a.  honest;  faithful 
true'heart  ed  [tru'hart'ed]  a.  sincere 
truffle  [tru'fll  K.  kind  of  fungi 
tru'ismi  trulz'm]?!.  an  undoubted  truth 
tru'ly  1  tru  ly]  adv.  in  fact 
trump  I  trunipl  n.  the  winning  card 
trump'er-y  |trump'er-yl  n.  rubbish 
trump'et  [  trump'etl  K.  wind  instrument 
trun'cate  [trong'kat]  v.t.  to  cut  short 
trun'cheon  [trun'shunl  «.  a  club 
trun'dle  l  trun'd'l)  v.i.  to  roll 
trunk  ftrungkl  K.  a  chest;  body 
truss  I  triisl  n.  a  bandage 
trust  1  trust]  H.  confidence 
trus-tee'  ]  truste'  ]  h.  a  trusted  one 
trust'l-ly  (trust'l-lyl  ad-j.  faithfully 
trust'i-ness  Itrusfi-nes]  n.  fidelity 
trust'y  1  trusty]  a.  reliable 
truth  ltru//il  «.  veracity;  verified  fact 
truth'ful  ]  tri)/;i'full  a.  reliable 
truth'ful-ly  [tru/Aful-ly]  arfj'. honestly 
try  [tri]  ;■-/■.  to  endeavor;  to  test 
try'ing  [iriing]  a.  severe 
try'square'  [skwar'l^.carpenter's  tool 
tryst  Itrlst]  «.  a  meeting-place 
tub  [tub]  n.  a  wooden  vessel 


i_i .. 






tube  [tub]  «.  a  pipe 
tu'ber-cle  (tuber-k'll  n.  a  tumor 
tube'rose  (tub'rozlH.  a  flowering  plant 
tub'ing  ( tublngl  )t.  tubes 
tu'bu-lar  [tubfllerj  a.  having  form  of 
tuck  I  tuk  1  f.  to  foH  I  a  tube 

Tues'day  (tuzdSI  n.  third  day  of  week 
tuft  ( tuft  I  »!.  a  cluster 
tug  Itugl  v.t.  to  strive:  «.  a  towing  boat 
tu-i'tion  ftii-lsh  un|  >i.  instruction 
tu'lip  Italipl  H.  a  plant 
tulle  [tul]  n.  kind  of  lace 
tum'ble  (tum'bll  v.i.  to  fall 
tum'bler  Itum'blerl  K.  a  drinking-glass 
tum'brel  ( tumbrel  1  «.  a  rough  cart 
tu'mid  (tu'mldl  a.  enlarged 
tu'mor  I  tu'merl  k.  a  swelling 
tu'mu-li  |tu'niu-li|//.  of  ■"tumulus" 
tu'mult  [tu  mult]  >i.  an  uproar        jlent 
tu-niul'tu-OUS  (tuniurtuusj  a.  turbu- 
tu'mu-lus  [tumulus)  ti.s.  a  mound 
tun  [tunl  !t.  a  large  cask 
tune  [tunl  n.  melody 
tune'ful  [tunfgn  a.  musical 
tun'er  |tun'er|  «.  one  who  tunes 
tu'nic  Itunik]  «.a  Roman  garment 
tun'nel  Itfln'nSll  «.  underground  pass- 
tur'ban  |  tur'ban  I  «.  head-dress       [age 
tur'bid  jtQrbldl  a.  roiled:  muddy 
tur'bine  |  tiir'bin  l  «.  a  water  wheel 
tur'bot  I  tCir  but  1  «.  a  fish 
tur'bu-lence  iturbO-l^ns]  «.  tumult 
tur'bu-lent  (tOr'bii-lirnti  a.  violent 
tu-reen'  [  turen  j  n.  soup  vessel 
turf  f  turf  1  «.  sod 

tur'gid  [tCir  jrdl  a.  bloated;  distended 
tur'key  |  tOr'kyj  k.  a  fowl 
tur'moil  |tur'nioil|  «.  trouble 
turn  (turn  I  v.t.  to  change:  to  reverse 
turn'coat'  [  turn'kof  1  «.  a  renegade 
turn'ing-point  (tdrnlng-pointj  «. 
tur'nip  (tiir  nipl  ti.  aplant 
turn'key'  I  turn'ke'  |  >i.  a  jailer     [track 
turn'out  [turn'ouf  Ik.  equipage:  a  side 
turn'over  [tdm'o'verl  «.  an  upset 
turn'pike'  [turn'p'*;'!  «-aroad      [gate 
turn'stile'  Iturn'stil'l    «.   a   revolving 
turn'ta  ble  (tum'tabll  n.  [pine 

tur'pen-tine   (tflrpSn-tinl  k.  oil  from 
tur'pi-tude  [tiir  pl-tud|  «.  baseness 
tur-quoise'  |  tur-koiz' )  «.  a  blue  gem 
tur'ret  [tcirretl  «.  asmall  tower 
tur'tle  (tOr'fll  «.asea  tortoise 
tush  [tush I  inierj.  an  exclamation 
tusk  I  tusk  I  K.  a  long  tooth 
tus'sle  [tusslj  V.  (e.  and  i  )  to  scuffle 
tu'te-lage  [ta'tS-UjI  «.  guardianship 
tu'te-la-ry  [te'tSlaryl  a.  protecting 
tu'tor  rtu'tcrl  n.  a  teacher 
twad'dle  [tw6ddl|  k.  silly  talk 
twain  [twSnl  a.  and«.  two 
twang  [  twang)  «.  a  nasal  sound 
tweak    twek  I  K.  a  pinch 
tweed  [twed)  «.  a  kind  of  cloth 









twee'dle  ftwe'fl'll  zi.t.  to  coax 
twee'zers  [twe'zerzj  pincers 
twelfth  |twelf//il  a.  next  after  eleventh 
twelve  I  twelv]  (I.  elevenand  one 
twelve'month'  f -mQnM'l  n.  a  year 
twen'ti-eth  (tnen'tr-e//il  a.  two  tens 
twen'ty  |  twentjl  a.  twice  ten 
twice  1  twisl  adv.  doubly 
twig  [twig]  «.  a  small  shoot 
twi'ligllt   1  twi'lit  1  n.  a  faint  light 
twill  I  f.vil  I  w.  diagonal  cloth 
twin  I  twin  J  ;;.  one  of  a  pair 
twine  [twin]  H.  twisted  threads 
twinge  [twinj]  7/.?.  to  pinch;  to  pain 
twin'kle  (twmg'k  1)  ii.i.  to  sparkle 
twirl  (twerll  v.t.  to  whirl 
twiA  I  twist]  -vj.  to  wind 
twit  I  twit  I  v.t.  to  taunt 
twitch  I  twich  1  ■v.t.  to  jerk 
twit'ter  (twitter)  v.i.  to  giggle 
two  [  too)  a.  one  and  one 
two'fold'  (too'fold'l  <?.  double 
two'sided  [too'sld'edj  a.  hypocritical 
ty'coonl  tikuon];!.  Japanese  command- 
tym'panltim'panlK.adrum  [er-in-chief 
tym'pa-numi  tim'panflml)!.partofear 
type  (tip)  «.  kind;  letter 
type'set'ter  [-setter]  «.  a  compositor 
type'writ'er  (-rit'er)  K.  a  machine;  an 
ty'phoid  I  tifoid]  «.  a  fever     [operator 
ty-phoon'  (tifoon'lH.  a  whirlwind 
ty'phus  [ti  fusl«.  a  fever 
typ'ic-al  lupl-kizl)  a.  symbolic   [model 
typ'i-fy  I  tip'I-fl]  v.t.  to  represent  by 
ty-pog'ra-pher|tip6g'ra-ferl«.  printer 
ty-pog'ra-phy[-fy)«.  the  art  of  printing 
ty-poth'e-tae  (ti-pOM'S-tel«. //.printers 
ty-ran'nic-al  |ti-ran'ni-kal|  a.  cruel 
tyr'an-nize  [tlr'an-niz]  -v.i.  to  oppress 
tyr'an-nous  |tir'rtn-nus]  a.  despotic 
tyr'an-ny  [tlr'an-ny]  «.  severity 
ty'rant  I  tl  r.jnt  \n.z.  cruel  master 
ty^ro  Iti'rS]  K.  a  novice 

TJ'chees  lu'chez]  tribe  of  Indians 
ud'der  [udder]  n.  milk  gland  of  cow 
Ug'li-ness  [Ogll-nesl  «.  ill-nature 

U^'ly  ["g'^yl  ^-  cross  :  homely 
uh'lan  [u'lan]  «.  light  cavalryman 
U-kase'  [ij-kas'J  n.  Russian  decree 
ul'cer  [ul'serl  «.  a  sore 
ul'cer-ate  [ul'ser-at]  v.i.  to  fester 
ul-cer-a'tion  (-a  shun [  k.  an  ulcer 
ul'cer-OUS  (ul'ser-flsl  a.  ulcerated 
ul'lage  I ul'laj  ]«.  deficiency 
ul'ster  [ul'ster]  n.  an  overcoat 
ul-te'ri-or  [al-te'n-erj  a.  more  remote 
ul'ti-raa  [ul'ti-ma]  L.  most  remote 
ul'ti-mate  [ul'timat]  a.  final  .      (sition 
ul  ti-ma'tum  [-ma'tam]  k.  final  propo 
ul'ti-mo  [ultimOl  L.  last  month 
ul'tra  [ul'tral  a.  radical  \ingly 

ul'tra-  a  prefix  meaning  beyond,  exceed- 

L  v^  vL 





um'ber  [Om'ber]  >;.  ore  oi  iron:  color 
um'ble-pie'  [um'b'l-pl'l  «.  entrail  pie: 
um'bles[um'blz!  ".//.entrails  lapology 
um'brage  [flmbraj]  «.  offense 
um-brel'la  [-brSl'la)  n.  a  folding  shade 
Um'pire  [um'pir]  k.  a  judge;  a  referee 
un-  a  negative  prefix 
un-a'ble  [un-abl]  a.  not  able 
un  a-bridged'  lun  ibrijd')  «.  complete 
un  ac-cept'a-ble  |unak-sept'a-bl]  a. 
un  ac-com'plished  !-ak-kom'plishti«r. 
un  ac-count'a-ble  [-ik-kount'a-b'l]  a. 
un  ac-cus'tomed  [-ak-kus' 
un  ac-quaint'ed  lun'ak-kwant'ed)  a. 
un  a-dul'ter-a  ted  [•a-dul'ter-ated]  a. 
un  ad-vis'a-ble(ad-viz'a-b'l]<i.  unwise 
un  ad-vised'  lunad-vizd')  «.  rash 
un  af-fect'ed  |an  af-tekt'ed]  a.  natural 
un  al-loyed'  lun'al-loid')  i- unmixed 
u  na-nim'i-ty  [una-nlm'i-ty]  «. 
U-nan'i-m0U3[u-nan'i-mQs]  mind 
un-an'swer-a-ble  (un-an'ser-a-b'l]  a. 
unap-palled'[unappald']«.  dauntless 
un-apt'  lun-apt'l  a.  unfit  Ions 

un-armed'  (un-3rmd']  a. withoutweap- 
un-asked'  |un-askt'J  n.  notsought 
un  as-sist'ed[.&s-6lst'edl<i. nothelped 
un  as-sum'ing  (-as-suni'ingl<j.  modest 
un  at-tain'a-ble  [un'at-tan'ab'l]  a. 
un  at-tend'ed  (unattended]  a.    ling 
un  at-traet'ive  ( -trakt'iv)  a.  not  pleas- 
un-au'thor-ized  [unaVAor-lzd]  a. 
un  a-void'a-ble  (-a-void'a-blld.  neces- 
un  a-void'a-bly  [-a-void'a-blyl  a.lsary 
un-a-ware'  lun-a-war']  ariv.  not  aware 
un-bal'anced  [unbal^inst]  a.  unsteady 
un  be-com'ing  (bS-kum'mg]  a.  unfit 
un  be-got'ten  |-be-gOt't'n]  <i.  eternal 
un  be-lief  lunbS-lef)  «.  infidelity 
un  be-liev'er  (un'bS-lev'er]  x.askeptic 
un-bend'  [unbend'J  v.t.  to  relax 
un-bi'ased  lun-bi'ast)  a.  impartial 
un-bind'  lunbind)  t-./.  to  loose 
un-blest'  lun-blest'l  a.  not  blessed 
un-blush'ing-ly  (blash'ing-lyl  adv. 
un-bolt'  lun-bolt  1  v.l.  to  unbar 
un-born'  [un-b6rn'l  a.  future 
un-bos'om  lunbijoz'um)  v.e.  to  confess 
un-bound'ed  lun-bound'ed)  a.  endless 
un-bri'dled[  unbri'dldja.  unrestrained 
un-bro'ken  (unbro'k'nj  a.  continuous 
un-cer'tain  lunser'tenja  doubtful 
un-cer'tain-ty  (fin-ser'tm-tyl  >t. 
un-char'i-ta-ble  lunchar'Ita-b'l)  n. 
un-chris'tian  (unkrlst  yanja.  infidel 
un'cial  |cin'sh«ll  w,  antique  letters 
un-civ'il  lunslv'll)  a.  rude 
un-civ'il-ized  t-lllzdi  n.  barbarous 
un-clasp'  |ijn-klasp  1  v.t.  to  open 
un'cle  lung  k  IJ  n.  a  relation 
un-clean'  lOnklen'lo.  foul 
un-closed'  lunkl&zd'l  a.  open 
un-com'fort-a-ble  |kam'fert-a-b  1]  a 
un-com'mon'  (unkOn/mfln)  n.  rare 


c  c 

TJNC  292 

un'C0n-cern'[-k6nsern']K.  indifference 
un  con-cerned'  (un  kfrn-sernd']  a. 
un  con-di'tion-al  [kftndish'un-al]  <?. 

un-con'scious  [unkOn  shus]  a.  \a. 

