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)ff/cial  Monthly  Record  of  United  States  Foreign  Policy /Volume  86/ Number   2115 

October  1986 


The  President/1 

Arms  Control/7 


Western  Hemisphere/65 

Department  of  State 


Volume  86  /  Number  2115/  October  1986 

Cover:  President  Reagan 

(White  House  photo  by  Pete  Souza) 

One  of  the  priorities  of  the  assistance  pro- 
vided by  the  international  community  is  to 
supply  the  refugees  with  clean  drinking 

(Courtesy  of  UNHCR:  J.  Jessen-Petersen) 

The  Department  of  State  Bulletin. 
published  by  the  Office  of  Public  Com- 
munication in  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  is  the  official  record  of  U.S. 
foreign  policy.  Its  purpose  is  to  provide 
the  public,  the  Congress,  and  govern- 
ment agencies  with  information  on 
developments  in  U.S.  foreign  relations 
and  the  work  of  the  Department  of 
State  and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  Bulletin's  contents  include  major 
addresses  and  news  conferences  of  the 
President  and  the  Secretary  of  State; 
statements  made  before  congressional 
committees  by  the  Secretary  and  other 
senior  State  Department  officials;  se- 
lected press  releases  issued  by  the 
White  House,  the  Department,  and  the 
U.S.  Mission  to  the  United  Nations;  and 
treaties  and  other  agreements  to  which 
the  United  States  is  or  may  become  a 
party.  Special  features,  articles,  and 
other  supportive  material  (such  as  maps, 
charts,  photographs,  and  graphs)  are 
published  frequently  to  provide  addi- 
tional information  on  current  issues  but 
should  not  necessarily  be  interpreted  as 
official  U.S.  policy  statements. 


Secretary  of  State 


Assistant  Secretary  for  Public  Affair 



Office  of  Public  Communication 


Chief,  Editorial  Division 




Assistant  Editor 

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i  President 

SDI:  Progress  and  Promise 
News  Conference  of  August  1 2 

International  Trade 

ns  Control 

Arms  Control:  Turning  the 
Corner?  (Kenneth  L.  Adelman) 

CDE  Opens  Final  Session 
(White  House  Statement) 

Interim  Restraint:  U.S.  and  Soviet 
Force  Projections  (President 
Reagan,  Letter  to  the  Congress, 
Unclassified  Report) 

Presidential  Response  to  Soviet 
Arms  Control  Proposals  (White 
House  Statement) 

U.S.  Policy  Regarding  Limita- 
tions on  Nuclear  Testing 

U.S.-U.S.S.R.  Discussions  on 
Nuclear  Testing  (White  House 

SCC  Meets  in  Geneva  (White 
House  and  U.S.  Statements) 


The  Foreign  Affairs  Budget 
(John  C.  Whitehead) 

it  Asia 

U.S. -Japan  Relations:  A  Global 

Partnership  for  the  Future 

(Michael  H.  Armacost) 
U.S. -Japan  Semiconductor  Trade 

Agreement  (President  Reagan) 
Perspective  and  Proportion  for 

U.S. -Japanese  Relations 

(Gaston  J.  Sigur,  Jr.) 


Economic  Sanctions  to  Combat 
International  Terrorism 

Trade  Policy:  Where  Will 
America  Lead?  (Douglas  W. 


34  Strategic  Petroleum  Reserve 

(White  House  Statement) 


35  25th  Anniversary  of  Berlin  Wall 

(President  Reagan) 

35  27th  Report  on  Cyprus 

(Message  to  the  Congress) 

Human  Rights 

36  11th  Anniversary  of  the  Helsinki 

Final  Act  (President  Reagan) 
36        Captive  Nations  Week,  1986 

Military  Affairs 

37        Binary  Chemical  Munitions 
Program  (White  House 


37        U.S.  International  Narcotic 

Control  Programs  and  Policies 
(John  C.  Whitehead) 


41         Who  Will  Protect  Freedom  of  the 
Seas?  (John  D.  Negroponte) 


43        U.S.  and  Australia  Hold 

Ministerial  Talks  (Kim  Beazley, 
Bill  Hay  den,  Secretary  Shultz, 
Caspar  W.  Weinberger) 


49        U.S.  Refugee  Policies  and 

Programs  at  Midyear  1986 
(James  N.  Purcell,  Jr. ) 

South  Asia 

54        Visit  of  Pakistan's  Prime  Minister 
(Joint  Statement) 


55        Terrorism  and  Tourism 

(Robert  B.  Oakley) 
58        Antiterrorism  Act  Signed  into 

Law  (President  Reagan) 

United  Nations 

58        Nicaragua's  Role  in 

Revolutionary  Internationalism 

(Vernon  A.  Walters) 
61         Report  on  UN  Human  Rights 

Commission  Meeting  (Richard 

63        UN  Financial  Crisis 

(Vernon  A.  Walters) 

Western  Hemisphere 

65  Visit  of  Mexican  President 

(Miguel  de  la  Madrid  Hurtado, 
President  Reagan) 

66  Update  on  Chile 

(Elliott  Abrams) 
70        Obstacles  to  Investment 

and  Economic  Growth  in  Latin 

America  (Richard  T. 

73        Visit  of  President  of  Uruguay 

(President  Reagan, 

Julio  Maria  Sanguinetti) 


75        Current  Actions 

Press  Releases 

77        Department  of  State 


77  Department  of  State 

78  Background  Notes 
78        Foreign  Relations 

Volume  Released 



31:  Progress  and  Promise 

'risuliiil  Ixi'iifiini's  n-mnrks  ul  u 
1  House  briefing  on  August  6,  1986. 1 

grateful  to  have  this  opportunity  to 
k  with  you  and  to  thank  you  for  all 
re  doing  to  keep  America  in  the 
front  of  scientific  and  technological 
ge.  Our  country's  security  today 
s  as  much  on  the  genius  and 
tivity  of  scientists  as  it  does  on  the 
age  and  dedication  of  those  in  the 
ary  services.  It  also  relies  on  those 
the  wisdom  to  recognize  innovation 
n  they  see  it  and  to  shepherd  change 
the  obstacles  and  through  the  maze, 
kes  a  special  person,  endowed  with 
n  and  tenacity,  to  overcome  po'itical 
bureaucratic  inertia;  and  many  of 
here  today  are  just  this  kind  of 
ial  people,  and  I  want  you  to  know 
your  President  and  your  country 
grateful.  And,  if  I'm  not  being  too 
umptuous,  I  think  history  will 
>mber  you,  too. 

Chere  are  three  stages  of  reaction  to 
lew  idea,  as  Arthur  C.  Clarke,  a 
ant  writer  with  a  fine  scientific 
I,  once  noted.  First,  "It's  crazy; 
;  waste  my  time."  Second,  "It's 
■ble,  but  it's  not  worth  doing."  And, 
:y,  "I  always  said  it  was  a  good 

Vhen  I  notice  how  much  support  tax 
lification  seems  to  have  attracted  as 
fee,  I  can't  help  but  think  of  Clarke's 
irvation.  Well,  one  sometimes  has  to 
ivith  opposition  to  proposals  such  as 
ging  the  tax  code,  but  when  the 
■  kind  of  skepticism  stands  in  the 
of  the  national  security  of  our  coun- 
t  can  be  perilous. 

piearly,  intelligent  and  well-meaning 
riduals  can  be  trapped  by  a  mindset, 
y  of  thinking  that  prevents  them 
!  seeing  beyond  what  has  already 
i  done  and  makes  them  uncomfort- 
Iwith  what  is  unfamiliar.  And  this 
(set  is  perhaps  our  greatest  obstacle 
gard  to  SDI. 

we're  at  a  critical  point  now  on 
>nal  security  issues,  and  we  need 
i  help.  Many  of  our  citizens  are  still 
rare  that  today  we  are  absolutely 
Useless  against  the  fastest,  most 
hictive  weapons  man  has  ever 
ked— ballistic  missiles.  Yet,  there  are 
;those  who  want  to  cut  off,  or 
!rely  cut  back,  our  ability  to  inves- 
'e  the  feasibility  of  such  defenses, 
tressional  action  on  the  defense 
iorization  bill  is  coinciding  with 
psing  diplomatic  activity  with  the 

Soviet  Union.  Yet,  at  the  same  time, 
we're  in  the  midst  of  a  budget  fight 
which  could  take  away  the  very  leverage 
we  need  to  deal  with  the  Soviets 

Back  in  1983,  I  challenged  America's 
scientific  community  to  develop  an  alter- 
native to  our  total  reliance  on  the  threat 
of  nuclear  retaliation,  an  alternative 
based  on  protecting  innocent  people 
rather  than  avenging  them;  an  alter- 
native that  would  be  judged  effective  by 
how  many  lives  it  could  save,  rather  than 
how  many  lives  it  could  destroy. 

All  of  you  know  that  during  the  past 
three  decades  deterrence  has  been  based 
on  our  ability  to  use  offensive  weapons 
to  retaliate  against  any  attack.  Once  an 
American  President  even  had  to  make 
the  excruciating  decision  to  use  such 
weapons  in  our  defense.  Isn't  it  time 
that  we  took  steps  that  will  permit  us  to 
do  something  about  nuclear  weapons, 
rather  than  simply  continue  to  live  with 
them  in  fear?  And  this  is  what  our  SDI 
research  is  all  about,  and  there  can  be  no 
better  time  than  today,  the  41st  anniver- 
sary of  Hiroshima,  to  rededicate 
ourselves  to  finding  a  safer  way  to  keep 
the  peace. 

Many  people  believe  the  answer  lies 
not  in  SDI  but  only  in  reaching  arms 
control  agreements.  Trust  and 
understanding  alone,  it  is  said,  will  lead 
to  arms  control.  But  let's  not  kid 
ourselves;  it's  realism,  not  just  trust, 
that  is  going  to  make  it  possible  for 
adversaries,  like  the  Soviet  Union  and 
the  United  States,  to  reach  effective 
arms  reduction  agreements.  Our  SDI 
program  has  provided  a  historic  oppor- 
tunity; one  that  enhances  the  prospects 
for  reducing  the  number  of  nuclear 
weapons.  Technology  can  make  it  possi- 
ble for  both  sides,  realistically,  without 
compromising  their  own  security,  to 
reduce  their  arsenals.  And  the  fear  that 
one  side  might  cheat— might  have  a 
number  of  missiles  above  the  agreed 
upon  limit— could  be  offset  by  effective 
defenses.  Clearly,  by  making  offensive 
nuclear  missiles  less  reliable,  we  make 
agreements  to  reduce  their  number  more 
attainable.  Particularly  is  that  true 
where  one  side  now  is  an  economic 
basket  case  because  of  the  massive  arms 
buildup  that  it's  been  conducting  over 
the  last  few  decades— the  Soviet  Union. 

There  has  been  progress.  There's  a 
serious  prospect  today  for  arms  reduc- 
tions, not  just  arms  control;  and  that  by 
itself  is  a  great  change,  and  it  can  be 
traced  to  our  Strategic  Defense  Initia- 
tive. SDI  can  take  the  profit  out  of  the 

Soviet  buildup  of  offensive  weapons  and, 
in  time,  open  new  opportunities  by 
building  on  today's  and  tomorrow's 

I  say  this  fully  aware  of  the  Soviet 
campaign  to  convince  the  world  that  ter- 
minating our  SDI  program  is  a  pre- 
requisite to  any  arms  agreement.  This 
clamoring  is  nothing  new.  It  also  has 
preceded  steps  we've  taken  to  modernize 
our  strategic  forces.  It  was  especially 
loud,  for  example,  as  we  moved  to  offset 
the  unprovoked  and  unacceptable  Soviet 
buildup  of  intermediate-range  missiles 
aimed  at  our  allies  by  deploying  our 
Pershing  lis  and  cruise  missiles. 

When  I  made  it  clear  that  we  would 
no  longer  base  our  strategic  force  deci- 
sions on  the  flawed  SALT  [strategic 
arms  limitation  talks]  Treaties— and,  let 
me  add,  that  action  was  taken  when 
there  was  ample  evidence  that  the  Soviet 
Union  was  already  in  clear  violation  of 
key  SALT  provisions— the  cry  went  up 
that  it  was  the  death  knell  of  arms  con- 
trol and  the  beginning  of  a  new,  even 
more  destructive  nuclear  arms  race. 

Well,  let  me  just  point  out,  in  case  no 
one  noticed,  the  naysayers'  predictions 
have  been  about  as  accurate  as  the  time 
my  old  boss,  Harry  Warner  of  Warner 
Brothers'  film  company,  said  when 
sound  films  first  came  in:  "Who  the  hell 
wants  to  hear  an  actor  talk?" 

Today,  we  continue  to  negotiate  with 
the  Soviets,  and  they  are  negotiating 
with  us.  In  fact,  their  recent  proposals— 
in  stark  contrast  to  those  gloomy 
predictions— are  somewhat  more  forth- 
coming than  those  of  the  past.  We  are 
giving  serious  consideration  to  what  the 
Soviets  have  recently  laid  upon  the  table 
in  response  to  our  own  concrete  reduc- 
tion proposals.  Also,  we  are  looking 
toward  the  next  summit  between 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  and  me,  as 
we  agreed  upon  last  November,  where 
nuclear  arms  reduction  will  be  one  of 
several  significant  issues  to  be  discussed. 

Forecasting  is  not  useful,  but,  let  me 
just  say  again,  I  am  optimistic.  It  is 
demonstrably  in  the  interest  of  both  our 
countries  to  reduce  the  resources  that 
we  commit  to  weapons.  If  the  Soviet 
Union  wants  arms  reduction— strategic, 
chemical,  or  conventional— the  United 
States  stands  ready  to  commit  itself  to  a 
fair  and  verifiable  agreement. 

As  for  SDI,  let  me  again  affirm,  we 
are  willing  to  explore  how  to  share  its 
benefits  with  the  Soviet  Union,  which 
itself  has  long  been  involved  in  strategic 
defense  programs.  This  will  help  to 


dein  I  have  been  emphasiz- 

ing all  along— that  we  seek  no  unilateral 
advantage  through  the  SDL 

There's  been  some  speculation  that 
in  my  recent  letter  to  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev,  I  decided  to  seek  some  sort 
of  "grand  compromise"  to  trade  away 
SDI  in  exchange  for  getting  the  Soviets 
1 1 1  join  with  us  in  the  offensive  reduc- 
tions. Now,  to  those  who  have  been 
publicizing  what  is  supposed  to  be  in  that 
letter,  I  hope  they  aren't  offended  to 
find  out  that  they  don't  know  what's  in 
that  letter  because  no  one's  really  told 
them.  I  know.  Let  me  reassure  you  right 
here  and  now  that  our  response  to 
demands  that  we  cut  off  or  delay 
research  and  testing  and  close  shop  is: 
no  way.  SDI  is  no  bargaining  chip;  it  is 
the  path  to  a  safer  and  more  secure 
future.  And  the  research  is  not,  and 
never  has  been,  negotiable.  As  I've  said 
before,  it's  the  number  of  offensive 
missiles  that  needs  to  be  reduced,  not 
efforts  to  find  a  way  to  defend  mankind 
against  these  deadly  weapons. 

Many  of  the  vocal  opponents  of  SDI, 
some  of  them  with  impressive  scientific 
credentials,  claim  our  goal  is  impossible; 
it  can't  be  done,  they  say.  Well,  I  think 
it's  becoming  increasingly  apparent  to 
everyone  that  those  claiming  it  can't  be 
done  have  clouded  vision.  Sometimes 
smoke  gets  in  your  eyes.  And  sometimes 
politics  gets  in  your  eyes.  If  this  project 
is  as  big  a  waste  of  time  and  money  as 
some  have  claimed,  why  have  the  Soviets 
been  involved  in  strategic  defense 
themselves  for  so  long,  and  why  are  they 
so  anxious  that  we  stop? 

I  understand  that  General  Abrahamson 
[Director  of  the  Strategic  Defense 
Initiative  Organization]  has  already 
briefed  you  on  the  progress  we've  made. 
I  want  to  take  this  opportunity  to  con- 
gratulate the  General  and  his  team. 
They're  all  first  string  and  doing  a  ter- 
rific job. 

I'm  more  than  happy  with  the 
strides  made  in  our  ability  to  track  and 
intercept  missiles  before  they  reach  their 
targets.  The  goal  we  seek  is  a  system 
that  can  intercept  deadly  ballistic 
missiles  in  all  phases  of  their  flight, 
including  and,  in  particular,  the  boost 
phase— right  where  they're  coming  out 
of  the  silos.  Our  research  is  aimed  at 
finding  a  way  of  protecting  people,  not 
missiles.  And  that's  my  highest  priority 
and  will  remain  so. 

And  to  accomplish  this,  we're  pro- 
ceeding as  fast  as  we  can  toward 
developing  a  full  range  of  promising 
technologies.  1  know  there  are  those  who 
are  getting  a  bit  antsy,  but  to  deploy- 
systems  of  limited  effectiveness  now 
would  divert  limited  funds  and  delay  out- 

main  research.  It  could  well  erode  sup- 
port for  the  program  before  it's  per- 
mitted to  reach  its  potential. 

Jack  Swigert,  an  astronaut,  an 
American  hero  of  the  first  order,  once 
said:  "I  was  privileged  to  be  one  of  the 
few  who  viewed  our  earth  from  the 
moon,  and  that  vision  taught  me  that 
technology  and  commitment  can  over- 
come any  challenge."  Well,  Jack 
tragically  died  of  cancer  and  was  cut 
short  from  the  great  contributions  he 
would  have  made  to  his  country  and  to 
mankind.  He  was  the  kind  of  individual 
who  made  this  the  great  land  of  freedom 
and  enterprise  that  it  is.  His  can-do 
spirit  is  alive  and  well  in  America  today. 

We  and  the  other  free  people  of  the 
world  are  on  the  edge  of  a  giant  leap 
into  the  next  century.  That  turning  point 
in  13V2  years  will  not  only  mark  the  end 
of  a  century  but  the  beginning  of  a  new 
millennium.  And  the  free  people  of  the 
world  are  ready  for  it.  Our  research  on 
effective  defenses  helps  to  point  the  way 
to  a  safer  future.  The  best  minds  from 
some  allied  countries  are  already  work- 
ing with  us  in  this  noble  endeavor,  and 
we  believe  others  will  join  this  effort 
before  too  long.  In  SDI,  as  elsewhere, 
we've  put  technology  that  almost  bog- 
gles the  mind  to  work— increasing  our 
productivity  and  expanding  the  limits  of 
human  potential.  The  relationship 
between  freedom  and  human  progress 
has  never  been  more  apparent. 

But  our  freedom  and  security,  as  we 
are  sorely  aware,  depend  on  more  than 
technology.  Both  diplomacy  and  our 
internal  debate  are  at  a  critical  juncture, 
and  your  active  support  is  imperative. 

Together,  we  must  make  it  plain  th 
this  is  the  worst  time  to  undermine 
defense  programs  and  take  away 
America's  needed  negotiating  lever 

If  we  cut  back  on  our  own  force 
unilaterally,  we  will  leave  our  advet 
saries  no  incentive  to  reduce  their  1 
weapons.  And  we  will  leave  the  nex 
generations  not  a  safer,  more  stabli 
world  but  a  far  more  dangerous  one- 
future  is  literally  in  our  hands.  And 
SDI  that  is  helping  us  to  regain  con 
over  our  own  destiny. 

Just  one  last  little  incident,  if  y> 
aren't  aware  of  it  already,  that  mig 
helpful  to  you  and  some  people  that 
might  be  discussing  this  subject  wit! 
Back  when  Fulton  was  inventing  tr 
steamboat  and  it  came  into  reality, 
was  an  effort  made  to  sell  it  to  Nap 
in  France.  And  that  great  general, 
all  his  wisdom,  said:  "Are  you  tryin 
tell  me  that  you  can  have  a  boat  th; 
sail  against  the  tide  and  the  currem 
the  winds  without  any  sails?"  He  se 
"Don't  bother  me  with  such  foolish 
ness."  Well,  we  know  where  the  foi 
ness  lay,  and  let's  not  make  the  sar 

I  want  to  thank  you  all  again  fc 
you  are  doing  to  keep  our  country  c 
front,  to  keep  her  secure  and  free, 
let  up.  God  bless  you. 

I'll  just  leave  you  with  this  thoi 
once  again.  When  the  time  has  com' 
the  research  is  complete,  yes,  we'ra 
going  to  deploy. 

■Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  11,  1981 

News  Conference  of  August  12 

Excerpts  from  President  Reagan  's 
news  conference  held  in  Chicago  on 
August  12,  19S6.1 

Tomorrow  the  Senate  will  cast  a  crucial 
vote.  The  question  is  that  of  assistance 
to  the  freedomfighters  who  are  trying  to 
bring  democracy  to  Nicaragua,  where  a 
communist  regime,  a  client  state  of  the 
Soviet  Union,  has  taken  over.  The  ques- 
tion before  the  Senate  is:  Will  it  vote  for 
democracy  in  Central  America  and  the 
security  of  our  own  borders,  or  will  it 
vote  to  passively  sit  by  while  the  Soviets 
make  permanent  their  military  beach- 
head on  the  mainland  of  North  America? 

Q.  Soviet  and  American 
negotiators  just  completed  2  days  of 
top-level  talks  in  Moscow.  Did  they 

narrow  any  differences  on  arms  c« 
trol,  perhaps  paving  the  way  for  a 
summit  later  this  year?  And  how  < 
the  Soviets  react  to  your  offer  to  < 
the  deployment  of  a  Strategic  Def 
Initiative  in  return  for  an  agreem« 
to  deploy  it  later? 

A.  That  isn't  exactly  what  we'' 
proposed  to  the  Soviet  Union  about 
delaying  our  Strategic  Defense  Initi 
ative.  And  I'm  not  going  to  discuss 
was  in  my  letter,  and  no  one  who  ht 
been  guessing  at  it  has  guessed  righ 
yet.  But  the  General  Secretary  did  i 
reveal  his  letter  to  me,  and  I'm  not 
going  to  reveal  mine  to  him.  But  we 
don't  have  an  answer  or  a  reply  yet 
our  negotiators  over  there,  and  I'm  F 
waiting  for  their  report  to  see  wheriB 
stand.  But  we  have  no  word  as  yet. 

Department  of  State  Bit 


dent  Reagan  at  news  conference  of  August  12. 

J.  Are  you  more  or  less  optimistic 
it  the  prospects  for  a  summit  in 

L  Yes,  I  am  optimistic.  And  I'm 
nistic  that  we're  going  to  make 
!  progress  than  probably  has  been 
2  in  a  number  of  years  because  of 
|  of  the  problems  that  are  concern- 
he  General  Secretary  at  this  time. 

J.  Your  recent  speech  on  South 
ca  met  with  what  one  account 
■d  "a  bipartisan  chorus  of  boos  on 
tol  Hill."  It  neither  silenced  your 
cs  nor  satisfied  members  of  your 
party  who  are  pressing  for  a  more 
eful  U.S.  approach  to  that  prob- 
At  this  point,  are  you  willing  to 
re  those  calls  for  firmer  U.S. 
m  and  possibly  see  Congress  seize 
nitiative  in  setting  policy  toward 
h  Africa? 

A.  I  don't  think  that  it's  a  case  of 
whether  it's  firm  action  or  not.  I  think 
the  simple  case  is  that  punitive  sanctions 
that  would  affect  the  economy  there 
would  not  only  be  disruptive  to 
surrounding  states  that  are  virtually 
linked  to  South  Africa's  economy  but 
would  also  be  very  punitive  to  the  people 
that  we  want  to  help.  And  whether  the 
Members  of  the  Congress  were  ready  to 
accept  what  I  said  in  that  speech— I  can 
tell  you  that  in  communication  with 
some  of  the  most  prominent  of  the  black 
leaders,  individuals  who  are  leaders  of 
groups  of  several  million,  4V2  million  in 
one  religious  group,  and  are  all  solidly 
opposed  to  the  sanctions.  And  the  one 
group  that  is  in  support  of  them  in  South 
Africa  is  a  group  that  very  definitely  has 
been  the  most  radical  and  wants  the 
disruption  that  would  come  from 
massive  unemployment  and  hunger  and 
desperation  of  the  people;  because  it  is 

their  belief  that  they  could  then  rise  out 
of  all  of  that  disruption  and  seize  control. 
And  this  has  been  transmitted  to  me 
personally  by  some  of  these  other 
leaders,  like  Buthelezi  of  the  largest 
tribal  group  in  all  of  South  Africa,  the 
Zulus.  And  there  are  others.  There  are 
religious  leaders.  Another  one,  another 
Bishop— you  never  hear  of  him— I  don't 
know  whether  I  pronounce  his  name 
right,  but  it's,  I  think,  Moreno  or 
Marnarama.  I'm  going  to  have  to  find 
out  what  sounds  they  attach  to  some  of 
their  combination  of  letters.  But  he's  the 
leader  of  4Vl>  million  Christians  there. 
And  all  of  them  are  deathly  opposed  to 
sanctions.  So,  I  just  think  that  up  on  the 
Hill  there,  well-intentioned  though  they 
may  be,  they're  asking  for  something 
that  would  not  be  helpful. 

On  the  other  hand,  I  think  there  are 
evidences  that  maybe  ourselves  and 
some  of  our  allies  could  be  invited  to 
meet  with  their  government  represent- 
atives and  see  if  we  couldn't  bring  about 
some  coming  together  of  these  respon- 
sible leaders  of  the  black  community. 

Q.   If  you're  unwilling  at  this  point 
to  define  what  a  reasonable  timetable 
is  for  the  abolition  of  apartheid,  does 
the  situation,  in  fact,  reach  a  point  at 
some  stage  where  the  United  States  is 
pushed  to  go  beyond  friendly  persua- 
sion to  prod  the  South  Africans  for 

A.  I  think  that's  something  that  you 
face  if  and  when  that  time  comes.  Yes, 
we're  impatient.  And,  yes,  we  feel  as 
strongly  about  apartheid  as  anyone  does, 
and  it  should  be  done  away  with.  On  the 
other  hand,  President  Botha  himself  has 
said  the  same  thing  and  that  his  goal  is 
to  eliminate  apartheid. 

Q.  After  you  announced  your  deci- 
sion to  subsidize  grain  sales  to  the 
Soviet  Union,  Secretary  of  State 
Shultz  was  extremely  critical.  And  I'd 
like  you  to  reply  to  his  criticism.  He 
said  the  Soviet  Union  must  be  chor- 
tling at  having  sales  to  them  subsi- 
dized and  scratching  their  heads  about 
a  system  that  says  we're  going  to  fix  it 
up  so  that  American  taxpayers  make  it 
possible  for  Soviet  housewives  to  buy 
American-produced  food  at  a  price 
lower  than  an  American  housewife. 
Now,  that's  Secretary  Shultz;  what  do 
you  have  to  say  about  that? 

A.  You  fellows  all  caught  Secretary 
Shultz— he'd  been  away,  and  you  caught 
him  before  he'd  had  a  chance  to  talk  to 
us  and  find  out  what  it  was  we  really  had 

ber  1986 


Now,  we're  not  out,  as  a  matter  of 
policy,  to  continue  subsidizing  the  Soviet 
Union.  The  Soviet  Union  has  a  long-term 
grain  agreement  with  us,  and  it  calls  for 
a  purchase  of  4  million  metric  tons  of 
grain  this  year.  They  have  not  yet 
boughl  that. 

This  measure  that  I  employed  was  in 
the  bill  that  the  Congress  passed.  And 
what  we  did  was  say  for  this  one  crop, 
and  for  this  one  season,  that  we  would 
offer  this  subsidy  to  the  farmers.  We 
didn't  do  it  for  the  Soviet  Union.  We  did 
it  for  our  farmers,  who  are,  as  you 
know— and  we  hope  temporarily— but  in 
a  real  bind,  a  very  severe  one.  This 
amounted  to  a  subsidy  for  them,  but 
allowed  the  Soviet  Union  to  buy  that 
4  million.  If  they  came  in  and  wanted  to 
buy  5,  the  other  million  would  be  back  at 
the  regular  price.  And  I  think  George 
has  mellowed  considerably  since  he 
found  out  what  it  is  that  we  did. 

Q.  A  lot  of  people  just  simply 
think  you  were  trying  to  buy  votes  in 
the  fall  elections,  because  the 
American  taxpayer  is  going  to  pay 
about  20C  a  bushel  for  this  subsidy. 

A.  No,  we're  trying  to  help  in  a 
situation  that  I  believe  was  originally 
created  by  the  Federal  Government, 
when  the  Federal  Government,  back  in 
the  days  of  the  Depression,  started 
invading  the  farm  community.  And  with 
all  its  various  programs,  it  has  brought 
on  most  of  the  problems  that  bother  the 
farmers  today. 

Q.  Yesterday  you  offered  strong 
words  of  encouragement  to  those  who 
would  like  to  see  the  Berlin  Wall  torn 
down.  I  am  wondering  if  at  some  point 
in  the  future  you  might  be  willing  to 
go  beyond  rhetoric  and  perhaps  put  it 
on  a  future  agenda  for  negotiation 
with  the  Soviet  Union? 

A.  I  would  have  no  hesitation,  what- 
soever, in  a  summit  meeting  to  discuss 
this  with  the  General  Secretary.  I  think 
it's  a  wall  that  never  should  have  been 
built.  And  I  happen  to  believe  that  at  the 
time  that  they  started  to  put  it  up— and 
they  started  with  wire,  barbed  wire, 
instead  of  a  wall— that  if  the  United 
States  had  taken  the  action  it  should 
have— because  that  was  a  total  violation 
of  the  Four  Powers  agreement  for 
Berlin— that  if  we'd  gone  in  there  and 
knocked  down  that  wire  then,  I  don't 
think  there'll  he  a  wall  today.  Because  I 
don't  think  they  wanted  to  start  a  war 
over  that. 

Q.  How  realistic  is  it,  though? 
Some  critics  have  suggested  that  it 
raises  false  hopes  for  those  beyond  the 

A.  I  don't  think  anyone  is  intending 
to  do  anything  of  that  kind.  But  we 
know  that  they've  done  a  kind  of 
lucrative  business  in  letting  people  come 
through  that  wall,  if  the  price  was  right, 
and  rejoin  their  families  and  friends  in 
West  Germany.  And  isn't  it  strange  that 
all  of  these  situations  where  other  people 
build  walls  to  keep  an  enemy  out,  and 
there's  only  one  part  of  the  world  and 
one  philosophy  where  they  have  to  build 
walls  to  keep  their  people  in?  Maybe 
they're  going  to  recognize  that  there  is 
something  wrong  with  that  soon. 

Q.  I'd  like  to  go  back  to  your  first 
answer  on  South  Africa.  You  said  that 
the  only  blacks  who  want  sanctions 
are  the  radical  blacks,  the  ones  who 
want  upheaval.  One  of  the  blacks  who 
very  much  is  in  favor  of  sanctions  and 
is  very  critical  of  your  policy  is  Des- 
mond Tutu,  who  is  a  bishop  of  the 
church  and  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize  win- 
ner. Are  you  saying  that  he's  one  of 
those  radical  blacks  who  wants 

A.  No,  but  I  don't  think  he's  right  in 
what  he's  advocating  now.  But,  I  guess 
that  was  careless  of  me.  I  was  talking  in 
terms  of  the  various  groupings,  political 
alliances  and  so  forth,  of  the  people  in 
the  black  community  there.  Of  course 
there  are  individuals  that  may  be  all 
over,  individuals  that  think  that's  the 
thing  to  do,  that  there's  no  other  answer 
now  except  just  punish,  never  mind  try- 
ing to  find  a  solution  to  the  problem. 
And  so,  I  agree  that  was  careless  of  me. 
No,  I  was  not  linking  him  in  with  the 
particular  group  that  I  had  in  mind. 

Q.  You  also,  in  your  first  answer, 
talked  about  a  possible  meeting — 
Western  governments  invited  to  talk 
to  the  South  African  Government  and 
to  blacks.  Could  you  tell  us  a  little  bit 
more  about  where  that  stands  now,  the 
question  of  your  appointing  an  ambas- 
sador to  South  Africa  and  also  the 
possibility  of  a  special  envoy? 

A.  We  have  made  no  decision  yet  on 
the  ambassador,  nor  have  we  made  up 
our  minds  whether  we  want  to  send  an 
envoy  or  not.  But  at  the  risk  of  violating 
something  that  I  said,  or  I  thought  that  I 
wouldn't  do,  I  am  going  to  say  one  thing 
about  Mr.  Botha's  speech  today.  Now, 
I'm  not  going  to  comment  generally  or 
take  questions  on  that  because  I  haven't 
heard  it,  and  I'm  not  going  to  comment 
until  I  hear  the  whole  thing.  But  I  did, 
thanks  to  the  media,  hear  at  least  one 
line  of  his.  And  this  line— he  spoke  of  the 
idea  of  having  the  leaders  of  West 
Germany,  France,  United  Kingdom,  and 
the  United  States  to  some  meetings. 

This  is  what  we  ourselves  have  k 
talking  about,  and  among  ourselves | 
these  same  leaders— is  if  we  could  bl 
help.  This  is  a  sovereign  nation.  Yoil 
can't  go  in  and  dictate  to  them  and  I 
them  how  they  must  run  their  coun  I, 
But  if  we  could  be  of  help  in  bringirr 
together  various  groupings  there  to  I 
discuss  with  the  government  as  to  f  I 
something  could  be  planned  to  brin;| 
along  an  end  to  apartheid  earlier,  til 
we  would  be  pleased  to  do. 

As  I  say,  I  can't  comment  becail 
haven't  heard  or  read,  and  I  will  gen 
transcript  and  read  his  speech.  But  f 
did— and  that  was  quoted  on  the  aii  1 
did  say  that  he  was  thinking  of  suclB 

Q.  Would  you  go  to  that  kind  fi 
summit  meeting? 

A.  I  don't  know  whether  it  woil 
require  us  or  whether  it  could  be  del; 
with  foreign  ministers  or  not.  We'dfc 
to  see  the  details. 

Q.  When  you  spoke  earlier  of  la 
one  group  that  you  said  wants  dis  rd 
and  is  radical — just  to  clear  up  th  i 
point — you  seemed  to  be  referring  ]o 
the  African  National  Congress,  tr 
very  group  that  Secretary  of  Stat'  ( 
Shultz  says  should  be  negotiated  it 
that  the  Commonwealths  feel  sho  fi 
be  part  of  the  solution.  Are  you  s;  jn 
that  they  should  not  be  among  thi| 
groups  that  ought  to  be  included  i 
some  sort  of  dialogue,  even  thougi 
they  seem  to  be  very  representative) 
a  large  number  of  people  in  South 

A.  The  African  National  Congrfe 
started  out  some  years  ago,  and  thtl 
was  no  question  about  it  being  a  soil 
organization.  But  in  1921,  in  South  I 
Africa,  the  Communist  Party  was 
formed.  And  some  years  later  the  Cn 
munist  Party  of  South  Africa  joinecl 
with,  and  just  moved  into,  the  Africl. 
National  Congress.  And  it  is  that  ell 
ment;  I  don't  say  the  entire  ANC,  rl 
And  George  Shultz  has  talked  with  I 
them.  We  know  that  there  are  still  m 
people.  We've  had  enough  experienli 
our  own  country  with  so-called  coml 
munist  fronts  to  know  that  you  canftv 
an  organization  with  some  well-meap 
and  fine  people,  but  you  have  an  ekiei 
in  there  that  has  its  own  agenda.  A I 
this  is  what's  happened  with  the  All 
And  right  now,  the  ANC  in  exile,  til 
ones  we're  hearing  from,  that  are  n* 
ing  the  statements,  are  the  membeikrf 
that  African  Communist  Party.  So,  I 
you  could  do  business  with  and  sepsfc 
out  and  get  the  solid  citizens  in  the  :N< 

Department  of  State  Biel 


>me  forward  on  their  own,  that's  just 

[J.  Let  me  understand,  also,  the 
l  of  what  you  said  tonight  about 
tions.  The  front-line  states,  the 
hboring  states,  have  said  that 
,  even  though  hurt  by  sanctions. 
Id  welcome  it  if  it  came  from 
tern  countries.  Yet  President 
1a  has  imposed  sanctions  upon 
1.  You've  not  criticized  him  for 
,  you  personally,  and  at  the  same 
this  country  has  imposed  sanc- 
3  on  Nicaragua  and  Poland.  Are 
saying  that  what  those  regimes  do 
leir  people  is  worse  than  what  the 
;h  African  regime  has  done  to  the 
lents  of  that  country? 
\..  No,  with  regard  to  Poland,  if  you 
d  check  the  sanctions  that  we  finally 
lad  to  be  applied  there,  we  applied 
tions  that  we  were  sure— and  we 
ht  Polish  advice  on  this— that  would 
larm  the  citizens  of  Poland,  that 
I  would  be  restrictions  on  the 
rnment  that  was  at  that  time  deny- 
jech  Walesa  and  the  union  and  so 
I  the  Solidarity  movement,  its 
;s.  With  regard  to  Nicaragua,  there 
comparison  between  South  Africa 
Nicaragua.  In  South  Africa  you're 
rig  about  a  country— yes,  we 
free  and  find  repugnant  some  of  the 
'ices  of  their  government,  but 
're  not  seeking  to  impose  their 
rnment  on  other  surrounding  coun- 
.  Nicaragua  is  a  totalitarian,  com- 
ist  state.  It  is  a  sort  of  a  vassal  of 
Soviet  Union.  And  it  has  made  plain 
terance  after  utterance,  even  since 
Somoza  revolution,  that  their  revolu- 
is  not  going  to  be  confined  to  their 
ers,  that  they  intend  to  spread  that 
lution  throughout  Latin  America. 
So,  what  we're  talking  about  is  help- 
he  people  of  Nicaragua.  Just 
ltly,  the  last  newspaper,  La  Prensa, 
silenced;  two  religious  leaders  were 
ed  from  the  country  for  criticizing 
:  facets  of  the  government.  And  we 
ly  feel  that  the  revolution  against 
Dza,  which  declared  in  writing  to  the 
inization  of  American  States  what 
goals  were:  a  pluralistic  society,  a 
)cracy,  free  speech,  freedom  of 
>,  free  labor  unions,  and  all  of  this — 
pledged  what  they  were  trying  to 
;ve.  Then  one  element  in  the  revolu- 
threw  out  the  others  that  had 
ht  beside  them,  and  who  largely 
3  up  the  contras,  took  over,  seized 
!r  at  the  point  of  a  gun.  And  we 
ly  believe  that  the  people  of 
ragua  have  got  a  right  to  try  for 
!  original  goals. 

Q.   After  Reverend  Lawrence  Mar- 
tin Jenco  was  released  by  his  captors 
in  Beirut  a  few  weeks  ago,  he  met 
with  you  and  said  he  delivered  a 
message  from  his  captors.  What  was 
in  that  message,  specifically,  and  how 
have  you  been  using  that  to  obtain  the 
release  of  the  other  Americans  held  in 

A.  Contrary  to  what  the  tone  of 
some  people  is,  we've  been  trying  relent- 
lessly to  get  those  hostages  back  from 
the  first  day  of  their  captivity.  First,  we 
had  to  try  and  find  out  where  they  were. 
We  still  don't  really  know  that.  They're 
moved  frequently.  And  we're  going  to 
keep  on  trying.  We  have  had  some 
broken  hearts.  Many  times  that  we 
thought  we  were  on  the  track  and  that 
we  were  almost  going  to  be  able  to  set  a 
day  when  they  would  be  free,  and  then  it 
would  disappear  into  the  sand  and  we'd 
have  to  start  on  another  path.  We're 
going  to  continue  until  we  get  them 

But  he  did  bring  some  oral  mes- 
sages—well, I  say  messages  because  I 
didn't  hear  the  one  that  was  for  the 
Pope— but  he  did  to  us.  And  I  feel  that  it 
was  told  to  me  in  confidence,  and  I  have 
a  feeling  that  if  I  should  go  public  with 
some  of  the  things  in  that,  I  might  do 
harm  to  our  efforts  to  try  and  get  them 
back.  So,  I'm  not  going  to  comment  on 

Q.  Can  you  say  tonight  that  we  are 
any  closer  to  seeing  the  other  Ameri- 
cans held  there  being  freed  as  Father 
Jenco  was? 

A.  My  hesitance  about  that— it's  just 
what  I've  said  before:  that  there  have 
been  times  when,  if  you'd  asked  me  that 
question,  I  would  have  been  tempted  to 
say,  yes,  it's  imminent.  And  then,  as  I 
say,  it  disappeared,  and  we  had  to  find 
another  track  and  start  over.  And  we've 
known  encouragement  and  discourage- 
ment. And  I  can't  comment.  We  must 
get  them  back,  and  we're  going  to  keep 
on  doing  everything  we  can  and  trying 
to  get  them  back.  But  I  don't  want  to 
say  anything  that  will  endanger  them. 

Q.  The  comparison  you  discussed 
before  between  Nicaragua  and  South 
Africa  seems  to  agitate  many  of  your 
critics  who  note  the  eloquence  with 
which  you  address  the  issue  of 
freedom  fighting  in  Nicaragua  but 
seem  to  lose  that  eloquence  in  South 
Africa.  Do  you  honestly  believe  that 
the  South  African  Government  treats 
its  black  majority  worse  than  the 
Sandinista  regime,  Marxist  though  it 
may  be,  treats  Nicaraguan  citizens 
inside  Nicaragua,  keeping  in  mind  the 

number  of  black  South  Africans  who 
have  died  over  the  past  year  alone,  the 
amount  of  the  cross-border  incursions 
the  South  African  Government  has 
conducted  against  the  neighboring 
states,  et  cetera,  et  all 

A.  I  think  that  I  have  condemned 
publicly  all  of  those  things  that  you're 
talking  about.  On  the  other  hand,  I  also 
realize  the  complexity  of  the  South 
Africa  problem,  because  much  of  that 
death  that  you  spoke  of  is  being  inflicted 
by  blacks  on  blacks  because  of  their  own 
tribal  separations.  And  all  of  this  must 
be  taken  into  account  in  finding  a  system 
of  government. 

But  also  I  am  quoting  now  one  of 
those  black  leaders  who  wrote  a  most 
statesmanlike  and  eloquent  letter  to  me 
just  recently,  and  he  pointed  out  that 
while,  yes,  they  were  impatient,  and, 
yes,  we  hope  that  we  can  make  progress 
faster,  he  pointed  out  he  did  not  disap- 
prove of  Botha.  He  pointed  out  what  he 
has  accomplished  and  the  things  that  he 
has  done.  And  he  also  made  a  point 
about  what  would  happen  if  those  in  our 
country  who  want  us  to  have  the 
American  companies  that  are  over  there 
doing  business  withdraw.  And  he 
pointed  out  that  those  companies— some 
200  of  them— following  the  Sullivan  prin- 
ciples, in  which  there  is  the  kind  of  treat- 
ment that  we  would  recognize  as  being 
decent  in  this  country  with  regard  to 
their  employees  and  outside  the  actual 
employment,  the  things  they've  tried  to 
do  to  improve  life  for  the  families  on  the 
outside,  that  this  would  all  be  lost  if 
some  people  had  their  way  with  sanc- 
tions and  so  forth  and  with  forcing  us  to 

But  then  he  also  pointed  out  that 
because  of  the  Sullivan  principles  that 
were  used  by  these  American  companies, 
a  great  many  South  African  companies 
had  taken  the  cue  from  that  and  adopted 
on  their  own  principles  that  were  similar 
to  that— having  to  do  with  promotion, 
having  to  do  with  hiring,  having  to  do 
with  ignoring  racial  difference  with 
regard  to  promotion  to  supervisory  posi- 
tions and  all. 

Now,  this  is  all  going  on.  Nothing 
like  that  is  going  on  in  Nicaragua,  not 
when  a  priest  stands  up  and  speaks  to 
his  congregation  and  because  he  says 
some  things  that— well,  for  example, 
protesting  the  fact  that  the  government 
has  shut  down  on  the  church's  news- 
paper and  shut  down  on  the  church's 
radio  station,  seized  their  printing 
presses  so  that  they  can't  even  have 
church  bulletins  anymore— and  then  he's 
thrown  out  of  the  country  for  having 
said  that. 

)ber  1986 


That's  a  little  different  than  what 
was  going  on  in  South  Africa. 

Q.  Twice  now,  black  candidates  to 
become  your  new  Ambassador  to 
South  Africa  seemed,  for  one  reason  or 
another,  to  have  fallen  by  the  wayside. 
Are  you  having  difficulty  in  finding  a 
black  Ambassador  to  South  Africa 

because  you  can  find  no  qualified  black 
who  agrees  with  your  policy  now? 

A.  No,  [it]  has  nothing  to  do  with 
that.  And  the  one  that  fell  by  the 
wayside— let  me  tell  you  that  I  regret 
that  more  than  anything.  I  have  the 
greatest  respect  and  admiration  for  that 
man.  And  what  happened  was  some 
possible  connection  with  a  legal  action 
involving  some  institutions— he's  in  a 

public  relations  field  at  this  moment 
and  that  he,  for  one  thing,  he  very  j 
ably  would  not  be  able  to  leave  and 
the  time  to  go  there  as  this  comes  fr 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  18,  198' 

International  Trade 

President.  Reagan 's  radio  address  to 
the  nation  of  August  2,  1986. l 

It's  sometimes  said  that  if  you  put  three 
economists  together  in  a  room  and  ask 
them  a  question,  you're  liable  to  get 
more  than  three  answers.  It's  true, 
economists  don't  often  agree;  but  there 
is  one  issue  on  which  almost  all  responsi- 
ble economists,  whatever  their  political 
persuasion,  are  unanimous.  They  agree 
that  free  and  fair  trade  brings  growth 
and  opportunity  and  creates  jobs.  And 
they  all  warn  that  high  trade  barriers, 
what  is  often  called  protectionism, 
undermines  economic  growth  and 
destroys  jobs.  I  don't  call  it  protec- 
tionism; I  call  it  destructionism. 

That's  why  our  motto  is:  free  and 
fair  trade  with  free  and  fair  traders. 
Now,  we've  seen  that  governments 
sometimes  don't  play  by  the  rules.  They 
keep  exports  out  of  subsidy— or  sub- 
sidize, I  should  say,  industries,  giving 
them  an  unfair  advantage.  Well,  our 
patience  with  unfair  trade  isn't  endless, 
and  we're  taking  action  to  bring  other 
nations  back  in  line  to  ensure  that  free 
trade  remains  fair  trade.  We're  aggres- 
sively using  existing  trade  laws  to  pry 
open  foreign  markets  and  force  others  to 
play  by  the  rules. 

This  week,  for  instance,  we  signed  a 
breakthrough  trade  agreement  that'll 
open  up  Japanese  markets  to  U.S. 
semiconductors  and  prevent  the 
Japanese  from  dumping  semiconductors 
in  our  markets.  And  last  month,  after 
intensive  negotiations  in  response  to  a 
deadline  I  set,  the  European  Community 
agreed  to  keep  its  market  open  to  U.S. 
farm  exports. 

These  agreements  are  examples  of 
positive,  result-oriented  trade  action. 
Instead  of  closing  markets  at  home, 
we've  opened  markets  to  U.S.  products 

abroad,  thus  helping  to  create  more 
American  jobs.  Instead  of  erecting 
destructionist  import  barriers,  we're 
tearing  down  foreign  barriers  to  make 
trade  freer  and  fairer  for  all.  Because, 
believe  me,  when  Americans  are  com- 
peting on  a  level  playing  field,  they  can 
outproduce  and  outsell  anyone,  any- 
where in  the  world. 

We've  been  tough  with  those  nations 
who've  been  unfair  in  their  trading  prac- 
tices, and  that  toughness  has  produced 
results.  And  with  hard-pressed  indus- 
tries like  textiles  and  apparel  that  have 
gone  through  difficult  times,  we've 
taken  strong  action  to  help.  We  renego- 
tiated agreements  with  Taiwan  and 
Hong  Kong  over  a  year  early  to  expand 
product  coverage  and  tighten  controls  of 
imports  from  those  countries.  We  are 
pursuing  negotiations  with  Korea  to 
tighten  restraints  on  their  exports  to  us 
and  improve  opportunities  for  our  pro- 
ducers in  their  market.  And  just  this 
week  we  completed  a  tough,  new  multi- 
fiber  arrangement  with  our  trading  part- 
ners that  will  include  products  not 
previously  covered  and  which  gives  us 
tools  to  prevent  damaging  import 
surges.  This  is  result-oriented  action. 

What  doesn't  bring  results  is  the 
sort  of  destructionist  legislation  now 
before  the  House  of  Representatives. 
Next  week  the  House  will  vote  on 
whether  to  override  my  veto  of  a  textile 
trade  bill,  and  I'm  hopeful  this  won't 

My  council  of  economic  advisers 
estimates  this  bill  would  cost  you,  the 
consumer,  $44  billion  over  the  next  5 
years:  $70,000  for  every  job  saved,  jobs 
that  pay  about  $13,000  on  average.  Even 
worse,  these  temporarily  protected  jobs 
would  be  more  than  offset  by  the  loss  of 
thousands  of  other  jobs— jobs  in  retail. 

marketing,  and  finance,  and  jobs  di 
related  to  importing,  such  as  dock- 
workers  and  transportation  worker 
And  then  there  are  all  those  who  w 
be  thrown  out  of  work  as  we  began 
feel  the  effects  of  foreign  retaliatio 
and  you  can  bet  there  would  be  ret; 
tion.  I'm  thinking,  especially,  of  out 
struggling  agricultural  sector  and  i' 
many  connected  industries.  At  a  tir 
when  we're  trying  to  increase  agric 
tural  exports,  let's  remember  that ! 
of  the  first  victims  of  retaliation  wc 
be  our  farmers— kicking  them  wher 
they're  already  down. 

So,  our  trade  policy  remains  a 
positive  one  that  will  not  play  off  ot 
region  against  another  or  one  Ame 
worker  against  another,  doing  grie' 
damage  to  the  industries  involved, 
trying  to  help  workers  in  ailing  indi 
tries,  we  must  be  careful  that  the  ci 
not  worse  than  the  disease,  like  the 
infamous  Smoot-Hawley  tariffs  tha 
deepened  and  prolonged  the  Great 
Depression.  The  best  way  to  help  is 
the  pro-growth  policies  of  free  and 
trade  that  have  created  more  than 
million  new  jobs  in  the  last  3lk  year 
the  last  7  months  1,650,000  people 
found  jobs  in  the  United  States.  Th; 
more  than  Europe  and  Japan  combi 
in  the  last  10  years.  And  by  the  wai 
recently  released  figures  show  the 
leading  economic  indicators  are  up 
unemployment  has  dropped  to  6.89E 

You  know,  the  Europeans  talk  i 
the  "American  miracle"  of  economih 
growth  and  job  creation.  Well,  I'm  ;i 
to  do  everything  I  can  to  keep  that 
miracle  of  hope  alive,  creating  jobs  K 
opportunities  for  all  Americans. 

■Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  11.  1981 

Department  of  State  Bi3l 


ms  Control: 
jrning  the  Corner? 

'enneth  L.  Adelman 

iddress  before  the  American  Bar 
ciation  's  annual  meeting  in  New 
:  City  on  August.  12,  1986.  Mr. 
man  is  Director  of  the  U.S.  Arms 
rot  and  1 disarmament  Agency. 

summer  has  been  an  intensely  busy 
id  for  arms  control.  It  began  with 
'resident's  decision  on  interim 
aint  and  SALT  [strategic  arms 
ation  talks].  Then  there  was  the  new 
;t  proposal,  General  Secretary  Gor- 
ev's  subsequent  letter  to  the  Presi- 
,  a  series  of  meetings  with  the  Presi- 
and  his  response  to  Gorbachev— as 
as  a  special  session  of  the  Standing 
mltative  Commission  and  new  talks 
jclear  testing  issues.  In  roughly  a 
;h,  the  sixth  round  of  the  Geneva 
will  resume. 

^s  the  President  said  at  Glassboro, 
lay  be  at  a  turning  point  in  arms 
•ol.  There  are  signs  of  hope  in 
achev's  letter  and  in  Soviet  moves 
•neva.  The  President's  response 
i  to  bridge  the  remaining  differ- 
5  in  our  positions, 
'o  get  this  far  has  taken  an  enor- 
;  amount  of  perseverance  on  his 
Having  worked  with  him  for  5-plus 
5  now,  I  am  most  struck  by  his  deep 
nitment  to  building  a  safer  world,  to 
-sing  the  nuclear  arms  buildup,  and 
oviding  an  alternative  strategy  that 
not  hinge  so  dreadfully  on  the 
it  of  mutual  annihilation, 
rhat  said,  I  suspect  the  question  in 
minds  and  many  others  is:  "Will 
\  be  an  arms  agreement  during  this 
inist  ration?" 

ro  answer  that  question,  we  must 
address  two  others. 

Question  One:  What  have  we 
led  in  the  arms  control  process? 
Question  Two:  What  exactly  is  the 
ed  States  trying  to  accomplish  in 
i  control  today? 

t  We  Have  Learned 

,  what  have  we  learned?  Several 

''or  one,  we've  learned  the  lesson 
arms  control  negotiations  with 
soviet  Union  are  not  necessarily  a 
Tessive  or  cumulative  enterprise. 

The  assumption  in  1972.  remember,  was 
that  SALT  I  would  be  a  "first  step"  to 
more  ambitious  agreements— agree- 
ments which  actually  reduced  and 
restricted  the  arms  competition.  You 
would  move  step  by  step  to  more  com- 
prehensive and  ambitious  treaties.  That 
was  the  theory.  The  reality  turned  out 
otherwise.  By  1979  when  SALT  II  failed 
to  get  Senate  approval,  it  was  clear  that 
our  hope  had  not  materialized. 

What  happened,  and  who  was  to 
blame?  In  1979  I  think  there  was  a 
widespread  feeling  in  this  country  that 
we  had  kept  our  side  of  the  bargain. 
Americans  from  the  President  on  down 
plainly  saw  the  SALT  agreements  and 
negotiations  as  an  opportunity  to  limit 
and  stabilize  the  arms  competition.  In 
the  wake  of  SALT  I,  our  defense  effort 
genuinely  slackened,  at  least  in  part 
because  of  our  faith  in  the  arms  control 
process.  In  the  1970s  U.S.  defense 
spending  actually  dropped  in  real 
terms— the  most  significant  decline 
since  the  Korean  war— with  procurement 
of  new  strategic  systems  declining  the 

I  am  not  saying  that  we  stood  still. 
We  continued  to  modernize  our  forces. 
But  we  did  so  at  a  far  slower  rate  than 
we  had  pursued  during  the  previous 
decade.  We  converted  our  missiles  to 
multiple  warheads  and  thus  increased 
our  total  warheads,  as  did  the  Soviet 

But  we  did  not  field  a  new  set  of 
strategic  weapons  systems— and  many  of 
the  new  systems  that  were  scheduled  to 
come  on  in  the  late  1970s  were  stretched 
out  or  postponed.  There  was  no  new 
U.S.  intercontinental  ballistic  missile 
(ICBM)  after  we  began  deploying 
Minuteman  III  in  1970  until  the  MX.  We 
built  no  new  ballistic  missile  submarines 
between  1966  and  1981. 

Believing,  as  many  people  did  in  the 
1970s,  that  both  sides  were  now  pre- 
pared to  accept  "mutual  vulnerability" 
and  "mutual  assured  destruction,"  Con- 
gress also  slashed  funds  for  strategic 
defense  research  in  the  mid-1970s  and 
voted  to  dismantle  our  one  permitted 
ABM  [antiballistic  missile]  site. 

Meanwhile,  on  the  Soviet  side,  we 
saw  basically  the  opposite  pattern. 
Instead  of  slowing  down,  the  Soviets 
accelerated  their  building  effort,  using 
the  breathing  spell  provided  by  SALT  as 
an  opportunity  to  move  ahead. 

Working  largely— but  not  entirely— 
within  the  treaty  limits,  the  Soviets 
essentially  quadrupled  their  arsenal  of 
ballistic  missile  warheads.  They  amassed 
a  large  force  of  first-strike-capable 
weapons— the  SS-18  missiles,  weapons 
apparently  designed  to  reduce  our  ability 
to  retaliate  and  to  undermine  mutual 
deterrence.  In  a  period  of  roughly  15 
years— during  which  both  sides  were 
supposedly  restrained  by  SALT— the 
Soviets  deployed  four  new  types  of 
ICBMs,  five  new  classes  of  ballistic 
missile  submarines,  and  five  new  types 
of  submarine-launched  ballistic  missiles, 
to  name  only  the  most  conspicuous 

They  never  accepted  the  theory  of 
"mutual  vulnerability."  They  poured 
roughly  an  equal  amount  of  money  and 
energy  into  defensive  systems  as  they 
did  into  offensive  ones.  They  upgraded 
their  Moscow  ABM  system  and  vigor- 
ously pursued  their  own  strategic 
defense  program.  (And,  let  me  tell  you, 
the  Soviets  were  vigorously  engaged  in 
"star  wars"  long  before  anybody  had 
heard  of  Luke  Skywalker.) 

We  see  similar  problems  in  the 
negotiating  process  itself.  With  the 
Soviets,  discussions  do  not  normally  pro- 
ceed step  by  step  to  bigger  and  better 
things.  More  often  than  not,  we  found 
ourselves  in  the  position  of  Sisyphus  hav- 
ing to  push  the  rock  up  the  hill  only  to 
have  it  roll  right  back  down  again. 

To  take  one  example:  when  the 
SALT  I  negotiations  began,  the  Soviets 
insisted  on  a  completely  lopsided  defini- 
tion of  strategic  systems.  They  proposed 
to  include  systems  with  which  we  defend 
our  European  and  Asian  allies,  while 
excluding  the'  comparable  Soviet  systems 
that  threaten  our  allies.  Eventually,  the 
Soviets  dropped  this  requirement,  so 
that  we  could  conclude  SALT  I.  When 
negotiations  resumed  on  SALT  II,  it 
reemerged.  Eventually,  they  dropped  it 
again  so  that  we  could  conclude  SALT 
II.  When  negotiations  resumed  on  the 
strategic  arms  reduction  talks  (START), 
it  reemerged.  The  rock  kept  rolling 
down  the  hill. 

Negotiating  with  the  Soviets  is  really 
an  extraordinary  experience,  quite 
unlike  anything  even  the  most  experi- 
enced negotiator— as  many  of  you  are- 
is  likely  to  come  across  in  the  West. 

Throughout  the  past  15  years,  we 
have  witnessed  a  process  in  which  the 
United  States  has  frequently  carried  the 
ball  for  both  sides.  In  the  SALT  negoti- 
ations, the  United  States  supplied  not 
only  the  figures  on  U.S.  forces  but,  rely- 
ing on  our  intelligence,  the  figures  on 
Soviet  forces  as  well.  The  Soviets  did  not 


volunteer  facts  and  figures  on  their 
forces,  but  merely  said  they  did  not 
dispute  our  estimates.  They  wouldn't  tell 

e  number,  the  types,  or  even  the 
names  of  the  systems  on  which  we  were 

On  one  occasion,  when  we  gave  them 
our  figures  on  their  weapons,  the  Soviet 
military  representative  asked  us  to 
refrain.  He  was  agitated  that  such  highly 
secret  information  would  be  revealed  to 
the  civilian  members  on  his  delegation. 

The  United  States  and  the  Soviet 
Union  viewed  negotiations  very  differ- 
ently. We  crafted  proposals  designed  to 
be  balanced  and  fair  to  both  sides.  The 
Soviets  crafted  proposals  to  give 
themselves  advantages.  The  game  was 
being  played,  so  to  speak,  on  our  half  of 
the  field.  To  put  it  another  way:  while 
we  played  to  tie,  they  played  to  win. 

In  the  second  place,  we've  learned 
that  the  Soviets  use  arms  control 
negotiations  to  advance  their  broader 
aims  of  splitting  the  United  States 
from  its  allies  and  having  the  United 
States  unilaterally  stop  major 
strategic  programs. 

This  approach  was  clear  even  in 
1917.  When  Trotsky  went  to  negotiate 
the  peace  of  Brest-Litovsk  with  the  Ger- 
mans, Lenin  told  him  to  remember  that 
what  happens  outside  the  negotiating 
room  may  be  more  important  than  what 
happens  within. 

So,  there  has  always  been  a  large 
political  purpose  to  Soviet  negotiating 
strategy.  Frequently,  in  arms  control  it 
is  the  driving  factor.  During  the  negotia- 
tions on  intermediate-range  nuclear 
forces  in  1981-83,  for  example,  it  was 
extremely  unlikely  that  the  West  could 
have  achieved  an  agreement.  It's  clear 
now  that  the  Soviets  were  not  seriously 
interested  in  any  arms  control  agree- 
ment. Their  main  effort  was  outside  the 
negotiating  room  to  divide  the  NATO 
alliance.  Similarly,  for  the  past  3  years, 
their  main  effort  was  outside  the 
negotiating  room— to  stop  the  Strategic 
Defense  Initiative  (SDI). 

The  problems  in  arms  control 
negotiations  are,  of  course,  not  all  on  the 
Soviet  side.  There  is,  to  put  it  gingerly,  a 
great  deal  of  "pluralism"  on  our  side. 

President  Reagan  wants  to  hear  all 
points  of  view  on  an  issue  before 
deciding  a  course.  Believe  me,  he  is 
never  disappointed  in  this  regard  when 
it  comes  to  arms  control.  While  this 
diversity  ran  be  constructive  in  the  deci- 
sionmaking process,  it  can  get  carried 
away  at  times. 

Imagine  that  you  were  representing 
a  corporation  negotiating  with  another 

corporation— as  I  am  sure  many  of  you 
do— and  that  the  other  corporation 
simply  refused  to  reveal  any  financial 
information  relevant  to  the  deal  and 
repeatedly  reraised  issues  you  thought 
were  settled.  And  then  imagine  that 
your  opposites  maintained  an  absolutely 
solid  front— while  your  senior  manage- 
ment, your  board  of  directors,  and  your 
employees  all  staked  out  separate  posi- 
tions publicly  that  weakened  your 
negotiating  hand. 

But  these  are  precisely  the  condi- 
tions under  which  the  United  States 
tends  to  go  into  an  arms  negotiation, 
when  you  consider  activities  in  the 
media.  Congress,  and  among  our  allies 
and  others. 

The  Congress  has  been  particularly 
prone  over  the  years  to  conduct  its  own, 
independent  arms  control  policy  based 
largely  on  the  discredited  idea  that 
unilateral  concessions  by  us  will  inspire 
matching  concessions  on  the  Soviet  side. 
There  is  not  a  single  instance  when  this 
has  occurred.  On  the  contrary,  the 
Soviets  read  these  gestures  not  as  a  sign 
of  good  will  but  as  a  sign  we  lack  will. 
Unilateral  concessions  on  our  part  just 
mean  unilateral  advantages  on  theirs. 

All  too  often  a  weapons  system  that 
gets  the  Soviets'  attention,  that  actually 
prompts  the  Soviet  Union  to  bargain 
seriously,  becomes  fair  game  for  Con- 
gress to  gut  or  kill  in  the  name  of  arms 

The  $5.3  billion  proposed  for  SDI, 
which  got  the  Soviets  back  to  the  table 
for  talks,  is  trimmed  to  less  than  $4 
billion  by  a  Senate  committee.  A 
$300-million  program  for  an  antisatellite 
(ASAT)  weapon  is  gutted.  The  fact  that 
the  Soviets  already  have  an  ASAT 
weapon  and  an  extensive  strategic 
defense  program  in  progress  somehow 
does  not  weigh  heavily  in  the  arcane 
calculus  by  which  Congress  arrives  at 
such  decisions. 

Two  hundred  years  ago  Congress 
was  debating  the  creation  of  the  Federal 
army.  One  member  introduced  a  resolu- 
tion that  would  limit  the  army  to  3,000 
soldiers.  General  Washington  responded 
by  suggesting  his  own  resolution— to 
provide  that  any  enemy  invading  the 
country  would  be  limited  to  2,000 
soldiers.  The  first  resolution  was 
drowned  in  laughter.  I  wish  George 
Washington  were  around  to  make  the 
same  point  today. 

The  third  major  lesson  is  that  the 
Soviets  violate  agreements.  This  says 
something  about  the  Soviets  and  about 
the  need  for  effective  verification. 

Look,  for  example,  at  the  1972  con- 
vention banning  biological  and  toxin 

weapons.  According  to  Arkady 
Shevchenko,  the  former  senior  Sovil 
official  at  the  United  Nations  who    I 
defected  to  the  United  States,  the 
Politburo  decided  to  continue  activi 
which  violated  the  convention  in  tht 
same  time  period  that  the  Soviet  U 
signed  it. 

The  Soviet  violation  of  the  197£ 
ABM  Treaty  is  a  similar  story.  The 
decided  to  build  the  Krasnoyarsk  n 
in  the  early  to  mid-1970s.  They  kne 
would  eventually  detect  it,  since  it 
over  three  football  fields  large.  Th< 
must  have  known  it  could  not  be 
explained  except  as  a  violation  of  tl 

Hours  upon  hours  of  the  ABM 
Treaty  negotiations  were  spent 
negotiating  the  provisions  governi 
such  large  radars.  Why?  Because  tl 
radars  are  a  key  to  complying  with  E 
treaty:  they  are  the  large,  long-leac  ir 
item  in  any  effort  to  deploy  a  natio  ■ 
ABM  system.  This  is  an  issue  we  h;  i 
come  to  terms  with.  Soviet  violatio  \ 
undermining  the  basis  for  future 

Finally,  we've  also  learned  tl 
lesson  that  arms  control  negotiat  lit 
and  agreements  by  themselves  ar>  M 
guarantee  of  overall  peace  or  stal  |t 

This  lesson,  too,  went  against  the  el 
ventional  wisdom. 

After  SALT  I,  the  expectation  B 
for  a  steady  improvement  of  relatk  p 
between  the  United  States  and  the 
Soviet  Union.  But  the  period  betweM 
SALT  I  and  SALT  II  was,  in  fact,  :| 
period  of  deteriorating  global 
Regional  conflicts  were  multiplying  I' 
around  the  globe.  Between  1975  an 
1980-the  height  of  the  SALT  proc 
virtually  a  nation  a  year  fell  to  com 
munist  forces:  South  Vietnam  in  19 
Angola  in  1975-76,  Ethiopia  in  197 
Cambodia  in  1978,  and  Afghanistar 

The  Soviet  invasion  of  Afghani 
occurred  in  the  same  year  as  the  sij 
of  the  major  arms  control  agreemei 
SALT  II— and  just  6  months  after 
mit  meeting  between  the  American 
President  and  the  Soviet  leader.  At 
control  agreements  can  play  a  useft 
role,  but  it  takes  much  more  than  a 
treaty  to  keep  the  peace. 

What  We  Are  Trying 
to  Accomplish 

Now  to  my  second  question:  what  aw 
trying  to  accomplish  in  arms  contrc  ' 

Department  of  State  Bjel 


he  answer  is  simple:  we  want  an 
agreement  that  will  accomplish 
thing  of  substance;  one  that  will 
jrably  decrease  the  risk  of  war  and 
ice  stability;  one  that  will  reverse 
Dward  nuclear  spiral.  President 
in  wants  real  reductions, 
rms  agreements  need  to 
iplish  something  in  the  real  world, 
have  to  be  worth  more  than  the 
1  they're  printed  on.  They  must 
ss  our  hope,  but  they  must  be  more 
mere  expressions  of  hope.  That  has 
and  continues  to  be,  the  principle 
foverns  the  arms  control  policy  of 

o,  how  far  have  we  succeeded? 
more  than  our  critics  concede. 

irst,  we  have  succeeded  in  getting 
jviets  back  to  the  table.  They 
i  politics  and  walked  out.  Now  we 
f  discern  what  the  President  has 
nay  be  a  turning  point  toward  real 
etailed  bargaining  on  the  substan- 
ssues  that  divide  us.  If  this  is  true, 
ood  news.  Staying  the  course  on 
overall  goals  is  the  watchword  of 
■ity  on  arms  control.  Shifting  from 
o  goal  is  to  treat  arms  control 
rily  as  a  public  relations  enter- 
an  activity  more  appropriate  for 
.on  Avenue  than  Pennsylvania 

econd,  we  have  succeeded  in  get- 
he  Soviets  to  talk  about  reductions 
■lear  weapons.  This  was  no  small 
!n  1977,  you  may  remember,  Presi- 
]arter  sent  Secretary  of  State 
'  to  Moscow  with  a  plan  for  deep 
tions  in  nuclear  weapons.  Brezhnev 
i  the  proposal  down  flat. 
Tien  President  Reagan  first  pro- 
deep  cuts  in  nuclear  arsenals  in 
he  was  criticized  for  seeking  too 
A  major  criticism  of  this 
nistration's  arms  control  policy 
j  the  first  term  was  that  our  pro- 

>  were  too  ambitious  and  thus,  as 
.ying  goes,  insufficiently 

•tiable"  with  the  Soviets.  Over  the 

>  years,  we  have  redefined  what  is 
iable  by  insisting  on  negotiating 
what  is  most  important. 

hird.  we  have  succeeded  in  getting 
ilks  to  focus  on  the  more  critical 
iires  of  strategic  power.  While  the 
i  and  obsolete  SALT  structure 
almost  entirely  with  strategic 
ir  delivery  vehicles,  our  proposals 
alk  about  warheads  and  destructive 
ilities  directly.  The  Soviets  have 
to  move  in  this  direction  as  well. 
V  accepted  this  approach  with  deep 
tions,  we  would  finally  get  an 
ment  that  would  mitigate  Soviet 
trike  capabilities,  really  reduce  the 

risk  of  war,  and  thus  realize  the  primary 
goal  of  strategic  arms  control. 

Finally,  we  have  succeeded  in 
launching  an  effort  to  see  whether  we 
can  devise  a  means  to  effectively  counter 
such  nuclear  missiles.  Such  defenses,  if 
they  prove  feasible,  could  improve  our 
security  by  strengthening  deterrence 
and  reducing  the  likelihood  of  any 
nuclear  attack.  President  Reagan  has 
simply  asked  whether  we  can  find  a 
better  way  to  maintain  the  peace  than 
the  threat  of  mutual  annihilation  and 
total  vulnerability.  It  may  not  be  possible 
to  find  one.  But  we  must  continue  to  try. 

Even  with  these  successes  we  have  a 
long  way  to  go.  Major  bargains  are  not 
struck  easily,  especially  with  an  adver- 
sary like  the  Soviet  Union. 

Proposing  good  arms  control  is  one 
thing;  attaining  good  arms  control  is 
another.  As  Glendower  boasts  in  Henry 
IV,  "I  can  call  spirits  from  the  vasty 
deep,"  to  which  Hotspur  replies,  "Why, 
so  can  I,  or  so  can  any  man.  But  will 
they  come  when  you  do  call  for  them?" 

That  brings  us  back  to  the  question 
we  began  with:  will  there  be  an  arms 
control  agreement  in  this  Adminis- 

Yes,  there  will  be  an  agreement  if 
the  Soviets  decide  they  want  an  agree- 
ment. Yes,  there  will  be  an  agreement  if 
the  Soviets  move  off  some  unacceptable 
positions  and,  yes,  if  the  Soviets  are  as 
ready  to  bargain  as  seriously  as  we  are. 

I  personally  am  hopeful  about  the 
prospects  for  an  agreement.  We  are 
ready  to  move.  But  we  don't  know 
whether  the  Soviets  are  ready  to  move 
seriously  with  us. 

But  even  if  we  do  not  achieve  an 
agreement,  that  does  not  mean  we  will 
be  less  secure.  In  the  past  5  years,  we 
have  had  no  new  agreements.  But  the 
goals  that  arms  control  is  meant  to 
advance— security,  peace,  a  world  safe 
for  free  nations— have  been  advanced. 
The  1980s  have  not  witnessed  those 
kinds  of  crises  that  brought  the  world  to 
the  brink— the  Korean  war  in  the  1950s, 
the  Berlin  and  Cuban  missile  crises  in 
the  1960s,  and  the  Yom  Kippur  war  in 
the  1970s  (when  we  went  on  strategic 
alert  to  prevent  Soviet  forces  from  mov- 
ing into  the  Middle  East). 

From  1975-80,  when  arms  control 
negotiations  were  occupying  center 
stage,  freedom  was  on  the  run  around 
the  world— from  our  embassy  in  Tehran, 
to  the  valleys  of  Afghanistan,  to  the 

CDE  Opens  Final  Session 

AUG.  18,  19861 

After  2lk  years  of  negotiations,  the 
Stockholm  Conference  on  Confidence- 
and  Security-Building  Measures  and 
Disarmament  in  Europe  (CDE)  begins  its 
12th  and  final  session  on  August  19.  It 
will  adjourn  on  September  19,  and  its 
work  must  be  complete  by  then. 

The  United  States  places  great 
importance  on  reaching  a  militarily 
significant  result  in  Stockholm.  Success 
in  CDE  would  contribute  directly  to  a 
clearer  and  more  predictable  military 
situation  in  Europe.  More  broadly  it 
would  give  an  important  impulse  to  the 
Helsinki  process,  of  which  CDE  is  an 
integral  part,  and  thus  contribute  to  pro- 
motion of  all  the  aims  of  the  Helsinki 
Final  Act. 

The  United  States  was  pleased  with 
the  progress  that  was  made  in  the  final 
days  of  the  last  round  of  negotiations.  If 
the  East  adopts  a  constructive  posture, 
we  believe  we  can  fulfill  the  conference's 
mandate  to  negotiate  concrete,  verifiable 
measures  that  increase  the  openness  of 

all  military  activities  in  Europe.  To  meet 
this  objective,  we  believe  the  Stockholm 
conference  must  adopt  measures  to 
create  a  comprehensive,  verifiable 
confidence-building  regime  requiring  the 
exchange  of  military  information  and  the 
forecasting,  notification,  and  observation 
of  military  activities.  We  believe  that 
effective  verification  of  these  measures 
by  all  participating  states  can  only  come 
from  inspection  of  activities  which  cast 
doubt  on  compliance. 

Because  so  little  time  remains  in 
which  to  reach  agreement,  the  President 
has  instructed  the  U.S.  delegation  to 
return  to  Stockholm  early  to  take  part  in 
informal  consultation  aimed  at  resolving 
some  outstanding  issues.  Ambassador 
Robert  L.  Barry,  head  of  the  U.S. 
delegation  to  CDE,  has  the  full  support 
of  the  President  in  seeking  a  concluding 
document  which  meets  the  objectives  we 
have  pursued  since  negotiations  began 
and  which  will  contribute  to  the  security 
of  all  participating  states. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  25,  1986. 

er  1986 


charnel  houses  of  Cambodia.  The  com- 
munist insurgencies  of  the  1970s— those 
ieds  of  tyranny— have  given  way  to 
a  new  generation  of  popular  movements 
against  Marxist  regimes— in  Afghani- 
stan, Nicaragua,  Angola,  Ethiopia,  and 

In  the  1980s  we  have  restored 
stability  by  rebuilding  our  military 

strength  and  restoring  our  national 
pride.  We  have  intensified  our  dialogue 
with  the  Soviet  Union  on  human  rights 
and  regional  issues— as  well  as  arms  con- 
trol. We  have  drawn  the  line  against 
tyranny  and  terrorism,  and  the  faith  and 
free  economies  of  the  world  are  prosper- 
ing. Democracy  is  burgeoning  around 
the  globe.  Freedom  is  no  longer  on  the 
run.  Freedom  is  now  on  the  march.  ■ 

Interim  Restraint: 

U.S.  and  Soviet  Force  Projections 

AUG.  5,  19861 

Enclosed  in  an  unclassified  version  of  a 
classified  report  which  I  provided  on  June  19 
in  response  to  related  Congressional  requests, 
including  a  request  for  projections  and  com- 
parisions  of  U.S.  and  Soviet  strategic  force 
dismantlements,  inventories,  etc.,  in  terms  of 
adherence  to  existing  arms  control 

As  I  noted  in  my  letter  of  June  19 
transmitting  the  classified  report,  it  is  clear 
that  SALT  II  and  I  codified  a  very  major 
arms  buildup  including  a  quadrupling  of 
Soviet  strategic  weapons  (warheads  and 
bombs)  since  SALT  I  was  signed  in  1972  and 
near  doubling  of  Soviet  ballistic  missile 
warheads  from  about  5,000  to  more  than 
9,000  since  SALT  II  was  signed  in  1979. 

The  report  further  found  that  the  SALT  I 
and  II  agreements,  even  if  fully  complied 
with,  would  not  prevent  a  very  substantia] 
further  expansion  of  Soviet  capabilities.  We 
believe  that,  absent  SALT  II,  the  Soviets 
would  not  necessarily  expand  their  forces 
significantly  beyond  the  increases  already 
projected  with  SALT  II  since  the  Soviet 
forces  are  very  large  and  would  appear,  in 
our  judgment,  more  than  enough  to  meet 
reasonable  military  requirements. 

In  my  letter  of  June  19,  I  noted  that  in 
view  of  the  adverse  implications  of  Soviet 
noncompliance  for  our  security  and  for  the 
arms  control  process,  I  had  determined  on 
May  27  that,  in  the  future,  the  United  States 
must  base  decisions  regarding  its  strategic 
force  structure  on  the  nature  and  magnitude 
of  the  threat  posed  by  Soviet  strategic  forces, 
and  not  on  standards  contained  in  the  SALT 
structure  which  has  been  undermined  by 
Soviet  noncompliance,  and  especially  in  a 
flawed  SALT  II  treaty  which  was  never 
ratified,  would  have  expired  if  it  had  been 
ratified,  and  has  been  violated  by  the  Soviet 

I  have  also  noted  that  the  full  implemen- 
tation of  the  Strategic  Modernization  Pro- 
gram is  critical  both  to  meeting  our  future 
national  security  needs  and  to  appropriately 

responding  to  Soviet  noncompliance.  How- 
ever, we  will  exercise  utmost  restraint.  As  we 
modernize,  we  will  continue  to  retire  older 
forces  as  national  security  requirements  per- 
mit. We  do  not  anticipate  any  appreciable 
growth  in  the  size  of  U.S.  strategic  forces. 
Assuming  no  significant  change  in  the  threat, 
we  will  not  deploy  more  strategic  nuclear 
delivery  vehicles  or  more  strategic  ballistic 
missile  warheads  than  does  the  Soviet  Union. 

I  want  again  to  emphasize  that  no  policy 
of  interim  restraint  is  a  substitute  for  an 
agreement  on  deep  and  equitable  reductions 
in  offensive  nuclear  arms,  provided  that  we 
can  be  confident  of  Soviet  compliance  with 
it.  Achieving  such  reductions  continues  to 
receive  my  highest  priority.  This  is  the  most 
direct  path  to  achieving  greater  stablity  and  a 
safer  world. 


Ronald  Reagan 


Report  to  the  Congress  on  U.S. 
Interim  Restraint  Policy  and 
Representative  Soviet  and  U.S. 
Dismantlement  and  Strategic  Force 
Projections  With  and  Without 
SALT  I  and  II 

I.  Introduction:  U.S.  Interim 
Restraint  Policy  and  U.S.  Responses 
to  Soviet  Noncompliance 

This  report  is  an  unclassified  version  of  a 
report  forwarded  to  the  Congress  on 
June  19,  1986,  in  response  to  the 
requirements  of  the  fiscal  year  1986 
Department  of  Defense  Authorization 
Act  (Title  X,  Section  1001  (b))  for  a 
report  on  certain  data  and  assessments 
related  to  U.S.  and  Soviet  strategic 
offensive  forces  and  on  possible  Soviet 
political,  military,  and  negotiating 
responses  to  changes  in  the  U.S.  policy 

of  interim  restraint.  As  requested  U 
legislation,  the  report  covers  a  5-yl 
period.  It  is  provided  in  conjunction 
material  including  the  President's  I 
ment  of  May  27  and  a  White  Housi 
sheet  of  the  same  date  on  "U.S.  Irn 
Restraint  Policy:  Responding  to  S<l 
Arms  Control  Violations." 

The  U.S.  policy  of  interim  restl 
as  first  announced  by  the  Presidei  n 
1982  has  been  that,  in  spite  of  the  ■ 
inherent  in  the  SALT  [strategic  ara 
limitation  talks]  agreements  and  ii  r. 
effort  to  foster  an  atmosphere  of  1 1 
restraint  conducive  to  serious  neg>  ■ 
tions  on  arms  reductions,  the  Unit  1 
States  would  not  undercut  the  expl 
SALT  I  Interim  Offensive  Agreen  U 
1972  or  the  unratified  SALT  II  Trl 
1979  so  long  as  the  Soviet  Union  e  | 
cised  equal  restraint. 

In  three  detailed  Administrati*  I 
reports  to  the  Congress  on  Soviet  I 
compliance,  and  through  diplomat  H 
channels  including  the  U. S. -Soviet  I ' 
Standing  Consultative  Commissioi  t] 
President  has  consistently  made  cl  a 
that  this  U.S.  policy  required  Sovi  II 
reciprocity  and  that  it  must  not 
adversely  affect  our  national  secui  fl 
interests  in  the  face  of  the  continu  J 
Soviet  military  buildup  and  uncorr  tl 
Soviet  noncompliance. 

In  accordance  with  U.S.  interi  I 
restraint  policy  and  our  efforts  to  H 
framework  of  truly  mutual  restrai  l| 
United  States  has  not  taken  any  a<  fl 
that  would  undercut  existing  agre(  I 
ments.  We  have  continued  scrupul  ^ 
to  live  within  all  arms  control  agre  I 
ments,  including  the  SALT  I  and  III 
strategic  arms  agreements.  Unforl|f 
ately,  while  the  United  States  has  B 
attempting  to  hold  to  the  structure  i 
SALT  through  our  policy  of  interirl 
restraint,  the  Soviet  Union  has  until 
the  very  foundation  of  that  structui 
through  its  continued  violations. 

In  June  of  1985,  the  President  I 
the  extra  mile.  He  decided  to  dismili 
U.S.  Poseidon  submarine,  in  order  I 
give  the  Soviet  Union  adequate  tin 
correct  its  noncompliance,  reverse  > 
unwarranted  military  buildup,  and  |l 
seriously  pursue  equitable  and  veri|l 
arms  reduction  agreements  in  the  ' 
Geneva  negotiations.  Regrettably,  B. 
Soviet  LInion  has  so  far  failed  to  mj( 
constructively  in  these  three  areas. i 

In  spite  of  our  expressed  concel 
and  our  diplomatic  efforts  for  corn! 
Soviet  actions,  the  Soviet  Union  hatt 
corrected  its  noncompliance.  Conctw 
SALT  II,  the  President's  most  reccjj 
report,  of  December  23,  1985,  to  tr' 
Congress  cited  as  Soviet  violations: 


Department  of  State  BJ 


e  development  of  the  SS-25 
e,  a  prohibited  second  new  type  of 
continental  ballistic  missile  (ICBM); 
tensive  encryption  of  telemetry  on 
1  missile  flight  tests,  which  impedes 
cation;  (3)  concealment  of  the 
iation  between  the  SS-25  missile 
I  launcher  during  testing;  and 
ceeding  the  SALT  II  numerical  cap 
04  strategic  nuclear  delivery 
es  (SNDVs).  In  addition,  the  Presi- 
;  report  cited  three  areas  of 
fuous  Soviet  behavior  as  involving 
)le  violations  or  other  problems 
■egard  to  SALT  II:  (1)  SS-16  ICBM 
ty,  (2)  the  Backfire  bomber's  inter- 
lental  operating  capability,  and 
a  Backfire  bomber's  production 
Concerning  SALT  I,  the  Presi- 
I  report  cited  a  violation  in  the 
;  use  of  former  SS-7  ICBM 
ies  in  support  of  the  deployment 
jeration  of  the  SS-25  mobile 
s.  These  SALT  II  and  SALT  I 
ons  and  other  ambiguous  situa- 
nvolving  these  treaties  remain 
's  of  serious  concern,  as  does 
violation  of  the  Anti-Ballistic 
(ABM)  Treaty  of  1972  and  of 
najor  arms  control  agreements. 
e  Administration  has  now  con- 
a  comprehensive  review,  and 
ive  consultations  with  our  allies 
ends  abroad  and  with  Members  of 
ngress  on  the  continuing  Soviet 
l  of  noncompliance,  the  Soviet 
nc  arms  buildup,  and  the  lack  of 
ss  by  the  Soviets  at  the  Geneva 
itions.  The  President  announced 
/  27  that  in  the  future  the  United 
would  base  decisions  regarding  its 
nc  force  structure  on  the  nature 
ignitude  of  the  threat  posed  by 
e  strategic  forces,  not  on  standards 
aied  in  the  flawed  SALT  structure, 
ihas  been  seriously  undermined  by 

this  May  27  announcement  on  U.S. 
rji  restraint  policy  and  on  the  U.S. 
Ise  to  continued  Soviet  non- 
knee,  the  President  pointed  out 
appropriateness  of  continuing  with 
JLT  II  agreement.  SALT  II 
Si  continuing  major  arms  buildups, 
^considered  by  a  broad  range  of 
C|  including  the  Senate  Armed 
lis  Committee,  to  be  unequal  and 
liable  in  important  provisions.  It 
d/er  ratified  by  the  U.S.  Senate 
I  s  clearly  headed  for  defeat  before 
Bsident's  predecessor  asked  the 
■  not  to  act  on  it.  With  SALT  II 
wiets  have  nearly  doubled  their 
Hie  ballistic  missile  warheads  from 
1,000  to  9,000,  and  with  SALT  II 

1  hey  could  legally  undertake  a  further 
significant  increase.  Even  if  SALT  II 
had  been  ratified,  it  would  have  expired 
on  December  31,  1985. 

Finally,  continued  Soviet  violations 
have  seriously  undercut  the  agreement 
for  several  years  in  spite  of  repeated 
U.S.  requests  for  corrective  Soviet 
action.  (Concerning  SALT  I,  this  agree- 
ment expired  in  1977,  and  since  it  was 
signed  in  1972,  the  Soviet  Union  has 
quadrupled  the  number  of  its  strategic 
nuclear  warheads.  As  for  the  United 
States,  even  if  we  did  not  retire  older 
systems,  the  United  States  would,  under 
current  plans,  remain  in  technical 
observance  of  the  SALT  I  numerical 
limits  until  mid-1989.) 

The  President  made  clear  in  his 
May  27  announcement  that  the  United 
States  would  continue  to  exercise  utmost 
restraint  in  the  future,  seeking  to  meet 
U.S.  strategic  needs,  given  the  Soviet 
buildup,  by  means  that  minimize  incen- 
tives for  continuing  Soviet  offensive 
force  growth.  The  President  stated  that, 
as  we  modernize,  we  will  continue  to 
retire  older  forces  as  our  national  secur- 
ity requirements  permit  and  that  we  do 
not  anticipate  any  appreciable  numerical 
growth  in  U.S.  strategic  forces.  He  also 
indicated  that,  assuming  no  significant 
change  in  the  threat  we  face  as  we 
implement  the  strategic  modernization 
program,  the  United  States  will  not 
deploy  more  strategic  nuclear  delivery 
vehicles  or  more  strategic  ballistic 
missile  warheads  than  does  the  Soviet 

The  President  also  noted  that,  as  a 
result  of  his  decision  to  dismantle  two 
older  Poseidon  submarines,  the  United 
States  will  remain  technically  in  observ- 
ance of  the  terms  of  the  SALT  II  Treaty 
for  some  months.  He  continues  to  hope 
that  the  Soviet  Union  will  use  this  addi- 
tional time  to  take  the  constructive  steps 
necessary  to  alter  the  current  situation. 
Should  they  do  so,  the  President  has 
stated  that  this  would  be  taken  into 

Needless  to  say,  the  most  essential 
near-term  response  to  Soviet  non- 
compliance remains  the  implementation 
of  our  full  strategic  modernization  pro- 
gram, to  underwrite  deterrence  today, 
and  the  continued  pursuit  of  the 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative  (SDI) 
research  program,  to  see  if  it  is  possible 
to  provide  a  safer  and  more  stable  basis 
for  our  future  security  and  that  of  our 
allies.  The  strategic  modernization  pro- 
gram, including  the  deployment  of  the 
second  50  Peacekeeper  missiles,  is  the 
foundation  for  all  future  U.S.  offensive 
force  options.  It  provides  a  solid  basis 

that  can  and  will  be  adjusted  over  time 
to  respond  most  efficiently  to  continued 
Soviet  noncompliance.  The  SDI  program 
represents  our  best  hope  for  a  future  in 
which  our  security  can  rest  on  the 
increasing  contribution  of  defensive 
systems  that  threaten  no  one. 

In  his  May  27  statement,  the  Presi- 
dent emphasized  that  no  policy  of 
interim  restraint  is  a  substitute  for  an 
agreement  on  deep  and  equitable  reduc- 
tions in  offensive  nuclear  arms,  provided 
that  we  can  be  confident  of  Soviet  com- 
pliance with  it.  Achieving  such  reduc- 
tions has  received,  and  will  continue  to 
receive,  his  highest  priority.  We  hope 
the  Soviet  Union  will  act  to  give 
substance  to  the  agreement  reached  by 
the  President  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  at  the  summit  meeting  last 
November  to  achieve  early  progress  in 
the  Geneva  negotiations.  It  was  agreed 
to  focus,  in  particular,  on  areas  where 
there  is  common  ground,  including  the 
principle  of  50%  reductions,  appropri- 
ately applied,  in  the  strategic  nuclear 
arms  of  both  countries,  as  well  as  an 
interim  agreement  on  intermediate- 
range  nuclear  forces.  If  the  Soviet  Union 
carries  out  this  agreement,  we  can  move 
now  to  achieve  greater  stability  and  a 
safer  world. 

The  classified  report  transmitted  to 
the  Congress  on  June  19  provided  a  com- 
parison of  representative  U.S.  and 
Soviet  strategic  weapons  dismantlement 
that  would  be  required  over  the  next  5 
years  if  both  countries  were  actually  to 
observe  all  of  the  quantitative  limits  of 
the  SALT  I  and  SALT  II  agreements.  It 
then  presented  representative  projec- 
tions of  the  strategic  offensive  forces  of 
the  two  sides,  assuming  that  the  SALT  I 
and  SALT  II  limits  no  longer  apply. 
Finally,  it  provided  an  assessment  of 
possible  Soviet  political  and  negotiating 
responses,  insofar  as  these  are  under- 
stood and  anticipated  at  present.  For 
security  reasons,  the  present,  unclassi- 
fied version  provides  the  information 
concerning  U.S.  and  Soviet  forces  in 
substantially  abbreviated  form. 

At  the  outset,  it  must  be  noted  that 
there  are  important  uncertainties  in  the 
assessments  presented  herein.  With 
respect  to  the  data  on  Soviet  forces,  the 
projections  represent  broad  trends- 
based  on  both  evidence  and  assumptions 
—and  are  not  intended  to  be  precise 
forecasts.  On  the  basis  of  U.S.  exper- 
ience, it  is  unlikely  that  Soviet  strategic 
forces  5  years  from  now  will  be  identical 
(or  necessarily  even  extremely  close)  to 
these  force  projections.  Nevertheless,  we 
believe  that  Soviet  strategic  forces  in  the 

S%  1986 



next  3  5  years  can  be  reasonably  charac- 
terized, based  on  evidence  of  ongoing 
programs  that  would  be  difficult  to  alter 

cally  in  this  timeframe. 

By  contrast,  the  size  and  complexion 
of  future  U.S.  strategic  forces  are 
relatively  easier  for  the  Soviets  to  deter- 
mine. We  must  contend  with  potential 
lncn  ases  in  Soviet  strategic  programs 
and  capabilities.  However,  the  principal 
source  of  uncertainty  for  Soviet  planners 
about  the  scope  and  size  of  future  U.S. 
strategic  programs  is,  in  all  likelihood, 
the  extent  to  which  future  U.S.  pro- 
grams may  be  reduced  by  congressional 
or  executive  branch  action. 

The  data  presented  here  assume  full 
implementation  of  the  Administration's 
strategic  modernization  program.  It  is 
absolutely  essential  that  we  maintain  full 
support  for  these  programs.  To  fail  to  do 
so  would  be  the  worst  response  to  Soviet 
noncompliance.  It  would  immediately 
and  seriously  undercut  our  negotiators 
in  Geneva  by  removing  the  leverage  that 
they  must  have  to  negotiate  equitable 
reductions  in  both  U.S.  and  Soviet 
forces.  It  would  send  precisely  the 
wrong  signal  to  the  leadership  of  the 
Soviet  Union  about  the  seriousness  of 
our  resolve  concerning  their  non- 
compliance. And,  it  would  significantly 
increase  the  risk  to  our  security  for 
years  to  come.  Therefore,  our  highest 
priority  must  remain  the  full  implemen- 
tation of  these  programs. 

II.  Projected  Soviet  and  U.S. 

This  section  of  the  report  provides 
representative  projections  on  dismantl- 
ing that  would  result  if  SALT  limitations 
were  extended.  They  should  be  con- 
sidered to  be  approximations  and  would 
be  subject  to  alteration  by  policy  deci- 
sions or  programmatic  adjustments  by 
either  side.  It  should  be  pointed  out  that, 
as  documented  in  the  President's 
December  23,  1985,  report  to  the  Con- 
gress on  "Soviet  Noncompliance  With 
Arms  Control  Agreements,"  the  Soviet 
Union's  SALT-accountable  strategic 
nuclear  delivery  vehicle  level  is  above 
the  SALT  II  cap  of  2,504,  in  violation  of 
the  Soviets'  political  commitment  not  to 
undercut  the  treaty. 

Representative  Soviet  Dismantle- 
ments. The  Soviet  Union  has  several 
programs  underway  to  introduce  new 
strategic  delivery  systems  that  would 
necessitate  dismantling  of  older  systems 
if  the  Soviets  were  to  restrict  their 
overall  force  to  SALT  levels.  Under  a 
representative  projection  of  such  pro- 
grams, consistent  with  SALT  limits  over 
the  next  5  years  the  Soviets  would 
deploy  significant  numbers  of  new 
delivery  vehicles,  including  SS-25  and 
SS-X-24  ICBMs,  Typhoon-  and  Delta- 
type  SSBNs,  and  Backfire  bombers  and 
ALCM  [air-launched  cruise  missile] 

Presidential  Response 
to  Soviet  Arms  Control  Proposals 

JULY  25,  19861 

President  Reagan  on  July  25,  1986, 
responded  to  recent  Soviet  arms  control 
proposals  in  a  private  letter  to  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev.  The  President  is 
hopeful  that  the  ideas  he  has  put  for- 
ward in  this  letter  will  continue  the  proc- 
ess of  building  a  firm  basis  for  progress 
in  a  number  of  critical  areas. 

The  President  finds  his  exchange  of 
correspondence  with  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  to  be  of  great  value  in  the 
search  for  understanding  between  our 

ountries.  We  hope  that  our  efforts 
will  produce  agreement  not  only  in  arms 
control  but  in  the  other  important 
regional  and  bilateral  issues  that  too 
oft''1  es  of  tensions  between 

the  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union. 


It  is  our  policy  to  eliminate,  where  possi- 
ble, these  sources  of  tension. 

The  United  States  remains  committed 
to  the  objective  of  significant  reductions 
on  offensive  nuclear  weapons,  long- 
range  strategic  missiles,  and  inter- 
mediate nuclear  forces.  We  look  upon 
the  energetic  research  effort  of  our 
government  toward  finding  a  defense 
against  these  weapons  of  mass  destruc- 
tion to  be  an  essential  part  of  the  task  of 
reducing  the  effectiveness  and  the  very 
need  for  these  offensive  weapons. 

The  prospects  for  progress  on  the 
array  of  U.S.  Soviet  issues  are  enhanced 
by  conducting  a  confidential  dialogue; 
therefore,  we  will  not  comment  on  the 
content  of  the  President's  letter. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  July  28,  1986. 

If  SALT  I  and  II  limits  were  tc 
complied  with,  these  actions  would 
necessitate  dismantling  some  older 
systems  in  the  Soviet  inventory,  as 
as  some  more  modern  systems.  Th> 
older  systems  include  SS-11  and  S1 
ICBMs,  SS-N-6  SLBMs  [submarir 
launched  ballistic  missiles]  on  Y-cla 
SSBNs,  and  Bison  and  Bear  aircra 
Because  the  Soviets  already  are  ve 
close  to  the  SALT  II  sublimit  of  82i 
MIRVed  [multiple  independently 
targetable  reentry  vehicle]  ICBM  1 
ers,  deployment  of  the  MIRVed 
SS-X-24  would  require  dismantlin 
existing  MIRVed  ICBMs-most  lito 
SS-17s  and  possibly  some  SS-19s- 
stay  within  the  ceiling.  Similarly,  \ 
the  continued  deployment  of  SS-N 
and  SS-N-23  SLBMs,  their  total  c 
MIRVed  missile  launchers  would  e 
the  ceiling  of  1,200  in  a  year  or  tw 
then  they  would  need  to  dismantle 
MIRVed  ICBMs  or  some  SS-N-18 
launchers  on  relatively  new  D-III- 
SSBNs  to  continue  observing  the 
cumulative  sublimit  of  1,200  MIR\ 
ICBM  and  SLBM  launchers.  They 
for  some  time,  been  at  the  limit  of 
modern  SSBNs  established  by  SAI 
thus  deployment  of  new  SSBNs  w<  I 
require  continued  dismantling  of  ol 

The  dismantlements  that  woul-l 
derive  from  these  actions  probably  I 
total  over  the  next  5  years  slightly  I 
than  600  strategic  nuclear  delivery  I 
vehicles,  with  some  1,000-1,200 
associated  ballistic  missile  warheaci 
(The  SNDV  figure  also  includes  he  I 
bombers  judged  to  have  a  capacity  I 
some  300  nuclear  weapons.)  Some  I 
mantling  of  older  systems  would  oil 
eventually  in  any  case,  with  or  witll 
SALT  limits.  These  projected  disml 
ing  actions  do  not  take  into  accounl 
Soviet  potential  for  additional  che;I 
while  nominally  observing  SALT 
numerical  limits.  This  might  be  intiM 
to  avoid  compensatory  dismantleml 
other  ICBMs,  including  MIRVed  1(1 

Representative  U.S.  Dismant 
ments.  With  respect  to  U.S.  progr: 
and  dismantlements,  full  implemen 
of  the  strategic  modernization  prof 
would  require  continued  dismantle! 
under  SALT  of  U.S.  older  strategi 
gram  systems,  most  of  which  are  n 
ing  the  end  of  their  useful  life  base 
both  military  and  economic 

-»♦   i-,f    Ot'.to 


Projected  Soviet  and  U.S. 
:egic  Forces 

-cted  Soviet  Forces.  In  projecting 
•t  strategic  offensive  force  deploy- 
s,  assuming  SALT  limits  no 
•r  apply,  the  caveats  discussed 
i  regarding  assumptions  and  uncer- 
es  underlying  such  projections  are 

o  place  these  figures  in  historical 
«ctive,  since  1972  when  SALT  I 
igned,  there  has  been  a  fourfold 
ise  in  the  number  of  Soviet 
gic  nuclear  weapons  (missile 
?ads  and  bombs)  and  nearly  a 
ing  of  Soviet  ballistic  missile  throw- 
t.  Indeed,  since  the  signing  of 
1 II  in  1979,  the  number  of  Soviet 
gic  ballistic  missile  warheads  has 
doubled  from  about  5,000  to  more 
>,000.  This  great  expansion  of 
;  strategic  forces  has  been  possible 
e  most  part  with  SALT.  (The 
nents  limited  launchers  and  only 
:tly  affected  deployed  weapons.) 
ted,  however,  the  Soviet  Union  has 
olated  the  arms  control  limitations 
3d  by  these  agreements, 
e  Soviet  Union  now  has  about 
strategic  nuclear  weapons 
3  warheads  and  bombs).  The 
I  and  II  Treaties,  even  if  fully 
ed  with,  would  not  prevent  a  very 
ntial  further  expansion  of  Soviet 
ities.  Even  assuming  future 
compliance  with  SALT  II— other 
le  continuation  of  current  Soviet 
ms— deployed  Soviet  weapons  are 
ed  to  increase  to  over  12,000  in 
:t  5  years.  Moreover,  by  further 
lg  the  agreements,  the  Soviets 
lausibly  add  in  the  same  time 
a  relatively  modest  increase  of 
ore  weapons  to  their  forces. 
s  difficult  to  predict  precisely 
le  Soviets  might  do  absent  SALT 
ints.  They  would  not  necessarily 
their  forces  significantly  beyond 
■eases  discussed  above,  which  are 
ge  and  would  appear,  in  our 
nt,  more  than  enough  to  meet 
>jible  military  requirements.  Thus 
wight  well  be  little  appreciable  dif- 
M,  in  terms  of  total  weapons, 
|i  the  forces  that  the  Soviets 
leploy  with  and  without  SALT 
lints.  It  is  reasonable  to  expect 
i  he  absence  of  SALT,  the  Soviets 
lot  dismantle  all  their  older 
'i  i  as  rapidly  as  under  SALT, 
lasses  of  weapons  (e.g.,  SSBNs) 
lot  be  dismantled  at  all  during  the 
tyears  without  SALT  constraints. 

Given  the  great  extent  of  the  Soviet 
strategic  modernization  program, 
however,  many  of  these  older  systems 
would  have  relatively  little  impact  on  the 
overall  threat  to  U.S.  security. 

The  Soviets  have  the  potential  to 
expand  their  forces  somewhat  further, 
should  they  decide  to  do  so  for  either 
military  or  political  reasons.  If  a 
deliberate  effort  were  made  by  the 
Soviet  Union  to  expand  its  strategic 
forces  beyond  SALT  II  levels,  they 
might  increase  their  forces  somewhat 
further,  to  about  15,000  weapons  by 

However,  the  costs  associated  with 
such  an  expansion  of  capability,  on  top 
of  an  already  very  aggressive  and  expen- 
sive modernization  program,  would  be  a 
disincentive  against  any  such  Soviet 

With  or  without  SALT,  the  Soviets 
are,  in  any  case,  likely  to  modernize 
their  intercontinental  nuclear  attack 
forces  further  by  replacing  most  of  their 
currently  deployed  land-  and  sea-based 
ballistic  missiles  and  heavy  bombers  by 
the  mid-1990s.  This  impressive  Soviet 
modernization  program,  which  will 
result  in  significantly  improved  sur- 
vivability, flexibility,  and  hard-target 
capability,  has  been  in  train  for  a  long 

Projected  U.S.  Forces.  The  United 
States  could  achieve  roughly  14,000 
weapons  by  fiscal  year  1991  in  a 
no-SALT  environment  by  introducing 
the  full  strategic  modernization  program 
without  undertaking  the  dismantlements 
that  would  otherwise  be  required  by 

IV.  Soviet  Political  and 
Negotiating  Reponses 

It  is  difficult  to  predict  specific  moves 
the  Soviets  might  decide  to  take 
politically  or  in  the  negotiations  to  try  to 
increase  criticism  of,  and  build  pressure 
against,  the  President's  May  27  decision. 
They  have  already  leveled  a  propaganda 
campaign  against  the  decision.  Iron- 
ically, in  light  of  ongoing  Soviet  viola- 
tions of  SALT  II,  including  violation  of 
the  strategic  nuclear  delivery  vehicles 
numerical  limit,  they  have  warned  that 
they  will  go  beyond  the  SALT  limits  if 
the  United  States  does.  While  they  have 
stated  that  they  would  take  the 
"necessary  practical"  steps,  e.g., 
increasing  missiles  and  warheads,  it  is 
not  at  all  clear  that  they  would  further 
expand  their  forces  beyond  the  increases 
already  planned,  as  discussed  above. 

However,  they  are  likely  to  portray  any 
expansion,  including  that  already 
planned,  as  a  response  to  U.S.  actions. 

The  Soviets  may  decide  to  make 
political  or  negotiating  moves  as  a  mat- 
ter of  tactics  that  seek  to  discredit  the 
U.S.  decision.  However,  the  May  27  deci- 
sion is  not  likely  permanently  to  alter 
their  basic,  overall  objectives  for 
negotiations  or  for  a  summit.  These 
objectives  include  increasing  opposition 
to  the  U.S.  modernization  program,  par- 
ticularly the  Strategic  Defense  Initiative, 
and  weakening  the  Western  alliance. 

We  hope  that  the  Soviet  Union  will 
join  us  in  a  framework  of  truly  mutual 
restraint.  For  its  part,  the  United  States 
will  continue  to  exercise  utmost  restraint 
in  the  future,  seeking  to  meet  U.S. 
strategic  needs,  given  the  Soviet  contin- 
uing buildup,  by  means  that  minimize 
incentives  for  continuing  Soviet  offen- 
sive force  growth.  As  we  modernize,  we 
will  continue  to  retire  older  forces  as  our 
national  security  requirements  permit. 
Assuming  no  significant  change  in  the 
threat  we  face  as  we  implement  the 
strategic  modernization  program,  the 
United  States  will  not  deploy  more 
strategic  nuclear  delivery  vehicles  or 
more  strategic  ballistic  missile  warheads 
than  does  the  Soviet  Union. 

No  policy  of  interim  restraint  is  a 
substitute  for  an  agreement  on  deep  and 
equitable  reductions  in  offensive  nuclear 
arms,  provided  that  we  can  be  confident 
of  Soviet  compliance  with  it.  We  hope 
the  Soviet  Union  will  act  to  give 
substance  to  the  agreement  reached  by 
the  President  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  at  the  summit  meeting  last 
November  to  achieve  early  progress  in 
the  Geneva  negotiations. 

Our  objectives  in  Geneva  remain  the 
same  as  stated  at  the  summit:  to  seek 
common  ground  in  negotiating  deep, 
equitable,  and  verifiable  reductions  in 
strategic  and  intermediate-range  offen- 
sive nuclear  arsenals  and  to  discuss  with 
the  Soviet  Union  how  we  could  enhance 
deterrence  and  stability  by  moving 
toward  a  world  in  which  we  would  no 
longer  rely  exclusively  on  the  threat  of 
nuclear  retaliation  to  preserve  the  peace. 
We  hope  the  Soviets  will  negotiate 
seriously  with  us  toward  these  important 

'Identical  letters  addressed  to  Thomas  P. 
O'Neill,  Jr.,  Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Representatives;  George  Bush,  President  of 
the  Senate;  Barry  Goldwater,  chairman  of 
the  Senate  Armed  Services  Committee;  and 
Les  Aspin,  chairman  of  the  House  Armed 
Services  Committee  (text  from  Weekly  Com- 
pilation of  Presidential  Documents  of 
Aug.  11,  1986.)  ■ 

fa  1986 



U.S.  Policy  Regarding  Limitations 
on  Nuclear  Testing 

The  United  Stairs  is  rum  mined  to  a 
national  security  policy  which  includes 
both  a  strong  deterrent  to  aggression 

and  an  active  pursuit  of  deep,  eipiitahle, 

and  verifiable  reductions  in  Soviet  and 
American  nuclear  arms  as  well  as 
,  tleetiee  verification  arrangements  for 
existing  limitations  on  nuclear  testing. 
Under  existing  conditions,  neither  a 
comprehensive  ban  nor  a  moratorium 
tm  unclear  testing  would  enhance  the 
cause  of  security,  stability,  or  peace. 
This  special  report  sets  forth  the 
principles  underlying  U.S.  policy 
toward  1 1  nn  tat  inns  on  nuclear  testing. 

Recent  Developments 

Shortly  before  this  special  report  went 
to  press,  the  White  House  announced 
that  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet 
Union  agreed  to  have  experts  meet, 
without  preconditions,  to  discuss  issues 
related  to  nuclear  testing.  An  initial 
meeting  of  experts  was  held  in  late 
July  1986  at  Geneva. 

As  this  report  details,  the  United 
States  has  long  sought  a  meeting  with 
the  Soviets  to  present  our  concerns 
about  the  verification  provisions  of  the 
Threshold  Test  Ban  Treaty  (TTBT)  and 
the  Peaceful  Nuclear  Explosions  Treaty 
(PNET).  This  meeting  of  experts  allows 
the  United  States  to  present  its  ideas 
and  concerns  to  the  Soviets— and  to  hear 
Soviet  concerns.  The  United  States  is 
ready  to  present  and  discuss  our  views 
on  verification  improvements  in  existing 
agreements  which  we  believe  are 
needed  and  achievable  at  this  time.  If 
we  are  successful  in  addressing  these 
verification  concerns,  we  could  move 
forward  on  ratification  of  these  two 

A  Collective  Security  Issue 

The  maintenance  of  a  strong  nuclear 
deterrent  has  for  four  decades  ensured 
the  security  of  the  United  States  and 
the  freedom  of  our  allies  and  friends. 
Therefore,  while  a  comprehensive  test 
ban  remains  a  long-term  objective  of  the 
United  States  and  while  we  are  actively 
investigating  technologies  that  could  one 
day  reduce  and  ultimately  eliminate  our 
dependence  on  offensive  nuclear  arms 
for  our  security,  nuclear  weapons  will 
remain  the  key  element  of  deterrence 
for  the  foreseeable  future.  During  such 


a  period,  where  both  the  United  States 
and  our  friends  and  allies  must  rely 
upon  nuclear  weapons  to  deter  aggres- 
sion, nuclear  testing  will  continue  to  be 

A  carefully  structured  nuclear  testing- 
program  is  necessary  to  ensure  that  our 
weapons  are  safe,  effective,  reliable,  and 
survivable.  The  directors  of  both  the 
Los  Alamos  and  Livermore  national 
weapon  laboratories  have  stated  that, 
while  non-nuclear  tests  sometimes 
detect  problems  with  the  nuclear  compo- 
nent of  warheads,  the  most  serious 
problems  with  the  nuclear  weapons 
stockpile  are  only  revealed  and  solved 
by  actual  nuclear  testing.  Even  a  seem- 
ingly minor  modification  in  a  weapon 
design  could  seriously  undermine  confi- 
dence in  the  weapon's  effectiveness 
unless  the  modified  design  can  be  tested 
with  a  nuclear  yield.  Testing  also  allows 
us  to  take  necessary  steps  to  modernize 
our  forces  to  counter  the  continuing 
Soviet  military  buildup,  particularly  in 
offensive  nuclear  capabilities. 

The  United  States  has  long  sought 
to  achieve  agreement  with  the  Soviet 
Union  on  nuclear  testing  limitations  that 
could  strengthen  security  for  all  nations. 
In  1963,  both  sides  ratified  the  Limited 
Test  Ban  Treaty  (LTBT),  which  prohibits 
nuclear  explosions  in  the  atmosphere, 
outer  space,  and  under  water.  The 
LTBT  also  prohibits  the  release  of 
radioactive  debris  outside  the  bound- 
aries of  the  state  conducting  a  nuclear 
explosion.  In  1974  and  1976,  respec- 
tively, the  United  States  and  Soviet 
Union  signed  the  Threshold  Test  Ban 
Treaty  and  Peaceful  Nuclear  Explosions 
Treaty.  These  treaties  prohibit  under- 
ground nuclear  explosions  having  a  yield 
that  exceeds  150  kilotons.  Neither  side 
has  ratified  the  TTBT  or  PNET,  but 
each  has  stated  that  it  would  respect 
the  150  kiloton  limit. 

Verification  Problems 
and  Soviet  Violations 

The  United  States  is  not  currently 
seeking  ratification  of  the  TTBT  and 
PNET  because  we  cannot  effectively 
verify  Soviet  compliance  with  the 
150-kiloton  threshold  on  underground 
nuclear  explosions.  The  remote  seismic- 
techniques  we  must  rely  on  today  to 
monitor  Soviet  nuclear  tests  do  not 
provide  yield  estimates  with  the  accu- 
racy required  for  effective  verification  of 

compliance.  Nor  will  the  treaties' 
verification  provisions  solve  this 
problem.  The  TTBT  itself  provides  I 
for  an  exchange  of  data.  This  data  I 
would  be  of  limited  value  in  verifial 
and,  in  any  event,  cannot  be  indepel 
ently  validated  by  the  U.S.  Govermi 
This  means,  for  example,  that  we  vl 
have  no  way  of  knowing  whether  til 
Soviets  were  providing  data  for  all  I 
geophysically  distinct  testing  areas.  I 
if  the  Soviets  withheld  such  knowlel 
from  us,  they  could  conduct  high-yi  I 
tests  in  excess  of  150  kilotons  that,  I 
the  perspective  of  a  seismic  observ'l 
outside  Soviet  boundaries,  could  apl 
to  fall  within  the  150  kiloton  limit.  I 
The  verification  provisions  of  trl 
PNET  Protocol  would  not  resolve  1 1 
problem  of  TTBT  verification  becail 
they  are  not  applicable  to  weapons  I 
tests.  They  would  permit  mandator  I 
site  inspection  only  of  peaceful  nuc'.l 
explosions— and  then  only  in  very  rl 
strictive  circumstances.  Specifically  I 
site  inspection  is  mandatory  only  f(  I 
group  of  explosions  whose  aggrega  I 
yield  exceeds  150  kilotons.  In  fact,  I 
1976  the  Soviets  have  not  conducte  I 
group  nuclear  explosions  of  the  sizt  I 
which  would  have  required  them  t<  I 
mit  such  inspection.  Thus,  even  if  \  I 
were  to  ratify  the  treaties  and  imp  I 
ment  their  verification  provisions  1 1 
our  concerns  regarding  Soviet  com]  I 
ance  with  the  TTBT  would  not  be  I 

These  verification  deficiencies  hi 
become  a  matter  of  great  concern  il 
light  of  the  pattern  of  Soviet  noncol 
ance  with  existing  arms  control  agil 
ments  including  existing  limitations! 
nuclear  testing.  As  stated  in  the  Pi  I 
dent's  December  1985  "Report  to  (I 
gress  on  Soviet  Noncompliance  Witl 
Arms  Control  Agreements,"  the  Scl 
Union's  testing  practices  have  resul 
in  the  release  of  radioactive  debris  I 
caused  radioactive  matter  to  be  pre! 
outside  the  Soviet  Union's  territorii 
limits  in  violation  of  its  legal  obligal 
under  the  LTBT.  The  report  notes  I 
Soviet  venting  has  occurred  on  num 
ous  occasions.  In  his  1984  report,  til 
President  concluded  that  "while  the! 
available  evidence  is  ambiguous,  in  I 
of  ambiguities  in  the  pattern  of  So\| 
testing  and  in  view  of  verification  il 
tainties,  and  [while]  we  have  been  ij 
ble  to  reach  a  definitive  conclusion,! 
evidence  indicates  that  Soviet  nuclei 
activities  for  a  number  of  tests  con:| 
tute  a  likelv  violation  of  legal  obligJ 
under  the  TTBT."  In  his  1985  repoj 
the  President  reiterated  this  conceal 
finding  "that  Soviet  nuclear  testing! 

Department  of  State 



.ities  for  a  number  of  tests  eonsti- 
a  likely  violation  of  legal  obligations 
;r  the  TTBT  of  1974...." 

,  Presidential  Initiatives 

lident  Reagan  has  long  advocated  a 
>gue  with  the  Soviet  Union  to  arrive 
le  required  improvements  in  moni- 
\g  procedures  for  effective  verifica- 
of  the  TTBT  and  PNET,  which  are 
necessary  first  steps  if  there  is  to 
rogress  in  the  area  of  nuclear  test- 
imitations.  The  United  States  has 
n  the  following  initiatives: 

On  several  occasions  in  1983,  the 
ed  States  unsuccessfully  sought  to 
ge  the  Soviet  Union  in  discussions 
Brification  improvements  to  these 

In  September  1984,  the  President 
ased,  in  an  address  to  the  UN 
ral  Assembly,  that  the  United 
s  and  the  Soviet  Union  find  a  way 
oviet  experts  to  come  to  the  U.S. 
ar  test  site  and  for  our  experts  to 

the  Soviet  test  site  to  measure 
tly  the  yields  of  nuclear  weapons 

In  July  1985,  the  President  invited 
t  experts  to  come  to  the  U.S.  test 
o  measure  the  yield  of  a  U.S.  test 
any  instrumentation  devices  they 
ed  necessary  for  measuring  yield. 
>  were  no  conditions  or  require- 
i  for  a  reciprocal  visit.  The  Presi- 
;  purpose  was  to  begin  a  process  to 
confidence  and  cooperation 
?en  our  nations  regarding  limita- 
on  nuclear  weapons  testing. 
In  December  1985,  the  President 
sed  to  General  Secretary 
chev  that  U.S.  and  Soviet  experts 
clear  testing  limitations  meet  in 
lary  to  discuss  our  respective 
:ation  approaches  and  to  address 
tangible  steps  to  resolve  this 

'resident's  Proposal 
rch  1986 

most  recent  initiative,  on  March 
36,  the  President  urged  the  Soviet 
to  begin  bilateral  discussions  to 
ays  to  reach  agreement  on  essen- 
rification  improvements  of  the 
and  PNET.  The  President  pro- 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  with 
nical  description  of  a  specific 
d  known  as  CORRTEX,  which  is 
urate  method  for  measuring  the 
if  a  nuclear  explosion  (see  Appen- 
The  President  also  proposed,  on 
.teral  basis,  that  Soviet  experts 
ur  Nevada  test  site  in  April  to 

discuss  verification  methods,  examine 
the  CORRTEX  system  more  closely, 
and  monitor  a  planned  U.S.  nuclear 
weapon  test.  The  President  stated  that 
if  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet 
Union  could  reach  agreement  on  the  use 
of  an  effective  verification  system  incor- 
porating CORRTEX,  the  United  States 
would  be  prepared  to  move  forward 
with  the  ratification  of  the  TTBT  and 

The  President's  proposal  offers  an 
opportunity  for  the  Soviets  to  demon- 
strate that  they  take  testing  limitations 
seriously  and  recognize  that  compliance 
with  such  agreements  is  necessary.  The 
United  States  must  stand  by  its  stand- 
ard of  effective  verification  with  respect 
to  the  TTBT.  Anything  less  would  harm 
U.S.  security  interests,  undermine  our 
ability  to  demand  effective  verification 
in  other  arms  control  areas,  and  under- 
cut the  objectives  of  the  TTBT. 

Comprehensive  Test  Ban 

A  Comprehensive  Test  Ban  (CTB) 
remains  a  long-term  objective  of  the 
United  States.  As  long  as  the  United 
States  and  our  friends  and  allies  must 
rely  upon  nuclear  weapons  to  deter  ag- 
gression, however,  some  level  of  nuclear 
testing  will  continue  to  be  required.  We 
believe  such  a  ban  must  be  viewed  in 
the  context  of  a  time  when  we  do  not 
need  to  depend  on  nuclear  deterrence  to 
ensure  international  security  and  stabil- 
ity and  when  we  have  achieved  broad, 
deep,  and  verifiable  arms  reductions, 
substantially  improved  verification  capa- 
bilities, expanded  confidence-building 
measures,  and  greater  balance  in  con- 
ventional forces.  For  our  part,  the 
United  States  is  energetically  pursuing 
negotiations  and  discussions  with  the 
Soviet  Union  on  concrete  steps  in  all  of 
these  areas.  We  have  made  clear  our 
strong  and  continuing  view:  that  Soviet 
calls  for  an  immediate  and  unverifiable 
nuclear  testing  moratorium  are  not  a  ba- 
sis for  meaningful  progress  to  this  end. 

At  the  same  time,  the  United  States 
has  supported  international  discussion  of 
verification  and  compliance  problems 
related  to  nuclear  testing  limitations. 
Discussions  have  taken  place  in  past 
years  at  the  multilateral  Conference  on 
Disarmament  (CD)  in  Geneva,  in  both  a 
technical-level  ad  hoc  group  of  scientific 
experts  and  in  the  Nuclear  Test  Ban 
Working  Group.  We  continue  to  support 
consideration  of  scope,  verification,  and 
compliance  issues  related  to  a  CTB  in 
these  two  groups  at  the  CD. 

Appendix  1 

CORRTEX  System  of 
Direct  Yield  Measurement 

CORRTEX  (Continuous  Reflectometry 
for  Radius  versus  Time  Experiment)  is 
a  hydrodynamic  yield  measurement 
technique  that  measures  the  propagation 
of  the  underground  shock  wave  from  an 
explosion.  This  technique  uses  a  coaxial 
cable  which  can  be  emplaced  in  a  hole 
parallel  to  the  device  emplacement  hole. 
Precise  measurements  are  made  of  the 
length  of  the  cable  by  timing  the  return 
of  low  energy  electrical  pulses  sent 
down  to,  and  reflected  from,  the  cable 
end.  When  the  nuclear  device  is  deto- 
nated, a  shock  wave  emanates  through 
the  ground,  crushing  and  shortening  the 
cable.  The  rate  by  which  the  cable 
length  changes  is  recorded  via  measure- 
ments of  the  changing  pulse  transit 
times.  This  rate  is  a  measure  of  the 
propagation  rate  of  the  explosive  shock 
wave  through  the  ground  which  is,  in 
turn,  a  measure  of  the  yield  of  the 
nuclear  explosion. 

CORRTEX  has  been  shown  to  be 
accurate  to  within  15%  of  the  more 
accurate,  radio-chemical  yield  measure- 
ments for  tests  of  yield  greater  than  50 
kilotons  and  in  the  geologic  media  of  the 
U.S.  test  site  in  Nevada.  Use  of 
CORRTEX-measured  yields  at  the 
Soviet  Shagan  River  test  site  should 
provide  accuracies  to  within  30%.  The 
U.S.  estimate  is  based  on  its  use  in  over 
100  tests  with  the  sensing  cable  in  the 
device  emplacement  hole  and  four  tests 
with  cables  in  a  satellite  hole.  The  accu- 
racy of  the  technique  is  believed  to  be 
relatively,  but  not  wholly,  independent 
of  the  geologic  medium,  provided  the 
satellite  hole  measurements  are  made  in 
the  "strong  shock"  region  near  the 
nuclear  device  explosion.  At  greater 
separation  distances,  the  properties  of 
the  medium  become  much  more  impor- 
tant factors.  A  satellite  hole  separation 
distance  of  14  meters  (46  feet)  is  appro- 
priate for  a  test  near  105  kilotons. 

The  electronic  device  that  provides 
the  timing  signals  is  a  battery-powered, 
suitcase-sized  unit  that  may  be  remotely 
controlled.  All  equipment  for  power, 
recording,  and  data  reduction  can  be 
contained  in  a  small  trailer. 

Appendix  2 

Lessons  of  the  1958-61  Moratorium 

The  United  States  does  not  believe  that 
a  testing  moratorium  is  a  prudent,  effec- 
tive, or  constructive  step  along  the  path 


3r  1986 









point     ^^ 








Typical  cable  emplacement 
in  satellite  hole 

\  vw  / ; 

N  Shock  front  • 

^v^     progression 

Moving  shock  wave  from 

nuclear  detonation 
crushes  and  shortens  cable 

toward  our  goal  of  a  safer  world.  A  look 
back  at  the  1958-61  testing  moratorium 
demonstrates  why  the  United  States 
believes  that  moratoria  are  never 
acceptable  substitutes  for  negotiated, 
equitable,  and  effectively  verifiable  arms 
control  agreements. 

There  were  three  unilateral,  volun- 
tary pledges  to  suspend  testing  in  the 
late  1950s:  the  United  States  and  the 

United  Kingdom  acted  in  1958,  followed 
by  the  Soviet  Union  in  1959  (although 
the  Soviets  suspended  testing  in 
November  1958).  These  suspensions 
amounted  to  a  de  facto  moratorium. 
There  was,  however,  no  joint  formal 
agreement.  Thus,  given  a  de  facto 
moratorium  by  the  United  States,  the 
United  Kingdom,  and  the  Soviet  Union 
beginning  in  late  1958,  the  question  is: 

who  was  the  first  to  resume  testing 
The  verdict  of  history  is  clear:  it  wa 
the  Soviet  Union. 

The  following  is  a  chronology  of 
statements  and  actions  related  to  th 
1958-61  moratorium: 


March  31.  The  Soviet  Union 
unilaterally  suspends  testing  after  a 


Department  of  State  Bu  > 


ar  test  series  but  just  prior  to  an 
junced  U.S.  test  series.  The  United 
,es  and  the  United  Kingdom  reject 
Soviet  call  to  suspend  testing,  but 
sident  Eisenhower  proposes  a  meet- 
of  technical  experts  to  study  the 
;tical  problems  regarding  interna- 
al  control  of  an  agreed  disarmament 

July  1.  An  exchange  of  letters 
veen  Eisenhower  and  Soviet  leader 
ushchev  results  in  the  convening  of 
inference  of  Experts  in  Geneva  to 
ly  the  problems  of  verifying  a  test 

August  21.  The  Conference  of 
>erts  reports  that  it  is  technically 
ible  to  establish  a  workable  and 
:tive  system,  using  available  capabil- 

to  monitor  compliance  with  a 
Idwide  suspension  of  nuclear  testing. 
\ugust  22.  Based  on  the  experts' 
irt,  Eisenhower  proposes  trilateral 
itiations  on  a  verifiable  test  ban.  He 
expresses  willingness  to  suspend 
.ng  for  1  year  (on  a  renewable  basis) 
nning  October  31,  1958,  the  date  of 
opening  of  the  Geneva  Conference 
^continuance  of  Nuclear  Weapons 
Is.  The  United  Kingdom  follows  suit. 
ieptember  23.  The  United  Kingdom 

testing  series  begun  in  May  1958. 
ieptember  30.  The  Soviet  Union 
i  nes  testing. 

)ctober  30.  As  promised  in  August, 
I'Jnited  States  ends  testing.  The 
I'va  Conference  on  Discontinuance  of 
I  ear  Testing  convenes  the  following 

November  3.  The  Soviet  Union  ends 


November  7.  Eisenhower  states 
a  in  light  of  Soviet  tests  after  the 
i^ing  of  the  Geneva  conference,  the 
led  States  considers  itself  free  from 
I  ledge.  He  adds  that  the  United 
les,  nevertheless,  would  continue  the 
Ing  suspension  and  hopes  the  Soviet 
Bn  will  do  the  same. 


anuary  5.  The  United  States 
pns  the  verification  issue  based  on 
Binding  by  U.S.  seismic  experts  that 
|br  assessments  by  the  Geneva 
fflrts  regarding  verification  of  under- 
Mid  tests  were  too  optimistic.  The 
fcts  refuse  to  consider  the  new  U.S. 

.ugust  26.  Eisenhower  extends  U.S. 
atorium  until  the  end  of  the  year. 
Idays  later,  the  Soviets  pledge  "not 
i  fsume  nuclear  tests.  .  .if  the 
reern  Powers  do  not  resume  the  test- 
g|f  atomic  and  hydrogen  weapons, 
nl  in  the  case  of  resumption  by  them 

of  nuclear  weapons  tests  will  the  Soviet 
Union  be  free  from  this  pledge."  It 
should  be  noted  that  given  the  Soviet 
emphasis  on  "resumption,"  the  term 
"Western  Powers"  can  only  refer  to 
the  United  States  and  the  United 
Kingdom— the  only  Western  Powers 
to  have  tested  at  that  time. 

December  29.  Eisenhower 
denounces  the  intransigence  of  Soviet 
technical  experts  in  Geneva,  who  refuse 
to  address  deficiencies  in  seismic 
monitoring  of  underground  nuclear 
explosions.  He  announces  that  "the 
voluntary  moratorium  on  testing  will 
expire  on  December  31.  Although  we 
consider  ourselves  free  to  resume 
nuclear  testing,  we  shall  not  resume 
nuclear  weapons  tests  without  announc- 
ing our  intention  in  advance  of  any 
resumption.  During  the  period  of  volun- 
tary suspension  of  nuclear  weapons 
tests  the  United  States  will  continue  its 
active  program  of  weapon  research,  de- 
velopment and  laboratory-type  ex- 

December  30.  Khrushchev  states 
that  the  Soviet  Union  would  not  resume 
testing  until  the  "Western  Powers" 


February  13.  France,  which  had 
indicated  its  intention  to  become  a 
nuclear  power  as  early  as  March  1957, 
conducts  its  first  test. 

April  1.  France  conducts  a  second 

December  27.  France  conducts  a 
third  test. 


April  25.  France  conducts  a  fourth 

May  15.  The  Soviet  Union  states 
that  "if  France  continues"  testing,  the 
Soviet  Union  would  be  compelled  to 

August  30.  Although  the  French 
have  not  conducted  another  test,  the 
Soviet  Union  announces  it  would  resume 
testing— contrary  to  its  statements  of 
August  28,  1959,  and  May  15,  1961. 

August  31.  Khrushchev  tells  visiting 
British  parliamentarians  that  he  decided 
to  resume  testing  with  a  bomb  of 
unprecedented  proportions  to  shock  the 
Western  Powers  into  negotiations  on 
Germany  on  his  terms,  and  into  accept- 
ing his  demand  that  Geneva  test-ban 
negotiations  be  merged  with  those  on 
general  and  complete  disarmament, 

September  1.  The  Soviet  Union 
resumes  atmospheric  testing. 

September  5.  President  Kennedy 
authorizes  underground  testing,  which 
resumes  on  September  15. 

November  4.  The  Soviet  Union  con- 
cludes its  test  series,  of  over  40  tests, 
including  the  largest  single  explosion  in 

November  7.  Seven  months  after 
the  Soviet  warning  against  continued 
testing,  France  conducts  a  fifth  nuclear 

U.S.-U.S.S.R.  Discussions  on  Nuclear  Testing 

JULY  16,  1986' 

The  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union 
have  agreed  to  have  experts  meet 
shortly  to  discuss  issues  related  to 
nuclear  testing.  We  have  further  agreed 
to  begin  these  discussions  without 

The  United  States  has  long  sought  a 
meeting  with  the  Soviets  to  present  our 
concerns  about  the  verification  provi- 
sions of  the  Threshold  Test  Ban  Treaty 
and  the  Peaceful  Nuclear  Explosions 
Treaty.  These  treaties  were  signed  in 
the  1970s,  but  they  have  not  been 
ratified.  The  United  States  determined 
in  the  early  1980s  that  U.S.  ratification 
could  not  be  considered  until  verification 
improvements  were  made  and  U.S.  com- 

pliance concerns  were  answered.  We 
have  made  repeated  offers  to  the  Soviet 
Government  to  present  our  ideas  for 
improvements  that  would  allow  us  to 
move  forward  on  ratification  of  these 

This  upcoming  meeting  of  experts 
will  allow  the  United  States  to  present 
its  ideas  and  concerns  to  the  Soviets  and 
to  hear  Soviet  concerns.  The  United 
States  will  be  ready  to  present  and 
discuss  our  views  on  verification 
improvements  in  existing  agreements, 
which  we  believe  are  needed  and 
achievable  at  this  time.  We  hope  the 
Soviets  will  be  prepared  to  join  in  a  con- 
structive dialogue. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  July  21,  1986. 

'doer  1986 



The  preceding  chronology  clearly 
demonstrates  that  the  Soviets  broke 

own  pledges  as  well  as  the  morato- 
rium then  still  being  observed  by  the 
United  States  and  the  United  Kingdom. 
In  addition,  Khrushchev's  candid  admis- 
sion of  August  1961,  and  the  size  of  the 
ensuing  test  series,  undercuts  argu- 
ments that  French  testing  or  Eisen- 
hower's December  1959  statement  in 
any  way  "justified"  the  Soviets'  break- 
ing of  the  moratorium.  Indeed,  Soviet 
evidence  of  bad  faith  was  so  clear  that, 
in  an  address  to  the  American  people  in 
March  1962,  Kennedy  summed  up  the 
experience  as  follows: 

[0]n  September  1st  of  last  year,  while 
the  United  States  and  the  United  Kingdom 
were  negotiating  in  good  faith  at  Geneva,  the 
Soviet  Union  callously  broke  its  moratorium 

SCC  Meets  in  Geneva 

JULY  16,  1986' 

The  United  States  has  informed  the 
Soviet  Union  through  diplomatic  chan- 
nels that  it  is  prepared  to  convene  a 
special  session  of  the  U.S.-U.S.S.R. 
Standing  Consultative  Commission 
(SCC)  beginning  on  or  about  July  22  in 

The  United  States  will  be  prepared 
to  respond  to  questions  or  concerns  the 
Soviet  Union  has  with  respect  to  the 
President's  May  27th  decision  on  interim 
restraint.  We  would  expect  that  in  the 
context  of  such  a  discussion  the  Soviet 
Union  will  also  be  prepared  to  address 
U.S.  concerns  about  Soviet  noncompli- 
ance with  arms  control  agreements. 

Since  the  President  came  into  office, 
he  has  done  everything  he  could  to  try  to 
persuade  the  Soviet  Union  to  meet  its 
arms  control  obligations  and  to  achieve 
igreement  on  significant  reductions  in 
U.S.  and  Soviet  nuclear  arsenals.  In 
1982  he  said  the  United  States  would 
continue  not  to  undercut  the  SALT  I 
[strategic  arms  limitation  talks]  interim 
agreement,  which  had  already  expired, 
and  the  SALT  II  Treaty,  which  was 
stillborn,  so  long  as  the  Soviets  exercised 
equal  restraint.  Regrettably,  the  Soviets 
did  not.  In  June  1985  the  President  once 
again  called  attention  to  the  record  of 
Sovii  npliance  and  called  upon 

1  fnion  to  join  us  in  building  an 
interim  framework  of  truly  mutual 
restraint  until  a  new  strategic  arms 
reduction  treaty  (START)  replaced  the 
SALT  structure.  The  SALT  II  Treaty. 

with  a  2-month  series  of  more  than  40 
nuclear  tests.  Preparations  for  these  tests 
had  been  secretly  underway  for  many 
months.  Accompanied  by  new  threats  and 
new  tactics  of  terror,  these  tests— conducted 
mostly  in  the  atmosphere— represented  a 
major  Soviet  effort  to  put  nuclear  weapons 
back  into  the  arms  race .... 

Some  may  urge  us  to  try  it  [a  morato- 
rium] again,  keeping  our  preparations  to  test 
in  a  constant  state  of  readiness.  But  in  actual 
practice,  particularly  in  a  society  of  free 
choice,  we  cannot  keep  topflight  scientists 
concentrating  on  the  preparation  of  an 
experiment  which  may  or  may  not  take  place 
on  an  uncertain  date  in  the  future.  Nor  can 
large  technical  laboratories  be  kept  fully  alert 
on  a  standby  basis  waiting  for  some  other  na- 
tion to  break  an  agreement.  This  is  not  mere- 
ly difficult  or  inconvenient— we  have  explored 
this  alternative  thoroughly,  and  found  it 
impossible  of  execution.  ■ 

even  in  its  own  terms,  expired  on 
December  31,  1985. 

In  the  absence  of  an  adequate  Soviet 
response,  the  President  announced  on 
May  27  of  this  year  that  henceforth  the 
United  States  would  base  decisions 
regarding  its  strategic  forces  on  the 
nature  and  magnitude  of  the  threat 
posed  by  the  Soviet  Union  rather  than 
on  standards  contained  in  SALT  agree- 
ments that  had  expired,  were  unratified, 
and  were  being  violated  by  the  Soviet 

On  May  27th  the  President  also 
decided  to  retire  two  older  Poseidon  sub- 
marines as  the  eighth  Trident  submarine 
began  sea  trials.  This  means  the  United 
States  will  remain  in  technical  observ- 
ance of  the  terms  of  the  SALT  agree- 
ments for  some  months.  Time  remains 
for  the  Soviet  Union  to  alter  the 
situation  which  led  the  President  to  his 
May  27  decision.  If  the  Soviet  Union 
does,  the  President  will  take  this  into 

As  the  President  said  when  he 
announced  his  decision  on  May  27,  we 
must  now  look  to  the  future,  not  to  the 
past.  The  primary  task  now  facing  both 
the  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union 
is  to  build  a  new  structure  of  arms  con- 
trol, one  based  on  significant,  equitable, 
and  verifiable  reductions  in  the  size  of 
existing  U.S.  and  Soviet  nuclear 
arsenals.  This  is  what  we  are  proposing 
in  the  Geneva  negotiations. 

Until  this  is  achieved,  the  United 
States  will  continue  to  exercise  the 
utmost  restraint.  Assuming  no  signifi- 
cant change  in  the  threat  we  face,  as  we 
implement  the  strategic  modernization 
program,  the  United  States  will  not 
deploy  more  strategic  nuclear  delivery 

vehicles  or  strategic  ballistic  missile 
warheads  than  the  Soviet  Union. 

This  special  session  of  the  Stanc 
Consultative  Commission  offers  us  t 
opportunity  to  renew  the  President' 
request  that  the  Soviet  Union  join  u 
establishing  an  interim  framework  ( 
truly  mutual  restraint. 

JULY  22,  1986 

The  31st  session  of  the  U.S.-U.S.S.l 
Standing  Consultative  Commission- 
second  session  of  1986— began  toda 
with  two  meetings  between  the  two 
sides.  The  commission  was  establisl 
by  the  Treaty  on  the  Limitation  of 
Ballistic  Missile  Systems  concluded 
the  United  States  and  the  U.S.S.R. 
May  26,  1972. 

This  session  was  requested  by  t 
Soviet  side.  Agreement  by  the  Unit 
States  to  convene  this  special  sessic 
stands  in  contrast  to  the  position  ta 
by  the  Soviet  Union  in  1983,  when  t 
United  States  asked  for  a  special  se 
to  discuss  compliance  matters  relati 
the  SALT  II  Treaty.  The  Soviet  Um 
denied  that  request.  However,  the 
United  States  has  agreed  to  this  ses 
as  a  sign  of  our  desire  that  the  Sovi 
Union  join  us  in  establishing  an  inte 
framework  of  truly  mutual  restrain' 

JULY  30,  1986 

The  U.S.-U.S.S.R.  Standing  Con- 
sultative Commission  met  in  Genev? 
today,  completing  a  special  session  c 
commission,  the  second  session  of  11 
and  the  31st  since  its  establishment. 
U.S.  and  Soviet  commissioners  reaf- 
firmed that  the  next  session  of  the  c 
mission  would  begin  in  the  fall  of  th: 
year  in  Geneva.  The  commission  wa; 
established  by  the  Treaty  on  the  Lin 
tion  of  Anti-Ballistic  Missile  System 
concluded  by  the  United  States  and 
U.S.S.R.  on  May  26,  1972. 

At  this  session,  the  Soviet  Unioi! 
rejected  President  Reagan's  May  27! 
1986,  call  for  the  Soviet  Union  to  joi 
the  United  States  in  establishing  an 
interim  framework  of  truly  mutual 
restraint  pending  conclusion  of  a 
verifiable  agreement  on  deep  and 
equitable  reductions  in  offensive  nuc 
arms.  The  Soviet  Union  was  informs 
that  the  call  remains  open. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  July  21,  1986. 


Department  of  State  Bu  fr 


he  Foreign  Affairs  Budget 

John  C.  miitehead 

Statement  at  a  press  briefing  on 
mt  11,  1986.  Mr.  Whitehead  is 
uty  Secretary  of  State. 1 

face  a  national  security  crisis.  Pro- 
jd  congressional  cuts  in  the  interna- 
al  affairs  budget  will  seriously 
tardize  our  national  security  interests 
global  foreign  policy  objectives.  The 
ity  of  the  United  States  to  maintain 
eadership  role  in  the  world;  to  pro- 

for  its  national  security;  and  to  sup- 
;  the  cause  of  freedom,  democracy, 
economic  development  is  at  stake. 
In  January  the  Administration  sub- 
;ed  to  the  Congress  a  bare  bones 
rnational  affairs  budget  for  fiscal 

1987  of  $22.6  billion-only  2%  of 
total  Federal  budget.  This  budget 
ides  funds  for  all  of  our  foreign 
irs  functions:  for  the  State  Depart- 
t  and  USIA  [United  States  Informa- 
Agency]  operating  budgets,  which 
ide  the  operations  of  our  260  embas- 
|and  consulates  around  the  world; 
s  for  economic  development, 
lary  security,  and  humanitarian 

!;tance  programs;  funds  for  our  con- 
itions  to  multilateral  development 
:s  and  international  organizations; 
I  funds  for  combatting  the  inflow  of 
lotics,  the  battle  against  terrorism, 
jo  refugees,  the  Peace  Corps,  and 
[security  of  American  personnel 
a  ad.  I  came  to  government  a  year 
jafter  four  decades  in  the  private  sec- 
lis  a  banker  and  a  businessman.  I 
|v  how  important  it  is  to  reduce 
k  to  keep  budgets  lean,  and  to  max- 
lb  efficiency.  I  participated  actively  in 
Review  of  this  budget.  It  is  a 
Imum,  bare  bones  budget.  With  the 
i  of  the  Office  of  Management  and 
Ijet.  and  with  my  own  input  as  a 
1-nosed  businessman  and  taxpayer, 
lie  fat  has  been  squeezed  out.  In  the 
jfew  months,  I  have  been  actively 
Jived  with  my  colleagues  in  the 
tlgn  affairs  community  in  a  review 
^reduction  of  almost  1,500  foreign 
firs  positions  overseas.  That  review 
(designed  to  trim  overseas  costs 
lout  jeopardizing  our  ability  to  pro- 
band implement  our  foreign  policy 

ifet  the  current  congressional  budget 
lution  reduces  this  minimal  and 
f  ully  considered  request  by  27%. 
ant  congressional  actions  would 
flee  and  restrict  the  remaining 
nint  even  further.  Such  cuts  will  cost 

Americans  more  in  national  security  and 
foreign  policy  terms  than  we  can  afford 
to  pay. 

Take,  for  example,  foreign  assist- 
ance. Of  the  Administration's  foreign 
economic  and  military  assistance 
request,  34%  is  for  Israel  and  Egypt  to 
sustain  and  nurture  the  search  for  peace 
in  the  Middle  East;  26%  is  for  our  allies 
where  we  have  important  military  bases, 
such  as  the  Philippines,  Greece,  and 
Turkey,  and  for  Pakistan  which  faces 
cross-border  threats  from  the  Soviet 
invasion  of  Afghanistan;  11%  is  for  pro- 
grams to  assist  our  neighbors  in  Central 
America  and  the  Caribbean;  17%  is  for 
those  who  share  our  democratic  ideals, 
such  as  Colombia  and  India,  or  those 
where  democracy  has  only  recently 
emerged  and  is  still  fragile,  such  as 
Bolivia  and  Uruguay,  and  those  where 
fundamental  economic  reform  programs 
are  underway,  such  as  Senegal  and 
Ecuador.  Which  of  these  would  the  Con- 
gress have  us  eliminate?  Which  of  these 
are  unimportant  to  our  national 

Congressional  reductions  of  over  $3 
billion  in  these  accounts,  and  the  ear- 
marking of  aid  levels  in  several  key 
countries,  will  mean  a  cut  of  50%-60% 
for  our  foreign  assistance  programs  in 
the  remaining  countries.  I  cannot 
emphasize  enough  how  seriously  these 
actions  inhibit  our  ability  to  achieve  our 
foreign  policy  objectives  worldwide. 
Over  the  last  several  weeks,  I  have  been 
working  on  how  we  would  implement 
these  congressional  mandates.  Let  me 
tell  you  what  these  cuts  will  mean  in  the 
real  world. 

•  It  will  mean  a  severe  cut,  maybe 
even  a  complete  elimination  in  some 
cases,  in  our  humanitarian  programs  in 
sub-Saharan  Africa. 

•  It  will  mean  a  two-thirds  reduction 
in  our  assistance  programs  for  the  key 
Caribbean  countries  of  Jamaica,  Haiti, 
and  the  Dominican  Republic. 

•  It  will  mean  severe  limitations  on 
programs  for  Central  America  and  the 
Philippines  and  other  countries  where 
we  have  military  facilities.  In  some 
cases,  negotiations  in  upcoming  base 
talks  would  be  undermined. 

•  It  will  mean  a  reduction  in  full- 
time  employment  of  up  to  1,000  State 
Department  employees  and  the  closing 
of  perhaps  more  than  a  dozen  overseas 
embassies  and  consulates  in  addition  to 
the  seven  posts  already  being  closed. 

•  It  will  mean  a  one-third  cut  in 
funding  for  the  multilateral  development 

banks,  which  are  crucial  to  development 
efforts  in  the  Third  World  and  the  imple- 
mentation of  the  Baker  initiative  on 
international  debt. 

•  It  will  mean  the  reduction  of 
embassy  security  programs  in  posts 
where  the  danger  and  threat  to  the  lives 
of  our  people  is  higher  than  ever. 

•  It  will  mean  that  our  efforts  to 
halt  the  production  and  illegal  export  of 
narcotics  from  the  Andean  region  will  be 
seriously  stymied  just  as  they  are  gain- 
ing momentum. 

•  It  will  mean  a  reduction  of  broad- 
casts by  the  Voice  of  America,  Radio 
Liberty,  and  Radio  Free  Europe  and  the 
closing  of  American  libraries  and 
cultural  centers  overseas. 

These  are  but  illustrations  of  the 
price  Congress  is  asking  Americans  to 


The  cumulative  impact  of  these  cuts 
will  be  devastating  to  our  foreign  rela- 
tions. America's  responsibilities  and 
commitments  around  the  world  are 
many.  They  are  important  to  Americans, 
to  our  neighbors,  and  to  those  who  seek 
freedom  and  economic  well-being.  These 
programs  represent  our  first  line  of 
defense  in  protecting  American  free- 
doms. A  penny-wise  but  pound-foolish 
budgetary  approach  to  foreign  affairs 
and  security  will  only  confuse  our  friends 
and  encourage  our  adversaries. 

Even  during  times  of  financial  con- 
straint, the  devotion  of  two  cents  out  of 
each  budget  dollar  is  a  small  price  to  pay 
for  the  liberties  and  ideals  we  as 
Americans  and  other  freedom-loving 
peoples  hold  dear.  The  values  for  which 
our  country  stands— democracy,  free 
enterprise,  freedom  of  thought,  and  the 
right  of  self-determination— are  on  the 
move  around  the  world.  Can  we  afford 
to  retreat  at  the  very  moment  when 
global  interdependency  and  the  momen- 
tum of  success  demand  our  continuing 
and  active  involvement? 

The  answer  must  be  a  resounding 
no.  And  so  I  call  on  the  Congress  to  take 
another  look,  to  review  the  decisions 
they  have  made  to  date.  I  know  Con- 
gress' decisions  have  been  based  on  the 
well-intentioned  objective  of  reducing 
Federal  expenditures  and  moving 
toward  a  balanced  budget.  But  I  strong- 
ly urge  them  to  reconsider  the  effects  of 
these  cuts  on  the  ability  of  our  national 
government  to  meet  its  primary  respon- 
sibility of  protecting  U.S.  interests 
around  the  globe.  The  defense  of 
freedom  and  the  pursuit  of  peace  are  not 
cost  free. 

'Press  release  159.  The  question-and- 
answer  session  following  the  statement  is  not 
printed  here.  ■ 

Qber  1986 



U.S. -Japan  Relations: 

A  Global  Partnership  for  the  Future 

by  Michael  H.  Armacost 

Address  before  the  Japan  Society  of 
Northern  California  in  San  Francisco 
on  July  21,  1986.  Ambassador  Armacost 
is  Under  Secretary  for  Political  Affairs. 

I  am  pleased  and  honored  to  join  you  on 
this  commemoration  of  the  80th  anniver- 
sary of  the  Japan  Society  of  Northern 
California.  This  organization  has  consist- 
ently fostered  closer  relations  between 
the  United  States  and  Japan.  It  is  an 
important  task,  and  it  has  never  been 
more  consequential  for  our  two  coun- 
tries than  at  the  present  time.  So  I 
congratulate  you  on  what  you  have 
accomplished,  even  as  I  urge  you  to 
redouble  your  efforts. 

I  am  always  happy  to  have  an  ex- 
cuse to  return  to  San  Francisco.  In  a 
sense,  this  city  is  the  birthplace  of  the 
modern  U.S. -Japan  relationship.  At  the 
Presidio  in  1951,  the  peace  treaty  be- 
tween the  allies  and  Japan  and  the  secu- 
rity treaty  between  the  United  States 
and  Japan  were  signed.  These  agree- 
ments formally  initiated  35  years  of 
peace  and  prosperity  in  U.S. -Japan  rela- 
tions. They  set  the  framework  for  the 
U.S.-Japan  partnership  about  which  I 
wish  to  comment  this  evening. 

It  is  a  remarkable  partnership. 
Within  the  lifetimes  of  most  of  us  in  this 
room,  our  countries  struggled  on  oppo- 
site sides  of  a  bitter  global  war.  Today, 
we  stand  united  in  our  efforts  to 
preserve  peace  and  to  promote  economic 
growth  and  development  throughout  the 
world.  The  U.S.-Japan  alliance  is  critical 
to  the  security  of  both  our  nations,  and 
it  is  a  pillar  of  that  balance  of  power 
which  supports  the  independence  of  free 
countries  around  the  globe.  Japan  is  our 
largest  overseas  trading  partner— a  fact 
of  special  significance  to  Californians, 
since  40%  of  all  U.S.  trade  with  Japan 
flows  through  this  state.  Politically, 
Japan  stands  firmly  within  the  Western 
camp  as  a  nation  which  practices  market 
economics  and  democratic  politics.  In 
short,  we  both  have  a  huge  stake  in  this 
relationship  about  which  I  should  like  to 
make  a  few  observations  in  order  to 
put  past  accomplishments,  current 
challenges,  and  future  possibilities  in 

Changing  Contours  of 
U.S.-Japan  Relations 

Change  has  been  a  constant  in  this  rela- 
tionship. I  have  seen  this  firsthand.  My 
involvement  with  Japan  goes  back 
nearly  20  years  to  1968  when  I  took 
sabbatical  leave  from  Pomona  College  to 
serve  as  a  visiting  professor  at  the  In- 
ternational Christian  University  (ICU).  I 
went  not  as  a  specialist  but  as  a  student 
eager  to  learn  about  a  country  which  I 
vaguely  apprehended  would  be  an  in- 
creasingly important  force  in  the  world. 

To  my  surprise,  the  Japanese  I  en- 
countered at  that  time  seemed  less  con- 
cerned with  the  future  than  with  the 
past.  They  were  preoccupied  with  issues 
left  over  from  history.  They  appeared 
surprised  by  their  considerable  postwar 
accomplishments  and  a  little  uncertain 
whether  they  could  be  sustained. 

Although  Japan  had  created  a 
remarkably  stable  political  structure, 
Japanese  politics  remained  polarized 
over  relations  with  the  United  States, 
the  terms  of  and  necessity  for  the 
mutual  security  treaty,  and  the  constitu- 
tionality and  role  of  Japanese  defense 
forces.  More  than  100  universities- 
including  ICU— experienced  crippling 
student  strikes  during  the  year  I  was 
supposedly  teaching.  I  recall  witnessing 
Japanese  riot  police  in  full  battle  gear 
evicting  student  leaders  from  Yasuda 
Hall  at  Tokyo  University.  Though 
scarcely  anyone  was  injured,  it  had  all 
the  appearances  of  a  major  military 
operation.  One  source  of  contention  was 
the  mutual  security  treaty,  and  the 
struggle  symbolized  the  unsettled  state 
of  important  issues  between  us. 

In  1968  Japan  was  a  relatively 
prosperous  country.  But  despite  nearly 
two  decades  of  unbroken  economic 
growth,  many  Japanese  exhibited  doubts 
about  their  economic  future.  They 
thought  of  themselves  as  a  "poor,  island 
nation  without  natural  resources."  They 
acknowledged  their  achievements,  yet 
worried  abut  their  "feet  of  clay."  They 
feared  Japan's  prosperity  would  not 
last.  Such  anxieties  fostered  tight 
government  controls  on  commerce  and 
finance  and  encouraged  an  export-led 
growth  strategy  sustained  by  extensive 
neomercantilist  import  barriers. 

Nor  had  U.S.-Japan  bilateral  rela- 
tions attained  the  "equal  partnership" 
of  which  the  period's  diplomatic  commu- 
niques routinely  spoke.  Indeed,  the 

Japanese  seemed  uncertain  of  their  I  ■. 
place  in  the  world.  Despite  a  natunl 
preoccupation  with  its  own  neighbor 
hood,  Japan's  role  even  in  Northea? a 
Asia  was  modest,  Japan  had  little  vl 
at  the  United  Nations,  no  place  yetl 
Western  summits,  and  was  just  bedj 
ning  to  make  its  presence  felt  in  eel 
nomic  groups  such  as  the  Organizatl 
for  Economic  Cooperation  and  Devil 
ment  (OECD). 

Cultural  interchange,  in  those  dl 
remained  largely  a  one-way  street.  I 
Japanese  knowledge  of  the  United  I 
States  was  spurred  by  friendship,  tl 
ness,  and  the  experience  of  occupatl 
Americans  generally  knew  little  of  || 
Japan.  We  had  only  the  sketchiest  | 
preciation  of  its  potential  and  futur  I  j 
promise.  As  a  sign  of  the  times,  in  I 
days,  Washington  had  only  one  susJ 
bar,  and  you  could  still  drive  for  bl  I 
without  seeing  a  Japanese-made  ca:| 

I  need  not  tell  you  that  times  h  e 

The  Present 

Earlier  this  month,  concurrent  elec  I 
were  held  in  both  Houses  of  the  Jap  I 
nese  Diet  for  only  the  second  time  i 
history.  The  stunning,  almost  un- 
precedented, landslide  victory  by  tl 
Liberal  Democratic  Party  (LDP)  sy 
ized  perhaps  the  end  of  a  political  < 
The  young  radicals  of  the  1960s,  wl 
fought  the  police  on  campus  and  vo 
for  socialists  and  communists,  are  r 
white-collar  workers,  most  of  whoir 
dently  voted  for  the  LDP. 

The  conservative  party  made  in 
pressive  gains  in  the  cities,  where, 
cording  to  conventional  wisdom,  it 
weakest.  Within  the  party,  a  group 
energetic  "new  leaders"  emerged  t 
ry  their  nation's  banner  into  the  fir! 
And,  of  course,  Prime  Minister  Nail 
sone  scored  an  extraordinary  persol 
triumph  and  secured  a  strong  popu  I 
mandate  for  his  policies.  These  inchl 
expanding  Japan's  international  rolil 
continuing  administrative  and  fiscal! 
forms,  and  restructuring  the  econorl 
lessen  reliance  on  export-led  growtll 
With  the  support  of  a  remarkably  al 
ive  party,  Prime  Minister  Nakasond] 
demonstrated  world-class  leadership! 

Last  week,  the  most  prominent  I 
of  Japan's  new  leaders— Mr.  Abe, 
Mr.  Miyazawa,  and  Mr.  Takeshita-I 
announced  their  support  for  extendi 
the  Prime  Minister's  tenure  in  officl 
that  he  can  finish  pending  business.! 


Department  of  State  Bi'l 


come  the  prospect  of  continuing  to 
•k  with  a  prime  minister  who  is  held 
ligh  esteem  in  the  West  and  has  so 
vincingly  earned  the  trust  of  the 
anese  electorate. 
Mr.  Nakasone,  to  be  sure,  faces 
(he  formidable  challenges.  The  LDP 
!  achieved  a  general  mandate  for 
Inge.  Some  of  the  presumed  direc- 
ts of  change  have  been  outlined  in 
Maekawa  report— a  future-oriented 
leprint  that  has  been  widely  praised 
aoth  sides  of  the  Pacific.  In  a  democ- 
y  like  Japan's  the  Diet  will  obviously 
/  a  major  role  in  translating  a  broad 
idate  into  specific  policies  and  laws. 
:  The  ruling  LDP  now  appears  com- 
(ted  to  opening  the  Japanese  market 
restructuring  the  economy.  Some  of 
piet  members,  however,  will  con- 
le  to  resist  measures  that  appear 
jatening  to  constituency  interests. 
5  should  not  be  surprising  to  Ameri- 

The  President,  after  all,  has 
ired  a  broad,  bipartisan  consensus 
nd  tax  reform.  Yet  some  of  the 
lils  are  still  to  be  negotiated  in  con- 
nce.  Just  as  I  am  sure  an  acceptable 
bill  will  emerge  from  the  House- 
ite  conference,  so  I  am  confident 
a  new  consensus  in  Japan  will  sup- 
a  timely  restructuring  of  the 
nese  economy.  The  die  is  cast,  I 
ve,  in  favor  of  a  more  and  more  in- 
ationally  oriented  Japan. 
J.S. -Japan  relations  were  not  a 
>r  issue  in  the  recent  election.  In 
the  issues  that  dominated  U.S.- 
,n  relations  in  the  late  1960s  have 
ily  disappeared.  The  Indochina  con- 
no  longer  stirs  partisan  emotions; 
lawa  transferred  to  Japanese  admin- 
tion  in  1972;  and  both  Tokyo  and 
hington  have  established  solid  work- 
■elations  with  China. 
Today,  Japan  perceives  its  interests 
its  role  in  global  terms.  Perhaps 
.  significant  for  U.S.-Japan  relations, 
3  is  a  striking  convergence  of  U.S. 
Japanese  perceptions  of  the  global 
.tion.  Two  factors  have  contributed 
ds  substantial  coincidence  of  world 

?irst,  Japanese  perceptions  of  its 
rity  requirements  have  been  shaped 
oviet  intransigence  on  the  Northern 
itories  issue,  by  the  relentless 
it  military  buildup  in  the  Pacific, 
oy  Moscow's  aggression  in 
lanistan  and  its  support  for  Viet- 
s  occupation  of  Cambodia. 
Second,  developments  beyond  East 
-such  as  the  "oil  shocks"  of  the 
1970s  and  the  persistent  turbulence 
e  Middle  East  and  Persian  Gulf 

areas  since  then— have  reinforced  our 
common  interest  in  global  stability. 
Over  time,  a  consensus  has  emerged  in 
Japan  which  supports  steady  improve- 
ments in  Japan's  self-defense  capabilities 
and  expanded  bilateral  defense  coopera- 
tion with  the  United  States. 

In  recent  years  the  level  and  fre- 
quency of  the  U.S.-Japan  bilateral  dia- 
logue has  also  changed  dramatically. 
The  Emperor's  visit  to  the  United  * 
States  in  1975  symbolized  the  end  of  the 
postwar  period.  Starting  with  Gerald 
Ford,  all  our  Presidents  have  visited 
Japan  while  in  office.  President  Reagan 
and  Prime  Minister  Nakasone  have 
already  met  twice  this  year— first  at 
Camp  David  and  less  than  a  month  later 
in  Tokyo.  Secretary  of  State  Shultz  and 
Foreign  Minister  Abe  have  had  26  bi- 
lateral meetings— four  of  them  this  year. 
And  senior  officials  responsible  for  areas 
as  diverse  as  arms  control  and  African 
affairs  consult  with  even  greater  fre- 

The  substance  of  our  exchanges  has 
changed  as  well.  Twenty  years  ago,  our 
talks  with  Japan  focused  primarily  on 
bilateral  rather  than  global  or  even 
regional  issues.  Now,  our  political  dia- 
logue is  unsurpassed  in  its  breadth  and 
depth  and  extends  literally  to  every 
corner  of  the  globe.  Many  of  these  con- 
sultations go  beyond  simple  exchanges 
of  views  to  include  increasingly  close  co- 
ordination of  operational  concerns.  For 
example,  my  Japanese  counterpart  and  I 
meet  annually  to  promote  the  com- 
plementarity of  our  respective  aid 

Foreign  aid,  in  fact,  is  a  good  exam- 
ple of  the  expanding  scope  of  Japan's 
international  interests  and  involvement. 
In  the  1960s,  Japan's  modest  aid  effort 
involved  reparations  to  war  victims  and 
subsidies  for  Japan's  expanding  commer- 
cial interests.  Today,  under  the  concept 
of  comprehensive  security,  Japan  is 
seeking  to  make  a  significant  contribu- 
tion to  Western  security  through  other 
than  military  means.  In  1984  the  United 
States  and  Japan  ranked  first  and  sec- 
ond in  the  world  as  donors  of  foreign 
assistance.  Between  us,  we  furnished 
over  $11  billion  to  developing  countries. 
If  Japan  meets  its  declared  objective  of 
doubling  its  foreign  aid  by  1992,  it  will 
provide  roughly  $40  billion  of  additional 
assistance  to  less  developed  countries 
(LDCs)  over  the  coming  6  years. 

We  particularly  welcome  the  role 
Japan  has  assumed  in  providing  aid  to 
friendly  countries  such  as  Thailand, 
Turkey,  Egypt,  Pakistan,  and  the 
nations  of  Central  America  and  the 

Caribbean.  The  Philippines  and  Haiti 
are  now  at  crucial  stages  in  their  politi- 
cal evolution.  The  South  Pacific  is 
undergoing  important  political  and  eco- 
nomic changes.  Africa  faces  natural 
calamities  as  well  as  daunting  economic 
problems.  We  are  working  cooperatively 
with  the  Government  of  Japan  to  ex- 
pand our  respective  efforts  in  promoting 
growth  and  encouraging  stability  in 
these  and  other  areas. 

The  measures  Japan  has  taken  to  ex- 
pand its  foreign  aid  constitute  an  ap- 
propriate effort  to  recycle  its  prosperity 
back  into  the  global  economic  system. 
Clearly,  there  is  more  to  be  done.  Japan 
gives  twice  as  much  aid  to  the  nearby 
nations  of  Asia  as  it  gives  to  African, 
Latin  American,  and  Middle  Eastern  na- 
tions combined.  As  Japan's  foreign  pol- 
icy activities  expand  to  take  account  of 
its  global  economic  power  and  "reach," 
we  would  anticipate  not  only  increases 
in  the  levels  of  its  aid  but  a  further 
improvement  in  the  concessional  terms 
of  assistance  and  the  provision  of  a 
larger  percentage  of  its  aid  to  countries 
outside  East  Asia. 

Foreign  assistance  efforts  pay  for- 
eign policy  dividends.  Over  the  past  few 
years,  many  developing  countries  have 
discarded  statist  policies  for  market- 
oriented  approaches  to  economic  growth 
and  are  increasingly  receptive  to  demo- 
cratic ideas.  Regrettably,  at  just  this 
moment  of  opportunity,  the  U.S.  Con- 
gress is  drastically  cutting  back  on  our 
own  foreign  aid  budget.  This  is  penny 
wise  and  pound  foolish,  since  aid  to 
friendly  countries  is  one  of  the  most 
cost-effective  investments  we  can  make 
in  our  own  security.  Aside  from  the  fact 
that  about  70%  of  every  U.S.  bilateral 
aid  dollar  is  spent  on  American  goods 
and  services,  assistance  to  friendly 
governments  supports  freer  markets, 
alleviates  poverty  or  disaster,  and 
underpins  newly  democratic  regimes. 
The  cuts  Congress  threatens  are 
potentially  devastating.  For  fiscal  year 
1987  the  President  is  requesting  $22.6 
billion  for  international  affairs  funding. 
This  covers  all  our  economic,  military, 
and  food  aid  programs  as  well  as  the 
State  Department  and  United  States 
Information  Agency  (USIA)  budgets, 
our  security  programs  overseas,  and  the 
costs  of  Radio  Free  Europe  and  Radio 

Congress  has  cut  that  amount  to 
$17.4  billion— a  27%  reduction.  What  will 
happen  if  we  are  forced  to  take  a  cut  of 
this  magnitude? 

Some  programs  have  been  ear- 
marked by  Congress;  they  will  be  sus- 
tained. Thev  include  aid  to  Israel  and 

ber  1986 



Egypt,  security  assistance  for  base 
rights  countries,  and  important  pro- 
grams in  Central  America  and  Pakistan. 
After  taking  care  of  these  priorities,  all 
other  programs  would  have  to  be  cut  by 
nver  509; .  What  might  this  mean? 

•  Haiti  and  other  fledgling  democra- 
cies in  the  Caribbean  could  see  cuts  in 
U.S.  economic  aid  by  more  than  two- 

•  Aid  for  the  Andean  countries- 
Bolivia,  Colombia,  Ecuador,  and  Peru- 
could  be  eliminated,  with  unfortunate 
consequences  for  our  efforts  to  halt  the 
production  and  illegal  export  of  narcot- 
ics from  that  region. 

•  Economic  support  for  Africa  could 
be  virtually  eliminated— undermining 
policy  reform  plans  and  famine  relief 

•  The  Peace  Corps  could  be  forced 
to  cut  as  many  as  1,000  volunteers  in 
Africa  alone. 

•  Radio  Free  Europe  and  Radio 
Liberty  could  be  forced  into  bankruptcy. 

These  are  not  idle  threats  or  scare 
tactics.  They  reflect  the  plans  we  would 
be  forced  to  put  into  action  if  Congress 
does  not  reconsider  its  drastic  reduc- 
tions. It  is  inconceivable  that  any  seri- 
ous person  could  presume  that  cuts  of 
this  magnitude  will  not  significantly  and 
adversely  affect  our  national  interests. 
We  are  a  superpower.  Superpowers 
have  far-flung  interests.  Supporting 
those  interests  carries  with  it  certain 
costs.  One  cannot  cut  the  means  by 
which  we  protect  our  interests  without 
placing  our  interests  in  jeopardy.  This  is 
a  simple  verity  I  hope  Congress  will  not 

Please  excuse  this  brief  commercial, 
but  it  is  relevant  to  my  theme.  We  are 
not  encouraging  Japan  to  do  more  in  the 
field  of  aid  so  that  we  can  do  less  but  in 
order  that  jointly  we  can  meet  the 
requirements  of  stability  and  develop- 
ment in  areas  of  vital  interest  to  us 
both.  Japan  is  expanding  its  aid  efforts. 
It  is  not  a  time  for  us  to  be  cutting  our 
own  program. 

U.S. -Japan  Semiconductor  Trade  Agreement 

JULY  31,  1986' 

I  am  announcing  today  that  the  LInited 
States  and  Japan  have  reached  an  agree- 
ment on  semiconductor  trade.  This 
agreement  represents  an  important  step 
toward  freer  and  more  equitable  world 
trade  and  will  enhance  the  ability  of  our 
semiconductor  manufacturers  to  com- 
pete fairly  in  the  Japanese  market.  It 
will  also  help  prevent  Japanese  manufac- 
turers from  dumping  semiconductors  in 
the  United  States  and  in  third  countries. 

This  agreement  successfully 
addresses  a  series  of  trade  complaints 
raised  by  the  U.S.  semiconductor  indus- 
try and  this  Administration  charging 
Japanese  chip  manufacturers  with 
impeding  U.S.  access  to  their  market, 
while  dumping  semiconductors  on  world 
markets  and  violating  U.S.  dumping 

With  the  agreement  of  the  govern- 
ment of  Japan  to  this  landmark  pact,  the 
United  States  suspends  the  pending  301 
market  access  case  and  EPROM 

ible,  programmable  read  only 
memories]  semiconductor  dumping  case. 
The  256K  semiconductor  dumping  case 
will  he  suspended  August  1. 

By  holding  to  our  free  market  prin- 
ciples, but  at  the  same  time  insisting  on 
fair  trade,  we  have  created  a  climate  in 
which  the  U.S.  semiconductor  industry 
should  substantially  increase  its  sales 
position  in  Japan.  We  have  also  set  an 
important  precedent  to  help  prevent 
future  unfair  trade  practices  in  other 
high  technology  industries. 

As  I  have  said  time  and  again,  we 
will  not  stand  idly  by  as  American 
workers  are  threatened  by  unfair 
trading  practices.  We  have  and  we  will 
take  the  tough  actions  that  are  necessary 
to  ensure  that  all  nations  play  by  the 
same  rules.  Today's  agreement  shows 
that  vigorous  enforcement  of  existing 
laws  can  open  markets.  To  succumb  to 
the  temptation  of  protectionism  will 
benefit  no  one. 

This  is  an  historic  agreement.  U.S. 
Trade  Representative  Yeutter,  Secre- 
tary of  Commerce  Baldrige,  and  the  U.S. 
negotiating  team  are  to  be  commended 
for  their  tenacity,  skill,  and  resoluteness 
during  the  months  of  intense 

■Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  4,  1986. 

Current  Challenges 

The  most  difficult  current  bilateral  I 
problems  continue  to  confront  us  in  I 
field  of  trade.  When  I  first  lived  in  I 
Tokyo,  the  United  States  and  Japan  I 
experienced  some  acute  trade 
problems— principally  involving  textik 
But  they  were  of  a  different  order  cl 
magnitude  and  character  than  todayl 
In  the  late  1960s,  Japan  maintained  | 
numerous  quotas,  high  tariffs,  and  al 
host  of  other  formal  trade  barriers  I 
which  it  was  just  beginning  to  dism:| 
tie.  In  1968,  Japan  had  a  global  tradl 
deficit  of  $15  million.  Its  trade  surpll 
with  the  United  States  was  $604  mi  n 

Over  the  last  20  years,  the  Japa  s 
Government  has  eliminated  most  of  I 
quotas  and  formal  trade  barriers.  It  I 
reduced  its  tariffs  to  a  point  where  I 
Japan  now  has  the  lowest  average  1 1 
of  any  industrialized  country.  Howe' I 
a  host  of  nettlesome  problems— inclt  I 
some  quotas,  high  tariffs,  nontariff  1 1 
riers,  and  restrictive  business  practil 
in  certain  areas— remain. 

At  the  same  time,  the  competitr  I. 
challenge  posed  by  high-quality 
Japanese  products  to  important  U.S| 
manufacturing  industries  has  increa;  I 
pressures  for  protection  in  this  coun  | 
A  1985  U.S.  global  trade  deficit  of  $1 
billion— including  a  $50-billion  trade  I 
deficit  with  Japan— coupled  with  a 
Japanese  global  trade  surplus  of  $46 1 
lion  that  year,  heightens  these 

The  U.S.  trade  problem  is  not,  ol 
course,  limited  to  Japan.  Our  trade  I 
problem  is  global,  but  the  bilateral 
deficit  with  Japan  remains  so  large  1 1 
it  will  be  difficult  to  make  headway  I 
our  global  problem  without  redresshl 
the  bilateral  imbalance.  Progress  mul 
be  made  to  reduce  it. 

We  are  determined  to  bring  our  I 
bilateral  trade  with  Japan  into  a  moil 
balanced  equilibrium.  Failure  to  do  si 
exposes  our  political  relations  and  sel 
rity  cooperation  to  heavy  strains.  Arl 
we  believe  our  policv  efforts  will  pajl 

•  As  Congress  and  the  AdministH 
tion  reduce  the  U.S.  Government's  I 
budget  deficit,  our  savings/investmerl 
imbalance  should  decline  and,  along  'I 
it,  our  global  trade  deficit,  including  I 
bilateral  deficit  with  Japan. 

•  In  accordance  with  agreements! 
reached  by  the  major  financial  poweil 
(G-5)  last 'fall  and  by  the  Summit  Sel 
in  Tokyo  last  May,  we  are  coordinatil 
on  international  economic  policies  mcl 
closely  with  Japan  and  the  other  majl 


Department  of  State  Bui  ifl 


dustrialized  countries.  Adjustment  of 
change  rates  is  the  most  visible  and 
amatic  result.  A  roughly  40%  depreci- 
lon  in  the  dollar  against  the  yen  dur- 
%  the  past  year  should  have  a  sizable 
ipact,  over  time,  on  our  trade  position. 

•  Representatives  of  the  U.S.  and 
panese  Governments  are  initiating  a 
lateral  dialogue  concerning  structural 
onomic  issues  of  mutual  concern.  In- 
•ed,  a  preparatory  meeting  on  this  sub- 
i  was  held  in  San  Francisco  today. 

lis  dialogue  will  examine  the  im- 
iances  in  the  Japanese  economy  and 
,S.  economy  and  consider  ways  to  cor- 
ct  them. 

•  The  MOSS  (market-oriented, 
ctor-selective)  talks  are  improving 
irket  access  to  entire  industrial  sec- 
rs  within  Japan.  We  have  made  sub- 
mtial  progress  in  electronics, 
ecommunications,  medical  equipment 
d  pharmaceuticals,  and  forest 
oduets.  We  will  soon  open  discussions 

a  fifth  sector— transportation 

•  And  finally,  we  are  seeking  to 
-ninate  remaining  trade  barriers  on 
jer  products— e.g.,  tobacco,  leather, 

—as  we  encounter  them. 

These  are  substantial  efforts.  We  be- 
e  they  are  producing  results.  They 
aimed  at  expanding  trade  while  as- 
ing  equitable  access  to  each  other's 
rket.  They  reflect  faith  in  competition 
1  a  determination  to  see  that  the 
ying  field  for  competition  is  level. 
iy  constitute  an  alternative  to  protec- 
lism,  which  we  are  determined  to 

Protectionism  has  a  false  and  dan- 
ous  allure.  Industries  affected  by 
lorts  usually  ask  for  temporary  and 
ited  protection.  Yet,  while  giving 
uporary  relief  to  one  industry,  protee- 
list  actions  penalize  the  consumer 
I  divert  investment  and  labor  from 
•e  efficient  and  productive  industries, 
tectionist  bills  like  the  House  Omni- 
Trade  Bill  (H.R.  4800)  will  not  solve 
trade  problem.  Protectionist  meas- 
s  will  damage  the  U.S.  economy, 
eaten  American  jobs,  and  embroil  us 
rade  conflicts  with  virtually  all  our 

■  or  trading  partners.  We  cannot  af- 
11  such  an  outcome,  particularly  with 

I  Current  Japanese- American  chal- 
ices are  not  limited  to  trade.  Signifi- 
S:  accomplishments  have  been  regis- 
I'd  in  bilateral  security  cooperation. 
Bquently  criticized  as  a  "free  rider" 
■relying  on  American  muscle  to  pro- 

■  its  economic  and  political  health, 

Japan  has  steadily  augmented  its 
defense  capabilities.  A  growing  domestic 
consensus  has  supported  qualitative  and 
quantitative  improvements  in  Japan's 
Self-Defense  Force  and  contributed  to 
steady  annual  increases  in  Japan's 
defense  spending. 

We  have  also  witnessed  a  growing 
Japanese  commitment  to  the  U.S. -Japan 
security  structure.  Antidefense  shib- 
boleths have  disappeared  from  the  plat- 
forms of  several  opposition  parties.  The 
Government  of  Japan  has  welcomed 
U.S.-homeported  ships;  it  has  authorized 
new  U.S.  Air  Force  deployments;  it  has 
participated  in  additional  joint  exercises. 
Japanese  support  for  the  American 
presence  in  Japan  is  now  valued  at  over 
$1  billion  annually. 

While  Japan's  defense  budget 
remains  small  as  a  percentage  of  gross 
national  product,  it  is  now  the  sixth 
largest  in  the  world  and  is  growing 
rapidly.  This  expanding  defense  budget 
supports  a  modern,  well-trained  military 
establishment  with  appropriate  defense 
roles  and  missions:  the  conventional 
defense  of  Japanese  territory,  the  sur- 
rounding seas  and  sky,  and  the  sealanes 
within  1,000  miles.  These  roles  are  con- 
sistent with  Japanese  and  American 
expectations— and  with  those  of  Japan's 

Japan's  new  5-year  defense  spending 
plan  represents  a  good  start  toward 
achieving  the  capabilities  necessary  to 
carry  out  these  missions.  We  certainly 
would  like  to  see  Japan  achieve  its  goals 
more  quickly.  Nonetheless,  the  Japanese 
Self-Defense  Force  is  already  an  increas- 
ingly potent  deterrent  against  aggres- 
sion aimed  at  Japan  and  makes  the  role 
of  our  own  forces  in  the  region  that 
much  more  effective. 

Agenda  for  the  Future 

Time  does  not  permit  me  to  elaborate 
on  the  variety  of  other  ways  in  which 
the  U.S.  and  Japan  cooperate  diploma- 
tically in  many  areas  of  the  world. 
Suffice  it  to  say,  compared  with  20  years 
ago,  U.S. -Japan  relations  are  now  on 
a  firm  and  solid  basis.  Our  give-and- 
take  on  substantive  issues  has  increased 
significantly.  Recognition  in  both  our 
countries  of  the  scope  of  our  interde- 
pendence has  grown.  Our  knowledge  of 
each  other  has  appreciably  increased. 
We  welcome  these  developments, 
yet  we  know  there  is  no  room  for  com- 
placency on  either  side  of  the  Pacific.  As 
our  relationship  with  Japan  enters  a 
new  and  more  mature  stage,  the  issues 

our  two  countries  face  become  ever 
more  complex  and  far-reaching.  Con- 
structively managing  the  U.S. -Japan 
relationship  through  the  1980s  and  be- 
yond will  be  even  more  challenging. 

We  now  need  to  look  at  the 
U.S. -Japanese  relationship  as  an  active 
partnership  for  global  progress.  In  par- 
ticular, we  need  to  work  closely  with 
Japan  to: 

•  Make  equitable  and  sustained  eco- 
nomic growth  a  reality  for  both  the  de- 
veloped and  developing  world  by 
preserving  and  improving  the  interna- 
tional trading  system  and  assisting  the 
LDCs  to  cope  with  their  myriad 
problems,  including  the  problem  of  ex- 
ternal debt; 

•  See  that  people  everywhere  un- 
derstand that  a  nuclear  war  cannot  be 
won  and  must  not  be  fought,  by 
preserving  deterrence  while  pursuing 
substantial  and  verifiable  arms 

•  Expand  international  cooperation 
to  rid  the  world  of  the  scourge  of  ter- 

•  Defuse  regional  conflicts,  such  as 
in  Indochina  and  Afghanistan;  and 

•  Find  ways  to  apply  the  technologi- 
cal developments  of  our  information  so- 
cieties to  the  benefit  of  mankind. 

Persistent  and  purposeful  effort  will 
be  required  as  our  governments  and 
peoples  create  the  conditions  and  con- 
sensus necessary  for  cooperation  on  this 
broad  agenda. 


Let  me  return  to  my  opening  theme. 
Times  change.  As  they  do,  we  must 
sometimes  overcome  what  we  thought 
we  knew  in  the  past.  We  have  long 
since  learned  that  we  cannot  go  it  alone, 
and  we  have  begun  to  see  Japan  with 
new  eyes.  Japan  is  a  strong  country;  it 
is  becoming  an  outward-looking  country. 
Japan  is  more  than  a  trading  partner;  it 
is  a  valued  ally  and  good  friend.  Even 
so,  Japan  is  only  on  the  brink  of  fulfill- 
ing its  potential  as  a  major  contributor 
to  world  economic  growth  and  comity. 
We  share  many  things  with  Japan: 
above  all  the  conviction  that  we  are  not 
mere  temporary  allies  but  permanent 
friends.  Our  task  is  to  use  that  friend- 
ship to  bring  to  the  benefit  of  all 
mankind  our  shared  devotion  to  peace, 
our  ability  to  foster  change,  our  eco- 
nomic prowess,  and  our  dedication  to 
democracy.  ■ 

3ober  1986 



Perspective  and  Proportion 
for  U.S. -Japanese  Relations 

by  Gaston  J.  Sigur,  Jr. 

Address  before  the  "U.S. -Japan 
Economic  Agenda"  sponsored  by  the 
Institute  for  Sino-Soviet  Studies  of 
George  Washington  University,  the 
Carnegie  Council,  on  Ethics,  and  Interna- 
tionaX  Affairs,  Inc.,  on  June  2,  1986.  Mr. 
Sigur  is  Assistant  Scrrrta ry  for  East 
Asian  and  Pacific  Affairs. 

It  is  a  great  pleasure  to  be  here  among 
friends  to  offer  some  observations  on 
our  kaleidoscopic  relations  with  Japan.  I 
was  reflecting  on  this  subject  not  long 
ago  as  I  rode  from  Narita  Airport  to  my 
hotel  in  Tokyo. 

Driving  from  Narita  to  central 
Tokyo,  one  passes  through  rice  fields 
and  groves  of  cryptomeria  before  enter- 
ing the  suburban  sprawl  of  houses, 
garish  hotels  of  dubious  purpose,  and 
small  factories.  At  one  point,  Disney- 
land's castle  towers  loom  up  beyond  the 
highway's  embankment.  As  one  crosses 
the  Ara  Kawa,  one  sees  ahead  the 
jumble  of  Tokyo's  buildings  and  the 
flashing  signs  advertising  Ricoh,  Seiko, 
and  a  hundred  other  companies.  Inching 
along  the  overhead  expressway,  the 
traveler  can  look  into  the  companies' 
windows  and  see  the  employees  phoning, 
writing,  and,  he  imagines,  making  deals. 
The  car  passes  through  the  bright  neon 
of  the  Ginza  and  into  the  open  area 
around  the  Imperial  Palace.  The  space  is 
relaxing  and  welcome  after  the  traffic 
and  congestion;  yet  the  moat  and  tur- 
reted  gate  are  incongruous.  By  the  time 
one  reaches  the  hotel  in  Akasaka,  one's 
mind  is  nearly  numb  with  jet  lag  and  the 
conglomeration  of  images.  It  is  time  for 
a  shower,  a  drink,  and  welcome  rest. 

In  a  way,  U.S. -Japan  relations  are 
like  the  ride  in  from  Narita.  Those  of  us 
involved  in  them  are  bombarded  with 
reports,  articles,  meetings,  conversa- 
tions, and  developments  of  a  hundred 
sorts.  At  least  occasionally,  we  have  to 
stand  back,  reflect,  sort  out  the  images, 
and  put  them  into  perspective.  I  would 
like  to  use  this  relaxed  occasion  among 
friends  to  consider  events  over  the  last 
year  or  so  and  to  comment  on  our 

First,  we  should  remember  that 
U.S. -Japan  relations  rest  on  a  "triad" 
that  is  the  product  of  the  early  postwar 
period— a  shared  commitment  to  demo- 
cratic values,  a  fervent  belief  in  the 

dynamism  of  free  markets,  and  a  secu- 
rity framework.  This  "triad"  has 
endured  now  for  three  decades. 

Security  Relationship 

In  the  early  years,  the  future  of  defense 
cooperation  was  anything  but  certain: 
the  security  treaty  and  United  States 
bases  were  the  targets  of  violent  protest 
from  the  extreme  left,  and  even  the  exist- 
ence of  the  Japanese  self-defense  forces 
was  challenged  by  those  who  sought  to 
prevent  a  replay  of  the  militarism  of  the 
1930s  by  a  strict  and  unrealistically 
literal  application  of  the  constitutional 
proscription  against  the  use  of  military 
force.  But  with  the  reversion  of  Okinawa 
to  Japanese  sovereignty,  the  end  of  the 
Vietnam  war,  the  normalization  of  rela- 
tions with  China,  and  the  steady  buildup 
of  Soviet  military  power  in  the  Far  East 
in  general  and  in  the  Northern  Terri- 
tories in  particular,  a  broad  consensus 
has  emerged  in  support  of  our  security 
relationship  and  of  Japanese  self-defense 
at  about  present  levels.  The  Japanese 
now  recognize  the  threat  posed  by  the 
Soviet  Union,  the  importance  of  a  cred- 
ible, conventional  self-defense  capability, 
and  the  need  for  our  military  presence. 

Under  the  Mutual  Security  Treaty, 
the  interest  of  both  the  United  States 
and  Japan  are  well  served.  We  are  able 
to  maintain  our  personnel  and  facilities 
in  Japan,  where  they  are  essential  for 
the  peace  and  security  of  the  United 
States  and  of  the  entire  Far  East;  Japan 
is  provided  a  strategic  deterrent— the 
so-called  nuclear  umbrella.  With  the 
threat  of  nuclear  blackmail  neutralized, 
the  Government  of  Japan  has  set  for 
itself  the  missions  of  defending,  with 
conventional  weapons,  its  territorial 
land,  seas,  and  skies  and  also  of  protect- 
ing the  vital  sealanes  out  to  1,000 
nautical  miles  from  Japan.  It  has  main- 
tained a  slow,  steady  program  of  acquir- 
ing the  capabilities  needed  to  carry  out 
those  missions.  In  the  process,  it  has 
kept  intact  the  essential  domestic  con- 
sensus on  the  correctness  of  this  policy 
and  has  satisfied  its  neighbors,  who  have 
historical  cause  for  worry,  that  it  does 
not  pose  a  threat  to  them. 

Perhaps  more  important,  Japanese 
efforts  to  develop  realistic  defense  mis- 
sions and  to  relate  defense  spending  to 
their  achievement  have  made  increas- 
ingly irrelevant  the  old  concerns  about 

the  Japanese  defense  budget— the  dell 
in  both  countries  over  the  1%  of  GNI 
cap  on  defense  spending  and  the  ailed 
"free  ride." 

To  tell  the  truth,  I  never  saw  mu<| 
point  to  those  arguments.  Despite  thtl 
GNP  cap,  Japanese  defense  spending! 
kept  growing.  Moreover  Japan  now  il 
contributing  over  $1  billion  per  year 
the  direct  support  and  maintenance  i 
U.S.  forces  in  Japan.  Not  much  is  ev« 
said  about  this,  but  it  is  a  tribute  to  qi 
cooperation  and  to  the  progress  Japa 
has  been  making. 