un-con  sti-tu'tion-al  [-stitu'shan-rtll 
un  con-vert'ed  [ken-vert'ed]  a.  sinful 
un-court'e-ous  [kur'tSas]  a.  unci 
un-couth'  lun-koo/'/t]  a.  awkward   [off 
un-cov'er  |  un-kuv'er]  vj.  to  take  cover 
unc'tion  lungk'shun]  «.  anointing 
unc'tu-OUS  [ungk'tuus]  a.  oily;  fervid 
un-daunt'ed  lundant'ed]  a.  bold 
un'de-ceive'  [flndf  sev']  v.t. 
un'de-ni'a-ble  |un  d4-ni'a-b'l]  a. 
un'der  lun'der]  /)-<•/.  beneath 
un  der-bid'  |-bid')  i-.t.  to  offer  less 
un'der-brush'  i-brOsh']  «.  low  shrubs 
un'der-cur  rent  l-kurrcntl  ti. 
un'der-go'  I -so' I  •;■./.  to  suffer 
un  der-grad'u-ate  i-grad'u-at]  a. 
un'der-ground    [ground]  a. 
un'der-growth  I  groc/2'lw.  low  growth 
un'der-hand'  [hand]  a.  unfairly 
un  der-lie'  [li']  -u.l.  to  lie  under 
un'der-line'  [Un']  v.t.  to  underscore 
un  der-mine'  [mln']  v.t.  to  sap 
un  der-neath'[  neth']<7rfi'.below:/>-<';>. 
un'der-pjn  ning  [pTn'ninglw.  support 
un'der-rate'  [rat']  I'.t.  to  rate  low 
un  der-score'  [skor']  v.t.  to  underline 
un'der-sell'  l-sel']  v.t.  to  sell  cheaper 
un'der-sign'  [sin']  v.t.  to  sign 
un  der-stand'  [-stand']  v.t.  to  know 
un  der-stand'ing-ly  [ing-ly]  adv. 
un  der-take'  [tak']  v.t.  to  attempt 
un'der-tak'er  [-erj  ;/.  funeral  manager 
un'der-tone'  [-ton']  «.  a  low  tone  [low 
un  der-val'ue  [val'u]  v.t.  to  rate  too 
un'der- writ  er  [riferj  «.  an  insurer 
un  de-sign'ing  [un'df-zin'ing]  a. 
un-dine'  lunden']  7!.  a  water  spirit 
un-dis'ci-plined  [iln-dis'si-pllnd]  a. 
un-di-vid'ed  [Qn-di-vid'ed]  a.  whole 
un-do'  [un-doo']  v.t.  to  annul 
un-doubt'ed  [iJndout'ed]  <r.  certain 
un-dress'  [un-dres]  v.t.  to  disrobe 
un-due'  |un-du']  a.  not  due 
un'du-late  [lin'dalatl  v.t.  to  vibrate 
un  du-la'tion  [  la'shfln]  h.  a  vibration 
un-du'ly  |un-du'ly]  ^(^Z'.  excessively 
un-dy'ing  [un-di'ing]  a.  immortal 
un-earth'  \un-erth']  v.t.  to  uncover 
un-earth'ly  \\y]a.  weird;  supernatural 
un-eas'i-ly  [un-ez'My]  adv.  restlessly 
un-eas'y  lan-ez'y)  <7.  restless 
un  em-bar'rassed  [fln'em-bar'rast]  a. 
un-e'qual  [tin  e'kwnl]  a.  unfair 
un'e-quiv'o-cal  tun'4-kwiv'dkal]  a. 
un-er'ring  [unerring]  a.  certain 
un-e'ven  |un-e'v  n]  a.  rough 
un  ex-cep'tion-a-ble  i-shuna-b'l]  a. 
un  ex-pect'ed  (un'eks-pekt'ed]  a. 
un-fail'ing  [un-fal'ing]  a.  sure 
un-fair'  [Qn-(ar]  a.  unjust 



^'  ^  1 






un-faith'ful  [Qn-fa/A'fql]  «.  false 
un-fas'ten  [un-fas'nl  -■.!.  to  untie 
un-fav'or-a-ble  [un-fa'ver-a-b'l]  a. 
un-fav'or-a-bly  [-bly]  adv.  unkindly 
un-feel'ing  [un-fel'mg]  a.  cruel 
un-feign'ed-ly  Ifln-fSn'ed-ly]  adv. 
un-fil'ial  [un-firyiil]  a.  undutiful 
un-fin'ished  [un-fln'lsht)<j.  incomplete 
un-fit'  [un-fit'l  a.  unsuitable 
un-fledged'  (fln-fl6jd  )  a.  immature 
un-fold'  [unfold  1  v.t.  to  expand 
un-for'tu-nate  [fortil-natl  a.  unlucky 
unfore-seen'  |fln'for-sen']  a. 
un-found'ed  [un-found'ed)  a.  baseless 
un-friend'ly  [un-frend'ly]  a.  hostile 
un-fruit'ful  [un-frut'f«l]  a.  barren 
un-furl'  |Qn-furl'lt/.  [t.  and  J.) 
un-gain'ly  [Qnganly]  a.  awkward 
un-gen'er-ous  [un-jen'er-us]  a.  unkind 
un-god'ly  [On-gOd'lyJ  a.  sinful 
un-gov'ern-a-ble  [un-guv'em-a-b'l]  a. 
un-grace'ful  [grasful]  a.  awkward 
un-gra'cious  l-grS'shus]  a.  offensive 
un-grate'ful  [-grSt'f  ul)  a.  unthankful 
un'gual  [uns'gwal]  a.  pert,  to  a  claw 
un-hal'lowed  lun-hal'lcd]  a.  wicked 
un-hand'y  [un-hand'y]  a.  awkward 

un-hap'pi-ness  [nes)  h.  misery 
un-hap'py  lun-hap'pyl  a.  not  happy 
un-har-mo'ni-ous  lunhar-mo'ni  iisl<j. 
un-har'ness  [Cm-luir'nes]  i/./.  to  disarm 
un-health'ful-ness  [-hel/A'ful-nes]  n. 
un-health'i-ly  (un-hel/'/i'l-Iyl  adv. 
un-health'i-ness  (un-hel/ATnesl  n. 
un-health'y  (un-hfilcA'y)  a.  sickly 
un-heard'of  [un-herd'ov]  a.  new 
un-hitch'lun-hlch'l  v.t.  to  loose 
un-ho'ly  [On-ho'lyl  a.  profane 
un-hurt'  [un-hQrt'l  a.  not  hurt 
u'ni-corn|u'nl-kornl  «.  fabulous  animal 
u'ni-formtu'ni-fSrm  \a.  regular;  n.  dress 
u  ni-form'i-ty  I-i-tyJ  «.  even  tenor 
u'ni-fy  |u'nl-fi]  v.t.  to  unite      [perfect 
un  im-peach'a-ble  t-im-pech'a-b'l)  a 
un  im-proved'|-lin-proovd'l(T.not  use<l 
un-in'ter-est-ed  |iin-ln'ter-6st-6dl  a. 
un-in-ter-rupt'edlun-in  ter-rupt'ed]<7 
un'ion  (Qn'vflnl  n.  harmony 
U-nique'  lunek'j  a.  unmatched 
u'ni-son  |uni-sOn]  k.  agreement 
u'nit  (unltj  «.  one 
TJ  ni-ta'ri-an  [u'nl-ta'rl-an]  n.  a  set  t 
u-nite'  Ifi-nifj  v.t.  to  join 
U-nit'ed-ly  Ifi-nit'Sd-ly)  arfi/.  jointly 
u'ni-ty  IQ'nity)  K.  agreement 
u'ni-ver'sal  [u'nl-ver'srtl]  a.  general 
U  ni-ver'sal-ist  I-ist]  K.asect 
TJ  ni-ver'sal-ism  Iiz"m]  «.  adoctrin< 
u'ni-verse'  lu'nI-vSrs')  k.  the  world 
un-just'  Ifin-jusfl  a.  unfair 
un-kind'  lun-kind'l  a.  not  kind 
un-known'  (Qn-nOn'l  a.  not  known 




un-lace'  [On-ias'i  ■v.e.  to  loosen 

un-lade'  [un-lad'J  v.e.  to  unload 
un-law'ful  lun-la'ful)  a.  illegal 
un-learn'ed  [un-lern'ed]  a.  ignorant 
un-less'  liin-les']  conj.  except 
un-like'  [iln-lik'l  <?.  diverse 
un-lim'it-ed[un-lTm'It-ed]ii.  boundless 
un-load'  [unlod'l  v.t.  to  disburden 
un-lock'  [un-lOk']  -v.f.  tc  unfasten 
un-loose'  [fln-lous']  I'.t.  to  loosen 
un-love'ly  [luv'ly]  a.  unamiable  [ately 

un-luck'y  [un-liik'y]  a.  unfortunate 
un-man'  |un-m,ln']  7'./.  to  dishearten 
un-man'ner-ly  I-mSn'ner-lyl  <i.  ill-bred 
un-mask'  Ifln-mask'J  w./.  toexpose 
un-mean'ing  (un-men'ingl  n.  senseless 
un-mer'ci-ful  |unmer'si-full  <r.  cruel 

un-mis-tak'a-ble  (un-mistaka-b'l]  <i. 
un-moved'  lunmoovd]  a.  calm 
un-nat'u-rall-nAt'u-ri7l]<!.  false  [ri-ly] 
un-nec'es-sa-ri-ly  ndv.  [un-nes'es-si- 
un-nec'es-sa-ry  I -es-sa-ry)«.  needless 
un-neigh'bor-ly  [na'bcr-ly]  a.  exclu- 
un-nerve'  [nerv']  z/.i.  tocnfeeble  isive 
un-num'bered  lunnflmherd]  a. 
un  ob-tru'sive  l-dh-tru'slv]  <?.  modest 
un-oc'cu-pied  [Ok'ku-pid]  a.  at  leisure 
un-OS  ten-ta'tious  [Os'ten-ta'shus]  a. 
un-pal'a-ta-ble  [un-pal  a-ta-b'll  a.  led 
un-pleas'ant  [plcz'ant]  a.  displeasing 
un-pop'u-lar  |-pdp'u-ler]  a.  in  disfavor 
un-prec'e-dent-ed  i-pres'd-dcnt-ed]  a 
un-prej'u-dieed  [un-prej'u-dist]  a. 
un-pre-tend'ing  [un-prS-tending]  «. 
un-prin'ci-pled  [fln-prln'sl-p'ldj  a. 
un-pro-duc'tive  l-prO-duk'tivJ  a.   [less 
un-prof  it-a-ble  i-prsf'ita-b'l]  «.  use- 
un-ques'tion-a-ble  n.  (kwes'chana- 
un-ques'tion-a-bly  |-bly]  ntiti.  sure 
un-qui'et  |un-k\vi'Ltl  <?.  restless 
un-rav'el  lun-rav"l]  z.i.  to  solve 
un-read'  lun-rSd']  n.  illiterate 
un-read'y  |an-red'y]  a.  clumsy 
un-re'al  |un-re  <rl]  «.  not  real 
un-rea'son-a-ble  lun-re'z'nab'I]  a. 
un-rea'son-a-bly  l-bly]  adv. 

un-re-li'a-ble  |fm-re-li'a-b'll  <7. 
un-re-mit'ting  |un  rS-mit'tlngl  n. 
un  re-served'  l-zervd']  <i.  not  limited 
un-rest'  [unrest')  >i.  uneasiness 
un-right'eous  jun-richus)  «.  evil 
un-ripe'  [unrip]  a.  not  ripe 
un-ri'valed  [un-ri'vakl]  a.  peerless 

un-roll'  [un-rol']  f./.  to  open 
un-ruf'fled  |un-riiffldl  iT  calm 
un-rul'y  lun-rul'yl  a.  turbulent 
un-safe'  [un-sSf]  a.  perilous 
un-sal'a-ble  [-sala-bM]  «.  not  salable 
un-sa'vor-y  |un-sSver-yl  a.  insipid 
un-say'  [un-sS'l  -v.i.  to  retract 
un-SCrew'  [un-skru']  -v.t.  to  unfasten 




un-scru'pu-lous  [an-scn}'p4-lflsl  a. 
un-seal'  lunsel  |  f.t.  to  open 
un-search'a-ble  [un-se'-ch'ab'l]  a. 
un-sea'son-a-ble  [unse'z'na-b'l]  a. 
un-seem'ly  lun-sem'lyl  a.  indecent 
un-seen'  [un-senj  a.  invisible 
un-set'tle  [On-set't'Il  v.  to  confuse 
un-sheathe'  |un-she//i'l  v.  to  draw  out 
ur-ship'  (un-ship'l  V.  to  unload 
Un-sight'ly  (un-stflyl  a.  deformed 
Un-skill'ful  (un-skH'full  a.  awkward 
un-so'cia-ble  [-so'sha-b'l|  a.  reserved 
un-sound    [unsound']  <i.  infirm 
un-spar'ing  (unspirlng)  a.  liberal 
un-speak'a-ble  (un-spek'a-b'l)  a. 
un-spot'ted  [spot'tedl  <i.  immaculate 
un-sta'ble  fun-sta'b'l)  a.  not  firm 
un-Stead'i-ly  [un-sted'I-lyl  adv.  shaky 
un-stead'i-ness  (l-nfsl  «.  a  wavering 
un-stead'y  [unsted'yj  a.  not  fixed 
Un-string'  lun-string'J  Z'.e.  to  relax 
un  sub-stan'tial  [unsub-stan'shalj  j. 
un-suc-cess'ful  [un-suk-ses'fijl]  a. 
un-suit'a-ble  (un-suta-b'l]  a.  unfit 
un-think'ing  (thTngk'Ingj  a.  heedless 
un-ti'dy  lOn-tidyl  a.  slovenly 
Un-tie'  (un-ti  1  v.  to  unbind 
un-til'  |untir|/>-f/.  till 

Un-time'ly  [tlm'lyl  a.  unseasonable 
Un'tO  I  fill  too  I /rf/.  to 
un-told'  (untold'l  a.  not  told 
un-tram'meled  (un-trammcld)  a.  free 
un-trav'eled  [trSv'eldl  a.  unexplored 
un-true'  (Qn-tru'l  a.  false 
un-truth'  lun-tru//;)  «.  a  falsehood 
un-twine'  (un-twin'  j  v  t.  to  untwist 
un-u'su-al  lun-uzhii-<il|  a.  rare 
un-ut'ter-a-ble  (an-ut'ter-ab'li  a. 
un-var'nished  rfln-var'nlshtj  a.  plain 
un-va'ry-ing  (un-v3'rylngl  a.  uniform 
un-veil'  l-val'j  -'.  (/.  and  i.)  to  uncover 
un-wa'ri-ly  l-wSrilyj  ad~j.  heedlessly 
un-war'rant-a-ble  [worrant-a-blj.!. 
un-wea'ried  [un-we'rldl  a.  tireless 
un-well'  (iin-weria.  ill 
un-wield'y  (un-weldyj  a.  bulky 
un-whole'some  [un-holsuml  a. 
un-will'ing  [un-wll'Ingl  a.  loath 
un-wind'  [un-windj  v.t.  to  wind  off 
un-wise'  liln-wiz'j  a.  foolish 
un-wit'ting-ly  (On-wittlng-Iyl  adv. 
un-wont'ed  lunwunfed)  a.  rare       [fit 
un-wor'thi-ly  lun-wur'thl-lyl  adv.nox. 
un-wor'thy  (un-wQrthyl  <i.  base 
un-wrap'  [un  rSp'l  v.l.  to  undo 
un-writ'ten  lun-rlt'fnj  a.  oral 
un-yield'ing  (unyeld'fngl  a.  firm 
un-yoke'  lijiiyok'l  v.  to  part 
up  I  up  I  adv.  above 
u'pas  lu'pasj  K.  a  poisonous  tree 
up-braid'  [Opbrad'  |  v.l.  to  blame 
up-hill'  |up-hll'  I  adv.  ascending 
up-hold'  (up-h6ld'  1  v.t.  to  sustain 
■up-hol'ater  [up-hol'ster]  v.t.  to  cover 





up-hol'ster-er  (eri  n. 
up'land  (QpUndl  H.  high  land 
up-lift'  |up-lift|  v.t.  to  elevate 
up-on'  lup-in'l/J-f/.  not  under 
up'per  lup'per)  a.  superior;  above 
up'per-mosf  I up'pef  most' J  a.  supreme 
up'pish  (iiij'plshl  a.  proud 
up'right  [up'rif  I  a.  erect;  honorable 
up-ris'ing  |  flpriz'lngl  «.  a  revolt 
up'roar'  lup'ror']  n.a.  tumult 
up-roar'i-OUS  [ror'i-Osl  a.  tumultuous 
up-root'  (up-root'l  v.t.  to  eradicate 
up-set'  [up-set' 1  v.i.  to  overturn 
up'shot'  lup'shOt'l  11.  the  result 
up'side'  (up'sid'  I  n.  upper  side 
up-turn'  (Qp-tOrn'l  v.l.  to  throw  up 
up'ward  [Op'werdj  nci-v.  ascending 
U'ra-nus  lu'ra-nusj  ;;.  a  planet 
ur-bane'  I  flr-ban'  |  a.  polite 
ur-ban'i-ty  (urban'Ity]  «.  politeness 
ur'chin  Iflr'chin]  «.  a  child 
urge  1  urj  I  z/.^.  to  press 
ur'gen-cy  [ur'jcnsyl  n.  need 
ur'gent  lur'jcntl  a.  imperative 
TJ'rim  [uriml  n.  breastplate  decoration 
u'ri-na-ry  [u'rl-ni-ry)  .;.  like  urine 
u'ri-nate  [u'n-natl  v.i.  to  make  water 
u'rine  [u'rin]  w.  fluid  from  kidneys 
urn  IfJrnl  ;;.  a  vase 
TJr'su-line  lur'sullnl  n.  order  of  nun 
US'a-ble  (Oz'a-b'll  a.  useful 

us'age  [uz'ajj  ii.  custom 
use  |usl  tt.  usefulness 
use  I  uz  I  v.i.  to  employ 
use'ful  [us'full  a.  helpful 
use'less  lus'les)  a.  fruitless 
ush'er  (Osh'er)  «.  introducer 
u'su-al  Iu'zhu-<2ll  a.  ordinary 
U-SUrp'  luz&rp'l  -d.t.  to  seize 
usur-pa'tion  [u'zar-pa'shunl  n. 
u'su-ry  lu'zhu-ry]  tt.  illegal  interest 
u-ten'sil  [u-ten'sil  |  ».  a  tool 
Utes  rats)  tribe  of  Indians 
U-til'i-ty  [i-til'I-tyl  11.  benefit 
u'til-ize  (u'tillzl  T.t.  to  use 
ut'most  lut'mostl  <r.  extreme         ftion 
U-to'pi-an  (uta'pi^nl  a.  ideal;  perfec- 
ut'ter-a-ble  [ut'ter-a-b'U  a.  speakable 
ut'ter-ance  [ut'ter-nnsj  n  expression 
ut'ter-ly  lut'ter-lyl  adv.  totally 
ut'ter-most'  lat'ter-most'J  a.  extreme 


va'can-cy  fva'kun-syl  k.  emptiness 
va'cant  IvS'kizntj  .r.  empty 
va'cate  [va'kat]  v.t.  to  leave 
va-ca'tion  [vS-kS'shun]  n.  leisure 
vac'ci-natefvak'sl-nStlz'./.  to  inoculate 
vac'ci-na'tion  [vsk'si-na'shuni  n. 
vac'cine  [vak'sin]  n.  vaccination  virus 

vac'il-late  [vas'Uiat]  v  i.  to  waver 

vac'il-la'tion  I-lS'shunl  «.  a  wavering 
va-cu'i-ty  |va-ku'I-ty]  n.  a  void 
vac'u-um  |vak'u-fiml  n.  empty  space 
va'de-me'cum  [vs'dS-me'kumj  L. 

\v^  \vi 






vag'a-bond  [vSga-bOndl  «.  a  vagrant 
va-ga'ry  |vaga  ry|  'I.  a  whim         Iness 
va'gran-cy  (vS  grun-syl  «.  homeless- 
va'grant  (vagrant)  a.  wandering 
vague  [vSg)  <i.  indefinite 
vail  I  vil|  «.  a  cover 
vain  i  1  a.  conceited 
val'ance  Ival'.msl  «.  drapery 
vale  I  vSI  I  ;r.  a  valley  I  >r.  an  orator 

val  e-dic-to'ri-an   |var4-dik-to'ri-<in| 
val  e-dic'to-ry  |-tiry|  «.  an  address 
val'en-tine  [valVn-tin|  «.  a  love  letter 
va-le'ri-an  |va-le'rI-.Tn|  ».  a  medicine 
val'et  [viletl  >i.  a  servant  |.jnl  >i. 

val  e-tu  di-na'ri-an  |var4-tu'di-na'rr- 
Val-hariaival-hal'lalw.liaUof  the  slain 
val'iant  Ivaryantj  a.  heroic 
val'id  Iviridl.i.  lawful 
va-lid'i-ty  Ivalrd'l-tyl  n.  legality 
va-lise'  (va-les'l  K.  abag  (tiful  maiden 
Val-kyr'i-a  |val-kir'l-al«.  myth,  beau 
val'ley  [valli]  k.  vale 
val'or  (val'erl  n.  prowess 
val'or-OUS  [valerasj  a.  brave 
val'u-a-ble  [varii-ab'll  u.  costly 
val  u-a'tion  [variia'shunl  «.  price 
val'ue  iviiuj  «.  worth 
valve  (valv]  »».  alid;  plug 
valv'u-lar  [valv'ii-lerj  a. 
va-mose'|va-mos'|  t-.d.  and/.)  to  depart 
vamp  [vimpl  M.part  of  shoe 
vam'pire  [vam'pirl  «.abat 
van  [van  1  >i.  lead  or  front 
van'dal  [vandal]  k.  a  barbarian 
vane  [vanl  »■  a  weather-cotk 
van'guard'  [van'gard  l  «.  the  van 
va-nil'la  [va-nll'la|  tt.  a  plant 
van'ish  [vanish)  v.i.  to  disappear 
van'i-ty  [van'l-ty]  «.  egotism 
van'quish  [v-ang  kwish  l  tj.I.  to  conquer 
van'tage  .van'tSjl  x.gain 
vap'id  ,vapidl  a.  flat 
va'por  [  vaper]  >i.  steam 
va'por-ize  (vSp  er-izj  v.i.  to  exhale 
va'por-OUS  [va'perOsl  n.  unreal 
va'por-y  |va  per-yl  n.  peevish 
va'ri-a-ble  [va'rl-a-bl|  a.  changeable 
va'ri-a-bly  [-bly|  a.ft/.  changeably 
va'ri-a-ble-ness  (blnesi  «. 
va'ri-ance  [v3rl-ans|  ».  a  discord 
va  ri-a'tion  (vS'ri.a'shan|  «.  change 
var'i-COSe'  [var'l-kos  1  n.  swelled  vein 
va'ried  (va'.idl  a.  diversified 
va'ried  [varld|/./>.  ofvary"  fsify 

va'ri-e-gate  (varif-gati  v./.  todiver- 
va'ri-e-gat-ing  Igat-ing  I />./'•. 
va  ri-e-ga'tion  [gi'shflni  «. 
va-ri'e-ty  1  vi-riS-tyl  «.  a  change 
va'ri-o-loid  [va'ri-S-loidl  «.  a  disease 
va'ri-OUS  [v3  ri-Osl  a.  diverse 
var'nish  [var'nishj  n.  a  gloss 
var'let  (var  let)  «.  knights  servant 
va'ry  [vary]  v  t.  to  modify 
vas'cu-lar  [vas'kO-lerj  <i. 




vase  Iv5sl  >t.  a  vessel 
vas'e-line  Ivas'f-llnl  «.  an  unguent 
vas'sal  (vfts'  I  ;;.  a  slave 
vas' sal-age  IvSs'sizl-Sjl  «.  slavery 
vast  Ivhstl  a.  immense 
vat  Ivatl  n.  a  cistern 
Vat'i-can  [vSt'I-ki!nl  n.  pope's  palace 
vauQe'ville  |  vocf  vil ;  k.  a  street  song 
vault  Ivaltl  H.  a  cellar 
vaunt  I  vant  I  v.i.  to  brag 
veal  [veil  >!.  flesh  of  a  calf  (ings 

Ve'das  (vSclSzl  «.  Hintloo  sacred  writ- 
ve-dette'  [  vS-d^ t'  ] « .  a  sentinel  on  horse- 
veer  !  ver]  i'.!.  to  turn  Iback 
Ve'ga  [ve'gal  «.  a  brilliant  star 
veg'e-ta-ble  (vej'4-tab  1]  ti.  a  plant 
veg  e-ta'ri-an  t-ta'ri-an|  k. 
ffeg'e-tate  [vej'^-tat]  v.i.  to  sprout 
vege-ta'tion  (ts'shuni  «.  growth 
ve'he-mence  [vehS-m^-nsi  «. 
ve'he-ment  (mcntl  a.  violent 
ve'hi-cle  [ve'hi-k'l|  k.  a  conveyance 
veil  (vSll  ).■.  a  cover 
vein  (v3nl  )i.  ablood-vessel            |ment 
vel'lum   Ivelluml   n.   calfskin  parch- 
ve-loc'i-pede  (vi-las'ipedi  it. 
ve-loc'i-ty  (vS-los'I-tyl  h.  speed 
vel'vet  (vc-l'vetl  «.  a  silk  fabric 
ve-ni're  fa'ci-as  [vS-ni'tS  fa'shi-Ss]  Z. 
vel'vet-een'  [vel'vet-en'l  «. cotton vel 
ve'nal  (venal  1  (J.  mercenary  Ivet 
vend-ee'[vend-e']  H.apurchaser 
vend  [vend]  v.e.  to  sell 

vend'or  [vend'Or]  }i.  a  seller 
ve-ne,er'  [vf-ner)  v./.  to  overlay 
ven'er-a-ble  [ven'er-a-b'l|  <». honorable 
ven'er-a-bly  I-blyl  adz>.  respectfully 
ven'er-ate  iven'er-atl  v.f.  to  adore 
ven  er-a'tion  [vSn'er-a'shunl  k.  awe 
ve-ne're-al  Iv^-ne'rS-al]  a.  sexual   lice 
Ve-ne'tian  [vf-ne'shnnl  a.  per.  to  Ven- 
venge'ance  [venj'nnsl  «.  retribution 
venge'ful  [venj'full  a.  vindictive 
ve'ni-al  [vc'm-izll  a.  excusable 
ven'i-son  Iven'I-z"nl  n.  game;  deer 
ven'om  [venQml  «.  poison 
ven'om-OUS  (ven'um-Qs|  a.  poisonous 
ve'nouslve'nusl  a.  of  veins 
vent  [venti  V.  to  let  out 
ven'ti-late  |ven'ti-lat|  v.i.  to  air 
venti-la'tion  Iven'tr-la'shun)  «. airing 
ven'ti-la'tor  l-tl-la'ter]  «.  air  machine 
ven'tral  [ven'tr<ill  a.  of  the  belly 
ven'tri-cle  [ven'tri-kll  ji.  a  cavity 
ven-tril'o-quist  [ven-trti  6-kwistJ  n. 
ven'ture  Iven'turl  h.  risk 
ven'ture-some  '.-sun.)  a.  daring 
ven'tur-ous  |vSn'tur-us|  <j.  fearless 
ven'ue  |vcn'u|  «.  a  law  term 
Ve'nus  [ve'nus]  n.  aplanet 
ve-ra'cious  [vS-ra'shusl  n.  truthful 
ve-rac'i-ty  |vS-ras'i-tyl  «.  truthfulness 
ve-ran'da  [vS-ran'da]  «.  portico 




verb  [verb)  II  a  part  of  speech 
ver'bal  [verbal]  a  oral;  not  written 
ver-ba'tim  [ver-bS'tini]  adv.  word  for 
ver-be'na  [ver-be'naj  «.  a  plant  l»ord 
ver'bi-age  [ver'bl-Sj]  «.  wordiness 
ver-bose'  (ver-bos')  a.  wordy 
ver-bos'i-ty  [ver-bosl-tyj  ji.  verbiage 
ver'dan-Cy  ;ver'd<in-sy]  k  greenness 
ver'dant  Iver'dnnt]  a.  green 
ver'dict  (ver'dlkt)  «.  decision 
ver'di-gris  [ver'dl-gres]  «.  copper  rust 
ver'dure  [ver'durj  «.  greenness  of  veg- 
verge  [verj]  k.  edge  letation 

ver'ger  [ver  jer)  n  a  church  caretaker 
ver-i-fi'a-ble  [ver-ifi'a-b'l]<J.  provable 
ver  i-fi-ca'tion  [ka'shun]  k.  confirma- 
ver'i-fied  [verl-fidl/nr^.  proved  [tion 
ver'i-fy  [ver!  fl]  v.t.  to  confirm 
ver'i-ly  [ver'i-ly]  ad-j.  in  truth 
ver'i-ta-ble  (ver'i-ta-b'll  a.  real;  true 
ver'i-ty  [verity)  k.  truth 
ver'mes  (vermezj  «./>/  [pastry 

ver  mi-cel'li  [ver'mS-sel'lIl  «.  kind  of 
ver'mi-cide  [ver'ml-sid)  k.  worm-killer 
ver'mic'u-lar  [ver'mlk'u  ier)  a. 
ver'mi-fuge  [-mi-f  uj )  k.  worm  medicine 
ver-mil'ion  (ver-niilyun)  H.  bright  red 
ver'min  [vjr  inin)  «.  (j-. and//.) insects 
ver-nac'u-lar  (ver-nSk  u-ler]  a.  native 
ver'nal  [ver'nal]  a.  of  the  springtime 
ver'ni-er  [ver'ni-erl  h.  a  kind  of  scale 
ver'sa-tile  [ver'sa-tll)  a.  changeable 
ver  sa-til'i-ty  [tll'l-ty]  n.  many-sided 
verse  [vers]  h.  poetry  [ability 

versed  (verst)  a.  skilled  [poetry 

ver  si-fi-ca'tion  (versI-fl-kS'shun)  k. 
ver'si-fi-er  [v5r'si-fl-er]  «.apoet 
ver'si-fy  (vcr'si-fT)  v.i.  to  make  verses 
ver'sion  [ver'shun]  «.  a  translation 
verst  [vSrst]  «.  a  Russian  mile 
ver'sus  [ver'sOs] /»•<■/.  against 
ver'te-bra  [ver  tf-bra)  >i.part  of  spine 
ver'te-bral  [vertS-bral)  a.  spinal 
ver'te-brate[-bratl  a.  having  backbone 

ver'tex  [vSr'teks]  «.  summit;  apex;  top 
ver'ti-cal  I  vC-rtik<7l)  a.  upright 
ver-tig'i-nous[ver-tiji-ni'is)ii.  rotary 
ver'ti-go  [ver'tl-go)  k.  dizziness 
ver'vain  (ver'vSn)  w.  a  plant 
ver'y  (very)  a.  true;  real 
ves'i-cle  (ves'I-kl)  n.a.  cyst;  blister 
ves'pera  [ves'perz)  «.//.  evening  song 
ves'sel  [ves'sel)  n.  a  boat 
vest  [vest]  «.  a  garment  [hearth 

Ves'ta  [ves'ta)  «.  myth  goddess  of  the 
ves'tal  (vi-s't<jl)  a.  pure 
ves'ti-bule  [vSs'tlball  »i.  porch  or  hall; 
ves'tige  [vC-s'tlj)  «.  a  sign  [lobby 

vest'ment  [vC-st'mirntl  «.  priestly  gar- 
ve8'try[ves'try]«.achurchroom  [ment 

ves'ture  (ves't4r)  «.  a  robe 
vetch'es  (vSch'ez)  fodder  plant 
vet'er-an  (vef  5r-an)  a,  long  in  service 
veter-i-na'ri-an  [-i-na'ri-ani  «. 