Political  Relationship 

Cooperation  with  Japan  is  not  limitec 
the  defense  relationship.  Every  year 
two  governments  hold  consultations  i 
Africa,  the  Middle  East,  the  United 
Nations,  the  Soviet  Union,  and  foreig 
assistance.  We  discuss  specific  probk 
as  they  occur.  For  example,  during  tl 
past  year,  the  United  States  and  Jap; 
consulted  closely  on  developments  in 
Philippines,  and  we  found  that  Japan 
policy  and  actions  were  complements 
to  ours.  In  late  May  of  this  year,  Jap; 
was  the  host  to  an  international  cons 
ative  meeting  to  establish  an  enhanci 
aid  program  for  the  Philippines.  Inde 
Japan  has  recently  been  the  largest 
donor  of  economic  aid  to  the  Philippi 

Japan's  parallel  policies  and  help: 
actions  with  regard  to  the  Philippine: 
are  typical.  Japan  has  also  given 
substantial  development  assistance  t( 
countries  like  Egypt,  Pakistan,  Turki 
and  Jamaica,  which  are  of  special  imj 
tance  to  us;  it  is  almost  uniquely  able 
use  economic  assistance  to  encourage 
Chinese  development  with  a  Western 
orientation;  and  Japan's  global  aid  pr 
gram  is  now  the  world's  second  large 

To  cite  another  example,  Japan 
joined  its  summit  partners  at  the  Tok 
economic  summit  to  put  countries  sp< 
soring  international  terrorism  on  noti 
I  can  say  straightforwardly  that  on 
issues  ranging  from  arms  control  to  t 
Middle  East,  we  have  found  Japan's 
views  to  be  valuable  and  geared  to 
Western  goals,  and  we  have  seen  our 
cooperation  become  increasingly  inti- 
mate and  fruitful. 

Much  of  the  consultation  to  whicb 
have  referred  has  occurred  for  many 
years  between  senior  bureaucrats  of  1 
two  governments.  What  is  noteworthr 
about  the  last  several  years  is  that  thu 
consultations  at  the  political  level  ha\- 
become  more  frequent,  more  detailed  I 
and  more  useful.  Since  January  1985,' 
Prime  Minister  Nakasone  and  the  Pref 
dent  have  met  five  times.  In  that  sam: 


Department  of  State  Bull" 


•iod  Secretary  Shultz  and  Foreign 
lister  Abe  have  had  seven  sets  of  con- 
tations.  In  fact,  since  assuming  their 
sent  positions,  Foreign  Minister  Abe 
1  the  Secretary  have  met  23  times, 
piously  a  good  part  of  the  eonversa- 
is  between  the  political  officials  of  the 
)  countries  concerns  bilateral  rela- 
is,  and  particularly  economic  rela- 
is.  But  the  leaders  have  taken  up  a 
iety  of  international  topics  as  well, 
!  the  discussions  have  taken  on  the 
racter  of  coordination  and  collabora- 
1. 1  hope  that  this  very  welcome  pat- 
t  will  continue. 

imomic  Relationship 

precisely  because  our  defense  rela- 
ship  with  Japan  is  crucial  and 
luse  our  cooperation  with  Japan  on 
rnational  matters  is  so  important 
cordial  that  the  economic  friction 
veen  the  two  countries  is  so  vexing, 
resolution  of  the  trade  problems 
veen  our  two  countries  is  necessary 
central  to  the  maintenance  of  a 
id  overall  relationship. 
We  quite  correctly  make  the  argu- 
t  that  only  protectionists  place 
irtance  on  bilateral  trade  balances, 
'ever,  the  size  of  Japan's  trade 
luses  with  the  United  States  and 
the  world  has  become  a  disruptive 
ical  issue,  and  we  have  to  deal  with 
^e  must  not  let  economic  friction 
ist,  for  if  it  does,  it  has  the  potential 
sturb  our  cooperation  with  Japan  on 
nse  and  international  matters  and, 
hat  matter,  to  impede  the  growth  of 
lie  partnerships  between  U.S.  and 
I  nese  enterprises. 
_*et  me  summarize  my  analysis  of 
challenge  we  face  in  our  economic 
lions  with  Japan.  With  determina- 
ted with  goals  shared  by  business, 
I  rnment,  and  citizens,  Japan  has 
i  an  economic  structure  capable  of 
iloping  and  producing  attractive, 
2-quality  products  at  very  competitive 
|s.  In  the  past,  Japan  often  used 
iknt  industry"  protection.  That  sort 
jrotection,  questionable  in  any  event, 
I'  longer  needed.  The  large  Japanese 
a|xfacturers  have  the  engineers,  the 
Jnding  research  and  development, 
(Rmple  finance  to  compete  vigorously 
^successfully  at  home  and  abroad  in 
(jbsence  of  government  protection, 
lie' is  no  more  visible  evidence  of  this 
^  the  amount  of  Japan's  exports  to 
■Jnited  States  and  to  the  world, 
dicient  industries  in  Japan,  which 
n.inly  exist,  should  restructure  or 
Hnch  in  an  environment  of  open 
sj:ets.  I  believe  Japan  is  already  on 
apath,  and  I  wish  to  encourage  it. 

If  we  wish  to  solve  problems,  we 
must  confront  reality.  We  must  and  will 
seek  the  removal  of  Japan's  remaining 
trade  impediments  vigorously.  But  at  the 
same  time,  we  must  recognize  that  the 
elimination  of  those  barriers  will  not 
result  in  a  dramatic  reduction  of  our 
bilateral  trade  imbalance.  Therefore,  we 
must  address  economic  structural  issues 
in  Japan  and  the  United  States.  We 
should  not  deceive  ourselves  that  protec- 
tionist bills  like  the  House  Omnibus 
Trade  Bill  (H.R.  4800)  will  solve  the 
trade  problem.  If  enacted,  that  bill  would 
severely  damage  the  U.S.  economy, 
destroy  American  jobs,  reduce  our  inter- 
national trade  competitiveness,  and 
embroil  us  in  trade  conflicts  with  vir- 
tually all  our  major  trading  partners. 

market  access  in  entire  industrial 

•  The  telecommunications  talks 
resulted  in  a  major  opening  of  the 
Japanese  market.  The  successful  MOSS 
talks  with  Japan  are  being  used  as  a  pat- 
tern for  discussions  on  telecommunica- 
tions with  the  Europeans  and  the 

•  The  talks  on  medical  equipment 
and  pharmaceuticals  were  an  overall 

•  From  the  electronics  MOSS  came 
tariff  cuts,  improvements  in  the  patent 
system,  and  legal  protection  for  semicon- 
ductor chips  and  computer  software. 

•  We  also  obtained  reductions  of  the 
duties  on  some  wood  products  and 

.  .  .  Japan  now  is  contributing  over  $1  billion  per 
year  for  the  direct  support  and  maintenance  of 
U.S.  forces  in  Japan. 

One  hears  the  allegation  in 
Washington  that  the  Administration  has 
no  trade  policy.  That  is  not  so.  With 
regard  to  Japan,  we  have  a  policy  which 
addresses  both  individual  trade  problems 
and  the  structural  issues  that  lie  behind 
our  deficit,  and  it  is  working.  There  are 
five  elements  in  that  policy,  and  I  would 
like  to  describe  them  to  you. 

First,  in  accordance  with  the  Presi- 
dent's statement  last  September  7,  we 
are  seeking  the  elimination  of  remaining 
Japanese  trade  barriers.  To  cite  an 
example,  last  fall,  [U.S.  Trade  Repre- 
sentative] Ambassador  Yeutter  success- 
fully negotiated  the  reduction  of  some  of 
Japan's  barriers  to  the  import  of  leather 
and  leather  products  and  obtained  com- 
pensation for  the  barriers  Japan  would 
not  remove.  Under  a  Section  301  case 
begun  by  the  Administration,  we  have 
entered  discussions  with  Japan  to  reduce 
tariffs  on  tobacco  products  and  to  cor- 
rect distribution  problems.  At  present 
we  are  also  negotiating  with  Japan  the 
elimination  of  its  import  quotas  on  12 
agricultural  product  categories.  We 
stand  ready  to  investigate  and  to 
negotiate  with  Japan  the  removal  of  any 
Japanese  trade  practices  that  are  incon- 
sistent with  international  rules. 

Second,  in  the  MOSS  [market- 
oriented,  sector  selective]  process  we  are 
achieving  significant  improvements  in 

paper  products.  The  MOSS  talks  on 
forest  products  will  continue,  and  the 
United  States  will  monitor  developments 
in  the  other  sectors.  We  have  agreed 
with  Japan  to  begin  discussions  on  a  new 
sector,  transportation  machinery,  this 

The  third  element  of  the 
Administration's  economic  policy  toward 
Japan  has  been  dealing  with  the  financial 
issues  that  affect  exchange  rates  and, 
therefore,  the  trade  balance.  Following 
the  G-5  agreement  last  September,  the 
value  of  the  yen  strengthened  nearly 
30%  against  the  dollar.  At  [Treasury] 
Secretary  Baker's  suggestion,  the  sum- 
mit countries  agreed  in  Tokyo  in  early 
May  that,  "additional  measure  should  be 
taken  to  ensure  that  procedures  for 
effective  coordination  of  international 
economic  policy  are  strengthened  fur- 

The  summit  statement  correctly 
emphasizes  economic  fundamentals  as 
determinants  of  exchange  rates.  That 
brings  me  to  the  fourth  element  of  our 
policy  toward  Japan,  a  dialogue  on 
economic  structural  adjustment  which 
we  expect  to  begin  this  July.  One  of  the 
observations  that  economists  make  is 
that  there  are  domestic  savings/invest- 
ment imbalances  in  both  the  United 
States  and  Japan  which  foreordain  a 
Japanese  global  trade  surplus  and  a  U.S. 
global  trade  deficit.  In  the  structural 

~oer  1986 



dialogue,  we  will  discuss  with  the  Japa- 

a  ays  of  encouraging  greater 
domestic  led  growth  in  Japan.  We  also 
will  discuss  imbalances  in  our  own 
economy,  such  as  the  dearth  of  savings. 

The  final  element  of  our  economic 
policy  toward  Japan  is  really  our  own 
domestic  policy.  As  Gramm-Rudman- 
Hollings  bites  and  the  Federal  deficit 
ilmps,  the  excess  of  consumption  over 
production,  and  the  trade  deficit,  should 

Japan  is  keenly  aware  that  it  is  not 
in  its  interest  to  continue  to  run  large 
trade  surpluses.  Announcing  the 
Maekawa  commission's  report  in  April, 
Prime  Minister  Nakasone  said:  "It  is  im- 
possible for  Japan  alone  to  continue  to 
be  an  island  of  solitary  prosperity,  with  a 
large  current  account  imbalance, 
depending  on  exports.  It  is  no  exaggera- 
tion to  say  that  our  success  in  achieving 
the  transformation  will  be  essential  to 
Japan's  future."  He  went  on:  "Japan  is 
now  at  an  historic  turning  point  in  its 
relations  with  the  international  com- 
munity. Our  continuing  large  current 
account  imbalance  is  a  matter  of  serious 
concern  not  only  for  the  management  of 
our  own  economy  but  also  for  the  har- 
monious development  of  the  world  econ- 
omy. Therefore,  it  should  be  our 
national  goal  to  steadily  reduce  the  cur- 
rent account  imbalance  to  one  consistent 
with  international  harmony." 

I  agree  that  Japan  is  at  a  historic 
turning  point.  Japan's  postwar  economic 
policies  had  their  roots  in  the  Meiji 
period  when  the  Japanese  Government 

regulation,  that  continuously  produces 
more  than  it  consumes,  and  that  tends 
toward  large  current  account  surpluses. 
These  are  among  the  sources  of  the  cur- 
rent economic  friction  between  Japan 
and  its  trading  partners. 

It  is,  in  a  way,  ironic  that  in  building 
the  strong,  independent  economy  the 
Meiji  leaders  sought,  Japan  became 
dependent  on  foreign  markets.  It  is  also 
ironic  that  Japan,  whose  culture  pro- 
motes harmony,  should  be  provoking 
such  disharmony  in  its  trading  relation- 
ships. Of  course,  Japan  is  not  different 
from  the  United  States,  Western 
Europe,  or  its  neighbors  in  Asia  in  being 
enmeshed  in  an  economically  inter- 
dependent world.  Still  Prime  Minister 
Nakasone's  announcement  that  policies 
and  attitudes  that  have  prevailed  for  a 
hundred  years  must  change  is  one  of  the 
most  significant  statements  in  postwar 
Japanese  history. 

The  skeptical  among  us  may  ques- 
tion whether  Japan  will  carry  through 
with  the  changes  necessary  to  reduce  the 
imbalance  in  its  trade  account.  I  think  it 
will,  because  it  has  to.  If  one  reviews  the 
past  year,  one  finds  a  tremendous 
momentum  in  the  direction  of  positive 

•  In  the  MOSS  talks,  particularly 
the  telecommunications  talks,  Japan 
removed  many  governmental  controls. 
Despite  domestic  political  difficulties, 
Japan  made  many  of  the  concessions  we 

We  must  and  will  seek  the  removal  of  Japan's 
remaining  trade  impediments.  . .  at  the  same  time, 
we  must  recognize  that  the  elimination  of  those 
barriers  will  not  result  in  a  dramatic  reduction  of 
our  bilateral  trade  imbalance. 

sought  to  build  a  strong  economy  and  to 
maintain  autonomy.  Now  the  quotas, 
high  tariffs,  and  investment  restrictions 
thai  Japan  employed  to  achieve  its  goals 
by  and  large  have  been  discarded  as 

Yet  Japan's  history  over  the  last 
100  years  has  left  the  present  generation 
a  mixed  inheritance.  One  legacy  is  solid 
prosperity.  But  others  are  a  certain 
austerity  of  attitude  and  an  economy 
that  tolerates  excessive  government 

•  In  his  unprecedented  April  9, 
1985,  address  to  the  nation,  Prime 
Minister  Nakasone  embraced  the  notion 
that  Japan's  market  should  be  "open  in 
principle,  with  restrictions  by  excep- 

•  Japan  reduced  tariffs  on  1,850 
items  during  1985. 

•  Japan  has  played  a  positive  role  in 
the  G-5  decisions  and  will  be  involved  in 
the  economic  coordination  mechanism 
devised  at  the  Tokyo  summit. 

•  Japan  is  proceeding  on  course  I 
with  the  full  liberalization  of  its  finan  ( 

•  Japanese  investment  in  overse;] 
manufacturing  is  increasing  rapidly.  I 
Japan's  annual  direct  investment  in 
foreign  countries  more  than  doubled  I 
from  $4.7  billion  in  1980  to  $10.2  billil 
in  1984.  By  that  year  Japan's  total 
foreign  investment  totaled  $71  billion! 
which  $19  billion  was  in  the  United 

•  A  November  1985  Nomura 
Research  Institute  report  predicts  th;l 
as  a  result  of  a  strong  yen,  investmer  I 
overseas,  and  stronger  foreign  compt 
tion,  Japan's  imports  will  increase  fail 
than  its  exports,  so  that  by  1995  J  apt  I 
trade  surplus  will  decline  to  $1.5  billiil 

I  am  confident  that  Japan  will,  in 
Prime  Minister  Nakasone's  words, 
"steadily  reduce  the  current  account 
imbalance  to  one  consistent  with  inte 
tional  harmony."  Apart  from  anythin 
else,  doing  so  will  result  in  the  higher 
standard  of  living  that  the  Japanese  ] 
pie  have  earned. 

I  would  like  to  make  some  observ 
tions  on  the  conduct  of  our  economic 
relations  with  Japan.  In  the  course  ol 
the  series  of  intense  trade  negotiatioi 
during  the  past  several  years,  the  U.i 
and  Japanese  Governments  have  wor 
together  to  solve  problems.  Some  oft 
negotiations  have  been  strained  at  tir 
but  they  have  been  successful.  And 
through  the  talks,  Japanese  agencies 
U.S.  agencies  have  established  relatic 
ships.  The  negotiations  have  been  edi 
tional  for  both  sides,  and  the  cooperai 
they  have  engendered  will  continue  tc 
essential  given  the  growing  integratk 
of  the  U.S.  and  Japanese  economies. 

In  our  attempt  to  deal  with  the 
effects  of  trade  on  our  own  industries 
and  with  political  pressures  in  the 
United  States,  we  often  forget  that 
other  democratic  governments  must  c 
with  much  the  same  political  realities 
and  problems  as  we.  This  is  by  no  me; 
an  argument  for  inaction.  Rather  it  is 
caution  that  patience  and  subtlety  ma 
bring  better  results  than  importunate 

We  should  keep  a  sense  of  propor- 
tion in  our  relations  with  Japan  and  oi 
other  trading  partners.  Through  inter 
tional  trade  and  investment,  we  seek 
increased  prosperity  in  the  United 
States.  In  order  for  the  international 
free  economic  system  to  work,  there 
obviously  must  be  generally  equal  opp 
tunities  for  all  countries.  However,  it ' 


Department  of  State  Build 


■dly  realistic  to  demand  perfect  justice 
■n  by  item  and  sector  by  sector.  If  we 
so  in  our  negotiations,  we  have  to 
ose  between  total  victory— which  is 
always  realistic  given  politics  in 
er  countries— or  retaliation,  which 
ms  everyone.  We  should  not  limit  our 
ions.  I  might  add  that  perfect  justice 
ubjective  and  rarely  takes  account  of 
own  import  restraints. 
Finally,  there  is  no  substitute  for 
d  domestic  economic  policy.  In  the 
sent  international  economy,  goods 
funds  flow  easily  across  borders, 
inessmen  have  many  options.  If 
rest  rates  are  high  in  one  country, 
ipanies  can  borrow  in  another.  If  the 
appreciates,  Japanese  businesses  are 
ly  to  invest  in  the  United  States  or 
■e  this  market  from  third  countries. 
e  bar  imports  from  one  country,  we 
likely  to  see  shipments  from  others, 
survive  in  this  kind  of  world,  we  must 
to  the  fundamentals.  We  must  save 
invest,  research  and  innovate.  The 
;rnment  must  create  an  environment 
lucive  to  these  things.  But  only 
ate  individuals  and  companies  can 
mplish  them. 

A.s  I  said  earlier,  I  think  that  both 
n  and  the  United  States  are  headed 
e  right  directions.  As  a  result  of  the 
?  appreciation,  in  volume  terms 
nese  exports  to  the  United  States 
leclining  and  Japanese  imports  from 
Jnited  States  are  growing.  The 
ed  States  is  taking  steps  to  correct 
:onomic  policies.  At  the  same  time, 
apanese  Government  has  resolved 
ter  its  economic  structure.  The 
ed  States  and  Japan  will  undertake 
uctural  dialogue,  and  we  both  will 
cipate  in  the  new  international 
omic  monitoring  system.  Market 
3S  negotiations  on  specific  products 
Continue.  I  am  confident  that 
(hgh  perseverance  and  cooperation, 
SjJnited  States  and  Japan  will  solve 
a  economic  problems  in  a  way  that 
Contribute  to  increased  prosperity  in 
a  country  and  to  an  ever  more  solid 
(productive  relationship  across  the 

Economic  Sanctions 

to  Combat  International  Terrorism 

The  following  article  is  adapted  from  a 
report  prepared  by  the  Department  of 
State  hi  response  to  a  requestfrom 
Senators  Richard  G.  Lugar  and  Frank 
H.  Murkowski  for  an  analysis  of  the 
advisability  of  economic  sane/ions  as  a 
diplomatic  tool  to  combat  international 

Advisability  of  Imposing 
Antiterrorism  Sanctions 

This  Administration  is  taking  actions  to 
combat  international  terrorism  by  every 
legitimate  means.  Economic  sanctions 
are  an  integral  part  of  peaceful  meas- 
ures that  we  can  take  to  deter  states 
from  supporting  terrorism.  The  advisa- 
bility of  imposing  sanctions  depends  on 
their  likely  effectiveness  and  the  eco- 
nomic and  diplomatic  consequences  for 
the  United  States.  In  addition  to  their 
potential  economic  effect,  sanctions  may 
serve  useful  political  and  diplomatic 

Economic  sanctions  may  be  used  to 
pressure  targeted  states  to  change  their 
policies  and  to  strengthen  the  resolve  of 
others,  such  as  neighboring  countries  or 
U.S.  allies,  in  dealing  with  governments 
that  support  terrorism.  Although  sanc- 
tions such  as  trade  controls  may  ad- 
versely affect  our  global  trade  position 
and  may  have  a  particularly  negative 
impact  on  some  U.S.  firms,  they  demon- 
strate our  resolve  and  show  that  we  are 
prepared  to  accept  economic  losses,  if 
necessary,  in  our  battle  against  ter- 
rorism. Openly  acknowledging  that  the 
United  States  also  will  suffer  from  sanc- 
tions helps  us  to  encourage  others  to  fol- 
low our  example  and  make  the  required 
trade  and  financial  sacrifices.  At  the 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  the  seven  par- 
ticipating heads  of  government  agreed 
in  their  Declaration  on  International 
Terrorism  that: 

Terrorism  has  no  justification.  .  .  .[It] 
must  be  fought  effectively  through  deter- 
mined, tenacious,  discreet  and  patient  action 
combining  national  measures  with  interna- 
tional cooperation. 

However,  antiterrorism  considera- 
tions, as  important  as  they  are,  are  only 
one  facet  of  our  policy  toward  any  coun- 
try. Other  relevant  factors— strategic, 
political,  economic,  humanitarian— must 
play  a  part  in  deciding  whether  to  un- 
dertake an  action  such  as  imposing 

trade  controls.  Thus,  in  the  abstract  it  is 
difficult  to  evaluate  the  advisability  of 
sanctions.  A  particular  course  may  be 
advisable  in  one  case  but  inappropriate 
in  another.  The  Administration  banned 
virtually  all  trade  and  financial  transac- 
tions with  Libya  after  it  became  clear 
that  previous  actions,  including  partial 
sanctions,  had  not  gone  far  enough. 
Similar  action  may  not  be  useful  in  the 
case  of  other  countries  that  support 
international  terrorism. 

Economic  Consequences  of 
Trade  Sanctions 

Impact  on  Target  Countries.  The  effec- 
tiveness of  U.S.  economic  sanctions  in 
exerting  economic  pressure  on  a  foreign 
government  depends  on  many  factors, 
including  the  U.S.  trade  relationship 
with  the  target  country,  the  availability 
of  similar  products  from  other  countries, 
and  alternative  markets  for  the  target 
country's  products.  The  diversity  of  sup- 
ply that  characterizes  most  widely 
traded  goods  today  limits  the  impact  of 
unilateral  trade  sanctions  on  the  target 
country's  behavior:  when  one  country  or 
group  of  countries  decides  to  withhold 
goods  or  services  from  a  terrorist- 
supporting  state,  other  suppliers  may 
move  in  to  fill  the  gap.  Similarly,  a 
unilateral  boycott  of  the  products  of  a 
terrorist-supporting  state  may  simply 
shift  market  patterns.  In  the  absence  of 
international  cooperation,  the  terrorist 
state  often  obtains  what  it  wants  to  buy 
and  finds  alternative  customers  for  what 
it  has  to  sell,  and  our  intended  influence 
on  it  is  correspondingly  reduced.  Sanc- 
tions, however,  can  have  a  significant 
effect  in  sectors  where  the  United 
States  is  the  key  supplier.  Export  con- 
trols tend  to  have  the  greatest  economic 
impact  over  the  short  term,  as  current 
sources  of  supply  are  interrupted  and 
the  target  economy  struggles  to  adjust. 
The  precise  impact  is  often  difficult 
to  judge  because  reliable,  up-to-date  eco- 
nomic data  may  be  lacking.  In  the  case 
of  Libya,  we  believe  that  the  measures 
taken  in  January  1986  to  ban  virtually 
all  economic  activity  with  that  country, 
magnified  by  the  steep  decline  in  oil 
prices,  are  contributing  to  the  deteriora- 
tion of  the  Libyan  economy.  Other  coun- 
tries' willingness  to  join  us  increases  the 
economic  effectiveness  of  the  sanctions. 

:toer  1986 



From  1978  to  L980,  the  United 
States  provided  »i'i  of  I. Una's  imports, 

irding  to  International  Monetary 
Fund  (IMF)  figures.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  European  Community  (EC)  ac- 
counted  for  more  than  60$  of  Libya's 
total  imports,  while  other  Western 
industrialized  countries  supplied  an  addi- 
tional 10%-15%.  However,  U.S.  export 
controls  probably  have  assumed  an  en- 
hanced significance  because  they  focus 
on  items,  such  as  aircraft  and  sophisti- 
cated oil  field  equipment,  that  may  not 
be  readily  available  from  other 

As  a  result  of  increasingly  more 
stringent  export  controls  in  1981  and 
1982,  the  U.S.  market  share  in  1983 
decreased  to  2.5%  of  Libyan  imports. 
IMP'  statistics  indicate  that,  as  a  result 
of  the  downturn  in  the  Libyan  economy, 
European  Community  exports  to  Libya 
also  declined  in  absolute  terms  during 
this  period.  It  appears  that  our  Euro- 
pean trading  partners  were  restrained 
in  assuming  lost  U.S.  business.  Newly 
industrialized  countries,  however,  includ- 
ing South  Korea  and  Brazil,  substantial- 
ly increased  their  share  of  exports  to 

Following  our  1982  ban  on  crude  oil 
imports,  U.S.  imports  from  Libya 
declined  dramatically,  from  $7.4  billion 
in  1980  to  only  $865,000  in  1983,  accord- 
ing to  Commerce  Department  statistics. 
The  President's  Executive  Order  of 
January  7,  1986,  prohibited  virtually  all 
direct  trade  to  or  from  Libya. 

Libya  traditionally  has  sought  out 
U.S.  contractors  because  of  their  reputa- 
tion and  reliability.  Although  the  impact 
on  services  is  not  easily  quantified,  the 
departure  of  U.S.  firms  providing  con- 
sulting, management,  construction,  and 
contracting  services  to  Libya's  oil  indus- 
i  rv  and  major  development  projects 
could  be  costly  to  the  Libyan  economy 
in  terms  of  temporary  disruptions  and 
recontracting  time.  We  have  obtained 
promises  from  the  other  Summit  Seven 
countries  to  try  to  discourage  their 
firms  from  replacing  departing  Ameri- 
can companies.  How  this  will  work  out 
in  practice  remains  to  be  seen,  but  the 
Italian  presence,  for  example,  has  fallen 
from  15,000-17,000  to  under  3,000. 

Impact  on  the  U.S.  Economy. 

When  the  Administration  has  restricted 
trade  with  countries  supporting  ter- 
rorism, it  has  acted  in  full  awareness 
that  such  measures  also  have  costs  for 
the  U.S.  economy.  These  can  be  divided 

•  Direct  costs  in  terms  of  lost  trade; 

•  Indirect  costs  in  our  trade  with 
other  trading  partners. 

Direct  Costs.  The  sheer  size  of  the 
U.S.  economy  has  helped  absorb  the 
direct  costs  of  our  trade  controls.  For 
example,  U.S.  exports  to  Libya  in  the 
late  1970s,  before  imposition  of  antiter- 
rorism export  controls,  accounted  for 
less  than  1%  of  all  U.S.  exports.  As  a 
result  of  our  export  controls,  U.S.  ex- 
ports to  Libva  declined  by  $500  million 
from  1981  to  1982  and  by  another  $191 
million  in  1983.  These  direct  costs  often 
fall  unevenly  on  different  sectors  of  the 
U.S.  economy.  In  the  Libyan  case,  the 
most  severe  impact  was  on  the  U.S.  air- 
craft and  petroleum  industries,  which 
previously  had  dominated  the  Libyan 
market.  In  1983  alone,  the  Administra- 
tion denied  licenses  to  sell  $597.5-million 
worth  of  large  civil  transport  aircraft  to 
Libya.  The  Commerce  Department  esti- 
mates that  in  the  petroleum  sector,  our 
controls  prevented  U.S.  firms  from  pur- 
suing contracts  worth  at  least  $150 
million  in  1984  and  1985  for  the  develop- 
ment of  the  Ras  Lanuf  refinery  and 
petrochemical  plant  in  Libya. 

U.S.  trade  with  other  terrorist- 
supporting  countries  also  has  decreased 
in  recent  years.  For  example,  exports  to 
Iran  declined  from  $954  million  in  1979 
to  just  under  $74  million  in  1985,  and 
imports  from  $2.7  billion  to  $762  million. 
Trade  with  Syria  and  South  Yemen  is 
mininal.  In  1985,  we  exported 
$106-million  worth  of  goods  to  Syria, 
while  importing  less  than  $3  million. 
For  South  Yemen,  the  figures  were 
$9  million  of  exports  and  $1  million  of 

Indirect  Costs.  The  use  of  economic 
sanctions  also  may  entail  significant  in- 
direct costs— generally  incurred  over  a 
longer  period.  Frequent  use  of  unilateral 
trade  controls  for  foreign  policy  pur- 
poses can  damage  the  reputation  of 
American  firms  as  reliable  suppliers. 
Customers  forced  to  buy  elsewhere  may 
never  return  to  their  U.S.  suppliers. 
Other  U.S.  trading  partners  may  change 
suppliers  or  deliberately  "design  out" 
U.S.  components  in  their  manufactured 
goods  to  avoid  restrictions  on  where 
they  can  sell.  For  instance,  the  Com- 
merce Department  has  reported  that 
some  foreign  aircraft  manufacturers  are 
increasingly  avoiding  U.S.  high- 
technology  navigational  devices  for  fear 
that  new  U.S.  export  controls  might  be 
imposed,  thereby  preventing  sales  or 
curtailing  supplies  of  parts.  U.S.  firms 
also  report  that  they  are  being  pre- 
cluded from  major  aircraft  projects  in 

some  countries  that  do  business  with  I 
Libya  and  other  targeted  countries. 

On  the  other  hand,  economic  consl 
quences  flow  from  the  continuation  ol] 
terrorism.  Some  countries  have  been  I 
reluctant  to  join  in  sanctions  because  I 
concerns  about  losing  the  economic 
benefits  of  trade  with  Libya.  Howevel 
the  terrorist  threat  and  growing  publj 
concern  about  terrorism  are  costing   I 
airlines  and  other  businesses,  inciudii  I 
American  firms,  millions  of  dollars  in  i 
lost  tourism  and  increased  security 
costs.  Although  difficult  to  quantify, 
there  is  a  growing  economic  cost  frorj 
the  lack  of  sufficient  international 
cooperation  to  make  economic  and  po 
cal  sanctions  more  effective. 

Diplomatic  Consequences 
of  Trade  Sanctions 

Leaving  aside  their  economic  impact, 
sanctions  can  be  used  for  their  politic 
or  diplomatic  effect  to  demonstrate  I 
determination  to  oppose  another  nati 
support  of  terrorism.  Sanctions  send 
powerful  nonmilitary  signal  that  we  ' 
not  countenance  business  as  usual  wi 
those  who  support  terrorists.  They 
demonstrate  that  we  support  our  pol 
cies  with  actions  as  well  as  words  an 
are  prepared  to  incur  costs  in  our  ba 
against  international  terrorism.  This 
serves  to  refute  criticisms  that  we  as 
our  allies  to  make  sacrifices  while  we 
continue  to  profit  from  commercial  rs 
tions  with  countries  supporting  terrot 
or  that  we  are  unwilling  to  try  "peact 
ful  measures"  before  taking  other  st( 

Sanctions  can  have  political  costs 
well.  U.S.  policy  attempts  to  considei 
political  as  well  as  economic  conse- 
quences of  sanctions  in  adjusting  our 
responses.  To  the  extent  that  we  hav 
other  interests  and  prospects  for  cooj 
ation  with  a  targeted  country,  the 
United  States  must  weigh  the  probat 
loss  of  influence  against  the  expected 
benefits  from  economic  sanctions.  Me 
ures  that  appear  unnecessarily  harsh 
inappropriate  can  undermine  our  crec 
bility  with  the  targeted  country  as  w> 
as  with  friendly  countries  whose  supj 
we  seek. 

Economic  sanctions  can  also  creat 
difficulties  in  our  political  relations  w 
friendly  countries  that  are  unwilling  t 
take  measures  similar  to  ours.  These 
tensions  may  increase  when  our  conti 
are  applied  extraterritorially  to  perso 
or  things  within  the  territories  of  frk 
ly  countries  in  a  manner  they  conside1 
infringes  on  their  sovereignty.  Our  e>* 
perience  with  the  gas  pipeline  sanctio 
against  the  Soviet  Union  demonstrate 


Department  of  State  Bull** 


problems  of  extending  unilateral 
..  sanctions  effectively  to  overseas 
Maries  of  U.S.  companies.  Several 
■opean  countries,  including  the 
ted  Kingdom,  have  enacted  blocking 
slation  that  can  be  invoked  to  pro- 
t  persons  in  their  territories  from 
iplying  with  U.S.  controls.  For  these 
sons,  the  Administration  has  at- 
pted  to  moderate,  where  appropri- 

the  extraterritorial  reach  of  our 
Rons.  For  instance,  our  most  recent 
:tions  against  Libya  were  not  ex- 
led  to  foreign  subsidiaries  of  U.S. 
is  or  to  reexports  of  U.S. -origin 
is,  except  transshipments. 
All  of  these  considerations  influenced 
decision  to  impose  economic  sanc- 
3  against  Libya.  Unilateral  U.S.  re- 
lions  underscored  our  opposition  to 
hafi's  policies,  but  they  did  not 
luce  sufficient  economic  and  political 
sures  to  cause  significant  policy 
ige.  The  decision  to  end  all  direct 
nercial  relations  with  Libya  showed 
allies  that  we  are  willing  to  accept 
y  costs  and  may  have  contributed 
ir  recent  success  in  obtaining  mul- 
•iral  cooperation,  albeit  limited,  on 
:ions  and  other  measures, 
jibya  is  an  exceptional  case.  There 
lajor  qualitiative  differences  be- 
n  our  relationship  with  Libya  and 

countries  on  the  terrorism  list.  We 

normal  diplomatic  relations  with 
i  and  maintain  a  limited  dialogue 
some  of  the  other  countries.  In 

contrast  to  Libya,  we  have  been 
on  occasion  to  use  our  relationships 
those  countries  to  the  benefit  of 

Ititial  for  Gaining  International 
unilateral  Cooperation 

Idifficult  to  evaluate  abstractly  the 
■utial  for  gaining  international  or 
lateral  cooperation  for  sanctions 
1st  countries  that  support  or  harbor 

ince  the  United  States,  Japan,  and 
tern  Europe  together  account  for 
h  three-quarters  of  the  world's 
I  [gross  national  product]  and  trade, 
psition  of  our  allies  is  worth  noting. 
lilies  are  reluctant  to  adopt  eco- 
I  sanctions  for  several  reasons. 

irst,  most  maintain  that  sanctions 
•effective,  often  pointing  to  past  ef- 
iwhere  they  believe  sanctions 
I  such  as  Rhodesia. 

?cond,  many  allies  have  substantial 
lercial  interests  as  well  as  citizens 
Inight  be  placed  in  jeopardy  by  im- 
fo  sanctions. 

Our  major  European  allies  belong  to 
the  European  Community.  Community 
decisions  on  sanctions  historically  have 
been  made  on  the  basis  of  consensus. 
Given  the  strong  opposition  of  some  EC 
members  to  economic  sanctions,  for 
reasons  outlined  above,  consensus  is 
difficult  to  achieve  in  most  cases. 

The  allies  are  prepared,  on  a  case- 
by-case  basis,  to  take  specific  actions 
short  of  broad  economic  sanctions.  In 
the  Libyan  case,  the  EC  agreed  at  an 
early  date  that  members  would  not  sell 
weapons  or  military  equipment  to  Libya 
and  that,  to  the  extent  possible,  EC 
governments  would  prevent  their  com- 
panies from  undermining  U.S.  actions 
and  replacing  U.S.  companies.  Other 
measures,  reaffirmed  at  the  Tokyo  sum- 
mit, such  as  reducing  the  staffs  of  the 
Libyan  Peoples'  Bureaus,  also  are  being 
implemented  in  a  number  of  countries. 
We  welcome  the  cooperation  achieved 
and  the  strong  signal  it  sends.  We  are 
consulting  closely  with  our  allies  and 
have  been  urging  additional  measures. 

Adequacy  of  Existing  Authority 
to  Impose  Economic  Sanctions 

Existing  legislation  gives  the  President 
extensive  authority  to  take  economic 
measures  against  countries  supporting 
terrorism.  This  authority  has  proven 
sufficient  to  impose  broad  controls  on 
trade  and  other  economic  activity  with 
such  countries.  The  Export  Administra- 
tion Act  of  1979,  as  amended,  authorizes 
restrictions  on  exports  to  countries  that 
support  terrorism,  and  the  recently 
enacted  International  Security  and  De- 
velopment Cooperation  Act  of  1985 
authorizes  a  ban  on  imports  from  such 
countries.  U.S.  law  also  permits  a  wide 
range  of  other  antiterrorism  sanctions, 
including  a  cutoff  of  foreign  assistance 
and  arms  sales  and  termination  of  air 
services.  In  addition,  the  International 
Emergency  Economic  Powers  Act  au- 
thorizes the  President,  upon  declaration 
of  a  national  emergency,  to  regulate  or 
prohibit  a  wide  range  of  trade  and  finan- 
cial transactions.  An  appendix  to  this 
report  describes  the  most  important  of 
these  authorities. 

Under  Section  6(j)  of  the  Export 
Administration  Act,  the  Secretary  of 
State  has  designated  Libya,  Syria,  Iran, 
Cuba,  and  the  People's  Democratic 
Republic  of  Yemen  (South  Yemen)  as 
countries  that  have  repeatedly  provided 
support  for  international  terrorism. 
These  designations  are  periodically 
reviewed,  and  changes  are  made  when- 
ever a  country's  conduct  so  warrants. 

Cuba  and  Iran  were  added  to  the  list  in 
1982  and  1984,  respectively;  Iraq  was 
removed  in  1982. 

As  our  sanctions  against  these  coun- 
tries and,  more  recently,  our  ban  on  vir- 
tually all  trade  and  financial  transactions 
with  Libya  illustrate,  the  Administration 
is  prepared  to  use  these  authorities 
vigorously.  We  must  continue,  however, 
to  take  specific  circumstances  into  ac- 
count, including  the  probable  effective- 
ness and  diplomatic  and  economic 
consequences  of  our  actions.  Other  key 
factors  include  the  entire  range  of  rela- 
tions we  have  with  a  specific  nation  and 
the  direction  of  its  policies.  Legislation 
that  would  tie  our  hands  by  mandating 
blanket  prohibitions  on  trade  and/or 
financial  transactions  could  harm  U.S. 
business  and  relations  with  our  allies 
without  imposing  any  significant  costs 
on  the  target  country. 

Flexibility  is  essential  to  respond  to 
the  unique  and  often  rapidly  changing 
circumstances  of  each  case.  For  in- 
stance, during  the  Iranian  hostage 
crisis,  we  imposed  extensive  prohibitions 
on  trade  and  financial  transactions  with 
Iran.  These  sanctions  provided  a  power- 
ful negotiating  tool  in  working  for  the 
release  of  the  hostages.  Had  the  sanc- 
tions been  statutorily  required,  this 
leverage  would  have  been  lost.  Armed 
with  the  flexibility  to  lift  U.S.  trade 
sanctions,  we  were  able  to  conclude  the 
1981  Algiers  accord  and  secure  the 
release  of  the  hostages. 


Statutory  Authorities  for  Sanctions 

U.S.  law  permits  a  wide  range  of  sanc- 
tions by  the  executive  branch  against 
countries  involved  in  international  ter- 
rorism. These  include  terminating  as- 
sistance and  arms  sales,  imposing 
import  and  export  controls,  suspending 
Export-Import  Bank  (Eximbank)  credits, 
and,  upon  declaration  of  a  national  emer- 
gency, prohibiting  financial  transactions. 
The  most  important  authorities  are 
discussed  below. 

Emergency  Powers.  The  Interna 
tional  Emergency  Economic  Powers  Act 
authorizes  the  President  to  regulate  or 
prohibit  a  wide  range  of  trade  and  finan- 
cial transactions  involving  property  in 
which  any  foreign  country  or  national 
has  an  interest.  This  authority  may  be 
used  to  deal  with  "an  unusual  and  ex- 
traordinary threat,  which  has  its  source 
in  whole  or  substantial  part  outside  the 
United  States,  to  the  national  security. 

cer  1986 



foreign  policy,  or  economy  of"  the  United 
States,  if  the  President  declares  a  na 
tional  emergency  with  respect  to  that 

Commercial  Exports.  Section  3(8)  of 
Ixport  Administration  Act  states 
that  it  is  "the  policy  of  the  United 
States  to  use  export  controls  to  en- 
courage  other  countries  to  take  immedi- 
ate stops  to  prevent  the  use  of  their 
territories  or  resources  to  aid,  en- 
courage, or  give  sanctuary  to  those  per- 
sons involved  in  directing,  supporting, 
or  participating  in  acts  of  international 
terrorism."  Section  6(a)  authorizes  the 
President  to  adopt  foreign  policy  con- 
trols on  exports  of  goods  or  technology 
subject  to  U.S.  jurisdiction  (or  by  any 
person  subject  to  U.S.  jurisdiction)  to 
carry  out  this  policy.  This  authority  is 
exercised  by  the  Secretary  of  Commerce 
in  consultation  with  the  Secretary  of 
State,  the  U.S.  Trade  Representative, 
and  certain  others. 

Imposition  of  foreign  policy  controls 
under  the  act  is  subject  to  procedural 
and  substantive  limitations.  For  exam- 
ple, section  3(8)  provides  that  the  Presi- 
dent "shall  make  reasonable  and  prompt 
efforts  to  secure  the  removal  or  reduc- 
tion of  such  assistance  to  international 
terrorists  through  international  coopera- 
tion and  agreement  before  imposing  ex- 
port controls."  There  are  requirements 
for  consultation,  reports,  and  findings  as 
well  as  special  limits  on  prior  contracts 
and  foreign  availability. 

Antiterrorism  export  controls  im- 
posed under  the  Export  Administration 
Act  are  aimed  at  restricting  the  export 
of  goods  or  technology  that  would  con- 
tribute significantly  to  the  military 
potential  or  enhance  the  terrorist- 
support  capabilities  of  such  countries. 
These  controls  cover  large  aircraft; 
militarized  vehicles;  specially  designed 
equipment  with  which  to  produce  mili- 
tary items;  crime  control  and  detection 
equipment;  and  all  goods  and  technology 
subject  to  national  security  controls  if 
destined  for  military  use  and  valued  at 
$7  million  or  more.  These  controls  were 
recently  expanded  to  restrict  the  export 
of  light  helicopters  (helicopters  over 
10,001)  pounds  were  already  controlled). 
For  Iran,  all  aircraft,  parts  and  avionics, 
and  large  marine  outboard  engines  are 
embargoed;  national  security-controlled 
goods  and  technologies  with  military  ap- 
plications also  are  controlled.  Libya  and 
Cuba  are  subjeel  to  comprehensive 
trade  and  financial  embargoes1. 

Imports.  Section  505  of  the  Interna- 
tional Security  and  Development 
Cooperation  Act  of  1985  authorizes  the 

President  to  "ban  the  importation  into 
the  United  States  of  any  good  or  service 
from  any  country  which  supports  ter- 
rorism or  terrorist  organizations  or 
harbors  terrorists  or  terrorist  organi- 
zations." Prior  consultation  with  Con- 
gress is  required  "in  every  possible 
instance,"  and  a  report  must  be  sent  to 
Congress  when  the  authority  is  exer- 
cised. Until  this  new  authority  was 
enacted,  imports  could  be  controlled 
only  under  the  International  Emergency 
Economic  Powers  Act  pursuant  to  a 
declaration  of  national  emergency  or  un- 
der the  UN  Participation  Act  pursuant 
to  mandatory  Security  Council 

Libya.  Section  505  was  invoked 
most  recently  to  cut  off  trade  with 
Libya.  In  addition  to  the  more  general 
authorities  to  control  imports  and  ex- 
ports discussed  above,  Section  504  of 
the  International  Security  and  Develop- 
ment Cooperation  Act  of  1985  authorizes 
the  President  to  prohibit  imports  of  any 
article  grown,  produced,  extracted,  or 
manufactured  in  Libya.  It  also  author- 
izes the  President  to  prohibit  exports  to 
Libya  of  any  goods  or  technology  sub- 
ject to  U.S.  jurisdiction  or  exported  by 
any  person  subject  to  U.S.  jurisdiction. 

Foreign  Assistance.  The  executive 
branch  may  terminate  or  decline  to  pro- 
vide assistance  for  any  foreign  policy 
reason  to  any  recipient  of  U.S.  as- 
sistance under  the  Foreign  Assistance 
Act,  the  Arms  Export  Control  Act,  the 
Agricultural  Trade  Development  and 
Assistance  Act,  and  the  Peace  Corps 

Arms  Sales.  The  executive  branch 
may  decline  to  make  military  sales  to 
any  country  for  any  appropriate  foreign 
policy  reason  (including  antiterrorism 
considerations),  and  Section  2(b)  of  the 
Arms  Export  Control  Act  gives  the 
Secretary  of  State  responsibility  for 
authorizing  sales  to  any  particular  coun- 
try and  in  what  amounts.  The  Depart- 
ment of  State  also  has  the  authority, 
pursuant  to  section  38  of  the  act  and  the 
Department's  International  Traffic  in 
Arms  Regulations,  to  deny  or  cancel 
licenses  for  private  arms  exports  for  any 
foreign  policy  reason  (including  the 
recipient's  support  of  terrorism).  Under 
this  authority,  the  Administration  pro- 
hibits the  export  of  items  on  the  U.S. 
Munitions  List  to  countries  supporting 

Eximbank  Programs.  Section 
2(b)(1)(B)  of  the  Export-Import  Bank 
Act  explicitly  mentions  U.S.  policy  with 

respect  to  international  terrorism  as  c 
of  a  limited  category  of  nonfinancial  c< 
siderations  that  can  justify  Eximbank 
denial  of  applications  for  credit,  if  the 
President  determines  that  such  action 
"would  be  in  the  national  interest"  ar 
would  "clearly  and  importantly  ad- 
vance" U.S.  antiterrorism  policy. 

Aviation  Sanctions.  The  Federal 
Aviation  Act  grants  sweeping  authori 
to  the  executive  branch  to  impose  avi 
tion  sanctions  in  response  to  terrorisn 
as  well  as  inadequate  aviation  securit; 

•  Section  1114(a)  authorizes  the 
President  to  suspend  air  transportatu 
between  the  United  States  and  any 
country  that  he  determines  is  violatin; 
The  Hague  convention  or  is  aiding  an; 
terrorist  organization  that  supports  tl 
seizure  of  aircraft  as  an  instrument  oi 

•  Section  1114(a)  further  authorize 
the  President  to  suspend  air  transpor 
tion  between  the  United  States  and  a 
foreign  state  that  maintains  air  servic 
with  a  third  country  guilty  of  violatinj 
The  Hague  convention  or  aiding  a  ter- 
rorist organization. 

•  Section  1115  authorizes  the  Sec 
tary  of  Transportation,  with  the  ap- 
proval of  the  Secretary  of  State  and 
after  90  days'  notice  to  the  foreign  cc 
try,  to  withhold,  revoke,  or  impose  « 
ditions  on  the  operating  authority  of 
U.S.  or  foreign  air  carrier  to  operate 
tween  the  United  States  and  a  foreig 
airport  characterized  by  inadequate 
security.  Immediate  suspension  is  ma 
dated  when  "a  condition  exists  that 
threatens  the  safety  or  security  of  pa 
sengers,  aircraft,  or  crew'  [and]  the  pi 
lie  interest  [so]  requires."  In  addition 
the  President  is  authorized  to  prohibi 
U.S.  and  foreign  air  carriers  from 
providing  service  between  the  United 
States  and  any  foreign  airport  that  is 
directly  or  indirectly  served  by  aircra 
flying  to  or  from  an  inadequately  se- 
cured airport. 

•  The  Federal  Aviation  Act  also 
contains  sufficient  authority  for  the 
Department  of  Transportation  to  pro- 
hibit the  sale  in  the  United  States  of 
airline  tickets  to  countries  against  whl 
aviation  sanctions  have  been  imposed.* 


Sanctions  Required  by  U.S.  Law 

In  addition  to  the  statutory  authoritie 
described  above,  a  number  of  other  pi  J 
visions  of  U.S.  law  require  the  imposi 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


n  of  sanctions  on  countries  that 
ilitate  international  terrorism. 

Commercial  Exports.  Section  6(j)  of 

•  Export  Administration  Act  requires 

t  certain  congressional  committees  be 
ified  at  least  30  days  before  any 
!iise  is  approved  for  exports  valued  at 
re  than  $7  million  concerning  which 

•  Secretary  of  State  has  made  the  fol- 
ding determinations: 

•  The  target  country  has  repeatedly 
ivided  support  for  acts  of  interna- 

lal  terrorism;  and 

•  Such  exports  would  contribute  sig- 
cantly  to  the  military  potential  of  the 
ntry,  including  its  military  logistics 
ability,  or  would  enhance  its  ability 
support  acts  of  international  ter- 


Technically,  there  is  no  requirement 
t  licenses  for  the  exports  actually  be 
ied  if  the  necessary  advance  notice  is 
m.  As  amended  this  year,  this  sec- 
requires  that  once  a  determination 
lade  regarding  a  particular  country, 
lay  not  be  rescinded  unless  the 
sident  certifies  and  reports  to  Con- 
ss  that: 

•  The  country  concerned  has  not 
rided  support  for  international  ter- 
■sm,  including  support  or  sanctuary 
any  major  terrorist  or  terrorist 

ip  in  its  territory,  during  the  preced- 
6-month  period;  and 

The  country  concerned  has  pro- 
d  assurances  that  it  will  not  support 
of  international  terrorism  in  the 

Foreign  Assistance.  Section  620A  of 
Foreign  Assistance  Act  (FAA),  as 
nded  this  year,  prohibits  assistance 
3r  the  FAA,  the  Agricultural  Trade 
elopment  and  Assistance  Act,  the 
:e  Corps  Act,  the  Export-Import 
k  Act  of  1945,  or  the  Arms  Export 
trol  Act  to  any  country  that  the 
ident  determines: 

•  Grants  sanctuary  from  prosecution 
ny  individual  or  group  that  has  corn- 
ed an  act  of  international  terrorism; 

Otherwise  supports  international 

The  President  may  waive  this  prohi- 
n  if  he  determines  and  notifies 
jress  "that  national  security  or 
anitarian  reasons  justify  such 
er."  If  sanctions  are  imposed,  the 
on  states  that  the  President  should 
in  other  countries  to  take  similar 
n.  Moreover,  Section  512  of  the 

Foreign  Assistance  and  Related  Ap- 
propriations Act  of  1986  prohibits  use  of 
any  appropriated  funds  for  assistance  to, 
inter  alia,  Libya.  Syria,  South  Yemen, 
and  Cuba. 

Foreign  Military  Sales.  Section  3(f) 
of  the  Arms  Export  Control  Act  re- 
quires the  President  to  terminate  all 
sales  under  the  act  to  any  government 
"which  aids  or  abets,  by  granting  sanc- 
tuary from  prosecution  to,  any  individu- 
al or  group  which  has  committed  an  act 
of  international  terrorism."  Once  this 
provision  is  invoked,  sales  may  not  be 
made  for  a  1-year  period  (to  be  ex- 
tended for  an  additional  year  for  any 
subsequent  grant  of  sanctuary).  The 
President  may  refrain  from  invoking  the 
provision  if  he  finds  and  reports  to  Con- 
gress "that  the  national  security  re- 
quires otherwise." 

Trade  Preferences.  Section  502(b)(7) 
of  the  Trade  Act  of  1974  requires  that 
the  President  not  designate  a  country  as 
a  "beneficiary  developing  country"  for 
purposes  of  the  generalized  system  of 
preferences  if  such  country  "aids  or 
abets,  by  granting  sanctuary  from 
prosecution  to,  any  individual  or  group 
which  has  committed  an  act  of  interna- 
tional terrorism."  The  President  may, 
nonetheless,  make  such  a  designation  if 

he  determines  and  reports  to  Congress 
"that  such  designation  will  be  in  the  na- 
tional economic  interest  of  the  United 


Aviation  Sanctions.  Section  1115  of 
the  Federal  Aviation  Act,  as  amended 
by  the  International  Security  and  De- 
velopment Cooperation  Act  of  1985,  re- 
quires the  Secretary  of  Transportation 
to  assess  security  conditions  at  interna- 
tional airports  abroad.  If  deficiencies  are 
found  and  not  corrected  within  90  days, 
the  U.S.  public  will  be  notified  through 
public  postings  at  airports,  a  notice  in 
the  Federal  Register,  ticket  supple- 
ments, and  a  travel  advisory. 

Section  552  of  the  International 
Security  and  Development  Cooperation 
Act  of  1985  provides  for  the  President 
to  suspend  foreign  assistance  to  a  coun- 
try that  has  an  aii-port  against  which 
sanctions  have  been  imposed  "if  the 
Secretary  of  State  determines  that  such 
country  is  a  high  terrorist  threat  coun- 
try." Suspension  may  be  waived  if  na- 
tional security  interests  or  a  humani- 
tarian emergency  require. 

■Our  embargo  on  Cuba  predates  the  an- 
titerrorism export  controls  and  was  imposed 
in  1963  under  the  Trading  With  the  Enemy 
Act.  ■ 

Trade  Policy: 

Where  Will  America  Lead? 

by  Douglas  W.  McMinn 

Address  before  the  Council  on 
Foreign  Affairs  in  Baltimore,  Maryland, 
on  July  2,  1986.  Mr.  McMinn  is  Assist- 
ant Secretary  for  Economic  and  Business 

The  question  I  want  to  put  before  you 
tonight  is:  where  will  America  lead? 
Will  America  lead  to  more  open  trade 
among  nations?  Will  America  lead  to 
greater  economic  and  political  freedom 
around  the  world?  When  put  to  the  test, 
what  course  will  we  steer  for  ourselves 
and  the  world? 

Economic  and  Political  Freedom 

As  we  approach  the  Fourth  of  July,  it  is 
appropriate  to  remind  ourselves  of  the 
fundamental  principles  on  which  our 
nation  is  built.  The  Founding  Fathers 

understood  that  political  and  economic 
freedom  were  inseparable  and  believed 
that  human  freedom  and  private  initia- 
tive would  bring  America  progress  and 
prosperity.  We  have  grown  from  a  weak 
colony  to  a  prosperous  nation  by 
remaining  true  to  the  vision  of  the 
Founding  Fathers. 

Two  hundred  and  ten  years  have 
passed  since  the  signing  of  the 
Declaration  of  Independence.  In  their 
wildest  dreams  the  Founding  Fathers 
could  never  have  imagined  how  success- 
ful America's  experiment  with  freedom 
would  be. 

Our  political  and  economic  freedom 
serves  as  an  inspiring  example  to  the 
rest  of  the  world.  Countries  in  Asia, 
Africa,  Latin  America,  and  even  Europe 
are  embracing  democracy.  In  a  quieter 
but  equally  important  revolution, 
nations  all  over  the  world  are  rejecting 
state-controlled,  interventionist  economic 

!Q'ber  1986 



n  s  and  adopting  market-oriented 
omic  regimes. 

One  of  the  fundamental  principles  of 
economic  freedom  is  free  and  open 

History  has  taught  us  that  the 
freer  the  flow  of  trade,  the  greater 
world  economic  progress  and  the 
greater  the  incentive  for  peaceful 
relations  among  nations. 


At  the  moment,  one  of  the  top  issues  in 
Washington  is  track-  policy.  Recently, 
the  House  of  Representatives  passed  an 

omnibus  trade  bill.  The  Senate  has  now 
taken  up  trade  legislation. 

It  is  within  the  context  of  economic 
and  political  freedom  that  we  need  to 
examine  today's  trade  policy  debate. 
When  the  trade  bills  are  debated  on 
Capitol  Hill,  the  vision  of  the  upcoming 
November  elections  is  clear  and  present. 

Douglas  W.  McMinn 
was  born  in  Salt  Lake 
City.  Utah,  on  July  18. 
1947,  He  received  his 
B.A.  from  Gustavus 
Adolphus  College,  St. 
Peter.  Minnesota,  in 
1969  andhisM.L.A. 
from  Johns  Hopkins 
University  in  1972.  In 
1975,  Mr.  McMinn 
received  his  M.A.  in 
international  affairs 
from  the  Johns  Hopkins  University  School  of 
Advanced  International  Studies  (SAIS). 
specializing  in  international  economics.  While 
al  SAIS,  he  was  named  a  Mellon  Fellow. 

In  1975,  Mr.  McMinn  joined  the  Depart- 
ment of  the  Treasury  as  an  economist  respon- 
sible lor  East-West  economic  policy  in  the 
( (ffice  of  the  Assistant  Secretary  for  Interna- 
tional Affairs.  From  1977  to  1979  he  was 
Special  Assistant  to  the  Deputy  Special  Trade 
Representative,  Office  of  the  President's 
Special  'trade  Representative.  From  1979  to 
1  '.'S  l .  M  r  McMinn  was  Deputy  Chief  of  Mis- 
sion, Office  of  the  U.S.  Trade  Representative. 
m  Geneva,  and  Deputy  U.S.  Representative 
to  the  General  Agreement  mi  Tariffs  and 
Trade   From  1981  to  1982,  he  was  Acting 
Director.  Office  of  International  Trade  Policy 
al  Hie  Department  of  Commerce.  In  1982. 
lie  became  principal  adviser  to  the  President's 
national  security  affairs  adviser  for  trade 
policy  and  North-South  economic  relations. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  U.S.  Sherpa  team 
during  policj  preparations  for  the  1984 
I. end. -n  economic  summit  and  the  1985  Bonn 
economic  summit. 

Mr.  McMinn  was  sworn  in  as  Assistant 
Secretary  lor  Economic  and  Business  Affairs 
on  July  L9,  ins.",. 

The  voices  of  the  special  interests  are 
persistent  and  pervasive.  The  national 
interest  is  less  clearly  heard. 

H.R.  4800,  the  House  trade  bill 
which  passed  overwhelmingly  on  May  22, 
is  a  blueprint  for  closing  markets. 
Frankly,  it  is  a  bill  based  on  election- 
year  politics.  It  would  halt  and  reverse 
the  progress  in  international  trade  built 
up  over  the  past  40  years.  It  is  sure  to 
increase  political  and  economic  tensions 
around  the  world.  H.R.  4cS00  offers 
trade  restriction  as  the  solution  without 
understanding  the  true  nature  of  the 
trade  problem. 

What  Is  the  Trade  Problem? 

I  won't  stand  here  and  tell  you  that 
there  is  no  trade  problem.  There  is  a 
problem.  We  are  experiencing  the 
largest  trade  deficits  in  our  history. 
During  the  past  2  years,  the  deficit  set 
a  record  virtually  every  month.  That 
pattern  may  not  yet  be  broken.  These 
massive  trade  deficits,  and  the  even 
larger  Federal  budget  deficits,  are 
serious  and  must  not  be  ignored.  Among 
other  factors,  these  deficits  have  eroded 
the  important  coalition  we  have  had  in 
this  country  for  freer,  more  open  trade. 
Deficits  of  this  magnitude  are  almost 
certainly  not  sustainable. 

We  must  take  action  to  deal  with 
our  deficits  and  the  concerns  they 
generate.  We  must  rebuild  that  coalition 
of  farmers,  consumers,  businessmen, 
politicians,  academics,  and— yes— even 
Washington  bureaucrats  that  has  shaped 
our  open  trading  policies.  And,  at  the 
same  time,  we  must  guard  against  false 
solutions  that  will  make  matters  worse. 

The  American  economy  has  per- 
formed well  over  the  last  4  years. 
Certain  industries  and  certain  areas  of 
the  country  are  in  difficulty,  but  their 
problems  are  set  in  a  powerful  pattern 
of  progress.  Overall,  we  are  better  off 
than  we  were  6  years  ago.  Prospects 
are  that  we  will  be  still  better  off  this 
year  and  the  next.  Deregulation,  market 
freedom,  private  sector  incentives,  and 
less  intrusive  government  have 
produced  this  progress.  We  have  rising 
incomes,  new  jobs,  low  inflation, 
productive  investment,  affordable 
housing,  lower  taxes,  dynamic  capital 
markets,  and  an  efficient  farm  sector. 

Why,  I  wonder,  are  some  now 
tempted  to  take  trade  policy  in  the 
opposite  direction?  Why  intervene  in 
international  markets  when  our 
domestic  successes  spring  from  less 
intervention?  Why  close  markets  when 
our  postwar  heritage  of  opening  them 

has  stimulated  the  greatest  expansio 
economic  well-being  in  the  history  of 
world?  Why  add  friction  and  increase 
the  risk  of  conflict  between  nations? 

Is  market  closing  the  best  way  t< 
deal  with  our  trade  imbalance?  Are  t 
proponents  of  H.R.  4800  correct?  Mo 
to  the  point,  would  it  even  work? 

Let's  look  at  the  five  issues  most 
often  raised  in  today's  trade  debate. 

•  Why  do  we  have  a  trade  defici 

•  How  can  trade  policy  reduce  tl 

•  Do  imports  cost  jobs? 

•  What  is  fair  trade? 

•  Do  we  have  a  trade  policy? 

Cause  of  the  Trade  Deficit 

First,  why  do  we  have  a  trade  defici 

The  fundamental  cause  is  that 
during  the  last  3  years  domestic 
investment  has  substantially  exceed* 
domestic  saving.  The  difference— t  ha 
portion  of  our  total  investment  finan 
by  foreign  savings— is  equal  to  the 
deficit  in  our  trade  in  goods  and 
services.  Only  when  we  bring  domes 
investment  and  domestic  saving  bad 
into  balance  will  we  bring  our  trade 
account  back  into  balance. 

To  understand  how  the  present 
situation  arose,  we  have  to  look  agai 
our  record  of  economic  performance. 
The  U.S.  economy  has  created  1(1  mi 
new  jobs  since  1981;  investment  was 
necessary  to  create  those  jobs.  In  th> 
recovery  of  the  1980s,  investment  co> 
tributed  more  to  growth  than  in  any 
previous  postwar  recovery.  Real  bus: 
ness  investment  as  a  share  of  real  G! 
[gross  national  product]  reached  a 
postwar  high.  The  American  people, 
collectively,  with  renewed  confidence 
the  economic  future,  invested  their 
savings  at  home  rather  than  lending  i 
abroad.  American  consumers  also  fue 
economic  growth  through  their 

For  its  part,  the  Federal  Govern- 
ment embarked  on  a  monumental  efft 
to  rebuild  our  nation's  defenses— a 
public  investment  in  our  future  secur, 
However,  while  private  savings  have 
exceeded  total  private  investment,  th 
Federal  Government  has  been  spend* 
much  more  than  its  income.  This  draif 
off  savings  from  the  private  sector. 

How  is  it  possible  for  the  econom 
as  a  whole  to  spend  more  than  it  eanP 
It's  simple:  others  somewhere  in  the  tl 
world  spend  less  than  they  earn  and  I 
invest  the  difference  the  America.  W# 
are  able  to  support  our  ambitious 
investment  program,  public  and  priva 


Department  of  State  Bull1 


h  an  inflow  of  savings  from  abroad, 
it  inflow  of  saving's  must  be 
ompanied  bv  a  parallel  influx  of 

To  reduce  the  trade  deficit,  we  must 
tore  a  better  balance  between  the 
nand  for  capital— our  public  and 
k'ate  investment— and  the  domestic 
ply  of  capital— the  savings  generated 
households,  businesses,  and  govern- 
nt.  We  can  invest  less  or  save  more. 
i  choice  is  ours. 

Trade  Policy  Remedy? 

at  role  can  trade  policy  play  in  all 

Trade  policy  does  not  significantly 
■ct  the  trade  balance.  Let  me  repeat 
t:  trade  policy  does  not  significantly 
ct  the  trade  balance. 
To  be  sure,  some  trade  policy 
ons  may  cause  minor  shifts  in 
vious  saving  and  investment 
terns.  But  trade  restrictions  do  not 
ct  the  fundamental  cause  of  the 
le  deficit:  the  inability  of  domestic 
ngs  to  finance  domestic  investment, 
de  restrictions  can  only  divert 
>urces  to  protected  sectors  of  the 
iomy  and  away  from  dynamic 
ors  that  are  typically  left  unpro- 
ed.  When  we  restrict  imports,  we 
not  so  much  against  foreign 
iucers  as  against  our  own  domestic 
•sumers,  our  industries  that  rely  on 
orted  materials,  and  our  farmers  and 
istries  who  need  foreign  markets. 

de  and  Jobs 

1,  what  about  jobs?  Don't  imports 
Americans  their  jobs?  Don't 
orts  create  jobs?  These  are  tough 
stions,  not  because  the  answers  are 
Iplex  or  remote  but  because  wrong 
Ivers  are  so  prevalent,  appealing,  and 

IThere  is  no  doubt  that  fewer  Ameri- 
fc  are  engaged  in  producing  VCRs,  or 
p  televisions,  or  cameras,  or  even 
^mobiles  and  steel  because  we 
Jort  these  items.  There  is  also  no 
bt  that  more  Americans  are  engaged 
Deducing  aircraft,  computers, 
fenced  electronics,  and  agricultural 
Suets  because  we  export  them.  But 

a  fundamental  truth  that  trade 
i:y  affects  only  the  composition  of 
lloyment,  not  its  total  level.  You  can 
»ly  dismiss  any  analysis  that  states 
■  a  particular  trade  restriction  will 
■e"  a  certain  number  of  American 
I.  Such  restrictions  do  not  save  jobs 

in  the  overall  but  shift  employment  from 
our  most  dynamic  industries  to  less 
productive  sectors. 

Fairness  and  Market  Access 

But  what  about  fairness?  What  about 
the  "level  playing  field"  our  exporters 
have  a  right  to  expect?  Americans  value 
fairness— it  is  one  of  our  finest  national 
attributes.  If  we  are  not  being  treated 
fairly,  we  will  react,  wmether  our  trade 
is  in  surplus  or  in  deficit. 

Without  doubt,  there  are  unfair 
trade  practices  in  the  world.  Although 
we  do  not  necessarily  agree,  even  some 
of  our  own  practices  are  perceived  as 
unfair  by  others.  Developing  countries 
complain  that  we  have  cut  our  sugar 
import  quotas  from  2.2  million  tons  in 
1985  to  1.7  million  tons  this  year;  our 
textile  imports  are  subject  to  tight 
controls;  the  new  farm  bill  expands 
subsidies  for  agricultural  exports;  we 
recently  restricted  imports  of  certain 
wood  products;  and  we  restrict  steel 
imports  from  17  countries  and  Europe. 
The  list  goes  on.  As  someone  said, 
purity  and  virtue  are  hard  to  find  in  the 
world  of  trade. 

There  is  another  aspect  of  fairness 
that  deserves  attention.  Too  often,  the 
unspoken  definition  of  fairness  is  "our 
industry  always  wins."  Loss  of  market 
share  abroad  translates  into  an  unfair 
practice  by  a  competitor.  The  trade 
deficit  is  seen  as  proof  that  American 
business  is  facing  unfair  competition. 
Fairness  does  not  mean  that  every  U.S. 
industry  always  prospers.  Fairness 
means  we  all  play  by  the  same  rules. 
Americans  don't  want  guaranteed 
success;  but  they  do  insist  on  the 
opportunity  to  succeed. 

But  where  unfairness  exists,  how 
should  we  deal  with  it?  Retaliation- 
restricting  access  to  the  U.S.  market- 
comes  quickly  to  mind.  There  are  two 
problems  with  retaliation. 

First,  it  hurts  our  own  economy. 
Second,  it  invites  an  escalating  and 
dangerous  spiral  of  counterrestrictions. 

Nevertheless,  despite  the  risks, 
retaliation  may  be  necessary  in  some 
cases.  When  it  is,  we  will  act  and  have 
done  so. 

What  we  shouldn't  do.  though,  is 
base  our  policy  on  the  concept  of  retalia- 
tion. The  most  effective  approach  to 
foreign  unfair  trade  practices  is  to 
confront  them  directly:  to  demonstrate 
the  unfairness  and  secure  change 
through  negotiation.  This  course  serves 
our  broader  economic  interests  and 

those  of  the  world  trading  community 
by  creating  new  possibilities  for  growth 
and  enhanced  competition.  Unlike 
retaliation,  it  is  true  to  the  principles  of 
economic  freedom  that  have  served  us 
so  well  in  the  past.  Success  has  not 
been  and  will  not  be  instantaneous, 
since  the  political  forces  of  protectionism 
are  at  least  as  strong  abroad  as  they 
are  in  this  country.  But  we  have  made 
progress,  real  progress. 

American  exporters  deserve  the  full 
effort  of  their  government  to  assure 
them  of  as  open  and  efficient  a  market 
as  possible  when  they  set  out  to 
compete.  The  President  has  pledged 
that  effort.  But  we  must  not  bind 
ourselves  with  a  web  of  trade  restric- 
tions. As  in  the  domestic  economy,  our 
efforts  must  be  devoted  to  greater 
freedom,  not  greater  government. 

The  Administration's  Trade 
Policy:  Aims  and  Actions 

What  is  our  trade  policy?  In  the 
tradition  of  every  American  President 
since  F.D.R.,  President  Reagan  stands 
for  free  trade  and  open  markets.  That  is 
our  policy  framework.  Our  objectives 
are  clear:  to  pry  open  foreign  markets, 
to  tear  down  trade  barriers,  and  to 
eliminate  unfair  trade  practices. 

•  The  United  States  has  taken  the 
lead  in  pushing  for  a  new  round  of 
international  negotiations  that  will  be 
launched  this  fall.  Our  objective  is  to 
strengthen  existing  trade  rules  and 
extend  them  to  areas  such  as  agricul- 
ture, services,  intellectual  property,  and 
investment  which  have,  until  now, 
escaped  meaningful— or  any— interna- 
tional discipline.  Multilateral  negotia- 
tions in  the  GATT  [General  Agreement 
on  Tariffs  and  Trade]  are  our  best  hope 
for  establishing  a  broader,  level  playing- 
field  free  of  the  holes  we  have  all  dug 
for  ourselves  in  the  past. 

•  Responding  to  a  Canadian  initia- 
tive, we  have  just  embarked  on  an 
important  and  historic  initiative  with 
Canada,  our  largest  trading  partner.  We 
are  engaging  in  comprehensive  talks  to 
establish  free  trade  between  our  two 
countries.  The  objective  of  these  talks  is 
to  reduce  or  eliminate  barriers  in  a 
broad  array  of  trade  and  investment 
areas.  An  agreement  of  this  type  will  be 
an  engine  of  growth  for  the  economies 
of  both  countries. 

•  In  a  series  of  talks  with  the 
Japanese  Government,  we  have  agreed 
on  the  removal  of  barriers  to  sales  in 
Japan  of  telecommunications  gear,  wood 

>ober  1986 



and  paper  products,  pharmaceuticals  and 
medical  equipment,  and  electronic 
components.  In  the  near  future,  we  will 
discuss  ways  ti>  enhance  market  access 
in  a  new  sector  which  includes  auto- 
mobile parts. 

•  We  arc  pressing  the  European 
Community  to  offer  us  adequate  and  fair 
compensation  for  damage  to  our  agricul- 
tural exports  caused  by  the  recent 
expansion  of  the  Community  to  include 
Spain  and  Portugal. 

•  We  are  negotiating  with  Korea  to 
improve  opportunities  for  our  insurance 
companies  to  sell  in  Korea  and  to  obtain 
better  patent  and  copyright  protection 
there.  Similarly,  we  are  pressing  Brazil 
to  administer  its  laws  regarding  com- 
puters and  related  equipment  so  as  not 
to  disadvantage  unfairly  U.S.  investors 
and  exporters. 

This  is  only  a  partial  list,  but  it 
illustrates  that  positive,  market-opening 
actions  have  been  taken  and  are  under- 
way to  eliminate  unfair  trade  practices 
and  expand  market  access  for  competi- 
tive U.S.  exports  of  both  goods  and 
services.  The  record  shows  that  negotia- 
tion can  open  markets. 

We  have  also  made  important 
strides  on  domestic  and  multilateral 
measures  that  will  help  attack  the 
fundamental  cause  of  the  trade  deficit. 

•  On  the  domestic  front,  Congress 
has  tackled  its  responsibility  to 
discipline  spending  by  the  Federal 
Government  by  passing  the  Gramm- 
Rudman-Hollings  amendment.  By  1990, 
the  Federal  Government's  voracious 
appetite  for  American  savings  will  be 

•  Also,  the  Senate  has  passed  a  tax 
reform  bill  that  will  enhance  the  incen- 
tives to  work,  to  save,  and  to  invest  in 
productive  activities. 

These  two  measures  alone  will 
significantly  enhance  the  competitive 
position  of  the  United  States  and 
release  resources  to  the  private  sector. 
They  will  also  contribute  to  a  better 
balance  in  our  external  accounts— a 
lower  trade  deficit— by  reducing  the 
internal  imbalance  between  saving  and 
investment.  They  represent  major 
achievements  in  the  making. 

Abroad,  we  are  working  with  our 
trading  partners  on  monetary  matters. 
Exchange  rates  have  shifted  to  reflect 
better  fundamental  economic  conditions. 
The  dollar  has  moved  to  a  level  that 
reflects  our  commitment  to  put  our 

Strategic  Petroleum  Reserve 

AUG.  6,  1986' 

Yesterday  the  President  reaffirmed 
strong  administration  support  of  a  750 
million  barrel  strategic  petroleum 
reserve.  The  strategic  petroleum  reserve 
was  created  to  maintain  adequate 
strategic  and  economic  protection 
against  oil  supply  disruptions.  It 
moderates  the  economic  impacts  of  oil 
price  increases  and  supply  shortages, 
reduces  the  pressures  for  allocation  and 
price  controls  in  the  event  of  a  supply 
disruption,  reduces  the  likelihood  of 
panic  buying,  and  provides  more  time  for 
diplomacy  to  work  in  special  situations. 

Since  1981  we  have  increased  the 
reserve  over  fivefold,  and  it  now  con- 
tains 503  million  barrels.  The  President 
committed  the  Administration  to  con- 
tinue filling  the  reserve  throughout  fiscal 

year  1987.  He  gave  Secretary  of  Ener 
John  Herrington  the  discretion  to  exc< 
the  current  congressionally  approved 
rate,  should  oil  prices  make  this  an 
economically  attractive  choice. 

Reaffirmation  of  our  goal  of  a  750 
million  barrel  strategic  petroleum 
reserve  demonstrates  the  President's 
continued  leardership  and  commitmen 
to  our  allies  that  holding  strategic  stoe 
is  the  best  defense  against  the  effects 
rapid  price  escalation  or  supply  intern 
tions.  The  President,  in  reaching  his 
decision,  also  called  upon  other  oil  con 
suming  nations  to  take  similar  actions 
stressing  that  strategic  stockpiles  are 
the  best  defense  against  world  oil  supj 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  11,  1986. 

economic  house  in  order  and  restores 
the  competitiveness  of  American 
industry  and  agriculture.  Agreements 
reached  last  September  at  the  Plaza 
Hotel  and  in  May  at  the  Tokyo  summit 
promote  greater  stability  in  exchange 

American  Leadership 

The  trade  policy  debate  in  Washington 
is  serious  and  disturbing.  The  trend  in 
the  Congress— at  least  in  the  House  of 
Representatives— runs  counter  to  the 
policy  direction  that  has  revived  the 
American  economy  in  the  1980s  and  to 
the  course  of  American  trade  policy 
over  nine  administrations,  Democratic 
and  Republican.  It  contradicts  the  prin- 
ciples of  economic  and  political  freedom 
that  have  been  the  basis  of  the  strength 
and  prosperity  of  this  country. 

The  United  States  has  been  in  the 
forefront  of  the  battle  for  economic 
freedom,  just  as  we  have  been  at  the 
front  lines  in  the  struggle  for  political 
freedom.  Will  the  United  States  main- 
tain its  leadership  role  in  the  global 
economy  and  continue  to  lead  in  the 
pursuit  of  freer  trade  and  more  open 

The  importance  of  American  leade' 
ship  to  the  progress  of  freedom  was 
emphasized  by  the  Prime  Minister  of 
Singapore,  Mr.  Lee  Kuan  Yew,  before 
joint  session  of  our  Congress  last  fall. 
Let  me  conclude  by  quoting  from  his 

If,  because  of  domestic  problems,  the 
United  States  loses  the  will  to  maintain  op 
and  fair  trade,  protectionism  and  retaliatioi 
will  shrink  trade  and  so  reduce  jobs.  Is 
America  willing  to  write  off  the  peaceful  at 
constructive  developments  of  the  last  40 
years  that  she  has  made  possible?  A  replaj 
of  the  depression  of  the  1930s,  which  led  U 
World  War  II,  would  be  ruinous  for  all.  All 
major  powers  in  the  West  share  the  respor 
bility  for  not  repeating  this  mistake.  But 
America  has  the  primary  responsibility,  for 
she  is  the  anchor  economy  of  the  free  mark 
economies  of  the  world.  In  your  hands, 
therefore,  lies  the  future  of  the  world. 

Our  friends  are  calling  on  us  to 
lead— to  remain  true  to  the  economic 
and  political  values  that  form  the 
bedrock  of  our  way  of  life.  We  need  th 
vision,  statesmanship,  and— yes— couraj 
that  inspired  the  Founding  Fathers  2V 
years  ago.  If  we  are  true  to  our  prin- 
ciples, we  can  lead  the  world  to  a  futu 
of  progress  and  prosperity.  ■ 



5th  Anniversary  of  Berlin  Wall 

UG.  13,  19861 

venty-five  years  ago.  one  of  the 
yrld's  great  cities  was  torn  in  two,  its 
ople  divided  and  a  unity  that  had 
ited  for  more  than  700  years  brutally 
stroyed.  Overnight  a  wall  was  thrown 
i  around  the  Western  sectors  of  Berlin 

East  Germany  in  collusion  with  the 
iviet  Union.  As  thousands  of  persons 
sperately  sought  to  flee,  fences  of 
rbed  wire  and  armed  men  blocked  the 
its  and  turned  them  back.  Often  the 
Idiers  themselves  threw  down  their 
;apons  and  vaulted  over  the  first  crude 
rriers,  choosing  freedom  in  the  West 
the  risk  of  their  lives. 

After  25  years,  the  Berlin  Wall 
mains  as  terrible  as  ever— watched 
jht  and  day  by  armed  guards  in 
wers,  the  ground  between  barriers 
odlit  and  patrolled  by  dogs.  Those 
iking  freedom  still  attempt  to  cross 
!  death  strip  in  a  burst  for  liberty. 

The  Berlin  Wall  is  tragic  testimony 
to  the  failure  of  totalitarian  governments. 
It  is  the  most  visible  sign  of  the 
unnatural  division  of  Germany  and  of 
Europe— a  division  which  cruelly 
separates  East  and  West,  family  from 
family,  and  friend  from  friend. 

The  horror  of  the  wall  can  easily 
overwhelm  us.  But  this  anniversary 
reminds  us  too  of  the  Berliners  who,  in 
resisting  tyranny,  proved  and  still  prove 
their  courage  and  their  passion  for 
freedom.  They  have  made  Berlin  a  thriv- 
ing metropolis,  a  showcase  of  liberty 
which  will  invite  the  world  to  join  in  its 
750th  anniversary  next  year.  The  United 
States  is  proud  to  fulfill,  with  its  British 
and  French  allies,  its  solemn  commit- 
ment to  the  Berliners  and  to  their  great 
city.  Western  strength  and  cohesion  pro- 
tected Berlin  in  the  past;  they  are  the 
only  basis  on  which  future  improvements 
are  possible. 

Those  who  built  and  maintain  the 
Berlin  Wall  pretend  it  is  permanent.  It 

cannot  lie.  One  day  it— and  all  those  like 
it— will  come  down.  As  long  as  the  wall 
stands,  it  can  never  be  porous  enough 
for  free  men  and  women  in  the  West- 
ami  freedom-loving  men  and  women  in 
the  East— to  tolerate  it. 

Freedom,  not  repression,  is  the  way 
of  the  future.  Dividing  Europe,  defying 
the  will  of  its  people,  has  brought  ten- 
sion, not  tranquility.  True  security  for  all 
requires  that  Europeans  be  able  to 
choose  their  own  destiny  freely  and  to 
share  their  common  heritage. 

Berlin's  division,  like  Europe's,  can- 
not be  permanent.  But  our  conviction 
must  be  more  than  a  distant  hope.  It 
must  be  a  goal  toward  which  we  actively 
work.  Let  us  rededicate  ourselves  to  new 
efforts  to  lower  the  barriers  dividing 
Berlin.  Before  another  anniversary  has 
passed,  I  hope  that  this  problem  can  be 
the  subject  of  renewed  thought  and 
serious  discussion  between  East  and 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  18,  1986. 

7th  Report  on  Cyprus 

(LY  1,  19861 

irdance  with  Public  Law  95-384.  I  am 
ting  to  you  a  bimonthly  report  on  prog- 
ward  a  negotiated  settlement  of  the 
is  question, 
my  last  report,  I  noted  that  on 
i  29  the  United  Nations  Secretary 
al  gave  Greek  and  Turkish  Cypriot 
ientatives  a  draft  framework  agree- 
That  draft  agreement  contained  an 
e  for  an  overall  settlement  and  a 
ied  process  with  summit  meetings  and 
ng  groups  for  reaching  that  desirable 
\cceptance  of  the  agreement  would 
ed  to  immediate  negotiations  on  all  the 
nding  issues,  including  such  key  ques- 
is  troop  withdrawal,  guarantees,  and 
hree  freedoms"  (freedom  of  settlement, 
im  of  movement,  and  the  right  to 

jring  the  period  since  my  last  report, 
ican  officials  have  continued  their  active 

efforts  in  support  of  the  Secretary  General's 
approach.  It  remains  our  view  that  his  initi- 
ative presents  the  leaders  of  the  two  Cypriot 
communities  with  an  historic  opportunity  to 
begin  a  process  toward  peace  and  reconcilia- 
tion. We  have  continued  to  express  our  hope 
that  they  would  embark  on  this  path.  We  also 
stated  our  view  that  the  Secretary  General's 
"integrated-whole"  concept,  under  which 
"nothing  is  final  until  everything  is  final," 
would  protect  the  interests  of  the  parties 
throughout  the  negotiating  process  envi- 
sioned in  the  recent  framework  agreement. 
The  Turkish  Cypriots  have  accepted  the 
March  29  draft  framework  agreement.  The 
Greek  Cypriots  have  not  accepted  the  docu- 
ment and  instead  have  proposed  the  conven- 
ing of  an  international  conference  or  a  high- 
level  meeting  between  the  leaders  of  the  two 
Cypriot  communities.  The  Secretary  General 
summarized  his  view  of  the  current  situation 
in  a  June  11  report  to  the  Security  Council, 
which  I  have  attached.  He  stated  that  since 
one  side  is  not  yet  in  a  position  to  accept  the 

March  29  draft  framework  agreement,  the 
way  is  not  yet  open  to  proceed  with  the 
negotiations  he  has  proposed  for  an  overall 
solution.  He  added  that,  under  the  cir- 
cumstances, the  way  forward  will  require 
careful  reflection  by  all  concerned. 

We  continue  to  believe  that  the  Secretary 
General's  effort  offers  the  best  prospect  for 
achieving  progress  toward  a  just  and  lasting 
Cyprus  settlement.  The  Secretary  General 
will  have  our  full  confidence  and  support  as 
he  proceeds  with  his  good  offices  mission.  We 
urge  the  parties  to  work  constructively  with 
him  in  order  to  move  forward  toward  a 
negotiated  solution. 


Ronald  Rkagan 

■Identical  letters  addressed  to  Thomas  P. 
O'Neill,  Jr.,  Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Representatives,  and  Richard  G.  Lugar, 
chairman  of  the  Senate  Foreign  Relations 
Committee  (text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  July  7.  1986).  ■ 

3ober  1986 



11th  Anniversary 

of  the  Helsinki  Final  Act 

AUG.  1.  1986' 

Eleven  years  ago  today  the  I  United 
States,  Canada,  and  33  European  coun- 
tries  signed  in  Helsinki  the  Final  Act  of 
the  Conference  on  Security  and  Coopera- 
tion in  Europe  (CSCE).  The  signatories 
undertook  to  observe  important  stand- 
ards of  international  conduct  and  to  pur- 
sue practical  steps  to  reduce  the  barriers 
dividing  Europe  between  East  and  West. 
( )t'  special  importance  to  the  West,  the 
Final  Act  affirmed  basic  human  rights 
and  fundamental  freedoms. 

The  Final  Act  is  an  eloquent  state- 
ment of  hopes  and  goals  to  which  the 
United  States  fully  subscribed,  because 
its  principles  were  rooted  in  our  own 
philosophy  and  traditions.  The  United 
States  remains  firmly  committed  to  the 
full  implementation  of  the  Final  Act  in 
all  its  provisions  and  to  the  indivisibility 
of  its  human,  security,  and  economic 

Unfortunately  the  Soviet  Union  and 
its  East  European  allies  have  repeatedly 
failed  to  carry  out  many  of  their  Helsinki 
pledges.  There  has  been  limited  progress 
since  the  signing  of  the  Final  Act.  But 
the  reality  of  Europe's  division  remains, 
and  the  most  important  promises  of  a 
decade  ago  have  not  been  kept.  That  was 
our  assessment  on  the  10th  anniversary 
last  year.  It  remains  our  assessment 
today.  Eastern  governments  continue  to 
impede  the  free  flow  of  people,  informa- 
tion, and  ideas.  They  continue  to  repress 
those  who  seek  to  exercise  freedoms  of 
religion,  thought,  conscience,  and  belief. 
They  continue  to  disregard  Final  Act 
provisions  as  they  choose. 

As  we  commemorate  this  11th  anni- 
versary, we  should  recall  the  hopes  for 
greater  peace  and  freedom  in  Europe 
expressed  a  decade  ago.  The  Final  Act 
recognized  the  interrelationship  between 
these  goals,  that  the  interests  of  indi- 
vidual human  beings  are  a  fundamental 
pari  of  progress  toward  peace  in 
Europe,  that  a  more  stable  peace  among 
nations  depends  on  greater  freedom  for 
the  people  of  Europe.  The  ambitious 
goals  of  the  Helsinki  process  can  be 
achieved  only  through  balanced  progress 
on  all  fronts. 

The  next  followup  meeting  of  the 
Conference  on  Security  and  Cooperation 

in  Europe  will  open  in  Vienna  this 
November.  An  important  task  of  that 
meeting  will  be  to  take  stock  of  the 
promises  made  and  the  promises  kept, 
and  to  weigh  the  balance  among  the  var- 
ious dimensions  of  the  Helsinki  process. 
Governments  must  be  made  to  account 
at  Vienna  for  their  commitments.  The 
meeting  must  also  address  the  challenge 
of  achieving  balanced  progress  if  the 
Final  Act  is  to  have  meaning  in  the  daily 
lives  of  all  citizens  whose  governments 
have  undertaken  its  obligations. 

The  United  States  takes  its  com- 
mitments under  the  Final  Act  seriousl 
and  will  continue  to  strive  for  the  full 
realization  of  its  goals  for  all  the  peop 
of  Europe.  We  call  upon  others  to  do 
likewise.  We  will  work  to  ensure  that 
upcoming  meeting  in  Vienna  will  marl 
step  toward  making  the  promises  of 
Helsinki's  first  decade  a  reality  in  its 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  4,  1986. 

Captive  Nations  Week,  1986 

JULY  21,  1986' 

America,  built  on  a  firm  belief  in  the  dignity 
and  rights  of  all  the  members  of  the  human 
race,  continues  to  hold  up  that  message  to  the 
world.  Included  in  that  message  is  unwaver- 
ing opposition  to  all  forms  of  oppression  and 
despotism.  Freedom  is  not  divisible.  To  main- 
tain it  for  ourselves,  we  must  pursue  it  for 
others.  As  President  Roosevelt  declared  in 
1941,  "we  look  forward  to  a  world  founded 
upon  four  essential  freedoms.  The  first  is 
freedom  of  speech  and  expression— 
everywhere  in  the  world.  The  second  is  the 
freedom  of  every  person  to  worship  in  his 
own  way— everywhere  in  the  world.  The  third 
is  freedom  from  want .  .  .  everywhere  in  the 
world.  The  fourth  is  freedom  from  fear.  .  . 
anywhere  in  the  world." 

This  vision  of  the  future  has  been  a 
beacon  of  hope  and  guidance  both  for  those 
individuals  who  seek  refuge  here  and  for 
those  nations  whose  aspirations  for  self- 
determination  have  been  crushed  by  the 
Soviet  empire.  Deprived  of  basic  human 
rights,  their  peoples  are  the  victims  of 
ruthless  regimes  run  according  to  totalitarian 
ideologies.  These  are  the  nations  held  captive 
by  forces  hostile  to  freedom,  independence, 
and  national  self-determination.  These  captive 
nations  include  those  of  Eastern  Europe  that 
have  known  foreign  occupation  and  com- 
munist tyranny  for  decades;  those  struggling 
to  throw  off  communist  domination  in  Latin 
America;  and  the  people  of  Afghanistan. 
Southeast  Asia,  and  Africa  struggling  against 
foreign  invasion,  military  occupation,  and 
communist  oppression. 

Each  year  we  renew  our  resolve  to  sup- 
port the  struggle  for  freedom  throughout  the 
world  by  observing  Captive  Nations  Week.  It 

is  a  week  in  which  all  Americans  are  asked 
remember  that  the  liberties  and  freedoms 
that  they  enjoy  are  denied  to  many  people; 
With  this  observance,  we  hope  to  inspire 
those  who  struggle  against  military  occups 
tion,  political  oppression,  communist  expai 
sion,  and  totalitarian  brutality.  We  hope  tc 
inspire,  but  we  also  seek  inspiration.  Becai 
the  history  of  liberty  is  a  history  of 
resistance,  we  learn  from  those  who  live 
where  the  struggle  is  most  urgent.  Purifiei 
by  resistance,  they  show  us  the  path  to  a 
renewed  commitment  to  preserve  our  own 
liberties  and  to  give  our  support  and 
encouragement  to  those  who  struggle  for 

To  pursue  that  struggle,  and  to  honor 
those  who  are  with  us  in  that  battle,  the  C( 
gress,  by  joint  resolution  approved  July  17 
1959  (73  Stat.  212),  has  authorized  and 
requested  the  President  to  issue  a  proclam. 
tion  designating  the  third  week  in  July  of 
each  year  as  "Captive  Nations  Week." 

Now.  Therefore,  I,  Ronald  Reagan, 
President  of  the  United  States  of  America, 
hereby  proclaim  the  week  beginning  July  2 
1986.  as  Captive  Nations  Week.  I  invite  th< 
people  of  the  United  States  to  observe  this 
week  with  appropriate  ceremonies  and  acti 
ities  to  reaffirm  their  dedication  to  the  inte 
national  principles  of  justice,  freedom,  and 
national  self-determination. 

In  Witness  Whereof,  I  have  hereunto 
my  hand  this  twenty-first  day  of  July,  in  th 
year  of  our  Lord  nineteen  hundred  and 
eighty-six,  and  of  the  Independence  of  the 
United  States  of  America  the  two  hundred 
and  eleventh. 

Ronald  Reac 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  July  28,  1986. 




nary  Chemical 
unitions  Program 

,Y  29,  1986' 

President  today  certified  to  Con- 
ss  that  certain  conditions  required  by 
igress  for  the  release  of  fiscal  year 
6  funds  for  the  binary  chemical 
pons  modernization  program  have 
n  met. 

This  certification  to  Congress  will 
w  the  United  States  to  proceed  with 
modernization  of  the  chemical 
pons  deterrent  stockpile  so  critical  to 
nation's  security.  U.S.  policy  on 
-nieal  warfare  remains  unchanged. 
United  States  renounces  the  first 
of  lethal  and  incapacitating  chemical 
pons.  A  comprehensive,  effectively 
fiable  global  ban  on  all  chemical 
pons  remains  our  foremost  priority. 
/ever,  until  such  a  ban  is  attained, 
will  pursue  deterrence  through  a 
ng  defensive  posture  and  a  credible 
liatory  capability.  The  chemical 
ons  threat  to  U.S.  forces  is  a 
dwide  threat,  not  limited  to  NATO, 
small,  readily  deployable  stockpile  of 
ry  munitions  which  we  seek  will  pro- 
the  flexibility  to  meet  and  deter  this 

Specifically,  the  legislation  requires 
the  President  certify  to  Congress 

1  The  North  Atlantic  Treaty 
inization  (NATO)  has  adopted  a 
ry  chemical  munitions  force  goal 
essed  to  the  United  States; 
•  The  United  States  has  developed, 
>ordination  with  the  Supreme  Allied 
imander,  Europe  (SACEUR),  a  plan 
he  deployment  of  binary  chemical 
itions  under  appropriate  contingen- 

»  The  United  States  has  consulted 

NATO  member  nations  on  that 

3n  May  15  NATO's  Defense  Planning 
mittee  in  permanent  session,  com- 
d  of  the  permanent  representatives 
ATO  of  the  15  nations  participating 
e  alliance's  military  structure, 
>ted  the  NATO  force  goals  for 
-92,  including  the  binary  chemical 
itions  force  goal  addressed  to  the 
ed  States.  Defense  Ministers, 
;ing  as  the  Defense  Planning  Corn- 
fee  in  ministerial  session  on  May  22, 
4rding  to  normal  NATO  procedures 
«ed"  the  permanent  representatives' 
tn.  The  Defense  Ministers'  action 

completes  the  established  NATO  pro- 
cedure for  adopting  force  goals  for 

The  United  States  had  developed,  in 
coordination  with  SACEUR,  a  plan  for 
the  deployment  of  binary  chemical  muni- 
tions under  appropriate  contingency 

The  United  States  has  conducted 
extensive  consultations  with  allied 
governments  on  chemical  weapons 
issues,  including  consultations  on  the 
plan  for  deployment  of  chemical 
weapons  under  appropriate  contingen- 
cies. On  June  19,  consultations  with 
allies  on  this  military  contingency  plan 
were  completed  in  the  appropriate 
NATO  forum:  NATO's  Military  Commit- 

tee, which  is  composed  of  senior  military 
representatives  from  nations  to  NATO. 
The  U.S.  Military  Representative  to  the 
Military  Committee  briefed  the  Military 
Committee  on  the  U.S.  plan  for  con- 
tingency deployment  of  chemical 
weapons.  Recognizing  the  conclusions 
reached  in  the  Defense  Planning  Com- 
mittee, and  within  the  context  of  those 
conclusions  and  of  national  statements 
and  reservations  expressed  in  the 
Defense  Planning  Committee,  the  Mili- 
tary Committee  took  note  of  the  briefing 
of  the  U.S.  plan  for  the  contingency 
deployment  of  chemical  weapons. 

■Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  4,  1986. 

U.S.  International  Narcotic 
Control  Programs  and  Policies 

by  John  C.  Whitehead 

Statement  before  the  Subcommittee 
on  Foreign  Operations  of  the  Senate 
Appropriations  Committee  on  August  l.'f, 
1986,  and  a,  report  on  the  status  of  efforts 
to  control  narcotics  prndnction  prepared 
by  the  Bun  mi  of  International  Narcotic 
Matters.  Mr.  Whitehead  is  Deputy 
Secretary  of  State.1 

I  welcome  the  opportunity  to  discuss  the 
Administration's  international  narcotic 
control  programs  and  policies.  I  am 
accompanied  today  by  Mr.  Peter 
McPherson,  the  AID  [Agency  for  Inter- 
national Development]  Administrator; 
Miss  Ann  Wrohleski,  Assistant  Secre- 
tary Designate  for  International  Nar- 
cotic Matters  (INM);  and  Mr.  Frank 
McNeil,  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary, 
Bureau  of  Intelligence  and  Research.  We 
have  a  fairly  detailed  report  which,  with 
your  permission,  I  would  like  to  include 
for  the  record.  It  was  prepared  in 
response  to  the  interest  of  the  commit- 
tee expressed  during  the  course  of  a 
number  of  recent  hearings. 

I  would,  however,  like  to  offer  some 
brief  introductory  remarks. 

As  the  President's  recent  statements 
make  clear,  let  there  be  no  mistake  that 
this  Administration  is  fully  committed  to 
stopping  the  flow  of  illicit  narcotics  into 
our  country.  The  danger  of  narcotics  to 
our  youth  and  to  the  very  fabric  of  our 
society  cannot  be  a  subject  of  partisan 
debate.  We  are  grateful  to  the  support 

this  committee  has  provided  for  the 
Administration's  efforts  in  the  past,  and 
I  am  confident  we  can  count  on  your 
continued  support  in  the  future. 

International  narcotics  control  is 
central  to  the  pursuit  of  our  foreign 
policy  objectives.  We  have  and  will  con- 
tinue to  use  every  opportunity  to  convey 
the  message  to  our  friends  in  the  inter- 
national community  on  the  need  for 
greater  effort  in  controlling  narcotics 
traffic.  The  President  made  this  an 
agenda  item  at  the  Tokyo  economic  sum- 
mit. We  have  raised  it  at  the  United 
Nations.  It  is  a  priority  issue  in  the 
bilateral  talks  with  President  De  la 
Madrid  of  Mexico  this  week  as  it  was 
with  Prime  Minister  Junejo  of  Pakistan 
last  month. 

The  most  effective  tool  we  have  in 
this  effort  is  the  growing  realization 
among  foreign  governments  that  nar- 
cotics trafficking  is  not  just  an  American 
problem,  but  a  universal  threat.  The 
efforts  of  the  First  Lady  and  our  high- 
level  attention  to  this  problem  are 
already  paying  dividends.  Countries  in 
which  narcotics  are  produced  or  which 
are  part  of  the  international  trafficking 
pattern  now  recognize  the  unacceptable 
high  risk  that  narcotics  pose  to  their  own 
societies.  These  risks  range  from 
increases  in  violent  crime  to  national 
security  threats  by  narcoterrorist 
groups.  The  international  community  is 
finally  recognizing  the  challenge  we  all 
face.  That  is  the  first  and  most  impor- 
tant step  in  winning  the  battle. 

liber  1986 



Nevertheless,  there  remains  a  large 
and  unacceptable  gap  between  percep- 
tion and  effective  action  We  expect 

measures  from  our 
friends  and  are  prepared  to  encourage 
and  supporl  them.  The  situation  remains 


From  the  foreign  policy  perspective, 
our  highest  priority  is  to  reduce  produc- 
tion. We  are  moving  closer  to  our  objec- 
tive  of  having  effective  eradication  pro- 
grams in  all  key  producing  countries.  In 
1981  only  two  governments  were 
engaged  in  eradication  programs.  By 
1985  the  list  had  grown  to  14.  As  a 
result,  marijuana  production  is  today 
declining  in  Colombia,  Jamaica,  and 
other  countries  in  Latin  America  and  the 
Caribbean.  We  expect  that  trend  to 

Current  Colombian  experiments  to 
identify  environmentally  safe  herbicides, 
which  can  be  reproduced  on  a  large  scale, 
could  provide  a  new  tool  for  eradicating 
coca  plants.  The  recent  dramatic 
demonstration  of  the  renewed  commit- 
ment of  the  Bolivian  Government  to  nar- 
cotics control  has  resulted  in  the  price  of 
the  coca  leaf  falling  to  an  all-time  low.  I 
met  with  President  Paz  Estenssoro  and 
his  senior  officials  in  La  Paz  this  spring 
and  know  directly  of  their  concerns  and 
their  need  for  support. 

In  the  meetings  this  week  involving 
Presidents  Reagan  and  De  la  Madrid, 
Secretary  of  State  Shultz  and  Foreign 
Secretary  Sepulveda,  and  Attorneys 
General  Meese  and  Garcia,  the  United 
States  and  Mexico  have  reiterated  their 
unrestricted  cooperation  and  assistance 
in  rejuvenating  a  control  program.  We 
have  emphasized  the  high  priority  we 
attach  to  reducing  the  flow  of  heroin  and 
marijuana  from  Mexico,  and  the  high 
priority  we  attach  to  effective  action 
against  those  traffickers  responsible  for 
the  death  of  DEA  [Drug  Enforcement 
Administration]  Agent  Camarena. 

In  September,  the  United  States  and 
Mexico  will  collaborate  in  an  intensive 
spraying  program  of  opium  poppy  in  the 
infamous  tri-State  area.  Mexico  lias 
agreed  t<>  let  us  bring  in  six  turbo 
Thrush  aircraft,  and  combine  them  with 
three  of  their  high-spraying  capacity  Bell 
212  helicopters,  in  an  effort  to  eliminate 
70%  or  mere  of  the  fall  poppy  crop 
before  it  is  harvested.  We  have  assisted 
the  Mexicans  in  improving  this  program 
in  1986,  including  refinements  in  the 
spraying  process.  Together  with  the 
verification  program,  in  which  DEA 
agents  ride  with  Mexican  officials  to  con- 
firm fields  destroyed,  these  improve- 
ments bode  well  for  restoring  the  effec- 
tiveness of  this  once  heralded  program. 

However,  we  have  other  problems:  the 
level  of  effectiveness  in  seizures,  arrests, 
and  prosecutions  has  never  been  as  good 
as  in  the  eradication  program.  We  seek  a 
strong  across-the-board  effort  at  improv- 
ing enforcement. 

U.S.  Encouragement  and  Support 

The  tools  and  resources  provided  by 
Congress  are  critical  assets  supporting 
our  diplomatic  efforts.  The  Administra- 
tion's FY  1987  budget  request  for  $65.4 
million  for  international  narcotics  con- 
trol programs  includes  a  substantial 
increase  in  funds  for  eradication.  We 
also  have  requested  more  funds  for 
enforcement  efforts,  supporting  crop 
reduction  activities.  Seventy-three  per- 
cent of  available  funding  is  dedicated  to 
these  very  efforts.  We  urge  the  commit- 
tee to  appropriate  the  full  amount. 

We  have  also  used  economic  assist- 
ance funds  administered  by  AID  in 
direct  and  indirect  support  of  our  nar- 
cotic control  objectives.  In  Peru,  Bolivia, 
and  Pakistan,  for  example,  the  disburse- 
ment of  development  assistance  funds 
are  tied  to  achieving  specific  narcotic 
control  objectives  in  target  areas.  In 
Thailand,  AID  and  INM  are  funding  a 
project  in  which  entire  villages  must 
agree  to  keep  farming  areas  free  of 
poppy.  This  program  is  going  well  with 
the  support  of  the  Thai  Army's  aggres- 
sive new  eradication  program. 

We  still  have  a  long  way  to  go.  I 
would  not  minimize  the  obstacles,  but  I 
am  heartened  by  what  I  believe  are 
clearly  positive  trends.  I  believe  that  our 
friends  recognize  the  need  to  eliminate 
this  scourge.  They  know  that  we  mean 
business.  Continued  and  increased 
pressure  has  to  be  applied  at  all  points  of 
the  chain— through  crop  control;  through 
increased  seizures  of  both  drug  products 
and  financial  assets;  through  intensified 
investigation  and  prosecution  of  traf- 
fickers; and  through  effective  treatment 
and  prevention  of  drug  abuse. 

The  Administration  is  committed  to 
work  with  you  and  other  Members  of  the 
Congress  in  support  of  this  effort. 

Report  on  Status  of  Efforts 

to  Control  Narcotics  Production 

The  Link  Between  Assistance 
and  Narcotics  Control 

Of  the  18  countries  that  are  the  primary 
sources  of  illicit  narcotics  entering  the 
United  States,  15  receive  some  form  of 
U.S.  economic,  military,  or  narcotics 
control  assistance.  Fourteen  of  the 

fifteen  conducted  eradication  progran 
in  1985;  the  other,  Morocco,  relies  on 
interdiction  to  control  hashish  pro- 
duction. The  remaining  three— Iran, 
Afghanistan,  and  Laos— are  politically 
inaccessible  to  us. 

Security  assistance  levels  are  sign 
cant  in  11  of  the  14  cases.  However,  r 
cotics  assistance  constituted  all  of  the 
assistance  ($700,000)  to  Brazil  and  98 
of  the  $10.3  million  given  to  Mexico, 
while  Venezuela's  total  assistance  was 
$100,000  in  military  training  funds. 

Beyond  these  source  countries,  th 
are  other  nations  which  are  important 
transit  points  for  illicit  narcotics 
shipments  to  the  United  States,  such  i 
India,  Malaysia,  the  Bahamas,  Lebanc 
and  Turkey.  Of  these,  all  but  the 
Bahamas  receive  some  economic  or 
military  assistance. 

There  are  both  direct  and  indirect 
links  between  U.S.  assistance  and  nar 
cotics  control. 

The  countries  in  which  narcotics  c 
trol  and  development  assistance  objec 
tives  have  been  most  closely  linked  ar< 
Peru,  Bolivia,  and  Pakistan.  In  each 
country,  AID  and  INM  have  agreed  oi 
target  areas,  and  development  assist- 
ance is  conditioned  on  achieving  sped 
narcotics  control  objectives.  For  exam 
pie,  much  of  the  development  assistan 
intended  for  the  Chapare  region  of 
Bolivia,  the  primary  growing  region  fc 
coca  destined  to  become  cocaine,  has  r 
been  spent  since  1983  because  its  rele; 
is  contingent  upon  Bolivia  complying 
with  conditions  of  its  1983  agreement 
with  the  United  States. 

There  are  various  types  of  indirect 
links  between  control  and  developmeni 
assistance,  such  as  the  poppy  clauses 
used  in  Pakistan  and  Thailand.  These 
clauses  commit  a  government  to  keepii 
specific  development  areas  free  of  nar- 
cotics, especially  areas  which  have  not 
been  traditional  narcotics  growing  are; 
In  the  one  instance  when  new  opium 
poppy  was  discovered  in  an  area  of 
Pakistan  which  was  under  such  an 
agreement,  the  government  destroyed 

the  crop 

AID  and  INM  emphasize  develop- 
ment assistance,  rather  than  crop 
substitution,  to  control  narcotics.  That 
change  in  policy  reflects  the  discovery 
that,  under  substitution  programs, 
farmers  grew  new  crops  but  didn't 
abandon  opium  poppy. 

Despite  the  disappointment  in  the 
spring  1986  opium  crop,  which  expands 
largely  in  response  to  greatly  increased 
demand  and  higher  prices  within  the 
region,  it  still  appears  that  the  model 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


iveloped  by  INM  in  Pakistan  works 
ere  and  will  work  elsewhere.  Specific 
nds  of  development  assistance  in 
iected  areas  are  conditioned  on 
surances— backed  up  by  demonstrable 
iforcement— that  the  areas  will  be  rid 
illicit  narcotics  crops.  For  example, 
lailand  has  a  program  in  which 
•velopment  assistance  is  conditioned 
ion  entire  villages  agreeing  to  keep 
eir  farming  areas  free  of  poppy.  Since 
84,  that  program  has  steadily 
ogressed— boosted  in  1985  and  1986 
the  Thai  Army's  aggressive  new 
adication  program. 

So  far,  assistance  that  is  directly  or 
iirectly  linked  to  narcotics  control 
'ough  one  or  more  types  of 
reements  have  been  discussed.  Other 
jes  of  assistance  are  not  tied  to  con- 
>1,  such  as  most  military  assistance, 
d  economic  assistance  to  nongrowing 
as.  However,  the  government  of 
Bry  source  and  transit  nation  is  fully 
are  of  the  conditions  imposed  in 
blic  Law  98-164.  Without  exception, 
>se  governments  know  they  could  lose 
U.S.  assistance  if  they  fail  to  take 
'quate  steps  to  cooperate  with  the 
3.  Government  on  narcotics  control, 
s  message  was  solidly  reinforced  by 
?sident  Reagan  last  week. 

e  Narcotics  Problem: 
view  of  Progress 

3  highest  U.S.  Government  priority  is 
Jucing  production.  In  1981,  only  two 
Intries  were  eradicating  illicit  narcotic 
ips.  In  1985,  there  were  eradication 
Igrams  in  14  countries.  We  are  mov- 
il  closer  to  our  objective  of  having 
fcctive  eradication  campaigns 
ijrating  simultaneously  in  all  key 
Iwing  sectors.  The  1987  INM  budget 
ludes  a  substantial  increase  in  funds 
c  eradication.  Increased  funding  for 
Horcement  is  also  projected  where  such 
Kvities  support  crop  reduction  or 
euce  the  supply  of  illicit  narcotics  or 
Bcursor  chemicals. 

Many  1985  objectives  were  not  only 
it,  but  exceeded.  Even  more  will  be 
We  this  year  and  next.  The  gains  are 
fl,  and  the  prospects  for  continued 
icancement  in  1986  and  1987  are  quite 
\AA-  But  the  situation  remains  severe. 
)jig  abuse  has  spread  to  many  drug 
•Sducing  and  trafficking  countries, 
wping  production  at  high  levels,  and 
ii:otics  trafficking  organizations  in 
»ie  countries  are  so  powerful  that  they 
Kfe  a  security  threat  to  the  legitimate 
Mernment.  Narcotics-related  violence 
sh  the  increase.  However,  significant 
hige  has  occurred,  and  many  of  our 

hopes  ride  on  that  change.  Other  nations 
now  realize  that  narcotics  trafficking  is  a 
clear  and  present  universal  danger,  and 
that  they  too  stand  in  harm's  way.  With 
that  realization,  we  are  finally  beginning 
to  work  together  as  an  international 
community  progressing  toward  common 

The  1986-87  Agenda 

The  Administration  has  requested  $65.4 
million  for  the  international  narcotics 
program  for  FY  1987,  a  level  that  is 
essential  to  support  the  needed  expan- 
sion of  eradication  and  enforcement  pro- 
grams. The  Department  urges  the  com- 
mittee to  provide  the  full  amount 

The  precedent-setting  Colombian 
program  has  capped  efforts  in  Latin 
America  and  the  Caribbean  to  destroy 
marijuana  crops,  and  it  is  estimated  that 
marijuana  production  totals  for  1986  will 
continue  the  decline  of  recent  years. 
Aerial  surveys  confirm  that  the  1985 
crop  in  the  traditional  northern  growing 
areas  of  Colombia  was  85%  smaller  than 
the  1983  crop.  In  1986,  the  eradication 
effort  is  being  expanded  into  other  areas 
of  Colombia  to  counter  traffickers' 
efforts  to  develop  new  sources  of  supply. 

Several  countries  are  working  hard 
to  contain  the  problem.  Ecuador,  which 
collaborated  with  Colombia  on  a  joint 
coca  eradication  effort  along  their  com- 
mon border,  is  intensifying  both  its 
eradication  and  interdiction  efforts  for 
1986.  Brazil,  with  U.S.  assistance,  initi- 
ated operations  to  destroy  both  coca  and 
marijuana,  as  well  as  important  seizure 
campaigns,  while  also  expanding  its 
efforts  to  interdict  shipments  of  pre- 
cursor chemicals  used  in  cocaine 

Like  Colombia,  Panama  and  Belize 
conducted  aerial  eradication  programs, 
using  herbicides,  in  1985  and  1986. 
Following  the  spraying  this  spring, 
Panamanian  production  of  marijuana 
dropped  sharply  enough  that  authorities 
think  aerial  spraying  is  no  longer 
needed.  Jamaica  initiated  a  long-needed 
manual  eradication  campaign  to  destroy 
both  spring  and  fall  marijuana  crops  in 
1985,  resulting  in  gains  that  have  been 
confirmed  by  aerial  surveys.  Brazil, 
Costa  Rica,  Guatemala,  and  other 
governments  have  also  destroyed  mari- 
juana plantations. 

The  marginal  gains  of  the  manual 
eradication  campaigns  against  the  coca 
bush  could  be  a  thing  of  the  past.  In 
1985,  Colombia  succeeded  in  identifying 
chemicals  which  appear  to  meet  the 

criteria  of  being  environmentally  safe 
while  effectively  destroying  the  hardy 
coca  bush.  Expanded  testing  is  pro- 
ceeding with  both  backpack  and  aerial 
applications.  It  should  lead  to  a  method 
that  affords  large-scale  elimination  of 
illicit  coca  cultivation.  If  it  succeeds  in 
Colombia,  it  could  work  in  other  coca 
cultivation  areas,  too. 

Colombia  remains  the  major  refining 
source  for  cocaine,  while  Bolivia  and 
Peru  remain  the  major  sources  of  coca 
leaf.  Cocaine  refining  sites  are  shifting 
somewhat  because  of  Colombia's  cam- 
paign against  cocaine  labs  and  improved 
ways  of  controlling  the  flow  of  refining 

The  bottom  line  on  cocaine  is  that 
the  supply  of  coca  leaf  must  be 
reduced.  New  leaders  in  Bolivia  and 
Peru  began  their  administrations  in  1985 
by  declaring  their  intentions  of  attacking 
the  drug  production  problem.  Perhaps 
the  most  dramatic  demonstration  of  the 
new  Bolivian  intent  is  the  ongoing  cam- 
paign to  suppress  cocaine  refining  and 
trafficking.  As  Ambassador  Rowell  told 
Congress  last  week,  these  have  come  to 
a  halt  in  the  Beni  area.  Moreover,  thanks 
to  this  campaign,  called  "Operation 
Blast  Furnace,"  the  price  of  leaf  has 
fallen  to  an  all-time  low,  and  the 
Embassy  reports  that  more  farmers  are 
requesting  assistance  in  cultivating  alter- 
native crops.  This  may  be  the  first 
trickle  in  what  could  be  a  flood-like 
movement  away  from  the  economic 
dependence  of  farmers  and  others  on  the 
coca  trade— a  change  that  is  essential  if 
eradication  is  to  succeed.  Traffickers 
have  learned  they  can  no  longer  count  on 
Bolivia  as  a  safehaven.  Moreover,  the 
raids  are  achieving  the  primary  goal  of 
stopping  the  spread  of  cocaine  refining. 

Bolivia  must  complete  the  planning 
for  both  the  voluntary  and  involuntary 
phases  of  its  eradication  campaign,  and 
bring  a  substantial  portion  of  its  illicit 
coca  acreage  under  control,  enforced  by 
eradication  where  necessary,  enhanced 
by  alternative  development  opportunities 
where  appropriate.  The  government 
recognizes  that  continued  assistance  is 
dependent  in  part  on  achieving  the 
eradication  targets  in  the  new  agree- 
ment now  being  negotiated  with  the 
United  States. 

The  killings  and  lawlessness  in 
Peru's  Upper  Huallaga  Valley  continue, 
proving  again  that  narcotics  control  and 
the  battle  against  terrorism  must  both 
share  a  high  priority  with  the  Govern- 
ment of  Peru.  Economic  and  military 
assistance  to  Peru  in  1987  are  dependent 
in  part  on  the  development  and  imple- 
mentation of  a  comprehensive  strategy 

Dober  1986 



L986  and  1987  is  to  extend  the  coca 
era.]  ampaign  into  additional 

growing  areas  of  the  I  fpper  Huallaga 
Valley.  Coca  eradication  in  the  valley 
doubled  in  1985,  hut  the  new  areas  are 
quite  inaccessible  and  the  pace  of  manual 
eradication  may  be  difficult  to  sustain. 

Increased  production  of  heroin  and 
marijuana  in  Mexico,  which  were  on  a 
downward  trend  for  several  years 
thanks  to  effective  aerial  eradication, 
were  key  disappointments  in  1985  when 
other  countries,  despite  great  burdens, 
met  or  even  exceeded  our  expectations. 
In  meetings  this  week  involving 
Presidents  Reagan  and  De  la  Madrid, 
Secretary  of  State  Shultz  and  Foreign 
Secretary  Sepulveda,  and  Attorneys 
General  Meese  and  Garcia,  the  United 
States  and  Mexico  have  reiterated  their 
unrestricted  cooperation  and  assistance 
in  rejuvenating  a  control  program.  The 
United  States  is  emphasizing  the  high 
priority  it  attaches  to  reducing  the  flow 
of  heroin  and  marijuana  from  Mexico, 
and  the  high  priority  it  attaches  to  effec- 
tive action  against  those  traffickers 
responsible  for  the  death  of  DEA  Agent 

In  September,  the  United  States  and 
Mexico  will  collaborate  in  an  intensive 
spraying  program  of  opium  poppy  in  the 
infamous  tri-State  area.  Mexico  has 
agreed  to  let  the  U.S.  Government  bring 
in  six  turbo  Thrush  aircraft,  and  combine 
them  with  three  of  their  high-spraying 
capacity  Bell  212  helicopters,  in  an  effort 
to  eliminate  70%  or  more  of  the  fall 
poppy  crop  before  it  is  harvested.  The 
U.S.  Government  has  assisted  the  Mex- 
icans in  improving  this  program  in  1986, 
including  refinements  in  the  spraying 
process.  Together  with  the  verification 
program,  in  which  DEA  agents  ride  with 
Mexican  officials  to  confirm  fields 
destroyed,  these  improvements  bode 
well  for  restoring  the  effectiveness  of 
this  once  heralded  program.  However, 
there  are  other  problems:  the  level  of 
effectiveness  in  seizures,  arrests,  and 
prosecutions  has  never  been  as  good  as 
in  the  eradication  program.  The  U.S. 
Government  seeks  a  strong  across-the- 
board  effort  at  improving  enforcement. 

In  1986  INM  has  purchased  addi- 
tional aircraft  and  is  launching  the 
special  Latin  American  regional  enforce- 
ment program  for  which  the  Appropria- 
tions Committee  provided  $5  million. 
The  regional  air  wing,  based  in  Colom- 
bia, will  upgrade  strike  force  capability 
throughout  the  Andean  coca  growing 
region.  Future  Blast  Furnace-type 
operations  may  he  conducted  through 
use  of  this  regional  air  wing,  funded  by 

INM,  or  with  the  assistance  of  DEA  air- 
craft, or  further  use  of  U.S.  military  air- 
craft, or  a  combination  thereof.  The  U.S. 
Government  is  not  limited  to  the  military 

This  air  wing  is  but  one  aspect  of  the 
trend  toward  regional  approaches  to  nar- 
cotics control.  The  cross-border  opera- 
tions involving  Colombia  with  Peru, 
Ecuador,  and  now  Bolivia  find  their 
counterpart  at  the  policy  level  in  the 
expressions  of  solidarity  at  the  OAS 
[Organization  of  American  States]  con- 
ference this  year. 

The  U.S.  Government  is  also  helping 
to  curb  the  overseas  demand,  which 
keeps  production  at  high  levels.  AID, 
USIA  [U.S.  Information  Agency],  and 
INM  have  worked  successfully  on  public 
awareness  and  prevention  campaigns. 

In  Southeast  Asia,  Burma  now  has 
the  opportunity,  with  production  down  in 
1985  and  a  major  eradication  program 
having  been  successfully  undertaken  in 
the  first  quarter  of  1986,  to  reduce  the 
world's  largest  production  of  illicit 
opium.  In  Thailand  the  new  eradication 
program  is  being  expanded.  These 
governments  must  enhance  their  efforts 
to  seize  control  of  the  border  from  traf- 
fickers, to  destroy  heroin  laboratories, 
and  to  interdict  shipments  of  both 
precursor  chemicals  and  finished  opium 

It  is  estimated  that  opium  production 
in  Pakistan  this  spring  rose  to  a  new 
range  of  100-150  metric  tons— more 
than  double  what  it  was  1  year  ago.  This 
expansion  was  driven  largely  by  higher 
prices,  resulting  from  increased  regional 
opium  and  heroin  demand,  and  by  a 
reduction  in  the  Pakistani  Government's 
enforcement  program  in  the  key  Gadoon 
area  coupled  with  an  expansion  of  opium 
cultivation  into  remote  tribal  areas  such 
as  Bajaur  and  Mohmand. 

The  United  States  and  Pakistan 
agreed  at  a  special  meeting  of  the 
bilateral  narcotics  working  group  in 
June  that  the  ban  on  opium  cultivation 
would  be  effectively  enforced  in  the 
Gadoon,  where  AID  has  a  major  develop- 
ment project,  and  in  the  Dir,  where  the 

Special  Development  and  Enforcement 
Project  managed  by  the  United  Nation 
is  being  developed.  The  Pakistanis  also 
agreed  to  enforce  the  ban  in  those  por- 
tions of  the  Bajaur  and  Mohmand  triba 
areas  where  development  assistance  hi 
been  scheduled. 

India  is  increasingly  important  as  i 
conduit  for  opium  products  from  both 
Southwest  and  Southeast  Asia,  as  well 
as  for  the  shipment  of  precursor 
chemicals  into  the  Golden  Triangle. 

Turkey  continues  to  sustain  one  of 
the  most  successful  efforts  at  preventi; 
production  of  illicit  opium  poppy.  Long 
natural  attraction  for  smugglers  of  eve 
stripe  because  it  serves  as  the  landbrid 
between  Asia  and  Europe,  Turkey  con- 
tinues to  be  a  principal  trafficking  rout 
for  heroin  from  Southwest  Asia,  some 
it  refined  in  Turkish  labs. 

Pakistan  and  neighboring  nations 
must  also  find  ways  of  curbing  the  flov 
of  opium  products  out  of  Afghanistan 
and  suppressing  the  numerous  heroin 
labs  which  operate  along  the  Afghan- 
Pakistan  border.  Viable  approaches  ha 
not  been  found  to  Iran  or  to  Laos,  and 
reports  of  increased  opium  production 
the  latter  are  of  renewed  concern,  par- 
ticularly given  success  elsewhere  in  th< 
Golden  Triangle. 


The  general  task  remains  the  same  as  : 
earlier  years:  the  grower-to-user  nar- 
cotics chain  which  stretches  across  five 
continents  must  be  broken  through  a 
comprehensive  program  of  internation; 
control.  Pressure  must  be  applied  at  al. 
points  in  the  chain— through  crop 
control;  through  increased  seizures  of 
both  drug  products  and  financial  assets 
through  intensified  investigation  and 
prosecution  of  traffickers;  and  through , 
effective  treatment  and  prevention  of 
drug  abuse. 

'The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearingsl 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will  b 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


/ho  Will  Protect 
reedom  of  the  Seas? 

i  John  D.  Negroponte 

Address  before  the  Law  of  the  Sea 
Ititute  in  Miami  on  July  21,  1986. 
hbassador  Negroponte  is  Assistant 
tretaryfor  Oceans  and  International 
pironmental  and  Scientific  Affairs. 

lay,  I  would  like  to  consider  the 

stion:  "Who  will  protect  the  freedom 
.he  seas?"  I  intend  to  put  aside  the 
'  points  and  phrases  of  the  law  of  the 

and,  instead,  speak  as  a  layman  to 


The  world's  oceans  are  vital  to 
ikind  in  diverse  ways.  We  are  just 
I  inning  to  understand  their  environ- 
|ital  significance.  We  have  always 
d  their  fishery  resources.  We  have 
\xm  to  learn  how  to  exploit  some  of 

r  other  resources.  And  through  the 
Juries  the  world's  oceans  have  been 

ntial  as  waterways,  and  now  air- 
I'S,  necessary  to  preserve  the  peace 

to  move  world  trade  and  commerce. 
IThe  freedom  of  use  of  the  world's 
line  waters  is  what  we  mean  by  the 
Idom  of  the  seas.  It  is  perhaps  our 
l|  st  customary  international  law 
Q  rine. 

The  freedom  of  the  seas  was  not 
tin  to  mankind.  It  was  won— won 
\  ujrh  scholarly  and  legal  debate  and 
■aval  engagements.  Over  the  years, 
■freedom  of  the  seas  has  undergone 
ie  changes  and  refinements.  Its  exer- 
ie  has  become  geographically  com- 
Bised;  its  composition  has  been 
P;en  into  fragments,  and  some  of 
l<e  have  been  lost.  So,  today,  when 
'upeak  of  the  freedom  of  the  seas,  we 
>en,  primarily,  the  freedom  of  move- 
It  on  the  world's  seas  and  oceans  by 
aies  and  maritime  commerce:  the  free- 
i  to  navigate  and  to  fly  from  one 
Hinent  to  another  over  broad 
ftnses;  the  freedom  to  navigate  and 
Hy  from  one  sea  to  another  through 
n  the  narrowest  of  straits. 

Without  the  freedom  of  the  seas,  the 
|qd  would  be  a  different  place.  Mari- 
B  commerce  as  we  know  it  would  not 
U:.  The  global  balance  of  power  would 
Unalterably  shifted. 

W;ats  to  Freedom  of  the  Seas 

Hfreedom  of  the  seas  has  come  under 
ftk,  traditionally,  because  of  two  con- 
vations:  coastal  security  and 

resource  requirements  of  coastal  commu- 
nities. Security  considerations  have 
played  a  role  in  promoting  new  coastal 
state  jurisdictions.  Both  the  legal 
regimes  of  the  territorial  sea  and  the 
continental  shelf  were  justified  on  secu- 
rity grounds.  And  coastal  state  resource 
considerations  have  justified  virtually  all 
forms  of  maritime  jurisdiction. 

Thus,  in  spite  of  its  traditions  and 
benefits,  the  freedom  of  the  seas  is  con- 
fronted by  something  called  the  coastal 
state.  The  coastal  state  regards  the  sea 
as  a  resource— its  resource.  Some 
coastal  states  go  beyond  that,  seeing  in 
the  sea  a  means  of  providing  a  security 
buffer  for  their  territory.  The  upshot  is 
that  the  coastal  state  seeks  to  bring 
within  its  grasp  as  much  of  the  offshore 
area  and  resources  as  it  can  justify. 

The  coastal  state  is  assisted  in  its 
efforts  by  some  of  our  finer  professions: 
scientists,  engineers,  lawyers,  and  politi- 
cians. Marine  science's  search  for  knowl- 
edge is  resulting  in  many  new  discov- 
eries of  the  ocean's  potential.  Engineers 
find  in  the  ocean  the  opportunity  to 
invent  and  to  apply  new  technologies  to 
capitalize  on  that  potential.  Lawyers 
find  ample  opportunities  to  create 
"new"  law,  quietly  whispering  how  to 
justify  exploiting  that  potential  without, 
as  they  say,  "adversely  affecting"  the 
freedom  of  the  seas.  And,  then  comes 
the  politician,  weighing  the  issue,  and, 
as  he  or  she  does  so,  we  must  ask: 
"Does  he  hear  an  advocate  for  the  free- 
dom of  the  seas?" 

The  technique  which  coastal  states 
have  used  for  many  years  to  assert  con- 
trol over  area  and  resources,  while 
ostensibly  not  "adversely  affecting"  the 
freedom  of  the  seas,  is  to  draw  a  dis- 
tinction between  the  interest  of  the 
coastal  state  and  that  of  the  interna- 
tional community.  The  normal  pattern  is 
that  the  coastal  state  acknowledges  that 
the  international  community  has  a  cer- 
tain right  to  navigate  off  its  coast,  if  the 
resource-  or  security-related  jurisdic- 
tional claim  by  the  coastal  state  is 
accepted  by  the  international 

In  concept  the  distinction  between 
resources  use  and  navigation  is  a 
reasonable  approach  which  provides  a 
basis  for  balancing  the  interests  of  all 
states.  And  the  balance  which  exists 
between  coastal  state  security  concerns 
and  the  rights  of  the  international  com- 
munity also  has  justification.  In  fact, 

however,  over  the  years  the  interna- 
tional community  has  had  a  hard  time 
protecting  its  navigation  rights.  The  fine 
points  of  the  law,  the  subtle  distinctions 
which  are  often  the  key  to  concluding 
negotiations,  often  are  lost  sij^ht  of  in 
practice.  The  result  is  ironic.  Instead  of 
coastal  state  jurisdiction  beinj;  an 
exception— a  limited  encroachment  on 
the  freedom  of  the  seas— we  find  the 
opposite  to  be  true,  at  least  in  terms  of 
political  emotions:  the  freedom  of  the 
seas  becomes  an  exception  or  encroach- 
ment upon  the  rules  of  coastal  state 

This  trend,  which  has  been  going  on 
for  some  time,  further  endangers  the 
freedom  of  the  seas.  It  does  so  by  creat- 
ing a  new  way  of  thinking  about  the 
oceans  in  the  minds  of  scientists,  engi- 
neers, lawyers,  politicians,  and  others. 
We  begin  to  think  in  proprietary  terms 
about  the  sea  off  our  coast,  and,  in 
doing  so,  the  freedom  of  the  seas  takes 
second  place  to  coastal  state  jurisdiction. 

Examples  of  this  process  are  evident 
in  the  law  of  the  sea.  Once  the  freedom 
of  the  sea  applied  to  all  marine  waters. 
Then  the  concept  of  the  narrow  ter- 
ritorial sea  developed— in  which  there  is 
the  right,  or  some  would  call  it  an 
exception,  of  innocent  passage.  Later 
the  concept  of  straight  baselines  found 
its  way  into  state  practice  and  a  right 
(or  exception)  of  innocent  passage  was 
recognized  where  it  had  previously 
existed.  Later  came  the  resource 
claims— first  the  continental  shelf,  then 
the  narrow  and  later  the  broader  fishing 
zones,  all  ostensibly  not  "adversely 
affecting"  the  freedom  of  the  seas.  More 
recently,  we  have  seen  the  development 
of  broader  12-mile  territorial  sea  claims 
together  with  a  straits  navigation 
regime  called  transit  passage  that  is  not 
supposed  to  "adversely  affect"  the  free- 
dom of  the  seas.  The  list  goes  on  to 
include  the  archipelagic  states  princi- 
ples, together  with  the  regime  of  archi- 
pelagic sealanes  passage.  And,  finally, 
there  is  the  exclusive  economic  zone, 
and  if  you  find  the  appropriate  cross- 
referenced  passage  in  the  1982  conven- 
tion, you  will  find  that  the  exercise  of 
jurisdiction  in  that  zone,  also,  is  not  sup- 
posed to  "adversely  affect"  the  freedom 
of  the  seas. 

The  freedom  of  the  seas  seems  to  be 
lost  in  a  welter  of  coastal  state  jurisdic- 
tions. I  remember  a  cartoon  from  the 
New  Yorker  magazine  about  the  time 
the  Third  UN  Law  of  the  Sea  Confer- 
ence was  beginning.  It  showed  a  group 
of  diplomats  around  a  conference  table. 
Standing  in  the  doorway  at  the  back  of 
the  room  was  Neptune.  One  diplomat 

leber  1986 



was  speaking,  and  the  caption  said 
something  like:  "Befon   we  begin  our 
conference  on  dividing  up  the  sea.  there 
is  a  gentleman  here  who  wishes  to  be 


Well,  would  you  say  that  from  Nep- 
tune's perspective  the  third  conference 
was  a  success  or  failure?  A  lot  of  ocean 
and  resources  got  divided  up  by  the 
coastal  states  at  that  conference.  The 
conference's  attempt  to  deal  with  the 
resources  beyond  coastal  state  jurisdic- 
tion failed  to  achieve  the  agreement  of 
all  states.  And  the  promotion  and  pro- 
tection of  the  freedom  of  the  seas,  under 
the  convention  the  conference  devel- 
oped, may  only  be  found  by  proper  legal 
interpretation  of  subtle  points  and 

Why  is  this  so?  Why  could  not  the 
maintenance  and  preservation  of  the 
freedom  of  the  seas  be  expressed  in 
categorical  terms  throughout  the  con- 
vention text?  Why  were  so  many  points 

Perhaps  the  reason  is  that  there  is 
no  one  group  of  states  for  which  the 
freedom  of  the  seas  is  that  group's 
exclusive  interest  in  the  law  of  the  sea. 
There  are  no  exclusively  maritime 
states.  All  the  maritime  states  are 
coastal  states,  as  well.  They  must 
balance  their  interests.  One  aspect  of 
their  national  interest  must  be  balanced 
against  the  other.  Yet,  it  is  this  group 
of  states  that  is  the  principal  user  of  the 
sea— for  coastal  resource  exploitation 
and  for  international  navigation.  From 
the  practice  of  this  group  of  states,  the 
customary  law  of  the  sea  emerges. 
Thus,  the  freedom  of  the  seas— the  free- 
dom that  presumably  Neptune  would 
have  us  preserve— has  no  advocate  that 
does  not  have  other  interests  and 

Avoiding  Further  Setbacks 

The  Third  Law  of  the  Sea  Conference 

was  called,  in  part,  because  of  the  inter- 
est of  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet 
Union  in  stopping  further  erosion  in  the 
meaning  of  the  freedom  of  the  seas.  The 
conference  didn't  halt  it— look  at  what 
happened  during  the  conference— but  it 
may  be  said  to  have  stabilized  matters 
for  a  period.  Rut  for  how  long?  If  the 
freedom  of  the  seas  is  not  to  suffer  fur- 
ther setbacks  in  the  wake  of  the  third 
conference,  the  maritime  states  must  do 
tWO  things  and  do  them  well. 

The  first  of  these  is  not  to  be  afraid 
to  assert  the  freedom  of  the  seas  in 
their  activities  around  the  globe.  The 
rights  and  freedoms  of  the  sea  will  be 
lost  over  time  if  they  are  not  used. 

There  may,  from  time  to  time,  be  politi- 
cal costs  in  exercising  such  rights;  but 
these  costs  cannot  be  avoided  if  the 
right  is  to  be  preserved.  Deference  to 
coastal  states  in  the  exercise  of  rights 
will  only  make  it  more  difficult  to  exer- 
cise the  right  in  the  future,  since  the 
political  cost  of  using  the  right  will 
increase  in  the  absence  of  usage. 

In  this  regard,  it  is  particularly 
important  that  the  maritime  states  uti- 
lize the  rights  set  forth  and  identified  in 
the  1982  convention.  Many  of  the  rights 
making  up  the  freedom  of  the  seas  are 
somewhat  obscured  by  the  coastal 
states'  orientation  of  the  convention 
text.  If  the  maritime  states  do  not 
remind  others  from  time  to  time  of  the 
existence  or  meaning  of  the  significant 
commas,  phrases,  and  words  found  in 
the  text,  the  freedoms  they  represent 
will  be  lost  to  sight. 

The  second  thing  that  must  be  done 
by  the  maritime  states  is  that  they  must 
keep  their  own  houses  in  order.  If  they 
let  their  coastal  state  personality  get 
the  better  of  them,  the  freedom  of  the 
seas  will  founder.  The  danger  I  see  is 
that  there  is  a  tendency  for  each  state 
to  see  the  waters  and  circumstances  off 
its  coast  as  in  some  way  unique.  In  this 
way  the  coastal  state  justifies  assertions 
of  new  or  broader  forms  of  jurisdiction 
to  satisfy  its  coastal  appetite. 

This  tendency,  which  has  been 
dubbed  "creeping  uniqueness,"  is  the 
latest  threat  to  the  freedom  of  the  seas. 
A  maritime  state  will  not  do  good  serv- 
ice to  the  freedom  of  the  seas  if  it  gives 
in  to  calls  to  consider  its  coastal  waters 
as  unique,  justifying  a  new  and  creative 
legal  approach.  And  it  is  worse  still  if 
that  creative  legal  approach  goes  be- 
yond or  severely  strains  the  principles 
laid  out  in  the  1982  convention,  thus 
destabilizing  the  balance  between  the 
freedom  of  the  seas  and  the  interests  of 
the  coastal  state  that  are  reflected 

The  U.S.  Role 

How  does  the  United  States  stack  up  in 
all  of  this?  The  United  States  does, 
after  all,  have  a  split  personality  when 
it  comes  to  the  law  of  the  sea. 

On  the  first  point,  the  United  States 
has  been  at  the  forefront  in  exercising 
the  freedom  of  the  seas  in  spite  of  occa- 
sional political  costs.  In  particular,  the 
Navy's  routine  assertion-of-rights  pro- 
gram has  received  quite  a  lot  of  noto- 
riety in  recent  weeks,  given  the  events 
in  the  Gulf  of  Sidra.  It  is  important  to 
note  that  the  program  was  developed  in 
the  late  1970s,  during  the  Carter 
Administration.  Thus,  it  has  a  bipartisan 

character.  Also,  it  is  important  to  poa 
out  that  the  program  was  developed  il 
anticipation  of  the  successful  conclusuY 
of  the  Third  Law  of  the  Sea  Conferer  i 
It  was  believed  that,  even  with  a  widl 
ratified  Law  of  the  Sea  Treaty  to  whil 
the  United  States  was  party,  it  still 
would  be  necessary  to  exercise  the 
rights  set  forth  in  the  convention  in 
order  not  to  lose  them. 

It  goes  without  saying  that  it  is 
even  more  important  that  we  exercist 
our  rights  today.  The  1983  presidenti; 
ocean  policy  statement  commits  the 
United  States  to  this  course.  The  exe 
cise  of  rights— the  freedom  to  navigat 
on  the  world's  oceans— is  not  meant  t 
be  a  provocative  act.  Rather,  in  the 
framework  of  customary  international 
law,  it  is  a  legitimate,  peaceful  assert 
of  a  legal  position  and  nothing  more, 
the  United  States  and  other  maritime 
states  do  not  assert  international  rigr 
in  the  face  of  claims  by  others  that  d( 
not  conform  with  the  present  status  c 
the  law,  they  will  be  said  to  acquiesc<| 
those  claims  to  their  disadvantage. 
What  is  particularly  difficult  in  this  si 
ation  is  to  understand  that  the  more 
aggressive  and  unreasonable  and  piw 
ative  and  threatening  a  claim  may  be 
the  more  important  it  is  to  exercise 
one's  rights  in  the  face  of  the  claim.  T 
world  community  can't  allow  itself  to 
coerced— coerced  into  lethargy  in  the 
protection  of  the  freedom  of  the  seas. 

On  the  second  point,  as  well,  the 
United  States  gets  good  marks— but 
perhaps  not  straight  As.  In  general,  t 
United  States  has  taken  a  conservath 
approach  to  its  coastal  state  claims.  Ii 
making  its  claims,  it  has  made  clear  tl 
there  is  no  intention  to  "adversely 
affect"  the  navigation  rights  of  other 
states  in  the  waters  off  the  coast  of  tl 
United  States.  Both  the  1945  Proelam 
tion  on  the  Continental  Shelf  and  the 
1983  Proclamation  of  the  Exclusive  E( 
nomic  Zone  make  clear  in  specific  lan- 
guage in  the  proclamations  themselves 
that  the  resource  claim  is  not  intende< 
to  affect  the  international  rights  and 
freedoms  of  other  states. 

The  United  States  has  maintained 
its  narrow  territorial  sea  at  3-miles 
breadth.  It  has  chosen  not  to  draw- 
straight  baselines.  It  conservatively 
exercises  its  right  under  Article  7  of  t 
1958  Convention  on  the  Territorial  Se; 
and  Contiguous  Zone  to  claim  juridical 
bays  less  than  24-miles  wide  at  the 
mouth.  It  has  only  very  few  small 
spots  of  historic  waters,  which  are  of  I 
consequence  to  the  international  comrr 
nity  and  which  could  have  been  incorp 
rated  in  a  straight  baseline  system  ha< 



chosen  to  do  so.  Contrary  to  what 
ne  foreign  press  reports  have  said, 
>  United  States  has  not  drawn 
elines  between  the  islands  of  the 
mtians  or  of  Hawaii.  Foreign  vessels 
all  states— commercial  or  military— 
»'igate  off  the  U.S.  coast  routinely, 
isistent  with  their  rights  under  inter- 
ional  law. 

The  United  States  has  taken  a  con- 
■vative  approach  to  its  maritime 
ims  for  several  reasons,  one  of  which 
.he  desire  to  lead  by  example.  By  its 
ion  it  hopes  to  encourage  similar  con- 
vative  approaches  by  others. 
But  the  United  States  has  been 
>wn  to  put  its  coastal  state  hat  on 
m  time  to  time.  For  the  most  part, 
ugh,  it  has  resisted  the  creation  of 
3S  to  meet  its  unique  concerns.  As 
United  States  moves  into  the  imple- 
ntation  of  its  exclusive  economic 
e,  it  must  bear  this  in  mind.  We 
st  recognize  that  one  cannot  slice  the 

pie  too  thin.  We  must  stand  for  prin- 
ciples—recognizable principles  that  are 
not  riddled  with  self-serving  exceptions. 

The  present  challenge  before  the 
freedom  of  the  seas  is  that  its  tradi- 
tional defenders  have  begun  to  think  of 
the  oceans  as  a  resource  rather  than  as 
the  world's  highway.  Science  and  tech- 
nology have  opened  to  us  the  ocean's 
resources.  We  must  not  expect  that 
mankind  will  be  denied  the  opportunity 
to  exploit  them.  As  mankind  does  so, 
satisfying  its  needs  and  using  its  capa- 
bilities, the  freedom  of  the  seas  will  con- 
tinue to  come  up  against  coastal  state 
demands.  If  the  freedom  of  the  seas  is 
to  survive— not  to  be  subject  to  further 
inroads— we  must  be  energetic  in  its 
promotion  and  protection.  As  we  face 
the  challenges  that  science  and  technol- 
ogy bring  us,  we  must  meet  them  bear- 
ing in  mind  the  question:  "Who  is 
protecting  freedom  of  the  seas?"  ■ 

.S.  and  Australia 
old  Ministerial  Talks 

Secretary  Skultz  and  Secretary  of 
mse  Caspar  W.  Weinberger  and 
tralian  Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs 
Hayden  and  Minister  for  Defense 
i  Beazley  met  in  ministerial  session 
'an  Francisco  August  10-11,  1986. 
Following  are  the  texts  of  Secretary 
Uz's  statement  at  the  first  plenary 
Son,  the  joint  news  conference,  and 
joint  statement  issued  at  the  conclu- 
;  of  their  meeting. 

i:retary  shultzs 

C.  11,  1986' 

nehalf  of  Secretary  Weinberger  and 
delf  and  the  American  delegation  and 
fericans  everywhere,  I  want  to 
lome  you  formally  to  the  opening  of 
IU.S. -Australian  bilateral  min- 
tial  talks.  Our  location  on  the  Pacific 
»t  reflects  the  importance  which  the 
led  States  attaches  to  this  most 
flimic  region  of  the  world  and  par- 
larly  to  Australia— a  fellow 
alocracy,  a  strong  ally,  and  a  major 
i|ributor  tc  global  and  regional 

The  United  States  and  Australia, 
«g  with  New  Zealand,  came  together 
Litis  same  location  35  years  ago  to 
m  the  ANZUS  [Australia,  New 

Zealand,  United  States  security  pact] 
alliance.  Our  countries  had  witnessed  the 
destruction  of  the  peace  by  distant 
aggressors  and  had  learned  that  broad 
oceans  and  geographic  isolation  did  not 
guarantee  security.  We  had  come  to 
understand  that  the  survival  of  indi- 
vidual freedom  depends  on  strong 
defense,  both  alone  and  in  concert  with 

When  he  signed  the  ANZUS  treaty 
at  the  Presidio  in  1951,  a  distinguished 
New  Zealand  diplomat,  Ambassador  Sir 
Carl  Berendsen,  said,  "By  creating  an 
area  of  stability  in  the  Pacific,  this 
ANZUS  treaty  may  be  expected  to 
reduce  world  tensions  and  thus  to  prove 
a  reinforcement  of,  and  a  contribution 
to,  the  general  system  of  international 
security.  ...  By  providing  directly  a 
strong  measure  of  defense  against 
attack  in  the  Pacific,  it  does  at  the  same 
time .  .  .  make  it  possible  for  its  parties  to 
play  their  part  elsewhere  because  the 
problem  that  the  free  world  is  facing  to- 
day is  a  global  problem.  ..." 

Ever  since,  Australia  and  the  United 
States  have  worked  together  in  ways 
that  benefit  not  only  our  own  countries, 
but  the  security  of  others  whose  fate  is 
linked  to  our  own.  We  cooperate,  for 
example,  in  joint  facilities  that  enhance 
deterrence  of  nuclear  war  through  pro- 
viding for  strategic  early  warning.  These 

same  facilities  allow  us  to  verify  arms 
control  agreements,  thus  making  arms 
control  itself  possible. 

We  also  work  together  in  military 
exercises,  improving  the  capability  of 
our  forces  to  operate  separately  or 
jointly  in  the  event  of  a  threat  to  peace. 
Americans  particularly  value  our  ship 
and  air  access  in  Australia.  Our  four  to 
five  dozen  ship  visits  per  year  allow  us  to 
play  a  stabilizing  role  in  the  Western 
Pacific  and  the  Indian  Ocean,  areas  of 
vital  importance  to  both  countries 
though  nearer  to  Australian  shores  than 
to  our  own. 

Our  fruitful  cooperation  conveys  a 
strong  message  to  potential  adversaries; 
it  shows  Americans  and  Australians  the 
value  of  alliance.  Our  cooperation  pro- 
vides a  bulwark  against  any  temptation 
to  disengage  from  world  problems  and 
look  after  only  parochial  interests,  and  it 
deepens  the  bonds  and  special  relation- 
ship between  our  countries. 

The  United  States  and  Australia 
have  strong  economic  ties.  Our  bilateral 
trade  exceeds  $8  billion  annually.  We  are 
Australia's  second  largest  market  and 
supplier.  Australia  is  one  of  our  major 
trading  partners  and  is  also  the  location 
of  the  largest  U.S.  investments  stake  in 
East  Asia,  totaling  more  than  $9  billion 
by  1984.  And  our  economic  ties  are 
reciprocal;  in  1985  Australian  invest- 
ment in  the  United  States  grew  by  more 
than  $450  million. 

I  would  note  also  Australia's  leading 
role  in  regional  growth  and  stability. 
Official  Australian  development 
assistance  should  exceed  $365  million  in 
1986,  primarily  to  Papua  New  Guinea 
and  other  developing  countries  of  the 
South  Pacific  and  Southeast  Asia. 
Australia  continues  to  be  a  welcome  and 
major  contributor  to  multilateral  aid 
organizations  active  in  the  region. 

We  also  confront  common  difficult 
problems  as  in  the  field  of  agriculture. 
As  was  stated  in  the  Tokyo  summit 
economic  declaration,  "a  situation  of 
global  structural  surplus  now  exists  for 
some  important  agricultural  products, 
arising  partly  from  technological 
improvements,  partly  from  changes  in 
the  world  market  situation,  and  partly 
from  long-standing  policies  of  domestic 
subsidy  and  protection  of  agriculture  in 
all  our  countries,"  said  these  seven  coun- 
tries. "This  harms  the  economies  of  cer- 
tain developing  countries  and  is  likely  to 
aggravate  the  risk  of  wider  protectionist 
pressures.  This  is  a  problem  which  we  all 
share  and  can  be  dealt  with  only  in 
cooperation  with  each  other.  .  .  action  is 
needed  to  redirect  policies  and  adjust 
structures  of  agricultural  production  in 

»«)ber  1986 



the  light  of  world  demand."  I  guess  from 
what  I've  heard,  Bill,  you  might  say, 
"Amen,  and  let's  get  going  on  that  proj- 

We  come  together  today  without 
New  Zealand.  We  regret  this  absence 
deeply.  New  Zealand  has  been  a  major 
contributor  to  regional  and  global  stabil- 
ity, fighting  bravely  with  its  allies  in  four 
wars  during  this  century.  This 
distinguished  record  is  testimony  to  New 
Zealand's  place  in  the  community  of  free 

Access  for  allied  ships  and  aircraft, 
however,  is  essential  to  the  effectiveness 
of  the  ANZUS  alliance.  If  New  Zealand 
continues  to  say  "no"  to  ships  operating 
under  our  universal  policy  of  neither  con- 
firming nor  denying  the  presence  or 
absence  of  nuclear  weapons,  then  we 
cannot  send  navy  vessels  to  New 
Zealand's  ports.  The  New  Zealand 
Government's  current  policies  of  block- 
ing traditional  ship  and  air  access  thus 
vitiate  the  principal  contribution  that 
New  Zealand  makes  to  ANZUS. 

Because  of  New  Zealand's  decision 
to  renege  on  an  essential  element  of  its 
ANZUS  participation,  it  has  become 
impossible  for  the  United  States  to  sus- 
tain its  security  obligations  to  New 
Zealand.  We  sincerely  hope  that  New 
Zealand  will  soon  undertake  adequate 
corrective  measures  which  will  restore 
port  and  air  access  and  permit  a  return 
to  alliance  cooperation. 

New  Zealand's  actions  can  only 
encourage  those  who  hope  to  tear  at  the 
fabric  of  Western  cooperation.  The 
United  States  and  Australia  choose  to 
provide  a  different  vision— a  reaffirma- 
tion of  the  willingness  of  democratic 
peoples  to  make  common  cause  in 
defense  of  our  principles  and  way  of  life. 

I  am  deeply  pleased  to  open  this 
bilateral  ministerial— the  symbol  of  our 
continued  alliance  relationship.  Our  talks 
today  will  range  over  issues  of  bilateral 
security,  economics,  Asia  and  the 
Pacific,  and  global  security.  In  addition, 
we  hope  to  reach  conclusions  on  the 
nature  of  our  relationship  in  the  absence 
of  New  Zealand,  as  well  as  to  establish  a 
st  ructure  to  preserve  our  ties  until  the 
trilateral  activities  of  the  alliance  can  be 

AUG.  11,  19862 

Secretary  Shultz.  This  meeting  has 
borne  out  once  again  the  value— from 
the  standpoint  of  the  United  States,  and 
I  hope  from  that  of  Australia— of  the 
ANZUS  alliance  and  the  discussions  that 


take  place  under  it.  We've  had  a  broad 
review  of  the  security  situation  in  the 
South  Pacific,  the  Australian  area,  and 
for  that  matter,  all  through  the  world. 

We've  also  had  a  good  and,  at  times, 
a  vigorous  discussion  of  economic  prob- 
lems, including  those  involved  in 
agriculture.  While  we  have  some  dif- 
ferences of  view,  it's  good  to  state  them 
and  talk  them  through,  and  see  where 
we  may  go  from  here. 

So  from  our  standpoint,  the  joint 
statement  expresses  very  well  our  sen- 
timents, and  we  have  welcomed  very 
much  this  opportunity  to  meet  once 
again  with  Foreign  Minister  Hayden  and 
Defense  Minister  Beazley  and  their  col- 
leagues. It's  been  a  very  good  and  pro- 
ductive day. 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden.  The 

Australian  delegation.  Defense  Minister 
Beazley  and  myself,  have  appreciated 
the  opportunity  once  again  to  explore  a 
wide  range  of  mutual  concerns  of  the 
bilateral  relationship  which  exists 
between  Australia  and  the  United 
States;  and  furthermore,  to  reinforce 
that  bilateral  security  association 
between  our  two  countries. 

It  is,  as  I  mentioned  this  morning,  a 
matter  of  marked  regret  for  us  that  New 
Zealand  is  unable  to  participate  on  a 
trilateral  basis  with  Australia  and  the 
United  States  under  the  ANZUS  treaty. 
As  we've  said  before,  the  reasons  which 
have  caused  this  are  reasons  with  which 
we  disagree.  We  have  an  entirely  dif- 
ferent approach  to  policy  on  such  mat- 
ters to  that  adopted  by  New  Zealand. 

I  also  repeat,  as  Mr.  George  Shultz 
said,  there  was  a  wide  canvas  explored, 
including  not  only  regional  issues  and 
bilateral  ones  but  broader  global  ones.  In 
particular,  as  I  mentioned  this  morning, 
we  discussed  the  issue  of  increasing  pro- 
tectionism and  the  damage  that  it's 
doing  to  countries  in  the  world,  allies  of 
other  countries  which  are  practicing 

And  in  our  case,  it  is  clearly  evident 
to  us  that  protectionism  is  impairing  and 
will  continue  to  impair  our  ability  to 
fulfill  a  number  of  security  roles  which 
we  would  wish  to  fulfill  in  the  region. 
We  wish  to  see  steps  taken  to  roll  back 
that  protectionism,  and  I  have  here,  but 
more  particularly  elsewhere,  explored 
with  counterparts  that  need,  and  action 
which  might  be  taken. 

Defense  Minister  Beazley  and  I 
appreciate  the  warmth  with  which  we've 
been  greeted  on  this  occasion  and  helpful 
dialogue  which  has  taken  place. 

Q.  One  of  the  things  that  was 
discussed  on  the  issue  of  protectionism 

is,  where  do  we  go  from  here?  The 
communique  that  you've  issued  is 
bland  in  the  extreme  on  the  subject. 
What  is  the  answer?  Where  do  we  gi 
from  here? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  think  the 
answer  is,  first  of  all,  to  recognize  tha 
the  pattern  of  subsidies  and  the  settin: 
of  higher  than  market  prices  that 
encourages  production,  an  attribute  ol 
policies  throughout  major  countries 
without  exception,  has  brought  us  to  a 
position  where  there  is  a  huge  amount 
supply  of  major  commodities  in  excess 
the  demand.  And  so  this  subsidy  struc 
ture  needs  to  be  examined  and 
something  done  about  it. 

That  is  precisely  what  was  called  1 
at  the  Tokyo  economic  summit.  I  migr 
say  that  before  the  President  went 
there,  he  heard  very  vigorously  from 
Prime  Minister  Bob  Hawke  about  it  in 
visit  to  Washington,  and  that  was  ver; 
much  the  message  that  he  got. 

So  I  think  this  is  a  principal  conce 
and  we  hope  that  it  can  be  done  in  the 
GATT  [General  Agreement  on  Tariffs 
and  Trade]  round  which  we  hope  will  j 
started  in  Punta  del  Este  in  the  meeti 
that  takes  place  there  in  the  middle  of 
September.  I  think  that's  the  principa 
thing  that  has  to  be  done. 

And  in  the  meantime,  all  countries 
need  to  examine  their  own  policies  am 
do  everything  possible  to  roll  back  anc 
contain  the  protectionist  pressures  th; 
we  see  everywhere. 

Q.  There's  been  a  lot  of  referent 
today  to  air  problems,  or  to  air  acces 
I  wonder  if  this  is  a  new  element 
that's  been  interjected,  and  do  you 
foresee  a  time  when  the  Antarctic  b< 
facility  at  Christchurch  might  be 
shifted  to  Australia  because  of  potei 
tial  air  problems? 

Secretary  Shultz.  We  don't  forest 
any  such  shift.  That  facility  has  operat 
successfully  there  for  a  long  time.  It's 
research  facility  and  is  not  connected 
with  this  set  of  problems. 

However,  access  to  airfields  and 
ports  from  the  standpoint  of  our  milita 
relationship  operate  under  a  similar  ki: 
of  policy.  And  basically  what's  happeni 
here  is  that  the  ANZUS  treaty  remain, 
in  effect— Australia  and  the  U.S.  rela- 
tionship under  it  remains  unchanged, 
strong  and  vigorous.  And  New  Zealani 
has,  in  effect,  withdrawn  from  that 
security  relationship  by  withdrawing 
from  one  of  its  most  important  contrib 
tions  to  the  relationship. 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden:  The  m; 
ter  hasn't  been  put  to  the  Australian 
Government.  Should  it  be  put,  it  would 
be  considered  then  and  a  determination 

Department  of  State  Bull 



ide.  At  this  point,  however,  there's 

such  proposal  before  us. 
Secretary  Weinberger.  Tasmania  is 

entirely  separate  activity,  but  as 
cretary  Shultz  says,  New  Zealand  has 
cen  action  which,  in  effect,  frustrated 
;  execution  of  the  treaty,  taken 
;mselves  out  of  it,  and  left  themselves 
?n  without  the  security  and  the  protec- 
n  of  the  treaty.  The  treaty  remains  in 
ect  between  Australia  and  the  United 
ites,  and  if  New  Zealand  ever  changes 

policy,  we  hope  they  can  come  back  in 

Q.  If  the  United  States  is  prepared 
treat  Australia  with  indifference  as 
trade,  what  faith  should  we  place  in 
Is  treaty  negotiated  today? 
:  Secretary  Shultz.  The  United  States 
?sn't  treat  Australia  with  indifference 
>ut  anything,  including  in  the  field  of 
i  In  the  field  of  economics  and  trade. 

struggle  as  others  do  with  these  huge 
plusses  that  have  been  generated.  The 
bsident's  decision  was  simply  one  to 
tag  about  the  fulfillment  of  an  obliga- 
1  undertaken  by  the  Soviet  Union  in 
King  a  long-term  grain  agreement 
h  us,  which  was,  that  their  minimum 

chase  would  be  9  million  metric  tons, 
east  4  million  of  which  would  be 
hat.  That's  something  that's  been  on 

books  for  a  long  time. 

In  terms  of  thinking  about 
(stralia's  interests,  as  we  think  about 
|s,  it's  very  much  in  our  minds,  and 
jfeel  that  there  was  a  great  contribu- 
li  to  our  thinking  when  Prime  Minister 
[vke  was  in  the  United  States  before 
i|  Tokyo  summit.  We  work  together  on 
lie  matters  regularly,  and  I  might  say 
It  Foreign  Minister  Hayden  has 
Iged  on  me  a  little  bit.  So  we  under- 
bid the  importance  of  these  matters  to 
Itralia.  And  we  appreciate  that. 

Q.  I'd  like  to  ask  Mr.  Hayden  what 
neant  by  the  statement  in  paragraph 
<)f  the  communique,  where  it's 
tted  that  Australia  notes  that  pro- 
.  ionisl  policies,  particularly  toward 
^culture,  would  impair  Australia's 
■ity  to  work  effectively  in  coopera- 
i'l  with  its  allies  and  friends.  What 
<s  this  mean? 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden.  Prime 
Bister  Hawke  of  Australia  has  stated 
le  categorically  that  there  will  be  no 
lage  between  security  matters,  such 
■he  joint  facilities  in  Australia,  and 
fcmercial  matters.  He  stated  that 
|e  categorically,  on  a  number  of  ocea- 
ns recently,  and  publicly.  So  there's 
Reference,  no  illusion  to  such  matters 
Tlied  in  that  comment. 

That  comment  refers  to  one  simple 
fact,  and  that  is,  as  a  result  of  the  loss  of 
markets  or  the  loss  of  income,  I  should 
say,  that  will  arise  because  of  certain 
pricing  subsidization  policies,  Australia's 
national  income  will  be  affected;  export 
income  will  be  affected;  our  ability  to 
make  purchases  of  a  certain  level  of 
defense  equipment  will  be  impaired; 
perhaps  our  role  to  provide  aid  with  a 
political  consideration  behind  it  could  be 
impaired.  And  accordingly,  our  role  to 
fulfill  as  much  as  we  would  have  wished 
to  have  fulfilled  will  be  less  than  it  would 
otherwise  have  been. 

Q.  It  was  recently  reported  to  the 
Australian  Minister  of  Defense — the 
Dibb  report  on  the  future  of 
Australian  defenses  finds  that 
Australia  does  enough  as  an  ally  by 
hosting  the  joint  facilities  and  pro- 
viding access  to  naval  ships. 

And  suggesting  there's  no  need  for 
Australian  defense  forces  to  continue 
to  be  equipped  and  trained  for  joint 
operations  with  U.S.  forces,  it  pro- 
poses an  independent  draw  of 
Australian  forces  and  an  end  to  the 
traditional  participation  of  Australia 
in  joint  allied  forces  in  wartime.  I 
wonder  if  you  have  any  thoughts  on 
the  implications  of  these  proposals  for 
the  U.S. -Australia  alliance. 

Secretary  Weinberger.  We  don't 
read  the  Dibb  report  as  reaching  those 
conclusions.  We  think  that  it  is  very 
desirable  for  Australia  to  strengthen  its 
military  forces  to  act  in  the  various 
regions  set  out  in  the  Dibb  report  to 
widening  circles  that  encompass  a  great 
deal  of  territory. 

We  think  that  if  the  Australian 
forces  are  strengthened,  as  he  suggests, 
that  that  will  benefit  all  of  us,  and  it  will 
also  enable  Australia  to  play  a  role 
anywhere  that  its  government— present 
or  later  government— may  decide  is 
appropriate.  And  we  think  that  that's  an 
encouraging  and  a  useful  suggestion  of 
the  Dibb  report. 

We  don't  get  any  suggestion  that 
Australia  would  be  withdrawing  from  or 
giving  up  any  of  the  basic  obligations 
that  all  of  us  who  are  interested  in 
freedom  have  to  undertake. 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  might  say  that 
the  description  of  the  Dibb  report  given 
up  by  Defense  Minister  Beazley  this 
morning  didn't  bear  much  resemblance 
to  the  description  that  you  just  gave. 

Defense  Minister  Beazley.  That's 
absolutely  correct,  and  I  endorse  the 
views  put  forth  by  Secretary  Weinberger 
on  his  conclusions  as  to  what  it  means. 

I  think  the  point  that  is  important  to 
establish  in  regard  to  the  Dibb  report  is 

that  it  is  a  force-structure  document.  It 
clearly  relates  the  types  of  armed  forces 
that  Australia  needs  to  the  most  likely 
categories  of  conflict  into  which  we 
would  enter.  It  contains,  nevertheless, 
within  it  a  capacity  to  operate  effectively 
unilaterally  across  something  like  10%  of 
the  Earth's  surface  and,  with  allies  and 
friends,  across  something  like  25%  of  it. 

Obviously  forces  so  structured,  with 
that  sort  of  capability,  are  capable  of 
deployments  over  substantial  distances. 
And  any  change  in  the  force  structure 
that  is  related  to  that  still  leaves  options 
available  to  governments,  if  they  wish  to 
exorcise  them  at  different  points  of  time 
to  go  further  afield. 

I've  been  making  that  point  immi- 
nently clear,  both  in  the  tabling  state- 
ment that  I  made  to  the  Dibb  report  and 
in  subsequent  public  debate  on  it. 

And,  of  course,  the  talks  today  have 
provided  an  opportunity  to  make  that 
point  further.  There's  nothing  essentially 
new  in  it. 

Q.  You  say  in  the  statement  that 
New  Zealand's  current  policies  detract 
from  individual  and  collective  capacity 
to  resist  armed  attack.  My  question  to 
you  is  whether  or  not  there  was  any 
discussion  about  measures  to  bring 
New  Zealand  into  line?  Was  it 
discussed  and  discarded,  not 
discussed?  And  if  not,  why  just  the 
rhetoric  and  no  positive  action  to  bring 
New  Zealand  back  into  the  alliance? 

Secretary  Shultz.  First,  there  has 
been  a  tremendous  amount  of  effort  to 
find  a  way  to  maintain  New  Zealand's 
posture  in  the  alliance. 

I  can  remember  a  very  windy,  rainy, 
cold  day  in  Wellington  a  couple  of  years 
ago,  when  Prime  Minister-elect  Lange 
came,  and  we  had  a  meeting  and  started 
a  process  of  trying  to  work  this  out.  But 
it  proved  to  be  impossible,  in  that,  at 
least  for  the  present.  New  Zealand  has 
consistently  taken  the  position  that  it 
won't  receive  vessels  of  our  navy,  under 
our  policy  of  no  confirm  or  deny  the 
presence  of  nuclear  weapons.  It  also  has 
its  reservations  about  nuclear  powered 
ships,  which  represent,  I  think, 
something  like  40%  of  the  navy. 

So  what  you're  saying  is  that  you 
won't  allow  into  your  port  ships  from 
our  navy.  And  if  the  navy  can't  call 
there  and  use  those  bases,  then  how  can 
we  operate  effectively  as  an  alliance? 

We  tried  very  hard  to  see  if  there 
isn't  some  way  that  this  could  be  worked 
through,  but  there  are  certain  hard 
realities  you  have  to  face.  I  think  in  the 
end,  New  Zealand  chose,  as  it  has  a  right 
to  do,  basically  to  withdraw  itself  from 
the  alliance  by  denying  port  access. 

3ober  1986 



\\  e're  sorry  about  that.  I  miss  New 
Zealand,  and  as  I  said  after  my  meeting 
with  Prime  Minister  Lange  in  Manila 
only  a  few  weeks  ago,  we  part  as 
friends,  but  we  part  on  security  matters. 

Q.  Is  ANZUS  dead?  Are  we  enter- 
ing a  new  alliance  era  here? 

Secretary  Shultz.  No.  The  ANZUS 
treaty  remains  in  effect,  and  the  rela- 
tionship between  the  United  States  and 
Australia  is  as  strong  and  vigorous  as 
ever,  if  not  more  so.  It's  very  much  a 
strong  and  working  system. 

It's  unfortunate  that  it  doesn't 
include  New  Zealand  anymore,  but  as 
has  been  pointed  out  here,  it  is  left  there 
exactly  as  it  has  been,  and  if  there  can  at 
some  point  be  some  shift  that  makes  it 
possible  for  New  Zealand  to  rejoin  us, 
we  will  be  delighted.  But  there  will  have 
to  be  some  shift. 

Q.   In  regard  to  the  question  of 
New  Zealand  being  left  out,  or  having 
left  itself  out  of  the  ANZUS  alliance, 
there  are,  as  you  know,  discussions 
going  on  in  Scandinavia  still  about  the 
nuclear-weapons-free  zone — in  an 
upcoming  meeting  of  the  arm  of  the 
Socialist  Democratic  Parties  concern- 
ing that  question.  Should,  for 
instance,  the  Labor  Party  government 
of  Norway  now  decide  to  go  in  for  a 
nuclear-weapons-free  zone,  which 
would,  in  effect,  mean  that  American 
missiles  can  no  longer  come  into 
Norwegian  ports  without  such 
guarantees,  as  the  New  Zealanders 
asked  for,  would  that  mean  that 
Norway,  too,  will  be  considered  left 
out  of  NATO? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  would  call  your 
attention  to  the  fact,  without  the  United 
States  having  made  any  decision  about 
the  South  Pacific  nuclear-free  zone,  that 
the  way  in  which  that  treaty  is  postured 
in  no  way  forecloses— in  fact  it  explicitly 
is  consistent  with  the  movement  of 
nuclear  powered  ships  through  that  zone 
and  the  calling  on  ports  of  countries  in 
that  zone  under  the  no  confirm  or  deny 

So  it's  not  a  question  of  some 
generalization;  it's  a  question  of  exactly 
whal  operating  policies  are  followed,  and 
SO  far.  our  capacity  to  operate  with  all 
our  NATO  allies  has  gone  along  very 

Q.  In  the  talks  today,  and  the  talks 
leading  up  to  it,  did  the  United  States 
ask  Australia  to  in  any  way  restrict  its 
ties  or  its  relationship  with  New 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden.  No. 

Q.  You  discussed  regional  arms 
control  in  the  Pacific,  and  you  men- 
tioned that  you  had  concerns  in  that 
region.  What  are  those  concerns  as 
they  relate  to  small  Pacific  island 
nations,  and  what  effect  do  you  think 
New  Zealand's  action  will  have  on  the 
policies  of  those  nations? 

Secretary  Weinberger.  The  basic 
concern  that  we  would  have,  first  of  all, 
is  that  New  Zealand  has  made  itself  far 
less  defensible  by  its  action  thus  far.  If 
there  is  any  suggestion  that  other 
nations  should  follow  that  course,  we 
would  obviously  be  worried  that  they 
themselves  are  following  a  course  which 
would  make  it  very  difficult  to  defend 
them.  And  if  it's  difficult  to  defend 
them,  then  their  vulnerability  to  Soviet 
aggression  increases.  And  that,  of 
course,  we  feel,  would  be  bad  for  all  of 

Q.  While  the  Australian  Govern- 
ment has  not  raised  the  joint  facilities 
as  leverage  in  the  present  negotia- 
tions, the  issue  has  been  raised  by  sit- 
ting members  of  the  ruling  Labor 
Party  and  members  of  other  political 
parties  in  Australia.  Has  the  United 
States  told  Australia  that  recent 
developments  in  communications 
technology  will  make  those  facilities 
redundant,  and  not  necessary  for 
American — 

Secretary  Weinberger.  No.  We 
most  certainly  have  not. 

Q.  If  the  United  States  continues 
to  sell  subsidized  wheat  to  some  of 
your  current  customers,  do  you  think 
there's  a  risk  that  sentiment  will  grow 
for  Australia  not  to  renew  the  leases 
on  the  bases  at  Nurrangar,  Pine  Gap, 
and  Cape  North  West? 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden.  The 
Prime  Minister  of  Australia,  as  I  men- 
tioned to  you  earlier,  said  as  recently  as 
this  last  week— and  it  was  the  severalth 
time  he  had  said  it— there  would  be  no 
linkage  between  security  matters  and 
commercial  matters,  and  that  specifically 
that  ruled  out  any  linkage  between  the 
joint  facilities  and  our  commercial 

Q.   Since  Australia  is  maintaining 
its  bilateral  defense  relationships  with 
New  Zealand,  and  the  United  States 
with  Australia,  in  effect,  don't  we 
have  a  kind  of  domino  problem  here,  in 
the  event  that  New  Zealand  was 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden.  We  sup- 
port the  American  attitude  that  the 
policy  of  the  New  Zealand  Government 
violates  its  longstanding  principle  and 
practice  of  neither  confirming  nor  deny- 

ing in  respect  of  the  armament  capabil- 
ity of  its  naval  vessels.  It's  not  a  policy 
we  accept;  we've  had  the  opportunity  c 
adopting  that  policy,  and  we  rejected  it 
overwhelmingly  as  a  party. 

The  relationship  between  Australia 
and  the  United  States— the  security  rel 
tionship  is  an  important  one;  it's  impor 
tant  for  that  to  be  confirmed  by  the 
exchange  of  letters  which  has  taken 
place  today. 

We  have  important  strategic  inter- 
ests which  we  share  with  New  Zealand 
for  instance,  in  the  South  Pacific,  and 
accordingly,  we  exchange  information 
[inaudible]  is  Australian-sourced,  and 
we're  engaged  in  military  exercises  wil 
them  as  a  part  of  that  common,  shared 
[inaudible]  concern  for  that  region.  The 
relationship  will  continue. 

Q.  Following  the  withdrawal  of 
U.S.  security  commitment  to  New 
Zealand,  does  this  in  any  way  affect 
New  Zealand's  access  to  purchasing 
U.S.  military  equipment? 

Secretary  Weinberger.  We  have  n 
had  any  indications  of  any  interest  in 
that,  but  I  think  all  of  these  factors 
would  go  into  any  equation,  on  any  que 
tion  with  respect  to  sales  or  anything  o 
that  kind. 

We  would  want  to  examine  very 
carefully  what  the  request  was  that 
came  in  and  see  if  the  request  was  in  ai 
way  consistent  with  the  change,  the 
unfortunately  changed  relationship  tha 
we  now  have  with  New  Zealand. 

Q.  You  pointed  out  a  moment  age 
that  America  does  not  treat  Australia 
with  indifference  on  trade  issues.  Yoi 
also  noted  that  the  only  sale  of  sub- 
sidized wheat  so  far  has  been  an 
outstanding  amount  under  a  trade 
agreement  with  Russia — 

Secretary  Shultz.  No.  That  may 
have  been  the  implication  of  what  I  saic 
but  that's  not  correct. 

There  is  an  effort,  particularly  with: 
respect  to  the  subsidized  sales  by  Euro- 
peans, which  we  feel  have  disrupted 
international  markets,  to  give  them  the 
message,  through  competition  from  the 
United  States,  that  this  pattern  of  sub- 
sidization is  leading  to  very  undesirable 

So  there  have  been  some  sales,  but 
they  have  been  directed  at  markets 
which  we  have  felt,  through  subsidies, 
the  Europeans  took  from  the  United 

And  we've  tried  very  hard  to  adminl 
ister  the  program  in  a  way  that  is  sen-  | 
sitive  to  the  interests  of  Australia,  whici 
in  the  field  of  wheat  is  a  comparative, 
advantaged,  nonsubsidizing  producer. 


Department  of  State  Bulleti 


Q.  My  question  was  going  to  be, 
e  you  been  able  today  to  tell  the 
tralians  that  that  will  be  the  only 

of  subsidized  wheat,  and  their 
ket  might  be  further  affected? 
And  to  Mr.  Hayden,  have  you  been 

to  extract  anything  from 
retary  Shultz  today  that  this  will 
he  only  subsidized  sale? 
Secretary  Shultz.  The  President's 
sion  is  a  specific,  concrete  decision, 
there  is  that  decision,  and  there  isn't 
:hing  further. 

I  wish  I  could  tell  you  exactly  what 
Congress  will  do,  but  I'm  not  able  to 
lict  that.  I  do  know  that  the  Presi- 
;'s  view  is  that  protectionism  in  any 

i  is  bad.  Subsidies  are  a  form  of  pro- 
ionism,  and  he  has  been  waging  a 

strong  battle  against  it.  And  not 

a  strong  battle,  but  a  winning 
le.  And  so  we  see  that  in  his  veto  of 
textile  bill;  his  veto  was  sustained 
week  in  a  very  hard-fought  vote. 
We  also  see  that  part  of  the  battle  on 
ection,  from  our  standpoint,  is  to  go 
:her  countries  that  have  closed  their 
kets  to  our  goods  and  to  tell  them 
our  case  for  maintaining  our 
rcets  open  is  heavily  dependent  on 
i  opening  their  markets,  so  that 
3  is,  in  the  parlance  of  this  field,  a 

playing  field  for  everybody.  That's 
:  we  see.  And  I  think  that's  what 
;ralia  sees. 

foreign  Minister  Hayden.  I  raised 
uiestion  with  Mr.  Shultz  today,  and 
inswer  you've  just  received  is  pretty 
i  the  answer  that  I  received. 

[inaudible]  strongly  our  concern 
t  this  advantage  that  we're 
riencing,  and  will  experience  at  a 
ter  level,  as  a  result  of  this  decision; 

II  affect  price,  and,  therefore,  it  will 
:t  income  for  Australian  wheat  sales, 
that  will  have  a  deleterious  effect  on 

[inaudible]  strongly  that  we  would 
"eatly  concerned  if  there  were  to  be 
expansion  of  this,  particularly  into 

markets  or  in  greater  volume  into 
soviet  market. 

Ve  are  pleased  that,  to  this  point, 
n  in  the  Congress,  in  particular 
.tor  Dole's  proposal,  has  not  been 

Sed.  I  think  it's  going  to  be  a 
enge  for  Australia  to  be  even  more 
•ous  in  representing  its  view,  not 
to  the  Administration,  which  we 
been  doing  quite  directly— and  we 
been  doing  it  to  the  Congress— but 
;  so  to  the  U.S.  Congress  in  the  hope 
we  can  head  off  any  further 
llopments  in  this  direction. 

Q.  Are  you  more  confident  than 
the  delegation  was  in  Washington  a 
couple  of  weeks  or  so  ago? 

Foreign  Minister  Hayden.  I  don't 
know  how  confident  they  were,  but  I 
sincerely  hope  that  with  repeated 
representation  and  lobbying,  we'll  be 
successful.  But  if  we're  not,  then  as  a 
good  friend  and  ally,  we'll  be  taking  a  lot 
of  punishment.  And  we  think  that 
inappropriate  for  a  good  friend  and  ally. 

The  estimate  of  our  Wheat  Board  is 
that  the  cost  of  these  measures  collec- 
tively could  go  as  high  as  $1,000  million, 
and  that's  a  lot  for  a  country  like 
Australia  to  be  affected  by. 

We're  the  second  biggest— Australia 
has  the  second  biggest  trade  deficit  with 
the  United  States,  just  behind  Saudi 
Arabia,  and  that's  in  excess  of  $3,000 
million,  according  to  the  last  count  I 

The  United  States  has  a  problem 
with  its  balance  of  trade  and  current 
account;  therefore  our  contribution,  as 
one  of  the  few  countries  which  is  con- 
tributing a  substantial  trade,  bilateral 
trade  surplus,  is  a  very  important  one. 
We  don't  wish  to  be  disadvantaged  in 
other  markets. 

Australia's  also  a  fairly  important 
market  for  the  United  States.  We're  its 
eighth  largest  market  in  the  world, 
which,  given  our  size,  is  a  significant 
level  of  market  opportunities. 

So  we're  looking  for  some  considera- 
tion of  all  of  these  factors,  but  in  par- 
ticular the  fact  that,  as  a  friend  and  ally, 
our  capacity  to  function  as  effectively  as 
we  would  wish  as  a  friend  and  ally  is 
impaired.  To  the  degree  to  which  we  are 
disadvantaged  by  these  measures,  they 
have  the  capability  of  substantially  dis- 
advantaging us;  therefore,  the  degree  to 
which  we  can  fulfill  our  functions  as  a 
friend  and  ally  will  be  substantially 

Q.  The  U.S.  Commander  of  the 
Pacific  fleet  said  at  an  interview  with 
the  Los  Angeles  Times  yesterday  that 
the  absence  of  New  Zealand  causes  or 
creates  a  gap,  a  security  gap. 

Is  it  then  wise  to  lose  a  friend,  at 
times  when  Mr.  Gorbachev  publicly  is 
raising  more  attention  to  the  Pacific 
and  obviously  wants  to  obtain  Soviet 
influence  in  this  area?  Specifically,  is 
Australia  trying  to  fill  that  gap?  Does 
it  not  cause  damage  to  your  relation- 
ship with  New  Zealand,  your  fragmented 
relationship,  if  you  only  share  limited 
intelligence  with  New  Zealand? 

Secretary  Weinberger.  The  gap 
that's  been  opened  was  a  gap  that  was 
opened  by  New  Zealand,  in  making 
themselves  far  more  vulnerable  to 

attack,  far  less  easy  for  themselves  to 
defend  or  for  anyone  else  to  defend 

And  they  have,  in  effect,  prevented 
us  from  filling  the  gap  by  carrying  out 
our  treaty  obligations.  They  frustrated 
the  object  and  the  purpose  of  the  treaty. 
We  hope  that  they  will  change  their 
policy,  and  that  we  will  be  able  to 
resume  normal  relationships  with  them. 

Defense  Minister  Beazley.  There  is 
a  substantial  increase  in  Australian 
activity  in  the  Southwest  Pacific 
altogether  going  on  at  the  moment.  We 
have  a  variety  of  defense  cooperation 
programs  in  place.  Part  of  that  program 
is  an  increase  in  surveillance  activities 
which  the  Southwest  Pacific  countries 
regard  as  very  important  to  an  impor- 
tant area  of  their  national  sovereignty, 
and  that  is  their  capacity  to  protect  their 
fishing  zones. 

We  have  a  patrol  boat  program  under- 
way, by  which  we  give  to  the  Pacific 
states  a  patrol  boat,  and  something  like 
14  of  those  have  now  been  ordered  by 
the  South  Pacific  states.  We  anticipate  a 
substantially  greater  activity  by 
Australia  in  that  area  in  the  future. 

In  the  question  of  Australia  coopera- 
tion with  new  Zealand,  it  remains  in 
place.  We  have  a  substantial  historical 
defense  relationship  with  New  Zealand; 
that  continues.  It  continues  in  the  form 
of  joint  exercises,  joint  training,  and  the 

It  is  Australia's  view  that  the  con- 
temporary situation  is  not  ideal,  that  it 
would  be  obviously  better  to  have  a  fully 
functional  trilateral  relationship.  In  the 
absence  of  it,  we  believe  that  we  have  an 
obligation  to  maintain  strong  and 
improving  relationships  with  the  United 
States  in  a  bilateral  sense  and  also  to 
maintain  those  links  with  New  Zealand. 

Q.  Will  the  United  States  help  out 
Australia  in  its  purchase  of  the  F-18, 
and  is  the  United  States  going  to 
accept  Nomads  in  exchange  for  a 
reduction  on  the  F-18s? 

Defense  Minister  Beazley.  You'll 
have  to  buy  a  lot  of  Nomads  to  get  the 
offset— [laughter] 

Secretary  Weinberger.  We  are 
working  with  Australia  very  closely  in 
the  Nomad  program  and  in  the  acquisi- 
tion of  Nomads  by  various  units  of  the 
U.S.  Government. 

And  we  are  also  doing  the  best  we 
can  to  help  out  with  respect  to  the  pur- 
chase of  the  F-18s.  The  F-18  is  a  very 
capable  plane  and  one  whose  capability 
is  demonstrated  daily.  Australia  has 
recognized  this,  and  we're  trying  to  do 
the  best  we  can  to  assist  in  that  pur- 

ser 1986 



e  because  it  will  strengthen  both 
countries  very  much. 

Defense  Minister  Beazley. 
Secretary  Weinberger  did  point  oul  to 

mi    in  mj  private  discussions  with  him 
yesterday  that  they  were  picking  up  on 
the  Nomad.  And  that,  from  Australia's 
point  of  view,  is  a  very  welcome  deci- 
sion. 1  might  say,  to  offset  the  F-18s 
would  require  the  purchase  of  something 
like  1,500  Nomads— [laughter]— and  I'm 
not  about  to  impose  that  obligation  on 
Secretary  Weinberger. 

1  think,  though,  it  was  an  opportu- 
nity today  to  make  a  point  which  is  being 
well-accepted  by  our  American  col- 
leagues,  that  we  are  a  substantial  arms 
purchaser  from  the  United  States. 

We  have  a  situation,  as  a  result  of 
the  Dibb  report  and  decisions  of  this 
government,  where  we're  purchasing 
over  the  next  decade  something  like 
$20-30  billion  worth  of  new  arms. 

Currently  we  spend  about  $2  billion 
a  year  on  arms  overseas— sorry,  alto- 
gether. About  $1.5  billion  overseas,  of 
which  something  like  75%  of  that  is 
spent  in  the  United  States.  And  our 
capacity  to  sustain  that  type  of  program, 
which  we  see  as  critical  not  only  to  our 
security  but  the  security  of  our  region,  is 
very  much  dependent  upon  the  economic 
growth  of  Australia.  And  I  think  that 
point  has  been  well  accepted  by  our  col- 
leagues in  discussions  today. 

Secretary  Shultz.  Thank  you  very 
much.  We  have  had  a  good  discussion 
here  today.  We  look  forward  to  periodic 
discussions  in  the  course  of  the  year. 
And  the  Australians  have  invited  us  to 
come  to  Australia  for  the  next  install- 
ment sometime  next  year,  and  we  look 
forward  to  that.  We'll  see  you  in 

AUG.  11,  1986 

1.  The  U.S.  Secretary  of  State, 
Mr.  George  Shultz,  and  Secretary  of 
Defense,  Mr.  Caspar  Weinberger,  and 
the  Australian  Minister  for  Foreign 
Affairs,  Mr.  Bill  Hayden,  and  Minister 
for  Defense,  Mr.  Kim  Beazley,  met 
August  10-11,  1986,  in  San  Francisco  to 
discuss  regional  and  global  issues  and 
the  further  development  of  bilateral 

Security  Issues 

2.    I '.nth  sides  welcomed  the  continuation 
of  the  pattern  of  close  contact  between 
their  governments  at  the  ministerial 
level.  As  a  reflection  of  their  shared 
interests  and  continuing  obligations  as 

allies,  the  two  sides  agreed  to  maintain 
the  practice  of  annual  bilateral 
ministerial  meetings.  In  addition,  the 
two  governments  confirmed  that  they 
would  continue  to  hold  their  regular 
defense  meetings,  annual  political- 
military  discussions,  and  annual  arms 
control  talks  in  order  to  maintain  tradi- 
tionally close  consultations  between 
Australia  and  the  United  States.  Addi- 
tional contacts  to  maintain  and  enhance 
military-to-military  links,  including  com- 
bined exercises,  will  ensure  a  continued 
strong  and  dynamic  security 

3.  Both  sides  stressed  the  impor- 
tance of  the  ANZUS  treaty  and  of  con- 
tinued cooperation  on  defense  and  other 
matters  under  the  alliance. 

4.  Both  governments  regretted  that 
the  continuation  of  New  Zealand's  port 
and  air  access  policies  has  caused  the 
disruption  of  the  alliance  relationship 
between  the  United  States  and  New 
Zealand.  They  agreed  that  access  for 
allied  ships  and  aircraft  is  essential  to 
the  effectiveness  of  the  ANZUS  alliance 
and  that  New  Zealand's  current  policies 
detract  from  individual  and  collective 
capacity  to  resist  armed  attack. 

5.  The  United  States  said  that  it 
could  not  be  expected  under  these  cir- 
cumstances to  carry  out  its  security 
obligations  to  New  Zealand.  Accord- 
ingly, the  U.S.  side  stated  that  it  is 
suspending  its  security  obligations  to 
New  Zealand  unde  the  ANZUS  treaty 
pending  adequate  corrective  measures. 

6.  The  Australian  Government 
regretted  that  no  resolution  had  proved 
possible  of  the  situation  which  had 
developed.  The  Australian  Government 
repeated  the  view  it  had  expressed  con- 
sistently over  the  last  2  years  that  it 
disagreed  completely  with  New  Zealand 
policy  on  port  and  air  access  and 
expressed  its  understanding  of  the 
action  which  the  United  States  had 

7.  Both  sides  noted  that,  in  the  pres- 
ent circumstances,  although  the  ANZUS 
treaty  remains  in  place,  virtually  all 
trilateral  activities  under  it  have  been 
suspended  for  nearly  2  years.  Both  sides 
agreed  that  the  relationship  between 
Australia  and  the  United  States  under 
the  ANZUS  treaty  and  the  rights  and 
obligations  assumed  by  Australia  and  the 
United  States  toward  each  other  under 
the  treaty  would  remain  constant  and 

8.  Both  the  Australian  and  U.S. 
Governments  appealed  to  New  Zealand 
to  restore  normal  port  and  air  access  in 
order  to  permit  a  return  to  trilateral 
alliance  cooperation  under  ANZUS.  In 
this  context,  Australia  retains  its  tradi- 

tional bilateral  security  relationship  w 
New  Zealand. 