V  ^  *i  V 




vet'er-i-na-ry  [nS-ry]  «.  animal  heal- 
ve'tO  tve't6]  v.t.  to  prohibit  ling 

vex  [veks]  -■.;■.  to  irritate 
vex-a'tion  [a'sliun]  «.  irritation 
vex-a'tious  [S'shus]  a.  teasing 
vi'a  (via)  L.  adv.  by  the  way  of 
vi'a-ble  [via-b'l]  a.  capable  of  living 
vi'a-duct  [via-dukt]  «.  a  bridge 
vi'al  [vi'<7l)  «.  a  bottle 
vi'ands  [vlVmds)  food 
vi'brate  (vibrstj  v.t.  to  swing 
vi-bra'tion  l-bra'shun]  n.  oscillation 
vi'bra-to-ry  [-bra-tS-ry]  a.  vibrating 
vic'ar  [vlk'er]  11.  z.  substitute 
vic'ar-age  [vlk'er-ajl  n.  aparsonage 
vi-ca'ri-0U3  [vi-kS'ri-fls]  a.  substituted 
vice  [visl  '!.  crime 

vice-ge'rent  [jerfnt]  n.  sub.  deputy 
viee-pres'i-dent  t-prez'i-dent]  n. 
vice'roy  [vls'roi]  n.  kings  proxy 
vi'chy  ■water  [ve'shy  wa'ter]  n. 
vic'i-nage  [vls'I-nSj]  «.  neighborhood 
vi-cin'i-ty  (vl-sln'l-tyl  «.  nearness 
vi'cioUC  [vish'us]  a.  wicked 
vi-cis'si-tude  [vl-sls'si-tud]  «.  change 
vic'tim  [vik'tim]  «.  sacrifice 
vic'tim-ize  [vik'tim-iz]  -v.t.  to  dupe 
vic'tor  [vik'ter]  «.  a  winner 
vic-to'ri-OUS  [-to'rl-Qs]  a.  winning 
vic'to-ry  [vlk't6-r51  n.  a  conquest 
vifit'ual  [vit'l]  ^■./.  to  supply  with  food 
vict'uals  |vit"lz]  provisions 
vi'de  fvi'de]  L.  V.  to  see 
vi-del'i-COt  [vi-deri-set]'.namely 
vie  [vi]  v.i.  to  contend 
view  [vu]  -j.t.  to  look 
vig'il  [vlj'il]  K.  watch 
vig'i-lance  (vlji-lans]  n.  guard 
vig'i-lant  [vij'M.mtJ  a.  watchful 
vig-netto'  [vin-yet]  n.  engraving 
vig'or  [vlg'er]  «  energy 
vig'or-OUS  [vig'er-us]  (7.  robust 
vi'king  (vi'kingl  n.  Norse  pirate 
vile  [vil]  a.  mean  fder 

vil'i-fy  [vll'i-fil  v.t.  to  abuse;   to  slan- 
vil'la  [vll'lal  n.  a  country  seat 
vil'lage  [vil'laj  |  «.  a  small  town 
vil'lain  [vll'linj  «.  a  scoundrel 
vil'lain-ous  [viriin-us]  a.  mean 
vil'lain-y  [villiny]  n.  depravity 
vim  [vim]  n.  energy       [smelling  bottle 

vin'ai-grette'   [vm's-gret']  «.  sauce; 

vin'di-cate  [vin'dl-kat]  v.t.  tojustify 
vin'di-ca'tion  [ka'shun]  «.  defense 
vin-dic'tive  [dik'tiv]  a.  revengeful 
vine  [vinj  !i.  a  climbing  plant 
vin'e-gar  [vln'S-ger]  «.  acid  liquor 
vine'yard  [vm'yerd]  n.  a  grapery 
vi'nous  [vinus]  a.  resembling  wine 
vint'age  [vlntajl  «.  grape  harvest 
vint'ner  [vint'ner]  n.  a  win    dealer 
vi'ol  [v!  ul]  ;;.  musical  instrument 
vi'o-late  ;vi'6-lst]  r    .  to  transgress 
vi'0-la'tion  [-la'shun]  n.  transgression 




^^   V. 





vi  O-la  tor  [vi'4-lS'ter"  «.  an  infringer 
vi'o-lence  [vi'i-Uns]  >i  an  outrage 
vi'o-lent  [viSlcnt]  a.  forcible 
vi'o-let  [vi  diet]  it.  a  flower 
vi  O-lin'  tvi'4-lln'l  n.  a  fiddle 
vi  O-lin'ist  [istl  n.  a  fiildler 
vi  0-lin-cel'lo    (ve'6-IIn-chel'lo]    «.    a 
vi'per  [vi  per]  «.  a  snake  Ibass-viol 

vi-ra'go  [vi-rSgS]  k  a  vixen 
vir'gin  [vcr  gin]  «.  a  maiden 
Vir'gO  Iver'gO]  K.  a  constellation 
vi-ril'i-ty  [vi-rll'I-tyl  «.  manhood 
vir-tu'  [vlr-too'j  II.  love  of  arts 
vir'tu-al  [ver'tu-nll  a.  effectual       Tally 
vir'tu-al-ly  [ver'ta-<jl-Iy]a</^.  practic- 
vir'tue  Iver'tii]  II.  purity       [curiosities 
vir  tu-o'so  [ver'tu-o'si]  «.  collector  of 
vir'tU-OUS  [vertu-us]  a.  upright 
vir'u-lence  [vir'u-ltns]  h.  venom 
vir'u-lent  [UntJ  a.  malignant 
vi'rus  [virus]  >!.  poison 
vis'age  [viz  sjl  «.  face 
vis  a- vis'  (vSza-ve']  aiii'.  face  to  face 
vis'ce-ra  [vis'sS-ra]  «.//.  of  "viscus, 
vis'cid  [vls'sld]  a.  sticking        [entrails 
vis'counf  [vi'kounf];;.  titleof  nobility 
vis'cous  [vis'kus]  a.  sticky 
vise  [vis]  K.  a  gripping  tool 
vi-se'[vj-za']  ■::/.  to  examine      [trinity 
Vish'nu  [vish'nool   II.  one  of  Hindoo 
vis'i-ble  [vlzl-b'l]  a.  in  sight 
vis'i-bly  [bly]  aiiz:  clearly 
vis'ion  (vlzh'anl  k.  sight 
vis'ion-a-ry  [a-ry]  a.  fanciful 
vis'it  (vrz'itl  fV.  to  call  upon 
vis'it-ant  [-.jntj  «.  a  visitor 
vis  it-a'tion  [-a'shun]  it.  visiting 
vis'it-or  [vizlt-erl  It.  aguest 
visne  [venl  «.  a  neighborhood 
vis'or  [vizer]  it.  a  mask 
vis'ta  [vista]  «.a  view 
vi'tal  [vi'tal]  a.  essential 
vi'tals  [vi'talz]  «.//.  seat  of  life     (ures 
vi'ta-scope  [vi'ta-sk6p]K.movingpict- 
vi'ti-ate  [vlbli'I-at]  r.t.  to  taint 
vit're-ous  [vitrS-iisl  a.  glassy 
vit'ri-fiedlvit  rl- fid  In.changed  to  glass 
vit'ri-fy  [vitrl-f  i]  v.t.  to  turn  to  glass 
vit'ri-ol  [vitriol]?;  achemical 
vi-tu'per-ate(vi-tu'per-at]w.  to  censure 
vi  va  vo'ce  [viva  vo'sS]  L.  by  word  of 
vi-va'cious  [vi-va'shfls]  a- gay  [mouth 
vi-vac'i-ty  [vi-vas'l-ty]  «.gayety 
vi  van-diere'  [v4'vaM-dyar']  k.  female 
vive  [vcv] /•'.  long  live  [sutler 

vive-le-roi'[vevl4rwa']F.long  live  the 

viv'id  [viv'ld]  a.  clear  Iking 

viv  i-fi-ca'tion[i-fika'shani«.  revival 
viv'i-fy  (vtvl  fl)  v.t.  to  quicken 
vi-vip'a-rus  [vivlpa-rus]  a. 
viv  i-sec'tion  [vlv'I-sSk'shQn]  «. 
vix'en  [vlks "nl  «.  across  woman 
viz.  namely,  atibr.  of  "videlicet" 
viz'ier  (vlz'yerj  «•  a  Turkish  officer 





vo-eab'u-la-ry  [vS-ksb'ii-Is-ry]  n.  die- 
vo'cal  Ivo'kiil]  (7.  having  voice  (tionary 
vo'cal-ist  (vo'knMstl  n.  a  singer  [ance 
vo  cal-i-za'tion  [I-zS'shunJ  n.  utter- 
vo'cal-ize  [vn'kal-izl  v.t.  tomake  vocal 
vo-ca'tion  |v6-kS'shunl  n.  a  calling 
vo-cif  er-ate  [-sif  er-at]  v.i.  to  exclaim 
vo-cif  er-a'tion  l-S'shfln)  «.  clamor 
vo-cirer-ous  [v6-slfer-us]  a.  noisy 
vogue  (vOg]  «.  style 
voice  (vois)  n.  language 
voice'less  l-les]  a.  dumb 
void  [void]  v.t.  to  empty;  to  nullify 
vo'lant  [vo'ldntl  <T.  flying       [language 
vol  a-puk'  [vil'a-puk']   n.  an  invented 
vol'a-tile  IvOla-tilJ  a.  wasting  away 
vol-can'ic  [vol-kan'ikj  a. 
vol-ca'no  [v6l-ka'n6]  «.  burning  mount 
VO-li'tion  [v4-ll'shunl  k.-wiU 
vol'ley[voriy]«.  discharge  of  musketry 
volt  [volt]  n.  unit  of  e.  ni.  f.  [electricity 
vol-ta'ic  |v6l-ts'ikl  n.  pert,  to  chemical 
vol'ti-geur  [v61't5-zherj  71.  a  vaulter 
vol  U-bil'i-ty  [vOl'u-bil'i-tyl  «.  fluency 
vol'u-ble  (v6l'ij-bM]  a.  fluent 
vol'ume  [vol'iini]  ?i.  compass;  a  book 
V0-lu'mi-n0US[vS-la'mi-nfl5l(j.  copious 
vol'un-ta-ri-ly  [voluntari-ly]  ad-v. 
vol'un-ta-ry  rvOl'un-tary]  a.  free 
vol  un-teer'  [volun-ter']  -v.  to  enlist 
vo-lupt'u-ary(vO-lup'til-a-ry]K.  epicure 
vo-lupt'u-OUS  [us]  a.  sensual 
vo-lute'  [viluf]  K.  spiral  scroll 
VOin'i-ca  [vOm'i-ka]  71.  an  abscess 
VOm'it  [v6ni'itl  v.t.  to  spue 
voo'doo  [voodoo]  71.  negro  sorcerer 
vo-ra'cious  [v6-ra'shasl  a.  greedy 
VOr'tex  [vur'teks]  71.  whirlpool;  center 
vo'ta-ry  [vo'ta-ry]  K.  a  devotee 
vote  [vot]  71.  suffrage 
vot'er  [vot'er]  71.  a  suffragist 
VO'tive  [vo'tiv]  a.  devoted 
vouch  [  vouch  ]  v.t.  to  aver:  to  warrant 
vouch'er  [erj  h.  a  witness 
vouch-safe'  [-ssf]  T.t.  to  bestow 
VOW  (vou]  v.t.  to  solemnly  promise 
vow'el  [  -el )  >;.  a.  e.  i.  o.  u.;  a  vocal  sound 
voy'age  [voi'Sj]  ?;.  a  passage  by  water 
Vul'can  [vul'krtn]  71.   god  of  fire:    the 
vul'can-ite  [vulkan-it]  k.     (forge  god 
vul'can-ize  [-iz]  v.t.  to  harden  rubber 
vul'gar  [vul'ger]  a.  unrefined 
vul'gar-ism  [vul'ger-iz'm]  «.  low  talk 
vul-gar'i-ty  [vOl-gar'i-ty]  it.  grossness 
\  vul'gar-ize  [vul'ger-iz]  v.  (t.  and  i.) 
Vul'gate  [gat)  a.  Catholic  Latin  Bible 
vul'ner-a-ble  [-ner-a-b'l]  a.  assailable 
vul'ture  Lvul'tiir)  «  abirdofprey 


wab'ble  [wSb'b'l]  v.i.  to  totter 
wad  [nOdj  ;;.  a  small  mass  of  tow,  etc. 
wad'ding  [wed'dmg] «.  stuffing 
wad'dle  [wOd'd'l]  v.t.  to  toddle 
wade  [wad]  v.i.  to  walk  through  water 





wa'fer  [wSfer]  n.  a  seal 
waffle  [w6f  ni  II.  a  kind  of  thin  cake 
waft  t«aftl  v.t.  to  float 
wag  ,  wfltjl  T'./.  to  sliake 
wage  [v^^j]  n  allowance 
wa'ger  Ina'jerJ  n.  a  bet 
wa'ges  [w3'jez]  ft.  s.  compensation 
wag'gish  [waggish]  u. droll 
wag'gle  [wsg-g'l)  v.r  to  wag 
wag'on  Iw.lg'Qn]  )i  a  vehicle 
waiflwaf];!   a  homeless  child 
wail  |wSl]  v.t.  to  moan 
wain  IwSn]  «  a  wagon 
wains'cot  IwanskCitl  H  apanel 
waist'coat  [wast  kotl  >:  a  vest 
waist  I" Sat]  «.  middle  part  of  body 
wait  [wit]  7,  i  to  await 
wait'er  (wat'er]  n.  a  server 
waive  [wSvJ  -v.t   to  forego 
wake  [wSk]  -z/.l.  to  awake 
wake'ful  [fiil]  a  vigilant:  restless 
wak'en  [wSk'nJ  -v.i  to  wake 
Wal-den'ses  [wol-den'sez]  «.//  ^sect 
wale  [ivSl]  II    texture  of  cloth;  a  wheal 
Wal-hal'la  iwfll-hal'li]  h. 
walk  [wak]  z-.!.  to  move  on  foot 
walk'er  [wak'er]  *i.  a  pedestrian 
walk'ov  er  (-o'ver]  «  an  easy  victory 
wall]  It.  masonry 
wal'let  I  w  or  let]  «  a  pocket-book 
wal'lop  [wol'lup]  z:t.  to  beat 
wal'low  lw6i'16]  v.t.  to  flounder 
wal'nut  IwOl'nut]  «.  a  nut 
wal'rub  [wol'rus]  >t.  a  sea  animal 
waltz  Iwaltz]  «   akind  of  dance 
wam'pum  |wOm'pum]7i    Indian  white 
wan(wCin|<i  pale  [shell  money 

wand  (wond]  K  a  rod 
wan'der  [  wOn'der]  i/.i.  to  rove 
wan'der-er  [-er]  ?i   a  rover 
wane  luSn]  z.i  to  fail 
wan'ness  IwOn'nSs]  M  apaleness 
want  i\\ant]  ft   lack:  need 
wan'ton  Iwan'tunJ  «.  reveler 
war  1  war] ;:.  an  armed  contest 
war'ble  Iwar'b'l)  i/.e  to  trill 
war'bier  [war'bler]  it  a  songster 
ward  [ward]  f./.  to  defend 
ward'en  fward"n]  ft  a  keeper 
ward'er  [ward'er]  ft  a  keeper 
ward'robe   ( -rob'  ]  k.  a  portable  closet 
ware'house'  Iwir'hous']  n.  storehouse 
wares  lu.lrz]  k.//   commodities 
war'fare   [war'far]  «.  contest 
wa'ri-ly  |wa'rl-ly]  ai/v.  cautiously 
wa'ri-ness  |warl-nes]  «.  caution 
war'like  I  war'lik]  a.  martial 
war'lock  Iwar'lOk]  «.  a  male  witch 
warm  |warin]  u.  not  cold  Idial 

warm'heart'ed  [warm'hart'fed]  a  cor- 
warmth  (warm/A]  «  earnestness 
warn  Iwam]  v.t.  to  caution 
warn'ing  Iwam'lng]  k.  notice  [of  cloth 
warp  [warp]  ft   the  lengthwise  threads 

rc  r\ 


y  y\y\ 

y^  yy^-o^ 



war'rant  [w^r'r^nt]  n.  assurance 
war'rant-a-ble  (a-b'lj  «.  justifiable 
war'rant-a-bly  l-a-bly]  adv.  properly 
war'ran-ty  «.  guarantee 
war-ren  IwOr'ren]  «.   rabbit  breeding- 
war' rior  Iwar'yer]  «.  a  soldier  Iground 
wart  [wart]  n.  a  tumor 
wa'ry  [wa'ryl  a.  cautious 
was  [w6zl  imperfect  tense  of  "be" 
wash  IwOshJ  v.t.  to  cleanse 
wash'board'  [-bord']  «.  a  rub-board 
wash'er  r-er)  «.  a  flat  ring 
wash'y  [  wSsh'yl  a.  watery 
wasp  IwOspl  n.  an  insect 
wasp'ish  [wOsp'isli]  a.  petulant 
was'sail  |  wOssil]  «  an  ancient  drink 
wa^e  [wastl  V  I.  to  squander 
waste'ful  [ful]  a.  profuse 
waste'pipe'  IwSst'pip']  n.  a  drain-pipe 
watch  [wocli]  v.  to  tend;  to  keep  vigil 
watch'ful  [fill]  a.  heedful 
watch'man  |w6ch'mrrn]  n.  a  guard 
watch'word   [-wurd]  «.  a  password 
wa'ter  [water]  H.  fluid  from  the  clouds 
wa'ter-clos  et  [klezet]  n.  a  privy 
wa'ter-fall'  [wa'ter-fal]  «.acataract 
wa'ter-ing-place'  [-ing-plas']  n.  are- 
wa'ter-lil  y  [Hryl  «.  a  plant         [sort 
wa'ter-mel'on  [melun]  «.  a  fruit 
wa'ter-proof  [proof]  a.  impervious 

wa'ter-works'  [wurks] 
wa'ter-y  |-y]  a.  wet  [trical  unit 

watt  [w6t]  n.  Siemens's  proposed  elec- 
wat'tle  [wOt't'l]  n.  a  flexible  twig 
wave  |wav]  «.  an  undulation 
wav'er  [waver]  -^.i.  to  reel 
wav'y  [wav'y]  a.  undulating 
wax  I  waks]  «.  a  bee  production 
wax'work'  [-wurk']  «.  something  made 
wax'y  [waks'y]  a.  soft  jofwax 

way  [  w  a]  n.  course;  a  road 
way'bill'  [wa'bll']  ;:.  a  list  of  goods 
way'far  er  [wa'fSr'er]  «.  a  traveler 
way'far  ing  [wS'fir'ing]  a.  passing 
way'lay'  |ws'ia']f./.  to  beset 
way'side'  [  wa'sid'  ]«.  by  side  of  the  road 
way'ward  [wa'werd]  a.  willful 
we  [we]/'tf«.  plural  of  "I" 
weak  [wek]  a.  feeble 
weak'en  |»ck"n]  v.t.  to  reduce 
weak'heart'ed  [hart'ed]  a.  dispirited 
weak'ling  [wek'lrng]  >t.  feeble  person 
weak'ly  [wek'ly]  a.  infirm 
weak'raind  ed  [minded]  a.  foolish 
weak'ness  [wek'nes]  h.  debility 
weal  [wel]  «.  prosperity 
wealth  [wel//i]  n.  riches 
wealth'y  [wel/A'y]  a.  rich 
wean  |  wen]  v.t.  to  detach 
weap'on  [wep'On]  «.a  gun,  sword,  etc. 
wear  [war]  v.t.  to  waste;  to  have  on 
wear'i-ly  [wer'Ily]  adv.  tiresomely 
wear'i-ness  [wer'l-nes]  k.  fatigue 
wear'i-some  [wer'I-siJm]  a.  tiresome 



^  ^ 




•wea'ry  twerj]  a.  tired 
wea'sel  [wez'l]  «.  an  animal 
■weath'er[wetherlK.  the  state  of  the  air 
VBCatll'er-cock'  [-kOk'J  k.  a  vane 
^»eave  [wev]  zi.l.  to  entwine 
wea'zen  (we'z'n)  a.  withered 
web  [web]  K.  texture 
web'bing  [bingj  k.  a  band 
wed  f  wed]  11./.  to  many 
wed'ding  [wedding]  K.  a  marriage 
wedge  Iwejl  «.  a  tapering  piece  of  metal 
wed'lock  (wed'lSk]  h.  matrimony 
Wednes'day  [wenz'dS]  «.  fourth  day 
weeds  [wedz]  «.//.  useless  plants 
week  [wek]  K.  seven  days 
week'ly  [wek'ly]  a.  once  a  week 
weep  [wep]  z'.i.  to  lament 
wee'vil  [we'v'l]  «.  an  insect 
weft  [weft]  K.  the  cross  threads  of  cloth 
weigh  [wS]  V.  to  balance;  to  lift 
weighed  [wad] /./.balanced 
weight  [wat]  k  a  load 
weight'i-ly  I-Ily]  adv.  ponderously 
weight'y  [wafy]  a.  heavy 
weird  [wer<l)  ".  unearthly 
wei'come  [wel'kum]  7/./.  to  greet 
weld  I  weld]  7/./.  to  join 
wel'fare'  [wjl'far  ]  «.  prosperity 
wel'kin  [wSl'kinln.  the  vault  of  heaven 
well  (welj  K.  a  spring 
well'be  ing  [wjl'be  Ing]  n.  welfare 
well'bred'  [wel'bred]  a.  polite      tgent 
well  in-formed'  [-in-f6rmd']  a.  intelli- 
well'known'  |wel'non]<t.  fully  known 
well  man'nered  [-man'nerd]  a.  polite 
well  meant'  [wel'ment']  a.  kind 
well'nigh'  [wel'ni']  aiiv.  a\most 
well'read    Iwel'red']  a.  deeply  versed 
well'spo'ken  [wel'spo'k'n]  a.  proper 
well'spring'  l-bprlng]  «.  a  fountain 
Welsh  1  welsh]  a.  from  Wales 
welt[weltl«.  leather  between  the  upper 
wel'ter  [wel'tSr]  v.i.         land  shoe  sole 
wen  [wen]  ».  a  kind  of  tumor 
wench  [wench]  K.  a  negress 
wend  [wend]  v.t  to  go 
went  [went]  tm/>.  of  "go" 
were  [wer]  v.  imp.  of  "be" 
Wes'ley-an  [wes'll-an]  «.  a  Methodist 
west  [west]  7t.  point  where  the  sun  sets 
west'er-ly  |wcst'er-ly]  a.  westward 
west'ern  [wtst'ern]  a.  from  West 
west'ward  [west'werd]  a.  to  the  West 
wet  [wet]  a.  moist 
weth'er  [weth'er]  «.  a  sheep 
whack  [hwak]  v.t.  to  beat 
whale  [hwil]  n.  a  sea  animal 
whale'bone'  [hwai'bsn'i  n. 

whap  [hwfipl  v.i.  to  turn  suddenly 
whap'per  [hwOp'pcrl  n.  a  bold  lie 
wharf  [hwarf]  K.  a  pier  [wharf 

wharfage  [hwarfSj]  n.  fee  for  using 
what  |hwfjt]/>ro«.  that  which 
what-ev'er  {■i\'<-t\pron.  all  that 

^     T"- 

c  c\  \\ 





■what'not  [not]  n.  a  book  shelf 
what  so-ev'er  [-s6ev'er]/>-o«. 
wheal  [hwel]  n.  mark  on  skin  made  by 
wheat  (luvet]  n.  a  cereal  [a  rod 

whee'dle  fhwe'd'l]  -v.t.  to  coax 
wheel  [hwC'l]  n.  a  rotating-  disk 
wheel'bar  row  [invel'bar'rS]  h. 
wheel'man  Ihwel'mrtn]  n.  a  cyclist 
wheel'wright'  [rit']  n.  a  wheel-maker 
wheeze  IhwezJ  v.i.  to  breathe  hard 
whelk  [luvelk]  ?i.  a  kind  of  shell-fish 
whelm  Ihwelm]  v.t.  to  immerse 
whelp  [hwelp]  71.  a  cub 
when  [hwen]  adv.  at  what  time 
whence  [hwens]  adv.  from  what  place 
when-ev'er  [hwen-ev'erj  adv.  SicoiiJ. 
when'so-ev'er  [-s6-S-^'er]  adv.&LconJ. 
where  llnvAr)  adv.  whither 
where  a-bouts'  [-a-bouts']  adv. 
where-as'  [hwar-az']  rtrfi).  since 
where-at'  [hw4r-at']  adv.  at  which 
where-by'  [hwar-bi]  adv.  by  which 
where-fore'  (-for'l  adv.  and  conj.  why 
where-in'  [in']  adv.  in  what;  in  which 
■where'in-to'  [-too']  adv.  into  which 
where-of  |hwar-6f  ]  adv.  of  which 
where-on'[-6n']ai/7'.on  which;  on  what 
where-to'  Ihwir-too']  adv.  to  what 
where-up-on'[-£lp-0n']arf7'.upon  which 
where-ev'er  [-ev'er]  adv.  at  any  place 
where-with'  [-with']  adv.  with  which 
wher'ry  [hwer'ry]  n.  a  kind  of  boat 
■whet  [hwet]  z/./.  to  sharpen  ' 

wheth'er  [hweth'er]  conj.  in  case 
whet' stone  [hwet'st5n]«.  a  sharpener 
whew  [hu]  );.and  inter/,  half  whistle 
whey  [hwa]  «.  watery  part  of  milk 
which  [hwich]/STO>/.  what  one       [other 
which'ev-er  [ev-er]  pron.  one  or  the 
whiflf[hwlf]  «.apuff 
whif  fler  Ihwiffler]  «.  a  trifler 
whif'fle-tree  [hwiffcl-trS]  n.   trace  bar 
whig  (hwigl  n.  a  political  party 
while  [hwil]  V.  to  loiter;  h.  time 
whim  [hwim]  K.  a  fancy  [low  cry 

whim'per  [hwlmper]  V.  to  whine;  n.  a 
whim'si-cal  [hwim'si-knl]  a.  fanciful 
whine  [hwin]  v.  to  moan 
whin'ny  [hwln'ny]  V.  to  neigh 
whip  [hwipl  V.  to  lash;  «.  a  lash 
whip'cord  [hwlp'kord]  n.  a  lash  cord 

whip'ple-tree'  [hwip'p'i-tre'] «. 

whip'poor-will  [hwlp'poor-wil]  K. 
whip'stock  [-stOk]  n.  handle  of  a  whip 
whirl  [hwerl]  V.  to  turn  round  rapidly 
whirl'i-gig  [hwerl'i-gig]  n.  a  toy    Iter 
whirl'pool  Ihwerl'pool]  n.  eddy  in  wa- 
whirl'wind  [-wind]  n.  wind  revolving 
whisk  [Invisk]  V.  to  brush;  to  sweep 
whisk'ers  [hwisk'ers]  «.  a  beard 
whis'key  [hwTs'ky]  k.  spirituous  liquor 
whis'per  [hwls'per]  v.  to  speak  softly 
whist  [hwlst]  K.  a  game  at  cards 
whist'le  [hwls"l]  «.  a  shrill  sound 