Regional/Arms  Control 

9.  Among  other  matters  discussed  w< 
recent  developments  in  U.S.-Soviet  n 
tions  and  issues  of  common  concern  ii 
Asia,  the  Pacific,  southern  Africa,  am 
Central  America. 

10.  The  two  sides  also  exchanged 
detailed  views  on  arms  control  and  di 
armament.  They  confirmed  their  com 
mitment  to  negotiation  of  substantial 
balanced,  and  verifiable  reductions  in 
nuclear  and  conventional  weapons  as 
means  of  reducing  tension  and  streng 
ening  international  security.  Both  sid> 
while  recognizing  that  there  were  son 
positive  elements  in  recent  Soviet  pre 
posals,  expressed  the  hope  that  the 
Soviet  Union  would  give  substance  to 
the  agreement  reached  between  Pres 
dent  Reagan  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  in  Geneva,  which  would  op 
the  way  to  early  progress  on  a  new 
agreement  on  offensive  nuclear  arms 
reductions,  in  particular  in  areas  whe 
there  is  common  ground,  including  th 
principle  of  50%  reductions  in  the 
strategic  nuclear  arms  of  both  countr 
appropriately  applied,  as  well  as  an 
interim  global  INF  [intermediate-ran^ 
nuclear  forces]  agreement.  Both  sides 
reaffirmed  that  strict  compliance  with 
arms  control  agreements  was  essentk 
to  real  arms  control.  Both  sides  dis- 
cussed in  detail  their  positions  on  the 
SALT  II  Treaty.  Other  issues  discusse 
were  nuclear  testing  and  the  need  for 
global  ban  on  chemical  weapons.  The 
two  sides  noted  recent  developments 
with  respect  to  the  South  Pacific 
Nuclear-Free  Zone  Treaty,  protocols  t 
which  would  be  open  to  the  nuclear 
weapons  states  and  states  with  ter- 
ritories within  the  region. 

11.  The  two  sides  exchanged  view 
on,  and  expressed  their  determination 
see  an  end  to,  international  terrorism. 
Both  condemned  unequivocally  states 
involved  in  directing,  exporting,  and  si 
porting  such  activities.  Both  sides 
expressed  understanding  of  the  need  f 
concerned  nations  to  combat  interna- 
tional terrorism. 

12.  The  two  sides  reviewed  once 
again  issues  affecting  states  and  ter- 
ritories in  the  Pacific  Ocean.  They  noti 
Australia's  special  interest  in  the  islam 
members  of  the  South  Pacific  Forum, : 
well  as  the  U.S.  proposals  for  termina- 
tion of  the  Micronesian  trusteeship,  its 
cooperation  with  successor  entities,  an 
its  efforts  to  reach  a  regional  fisheries 
agreement.  Both  emphasized  the  desir-' 
ability  of  continued  encouragement  of 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


social  and  economic  development  of 
island  nations.  They  also  reaffirmed 
r  intention  to  continue  to  work  with 
id  countries  in  promoting  security 
stability  in  the  area.  Both  sides 
sd  the  increasing  support  being  given 
Australia  to  the  development  of 
onal  security  capabilities  of  island 
ltries  and  its  commitment  of  defense 
urces  to  support  the  security  of  this 

13.  Both  sides  also  reviewed  devel- 
ents  in  Southeast  Asia.  They  noted 
r  common  commitment  to  regional 
ility  was  supported  by  Australia's 
;e  military  cooperation  and  bilateral 
■rising  with  the  nations  of  the  region. 

nomic  and  Trade  Issues 

Both  countries  reaffirmed  their  com- 
nent  to  holding  and  reversing  protec- 
sm  and  to  reducing  and  dismantling 
e  restrictions.  Australia  noted, 
ever,  that  protectionist  policies, 
cially  toward  agriculture,  are 
msly  damaging  its  vital  interests. 
'  would  also  impair  Australia's  abili- 
•  work  effectively  in  cooperation 
its  allies  and  friends.  The 
ralian  Government's  concerns  ex- 
ed  to  the  economies  of  other  friends 
allies  in  Australia's  region,  with 
|itial  substantial  effects  on  regional 
lity.  This  stability  is  important  not 
to  the  vital  interests  of  Australia 
dso  to  those  of  the  United  States. 
5.  Both  countries  agreed  that  the 
1  practices  of  allies  and  friends,  and 
ability  to  achieve  economic  growth, 
ital  for  their  stability  in  pursuit  of 
ihion  interests.  The  Australian 
n-rnment  expressed  its  deep  convic- 
lof  the  need  for  major  agricultural 
During  countries  that  are  subsidizing 
Irts  to  pull  back  from  pursuing 
llies  which  could  cause  fundamental 
jage  to  the  international  political  and 
nomic  system. 

j.6.  Both  sides  agreed  that  recent 
^national  economic  developments 
fld  importance  to  the  need  to  obtain 
ttantive  commitments  to  address 
Cultural  trade  problems  in  the 
thing  of  the  new  round  of  multi- 
:tal  trade  negotiations. 
J  7.  The  Australian  Government 
led  out,  however,  that  while  the 
)>'  [multilateral  trade  negotiations] 
less  on  trade  issues  was  important, 
Jesuits  that  might  be  in  prospect  as 
»jult  were  several  years  in  the  future. 
Htwo  sides  noted  that  they  have  held 
spent  ministerial  and  technical  con- 
Itions  on  various  aspects  of  U.S. 
cj  programs,  including  the  export 

enhancement  program,  and  agreed  that 
these  consultations  would  continue  with 
the  aim  of  finding  solutions  to  the  prob- 
lems created. 

18.  Mr.  Shultz  and  Mr.  Hayden 
exchanged  letters  affirming  continuation 
of  the  commitments  between  Australia 
and  the  United  States  under  the  ANZUS 

19.  The  Australian-U.S.  ministerial 
discussions  underlined  the  wide  range  of 
interests  shared  by  the  partners  and 
their  continuing  and  steady  determina- 
tion to  work  together  for  peace  and 

'Press  release  160  of  Aug.  15,  198(1. 
2Press  release  1(12  of  Aug.  15.  ■ 

U.S.  Refugee  Policies 

and  Programs  at  Midyear  1986 

by  James  N.  Purcell,  Jr. 

Statement  before  the  Senate 
Judiciary  Committee  on  June  20,  1986. 
Mr.  Pur  cell  is  Director  of  the  Bureau  for 
Refugee  Programs. ' 

This  midyear  consultation  provides  a 
welcome  opportunity  to  review  develop- 
ments in  U.S.  refugee  policies  and  pro- 
grams that  have  occurred  since  the 
annual  consultation  at  which  the  Secre- 
tary of  State  testified  last  September. 
By  their  nature,  refugee  programs 
reflect  and  respond  to  rapidly  changing 
situations  in  many  regions  throughout 
the  world.  The  established  structures  of 
an  annual  refugee  consultation  and  an 
unpredictable  budget  process  often  come 
into  conflict  with  the  changing  require- 
ments of  the  real  world.  Periodic  consul- 
tations such  as  this  enable  us  to  report 
on  steps  needed  to  adjust  our  programs 
to  the  changing  realities. 

Your  letter  inviting  us  to  this  con- 
sultation expresses  particular  interest  in 
the  current  situation  of  the  "border 
Khmer,"  the  "Khmer  review  process" 
at  Khao  I  Dang,  and  other  subjects 
addressed  in  your  comprehensive  report 
on  the  "U.S.  Refugee  Program  in 
Southeast  Asia:  1985."  In  addressing 
these  and  related  subjects,  I  also  want 
to  draw  on  the  report  of  the  independ- 
ent Indochinese  Refugee  Panel,  headed 
by  the  former  Governor  of  Iowa,  Robert 
D.  Ray,  which  was  submitted  to  the 
Secretary  of  State  on  April  18.  With  the 
assistance  of  the  Immigration  and 
Naturalization  Service  (INS),  we  are 
now  conducting  our  own  analysis  of  the 

I  will  also  discuss  the  implications 
for  our  programs  of  the  funding  cuts 
mandated  by  the  Gramm-Rudman- 
Hollings  legislation  and  other  budgetary 
restrictions  for  this  fiscal  year  (FY  1986) 
and  the  related  shifts  in  program  and 
funding  priorities  we  will  follow  as  a 

result  of  these  budget  reductions.  I  will 
also  express  the  Administration's  con- 
cerns about  the  sizable  reductions  which 
will  occur  in  refugee  and  many  other 
international  affairs  programs  as  a 
result  of  House  and  Senate  action  to 
reduce  funding  for  these  programs  in 
their  deliberations  on  the  1987  budget 
resolution.  Finally,  as  you  have  sug- 
gested, I  will  provide  an  update  on  the 
African  refugee  situation,  with  particu- 
lar reference  to  Ethiopia  and  Sudan  and 
in  light  of  the  report  recently  completed 
by  the  subcommittee's  staff. 

Reports  on  Southeast  Asian 
Refugee  Programs 

Before  discussing  these  issues,  however, 
I  would  like  to  discuss  briefly  the  con- 
text in  which  we  are  addressing  several 
recent  studies  which  have  suggested 
new  policy  directions  in  our  Southeast 
Asia  program.  We  have  had  available 
your  review,  as  well  as  that  of  the  Ray 
panel  and  a  number  of  other  policy  or 
operational  critiques.  All  point  to  a 
crossroads,  a  need  to  move  from  almost 
exclusive  reliance  on  refugee  resettle- 
ment in  the  program  to  a  more  balanced 
use  of  refugee  and  normal  immigration 
mechanisms.  The  Administration  agrees 
with  this  redirection. 

For  example,  the  Ray  report  pro- 
vides, we  believe,  an  excellent  analysis 
of  the  problem  and  offers  viable  sugges- 
tions for  addressing  it.  Implementation, 
however,  if  it  is  to  be  enduring  and 
problem  solving,  must  be  done  in  an 
international  context  with  renewed 
leadership  and  direction  from  the  UN 
High  Commissioner  for  Refugees 
(UNHCR)  and  his  staff.  Only  in  this 
way  can  we  achieve  broad-based  burden- 
sharing  through  the  active  participation 
of  other  resettlement  countries. 

Furthermore,  we  must  have  a 
mechanism  capable  of  actively  pursuing 

sber  1986 



comprehensive,  durable  solution  plan- 
ning if  we  arc  to  avoid  almost  exclusive 
reliance  on  third  country  resettlement, 
issioner  [of  the  Immigration  and 
Naturalization  Service  Alan  C.]  Nelson 
and  1  had  the  opportunity  to  continue 
the  dialogue  on  such  a  process  in 
Geneva  last  week  (June  12)  with  a  num- 
ber of  our  partners:  Australia,  Canada, 
and  Japan.  We  found  the  UN  High 
Commissioner  and  leaders  of  several 
other  major  resettlement  governments 
receptive  to  the  need  to  review  our 
joint  approaches  to  the  Southeast  Asian 
refugee  program  and  willing  to  discuss 
such  approaches  further.  Coordinated 
action  at  the  international  level  is  essen- 
tial for  future  planning  and  operations, 
and  we  are  optimistic  that  our  other 
partners  share  this  view  and  are  eager 
to  pursue  it  further  over  the  coming 

Also,  we  must  realistically  acknowl- 
edge that  reductions  in  the  U.S.  budget 
for  international  affairs  programs— 
which,  at  this  point,  seem  very  likely  to 
occur— argue  strongly  for  pursuing  refu- 
gee assistance  programs  with  a  renewed 
emphasis  on  viable  burdensharing.  The 
United  States  must  never  back  away 
from  its  humanitarian  traditions  and 
obligations,  but  we  must  realistically 
determine  the  proper  U.S.  role  in  such 
undertakings.  We  are  confident  that  the 
good  will  and  capacity  still  exist  in  the 
international  community  for  aggressively 
pursuing  solutions  to  the  Indochinese 
refugee  problem,  as  well  as  those  of 
other  regions,  but  care  and  patience 
must  be  taken  to  develop  the  framework 
which  will  permit  an  equitable  burden- 
sharing  response  to  such  problems. 

Thai-Cambodian  Border 

Your  report  and  that  of  the  Ray  panel 
deal  with  many  of  the  same  issues, 
including  those  highlighted  in  your  let- 
ter calling  this  consultation.  Of  those  is- 
sues, none  is  more  significant  and 
sensitive  for  the  future  of  the  Southeast 
Asian  region,  and  for  the  future  direc- 
tion of  our  programs,  than  the  situation 
of  the  250,000  Khmer  and  other  popula- 
tions along  the  Thai-Cambodian  border. 
The  recent  dry  season  in  that  region 
came  and  went  without  significant 
attacks  on  civilian  encampments  by 
Vietnamese  military  forces,  unlike  ear- 
lier years  when  Vietnamese  ground 
forces  and  artillery  fire  forced  repeated 
evacuations  of  the  border  populations. 
This  may  well  lie  due,  in  part,  to  the 
Thai  Government's  decision  to  move  the 
border  encampments  a  short  distance 
into  Thailand,  thus  removing  the  oppor- 

tunity to  attack  camps  immediately  on 
the  border.  To  further  lessen  the 
pretext  for  attacks,  combatants  were 
separated  from  civilians. 

In  its  discussion  with  senior  Viet- 
namese officials  in  Hanoi,  the  Ray  panel 
urged  the  Vietnamese  not  to  attack  the 
civilian  camps  as  had  happened  in 
earlier  years.  The  subsequent  January 
visit  to  Hanoi  by  Assistant  Secretary  of 
Defense  Armitage  and  then  Assistant 
Secretary  of  State  [for  East  Asian  and 
Pacific  Affairs  Paul]  Wolfowitz  was 
made  conditional  on  the  absence  of  such 
attacks.  The  United  States  and  its  allies 
used  the  diplomatic  tools  at  then- 
disposal  to  assure  that  the  Vietnamese 
knew  that  attacks  on  innocent  civil- 
ians would  be  met  by  worldwide 

Now  that  the  1985-86  dry  season  is 
over,  we  have  seen  that  Vietnamese 
military  efforts  this  year  concentrated 
on  further  sealing  the  border  region  and 
on  measures  to  extend  Vietnamese  con- 
trol of  the  Cambodian  countryside.  The 
Khmer  now  residing  in  the  camps  in  the 
vicinity  of  the  border  will  continue  to 
require  special  attention  from  the  inter- 
national community  to  assure  their  secu- 
rity and  welfare.  With  the  International 
Committee  of  the  Red  Cross  [ICRC]  act- 
ing as  the  focal  point  for  protection  and 
the  UN  Border  Relief  Operation  for 
welfare  and  maintenance,  we  believe  the 
international  mechanisms  now  in  place 
can  adequately  attend  to  these  vulnera- 
ble populations  as  the  search  for  politi- 
cal solutions  to  their  situation  continues. 

Need  for  Improved 
Education  Programs 

To  the  extent  that  the  situation  has 
stabilized,  it  becomes  all  the  more 
desirable  to  provide  improved  education, 
health,  and  feeding  programs  for  the 
displaced  Khmer  who  remain  in  the 
vicinity  of  the  border.  I  was  pleased  to 
see  that  the  Ray  panel  emphasized  the 
need  for  such  programs  in  terms  similar 
to  those  set  forth  in  your  report  a  year 

We  in  the  Administration  have  also 
urged  that  such  programs  be  established 
and  expanded,  and  from  information  we 
have  received  recently,  I  believe  that 
the  responsible  authorities  in  Thailand 
are  giving  serious  consideration  to 
allowing  such  programs  to  go  forward  if 
the  necessary  international  funding  can 
be  assured.  For  a  population  of  this  size, 
expansion  of  educational  programs  now 
in  place  will  require  substantial  addi- 
tional resources. 

Our  government  recognizes  a 

responsibility  to  assist  financially,  but 
is  also  important  that  other  govern- 
ments, as  well  as  private  organization: 
in  a  position  to  contribute,  help  to  un- 
derwrite these  programs.  The  Khmer 
the  border  have  been  forced  to  flee 
their  homelands  in  what  the  Thai  and 
we  continue  to  regard  as  a  temporary 
displacement  caused  by  the  presence  < 
Vietnamese  forces  in  Cambodia. 
Although  eventual  return  to  their  hon 
regions  clearly  seems  the  right  solutic 
for  the  great  majority  of  these  people 
is  a  tragic  waste  of  human  potential  tl 
so  many  of  them  have  been  growing  i 
for  years  without  access  to  even  mini- 
mum schooling. 

Border  Processing 

Such  programs  are  even  more  import; 
in  view  of  the  Ray  panel's  finding- 
similar  to  yours— that  refugee  admis- 
sions processing  for  resettlement  in 
third  countries  is  not  the  appropriate 
solution  for  the  Khmer  on  the  border. 
The  Ray  panel  endorsed  our  current 
policy  of  immigrant  visa  processing  fo 
family  reunification  cases  in  this  grou] 
recommending  generous  use  of  human 
tarian  parole  for  hardship  cases.  I 
believe  this  is  also  consistent  with  the 
recommendations  in  this  subcommittee 

Another  group  on  the  border— the  i 
4,500  so-called  land  Vietnamese  refuge 
who  survived  the  hazardous  trip  acros 
Cambodia  from  Vietnam— have  been  o: 
particular  concern  to  many  Members  c 
Congress.  Because  of  their  special  vul- 
nerability, surrounded  by  hostile  Viet- 
namese communist  military  forces  and 
unfriendly  Cambodian  groups,  we  and 
other  countries  are  processing  the  lane 
Vietnamese  for  resettlement  on  an 
urgent  basis.  The  Thai  authorities 
requested  assurances  that  this  entire 
group  would  be  processed,  and  we 
understand  that  they  are  seriously  conn 
sidering  moving  the  group  away  from  ii 
the  border  to  a  nearby  inland  site  for  I 
greater  safety  and  more  efficient  inter- ■■ 
viewing.  We  hope  they  will  make  a 
favorable  decision  shortly.  For  this 
group,  the  United  States  is  considering 
cases  in  all  our  processing  priorities.  V(> 
believe  this  policy  is  justified  by  the 
special  vulnerability  of  the  land  Viet-   i 
namese  and  the  absence  of  any  prosper 
for  them  to  return  to  their  homeland,  j 

You  will  also  be  interested  to  know] 
that  the  United  States  has  completed  i 
processing  of  a  small  group  of  Monta-  I 
guard  refugees  which  was  also  located 
at  Site  2.  We  received  many  expressioi, 


Department  of  State  Bullet, 


ncern  about  this  vulnerable  popula- 
from  Members  of  Congress  and  the 
ic.  We  processed  the  entire  group, 
i.ting  all  213  considered.  They  are 
undergoing'  ESL/CO  [English  as  a 
id  Language/Cultural  Orientation] 
ing  prior  to  resettlement  in  the 
;d  States. 

»  I  Dang 

•efugee  camp  at  Khao  I  Dang  has 
d  as  the  main  site  for  Cambodian 
■ees  within  Thailand  since  their 
al  in  the  wake  of  the  Vietnamese 
ion  in  1978-79.  Of  the  approxi- 
ly  1  (55,000  pre- 1980  arrivals,  over 
have  been  resettled  abroad,  in  the 
d  States  and  other  receiving  coun- 

The  United  States  has  approved 
90%  of  the  cases  in  this  population 
were  presented  to  the  INS.  The  re- 
ng  14,500  of  this  group  have  been 
;ed  for  admission  to  the  United 
s  and,  in  some  cases,  other  coun- 
and  have  been  the  subject  of  con- 
lg  case  reviews  carried  out  by  the 
gration  and  Naturalization  Service 
he  State  Department,  with  the 
ance  of  experts  from  private  volun- 

le  initial  review  of  the  Khmer 
»ad  at  Khao  I  Dang  was  completed 
le  1985.  Between  February  and 
i  of  1985,  there  was  a  further 
v  of  154  previously  denied  cases  in 
aid,  for  whom  the  earlier  denials 
upheld  in  84  cases  and  reversed  in 
ith  some  cases  held  for  further 
v.  A  subsequent  formal  review  of 
ditional  631  previously  denied 
was  instituted  in  November  1985, 
f  this  number,  slightly  under  10% 
:t  of  631  cases)  were  reversed, 
each  case  averages  several  people 
imily,  we  estimate  that  about  20% 

population  of  14,500  has  benefited 
such  reviews. 

le  Ray  panel  stated  that  it  was  im- 
d  by  the  major  efforts  undertaken 
lew  the  cases  of  the  "denied 
r"  and  recognized  the  difficulty  of 
ng  out  this  process  but  concluded 
.dditional  cases  should  also  be 
ved.  The  panel  noted  that  among 
:nied  Khmer  are  some  with  family 
i  the  United  States  for  whom  it 

be  especially  desirable  to  assure 
here  has  been  a  full  review, 
has  been  the  INS's  judgment,  in 

we  have  concurred,  that  the 
v  of  the  631  cases  effectively  com- 
I  the  special  review  process.  The 
were  selected  with  an  eye  to  those 
ppeared  most  likely  to  benefit 
review,  including  those  with  family 
i  the  United  States. 

Family  Card  Holders 

Another  group  at  Khao  I  Dang— the 
4,300  so-called  family  card  holders  who 
entered  the  camp  between  1980  and 
1984— has  just  become  available  for 
resettlement  processing,  and  the  United 
States  will  soon  commence  processing  in 
priorities  one  through  five.  We  are  not 
planning  to  process  those  who  entered 
the  camp  illegally  after  August 
1984— the  so-called  ration  card  holders 
who  are  regarded  by  the  Thai  and  the 
international  community  as  essentially  in 
the  same  status  as  the  Khmer  on  the 

At  a  June  13  meeting  in  Bangkok, 
the  Thai  authorities  stated  their  ulti- 
mate intention  to  close  Khao  I  Dang  and 
to  move  those  remaining  there  to  a  loca- 
tion of  their  choice  along  the  border.  We 
have  reminded  the  Thai  of  our  interest 
in  the  family  card  holders,  as  well  as 
those  who  will  benefit  from  immigrant 
visa  processing.  The  planned  relocation 
of  these  groups  is,  of  course,  the  re- 
sponsibility of  the  Thai,  but  we  have 
requested  that  they  keep  the  camp  open 
until  all  governments  have  had  an 
opportunity  to  complete  their  processing 
and  the  UNHCR  has  had  an  opportu- 
nity to  determine  whether  other  forms 
of  durable  solutions  should  be  consid- 
ered. The  UN  High  Commissioner  will 
visit  Southeast  Asia  in  September,  and 
this  is  one  of  the  subjects  he  will  ad- 
dress. Thai  officials  agreed  at  the 
June  13  meeting  to  meet  again  later  in 
the  year  to  review  the  status  of  Khao  I 
Dang  with  UNHCR  and  the  major 
resettlement  governments. 

Lao  in  Thailand 

Both  this  committee's  report  and  that  of 
the  Ray  panel  deal  extensively  with  the 
situation  of  Lao  refugees  in  Thailand, 
particularly  the  screening  program  that 
has  been  instituted  by  the  Thai  authori- 
ties with  the  participation  of  the 
UNHCR  to  determine  which  of  the 
newly  arriving  Lao  qualify  for  refugee 
status  and  which  should  be  returned  to 
Laos  as  illegal  immigrants. 

Essential  to  this  program  has  been 
the  Lao  Government's  agreement  to 
accept  back  those  screened  out.  Despite 
an  earlier  agreement  in  principle  be- 
tween the  Lao  and  Thai  Governments, 
thus  far,  none  of  the  approximately 
1,000  persons  have  been  permitted  by- 
Laos  to  return  home.  We  are  supporting 
the  UNHCR's  efforts  to  work  with  the 
Lao  authorities  to  assure  their  safe  and 
orderly  return. 

On  the  positive  side,  the  screening 
program  has  acted  to  reduce  the  num- 

ber of  new  Lao  arrivals  in  Thailand. 
Since  it  started  in  July  1985,  3,900  Lao 
have  arrived  in  Thailand,  as  opposed  to 
16,000  during  the  comparable  period  in 
the  preceding  year.  Almost  half  of  the 
arrivals  since  July  1985  have  been 
granted  temporary  asylum  by  Thailand 
and  are  currently  in  UNHCR  camps. 

U.S.  Admissions  Policy 

On  the  general  subject  of  Indochinese 
refugee  admissions  to  the  United  States, 
the  Ray  panel's  recommendations  point 
in  the  same  direction  as  your  report  a 
year  earlier.  The  panel  concludes  that 
the  Indochinese  program  should  have 
two  components: 

•  A  continuing  refugee  program  for 
those  who  meet  the  legal  definition  of 
refugees;  and 

•  An  effective  immigration  program 
for  those  seeking  admission  to  the 
United  States  on  the  basis  of  family 

Such  a  shift  toward  immigration 
processing  was  endorsed  in  Secretary 
Shultz's  statement  to  this  committee 
last  September,  and  it  is  now  under 
careful  review  by  the  interagency  study 
group  to  which  I  referred  earlier.  The 
Ray  panel  suggested  a  number  of  steps 
to  be  considered  in  a  transition  period. 
There  appears  to  be  wide  recognition 
that  the  time  is  at  hand  for  such  a  shift 
of  emphasis  in  our  admissions  programs. 

Essential  to  this  recommendation  is 
the  recognition  that  many  of  the  800,000 
Indochinese  now  in  the  United  States 
are  or  will  soon  be  eligible,  if  they  pro- 
ceed with  adjusting  their  status,  to  peti- 
tion on  behalf  of  relatives  for  admission 
as  immigrants.  The  panel  endorsed  the 
suggestion,  which  also  finds  favor  in 
your  report,  that  the  private  voluntary 
agencies  should  continue  to  play  a  key 
role  in  aiding  these  groups,  regardless 
of  their  method  of  admission  to  the 
United  States. 

Budget  Situation  and 
FY  1986  Admissions 

In  recent  months,  all  parts  of  the  execu- 
tive branch  have  been  undertaking  pro- 
gram reductions  necessary  to  conform  to 
the  requirements  of  the  Gramm- 
Rudman-Hollings  legislation.  In  our 
case,  in  addition  to  applying  the  across- 
the-board  reductions,  we  have  had  to 
consider  additional  shifts  in  our  limited 
funds  to  meet  critical  refugee  assistance 
needs  overseas. 

!er  1986 



Life-sustaining  care  and  maintenance 
requirements  are  expanding  n>r  refugees 

in  Africa,  the  Aghans  in  Pakistan,  the 
Cambodians  on  the  Thai-Cambodian 
border,  and  for  other  groups  in  South- 
east Asia  and  elsewhere.  These  acceler- 
ating needs  cannot  be  met  out  of  the 
funds  originally  budgeted  for  this  pur- 
pose, even  before  the  Gramm-Rudman- 
Hollings  reductions.  In  order  to  meet 
t  hese  highest  priority  needs,  therefore, 
we  have  no  alternative  but  to  apply 
even  greater  cuts  in  proposed  funding 
for  FY  1986  admissions— and,  thus,  in 
the  numbers  to  be  admitted— beyond 
those  mandated  by  the  Balanced  Budget 
and  Emergency  Deficit  Control  Act  of 

Revised  FY  1986  Admissions 

For  FY  1986,  we  can  foresee  that  we 
will  be  unable  to  utilize  fully  the  67,000 
admissions  ceilings  announced  by  the 
President.  Instead,  we  expect  refugee 
admissions  at  about  the  61,000  level. 

The  following  chart  shows  the 
regional  ceilings  established  for  this 
year  and  the  projected  number  of  admis- 
sions that  we  expect  to  be  able  to  fund 
out  of  our  budget  after  the  shifts  and 
reductions  described  above. 

Department's  1986  refugee  program  has, 
as  we  expected,  proven  inadequate  to 
meet  the  serious  refugee  needs  the  in- 
ternational community  is  addressing 
throughout  the  world.  The  impact  of 
these  reductions  is  magnified  when  one 
considers  that  up  to  a  quarter  of  our 
budget  is  protected  from  reductions 
through  statutory  earmarking  imposed 
by  authorizations  and  appropriations 

Therefore,  because  of  the  unavoida- 
ble and  critical  need  to  meet  serious 
care  and  maintenance  requirements  of 
refugees  in  Africa  and  Southeast  Asia, 
which  exceed  current  budget  availabili- 
ties, we  have  proposed  to  reprogram 
$9.2  million  from  the  U.S.  admissions 
program.  This  will  result  in  the  ability 
to  fund  only  61,000  new  admissions.  We 
regret  this  action  but  believe  we  have 
no  alternative,  given  the  urgent  needs 
overseas  and  our  reduced  ability  to 
meet  them.  Highest  priority  will  have  to 
be  given  to  life-preserving  programs. 

Funding  for  FY  1987  programs 
could  become  even  more  limited,  espe- 
cially if  the  major  reductions  proposed 
in  either  the  House  or  Senate  overall 
budget  resolutions  are  enacted  into  law. 
As  you  will  recall,  the  Administration's 

FY  1986  Regional  Admissions  Ceilings 

East  Asia— First  Asylum 

East  Asia-ODP 

Eastern  Europe  and  U.S.S.R. 

Near  East  and  South  Asia 

Latin  America 



FY  1986 













We  have  substantially  reduced  the 
projected  Latin  American  numbers  be- 
cause the  Government  of  Cuba  has  not 
resumed  implementation  of  the  Migra- 
tion Agreement  with  the  United  States 
signed  in  December  1984.  The  lower 
African  admissions  result  from  a 
moratorium  on  refugee  movements  insti- 
tuted by  the  Government  of  Sudan.  We 
have  been  forced  to  reduce  expected  ad- 
missions from  East  Asia/First  Asylum 
by  2,000  in  order  to  free  additional 
resources  for  basic  refugee  assistance 
requirements,  particularly  in  Africa. 

The  post-Gramm-Rudman-Hollings 
budget  of  $324  million  for  the  State 

1987  budget  request  of  $22.6  billion  for 
the  international  affairs  budget  function 
has  been  reduced  to  $17.9  billion  and 
$17  billion  by  the  Senate  and  House 
respectively.  What  these  actions  will 
mean  specifically  for  the  refugee  pro- 
gram request  of  $347  million  is,  at  this 
time,  uncertain,  but  it  is  likely  to  be 
substantial.  Given  that  these  funds  aid 
almost  10  million  refugees  throughout 
the  world,  cutbacks  of  the  magnitude 
now  being  discussed  would  have  serious 
implications  for  the  well-being  of  these 
vulnerable  people.  We  urge  the  support 
of  this  committee  in  assuring  that  ade- 
quate funds  are  provided  for  these 

vitally  important  humanitarian 

First  Half  FY  1986  Admissions 

For  the  committee's  information,  I  ar 
also  providing  the  status  of  actual 
admissions  to  the  United  States  as  of 
April  30,  1986: 

East  Asia— First  Asylum  21 

East  Asia-ODP  4. 

Eastern  Europe  and  U.S.S.R.     5. 
Near  East  and  South  Asia 
Latin  America 



Drawing  on  refugees  already  in  t\ 
refugee  processing  centers,  projected 
Indochinese  admissions  for  the  re- 
mainder of  the  fiscal  year  are  expeeti 
to  be  close  to  the  proposed  reduced 
level  of  35,000.  Admissions  under  the 
Orderly  Departure  Program  (ODP)  ai 
likely  to  reach  the  8,500  ceiling. 

Although  admissions  of  refugees 
from  the  Soviet  Union  (primarily  Sov 
Jews)  continue  to  run  disturbingly  lc 
(511  as  of  the  end  of  April),  admissioi 
of  other  categories  of  refugees  from 
Eastern  Europe  should  bring  us  closi 
the  9,500  ceiling. 

In  the  Near  East  region,  refugee.' 
are  drawn  primarily  from  Afghans 
(1,629  as  of  April  30)  and  Iranians  (1,! 
for  the  same  period),  and  total  admis- 
sions for  the  year  are  expected  to  coi 
close  to  the  6,000  ceiling. 

From  Latin  America,  as  noted 
above,  we  have  been  disappointed  in 
hope  that  the  Cubans  would  terminat 
the  suspension  of  the  December  1984  ; 
Migration  Agreement.  Admissions  noi( 
total  21  Cubans  from  other  parts  of 
Central  America,  and  admissions  for  t| 
year  may  well  stay  below  100  persons. 

The  shortfall  from  Africa,  as  I  ha\| 
mentioned,  is  caused  largely  by  sus-  I 
pension  of  processing  in  Sudan.  The  | 
suspension  resulted  initially  from  the  j 
government's  moratorium  on  refugee  | 
movements  but  has  continued  becausej 
the  current  security  situation  and  the 
withdrawal  of  American  personnel.  If 
we  are  able  to  move  the  950  already  £ 
proved  by  INS  in  Sudan,  we  could  stiij 
come  close  to  the  projected  admission, 
of  1,750. 

Actual  Admissions  in  FY  1985 

For  comparison,  actual  refugee  admis- 
sions in  FY  1985  totaled  68,045  out  of, 
ceiling  of  70,000  [see  chart]. 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


19S5  Refugee  Admissions 

It  Asia— First  Asylum 


tern  Europe  and  U.S.S.R. 

r  East  and  South  Asia 

n  America 










lgees  in  Africa 

budget  shifts  I  have  described  have 
i  driven,  to  a  large  extent,  by  the 
jased  requirements  for  refugee  as- 
mce  in  Africa.  The  African  refugee 
ition  is  complex  and  dynamic.  Many 
itries  are  concurrently  generators  of 
receivers  of  refugees;  refugees  may 
eturing  home  to  some  countries  at 
same  time  as  their  compatriots  are 
ng  into  refuge. 

fou  will  remember  that,  during  late 
and  1985,  the  number  of  refugees 
frica  in  need  of  international  as- 
nce  grew  from  some  2  million  to 
;  2.8  million.  The  dramatic  increase 
principally  caused  by  the  coinci- 
e  of  drought  and  civil  strife.  The 
ively  abundant  rains  this  year  may 
d  an  end  to  the  natural  disaster  of 
ght  but  do  not  necessarily  lead  to  a 
ion  to  Africa's  refugee  problems, 
example,  Chadians  who  fled  into 
in  may  have  been  seeking  food 

!f  aid  as  much  as  they  were  fleeing 
•avages  of  assorted  bandits  and 
'.1  enemies.  Although  rains  have 
rned,  renewed  fighting  in  Chad's  in- 
al  war  and  the  geopolitical  interests 
ibya,  Sudan,  and  Chad— among 
rs— conspire  to  keep  many  of  those 
lians  in  Sudan  and  of  concern  to 
iCR.  Elsewhere  in  Africa,  the  num- 
of  refugees  able  to  return  to  their 
2s  have  been  offset  by  new  refugee 
3.  Therefore,  the  overall  number  of 
jees  in  Africa  remains  fairly  con- 
t,  though  the  composition  of  the  to- 
*  changing. 

i  of  Africa 

respect  to  the  Horn  of  Africa,  we 
nue  to  monitor  closely  the  condi- 

which  generate  refugees.  Two  poli- 
of  the  Government  of  Ethiopia- 
rial  resettlement  and  villagization— 
ar  to  have  caused  significant  flows 
fugees  into  Sudan  and  Somalia. 

Resettlement  is  currently  suspended, 
although  the  Ethiopian  Government  has 
announced  that  it  will  resume  later  in 
1986.  We  hope  that  any  resumption  will 
not  be  accompanied  by  the  gross  viola- 
tions of  human  rights  previously  asso- 
ciated with  the  program. 

Villagization,  which  is  purported  to 
improve  services  by  organizing  commu- 
nities into  more  easily  assisted  units,  is 
an  ongoing  effort  to  relocate  up  to 
33  million  rural  peasants.  As  many  as 
70,000  people  have  arrived  in  northwest 
Somalia  during  the  past  6  months,  claim- 
ing that  they  are  fleeing  the  effects  of 

There  have  been  a  number  of 
problems  with  the  assistance  effort  in 
northwest  Somalia  since  the  Govern- 
ment of  Somalia  has  decided  not  to 
move  these  new  refugees  away  from  the 
border  to  a  more  suitable  site.  However, 
the  office  of  the  UN  High  Commissioner 
for  Refugees  is  organizing  relief  opera- 
tions, and  conditions  seem  to  be 

Of  course,  civil  strife  in  northern 
Ethiopia  is  an  ongoing  cause  of  major 
refugee  flows  into  Sudan.  And  the 
Oromo  Liberation  Front  is  engaged  in 
activities  in  western  and  southern 
Ethiopia  that  contribute  to  flows  to 


Another  refugee  emergency  "hot  spot" 
which  we  are  watching  closely  is  south- 
ern Sudan  and  northern  Uganda.  War  in 
southern  Sudan  has  led  to  the  collapse 
of  traditional  civil  authorities.  As  a 
result,  in  early  May,  armed  attacks 
were  made  on  Ugandan  refugee  settle- 
ments. To  date,  some  60,000  Ugandan 
refugees  have  fled  home  to  Uganda. 
Uganda  is  currently  enjoying  a  period  of 
relative  stability  and,  so  far,  has  been 
able  to  reintegrate  these  returning  refu- 
gees with  remarkable  ease,  despite 

rather  widespread  destruction  in  north- 
ern Uganda.  Additional  precipitous 
returns,  however,  could  result  in  more 
serious  problems  for  Uganda,  since 
there  are  as  many  as  200,000  Ugandan 
refugees  still  in  southern  Sudan. 

Southern  Africa 

There  have  not  been  the  outflows  from 
the  Republic  of  South  Africa  that  one 
might  have  expected,  given  the  current 
violence  there.  Rather,  South  African 
Government  pressures  on  countries  of 
first  asylum— including  the  recent  raids 
in  Botswana,  Zambia,  and  Zimbabwe- 
have  caused  UNHCR  to  relocate  refu- 
gees to  safer  places  of  asylum.  Our 
government  has  strongly  condemned 
those  raids,  and  the  Refugee  Bureau  has 
earmarked  funds  to  help  repair  the  refu- 
gee reception  center  in  Zambia  that  was 

We  are,  of  course,  quite  concerned 
about  the  potential  for  new  refugees,  in- 
cluding some  who  may  simply  be  fleeing 
the  widening  violence  rather  than  being 
associated  with  any  of  the  banned 
organizations.  We  are  continuing  to 
work  with  our  refugee  officers  in  the 
neighboring  countries  to  ensure  that 
contingency  planning  is  done  by  the 
relevant  international  organization 
whose  mandates  require  it. 

If  the  number  of  South  African  refu- 
gees has  not  been  growing  dramatically, 
the  number  of  Mozambican  and  Angolan 
refugees  has.  As  many  as  180,000 
Mozambican  refugees  have  fled  to  South 
Africa,  Zambia,  Zimbabwe,  Malawi,  and 
Swaziland  since  1984.  Over  100,000  new 
Angolan  refugees  have  entered  Zaire 
and  Zambia  last  year  and  this  year. 

Refugee  Aid  and  Development 

African  host  nations  are  developing 
countries  with  limited  resources  to  pro- 
vide for  their  own  citizens.  We  try  to  do 
our  fair  share  of  providing  for  the  care 
and  maintenance  of  African  refugees 
through  international  organizations  such 
as  the  UNHCR,  ICRC,  and  WFP 
[World  Food  Program].  However,  there 
is  also  a  need  to  pursue  more  lasting 
solutions  through  integration  of  refugee 
and  development  aid.  These  medium- 
and  long-term  needs  must  not  be  forgot- 
ten in  the  process  of  responding  to 
urgent  lifesaving  demands. 

■The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearings 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will  be 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 



Visit  of  Pakistan's  Prime  Minister 

Prime  Minister  Mohammad  Khan 
Junejo  of  the  Islamic  Republic  of 
Pakistan  made  mi  official  visit  to  the 
United  States  July  986.  While  in 

Washington,  B.C.,  July  15-18,  he  met 
with  1'resident  Reagan  and  other  govern- 
ment officials. 

Following  is  the  text  of  the  joint 
statement  issued  on  July  18. 

At  the  invitation  of  the  President 
of  the  United  States  of  America, 
Ronald  Reagan,  the  Prime  Minister  of 
the  Islamic  Republic  of  Pakistan, 
Mohammad  Khan  Junejo,  paid  an  official 
visit  to  the  United  States  from 
July  15-22,  1986. 

The  Prime  Minister  held  intensive 
and  wide-ranging  discussions  with  the 
President,  with  senior  representatives  of 
his  Administration,  and  with  Members  of 
Congress  on  matters  of  mutual  concern 
relating  to  the  promotion  of  inter- 
national peace  and  security,  political 
cooperation,  and  economic  development. 

The  President  and  the  Prime 
Minister  reviewed  bilateral  relations  and 
found  them  warm,  friendly,  and 
mutually  beneficial.  They  expressed 
satisfaction  with  existing  cooperation 
and  the  hope  that  further  progress 
would  be  made  through  the  U.S.- 
Pakistan Joint  Commission  and  the  U.S.- 
Pakistan Consultative  Group.  Both  sides 
welcomed  the  conclusion  of  the 
memorandum  of  understanding  to 
facilitate  transfer  of  technology  to 
Pakistan  and  to  ensure  its  protection. 
They  noted  with  approval  the  discussions 
underway  to  revise  the  Convention  on 
the  Avoidance  of  Double  Taxation.  They 
agreed  that  private-sector  investment 
missions  should  be  encouraged,  and  in 
the  field  of  education,  they  agreed  on  the 
despatch  of  an  American  team  later  this 
year  to  discuss  cooperation  aimed  at 
improving  the  teaching  of  English  in 

The  President  lauded  the  return  of 
representative  democracy  to  Pakistan, 
praising  Prime  Minister  Junejo  and 
President  Zia-ul-Haq  for  the  steps  taken 
during  the  last  year  to  end  martial  law 
and  to  restore  to  the  Pakistan  people  the 
full  liberties  guaranteed  by  the  1973 
Constitution.  The  President  and  the 
Prime  Minister  agreed  that  democratic 
institutions  will  make  an  important  con- 
tribution to  Pakistan's  continued  stabil- 
ity and  progress. 

Secretary  Shultz  greets  Prime  Minister  Mohammad  Khan  Junejo  at  Andrews  Air  Force  I 
on  July  i5.  1986. 

The  President  underscored  his 
strong  personal  commitment  to  arms 
control  and  to  the  prevention  of  the 
spread  of  nuclear  weapons.  The  Prime 
Minister  expressed  his  understanding 
and  support  of  U.S.  efforts  to  promote 
arms  control  and  the  nonproliferation  of 
nuclear  weapons.  The  Prime  Minister 
reitereated  the  peaceful  nature  of 
Pakistan's  nuclear  program.  The  two 
leaders  agreed,  moreover,  that  it  is 
incumbent  on  each  state  in  the  region  to 
ensure  that  its  use  of  nuclear  energy  is 
strictly  peaceful  and  to  take  concrete 
steps  to  demonstrate  a  shared  commit- 
ment to  nonproliferation. 

The  Prime  Minister  and  the  PresL 
dent  considered  in  depth  the  situatiori 
South  and  Southwest  Asia.  They  note! 
with  serious  concern  the  grave  consal 
quences  for  regional  and  international, 
peace  and  stability  which  flow  from  tip 
continuing  Soviet  occupation  of  and  aw 
gression  against  Afghanistan.  They  a., 
demned  the  repeated  attacks  on 
Pakistan's  territory  from  Afghanistan 
The  President  reaffirmed  the  U.S.  coy 
mitment  to  nonaligned  Pakistan's  ind, 
pendence,  security,  and  territorial 


Department  of  State  Bulk 


IBoth  leaders  agreed  on  the  urgent 
id  for  a  political  settlement  of  the 
nanistan  problem  consistent  with  the 
:iples  enunciated  in  the  seven  resolu- 
:  adopted  by  overwhelming  major- 
in  the  UN  General  Assembly.  The 
ident  expressed  his  strong  support 
'akistan's  sustained  efforts  to  pro- 
]  such  a  peaceful  settlement  of  the 
al  conflict  imposed  upon  the  Afghan 
»le.  They  expressed  the  hope  that  at 
xtrthcoming  round  of  the  Geneva 
'mity  talks  under  the  auspices  of  the 
onal  representative  of  the  UN 
etary  General,  the  Kabul  side  will 
brward  a  short  timetable  for  the 
drawal  of  Soviet  troops  from 

The  President  expressed  his  admira- 
for  Pakistan's  courage  in  standing 
Soviet  pressures  through  Afghani- 
and  for  its  selfless  provision  of 
anitarian  relief  to  the  nearly  3 
3n  Afghans  who  have  fled  to 
stan  in  the  last  7  years.  The  two 
ts  agreed  on  the  importance  of 
asing  the  availability  of 
initarian  assistance  for  the 
tless  numbers  of  Afghans  affected 
le  war.  The  President  recalled  his 
it  meeting  with  the  courageous 
rs  of  the  Afghan  alliance.  The  two 
rs  expressed  the  hope  that  the 
ce  will  play  an  increasing  role  in 
ering  international  support  for  the 
■  of  Afghan  freedom, 
he  Prime  Minister  and  the  Presi- 
expressed  satisfaction  with  the  suc- 
il  conclusion  of  negotiations  earlier 
ear  of  a  follow-on  assistance 
tge  for  Pakistan  in  the  sum  of  $4.02 
l  over  a  6-year  period  beginning 
year.  The  President  stressed  that 
nique  multiyear  program  provides 
ble  evidence  of  the  durability  and 
luity  of  the  U.S.  commitment  to 
sfthen  Pakistan's  defensive 
'ilities  in  the  face  of  Soviet 
ures  from  Afghanistan.  U.S. 
mic  assistance  is  intended  also  to 
ement  Pakistan's  own  efforts  to 
irthen  its  economy, 
he  Prime  Minister  briefed  the 
ient  on  discussions  between  the 
nments  of  Pakistan  and  India  on 
ving  relations  between  their  two 
ries,  a  process  strongly  supported 
;  United  States.  The  President  wel- 
1  the  pledge  made  by  the  Govern- 
i  of  Pakistan  and  India  not  to 
:  each  other's  nuclear  installations 
{pressed  the  hope  that  these 
isions  would  continue  to  yield  suc- 
The  Prime  Minister  also  pointed  to 
initiatives  supported  by  his 

government  to  expand  regional  coopera- 
tion among  the  nations  of  South  Asia, 
highlighting  the  promising  beginning 
last  December  of  the  South  Asian 
Association  for  Regional  Cooperation 
(SAARC).  The  President  referred  to  his 
message  to  the  South  Asian  leaders 
welcoming  their  establishment  of 
SAARC  and  expressed  his  government's 
support  for  regional  efforts,  both  under 
SAARC  as  well  as  bilaterally,  to  pro- 
mote peace  and  cooperation. 

The  Prime  Minister  and  the  Presi- 
dent expressed  deep  concern  at  the 
growing  threat  posed  by  international 
narcotics  trafficking  to  the  very  fabric  of 
society  in  every  part  of  the  world.  They 
discussed  measures  to  halt  the  produc-' 
tion  of  opium  and  other  dangerous  drugs 

at  their  source,  to  suppress  processing 
facilities  wherever  they  may  be  found, 
and  to  escalate  the  war  against  domestic 
and  international  traffickers.  To  this 
end,  the  two  leaders  agreed  to 
strengthen  their  antinarcotics  coopera- 
tion and  to  explore  aerial  spraying  as  a 
poppy  eradication  measure. 

The  Prime  Minister  expressed  his 
sincere  gratitude  to  the  President  and 
the  people  of  the  United  States  for  the 
generous  assistance  provided  his  country 
over  the  past  35  years  and  for  the  warm 
welcome  accorded  to  him  and  his  delega- 
tion. He  extended  a  cordial  invitation  to 
the  President  to  visit  Pakistan.  The 
President  expressed  his  appreciation  for 
the  invitation  and  reiterated  his  desire  to 
visit  Pakistan  at  a  convenient  date.  ■ 

Terrorism  and  Tourism 

by  Robert  B.  Oakley 

Address  before  the  Conference  on  the 
Future  of  Transatlantic  Travel  at  the 
Plaza  Hotel  in  New  York  City  on 
July  23,  1986.  Ambassador  Oakley  is 
Acting  Ambassador  at  Large  for 

It  is  a  pleasure  to  be  here  today  to 
discuss  a  very  important  issue  to  us 
both— terrorism  and  tourism.  The  two 
words  unfortunately  could  be  used  for  a 
tongue  twister— they  sound  too  much 
alike  and  get  mixed  up  not  only  when 
one  is  talking  too  fast  but  sometimes  in 
the  popular  perceptions. 

We're  all  probably  sick  of  hearing  of 
the  "horror  stories"  about  how  the  fear 
of  terrorism  has  sharply  hurt  tourism  in 
many  parts  of  the  world.  I'm  sure  these 
stories  cause  a  sinking  feeling  in  the 
stomachs  of  those  who  are  in  the  tourism 
business,  especially  dealing  with  travel 
to  Europe.  I  won't  try  going  into  detail 
on  how  bad  that  picture  is— you  have  the 
figures.  We  do  not.  But  it  might  be 
useful  to  first  sketch  out  the  broad  pic- 
ture of  the  actual  terrorism  situation- 
including  the  figures  we  do  have— and 
then  discuss  what  the  use  is  trying  to  do 
about  it  and  how  we  can  work  together. 

Facts  and  Figures  on  Terrorism 

It  seems  that  almost  every  day  there  is 
some  new  reminder  of  terrorism  on  our 
televisions  or  on  the  front  pages  of  our 
newspapers.  Some  of  it  is  good  news  and 

bad  news.  An  Italian  court  recently  con- 
victed the  hijackers  of  the  Achille  Lauro 
but  there  is  a  strong  feeling  that  the 
sentence  was  not  long  enough  for  some 
of  them.  There  have  been  several  recent 
major  terrorist  acts  in  Europe,  but 
because  Americans  were  not  involved 
they  got  only  fleeting  attention  from  the 
American  media. 

Over  the  past  2  years  there  has  been 
a  major  surge  in  terrorism  abroad,  both 
internal  (for  example:  within  Lebanon, 
India,  Sri  Lanka,  Peru,  Colombia,  and 
Chile)  and  international  incidents.  The 
latter  rose  from  the  500  per  year 
average  for  1979-83  to  600  in  1984  and 
about  800  in  1985.  This  upward  trend 
continued  during  the  first  several 
months  this  year.  Preliminary  tallies 
indicate  there  were  about  417  interna- 
tional terrorist  incidents  for  January- 
June  1986,  compared  with  352  for  the 
same  period  of  1985. 

The  increase  since  mid-1984  has 
come  from  the  Middle  East  and  Latin 
America.  For  1984  there  were  only  81 
incidents  recorded  in  Latin  America, 
with  132  for  1985  and  65  for  the  first 
half  of  1986.  There  were  109  incidents 
during  1983  in  the  Middle  East,  206  dur- 
ing 1984,  378  during  1985  (plus  about  75 
conducted  by  Middle  East  terrorists  in 
Europe),  and  165  during  the  first  half  of 
this  year  in  the  Middle  East  (plus  about 
26  conducted  in  Europe).  Since  April, 
Qadhafi-directed  terrorism  has  been 
quiescent  in  the  aftermath  of  U.S. 
military  raids  and  the  ensuing  Libyan 
disarray  and  the  European  crackdown  in 
which  more  than  100  Libyan  so-called 

tier  1986 



diplomats  and  businessmen  have  been 
expelled;  Syria  and  Iran  appear  to  be  in 

ious  mode.  However,  several 
Palestinian  splinter  groups  have  been 
active  and  could  get  even  more  active  in 
Europe.  And  during  the  past  2  weeks, 
leftwing  European  groups  have  once 
again  resumed  their  operations.  Thus  it 
seems  probable  that  terrorist  activity  in 
Europe  will  not  diminish  during  the  last 
half  of  the  year,  although  it  may  not  be 
directed  so  much  against  Americans. 

In  Latin  America,  the  most  intensive 
area  of  recent  activity  has  been  Peru, 
followed  by  Colombia  and  Central 
America.  Two  American  tourists 
recently  were  killed  during  a  terrorist 
attack  in  Peru,  although  it  received  little 
public  attention.  Cooperation  between 
narcotics  traffickers  and  terrorists  is  a 
growing  problem.  The  United  States  and 
the  U.S.S.R.  rank  just  behind  the 
Government  of  Peru  as  targets  there, 
and  resident  Americans  are  choice 
targets  elsewhere  in  Latin  America. 

Although  for  the  past  decade  U.S. 
citizens  and  installations  abroad  have 
been  the  number  one  terrorist  target 
(aside,  of  course,  from  Israel),  it  is  a 
mistake  to  believe  that  we  are  the  prin- 
cipal target  of  foreign  terrorists.  Despite 
the  impression  received  from  sensa- 
tionalist, ethnocentric  media  coverage, 
the  percentage  of  attacks  against 
Americans  has  actually  decreased  over 
the  past  3  years  from  40%  to  25%.  The 
2,200  terrorist  casualties  last  year— up 
from  1,300  in  1984-and  the  nearly  800 
incidents  were  spread  among  citizens 
and  facilities  of  some  90  countries.  Of 
the  877  men,  women,  and  children  who 
were  killed  last  year,  28  were  Americans 
and  28  were  Israelis.  The  impression 
that  the  terrorists— especially  Middle 
East  terrorists— are  waiting  in  Europe 
to  pounce  primarily  upon  Americans  is 
just  not  true.  Among  the  various  targets 
of  Middle  East  terrorists  operating  in 
Europe— the  region  in  which  you  are  most 
concerned— Americans  have  been  the 
targets  of  fewer  incidents  than  anyone 
else.  The  biggest  target  has  been 
Palestinians  and  other  Arabs.  In  the  past 
year  and  a  half,  from  January  1985 
through  June  1986,  there  were  about 
100  terrorist  attacks  in  Europe  attri- 
buted to  Middle  Eastern  groups.  Arabs 
and  Palestinians  were  the  victims  of  49% 
of  the  attacks,  down  from  65%  for  the 
preceding  5  years.  The  percentage  of 
attacks  against  Israeli  and  Jewish 
citizens  remained  virtually  the  same  at 
15%.  The  percentage  of  attacks  against 
Western  Europeans  and  Americans 
doubled— 26%  for  the  Western 
Europeans;  10%  of  the  Americans.  But 

for  Americans,  that  worked  out  to  only 
10  incidents  over  the  past  18  months. 
Any  death  from  terrorism  is  one  too 
many,  and  terrorism  is  designed  for  the 
maximum  shock  effect  upon  public  and 
political  opinion— we  do  not  and  should 
not  accept  them  as  a  part  of  the  modern 
world  the  way  we  do  car  accidents. 
However,  we  should  keep  the  number  of 
incidents  in  perspective  as  well  as  the 
perpetrators,  intent  to  shock.  We  must 
take  the  proper  precautions  but  not 
allow  ourselves  to  fall  into  their  trap  and 
react  thoughtlessly.  The  chances  of 
being  unexpectedly  killed  in  a  car  or 
plane  crash  or  in  a  criminal  attack  are 
much  higher  than  being  in  the  wrong 
place  at  the  wrong  time  when  a  terrorist 
group  manages  to  make  an  attack. 

Resolving  the  Decline  in  Tourism 

While  it's  easy  to  hit  on  the  fear  of  ter- 
rorism as  the  culprit  in  the  decline  in 
European  tourism,  and  it  is  an  important 
factor,  we  believe  a  combination  of  fac- 
tors are  involved:  terrorism,  the  weaken- 
ing of  the  U.S.  dollar  in  many  countries, 
attractive  travel  packages  plus  falling 
gasoline  prices  for  those  who  stay  at 
home,  and  the  competition  of  other  coun- 
tries and  regions  of  the  world.  But  the 
perception  among  Americans  and  the 
Europeans  that  it  was  terrorism  did 
have  major  and  unprecedented 
economic,  political,  and  security  conse- 
quences in  Western  Europe  and  the 
Mediterranean  where  hundreds  of 
millions  of  dollars  have  been  lost  by  the 
LInited  Kingdom,  Greece,  Italy,  Israel, 
Egypt,  Tunisia,  and  other  countries. 

Other  governments,  as  well  as  some 
in  the  travel  and  terrorist  industry,  have 
blamed  the  Reagan  Administration  as 
somehow  being  responsible  for  the 
problems— as  if  the  President  created 
terrorism,  or  dictated  the  type  of  media 
coverage,  or  should  not  have  spoken 
publicly  of  a  serious  threat  to  this  coun- 
try and  its  citizens,  or  should  not  have 
taken  action  to  try  and  stop  terrorism 
and  protect  our  citizens.  This  totally 
unfair  criticism  misses  the  entire  point 
of  the  Administration's  policies  and  pro- 
grams for  countering  terrorism. 

We  have  been  working  with  other 
governments  for  several  years— and 
more  intensively  as  terrorism  has 
increased— to  try  and  deal  with  what  is 
obviously  a  common  problem.  We  urged 
them  to  place  tighter  controls  upon  the 
movements  of  suspected  terrorists,  to 
improve  security  at  their  ports  and  air- 
ports, and  increase  intelligence 
exchanges  on  terrorist  threats.  We 

offered  them  assistance  for  these  pur 
poses.  Indeed,  we  have  a  very  useful 
antiterrorism  training  assistance  pro- 
gram which  helps  train  security  offici 
from  friendly  countries.  We  also  urge 
them  to  join  us  in  applying  pressure  t 
states  who  support  terrorism.  Unfor- 
tunately, our  warnings,  our  advice,  ai 
our  offers  of  help  generally  fell  upon 
deaf  ears  or  were  resented  as  an  intn 
sion,  as  improper  pressure.  This  attiti 
prevailed  for  most  governments  until 
terrorists  struck  so  close  to  home  anc 
the  problem  for  the  country  or  counti 
concerned  became  too  great  to  ignore 

For  example,  over  the  years  ther 
had  been  lengthy  discussions  with  tht 
Greek  authorities  about  the  security 
problem  at  Athens  airport.  ICAO  [Inl 
nation  Civil  Aviation  Organization]  ai 
FAA  [Federal  Aviation  Administratk 
teams  repeatedly  had  visited  the  airp 
to  discuss  the  need  and  ways  to 
strengthen  security  procedures.  In 
February  1985,  the  Greek  and  U.S. 
experts  agreed  upon  a  number  of 
specific  measures  to  be  taken  at  Atht 
airport.  But  nothing  happened— until 
after  the  TWA  hijacking  in  June,  the 
U.S.  Government  issuance  of  a  trave 
advisory,  and  a  sharp  fall  in  tourism  I 
Greece.  The  Greek  authorities  then  tt 
the  previously  promised  actions.  Afte 
inspecting  the  improved  situation,  we 
then  rescinded  the  travel  advisory. 
Athens  airport  today  has  good  securi 
The  TWA  #847  hijacking,  and  other  t 
rorist  attacks  also  prompted  various 
governments  to  tighten  up  a  bit,  but 
there  were  still  lots  of  loopholes,  as 
dramatically  illustrated  in  the  attacks 
Rome  and  Vienna  airports  in  Decemb 
and  the  hijacking  of  an  Egyptian  airli 
These  highly  publicized  incidents,  plui 
Qadhafi's  public  threats  to  attack 
Americans,  caused  additional  Americf 
tourists  to  cancel  plans  for  visiting 
Europe,  and  it  began  to  take  on  a 
snowball  effect. 

Let  me  say  a  word  here  about  tra 
advisories.  It  should  be  pointed  out  th 
the  State  Department  has  not  issued  I 
travel  advisories  against  traveling  to  I 
Western  Europe  because  of  terrorismi 
We  have  been  questioned  on  this,  pari 
ticularly  by  Congress,  and  I  think  it    ' 
might  be  worth  sharing  the  same  expir 
ation  we  have  provided  to  Congress,  f 
Travel  advisories  are  issued  from  tim<> 
time  by  the  State  Department's  Offici' 
Overseas  Citizens  Services  which  alsoi 
handles  hundreds  of  phone  calls  a  dav' 
about  whether  it  is  safe  to  visit  countr 

The  majority  of  advisories  refer  td 
temporary  conditions  unrelated  to 


Department  of  State  Bull'1': 


sical  safety,  such  as  health-related 
;ters,  changes  in  customs,  visa  and 
rency  requirements,  or  warnings 
at  penalities  for  blackmarket  or  nar- 
cs  activities.  Relatively  few  travel 
isories  are  used  for  security  reasons, 
i  as  crime,  civil  unrest,  or  warfare. 
Security-related  advisories  usually 
ect  a  trend  or  pattern  of  violence  not 
/iously  experienced  in  the  area.  Thus, 
ited  international  terrorist  attacks, 
h  can  and  do  occur  virtually  any- 
re,  do  not  trigger  travel  advisories, 
exception  would  be  a  country  whose 
rnment  consistently  failed  to  pro- 
reasonable  security.  Travel  advi- 
s  are  not  issued  for  political  reasons, 
are  issued  only  after  careful  coor- 
tion  with  our  diplomatic  mission  in 
iffected  country  and  various  U.S. 
rnment  agencies.  While  travel 
sories  have  the  primary  purpose  of 
ing  the  public  to  adverse  conditions, 
may  also  have  the  effect  of  helping 
e  a  government  to  change  those 

The  advisories  can  be  obtained  from 
>nal  passport  offices  or  the  Citizens 
rgency  Center  in  the  State  Depart- 
;.  The  Consular  Affairs  Bureau  also 
>s  a  number  of  pamphlets  available 
le  public  on  tips  to  travelers  and 
ltly  issued  one  on  security  tips. 

Approach  to  Travel  and  Security 

Department  has  consistently  tried  to 
a  nonalarmist  approach  to  the  ques- 
:  yf  travel  safety.  We  take  oppor- 
ies  such  as  this  one  to  emphasize 
there  are  no  security-related  advi- 
s  for  any  of  the  European  countries. 
Ve  believe  in  tourism— it  is  good  for 
idividuals  and  for  the  host  coun- 
We  do  not  like  to  see  the  adverse 
ct  of  tourism  overreaction  on  our 
ds  overseas.  We  have  been  in  con- 
tfith  the  U.S.  travel  industry's 
p  which  is  trying  to  deal  with  the 
em.  We  are  pleased  to  see  these 
by  the  industry,  and  we  are  ready 
ovide  information  and  assistance. 
Ve  also  have  been  providing 
fance  to  other  U.S.  businessmen 
gh  the  Overseas  Security  Advisory 
cil  which  was  established  last  year 
p  provide  information,  guidance, 
riefings  to  American  firms 
ting  abroad.  And,  of  course,  we 
been  working  with  the  airline 
try,  and  since  the  Ackille  Lauro 
;ing,  the  maritime  industry,  to  help 
>ve  security.  A  major  effort,  in 
ership  with  Congress,  has  been 
to  improve  airline  and  cruiseline 

security.  Two  major  avenues  are  the  In- 
ternational Civil  Aviation  Organization 
and  the  International  Maritime 
Organization  which  have  been  develop- 
ing tightened  international  standards. 

Many  of  the  suggestions  for 
improved  security  standards  predate  the 
rash  of  spectacular  terrorism  attacks 
last  year.  However  only  after  Qadhafi's 
attempt  to  conduct  a  widespread  mass- 
casualty  terrorist  campaign  against  the 
United  States  and  our  actions  against 
Libya  in  self-defense  did  many  European 
governments  respond  to  the  need  for 
firm,  concerted  action  such  as  we  had 
been  promoting. 

International  Cooperation 

These  measures  and  other  collective 
measures  are  important  because  fighting 
terrorism  has  to  be  an  international 
effort.  The  responsibility  for  security 
and  protection  of  the  airports  used  by 
local  citizens  and  visitors  lies  with  the 
host  country.  We  cannot  patrol  every 
airport  and  street  used  by  American 
tourists.  We  cannot  unilaterally  decide 
to  send  in  rescue  teams  into  any  airport 
in  the  world  regardless  of  the  attitudes 
of  the  local  government.  We  cannot 
literally  be  the  policemen  of  the  world. 

Thus  it  is  crucial  that  the  nations  of 
the  world  cooperate  in  the  international 
terrorism  effort.  The  past  months  have 
seen  important  progress  in  this  direc- 
tion. For  example,  the  foreign  ministers 
of  the  12  European  Community  (EC) 
countries  on  April  21  agreed  to  reduce 
the  size  of  the  Libyan  People's  Bureaus 
and  increase  cooperation  among  law 
enforcement  and  intelligence  agencies. 
They  also  agreed  to  impose  tight  con- 
trols upon  the  entry  and  movement  of  all 
Libyans,  including  diplomats  and  other 
government  officials.  On  May  5  in 
Tokyo,  the  leaders  of  the  seven  govern- 
ments of  the  economic  summit  countries 
agreed  to  a  series  of  actions  to  be  taken 
against  international  terrorism  and 
states  that  support  it,  again  identifying 
Libya.  In  addition  to  reiterating  and 
strengthening  the  actions  agreed  to  by 
the  EC,  the  Tokyo  statement  called  for 
improved  extradition  procedures, 
strengthening  the  Bonn  declaration  on 
civil  aviation  security,  and  greater  inter- 
national cooperation  generally,  including 
use  of  the  United  Nations. 

In  fighting  terrorism  effectively,  we 
must  keep  the  momentum  going  both 
unilaterally  and  multilaterally.  At  the 
same  time,  we  must  not  exaggerate  the 
threat  nor  allow  ourselves  to  be  intimi- 
dated by  it.  Nothing  encourages  ter- 
rorists more  than  seeing  that  they  have 

succeeded  in  panicking  public  or  political 
opinion,  which  is  a  paramount  objective. 

Therefore,  it  is  important  for  groups 
such  as  the  travel  industry  to  work 
together.  The  work  and  messages  need 
to  be  more  than  public  relations  and 
advertising.  Yes,  it  is  important  to  try  to 
put  the  terrorist  situation  in  perspective 
and  help  people  understand  they  should 
not  be  frightened  from  important 
cultural  experiences  by  exaggerated 
fears.  Of  course,  I  may  be  preaching  to 
the  brave— you  who  have  braved  the 
perils  of  New  York,  a  city  that  many 
Europeans  are  frightened  to  visit. 

Your  activities  and  message  should 
not  only  be  aimed  at  Americans,  telling 
them  it  is  OK  to  "come  home"  to 
Europe.  It  is  necessary  to  also  make  it 
clear  to  European  colleagues  that  adver- 
tisements and  cosmetics  are  not  enough, 
and  that  we  shouldn't  relax  because  of 
what  may  be  a  temporary  lull  in  Libyan 
and  particularly  state-supported  ter- 
rorism. Governments  and  businessmen 
in  Europe  need  to  understand  that 
whatever  money  they  may  save  or  make 
from  buying  Libyan  oil  or  selling  spare 
parts  to  that  country  is  far  outweighed 
by  the  losses  in  tourist  dollars,  security 
expenses,  and  hesitant  investors. 

A  complete  end  to  terrorism  may  be 
impossible.  There  are  too  many  different 
groups  and  too  many  grievances  to 
satisfy  all  of  their  so-called  root  causes. 
But  a  great  deal  of  terrorism  can  be  con- 
tained and  limited  by  strong  action.  And 
many  potential  tourists  would  be 
reassured  if  they  were  convinced  that 
other  governments  were  taking  all  the 
effective  actions  possible,  not  cutting 
corners  or  trying  to  make  deals  with 

Nor  can  we  let  the  terrorists  feel 
that  they  are  succeeding  in  creating  ten- 
sions within  the  Western  alliance  and  to 
believe  that  they  can  be  successful  over 
time  in  creating  an  isolationist  mentality 
in  this  country  which  will  erode  our 
important  economic,  strategic,  and 
political  interests  abroad.  Such  a  feeling 
would  only  encourage  more  attacks  upon 
Americans  as  well  as  damage  our 
broader  interests. 

In  summation,  we  must  take  a  cool, 
calm,  and  cooperative  as  well  as  deter- 
mined approach  in  fighting  terrorism. 
The  terrorists  must  not  be  allowed  to  get 
the  best  of  us.  Progress  has  been  made 
and  more  will  be,  but  fighting  terrorism 
is  a  long-term  effort  for  all  of  us,  those 
in  business,  those  in  the  U.S.  Govern- 
ment, and  those  in  other  governments. 
We  have  started  working  together 
through  a  variety  of  informal  contacts.  I 
hope  we  can  continue.  ■ 



Antiterrorism  Act 
Signed  into  Law 

AUG.  27,  19861 

I  have  signed  into  law  H.R.  4151,  the 
"( imnibus  Diplomatic  Security  and  Anti- 
terrorism Act  of  1986."  This  marks  yet 
another  step  forward  in  our  bipartisan 
effort  to  eradicate  international  ter- 
rorism. I  would  like  to  recognize  the 
valuable  contributions  to  this  legislation 
by  the  Vice  President  and  his  task  force 
on  combatting  terrorism;  Secretary 
Shultz  and  Admiral  Inman  and  their 
panel  on  diplomatic  security;  and  the 
work  of  Senator  Richard  Lugar  and 
Representatives  Dante  Fascell,  Rill 
Broomfield,  Dan  Mica,  and  Olympia 
Snowe,  as  well  as  many  other 
distinguished  Members  of  the  Congress, 
for  bringing  the  various  parts  of  this  act 
together.  This  is  truly  a  bipartisan  piece 
of  work. 

This  act  once  again  puts  those  who 
would  instigate  acts  of  terrorism  against 
U.S.  citizens  or  property  on  notice  that 
we  will  not  be  deterred  from  carrying 
out  our  obligations  throughout  the 
world.  I  am  committed  to  ensuring  the 
safety  of  our  diplomats,  servicemen,  and 
citizens  wherever  they  may  be.  This 
historic  act  provides  the  organization 
and  authorities  necessary  to  implement 
the  recommendations  of  the  Advisory 
Panel  on  Overseas  Security.  It  also 
establishes  within  the  Department  of 
State  a  new  Bureau  of  Diplomatic 
Security  and  a  diplomatic  security  serv- 
ice to  increase  the  professionalism  and 
effectiveness  of  our  security  personnel. 

Another  important  piece  of  this  act 
that  I  am  particularly  pleased  to  have 
supported  is  the  victims  of  terrorism 
assistance  program.  This,  for  the  first 
time,  will  provide  for  the  care  and 
welfare  of  the  victims  of  terrorism  and 
their  families. 

At  the  same  time,  I  continue  to  urge 
cooperation  with  all  nations,  on  both  a 
bilateral  and  multilateral  basis,  to  seek 
ways  to  work  together  to  end  the  contin- 
uing onslaught  of  international  terrorism 
against  civilized  society.  Seeking  inter- 
national cooperation  is  vital  in  the  strug- 
gle against  terrorism,  and  that  effort 
will  remain  a  top  foreign  policy  priority 
for  me.  Within  the  government,  coopera- 
tion and  coordination  among  all  depart- 
ments and  agencies  is  also  essential  in 
protecting  our  vital  national  security 
interests  from  the  terrorist  threat. 

We  can  never  legislate  an  end  to  ter- 
rorism. However,  we  must  remain 
resolute  in  our  commitment  to  confront 
this  criminal  behavior  in  every  way— 
diplomatically,  economically,  legally, 
and,  when  necessary,  militarily.  First- 
rate  intelligence  remains  the  key 
element  in  each  of  these  areas.  We  will 
continue  to  improve  our  ability  to 
predict,  prevent,  and  respond  to  threats 

of  terrorism  with  an  expanded  intelli- 
gence-gathering capability.  We  will  c< 
tinue  to  work  with  the  Congress  to  id 
tify  legislative  gaps  in  our  ability  to  c 
bat  terrorism.  This  act  adds  to  our 
capabilities  and  further  demonstrates 
our  resolve.  I  congratulate  those 
responsible  for  this  historic  act. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  1,  1986.  I 

Nicaragua's  Role 

in  Revolutionary  Internationalism 

by  Vernon  A.  Walters 

Statement  before  the  UN  Security 
Council  on  July  1.  1986.  Ambassador 
Walters  is  U.S.  Permanent  Represent- 
ative to  the  United  Nations. ' 

Before  addressing  the  specific  reasons 
for  this  present  Security  Council 
meeting,  I  feel  it  imperative  to  point  out 
that  this  is  the  11th  time  the  Sandinista 
regime  has  come  to  this  Council  to  lay 
out  a,  by  now,  standard  litany  of 

Nicaragua  seeks  yet  again  to  divert 
the  Council's  attention  away  from 
Nicaragua's  own  behavior  in  the  region. 
It  is  about  time  we  ceased  being  fooled 
by  Sandinista  propaganda;  it  is  about 
time  we  recognized  that  it  is  Nicaragua's 
aggression  which  is  the  source  of  the 
conflict  in  Central  America. 

The  members  of  this  Council  should, 
by  now,  be  familiar  with  the  facts  con- 
cerning Nicaraguan  aggression.  The 
United  States  has  provided  abundant- 
overwhelming— evidence  of  Nicaragua's 
misdeeds.  It  is,  nonetheless,  evident  that 
the  Sandinistas  remain  consummately 
skilled  in  obscuring  their  odious  record 
of  subversion,  aggression,  and  armed 

Nicaragua  has  stated  in  the  most 
solemn  terms  that  "it  has  never  supplied 
arms  or  other  material  assistance  to 
insurgents  in  El  Salvador  or  sanctioned 
the  use  of  its  territory  for  such  purpose, 
it  has  never  permitted  Salvadoran 
insurgents  to  establish  a  headquarters  or 
operations  base  or  command  and  control 
facility  in  Nicaraguan  territory  and  has 
never  permitted  its  territory  to  be  used 
for  training  of  Salvadoran  insurgents." 
Nicaragua  has  made  similar  statements 
not  only  at  the  International  Court  of 
Justice  but  in  innumerable  other  fora  as 
well.  There  can  be  no  pretense  that  this 

categorical  assertion  is  a  slip  of  the 
tongue  or  an  ill-considered,  ill-inform 
or  unauthoritative  statement.  And  ye 
was— and  is— entirely  false. 

An  essential  element  of  Nicaragu 
foreign  policy  from  the  very  beginnin 
has  been  its  continuing  support  of 
subversion  in  Latin  America.  This  su 
port  has  been  active,  deliberate,  subs 
tial,  and  sustained.  At  a  meeting  for 
party  activists  barely  2  months  after 
coming  to  power,  the  Sandinista  lead 
ship  committed  itself  to  support  for 
revolutionary  struggle  beyond  its 
borders.  Later  that  year,  as  recounte 
by  former  commanders  of  the 
Salvadoran  FMLN  [Farabundo  Marti 
National  Liberation  Front],  the  San- 
dinistas established  facilities  and  sites 
within  Nicaragua  for  use  in  training 
guerrillas  from  other  Central  Americi 

Sandinista  Aggression 
in  El  Salvador 

The  principal  target  of  Sandinista 
aggression  has  been  El  Salvador. 
Nicaragua  has  since  1979  provided 
massive  support  to  the  guerrillas  seekl 
to  overthrow  that  country's  governmt1- 
That  support  has  included  training; 
command-and-control  headquarters  ari 
advice;  and  weapons,  ammunition,  ani' 
other  vital  supplies.  Nicaragua  has 
served  as  a  rear-area  sanctuary  for  tbf 
guerrillas  and  headquarters  for  their  F1 
political  arm.  The  interaction  of  the 
Sandinista  leadership  with  that  of  the' 
FMLN  and  FDR  [Revolutionary 
Democratic  Front]  has  been  constant 
and  intimate.  Nicaragua  has  publicly  \ 
identified  itself  with  the  goals  and 
methods  of  the  Salvadoran  guerrillas. ' 
The  evidence  of  this  activity  is  rea' 
varied,  and  massive.  Documents  cap-  | 
tured  in  El  Salvador  establish  the  key 


Department  of  State  Bulk 


araguan  role  in  unifying,  supplying. 

sustaining  the  FMLN.  That  role  was 
:ial  in  1980-81,  as  shown  in  the 
iments  published  by  the  United 
tes  in  February  1981.  Documents 
tured  from  FMLN  commander  Nidia 
2  in  April  1985  made  clear  that  the 
ire  of  Nicaragua's  support  for  the 
Is  had  remained  substantial.  Aerial 
tography,  released  by  the  United 
,es,  shows  the  very  airfield  from 
;h  many  of  those  supplies  were 

Guerrilla  commanders  captured  or 
cting  from  1981  to  the  present  day 

one  after  another,  described  in 
pelling  detail  the  dependence  of  the 
adoran  guerrillas  on  Nicaraguan- 
ilied  weapons  and  supplies,  on 
haven  in  that  country,  on  com- 
ications  and  command  services  from 
ragua,  and  on  training  conducted  in 
tcilitated  by  Nicaragua.  The  deaths 
vo  top  guerrilla  leaders  in  Managua 
>83— and  the  attendance  of  top 
finista  leaders  at  their  funerals— 
rscored  that  the  FMLN  leadership 
>perated  out  of  Managua  with  the 

ollaboration  of  the  Sandinistas. 
Veapons  captured  from,  or  remain- 
i,  guerrilla  hands  have  been  traced 
igh  official  U.S.  shipping  and  pro- 
on  records  from  Vietnam  through 
i-agua  to  the  rebels.  The  elaborate 
Tgling  network  developed  by  the 

inistas  is  attested  to  by  such  irrefut- 
physical  evidence  as  the  large 

r  truck  crammed  with  weapons  and 
unition  captured  by  Honduran 
)rities  en  route  from  Nicaragua  to 
ilvador  in  1981.  This  pattern  contin- 
Several  months  ago  a  Lada  automo- 
«  the  same  Nicaragua-El  Salvador 

crashed  and  was  found  to  contain 

ons,  ammunition,  demolitions  and 

ographic  equipment,  and  letters  to 
Halvadoran  guerrilla  leadership, 
[finally,  there  are  the  confessions  of 
!|andinistas  themselves.  They  have 
Iveral  occasions  stated  their  capac- 
\\  halt  the  aid  being  given  to  the 
IN.  At  the  International  Court,  one 
I  ruling  comandantes  has  sworn  that 
kvernment  "never"  had  a  policy  of 
■ng  arms  to  Salvadoran  guerrillas— 
I  presenting  an  affidavit  that  it  had 
lone  precisely  that  "in  a  good  long 

jnd  yet,  Nicaragua  would  have  us, 
rie  world,  believe  that  none  of  this 
Ince  exists.  Nicaragua  would  like  us, 
Id,  to  pitch  all  this  evidence  out  the 
kw  and  take  its  flat,  unsupported 
jthat  "in  truth,  [it]  is  not  engaged, 

and  has  not  been  engaged  in,  the  provi- 
sion of  arms  or  other  supplies"  to  the 
guerrillas  in  El  Salvador.  Nicaragua 
would  have  us  disregard  the  tens  of 
thousands  of  dead,  the  hundreds  of  mil- 
lions of  dollars  in  economic  damage,  the 
immense  human  misery  it  has  imposed 
on  El  Salvador,  and  take  its  word  that  it 
has  not  attacked  El  Salvador. 

Other  Subversion  Targets 

But  let  us  not  stop  our  examination  with 
El  Salvador.  Others  as  well  have  suf- 
fered from  "revolutionary  interna- 
tionalism." Honduras  has  been  the 
target  of  attempted  subversion.  Twice, 
in  1983  and  1984,  the  Sandinistas  sought 
to  infiltrate  groups  into  Honduras  to 
initiate  a  guerrilla  war  against  the 
government  of  that  country.  A  large 
number  of  these  guerrillas  were  cap- 
tured and  attested  to  Nicaragua's  role  in 
their  training,  direction,  and  infiltration 
across  the  border.  In  1985,  members  of 
the  Nicaraguan  intelligence  services 
were  captured  inside  Honduras  and  con- 
fessed their  involvement  in  conveying 
arms  to  subversive  groups  in  Honduras. 

As  documented  in  detail  by  a  Costa 
Rican  legislative  commission,  the 
Sandinistas— while  conducting  their  cam- 
paign against  Somoza,  and  later  when 
they  began  to  provide  material  support  to 
the  Salvadoran  rebels— also  established 
and  maintained  a  clandestine  arms  sup- 
ply network  in  Costa  Rica.  Sandinista- 
supported  terrorists  conducted  a  series 
of  attacks  in  Costa  Rica  between  1981 
and  1985,  and  agents  of  Nicaragua  have 
attempted  or  conducted  a  number  of 
assassinations  in  that  country.  Farther 
afield,  Nicaraguan  support  for  the  M-19 
was  revealed  by  tracing  the  serial 
numbers  of  weapons  captured  after  the 
bloody  attack  on  the  Palace  of  Justice  in 
Bogota,  Colombia. 

While  its  preferred  method  is 
through  secret  support  for  subversion, 
since  if  caught  it  can  hope  to  brazen  its 
way  out  by  lying,  Nicaragua  has  not 
hesitated  to  apply  direct,  conventional 
military  force.  It  has  conducted  literally 
hundreds  of  cross-border  military  incur- 
sions into  Honduras,  beginning  3  days 
after  the  July  19,  1979,  takeover  and 
culminating  in  March  of  this  year,  when 
some  1,500  Sandinista  soldiers  pene- 
trated 25  kilometers  into  Honduras  and 
remained  for  a  period  of  several  days.  In 
familiar  form,  officials  of  the  Nicaraguan 
Government— including  its  permanent 
representative— initially  denied  that  San- 
dinista troops  had  crossed  the  border  at 
all.  Ambassador  Astorga  went  before 
the  world's  cameras  and  stated  that  the 

so-called  invasion  was  a  total  falsehood. 
an  invention  of  the  Reagan  Administra- 
tion. Only  after  undeniable  evidence  had 
surfaced  did  President  Ortega 
acknowledge  the  incursion  and  some  150 
casualties,  proving  which  country  had 
lied.  The  Sandinista  military  has 
attacked  into  Costa  Rica  on  many  occa- 
sions, including  one  occasion  last  year 
when  it  killed  two  members  of  the  Costa 
Rican  Civil  Guard  and  compelled  Costa 
Rica  to  take  the  case  to  the  OAS 
[Organization  of  American  States]. 

The  Militarization 

of  Nicaragua's  Society 

Nicaragua  has  been  able  to  flagrantly 
violate  its  neighbors'  borders  because  it 
has  amassed  the  largest  and  most  power- 
ful military  force  in  the  history  of  Cen- 
tral America.  Those  who  considered  the 
Somoza  regime  to  present  an  image  of 
unmatched  military  repression  should 
take  pause  in  realizing  that  the  San- 
dinista armed  forces,  like  their  secret 
police,  are  some  10  times  larger  than 
those  of  Somoza  at  their  height.  And 
yet,  Nicaragua  has  recently  begun  to 
assert  an  intention  to  expand  its  forces 
to  200,000  or  300,000  trained  personnel. 
Not  only  are  the  Sandinista  forces 
numerically  the  largest,  but  they  have 
arms  unmatched  elsewhere  in  the 
region,  including  340  tanks  and  armored 
vehicles,  dozens  of  combat  helicopters, 
and  70  long-range  howitzers.  These 
forces  are  made  all  the  more  effective  by 
the  presence  of  thousands  of  Cuban  and 
other  foreign  advisers  operating  from 
the  highest  echelons  of  ministries  to  the 
battalion  and  even  company  level, 
including  Cuban  pilots  flying  combat 

This  massive  military  buildup  has 
had  the  most  profound  impact  on 
Nicaraguan  society.  And  this  impact  has 
not  been  accidental:  the  militarization  of 
Nicaraguan  society  has  been  a  key  goal 
from  the  beginning  of  Sandinista  rule 
and  has,  as  intended,  contributed  enor- 
mously to  the  ability  of  the  regime  to 
exercise  comprehensive  control  over  the 
society  as  a  whole.  Thus,  long  before 
even  Nicaragua  asserts  there  was  any 
threat  from  contra*  or  any  other  source, 
the  Sandinistas  planned  and  executed  an 
accelerating  and  major  expansion  of  the 
Nicaraguan  Armed  Forces.  The  army,  of 
course,  is  designated  as  the  "Sandinista 
Popular  Army"  and  great  attention  is 
paid  to  political  indoctrination.  These 
steps  parallel  those  imposed  over  the 
past  7  years  throughout  the  society  as  a 

ier  1986 



This  is  not  the  occasion  to  rehearse 
the  sail  and  predictable  story  of  San- 
dinista  repression,  or  to  discuss  at 
length— as  so  easily  could  be  done— the 
betrayal  of  the  high  hopes  of  the 
Nicaraguan  people.  Sandinista  claims  to 
lit  fend  human  rights  have  been  shown  to 
be  as  hollow  as  their  claims  to  be  living 
in  peace  with  their  neighbors. 
Nicaragua,  a  small  country,  now  has 
more  political  prisoners  than  any  coun- 
try in  the  hemisphere  except  Cuba  and 
maintains  a  system  of  political  tribunals 
outside  the  law  which  ensure  that  no  one 
escapes  "revolutionary  justice."  In  1982, 
the  Sandinistas  imposed  a  "temporary" 
state  of  emergency;  4  years  later  the 
Nicaraguan  people  are  still  deprived  of 
the  rights  of  free  speech,  assembly,  and 
movement— to  name  only  a  few  of  the 
"basic  human  rights"  promised  in  1979 
and  stolen  by  the  Sandinista  regime.  It 
may  be  noted  that  by  closing  down  La 
Prensa,  Nicaragua  has  now  become  the 
single  country  in  mainland  Latin 
America  entirely  precluding  opposition 
access  to  the  media.  Nicaragua  today  has 
nothing  to  do  with  the  Nicaragua  its 
people  believed  they  were  fighting  for  in 
1979,  nor  with  the  Nicaragua  the  San- 
dinistas promised  both  to  the  people  of 
that  country  and  to  the  inter-American 

The  internal  situation  in  Nicaragua, 
tragic  in  itself,  is  relevant  to  one  other 
crucial  element  in  the  Central  American 
picture.  The  repressive  regime  of  the 
Sandinistas  is  directly  responsible  for 
the  development  and  growth  of  the 
armed  democratic  resistance  in 
Nicaragua.  The  Nicaraguan  democratic 
resistance  is  fighting  to  restore  the 
original  objectives  of  the  Nicaraguan 
revolution.  Its  20,000  participants  seek 
to  establish  a  true  democracy  in  which 
the  people  of  Nicaragua  are  free  to 
select  their  own  leaders.  They  seek  full 
respect  for  human  rights  and  an  eco- 
nomic system  providing  both  for  growth 
and  for  equitable  distribution  of  wealth. 

The  leaders  of  this  resistance  are  the 
same  men  and  women  who  fought 
against  Somoza— and  with  the 
Sandinistas— 7  years  ago.  Like 
thousands  of  other  Nicaraguans  who 
believed  in  the  revolution  and  once  were 
allies  of  the  Sandinistas,  they  did  not 
take  lightly  their  decision  to  join  the 
resistance;  they  joined  because  they  had 
been  left  no  choice.  The  Sandinistas 
closed  the  avenues  of  meaningful 
political  participation  within  Nicaragua 
and  convinced  them  that  change  could 
come  only  through  armed  force. 

These,  then,  are  the  facts.  Nicaragua 
has  deliberately,  as  a  matter  of  state 

policy  and  without  provocation,  con- 
ducted armed  attacks  on  its  neighbors. 
In  the  case  of  El  Salvador,  that  attack, 
conducted  through  proxies,  has  lasted 
over  5  years  at  immense  cost  in  lives  and 
economic  damage.  The  Sandinistas  have 
sought  to  develop  insurgencies  in  Hon- 
duras, and  have  both  covertly  and  openly 
attacked  both  Honduras  and  Costa  Rica. 
They  have  sought,  through  a  massive 
military  buildup,  to  intimidate  both  their 
neighbors  and  their  own  people.  They 
have  created  a  repressive  state,  the  very 
nature  of  which  is  ominously  unprece- 
dented in  Central  America.  And  in  so 
doing,  they  have  given  rise  to  a  move- 
ment involving  tens  of  thousands  of  men 
and  women  fighting  to  restore 
Nicaragua  to  the  ideals  of  the  1979 

U.S.  Objectives  and  Assistance 

Is  it  surprising,  in  these  circumstances, 
that  the  United  States  should  have 
become  involved  in  the  response  to  the 
multifaceted  threat  to  peace  presented 
by  Sandinista  Nicaragua?  U.S.  policy 
toward  Nicaragua  has  four  broad 

•  An  end  to  Nicaraguan  aggression, 
whether  through  support  for  guerrilla 
groups  in  neighboring  countries  or 
through  conventional  military  attack; 

•  Severance  of  Nicaraguan  military 
and  security  ties  to  Cuba  and  the  Soviet 

•  Reduction  of  Nicaragua's  military 
strength  to  levels  that  would  restore 
military  equilibrium  to  the  region;  and 

•  Fulfillment  of  the  original 
promises  of  democratic  pluralism  and 
respect  for  human  and  civil  rights. 

It  is  our  conviction  that  achievement 
of  these  goals  would  ensure  the  restora- 
tion of  peace  and  a  climate  conducive  to 
growth,  democratic  political  develop- 
ment, and  security  in  the  region.  These 
goals  are  entirely  consistent  with  those 
of  the  other  countries  of  the  region  and 
with  multilateral  diplomatic  initiatives 
strongly  endorsed  by  this  body.  While 
Nicaragua  focuses  on  U.S.  support, 
which  it  considers  unjustified,  for  the 
democratic  resistance,  it  is  important  to 
recall  that  the  United  States  has  pursued 
these  benign  and  constructive  goals 
through  any  number  of  peaceful  means. 
Regrettably,  those  approaches  have 
proven  very  largely  unsuccessful  in 
achieving  changes  in  the  Nicaraguan 
behavior  that  so  concerns  its  neighbors 
and  the  United  States. 

The  United  States  initially  provided 
substantial  economic  assistance  to  the 

Sandinista-dominated  regime.  We  wer 
largely  instrumental  in  the  OAS  actioi 
delegitimizing  the  Somoza  regime  and 
laying  the  groundwork  for  installation 
for  the  new  junta.  Later,  when  the  Sa 
dinista  role  in  the  Salvadoran  conflict 
became  clear,  we  sought  through  a  co> 
bination  of  private  diplomatic  contact' 
and  suspension  of  assistance  to  convir 
Nicaragua  to  halt  its  subversion.  Late 
still,  economic  measures  and  further 
diplomatic  efforts  were  employed  to  t: 
to  effect  changes  in  Sandinista  behavi 
Still,  Nicaragua's  posture  was  one  of 
complete  and  sustained  intransigence. 

It  is  perhaps  worth  underscoring 
that  this  "intransigence"  is  not  quite 
what  Nicaragua  would  like  us  to  see  il 
as— the  plucky  refusal  of  a  small  but 
proud  nonaligned  state  to  be  bullied  b 
brutish  and  overweening  superpower. 
Rather,  it  was  an  adamant  continuatii 
of  entirely  unprovoked  and  unwarran' 
policies  of  attempting  to  overthrow  tr 
Salvadoran  Government,  of  a  rapid 
military  buildup  well  beyond  anything 
justifiable  in  internal  or  regional  term 
of  an  embrace  of  the  Cubans  and 
Soviets,  and  of  internal  political  repre 
sion  raising  the  most  profound  doubts 
about  the  Sandinistas'  readiness  to 
observe  their  commitments  of  July  19 

It  was  long  hoped  that  Nicaragua 
could  be  induced  to  modify  one  crucia 
element  of  its  behavior— its  penchant 
attacking  its  neighbors— by  demon- 
strating that  it  could  not  hope  to  achii 
its  goal  of  replacing  their  government 
with  one  more  like  its  own.  My  goven 
ment  provided  substantial  assistance  1 
the  countries  suffering  from  Sandinisl 

Nicaragua's  neighbors  have  asked 
for  assistance  against  Nicaraguan 
aggression,  and  the  United  States  has 
responded.  Those  countries  have 
repeatedly  and  publicly  made  clear  th; 
they  consider  themselves  to  be  the  vie 
tims  of  aggression  from  Nicaragua,  ar 
that  they  desire  United  States  assistai 
in  meeting  both  subversive  attacks  an* 
the  conventional  threat  posed  by  the 
relatively  immense  Nicaraguan  Armec 

The  United  States  has  provided  o\ 
$2  billion  in  assistance  to  Central 
America  since  1979.  Three-quarters  oi" 
this  sum  has  come  in  the  form  of 
economic  assistance;  barely  one-fourtl 
has  been  military  assistance  despite  th1 
enormous  costs  entailed  in  meeting  th' 
covert  attacks  and  conventional  threal 
posed  by  Nicaragua.  Regrettably,  too 
great  a  proportion  of  this  assistance    • 
must  be  used,  not  for  the  development 
and  human  needs  of  those  countries,  b 


Department  of  State  Bulk- 


jpair  economic  damage  caused  by  the 
:y  of  the  Nicaraguan-sponsored 
jN  of  deliberately  destroying  the 
adoran  infrastructure.  U.S.  military 
economic  assistance  have  con- 
ited  to  limiting  the  scale  and  impact 
le  active  warfare,  especially  in 
ador,  and  to  increasing  Nicaragua's 
hbors'  security  against  the  San- 
tas. There  was  every  evidence,  how- 
,  as  there  is  today,  that  the  San- 
tas could  and  intended  to  continue 
aggressive  policies  indefinitely. 
raced  with  the  failure  of  all  peaceful 
is,  and  the  unacceptability  of  allow- 
*Iicaraguan  subversion  and  aggres- 
to  continue  unchecked,  the  United 
;s  began  to  provide  limited  support 
he  democratic  resistance  forces 
,dy  in  the  field.  Supporting  the 
tance  is  the  most  effective  means  of 
;ing  pressure  on  the  Sandinistas  to 
fy  those  policies  presenting  a  threat 
eir  neighbors  and  to  regional  peace, 
"he  United  States  is  hopeful  that  the 
lination  of  failure  in  Nicaragua's 
y  of  aggression,  the  increasing  costs 
iintaining  its  overblown  military 
ilishment,  a  collapsing  economy, 
ening  popular  discontent,  and  an 
asingly  effective  democratic 
ance  will  finally  lead  the  San- 
tas to  realize  they  have  no  alter- 
e  but  to  engage  in  serious  negotia- 
aimed  at  achieving  both  regional 
•  and  internal  reconciliation, 
et  me  make  clear  that  U.S.  policy 
not  seek  the  overthrow  of  the 
aguan  Government,  nor  do  we 
e  that  full  achievement  of  our  prin- 
|policy  objectives  in  Nicaragua 

1  be  incompatible  with  the  Govern- 
of  Nicaragua's  own  stated  posi- 
Nicaragua  has  accepted  the  Con- 

}a  Document  of  Objectives  as  the 
for  negotiation  and  for  a  com- 
nsive  and  effective  peace  in  the 
n.  The  United  States,  too,  has  made 

pantly  clear  that  full  and  verifiable 
mentation  of  the  Document  of 

[tives  would  meet  all  our  policy 
in  Nicaragua  and  the  region.  Presi- 
Reagan  essentially  confirmed  this 
on  as  recently  as  June  24.  Indeed, 
irtually  impossible  to  imagine  any 
context  in  which  peace  could  come 

|  region. 

We  believe  that  continued  U.S.  sup- 
or  the  resistance  is  essential  to 

2  the  Sandinista  regime  to  enter 
leaningful  negotiations.  We  regret 
his  is  so,  but  have  too  often  been 
with  Sandinista  promises  which 
rate  when  the  immediate  tactical 
for  their  issuance  has  disappeared, 
ot  enough  for  Nicaragua  to  assert 

a  readiness  to  sign  an  incomplete 
regional  treaty;  they  must  actually 
achieve  and  implement  one. 

The  history  of  Contadora  is  replete 
with  occasions  on  which  Nicaragua  for 
tactical  reasons  took  an  apparently 
forthcoming  position,  only  to  reverse 
itself  at  a  later  moment.  Indeed,  their 
June  21  response  to  the  latest  draft 
agreement  underscores  their  cynical 
attitude  toward  Contadora.  While  claim- 
ing to  respond  favorably  to  the  draft, 
they  in  fact  simply  recycled  old  proposals 
which  had  been  rejected  by  the  other 
parties  to  the  negotiations.  Since  the 
Central  American  democracies  had 
already  noted  major  deficiencies  in  the 
new  draft,  the  Sandinistas'  response  can 
only  be  seen  as  a  cost-free  gambit  aimed 
at  influencing  the  vote  on  assistance  for 
the  democratic  resistance.  Still,  we 
remain  hopeful  that  Nicaragua  will  come 
to  realize  that  this  course  of  action  is 
bankrupt  and  self-destructive,  and  that 
there  are  other,  constructive  roles  it 
could  be  playing  instead. 

The  U.S.  House  of  Representatives' 
approval  of  the  request  for  further 
assistance  for  the  resistance  should  give 
the  Sandinistas  good  reason  to  negotiate 
seriously.  That  vote  made  clear  that  the 
United  States  is  not  going  to  weary  of 
the  fight  against  their  aggression— is  not 
going  to  let  Nicaragua  conduct  its 
aggressive  and  repressive  policies  unchal- 
lenged. Nicaragua,  as  we  have  seen, 
plays  fast  and  loose  with  the  facts.  This 
time,  perhaps,  it  succeeded  in  deluding 
even  itself  about  just  how  well  it  had 
deceived  the  Congress  about  its  true 
nature  and  policies. 

Will  Nicaragua  Choose  Peace? 

The  United  States  seeks  peace,  security, 
democracy,  and  economic  development 
throughout  Central  America.  We  believe 
that  our  actions  are  in  compliance  with 
international  law  and  the  highest  ideals 

of  the  UN  Charter.  We  are  helping 
friends  defend  themselves  against  armed 
attack  from  Nicaragua  and  thus  striking 
a  blow  against  aggression.  Our  support 
for  the  Nicaraguan  resistance  is 
designed  only  to  encourage  Nicaragua  to 
participate  seriously  and  in  good  faith  in 
the  regional  negotiations  now  under 
way.  We  remain  prepared  to  resume  a 
high-level  bilateral  dialogue  with 
Nicaragua  at  the  same  time  as  it  opens 
talks  with  the  opposition. 

The  question  now  is  whether  the 
Sandinistas  truly  want  peace.  Are  they 
willing  to  negotiate  seriously  with  their 
neighbors  and  their  own  people?  Are 
they  willing  to  halt  their  efforts  to  over- 
throw or  intimidate  their  neighbors?  Are 
they  willing  to  fulfill  their  promises  of 
July  1979? 

The  fact  remains  that  these  choices, 
so  crucial  for  peace  in  Central  America, 
are  for  the  Nicaraguans  to  make,  not  for 
the  United  States.  We  have  not  launched 
an  unprovoked  attack  on  El  Salvador. 
We  have  not  sustained  for  5  years  a  war, 
bleeding  El  Salvador's  people  and 
economy  white.  We  have  not  sought  to 
destabilize  or  intimidate  Nicaragua's 
unoffending  neighbors.  We  have  not 
inserted  the  East- West  dimension  by 
inviting  in  thousands  of  Cuban  and 
Soviet-bloc  "advisers."  We  have  not  con- 
ducted since  1979  an  unprecedented  and 
unnecessary  military  buildup.  We  have 
not  established  in  Nicaragua  an  increas- 
ingly rigid  and  ideologically-controlled 
society  wholly  at  variance  with  the  1979 
promises.  And,  finally,  it  is  not  our 
policies  which  have  caused  tens  of 
thousands  of  Nicaraguans  to  fight  to 
restore  the  democratic  values  in  the 
name  of  which  the  1979  revolution  was 

The  crucial  choices,  then,  are 
Nicaragua's.  And  we  will  be  watching 
closely  to  see  what  choice  they  make. 

'USUN  press  release  76  of  July  1,  1986. 

Report  on  UN  Human  Rights 
Commission  Meeting 

by  Richard  Schifter 

Statement  before  the  Subcommittee 
on  Human  Rights  and  International 
Organizations  of  the  House  Foreign 
Affairs  Committee  on  June  25,  1986. 
Ambassador  Schifter  is  Assistant 
Secretary  for  Human  Rights  and 
Humanitarian  Affairs.1 

I  am  grateful  to  you  for  giving  me  this 
opportunity  to  report  to  you  on  the  pro- 
ceedings at  the  1986  session  of  the  UN 
Human  Rights  Commission  (UNHRC). 
This  was  the  sixth  successive  session 
that  I  attended  and  my  fourth  as  head  of 
the  U.S.  delegation.  As  the  commission 
is,  in  its  essence,  a  parliamentary  body, 
you  will,  in  the  light  of  your  own  political 



experience,  understand  that  the  sixth 

m  was  much  easier  than  the  first. 
There  are  benefits  derived  from  having 
learned  the  unwritten  rules  and  customs 
and  having  developed  personal  friend- 
ships with  one's  colleagues. 

UNHKC  Operations 

Before  addressing  myself  to  the  events 
of  the  1986  session  of  the  UNHRC,  let 
me  offer  a  few  general  comments  on  the 
commission.  There  is,  on  one  hand,  the 
risk  of  approaching  the  commission  with 
starry-eyed  notions  about  what  it  can 
accomplish.  These  starry-eyed  notions 
will  be  retained  only  if  one  is  blind  to 
reality.  On  the  other  hand,  the  hypocrisy 
so  evident  among  a  good  number  of  com- 
mission members  can  easily  drive  one  to 
give  up  all  hope  of  doing  anything  useful 
at  the  commission.  My  recommendation 
is  that  we  recognize  the  UN  Human 
Rights  Commission  for  what  it  is, 
another  forum  in  which  UN  politics  is 
played;  and  that  we  then,  understanding 
all  its  limitations,  use  this  forum  as  best 
we  can  to  advance  the  cause  of  human 

These  limitations,  under  which  the 
commission  operates,  become  clear  when 
we  review  the  role  of  its  43  members. 
Though  the  membership  changed  over 
the  course  of  the  six  sessions  that  I 
attended  and  though  a  number  of 
member  countries  shifted  during  this 
period  from  dictatorial  governments  to 
democracies,  at  no  time  during  these 
years  was  there  a  majority  on  the  com- 
mission that  would  be  rated  "free"  in 
the  annual  evaluation  prepared  by 
Freedom  House.  The  challenge  to  us  is 
to  determine  how,  given  the  commission 
composition,  we  can  most  effectively 
function  there  to  advance  the  very  ideals 
for  which  this  UN  body  was  created. 

The  delivery  of  thoughtful  and  per- 
suasive speeches  is  undoubtedly  the  least 
complicated  way  of  advancing  the  human 
rights  cause  at  the  commission.  It  is 
striking  that  the  hubbub  that  usually  fills 
the  commission  room  suddenly  comes  to 
an  end  when  the  United  States  is  ready 
to  deliver  a  major  address.  It  is  a  rather 
heady  experience  for  any  one  of  us 
whose  task  it  is  to  speak  on  behalf  of  our 

country.  We  n I  to  remind  ourselves 

that  the  silence  around  us  is  not  a 
tribute  to  our  eloquence  nor  to  any  other 
personal  factor  but  to  the  nameplate 
behind  which  we  speak.  The  United 
States  i  i.  That  is  why  it  is 

important  that  when  we  take  the  floor, 
we  make  sure  that  we  have  something 
worthwhile  to  say  and  t hat  we  say  it 

Next,  there  is  the  matter  of  how  to 
influence  the  parliamentary  proceedings 
on  proposals  advanced  by  others,  both 
friends  and  acquaintances,  and  ulti- 
mately how  we  vote  on  them.  Our  per- 
formance and  our  votes  are  noted.  It  is 
important  that  they  are  well  thought 
through  and  ultimately  well  explained. 

Finally,  there  is  the  matter  of  par- 
ticipating in  initiatives,  either  as  a  part- 
ner advancing  a  proposal  in  which  we 
join  a  larger  group  or  as  a  sole  per- 
former, advancing  our  own  ideas.  In  the 
latter  situation,  we  must  consider  with 
care  whether  we  have  a  reasonable 
chance  of  winning  and  then  organize  to 
win  or  whether  we  want  to  advance  our 
proposal  for  the  record,  even  though  we 
might  lose. 

It  is  against  this  background  that  I 
shall  now  turn  to  a  discussion  of  the  pro- 
ceedings of  the  commission  at  its  1986 

Proceedings  of  1986  Session 

Rapporteur  on  Religious  Intolerance. 

The  most  satisfying  event  of  the  session, 
from  our  point  of  view,  was  the  adoption 
of  our  resolution  to  establish  the  position 
of  a  rapporteur  on  religious  intolerance. 

The  mechanism  of  appointing  rap- 
porteurs is  a  relatively  recent  develop- 
ment at  the  UNHRC.  Rapporteurs  were 
initially  appointed  so  as  to  examine  the 
situation  in  a  particular  country  in  which 
human  rights  violations  were  understood 
to  occur.  The  task  of  the  rapporteur  was 
to  study  the  problem,  write  a  report  on 
it,  and  then  submit  the  report  to  the 
commission.  To  these  country  rap- 
porteurs, there  have  recently  also  been 
added  subject  matter  rapporteurs.  These 
report  on  occurrences  worldwide  of  a 
particular  category  of  human  rights 
violations.  The  first  such  rapporteur  was 
entrusted  with  the  task  of  reporting  on 
the  problem  of  summary  and  arbitrary 
executions.  The  second  was  called  upon 
to  report  on  incidents  of  torture.  To  this 
we  added  in  1986  a  rapporteur  whose 
responsibility  it  will  be  to  examine  the 
problem  of  infringements  on  religious 
liberty  and  to  act  and  report  thereon. 

We  decided  on  this  initiative,  first, 
because  we  thought  it  dealt  with  a 
human  rights  problem  that  required 
attention  and,  second,  because  we 
thought  we  could  get  the  votes  for  it.  To 
be  sure,  some  of  our  friends  thought  the 
proposal  could  not  win  and.  in  particular, 
that  it  could  not  win  if  sponsored  by  the 
United  States.  The  final  vote  was  26  to 
5,  with  12  abstentions.  Voting  "no"  were 
the  USSR.  Byelorussia,  East  Germany. 
Bulgaria,  and  Syria. 

Chile.  Another  major  initiative  c 
ours  at  the  1986  session  was  our  resi 
tion  on  Chile.  I  need  to  emphasize  th 
did  not  reflect  a  fundamental  shift  oi 
our  part  in  our  attitude  toward  hum; 
rights  conditions  in  Chile.  Since  the : 
of  1984,  we  have  expressed  in  UN  fo 
our  deep  concern  about  human  right 
violations  in  Chile.  The  reason  for  ot 
voting  "no"  on  past  UN  resolutions' 
the  subject  of  Chile,  we  had  explaine 
was  our  disagreement  with  the  speci 
wording  of  these  resolutions,  rather 
with  the  basic  principle  of  adopting  j 
resolution  on  this  subject.  It  was  a 
natural  outgrowth  of  our  position  in 
matter  that  we  would  ultimately  put 
ward  the  kind  of  text  on  the  issue  of 
Chilean  human  rights  that  we  could, 
fact,  support.  As  distinct  from  its 
predecessors,  it  referred  to  the  Gove 
ment  of  Chile  as  a  government  rathe 
than  using  the  term  "the  Chilean 
authorities."  Our  resolution,  as  distil 
from  its  predecessors,  did  not  denou 
the  Chilean  Constitution  of  1980,  noi 
it  resort  to  name-calling.  It  sought,  i 
stead,  to  set  forth  our  specific  conceiJ 
regarding  human  rights  violations  in  i 
Chile  and  appealed  to  the  governmei  I 
correct  the  situation. 

Negotiating  the  text  of  the  resol 
tion  proved  to  be  an  extraordinarily  I 
time-consuming  task.  Until  the  very  I 
day  of  the  commission  session,  it  wa:  I 
certain  as  to  whether  our  resolution  1 
would  pass  or  whether  the  eommissioi 
would  adopt  the  draft  resolution  spot  ■ 
sored  by  Mexico,  a  text  patterned  afli 
the  resolutions  of  previous  years.  On  I 
last  day  of  the  session,  however,  Mem 
withdrew  its  text  and  let  our  text  be  ■ 
adopted  by  consensus.  Even  at  that  ' 
point  there  was  a  last-minute  hitch  ail 
the  Soviet  Union  announced  that  it  ' 
would  object  to  consensus.  Rather  th.1 
see  the  Soviet  bloc  isolated  on  this  issf 
the  Soviets  ultimately  withdrew  theii' 

Ethiopia's  Resettlement  Prograp 

Our  third  major  initiative  dealt  with  1r 
human  rights  violations  which  occunji 
in  the  context  of  the  resettlement  pre* 
gram  conducted  in  1984  and  1985  by  4 
Government  of  Ethiopia.  We  drew  thr 
commission's  attention  to  the  brutaliti 
with  which  this  resettlement  program 
had  been  conducted,  to  the  thousand?!' 
lives  that  have  been  lost  as  a  result  oil' 
such  brutality.  Our  proposal  to  have  th 
UNHRC  deal  with  the  issue  of 
was,  however,  sidetracked  through  a  \- 
motion  "to  take  no  decision,"  the  Unir 
Nations'  equivalent  of  a  motion  to  tat1  • 
Voting  "no"  on  this  resolution  weretn 


Department  of  State  Bull 


jiemhers  of  the  Western  group,  plus 
In  and  Cost  Rica. 

.Dther  Issues.  Finally,  let  me  men- 
(that  we  delivered  major  statements 
le  Middle  East,  South  Africa, 
ious  intolerance,  self-determination 
:h  covered  Afghanistan  and 
bodia),  and  the  Subcommission  on 
ention  of  Discrimination  and  Protec- 
of  Minorities,  as  well  as  a  com- 
ensive  statement  on  human  rights 
itions  throughout  the  world  in  which 
iscussed  human  rights  conditions  in 
ilvador,  Guatemala,  Chile,  Cuba, 
ragua,  Iran,  Ethiopia,  Poland, 
aria,  and  the  Soviet  Union. 
Vside  from  these  two  major 
itives,  we  joined  with  our  Western 
igues  and  many  others  in  voting  for 
utions  on  Afghanistan,  Cambodia, 
ran.  Resolutions  were  also  adopted 

J  Financial  Crisis 

\?rnon  A.  Walters 

tatement  before  the  UN  General 
nbly  on  April  30,  1986.  Ambassador 
?rs  is  U.S.  Permanent  Represen- 

■  to  the  United  Nations.1 

ite  of  the  obvious  and  profound  dif- 
ies  which  beset  the  United  Nations, 
resence  here  today  signals  our  com- 
ent  to  address  these  problems  and 
dtalize  an  institution  to  which  we 
;ain  our  dedication.  There  can  be  no 
.  that  the  United  Nations  is  a 
led  organization.  But  there  can  also 
doubt  that  the  lofty  goals  and  pur- 
for  which  the  United  Nations  was 
ed  are  as  relevant  today  as  they 
four  decades  ago.  The  U.S.  Govern- 
recognizes  the  vital  importance  of 
lational  cooperation  and  is  corn- 
el to  its  improvement, 
he  Secretary  General  has  convened 
esumed  session  of  the  40th  General 
nbly  because,  in  his  words,  "the 
d  Nations  faces  the  most  serious 
lial  crisis  in  its  history."  The 
lative  effects  of  late  payments  by  a 
ity  of  member  states,  withholdings 
estions  of  principle  by  a  substantial 
er,  and  recent  legislation  in  the 
d  States  have  combined  to  put  the 
ization  in  a  position  where  it  will 
:  able  to  carry  out  all  planned 
;ies  in  the  current  year.  Resolving 
•isis  has  both  short-term  and 

■  term  aspects,  and  while  the 

ic  purpose  of  this  session  is  to  deal 

which  noted  human  rights  progress  in 
El  Salvador  and  Guatemala.  Other  reso- 
lutions, such  as  the  UN  perennials  on  the 
Middle  East  and  southern  Africa,  passed 
over  our  opposition,  in  which  we  were 
usually  joined  by  many  of  our  Western 

As  I  indicated  at  the  beginning,  each 
session  of  the  Human  Rights  Commis- 
sion presents  us  with  a  renewed 
challenge  of  extracting  something  useful 
from  this  rather  imperfect  mechanism.  I 
believe  that  as  we  reflect  on  the  results 
of  the  1986  session,  we  can  say  that  we 
met  that  challenge. 

■The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearings 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will  be 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents.  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington.  D.C.  20402.  ■ 

with  the  short-term  problems  of  1986, 
my  government  believes  we  must  keep 
in  mind  the  longer  term  aspects  of  the 
crisis,  as  well  as  its  underlying  causes,  as 
we  go  about  our  work. 

As  important  and  pressing  as  the 
financial  issues  facing  us  are,  let  us  not 
overlook  the  fact  that  what  we  face  is,  in 
the  words  of  the  Secretary  General, 
"above  all  a  political  crisis."  The 
Secretary  General  is  correct  in  describ- 
ing this  political  crisis  as  arising  from 
lack  of  agreement  among  member  states 
on  means  and  purposes  for  financing  the 
organization.  The  crisis,  however,  goes 
much  deeper  than  that.  Why  are  mem- 
ber states  unable  to  agree  on  the  means 
and  purposes  for  financing  the  organiza- 
tion? The  reason  is  that  the  United 
Nations  is  facing  a  crisis  of  confidence. 

Member  states  remain  committed  to 
the  ideals  of  the  United  Nations— we  saw 
this  clearly  in  statement  after  statement 
at  the  40th  anniversary  session  of  the 
General  Assembly— but  member  states 
no  longer  have  confidence  in  the  United 
Nations  as  an  institution  for  effectively 
serving  those  ideals.  The  Secretary 
General  and  member  states  share 
responsibility  for  rebuilding  a  sense  of 
confidence  in  the  organization. 

The  resumed  session  of  the  General 
Assembly  is  an  important  test  to  see  if 
such  confidence  can  be  restored.  A 
serious  effort  among  member  states— 
with  active  guidance  and  assistance  from 
the  Secretary  General— to  deal  with  the 

short-term  financial  problems  now  con- 
fronting the  organization,  will  be  of 
great  importance  in  rebuilding  con- 
fidence in  the  United  Nations.  This,  in 
turn,  will  lay  an  encouraging  foundation 
for  addressing  the  long-term  fundamen- 
tal reforms  which  must  be  agreed  upon 
at  the  41st  General  Assembly.  Our 
failure  at  this  resumed  session  to  deal 
constructively  with  the  short-term  finan- 
cial issues  now  before  us  would  seriously 
jeopardize  prospects  for  success  over  the 
long  term. 


The  current  cash  shortfall  has  been 
building  up  over  a  long  period  of  time. 
According  to  the  Secretary  General's 
report,  shortfalls  in  the  payment  of 
assessed  contributions  began  at  the  end 
of  1956  and  reached  serious  proportions 
as  early  as  1960.  The  General  Assembly 
has  taken  a  number  of  steps  since  then 
to  address  the  problem  and  has  looked  at 
an  agenda  item  called  "the  financial 
emergency"  every  year  since  1976.  This 
financial  emergency  has  existed  because 
some  member  states  have  declined  to 
pay  part  of  their  assessments  because  of 
disagreements  with  certain  programs, 
such  as  peacekeeping,  and  because  other 
member  states  have  failed  to  stay  cur- 
rent with  their  assessments. 

The  Secretary  General's  report  of 
April  12  on  the  current  financial  crisis 
indicates  that,  as  of  March  31,  1986,  80 
countries,  a  majority  of  UN  members, 
had  all  or  a  portion  of  their  1985 
assessments  still  unpaid.  For  1986,  only 
14  member  states  had  paid  their  current 
assessments  in  full  by  the  end  of  March. 
This  situation' reflects  the  pattern  of 
recent  years.  The  organization  has 
managed  to  continue  operations  because 
of  its  reserves,  made  up  of  the  working 
capital  fund  and  the  special  account,  and 
because  the  United  States,  which  is 
assessed  25%  of  the  organization's 
expenses,  has  contributed  virtually  its 
full  assessment  to  the  organization  each 

This  year,  because  of  two  recently 
enacted  laws,  the  United  States  finds 
itself  unable  to  pay  its  full  assessment. 
The  fact  that  the  arrearages  of  other 
member  states  have  totally  depleted  the 
organization's  reserves  suggests  that  the 
U.S.  shortfall  becomes  the  straw  that 
breaks  the  back  of  the  camel.  The  $76 
million  shortfall  described  by  the 
Secretary  General,  in  fact,  is  very  close 
to  the  projected  U.S.  arrearage  for  1985 
and  1986,  which  we  estimate  currently 
at  about  $80  million.  One  could  say 
cynically  that  the  United  States  is  being 

>er  1986 


blamed  now  because  it  is  late  in  joining 
the  member  states  •■  ho  have  no1  paid 
assessments  in  the  past.  1  might 
add  that  such  cynicism  may  not  be 
misplaced  in  this  organization  where 
countries  who  have  for  many  years 
deliberately  withheld  substantial 
amounts  from  the  UN  budget  refer  to 
the  U.S.  withholdings  as  a  policy  of 
"financial  diktat  and  blackmail."  More 
to  the  point,  however,  the  financial  crisis 
is  not  the  responsibility  of  one  member 
state,  but  is  the  result  of  years  of 
withholdings  and  late  payments  by  a 
majority  of  countries. 

Let  me  now  turn  to  the  two  laws 
which  are  causing  the  United  States  to 
fall  short  on  its  assessed  payments.  The 
first  is  the  Kassebaum  amendment, 
which  limits  U.S.  payments  to  the 
United  Nations  and  the  specialized  agen- 
cies to  20%  of  their  budgets  unless  the 
organizations  institute  a  decisionmaking 
system  for  budgetary  matters  providing 
voting  strength  proportional  to  the  size 
of  contributions.  The  law  reflects 
dissatisfaction  in  the  U.S.  Congress  over 
the  fact  that  countries  which  contribute 
the  great  majority  of  the  organizations' 
money  have  little  say  in  how  it  is  spent. 
The  Secretary  General  has  pointed  out 
that  member  states  who  contribute 
70%-80%  of  the  UN  regular  budget 
have  not  been  able  to  vote  in  favor  of 
any  of  the  last  three  biennial  budgets  of 
the  United  Nations. 

The  U.S.  delegation  made  it  clear  in 
the  40th  General  Assembly  that  a 
Charter  amendment  to  produce  so-called 
weighted  voting  was  not  the  only  way  in 
which  the  intent  of  the  Kassebaum 
amendment  could  be  addressed.  We 
were  pleased  that  the  General  Assembly 
approved  the  establishment  of  the  Group 
of  18  to  examine  the  administrative  and 
financial  functioning  of  the  United 
Nations,  and  we  note  that  one  element 
of  the  group's  agenda  is  to  look  at  the 
procedures  for  reaching  a  broad  agree- 
ment on  the  organization's  budget.  We 
are  hopeful  that  the  group's  delibera- 
tions will  produce  recommendations  to 
the  41st  General  Assembly  which,  when 
acted  upon,  will  strengthen  the  organiza- 
tion and  will  provide  a  basis  for  seeking 
mollification  of  the  Kassebaum 

The  other  law  is  the  Gramm- 
Rudman-Hollin^s  Deficit  Reduction  Act, 
which  requires  that  the  total  U.S. 
federal  budget  deficit  be  progressively 
reduced  to  zero  over  the  next  5  years. 
To  the  extent  that  targets  are  not  met 
by  directed  program  cuts,  the  Gramm- 
Rudman-Hollings  act  requires  a  pro  ruin 

sequestering,  or  cutting,  of  virtually  all 
federal  programs.  This  law  has  resulted 
in  a  sequestering  of  a  portion  of  the  U.S. 

1985  UN  assessment  and  could  poten- 
tially require  an  additional  sequestering 
of  part  of  the  1986  payment  as  well.  The 
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings  act  is  not 
specifically  directed  at  the  United 
Nations  or  at  international  organiza- 
tions, but  its  effects  are  being  felt  by 
them.  The  future  of  Gramm-Rudman- 
Hollings  is  unclear,  but  the  need  to 
reduce  the  federal  budget  deficit  is  sure 
to  remain  a  high  priority  for  the  U.S. 
Government.  We  hope  that  the  deficit 
ceilings  specified  by  this  law  will  be  met 
through  directed  program  reductions  so 
that  across-the-board  cuts  will  not  be 
needed  in  future  years. 

Current  Situation 

Given  the  existence  of  large  cumulative 
arrears  and  the  inability  of  the  United 
States  to  make  its  full  payment  this 
year,  the  United  Nations  is  forced  to  cut 
its  expenses  now.  The  Secretary  General 
has  already  undertaken  administrative 
measures  which  he  believes  will  save  $30 
million,  and  he  is  asking  this  resumed 
session  to  approve  an  additional  $30 
million  of  program  deferrals  and  suspen- 
sions. The  delegation  of  the  United 
States  has  carefully  reviewed  these 
measures.  We  regret  the  curtailment  of 
some  of  the  activities  proposed  for  defer- 
ral, and,  more  important,  we  believe  that 
administrative  savings  and  program 
deferrals  should  be  more  directly  aimed 
at  improvements  in  the  efficiency  and  ef- 
fectiveness of  Secretariat  operations. 
Nevertheless,  we  conclude  that  it  is  im- 
portant to  keep  the  Secretary  General's 
proposals  together  as  a  package.  We 
believe,  therefore,  that  the  Secretary 
General's  proposals  represent  a  con- 
structive first  step  to  address  the  finan- 
cial shortfall,  and  we  support  their  ap- 
proval as  a  package. 

The  United  States  is  concerned  that 
the  Secretary  General's  savings  pro- 
posals do  not  equal  the  projected  short- 
fall. A  gap  of  some  $46  million  is  to  be 
filled  by  voluntary  contributions  or  other 
measures  to  be  decided  upon  by  member 
states,  such  as  commercial  borrowing  or 
further  increasing  the  working  capital 
fund.  The  U.S.  delegation  opposes  these 
last  two  proposals,  as  we  have  in  the 
past  years. 

We  are  also  concerned  that  the 
Secretary  General's  projection  of  the 

1986  shortfall  may  be  somewhat 
optimistic.  For  one  thing,  the  projection 

assumes  that,  except  for  the  United 
States,  payments  to  the  regular  budg 
will  be  almost  equal  to  the  amount 
assessed  for  the  current  year.  Such  r 
formance  is  possible,  but  would  requ 
substantial  departure  from  past  prac 
We  would  hope,  therefore,  that  the 
Secretary  General  will  monitor  the  I 
financial  situation  closely  throughout 
year  and  be  prepared,  if  necessary,  t 
propose  additional  savings  measures 

A  related  concern  is  that  the 
Secretary  General's  proposals  only  c 
1986.  We  are  aware  that  the  Group  ( 
is  considering  a  number  of  proposals 
cost  reduction  and  increased  efficien 
whose  effects  would  be  felt  in  1987. ' 
beginning  of  each  year,  however,  ha; 
been  a  time  when  few  payments  are 
received.  This  situation  is  likely  to  be 
more  critical  next  year,  because  the 
Secretary  General  has  proposed  that 
member  states  advance  a  portion  of' 
1987  payments  into  1986,  and  defer 
programs  into  1987. 


The  United  States  has  always  been 
the  largest  financial  supporter  of  the 
United  Nations  and  fully  intends  to  <* 
tinue  its  support.  The  current  financi 
crisis  has  resulted  in  part  from  subst 
tial  arrearages  spread  among  many 
member  states  and  partly  from  trust- 
tion  on  the  part  of  the  United  States 
and,  we  believe,  other  member  state; 
that  their  views  on  the  level  and  cont 
of  the  organization's  budget  are  not! 
taken  seriously.  As  we  indicated  earl: 
the  United  Nations  faces  a  crisis  of  ci 
fidence.  This  resumed  session  is  not 
intended  to  resolve  the  basic  problem 
that  have  brought  the  organization  tc 
this  point.  Those  problems  can  be 
addressed  only  by  candid  discussions 
among  member  states  over  the  comin 
months,  assisted  by  thoughtful  and 
serious  recommendations  from  the 
Group  of  18.  The  U.S.  delegation  star, 
ready  to  participate  in  any  and  all  sue 

For  now,  our  goal  must  be  to  assi 
the  continued  functioning  of  the 
organization  until  a  broad  consensus  it 
the  future  budget  and  program  of  the 
United  Nations  is  obtained.  As  I 
indicated  earlier,  the  U.S.  delegation  ! 
believes  that  the  Secretary  General's  , 
savings  proposals  should  be  accepted,  ' 
that  he  should  be  asked  to  monitor  thi, 
short-term  financial  situation  careful); 

The  decisions  we  take  at  this  sess' 
can  have  a  profound  effect,  positive  oi 
negative,  on  the  future  of  the  United 


Department  of  State  Bulk 


mas.  I  urge  that  the  member  states 
Ik  together  to  ensure  that  the  effect 
fepsitive  one,  because  the  future  of 
lorganization  is  of  great  importance 
3  all. 

In  closing  let  me  renew  the  commit- 
t  that  Secretary  of  State  [George] 
tz  made  when  he  spoke  on  the  occa- 
of  the  40th  anniversary  of  the  sign- 
)f  the  Charter  of  the  United  Nations 
in  Francisco  on  June  26,  1985.  He 

I  want  to  leave  you  with  one  clear 
message:  The  I  Inited  States  is  going  to  stick 
with  it.  We  will  fight  for  peace  and  freedom 
and  for  our  interests— in  the  United  Nations 
as  we  do  everywhere  else.  And  we  will  do  our 
part  to  make  the  United  Nations  work  as  a 
force  for  security,  for  human  rights,  and  for 
human  betterment. 

'USUN  pressrelease  37 

sit  of  Mexican  President 

resident  Miguel  de  la  Madrid 
hdo  of  the  United  Mexican  States 
I  an  official  working  visit  to 
{ington,  B.C.,  August  12-U.  1986,  to 
with  President  Reagan  and  other 
wment  officials. 

following  are  remarks  made  by  the 
presidents  after  their  meeting  on 


dent  Reagan 

Sent  De  la  Madrid  and  I  have  just 
Beted  one  of  our  most  constructive 
I  think,  fruitful  meetings.  It  was 
|th  in  a  series  which  began  in  1982 
pmonstrated  again  that  U.S.- 
Ian relations  are  based  on  respect, 
fetanding,  open  and  frank  discus- 
Bind  mutually  beneficial 

The  decline  of  oil  prices  and  the 
burden  of  a  debt  incurred  in  past  years 
have  hit  Mexico  hard.  President  De  la 
Madrid's  Administration  and  the  people 
of  Mexico  are  making  a  courageous, 
determined  effort  to  face  up  to  their 
nation's  fundamental  economic  problems 
and  turn  a  difficult  situation  around. 

In  our  meeting  today,  I  emphasized 
to  President  De  la  Madrid  that  the 
people  and  Government  of  the  United 
States  are  ready  to  lend  a  hand  when 
and  where  it  can  make  a  difference.  The 
United  States,  for  example,  strongly 
endorses  Mexico's  recent  agreements 
with  the  International  Monetary  Fund 
and  the  World  Bank.  We  hope  arrange- 
ments made  with  Mexico's  private 
creditors  move  quickly  so  that  Mexico 
can  reignite  economic  growth,  evolve 
toward  a  more  efficient  market-oriented 

system,  continue  to  meet  its  debt  obliga- 
tions, and  meet  the  economic  needs  of 
the  Mexican  people. 

As  I  expressed  to  President  De  la 
Madrid  today,  the  United  States  is 
prepared  to  do  its  part  with  commercial 
and  agricultural  credits;  support  for 
international  financial  institution  pro- 
grams in  Mexico;  and  by  maintaining  our 
markets  open  to  Mexican  products- 
products  Mexico  must  export  if  it  is  to 
prosper  and  meet  its  international  finan- 
cial obligations. 

Mexico's  entry  into  the  General 
Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade  is  also 
viewed  here  as  a  major  step  forward. 
This  step  comprises  part  of  a  strategy  of 
economic  restructuring  which  highlights 
productivity  and  the  creation  of  a 
favorable  business  climate.  Toward  this 
end.  President  De  la  Madrid  and  I 
agreed  to  give  priority  to  negotiations  of 
a  framework  agreement  on  trade  and 
investment  and  to  have  it  done  within  a 

Symbolic  of  our  strengthening 
bonds,  I  am  pleased  to  announce  that  the 
United  States  is  lifting  today  our  6-year- 
old  embargo  on  the  importation  of  tuna 
from  Mexico.  Former  Ambassador  John 
Gavin,  I  should  point  out,  was  instru- 
mental in  achieving  this  breakthrough. 
And  we're  looking  for  further  progress 
in  our  discussions  on  fisheries  issues. 
One  area  of  solid  agreement  was  our 
•  recognition  of  the  necessity  of  maintain- 
ing our  countries'  strong  campaign 
against  drugs.  We  pledged  to  bolster  our 
eradication  programs  and  our  efforts  to 
bring  to  justice  vicious  drug  traffickers, 
who  have  been  such  a  corrupting 
influence  in  both  our  countries.  We  also 
pledged  to  do  all  possible  to  attack  the 
demand  side  of  this  evil  by  aggressively 
discouraging  the  consumption  of  narcotic 

We  can  be  proud  of  the  broad  range 
of  cooperation  developing  between  our 
countries,  including  border  environmen- 
tal policy,  improved  civil  aviation 
arrangements,  new  bridges  and  border 
crossings,  and  our  strong  energy  rela- 
tions. We  plan  to  strengthen  our 
binational  consultations  at  the  Cabinet 
level  to  better  meet  the  challenges  and 
take  advantage  of  opportunities  for  our 
two  nations  in  the  coming  years. 

What  we  have  accomplished  today 
builds  upon  the  successes  of  the  past  and 
will  benefit  both  our  peoples.  It  was  a 
pleasure  to  see  my  friend,  President  De 
la  Madrid,  again.  As  a  good  friend  and 
neighbor,  we  wish  you  a  safe  journey 
home.  Hasta  luego  and  nos  vemos. 

tar    1  QOC 


President  De  la  Madrid2 

I  wish  to  express  my  appreciation  to 

dent  of  the  United  States,  Ronald 
Reagan,  for  his  cordial  invitation  to  hold 
this  meeting  in  Washington.  It  has  been 
a  timely  and  fruitful  meeting.  It  has 
been  a  fruitful  meeting  because  it  has 
been  positive  results  in  allowing  us  to 
deal  frankly  and  in  depth  with  various 
problems  that  both  Presidents  consider 
to  be  of  prime  importance  for  the  proper 
development  of  relations  between  the 
United  States  and  Mexico. 

President  Reagan  and  I  agreed  to 
give  priority  attention  to  the  topics 
included  in  the  bilateral  agenda.  We  are 
pleased  to  acknowledge  that  this  year 
there  have  been  positive  developments 
and  agreements  in  dealing  with  various 
economic  matters  and  in  border  coopera- 
tion. We  agreed  that  it  is  necessary  and 
just  to  emphasize  such  progress. 

We  have  agreed  that  the  govern- 
ments, beginning  today,  should  make  an 
extraordinary  effort  to  strengthen  and 
improve  our  relations.  This  is  a 
necessary  element  in  order  to  broaden 
and  intensify  the  cooperation  between 
the  two  peoples.  It  is  with  satisfaction 
that  I  have  today  confirmed  the  firm 
determination  of  President  Reagan  to 
give  renewed  impetus  to  the  develop- 
ment of  positive  relations  between  the 
United  States  and  Mexico. 

In  this  spirit,  we  have  exchanged 
views  on  various  issues  of  great  interest 
to  the  two  governments  and  to  both 
countries  in  general.  Allow  me  to  point 
out  some  of  them  briefly. 

Firstly,  we  took  up  in  detail  different 
aspects  of  our  financial  and  trade  rela- 
tions. The  recent  negotiations  on  the 
part  of  the  Mexican  Government  with 
the  international  financial  institutions, 
particularly  the  International  Monetary 
Fund,  have  successfully  opened  the  way 
to  new  and  more  realistic  and  flexible 
formulas  for  dealing  with  the  problem  of 
the  foreign  debt. 

I  recognize  that  the  Government  of 
the  United  States,  in  playing  a  very  con- 
structive role,  did  a  very  fine  thing,  and 
this  we  greatly  appreciate.  It  is  our  pur- 
pose that  Mexico  should  attain  a  suffi- 
cient and  sustained  growth  as  a  basis  in 
order  to  restructure  and  renew  its 
economy;  in  order  to  maintain  the  social 
progress  that  has  been  the  basis  for  the 
long  stability  of  our  country;  and  in 
"rilcr  to  extend  its  capacity  to  comply 
with  its  international  commitments. 

The  problem  of  the  foreign  debt  is 
related  with  more  finances  in  order  to 
improve  the  conditions  that  will  make  it 
possible  for  us  to  comply  with  our 
foreign  debt.  Mexico  seeks  P.  create 

greater  exportations  in  areas  in  which  it 
has  comparative  advantages.  Exports 
that  are  not  oil  problems,  commercial 
links  that  will  recognize  the  varying 
degrees  of  developments  of  both 
economies  and  that  do  not  offer 
decrimination  or  absolute  reciprocity, 
can  be  a  good  basis  for  the  increase  of 
our  trade. 

Both  Presidents  have  given  instruc- 
tions to  their  associates  in  order  to 
undertake  a  broadened  agreement  on 
trade  and  on  other  subjects,  and  we  have 
given  definite  instructions  to  our 
negotiators  on  both  sides. 

President  Reagan  and  I  also  had  the 
opportunity  to  exchange  points  of  view 
on  the  problems  of  the  undocumented 
workers  in  the  United  States.  This  is  a 
problem  that  has  to  do  with  the  struc- 
tures of  both  economies.  And  there  is  no 
doubt  that  as  the  Mexican  economy 
improves,  the  migrant  flows  will  tend  to 

I  would  also  like  to  refer  to  a  subject 
that  President  Reagan  and  I  dealt  with 
as  a  very  important  part  of  our  conver- 
sations. And  I  am  referring  now  to  the 
war  against  drug  trafficking.  The 
Government  of  Mexico  maintains  that 
international  cooperation  is  absolutely 
necessary  in  order  to  efficiently  face 
drug  trafficking. 

We  agreed  that  it's  necessary  to 
simultaneously  attack  all  the  links  of  the 

Update  on  Chile 

by  Elliott  Abrams 

Prepared  statement  before  the  Sub- 
committee on  International  Development 
Institutions  and  Finance  of  the  House 
Banking,  Finance  and  Urban  Affairs 
Committee  on  July  30,  1986.  Mr.  Abrams 
is  Assistajit  Secretary  for  Inter- 
American  Affairs.1 

In  early  December  last  year,  I  testified 
before  this  subcommittee  outlining  the 
Administration's  policies  and  goals 
toward  Chile.  At  that  time,  I  noted  our 
hopes  and  concerns  for  progress  in 
greater  respect  for  human  rights  and  a 
democratic  transition  in  a  land  once 
known  for  its  democratic  traditions.  I 
concluded  with  an  explanation  of  how, 
on  a  case-by-case  basis,  we  determine 
our  votes  on  loans  for  Chile  in  the  inter- 
national financial  institutions  (IFIs). 

I  welcome  this  opportunity  to  review 
some  of  the  main  developments  in  Chile 

chain;  that  is,  production,  distribution, 
and  consumption.  I  have  said  to  Presi- 
dent Reagan  that  we  believe  that  the 
campaign  that,  under  his  leadership,  h. 
been  established  in  the  United  States  i 
very  important  to  combat  the  consumf 
tion  and  the  distribution  of  drugs. 

We  shall  continue  to  strengthen  th 
cooperation  between  both  government 
in  order  to  combat  this  cancer  of  mode 
society.  I  believe,  as  has  been  said  by 
President  Reagan,  this  conversation  h; 
been  particularly  satisfactory.  It  is  an 
additional  proof  of  the  firm  and  loyal 
friendship  that  unites  our  two  peoples. 

We  have  a  great  deal  to  benefit  frc 
a  dignified,  cordial  relationship  of 
mutually  good  for  both.  I  thank  Presi 
dent  Reagan  and  the  members  of  his 
party  for  the  very  warm  hospitality  th: 
they  have  extended  to  us.  And,  once 
again,  I  would  like  to  state  the  recogni  ' 
tion  of  the  Government  and  the  people ' 
Mexico  for  the  assistance  that  was  giv  I 
to  us  by  the  United  States  during  the  I 
earthquakes  in  the  month  of  Septembe  i 
particularly  the  very  warm  friendship  t 
Nancy  Reagan  who  went  to  be  with  us  I 
during  those  painful  times. 

>Made  at  the  South  Portico  of  the  Whit 
House  (text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  18,  1986). 

2President  De  la  Madrid  spoke  in  Spanii 
and  his  remarks  were  translated  by  an  inte; 
preter.  ■ 

since  December  as  well  as  the  Admini- 
stration's policy  toward  that  troubled 
country.  In  dealing  with  Chile  we  must 
move  with  a  clear  vision,  shaping  our 
actions  to  the  reality  of  the  situation  ai 
using  our  limited  instruments  of 
influence,  such  as  our  IFI  loan  votes,  ir 
a  prudent  manner.  We  must  not  act  in 
haste  and  anger,  but  ask  how  each  loanp 
vote  fits  into  our  policy  of  support  for  i 
democratic  transition  and  human  rights 
improvements,  as  well  as  the  economic 
merits  of  each  proposed  loan.  And,  of  ! 
course,  we  must  observe  the  require-    | 
ments  of  applicable  legislation. 

Human  Rights:  Progress 
and  Continuing  Problems 

The  tragic  death  of  Rodrigo  Rojas 
earlier  this  month  has  again  focused  th(t 
attention  of  Americans  on  the  cycle  of  j 
violence  in  Chile  and  the  need  to 


Dffnartment  of  State  Bullet, 


ourage  greater  respect  for  human 
its.  We  have  repeatedly  made  clear 
t  we  have  a  strong  commitment, 
pite  limited  policy  tools,  to  bring 
ut  increased  respect  for  human  rights 
"Jhile.  Our  humanitarian  concern  over 
death  of  this  young  man  was  evident 
iur  aid  to  his  mother  in  entering 
le,  our  statements  calling  for  an 
est  investigation,  and  in  our 
bassador's  attendance  at  Rojas' 
eral  with  the  Administration's  full 

I  would  like  to  briefly  outline  what 
see  as  some  of  the  pertinent  events 
ring  on  respect  for  human  rights  in 
le  since  I  last  testified  before  this 

As  I  testified  before  last  December, 
have  welcomed  the  expressed  will- 
less  of  the  Chilean  Government  to 
Derate  with  the  UN  Special  Rap- 
;eur,  Fernando  Volio,  as  providing 
opportunity  to  encourage  concrete 
lan  rights  improvements.  Progress  in 
area,  however,  has  been  slow— much 
'er  than  we  would  have  liked.  In 
e  areas  there  have  been  positive 
;lopments;  although,  I  should  note, 
e  of  these  are  so  new  that  the  ver- 
is  not  yet  in  on  their  effectiveness. 
3n  the  positive  side,  I  would  note 
willingness  of  the  government  in 

to  authorize  publication  of  a  daily 
spaper— La  Epoca— associated  with 
e's  democratic  opposition  and 
duled  to  be  on  the  stands  early  next 

As  far  as  the  existing  media  are 
erned,  there  has  been  much  more 
dom  of  expression  allowed  since  the 
lg  of  the  state  of  siege  over  a  year 
although  the  government  imposed 
t  censorship  on  several  radio  sta- 

early  in  July.  In  addition,  there  is 
government  decision  last  month  to 
te  a  human  rights  advisory  commis- 

which  is  significant  if  only  as 
ial  recognition  that  Chile  has  human 
;s  problems.  We  hope  that  this 
ial  human  rights  commission  will 
c  with  the  respected  private  human 
;s  groups  in  Chile  and  have  a 
ive  impact  in  bringing  about  rights 
ovements.  Similarly,  the  announce- 
1  that  the  government  intends  to 
;ablish  separate  labor  courts  could 
to  greater  protection  of  worker 

Another  positive  development,  which 
isponds  to  Mr.  Volio's  recommenda- 

is  an  apparent  decision  by  the 
:an  Government  to  refrain  from 
ing  its  opponents  into  forced  inter- 
xile.  This  practice  was  used  against 
reds  of  protestors  in  1985,  but  so 
lis  year  the  government  has  not 

invoked  this  repressive  authority.  The 
authority  to  do  so,  however,  still  exists 
on  paper,  deriving  from  transitory  Arti- 
cle 24  of  the  L980  constitution,  which 
gives  the  Chilean  president  sweeping 
powers  to  restrict  civil  liberties  during 
announced  states  of  exception  in  Chile, 
such  as  are  in  effect  now. 

The  government's  decision  to  turn  to 
the  judicial  system  to  prosecute  pro- 
testors or  other  government  opponents 
represents  an  improvement  over  past 
practice,  when  there  was  no  opportunity 
for  those  affected  to  contest  actions 
against  them,  but  does  not  eliminate  our 
concerns  about  how  the  government 
responds  to  peaceful  dissent  by  Chilean 
citizens.  Those  charged  with  violations  of 
state  security  laws  frequently  are 
detained  for  prolonged  periods, 
sometimes  incommunicado,  whether  or 
not  they  have  been  charged  with  per- 
sonal involvement  in  specific  acts  of 
violence.  We  will  watch  carefully  the 
trial  proceedings  now  going  on  for  the 
13  Civic  Assembly  leaders  who  are 
charged  with  violations  of  state  security 
laws  in  connection  with  the  July  2-3 
general  strike.  Despite  the  explicit  public 
calls  of  these  leaders  for  nonviolence 
during  the  work  stoppage,  these  Chilean 
leaders  face  sentences  of  60  days  to  3 
years  in  prison.  Arrested  on  July  10, 
they  have  not  been  released  on  bail,  but 
have  received  visitors,  including  a 
human  rights  officer  of  the  U.S. 
Embassy  in  Santiago. 

We  hope  that  the  Chilean  Govern- 
ment's willingness  to  continue  its 
exchange  with  Mr.  Volio  reflects  the 
intention  to  take  more  concrete  actions 
to  improve  human  rights  practices. 
Should  there  be  progress  of  this  kind,  we 
would  certainly  welcome  it,  and  would 
urge  due  recognition  by  the  General 
Assembly  when  the  Chilean  human 
rights  situation  is  reviewed  by  the 
United  Nations  this  fall. 

While  it  is  important  that  we 
recognize  where  there  has  been  prog- 
ress, it  is  also  important  that  we 
recognize  where  problems  have  con- 
tinued or  become  more  acute.  A  review 
of  the  the  problem  areas  highlighted  in 
the  resolution  on  Chile  drafted  by  the 
United  States  and  adopted  by  consensus 
at  the  UN  Human  Rights  Commission 
meeting  in  March  makes  clear  that  there 
are  many  areas  in  need  of  improvement. 
For  instance,  there  is  no  reasonable 
explanation  for  the  frequent  failure  in 
Chile  to  identify,  prosecute,  and  punish 
those  responsible  for  violent  crimes.  In 
the  case  of  Rodrigo  Rojas,  an  instance  of 
such  violent  crime,  we  have  made  clear 
that  we  look  to  Chilean  authorities  for  a 

thorough  and  impartial  investigation. 
We  have  seen  the  decision  of  the  judge 
to  indict  one  military  officer  for 
manslaughter,  as  well  as  the  July  24 
statement  issued  on  this  decision  by  the 
Vicariate  of  Solidarity.  There  are  serious 
questions  raised  by  the  differing  views  of 
how  this  incident  actually  occurred  and 
we  are  concerned  over  these  discrepan- 
cies. We  will  not  consider  this  matter 
closed  until  the  discrepancies  between 
what  the  judge  ruled  to  have  occurred, 
and  what  eyewitnesses  claim,  are 
resolved,  and  all  those  responsible  for 
crimes  related  to  Rojas'  death  and  the 
severe  injury  of  Carmen  Quintana  are 
tried  and  brought  to  justice. 

Another  problem  I  spoke  of  last 
December  remains  unresolved.  We  have 
continued  to  receive  credible  reports  of 
torture  by  security  forces.  After  a 
notable  drop-off  of  reports  of  this  nature 
to  the  Vicariate  in  the  period  of  March- 
April,  reports  again  have  been  received. 
At  least  14  cases  of  torture  in  Santiago 
alone  have  been  brought  before  Chilean 
courts  this  year. 

The  final  problem  area  I  would 
highlight  today  is  the  nature  of  the 
government  response  to  acts  of  civil 
disobedience  and  to  antigovernment 
violence  and  terrorism.  According  to 
provisional  figures  available  from 
Chilean  human  rights  groups,  there  were 
approximately  3,300  people  detained  by 
security  forces  for  participating  in 
politically  motivated  demonstrations  dur- 
ing the  first  6  months  of  this  year.  By 
comparison,  during  the  last  6  months  of 
1985  (the  best  period  of  comparison, 
since  the  state  of  siege  was  in  effect  for 
the  first  half  of  1985),  a  total  of  3,920 
were  detained  for  similar  reasons. 

As  these  figures  imply,  the  heavy- 
handed  government  action  at  Rodrigo 
Rojas'  funeral  was  not  the  only  instance 
of  overreaction  apparent  this  year. 
Another  notable  instance  was  the 
deployment  of  thousands  of  government 
troops  to  cordon  off  Santiago  on  May  21 
in  order  to  prevent  small  antigovern- 
ment protests  from  taking  place,  which 
was  even  criticized  by  some  supporters 
of  the  Chilean  Government.  Government 
sweeps  of  poor  neighborhoods  in  San- 
tiago and  temporary  detentions  of 
thousands  of  people  similarly  seem 
unwarranted  and  excessive,  in  view  of 
the  small  number  of  accused  criminals  or 
terrorists  actually  arrested  and  the 
limited  quantity  of  illegal  arms  reported 
discovered.  Such  actions  can  only  con- 
tribute to  the  climate  of  confrontation 
and  complicate  efforts  to  bring  about  a 
transition  to  democracy. 


As  the  Chilean  ( !i  e  of 

[j  noted,  the  violence  in 
Chile  today  stems  from  complex  causes. 
Among  those  are  concerted  efforts  of 
the  <  Ihilean  Communist  Party  and  its  far 
left  allies  to  pursue  their  undemocratic 
ends  by  attempting  to  provoke  ever 
greater  repression  through  terrorist 
violence.  These  groups  have  pursued  a 
wave  of  bombing  attacks  which  included 
in  recent  months  a  bomb  directed 
against  the  residence  of  the  U.S. 
Ambassador;  an  attack  against  San- 
tiago's subway  system  that  left  two 
people  dead;  killing  of  policemen;  straf- 
ing of  military  housing  for  women  and 
children;  and  bombings  of  some  Mormon 
churches  and  U.S.  businesses.  The  tombs 
of  President  Pinochet's  parents  were 
also  vandalized.  The  most  recent  act  of 
terrorism  occurred  on  July  25,  when  39 
persons  were  injured  by  a  bomb  explo- 
sion at  a  bus  stop  in  downtown  Santiago. 
No  group  has  claimed  responsibility  for 
this  bombing,  which  we  strongly 

Support  for  Democracy 
and  Human  Rights 

Our  encouragement  of  greater  respect 
for  human  rights  goes  hand-in-hand  with 
our  efforts  to  encourage  a  peaceful 
democratic  transition.  History  shows 
that  only  in  truly  democratic  states  are 
the  rights  of  an  individual  secure. 

In  December.  I  related  to  you  our 
mow  that  the  creation  of  the  National 
Accord  represented  an  advance  in  the 
process  of  dialogue  and  reconciliation 
necessary  if  Chile  is  to  achieve  a 
peaceful  democratic  transition.  Though 
the  Chilean  Government  has  shown 
intransigence  in  dealing  with  the 
democratic  parties  comprising  the 
accord,  we  continue  to  believe  it  pro- 
vides a  base  from  which  peaceful  prog- 
ress on  Chile's  democratic  transition  can 
ade.  We  hope  that  all  Chileans  con- 
cerned about  the  future  of  democracy  in 
their  country  will  build  on  the  positive 
elements  they  see  in  the  accord. 

During  his  July  12-18  visit  to  Chile. 
Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  Robert 
1  lelbard  also  renewed  our  message  on 
democracy  and  human  rights.  He  clearly 
articulated  that  the  United  States  sup- 

eaceful  transition  to  full 
democratic  rule  in  Chile  by  the  most 

pt  and  effective  means.  How  Chile 
achieves  a  democratic  system  must  be 
determined  by  the  Chilean  people.  But 
we  are  committed  to  using  our  limited 
influence  and  encouragement  to  helping 
them  bring  that  about.  With  the  strong, 
talented,  and  experienced  U.S. 

Ambassador  we  have  in  Santiago,  and 
the  public  expressions  of  support  for  a 
democratic  transition  coming  from 
Washington,  this  Administration  has  put 
itself  squarely  on  the  side  of  democracy 
and  human  rights  in  Chile. 

President  Reagan  on  a  number  of 
occasions  has  signaled  his  personal  sup- 
port for  democratic  change  in  Chile.  In 
spring  1985  he  spoke  of  "entrenched 
military  rule"  in  both  Chile  and 
Paraguay,  where  we  have  another  very 
effective  ambassador.  During  his  Human 
Rights  Day  speech  in  December,  the 
President  noted  that  in  Chile,  as  in  the 
Philippines,  we  had  "shown  our  strong 
concern  when  our  friends  deviate  from 
established  democratic  traditions."  In 
his  public  welcome  for  Uruguayan 
President  Sanguinetti  just  last  month, 
the  President  said  bluntly,  "in  this  hemi- 
sphere, the  days  of  dictatorship,  left  or 
right,  are  numbered,"  noting  that  the 
peaceful  return  to  democracy  in 
Uruguay  can  serve  as  a  model  for 
others,  and  concluding  "authoritarian 
regimes  should  take  notice." 

If  any  doubt  remained  over  U.S. 
policy  following  these  statements,  they 
should  have  been  dispelled  by  the 
response  of  the  White  House  to  the 
recent  public  attack  on  Ambassador 
[Harry]  Barnes.  The  White  House  issued 
a  statement  the  following  day  reaffirm- 
ing President  Reagan's  full  confidence  in 
Ambassador  Barnes.  Ambassador 
Barnes,  like  our  other  ambassadors,  car- 
ries out  Administration  policy  which  is 
made  in  Washington.  This  policy  is,  of 
course,  to  encourage  a  democratic 

The  vast  majority  of  Chileans  sup- 
port a  peaceful  transition  to  democracy 
and  understand  the  substance  of  our 
policy  toward  their  country.  The  Chilean 
Communist  Party,  which  is  the  largest  in 
the  hemisphere  next  to  that  of  Cuba  or 
Nicaragua's  Sandinistas,  also  is  aware  of 
our  stance.  It,  however,  has  adopted  the 
tactic  of  "armed  struggle"  to  remove 
the  military  government  since  it  has  no 
interest  in  peaceful  solutions  which 
would  leave  the  party  lacking  complete 
power.  By  supporting  terrorism  and 
violence,  the  communists  hope  to  pro- 
voke greater  government  repression  and 
produce  general  polarization.  They  have 
tried  hard  to  convince  democratic 
elements  of  Chilean  society  that  the  only 
means  of  restoring  democracy  is  through 

We  reject  violence  from  any  side  as 
an  attack  not  only  on  human  and  civil 
rights  but  against  the  future  of  a 
democratic  Chile.  Groups  such  as  the 
Communist  Party,  who  favor  violent 

means  to  political  ends  today,  cannot  1 
expected  to  abide  by  democratic  rules 
tomorrow.  Those  who  accord  legitimai 
to  the  communists  and  other  extremis 
are  not  contributing  to  a  stable, 
democratic  Chile. 

The  Challenge  for  the  United  States 
and  Chile 

The  current  climate  of  violence  and  co 
frontation  in  Chile  poses  a  difficult 
challenge  for  the  United  States.  The 
Chilean  Government  believes  that  it  h 
a  workable  plan  for  returning  Chile  to 
democracy  relying  on  the  mechanism  i 
out  in  the  1980  constitution.  The  gove 
ment  announced  this  spring  a  scheduli 
for  drafting  and  approving  certain  bas 
laws  related  to  that  constitution.  The 
constitution  would  be  fully  implement 
in  1989,  when  a  presidential  candidate 
chosen  by  the  military  junta  is  to  be  p 
before  the  people  in  a  plebiscite. 

We  look  forward  to  enactment  of 
these  laws  as  positive  steps.  But  to  be 
truly  meaningful,  they  should  be  enac'l 
in  a  context  of  full  civil  liberties,  such  1 
freedom  of  assembly,  speech,  and  pre;  I 
and  access  to  the  means  of  communic;  (■ 
tion.  Advances  in  these  crucial  areas    I 
mean  progress  in  restoring  democracy  , 
as  well  as  improvements  in  human  rig 

The  1980  constitution,  however,  ail 
its  timetable  and  program  for  a  transi  | 
tion  are  matters  of  great  controversy  | 
Chile.  In  the  absence  of  any  broad  and 
meaningful  dialogue  with  the  democra  I 
opposition,  grounds  for  skepticism  exitf 
that  the  Chilean  Government  intends  t|» 
take  steps  toward  developing  the  sort  I 
broad  consensus  that  would  enable  a    j 
peaceful,  orderly  transition  to  demo-    | 
cratic  government  take  place.  Further  | 
delay  in  taking  concrete  steps  to  give  t^ 
Chilean  people  confidence  that  their 
nation  is  headed  toward  democracy  an| 
to  restore  full  civil  liberties  can  only 
benefit  enemies  of  democracy  on  the 
extreme  left  and  right.  Failure  to  retui|- 
to  democracy  will  be  accompanied  by  i 
increasing  polarization  and  violence.  T» 
strengthening  of  the  far  left  in  Chile 
resulting  from  this  could  have  a  negatif 
impact  on  some  still  fragile  democracies 
elsewhere  in  the  region  and  jeopardize 
U.S.  interests. 

Given  the  important  stakes  involveji 
the  United  States  needs  to  have  a 
forward-looking,  prudent  policy.  We 
have  been  careful  not  to  endorse  any    | 
program  or  timetable  for  a  transition— k 
issues  only  the  Chilean  people  can 
decide.  We  all  need  to  recognize  that    ) 


Department  of  State  Bulle^ 


ugh  pro-  and  antigovernment 
ans  put  great  store  in  what  the 
;d  States  does  or  does  not  do  with 
ct  to  Chile,  we  have  in  fact  very 
■d  real  influence.  We  have  few  car- 
ind  few  sticks  available.  We  have 
curity  assistance  program;  no 
try  training  relationship;  no 
ral  economic  assistance  program  to 
:  of  except  for  a  small  amount  of 
nitarian  food  aid.  Because  of 
ative  restrictions  imposed  on  the 
five  [branch]  by  the  Congress,  we 
very  limited  channels  of  corn- 
nation  to  the  Chilean  Armed 
is,  who  must  play  a  key  role  in 
ing  a  peaceful  transition  to 

)  carrying  out  our  policy  of 
raging  democracy  and  human 
i  improvements  in  Chile,  we  hope 
11  have  active  bipartisan  support 
the  Congress.  We  need  to  work 
ler.  I  am  sure  you  share  our  desire 
ire  do  not  contribute— even 
ertently— to  accelerating  the  very 
=s  of  polarization  and  violent  con- 
ation which  we  see  developing,  and 
only  benefits  the  extremes  in 

fates  on  Loans  to  Chile 

ation  related  to  the  IFIs  requires 
ecutive  [branch]  to  examine  the 
i|i  rights  situation,  in  addition  to  the 
imc  rationale,  carefully  in  deter- 
b  our  votes  on  loans  in  the 
lateral  institutions.  Pursuant  to  this 
ly-case  review,  we  look  at  each  loan 
litely  and  consider  the  situation  in  a 
nular  country  as  it  exists  just  before 
liins  are  scheduled  to  be  reviewed 
I  executive  boards. 
k  the  committee  is  aware,  no  loans 
pie  are  scheduled  for  review  until 
ill.  The  earliest  loan  expected  to 
Lp  is  a  $250  million  World  Bank 
jural  adjustment  loan  (SAL), 
bs  in  early  October.  We  also  expect 
Ing  sector  loan  to  come  up  at  the 
International  Finance  Corporation] 
liber.  Three  loans  at  the  IDB 
sAmerican  Development  Bank]  are 
Ito  be  voted  on  prior  to  the  end  of 
lar.  These  include  a  $240  million 
Ir  a  hydroelectric  power  project,  a 
jnllion  loan  for  urban  services,  and  a 
pillion  loan  for  regional  hospitals. 
|e  also  anticipate  that  there  will 
feed  for  Chile  to  approach  the  com- 
m  banks  for  another  debt 
jlduling  next  year,  which  could  also 
fc  a  request  to  the  banks  for  new 

Our  judgment  on  Chile's  economic 
policies  is  that,  considered  in  isolation  of 
human  rights  concerns,  they  provide  a 
strong  basis  for  voting  in  favor  of  most 
IFI  loans  for  Chile.  The  economic 
management  team  of  the  Government  of 
Chile  has  a  solid  free  market  orientation 
and  is  considered  by  international  finan- 
cial institutions  to  be  highly  skilled. 

The  country,  however,  still  confronts 
acute  economic  problems.  World  prices 
for  copper,  Chile's  principal  source  of 
export  revenues,  remain  at  low  levels. 
Unemployment  is  historically  high, 
although  it  is  gradually  declining,  and 
the  need  to  service  the  country's  large 
external  debt  of  about  $20  million— a 
figure  which  already  exceeds  GDP  [gross 
domestic  product]— represents  a 
restraint  on  growth.  About  one-third  of 
this  debt  is  held  by  U.S.  commercial 
banks.  Despite  difficulties,  the  Chileans 
have  the  remarkable  record  of  having 
met  all  the  interest  payments  on  their 
foreign  debt  as  well  as  having  generally 
complied  with  IMF  [International 
Monetary  Fund]  targets. 

In  order  for  Chile  to  maintain  the 
modest  growth  rates  of  3%-4%  forecast 
for  this  year  and  the  next,  it  will  need  an 
injection  of  new  foreign  funds  from  the 
IFIs  and  commercial  banks.  Some  op- 
position figures  are  aware  of  the 
importance  of  such  funds  to  the  Chilean 
economy  and  have  counseled  us  to  con- 
sider carefully  the  impact  of  our  actions 
on  the  average  Chilean. 

Given  the  sound  economic  policies 
being  followed  in  Santiago,  it  is  apparent 
that  our  loan  vote  decisions  will  largely 
be  driven  by  how  we  see  the  human 
rights  situation  in  Chile.  How  we  vote 
will  depend  a  great  deal  on  what  hap- 
pens in  Chile  between  now  and  then.  As 
the  subcommittee  is  aware,  we  have 
used  our  loan  votes  in  the  past  to  pro- 
mote human  rights  improvements  and 
movement  toward  democracy,  and  we 
may  do  so  again.  No  decisions  have  yet 
been  made  regarding  our  votes  on  these 
upcoming  loans.  It  would  not  be  good 
policy  to  remove  our  flexibility  to  use  the 
human  rights  improvements  and  prog- 
ress on  democratization.  An  announce- 
ment of  our  position  now  would  leave 
the  Chilean  Government  no  incentive  to 
make  positive  changes.  This  would 
defeat  what  I  understand  to  be  a  key 
purpose  of  the  human  rights  legislation 
related  to  IFI  votes,  which  is  to  provide 
the  executive  [branch]  with  a  mechanism 
for  encouraging  improvements.  As  I've 
repeatedly  stressed,  we  have  only 
limited  policy  tools  available.  Curbing 

our  flexibility  by  taking  a  position  on 
loan  votes  now  would  in  my  judgment 
work  against  our  shared  policy  goals  in 


Chile  today  is  in  flux.  Along  with  the 
danger  of  greater  polarization, 
the  situation  offers  the  possibility 
for  constructive  change.  A  vigorous 
public  debate  is  going  on  within  Chile, 
covering  a  wide  spectrum  of  issues, 
ranging  from  President  Pinochet's  rejec- 
tion of  dialogue  with  the  National 
Accord  to  the  tragic  death  of  Rodrigo 
Rojas.  To  a  large  degree,  the  govern- 
ment has  permitted  this  debate  to  be 
reported  in  the  print  media— although, 
there  are  still  distressing  instances  of 
censorship  and  indirect  economic 
pressure  being  applied  to  shape  the 
news.  This  public  debate  seems  to  be 
matched  to  a  certain  extent  by  internal 
debate  within  the  government— still  very 
tentative— about  Chile's  return  to 
democracy.  This  was  apparent  in  the 
quick  reaction  by  various  junta  members 
to  President  Pinochet's  announcement 
earlier  this  month  that  he  intended  to 
extend  his  government's  rule  for  another 
8-year  term— virtually  until  the  end  of 
the  millenium. 

There  are  certainly  real  possibilities 
for  a  peaceful  democratic  outcome  in 
Chile.  The  Administration  will  continue 
to  provide  every  encouragement  to  those 
Chileans  truly  committed  to  democracy 
and  help  to  strengthen,  not  weaken, 
their  position  with  respect  to  other 
elements  in  the  society.  We  will  continue 
to  advocate  dialogue  between  the 
government  and  democratic  opposition. 
We  will  continue  to  support  the  efforts 
by  Cardinal  Juan  Francisco  Fresno  and 
the  Chilean  Episcopal  Conference  to 
bring  about  national  reconciliation  and 
an  end  to  violence.  We  share  their  desire 
to  avoid  any  actions  which  could  lead  to 
greater  suffering  by  the  Chilean  people. 
Efforts  such  as  those  of  the  Cardinal,  we 
hope,  will  eventually  be  well-received  by 
the  Chilean  Government,  and  lead  to  an 
understanding  among  the  various  sec- 
tors of  Chilean  society,  which  remain 
deeply  divided  by  a  lack  of  communica- 
tion and  mutual  distrust.  The  Pope's 
visit  next  spring  will  provide  an  impor- 
tant opportunity  to  strengthen  and  add 
even  greater  moral  force  to  these 

The  Administration  has  a  strong 
human  rights  policy  in  place,  which  we 
will  continue  to  pursue  vigorously.  I  am 
sure  you  will  agree  it  stands  the  best 

Bar  1986 



chance  of  succeeding  if  we  have  bipar- 
support  from  the  Congress.  We 
will,  of  course,  continue  to  consult  with 
( longress  in  order  to  achieve  such  a  con- 
sensus. Our  foreign  policy  goals  in  Chile, 
shared  by  the  vast  majority  of 
Americans,  are  a  peaceful  transition  to 
democracy  and  increased  respect  for 
human  rights.  We  believe  these  also  are 

the  goals  of  the  majority  of  the  people  of 
Chile,  who  ultimately  are  the  only  ones 
who  can  and  will  determine  their  coun- 
try's destiny. 

■The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearings 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will  be 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 

Obstacles  to  Investment 

and  Economic  Growth  in  Latin  America 

by  Richard  T.  McCormack 

Address  before  the  second  Conference 
of  the  Great  Cities  of  the  Americas  in 
Si  i  a  Juan,  Puerto  Rico,  on  June  20,  1986. 
Ambassador  McCormack  is  U.S.  Perma- 
nent Representative  to  the  Organization 
of  American  States. 

The  obstacles  to  investment  and  growth 
in  Latin  America  deserve  the  great 
attention  they  are  receiving.  Investment 
is  particularly  important  because  without 
investment  no  new  jobs  will  be  created. 
Without  new  jobs,  there  will  be  no 
economic  growth.  Without  economic 
growth,  political  stability  will  gradually 
erode,  and  the  precious  democracies  that 
all  of  us  have  worked  so  hard  with  Latin 
America  to  bring  about  may  lapse  into 
military  dictatorships  or  the  further 
spread  of  communist  tyranny. 

During  the  past  years  that  I've 
worked  as  Assistant  Secretary  of  State 
for  Economic  and  Business  Affairs,  and 
more  recently  as  Ambassador  to  the 
Organization  of  American  States,  it  has 
been  my  great  privilege  to  visit  virtually 
every  country  in  the  Western  Hemi- 
sphere. So  what  I'm  going  to  share  with 
you  today  are  my  personal  observations 
on  concrete  obstacles  to  foreign  and 
domestic  investment  that  I've  seen 
myself  in  the  course  of  my  travels.  This 
will  include  obstacles  to  investment  in 
food  production.  Finally,  I  will  also  offer 
some  thoughts  about  what  might  be  done 
to  overcome  these  impediments  to 
economic  growth. 

Investment  and  Growth  Prospects 

First,  a  word  about  the  quality  and  value 
of  many  official  statistics  on  economic 
growth  in  Latin  America.  They  can  be 
very  misleading. 

There  is  obviously  a  lot  more 
economic  activity  taking  place  in  some 
countries  by  way  of  investment  and 
growth  than  official  statistics  indicate. 
Peru,  which  undeniably  has  economic 
problems,  is  a  case  in  point,  where 
estimates  of  the  size  of  the  underground 
economy  range  from  between  one-quar- 
ter to  one-half  of  all  economic  activity  in 
the  country.  Even  buses,  I  am  told,  are 
assembled  in  factories  without  official 
recognition  that  they  exist. 

There  is,  however,  a  lot  less  eco- 
nomic activity  than  meets  the  eye  in 
parts  of  Central  America  and  the 
Caribbean.  Growth  statistics  here  are 
misleading,  due  to  very  high  levels  of 
official  external  economic  assistance  to 
individual  countries,  which  cover  up  the 
low  level  of  private  investment  and 
economic  activity.  External  economic 
assistance,  without  a  strong  underlying 
base,  creates  economic  hothouse  plants 
kept  alive  by  artificial  conditions.  But  all 
of  us  know  what  happens  when  the  heat 
in  the  greenhouse  fails  to  work.  So  it  is 
very  important  to  achieve  self-sustaining 
economic  growth. 

There  is  nothing  mysterious  about 
the  policies  that  successful  governments 
have  used  to  encourage  private  invest- 
ment and  economic  growth.  They  simply 
provide  a  stable  environment  in  which 
investors  have  reasonable  prospects  for 
a  competitive  return  on  their  capital  and 
the  assurance  that  they  can  get  their 
money  back  if  and  when  they  want  to. 

That's  it.  That's  the  basis  of  it  all. 
With  these  conditions,  private  invest- 
ment occurs.  Without  them,  money  hides 
or  goes  elsewhere,  and  local  economies 

There  are  subordinate  complexities, 
of  course,  which  determine  investment 
and  growth  prospects.  For  example: 

•   Investment  capital  has  to  be  gen- 
erated in  sufficient  quantities,  either 

from  internal  savings  or  foreign  savl 
Without  somebody's  savings,  you  ha 
no  money  to  invest. 

•  Nondiscriminatory,  easily  und 
standable  regulation  of  business  in  t 
economy  is  vitally  necessary.  Nothin 
strangles  business  like  red  tape. 

•  A  degree  of  physical  security 
necessary,  so  that  investors  and  mai 
agers  and  their  children  are  reasona 
safe  from  terror  and  lawlessness  an< 
the  economy  can  operate  in  a  norma 

•  Adequate  technology  must  be 

•  Local  and  foreign  markets  are 

•  Rational  progrowth  tax  policii 
are  vital. 

•  Production-oriented  national : 
policies  must  be  established  to  repla 
those  based  on  19th-century  relics  o 
class  warfare,  such  as  excesses  in  th 
name  of  land  reform  and  shortsighti 
arbitrarily  imposed  food  prices. 

Attracting  Investment  Capital 

All  of  these  investment-related  mat! 
must  be  addressed  if  optimum  econc 
growth  is  to  take  place.  For  exampl 
is  imperative  that  governments  ado] 
tax  and  economic  policies  to  encoun 
the  creation  of  savings  in  individual 
countries  and,  equally  important,  to 
encourage  those  savings  to  remain  e 
home.  Capital  flight  in  Latin  Amerk 
estimates  of  which  range  from  $100 
$180  billion  in  the  past  5  years— is  r< 
bing  nations  of  their  vital  investmen 
capital.  If  Latin  American  capital 
invested  abroad  could  be  recovered, 
could  largely  eliminate  the  foreign  d 
problems  of  Argentina,  Mexico,  and 
Venezuela.  When  you  add  the  econo 
activity  and  growth  that  returning  f 
capital  could  generate,  it  would  go  f; 
restoring  Latin  America's  economic 

Beyond  that,  unless  the  capital  f 
problem  is  addressed,  no  amount  of 
foreign  aid  can  rescue  local  economi" 
Instead  of  priming  a  pump,  foreign 
assistance  is  merely  pouring  water  ii 

Thus,  it  is  crucial  to  attack 
systematically  the  causes  of  capital 
flight.  But  it  must  be  clearly  underst 
that  governments  cannot  successfull 
wall  in  capital  with  laws  prohibiting 
export.  All  negative  legislation 
accomplishes,  in  the  long  run,  is  to 
create  a  de  facto  capital  export  tax  a 
nervous  saver  uses  various  sublegal 
techniques  to  get  his  imperiled  savin 



of  the  country.  A  better  approach  is 
governments  to  adopt  positive  incen- 
5  that  will  encourage  people  to  keep 
C  money  at  home. 

One  of  the  most  important  positive 
ntives  involves  exchange  rates  that 
realistic  and  sustainable.  Not  only  is 
important  to  make  exports  com- 
;ive,  but  local  people  quickly  see 

their  country  is  attempting  to 
itain  an  artificially  high  exchange 
vis-a-vis  the  dollar,  as  has  happened 
idically  in  Mexico  and  elsewhere. 

know  that  their  capital  is  endan- 
d  by  a  devaluation  that  is  merely  a 
tion  of  time.  So  they  get  their 
ey  out  of  the  local  currency  and  into 
,rs.  And,  because  many  have  learned 
painful  experience  that  even  their 
■nal  dollar  holdings  are  not  always 
they  often  put  their  dollar  savings 

t  is  also  important  to  keep  inflation 
r  conti-ol.  Citizens  will  be  less 
led  to  keep  their  money  at  home— 
lere  I'm  talking  about  people's 
ement  savings— if  they  see  their 
try  running  the  monetary  printing 
i  at  a  rate  which  is  bound  to  cause 
savings  to  be  inflated  away.  So 
shift  their  money  out  of  the  cur- 
r,  out  of  the  country,  into  mobile, 
iion-proof  assets  such  as  gold  or 
onds,  or  move  to  other  defensive 
tments.  These  defensive  invest- 
s,  however,  are  usually  not  very 
ictive  from  the  point  of  view  of  job 

'eople  have  learned  that  as  indi- 
ts  they  are  often  powerless  to  per- 
;  their  governments  to  adopt 
lal  economic  policies.  So  their 
ict  is  to  grab  the  life  preservers 
they  see  the  ship  headed  for  the 
;  thus,  the  capital  flight.  That  is 
•ealistic  exchange  rates,  sound 
tary  policies,  and  other  measures 
)  critical. 

he  second  source  of  savings  is 
nal  capital,  otherwise  known  as 
yi  investment,  which  should  be 
med  everywhere  from  an  economic 
of  view  and  given  national  treat- 
Some  governments,  however, 
foreign-owned  companies  and 
;ors  as  some  reputedly  were  in  the 
:  corporate  tigers  who  involved 
lelves  heavily  in  local  politics  of 
dual  countries.  Years  ago, 
rer,  governments  positioned 
dves  to  get  the  upper  hand.  Some 
jacted  with  nationalizations  and 
extreme  measures.  In  any  case, 
:uation  profoundly  changed.  But 
some  governments  do  not  seem  to 

realize  is  that  yesterday's  so-called  cor- 
porate tigers  are  today  an  extinct 
species.  The  private  foreign  companies 
now  fear  governments,  not  the  other 
way  around.  Thus,  the  challenge  facing 
governments  is  not  how  to  deal  with  the 
legendary  tigers  of  yesteryear  but, 
rather,  how  to  make  today's  corporate 
rabbits  feel  secure  and  happy  so  that 
they  will  reproduce  and  multiply, 
creating  badly  needed  jobs  and  economic 
growth.  This  requires  a  totally  different 
attitude  on  the  part  of  governments. 
Efforts  to  provide  more  investment 
security,  including  those  of  the  new 
World  Bank  multilateral  investment 
guarantee  agency,  should  be  supported. 

Beyond  that,  some  local  manufac- 
turers fear  the  competition  from  more 
technologically  advanced  foreign  com- 
panies and  strive  to  keep  them  out. 
Sadly,  to  protect  the  existing  jobs  of 
hundreds,  the  potential  new  jobs  for 
thousands  thus  are  lost  by  default.  Also, 
countries  thus  become  trapped  with 
obsolete  technology  and  internationally 
uncompetitive  products. 

The  challenge  facing  government 
policies  is  to  nurture  and  attract  both 
local  and  foreign  sources  of  investment 

Factors  Limiting  Economical  Growth 

The  second  condition  needed  for 
increased  investment  in  Latin  America  is 
sheer  physical  security.  Today's  ter- 
rorism, lawlessness,  and  kidnapping  is  a 
deathblow  aimed  at  the  weak  link  in  the 
economic  chain  of  growth— private 
investment.  Let's  take  the  example  of  El 
Salvador.  For  a  time  in  the  1960s,  El 
Salvador  had  one  of  the  fastest  growing 
economies  in  the  world.  Then  came  the 
terrorists  and  the  kidnappers  and  the 
saboteurs,  targeting  the  owners  and 
managers  of  private  local  and  foreign 
companies  and  their  children.  This  was  a 
deliberate,  conscious  strategy  for  the 
economic  and  political  destabilization  of 
the  victim  country.  Criminal  elements 
added  to  the  chaos.  Uncertain  of  the 
future  and  fearful  for  their  lives  and  the 
lives  of  their  children,  local  investors 
began  to  hedge  their  bets  by  increasingly 
salting  away  their  savings  and  sending 
their  children  abroad.  Foreign  investors 
also  fled.  The  economy  ground  to  a  halt. 
Unwise  government  policies  then  further 
damaged  the  economy  and  gravely 
weakened  the  financial  and  agricultural 
sectors  of  the  nation. 

The  body  politic,  thus  weakened, 
became  more  vulnerable  to  the  second 
phase  of  terrorist  operations— large-scale 
guerrilla  warfare. 

Recently,  I  visited  Guatemala  and 
talked  to  businessmen.  They  told  me 
that  violence  and  uncertainty  due  to 
guerrilla  activities  and  terrorism  were 
limiting  their  own  willingness  to  put 
their  family  fortunes  into  long-term  local 
investment.  They  told  me  that  until  the 
predatory  communist  regime  in  neigh- 
boring Nicaragua  changed  and  security 
prospects  for  the  region  improved,  they 
were  going  to  continue  to  limit  their 
involvement  in  long-term,  immobile 

Thus,  until  our  Latin  American 
friends  and  we  successfully  come  to 
grips  with  the  mounting  violence  and 
terrorism  in  parts  of  Latin  America, 
investment  and  economic  growth  will 
continue  to  be  disappointing  and 
democracies  vulnerable. 

The  third  factor  is  the  availability  of 
modern  technology,  but  a  fundamental 
misinterpretation  exists.  The  limiting 
factor  on  economic  growth  today  is  not 
some  secret  process  of  IBM  [Interna- 
tional Business  Machines  Corporation]  or 
Silicon  Valley  but,  rather,  the  decision 
on  where  to  locate  the  factories  to 
manufacture  high-technology  products. 
If  governments  make  it  attractive  for 
capital,  technology  will  follow.  It's  not 
the  other  way  around.  This  is  a  large 
measure  of  the  success  story  of  North 
and  Southeast  Asia. 

Another  key  factor  involves  ade- 
quate markets  for  goods.  Without  access 
to  markets,  there  will  be  no  investment. 
This  means  that  all  of  us  must  work  to 
keep  the  trading  system  open,  but  there 
must  be  a  bargain  here.  American  com- 
puter workers  need  access  to  Brazilian 
markets  as  much  as  Brazilian  shoe 
workers  need  American  markets.  And 
unless  both  sides  work  to  open  these 
markets,  political  pressures  will  work 
gradually  to  close  and  restrict  them,  a 
lasting  detriment  to  us  all. 

All  of  us  must,  therefore,  work 
urgently  to  bring  more  open  markets 
about.  But  it  takes  two  to  tango,  and  our 
trading  partners  abroad  have  been 
quicker  to  point  accusing  fingers  at 
lingering  remnants  of  American  protec- 
tionism than  they  have  been  to  come  to 
the  bargaining  table  with  offers  of  quids 
pro  quo.  A  country  with  a  $150-billion 
trade  deficit,  such  as  ours,  cannot  con- 
tinue to  operate  this  way  indefinitely. 
The  golden  goose  of  open  U.S.  markets 
may  eventually  die,  either  a  political  or 
economic  death. 

So  all  of  us  interested  in  global 
economic  investment  and  growth  would 
do  well  to  press  urgently  for  action  on  a 
new  global  trade  round  to  eliminate 

>er  1986 



everyone's  barriers  to  trade.  Beyond 
that,  governments  need  to  ensure  that 
their  own  internal  markets  are  growing 
on  a  sustainable  basis,  and  that  means 
following  economic  policies  which  have 
proven  their  value  when  they  have  been 
successfully  tried  elsewhere. 

Public  v.  Private  Investment 

At  this  point,  perhaps  a  word  about  the 
relative  merits  of  public,  as  opposed  to 
private,  investment  would  be  in  order. 

Because  of  the  failure  of  some 
governments  to  establish  and  maintain 
conditions  needed  to  attract  and  nurture 
private  investment  in  sufficient  quan- 
tities, governments  sometimes  tax  their 
citizens  or  borrow  funds  to  establish  a 
variety  of  state-owned  manufacturing 
enterprises  to  provide  employment  and 
growth.  The  problem  comes  when  these 
enterprises  run  into  difficulties,  as  they 
frequently  do,  and  start  losing  large 
amounts  of  money.  This  can  happen 
because  of  bad  luck,  product  obso- 
lescence, mismanagement,  or  because 
the  enterprise  was  ill-conceived  to  begin 
with.  Such  enterprises,  launched  with 
much  fanfare  by  government  leaders, 
cannot  be  easily  terminated  without 
substantial  political  cost.  To  keep  them 
alive,  governments  are  then  compelled 
to  provide  large  subsidies  by  raising 
taxes  on  their  citizens  and  the  healthy 
parts  of  the  economy.  This,  in  turn,  robs 
healthier  businesses  of  money  that  would 
otherwise  be  used  for  new  investment. 
To  make  matters  worse,  governments 
also  frequently  compel  the  managers  of 
state-owned  enterprises  to  hire  or  retain 
large  numbers  of  unnecessary  workers, 
further  adding  to  the  requirements  for 
state  subsidies  and  increasing  the  cost  of 
the  products  manufactured  by  the 

A  case  in  point  concerns  the  example 
of  two  oil  refineries  in  Latin  America  of 
similar  age,  size,  and  construction,  one 
still  in  private  hands,  the  other  now  a 
state-owned  enterprise.  I  am  told  the 
private  refinery  employs  about  600 
workers  and  the  state-owned  refinery 
more  than  5,000  employees  to  generate 
a  similar  amount  of  output. 

This  pattern  of  events,  in  similar  but 
less  dramatic  cases,  is  depressingly 
familiar  throughout  much  of  the  world. 
The  question  is  what  to  do  about  it. 
Some  thoughts  come  to  mind. 

It  is  important  to  recognize  that 
public  investment  in  state-owned 
manufacturing  enterprises  is  a  poor 
substitute  for  the  more  difficult  but  far 
more  important  task  of  creating  condi- 
tions that  will  result  in  more  private 

investment.  Governments  do  best  when 
they  invest  in  basic  infrastructure,  such 
as  roads,  schools,  harbors,  industrial 
parks,  and  other  similar  undertakings 
that  will  create  opportunities  for  more 
private  investment.  Experience  shows 
that  governments,  as  a  rule,  are  not 
good  at  establishing  or  managing  actual 
manufacturing  or  producing  operations. 
This  is  because  politics  interferes  with 
rational  day-to-day  decisionmaking  in 
state-owned  enterprises.  Hardheaded, 
practical,  specialized  businessmen  per- 
form this  function  far  more  efficiently. 
Collectively,  this  results  in  a  much  more 
dynamic  national  economy. 

What  I  am  saying  here  is  not  mere 
theory.  It  is  simply  the  empirical  results 
of  vast  past  experience  about  state- 
owned  enterprises  around  the  world. 
Yes,  there  are  exceptions  due  to 
specialized  circumstances  or  unusually 
gifted  individual  managers.  But  vital 
national  growth  policies  should  be  based 
upon  the  broader  patterns,  not  the 

Divesting  inefficient  state-owned 
enterprises,  while  broadly  recognized  as 
desirable,  is  a  difficult  task  that  can  only 
be  done  by  political  leaders  who  can 
articulately  explain  to  their  peoples  the 
importance  of  creating  a  modern 
national  economy  based  on  efficient  self- 
sustaining  building  blocks  instead  of  on 
state-owned  industrial  dinosaurs  that 
consume,  through  endless  subsidies,  the 
investment  capital  that  would  otherwise 
be  used  to  create  self-sustaining 
economic  growth  and  productive  jobs 
elsewhere  in  the  nation. 

Land  Reform  and  Food  Production 

Finally,  I  want  to  offer  a  personal  word 
about  a  sensitive  subject  that  has  a  bear- 
ing on  private  investment  in  agriculture 
in  Latin  America.  That  subject  is  "land 

Several  hundred  years  ago,  textiles 
in  England  were  produced  largely 
through  a  cottage-type  industry.  Indi- 
viduals wove  tweeds  and  clothing  of  all 
sorts  in  their  homes  for  their  families 
and  for  limited  sale  to  others. 

Then  came  the  arrival  of  the  indus- 
trial revolution,  and  suddenly  cottage 
workers  were  threatened  with  displace- 
ment due  to  the  revolutionary  new 
technology  of  power  looms.  The  Luddite 
movement  developed  and  thousands  of 
workers  swarmed  into  the  factories  in 
England  to  destroy  the  power  looms 
and,  they  hoped,  to  save  their  cottage 

We  know  that  this  did  not  succe<l 
and  England  continued  for  decades  tj 
lead  the  world  in  technology.  Living  I 
standards  rose  dramatically,  and 
everyone  benefited. 

In  my  view,  some  exponents  of  1;  I 
reform,  in  attempting  to  replace  larg  I 
scale  private  agriculture  with  a  new  I 
emphasis  upon  micro-sized  subsisten  | 
peasant  farming,  are  unwittingly  pre  b: 
ing  policies  very  similar  in  aim  to  th<  j 
Luddite  movement.  Nor  have  collect  I 
farms,  by  whatever  name,  proven  ml 
acceptable  or  successful  in  Latin 
America  than  they  have  been  elsewh  |e 
in  the  world  in  producing  food  for 

We  have  seen  in  this  century  an  I 
explosion  of  population.  However,  tr  I 
Malthusian  prediction  of  mass  starvs  I 
has  not  occurred  because  modern 
technology  has  developed  agricultur:  I 
techniques,  whereby  a  relatively  few  I 
diminishing  number  of  farmers  can  {  V 
duce  more  food  on  a  fixed  amount  of  I 
land  to  feed  the  world's  billions.  We 
have  discovered  that  economies  of  sc  I 
work  in  many  kinds  of  privately  run  I 
food-growing  facilities  as  well  as  the  I 
in  industry. 

The  practice  of  land  reform  in  L;  I 
America,  by  contrast,  has  usually  be 
accompanied  by  dramatic  reductions  I 
long-term  food  production  on  the  sai  ' 
acreages,  despite  frequent  state  sub- 1 
sidies  of  various  kinds.  Peru,  for  exa 
pie,  once  was  the  world's  most  efficii . 
producer  of  sugar.  It  now  must  impo 
part  of  its  sugar  from  Guatemala  dm  I 
a  well-intentioned  but  utterly  disastr  I 
land  reform.  Peru's  land  reform  also  I 
triggered  a  rush  of  former  farm  worl  I 
and  their  families  to  the  cities  as  the  I 
rural  economy  weakened  across  the   I 

Land  reform  efforts  designed  to  I 
solve  social  and  economic  problems  o 
the  19th  century,  and  farm  pricing 
policies  that  deny  farmers  a  fair  retu: 
have  turned  nation  after  nation  in  pa 
of  Latin  America  from  being  food 
exporters  to  food  importers.  Unwise 
food-pricing  policies  also  rob  countrie 
needed  investment  in  agriculture 
because  no  one  will  voluntarily  invest 
a  money-losing  proposition.  Moreover 
the  money  now  needed  to  purchase 
foreign  food  is  not  available  to  invest 
jobs  at  home.  Finally,  farmers  are  no 
ferent  from  the  rest  of  us.  They  wil 
work  hard  or  pay  for  expensive  fertil- 
izers and  machines  to  produce  food  tr 
must  be  sold  without  profit  or  reward 
for  their  risks  and  labors. 