■^  -Y- 




■whit  [hwit]  It.  a  small  bit;  a  particle 
white  [hwit]  a.  pure;  clean 
white'livered  [-liv'erd]  a.  cowardly 
■whit'en  thwlt'n]  v.  to  bleach 
■white'ness  thwttnes]  k.  purity 
whit'er  [hwit  er]  <7.  comp.  of  "white" 
■white' wash  [-wOsh]  «.  lime  and  water 
whith'er  [hwUh'er]  adv.  Imixture 

whit'ing  [hwit'Ing]  K.  a  fish;  ifround 
whit'low  th"'It'16]  K.  a  felon         [chalk 
Whit'sun-day  [-sun-dS]  n.  yth  Sunday 
Whit'sun-tide  [-tld]  k.     [after  Easter 
whit'tle  [hwit"l]  v.  to  pare  off 
whiz  [hwlz]  n.  a  hissing  sound 
who  [hooJ^roK.  -which  person 
whoa  [hwu]  interj.  ho;  stop 
who-ev'er  [hoo-ev'er]/»-oK.  any  one 
whole  [hoi]  K.  the  entire  thing;  a.  all 
whole'ness  [hol'nes]  k.  entirety 
whole'sale  [hol'sSljK.  sale  by  quantity 
whole'some  [hol'sum]  a.  salutary 
whole'sOuled[-sOld]<i.  entirely  devoted 
whol'ly  [hol'lS'l  adv.  entirely 
whom  [hoom]>ruK.  obj.  case  of  "who" 
whom'SO-ev'er  [hoom'si-gv'er]  pron. 
whoop  [hoop]  f.  to  cry  out;  n.  a  yell 
whoop'ing-cough  [-k6f  ]  «. 
whorl  [hwSrl]  n.  line  of  leaves 
whor'tle-berry  [hwer'fl-ber'ry]  «. 
whose  [hoozj  frcn.  poss.  case  of  "who" 
who  so-ev'er  (hoo's4-ev'er]/»-oK. 
whur  [hwiir]  same  as  "whirr" 
why  [hwi]  adv.  what  cause 
wick  [wik]  «.  soft  cord  used  in  lamps 
wicb'ed  [wlk'ed]  a.  sinful 
wick'ed-ness  [-nes]  «.  sinfulness 
wick'er  [wlk'er]  a.  made  of  twigs 
wick'et  [wik'et]  «.  a  small  door 
wide  [wid)  a.  broad;  extensive 
widea-wake'  [wid'a-wak'j  a.  alert 
wid'en  [wid"n]  v  t.  to  enlarge 
wide'ly  [wid'ly]  adv.  far;  very  much 
•wide'ness  [wid'nes]  «.  large  extent 
wide'spread  [wld'spred]  a.  extended 
wid'ow["Id'4)  «.  one  bereft  of  husband 
wid'ow-er  [Er]  «.  man  bereft  of  wife 
wid'ow-hood  [wld'6-hood]  n. 
width  [wId/A]  «.  breadth 
wield  [weld]  v.t.  to  swing;  to  control 
■wife  [wif  ]  «.  a  married  woman 
wig  [wrg]  K.  false  hair 
■wig'an  [wlg"n]  n.  a  stiffening  fabric 
wig'gle  [wlg'g'l]  V.  to  squirm 
wig'wam  [worn]  «.  Indian  tent  or  hut 
wild  [wild]  a.  untamed;  rude  [less 

wild'cat  (wild'katj  k.  animal;  a.  worth- 
wil'der-ness  [-der-nes)  n.  a  waste  place 
wild'fire  [wlld'firl  ».  rapid  fire 
wile  [wil]  «.  a  trick  fery 

wil'i-ness  [wil'l-nes] «.  cunning;  trick- 
will[win«.  power  tochoosc;  v.  to  direct 
will'ful  [wll'fijlj  a.  obstinate 
will'ing  [wll'lng]  a.  ready;  inclined 
I    ■will'ing-ness  [-n4s]  n.  readiness 




wil'low  [wll'16]  )/.  a  tree  or  bush 
wil'low-y  [wii'loy]  a.  pliant 
wilt  [wilt]  -■.  tcxiroop 
Wi'ly[wi'ly]  ,r,  sly 

wim'ble  [wim'b'l]  n.  a  gimlet 
■wim'ple  [wlm'p'l]  n.  a  covering 
win  [win]  T'.  to  gain;  to  allure 
wince  [wins]  v.  to  shrink 
winch  [winch]  n.  a  windlass 
wind  [wind]  n.  air  in  motion 
wind  [wind]  -J.t.  to  turn 
wind'bound  [wind'bound]  a. 
wind'fall  [-fal]7i.  anything  blown  down 
wind'gall  [wind'gal]  n.  a  tumor 
wind'ing-sheet  [shet]  n.  a  shroud 
wind'lass  [das]  n.  a  lifting  appliance 
wind'mill  [mrl])!.  mill  turned  by  wind 
win'dow  [win'do]  n.  opening  in  wall 
wind'pipe  [wind'pip]  n.  the  trachea 
wind'row  [  win'rO]  n.  a  line  of  raked  hay 
wind'ward  [ward]  a.  toward  the  wind 
wind'y  [wlnd'y]  a.  airy 
wine  [win]  H.  juice  of  grapes  fer 

wine'bib-ber[-bib-ber];i.  a  great  drink- 
wine'glass  [glas]  n.  a  small  glass  for 
wine'glass-ful  [ful]  >i.  [wine 

wing  [wing]  n.  limb  of  bird  [hurt 

winged  [wlng'd]  fart,  having   wings 
wing'ed[wing'ed](Z. swift;  having  wings 
wink  [wink]  v.i.  to  blink 
wink'er  [wlnk'er]  n.  horse's  blinder 
win'ner  [wln'ner]  n.  the  successful  one 
win'ning  [win'ning]  a.  attracting 
win'now  [win'nS]  -v.t.  to  separate 
win'some  [win'sflm]  a.  winning 
win'ter  [wln'ter]  n.  the  cold  season 
win'ter-green[-gr4n]K.  aromatic  plant 
win'try  [win'try]  a.  cold 
wipe  [wip]  v.t.  to  rub;  to  clean 
wip'er  [wip'er]  n.  one  who  wipes 
wire  [wir]  n.  a  thread  of  metal 
wire'edge  [cj]  n.  turned  edge  on  tool 
wire'pull-er  [-pul-er]  «.  an  intriguer 
wire'puU-ing  [-ing]  «.  intrigue 
wir'y  [wir'y]  n.  like  wire 
wis'dom  [wiz'dum]  n.  knowledge 
wis'dom-tooth  [-too//<]  n.  back  tooth 
wise  [wiz]  a.  learned;  godly 
wis'a-cre  [-S-ker]  n.  one  very  wise 
wis'er,  wis'est  [er,  -est]  a. 
wish  [wish]  It.  to  desire;  h.  a  desire 
wish'bone  [wish'bOn]  h.  forked  bone 
wish'ful  [wish'ful]  rt.  having  desire 
wish'ful-ly  [dy]  adv.  longingly 
wish'y-wash'y  [wish'ywosh'y]  a. 
wisp  [wisp]  ti.  a  whisk 
wist' ful  [wistful]  a.  eager 
wit  [wit]  n.  mind;  humor 
witch  [wich]  n.  a  sorceress 
witch'craft  [wlch'kraft]  n.  sorcery 
witch'elm  [-elm]  n.  a  kind  of  elm 
witch'er-y  [wich'er-y]  n.  enchantment 
witch'haz-el  [hSz-'l]  n.  a  shrub 
witch'ing  [ing]  a.  suited  for  sorcery 

c  r 




witb  [wTthJ/rif/.  nearness 
with-al'  [wlthal'l  ariv.  likewise  faway 
with-draw'  (-iira')f.  to  retract;  to  take 
with-draw'al  (al]  «.  act  of  retiring 
■withe  [wI/Zi]  «.  a  band  of  twigs 
with'er  [wrth'er)  v.  to  lose  freshness 
with'ers  [with'ers]  >i.  partot  horse 
with-hold'  [wlth-h61dlf.  to  keep  back 
with-in'  [within] />■<•/>.  inside  of 
with-out'  [witll-ouf]  /re/,  outside  of 
with-stand'  [withstand  )  T.t.  to  resist 
wit'less  [wit  les]  a.  indiscreet    [testify 
wit'ness  [wit'nes]  «.  testimony;   v.  to 
wit'ti-cism  [tl-sTzni)  h.  a  witty  saying 
wit'ti-ly  [wit'ti-ly]  niiv.  with  wit 
wit'ting-ly  [-Ing-lyl  adv.  knowingly 
wit'ty  [witty]  (J.  has  wit;  sharp 
wiz'ard  [wizard]  «.  a  magician 
wiz'en  [wiz'n]  a.  thin;  dried  up 
woe  [wo]  ti.  grief 

woe'be-gone'  [-bfg6n'l  a.  sorrowful 
woe'ful  [woful]  a.  sad 
woe'ful-ly  [•\^]adv.  sorrowfully:  badly 
wold  [wold]  ft.  a  wood;  open  country 
wolf  i^ulf  ]  ti.  a  dog-like  animal 
wolfish  [wulfish]  a.  like  a  wolf 
wol-ver-ine'  [wul-ver-en'l  n.  an  animal 
wom'an  [woum'trn]  ;/.  a  female 
wom'an-hood  [woom'<7n-hood]  ti. 
wom'an-ly  [ly]  a.  pert,  to  a  woman 
WOin'an-kind[-kind]«.  the  female  race 
womb  [woum]  >!. 

wom'en  [wlmVn]  Jt.  pi.  of*'woman" 
won  [v.iin] part,  gained 
won'der  [wOn'der]  >t  astonishment 
won'der-ful  [w6n'der-ful]  a.  amazing 
won'der-ful-ly[-fi!l-ly]<ii/i'.  amazingly 
won'drous  [wOn'drus]  a.  marvelous 
wont  [wint]  ;;.  habit 
wont'ed  [wfint'cd]  a.  accustomed 
woo  [woo]  v.t.  to  court 
woo'er  [woo'er]  n.  a  lover 
wood  [wood]  11-  timber;  a  forest 
wood'bine  [bin]  n.  a  climbing  plant 
wood'chuck[chak];!.a  rodent  mammal 
WOOd'cock  [kek]  «.  a  game  bird 
wood'cut  [kut]  «.  a  wood  engraving 
wood'cut-ter   [ter]   h.    one  who   cuts 
wood'en  [('n]  a.  make  of  wood     [wood 
wood'house  (hous)  >i. 
wood'land  [  land]>i.  wood-covered  land 
wood'man  [man]  «.  a  wood-cutter 
wood'peck-er  [wo3d'pek-er]  n.  a  bird 
wood' work  [werk]  «.  made  of  wood 
woof  [wCof]  n.  the  weft  of  cloth 
wool  [wool]  ".  the  sheep's  coat 
wool'en  (wool'"n]  a.  pert,  to  wool 
wool'ly  [wSilly]  a.  like  wool 
wool'comb-er  (woSlkOm-er]  «. 
wool'gath  er-ing  [-g.ith'er-rng]  «. 
wool'grow  er  [gro'er]);.  a  sheep  raiser 
wool'l-ness  [Ines]  n.  nature  of  wool 
word  [wi:rd]  «.  sign  of  an  idea;  promise 

1   V 





WOrd'lJOok  [-book]  n.  a  lexicon 
word-ing  [-mg]  «.  style  of  expression 
word'square  [skwar]  «. 
WOrd'y  [-y*  a.  using  many  words 
wore  [wor]  V.  iynp.  from  "wear" 
work  twerk]  -'.  to  labor;  ?;.  exertion 
work'a-ble  [ab'l]  a.  can  be  worked 
work'er  [Cr]  «.  one  who  works 
work'house  t-hous]  «.  a  poor-house 
WOrk'man  [man]  ;i.  a  worker 
work'man-liket-Iik]ii.  well-performed 
work'man-ship  [-ship]  «.  skill 
work'shop  [-sh6pl  n.  a  shop  for  work 
world  [werM]  n.  the  earth;  mankind 
world'li-ness  [-lines]  k.  [world 

WOrld'ling   [-ling]  «.    one  devoted  to 
world'ly  [ly]  a.  human 
worm  [werm]  H.  crawling  animal 
worm'eat-en  [-Jt-en]  a. 
worm'wood  [wood]  n   a  bitter  plant 
worm'y  [y]  a.  having  worms 
worn  (worn]/«»-/'.  showing  wear 
wor'ried  [wur'rld]  a.  vexed;  anxious 
WOr'ry  [-ry-]  v.  to  trouble;  to  be  anxious 
worse  [wers]  a.  more  sick 
wor'ship(\ver'ship]«.  respect;  devotion 
wor'ship-ful  [-ful]  a.  worthy  of  honor 
worst  [werst]  a.  very  bad;  most  wicked 
Worsl'ed  [wust'ed]  «.  a  kind  of  yarn 
wort  [wert]  tt.  a  plant;  new  beer 
worth  [wer//!]  71.  jirice;  merit 
wor'thi-ly  [werthf-ly]  adv.  deservedly 
wor'thi-ness  [nes]  k.  merit 
wortb'less  [wer/A'les]  a.  useless;  v 
wor'thy  [wer'thi]  a.  deserving 
would  [wood]  v.  to  desire 
wound  [woond]  n.  a  cut;  a  hurt 
wound  [wownd]  /./.  twined 
wraith  [rS/A]  n.  a  specter  [rel 

wran'gle  [ring'gl]  v.  to  brawl;  to  quar- 
wran'gler  [rlng'gler]  n.  a  disputant 
wrap  [rap]  v.t.  to  infold;  to  hide 
wrap'ped  [riptl/ur/.  folded  up 
wrap'per  [rSp'per]  «.  envelope;   loose 
wrath  [raf/i]  n.  anger  [garment 

wrath'ful  [ful]  a.  angry 
wrath'y  (•>■]  a.  very  angry 
wreak  [rek]  f.  to  avenge;  to  inflict 
wreath  [re//;]  «■  a  garland  [twine 

wreathe  [rSth]  v.  to  twist  about;  to  en- 
wreck  [rek]  V.  to  destroy;  k.  ruin 
wren  [ren]  «.  a  small  bird       [strument 
wrench  [rench]  v.t.  to  wrest;  n.  an  in- 
wrest  [rest]  ^•./.  to  twist;  to  pull  away 
wres'tle  [res"l]  w.!.  to  strive;   to  con- 
wres'tler  [res'ler]  «.  a  contestant  [tend 
wretch  [rech]  11.  a  miserable  person 
wretch'ed  [rech'ed]  a.  miserable 
wretch'ed-ness[rech'6d-nes]  n.  misery 
wrig'gle  [rlggl]  v.i.  to  squirm 
wrig'gler  [rig'gler]  n.  a  squirmer 
wright[rit]  11.  a  workman 
wring  [ring]  v.t.  to  twist  and  compress 
Wring'er  [ringer]  n.  inst  for  wringing 


y^  / 




■wrink'le  [ringk'I]  v.  to  corrugate 
■wrist  I  rist  1  »i.  joint  betw'n  hand  and  arm 
wrist'band  [rist'bSnd]  «.  part  of  shirt 
writ  [rit]  n.  a  writing;  Bible         Isleeve 
write  [rit]  7'.  to  inscribe;  to  make  letters 
writ'er  [rit'er]  «.  a  scribe 
writhe  [rlth]  v  totnist;  tobedistorted 
writ'ing  IrU'ing]  «.  anything  written 
writ'ing-mas  ter  [-mas'ter]  «.  teacher 
writ'iug-pa  per  [paper)  k. 
wrong  [rani;]  <'■  not  right: ■z'.  to  injure 
wrong'doer    [-dijoer]    n.  one  doing 
wrong'ful[-ful]n. unjust;  unfair  [wrong 
wrong'ly  [ly)  a<i%'-  unjustly  ^ 

wrote  [rot]/./,  "did  write" 
wroth  [zAth\  a.  angry 
wrought  [rat]/./,  worked;  labored 
wrung  [rOngl/./.  torn  from;  twisted 
wry  [ri]  a.  distorted;  twisted 
wry'neck  [nek]  n.  a  twisted  neck 
wye  (Y)  IwT]  «.  abearing 

xanth'am-ide  \zi.nth"km■'v^^  «.  an  acid 
xan'thate  [z.-inV/iat]  »<.  asalt  (color 
xan'thic  [-//Hk]  a.  producing  yellow 
xan'thine[-/'/Mn )«. yellow  coloringmat- 
xan'thite  l-tirw.]  «.  yellow  mineral  Iter 
xan'thi-um  {■lh\--am\  «.  a  plant 
xan'tho-ma  [-/Aoma]  h.  a  skin  disease 
xan'tho-phyll  [C/'lo^^niat- 
xan'thous[//iQsl<i.yellow  Iter  in  leaves 
xe'bec  [zebek]«.  smalls-masted  vessel 
xe-nod'o-chy[-nOd'6-kyl  k.  hospitality 
xen'o-time  [zen'4-tim]  «.  [hair 

xe-ra'si-a  [ze-rS'zhi-al  «.  disease  of  the 
xe-ro-der'ma  [-ro-der'ma]H.  askin dis- 
xe-ro'des  [-ilez]  «.  a  dry  tumor      [ease 
xe-roph'thal-my  [rSfMal-my]  n. 
xe-ro'tes  [ro'tez]  ;i.  dryness  of  body 
xiph'oid  [zif  oidl  a.  sword-shaped 
xy'lene  [len)  «.  a  hydrocarbon    [ment 
xy-lin'de-in  [lln'dJ-ln]  «.  a  blue  pig- 
xy'lite  [-lit]  K.  a  brown  mineral 
xy'li-tone  [  ll-tOnl  «.  a  yellow  oil    [ing 
xy'lo-graphl-lograf  l«.awoodengrav- 

xy'lo-phone  [Id-fon]  k.  a  musical  inst 
xys'tus  [zls'tus]  K.  an  open  portico 
xys'ter  [terl  «.  a  surgeon's  instrument 