We  must,  therefore,  urgently 
transform  our  thinking  about  food 


Department  of  State  Bull 


icies.  The  growing  needs  of  the  21st 
tury  for  food  and  jobs,  rather  than 
class  warfare  of  the  19th  century, 
st  be  the  driving  force  behind 
[.cultural  policies.  And  all  of  us,  in 
shington  and  in  Latin  America,  must 
©nest  enough  to  face  the  empirical 
ience  of  policy  results.  Where  policies 
,  however  well-intentioned,  let  us 
Dgnize  them  for  what  they  are.  In  this 
.1  area,  continuing  to  spend  scarce 
purees  on  proven  mistakes  is  feeding 
*ed  cattle  at  the  expense  of  hungry 

An  alternative  to  land  reform  is  to 
w  the  market  to  determine  food 
es  and  to  levy  fair,  but  not  excessive, 
2S  upon  successful  large  farms,  keep- 
the  productive  units  intact,  the 
erienced  owners  and  managers  on 
r  farms,  the  workers  gainfully 
Joyed  in  the  countryside,  and  the 
on  fed. 


1  basic  reality  of  what  I  have  been 
ing  about  today  is  very  simple.  As  I 
at  the  outset  of  my  remarks, 
lout  investment  there  will  be  no  new 
.  Without  new  jobs,  there  will  be  no 
lomic  growth.  Without  economic 
vth,  there  will  be  no  political  stabili- 
^.nd  without  political  stability, 
isk  a  return  to  violence  and 

Kll  of  us  have  a  role  to  play  to  create 
;conomic,  political,  and  security  con- 
ns necessary  for  investment  and 
rth.  And  all  of  us  must  do  our  part, 
use  the  absence  of  just  one  element 
e  comprehensive  package  means 
sustained  economic  growth  and 
stment  will  not  take  place. 
Vithin  countries,  political  party 
;rs  have  a  special  role  to  play  in 
ating  the  electorate  about  the  corn- 
requirements  of  building  a  modern 
mic  economy.  They  need  to  be 
e  that  investor  confidence  is  a  very 
le  commodity  and  that  more  jobs 
ometimes  lost  through  irresponsible 
>ric  during  election  campaigns  than 
rnments  are  later  able  to  encourage 
!ars  of  patient  constructive  action. 
Ve  in  the  United  States  have  our 
to  play.  It  is  important  that  we 
vigorously  to  keep  our  own 
:ets  open.  We  must  also  work  with 
■  countries  far  more  effectively  than 
D  now  to  combat  the  mortal  threat 
■rorism  and  lawlessness  now  sap- 
economic  vitality  in  Central 

America,  Peru,  and  elsewhere.  This  will 
be  a  major  challenge  facing  our  peoples 
and  our  diplomacy  in  the  decade  ahead, 
and  solving  it  won't  be  cheap  or  easy. 

Other  governments,  in  varying 
degrees,  need  to  reform  their  macro- 
economic,  tax,  investment,  trade,  and 
food  policies.  Without  these  reforms, 

they  will  not  be  able  to  produce  the  food 
and  jobs  required  by  their  peoples,  and 
without  producing  these  two  vital 
necessities,  democracy  itself  will  surely 

It  must  be  our  highest  priority  to 
make  sure  that  this  does  not  happen.  ■ 

Visit  of  President  of  Uruguay 

President  Julio  Maria  Sanguinetti  of 
the  Oriental  Republic  of  Uruguay  made  a 
state  visit  to  the  United  States  June  16-20, 
1986,  to  meet  with  President  Reagan  and 
other  government  officials. 

Following  are  remarks  made  by 
President  Reagan  and  President 
Sanguinetti  at  the  arrival  ceremony  on 
June  1 7. 1 

President  Reagan 

It  gives  me  great  pleasure  to  greet 
President  Sanguinetti.  As  the  elected 
leader  of  a  free  and  democratic 
Uruguay,  you  have  our  respect,  our 
admiration,  and  our  heartfelt  welcome. 

Uruguay  is  a  friend  and  a  country 
that  shares  with  us  the  heritage,  tradi- 
tions, and  values  of  the  Americas.  Our 

countries,  as  is  true  of  so  many  in  this 
hemisphere,  were  born  of  independence 
movements  seeking  to  break  away  from 
colonial  power.  Yet  those  who  founded 
our  two  countries  fought  not  only  to  be 
rid  of  domination  but  also  for  freedom. 
Our  histories  run  parallel— both  are  the 
stories  of  people  struggling  to  be  free; 
people  striving  to  live  up  to  the  ideals 
expressed  at  the  time  of  their  nation's 

Today  the  people  of  Uruguay  are 
reaffirming  their  faith  in  democracy. 
And  all  those  who  love  liberty  applaud 
this  giant  step  forward.  President 
Sanguinetti,  we  appreciate  that  your 
official  delegation  includes  represen- 
tatives from  the  judicial  and  legislative 
branches,  as  well  as  your  executive 
branch  of  government.  Separation  of 

'Ciber  1986 




powers,  protection  of  the  rights  of  all 

citizens,  and  a  healthy  respecl  tor  the 
opinions  of  others  are  hallmarks  of  a 
truly  tree  society.  And  that  is  what  you 
and  the  current  leaders  of  Uruguay  are 

In  recent  years,  we  have  witnessed 
an  unprecedented  expansion  of 
democracy  in  the  Americas.  Just  a 
decade  ago,  only  one-third  of  the  people 
in  this  hemisphere  lived  in  democracy. 
Today  90%  of  the  people  live  in  countries 
that  are  democratic  or  in  transition  to 
democracy.  We  should  not  be  satisfied 
until  all  Americans— and  that  means 
every  living  soul  from  the  North  Slope  of 
Alaska  to  the  tip  of  Tierra  del  Fuego— 
live  in  freedom,  as  is  their  birthright. 

In  this  hemisphere,  the  days  of  dic- 
tatorship, left  or  right,  are  numbered. 
The  peaceful  process  used  to  reestablish 
democracy  in  Uruguay  can  serve  as  a 
model  for  others.  Authoritarian  regimes 
should  take  notice. 

Yet  while  we  celebrate  the  progress 
that  has  been  made,  no  one  should 
overlook  the  decisive  battle  in  the  cause 
of  human  freedom  now  taking  place  in 
Central  America.  The  outcome  will 
determine,  ultimately,  whether  the 
people  of  that  region  will  enjoy  a  future 
blessed  with  peace  and  development  or, 
instead,  be  engulfed  in  tyranny  and  con- 
flict. We  who  enjoy  the  fruits  of  liberty 
understand  that  just  and  lasting  peace  is 
built  on  freedom. 

Our  search  for  peace  in  Central 
America  must,  above  all,  be  an  effort  to 
continue  the  expansion  of  democratic 
freedom  that  has  reached  four  of  the  five 
nations  of  this  troubled  region.  We  must 
continue  to  press  for  a  negotiated  solu- 
tion. And  in  this  work,  we  must  uphold 
our  democratic  values  and  insist  that 
they  be  the  basis  for  any  agreement  that 
is  worthy  of  our  support. 

The  Western  Hemisphere  still  holds 
the  promise  of  liberty  and  opportunity 
that  drew  our  forefathers  and  mothers 
from  the  Old  World.  Uruguay,  like  the 
United  States,  is  a  nation  of  immigrants. 
They  came  to  our  shores  in  quest  of 
freedom  and  looking  for  the  chance, 
through  hard  work,  to  improve  their 
well-being  and  that  of  their  families. 

Uruguay's  commitment  to  economic 
growth  and  revitalization  is  well 
appreciated  here.  You  have  set  out  to 
attack  not  just  the  symptoms  but  the 
underlying  causes  of  your  country's 
economic  problems.  By  protecting 
Uruguay's  good  name  and  credit  wor- 
thiness, by  avoiding  simplistic  solutions 
and  quick  fixes,  and  by  strengthening 
your  private  sector,  you  are  building  the 
confidence  at  home  and  abroad  needed 

to  carry  your  country  into  better  and 
more  prosperous  times. 

In  a  speech  to  your  people  on 
April  7th,  you  said,  "The  state  sets  the 
direction,  but  it  does  not  move  the  boat. 
The  boat  is  moved  by  the  private 
sector.  .  .   . "  This  appreciation  of  the 
essential  role  of  profit  motive  and  enter- 
prise bodes  well  for  Uruguay.  Already, 
your  country  is  enjoying  its  first  real 
economic  growth  in  4  years.  And  there's 
every  reason  to  be  optimistic  that  this 
upward  trend  will  continue.  Let  me  just 
add  that,  as  Uruguay's  largest  trading 
partner,  nothing  makes  us  happier  than 
to  see  your  country  prosper. 





I'm  looking  forward  to  getting  to 
know  you  and  discussing  some  of  the 
issues  that  are  of  importance  to  both  of 
our  countries.  These  are  exciting  times, 
and  we're  proud  to  have  you  here  with 
us  and  thrilled  that  Uruguay  is  again  in 
the  family  of  free  peoples. 

President  Sanguinetti2 

It  is  a  great  honor  for  any  Uruguayan 
citizen  to  come  to  this  house.  There  are 
strong  reasons  for  this.  Our  countries 
were  born  during  the  same  span  of  his- 
tory and  were  part  of  the  same  liberal 
revolution  which  inspired  them  with  the 
same  ideals.  Our  century  and  a  half  of 
independent  life  since  then  has  demon- 
strated our  faithfulness  to  those  princi- 
ples. Because  of  this,  we  stood  together 
in  the  two  great  World  Wars  of  this  cen- 
tury; milestones  which  have  defined  the 
political  philosophies  of  the  people  of  the 
world  ever  since.  If  this  is  true  for  any 
Uruguayan  citizen,  how  much  more  so  is 
it  true  for  someone  like  me,  arriving 
here  as  the  President  of  the  Republic 
and  representing  a  people  that  has,  by 
its  vote,  entrusted  me  with  the  difficult 
task  of  peacefully  guiding  our  republic 

back,  after  a  de  facto  government, 
full  and  stable  institutional  life. 

You  know  that  during  these  las 
months,  all  of  Uruguay  has  made  a 
effort  and  lived  a  wonderful  experi 
of  peaceful  change  with  the  full  an< 
unrestricted  interplay  of  its  institui 
and  rights  with  violence  toward  no 
Uruguay  is  heir  to  a  long  democrat 
tradition  and,  therefore,  suffered  a 
more  from  the  collapse  of  its  institi 
tions.  Today  it  feels  it  has  returnee 
old  legacy  and  has  done  so  in  exem 
fashion,  one  that  enhances  those 

For  this  reason,  as  you,  yourse 
have  pointed  out,  you  have  before  3 
today  not  only  the  chief  of  the  exec 
branch  but  also  the  President  of  th  ■ 
Supreme  Court  of  Justice,  the  Pres 
of  the  House  of  Representatives,  w^ 
represents  the  main  opposition  par 
and  my  party's  leader  in  the  Senat 
happens  to  be  the  son  of  the  last 
Uruguayan  President  to  visit  here, 
31  years  ago.  This  environment  of 
monious  cordiality  among  the  diffe 
branches  of  government  and  demoi 
parties  is  the  best  evidence  we  can 
the  world  of  what  we  have  achieve 
such  a  short  time. 

I  would  not  be  sincere,  howeve 
did  not  mention  that  our  country  is 
experiencing  serious  problems  that 
from  both  domestic  and  internatior 
causes.  It  is  not  easy  to  strive  for  t 
consolidation  of  our  hard-won  deni( 
and  to  put  our  domestic  economy  ii 
order  while  external  economic  and 
cial  conditions  subsist  that  in  some 
hamper,  and  in  other  cases  actually 
cancel  out,  the  fruits  of  our  own  int 

We  must  respond  to  the  legitirr 
and  urgent  call  of  our  people  to  rec 
their  past  standard  of  living  and,  at 
same  time,  confront  the  heavy  debt 
have  inherited— all  within  the  conte 
an  increasingly  closed  and  protectic 
world  trading  system.  These  are  tn 
which  your  government  has  commit 
itself  to  fight,  a  position  we  whole- 
heartedly endorse  in  order  to  prese 
the  mutual  advantages  of  fair  and  c 
world  trade. 

We  have  come  to  exchange  viev 
with  you  and  your  government  on 
of  these  problems.  We  shall  speak 
frankly,  as  we  always  do— the  more 
a  country  we  have  always  considers 
friend.  We  may  at  times  disagree,  I 
precisely  because  of  our  friendship 
feel  that  it  is  our  duty  to  speak  to  e 
other  with  loyalty,  clearly  and 

1  1 


Department  of  State  B> J 

We  know  that  public  opinion  is  very 
lortant  in  this  democratic  nation,  and 
,  therefore,  understand  our  positions, 
are  also  confident  that  your  govern- 
it  will  take  them  into  consideration 
:n  we  look  together  at  ways  of 
roving  our  relationship  and  overcom- 
the  consequences  of  these  problems. 
Either  international  trade  is  freed, 
ve  must  all  resign  ourselves  to  being 
:ed  into  a  new  feudalism.  The  more 
■erful  may  survive  longer,  although 
demned  to  live  in  an  aggressive, 
table,  and  violent  world.  The  weaker, 
us,  will  be  sentenced  to  a  life  of 
liocrity.  But  all  of  us,  sooner  or  later, 
be  staring  poverty  in  the  face. 
George  Washington  foresaw  the 
Drtance  of  this  over  200  years  ago 
n  he  said,  "Sound  policy, 
anitarianism,  and  our  own  self- 
rest  all  suggest  a  harmonious  and 
al  exchange  with  all  nations." 
fever,  even  in  our  trading  policy,  we 
t  keep  a  fair  and  unbiased  position 
out  seeking  or  granting  favors  or 
usive  preferences,  respecting  the 
ral  course  of  events.  For  this 
on,  we  seek  neither  charity  nor  pro- 
rs  of  any  kind.  We  need  only 
€rative  partners,  strong  in  capital 
technology,  with  whom  we  may 
c  together  to  build  a  better  world 
ed  by  the  same  ideals  of  freedom 
inspired  our  forefathers. 
n  a  troubled  world,  our  country  is 
y,  as  it  has  been  in  the  past,  a  land 
ace  and  democracy.  We  would  wish 
e  this  same  peace  and  democracy  all 
the  Americas,  achieved  by  us  Latin 
ricans  as  the  result  of  our  own 
'rical  commitments  and  our  sense  of 
msibility  to  the  future.  Uruguay  will 
nue  to  participate  in  all  political 
ts  aimed  at  promoting  peace  in 
?'s  world,  especially  within  our 

'eace  and  democracy  are  insepa- 
.  We  cannot  have  one  without  the 
\  Uruguay  today  reaffirms  once 
1  its  faith  in  both  principles,  which 
;itute  the  backbone  of  its  very 
ence  as  a  free  and  independent 

t  is  in  this  spirit  that  we  greet  you, 
government,  and  our  friends,  your 

leld  at  the  South  Portico  of  the  White 
:  where  President  Sanguinetti  was 
Jed  a  formal  welcome  with  full  military 
5  (text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
ential  Documents  of  June  23,  1986). 
President  Sanguinetti  spoke  in  Spanish, 
is  remarks  were  translated  by  an  inter- 


Current  Actions 


Atomic  Energy 

Statute  of  the  International  Atomic  Energy 
Agency-Done  at  New  York  Oct.  26,  1956.  * 
Entered  into  force  July  29,  1957.  TIAS  3873 
Acceptance  deposited:  Zimbabwe, 
Aug.  1,  1986. 


( ''invention  on  the  conservation  of  Antarctic 

marine  living  resources,  with  annex  for  an 

arbitral  tribunal.  Done  at  Canberra  May  20, 

1980.  Entered  into  force  Apr.  7.  1982.  TIAS 


Accession  deposited:  Korea,  Rep.  of. 

Mar.  29,  1985. 

Finance— Asian  Development  Bank 

Articles  of  agreement  establishing  the  Asian 

Development  Bank.  Done  at  Manila  Dec.  4. 

1965.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  22,  1966.  TIAS 


Acceptances  deposited:  China.  People's  Rep. 

of,  Mar.  10,  1986;  Spain,  Feb.  14,  1986. 

Finance — Inter-American  Development 

Agreement  establishing  the  Inter-American 
Development  Bank,  with  annexes.  Done  at 
Washington  Apr.  S.  1959.  Entered  into  force 
Dec.  30,  L959.  TIAS  4397. 
Signature  and  acceptance  deposited:  Norway. 
July  7,  1986. 


Protocol  to  amend  the  international  conven- 
tion of  May  l-l.  1966,  for  the  conservation  of 
Atlantic  tunas  (TIAS  6767).  Done  at  Paris 
July  10,  1984.1 

Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification: 
July  24.  1986. 

Human  Rights 

International  convenant  on  civil  and  political 
rights.  Done  at  New  York  Dec.  16,  1966. 
Entered  into  force  Mar.  23,  1976.  999  UNTS 


International  convenant  on  economic,  social, 

and  cultural  rights.  Done  at  New  York 

Dec.  16,  1966.  Entered  into  force  Jan  3,  1976. 

999  UNTS  3.2 

Ratifications  deposited:  \rgentina,  Aug  8,  1986 

Judicial  Procedure 

Convention  on  the  civil  aspects  of  interna- 
tional child  abduction.  Done  at  The  Hague 
Oct.  25,  1980.  Entered  into  force  Dec.  1, 

Ratification  deposited:  U.K.,  May  20, 

Marine  Pollution 

International  convention  relating  to 
intervention  on  the  high  seas  in  cases  of  oil 

pollution  casualties,  with  annex.  Done  at 
Bi  i  sels  Nov.  29,  1969.  Entered  into  force 

May  6,  1975.  TIAS  8068. 

\ceession  deposited:  South  Africa.  July  1,  1986. 

Maritime  Matters 

International  convention  on  maritime  search 
and  rescue.  1979,  with  annex.  Done  at  Ham- 
burg Apr.  27.  1979.  Entered  into  force 
June  22,  1985. 
Accession  deposited:  Venezuela,  July  8,  1986. 


Protocol  to  the  convention  on  long-range 
transboundary  air  pollution  of  Nov.  13,  1979 
(TIAS  10541),  concerning  monitoring  and 
evaluation  of  the  long-range  transmission  of 
air  pollutants  in  Europe  (EMEP).  with  annex. 
Done  at  Geneva  Sept.  28,  1984.1 
Approval  deposited:  EEC,  July  17,  1986. 

Convention  for  the  protection  of  the  ozone 

layer,  with  annexes.  Done  at  Vienna  Mar.  22, 


Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification 

July  24.  1986. 

Ratified  by  President:  Aug.  14,  1986. 


Second  additional  protocol  to  the  constitution 
of  the  Universal  Postal  Union  of  July  10,  1964. 
I  "one  at  Lausanne  July  5,  1974.  TIAS  8231. 
Ratification  deposited:  Turkey,  June  25,  1986 

Property— Intellectual 

I  'invention  establishing  the  World 
Intellectual  Property  Organization.  Done  at 
Stockholm  July  14,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
Apr.  26,  1970;  for  the  U.S.  Aug.  25.  1970. 
TIAS  6932. 
Ratification  deposited:  Iceland,  June  13,  1986. 

Red  Cross 

( leneva  convention  for  the  amelioration  of  the 
condition  of  the  wounded  and  sick  in  armed 
forces  in  the  field.  Done  at  Geneva  Aug.  12, 
1949.  Entered  into  force  Oct.  21,  1950;  for 
the  U.S.  Feb.  2,  1956.  TIAS  3362. 

<  leneva  convention  for  the  amelioration  of  the 
condition  of  the  wounded,  sick,  and  ship- 
wrecked members  of  armed  forces  at  sea. 
Done  at  Geneva  Aug.  12,  1949.  Entered  into 
force  Oct.  21,  1950;  for  the  U.S.  Feb.  2.  1956. 
TIAS  3363. 

Geneva  convention  relative  to  the  treatment 
of  prisoners  of  war.  Done  at  Geneva  Aug.  12, 
1949.  Entered  into  force  Oct.  21,  1950;  for 
the  U.S.  Feb.  2,  1956.  TIAS  3364. 

Geneva  convention  relative  to  the  protection 
of  civilian  persons  in  time  of  war.  Done  at 
Geneva  Aug.  12,  1949.  Entered  into  force 
Oct.  21,  1950;  for  the  U.S.  Feb.  2,  1956.  TIAS 

\ccessions  deposited:  Equatorial  Guinea, 
July  24,  1986 

Der  1986 



Protocol  additional  to  the  Geneva  convenl 
of  Aug.  12,  [949  (TIAS  3362,  3363,  3364, 
3365),  and  relating  to  the  protection  of  vic- 
tims of  international  armed  conflicts  (Protocol 
I),  with  anne  ces   I  tone  at  Geneva  June  8, 
L977.  Entered  into  force  Dec.  7.  19' 

Protocol  additional  to  the  Geneva  conventions 

ig.  12,  1949  (TIAS  3362,  3363,  3364, 
3365).  and  relating  to  the  protection  of  vic- 
tims of  noninternational  armed  conflicts  (Pro- 
tocol II).  Done  at  Geneva  June  8,  1977. 
Entered  into  force  Dec.  7,  1978. 
Accessions  deposited:  Benin,  May  28,  1986; 
Equatorial  Guinea,  July  24,  1986;  Jamaica, 
July  29,  1986. 

Ratifications  deposited:  Belgium, 
May  20,  1986." 


International  telecommunication  convention, 
with  annexes  and  protocols.  Done  at  Nairobi 
Nov.  6,  1982.  Entered  into  force  Jan.  1,  1984; 
definitively  for  the  U.S.  Jan.  10,  1986. 
Accession  deposited:  United  Arab  Emirates, 
May  22.  L986. 

Ratifications  deposited:  Barbados.  May  22,  1986; 
Bulgaria,  May  21,  1986;3  Italy,  May  13,  1986;3 
Zambia,  May  29,  1986. 


International  convention  against  the  taking  of 

hostages.  Done  at  New  York  Dec.  17,  1979. 

Entered  into  force  June  3,  1983;  for  the  U.S. 

Jan.  6,  1985. 

Accession  deposited:  Antigua  and  Barbuda, 

Aug.  6.  1986. 

Ratification  deposited:  Togo,  July  25,  1986. 


Constitution  of  the  United  Nations  Industrial 
Development  Organization,  with  annexes. 
Done  at  Vienna  Apr.  8,  1979.  Entered  into 
force  June  21,  1985. 
Accession  deposited:  Tonga.  Aug.  13,  1986. 


Wheat  trade  convention,  1986.  Done  at  Lon- 
don Mar.  14,  1986.  Entered  into  force  July  1, 

Notifications  i  if  provisional  application  deposited: 
El  Salvador.  July  11,  1986;  Panama,  July  3, 
Ratification  deposited:  Barbados,  July  2,  1986. 


Convention  on  the  political  rights  of  women. 

Done  ;it  New  York  Mar.  31.  1953.  Entered 

into  force  July  7.  1954;  for  the  U.S.  July  7 

1976.  TIAS  8289 

Accession  deposited:  Colombia.  Aug.  5,  1986. 

entior  on  the  elimination  of  all  forms  of 
discrimination  againsl  women.  Done  at  New 
York  Dec.  18,  1979.  Entered  into  force 
Sept   3,  1981.2 

deposited:  Iraq,  Aug.  13,  1986. 



Agreement  concerning  the  furnishing  of 
launch  and  associated  services  for  Australia's 
national  satellite  system.  Signed  at 
Washington  Mar.  7,  1985.  Entered  into  force 
Mar.  7,  1985. 


Agreement  concerning  the  exchange  of  fuel 
for  naval  ships  and  aircraft,  with  enclosure. 
Signed  at  Ottawa  and  Washington  May  5  and 
June  27,  1986.  Entered  into  force  June  27, 

Agreement  modifying  the  agreement  of 
Oct.  19,  1983,  relating  to  limitation  of  imports 
of  specialty  steel  from  Canada.  Effected  by 
exchange  of  letters  at  Washington  July  15 
and  17,  1986.  Entered  into  force  July  17, 
1986;  effective  July  20,  1986. 

Central  African  Republic 

Agreement  regarding  the  consolidation  and 
rescheduling  of  certain  debts  owed  to  or 
guaranteed  by  the  U.S.  Government  through 
the  Export-Import  Bank  of  the  United  States. 
Signed  at  Washington  May  23,  1986.  Entered 
into  force  Aug.  1,  1986. 

Dominican  Republic 

Memorandum  of  understanding  governing 
cooperation  in  mapping,  charting,  and 
geodesy.  Signed  at  Santo  Domingo  July  24, 
1986.  Entered  into  force  July  24,  1986." 

El  Salvador 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  for  the 
sale  of  agricultural  commodities  of  Dec.  20, 
1985.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  San 
Salvador  June  27,  1986.  Enters  into  force 
upon  written  notification  by  the  parties  that 
the  internal  procedures  of  both  countries  have 
been  completed. 


Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  com- 
modities. Signed  at  Accra  July  14,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  July  14,  1986. 


Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  com- 
modities (and  amending  agreement  of  June  6, 
1985).  Signed  at  Guatemala  July  2,  1986. 
Enters  into  force  following  an  exchange  of 
notes  confirming  that  the  internal  procedures 
of  the  importing  country  have  been  met. 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  for  sales 
of  agricultural  commodities  of  June  6,  1985. 
Signed  at  Guatemala  Aug.  9.  1985.  Entered 
into  force  Aug.  9,  1985. 


Agreement  on  procedures  for  mutual 
assistance  in  law  enforcement  matters. 
Signed  at  Port-au-Prince  Aug.  15,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  15,  1986. 


Third  amendment  to  the  grant  agreemei 
Mar.  25,  1985,  relating  to  financial  stabi 
tion  and  economic  recovery  in  Honduras  i 
Signed  at  Tegucigalpa  June  19,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  June  19.  1986. 

Hong  Kong 

Agreement  modifying  and  extending  ag  I 
ment  of  June  23,  1982  (TIAS  10420),  rel 
to  trade  in  certain  textiles  and  textile  pr 
ucts.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  F 
Kong  Aug.  4,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
Aug.  4,  1986;  effective  Jan.  1,  1986. 


Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  com 
modities.  Signed  at  Nairobi  July  16,  198 
Entered  into  force  July  16,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  agreement  of  Jul; 
and  11,  1985,  as  amended,  relating  to  tr 
cotton,  wool,  and  manmade  fiber  textile 
textile  products.  Effected  by  exchange  i 
notes  at  Kuala  Lumpur  July  24  and  25, 
Entered  into  force  July  25,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  fo 
sale  of  agricultural  commodities  of  Apri 
1986.  Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  an 
Maputo  July  9,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
July  9,  1986. 


Agreement  concerning  the  provisions  o: 
training  related  to  defense  articles  unde- 
U.S.  international  military  education  an 
training  (IMET)  program.  Effected  by 
exchange  of  notes  at  Islamabad  Dec.  10 
1985.  and  July  30,  1986.  Entered  into  fd 
July  30,  1986. 


Agreement  regarding  the  consolidation 
rescheduling  of  certain  debts  owed  to, 
guaranteed  by,  or  insured  by  the  U.S. 
Government  and  its  agencies,  with  anne 
Signed  at  Washington  July  2.  1986.  Ent 
into  force  Aug.  18,  1986. 


International  express  mail  agreement,  v 
detailed  regulations.  Signed  at  Dakar  ar 
Washington  June  5  and  Julv  3,  1986.  Er 
into  force  Sept.  1,  1986. 

Sierra  Leone 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  foi 
of  agricultural  commodities  of  May  5,  1£ 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Freeto 
Aug.  1,  1986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  1 


Denartmfint  nf  State  Bl 



Department  of  State 

releases  may  be  obtained  from  the 
of  Press  Relations,  Department  of 
Washington,  D.C.  20520. 








Air  fares  between  Switzerland 
and  U.S.  to  be  partially 
deregulated;  Swissair  to 
offer  new  service  to  U.S. 

Foreign  Relations  of  the 
failed  States,  1955-1957, 
Volume  II,  China,  released. 

Program  for  the  official  work- 
ing visit  to  Washington,  D.C, 
of  President  Miguel  de  la 
Madrid  Hurtado  of  the 
United  Mexican  States, 
Aug.  12-14. 

Shultz:  statement  and 
question-and-answer  ses- 
sion, Bogota,  Aug.  7. 

Whitehead:  statement  and 

160      8/15      Shultz:  opening  statement  at 
first  plenary  session  of 
U.S. -Australian  bilateral 
ministerial.  San  Francisco. 
Aug.  11. 

*161       8/15      Shultz:  dinner  remarks  aboard 
The  Citi/  of  San  Francisco, 
Aug.  11. 
162      8/15      Shultz,  Weinberger,  Hayden. 
Beazley:  joint  news  con- 
ference, San  Francisco, 
Aug.  11. 

*163      8/18      Shultz:  remarks  at  Balaguer 
House.  Santo  Domingo, 
Dominican  Republic,  Aug.  15. 

*164      8/26      Reginald  Bartholomew  sworn 
in  as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 
Spain,  Aug.  20  (biographic 

*165      8/26      Regional  Foreign  Policy  Con- 
ference. Baltimore,  Sept.  19. 

*166      8/29      CSCE  forum,  Miami,  Sept.  7. 

♦167      8/29      U.S..  Mexico  AM  broadcasting 
agreement  signed,  Aug.  28. 

*Not  printed  in  the  Bulletin.  ■ 

ment  amending  the  agreement  for  sales 
cultural  commodities  of  Jan.  26,  1986. 
ed  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Khartoum 
1986.  Entered  into  force  July  16, 


ment  concerning  the  provision  of  train- 
ated  to  defense  articles  under  the  U.S. 
itional  military  education  and  training 
')  program.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
it  Bangkok  Apr.  15  and  July  28,  1986. 
>d  into  force  July  28.  1986. 

Agreement  amending  agreement  of  July  27 
and  Aug.  8,  1983.  as  amended,  relating  to 
trade  in  cotton,  wool,  and  manmade  fiber  tex- 
tiles and  textile  products.  Effected  by 
exchange  of  notes  at  Bangkok  Apr.  4  and 
June  5,  1986.  Entered  into  force  June  5, 

'Not  in  force. 

2Not  in  force  for  the  U.S. 

3With  reservation(s)  and  declaration(s) 

4With  declaration. 

5In  force  provisionally  for  the  U.S.  ■ 

Department  of  State 

Free  single  copies  of  the  following  Depart- 
ment of  State  publications  are  available  from 
the  Correspondence  Management  Division, 
Bureau  of  Public  Affairs,  Department  of 
State,  Washington,  D.C.  20520. 

President  Reagan 

SDI:  Progress  and  Promise,  briefing  on  the 
SDI,  Aug.  6,  1986  (Current  Policy  #858). 


Does  South  Africa  Have  a  Future?.  Assistant 
Secretary  Keyes,  National  Urban  League's 
annual  conference.  San  Francisco,  July  21, 
1986  (Current  Policy  #857). 

Africa:  U.S.  Policy  (GIST.  Aug.  1986). 

Meaning  of  Sanctions  and  Countersanctions 
for  South  Africa's  Neighbors  (GIST,  Aug. 

U.S.  Pressures  on  South  Africa  (GIST.  Aug. 

Arms  Control 

Arms  Control:  Turning  the  Corner?,  ACDA 
Director  Adelman,  American  Bar  Assoc, 
New  York  City,  Aug.  12,  1986  (Current 
Policy  #861). 

U.S.  Policy  Regarding  Limitations  on  Nuclear 
Testing,' Aug.  1986  (Special  Report  #150). 

Interim  Restraint  Policy:  U.S.  and  Soviet 
Force  Projections,  Aug.  1986  (Special 
Report  #151). 

Department  &  Foreign  Service 

The  Foreign  Affairs  Budget,  Deputy 

Secretary  Whitehead,  press  briefing, 
Aug.  11,  1986  (Current  Policy  #860). 

East  Asia 

U.S. -China  Science  and  Technology 
Exchanges  (GIST.  Aug.  1986). 


Twentieth  Semiannual  Report  on  Implemen- 
tation of  Helsinki  Final  Act,  Oct.  1, 
1985-Apr.  1,  1986  (Special  Report  #146). 

Soviet  Active  Measures:  The  WPC 
Copenhagen  Peace  Congress,  Oct.  15-19, 
1986,  July  1986  (Foreign  Affairs  Note). 


Current  Policy  Digest  No.  18,  July  1986. 
Selected  State  Department  Publications,  July 


U.S.  International  Narcotic  Control  Pro- 
grams and  Policies,  Deputy  Secretary 
Whitehead,  Senate  Appropriations  Commit- 
tee, Aug.  14,  1986  (Current  Policy  #863). 

fier 1986 




Will  Protect  Freedom  of  the  Seas?, 
Assistant  Secretary  Negroponte,  Law  of 

Sea  Institute,  Miami,  July  21,  1986 
(Current  PoliCJ  0855). 


Economic  Sanctions  to  Combat  International 
Terrorism,  July  1986  (Special  Report  #149). 

Western  Hemisphere 

Obstacles  to  Investment  and  Economic 
Growth  in  Latin  America,  Ambassador  to 
the  OAS  McCormack,  Conference  of  the 
Great  Cities  of  the  Americas,  San  Juan, 
June  20,  1986  (Current  Policy  #862).  ■ 

Background  Notes 

This  series  provides  brief,  factual  summaries 
of  the  people,  history,  government,  economy, 
and  foreign  relations  of  about  170  countries 
(excluding  the  United  States)  and  of  selected 
international  organizations.  Recent  revisions 

Afghanistan  (July  1986) 
Argentina  (July  1986) 
Association  of  South  East  Asian 
Nations  (ASEAN)  (Apr.  1986) 
Burma  (May  1986) 
Chile  (Apr.  1986) 
Korea,  North  (May  1986) 
Laos  (May  1986) 
Mali  (Apr.  1986) 
Morocco  (July  1986) 
Sierra  Leone  (July  1986) 
Somalia  (Apr.  1986) 
Syria  (June  1986) 
Tanzania  (July  1986) 
Index  (June  1986) 

A  free  copy  of  the  index  only  may  be 
obtained  from  the  Correspondence  Manage- 
ment Division,  Bureau  of  Public  Affairs, 
Department  of  State,  Washington,  D.C. 

For  about  60  Background  Notes  a  year,  a 
subscription  is  available  from  the  Superintend- 
ent of  Documents,  U.S.  Government  Print- 
ing Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402,  for 
$32.00  (domestic)  and  $40.00  (foreign).  Check 
or  money  order,  made  payable  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  must  accom- 
pany order.  ■ 

Foreign  Relations  Volume  Released 

The  Department  of  State  on  August  6, 
1986,  released  Foreign  Relations  of  the 
United  States,  1955-1957.  Volume  II, 
China.  This  volume  documents  U.S. 
policy  in  the  Taiwan  Strait  crisis  of  1955. 

In  mid-January  1955,  Chinese  com- 
munist attacks  on  the  Dachen  Islands, 
northernmost  of  the  nationalist-held 
islands  off  the  China  coast,  posed  a 
dilemma  for  the  United  States.  The 
Eisenhower  Administration  was  commit- 
ted to  protect  the  nationalist  regime  on 
Taiwan  but  hoped  to  avoid  being  drawn 
into  an  armed  conflict  with  China.  The 
Administration  developed  a  threefold 
strategy.  The  United  States  pressed  the 
nationalists  to  evacuate  the  Dachens  and 
assisted  in  the  evacuation.  Congress 
passed  the  Formosa  Resolution, 
authorizing  the  President  to  use  U.S. 
Armed  Forces  to  protect  Taiwan,  the 
Pescadores,  and  related  positions. 
Simultaneously,  the  United  States  sup- 
ported a  New  Zealand  initiative  to  raise 
the  offshore  islands  problem  before  the 
UN  Security  Council. 

President  Eisenhower  was  deeply 
disturbed  by  the  ongoing  Taiwan  Strait 
crisis.  He  concluded  that  nationalist 
withdrawal  from  Quemoy  and  Matsu 
offered  the  best  solution,  and  he  hoped 
Chiang  Kai-shek  would  decide  on  his 
own  initiative  to  treat  them  as  dispen- 
sable outposts.  In  April  1955,  he  sent 
Assistant  Secretary  of  State  Walter  S. 
Robertson  and  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff 
Chairman  Admiral  Arthur  Radford  to 
Taiwan  in  an  unsuccessful  attempt  to 
persuade  Chiang  to  withdraw  from 
Quemoy  and  Matsu. 

The  crisis  entered  a  new  phase  ■ 
Premier  Zhou  Enlai  of  the  People's 
Republic  of  China  declared  in  April 
the  Bandung  Conference  of  Asian  a>< 
African  nations  that  China  was  will 
enter  into  negotiations  with  the  Uni 
States  in  order  to  discuss  the  relaxa 
of  tension.  Great  Britain,  India,  and' 
other  countries  renewed  diplomatic 
efforts  to  bring  about  a  peaceful  res 
tion  of  the  crisis.  In  July,  these  effoi 
culminated  in  a  U.S. -Chinese  agreer 
to  begin  talks  at  the  ambassadorial 
The  volume  concludes  with  preparat 
for  the  U.S.-People's  Republic  of  Cr 
ambassadorial  talks.  The  talks,  held 
Geneva  from  August  1955  through 
December  1957,  will  be  documented 
Volume  III,  scheduled  for  publicatio 
later  this  year. 

Foreign  Relations,  1955-1957, 
Volume  II,  which  comprises  688  pag 
previously  classified  foreign  affairs 
records,  was  prepared  in  the  Office 
the  Historian,  Bureau  of  Public  AM 
Department  of  State.  This  authoriffl 
official  record  is  based  upon  the  file: 
the  White  House,  the  Department  0' 
State,  and  other  government  agenci 

Copies  of  Volume  II  (Departmer 
State  Publication  No.  9450  (GPO  St. 
No.  044-000-02118-8)  may  be  pur- 
chased for  $23.00  (domestic  postpak 
from  the  Superintendent  of  Doeume- 
U.S.  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.C,  20402.  Checks  oil 
money  orders  should  be  made  payab 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

Press  release  156  of  August  6,  1986. 


Department  of  State  Bui1 


lober  1986 

jme  86,  No.  2115 

il  Control 

i  Control:  Turning  the  Corner? 

ulman)  7 

[  Jpens  Final  Session  (White  House 

lement) 9 

s-n  Restraint:  U.S.  and  Soviet  Force 
I  ections  (letter  to  the  Congress, 

lassified  report) 10 

i  ential  Response  to  Soviet  Arms  Control 

oosals  (White  House  statement) 12 

I  ent's  News  Conference  of  August  12 

l?rpts) 2 

ileets  in  Geneva  (White  House  and  U.S. 

pments) 18 

progress  and  Promise  (Reagan) 1 

.  olicy  Regarding  Limitations  on  Nuclear 



LS.S.R.  Discussions  on  Nuclear  Testing 

e  House  statement) 17 

&lia.  U.S.  and  Australia  Hold 

isterial  Talks  (Beazley,  Hayden,  Shultz, 

I  iberger,  joint  statement)  43 

li  Update  on  Chile  (Abrams) 66 


in  Restraint:  U.S.  and  Soviet  Force 

ections  (letter  to  the  Congress, 

Wtssified  report) 10 

■  on  UN  Human  Rights  Commission 

ding  (Schifter) 61 

I  eport  on  Cyprus  (message  to  the 

Iress) 35 

il  ternational  Narcotic  Control 

flrams  and  Policies  (Whitehead) 37 

;  pfugee  Policies  and  Programs  at 

idear  1986  (Purcell) 49 

a  on  Chile  (Abrams) 66 

r\ .  27th  Report  on  Cyprus  (message  to 

e|  ongress)  35 

ament  &  Foreign  Service.  The  Foreign 

Srs  Budget  (Whitehead) 19 


mnic  Sanctions  to  Combat  International 

iflirism 27 

aes  to  Investment  and  Economic 

tith  in  Latin  America  (McCormack)  .  .70 

itcic  Petroleum  Reserve  (White  House 

llhient) 34 

kf  oliey:  Where  Will  America  Lead? 

Hinn) 31 

-.pan  Relations:  A  Global  Partnership 

rie  Future  (Armacost) 20 

-..pan  Semiconductor  Trade  Agreement 

e£an) 22 

ajon  Chile  (Abrams) 66 

ri .  Strategic  Petroleum  Reserve  (White 

Be  statement) 34 


Jbens  Final  Session  (White  House 

jfcient) 9 

item  and  Tourism  (Oakley)  55 

b*i  Assistance 

•Jj-eign  Affairs  Budget  (Whitehead)  .  .  19 

.  j'fugee  Policies  and  Programs  at 

liar  1986  (Purcell) 49 


Hnt's  News  Conference  of  August  12 

«*pts) 2 

i  Jiniversary  of  Berlin  Wall  (Reagan)  .  35 

Human  Rights 

Captive  Nations  Week,  1986  (proclamation)  36 

1  lth  Anniversary  of  the  Helsinki  Final  Act 
(Reagan) 36 

Report  on  UN  Human  Rights  Commission 
Meeting  (Schifter) til 

I  fpdate  on  Chile  (Abrams) 66 


Perspective  and  Proportion  for  U.S.-Japanese 
Relations  (Sigur) 24 

U.S. -Japan  Relations:  A  Global  Partnership 
for  the  Future  (Armacost) 20 

U.S. -Japan  Semiconductor  Trade  Agreement 
(Reagan) 22 

Law  Of  The  Sea.  Who  Will  Protect  Freedom 
of  the  Seas?  (Negroponte) 41 

Maritime  Affairs.  Who  Will  Protect 
Freedom  of  the  Seas?  (Negroponte) 41 

Mexico.  Visit  of  Mexican  President  (De  la 
Madrid.  Reagan) 65 

Military  Affairs 

Binary  Chemical  Munitions  Program  (White 
House  statement) 37 

SDI:  Progress  and  Promise  (Reagan) 1 

Narcotics.  U.S.  International  Narcotic  Con- 
trol Programs  and  Policies  (Whitehead) .  .  37 

New  Zealand.  U.S.  and  Australia  Hold 
Ministerial  Talks  (Beazley,  Hayden,  Shultz, 
Weinberger,  joint  statement)   43 


Nicaragua's  Role  in  Revolutionary  Interna- 
tionalism (Walters) 58 

President's  News  Conference  of  August  12 
(excerpts) 2 

North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization.  Binary 
Chemical  Munitions  Program  (White  House 
statement) 37 

Oceans.  Who  Will  Protect  Freedom  of  the 
Seas?  (Negroponte) 41 

Pakistan.  Visit  of  Pakistan's  Prime  Minister 
(joint  statement) 54 

Presidential  Documents 

Antiterrorism  Act  Signed  into  Law 58 

Captive  Nations  Week,  1986  (proclamation)  36 

1  lth  Anniversary  of  the  Helsinki  Final  Act  36 

Interim  Restraint:  U.S.  and  Soviet  Force 
Projections  (letter  to  the  Congress, 
unclassified  report) 10 

International  Trade 6 

President's  News  Conference  of  August  12 
(excerpts) 2 

SDI:  Progress  and  Promise 1 

25th  Anniversary  of  Berlin  Wall   35 

27th  Report  on  Cyprus  (message  to  the 
Congress) 35 

U.S. -Japan  Semiconductor  Trade  Agree- 
ment  22 

Visit  of  Mexican  President  (De  la  Madrid, 
Reagan) 65 

Visit  of  President  of  Uruguay  (Reagan, 
Sanguinetti) 73 


Background  Notes 78 

Department  of  State 77 

Foreign  Relations  Volume  Released   78 

Refugees.  U.S.  Refugee  Policies  and  Pro- 
grams at  Midyear  1986  (Purcell) 49 

South  Africa.  President's  News  Conference 
of  August  12  (excerpts)  2 


Antiterrorism  Act  Signed  into  Law 
(Reagan) 58 

Economic  Sanctions  to  Combat  International 
Terrorism 27 

President's  News  Conference  of  August  12 
(excerpts) 2 

Terrorism  and  Tourism  (Oakley)  55 


Economic  Sanctions  to  Combat  International 
Terrorism 27 

International  Trade  (Reagan) 6 

Obstacles  to  Investment  and  Economic 
Growth  in  Latin  America  (McCormack)  .  .  70 

Trade  Policy:  Where  Will  America  Lead? 
(McMinn)' 31 

U.S. -Japan  Semiconductor  Trade  Agreement 
(Reagan) 22 

Travel.  Terrorism  and  Tourism  (Oakley).  .  .55 

Treaties.  Current  Actions  75 


Arms  Control:  Turning  the  Corner? 
(Adelman)  7 

Interim  Restraint:  U.S.  and  Soviet  Force  Pro- 
jections (letter  to  the  Congress,  unclassified 
report) 10 

Presidential  Response  to  Soviet  Arms  Control 
Proposals  (White  House  statement) 12 

President's  News  Conference  of  August  12 
(excerpts) 2 

SCC  Meets  in  Geneva  (White  House  and  U.S. 
statements) 18 

U.S.  Policy  Regarding  Limitations  on  Nuclear 
Testing 14 

U.S. -U.S.S.R.  Discussions  on  Nuclear  Testing 
(White  House  statement) 17 

United  Nations 

Nicaragua's  Role  in  Revolutionary  Inter- 
nationalism (Walters) 58 

Report  on  UN  Human  Rights  Commission 
Meeting  (Schifter) 61 

UN  Financial  Crisis  (Walters) 63 

Uruguay.  Visit  of  President  of  Uruguay 
(Reagan,  Sanguinetti) 73 

Western  Hemisphere 

Nicaragua's  Role  in  Revolutionary  Interna- 
tionalism (Walters) 58 

Obstacles  to  Investment  and  Economic 
Growth  in  Latin  America  (McCormack)  .  .  70 

Name  Index 

Abrams,  Elliott 66 

Adelman,  Kenneth  L 7 

Armacost,  Michael  H 20 

Beazley,  Kim 43 

De  La  Madrid  Hurtado,  Miguel  65 

Hayden,  Bill  43 

McCormack,  Richard  T 70 

McMinn,  Douglas  W   31 

Negroponte,  John  D 41 

Oakley,  Robert  B 55 

Purcell,  James  N.,  Jr 49 

Reagan,  President .  .  1,  2,  6,  10,  22,  35,  36,  58, 
65,  73 

Sanguinetti,  Julio  Maria 73 

Schifter,  Richard 61 

Shultz,  Secretary 43 

Sigur,  Gaston  J.,  Jr 24 

Walters,  Vernon  A   58,  63 

Weinberger,  Caspar  W 43 

Whitehead,  John  C   19,  37 

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U.S.  Government  Printing  Office 
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&  flWIo 

i«    oi  sum-  i*  im  >   «> 


Official  Monthly  Record  of  United  States  Foreign  Policy/Volume  86/Number  21 16 

November  1986 





I  vii   lit  »-i  ■  ■  k  r*IJL™JIr^7J 

CDE  Accord/20 



Department  of  State 


Volume  86/Number  21 16/November  1986 

The  Department  of  State  Bulletin, 
published  by  the  Office  of  Public  Com- 
munication in  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  is  the  official  record  of  U.S. 
foreign  policy.  Its  purpose  is  to  provide 
the  public,  the  Congress,  and  govern- 
ment agencies  with  information  on 
developments  in  U.S.  foreign  relations 
and  the  work  of  the  Department  of 
State  and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  Bulletin's  contents  include  major 
addresses  and  news  conferences  of  the 
President  and  the  Secretary  of  State; 
statements  made  before  congressional 
committees  by  the  Secretary  and  other 
senior  State  Department  officials;  se- 
lected press  releases  issued  by  the 
White  House,  the  Department,  and  the 
U.S.  Mission  to  the  United  Nations;  and 
treaties  and  other  agreements  to  which 
the  United  States  is  or  may  become  a 
party.  Special  features,  articles,  and 
other  supportive  material  (such  as  maps, 
charts,  photographs,  and  graphs)  are 
published  frequently  to  provide  addi- 
tional information  on  current  issues  but 
should  not  necessarily  be  interpreted  as 
official  U.S.  policy  statements. 


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Office  of  Public  Communication 


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1       Prospects  for  World  Peace  (President  Reagan) 

i  President 

Keeping  America  Strong 

•  Vice  President 

Visit  to  the  Middle  East 


;  Progress,  Freedom,  and 

I  Proposed  Refugee  Admissions 

for  FY  1987 


|  Continuation  of  South  Africa 
Emergency  (Message  to  the 

ns  Control 

CDE  Delegations  Reach  Accord 
on  Military  Activities  in 
Europe  (Robert  L.  Barry, 
President  Reagan,  Document) 

Nuclear  and  Space  Arms 
( Wh  ite  House  Stateme n  t ) 

MBFR  Talks  End  39th  Round 
(Western  Statement) 

MBFR  Negotiations  Reconvene 
(White  House  Statement) 

U.S.  and  Soviet  Approaches  to 
Arms  Control 
(Edward  L.  Rowny) 
•  Verifying  Nuclear  Testing 
Limitations:  Possible  U.S.- 
Soviet Cooperation 
(Message  to  the  Congress,  Text 
of  Study) 

East  Asia 



U.S.  and  East  Asian-Pacific 
Relations:  The  Challenge 
Ahead  (Gaston  J.  Sigur,  Jr.) 

U.S. -Japanese  Relations 




An  Agenda  for  the  New  GATT 

Round  (Clayton  Yeutter) 
GATT  Nations  Agree  to  Launch 

New  Round  of  Trade 

Negotiations  (Clayton 

Yeutter,  Declaration) 


49        Under  Secretary  Armacost's 

Interview  on  "Meet  the  Press" 

51  Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

September  12 

52  Deputy  Secretary  Whitehead's 

Interview  on  "Face  the 

54        Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

September  20 
57        Secretary's  News  Conference  of 

September  25 
60        President's  and  Secretary's 

News  Conference  of 

September  30 
64        Secretary's  Interview  on  "The 

Today  Show" 
66        Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

October  2 
70        Prospects  for  the  Vienna 

CSCE  Follow-Up  Meeting 

( Warren  Zimmerman) 

72  CSCE  Follow-Up  Preparatory 


(Department  Statement) 

73  A  Discussion  on  U.S. -Soviet 

Relations  (Paul  H.  Nitze, 
Ma  rk  Palmer) 
76        28th  Report  on  Cyprus 

(Message  to  the  Congress) 

Human  Rights 

77        Religious  Persecution  in 
the  Soviet  Union 
(Edward  J.  Derwinski, 
Richard  Schifter) 

Science  &  Technology 

83        ITU  Issues  Report  on  Soviet 

Western  Hemisphere 

Visit  of  Brazil's  President 
(President  Reagan, 
Jose  Sarney) 

U.S. -Brazil  Relations 

Cuba:  New  Migration  and 
Embargo  Measures 
(Department  Statement) 

Arrival  of  Cuban  Political 
Prisoners  (Department 





88        Current  Actions 

Press  Releases 

90        Department  of  State 


90        Department  of  State 


f  DEC  1 7 1986 



1                HM.' 


A   i                    ^H 




With  Secretary  General  Perez  de  Cuellar. 

(White  House  photo  by  Petef 

Department  of  State  Bu  i1 

United  Nations 

Prospects  for 
World  Peace 

by  President  Reagan 

Address  before  the  41st  session 

of  the  UN  General  Assembly 

in  New  York  City  on  September  22,  1986. 1 

A  short  walk  from  this  chamber  is  the 
delegates'  Meditation  Room,  a  refuge 
from  a  world  deafened  by  the  noise  of 
strife  and  violence.  "We  want  to  bring 
back  the  idea  of  worship,"  Dag 
Hammarskjold  once  said  about  this 
room,  "devotion  to  something  which  is 
greater  and  higher  than  we  are 

Well,  it's  just  such  devotion  that 
gave  birth  to  the  United  Nations,  devo- 
tion to  the  dream  of  world  peace  and 
freedom,  of  human  rights  and  demo- 
cratic self-determination,  of  a  time 
when,  in  those  ancient  words,  "  .  .  .and 
they  shall  beat  their  swords  into 
plowshares . .  .  nation  shall  not  lift  up 
sword  against  nation,  neither  shall  they 
learn  war  any  more." 

The  United  States  remains  com- 
mitted to  the  United  Nations.  For  over 
40  years,  this  organization  has  provided 
an  international  forum  for  harmonizing 
conflicting  national  interests  and  has 
made  a  significant  contribution  in  such 
fields  as  peacekeeping,  humanitarian 
assistance,  and  eradicating  disease.  And 
yet,  no  one  knows  better  than  those  in 
this  chamber  how  the  noble  ideals 
embodied  in  the  Charter  have  often 
remained  unfulfilled.  This  organization 
itself  faces  a  critical  hour— that  is  usually 
stated  as  a  fiscal  crisis.  But  we  can  turn 
this  "crisis"  into  an  opportunity.  The 
important  reforms  proposed  by  a  group 
of  experts  can  be  a  first  step  toward 
restoring  this  organization's  status  and 
effectiveness.  The  issue,  ultimately,  is 

not  one  of  cash  but  of  credibility.  If  all 
the  members  of  this  universal  organiza- 
tion decide  to  seize  the  moment  and  turn 
the  rhetoric  of  reform  into  reality,  the 
future  of  the  United  Nations  will  be 
secure.  And  you  have  my  word  for  it:  my 
country,  which  has  always  given  the 
United  Nations  generous  support,  will 
continue  to  play  a  leading  role  in  the 
effort  to  achieve  its  noble  purposes. 

U.S. -Soviet  Relations 

When  I  came  before  you  last  year,  an 
important  moment  in  the  pursuit  of 
those  purposes  had  not  yet  occurred. 
The  leaders  of  the  Soviet  Union  and  the 
United  States  were  to  meet  in  Geneva. 
These  discussions  have  now  been  held. 
For  over  15  hours,  Soviet  and  American 
delegations  met.  For  about  5  hours, 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  and  I 
talked  alone. 

Our  talks  were  frank.  The  talks  were 
also  productive— in  a  larger  sense  than 
even  the  documents  that  were  agreed. 
Mr.  Gorbachev  was  blunt,  and  so  was  I. 
We  came  to  realize  again  the  truth  of  the 
statement:  nations  do  not  mistrust  each 
other  because  they  are  armed;  they  are 
armed  because  they  mistrust  each  other. 
And  I  did  not  hesitate  to  tell  Mr. 
Gorbachev  our  view  of  the  source  of  that 
mistrust:  the  Soviet  Union's  record  of 
seeking  to  impose  its  ideology  and  rule 

on  others.  So,  we  acknowledged  the  deep 
and  abiding  differences  between  our 
systems  of  government,  our  views  of 
history  and  the  future  of  mankind.  But, 
despite  these  differences,  we  resolved  to 
work  together  for  real  reductions  in 
nuclear  arms  as  well  as  progress  in  other 

Delegates  to  the  41st  General 
Assembly  of  the  United  Nations,  today  I 
want  to  report  to  you  on  what  has 
transpired  since  the  summit:  notably  the 
important  letter  I  sent  July  25th  to  Mr. 
Gorbachev.  In  that  letter,  I  dealt  with 
the  important  issues  of  reducing  nuclear 
arms,  agreeing  on  strategic  defenses, 
and  limiting  nuclear  testing.  In  addition 
to  those  issues,  which  concern  the  mili- 
tary aspects  of  Soviet-American  rela- 
tions, I  would  also  like  to  address  other 
essential  steps  toward  peace:  the  resolu- 
tion of  political  conflicts,  the  strengthen- 
ing of  the  international  economy,  and 
the  protection  of  human  rights. 

Before  I  do  this,  however,  let  me,  in 
the  tradition  of  candor  established  at 
Geneva,  tell  you  that  a  pall  has  been  cast 
over  our  relations  with  the  Soviet  Union. 
I  refer  here  to  a  particularly  disturbing 
example  of  Soviet  transgressions  against 
human  rights. 

Recently— after  the  arrest  of  a 
Soviet  national  and  UN  employee 
accused  of  espionage  in  the  United 
States— an  American  correspondent  in 
Moscow  was  made  the  subject  of  fabri- 
cated accusations  and  trumped-up 
charges.  He  was  arrested  and  jailed  in  a 
callous  disregard  of  due  process  and 
numerous  human  rights  conventions.  In 
effect,  he  was  taken  as  a  hostage— even 
threatened  with  the  death  penalty. 

Both  individuals  have  now  been 
remanded  to  their  respective  ambas- 
sadors. But  this  is  only  an  interim  step, 
agreed  to  by  the  United  States  for 
humanitarian  reasons.  It  does  not 
change  the  facts  of  the  case:  Gennadiy 
Zakharov  is  an  accused  spy  who  should 
stand  trial;  Nicholas  Daniloff  is  an  inno- 
cent hostage  who  should  be  released. 
The  Soviet  Union  bears  the  responsibil- 
ity for  the  consequences  of  its  action. 
Misusing  the  United  Nations  for  pur- 
poses of  espionage  does  a  grave  disserv- 
ice to  this  organization. 

And  the  world  expects  better.  It 
expects  contributions  to  the  cause  of 
peace  that  only  the  leaders  of  the  United 
States  and  the  Soviet  Union  can  make. 

With  NATO  Scretary  General  Lord  Carrington. 

With  King  Juan  Carlos  I  of  Spain. 

Department  of  State  Built, 

ns  Control 

for  this  reason  that  I  wrote  last 
mer  to  Mr.  Gorbachev  with  new 
s  control  proposals.  Before  discus- 
the  proposals,  let  us  be  clear  about 
h  weapons  are  the  most  dangerous 
threatening  to  peace.  The  threat 
not  come  from  defensive  systems, 
h  are  a  shield  against  attack,  but 
1  offensive  weapons— ballistic 
iles  that  hurtle  through  space  and 
ivreak  mass  destruction  on  the  sur- 
of  the  earth,  especially  the  Soviet 
in's  heavy,  accurate  intercontinental 
stic  missiles  (ICBMs),  with  multiple 
leads,  which  have  no  counterparts  in 
or  number  in  any  other  country. 
That  is  why  the  United  States  has 
urged  radical,  equitable,  verifiable 
ctions  in  these  offensive  systems, 
s  that  I  said  reduction;  for  this  is  the 
purpose  of  arms  control:  not  just  to 
'y  the  levels  of  today's  arsenals,  not 
to  channel  their  further  expansion, 
,o  reduce  them  in  ways  that  will 
ce  the  danger  of  war.  Indeed,  the 
ed  States  believes  the  prospect  of  a 
•e  without  such  weapons  of  mass 
•uction  must  be  the  ultimate  goal  of 
.  control. 

am  pleased  to  say  that  the  Soviet 
n  has  now  embraced  our  idea  of 
:al  reductions  in  offensive  systems. 
le  Geneva  summit  last  November, 
greed  to  intensify  work  in  this  area. 

then,  the  Soviets  have  made 
led  proposals  which,  while  not 
3table  to  us,  appear  to  represent  a 
us  effort.  So,  we  continue  to  seek  a 
reduction  of  American  and  Soviet 
lals— with  the  central  focus  on  the 
:tion  of  ballistic  missile  warheads.  If 
oviet  Union  wants  only  a  lesser 
:tion,  however,  we  are  prepared  to 
der  it  but  as  an  interim  measure.  In 
•  provisions,  as  well,  we  have  sought 
ke  account  of  Soviet  concerns.  So, 

has  been  movement. 
Similarly,  in  the  area  of  intermediate- 
e  nuclear  forces,  the  United  States 
5  the  total  elimination  of  such  mis- 
on  a  global  basis.  Again,  if  the 
;t  Union  insists  on  pursuing  such  a 
in  stages,  we  are  prepared  to  con- 
i  an  interim  agreement  without 

Lll  this  gives  me  hope.  I  can  tell  you 
xchanges  between  our  two  sides 
summer  could  well  have  marked  the 
ming  of  a  serious,  productive 

negotiation  on  arms  reduction.  The  ice  of 
the  negotiating  stalemate  could  break— if 
both  sides  intensify  their  effort  in  the 
new  round  of  Geneva  talks  and  if  we 
keep  the  promises  we  made  to  each 
other  last  November. 

For  too  long  a  time,  however,  the 
Soviet  response  has  been  to  downplay 
the  need  for  offensive  reductions.  When 
the  United  States  began  work  on 
technology  to  make  offensive  nuclear 
weapons  someday  obsolete,  the  Soviets 
tried  to  make  that  the  main  issue— as  if 
the  main  danger  to  strategic  stability 
was  a  defense  against  missiles  that  is 
still  on  the  drawing  boards,  rather 
than  the  menacing  ballistic  missiles 
themselves  that  already  exist  in  exces- 
sive numbers. 

Still,  the  United  States  recognizes 
that  both  the  offensive  and  defensive 
sides  of  the  strategic  equation  must  be 
addressed.  And  we  have  gone  far  to 
meet  Soviet  concerns  expressed  about 
the  potential  offensive  use  of  strategic 
defensive  systems.  I  have  offered  firm 
and  concrete  assurances  that  our 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative  (SDI)  could 
never  be  used  to  deploy  weapons  in 

U.S.  Delegation 

to  the  41st 

UN  General  Assembly 


Vernon  A.  Walters 

Herbert  S.  Okun 

Larry  Pressler,  U.S.  Senator  from  the  State 

of  South  Dakota 
Thomas  F.  Eagleton,  U.S.  Senator  from 

the  State  of  Missouri 
Helen  Marie  Taylor 

Alternate  Representatives 

Patricia  M.  Byrne 

Hugh  Montgomery 

Joseph  Verner  Reed 

Paul  S.  Trible,  Jr.,  U.S.  Senator  from  the 

State  of  Virginia 
John  Kerry,  U.S.  Senator  from  the  State  of 


USUN  press  release  101  of  Oct.  9,  1986. 

United  Nations 

space  that  can  cause  mass  destruction  on 
Earth.  I  have  pointed  out  that  the 
radical  reduction  we  seek  now  in  offen- 
sive arsenals  would  be  additional 
insurance  that  SDI  cannot  be  used  to 
support  a  first-strike  strategy.  And  our 
preference  from  the  beginning  has  been 
to  move  forward  cooperatively  with  the 
Soviets  on  strategic  defenses,  so  that 
neither  side  will  feel  threatened  and  both 
can  benefit  from  the  strategic  revolution 
that  SDI  represents. 

The  United  States  continues  to 
respect  the  Anti-Ballistic  Missile  (ABM) 
Treaty  in  spite  of  clear  evidence  the 
Soviets  are  violating  it.  We  have  told  the 
Soviets  that  if  we  can  both  agree  on 
radical  reductions  in  strategic  offensive 
weapons,  we  are  prepared  right  now  to 
sign  an  agreement  with  them  on 
research,  development,  testing,  and 
deployment  of  strategic  defenses  based 
on  the  following. 

First,  both  sides  would  agree  to  con- 
fine themselves  through  1991  to 
research,  development,  and  testing, 
which  is  permitted  by  the  ABM  Treaty, 
to  determine  whether  advanced  systems 
of  strategic  defense  are  technically 

Second,  a  new  treaty,  signed  now, 
would  provide  that  if,  after  1991,  either 
side  should  decide  to  deploy  such  a 
system,  that  side  would  be  obliged  to 
offer  a  plan  for  sharing  the  benefits  of 
strategic  defense  and  for  eliminating 
offensive  ballistic  missiles.  And  this  plan 
would  be  negotiated  over  a  2-year 

Third,  if  the  two  sides  can't  agree 
after  2  years  of  negotiation,  either  side 
would  be  free  to  deploy  an  advanced 
strategic  defense  system,  after  giving 
6-months  notice  to  the  other. 

As  the  United  States  has  repeatedly 
made  clear,  we  are  moving  toward  a 
future  of  greater  reliance  upon  strategic 
defense.  The  United  States  remains 
prepared  to  talk  about  how— under  what 
ground  rules  and  process— we  and  the 
Soviet  Union  can  do  this  cooperatively. 
Such  strategic  defenses,  coupled  with 
radical  reductions  in  offensive  forces, 
would  represent  a  safer  balance  and 
would  give  future  statesmen  the  oppor- 
tunity to  move  beyond  it  to  the  ultimate 
elimination  of  nuclear  weapons  from  the 
face  of  the  earth. 

Secretary's  Bilaterals 
at  the  United  Nations 


Foreign  Minister  Wu 


President  Sassou-Nguesso 


Foreign  Minister  Lopez 

In  addition  to  our  proposals  on  offen- 
sive reductions  and  strategic  defense,  we 
have  suggested  new  steps  in  another 
area— nuclear  testing.  Just  as  eliminat- 
ing all  nuclear  weapons  is  our  long-term 
goal,  so,  too,  is  a  total  ban  on  nuclear 
testing.  But  both  must  be  approached 
with  practical  steps.  For  the  reality  is 
that,  for  now,  we  still  must  rely  on  these 
weapons  for  the  deterrence  of  war.  Thus 
the  safety  and  reliability  of  our  deterrent 
are  themselves  critical  to  peace. 

The  United  States  is  proud  of  its 
record  of  nuclear  safety  and  intends  to 
maintain  it.  Nevertheless,  we  are,  as  I 
said,  ready  now  to  take  two  important 
steps  toward  limiting  nuclear  testing. 
First,  we  are  ready  to  move  forward  on 
ratification  of  the  Threshold  Test  Ban 
Treaty  and  the  Treaty  on  Peaceful 
Nuclear  Explosions,  once  agreement  is 
reached  on  improved  verification  pro- 
cedures. We  have  proposed  new  ideas  to 
make  this  possible. 

Second,  upon  ratification  of  those 
treaties,  and  in  association  with  a  pro- 
gram to  reduce  and  ultimately  eliminate 
all  nuclear  weapons,  we  are  prepared  to 
discuss  ways  to  implement  a  step-by-step 
parallel  program  of  limiting  and 
ultimately  ending  nuclear  testing. 

These  are  steps  we  could  take  in  the 
near  future  to  show  the  world  that  we 
are  moving  forward.  And  I,  therefore, 
call  upon  the  Soviet  Union  to  join  us  in 
practical,  attainable  progress  in  limiting 
nuclear  testing. 

Just  a  few  days  ago,  I  received  a 
reply  from  General  Secretary  Gorbachev 
to  my  letter  of  July  25.  And,  for  the 
moment,  let  me  say  simply  that  we 
are  giving  it  serious  and  careful 

As  we  move  toward  our  goal  of 
eliminating  nuclear  weapons,  it  is  vital 
that  we  also  address  important  imbal- 
ances of  other  kinds  of  weapons.  And 
this  is  why  the  United  States  has  pro- 
posed a  comprehensive  global  ban  on  all 
chemical  weapons  and  why  we  and  our 
allies  have  tried  hard  to  break  the 
stalemate  in  the  conventional  force 
negotiations  in  Vienna.  And  in  the 
Stockholm  conference,  a  major  advance 
has  been  achieved— a  concrete  new  set  of 
military  confidence-building  measures 
which  includes  inspections. 

Regional  Conflicts 

But  we  must  remember  from  the 
experience  of  the  1970s  that  progres 
arms  control  cannot  be  divorced  fror 
regional  political  developments.  As  I 
at  the  beginning,  political  tensions  c; 
the  military  competition,  not  the  oth 
way  around. 

But  while  the  United  States  and 
Soviet  Union  disagree  over  the  root 
causes  of  political  tension,  we  do  agr 
that  regional  conflicts  could  escalate 
global  confrontation.  Last  year  from 
rostrum,  I  presented  a  formula  for  p 
which  would  apply  to  five  critical 
regional  conflicts  that  are  potential 
flashpoints  for  wider  conflict.  I  point 
out  how  difficult  it  is  for  the  United 
States  to  accept  Soviet  assurances  o 
peaceful  intent  when  126,000  Soviet 
troops  prosecute  a  vicious  war  again 
the  Afghan  people;  when  140,000  So 
backed  Vietnamese  soldiers  wage  we 
the  people  of  Cambodia;  when  1,700 
Soviet  advisers  and  2,500  Cuban  con 
troops  are  involved  in  military  plann 
and  operations  in  Ethiopia;  when  1,3 
Soviet  military  advisers  and  36,000 
Cuban  troops  direct  and  participate  i 
combat  operations  to  prop  up  an  unp 
ular,  repressive  regime  in  Angola;  w 
hundreds  of  millions  of  dollars  in  So\ 
arms  and  Soviet-bloc  advisers  help  a 
tatorial  regime  in  Nicaragua  try  to 
subvert  and  betray  a  popular  revolut 

The  danger  inherent  in  these  con 
flicts  must  be  recognized.  Marxist- 
Leninist  regimes  tend  to  wage  war  a 
readily  against  their  neighbors  as  the 
routinely  do  against  their  own  people 
fact,  the  internal  and  external  wars 
often  become  indistinguishable. 

In  Afghanistan,  for  example,  the 
puppet  regime  has  announced  its  inte 
tion  to  relocate  tens  of  thousands  of 
people  from  border  areas.  Can  anyon 
doubt  this  will  be  done  in  classic  conn 
munist  style— by  force?  Many  will  die  fi 
make  it  easier  for  the  Soviets  and  the ' 
satellite  troops  to  intimidate  Pakistar 

It  is  just  such  transgressions  that 
make  the  risk  of  confrontation  with 
democratic  nations  so  acute.  So,  once 
again,  I  propose  a  three-point  peace 
process  for  the  resolution  of  regional 

(Siatr  Depl   photos  bj  Walb 

Department  of  State  Bull' 

United  Nations 

irst,  talks  between  the  warring 

s  themselves,  without  which  an 
violence  and  national  reconcilia- 

re  impossible; 

econd,  discussions  between  the 
|d  States  and  Soviet  Union— not  to 
fee  solutions  but  to  support  peace 
dand  eventually  eliminate  the  supply 
jjns  and  the  proxy  troops  from 
id;  and 

ihird,  if  the  talks  are  successful, 
Jefforts  to  welcome  each  country 
Into  the  world  economy  and  the 
iunity  of  nations  that  respect 
nn  rights. 


pition  to  regional  disputes,  the 
I  threat  of  terrorism  also  jeopard- 
he  hopes  for  peace.  No  cause,  no 
ince  can  justify  it.  Terrorism  is 
Ins  and  intolerable.  It  is  the  crime  of 
Ids— cowards  who  prey  on  the  inno- 
tjthe  defenseless,  and  the  helpless, 
fith  its  allies  and  other  nations,  the 
Id  States  has  taken  steps  to  counter 
rism  directly— particularly  state- 
lored  terrorism.  Last  April,  the 
id  States  demonstrated  that  it  will 
p  its  interests  and  act  against  ter- 
1  aggression.  And  let  me  assure  all 
ji  today,  especially  let  me  assure 
ntential  sponsors  of  terrorism,  that 
jmerican  people  are  of  one  mind  on 
jsue.  Like  other  civilized  peoples  of 
brld,  we  have  reached  our  limit. 
its  against  our  citizens  or  our  inter- 
rill  not  go  unanswered.  We  will  also 
jin  our  power  to  help  other  law- 
|g  nations  threatened  by  terrorist 
is.  To  that  end,  the  United  States 
aes  that  the  understandings  reached 
I  seven  industrial  democracies  at 
bkyo  summit  last  May  made  a  good 
toward  international  accord  in  the 
ti  terrorism.  We  recommend  to  the 
|al  Assembly  consideration  of  the 
>  resolutions. 

International  Economy 

Moving  to  the  economic  realm,  how 
ironic  it  is  that  some  continue  to  espouse 
such  ideas  as  a  "new  international 
economic  order"  based  on  state  control 
when  the  world  is  learning,  as  never 
before,  that  the  freedom  of  the  indi- 
vidual, not  the  power  of  the  state,  is  the 
key  to  economic  dynamism  and  growth. 
Nations  have  turned  away  from  central- 
ized management  and  government  con- 
trols and  toward  the  incentives  and 
rewards  of  the  free  market.  They  have 
invited  their  citizens  to  develop  their 
talents  and  abilities  to  the  fullest  and,  in 
the  process,  to  provide  jobs,  to  create 
wealth,  to  build  social  stability  and  foster 
faith  in  the  future  for  all. 

The  economic  summits  of  the  indus- 
trial democracies  have  paid  tribute  to 
these  principles— as  has  the  historic  UN 
Special  Session  on  [the  Critical 
Economic  Situation  in]  Africa  in  May. 
We  applaud  the  African  nations'  call  for 
reform  leading  to  greater  reliance  on 
their  private  sectors  for  economic 
growth.  We  believe  that  overcoming 
hunger  and  economic  stagnation 
requires  policies  that  encourage 
Africans'  own  productivity  and  initi- 
atives; such  a  policy  framework  will 
make  it  easier  for  the  rest  of  the  world, 
including  the  United  States,  to  help.  The 
laws  of  economic  incentives  do  not 
discriminate  between  developed  and 
developing  countries.  They  apply  to  all 

Much  of  the  recent  recovery  in  the 
world  economy  can  be  directly  attributed 
to  this  growth  of  economic  freedom.  And 
it  is  this  trend  that  offers  such  hope  for 
the  future.  And  yet  this  new  hope  faces 
a  grave  threat:  the  menace  of  trade 

History  shows  the  imposition  of  such 
barriers  invites  retaliation,  which  in  turn 
sparks  the  very  sort  of  trade  wars  that 
plunged  the  world  in  the  1930s  deeper 
into  depression  and  economic  misery. 
Truly,  protectionism  is  destructionism. 

That  is  why  the  United  States  seeks 
the  assistance  of  all  countries  repre- 
sented here  in  the  General  Assembly  in 
protecting  the  practice  of  free  and  fair 

Secretary's  Bilaterals 
at  the  United  Nations 


Foreign  Minister  Shankar 


Foreign  Minister  Aziz 

South  Korea 

Foreign  Minister  Choi 

((Tiber  1986 

Secretary's  Bilaterals 
at  the  United  Nations 


Foreign  Minister  Filali 


Foreign  Minister  Yaqub  Khan 

Saudi  Arabia 

trade.  We  applaud  the  success  of  the 
meeting  of  GATT  [General  Agreement 
on  Tariffs  and  Trade]  trade  ministers 
last  week  in  Uruguay,  where  agreement 
was  reached  to  launch  a  new  round  of 
multilateral  trade  negotiations  covering 
a  wide  range  of  topics  important  to 
economic  growth.  With  over  90  other 
countries  of  the  GATT,  the  United 
States  is  working  to  maintain  the  free 
flow  of  international  trade. 

In  addition  to  resistance  to  protec- 
tionism, the  United  States  is  also  seek- 
ing to  stimulate  world  economic  growth 
in  other  ways.  Our  Treasury  bill  interest 
rate  is  now  just  over  5%,  the  lowest  it 
has  been  in  9  years,  which  provides  enor- 
mous relief  to  debtor  countries. 
America's  new  tax  structure  will  open 
the  way  for  greater  prosperity  at  home, 
which  will  contribute  to  greater  prosper- 
ity abroad.  And,  finally,  the  United 
States  is  working  with  other  countries  to 
minimize  currency  swings,  to  promote 
stability  in  the  monetary  markets,  to 
establish  predictability  as  a  basis  for 

But  the  United  States  believes  the 
greatest  contribution  we  can  make  to 
world  prosperity  is  the  continued 
advocacy  of  the  magic  of  the  market- 
place—the truth,  the  simple  and  proven 
truth,  that  economic  development  is  an 
outgrowth  of  economic  freedom  just  as 
economic  freedom  is  the  inseparable 
twin  of  political  freedom  and  democratic 

Human  Rights 

And  it  is  here  that  we  come  to  our  final 
category— human  rights— the  indispens- 
able element  for  peace,  freedom,  and 
prosperity.  I  note  that  Mr.  Gorbachev 
has  used  in  recent  speeches  the  same 
categories  I  have  used  here  today:  the 
military,  the  political,  and  the  economic; 
except  that  he  titled  his  fourth  category: 

Well,  the  difference  is  revealing  | 
United  States  believes  that  respect  | 
the  individual,  for  the  dignity  of  thei 
human  person— those  rights  outlinei( 
the  UN  Universal  Declaration  of  Hij 
Rights— does  not  belong  in  the  realr  j 
charity  of  "humanitarian"  causes. 
Respect  for  human  rights  is  not  soc  | 
work;  it  is  not  merely  an  act  of  com  j 
sion.  It  is  the  first  obligation  of  gov  j 
ment  and  the  source  of  its  legitimac 

It  also  is  the  foundation  stone  ir | 
structure  of  world  peace.  All  throug  j 
history,  it  has  been  the  dictatorship.  | 
the  tyrannies  that  have  surrenderee  j 
to  the  cult  of  militarism  and  the  pur  j 
of  war.  Countries  based  on  the  cons  j 
of  the  governed,  countries  that  reco  ( 
the  unalienable  rights  of  the  individ  i 
do  not  make  war  on  each  other.  Pea  j 
more  than  just  the  absence  of  war. ' 
peace  is  justice;  true  peace  is  freedc  | 
And  true  peace  dictates  the  recogni  | 
of  human  rights. 

Commitments  were  made  more  \ 
10  years  ago  in  Helsinki  concerning  | 
these  rights  and  their  recognition.  ^  | 
need  only  look  to  the  East  today  to 
how  sadly  unfulfilled  those  commitn 
are.  The  persecution  of  scientists, 
religious  leaders,  peace  activists, 
political  dissenters,  and  other  prisor 
of  conscience  continues  unabated  be  i 
the  Iron  Curtain.  You  know,  one  sec 
of  the  Helsinki  accords  even  speaks 
"improvement  of  working  condition: 

So,  it  is  clear  that  progress  in  th 
human  rights  area  must  keep  pace  \» 
progress  in  other  areas.  A  failure  on 
score  will  hinder  further  movement 
East- West  relations. 

Foreign  Minister  Sa'ud 

Department  of  State  Bui 

United  Nations 

se:  The  Highest  Reality 

fc,  then,  are  the  areas  of  concern 
f  opportunity  that  the  United 
s  sees  in  the  quest  for  peace  and 
am— the  twin  objectives  of  the  UN 

last  year,  I  pointed  out  in  my 
ss  to  the  General  Assembly  that 
fferences  between  the  United 
5  and  the  Soviet  Union  are  deep 
biding.  But  I  also  called  for  a  fresh 
in  relations  between  our  two 
is,  a  fresh  start  that  could  benefit 
vn  people  and  the  people  of  every 
).  Since  that  time,  the  United 
5  has  taken  action  and  put  forth 
roposals  that  could  lead  to  our  two 
ries  and  the  entire  world  in  a  direc- 
re  all  have  long  sought  to  go.  Now 
than  ever,  it  is  the  responsibility  of 
>viet  Union  to  take  action  and 
istrate  that  they,  too,  are  continu- 
e  dialogue  for  peace. 
s  I've  said,  I  believe  that  we  can  be 
ll  about  the  world  and  the  pros- 
for  freedom.  We  only  need  look 
i  us  to  see  the  new  technologies 
lay  someday  spare  future  genera- 
he  nightmare  of  nuclear  terror,  or 
owing  ranks  of  democratic  activ- 
nd  freedom  fighters,  or  the  increas- 
iivement  toward  free  market 
mies,  or  the  extent  of  worldwide 
Jti  about  the  rights  of  the  indi- 
u  in  the  face  of  brute,  state  power. 
1  the  past,  when  I  have  noted  such 
ii.— when  I  have  called  for  a  "for- 
dstrategy  for  freedom"  and 
kted  the  ultimate  triumph  of 
uratic  rule  over  totalitarianism— 
Slave  accused  me  of  telling  people 
they  want  to  hear,  of  urging  them 
t  engage  the  day  but  to  escape  it. 
fet,  to  hope  is  to  believe  in  human- 
ti  in  its  future.  Hope  remains  the 
let  reality,  the  age-old  power;  hope  root  of  all  the  great  ideas  and 

causes  that  have  bettered  the  lot  of 
human  mankind  across  the  centuries. 

History  teaches  us  to  hope— for  it 
teaches  us  about  man  and  about  the 
irrepressible  human  spirit.  A  Nobel 
laureate  in  literature,  a  great  figure  of 
the  American  South,  William  Faulkner, 
once  said  that  the  last  sound  heard  on 
earth  would  be  that  of  the  two  remaining 
humans  arguing  over  where  to  go  in  the 
spaceship  they  had  built.  In  his  speech  to 
the  Nobel  committee  in  1950,  Faulkner 
spoke  of  the  nuclear  age,  of  the  general 
and  universal  physical  fear  it  had 
engendered,  a  fear  of  destruction  that 
had  become  almost  unbearable.  But,  he 
said,  "I  decline  to  accept  the  end  of  man. 
I  believe  that  man  will  not  merely 
endure,  he  will  prevail.  He  is  immor- 
tal..  .  because  he  has  a  soul,  a  spirit 
capable  of  compassion  and  sacrifice  and 

Faulkner  spoke  of  "the  old  verities 
and  truths  of  the  heart,"  of  the  courage, 
honor,  pride,  compassion,  pity,  sacrifice, 
and,  yes,  that  hope  which  is  the  glory  of 
our  past.  And  all  of  these  things  we  find 
today  in  our  present;  we  must  use  them 
to  build  our  future.  And  it's  why  today 
we  can  lift  up  our  spirits  and  our  hearts; 
it  is  why  we  resolve  that,  with  God's 
help,  the  cause  of  humanity  "will  not 
merely  endure"  but  prevail;  that  some- 
day all  the  world— every  nation,  every 
people,  every  person— will  know  the 
blessings  of  peace  and  see  the  light  of 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  29,  1986. 

Secretary's  Bilaterals 
at  the  United  Nations 


Foreign  Minister  Fernandez-Ordonez 


anp^--  t  'jh    m    m    ;» 

I  1*1  SS 

Foreign  Minister  Andersson 


Foreign  Minister  Caid  Essebsi 

'fiber  1986 


Keeping  America  Strong 

President  Reagan 's  address  to  sup- 
ofth  Administration 's  defense 
policies  in  the  Roosevelt  Room  of  the 
Whitt  House  on  September  23,  1986.} 

Thank  you  all  for  coming  here  to  the 
Roosevelt  Room  this  morning.  This 
room,  of  course,  was  named  for  two 
great  Presidents,  one  a  Republican,  the 
other  a  Democrat.  Both  understood  the 
vital  importance  of  keeping  America 
strong— something  I  know  everyone  in 
this  room  understands.  Let  me  say  how 
grateful  all  Americans  are  for  the  con- 
tributions that  you  and  your  organiza- 
tions have  made  to  building  a  stronger 

Restoring  America's  strength  has 
been  one  of  our  Administration's  highest 
goals.  When  we  took  office,  we  found 
that  we  had  ships  that  couldn't  leave 
port,  planes  that  couldn't  fly— both  for 
lack  of  trained  men  and  women  and  ade- 
quate supplies  of  spare  parts.  We  found 
that  for  years  the  United  States  sat  on 
its  hands  while  the  Soviet  Union 
engaged  in  a  military  buildup,  the  likes 
of  which  the  world  had  never  seen.  The 
American  nuclear  deterrent,  upon  which 
world  peace  depends,  had  been  allowed 
to  slide  toward  obsolescence.  And  across 
the  earth,  Soviet-sponsored  regimes  had 
been  imposed  in  countries  as  diverse  as 
Angola,  Afghanistan,  and  Nicaragua. 

In  the  last  5Vz  years,  we've  begun  to 
turn  that  desperate  situation  around. 
We've  restored  the  morale,  the  training, 
and  the  equipment  of  our  armed  forces. 
And  let  me  just  say  that  around  the 
world  and  here  at  home,  I've  met  many 
of  our  young  men  and  women  in  uniform 
over  the  last  several  years.  It  does 
something  to  you  when  you're  standing 
up  there  on  the  demilitarized  zone  in 
Korea  and  a  young  fellow  standing  there 
in  uniform  says,  "Sir,  we're  on  the 
frontier  of  freedom."  Everyone  who 
works  with  them  will  confirm  what  I've 
said  about  them,  and  those  serving  today 
are  the  best  darn  bunch  who've  ever 
served  our  country.  I'm  proud  of  all  of 

In  the  last  5lk  years,  we've  begun 
the  necessary  modernization  of  our 
nuclear  deterrent.  We've  begun  research 
on  strategic  defense,  the  one  great  hope 
that  we  might  some  day  rid  the  world  of 
the  prison  of  mutual  nuclear  terror.  As  I 
told  the  I'N  General  Assembly  yester- 
day, we're  prepared  right  now  to  enter 

an  agreement  with  the  Soviet  Union  on 
research,  development,  testing,  and 
deployment  of  strategic  defense. 

In  pursuit  of  a  safer  world,  we're 
determined  to  move  toward  a  future  of 
greater  and  greater  reliance  on  strategic 
defense.  The  only  question  for  the 
Soviets  is,  do  we  move  toward  strategic 
defense  together  or  alone? 

In  the  last  5lk  years,  America  has 
also  taken  a  stand  with  embattled 
defenders  of  freedom  around  the  world. 
In  Afghanistan,  Angola,  Cambodia,  and 
Nicaragua,  we've  said  that  we  stand 
with  those  who  would  turn  back  the 
night  of  totalitarian  tyranny.  And  in  this 
I  wish  I  could  say  that  we  had  united 
backing  in  the  Congress.  But,  you  know, 
the  truth  is  different,  particularly 
regarding  our  support  of  freedom 
fighters  in  this  hemisphere.  Even  though 
both  Houses  of  Congress  have  approved 
critically  needed  military  assistance  for 
the  freedom  fighters,  this  bill  has  been 
deliberately  stalled  on  Capitol  Hill. 
Freedom  fighters  will  pay  with  their 
lives  for  this  politics  of  obstructionism. 
We're  determined  to  bring  their  bar- 
ricades down,  to  let  the  light  of  hope 
through  to  the  Nicaraguan  people— and 
we  will. 

But,  all  in  all,  in  the  last  5V2  years, 
we've  come  a  long  way.  You  saw  this 
when  Mr.  Gorbachev  and  I  met  in 
Geneva  last  November.  As  I  said  yester- 
day at  the  United  Nations,  despite  dif- 
ferences, we  resolved  at  that  meeting  to 
work  together  for  real  reductions  in 
nuclear  arms  as  well  as  progress  in  other 
areas.  The  Soviets  are  still  relentless 
adversaries,  as  their  totally  unwarranted 
arrest  of  an  innocent  American  reporter 
3  weeks  ago  demonstrates— an  action 
which  jeopardizes  all  areas  of  our  rela- 
tionship. But  at  the  arms  reduction 
table,  they  now  appear  to  treat  meetings 
as  more  than  just  another  propaganda 
forum.  This,  I  believe,  is  because  of  the 
new  will  the  United  States  has  shown  for 
the  last  5V2  years.  The  Soviets  have  been 
convinced  that  we're  serious  about 
rebuilding  our  strength. 

But  all  this  progress  has  now  been 
placed  in  jeopardy  by  actions  taken  in 
the  House  of  Representatives,  actions 
just  as  serious  as  the  attempt  to  block 
aid  to  the  freedom  fighters.  If  permitted 
to  stand,  these  actions  would  pull  the 
rug  out  from  under  our  arms  negotiators 
in  Geneva  and  imperil  our  national 

security.  The  House  voted  to  ban  tes 
antisatellite  systems,  even  though  tl 
Soviets  have  a  system  in  operation  ; 
we  don't.  They  voted  to  stop  us  fron 
producing  a  deterrent  to  modern  So 
chemical  weapons.  They  voted  to  sla 
our  request  for  the  strategic  defense 
research— an  initiative  that  helped  b 
the  Soviets  back  to  the  bargaining  ti 
in  Geneva.  They  voted  to  deny  fund: 
move  beyond  the  limits  of  SALT  II 
[strategic  arms  limitation  talks],  a  tr 
that  couldn't  be  ratified,  and  that 
would've  expired  by  now  if  it  had  be 
ratified,  and  that  the  Soviets  have 
repeatedly  violated.  And  finally,  the 
House  would  prohibit  essentially  all 
testing  of  nuclear  weapons.  Well,  all 
this  is  bad  for  our  national  security  ; 
for  arms  reduction  talks.  And  if  the 
defense  budget  arrives  on  my  desk  1 
ing  anything  like  that,  I'll  veto  it. 

All  of  these  issues  [applause]— tl 
you.  You  make  vetoing  even  more  p: 
ant  than  I  find  it.  [Laughter.]  But  al 
these  issues  are  important.  Each  He 
action  undermines  our  peace  and  sei 
rity.  But  I'd  like  to  use  my  time  todi 
what's  left  of  it— to  discuss  one  areai 
I  touched  on  yesterday  that  I  believ< 
needs  more  attention.  With  the  Sovi 
orchestrating  a  major  propaganda  c. 
paign  to  get  us  to  declare  a  morator 
on  nuclear  testing,  it's  time  to  set  tH 
record  straight  on  why  we  need  that 
test.  There  are  four  important  reaso 

First,  nuclear  testing  is  essentia 
guarantee  that  our  weapons— the  ke 
deterring  nuclear  aggression— actual 
work.  We  insist  on  the  most  rigorou 
field  tests  for  non-nuclear  weapons  1 
airplanes,  tanks,  and  guns,  but  nuck 
weapons  are  far  more  complex,  and 
they,  too,  must  be  tested.  Some  time 
ago,  for  example,  we  found  that  the 
safety  on  the  warhead  for  the  Polari 
missile  wouldn't  release.  Without  th< 
testing  that  helped  us  fix  that,  most 
our  sea-based  deterrent  would  have  1 

Without  testing,  we  couldn't  red 
the  size  and  improve  the  effectivenes 
our  warheads  and  make  them  safer, 
we  have.  So  until  we  can  negotiate  tl 
elimination  of  nuclear  weapons  with  I 
Soviets,  we  must  have  tests  to  make 
sure  that  our  deterrent  works  and  th 
it's  safe. 

Second,  we  use  nuclear  tests  to 
design  non-nuclear  weapons  and  equ: 
ment— for  example,  satellites,  ships, 
tanks,  and  sensors— so  that  they  can 
ter  withstand  a  Soviet  nuclear  attack 

Department  of  State  Bu  I 


ncreases  the  chances  that  our 
Iry  can  survive  and  still  fight,  which 
es  the  Soviet  incentive  to  attack  us 
ur  allies  in  the  first  place. 
hird,  testing  helps  us  keep  ahead 
net  efforts,  including  non-nuclear 
s,  to  neutralize  our  deterrent, 
al  years  ago,  improved  Soviet  air 
ses  threatened  to  make  our  B-52s 
;te,  so  we  began  the  production  of 

1 ,  which  can  get  through  those 
ses.  But  some  weapons  designed 
e  old  B-52s  weren't  reliable  at  the 
des  and  speeds  that  the  B-l  flies, 
sting  was  essential  to  developing 
}ns  with  a  proven  reliability. 
nd,  fourth,  testing  ensures  that 
nviets  won't  surprise  us  with 
throughs  that  might  alter  the 
sgic  balance.  The  Soviets  have 
for  years  to  modernize  and  expand 
weapons  systems.  We're  still  play- 
ttchup,  and  this  imbalance  is  a 
t  to  world  peace.  It'd  be  an  even 
er  threat  if  the  Soviets  scored 


ven  if  we  were  to  agree  to  a 
;orium  or  a  test  ban,  we  cannot  be 
he  Soviets  would  honor  it  or  that  it 
be  verified.  In  the  early  1960s  the 
ts  broke  out  of  a  3-year  morator- 
nat  they  had  agreed  to  with  the 
intensive  series  of  nuclear  tests  in 
y.  They  had  been  planning  all 
g  the  moratorium  for  the  testing 
were  going  to  do,  and  when  they 
ready,  they  just  violated  the 

fe,  on  the  other  hand,  had  abated, 
o  it  took  us  more  than  a  year  to 
e  our  testing  facilities  to  their  con- 
before  the  moratorium  so  we  could 
to  try  and  catch  up. 
ny  agreement  to  limit  testing  must 
rifiable.  We've  made  a  number  of 
sals  to  improve  verification  of  cur- 
xeaties.  The  Soviets  should  accept 
proposals  or  make  one  of  their  own 
top  playing  propaganda  games, 
ur  highest  arms  control  priority  is 
;  the  Soviets  to  agree  to  deep  arms 
tions  in  the  U.S.  and  Soviet  nuclear 
als.  Soviet  emphasis  on  the  testing 
is  a  diversion  from  this  urgent 
The  House's  ban  on  testing,  on  the 
hand,  is  a  back  door  to  a  nuclear 
2,  which  would  make  arms  reduc- 
almost  impossible.  Some  Congress- 
>eem  to  believe  that  peace  and 
ican  weakness  mean  the  same 
,  Didn't  it  ever  occur  to  anyone 
the  Soviets  must  be  thinking? 
re  thinking:  if  we  wait  long 
;h,  they'll  do  our  work  for  us. 

So  this  is  what  we're  up  against  and 
why  I'm  so  grateful  to  all  of  you  for 
what  you  are  doing.  Now  I  don't  dare 
look  at  the  gentleman  sitting  right  over 
here,  because  I've  been  telling  a  story 
the  last  couple  of  days  in  some  speeches 
that  I  like  to  tell  that  illustrates  the 
attitude  of  those  in  Congress  that  are 
bringing  this  about. 

It  has  to  do  with  three  fellows  that 
came  out  to  get  in  their  car  and  found 
they'd  locked  themselves  out.  And  one  of 

them  said,  "Get  a  wire  coat  hanger,  and 
we  can  straighten  it  out  and  manage  to 
get  in."  And  the  other  one  says,  "We 
can't  do  that.  Somebody  would  think 
we're  stealing  the  car."  And  the  third 
one  said,  "Well,  we'd  better  do  some- 
thing pretty  quick.  It's  starting  to  rain 
and  the  top's  down." 

■Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  29,  1986.  ■ 

Vice  President  Bush  Visits 
the  Middle  East 

Vice  President  Bush  departed  the 
United  States  July  25,  1986,  to  visit 
Israel  (July  27-30),  Jordan  (July  30- 
Aug.  2),  and  Egypt  (Aug.  2-5).  He 
returned  to  the  United  States  August  5. 

Following  is  n  stul,  incut  he  made  in 
Cairo  on  August  5. 

Several  common  themes  emerged  from 
my  discussions  in  Israel,  Jordan,  and 
Egypt.  All  the  leaders  I  met  with  reaf- 
firmed and  pledged  their  total  rejection 
of  the  use  of  terror  and  violence.  All  the 
leaders  also  expressed  their  concern 
about  the  economic  situation  in  the 
region.  While  not  a  substitute  for  the 
peace  process,  they  believe  that  efforts 
to  deal  with  the  economic  situation  will 
make  a  major  contribution  to  that 

With  regard  to  the  question  of 
peace,  all  the  parties  want  to  see  move- 
ment and  are  frustrated  by  what  they 
see  as  a  stalemate.  No  one  is  satisfied 
with  the  current  impasse.  All  the  parties 
want  the  United  States  to  play  an  active 
role  in  reenergizing  the  peace  process. 
We  have  always  been  prepared  to  play 
such  a  catalytic  role. 

During  my  meetings  with  the  leaders 
of  the  three  countries,  I  was  able  to 
discuss  the  common  elements  that  unite 
those  committed  to  making  peace  in  the 
area.  While  much  still  divides  those  in 
the  region,  I  am  convinced  after  my 
talks  that  there  is  enough  common 
ground  for  progress  to  be  made  in  the 
peace  process. 

With  Prime  Minister  Peres  in  Jerusalem. 

(White  House  photos  by  Dave  Valdez) 

I  was  particularly  struck  by  the 
areas  of  commonality  among  Israel, 
Jordan,  Egypt,  and  many  Palestinians.  I 
believe  this  commonality  creates  a  basis 
on  which  peace  negotiations  can  move 

To  be  specific,  my  impression  of  the 
points  of  agreement  on  the  negotiating 
process  and  the  goals  of  that  process  are 
as  follows: 

•  A  just  and  lasting  peace  is  essen- 
tial, urgent,  and  can  only  be  reached 
through  negotiations. 

•  Negotiations  should  produce  peace 
treaties  between  the  parties  based  on 
the  recognition  of  the  right  of  all  states 
and  peoples  in  the  region  to  a  life  of 
peace  and  security. 

•  Negotiations  must  take  into 
account  the  security  needs  of  Israel,  the 
security  needs  of  all  other  states  in  the 

Imber 1986 


region,  and  the  aspirations  of  the  Pales- 
n  people. 

•  Negotiations  must  resolve  the 
Palestine  question  in  all  its  aspects 
within  the  context  of  a  relationship 
between  Jordan,  the  West  Bank,  and 
Gaza.  This  relationship  can  be  achieved 
based  on  Security  Council  Resolutions 
212  and  338.  The  U.S.  view  is  that 
Security  Council  Resolutions  242  and 
338  embody  the  principle  of  secure  and 
recognized  boundaries  for  all  states  in 
the  region  and  the  exchange  of  territory 
for  peace. 

•  The  United  States  believes  in  the 
importance  of  face-to-face  negotiations. 
We  recognize  that  direct  negotiations 
may  involve  the  framework  of  an  inter- 
national conference  or  forum  structured 
in  a  way  that  permits  progress  and  not 
paralysis;  agreement,  not  dictates. 

•  The  form  of  the  negotiations 
should  provide  for  talks  between  an 
Israeli  delegation  and  a  Jordanian- 
Palestinian  delegation,  as  well  as 
between  Syrian  and  Israeli  delegations. 
Delegations  must  consist  of  individuals 
who  seek  peace  and  openly  reject 
violence  and  terrorism. 

The  United  States  believes  these 
areas  of  agreement  are  embodied  in  the 
Reagan  plan  of  September  1,  1982, 
which  itself  was  based  on  Security  Coun- 
cil Resolutions  242  and  338  and  the 
Camp  David  accords.  I  believe  these 
areas  of  agreement  or  common  under- 
standing provide  a  basis  for  moving  the 
peace  process  forward.  I  call  on  Palestin- 
ian representatives  not  to  miss  yet 
another  opportunity  to  achieve  their 
aspirations  as  a  people. 

Palestinian  rejectionism  has  con- 
tributed only  to  a  tragic  history.  It's 
time  for  Palestinian  representatives  to 
assume  responsibility  and  step  forward 
to  shape  their  own  destiny. 

I  will  return  to  Washington  and 
review  what  I  have  learned  with  the 
President,  the  Secretary  of  State,  and 
others.  Together  we  will  determine  what 
should  come  next,  how  we  can  build  on 
the  progress  made  in  this  visit  and  how 
we  can  implement  our  common 

The  road  to  peace  is  taken  a  step  at 
a  time,  and  I  am  encouraged  by  my  talks 
with  Prime  Minister  Peres,  King  Hus- 
sein, and  President  Mubarak  this  week.  I 
do  believe  the  atmosphere  has  improved 
and  that  all  nations  should  engage  in  the 
search  for  a  true  and  lasting  peace  in  the 
Middle  East.  ■ 

Vice  President  and  Mrs.  Bush  with  Their  Majesties  King  Hussein  and  Queen  Noor. 

With  President  Mubarak  in  Cairo 


Department  of  State  Bull' 


pgress,  Freedom,  and  Responsibility 

cretary  Shultz's  address  before 
rd  University's  350th  anniversary 
ation  in  Cambridge  on  September  5, 

you  very  much.  President  [of 
'd  University  Derek]  Bok.  Thank 
dies  and  gentlemen.  Mr.  President, 
ior,  Mayor,  of  course,  Mr.  Speaker, 
uished  ladies  and  gentlemen.  Tip 
essman  O'Neill],  we  spend  so 
)f  our  lives  paying  tribute  to  you 
ihington  that  it's  a  real  pleasure  to 
iere  and  pay  tribute  to  you  in  your 

d,  Mr.  Governor,  I  will  deliver  the 
je  you  requested  to  Jim  Baker, 
like  to  make  a  request.  If  he 
lown  those  World  Series  tickets, 
you  save  them  for  me? 
the  introduction,  President  Bok 
ned  my  diverse  career,  but  you 
mention  the  fact  that  my  univer- 
ave  been  Princeton,  M.I.T., 
o,  and  now  Stanford.  So  you  can 
v  I  feel  right  now— a  chance  to 
;alk  at  Harvard.  This  magnificent 
ion  stands  for  a  great  tradition  of 
tual  openness,  free  inquiry,  and 
of  truth.  And  as  the  nurturer  of 
y  Presidents,  Governors, 
rs,  Secretaries  of  State,  and  other 
;ervants,  Harvard  also  embodies  a 
ment  to  country— a  devotion  to 
1-being  of  the  nation  and  to  its 
?ible  role  of  leadership  in  the 

I  know  that  I  have  come  to  the 
ace  to  voice  a  message  of  outrage 
letention  of  Nick  Daniloff, 
d  class  of  1956.  The  cynical  arrest 
inocent  American  journalist 
s  us  of  what  we  already  know: 
litions  of  free  inquiry  and  open- 
5  spurned  by  the  Soviets,  showing 
k  side  of  a  society  prepared  to 

0  hostage-taking  as  an  instru- 

1  policy.  Let  there  be  no  talk  of  a 
'  for  Daniloff.  We,  and  Nick 

i  have  ruled  that  out.  The  Soviet 
lip  must  find  the  wisdom  to 
lis  case  quickly  in  accordance 
3  dictates  of  simple  human 
i  and  of  civilized  national 

1  know  also  I've  come  to  the  right 
'  deliver  a  message  of  concern,  to 
f  some  disturbing  trends  I  see  in 
ntry,  to  tell  of  some  important 
America  has  leai  ted  in  recent 
id  some  lessons  •  /e  apparently 

have  not  yet  learned.  These  disturbing 
trends  at  home  are  all  the  more  paradox- 
ical because  they  occur  against  the 
backdrop  of  powerful  positive  forces  at 
work  today  in  the  world  at  large,  forces 
that  offer  us  an  extraordinary  opportun- 
ity if  we  don't  throw  it  away. 

Change  and  Its  Positive  Implications 

Ours  is  a  time  of  many  seemingly  con- 
tradictory forces  at  work:  even  as  com- 
munications shrink  the  planet  and 
economics  increases  our  interdepend- 
ence, nationalism  is  more  potent  than 
ever;  technology  advances  at  dizzying 
speed  even  as,  once  again,  religious  faith 
becomes  a  powerful  political  force  all 
around  the  world. 

But  one  significant  trend  is  already 
discernible.  The  advanced  nations  of  the 
world  are  already  in  the  throes  of  a  new 
scientific  and  technological  revolution- 
one  whose  social,  economic,  political,  and 
strategic  consequences  are  only  begin- 
ning to  be  felt. 

The  industrial  age  is  ending;  in  some 
parts  of  the  world,  it  is  already  gone.  A 
century  ago,  our  country  moved  from  an 
agricultural  to  an  industrial  phase  of  our 
development.  Today,  we  remain  agricul- 
turally and  industrially  productive.  We 
more  than  feed  ourselves.  Over  the  last 
20  years,  manufacturing  as  a  share  of 
our  gross  national  product  has  remained 
constant  at  22%  even  as  the  proportion 
of  the  labor  force  needed  to  produce 
those  goods  has  declined  from  24%  to 
18%  during  these  same  two  decades.  But 
if  we  try  to  put  a  label  on  our  era,  we 
would  have  to  call  it  an  information 
revolution.  And  it  promises  to  transform 
the  structure  of  our  economies  and  the 
political  life  of  the  planet  as  thoroughly 
as  did  the  industrial  revolution  of  the 
18th  and  19th  centuries. 

I  see  this  as  a  revolution  of  great 
promise.  It's  a  stimulus  to  a  new  era  of 
economic  growth.  It's  a  challenge  that 
the  free  nations  of  the  world,  above  all, 
are  in  the  best  position  to  meet.  The 
President  captured  the  essence  of  the 
essential  relationship  between  freedom 
and  progress  when  he  noted: 

Everywhere,  people  and  governments 
are  beginning  to  recognize  that  the  secret  of  a 
progressive  new  world  is  the  creativity  of  the 
human  spirit ....  Our  open  advocacy  of 
freedom  as  the  engine  of  progress  [is  one  of] 
the  most  important  ways  to  bring  about  a 

world  where  prosperity  is  commonplace,  con- 
flict an  aberration,  and  human  dignity  a  way 
of  life. 

So  it  is  no  coincidence  that  the  free 
nations  have  once  again  been  the  source 
of  technological  innovation.  An  economic 
system  congenial  to  free  scientific 
inquiry,  entrepreneurial  risk-taking,  and 
consumer  freedom  has  been  the  fount  of 
creativity  and  the  mechanism  for 
spreading  innovation  far  and  wide.  A 
political  system  that  welcomes,  indeed, 
thrives  on  a  free  flow  of  ideas  and  infor- 
mation and  people  and  goods  across 
national  boundaries  finds  itself  the 
natural  breeding  ground  of  progress. 
The  developing  countries,  seeking  their 
own  path  to  a  better  future,  find  the 
West  their  natural  partner  for  coopera- 
tive endeavors.  And  even  the  countries 
of  the  communist  worjd  turn  to  the  West 
as  the  source  of  advanced  technology. 

Our  adversaries,  indeed,  face  an 
inescapable  dilemma.  They  see  the  new 
postindustrial  era  coming,  and  they  see 
the  West  well  poised  to  take  advantage 
of  it.  And  yet,  opening  themselves  up  to 
the  information  revolution  and  its 
benefits  risks  what  is  the  essence  of 
their  political  power— the  effort  to  con- 
trol thought  and  behavior  through  the 
tight  monopoly  they  maintain  over  infor- 
mation and  free  communication.  They 
fear  losing  control  over  what  their 
people  read  and  see.  How  can  a  system 
that  keeps  photocopiers  and  mimeograph 
machines  under  strict  control  and  sur- 
veillance exploit  the  benefits  of  the  video 
cassette  recorder  and  the  personal  com- 
puter? With  each  innovation,  the  leaders 
of  the  totalitarian  world  are  reminded  of 
their  agonizing  choice:  they  can  either 
open  their  societies  to  the  freedoms 
necessary  for  the  pursuit  of  technolog- 
ical advance  or  they  can  risk  falling  even 
further  behind  the  West.  In  reality, 
though,  it  may  be  already  too  late  for 
them  to  catch  up  with  the  future. 

So  we  are  learning  that  the  informa- 
tion revolution  holds  out  profound  pro- 
mise for  America.  And  yet,  it's  only  one 
of  the  positive  forces  at  work  in  the 
world.  Let  me  give  you  some  examples 
of  other  things  we  have  learned  in  recent 

First,  we  have  learned  once  again 
that  freedom  is  a  revolutionary  force. 
Dictatorships— left  or  right— are  not  per- 
manent. In  Afghanistan,  Angola,  Cam- 
bodia, and  Nicaragua,  imperialism, 

liber  1986 



oppression,  and  regimentation  have 

n  rise  to  resistance  movements  that 
struggle  for  the  rights  denied  them  by 
communist  rule.  In  South  Africa,  the 
structure  of  apartheid  is  under  seige  as 
never  before.  In  Latin  America,  the 
yearning  for  democracy  has  transformed 
the  political  complexion  of  the  entire 
continent.  Contrary  to  the  expectations 
of  many  only  5  or  6  years  ago,  El 
Salvador,  Honduras,  and  Guatemala 
have  joined  Costa  Rica  in  the  democratic 
trend  in  Central  America— leaving  only 
Nicaragua  as  the  odd  man  out.  In  the 
Philippines,  the  same  yearning  brought  a 
remarkable,  peaceful  transition  to  a  new 
democratic  way.  And  Thailand  has  not 
received  the  notice  it  deserves.  Sharp 
political  differences  there  led  to  vividly 
contested  recent  elections,  and  they  have 
re-formed  their  government  on  the  basis 
of  that  election  result.  Not  so  many 
years  ago,  democratic  nations  were 
thought  to  be  a  dwindling  and  embattled 
minority;  today,  the  vitality  of  the  idea 
of  democracy  is  the  most  important 
political  reality  of  our  time. 

And  we  have  learned  again  that 
there  is  a  connection  between  freedom 
and  economic  progress.  Few  countries 
around  the  world  now  dispute  that  entre- 
preneurial initiative  in  a  market  environ- 
ment is  the  engine  of  development  and 
growth.  At  the  economic  summits,  all 
the  leading  industrial  nations  have 
acknowledged  that  structural  rigidities 
imposed  by  government  are  the  main 
obstacle  to  renewed  growth.  At  the  UN 
Special  Session  [on  the  Critical 
Economic  Situation  in  Africa]  in  May, 
the  African  nations— including  those 
hardest  hit  by  experiments  in  collectivist 
planning— issued  an  extraordinary  docu- 
ment calling  for  more  open  markets  and 
less  intervention  by  the  state.  These 
truths,  too,  are  now  being  acknowledged 
even  in  the  communist  world,  as  reforms 
in  China  and  Hungary  demonstrate. 

Closer  to  home,  we  have  redis- 
covered the  truths  that,  as  America's 
weakness  makes  the  world  a  more 
dangerous  place,  America's  strength 
deters  aggression  and  encourages 
restraint  and  negotiation.  We  have  seen 
how  the  rebuilding  of  America's 
defenses  in  the  early  1980s  gave  the 
Soviets  an  incentive  to  return  to  negotia- 
tions on  arms  control.  Our  ability  to  pro- 
ied  power  abroad  has  helped  us  protect 
our  vital  interests  and  defend  our  friends 
against  subversion  and  aggression.  Our 
military  strike  against  Libya— under- 
taken as  a  last  resort  after  years  of 
Qadhafi's  terrorism— has  sent  a  powerful 

signal  to  friends  and  enemies  alike.  This 
morning  our  prayers  and  our  all-out 
efforts  go  to  the  hostages  on  Pan  Am 
Flight  73.  Clearly,  the  day  has  not  yet 
arrived  when  terrorism  has  taken  its 
place  among  other  vanquished  bar- 
barisms of  our  time.  But  that  day  will 
come— and  when  it  does,  history  will 
show  that  American  resolve,  backed  up 
by  our  power,  tipped  the  balance  in  favor 
of  peace  and  security. 

And  the  past  few  years  have 
reminded  us  of  another  truth:  America  is 
a  powerful  and  constructive  force  in  the 
world  for  progress  and  human  freedom. 
Throughout  the  three  centuries  and  a 
half  we  mark  today,  Americans  have 
believed  this  country  had  a  moral 
significance  and  responsibility  that 
transcended  our  military  and  economic 
power.  There  is  an  irresistible  current  in 
our  national  character  that  impels  us  to 
serve  as  a  human  example  and  champion 
of  justice. 

Part  of  America's  positive  role  has 
to  do  with  our  history.  Our  fight  for 
independence  and  for  political  freedom 
began  not  far  from  here— with  more 
than  a  few  Harvard  men  in  the  van- 
guard. A  century  or  so  ago,  we  fought 
the  bloodiest  war  in  our  history  to  try  to 
eradicate  the  curse  of  oppression  based 
on  race.  Today,  that  epic  struggle  for 
justice  continues  here  at  home.  As  our 
nation  emerged  as  a  world  leader, 
especially  in  the  past  50  years,  we 
always  sought  to  apply  to  our  interna- 
tional endeavors  the  same  high  stand- 
ards and  high  moral  goals  that  we  set 
for  ourselves.  From  the  founding  of  the 
United  Nations,  to  the  Marshall  Plan,  to 
the  formation  of  our  democratic 
alliances,  to  our  support  for  decoloniza- 
tion and  for  economic  development,  to 
our  stance  as  a  champion  of  human 
rights— this  nation  can  be  proud  of  what 
it  has  accomplished  in  the  world.  And  we 
should  find  special  satisfaction  in  seeing 
the  trends  I  described  earlier— the 
spread  of  democracy  and  economic 
freedom,  the  new  technological  revolu- 
tion—trends that  once  again  mean 
history  is  on  our  side. 

Trends  That  Threaten  Our  Future 

And  yet  now,  when  we  can  see  for 
ourselves  that  a  better  future  is  likely  to 
take  shape  if,  and  perhaps  only  if, 
America  is  there  to  help  shape  it, 
pressures  are  mounting  within  our  coun- 
try to  turn  our  backs  on  the  world. 
Ominous  developments  are  on  the  all- 
too-near  horizon,  and  most  of  us  may  not 
even  realize  it. 

And  this  is  not  the  first  time.  Oi| 
nation  more  than  once  has  swung  fr 
involvement  to  isolation.  And  even  i 
decades  since  we  supposedly  put  ou; 
isolationist  past  behind  us,  we  have 
times  been  tempted  again  by  the  illv 
that  we  can  promote  justice  by  aloo:i 
righteousness,  that  we  can  promote1 
peace  by  merely  wishing  for  it.  We : 
an  impatient  people.  We  sometimes 
seemed  to  feel  that  problems  should 
solved  quickly  or  not  at  all,  that  we  | 
serve  our  principles  by  striking  the  I 
pose  or  doing  what  makes  us,  for  th  | 
moment,  feel  good. 

It's  time  to  wake  up— before  we  I 
endanger  the  world's  future  and  out  I 
own.  These  dangers  take  many  fonrl 
but  they  all  have  in  common  a  thoug  j 
less  escapism,  a  retreat  from  resporl 
sibility,  an  attempt  to  evade  the  real 
of  our  dependence  on  the  world  and  i 
world's  dependence  on  us.  As  such,  , 
whether  we  admit  it  or  not,  they  air  I 
to  nothing  less  than  an  isolationist 
throwback  that  could  once  again  pn  ( 
the  world  toward  catastrophe. 

One  danger  sign  is  the  evil  of  pi  t 
tionism.  Not  since  the  days  of  Smoo  | 
Hawley  have  the  forces  of  protectio  i 
been  as  powerful  as  they  are  today  i  I 
U.S.  Congress.  We  should  have  lear  j 
from  the  experience  of  50  years  ago  | 
protectionism  only  impoverishes  us .  I 
with  our  trading  partners,  spurs  ine  | 
able  retaliation,  and  shuts  down  the  t 
engine  of  world  trade  and,  therefore  ( 
world  growth. 

In  our  earliest  days  as  a  nation,  j 
founders  of  the  United  States  under 
stood  that  free  trade  was  the  key  to  | 
growth  and  prosperity.  Within  the  i 
borders  of  our  nation,  they  created  c  j 
open  trading  system,  and  the  world'  | 
biggest— and,  because  of  that,  most  | 
prosperous— economy  was  the  result 
Similarly,  the  statesmen  at  work  aft| 
World  War  II  knew  well  the  lessons  | 
the  1930s.  They  put  in  place  a  more:} 
more  open  world  economy,  and  gene  I 
tions  benefited  from  the  growth  and  | 
stability  that  followed.  In  today's  gloj 
economy,  our  prosperity  and  that  of 
other  nations  depend  even  more  on  a 
open  trading  system. 

Yet  now  we  see  a  new  spiral  of  p 
tectionism,  and  the  spread  of  other  aj 
competitive  practices  like  subsidies,  | 
endangering  some  of  our  most  import 
political  and  security  relationships  wi| 
other  countries.  The  new  democraciej 
the  Philippines  and  Latin  America,  i\ 
poorer  countries  burdened  by  debt,  a| 
many  key  friends  around  the  world—  - 
all  wish  to  earn  their  way  back  to 


Department  of  State  Bu,1 


•.purity—  find  the  road  ahead  threat- 
si  by  protectionism  in  this  country. 
e  our  economy  is  the  biggest— and 
i  we  have  always  been  the  pillar  of 
■  trade— if  we  succumb,  we  will  do 
lid  damage  to  the  world's  hopes  for 
perity  and  peace.  And  our  own 
isns  of  the  future  will  blame  us  for 
shly  failing  to  uphold  our  own 
pn's  interests. 

Another  form  of  escape  is  self- 
jteous  moralism.  I  have  to  say  I  see 
j  3  of  this  in  the  fervor  for  punitive 
i  tions  against  South  Africa.  The 
ity  is  that  the  United  States  has 
osed  increasing  sanctions  against 
1  Africa  from  President  Kennedy's 
pn  military  sales  in  1962  to  the  array 
leasures  in  President  Reagan's 
tutive  order  of  1985.  And  now  the 
|market  itself  is  slowing  the  pace  of 
feouth  African  economy.  But  sanc- 
f  are  not  solutions.  Those  on  whom 
lical  sanctions  are  imposed  grow 
e  defiant  and  can  evade  their  own 
aonsibilities  by  pointing  to  so-called 
%de  influences  as  a  scapegoat. 
'White  South  Africans  must  recog- 
jthat  apartheid  is  a  disaster  of  their 
j  creation  and  that  it  must  be  done 
J'  with  in  an  active  and  orderly 
Ion  if  their  own  interests  are  to  sur- 
I  The  wide-ranging  sanctions  now 
losed  in  the  Congress  would  do 
Irica  a  double  disservice— by  enabl- 
iroponents  of  apartheid  to  blame 
lh  Africa's  disastrous  economy  on  us 
fc,  at  the  same  time,  drastically 
icing  our  presence,  our  leverage,  and 
Example  as  a  force  for  economic  and 
Ileal  change.  In  a  delusion  of  increas- 
Jur  influence  over  events,  we  could 
liourselves  quickly  on  the  verge  of 
Aa\  powerlessness  as  a  result  of  our 
Bice  from  the  South  African  scene, 
f  he  transition  from  tyranny  to 
(bcracy  is  a  delicate  process. 
a?times  it  goes  badly  wrong,  as  in 
|or  Nicaragua.  Sometimes  it  goes 
I  as  in  Spain,  Portugal,  the 
Hppines,  or  in  Latin  America.  We 
ad  be  clear  about  what  we  are  for: 
Ire  for  a  rapid  end  to  apartheid  and 
fl  peaceful  transition  to  a  democratic 
fern.  It  is  not  our  job  to  egg  on  a  race 
fcr  to  accelerate  a  polarization  that 
Bead  to  such  a  result.  Our  morality 
pur  values  must  have  a  strong 
fcnce  in  our  foreign  policy.  But  we 
I  guard  against  a  self-righteous 
llity  which  can  be  self-defeating  and 
fby  run  counter  to  our  moral 

Other  examples  of  our  native  inclina- 
tion toward  withdrawal  can  be  found  in 
our  impatience  with  diplomacy.  The  pur- 
suit of  practical  political  solutions  in  this 
world  calls  for  perseverance,  under- 
standing of  ambiguity,  and  a  recognition 
of  the  need  for  compromise.  Negotiation 
is  how  we  engage  other  nations  for 
positive  purposes.  But  the  very  concept 
of  negotiations  is  assaulted  today  by  an 
array  of  misconceptions. 

Some  call  urgently  for  negotiations 
but  deny  that  diplomacy  requires 
strength  to  back  it  up.  Others  argue- 
correctly— that  we  should  never 
negotiate  from  weakness,  but  then 
assert  that  when  we  are  strong,  we  need 
not  negotiate.  Some  would  deny  us  all 
leverage  or  would  legislate  unilateral 
concessions;  others  are  fearful  of 
negotiations  because  they  assume  for 
some  reason  that  we  are  bound  to  be 
taken  advantage  of.  Many  despair  of  the 
United  Nations  and  the  disturbing 
trends  within  it— but  some  would  walk 
away  from  its  challenges  and  oppor- 
tunities rather  than  make  use  of  our 
ability  to  improve  its  operation.  We  must 
strengthen  our  role  in  the  United  Nations 
for  affirmative  reasons  and  also  lest 
others  whose  interests  are  adverse  to 
ours  step  into  our  place. 

Thus,  whether  the  issue  is  regional 
conflict,  arms  control,  or  trade,  elements 
far  apart  on  the  political  spectrum  com- 
bine in  counsels  of  escapism.  They  are 
denials  of  reality.  The  reality  is  that 
efforts  to  resolve  problems  among 
nations  are  essential  and,  in  the  end, 
inevitable.  The  reality  is  that  demo- 
cracies will  not  support  policies  of  intran- 
sigence. The  reality  is  that  many  prac- 
tical, realistic  objectives  can  be  attained 
by  hardheaded  negotiations.  Negotia- 
tions can  work. 

There  is,  finally,  another  extraor- 
dinary development:  the  congressional 
attack  on  the  foreign  affairs  budget.  We 
are  about  to  witness  the  dismantling— 
indeed,  butchering— of  the  most  impor- 
tant instrument  of  our  foreign  policy: 
our  ability  to  represent  and  support 
strongly  our  interests  and  ideals.  We 
face  a  self-inflicted  crisis  which,  if  not 
reversed,  will  gravely  damage  the  ability 
of  the  United  States  to  maintain  its 
leadership  in  the  world,  to  bolster  inter- 
national security,  and  to  support  the 
cause  of  freedom,  democracy,  and 
human  progress. 

It  pains  me  to  speak  of  this  at 
Harvard,  where  George  C.  Marshall  pro- 
posed a  plan  that  committed  the  United 
States  to  the  future  of  Europe.  We  all 

heard  him  only  a  few  minutes  ago  [by 
recording].  He  spoke  for  a  generation  of 
statesmen,  of  both  political  parties,  who 
had  learned  the  lessons  of  the  1930s  and 
who  committed  the  United  States  to  the 
world,  to  an  open  economic  system,  to 
the  defense  of  freedom  against  tyranny. 
They  established  the  pillars  of  the 
postwar  system:  the  Bretton  Woods 
monetary  system  that  tied  the  world 
together;  the  General  Agreement  on 
Tariffs  and  Trade  and  its  successive 
rounds;  the  Marshall  Plan  and  World 
Bank— mechanisms  for  international 
reconstruction  and  development— the 
Marshall  Plan  then  made  up  11%  of  the 
total  Federal  budget;  and  NATO. 

The  achievements  of  the  postwar 
statesmen  were  an  assertion  of  thought 
and  learning  and  leadership,  foreseen 
and  set  out  in  the  broadest  scale.  They 
became  the  foundation  stones  for  the 
democracy,  the  prosperity,  and  the 
security  of  the  West  that  we  know 

In  January  of  this  year.  President 
Reagan  submitted  to  Congress  an  inter- 
national affairs  budget  for  fiscal  year 
1987  that  we  had  stripped  to  the  bone.  It 
amounted  to  only  2%  of  the  total 
Federal  budget.  Yet  the  current  congres- 
sional budget  resolution  cuts  that 
minimal  and  considered  request  by  27%. 
And  recent  congressional  actions  would 
reduce  and  restrict  the  remaining 
amount  even  further. 

These  reductions,  and  the  earmark- 
ing of  aid  levels  to  a  few  countries,  will 
deprive  us  of  over  half  of  all  our  security 
and  economic  assistance  to  many  coun- 
tries of  the  world.  These  are  nations  who 
are  key  to  our  interests  and  security  or 
where  we  must  help  in  the  transition  to 
democracy  and  economic  freedom.  The 
dollars  we  spend  on  such  assistance  are 
the  most  cost-effective  bargain  among 
all  of  our  national  security  activities. 

•  It  will  mean  the  closing  of 
diplomatic  posts  and  the  reduction  of  our 
personnel  abroad— to  an  overall  person- 
nel level  that  will  then  be  below  that 
when  George  C.  Marshall  was  Secretary 
of  State. 

•  It  will  mean  a  one-third  cut  in 
funding  for  the  multilateral  development 
banks,  which  are  crucial  to  Third  World 
economic  progress. 

•  It  means  a  severe  setback  to  our 
effort  to  halt  the  production  and  illegal 
export  of  narcotics  from  abroad,  just  as 
our  programs  are  gaining  momentum. 

•  And  it  means  the  closing  of 
American  libraries  and  cultural  centers 
overseas  and  curtailing  Voice  of  America 

imber  1986 



I  have  not  come  to  Harvard  to  tell 
you  of  just  one  more  bureaucratic  budget 
battle.  The  impact  of  these  cuts  com- 
bined with  fierce  reductions  in  our 
defense  budget,  rampant  protectionism, 
and  moralistic  instincts  toward  with- 
drawal from  the  world,  will  be 
devastating  to  our  foreign  relations. 
They  mean  undoing  the  last  50  years  of 
America's  positive  role  of  leadership  in 
the  world;  it  is  simply  mindless  to  do  so 
when  so  many  positive  trends  are  at 
work  in  the  world  and  so  many  oppor- 
tunities open  before  us. 

History  shows  that  in  this  century 
American  withdrawal  only  heightens 
global  dangers  and  the  risk  of  conflict. 
The  strategic  and  economic  conse- 
quences of  the  Smoot-Hawley  tariff- 
along  with  the  illusions  of  isolationism 
and  lowered  defense  preparedness- 
helped  ignite  the  international  tensions 
that  exploded  in  World  War  II.  Even  in 
the  1970s  we  saw  that  when  America 
retreats  within  itself,  the  advantage 
goes  to  our  adversaries,  whose  purposes 
in  the  world  are  antithetical  to  our  most 
deeply  held  principles. 

Why  then  look  inward  just  as  the 
gains  of  remaining  engaged  are  most 
profound?  We  are  a  nation  of  unprece- 
dented strengths— strategic,  economic, 
and  political— and  unprecedented  bless- 
ings. When  our  economy  is  strong,  when 
our  position  in  the  world  is  secure,  it  is 
easy  to  forget  that  much  of  the  world 
around  us  is  still  ruled  by  a  ruthless  few, 
who  will  not  hesitate  to  fill  the  vacuum 
created  when  we  pull  back. 

assets.  There  is  nothing  like  our  system 
of  higher  education  anywhere  else  in  the 

So  today,  the  world  turns  to  the 
United  States  precisely  because  of  our 
openness.  At  Harvard,  as  at  all  our  great 
universities,  students  from  every  corner 
of  the  globe  come  in  search  of  new 
dimensions  of  understanding  and 
analysis,  new  currents  of  thought  and 
innovation,  new  developments  across  the 
range  of  human  knowledge.  Today,  over 
340,000  young  men  and  women  from 
overseas  are  studying  in  the  United 
States— just  to  take  a  few  numbers: 
21,000  Malaysians;  18,000  from  Nigeria; 
6,000  from  the  United  Kingdom.  It  is 
especially  gratifying  that  China— a  coun- 
try that  for  so  long  tried  to  cut  itself  off 
from  the  world  and  to  develop  itself  in 
the  totalitarian  mold— now  sends 
upwards  of  15,000  students  here  each 

America  is  inextricably  engaged  in 
the  world  through  its  great  private 
institutions  and  through  its  people— 
whose  international  interests,  travels, 
and  ties  continue.  How  paradoxical  it  is 
that  we  may  now  be  drifting— stumbling, 
perhaps  unconsciously— out  of  phase 
with  our  outward-looking  citizens  and 
their  wide-ranging  interests. 

Proposed  Refugee  Admissions 
for  FY  1987 

Today,  our  ideals  and  interests  ( 
verge.  We  face  a  choice.  My  call  tod 
for  a  reawakening  to  the  reality  that 
America— government  and  people— n 
remain  open  to  the  world  and  engag 
risk  diminution  of  our  essence  as  a 
people  and  our  vocation  as  a  nation. 

I  believe  that  those  disturbing  tre 
I  mentioned  are  not  representative  ol 
what  this  country  and  its  people  reall 
believe.  As  the  greatest  democracy  ir  I 
the  world,  America  is  a  reminder  to  a ) 
that  there  is  an  alternative  to  tyrann; 
oppression,  and  despair.  Those  who  b 
this  university  were  not  a  fearful,  tiirl 
people.  They  did  not  shirk  their  respc ' 
sibilities.  They  were  practical  men  an 
women.  They  were  earthy  and  realist  I 
and  their  lives  were  guided  by  a  drea  ' 
by  a  vision,  and  by  a  sense  of  duty 
toward  coming  generations. 

Let  us  honor  that  tradition.  It  is ; ' 
tradition  of  practicality  and  realism,  < ' 
dedication  to  the  progress  of  open 
societies.  It  is  a  call  for  us  for  confide 
in  the  future  that  only  openness  and 
freedom  can  bring. 

'Press  release  173. 

An  Open  Window  to  the  World 

I  began  by  noting  that  this  great  uni- 
versity was  a  proper  place  to  talk  about 
what  America  and  the  world  have 
learned  in  recent  years.  Today,  as  we  all 
gather  at  Harvard— where  higher  educa- 
tion in  America  began— we  think  not 
only  of  what  Harvard  has  meant  to  its 
own  but  of  its  meaning  to  the  building  of 
America  and  to  our  engagement  with 
the  world  in  years  ahead. 

To  me,  America's  past  can  be 
characterized  by  the  great  theme  of 
openness.  Our  universities  lead  the 
world  because  we  possess  a  society  that 
is  open— to  peoples,  to  ideas,  to  enter- 
prise, and  to  the  forces  of  change. 

I  have  spent  a  large  part  of  my  life 
in  the  university.  I  taught,  but  I  also 
learned  a  lot.  One  of  the  things  I 
learned— and  it's  been  reinforced  very 
much  as  I've  traveled  around  the 
world— is  that  our  colleges  and  univer- 
sities are  one  of  America's  greatest 

Secretary  Shultz  's  statement  before 
the  Subcommittee  on  Immigration  and 
Refugee  Policy  of  the  Senate  Judiciary 
Committee  on  September  16,  1986. l 

Thank  you  for  the  invitation  and  the 
honor  to  consult  with  you  on  the  Presi- 
dent's proposed  refugee  admissions  ceil- 
ing for  fiscal  year  (FY)  1987. 

This  is  the  third  consecutive  year 
that  I  have  participated  in  these  con- 
sultations. These  sessions  were  envis- 
aged by  the  Congress  in  the  Refugee  Act 
of  1980,  which  specified  that  our  refugee 
admissions  are  intended  for  refugees  of 
"special  humanitarian  concern  to  the 
United  States  in  accordance  with  a 
determination  made  by  the  President 
after  appropriate  consultation  with  the 

After  thoughtful  consideration- 
taking  into  account  the  resettlement 
needs  of  refugees  of  special  humani- 
tarian concern  to  us— the  President  pro- 
poses an  overall  admissions  ceiling  of 

70,000  refugees,  with  66,000  to  be 
included  in  funded  regional  ceilings  ai  U 
4,000  to  be  contained  in  an  unfunded 
reserve,  unallocated  by  any  region.  Tl 
year's  admissions  proposal  includes:    I 

•  Reaffirmation  of  the  President' 
initiatives  on  Amerasians  and  Viet- 
namese political  prisoners; 

•  An  admissions  level  to  maintain^ 
continued  high  processing  levels  from 
the  refugee  camps  in  the  Southeast 
Asian  first-asylum  countries; 

•  An  increased  admissions  ceiling ' 
for  Eastern  Europe  and  the  Soviet 

•  Expanded  refugee  admissions    I 
from  Latin  America  and  the  Caribbeai ' 

•  An  increased  ceiling  for  Africa  t1, 
accommodate  African  refugees  locatec' 
far  from  processing  posts  in  Africa  am1 
those  who  have  been  stranded  in  Euro 
for  several  years; 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


An  increased  admissions  ceiling 
le  Near  East  and  South  Asia  to 
for  admissions  of  those  fleeing 
ous  persecution  and  Soviet  occupa- 

An  unallocated  reserve,  intended 
ye  the  Administration  the  flexibility 
rspond  to  critical  admissions  needs 
me  unpredictable. 

Ls  a  preamble  to  a  discussion  and 
location  of  the  proposed  refugee  ceil- 
,  would  like  to  reflect  on  what  we 
^accomplished  in  our  refugee  pro- 

!!  in  recent  years  and  the  way  in 
we  have  been  able  to  achieve 

'he  beginning  of  FY  1981  marks  a 
»le  starting  point  for  such  a  review. 
«ncided  with  the  election  of  Presi- 
fReagan,  and  it  followed  by  only  a 
I  interval  the  major  refugee  shocks 
i  previous  decade:  the  massive 
us  of  boat  refugees  from  Vietnam 
^and  refugees  from  Cambodia  and 
>  the  flood  of  refugees  into  Somalia; 
.he  arrival  on  our  shores  of  some 
J00  Cuban  and  Haitian  "entrants" 
Mi  of  1980.  The  refugee  flight  from 
^nistan  was  well  underway— a 
ment  of  men,  women,  and  children 
Ijoon  reached  close  to  5  million 
j;,  nearly  3  million  of  them  in 
a:an  alone. 

uring  the  6  years  of  this  Adminis- 
jn,  total  expenditures  for  refugee 
l  ministered  by  the  State  Depart- 
j|have  exceeded  $2.5  billion.  In  that 
amore  than  500,000  refugees  have 
mdmitted  into  the  United  States. 
i  can  be  no  doubt  that  America  has 
ets  share  and  more  to  aid  those 
tees  who  have  been  forced  to  leave 
homelands  because  of  persecution. 

/nerican  Tradition 

|;  historic  tradition  for  the  American 
I  to  respond  to  refugee  problems, 
itional  celebration  at  the  rededica- 
jf  the  Statue  of  Liberty  reminded 
the  spirit  of  welcome  which  has 
(fed  generations  of  immigrants  and 
pes  to  seek  new  lives  in  this 


fir  longstanding  tradition  of  help 
tugees  was  brought  home  for  me  in 
fcr  way  recently  by  a  State  Depart- 
toublication  describing  our  refugee 
Ims.  At  the  end  there  was  a  list 
■  private  voluntary  agencies 
rating  in  providing  refugee 
Ince.  The  list  seemed  familiar, 
fch  some  of  the  agencies  had 
By  different  names  and  addresses. 

Then  I  looked  at  the  date  of  the  pam- 
phlet. It  was  1956,  and  the  subject  was 
the  Hungarian  refugee  crisis  of  that 
October— just  30  years  ago.  The  volun- 
tary agencies  and  our  refugee  programs 
have  been  around  a  long  time;  they  carry 
on  a  tradition  today  in  which  we  can 
take  great  pride. 

Multilateral  Approach 

An  integral  part  of  that  tradition  has 
been  our  leadership  in  advancing  an 
international,  multilateral  approach  to 
the  resolution  of  refugee  situations.  We 
have  consistently  taken  the  lead  in  work- 
ing to  strengthen  international  mecha- 
nisms to  deal  with  the  expanding  scope 
of  refugee  problems. 

•  The  program  and  office  of  the  UN 
High  Commissioner  for  Refugees 
(UNHCR)  grew  fivefold  in  the  past 
decade  in  response  to  the  increase  both 
in  the  number  of  refugee  crises  and  in 
the  absolute  numbers  of  refugees  world- 
wide. By  a  conservative  count,  there  are 
now  more  than  10  million  refugees  living 
outside  their  native  lands  and  unable  to 
return.  On  every  continent  the  UNHCR 
stands  as  the  first  line  of  defense  for 
refugees:  it  speaks  out  for  their  protec- 
tion; it  provides  for  their  care  and 
maintenance;  it  seeks  humane  alter- 
native solutions  to  their  plight. 

•  At  the  last  UN  General  Assembly, 
a  new  High  Commissioner  for  Refugees 
was  elected— Jean-Pierre  Hocke  of 
Switzerland.  He  brings  new  leadership 
and  direction  to  one  of  the  most  respon- 
sible and  demanding  positions  in  the  UN 
system.  His  election  demonstrates  that 
the  United  Nations  can  act  positively  and 
effectively  to  achieve  humanitarian  objec- 
tives in  the  spirit  intended  by  its  founders. 

•  The  International  Committee  of 
the  Red  Cross  (ICRC)  has  also  grown  in 
the  scope  and  importance  of  its  respon- 
sibilities during  the  past  decade.  With  its 
partners,  the  League  of  Red  Cross 
Societies  and  the  national  societies  of 
many  concerned  countries,  the  ICRC  has 
long  set  the  standard  for  impartial,  non- 
political  humanitarian  aid.  I  serve  on  the 
Board  of  Governors  of  the  American  Red 
Cross.  I  am  glad  to  note  that  that 
organization  is  expanding  its  interna- 
tional involvement,  under  the  able 
leadership  of  its  president,  my  friend 
and  former  colleague,  Richard  Schubert. 

I  want  to  commend  the  leadership  of 
Alexander  Hay,  the  president  of  the 
ICRC  who  has  presided  over  that 
organization's  major  expansion.  I  have 
had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  with  Presi- 
dent Hay  and  other  ICRC  leaders.  I 

found  their  counsel  always  wise  and 
useful,  not  only  on  humanitarian  pro- 
grams but  also  in  terrorist  situations 
such  as  the  hijacking  of  TWA  Flight  847, 
in  which  the  ICRC  assisted  in  its  usual 
quiet,  effective  way  in  the  arrangements 
for  the  release  of  the  hostages.  Mr.  Hay 
has  announced  his  decision  to  step  down 
as  ICRC  president.  We  welcome  his  suc- 
cessor, Mr.  Cornelio  Sommaruga,  who 
has  been  Secretary  of  State  for  Foreign 
Economic  Affairs  in  the  Swiss 

•  The  third  organization  that 
enables  us  to  work  multilaterally  to  aid 
refugees  is  the  Intergovernmental  Com- 
mittee for  Migration  (ICM),  ably  led  by 
James  L.  Carlin,  a  former  distinguished 
Foreign  Service  officer.  ICM  was  founded 
in  1951  to  provide  safe,  secure  migration 
assistance  in  the  major  movements  of 
displaced  persons  and  refugees  following 
the  Second  World  War  and  the  com- 
munist takeovers  in  Eastern  Europe. 
Since  that  time,  it  has  helped  move 
nearly  4  million  refugees  and  migrants 
throughout  the  world.  Today,  ICM 
serves  as  the  lead  organization  for 
medical  processing  and  resettlement 
transportation  for  the  U.S.  refugee 
admissions  program.  In  recent  years 
ICM  has  been  especially  resourceful  in 
aiding  skilled  migrants,  originally  from 
Third  World  countries,  to  return  to  pro- 
ductive positions  in  their  homelands. 

Benefits  of  Cooperation 

In  concrete  terms,  the  benefits  of 
cooperation  are  obvious.  While  the 
United  States  has  been  the  leading 
refugee  resettlement  country  in  the  past 
decade,  other  countries  have  also  made 
important  contributions,  in  some  cases 
overcoming  longstanding  antipathy  to 
immigration  by  foreign  groups.  We  con- 
tinue to  seek  ways  in  which  the  financial 
burden  of  providing  refugee  assistance 
can  be  shared  equitably  by  the  interna- 
tional community. 

In  short,  the  United  States  is  not 
alone  in  its  efforts  to  aid  refugees.  We 
make  vital  contributions  to  a  functioning 
global  system  of  international  organiza- 
tions and  private  voluntary  agencies. 
This  multiplies  the  resources  that  the 
U.S.  Government  brings  to  these  human- 
itarian efforts.  The  pattern  of  interna- 
tional cooperation  that  has  developed 
through  the  years,  with  its  emphasis  on 
nonpolitical,  impartial  assistance  on  the 
basis  of  need,  serves  our  interests 
well— it  serves  those  of  the  world's 

eiber  1986 



Aiding  Refugees  in  Home  Regions 

Probably  the  most  significant  result  of 
cooperation  has  been  the  growing 
recognition  that  refugee  problems  are 
best  resolved  in  the  regions  from  which 
the  refugees  come.  Leadership  by  the 
UNHCR  and  prudent  management  of 
refugee  programs  worldwide  has  made  it 
possible  to  reduce  significantly  the 
numbers  of  refugees  for  whom  third- 
country  resettlement  is  a  necessary  or 
even  desirable  solution.  This  has  been  a 
major  objective  of  U.S.  policies,  one  that 
is  shared  by  other  countries  aiding 
refugees  and  by  the  international  system 
as  a  whole. 

The  best  way  to  resolve  a  refugee 
situation  is  to  enable  refugees  to 
return— freely  and  voluntarily— to  their 
homes  in  their  countries  of  origin. 
Although  this  can  only  rarely  be  accom- 
plished in  the  short  run,  in  many  cases  it 
has  been  possible  for  refugees  to  remain 
nearby  and  to  return  home  when  the 
situation  has  changed  enough  to  permit 
voluntary  repatriation.  That  remains  the 
best  hope  even  for  those  whose  home- 
lands remain  under  foreign  occupation, 
like  the  almost  3  million  Afghans  in 
Pakistan.  These  people  require  and 
deserve  the  full-hearted  support  of  the 
international  community  as  they  con- 
tinue to  suffer  the  deprivations  of  a 
limited,  impermanent  existence  in  tem- 
porary asylum.  In  our  judgment,  interna- 
tional resettlement  is  the  correct  solu- 
tion for  only  relatively  small  numbers  of 

Even  where  return  to  the  homeland 
appears  unlikely,  there  are  advantages 
for  refugees  to  be  cared  for  in  the  region 
in  which  they  have  their  roots.  Often  a 
neighboring  country  shares  a  common 
geography,  language,  and  ethnic  or 
cultural  character  which  can  ease  the 
acceptance  of  refugees  and  help  them 
achieve  longer  term  residence.  At  the 
first  African  refugee  conference  in 
Tanzania  in  1979,  Julius  Nyerere,  as  the 
host  President,  said:  " .  .  .as  Africans, 
we  welcome  the  refugees,  we  give  them 
our  space,  we  share  our  food."  Outside 
help  was  needed,  he  added— but  for  the 
care  of  refugees  in  Africa,  not  for 
resettlement  outside  Africa. 

Since  1981,  nearly  all  of  the  U.S. 
contributions  to  assist  refugees  in  the 
regions  of  their  homelands  have  been 
channeled  through  the  international 
organizations.  Those  organizations,  in 
turn,  work  through  "operational  part- 
ners," who  often  are  the  same  private 
voluntary  agencies  that  assist  us  in 
refugee  resettlement.  As  refugees  find 
refuge  in  Africa,  in  the  Near  East,  in 

Asia,  in  Latin  America,  in  Western 
Europe,  the  traditional  terminology  of 
"donor"  countries  blurs,  for  it  is  the 
first-asylum  countries  offering  their 
"space"— in  President  Nyerere's 
words— who  are  the  greatest  donors 
of  all. 

Resettlement:  Often 
Not  the  Solution 

The  relatively  small  role  played  by  inter- 
national resettlement  as  a  solution  can 
be  seen  in  the  sheer  magnitude  of  the 
refugee  populations.  There  are  currently 
5  million  Afghan  refugees.  The  United 
States  resettles,  at  most,  3,000  a  year- 
less  than  one-tenth  of  1%.  There  are 
almost  3  million  refugees  in  Africa,  with 
similarly  limited  resettlement  require- 
ments. Refugee  leaders  themselves 
acknowledge  the  uncertain  value  of 
resettlement  in  such  situations,  seeing  it 
as  potentially  divisive  and,  in  some 
cases,  as  a  form  of  resented  leadership 

The  humanitarian  commitment  to 
aid  refugees  in  the  regions  of  their 
homelands  puts  great  pressure  on  the 
resources  available  for  our  total  refugee 
assistance  programs.  In  FY  1986— as  the 
committee  knows— all  parts  of  the 
Federal  Government  have  had  to  make 
program  reductions  to  conform  to  the 
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings  legislation.  As 
a  result  of  these  across-the-board  fund- 
ing reductions,  the  Department,  with 
congressional  concurrence,  was  forced 
this  year  to  shift  over  $9  million  from 
the  admissions  program  to  meet  critical 
refugee  assistance  requirements  in 
Africa  and  Southeast  Asia.  In  other 
words,  instead  of  reallocating  admissions 
numbers  and  funds  to  meet  other 
regional  admissions  needs,  we  were  com- 
pelled to  cover  high-priority  relief 
requirements.  Thus,  the  need  to 
reprogram  is  the  primary  reason  for 
actual  admissions  in  FY  1986  falling 
some  4,500  below  the  ceiling. 

The  assistance  requirements  for 
refugees  in  Africa,  for  Afghans  in 
Pakistan,  for  Cambodians  on  the  Thai- 
Cambodian  border,  and  for  other  groups 
in  Southeast  Asia  and  elsewhere  remain 
substantial.  Just  a  few  weeks  ago,  the 
Red  Cross  informed  us  they  were  run- 
ning out  of  money  for  their  life- 
sustaining  food  and  medical  programs  in 
Africa.  President  Reagan  authorized  a 
withdrawal  from  the  Emergency 
Refugee  and  Migration  Assistance  Fund 
to  help  meet  the  deficit,  but  that  is  a 
resource  we  can  draw  on  only  in  excep- 
tional cases  and  within  a  tightly 
delineated  congressional  authorization. 

In  order  to  be  able  to  meet  these 
ongoing  assistance  requirements  wit 
impairing  our  admissions  programs, 
absolutely  essential  that  we  be  provi 
with  adequate  resources  to  do  the  jo 
We  are  talking  here  about  the  lives  ( 
literally  millions  of  human  beings. 

I  was  pleased  that  the  House  Ap 
priations  Committee  supported  the  f 
amount  of  the  President's  FY  1987 
request  for  the  refugee  program.  I  u 
you  and  your  colleagues  to  do  the  sa 

Foreign  Affairs  Budget 

But  this  is  only  part  of  a  much  large 
foreign  policy  issue  now  facing  us.  II 
in  our  national  interest  to  work  toge 
with  other  nations  to  reduce  politica 
instabilities  throughout  the  world.  B' 
address  these  instabilities,  often  at  t 
root  of  the  world's  refugee  problem, 
requires  that  American  diplomacy  hi  I 
the  proper  tools— including  healthy    . 
foreign  assistance  programs  and 
energetic  diplomatic  representation.  I 

Unfortunately,  these  tools  are  bi  j 
drastically  restricted  under  current  i " 
gressionally  imposed  cuts  in  our  oveil 
foreign  affairs  budget.  Put  most  bin  I 
the  cumulative  effect  of  these  reduci  J 
will  be  devastating  to  our  ability  to  1 1 
our  responsibilities  and  commitment  j 

Today  is  not  the  day  to  discuss  c  | 
overall  foreign  affairs  budget  in  any  j 
great  detail.  But  it  is  essential  that  ^  l 
all  recognize  that  the  lack  of  the 
resources  necessary  to  support  const! 
tive  American  leadership  in  the  inteM 
tional  community  will  inevitably  havi  ( 
negative  impact  on  the  management , 
global  refugee  problems. 

Proposed  FY  1987  Admissions 

It  is  with  this  perspective  that  I  now  J 
turn  to  the  refugee  admissions  ceilinj  j 
that  the  President  is  recommending : , 
FY  1987.  For  simplicity,  I  will  presei, 
them  in  tabular  form,  as  follows: 


FY  1987  Refugee  Admissions  Ceiling 




East  Asia— First  Asylum 

East  Asia— ODP 

Eastern  Europe/Soviet  Union 

Latin  America/Caribbean 

Near  East/South  Asia 



4,0 1 



Unallocated  Reserve 





Department  of  State  Bui," 


I  should  point  out  that  this  total  is 
pame  figure  that  the  Administration 
[osed  for  FY  1986. 

^Unallocated  Admissions  Reserve 

year,  for  the  first  time,  the  Presi- 
's  recommended  admissions  ceiling 
des  an  unfunded  and  unallocated 
ve  of  4,000.  This  reserve  is  not  tied 
y  geographic  region— it  would  give 
dministration  the  capability  to 
^ond  to  contingent  regional  admis- 
e  needs.  The  reserve  is  similar  to  the 
tissions  reserves  used  by  the  other 
r  major  resettlement  countries, 
uda  and  Australia.  Should  it  be 
n  ssary  to  use  the  admissions  reserve, 
=TOuld  cover  the  associated  costs 
S  in  existing  agency  budget  requests 
ijwould  inform  the  Congress  as  to  the 
Jrve's  allocation, 
in  addition,  given  the  difficult  fiscal 

Jtion  we  are  facing,  we  will  be 
rtaking  a  study  to  explore  the 
ability  of  a  private-sector-funded 
issions  program. 

1  Asia  Admissions 

iichinese  Refugee  Panel  Report.  A 

1  ago  I  informed  the  committee  of  my 
Ition  to  commission  a  distinguished 
ibendent  panel  to  visit  Southeast 
I  with  a  broad  mandate  to  assess  the 
E?ee  situation  and  to  make  recom- 
sfilations  on  necessary  changes  in 
,1  policy.  I  am  pleased  to  report  that 
dianel  carried  out  its  mission  with 
it  compasion,  skill,  and  judgment.  It 
uchaired  by  the  Honorable  Robert  D. 
i]  the  former  Governor  of  Iowa,  a 
i'.  that  achieved  an  admirable  record 
lfugee  resettlement  under  Governor 
ijs  leadership.  Other  members  of  the 
il  were  Mrs.  Irena  Kirkland;  former 
ator  and  Ambassador  Gale  McGee; 
Elormer  Deputy  Attorney  General  of 
BJnited  States,  Edward  Schmults; 
[(Jonathan  Moore,  who  has  just  ended 
seadership  of  the  Institute  of  Politics 
iWvard  to  join  us  as  the  new  U.S. 
)Winator  for  Refugee  Affairs. 
The  panel's  report  is  a  comprehen- 
ndocument,  with  some  44  specific 
cnmendations.  One  of  its  main  points 
lit  U.S.  admissions  for  Indochinese 
Hd  move  forward  along  two  tracks:  a 
Eee  program  for  those  continuing  to 
|bhe  Indochinese  states  to  escape 
fecution  and  an  immigration  program 
liose  seeking  to  come  to  the  United 
fcs  on  the  basis  of  their  family  rela- 
Bhips.  Close  to  800,000  Indochinese 
H  come  to  the  United  States  as 

refugees  since  1975.  By  the  end  of  last 
year,  46,073  of  them  had  been  natural- 
ized as  U.S.  citizens.  They  are  compiling 
a  remarkable  record  of  achievement  in 
our  country,  and  many  are  in  a  position 
themselves  to  aid  their  relatives  wishing 
to  come  here. 

In  cooperation  with  the  Immigration 
and  Naturalization  Service  (INS),  we  are 
focusing  on  the  panel's  recommendations 
to  help  guide  us  to  maintain  an  adequate 
program  for  refugees  from  Indochina 
and,  at  the  same  time,  to  assist  those 
qualifying  through  family  ties  to  seek 
admission  through  established  immigra- 
tion channels.  A  report  on  our  progress 
in  this  process  is  included  in  the 
documents  presented  to  you  as  part  of 
this  consultation. 

In  reviewing  these  subjects,  we  have 
maintained  close  consultations  with  the 
Congress,  with  the  first-asylum  coun- 
tries of  the  region,  with  the  other  coun- 
tries continuing  to  offer  significant 
levels  of  resettlement  (among  whom 
Australia  and  Canada  play  the  greatest 
role),  and  with  the  concerned  interna- 
tional agencies. 

Balanced  Program.  It  is  in  this  con- 
text that  the  President  is  recommending 
the  proposed  admissions  ceilings  for  east 
Asia— both  for  those  in  first-asylum 
countries  and  for  those  able  to  leave 
Vietnam  by  means  of  the  UNHCR's 
Orderly  Departure  Program  (ODP).  As  I 
stated  during  last  year's  consultations, 
we  see  the  need  for  balance  in  this 

Indochinese  refugee  resettlement  must  be 
balanced  against  other,  regional  solutions; 
balanced  as  a  fair  share  of  an  international 
resettlement  effort;  balanced  in  terms  of  its 
budgetary  implications;  balanced  in  terms  of 
other  immigration  and  domestic  policy  con- 
siderations; and  balanced  against  the  need  to 
provide  resettlement  to  deserving  refugees 
from  other  parts  of  the  world. 

The  Ray  panel  has  proposed 
guidelines  to  help  us  achieve  this  balance 
in  ways  that  respond  to  the  needs  of  the 
refugees.  We  will  continue  to  assure  the 
first-asylum  states  of  the  durability  of 
our  commitment  to  help  ease  their 
burden  and  to  provide  continued 
resettlement  opportunities  in  the  United 

The  proposed  ceiling  for  refugees  in 
first  asylum  will  enable  us  to  process 
those  currently  eligible  for  the  U.S.  pro- 
gram, those  new  arrivals  who  qualify 
under  our  priority  categories,  and  a  part 
of  the  long-stayer  caseload  under  a 
revitalized  international  initiative.  The 
Ray  panel  attached  "the  greatest  signifi- 
cance" to  the  preservation  of  first 

asylum.  Today,  I  want  to  reaffirm  to  the 
nations  of  Southeast  Asia  the  impor- 
tance we  attach  to  their  continuing  to 
offer  safe  first  asylum  for  Indochinese 
refugees.  In  cooperation  with  other 
donors,  we  will  continue  to  do  all  we  can 
to  provide  both  resettlement  oppor- 
tunities and  financial  support  for 
assistance  needs  in  Southeast  Asia,  as 
recommended  by  the  Ray  panel.  We  are 
considering  some  processing  of  refugees 
from  among  those  who  have  been  in 
camps  the  longest,  and  we  believe  these 
initiatives  can  be  undertaken  within  the 
proposed  admissions  ceiling. 

Orderly  Departure  Program.  In 

October  1984,  I  presented  to  this  com- 
mittee on  behalf  of  President  Reagan 
two  significant  humanitarian  initiatives 
aimed  at  reaching  special  populations  in 
Vietnam  through  the  UNHCR  Orderly 
Departure  Program.  I  want  to  take  this 
opportunity  to  reaffirm,  as  I  did  last 
year,  our  commitment  to  accept  all 
Amerasian  children  from  Vietnam.  We 
are  equally  committed  to  resettling  pre- 
sent and  former  political  prisoners  from 
Vietnam's  so-called  reeducation  camps 
and  their  close  family  members. 

The  President  is  proposing  an  8,500 
ceiling  for  refugees  leaving  Vietnam 
directly  under  the  ODP,  the  same  as  last 
year.  This  does  not  include  the  several 
thousand  Vietnamese  who  we  anticipate 
will  come  to  the  United  States  as  immi- 
grants. But  this  appearance  of  continuity 
does  not  change  the  fact  that  the  ODP 
has  encountered  serious  setbacks.  On 
January  1,  1986,  the  Vietnamese 
Government  unilaterally  suspended 
interviewing  of  new  cases.  Departures 
from  Vietnam  have  continued  at  about 
75%  of  the  rate  of  last  year  from  the 
pool  of  applicants  interviewed  for 
resettlement  in  the  United  States  before 
interviewing  was  suspended.  We  have 
had  three  working-level  meetings  with 
the  Vietnamese  under  UNHCR  auspices, 
the  most  recent  one  just  last  month,  to 
try  to  resolve  the  problem.  We  continue 
to  hope  interviewing  can  resume  without 
further  unnecessary  delay.  Our  proposed 
unallocated  admissions  reserve  would 
give  us  the  flexibility  to  handle  addi- 
tional admissions,  should  we  manage  to 
get  ODP  operating  at  full  steam. 

Over  100,000  people  have  been  able 
to  leave  Vietnam  under  the  Orderly 
Departure  Program,  nearly  half  to  the 
United  States,  the  remainder  to  some  30 
other  countries.  In  fact,  just  last  week 
the  50,000th  person  left  Vietnam  for 
resettlement  in  the  United  States  under 
this  program.  The  ODP  was  established 
by  agreement  between  the  UNHCR  and 

cumber  1986 



the  Government  of  Vietnam  to  provide  a 
safe  alternative  to  the  hazards  of  flight 
by  sea.  We  want  to  see  it  restored  and 
improved  as  soon  as  possible. 

Amerasian  Children.  Vietnam's 
actions  leading  to  suspension  of  inter- 
viewing for  the  ODP  have  resulted,  most 
immediately,  in  a  halt  to  the  departure 
of  Amerasian  children  and  their  mothers 
from  Vietnam.  Over  8,500  children  of 
Vietnamese  mothers  and  American 
fathers  and  their  immediate  relatives 
have  come  to  the  United  States  under 
this  program.  In  1984,  I  expressed  the 
hope  that  all  the  Amerasian  children  and 
their  close  relatives  would  be  able  to 
come  in  a  3-year  period.  Two  years  of 
that  have  passed,  and  the  program  has 
had  substantial  success,  but  the  majority 
of  the  children  remain  in  Vietnam. 

At  the  working-level  meeting  last 
month  in  Hanoi,  the  Vietnamese  pro- 
duced a  long-promised  list  of  Amerasian 
children  and  their  families,  numbering 
some  2,600  people,  which  we  are  now 
reviewing  with  the  hope  that  interviews 
for  this  group  can  begin  soon.  Although 
specific  procedures  still  need  to  be 
worked  out,  we  hope  the  discussions  we 
have  had  will  lead  to  the  early  resump- 
tion of  Amerasian  departures  from 

Political  Prisoners.  No  aspect  of 
the  refugee  program  has  caused  us 
greater  disappointment  than  Vietnam's 
refusal  to  live  up  to  earlier  pledges  to 
release  for  resettlement  in  the  United 
States  "reeducation  camp"  prisoners- 
pledges  made  by  their  Prime  Minister 
and  reaffirmed  by  the  Foreign  Minister 
and  other  senior  Vietnamese  officials. 
An  estimated  6,000-7,000  of  these 
political  prisoners  continue  to  languish  in 
prisons  in  Vietnam  after  more  than  10 

Two  years  ago,  I  announced,  on 
behalf  of  President  Reagan,  our  readi- 
ness to  receive  these  prisoners  and  their 
close  relatives.  Many  are  imprisoned 
because  of  their  past  association  with 
U.S.  policies  and  programs  in  the  region, 
and  we  acknowledge  a  special  obligation 
to  work  for  their  release.  Since  that 
time,  only  752  former  prisoners  and 
their  accompanying  relatives  have  been 
allowed  to  leave. 

On  behalf  of  the  United  States,  I 
reaffirm  to  Vietnam  President  Reagan's 
offer  of  2  years  ago:  release  the  political 
prisoners,  and  we  will  take  them. 

Refugee  Admissions 
From  Other  Regions 

Latin  America  and  the  Caribbean.  In 

light  of  the  Cuban  release  of  a  number  of 
long-held  political  prisoners  in  1986,  and 
consistent  with  our  deep  concern  for  the 
welfare  of  these  individuals,  the  Presi- 
dent authorized  processing  in  Havana  of 
long-term  Cuban  political  prisoners  and 
former  prisoners.  I  am  pleased  to  con- 
firm that  over  100  Cuban  political 
prisoners  and  their  families  arrived  in 
the  United  States  yesterday. 

We  have  included  sufficient  numbers 
in  our  proposed  Latin  American  ceiling 
to  admit  3,000  Cubans  as  refugees  in  FY 
1987,  should  the  Government  of  Cuba 
lift  its  suspension  of  the  Mariel  migra- 
tion agreement.  While  the  United  States 
stands  ready  to  resume  its  obligations 
under  the  agreement,  we  will  not  do  so 
until  the  Cuban  Government  agrees  to 
fulfill  its  obligation  to  accept  the  return 
of  the  Mariel  excludables. 

As  political  turmoil  continues  to 
trouble  many  countries  in  Latin 
America,  the  Administration  plans  to 
consider  refugee  applicants  for  whom 
temporary  asylum  or  settlement  in  the 
region  are  not  available.  To  achieve  this 
goal,  we  have  proposed  an  increased  ceil- 
ing of  4,000  and  will  expand  the  current 
refugee  processing  priorities  used  for 
the  region. 

Africa.  The  Continent  of  Africa  suf- 
fers from  a  complex  and  dynamic 
refugee  situation.  There  are  some  35 
African  countries  offering  asylum  to 
refugees  fleeing  from  at  least  17  African 
countries.  Many  countries  both  generate 
and  receive  refugees.  Responding  to  the 
impact  of  refugees  has  been  complicated 
by  the  natural  disasters  of  drought  and 
locusts  and  by  the  economic  crises 
afflicting  many  of  these  developing 

For  most  of  those  African  refugees 
needing  protection  and  assistance  from 
the  international  community,  resettlement 
to  the  United  States  is  not  the  desired 
solution.  Most  can  benefit  from  the 
hospitality  offered  by  neighboring 
nations.  Those  in  need  of  resettlement 
outside  Africa  are  refugees  in  life- 
threatening  situations  or  refugees  who 
cannot  easily  be  assimilated— for  exam- 
ple, urban  Ethiopians  and  some  South 

For  FY  1987,  we  are  proposing  an 
admissions  ceiling  of  3,500.  This  will 
allow  us  to  process  those  refugees  who 
cannot  be  resettled  elsewhere,  as  well  as 
a  limited  number  of  African  refugees 
currently  in  first  asylum  in  Europe. 

Eastern  Europe  and  the  Soviet 
Union.  Unfortunately,  the  number  i 
individuals  who  are  granted  permiss 
to  depart  the  Soviet  Union  has  cont 
to  decline  in  the  past  year.  We  cont 
to  press  for  freer  emigration  from  t 
Soviet  Union  and  have  adjusted  our 
admissions  ceiling  accordingly. 
The  President  raised  this  issue  with 
Chairman  Gorbachev  in  Geneva,  am 
intend  to  do  the  same  with  the  Sovii 
Foreign  Minister  whenever  we  meet 

We  anticipate  that  the  requests 
10,000  admissions  will  allow  us  to  p: 
ess  not  only  the  hoped-for  increase  i 
the  Soviet  Union  but  also  those  Ron 
nians  registered  for  the  third  counti 
processing  program,  as  well  as  the 
regular  flow  of  refugees  who  contini 
arrive  from  Eastern  Europe. 

Near  East  and  South  Asia.  Sin 

the  Soviet  invasion  of  Afghanistan  i 
1979,  over  5  million  Afghans  have 
sought  asylum  in  neighboring  counti 
almost  3  million  of  them  in  Pakistan 
alone.  The  Afghan  refugee  populatic 
supported  by  long-term  internationa 
assistance  efforts,  to  which  we  are  a 
major  contributor. 

At  the  same  time,  more  than  2 
million  Palestinians  in  the  Near  Eas  \ 
registered  with  the  UN  Relief  and 
Works  Agency  (UNRWA).  While  its 
is  indirect,  UNRWA  is  an  important  I 
ment  in  efforts  to  preempt  the  sort  <  f 
desperation  that  can  lead  to  extremi  | 
It  thus  helps  create  a  climate  that  wi  I 
fundamental  to  any  successful  peace  ' 

In  Iran,  the  tyrannical  revolutior  1 
by  Khomeini  has  driven  thousands  fr ' 
their  homeland,  many  of  whom  seek  ' 
new  life  in  Europe  and  the  United 
States.  As  Congress  has  acknowledg ' 
many  Iranian  religious  minorities  cor' 
tinue  to  be  persecuted.  Most  particu- ' 
larly,  the  Baha'i,  as  well  as  Christian .' 
and  Jews,  are  included  in  the  U.S. 
resettlement  program. 

For  FY  1987,  the  President  has 
recommended  a  ceiling  of  8,000 
refugees,  to  allow  us  to  continue  to  p:( 
vide  adequate  resettlement  opportuni  -: 
for  these  populations. 


Since  1981,  over  500,000  persons  hav 
been  brought  to  this  country  as  refug 
to  begin  new  lives.  In  coordination  wi 
the  efforts  of  State  and  local  govern- 
ments, civic  organizations,  voluntary 
agencies,  and  thousands  of  private 


Department  of  State  Bull'( 


^ns,  the  Administration  remains 

fnitted  to  help  give  these  people  a 

(opportunity  to  live  free  from  the 

I  of  persecution. 

Vet  there  have  been  frustrations  and 


>  The  unfortunate  unilateral  Viet- 
ese  suspension  of  interviews  for  the 
ICR's  Orderly  Departure  Program, 
h  has  also  stalled  the  President's 
five  for  Amerasian  children; 
The  continued  failure  of  the  Viet- 
se  to  respond  to  our  initiative  to 
t  reeducation  camp  political 

The  Cuban  refusal  to  implement 
Mariel  migration  agreement;  and 
f  The  Soviet  Union's  continued 
Bal  to  allow  those  wishing  to  leave  to 
»,  especially  Soviet  Jews. 

i  pledge  to  you  that  this  Administra- 
will  never  relent  in  its  efforts  to 
ive  these  profound  humanitarian 
»s.  With  the  bipartisan  support  of 
tress,  we  will  continue  in  our  tradi- 
i%\  humanitarian  spirit  to  provide  for 
leeds  of  refugees  around  the  world. 

began  today  by  reflecting  on  the 
QTiplishments  of  our  refugee  pro- 
i\s  over  the  past  6  ye^rs,  accom- 
sments  made  possible  only  by  the 
irosity  and  commitment  of  the 
^rican  people  through  their  elected 
P'sentatives  in  Congress. 

urge  you  to  support  the  President's 
inmended  refugee  admissions  ceiling 
i|h  I  have  presented  here  today.  At 
same  time,  I  must  remind  you  that  a 
Ijrous  refugee  admissions  ceiling  is  but  numbers  on  a  piece  of  paper 
cut  the  money  to  fund  the  programs 
aithese  numbers  represent.  And  so,  in 
rig,  I  ask  for  your  support  not  only 
te  proposed  ceiling  but  also  the 
eident's  budget  request  for  the 
f^ee  program  so  that,  together,  we 
B.ble  to  continue  this  great,  national 
unitarian  endeavor. 

I  Press  release  179.  The  complete 
Hcript  for  the  hearings  will  be  published 
K  committee  and  will  be  available  from 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S. 
Wnment  Printing  Office.  Washington. 
C20402.  ■ 

Continuation  of  South  Africa 


SEPT.  4,  1986' 

Section  202(d)  of  the  National  Emergencies 
Act  (50  U.S.C.  1622(d))  provides  for  the 
automatic  termination  of  a  national  emer- 
gency unless,  prior  to  the  anniversary  date  of 
its  declaration,  the  President  publishes  in  the 
Federal  Register  and  transmits  to  the  Con- 
gress a  notice  stating  that  the  emergency  is 
to  continue  in  effect  beyond  the  anniversary 
date.  In  accordance  with  this  provision.  I 
have  sent  the  enclosed  notice,  stating  that  the 
South  African  emergency  is  to  continue  in 
effect  beyond  September  9,  1986,  to  the 
Federal  Register  for  publication. 

The  failure  of  the  South  African  Govern- 
ment to  take  adequate  steps  to  eliminate 
apartheid,  that  Governnment's  security  prac- 
tices, including  the  recent  imposition  of 
another  state  of  emergency,  and  the  per- 

sistence of  widespread  violence  continue  to 
endanger  prospects  for  peaceful  change  in 
South  Africa  and  threaten  stability  in  the 
region  as  a  whole.  Under  these  circum- 
stances, I  have  determined  that  it  is 
necessary  to  continue  in  effect  the  national 
emergency  with  respect  to  South  Africa  after 
September  9,  1986,  in  order  to  deal  with  this 
unusual  and  extraordinary  threat  to  the 
foreign  policy  and  economy  of  the  United 
States.  Additional  measures  to  deal  with  this 
threat  will  be  considered  upon  the  completion 
of  consultations  with  key  Allies  on  joint, 
effective  measures  to  eliminate  apartheid  and 
encourage  negotiations  for  peaceful  change  in 
South  Africa. 

Ronald  Reagan 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  8,  1986. 

3'imber  1986 



CDE  Delegations  Reach  Accord 
on  Military  Activities  in  Europe 

The  Conference  on  Confidence-  and 
Security-Building  Measures  and 
I  >  i  si  i  rmament  in  Europe  (CDE)  met  in 
Stockholm  January  17,  1984-Septem- 
ber  19,  1986. 

Following  are  the  texts  of  the  docu- 
ment agreed  to  by  the  35  participating 
states  on  September  19  and  statements  by 
President  Reagan  and  Ambassador 
Robert  L.  Barry,  head  of  the  U.S.  delega- 
tion, on  September  22. 


Document  of  the  Stockholm  Conference 
on  Confidence-  and  Security-Building 
Measures  and  Disarmament  in  Europe  con- 

provisions  of  the  concluding  document  of 
the  Madrid  Meeting  of  the  Conference  on 
Security  and  Co-operation  in  Europe 

(1)  The  representatives  of  the  participating 
States  of  the  Conference  on  Security  and 
Co-operation  in  Europe  (CSCE),  Austria, 
Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Canada,  Cyprus, 
Czechoslovakia,  Denmark,  Finland,  France, 
the  German  Democratic  Republic,  the  Federal 
Republic  of  Germany,  Greece,  the  Holy  See, 
Hungary,  Iceland,  Ireland,  Italy,  Liechten- 
stein, Luxembourg,  Malta,  Monaco,  the 
Netherlands,  Norway,  Poland,  Portugal, 
Romania,  San  Marino,  Spain,  Sweden, 
Switzerland,  Turkey,  the  Union  of  Soviet 
Socialist  Republics,  the  United  Kingdom,  the 
United  States  of  America  and  Yugoslavia, 
met  in  Stockholm  from  17  January  1984  to  19 
September  1986,  in  accordance  with  the  pro- 
visions relating  to  the  Conference  on 
Confidence-  and  Security-Building  Measures 
and  Disarmament  in  Europe  contained  in  the 
Concluding  Document  of  the  Madrid  Follow- 
up  Meeting  of  the  CSCE. 

(2)  The  participants  were  addressed  by 
the  Prime  Minister  of  Sweden,  the  late  Olof 
Palme,  on  17  January  1984. 

(3)  Opening  statements  were  made  by  the 
Ministers  of  Foreign  Affairs  and  other  Heads 
of  Delegation.  The  Prime  Minister  of  Spain  as 
well  as  Ministers  and  senior  officials  of 
several  other  participating  States  addressed 
the  Conference  later.  The  Minister  for 
Foreign  Affairs  of  Sweden  addressed  the 

<  ''inference  on  19  September  1986. 

(  1 1  The  Secretary-General  of  the  United 
Nations  addressed  the  Conference  on  6  July 

(5)  (  ontributions  were  made  by  the 
following  non-participating  Mediterranean 
States:  Algeria,  Egypt,  Israel,  Lebanon, 
Libya,  Morocco,  Syria  and  Tunisia. 

(6)  The  participating  States  recalled  that 
the  aim  of  the  Conference  on  Confidence-  and 
Security-Building  Measures  and  Disarmament 
in  Europe  is,  as  a  substantial  and  integral 
part  of  the  multilateral  process  initiated  by 
the  Conference  on  Security  and  Co-operation 
in  Europe,  to  undertake,  in  stages,  new, 
effective  and  concrete  actions  designed  to 
make  progress  in  strengthening  confidence 
and  security  and  in  achieving  disarmament, 
so  as  to  give  effect  and  expression  to  the  duty 
of  States  to  refrain  from  the  threat  or  use  of 
force  in  their  mutual  relations  as  well  as  in 
their  international  relations  in  general. 

(7)  The  participating  States  recognized 
that  the  set  of  mutually  complementary  con- 
fidence- and  security-building  measures  which 
are  adopted  in  the  present  document  and 
which  are  in  accordance  with  the  Madrid 
mandate  serve  by  their  scope  and  nature  and 
by  their  implementation  to  strengthen  con- 
fidence and  security  in  Europe  and  thus  to 
give  effect  and  expression  to  the  duty  of 
States  to  refrain  from  the  threat  or  use  of 

(8)  Consequently  the  participating  States 
have  declared  the  following: 


(9)  The  participating  States,  recalling  their 
obligation  to  refrain,  in  their  mutual  relations 
as  well  as  in  their  international  relations  in 
general,  from  the  threat  or  use  of  force 
against  the  territorial  integrity  or  political 
independence  of  any  State,  or  in  any  other 
manner  inconsistent  with  the  purposes  of  the 
United  Nations,  accordingly  reaffirm  their 
commitment  to  respect  and  put  into  practice 
the  principle  of  refraining  from  the  threat  or 
use  of  force,  as  laid  down  in  the  Final  Act. 

(10)  No  consideration  may  be  invoked  to 
serve  to  warrant  resort  to  the  threat  or  use  of 
force  in  contravention  of  this  principle. 

(11)  They  recall  the  inherent  right  of 
individual  or  collective  self-defence  if  an 
armed  attack  occurs,  as  set  forth  in  the 
Charter  of  the  United  Nations. 

(12)  They  will  refrain  from  any 
manifestation  of  force  for  the  purpose  of 
inducing  any  other  State  to  renounce  the  full 
exercise  of  its  sovereign  rights. 

(13)  As  set  forth  in  the  Final  Act,  no 
occupation  or  acquisition  of  territory 
resulting  from  the  threat  or  use  of  force  in 
contravention  of  international  law,  will  be 
recognized  as  legal. 

(14)  They  recognize  their  commitment  to 
peace  and  security.  Accordingly  they  reaffirm 
that  they  will  refrain  from  any  use  of  armed 
forces  inconsistent  with  the  purposes  and 
principles  of  the  Charter  of  the  United 
Nations  and  the  provisions  of  the  Declaration 

on  Principles  Guiding  Relations  between 
Participating  States,  against  another  par 
ticipating  State,  in  particular  from  invasi 
or  attack  on  its  territory. 

(15)  They  will  abide  by  their  commitr 
to  refrain  from  the  threat  or  use  of  force 
their  relations  with  any  State,  regardless 
that  State's  political,  social,  economic  or 
cultural  system  and  irrespective  of  wheth 
or  not  they  maintain  with  that  State  relai 
of  alliance. 

(16)  They  stress  that  non-compliance 
the  obligation  of  refraining  from  the  thre 
use  of  force,  as  recalled  above,  constitute 
violation  of  international  law. 

(17)  They  stress  their  commitment  tc 
principle  of  peaceful  settlement  of  disputi 
contained  in  the  Final  Act,  convinced  tha 
is  an  essential  complement  to  the  duty  of 
States  to  refrain  from  the  threat  or  use  o 
force,  both  being  essential  factors  for  the 
maintenance  and  consolidation  of  peace  a 
security.  They  recall  their  determination 
the  necessity  to  reinforce  and  to  improve 
methods  at  their  disposal  for  the  peaceful 
tlement  of  disputes.  They  reaffirm  their 
resolve  to  make  every  effort  to  settle 
exclusively  by  peaceful  means  any  disput* 
between  them. 

(18)  The  participating  States  stress  tl 
commitment  to  the  Final  Act  and  the  nee 
full  implementation  of  all  its  provisions,  v 
will  further  the  process  of  improving  sect 
and  developing  co-operation  in  Europe, 
thereby  contributing  to  international  peac 
and  security  in  the  world  as  a  whole. 

(19)  They  emphasize  their  commitmei 
all  the  principles  of  the  Declaration  on  Pr 
ciples  Guiding  Relations  between  Particip 
ing  States  and  declare  their  determinatioi 
respect  and  put  them  into  practice  irrespe , 
tive  of  their  political,  economic  or  social 
systems  as  well  as  of  their  size,  geographi , 
location  or  level  of  economic  development , 

(20)  All  these  ten  principles  are  of 
primary  significance  and,  accordingly,  the  | 
will  be  equally  and  unreservedly  applied,  e  | 
of  them  being  interpreted  taking  into  acco 
the  others. 

(21)  Respect  for  and  the  application  ol 
these  principles  will  enhance  the  develops 
of  friendly  relations  and  co-operation  amoi . 
the  participating  States  in  all  fields  covere 
by  the  provisions  of  the  Final  Act. 

(22)  They  reconfirm  their  commitment 
the  basic  principle  of  the  sovereign  equalit ' 
States  and  stress  that  all  States  have  equa ; 
rights  and  duties  within  the  framework  of  ' 
international  law. 

(23)  They  reaffirm  the  universal 
significance  of  human  rights  and  fundamei 
freedoms.  Respect  for  and  the  effective  ex'j 
cise  of  these  rights  and  freedoms  are  esser' 
factors  for  international  peace,  justice  and 
security,  as  well  as  for  the  development  of  I 
friendly  relations  and  co-operation  among 
themselves  as  among  all  States,  as  set  fort  I 
in  the  Declaration  on  Principles  Guiding  R< 
tions  between  Participating  States. 


Department  of  State  Bulle, 


24)  They  reaffirm  that,  in  the  broader 
ext  of  world  security,  security  in  Europe 
>sely  linked  with  security  in  the  Mediter- 
an  area  as  a  whole;  in  this  context,  they 
irm  their  intention  to  develop  good  neigh- 
ly  relations  with  all  States  in  the  region, 
due  regard  to  reciprocity,  and  in  the 

t  of  the  principles  contained  in  the 
aration  on  Principles  Guiding  Relations 
'een  Participating  States,  so  as  to  pro- 
;  confidence  and  security  and  make  peace 
ail  in  the  region  in  accordance  with  the 
isions  contained  in  the  Mediterranean 
iter  of  the  Final  Act. 

25)  They  emphasize  the  necessity  to  take 
lute  measures  to  prevent  and  to  combat 
)rism,  including  terrorism  in  international 
;ions.  They  express  their  determination  to 

effective  measures,  both  at  the  national 
and  through  international  co-operation, 
he  prevention  and  suppression  of  all  acts 
rrorism.  They  will  take  all  appropriate 
sures  in  preventing  their  respective  ter- 

[ies  from  being  used  for  the  preparation, 
nization  or  commission  of  terrorist 
ities.  This  also  includes  measures  to  pro- 
on  their  territories  illegal  activities, 
iding  subversive  activities,  of  persons, 

!ps  and  organizations  that  instigate, 
nize  or  engage  in  the  perpetration  of  acts 
rrorism,  including  those  directed  against 
r  States  and  their  citizens. 

26)  They  will  fulfil  in  good  faith  their 
•ations  under  international  law;  they  also 

1;s  that  strict  compliance  with  their  com- 
lents  within  the  framework  of  the  CSCE 
sential  for  building  confidence  and 

27)  The  participating  States  confirm  that 
e  event  of  a  conflict  between  the  obliga- 

;  of  the  members  of  the  United  Nations 
r  the  Charter  of  the  United  Nations  and 
■  obligations  under  any  treaty  or  other 
■national  agreement,  their  obligations 
t  the  Charter  will  prevail,  in  accordance 
Article  103  of  the  Charter  of  the  United 

28)  The  participating  States  have 
pted  the  following  measures: 


The  participating  States  will  give 
ication  in  writing  through  diplomatic 
nels  in  an  agreed  form  of  content,  to  all 
participating  States  42  days  or  more  in 
nee  of  the  start  of  notifiable1  military 
ities  in  the  zone  of  application  for 
dence-  and  security-building  measures 

30)  Notification  will  be  given  by  the  par- 
ting State  on  whose  territory  the  activ- 
l  question  is  planned  to  take  place  even  if 
brces  of  that  State  are  not  engaged  in 
.ctivity  or  their  strength  is  below  the 
iable  level.  This  will  not  relieve  other 
cipating  States  of  their  obligation  to  give 
ication,  if  their  involvement  in  the 
ned  military  activity  reaches  the 
'lable  level. 

(31)  Each  of  the  following  military 
activities  in  the  field  conducted  as  a  single 
activity  in  the  zone  of  application  for  CSBMs, 
at  or  above  the  levels  defined  below,  will  be 

(31.1)  The  engagement  of  formations  of 
land  forces3  of  the  participating  States  in  the 
same  exercise  activity  conducted  under  a 
single  operational  command  independently  or 
in  combination  with  any  possible  air  or  naval 

(31.1.1)  This  military  activity  will  be 
subject  to  notification  whenever  it  involves  at 
any  time  during  the  activity: 

•  at  least  13,000  troops,  including 
support  troops,  or 

•  at  least  300  battle  tanks 

if  organized  into  a  divisional  structure 
or  at  least  two  brigades/regiments,  not 
necessarily  subordinate  to  the  same  division. 

(31.1.2)  The  participation  of  air  forces 
of  the  participating  States  will  be  included  in 
the  notification  if  it  is  foreseen  that  in  the 
course  of  the  activity  200  or  more  sorties  by 
aircraft,  excluding  helicopters,  will  be  flown. 

(31.2)  The  engagement  of  military" 
forces  either  in  an  amphibious  landing  or  in  a 
parachute  assault  by  airborne  forces  in  the 
zone  of  application  for  CSBMs. 

(31.2.1)  These  military  activities  will 
be  subject  to  notification  whenever  the 
amphibious  landing  involves  at  least  3,000 
troops  or  whenever  the  parachute  drop 
involves  at  least  3,000  troops. 

(31.3)  The  engagement  of  formations  of 
land  forces  of  the  participating  States  in  a 
transfer  from  outside  the  zone  of  application 
for  CSBMs  to  arrival  points  in  the  zone,  or 
from  inside  the  zone  of  application  for  CSBMs 
to  points  of  concentration  in  the  zone,  to  par- 
ticipate in  a  notifiable  exercise  activity  or  to 
be  concentrated. 

(31.3.1)  The  arrival  or  concentration 
of  these  forces  will  be  subject  to  notification 
whenever  it  involves,  at  any  time  during  the 

•  at  least  13,000  troops,  including 
support  troops,  or 

•  at  least  300  battle  tanks 

if  organized  into  a  divisional  structure 
or  at  least  two  brigades/regiments,  not 
necessarily  subordinate  to  the  same  division. 

(31.3.2)  Forces  which  have  been 
transferred  into  the  zone  will  be  subject  to  all 
provisions  of  agreed  CSBMs  when  they 
depart  their  arrival  points  to  participate  in  a 
notifiable  exercise  activity  or  to  be  concen- 
trated within  the  zone  of  application  for 

(32)  Notifiable  military  activities  carried 
out  without  advance  notice  to  the  troops 
involved  are  exceptions  to  the  requirement 
for  prior  notification  to  be  made  42  days  in 

(32.1)  Notification  of  such  activities, 
above  the  agreed  thresholds,  will  be  given  at 
the  time  the  troops  involved  commence  such 

(33)  Notification  will  be  given  in  writing 
of  each  notifiable  military  activity  in  the 
following  agreed  form: 

(34)  A — General  Information 

(34.1)  The  designation  of  the  military 

(34.2)  The  general  purpose  of  the 
military  activity; 

(34.3)  The  names  of  the  States  involved 
in  the  military  activity; 

(34.4)  The  level  of  organizing  and  com- 
manding the  military  activity; 

(34.5)  The  start  and  end  dates  of  the 
military  activity. 

(35)  B — Information  on  different  types 
of  notifiable  military  activities 

(35.1)  The  engagement  of  land  forces  of 
the  participating  States  in  the  same  exercise 
activity  conducted  under  a  single  operational 
command  independently  or  in  combination 
with  any  possible  air  or  naval  components; 

(35.1.1)  The  total  number  of  troops 
taking  part  in  the  military  activity  (i.e., 
ground  troops,  amphibious  troops,  airmobile 
and  airborne  troops)  and  the  number  of 
troops  participating  for  each  State  involved, 
if  applicable; 

(35.1.2)  Number  and  type  of  divisions 
participating  for  each  State; 

(35.1.3)  The  total  number  of  battle 
tanks  for  each  State  and  the  total  number  of 
anti-tank  guided  missile  launchers  mounted 
on  armoured  vehicles; 

(35.1.4)  The  total  number  of  artillery 
pieces  and  multiple  rocket  launchers  (100  mm 
calibre  or  above); 

(35.1.5)  The  total  number  of  heli- 
copters, by  category; 

(35.1.6)  Envisaged  number  of  sorties 
by  aircraft,  excluding  helicopters; 

(35.1.7)  Purpose  of  air  missions; 

(35.1.8)  Categories  of  aircraft 

(35.1.9)  The  level  of  command, 
organizing  and  commanding  the  air  force 

(35.1.10)  Naval  ship-to-shore  gunfire; 

(35.1.11)  Indication  of  other  naval 
ship-to-shore  support; 

(35.1.12)  The  level  of  command, 
organizing  and  commanding  the  naval  force 

(35.2)  The  engagement  of  military 
forces  either  in  an  amphibious  landing  or  in  a 
parachute  assault  by  airborne  forces  in  the 
zone  of  application  for  CSBMs: 

(35.2.1)  The  total  number  of 
amphibious  troops  involved  in  notifiable 
amphibious  landings,  and/or  the  total  number 
of  airborne  troops  involved  in  notifiable 
parachute  assaults; 



(35.2.2)  In  the  case  of  a  notifiable 
amphibious  landing,  the  point  or  points  of 
embarkation,  if  in  the  zone  of  application  for 

(35.3)  The  engagement  of  formations  of 
land  forces  of  the  participating  States  in  a 
transfer  from  outside  the  zone  of  application 
for  CSBMs  to  arrival  points  in  the  zone,  or 
from  inside  the  zone  of  application  for  CSBMs 
to  points  of  concentration  in  the  zone,  to  par- 
ticipate in  a  notifiable  exercise  activity  or  to 
be  concentrated: 

(35.3.1)  The  total  number  of  troops 

(35.3.2)  Number  and  type  of  divisions 
participating  in  the  transfer; 

(35.3.3)  The  total  number  of  battle 
tanks  participating  in  a  notifiable  arrival  or 

(35.3.4)  Geographical  co-ordinates  for 
the  points  of  arrival  and  for  the  points  of 

(36)  C — The  envisaged  area  and 
timeframe  of  the  activity 

(36.1)  The  area  of  the  military  activity 
delimited  by  geographic  features  together 
with  geographic  co-ordinates,  as  appropriate; 

(36.2)  The  start  and  end  dates  of  each 
phase  (transfers,  deployment,  concentration 
of  forces,  active  exercise  phase,  recovery 
phase)  of  activities  in  the  zone  of  application 
for  CSBMs  of  participating  formations,  the 
tactical  purpose  and  corresponding 
geographical  areas  (delimited  by  geographical 
co-ordinates)  for  each  phase; 

(36.3)  Brief  descriptions  of  each  phase. 

(37)  D — Other  information 

(37.1)  Changes,  if  any,  in  relation  to 
information  provided  in  the  annual  calendar 
regarding  the  activity; 

(37.2)  Relationship  of  the  activity  to 
other  notifiable  activities. 



(38)  The  participating  States  will  invite 
observers  from  all  other  participating  States 
to  the  following  notifiable  military  activities: 

(38.1)  •  The  engagement  of  formations 
of  land  forces3  of  the  participating  States  in 
the  same  exercise  activity  conducted  under  a 
single  operational  command  independently  or 
in  combination  with  any  possible  air  or  naval 

(38.2)  •  The  engagement  of  military 
forces  either  in  an  amphibious  landing  or  in  a 
parachute  assault  by  airborne  forces  in  the 
zone  of  application  for  CSBMs; 

(38.3)  •  In  the  case  of  the  engagement 
of  formations  of  land  forces  of  the  partici- 
pating States  in  a  transfer  from  outside  the 
zone  of  application  for  CSBMs  to  arrival 
points  in  the  zone,  or  from  inside  the  zone  of 
application  for  CSBMs  to  points  of  concentra- 
tion in  the  zone,  to  participate  in  a  notifiable 
exercise  activity  or  to  be  concentrated,  the 

concentration  of  these  forces.  Forces  which 
have  been  transferred  into  the  zone  will  be 
subject  to  all  provisions  of  agreed  confidence- 
and  security-building  measures  when  they 
depart  their  arrival  points  to  participate  in  a 
notifiable  exercise  activity  or  to  be  concen- 
trated within  the  zone  of  application  for 

(38.4)  The  above-mentioned  activities 
will  be  subject  to  observation  whenever  the 
number  of  troops  engaged  meets  or  exceeds 
17,000  troops,  except  in  the  case  of  either  an 
amphibious  landing  or  a  parachute  assault  by 
airborne  forces,  which  will  be  subject  to 
observation  whenever  the  number  of  troops 
engaged  meets  or  exceeds  5,000  troops. 

(39)  The  host  State  will  extend  the  invita- 
tions in  writing  through  diplomatic  channels 
to  all  other  participating  States  at  the  time  of 
notification.  The  host  State  will  be  the  par- 
ticipating State  on  whose  territory  the 
notified  activity  will  take  place. 

(40)  The  host  State  may  delegate  some  of 
its  responsibilities  as  host  to  another  par- 
ticipating State  engaged  in  the  military  activ- 
ity on  the  territory  of  the  host  State.  In  such 
cases,  the  host  State  will  specify  the  alloca- 
tion of  responsibilities  in  its  invitation  to 
observe  the  activity. 

(41)  Each  participating  State  may  send 
up  to  two  observers  to  the  military  activity  to 
be  observed. 

(42)  The  invited  State  may  decide 
whether  to  send  military  and/or  civilian 
observers,  including  members  of  its  personnel 
accredited  to  the  host  State.  Military 
observers  will,  normally,  wear  their  uniforms 
and  insignia  while  performing  their  tasks. 

(43)  Replies  to  the  invitation  will  be  given 
in  writing  not  later  than  21  days  after  the 
issue  of  the  invitation. 

(44)  The  participating  States  accepting 
an  invitation  will  provide  the  names  and 
ranks  of  their  observers  in  their  reply  to  the 
invitation.  If  the  invitation  is  not  accepted  in 
time,  it  will  be  assumed  that  no  observers  will 
be  sent. 

(45)  Together  with  the  invitation  the  host 
State  will  provide  a  general  observation  pro- 
gramme, including  the  following  information: 

(45.1)  •  the  date,  time  and  place  of 
assembly  of  observers; 

(45.2)  •  planned  duration  of  the  obser- 
vation programme; 

(45.3)  •  languages  to  be  used  in  inter- 
pretation and/or  translation; 

(45.4)  •  arrangements  for  board,  lodg- 
ing and  transportation  of  the  observers; 

(45.5)  •  arrangements  for  observation 
equipment  which  will  be  issued  to  the 
observers  by  the  host  State; 

(45.6)  •  possible  authorization  by  the 
host  State  of  the  use  of  special  equipment 
that  the  observers  may  bring  with  them; 

(45.7)  •  arrangements  for  special 
clothing  to  be  issued  to  the  observers  because 
of  weather  or  environmental  factors. 

(46)  The  observers  may  make  reques  II 
with  regard  to  the  observation  programn 
The  host  State  will,  if  possible,  accede  to   I 

(47)  The  host  State  will  determine  a  < 1 
tion  of  observation  which  permits  the 
observers  to  observe  a  notifiable  military  J 
activity  from  the  time  that  agreed  thresh'  | 
for  observation  are  met  or  exceeded  until  I 
the  last  time  during  the  activity,  the 
thresholds  for  observation  are  no  longer  1 1 

(48)  The  host  State  will  provide  the 
observers  with  transportation  to  the  area 
the  notified  activity  and  back.  This  transp 
tation  will  be  provided  from  either  the  ca) 
or  another  suitable  location  to  be  announc 
in  the  invitation,  so  that  the  observers  an 
position  before  the  start  of  the  observatio 

(49)  The  invited  State  will  cover  the 
travel  expenses  for  its  observers  to  the 
capital,  or  another  suitable  location  specif 
in  the  invitation,  of  the  host  State,  and  ba 

(50)  The  observers  will  be  provided  e< 
treatment  and  offered  equal  opportunities 
carry  out  their  functions. 

(51)  The  observers  will  be  granted,  di 
ing  their  mission,  the  privileges  and 
immunities  accorded  to  diplomatic  agents 
the  Vienna  Convention  on  Diplomatic 

(52)  The  host  State  will  not  be  requin 
permit  observation  of  restricted  locations, 
installations  or  defence  sites. 

(53)  In  order  to  allow  the  observers  to 
confirm  that  the  notified  activity  is  non- 
threatening  in  character  and  that  it  is  can 
out  in  conformity  with  the  appropriate  pre 
sions  of  the  notification,  the  host  State  wil 

(53.1)  •  at  the  commencement  of  th 
observation  programme  give  a  briefing  on  | 
purpose,  the  basic  situation,  the  phases  of  f 
activity  and  possible  changes  as  compared  • 
with  the  notification  and  provide  the 
observers  with  a  map  of  the  area  of  the 
military  activity  with  a  scale  of  1  to  not  m( ' 
than  500,000  and  an  observation  programr ' 
with  a  daily  schedule  as  well  as  a  sketch 
indicating  the  basic  situation; 

(53.2)  •  provide  the  observers  with   ' 
appropriate  observation  equipment;  howevij 
the  observers  will  be  allowed  to  use  their  p ' 
sonal  binoculars,  which  will  be  subject  to 
examination  and  approval  by  the  host  Stat( 

(53.3)  •  in  the  course  of  the  observa- . 
tion  programme  give  the  observers  daily 
briefings  with  the  help  of  maps  on  the  varici 
phases  of  the  military  activity  and  their 
development  and  inform  the  observers  aboi} 
their  positions  geographically;  in  the  case  o 
land  force  activity  conducted  in  combinatioi| 
with  air  or  naval  components,  briefings  will  | 
be  given  by  representatives  of  these  forces; 

(53.4)  •  provide  opportunities  to 
observe  directly  forces  of  the  State/States  I 
engaged  in  the  military  activity  so  that  the  ] 
observers  get  an  impression  of  the  flow  of  t 
activity;  to  this  end,  the  observers  will  be 
given  the  opportunity  to  observe  major  com 
bat  units  of  the  participating  formations  of  J  | 
divisional  or  equivalent  level  and,  whenever 


Department  of  State  Bullei' 


ible,  to  visit  some  units  and  communicate 
commanders  and  troops;  commanders  or 
r  senior  personnel  of  participating  forma- 
;  as  well  as  of  the  visited  units  will  inform 
ibservers  of  the  mission  of  their  respec- 

(53.5)  •  guide  the  observers  in  the  area 
e  military  activity;  the  observers  will 

iv  the  instructions  issued  by  the  host 
;  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  set 
tin  this  document; 

(53.6)  •  provide  the  observers  with 
Bopriate  means  of  transportation  in  the 
■  of  the  military  activity; 

t   (53.7)  •  provide  the  observers  with 
ijrtunities  for  timely  communication  with 
B  embassies  or  other  official  missions  and 
Liar  posts;  the  host  State  is  not  obligated 
jver  the  communication  expenses  of  the 

(53.8)  •  provide  the  observers  with 
jopriate  board  and  lodging  in  a  location 
Ible  for  carrying  out  the  observation  pro- 
lime  and,  when  necessary,  medical  care. 

ip4)  The  participating  States  need  not 
p  observers  to  notifiable  military 
Kties  which  are  carried  out  without 
Ince  notice  to  the  troops  involved  unless 
EC  notifiable  activities  have  a  duration  of 
I  than  72  hours.  The  continuation  of  these 
■ities  beyond  this  time  will  be  subject  to 
rvation  while  the  agreed  thresholds  for 
srvation  are  met  or  exceeded.  The  obser- 
ijn  programme  will  follow  as  closely  as 
lically  possible  all  the  provisions  for 
Ovation  set  out  in  this  document. 


iiEach  participating  State  will  exchange. 
Ball  other  participating  States,  an  annual 
ujdar  of  its  military  activities  subject  to 
I  notification,4  within  the  zone  of  applica- 
tor CSBMs,  forecast  for  the  subsequent 
udar  year.  It  will  be  transmitted  every 
a  in  writing,  through  diplomatic  channels, 
titer  than  15  November  for  the  following 

>6)  Each  participating  State  will  list  the 
(fc-mentioned  activities  chronologically 
drill  provide  information  on  each  activity 
aiordance  with  the  following  model: 

» I  (56. 1)  •  type  of  military  activity  and  its 

•  (56.2)  •  general  characteristics  and 
Ipse  of  the  military  activity; 

I  (56.3)  •  States  involved  in  the  military 

II  (56.4)  •  area  of  the  military  activity, 
fated  by  appropriate  geographic  features 
4r  defined  by  geographic  co-ordinates; 
B(56.5)  •  planned  duration  of  the 

Iry  activity  and  the  14-day  period, 
lilted  by  dates,  within  which  it  is 
feged  to  start; 

1(56.6)  •  the  envisaged  total  number  of 
Is5  engaged  in  the  military  activity; 
11(56.7)  •  the  types  of  armed  forces 
lyed  in  the  military  activity; 

(56.8)  •  the  envisaged  level  of  com- 
mand, under  which  the  military  activity  will 
take  place; 

(56.9)  •  the  number  and  type  of  divi- 
sions whose  participation  in  the  military 
activity  is  envisaged; 

(56.10)  •  any  additional  information 
concerning,  inter  alia,  components  of  armed 
forces,  which  the  participating  State  planning 
the  military  activity  considers  relevant. 

(57)  Should  changes  regarding  the 
military  activities  in  the  annual  calendar 
prove  necessary,  they  will  be  communicated 
to  all  other  participating  States  no  later  than 
in  the  appropriate  notification. 

(58)  Information  on  military  activities 
subject  to  prior  notification  not  included  in  an 
annual  calendar  will  be  communicated  to  all 
participating  States  as  soon  as  possible,  in 
accordance  with  the  model  provided  in  the 
annual  calendar. 


(59)  Each  participating  State  will  com- 
municate, in  writing,  to  all  other  participating 
States,  by  15  November  each  year,  informa- 
tion concerning  military  activities  subject  to 
prior  notification4  involving  more  than  40,000 
troops,4  which  it  plans  to  carry  out  in  the 
second  subsequent  calendar  year.  Such  com- 
munication will  include  preliminary  informa- 
tion on  each  activity,  as  to  its  general  pur- 
pose, timeframe  and  duration,  area,  size  and 
States  involved. 

(60)  Participating  States  will  not  carry 
out  military  activities  subject  to  prior  notifica- 
tion involving  more  than  75,000  troops, 
unless  they  have  been  the  object  of  com- 
munication as  defined  above. 

(61)  Participating  States  will  not  carry 
out  military  activities  subject  to  prior  notifica- 
tion involving  more  than  40,000  troops  unless 
they  have  been  included  in  the  annual  calen- 
dar, not  later  than  15  November  each  year 

(62)  If  military  activities  subject  to  prior 
notification  are  carried  out  in  addition  to 
those  contained  in  the  annual  calendar,  they 
should  be  as  few  as  possible. 


(63)  According  to  the  Madrid  Mandate,  the 
confidence-  and  security-building  measures  to 
be  agreed  upon  "will  be  provided  with  ade- 
quate forms  of  verification  which  correspond 
to  their  content." 

(64)  The  participating  States  recognize 
that  national  technical  means  can  play  a  role 
in  monitoring  compliance  with  agreed 
confidence-  and  security-building  measures. 

(65)  In  accordance  with  the  provisions 
contained  in  this  document  each  participating 
State  has  the  right  to  conduct  inspections  on 
the  territory  of  any  other  participating  State 
within  the  zone  of  application  for  CSBMs. 

(66)  Any  participating  State  will  be 
allowed  to  address  a  request  for  inspection  to 

another  participating  State  on  whose  ter- 
ritory, within  the  zone  of  application  for 
CSBMs,  compliance  with  the  agreed 
confidence-  and  security-building  measures  is 
in  doubt. 

(67)  No  participating  State  will  be  obliged 
to  accept  on  its  territory,  within  the  zone  of 
application  for  CSBMs,  more  than  three 
inspections  per  calendar  year. 

(68)  No  participating  State  will  be  obliged 
to  accept  more  than  one  inspection  per  calen- 
dar year  from  the  same  participating  State. 

(69)  An  inspection  will  not  be  counted  if, 
due  to  force  majeure,  it  cannot  be  carried  out. 

(70)  The  participating  State  which 
requests  an  inspection  will  state  the  reasons 
for  such  a  request. 

(71)  The  participating  State  which  has 
received  such  a  request  will  reply  in  the  af- 
firmative to  the  request  within  the  agreed 
period  of  time,  subject  to  the  provisions  con- 
tained in  paragraphs  (67)  and  (68). 

(72)  Any  possible  dispute  as  to  the  valid- 
ity of  the  reasons  for  a  request  will  not  pre- 
vent or  delay  the  conduct  of  an  inspection. 

(73)  The  participating  State  which 
requests  an  inspection  will  be  permitted  to 
designate  for  inspection  on  the  territory  of 
another  State,  within  the  zone  of  application 
for  CSBMs,  a  specific  area.  Such  an  area  will 
be  referred  to  as  the  "specified  area."  The 
specified  area  will  comprise  terrain  where 
notifiable  military  activities  are  conducted  or 
where  another  participating  State  believes  a 
notifiable  military  activity  is  taking  place.  The 
specified  area  will  be  defined  and  limited  by 
the  scope  and  scale  of  notifiable  military 
activities  but  will  not  exceed  that  required  for 
an  army  level  military  activity. 

(74)  In  the  specified  area  the  represen- 
tatives of  the  inspecting  State  accompanied 
by  the  representatives  of  the  receiving  State 
will  be  permitted  access,  entry  and 
unobstructed  survey,  except  for  areas  or  sen- 
sitive points  to  which  access  is  normally 
denied  or  restricted,  military  and  other 
defence  installations,  as  well  as  naval  vessels, 
military  vehicles  and  aircraft.  The  number 
and  extent  of  the  restricted  areas  should  be 
as  limited  as  possible.  Areas  where  notifiable 
military  activities  can  take  place  will  not  be 
declared  restricted  areas,  except  for  certain 
permanent  or  temporary  military  installations 
which,  in  territorial  terms,  should  be  as  small 
as  possible,  and  consequently  those  areas  will 
not  be  used  to  prevent  inspection  of  notifiable 
military  activities.  Restricted  areas  will  not 
be  employed  in  a  way  inconsistent  with  the 
agreed  provisions  on  inspection. 

(75)  Within  the  specified  area,  the  forces 
of  participating  States  other  than  the  receiv- 
ing State  will  also  be  subject  to  the  inspection 
conducted  by  the  inspecting  State. 

(76)  Inspection  will  be  permitted  on  the 
ground,  from  the  air  or  both. 

(77)  The  representatives  of  the  receiving 
State  will  accompany  the  inspection  team, 
including  when  it  is  in  land  vehicles  and  an 
aircraft  from  the  time  of  their  first  employ- 
ment until  the  time  they  are  no  longer  in  use 
for  the  purposes  of  inspection. 

(78)  In  its  request,  the  inspecting  State 
will  notify  the  receiving  State  of: 

y.-mber  1986 



(78. 1)  •  t he  reasons  for  the  request; 

(78.2)  •  the  location  of  the  specified 
area  defined  by  geographical  co-ordinates; 

(78.3)  •  the  preferred  point(s)  of  entry 
for  the  inspection  team; 

(78.4)  •  mode  of  transport  to  and  from 
the  point(s)  of  entry  and.  if  applicable,  to  and 

the  specified  area; 

(78.5)  •  where  in  the  specified  area  the 
inspection  will  begin; 

(78.6)  •  whether  the  inspection  will  be 
conducted  from  the  ground,  from  the  air  or 
both  simultaneously; 

(78.7)  •  whether  aerial  inspection  will 
be  conducted  using  an  airplane,  a  helicopter 
or  both; 

(78.8)  •  whether  the  inspection  team 
will  use  land  vehicles  provided  by  the  receiv- 
ing State  or,  if  mutually  agreed,  its  own 

(78.9)  •  information  for  the  issuance  of 
diplomatic  visas  to  inspectors  entering  the 
receiving  State. 

(79)  The  reply  to  the  request  will  be  given 
in  the  shortest  possible  period  of  time,  but 
within  not  more  than  twenty-four  hours. 
Within  thirty-six  hours  after  the  issuance  of 
the  request,  the  inspection  team  will  be  per- 
mitted to  enter  the  territory  of  the  receiving 

(80)  Any  request  for  inspection  as  well  as 
the  reply  thereto  will  be  communicated  to  all 
participating  States  without  delay. 

(81)  The  receiving  State  should  designate 
the  point(s)  of  entry  as  close  as  possible  to  the 
specified  area.  The  receiving  State  will  ensure 
that  the  inspection  team  will  be  able  to  reach 
the  specified  area  without  delay  from  the 
point(s)  of  entry. 

(82)  All  participating  States  will  facilitate 
the  passage  of  the  inspection  teams  through 
their  territory. 

(83)  Within  48  hours  after  the  arrival  of 
the  inspection  team  at  the  specified  area,  the 
inspection  will  be  terminated. 

(84)  There  will  be  no  more  than  four 
inspectors  in  an  inspection  team.  While  con- 
ducting the  inspection  the  inspection  team 
may  divide  into  two  parts. 

(85)  The  inspectors  and,  if  applicable, 
auxiliary  personnel,  will  be  granted  during 
their  mission  the  privileges  and  immunities  in 
accordance  with  the  Vienna  Convention  on 
Diplomatic  Relations. 

(86)  The  receiving  State  will  provide  the 
inspection  team  with  appropriate  board  and 
lodging  in  a  location  suitable  for  carrying  out 
the  inspection,  and,  when  necessary,  medical 
care;  however  this  does  not  exclude  the  use 
by  the  inspection  team  of  its  own  tents  and 

(87)  The  inspection  team  will  have  use  of 
its  own  maps,  own  photo  cameras,  own 
binoculars  and  own  dictaphones,  as  well  as 
own  aeronautical  charts. 

(88)  The  inspection  team  will  have  access 
to  appropriate  telecommunications  equipment 
of  the  receiving  State,  including  the  oppor- 
tunity for  continuous  communication  between 
the  members  of  an  inspection  team  in  an  air- 
craft and  those  in  a  land  vehicle  employed  in 
the  inspection. 

(89)  The  inspecting  State  will  specify 
whether  aerial  inspection  will  be  conducted 
using  an  airplane,  a  helicopter  or  both.  Air- 
craft for  inspection  will  be  chosen  by  mutual 
agreement  between  the  inspecting  and  receiv- 
ing States.  Aircraft  will  be  chosen  which  pro- 
vide the  inspection  team  a  continuous  view  of 
the  ground  during  the  inspection. 

(90)  After  the  flight  plan,  specifying, 
inter  alia,  the  inspection  team's  choice  of 
flight  path,  speed  and  altitude  in  the  specified 
area,  has  been  filed  with  the  competent  air 
traffic  control  authority  the  inspection  air- 
craft will  be  permitted  to  enter  the  specified 
area  without  delay.  Within  the  specified  area, 
the  inspection  team  will,  at  its  request,  be 
permitted  to  deviate  from  the  approved  flight 
plan  to  make  specific  observations  provided 
such  deviation  is  consistent  with  paragraph 
(74)  as  well  as  flight  safety  and  air  traffic 
requirements.  Directions  to  the  crew  will  be 
given  through  a  representative  of  the  receiv- 
ing State  on  board  the  aircraft  involved  in  the 

(91)  One  member  of  the  inspection  team 
will  be  permitted,  if  such  a  request  is  made, 
at  any  time  to  observe  data  on  navigational 
equipment  of  the  aircraft  and  to  have  access 
to  maps  and  charts  used  by  the  flight  crew  for 
the  purpose  of  determining  the  exact  location 
of  the  aircraft  during  the  inspection  flight. 

(92)  Aerial  and  ground  inspectors  may 
return  to  the  specified  area  as  often  as 
desired  within  the  48-hour  inspection  period. 

(93)  The  receiving  State  will  provide  for 
inspection  purposes  land  vehicles  with  cross 
country  capability.  Whenever  mutually 
agreed  taking  into  account  the  specific 
geography  relating  to  the  area  to  be 
inspected,  the  inspecting  State  will  be  permit- 
ted to  use  its  own  vehicles. 

(94)  If  land  vehicles  or  aircraft  are  pro- 
vided by  the  inspecting  State,  there  will  be 
one  accompanying  driver  for  each  land  vehi- 
cle, or  accompanying  aircraft  crew. 

(95)  The  inspecting  State  will  prepare  a 
report  of  its  inspection  and  will  provide  a 
copy  of  that  report  to  all  participating  States 
without  delay. 

(96)  The  inspection  expenses  will  be 
incurred  by  the  receiving  State  except  when 
the  inspecting  State  uses  its  own  aircraft 
and/or  land  vehicles.  The  travel  expenses  to 
and  from  the  point(s)  of  entry  will  be  borne  by 
the  inspecting  State. 

(97)  Diplomatic  channels  will  be  used  for 
communications  concerning  compliance  and 

(98)  Each  participating  State  will  be 
entitled  to  obtain  timely  clarification  from 
any  other  participating  State  concerning  the 
application  of  agreed  confidence-  and 
security-building  measures.  Communications 
in  this  context  will,  if  appropriate,  be 
transmitted  to  all  other  participating  States. 

(99)  The  participating  States  stress  that 
these  confidence-  and  security-building 
measures  are  designed  to  reduce  the  dangers 
of  armed  conflict  and  misunderstanding  or 
miscalculation  of  military  activities  and 
emphasize  that  their  implementation  will  con- 
tribute to  these  objectives. 

(100)  Reaffirming  the  relevant  object 
of  the  Final  Act,  the  participating  States 
determined  to  continue  building  confidenc 
to  lessen  military  confrontation  and  to 
enhance  security  for  all.  They  are  also  del 
mined  to  achieve  progress  in  disarmamen 

(101)  The  measures  adopted  in  this  d< 
ment  are  politically  binding  and  will  come 
force  on  1  January  1987. 

(102)  The  Government  of  Sweden  is 
requested  to  transmit  the  present  docume 
to  the  follow-up  meeting  of  the  CSCE  in 
Vienna  and  to  the  Secretary-General  of  tl 
United  Nations.  The  Government  of  Swe( 
is  also  requested  to  transmit  the  present 
document  to  the  Governments  of  the  non- 
participating  Mediterranean  States. 

(103)  The  text  of  this  document  will  I 
published  in  each  participating  State,  whi 
will  disseminate  it  and  make  it  known  as 
widely  as  possible. 

(104)  The  representatives  of  the  par- 
ticipating States  express  their  profound 
gratitude  to  the  Government  and  people  c 
Sweden  for  the  excellent  arrangements  i 
for  the  Stockholm  Conference  and  the  wa 
hospitality  extended  to  the  delegations  wl 
participated  in  the  Conference. 


Under  the  terms  of  the  Madrid  mandate, 
zone  of  application  for  CSBMs  is  defined ; 


"On  the  basis  of  equality  of  rights, 
balance  and  reciprocity,  equal  respect  foi 
security  interests  of  all  CSCE  participal 
States,  and  of  their  respective  obligatioi 
concerning  confidence-  and  security-buildi 
measures  and  disarmament  in  Europe,  the 
confidence-  and  security-building  measure  | 
will  cover  the  whole  of  Europe  as  well  as  1 
adjoining  sea  area5  and  air  space.  They  wi  i 
of  military  significance  and  politically  bino  ( 
and  will  be  provided  with  adequate  forms  • 
verification  which  correspond  to  their 

"As  far  as  the  adjoining  sea  area6  and  : 
space  is  concerned,  the  measures  will  be 
applicable  to  the  military  activities  of  all  tl 
participating  States  taking  place  there 
whenever  these  activities  affect  security  in 
Europe  as  well  as  constitute  a  part  of 
activities  taking  place  within  the  whole  of 
Europe  as  referred  to  above,  which  they  w 
agree  to  notify.  Necessary  specifications  w 
be  made  through  the  negotiations  on  the    J 
confidence-  and  security-building  measures! 
the  Conference. 

"Nothing  in  the  definition  of  the  zone 
given  above  will  diminish  obligations  ahead 
undertaken  under  the  Final  Act.  The 
confidence-  and  security -building  measures 
be  agreed  upon  at  the  Conference  will  also  i 
applicable  in  all  areas  covered  by  any  of  th<| 
provisions  in  the  Final  Act  relating  to 
confidence-building  measures  and  certain   i 
aspects  of  security  and  disarmament." 


Department  of  State  Bulle 




irman's  Statement 

I  understood  that,  taking  into  account  the 
fed  date  of  entry  into  force  of  the  agreed 
Sidence-  and  security-building  measures 
I  the  provisions  contained  in  them  concern- 
lithe  timeframes  of  certain  advance 
Ifications,  and  expressing  their  interest  in 
|arly  transition  to  the  full  implementation 
lie  provisions  of  this  document,  the  par- 
loating  States  agree  to  the  following: 

]The  annual  calendars  concerning  military 
dvities  subject  to  prior  notification  and 
•cast  for  1987  will  be  exchanged  not  later 
li  15  December  1986. 
'Communications,  in  accordance  with 
eed  provisions,  concerning  military 
Brities  involving  more  than  40,000  troops 
lined  for  the  calendar  year  1988  will  be 
langed  by  15  December  1986.  Par- 
jpating  States  may  undertake  activities 
living  more  than  75,000  troops  during  the 
Indar  year  1987  provided  that  they  are 
lided  in  the  annual  calendar  exchanged  by 
December  1986. 

]Activities  to  begin  during  the  first  42 
I;  after  1  January  1987  will  be  subject  to 
lrelevant  provisions  of  the  Final  Act  of  the 
KE.  However,  the  participating  States  will 
le  every  effort  to  apply  to  them  the  provi- 
m  of  this  document  to  the  maximum 
Int  possible. 

■iPhis  statement  will  be  an  annex  to  the 
lument  of  the  Stockholm  Conference  and 
ibe  published  with  it. 


Jirman's  Statement 

|  understood  that  each  participating  State 
ijraise  any  question  consistent  with  the 
Idate  of  the  Conference  on  Confidence- 
I Security-Building  Measures  and  Disarma- 
tot  in  Europe  at  any  stage  subsequent  to 
■Vienna  CSCE  Follow-up  Meeting. 
I  This  statement  will  be  an  annex  to  the 
kument  of  the  Stockholm  Conference  and 
Ibe  published  with  it. 


Jirman's  Statement 

I  understood  that  the  participating  States 
111  that  they  have  the  right  to  belong  or 
Ito  belong  to  international  organizations, 
le  or  not  to  be  a  party  to  bilateral  or 
Bilateral  treaties  including  the  right  to  be 
I  Oft  to  be  a  party  to  treaties  of  alliance; 
w  also  have  the  right  of  neutrality.  In  this 
text,  they  will  not  take  advantage  of  these 

rights  to  circumvent  the  purposes  of  the 
system  of  inspection,  and  in  particular  the 
provision  that  a  participating  State  will  be 
obliged  to  accept  on  its  territory  within  the 
zone  of  application  for  CSBMs,  more  than 
three  inspections  per  calendar  year. 

Appropriate  understandings  between  par- 
ticipating  States  on  this  subject  will  be 
expressed  in  interpretative  statements  to  be 
included  in  the  journal  of  the  day. 

The  statement  will  be  an  annex  to  the 
Document  of  the  Stockholm  Conference  and 
will  be  published  with  it. 

SEPT.  22,  1986* 

Today  in  Stockholm,  the  United  States 
and  34  other  governments  adopted  an 
accord  that  will,  if  faithfully  imple- 
mented, reduce  the  risk  of  war  in 
Europe,  where  there  is  the  greatest  con- 
centration of  military  forces  of  the  East 
and  the  West.7 1  welcome  this  positive 
outcome  at  the  CDE  conference.  It  will 
contribute  to  greater  security  in  Europe 
and  to  improved  East-West  relations. 

This  accord  also  sends  messages  that 
should  be  welcomed  by  people  through- 
out the  world.  It  demonstrates  that  East 
and  West,  with  seriousness  of  purpose 
and  hard  work,  can  establish  common 
ground  on  which  to  build  a  more  secure 
future.  It  also  demonstrates  that  the 
nations  of  the  West,  around  whose  pro- 
posals the  Stockholm  accord  was  built, 
constitute  a  powerful  force  for  peace. 

The  set  of  militarily  significant  and 
verifiable  measures  adopted  by  the 
Stockholm  CDE  conference  marks  a 
substantial  advance  over  those  in  the 
Helsinki  Final  Act.  These  measures  will 
make  military  activities  more  predictable 
and  inhibit  opportunities  for  political 
intimidation.  In  particular,  the 
Stockholm  accord  commits  the  35 
nations  to  notify  one  another  of  military 
activities  above  certain  levels,  to  invite 
observers,  to  forecast  activities  a  year  in 
advance,  and  to  allow  inspectors  to  verify 
compliance  with  those  commitments. 
This  is  the  first  East-West  accord  in 
which  the  Soviet  Union  has  agreed  to 
inspection  of  military  activities  on  its 
territory.  Although  these  inspection  pro- 
visions are  very  different  from  those  we 
would  require  to  verify  agreements 
which  reduced  or  limited  forces,  they  are 
appropriate  to  the  Stockholm  confidence- 
and  security-building  measures  and  offer 
us  the  opportunity  to  gain  experience  in 
conducting  inspections. 

The  Stockholm  document,  of  course, 
must  become  more  than  promises  on 
paper.  Implementation  of  its  commit- 
ments will  be  the  true  measure  of  its 
contribution  to  European  security.  For 
its  part,  the  United  States  will  meet  its 
commitments  fully.  Soviet  compliance, 
especially  with  the  verification  provi- 
sions, will  be  an  important  gauge  of  the 
possibilities  for  future  progress  in  con- 
ventional arms  control. 

By  advancing  the  principle  of  open- 
ness in  the  military-security  field,  this 
CDE  accord  can  also  contribute  to  prog- 
ress in  the  broader  Helsinki  CSCE  proc- 
ess. The  accord  achieved  at  Stockholm 
on  security  issues  makes  all  the  more 
imperative  balanced  progress  on  human 
rights  and  fundamental  freedoms.  At  the 
Vienna  CSCE  follow-up  meeting,  which 
begins  in  November,  the  U.S.  delegation 
will  press  for  fulfillment  of  all  CSCE 
commitments  and  for  balanced  progress 
across  the  full  CSCE  agenda. 

These  accomplishments  are  also  a 
testimony  to  the  skill,  dedication,  and 
energy  of  our  negotiators.  I  want  to  con- 
gratulate Ambassador  Robert  L.  Barry 
and  his  negotiating  team  on  a  job  well 


SEPT.  22,  1986 

The  United  States  wishes  today  to  join 
others  in  welcoming  the  document  which 
the  Stockholm  conference  has  just 
adopted.  We  believe  the  confidence-  and 
security-building  measures  adopted  here 
can  make  an  important  contribution  to  a 
more  stable  and  secure  Europe  and  to  an 
improved  East- West  relationship. 

As  you  know,  my  delegation  has 
been  among  those  which  have  demanded 
that  we  produce  substance  here  and  not 
generalities.  We  have  tried  hard  to  meet 
the  stringent  standards  of  the  Madrid 
mandate.  We  are  satisfied  that  we  have 
met  these  standards  and  produced  a 
mandatory  regime  which  could  serve  as 
a  first  step  in  a  more  demanding  arms 
control  and  security  process. 

Because  of  our  general  concerns 
about  compliance  with  international 
commitments,  my  government  will 
follow  the  implementation  of  the 
Stockholm  regime  with  particular  atten- 
tion. We  have  all  much  to  learn  about 
confidence-building,  and  the  measures 
adopted  here  will  provide  a  test  case  as 
we  consider  how  best  to  proceed  in  the 

I/ember  1986 



Far  from  exhausting  the  potential  of 
confidence-  and  security-building 
measures,  Stockholm  is,  we  think,  a 
beginning.  We  should  expand  upon  what 
we  have  done  here.  I  think  particularly 
of  measures  in  the  area  of  information 
exchange.  The  conference  has  not 
achieved  nearly  as  much  here  in  this 
area  as  we  thought  desirable  and  possi- 
ble. It  seems  to  us  self-evident  that  an 
agreed  understanding  of  what  forces  are 
routinely  stationed  in  Europe,  with  what 
combat  capability,  is  a  fundamental 
requirement  of  true  stability.  Equally, 
the  establishment  of  an  information  base 
is  a  requirement  of  any  serious  effort  to 
reduce  the  strength  of  these  same 
forces.  We  have  not  even  begun  to 
establish  such  an  information  base  here 
in  Stockholm. 

We  have,  on  the  other  hand,  taken 
what  we  regard  as  an  important,  even 
historic,  step  in  the  area  of  verification. 
With  acceptance  of  inspection,  we  have 
established  the  principle  that  any  state 
with  doubts  about  whether  the  military 
activities  of  another  are  in  compliance 
with  commitments  has  the  right  and  is 
assured  the  means  of  going  into  the  ter- 
ritory of  that  other  state  to  see  for  itself 
what  is  going  on.  There  is  no  right  of 
refusal  of  the  inspection  adopted  here, 
whether  explicit  or  implicit.  We  will 
follow  implementation  of  the  inspection 
provision  with  particular  care.  Because 
we  are  experimenting  with  challenge 
inspection  for  the  first  time,  we  will  no 
doubt  have  to  perfect  the  instrument  we 
have  built  here.  We  must  also  recognize 
that  any  inspection  regime  intended  to 
verify  actual  reductions  in  forces  would 
have  to  be  more  rigorous  and  more 

In  this  regard,  I  would  note  that  my 
government  remains  convinced  that  the 
use  of  aircraft  from  neutral  and 
nonaligned  states  would  produce  a  more 
credible  and  effective  form  of  aerial 
inspection  than  the  use  of  aircraft  from 
the  state  being  inspected.  Unfortunately, 
the  East  rejected  this  idea  and  the  offers 
of  those  states  which  said  they  were 
prepared  to  help  bring  this  valuable  idea 
to  fruition.  This  proposal  remains  on  the 
table  for  the  future. 

The  United  States  also  believes  that 
the  successful  outcome  to  the  Stockholm 
conference  should  provide  a  positive 
political  impulse  to  other  arms  control 
and  security  negotiations  and  to  the 
East- West  relationship  as  a  whole. 

In  a  few  days,  the  Vienna  follow-up 
meeting  will  begin  weighing  the 
accomplishments  and  failures  of  the 
CSCE  process  since  Madrid.  Our  work  in 
Stockholm  will  weigh  on  the  positive  side 

of  that  balance,  but  there  will  be  much 
on  the  negative  side  as  well.  It  will  be 
the  task  of  the  Vienna  meeting  to  draw 
conclusions  about  the  future,  but  the 
United  States  will  continue  to  be  among 
those  which  require  balanced  progress  in 
all  areas. 

Throughout  the  Stockholm  con- 
ference, President  Reagan  has  taken  a 
personal  interest  in  developments  here. 
The  first  foreign  policy  decision  he  took 
in  January  1981  was  for  the  United 
States  to  participate  in  the  Stockholm 
conference.  He  has  spoken  frequently 
about  the  conference  and  importance  he 
attaches  to  its  successful  conclusion  both 
in  public  and  in  private  conversations 
with  me. 

Let  me  recall  President  Reagan's 
statement  of  January  21,  1986,  that  "the 
Stockholm  conference .  .  .  can  contribute 
to  security  in  the  larger  sense,  that 
which  encompasses  political  economic, 
cultural,  and  humanitarian  matters- 
human  rights— as  well  as  strictly  military 

matters.  The  attainment  of  this  broj 
concept  of  security  is  the  fundament 
objective  of  the  United  States."  We  i 
believe  that  our  work  here  in  Stockhi 
will  advance  that  overall  objective. 

■In  this  document,  the  term  notifiabll 
means  subject  to  notification  [text  in  ori£ 

2See  Annex  I  [text  in  original]. 

3In  this  context,  the  term  land  forces 
includes  amphibious,  airmobile  and  airbo: 
forces  [text  in  original]. 

4As  defined  in  the  provisions  on  Prio 
Notification  of  Certain  Military  Activities 
[text  in  original]. 

5"In  this  context,  the  notion  of  adjoir 
sea  area  is  understood  to  refer  also  to  oo 
areas  adjoining  Europe"  [quoted  text  in 
original].  Whenever  the  term  "the  zone  c 
application  for  CSBMs"  is  used  in  this  dc 
ment,  the  above  definition  will  apply  [tex 

6Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  29,  198f 

7The  35  delegations  at  the  CDE  agre« 
"stop  the  clock"  on  Sept.  19  so  that  the  i 
tion  of  the  CDE  document  would  be  in 
technical  compliance  with  the  adjournmei 
date  set  by  the  conference  in  Dec.  1985.  I 

Nuclear  and  Space  Arms  Negotiations 

AUG.  31,  1986' 

The  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union 
will  begin  a  new  round  of  discussions  on 
arms  control  in  Geneva  on  September 
18.  An  interagency  arms  control  group 
has  been  meeting  during  the  past  several 
weeks  to  prepare  for  this  round  of  talks. 
The  United  States  considers  this  new 
round  to  be  important  in  the  process  of 
reaching  an  agreement  for  meaningful 
arms  control  leading  to  total  elimination 
of  nuclear  weapons.  The  September 
discussions  come  at  a  critical  juncture  in 
the  process. 

The  recent  exchanges  between  Presi- 
dent Reagan  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  have  served  to  underscore 
the  seriousness  of  the  discussions.  We 
are  pleased  that  the  Soviet  Union  has 
moved  from  a  position  of  limiting  the 
expansion  of  the  arms  race  to  a  discus- 
sion of  reducing  the  nuclear  arsenals  on 
both  sides.  The  United  States,  for  its 
part,  has  assigned  major  priority  to  seek- 
ing areas  in  which  the  two  sides  can 
make  progress.  We  believe  our  most 
recent  proposals  are  serious,  concrete, 
and  detailed.  They  provide  the  impetus 

for  disucssions  with  the  Soviet  Unior 
that  can  significantly  contribute  to  ai 
agreement  in  the  future. 

The  interagency  discussions  in 
preparation  for  resumption  of  the 
Geneva  talks  will  continue  during  the 
coming  weeks.  No  final  decisions  hav 
been  made  and  will  not  be  approved  \ ' 
the  President  until  nearer  the  time  tl  • 
talks  resume. 

We  believe  the  principle  of 
confidentiality  is  essential  to  the  suc- 
cessful outcome  of  these  discussions. 
are  committed  to  preserving  this  prin ' 
pie  and,  therefore,  will  have  no  coram 
on  the  discussions  that  take  place  wit! ' 
our  government  or  at  the  table  in 
Geneva.  We  deplore  those  in  this 
Administration  who  make  this  inform 
tion  public.  Breaching  the  principle  of 
confidentiality  serves  to  undermine  th 
opportunity  for  a  successful  outcome  i 
arms  control.  Quite  frankly,  we  must 
question  their  motives.  Their  actions  i 
serve  the  President,  the  American 
people,  and  the  cause  of  world  peace. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  8,  1986. 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


BFR  Talks  End  39th  Round 

LY  3,  1986 

ibassador  Robert  D.  Blackwill,  head 
the  U.S.  delegation,  delivered  an  end- 
round  plenary  statement  today  on 
lalf  of  the  West.  He  addressed  the 
jstion  of  verification  which  he 
scribed  as  a  key  issue,  and  he 
■iewed  Eastern  statements  in  this 
;ard,  taking  stock  of  where  the 
fotiations  now  stand  as  a  result. 

In  his  remarks,  he  pointed  out  that 
■ing  the  last  7  weeks,  Eastern 
iresentatives,  like  those  on  the 
;stern  side,  have  devoted  a  significant 
tion  of  their  attention  to  addressing 
1  affirming  the  importance  their 
rernments  attach  to  verification, 
leed,  a  theme  found  in  nearly  every 
stern  statement  in  this  round  has 
;n  the  need  for  reliable  verification, 
icifically  for  the  type  of  agreement 
ier  discussion  here  in  Vienna. 

Only  2  weeks  ago,  the  East 
iracterized  a  well-functioning  system 
j/erification  as  an  important  condition 
confidence.  And  even  earlier,  on  May 

the  East  acknowledged  that  one 
uld  provide  for  necessary,  justified, 
il  proven  measures  of  verification. 
I  In  fact,  the  East  opened  the  39th 
nd  by  discussing  the  goal  of  reliable 
|ification  of  the  no-increase  commit- 
nt;  while  on  June  12,  it  addressed,  at 
Erth,  the  objective  interconnection 
ween  verification  and  disarmament, 
st  week,  the  East  affirmed  that  War- 
i  Pact  statements  reflect  readiness 
(1  flexibility  also  in  the  area  of  verifica- 
ji  and  acknowledged  the  importance 
this  problem. 

!  This  Eastern  chorus  pledging 
Igiance  to  verification— an 
urecedented  but  welcome  turn  of 
jnts  in  this  negotiation— parallels  in 
try  respects  Warsaw  Pact  pronounce- 
tits  elsewhere  since  the  conclusion  of 
1 38th  round.  Indeed,  on  the  very  day 
"  38th  round  ended,  Warsaw  Pact 
sign  ministers  declared:  "They  are 
(ded  by  the  need  for  effective  verifica- 
h  in  all  areas  of  arms  limitation  and 
fiction  and  disarmament."  One  month 
it.  General  Secretary  Gorbachev 
flighted  the  "question  of  dependable 
ilification  at  every  stage  of  the  proc- 
j"  of  conventional  arms  control. 

And,  as  everyone  knows,  the 
Political  Consultative  Committee  of  the 
Warsaw  Pact  last  month  made  an  appeal 
in  its  Budapest  communique  for  "imple- 
mentation of  effective  verification  in  all 
areas  and  stages  of  the  reduction  of 
armaments  and  disarmament  by  both 
national  technical  means  and  interna- 
tional procedures,  including  on-site 

One  would  have  anticipated  in  light 
of  these  fine-sounding  statements— and 
particularly  the  passages  from  the  June 
1 1  Budapest  communique— that  during 
this  round,  the  two  sides  would  be  well 
on  their  way  to  resolving  the  verification 
issue.  One  would  have  thought  that  such 
far-reaching— and,  in  the  last  case  at 
least,  unqualified— declarations  would  be 
accompanied  either  by  new,  concrete 
measures  to  substantiate  them  or  at  a 
minimum  by  a  willingness  to  proceed  on 
the  basis  of  the  ideas  of  others. 

Unfortunately,  this  new,  positive 
rhetoric  on  effective  verification  has 
been  matched  not  at  all  by  Eastern 
deeds  at  the  negotiating  table.  Instead, 
the  Warsaw  Pact  position  remains 
frozen  in  the  minimalist  proposals  which 
it  had  tabled  years  ago. 

Each  week  since  the  December  1985 
Western  move,  the  East  has  had  positive 
things  to  say  about  verification.  But 
week  after  week— and  now  round  after 
round— the  Warsaw  Pact  remains  rigid 
in  its  position  on  this  subject.  Indeed,  it 
has  actually  hardened  and  retracted 
elements  of  its  previous,  already  unfor- 
tunate, stance  with  the  tabling  of  its 
February  20  draft  agreement  and  its 
subsequent  explanation. 

During  the  course  of  this  round,  the 
Warsaw  Pact  added  a  dubious 
element— the  realities  of  the  present 
international  situation— for  justifying  its 
refusal  to  accept  Western  verification 
proposals.  One  can  only  surmise  that, 
after  the  West  had  irrefutably 
demonstrated  how  its  verification 
package  met  the  earlier  Eastern- 
postulated  criteria  of  corresponding  to 
the  content,  substance,  and  purpose  of 
the  agreement  under  consideration,  the 
East  felt  a  need  to  come  up  with  a  more 
open-ended  requirement,  which  it  alone 
would  be  in  a  position  to  judge. 

In  the  meantime,  30  weeks  have 
passed  since  the  West's  move  of 
December  5,  1985,  and  the  East  has  not 
moved  one  millimeter  on  the  substantive 
issues  of  verification.  Twenty-two  weeks 
have  gone  by  since  the  West  put  forward 
its  detailed  table  of  associated  measures 
which  contains  its  verification  proposals. 
Yet  the  West  still  has  not  received  a  con- 
sidered reply  to  any  of  its  ideas  on  this 
score— notwithstanding  almost  daily 
Warsaw  Pact  claims  to  the  contrary. 

This  is  not  to  say  that  there  has  not 
been  discussion  on  specific  measures. 
Again  in  this  round,  the  East  has 
stressed  the  significance  of  entry/exit 
points  as  a  verification  position  of  all 
participants  that  in  the  Eastern  and 
Western  part  of  the  area  of  reduction, 
permanent  exit  and  entry  points  be 
established  with  observers  of  the  other 
side.  Yet  the  West  is  chided  for 
dramatizing  things  where  there  is 
nothing  to  be  dramatized.  This  seems  to 
suggest  that  exempting  approximately 
half  a  million  Soviet  forces  which  rotate 
each  year  in  and  out  of  the  area  of 
reductions  is  a  trivial  matter.  Who  in  the 
world  could  believe  that? 

Clearly  not  the  Warsaw  Pact  in  the 
past.  In  July  1983  and  subsequently,  the 
East  held  the  position  that  all  Soviet 
troops— including  those  on  semiannual 
rotation— would  pass  through  exit/entry 
points.  Only  with  the  tabling  of  the 
February  20  draft  agreement  did  it 
become  clear  that  the  Warsaw  Pact  was 
abandoning  this  logical  course, 
retreating  to  its  current  stance  of 
entry/exit  point  tokenism.  The  West 
hopes  that  the  East  will  return  to  its 
1983  position  with  the  acknowledgment 
that  it  is  not  a  concession  to  the  West. 

The  East  this  round  confirmed  that, 
together  with  other  measures,  the 
exchange  of  relevant  information  will 
make  it  possible  in  a  reliable  way  to 
monitor  the  observance  of  the  no- 
increase  commitment.  But  the  East  to 
date  has  failed  to  explain  how  the  highly 
aggregated  data  it  is  willing  to  exchange 
would  be  relevant  to  verifying  com- 
pliance to  this  obligation.  How  then, 
Ambassador  Blackwill  asked,  is  one,  in  a 
reliable  way,  to  monitor  the  observance 
of  the  no-increase  commitment? 

vember  1986 



Clearly  to  be  relevant  for  verifica- 
tion purposes,  information  must  be 
disaggregated.  The  East  seems  to 
acknowledge  this  point— at  least  in  part. 
It  has  agreed  to  break  down  the  original 
figures  it  presented  in  1976  from  the 
simple  categories  of  total  Warsaw  Pact 
ground  forces  and  its  combined  ground 
and  air  forces  in  the  area  of  reductions. 
Since  1980,  it  envisages  providing 
figures  on  a  national  basis  for  the  total 
number  of  ground  forces  in  major  forma- 
tions, the  total  number  of  ground  forces 
outside  such  formations,  and  the  total 
figure  for  air  forces.  But  further  disag- 
gregation down  to  a  useful  level— i.e., 
the  battalion  level— is  obviously  called 
for.  Ambassador  Blackwill  asked:  Why 
does  the  East  resist  this  step? 

Finally,  the  Warsaw  Pact  this  round 
has  acknowledged  the  importance  of 

on-site  inspections  for  the  verification 
regime  under  discussion.  On  May  15,  the 
East  made  two  important  points  in  this 
regard.  First,  the  East  does  not  exclude 
the  possibility  that  unclear  situations 
may  arise  which  might  feed  suspicions  of 
a  violation  of  treaty  obligations  and 
might  justify  a  request  for  an  on-site 
inspection.  The  East  went  on  to  note 
that  for  those  who  are  complying  with 
their  obligations,  it  will  be  easy  to  refute 
a  suspicion  by  allowing  an  on-site  inspec- 
tion. And,  indeed,  this  procedure  would 
be  what  verification  of  compliance  with 
the  no-increase  commitment  really 

Yet  while  affirming  the  importance 
and  utility  of  on-site  inspection,  the  East 
continues  to  demand  that  the  request  for 
an  inspection  be  well-founded— i.e.,  con- 
tain all  relevant  information  and  also  all 

MBFR  Negotiators  Reconvene 

SEPT.  25,  1986' 

Representatives  of  NATO  and  the 
Warsaw  Pact  resume  the  mutual  and 
balanced  force  reduction  (MBFR)  talks 
today  in  Vienna.  It  has  long  been 
NATO's  goal  to  reach  a  verifiable  agree- 
ment that  would  reduce  and  limit  con- 
ventional forces  in  the  crucial  region  of 
central  Europe.  This  round  of  talks 
offers  an  opportunity  to  make  progress 
toward  that  end. 

For  its  part,  NATO  has  made  every 
effort  to  lay  the  groundwork  for  success. 
On  December  5,  1985,  in  order  to 
achieve  a  breakthrough  in  these  negotia- 
tions, the  West  tabled  a  proposal  that 
accepted  the  framework  the  Warsaw 
Pact  had  proposed  for  a  time-limited, 
first-phase  agreement  calling  for  initial 
reductions  by  U.S.  and  Soviet  ground 
forces,  followed  by  a  no-increase  commit- 
ment on  all  forces  of  the  two  alliances  in 
the  area.  Underscoring  further  its  desire 
to  achieve  tangible  progress  in  Vienna, 
the  West  at  the  same  time  changed  its 
long-held  position  that  there  should  be 
agreement  on  the  numbers  of  forces  of 
both  sides  in  central  Europe  before 
initial  reductions  were  taken— a  major 
compromise  step  in  the  East's  direction. 

The  Eastern  response  to  this  signifi- 
cant move  has  not  contributed  to  prog- 
ress in  the  talks.  Despite  public  claims 
by  Warsaw  Pact  leaders  that  they  were 
willing  to  incorporate  reasonable 
verification  measures  in  an  agreement, 

the  Warsaw  Pact,  in  the  draft  MBFR 
agreement  it  tabled  on  February  20, 
1986,  again  proposed  inadequate  and 
unacceptable  measures  for  ensuring 
compliance.  Moreover,  the  East  actually 
took  a  step  backward  from  its  1983 
verification  position  and  would  now 
exempt  the  half  million  Soviet  troops  on 
annual  rotation  into  and  out  of  central 
Europe  from  any  requirement  to  pass 
through  monitoring  points. 

Despite  this  lack  of  movement  by  the 
East  in  the  previous  two  negotiating 
sessions,  the  United  States  and  its  allies 
remain  hopeful  that  success  can  be 
achieved  at  the  Vienna  negotiating  table. 
We  look  to  the  Soviet  Union  to  seriously 
respond  to  the  important  compromise 
proposal  tabled  by  the  West  last 

The  President  has  instructed  the 
U.S.  delegation,  under  Ambassador 
Robert  Blackwill,  in  conjunction  with 
other  NATO  delegations,  to  continue  to 
make  every  effort  to  demonstrate  how 
the  Western  position  in  MBFR  would 
enhance  peace  and  stability  in  central 
Europe.  All  NATO  nations  hope  that  the 
East  is  capable  of  mustering  the  political 
will  necessary  to  do  its  part  to  advance 
the  Vienna  negotiations.  It  is  time  for 
the  Warsaw  Pact  to  demonstrate  that  it 
is,  indeed,  committed  to  meaningful  and 
verifiable  reductions  in  conventional 

possible  evidence  supporting  its  valid! 
Moreover  the  East  in  a  further  step  t 
from  its  1983  position  on  inspections 
now  would  give  the  inspected  side  thi 
right  of  veto  regardless  of  whether  tr 
request  is  well-founded  or  not.  Finall; 
even  if  eventually  granted,  the  delays 
built  into  the  Eastern  approach  effec- 
tively rule  out  mounting  an  inspectioi 
short  notice  and  thus  in  most  cases  n 
the  measure  of  its  utility. 

In  summation,  Ambassador 
Blackwill  noted  that  the  Eastern 
approach  to  verification  this  round 
seems  akin  to  the  proverbial  messeng 
who  bears  good  news  and  bad  news—  I 
with  the  former  inevitably  being  can-  L 
celled  by  the  latter. 

The  good  news,  he  said,  is  that  th ' 
East  is  now  championing  verification. | 
The  bad  news,  however,  is  that  the  E  ' 
appears  willing  to  accept  effective 
verification  only  when  there  are  no  tel 
sions  between  the  sides  and  when  no 
doubts  exist  as  to  intentions,  force 
levels,  and  military  activities. 

The  good  news  is  that  the  East 
accepts  the  idea  of  entry/exit  points. '  I 
bad  news,  however,  is  that  virtually  n  j 
of  the  approximately  500,000  Soviet  I 
troops  rotating  in  and  out  of  central 
Europe  every  year  will  pass  through  | 

The  good  news  is  that  the  East 
agrees  that  an  information  exchange  | 
would  make  possible  reliable  verificat  i 
of  the  no-increase  commitment.  The  b 
news,  however,  is  that  the  East  rei'usi  i 
to  provide  the  relevant  information, 
disaggregated  to  a  manageable  level. 

Finally,  the  good  news  is  that  the  | 
East  believes  on-site  inspections  can 
clarify  unclear  situations.  The  bad  nev| 
however,  is  that  the  Warsaw  Pact  dra  i 
the  words  "on-site  inspection"  of  their, 
very  meaning.  Even  to  request  an 
inspection  under  the  Eastern  approacl  \ 
one  must  justify  it  with  evidence  that  i| 
sufficient  to  prove  a  violation  without 
recourse  to  inspection.  Even  then  the 
inspected  side  may  turn  down  the 
request.  And  if  it  does  not,  the  inspec- 
tion is  likely  to  be  so  delayed  as  to  be 

Against  this  background,  as  well  a 
other  developments,  the  West  has  a 
right  to  wonder  whether  the  East  has 
any  intention  to  agree  to  a  serious 
verification  regime.  The  West  has  a 
right  to  wonder  whether  the  East  is 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  29,  1986. 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


jous  about  this  negotiation.  It  has  a 
It  to  wonder  whether  the  East  will 
t  manifest  the  political  will  to  come 
in  agreement  on  conventional  force 
suctions  and  limitations. 
;For  its  part,  the  West  wants  an 
cement  here  in  Vienna.  It  would  like 
ipw.  Being  the  only  extant  negotiation 
Iressing  conventional  force  reductions 

limitations  in  Europe,  this  forum  is  a 
!  of  the  earnest  of  those  who,  like 
i  eral  Secretary  Gorbachev  on  April 
3  appeal  for  cutting  the  "Gordian 

t"  and  for  moving  on  to  an  accord. 

As  was  noted  by  the  Western  side  at 
the  opening  of  this  round,  the  best 
means  of  demonstrating  the  sincerity  of 
the  East's  commitment  to  substantial 
reductions  and  limitations  on  conven- 
tional armed  forces  in  central  Europe 
and  to  reliable  verification  at  every  stage 
is  for  the  Warsaw  Pact  to  deal  positively 
and  constructively  with  the  serious  West- 
ern proposal  tabled  here  in  December. 
The  West  continues  to  wait  for  that 
Eastern  response.  Ambassador 
Blackwill's  last  question  was:  Where  is 


S.  and  Soviet  Approaches 
Arms  Control 

\Edward  L.  Rowny 

[Address  before  the  Council  on 
mign  Affairs  in  Baltimore  on 
lember  19,  1986.  Ambassador  Rowny 
ircml  adviser  to  the  President  and 
Secretary  of  State  on  arms  control 

i  week  marks  two  crucial  events:  the 
dting  between  Secretary  Shultz  and 
i;ign  Minister  Shevardnadze  and  the 
ijiing  of  the  sixth  round  of  the  nuclear 
ispace  arms  talks  in  Geneva. 
■True  to  form,  the  Soviets  have  been 
Bing  "hard  to  get."  They  insist  that 
stnething"  must  come  out  of  a  sum- 
fland  "something"  means  an  arms 
ttrol  agreement  on  their  terms. 
bally  true  to  form,  the  Soviets  are 
Ising  for  a  single-issue  summit.  Presi- 
R  Reagan  wisely  insists  that  any  sum- 
imust  deal  with  the  four  pillars  on 
frh  the  U.S. -Soviet  relationship  is 
K:  bilateral  affairs,  regional  issues, 
Ian  rights,  and  arms  control.  Addi- 
fclly,  as  the  President  has  stated,  the 
let  treatment  of  American  journalist 
■olas  Daniloff  continues  to  limit 
Ijrely  what  is  achievable  in  our 
keral  relations.  We  hope  that  the 
let  Union  will  resolve  this  case 
"mptly  before  it  does  even  more 
lage  to  the  relationship  between  our 

Bit  is  obvious  that  a  summit,  if  it 
Is  place,  will  have  arms  control  as  an 
Sbrtant  item  on  the  agenda.  At  last 
I's  summit,  the  President  and 
leral  Secretary  Gorbachev  agreed  to 
■arms  control  goals: 

■•  A  50%  reduction  in  the  strategic 
inals  of  the  superpowers;  and 

•  An  interim  agreement  on 
intermediate-range  nuclear  forces. 

In  the  two  rounds  of  talks  in  Geneva 
following  that  summit,  the  Soviets  failed 
to  follow  up  the  pledge  made  at  that 
summit.  There  was  little  progress 
toward  these  goals.  The  Soviets  were 
unwilling  to  engage  in  genuine  give-and- 
take  at  the  negotiating  table.  More 
recently,  however,  the  Soviets  have 
begun  to  show  signs  of  seriousness,  even 
though  fundamental  differences  between 
the  sides  still  remain. 

As  I  said,  the  sixth  round  of  the 
nuclear  and  space  arms  talks  began 
yesterday  in  Geneva.  It  will  be  the  task 
of  the  negotiators  to  continue  to  see  if 
the  differences  that  remain  between  us 
and  the  Soviets  can  be  resolved.  For  our 
American  negotiators,  this  means  a 
great  deal  of  work  lies  ahead  of  them— 
more  hard  work  than  usual.  Their  job  is 
already  excruciatingly  difficult  because 
the  Soviet  negotiators,  in  marked  con- 
trast to  the  Americans,  indulge  in  an 
almost  mind-numbing  repetition  of  past 
positions.  This,  needless  to  say,  leaves 
little  room  for  the  kind  of  free,  explor- 
atory discussions  that  are  essential  to 
addressing  the  basic  differences  in  our 
conceptual  approaches  to  the  problem  of 
arms  reductions.  Hopefully,  the  talks 
that  Paul  Nitze,  [special  adviser  to  the 
President  and  the  Secretary  of  State  on 
arms  control  matters],  Max  Kampelman, 
[head  of  U.S.  delegation  on  arms  control 
negotiations  and  U.S.  negotiator  on 
defense  and  space  arms],  myself,  and 
others  have  had  with  Soviet  arms  control 
experts  in  Moscow  and  Washington  in 
recent  weeks  will  pay  some  dividends. 

Fundamental  Differences 

As  we  consider  our  goals  for  this  round 
of  arms  talks  and  as  we  look  down  the 
road  to  a  possible  summit,  it  is  important 
to  remind  ourselves  of  the  fundamentals 
underlying  our  relations  with  the  Soviet 
Union.  The  United  States,  as  a  demo- 
cratic republic,  stands  at  a  disadvantage 
in  some  respects  in  its  relations  with  a 
totalitarian  state  like  the  Soviet  Union. 
For  those  of  us  who  have  studied  U.S.- 
Soviet relations,  this  is  no  great 
revelation— de  Tocqueville  pointed  it  out 
almost  200  years  ago.  Unlike  ours,  the 
Soviet  system  of  government  does  not 
provide  for  an  independent  legislature 
and  judiciary  which  provide  checks  and 
balances  to  the  powers  of  the  executive 
branch.  Soviet  leaders  are  self -selected. 
They  impose  their  will  from  the  top 
downward  through  the  hierarchies  of 
their  government  and  the  Communist 
Party.  Unlike  Soviet  citizens,  our 
citizens  elect  their  leaders.  They  have 
direct  and  powerful  access  to  the  actions 
of  their  leaders  through  the  voting 
process.  The  fundamental  difference 
between  our  system  and  that  of  the 
U.S.S.R.  is  that  Soviet  leaders  are  not 
subject  to  popular  recall. 

While  de  Tocqueville  was  writing 
about  America,  another  Frenchman,  the 
Marquis  de  Custine,  was  writing  about 
Russia.  His  book,  Journey  for  Our 
Time,  shows  that  the  government  of  the 
modern-day  Soviet  Union  is  not  funda- 
mentally different  from  the  govern- 
mental system  of  Russia  under  the  czars. 
His  concluding  thought  is  even  more 
applicable  today  than  then.  He  wrote:  "I 
don't  blame  the  Russians  for  being  what 
they  are,  I  blame  them  for  pretending  to 
be  what  we  in  the  West  are." 

The  Soviets  have  recently,  with  a 
flurry  of  news  conferences  and  television 
appearances,  taken  greater  pains  to 
mimic  our  freedom  of  speech  and  free 
press.  I  heard  a  Soviet  spokesman  on 
American  television  refer  the  other  day 
to  "Izvestiya,  the  government 
newspaper,"  as  if  every  other  paper  in 
the  U.S.S.R.  were  not  government 
owned  and  controlled.  This  activity  is 
but  a  thin  veneer,  covering  the  rough 
surface  of  a  system  of  government  which 
Orwell  characterized  by  such  terms  as 
"doublethink"  and  "nonspeak." 

Strict  Soviet  discipline  enforces  a 
unified  position  among  the  U.S.S.R.'s 
negotiators,  government,  and  party 
officials.  There  is  no  open  political  oppo- 
sition in  the  Soviet  Union  to  place 
pressure  on  the  government  to  make 
negotiating  moves  toward  our  positions. 
Despite  the  facade  of  openness  that  the 
Soviets  have  been  putting  on  under 

Cember  1986 



Gorbachev,  there  are  still  no  cracks  in 
the  Soviet  monolith,  only  surface 

Contrast  this  with  the  situation  that 
exists  in  the  United  States.  Government 
officials,  independent  think  tanks,  and 
the  man  on  the  street  have  access  to  a 
press  that  is  neither  owned  nor  con- 
trolled by  the  government.  A  wide 
variety  of  views  can  be  and,  in  fact,  are 
expressed.  Acts  of  the  government  can 
be,  and  are,  criticized  or  praised.  The 
pressure  that  these  differences  of 
opinion  put  on  our  elected  officials,  who 
depend  for  their  mandate  on  the  consent 
of  those  they  govern,  is  substantial.  This 
clash  of  views  is  the  essence  of  a  free 
society.  But  it  also  offers  the  Soviets  an 
opportunity  to  inject  themselves  into  our 
internal  debate.  But  we  need  to  be 
reminded  that  the  Soviet  system  is  not 
like  ours.  It  is  a  mistake  to  believe  that 
Soviet  leaders  are  subject  to  the  same 
pressures  that  are  placed  on  our  leaders. 

Soviet  Negotiating  Tactics 

My  7  years  as  a  negotiator  on  the  SALT 
II  [strategic  arms  limitation  talks] 
delegation  and  my  2  years  as  chief 
START  [strategic  arms  reduction  talks] 
negotiator  have  given  me  a  special 
insight  into  the  tactics  the  Soviets  use  to 
exploit  American  pluralism.  There  is  a 
great  difference  between  what  Soviet 
leaders  say  in  public  and  what  they  allow 
to  happen  at  the  negotiating  table.  For 
public  consumption,  the  Soviets  profess 
that  they  are  flexible.  They  have  a 
special  talent  for  recycling  their  more 
shopworn  offers  and  reintroducing  them 
as  if  they  constituted  new  and  substan- 
tive concessions.  The  theory  is  that  they 
will  compromise  because  they  say  they 
will.  But  in  practice,  we  can  only  reach  a 
deal  with  them  when  we  have  something 
significant  to  give  up.  Protected  by  the 
confidentiality  of  the  conference  room, 
Soviet  negotiators  adhere  to  their  posi- 
tions with  the  stubbornness  of  an  army 
mule.  At  the  table,  they  are  anything  but 

The  reason  for  this  approach  is  clear. 
Where  the  Soviets  see  splits  in  American 
public  opinion  on  arms  control,  they  see 
the  possibility  of  exploiting  them  to  their 
benefit.  If  the  U.S.  Congress  can  cause 
the  Administration  to  concede  key 
aspects  of  its  negotiating  position,  then 
why  should  they,  the  Soviets  reason, 
expend  any  of  their  own  precious 
negotiating  capital  to  achieve  their  ends? 
The  Soviets  do  not  deal  in  bargaining 
chips.  They  do  not  make  concessions  in 
the  spirit  of  give-and-take  or  as  a  sign  of 
good  will.  Rather,  they  consider  uni- 

lateral concessions  to  be  the  mark  of 
contemptible  weakness.  They  do,  how- 
ever, like  to  appeal  to  the  notions  of 
good  will  and  reciprocity  through  the 
Western  press,  radio,  and  TV.  They 
know  that  through  our  media,  they  can 
strike  in  us  a  responsive  chord. 

In  the  same  vein,  Soviet  negotiators 
readily  accept  whatever  concessions  we 
offer  them  with  no  thoughts  that  they 
are  obliged  to  reciprocate.  Our  unilateral 
concessions  do  not  make  the  Soviets  any 
more  tractable.  If  anything,  they  dig 
their  heels  in  deeper,  insisting  that  we 
take  their  views  "into  account"  on  other 
issues.  The  Soviet  negotiating  strategy 
is,  to  put  it  simply,  one  of  obstinance. 
"What's  mine  is  mine,  and  what's  yours 
is  negotiable"  is  more  than  a  saying  for 
the  Soviets;  it  describes  their  negoti- 
ating style.  Moreover,  they  truly 
believe— again,  as  George  Orwell 
wrote— that  to  be  equal  they  must  be 
"more  equal." 

Our  method  to  counter  this  strategy 
is  arduous  but  necessary  if  arms  control 
is  to  serve  its  ultimate  purpose  of  con- 
tributing to  our  national  security.  We 
must  learn  to  be  just  as  tough  as  they 
are.  We  have  to  revive  the  spirit  of  the 
Yankee  horse  trader.  And  above  all,  we 
must  be  patient. 

The  Soviets  simply  do  not  negotiate 
in  a  spirit  of  problemsolving.  Those  of  us 
who  have  negotiated  with  the  Soviets  do 
not  expect  them  to.  We  have  come  to 
understand  that,  whereas  we  would  like 
to  work  out  solutions,  the  Soviets  would 
rather  compete.  Americans,  without  the 
benefit  of  direct  negotiating  experience 
with  the  Soviets,  tend  to  believe  that  the 
sheer  weight  of  logic  will  lead  both  us 
and  the  Soviets  toward  mutually 
beneficial  agreements.  This  tendency  is 
understandable;  it  is  part  of  our 
heritage.  But  it  only  complicates  the 
formidable  tasks  confronting  the 
American  negotiator.  Soviet  negotiators 
study  our  democratic  system;  they  get  to 
know  its  strengths  and  weaknesses  and 
how  to  exploit  them.  Because  they 
recognize  the  strength  of  commitment 
we  have  to  our  ideals,  they  know  too 
well  that  our  pluralistic  society  is 
susceptible  to  influence— and  sometimes 
outright  manipulation— for  their  tactical 

Recent  Congressional  Actions 

With  this  background  in  mind,  I  would 
like  now  to  turn  to  an  issue  that  is 
especially  important  today— namely, 
recent  congressional  actions. 

The  Reagan  Administration,  like ,  i 
other  administrations  before  it,  is  ful 
cognizant  of  the  deep  desires  of  the  I 
American  people  for  an  improvement 
U.S. -Soviet  relations.  Our  people  wol 
like  to  reduce  expenditures  for  defer! 
And,  above  all,  they  would  like  to  setl 
reduction  in  the  threat  of  nuclear  wal 
From  my  vantage  point— close  up— II 
assure  you  that  President  Reagan  fu  I 
shares  these  desires  of  the  American  I 
people.  He  has  worked  throughout  h  I 
term  of  office  to  see  them  realized. 

But  President  Reagan  also  recogl 
nizes,  more  clearly  than  most,  that  ii  I 
Soviet  Union,  the  United  States  is  fa  I 
with  a  tough  and  determined  advers;  I 
Accordingly,  he  decided  at  the  outse  I 
his  presidency  that  it  was  first  neces  I 
to  restore  the  military  strength  of  th  J 
United  States,  degraded  by  years  of  I 
unanswered  Soviet  buildup.  We  tend  I 
forget  what  a  courageous  decision  th  I 
was  in  the  early  1980s  when  we  wen 
faced  with  double-digit  inflation  and  h 
unemployment.  In  the  past  5V2  years 
President  Reagan  has  done  much  to  J 
reestablish  America's  reputation  as  e| 
decisive  international  power.  He  has  | 
demonstrated  a  willingness  to  opposs ' 
the  encroachments  of  Soviet  military 
power  and  to  meet  intimidation  with  J 
forceful  resistence.  This  has  not  been  ' 
easy  course.  But  its  reward  has  been  J 
greater  security  for  the  United  State 
and  its  allies. 

The  President's  course  on  arms  c  ( 
trol  has  been  equally  courageous.  Un>| 
ing  to  sign  onto  a  scheme  that  license 
major  buildup  of  strategic  weapons  in 
the  guise  of  real  arms  control,  Presidi 
Reagan  declared  that  SALT  could  no  ! 
longer  serve  as  a  basis  for  U.S.  strate 
arms  policy.  He  did  this  despite  the 
realization  that  this  decision  would  op ' 
him  to  the  criticism  that  he  was 
"against"  arms  control.  Yet  the  Presi 
dent  has  never  shied  away  from  negot ' 
tions  that  could  contribute  to  lessening 
the  threat  of  nuclear  weapons.  What  r 
is  "for"  is  an  agreement  that  increase 
strategic  stability.  He  is  "for"  an  agre' 
ment  that  provides  for  real  reductions 
not  cosmetic  limitations,  in  the  levels  r 
offensive  nuclear  arms.  President 
Reagan's  approach  to  arms  control  is  ■; 
sound  and  forwardlooking.  He  does  no 
favor  reaching  "any  agreement."  We 
could  enter  into  this  kind  of  agreemen 
tomorrow.  What  we  want  is  a  "good 
agreement"— one  that  is  equitable, 
verifiable,  and  serves  the  interests  of 
both  sides. 

We  are  now  at  the  point  where  thii 
approach  can  bear  fruit.  It  may  produc 
the  first  real  agreed  decrease  in  the  le* 
of  offensive  nuclear  arms  in  history. 


Department  of  State  Bulls 


.  As  President  Reagan  well  knows, 
jis  control  for  arms  control's  sake  is 
jgood  policy.  If  this  were  the  case, 
j  substance  of  the  agreement  would 
I  be  as  important  as  the  fact  of  the 
ming.  But  we  all  know  this  isn't  the 
e.  First  of  all,  signing  an  arms  control 
aeement  will  not,  of  itself,  reconcile 
j  fundamental  political  differences 
saining  between  the  United  States 
l  the  Soviet  Union.  More  importantly, 
[is  control  deals  with  real  weapons 
r  real  questions  of  military  strategy. 
]  se  things  have  to  do  with  whether  or 
the  world  is  a  more  or  less  danger- 
1  place.  Ignoring  these  basic  con- 
rations  can  lead  to  agreements  that 
little  more  than  political  placebos, 
isident  Reagan  realizes  that  agree- 
ipts  made  in  the  absence  of  improve- 
pts  in  the  U.S. -Soviet  relationship  will 
ibe  long  lived.  Arms  control  agree- 
tpts  alone,  however  valuable  on  their 
n  merits,  do  not  constitute  improved 
J. -Soviet  relations. 
■Arms  control  is  essentially  and 
iorably  tied  to  developments  in 
itary  strategy  and  in  weapons 
Mtnology,  and  not  only  to  the  sheer 
Biber  of  weapons  in  stockpiles.  A 
By  example  of  this  link  comes  from 
11SALT  I  accords.  The  head  of  our 
LT  I  delegation.  Ambassador  Gerard 
Ith,  stated  that  the  failure  to  conclude 
cmprehensive,  indefinite  agreement 
Sting  strategic  offensive  arms  could 
considered  grounds  for  withdrawal 
|i  the  Interim  Agreement's  counter- 
i  for  strategic  defenses,  the  Anti- 
aistic  Missile  (ABM)  Treaty.  Unlike 
■Soviet  Union,  the  United  States  is  in 
jplete  compliance  with  the  legal 
cations  it  assumes  under  the  ABM 
rkty.  My  example  merely  serves  to 
prate  an  important  point.  The  lack  of 
cmprehensive  agreement  on  offensive 
aes  could  call  into  question  the 
is— in  politics  as  well  as  in  military 
ffltegy— of  the  ABM  Treaty's  virtual 
feof  strategic  defensive  systems.  It  is 
if  to  see  that  the  goal  of  deep  and 
sjilizing  reductions  in  offensive 
lb— a  goal  President  Reagan  has 
pprsed  for  5V2  years  now— is  today  of 
r<\  greater  importance. 
Much  in  strategy,  military  tech- 
Ugy,  and  arms  control  has  changed  in 
fcast  10  years.  The  Soviets  have  con- 
Bed  to  mount  a  massive  and  unwar- 
Ued  military  buildup  in  the  face  of 
Itiderable  unilateral  U.S.  restraint  in 
gwn  defense  programs  during  the 
le  period.  They  have,  thus,  broken 
Iforomise  of  reciprocal  self-restraint 
1?  many  in  the  United  States  thought 

SALT  implied.  As  if  to  add  insult  to 
injury,  the  Soviets  systematically 
violated  SALT  as  well.  These  things 
were  clear  in  the  President's  mind  when 
he  entered  office,  and  they  were  clear  in 
his  mind  when  he  laid  down  his  challenge 
to  the  scientific  community  to  develop 
reliable  defenses  against  Soviet  ballistic 
missiles.  But  unhappily,  considering 
their  recent  votes  on  arms  control  and 
the  defense  bill,  these  things  have 
apparently  not  been  uppermost  in  the 
collective  mind  of  the  Congress. 

As  an  example,  let  us  take  a  look  at 
chemical  weapons.  The  United  States 
last  produced  chemical  weapons  in  1969. 
Every  chemical  weapon  in  the  U.S. 
inventory  is,  therefore,  at  least  17  years 
old.  The  Soviets  never  halted  production 
as  we  did,  and  they  now  have  a  modern, 
effective  stock  of  lethal  chemical 
weapons  as  an  integral  part  of  their 
military  forces.  In  this,  we  see  another 
clear  link  between  arms  control  and  the 
dynamics  of  military  deterrence.  The 
legal  ban  on  chemical  warfare  of  the 
Geneva  Protocol  does  not  have  the 
strength  on  its  own  to  prevent  the  use  of 
chemical  weapons.  The  ability  of  the 
United  States  to  deter  the  use  of 
chemical  weapons  against  ourselves  and 
our  allies  depends  heavily  on  the  United 
States  maintaining  an  effective  chemical 
deterrent.  However,  the  Congress  very 
nearly  prevented  this  necessary  modern- 
ization in  their  mid-August  funding 

The  House  also  recently  voted  to 
impose  a  1-year  moratorium  on  all  but 
the  smallest  underground  nuclear  tests. 
The  Administration  continues  to  support 
the  long-term  goal  of  a  comprehensive 
test  ban.  But  it  is  neither  in  the  interest 
of  the  United  States  and  our  allies  nor  in 
the  interest  of  sound  arms  control  to 
partake  in  the  exercise  the  House  has 
prescribed.  Moreover,  for  as  long  as  we 
need  to  rely  upon  nuclear  deterrence, 
continued  testing  is  essential  to  ensure 
the  reliability  and  safety  of  our  nuclear 
deterrent.  Indeed,  it  is  no  small  irony 
that  those  who  oppose  strategic  defenses 
and  who  take  refuge  in  the  strategy  of 
deterrence  by  the  threat  of  nuclear 
retaliation  have  now  chosen  to  support  a 
proposal  that  would  undermine  the 
reliability  of  the  nuclear  stockpile 
necessary  to  that  strategy's  continuing 
credibility.  If  the  Soviets  are  serious 
about  the  types  of  verification  they 
bandy  about  on  television,  they  should 
work  toward  effective  verification  of 
existing  treaties  on  nuclear  testing. 

In  yet  another  unfortunate  vote,  the 
House  moved  to  force  the  Administra- 
tion to  adhere  to  the  flawed  SALT  II 

agreement  by  passing  a  resolution 
barring  funding  for  any  weapon  that 
would  exceed  its  limits.  SALT  II,  had  it 
ever  been  ratified  by  the  Senate,  would 
have  expired  by  now.  One  wonders  what 
is  the  point  of  reincarnating  SALT  in  the 
way  the  House  proposes.  In  effect,  some 
in  the  House  have  said  to  the  Soviet 
Union  that  SALT  II  was  good  enough. 
We  can  only  anticipate  that  the  Soviets 
will  use  this  action  to  pull  the  rug  out 
from  under  our  START  negotiators  in 

Many  Congressmen  no  doubt 
sincerely  intend  their  actions  as  signs  to 
the  Soviets  that  the  United  States  is 
"serious"  about  arms  control.  However, 
it  is  my  judgment  that  their  actions  will 
not  have  the  intended  effects.  There  is 
no  incentive  for  the  Soviets  to  sign  an 
agreement  reducing  strategic  offensive 
arms  when  the  Congress  has  as  much  as 
told  them  directly  that  an  agreement 
allowing  arms  to  be  significantly 
increased  is  satisfactory  to  the  American 

But  by  far  the  most  distressing  con- 
gressional actions  have  come  in  cutting 
the  funding  the  President  has  requested 
for  the  Strategic  Defense  Initiative— 
what  the  media  commonly  refer  to  as 
Star  Wars  and  we  refer  to  as  SDL  The 
Soviets  spend  over  $1  billion  a  year  on 
military  laser  research  alone,  which  is 
only  one  of  many  strategic  defensive 
technologies  they  are  investigating.  If 
the  Soviets  spend  this  much  on  this  one 
aspect  of  strategic  defense,  one  can  only 
conclude  that  the  amount  the  Soviets 
spend  on  their  entire  strategic  defense 
program  is  far  greater.  The  Soviet 
strategic  defense  program  represents  a 
much  larger  commitment  of  plant  space, 
capital,  and  manpower  than  does  the 
American  effort.  Thus,  the  Soviets  can 
hardly  have  an  objection  to  strategic 
defenses  in  principle. 

The  Soviets  are,  of  course,  con- 
cerned about  the  Strategic  Defense  Initi- 
ative. Their  chief  concern  is  that  we  will 
be  more  successful  in  our  research  than 
they  have  been  in  theirs.  This  concern 
has  driven  them  to  their  wits'  end  in  a 
campaign  to  undercut  popular  support  in 
the  West  for  SDL  They  raise  the  specter 
of  the  "militarization  of  space,"  in  full 
knowledge  that  space  was  militarized  the 
day  they  flew  the  first  intercontinental 
ballistic  missile  (ICBM)  through  it  in 
1957.  And  they  act  as  if  their  own  long- 
running  strategic  defense  program 
didn't  exist. 

But  SDI  funding  provides  far  more 
than  spinoffs.  It  is  vital  in  its  own  right 
if  we  are  to  determine  whether  it  is 

csmber  1986 



possible  to  realize  President  Reagan's 
goal  of  a  deterrent  to  war  that  is  safer 
and  more  stable  than  simply  relying  on 
the  threat  of  retaliation  with  offensive 
weapons.  Indeed,  the  most  important 
goal  of  SDI  is  to  answer  the  question:  is 
it  technically  possible  to  create  a  deter- 
rent that  is  strictly  defensive?  As  such, 
SDI  is  one  major  element  in  a  compre- 
hensive U.S.  defense  policy  that  sends  to 
the  Soviet  leadership  an  important 
message.  The  message  is  that  the 
existing  strategic  situation  is  not  suffi- 
ciently stable— it  is  not  safe  enough.  It 
sends  the  Soviets  the  message  that  the 
President  is  determined  to  see  what  can 
be  done  to  remedy  the  current  short- 
comings of  deterrence.  We  want  to 
develop  a  defense  that  defends  us. 

SDI  research  is  more  than  just  a 
hedge  against  the  Soviets'  own  con- 
siderable research  and  development 
efforts  in  strategic  defense  technology. 
As  the  President  has  made  clear,  it  is 
not  a  bargaining  chip  to  be  traded  away 
in  a  so-called  grand  compromise.  The 
possibilities  that  SDI  holds  out  to  us  are 
far  too  important  to  cheapen  by  these 
descriptions.  Common  sense  and  basic 
morality  dictate  that  we  do  all  we 
reasonably  can  to  solve  the  ethical 
paradox  which  now  faces  us:  namely, 
that  in  order  to  defend  ourselves,  we 
must  rely  on  the  offensive  use  of  nuclear 
weapons.  I  firmly  believe  that  SDI  will 
provide  us  with  the  necessary  tools  to 
enhance  deterrence  and  reduce  the  risk 
of  nuclear  war. 

SDI  can  contribute  to  more  than  just 
a  stable  and  safer  peace;  it  will  yield 
numerous  benefits  improving  the  quality 
of  everyday  life.  Research  conducted 
under  the  mantle  of  SDI  has  already  pro- 
duced the  galium  arsenide  computer 
chip,  which  may  prove  to  be  a  much 
cheaper  and  far  superior  alternative  to 
silicon  chips.  The  optical  switches  SDI 
scientists  are  developing  may  supplant 
computer  chips  in  many  applications. 
And  SDI  laser  research  promises  to  pro- 
vide doctors  with  new  tools  for  com- 
bating cancer.  A  complete  list  of  spinoffs 
would  be  much  longer.  But  according  to 
one  estimate  in  a  recent  article  in  The 
New  York  Times,  the  several  billion 
dollars  per  year  spent  on  SDI  will  have  a 
payoff  of  $5-$20  trillion  for  the  civilian 

Public  opinion  polls  show  that  the 
goal  of  developing  strategic  defensive 
technologies  has  the  support  of  the 
American  public.  And  I  believe  the 
public  supports  the  President's  firm, 
open,  and  responsive  approach  in  dealing 
with  the  Soviets.  Ronald  Reagan  sees 
the  relationships  and  priorities  among 

the  interests  of  national  security, 
defense  policy,  and  arms  control  with  a 
presidential  perspective.  He  recognizes 
that  the  supreme  interest  is  national 
security.  Arms  control  can  serve  that 
interest,  as  can  defense  policy.  But  any 
arms  control  agreement  we  reach  must 
meet  the  acid  test  of  whether  or  not  it 
enhances  our  national  security. 

In  my  discussions  with  Members  of 
Congress,  my  message  has  been  simple. 
The  Soviets  that  we  see  eye-to-eye 
across  the  negotiating  table  know  what 
their  leaders  are  doing  and  know  what 
they  want.  Looking  at  what  we  do,  the 
Soviets  see  mixed  signals.  They  see  our 
internal  debate  not  as  a  sign  of  a  healthy 
democracy  but  as  a  symptom  of 
weakness  and  disarray.  For  the  Soviets, 
budgetary  constraint  is  not  so  much  a 
reason  as  an  excuse  not  to  pay  for  SDI. 
The  Soviets  are  not  cutting  the  funding 
for  their  own  strategic  defense  program, 
which  is  paid  for  from  an  economic  base 
far  smaller  than  ours  in  an  economy  that 
is  weak  by  comparison.  In  short,  our 
Soviet  counterparts  believe  they  need 
not  negotiate  with  us  if  their  objectives 
can  be  achieved  by  simply  waiting  us 
out,  by  playing  on  our  own  irresolute- 
ness.  One  Soviet  put  it  to  me  quite 
bluntly.  He  said  the  United  States  is  try- 
ing to  make  a  virtue  out  of  impotence. 
This  is  hardly  the  image  of  ourselves 
that  we  want  to  promote  in  the  minds  of 
Soviet  negotiators. 


My  long  years  spent  negotiating  with  the 
Soviets  tell  me  that  if  we  are  to  get  what 
we  want  out  of  arms  control— if  it  is  to 

contribute  to  the  stability  of  deterrenc 
and  enhance  our  security— then  our 
negotiators  have  to  have  the  firm  sup 
port  of  the  American  people.  Withoul 
this  support,  our  negotiators  have  li 
to  help  them  in  their  struggle  to  mo 
the  immovable  object,  their  Soviet 

I  hope  my  words  today  lend  som 
understanding  and  context  to  the  spi 
challenges  we  confront  as  a  democracy 
facing  a  system  that  is,  to  its  very  con 
different  from  ours.  The  greatest  con- 
tribution Americans  can  make  to  help 
our  negotiators  in  Geneva  is  to  show 
firmness  of  purpose  and  determined 
patience.  This  is  especially  important 
now  in  these  crucial  weeks  which  lie 
ahead  of  us.  Our  arms  control  position 
are  sound.  They  are  flexible  enough  to 
accommodate  legitimate  Soviet  inter- 
ests. The  United  States  is  now  in  a 
strong  position  to  work  out  with  the 
Soviet  Union  the  first  decrease  in  the 
levels  of  offensive  nuclear  arms  ever.  1 
good  deal,  one  that  is  equitable  and 
verifiable,  is  within  our  reach  only  if  tl 
Soviets  are,  in  fact,  as  serious  as  they 
say  they  are— as  serious  as  we  are— 
about  reaching  an  agreement.  Mean- 
while, our  resolution  here  at  home  will  h 
serve  to  reinforce  the  words  of  our 
negotiators.  Firmness  and  patience  wil " 
also  reinforce  the  words  of  our  Presi- 
dent as  he  prepares  to  meet  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  face-to-face  for  tl 
second  time.  ■ 

Verifying  Nuclear  Testing  Limitations: 
Possible  U.S. -Soviet  Cooperation 

AUG.  14,  1986' 

In  response  to  the  requirements  of  Section 
1003  of  the  FY  1986  Department  of  Defense 
Authorization  Act  (P.L.  99-145),  I  am  pleased 
to  transmit  this  unclassified  interagency 
study  of  possible  avenues  of  cooperation 
between  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet 
Union  in  the  development  of  verification 
capabilities  consistent  with  national  security 

The  requirement  under  Section  1003 
involves:  "limited  exchanges  of  data  and 
scientific  personnel,"  in  general,  and  "joint 
technological  effort  in  the  area  of  seismic 
monitoring,"  in  particular.  Upon  review  of  a 

number  of  possible  scientific  disciplines,  it 
was  concluded  that  in  terms  of  this  study, 
nuclear  testing  issues  appear  to  offer  the 
most  promising  avenues  for  such  "scientific' 
cooperation  and  data  exchange.  Therefore, 
the  attached  study  focuses  its  examination  0i 
matters  relating  to  the  verification  of  limita- 
tions in  nuclear  testing. 

While  the  attached  study  focuses  on 
nuclear  testing  limitations,  it  should  be  notei 
that  in  other  arms  control  areas  as  well,  the 
Administration  believes  that  exchanges  of 
information  would,  in  addition  to  various 
monitoring  provisions  including  types  of 
on-site  inspections,  play  an  important  role  in 
establishing  a  verification  framework. 


Department  of  State  Bulleti , 


In  START  [strategic  arms  reduction 
f]  and  INF  [intermediate-range  nuclear 
»],  for  example,  areas  of  possible 
iange  of  information  might  include  the 
kration  of  missile  and  launcher  facilities, 
Clumbers  of  missiles  and  launchers  at  such 
ities,  and  information  on  the  destruction 

issiles  and  launchers  that  are  in  excess  of 
sed  treaty  limits.  In  the  negotiations  on 
|ial  and  Balanced  Force  Reductions 
EFR),  we  have  asked  for  an  exchange  of 
fc-mation,  to  be  updated  annually,  on  the 
cture  of  forces  subject  to  MBFR  limita- 
p.  At  the  Stockholm  Conference  on 
jfidence-  and  Security-Building  Measures 
d  Disarmament]  in  Europe  (CDE),  we 
Ive  it  important  to  have  an  exchange  of 
frmation  both  on  overall  force  structures 
Kin  specific  forces  participating  in  military 
(Hties.  In  chemical  weapons  arms  control, 
lelieve  it  important,  among  other  things, 
tve  a  preliminary  bilateral  exchange  of 
i  on  chemical  weapons  stockpiles  and  on 
Auction  facilities  as  a  confidence-building 
ssure  prior  to  the  entry  into  force  of  a  con- 
ijion  banning  such  weapons. 

The  prospects  for  progress  in  arms  con- 
c'may  be  significantly  enhanced  if  a  regime 
^operation  between  the  United  States  and 
Boviet  Union  in  the  development  of 
Bication  capabilities  consistent  with 
H>nal  security  restrictions  can  be  estab- 
Jd.  The  attached  interagency  study 
uribes  some  possible  avenues  of  coopera- 
»that  could  produce  benefits  in  the  near 
'%.  in  the  nuclear  testing  limitations  area. 
:  As  indicated  in  the  attached  study,  the 
red  States  has  long  sought  a  meeting  with 
Soviets  to  present  our  concerns  about  the 
Bication  provisions  of  the  Threshold  Test 
^Treaty  (TTBT)  and  the  Peaceful  Nuclear 
aosions  Treaty  (PNET).  The  United 
Bes  and  the  Soviet  Union  recently  agreed 
Ive  experts  meet  to  discuss  issues  related 
uiclear  testing. 

This  meeting  of  experts,  which  took  place 

sneva  July  25-August  1,  allowed  the 
(led  States  to  present  its  ideas  and  con- 
is  to  the  Soviet  Union  and  to  hear  Soviet 
Is.  At  the  meeting,  the  United  States 
tented  its  views  of  verification  improve- 
Bts  in  existing  agreements,  which  we 
five  are  needed  and  achievable  at  this 
I.  A  follow-on  meeting  of  U.S.  and  Soviet 
frts  is  scheduled  for  September.  We  hope 
■soviet  Union  will  join  in  a  constructive 

Ronald  Reagan 


csible  Avenues  for  Cooperation 
h  the  Soviet  Union  em  the 
Welopment  of  Capabilities  for 
Iifying  Compliance  With  Nuclear 
Ating  Limitations 


jfcion  1003  of  the  FY  1986  Depart- 
iit  of  Defense  Authorization  Act 
31160)  calls  for  an  interagency  study 

of  "limited  exchanges  of  data  and  scien- 
tific personnel"  in  general  and  "joint 
technological  effort  in  the  area  of 
seismic  monitoring"  in  particular.  After 
reviewing  a  number  of  possible  scientific 
disciplines,  it  was  concluded  that  nuclear 
testing  issues  appear  to  offer  the  most 
promising  avenues  for  scientific  coopera- 
tion and  data  exchange.  This  study, 
therefore,  focuses  on  matters  relating  to 
the  verification  of  limitations  in  the  area 
of  nuclear  testing. 

II.     Background 

Effective  means  of  verification  are  of 
critical  importance  to  arms  control.  Our 
national  security  requires  that  we  be 
able  to  assess  with  confidence  com- 
pliance with  any  negotiated  arms  control 
agreements.  Today,  most  of  our  major 
arms  control  agreements  are  monitored 
through  what  is  known  as  national 
technical  means  of  verification  (NTM). 
While  NTM  has  the  primary  benefit  of 
being  under  the  control  of  the  verifying 
party,  there  are  some  particular 
applications— such  as  for  strategic  and 
intermediate-range  nuclear  forces,  con- 
ventional and  chemical  forces,  and 
nuclear  testing— in  which  cooperative 
means  of  verification  may  be  beneficial 
or  even  necessary. 

Cooperative  means  can  include 
various  onsite  inspection  and  data 
exchange  measures  or  direct  measure- 
ment schemes  such  as  would  apply  to 
determining  the  yields  of  underground 
nuclear  tests.  Onsite  inspection  by 
observers  and  instruments  may  be  able 
to  play  a  role  in  deterring  violations  at 
agreed  locations  or  "declared  sites."  The 
utility  of  onsite  inspection  is  largely  a 
function  of  its  frequency  and  duration 
and  whether,  and  at  what  costs,  the 
activities  monitored  can  be  conducted  at 
other  times  and  places.  Other  considera- 
tions with  regard  to  onsite  inspection 
include  the  question  of  how  the  party 
being  monitored  calculates  the  risk  of 
violations  being  uncovered  and  whether 
they  could  avoid  any  single  inspection 
that  would  detect  a  violation.  Thus,  the 
past  record  of  the  inspected  party  is  a 
vital  consideration. 

Data  exchanges  may  be  beneficial  to 
provide  a  benchmark  for  assessing  com- 
pliance. If,  however,  the  verifying  party 
does  not  possess  a  means  of  independ- 
ently validating  the  data  it  receives, 
large  uncertainties  could  still  prevail, 
diminishing  the  utility  of  the  exchange. 
Nevertheless,  as  the  amount  of  data 
exchanged  is  increased,  the  uncertainty 
should  decrease  while  the  difficulty  of 
concealing  illegal  activities  increases. 

Direct  measurements  have  the 
benefit  of  allowing  the  verifying  party  to 
control  the  means  of  monitoring.  Direct 
measurement  is  not  perfect  because  it  is 
limited  by  the  accuracy  of  the  instru- 
ments used  and,  as  is  the  case  for  all 
monitoring  methods,  the  ability  of  the 
inspected  party  to  manipulate  the 
evidence.  Furthermore,  direct  measure- 
ment will  not  detect  violations  conducted 
at  times  and  places  when  direct 
measurement  equipment  is  not  engaged 
and  normally  will  not  detect  violations 
when  special  efforts  are  undertaken  to 
conceal  prohibited  activities.  However, 
even  considering  these  limitations,  direct 
measurement  is  much  more  definitive 
than  any  remote  sensing  method  for 
determining  the  yields  of  Soviet  nuclear 

The  Treaty  Between  the  United 
States  of  America  and  the  Union  of 
Soviet  Socialist  Republics  on  the  Limita- 
tion of  Underground  Nuclear  Weapon 
Tests  (Threshold  Test  Ban  Treaty- 
TTBT)  prohibits  U.S.  and  Soviet 
underground  nuclear  weapon  tests  with 
yields  greater  than  150  kilotons  (kt).  The 
TTBT  is  a  treaty  signed  by  both  parties 
but  ratified  by  neither.  Both  the  U.S. 
and  the  U.S.S.R.  have  separately  stated 
that  they  would  abide  by  the  yield  limita- 
tion. Furthermore,  since  neither  party 
has  made  its  intentions  clear  not  to 
become  a  party,  both  signatories  are 
obligated  by  international  law  to  refrain 
from  acts  that  would  defeat  the  object 
and  purpose  of  the  treaty.  At  present, 
however,  the  United  States  cannot  effec- 
tively verify  Soviet  compliance  with  the 
treaty.  Moreover,  the  implementation  of 
the  verification  measures  set  forth  in  the 
Protocol  to  the  treaty  (exchange  of  yield, 
date,  time,  depth,  and  coordinates  for 
two  nuclear  weapon  tests  for  calibration 
purposes  from  each  geophysically 
distinct  testing  area  and  information  on 
the  geology  of  the  testing  areas),  which 
would  become  effective  upon  ratification, 
will  not  provide  this  capability,  since 
there  is  no  way  for  the  United  States  to 
independently  verify  the  data 
exchanged,  nor  would  the  data,  if 
validated,  be  sufficient  to  ensure  effec- 
tive verification. 

Today,  we  monitor  Soviet  tests  with 
seismic  equipment  located  outside  the 
U.S.S.R.  In  three  presidential  reports  to 
Congress  on  Soviet  noncompliance,  the 
uncertainty  in  yield  derived  from  seismic 
measurements,  when  taken  into  account, 
resulted  in  findings  of  only  "likely  viola- 
tion," even  though  the  seismic  evidence 
indicates  that  a  number  of  Soviet  tests 
have  central  yield  values  above  the  150 
kt  threshold.  "Central  yield"  is  defined 

I  ember  1986 



as  the  yield  corresponding  to  mean  value 
of  seismic  body  wave  magnitudes  for  a 
particular  nuclear  test.  While  we  judge 
that,  at  present,  there  is  approximately  a 
factor  of  two  uncertainty  in  the  yield 
estimates  derived  by  seismic  methods, 
there  are  reasons  to  suggest  the  uncer- 
tainty could  be  actually  smaller  (or  con- 
ceivably larger).  A  factor  of  two  uncer- 
tainty means,  for  example,  that  a  Soviet 
test  for  which  we  derive  a  "central 
yield"  value  of  150  kt  may  have,  with  a 
95%  probability,  a  yield  as  high  as  300  kt 
or  as  low  as  75  kt. 

As  already  mentioned,  the  verifica- 
tion provisions  contained  in  the  Protocol 
of  the  unratified  TTBT  would  not  reduce 
this  level  of  uncertainty  to  an  acceptable 
level.  The  U.S.  Government  has,  there- 
fore, continued  its  longstanding  effort  to 
obtain  a  means  of  monitoring  that  would 
substantially  reduce  our  verification 
uncertainty.  The  history  of  the  search 
for  verifiable  nuclear  testing  limitations 
will  provide  a  backdrop  for  an  under- 
standing of  the  complicated  and  some- 
times frustrating  search  for  possible 
avenues  of  cooperation  with  the  Soviet 
Union  in  the  development  of  verification 

III.     Historic  Perspective  On 
Nuclear  Testing  Limitations 

One  of  the  earliest  proposals  for  nuclear 
testing  limitations  was  presented  in 
terms  of  a  comprehensive  test  ban  as 
part  of  a  broader  disarmament  proposal 
made  by  the  Soviets  in  the  UN  Disarma- 
ment Commission  in  May  1955.  How- 
ever, there  was  no  movement  in  this 
area  for  the  next  3  years.  Early  in  the 
spring  of  1958,  President  Eisenhower 
suggested  to  Soviet  Premier  Khrushchev 
that  a  group  of  technical  experts  meet  to 
determine  what  specific  control  meas- 
ures would  be  required  to  ensure  com- 
pliance with  a  nuclear  test  ban.  After 
several  exchanges,  Khrushchev  agreed, 
and  the  Geneva  Conference  of  Experts 
To  Study  the  Possibility  of  Detecting 
Violations  of  a  Possible  Agreement  on 
the  Suspension  of  Nuclear  Tests  was 
formed.  Technical  discussions  between 
experts  from  the  U.S.S.R.,  Poland, 
Czechoslovakia,  Romania,  the  United 
Kingdom,  France,  Canada,  and  the 
United  States  began  in  July  1958. 

On  August  21,  1958,  the  Conference 
of  Experts  adopted  a  final  report  for 
consideration  by  governments.  The 
report  recommended  a  worldwide 
system  of  land  control  posts,  shipborne 
posts,  and  regular  and  special  air- 
sampling  flights  to  monitor  an  agree- 
ment banning  nuclear  weapon  tests  in 

the  atmosphere,  underwater,  and  under- 
ground. Their  report  was  accepted  as 
the  technical  basis  for  political  negotia- 
tions by  the  United  States,  the  United 
Kingdom,  and  the  U.S.S.R.,  and  the 
Geneva  Conference  on  the  Discontin- 
uance of  Nuclear  Weapon  Tests  began 
on  October  31,  1958.  The  technical  basis 
of  the  international  control  system  was 
provided  mainly  by  the  reports  of  the 
1958  Conference  of  Experts  and  a  1959 
technical  working  group  of  the  Geneva 
conference  on  the  detection  of  high- 
altitude  tests.  These  reports  recom- 
mended a  worldwide  network  of  160-170 
land  control  posts,  10  shipborne  posts, 
regular  and  special  aircraft  flights,  and 
space  satellites.  The  United  States 
believed,  however,  that  there  was  a 
serious  risk  that  small  underground 
explosions  might  remain  undetected  or 
be  incorrectly  identified  as  earthquakes. 

The  experts'  report  was  technically 
limited  in  two  respects:  (1)  it  did  not 
cover  tests  at  more  than  30-50 
kilometers  above  the  earth's  surface, 
and  (2)  it  did  not  have  the  benefit  of  the 
new  seismic  data  obtained  from  the 
Hardtack  underground  test  series  car- 
ried out  by  the  United  States  after  the 
report  was  submitted.  The  new  seismic 
data,  submitted  by  the  American  delega- 
tion in  Geneva  in  June  1959,  showed 
that  the  proposed  control  system  would 
have  been  less  effective  for  detecting 
and  identifying  underground  tests  than 
the  experts  had  believed. 

At  the  request  of  the  State  Depart- 
ment, the  President's  Special  Assistant 
for  Science  and  Technology  appointed  a 
Panel  on  Seismic  Improvement,  headed 
by  Dr.  Lloyd  Berkner,  to  study  the  new 
seismic  data.  The  Berkner  panel's  report 
recommended  a  number  of  new  tech- 
niques and  proposed  a  research  program 
to  improve  the  capability  of  the  verifica- 
tion system,  described  in  the  Geneva 
Conference  of  Experts'  report,  to  detect 
and  identify  underground  tests.  The 
panel  recommendations  were  the  basis 
for  much  of  the  succeeding  research  in 
seismology  and  resulted  in  the  develop- 
ment of  new  concepts  in  seismic  sta- 
tions, instrument  arrays,  computational 
techniques,  and  research  into  the  phe- 
nomenology associated  with  seismic 
waves  from  explosions  and  earthquakes. 

In  the  political  negotiations,  the 
United  States  tried  unsuccessfully  to 
persuade  the  Soviet  Union  to  enter  new 
technical  discussion  on  the  detection  of 
high-altitude  tests  and  the  new  seismic 
data.  The  Soviets  took  the  position  that 
technical  questions  had  been  settled  at 
the  1958  Conference  of  Experts  and  any 

needed  improvements  in  the  control 
system  could  be  made  by  the  Control 
Commission  after  the  treaty  came  int< 

The  participants  at  the  Geneva  Cc 
ference  on  the  Discontinuance  of 
Nuclear  Weapon  Tests  agreed  with  th 
principle  that  onsite  inspection  would 
necessary  to  clarify  the  source  of  unid 
tified  seismic  events.  The  United  Stat 
believed  that  there  could  be  up  to  100 
unidentified  events  per  year  of  which 
approximately  20  would  require  inspei 
tion  of  the  site.  There  was  disagreeme 
between  the  United  States  and  the 
Soviets  on  the  number  of  onsite  inspec 
tions  that  would  be  permitted.  The 
Soviets  wanted  to  limit  each  party  to 
two  to  three  onsite  inspections  per  ye; 
when  it  was  considered  necessary.  (Nc 
the  Soviets,  in  effect,  reserved  for 
themselves  a  veto  over  onsite  inspects 
requests.)  Although  the  issues  of 
numbers  and  mandatory  versus  volun- 
tary onsite  inspection  were  never 
resolved,  the  fact  that  the  Soviets 
agreed  in  principle  to  the  need  for  ons:  I 
inspection  was  widely  hailed  and  was 
seen  as  setting  a  precedent  for  future  I 
arms  control  agreements.  It  was  hopet  I 
that  interim  measures  could  be  achieve  • 
that,  with  time,  could  lead  to  a  more 
comprehensive  agreement  between  the ' 
sides.  The  Soviets  took  the  position  th£  i 
verification  was  less  essential  than 
reaching  an  agreement.  The  United 
States  and  the  United  Kingdom  held 
that  strict  means  of  verification  were 
required,  that  further  study  should  be 
undertaken  to  assure  that  any  agree- 
ment could  be  verified,  and  that  this 
should  be  done  before  an  agreement  ws 

On  April  18,  1961,  the  United  State; 
and  the  United  Kingdom  submitted  a 
complete  draft  treaty  to  the  Geneva  cor  I 
ference.2  This  proposal  was  based  on  on; 
made  by  President  Eisenhower  in 
February  1960.  The  Anglo-American 
draft  treaty  included  a  commitment  to  I 
cease  tests  in  the  atmosphere,  under- 
water, at  high  altitudes,  and  under- 
ground (above  seismic  magnitude  4.75), ' 
and  a  control  regime  for  detection  and 
identification.  Although  the  general 
characteristics  of  the  international  con 
trol  system  proposed  in  the  Anglo- 
American  draft  treaty  had  long  been 
accepted  by  both  sides,  the  Soviet  Union  I 
shifted  its  position  on  several  vital 
verification  features.  For  example, 
although  the  Soviets  had  agreed  to  15 
seismic  stations  within  the  U.S.S.R., 
they  insisted  that  they  would  operate 
these  sites.  Again,  even  though  the  need 
for  onsite  inspection  was  recognized  by  ' 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 


b  Soviets,  the  number  of  inspections 
oposed  by  the  Soviets  and  the  condi- 
ns  under  which  they  could  be  con- 
cted  were  not  satisfactory  to  the 
lited  States  and  the  United  Kingdom. 

Throughout  the  test  ban  negotiations 
^Geneva  from  October  1958  to  August 
q,  1961,  the  United  States  and  the 
foited  Kingdom  faithfully  observed  a 
Jluntary  suspension  of  nuclear  weapons 
tgts,  even  though  there  existed  no 
ians  of  knowing  with  certainty,  in  the 
asence  of  an  effective  and  workable 
ij;ernational  control  system,  that  the 
sviet  Union  was  not  increasing  its 
nclear  capability  by  clandestine  tests. 
E  August  1961,  the  Soviet  Union 
snounced  that  it  was  resuming  nuclear 
capons  tests  and  did  so  on  September 
EL961.  The  United  States  immediately 
mdemned  the  Soviet  action  and  reaf- 
Iffned  its  support  for  an  agreement  to 
id  nuclear  weapons  tests  under  effec- 
ts safeguards.  On  September  3,  Presi- 
cnt  Kennedy  and  Prime  Minister 
fecmillan  proposed  that  the  Soviets 
Sree  "not  to  conduct  nuclear  tests 
Mich  take  place  in  the  atmosphere  and 
pduce  radioactive  fallout."  They  stated 
tit  they  were  willing  to  rely  upon 
eisting  means  of  detection,  "which  they 
bieve  to  be  adequate,"  and  they  did  not 
sjgest  any  additional  controls.  The 
Sviets  at  first  rejected  this  offer. 

Negotiations  continued  in  various 
f -a  until  finally,  in  1963,  Soviet  interest 
i;a  ban  that  did  not  deal  with 
liderground  tests  emerged,  even 
bugh  they  had  rejected  the  U.S. /U.K. 
o'er  previously.  As  a  result,  the  United 
Sates,  United  Kingdom,  and  the 
[S.S.R.  agreed  to  the  more  limited  goal 
obanning  nuclear  tests  in  all  media 
ecept  underground.  This  led  to  the  1963 
leaty  Banning  Nuclear  Weapon  Tests 
iithe  Atmosphere,  in  Outer  Space  and 
[ider  Water,  usually  referred  to  as  the 
L-nited  Test  Ban  Treaty  (LTBT). 

While  discussions  continued  in  the  18 
ction  Committee  on  Disarmament, 
bre  was  little  further  movement 
tward  limiting  underground  nuclear 
t;ts  until  the  1974  summit  meeting 
btween  the  United  States  and  the 
IS.S.R.  While  the  Soviets  had  orig- 
j^lly  called  for  negotiations  on  a  com- 
{.ehensive  test  ban,  they  agreed  to  con- 
Eiler  a  threshold  treaty  for  underground 
vclear  testing.  The  threshold  was  to 
hve  been  in  terms  of  yield  or  possibly 
5'smic  wave  magnitude.  The  United 
Vates  initially  proposed  limiting  tests  to 
Certain  value  in  body  wave  magnitude, 
It  because  body  wave  magnitude  for  a 
Jrticular  value  of  yield  varies  with  test 
se  location,  the  focus  of  the  discussions 

was  changed  to  yields.  While  this 
resolved  the  problem  of  the  variability  of 
body  wave  magnitude  measurements,  it 
introduced  the  problems  associated  with 
the  accuracy  of  seismic  techniques  for 
the  determination  of  yield.  The  TTBT 
was  signed  by  the  United  States  and  the 
U.S.S.R.  in  July  1974. 

The  TTBT  and  its  associated  Pro- 
tocol contain  provisions  for  the  exchange 
of  geophysical  data  and  announcing  the 
yields  of  two  explosions  for  calibration 
purposes  in  each  geophysically  distinct 
area  (provisions  which  have  not  been 
implemented  because  the  treaty  has  not 
been  ratified).  However,  the  treaty  pro- 
vides no  mechanism  by  which  one  party 
could  independently  validate  the 
accuracy  of  the  data  provided  by  the 
other  party.  Seismic  techniques  are 
inadequate  to  verify  effectively  the 
yields  of  Soviet  tests.  Prior  to  the  sign- 
ing of  the  TTBT,  U.S.  policy,  as  well  as 
seismic  research,  had  concentrated  on  a 
comprehensive  test  ban.  Seismic 
research  had  been  aimed  at  the  problems 
of  detecting  and  identifying  low-yield 
nuclear  tests  with  relatively  less  empha- 
sis on  determining  yield. 

While  progress  has  been  made  in 
understanding  the  natural  processes  that 
affect  yield  estimation  based  on  remote 
seismic  measurement,  the  uncertainties 
in  the  yield  estimation  process  cannot  be 
sufficiently  reduced  without  direct 
measurement  of  yields  at  the  Soviet  test 
sites.  The  Soviets,  and  some  critics  of 
existing  U.S.  policy  in  this  country,  have 
asserted  that  adequate  verification  will 
result  from  the  exchange  of  data  called 
for  in  the  treaty.  However,  these  data 
will  be  of  limited  value  for  verification 
purposes  unless  they  can  be  independ- 
ently verified  by  the  United  States. 
Even  if  the  data  were  accurate  and  could 
be  verified,  they  would  not  be  sufficient 
to  effectively  verify  Soviet  compliance 
with  the  150  kt  threshold  of  the  TTBT, 
because  the  limited  data  to  be  exchanged 
would  not  reduce  the  uncertainty  in  the 
seismic  yield  estimation  process  to 
acceptable  levels. 

The  question  of  peaceful  nuclear 
explosions  (PNEs)  was  also  addressed 
during  1971-74  and  continued  until  the 
Treaty  on  the  Limitation  of  Under- 
ground Nuclear  Explosions  for  Peaceful 
Purposes,  usually  referred  to  as  the 
Peaceful  Nuclear  Explosions  Treaty 
(PNET),  was  signed  in  1976.  Since  each 
individual  nuclear  explosion  could  not  be 
greater  than  150  kt,  additional  monitor- 
ing measures  had  to  be  negotiated  for 
explosions  conducted  at  locations  other 
than  at  the  designated  weapons  test 


ivember  1986 

sites  and  for  salvos  of  explosions  whose 
aggregate  yield  exceeded  150  kt.  Provi- 
sions were  included  for  onsite 
measurements  of  each  explosion  by 
downhole  instrumentation,  similar  in 
result  to  the  current  CORRTEX  [Con- 
tinuous Reflectrometry  for  Radius  ver- 
sus Time  Experiment]  equipment,  if  the 
aggregate  yield  was  planned  to  exceed 
150  kt.  Seismic  instruments  were  also  to 
be  allowed  in  the  test  area  if  the 
aggregate  yield  was  planned  to  exceed 
500  kt.  It  is  worth  noting  that  even  if 
the  PNE  Treaty  were  in  force,  the  onsite 
measures  would  not  have  been  imple- 
mented up  to  now  because  the  Soviets 
apparently  have  not  planned  group 
explosions  over  any  particular  treaty- 
specified  threshold  which  would  trigger 
onsite  inspection  or  installation  of  U.S. 
devices  on  Soviet  territory. 

Technical  discussions  on  nuclear 
testing  issues,  principally  related  to  a 
comprehensive  test  ban  (CTB),  have 
been  held  with  the  Soviets  in  the 
multilateral  arena  in  Geneva.  The  United 
States  presented  papers  at  the  Con- 
ference of  the  Committee  on  Disarma- 
ment (CCD)  at  least  as  far  back  as  1971 
and  again  in  1973  and  1976.  These 
papers  discussed  capabilities  for 
discriminating  between  explosions  and 
earthquakes,  data  from  arrays  of 
seismometers  and  networks  of  such  sta- 
tions, and  various  other  seismology 
topics.  There  was,  however,  not  much 
expert  discussion  of  these  U.S.  contribu- 
tions until  the  Ad-Hoc  Group  of  Scien- 
tific Experts  was  formed  in  1976. 

One  of  the  tasks  of  the  Ad-Hoc 
Group  of  Scientific  Experts  was  to 
describe  a  network  of  seismic  stations 
that  would  provide  data  to  the  members 
for  use  in  monitoring  a  CTB.  Initially  the 
Swedes,  among  others,  attempted  to 
establish  a  deliberative  body  within  the 
CCD  to  conduct  verification  analyses. 
The  United  States  did  not  want  to  rely 
on  such  a  multinational  group  for 
verification  decisions.  As  an  alternative, 
the  CCD,  on  the  recommendation  of  the 
United  States,  formulated  a  plan  for  the 
exchange  of  seismic  data  and  for 
conducting  studies  relating  to  those 
data.  The  Ad-Hoc  Group  of  Scientific 
Experts  selected  an  optimum  network  of 
seismic  stations  from  CCD  member 
states  and  evaluated  its  capability  to  pro- 
vide data  adequate  for  verification.  An 
elaborate  set  of  data  parameters  was 
agreed  upon  for  reporting  in  a  bulletin 
format.  The  World  Meteorological 
Organization  telegraph  system  was 
adopted  for  the  exchange  of  these  data 
bulletins.  The  exchange  of  complete 
seismograms,  using  digital  techniques 



and  satellite  transmission,  has  been 
explored.  Studies  and  experiments  on 
these  transmission  techniques  continue 
at  the  present  time.  It  is  significant, 
however,  that  throughout  this  period  in 
which  testing  limitations  have  been  of 
such  concern,  at  no  time  have  there  been 
any  joint  projects  of  bilateral  exchanges 
of  data  except  for  some  limited  discus- 
sions during  the  actual  trilateral  CTB 

In  the  summer  of  1977,  about  1  year 
after  the  conclusion  of  the  PNE  phase  of 
the  threshold  treaty,  the  United  States, 
the  United  Kingdom,  and  the  U.S.S.R. 
began  negotiations  toward  a  comprehen- 
sive test  ban.  Initially,  the  United  States 
and  the  U.S.S.R.  had  different  views 
concerning  the  proposed  duration  of  the 
treaty— the  United  States  wanted  a 
treaty  of  unlimited  duration  while  the 
U.S.S.R.  wanted  a  3-year  treaty  that 
would  continue  depending  on  the  actions 
of  others,  specifically  France  and  China. 
By  the  summer  of  1978,  the  United 
States  revised  its  position  and  proposed 
a  CTB  of  only  3  years  duration. 

Initially,  the  questions  of  seismic  sta- 
tions (numbers,  kinds,  and  locations) 
were  fairly  open  on  both  sides.  As  the 
negotiations  on  the  number  of  seismic 
stations  proceeded,  the  Soviets  hardened 
their  position  on  in-country  seismic 
stations— demanding  that  they  had  to  be 
nationally  manned.  The  Soviets  con- 
stantly raised  their  concern  about 
unmanned  stations  or  "black  boxes." 
The  United  States  eventually  proposed 
10  seismic  stations  in  the  Soviet  Union 
in  conjunction  with  a  3-year  treaty.  The 
U.S.S.R.  said  they  would  accept  10  sta- 
tions in  the  U.S.S.R.  provided  that  there 
would  be  10  stations  in  the  United 
States  and  10  stations  in  the  United 
Kingdom  and  its  territories.  This  created 
a  serious  impasse.  The  United  States 
and  the  United  Kingdom  felt  that  one 
station  in  the  limited  territory  of  the 
United  Kingdom  would  be  sufficient,  but 
the  Soviets  would  not  budge.  They  took 
the  position  that  equal  participation 
required  equal  responsibilities.  They  fur- 
ther indicated  that  if  10-10-10  was  not 
satisfactory,  any  other  set  of  equal 
numbers  would  be  acceptable.  While  the 
Soviets  had  apparently  agreed  in  con- 
cept to  both  onsite  inspection  and 
incountry  seismic  stations,  these  issues 
were  still  unresolved  when  the  negotia- 
tions were  suspended  in  November  1980. 

The  United  States  has  not  resumed 
the  trilateral  CTB  talks  since  they 
recessed  in  November  1980  because 
under  present  circumstances  a  CTB 
would  be  against  the  security  interests 
of  the  United  States  and  its  allies  and 

would  not  be  effectively  verifiable.  In  the 
existing  environment,  the  security  of  the 
United  States  and  our  allies  depends  on 
a  credible  U.S.  nuclear  deterrent.  In 
such  a  situation,  where  we  must  rely 
upon  nuclear  weapons  to  deter  aggres- 
sion, nuclear  testing  will  be  required.  A 
comprehensive  test  ban  remains  a  long- 
term  objective  of  the  U.S.  arms  control 
policy,  but  such  a  ban  must  be  viewed  in 
the  context  of  a  time  when  we  do  not 
need  to  depend  upon  nuclear  deterrence 
to  ensure  international  security  and 
stability,  and  when  we  have  achieved 
deep,  broad,  and  verifiable  arms  reduc- 
tions, improved  verification  capabilities, 
expanded  confidence-building  measures, 
and  a  greater  balance  in  conventional 

The  verification  of  a  comprehensive 
test  ban,  and  especially  any  testing 
moratorium  such  as  proposed  by  the 
Soviet  Union,  remains  a  major  problem. 
In  the  context  of  the  verification  pro- 
cedures discussed  (but  not  agreed)  in  the 
CTB  trilateral  negotiations,  there  would 
still  be  significant  uncertainty  about  our 
ability  to  verify  Soviet  compliance,  that 
is,  to  detect  and  identify  with  sufficient 
certainty  a  potentially  significant  level  of 
clandestine  testing.  Our  concerns  are 
heightened  by  likely  Soviet  violations  of 
the  TTBT  and  by  Soviet  violation  of  the 
Limited  Test  Ban  Treaty,  the  LTBT. 

IV.  Opportunity  for 
Cooperative  Measures 

There  are  two  distinct  problem  areas 
that  can  be  addressed  jointly  by  the 
United  States  and  the  U.S.S.R.  The  first 
deals  with  sufficiently  accurate  yield 
measurements  that  would  allow  effective 
verification  of  yield  thresholds  such  as 
the  150  kt  limit  of  the  TTBT.  Solution  of 
this  problem  area  would  provide  the 
basis  for  moving  forward  on  ratification 
of  the  TTBT  and  the  PNET.  The  second 
deals  with  the  ability  to  detect  and  iden- 
tify low-yield  nuclear  tests.  This  requires 
solution  of  the  problem  of  detecting  and 
identifying  low-yield  tests  not  only 
underground  but  also  underwater,  in  the 
atmosphere,  and  in  outer  space.  Pro- 
grammed capabilities  will  greatly 
enhance  our  ability  to  detect  and  identify 
low-yield  nuclear  tests  within  the 
atmosphere,  although  there  may  remain 
some  uncertainty  regarding  the  country 
conducting  such  tests  if  they  are  con- 
ducted over  remote  areas.  With  these 
technological  advances  in  hand  and  at  a 
time  when  we  do  not  need  to  depend 
upon  nuclear  deterrence  to  ensure  inter- 
national security  and  stability  and  when 

we  have  achieved  deep,  broad,  and 
verifiable  arms  reductions,  expanded 
confidence-building  measures,  and  a 
greater  balance  in  conventional  forces 
the  conditions  would  exist  for  proceed 
toward  a  treaty  that  would  ban  low-yi 
nuclear  tests. 

a.  Verification  of  Yield  Threshol 

As  noted  above,  the  provisions  of  the 
TTBT  provide  no  mechanism  for  redm 
ing  the  level  of  uncertainty  of  yield 
estimation  to  an  acceptable  level.  (We 
believe  that  no  method  of  yield  estima 
tion  based  only  on  information  derivec 
solely  from  seismic  measurements  or 
seismic  theory  can  reduce  the  uncer- 
tainty to  an  acceptable  level.)  Uncerta 
ties  in  the  yield  estimation  process  car 
not  be  sufficiently  reduced  without 
directly  measuring  the  yield  of  Soviet 
tests  with  instruments  which  are  fund 
mentally  much  more  accurate  than 
seismic  methods. 

The  President  has  stated  that  he  ii 
prepared  to  move  forward  on  ratificat 
of  the  TTBT  and  PNET  if  the  Soviets 
would  agree  to  the  use  of  an  effective 
verification  system  incorporating  the 
CORRTEX  method. 

The  most  productive  joint  Soviet- 
U.S.  discussions  of  monitoring  measur 
would  be  those  which  would  involve  th 
technology  and  implementation  pro- 
cedures for  direct  yield  measurement. 
The  United  States  believes  that  it  has 
identified  in  CORRTEX  a  measuremer 
technique  which  will  reduce  the  uncer 
tainty  in  yield  measurement  to  an 
acceptable  level  and  will  do  so  without  I 
danger  of  compromising  other  sensitiv'  I 
information  about  the  nature  or  perfor  I 
mance  of  the  nuclear  device  whose  yiel 
is  to  be  measured. 

CORRTEX  is  a  hydrodynamic  yield; 
measurement  technique  that  measures  I 
the  rate  of  propagation  of  the  under- 
ground shock  wave  from  an  explosion.  |< 
This  technique  uses  an  electric  coaxial  I 
cable  located  in  the  device  emplacemeni 
hole  or  in  a  nearby,  parallel  "satellite"  ! 
hole.  When  the  nuclear  device  is  deto-  I 
nated,  a  shock  wave  propagates  throug, 
the  ground,  crushing  and  shortening  th  i 
cable.  The  rate  by  which  the  cable  lengt; 
changes  is  recorded  by  measuring  the  |i 
changing  transit  times  of  low  energy  ele| 
trical  pulses  sent  down  to  and  reflected 
from  the  cable  end.  This  rate  is  a 
measure  of  the  propagation  velocity  of  i 
the  explosive  shock  wave  through  the  i 
ground  which  is,  in  turn,  a  measure  of  I 
the  yield  of  the  nuclear  explosion. 

The  electronic  device  that  provides  | 
the  timing  signals  is  a  battery-powered,  i 
suitcase-sized  unit  that  may  be  remotelj ; 


Department  of  State  Bullet) 


htrolled.  All  equipment  for  power, 
'cording,  and  data  reduction  can  be 
intained  in  a  small  trailer. 
,   CORRTEX  has  been  shown  to  be 
fcurate  to  within  15%  (with  95%  con- 
lence)  of  more  direct,  radiochemical 
jeld  measurements  for  tests  with  yields 
seater  than  50  kt.  This  is  based  on  its 
le  at  the  Nevada  test  site  in  over  100 
Its  with  the  sensing  cable  in  the  device 
Siplacement  hole  and  four  tests  with 
fe  sensing  cable  in  a  satellite  hole.  The 
Scuracy  of  the  technique  is  believed  to 
i  relatively  independent  of  the  geologic 
redium  provided  the  satellite  hole 
iBasurements  are  made  in  the  "strong 
fcck"  region  near  the  nuclear  explo- 
In.  At  greater  separation  distances, 
te  medium  becomes  more  important.  A 
jtellite  hole  separation  distance  of  14 
(eters  (46  feet)  is  appropriate  for  a  test 
jar  150  kt. 

I   CORRTEX  is  expected  to  be  initially 
teurate  to  within  30%  (with  95%  con- 
llence)  of  the  actual  yield  at  Soviet  test 
i  es  for  tests  above  50  kt.  An  accuracy 
a  30%  of  the  actual  yield  means,  for 
sample,  that  a  test  that  produces 
DRRTEX  measurements  estimated  to 
Is  associated  with  a  "central  value" 
j'ld  of  150  kt,  could,  with  a  95%  prob- 
iility,  have  a  yield  as  high  as  195  kt 
fli0  kt  plus  30%  of  150  kt)  or  as  low  as 
15  kt  (150  kt  minus  30%  of  150  kt). 

The  Soviets  were  exposed  to  tech- 
Elogy  similar  to  CORRTEX  during  the 
NET  discussions.  At  that  time,  they 
iHicated  that  they  possessed  similar 
bhnology.  Therefore,  a  technical  basis 
bs  already  been  established  for  the 
rcessary  discussions.  The  United  States 
iprepared,  as  evidenced  by  the  Pres- 
ent's March  1986  offer,  to  demonstrate 
t  Soviet  technical  experts  how  we 
ttuld  emplace  CORRTEX  instruments, 
\w  measurements  are  recorded,  and 
Iw  the  data  are  analyzed.  In  any 
{operative  technical  effort,  the  Soviet 
eperts  would  have  the  opportunity  to 
gamine  the  CORRTEX  data  from  a 
Iviet  nuclear  test  in  order  to  determine 
tc  themselves  that  no  sensitive  informa- 
In,  not  relevant  to  TTBT  verification, 
is  been  compromised.  For  their  part, 
le  Soviets  would  be  permitted  to  bring 
ly  equipment  they  deemed  necessary  to 
fcasure  the  yield  of  the  test. 
i   Successful  implementation  of  a 
rect-yield  measurement  regime  for 
(frification  of  the  TTBT  and  the  PNET 
toll  establish  the  principle  of  onsite 
tepection  at  declared  facilities— in  this 
i'se  the  site  of  nuclear  tests.  Joint 
(j)viet-U.S.  discussions  to  establish 
Irect  yield  measurements  will  necessar- 
I'  require  negotiation  of  all  the  logistical 

aspects  of  such  onsite  presence,  includ- 
ing the  size  and  composition  of  the 
technical  teams  who  would  make 
measurements;  agreement  on  the  quan- 
tity of  equipment  which  can  be  brought 
into  the  country;  identification  of 
allowed  instrumentation;  inspection  of 
equipment  by  the  party  whose  test  is  to 
be  measured;  establishment  of  housing, 
feeding,  and  transportation  arrange- 
ments for  the  team  making  measure- 
ments; and  procedures  for  sharing  and 
transferring  data  from  the  country  in 
which  the  test  is  to  be  performed. 

Though  not  exhaustive,  the  above 
issues  that  would  require  negotiation  are 
indicative  of  the  long  list  of  issues  which 
must  be  addressed  in  making  the  transi- 
tion from  an  agreement  in  principle  to 
onsite  inspection  implementation.  Any 
one  of  these  elements,  if  not  properly 
resolved,  could  frustrate  the  ultimate 
objective  of  the  inspection  regime.  While 
not  as  glamorous  as  some  aspects  of 
arms  control,  the  negotiation  of  such 
technical  and  logistical  details  is  critical 
and  may  be  extremely  time  consuming. 
Therefore,  early  joint  Soviet-U.S.  discus- 
sion of  these  issues  can  have  a  major 
impact  on  timely  ratification  of  the 
TTBT  and  PNET. 

b.  Detection  and  Identification  of 
Low-Yield  Nuclear  Tests.  The  second 
problem  area,  detection  and  identifica- 
tion of  low-yield  nuclear  tests,  is  even 
more  difficult  because  the  solution 
requires  effective  monitoring  in  all 
environments— underground,  under- 
water, in  the  atmosphere,  and  in  outer 
space.  Consequently,  verification  of  any 
limitation  of  low-yield  nuclear  tests 
would  require,  at  a  minimum,  the  utiliza- 
tion of  several  techniques. 

For  example,  detection  and  identifi- 
cation of  low-yield  nuclear  tests  will 
necessitate  installation  of  an  in-country 
seismic  network  and  the  implementation 
of  onsite  inspections.  In  addition, 
regional  seismology  (operating  distances 
up  to  2,000  kilometers  from  the  source) 
will  be  a  critical  technology  for  the 
detection  of  underground  tests. 
Measurement  techniques  for  the  collec- 
tion and  detection  of  atmospheric 
nuclear  explosion  debris  will  still  require 
some  refinement  when  working  at  or 
near  levels  of  naturally  occurring 
background  radiation.  Further  develop- 
ment of  hydroacoustic  techniques  could 
contribute  to  detection  of  small  nuclear 
tests  in  remote  ocean  areas. 

Recognizing  the  full  scope  of  the 
problem  of  detecting  and  identifying 
low-yield  nuclear  tests  in  all  environ- 

ments, which  must  be  solved,  this  paper 
will  address  only  one  part  of  the 
problem— monitoring  low-yield 
underground  nuclear  tests— because  this 
is  the  area  where  the  United  States 
believes  that  cooperation  with  the 
U.S.S.R.  would  be  the  most  productive. 

The  requirements  for  in-country 
monitoring  stations  have  been  discussed 
with  the  Soviets  in  many  fora  since  the 
late  1950s  (see  the  "Historical  Perspec- 
tive" section).  There  remain  several 
areas  in  which  seismic  monitoring  can  be 
profitably  addressed  by  Soviet  and  U.S. 
technical  experts.  Further  work  may 
strengthen  the  basis  for  seismic  detec- 
tion and  identification  of  low-yield 
nuclear  tests  in  advance  of  the  achieve- 
ment of  the  other  criteria  which  must  be 
met  before  the  United  States  could  con- 
sider a  comprehensive  test  ban  to  be  in 
its  national  interest. 

It  is  assumed  that  whatever  the  level 
of  detection  of  seismic  events,  there  will 
be  some  events  detected  whose  origin 
(e.g.,  nuclear  test,  earthquake,  chemical 
explosion)  will  be  uncertain— unidentified 
(i.e.,  unresolved  as  to  their  origin) 
events.  While  improvements  in  seismic 
monitoring  devices  could  be  expected  to 
provide  additional  data  that  could  iden- 
tify some  of  the  events  that  cannot  be 
identified  at  current  sensitivity  levels, 
the  net  effect  of  improvements  in  sen- 
sitivity will  be  to  increase  the  number  of 
unidentified  events. 

Onsite  inspection,  as  a  concept,  is 
also  used  to  describe  inspections  con- 
ducted to  remove  ambiguity  when  infor- 
mation from  other  sources  indicates  that 
a  potential  violation  of  a  treaty  in  force 
may  have  already  occurred.  However, 
onsite  inspection  will  only  be  useful 
when  the  precise  location  of  the 
ambiguous  event  can  be  determined. 
Onsite  inspection  could  contribute  to 
identification  of  the  source  of  surface  or 
near-surface  explosions,  where  surface 
disturbances  would  clearly  indicate  the 
location.  For  small  underground  explo- 
sions, it  would  be  nearly  impossible  to 
locate  the  source  with  sufficient  preci- 
sion to  permit  the  verifying  party  to  drill 
into  the  cavity  created  by  the  test  to 
sample  the  explosion  debris. 

The  basic  elements  which  could  be 
addressed  in  joint  discussions  include  the 
fundamental  science  of  the  transmission 
of  seismic  waves  within  the  Soviet 
Union;  the  types  of  equipment  which 
would  need  to  be  permanently  installed 
for  the  measurement  of  seismic  data;  the 
equipment  which  would  need  to  be 
installed  for  the  recording  and  transmis- 
sion of  seismic  data  to  national  data 
analysis  centers;  and  the  numerical  data- 

bvember  1986 



processing  techniques  which  would  be 
used  for  identifying  the  source  of  a 
seismic  event  based  on  the  character- 
istics of  the  seismic  data.  These  issues 
are  described  in  more  detail  below: 

•  Seismic  Wave  Transmission:  The 
United  States  is  actively  pursuing  the 
seismic  research  which  would  be  critical 
to  the  detection  and  identification  of  low- 
yield  (below  10  kt)  nuclear  tests.  Of  par- 
ticular significance  is  research  on  high- 
frequency  seismic  waves.  Instruments 
capable  of  detecting  high-frequency 
seismic  waves  have  been  developed  and 
an  experimental  seismic  array  contain- 
ing such  equipment  is  in  operation.  To  be 
confident  that  high-frequency  seismic 
waves  can  be  useful  for  detection  and 
identification  of  low-yield  nuclear  tests, 
two  issues  need  further  study:  the 
availability  of  sufficiently  quiet,  low 
background  seismic  noise  sites  within 
the  Soviet  Union  at  which  seismic  sta- 
tions could  be  located  and  knowledge  of 
the  transmission  characteristics  of  high- 
frequency  seismic  waves  within  the 
Soviet  Union. 

The  degree  to  which  seismic  wave 
energy  is  absorbed  and  scattered  as  a 
seismic  wave  travels  away  from  a 
nuclear  explosion  in  the  United  States 
has  been  studied  extensively,  and  much 
of  this  work  has  been  published  in  the 
scientific  literature.  Similar  information 
is  not  available  for  explosions  within  the 
Soviet  Union.  A  joint  U.S. -Soviet  effort 
could  seek  to  determine  the  degree  to 
which  high-frequency  seismic  wave 
energy  is  absorbed  and  scattered  in  the 
Soviet  Union.  Such  an  effort  would 
establish  a  more  realistic  basis  for  the 
utility  of  high-frequency  seismic  waves 
for  detection  and  identification  of  low- 
yield  nuclear  tests.  While  data  obtained 
from  outside  the  Soviet  Union  are 
useful,  Soviet-U.S.  cooperation  in  obtain- 
ing and  evaluating  data  from  within  the 
Soviet  Union  is  essential. 

•  Seismic  Equipment  and  Data 
Handling:  During  the  trilateral  CTB 
negotiations  of  1977-80,  the  United 
States  described  to  the  Soviet  Union 
tamper-proof,  remotely  operated  seismic 
stations  which  would  record  and  trans- 
mit seismic  data  for  analysis  in  the 
United  States.  The  United  States  has 
continued  research  on  such  stations. 
Modification  in  these  stations  would  be 
required  to  provide  the  capability  to 
record  and  transmit  data  on  high- 
frequency  seismic  waves.  Joint  Soviet- 
U.S.  efforts  could  resume  on  the  criteria 
for  the  location  and  operation  of  such 
stations  to  include  characterization  of 
the  sites  which  would  have  to  be  avail- 

able to  ensure  accurate  instrument 
operation.  Such  an  effort  would  have  to 
include  data  gathering  from  potential 
sites  for  remote  stations  in  the  Soviet 
Union  and  should  include  installation  of 
research  instruments  to  validate  that 
such  instruments  can  operate  reliably,  to 
include  data  transmission,  throughout 
the  broad  range  of  environmental  condi- 
tions within  the  Soviet  Union. 

•  Seismic  Wave  Analysis:  The 
effectiveness  of  any  low-yield 
underground  nuclear  test  verification 
regime  based  upon  the  analysis  of 
seismic  waves  will  ultimately  depend  on 
the  ability  to  identify  a  nuclear  explosion 
by  distinguishing  between  nuclear  explo- 
sions and  other  sources  of  seismic 
energy,  e.g.,  chemical  explosions  and 
earthquakes.  The  object  must  be  to 
minimize  the  number  of  recorded  seismic 
events  whose  source  is  ambiguous.  A 
joint  Soviet-U.S.  effort  could  seek  to 
identify  analytic  techniques  which  would 
positively  identify  the  origin  of  recorded 
seismic  signals.  Such  a  joint  study  can- 
not be  done  in  the  abstract  but  should  be 
tested  against  real  data  which  would  be 
typical  of  that  which  would  be  recorded 
by  instruments  located  at  the  prospec- 
tive location  of  seismic  stations.  No 
analytic  technique  can  hope  to  eliminate 
all  ambiguous  events,  but  it  would  be 
very  helpful  if  the  two  sides  could  agree 
on  which  technique  can  be  the  most 

V.  Current  Status 

We  have  sought  on  a  number  of  occa- 
sions in  the  past  several  years  to  engage 
the  U.S.S.R.  in  discussions  on  verifica- 
tion improvements  in  the  nuclear  testing 
area  but  thus  far  without  success.  In 
1983  the  U.S.  Government  sought  on 
three  separate  occasions  to  engage  the 
Soviet  Union  in  a  discussion  of  essential 
verification  improvements  for  the  TTBT 
and  the  PNET.  In  September  1984  the 
President  proposed  in  his  address  to  the 
UN  General  Assembly  that  the  United 
States  and  the  Soviet  Union  find  a  way 
for  Soviet  experts  to  come  to  the  U.S. 
nuclear  test  site  and  for  U.S.  experts  to 

go  to  theirs  to  measure  directly  the 
yields  of  nuclear  weapons  tests.  In  Ji 

1985  the  President  expanded  his  offe 
with  an  unconditional  invitation  for 
Soviet  experts  to  go  to  the  U.S.  nucli  I 
test  site  to  measure  the  yield  of  a 
nuclear  test  with  any  instrumentatioi 
devices  they  deemed  necessary.  Ther 
was  no  requirement  for  a  reciprocal  \ 
by  U.S.  experts  to  a  Soviet  test  site. 
December  1985  President  Reagan  pn 
posed  to  General  Secretary  Gorbache 
that  U.S.  and  Soviet  experts  on  nuck 
testing  limitations  meet  in  February 

1986  to  discuss  our  respective  verific; 
tion  approaches  and  to  address  initial 
tangible  steps  to  resolve  this  issue. 

Most  recently,  on  March  15,  1986 
the  President  urged  the  Soviet  Union 
join  the  United  States  in  discussion  o 
finding  ways  to  reach  agreement  on 
essential  verification  improvement  of 
TTBT  and  PNET.  In  this  respect  he  ] 
vided  details  to  the  Soviet  Union  on  t 
U.S.  CORRTEX  hydrodynamic  measi 
ment  system  and  proposed  that  Gene 
Secretary  Gorbachev  send  Soviet  scie 
tists  to  our  Nevada  test  site  during  tr 
third  week  of  April  1986  to  fully 
examine  CORRTEX.  At  that  time,  th 
Soviets  could  also  monitor  a  U.S.  nuc 
test.  Finally,  the  President  indicated 
that,  if  the  Soviet  Union  will  join  us  h 
an  agreement  for  effective  verificatio 
including  the  use  of  CORRTEX,  the 
United  States  would  be  prepared  to 
move  forward  on  ratification  of  the 

The  Soviets  have  stated  that  they 
have  developed  and  have  available  a 
system  that  is  used  to  obtain  data  sim 
to  that  obtained  by  CORRTEX.  Aside 
from  this  assertion,  the  Soviet  Union  1 
not  responded  to  any  of  the  above  U.S 
initiatives,  which  were  aimed  at  con- 
structively addressing  our  mutual 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Aug.  18,  1986. 

2See  Geneva  Conference  on  the  Disconti 
uance  of  Nuclear  Weapons  Tests:  History  a. 
Analysis  of  Negotiations  (Department  of 
State  publication  7258,  1961).  ■ 


I.S.  and  East  Asia-Pacific  Relations: 
he  Challenges  Ahead 

Gaston  J.  Sigur,  Jr. 

Address  at  the  Mansfield  Center  for 
dfic  Affairs  in  Helena,  Montana,  on 
ly  i,  1986.  Mr.  Sigur  is  Assistant 
cretary  for  East  Asian  and  Pacific 

occurs  to  me  that  this  is  an  espe- 
lly  appropriate  place  to  be  on  our 
tion's  birthday.  For  one  thing, 
nbassador  [to  Japan]  Mansfield  is  an 
tstanding— almost  legendary— public 
-vant  and  patriot  of  this  great  coun- 
',  and  I'm  very  pleased  to  appear  at 
s  Pacific  Affairs  Center  which  bears 
i  name.  For  another  thing,  Montana 
presents  as  well  as  any  state  that 
rit  of  pioneer  drive  and  determination 
lich  made  this  nation  great— indeed, 
dch  broadened  this  nation  to  the  full 
tent  of  its  continental  boundaries.  Fur- 
;rmore,  I  detect  a  significant  parallel 
tween  the  pioneering  spirit  of  our 
nerican  West  and  that  sense  of 
trepreneurship  and  dynamism  which  is 
jidly  transforming  the  East  Asian  and 
cific  region  into  a  leading  center  of 
)bal  commerce.  That,  after  all,  is  the 
ja  of  the  world  with  which  we  are  con- 
•ned  here  today.  It  is  an  alluring 
fion  of  unlimited  potential,  striving  to 
;et  the  challenges  of  modernization, 
ich  the  same  as  Montana  and  her 
ter  states  of  the  West  100  years  ago. 
Our  American  pioneers  viewed  that 
gratory  movement  westward  as  a 
lanifest  destiny"  of  the  19th  century, 
somewhat  the  same  way  today,  there 
jroad  recognition  of  a  steady  shifting 
the  locus  of  economic  and  political 
jnamism  toward  the  Asian-Pacific 
ena  in  this  age.  Indeed,  Ambassador 
fensfield  has  been  something  of  a  proph- 
Ein  this  respect,  being  among  the 
Fst  to  refer  to  the  21st  century  as  "the 
$itury  of  the  Pacific."  We  owe  him, 
id  others  of  vision  like  him,  a  debt  of 
eatitude  for  helping  us  reorient  our 
tnking  and  planning  toward  the  evolv- 
it  realities  of  our  time, 
j  But  while  the  nations  of  East  Asia 
c.d  the  Pacific  enjoy  vast  potential  for 
iowth  and  accomplishment,  they  also 
fee  many  serious  challenges  ahead. 
.'ter  all,  prosperity  and  stability— 
•mfort  and  tranquility— do  not  come 
ply.  The  early  Montana  settlers 
'.derstood  that  hard  work,  determina- 
te, and  cooperation  eventually  "pay 

off."  In  the  modern  age,  economic  suc- 
cess, security,  and  social  stability  still 
have  to  be  won  and  carefully  cultivated; 
they  are  not  guaranteed  to  anyone.  A 
century  ago,  it  was  the  will  to  succeed,  a 
sense  of  fair  play  and  teamwork,  the 
spirit  of  free  enterprise,  and  a  respect 
for  individual  rights  and  capabilities  that 
turned  the  rugged  western  frontier  into 
a  productive  regional  community.  These 
same  virtues  are  now  enabling  the 
Asian-Pacific  region  to  achieve  its  poten- 
tial. We  are,  in  fact,  witnesses  to  a 
modern-day  success  story  in  that  region, 
where  the  enterprising  developing  and 
industrializing  states  are  on  the  leading 
edge  of  phenomenal  achievements. 

Most  of  the  East  Asian  and  Pacific 
nations  already  have  met  the  challenges 
of  postwar  reconstruction  and  reconcilia- 
tion. Many  of  them  are  now  meeting  the 
tasks  of  modernization  and  industrializa- 
tion. One  of  them,  Japan,  already  has 
achieved  a  global  power  status  while 
others— like  the  Republic  of  Korea, 
Australia,  and  the  ASEAN  [Association 
of  South  East  Asian  Nations]  grouping- 
are  assuming  regional  leadership  roles 
and  providing  models  of  development  for 
their  neighbors.  Now  they  confront  the 
challenges  of  success:  how  to  sustain  it; 
how  to  protect  it;  how  to  manage  its 
social  and  political  consequences.  They 
are  seeking  to  manage  these  challenges 
effectively  as  they  advance  toward  even 
greater  accomplishments  in  the  years 

A  few  nations  of  the  region  have  not 
enjoyed  the  same  developmental  success. 
Among  them  are  North  Korea  and  Viet- 
nam. Their  backward  condition  may  be 
due  to  a  number  of  factors,  but  principal 
among  them  are  their  hostile  postures 
toward  their  neighbors  and  their 
discredited  economic  systems.  With  the 
encouragement  of  the  Soviet  Union,  they 
have  effectively  shut  themselves  off 
from  the  productivity  and  prosperous  liv- 
ing standards  enjoyed  by  the  other 
regional  states.  So  long  as  they  stagnate 
in  this  isolated  and  hostile  condition, 
they  remain  a  threat  to  the  progress  of 
the  rest  of  the  region. 

Fortunately,  the  traditional  bonds  of 
friendship  between  the  Asian-Pacific 
region  and  the  United  States  are  stronger 
than  ever  today.  A  natural  and  regular 
system  of  interaction  and  interdepend- 
ence has  evolved  between  us,  bilaterally 
and  multilaterally.  Increasingly,  we 
depend  upon  each  other  for  our  common 

success  and  prosperity.  Increasingly,  we 
seek  to  consult  and  to  coordinate  our 
activities  for  maximum  efficiency  and 
effectiveness.  Many  observations  have 
been  made  about  the  growing  sense  of 
"community"— with  a  small  "c"— which 
permeates  this  relationship.  No  nation  or 
group  of  nations  need  fear  this  natural 
phenomenon  for  it  portends  only  peace 
and  cooperation  among  those  who  are 
willing  to  contribute  to  regional  progress 
in  a  positive  way.  The  concept  features  a 
healthy  balance  of  individual  prerogative 
and  collective  responsibility,  for  the  sake 
of  the  common  good. 

Lest  we  become  too  complacent 
about  the  promise  of  our  common  effort, 
however,  it  bears  repeating  that  all  of  us 
must  be  vigilant  and  untiring  in 
nourishing  and  defending  the  fruits  of 
our  success.  As  I  look  ahead,  I  see  four 
fundamental  challenges  to  this  promising 
region  as  a  whole— and  I  certainly 
include  the  United  States  as  a  partner 
which,  together  with  others,  must 
prepare  to  meet  these  challenges  in  a 
common  effort. 

Sustaining  Economic  Growth  and 
Managing  Commercial  Problems 

Perhaps  the  primary  challenge,  in  the 
face  of  the  region's  relatively  prosperous 
record,  is  to  sustain  economic  growth 
and  manage  the  inevitable  commercial 
difficulties  that  occasionally  occur.  Most 
East  Asian  developing  countries  have 
relatively  low  per  capita  income  and 
rapidly  growing  populations.  For  this 
reason  their  leaders  view  rapid  economic 
growth  to  be  essential  to  both  national 
development  and  political  stability. 

Fortunately,  East  Asia  discovered 
early  on  what  the  rest  of  the  developing 
world  is  only  belatedly  coming  to  realize. 
Economic  growth  can  only  flourish  if 
economic  policies  encourage  it.  This 
means  monetary  stability,  fiscal 
restraint,  and  realistic  exchange  rates. 
Even  more  important,  governments 
must  also  institute  policies  which 
encourage  flexible,  market-oriented, 
private  enterpise  economies  open  to  free 
international  exchange  of  goods,  serv- 
ices, and  capital. 

This  may  seem  obvious  to  us  in  the 
United  States,  but  much  of  the  develop- 
ing world,  including  parts  of  East  Asia, 
remains  in  the  grip  of  statist,  inward- 
looking  economic  strategies.  Strongly 
entrenched  groups  sometimes  manage  to 
maintain  their  vested  interests  through 
protectionism  and  state  regulation.  We 
in  the  United  States  are  not  immune 

bvember  1986 



from  this  affliction,  but  the  costs  are 
much  higher  for  those  countries  that 
have  so  little  to  start  with. 

Failure  to  fend  off  these  pressures 
leads  to  clearly  demonstrable  conse- 
quences. The  empirical  fact  of  life  is 
that,  to  the  extent  developing  nations 
have  adopted  outward-looking,  market- 
oriented  policies,  they  have  attained 
robust  economic  growth.  On  the  other 
hand,  economic  stagnation  is  produced 
by  massive  extensions  of  government 
control  over  investment  and  other 
government-inspired  economic 

But  do  we  really  care  if  the  countries 
of  East  Asia  and  the  Pacific  institute 
effective  economic  policies?  The  answer 
is  "yes"  and  not  simply  for  altruistic 
reasons.  Recent  history  clearly  shows 
that  prosperous,  democratic,  outward- 
looking  nations  associate  themselves 
closely  with  the  United  States 
economically  and  strategically.  The 
reasons  are  not  hard  to  understand.  The 
Soviet  Union  and  its  allies  import  almost 
nothing  from  the  developing  world.  The 
developing  world,  in  turn,  has  little 
interest  in  importing  anything  the  Soviet 
Union  produces.  There  is  little  in  Soviet 
culture,  political  thought,  or  economic 
theory  that  has  any  attraction  what- 
soever for  these  developing  nations. 
Hardly  anyone  sees  communism  as  the 
wave  of  the  future  anymore.  The  United 
States,  on  the  other  hand,  can  offer  vast 
trade  prospects,  technology  transfer, 
foreign  investment,  educational  oppor- 
tunities, and  cultural  exchange. 

It  is  only  when  economic  growth 
falters  that  the  linkage  between  stability 
and  prosperity  is  tested.  The  Philippines 
is  a  recent  example  of  this.  Through 
government  mismanagement  and  cor- 
ruption, the  Philippine  economy  under 
Ferdinand  Marcos  was  driven  to  the 
brink  of  ruin.  As  economic  hardship 
increased,  the  communist  insurgency 
grew  rapidly.  Now  that  President 
Aquino's  new  government  holds  out  the 
prospect  of  economic  reform,  the 
insurgency  finds  itself  losing  support. 
There  was  a  time  when  insurgencies  also 
threatened  Thailand,  Malaysia,  and 
Indonesia.  This  is  now  a  distant  memory, 
unlikely  to  reoccur,  due  in  part  to  the 
remarkable  economic  progress  of  these 
three  countries. 

Given  our  stake  in  the  economic 
growth  of  our  Asian-Pacific  trading  part- 
ners, the  Administration  views  with 
dismay  attempts  in  Congress  to  try  to 
legislate  away  the  U.S.  trade  deficit, 
producing  in  the  process  great  damage 
to  ourselves  and  our  trading  partners. 

The  House  of  Representatives 
recently  passed  an  omnibus  trade  bill 
that  would  be  nothing  short  of  disastrous 
for  U.S.  interests.  There  is  no  question 
that  the  United  States  does  have  an 
enormous  trade  deficit— $148  billion  in 
1985.  What  Congress  wants  us  to 
believe,  however,  is  that  this  is  largely 
the  result  of  foreign  trade  barriers  and 
unfair  trade  practices  and  that  we  should 
erect  such  barriers  ourselves.  This  is  just 
not  so.  The  U.S.  trade  deficit  doubled 
from  1983  to  1985,  yet  foreign  trade  bar- 
riers are  no  higher  now  and,  in  fact,  are 
probably  lower  than  in  1983.  The  fact  is 
that  our  trade  deficit  increases  or 
decreases  as  a  result  of  a  variety  of  fac- 
tors, including  shifting  exchange  rates, 
differing  economic  growth  rates,  and  dif- 
fering savings  and  investment  rates. 

Japan  is  a  good  example  in  this 
regard.  In  1985  the  United  States  had  a 
$50-billion  trade  deficit  with  Japan.  The 
House  trade  bill  would,  among  a  great 
number  of  other  damaging  provisions, 
impose  a  blanket  surcharge  on  Japanese 
imports.  This  would  certainly  reduce  our 
imports  from  Japan.  It  would  also  pro- 
voke retaliation  and  inevitably  reduce 
our  exports,  leaving  both  countries 
worse  off.  It  is  axiomatic  in  economics 
that  protectionism  does  not  affect  the 
balance  of  trade,  but  rather  the  level  of 

The  fact  is  that  Japan  is  our  largest 
agricultural  market  in  the  world  and  our 
second  largest  market  for  manufacturers 
after  Canada.  Japan  also  supplied  $75 
billion  in  capital  to  this  country  in  1985 
which  helped  to  finance  new  investment 
here  and  to  hold  down  interest  rates. 
I  mention  these  facts  in  order  to 
make  the  point  that  a  very  delicate  and 
complicated  web  of  economic  interrela- 
tionships ties  us  to  Japan  and  our  other 
trading  partners  in  East  Asia.  If  Con- 
gress attempts  to  alter  this  web  by 
simply  tearing  out  great  hunks  of  it,  we 
will  all  be  the  poorer  for  it.  Ultimately, 
by  weakening  the  economic  bonds  tying 
us  to  the  rest  of  the  world,  we  will  also 
damage  our  vital  security  interests. 

This  Administration  is  not  blind  to 
the  difficulties  our  exporters  face.  We 
will  continue  to  seek  the  removal  of 
unfair  trade  barriers  which  affect  a  wide 
variety  of  American  goods  and  services. 
As  necessary,  we  will  take  unilateral 
action  under  our  own  trade  laws  to 
remove  unfair  trade  practices.  And, 
most  importantly,  we  will  continue  to 
strengthen  the  world  trading  system  and 
promote  the  success  of  the  new  round  of 
multilateral  trade  negotiations  expected 
to  start  this  September. 

The  challenge  we  face  is  one  stemj 
ming  from  the  extraordinary  success  I 
our  trading  partners  in  East  Asia.  Bo 
the  United  States  and  East  Asian  couJ 
tries  reap  enormous  benefits  from  ouij 
trading  relationship.  Our  goal  is  to 
strengthen  and  expand  this  relationsh 
and  to  manage  its  problems,  in  order  . 
safeguard  our  mutual  economic  and 
security  interests. 

Nurturing  Regular 
Coordination  and  Consultation 

A  second  "challenge"  which  we, 
together,  confront  is  to  nurture  ever 
more  regular  habits  of  coordination  ai 
consultation  among  ourselves.  We've 
made  great  headway  on  intraregional 
dialogue  over  the  past  two  decades,  ai 
the  pace  picked  up  considerably  under 
this  Administration.  I  returned  just  th 
week  with  the  Secretary  from  our 
regular  annual  conference  with  region 
foreign  ministers  in  Southeast  Asia. 
Every  summer,  following  consultation 
among  the  ASEAN  foreign  ministers, 
they  are  joined  by  their  counterparts 
from  the  United  States,  Japan,  Canad 
Australia,  New  Zealand,  and  Western 
Europe  for  discussions  on  a  range  of 
matters  of  common  concern.  Of  specia 
concern  in  recent  years,  the  Cambodia 
conflict  and  multilateral  economic 
cooperation  have  been  predominant 
agenda  items.  Together,  we  forge  a  co 
sensus  on  cooperative  approaches  to 
mitigate  threats  and  to  advance  multir 
tional  prosperity. 

In  similar  fashion,  the  United  Stat, 
consults  frequently  with  its  traditional 
allies  in  the  region  on  a  range  of 
economic,  political,  and  security  topics 
that  we  all  remain  well-informed  on 
events  and  on  our  respective  policies. 
Following  last  November's  summit  con 
ference  in  Geneva,  for  example,  the 
United  States  provided  a  full  and 
immediate  readout  on  the  Reagan  and 
Gorbachev  talks  to  our  regional  allies. 
They,  in  turn,  have  been  most  forthcon 
ing  with  us  on  their  activities  and  polic; 

Such  routine  dialogue,  as  these 
examples  demonstrate,  serves  to 
strengthen  our  common  cause  and  to 
coordinate  our  efforts  for  policy  effec- 
tiveness. Mutual  comprehension,  max- 
imum trust,  and  minimal  surprise  are 
the  key  elements  of  a  strong  and  lasting 
friendship  among  the  nations  of  East 
Asia  and  the  Pacific. 

Comprehension  and  trust  between 
nations  depend  upon  much  more  than 
periodic  high-level  official  discussions,  o 
course.  They  depend  upon  a  web  of  con- 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


,cts  and  interaction  within  the  private 
ictor  as  well.  Flourishing  commercial 
jntures  of  bilateral  and  multilateral 
'aracter  have  supplemented  growing 
traregional  trade  as  a  means  of  forging 
iportant  bonds  within  the  business 
immunity.  International  visitor  pro- 
•ams  and  academic  exchanges  are 
cpanding  over  time,  spawning  a 
markable  intellectual  framework  for 
;e  evolving  community  spirit.  The 
sser  developed  countries  of  the  region 
•e  benefiting  increasingly  from  voca- 
Dnal  and  educational  assistance  pro- 
•ams  offered  by  the  more  advanced 
luntries,  and  all  nations  gain  greater 
iderstanding  of  each  other  through 
irious  cultural  and  artistic  exchanges. 

In  short,  we  are  doing  well  in  pro- 
oting  habits  of  dialogue  among 
irselves.  More  and  more  in  the  future, 
e  challenge  may  be  to  effectively  coor- 
nate  our  policies  and  economic  planning 
the  interest  of  greater  national  effi- 
2ncy,  policy  effectiveness,  and  the  wise 
:e  of  limited  resources.  Toward  this 
id,  we  may  not  always  "see  eye  to 
■e,"  but  we  can  always  take  the  time  to 
;  down  and  discuss  our  respective  con- 
rns  and  intentions. 

•otecting  Accomplishments 

irely  one  of  the  most  important  tasks 
all  is  to  protect  and  secure  the 
complishments  which  already  have 
en  realized.  Success  always  attracts 
tention,  and,  unfortunately,  it  also 
tracts  the  envy  of  others  who  would 
aliciously  exploit  it  for  their  own 
vantage.  The  nations  of  East  Asia  and 
e  Pacific  must  be  particularly  vigilant 
the  years  ahead  and  protective  of 
eir  hard-won  success  lest  it  be 
croached  upon.  Too  often,  peace  and 
losperity  foster  complacency. 

This  factor  underlines  the  impor- 
mce  of  intimate  consultation  and  coor- 
(nation  between  us.  The  pioneers  of  the 
iTierican  West  knew  well  the  value  of 
bilance  and  the  strength  that  lies  in 
ijiity.  The  threats  of  the  rugged  frontier 
irged  a  genuine  sense  of  community,  as 
(prerequisite  for  survival. 

In  the  Asian-Pacific  region,  peace 
ad  stability  are  threatened  by  Vietnam 
^d  North  Korea.  Both  have  systems 
+iich  reflect  stagnation  and  failure,  and 
*rhaps  through  desperation  they  have 
^osen  the  route  of  threat  and  aggres- 
on  against  their  more  prosperous 
4ighbors.  Had  they  chosen  instead  the 
^urse  of  economic  cooperation  and 
klitical  accommodation,  they,  too,  could 
I  participating  in  the  regional 
raamism  that  is  outpacing  all  other 

parts  of  the  world.  Instead,  with  the  aid 
and  assent  of  the  Soviet  Union,  they 
have  embarked  on  a  self-defeating  path 
which  jeopardizes  the  progress  of  the 
region  as  well. 

The  Soviets  also  seek  to  peddle  their 
brand  of  "security"  and  "cooperation" 
in  the  region,  but  the  nations  aren't  buy- 
ing. They  are  not  about  to  exchange  a 
proven  system  of  stability  and  prosperity 
for  the  deceptive  charms  of  sweeping 
diversionary  "confidence-building 
measures,"  which  ignore  the  real 
sources  of  danger  to  the  region.  In  fact, 
it  is  the  nonproductive  policies  and 
belligerent  behavior  of  the  Soviet  Union 
which  have  resulted  in  its  conceptual 
exclusion  from  the  region,  not  some 
"capitalist  conspiracy"  to  block  its 
presence  and  participation. 

Among  the  greatest  threats  to  the 
region's  continued  success,  however,  are 
those  weaknesses  which  can  originate 
from  within  the  group,  that  is,  overt 
dissension,  shortsighted  unilateralism, 
and  protectionism.  This  is  why  regular 
consultations  are  so  important.  Trade 
tensions  and  protectionist  policies  can 
destroy  economic  progress  if  they  go 
unchecked.  "Nuclear  allergies," 
however  well-intentioned,  can  have  an 
insidious  effect  on  strategic  balance  and 
conflict  deterrence.  Alliance  fissures,  if 
permitted  to  expand,  can  destroy  the 
structure  of  mutual  commitments  and 
responsibility  upon  which  peace  is  built. 
And  failure  to  maintain  a  unified 
regional  position  on  fundamental  global 
issues  like  international  terrorism  and 
arms  control  can  lead  to  disintegration 
of  mutual  trust  as  well  as  our  common 
security.  Together,  the  free  market 
nations  have  led  the  way  in  creating  a 
strong,  secure,  and  prosperous  region; 
we  must  never  allow  weaknesses 
originating  from  within  to  cause  a 

Managing  Domestic  Pressures 

Still  another  great  challenge— one  which 
affects  the  newly  industrializing  coun- 
tries of  the  region  most  directly— is  to 
manage  adeptly  the  domestic  pressures 
that  inevitably  accompany  success. 
Historical  experience  has  shown  us  that 
modernization  and  prosperity  generate 
irrepressible  rising  expectations  among  a 
nation's  populace,  as  consumers  and— in 
developing  democracies— as  an  increas- 
ingly vocal  electorate.  For  the  sake  of 
social  stability  and  continued  progress, 
an  appropriate  degree  of  leadership 
responsiveness  is  necessary.  The  nature 
of  that  response  will  be  unique  to  the  cir- 

cumstances of  each  country— unique  to 
its  historical,  cultural,  and  political 
realities.  The  skill  with  which  govern- 
ments manage  this  task  will  be  reflected 
ultimately  in  the  extent  of  their  stability. 

Fortunately,  the  trend  seems  to  be 
toward  more  creative  and  responsive 
government  initiatives  in  many  of  the 
region's  modernizing  states.  Two  of  our 
traditional  allies,  the  Philippines  and 
Korea,  currently  are  engaged  in  con- 
stitutional reviews  which  may  incor- 
porate popular  systemic  reforms.  Others 
as  well  are  demonstrating  increasing 
sensitivity  to  the  viewpoints  of  various 
domestic  political  groups.  These  are 
healthy  developments,  and  we  commend 
those  responsible  for  proceeding  in  a 
manner  that  takes  into  account  the  need 
for  both  national  order  and  democratic 

The  shared  fruits  of  economic  suc- 
cess, equitably  distributed,  should  be 
able  to  meet  the  rising  demands  of  con- 
sumers in  these  developing  states. 
Responsive  government  should  be  able 
to  satisfy  the  expectations  of  an 
enlightened  electorate.  And  the  combina- 
tion of  these  is  an  irrefutable  recipe  for 
even  greater  progress. 


These  four  fundamental  challenges  to 
the  nations  of  East  Asia  and  the  Pacific 
region  are  formidable  but  by  no  means 
insurmountable.  They  do  not  daunt  us. 
Neither  the  United  States  nor  its  friends 
and  allies  in  the  region  shrink  from  the 
task  of  diligently  cultivating  the 
remarkable  growth  and  stability  we  have 
thus  far  enjoyed,  so  that  future  genera- 
tions may  live  in  comfort  and  peace.  We 
welcome  these  challenges  and,  together, 
will  face  them  head  on.  In  this  way,  we 
can  test  and  prove  the  full  dimension  of 
our  capabilities,  assess  our  weaknesses, 
and  strengthen  our  confidence. 

We  recognize,  of  course,  that  most 
of  the  challenges  are  the  consequent 
price  of  success.  Our  adversaries  in  the 
region— impoverished,  backward, 
isolated— contend  with  the  much  greater 
burdens  of  failure.  We  already  have 
demonstrated  the  power  of  free  market 
and  democratic  principles  in  the  develop- 
ing world.  Let  us  continue  to 
demonstrate,  through  creativity  and 
foresight,  the  durability  of  the  system 
adopted  by  our  friends  and  ourselves  as 
well.  ■ 

bvember  1986 



U.S. -Japanese 


Since  1952  when  the  U.S. -Japanese 
peace  treaty  went  into  effect,  Japan  has 
become  a  valued  U.S.  ally  and  a  major 
power  not  only  in  Asia  but  in  the  world. 
It  joined  the  United  Nations  in  1956  and 
became  a  member  of  the  Organization 
for  Economic  Cooperation  and  Develop- 
ment (OECD)  in  1964.  Its  foreign  policy 
has  been  directed  toward  promoting 
peace  and  prosperity  by  working  closely 
with  the  West. 

Its  economy  has  expanded  at  an 
impressive  rate.  Along  with  North 
America  and  Western  Europe,  Japan  is 
one  of  the  three  major  industrial  com- 
plexes among  the  market  economies. 
Japan  receives  about  10%  of  our  total 
exports— a  larger  share  than  any  country 
except  Canada— and  we  buy  roughly  one- 
quarter  of  Japan's  total  exports.  Our 
combined  GNP  totals  about  one-third  of 
world  GNP. 

Global  Partnership 
With  the  United  States 

A  close  and  cooperative  relationship  with 
Japan  is  the  cornerstone  of  U.S.  policy 
in  Asia.  Our  bilateral  ties  have 
worldwide  ramifications,  and  our 
partnership  is  global.  The  United  States 
and  Japan  are  the  two  largest  providers 
of  refugee  relief.  In  1984  Japan  provided 
$7.5  million  in  aid  to  Afghan  refugees  in 
Pakistan.  Our  two  countries  have  pro- 
vided substantial  relief  for  Khmer 
refugees  and  have  consulted  with  other 
concerned  nations— particularly  the 
Association  of  South  East  Asian  Nations 
(ASEAN)— on  the  continuing  crisis  in 
Indochina.  We  both  help  promote 
China's  modernization  program. 

Japan's  more  active  foreign  policy 
contributes  significantly  to  efforts  to 
control  and  reduce  nuclear  weapons,  and 
Japan's  views  on  our  arms  reduction 
initiatives  are  highly  valued.  Together 
we  have  made  it  clear  to  the  U.S.S.R. 
that  an  agreement  on  intermediate- 
range  nuclear  forces  that  would  shift  the 
threat  from  Europe  to  Asia  is  unaccept- 
able. Our  cooperation  also  extends  to 
many  other  areas:  energy,  technology 
transfer  to  developing  countries,  con- 
trolling strategic  exports,  and  medical- 
particularly  cancer— research. 

Relations  With  Other  Nations 

Japan's  traditional  interests  have  been 
in  Asia,  and  those  continue  to  be  of  vital 
importance  to  Tokyo.  Ties  between 

Beijing  and  Tokyo  have  developed 
rapidly  since  1978,  and  Japan  has  been 
aiding  the  Chinese  in  modernization  proj- 
ects. Today  Japan  is  the  leading  donor  of 
economic  aid  to  China.  Japan  maintains 
economic,  but  not  diplomatic,  relations 
with  Taiwan.  Korea  is  receiving  signifi- 
cant Japanese  economic  assistance  as  a 
result  of  a  historic  exchange  of  visits  in 
1983  and  1984  between  Prime  Minister 
Nakasone  and  President  Chun.  Japan 
has  long-term  interests  in  the  Persian 
Gulf,  which  supplies  most  of  its  oil. 
Tokyo  provides  large  amounts  of 
economic  aid  to  Egypt,  Turkey,  and 
Pakistan.  It  has  become  increasingly 
active  in  Africa  and  Latin  America 
through  multilateral  development  proj- 
ects. Relations  with  the  U.S.S.R.  have 
never  been  close,  in  part  because  the 
Soviets,  since  World  War  II,  have 
occupied  four  islands  known  as  the 
Northern  Territories. 

Free  Trade 

At  the  May  1985  Bonn  economic  sum- 
mit, the  United  States,  Japan,  the 
United  Kingdom,  Canada,  France,  West 
Germany,  and  Italy  committed  them- 
selves to  an  early  and  substantial  reduc- 
tion of  barriers  to  trade  and  to  continued 
efforts  to  resist  protectionism.  Prime 
Minister  Nakasone  unveiled  a  trade 
action  program  in  July  1985  to  help 
internationalize  Japan's  economy  and  to 
make  its  markets  free  in  principle,  with 
restrictions  the  exception.  After  the 
President  met  the  Prime  Minister  in 
January  1985,  intensive  bilateral 
negotiations  were  launched  to  remove 
Japanese  trade  barriers  in  the  telecom- 
munications, electronics,  forest  products, 
medical  equipment,  and  pharmaceuticals 
sectors  where  U.S.  products  are  clearly 
competitive.  These  talks  have  made 
important  progress  in  trade  liberaliza- 
tion. Such  efforts  help  reduce  stresses  in 
our  relationship  caused  by  the  persistent 
trade  deficit. 

Macroeconomic  Policies 

We  have  urged  Japan  to  correct  its  sav- 
ings/investment imbalance  which  over 
time  would  help  reduce  its  large  global 
current  account  surplus.  Japan  recog- 
nizes that  it  must  increase  domestic-led 
growth  to  stimulate  imports  and  help 
rectify  the  savings/investment 
imbalance;  it  announced  several  steps  in 
October  1985  and  is  studying  additional 
measures.  The  strong  dollar  has  helped 
cause  the  trade  imbalance  with  Japan. 
The  September  1985  statement  of  the 
Finance  Ministers  of  Japan,  the  United 
Kingdom,  France,  West  Germany,  the 
United  States,  and  the  Central  Bankers 
committed  five  major  industrialized 

countries  to  address  exchange  rate 
issues.  Since  then  the  dollar  has 
weakened  in  relation  to  the  yen,  and 
decline  eventually  may  help  increase 
exports  to  Japan. 

Assistance  to  Less  Developed 

In  1984  Japan  became  second  only  tc 
United  States  as  a  leading  donor  of 
overseas  development  assistance,  pie 
ing  some  $4.3  billion.  Japan  has  pled 
$40  billion  in  assistance  from  1986  tc 
1992.  Both  Japan  and  the  United  Ste 
agreed  at  the  Bonn  summit  to  work  : 
new  trade  liberalization  negotiations 
the  General  Agreement  on  Tariffs  ar 
Trade  (GATT),  emphasizing  expande 
trade  with  less  developed  countries. 
Both  countries  are  studying  how  to  c 
dinate  their  foreign  assistance  progr; 
and  the  United  States  supports  Japa 
efforts  to  open  its  market  to  develop 
countries'  products. 

International  Political  and  Econom 

The  Secretary  of  State  and  the  Japai  i 
Foreign  Minister  meet  often  to  consi  r 
global  issues.  The  United  States  and    ' 
Japan  have  consulted  on  the  invasion  i 
Afghanistan  and  Cambodia  and  the 
imposition  of  martial  law  in  Poland. 
Economic  coordination  has  often  bee 
accomplished  through  institutions  su(  I 
as  the  International  Energy  Agency   I 
(IEA),  the  World  Bank,  and  the  Inter  | 
tional  Monetary  Fund  (IMF). 

Mutual  Security 

Although  the  Japanese  Constitution  a  I 
government  policy  preclude  an  assert  I 
military  role  in  international  relations  I 
Japan's  cooperation  with  the  United  I 
States  through  the  1960  bilateral  Tre;| 
of  Mutual  Cooperation  and  Security  h  I 
been  crucial  in  maintaining  peace  and  I 
stability  in  East  Asia.  U.S.  bases  and  j 
facilities  in  Japan  enable  the  United 
States  to  maintain  its  commitments  tc  I 
Japan  and  other  allies  in  the  region. 
Japan  has  significantly  strengthened  i| 
self-defense  capabilities.  It  will  under- 1 
take  to  defend  its  sealanes  to  a  distamj 
of  1,000  nautical  miles,  providing  a 
credible  deterrent  to  Soviet  adventuri:} 
in  Northeast  Asia.  Japan's  expanded  I 
defense  role  will  also  allow  us  more  fie] 
ibility  in  responding  to  emergencies  inl 
the  Southwest  Pacific  and  Indian  Oceal 

Taken  from  the  GIST  series  of  Jan.  1986, 
published  by  the  Bureau  of  Public  Affairs, 
Department  of  State.  Editor:  Harriet 
Culley.  ■ 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


Ui  Agenda  for  the  New  GATT  Round 

I  Clayton  Yeutter 

Address  before  the  U.S.  Chamber  of 
mmerce  on  September  10,  1986. 
nbassador  Yeutter  is  U.S.  Trade 

:xt  week,  one  of  the  most  momentous 
iernational  economic  conferences  of 
e  past  40  years  will  take  place  in 
inta  del  Este,  Uruguay.  Secretary  of 
immeree  Baldrige  and  Secretary  of 
rriculture  Lyng  will  join  me  in  a 
meting  with  ministers  of  91  other  coun- 
es  to  launch  a  new  round  of 
iltilateral  trade  talks  under  the 
spices  of  the  General  Agreement  on 
riffs  and  Trade  (GATT). 

What  we  do  there  will  have  major 
percussions  for  decades  to  come.  I  am 
t  exaggerating  when  I  say  that  the 
ture  of  the  international  trading 
stem  hinges  on  the  outcome  of  this 
nisterial  meeting. 

Nearly  40  years  ago,  representatives 
23  nations  met  in  Geneva  to  negotiate 
lat  eventually  became  known  as  the 
VTT.  Imagine  what  those  negotiators 
w  as  they  scanned  the  four  tumultuous 
cades  preceding  their  meeting.  In 
sir  lifetimes,  they  had  witnessed  the 
o  most  destructive  wars  in  history;  a 
eat  Depression  that,  propelled  by  a 
igue  of  protectionism,  had  eroded  the 
ry  fabric  of  their  societies;  the  rise  of 
gressive  totalitarian  regimes, 
mulated  in  large  part  by  economic 
rest;  and  a  dramatic  increase  in 
anomic  and  political  isolationism  that 
d  turned  their  world  into  chaos. 

The  lessons  of  that  earlier  period 
ist  have  been  crystal  clear— that  the 
tions  of  the  world,  as  interdependent 
ambers  of  the  international  corn- 
unity,  need  rules  and  codes  of  conduct 
facilitate  their  economic  relationships. 

The  creators  of  GATT  applied  these 
osons  as  they  developed  a  new  trading 
stem.  The  General  Agreement  on 
'.riffs  and  Trade  became  a  set  of  prin- 
:>les  and  disciplines  to  promote  global 
ionomic  growth  through  expanded 
tide.  The  signatories  promised  to 
cavow  the  protectionist  practices  of 
fe  1930s  when  nations  had  tried  in  vain 
-  prosper  at  the  expense  of  each  other, 
''jecting  the  beggar-thy-neighbor 
proach,  which  had  succeeded  only  in 
ipoverishing  everyone,  the  GATT 
ambers  adopted  a  system  in  which  all 
<.tions  could  grow  and  prosper 

It  is  important  to  note  that  the 
GATT  members  called  themselves  con- 
tracting parties  and  still  do  so.  Each 
GATT  member  is  a  party  to  a  contract 
with  binding  obligations.  These  obliga- 
tions, which  require  each  nation  to 
forswear  protectionism,  are  the  founda- 
tion of  the  modern  international  trading 

As  we  survey  the  40  years  since  the 
GATT  was  founded  we  can  view  it  as  an 
enormous  achievement.  Membership 
grew  from  23  to  92  nations.  All  nations 
have  benefited  from  the  lower  tariffs 
and  reduced  trade  barriers  that  GATT 
generated,  and  international  trade 
expanded  dramatically.  As  trade 
increased,  so  did  economic  growth. 
Expanded  trade  has  provided  rising 
prosperity  for  developed  and  developing 
nations  alike.  Some  have  become 
prosperous  beyond  all  their  hopes. 

As  an  institution,  GATT  has 
arguably  done  more  over  the  past  40 
years  to  promote  the  cause  of  peace  and 
prosperity  than  any  other  international 
body.  Yet  like  all  institutions,  GATT 
must  change  or  risk  becoming  obsolete. 

When  GATT  was  founded,  the  major 
trade  problem  was  high  tariffs.  Seven 
rounds  of  trade  negotiations  have 

. .  .GATT  must  address 
the  chaos  in  trade  in 

lowered  tariff  barriers  substantially.  But 
new,  non-tariff  barriers  have  sprung  up 
to  take  the  place  of  high  tariffs,  and 
GATT  must  adapt  to  the  new  challenge 
these  measures  present. 

As  currently  constituted,  GATT  does 
not  address  many  of  the  realities  of 
modern  trade.  It  has  been  13  years  since 
we  launched  a  new  round  of  GATT  talks 
and  much  has  changed  in  the  interna- 
tional economy  since  then.  We  live  in  a 
world  that  is  becoming  more  sophisti- 
cated every  day.  Our  international 
institutions,  such  as  the  GATT,  must 
serve  that  world.  They  too  must  be 
sophisticated,  and  they  must  be  dynamic. 
If  they  remain  static  in  the  face  of 
change,  they  will  fade  into  oblivion. 

Protectionist  Trends 

Unfortunately,  we've  all  slipped 
somewhat  from  the  commitments  of  40 
years  ago.  Protectionist  practices  are 
resurfacing  throughout  the  world.  Part 
of  this  is  in  reaction  to  the  economic 
shocks  of  the  last  15  years— the  tremen- 
dous fluctuations  in  energy  prices,  the 
abandonment  of  fixed  exchange  rates, 
the  periods  of  soaring  inflation,  the  ups 
and  downs  of  interest  rates,  and  the 
enormous  debt  burdens  of  some  develop- 
ing nations. 

Yet,  to  be  candid,  much  of  this 
creeping  protectionism  is  simple  oppor- 
tunism. There  are  those  who  would 
prefer  not  to  compete  internationally, 
those  who  want  only  to  export,  and 
those  who  think  trade  barriers  will  give 
them  the  edge.  In  short,  the  beggar-thy- 
neighbor  approach  is  making  a 

This  is  an  alarming  trend.  It  has  a 
corrosive  effect  on  the  system  because 
one  protectionist  action  begets  another. 
It  is  naive  to  expect  otherwise  but 
sometimes  nations  engage  in  wishful 
thinking— and  in  self-destructive  actions. 
International  trade  as  measured  by 
GATT  rose  only  3%  in  1985,  down  con- 
siderably from  the  9%  growth  rate  of 
1984.  If  nothing  is  done  to  reverse  this 
trend,  the  trickle  toward  protectionism 
could  become  a  flood,  and  we  could 
return  to  the  Depression  days  of  the 

Already  in  the  United  States,  there 
is  a  reaction  against  GATT  because  some 
think  the  privileges  of  a  free  and  open 
trading  system  apply  only  to  our 
competitors— that  others  are  free  to 
trade  in  the  United  States  but  foreign 
markets  are  closed  to  us.  Many 
Americans  look  at  our  $150,000  million 
trade  deficit  and  at  the  growing  use  of 
subsidies,  nontariff  barriers,  and  other 
GATT-illegal  practices  throughout  the 
world  and  wonder  why  we  are  still  a 
signatory  to  the  GATT.  They  want  us  to 
take  matters  into  our  own  hands  and  roll 
back  imports  through  quota  programs  or 
require  specified  reductions  in  bilateral 
trade  deficits  through  the  use  of 

Further,  those  U.S.  interests  that 
are  still  outward  looking  are  losing  faith 
in  the  ability  of  existing  rules  and  in- 
stitutions to  effectively  address  new 
issues  that  are  increasingly  important  in 
international  commerce— services, 

bvember  1986 



investment,  intellectual  property  protec- 
tion, and  others  that  are  on  our  priority 
list  for  Punta  del  Este. 

The  difficulties  facing  today's 
trading  system  do  not  affect  America 
alone.  After  all,  farm  subsidies  and 
agricultural  import  barriers  are  not 
aimed  only  at  the  American  farmer. 
They  also  crush  less  fortunate  nations, 
many  of  which  have  economies  based 
almost  entirely  on  agriculture.  And  the 
lack  of  rules  on  services  does  not  affect 
American  exporters  only.  It  also 
prevents  many  less  developed  countries 
(LDCs)  from  achieving  their  full  poten- 
tial on  trade  in  services. 

If  other  nations  are  not  truly 
interested  in  strengthening  the 
multilateral  trading  system,  the  United 
States  will  have  no  choice  but  to  defend 
its  interests  bilaterally  and  plurilaterally, 
and  we  will  do  so  vigorously.  The  GATT 
as  we  know  it  today  would  disappear,  to 
be  replaced,  we  hope,  by  institutions  that 
would  better  accommodate  the  world's 
commercial  needs. 

The  stakes  riding  on  the  outcome  of 
our  meeting  in  Uruguay  next  week  are, 
indeed,  high.  We  can  either  agree  to 
work  together  as  a  world  community  to 
strengthen  and  modernize  the  interna- 
tional trading  system  for  the  benefit  of 

Worldwide  piracy  of 
intellectual  property  has 
reached  epidemic 

all  nations  or  we  can  agree  to  each  go 
our  own  way,  accepting  the  conse- 
quences of  that  scenario. 

For  us  a  new  round  to  improve  the 
world  trading  system  must  include 
meaningful  negotiations  on  agriculture 
and  the  new  issues— services,  intellectual 
property,  and  investment.  This  is  not  a 
time  for  caution.  It  is  a  time  for  leader- 
ship, a  time  to  strike  out  boldly  to  meet 
the  demands  of  a  dynamic  world. 

There  is  some  cause  for  optimism  if 
one  looks  at  how  far  we  have  come.  A 
year  ago,  many  observers  questioned 

whether  GATT  members  could  agree 
even  to  begin  talking  about  an  agenda 
for  a  new  round  of  trade  talks.  Yet  we 
were  able  to  establish  a  preparatory 
committee,  which  worked  diligently  for  7 
months  to  produce  a  draft  declaration 
for  ministers'  consideration. 

The  negotiators  who  drafted  that 
text  represent  countries  of  all 
characterizations:  developed,  developing, 
and  newly  industrialized;  northern  and 
southern,  eastern  and  western.  Colombia 
and  Switzerland  deserve  particular 
credit  for  chairing  the  deliberations,  but 
all  40-plus  nations  that  participated 
should  share  the  accolades.  All  took 
political  risks  during  this  process  and  all 
will  have  to  take  additional  risks  if  we 
are  successfully  to  launch  a  new  round. 
Yet  if  a  general  spirit  of  cooperation 
prevails,  and  if  opponents  of  trade 
liberalization  are  not  permitted  to 
obstruct  progress,  a  historic  declaration 
can  emerge  from  Punta  del  Este. 

But  let  us  not  take  it  for  granted 
that  there  will  be  a  new  round.  Unfor- 
tunately, a  small  group  of  nations  con- 
tinues to  hold  the  interests  of  the  major- 
ity hostage  to  their  objectives,  which 
seem  to  me  contrary  to  their  own  self- 
interest.  For  reasons  known  only  to 
them,  these  nations  are  attempting  to 
keep  off  the  agenda  items  that  must  be 
included  if  we  are  to  strengthen  and 
improve  GATT.  This  is  not  a  tolerable 
outcome.  Nations  that  engage  in  3%  or 
4%  of  the  world's  trade  cannot  be 
allowed  to  jeopardize  the  future  of  the 
entire  world  trading  system.  No  one  has 
been  asked  to  commit  in  advance  to  the 
outcome  of  the  new  round  but  simply  to 
allow  those  who  wish  to  negotiate  to 
do  so. 

Negotiating  Agenda 

There  can  be  no  legitimate  objection  to  a 
comprehensive  negotiating  agenda.  But 
there  is  ample  reason  not  to  agree  to  a 
limited  agenda.  If  a  handful  of  countries 
block  the  rest  of  the  world  from 
negotiating  on  matters  of  great 
economic  importance  during  the  coming 
years— matters  that  will  advance  the 
cause  of  global  trade— the  United  States 
will  not  participate  in  the  new  round. 

Agriculture.  Clearly  GATT  must 
address  the  chaos  in  trade  in  agriculture. 
This  is  an  urgent,  critical  need.  Export 
subsidies  and  endless  barriers  to  imports 
have  created  massive  disruption  in  farm 
trade  and  brought  world  agriculture  to 
the  brink  of  crisis.  The  escalating  pat- 
tern of  protectionism  in  agriculture  must 
be  reversed.  Farmers  of  different  coun- 

tries are  no  longer  competing  againsl  1 1 
each  other  but  against  national 

Our  agricultural  objectives  for  a  il 
round  are  clear.  We  want  to  phase  oi  f] 
import  restrictions  on  agricultural  pr  d 
ucts,  treat  agricultural  export  subsidi  I 
the  same  as  subsidies  for  industrial  p  | 
ucts,  and  eliminate  other  barriers  to 
market  access  in  developed  and  devel 
ing  countries.  Agriculture  should  be 
negotiated  on  a  "fast  track"  basis 
because  the  crisis  in  agricultural  trad 
so  severe  that  we  cannot  afford  to  we 
years  or  more  for  improvement. 