Y  (wye)  [wi]  K.  shape  of  Y;  track 
yacht  [yOt]"«.  a  light  vessel 
yacht'ing  [ing]  «.  pleasure-sailing 
yachts'man  [yOts'man]  «.  ayachter 
yak  [yak]  n.  an  animal 
yam  [yaml  «•  tuber  like  sweet  potato 
yank  [ySnk]  v.  to  twitch;  to  pull 
yank'ee  [yank'4)  n.  a  New  Englander 
yard  [yrird]  «,  a  three-foot  measure 
yard'arm  (.irm]  >t.  half  ship's  yard 
I    yard'stick  [  stlk]  «.  a  yard  measure 
1    yarn  [yarn]  n.  fiber  strand;  a  story 

r  1  l^K 





yar'row  [yar'rO]  k.  a  plant 

yaup  [yap]  v.i.  to  yelp;  to  cry  out 

yawl  [yal]  «.  a  ship's  boat 

yawn  [yan]  v.i.  to  gape;  k.  a  gaping 

ycleped  (I-klept']/./.  named 

ye  [ye]  proti.  nom.  plural  of  "thou" 

yea  [ya]  ad-v.  yes 

yean'ling  [yen'llng]  n.  a  lamb 

year  [yer]  >i.  period  of  365  days   [events 

year'book  [yer'biSSk]  n.  book  of  year's 

year'ling  [-ling]  «.  animal  year  old 

year'ly  [yer'ly]  a.  annual 

yearn  [yem]  v.i.  to  long  for 

yeast  [yest]  n.  a  ferment 

yell  [yel]  v.i.  to  cry  out 

yel'low  [yeri6]M.  a  bright  golden  color 

yel'low-ish  [  ish]  a.  somewhat  yellow 

yel'lows  [los]  H.  jaundice;  peach  tree 

yelp  [yelp]  v.i.  to  bark  [disease 

yeo'man[yo'man]?i.  a  free-holder;  farm 

yeo'inan-ry  [-ry]w.  all  free-holders  [er 
yes  [yes]  <7rff.  yea;  consent  [past 

yes'ter-day  [-ter-da]  n.   the  day  last 
yes'ter-eve  [-ev]  n.  last  evening 
yet  [yet]  adv.  besides;  still;  even 
yew  [yoo]  71.  a  spreading  Eng.  tree 
yield  [yeldj  ■:'.  to  submit;  to  give  forth 
yield'ing   [mg]   a.  compliant;   giving 
yoke  [yok]  a.  a  frame;  bondage     [forth 
yoke'fel-low  [fel-lo]  «.  associate 
yolk  [yolk]  n.  yellow  part  of  egg 
yon  [yon]  a.  at  distance;  adv.  yonder 
yon'der  [yon'der]  a.  afar 
yore  [ySr]  adv.  long  since 
you  [yoo]  pron.  2nd  person 
young  [yung]  a.  not  old;  k.  offspring 
young'ster  [-ster]  «.  a  lad 
your  [\\ir\pron.  poss.  of  "you" 
your'self  [-self]/>-oH.  your  own  self 
youth  [yooth]  n.  early  life;  young  man 
youth'ful  [ful]  a.  young 
yt'tri-a  [it  tria]  k.  an  oxide  of  yttrium 
yt'tri-um  [U'tn-um]  «.  a  rare  meta 
yule  [yool]  «.  Christmas  feve 

yule'log  [-log]  «.  log  used  Christmas 
yule'tide  [-tid]  «.  Christmas  time 

za'ny  [zS'ny]  «.  a  buffoon 
zeal  [zel]  H.  ardor;  eagerness 
zeal'ot  [zel'Ot]  «.  an  enthusiast 
zeal'ous  [-us]  a.  ardent 
zeal'ous-ness  [-nes]  h.  enthusiasm 
ze'bra  [ze'bra]  H.  a  S.  African  animal 
zend  [zend]  n.  language  of  the  Avesta 
Zend'A-ves'ta  [-s-ves'ta]  k. 
ze'nith  [zenith]  K.  greatest  height 
zeph'yr  [zefer]  «   a  gentle  breeze  [ing 
ze'ro  [zero]  a.  naught;  32°below  freez 
zest  [zest]  ;i.  relish  [turns 

zig'zag  [zig'zSg]  a.  crooked;  with  short 
zinc  [zingk]  ti.  a  bluish-white  metal 
zin-cif  er-ous  [zinklfer-us]  a. 
zin-cog'ra-pher  [kag'rS-fer]  «.  [zinc 
zin-COg'ra-phy  [f  I]   «.  engraving  on 


\  r 



A \ 



zink'y  (zink  yl  a.  pertaining  to  zinc 
zinc'white  [whit]  «.  oxide  of  zinc 
Zi'on  [zi  6n)  n.  hill  in  Jerusalem 
zith'er  [ziM'er]  k.  a  musical  instrument 
Zo'di-ac[TO  diaicl«.tliei2constellati"ns 
ZO-<ii'a-cal[zo-dt'a-kai  zodiac 
zo'e-trope  [zo'f-trOpl  k.  an  optical  toy 
zone  [con]  «.  belt;  girdle        fin  animals 
ZO-ol'o-gist  [zo-Ol'O-gist]  K.  one  versed 
zo-ol'o-gy  [-g\]  «.  science  of  animals 
ZO  o-log'i-cal  [zo  6-l6j'i-k(ill  a. 
zo'o-phyte  [zo's-fit]  n.  plant-like  ani- 
ZOu'ave  [zoo'av]  «.  French  soldier  Imal 
zounds  [zownds]  interj.  an  oath 
Zu'lus  (zoo' loos]  «.  a  tribe  in  Africa 
zyg-0-mat'ic  [zyg-i-mat'ik]  a. 
zy'lo-nite[zi'I6-mt]K.cellu'oid   [tation 
zy-mot'ic  (zimCt'Ikln.  pert,  tofermen- 
zy'thum  [zi'fAum]  k.  a  malt  beverage 


Alabama  [al'c-ba'ma]  Ala. 

Alaska  (S-la»  ka]  Alaska,  Tcr. 

Arizona  [ar-I-z5'na]  Ariz.,  Ter. 

Arkansas  [Ar'kon-sa'j  Ari. 

Little  Rock 

California  [kal'i-for'ni-a]  Co/. 

Colorado  [kOl't^-ra'do]  Colo. 

Connecticut  [k<;n-n6t'i-kat]  Ct. 

Delaware  [dsl'a-war]  Del. 


Florida  tflSrl-da]   Fla. 

Georgia  [j6r'ji-<2]   Ga. 


Idaho  [I'du-hol  Idaho 

lioise  City 
Illinois  [illl-noi-]  ///. 


Indiana  rmMi-sn'a]  ind. 

Indian  Territory  [ind'y^nl  Ind.Ter. 


Iowa    [r«-wa]  la. 

i'es   Moines 
Kansas  [kan'sas]  Kan. 


Kentucky  rkentak'y]  Ky. 

Louisiana  (lo5c-ze-a'nal  La, 
Baton  Rouge  [roozhj 


Maine  [man]  Me. 

Maryland  [m6r'I-land]  Md. 

Massachusetts  [mas'a-chu'sfts]  Man. 

Michigan  [mish'l-gan]  Mich. 

Minnesota  [mln'e-so'ta]  Minn. 

St    Paul 
Mississippi  [mis'sls-slp'pi]  Miss. 

Missouri  [mis-soo-n]  Mo. 

Montana  [mOn-ta'na]  Mont. 


Nebraska   [n^-bras'ka]  Neb. 

Nevada  [n^-va'da]  Nev. 

Carson  City 
New  Hampshire  [hsmp'shir]  II. H. 


New  Jersey  [jer'^i]  ^-  J- 

New  Mexico  [-m6k'sI-ko]  N.  Mex. 
Santa  Fe 

New  York  [-york]  n.  y. 


North  Carolina  [-kar-6-irn.i]  N.  C. 


North  Dakota  [da-ks'ta]  N. Dak. 

Ohio  [o-hi'o]  O. 

Oklahoma  [ok-Ia-ho'ma]  O.  Ter. 

Oregon   [OrV-gSn]   Or. 

Pennsylvania  [pen'sil-va'ni-a]  Pa. 


Rhode  Island  [rod  J'l./nd]  R.  I. 

Providence  and  Newport 
South  Carolina  [kar-S-li'na]  S.   C. 


South  Dakota  [da-ka'ta]  s.  D. 

Pierre    [pe-ar'] 
Tennessee  [ten'n«s-se']   Tenn. 

Texas  [tSks'^zs]   Tex. 

trtah  [Q'ta]   Ut,zk 

Salt  Lake  City 

Vermont  [ver-monf]  Vt. 

Virginia  [ver-jin'l-a]   Va. 

Washington  [wOsh'Ing-ton]    irash. 

•West  Virginia  [-vSr-jin'i-<i]  IV.  Va. 

Wisconsin  fwls-kon'sml  Wis. 

Wyoming  [wt-o'ming]  Wyo. 

Cheyenne  [shi-en'l 







Monosyllables  endinffiny, /or  J  double  the  final  letter;  others  do  not. 

Examples: — #<//,  log. 

Exceptions: — Clef,  i/,  of,  sol,  as,  gas,  has,  ■was.yes,  thus,  is,  his, 

Add,  burr,  buxs,  htttt,  egg,  ebh,  err,Jizz,fuzz,  inn,  odd. 

As  a  rule,  monosyllables  ending  in  c  hard  add  i,  jis  lack.  A  few 
exceptions  occur. 

A  monosyllable  or  a  word  that  has  the  accent  on  the  last  syllable, 
ending  in  a  single  consonant  preceded  by  a  single  vowel  doubles  the 
final  letter  when  adding  a  suffix  beginning  with  a  \ov,e\:_fit,_fitUd.  X 
is  never  doubled.  If  the  final  consonant  is  not  preceded  by  a  single 
vowel  or  if  the  accent  is  not  on  the  last  syllable  the  final  letter  is  not 
doubled;  as,-^/rat,r/,  traveler. 

When  silent  e  ends  a  word,  drop  the  e  when  a  suffix  beginning  with 
a  vowel  is  added; — have,  having.  Retain  the  e  before  ous,  able  and 
ably  to  preserve  the  soft  sound  of  f  and i' and  in  a  few  cases  to  prevent 
doubt  as  to  the  pronunciation; — peace,  peaceable,  hoeing.  Do  not  drop 
the  e  before  a  suffix  beginningwith  a  consonant.    'E^c.^Judgment ,  etc. 

The  diphthong  ei  usually  follows  c ;  ie  usually  after  other  conso- 
nants;— receive,  belie/.  AVhether  to  use  ei  or  ie  may  be  determined 
readily  by  the  nearness  of  the  first  vowel  to  the  preceding  consonant 
in  the  alphabet.  In  receive  the  e  is  nearest  to  c  in  the  alphabet  so 
use  it;  in  belie/ the  i  is  nearest  to  /  so  use  it.  Seise  and  other  ex- 
ceptions can  readily  be  remembered. 

Final  y  following  a  consonant  is  usually  changed  to  i  before  a 
suffix; — holy,  holiness.  Adding  ing6xo^%  the  final  e  and  changes  i  to 
y: — die,  dying.     Note  the  spelling, — try,  trying. 

Compound  words  usually  retain  the  spelling  of  the  original  parts. 
There  are  a  number  of  exceptions  to  this  rule; — always,  -welcome,  etc. 

To  spell  well  train  the  eye  as  well  as  the  ear.  Write  and  rewrite 
in  correct  way  words  you  commonly  misspell  till  their  form  is  fixed 
in  your  mind. 


Use  a  capital  letter. 

1.  For  the  first  word  of  every  sentence. 

2.  For  the  first  word  after  an  introductory  or  set  term  as  m  the  caso 
of  laws  and  resolutions:  Resolved.That — .  Each  line  of  a  statement 
or  bill  of  particulars  may  begin  with  a  capital  letter. 

3.  For  the  first  word  of  an  answer  to  a  question. 

4.  Tobegiu  proper  names  of  persons,  places,  months,  days,  ships, 
etc.     Also  for  titles  of  honor  and  distinction. 

g.  For  the  pronoun  I  and  the  interjection  O. 

6.  For  the  first  word  of  every  line  of  poetry. 

7.  For  all  the  names  by  which  God  and  Christ  arc  known.  Words 
referrmg  to  the  Deity  should  usually  be  capitalized.  If  a  title  is  ex- 
pressed the  pronoun  referring  to  it  in  the  same  sentence  need  not  have 
a  capital. 

8.  For  all  adjectives  which  are  derived  from  proper  names,  names 
of  races  and  nations;  as,  American,  Cuban,  Russian. 

9.  For  the  first  word  of  a  quotation  introduced  after  a  colon. 

10.  For  common  nouns  when  personified;  ab.  The  Oak  said  to  the 
Ash,  etc. 

ir.  To  begin  words  and  phrases  that  are  used  as  names  of  particu- 
lar objects. 

12.  For  each  important  word  in  headings,  subjects  of  papers,  titles 
of  books,  heads  of  chapters,  names  of  orUeri,  and  expressions  of  special 


In  manuscript  draw  one   line  under  words  or  parts  that  you  want 

printed  in  itaHcs:  two  lines  for  small  capitals;  three  lines  for  LARGE 

CAPITALS.  You  may  also  indicate  in  writing-  any  special  type  or 
characters  you  want  used  to  bring  out  certain  words  or  parts. 

Use  italics  to  mark  emphatic  words,  phrases  and  clauses.  Degrees 
of  emphasis  may  be  indicated  by  the  size  of  type  used;  as,  ^ci,  yes, 
YES!  Words  from  foreign  languages  should  be  printed  in  italics. 
Special  names  of  books,  newspapers,  magazines,  and  definite  objects 
are  frequently  printed  in  italics  or  small  capitals.  The  name  of  an 
author  of  a  quotation  or  cited  article  is  usually  placed  after  the  quo- 
tation and  printed  in  italics. 

Do  not  crowd  the  page  with  capitals,  punctuation  marks  and  special 
characters.      In  these  matters  consult  your  printer. 