These  objectives  should  threaten 
one.  No  nation  would  gain  any  advan 
tage  over  another;  we  would  work 
together  to  put  an  end  to  costly,  conf 
tational  policies  that  hurt  us  all. 

Secretary  Lyng's  attendance  in 
Punta  del  Este  demonstrates  our 
government's  deep  commitment  to 
extending  GATT  rule  to  cover  trade  i 
agriculture.  President  Reagan  is  per- 
sonally committed  to  this  issue.  At  th 
economic  summit  in  Tokyo  last  May,  1 
raised  the  issue  of  trade  in  agricultun 
and  persuaded  the  other  heads  of  stat 
of  the  need  for  immediate,  substantia 
improvement  in  the  conduct  of 
agricultural  trade. 

Services.  GATT  also  must  begin 
address  the  new  trade  challenges  of  tl 
day.  The  definition  and  scope  of  trade 
have  been  transformed  in  recent  year 
and  GATT  as  an  institution  must  keep 
pace.  For  example,  we  must  create  an 
institutional  framework  that  will  maki 
trade  in  services  as  open  as  possible. 
Services  is  the  fastest  growing  sector 
the  U.S.  economy  and  is  likely  to  con- 
tinue to  be  so  in  the  future.  The  same 
true  for  many  other  nations,  yet  there 
are  no  principles  and  procedures  govei 
ing  trade  in  this  area. 

Our  objectives  here  also  are  clear. 
We  wish  to  develop  meaningful  interns : 
tional  rules  with  respect  to  governmen 
actions  that  affect  services  trade.  This 
would  not  only  place  rules  for  trade  in 
services  on  an  equal  footing  with  rules , 
for  trade  in  goods  but  also  would 
facilitate  trade  in  goods  by  guaranteeii: 
that  essential  related  services,  such  as 
transportation,  communications,  and 
insurance,  are  readily  available  on  a 
competitive  basis. 

These  objectives  also  should  threat 
no  one.  Basic  rules  guaranteeing  non- 
discriminatory treatment  and  equitable! 
access  would  simply  clarify  the  current ; 
jumbled  system  for  all  service  provider:  | 
they  would  provide  special  advantages  i 


Department  of  State  Bullet  I 


h  one.  Furthermore,  no  nation  would  be 
Lligated  to  sign  a  services  code, 
piough  it  would  clearly  be  seen  to  be 
|  sirable  to  do  so. 

Investment.  A  third  major  need  is  a 
t  of  rules  to  cover  investment.  GATT 
fers  virtually  no  discipline  in  this  area 
en  through  government  investment 
ilicies  can  severely  distort  trade  flows. 

Our  goal  here  is  to  provide  for  basic 
inciples  governing  such  practices  as 
:port  performance  requirements,  local 
ntent  rules,  and  other  investment 
gulations  that  distort  trade.  We  want 
inject  greater  certainty  into  what  is 
iw  a  most  uncertain,  and  often 
timidating,  economic  environment. 

This  objective  should  not  threaten 
her  nations;  indeed  it  should  be 
ibraced  by  all— especially  the  develop- 
y  nations— as  a  major  priority.  Foreign 
vestment,  when  responding  to  actual 
irket  conditions  rather  than  distortive 
ivernment  policies,  will  stimulate 
onomic  growth.  There  is  an  urgent 
ed  throughout  the  developing  world 
r  increased  foreign  investment,  par- 
:ularly  among  nations  that  need  to 
duce  their  reliance  on  debt  capital  but 
ed  equity  capital  to  stimulate  growth. 
;  long  as  there  are  no  meaningful  rules 
this  area,  investment  in  those  coun- 
es  will  remain  a  risky  and  unattractive 

Intellectual  Property.  Finally, 
sre  is  a  need  for  increased  protection 
"  intellectual  property  such  as  patents, 
idemarks,  and  copyrights.  Worldwide 
•acy  of  intellectual  property  has 
iched  epidemic  proportions.  The  world 
Dn  may  be  in  danger  of  losing  the 
nefits  of  major  research  and  develop- 
mt  efforts,  which  simply  will  not  be 
dertaken  if  theft  of  the  work  product 
events  companies  from  justifying  the 
search  expenditure. 

Our  objective  here  is  simply  to  imple- 
;nt  and  enforce  basic  standards  for 
;ellectual  property  protection 
trldwide.  This  should  threaten  no  one 
cept  the  pirates  who  attempt  to  profit 
[pm  their  theft  of  others'  intellectual 
foperty.  For  them  there  should  be  no 
Empathy  at  Punta  del  Este. 

]  These  issues— agriculture,  services, 
fyestment,  and  intellectual  property 
lotection— are  all  mentioned  as  agenda 
Ims  in  the  draft  declaration  supported 
\,  a  majority  of  countries.  We  are 
jpeful  that  all  nations  will  recognize 
Sat  having  these  items  on  the 
ligotiating  agenda  is  in  their  own 
mnomic  interest  and  in  the  interest  of  a 
ralthy  world  trading  system.  Without 

them,  there  will  be  no  standstill-rollback 
commitment,  no  reduction  in  tariff  and 
nontariff  barriers,  no  negotiation  on  a 
safeguards  code,  no  improvement  in  the 
GATT  dispute  settlement  mechanism, 
and  no  discipline  for  the  "gray  area" 
measures  that  so  plague  international 
trade  today. 

The  challenge  facing  us  in  Uruguay 
next  week  is  every  bit  as  large  as  that 
which  faced  the  founders  of  GATT 
almost  40  years  ago.  But  we  have  a 
tremendous  advantage  over  them. 
Whereas  they  saw  only  chaos  as  they 
looked  back  over  the  previous  40  years 
and  struggled  to  find  an'answer,  we 

have  their  success  as  an  example.  If  we 
fail  to  grasp  this  opportunity,  future 
generations  will  rightly  indict  us  for 
depriving  them  of  any  hope  for  rising 
world  prosperity. 

Surely  leadership  and  statesmanship 
did  not  disappear  when  the  creators  of 
GATT  retired  from  the  scene.  What  we 
must  all  do  is  summon  the  courage  to 
renew  our  common  commitment  to  a 
free  and  open  international  trading 

Next  week  in  Uruguay,  we  will 
discover  if  the  nations  of  the  world  have 
that  courage.  ■ 

GATT  Nations  Agree  to  Launch 
New  Round  of  Trade  Negotiations 

The  contracting  parties  to  the 
General  Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade 
(GA  TT)  met  in  ministerial  session  at 
Punta  del  Este,  Uruguay,  Septem- 
ber 15-20,  1986. 

Following  are  the  statement  by  U.S. 
Trade  Representative  Ambassador 
Clayton  Yeutter,  head  of  the  U.S.  delega- 
tion, on  September  15  and  the  text  of  the 
declaration  adopted  September  20  by  the 
7U  nations  attending  the  meeting. 

SEPT.  15,  1986 

This  week  GATT  faces  a  historic 
challenge.  Our  task  is  more  difficult  than 
any  that  has  confronted  world  trade 
since  the  very  creation  of  GATT  in  1947. 
What  we  do  in  Punta  del  Este  will  deter- 
mine whether  GATT  remains  a  func- 
tional, dynamic  institution  serving  the 
interests  of  its  members  or  declines  into 
a  static  and  passive  association  that  is 
irrelevant  to  the  needs  of  international 

Our  task  may  be  daunting,  but  it  is 
one  from  which  we  must  not  shirk.  The 
world  trading  system  is  in  trouble.  All 
of  us,  to  one  degree  or  another,  have 
slipped  from  the  GATT  ideals  of  free  and 
open  trade.  Some  have  slipped  con- 
siderably, making  protectionism 
dangerously  more  commonplace.  Many 
now  overlook  the  tremendous  benefits 
that  these  ideals  made  possible  during 
the  last  40  years.  The  expansion  of  trade 
can  enable  more  individuals  to  partici- 

pate in  the  world  economy,  thereby 
improving  their  quality  of  life  and 
standard  of  living. 

Rather  than  allow  permanent 
damage  to  the  world  trading  system,  we 
must  reaffirm  the  basic  principles 
established  by  the  founders  of  GATT. 
Such  a  reaffirmation  must  recognize  the 
realities  of  international  trade  today. 
This  means  extending  GATT  principles 
to  all  major  areas  of  trade.  For  too  long, 
GATT  rules  and  disciplines  have  not 
applied  to  many  of  the  most  important 
sectors  of  the  world  economy,  leading  to 
global  trade  distortion  and  economic 
disequilibrium  that  can  no  longer  be 

The  United  States,  with  a  trade 
deficit  approaching  $200  billion,  is  the 
major  victim  of  this  disequilibrium. 
President  Reagan  has  forcefully  resisted 
a  tide  of  domestic  protectionism  in  the 
face  of  this  gigantic  trade  deficit  but  he 
cannot  do  so  forever.  GATT  members 
need  to  work  together  to  move  the  world 
back  toward  economic  equilibrium— to 
the  benefit  of  all.  If  other  countries  are 
not  interested  in  doing  so,  the  United 
States  will  have  no  choice  but  to  defend 
its  own  interests  in  its  own  way.  We  are 
prepared  to  do  so  if  we  must. 

The  United  States  advocates  a  new 
round  because  we  believe  the  GATT  can 
be  responsive  to  the  rapidly-changing 
requirements  of  international  commerce. 
We  are  prepared  to  modernize  it  for  the 
benefit  of  every  country.  This  will 
require  a  firm  commitment  by  all  GATT 
member  countries  to  work  together 
toward  a  common  goal. 

Kvember  1986 



The  vast  majority  of  GATT  members 
have  already  demonstrated  such  a  com- 
mitment. The  process  for  launching  a 
new  round  was  begun  by  the  unanimous 
consensus  of  the  contracting  parties  last 
November.  During  the  first  7  months  of 
this  year,  the  preparatory  committee 
met  to  draft  an  agenda  for  the  new 
round.  Out  of  those  meetings  came  the 
text  upon  which  we  will  base  our  discus- 
sion for  the  final  ministerial  declaration. 
This  text  resolved  a  number  of  issues, 
leaving  others  to  be  decided  here.  It  was 
a  significant  accomplishment.  It  leaves 
me  confident  that  the  decision  to  launch 
a  new  round  is  within  our  grasp. 

The  negotiators  who  drafted  that 
text  represent  countries  of  all  character- 
izations: developed,  developing,  and 
newly  industrialized;  northern  and 
southern,  eastern  and  western.  Colombia 
and  Switzerland  deserve  particular  men- 
tion for  chairing  the  deliberations,  but  all 
40  or  so  participating  nations  deserve 

The  diverse  composition  of  the  draft- 
ing group  demonstrates  conclusively  that 
support  for  a  new  round  is  widespread 
and  not  limited  to  one  nation  or  group  of 
nations.  It  also  disproves  the  assertion 
that  there  is  a  GATT  conflict  between 
the  less  developed  countries  (LDCs)  and 
the  developed  nations.  Indeed  the 
developing  nations  provided  much  of  the 
leadership  that  went  into  drafting  the 
declaration  which  received  the  most  sup- 
port at  the  Geneva  preparatory  meeting. 

The  contribution  of  the  developing 
countries  to  the  preparatory  committee 
process  is  only  the  most  recent  example 
of  how  important  the  LDCs  have  become 
to  world  trade.  The  United  States 
welcomes  the  growth  and  increasing 
stature  of  the  developing  nations.  We 
buy  nearly  two-thirds  of  the  goods  sent 
from  the  LDCs  to  the  developed  coun- 
tries, and  we  look  forward  to  increasing 
our  exports  to  LDC  markets.  We  believe 
the  United  States  can  only  benefit  as 
developing  countries  become  more 

By  deciding  to  meet  here  in  Punta 
del  Este,  the  GATT  has  demonstrated 
that  the  LDCs  are  full  partners  in  the 
GATT  process  and  just  as  committed  to 
GATT  principles  as  the  developed 
nations.  Mr.  Chairman  [Uruguayan 
Foreign  Minister  Enrique  Iglesias],  I 
thank  you  for  your  nation's  generous 
offer  to  host  this  meeting,  and  I  know 
your  able  leadership  will  ensure  its 

Uruguay  is  just  one  of  the  many 
developing  nations  that  understands  it 

too  has  a  tremendous  stake  in  the  expan- 
sion of  world  trade.  They  know  that  pro- 
tectionism threatens  developing  nations 
far  more  than  it  does  the  United  States. 
We  are  large  enough  and  self-sufficient 
enough  to  adjust  to  closed  markets, 
thereby  limiting  the  damage.  Resurgent 
protectionism  would  slow  our  economic 
expansion  and  reduce  our  standard  of 
living,  but  it  would  not  devastate  our 
economy  as  it  would  smaller  and  more 
export-dependent  nations. 

The  new  round  will  not  only  help 
LDCs  by  reversing  protectionist  trends, 
it  will  also  provide  many  opportunities 
for  expanding  trade.  The  U.S.  position 
on  such  issues  as  agriculture,  services, 
investment,  and  intellectual  property  is 
well-known,  but  not  so  widely  recognized 
is  the  support  we  enjoy  from  progressive 
LDCs  that  realize  they  will  also  benefit 
from  inclusion  of  these  issues  in  the  new 

For  example  it  is  clear  that  the  main 
victims  of  agricultural  protectionism  are 
smaller,  agrarian  economies  that  cannot 
compete  with  massive  export  subsidies 
nor  penetrate  import  barriers  that  the 
GATT  currently  permits.  The 
agricultural  language  in  the  draft 
ministerial  declaration  offers  hope  for 
change  that  will  benefit  not  just  U.S. 
farmers  but  others  around  the  globe. 

Similarly  the  lack  of  rules  for  trade 
in  services  does  not  restrict  the  United 
States  only.  Many  LDCs  that  are  compe- 
titive in  services  or  hope  to  evolve  into 
service  economies  find  significant 
markets  closed  to  them  by  their  neigh- 
bors' protectionist  policies.  A  services 
code  guaranteeing  nondiscriminatory 
treatment  and  equitable  access  would 
threaten  no  nation,  expecially  since  none 
will  be  forced  to  sign  such  a  code. 
Furthermore  services  facilitate  trade  in 
goods.  The  two  are  complementary  and, 
as  international  commerce  becomes 
more  sophisticated,  will  forever  be 
interrelated— in  all  countries. 

As  for  investment,  the  lack  of  basic 
principles  penalizes  LDCs  by  creating 
uncertainty  and  risk  for  investors.  There 
is  an  urgent  need  throughout  the 
developing  world  for  increased  foreign 
investment,  particularly  among  nations 
that  need  to  reduce  their  reliance  on 
debt  capital  but  need  equity  capital  to 
stimulate  growth.  As  long  as  there  are 
no  meaningful  rules  in  this  area,  invest- 
ment in  these  countries  will  remain  risky 
and  unattractive. 

Finally,  we  need  better  rules  on 
intellectual  property,  not  simply  for  the 
sake  of  the  developed  world  but  also  for 
the  LDCs,  which  benefit  from  research 

and  development  wherever  it  is  con- 
ducted. The  concept  of  protecting 
intellectual  property  is  not  new,  but 
time  to  recognize  that  the  issue  affec 
trade  and  ought  to  be  addressed  by  t 
GATT.  The  current  lack  of  protectioi 
intellectual  property  virtually  guarar 
that  only  the  developed  nations  can 
afford  to  invest  heavily  in  vital  resea 
which  will  keep  the  LDCs  from  prog] 
ing  as  rapidly  as  they  could  otherwisi 

We  regard  the  issues  of  agriculti 
services,  investment,  and  intellectual 
property  as  critical  to  the  future  of  a 
GATT  members.  We  cannot  envision 
nor  agree  to— comprehensive  new  tr; 
negotiations  that  do  not  include  thesi 
four  issues  on  the  agenda.  Without 
them,  there  will  be  no  meaningful 
standstill-rollback  commitment,  no 
reduction  in  tariff  and  nontariff  barr 
no  negotiation  of  a  safeguards  code, 
improvement  in  the  GATT  dispute  se 
tlement  mechanism  or  subsidy  rules, 
no  discipline  over  the  "gray  area" 
measures  that  so  plague  internationa 
trade  today. 

Today  GATT  stands  at  a  crossro? 
Regardless  of  what  we  do  here,  work 
events  will  go  forward.  We  cannot  st 
change,  but  we  can  work  to  set  our  o 
destiny.  If  we  leave  Punta  del  Este 
without  taking  steps  to  strengthen  ai 
modernize  GATT,  we  will  have  failed 
grasp  an  opportunity  to  improve  the 
lives  of  all  citizens  of  the  world  for  y€ 
to  come.  But  if  we  act  decisively,  we 
be  worthy  successors  to  the  statesme 
who  created  GATT  40  years  ago.  Let 
their  vision  inspire  us  as  we  work  to 
invigorate  GATT  for  future  generatio 

SEPT.  20,  1986 

Ministers,  meeting  on  the  occasion  of  the 
Special  Session  of  Contracting  Parties  at 
Punta  del  Este,  have  decided  to  launch 
Multilateral  Trade  Negotiations  (the  Urugi 
Round).  To  this  end,  they  have  adopted  the 
following  Declaration.  The  Multilateral  Tn 
Negotiations  (MTN)  will  be  open  to  the  par 
ticipation  of  countries  as  indicated  in  Parts' 
and  II  of  this  Declaration.  A  Trade  Negotis. 
tions  Committee  is  established  to  carry  out 
the  negotiations.  The  Trade  Negotiations    [ 
Committee  shall  hold  its  first  meeting  not  I 
later  than  31  October  1986.  It  shall  meet  as 
appropriate  at  Ministerial  level.  The 
Multilateral  Trade  Negotiations  will  be  con 
eluded  within  four  years. 


Department  of  State  Bulle 




'he  Contracting  Parties  meeting  at 
linisterial  level 

Determined  to  halt  and  reverse  protect- 
ionism and  to  remove  distortions  to  trade 

Determined  also  to  preserve  the  basic 
irinciples  and  to  further  the  objectives  of  the 


Determined  also  to  develop  a  more  open, 
iable  and  durable  multilateral  trading  system 

Convinced  that  such  action  would  promote 
rowth  and  development 

Mindful  of  the  negative  effects  of  pro- 
jnged  financial  and  monetary  instability  in 
he  world  economy,  the  indebtedness  of  a 
irge  number  of  less  developed  contracting 
arties  and  considering  the  linkage  between 
rade,  money,  finance  and  development 

Decide  to  enter  into  Multilateral  Trade 
legotiations  on  trade  in  goods  within  the 
ramework  and  under  the  aegis  of  the  General 
Lgreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade. 


Negotiations  shall  aim  to: 

i)  bring  about  further  liberalization  and 
|xpansion  of  world  trade  to  the  benefit  of  all 
:ountries,  especially  less-developed  Contract- 
iig  Parties,  including  the  improvement  of 
ccess  to  markets  by  the  reduction  and 
llimination  of  tariffs,  quantitative  restrictions 
Ind  other  non-tariff  measures  and  obstacles; 
(ii)  strengthen  the  role  of  GATT,  improve 
he  multilateral  trading  system  based  on  the 
irinciples  and  rules  of  the  GATT  and  bring 
bout  a  wider  coverage  of  world  trade  under 
greed,  effective  and  enforceable  multilateral 

|  (iii)  increase  the  responsiveness  of  the 
JATT  system  to  the  evolving  international 
Iconomic  environment,  through  facilitating 
leeessary  structural  adjustment,  enhancing 
he  relationship  of  the  GATT  with  the  rele- 
lant  international  organizations  and  taking 
ccount  of  changes  in  trade  patterns  and 
|rospects,  including  the  growing  importance 
if  trade  in  high  technology  products,  serious 
liffieulties  in  commodity  markets  and  the 
mportance  of  an  improved  trading  environ- 
ment providing,  inter  alia,  for  the  ability  of 
hdebted  countries  to  meet  their  financial 

i  (iv)  foster  concurrent  cooperative  action  at 
he  national  and  international  levels  to 
Itrengthen  the  inter-relationship  between 
rade  policies  and  other  economic  policies 
Effecting  growth  and  development,  and  to 
'ontribute  towards  continued,  effective  and 
'etermined  efforts  to  improve  the  functioning 
If  the  international  monetary  system  and  the 
|ow  of  financial  and  real  investment 
,esources  to  developing  countries. 


(i)  Negotiations  shall  be  conducted  in  a 
transparent  manner,  and  consistent  with  the 
objectives  and  commitments  agreed  in  this 
Declaration  and  with  the  principles  of  the 
General  Agreement  in  order  to  ensure  mutual 
advantage  and  increased  benefits  to  all 

(ii)  The  launching,  the  conduct  and  the 
implementation  of  the  outcome  of  the  negotia- 
tion shall  be  treated  as  parts  of  a  single 
undertaking.  However,  agreements  reached 
at  an  early  stage  may  be  implemented  on  a 
provisional  or  a  definitive  basis  by  agreement 
prior  to  the  formal  conclusion  of  the  negotia- 
tions. Early  agreements  shall  be  taken  into 
account  in  assessing  the  overall  balance  of  the 

(iii)  Balanced  concessions  should  be  sought 
within  broad  trading  areas  and  subjects  to  be 
negotiated  in  order  to  avoid  unwarranted 
cross-sectoral  demands. 

(iv)  Contracting  Parties  agree  that  the 
principle  of  differential  and  more  favorable 
treatment  embodied  in  Part  IV  and  other 
relevant  provisions  of  the  General  Agreement 
and  in  the  decision  of  the  Contracting  Parties 
of  28  November  1979  on  Differential  and 
More  Favourable  Treatment,  Reciprocity  and 
Fuller  Participation  of  Developing  Countries 
applies  to  the  negotiations.  In  the  implemen- 
tation of  standstill  and  rollback,  particular 
care  should  be  given  to  avoiding  disruptive  ef- 
fects on  the  trade  of  less-developed  contract- 
ing parties. 

(v)  The  developed  countries  do  not  expect 
reciprocity  for  commitments  made  by  them  in 
trade  negotiations  to  reduce  or  remove  tariffs 
and  other  barriers  to  the  trade  of  developing 
countries,  i.e.,  the  developed  countries  do  not 
expect  the  developing  countries  in  the  course 
of  trade  negotiation,  to  make  contributions 
which  are  inconsistent  with  their  individual 
development,  financial  and  trade  needs. 
Developed  Contracting  Parties  shall, 
therefore,  not  seek,  neither  shall  less- 
developed  Contracting  Parties  be  required  to 
make,  concessions  that  are  inconsistent  with 
the  latter's  development,  financial  and  trade 

(vi)  Less-developed  Contracting  Parties 
expect  that  their  capacity  to  make  contribu- 
tions or  negotiated  concessions  or  take  other 
mutually  agreed  action  under  the  provisions 
and  procedures  of  the  General  Agreement 
would  improve  with  the  progressive  develop- 
ment of  their  economies  and  improvement  in 
their  trade  situation  and  they  would 
accordingly  expect  to  participate  more  fully  in 
the  framework  of  rights  and  obligations  under 
the  General  Agreement. 

(vii)  Special  attention  shall  be  given  to  the 
particular  situation  and  problems  of  the  least- 
developed  countries  and  to  the  need  to 
encourage  positive  measures  to  facilitate 
expansion  of  their  trading  opportunities. 
Expeditious  implementation  of  the  relevant 
provisions  of  the  1982  Ministerial  Declaration 
concerning  the  least-developed  countries  shall 
also  be  given  appropriate  attention. 


Commencing  immediately  and  continuing 
until  the  formal  completion  of  the  negotia- 
tions, each  participant  agrees  to  apply  the 
following  commitments: 


(i)  not  to  take  any  trade  restrictive  or  distort- 
ing measure  inconsistent  with  the  provisions 
of  the  General  Agreement  or  the  instruments 
negotiated  within  the  framework  of  GATT  or 
under  its  auspices; 

(ii)  not  to  take  any  trade  restrictive  or 
distorting  measure  in  the  legitimate  exercise 
of  its  GATT  rights,  that  would  go  beyond  that 
which  is  necessary  to  remedy  specific  situa- 
tions, as  provided  for  in  the  General  Agree- 
ment and  the  instruments  referred  to  in  (i) 

(iii)  not  to  take  any  trade  measures  in  such 
a  manner  as  to  improve  its  negotiating 


(i)  that  all  trade  restrictive  or  distorting 
measures  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of 
the  General  Agreement  or  instruments 
negotiated  within  the  framework  of  GATT  or 
under  its  auspices,  shall  be  phased  out  or 
brought  into  conformity  within  an  agreed 
timeframe  not  later  than  by  the  date  of  the 
formal  completion  of  the  negotiations,  taking 
into  account  multilateral  agreements,  under- 
takings and  understandings,  including 
strengthened  rules  and  disciplines,  reached  in 
pursuance  of  the  objective  of  the  negotiations; 

(ii)  there  shall  be  progressive  implementa- 
tion of  this  commitment  on  an  equitable  basis 
in  consultations  among  participants  con- 
cerned, including  all  affected  participants. 
This  commitment  shall  take  account  of  the 
concerns  expressed  by  any  participant  about 
measures  directly  affecting  its  trade 

(iii)  there  shall  be  no  GATT  concessions 
requested  for  the  elimination  of  these 

Surveillance  of  Standstill 
and  Rollback 

Each  participant  agrees  that  the  implementa- 
tion of  these  commitments  on  standstill  and 
rollback  shall  be  subject  to  multilateral 
surveillance  so  as  to  ensure  that  these  com- 
mitments are  being  met.  The  Trade  Negotia- 
tions Committee  will  decide  on  the 
appropriate  mechanisms  to  carry  out  the 
surveillance,  including  periodic  reviews  and 
evaluations.  Any  participant  may  bring  to  the 
attention  of  the  appropriate  surveillance 
mechanism  any  actions  or  omissions  it 
believes  to  be  relevant  to  the  fulfillment  of 
these  commitments.  These  notifications 
should  be  addressed  to  the  GATT  secretariat 
which  may  also  provide  further  relevant 

Jovember  1986 





Negotiations  shall  aim,  by  appropriate 
methods,  to  reduce  or,  as  appropriate, 
eliminate  tariffs  including  the  reduction  or 
elimination  of  high  tariffs  and  tariff  escala- 
tion. Emphasis  shall  be  given  to  the  expan- 
sion of  the  scope  of  tariff  concessions  among 
all  participants. 

Non-Tariff  Measures 

Negotiations  shall  aim  to  reduce  or  eliminate 
non-tariff  measures,  including  quantitative 
restrictions,  without  prejudice  to  any  action 
to  be  taken  in  fulfillment  of  the  rollback 

Tropical  Products 

Negotiations  shall  aim  at  the  fullest  liberaliza- 
tion of  trade  in  tropical  products,  including  in 
their  processed  and  semi-processed  forms  and 
shall  cover  both  tariff  and  all  non-tariff 
measures  affecting  trade  in  these  products. 

Contracting  Parties  recognize  the  impor- 
tance of  trade  in  tropical  products  to  a  large 
number  of  less-developed  Contracting  Parties 
and  agree  that  negotiations  in  this  area  shall 
receive  special  attention,  including  the  timing 
of  the  negotiations  and  the  implementation  of 
the  results  as  provided  for  in  B(ii). 

Natural  Resource-Based  Products 

Negotiations  shall  aim  to  achieve  the  fullest 
liberalization  of  trade  in  natural  resource- 
based  products,  including  in  their  processed 
and  semi-processed  forms.  The  negotiations 
shall  aim  to  reduce  or  eliminate  tariff  and 
non-tariff  measures,  including  tariff 

Textiles  and  Clothing 

Negotiations  in  the  area  of  textiles  and 
clothing  shall  aim  to  formulate  modalities  that 
would  permit  the  eventual  integration  of  this 
sector  into  GATT  on  the  basis  of  strength- 
ened GATT  rules  and  disciplines,  thereby  also 
contributing  to  the  objective  of  further 
liberalization  of  trade. 


Contracting  Parties  agree  that  there  is  an 
urgent  need  to  bring  more  discipline  and 
predictability  to  world  agricultural  trade  by 
correcting  and  preventing  restrictions  and 
distortions  including  those  related  to  struc- 
tural surpluses  so  as  to  reduce  the  uncer- 
tainty, imbalances  and  instability  in  world 
agricultural  markets. 

Negotiations  shall  aim  to  achieve  greater 
liberalization  of  trade  in  agriculture  and  bring 
all  measures  affecting  import  access  and 
export  competition  under  strengthened  and 
more  operationally  effective  GATT  rules  and 
disciplines,  taking  into  account  the  general 
principles  governing  the  negotiations,  by: 

(i)  improving  market  access  through,  inter 
alia,  the  reduction  of  import  barriers; 

(ii)  improving  the  competitive  environment 
by  increasing  discipline  on  the  use  of  all  direct 
and  indirect  subsidies  and  other  measures 
affecting  directly  or  indirectly  agricultural 
trade,  including  the  phased  reduction  of  their 
negative  effects  and  dealing  with  their 

(iii)  minimizing  the  adverse  effects  that 
sanitary  and  phytosanitary  regulations  and 
barriers  can  have  on  trade  in  agriculture,  tak- 
ing into  account  the  relevant  international 

In  order  to  achieve  the  above  objectives, 
the  negotiating  group  having  primary  respon- 
sibility for  all  aspects  of  agriculture  will  use 
the  recommendations  adopted  by  the  Con- 
tracting Parties  at  their  Fortieth  Session, 
which  were  developed  in  accordance  with  the 
GATT  1982  Ministerial  programme  and  take 
account  of  the  approaches  suggested  in  the 
work  of  the  Committee  on  Trade  in 
Agriculture  without  prejudice  to  other  alter- 
natives that  might  achieve  the  objectives  of 
the  negotiations. 

GATT  Articles 

Participants  shall  review  existing  GATT 
articles,  provisions  and  disciplines  as 
requested  by  interested  Contracting  Parties, 
and,  as  appropriate,  undertake  negotiations. 


(i)  comprehensive  agreement  on  safeguards  is 
of  particular  importance  to  the  strengthening 
of  the  GATT  system  and  to  progress  in  the 
(ii)  The  agreement  on  safeguards: 

•  shall  be  based  on  the  basic  principles  of 
the  General  Agreement; 

•  shall  contain,  inter  alia,  the  following 
elements:  transparency,  coverage,  objective 
criteria  for  action  including  the  concept  of 
serious  injury  or  threat  thereof,  temporary 
nature,  degressivity  and  structural  adjust- 
ment, compensation  and  retaliation,  notifica- 
tions, consultation,  multilateral  surveillance 
and  dispute  settlement;  and 

•  shall  clarify  and  reinforce  the 
disciplines  of  the  General  Agreement  and 
should  apply  to  all  Contracting  Parties. 

MTN  Agreements  and  Arrangements 

Negotiations  shall  aim  to  improve,  clarify  or 
expand,  as  appropriate,  agreements  and 
arrangements  negotiated  in  the  Tokyo  Round 
of  Multilateral  Negotiations. 

Subsidies  and  Countervailing  Measures 

Negotiations  on  subsidies  and  countervailing 
measures  shall  be  based  on  a  review  of 
Articles  VI  and  XVI  and  the  MTN  agreement 
on  subsidies  and  countervailing  measures 
with  the  objective  of  improving  GATT 
disciplines  relating  to  all  subsidies  and 

countervailing  measures  that  affect  inten 
tional  trade.  A  negotiating  group  will  be 
established  to  deal  with  these  issues. 

Dispute  Settlement 

In  order  to  ensure  prompt  and  effective 
resolution  of  disputes  to  the  benefit  of  all 
Contracting  Parties,  negotiations  shall  air 
improve  and  strengthen  the  rules  and  the 
cedures  of  the  dispute  settlement  process, 
while  recognizing  the  contribution  that  wc 
be  made  by  more  effective  and  enforceabl' 
GATT  rules  and  disciplines.  Negotiations 
shall  include  the  development  of  adequate 
arrangements  for  overseeing  and  monitor 
of  the  procedures  that  would  facilitate  cor 
pliance  with  adopted  recommendations. 

Trade  Related  Aspects 

of  Intellectual  Property  Rights, 

Including  Trade 

in  Counterfeit  Goods 

In  order  to  reduce  the  distortions  and 
impediments  to  international  trade,  and  ta 
ing  into  account  the  need  to  promote  effec 
and  adequate  protection  of  intellectual  pro 
erty  rights  and  to  ensure  that  measures  ar 
procedures  to  enforce  intellectual  property 
rights  do  not  themselves  become  barriers  1 
legitimate  trade,  the  negotiations  shall  ain 
clarify  GATT  provisions  and  elaborate  as 
appropriate  new  rules  and  disciplines. 

Negotiations  shall  aim  to  develop  a 
multilateral  framework  of  principles,  rules 
and  disciplines  dealing  with  international 
trade  in  counterfeit  goods,  taking  into 
account  work  alreadv  undertaken  in  the 

These  negotiations  shall  be  without  pre 
udice  to  other  complementary  initiatives  th 
may  be  taken  in  the  World  Intellectual  Pro 
erty  Organization  and  elsewhere  to  deal  wi 
these  matters. 

Trade-Related  Investment  Measures 

Following  an  examination  of  the  operation 
GATT  Articles  related  to  the  trade  restricti 
and  distorting  effects  of  investment 
measures,  negotiations  should  elaborate,  as 
appropriate,  further  provisions  that  may  be 
necessary  to  avoid  such  adverse  effects  on 


Negotiations  shall  aim  to  develop  understan 
ings  and  arrangements: 

(i)  to  enhance  the  surveillance  in  the  GAT 
to  enable  regular  monitoring  of  trade  policie 
and  practices  of  contracting  parties  and  the: 
impact  on  the  functioning  of  the  multilateral! 
trading  system; 

(ii)  to  improve  the  overall  effectiveness  an 
decision-making  of  the  GATT  as  an  institu-  I 
tion,  including,  inter  alia,  through  involve-   I 
ment  of  Ministers; 


Department  of  State  BulletH 


iii)  to  increase  the  contribution  of  the 
lTT  to  achieving  greater  coherence  in 
bal  economic  policy-making  through 
engthening  its  relationship  with  other 
ernational  organizations  responsible  for 
netary  and  financial  matters. 


Negotiations  will  be  open  to: 

(1)  all  Contracting  Parties; 

(2)  countries  having  acceded 

(3)  countries  applying  the  GATT  on  a  de 
to  basis  having  announced,  not  later  than 
April  1987,  their  intention  to  accede  to  the 
TT  and  to  participate  in  the  negotiations; 

(4)  countries  that  have  already  informed 
Contracting  Parties,  at  a  regular  meeting 

the  Council  of  Representatives,  of  their 
sntion  to  negotiate  the  terms  of  their 
mbership  as  a  Contracting  Party;  and 

(5)  developing  countries  that  have,  by  30 
ril  1987,  initiated  procedures  for  accession 
the  GATT,  with  the  intention  of  negoti- 

ig  the  terms  of  their  accession  during  the 
irse  of  the  negotiations. 

a)  Participation  in  negotiations  relating  to 
amendment  or  application  of  GATT  provi- 
ns  or  the  negotiation  of  new  provisions 
1,  however,  be  open  only  to  Contracting 


>oup  of  Negotiations  on  Goods  (GNG)  is 
ablished  to  carry  out  the  programme  of 
jotiations  contained  in  this  part  of  the 
:laration.  The  GNG  shall,  inter  alia: 

)  elaborate  and  put  into  effect  detailed 

de  negotiating  plans  prior  to  19  December 


i)  designate  the  appropriate  mechanism 

surveillance  of  commitments  to  standstill 

1  rollback; 

ii)  establish  negotiating  groups  as 

uired.  Because  of  the  inter-relationship  of 

ie  issues  and  taking  fully  into  account  the 

leral  principles  governing  the  negotiations 

stated  in  B(iii)  above,  it  is  recognized  that 

ects  of  one  issue  may  be  discussed  in  more 

n  one  negotiating  group.  Therefore  each 

;otiating  group  should  as  required  take 

)  account  relevant  aspects  emerging  in 

er  groups; 

v)  also  decide  upon  inclusion  of  additional 

ject  matters  in  the  negotiations; 

r)  co-ordinate  the  work  of  the  negotiating 

ups  and  supervise  the  progress  of  the 

;otiations.  As  a  guideline  not  more  than 

)  negotiating  groups  should  meet  at  the 

ie  time; 

ri)  the  GNG  shall  report  to  the  Trade 

?otiations  Committee. 

In  order  to  ensure  effective  application  of 
differential  and  more  favourable  treatment 
the  GNG  shall,  before  the  formal  completion 
of  the  negotiations,  conduct  an  evaluation  of 
the  results  attained  therein  in  terms  of  the 
Objectives  and  the  General  Principles  Govern- 
ing Negotiations  as  set  out  in  the  Declaration, 
taking  into  account  all  issues  of  interest  to 
less-developed  Contracting  Parties. 



Ministers  also  decided,  as  part  of  the 
Multilateral  Trade  Negotiations,  to  launch 
negotiations  on  trade  in  services. 

Negotiations  in  this  area  shall  aim  to 
establish  a  multilateral  framework  of  prin- 
ciples and  rules  for  trade  in  services, 
including  elaboration  of  possible  disciplines 
for  individual  sectors,  with  a  view  to 
expansion  of  such  trade  under  conditions  of 
transparency  and  progressive  liberalization 
and  a  means  of  promoting  economic  growth 
of  all  trading  partners  and  the  development 

of  developing  countries.  Such  framework  shall 
respect  the  policy  objectives  of  national  laws 
and  regulations  applying  to  services  and  shall 
take  into  account  the  work  of  relevant  inter- 
national organizations. 

GATT  procedures  and  practices  shall 
apply  to  these  negotiations.  A  Group  on 
Negotiations  on  Services  is  established  to  deal 
with  these  matters.  Participation  in  the 
negotiations  under  this  part  of  the  Declara- 
tion will  be  open  to  the  same  countries  as 
under  Part  I.  GATT  Secretariat  support  will 
be  provided,  with  technical  support  from 
other  organizations  as  decided  by  the  Group 
on  Negotiations  on  Services. 

The  Group  on  Negotiations  on  Services 
shall  report  to  the  Trade  Negotiations 


When  the  results  of  the  Multilateral  Trade 
Negotiations  in  all  areas  have  been  estab- 
lished, Ministers  meeting  also  on  the  occasion 
of  special  session  of  Contracting  Parties  shall 
decide  regarding  the  international  implemen- 
tation of  the  respective  results.  ■ 

Under  Secretary  Armacost's 
Interview  on  "Meet  the  Press" 

Under  Secretary  for  Political  Affairs 
Michael  H.  Armacost  was  interviewed  on 
NBC-TV's  "Meet  the  Press"  on 
September  7,  1986,  by  Marvin  Kalb  and 
Garrick  Utley  of  NBC  News  and  Strobe 
Talbott  of Time  magazine. 

Q.  You  know,  of  course,  that  within  a 
half-hour,  the  chief  spokesman  for  the 
Soviet  foreign  ministry  has  said  that 
[U.S.  News  &  World  Report  corre- 
spondent] Nicholas  Daniloff  will  be 
tried.  What  is  your  response  to  that? 
A.  I  regret  hearing  that  message. 
We  have,  for  the  past  week,  been  trying 
to  communicate  very  forcefully  to  the 
Soviet  Union  the  importance  of  releasing 
Nick  Daniloff  without  preferring 
charges.  The  case  becomes  much  more 
complicated  if  they  go  through  with  the 

Q.  What  does  it  mean,  in  effect,  in 
terms  of  your  ability  to  pursue  sum- 
mitry, the  Secretary's  upcoming  visit 
with  Shevardnadze? 

A.  It  complicates,  in  the  first 
instance,  the  resolution  of  this  case.  The 
proposal  that  we  had  been  pursuing  was 
that  Nick  Daniloff  be  released  without 
preferring  charges.  And  we  then  would 
go  back  to  consider,  on  its  merits,  a 

request  that  had  been  made  by  the 
Soviet  Ambassador  prior  to  his  arrest. 
Obviously,  if  they  go  through  with  the 
trial,  it  complicates  the  resolution  on 
those  terms. 

Q.  The  road  to  the  summit  has 
been  rather  rocky.  The  Soviets  are  say- 
ing there's  no  progress  yet  on  the  key 
issue  of  arms  control.  Do  you  think  the 
decision  to  go  ahead  with  the  trial  on 
Daniloff  might  be  a  way  of  trying  to 
sabotage  the  summit,  to  get  out  of  it? 

A.  I  can't  speak  for  the  Soviet 
Union  in  this  matter.  They  have  been  a 
little  opaque  as  far  as  their  intentions 
with  respect  to  a  summit  is  concerned.  I 
rather  suspect  that  they— recalling 
previous  precedents— think  they  can 
muscle  us  on  this  issue  by  talking 
trading  bait. 

As  I  think  you  all  have  made  clear, 
we  share  the  view  that  these  charges 
against  Daniloff  were  trumped  up.  They 
grabbed  him  for  motives  that  I  think  are 
transparent.  They're  related  to  precisely 
getting  their  man  out  of  jail.  And  they 
may  think  they  can  accomplish  that  pur- 
pose without  disrupting  the  summit. 

jvember  1986 



In  the  private  communications  we've 
had,  they  have  been  quite  consistent  in 
expressing  the  hope  that  this  will  not 
have  a  disruptive  effect  on  the  wider 
relationship;  and  that,  presumably, 
means  movement  toward  a  summit.  Our 
response  has  been  quite  as  consistent, 
that  inevitably,  an  incident  of  this  kind 
has  its  disruptive  impact. 

Q.  Disruptive  impact?  Does  that 
mean  that  if  the  trial  does  take  place, 
if  he  is  convicted  and  held  in  Moscow, 
there  cannot  be  a  summit? 

A.  Now,  we  haven't  said  that.  I 
think  actions  may  have  to  be  taken  to 
underscore  the  seriousness  of  our  pur- 
pose. But  we've  not  decided  what 
actions.  A  range  of  possibilities  exists.  It 
is  not  for  me  on  national  television  to 
describe  all  of  those  options.  These  are 
decisions  for  the  President.  I'm  not 
going  to  try  to  narrow  his  options  here. 

But  I  think  we've  got  to  also 
remember  that  you  can  still  have 
meetings  and  not  be  pursuing  business 
as  usual.  You  may  recall  at  the  time  the 
Korean  airliner  went  down  a  couple  of 
years  ago,  some  suggested  that 
Secretary  Shultz  should  not  meet  with 
Gromyko,  then  Foreign  Minister.  Mr. 
Shultz's  decision  was  to  meet  with  Mr. 
Gromyko  but  make  this  issue  the  center- 
piece of  that  discussion.  And  I  think  the 
Foreign  Minister  went  away  with  no  illu- 
sions as  to  the  strength  of  our  feelings 
about  the  issue.  It  was  not  business  as 
usual.  That  issue  got  to  the  top  of  the 
agenda.  And  it  obviously  diverts  atten- 
tion from  other  matters  of  great 

Q.  Another  comparable  incident 
comes  to  mind.  Back  during  the  Carter 
Administration,  Secretary  of  State 
Vance  was  preparing  to  go  to  Moscow 
for  some  very  important  arms  control 
negotiations  that  everybody  hoped 
would  lead  to  the  summit;  in  fact,  did 
lead  to  the  1979  summit;  when 
Anatoliy  Shcharanskiy,  the  dissident 
was  arrested,  and  his  persecution  by 
Soviet  authorities  began  to  escalate. 

The  Carter  Administration  and 
Mr.  Vance  came  under  a  lot  of 
criticism,  including  from  many  people 
who  are  now  supporters  of  the  Reagan 
Administration  and  members  of  the 
Reagan  Administration,  that  Vance 
should  not  go  to  Moscow  and  that 
there  should  be  some  kind  of  boycott 
of  diplomatic  activity  of  this  kind. 

The  impression  arises  that  at  least 
so  far  this  Administration  is  trying  to 
insulate  arms  control  from  this  inci- 
dent and  unlink  them.  Is  that  fair? 

A.  I  wouldn't  say  entirely  to  insu- 
late them.  I  think  it's  unusual  for  Paul 
Nitze  [special  adviser  to  the  President 
and  the  Secretary  of  State  on  arms  con- 
trol matters],  who's  handling  various 
arms  control  matters  for  us,  to  raise  an 
issue  of  this  kind  with  his  counterpart. 
But,  indeed,  in  the  meetings  of  the  last  2 
days,  he  raised  precisely  this  question 
with  Mr.  Karpov  [Ambassador  Viktor  P. 
Karpov,  Soviet  negotiator  on  strategic 
nuclear  arms].  And  the  incident  will 
intrude  itself  into  all  of  our  discussions 
with  the  Soviet  Union  if  it's  not  properly 

Q.  There  are  also  some  informal 
discussions  planned  in  the  Soviet 
Union  later  this  week.  A  private  group 
is  taking  some  Administration  offi- 
cials. Is  it  your  view  that  the  Adminis- 
tration officials  should  go  ahead  on 
this  trip  to  the  Soviet  Union  to  a 
meeting  in  Riga  that's  planned  if  Mr. 
Daniloff  is  still  in  incarceration? 

A.  We  haven't  made  a  decision  on 
that  matter.  But  I  think  if  they  do  go, 
then  they  ought  to  make  this  issue  the 
centerpiece  of  their  discussions  with  the 
Soviets.  And  I  would  hope  the  Soviets 
would  honor,  in  that  case,  the  arrange- 
ments which  permit  them  to  speak 
through  television  to  the  Soviet 

Q.  Do  you  feel  that  the  Russians 
are  getting  any  of  the  messages  that 
you've  been  sending  this  past  week? 
The  words  have  been  extremely 
strong:  outraged;  no  trade;  let  the 
Russians  beware.  Yet  there  is  the 
appearance,  at  least,  of  business  as 
usual.  And  they  seem,  with  this  proc- 
lamation that  Daniloff  will  be  tried,  to 
be  saying  they  can  do  what  they  like 
with  impunity. 

A.  I  hope  they've  gotten  the 
message.  I  don't  know  that  all  doors 
have  been  closed,  although  Mr. 
Gerasimov's  [Soviet  foreign  ministry 
spokesman]  statement,  I  think,  is  the 
most  discouraging  thing  we've  heard  to 
date.  I  might  say  that  for  the  Soviet 
Union  to  bring  charges  against  a  jour- 
nalist should  not  be  entirely  surprising. 
Because  what  we  consider  the  normal 
modus  operandi  for  an  enterprising  jour- 
nalist, they  tend  to  regard  as  subversive. 
So  I  suspect  they  can  pull  a  book  on 
every  journalist  that  operates  there  and 
bring  out  the  charges  at  a  moment  that 
suits  them.  And  perhaps  this  is  what 
they  have  in  mind. 

Q.  Can  we  turn  to  terrorism?  It's 
been  a  long,  quiet  summer  for  most  of 
the  world.  Now  we've  had  these  two 

incidents  in  the  last  few  days.  What 
we  know  about  what  happened  in 
Karachi  in  terms  of  who  these  ter- 
rorists were? 

A.  We  are  still  quite  unsure  about 
the  nature  of  the  organization  which 
these  individuals  served.  We  expect  tc 
hear  the  results  of  the  Pakistani  inter- 
rogation. We've  not  yet  heard  that. 
Therefore,  at  this  point,  the  speculatic 
has  tended  to  center  on  Abu  Nidal  411 
or  dissidents  within  the  417  organiza- 
tion. But  we  don't  have  any  basis  for 
making  a  clear  judgment  on  that  yet. 

Q.  There's  some  confusion  as  to 
what  the  Pakistani  policy  was  in  ter 
of  the  commandos.  Were  they  going 
storm  the  plane?  Were  they  going  to 
let  the  plane  leave?  What  was  our  at 
tude,  our  policy  toward  this? 

A.  Our  policy  was  that  these  were' 
ultimately  Pakistani  Government  calls 
We  had  certain  advantages  in  this  cas* 
because  the  incident  took  place  in  a 
friendly  country  which  has  very  comp* 
tent  authorities  and  tough-minded 
authorities.  The  general  strategy  was 
one  of  stretching  the  incident  out,  tirir 
the  hijackers.  This  is  usually  attemptei 
The  management  of  this  incident  was 
affected,  as  you  know,  by  the  power 
failure  on  the  plane,  which  apparently 
precipitated  action  by  the  terrorists. 

We're  not  going  to  second-guess  th 
Pakistani  Government  in  this  case.  Wc 
thought  they  handled  it  decisively, 
resolutely,  and  I'm  not  going  to  questi( 
the  manner  in  which  they  handled  it. 

Q.  Is  there  any  reason  at  all  to 
suspect  a  Libyan-Qadhafi  connections 
which  is  an  important  question,  giver 
the  challenge  to  American  policy  and 
possible  retaliation  that  that  would 

A.  I  wouldn't  prejudge  that.  We  ! 
haven't  enough  information  as  yet  to 
make  that  determination.  But  obviouslj 
we're  looking  very  closely  at  that,  and  i 
that  turns  out  to  be  the  case,  then  we'll 
face  some  hard  issues  again.  ■ 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


lecretary's  News  Briefing 
if  September  12 

Secretary  Sh.ultz  held  a  news  briefing 
Ithe  White  House  on  September  12, 
f6. ' 

Lholas  Daniloff  [U.S.  News  &  World 
wort  correspondent]  was  released 
fm  Lefortovo  Prison  into  custody  of 
f  American  Charge  [d'Affaires]  at 
but  12:30  p.m.  our  time  today.  Mr. 
jniloff  appears  to  be  in  good  health 
p  spirits.  Soviet-UN  Secretariat 
Iployee  Gennadiy  Zakharov  has  been 
flianded  into  the  custody  of  the  Soviet 
hbassador  to  the  United  States  pend- 
f  his  trial  on  charges  of  espionage. 
'  These  actions,  agreed  to  by  the 
lited  States  and  the  Soviet  Union,  are 
i  interim  step.  In  taking  this  step,  the 
B.  Government  had  prominently  in 
[fid  the  well  being  of  Mr.  Daniloff. 
|  There  can  be  no  question  of  equating 
I  cases  of  Mr.  Daniloff  and  Zakharov. 
I.  Daniloff  is  not  a  spy.  He  has  never 
ul  any  connection  or  employment  with 
I  U.S.  Government  nor  has  he  under- 
jen  tasks  on  instructions  any  U.S. 
5/ernment  agency.  The  continued 
liention  of  Mr.  Daniloff  on  false 
i.rges  is  unacceptable.  The  United 
Sites  will  continue  to  make  every  effort 
secure  his  prompt  departure  from  the 
I'iet  Union  and  safe  return  home. 

Q.  Are  you  telling  us  that  we  don't 
;;jw  whether  the  Soviets  intend  to 
t  Daniloff  or  whether  he  will  be 
leased  immediately  to  return  home? 

'.  A.  He  has  been  charged.  He  has 
fcn  released  to  the  custody  of  our 
prge  on  the  understanding  that,  if 
fed  upon  to  appear  in  court,  he  will  do 
t  That  is  the  same  understanding  we 
re  with  Zakharov. 

Q.  But  isn't  that  equivalency  then? 
Iven't  we,  in  effect,  at  least  for  the 
rposes  of  getting  him  out  of  prison, 
Jen  in  to  the  Soviet  demand  that 
hre  be  equivalency  between  the  two? 

A.  There  is  no  equivalency.  We  have 
1  in  mind  the  situation  of  Mr.  Daniloff 
It  prison  cell,  and  we  think  he  is  a  lot 
Iter  off  with  his  friends  and  his  wife 
In  he  is  in  that  cell. 
I  As  far  as  Zakharov  is  concerned,  he 
ruaranteed  by  the  Soviet  Ambassador 
me  produced  when  called  to  our  courts 
flenever  he  is  needed  to  face  charges  of 
i  .1  on  espionage.  That  is  the  situation. 

Q.  Does  what  you  said  yesterday 
still  hold  true,  that  Mr.  Daniloff  is  a 
hostage  until  he  leaves  the  Soviet 

A.  Of  course.  Why  did  they  take 

Q.  So  he  is  a  hostage  in  your  eyes? 

A.  That  is  my  opinion. 

Q.  You  have  no  further  promise 
from  the  Soviets  on  the  fate  of  Mr. 
Daniloff  other  than  that  he  is  now  in 
the  embassy? 

A.  What  has  changed  is  his  physical 
location.  That  is  all  that  has  changed. 
And  the  reason  for  doing  it  is  that  we 
think,  thinking  of  his  situation,  he  is  bet- 
ter off  where  he  will  be. 

Q.  Is  the  United  States  going  to  do 
"business  as  usual"?  You  say  that  Mr. 
Daniloff  is  a  hostage  even  in  the 
Ambassador's  residence.  Will  the 
United  States  continue  to  do  business 
as  usual  with  the  Soviets,  given  the 
fact  that  they  are  holding  an  American 

A.  Of  course  we  are  not  doing 
business  as  usual.  This  is  a  difficult  and 
different  situation,  although  it  is  one  of 
those  things,  in  managing  the  U.S.- 
Soviet relationship,  that  is  in  a  sense 
predictable.  Their  society  is  so  different, 
it  works  on  such  different  bases,  that 
they  do  things  from  time  to  time  like  this 
that  are  just  plain  outrageous.  And  we 
have  to  register  that  fact  and  do  it 
strongly,  as  we  have  been  doing  and  as 
we  will  continue  to  do.  And  the  fact  that 
his  location  has  changed  in  no  way 
changes  the  unacceptability  of  the  fact 
that  he  is  being  held  on  false  charges. 

Q.  But  are  you  going  to  go  ahead 
with  all  the  meetings?  Are  you  going 
to  go  ahead  with  your  meeting  with 
Foreign  Minister  Shevardnadze  next 
week  and  all  the  other  U.S. -Soviet — 

A.  These  meetings  are  scheduled; 
there  hasn't  been  any  change  in  that 
schedule;  and,  assuming  this  issue  is  not 
resolved  satisfactorily  by  then,  you  can 
be  sure  that  as  far  as  we  are  concerned, 
as  far  as  the  President  is  concerned,  in 
every  meeting  that  we  have  the  Daniloff 
case  and,  for  that  matter,  other  concerns 
of  ours  about  human  rights  problems  will 
be  prominently  in  the  picture.  We  feel 
that  it  is  important  to  keep  registering 
our  point  of  view,  not  to  walk  away  and 
stop  talking  about  it. 

Q.  Can  you  please  explain  why  this 
interim  step,  anyway,  is  not  a  trade? 

A.  This  is  an  arrangement  that  we 
made  with  the  Soviet  Union  obviously, 
as  I  said  in  my  statement.  It  is  a  step 
that  we  have  agreed  to  because  we  feel 
for  Mr.  Daniloff,  and  we  think  that  he  is 
better  off  where  he  is  going  to  be  than 
where  he  has  been.  However,  the  basic 
stituation  has  not  changed,  so  there 
hasn't  been  any  fundamental  restructur- 
ing of  it. 

Q.  On  a  trade,  is  it  still  our  posi- 
tion that  there  will  be  no  trade 

A.  That  is  our  position.  These  two 
people,  Zakharov  and  Daniloff,  are  in  no 
way  comparable,  and  we  are  not  going 
to  trade  them  off  against  each  other. 

Q.  What  effect  has  this  had  on 
U.S. -Soviet  relations?  Is  it  damaging 
the  chances  for  a  summit  this  year? 

A.  Of  course  it  damages  the  rela- 
tionship, and  of  course  it  damages  the 
ability  to  move  forward  on  other  things. 
That  doesn't  change  the  fact,  however, 
that  there  are  possible  things  that  would 
be  in  the  interest  of  the  United  States  to 
bring  about,  and  if  we  can  bring  them 
about  obviously  it  is  in  our  interest  to  do 
so.  But  things  like  this  shift  the  tone, 
shift  the  ability,  to  work  problems  out, 
without  a  doubt.  That's  just  a  fact  of  life. 

Q.  How  confident  are  you  that 
you'll  be  able  to  proceed  from  this 
interim  step  to  some  kind  of  final 
arrangement  that  would  get  Mr. 
Daniloff  out  of  the  Soviet  Union? 

A.  I  don't  want  to  engage  in  predic- 
tions and  forecasts.  This  step  has  been 
worked  out,  and  we  continue  in  our 
discussions  with  the  Soviet  Union,  and 
when  we  have  something  to  announce, 
we'll  announce  it 

Q.  What  does  this  mean  now  for 
the  official  delegates  to  the  Chautau- 
qua Conference,  to  people  within  this 
Administration?  Will  they  go  to  Riga? 

A.  Chautauqua  is  a  private  organiza- 
tion, an  outstanding  one,  I  believe.  It's 
done  wonderful  work  and  John  Wallach 
has  done  a  great  job  of  organizing  it. 
And  basically,  it's  for  a  private  organiza- 
tion to  decide  whatever  they  want  to 
decide  under  the  circumstances.  And 
when  they  have  been  in  the  State 
Department,  they  have  been  thoroughly 
briefed  on  our  views.  As  far  as  U.S. 
officials  are  concerned,  of  course,  some 
have  taken  a  position  that  they  drop  out, 
such  as  General  Rowny  [Ambassador 
Edward  L.  Rowny,  special  adviser  to  the 

Member  1986 



President  and  the  Secretary  of  State  on 
arms  control  matters]. 

On  the  other  hand,  if  the 
Chautauqua  group  decides  to  go  ahead, 
as  far  as  we're  concerned  there,  go 
ahead.  And  I  think  what  you  will  find 
is— and  you  can  argue  this  one  way  or 
another  but  a  very  strong  argument  in 
favor— is  that  you  want  to  go  and  you 
want  to  say  your  piece.  So  that  insofar 
as  you  can  get  it  known,  in  the  Soviet 
Union  and,  for  that  matter,  anybody  else 
who  covers  a  meeting  like  that,  just 
what  our  point  of  view  is,  and  why  we 
consider  this  so  outrageous  and  damag- 
ing. We  take  opportunities  to  do  that. 

Q.  What  do  you  say  to  Henry 
Kissinger  and  others  who  have  said 
the  Administration  has  been  much  too 
soft  on  this  and  has  not  taken  a  harder 
line,  is  too  eager  for  a  summit  and  too 
willing  to  compromise  with  the 

A.  I'm  not  interested  in  debates 
with  people  on  those  subjects.  The 
arrangement  here  is  in  response  to  the 
fact  that  Daniloff  was  detained  in  jail 
under  circumstances  that  are  not  very 
good,  and  we  think  that  it  is  better  all 
around  to  get  this  unjustly  charged 
individual  into  a  more  congenial  environ- 
ment while  this  process  unfolds.  And  so 
the  only  thing  that  has  changed  is  the 
location  of  these  two  people. 

Q.  How  was  it  arranged?  Did  the 
President  and  Gorbachev  get  together 
on  this? 

A.  This  was  arranged  basically 
through  diplomatic  contacts,  and  there 
have  been  messages  of  various  kinds. 
I'm  not  going  to  go  into  the  detail  of  it. 

Q.  Is  it  your  feeling  that  Mr. 
Zakharov  should  have  been  denied  bail 
in  the  first  instance  he  was  brought 
into  court?  Do  you  think  the  United 
States  perhaps  made  a  mistake  in  its 
handling  of  that,  which  triggered  the 
Soviet  retaliation  against  Daniloff? 

A.  No,  I  don't  think  there's  been 
any  mishandling.  The  point  is  that 
Zakharov  was  caught  spying.  He  is  a 
spy.  And  he's  been  charged,  and  we  have 
the  evidence.  And  so  there's  that.  As  far 
as  Mr.  Daniloff  is  concerned,  he  is  not  a 
spy.  He  was  set  up. 

Q.  Do  you  rule  out  trading  Mr. 
Zakharov  with  someone  other  than  Mr. 

A.  I'm  not  going  to  get  into  discus- 
sions of  this,  that,  and  the  other  thing. 
Our  position  is  very  clear  on  this,  and 
that's  where  I'm  going  to  leave  it. 

Q.  Did  you  approve  the  Zakharov 
position  in  advance — did  you  and  the 
President  approve  the  decision  to 
arrest  and  imprison  Mr.  Zakharov 
rather  than  to  oust  him,  in  advance? 

A.  The  details  of  what  the  FBI  does 
in  the  arrest  of  a  particular  individual  is 
typically  not  ratcheted  through— every 
time  they  do  something— the  entire 
hierarchy  of  the  government.  The  fact  of 
the  matter  is  that  our  policy  is  well- 
established;  that  if  we  catch  somebody 
spying,  we  apprehend  him  and  act  on  it. 

Q.  So  there  was  nothing  wrong 
with  that  decision  then? 

A.  There's  nothing  wrong  with 
arresting  a  man  that  you  catch  spying, 
and  I'm  surprised  that  you  even  suggest 
there  might  be. 

Q.  But  did  you  approve  it?  That's 
just  a  statement— a  question. 

A.  I  don't  personally  go  around 
approving  or  not  approving  every  deci- 
sion the  FBI  makes.  They  know  per- 
fectly well  that  if  they  catch  somebody 
spying  and  they  arrest  them,  that's  fine, 
that's  good.  I  wish  there  were  fewer  peo- 
ple to  get  caught  spying. 

Q.  In  this  case  when  U.S. -Soviet 
relations  were  on  the  block,  wasn't  it 
important  enough  to  be  approved  at 
the  highest  levels? 

A.  No.  It's  important  that  we  con- 
duct our  business  in  a  strong  way,  piece 
by  piece,  and  if  somebody  is  spying  and 
caught  spying,  he's  going  to  be  appre- 

hended whether  it's  good  for  the  sum  I 
or  not  good  for  the  summit.  That's  nc 
relevant.  We  have  to  carry  these  thin 
on  that  way. 

Q.  In  previous  cases  like  this, 
there  were  an  asymmetry  in  favor  o: 
the  United  States,  that  is  we  got  m« 
than  the  person  who  was  grabbed  o: 
set  up  by  the  Soviet  Union.  In  this 
case,  isn't  this  setting  a  new  preced 
as  far  as  a  deal  or  an  exchange  or 
whatever  is  concerned? 

A.  This  is  not  an  outcome  really. 
This  is  only  a  change  in  the  location  o 
these  two  individuals,  and  from  our 
standpoint,  I  think— I  don't  want  to  tt 
to  compare  U.S.  jails  and  Soviet  jails, 
but  if  I  were  Mr.  Daniloff  I'd  certainb 
want  to  be  in  an  apartment  in  the 
embassy  and  not  in  jail.  I  might  say  tl 
before  this  arrangement  was  con- 
sumated,  it  was  discussed  with  Mr. 
Daniloff  because,  obviously,  he's 
involved  and  it  was  not  undertaken 
without  his  assent. 

Q.  Were  there  private  understai 
ings  with  the  Soviets? 

A.  I  might  say  if  you  want  to  get 
graphic  and  very  clearly,  concisely 
stated  statement  of  what  it's  like  to  b< 
under  investigation  in  the  Soviet  Unio 
you  ought  to  read  the  short  statement 
Anne  Garrels  that  was  in  The  New  Yo- 
Times  this  morning.  I  thought  it  was  i 
very  pithy  statement  of  the  problem. 

^ress  release  175. 

Deputy  Secretary  Whitehead's 
Interview  on  "Face  the  Nation" 

Deputy  Secretary  John  C.  Whitehead 
was  interviewed  on  CBS-TV's  "Face  the 
Nation"  on  September  14,  1986,  by  Leslie 

Q.  I  know  the  two  sides  are 
negotiating,  trying  to  get  some  resolu- 
tion for  the  Daniloff  situation.  Any 

A.  No  breakthroughs  this  morning. 
We  continue  to  work  at  it,  there  are 
negotiations  going  on,  we  are  continuing 
to  insist  that  Daniloff  be  set  free;  he  is 
not  yet  free. 

Q.  Are  we  asking  that  he  be 
released  along  with  one  other  person 
in  exchange  for  Mr.  Zakharov  so  that 
it's  a  one-for-two  instead  of  a 

A.  I  can't  comment  on  the  details 
the  negotiations,  I'm  sure  you  under-  I 
stand  that.  Our  position  is  there  will  b(| 
no  swap,  no  trade  of  releasing  Daniloff  | 
and  releasing  Zakharov.  Zakharov  is  a  f 
spy;  he  was  caught  red-handed  in  New  , 
York,  and  he  will  be  tried. 

Q.  He  will  be  tried? 

A.  He  will  be  tried. 

Q.  No  matter  what? 

A.  As  of  this  moment,  he  will  be 
tried.  Daniloff  is  innocent,  he  was 
entrapped,  he  was  set  up,  and  he  must 
be  freed. 


Q.  When  you  say  he  will  be  tried,  | 

is  there  any  give  there,  if  they  did 
release  someone  else,  for  example? 


Department  of  State  Bullet" 


I  A.  He's  been  arrested,  he's  been 
pcted.  Our  court  system  requires  that 
jbe  brought  to  trial,  a  fair  trial  under 
system.  And  if  he's  tried,  he  will  be 

Q.  And  then  maybe  released.  Let 
i  ask  you  if  in  these  negotiations  we 
t  getting  an  impression  that  the 
Iviets  really  do  want  to  resolve  this, 
re  we  getting  the  impression  that 
y  really  want  to  escalate  this  and 
(haps  want  to  break  off  the  plans 
the  summit? 

A.  I'm  not  sure.  We  really  can't  tell 
I  the  Soviets'  objectives  are.  They 
,  however,  willing  to  discuss  the  sub- 
I,  willing  to  discuss  the  release.  They 
re  said  that  they  want  to  get  it  set- 
In,  and  we  are  assuming  that  they 
Ban  it.  We  want  to  get  it  settled,  we 
lit  to  get  it  behind  us.  But  we  don't 
lit  to  get  it  behind  us  unless  we  can 
Sieve  our  principles. 

Q.  If  something  doesn't  break  in 
Is  situation  by  Friday,  when 
Ifretary  Shultz  and  Foreign  Minister 
liivardnadze  meet,  can  the  two  of 
lm  discuss  anything  else? 

A.  You  can  be  sure  if  Daniloff  is  not 
[]'  by  the  time  that  meeting  begins, 
Ijt  this  subject  will  be  very  high  on  the 

Q.  Is  there  anything  else  to 
huss  if  this  isn't  resolved? 

.1  A.  We  can  only  discuss  this  so  far. 
fihey  refuse  to  set  him  free,  the  world 
1st  go  on.  This  is  an  important  issue, 
1,  of  course,  it's  not  the  only  issue.  We 
'i  only  gain  by  discussion.  If  we  fer- 
rate all  discussions  with  the  Soviet 
Ron,  then  we  cannot  make  progress  on 
I  case  or  on  anything  else.  So  I  think 
c  tendency  is  to  want  to  continue 
Hussions  and  to  emphasize  this  case, 
lag  with  all  the  other  atrocious  cases 
deprivation  of  human  freedom  that 
k  Soviets  are  responsible  for.  This  is 
I  more  example  of  their  lack  of  will- 
kpess  to  consider  our  principles  and 
i]  strong  dedication  to  human 

Q.  Did  we,  our  side,  make  a  big 
1  take  in  arresting  Mr.  Zakharov? 
t*r  all,  we  had  him  under  surveil- 
Ijce  for  3  years.  The  information  that 
twas  picked  up  paying  for  was 
ihted  by  the  FBI — I  mean,  we  knew 
irit  he  was  getting.  Why  in  the  world 
I  we  choose  to  arrest  a  spy  2  weeks 
*Dre  this  meeting  between  Shultz 
»  Shevardnadze,  as  the  presummit 
ifrotiations  were  under  way?  Every 
iie  we  have  ever  arrested  anyone  at 

the  United  Nations  in  this  situation, 
the  Soviets  have  always  gone  and 
created  a  framed-up  situation  on  their 
side.  Why  did  we  do  it  now? 

A.  There  was  nothing  planned, 
nothing  strategic  about  the  timing. 

Q.  Was  it  a  mistake? 

A.  No,  I  think  it  was  the  right  thing 
to  do.  When  the  time  comes  that  we  can 
catch  a  Soviet  spy— catch  him  red- 
handed—that's  the  time  to  act;  that's  the 
job  of  the  FBI.  To  let  a  Soviet  spy  stay 
on  the  loose  for  another  day  or  another 
week  because  some  important  meeting 
with  the  Soviets  is  coming  up  does  not 
seem  at  all  like  the  right  thing  to  do.  I 
think  we  did  the  right  thing.  The  FBI 
acted  in  accordance  with  their 

Q.  But  why  now,  why  then?  We 
have  known  about  him  for  3  years. 
Why  then? 

A.  Because  he  was  caught  red- 
handed,  because  he  had  been  spying  on 
us.  And  the  time  to  arrest  him  is  when 
you  can  catch  him.  And  we  did  so. 

Q.  So  you  are  not  willing  to  admit 
that  there  was  some  mistake? 

A.  No,  there  was  no  mistake. 

Q.  No  mistake.  Why  did  the  Presi- 
dent urge  the  Americans  to  go  to  the 
town  meeting  in  the  Soviet  Union?  If 
he  had  said  not  to  go,  it  would  have 
sent  a  signal:  no  business  as  usual — 
but  it  wouldn't  have  disrupted  neces- 
sarily— would  it  have  disrupted  the 
presummit  planning? 

A.  You  are  speaking  of  the  Chautau- 
qua Conference  that  begins  this 
weekend.  The  President  didn't  urge  peo- 
ple to  go.  He  said  that  he  would  not  urge 
them  to  stay  home  or  to  go,  that  they 
were  free  to  go.  This  is  a  private  con- 
ference, not  a  government  conference. 
Some  are  not  going,  but  most  have  gone. 

Q.  Some  are  saying  that  they  got  a 
phone  call  from  the  White  House  say- 
ing the  President  would  like  you  to  go. 

A.  I  haven't  heard  that.  I  think  that 
there  is  an  opportunity  for  those  who 
have  gone  to  use  the  occasion  as  a  place 
to  set  forth  what  we  believe  is  the  right 
thing  to  do  about  Daniloff  and  about 
human  freedoms  in  general  and  that  it's 
a  platform  for  us  right  within  the  Soviet 
Union  to  talk  about  our  beliefs  on  this. 
There  are  others  who  feel  that  the  action 
is  so  abhorrent  to  us  that  they  don't 
want  to  go.  And  the  policy  of  the 
government  has  been  that  each  person 
should  decide  for  themself. 

Q.  Let  me  ask  you  to  answer  the 
criticism  that's  coming  mainly  from 
conservatives,  but  from  other  quarters 
as  well.  That  is  that  the  President 
caved  in,  that  he  is  now  too  hungry  for 
a  summit,  and  that  he  has  agreed  to 
what  looks  like  a  swap  and  this 
release  so  far,  and  they  sent  or  in  some 
way  signaled  that  he  wanted  this  town 
meeting  to  go  on  and  that  he  just  isn't 
being  tough  enough. 

A.  That  would  be  a  most  unfair  con- 
clusion. The  President  certainly  did  not 
cave  in.  The  President  has  been  and  con- 
tinues to  be  very  tough  on  this  issue.  The 
release,  the  mutual  release  of  the  two 
prisoners  into  the  hands  of  their 
embassies  was  a  humanitarian  step.  You 
saw  Nick  Daniloff  on  television  a  few 
minutes  ago  and  you  saw  him  say  how 
pleased  and  joyous  he  was  to  be  out  of 
the  awful  conditions  that  he  was  sub- 
jected to,  an  8-by-10  cell,  a  cellmate  who 
probably  himself  was  a  KGB  agent,  in- 
terrogated 4  hours  a  day— terrible  condi- 
tions. And  in  a  humanitarian  decision, 
the  President  released  him  as  well  as  our 
prisoner,  who  was  imprisoned  in  a  much 
more  comfortable  jail  in  New  York.  I 
believe  we  gained  from  that  exchange. 

But  this  was  only  an  interim  step, 
and  there  will  be  more  steps  to  come, 
and  those  steps  will  not  be  equivalents, 
and  there  will  be  no  swap  on  a  one-for- 
one  basis  of  these  two  men. 

Q.  Was  there  concern  about  Nick 
Daniloff's  psychological  condition? 

A.  I  think  there  was  concern  that 
the  pressure  of  being  jailed  like  that,  the 
pressure  of  that  kind  of  interrogation, 
the  pressure  of  living  in  close  quarters 
with  somebody  who  was  spying  on  you 
every  moment,  might  eventually  get  to 
him.  I  think  none  of  us  can  be  sure  as  to 
just  how  we  would  react  under  similar 
circumstances.  And  that  it  was  a 
humanitarian  necessity  to  get  him  out  of 

Q.  Another  incident  is  out  there 
ready  to  become  an  issue,  and  that  is 
the  UN  Soviet  mission.  We  have 
ordered  the  Soviets  to  reduce  the 
number  of  their  people  at  their  mis- 
sions by  one-third,  but  the  Soviet 
Ambassador  at  the  United  Nations 
says  they  are  not  going  to  do  that; 
we've  ordered  it,  they  are  not  going  to 
do  that.  Is  this  now  going  to  con- 
tribute to  the  increase  in  tension? 

A.  The  size  of  their  mission  to  the 
United  States  is  far  beyond  that 
necessary  to  perform  their  function  at 
the  United  Nations.  Many  of  their  peo- 
ple, including  Zakharov,  are  used  to  spy 

/ember  1986 



in  the  United  States,  and  we  have 
ordered  them  to  reduce  the  size  of  their 
mission,  and  they  will  do  so. 

Q.  Are  you  sure?  He  says — 

A.  We  will  insist  that  they  do  so. 

Q.  Could  this  become  a  big 

A.  I  suppose  it  could,  but  we  are 
right,  and  when  we  are  right,  we  must 
stick  to  our  principles. 

Q.  Do  you  think  that  there  will  be 
a  Reagan-Gorbachev  summit  this  year? 

A.  I  continue  to  be  optimistic.  I 
think  that  the  Soviets  need  a  summit, 

want  a  summit,  and  we  would  like  to 
have  a  summit.  But  we  are  not  ready  to 
pay  for  a  summit.  The  world  will  be  bet- 
ter off  if  there  is  a  summit  and  if  these 
two  leaders  can  talk  with  each  other. 
But  whether  there  is  or  is  not  a  summit 
will  not  be  the  end  of  the  world,  if  there 
is  not.  We  hope  there  will  be,  but  we  are 
not  ready  to  pay  for  one. 

Q.  Do  the  Soviets  want  it  more 
than  we  want  it? 

A.  I  think  it  is  possibly  more  to  their 
advantage  than  it  is  to  us.  I  think 
possibly  they  need  it  more  than  we  need 
it.  But  it  remains  to  be  seen.  ■ 

Secretary's  News  Briefing 
of  September  20 

Secretary  Shultz  's  news  briefing 
following  his  meeting  with  Soviet 
Foreign  Minister  Eduard  Shevardnadze 
on  September  20,  1986.1 

Foreign  Minister  [Eduard]  Shevardnadze 
and  I  have  concluded  2  days  of  serious, 
substantive  talks  that  have  included 
around  an  hour  session  with  the  Presi- 
dent. Altogether  between  us,  we  have 
spent  around  14  hours  together  in 
various  ways,  and  we  covered  a  full 

These  2  days  have  indicated  that 
considerable  potential  for  progress 
exists,  but  the  cloud  that  hangs  over  all 
this  is  the  fact  that  [U.S.  News  &  World 
Report  correspondent]  Nicholas  Daniloff 
is  not  free  to  leave  the  Soviet  Union. 
That  issue  was  at  the  top  of  our  agenda 
throughout  these  meetings.  Other 
human  rights  issues  also  received  full 
attention.  The  case  of  Nicholas  Daniloff 
must  be  brought  to  a  satisfactory  resolu- 
tion quickly  if  the  potential  that  exists  is 
to  be  realized. 

I  said  that  our  full  agenda  was 
covered;  and,  as  I  have  just  said,  there 
was  extensive  discussion,  mostly  in 
direct  discussions  between  Minister 
Shevardnadze  and  me,  in  the  general 
area  of  human  rights.  We  had  a  fair 
amount  of  time  devoted  to  regional 
issues  in  general  terms  and  one  or  two 
specific  areas.  We  reviewed  briefly  our 
bilateral  relations,  and  the  work  pro- 
gram and  arrangements  for  moving  it 
forward  were  reviewed,  and  that  seems 
to  be  in  order. 

On  arms  control,  we  in  the  United 
States  see  the  potential  for  progress  in 
reducing  strategic,  perhaps  especially 
intermediate  nuclear,  forces  and  in  some 
other  subjects,  such  as  nuclear  risk 
reduction  centers  and  chemical  weapons, 
particularly  on  the  problem  of  prolifera- 
tion of  chemical  weapons.  We  made  clear 
our  interest  in  realistic  progress  on 
nuclear  testing,  and  we  each  were  in 
touch  with  our  negotiators  in  Stockholm, 
wanting  to  see  a  successful  conclusion  of 
that  negotiation  on  terms  that  are 

If  there  are  any  questions,  I  will  be 
glad  to  answer. 

Q.  If  this  cloud  of  the  Daniloff 
case  continues  to  hang  over  the  rela- 
tions between  the  United  States  and 
the  Soviet  Union,  can  there  be  a  sum- 
mit? Can  there  be  further  preparations 
for  a  summit? 

A.  There  certainly  can  be  prepara- 
tions, and  we  spent  a  great  deal  of  time 
in  discussing  the  substance  of  issues  that 
need  to  be  worked  out  and  worked  up  to 
make  a  summit  meeting  a  successful 
meeting.  At  the  same  time,  I  think  it  is 
difficult  to  think  of  a  fruitful  summit 
without  these  cases  being  resolved 
because  they  are  going  to  wind  up  con- 
suming great  blocks  of  the  time.  So  I 
believe  it  is  of  urgent  importance  to 
resolve  these  cases,  not  just  because  of 
the  summit  but  because  of  the 
humanitarian  concern  involved. 

Q.  Can  I  follow  that  up?  Do  we — 
do  I  infer  correctly  that  the  United 
States,  for  all  its  emphasis  on  this 

issue,  made  no  real  progress  in 
convincing  the  Soviet  Union  of  the 
importance  to  which  we  attach  it? 

A.  I  think  they  see  the  importanc 
that  we  attach  to  it;  and,  of  course,  W' 
did  spend,  the  Minister  and  I,  a  very 
large  amount  of  time  talking  about  it. 
I'm  sorry  to  say  we  weren't  able  to 
resolve  it,  but  I  think  we  certainly 
explored  it  in  detail;  and  I  hope  that ' 
will  be  able  to  resolve  it  as  not  too  mu 
time  passes  because  it  is  extraordinar 
important.  But  the  fact  of  the  matter 
it  remains— Nick  Daniloff  remains  in  t 
Soviet  Union  unable  to  leave. 

Q.  Do  you  believe  that  you  made  J 
enough  progress  on  arms  control  an  i 
other  issues  at  these  meetings  so  th; 
if  the  Daniloff  case  is  resolved,  you 
would  then  be  able  to  set  a  date  for 

A.  There  was  real  progress  made 
and  I  think  there  is  the  potential  for 
good  work  in  Geneva.  Of  course,  we 
were  well  coordinated  with  our  Genev 
negotiators,  and  they  are  fully  informi 
practically  as  we  go  along,  on  what  is 
said  here. 

So  there  are  possibilities.  As  you 
have  all  heard  me  say  many  times,  yoi  I 
don't  have  an  agreement  until  you  hav  • 
an  agreement.  I'm  not  too  big  on  talki 
about  the  amount  of  progress,  but  the! ' 
are  quite  a  few  items  that  seemed  to  b 
insoluble  a  year  ago  that  are  working 
themselves  out— or  6  months  ago,  that 
are  working  themselves  out.  So  I  think ' 
those  things  can  be  pointed  to. 

I  believe  that  a  meeting  ought  to  1 
a  well-prepared  meeting,  and  it  ought  t 
have  some  significant  results  to  it.  The  I 
President  has  always  said  that,  and  we 
continue  to  work  to  bring  that  about. 

Q.  Two  questions:  One,  did  you   |> 
agree  with  Mr.  Shevardnadze  on  a 
timeframe  for  a  followup  meeting 
between  the  two  of  you  to  discuss 
preparations  for  the  summit?  And 
secondly,  can  you  give  us  at  least  soBj 
characterization  of  Mr.  [Mikhail] 
Gorbachev's  letter  which  we  were  tol. 
deals  extensively  on  arms  control.  Is 
that  a  basis  for  your  saying  that  then, 
has  beeen  real  progress  made  in  that  , 

A.  First  of  all,  we  didn't  discuss  a 
timeframe  for  some  further  work  on  ou 
part,  but  we  have  put  in  place  now  a 
pretty  wide-ranging  set  of  arrangement  I 
for  discussing  practically  any  subject  yo' 
can  think  of  that  the  two  countries  are 
involved  in,  and  these  groups  have  been  I 
quite  active.  Of  course,  some  are  set  up  I 
as  negotiating  groups,  such  as  those 


Department  of  State  Bulleth 


gotiating  in  Geneva;  and  those  go 
;.vard  and,  I  think,  will  have  been 
iSrgized  by  the  meetings  that  took 
Je  this  summer  and  also  by  some  of 
lathings  that  were  contained  in  Mr. 
Ibachev's  letter  and  which  we  dis- 
ced in  our  meetings  here  in 

I  So  I  think  what  we  see  is  a  process 
U  continues  to  move  along,  but  I  don't 
fc  anything  for  you  on  the  question  of 

iQ.  Is  it  conceivable  to  you  that 
i thing  could  happen  that  could 
fik  the  ice  so  that  a  summit  could  be 
?1  still  this  year,  or  is  the  time 
lied  when  that  will  be  possible? 

A.  I  don't  think  the  time  has  passed 
|n  that's  possible,  but  I  do  think  it's 
<  ntial  to  get  the  Daniloff  case 
Jived.  I  would  like  to  see  myself  some 
fcrtant  motion  on  other  human  rights 
les— and  we  discussed  them  in 
lil— such  as  emigration  and  some  of 
internal  problems.  But  at  any  rate,  I 
jk  that  the  Daniloff  case  hangs  over 
i  and  we  need  to  work  hard  to 
jive  it,  and  are. 

Q.  Shevardnadze  has  just  said  at 
nress  conference  basically  that  the 
a  ed  States  is — someone  in  the 
r  ed  States  has  tried  maliciously  to 
4k  progress.  He  talks  about  the 
led  Nations  and  Daniloff.  He  seems 
j2  taking  equally  as  hard  a  position 
>1  as  he  did  before  the  meeting. 

Can  you  tell  us  anything  about  the 
aussions  with  the  Soviets  on  both 
«e  issues,  and  was  any  progress  at 

B\..  It's  hard  to  think  that  progress  is 
je  as  long  as  he  is  there  and  is  not 
Ito  leave.  We  discussed,  in  a 
nghtforward  and  rational  way,  all  of 
3ns  and  outs  of  various  aspects  of 

pur  action  in  expelling  25  Soviets 
ft  the  UN  Mission  is  an  unrelated 
in.  We  did  discuss  that,  and  I 
pined  the  basis  for  it.  He  argued 
i  it,  but  nevertheless  we  discussed 
1  So  we  discussed  all  aspects  of  this 
I  And,  as  I've  said,  we  have  not  been 
Ito  resolve  it,  but  we  will  keep  work- 
!>n  it. 

[}.  I  have  a  follow  up.  He  suggests 
Se  will  be  retaliation  if  the  25  are 
filed.  Did  he  tell  you  what  that 
:  ialion  might  be? 
JL  No.  I  don't  know  what  actions 
ill  take;  but  I  do  know  this,  that  the 
tdent's  powder  is  dry. 

Secretary  Shultz's  meeting  with  Soviet  Foreign  Minister 
Shevardnadze  at  the  Department  of  State. 

Q.  Could  I  ask  you  to  expand  a  bit 
on  your  statement  that  a  series  of 
arrangements  have  been  made  for  fur- 
thering progress  on  arms  control  and 
other  issues?  Do  you  expect  the  work- 
ing groups  that  worked  in  August, 
leading  for  this  meeting,  to  continue 
at  that  sort  of  level?  Would  you  expect 
to  go  to  the  Soviet  Union  for  further 
talks?  Would  you  expect  to  have  a 
meeting  next  week  or  the  week  after 
with  Shevardnadze  in  New  York?  Can 
you  be  any  more  specific  about  those 
arrangements,  setting  aside  for  a 
moment  what  you've  obviously  made 
plain,  which  is  that  no  conclusions 
could  be  reached  given  the  hanging  of 
the  Daniloff  case  at  the  moment? 

A.  As  far  as  the  nuclear  and  space 
talks  are  concerned,  most  of  the  people 
who  met  this  summer  about  that  are 
meeting  in  Geneva.  It  may  or  may  not  be 
useful;  there's  no  particular  plan  for 
reconvening  the  somewhat  enlarged 
group  which,  from  our  standpoint, 
means  that  the  Geneva  team  and,  in 
some  respects,  the  Washington  team 
that  are  working  most  directly  on  these 
things,  met  together  with  Soviet 
counterparts.  It  may  be  that  that  will  be 
useful  at  some  point,  but  there's  no  plan 
for  it. 

The  negotiations,  obviously,  are 
going  forward.  The  round  has  just 
started.  And  I  think,  given  the  amount 
of  preparations  and  the  effort  put  into  it, 
perhaps  the  rounds  will  start  relatively 

In  general  characterization  of  these 
rounds  is  that  they  start  off,  and  there  is 
a  kind  of  leisurely  pace  and  sparring 
around  and  taking  positions  that  have 
long  since  been  abandoned,  but  never- 
theless, put  back  on  the  table,  and  so  on. 
And  you  get  about  to  the  last  week  or  so 
of  the  negotiation,  and  things  really 
start  to  move.  And  our  effort, 
deliberately  and  by  design,  with  the 
Soviet  Union  has  been  to  say,  let  us  get 
these  talks  to  start  with  the  kind  of  pace 
that  they  often  get  in  the  last  week  or 
so,  so  that  the  full  amount  of  time  can  be 
devoted  a  more  genuine  kind  of  negotia- 
tions. And  that's  what  we're  trying  to 

Of  course,  the  Stockholm  confer- 
ence, we'll  know  before  long,  what  out- 
come, if  any,  there  is  there.  We  do  have 
in  place  understood  arrangements  for 
handling  our  bilateral  relations,  and 
we've  had  a  continuing  round  of  discus- 
sions and  now  one  at  the  under  secretary 
level  on  an  overall  basis  on  regional 

So  all  of  these  things  are,  I  think, 
under  good  control  organizationally. 
That's  not  the  problem. 

Q.  No  involvement  for  you, 
thought  at  this  point,  as  part  of  those 
arrangements,  as  far  as  direct 
meetings  are  concerned? 

A.  I  keep  track  and  so  does  Mr. 
Shevardnadze.  I  think  that  if  it  seems 
worthwhile  to  have  a  meeting,  we  can 
easily  arrange  one. 

:ember  1986 



Q.  Where?  In  New  York? 

A.  I  might  say  that  we  have,  on  a 
personal  level,  I  think  a  very  good 
capacity  to  communicate.  So  we  both 
work  to  have  that  on  a  straightforward 

Q.  Is  that  a  possibility — that  there 
will  be  a  New  York  meeting  between 
you  two? 

A.  It's  a  possibility,  but  there  is  no 
plan  for  it.  But,  certainly,  if  there  is 
anything  important  to  talk  about,  I'm 
ready  to  talk  about  it.  I'm  sure  he  is. 

Q.  Did  Mr.  Shevardnadze  exhibit 
to  you  what  you  regard  as  a  sincere 
interest  in  trying  to  find  a  way  out  of 
the  Daniloff  affair? 

A.  I  don't  like  the  business  of 
"somebody's  sincere,  he  isn't  sincere," 
or  something.  You  have  to  look  at  the 
content.  We  didn't  get  that  far  on  the 
content,  although  we  did  have  a  real 
exchange  on  it.  I  don't  have  any  doubt  in 
my  mind  that  Mr.  Shevardnadze  has 
approached  our  discussions  in  a  good- 
faith  way,  and  I've  tried  to  do  likewise 
with  him. 

Q.  Did  he  indicate  to  you  any  flex- 
ibility on  the  Soviet  position  the 
slightest  bit? 

A.   I'm  not  going  to  try  to 
characterize  the  ins  and  outs  of  our 
discussion  of  this.  I  think  it's  better  that 
way.  What  I  can  say  is  that  all  aspects  of 
this  and  possible  ways  of  getting  at  it 
were  talked  about  by  me,  by  him,  in  one 
way  or  another;  and  we  haven't  resolved 
the  matter  but  it  is  very  much  under 
continuing  review. 

Certainly  I  hope,  and  I  believe  he 
hopes,  that  we  will  be  able  to  do  so 
because  it  is  a  cloud  that  hangs  over 
this  and  there  are  potential  opportunities 
here.  It  is  very  difficult  to  realize  on 
them  until  we  can  get  this  out  of  the 
way.  That's  the  fact  of  the  matter. 

Q.  When  you  were  answering  Jim 
Anderson's  questions  about  the  effect 
of  the  Daniloff  case  on  the  possibility 
of  a  summit,  you  said  it  would  be 
difficult  to  consider  going  ahead  while 
these  cases  were  pending.  Could  you 
say  what  other  case  or  cases  you  had 
in  mind? 

A.  I'm  talking  about  the  Daniloff 

Q.  And  only  the  Daniloff  case? 

A.  That  is  the  principal  problem. 
From  their  standpoint,  they  have  [Soviet 
UN  employee,  Gennadiy  F.]  Zakharov. 
We  think  that's  a  totally  different  propo- 
sition, and  there  are  various  other  issues 

involved  here.  But,  at  any  rate,  from  our 
standpoint,  it's  the  Daniloff  case. 

What  I've  said  was,  it  is  hard  for  me 
to  think  of  a  genuinely  fruitful  summit 
meeting  under  these  circumstances 
because  so  much  of  the  time,  and  the 
preoccupation,  will  be  consumed  by  this 
case  and  understandably  so.  So  I  think 
we  should  get  it  resolved. 

Q.  You  and  Mr.  Shevardnadze 
have  in  past  meetings  like  this  agreed 
on  a  set  of  adjectives  which  you  use  to 
describe  your  encounter.  You've  not 
done  that  this  time,  but  can  you  tell  us 
what  adjectives  you  would  apply  to 
this  2  days  of  meetings? 

A.  In  terms  of  the  substance  of  the 
matters  discussed  in  our  plenary  ses- 
sions, where  we  were  talking  about  the 
types  of  subjects  we  generally  wrestle 
with,  they  were  serious,  they  were  con- 
structive, they  were  positive,  and 
conducted  in  a  straightforward  way.  I 
think  I  would,  in  other  words,  apply 
"plus"  type  adjectives  to  it. 

As  far  as  the  Daniloff  case  and  other 
aspects  of  our  human  rights  discussions 
are  concerned,  certainly  they  were  direct 
and  serious  discussions,  and  I  unfor- 
tunately have  to  report  that  we  weren't 
able  to  resolve  the  issue. 

Q.  In  the  14  hours  that  you  spent 
with  Mr.  Shevardnadze,  approximately 
how  much  of  the  time  did  you  spend 
discussing  Daniloff?  And,  also,  of  the 
individual  face-to-face  talks,  was  that 
primarily  devoted  to  Daniloff? 

A.  He  requested  a  private  meeting 
at  the  beginning,  and  I  was  glad  to 
accede  to  that,  because  if  he  hadn't 
requested  it,  I  think  I  would  have.  But 
he  wanted,  first  of  all,  to  tell  me  that  he 
had  a  letter  to  deliver  from  Mr. 
Gorbachev  to  the  President,  and  he  gave 
me  some  indication  of  the  content  of  the 
letter  without  going  into  full  detail. 

And  then,  however,  we  spent  the 
bulk  of  our  time  in  private  meetings,  and 
I  think  that  all  of  the  time  in  the  first 
batch  that  was  allocated  in  the  morning 
was  spent  on— virtually  on  this  question, 
and  with  the  President,  of  course,  he 
delivered  the  letter  and  explained  a  little 
of  its  contents.  But  the  President,  I 
think— I  was  there,  and  so  I  saw  the 
President's  depth  of  conviction  and  con- 
cern about  this  case  was  very  evident. 
And  from  a  comment  that  Mr. 
Shevardnadze  made  to  me  later  on,  it's 
clear  that  he  could  readily  see  how 
strongly  the  President  felt  about  it.  So 
there's  no  doubt  about  their  knowledge 
of  how  we  feel. 

Q.  On  that  point,  did  you  detect 
surprise  or  miscalculation  on  the  pa' 
of  Mr.  Shevardnadze  as  to  the  deptl 
the  American  reaction  and  feeling  o 
this  case  that  the  U.S.  would  stop 
progress  or  movement  on  other  issu 
because  of  it? 

A.  We  discussed  the  issue  on  its 
merits,  at  least  as  I  saw  it,  and  he 
responded.  We  didn't— I  don't  think  t 
they  take  the  position  now  that  we 
should  regard  this  as  inconsequential  I 
and  forget  about  it.  Nobody  is  arguinj ' 
that,  and  certainly  it  wouldn't  be  wor 
while.  It's  not  worth  the  time  to  talk 
that  way.  It's  clearly  a  matter  of  gem  i! 
importance  to  us,  and  we  have  to  get  " 
resolved,  and  it's  easy  enough  to  reso 
Let  him  out. 

Q.  If  you  didn't  have  the  Danilo ' 
case,  do  you  think  we'd  have — we'd  I 
talking  here  about  a  set  date  for  th< ' 
summit,  or  are  there  other  issues  th 
would  have  held  that  up  by  now? 

A.  I,  of  course,  can't  speak  for  th 
Soviet  Union  on  that,  but  from  the 
standpoint  of  the  United  States,  as  yc  i 
know,  we  have  been  prepared  to  recei  ( 
Mr.  Gorbachev.  I  do  think  that  there ;  ( 
some  very  promising  opportunities  he  < 
and  so  we  would  like  to  capitalize  on    , 
them.  But  I'm  not— whether  the  Sovit 
Union  is  prepared  to  set  a  date— I  can  , 
say  that.  I  don't  know  that 

Q.  Conversely,  you  are  not 
prepared  to  welcome  Mr.  Gorbachev 
this  point?  Are  you  saying  that  then 
cannot  be  a  summit  date  set  until  Mi 
Daniloff  is  released? 

A.  I'll  just  repeat  what  I  said.  Thj|, 
we  should  get  this  case  resolved,  first  ( 
and  foremost,  out  of  our  humanitarian  L 
concern  for  a  fellow  American  who's 
being  held  against  his  will  in  the  Sovie . 
Union.  And,  beyond  that,  that  it  is  har 
to  imagine  a  fruitful  summit  meeting 
while  the  case  is  unresolved,  because  il 
going  to  take  up  a  large  portion  of  the 
time  and  be  a  preoccupation  in  the  tim 
when  it  isn't  being  directly  discussed.  • 
it  ought  to  be  resolved,  and  it  can  be 

Q.  Could  you  tell  us  whether 
among  the  issues  you  made  progress 
on  was  the  question  of  strategic 
defense  and  whether  there  should  be 
an  amendment  to  the  ABM  (Anti- 
ballistic  Missile)  Treaty? 

A.  We  discussed  the  subject  of 
strategic  defense  at  considerable  lengtl 
and  I  can't  say  that  we  had  anything  to 
say  to  each  other  that  genuinely  seemei 
to  narrow  the  issues.  But  I  felt,  myself, 
that  the  quality  of  the  discourse  was 


Department  of  State  Bullet1 


tiewhat  more  penetrating  and  better, 
1  we  really  engaged  with  the  subject. 

So  maybe  that's  a  little  bit  of  head- 
•[,  but  I  would  not  have— and  if  I  had 
order  of  probability  of  something 
t's  likely  to  be  jelled  soon,  that  would 

be  high  on  my  list.  But  I  think  the 
;ussion  in  greater  depth  of  the 
;nse/defense  relationship  and  the 
aning  of  the  President's  proposal— 
ybe  it's  just  that  we  explained  it  so 
efully,  we  thought  we  were  being  per- 
sive,  but  the  genuine  meaning  of  the 
jsident's  proposal  and  what  it's  really 


I  believe  they  listened  very  carefully 
t.  I'll  just  put  it  that  way. 

!  Q.  Did  Mr.  Shevardnadze  at  any 
)e  during  the  2  days  of  discussions 
,ver  from  his  government's  insist- 
ie  that  the  Daniloff  and  Zakharov 
:!es  be  treated  on  an  equal  basis? 
j  A.  We  felt  that  they  were  distinc- 
fe;  not  related. 

Q.  Would  you  explain  that? 

A.  That  is,  his  view  is  that— well, 
■  not  going  to  state  his  side  of  the 
k.  He's  talking  to  the  press  and  can 
(that.  But  from  our  standpoint, 
piloff  is  a  hostage  and  is  not  a  spy.  He 
I  not  been  a  person  employed  by  the 
f>.  Government  or  taking  instructions 
m  the  U.S.  Government  or  in  some 
nner  engaging  in  a  process  of 
■ionage  on  behalf  of  the  U.S.  Govern- 
pt,  as  he  has  been  accused  of  being, 
i.  so  we  believe  he  is  innocent  of  that 

Q.  How  close  are  the  two  sides  on 
i  agreement  on  INF  [intermediate- 
!ge  nuclear  forces]  and  was  any 
rgress  made? 

I  A.  I  think  there  was  some  progress 
ide  in  INF,  and  that's  perhaps  one  of 
i  promising  areas,  and  that's  my  opin- 
»,  and  I  think  if  you  ask  that  question 
Mr.  Shevardnadze,  he'll  probably  say 
It's  his  opinion.  At  least  that's  what 
itold  me. 

Secretary's  News  Conference 
of  September  25 

'Press  release  186. 

Secretary  Shultz  's  news  conference 
with  American  journalists  at  the  UN 
Plaza  Hotel  in  New  York  on  September 
25.  1986.1 

Q.  Could  you  give  us  an  assessment, 
please,  of  the  efforts  to  reach  an 
agreement  on  [U.S.  News  &  World 
Report  correspondent  Nicholas] 

A.  I  don't  want  to  get  into  that  in 
any  detail.  It's  under  discussion.  I've 
had,  as  you  know,  a  couple  of  meetings 
with  Mr.  Shevardnadze  [Soviet  Foreign 
Minister]  here  in  New  York.  And  just 
where  this  will  go,  I  don't  know,  and  I 
don't  think  it  particularly  helps  for  me  to 
speculate  about  it  or  give  any  detailed 
accounting  about  it  right  now. 

Q.  Are  you  going  to  meet  him 
again  before  you  leave  tomorrow 

A.  I  don't  want  to  discuss  what  kind 
of  structured  meetings  might  take  place 
or  what  might  be  possible.  I'm  planning 
to  leave  tomorrow  morning,  as  you 
know,  and  go  back  to  Washington  and  be 
back  here  Sunday.  As  I  understand  it, 

Q.  The  Soviet  spokesman— 

A.  —he  leaves  the  United  States  on 
Tuesday  some  time. 

Q.  Do  you  feel  the  pressure  of  any 
deadline  because  of  that? 

A.  Obviously,  it's  desirable  to  get 
this  matter  settled  as  soon  as  possible,  if 
we  can  settle  it  on  the  right  basis.  At  the 
same  time,  I  think  we  have  to  be 
prepared  for  the  fact  that  that  may  not 
be  possible.  So  we  want  to  work  hard  to 
try  to  get  it  settled,  but  we  have  to 
remember  that  it  needs  to  be  settled 

Q.  Do  you  see  this  Tuesday  as  sort 
of  a  deadline  here,  or  a  deadline? 

A.  There  are  many  ways  for  us  to 
talk  to  the  Soviet  Union.  We  have  good 
capacity  to  communicate.  That's  never 
been  a  problem.  But  I  think  Mr. 
Shevardnadze  and  I  have  both  worked  at 
having  a  good  personal  capability  of  talk- 
ing directly  with  each  other  so  it's  cer- 
tainly useful  to  try  to  do  it  while  he's 
here,  and  I  hope  it  can  be  done.  But  I 
don't  think  it's  good  to  sort  of  put 
yourself  up  against  a  deadline  that  just 
happens  to  reflect  travel  schedules. 

Q.  But  you're  not  really — 

A.  But  at  the  same  time  we  try  to 
work  it  out. 

Q.  You're  not  ruling  out  another 
meeting  perhaps  Sunday,  Monday,  or 
Tuesday  here  in  New  York? 

A.  I  would  imagine  that  we'll  have 
another  meeting  at  some  point,  cer- 
tainly. I  would  hope  so. 

Q.  Another  meeting  is  necessary 
at  this  point  before  you  can  arrive  at  a 

A.  The  matter  is  not  settled.  So 
that's  the  situation. 

Q.  Can  you  tell  us  a  little  bit  about 
Shevardnadze  in  the  continuum  of  hav- 
ing met  him  initially  and  how  he  has  or 
has  not  grown  in  the  position;  how  you 
communicate  with  him?  You  called  him 
"my  friend"  in  past  occasions.  You 
haven't  been  doing  that  in  this  par- 
ticular round  of  things.  How  are  the 
two  of  you? 

A.  I  think  on  a  personal  level  we 
have  a  friendly  relationship,  and  we 
want  to  keep  it  that  way.  My  wife  has 
developed  a  friendship  with  his  wife.  We 
treat  them  in  a  courteous  way,  and  I 
think  that's  the  right  way  to  go  about  it. 

It  has  seemed  to  me  from  the  begin- 
ning that  it's  not  that  he  grows  up;  he's 
a  grown  person.  After  all,  he  became  the 
head  person  in  the  state  of  Georgia 
which  is  a  state  of  great  importance  in 
the  Soviet  Union,  and  so  he's  a  person  of 
talent  and  ability  to  prove  it.  He's  under- 
taking this  assignment  and  seems  to 
handle  it  well,  as  far  as  I  can  see. 

Q.  Mr.  Gerasimov  [Soviet  Foreign 
Ministry  spokesman]  told  us  earlier 
that  the  Soviets  are  asking  to  recon- 
sider your  order  to  expel  the  25 
Soviets.  Is  this  a  matter  that  can  be 

A.  It's  something  that  has  been 
done  and  there  it  stands.  We  don't  have 
any  plan  to  change  that. 

Q.  Is  it  tangling  your  already 
difficult  talks  on  the  Daniloff  case,  or 
are  you  able  to  keep  it  separate?  Or 
are  they  trying  to  tangle  it  with  it? 

A.  I  don't  think  it's  a  good  thing  to 
get  into  sort  of  the  insides  of  the  discus- 
sion. I'm  perfectly  glad  to  say,  yes, 
we've  had  discussions,  and  so  on.  But  as 
to  the  nature  of  them,  I  think  that's 
something  that  I  prefer  to  keep  private. 

/ember  1986 



Q.  Can  you  tell  us  whether  the 
Soviet  Foreign  Minister,  in  this  case, 
is  following  the  format  of  a  previous 
occupant  of  his  position  of  negotia- 
tions of  this  type?  Do  you  end  up 
reading  positions?  Do  you  end  up  with 
a  more  give-and-take  on  a  matter  as 
narrow  as  this  Daniloff  affair? 

A.  In  my  meetings  with  Mr. 
Shevardnadze,  I'd  say  that  they're  very 
conversational  in  a  sense  that  we  go 
back  and  forth  in  our  discussion,  and  it 
depends  somewhat  on  what's  being 
discussed  and  the  desirability  at  the 
moment  of  trying  to  be  very  careful  and 
precise  about  something. 

And  if  you  want  to  state  some  posi- 
tion about  some  matter,  whatever  it  is, 
and  you  want  to  do  it  with  precision  and 
clarity,  it's  usually  a  good  idea  to  have  a 
piece  of  paper  and  go  through  it.  So  he 
does  that  sometimes,  and  I  do  that 
sometimes.  But  we  have  a  good  conver- 
sational tone  in  our  relationship. 

Q.  Did  he  ever  get  angry  during 
the  rather  blunt  talks  that  you  and  the 
President  had  with  him  over  this  case? 

A.  You  have  to  ask  him  about  that. 

Q.  Did  he  exhibit  any? 

A.  He  has  good  self-control,  and  I 
don't  know  his— I'm  not  going  to  try  to 
read  anything  into  that. 

Q.  Has  he  been  flexible  at  all  on 
this  issue?  Has  he  demonstrated  any 

A.  You  want  to  try  to  get  inside  this 
shell  that  I've  constructed  in  various 
ways,  and  I'm  not  going  to  let  you  do  it. 

Q.  You  haven't  been  standing  on 
street  corners  for  3  days.  [Laughter.] 

Q.  I  really  don't  want  to  ask  you 
about  his  table  manners.  I  want  to  ask 
you  about  the  Soviet  statement.  There 
are  three  bumpy  bumps  in  the  road  to  a 
settlement.  They  say  Daniloff, 
[Gennadiy]  Zakharov,  and  the  UN 
order — they  don't,  of  course,  like  the 
word  "order"  because  they  say  you 
can't  order  us  about— and  they  say 
there  might  be  a  fourth  one,  this  order 
which  they  don't  want  to  call  an 
"order."  If  it's  not  rescinded,  they're 
going  to  retaliate. 

From  your  perspective,  how  many 
bumps,  how  many  of  these  four  items, 
or  perhaps  others,  are  now  bumps  in 
the  road  to  a  summit?  Because,  after 
all,  the  summit  is  what  possibly 
transcends  all  these  events. 

A.   I  don't  necessarily  subscribe  to 
that.  I  think  that— what  are  these 
meetings  for?  They  are  for  discussing 

the  full  range  of  issues  of  interest  to 
both  sides.  We  have  a  broad  agenda  and 
so  do  they  and  so  questions  involving 
humanitarian  and  human  issues  are  part 
of  that  agenda. 

Now,  as  far  as  a  summit  is  con- 
cerned, we're  in  the  same  position  we've 
been  in  for  some  time.  The  President  has 
issued  an  invitation,  and  we'd  like  to  see 
it  take  place.  We  think  there  are  impor- 
tant matters  to  discuss.  On  some  of 
these  matters,  there  seems  to  have  been 
some  motion  in  recent  months. 

On  the  other  hand,  I  believe  it  is 
true.  And  perhaps  what  you're  quoting 
is— which  I  haven't  seen— but  they're 
saying  the  same  thing,  that  in  the  cir- 
cumstances where  we  are  now  it's  hard 
to  imagine  a  fruitful  summit  because  the 
whole  thing  would  be  dominated  by 
discussion  of  this  question. 

Q.  Do  you  have  any  specific — do 
you  have  any  plans  tonight  for  dinner? 
Or  what  are  you  planning  to  do  this 

Q.  Do  you  want  us  to  follow  you 
around  or  not? 

A.  It  isn't  as  though  I'm  not  get- 
ting enough  to  eat  around  here,  but  I  do 
have  dinner  planned  with  some  of  my 
European  friends. 

Q.  West  European  friends? 

A.  West  European  friends. 

Q.  Just  to  give  us  a  little  help.  We 
presume  then  if  you're  going  to  have  a 
meeting  with  Mr.  Shevardnadze,  it 
won't  be  until  next  week;  is  that 

A.  I've  said  what  I  had  to  say  on 
this  discussion,  and  I'm  just  going  to 
leave  it  at  that. 

Q.  On  the  question  of  the  summit, 
the  Soviets  have  been  saying  rather 
strongly  right  along  they  want  a  major 
agreement,  but  now  their  definition  of 
a  major  agreement  seems  to  be  dimin- 
ishing somewhat.  They  called  the 
Stockholm  agreement  a  major  agree- 
ment, for  example,  in  Shevardnadze's 

I'm  wondering  if  you  have  any 
notion  now  of  what  kinds  of  arms 
agreements  which  you  think  are 
doable  might  be  accomplished  by  the 
end  of  the  year  and  might  provide  the 
kind  of  agenda  that  would  be  suitable 
for  a  fruitful  summit. 

In  other  words,  does  it  have  to  be 
a  START  [strategic  arms  reduction 
talks],  INF  [intermediate-range 
nuclear  forces]  agreement,  or  could  it 
be  a  combination  of  chemical,  non- 
proliferation,  threshold  test  ban,  that 
kind  of  scope? 

A.  I  don't  want  to  try  to  list  thing 
because  the  next  thing  somebody  will 
say  is  that  we've  set  out  some  condi-    I 
tions,  which  we  haven't.  We  do  think  il 
desirable.  As  the  President  has  said 
many,  many  times,  to  have  results  froru 
the  meeting  we  don't  want  to  get  in  th  • 
position  and  won't  get  in  the  position-  „ 
and  I  assume  they  don't  want  to 
either— where  we  feel  that  because 
there's  a  meeting  we've  got  to  accept 
somel lii ng  that  we  don't  think  is  right. 
We're  not  going  to  do  that. 

But  I  think  there  are  a  number  of  v 
areas  where  things  that  at  least  I  wouli  n 
consider  worth  doing  might  be  done  or 
at  least  precipitated  by  the  fact  of  a 
meeting  and  ratified  at  the  meeting.  I  \\ 
think  what  happens  at  meetings  like  th  \ 
is  more  that  the  things  get  worked  out,  i 
and  maybe  sometimes  the  finishing 
touches  get  put  on,  although  they're 
basically  worked  out  before  the  meetinj 
and  the  meeting  tends  to  ratify  them 
and  look  prospectively  at  where  we  go 
from  here. 

I  think  that  in  most  of  the  areas,  it  ' 
isn't  as  though  there's  a  prospect  of 
something  that's  completed  and  you  tie  ' 
ribbon  around  it  and  you  don't  have  to  ' 
look  at  it  any  more;  it's  more  in  the 
nature  of  things  in  which  it  looks  as 
though  some  clear-cut  progress  in  a 
positive  direction  can  be  made  and  set  ii 
place  with  the  understanding  that 
there's  a  lot  of  follow-on  work  to  do. 

In  the  case  of  INF,  for  instance,  we 
continue  to  think,  and  they  say,  that  the 
idea  is  to  eliminate  those  weapons.  But  1 
don't  see  a  prospect  of  doing  that  in  the 
near  term,  but  it  may  be  that  there's  a 
prospect  of  moving  along  that  road.  So 
that's  the  nature  of  this  set  of  questions. 

Q.  To  return  to  what  Mr. 
Gerasimov  said  this  afternoon,  still  in 
line  with  the  expulsions,  he  said, 
"Because  of  many  considerations, 
including  prestige  considerations,  we 
must  think  of  some  kind  of  retaliatory 
measures.  That  we  have  said,  and  we 
must  stand  by  it." 

On  Saturday  you  were  asked,  I 
believe,  in  connection  with  the  state- 
ment by  Shevardnadze  about  retalia- 
tion, that — something  to  the  effect 
that  the  President  would  keep  his 
powder  dry. 

Do  you  have  anything  further  to 
add  in  light  of  Mr.  Gerasimov's  more 
detailed  comments? 
A.  No,  I  don't. 

Q.  Sorry  for  the  speech.  It  was  a 
long  question.  [Laughter.] 

A.  Usually  if  you  ask  a  short  ques- 
tion, I  give  you  a  long  answer. 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 


Q.   When  will  Daniloff  come  home? 

A.  I  wish  I  knew.  The  sooner  the 

Q.  Can  you  tell  us  on  the  logistics 
,  do  you  expect  when  an  agreement 
Cached  with  the  Soviets  that  an 
puncement  would  be  made,  or  is 
;  of  the  negotiation  how — you 
w,  how  the  news  will  dribble  out 
b  wherever,  or  we  just  look  to  see 
n  Daniloff  comes  home  on  a  plane, 
omething  like  that,  and  then  we'll 
w  it's  done?  Can  you  help  us  on 
;  score  at  least? 

A.  Of  course,  as  far  as  Daniloff  is 
fcerned,  it's  done  when  he  arrives 
s  or  leaves  there,  and  that's  one  of 
things  that  we're  working  for  here, 
just  how  the  structure  of  this,  if  we 
ork  it  out,  will  come  forward,  I'm 
repared  to  say. 

Q.  Could  you  address  the  possibil- 
f'»f  having  Daniloff  released  without 

lit  ions,  as  you  would  like,  and  then 
png  Zakharov  released  and  some 
wet  dissidents — maybe  some  well- 
nvn  Soviet  dissidents  released 
Ir?  Is  that  something  that  you 
[Id  think  might  happen? 

\.  I  just  have  to  keep  giving  you  the 
e  answer  over  and  over  again,  so 
i  don't  you  stop  asking  me? 

^.  Could  I  just  follow  that  a — 
lighter]— no.  It's  not  to  ask  you 
lit  the  specifics  of  the  negotiations, 
[just  to  get  a  sense  of  the  back  and 
11  in  these  meetings  that  you've  had 
I  Mr.  Shevardnadze.  Has  there 
ii  a  sense  of  progess  beyond  the 
« sides  making  their  position  very 
sr  to  each  other?  Has  there  been — it 
lacterized  by  just  an  unchanging 
lude  on  the  Soviet  side,  or  has  it 
ii  an  exchange  of  positions  between 
jlwo  sides?  Could  you  at  least  just 

]\.  We  would  like  to  get  this  case 
lived  on  a  satisfactory  basis,  and  so 
ie  working  hard  to  see  how  that 
It  be  done.  I  can't  speak  for  them, 
(having  taken  part  in  a  variety  of 
Itiations  of  one  kind  or  another,  my 
je  is  that  Shevardnadze  is  also  trying 
fct  it  done. 

3ut  that  doesn't  mean  that  we're 
jg  to  succeed  in  doing  it.  But  I  think 
U  is  a  genuine  effort  going  on,  on 
I  sides.  But,  beyond  that,  I  think  this, 
J  often  the  case  in  negotiations,  it's 
I  to  talk  about  progress  or  lack  of 
Iress,  or  optimism  or  pessimism,  or 
(ething.  You  either  have  resolved  it, 
|)u  haven't,  and  it's— I  think  it  has  to 
I  that  way. 

Q.  Can  you  tell  us  is  it  in  the  stage 
where  the  elements  of  a  satisfactory 
resolution  are  in  principle  agreed  on 
by  the  two  sides,  and  what  you  are 
working  out  is  the  precise  details  of 
timing  and  trials  and  the  smaller  bits 
and  pieces?  Or  is  there  now  no 
meeting  of  the  minds? 

A.  I'm  not  just  going  to  get  inside 
this  little  cocoon  that  I've  built  here,  or 
shell,  or  whatever  I  called  it. 

Q.  An  easy  one  for  you,  a  piece  of 
cake.  Short  question,  short  answer. 
Will  the  President  veto  the  South 
African  sanctions  bill  tomorrow? 

A.  I  read  that  that's  what  Larry 
Speakes  said  he  was  going  to  do,  so  that 
must  be  the  case. 

Q.  On  the  25,  just  another  ques- 
tion on  principle:  Is  it  your  principle 
that  25  people  will  leave,  and  that's 
not  negotiable,  but  does  the  composi- 
tion of  that  25— is  that  open  to  any 

A.  I  think  we've  stated  what  our 
position  is.  This  basically  goes  back  to 
last  March,  and  it  reflects  our  view  that, 
being  host  to  the  United  Nations,  does 
not  mean  that  we  should  be  host  to  intel- 
ligence activities  on  the  part  of  other 
nations.  And  the  huge  number  that  the 
Soviets  have  in  their  embassy  beyond 
what  anybody  else  has,  more  than  the 
next  two  largest  combined,  and  our 
knowledge  of  the  background  of 
people— many  of  the  people  in  the 
embassy  and,  of  course,  some  of  the 
activities  involved— leads  us  to  conclude 
that  it  is  being  used  that  way. 

So  we  have  called  for  a  gradual 
reduction  to  a  size  that's  more  in  keep- 
ing with  undertaking  what  the  UN  mis- 
sion as  such  needs.  While,  obviously,  we 
observe  the  numbers,  and  we  know  when 
people  leave,  and  when  they  come  back, 
we  have  to  remember  that  many  people 
have  multiple-entry  visas.  And  so  know- 
ing just  who  is  there  and  not  there  is  a 
problem  unless  they  are  ready  to  tell  us, 
and  they  haven't  been  ready  to  tell  us. 
And  you  remember  that  the  Soviet 
Ambassador  to  the  United  Nations 
made— the  time  span  escapes  me  here;  a 
couple  of  weeks  ago,  I  think— a  rather 
confrontational  statement  about  whether 
they  were  going  to  do  this.  And  that  led 
to  our  saying,  well,  we  feel  that  in  order 
to  meet  our  October  1  level,  you  needed 
to  have  25  people  not  there,  and  so  we 
gave  them  a  list. 

Q.  The  Russians  say  that  they've 
met  that  level  already.  Is  a  key  to  it 
whether  the  United  States  will  rescind 
or  modify  its  order  naming  specific 
individuals  and  go  with  what  you  just 
referred  to  as  meeting  the  level  by 
October  1? 

A.  I  think  I've  described  our  posi- 
tion. That  is  our  position.  That's  where  it 
stands,  and  that's  what  I  have  to  say  on 

Q.  Is  it  a  condition  that  these  25 
have  to  leave,  their  number  is  below 
218,  they  can  then  have  additional  peo- 
ple come  in  to  the  United  States  to 
come  up  to  218? 

A.  That's  what  we've  told  them. 

Q.  But  not  those  25,  though.  Not 
those  named  25.  They  can't  bring  them 
back  in. 

A.  That's  right. 

Q.  Are  you  open  to  the  possibility 
of  using  the  procedure  outlined  in  the 
headquarters  act  of  going  to  the 
Secretary  General,  presenting  your 
evidence  against  the  25  individuals  and 
having  them  excluded  in  that  fashion? 

A.  The  headquarters  agreement  is 
very  clear  that  there's  nothing  in  our 
agreement  to  be  the  host  that  would  put 
us  in  the  position  where  we  can't  do  the 
things  needed  to  protect  our  security, 
and  that's  the  posture  that  we're  in,  and 
we  believe  that  we're  on  sound  ground 
and  intend  to  see  this  through. 

Q.  According  to  [UN  Secretary 
General]  Perez  de  Cuellar's  office,  if 
you  would  simply  make  the  case  of 
each  individual,  then  the  United 
Nations  would  have  no  argument,  but 
he  says  that  as  it  is  now  being 
presented,  that  it  is  not  within  the 
confines  of  the  host  agreement.  Do  you 
disagree  with  this? 

A.  I  disagree  with  that.  We  think 
that  we're  on  sound  ground. 

'Press  release  190  of  Sept.  26,  1986. 

i;mber  1986 



President's  and  Secretary's 
News  Conference  of  September  30 

President  Reagan  and  Secretary 

Shall:  In  I 'I  a  news  conference  at  the 
White  House  on  September  30,  1986.1 

Secretary  Shultz.  Good  morning.  The 
Eastern  District  Court  of  New  York 
accepted  the  application  of  Gennadiy 
Zakharov,  a  Soviet  citizen  assigned  to 
the  UN  Secretariat,  to  plead  nolo  con- 
tendere  to  all  three  counts  of  the  indict- 
ment filed  against  him.  The  court  has 
remanded  Mr.  Zakharov  into  the  custody 
of  the  Soviet  Ambassador  to  the  United 
States  for  the  purpose  of  affecting  his 
immediate  departure  from  this  country. 
It  is  expected  that  Mr.  Zakharov  will 
leave  the  United  States  this  afternoon. 

During  the  discussions  held  over  the 
past  10  days,  Soviet  Foreign  Minister 
Shevardnadze  has  informed  me  that 
Yuriy  Orlov,  one  of  the  founders  of  the 
[Moscow]  Helsinki  monitoring  group  and 
a  giant  of  the  Soviet  human  rights  move- 
ment, will  be  allowed  to  leave  the  Soviet 
Union.  Mr.  Orlov  and  his  wife  will  depart 
by  October  7  and  are  expected  to  come 
to  this  country.  The  precise  timing  and 
means  of  their  departure  will  be  deter- 
mined through  diplomatic  channels. 

Yuriy  Orlov,  a  physicist  by  profession 
and  member  of  the  Armenian  Academy 
of  Sciences,  was  chairman  of  Moscow's 
Helsinki  monitoring  group  until  his 
arrest  in  October  1977  for  alleged  anti- 
Soviet  activity. 

The  Helsinki  monitors,  a  courageous 
group  of  human  rights  activists,  openly 
attempted  to  hold  the  Soviet  authorities 
accountable  to  their  commitments  under 
the  Helsinki  accords  of  1975.  They  main- 
tain direct  contact  with  Western  diplo- 
mats and  journalists  in  an  effort  to  keep 
them  informed  of  Soviet  human  rights 
abuses.  Such  well-known  figures  as 
Andrei  Sakharov,  Yelena  Bonner,  and 
Anatoliy  Shcharanskiy  participated  in 
the  Moscow  Helsinki  monitoring  group, 
and  similar  groups  modeled  on  the 
Moscow  example  sprang  up  in  other 
major  Soviet  cities. 

Orlov  was  a  founding  member  and 
driving  force  behind  the  Helsinki 
monitors.  As  chairman  of  the  Moscow 
group,  he  singled  himself  out  for  par- 
ticular attention  from  the  KGB,  and  was 
caught  up  in  the  first  wave  of  arrests  of 
group  members.  In  1978,  he  was  sen- 
tenced to  7  years  in  a  strict-regime  labor 
camp  and  5  years  of  internal  exile.  Since 
1984,  he  has  been  forced  to  live  in  a 

remote  Siberian  village  in  extremely 
harsh  physical  conditions. 

At  age  62,  Orlov  is  in  extremely  poor 
health  as  a  result  of  prolonged  periods  of 
solitary  confinement— up  to  6  months  at 
a  time— in  labor  camps,  and  severe 
beatings,  suffered  both  in  camp  and  in 
exile.  Orlov's  wife,  Irena  Valitova, 
shared  his  commitment  to  the  Helsinki 
process.  She  has  maintained  regular  con- 
tact with  Western  embassies  and  jour- 
nalists over  the  years  since  her  hus- 
band's arrest,  and  has  steadfastly 
worked  to  ameliorate  the  harsh  condi- 
tions of  his  confinement. 

I  think  the  President  will  be  here  in 
a  minute. 

Q.  Iceland? 

President  Reagan.  Yes,  that's  what 
I'm  here  to  tell  you  about. 

Well,  I  am  pleased  to  announce  that 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  and  I  will 
meet  October  11-12  in  Reykjavik, 
Iceland.  The  meeting  was  proposed  by 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev,  and  I've 
accepted;  and  it  will  take  place  in  the 
context  of  preparations  for  the  General 
Secretary's  visit  to  the  United  States, 
which  was  agreed  to  at  Geneva  in 
November  of  1985.  And  I  might  say  the 
United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union 
appreciate  the  willingness  of  the  Govern- 
ment of  Iceland  to  make  this  meeting  in 
Reykjavik  possible.  So  I  know  you'll  all 
be  on  your  best  manners. 

Q.  Does  this  mean  that  the 
chances  for  an  arms  agreement,  the 
fact  that  you're  going  to  meet  with 
Mr.  Gorbachev  before  he  comes  to  the 
United  States— will  that  mean  that  you 
have  something  ready  for  signature 
then  when  you  meet  with  him  here? 

President  Reagan.  I  don't  believe 
anything  of  that  kind.  I  don't  think  this 
is  going  to  be  just  a  signing  meeting  at 
all.  And  I  have  no  way  of  knowing  what 
the  outcome  will  be  as  we  continue  with 
our  people  in  Geneva. 

Q.  What  do  you  think  our  chances 

President  Reagan.  I've  said  for  a 
long  time  that  I  think  the  chances  are 
better  than  they've  been  in  many  years 
for  reaching  an  agreement  on  arms 

Q.  But  why  did  you  change  your 
mind  on  this?  All  year  you  had  seemed 
to  oppose  the  idea  of  a  meeting  in  a 

neutral  country,  and  demanded  that 
was  the  General  Secretary's  turn  to  I 
come  to  the  United  States.  And  is 
there  any  agenda  for  this  meeting?  ;| 
you  going  to  have  any  kind  of 
agreements  on  INF  (intermediate- 
range  nuclear  forces)  and  risk- 
reduction  centers? 

President  Reagan.  No.  This  in  nc 
way  discounts  the  fact  of  what  we've 
said  about  a  summit.  This  is  not  a  sum  I 
mit;  this  was  a  suggestion  of  his  that  H 
and  I,  one-on-one,  meet  earlier,  and 
make  that  in  a  neutral  country  becaus>i 
we  have  agreed  that  as  to  the  summit; ! 
that  this  one  would  be  here  and  the  ne 
one  would  be  in  their  country. 

Q.  No  agreements  at  this  meetin 
sir?  And  no  agreements  at  the  meetii 
next  week? 

President  Reagan.  I  don't  know. 
All  we've  agreed  upon  is  that  we're 
going  to  have  a  meeting. 

Q.  Does  this  commitment  still  co 
tinue,  though,  for  the  General 
Secretary  to  come  to  the  United  Stat 
for  a  summit  that  would  actually  pro 
duce  some  sort  of  arms  control 

President  Reagan.  I  hoped  for  th.l 
the  last  time  we  met,  and  I'll  continue 
hope  for  that.  And  our  arms  negotiate] 
have  continued  to  meet.  Both  sides  ha\  i 
made  proposals,  and  there  have  been  d 
ferences  between  them,  and  so  far  tho? 
differences  have  not  been  reconciled. 

Q.  How  would  you  now  say  the 
[U.S.  News  &  World  Report  corre- 
spondent Nicholas]  Daniloff  affair 
either  laid  the  groundwork  for  this 
special  meeting  or  created  an  obstacle 
What  is  your  assessment  of  this 
whole — 

President  Reagan.  The  release  of 
Daniloff  made  the  meeting  possible.  I 
could  not  have  accepted  and  held  that 
meeting  if  he  was  still  being  held. 

Q.  On  that  subject,  we  believe  the 
Soviets  seized  Daniloff  because  of  oui 
arrest  of  Zakharov,  and  they  wanted 
Zakharov  out.  They  are  now  going  to 
get  Zakharov  out.  What  do  you  say  to 
those  who  say  that  you've  lost  in  that 
trade,  and  they  got  what  they  wanted! 

President  Reagan.  No,  not  at  all. 
There  was  no  connection  between  these 
two  releases,  and  I  don't  know  just  wha 
you  [to  Secretary  Shultz]  have  said  so  fa 
about  this,  but  there  were  other  arrange 
ments  with  regard  to  Zakharov  that 
resulted  in  his  being  freed. 


Department  of  State  Bulletir 

Q.  Do  you  think  the  world  is  going 
>elieve  there  was  no  connection 
en  in  fact  Daniloff  comes  out  one 
,  and  Zakharov  goes  zip  through 
magistrate's  the  next  and— 
President  Reagan.  May  I  point  out 
rou  that  there  have  been  several 
;ances  over  the  recent  years  in  which 
have  arrested  a  spy,  convicted  a  spy 
e  in  this  country,  and  in  each 
tance,  we  ended  up,  rather  than  giv- 
them  board  and  room  here,  we  ended 
exchanging  them  for  dissidents  and 
.pie  who  wanted  exit  from  the  Soviet 

Q.  Do  we  get  any  more  than  just 
lov?  Are  there  other  dissidents? 

President  Reagan.  I'm  not  going  to 
oment  on  that.  Somebody  else  has 

Q.  When  you  said  that  Daniloff 

1  a  hostage,  what  message  do  you 
ve  for  other  American  hostages 
lay,  for  instance  those  in  Lebanon 

10  have  not  been  beneficiary  to  these 

President  Reagan.  I'm  glad  that 
s  is  the  last  question,  and  I've  looked 
ward  to  answering  this  one.  I  under- 
bid I'm  scheduled  soon  for  a  press  con- 
ence,  and  I'm  going  to  save  all  the 
munition  for  that,  so  I'll  see  you 

Q.  When  is  that? 

President  Reagan.  They'll  announce 
>  date  at  the  proper  time. 

Q.  Didn't  you  just  announce  it? 

President  Reagan.  To  answer  this 
estion,  I  understand  the  sorrow,  the 
ief  of  the  families  of  the  hostages  who 

2  held  in  Beirut— we  assume  they  are 
Id  in  Beirut— because  that's  the  kind 
hostage  situation  this  is.  There  has 
ver  been  a  direct  contact  with  us  from 
j  holders  of  those  hostages,  the  kid- 
ppers,  but  there  hasn't  been  a  day 

ice  they  were  taken  that  we  have  not 
en  engaged  in  efforts  to  get  them  out. 
id  I  can  just  add  this,  that  sometimes 
i  thought  we  were  on  the  verge  of 
ing  that,  and  then  there  has  been  a 
arp  disappointment. 

So  as  I  say,  I  can  understand  the 
milies— as  if  this  looks  at  one,  but  look 
the  difference!  Here  we  are  dealing 
th  a  government  with  which  we  have 
olomatic  relations.  In  the  other,  we're 
i  aling  with  faceless  terrorists  who  have 
ily,  through  others,  issued  a  demand 
at  cannot  be  met;  and  we,  as  I  say, 
ere  is  not  a  day  that  goes  by  that  we 
e  not  bending  every  effort  to  get  those 
•ople  home. 

Q.  Come  back  when  you  can  stay 

President  Reagan.  Yes,  sometime 
soon.  You  let  me  know  when  the  date  is. 

Q.  Do  you  still  say  the  Soviets 
blinked,  sir? 

President  Reagan.  Shouldn't  have 
said  that.  No  comment.  [Laughter.] 

Q.  Mr.  Secretary,  how  do  you 
answer  those  who  say  that  what  this 
Daniloff  arrangement  really  means  is 
that  the  Soviets  now  have  license  any 
time  they  want  to  get  out  a  captured 
KGB  spy,  all  they've  got  to  do  is  grab 
an  American  inside  the  Soviet  Union? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  think  that  we 
have  to  look  at  our  overall  objectives 
here,  and  then  judge  what  has  happened 
including  the  answer  to  that  question,  in 
the  light  of  our  objectives.  Let  me  set 
them  out  for  you. 

First  of  all,  in  this  broad  range  of 
events  that  are  taking  place— last  week, 
this  week— we  need  to  handle  them  in  a 
strong,  in  a  realistic,  in  a  persevering 
way  and  in  a  way  that  gets  results. 
Second,  we  want  to  get  Daniloff  out. 
Third,  we  want  to  address  your  question 
in  part  by  making  it  clear  that  we  have 
run  out  of  any  patience  with  the  idea  of 
any  country  using  its  people  in  the  UN 
Mission  as  a  platform  for  espionage 
against  the  United  States;  and  at  the 
same  time,  we  want  to  handle  these  mat- 
ters as  best  we  can  so  that  the  ongoing 
potentially  positive  results  from  our 
negotiations  and  discussions  with  the 
Soviet  Union  can  continue  and  have  a 
chance  of  bearing  fruit.  Those  were  our 

Now,  Daniloff  is  out.  The  Soviets 
have  assured  us  that  their  numbers  in 
the  UN  mission  presently  are  less  than 
those  that  we  set  out  for  October  1.  As 
in  their  terms,  they  decided  to  do  that 
for  efficiency  in  running  their  mission. 
But  at  any  rate,  from  our  standpoint,  the 
numbers  are  there. 

Second,  they  have  told  us— and  our 
own  information  confirms— that  the 
majority  of  those  on  the  list  we  gave 
them  have  left,  and  they  have  described 
to  us  their  conception  of  a  normal  rota- 
tion process.  But  those  people  have  left. 
They  asked  us,  in  the  course  of  our 
discussions,  for  a  grace  period  and  that 
was  extended  by  2  weeks;  and  we  expect 
to  have  further  information  by  the  time 
that  expires.  So  we  have  been  achieving 
our  objectives  in  that  sense.  And  we 
have  managed  in  the  discussions  that 
were  held  here  and  in  the  response  and 
the  prospective  meeting  in  Iceland, 
shows  we  have  managed  to  keep  the 


possibility  of  positive  results  in  this  rela- 
tionship going.  So  overall,  I  think,  it's 
been  a  pretty  good  week  for  us,  and  I 
hope  they  may  feel  the  same  way. 

Q.  Two  weeks  ago,  you  wouldn't 
take  the  Soviets'  word  for  the  rota- 
tion. In  fact,  it  was  treated  with  a  lit- 
tle bit  of  almost  sarcasm. 

Secretary  Shultz.  What  rotation  are 
you  talking— what  do  you  mean  by 

Q.  Then  let  me  back  up.  It  sounds 
to  me  as  you've  now  done  what  2 
weeks  ago  you  refused  to  do  about  the 
UN  mission.  You  wanted  to  see 
documents;  you  wouldn't  take  their 
word  for  it  that  they've  left. 

On  top  of  that,  in  a  blanket  accu- 
sation, allegation,  the  Administration 
said  these  25  are  spies.  It  strikes  me 
now — and  please  correct  me  if  I'm 
wrong— that  in  the  negotiations  the 
United  States  has  given  a  little 
ground.  It  has  agreed  to  take  their 
word  for  it,  number  one,  on  who's  left 
and  who  hasn't  left.  And  number  two, 
to  withdraw  the  notion  that  all  25  are 
spies,  because  clearly  if  you're  going 
to  let  them  stay  2  weeks,  I  don't  sup- 
pose you'd  allow  spies  to  hang  around 
for  an  extra  2  weeks  if  you  really  knew 
they  were  spies. 

Secretary  Shultz.  The  numbers  that 
we  sought,  we  have  attained,  and  we 
have  had  an  explicit  discussion  with 
them  about  that.  Obviously,  we  keep 
track  of  the  numbers,  but  a  reason,  for 
example,  why  it's  difficult  for  us  to  know 
precisely  what  their  level  is,  is  that  if 
somebody  in  their  mission  who  has  a 
multiple-entry  visa  returns  to  Moscow, 
we  don't  know  whether  he's  coming  back 
or  not  until  he  comes  back.  So  that's 
why  we  have  to  have  a  discussion  about 
this  matter— and  we  have  had  it.  And  so 
we  have  their  estimate  and  description 
of  that  staffing  level. 

Furthermore,  we've  had  an  explicit 
discussion  about  the  25— obviously,  they 
see  it  differently  than  we  do— but  from 
our  standpoint  the  important  thing  is 
that  most  of  them  have  left;  and  I 
believe  we  will  deal  successfully  with  the 
balance  of  this  problem.  So  overall,  I 
think  that  what  we  are  seeking,  namely, 
to  make  it  clear  to  everyone— not  only 
the  Soviet  Union— that  the  use  of  the 
UN  mission  as  an  espionage  platform  is 
out.  And  I  think  that's  one  of  the  things 
that  has  come  out  of  this  that's  very 
strong  and  a  very  important  point. 

ovember  1986 



Q.  Can  you  tell  us  what  the  agenda 
is  for  Iceland  and  how  that  works  with 
any  prospective  summit  meeting,  vis-a- 
ris  an  arms  control  agreement  or  the 
framework  of  a  Vladivostok-type 
agreement  perhaps  on  INF? 

Secretary  Shultz.  This  is  a 
preparatory  meeting  proposed  as  such, 
and  accepted  as  such,  and  in  a  way,  it's 
very  much  a  part  of  the  process  that's 
been  going  on  with  increasing  intensity 
over  the  last  2  or  3  months  where  we've 
had  all  sorts  of  special  groups  meeting 
on  all  the  different  subjects  that  we  have 
under  review.  So  this  is  a  meeting  that 
will  give  a  special  push,  obviously,  and  I 
think  it's  a  very  good  idea,  a  good  thing. 
Now,  our  agenda  will  be  our  regular 
agenda.  Obviously,  we're  going  to  talk 
about  arms  control  issues,  and  they  are 
important,  and  we  have  made  progress 
in  a  number  of  areas.  You  mentioned 
INF— that's  one  of  them.  We're  going  to 
talk  about  various  bilateral  problems; 
we're  going  to  talk  about  regional  issues; 
you  can  be  sure  that  we're  going  to  keep 
the  subject  of  human  rights  on  the 
agenda.  So  all  of  these  subjects  will,  in 
various  ways,  be  discussed. 

I  think  that  if  we  can  move  things  to 
the  point  where,  on  some  significant 
things— well,  they're  all  significant,  but 
especially  significant  things— we  can  see 
the  gap  closed,  and  the  prospect  of  an 
agreement,  that's  all  to  the  good.  But  of 
course,  we  have  to  look  at  the  content, 
and  both  be  satisfied  with  the  contents. 
But  there  has  been  enough  motion  and 
enough  sense  of  the  importance  of  this 
that  perhaps  this  meeting  can  do  what  is 
necessary  to  energize  our  own,  both, 
negotiators,  and  provide  for  a  productive 
meeting,  summit  meeting  in  the  United 
States,  hopefully  still  in  1986. 

Q.  Could  you  tell  us  how  many  of 
the  25,  on  the  list  of  the  Soviet 
mission,  are  still  in  the  United  States, 
and  will  any  of  them  be  allowed  to 
remain  in  the  United  States  after  the 
2-week  grace  period? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  don't  want  to 
specify  the  numbers;  we  know  the 
numbers,  in  discussing  this  issue,  some 
questions  have  been  raised  about  some 
members  of  the  group;  and  we're  willing 
to  hear  what  they  have  to  say  about 
that.  But,  at  any  rate,  we  expect  to  see 
25  people  that  we  think  have  an  associa- 
tion with  intelligence  activities  leave. 

Q.  You've  said  this  is  a 
preparatory  summit.  Because  after  all, 
it  is  a  summit;  and  this  Administra- 
tion's policy  has  been  that  summits 
must  be  carefully  prepared  and  must 

have  a  very  good  chance  of  tangible 
results.  If  I  understood  the  President 
correctly,  he's  not  certain  what's 
going  to  come  out  of  this  summit.  Why 
did  your  policy  change,  and  don't  you 
take  a  risk  that  in  fact  nothing  will 
come  out? 

Secretary  Shultz.  In  the  announce- 
ment that  the  President  read,  I  believe 
he  calls  it  a  "meeting,"  but  you're  the 
labeler.  That's  the  way  it  is  described  by 
them  to  us  and  us  to  them— that  it  is  a 
preparatory  meeting.  Obviously,  it's  at 
the  level  of  heads  of  state. 

Now,  in  a  real  sense,  it  is  being 
carefully  prepared.  We  have  been  work- 
ing hard  on  all  of  the  different  areas  of 
subject  matter  for  a  long  time,  and,  as  I 
said,  with  great  intensity  this  summer. 
We  had  our  arms  control— Geneva  arms 
control  team  in  Moscow  for  a  couple  of 
days,  and  theirs  here  for  a  couple  of 
days.  We've  had  a  number  of  meetings 
on  regional  issues.  We  had  an  overall 
meeting  which  Under  Secretary  Arma- 
cost  chaired.  We've  had  a  major  discus- 
sion of  bilateral  issues.  And  we've  also 
discussed  the  human  rights  area. 

So  there's  been  a  lot  of  preparatory 
work.  And  the  question  now  is:  through 
a  meeting  of  the  two  heads,  will  we  be 
able  to  energize  this  process  still  further 
and  make  the  summit  meeting  in 
1986— which,  as  I  said,  we  still  hope 
there  will  be  in  1986— make  it  genuinely 

Q.  Could  you  please  assess  for  us 
the  impact  that  the  Daniloff  case  has 
had  on  U.S. -Soviet  relations?  Some 
people  have  suggested  that,  in  fact, 
instead  of  hurting  chances  for  a  sum- 
mit, it  has  propelled  chances  for  a 
summit  as  we  see  this  meeting  next 
week.  That,  in  fact,  it  forced  both 
sides  to  stop  the  diplomatic  posturing 
and  get  serious  about  relations. 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  think  the  Presi- 
dent put  it  right  and  said  that  something 
like  the  Daniloff  case  doesn't  contribute 
to  a  summit;  it  tends  to  create  a  bad 
atmosphere  and  tends  to  make  people  in 
the  United  States  concerned  about  what 
will  happen  to  them  if  they  go  to  the 
Soviet  Union,  and  so  on.  So  I  don't  think 
that  contributes  anything. 

On  the  other  hand,  it  was  an  impedi- 
ment. And,  as  we  have  said,  it  was  hard 
to  imagine  a  fruitful  summit  while 
Daniloff  was  being  held.  So  his  release 
clears  that  atmosphere  and,  I  think,  will 
enable  us  to  move  forward  productively. 

Q.  When  did  the  Soviets  propose 
this  mini-summit?  Was  that  in  the  let- 
ter that  Gorbachev  sent  through  Mr. 

Secretary  Shultz.  The  proposal  c. 
the  preparatory  meeting  was  in  the 
letter  of  General  Secretary  Gorbache 
the  President,  which  Shevardnadze 
delivered  about  a  week  ago  Friday,  I 

Q.  Is  Mr.  Orlov  and  his  wife— a  s 
they  the  only  dissidents  that  we  km  i 
of  who  will  be  allowed  to  leave  in 
return  for  Mr.  Zakharov? 

Secretary  Shultz.  We  have  a  con  I 
uing  dialogue  with  the  Soviet  Union  I 
about  a  large  number  of  dissidents— 
about  divided  families,  about  emigrat  ft 
generally— so  there  is  an  ongoing  urg  g 
of  them  to  take  action  in  those  areas,  b 
we'll  continue  that.  Now,  that's  wher 
I'll  leave  it. 

Q.  How  important  do  you  think 
having  this  meeting  is  to  the  Soviet ' 
In  your  talks  with  Mr.  Shevardnadz ; 
did  you  get  the  feeling  that  Mr. 
Daniloff  would  have  been  released  i 
these  plans  for  a  meeting  in  Iceland 
had  not  been  agreed  to  by  the  Unite 

Secretary  Shultz.  The  Daniloff  c; 
and  the  various  other  aspects  of  it  no  [ 
doubt  troubled  them,  but  they  certain 
troubled  us;  and  we  were  not  about  tc  i 
go,  and  I  don't  think  one  could  have  h  I 
a  fruitful  summit,  without  these  matti  <, 
being  settled. 

Now,  insofar  as  their  assessment  : 
the  need  for  this  preparatory  meeting 
concerned,  the  fact  that  they  suggest* 
it  in  the  first  place  shows  that  they  fel  I 
could  be  a  productive  contribution  to  t  \ 
dialogue.  So  I  assume  that  is  their  beli 
As  we  considered  it  and  the  President  I 
considered  it,  we  agreed;  and  so  the 
meeting  will  be  held. 

Q.  In  the  context  of  what  you  sal 
earlier,  do  you  think  it's  reasonable 
expect  an  INF  framework  agreemem 
to  be  reached  in  Iceland? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  don't  want  to  i 
get  into  the  prediction  business  beyoncfi 
saying  that  there  has  been  a  great 
change  in  the  negotiating  positions  on  I 
INF— comparing  now  with,  let's  say,  a 
year  and  a  half  ago.  So  there's  been  a  ip 
of  motion. 

And  in  the  discussions  that  we  havi 
had,  there  are  suggestions  of  other 
possible  areas  where  agreement  might  I 
be  found.  So  I  think  there  are  reasonat 

But  on  all  of  these  things  you  neve  r 
have  an  agreement  until  you  have  an 
agreement,  so  it's  a  little  hard  to  asses \< 
just  how  far  along  we  are. 


November  19; 



I  Q.  The  order  that  you  issued  last 
iring  to  cut  the  Soviet  Mission  back 
P 100 — I  believe  it's  170  people— 
kt's  by  April  1988— is  that  order  still 
changed  and  in  effect? 

Secretary  Shultz.  That  is 
changed.  And  what  we  did  was  we  set 
t  various  time  periods.  That's  where 
|  number  25  came  from.  It  was  our 
timate  that  it  took  25  to  get  down  to 
e  218.  And  a  week  or  so  before  we 
mtified  the  25  names,  the  Soviet  UN 
nbassador  had  issued  a  very  confron- 
tional  statement  about  their  will- 
piess  to  meet  the  218.  That's  what 
ggered  off  the  25.  So,  at  least  as  we 
e  it,  we're  getting  somewhere. 

Q.  What  assurances  have  you  got 
at  the  next  time  the  FBI  [Federal 
ireau  of  Investigation]  picks  up  a 
spected  Soviet  spy  the  Soviets  will 
t  pick  up  another  American 

Secretary  Shultz.  There  are  all 
rts  of  problems  here,  and  I  think  that 
e  strong  and  resolute  action  by  the 
esident  probably  sends  a  pretty  good 
;ssage  of  how  we  feel  about  it  and 
lat  we  will  do  about  it.  So  I  think  you 
ve  to  look  at  all  of  these  things  as  a 

But  obviously  the  Soviet  Union  can 
|:k  up  people  in  their  country,  and  have 
ler  a  long  period  of  time.  Just  look  at 
e  history  of  Mr.  Orlov  as  an  example. 

Q.  Is  he  the  only  one  to  come  out? 
i  Orlov  the  only  one? 

Q.  The  Soviets  have  still  not  com- 
itted  themselves  to  attending  a  sum- 
it  in  the  United  States.  Is  it  your 
eling  that  they're  going  to  Iceland 
ith  the  idea  of  waiting  to  see  how 
»t  will  turn  out  before  they  decide 
(out  a  summit  here? 

Secretary  Shultz.  No.  I  think  it  is 
ry  clear  that  they  recognize,  as  we  do, 
at  the  genuine  summits  will  be  the 
xt  one  in  the  United  States  and  the 
lowing  one  in  the  Soviet  Union.  And 
at  is  in  everybody's  plan  and  that  is 
lat's  referred  to  in  the  statement  that 
e  President  read  today.  So  there's  no 
ggestion  that  this  meeting  in  Iceland 
;a  substitute  for  a  summit.  It's  quite 
e  contrary;  it's  a  preparation  for  the 
mmit  meeting. 

Q.  What  are  the  chances  that  this 
ill  push  back  the  timing? 

Q.  Can  you  tell — what  grounds 
d  they  cite  for  the  need  for  this 
eeting  in  Iceland  and  what  was  our 
ason  for  accepting  this  notion  after 

we  had  rejected  the  notion  of  the  two 
leaders  meeting  on  neutral  territory 

Q.  And  you  had  rejected  a 
meeting  in  the  fall  because  of  the  elec- 
tion campaign. 

Secretary  Shultz.  We  are  engaged 
in  a  very  important  and  very  serious 
effort  to  try  to  get  control  of  the 
escalating  numbers  of  nuclear  weapons 
and,  in  whatever  way  we  can,  to  get  a 
better  handle  on  the  tensions  around  the 
world  that  erupt  out  of  regional  prob- 
lems of  various  kinds,  human  rights 
problems,  even  some  of  our  bilateral 

We  have  worked  at  it  very  hard,  and 
I  observe  that  the  Soviets  have  too.  We 
believe— and  I  think  they  do— that  a  real, 
well-prepared,  extensive  summit  meet- 
ing in  the  United  States,  on  the  one 
hand,  and  in  the  Soviet  Union  on  the 
other,  can  be  a  good  thing.  We  want  to 
make  it  as  good  a  thing  as  possible. 
That's  why  this  tremendous  effort  that 
has  been  going  on  is  being  made. 

Now,  the  General  Secretary  sug- 
gested to  the  President  that  it  would 
help  in  this  preparatory  effort  if  the  two 
of  them  met  perhaps  a  little  less  formally 
than  a  summit  meeting  tends  to  be  and 
see  if  they  can't  push  the  ball  along  a 
little  bit  in  perhaps  some  of  the  areas 
that  show  the  most  promise.  And,  as  we 
thought  about  it,  it  seemed  like  a  sen- 
sible idea. 

So  why  not?  I  think  the  name  of  the 
game  here  is  to  try  to  make  progress 
toward  the  objectives  that  we  are  seek- 
ing, and  this  should  help. 

Q.  Is  Orlov  the  only  one  to  come 
out?  We  had  heard  that  there  may  be 
other  dissidents. 

Secretary  Shultz.  Whatever  you 
have  heard,  you  haven't  heard  it 
authoritatively.  What  I  have  said  is 
authoritatively  what  will  happen,  and 
that  is  what  we  have  to  say  on  the 

Q.  Last  Thursday  you  told  a  group 
of  reporters,  in  regard  to  the  25  Soviet 
diplomats— the  list  that  you  gave 
them— "That  is  something  that  has 
been  done.  .There  it  stands.  We  don't 
plan  to  change  that."  But  you  have 
changed  that. 

Secretary  Shultz.  No.  It  stands. 

Q.  You  are  telling  us  that  some  of 
the  25  might  be  able  to  stay  if  there  is 
some — 

Secretary  Shultz.  No.  You  were 
probing  about  the  nature  of  our  discus- 
sion. We  had  some  discussion  about  a 

few  people  that  Mr.  Shevardnadze  had 
found  very  useful  to  him,  and  we  talked 
about  that  a  little  bit.  But,  anyway,  our 
list  stands  and  basically  people  are 

Obviously,  the  Soviets  say  that's 
because  of  their  normal  rotation. 
Anyway,  from  our  standpoint,  if  they 
leave  that's  what  counts.  And  those  that 
may  still  be  here— when  we  get  to 
Reykjavik,  we'll  talk  about  that.  But  we 
expect  to  see  that  fulfilled. 

Q.  Did  you  agree  to  the  removal  of 
two  specific  names  from  that  list?  Two 
senior  intelligence  officers — 

Secretary  Shultz.  You're  getting 
the  floor  by  shouting,  but  there's 
somebody  right  there  who  has  not  asked 
a  question. 

Q.  Was  there  any  sense  that  Mr. 
Gorbachev  said  that  if  the  President 
did  not  agree  to  an  Iceland  presummit 
meeting,  that  he  would  not  be  willing 
to  come  to  the  United  States  this  year 
or  soon  afterwards? 

Secretary  Shultz.  That  was  not  the 
nature  of  this  exchange,  and  the  ques- 
tion of  the  Iceland  meeting  wasn't  of 
that  character  at  all.  I  think  you're  sort 
of  misreading  the  whole  thing. 

The  President  received  a  letter,  and 
it  had  in  it  commentary  about  a  wide 
variety  of  matters.  It  wound  up  in  effect 
expressing  the  importance  the  General 
Secretary  attached  to  this  whole  process 
and  made  the  suggestion  that  if  there 
were  a  meeting  of  this  kind  in  the  near 
future,  that  might  be  helpful. 

We  thought  about  it,  and  we 
decided— the  President  decided— that 
perhaps  it  could  be,  and  we  should  be 
willing  to  do  those  things  of  this  sort 
that  may  help  this  process  along. 

And  it's  really  just  as  simple  as  that. 
Nobody  was  playing  toe-to-toe  on  this 

Q.  Why  didn't  the  President  not 
tell  the  Soviets,  in  reply  to  that  sug- 
gestion, "Okay.  If  you  agree  to  a  date, 
then  certainly  we  want  to  have  it  in 
the  United  States?"  Why  didn't  he  use 
that  opportunity  to  pin  them  down  to  a 
summit  date? 

Secretary  Shultz.  Because  I  don't 
think  that  sort  of  cat-and-mouse  game 
on  these  sorts  of  things  is  a  productive 
way  to  go  about  it. 

We  did  explore  carefully  their  con- 
ception of  this  meeting  as  a  preparatory 
meeting  and  their  desire,  as  well  as  ours, 
to  have  a  summit  in  1986  in  the  United 
States,  if  it's  possible.  And  so  that's 
what  we're  shooting  for. 

ovember  1986 



Q.  Is  it  still  your  understanding  of 
the  Soviet  position  that  the  formal 
summit,  if  it's  in  the  United  States  at 
the  end  of  the  year,  will  be  an  occasion 
to  sign  formal  arms  agreements?  And 
if  that  is  still  the  Soviet  precondition, 
what  are  the  prospects  that  we  can  do 
that  at  a  year-end  summit  here? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  don't  think  we 
are  talking  about  preconditions.  What 
we  are  talking  about  is  what's  desirable. 
And  there  are  lots  of  different  ways  to 
satisfy  both  of  our  desires  to  have 
significant  results  from  these  meetings. 
Why  not— if  they're  available? 

It's  almost  as  though  you're  saying  it 
would  be  a  great  thing  if  we  had  this 
meeting  and  nothing  came  of  it.  I  don't 
agree  with  that. 

I  think  the  object  is  to  have  these 
meetings  and  have  something  come  of  it, 
and  both  sides  agree  to  that.  So  we  are 
trying  to  find  our  way  to  things  that  will 
be  good  from  our  standpoint  that  can  be 
part  of  a  summit  meeting.  And  obviously 
we  know  that  they  are  not  going  to 
agree  to  something  unless  they  think  it's 
good  from  their  standpoint.  So  that's  the 
nature  of  a  deal. 

Q.  Why  shouldn't  the  American 
people  not  view  the  arrangements  on 
Daniloff  and  Zakharov  as  exactly  what 
you  said  this  Administration  would  not 
do — that  is,  a  trade? 

Secretary  Shultz.  I  think  what  we 
saw  here  was  Daniloff  released  yester- 
day; and  what  I  announced  today  was 
that  Zakharov  is  being  released  from  the 
United  States  and  Mr.  Orlov  and  his  wife 
are  being  released  from  the  Soviet 

I  have  also,  in  response  to  your  ques- 
tion, discussed  the  United  Nations  mat- 
ter; and  I  think  this  is  a  very  significant 
part  of  the  picture  as  we  see  it. 

Q.  On  principle,  the  Soviets  have 
made  it  clear  that  they  wanted  you  to 
withdraw  the  expulsion  order  of 
October  1.  From  everything  you've 
said  you've  done  that. 

Secretary  Shultz.  No,  we  haven't. 

Q.  But  you  said  that  they  are  leav- 
ing on  their  own,  and  you've  given 
them  a  2-week — 

Secretary  Shultz.  From  our  stand- 
point, the  operative  fact  is  that  most 
have  left;  and  those  who  haven't  left,  in 
response  to  a  request  for  a  grace 
period— we  will  see  how  that  stands 
when  we  meet  in  Reykjavik. 

So  we  have  stayed  right  with  our 
position,  and  we  are  getting  the  results 
we're  seeking. 

Now,  I  don't  think  it  is  surprising 
that  if  you  ask  them  what  has  happened 
they  would  say,  "Well,  we  intended  to 
bring  those  individuals  that  happened  to 
have  been  named  home  anyway,  and 
that's  what  has  been  happening."  So 
that's  what  they  say. 

From  our  standpoint,  what  matters 
is  to  have  those  people  out.  That's  the 
operative  fact. 

'Press  release  191. 

Secretary's  Interview 
on  "Today  Show" 

Secretary  Shultz  was  interviewed  on 
NBC-TV's  "Today  Show"  in  New  York 
on  October  1,  1986,  by  Bryant  Gumbal.1 

Q.  Within  the  past  36  hours,  at  a 
dizzying  pace,  negotiations  have 
resulted  in  the  releases  of  [U.S.  News 
&  World  Report  correspondent] 
Nicholas  Daniloff  and  Gennadiy 
Zakharov  [Soviet  UN  employee 
charged  with  espionage],  and  the 
announcement  of  a  summit  that  is 
being  called  a  preparatory  meeting.  At 
the  heart  of  those  negotiations  has 
been  Secretary  of  State  George  Shultz 
who  joins  us  in  the  studio  this  morn- 
ing. First  of  all,  tell  me  the  difference, 
explain  it  if  you  will,  between  a  sum- 
mit and  a  preparatory  meeting. 

A.  It  is  a  meeting  between  two 
heads  of  state— a  little  shorter,  perhaps 
a  little  less  formal— and  its  object,  as 
stated  by  each  side,  is  to  make  the 
preparations  for  the  planned  summit 
meeting  to  be  held  in  the  United  States. 
That's  the  description,  and  you  can  call 
it  whatever  you  want  to  call  it,  I  don't 

Q.  Are  the  risks  attendant  to 
either  side  much  different  than  they 
would  be  for  a  summit? 

A.  The  object  in  this  is  to  solve 
problems.  We  have  a  lot  of  problems  in 
the  world;  and  whether  we  like  the 
Soviet  system  or  don't  like  it,  whether 
they  like  ours  or  don't  like  it,  there  are 
tensions  around  the  world  in  various 
places.  There  are  great  differences  about 
human  beings  and  how  they  are  treated. 
And  there  are  issues  involving  arms  con- 
trol and  in  particular  these  giant  stocks 
of  nuclear  weapons  that  each  side  holds. 
So  what  we  are  trying  to  do  is  resolve 
some  of  those  problems.  And  I  think  the 

problems  are  so  important  and  they 
create  so  much  tension  that  it  is  a  goo* 
thing  to  try.  In  fact,  any  leader  who 
refused  to  make  the  effort  would  be 
tragically  wrong. 

So  that's  what  the  President  is 
doing.  And,  of  course,  to  the  extent  th 
we  find  our  way  to  agreeing  with  the 
Soviet  Union  on  one  thing  or  another, 
it's  got  to  be  an  agreement  that  we  th 
is  in  our  interest.  We  know  that.  That  I 
the  spirit  in  which  we  are  going  into  it 

Q.  One  former  Secretary  of  Stat  I 
Henry  Kissinger,  last  night  express* ' 
some  concerns  that  a  meeting  plannt 
with  such  short  notice  couldn't  be 
totally  prepared  for  and  that  you  rar 
the  risk  by  making  this  a  meeting  of 
heads  of  state  and  not  a  summit;  tha 
you  ran  the  risk  of  reducing  what  ar 
very  serious  differences  to  differenc 
of  personality.  Are  those  valid 

A.  Everybody  can  be  concerned 
about  everything,  and  no  doubt  they'r 
valid  concerns.  But  it's  certainly  not  tl  I 
case  to  say  that  this  hasn't  been  care-  I 
fully  prepared.  We  have  been  working  • 
with  great  intensity,  particularly  over  I 
the  last  2  or  3  months,  on  all  of  the 
issues  involved.  So  there's  been  a  terr ' 
amount  of  effort  to  go  into  this.  Now  l 
hadn't  explicitly  thought  about  a 
meeting  between  the  two  heads  in  pre  ! 
aration  for  the  U.S.  summit  meeting,  1 
Mr.  Gorbachev  proposed  it,  and  as  the  I 
President  thought  about  it  and  as  we 
talked  about  it,  we  thought  well,  this 
could  be  a  good  idea,  maybe  we  can 
accomplish  something. 

The  name  of  the  game  here  is  to 
solve  problems,  and  that  is  what  we  ar 
trying  to  do. 

Q.  That's  wonderful  in  a  perfect 
world.  You  and  I  both  know  things 
don't  operate  that  way  as  always. 

A.  It  is  important  to  try  to  solve  ( 

Q.  You're  not  concerned  at  all  thl 
it  comes  as  it  does  just  3  weeks  befoi' 
an  election? 

A.  That  was  not  a  factor  in  this  at1 
all.  It  is  picked  for  a  weekend  so  that 
from  the  standpoint  of  the  President's 
schedule  he  doesn't  interrupt  his 

Q.   Who's  going  to  be  part  of  the 
U.S.  assemblage  in  Reykjavik? 

A.  It  hasn't  been  decided,  but  no 
doubt  the  President's  key  advisers.  We. 
have  a  strong  team  of  people  there  whi 
have  all  of  the  expert  knowledge  at  the 


Department  of  State  Bulle1 


Q.  Will  the  Defense  Department 

I  A.  I  would  assume  so.  At  least,  I 
Slid  hope  so.  Mr.  Perle  [Assistant 
Iretary  of  Defense  for  International 
1-urity  Policy  Richard  N.  Perle]  has 
In  in  our  delegations  when  I  went  to 
heva  and  negotiated  with  Gromyko 
finer  Soviet  Foreign  Minster].  He  was 
Ire  on  other  occasions  and  performed 
Ih  great  ability. 

I  Q.  The  President  noted  yesterday 
kt  this  meeting  could  not  have  come 
i>ut  had  Nicholas  Daniloff  not  been 
leased  by  the  Soviets.  As  we  sit  here 
Is  morning,  can  you  say  that 
ipholas  Daniloff  was  released 

A.  Oh  yes.  There's  no  string.  He's 

",  Q.  Unconditionally? 

A.  I  don't  know  what  you  are  get- 

j  Q.  I  guess  what  I'm  getting  at  is, 
ijatever  the  Administration  is  calling 
(and  you're  calling  it  an  arrange- 
int,  the  headlines  that  we  are  seeing 
is  morning  are  saying  "The  Swap." 
that  a  perception  that  you're  going 
(have  to  live  with? 

A.  I  suppose  so.  What  happened  are 
I.  following  things,  in  line  with  our 
►  ectives: 

I   First,  Daniloff  was  released  with  no 
sings;  he  left  the  Soviet  Union  before 
[/thing  else  happened. 

Second,  we  announced  that 
ixharov  would  be  released  after  going 
iough  the  process  here  that  is  part  of 
i'  court  process;  and  that  Mr.  [Yuriy] 
llov  and  his  wife,  two  heroic  people 
d  leaders  in  the  dissident  movement, 
*uld  be  released  from  the  Soviet 

And  third,  and  quite  important,  one 
tour  basic  objectives  in  all  this  was  to 
nke  the  point  that  the  use  by  the 
Sviet  Union,  and  other  countries  for 
bt  matter,  of  their  UN  delegations  as  a 
Htform  for  espionage  would  not  be 
Serated.  And  so  we  have  told  them 
tout  reducing  their  numbers  here;  we 
;ve  explicitly  identified  people  that 
jve  to  go.  The  numbers  are  in  line  with 
Hat  we  set  out,  and  the  process  of  the 
sople  leaving  is  well  under  way.  So 
Bat's  an  important  objective. 

But  it  is  also  important  that  we 
rnntain  our  ability  to  discuss  the  prob- 
ijns,  the  answers  to  which  may  be  of 
>eat  importance  in  the  world,  and  we 
''ve  done  that. 

Q.  First  off,  Daniloff  did  arrive 
home  yesterday,  as  we  know  it.  Unfor- 
tunately it  happened  on  the  same  day 
that  Zakharov  left  here.  Which  at  least 
suggests — 

A.  Not  unfortunate,  it's  the  way 

Q.  It  does  at  least  suggest 

A.  I  think  the  fact  that  Daniloff  was 
released  a  day  before  doesn't  suggest 
equivalency.  I  think  the  fact  that  Orlov 
was  released,  was  announced  to  be 
released,  at  the  same  time  that  Zakharov 
was  suggests  maybe  that  was  what  was 

The  fact  that  we  are  getting  our 
objectives  as  far  as  the  UN  arrange- 
ments are  concerned  suggests  something 
about  our  objectives.  But  most  important 
here,  also,  we  are  in  a  position,  I  hope, 
to  make  some  progress  on  these  pro- 
blems that  I  think  all  of  us  would  want 
to  see  resolved  if  it  is  possible  to  do  so. 

Q.  But  even  with  regards  to  the  25 
at  the  Soviet  mission,  a  couple  of 
weeks  ago  it  was  all  25  had  to  leave 
and  it  was  a  blanket  accusation  they 
were  spies.  Now  an  extension  has  been 
granted,  the  numbers  have  been  tam- 
pered with  a  little  bit.  Isn't  that  an 
accommodation  of  some  kind? 

A.  The  numbers  haven't  been 
tampered  with.  They  asked  for  a  grace 
period,  and  the  President  granted  it. 
And  we  will  discuss  further— this  whole 
issue  of  the  UN  mission  and  its  use— no 
doubt  in  Reykjavik,  or  I  will  with  Mr. 
Shevardnadze  [Soviet  Foreign  Minister]. 

Q.  I  don't  want  to  let  you  go 
without  talking  a  little  bit  about  South 
Africa  because  I  know  you  went  up  to 
Capitol  Hill  to  try  to  see  what  kind  of 
votes  you  could  muster  to  sustain  the 
President's  veto.  Do  you  have  enough? 

A.  I  don't  know.  We  are  working 
on  it  very  hard. 

Q.  What  do  you  think? 

A.  I  think  it  is  very  important  that 
the  Senate  sustain  the  President's  veto, 
first  and  foremost  on  the  merits,  because 
it  seems  to  me  this  country  wants  to 
make  a  strong,  clear,  unequivocal  state- 
ment about  our  attitudes  and  abhorrence 
of  apartheid  and  our  desire  to  see 
something  changed  so  that  we  will  have 
a  kind  of  government  where  everybody 
can  take  part  and  where  basic  human 
dignity  and  rights  are  respected.  That's 
what  we  want.  And  we  are  willing  to 
help  in  all  sorts  of  ways  to  bring  that 
about.  We  want  to  make  that  clear,  and 
what  the  President  proposes  in  his 
Executive  order,  will  do  that. 

We  don't  want  to  take  steps  that 
confuse  a  drive  at  apartheid  with  what 
amounts  to  a  deprivation  of  jobs  to  the 
people  who  are  the  victims  of  apartheid. 
We  are  going  to  make  them  unemployed 
as  well.  I  don't  see  that  that  makes  any 
sense.  Furthermore,  what  the  Senate 
bill,  the  Congress  bill,  will  do  is  cause 
the  United  States  in  effect  to  withdraw 
from  South  Africa.  If  we're  going  to 
have  an  impact,  we  ought  to  stay  there, 
and  we  ought  to  be  part  of  the  effort  to 
solve  the  problem. 

Q.  If  the  decision  to  override  the 
veto,  and  if  things  remain  as  they 
stand,  carries  through  in  the  Senate,  is 
that  going  to  force  a  reassessment  of 
South  African  policy  inside  the  White 
House,  or  are  we  going  to  have  a  two- 
track  policy? 

A.  You  can't  have  a  two-track 
policy.  The  Congress  takes  over  the 
policy.  There  is  no  way  they  can  manage 
it.  And  there  is  nothing,  it  seems  to  me, 
good  to  be  said  for  withdrawing  from 
South  Africa. 

Q.  Senators  would  say  that  they 
aren't  withdrawing,  that  instead  the 
White  House  forced  their  hand  by 

A.  There's  no  inaction.  There  is  a 
tremendous  amount  of  effort  going  into 
not  only  our  policy  in  South  Africa,  but 
southern  Africa  generally.  I  wonder 
where  these  people  are  who  don't  seem 
to  have  thought  about  the  problems  that 
some  of  the  countries  around  South 
Africa  will  have  if  the  Senate  is  suc- 
cessful in  bringing  the  South  African 
economy  to  its  knees.  What's  going  to 
happen  to  those  people?  There  has  been 
very  little  thought  given  to  that. 

Q.  Let  me  go  back  again  if  I 
might,  in  the  final  2  minutes  we  have 
left,  to  Reykjavik.  As  the  President 
and  you  noted  on  Tuesday,  this  was  a 
meeting  proposed  by  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev.  How  do  you  read 
his  motivations  in  this? 

A.  We  can  speculate  about  that,  but 
I  think  what  we  have  to  do  is  consider  a 
proposal  of  that  kind  from  our  stand- 
point and  ask  ourselves,  is  this  a  good 
idea,  given  the  amount  of  preparatory 
effort  that  had  taken  place,  particularly 
through  the  summer,  and  given  the 
importance  of  the  problems,  given  our 
desire,  as  theirs,  to  see  the  summit 
meeting  in  the  United  States  be  a  pro- 
ductive meeting?  The  President  has 
always  said  that. 

ovember  1986 



As  the  President  thought  about  it 
and  as  we  talked  about  it.  we  thought 
well,  it's  a  good  idea,  so  let's  go  and 
grapple  with  these  problems.  I  think  the 
world  expects  its  leaders  to  go  and  try  to 
resolve  these  problems. 

Q.  One  of  the  side  effects  of  all 
this— and  we've  got  less  than  a  minute 
left:  I'll  have  to  caution  that — has  been 
that  you  spent  over  20  hours  within 
the  past  week  with  Foreign  Minister 
Shevardnadze.  How  much  better  is 
your  one-on-one  relationship  with  him 
than  it  was  say,  a  month  ago? 

A.  As  you  say,  we've  spent  a  lot  of 
time  together  and  we  have  on  a  personal 

level  a  good,  straightforward  relation- 
ship so  that  we  sit  down  and  we  con- 
verse and  argue  about  these  things. 

Q.  Would  you  give  him  any  better 
marks  in  statesmanship  than  you 
would  have  before? 

A.  We  worked  it  out  together,  and  I 
think  that  it  is  a  good  result  from  the 
standpoint  of  the  United  States.  I  hope 
he  thinks  it's  good  from  the  standpoint 
of  the  Soviet  Union.  And  maybe  we  can 
go  on  and  see  something  good  accom- 
plished in  Iceland  and  in  the  United 

'Press  release  193. 

Secretary's  News  Briefing 
of  October  2 

Secretary  Shultz  held  a  news  briefing 
with  American  journalists  in  New  York 
City  on  October  2,  1986. 1 

Q.  You  have  described  Daniloff 
[Nicholas  Daniloff,  U.S.  News  &  World 
Report  correspondent]  as  a  hostage— 
you  and  the  President  both  have  used 
that  precise  word— and  you  have 
negotiated  with  the  Soviets  about  his 
case,  among  others. 

Two  questions:  What  does  that  do 
to  the  U.S.  policy  of  never  negotiating 
for  hostages;  and  (2),  do  you  think  that 
is  going  to  be  a  precedent  that  is  going 
to  come  back  to  haunt  you? 

A.  We  are  ready  to  discuss  with 
anybody  the  situation  of  our  hostages  in 
Lebanon,  and  we  are  doing  everything 
we  can  to  secure  their  return.  But  that 
doesn't  include  paying  a  bribe  or  trying 
to  get  the  Kuwait  Government  to  release 
convicted  murderers  and  terrorists  from 
jail,  which  is  what— at  least,  it's 
alleged— the  people  holding  our  hostages 

Of  course,  we  are  frustrated  in  our 
efforts  to  know  exactly  who  it  is  that 
does  all  those.  So  our  discussions  have 
an  indirect  kind  of  aspect  to  them,  but 
we  work  hard  to  try  to  free  those 

In  the  case  of  Daniloff,  let  me  try  to 
set  this  whole  series  of  events  in  its  full 
perspective,  because  obviously  we  don't 
like  the  precedent  of  seizing  an  Ameri- 
can whether  he's  a  journalist  or  a  busi- 
nessman or  whoever  he  may  be  and 
charging  him  with  something  that  he's 
not  guilty  of  and  then  demanding  some- 

thing in  return.  That's  a  very  unattrac- 
tive arrangement.  We  resist  it. 

So  here  is  the  way  I  think  of  this 
case  and  here's  the  way  it's  unfolding. 
For  a  long  time,  in  the  United  States, 
we've  been  concerned  about  the  size  of 
the  Soviet  mission  in  the  United  Nations 
and  the  use  by  the  Soviets  of  that  mis- 
sion for  espionage  purposes.  That  goes 
through  a  number  of  Administrations. 

The  President  decided— we  decided 
in  this  Administration— we're  going  to 
do  something  about  it.  So  last  March  we 
told  the  Soviets  that  they  had  to  reduce 
the  size  of  their  mission.  We  gave  them 
a  number,  by  April  of  1988,  and  speci- 
fied tranches,  the  first  one  of  25,  with  a 
series  of  dates,  and  the  first  date  was 
October  1. 

Last  August  we  arrested  Zakharov 
in  an  act  of  espionage  but  this  was  after 
being  on  to  him  for  sometime,  so  there 
was  a  great  deal  of  information  that  the 
FBI  has  about  his  violations  of  our  law. 
This  is  just  that  particular  thing  that 
happened  when  he  was  seized,  so  it's  a 
very  solid  case. 

Subsequently,  the  Soviet  Union 
seized  Daniloff  and  charged  him. 
Meanwhile— I  forget  the  exact  day  and 
the  sequence  is  somewhere  in  between— 
the  Soviet  Ambassador  in  the  United 
Nations  made  a  very  defiant  statement 
about  their  unwillingness  to  comply  with 
our  statement  that  they  had  to  reduce 
the  size  of  their  mission.  You  can  look  up 
the  words,  in  fact;  we've  got  them 
around  somewhere,  but  it  was  a  very 
confrontational  statement. 

We,  of  course,  knew  that,  in  fact,  t 
size  of  their  mission  had  been  reduced 
because  when  somebody  leaves  the  cou 
try,  we  know  it.  But  unless  we  have  a 
conversation  with  them,  we  don't  know 
whether  a  person  who  leaves  and  has  a 
multiple-entry  visa  is  intended  to  be 
brought  back  or  not  so  we  can't  be  sun 
of  the  size  without  a  discussion  with 
them  of  what  their  plan  is.  And  this 
defiant  statement  and  the  lack  of  any 
communication  or  willingness  to  com- 
municate made  it  hard  for  us  to  know  f 
sure  just  what  was  happening,  but  we 
had  a  general  idea. 

Now,  after  his  defiant  statement,  w 
decided,  all  right,  it  took  25  to  get  fron 
where  you  were  down  to  our  number,  s 
here  are  25  names;  get  them  out  by 
October  1. 

In  the  discussions  that  have  taken 
place,  there  has  been  a  sequence  of 
events  in  which  Daniloff  was  first 
released,  without  trial,  and  he's  back, 
he's  free.  Zakharov  was  released  after 
pleading  nolo  contendere,  which  anyone 
charged  is  entitled  to  do  if  they  want  tc 
through  our  system,  and  has  been 
allowed  to  return  to  the  Soviet  Union. 
And  Orlov  [Yuri  Orlov,  Soviet  physici: 
and  human  rights  activist]  and  his  wif< 
will  be  allowed  to  leave  the  Soviet  Uni 
by  the  7th  of  October. 

Meanwhile,  through  our  discussio: 
we  have  been  assured  by  the  Soviets 
that  their  numbers  in  the  mission— th 
number  I  was  given  by  Mr.  Shevardnad: 
was  lower  than  the  number  that  we 
required  of  them  although  there  may 
some  ambiguities  because  of  who  you 
count,  who  they  count,  who  the  Unite 
Nations  tends  to  count,  and  who  we 
count.  But,  at  any  rate,  it's  clear  that 
they  have  gotten  that  number  down  to   ! 
the  number  required,  so  we  have  that 

Insofar  as  the  25  are  concerned,  our( 
requirement  that  those  named  indi- 
viduals leave  stands.  They  provided 
some  information  about  the  whereabout' 
of  some  of  them,  some  eight  that  were 
not  in  this  country;  they  were  in  the 
Soviet  Union.  So  I  said,  well,  what  is  the 
intent?  Is  it  your  intent  to  have  them 
come  back  or  not?  I  was  told  that  the 
answer  was  not,  and  others  who  were  in 
the  process  of  leaving,  and  they  asked 
for  a  grace  period  which  the  President 

Of  course,  we  keep  very  careful 
track  of  who  leaves  the  country.  So 
when  somebody  on  this  list  leaves  the 
country,  we  know  it.  That  person  may 
have  a  multiple-entry  visa  so  we  don't 
know  whether  there  is  any  intent  to 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 


iirn.  However,  it  is  within  our 
jhority,  if  somebody  leaves  under 
|se  circumstances,  not  to  permit  that 
hon  to  return. 

I  have  the  number,  the  precise 
hber,  that  according  to  our  observa- 
is  and  the  FBI,  they  believe  have  left 
just  out  of  care,  not  to  be  more  precise, 
n  I  feel  really  comfortable  with,  I'll 
f  with  the  statement  I've  made:  That 
majority  of  those  in  the  25  have  left. 
•  information  on  that  comes  from  our 
irmation  about  names  of  people  who 

Putting  this  into  the  perspective  of 
lgs,  our  object,  in  what  in  a  sense 
'ted  all  this  round  was  our  determina- 
1  to  get  at  this  use  of  the  United 
;ions  as  an  espionage  platform.  We 
e  succeeded  in  getting  numbers 
km,  we  have  succeeded  in  getting 
fried  people  out,  and  we  will  persevere 

:  I  think  from  the  standpoint  of  the 
ssage  of  what  happens  when  we  take 
on  against  espionage,  we  have  done 
lething  that  is  more  fundamental, 
it  is,  we  are  in  the  process  of  reduc- 
the  number  of  people  who  have 
■lligence  affiliations  of  some  kind  who 
I  stationed  in  the  mission,  in  the  first 
l:e.  And,  as  you  know,  there's  a  dif- 
f  'nee  between  the  way  a  person  who  is 
iheir  regular  diplomatic  mission,  say, 
iVashington,  and  has  diplomatic 
]  mnity,  is  treated  when  that  person  is 
ind  commiting  espionage  and  the  way 
Fjrson  who  doesn't  have  that  immun- 
;is  treated. 

When  we  catch  a  UN-affiliated  per- 
c,  that  person  is  then  held  here, 
Irged,  tried,  and  so  forth.  When  a  per- 
c  in  their  Washington  mission  is  found 
cducting  espionage,  the  person  is 
jelled.  And  when  they  allege  that  they 
le  a  case  against  somebody  in  our  mis- 
ii,  they  expel  them  and  that  takes 

But  we  feel  that  the  existence  of  the 
Jited  Nations,  and  the  United  States 
a  host  country  for  it,  cannot  be 
iwed  to,  in  effect,  create  an  asym- 
rtrical  situation  and  provide  this  asym- 
rtrical  intelligence  opportunity. 

What  I'm  trying  to  get  across  to  you 
shat  beyond  the  ins  and  outs  of 
Jiiloff  and  Zakharov  and  Orlov,  there 
phis  broader  question  and  the  broader 
Iprt  on  the  part  of  the  U.S.  Govern- 
fnt  to  get  at  this  broader  question,  and 
shave  taken  specific  action,  and  we 
b  being  successful  in  it.  So  that's  the 
i)ic  way  in  which  we're  addressing  this 

That's  a  long  answer  to  your  very 
good  question.  It's  a  good  question  and 
it's  a  difficult  question,  but  this  is  the 
way  we  have  addressed  it. 

Q.  If  that's  the  ease,  why  don't 
you  knock  back  the  number  of  Rus- 
sians at  the  Embassy  in  Washington? 
Considerably  more  Russians  are  there 
than  Americans  in  Moscow. 

A.  The  numbers  of  Americans  and 
Soviets  in  our  regular  missions  is  not  the 
same  now  although  we  have  been 
building  up  the  number  of  Americans 
and  our  plans  for  providing  the  right 
kind  of  security  in  our  mission  call  for  us 
to  expand  the  number. 

We  have,  historically  not  only  in  the 
Soviet  Union  but  throughout  the  world, 
hired  people  from  the  host  country— the 
Soviets  never  do— to  do  certain  kinds  of 
tasks.  Basically,  what  you're  allowed  is 
to  perform  certain  functions.  If  you  want 
to  perform  them  with  host  country 
nationals,  you  can.  If  you  don't  want  to, 
you  don't  have  to.  So  we're  changing  the 
structure  of  our  employment  for,  I  think, 
very  good  reasons  and  that's  something 
that's  underway. 

I  think  the  answer  to  your  question 
is  that  we  do  want  to  see  an  equivalence 
in  that  regard. 

Q.  You've  had  quite  a  week  of 
negotiating  with  the  Soviet  Foreign 
Minister  and  most  of  that  in  absolute 
total  secret,  which  must  have 
delighted  you  because  you've  often 
said  that  you  think  that's  the  way 
negotiations  should  be  conducted. 

Now  that  that  phase  is  concluded, 
I  wonder  if  you  can  tell  us  some 
details  of  the  sessions,  especially  when 
you  believe  that  the  situation  began  to 
be  clarified  and  you  began  to  think 
there  really  was  a  chance  this  could  be 
settled  and  negotiations  got  serious? 
And  if  you  could  just  share  with  us  as 
many  details  as  you  can  about  how  the 
deal  was  put  together,  and  also  your 
impressions  of  your  counterpart. 

A.  I've  just  finished  describing  in 
some  detail  how  we  have  thought  about 
this  problem,  going  back  to  last  March, 
and  what  we  have  been  doing  about  it, 
and  I  don't  want  to  go  into  the  ins  and 
outs  of  how  we  tried  to  arrange  it  so 
that  we  got  what  we  think  is  a  satisfac- 
tory outcome. 

Obviously,  this  is  an  on-going  prob- 
lem because  the  espionage  problem  is 
on-going  here,  and  we  continue  to  bear 
down  on  it. 

Q.  Can  you  at  least  deal  with  the 
turning  points,  the  letter,  and  the 
effect  that  had  on  you  in  the  decision 
to  put — I  gather  the  decision  to  put 
Iceland  on  the  table  with  a  stipulation 
that  without  Daniloff,  no  Iceland?  Or 
the  40-minute  rushed  meeting  over 
here  at  the  United  Nations  at  the 
Soviet  request — can't  you  put  any  of 
those  into  perspective  as  to  the  roller- 
coaster  that  you've  been  on? 

A.  It's  hard  to  do  it  because  I  don't 
know  what  affects  somebody  else  and 
what  doesn't.  And  to  a  certain  extent, 
when  you're  engaged  in  this  kind  thing, 
you  are  engaged  in  an  exchange  and  you 
are,  of  course,  trying  to  make  assess- 
ments of  that  kind,  but  I  don't  want  to 
go  into  it  too  much. 

I  do  think  that  the  President, 
himself,  made  a  major  impact  on  the  day 
of  the  first  meeting  that  Foreign 
Minister  Shevardnadze  and  I  had.  I  had 
arranged  it  with  the  President  that  if  I 
thought— and  it  was  my  call— it  would  be 
useful  to  bring  him  over  to  the  Oval 
Office  to  meet  with  the  President,  I 
would  be  able  to  call.  We  knew  the  block 
of  time  when  the  President  would  be 
free  and  able  to  meet  with  him. 

I  felt  that  it  was  timely  so  I  called, 
and  we  went  over.  At  that  meeting 
Shevardnadze  presented  the  letter  from 
Gorbachev  and  its  various  proposals. 
And  then  the  President  told  Shevard- 
nadze his  view  of  this  question  and  of 
their  behavior  in  their  seizing  of  Daniloff 
and  what  he  thought  about  it.  In  fact, 
that  the  President  was  absolutely  sure 
he  wasn't  a  spy  because  we  knew  that 
Daniloff  was  not  being  paid  by  the  U.S. 
Government,  he  was  not  engaged  in 
espionage  in  that  sense,  and  that's  the 
way  we  defined  the  term. 

The  President— as  you  know,  he's 
very  genial  and  pleasant  and  is  the  guy 
people  would  most  like  to  sit  next  to  at  a 
dinner  party  and  he's  gregarious  and 
good  humored  and  everything,  but  he 
can  also  be  very  tough. 

He  was  crystal-clear.  I  know  that  it 
must  have  had  some  impact  because  in 
our  next  meeting  Mr.  Shevardnadze 
opened  up  by  saying,  "The  President  is 
really  worked  up  about  this  isn't  he?" 
[Laughter]  And  I  said,  "You  better 
believe  it."  So  I  think  if  they  had  any 
doubts  in  their  minds  that  this  was  very 
serious  and  there  was  no  way  things 
were  going  to  go  forward  as  long  as 
Daniloff  was  held  in  the  Soviet  Union, 
they  were  convinced.  I'm  not  saying  that 
they  didn't  know  that  beforehand,  but 
that  was  one  point  in  all  of  this  that  was 
quite  pronounced. 

Member  1986 



Q.  There  had  been  reports  that 
two  of  the  people  regarded  most 
seriously  as  Soviets  spies  are  being- 
allowed  to  stay  here— Mr.  Savchenko 
and  Mr.  Skvorstov.  Can  you  comment 
on  those  reports  and  tell  us  what  we 
know  about  what  those  two  men  do? 

A.  As  far  as  we're  concerned,  we 
gave  a  list  of  25.  The  list  stands.  Most 
have  left,  according  to  our  information.  I 
understand  that  some  Soviet  spokesman 
said  otherwise,  and  so  there's  a  dif- 
ference of  opinion.  Our  information  is 
based  on  knowing  who  gets  on  an 
airplane  and  takes  off,  so  it  sounds  like 
pretty  good  information  to  me. 

But,  at  any  rate,  our  list  stands.  I 
don't  know  where  are  the  sources  about 
stories  or  names;  I  haven't  heard  any 
names.  The  origin,  to  me,  of  any  com- 
ment about  two  or  three  people  is  simply 
that  in  our  discussions,  Shevardnadze 
commented  to  me  that  there  were  two  or 
three  people  who  had  been  essential  to 
him  as  he  performed  his  duties  here  at 
the  United  Nations.  And,  as  you  know, 
he,  just  as  I  do,  meet  a  great  stream  of 
people  in  your  shifting  from  one  part  of 
the  world  to  another,  and  so  on.  So  you 
have  people  who  prepare  papers  and 
help  you  get  briefed,  and  so  on.  So  you 
can't  get  along  without  good  staff  help. 