Marks  of  punctuation  are  used  to  separate  words  and  groups  of 
words  in  any  composition  for  the  purpose  of  making  the  meaning  in- 
tended by  the  writer  clear  to  the  reader.  Keep  this  in  mind  and  it 
will  help  you  in  determining  the  marks  to  be  used. 

The  Period  (.)  indicates  the  greatest  degree  of  separation  and 
marks  the  completion  of  a  thought.  Use  it  at  the  end  of  all  declara- 
tive and  imperative  sentences.  A  sentence  is  but  a  thought  expressed 
in  words  and  when  that  is  stated  the  period  is  used.  It  is  also  used 
after  all  abbreviations  (B.  A.,  P.  M.,  etc.)  and  as  a  mark  between  dollars 
and  cents  (f  100.41). 

The  Colon  (:)  denotes  the  second  greatest  degree  of  separation 
and  is  used  between  the  great,  equal  parts  of  a  compound  sentence, 
the  members  themselves  being  separated  into  parts  by  half  degrees 
or  semi-colons  (;).  The  colon  is  also  used  before  a  long  quotation  or 
enumeration  that  is  formally  introduced  and  before  a  statement  that 
sets  forth  in  a  sentence  the  same  idea  a  second  time. 

The  Semicolon  (;)  is  used  when  there  is  less  break  in  the  thought 
than  the  colon  denotes.  It  is  used  before  as,  namely,  to-wit,  etc., 
when  they  introduce  examples  or  illustrations;  between  the  parts  of 
sentences  when  the  connectives  are  omitted  or  when  the  parts  are  long; 
between  clauses  that  follow  each  other  but  have  a  common  dependence, 
and  wherever  the  use  of  a  number  of  commas  or  the  need  of  explanation 
requires  a  mark  indicating  greater  separation  in  order  to  save  from 
confusion  and  to  plainly  set  forth  the  thought  of  the  sentence. 

The  Comma  ( , )  denotes  the  least  degree  of  separation.  1 1  is  used 
before  and  after  parenthetical  expressions  that  are  out  of  their  natural 
order  and  connection;  after  each  pair  of  words  when  used  in  pairs; 
between  words  or  phrases  when  the  connectives  are  omitted;  after  a 
clause  that  is  itself  a  subject;  after  adjective,  participial,  appositive, 
independent  and  antithetical  phrases;  before  and  after  a  direct  cjuota- 
tion  or  a  quotation  introduced  by  thai:  after  words  that  are  repeated 
merely  for  emphasis ;  separates  contrasted  words  and  phrases;  takes 
the  place  of  verbs  to  save  repeating  and  is  used  in  all  cases  where 
ambiguity  would  arise  if  it  were  not  used. 

This  series  of  four  marks  covers  practically  all  cases  that  require 
division  of  the  sentence  for  the  purpose  stated.  A  careful  study  of 
sentences  involving  the  various  points  will  well  repay  study  and  will 
enable  a  writer  to  effectively  use  these  marks. 

The  Interrogation  Point  (?)  is  used  at  the  end  of  a  sentence  that 
asks  a  question.  If  the  question  is  broken  up  into  a  number  of  parts 
or  if  there  are  several  successive  questions  in  the  same  sentence  and 
yet  all  can  be  answered  by  one  and  the  same  statement, but  one  mark 
is  used  and  that  is  placed  at  the  end.  A  series  of  questions,  however, 
that  are  on  the  same  subject  but  disconnected  even  if  related  in  sense, 
must  each  have  its  own  mark. 

The  Exclamation  Point  (!)  is  used  after  exclamatory  expressions 
indicating  emotion.  In  closely  connected  exclamatory  expressions  do 
not  use  it  immediately  after  the  interjection  but  at  the  end  of  the 

The  Dash  ( — )  is  used  to  indicate  a  sudden  break  or  turn  in  the 
thought;  to  take  the  place  of  omitted  letters,  figures  and  phrases, and 
sometimes  before  words  repeated  for  emphasis. 

The  Curves  (  )  include  expressions  that  have  no  necessary  connec- 
tion with  the  sentence  in  which  they  are  found  and  which  can  be 
omitted  without  destroj-ing  the  sentence.  The  matter  within  the 
curves  is  called  (7 /arf«^/:(ri-:x  or  parenthetical  expression.  The  curves 
are  frequently  used  to  inclose  letters,  figures  or  signs  used  for  expla* 
nation,  headings  or  divisions  of  matter. 

The  punctuation  of  parenthetical  expressions  depends  upon  their 
use,  position  and  relation  to  the  sentence  of  which  they  are  made 
a  part.  Use  no  marks  before  or  after  if  none  are  needed  in  the  sentence 
itself.  When  a  comma  is  necessary  it  is  better  to  place  it  after  the  last 
curve.  If  the  parenthesis  expresses  emotion  or  is  an  inquiry,  its  own 
mark  (?  or  ])  would  be  used  within  the  curves  and  the  comma  would 
then  be  thrown  before  the  curves,  but  as  a  rule  no  point  should  \^  used 
before  the  first  curve  if  not  required  by  the  sentence  without  the 
parenthesis.  Curves  make  composition  look  bad,  so  omit  them  when 
expressions  are  short  and  use  commas  instead. 

The  Brackets  [  ]  are  used  to  enclose  words,  expressions  and  char- 
acters that  explain  some  preceding  part  or  that  have  been  inserted  by 
authors  or  translators. 

The  Apostrophe  {')  denotes  an  omission  of  a  letter  or  letters. 

The  Hyphen  (-)  connects  the  parts  of  compound  words,  divides 
words  into  syllables  and  is  used  at  the  end  of  aline  where  a  part  of  the 
word  runs  over  to  the  next  line. 

Quotation  Marks  ("  ")  enclose  words  quoted  by  one  author  from 
the  book  of  another  or  words  spoken  by  persons  in  the  narrative. 

The  Index  (Cj*)  points  to  a  passage  to  which  attention  is  par- 
ticularly requested. 

The  Brace  (~.^— >)  connects  a  number  of  items  under  one  head. 

The  Caret  (  a  )  shows  that  words  that  are  omitted  are  to  be  inserted 
at  point  indicated. 

The  Macron  ( "  )  indicates  a  long  sound. 

The  Breve  (  ' )  indicates  a  short  sound. 

The  Dieresis  ( "  )  is  placed  over  the  second  of  two  vowels  and 
shows  that  they  are  to  be  pronounced  separately. 

The  Tilde  (")  over  n  adds  to  it  the >■  sound;  as.cutioii.iau-j/an. 


a,  @^Toor  at. 

A.  B.— Bachelor  of  Arts. 

aec,  acet. — account. 

Afft.  Sales — Account  of  Sales. 

Admr. — Administrator. 

A.  D. — In  the  year  of  our  Lord. 

Act.— Agent. 

A.  M. — Master  of  Arts;  forenoon. 
Am.or  Amcr. — Aiperica;  American, 
amt. — amount. 

ftns. — answer. 
art. — article, 
atljr. — attornej'. 
bal. — balance. 
bbl barrel. 

B.  C Before  Christ. 

hro.  — brother;  bro«. — brothers. 

Capt. — Captain. 

C.  E.— Civil  Engineer. 

chap. — chapter. 

rik — clerk. 

CO. — company;  county. 

C.  0.  U.— Collect  on  Delivery. 
cr. — credit;  creditor. 

tt.— cent;  els. — cents. 
dcpt, — department. 
def.,  defl. — defendant. 
Dr.— debtor;  doctor. 

D.  v.— Cod  willing. 
cd, — editor:  edition, 
e.  ?.— for  example. 
eM|. — esquire. 

px. ^example. 

(J.  A.  R.  — Grand  Army  of  the  R< 

hdkf.— handkerchief. 

Hon honorable. 

11).,  ibid.— in  same  place. 

id.— the  same. 

I.  H.  S. — Jesus,  Sariour  of  Men. 

I,    N,    R.    I. —  Jesus    of   Nazareth, 

King  of  the  Jews. 
ins. — insurance. 

inst.- instant;  in  present  month. 
int. — interest. 
inT. — invoice. 
Jr. — ^junior. 
lb. — pound, 
lib.— librarian. 
Ion.,  long. — longitude. 
L.  S. — place  of  the  seal. 
M.  D. — Doctor  of  Medicine, 
mdse. — merchandise. 

Dlr. — mister. 

Mrs.— mistress. 

Messrs.,  Bless, — gentlemen. 

mfg.,  mnftf. — manufacturing. 

mo.,  men. — month. 

ms.,  (pi.  mss.) — manuscript. 

No.  (pi.  Nos.) — number. 

Don  seq. — it  does  not  follow. 

obt. — obedient. 

O,  K all  correct. 

O,  S old  style. 

par. — paragraph. 

per  cent. — by  the  hundred. 

plir.— plaintiff. 

P.  31. — postmaster;  afternoon, 

P,  0 posloffice. 

pop, — population. 

PP — page. 

pros.,  prost. — president. 

prof. — professor. 

pro  torn. — for  the  time  being. 

prox. — of  next  month. 

pub. — publisher. 

Pub.  Doc— Public  Document. 

ques. — question. 

qy.- query. 

reed, — receired. 

rccpt, — receipt. 

R,  R.— railroad. 

Ry. — railway. 

sec,  sect. — section. 

see,,  secy, — secretary, 

soc,  socy, — society. 

SS.,  ss,- namely. 

supt. — superintendent. 

tp. — township. 

treas. — treasurer. 

lilt.— of  last  month, 

viz, —namely. 

vol,— Toluuie. 

vs.— against. 

wit. — week. 

y.,  yr. — year. 

yd.— yard. 


Ab  Initio,    L. — From    the    begin- 
ad    infinitum,    L.  —  to    unlimited 

ad  libitum,  L. — at  pleasure. 

alias,  L. — otherwise. 

alibi,  L. — elsewhere. 

an  fait,  i^.— all    right ;  instructed. 

an  revoir,  F. — till  we  meet  again. 

bon  jonr,  F. — good  day. 

bon-mot,  F. — a  witticism. 

bon  soir,  F. — good-night. 

bon  ton,  F. — high  fashion. 

bonnfldp,  £.— genuine. 

carte  blanche,  /^.— with  full  power. 

caveat,  L. — let  him  beware. 

chef  d'oeuvre,  i='.— masterpiece. 

contra,  L. — against. 

coup  d'etat,  F.— a  stroke  of  policy. 

debut,  F.— first  appearance. 

de  facto,  Z.— in  fact. 

dejare,  i.— from  right. 

denouement,  /=".— result;   outcome 

eclat,  /=■,— splendor. 

elite,  F,— choice ;  select. 

encore,  F. — again. 

masse,  /•".— in  a  body. 

entree,  F. — entrance. 

ergo,  L. — therefore. 

e    pluribus    unura,    L. — one     from 

esprit    de    corps,    F.  —  the    ruling 

ex  oftlcio,  Z,.— bv  virtue  of  oflice. 

ex  parte,  L. — on  one  side. 

ex  tempore,  i:.— at  the  moment. 

facile  priiicipes,  L. — admitted  to  be 

faux  pas,  F.— a  f.ilse  step, 

bant  ton,  F.— higliest  f.nshion. 

hors  de  combat,  F. — not  in  condi- 
tion to  fight. 

imprimis,  £.— in  the 

impromptu,   /.. — without    prepara- 

in  hoe  signo  vinces,   L. — under  this 
standard  thou  shalt  conquer. 

in  niedias  res,  £.— in  the  midst  of 



Id  proprift  persona,  /..—in  person. 

inter  non,  L. — among  ourselves. 

in  loto,    L. — in   the   whole;  entire. 

In  traoMta,  /.. — on  the  way. 

interim,  /..—in  the  meantime. 

ip»ir  dixit,  /..  —  a  dogmatic  ex- 

j^D  d'esprit.  F. — a  witticism. 

lapsni  linguae,  /..—a  slip  of  the 

lex  Bcriptft.  L. — the  written  law. 

Kacrnum  »pns,  /.. — a  great  work. 

m&l  a  propos,  /^.—ill-timed. 

neus  ft  limm,  /..—  mine  and  thine. 

nw.  L.  —  family  name.  j 

ne  plufc  ultra,  /..—none  better.  I 

nil  de^peranduiB,  L.  —  never  de- 

nokn^fukas.  L. — willing  or  not. 

nom  d*  plome,  F. — literary  nick- 
iiaine  ;  assumed  name. 

noD  ronipo«  mentis,  L. — of  unsound 

non  hequltur,  /,. — it   does    not    fol- 

nota  bene,   L, — mark  well. 

on  dil,  F.  -\\  is  said. 

onoft     probando,    /..  —  burden     of 

ora  pro  nohU,  /..—pray  for  us. 

(I  temporal  o  mores  1  /.. — O  the 
times  I  O  the  manners! 

otfnm  earn  dipnitate,  /..  —  ease 
with  dignity. 

par  eirellenee,  /,. — by  way  of  em- 

partireps  rrlmlois,  L. — accomplice 
in  Lrime. 

piu>sim,  /_. — ererywherc. 

papier  marhe,  F. — paper  pulp. 

|iater  familiar,  L.  —  father  of  a 

per  capita,  L. — by  the  head. 

per  dien.  L. — by  the  day. 

per*e,  Z.— by  itself. 

petitlo  principi,  A.— a  begging  of 
the  question. 

poeta  naftrltnr,  non  fit,  /..—the  poet 

is  burn,  not  made. 
pon»i  a»>inorum,  /..—bridge  uf  asses. 
prima  facie.  /,. — on  first  riew. 
pro  et  eou,  /,. —  for  and  against. 
pro  forma,  /-.—for  forms  sake. 
pro    tempore,     /..  —  for    the    time 

qui  vise,  /^.— on  the  alert. 
quid  nunc!  /■.— what  nowf 
quid  pro  quo,  /..—one  for  the  other. 
quondam,  Z.— former. 
sang  froid,  F. — indifference-. 
sans  M>uei,  F- — without  cure. 
M-mper  idem,  /..—always  the  same, 
semper   puralus,/!. — always  ready. 
sine  die,   /.—  without  day. 
soiree,  F. — erening  entertainment. 
sotto  ^ore,  /.  — in  a  low  voice. 
suaviter  in  modo,  forliterin  re,  /.. — 

gentle   in    mauner,   resolute    la 

sub  ro«a,  Z.^prirately  ;  under  the 

sui  ^neris,  /,. — unique;  of  its  own 

tableau  vivant,  F. — a  liring  picture. 
tempu>.  fu^rit,  L. — time  flies. 
terra  flrma,  A.— firm  ground- 
term  inrngnita^   /,. — an    unknown 

tete-a*tete,  /^.— face  to  face. 
lout  ensemble,  F. — the  whole  taken 

Tale,  /,. — farewell. 
\alel  de  cfaambre,  /^.— a  body  scrv. 

Terbatim  et  literatim,  /..—word  for 

word  and  letter  for  letter. 
Tie*  Tenta,    /.. — the  case  being  re- 
Tin  ft  Til,  F. — opposite,  face  to  face. 
viva  voee,  L. — by  word  of  mouth. 
vive  la  republiqne,    /^.— long    live 

the  repultlic. 
vox  populi,  vox  Dei,  /.. — the  Toice 

of  the  people  is  the  voice  of  God. 


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