I  said,  well,  I  can  understand  that. 
On  the  other  hand,  you're  going  to  be 
leaving  Tuesday  so  you  won't  need  them. 
So  there  were  two  or  three  people.  I 
don't  know  whether  he  intended  that  to 
mean  that  he  wanted  to  discuss  some 
people  or  not. 

At  any  rate,  undoubtedly,  we'll  come 
back  to  this  issue  at  Reykjavik,  the  two 
of  us.  But  as  far  as  we're  concerned,  we 
have  (a)  given  a  number,  and  they  are 
meeting  that  number;  (b)  given  a  list  of 
25.  Most  of  those  are  out  and  the  list 
stands,  subject  to  the  grace  period,  (c) 
We  have  told  them  that  if  that  number 
brings  them  below  the  number  that  we 
specified,  then  they're  free  to  build  back 
up  to  that  number  during  the  period 
before  the  next  tranche  if  they  wish  to, 
but  not  with  people  who  have 
intelligence  affiliation. 

Q.  Just  to  follow  up  and  clarify 
one  point  on  what  you  just  said.  The 
way  I  read  what  you  just  said,  you  are 
saying  that  those— at  least  the  fate  of 
those  two  or  three,  and  perhaps  others 
whom  you  have  not  discussed,  are  up 
for  further  discussions  between  you 
and  Shevardnadze  at  the  Reykjavik 
summit  and  that  the  fate  of  those 
people  may  yet  change;  they  may  not 
have  to  leave  the  United  States, 

depending  on  what  discussions  you 
have  at  the  summit  with  Shevard- 
nadze. Is  that  correct? 

A.  We  have  a  list  of  25— that 
stands— and  I  violated  my  rule  of  not 
telling  you  about  the  insides  of  these 
things,  but  I  just  related  something  that 
he  said  to  me,  and  what  I  said  to  him. 
But  if  that  goes  anywhere  or  not 
remains  to  be  seen. 

Q.  Could  you  talk  about  the 
Iceland  meeting?  In  other  words,  a 
couple  of  questions  in  my  mind.  The 
Administration,  of  course,  has  been 
making  a  point  of  wanting  to  get  a 
firm  date  for  the  meeting  in  the  United 
States.  It  seems  extraordinary  to  me 
that  you  would  agree  to  this  meeting 
in  Iceland  unless  you  had  some 
assurances  ahead  of  time  that  at  the 
meeting  you  would  get  a  date  on  the 
U.S.  visit.  Otherwise,  I  don't  see  the 
point  of  this  meeting.  I  mean,  can  you 
discuss  what  you're  hoping  to  get  out 
of  the  meeting? 

A.  First  of  all,  while  we  believe  that 
meetings  between  the  heads  of  state  are 
basically  desirable,  we  think  that  their 
usefulness  over  the  long  term  and,  for 
that  matter,  immediately  is  much 
greater  if  they  are  well-prepared  and 
have  significant  results  associated  with 
them.  That  has  been  the  President's 
position  from  way  back.  It  hasn't 

We  think  that  a  meeting  in  1986, 
which  was  agreed  to  in  Geneva,  is  a  good 
idea  according  to  those  criteria,  and 
presumably  they  think  it's  a  good  idea 
because  they,  accordingly,  too,  have 
been  engaging  with  us  in  an  extensive 
and  intensive  preparatory  process 
through  which  in  regular  fora  and 
elsewhere  the  differences  on  quite  a 
variety  of  issues  have  been  narrowed, 
clearly  identified,  sometimes  eliminated. 
We  are  in  the  process  in  our  negotiations 
in  Geneva  of  trying  to  push  that  further. 

In  the  Gorbachev  letter  to  the  Presi- 
dent, he  made  the  suggestion  that  a 
brief,  less  formal  meeting  between  the 
two  at  this  juncture  could  make  a  con- 
tribution to  that  preparatory  effort  for  a 
U.S.  summit.  There  hasn't  been  any  sug- 
gestion that  they're  backing  away  from 
the  United  States,  and  the  President 
thought  about  it,  we  talked  about  it,  and 
we  thought,  well,  maybe  it  could  help,  so 
we  should  give  it  a  try.  And  so  the  Presi- 
dent accepted  the  idea  of  a  meeting  in  a 
third  country.  Of  course,  we  said  that 
while  we  would  be  ready  to  do  this  in 
principle,  we  didn't  see  any  point  in  try- 
ing to  set  dates  and  be  specific  about  it 

as  long  as  Daniloff  was  in  the  Soviet 
Union,  because  you  couldn't  really 
imagine  a  fruitful  meeting  under  thosi 

That's  the  background  of  it,  and 
what  we  hope  to  accomplish  is  some  ft 
ther  illumination  of  the  issues  and 
clarification  of  them,  perhaps  narrowi 
of  them,  and  the  energizing  of  our 
respective  delegations  to  try  to  find 

How  much  influence  it  had,  I  don' 
know,  but  it  is  the  case  that  the 
meetings  that  I  had  with  Shevardnadz 
that  is,  the  plenary  ones  where  we 
weren't  talking  about  Daniloff  and  we 
weren't  talking  about  various  other 
human  rights  issues  which  I  always  hi 
on  my  agenda  with  Soviet  leaders,  abs ' 
lutely  always.  In  the  plenary  sessions, ' 
we  discussed,  among  other  things,  the 
CDE  [Conference  on  Confidence-  and  ' 
Security-Building  Measures  and  Disar ' 
mament  in  Europe]  conference  which 
was  then  in  its  final  stages,  and  we 
gave— what  should  I  call  them— impulf ' 
to  our  respective  delegations.  And 
whether  that  helped  to  bring  it  to  a  fii  I 
conclusion,  I  don't  know,  but  I  don't 
think  it  hurt  any.  Sometimes  these 
things  do  help,  and  I  hope  that  that  is  ' 
the  case.  We  felt  that  it  was  worth  th< ' 
effort  to  try.  That's  what  leaders  are  ' 
for:  to  try  to  come  to  grips  successfull ' 
with  these  issues  that  are  of  great  anc ' 
enormous  concern. 

Q.  But  do  you  have  any  assuranc  | 
that  they  will  then  agree  at  Iceland  i 
a  date  in  the  United  States? 

A.  We've  talked  about  this  as 
preparatory  to  the  planned  U.S.  sumrrj 
And  through  my  discussions  with 
Shevardnadze,  we  can  see  that  that  m; 
still  be  possible  in  1986;  and  it's  very   j 
clear  that  they  also  have  very  much  in  | 
mind  their  desire  to  have  the  Presiden, 
visit  the  Soviet  Union  in  1987.  So  that, 
basically  the  rhythm  of  what  was 
established  in  Geneva,  and  I  can't  say  i 
for  sure  that  that's  the  rhythm  that  wi| 
be  followed,  but  I  think  that  seems  to  1 
the  basic  track  we're  on. 

Q.  There's  a  published  account 
today  of  a  meeting  in  mid- August— I 
think  August  14th— attended  by  you,1 
Mr.  Poindexter  [Vice  Adm.  John  M.  ' 
Poindexter,  Assistant  to  the  Preside: 
for  National  Security  Affairs],  and 
some  others  in  which  a  decision  was  , 
reportedly  made  to  launch  a  disinfor- 
mation campaign  concerning  Libya- 
reports  that  information  was  made 
available  to  newspapers,  including  T1 
Wall  Street  Journal,  that  produced    ' 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


fries  indicating  more  concern  about 
ya  than  the  intelligence  reports 
rially  caused.  Can  you  comment  on 
fe?  Did  this  happen?  Is  there  a 
Information  campaign  against 

|A.  I  never  comment  on  classified 
lerial  or  meetings  of  that  kind.  But  I 
i  say  this:  That  Qadhafi  has  involved 
jya  in  numerous  acts  of  terrorism 
Ich  have  killed  many  people,  including 
le  Americans.  We  think  he  is  basi- 
h  an  outlaw.  We  have  taken  action 
pnst  him.  We  have  been  glad  to  see 
t  others  have  also  found  a  great  deal 
jitelligence  about  what  he's  doing  and 
Je  also  taken  actions. 

It  was  a  very  good  thing  that  this 
t  recognized  at  the  Tokyo  summit, 
|  Libya  was  indentified  by  name.  And 
fas  also  very  interesting  that  when 
jtook  our  action  against  Libya,  con- 
|y  to  the  expectations  of  many,  the 
\b  world  did  not  rally  to  his  side.  And 
f.  probably  had  something  to  do  with 
(very  evident  unease  and  sense  of 
location,  from  all  of  our  intelligence, 
jlhafi  exhibited. 

1  Insofar  as  he  is  concerned,  we  think 
I  a  menace,  and  we  want  to  see  the 
:  vities  of  Libya  stopped.  Exactly  what 
tare  and  intend  to  do  about  it,  I  don't 
'  k  it's  appropriate  for  me  to  say.  But 

have  shown  that  we're  willing  to  take 
i'Ct  action.  We  have  shown  that  we 
•e  applied  a  very  broad  range  of  sanc- 
( s  to  his  activity.  We  do  have  various 
iigs  going  on  that  are  difficult  for  him 
inow  exactly  what  they  mean  that 
iiaps  keep  him  off  balance.  And, 
tkly,  I  don't  have  any  problems  with 
t:tle  psychological  warfare  against 


1 1t's  very  easy,  and  you  people  in  the 

srs  business  enjoy  not  allowing  the 

ted  States  to  do  anything  in  secret  if 
:  can  help  it.  So  if  the  fleet  moves 
,_n  one  place  to  another,  you're  bound 
5  determined  to  report  it.  Even 
<ugh  we  might  want  to  have  it  operate 
retly,  it's  very  difficult  for  that  to 

i  We  can  absolutely  bank  on  the  fact 
It  if  the  fleet  does  something  or  other, 
I'll  scream.  And  Qadhafi  will  hear  it. 
.1  the  fleet  may  or  may  not  be  getting 
Jdy  to  do  something.  So  that's  about 
'it  I'm  going  to  say  on  that  subject. 

Q.  What  about  the  AIDS  quote? 
I  you  just  clear  that  one  up? 

]A.  The  what? 

Q.  You  were  quoted  as  saying  in  a 
sing  way  that  vou  hoped  Qadhafi 
lid  get  AIDS. 

A.  I  have  no  comment  on  state- 
ments that  somebody  who  probably 
wasn't  there  may  incorrectly  attribute  to 
somebody  who  was  there.  And  I  think 
the  business  of  talking  about  meetings, 
and  so  on,  is  a  despicable  thing  that 
people  in  the  U.S.  Government  do,  and 
I'm  not  going  to  consider  it. 

Q.  Was  there  any  sign  of  increased 
Libyan  terrorist  activity  in  August; 
and,  number  two,  are  you  denying  that 
this  meeting  took  place,  or  are  you  not 
commenting?  I  mean,  this  is  a  very 
serious  charge  that  you  had  a  meeting 
where  you  decided  to  mount  a  disinfor- 
mation campaign. 

A.  Why  is  that  a  charge?  If  I  were  a 
private  citizen,  reading  about  it,  and  I 
read  that  my  government  was  trying  to 
confuse  somebody  who  is  conducting  ter- 
rorist acts  and  murdering  Americans,  I'd 
say,  "Gee,  I  hope  it's  true."  I  don't  see 
why  you  think  this  is  a  charge. 

Q.  I  think  there's  a  problem.  The 
issue  is  there  is  a  deliberate  program 
of  misinformation,  and  it's  not  only 
Qadhafi  who  gets  confused  but  the 
American  people  who  get  confused. 

A.  Without  being  able  to  be  precise, 
it's  difficult  to  plot  whether  there  is  an 
increase  or  not  an  increase.  There  is  a 
disposition  toward  it  by  Qadhafi  and 
Libya.  For  quite  a  period  of  time,  it  was 
clear  he  was  thrown  way  off,  not  only  by 
our  action  but  by  the  actions  of  the 
Europeans  in  expelling  all  these  people 
as  they  found  information. 

So  there  was  a  relatively  quiescent 
period.  We  felt  that  it  was  beginning  to 
change  for  various  reasons.  Precise 
intelligence  right  now  is  not  altogether 
clear,  but  there  have  been  a  number  of 
terrorist  incidents  recently— or  incidents 
isn't  the  word— tragedies,  horrors— and  I 
don't  rule  out  that  Libya  was  involved, 
for  example,  in  the  Karachi— I'm  not 
saying  they  are,  but  I  wouldn't  rule  it 

So,  yes,  there  has  been  some 
increase  in  sort  of  the  volume  of  what 
you  see  from  various  intelligence 
sources.  Different  people  might  evaluate 
it  in  different  ways,  but,  nevertheless, 
there  is  substance  there. 

Q.  You  had  a  conversation  with 
the  Syrian  Foreign  Minister  yesterday, 
in  which  we  were  told— went  into  con- 
siderable detail  about  the  hostages  in 
Lebanon.  Is  there  any  progress  being 
made  on  that  issue? 

A.  I  hope  so,  and  we  work  on  it  con- 
stantly, but  there's  no  progress  worth 
reporting  except  that  they  become  free. 

They're  either  free  or  they  aren't  free. 
And  so  we  work  at  that  from  every  con- 
ceivable angle.  I  never  miss  an  oppor- 
tunity to  talk  to  the  Syrians  about  the 

How  much  influence  they  have  is  the 
question.  What  they  have  done  is  they 
have  been  a  country  to  which  hostages 
have  seemed  to  come,  and  out  of  which 
they  were  released.  And  they  have 
handled  that  aspect  of  it  very  well. 
That's  different  from  being  the  party 
responsible  for  getting  them  released. 

Q.  I  would  hate  to  see  this  finish 
without  a  clarification  on  the  issue  of 
disinformation.  Let  me  pose  it  a  dif- 
ferent way.  It  seems  to  me  as  a  jour- 
nalist that  if  the  government  is  know- 
ingly misinforming  or  lying  to  further 
a  foreign  policy  goal,  that  causes  me 
problems.  What  you  are  saying  is,  as 
long  as  it  furthers  a  foreign  policy 
goal,  that  is  okay? 

A.  I  know  of  no  decision  to  have 
people  go  out  and  tell  lies  to  the  media.  I 
think,  however,  that  if  there  are  ways  in 
which  we  can  make  Qadhafi  nervous, 
why  shouldn't  we?  And  I  described  one 
of  them.  That  is  not  deceiving  you,  but 
just  using  your  predictable  tendencies  to 
report  things  that  we  try  to  keep  secret, 
so  we  will  label  it  a  big  secret,  and  you 
will  find  out  about  it,  and  you  will  report 
it.  We  know  that.  The  higher  the 
classification,  the  quicker  you'll  report  it. 
So  you're  predictable  in  that  sense. 

But  I  don't  believe  in  telling  lies, 
myself.  I  would  call  your  attention, 
however,  to— and  this  is— I  probably 
shouldn't  even  say  this,  because  you'll 
give  the  wrong  interpretation,  but 
there's  a  wonderful  book  which  you 
might  read  that  was  written  about 
World  War  II.  And  the  title  of  it  is  a 
quote  from  Winston  Churchill  who  said, 
"In  time  of  war,  the  truth  is  so  precious, 
it  must  be  attended  by  a  bodyguard  of 

And  the  book  is  about  the  very  great 
effort  to  deceive  the  Nazis  and  to  float 
reports  of  one  kind  or  another  that 
would  make  them  think  something  was 
about  to  happen  that  wasn't  about  to 
happen,  and  so  on. 

Q.  There  was  a  declaration  of  war 
at  the  time. 

A.  And  I  think  that  insofar  as 
Qadhafi  is  concerned,  we  don't  have  a 
declaration  of  war,  but  we  have 
something  pretty  darn  close  to  it. 

'Press  release  200  of  Oct.  3,  1986. 

ember  1986 



Prospects  for  the  Vienna  CSCE  Follow-Up  Meeting 

by  Warren  Zimmerman 

Statement  before  the  Commission  on 
Security  and  Cooperation  in  Europe  on 
September  11,  1986.  Ambassador 
Zimmerman  is  head  of  the  U.S.  delega- 
tion to  the  Vienna  follow-up  meeting  of 
the  Conference  on  Security  and  Coopera- 
tion in  Europe  (CSCE). ' 

I  welcome  this  opportunity  to  meet  with 
you,  and  the  other  members  of  the  Com- 
mission on  Security  and  Cooperation  in 
Europe  to  discuss  the  Vienna  follow-up 
meeting  of  the  Conference  on  Security 
and  Cooperation  in  Europe  (CSCE) 
which  opens  on  November  4,  1986.  This 
will  be  the  third  such  meeting.  The  first 
was  held  in  Belgrade  in  1977-78  and  the 
second  in  Madrid  from  1980  to  1983. 

As  you  know,  I  am  no  stranger  to 
the  CSCE  process,  having  served  as 
deputy  chairman  of  the  U.S.  delegation 
to  the  Madrid  follow-up  meeting  from 
1980  to  1981.  I  am,  thus,  more  aware 
than  most  of  the  crucial  role  which  the 
commission  and  its  staff  have  played 
over  the  past  decade  in  advancing  the 
goals  of  the  CSCE  process,  especially  in 
the  field  of  human  rights.  The  U.S. 
delegation  to  the  Vienna  meeting  will, 
once  again,  draw  heavily  upon  your 
expertise;  indeed,  the  commission  will  be 
represented  on  the  delegation  itself  at 
the  level  of  deputy  chairman  as  well  as 
by  members  of  your  very  experienced 
staff.  I  look  forward  to  a  close  and  pro- 
ductive relationship. 

As  at  Madrid,  we  will  also  have  a 
group  of  distinguished  Americans  serv- 
ing on  the  delegation  as  public  members, 
which  we  hope  to  announce  soon.  And 
we  will  continue  to  stay  in  close  touch 
with  nongovernmental  groups  which  also 
have  made  an  indispensable  contribution 
to  the  CSCE  process. 

The  CSCE  process  began  in  Helsinki 
in  1975  with  the  signing  of  the  Final  Act 
by  President  Ford  and  34  other  leaders. 
This  basic  document  sets  out  a  state- 
ment of  principles  governing  the  conduct 
of  states  toward  each  other  and  toward 
their  own  citizens  and  provides  a 
framework  for  discussion  of  the  security, 
economic,  and  human  rights  problems 
which  underlie  the  unnatural  division  of 
Europe.  Last  March,  Under  Secretary 
[for  Political  Affairs  Michael  H.] 
Armacost  briefed  you  at  some  length  on 

the  Administration's  approach  to  the 
Helsinki  process,  which  remains  its 

Today  I  will  briefly  assess  the 
Helsinki  process  and  then  outline  our 
basic  objectives  for  the  Vienna  meeting, 
as  well  as  those  of  our  West  European 
allies  and  the  Soviet  Union. 

The  Helsinki  Process 

The  question  of  "who  won  and  who 
lost?"  in  Helsinki  has  been  roundly 
debated  during  the  past  decade.  In  fact, 
that  is  the  wrong  question.  Everyone 
must  have  gotten  something  out  of 
CSCE,  since  all  35  CSCE  states  remain 
interested  in  having  the  process  con- 
tinue. I  would  rather  rephrase  that  ques- 
tion to  "who  gained  the  most  and  who 
gained  the  least?" 

In  my  view,  the  Soviet  Union  has 
clearly  gained  the  least,  both  at  Helsinki 
and  in  the  evolution  of  the  CSCE 

With  regard  to  the  Helsinki  Final 
Act,  Soviet  objectives  were  basically  to 
legitimize  the  division  of  Europe, 
highlight  the  central  role  of  the  state  vis- 
a-vis the  individual,  and  focus  CSCE 
exclusively  on  the  Soviet  vision  of  pan- 
European  security.  While  the  U.S.S.R. 
succeeded  in  recording  a  principle  on  the 
inviolability  of  frontiers,  even  this  princi- 
ple was  tempered  by  language  that  fron- 
tiers could  be  changed  by  peaceful 
means  and  by  agreement.  In  fact,  the 
Final  Act  much  more  clearly  reflects  the 
Western  agenda  in  CSCE.  It  looks 
toward  the  peaceful  reunification  of 
Europe,  opening  the  door  for  increased 
East- West  contacts.  It  underscores  the 
rights  and  freedoms  of  individuals, 
establishing  standards  of  government 
conduct  vis-a-vis  its  own  citizens. 
Finally,  it  provides  a  balanced  focus  in 
which  human  rights  are  recognized  as  a 
fundamental  element  of  genuine  security 
in  Europe. 

The  Soviets  totally  failed  to  foresee 
the  consequences  of  the  commitments 
they  assumed  in  Helsinki.  They  no  doubt 
felt  they  could  simply  ignore  these  com- 
mitments, as  they  had  those  in  the  UN 
Charter  and  the  UN  Declaration  on 
Human  Rights.  In  fact,  they  were  confi- 
dent enough  to  publish  the  complete  text 
of  the  Final  Act  in  Izvestia,  thus  making 
it  available  to  every  Soviet  citizen  for 
the  price  of  three  kopecks.  The  Helsinki 
monitoring  groups  that  grew  up  in  both 

the  U.S.S.R  and  Eastern  Europe  were 
major  unwelcome  surprise  to  the  Sovi< 

Yet  another  blow  was  the  fact  tha, 
the  follow-up  meetings  in  Belgrade  an'. 
Madrid  focused  on  exposing  Soviet 
human  rights  abuses.  The  effect  of  thi 
persistent  publicity  about  the  true 
nature  of  the  Soviet  system  is  even  no  i 
insufficiently  understood,  in  particular 
regarding  the  role  it  played  in  the  rev<| 
sal  of  the  Soviet  image  in  Western 
Europe  in  the  early  1980s.  The  period 
the  Madrid  meeting  (1980-83)  witness  , 
a  dramatic  decline  of  the  pro-Soviet  le  i 
in  France,  a  West  German  decision  to  | 
deploy  U.S.  intermediate-range  nucleai 
missiles  on  German  soil,  and  sustained , 
popular  support  in  Britain  and  Italy  fo  , 
governments  committed  to  strong 
security  ties  with  the  United  States. 

The  Madrid  concluding  document 
also  made  a  significant  contribution  in  i 
advancing  the  fundamental  goal  of  the 
Helsinki  process  of  increased  openness , 
In  a  statement  before  the  Madrid  con-  i 
ference,  Secretary  of  State  Shultz 
praised  the  addition  of  "important  new 
commitments  with  respect  to  human 
rights,  trade  union  freedoms  . . .  free 
flow  of  information,  and  measures 
against  terrorism  as  accomplishments  < ! 

Madrid  also  provided  an  important  i 
opportunity  to  advance  our  goal  of 
finding  concrete  ways  to  increase  con-  i 
fidence  and  security  in  Europe.  The 
mandate  adopted  in  Madrid  for  the 
Conference  on  Confidence-  and  Securit, 
Building  Measures  and  Disarmament  ir 
Europe  (CDE)  both  expanded  the  zone 
defined  in  the  Final  Act  to  cover  Soviet 
territory  west  of  the  Urals  and  codified 
key  Western  criteria  that  measures 
adopted  should  have  military  sig- 
nificance and  be  verifiable. 

Despite  early  Soviet  efforts  to  turn 
CDE  into  a  forum  for  empty,  propagan- 
dists declarations,  the  West  has  been 
highly  successful  in  keeping  the 
Stockholm  conference  focused  on  its  ow 
agenda.  The  United  States  is  working 
hard  to  achieve  a  successful  conclusion, 
by  the  September  19  adjournment  date, 
which  will  enhance  stability  and  securit; 
in  Europe  through  adoption  of  such 
measures  as  mandatory  notification  of 
military  activities  at  a  significantly 
reduced  threshold,  mandatory  observa- 
tion, and  an  annual  calendar  of  planned 
activities.  Adoption  of  certain  CDE 
measures,  such  as  mandatory  on-site  in- 


Department  of  State  Bulleti 


ction  on  Soviet  territory,  could  also 
'e  a  favorable  impact  on  other  U.S. 
ns  control  endeavors. 
Despite  these  gains,  it  is  true  that 
rail  Eastern,  and  in  particular  Soviet, 
npliance  with  CSCE  obligations, 
ecially  in  the  human  rights  area, 
mains  seriously  flawed.  Andrey 
kharov  and  Elena  Bonner  remain 
der  house  arrest  in  Gorki,  and  Yuriy 
low  Anatoliy  Marchenko,  and  other 
flsinki  monitors  are  either  in  prison  or 
rernal  exile.  Also  the  number  of  Soviet 
fjvs  permitted  to  emigrate  fell  from 
WOO  in  1979  to  barely  more  than  1,000 
k  year. 

II  The  record  of  Soviet  violations  has 
6  some  observers  of  the  Helsinki  proc- 
I  to  argue  that  the  United  States 
}>uld  abandon  it  altogether.  I  accept 
1  good  faith  with  which  that  argument 
made,  and  I  share  the  frustration  with 
jriet  violations  which  has  kindled  it. 
vertheless  I  believe  it  is  wrong.  That 
.^iment,  in  my  view,  is  akin  to  urging 
j.t  we  scrap  the  criminal  code  because 
Ire  are  people  who  break  the  law.  I 
inly  believe  that  the  Helsinki  process 
I  been  and  remains  very  much  in  the 
crests  of  the  United  States. 

We  must  preserve  that  process  in 
i:  er  to  keep  faith  with  those  who  strug- 
;  to  realize  the  goals  of  Helsinki.  I 
re  personally  asked  a  number  of 
(net  dissidents  and  "refuseniks"  in 
jscow  and  other  parts  of  the  Soviet 
.ion  if  they  felt  CSCE  was  a  waste  of 
|e.  I  never  found  one— and  this 
tludes  Anatoliy  Shcharanskiy  with 
lorn  I  discussed  this  subject  last 
]ing— who  told  me  he  wanted  the  proc- 
i  closed  down.  They  felt  rather  that, 
[;pite  the  U.S.S.R.'s  poor  compliance 
lord,  the  publicity  generated  by  the 
new  meetings  on  Soviet  human  rights 
.ises  did,  indeed,  help  them. 

'.e  Vienna  Follow-Up  Meeting 

k  approach  to  Vienna  will  be  governed 
i  two  overarching  objectives.  First,  we 
kt  secure  improved  Eastern  com- 
t'ince  with  commitments  already 
liertaken  in  the  Final  Act  and  the 
Z.drid  concluding  document,  partic- 
irly  with  regard  to  human  rights.  As 
umised  in  President  Reagan's  state- 
jnt  on  the  occasion  of  the  11th 
Jiiversary  of  the  Final  Act:  "We  will 
irk  to  ensure  that  the  upcoming 
1  eting  in  Vienna  will  mark  a  step 
,vard  making  the  promises  of 
'lsinki's  first  decade  a  reality  in  its 
■:ond."  Second,  and  equally  important 
1  be  our  efforts  to  pursue  balanced 

progress  across  the  board  in  Vienna  to 
insure  that  human  rights  are  given  at 
least  equal  weight  with  other  CSCE 
elements  such  as  security. 

In  addition,  I  believe  we  will  have  an 
opportunity  in  Vienna  to  strengthen  the 
relevance  and  effectiveness  of  the 
Helsinki  process.  In  this  context,  we  will 
consider  whether  shorter  and  more  fre- 
quent follow-up  meetings  might  not  pro- 
vide a  greater  stimulus  for  progress.  We 
will  also  strive  to  lengthen  the  period  of 
time  devoted  to  implementation  review 
and  increase  the  openness  of  the  process 
as  much  as  possible. 

To  achieve  our  key  objectives,  we 
will  seek  a  thorough  review  of  implemen- 
tation as  well  as  balanced  and  construc- 
tive steps  forward.  In  order  to  build 
pressure  for  improved  compliance,  as 
well  as  identify  steps  that  can  help  bring 
that  about,  we  need  to  concentrate 
attention  on  the  East's  record.  That  will 
mean  devoting  a  substantial  amount  of 
time  in  Vienna  to  implementation  review 
in  order  to  establish  a  clear  record  of 
specifics  and  individual  cases  where 
CSCE  commitments  have  been  abused. 
Where  productive,  we  intend  to  cite 
specific  names  and  events  in  plenary 

As  always  in  CSCE,  basket  3  and 
principle  VII  issues  will  be  a  central 
focus  of  our  attention.  As  in  the  past, 
the  emphasis  will  be  to  bring  about 

steps  which  could  lead  to  real  progress 
in  improving  the  lot  of  individuals, 
reducing  barriers,  and  broadening 
human  contacts.  Notwithstanding  the 
frustrations  we  have  encountered  at 
experts'  meetings,  we  believe  these  are 
worthwhile  endeavors  and  should  be  part 
of  the  post- Vienna  agenda.  But  overall, 
our  proposals  will  be  focused  on  and 
directed  toward  achieving  better  com- 
pliance with  existing  commitments. 

Maintaining  balance  will  be  a  central 
challenge  for  the  Vienna  meeting.  This 
concept  of  balance  ties  the  various 
strands  of  the  CSCE  together,  based  on 
the  recognition  that  the  humanitarian, 
security,  and  economic  elements  of  the 
Helsinki  process  are  interdependent.  It 
is  unrealistic  to  believe  that  real,  endur- 
ing progress  can  take  place  in  East- West 
relations  without  progress  on  human 

In  Vienna  we  will  have  to  weigh  the 
results  of  the  CDE,  and  the  other 
experts'  meetings,  as  well  as  the 
achievements  and  problems  in  all  aspects 
of  CSCE.  If  the  Stockholm  conference 
concludes  successfully,  security  ques- 
tions will  probably  receive  prominent 
attention  in  Vienna.  In  the  June  11 
Budapest  appeal,  the  Soviet  Union  and 
other  Warsaw  Pact  states  declared  their 
interest  in  pursuing  negotiations  on 
disarmament  from  the  Atlantic  to  the 
Urals.  At  their  ministerial  meeting  in 

The  Soviets  totally  failed  to  foresee  the  conse- 
quences of  the  commitments  they  assumed  in 
Helsinki.  .  .  they  were  confident  enough  to  publish 
the  complete  text  of  the  Final  Act  in  Izvestia,  thus 
making  it  available  to  every  Soviet  citizen  for  the 
price  of  three  kopecks.  The  Helsinki  monitoring 
groups.  .  .  were  a  major  unwelcome  surprise  to  the 
Soviet  regime. 

improvements  in  the  lives  of  individual, 
ordinary  people.  Our  vigorous  pursuit  of 
human  rights  improvements  will  be  con- 
sistent with  the  approach  taken  by  the 
President  with  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  at  the  Geneva  summit;  that 
is,  emphasizing  the  need  for  concrete 

Western  ideas  developed  during  the 
experts'  meetings  at  Ottawa,  Budapest, 
and  Bern  provide  a  wealth  of  material 
for  us  to  consider  in  developing  positive 

vember  1986 

Halifax,  the  United  States  and  its  NATO 
allies  established  a  high-level  task  force 
to  examine  ways  to  strengthen  stability 
and  security  in  Europe,  through 
increased  openness  and  the  establish- 
ment of  a  verifiable,  stable  balance  of 
conventional  forces  at  lower  levels.  The 
task  force  will  issue  an  initial  report  in 
October  and  a  final  report  to  ministers  in 
December.  While  we  cannot  yet  predict 
the  outcome,  the  results  of  the  task  force 
study  will  no  doubt  have  an  important 
bearing  on  our  work  in  Vienna. 



In  determining  our  approach  to 
security  questions,  we  must  be  careful  to 
insure  "that  the  security  component  is  not 
allowed  to  dominate  other  aspects  of  the 
CSCE  process.  On  the  other  hand,  we 
must  also  remember  that  Soviet 
interests  in  security  and  economic  ques- 
tions will  provide  important  leverage  for 
us  to  secure  our  central  human  rights 
objectives.  And  we  must  bear  in  mind 
that  important  U.S.  security  interests 
are  engaged  in  the  CSCE  process. 

West  European  Objectives 

With  regard  to  the  Atlantic  alliance,  the 
CSCE  process  has  fostered  and  rein- 
forced allied  unity.  The  Soviets  and 
others  have  worked  very  hard  to  use  the 
CSCE  process  to  split  the  United  States 
from  its  NATO  allies.  Not  only  have  they 
failed  in  these  efforts,  but  I  believe  that 
CSCE  has  been  a  historic  monument  to 
alliance  cooperation.  In  turn,  alliance 
unity— in  insisting  on  compliance  with 
CSCE  undertakings  and  on  balance 
between  security  and  human  rights 
goals— has  been  essential  to  the  progress 
we  have  made  thus  far.  We  must  thus 
continue  to  present  a  united  front  if  we 
are  to  make  progress  on  issues  of  impor- 
tance to  us. 

I  believe  that  strong  U.S.  leadership 
and  skillful  alliance  management  both  at 
NATO  and  Vienna  will  allow  us  to 
achieve  that  objective.  Based  on  discus- 
sions I  have  had  at  NATO  and  in  allied 
capitals  earlier  this  year,  I  can  assure 
you  that  our  allies  fully  share  our  basic 
goals  for  the  Vienna  meeting.  It  is  often 
forgotten  in  this  country  that,  at  the 
outset  of  the  Helsinki  negotiations  in  the 
mid-1970s,  the  West  Europeans  showed 
a  stronger  and  deeper  interest  in  CSCE 
and  foresaw  much  earlier  the  importance 
of  the  human  dimension  than  did  the 
United  States. 

Since  the  1977  Belgrade  follow-up 
meeting,  expressions  of  Western  con- 
cern over  Soviet  human  rights  abuses 
have  become  increasingly  frequent  and 
specific.  This  approach  has  found  con- 
siderable resonance  among  West 
European  publics  and  has  increasingly 
been  endorsed  at  the  highest  political 
level.  Thus,  for  example,  during  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev's  visit  to  Paris  in 
October  1985,  French  journalists  on  both 
the  right  and  the  left  grilled  Mr. 
Gorbachev  on  Soviet  failure  to  live  up  to 
the  standards  enshrined  in  the  Final  Act. 
Also  during  that  visit,  President 
Mitterrand  insisted  that  movement  in 
basket  3  of  the  Final  Act  take  place  at 

CSCE  Follow-Up  Preparatory  Meeting 

SEPT.  23,  1986' 

The  United  States,  Canada,  and  the  33 
other  European  states  which  participate 
in  the  Conference  on  Security  and 
Cooperation  in  Europe  (CSCE)  begin  a 
2-week  meeting  today  in  Vienna.  This 
meeting  will  prepare  the  agenda  and 
working  program  of  the  third  CSCE 
follow-up  meeting  which  opens  there 
November  4. 

The  U.S.  delegation,  headed  by 
Ambassador  Warren  Zimmerman,  will 
seek  to  assure  that  the  practical 
arrangements  adopted  at  this  organiza- 
tional meeting  will  facilitate  achievement 
of  our  substantive  goals  for  the  follow-up 
meeting  itself. 

As  at  previous  follow-up  meetings— 
in  Belgrade  in  1977-78  and  Madrid 
1980-83-this  one  will  address  the  full 
range  of  issues  covered  by  the  Helsinki 
Final  Act  which  represents  a  framework 
for  seeking  to  resolve  the  humanitarian, 
economic,  and  security  issues  that  divide 
Europe.  The  Vienna  meeting  will  review 
the  results  of  various  subsidiary  CSCE 
meetings  held  since  Madrid.  These 
include  meetings  on  human  rights, 
human  contacts,  and  culture,  as  well  as 

the  outcome  of  the  Stockholm  Con- 
ference on  Confidence-  and  Security- 
Building  Measures  and  Disarmaments 
Europe  (CDE). 

The  Stockholm  conference,  which 
reached  an  accord  on  confidence-builc 
measures  Monday  [September  22],  is 
integral  part  of  this  broader  CSCE  pi 
ess  which  recognizes  the  interrelation 
ship  between  peace  and  freedom  in 

The  follow-up  meeting  in  Novemb 
will  take  stock  of  the  promises  made  ; 
the  promises  kept  and  weigh  the  bala 
among  the  various  dimensions  of  the 
CSCE  process.  The  United  States  anc 
its  allies  will  seek  improved  complianc 
by  the  East  with  all  the  principles  anc 
provisions  of  Helsinki  and  Madrid.  Wi 
will  also  seek  to  promote  balanced  pr( 
ress  among  the  different  dimensions  ( 
the  CSCE  process.  In  particular  con- 
crete steps  by  the  East  to  resolve  pro 
lems  in  the  areas  of  human  rights  and 
humanitarian  cooperation  are  needed. 
The  question  of  the  future  of  the  CDE 
will  be  addressed  at  Vienna  in  this 
broader  context. 

'Read  to  news  correspondents  by  Dep? ' 
merit  deputy  spokesman  Charles  Redman,  i 

the  same  pace  as  in  the  other  areas  of 
CSCE.  During  President  Mitterrand's 
visit  to  Moscow  this  July,  he  again  raised 
the  issue  of  human  rights,  focusing  on 
family  reunification  and  increased 
dialogue  on  individual  rights. 

Nevertheless,  we  need  to  recognize 
that  our  allies,  for  a  variety  of  reasons, 
will  pursue  somewhat  different 
approaches  toward  achieving  our  com- 
mon objectives.  They  may  not,  for  exam- 
ple, be  as  vocal  as  the  United  States  in 
citing  specific  cases  of  noncompliance. 
Some  may  tend  to  emphasize  the  impor- 
tance of  CSCE  as  a  process  rather  than 
as  a  negotiation.  In  my  view,  this  diver- 
sity of  approach  will  not  weaken  the 
impact  of  our  combined  efforts  to 
achieve  our  mutual  objectives  of 
increased  compliance  and  continued 
balance  in  the  CSCE  process. 

Soviet  Objectives 

For  years  the  Soviets  sought  to  deflect 
human  rights  criticism  by  hiding  behind 
the  principle  of  "noninterference  in 

internal  affairs."  The  hollowness  of  th 

defense,  however,  has  been  exposed  a; 
successive  CSCE  meetings  during  whi 
the  Soviets  have  been  forced  to  confro 
the  facts  of  their  poor  record.  The 
Soviets  have  begun  to  show  sensitivity 
to  such  criticism,  particularly  when  it  , 
adversely  affects  the  image  Moscow 
wants  to  cultivate  in  Western  Europe. 

Under  the  leadership  of  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev,  the  Soviets  appe 
to  be  changing  their  tactics.  On  the  on 
hand,  they  have  taken  the  offensive  in 
charging  the  West  with  abuses  of  socia 
and  economic  rights,  and  we  can  expec 
a  long  litany  of  allegations  against  the 
United  States  at  the  Vienna  meeting. 
This  change  of  tactic,  however,  conced 
the  legitimacy  of  raising  human  rights 
issues  involving  another  country.  We 
will,  therefore,  welcome  the  debate  anc 
will  engage  in  it  energetically. 

Mr.  Gorbachev  has  also  indicated  a 
greater  willingness  to  talk  about  Soviel 
performance  with  regard  to  human 
rights.  We  can  thus  expect  a  more  acti" 
Soviet  effort  in  Vienna  to  refute 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


■stern  efforts  to  record  and  correct 
net  abuses.  We  will  also  have  to 
ard  against  allowing  the  Soviets  to 
n  credit  for  this  increased  willingness 
discuss  human  rights  as  a  substitute 

actual,  concrete  performance  on  the 
•nan  rights  front.  In  this  regard,  we 
,st  continue  to  insist  that  words  and 
>mises  be  backed  up  with  specific 

The  Soviets  have  also  indicated  a 
ong  interest  in  progress  on  security 
i  economic  issues.  While  we  will  have 
examine  any  Soviet  proposals  in  each 
ICE  basket  in  the  context  of  Western 
iectives  and  proposals  in  these  areas,  I 
ieve  that  they  can  help  us,  via  the 
nciple  of  balance,  to  advance  our 
lis  with  regard  to  improved  com- 
ance  on  human  rights. 


i  have  been  working  closely  with  the 
-nmission  in  developing  and  refining 
r  strategy  for  the  Vienna  follow-up 
•eting.  I  look  forward  to  continued 
ise  collaboration  as  we  enter  the  final 
.ges  of  preparation.  As  in  Madrid,  we 
1 1  rely  heavily  on  your  skills,  expertise, 
i  judgment. 

Given  the  Eastern  record  on  human 
;hts  issues,  the  Vienna  meeting  is 
sly  to  be  a  difficult  conference, 
netheless,  I  am  confident  that  prog- 
Iss  is  possible.  As  President  Reagan 
ted  in  his  statement  at  the  close  of  the 
It  review  meeting  3  years  ago: 
lialogue,  when  based  on  realistic 
ipectations  and  conducted  with 
:tience,  can  produce  results.  These 
suits  are  often  gradual  and  hard  won, 
:t  they  are  necessary  buildingblocks  for 
more  secure  and  stable  world." 

A  Discussion  on  U.S.-Soviet  Relations 

'The  completed  transcript  of  the  hearings 
i,l  be  published  by  the  commission  and  will 
:  available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
icuments,  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Bee,  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 

Following  is  an  interview  with 
A  mJbassador  Paul  H.  Nitze,  Special  Ad- 
viser to  the  President  and  the  Secretary 
of  State  on  Arms  Control  Matters,  and 
Mark  Palmer,  Deputy  Assistant 
Secretary  for  European  and  Canadian 
Affairs,  by  broadcast  journalist  Nelson 
Benton  on  June  16,  1986. 


Mr.  Benton:  Hello,  I'm  Nelson  Benton. 
Welcome  to  the  State  Department's  pro- 
gram on  U.S.-Soviet  relations.  Today, 
we  will  examine  U.S.  policy  toward  the 
Soviet  Union;  what  it  is,  and  how  it  got 
that  way,  and  what  the  prospects  are  for 
improved  relations.  Figuring  heavily  in 
this  equation  is  the  complex  issue  of 
nuclear  arms. 

In  November  1985  President  Reagan 
met  in  Geneva  with  Soviet  leader 
Mikhail  Gorbachev,  seeking  a  better  rela- 
tionship between  the  two  countries  and 
ways  to  reduce  the  nuclear  arsenals  of 
both  sides. 

Over  the  past  two  decades,  some 
Soviet- American  agreements  have  been 
reached;  some  treaties  have  been  signed. 
But  international  tension  has  always 
clouded  the  quest  for  improved  Soviet- 
American  relations. 

In  1981  President  Reagan  initiated 
new  negotiations.  Their  objective:  to 
bring  about  deep  reductions  in  nuclear 
weapons.  Today,  that  quest  goes  on. 


Mr.  Benton:  What  are  the  prospects  for 
improved  relations  with  the  Soviets? 
How  can  we  solve  this  complex  problem 
of  nuclear  weapons?  To  discuss  these 
issues  from  the  perspective  of  the  U.S. 
Government,  we  have  with  us  today  two 
distinguished  diplomats. 

Ambassador  Paul  Nitze  is  a  giant  in 
the  world  of  diplomacy,  a  man  who  has 
served  as  adviser  to  Presidents  since 
Harry  Truman.  He  is  recognized  as  the 
expert  in  arms  control,  a  principal  nego- 
tiator of  the  1972  Anti-Ballistic  Missile 
(ABM)  Treaty,  present  at  the  Kennedy- 
Khrushchev  summit  in  Vienna  in  1961. 
He  has  dealt  with  the  Soviets  across  the 
table  throughout  four  decades.  Today,  he 
is  special  adviser  on  arms  control  to  the 
President  of  the  United  States  and  to 
Secretary  of  State  George  Shultz. 

Mark  Palmer  is  a  Deputy  Assistant 
Secretary  at  the  Department  of  State. 

He  has  played  a  key  role  in  U.S.-Soviet 
relations  for  5  years.  He's  worked  on 
Soviet  affairs  for  over  two  decades.  He 
has  served  in  the  Soviet  Union  and  was  a 
Senior  Assistant  to  Secretary  Shultz  in 
planning  the  Reagan-Gorbachev  summit 
in  Geneva.  He  holds  the  personal  rank  of 
Minister-Counselor  and  has  been  nomi- 
nated by  President  Reagan  to  be  the 
next  U.S.  Ambassador  to  Hungary. 

Mr.  Nitze,  let  me  ask  you  first.  You 
have  negotiated  with  the  Soviets 
throughout  the  postwar  period,  what 
have  you  learned  about  their  negotiating 
techniques  over  that  long  time? 

Ambassador  Nitze:  The  Soviet 
Union  goes  at  the  negotiations  in  a  way 
which  is  much  more  closely  designed  to 
get  the  better  of  the  other  side  in  a 
negotiation.  Therefore,  they  go  into  a 
negotiation  with  very  extreme  demands- 
very  self-serving  to  their  position.  Then 
the  second  point  is  that  they  use  every 
outside  influence  that  they  can  develop 
to  bring  pressure  on  the  other  side  to 
make  the  concessions  that  they  want. 
They  really  don't  believe  that  anybody  in 
the  West  is  going  to  give  them  some  con- 
cession because  they're  fair  and  equita- 
ble. Then,  finally,  when  they  think  that 
the  situation  has  become  ripe  for  some 
kind  of  negotiation,  then  they  offer  a 
rather  small  concession  for  and,  they 
insist,  for  at  least  an  equal  concession  on 
the  other  side.  But  if  you  start  from 
unequal  positions,  then  obviously  that 
leads  to  a  position  of  advantage  to  them 
in  the  negotiations.  And,  finally,  they 
also  believe  that  it  is  important  to  ensure 
that  the  final  negotiations  take  place 
against  a  deadline.  They  think  they're  in 
a  better  position  to  get  a  better  deal  if 
there's  a  deadline. 

Mr.  Benton:  Let  me  ask  you,  Mr. 
Palmer,  do  we  have  a  comprehensive, 
long-range  policy  toward  the  Soviet 
Union?  What  are  its  components? 

To  obtain  a  videotape  of  this  interview 
please  contact: 

Bureau  of  Public  Affairs 
Special  Projects  Staff 
U.S.  Department  of  State 
Washington,  D.C.  20520 

(Tel.:  202-647-2353) 

Dvember  1986 



Mr.  Palmer:  We  look  at  the  great 
sweep  of  our  relations  since  the  Second 
World  War,  and  we  have  to  recognize 
that  it  is  a  difficult  relationship.  The 
norm  over  the  last  40  years  or  so  has 
been  problems,  not  successes;  not 
cooperation  but  difficulty  and  antago- 
nism. And  I  think  realistically  one  has  to 
recognize  that  the  Soviet  world  view  is 
profoundly  different  than  ours  and  their 
system  is  profoundly  different.  There- 
fore, it's  no  use  sort  of  saying  let's  have 
some  simple  solution,  let's  just  talk  to 
them  a  little  bit  more,  smile  a  little 
more,  and  the  relationship  will  be  trans- 
formed; it  won't.  And  if  you  proceed 
that  way,  you're  bound  to  have  very 
sharp  vacillations  of  rising  expectations, 
and  then  something  like  the  Korean 
airliner  or  Afghanistan  will  come  along 
and  your  strategy  will  be  in  a  shambles. 

So  we  believe  we  should  proceed 
steadily,  recognizing,  being  realistic 
about  the  nature  of  the  differences. 
Secondly,  we  believe  that  given  the  size 
and  scale  and  power  of  the  Soviet  Union, 
it's  important  to  recognize  that  they  will 
only  respect  us  and  deal  with  us  on  a 
basis  of  equality  if  we're  strong— strong 
not  only  militarily  but  also  strong  in 
terms  of  politics— recognizing  that  the 
struggle  in  the  final  analysis  is  a  political 
struggle,  that  the  Soviets  believe  that 
history  is  moving  in  their  direction.  But 
the  third  element  of  our  approach  is,  of 
course,  negotiations  and  engagement. 
And  with  all  the  difficulty,  I  think 
it's  important  not  to  despair.  Results  are 
possible.  We  have  had  times  when  things 
have  been  achieved  which  have  been 
valuable  for  them  and  for  us  and  for  the 
world.  And  President  Reagan  has  a  very 
ambitious,  perhaps  the  most  ambitious 
agenda  of  negotiations  that  we  have 
ever  had.  He  wants  to  do  away  with  all 
nuclear  weapons;  he  wants  to  have  an 
unprecedented  scale  of  people-to-people 
exchanges.  It's  those  kinds  of  bold  ideas 
that  we  think  are  important,  and  that's 
our  agenda.  We  want  to  touch  all  of  the 
key  areas:  arms  control;  regional  prob- 
lems like  Afghanistan,  Middle  East, 
southern  Africa;  human  rights,  a  very 
important  part  of  our  agenda;  and  all 
this  broad  scope  of  bilateral  things  from 
trade  to  people-to-people  programs. 
That's  our  agenda. 

Mr.  Benton:  What  about  the  prob- 
lem of  dealing  with  human  rights  and 
the  Soviet  Union.  Can  we  have  a  practi- 
cal effect  on  the  human  rights  practices 
of  the  Soviet  Union? 

Mr.  Palmer:  Within  certain  limits 
we  can  have,  historically  we  have  had. 

There've  been  periods  in  which  things 
have  happened:  large  numbers  of  emi- 
grants have  been  permitted  to  come  out 
of  the  Soviet  Union;  prominent  dissi- 
dents have  been  released  from  jail.  And, 
in  the  context  of  this  last  summit,  we  did 
see  some  results.  I  went  to  Germany  to 
greet  Mr.  Shcharanskiy  when  he  came 
out.  One  of  the  most  exciting  moments 
of  my  life  was  seeing  this  marvelous, 
courageous,  funny,  moderate  human 
being  finally  released  after  a  terrible 
ordeal  in  the  Soviet  Union.  One  of  the 
reasons  why  you  didn't  hear  more  at  the 
time  of  the  summit  is  that  the  President 
believes  that  the  most  practical  approach 
is  for  him  to  develop  a  quiet  relationship 
with  Mr.  Gorbachev  on  this  issue,  so  that 
while  we  as  a  people  and  a  government 
will  continue  to  speak  out  about  human 
rights  very  vigorously,  he  wants  to  have 
this  special  ability,  as  President  Nixon 
had  that  special  ability,  to  produce  prac- 
tical results  in  the  human  rights  field. 

Mr.  Benton:  Mr.  Nitze,  why  has 
President  Reagan  decided  that  we  will 
no  longer  be  constrained  by  the  limits  of 
the  SALT  II  [strategic  arms  limitation 
talks]  Treaty? 

Ambassador  Nitze:  The  President 
started  off  feeling  that  the  SALT  II 
Treaty  was  a  flawed  treaty,  but  he  also 
thought  that  negotiations  with  the 
Soviet  Union  were  important.  And  he 
thought  it  would  help  the  process  of 
negotiations  if,  at  least  for  a  certain 
period  of  time,  the  United  States  were  to 
restrain  itself,  exercise  restraint  with 
respect  to  its  programs  so  it  stayed 
within  the  limitations  of  SALT  II— which 
have  never  been  ratified  and  which 
would  have  expired  by  1985— provided 
the  Soviets  did  the  same  and  provided 
there  was  time,  they  were  prepared 
seriously  to  negotiate.  Now  that  decision 
he  made  in  1982.  So  that,  you  know,  a 
number  of  years  have  gone  by  since  that 
1982  decision.  He  has  said,  however, 
that  he  will  feel  himself,  the  United 
States,  not  to  be  constrained  by  those 
limits— because  of  the  passage  of  time, 
because  of  the  fact  that  the  Soviets  have 
not  restricted  themselves  to  the  restric- 
tions of  SALT  II. 

Mr.  Benton:  The  role  of  summitry- 
summitry  and  arms  negotiations  at  this 
point  seem  so  totally  tied  together.  What 
is  the  role  of  summitry  and  the  linkage 
to  arms  control  negotiations? 

Mr.  Palmer:  One  American  who's 
dealt  with  the  Soviets  since  the  time  of 
Lenin  said  to  me  that  they  are  a  system— 
that  everybody  is  afraid  of  the  man  next 

above  him,  until  you  get  all  the  way  ul 
to  the  very  top.  And  it's  only  the  vervl 
top  man  who  really  can  make  decision! 
on  anything  of  any  importance.  And  iU 
would  say  that  is  the  critical  reason  fcji 
summitry.  You've  got  to,  when  you  w| 
to  do  something  big  and  ambitious, 
you've  got  to  get  to  that  man.  Every- 
body down  below  is  more  or  less  a  nei 
vous  bureaucrat  and  isn't  willing  to  ts 
that  kind  of  big  step. 

So  the  President  has  outlined,  as ; 
know,  a  three  summit  agenda  which  i: 
unprecedented,  I  think;  we've  never  h 
a  proposal  and  a  concept  for  three  sur 
mits  in  very  rapid  succession  in  order 
bring  about  these  kinds  of  big  agree- 
ments. So  I  would  say  that,  if  one 
approaches  summitry  in  the  right  waj 
is  necessary  to  get  the  kinds  of  things 
we  want. 

Mr.  Benton:  Given  the  fact  that 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  is  new  i 
his  job,  isn't  a  summit  from  pure  inter 
political  purposes  very  much  to  his 
advantage  in  establishing  his  power  ir 
the  Soviet  Union? 

Mr.  Palmer:  I  think  that's  absolut 
right  if  it  goes  well.  If  it  goes  badly  wl 
you're  still  trying  to  consolidate  your 
power,  of  course,  it  can  go  very  badly 
from  your  own  personal  point  of  view. 
And  I  think  that's  what  we're  seeing 
now— a  little  uncertainty  on  his  part 
about  whether  he  wants  to  go  ahead 
with  a  commitment  that  he  made  in  w: 
ing  to  a  summit  this  year  in  Washingti 
and  a  summit  next  year  in  Moscow.  M, 
sense,  however,  is  that  he  still  sees  soi 
advantages.  And  that,  as  the  Presiden 
has  said,  we're  very  committed,  and  w 
hope  very  much  that  the  process  will  g 

Mr.  Benton:  Let's  get  back  to  arm 
control  policy  if  we  could  for  a  minute. 
How  do  you  respond  to  critics  who  say 
that  the  Administration  does  not  have 
agreed-upon  arms  control  policy? 

Ambassador  Nitze:  The  President 
has  wished  from  the  very  beginning  to 
set  up  the  preconditions,  the  conditions 
in  the  world  under  which  the  total 
elimination  of  nuclear  weapons  would  b 
possible.  You  can't  do  that  overnight,  t- 
lot  of  things  have  to  be  done  to  make  it 
possible.  One  of  the  things  that  he 
thought  would  lead  in  the  direction  of 
such  a  world  was,  for  instance,  limita- 
tions on  conventional  arms.  He's  been 
interested  in  the  mutual  force  reductior 
program,  MBFR  [mutual  and  balanced 
force  reductions],  in  Europe.  Another 
thing  is  the  limitation  and  the  ban  on  th 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


duction  and  deployment  of  chemical 
pons.  He's  been  working  on  that; 
ve  been  working  on  that  hard.  The 
n  thing,  of  course,  is  the  limitation  of 
[ear  weapons  and,  in  that  field,  part 
hat  problem  is  a  problem  in  Europe 
that  has  to  do  with  the  intermediate- 
ge  nuclear  forces,  which  are  deployed 
'urope  and  some  in  the  Far  East. 
We've  been  working  hard  on  that 
ti  respect  to  the  total  elimination  of 
t  entire  class  of  nuclear  weapons.  I, 
self,  was  the  head  of  that  delegation 
ch  works— has  been  working  for 
rs  trying  to  get  that  done.  He's  been 
-king  hard  on  the  question  of  the 
^tegic  nuclear  weapons,  those  which 
weapons  of  intercontinental  range, 
ch  affect  primarily  the  United  States 
i  the  U.S.S.R.  There,  he'll  again  wish 
[ee  that  there  would  be  meaningful 
'  strategically  important  reductions  in 
jipons  of  this  type— an  increasingly 
'p  reduction  so  that  this  would  end  up 
ling  toward  the  possibility  of  the  total 
iiination  of  nuclear  weapons.  It  was 
a  same  drive,  this  same  interest, 
|ch  caused  him  to  suggest  that  our 
inical  people  look  to  see  whether  or 
i  it  might  not  be  possible  to  develop 
pnsive  weapons  which  could  con- 
■  ute  to  a  situation  in  which  the  aboli- 
i  of  nuclear  weapons  would  be  feasi- 
i  So,  that's  what  we've  been  trying  to 
i  and  I  think  all  parts  of  the  U.S.  pro- 
im  have  been  consistent  with  those 
bctives.  There  have  been  differences 
'hin  the  Administration  as  to  the  best 
\i  to  approach  some  of  these  points. 
\.  they've  been  differences  about  the 
uniques,  so  forth  and  so  on,  the  minor 
its  of  it.  The  principal  objectives  have 
i  been  in  controversy  within  the  exec- 
ve  branch. 

Mr.  Benton:  With  SDI  (Strategic 
1'ense  Initiative),  some  are  concerned 
lit  this  may  violate  the  Anti-Ballistic 
Jisile  Treaty. 

Ambassador  Nitze:  It  clearly  does 
I  violate  the  Anti-Ballistic  Missile 
laty.  In  the  first  place,  the  Anti- 
ilistic  Missile  Treaty  never  mentions 
1  word  research.  It  was  agreed  by 
i'h  the  Soviet  side  and  by  our  side  that 
tearch  was  not  to  be  limited  by  that 
tty,  and  it  is  not  limited  by  that 
.iaty.  The  Soviets  have  tried  to  suggest 
k  that  purposeful  research  is  some- 
liv  or  other  limited  under  the  treaty. 
i!t,  it  isn't  mentioned,  it  isn't  limited 
-Jer  the  treaty.  There's  no  way  in 
i  ich  you  could  verify  what  is  going  on 

:he  minds  of  researchers  in 
coratories,  and  so  forth  and  so  on. 

Mr.  Benton:  Secretary  Shultz  has 
called  for  less  use  by  the  Soviets  of 
highly  publicized  proposals,  particularly 
arms  control  proposals.  Why  is  that 
important,  Mr.  Nitze? 

Ambassador  Nitze:  Any  indication 
that  the  Soviets  are  really  prepared  for 
confidential  negotiations  would  be 
important.  That  is  where  one  really  does 
the  business  of  coming  to  conclusions 
which  would  take  into  account  not  only 
Soviet  interests  but  our  own. 

We  believe  that  the  place  for  those 
confidential  negotiations  is  in  Geneva, 
where  Max  Kampelman  [head,  U.S. 
delegation  on  arms  control  negotiations 
and  U.S.  negotiator  on  defense  and 
space  arms]  and  a  very  competent  team 
are  negotiating  with  a  very  competent 
team  on  the  Soviet  side.  Those  people  in 
Geneva  are  in  a  position  where  they 
could  take  into  account  not  only  the 
broad  principles  which  are  of  interest  to 
the  public  but  also  the  specific  details 
which  would  make  it  possible  to  trans- 
late those  principles  into  reality- 
something  that  you  could  count  on, 
something  that  would  be  verifiable, 
something  which  would  do  what  is 

Mr.  Palmer:  Since  Lenin's  time,  the 
Soviets  have  believed  that  the  best  thing 
to  do  was  to  go  around  governments  and 
to  affect  people's  peace  movements- 
front  groups  to  affect  the  context  within 
which  political  leaders  in  other  societies 
make  decisions.  And  that  has  been  such 
a  strong  stream  in  Soviet  diplomacy, 
such  a  relatively  novel  approach  to 
diplomacy  because  it  means  not  going  to 
the  foreign  ministry  but  to  the  press,  in 
a  certain  sense,  that  in  the  1970s 
Suslov— who  was  then  head  of  the 
ideological  part  of  the  Soviet  Central 
Committee— Suslov  complained  that  they 
had,  at  that  point,  shifted  too  much  in 
the  direction  of  serious  negotiations  on 
arms  control,  the  Middle  East,  and  other 
areas  with  the  United  States  and  that 
they  needed  to  resurrect  more  of  the 
ideological  propaganda,  going  to  the 
people  approach.  And  Arkady  Shev- 
chenko,  one  of  the  senior  Soviets  who's 
come  over  to  the  West,  reports  about 
that  in  his  book.  This  remarkable 
phenomenon  of  trying  to  fine  tune  the 
distinction  between  serious  talks  with 
the  West  and  propaganda. 

Ambassador  Nitze:  What  I  look  for 
is  indications  of  a  decision  by  the  Polit- 
buro, that  the  Politburo  has  come  to  the 
conclusion  that  the  time  is  now  ripe  for  a 
deal,  that  they  want  a  deal— is  one  of  the 
best  indicators,  I  think,  is  when  they 

seriously  wish  or  indicate  that  they  want 
the  important  negotiations  to  be  con- 
fidential. At  the  time  when  they  are 
making  public  statements  as  to  their 
position,  then  it's  perfectly  clear  that 
they  have  not  reached  a  stage  where 
they  want  the  negotiations  really  to 
reach  that  final  phase. 

Ambassador  Semyonov  [head  of 
Soviet  SALT  I  delegation],  once  told  me 
during  one  of  the  negotiations— I  felt  we 
weren't  making  the  progress  that  I  had 
hoped  for— and  Ambassador  Semyonov 
said,  "Oh,  Mr.  Nitze,  don't  be  discour- 
aged, you  know  in  a  serious  negotiation 
of  this  kind,  one  gets  perhaps  30%  of  the 
business  done  in  the  first  couple  of 
months— each  side  establishes  its  posi- 
tion. But  then  it  takes  some  years  for 
the  next  30%  of  the  business  to  be  done. 
And  the  final  30%  is  done  in  the  last  20 

Mr.  Benton:  What  do  you  see  hap- 
pening in  the  next  2-3  years  down  the 
road  with  Moscow? 

Mr.  Palmer:  Well,  we  have  a  sense 
that  Mr.  Gorbachev  has  given  a  green 
light  to  people-to-people  programs,  and  I 
think  most  Americans  welcome  that. 
We've  been  inundated  with  ideas  from 
American  private  initiative  in  this 
field— everything  from  the  Dallas 
Cowboys  and  the  Washington  Redskins 
playing  a  game  in  Lenin  Stadium  to 
hosts  of  high  school  students  who  want 
to  go  over  there  and  study.  We've  had 
an  average  of  100  calls  a  day  with  new 
ideas  in  this  field.  So,  I  think  we'll  see  an 
expansion  in  people-to-people  programs. 
I  think  we're  going  to  see  a  regulariza- 
tion  of  the  discussions  on  critical  wars 
that  are  underway  today— Afghanistan, 
Cambodia,  Angola,  Ethiopia,  Nicaragua, 
the  whole  of  the  Middle  East.  We've 
begun  to  move  into  a  systematic  set  of 
talks  at  senior  levels,  and  I  think  that's 
going  to  continue,  and  that's  good. 

Ambassador  Nitze:  It  is  my  own 
view,  this  is  my  personal  view,  that  the 
Soviet  economy  is  not  in  deep  difficulty. 
It  isn't  an  efficient  economy,  but  it  does 
continue  to  grow,  because  it  started 
from  a  low,  very  low  level  and  they've 
got  an  enormous  country  and  enormous 
resources  and  a  very  large  body  of 
talented  people.  So  there's  no  reason 
why  it  shouldn't  continue  to  grow.  But, 
as  I  see  it,  they  are  beginning  to  meet 
the  phenomenon  of  rising  expectations 
on  the  part  of  their  populace,  that  means 
that  you  have  to  enter  the  modern 
world.  You  have  to  enter  the  world  in 
which  there  is  communication,  the  world 
in  which  there  is  a  greater  freedom  on 

Wember  1986 



the  part  of  individuals  and  enterprises  in 
the  Soviet  Union  to  do  the  intelligent 
thing,  to  enter  this  modern  world. 

If  they  want  to  get  into  the  modern 
world,  then  I  think  it  is  in  their  interest 
to  reduce  the  burden  of  armaments, 
which  is  immense  in  the  Soviet  Union.  I 
would  think  that  if  they  really  want  to 
make  this  transition  into  the  modern 
world  and,  to  some  degree,  meet  these 
expectations  of  their  populace,  they 
should  be  interested  in  arrangements 
which  would  take  into  account,  not  only 
their  strategic  interests  but  those  of  the 
West  as  well. 

Mr.  Palmer:  I'm  mildly  encouraged. 
I  think  that  the  Soviet  Union  has  some 
incentives  now  for  dealing  with  us.  We 
have  restored  our  military  strength  to  a 
considerable  degree.  There's  still  much 
to  be  done,  but  there  is  now  a  greater 
recognition  in  Moscow  that  what  they 
call  the  correlation  of  forces  is  not,  at 
the  moment,  ineluctably  moving  in  their 
direction.  So,  they  have  some  incentives 
now  to  deal  with  us.  There  has  been,  in 
some  of  the  arms  control  fora,  a  little  bit 
of  an  indication  on  the  part  of  the 
Soviets  of  seriousness.  As  Paul  men- 
tioned, when  they  start  to  go  quiet  on 
something,  you  start  to  get  a  little  more 
encouraged,  and  there  have  been  a  few 
quiet  things  lately— modest,  not  to  exag- 
gerate their  significance,  no  break- 
through, but  a  little  bit  there  to  work 
with.  So  I'm— within  the  rather  cautious 
longer  term  context,  I  think  that  we 
have  some  opportunities  now.  I  know 
that's  the  President's  and  Secretary 
Shultz's  view  that  we  should  pursue 
these  opportunities  vigorously,  and  I'm 
confident  that  that  will  be  done  by  this 

Mr.  Benton:  Our  time  is  up.  Mr. 
Nitze,  Mr.  Palmer,  thank  you  very  much. 
And  thank  you  for  joining  us.  I  am 
Nelson  Benton  at  the  State  Depart- 
ment. ■ 

28th  Report  on  Cyprus 

SEPT.  9,  19861 

In  accordance  with  Public  Law  95-384,  I  am 
submitting  to  you  a  bimonthly  report  on  prog- 
ress toward  a  negotiated  settlement  of  the 
Cyprus  question. 

Since  my  last  report  to  you,  the  United 
Nations  Secretary  General  has  continued  his 
initiative.  He  has  made  clear  his  commitment 
to  his  good  offices  mission  and  to  helping  the 
two  Cypriot  sides  move  forward  toward  an 
overall  solution.  In  this  regard,  he  will  be 
meeting  with  Mr.  Denktash  on  September  16 
and  with  President  Kyprianou  later  in  the 
month.  We  will  give  the  Secretary  General 
our  full  support  and  encourage  the  parties  to 
cooperate  with  him  and  carry  forward  the 
work  that  has  been  accomplished  since  the 
inception  of  his  initiative. 

Among  other  developments  in  Cyprus  of 
note,  Turkish  Prime  Minister  Ozal  visited 

northern  Cyprus  from  July  2  to  July  4. 
During  that  period,  movement  through  t 
primary  crossing  point  between  north  an 
south  Cyprus  was  blocked  by  demonstral 
on  the  Greek  Cypriot  side.  On  July  4,  Tu 
Cypriot  authorities  announced  the  closur 
all  crossing  points  on  their  side  of  the  U. 
buffer  zone  and  did  not  reopen  them  unt 
July  12.  We  made  clear  to  all  concerned 
view  that  actions  that  could  exacerbate  t 
sions  and  complicate  the  search  for  a  pes 
settlement  should  be  avoided. 

Ronald  Re 

'Identical  letters  addressed  to  Thorn; 
O'Neill,  Jr.,  Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Representatives,  and  Richard  G.  Lugar, 
chairman  of  the  Senate  Foreign  Relation 
Committee  (text  from  Weekly  Compilati< 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  15.  198( 


Department  of  State  Bull* 


leligious  Persecution  in  the  Soviet  Union 

:  Following  are  statements  by  Edward 
,[)<  rwinski.  Counselor  of 'the  Depart- 
fnt  of  State,  and  Richard  Schifter, 
tsistant  Secretary  for  Human  Rights 
id  Humanitarian  Affairs,  before  the 
neommittees  on  Human  Rights  and 
kernational  Organizations  and  on 
vrvpe  and  the  Middle  East  of  the  House 
frt  ign  Affairs  Committee  on  July  30, 



lank  you  for  giving  me  the  opportunity 
testify  today  on  the  subject  of 
ligious  persecution  in  the  Soviet 
lion.  On  September  11,  of  last  year,  I 
voted  my  remarks  to  the  persecution 
the  Soviet  Jewish  population.  Today 
y  testimony  will  cover  the  general 
fuation  of  religion  in  the  Soviet  Union 
id  Soviet  persecution  of  non-Jewish 
jligious  groups  and  organizations. 

As  I  noted  in  my  appearance  last 
I'ptember,  Soviet  authorities  have 
■•gely  succeeded  in  crushing  the 
litical  and  nationalist  human  rights 
ganizations  which  sprang  up  during 
■e  1960s  and  1970s.  The  last  surviving 
jlsinki  monitoring  group  was  forced  to 
uband  in  the  face  of  heavy  repression 
:  late  1982.  With  the  mainstream 
iman  rights  movement  in  the  Soviet 
'.lion  effectively  destroyed,  Soviet 
ithorities  have  brought  increasing 
I'essure  to  bear  against  the  largest 
maining  center  of  organized  dissent  in 
'e  Soviet  Union— the  religious 

The  Soviet  regime  regards  religion 
.  a  hostile  ideology  and  is  openly  com- 
itted  to  the  creation  of  an  atheist 
iciety.  Its  attitude  was  summed  up  by  a 
yelorussian  party  official  who  wrote  a 
)84  article  in  Kommunist  Belorussii 
»at  "religion  in  our  country  is  the  only 
gal  refuge  alien  to  socialism  in  ideology 
|id  morals."  How  Soviet  authorities 
iderstand  freedom  of  conscience  is 
rvealed  in  Soviet  constitutional  provi- 
ons,  legislation,  administrative  regula- 
ons,  and  extralegal  pressures  applied 
gainst  believers. 

oviet  Law  and  Religion 

rticle  52  of  the  U.S.S.R.  Constitution 
sfines  freedom  of  conscience  as  the 
ght  "to  conduct  religious  worship  or 
fcheist  propaganda."  This  formulation  in 
"feet  makes  illegal  the  conduct  of 

"religious  propaganda";  i.e.,  to  engage 
in  public  discussion  or  refute  atheist 

The  1929  Law  on  Religious  Associa- 
tions circumscribes  believers'  rights  still 
further.  Soviet  authorities  interpret  the 
law's  requirement  that  primary  religious 
associations  must  register  with  local 
authorities  as  giving  it  the  right  to  grant 
or  withhold  registration.  In  practice,  this 
allows  the  state  to  limit  the  number  of 
religious  associations,  to  reduce  their 
number  gradually,  and  even  to  deny 
legal  status  to  an  entire  religious 
denomination  (as  has  been  the  case  with 
the  Ukrainian  Catholic  Church  and  the 
Jehovah's  Witnesses).  In  short,  the  state 
can  and  does  prevent  Soviet  citizens 
from  practicing  the  faith  of  their  choice. 
Soviet  constitutional  provisions  on  the 
separation  of  church  and  state  and  the 
obligations  of  the  Soviet  Union  as  a 
signatory  of  international  human  rights 
covenants  are,  in  practice,  contradicted 
by  the  law's  many  Draconian  restrictions 
on  religious  groups. 

Religious  groups  do  not  have  the 
status  of  independent  public  organiza- 
tions under  Soviet  law  or  the  juridical 
status  of  a  person-at-law  and,  therefore, 
cannot  own  property  or  inherit  funds  or 
property.  "Cults"— as  they  are  referred 
to  officially— have  no  specific  legal  right 
to  maintain  seminaries,  publishing 
facilities,  or  other  institutions  such  as 
monasteries;  those  that  exist,  exist 
precariously  by  special  permission.  The 
law  is  structured  to  prevent  the  clergy 
or  hierarchy  from  exercising  effective 
control  over  church  affairs.  At  the  same 
time,  it  allows  state  officials  to 
manipulate  church  activities  and  policies 
by  giving  them  a  role  in  determining  the 
membership  of  primary  religious  groups 
and  the  selection  of  their  leaders  and 
clergy.  The  lengthy  list  of  restrictions 
and  regulations  imposed  on  religious 
associations  and  clergy  prevents  them 
from  engaging  in  any  activity  except  the 
performance  of  religious  rites.  They  can- 
not proselytize  or  provide  religious 
instruction  to  children;  engage  in 
charitable,  social,  or  "political" 
activities;  or  organize  prayer  or  study 
groups,  libraries,  mutual  aid  societies, 
kindergartens,  or  cooperatives. 

The  regime  enforces  its  policy 
through  the  Council  for  Religious  Affairs 
attached  to  the  U.S.S.R.  Council  of 
Ministers.  The  council  monitors  religious 
activities  and  is  responsible  for  the  en- 
forcement of  laws  pertaining  to  religion. 

Its  administrative  regulations  thus  im- 
pose an  additional  level  of  restrictions  on 
religious  liberty.  According  to  official 
documents  of  the  council  and  unofficial 
reports  reaching  the  West,  the  council 
supervises  religious  activities  and  senior 
church  officials  in  minute  detail;  censors 
religious  publications;  passes  on  person- 
nel selections;  and  even  monitors  ser- 
mons and  biblical  passages  used  in 
religious  services.  Clergy  cannot  legally 
practice  their  calling  without  the  coun- 
cil's approval.  Whenever  possible,  the 
council  places  the  clergy  in  the  position 
of  acting  against  their  direct  respon- 
sibilities by  forcing  them  to  implement 
policies  designed  to  weaken  and  in  time 
destroy  religion:  by  closing  churches 
"voluntarily,"  keeping  silent  when 
believers  are  harassed,  and  ignoring 
violations  of  law  by  the  authorities.  In 
general,  the  regime  aims  at  compromis- 
ing the  integrity  of  clergy  and  religious 
institutions  and  at  rendering  organized 
religion  and  individual  believers 
incapable  of  defending  their  interests. 

Repression  of  Activities 

Believers  who  refuse  to  register  or  com- 
ply with  state  controls  become  subject  to 
a  wide  range  of  sanctions.  Repeated 
violations  of  the  Law  on  Religious 
Associations  can  lead  to  criminal 
charges.  Articles  of  the  Russian  Soviet 
Federative  Socialist  Republic  Criminal 
Code  used  against  believers  include 
those  aimed  specifically  against  religious 
activists  as  well  as  those  used  against 
political  dissidents:  Articles  142  (viola- 
tion of  laws  on  separation  of  church  and 
state  and  of  church  and  school),  143 
(obstructing  performance  of  religious 
rites),  227  (infringement  of  person  and 
rights  of  citizens  under  appearance  of 
performing  religious  ceremonies),  190.1 
(slandering  the  Soviet  state  and  system), 
or  70  (anti-Soviet  agitation  and  prop- 
aganda). In  addition,  articles  involving 
general  criminal  violations  are  also  used 
frequently,  such  as  hooliganism,  drug 
and  weapons  possession,  engaging  in 
prohibited  trades,  and  parasitism.  Cases 
against  believers  are  often  fabricated. 

Soviet  law  and  penal  practices  single 
out  religious  activists  for  especially 
harsh  treatment.  Those  convicted  under 
the  criminal  code  for  "religious  crimes" 
are  sentenced  to  strict  regime  labor 
camps  and  designated— together  with 
political  activists— as  "especially 
dangerous  state  criminals,"  a  category 

ovember  1986 



that  disqualifies  them  from  amnesties  or 
leniency.  Indeed,  the  provisions  of 
amnesties  promulgated  in  recent  years 
demonstrate  that  authorities  regard 
religious  activism  (such  as  organizing 
religious  classes  for  children  or  cir- 
culating a  petition)  as  a  more  serious 
crime  than  assault,  robbery,  or  rape. 
Even  if  convicted  for  lesser  crimes, 
believers  rarely  qualify  for  early  release 
or  parole  because,  as  "prisoners  of  cons- 
cience," they  usually  refuse  to  provide 
the  required  expression  of  remorse  or 
admission  of  guilt.  Believers  who  are 
incarcerated  in  psychiatric  hospitals  face 
an  especially  agonizing  choice,  since  they 
are  often  promised  immediate  release  if 
they  renounce  their  belief  in  God.  Others 
face  deprivation  of  their  parental  rights 
under  provisions  of  the  Soviet  Family 
Code  that  obligates  parents  to  raise  their 
children  as  "worthy  members  of  socialist 

One-third  of  the  approximately  900 
known  Soviet  prisoners  of  conscience  are 
religious  believers.  The  percentage  of 
the  actual  total  may  be  even  higher.  Cur- 
rent estimates  are  that  there  are  up  to 
10,000  prisoners  of  conscience  in  Soviet 
labor  camps  and  psychiatric  hospitals.  A 
substantial  percentage  of  these  are 
thought  to  be  religious  believers,  many 
from  closed  or  remote  areas  of  the 
Soviet  Union  where  accurate  informa- 
tion is  difficult  or  impossible  to  obtain. 

In  addition  to  incarceration,  a 
variety  of  social  pressures  are  used 
against  believers,  including  public 
"exposure"  by  atheist  activists,  vilifica- 
tion in  the  Soviet  media,  exclusion  from 
high  education,  and  discrimination  in 
professional  advancement.  Young  peo- 
ple, especially,  are  subjected  to  heavy 
pressures  and  face  life  as  second-class 
citizens  if  they  become  known  as  practic- 
ing believers. 

Eyewash  for  Foreigners 

The  regime,  while  militantly 
antireligious,  seeks  to  portray  the  Soviet 
Union  to  the  outside  world  as  an 
enlightened,  humane,  and  democratic 
society.  It  also  recognizes  that  Soviet 
religious  groups  can  perform  useful  func- 
tions to  advance  Soviet  interests:  to 
demonstrate  to  foreigners  the  existence 
of  religious  freedom  in  the  Soviet  Union; 
to  support  Soviet  interests  abroad;  and 
to  bolster  morale  and  patriotism  in  time 
of  war.  The  pursuit  of  conflicting  objec- 
tives generates  internal  contradictions 
and  policy  fluctuations;  more  often,  it 
opens  up  a  huge  gap  between  prop- 
aganda claims  and  the  realities  of  Soviet 
life.  To  make  its  propaganda  credible, 

the  regime  must  exercise  tight  control 
over  religious  activists  (to  prevent 
independent  initiatives  or  public  protest) 
as  well  as  visiting  foreigners  to  ensure 
that  they  receive  the  best  possible 
impression  of  religious  life.  When  details 
of  its  antireligious  repressions  do  leak 
out,  the  regime  brands  them  as 
"malicious  slander." 

Soviet  spokesmen  typically  respond 
to  foreign  criticism  of  their  religious 
policies  by  citing  allegedly  positive 
impressions  of  Soviet  religious  life  by 
visiting  U.S.  religious  leaders.  The 
regime  also  relies  on  Soviet  religious 
leaders  (especially  the  Russian  Orthodox 
hierarchy)  to  support  official  policies 
when  attending  religious  conferences 
abroad  or  receiving  foreign  guests.  The 
display  of  restored  churches  and 
religious  services  to  tourists,  moreover, 
provides  a  steady  source  of  badly  needed 
hard  currency. 

In  spite  of  regime  policies,  popular 
interest  in  religion  has  increased 
significantly  during  the  past  decade, 
according  to  authoritative  official 
sources,  unofficial  reports,  and 
knowledgeable  foreign  observers. 

Against  the  backdrop  of  these 
general  remarks,  I  would  now  like  to 
discuss  the  specific  situation  of  some  of 
the  major  religious  groups  and  organiza- 
tions in  the  Soviet  Union,  beginning  with 
the  Russian  Orthodox  Church. 

The  Russian  Orthodox  Church 

The  Russian  Orthodox  Church  occupies 
an  anomalous  position  as  the  establish- 
ment church  of  an  atheist  regime.  It  is 
the  largest  single  religion  in  the  Soviet 
Union,  with  an  estimated  35-40  million 
believers.  As  the  church  of  the 
U.S.S.R.'s  dominant  cultural  and  ethnic 
group,  it  enjoys  privileges  that  set  it 
apart  from  other  denominations: 
representation  abroad  (including 
membership  in  the  World  Council  of 
Churches,  attendance  at  international 
conferences,  and  the  staffing  of  parishes 
and  bishoprics  outside  the  U.S.S.R.), 
three  seminaries  and  a  theological 
academy,  a  modern  publishing  center, 
and  a  plant  for  the  manufacture  of 
religious  goods.  Its  senior  hierarchs  live 
well  and  enjoy  perquisites  comparable  to 
those  of  the  Soviet  elite.  The  regime  ac- 
cords the  church  a  prominent  role  in  fur- 
thering Soviet  foreign  policy  objectives, 
such  as  involvement  in  peace  campaigns 
in  Western  Europe. 

The  Orthodox  Church  attained  its 
present  status  after  harsh  repression 
during  the  1920s  and  1930s,  a  period  of 
stabilization  and  official  recognition  as  a 

result  of  its  patriotic  role  during  Worl 
War  II,  and  a  renewed  period  of  reprc 
sion  under  Khrushchev.  To  survive,  th 
institutional  church  paid  a  heavy  price 
became  an  obedient  regime  supporter 
and  surrendered  its  ability  to  defend  i 
interests  or  protect  believers  from 
regime  pressures.  Even  worse,  the 
Patriarchate  permits  the  regime  to  co 
promise  the  church  in  the  eyes  of 
believers  by  forcing  it  to  act  against  it 
own  vital  interests.  Internal  documenl 
of  the  regime's  Council  for  Religious 
Affairs  reaching  the  West  in  recent 
years  have  documented  how  authoritk- 
supervise  the  institutional  activities  oi 
the  church  in  minute  detail  and  interft 
in  every  aspect  of  church  life. 

The  church's  loss  of  institutional 
integrity  poses  a  personal  dilemma  for 
many  Orthodox  believers,  clergy,  and 
members  of  the  hierarchy.  One  result 
has  been  to  create  two  distinct  cleavaj 
within  the  church:  a  vertical  division  o 
church  life  and  individual  behavior  int< 
"official"  and  "unofficial"  sectors  (a 
characteristic  of  all  Soviet  life)  and  a 
horizontal  estrangement  between  the 
hierarchy  on  the  one  hand  and  individt  j 
believers  and  lower  parish  clergy  on  tt 
other.  A  small  group  of  Orthodox 
believers— the  True  Orthodox  Church-  • 
rejects  any  contact  with  the  regime  or 
the  official  church  which  is  considered  i 
irredeemably  compromised;  it  leads  a 
clandestine  existence  and  is  regarded  1 1 
the  authorities  as  an  illegal  sect. 

Efforts  by  individual  priests  and 
believers  to  organize  religious  activitie 
outside  regime  or  hierarchy  controls  ail 
systematically  repressed  by  the 
authorities  and  find  little  or  no  support  i 
within  the  heirarchy,  which  takes  the 
position  that  the  Soviet  Constitution 
guarantees  freedom  of  conscience  and  I 
that  believers  are  not  prosecuted  for 
their  faith  but  only  for  violating  Soviet  i 
laws.  Since  October  of  last  year,  a 
number  of  activists  have  been  sentence! 
to  terms  in  labor  camps,  psychiatric 
hospitals,  or  internal  exile.  They  includt 
Boris  Razveyev,  sentenced  to  3  years  in 
labor  for  "anti-Soviet  agitation";  Mikhai 
Bombin,  held  for  over  2  months  in  a 
psychiatric  hospital;  and  well-known 
writer  Feliks  Svetov,  who  was  sentencel 
to  2  years  of  internal  exile  for  "anti- 
Soviet  slander." 

The  resurgence  of  unofficial  activity 
in  the  church  is  by  no  means  confined  tcl 
dissent  and  protest,  however.  Its  most  I 
significant  feature  has  been  the  revival 
of  faith,  especially  among  young  people  I 
and  intellectuals,  who  are  joining  the 
church  in  increasing  numbers— a  fact 


Department  of  State  Bulletii 


ceded  by  Soviet  atheist  literature, 
regime  has  reacted  by  stepping  up 
eist  propaganda,  arresting  Orthodox 
.vists,  destroying  unofficial  groups 
h  as  the  Christian  Seminar  and  the 
istian  Committee  for  the  Defense  of 
ievers  Rights,  and  suppressing 
hodox  samizdat  publications. 

Ukrainian  Catholic  (Uniate) 

)ther  large  Soviet  denomination,  the 
•ainian  Catholic  (Uniate)  Church,  is 
of  the  most  systematically 
secuted  religious  groups  in  the 
I.S.R.  today.  Its  treatment  flows  from 
)mbination  of  Moscow's  general  anti- 
gious  policy,  the  church's  ties  to 
ne,  and  Uniate  identification  with 
■ainian  national  aspirations.  Formally 
lawed  in  1946,  this  church  and  its 
Dwers  have  been  subject  to  official 
assment,  arrests,  and  other  forms  of 
:rimination  ever  since.  Its  under- 
und  nature  makes  it  particularly  dif- 
Jt  to  determine  the  number  of 
evers.  Estimates  run  from  65,000  all 
way  to  3-4  million. 
The  Uniate  Church  has  a  long  and 
iplex  history  that  reflects  Eastern 
ope's  frequent  border  changes,  and 
intimately  tied  to  Ukrainian  national 
[rations.  The  church  has  its  roots  in 
1596  Union  of  Brest— hence  the 
le— by  which  the  Vatican  sought  to 
the  bitter  resistance  of  Ukrainian 
hodox  congregations  to  forced  con- 
sion  to  Catholicism  by  the  Polish 
lorities  who  had  recently  occupied 
.tern  Ukraine.  The  Vatican's  solution 
i  to  subordinate  the  Uniate  congrega- 
us  directly  to  Rome  but  to  allow  them 
letain  their  liturgy,  language,  and 
(inctive  practices  rather  than  adopt 
an-rite  Catholicism.  This,  in  turn, 
(ded  western  Ukrainians  from  their 
:ationals  in  the  east  who,  being  under 
,ssian  rule,  retained  their  allegiance  to 
[scow  and  to  Russian  Orthodoxy. 
Initially,  in  order  to  resist  further 
ronization  of  the  Ukrainian  com- 
friity,  the  Uniate  Church  allied  itself 
rh  and  became  a  spokesman  for 
["ainian  national  goals.  When  these 
immunities  subsequently  fell  under 
-;sian  rule  and  were  pressured  to 
<>in  the  Orthodox  Church,  the  linkage 
Jween  religion  and  nationalism  was 
S;her  strengthened.  During  World 
Ijr  II,  the  Uniate  Church  actively 
;perated  with  the  Ukrainian  national 
Istance  to  the  U.S.S.R.'s  occupation 
i  eventual  absorption  of  the  western 
hsdne.  For  that  and  for  alleged 

collaboration  with  the  Germans,  the 
church's  hierarchy  was  condemned  to 
the  gulag. 

Having  effectively  decapitated  the 
Uniate  Church,  the  Soviet  authorities  in 
1946  convened  a  synod  in  Lvov  to 
repudiate  the  Union  of  Brest  and  rein- 
corporated the  4  million  Uniates  of  the 
western  Ukraine  into  the  Russian 
Orthodox  Church.  For  many  Ukrainians, 
this  forced  merger  only  strengthened  the 
attractiveness  of  Uniatism  as  a  symbol 
of  Ukrainian  nationalism  and  resistance 
to  Moscow.  Consequently,  although  the 
Soviets  were  able  to  take  nominal  con- 
trol of  the  parishes  still  operating— even 
today,  nearly  one-half  of  all  churches 
open  in  the  U.S.S.R.  are  located  in  the 
western  Ukraine— the  affected  congrega- 
tions continued  in  many  cases  to  look  to 
Rome  and  to  Uniate  communities  among 
Ukrainian  emigres  abroad.  In  addition, 
many  Uniates  were  actively  involved  in 
the  armed  resistance  to  Soviet  power  in 
the  Ukraine  which  lasted  into  the  early 

Since  that  time,  the  Soviet 
authorities  have  unremittingly  attacked 
the  sect  with  propaganda  and  occasional 
arrests,  the  persistency  of  which  testifies 
to  the  continued  strength  of  Uniatism  in 
the  Soviet  Union.  The  latest  effort  to 
destroy  the  Uniate  Church  has  been  a 
proposal  by  the  authorities  to  legalize 
the  Uniates,  if  they  will  break  with 
Rome.  Such  a  provocation  has  been  tried 
before.  Acceptance  would  only  bring  the 
Uniates  out  into  the  open  where  they 
would  be  subject  to  even  greater  abuse. 
Now  they  are  successfully  operating 
their  own  underground  monastery  which 
since  1981  has  managed  to  ordain  over 
80  parish  priests. 

During  the  past  2  years,  Uniate 
activists  have  also  begun  to  publish  an 
underground  samizdat  journal  entitled 
The  Chronicle  of  the  Catholic  Church  in 
Ukraine.  This  journal  has  effectively 
catalogued  the  many  abuses  which 
Uniate  believers  are  subjected  to  by 
Soviet  authorities.  In  1985,  two  of  the 
moving  forces  behind  the  journal— Iosif 
Terelya  and  Vasily  Kobrin— were 
sentenced  to  long  labor  camp  terms. 
Despite  this,  the  Chronicle  has  continued 
to  appear. 

Soviet  Protestants 

The  Protestant  community  in  the  Soviet 
Union  is  divided  into  two  camps.  There 
are  registered  groups  of  believers,  which 
adhere  to  the  restrictive  Soviet  laws  on 
the  practice  of  religion,  and  illegal 
unregistered  groups,  which  refuse  to 
adhere  to  these  laws. 

Registered  Protestants.  Currently 
three  main  groups  of  Soviet  Protestants 
are  registered  with  Soviet  authorities. 
Two  of  these  are  Lutheran— the 
Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of  Latvia, 
which  has  a  membership  of  400,000  and 
the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of 
Estonia,  which  has  a  membership  of 
250,000.  The  third  group— the  Ail-Union 
Council  of  Evangelical  Christians  and 
Baptists— is  an  umbrella  organization  of 
545,000  registered  Evangelical 
Protestants  throughout  the  Soviet 
Union.  These  registered  Protestant 
groups  share  the  same  basic  problems 
faced  by  the  Russian  Orthodox  Church 
and  all  other  registered  groups  of 
religious  believers  in  the  Soviet  Union. 
They  must  limit  the  practice  of  their 
religion  to  conform  with  Soviet  law,  they 
are  discriminated  against  in  employment 
and  education,  and  they  are  targets  of 
official  antireligious  propaganda  in  the 
Soviet  media.  Their  official  represen- 
tatives are  forbidden  from  criticizing 
Soviet  religious  policies  and  are  fre- 
quently forced  to  publicly  support  Soviet 
foreign  policy  initiatives. 

Unregistered  Protestants. 

Unregistered  Evangelical  Protestant 
groups  represent  a  particular  problem 
for  the  Soviet  authorities.  Even  under 
repressive  Soviet  conditions,  they  are 
growing  rapidly,  particularly  among 
Soviet  young  people.  Although 
unregistered  Evangelical  Protestants 
are  gaining  converts  among  most  major 
national  groups,  they  are  especially 
strong  in  Ukraine,  the  northern 
Caucasus,  and  the  Pacific  coast  area. 

Reform  Baptists.  Among 
unregistered  Evangelical  Protestants, 
most  is  known  about  "reform"  or 
"initiative"  Baptists.  According  to 
reform  Baptist  pastor  Georgy  Vins, 
there  are  currently  2,000  reform  Baptist 
congregations,  representing  about 
100,000  adults  or  300,000  including  fam- 
ily members,  in  the  Soviet  Union. 
Reform  Baptists  represent  one  of  the 
oldest  organized  human  rights  groups  in 
the  U.S.S.R.,  dating  back  to  1962  when 
the  group  split  away  from  the  registered 
Baptist  community.  In  terms  of  numbers 
of  believers  incarcerated  in  labor  camps 
and  psychiatric  hospitals,  they  are  also 
the  most  repressed  religious  group  in  the 
Soviet  Union.  The  particular  intensity  of 
the  treatment  meted  out  to  them  is 
revealed  in  the  fact  that  fully  20%  of  all 
known  Soviet  prisoners  of  conscience  are 
Baptists.  There  are  also  reliable  reports 
that  Soviet  authorities  have  taken 
children  away  from  unregistered  Baptist 

J/ember  1986 



parents  to  prevent  the  parents  from  rais- 
ing them  in  the  Baptist  faith. 

There  are  three  main  reform  Baptist 
organizations— the  12-man  pastors' 
group,  the  Council  of  Churches  (10 
members  of  which  are  currently 
imprisoned;  its  chairman,  Gennady 
Kryuchkov,  has  been  in  hiding  for  15 
years);  the  secret  "Christian"  press 
which  prints  religious  literature,  in- 
cluding the  Bible  in  many  languages  of 
the  U.S.S.R.  (19  reform  Baptists  are  cur- 
rently imprisoned  for  their  religious 
samizdat  activities);  and  the  12-woman 
Council  of  Baptist  Prisoners'  Relatives, 
which  reports  on  the  situation  of  reform 
Baptist  prisoners  of  conscience.  Two  of 
these  groups  has  its  own  samizdat 
publication  printed  by  the  "Christian" 
press— the  Council  of  Churches  monthly 
journal.  Fraternal  Leaflet,  and  its 
quarterly  journal,  The  Herald  of  Truth; 
and  the  monthly  Bulletin  of  the  Council 
of  Baptist  Prisoners '  Relatives.  No  group 
of  religious  believers  in  the  Soviet  Union 
has  suffered  so  much  or  persevered  in 
the  face  of  intense  repression  with  such 
courage  and  tenacity  as  Soviet  Baptists. 

Seventh-Day  Adventists.  Another 
large  group  of  unregistered  Soviet 
protestants  are  Seventh-Day  Adventists. 
Some  unregistered  groups  of  Adventists 
split  from  registered  Adventist  churches 
as  early  as  1929.  These  reform 
Adventists  have  formed  their  own 
church  known  as  the  "True  and  Free 
Adventists  of  the  Seventh  Day."  This 
Adventist  group  rejects  any  state  control 
over  religion,  basing  this  view  on 
religious  commandments  and  the  separa- 
tion of  church  and  state.  Although  less  is 
known  about  this  group  than  some  other 
unregistered  Protestant  groups,  their 
number  is  estimated  to  total  approx- 
imately 40,000.  Their  governing  body  is 
known  as  the  Ail-Union  Council  of 
Churches  of  Faithful  and  True 
Adventists  of  the  Seventh  Day  and  they 
produce  an  underground  publication 
called  the  Faithful  Witness.  Accurate 
statistics  regarding  the  total  number 
currently  imprisoned  do  not  exist.  Unlike 
the  reform  Baptists,  there  are  no 
Adventist  representatives  in  the  West, 
but  50  would  seem  to  be  a  reasonable 
estimate  based  on  the  meager  informa- 
tion available. 

Reform  Pentecostals.  Pentecostals 
constitute  another  large  group  of 
unregistered  Soviet  Protestants. 
Although  a  few  Pentecostal  groups  have 
registered  in  recent  years,  most 
Pentecostals  continue  to  choose  the  risks 
of  the  unregistered  religious  life.  It  was 
not  until  1980  that  unregistered 

Pentecostals  formed  a  central  organiza- 
tion, known  as  the  Brother's  Council, 
which  represents  nearly  200,000  adults, 
or  about  1  million  people,  including 
families.  Many  thousands  of  Soviet 
Pentecostals,  despairing  of  their  situa- 
tion in  the  Soviet  Union,  have  applied  to 
emigrate.  On  May  15,  1980,  18 
Pentecostal  activists  organized  the 
Emigration  Council  for  Christian 
Evangelical  Protestants;  at  least  six 
members  of  this  council  have  been 
imprisoned.  Of  the  30,000  Soviet 
Pentecostals  who  have  applied  to 
emigrate,  only  a  handful  have  succeeded, 
most  notably  the  two  Pentecostal 
families— the  Vashchenkos  and  the 
Chmykhailovs— who  took  refuge  in  the 
U.S.  Embassy  in  Moscow. 

Recently  a  community  of  approx- 
imately 170  ethnic  German  Pentecostals 
living  at  Cheguevka  in  the  Soviet  Far 
East  has  come  in  for  particularly  harsh 
treatment  from  Soviet  authorities. 
Denied  permission  to  emigrate,  com- 
munity members  have  turned  in  their 
internal  passports,  undertaken  hunger 
strikes,  and  taken  their  children  out  of 
schools,  the  latter  action  reportedly  due 
to  the  harassment  and  beatings  the 
children  were  subjected  to  at  school. 
Since  December  1984,  10  elders  of  the 
community  have  been  sentenced  to  labor 
camp  for  up  to  5  years  for  not  possess- 
ing internal  passports  or  for  conducting 
unauthorized  religious  services.  Every 
adult  member  of  the  community  has 
been  fired  from  his  or  her  job.  To  sur- 
vive the  families  forage  in  the  woods  for 
food.  Additionally  a  number  of  families 
have  been  repeatedly  threatened  that 
they  may  lose  custody  of  their  children 
for  having  taken  them  out  of  school. 
While  an  extreme  example,  this 
mistreatment  is  characteristic  of  the  par- 
ticularly harsh  attitudes  Soviet 
authorities  have  toward  Evangelical 
Christian  believers  in  the  Soviet  Union. 

Jehovah's  Witnesses.  Another 
Soviet  Protestant  group,  the  Jehovah's 
Witnesses,  share  with  the  Ukrainian 
Catholic  (Uniate)  Church  the  distinction 
of  being  totally  banned  by  Soviet 
authorities.  As  a  result  and  due  to  the 
small  numbers  of  believers,  there  is  not 
much  information  available  about  them. 
Judging  from  attacks  in  the  Soviet 
media,  they  seem  to  be  active  in 
Moldavia,  the  north  Caucasus,  in 
southern  and  eastern  Ukraine,  and  in 
the  Stavropol  and  Krasnodar  regions. 
Samizdat  sources  reveal  that  Jehovah's 
Witnesses,  who  are  imprisoned  in  large 
numbers,  continue  to  practice  their 
ministry  in  Soviet  labor  camps. 

Lithuanian  Catholic  Church 

Religious  faith  is  particularly  strong  i 
Lithuania  where,  as  in  Poland,  Roma 
Catholicism  remains  central  to  natior 
life.  More  than  75%  of  the  population 
remains  faithful  to  the  church,  and  in 
large  measure  because  of  this,  the 
church  there  has  been  subject  to  spec 
attacks  by  the  Soviet  authorities.  Du< 
Soviet  restrictions  on  training,  nearlj 
one-fourth  of  the  640  parishes  extant 
not  have  a  priest,  and  more  than  half 
the  republic's  696  priests  are  beyond 
retirement  age.  While  these  figures  a 
significantly  better  than  those  for  otr 
religions  in  the  Soviet  Union,  they  ar 
far  cry  from  those  of  the  thriving 
Lithuanian  Church  before  the  forcibk 
incorporation  of  that  republic  into  th< 
U.S.S.R.  during  World  War  II. 
Antireligious  propaganda  and  genera 
harassment  of  believers,  up  to  and 
including  the  murder  of  priests  (mure 
whose  perpetrators  are  never  brough 
trial),  have  been  regular  features  of 
Soviet  policy  there.  In  1983,  for  the  f 
time  since  1971,  the  authorities  arres 
and  imprisoned  two  leading  priests,  a 
move  that  sparked  mass  protests  in  t 
republic.  Despite  these  protests,  arre 
have  continued.  In  1985  Father  Jonas 
Matulionas  was  sentenced  to  3  years 
labor  camp  for  "disrupting  public 
order."  The  charge  reportedly  stemrr 
from  his  having  led  an  All  Saints'  Da; 
procession  to  a  cemetery,  a  violation  i 
Soviet  laws  on  religion.  A  young 
Catholic  student  was  arrested  with  hi 
and  sentenced  to  2  years  in  prison. 

That  the  Soviet  authorities  have  r 
moved  even  further  to  employ  the  full 
range  of  repressive  measures  at  their 
disposal  does  not  reflect  some  new  foi 
commitment  to  human  rights  but  rath 
a  grudging  recognition  of  the  support 
the  church  commands  among  Lithuani 
and  of  the  real  difficulties  involved  in 
suppression  of  such  a  broadly  based  ai 
militant  group. 


The  second  largest  religious  group  in  I 
Soviet  Union— after  the  Russian 
Orthodox— and  the  one  with  potentiall 
the  greatest  foreign  policy  implication 
Soviet  Islam  has  been  frequently  attac 
ed,  and  on  occasion  protected,  accordi 
to  the  needs  of  Soviet  domestic  and 
foreign  policy.  The  exact  number  of 
Muslims  in  the  Soviet  Union  is  unknov: 
Most  estimates  are  based  on  some  fra< 
tion  of  the  approximately  45  million  pt, 
pie  who  belong  to  nationalities  where  i 
Islam  predominated  prior  to  1917.  Sovj 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


lars  estimate  that  between  10%  and 
of  this  group  are  still  religious  in 
e  sense;  Soviet  Islamic  leaders  and 
e  Western  observers  have  suggested 
the  share  of  Muslims  in  this  group  is 
|  to  100%.  Part  of  the  reason  for 
divergence  is  to  be  found  in  the 
ire  of  Islam:  it  is  nonclerical  and  non- 
rregational  and  defines  a  way  of  life 
'ell  as  a  set  of  beliefs.  In  any  case, 
Islamic  nationalities  of  the  U.S.S.R. 
the  fastest  growing  segment  of  the 
iet  population  and  will  represent 
-oximately  one-quarter  of  the  total 
iber  by  the  year  2000. 
The  overwhelming  majority  of  Soviet 
lims  are  Sunni,  except  in  Azerbaijan 
re  approximately  two-thirds  of  the 
olation  traditionally  belonged  to  the 
ia  branch  of  the  faith.  In  addition, 
•e  are  followers  of  various  sufi 
rs.  These  illegal  and  mystical  sects 
re  from  the  contemplative  to  the 
vist  and  play  some  role  in  unofficial 
m.  The  Soviet  authorities  have 
inized  four  spiritual  directorates  to 
Islamic  religious  affairs— at 
hkent,  Ufa,  Makhachkala,  and  Baku, 
first  three  are  Sunni,  the  last  mixed 
ia  and  Sunni.  They  have  no  central 
y  and  report  directly  to  the  state's 
ncil  of  Religious  Affairs. 
A  limited  number  of  mullahs  are 
jared  each  year  at  the  medressah  in 
hara  and  at  the  Islamic  Institute  in 
hkent.  In  addition— and  in  contrast  to 
;r  faiths  in  the  U.S.S.R.— some 
iet  mullahs  attend  foreign  Islamic 
x>ls  such  as  Qom  in  Iran  and 
Vzhar  in  Cairo.  In  1984  there  were  by 
:ial  Soviet  claim  approximately  1,100 
>rking"  mosques  in  the  Soviet  Union 
an  only  slightly  larger  number  of 
\lahs.  Obviously,  even  if  one  accepts 
low  Soviet  estimates  of  the  total 
jnber  of  Muslims  in  the  U.S.S.R.,  this 
(fiber  of  mosques  and  mullahs  cannot 
(sfy  the  religious  needs  of  the 

Like  all  other  religions  in  the 
IJ.S.R.,  Islam  also  has  an  "unofficial" 
E,  one  that  exists  but  is  not  sanc- 
iied  by  the  authorities.  Being 
^clerical,  mullahs  have  no  sacral  func- 
jis:  anyone  who  can  read  the  Koran 
ii  say  prayers  can  act  as  one.  Thus 
termination  of  an  Islamic  community 
difficult.  While  exact  figures  are 
possible  to  come  by,  there  are  a  vast 
mber  of  unofficial  Islamic  com- 
dnities  in  Central  Asia  and  the 
focasus;  large  unofficial  publishing 
^rations  in  both  regions;  and  frequent 
^images  to  local  holy  places,  an 
r;ious  substitute  for  the  nearly  impossi- 
i  haj  to  Mecca.  (At  present,  only  about 

60  Soviet  Muslims  are  able  to  make  the 
haj  each  year,  and  they  have  clear 
foreign  policy  tasks  assigned  to  them.) 

Soviet  Islam  has  been  subject  to 
periodic  campaigns  against  it  by  the 
Soviet  authorities.  Like  Uniatism  in  the 
Ukraine  and  Catholicism  in  Lithuania, 
Islam  is  closely  linked  with  local  national 
traditions  and  opposition  to  Russian 
rule.  This  has  made  it  especially  difficult 
to  wipe  out,  for  any  attack  on  it  has  been 
perceived  as  an  attack  on  nationality, 
something  the  Soviets  want  to  support 
because  it  divides  the  Islamic  peoples  in 
the  U.S.S.R.  Furthermore,  the  Soviets 
have  wanted  to  showcase  Soviet  Islam  to 
the  Third  World  in  order  to  gain  support 
there.  This  strategy  had  some  success  in 
the  1960s  and  1970s  and  led  to  an  easing 
of  the  Soviet  assault  on  Islam.  Now, 
however,  out  of  a  fear  that  events  in 
Iran  and  Afghanistan  might  find  some 
resonance  among  Soviet  Muslims, 
Moscow  has  renewed  its  crackdown 
against  them,  forcing  increasingly  large 
numbers  into  unofficial,  technically 
illegal  activities.  A  young  mullah, 
Akverdy  Eshkulov,  was  sentenced  to  2 
years  in  labor  camp  last  year  for  serving 
without  official  sanction.  The  Soviet 
press  has  also  reported  other  arrests  of 
Muslims  for  religious  activities,  including 
printing  and  distributing  religious  books. 

Although  these  are  the  largest 
religious  groups  in  the  Soviet  Union, 
there  are  other,  smaller  denominations 
which  have  also  suffered  under  intense 
persecution  from  Soviet  authorities.  One 
such  group,  the  small,  but  growing  Hare 
Krishna  movement,  is  a  prime  example. 
Although  the  total  membership  is  still 
quite  small,  more  than  20  believers  are 
currently  in  Soviet  labor  camps  or 
psychiatric  hospitals,  thus  illustrating 
that  no  religious  organization  in  the 
Soviet  Union  is  too  small  or  insignificant 
to  merit  persecution  from  Soviet 


The  U.S.  Government  is  deeply  concern- 
ed at  the  systematic  violation  of  religious 
freedom  in  the  Soviet  Union  outlined  in 
this  testimony.  We  must  say  quite  can- 
didly that  we  have  seen  no  improvement 
in  the  religious  situation  there  since 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  came  to 
power.  If  anything,  conditions  for 
religious  believers  have  continued  to 
deteriorate.  We  have  catalogued  Soviet 
religious  persecution  in  our  annual  Coun- 
try Reports  on  Human  Rights  Practices 
and  in  our  semiannual  reports  on 
Implementation  of  the  Helsinki  Final 
Act.  We  have  raised  the  subject  of  Soviet 

violations  of  religious  freedom  forth- 
rightly  and  in  detail  at  the  Conference 
on  Security  and  Cooperation  in  Europe 
(CSCE)  human  rights  experts,  meeting 
in  Ottawa  and  in  subsequent  meetings  in 
Budapest  and  Bern.  We  will  continue  to 
raise  the  issue  in  appropriate  public 
forums,  such  as  the  upcoming  Vienna 
review  conference.  We  strongly  believe 
that  calling  public  attention  to  these 
abuses  of  human  rights  puts  pressure  on 
the  Soviet  Union  to  change  its  restric- 
tive policies.  While  change  cannot  be 
expected  overnight,  we  believe  that  the 
pressure  of  world  public  opinion  over 
time  can  and  will  achieve  results.  In  this 
regard,  we  encourage  Members  of  Con- 
gress and  representatives  of  non- 
governmental organizations  to  add  their 
voices  to  ours  in  condemning  Soviet 
abuses  of  religious  freedom.  We  believe 
it  is  particularly  important  for  brethren 
churches  in  this  country  and  in  other 
countries  around  the  world  to  speak  out 
on  behalf  of  their  suffering  coreligionists 
in  the  Soviet  Union. 

In  addition  to  our  own  public  efforts, 
we  have  raised  and  will  continue  to  raise 
our  concerns  over  Soviet  abuses  of 
religious  freedom  directly  with  Soviet 
authorities.  We  continue  to  make  clear 
to  them  that  these  and  other  human 
rights  abuses  are  serious  obstacles  to  the 
overall  improved  relations  with  the 
Soviet  Union  that  the  United  States 
seeks.  As  I  stated  in  my  testimony  last 
September,  we  cannot  and  will  not 
lessen  our  commitment  to  the  defense  of 
individual  human  rights,  a  commitment 
rooted  deep  in  American  tradition. 


As  this  is  part  two  in  a  series  of  hearings 
on  the  subject  of  religion  in  the  Soviet 
Union,  I  would  like  to  start  out  by  set- 
ting forth  my  understanding  of  the 
significant  difference  between  the  sub- 
ject matter  of  the  first  hearing  and  the 
subject  matter  of  the  present  hearing. 

The  first  hearing  focused  on  the 
treatment  of  Jews  in  the  Soviet  Union. 
Jews,  in  the  Soviet  scheme  of  things,  are 
viewed  not  as  a  religious  group  but  as  an 
ethnic  group  or,  to  use  Soviet  termi- 
nology, as  a  nationality.  Jews  suffer 
discrimination  in  the  Soviet  Union 
because  anti-Semitism— discrimination 
based  purely  on  ancestry— has  become 
state  policy.  Whether  a  Jew  attends 
services  in  a  synagogue  or  in  other  ways 
practices  his  religion  makes  a  marginal 
difference  at  best. 

wember  1986 



The  situation  is  vastly  different  with 
persons  who  practice  the  Christian  faith 
and,  perhaps  to  a  lesser  extent,  also  with 
Muslims.  Soviet  citizens  born  into  ethnic 
groups  that  historically  have  adopted 
Christianity  or  Islam  as  their  religion 
have  the  opportunity  of  rising  to  the 
very  top  of  the  Soviet  Union's  govern- 
mental pyramid,  provided  they  don't 
identify  themselves  with  the  religious 
faith  of  their  ethnic  groups.  If  they  do, 
they  limit  their  opportunities  for 
advancement.  The  severity  of  these 
limitations  is  proportional  to  the  extent 
of  the  person's  religious  involvement. 

In  recent  years,  to  be  sure,  we  have 
heard  eye-witness  reports  from  highly 
respected  American  religious  per- 
sonalities as  to  the  tolerance  of  religious 
observance  in  the  Soviet  Union.  These 
visitors  to  the  Soviet  Union  reported 
accurately  and  fairly  what  they  saw. 
They  were,  of  course,  unable  to  report 
what  was  hidden  from  their  view. 

What  these  recent  visitors  to  the 
Soviet  Union  may  have  thought  they 
might  encounter  was  an  active  crusade 
against  all  forms  of  religion,  a  continu- 
ing deep,  publicly  manifested  commit- 
ment to  atheism.  They  were  pleasantly 
surprised  not  to  encounter  evidence  of 
an  overt  atheistic  campaign.  What  they 
failed  to  understand  fully  is  that  a  newer 
approach  to  the  repression  of  religion 
had  taken  the  place  of  the  earlier  cam- 
paign for  atheistic  doctrine. 

The  Ruling  Class 

Atheism  was  undoubtedly  an  important 
element  of  the  ideological  foundation  on 
which  the  Bolsheviks  erected  their  state. 
But,  like  other  facets  of  that  ideology, 
the  commitment  to  atheism  has  been 
significantly  attenuated.  In  this,  the  69th 
year  of  its  existence,  the  Soviet  state  is 
committed  largely  to  maintaining  in 
power  its  ruling  class,  "The  New  Class," 
as  Milovan  Djilas  called  it. 

It  is  in  this  context  that  the  Soviet 
attitude  toward  religion  can  be  readily 
understood.  To  the  extent  to  which 
religion  can  serve  the  ruling  class,  it  will 
be  used.  To  the  extent  to  which  it  inter- 
feres with  the  objectives  of  the  ruling 
class,  it  will  be  suppressed. 

A  few  years  ago,  Jeane  Kirkpatrick 
reminded  us  all  of  the  significant  differ- 
ence between  totalitarian  and  authoritar- 
ian systems.  She  was  roundly  criticized 
for  her  observations  by  persons  who, 
nevertheless,  were  unable  to  disprove 
the  validity  of  her  thesis.  The  manner  in 
which  religion  is  dealt  with  in  the  Soviet 
Union  offers  an  object  lesson  in  the 
operation  of  a  totalitarian  system. 

The  Soviet  Union's  ruling  class, 
known  as  the  nomenklatura,  consists 
of  the  leaders  of  government,  the 
leaders  of  the  party,  the  leaders  of  the 
military,  and  the  leaders  of  the  various 
governmentally  operated  economic,  edu- 
cational, scientific,  and  cultural  institu- 
tions. What  is  expected  of  this  leader- 
ship group  is  loyalty  to  each  other, 
loyalty  to  the  system  that  maintains 
these  leaders  in  power.  What  is  expected 
of  them  is,  therefore,  a  single-minded 
commitment  which  must  not  be  diluted 
by  a  set  of  potentially  conflicting 
loyalties.  The  practice  of  a  religious  faith 
would  suggest  such  a  conflicting  loyalty 
and  is,  therefore,  deemed  unacceptable. 
It  follows  that  no  known  religious 
believer  may  join  the  nomenklatura. 

Immediately  below  the  leadership 
group  is  the  pool  of  persons  who  have 
been  identified  as  potential  candidates 
for  leadership,  the  lower-ranking 
members  of  the  Communist  Party.  They, 
too,  must  in  this  totalitarian  scheme  be 
free  of  the  danger  of  another  set  of 
loyalties.  Known  religious  believers  are, 
therefore,  disqualified  from  entering  the 
group  that  can  qualify  for  leadership 

But  then  there  is  that  great  mass  of 
people  which  constitutes  the  country's 
rank  and  file.  As  George  Orwell  sug- 
gested in  his  remarkably  prescient 
outline  of  the  future  course  of  a  Leninist 
state,  different  rules  apply  to  the  com- 
mon people.  In  today's  Soviet  Union, 
these  persons  may  engage  in  religious 
observance  as  long  as  that  is  done  in  a 
place  authorized  by  the  government,  at  a 
time  authorized  by  the  government,  and 
in  a  format  authorized  by  the 

Regulating  Religion 

Under  a  statutory  scheme  first  put 
together  in  1929,  religion  may  be  prac- 
ticed in  the  Soviet  Union  under  the 
auspices  of  religious  associations  duly 
licensed  by  the  government  for  this  pur- 
pose. These  licensed  associations  must, 
in  order  to  remain  licensed,  act  in 
accordance  with  the  rules,  regulations, 
and  specific  instructions  of  the  Council 
of  Religious  Affairs,  the  body  that  super- 
vises all  licensed  religious  activities  in 
the  Soviet  Union.  The  council,  in  turn, 
works  through  regional  commissioners, 
with  whom  the  religious  associations 
must  register.  A  commissioner  can 
refuse  to  register  an  association  or  he 
can  cancel  a  registration  without  citing 
any  reason. 

By  utilizing  this  regulatory  scheme, 
the  Soviet  Government  allows  the  per- 

formance of  traditional  rituals,  tradi-  ■ 
tional  prayers,  and  traditional  religioil! 
practices  which  do  not  involve  signifH 
cant  interaction  among  religious 
believers.  To  illustrate  the  point  I  jus  j 
made:  believers  may  pray  together,  nl 
sing  together,  but  they  may  not  enga;| 
in  discussions  on  religious  topics. 

What  is  true  of  the  individual 
believer  is  also  true  of  the  clergy.  The  J 
clergy  may  perform  rituals,  may  lead  I 
congregations  in  prayer,  but  may  not  I 
otherwise  interact  with  believers. 
Moreover  what  is  expected  of  the  clerl 
is  support  of  the  state  when  called  up  I 
including  support  of  the  state's  foreig' 
policy  objectives  at  international  gath  I 
ings  or  on  visits  abroad.  There  are  soi  'I 
clergymen  who  may  perform  the  task  I 
assigned  to  them  by  the  state  out  of  c  I 
viction.  There  are  others  who  view  th  1 
tasks  as  the  price  they  must  pay  in  or  I 
to  be  able  to  carry  on  their  religious 
traditions.  Beyond  that,  it  has  been  si  ( 
gested  that  the  clergy  has  been 
infiltrated  by  the  KGB  and  that  KGB  ] 
operatives  might  even  be  hearing 

So  far  I  have  described  what  in  th> 
Soviet  Union  constitutes  the  authorizt 
practice  of  religion.  That  is  what 
American  religious  personalities  have 
been  able  to  witness  in  the  Soviet  Uni 
It  is  a  new  format  of  an  old  tradition, 
that  of  creating  Potemkin  villages. 

Unlicensed  Activities 

What  the  visitors  don't  see  is  what  got 
on  with  regard  to  religious  observance 
the  Soviet  Union  outside  the  officially 
sanctioned  ceremonial  occasions.  Whai 
they  don't  see  are  the  unlicensed  activ ' 
ties  which  are  carried  on  illegally  and  1 
serious  risk  to  the  participants.  What  t ' 
totalitarian  system  of  the  Soviet  Unior 
does  not  tolerate  is  any  form  of  associc1 
tion  of  individuals  outside  the  duly 
licensed  pattern.  Bible  study  groups, 
religious  discussion  groups,  religious 
gatherings  in  places  not  duly  authorize 
by  the  government,  religious  meetings 
not  authorized  by  the  government, 
religious  events  held  under  the  auspice; 
of  unlicensed  religious  groups  can  all 
lead  to  criminal  prosecution  and  punish 
ment.  To  make  sure  that  the  laws  on  th 
subject  are  enforced,  a  system  of  speck 
volunteer  spy  committees  has  been 
created  whose  job  it  is  to  report 
violators.  These  neighborhood  commit- 
tees, which  are  called  "Public  Commis- 
sions for  Control  Over  Observance  of  tl 
Laws  About  Religious  Cults,"  watch 
over  their  neighbors,  and  they  report 


Department  of  State  Bulleti 


iators  to  the  authorities.  That  is  how 
ingelical  Christians,  Mennonites, 
btists,  Pentecostals,  as  well  as 
■uanian  or  Ukrainian  Catholics  get 
i  trouble,  as  do  those  Russian 
hodox  who  refuse  to  be  coopted  by 

To  the  chagrin  of  the  authorities, 
rest  in  religion  on  the  part  of  the 
iet  people  has  been  on  the  increase  in 
;nt  years.  This  has  included  not  only 
ticipation  in  governmentally  authorized 
jious  observance  but  also  in  what  in 
Soviet  Union  are  deemed  illegal 
jious  activities.  Violations  of  the  law 
e  become  too  numerous  to  permit 
ti  to  be  enforced  rigidly  and  con- 
ently.  As  a  result,  a  good  many  viola- 
is  tend  to  be  ignored.  But  when  the 
B  decides  to  move,  it  clamps  down 
d.  Persons  guilty  of  the  illegal  prac- 
of  religion  are  sent  off  for  many 
rs  to  a  prison,  labor  colony,  or  forced 
i  exile,  often  on  trumped-up  charges, 
i.hose  cases  in  which  it  appears  incon- 
ient  to  invoke  what  in  the  post-Stalin 
l  has  been  called  "socialist  legality," 
nely  a  criminal  proceeding,  the 
|dess  religious  practioner  is  sent  off  to 
:  nstitution  for  the  mentally  ill. 
i  ether  one  device  is  used  or  another,  a 
jiate  of  fear  is  engendered  among 
■•5e  whose  faith  requires  of  them 
i^ious  practice  other  than  that  which 
:  state  has  deigned  to  license. 
Although  the  advocacy  of  atheism  is, 
!  noted  earlier,  no  longer  a  high 
Drity  item  in  the  Soviet  Union,  it  is 
:  the  prevailing  philosophy  in  the 
:ools.  That  is  where  efforts  are  made 
|;eachers  to  indoctrinate  children  with 
:  Soviet  Union's  state  religion  of  com- 
inism  and  where  children  from 
i  eving  families  are  held  up  for 
tcule.  This  is,  therefore,  one  more 
idship  imposed  on  the  families  of 
■gious  believers. 
The  practices  which  I  have  here 
icribed  are  all  in  contravention  of  the 
ivisions  of  such  international  instru- 
cts as  the  Universal  Declaration  of 
iman  Rights  and  the  Declaration 
iainst  Religious  Intolerance, 
■uments  approved  by  the  General 
i;embly  of  the  United  Nations  without 
flection  from  the  Soviet  Union.  They 
»  also  in  violation  of  the  Helsinki  Final 
t,  a  document  subscribed  to  in  1975  by 
;ieral  Secretary  Brezhnev.  What,  we 
H  to  ask  ourselves,  did  the  Soviet 
ion  have  in  mind  when  it  acquiesced 
undertakings  which  it  had  no  inten- 
-l  of  observing?  The  answer  is  that  it 
>bably  considered  it  less  embarrassing 

ITU  Issues  Report  on  Soviet  Jamming 

On  September  12,  the  Department  of 
State  received  a  report  from  the 
Secretariat  of  the  International  Telecom- 
munication Union  (ITU),  a  specialized 
UN  agency,  detailing  their  findings  of 
harmful  interference— jamming— by  the 
U.S.S.R.,  Czechoslovakia,  and  Poland  of 
U.S.  short-wave  broadcasts,  including 
the  Voice  of  America  (VOA)  and  Radio 
Free  Europe/Radio  Liberty  (RFE/RL). 

This  study  was  undertaken  following 
interference  complaints  lodged  in  1984 
and  1985  on  behalf  of  the  U.S.  Govern- 
ment by  Ambassador  Diana  Lady 
Dougan,  U.S.  Coordinator  and  Director 
of  the  Bureau  of  International  Com- 
munications and  Information  Policy. 

The  ITU's  convention  prohibits 
harmful  interference  to  radio  transmis- 
sions that  are  in  accordance  with  the 
radio  regulations.  Utilizing  the  provi- 
sions of  Article  22  of  the  radio  regula- 
tions, the  U.S.  Government  filed  formal 
complaints  through  the  International 
Frequency  Registration  Board  (IFRB), 
which  is  part  of  the  ITU  Secretariat.  The 
IFRB  contacted  the  countries  involved 
and  requested  their  response. 

As  the  Governments  of  the  U.S.S.R., 
Czechoslovakia,  and  Poland  did  not 
respond  to  the  U.S.  complaints,  we  for- 
mally requested  the  IFRB  to  make  a 
study  and  report. 

We  have  now  received  the  IFRB 
report.  It  deals  with  jamming  transmit- 
ters at  specific  locations  operating 
against  specific  frequencies  on  a  daily 

basis  over  a  long  period  of  time  and  iden- 
tifies 37  short-wave  frequencies  on 
which  jamming  transmitters  located  in 
the  U.S.S.R.,  Czechoslovakia,  and 
Poland  were  found  to  be  operating 
against  VOA  and  RFE/RL  broadcasts. 

The  report  is  based  on  independent 
monitoring  data  submitted  by  many 
countries,  and  thus  the  extent  of 
jamming  has  been  documented  in  a 
technical  and  authoritative  way. 

The  IFRB  requested  that  the  offend- 
ing countries  take  appropriate  action  to 
insure  that  in  the  future  they  operate  in 
accordance  with  the  convention  and  in 
conformity  with  the  radio  regulations. 

Commenting  of  the  IFRB  report, 
Ambassador  Diana  Lady  Dougan  said: 

We  are  pleased  that  for  the  first  time  in 
the  long  history  of  Soviet  jamming  and  the 
even  longer  history  of  the  ITU,  the  United 
States  has  been  able  to  secure  formal  recogni- 
tion and  notification  of  Soviet  jamming  from 
the  secretariat  of  a  UN  agency. 

This  report  has  added  considerably  to  our 
arsenal  of  irrefutable  facts  on  Soviet  jam- 
ming. We  hope  it  will  increase  the  pressure  of 
world  opinion  to  get  those  governments  to 
reconsider  their  policies,  cease  violating  inter- 
national obligations,  and  stop  jamming  once 
and  for  all.  Such  a  cessation  would  improve 
the  general  atmosphere  of  East-West  rela- 
tions, comply  with  our  mutual  commitments 
under  the  terms  of  the  Helsinki  Final  Act, 
and  facilitate  cooperation  with  those  govern- 
ments on  a  variety  of  issues,  particularly  in 
the  ITU  where  such  cooperation  is  vital. 

Press  release  182  of  Sept.  18,  1986. 

to  go  along  with  the  text  and  then  ignore 
it  rather  than  to  make  an  issue  of  the 

What  we  who  believe  in  freedom  of 
religion  need  to  do  is  make  it  clear  that 
such  conduct  is  not  acceptable,  that  it 
will  be  noted,  will  be  publicized,  and  the 
Soviet  Union  will  be  criticized  for  its 
failure  to  observe  the  internationally 
recognized  standards  of  freedom  of 

Will  that  make  any  difference?  We 
can't  be  sure.  But  what  we  can  be  sure 
of  is  that  those  persons,  including 
religious  leaders,  who  look  the  other  way 

when  religious  believers  in  the  Soviet 
Union  are  deprived  of  their  rights,  allow 
these  repressive  activities  to  continue. 
Only  by  pointing  out  that  what  is  done  is 
wrong,  by  shining  a  spotlight  on  the 
wrongdoers,  can  we  hope  to  effect 
change.  What  this  committee  is  doing 
today  is  to  shine  a  spotlight  on  the 
problem.  That  is,  indeed,  a  significant 
contribution  to  the  cause  of  freedom. 

'The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearings 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will  be 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 

/ember  1986 



Visit  of  Brazil's  President 

President  Jose  Sarney  of  the 
Federative  Republic  of  Brazil  made  a 
state  visit  to  the  United  States  September 
9-13,  1986,  to  meet  with  President 
Reagan  and  other  government  officials. 

Following  are  remarks  made  by  the 
two  Presidents  at  the  arrival  ceremony  of 
September  10.1 

President  Reagan 

It's  an  honor  to  welcome  President 
Sarney  to  the  United  States  and  to  the 
White  House.  Brazil  is  a  vast  nation  of 
hardy  people,  a  country  which  shares 
with  us  a  frontier  heritage  and  a  spirit  of 
enterprise  and  independence.  As  was 
true  for  our  country,  people  came  to 
Brazil  from  many  parts  of  the  world  to 
make  a  wilderness,  to  better  their  lives, 
and  to  live  in  freedom.  And  since  the 
early  days  of  both  our  nations,  our  coun- 
tries have  enjoyed  bonds  of  commerce 
and  friendship.  I'm  delighted  today  to 
have  this  opportunity  to  meet  with 
President  Sarney,  to  get  to  know  him 
personally,  and  to  discuss  those  issues 
which  arise  between  great  nations. 

President  Sarney  is  leading  Brazil 
during  a  time  of  great  transition, 
political  and  economic.  Its  peaceful 
return  to  democracy,  accomplished  with 

the  good  will  and  cooperation  of  all 
segments  of  Brazilian  society,  has  been  a 
model  which  others  throughout  the 
world,  but  especially  in  this  hemisphere, 
should  follow.  Indeed,  freedom  is  the 
birthright  of  all  Americans,  and  that 
means  every  soul  from  the  North  Slope 
of  Alaska  to  the  tip  of  Tierra  del  Fuego. 
President  Sarney,  we  rejoice  that  Brazil 
has  again  joined  the  ranks  of  free 

And  from  what  we  can  see  and  hear, 
that  joy  is  apparent  in  your  country  also. 
You  described  it  when  you  said:  "Brazil 
has  just  emerged  from  a  long  night.  Her 
eyes  are  not  red  from  nightmares.  On 
her  lips  she  bears  an  open  gesture  of 
confidence  and  a  song  of  love  for 
liberty."  Well,  those  words  were  well 
spoken,  the  words  of  a  poet  and  a  leader 
who  loves  his  people  and  loves  liberty. 
We're  proud  to  have  such  a  man,  and 
such  a  country  as  lovely  as  yours,  as  our 

Today  democracy  flourishes  in 
Brazil.  The  rights  of  each  individual  are 
protected.  Freedoms  of  expression, 
religion,  and  assembly  are  honored,  and 
the  franchise  to  vote  in  fair  and  direct 
elections  has  been  expanded.  And 
though  a  powerful  nation,  your  country 
threatens  no  one.  Brazil  is  at  peace  with 
itself  and  with  its  neighbors. 

And  today  Brazil  is  proving  the  fun- 
damental relationship  between  human 
freedom  and  economic  progress;  they  go 
hand  in  hand.  Your  countrymen  are 
enjoying  robust  economic  growth  and  an 
explosion  of  enterprise.  The  inflation 
rate  is  down  dramatically,  and  it  is 
estimated  that  IV2  million  new  jobs  have 
been  created  in  the  past  year.  Your  com- 
merce with  other  nations  is  surging,  and 
new  confidence  is  apparent  from  the  fac- 
tory to  the  marketplace.  Brazil  has  the 
eighth  largest  economy  in  the  Western 
world  and  is  gaining  on  number  seven. 

But  global  considerations  and  inter- 
national obligations  come  with  such  suc- 
cess. There  can  be  little  doubt  that 
Brazil  is  emerging  as  a  world  power  and 
is  facing  new  challenges  and  responsi- 
bility as  such.  As  two  of  the  world's 
most  energetic  economies,  we  have  a 
stake  in  strengthening  the  world  trading 
system,  protecting  the  viability  of  inter- 
national monetary  and  financial  institu- 
tions, and  promoting  growth  and 
development,  especially  in  the  Third 
World.  The  world  now  has  a  stake  in 
Brazil,  and  Brazil  has  a  stake  in  the 

The  free  flow  of  commerce  betwc 
countries,  for  example,  is  a  vital  fore 
for  progress  on  this  planet  and  is  of 
utmost  importance  to  the  economic 
health  of  our  two  countries.  It  is  up  t 
to  do  our  best  to  keep  those  lines  of  i 
merce  open.  Trade  must  be  free,  and 
must  be  fair.  And  the  fight  for  free  t 
must  start  at  home.  No  nation  can 
expect  to  continue  freely  exporting  t 
others  if  its  own  domestic  markets  a; 
closed  to  foreign  competition.  Prosp* 
must  be  built  not  at  the  expense  of 
others,  but  on  the  principle  of  mutua 

I'm  looking  forward  to  discussing 
this  and  other  issues  of  great  import 
with  you  during  our  meetings  today, 
have  just  scratched  the  surface  of 
cooperation  between  Brazil  and  the 
United  States.  Technology  is  opening 
potential  as  never  imagined  between 
free  peoples  of  the  world.  In  a  few  y< 
the  world  will  not  only  enter  a  new 
decade  but  also  a  new  century  and,  y 
new  millennium.  Brazil  and  the  Uniti 
States  stand  on  that  threshold  togetl 
but  this  is  nothing  new. 

In  1876,  the  United  States 
celebrated  its  centennial,  and  there  t 
help  us  commemorate  our  first  100  y 
was  Dom  Pedro  II  of  Brazil.  Represe 
ing  your  people,  he,  alongside  Presid 
Grant,  inaugurated  the  celebration  a 
helped  send  the  United  States  off  to 
meet  its  destiny. 

President  Sarney,  we're  pleased 
stand  by  you  as  Brazil  is  realizing  th< 
dream  of  those  pioneers  and  immigrc 
who  came  before  us.  They  came  to  B 
and  to  the  United  States.  They  woulc 
want  our  peoples  and  the  leaders  of  c 
countries  to  be  the  best  of  friends.  W 
should  not  and  will  not  let  them  dowi 

President  Sarney 

I  thank  you  for  your  invitation  and  fo 
your  kind  words  which  show  the  righ 
regard  you  have  for  Brazil  and  its  pec 
pie.  I'll  talk  with  you  about  friendship 
and  about  many  subjects,  but  my 
English  is  very  broken.  My  effort  in 
speaking  your  language  is  a  marathoif 
good  will.  I  use  the  word  friendship 
again.  It  says  everything— Brazil,  the 
United  States,  our  peoples,  our  histor 
our  old  relationship.  We  worked 
together,  side  by  side  in  peace  and  in  U 
last  war.  We  will  build  together  the  cJ 
struction  of  the  present  and  of  the 
future.  All  Brazilians  feel  happy  with 
your  invitation.  Our  meeting  reinfore 
democracy  in  Brazil  and  in  Latin 
America— so  I  see  it.  The  only  ideolog 


Department  of  State  Bull  I 


azil  is  democracy.  It  guides  us,  and 
s  permitted  us  to  overcome  the 
\  we  had  to  face  in  the  recent  past, 
■re  now  back  on  our  feet.  We  need 
ds  like  the  United  States.  We  need 
tner  to  grow. 

'resident  Reagan,  we  admire  your 
irmance,  your  strength,  your 
lity,  your  statesmanship.  Your 
ties  inspire  confidence  to  the 
rican  people.  You  gave  a  decisive 
)nal  contribution  to  the  relations 
een  our  two  countries  in  a  moment 
treat  deal  of  uncertainty, 
plow  almost  4  years  after  your  visit, 
il  is  a  different  country,  a  new  coun- 
^onciliation  and  changes  helped  us 
ive  a  peaceful  transition  to  a  free, 
)cratic  government.  We  are  growing 
again.  We  are  meeting  our  obliga- 
;.  Our  people  have  more  jobs  and 
;r  wages.  We  believe,  like  you,  in 
enterprise  as  the  basis  for  develop- 
t.  We  know  that  political  freedom 
lot  survive  when  economic  freedom 
|>nger  exists. 

|fou  once  said  that  Brazil  was  a  force 
vor  of  moderation  and  balance.  We 
Droud  of  that  record.  We  will 
|:ate  all  our  efforts  to  continuing  to 
I  force  for  stability  and  peace. 
Our  meeting  will  mark  a  fresh  start 
lur  relations,  relations  that  are 
d  on  common  goals  and  the  values 
ed  on  a  mutual  respect  for  our 

To  Mrs.  Reagan,  Marly  and  I  wish  to 
[ess  our  most  friendly  greetings, 
iking  her  for  the  very  warm  welcome 
I  which  we  are  being  distinguished. 
Vlr.  President,  in  Brazil  we  say  that 
man  who  has  a  friend  has  two  souls, 
til  and  the  United  States— two  souls 
ne  single  destiny,  the  destiny  of 

Held  at  the  South  Portico  of  the  White 
ne  where  President  Sarney  was  accorded 
imal  welcome  with  full  military  honors 
3  from  Weekly  Compilation  of  Presiden- 
Documents  of  Sept.  15,  1986).  ■ 

Brazil— A  Profile 


Nationality:  Nmni  and  adjective — Brazilian(s). 
Population  (1985):  135  million.  Annual 
growth  rate  (1982):  2.3%.  Density:  14.5  per 
sq.  km.  (37  sq.  mi.).  Ethnic  groups:  Portu- 
guese, Italian,  German,  Japanese.  African, 
American  Indian;  55%  white,  38%  mixed,  6% 
black,  remainder  Indian  or  Asian.  Religion: 
Roman  Catholic  (90%).  Languages:  Portu- 
guese (official),  English.  Education: 
Literacy — 76%  of  adult  population.  Health: 
Infant  mortality  rate  (1981)— 92/1,000.  Life 
expectancy  (1981)— 62.8  yrs.  Work  force  (50 
million,  1984):  Agriculture— 35%.  Industry— 
25%.  Services — 40%.  Trade  Union  member- 
ship—  about  6  million. 



/  french  Atlantic 
uiana    Ocean 


Area:  8.511,965  sq.  km.  (3,290,000  sq.  mi.). 
Cities:  Capital— Brasilia  (pop.  1.4  million. 
1983).  Other  cities— Sao  Paulo  (8.5  million), 
Km  de  Janeiro  (5.1  million).  Belo  Horizonte 
(1.86  million).  Salvador  (1.5  million).  For- 
taleza(1.3  million).  Recife  (1.2  million),  Porto 
Alegre  (11  million).  Novo  [guacu  (1.1 
million),  Curitiba  (1.0  million).  Terrain:  Dense 
forest;  semiarid  scrubland;  rugged  hills  and 
mountains,  rolling  plains;  and  coastal  strip. 
Climate:  Mostly  tropical  or  semitropical  with 
temperate  zone  in  the  south. 


Type:  Federal  republic.  Independence: 
September  7,  1822.  Constitution:  Janu- 
ary 24.  1967. 

Branches:  Executil't — president  (chief  of 
state  and  head  of  government)  elected  to  a 
single  6-yr.  term.  Legislative— Senate  (69 
members  elected  to  8-yr.  terms).  Chamber  of 

Deputies  (479  members  elected  to  4-yr. 
terms).  Judicial — Supreme  Federal  Tribunal. 

Political  parties:  Party  of  the  Brazilian 
Democratic  Movement  (PMDB),  Liberal 
Front  Party  (PFL),  Democratic  Social  Party 
(PDS),  Democratic  Workers  Party  (PDT), 
Workers  Party  (PT),  Brazilian  Labor  Party 
(PTB).  Suffrage:  Compulsory  over  18. 

Subdivisions:  23  states,  3  territories, 
federal  district  (Brasilia). 

Defense:  7%  of  government  budget. 


CDP  (1984):  $218  billion  (agriculture  12%.  in- 
dustry 38%,  services  50%).  Annual  growth 
rate  (1984):  +4%.  Per  capita  GDP  (1984): 

Natural  resources:  Iron  ore.  manganese, 
bauxite,  nickel,  uranium,  gemstones. 

Agriculture:  Products — coffee,  soybeans, 
sugarcane,  cocoa,  rice.  beef,  corn,  oranges. 
Limit— 17%  arable,  cultivable,  or  pasture. 

Industry:  Types — steel,  chemicals, 
petrochemicals,  machinery,  motor  vehicles, 
consumer  durables,  cement,  lumber,  ship- 

Trade  (1984):  Exports— $21  billion: 
manufactures  67.5%;  primary  products, 
32.5%.  Major  markets  (1983)— I'S  23%.  FRG 
5.2%,  Japan  6.5%,  Netherlands  5.7%.  Argen- 
tina 3.0%,  USSR  3.0%.  Imports— $13.9 
billion:  crude  oil  48%.  capital  goods  18%.  raw 
materials  26%.  consumer  goods  4.5%.  Major 
non-oil  suppliers  —  US  16%,  Japan  6%,  FRG 
5%,  Italy  3%.  Argentina  3%. 

Official  exchange  rate  (July  1985):  6.420 
cruzeiros  =  US$1  (changes  frequently). 

Fiscal  year:  Calendar  year. 

Foreign  Investment  (registered  with 
Central  Bank.  1983):  $22.3  billion. 
Sources— US  $7.2  billion,  FRG  $2.6  billion, 
Switzerland  $1.9  billion,  Japan  $1.8  billion. 

Membership  in  International 

UN  and  some  of  its  specialized  agencies, 
Organization  of  American  States  (OAS),  Rio 
Pact.  Latin  American  Integration  Association 
(ALADI),  International  Sugar  Organization 
(ISO),  International  Cocoa  Organization  (IC- 
CO),  INTELSAT,  Group  of  77. 

Taken  from  the  Background  Notes  of  Sept. 
1985,  published  by  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  Department  of  State.  Editor:  Juanita 
Adams.  ■ 

cember  1986 



U.S. -Brazil  Relations 


Brazil  borders  on  all  but  two  South 
American  countries  and  is  the  largest 
and  most  populous  nation  in  Latin 
America.  Its  geographic  and  demo- 
graphic preeminence,  its  rapidly  develop- 
ing economy,  its  wealth  of  natural 
resources  and  large  industrial  base,  and 
its  growing  role  in  world  affairs  make 
Brazil  of  paramount  interest  to  the 
United  States. 

Bilateral  Relations 

In  1822  the  United  States  was  the  first 
country  to  recognize  newly  independent 
Brazil  as  a  nation.  Brazil's  ties  with  the 
United  States  were  particularly  strong 
during  World  War  II;  Brazil  protected 
Allied  shipping  lanes  in  the  South  Atlan- 
tic, and  its  Expeditionary  Force  under- 
took an  active  combat  role  in  Italy.  Dur- 
ing the  1950s  and  1960s,  Brazil  received 
almost  $2.4  billion  in  U.S.  economic 
assistance.  Relations  in  the  mid-to-late 
1970s  were  troubled  by  frictions  over 
human  rights  and  nonproliferation 
issues.  Brazil  abrogated  bilateral 
military  agreements  with  the  United 
States,  and  we  phased  out  assistance 

Presidents  Figueiredo  and  Reagan 
exchanged  state  visits  in  1982,  and  rela- 
tions improved  markedly.  We  have 
welcomed  Brazil's  return  to  democracy 
following  21  years  of  military  rule  and 
have  few  significant  political  differences. 
However,  the  rapid  growth  of  Brazil's 
economy  and  its  integration  into  the 
world  economy  have  led  to  bilateral 
strains.  Brazil's  large  debt,  roughly  a 
third  of  which  is  held  by  U.S.  private  or 
official  institutions,  is  a  matter  of  con- 
cern. In  addition,  trade  problems  similar 
to  those  the  U.S.  faces  with  Japan,  the 
European  Community,  and  other 
advanced  developing  countries  have  been 
a  source  of  friction.  The  most  prominent 
of  these  problems  has  been  in  the  area  of 
computers  and  computer-related 
materials  ("informatics"),  where  the 
United  States  is  seeking  to  reduce 
increasing  barriers  to  Brazil's  potentially 
lucrative  market. 

Political  Situation 

Following  nearly  two  decades  of 
military-dominated  government,  in  1982 
Brazil  elected  by  popular  vote  a  federal 
Congress,  state  governors,  and  other 

state  and  municipal  officers.  On  Janu- 
ary 15,  1985,  an  electoral  college  elected 
a  new  civilian  president— the  popular 
former  governor  of  Minas  Gerais  state, 
Tancredo  Neves.  In  March  1985,  on  the 
eve  of  his  inauguration,  Neves  fell  ill  and 
died  without  taking  office.  Vice 
President-elect  Jose  Sarney  became 
president.  President  Sarney  has  since 
established  himself  as  a  major  political 
figure  in  his  own  right.  A  large  part  of 
his  popularity  arises  from  his  boldness  in 
implementing  the  sweeping  economic 
stabilization  program  mentioned  below. 
Brazilians  will  go  to  the  polls  again 
on  November  15,  1986.  They  will  elect  a 
new  Congress,  state  governors,  and 
legislatures.  The  new  Congress  will 
serve  as  a  constituent  assembly  and  will 
write  a  new  constitution,  which  is 
expected  to  consolidate  and  institu- 
tionalize Brazil's  democracy. 

Economic  Situation 

As  the  world's  eighth  largest  free- 
market  economy,  Brazil's  performance 
has  begun  to  match  its  potential.  Brazil 
has  recovered  in  spectacular  fashion 
from  its  1981-83  recession,  and  its  1985 
economic  growth  of  8.3%  was  the 
world's  highest.  Driven  in  large  part  by 
the  need  to  service  its  $102  billion 
foreign  debt,  Brazil's  trade  performance 
has  been  strong,  as  demonstrated  by  its 
1985  trade  surplus  of  $12.5  billion 
($5  billion  with  the  United  States). 
Brazilian  exports  increasingly  reflect 
Brazil's  strong  technological  capabilities 
and  large  industrial  base,  often  making 
it  a  competitor  of  the  United  States  in 
third-country  markets. 

Domestically  President  Sarney 
attacked  Brazil's  chronic  inflation  in 
February  with  the  sweeping  "cruzado 
plan,"  under  which  prices  and  wages 
were  frozen,  a  new  currency  (the 
cruzado)  created,  and  the  indexation  of 
wages  and  financial  assets  halted.  In 
July  he  announced  further  measures 
intended  to  stimulate  investment  and 
maintain  economic  growth.  Among  these 
was  the  creation  of  a  National  Invest- 
ment Fund  to  be  financed  by  compulsory 
loans  to  the  government  assessed  on 
purchases  of  gasoline,  automobiles,  and 
airline  tickets. 

Brazil's  large  population  (137 
million),  growing  economy,  and  rich 
resource  base  present  the  United  States 
with  important  commercial  oppor- 
tunities. Already  a  major  focus  of  U.S. 
overseas  investment,  Brazil  is  an  enor- 
mous potential  market  for  U.S.  goods 
and  services. 

Brazil's  foreign  debt  of  $102  bill 
makes  it  the  developing  world's  larg 
debtor.  Its  commercial  debt  manage 
has  been  responsible.  Brazil  has  mai> 
tained  good  relations  with  its  credit: 
and  has  refrained  from  taking  unilar 
action  to  restrict  commercial  debt 
payments.  Relations  with  official 
creditors  have  not  been  as  good.  Br; 
has  withheld  some  payments  out  of 
expectation  that  creditors  would  ag 
to  a  rescheduling  on  terms  similar  t 
earlier  agreement.  These  creditors, 
including  the  United  States,  have  m 
been  in  a  position  to  agree  to  Brazil 

Taken  from  the  GIST  series  of  Sept  ., 
1986,  published  by  the  Bureau  of  Public  I 
Affairs,  Department  of  State.  Editor:  H I 
Culley.  ■ 

Cuba:  New  Migratic 
and  Embargo 

AUG.  22,  1986' 

President  Reagan  has  approved  a  s« 
of  measures  to  improve  the  effective 
of  the  current  U.S.  embargo  of  Cubs 
These  measures  will  make  it  more  d 
ficult  for  the  Government  of  Cuba  tei 
obtain  U.S.  dollars  and  American  g( 
by  unlawful  means.  The  objective  is 
tighten  enforcement  of  the  embargo 
denying  to  the  Castro  regime  econoi 
benefits  from  the  United  States  whii 
Castro  continues  to  ignore  internati' 
obligations  and  to  pursue  policies 
inimical  to  U.S.  interests. 

Among  the  measures  approved  \ 
the  President  are  crackdowns  on  tra 
with  Cuban  front  companies  located 
Panama  and  elsewhere  which  attemj 
evade  the  U.S.  trade  embargo.  The 
measures  also  foresee  closer  controls 
organizations  which  organize  or  proi 
travel  to  Cuba,  as  well  as  the  transir 
sion  of  money  or  goods  to  Cuba.  The 
Castro  regime  controls  all  convertibi 
currency  sent  to  Cuba  and  provides 
Cuban  recipients  only  a  small  share  < 
the  value  of  the  money  or  goods  senl 

At  the  same  time,  the  President 
issuing  a  proclamation  to  prevent  thi 
Cuban  Government  from  trafficking 
human  beings  by  charging  citizens  ai 


Department  of  State  Bui* 


lents  of  the  United  States  thousands 
dlars  to  finance  the  indirect  travel  of 
•  Cuban  relatives  to  the  United 
2S  through  third  states.  One  objec- 
of  this  measure  is  to  deny  the 
ro  regime  the  benefits  of  the  Mariel 
ement  on  migration  of  December 
,  which  the  Cubans  suspended  on 
1985.  Under  the  Mariel  agreement, 
in  immigrants  could  receive  visas  in 
J.S.  Interests  Section  in  Havana, 
Cuba  was  obliged  in  turn  to  accept 
xcludables  from  the  1980  Mariel 

The  proclamation  prevents  the 
ince  of  preference  immigrant  visas 
srsons  who  leave  Cuba  and  go  to 
i  countries.  Preference  visa  process- 
stopped  in  the  U.S.  Interests  Section 
avana  after  Cuba  suspended  the 
ration  agreement,  but  the  Cuban 
ernment  has  exploited  the  loophole 
allows  Cubans  to  obtain  visas  in 
i  countries.  This  often  involves  pay- 
|  of  bribes  to  Cuban  and  other 
ign  officials  in  an  effort  to  circum- 
;  U.S.  policy.  The  proclamation  will 
e  this  loophole. 

These  measures  will  not  affect  the 
ting  policy  of  the  U.S.  Government 
feist  long-term  political  prisoners 
are  permitted  by  the  Castro  regime 
:ave  Cuba.  The  United  States  will 
;inue  to  facilitate  their  departure 
i  Cuba  and  entry  into  the  United 
;es  on  humanitarian  grounds. 

Read  to  news  correspondents  by  Depart  - 
t  acting  spokesman  Charles  Redman.  ■ 

Arrival  of  Cuban 
Political  Prisoners 

SEPT.  12,  1986' 

We  are  pleased  to  announce  that  over 
100  current  and  former  political 
prisoners  and  family  members  are  being 
allowed  to  leave  Cuba  and  are  expected 
to  travel  from  Havana  to  Miami  on  a 
charter  flight  Monday,  September  15. 
Many  of  these  persons  are  political 
prisoners  who  were  on  a  list  which  the 
Cuban  Government  communicated  to  the 
U.S.  Catholic  Conference.  Before  this,  in 
January  1985,  U.S.  Catholic  bishops  had 
asked  the  Cuban  Government  to  release 
a  large  number  of  long-term  political 
prisoners.  Some  of  these  were  on  the 
Cuban  list,  but  many  which  the  U.S. 
Catholic  Conference  had  asked  be 
released  remain  in  prison  or  have  not 
been  granted  permission  to  leave.  Some 
persons  on  the  Cuban  list  did  not  wish  to 
leave  Cuba  or  have  died  or  are  too  ill  to 
travel.  In  addition  the  group  expected  on 
Monday  contains  persons  whose  release 
was  requested  by  Jacques  Cousteau 
[French  marine  explorer,  writer,  and 
film  producer]  and  who  were  found 
ready  to  travel.  The  remaining  persons 
are  family  members. 

The  Intergovernmental  Committee 
for  Migration  (ICM)  has  arranged 
transportation  from  Havana  to  Miami, 
while  the  U.S.  Catholic  Conference  is 
taking  primary  responsibility  for 
meeting  and  sponsoring  the  group  in  the 
United  States.  We  owe  both  these 
organizations  a  special  word  of  apprecia- 
tion for  their  efforts. 

Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for 
Inter-American  Affairs  Elliott  Abrams 
and  Deputy  Commissioner  of  Immigra- 
tion Thomas  Ferguson  will  be  on  hand  to 
welcome  them  to  the  United  States. 
They  will  be  joined  by  Federal,  State, 
and  local  officials,  representatives  of  the 
Cuban-American  community,  and  the 
Catholic  Church. 

Officials  from  the  Immigration  and 
Naturalization  Service  and  the 
Department  of  State  recently  inter- 
viewed these  persons  in  Havana.  None 
of  the  political  prisoners  whom  they 
were  able  to  interview  was  denied.  We 
expect  that  additional  political  prisoners 
and  family  members  who  either  have  not 
yet  been  interviewed  or  are  not  yet 
ready  to  travel  will  be  admitted  in  the 
near  future. 

We  share  the  joy  of  relatives  and 
friends  who  will  be  welcoming  these 
valiant  individuals  who  have  suffered  so 
many  years  in  Cuban  prisons.  The 
United  States  will  continue— as  has  been 
our  longstanding  policy— to  encourage 
the  release  of  long-term  political 
prisoners  in  Cuba.  Those  who  are  per- 
mitted by  the  Castro  regime  to  leave 
Cuba  and  who  wish  to  come  to  the 
United  States  will  be  considered  for 
admission  as  quickly  as  circumstances 

SEPT.  15,  1986' 

The  United  States  is  extremely  happy  to 
welcome  to  the  United  States  the  former 
Cuban  political  prisoners  and  family 
members  who  arrived  in  Miami  this 
morning.  Many  of  these  courageous  indi 
viduals  suffered  for  more  than  20  years 
in  Cuban  prisons.  Some  of  them  were 
still  in  prison  as  recently  as  last  week. 

We  share  the  joy  of  the  former 
prisoners  and  their  families  and  friends 
who  have  waited  so  long  for  their 
freedom.  We  extend  best  wishes  to  them 
all  as  they  begin  their  new  lives  in  the 
United  States. 

Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for 
Inter- American  Affairs  Elliott  Abrams 
and  Deputy  Commissioner  of  Immigra- 
tion Thomas  Ferguson  welcomed  the 
group  on  behalf  of  the  U.S.  Government. 
They  were  joined  by  other  Federal, 
State,  and  local  officials,  as  well  as 
representatives  of  the  Cuban-American 
community  and  the  Catholic  Church  at 
the  early  morning  arrival  at  the  interna- 
tional airport  in  Miami. 

We  reiterate  that  the  United  States 
will  continue— as  has  been  longstanding 
policy  of  the  United  States— to  encour- 
age the  release  of  the  long-term  political 
prisoners  in  Cuba.  Those  who  are  per- 
mitted by  the  Castro  regime  to  leave 
Cuba  and  who  wish  to  come  to  the 
United  States  will  be  considered  for 
admission  as  quickly  as  circumstances 

We  also  call  on  the  Cuban  Govern- 
ment to  terminate  its  suspension  of  the 
Mariel  immigration  agreement  which 
would  allow  the  resumption  of  normal 
migration  of  Cubans  to  the  United 

■Read  to  news  correspondents  by  Depart- 
ment acting  spokesman  Charles  Redman. 

2Read  to  news  correspondents  by  Depart- 
ment spokesman  Bernard  Kalb.  ■ 

vember  1986 



Current  Actions 



Convention  on  the  recognition  and  enforce- 
ment of  foreign  arbitral  awards.  Done  at  New 
York  June  10,  1958.  Entered  into  force  June 
7,  1959;  for  the  U.S.  Dec.  29,  1970.  TIAS 

Accession  deposited:  Singapore,  Aug.  21, 

Inter-American  convention  on  international 

commercial  arbitration.  Done  at  Panama  City 

Jan.  30,  1975.  Entered  into  force  June  16, 


Ratification  deposited:  Guatemala,  Aug.  20, 



Convention  on  the  conservation  of  Antarctic 

marine  living  resources,  with  annex  for  an 

arbitral  tribunal.  Done  at  Canberra  May  20, 

1980.  Entered  into  force  Apr.  7,  1982.  TIAS 


Accessions  deposited:  Brazil,  Jan.  28,  1986; 

Spain,  Apr.  9,  1984;  Sweden,  June  6,  1984. 

Diplomatic  Relations 

Vienna  Convention  on  diplomatic  relations. 
Done  at  Vienna  Apr.  18,  1961.  Entered  into 
force  Apr.  24,  1964;  for  the  U.S.  Dec.  13, 
1972.  TIAS  7502. 
Accession  deposited;  Qatar,  June  6,  1986. 2 


Articles  of  agreement  of  the  International 
Bank  for  Reconstruction  and  Development 
formulated  at  Bretton  Woods  Conference 
July  1-22,  1944.  Entered  into  force  Dec.  27, 
1945.  TIAS  1502. 

Signature  and  acceptance  deposited:  Kiribati, 
Sept.  29,  1986. 

International  Court  of  Justice 

Declaration  recognizing  as  compulsory  the 

jurisdiction  of  the  International  Court  of 

Justice  under  Art.  36,  para.  2  of  the  Statute 

of  the  Court.  TIAS  1598. 

Declaration  deposited:  Honduras,  June  6, 


Judicial  Procedure 

Convention  on  the  civil  aspects  of  interna- 
tional child  abduction.  Done  at  The  Hague 
Oct.  25,  1980.  Entered  into  force  Dec.  1, 

Extended  to:  Province  of  Saskatchewan  by 
Canada,  Aug.  11,  1986.2'3 


International  agreement  on  jute  and  jute 
products,  1982,  with  annexes.  Done  at 
Geneva  Oct.  1,  1982.  Entered  into  force  pro- 
visionally Jan.  9,  1984. 

Entered  into  force  definitively:  Aug.  26,  1986. 
Accession  deposited:  Poland,  Aug.  26,  1986. 

Marine  Pollution 

Protocol  of  1978  relating  to  the  international 
convention  for  the  prevention  of  pollution 
from  ships,  1973.  Done  at  London  Feb.  17, 
1978.  Entered  into  force  Oct.  2,  1983. 
Accession  deposited:  Egypt,  Aug.  7,  1986. 

Maritime  Matters 

International  convention  on  standards  of 

training,  certification,  and  watchkeeping  for 

seafarers,  1978.  Done  at  London  July  7,  1978. 

Entered  into  force  Apr.  28,  1984. ' 

Accession  deposited:  New  Zealand,  July  30, 


International  convention  for  the  safety  of  life 

at  sea,  1974,  with  annex.  Done  at  London 

Nov.  1,  1974.  Entered  into  force  May  25, 

1980.  TIAS  9700. 

Accession  deposited:  Malta,  Aug.  8,  1986. 


Convention  for  the  protection  of  the  ozone 

layer,  with  annexes.  Done  at  Vienna  Mar.  22, 


Ratification  deposited:  U.S.,  Aug.  29,  1986. 


Third  additional  protocol  to  the  constitution 
of  the  Universal  Postal  Union  of  July  10, 
1964,  general  regulations  with  annex,  and  the 
universal  postal  convention  with  final  protocol 
and  detailed  regulations.  Done  at  Hamburg 
July  27,  1984.  Entered  into  force  Jan.  1, 
1986;  for  the  U.S.  June  6,  1986. 
Ratifications  deposited:  Germany,  Fed.  Rep. 
of,  Aug.  20,  1986;6  Korea,  Rep.  of,  Aug.  5, 
1986;  Malaysia,  Aug.  13,  1986;  Thailand, 
Aug.  27,  1986;  U.K.,  July  15,  1986.7 

Money  orders  and  postal  travellers'  checks 
agreement,  with  detailed  regulations  with 
final  protocol.  Done  at  Hamburg  July  27, 
1984.  Entered  into  force  Jan.  1,  1986;  for  the 
U.S.  June  6,  1986. 

Approvals  deposited :  Korea,  Rep.  of,  Aug.  5, 
1986;  Thailand,  Aug.  27,  1986. 
Ratification  deposited:  Germany,  Fed.  Rep. 
of,  Aug.  20,  1986.6 

Postal  parcels  agreement  with  final  protocol 
and  detailed  regulations.  Done  at  Hamburg 
July  27,  1984.  Entered  into  force  Jan.  1, 
1986;  for  the  U.S.  June  6,  1986. 
Approvals  deposited:  Korea,  Rep.  of,  Aug.  5, 
1986;  Malaysia,  Aug.  13,  1986;  Thailand,  Aug. 
27,  1986;  U.K.,  July  15,  1986.7 
Ratification  deposited:  Germany,  Fed.  Rep. 
of,  Aug.  20,  1986.6 

Prisoner  Transfer 

Convention  on  the  transfer  of  sentenced  per- 
sons. Done  at  Strasbourg  Mar.  21,  1983. 
Entered  into  force  July  1,  1985. 
Extended  to:  Isle  of  Man  by  the  U.K.3 
Ratificationdeposited:  Cyprus,  Apr.  18,  1986. 

Satellite  Communications  System 

Agreement  relating  to  INTELSAT,  with 
annexes.  Done  at  Washington  Aug.  20,  1971. 
Entered  into  force  Feb.  12,  1973.  TIAS  7532. 
Accessions  deposited:  Mauritius,  Rwanda, 
Sept.  2,  1986. 

Operating  agreement  relating  to  INTEL 
with  annex.  Done  at  Washington  Aug.  2l 
1971.  Entered  into  force  Feb.  12,  1973. 

Signatures:  Overseas  Telecommunicatioi 
Services  Co.,  Ltd.  of  Mauritius,  Mauritiu 
Ministere  des  Transports  et  des  CommuiJ 
tions  de  la  Republique  Rwandaise,  Rwan 
Sept.  2,  1986. 

Seabed  Disarmament 

Treaty  on  the  prohibition  of  the  emplacei 
of  nuclear  weapons  and  other  weapons  o: 
mass  destruction  on  the  seabed  and  the  c 
floor  and  in  the  subsoil  thereof.  Done  at 
Washington,  London,  and  Moscow  Feb.  ! 
1971.  Entered  into  force  May  18,  1972. 1 
Accession  deposited:  Jamaica,  July  30,  li 


International  convention  against  the  taki 
hostages.  Done  at  New  York  Dec.  17,  191 
Entered  into  force  June  3,  1983;  for  the 
Jan.  6,  1985. 

Accession  deposited:  Dominica,  Sept.  9, 
Ratification  Deposited:  Austria,  Aug.  22, 


Agreement  on  trade  in  civil  aircraft.  Don 
Geneva  Apr.  12,  1979.  Entered  into  forc< 
Jan.  1,  1980.  TIAS  9620. 
Acceptance  deposited:  Spain,  Aug.  6,  19S' 

Trade— Textiles 

Protocol  extending  the  arrangement  of  De 
1973,  (TIAS  7840)  regarding  internation; 
trade  in  textiles.  Done  at  Geneva  July  31 
1986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  1,  1986;  fo 
U.S.  Aug.  5,  1986. 
Acceptances  deposited:  Hong  Kong,  I'ruj 
Sept.  8,  1986;  Japan,  Sept.  2,  1986;  Mexi. 
Aug.  25,  1986;  Sri  Lanka,  Aug.  8,  1986;  I 
Aug.  5,  1986. 


Convention  on  the  elimination  of  all  form: 
discrimination  against  women.  Done  at 
York  Dec.  18,  1979.  Entered  into  force 
3,  19811. 
Ratification  deposited:  Finland,  Sept.  4,  1 




Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  Mi 
1982,  as  amended  (TIAS  10483,  10642)  fo: 
sales  of  agricultural  commodities.  Effected 
exchange  of  letters  at  Dhaka  Aug.  28,  198, 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  28,  1986. 


Memorandum  of  understanding  concernin ' 
the  development,  installation,  and  operatif 
of  a  seismic  data  acquisition  system.  Sigw , 
at  Reston  and  Gaborone  June  16  and  Aug.; 
1986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  13,  1986. 


Department  of  State  Bull ' 



ement  amending  the  treaty  concerning 
ic  salmon  of  Jan.  28,  1985.  Effected  by 
inge  of  notes  at  Ottawa  May  5  and  Aug. 
986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  13,  1986; 
tive  Mar.  18.  1986. 

ement  concerning  exports  of  luggage  to 
Jnited  States.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
i  at  Washington  Sept.  8  and  9,  1986. 
red  into  force  Sept.  9,  1986. 


cement  extending  agreement  of  July  1 
kug.  11,  1982,  (TIAS  10543)  as  amended, 
ing  to  trade  in  cotton,  wool,  and  man- 
;  fiber  textiles  and  textile  products, 
cted  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Washington 
30  and  Aug.  6,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
6,  1986;  effective  July  1.  1986. 


:ement  concerning  exports  of  certain  tex- 
)roducts  to  the  United  States.  Effected 
icchange  of  notes  at  Prague  June  25,  July 
d  22,  1986.  Entered  into  force  July  22, 
;  effective  June  1,  1986. 

jiinican  Republic 

transport  agreement,  with  annexes. 

ed  at  Santo  Domingo  July  22,  1986. 

rs  into  force  on  exchange  of  notes 
jirming  completion  of  any  necessary  con- 

tional  requirements. 

;ement  relating  to  agreement  of  May  15, 
.,  for  the  sale  of  agricultural  commodities. 
ed  at  Santo  Domingo  Aug.  18,  1986. 
:rs  into  force  on  the  date  of  notes  indicat- 
:ompletion  of  all  necessary  internal  pro- 
Ires  of  importing  country. 

lopean  Communities 

[?ement  amending  the  arrangement  of 
!  21,  1982,  as  amended  and  extended,  con- 
ling  trade  in  certain  steel  products,  with 
ichments  and  agreed  minutes.  Effected  by 
jiange  of  letters  at  Washington  and 
(ssels  Sept.  5,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
It.  5,  1986;  effective  Sept.  15,  1986. 


jeement  for  cooperation  with  respect  to 
►operation  of  distribution  license  systems, 
fected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Paris  Sept. 
,986.  Entered  into  force  Sept.  5,  1986. 

<many.  Federal  Republic  of 

.angement  extending  the  arrangement  of 
i  6,  1981,  for  the  exchange  of  technical 
irmation  and  cooperation  in  nuclear  safety 
liters.  Signed  at  Washington  July  17,  1986. 
Sered  into  force  July  17,  1986;  effective 
f 6,  1986. 


festment  incentive  agreement.  Effected  by 
flange  of  notes  at  Bissau  Aug.  14  and  15, 
55.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  20,  1986. 


Agreement  for  sales  of  agricultural  com- 
modities. Signed  at  Georgetown  Aug.  7,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  7,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  and  extending  agree- 
ment of  Feb.  15  and  25,  1983,  (TIAS  10666) 
as  amended,  relating  to  trade  in  wool  textile 
and  textile  products.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
notes  at  Budapest  Aug.  15  and  25,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  25,  1986. 


Treaty  to  facilitate  defense  relationship,  with 
related  memorandum  of  understanding. 
Signed  at  New  York  Sept.  24,  1986.  Enters 
into  force  upon  the  exchange  of  instruments 
of  ratification  at  Reykjavik. 


Grant  agreement  for  child  survival  health 
support  project.  Signed  at  New  Delhi  Aug  29, 
1986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  29,  1986. 


Agreement  relating  to  trade  in  textiles  with 
annexes.  Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at 
Washington  Aug.  27,  1986.  Entered  into 
force  Aug.  27,  1986;  effective  Sept.  1,  1986. 

Administrative  arrangement  relating  to  visa 
and  certification  procedures  for  textile  prod- 
ucts. Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at 
Washington  Aug.  27,  1986.  Entered  into 
force  Aug.  27,  1986;  effective  Sept.  1,  1986. 

Agreements  amending  the  agreement  of  Jan. 
15,  1986,  for  sale  of  agricultural  commodities. 
Effected  by  exchanges  of  notes  at  Kingston 
May  29  and  June  4,  1986,  and  Aug.  18  and 
27,  1986.  Entered  into  force  June  4  and  Aug. 
18,  1986. 


Air  transport  agreement,  with  annex.  Signed 
at  Luxembourg  Aug.  19,  1986.  Enters  into 
force  on  a  date  to  be  determined  upon  com- 
pletion of  all  necessary  internal  procedures  by 
both  parties. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  Sept. 
27,  1985,  as  amended,  for  sales  of  agricultural 
commodities.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes 
at  Antananarivo  July  2  and  Aug.  8,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  8,  1986. 


Agreement  relating  to  and  amending  the 
agreement  of  July  13,  1985,  for  the  sale  of 
agricultural  commodities.  Signed  at  Male 
Aug.  25,  1986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  25, 


Agreement  relating  to  the  AM  broadcasting 
service  in  the  medium  frequency  band,  with 
annexes.  Signed  at  Mexico  Aug.  28,  1986. 
Enters  into  force  on  the  date  both  parties 
notify  they  have  concluded  their  respective 
constitutional  procedures. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  May 
27,  1986,  for  sales  of  agricultural  commod- 
ities. Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at  Rabat 
July  24,  1986.  Entered  into  force  July  24, 


Administrative  arrangement  relating  to  a  visa 
system  for  exports  of  Nepalese  textile  prod- 
ucts. Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at 
Kathmandu  July  28  and  Aug.  18,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  18,  1986;  effective 
Oct.  1,  1986. 


Fourth  amendatory  agreement  to  agreement 
of  Apr.  13,  1982,  (TIAS  10378)  for 
agricultural  commodities  and  equipment. 
Signed  at  Islamabad  July  15,  1986.  Entered 
into  force  July  15,  1986. 

Fourth  amendatory  agreement  to  agreement 
of  May  23,  1983,  (TIAS  10724)  for  rural  elec- 
trification. Signed  at  Islamabad,  July  8,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  July  8,  1986. 


Agreement  relating  to  and  amending  the 
agreement  of  Apr.  17,  1985,  with  memoran- 
dum of  understanding,  for  the  sale  of 
agricultural  commodities.  Signed  at  Lima 
Aug.  11,  1986.  Entered  into  force  Aug.  11, 


Agreement  regarding  the  consolidation  and 
rescheduling  of  certain  debts  owed  to, 
guaranteed  by,  or  insured  by  the  U.S. 
Government  and  its  agencies.  Signed  at 
Warsaw  July  29,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
Sept.  8,  1986. 

Sri  Lanka 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  Oct. 
23,  1985,  as  amended,  for  the  sale  of 
agricultural  commodities.  Effected  by 
exchange  of  notes  at  Colombo  Aug.  25.  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  25,  1986. 

Agreement  amending  agreement  of  May  10, 
1983,  as  amended,  relating  to  trade  in  cotton, 
wool,  and  manmade  fiber  textiles  and  textile 
products.  Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at 
Colombo  July  29  and  Aug.  4,  1986.  Entered 
into  force  Aug.  4,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  agreement  of  Oct.  18, 
1985,  concerning  trade  in  certain  textile  prod- 
ucts, with  annexes.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
notes  at  Ankara  July  30  and  Aug.  1,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  1,  1986;  effective 
July  1,  1985. 


Agreement  extending  the  agreement  of  Nov. 
26.  1976,  as  amended  and  extended  (TIAS 
8528,  10531,  10532,  10696),  concerning 
fisheries  off  the  coasts  of  the  United  States. 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Washington 
May  16  and  June  17,  1986.  Enters  into  force 

wember  1986 



following  written  confirmation  of  the  comple- 
tion of  internal  procedures  of  both 

United  Kingdom 

Agreement  extending  the  agreement  of  Sept. 
20,  1976,  as  amended  and  extended  (TIAS 
10213),  in  the  field  of  liquid  metal-cooled  fast 
breeder  reactors.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
letters  at  Washington  and  Risley  Aug.  26  and 
Sept.  2,  1986.  Entered  into  force  Sept.  2, 

Agreement  concerning  the  Turks  and  Caicos 
Islands  and  narcotics  activities,  with  annex 
and  forms.  Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at 
Washington  Sept.  18,  1986.  Enters  into  force 
on  date  U.K.  notifies  U.S.  in  writing  that  the 
Turks  and  Caicos  legislation  implementing 
this  agreement  has  come  into  effect. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  Feb. 
18,  1986,  for  the  sale  of  agricultural  com- 
modities. Signed  at  Sanaa  July  26,  1986. 
Entered  into  force  July  26,  1986. 


Agreement  regarding  the  consolidation  and 
rescheduling  of  certain  debts  owed  to, 
guaranteed  by,  or  insured  by  the  U.S. 
Government  and  its  agencies.  Signed  at 
Lusaka  July  25,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
Aug.  28,  1986. 



174       9/12 

■Not  in  force  for  the  U.S. 

zWith  reservation(s). 

3With  declaration(s). 

'Applicable  to  Cook  Islands  and  Niue;  not 
extended  to  Tokelau. 

5Not  in  force. 

Applicable  to  West  Berlin. 

'Extended  to  overseas  territories  whose 
international  relations  it  assures;  also 
applicable  to  Channel  Islands  and  Isle  of 
Man.  ■ 

Department  of  State 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the 
Office  of  Press  Relations,  Department  of 
State,  Washington,  D.C.  20520. 

No.  Date  Subject 

*168         9/8       Program  for  the  state  visit  of 
Brazilian  President  Jose 
Sarney,  Sept.  9-13. 

*169         9/8       New  Treaty  Room  suite 
renovation  completed. 

*  1 70         9/8       Unveiling  of  portrait  of 
Alexander  Haig. 

*171  9/8  Harry  W.  Shlaudeman  sworn 
in  as  Ambassador  to  Brazil, 
July  28  (biographic  data). 

*172         9/8       Otto  J.  Reich  sworn  in  as 

Ambassador  to  Venezuela, 
May  12  (biographic  data). 









179       9/16 

*180       9/16 

•181       9/16 



•184       9/22 

•185       9/22 

186       9/20 

187       9/22 

'188       9/24 

*189       9/25 



Shultz:  address  at  Harvard's 
350th  anniversary 
convocation,  Cambridge. 
Foreign  Relations  of  the 
United  States,  1955-1957: 
Vol.  IV,  Western  European 
Security  and  Integration 
Shultz:  news  briefing,  White 

Program  for  the  official 
working  visit  of  Israeli 
Prime  Minister  Shimon 
Peres,  Sept.  14-16. 
Unveiling  of  portrait  of 

Edmund  S.  Muskie. 
Program  for  the  official 
working  visit  of  Philippine 
President  Corazon  Aquino, 
Sept.  15-19. 
Shultz:  statement  before  the 
Subcommittee  on  Immigra- 
tion and  Refugee  Policy, 
Senate  Judiciary 
Shultz:  remarks  and 
question-and-answer  ses- 
sion, Congressman 
Regula's  issues  symposium, 
the  Capitol. 
Shultz:  remarks  and 
question-and-answer  ses- 
sion, senior  business 
executives  conference. 
ITU  report  on  Soviet 

Herbert  E.  Horowitz  sworn 
in  as  Ambassador  to  The 
Gambia,  Sept.  18 
(biographic  data). 
Dennis  Kux  sworn  in  as 
Ambassador  to  the  Ivory 
Coast,  Sept.  19  (biographic 
Princeton  Nathan  Lyman 
sworn  in  as  Ambassador  to 
Nigeria  (biographic  data). 
Shultz:  news  briefing  follow- 
ing meeting  with  Soviet 
Foreign  Minister 
Shultz:  interview  on  ABC- 
TV's  "This  Week  With 
David  Brinkley,"  Sept.  21. 
Regional  foreign  policy 
conference,  Hartford, 
Conn.,  Sept.  30. 
Shultz,  Mathiesen:  remarks 
at  U.S. -Iceland  treaty  sign- 
ing ceremony,  New  York 
City,  Sept.  24. 
Shultz:  news  conference, 

New  York  City,  Sept.  25. 
Reagan,  Shultz:  news  con- 
ference, White  House. 

*Not  printed  in  the  Bulletin. 

Department  of  State 

Free  single  copies  of  the  following 
Department  of  State  publications  are 
available  from  the  Correspondence 
Management  Division,  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  Department  of  State,  Washingtoi 
D.C.  20520. 

President  Reagan 

Prospects  for  World  Peace,  41st  UN  Gent 
Assembly,  Sept.  22,  1986  (Current  Poli< 

Keeping  America  Strong,  White  House, 
Sept.  23,  1986  (Current  Policy  #869). 

Secretary  Shultz 

Progress,  Freedom,  and  Responsibility.  3; 
anniversary  convocation  of  Harvard, 
Cambridge,  Sept.  5,  1986  (Current  Polk 

Proposed  Refugee  Admissions  for  FY  198 
Subcommittee  on  Immigration  and  Refi 
Policy,  Senate  Judiciary  Committee.  Se 
16,  1986  (Current  Policy  #866). 

Arms  Control 

U.S.  and  Soviet  Approaches  to  Arms  Con'  I 
Amabassador  Rowny,  Council  on  Foreig 
Affairs,  Baltimore,  Sept.  19,  1986  (Curr 
Policy  #868) 

East  Asia 

U.S.  and  East  Asia-Pacific  Relations:  The 
Challenge  Ahead,  Assistant  Secretary 
Sigur,  Mansfield  Center  for  Pacific  Affa 
Helena,  Montana,  July  4,  1986  (Current 
Policy  #859). 


Tokyo  Economic  Summit  (GIST,  Sept.  198 


A  Discussion  on  U.S. -Soviet  Relations, 
Ambassador  Nitze  and  Deputy  Assistant 
Palmer,  videotape  interview,  June  16.  IS 
(Current  Policy  #865). 

Western  Hemisphere 

Central  America:  U.S.  Policy  (GIST,  Aug. 

U.S.-Brazil  Relations  (GIST,  Sept.  1986). 

Free  single  copies  of  the  following  publica- 
tions may  be  obtained  from  the  Office  of 
Public  Diplomacy  for  Latin  America  and  th 
Caribbean,  Department  of  State,  Washingt, 
D.C.  20520: 

Selected  Articles  Censored  from  La  Prensa 

Oct.  1985-Apr.  1986. 
Dispossessed:  The  Miskito  Indians  in 

Sandinista  Nicaragua,  June  1986. 
Attack  on  the  Church:  Persecution  of  the    I 

Catholic  Church  in  Nicaragua,  July  1986. 
Libyan  Activities  in  the  Western  Hemisphe 

Aug.  1986. 
Crackdown  on  Freedom  in  Nicaragua  and 

Profiles  of  Internal  Opposition  Leaders,    i 

Aug.  1986.  ■ 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


member  1986 
Iume86,  No.  2116 

rican  Principles.  Progress,  Freedom, 

d  Responsibility  (Shultz) 11 

s  Control 

Delegations  Reach  Accord  on  Military 
tivities  in  Europe  (Barry,  Reagan, 

:ument) 20 

scussion  on  U.S. -Soviet  Relations  (Nitze, 

lmer) 73 

ling  America  Strong  (Reagan)   8 

'R  Negotiators  Reconvene  (White  House 

itement) 28 

'R  Talks  End  39th  Round  (Western 

itement) 27 

ear  and  Space  Arms  Negotiations  (White 

luse  statement) 26 

ident's  and  Secretary's  News  Conference 

September  30 60 

pects  for  World  Peace  (Reagan) 1 

etary's  Interview  on  "The 

day  Show" 64 

etary's  News  Briefing  of 

ptember  20  54 

etary's  News  Conference  of 

ptember  25  57 

;r  Secretary  Armacost's  Interview  on 

leet  the  Press" 49 

and  Soviet  Approaches  to  Arms  Control 

Dwny) 29 

cying  Nuclear  Testing  Limitations:  Possi- 
•  U.S. -Soviet  Cooperation  (message  to 

!  Congress,  text  of  study) 32 


Brazil  Relations 86 

of  Brazil's  President  (Reagan,  Sarney)84 
imunications.  ITU  Issues  Report  on 

Sviet  Jamming 83 


ijinuation  of  South  Africa  Emergency 

[  essage  to  the  Congress) 19 

vosed  Refugee  Admissions  for  FY  1987 

hultz)   14 

|pects  for  the  Vienna  CSCE  Follow-Up 

feeting  (Zimmerman) 70 

jrious  Persecution  in  the  Soviet  Union 

(erwinski,  Schifter) 77 

]  Report  on  Cyprus  (message  to  the 

fmgress)   76 

tfying  Nuclear  Testing  Limitations: 
Issible  U.S. -Soviet  Cooperation  (message 

i  the  Congress,  text  of  study) 32 


aval  of  Cuban  Political  Prisoners  (Depart- 

pnt  statement) 87 

fc:  New  Migration  and  Embargo  Measures 

Oepartment  statement)  86 

ITus.  28th  Report  on  Cyprus  (message  to 

je  Congress) 76 

it  Asia.  U.S.  and  East  Asian-Pacific 

fclations:  The  Challenges  Ahead  (Sigur)  38 


Agenda  for  the  New  GATT  Round 

leutter) 43 

^T  Nations  Agree  to  Launch  New  Round 
!  Trade  Negotiations  (Yeutter, 

itclaration) 45 

tress,  Freedom,  and  Responsibility 

.hultz)  11 

npects  for  World  Peace  (Reagan) 1 

Egvpt.  Vice  President  Bush  Visits  the  Middle 

East  (Bush) 9 


CDE  Delegations  Reach  Accord  on  Military 

Activities  in  Europe  (Barry,  Reagan, 

document) 20 

CSCE  Follow-up  Preparatory  Meeting 

(Department  statement)  72 

MBFR  Negotiators  Reconvene  (White  House 

statement) 28 

MBFR  Talks  End  39th  Round  (Western 

statement) 27 

Prospects  for  the  Vienna  CSCE  Follow-up 

Meeting  (Zimmerman) 70 

Human  Rights 

President's  and  Secretary's  News  Conference 

of  September  30 60 

Prospects  for  the  Vienna  CSCE  Follow-up 

Meeting  (Zimmerman) 70 

Prospects  for  World  Peace  (Reagan) 1 

Religious  Persecution  in  the  Soviet  Union 

(Derwinski,  Schifter)  77 

Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

September  20  54 

Secretary's  News  Conference  of 

September  25  57 


President's  and  Secretary's  News  Conference 

of  September  30 60 

Secretary's  Interview  on  "The  Today 

Show"   64 


Arrival  of  Cuban  Political  Prisoners  (Depart- 
ment statements) 87 

Cuba:  New  Migration  and  Embargo  Measures 

(Department  statement) 86 

International  Organizations  &  Conferences. 
GATT  Nations  Agree  to  Launch  New  Round 

of  Trade  Negotiations  (Yeutter, 

declaration) 45 

Israel.  Vice  President  Bush  Visits  the 

Middle  East  (Bush) 9 

Japan.  U.S. -Japanese  Relations 42 

Jordan.  Vice  President  Bush  Visits  the 

Middle  East  (Bush) 9 

Libya.  Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

October  2 66 

Military  Affairs.  CDE  Delegations  Reach 

Accord  on  Military  Activities  in  Europe 

(Barry,  Reagan,  document) 20 

North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization.  MBFR 

Negotiators  Reconvene  (White  House 

statement) 28 

Pacific.  U.S.  and  East  Asian-Pacific  Rela- 
tions: The  Challenges  Ahead  (Sigur) 38 

Presidential  Documents 

Continuation  of  South  Africa  Emergency 

(message  to  the  Congress) 19 

Keeping  America  Strong 8 

Prospects  for  World  Peace 1 

28th  Report  on  Cyprus  (message  to  the 

Congress) 76 

Verifying  Nuclear  Testing  Limitations: 

Possible  U.S. -Soviet  Cooperation  (message 

to  the  Congress,  text  of  study) 32 

Visit  of  Brazil's  President  (Reagan,  Sarney) 


Publications.  Department  of  State 90 

Refugees.  Proposed  Refugee  Admissions  for 

FY  1987  (Shultz) 14 

Science  &  Technology.  Progress,  Freedom, 
and  Responsibility  (Shultz) 11 

South  Africa 

Continuation  of  South  Africa  Emergency 

(message  to  the  Congress) 19 

Secretary's  Interview  on  "The  Today 

Show"  64 

Secretary's  News  Conference  of 

September  25  57 

Terrorism.  Under  Secretary  Armacost's 

Interview  on  "Meet  the  Press" 49 


An  Agenda  for  the  New  GATT  Round 

(Yeutter)  43 

Cuba:  New  Migration  and  Embargo  Measures 

(Department  statement) 86 

GATT  Nations  Agree  to  Launch  New  Round 
of  Trade  Negotiations  (Yeutter, 

declaration) 45 

Treaties.  Current  Actions  88 


CDE  Delegations  Reach  Accord  on  Military 
Activities  in  Europe  (Barry,  Reagan, 

document)  20 

Deputy  Secretary  Whitehead's  Interview  on 

"Face  the  Nation"  52 

A  Discussion  on  U.S. -Soviet  Relations 

(Nitze,  Palmer) 73 

ITU  Issues  Report  on  Soviet  Jamming  ...   83 

Keeping  America  Strong  (Reagan)   8 

MBFR  Negotiators  Reconvene  (White  House 

statement) 28 

MBFR  Talks  End  39th  Round  (Western 

statement) 27 

Nuclear  and  Space  Arms  Negotiations  (White 

House  statement) 26 

President's  and  Secretary's  News  Conference 

of  September  30 60 

Prospects  for  World  Peace  (Reagan) 1 

Religious  Persecution  in  the  Soviet  Union 

(Derwinski,  Schifter)  77 

Secretary's  Interview  on  "The  Today 

Show"   64 

Secretary's  News  Briefing  of  October  2  .  .   66 
Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

September  12  51 

Secretary's  News  Briefing  of 

September  20  54 

Secretary's  News  Conference  of 

September  25  57 

Under  Secretary  Armacost's  Interview  on 

"Meet  the  Press" 49 

U.S.  and  Soviet  Approaches  to  Arms 

Control  (Rowny) 29 

United  Nations 

ITU  Issues  Report  on  Soviet  Jamming  ...   83 

Prospects  for  World  Peace  (Reagan) 1 

Secretary's  News  Briefing  of  October  2  .  .   66 

Name  Index 

Armacost,  Michael  H 49 

Barry,  Robert  L 20 

Bush,  Vice  President 9 

Derwinski,  Edward  J 77 

Nitze,  Paul  H  73 

Palmer,  Mark 73 

Reagan,  President  .1,8,  19,  20,  32,  60,  76.  84 

Rowny,  Edward  L 29 

Sarney,  Jose 84 

Schifter,  Richard 77 

Shultz,  Secretary  ...  11,  14,  51,  57,  60,  64,  66 

Sigur,  Gaston  J.,  Jr 39 

Whitehead,  John  C 52 

Yeutter,  Clayton  43,  45 

Zimmerman.  Warren 70 

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jm  of  state  jm-im  j  tf> 

a  bulletin 

B  Official  Monthly  Record  of  United  States  Foreign  Policy  /  Volume  86  /  Number  21 17 

December  1986 

Department  of  State 


Volume  86/  Number  2117/  December  1986 

Cover:  President  Reagan  and  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  at  Reykjavik. 

(White  House  photo  by  Bill  Fitz-Patnck) 

The  Department  of  State  Bulletin, 
published  by  the  Office  of  Public  Com- 
munication in  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  is  the  official  record  of  U.S. 
foreign  policy.  Its  purpose  is  to  provide 
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ment agencies  with  information  on 
developments  in  U.S.  foreign  relations 
and  the  work  of  the  Department  of 
State  and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  Bulletin's  contents  include  major 
addresses  and  news  conferences  of  the 
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statements  made  before  congressional 
committees  by  the  Secretary  and  other 
senior  State  Department  officials;  se- 
lected press  releases  issued  by  the 
White  House,  the  Department,  and  the 
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should  not  necessarily  be  interpreted  as 
official  U.S.  policy  statements. 


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President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  Meet 
in  Reykjavik  (President  Reagan,  Secretary  Shultz) 

I  Secretary 

Reykjavik:  A  Watershed  in 
U.S. -Soviet  Relations 
Human  Rights  and  Soviet- 
American  Relations 
Interview  on  "Meet  the  Press" 
Interview  on  "This  Week  With 
David  Brinkley" 


I  Economic  Sanctions  Against 

South  Africa  (President  Reagan. 
Message  to  the  Congress, 
Message  to  the  House  of 
Representatives,  Letter  to  the 

is  Control 

|  West  Urges  Acceptance  of 
Verification  at  MBFR  Talks 
[U.S.  Statement) 
Nuclear  and  Space  Arms  Talks 
Open  Round  Six  {President 

i   Review  Conference  Held  on 
Biological  and  Toxin  Weapons 
Convention  (Donald  S.  Lowitz, 
Final  Declaration,  U.S. 


1  The  Fiscal  Threat  to  U.S.  Foreign 
Policy  (Ronald  I.  Spiers) 

I  Toward  a  More  Representative 
Foreign  Service 
(Ronald  I.  Spiers) 

East  Asia 




The  Philippines  and  the  United 
States  (Michael  H.  Armacost) 

Visit  of  Philippines'  President 
Aquino  (Corazon  C.  Aquino, 
President  Reagan) 


57       U.S. -Soviet  Relations:  Coping 
With  Conflicts  in  the  Third 
World  (Michael  H.  Armacost) 

60  Departure  of  Soviet  Espionage 

Agents  (Department  Statement) 

61  U.S. -Soviet  Relations: 

Background  and  Prospects 
(Jack  F.  Matlock) 

65  NATO  Nuclear  Planning  Group 

Meets  in  the  U.K. 


66  World  Food  Day,  1986 


Human  Rights 

67  The  Systematic  Repression  of 

Soviet  Jews  (Roger  Pilon) 

Middle  East 



Supporting  U.S.  Interests 

in  the  Middle  East 

(Richard  W.  Murphy) 
Visit  of  Israeli  Prime  Minister 

Peres  (Shimon  Peres,  President 




Compact  of  Free  Association  With 
Pacific  Islands  (Executive  Order) 

The  Strategic  Importance  of  the 
Emerging  Pacific  (Gaston  J. 
Sigur,  Jr.) 


78        U.S.  Refugee  Policy  and 
Programs  for  FY  1987 
(Robert  L.  Funseth. 
Jonathan  Moore) 

Western  Hemisphere 

81        A  Spotlight  on  Cuba 

(Kenneth  N.  Skoug,  Jr.) 


84       Current  Actions 

Press  Releases 

87  Department  of  State 

88  USUN 


89  Department  of  State 

89  Foreign  Relations  Volumes 


90  Background  Notes 




i  MH  6 




President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  at  Hofdi  He 

Denartment  of  State  i 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

President  Reagan 


General  Secretary  Gorbachev 

Meet  in  Reykjavik 

President  Reagan  and  Mikhail  S.  Gorbachev, 

General  Secretary  of  the  Central  Committee 

of  the  Communist  Party  of  the  Soviet  Union, 

met  in  Reykjavik,  October  10-12,  1986. 

lite  House  Statement, 
t.  3,  19861 

United  States  approaches  the 
ind  meetings  with  a  deep  sense  of 
>us  purpose.  Our  goal  in  Iceland  is  to 
'ow  the  differences  that  separate  the 
;ed  States  and  the  Soviet  Union.  The 
;ident  believes  that  face-to-face 
ate  discussions  with  General 
etary  Gorbachev  are  the  best  way  to 
:  progress  at  this  critical  juncture  in 
relationship.  The  President's  goal  is 
both  sides  will  gain  a  better 
jrstanding  of  each  other's  position  at 
time  and  move  forward  toward  a 
mit  in  the  United  States.  We  will  be 
fied  with  the  Iceland  meetings  if  we 
implish  better  understanding. 
Arms  control  is  important  to  both 
ons,  indeed,  to  the  world.  We  will  be 
;ent  in  our  efforts  to  seek  a  common 
ind  that  can  provide  the  basis  for 
jress  at  Geneva,  but  our  agenda  is 
ider  than  arms  control.  On  regional 
es— the  tensions  in  Afghanistan, 
ca,  the  Caribbean,  the  Middle  East, 
Southeast  Asia  contribute  to  ten- 
s  between  the  two  superpowers  and 
d  mistrust  that  makes  an  arms 
dup  a  dangerous  fact  of  life  in 
ly's  world.  Elimination  of  regional 
ions  will  go  to  the  cause  of  mistrust 
veen  the  United  States  and  Soviet 

On  human  rights— as  Americans  we 
share  with  freedom-loving  people 
everywhere  a  deep  concern  over  human 
rights  on  a  worldwide  basis,  and  human 
rights  in  the  Soviet  Union  is  a  major 
cause  of  concern  to  the  President. 

Bilateral  relations— improving 
government-to-government  and  people- 
to-people  exchanges  in  the  fields  of  arts, 
education,  and  science  can  improve 
understanding  among  the  citizens  and 
contribute  to  the  cause  of  peace. 

The  President  believes  that  this  is 
not  the  time  for  public  rhetoric,  but, 
instead,  for  private  talk.  The  President 
goes  to  Iceland  with  a  continuing  com- 
mitment to  seeking  understanding  that 
hopefully  can  lead  to  agreements  that 
will  benefit  both  the  United  States  and 
the  Soviet  Union. 

President's  Remarks 

to  Human  Rights 

Oct.  7,  19862 

I  welcome  this  opportunity  to  talk  with 
you  about  a  most  important  subject  of 
my  upcoming  meeting  with  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev:  human  rights.  And 
I  know  your  interest  in  that.  And  with 
me,  as  you  know,  is  Yuriy  Orlov  and  Mrs. 
Orlov.  Yuriy  is  a  founding  member  of  the 
independent  Soviet  Helsinki  monitoring 
group,  a  man  who  has  done  more  to 

inform  the  world  of  current  Soviet 
human  rights  violations  than  any  man  on 
Earth— as  I  said  yesterday,  a  hero  for 
our  time.  The  West  owes  him  a  profound 
debt,  both  for  his  courage  and  fortitude 
under  unspeakable  conditions  and  for 
reminding  us  how  precious  are  the 
freedoms  that  we  sometimes  take  for 

As  you  all  know,  there  has  been 
much  speculation  that  our  upcoming 
meeting  in  Reykjavik  will  focus  on  arms 
control.  But  true  peace  requires  respect 
for  human  rights  and  freedom  as  well  as 
arms  control.  We  go  to  Iceland  in  pur- 
suit of  peace,  but  it's  important  that  the 
world  and  our  adversaries  understand 
what  we  mean  when  we  speak  of  peace. 
Peace  is  not  simply  an  absence  of  war, 
it's  the  presence  of  justice.  Human 
rights,  human  freedom  are  its  indispen- 
sable elements.  These  fundamental 
values  and  beliefs  are  matters  on  which 
we  Americans  cannot  and  will  not  com- 
promise. So,  our  agenda  for  the 
Reykjavik  meeting  will  deal  not  only 
with  arms  reductions  but  Soviet  human 
rights  violations,  military  intervention 
by  the  Soviets  and  their  proxies  in 
regional  conflicts,  and  broadening  con- 
tacts between  our  two  peoples. 

This  meeting  is  not  to  sign 
agreements,  but  to  prepare  the  way  for 
a  productive  summit.  A  real  improve- 
ment in  the  Soviet  Union's  human  rights 
record  is  essential  for  such  a  summit. 

We  will  not  sacrifice  fundamental  prin- 
ciples or  vital  U.S.  interests  to  get  a 
summit.  I'll  make  it  amply  clear  to  Mr. 
Gorbachev  that  unless  there  is  real 
Soviet  movement  on  human  rights,  we 
will  not  have  the  kind  of  political  atmos- 
phere necessary  to  make  lasting  prog- 
ress on  other  issues. 

There  is  much  room  for  improve- 
ment—the religious  persecution,  long 
divided  families,  suppression  of  emigra- 
tion, and  harassment  of  ethnic  and 
cultural  activists.  We  are  realistic  about 
the  Soviet  Union  and  have  no  illusions 
about  the  difficulty  of  making  progress 
on  these  key  issues,  but  I  see  no  alter- 
native to  our  twin  policy  of  strength  and 


News  Conference, 
Oct.  7,  19863 

A  couple  of  weeks  ago  the  Soviet 
Foreign  Minister  [Eduard  Shevardnadze] 
delivered  to  the  President  a  letter  from 
the  General  Secretary  [Mikhail  Gor- 
bachev] and  at  the  end  of  it  came  the 
suggestion  that  as  part  of  the  prepara- 
tory effort  before  the  planned  summit  in 
the  United  States,  it  might  be  construc- 
tive for  the  two  leaders  to  get  together 
less  formally,  briefly,  to  advance  the 
preparations  to  make  the  planned  U.S. 
summit  as  fruitful  as  possible.  The  Presi- 
dent thought  about  that,  discussed  it 
with  some  of  us,  and  felt  that  it  was  a 
good  idea  and  that  we  should  do  it. 

So  we  go  to  Reykjavik,  having  in 
mind  the  importance  of  trying  to 
advance  matters  along  the  following 

First  of  all,  as  the  President  has 
said,  and  he  said  it  to  the  General 
Secretary  in  Geneva— he  seemed  to 
agree— that  the  fundamental  problems 
are  problems  of  distrust,  problems  of 
tension,  that  come  about  because  of  the 
differing  nature,  differing  interests,  of 
the  two  countries.  And  so,  for  that 
reason,  we  believe  it's  important  to 
discuss  the  tensions  that  arise  in  various 
regions  of  the  world  and  try  to  move  the 
ball  forward  on  those  regions  toward 
something  more  constructive— the  Presi- 
dent made  a  suggestion  for  how  to  do 
this  a  year  ago  in  his  UN  speech— and,  if 

not  to  move  the  ball  forward,  at  least  to 
remind  the  Soviet  leaders  of  how  critical 
and  how  important  these  problems  are, 
and  of  how  much  damage  they  do. 

So  we  will  want  to  explore  the 
various  regional  issues.  They  have  been 
discussed  a  great  deal  over  the  last  year 
or  so,  but  I'm  sure  the  President  will 
want  to  probe  into  them  once  more. 

Similarly,  perhaps  nothing  expresses 
the  difference  between  our  societies 
more  vividly  than  the  differences  in  our 
attitudes  toward  individual  human 
beings,  and  so  we  want  to  discuss  this 
subject.  We've  had  a  dramatic  example 
of  it  in  the  Daniloff  [U.S.  News  &  World 
Report  correspondent  Nicholas  Daniloff] 
case  recently.  We  have  made  progress 
with  the  Soviet  Union  in  discussing  what 
we  both  call  "humanitarian  issues," 
basically  involving  divided  families. 

But  there  is  a  crying  need  for  more 
observance  of  freedom  of  religion,  more 
readiness  to  accept  the  fact  that  people 
can  be  critical  without  having  to  be 
thrown  in  jail,  and  more  readiness,  if 
people  want  to  leave  a  country,  to  let 
them  leave.  So  these  issues  will  get  an 
important  share  of  attention. 

Of  course,  there  is  a  wide  range  of 
bilateral  matters  that  we  have  under 
review,  lots  of  things  that  have  been 
settled  and  are  underway,  some  things 
under  negotiation.  On  the  whole,  these 
matters  have  gone  along  pretty  well.  No 
doubt  the  two  leaders  will  want  to  probe 
into  them  a  little  bit,  but  I  don't  see  that 
they  need  to  spend  a  great  deal  of  time 
on  these  issues,  because  they're  moving 
along  in  a  reasonable  channel  in  a  good 

Beyond  these  issues,  there  are 
important  matters  in  the  field  of  arms 
control,  and  no  doubt  these  issues  will 
get  and  deserve  a  great  deal  of  attention 
at  this  meeting.  They  range  from  confi- 
dence-building measures— and  I  think  it's 
appropriate  for  the  two  leaders  to  take 
some  satisfaction  from  the  agreement 
reached  a  couple  of  weekends  ago  in 
Stockholm— to  review  possibilities  in 
such  areas  as  nuclear  risk  reduction 
centers,  possibilities  in  the  field  of  pro- 
liferation of  chemical  weapons,  nuclear 
nonproliferation.  And  then,  of  course, 
there  are  the  talks  going  on  in  Geneva, 
and  I'm  sure  and  hope  and  expect  that 
these  subjects  will  be  addressed  at  con- 
siderable length. 

Let  me  say  something  about  ea> 
one  of  them.  It  has  been  said  by 
spokesmen  for  both  sides,  including 
those  up  at  the  top,  that  in  the  field 
intermediate-range  nuclear  missiles 
there  seems  to  be  more  opportunity 
agreement  than  perhaps  in  others  i 
immediate  sense.  I  hope  that's  true 
may  or  may  not  be  true.  It  is  a  fact 
the  particular  differences  have  beer 
nowed  out  and  are  pretty  well 
understood,  so  that  basically  decisic 
have  to  be  made  about  them. 

Nevertheless,  it's  also  true  that 
in  most  negotiations,  the  issues  tha 
come  at  the  end  tend  to  be  among  t 
most  difficult.  So  just  because  there 
only  a  few  left  doesn't  mean  it's  a  p. 
of  cake  by  any  means. 

At  any  rate,  no  doubt  there  wil 
discussion  in  this  area,  with  the  hop 
that  out  of  it  can  come  some  additic 
impulse  and  guidance  to  our  negoti; 
in  Geneva  to  see  what  they  can  do 
toward  an  interim  INF  [intermedial 
range  nuclear  forces]  agreement. 

From  our  standpoint,  and  judgi 
from  the  nature  of  the  joint  statemc 
that  was  made  at  the  conclusion  of 
Geneva  meeting,  top  attention  need 
be  paid  to  radical  reductions  of  stra 
nuclear  arms.  It's  this  gigantic  arse- 
of  armaments,  particularly  ballistic 
missiles,  which  are  the  source  of  the 
greatest  concern  and  the  greatest  p 
tial  damage  and  instability. 

So  that's  got  to  be  the  focus  of  i 
tion.  The  President  has  spoken  abou 
this  for  as  long  as  I've  been  listeninj 
him,  long  before  he  was  President,  i 
at  least  we  can  say  at  this  point  thai 
agenda  is  the  agenda  of  reductions, 
the  question  is  how  much  and  in  wh; 
weapons  categories,  and  so  on.  But 
that's  the  agenda,  and  that's  an  imp 
tant  agenda  that  we  want  to  push. 

Of  course,  the  third  area,  the  sp; 
defense  area,  is  also  of  very  great  in 
tance.  We  hope  and  we  expect  to  en 
in,  we  hope,  fruitful  discussion  in  thi 

The  principal  point  here  is  that  t 
is  a  relationship,  obviously,  in  milita; 
terms,  security  terms,  between  offer 
and  defense,  and  that  is  what  the  Pr 
dent's  Strategic  Defense  Initiative  (I 
is  about— in  changing  the  mix  of 
offense/defense  in  the  concept  of  det 
rence  so  that  the  deterrence  is  more 
stable  and  more  secure. 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

nd  we  want  to  probe  into  that  and 
op  that,  and  the  General  Secretary 
lid  that  he  wants  to  discuss  SDI;  he 
ubt  has  a  different  approach.  But, 
y  rate,  we'll  want  to  engage. 
1  particular,  I  think,  we'll  want  to 
out  what  is  the  guts  of  the  Presi- 
3  most  recent  proposal— namely, 
roposal  that  strategic  ballistic 
les  be  eliminated.  And  as  he  has  put 
fou  eliminate  these  ballistic 
les,  then  the  problem  of  defending 
st  them  is  drastically  shifted,  as 
ared  with  a  situation  where  there 
its  of  them,  and  you  come  down  to 
g  to  defend  yourself  against  possi- 
leating  on  agreements,  or  the  possi- 
>ming  into  the  hands  of  somebody 
ew  of  these  missiles,  and  so  you 
an  insurance  policy.  That's  a  dif- 
t  need  than  the  kind  of  defense  you 
when  there  are  thousands  and 
,ands  of  such  strategic  missiles. 

0  the  guts  of  the  President's  pro- 
and  the  idea  that  all  along  has  been 
t  rid  of  the  threat  that  is  imposed 
th  of  us— and  on  mankind  gener- 

m  that  matter— by  the  existence  of 
my  of  these  very  powerful,  accu- 
strategic  nuclear  ballistic  missiles, 
ly  rate,  that  is  a  subject  that  will  be 
jed  in  heavily,  and  that  is  broadly 
genda,  as  we  see  it  anyway— and 
ure  that  they  expect  to  discuss 
issues  as  well.  That's  understood 
sen  Shevardnadze  and  me  in  our 

nd  our  hope  is  that  the  discussions 
will  take  place  in  Reykjavik  will 
a  contribution  to  what  the 
tiators  in  their  various  fora  can 
out  so  that,  as  the  meeting  in  the 
>d  States  takes  place,  as  the 
ing  in  the  Soviet  Union  takes  place, 
ill  see  a  process  of  progress  in 
oping  a  more  constructive  relation- 
and  seeing  things  settle  down  more 
id  the  world  and  seeing  human 
s  honored  more  greatly,  and  in  see- 
safer  world  due  to  the  fact  that 
are  fewer  nuclear  weapons  in  it. 

.  What  is  the  minimum  you 
ct  out  of  this  meeting?  I  mean, 
e  been  given  these  lower  expecta- 

now  for  about  4  days.  Are  you 
g  to  get  anything  out  of  it  except 

1  I'm  not  going  to  make  the  same 
;h  I've  just  made  over  again.  But 

you  can  see  that  there  are  many 
important— the  idea  is  not  to  try  to 
reach— we're  not  trying  to  reach  a  final 
agreement  on  something  or  other.  We're 
trying  to,  in  a  sense,  formulate  proposi- 
tions that  will  be  of  maximum  assistance 
and  direction  to  our  respective 
negotiators,  so  that  they,  as  the  people 
who  are  spending  all  their  time  on  the 
full  detail  and  scope  and  subtlety  of 
these  subjects,  can  advance  toward  an 
agreement.  That's  what  we're  pointing 
toward  in  all  of  these  areas. 

Q.  Can  you  give  us  some  idea  of 
what  the  decisions  are  that  still  await 
calls  from  both  sides  on  INF?  Are  we 
talking  numbers  or  verification,  or  all 
of  the  above?  What  are  the  problems 

A.  There  are  many,  but  there  are 
four  in  principle.  There  are  some  addi- 
tional ones  in  addition  to  those  that  I  list 
First  of  all,  we  insist  that  any  agree- 
ment be  global  in  nature,  so  that  it 
affects  Europe  and  Asia  deployments 
similarly,  and  we  think  we're  making 
progress  on  that,  but  it's  still  to  be  seen 
how  the  Soviets  are  willing  to  address 
questions  involving  Asia,  and  that's  an 
essential  ingredient  as  far  as  we're 

Second,  there  are  the  problems  of 
verification,  and  there  are  some  impor- 
tant issues  there,  and  clearly,  it's  so  that 
adequate  verification  has  to  include  some 
means  that  are,  relative  to  the  past, 
intrusive  in  examining  what  is  taking 
place.  So  that's  a  subject  that  has  to  be 

Third  is  the  problem  of  duration, 
although  I  think  a  formulation  in  one  of 
the  Soviet  earlier  drafts  that  this  agree- 
ment stands  until  it  is  replaced  by 
something  mutually  agreeable,  or 
something  like  that,  is  an  adequate  way 
to  handle  it.  But  at  any  rate,  duration  is 
an  issue.  And  then  there  are  the  ques- 
tions of  missiles  that  are  shorter  in 
range  than  the  principal  ones  being 
talked  about,  and  which  are  of  concern 
and  need  to  be  addressed  in  some 

Now,  I  think  beyond  that,  it  is  to  be 
noted  that,  of  course,  we  have  had  the 
position  all  along  that  what's  needed  is 
the  complete  elimination  of  this  class  of 
weapons— and  both  sides,  in  principle 
anyway,  agree  on  that.  So  in  that  sense, 

any  agreement,  if  it  is  less  than  that,  is 
an  interim  agreement;  it's  a  step.  And  so 
we  would  want  to  see  explicit  provision 
made  for  the  reconvening  of  the 
negotiating  groups  and  continued  work 
toward  subsequent  steps  that  get  us  to 
the  goal  we're  seeking. 

Q.  You're  at  this  point  not  only 
negotiating  with  the  Soviets  but  also 
with  Congress,  and  specifically  House 
Democrats,  about  their  restrictions, 
arms  control  restrictions.  Where  does 
that  stand  at  this  point?  And  would 
the  Administration  be  willing  to 
accept  a  provision  requiring  continued 
observance  of  the  SALT  [strategic 
arms  limitation  talks]  Treaty  until 
next  spring  when  all  these  issues  will 
come  up  again? 

A.  I  think  that  such  a  provision 
would  be  quite  unhelpful  as  we  go  into 
these  sessions.  And,  it  is  a  continuing 
problem  in  this  country  that  the  things 
we  are  talking  about  and  bargaining 
about  with  the  Soviet  Union,  get,  in  a 
sense,  taken  away  by  the  Congress,  and 
that  tends  to  undermine  the  position  of 
our  negotiators. 

Now,  I  think  that  the  Members  of 
the  Congress  appreciate  that,  and  I 
think  there  are  some  pretty  good  indica- 
tions that  as  they  see  these  meetings 
coming  up,  and  everybody  recognizes 
their  importance  and  the  importance  of 
going  as  a  country  in  a  unified  way,  that 
perhaps  something  will  be  worked  out 
that  will  be  mutually  satisfactory.  But 
I'm  not  going  to  go  into  it  further  than 

Q.  Talking  about  the  guts  of  the 
President's  proposal  to  eliminate 
ballistic  nuclear  missiles,  and  then 
[inaudible]  that  would  change  the 
defensive  need,  haven't  you  once  again 
outlined  the  so-called  grand  com- 
promise in  which,  if  the  Soviets  will 
agree  to  sharp  reductions  in  ballistic 
missiles,  the  President  could  agree  to 
a  lower  SDI-type  defense? 

A.  What  I  said,  I  think,  is  something 
quite  obvious:  that  if  you  have  no 
ballistic  missiles  to  defend  against,  the 
problem  is  very  different  than  if  you 
have  several  thousand.  So  that's  the  kind 
of  thing  we  want  to  talk  about— what  is 
the  relationship  between  offense  and 
defense?  And  the  whole  idea  of  the 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative  from  the 

outset  has  been  to  make  obsolete,  so  to 
speak,  these  strategic  ballistic  missiles. 
And,  of  course,  the  surest  way  to  have 
them  obsolete  is  to  have  them  non- 
existent. But  since  you  never  can  be  sure 
once  they  have  been  invented,  you  better 
have  an  insurance  policy  around. 

But  at  any  rate,  the  guts  of  the 
whole  thing  has  always  been  to  obviate 
the  threat  of  the  strategic  ballistic 
missile,  and  that's  the  guts  of  the  Presi- 
dent's proposal. 

Q.  It  may  seem  obvious,  but  every 
time  the  question  is  put  the  other  way 
around,  that  is,  "Can  we  make  the 
kind  of  reductions  in  strategic  ballistic 
missiles,  and  therefore,  make  some 
sort  of  trade-off  in  reduction  of  SDI?" 
Administration  spokesmen  say,  "No, 
no.  SDI  is  sacrosanct."  You  seem  to  be 
outlining  a  much  more  reasonable  view 
of  the  negotiation. 

A.  I  think  that  it  is  absolutely 
essential  for  the  United  States  to  pursue 
the  SDI  program  fully  and  seriously, 
because  we  hope  that  these  negotiations 
will  come  to  something,  but  we  don't 
know,  so  we  must  look  to  our  "hole 
card"  and  be  ready  to  defend  ourselves. 

Furthermore,  I  think  it's  quite  clear 
that  the  way  to  have  the  maximum 
chance  for  these  negotiations  to  come  to 
something  is  for  it  to  be  clear  that  there 
is,  more  and  more  in  prospect,  the 
genuine  possibility  and  capability  of 
defense  against  ballistic  missiles. 

Q.  Can  you  say  which  is  the  most 
promising  and  which  is  the  most 
dangerous  regional  issue  that  you  will 
be  discussing? 

A.  We've  had  extensive  discussions 
of  all  of  the  regional  issues,  and  they 
have,  I  think  both  sides  would  agree, 
have  been  useful  discussions  in  clarifying 
the  issues  somewhat,  perhaps  in  a  kind 
of  damage-control  sense  so  that  we  try 
to  keep  them  from  being  explosive  in  the 
sense  of  leading  to  a  superpower  con- 
frontation in  a  direct  way.  But  beyond 
that,  they  really  haven't  gotten  that  far. 

Now,  it  is  said  that  there  is  the 
possibility  of  some  movement  on 
Afghanistan— and  I  hope  that's  true.  We 
understand  and  we  see  a  lot  of  prepara- 
tions for  what  looks  like  a  kind  of 
publicized  event  of  the  withdrawal  of 
some  Soviet  forces  from  Afghanistan, 
maybe  even  timed  for  the  Reykjavik 

summit— I  don't  know.  But  that  would 
seem  to  be  a  situation  where  you're  talk- 
ing about  a  very,  very  small  proportion 
of  the  total  forces,  and  there  is  a  little 
puzzlement  about  it,  but  it  almost  looks 
as  though  new  forces  are  coming  in  as 
some  are  being  withdrawn,  so  it's  kind 
of  a  puzzling  situation. 

But  leaving  that  aside,  if  there  is 
some  progress  to  be  made  on 
Afghanistan,  that  would  be  fine;  if  there 
is  some  progress  to  be  made  in  southern 
Africa,  that's  always  seemed  to  me  an 
area  where  possible  discussions  might 
get  somewhere. 

Leaving  aside  the  areas  that  the 
President  has  referred  to  in  his  speech 
that  we  have  discussed  with  the 
Soviets— the  Iran-Iraq  war,  a  number  of 
times— and  I  think  it  is  fair  to  say  that 
both  of  us  would  like  to  see  that  war 
come  to  an  end  without  a  victim  and 
without  a  vanquished.  And  it  may  be 
that  something  useful  can  be  done  on 

Q.  One  suspects  deliberately 
you've  given  us  very  few  benchmarks 
on  which  to  judge  the  success  or 
failure  of  the  meetings  in  Reykjavik. 
Would  you  imagine  that  a  firming  up 
of  the  General  Secretary's  commitment 
to  come  on  a  date  certain  to 
Washington  is  one  way  of  judging? 

A.  I  think  it's  going  to  be  hard  to 
judge  it.  Of  course,  I  have  to  go  about 
judging  it  from  the  standpoint  of  the 
insides  of  it  and  the  substance  of  it  and 
whether  or  not,  in  one  way  or  another,  it 
seems  to  me  to  advance  matters.  So  I'll 
give  it  my  own  grade,  which  is  probably 
not  one  that  I'll  be  able  to  pursuade 
anybody  of— it's  just  my  own  internal 
way  of  appraising  it.  But  I  don't  know- 
but  what  the  best  way  of  appraising  it 
may  be  to  see  whether  or  not  there  is 
some  progress  in  these  other  negotia- 
tions, or  in  some— one  of  the  issues  at 
some  subsequent  time.  In  other  words,  I 
don't  know  that  it's  going  to  be  possible 
on  Sunday  afternoon  to  say  A,  B,  or  C. 

Q.  On  the  short-range  missiles, 
are  you  seeking  some  sort  of  commit- 
ment that  they  should  be  dealt  with 
perhaps  in  a  parallel  negotiation  with 
INF,  or  folded  into  INF?  And  on 
START  [strategic  arms  reduction 
talks]  would  it  be  useful,  to,  at  least, 
since  you're  so  close  on  numbers  of 
warheads,  to  reach  some  conclusion. 

some  commitment  to  specific  num|i 
of  warheads  and  [inaudible]  direct  I 
negotiators  to  work  out  suppleme  I 
the  mix? 

A.  You're  too  sophisticated  foi  I 
with  all  those— such  a  question.  But  I 
any  rate,  on  the  short-range  system  | 
that  issue  has  been  on  the  table;  it 
been  addressed  as  strongly  as  the  o 
systems  have.  And  I  think  it's  one  c 
those  things  where,  as  one  item  bee 
less  important,  another  that  was  no 
important  when  something  else  was 
there  looms  greater  in  and  of  itself, 
I'm  sure  that  it  needs  to  be  address 
And  particularly  insistent  on  that  a: 
countries  which  are  within  range  of 
shorter  range  system,  and  particula 
here,  of  course,  Germany  is  involvei 

Insofar  as  START  is  concerned 
you're  right.  There  has  been  a  nam 
ing;  the  concept  of  warhead  as  at  le 
an  important  unit  of  account  is  bein 
talked  about,  and  the  numbers  are  i 
little  closer  than  they  have  been  in 
past,  so  that's  a  measure  of  some 

As  I  said  in  my  opening  statemt 
think  in  broad  terms  the  real  name 
the  game  over  a  period  of  time  is  to 
radical  reductions  in  these  kinds  of 
forces.  That's  what  we're  trying  to 

Q.  You  said  last  week  that  tht 
issue  of  the  25  Soviet  diplomats  w 
also  come  up  again  in  Iceland.  Do 
foresee  any  possibility  that,  as  a  n 
of  the  talks  there,  we  are  going  to 
change  on  the  names  that  we  subn 
ted  to  the  Soviets? 

A.  We  don't  have  any  plan  to 
change.  We  have  given  a  list  and  thi 
only  thing  that  was  done  since  we  gf 
the  list,  that  is,  one  thing  happened, 
quite  a  few  of  the  people  on  the  list 
but  not  all.  The  President  granted  a 
extension  to  the— I  think  it  is  the  14 
October,  by  which  the  balance  must 
leave,  and  that's  where  the  matter 

Q.  What  exactly  do  you  need  ti 
nail  down  a  firm  date  for  a  summit 
the  United  States? 

A.  As  far  as  we're  concerned,  w 
believe  that  it's  something  that  shou 
gone  ahead  with  and  we're  ready  to 
establish  the  date.  It's  the  Soviet  Ur. 
that  has  been  reluctant. 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

ident  Reagan  and  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  open  their  meetings  at  Hofdi  House  on  October  11. 
interpreter  Dimitrv  Zarechnak  sits  to  the  left  of  President  Reagan;  Soviet  interpreter 
ilai  Uspenskiy  is  to  the  left  of  General  Secretary  Gorbachev. 

Q.  What  do  you  need?  What's  it 

lg  to  take? 

A.  Their  agreement. 

Q.  All  right.  But  they  have 
iblished  some  conditions  for  that — 

A.  It  has  been  rather  elusive  and 
ting  conditions.  We'll  just  have  to 

Q.  How  close  are  you  to  it? 

A.  I  don't  know.  I've  always 
eved  that  you're  not  there  until 
're  there,  and  optimism  and 
iimism,  closeness,  progress,  and  so 
h,  are  very  elusive  words  in  this  kind 


Q.  The  one  issue  that  you  didn't 
ition  at  all  is  probably  at  the  top  of 
•bachev's  agenda,  which  is  the 
ratorium  on  nuclear  testing.  Could 
I.  give  us  some  idea  of  whether 

either  on  verification  or  reducing  the 
number  of  nuclear  tests  or  the  size  of 
those  tests,  there  might  be  some  prog- 
ress made  at  this  meeting,  or  is  that 
something  that  as  far  as  the  United 
States  is  concerned  is  not  even  on  the 
agenda  as  far  as  any  hope  for 

A.  As  far  as  we're  concerned,  we'd 
like  to  see  progress  on  the  subject  of 
testing,  and  we  think  the  way  to  go 
about  it  is  to  walk  before  you  try  to  run. 
And  the  way  to  walk  is  to  put  into  place 
the  known  measures  of  verification  that 
will  enable  us  to  have  increased  con- 
fidence by  orders  of  magnitude  about  the 
size  of  the  tests  conducted  under  the  150 
kiloton  limit,  and  under  those  conditions, 
to  ratify  those  treaties.  That  gets  you  in 
business,  so  to  speak. 

Under  provisions  of  the  Threshold 
Test  Ban  Treaty,  it  provides  that  the 

two  sides  will  then  start  in  further 
negotiations  and  discussions  with  the 
ultimate  aim  of  a  comprehensive  test 

Now,  it  is  our  view,  and  I  think  it  is 
almost  an  obvious  proposition,  that  as 
long  as  you  have  nuclear  weapons,  you 
have  to  conduct  tests,  and  so  you  put  the 
cart  before  the  horse  if  you  say,  "Let's 
stop  tests."  The  horse  is  the  nuclear 
weapons,  and  we  say.  "Well,  let's  get  rid 
of  them."  And  when  we  get  rid  of  them, 
and  perhaps  to  some  extent  as  we  get 
rid  of  them,  if  we  see  a  schedule  that's 
actually  being  implemented,  then  you 
are  in  a  position  to  do  something  about 
tests  in  various  ways.  But  let's  be  sure 
we  get  the  cart  and  the  horse  in  the 
right  order.  But  we  think  that  progress 
can  be  made,  and  we  have  described  in 
broad  terms  a  way  of  making  it.  Just  to 

:ember  1986 

all  of  a  sudden  stop  testing,  we  don't 
think  would  be  a  wise  idea  from  our 

Q.  You  seem  to  be  saying  that  if 
SDI  is  not  the  bargaining  chip  that 
some  of  us  thought  it  was  in  the  past, 
that  at  least  the  size  of  SDI  and  the 
frequency  of  nuclear  testing  are 
bargaining  chips  dependent  on  the  size 
of  the  reductions  that  the  Soviets 
might  [inaudible]. 

A.  If  I  can  use  a  sort  of  image  from 
geometry,  if  you  think  of  a  graph  and  it 
has  on  one  axis  the  numbers  of  nuclear 
weapons  and  on  the  other  axis  some 
measure  of  testing,  and  can  you  imagine 
a  straight  line,  a  direct  function  of  one 
or  the  other,  no.  What  I  said  was  that  if 
you— you  are  not  going  to  say,  let's 
eliminate  one  nuclear  weapon,  we'll 
eliminate  one-quarter  of  a  nuclear  test, 
or  some  ridiculous  proposition  like  that. 
But  if  what  we  see  is  radical  reductions 
in  nuclear  weapons  and  a  genuine  pros- 
pect for  their  disappearance,  then  that 
makes  it  more  sensible  to  talk  about 
testing.  And,  of  course,  if  there  aren't 
any  more,  then  you  don't  have  to  test 
them.  That's  obvious. 

Q.  Does  that  also  include  foreseen 
in  reductions  in  SDI,  in  the  size  and 
scope  of  SDI? 

A.  Just  to  repeat  what  I  said,  I  tried 
to  really  call  your  attention  to  what,  at 
least  to  me,  is  the  guts  of  the  President's 
most  recent  proposal,  namely  to  say 
eliminate  ballistic  missiles  and  then  that 
changes  radically  what  you  need  to  do  to 
defend  against  them,  and  I  think  that's  a 
pretty  obvious  proposition.  It  doesn't 
eliminate  entirely  the  desirability  of 
being  able  to  defend  against  them, 
because  you  don't  know  about  some 
being  retained  in  some  fashion,  or 
somebody  coming  up  with  one,  or 
whatever,  so  you  still  have  to  worry 
about  it  once  something  like  this  has 
been  invented.  But  your  problem  is  very 
different  if  you  ever  get  to  that  point. 

But  in  the  meantime,  the  thing  we 
must  have  in  our  country,  we  have  to 
look  to  our  security  and  the  security  of 
our  allies,  and  to  the  maximum  extent 
possible,  we  want  to  have  it  depend  on 
what  we  do,  not  what  somebody  else 
does.  And  if  we  can  learn  how  to  defend 
ourselves  against  ballistic  missiles,  that 
is  a  measure  of  safety  and  we  believe 

that  if  you  had  that  in  operation  on  both 
sides,  you  would  have  a  more  stable  pat- 
tern of  deterrent  than  the  pattern  you 
have  now,  which  is  wholly  dependent 
upon  offense,  and  an  offense  that  has 
greater  and  greater  elements  of 
elusiveness  in  it  as  these  weapons 
become  more  powerful,  more  accurate, 
and  more  mobile. 

Q.   On  the  regional  conflicts,  in 
southern  Africa,  how  would  you  envi- 
sion Soviet  involvement  in  that  area? 
Would  you  envision  a  kind  of  joint 
superpower  approach  to  settling  the 
problems  of  the  region? 

And,  secondly,  I  guess  a  related 
but  somewhat  different  question  is 
how  does  the  death,  or  the  reported 
death,  of  the  Americans  in  Nicaragua 
affect  the  discussions  on  Central 

A.  Insofar  as  southern  Africa  is  con- 
cerned, I  think  one  set  of  problems 
involves  what's  going  on  in  Angola, 
where  there  is  a  big  Soviet-Cuban 
presence  in  the  form  of  troop  levels  in 
the  midst  of  a  civil  war,  and  where  some 
process  of  reconciliation  among 
Angolans,  with  the  leaving  from  Angola 
of  all  foreign  forces— Cubans,  South 
Africans,  any  foreign  forces— might  lead 
to— or  would  lead  obviously  to  a  better 
situation  in  Angola,  and  I  think  could  be 
followed  on  by  implementation  of  UN 
Resolution  435  on  the  independence  of 

So  that's  one  kind  of  goal  to  be 
worked  at,  just  to  take  an  example.  I 
think  that's  what  I  have  in  the  front  of 
my  mind.  And  I  don't  say  that  because  I 
think  there  is  something  in  the  offing 
immediately,  but  it  is  just  an  obvious 
sort  of  point  if  the  parties  there  feel  that 
it's  time  to  try  to  work  out  their 

Q.  There  is  nothing  in  the  offing? 

A.   I  don't  have  any  particular  thing 
in  mind  other  than  in  response  to  a  ques- 
tion about  examples  of  things  that  could 
be  worked  on.  This  is  an  example. 

Q.  What  about  Nicaragua  with  the 
death  of  the  Americans? 

A.  I  don't  see  that  that  has  any  par- 
ticular Reykjavik  spinoff  to  it.  The  peo- 
ple involved  were  not  from  our  military, 
not  from  any  U.S.  Government  agency— 

Q.  CIA  [Central  Intelligence 

A.  —CIA  included,  so  it's— thest 
private  citizens,  and  it's  not  a  govern 
mental  operation. 

Q.  On  the  Iraq-Iran  war,  you  s 
that — in  your  meeting  with  the  GC 
[Gulf  Cooperation  Council] 
countries — that  the  Soviet  Union  is 
cooperating  with  you  to  stop  arms 
Iran.  How  can  you — what  means  w 
you  try  to  work  out  with  the  Soviei 
convince  Iran  to  come  to  the 
negotiating  table? 

A.  We  think  that  in  the  current 
situation,  it's  Iran  that  seems  to  be  t 
recalcitrant  party  in  trying  to  get 
together  and  come  to  some  resolutio 
And  so  a  way  to  change  the  situatior 
insofar  as  Iran  is  concerned,  is  to  mal 
it  difficult  for  them  to  buy  arms,  and 
we've  been  trying  to  do  that,  not  win 
complete  success  but  with  some  sued 
And  an  awful  lot  of  the  arms  come  ft 
states  with  whom  the  Soviet  Union  HI 
we  think,  great  influence,  and  so  we' 
like  to  see  them  use  that  influence  ar.; 
give  that  curtailment  and  that  might 
shift  the  situation. 

Q.  Does  President  Reagan  inte 
to  bring  any  new  proposals  with  hii 
to  Iceland  on  either  medium-range 
missiles  or  any  of  these  other  topic: 
you  mentioned  that  might  narrow  a 
of  the  differences  between  the  two 
countries?  And  is  he  prepared  to 
negotiate  on  these,  or  does  he  see  t 
more  as  an  opportunity  to  talk  and 
more  fully  understand  the  differenc 

A.  In  a  broad  sense,  any  meeting 
like  this  is  a  negotiation,  but  I  wouldr 
expect  that  the  two  heads  are  going  t 
get  down  into  the  nuts  and  bolts  of  th 
particular  issues.  But  I  think  there  ar 
ways  of  formulating  statements  aboui 
key  issues  that  would  be  useful  to  the 
negotiators  as  they  try  to  move  thing 

So  the  President  will  be  going  the 
ready  to  discuss  all  of  these  issues  in ; 
spirit  of  the  proposal  the  General 
Secretary  made;  namely,  let  us  get 
together  and  see  if  through  discussior 
between  us  we  can't  advance  things 
somewhat  in  the  interests  of  making  * 
planned  summit  meeting  in  the  Unitei 
States  be  as  fruitful  as  possible.  And 
that's  the  spirit  in  which  the  Presiden' 
going  there. 

Department  of  State  Bulln 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

\  He  may  be  carrying  some  new 

,  We  have  very  interesting  pro- 
being  put  forward,  put  forward  in 
a.  Those  meetings  have  just 
1,  and  so  there's  a  flow  of  discus- 
ick  and  forth,  and  the  President 

to  engage  in  it,  and  the 
s  true  for  all  of  the  issues  tha" 
»ned  here. 

Members  of  the  Administration 
aid  that  one  of  the  President '» 
ry  objectives  at  Reykjavik  is 
to  be  to  try  and  decouple  SDI 
iTART.  You  said  here  that  you 
to  be  able  to  flesh  out  the  Presi- 

SDI  proposals  in  Iceland, 
tie  question  is  what  precisely — or 
n  general  terms — is  the  Presi- 
ding to  do  to  get  the  Soviets  to 
.  the  concept  of  SDI.  and  to.  in 
gree  to  focus  on  strategic 
ins  when  SDI  has  been  such  a 
ling  block  all  along? 

First,  we  think  the  Preside: ' 
•als  and  ideas  on  this  are  so 
itly  reasonable  that  il 
»ey  aren't  embraced  by  every!  ody, 

int  to  continue  to  tr 
i  them,  and  really  engage  on  this 
an  of  offense/defense  relationships. 

-  jfar  as  the  relationship 
jn  the  START  area  and  the  space 
e  area,  that  was  discussed 

n  Mr.  Gromyko  [former  Soviet 
;n  Minister]  and  I  when  we— back 
ieva  when  the  statement  that  set 
se  negotiations  started,  and 
greed  at  the  time  that  there  were 
nships  among  all  these  areas,  and 
ement  were  reached  in  one  of 
then  both  agreed  at  the  time  that 
were  relationships  among  all  these 
and  if  agreement  were  reached  in 
them,  then  both  sides  would  have 
sider  whether  you  wanted  to  go 
rd  with  that  or  not.  because  it 
preempt  the  subject  of  going 
ne  without  going  aheac 

srhaps  that  will  be  possible  in  INF. 
r  not  be  possible  in  START, 
gh.  as  one  of  the  questions  here 
sted.  there  has  been  quite  a  lot  of 
i  in  the  START  negotiations,  and 
of  our  purposes,  of  course,  is  to 
jht  that  because  that's  where  the 
xwerful,  the  longest  range,  the 

most  destructive,  the  most  quick-hitting, 
the  most  destabilizing  weapons  ar<-    3 
that's  the  big  paydirt  and  that's  what 

g    •  ' 

Q.   If  I  could  just  follow  up  for  just 
a  second.  Mr.  Secretary,  how  then  do 
you  try  and  deal  with  SDI  beyond 
repeating  what  you  have  just  called 
the  President's  "eminently  reason- 
able" position?  Is  there  anything  new 
you  can  bring  to  that  dialogue? 

A.  We  have  put  forward  a  strong 
set  of  ideas  in  the  President's  most 
recent  reponse  to  the  General  Secreu 
and  it  is— those  proposals  have  yet  to  be 
really  engaged,  and  we  want  to  engage 
them  and  explain  them,  and  find  out  if 
they  don't  like  the  ;  on't  like 

them.  And  they  say,  both  of  us  say,  that 
rk  to  eliminate  nuclear 

pons,  and  the  General  Secret-, 
made  a  proposal  that  seemed  to  have  in 
it  the  idea  that  we  should  set  a  deadline 
of  the  end  of  the  century.  I  know  when  I 
happened  to  be  the  person  that  literally 

the  mailman  and  brought  that  over 
to  the  President,  he  looked  at  it.  and  he 
said.  -it  until  th< 

r.g  to  find  a  path  d 
And  why  isn't  an  important  step  on  that 
path  the  elimination  of  ballistic  miss: .- 
which  are  the  most  destabilizing  and  dif- 
ficult -ourse,  if  they  are 
eliminated,  that  has,  as  I've  said  here 

J  times,  an  important  bearing  on 
what  it  is  you  need  to  do  to  defend 
against  them.  That's  an  obvious  point. 

President's  Departure 

Oct.  9.  19864 

I'm  leaving  today  for  Iceland  for  a 
meeting  with  General  Secretary 

.on.  This  will 
r  meeting  between 
the  two  of  us.  We  will  not  have  la 
staffs  with  us  nor  is  it  planned  tha" 
sign  substantive  agreements.  We  will, 

•  er.  review  the  subjects  that 
intend  to  pursue,  with  redoubled  e: 
afterward,  looking  toward  a  possible  full- 
scale  summit.  We'll  be  talking  frankly 
about  the  differences  between  our  coun- 
m  the  major  issues  on  the  E 
agenda:  arms  reduction,  human 
-.  regional  conflicts,  and  bila"- 

contacts.  We'll  be  talking  about  how  we 
can— while  recognizing  those 
differences— still  take  steps  furth<- 
make  progress  on  those  items  and  to 
make  the  world  safer  and  keep  the 

Let  me  say  here— and  this  is  par- 
ticularly fitting  because  this  i- 
Erik  -how  much  the 

States  appreciates  the  hospitality  on  this 
occasion  of  the  Icelandic  Government 
and  the  people  of  Iceland.  The  United 
States  and  Iceland  have  been  allies  for 
more  tha  -—first,  in  the  defense 

of  freedom  and  democracy  during  World 
War  II  and,  ro  rking  in  NATX 

defend  peace  and  freedom  and 
democracy.  There  can  be  no  better 
testimony  to  the  enduring  commitment 
of  the  Icelandic  people  and  government 
to  the  search  for  a  just  peace,  a  lasting 
peace,  than  their  gracious  consent  to 
host  these  meetings. 

Geneva  last  year.  Mr.  Gorbachev 
and  I  made  a  fresh  start  toward  impr 
ing  relations  between  our  two  countries. 
And  when  I  look  back  on  the  succe 
Geneva.  I  find  myself  feeling  the  real 
credit  belongs  to  the  American  people. 
I  knew  at  every  step  that  I  had  our 
nation's  unified  support.  I  knew  that 
Americans  of  both  parties  had  said  that 
differences  stopped  at  the  water's  edge. 

Last  Saturday  I  asked  again  for 
unified  national  support  as  I  head  for  a 
second  meeting  with  the  Soviet  leader. 
And  let  me  sa  ap- 

preciate the  support  that  I  have  n 
over  the  years  from  the  American  peo- 
ple. Few  things  have  been  more  grat.: 
ing  or  more  important  to  our  success.  I'll 
need  this  same  support  through  the 
negotiations  of  the  coming  year. 

The  world  has  ne  .a  force 

as  strong  or  decent  as  that  of  America 
when  we're  unified.  '.'    g 
Americans  settled  this  great  continent 
that  God  put  between  two  oceans  for 
free  men  and  women  all  over  the  world 
to  find  and  eheris: 
transforming  the  world  with  our 
technology,  making  life  longer  with 
greater  opportunities  and  more  fulfilling 
for  millions  all  over  the  earth.  And  most 
of  all.  together 

freedom  around  the  world  in  this  oen- 
in  World  War  II.  and  still  to 

be  great  friend  of  mankind's 
dreams  of  freedom,  whether  in  Europe 

or  the  Americas  or  Africa  or 
Afghanistan.  And  together  we  can  be 
true  to  the  cause  of  freedom  even  while 
we're  true  to  the  cause  of  peace.  Tuesday,  a  group  of  human 
rights  leaders  reminded  me  of  how 
important  America's  missions  of  both 
peace  and  freedom  are.  And  among 
them  was  Yuriy  Orlov,  who  was  released 
only  a  week  ago  from  Siberian  exile 
where  he  was  being  kept  for  the  crime  of 
wanting  his  government  to  respect  basic 
human  rights.  We  didn't  forget  him,  and 
we  must  never  forget  those  like  him. 
They're  our  inspiration,  and  we  are  their 

So,  we  go  to  Reykjavik  for  peace. 
We  go  to  this  meeting  for  freedom,  and 
we  go  in  hope.  As  a  great  American  who 
knew  the  extremes  of  hope  and  despair, 
Robert  E.  Lee,  once  said,  "History 
teaches  us  to  hope."  Today  we're  mak- 

ing history,  and  we're  turning  the  tide  of 
history  to  peace  and  freedom  and  hope. 

I've  long  believed  that  if  we're  to  be 
successful  in  pursuing  peace,  we  must 
face  the  tough  issues  directly  and 
honestly  and  with  hope.  We  cannot  pre- 
tend the  differences  aren't  there,  seek  to 
dash  off  a  few  quick  agreements,  and 
then  give  speeches  about  the  spirit  of 
Reykjavik.  In  fact,  we  have  serious  prob- 
lems with  the  Soviet  postions  on  a  great 
many  issues,  and  success  is  not  guaran- 
teed. But  if  Mr.  Gorbachev  comes  to 
Iceland  in  a  truly  cooperative  spirit,  I 
think  we  can  make  some  progress. 

And  that's  my  goal,  and  that's  my 
purpose  in  going  to  Iceland.  The  goals  of 
the  United  States,  peace  and  freedom 
throughout  the  world,  are  great  goals; 
but  like  all  things  worth  achieving,  they 
are  not  easy  to  attain.  Reykjavik  can  be 
a  step,  a  useful  step;  and  if  we 

persevere,  the  goal  of  a  better,  safe 
world  will  someday  be  ours  and  all  t 

White  House  Statement, 
Oct.  10,  19865 

As  the  President  meets  this  week  w 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  in 
Reykjavik,  Iceland,  he  believes  it  is 
crucial  that  all  Americans  join  with 
in  forging  a  strong,  bipartisan  consa 
on  a  nuclear  testing  policy  that  pron 
our  national  security  interests  and 
advances  longstanding  U.S.  arms  col 

In  recent  weeks  there  has  been 
substantial  disagreement  in  the  Con| 
gress  and  in  the  nation  over  the  bes' 
approach  to  reach  the  goal  we  all  sei 

Secretary  Shultz  and  Foreign  Minister  Shevardnadze  join  the  meetings  Palazhchenko,  Soviet  notetaker:  Foreign  Minister  Shevardnail 
on  October  12.  Other  participants  include  (clockwise)  Nikolai  Dimitrv  Zarechnak.  U.S.  interpreter;  President  Reagan:  and  Secreu 
Uspenskiy,  Soviet  interpreter;  General  Secretarv  Gorbachev;  Pavel        Shultz' 


Department  of  State  B 


Report  on  Reykjavik 

|d  in  which  there  will  be  no  nuclear 
E  because  the  need  for  it  has 
|ied.  The  dispute  threatened  to  give 
ral  Secretary  Gorbachev  the  false 
ssion  of  a  divided  America.  The 
lent  did  not  believe  it  was  in  the 
nterests  of  our  nation  to  create  this 

,S.  policy  on  nuclear  testing  limita- 
is  clear.  Our  highest  arms  control 
ty  in  the  area  of  nuclear  testing 
Ben,  and  remains,  to  seek  the 
sary  verification  improvements  to 
asting  Threshold  Test  Ban  Treaty 
T)  and  Peaceful  Nuclear  Explosions 
y  (PNET). 

nee  our  verification  concerns  have 
atisfied  and  the  treaties  have  been 
;d,  and  in  association  with  a  pro- 
to  reduce  and  ultimately  eliminate 
clear  weapons,  we  are  prepared  to 
e  in  discussions  on  ways  to  imple- 
a  step-by-step,  parallel  program  of 
ig  and  ultimately  ending  nuclear 


e  remain  committed  to  the 
ite  goal  of  the  total  elimination  of 
ar  testing,  but  only  when  we  do  not 
to  depend  on  nuclear  deterrence  to 
e  international  security  and  stabil- 
id  when  we  have  achieved  broad, 
and  verifiable  arms  reductions, 
antially  improved  verification 
ilities.  expanded  confidence- 
ng  measures,  and  greater  balance 
lventional  forces. 
1  order  to  make  progress  toward 
oals.  encourage  the  Soviet  Union  to 
;iate  verification  improvements,  and 
e  the  necessary  national  consensus 
ir  objectives,  the  President  has 
ed  to  take  two  new  steps. 

irst,  the  President  will  inform 
ral  Secretary  Gorbachev  in 
javik  that  if  the  Soviet  Union  will, 
to  the  initiation  of  ratification  pro- 
ngs in  the  Senate  next  year,  agree 
sential  TTBT/PNET  verification 
idures  which  could  be  submitted  to 
enate  for  its  consideration  in  the 
of  a  protocol  or  other  appropriate 
il— the  President  will,  as  a  first 
of  business  for  the  100th  Con- 
i,  request  the  advice  and  consent  of 
enate  to  ratification  of  the  TTBT 
3NET.  However,  if  the  Soviet 
n  fails  to  agree  to  the  required 
age  of  verification  improvements 
to  the  convening  of  the  100th  Con- 
,  the  President  will  still  seek 

Senate  advice  and  consent,  but  with  an 
appropriate  reservation  to  the  treaties 
that  would  ensure  they  would  not  take 
effect  until  they  are  effectively 

Second,  the  President  will  inform 
the  General  Secretary  that,  once  our 
TTBT/PNET  verification  concerns  have 
been  satisfied  and  the  treaties  have  been 
ratified,  the  President  will  propose  that 
the  United  States  and  the  Soviet  Union 
immediately  engage  in  negotiations  on 
ways  to  implement  a  step-by-step, 
parallel  program— in  association  with  a 
program  to  reduce  and  ultimately 
eliminate  all  nuclear  weapons— of 
limiting  and  ultimately  ending  nuclear 

The  congressional  leadership  has 
responded  to  the  President's  decision  in 
a  bipartisan  spirit  and  is  supporting  the 
President's  proposal.  The  President  is 
grateful  for  this  show  of  unity.  As  a 
result,  the  President  can  make  it  clear  to 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  that 
America  is  united  in  its  determination  to 
take  prompt,  practical  steps  to  limit 
nuclear  testing,  that  the  first  require- 
ment is  for  him  to  act  now  to  resolve  the 
verification  problems  with  the  existing 
treaties,  and  that  the  United  States  and 
the  world  are  awaiting  his  response. 

While  the  President  believes  these 
new  steps  will  allow  progress  in  this 
area,  they  must  not  divert  us  from  the 
primary  goal:  elimination  of  the  weapons 
themselves.  Broad,  deep,  equitable,  and 
verifiable  reductions  in  offensive  arms 
remain  our  highest  priority.  Here,  too, 
we  have  made  significant  proposals  and 
await  a  constructive  Soviet  response.  If 
they  are  willing,  the  road  to  a  safer 
world  is  open  before  us. 


News  Conference, 
Oct.  12,  19866 

I  have  just  spent  2  full,  intensive  days 
watching  the  President  of  the  United 
States  engage  with  the  General 
Secretary  of  the  Soviet  Union  over  the 
full  range  of  issues  that  we  are  con- 
cerned about  together.  The  President's 
performance  was  magnificent;  and,  I 

have  never  been  so  proud  of  my  Presi- 
dent as  I  have  been  in  these  sessions, 
and  particularly  this  afternoon. 

During  the  course  of  these  2  days, 
extremely  important  potential  agree- 
ments were  reached  to  reduce,  in  the 
first  instance,  strategic  arms  in  half;  to 
deal  effectively  with  intermediate-range 
missiles;  although,  we  didn't  finally  have 
the  opportunity  to  come  to  grips  with  it 
probably  to  work  out  something  satisfac- 
tory about  nuclear  testing;  a  satisfactory 
manner  of  addressing  regional  issues; 
humanitarian  concerns;  a  variety  of 
bilateral  matters;  and  a  tremendous 
amount  of  headway  in  the  issues  in  space 
and  defense  involving  the  ABM 
[Antiballistic  Missile]  Treaty. 

Throughout  all  of  this,  the  President 
was  constructive  in  reaching  out  and 
using  his  creativity  and  ingenuity  to  find 
these  very  sweeping  and  substantial  and 
important  agreements.  It  has  been  clear 
for  a  long  time— and  it  was  certainly 
clear  today,  and  particularly  this 
afternoon— the  importance  the  Soviet 
leader  attaches  to  the  Strategic  Defense 
Initiative  (SDI),  and  I  think  it  was  quite 
apparent  that  at  least  a  key  reason  why 
it  was  possible  to  reach  such  sweeping 
potential  agreements  was  the  very  fact 
of  SDI's  vigorous  presence. 

In  seeking  to  deal  with  these  issues, 
the  President  was  ready  to  agree  to  a 
10-year  period  of  non withdrawal  from 
the  ABM  Treaty,  a  period  during  which 
the  United  States  would  do  research, 
development,  and  testing  which  is  per- 
mitted by  the  ABM  Treaty  and,  of 
course,  after  which  we  would  be  permit- 
ted to  deploy  if  we  chose.  However,  as 
the  agreement  that  might  have  been 
said,  during  this  10-year  period,  in 
effect,  all  offensive  strategic  arms  and 
ballistic  missiles  would  be  eliminated  so 
that  at  the  end  of  the  period  the  deploy- 
ment of  strategic  defense  would  be 
substantially  altered  in  what  was  needed 
and  would  be  in  the  nature  of  an  insur- 
ance policy— insurance  against  cheating, 
insurance  against  somebody  getting  hold 
of  these  weapons— so  it  would  maintain 
an  effective  shield  for  the  United  States, 
for  our  allies,  for  the  free  world. 

As  we  came  more  and  more  down  to 
the  final  stages,  it  became  more  and 
more  clear  that  the  Soviet  Union's  objec- 
tive was  effectively  to  kill  off  the  SDI 
program  and  to  do  so  by  seeking  a 
change  described  by  them  as 

"strengthening,"  but  a  change  in  the 
ABM  Treaty  that  would  so  constrain 
research  permitted  under  it  that  the  pro- 
gram would  not  be  able  to  proceed  at  all 

The  President,  hard  as  he  had 
worked  for  this  extraordinary  range  and 
importance  of  agreements,  simply  would 
not  turn  away  from  the  basic  security 
interests  of  the  United  States,  our  allies, 
and  the  free  world  by  abandoning  this 
essential  defensive  program.  He  had  to 
bear  in  mind— and  did  bear  in  mind— that 
not  only  is  the  existence  of  the  strategic 
defense  program  a  key  reason  why  we 
were  able  potentially  to  reach  these 
agreements,  but  undoubtedly  its  con- 
tinued existence  and  potential  would  be 
the  kind  of  program  you  need  in  the  pic- 
ture to  ensure  yourself  that  the 
agreements  reached  would  be  effectively 
carried  out.  And  so  in  the  end,  with 
great  reluctance,  the  President,  having 
worked  so  hard  creatively  and  construc- 
tively for  these  potentially  tremendous 
achievements,  simply  had  to  refuse  to 
compromise  the  security  of  the  United 
States,  of  our  allies,  and  freedom  by 
abandoning  the  shield  that  has  held  in 
front  of  freedom. 

So  in  the  end  we  are  deeply  dis- 
appointed at  this  outcome;  although,  I 
think  it  is  important  to  recognize  how 
effectively  and  constructively  and  hard 
the  President  worked  and  how  much  he 
achieved  potentially,  how  ready  he  was 
to  go  absolutely  the  last— not  just  the 
last  mile,  but  as  you  can  see  from  what 
I've  told  you,  quite  a  long  distance  to  try 
to  bring  into  being  these  potentially  very 
significant  agreements.  But  he  could  not 
allow  the  essential  ingredient  to  be 
destroyed  in  the  process— and  would  not 
do  so. 

Q.  You  said  you  were  not  able  to 
succeed  on  SDI.  Did  you  succeed  on 
any  arms  agreement? 

A.   Everything  that  was  discussed 
here  was  discussed  to  a  degree,  you 
might  say,  in  relation  to  the  other  parts, 
although  obviously  many  of  the  things 
that  we're  doing  go  on.  Of  course,  we 
will  return  to  Geneva,  as  I  assume  they 
will,  and  the  things  that  were  talked 
about  I  assume  will  be  seen  in  the 
Geneva  talks  and  in  the  other  talks 
where  we  meet  with  the  Soviet  Union. 
And  we  will  continue  to  strive  in  every 
way  we  can  to  have  a  constructive  rela- 
tionship and  one  that  is  able  to  resolve 

these  problems.  But  we  will  never  do  so 
at  the  expense  of  the  security  of  the 
United  States  and  our  allies. 

Q.  Could  you  say,  just  to  be  clear, 
that  you  had  within  your  grasp  the 
possibility  of  eliminating  all  offensive 
missiles  within  a  10-year  period  if 
there  had  been  that  ultimate  final  con- 
cession by  the  President  on  SDI?  Is 
that  correct? 

A.  That  is  not  the  way  I  think  we 
must  think  about  it,  because  while  we 
had  set  out  many  sweeping  and  poten- 
tially very  significant  things,  if  they  only 
came  to  pass  as  a  result  of  scuttling  the 
SDI  program  then  you  had  to  ask 
yourself  if  they  would  really  come  to 
pass  after  all  after  the  SDI  program  was 
gone.  So  they  were  there  potentially, 
and  I  think  myself  for  the  Soviet  Union 
to  try  to  change  the  ABM  Treaty  in  a 
way  that  would  very  sharply  curtail  the 
research  that  could  be  done  under  it  was 
perhaps  an  indication  of  where  they  are 

Q.  Do  you  have  a  date,  did  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  agree  to  a  date  to 
come  to  the  United  States  for  a  full- 
scale  summit? 

A.  No,  and  there  was  very  little 
discussion  of  a  full-scale  summit.  Of 
course,  it  was  mentioned,  particularly  in 
the  first  day,  and  I  hope  at  some  point 
he  comes  to  the  United  States.  But  we 
ended,  of  course,  having  worked  so  hard 
and  gotten  so  far,  in  the  deep  disappoint- 
ment at  discovering  that  in  the  end  a 
change  in  the  ABM  Treaty  that  would 
have  made  effective  research  very,  very 
difficult  was  a  price,  and  obviously  the 
kind  of  price  that  if  you  paid  it,  you 
might  wind  up  losing  everything  else  you 
had  achieved. 

Q.  Are  U.S. -Soviet  relations  better 
or  worse  than  they  were  before  this 
meeting,  and  why? 

A.  They  are  certainly  more  inten- 
sive, but  it's  hard  for  me  to  assess  that 
question  offhand  because  I've  been 
involved  in  this  2  days.  We  all  had  very 
high  hopes,  and  we  came  very  close  to 
realizing  them,  and  that's  always  kind  of 
a  tough  moment.  But  the  meetings  show 
that  the  two  sides  can  come  together,  and 
these  two  leaders  at  least  can  engage 
very  effectively  on  important  matters. 
Whether  they'll  be  able  to  do  so  at  some 
time  in  the  future  remains  to  be  seen; 
but  in  the  meantime  we  will  continue  in 

every  way  we  can  to  pursue  our  four ' 
point  agenda  and  to  advance  these 
causes  as  best  we  can  and  try  to  havi1* 
constructive  relationship. 

Q.  Did  the  Soviets  mislead  you  I 
about  what  was  possible  at  the  sun 
mit?  Did  they  come  here  in  good  fa  , 

A.  I'm  not  going  to  comment  on  | 
people's  good  faith.  We  came  in  gooc 
faith,  and  certainly  they  engaged  wit 
in  a  very  intensive  process.  They 
obviously  made  quite  a  wide  variety  i 
important  proposals.  In  the  end, 
however,  on  the  absolute  key,  they 
wanted  to  make  a  change  that  I  thin] 
you'd  have  to  say  was,  predictably,  n 
possible  for  us.  But  I  wouldn't  say  tb 
came  here  not  in  good  faith,  because 
they  worked  at  this  very  hard. 

Q.  Would  you  describe  the  chai 
that  they  fostered  in  the  ABM  Trea< 

A.  The  change  in  the  ABM  Trea 
was  the  one  that  would  confine  the 
research  and  testing  and  developmer 
the  laboratory.  There  is  nothing  in  th 
ABM  Treaty  about  that,  so  this  wouli 
definitely  be  a  change.  They  describe! 
as  a  strengthening;  in  our  view,  it  wa 
an  insistence  on  a  limitation  that  woi 
effectively  destroy  the  ability  to  do  ti 
kind  of  energetic  research  leading  to 
ability  to  defend  ourselves  that  is  pos 
ble  to  do,  has  great  prospects,  and  wi 
must  do. 

Q.  When  did  they  begin  insistir ' 
on  this  change?  Was  this  right  fron| 
the  beginning  or  was  this  something 
they  sprung  on  you  this  afternoon? 

A.  No,  no.  These  things  all  were  ' 
sort  of  laid  out  and  we  discussed  then1 
we  discussed  all  these  things  on  the  fij 
day,  and  we  discussed  them  througho , 
And,  of  course,  we  had  a  lengthy  sess|! 
most  of  the  night  last  night  with  ourl( 
teams,  and  in  those,  on  the  basis  of  w| 
was  said  on  the  first  day,  managed  to  | 
agree  on  very  good  language,  particu-| 
larly  in  the  area  of  strategic  arms.  So  | 
don't  want  to  say  that  this  was  someh 
a  last-minute  thing.  They've  been  talki 
about  this  for  a  long  time,  and  we've  | 
been  saying  for  a  long  time  that  we  | 
simply  couldn't  agree  to  it.  That's  wb| 
we  came  down. 

Q.  Given  that  the  President  and1 
Mr.  Gorbachev  could  not  reach  an 
agreement  here  today,  what  can  you 
reasonably  expect  to  happen  in  Gene 


-,.,♦  «.#  e>*«*^ 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

hey  couldn't  accomplish  here? 
oesn't  this  effectively  end  the 
es  for  a  meaningful  arms  agree- 
in  Mr.  Reagan's  term? 

I  hope  it  doesn't  end  the  chances 
reements,  but  I  can't  say  for  sure 
that.  What  I  can  say  is  that  our 
ators  will  be  back  in  Geneva,  and 
1  be  there  knowing  all  of  the  ins 
its,  as  they  will,  of  what  was 
sed  here.  We  will  be  there  in  a 
uctive  spirit,  and  we  will  see  what 
i  do  to  advance  things  further.  The 
5e  of  this  meeting,  you  remember, 
)  try  to  advance,  to  give  instruc- 
.0  these  negotiators  and  others  in 
fora  that  would  move  matters 
And  while  in  the  end  we  weren't 
)  wrap  all  these  up,  in  the  course 
discussions  many  important  things 
igreed  to  [that]  sort  of  depended 
)ther  things  so  that  there  is  a  great 
f  potential  accomplishment  still 
|  But  I'm  not  going  to  try  to  predict 
y  what  will  happen. 

Given  the  claim  for  potential 
liplishments  that  you  talk  about, 
■  talks  in  Geneva  start  from  the 
[where  you  left  off  here,  or  does 
back  to  where  it  was  before  this 
(it  took  place? 

.  We're  glad  to  pick  up  where  we 
if  here.  What  they  will  want  to  do, 
111  have  to  see.  But  there  were  a 
many  important  ideas  advanced, 
i  can  see  from  what  I've  told  you. 
ill,  as  the  time  unfolds  here,  give 
complete  rundown  on  all  this, 
I  just  can't  do  offhand  here.  But 
'  rate,  a  great  deal  of  progress  was 

,  As  you  know,  there  have  been 
various  interpretations  of  the 
Treaty.  Could  you  clarify 
ler  you  are  talking  about  wanting 
lere  to  the  so-called  narrow 
>retation  of  the  treaty  or  the 

interpretation?  And  what  is  the 
nistration's  position  on  that  nar- 
t  broad  question?  Are  you  trying 
fend  the  broad  interpretation  that 
le  always  said  was  legally  proper 
t  least  the  last  few  years? 
.  That  was  not  the  issue.  The  issue 

proposal  to  change  the  ABM  Trea- 
t  to  interpret  it  in  any  particular 
iut  to  change  it  in  such  a  manner 
esearch  would  be  confined  to  what 
juld  do  in  a  laboratory.  That's  a 

Now  insofar  as  our  position  is  con- 
cerned, what  the  President  put  forward, 
as  he  has  before,  was  the  notion  that 
during  this  period  our  research  would  be 
as  permitted  in  the  ABM  Treaty.  And,  of 
course,  we  have  been  discussing, 
Ambassador  Kampelman  [Max  M. 
Kampelman,  U.S.  negotiator  on  defense 
and  space  arms  and  head  of  U.S.  delega- 
tion on  arms  control  negotiations]  has 
been  discussing— and  we  are  perfectly 
prepared  to  continue  discussing  in 
Geneva— what  we  believe  the  treaty 
means.  And  there  is  a  very  long, 
well-developed  and,  by  now,  very  well- 
researched  record  on  exactly  that  ques- 
tion. So  the  issue  wasn't  an  interpreta- 
tion; the  issue  was  their  proposal  to 
make  a  change  which,  in  our  view— and 
it  wasn't  just  the  President's  view  or  my 
view,  but  I  think  all  of  our  experts  that 
we  assembled  here— a  change  that  would 
have  made  it  extremely  difficult  to  do 
effective  research  to  defend  ourselves. 

Q.  What  you  have  said  means  that 
we  should  not  expect  to  see  a  super- 
power summit  in  Washington  within 
the  next  few  months,  as  per  the  Presi- 
dent's invitation  last  year? 

A.  I  don't  see  any  prospect  of  it, 
based  on  this;  but  I've  long  since  learned 
not  to  rule  anything  out. 

Q.  Did  you  have  the  feeling  as  you 
left  this  meeting  that  the  Soviet  posi- 
tion on  this  was  set  in  concrete  or  is 
there  any  way  that  is  possible  to 
return  to  this  amendment  in  any  kind 
of  forum  to  advance  some  of  the 
changes  that  you  had  talked  about? 

A.  We  certainly  argued  about  it 
long  and  hard,  and  we  had— we  came— 
I've  lost  track  of  the  amount  of  time;  I 
don't  even  know  what  time  it  is  now. 
But  at  any  rate,  we  convened  in  Hofdi 
House;  we  took  time  for  caucusing;  we 
reviewed  proposals;  we  made  counter- 
proposals back  and  forth  to  a  con- 
siderable extent  around  this  issue.  So 
there  was  a  tremendous  amount  of 
effort.  And  in  the  last  session,  which 
went  on  for  quite  some  period— I  don't 
know  how  long— but  we  all  know  that  in 
the  last  session  after  our  last  caucus, 
which  really  did  focus  on  this  issue 
directly,  there  was  a  very  long,  search- 
ing effort  and  this  didn't  succeed.  So  I 
don't  know  what  concrete  is  like,  but  it 
seemed  fairly  firm. 

Q.  You  came  into  this  meeting  say- 
ing you  hoped  to  elevate  the  issue  of 
human  rights.  Did  you,  or  did  it  get 
lost  in  this  discussion  about  SDI  and 
arms  control? 

A.  The  issue  of  human  rights  was 
brought  up  on  a  number  of  occasions, 
and  some  very  significant  material  was 
passed  to  the  Soviet  Union  which  they 
accepted  that  stated  not  only  our  views 
but  in  detail  things  about  Jewish  emigra- 
tion, the  number  of  people  who  have 
signified  their  desire  to  leave,  lists  of 
people,  and  things  of  that  kind.  So  all  of 
that  was  covered,  and  in  what  might 
have  been  a  statement  coming  out  of  the 
meeting  dealing  with  this  issue  the  sub- 
ject is  explicitly  setting  up  some  kind  of 
systematic  basis  for  discussing  it.  But,  of 
course,  that  remains  to  be  seen. 

Q.  Are  you  in  effect  saying  that 
potential  progress  was  made  on  INF 
[intermediate-range  nuclear  forces], 
but  that  the  Soviets  are  now  linking 
that  progress  to  SDI  again? 

A.  I  wouldn't  put  it  that  formally, 
but  certainly  as  we  have  gone  through 
these  things  we  saw  the  potential  of  a 
set  of  genuinely  significant 
agreements— on  INF,  on  strategic  arms, 
on  potentially  the  elimination  of  all 
offensive  ballistic  missiles,  on  space  and 
defense— and  there  was  a  kind  of  inte- 
grated feel  to  them.  And  we  came  up  to 
the  end,  and  we  didn't  agree,  so  we 
didn't  go  back  and  say,  "Well,  now  that 
we  have  failed  to  agree,  let's  see  how  we 
can  sort  this  out."  We  came  to  the  end, 
and  the  sorting-out  process  we'll  have  to 
take  up,  no  doubt,  in  Geneva. 

Q.  Do  you  have  one  piece  of  paper, 
as  you  seem  to  be  suggesting,  which 
listed  all  of  these  progress  areas,  but 
that  when  the  discussion  broke  down 
over  the  ABM  issue  the  Soviets  would 
not  agree  to  the  individual  points  on 
the  paper?  I'm  trying  to  get  the  feel  of 
why  everything  became  interlocked. 
The  INF,  we  thought,  had  been 
separated  out. 

A.  I  think  the  best  way  for  me  to 
answer  that  question  is  sort  of  descrip- 
tively in  the  process.  In  the  process  we 
took  up  each  of  these  subjects;  and  then 
last  night  in  the  two  working  groups  we 
tried  to  go  from  the  statements  that 
were  made  in  the  meetings  of  the  two 
leaders  to  explicit  language;  and  we 

nher  19Rfi 


were  able  to  find  such  language  in 
START  | strategic  arms  reduction  talks] 
and  across  the  range  of  bilateral, 
regional,  and  humanitarian  issues.  We 
were  unable  to  do  so  last  night  in  INF, 
Imi  with  the  strong  discussion  on  that 
today  positions  shifted,  and  we  were  able 
to  find  what  I  think  could  be  a  very  fine 
agreement.  We  didn't  get  around  to 
actually  reducing  that  to  specific 
language,  but  I  think,  given  the 
agreements  that  were  reached,  it 
wouldn't  have  been  too  difficult. 

Similarly,  in  the  field  of  nuclear 
testing,  we  talked  out  a  pretty  fair 
measure  of  agreement  on  the  content  of 
what  might  be  said,  and  my  belief  is  that 
if  we  had  gone  forward,  we  would  have 
been  able  to  work  that  out.  And  we  had 
pieces  of  paper  that  we  were  working 
from  on  the  space  defense  ABM  issue 
that  represented  the  nature  of  the 
discussion;  and  it  was  over  that  wording 
that  finally,  in  the  end,  about  however 
long  ago  it  was— three-quarters  of  an 
hour  ago— the  two  leaders  just  decided 
that  they  weren't  able  to  agree.  And  at 
that  point,  not  being  able  to  agree,  we 
adjourned.  We  didn't,  in  other  words,  go 
back  and  say,  "Now,  wait  a  minute.  How 
much  of  this  and  how  much  of  that?" 

Descriptively,  these  were  the  things 
that  went  along,  and  as  we  pick  up  and 
continue  to  work  on  this  relationship,  as 
at  least  we  certainly  intend  to  do,  we 
will  want  to  see  how  much  constructive 
material  we  can  develop  out  of  these 
really  extraordinary  discussions  that 
were  had  here  in  Reykjavik. 

Q.  Can  you  tell  us  exactly  what 
was  the  potential  agreement  that  vou 
reached  on  START? 

A.  Basically  to  reduce  strategic 
offensive  arms  in  half,  with  references  in 
the  agreement  numerically  to  both  the 
launchers  and  the  warheads.  I  could 
describe  it  in  more  detail,  but  that's  the 
essence  of  it. 

Q.  Could  you  say  whether  there 
was  any  progress  made  at  all  on  the 
issue  of  verification  as  regards  to 
nuclear  testing?  And  a  second  ques- 
tion: the  critics  have  charged 
undoubtedly  that  this  Administration 
has  chosen  "Star  Wars,"  or  SDI,  over 
arms  control.  Is  that  a  fair  accusation? 

A.  That's  a  totally  misplaced  kind  of 
statement  because  the  fact  of  the  matter 
is  that  the  existence  of  a  strong  research 
program  about  strategic  defense  and  its 


undoubted  promise  has  had  a  great  deal 
to  do  with  bringing  these  talks  to  the 
point  that  they've  gotten  to;  and  I 
believe  that  the  continued  strong  work 
on  that  program  in  existence,  as  reduc- 
tions, if  they  had  taken  place,  were 
going  on  would  be  your  best  insurance 
policy,  that  they  would  continue.  That  is. 
I  think  we  have  to  think  beyond  verifica- 
tion into  compliance  and  what  brings 
about  compliance.  And  in  effect  the 
promise  of  strategic  defense  is  the  thing 
that  would  help  deliver  on  these  prom- 
ises, so  that's  the  way  I  think  of  it.  And 
perhaps  the  significance  of  strategic 
defense  is  not  lost  on  either  side,  and 
that's  what  it  comes  down  to. 

Q.  Did  the  President  make  any 
statement  to  Mr.  Gorbachev  on  the 
consequences  of  this  outcome  of  their 

A.  They  both  shared  their  disap- 
pointment, and  I  think  they  could  both 
see  the  very  positive  consequences  as 
people  in  the  United  States,  people  in 
the  Soviet  Union,  and  for  that  matter 
people  all  over  the  world  might  con- 
template getting  rid  of  ballistic  missiles 
and,  for  that  matter,  getting  rid  of 
nuclear  weapons.  So  there  is  a  great 
sense  of  disappointment,  but  at  least  at 
this  meeting  a  tremendous  amount  of 
headway  was  made.  But  in  the  end,  we 
couldn't  quite  make  it. 

Q.   Was  there  any  animosity 
between  the  two  men  at  the  end? 

A.  They  were  both  disappointed,  but 
the  discussion  throughout  was 
straightforward  and  civil,  and  people 
didn't  lose  their  tempers  and  so  on, 
although  it  was  a  vigorous,  intense 
discussion.  But  it  was  conducted  in  a 
very  good  manner  throughout,  including 
at  the  end,  despite  the  great 

Q.  Would  you  characterize  the 
INF  accord  that  you  said  appeared  to 
be  worked  out?  Did  the  Soviets 
address  the  question  of  the  Asian 
missiles?  And  can  you  tell  us  what — 
were  discussed? 

A.  Yes.  Let  me  say  first  of  all  that 
we  all  felt  that  we  reached  an  agreement 
in  the  discussion  between  the  two  heads, 
but  we  didn't  get  around  to  that  often 
exotic  process  of  reducing  what  two 
leaders  agree  to  into  actual  language.  So 
with  that  caveat,  I  believe  that  we  made 
very  good  contact  with  each  other  on  the 

subject  of  verification;  that  we  addre  \ 
successfully  the  issue  of  short-range  I 
missiles;  that  we  addressed  successful 
the  issue  of  duration;  and  that,  insofEJ 
the  actual  outcome  is  concerned,  we'  I 
would  have  wound  up  with  a  global  c<| 
ing  on  INF  missiles  of  100  warheads.  I 

That's  a  breathtaking  reduction  f  I 
what  now  exists,  and  those  warheads! 
would  have  been  located  in  the  Asian  I 
side  of  the  Soviet  Union,  on  the  one   j 
hand,  and  in  the  United  States  on  tht 
other.  So  it  would  have  been  a  very    i 
sweeping  shift,  thinking  of  where  we 
were  4  or  5  years  ago  and  where  we 
might  still  wind  up.  I'm  not  saying  th| 
these  agreements  aren't  potentially 
possible;  as  of  this  moment,  they  don 
have  standing  other  than  we  manage 
get  ourselves  to  that  point. 

So  we  were  consistent  with  our 
friends  in  Europe  and  consistent  wit! 
our  friends  in  Asia.  And  I  think,  also, 
might  say  in  the  discussion  across  all 
subjects,  there  was  a  vigorous 
assertion— in  some  ways,  rather 
interesting— a  vigorous  assertion  on  1 
sides  of  how  insistent  they  were  both 
going  to  be  on  adequate  verification, 
which,  of  course,  we  welcomed. 

Q.  The  ABM  Treaty  says  that  e; 
party  undertakes  to  develop  tests— 
to  develop  tests  or  deploy  ABM 
systems  or  components — space-base 
land-based,  or  sea-based.  Why  did  t 
Soviets  want  to  change  that?  What 
prompted  them?  Was  it  the  America ; 
insistence  on  the  broad  interpretatic 
or — during  this  10  years?  Why  did  tl 
want  to  change  that? 

A.  You  have  to  ask  them  that  qut 
tion.  I  don't  know  the  answer  to  that  i 
question.  I  can  only  tell  you  that  they 
sought  a  change  in  the  treaty  that  wo'l 
confine  research  to  the  laboratory,  an 
was  our  view  and  the  President's  view 
and  all  of  his  advisers'  view  that  if  yot 
confined  it  that  way  you  would  not  wi'l 
up  with  an  effective  program.  And  so  j 
just  couldn't  buy  it  because  that  woulc 
be,  in  effect,  the  end  of  the  promising 
effort  to  give  us  a  shield  and  a  defens' 
against  ballistic  missiles. 

Q.  Did  you  specifically  discuss  t| 
continuation  of  talks  at  Geneva?  Am 
did  the  Soviets  either  leave  it  unclea 
or  indicate  to  you  in  any  way  that  th 
might  not  return  to  the  table  at 

Department  of  State  Bufl 

Report  on  Reykjavik 





ks  I  said  in  response  to  an 
luestion,  I  could  only  answer 
ively  and  we  didn't  discuss  at  the 
.1,  are  we  going  back  to  Geneva 
are  we  going  to  do.  We  ended 
to  reach  an  agreement  finally, 
re  wasn't  time  or,  frankly,  I 
link  any  particular  "umph"  to  go 
d  recapitulate  that  way.  But  I 
what  the  United  States  will  do. 
have  our  negotiators  in  Geneva, 
will  be  ready  to  work  on  these 
nt  issues. 


lews  Conference, 
FO  Headquarters, 
13,  19867 

President  said,  as  he  was  leaving 
nd  last  night,  "We  came  to  Iceland 
vance  the  cause  of  peace  and, 
jh  we  put  on  the  table  the  most  far- 
ling  arms  control  proposals  in 
ry,  the  General  Secretary  rejected 

However  we  made  great  strides  in 
nd  in  resolving  most  of  our  dif- 
ices,  and  we're  going  to  continue 
ffort."  I  think  the  President 
ned  it  up  well. 

'oday  I  had  the  opportunity  to 
ibe,  in  detail,  the  process  and  the 
ent  of  the  meeting  in  Reykjavik  to 
olleagues  in  NATO  [North  Atlantic 
ty  Organization]  and  each  of  them 
in  opportunity  to  express  his  view.  I 
struck,  as  I  always  am  in  these 
;ings,  at  the  cohesion,  at  the  con- 
itive  tone  of  our  alliance  discussions 
Df  the  genuine  sense  in  which  the 
;javik  meeting  is  viewed  by  our 
>  as  a  tremendous  success  in  bring- 
o  the  surface  so  many  issues  of 
ine  significance  and  showing  with 
;  real  content  what  prospectively 
it  be  done  with  things, 
rhe  fact  that  we  were  not  able  to  get 
closure  can't  diminish  the  fact  that 
j  ideas  are  on  the  table  now  in 
;r  specific  form  and  we  will  pursue 
i,  as  the  President  has  said.  Our 
tiators  will  return  to  Geneva,  and 
will  pick  up,  as  will  our  negotiators 
rious  other  fora.  As  in  one  way  or 
tier  different  representatives  in  the 
ice  put  it,  "Reykjavik  was  a  success. 
)uld  have  been  a  failure  not  to  try 
would  be  a  failure  not  to  follow  up 

on  the  many  achievements  at 

So  you  can  be  sure  that  the  Presi- 
dent, with  the  support  and  participation 
of  our  allies,  will  be  wanting  to  do  just 
that.  I'll  be  glad  to  take  your  questions. 

Q.  You  already  answered  my  first 
question  about  where  the  Geneva  talks 
would  pick  up.  Apparently  the 
negotiated  elements  of  Reykjavik  are 
on  the  table.  There  was  some  ambi- 
guity about  that.  But,  do  you  feel — 

A.  What  I  can  say  is  our  negotiators 
will  return  to  Geneva,  and  of  course  all 
of  the  ideas  involved  are  known  to 
everyone,  so  we'll  proceed  on  that  basis. 
I'm  not  trying  to  speak  for  what  the 
Soviet  Union  will  do,  and  we  didn't  have 
any  understanding  about  that. 

Q.  But  what  do  you  feel  are  the 
possibilities  of  negotiators  in  Geneva 
reaching  an  agreement  when  the 
leaders  couldn't? 

A.  There  is  a  perfectly  good 
possibility  of  reaching  agreement  on  INF 
[intermediate-range  nuclear  forces].  The 
leaders  developed  a  great  deal  of 
material  that  people  can  try  to  build  on. 
The  Reykjavik  meeting  was  proposed  by 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  as  a 
meeting  to  prepare  for  a  subsequent 
meeting  in  the  United  States  and  is  part 
of  the  preparatory  process,  and  Geneva 
is  very  much  a  part  of  the  preparatory 
process,  you  might  say.  So,  we  certainly 
intend  to  feed  the  Reykjavik  ideas  into 
our  discussions  in  Geneva.  As  I  say,  I 
don't  presume  to  know  how  the  Soviet 
Union  will  approach  this,  but  that's  the 
way  we're  going  to  approach  it. 

Q.  Did  any  of  your  European  allies 
express  concern  that  the  SDI 
[Strategic  Defense  Initiative]  program 
could  prevent  reaching  an  agreement 
in  arms  control? 

A.  They  didn't,  but  I  think  the 
reason  is  the  increasing  perception  that 
the  possibility  of  learning  how  to  defend 
ourselves  against  these  devastating 
offensive  ballistic  missiles  is  the  very 
possibility  that  had  a  great  deal  to  do 
with  a  willingness  of  the  Soviet  Union  to 
come  forward  with  us  with  the  kind  of 
program  that  we're  talking  about.  I 
think,  if  such  a  program  were  ever 
agreed  to  as  something  to  get  started 
with,  the  realization  of  that  program 
that  is  actually  taking  place  would  be 
strengthened  tremendously  by  having  a 

vigorous  and  prospective  strategic 
defense  program  in  being.  That  is,  the 
research  on  it  continuing.  Therefore,  the 
President  felt,  and  I  certainly  agree  with 
him,  that  to  agree  to  something  now  that 
would  have  the  effect  of  crippling  our 
ability  to  find  a  way  to  defend  ourselves 
would  have,  in  effect,  undermined  what 
we  were  hoping  to  get  agreed  to.  I  think 
people  understand  that  point.  It  isn't  a 
trivial  point,  it  isn't  just  hanging  onto 
some  program  or  something  like  that.  It 
is  a  very  deep,  underlying  problem. 

Q.  Can  you  confirm  that  the  only 
point  on  which  the  breakdown  took 
place  was  the  definition  of  the  ongoing 
research  in  SDI? 

A.  The  Soviets  insisted  on  what 
would  have  been  a  radical  change  in  the 
ABM  [Antiballistic  Missile]  Treaty  to 
restrict  research— other  than  the  kind  of 
research  done  on  the  system  that  they 
have  deployed— to  the  laboratory.  Now, 
what  that  means  is  a  proposal  to  cripple 
strategic  defense  research.  So  you  have 
to  see  it  for  what  it  is  and  then  ask 
yourself  about  the  implications  of  that 
for  the  broader  program. 

So  the  President  felt,  much  as  he 
would  like,  as  anyone  would,  to  reach 
such  a  sweeping  and  good  agreement, 
that  he  had  to  have  the  strength  not  to 
agree  to  something  that  might  look  good 
today  and  7  years  from  now  turn  out  to 
be  crumbling  because  of  an  essential 
ingredient  that  had  been  unwisely  given 
away,  and  he  just  wouldn't  do  it.  I  must 
say  I  admire  his  courage.  It  takes  a  lot  of 
courage  to  do  that. 

Q.  It  was  well  known  before  the 
summit  took  place  that  the  Soviets 
were  trying  to  confine  research  on  SDI 
to  the  laboratory.  Our  position  also  is 
well-known,  that  we  wanted  to  be  able 
to  deploy  an  SDI  system  at  the  end  of  a 
period,  whether  it  was  7V2  or  10  years. 
Can  you  say  whether  any  effort  was 
made,  and  if  not,  why  not,  to  try  to 
split  that  difference,  to  try  to  come  up 
with  a  formula  under  which,  for  exam- 
ple, testing  might  have  been  permitted 
but  not  testing  integrated  SDI  com- 
ponents so  that  you  might  have  been 
able  to  achieve  the  truly  extraordinary 
other  accomplishments  that  were 

A.  The  question  of  discussing  the 
meaning  of  the  ABM  Treaty  is 
something  that  has  been  going  on  in 
Geneva,  and  we  are  quite  prepared  to 

Jmber  1986 


continue  that  process  and  said  so.  How, 
to  pick  up  on  something  you  said— it 
wasn't  exactly  the  question  you  asked. 
This  difference  of  opinion  about  research 
was  known  before  we  arrived  in 
Reykjavik,  but  so  were  a  lot  of  other  dif- 
ferences. And  many  of  these  differences 
were  narrowed  greatly  or  even  resolved, 
and  both  parties  made  concessions. 

With  respect  to  space  and  the 
strategic  defense  and  the  ABM  Treaty, 
the  President  made  a  major  concession 
in  agreeing— and  we  thought  that  this 
was  what  the  Soviets  were  driving  for, 
and  they  certainly  seemed  to  say  that— 
in  agreeing  to  a  nonwithdrawal  from  the 
ABM  Treaty  provision  for  10  years  and 
linked  it  to  a  program  of  reductions  to 
zero,  at  the  end  of  10  years,  of  offensive 
ballistic  missiles.  So,  he  gave  the  10-year 
nonwithdrawal  provision  that  they  seem 
to  be  seeking  and  we  felt  that  if  you 
wind  up  at  the  end  of  10  years  and  there 
are  no  more  offensive  ballistic  missiles, 
then  how  can  you  be  concerned  and  why 
should  you  be  concerned  about  a  defense 
against  them. 

I  suppose  somebody  might  say,  well, 
why  would  you  want  to  spend  all  the 
money  to  put  them  into  place?  But  cer- 
tainly, from  the  standpoint  of  any  threat 
that  might  hold,  it  wouldn't  be  a  threat. 
And,  of  course,  it  would  be  true  that,  if 
you  got  to  that  point  in  10  years,  what 
you  would  have  to  deploy  would  be  a 
much  reduced  and  different  thing  than 
what  you'd  have  to  deploy  against  a 
large  offensive  force.  But  you  do  have  to 
have  an  insurance  policy  against 
cheating  and  against  the  possibility  that 
somebody  sometime  might  come  up  with 
these  missiles  which,  after  all,  people 
know  how  to  build,  and  so  you'd  better 
have  a  policy  of  insurance. 

Q.  At  your  last  meeting  with  the 
NATO  foreign  ministers  in  Halifax  you 
faced  a  lot  of  criticism  on  the  Presi- 
dent's SALT  II  [strategic  arms  limita- 
tion talks]  decision.  How  did  this 
meeting  compare  with  that  in  tone? 
Were  you  asked  for  an  explanation  of 
why?  After  the  overall  agreement  fell 
through,  the  two  leaders  didn't  go 
back  to  try  to  reach  an  individual 
agreement  on  such  things  as  INF.  Is 
there  any  criticism  of  the  fact  that 
they  didn't? 

A.  I  think  I've  described  the  tone 
already.  It  was  a  very  positive  tone,  and 
I  think  people  can  see  that  one  of  the 

President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  after  concluding  their  second  round 
of  talks.  Pavel  Palazhchenko,  interpreter,  is  in  background. 

reasons  why  we've  made  as  much  prog- 
ress as  we  have  is  the  cohesion  and 
determination  and  strength  of  the 
alliance  and  the  basic  policy  of  the 
alliance  to  be  strong,  to  be  cohesive,  and 
to  be  reasonable  and  ready  to  talk.  But 
that  basic  policy  proves  itself  out  here, 
and  we  fully  intend  to  pursue  it,  and  I 
think  there's  genuine  unity  on  that. 

So  I  was  very  encouraged  and 
pleased  at  the  degree  to  which  people 
felt  that,  to  the  contrary  of  some  of  the 
criticism,  it  would  have  been  a  tragic 
mistake  not  to  go  to  Reykjavik  and  make 

this  effort.  And  it  would  be  a  tragic 
mistake  not  to  follow  up  on  it,  and  we 
need  to  gear  ourselves  to  do  that  and 
keep  the  pressure  on  in  every  way  we 
can.  So  it  was  a  very  supportive 

Q.  Was  there  a  lot  of  disappoint 
ment  with  the  outcome? 

A.  Of  course,  people  would  like  tc 
have  final  closure.  But  I  think  there  w 
a  little  bit  more  of  the  sense  of  astonis 
ment  and  pleasure  at  how  much  matei 
had  been  brought  up  to  the  surface  an 


Department  of  State  Bull 


Report  on  Reykjavik 

fied  as  potentials.  Now  it  may  be 
he  Soviet  Union  will  take  all  that 
)ff  the  table  again.  But  in  a  sense  it 

disappear;  it's  there,  and  we  know 
i  they  know  it,  and  the  world 

it.  So  we'll  keep  working  for  it. 
hought  some  of  the  initial  reports 
;  sense  of  failure  and  disappoint- 
and  so  on,  and,  of  course,  there  is  a 
f  closure  in  the  end,  and  we  wish 
here  had  been  a  great  thing. 

theless,  as  compared  with  what 
e  thought  might  be  even  con- 
)le  a  week  ago,  we're  in  a  different 
ime.  So  a  tremendous  amount  was 

achieved  in  that  sense. 

You  seem  to  be  suggesting  that 
resence  of  SDI  on  the  table  has 
d  to  bring  the  Russians  as  far  as 
ve  come.  Is  it  the  feeling  that  con- 
ig  to  stick  to  the  concept  would 
them  further  still?  Is  that  what 
ehind  us? 

.  I  can't  say  exactly  what  produces 
result.  But  I  think  that  the  cohe- 
ind  strength  of  the  alliance  has 
an  essential  ingredient  all  the  way 
gh.  The  strong  modernization  pro- 
that  the  President  has  gotten  into 
in  the  United  States,  the  spirit  that 
Dme  forward  in  the  United  States 
a  the  alliance  all  have  been  major 
ibutors  to  the  atmosphere  that  has 
ht  about  these  talks, 
he  emergence  of  the  possibility  of 
;gic  defense  against  the  most 
bilizing  weapons  that  threaten  us 
ire  on  Earth,  the  emergence  of  the 
Dility  of  defending  against  them  is 
iportant  new  fact  of  life.  We 
dn't  let  go  of  it.  No  doubt  it  has  had 
ipact,  and  you  could  only  estimate 
oy  the  emphasis  the  Soviet  Union 
on  it.  It's  the  centerpiece  for  them, 

me  President,  in  his  extraordinarily 
live  and  constructive  and  patient 
Its  to  try  to  get  somewhere  here, 
b  a  number  of  changes  in  his  posi- 
right  there  in  Reykjavik,  as  he  had 
pe.  But  the  one  thing  that  he 
lln't  and  shouldn't  change  is  the 
I  ability  to  have  the  program  carried 
ard  so  that  we  can  determine 
[ar  as  possible  just  what  can  be  done 
strategic  defense.  That's  really  the 
ficance  of  the  change  in  the  ABM 
ty  which  they  wanted.  Its  purpose 
clearly  to  so  restrict  what  could  be 

done  in  the  way  of  research  that  you 
really  wouldn't  be  able  to  come  to  a  solid 

Q.  Could  you  give  us  some  more 
details  of  the  agreement  that  was 
sketched  out  on  a  test  ban  treaty? 

A.  The  subject  of  nuclear  testing 
was  one  of  the  subjects  that  got  con- 
siderable attention.  There  seemed  to  be, 
I  thought,  and  [Soviet  Foreign]  Minister 
Shevardnadze  told  me  he  thought,  basic 
agreement  as  to  the  content.  Now  the 
content  you  might  say,  that's  the  notes, 
but  just  what  the  melody  is  we  would 
argue  about.  At  any  rate,  I  think  that  if 
we  had  gotten  to  that  point  we  could 
have  put  together  something  and  it 
would  have  contained  the  following 
things  and  maybe  it  will  still  come  to 
pass,  just  as  I  think  there's  no  reason 
not  to  think  that  a  good  INF  agreement 
might  not  come  to  pass. 

But  what  a  nuclear  testing  agree- 
ment, that  the  President  has  said  he  is 
willing  to  go  along  with,  would  consist  of 
is  an  agreement  to  sit  down  and  nego- 
tiate the  following  things:  first, 
improved  verification  so  that  the  size  of 
any  test  can  be  determined  within  a 
small  margin  of  error,  so  you  know  what 
the  size  is.  Right  now  the  margin  of 
error  in  the  processes  we  have  is  quite  a 
bit  wider  than  it  needs  to  be,  if  we  used 
better  methods,  which  are  known  and 
have  been  explicitly  proposed.  This 
would  allow  the  ratification  and  coming 
into  effect  of  the  TTBT  [Threshold  Test 
Ban  Treaty]  and  PNET  [Peaceful 
Nuclear  Explosions  Treaty],  or  whatever 
it  is,  treaties  that  set  a  threshold  for 
military  and  peaceful  tests. 

Now  insofar  as  those  treaties  are 
concerned,  the  President  has  said  that,  if 
we  obtain  agreement  with  the  Soviet 
Union  on  these  verification  measures, 
then  those  protocols,  along  with  the 
treaties,  will  be  submitted  to  the  Con- 
gress for  ratification.  If  we  don't,  we 
will  set  out  certain  reservations  and  sub- 
mit the  treaties  anyway  with  it  left  for 
the  President  to  bring  them  into  force  by 
certifying  that  the  conditions  established 
in  the  reservations  have  been  satisfied. 

Now,  beyond  that,  it  calls  in  these 
treaties  for  the  parties  to  start  negotia- 
tions aimed  at  the  elimination  of  nuclear 
testing.  So  what  we  would  agree  to  is  to 
do  that  with  changes  in  a  step-by-step 
process  in  nuclear  testing  keyed  to 
reductions  in  nuclear  weapons,  but  to 

work  in  good  faith  to  bring  that  about. 
Now,  we  had  worked  up  language  that 
said  that  in  a  much  shorter  space.  But 
that's  the  basic  idea,  and  we're  prepared 
to  go  forward  with  that  idea. 

I  think  it's  important  to  see  that  you 
reduce  testing  as  you  reduce  weapons, 
because  you  have  to  keep  reminding 
yourself  that  as  long  as  we  depend  upon 
nuclear  weapons  as  the  essential  deter- 
rent, then  we  have  to  do  testing.  We 
have  to  do  testing  to  see  that  the 
weapons  work.  We  have  to  do  testing  to 
improve  the  safety  of  them,  which  has 
been  quite  significant,  and  to  continue 
the  modernization  of  our  forces.  So  those 
are  the  reasons  why. 

Q.  Can  I  ask  you  whether  the 
allies  today  enthusiastically  restated 
their  pledge  to  continue  deployment  of 
medium-range  nuclear  missiles  in 
Europe  on  the  current  NATO  schedule 
in  the  wake  of  the  ail-but  agreement  to 
eliminate  those  weapons  from  Europe? 

A.  The  question  never  entered 
anybody's  mind,  and  I  think  that 
everyone  can  see  by  now  that  it  is  the 
fact  of  the  strength  and  determination  of 
the  alliance  that's  played  such  an  impor- 
tant role  in  the  possible  agreement  to 
deal  effectively  with  these  weapons.  So 
everybody  sees  what  this  process  is 
about,  and  no  one  is  questioning  it. 

Q.  But  don't  you  think  that  this 
last  opportunity  to  conclude  an  INF 
agreement  would  be  very  difficult  to 
understand  for  the  European  public 
opinion  and  could  give  a  new  boost  to 
the  peace  movement? 

A.  I  think  the  peace  movement 
should  become  the  greatest  fans  of 
Ronald  Reagan,  because  he  is  a  person 
who  is  trying  in  a  creative  and  increas- 
ingly effective  way  to  eliminate  all  these 
weapons.  Now  you  don't  eliminate  them 
by  unilateral  disarmament.  That  is  the 
road  to  disaster.  You  eliminate  them  by 
careful,  realistic,  tough-minded 

Insofar  as  INF  is  concerned,  through 
the  process  of  negotiation,  the  positions 
of  the  two  sides  had  narrowed  greatly 
between  when  the  negotiations  started 
and  a  week  ago.  At  Reykjavik  they  came 
together  quite  well.  So  what  we  will  do, 
as  far  as  the  alliance  is  concerned  and  as 
far  as  the  United  States  is  concerned,  is 
proceed  to  Geneva,  our  negotiators  will 
be  there  tonight,  and  as  far  as  we're  con- 

umber  1986 


cerned,  we're  going  to  work  on  these 

Now  what  the  Soviet  Union  may  do, 
I  can't  speak  about  that.  But  as  far  as 
we're  concerned,  we're  going  to  keep 
driving  to  get  this  agreement  that  I 
think  Europeans  want,  our  friends  in 
Asia  want  it,  we  want  it,  and  we  hope 
the  Soviet  Union  wants  it. 

Q.  First,  did  the  President  repeat 
to  Mr.  Gorbachev  [Soviet  General 
Secretary]  his  offer  to  join  in  SDI  and 
what  was  the  answer?  And  second, 
reverting  if  I  may,  your  question,  if  in 
the  10  years  there  will  be  no  offensive 
missiles,  why  worry  about  the 

A.  As  to  the  first  question:  Yes,  the 
President  continues  to  be  ready  to  share 
the  results  of  the  research  on  strategic 
defense,  and  he  reiterated  that  offer  to 
Mr.  Gorbachev.  He  didn't  find  a  taker, 
but  the  offer  stands. 

Insofar  as  the  end  of  a  10-year 
period  is  concerned,  first  of  all,  the  best 
insurance  policy  you  can  take  out  that  a 
process  of  elimination  of  offensive 
ballistic  missiles  would  actually  proceed 
is  the  maintenance  in  being  of  an  active 
and  promising  program  of  strategic 
defense  against  them.  At  the  end,  it 
would  be  up  to  either  party  to  decide 
whether  you  wanted  to  spend  the  money 
to  go  ahead  and  put  these  defenses  in 
place,  and,  as  I  said,  what  you  would 
have  to  do  in  view  of  the  fact  that 
presumably  there  aren't  any  offensive 
ballistic  missiles  to  defend  against, 
would  be  a  lot  less  than  otherwise.  But 
there  is  always  the  problem  of  cheating, 
and  mobile  missiles  are  not  that  easy  to 
find.  There's  always  the  problem  of 
somebody  getting  a  hold  of  a  technology 
that  has  become  known  technology,  even 
though  it's  very  hard  to  produce  and  so 
on  a  long-range  ballistic  missile.  Never- 
theless, it's  obviously  possible,  so  it's 
important  to  have  the  ability  to  deal  with 
it.  So  those  are  the  reasons. 

Q.  [Inaudible]  INF  withdrawals  or 
abolition.  And  since  you  were  also  very 
close  to  a  form  of  words  on  nuclear 
testing,  why  could  you  not  reach  some 
sort  of  preliminary  agreement  on  those 
areas,  and  who  was  it,  which  side  was 
it,  that  insisted  that  the  arms  control 
package  stood  or  fell  as  a  whole? 

A.  You're  imposing  a  kind  of  con- 
cept on  the  weekend  that  it  can't  stand. 

I  can  only  answer  that  question  descrip- 
tively. Two  people  came  together.  They 
had  this  sweeping  agenda,  and  they 
went  through  that  agenda,  and  they 
reached,  let's  say,  agreement  in  principle 
on  strategic  arms,  on  INF,  on  nuclear 
testing.  And,  I  might  say,  on  such  mat- 
ters in  the  strategic  defense  field  as  a 
10-year  nonwithdrawal  agreement  linked 
to  elimination  of  offensive  ballistic 
missiles.  There  was  a  great  deal 

In  the  end,  however,  it  seemed  that 
the  Soviets  insisted  on  so  restricting 
what  could  be  done  in  continuing 
strategic  research  as  to  make  it  badly 
crippled.  I've  tried  to  explain  here  why 
that  would  have  been  very  unwise  for 
the  President  to  agree  to.  So,  as  the 
Sunday  went  on  and  on,  and  we  went  5, 
6,  7  hours  beyond  what  we  were  sup- 
posed to,  and  people  stuck  with  it  and 
stuck  with  it,  and  finally  we  weren't  able 
to  resolve  these  issues,  and  we  left.  But 
that  doesn't  mean  that  it's  over.  We 
didn't  have  time  really  to  pick  up  and 
say,  "Well,  now  let's  go  back  and  see 
about  this,  that  and  the  other  thing." 
There's  plenty  of  time  to  do  that,  and 
we'll  be  doing  that  in  Geneva,  and  we'll 
be  doing  that  in  various  fora.  As  I've 
said,  I  can't  speak  for  the  Soviets,  but 
from  our  standpoint,  we'd  like  to  see 
something  that  begins  to  get  a  handle  on 
nuclear  testing,  we'd  like  to  see  agree- 
ment worked  out  that's  sensible  on  INF, 
and  so  on. 

Q.  I  understand  there  was  a 
discussion  in  Reykjavik  that  100 
SS-20s  should  remain  in  the  Asian 
part  of  Russia.  If  it's  true,  how  do  you 
freeze  in  Siberia  these  mobile  forces, 
and  how  do  you  think  the  defense  of 
the  European  theater  could  be  attained 
from  all  those  mobile  SS-20s?  Could 
you  elaborate  the  discussion  in  this 
context,  along  with  your  contact  with 
the  Japanese  Vice  Minister  who  is  sup- 
posed to  be  here  in  headquarters 

A.  I  guess  it  would  be  impossible  for 
almost  anything  not  to  be  frozen  in  cer- 
tain parts  of  Siberia.  In  terms  of  the 
INF  subject,  what  we  wound  up  agree- 
ing to,  in  addition  to  the  short-range 
systems,  verification,  and  duration  provi- 
sions, was,  first  of  all,  that  the  principle 
should  be  a  global  limit— this  has  always 
been  very  important,  among  others,  to 
our  friends  in  Japan— and  that  the  limit 
would  be  100. 

That  involves  a  large  reduction  i 
the  Soviet  SS-20  missiles  aimed  at 
Japan.  And  that  the  deployment  oft 
100  missiles  should  be,  on  the  Soviet 
side,  in  the  Asian  portion  of  the  Sov 
Union  and,  in  the  U.S.  side,  in  the 
United  States,  so  presumably  somep 
in  the  Alaskan  area,  from  which  the: 
missiles  could,  if  we  wished  to  deplo; 
them  there,  be  able  to  reach  Asian  p 
tions  of  the  Soviet  Union. 

So  this  was  a  measure  of  equity, 
that  was,  in  terms  of  those  particula 
numbers,  that  was  what  was  accepto 
Now  we  have  a  very  active  program 
keeping  in  touch  with  our  allies  here 
Japan,  Australia,  our  friends  in  Chir 
others,  so  we  have  a  very  strong  cop 
sultative  process— Korea.  Originally 
there  was  some  thought  that  if 
somebody  from  Japan  could  come  he 
we  could  do  a  briefing,  but  we  thoug 
maybe  it  would  be  better  for  one  of 
people  who  was  present  at  Reykjavil 
go  to  Tokyo,  I  think  now,  I  don't  kn< 
exactly  where.  But  anyway  he's  goni 
directly  from  Reykjavik  to  Tokyo,  ai< 
others  are  going  elsewhere,  so  that 
give  people  a  good,  thorough  briefin; 

Q.  You  said  it  would  be  tragic 
the  talks  that  began  in  Iceland  did 
continue.  Other  than  Geneva,  is  thr 
any  change  that  there  will  be  a  sun 
in  Washington? 

A.  There  is  no  date  set,  and  so 
that's  about  all  I  can  say.  There's  no 
active  plan  in  being.  But  I'm  not  goi) 
to  comment  on  that  otherwise. 

Q.  I  want  to  ask  if  the  Cyprus 
problem  as  well  as  the  situation  of 
Turkish  minority  in  Bulgaria  were 
discussed  during  the  summit  and,  i 
so,  what  was  the  outcome? 

A.  At  Reykjavik,  we  discussed  ol 
full  agenda,  by  agreement  with  the 
Soviet  Union.  So  we  discussed  region 
issues,  so  called.  We  discussed 
humanitarian  and  human  rights  issud 
and  we  discussed  various  bilateral  mil 
ters  that  we  have. 

Stemming  from  the  discussions  I 
between  the  leaders,  on  Saturday  nig| 
two  working  groups  were  established] 
one  chaired  by  Ambassador  Ridgwayl 
[Assistant  Secretary  for  European  ail 
Canadian  Affairs  Rozanne  L.  Ridgwsl 
who  is  here,  in  the  arms  control  issue' 
on  the  one  hand  and  on  regional, 
bilateral,  and  human  rights  issues,  or 
the  other.  And  very  substantial  progi 
was  made  in  both  of  these  areas. 


rionarlmont  nf  Citato  Rill 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

h  to  specific  discussion  of  the  two 
ithat  you  mentioned,  it  was  not 
lie  really  to  reach  those  other  than 
■terence  to  the  importance  of  these 
pal  issues.  I  think  your  question  is  a 
bne  in  pointing  up  that,  with  all  due 
ipt  to  the  importance  of  arms  con- 
It's  these  gnawing  issues  around  the 
j  that  so  upset  people,  that  have  a 
lal  or  human  dimension,  that  are 
lying  sources  of  tension.  So  we 
;o  address  them,  and  we  do  and  do 

fcident's  Address 
<  the  Nation, 
I  13,  19868 

bst  of  you  know,  I've  just  returned 
fneetings  in  Iceland  with  the  leader 

Soviet  Union,  General  Secretary 
ichev.  As  I  did  last  year  when  I 
led  from  the  summit  conference  in 
'a,  I  want  to  take  a  few  moments 
it  to  share  with  you  what  took 
in  these  discussions, 
le  implications  of  these  talks  are 
lous  and  only  just  beginning  to  be 
stood.  We  proposed  the  most 
ling  and  generous  arms  control 
sal  in  history.  We  offered  the  corn- 
elimination  of  all  ballistic 
es— Soviet  and  American— from 
,ce  of  the  Earth  by  1996.  While  we 
d  company  with  this  American 
still  on  the  table,  we  are  closer 
:ver  before  to  agreements  that 
lead  to  a  safer  world  without 
ir  weapons. 

ut  first,  let  me  tell  you  that,  from 
art  of  my  meetings  with  Mr. 
ichev,  I  have  always  regarded  you, 
merican  people,  as  full  partici- 

Believe  me,  without  your  support, 
of  these  talks  could  have  been  held, 
>uld  the  ultimate  aims  of  American 
m  policy— world  peace  and 
om— be  pursued.  And  it's  for  these 
I  went  the  extra  mile  to  Iceland, 
efore  I  report  on  our  talks  though, 
me  to  set  the  stage  by  explaining 
hings  that  were  very  much  a  part 
r  talks,  one  a  treaty  and  the  other  a 
ise  against  nuclear  missiles  which 

trying  to  develop.  Now  you've 
1  their  titles  a  thousand  times— the 
Treaty  and  SDL  Well,  those  letters 
I  for:  ABM,  Anti-Ballistic  Missile; 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative. 

Some  years  ago,  the  United  States 
and  the  Soviet  Union  agreed  to  limit  any 
defense  against  nuclear  missile  attacks 
to  the  emplacement  in  one  location  in 
each  country  of  a  small  number  of 
missiles  capable  of  intercepting  and 
shooting  down  incoming  nuclear 
missiles,  thus  leaving  our  real  defense— a 
policy  called  mutual  assured  destruction, 
meaning  if  one  side  launched  a  nuclear 
attack,  the  other  side  could  retaliate. 
And  this  mutual  threat  of  destruction 
was  believed  to  be  a  deterrent  against 
either  side  striking  first. 

So  here  we  sit  with  thousands  of 
nuclear  warheads  targeted  on  each  other 
and  capable  of  wiping  out  both  our  coun- 
tries. The  Soviets  deployed  the  few  anti- 
ballistic  missiles  around  Moscow  as  the 
treaty  permitted.  Our  country  didn't 
bother  deploying  because  the  threat  of 
nationwide  annihilation  made  such  a 
limited  defense  seem  useless. 

For  some  years  now  we've  been 
aware  that  the  Soviets  may  be  develop- 
ing a  nationwide  defense.  They  have 
installed  a  large  modern  radar  at 
Krasnoyarsk  which  we  believe  is  a 
critical  part  of  a  radar  system  designed 
to  provide  radar  guidance  for  anti- 
ballistic  missiles  protecting  the  entire 
nation.  Now  this  is  a  violation  of  the 
ABM  Treaty. 

Believing  that  a  policy  of  mutual 
destruction  and  slaughter  of  their 
citizens  and  ours  was  uncivilized,  I  asked 
our  military  a  few  years  ago  to  study 
and  see  if  there  was  a  practical  way  to 
destroy  nuclear  missiles  after  their 
launch  but  before  they  can  reach  their 
targets  rather  than  to  just  destroy  peo- 
ple. Well,  this  is  the  goal  for  what  we 
call  SDI,  and  our  scientists  researching 
such  a  system  are  convinced  it  is  prac- 
tical and  that  several  years  down  the 
road  we  can  have  such  a  system  ready  to 
deploy.  Now,  incidentally,  we  are  not 
violating  the  ABM  Treaty,  which  per- 
mits such  research.  If  and  when  we 
deploy,  the  treaty  also  allows  withdrawal 
from  the  treaty  upon  6  months'  notice. 
SDI,  let  me  make  it  clear,  is  a  non- 
nuclear  defense. 

Efforts  Toward  Arms  Reductions 

So  here  we  are  at  Iceland  for  our  second 
such  meeting.  In  the  first,  and  in  the 
months  in  between,  we  have  discussed 
ways  to  reduce  and,  in  fact,  eliminate 
nuclear  weapons  entirely.  We  and  the 

Soviets  have  had  teams  of  negotiators  in 
Geneva  trying  to  work  out  a  mutual 
agreement  on  how  we  could  reduce  or 
eliminate  nuclear  weapons.  And  so  far, 
no  success. 

On  Saturday  and  Sunday,  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  and  his  Foreign 
Minister  Shevardnadze  and  Secretary  of 
State  George  Shultz  and  I  met  for  nearly 
10  hours.  We  didn't  limit  ourselves  to 
just  arms  reductions.  We  discussed  what 
we  call  violation  of  human  rights  on  the 
part  of  the  Soviets,  refusal  to  let  people 
emigrate  from  Russia  so  they  can  prac- 
tice their  religion  without  being 
persecuted,  letting  people  go  to  rejoin 
their  families,  husbands  and  wives 
separated  by  national  borders  being 
allowed  to  reunite. 

In  much  of  this  the  Soviet  Union  is 
violating  another  agreement— the 
Helsinki  accords  they  had  signed  in 
1975.  Yuri  Orlov,  whose  freedom  we  just 
obtained,  was  imprisoned  for  pointing 
out  to  his  government  its  violations  of 
that  pact,  its  refusal  to  let  citizens  leave 
their  country  or  return. 

We  also  discussed  regional  matters 
such  as  Afghanistan,  Angola,  Nicaragua, 
and  Cambodia.  But,  by  their  choice,  the 
main  subject  was  arms  control. 

We  discussed  the  emplacement  of 
intermediate-range  missiles  in  Europe 
and  Asia  and  seemed  to  be  in  agreement 
they  could  be  drastically  reduced.  Both 
sides  seemed  willing  to  find  a  way  to 
reduce  even  to  zero  the  strategic  ballistic 
missiles  we  have  aimed  at  each  other. 
This  then  brought  up  the  subject  of  SDI. 

I  offered  a  proposal  that  we  continue 
our  present  research  and,  if  and  when 
we  reached  the  stage  of  testing,  we 
would  sign  now  a  treaty  that  would  per- 
mit Soviet  observation  of  such  tests. 
And  if  the  program  was  practical,  we 
would  both  eliminate  our  offensive 
missiles,  and  then  we  would  share  the 
benefits  of  advanced  defenses.  I 
explained  that  even  though  we  would 
have  done  away  with  our  offensive 
ballistic  missiles,  having  the  defense 
would  protect  against  cheating  or  the 
possibility  of  a  madman  sometime 
deciding  to  create  nuclear  missiles.  After 
all,  the  world  now  knows  how  to  make 
them.  I  likened  it  to  our  keeping  our  gas 
masks  even  though  the  nations  of  the 
world  had  outlawed  poison  gas  after 
World  War  I. 

We  seemed  to  be  making  progress 
on  reducing  weaponry,  although  the 

mber  1986 


General  Secretary  was  registering  oppo- 
sition to  SDI  and  proposing  a  pledge  to 
observe  ABM  for  a  number  of  years  as 
the  day  was  ending. 

Secretary  Shultz  suggested  we  turn 
over  the  notes  our  notetakers  had  been 
making  of  everything  we'd  said  to  our 
respective  teams  and  let  them  work 
through  the  night  to  put  them  together 
and  find  just  where  we  were  in  agree- 
ment and  what  differences  separated  us. 
With  respect  and  gratitude,  I  can  inform 
you  those  teams  worked  through  the 
night  till  6:30  a.m. 

Yesterday,  Sunday  morning,  Mr. 
Gorbachev  and  I,  with  our  foreign 
ministers,  came  together  again  and  took 
up  the  report  of  our  two  teams.  It  was 
most  promising.  The  Soviets  had  asked 
for  a  10-year  delay  in  the  deployment  of 
SDI  programs. 

In  an  effort  to  see  how  we  could 
satisfy  their  concerns  while  protecting 
our  principles  and  security,  we  proposed 
a  10-year  period  in  which  we  began  with 
the  reduction  of  all  strategic  nuclear 
arms,  bombers,  air-launched  cruise 
missiles,  intercontinental  ballistic 
missiles,  submarine-launched  ballistic 
missiles,  and  the  weapons  they  carry. 
They  would  be  reduced  50%  in  the  first 
5  years.  During  the  next  5  years,  we 
would  continue  by  eliminating  all 
remaining  offensive  ballistic  missiles  of 
all  ranges.  And  during  that  time,  we 
would  proceed  with  research,  develop- 
ment, and  testing  of  SDI— all  done  in 
conformity  with  ABM  provisions.  At  the 
10-year  point,  with  all  ballistic  missiles 
eliminated,  we  could  proceed  to  deploy 
advanced  defenses,  at  the  same  time  per- 
mitting the  Soviets  to  do  likewise. 

And  here  the  debate  began.  The 
General  Secretary  wanted  wording  that, 
in  effect,  would  have  kept  us  from 
developing  the  SDI  for  the  entire  10 
years.  In  effect,  he  was  killing  SDI.  And 
unless  I  agreed,  all  that  work  toward 
eliminating  nuclear  weapons  would  go 
down  the  drain— cancelled. 

I  told  him  I  had  pledged  to  the 
American  people  that  I  would  not  trade 
away  SDI— there  was  no  way  I  could  tell 
our  people  their  government  would  not 
protect  them  against  nuclear  destruc- 
tion. I  went  to  Reykjavik  determined 
that  everything  was  negotiable  except 
two  things:  our  freedom  and  our  future. 

I'm  still  optimistic  that  a  way  will  be 
found.  The  door  is  open  and  the 
opportunity  to  begin  eliminating  the 
nuclear  threat  is  within  reach. 

Pursuing  a  Four-Point  Agenda 

So  you  can  see,  we  made  progress  in 
Iceland.  And  we  will  continue  to  make 
progress  if  we  pursue  a  prudent, 
deliberate,  and,  above  all,  realistic 
approach  with  the  Soviets.  From  the 
earliest  days  of  our  Administration,  this 
has  been  our  policy.  We  made  it  clear  we 
had  no  illusions  about  the  Soviets  or 
their  ultimate  intentions.  We  were 
publicly  candid  about  the  critical  moral 
distinctions  between  totalitarianism  and 
democracy.  We  declared  the  principal 
objective  of  American  foreign  policy  to 
be  not  just  the  prevention  of  war  but  the 
extension  of  freedom.  And  we  stressed 
our  commitment  to  the  growth  of 
democratic  government  and  democratic 
institutions  around  the  world.  And  that's 
why  we  assisted  freedom  fighters  who 
are  resisting  the  imposition  of 
totalitarian  rule  in  Afghanistan, 
Nicaragua,  Angola,  Cambodia,  and 
elsewhere.  And,  finally,  we  began  work 
on  what  I  believe  most  spurred  the 
Soviets  to  negotiate  seriously- 
rebuilding  our  military  strength, 
reconstructing  our  strategic  deterrence, 
and,  above  all,  beginning  work  on  the 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative. 

And  yet,  at  the  same  time  we  set  out 
these  foreign  policy  goals  and  began 
working  toward  them,  we  pursued 
another  of  our  major  objectives:  that  of 
seeking  means  to  lessen  tensions  with 
the  Soviets  and  ways  to  prevent  war  and 
keep  the  peace. 

Now,  this  policy  is  now  paying 
dividends— one  sign  of  this  in  Iceland 
was  the  progress  on  the  issue  of  arms 
control.  For  the  first  time  in  a  long 
while,  Soviet-American  negotiations  in 
the  area  of  arms  reductions  are  moving, 
and  moving  in  the  right  direction— not 
just  toward  arms  control  but  toward 
arms  reduction. 

But  for  all  the  progress  we  made  on 
arms  reductions,  we  must  remember 
there  were  other  issues  on  the  table  in 
Iceland,  issues  that  are  fundamental. 
As  I  mentioned,  one  such  issue  is 
human  rights.  As  President  Kennedy 
once  said,  "And  is  not  peace,  in  the 
last  analysis,  basically  a  matter  of 
human  rights?" 

I  made  it  plain  that  the  United 
States  would  not  seek  to  exploit 
improvement  in  these  matters  for  pur- 
poses of  propaganda.  But  I  also  made  it 
plain,  once  again,  that  an  improvement 
of  the  human  condition  within  the  Soviet 

Union  is  indispensable  for  an  improi 
ment  in  bilateral  relations  with  the 
United  States.  For  a  government  th 
will  break  faith  with  its  own  people 
not  be  trusted  to  keep  faith  with  for 
powers.  So,  I  told  Mr.  Gorbachev- 
in  Reykjavik  as  I  had  in  Geneva— we 
Americans  place  far  less  weight  upo 
words  that  are  spoken  at  meetings  i 
as  these  than  upon  the  deeds  that  fc 
When  it  comes  to  human  rights  and 
judging  Soviet  intentions,  we're  all : 
Missouri— you  got  to  show  us. 

Another  subject  area  we  took  uj 
Iceland  also  lies  at  the  heart  of  the  i 
ferences  between  the  Soviet  Union  ; 
America.  This  is  the  issue  of  regions 
conflicts.  Summit  meetings  cannot  r 
the  American  people  forget  what  So 
actions  have  meant  for  the  peoples  c 
Afghanistan,  Central  America,  Afrii 
and  Southeast  Asia.  Until  Soviet  pol 
change,  we  will  make  sure  that  our 
friends  in  these  areas— those  who  fij 
for  freedom  and  independence— wil 
the  support  they  need. 

Finally,  there  was  a  fourth  item. 
And  this  area  was  that  of  bilateral  r> 
tions,  people-to-people  contacts.  In 
Geneva  last  year,  we  welcomed  seve 
cultural  exchange  accords;  in  Icelanc 
saw  indications  of  more  movement  ii 
these  areas.  But  let  me  say  now,  the 
United  States  remains  committed  to 
people-to-people  programs  that  coulc 
lead  to  exchanges  between  not  just  a 
elite  but  thousands  of  everyday  citize 
from  both  our  countries. 

Prospects  for  Future  Progress 

So  I  think,  then,  that  you  can  see  ths 
we  did  make  progress  in  Iceland  on  : 
broad  range  of  topics.  We  reaffirmec 
four-point  agenda;  we  discovered  ma 
new  grounds  of  agreement;  we  probe 
again  some  old  areas  of  disagreemem 

And  let  me  return  again  to  the  S: 
issue.  I  realize  some  Americans  may 
asking  tonight:  why  not  accept  Mr. 
Gorbachev's  demand?  Why  not  give  i 
SDI  for  this  agreement? 

Well,  the  answer,  my  friends,  is  s 
pie.  SDI  is  America's  insurance  polic; 
that  the  Soviet  Union  would  keep  the 
commitments  made  at  Reykjavik.  SD 
America's  security  guarantee— if  the 
Soviets  should— as  they  have  done  to> 
often  in  the  past— fail  to  comply  with 
their  solemn  commitments.  SDI  is  wl 
brought  the  Soviets  back  to  arms  con 


Report  on  Reykjavik 

f  of  Staff  Donald  Regan,  President  Reagan,  Secretary  Shultz,  and  national  security  adviser 
:  Adm.  John  Poindexter  meet  to  review  the  final  draft  of  the  U.S.  defense  in  space  proposal. 

B  at  Geneva  and  Iceland.  SDI  is  the 
to  a  world  without  nuclear  weapons. 
The  Soviets  understand  this.  They 
e  devoted  far  more  resources  for  a 
longer  time  than  we  to  their  own 
1  The  world's  only  operational 
.sile  defense  today  surrounds  Moscow, 
capital  of  the  Soviet  Union.  What 
,  Gorbachev  was  demanding  at 
fkjavik  was  that  the  United  States 
ee  to  a  new  version  of  a  14-year-old 
M  Treaty  that  the  Soviet  Union  has 
;ady  violated.  I  told  him  we  don't 
ke  those  kinds  of  deals  in  the  United 

And  the  American  people  should 
lect  on  these  critical  questions.  How 
s  a  defense  of  the  United  States 
eaten  the  Soviet  Union  or  anyone 
I  Why  are  the  Soviets  so  adamant 
it  America  remain  forever  vulnerable 
Soviet  rocket  attack?  As  of  today,  all 
e  nations  are  utterly  defenseless 
ainst  Soviet  missiles— fired  either  by 

accident  or  design.  Why  does  the  Soviet 
Union  insist  that  we  remain  so— forever? 

So,  my  fellow  Americans,  I  cannot 
promise,  nor  can  any  President  promise, 
that  the  talks  in  Iceland  or  any  future 
discussions  with  Mr.  Gorbachev  will  lead 
inevitably  to  great  breakthroughs  or 
momentous  treaty  signings. 

We  will  not  abandon  the  guiding 
principle  we  took  to  Reykjavik.  We 
prefer  no  agreement  than  to  bring  home 
a  bad  agreement  to  the  United  States. 

And  on  this  point,  I  know  you're  also 
interested  in  the  question  of  whether 
there  will  be  another  summit.  There  was 
no  indication  by  Mr.  Gorbachev  as  to 
when  or  whether  he  plans  to  travel  to 
the  United  States,  as  we  agreed  he 
would  last  year  in  Geneva.  I  repeat 
tonight  that  our  invitation  stands  and 
that  we  continue  to  believe  additional 
meetings  would  be  useful.  But  that's  a 
decision  the  Soviets  must  make. 

But  whatever  the  immediate  pros- 
pects, I  can  tell  you  that  I'm  ultimately 
hopeful  about  the  prospects  for  progress 
at  the  summit  and  for  world  peace  and 
freedom.  You  see,  the  current  summit 
process  is  very  different  from  that  of 
previous  decades;  it's  different  because 
the  world  is  different;  and  the  world  is 
different  because  of  the  hard  work  and 
sacrifice  of  the  American  people  during 
the  past  5V2  years.  Your  energy  has 
restored  and  expanded  our  economic 
might;  your  support  has  restored  our 
military  strength.  Your  courage  and 
sense  of  national  unity  in  times  of  crisis 
have  given  pause  to  our  adversaries, 
heartened  our  friends,  and  inspired  the 
world.  The  Western  democracies  and  the 
NATO  alliance  are  revitalized,  and  all 
across  the  world,  nations  are  turning  to 
democratic  ideas  and  the  principles  of 
the  free  market.  So  because  the 
American  people  stood  guard  at  the 

icember  1986 


critical  hour,  freedom  has  gathered  its 
forces,  regained  its  strength,  and  is  on 
the  march. 

So,  if  there's  one  impression  I  carry 
away  with  me  from  these  October  talks, 
it  is  that,  unlike  the  past,  we're  dealing 
now  from  a  position  of  strength,  and  for 
that  reason,  we  have  it  within  our  grasp 
to  move  speedily  with  the  Soviets 
toward  even  more  breakthroughs. 

Our  ideas  are  out  there  on  the  table. 
They  won't  go  away.  We're  ready  to 
pick  up  where  we  left  off.  Our  negotia- 
tors are  heading  back  to  Geneva,  and 
we're  prepared  to  go  forward  whenever 
and  wherever  the  Soviets  are  ready.  So, 
there's  reason— good  reason— for  hope. 

I  saw  evidence  of  this  in  the  prog- 
ress we  made  in  the  talks  with  Mr. 
Gorbachev.  And  I  saw  evidence  of  it 
when  we  left  Iceland  yesterday  and  I 
spoke  to  our  young  men  and  women  at 
our  naval  installation  at  Keflavik— a 
critically  important  base  far  closer  to 
Soviet  naval  bases  than  to  our  own 

As  always,  I  was  proud  to  spend  a 
few  moments  with  them  and  thank  them 
for  their  sacrifices  and  devotion  to  coun- 
try. They  represent  America  at  her 
finest:  committed  to  defend  not  only  our 
own  freedom  but  the  freedom  of  others 
who  would  be  living  in  a  far  more 
frightening  world— were  it  not  for  the 
strength  and  resolve  of  the  United 

"Whenever  the  standard  of  freedom 
and  independence  has  been. .  .unfurled, 
there  will  be  America's  heart,  her 
benedictions,  and  her  prayers,"  John 
Quincy  Adams  once  said.  He  spoke  well 
of  our  destiny  as  a  nation.  My  fellow 
Americans,  we're  honored  by  history, 
entrusted  by  destiny  with  the  oldest 
dream  of  humanity— the  dream  of  lasting 
peace  and  human  freedom. 

Another  President,  Harry  Truman, 
noted  that  our  century  had  seen  two  of 
the  most  frightful  wars  in  history.  And 
that  "the  supreme  need  of  our  time  is 
for  man  to  learn  to  live  together  in  peace 
and  harmony." 

It's  in  pursuit  of  that  ideal  I  went  to 
Geneva  a  year  ago  and  to  Iceland  last 
week.  And  it's  in  pursuit  of  that  ideal 
that  I  thank  you  now  for  all  the  support 
you've  given  me  and  I  again  ask  for  your 
help  and  your  prayers  as  we  continue 
our  journey  toward  a  world  where  peace 
reigns  and  freedom  is  enshrined. 

President's  Remarks, 
Oct.  14,  19869 

Well,  thank  you  very  much,  and  welcome 
to  the  White  House  complex.  I  wanted 
all  of  you  to  come  over  this  afternoon  to 
hear  firsthand  about  our  meetings  in 
Iceland,  and  I  have  a  terrible  feeling  that 
almost  anything  I  say  is  going  to  have 
already  been  said  about  that  trip. 

But  before  I  turn  to  my  report,  let 
me  first  say  that  I  couldn't  have  gone  to 
Reykjavik  without  the  hard  work  and 
dedication,  above  and  beyond  the  call  of 
duty,  of  you  men  and  women  that  I  see 
before  me.  You  labored  night  and  day  to 
get  us  ready  for  that  first  meeting,  and  I 
know  we  sort  of  sprung  it  on  you  at  the 
last  minute.  I'm  grateful  to  all  of  you  for 
the  fine  work  you  did,  and  let  me  say 
thanks  as  well  to  the  members  of  that 
small  team  that  I  took  with  me  to  the 
meeting.  They  worked  around  the 
clock— and  I  mean  that  literally.  A  few 
of  them  got  no  sleep  at  all  while  we  were 
there.  I've  long  had  great  respect  for 
every  one  of  them,  and  that  respect 
grew  even  stronger  in  these  4  days. 
They  were  an  outstanding  team,  and  all 
Americans  can  be  proud  of  them  and  of 
the  work  they  did.  And  you  can  be  proud 
of  the  fruit  that  your  work  is  bearing, 
for  the  Reykjavik  meeting  may  have  set 
the  stage  for  a  major  advance  in  the 
U.S. -Soviet  relationship. 

At  Reykjavik  the  Soviet  Union  went 
farther  than  ever  before  in  accepting  our 
goal  of  deep  reductions  in  the  level  of 
nuclear  weapons.  For  the  first  time,  we 
got  Soviet  agreement  to  a  figure  of  100 
intermediate-range  missiles— warheads 
for  each  side  worldwide,  and  that  was  a 
truly  drastic  cut.  And  for  the  first  time 
we  began  to  hammer  out  the  details  of  a 
50%  cut  in  strategic  forces  over  5  years. 
And  we  were  just  a  sentence  or  two 
away  from  agreeing  to  new  talks  on 
nuclear  testing.  And  maybe  most  impor- 
tant, we  were  in  sight  of  a  historic 
agreement  on  completely  eliminating  the 
threat  of  offensive  ballistic  missiles  by 

Believe  me,  the  significance  of  that 
meeting  at  Reykjavik  is  not  that  we 
didn't  sign  agreements  in  the  end;  the 
significance  is  that  we  got  as  close  as  we 
did.  The  progress  that  we  made 
would've  been  inconceivable  just  a  few 
months  ago. 

On  issue  after  issue,  particularly  i 
the  area  of  arms  reduction,  we  saw  tr 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  was  rea 
for  serious  bargaining  on  real  arms 
reductions.  And  for  me,  this  was  espe 
cially  gratifying.  Just  5V2  years  ago, 
when  we  came  into  office,  I  said  that 
objective  must  be— well,  it  must  not  b 
regulating  the  growth  in  nuclear 
weapons,  which  is  what  arms  control, 
it  was  known,  had  been  all  about.  No, 
said  that  our  goal  must  be  reducing  tl 
number  of  nuclear  weapons,  that  we  1 
to  work  to  make  the  world  safer,  not, 
control  the  pace  at  which  it  became  rr. 
dangerous.  And  now  the  Soviets,  too, 
are  talking  about  real  arms  reduction: 

And  let  me  say  that  this  wouldn't 
have  been  possible  without  the  suppoi 
that  we've  had  from  the  American  pe> 
pie  over  the  last  5V2  years.  Because  tt 
American  people  have  stood  behind  ui 
we  worked  over  the  years  to  rebuild  o 
nation's  defenses.  We  went  to  the 
Iceland  meeting  in  a  position  of 
strength.  The  Soviets  knew  that  we  h- 
the  support,  not  only  of  a  strong 
America  but  a  united  NATO  alliance 
that  was  going  ahead  with  deploymen 
of  Pershing  II  and  ground-launched 
cruise  missiles.  So,  yes,  it  was  this 
strength  and  unity  that  brought  the 
Soviets  to  the  bargaining  table. 

And  particularly  important,  of 
course,  was  America's  support  for  the 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative  (SDI).  No 
as  you  know,  I  offered  Mr.  Gorbachev 
important  concession  on  SDI.  I  offeree 
to  put  off  deployment  for  a  decade,  an 
coupled  that  with  a  10-year  plan  for 
eliminating  all  Soviet  and  American 
ballistic  missiles  from  the  face  of  the 

This  may  have  been  the  most  swee 
ing  and  important  arms  reduction  pro- 
posal in  the  history  of  the  world,  but  it 
wasn't  good  enough  for  Mr.  Gorbache\ 
he  wanted  more.  He  wanted  us  to  acce 
even  tighter  limits  on  SDI  than  the 
Antiballistic  Missile  (ABM)  Treaty  now 
requires;  that  is,  to  stop  all  but 
laboratory  research.  He  knew  this  mea 
killing  strategic  defense  entirely,  whicl 
has  been  a  Soviet  goal  from  the  start. 
And,  of  course,  the  Soviet  Union  has 
long  been  engaged  in  extensive  strateg 
defense  programs  of  its  own.  And  unlil 
ours,  the  Soviet  program  goes  well 
beyond  research,  even  to  deployment. 
The  Soviet  proposal  would've  given  the| 


Department  of  State  Built 

Report  on  Reykjavik 

irnmediate,  one-sided  advantage,  and 
ingerous  one.  And  I  could  not  and 
lid  not  agree  to  that.  I  won't  settle 
anything  unless  it's  in  the  interest  of 
Erica's  security. 

INow,  America  and  the  West  need 
I  for  long-run  insurance.  It  protects 
Against  the  possibility  that  at  some 
It,  when  the  elimination  of  ballistic 
piles  is  not  yet  complete,  the  Soviets 
r  change  their  mind.  We  know  the 
pet  record  of  playing  fast  and  loose 
h  past  agreements.  America  can't 
|rd  to  take  a  chance  on  waking  up  in 
rears  and  finding  that  the  Soviets 
le  an  advanced  defense  system  and 
jlready  to  put  in  place  more 
feiles— or  more  modern  missiles— and 
have  no  defense  of  our  own  and  our 
trrence  is  obsolete  because  of  the 
liet  defense  system, 
jlf  arms  reduction  is  to  help  bring 
nng  peace,  we  must  be  able  to  main- 
I  the  vital  strategic  balance  which  for 
(>ng  has  kept  the  peace.  Nothing 
Id  more  threaten  world  peace  than 
Is  reduction  agreements  with 
•■holes  that  would  leave  the  West 
led  to  a  massive  and  sudden  Soviet 
Idup  in  offensive  and  defensive 

I  My  guess  is  that  the  Soviets  under- 
lid  this  but  want  to  see  how  much  far- 
r  they  can  push  us  in  public  before 
w  once  again  get  down  to  brass  tacks. 
Ihere's  how  I  see  the  meeting  in 
(and  adding  up. 

1  We  addressed  the  important  issues 
luman  rights,  regional  conflicts,  and 
I  bilateral  relationship.  And  Mr. 
fbachev  and  I  got  awfully  close  to 
loric  agreements  in  the  arms  reduc- 
k  process.  We  took  discussions  into 
Lis  where  they  had  never  been  before. 
t  United  States  put  good,  fair  ideas 
I  on  the  table,  and  they  won't  go 
by.  Good  ideas,  after  all,  have  a  life  of 
kr  own.  The  next  step  will  be  in 
beva,  where  our  negotiators  will  work 
build  on  this  progress. 
I  The  biggest  disappointment  in 
land  was  that  Mr.  Gorbachev  decided 
make  our  progress  hostage  to  his 
(riand  that  we  kill  our  strategic 
bnse  program.  But,  you  know,  I've 
I  some  experience  with  this  kind  of 
hg.  One  of  my  past  jobs  was  as  a 
fotiator  of  labor  agreements  in  the 
ition  picture  industry,  and  I  got  used 
t>ne  side  or  another  walking  out  of 

contract  talks.  It  didn't  mean  that  rela- 
tions had  collapsed  or  that  we'd  reached 
an  insurmountable  impasse.  It  some- 
times meant  that  a  little  maneuvering 
was  going  on. 

Well,  it's  important  for  us  right  now 
to  see  the  real  progress  that  we  made  at 
Reykjavik  and  to  unite  so  that  we'll  be 
strong  for  the  next  stage  in  negotiations. 
And  if  we  do  that,  I  believe  that  we  have 
it  within  our  grasp  to  achieve  some  truly 
historic  breakthroughs. 

Last  week  I  described  Iceland  as  a 
base  camp  on  our  way  to  the  summit. 
Well,  this  week  I  want  to  report  to  you 
that  I  believe  there  exists  the  opportu- 
nity to  plant  a  permanent  flag  of  peace 
at  that  summit.  And  I  call  on  the  Soviets 
not  to  miss  this  opportunity.  The  Soviets 
must  not  throw  this  away,  must  not  slip 
back  into  a  greater  arms  buildup.  The 
American  people  don't  mistake  the 
absence  of  a  final  agreement  for  the 
absence  of  progress.  We  made  progress; 
we  must  be  patient.  We  made  historic 
advances;  we  will  not  turn  back. 

White  House  Statement, 
Oct.  15,  19868 

General  Secretary  Gorbachev's  report  to 
the  Soviet  people  was  unprecedented  in 
its  detail.  He  emphasized  the  same  areas 
of  progress  upon  which  U.S.  officials 
have  commented  over  the  past  2  days, 
namely,  strategic  arms  reductions  and 
potential  agreement  on  intermediate 
nuclear  forces.  He  also  clearly  indicated, 
just  as  we  have  done,  that  the  sticking 
point  which  prevented  an  overall  agree- 
ment in  Iceland  was  the  Soviet  Union's 
demand  for  an  end  to  the  U.S.  program 
on  strategic  defense. 

It  is  our  view  that  the  agreements 
and  positions  reached  in  Iceland  remain 
on  the  table.  The  meetings,  which 
reconvene  in  Geneva  today,  will  begin 
where  we  left  off  in  Iceland.  The  Iceland 
talks  were  a  very  important  and  signifi- 
cant step  in  moving  negotiations  for- 
ward. We  want  to  build  upon  the 
groundwork  of  Reykjavik. 

We  take  note  of  some  of  the  political 
rhetoric  in  the  General  Secretary's 
speech,  but  that  was  expected  and  unex- 
ceptional. What  was  remarkable  was 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev's  explana- 
tion of  the  progress  made. 

We  are  pleased  to  note  that,  both  at 
his  press  conference  in  Reykjavik  and  his 
address  to  the  Soviet  people,  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  stated  that  the 
work  that  was  done  in  Reykjavik  will  not 
go  to  waste,  and  the  way  has  now  been 
cleared  for  further  movement  toward 
significant  arms  reduction.  That  is  our 

We  believe  we  can  go  forward  from 
this  moment  in  a  businesslike  way.  We 
must  listen  to  each  other,  each  explore 
the  views  of  the  other,  and  seek  common 
approaches  and  agree  on  solutions.  We 
think  that  goal  was  accomplished  at 
Rekyjavik  and  should  be  the  goal 
whenever  we  meet. 

We,  like  the  General  Secretary, 
believe  that  the  meeting  overcame 
obstructions  and  minute  details  and  that 
new  approaches  have  been  developed. 
We  believe  there  is  no  going  back  on 
what  was  developed  at  this  meeting,  and 
we  look  forward  to  continued  negotia- 
tions which  will  build  on  the  progress 
achieved  in  Reykjavik. 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Oct.  6,  1986. 

2Made  in  the  Cabinet  Room  of  the  White 
House.  Questions-and-answers  following 
remarks  are  omitted  here  (text  from  Weekly 
Compilation  of  Presidential  Documents  of 
Oct.  13.) 

3Press  release  204. 

4Opening  remarks  on  the  budget  are 
omitted  here  (text  from  Weekly  Compilation 
of  Presidential  Documents  of  Oct.  13.) 

5Read  to  news  correspondents  by  prin- 
cipal deputy  press  secretary  to  the  President 
Larry  Speakes  in  the  White  House  Press 
Filing  Center  at  Loftleidir  Hotel  in  Reykjavik 
(text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of  Presiden- 
tial Documents  of  Oct.  20.) 

6Held  at  Loftleidir  Hotel  (press  release 
214  of  Oct.  16). 

'Press  release  223  of  Oct.  16. 

8Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Oct  20. 

9Made  in  a  meeting  with  executive  branch 
officers  of  the  Department  of  State  and  the 
U.S.  Arms  Control  and  Disarmament  Agency 
(text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of  Presiden- 
tial Documents  of  Oct.  20).  ■ 

hpmhpr  IQflfi 




A  Watershed  in  U.S. -Soviet  Relations 

Secretary  Shultz  's  address  before  the 
Commonwealth  Club  in  San  Francisco  on 
October  SI,  1986.1 

This  evening,  I  want  to  discuss  with  you 
the  special  significance  of  the  Presi- 
dent's recent  meeting  with  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  in  Iceland.  Over 
the  last  few  weeks,  there's  been  a  good 
deal  said— in  this  country,  in  the  Soviet 
Union,  and  elsewhere— about  what  really 
happened  at  Reykjavik.  My  own  judg- 
ment is  that  in  a  few  years  we  will  look 
back  at  the  meeting  at  Hofdi  House  as 
something  of  a  watershed,  a  potential 
turning  point  in  our  strategy  for  deter- 
ring war  and  encouraging  peace. 
Tonight,  I  would  like  to  explain  why. 

Before  Reykjavik— for  most  of  the 
postwar  era— we  have  seen  a  steady 
buildup  in  the  size  and  potency  of 
nuclear  forces.  As  a  result,  our  negotia- 
tions with  the  Soviet  Union  have 
centered  on  two  questions:  how  to  con- 
tain this  continuing  growth  of  offensive 
forces;  and  how  to  reverse  the  gradual 
erosion  of  strategic  stability. 

Reykjavik  as  a  Watershed 

At  Reykjavik,  however,  there  was  a 
qualitative  shift  in  the  terms  of  debate. 
For  the  first  time  in  the  long  history  of 
arms  control  talks,  a  genuine  possibility 
of  substantial  reductions  in  Soviet  and 
American  nuclear  arms  appeared.  For 
the  first  time,  we  have  to  begin  to  deal 
seriously  with  the  implications  of  a  much 
less  nuclear,  if  not  non-nuclear,  world. 
We  have  begun  to  discuss  with  the 
Soviets  a  safer  form  of  deterrence,  one 
based  less  on  the  threat  of  mutual 
annihilation.  And  the  key  to  all  of  this 
has  been  the  President's  research  pro- 
gram, whose  investigation  into  defenses 
against  nuclear  ballistic  missiles  is  our 
best  insurance  policy  for  a  more  secure 

At  Reykjavik,  the  President  and  the 
General  Secretary  broke  down  the  com- 
plexities of  these  problems  into  a  series 
of  basic  questions. 

With  respect  to  offensive  arms,  the 
important  questions  are  what  systems  to 
reduce  and  how  quickly  to  reduce  them. 
At  Reykjavik,  we  worked  out  a  formula 
for  50%  reductions  in  the  strategic 
nuclear  offensive  forces  of  both  sides 
over  a  5-year  period.  We  agreed  upon 
some  numbers  and  counting  rules— that 

is,  how  different  types  of  weapons  would 
count  against  the  reduced  ceilings. 
For  intermediate-range  nuclear 
missiles— commonly  known  as  INF— we 
reached  agreement  on  even  more  drastic 
reductions,  down  from  a  Soviet  total  of 
over  1,400  to  only  100  warheads  on 
longer-range  INF  missiles  worldwide  on 
each  side.  There  would  be  a  ceiling  on 
shorter-range  INF  missiles  and  negotia- 
tions to  reduce  their  numbers  as  well. 

Right  there  is  the  basis  for  the  most 
significant  arms  control  agreement  ever 
achieved— one  that  doesn't  just  limit  the 
future  growth  of  Soviet  and  American 
nuclear  arsenals  but  which  actually  makes 
deep  and  early  cuts  in  existing  force 
levels.  These  cuts,  it  was  agreed,  would 
reduce  the  numbers  of  heavy,  accurate, 
multiple-warhead  missiles  that  are  the  most 
threatening  and  the  most  destabilizing. 

The  President  and  the  General 
Secretary  went  on  to  discuss  a  program 
for  further  reductions.  The  President 
proposed  to  eliminate,  over  time,  all 
ballistic  missiles.  Mr.  Gorbachev  pro- 
posed to  eliminate  all  strategic  offensive 
forces.  They  discussed  these  and  other 
ideas,  including  the  eventual  elimination 
of  all  nuclear  weapons.  This  discussion 
proved  inconclusive,  but  the  agenda 
itself— and  the  very  word  "elimina- 
tion"—marks  a  stunning  development.  It 
calls  for  us  to  think  deeply  and  more 
creatively  about  future  possibilities  for 
arms  control  and  defense. 

Obviously,  much  more  work  needs  to 
be  done  before  implementation  of  these 
more  ambitious  ideas  might  be  possible. 
For  example,  the  drastic  reduction  and 
ultimate  elimination  of  nuclear  weapons 
will  require  that  we  also  address  the  cur- 
rent East- West  imbalance  of  conven- 
tional forces. 

In  close  collaboration  with  our  allies, 
we  will  have  to  pursue  both  negotiated 
reductions  in  the  Warsaw  Pact's  massive 
and  growing  conventional  forces  and 
increased  efforts  to  strengthen  our  own 
conventional  defenses.  We  must  also 
seek  an  effective  global  ban  on  chemical 
and  biological  weapons.  And,  of  course, 
such  substantial  nuclear  reductions  by 
the  United  States  and  Soviet  Union 
would  require  discussions  with  other 
nations  armed  with  ballistic  missiles, 
who  have  their  own  security 

On  the  defensive  side  of  the  strategic 
equation,  the  two  leaders  again  went 
directly  to  the  basics.  This  meeting  at 

Hofdi  House  was  a  real  working 
meeting.  They  went  right  at  it  and 
talked  substance  throughout  the  enti 
time.  So,  in  this  case,  there  were  twc 
primary  questions. 

First,  for  what  period  of  time  ar 
the  two  countries  prepared  to  commi 
themselves  not  to  withdraw  from  the 
Antiballistic  Missile  (ABM)  Treaty?  1 
President  agreed  to  Gorbachev's  pro 
posal  for  10  years,  but  in  the  context 
steady  reductions  toward  zero  ballist 
missiles  during  this  period  and  on  thi 
understanding  that  either  side  would 
have  the  right  to  deploy  advanced 
defenses  unless  the  parties  should  ag 

Second,  what  would  be  the  con- 
straints on  defensive  programs  durin 
this  period?  The  President  proposed 
both  sides  strictly  observe  the  ABM 
Treaty  and  carry  out  research,  devei 
ment,  and  testing  permitted  by  the 
treaty.  Mr.  Gorbachev  proposed,  in 
effect,  to  amend  the  ABM  Treaty.  H<i 
sought  a  prohibition  on  all  testing  ou 
side  laboratories— except  testing  of  til 
sort  of  ABM  system  the  Soviets  now- 
have  around  Moscow. 

The  President  could  not  agree  to 
confine  the  Strategic  Defense  Initiati 
(SDI)  program  to  the  laboratory  for  ] 
years.  We  need  a  vigorous  SDI  progr 
as  permitted  by  the  ABM  Treaty.  We 
need  it  to  give  the  Soviets  an  incenth 
to  agree  now  to  deep  cuts  in  offensiv<  j 
forces  and  to  honor  those  agreement! 
over  the  coming  years.  We  need  SDI 
ensure  the  Soviet  Union's  own  com- 
pliance with  current  ABM  Treaty 
restrictions  on  defenses. 

So  what  did  we  accomplish  at 
Reykjavik?  We  got  agreement  on  the  • 
outlines  of  a  50%  reduction  in  strateg 
offensive  nuclear  weapons  and  reduc- 
tions to  equal  ceilings  of  100  warhead 
on  intermediate-range  missiles.  The  \i 
ter  figure  would  mean  that  more  than 
90%  of  the  SS-20s  now  targeted  on  o 
friends  and  allies  in  Europe  and  Asia 
would  be  eliminated. 

On  defense  and  space,  there  was 
considerable  movement  on  both  sides. 
Important  differences  were  clarified. 
But  there  was  no  closure.  The  propos; 
made  by  the  President  in  Reykjavik, 
however,  is  now  on  the  negotiating  ta 
in  Geneva  and  is  being  discussed  by  oi 
delegation  there. 




h  nuclear  testing,  both  sides  pro- 
jto  begin  negotiations.  We  dis- 
&  an  agenda  that  would  meet  both 

pviously,  there  is  still  a  long  way  to 
bt  at  Reykjavik  we  reached  agree- 
;pn  what  might  be  the  first  steps 
Id  a  more  secure  world  at  lower 
I  of  nuclear  arms.  We  went  on  to 
us  the  possible  next  steps, 
bt  bad  for  2  days'  work.  But  of 
p,  those  2  productive  days  drew  on 
iimense  amount  of  preparatory 
that  preceded  them. 

[eed  for  a 

lation  of  Strength 

rat  wasn't  all.  Arms  control  was 
jne  topic  of  discussion  at  Reykjavik, 
jresident  brought  up  the  full 
th  of  our  concerns.  He  cited 
er  and  verse  on  the  question  of 
t  human  rights  violations.  The  two 
rs  reviewed  regional  conflicts— and 
•esident  stated  our  firm  opposition 
session  and  subversion  by  the 
;  Union  or  its  proxies  in  Afghan- 
Angola,  Central  America,  and 

p  the  same  time,  the  two  sides  also 
■ed  an  expansion  of  bilateral  U.S.- 
:  programs,  involving  greater 
!-to-people  contact  and  cooperation 
h  areas  of  concrete  interest  to  the 
i  States  as  search  and  rescue  and 
ration  in  space.  And  I  might  say, 
he  last  couple  of  days  we've  had 
very  productive  negotiations  with 
iviets  in  Washington,  and  I  think 
ve— we  haven't  signed  it— but 
.lly,  we  have  the  essence  of  an 
ment  on  civilian  space  cooperation 
le  number  of  projects  identified.  I 
ler  that  a  real  plus. 
3  you  can  see,  we  have  entered  a 
tage  in  our  dialogue  with  the 
;  Union.  It  has  the  potential  to  be 
tionally  productive.  But  it's  also  a 
1  in  which  conventional  wisdom  is 
questioned.  As  we  advance  on  old 
ims,  we  will  face  new  issues  and 

)  this  evening  is  a  fitting  moment 
iew  the  lessons  of  how  we  got  to 
avik,  what  happened  there,  and 
te  should  next  proceed, 
would  divide  those  lessons  into 
parts.  The  first  lesson  is  that  the 
iating  progress  we  achieved  at 
avik  was  built  upon  a  broad  base  of 
ican  and  allied  strength  and 
re.  It  was  the  result  of  literally 
of  effort. 

his  President,  President  Reagan, 
ed  office  with  his  eyes  open  about 
oviet  Union  and  the  reality  of  its 

system.  He  saw  the  clear  need  to 
establish  a  bilateral  U.S. -Soviet  relation- 
ship that  would  advance  U.S.  interests. 
He  was  determined  to  stop  a  growing 
tendency  of  the  Soviet  Union  and  its 
clients  to  pursue  their  regional  objec- 
tives through  subversion  and  armed 
intervention.  He  was  committed  to 
reverse  destabilizing  trends  in  the 
military  balance.  And— most 
significantly— he  was  also  willing  to 
question  whether  our  capacity  to  deter 
Soviet  aggression  must  be  solely  based 
upon  the  threat  of  mutual  assured 
destruction  with  strategic  nuclear 

As  you  might  put  it,  what's  so  good 
about  a  world  that  depends  on  our  ability 
to  wipe  each  other  out  in  30  minutes? 
Don't  make  any  mistake  about  it— that's 
what  their  ballistic  missiles  can  do  to  us, 
and  that's  what  ours  can  do  to  them. 
[Snaps  fingers.]  Wiped  out!  It's  kept  the 
peace,  but  there  must  be  a  better  way, 
the  President  thinks,  and  we're  trying  to 
find  it. 

The  first  few  years  of  this  Adminis- 
tration were  a  period  of  rebuilding  so 
that  we  could  be  in  a  stronger  position  to 
go  forward.  That  meant  reinvigorating 
our  economy,  restoring  our  military 
strength,  and  repairing  our  alliance  ties 
with  our  friends  in  Europe,  Asia,  and 
elsewhere.  It  involved  a  lot  of  unspec- 
tacular but  vital  spadework. 

That  general  approach  is  now  in 
place  and  working.  Here  at  home,  we 
have  reestablished  the  American  spirit  of 
self-confidence.  Our  economy  has  rid 
itself  of  the  corrosive  inflation  of  the 
recent  past.  We  are  embarked  on  sound 
growth.  And  I  have  no  doubt  that  as  the 
marginal  rates  of  taxation  on  income  go 
down,  we  will  see  an  improvement  in  the 
quality  of  that  growth. 

We  have  strengthened  and  modern- 
ized America's  conventional  and 
strategic  military  forces.  Together  with 
our  allies,  we  have  made  progress  in 
rebuilding  NATO's  defenses.  In  the  face 
of  intense  Soviet  pressure  and  domestic 
controversy,  the  Atlantic  alliance  has 
stood  firm  in  support  of  its  decision  to 
redress  a  dangerous  INF  imbalance  with 
the  Soviet  Union,  both  through  negotia- 
tions and  by  deploying  such  forces  of  our 

And  the  President  has  set  out  to  pro- 
tect us  and  our  allies  against  ballistic 
missiles— by  negotiation  to  the  extent 
possible  but,  in  any  case,  by  learning 
how  to  construct  a  strategic  defense 
against  those  missiles. 

It  was  the  sum  of  these  policies, 
based  on  strength  and  realism,  that 
enabled  the  President  to  propose,  in 
January  1984,  a  more  intensive  dialogue 

with  Moscow.  The  Soviets  were  faced 
with  an  America  confident  in  its 
renewed  strength  and  an  alliance  united 
in  its  support  of  common  objectives. 
They  slowly  came  to  drop  their  earlier 
policies  of  walkouts  and  stonewalling. 
They  returned  to  the  negotiating  table. 
The  resulting  process  of  high-level 
dialogue  led  to  last  year's  Geneva  sum- 
mit and  the  Reykjavik  meeting  earlier 
this  month. 

The  Importance  of  Human  Rights 

Which  leads  me  to  the  second  lesson- 
that  of  the  central  importance  of  human 
rights  in  the  U.S. -Soviet  relationship.  I 
spoke  at  length  on  this  subject  earlier  in 
the  day  in  Los  Angeles,  and  I  hope  that 
you  will  read  what  I  said  there.  I  will  be 
talking  about  human  rights  again  next 
week,  when  I  meet  with  European 
foreign  ministers  in  Vienna  for  a  con- 
ference reviewing  the  Helsinki  Final 

Arms  control  agreements  cannot  be 
truly  successful  in  guaranteeing  a  more 
secure  peace  when  one  of  the  signatories 
continues  to  violate  human  rights.  When 
justice  is  violated  and  when  freedom  is 
denied,  then  the  potential  for  distrust 
and  conflict  inevitably  grows  between 
nations.  One  of  the  Soviet  Union's  most 
distinguished  citizens,  Andrey  Sakharov, 
put  it  this  way: 

As  long  as  a  country  has  no  civil  liberty, 
no  freedom  of  information,  and  no  independ- 
ent press,  there  exists  no  effective  body  of 
opinion  to  control  the  conduct  of  the  govern- 
ment and  its  functionaries.  Such  a  situation  is 
not  just  a  misfortune  for  its  citizens  unpro- 
tected against  tyranny  and  lawlessness;  it  is  a 
menace  to  international  security. 

In  preparing  for  Iceland,  the  Presi- 
dent and  I  had  exceptionally  close  con- 
sultations with  concerned  private  Ameri- 
can organizations,  including  the  National 
Council  on  Soviet  Jewry.  As  I  noted 
earlier,  the  President  made  clear  to  the 
General  Secretary  that  the  American 
people  seek  more  than  token  gestures. 
We  want  genuine  evidence— deeds,  not 
words— of  a  serious  commitment  by  the 
Soviet  authorities  to  allow  the  exercise 
of  basic  human  rights  by  all  their 
citizens.  We  succeeded  at  Reykjavik  in 
obtaining  Soviet  acknowledgment  of  the 
rightful  place  of  human  rights  issues  on 
the  agenda  of  official  Soviet-American 

But  now  it's  up  to  all  of  us  to  follow 
up  vigorously.  It's  important  that  we 
continue  to  press  Soviet  authorities  on 
specific  human  rights  problems  on  every 
appropriate  occasion.  The  Soviet  leader- 
ship needs  to  hear  the  message  from 

Imhrtr    iOQC 



Americans  that  continuing  Soviet  abuses 
can  i inly  jeopardize  efforts  to  make  prog- 
ress in  all  areas  of  U.S. -Soviet  relations. 

Firmness  in  Managing 
Unacceptable  Soviet  Behavior 

The  third  lesson  goes  back  to  a  presenta- 
tion I  made  2  years  ago  to  the  just- 
established  Rand/UCLA  Center  for  the 
Study  of  Soviet  International  Behavior. 
Back  then,  I  noted  the  special  problems 
that  we  face  in  managing  a  sustained 
and  productive  relationship  with  the 
Soviet  Union  when  we  are  likely  to  be 
confronted  periodically  with  outrages 
and  threatening  behavior. 

Given  the  totalitarian  and  expan- 
sionist nature  of  the  Soviet  system,  we 
aren't  surprised— although  we  are 
always  distressed— when  events  arise 
like  the  invasion  of  Afghanistan,  the 
Korean  Air  Lines  shoot-down,  or 
Nick  Daniloff's  frameup.  We  have  to 
deal  firmly  with  each  instance  of  unac- 
ceptable Soviet  behavior.  The  challenge 
for  the  policymaker  is  to  confront  and 
manage  such  crises  on  their  own  terms, 
without  sacrificing  other  important 
areas  of  interest  to  the  United  States. 

Let  me  stop  here  to  tell  you  a  spy 
story.  It  illustrates  the  need  for  deter- 
mination and  firmness  in  resisting  Soviet 
actions  against  our  interests. 

We  have  known  for  a  long  time  that 
the  Soviets  use  their  diplomatic  missions 
here  and  elsewhere  as  a  cover  for 
espionage.  As  this  activity  grew  increas- 
ingly blatant  and  harmful  to  U.S. 
interests,  it  became  clear  that  we  could 
no  longer  tolerate  this  situation. 

In  March  of  this  year,  we  announced 
a  program  to  reduce  the  three  Soviet 
UN  Missions  to  a  size  essentially 
equivalent  to  that  of  our  own  mission  in 
New  York.  Bear  in  mind  that  their  mis- 
sion was  more  than  the  total  of  the  next 
two  largest  missions  at  the  United 
Nations  combined.  It  tells  you 

You  will  recall  that  one  of  the 
anomalies  of  the  original  UN  structure 
was  that  it  allowed  for  a  U.S.S.R.,  a 
Ukrainian,  and  a  Belorussian  Mission. 
We  told  the  Soviets  that  they  would 
have  to  reduce  these  personnel  from 
approximately  275  to  170  by  April  1988. 
The  first  cut  of  25  in  the  largest  of  the 
three,  the  U.S.S.R.  Mission,  was  to  take 
effect  by  October  1  of  this  year.  The 
total  at  that  mission  would  then  be  218. 
All  three  of  the  Soviet  missions  would  be 
cut  in  later  increments. 

In  August,  the  problem  of  espionage 
at  the  United  Nations  was  highlighted  by 
the  arrest  of  Mr.  Zakharov,  a  Soviet 
citizen  assigned  to  the  UN  Secretariat. 

In  theory  at  least,  he  was  an  interna- 
tional civil  servant.  As  such,  he  was  not 
covered  by  diplomatic  immunity.  He  was 
arrested  and  charged. 

One  week  later,  the  Soviets  set  up 
U.S.  news  correspondent  Nick  Daniloff 
and  arrested  him  on  a  trumped-up 
charge  of  espionage.  In  short,  they  took 
a  hostage.  We  made  clear  to  the  Soviets 
from  the  start  that  there  would  be  no 
Daniloff-Zakharov  trade.  We  took  advan- 
tage of  every  meeting  with  the  Soviets 
at  every  diplomatic  level  to  hammer  that 
message  home.  We  kept  the  discussion 
of  other  important  issues  alive  but  made 
it  clear  to  the  Soviets  who  participated 
in  those  meetings  that  it  was  far  from 
business  as  usual. 

Meanwhile,  as  October  1  approached, 
the  Soviets  indicated  publicly— their 
Ambassador  at  the  United  Nations,  very 
defiantly— that  they  were  making  no 
plans  to  comply  with  our  requirement 
that  their  UN  Mission  be  reduced.  So  we 
were  forced  to  make  sure  that  they  met 
the  deadline  we  had  established.  We 
expelled  25  of  their  Soviet  Mission  per- 
sonnel by  name.  And  we  chose  indi- 
viduals who  we  had  reason  to  suspect 
were  not,  shall  we  say,  overly  burdened 
with  legitimate  UN  business. 

After  several  weeks  of  standoff,  our 
firm  refusal  to  swap  Nick  Daniloff  bore 
fruit.  On  September  29,  he  was 
released  free  and  clear,  without  being 
tried.  Mr.  Zakharov's  case  was  handled 
on  our  side  in  full  accordance  with  U.S. 
law,  as  we  had  said  it  would  be  from  the 
beginning.  The  day  he  departed  the 
United  States,  September  30,  we  were 
able  to  announce  the  imminent  release 
from  the  Soviet  Union  of  Yuriy  Orlov. 
That  giant  of  the  Soviet  human  rights 
movement  arrived  in  this  country  a  week 

I  might  say  that  in  my  Alk  years  as 
Secretary  of  State,  there  have  been  no 
greater  moments  for  me  than  the  oppor- 
tunity I've  had  to  sit  down  with  Natan 
Shcharanskiy  and  Yuriy  Orlov  and  talk 
to  them  and  get  a  sense  of  this  irre- 
pressible human  spirit.  When  you  think 
of  the  repression  they  endured,  the 
sacrifices  they  made,  to  see  these  two 
human  beings  bounce  back,  see  their 
strengths,  see  their  resilience— well,  it 
makes  you  proud  to  be  a  human  being. 
And  I  had  the  experience  of  having  them 
thank  me  for  helping  them  get  out,  and  I 
had  to  say  to  them,  "It  was  a  privilege 
and  an  honor."  They're  wonderful 
people.  But  it  gives  you  great  faith  in 
the  human  spirit. 

Despite  our  warnings  to  the  Soviets 
that  we  would  tolerate  no  retaliation 
against  our  personnel  in  Moscow  for  the 
steps  we  had  taken  to  end  spying  from 

their  UN  Mission,  the  Soviets  prove 
unwilling  to  show  the  necessary 
restraint.  They  declared  five  membtl 
the  staffs  of  our  Moscow  Embassy  e 
Leningrad  Consulate  General  persm 
rum  grata—  that's  a  diplomatic  word| 
"get  out." 

Again,  our  response  was  firm  ai 
focused  on  the  problem  at  hand.  We 
the  Soviets  on  notice  that,  hencefor 
all  matters  involving  our  respective 
missions  in  each  others'  countries  w 
be  handled  on  the  basis  of  strict 
reciprocity.  We  then  expelled  55  So'' 
Embassy  and  Consulate  General 
officials,  bringing  their  numbers  int' 
with  the  number  of  U.S.  diplomats  i 
Soviet  Union. 

The  Soviets  responded  by  declai 
another  five  of  our  diplomats  person 
non  grata.  They  also  withdrew  oven 
Soviet  citizens  performing  service  fi 
tions  for  our  posts.  These  people  die 
useful  work  for  us— while  undoubte( 
also  performing  tasks  for  Soviet 
intelligence.  But  the  Soviet  Governii 
accepted  both  the  common  ceiling  w 
had  established  and  the  principle  of 
reciprocity  upon  which  we  had  insis" 

So  what  does  the  balance  sheet 
show?  By  responding  firmly,  by  she 
consistency,  we  have  established  mu 
better  control  over  Soviet  activities 
the  United  States  than  we  have  had> 
many  years.  We  have  brought  to  the 
attention  of  the  highest  levels  of  the  | 
Soviet  Government  the  costs  of  thei 
intelligence  service's  unfettered  abu 
Soviet  diplomatic  establishments  in' 
country.  We  have  established,  once< 
for  all,  the  principle  of  reciprocity  in 
operations  of  our  respective  diploma  | 

What  price  did  we  pay  for  these 
achievements?  There  was  a  cost.  Te» 
talented  American  diplomats  have  bi 
removed  from  the  Soviet  Union  and 
be  unable  to  return  to  use  the  specia 
skills  they  have  developed.  There  is  l 
reciprocity  in  numbers— but  at  a  low 
level  than  had  been  our  original  go; 
This  means  that  a  higher  percenta] 
our  personnel  in  Moscow  and  Leni: 
will  be  supporting  a  significantly  sm 
substantive  staff.  But  in  deciding  ho 
respond  to  the  problem  of  Soviet 
espionage  in  this  country,  we  conclu 
that  these  were  costs  we  had  to  be 
prepared  to  pay. 

But  our  willingness  to  pay  this 
and  our  determination  to  take  the 
we  did  to  rein  in  Soviet  espionage, 
not  prevent  us  from  continuing  our 
substantive  dialogue  with  Moscow. 
Indeed,  even  as  this  spy  story  was 
ing  itself  out,  we  were  setting  the  | 
for  the  progress  the  President  was 



ke  with  General  Secretary  Gor- 

!»•  in  Reykjavik. 

Il  have  to  pause  and  give  my 

bue  in  the  foreign  ministry 

Iks— Mr.  Shevardnadze,  the 

tn  Minister  of  the  Soviet  Union— 

[here.  He  worked  at  this  very  hard 



b  do  we  go  from  here?  For  our 
pve  are  energetically  pursuing  the 
se  of  Reykjavik.  Our  negotiators  in 
\a  are  picking  up  where  the  two 
s  left  off  on  nuclear  and  space 
|.  We  are  also  ready  to  begin 

ins  on  verification  improve- 
to  existing  nuclear  testing 
ents  and,  eventually,  on  further 
ions  on  nuclear  testing  in  step-by- 
shion  in  parallel  with  further 
ions  in  nuclear  forces. 
e  will  be  talking  about  these  and 
problems  with  Soviet  Ambassador 
in  in  Washington  and  through  our 
ssador  in  Moscow,  Art  Hartman.  I 
i  meeting  with  Foreign  Minister 
o-dnadze  in  Vienna  next  week  to 
lue  our  own  exchanges— not  just  on 
control  but  on  Soviet  activities  in 
lird  World,  human  rights,  and 
problems  in  our  bilateral 

Tiether  we  can  achieve  concrete 
s  and  early  agreements  now 
ids  on  the  Soviets.  Some  of  their 
:  statements  have  been  modestly 
raging.  General  Secretary  Gor- 
v  seems  to  agree  with  us  that  the 
lavik  meeting  was  useful  and  that  it 
lortant  that  both  sides  use  this 
tunity  to  work  to  improve  rela- 
As  he  has  said,  they're  full  of 
y  to  follow  up  on  what  he  described 
;  "new  situation"  created  by 
javik,  and  it  is  a  new  situation, 
so  are  we.  And  we'll  be  looking  to 
to  give  concrete  substance  to  their 
3  at  the  negotiating  table, 
ot  surprisingly,  however,  the 
ts  are  also  trying  to  cast  the  details 
>  Reykjavik  discussions  along  lines 
favorable  to  them.  Their  efforts  to 
.  possible  INF  agreement  with  our 
itance  of  their  position  on  SDI  are  a 
example.  We've  seen  differing 
it  statements  on  this  question.  We 
see  any  reason  why  these  issues 
d  be  linked,  and  we're  going  to  pro- 
on  that  basis.  In  the  past,  we 
1't  accepted  the  proposition  that 
tiating  progress  on  intermediate- 
2  or  strategic  offensive  systems 
d  be  held  hostage  to  agreement 
the  Soviet  position  in  another  area, 
ron't  now. 

So  all  of  this  may  take  some  time  to 
work  out— but  that's  to  be  expected  in 
negotiating  with  the  Soviets.  Firmness, 
patience,  and  determination  are 
necessary  ingredients  for  success. 

But  we  should  also  continue  to  look 
forward— with  imagination  and  crea- 
tivity. The  President  believes  strongly 
that  we  need  to  go  beyond  half- 
measures;  we  shouldn't  always  be  tied  to 
traditional  solutions  that  don't  really  get 
to  the  heart  of  a  particular  problem. 
Several  years  ago,  he  proposed  that  we 
seek  the  global  elimination  of  Soviet  and 
American  intermediate-range  missiles. 
Not  a  freeze,  not  token  reductions,  but 
zero-zero.  He  got  a  good  deal  of  criticism 
at  the  time  for  supposedly  being 
unrealistic  and  overly  ambitious.  Some 
people  said  making  such  a  proposal 
shows  that  the  President  isn't  serious 
about  arms  control. 

Now— 5  years  later— General 
Secretary  Gorbachev  has  agreed  to 
reduce  intermediate-range  nuclear 
missiles  on  both  sides  to  100  warheads 
globally.  As  I  noted  before,  that  is  a 
reduction  of  more  than  90%  in  SS-20 
warheads.  And  there  will  be  follow-on 
negotiations  on  eliminating  those  100 
warheads  as  well.  Make  no  mistake 
about  it.  It  has  been  tough  getting  this 
far.  Long  negotiations  were  required; 
and  great  effort  on  the  part  of  our  allies 
was  needed  in  getting  us  through  some 
difficult  times.  We  still  have  to  nail  down 
a  formal  agreement  and  put  it  into  force. 
But  I  hope  you  will  think  about  this 
experience  the  next  time  you  hear  one  of 
this  President's  proposals  called 

So  were  our  discussions  at  Reykjavik 
ambitious?  Yes.  Unrealistic?  No.  We 
think  that  substantial  Soviet  and 
American  nuclear  reductions  are  possible 
and  that  they  can  be  achieved  in  a 
phased  and  stabilizing  way.  Reykjavik 
laid  the  groundwork  for  that  process  to 

Now  we  need  to  think  hard  about 
where  we  want  to  go  next,  about  what 
kind  of  situation  we  want  to  create  in 
the  future.  We  need  to  look  at  a  world 
with  far  fewer  nuclear  weapons.  We  may 
even  need  to  begin  thinking  seriously 
about  a  world  with  no  nuclear  weapons. 

One  fact  seems  apparent.  Even  after 
the  possible  elimination  of  all  ballistic 
missiles,  we  will  need  an  insurance 
policy  to  hedge  against  cheating,  against 
third  countries,  against  a  madman.  We 
don't  know  now  what  form  this 
insurance  policy  will  take.  The  retention 
of  a  small  nuclear  deterrent  force  could 
be  part  of  that  insurance  policy.  What 
we  do  know  is  that  the  President's  pro- 
gram for  defenses  against  nuclear 

ballistic  missiles  can  be  a  key  part  of 
that  insurance  policy.  Such  defenses  for 
the  United  States  and  its  allies  will  give 
us  the  options  needed  to  approach  a 
world  with  far  fewer  nuclear  weapons. 

None  of  this  came  up  suddenly  at 
Reykjavik.  The  President  has  made  clear 
for  many  years  his  goal  of  eliminating 
ballistic  missiles  and— in  proper 
circumstances— all  nuclear  weapons.  He 
has  made  speeches  on  this  subject;  he 
has  campaigned  on  this  issue;  he 
addressed  it  in  the  debates;  and  he 
launched  the  SDI  program  with  this  goal 
in  mind.  The  President  hasn't  changed. 
What  has  changed  is  that  his  goal  is  now 
being  taken  seriously.  I  heard  someone 
say  that  all  this  was  fine  as  long  as  it 
was  only  campaign  talk.  Well,  they 
weren't  listening  carefully.  Now  it  is 
being  discussed  for  real. 

Obviously,  we  are  taking  on  a  dif- 
ficult task  as  we  move  to  create  the  con- 
ditions in  which  we  can  assure  the 
freedom  and  security  of  our  country  and 
our  allies  without  the  constant  threat  of 
nuclear  catastrophe.  Progress— whether 
in  science  or  foreign  affairs— often  has 
to  do  with  the  reinterpretation  of 
fundamental  ideas. 

Times  of  reinterpretation  are  dif- 
ficult. Hard  thinking  can  hurt  your  head. 
But  we  cannot  shirk  the  challenge.  As 
Albert  Einstein  warned  after  the  dawn 
of  the  nuclear  age:  "Everything  has 
changed  but  our  way  of  thinking." 
That's  a  sage  observation— particularly 
as  we  continue  to  look  at  the  problem  of 
managing  our  long-term  relations  with 
the  Soviet  Union  in  a  time  of  dramatic 
technological  and  strategic  change. 

So  it  just  may  be  that  nuclear 
weapons,  and  the  strategy  of  mutual 
assured  destruction  that  has  shaped  our 
defense  policy  for  decades,  are  part  of 
the  old  way  of  thinking.  We  have  to 
start  to  wrap  our  minds  around  new 
interpretations  and  build  new  realities. 
If  we  do,  perhaps  we  can  shape  a  more 
secure  world  for  everybody. 

'Press  release  239  of  Nov.  3,  1986.  The 
question-and-answer  session  following  the 
address  is  not  printed  here.  ■ 

limhor  1Q«fi 



Human  Rights 

and  Soviet-American  Relations 

Secretary  Shultz  's  address  before  the 
World  Affairs  Council  in  Los  Angeles  on 
October  31,  1986.1 

Two  years  ago,  when  I  delivered  a 
speech  here  in  Los  Angeles  on  Soviet- 
American  relations,  I  addressed  both  the 
limits  and  the  necessity  of  negotiating 
with  the  Soviet  Union.  I  pointed  out  that 
in  the  nuclear  age  we  must  seek  to 
resolve  our  differences  with  the  Soviet 
Union  through  negotiations.  Yet  we 
know  that  the  Soviets  behave  in  ways 
that  are  repugnant  to  us  and  that  violate 
our  standards  of  human  conduct.  We 
obviously  cannot  say  that  until 
everything  is  settled  with  the  Soviets, 
nothing  can  be  settled  with  them.  But 
we  can  and  do  say  that  until  there  is 
substantial  Soviet  progress  in  the  vital 
area  of  human  rights,  advances  in  other 
areas  of  the  relationship  are  bound  to  be 

Managing  Soviet-American  relations 
is  of  special  significance  today,  in  the 
aftermath  of  the  Reykjavik  meeting. 
Reykjavik  was  a  watershed  in  our  discus- 
sions with  the  Soviets  on  arms  control 
and  international  security.  I'll  be  discuss- 
ing the  Reykjavik  meeting  in  greater 
detail  this  evening  in  San  Francisco,  and 
I  hope  you'll  all  want  to  read  that 
speech.  The  point  I  want  to  emphasize 
this  afternoon  is  that  arms  control 
agreements  with  a  regime  that  violates 
human  rights  cannot  be  truly  successful 
in  guaranteeing  international  security. 
But,  nevertheless,  I  think  very  possibly, 
as  we  look  back  4,  5,  10  years  from  now, 
we  will  more  and  more  identify  the 
Reykjavik  meeting  as  a  watershed 
meeting,  a  meeting  of  tremendous 
potential  significance. 

But,  nevertheless,  the  human  rights 
part  of  this  story  is  of  extraordinary  and 
special  importance. 

Perhaps  Andrey  Sakharov  has  said  it 
best.  "No  matter  how  important  arms 
control  discussions  are,"  he  said,  "they 
can  produce  decisive  results  only  when 
they  are  joined  to  the  resolution  of 
broader  and  more  complicated  prob- 
lems. .  .  including  questions  of  human 

Sakharov  went  on  to  elaborate  the 
relationship  between  international 
security  and  human  rights,  and  he  said: 

The  freedom  to  exchange  information  at 
home  and  across  international  borders,  the 
freedom  to  move  at  home  and  to  travel  or 
emigrate  abroad,  all  rank  as  prerequisites  of 
international  trust,  basic  to  the  process  of 
diminishing  hostility.  As  long  as  a  country  has 
no  civil  liberty,  no  freedom  of  information, 
and  no  independent  press,  then  there  exists 
no  effective  body  of  public  opinion  to  control 
the  conduct  of  the  government  and  its  func- 
tionaries. Such  a  situation  is  not  just  a  mis- 
fortune for  citizens  unprotected  against 
tyranny  and  lawlessness;  it  is  a  menace  to 
international  security. 

Those  are  Sakharov's  words. 

The  Reagan  Administration  shares 
this  view.  Governments  which  abuse  the 
rights  of  their  own  people  cannot  be 
expected  to  act  in  a  more  civilized  man- 
ner abroad.  For  this  reason  we 
emphasize  human  rights  issues  in  all  of 
our  official  dealings  with  the  Soviets.  I 
will  do  so  next  week,  when  I  go  to 
Vienna  to  participate  in  the  35-nation 
conference  that  will  review  implementa- 
tion of  the  1975  Helsinki  accords.  Today, 
I  would  like  to  discuss  our  long-term 
strategy  for  promoting  human  rights  in 
the  Soviet  Union. 

The  Reagan  Administration  is  pro- 
foundly convinced  that  as  important  as 
are  the  reduction  and  eventual  elimina- 
tion of  offensive  nuclear  weapons,  arms 
control  can  never  be  the  main  preoccupa- 
tion of  American  foreign  policy.  It  has 
never  been  mankind's  goal  simply  to  sur- 
vive. Through  the  centuries  men  and 
women  have  struggled  to  overcome 
poverty  and  to  free  themselves  from  the 
oppression  of  arbitrary  rule.  They  have 
sought  to  create  free  and  prosperous 
communities  governed  by  the  rule  of  law 
rather  than  the  caprice  of  the  few.  This 
struggle  for  freedom  is  the  very 
hallmark  of  our  civilization.  It  is  the 
story  of  human  progress. 

We  in  the  West  can  be  justly  proud 
of  the  prosperity  and  political  freedom 
that  we  have  achieved.  Indeed,  we 
believe  the  two  go  together.  But  we  can- 
not forget  that  others  in  our  world  live 
lives  that  are  neither  prosperous  nor 
free.  There  remain  all  too  many  nations 
where  human  rights  are  not  respected; 
where  nonviolent  political  dissent  is  not 
permitted;  and  where  unfettered 
religious  worship  is  not  tolerated. 

One  such  country  is  the  Soviet 
Union.  Because  it  is  among  the  mosi 
powerful  of  nations  and  enjoys  influi 
far  beyond  its  borders,  the  way  Sov 
leaders  treat  their  people  is  of  speci 
concern.  This  is  why,  as  we  seek  a  li 
confrontational  relationship  with  th' 
Soviet  Union,  we  must  call  upon  So' 
leaders  to  demonstrate  respect  for  I 
human  rights.  These  are  not  two  in( 
patible  policies;  they  are  complemer 
approaches  to  the  same  objective. 

Human  Rights  and  the 
New  Soviet  Leadership 

Within  the  past  2  years,  a  new  leadt 
ship  has  come  to  power  in  Moscow, 
capacity  for  serious  negotiation  waa 
dent  in  our  arms  control  discussions 
Reykjavik.  And  we  are  seeing,  in  ne 
Soviet  domestic  policies,  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev's  determinate 
modernize  the  Soviet  economy.  His 
policy  of  glasnost— that  is,  "opennes 
has  made  the  Soviet  media  somewh; 
more  informative.  At  the  same  time  I 
see  no  sign  that  the  Soviet  ruling  eli  I 
willing  to  yield  even  a  small  portion  I 
its  control  over  the  lives  of  its  citize  ( 

This  new  Soviet  Government  is 
showing  an  appreciation  of  Westerro 
style  public  relations.  Not  very  long 
Soviet  officials  were  distinguished 
primarily  by  how  little  they  had  to  s; 
and  how  unwilling  they  were  to  say 
Today,  they  appear  eager  to  be  intei 
viewed,  to  advance  and  defend  Sovie 
policies.  But  until  Soviet  human  righ 
policies  are  defensible,  until  the  Sovi 
Union  adheres  to  the  norms  of  conte 
porary  civilization,  improved  public  i 
tions  techniques  will  not  get  them  ve 

To  be  sure,  Soviet  leaders  have 
shown  increasing  awareness  of  the 
public  relations  price  they  pay  as  a  n 
of  their  conduct  in  the  field  of  humar* 
rights.  They  have  demonstrated  that 
awareness  with  some  high-profile 
actions.  These  gestures  are  welcome. 
And,  I  might  say,  the  dramatic  perm1 
sion  of  Dr.  Goldfarb,  brought  to  the  j 
United  States  by  Armand  Hammer,  'I 
among  those  very  welcome  gestures,  I 
we  appreciate  that.  But  they  are  no  I 
substitute  for  genuine  and  sustained  j 
progress  in  the  human  rights  area. 
Moreover,  many  of  these  actions  are 
qualified  by  serious  limitations. 

We  were  pleased  that  Natan 
Shcharanskiy  and  Yuriy  Orlov  werelj 
freed,  but  it  was  in  exchange  for  Sov  I 
spies.  Mrs.  Yelena  Bonner  was  permi 
ted  to  travel  to  the  West  for  medical  ' 


*  _x  r** 


;ment  but  has  returned  to  incom- 
icado  detention  in  Gorkiy.  A  high 
entage  of  divided-family  and 
rated-spouse  cases  were  resolved, 
;ven  here  we  have  not  approached 
resolution  of  all  cases.  Imprisoned 
Irina  Ratushinskaya  was  released 
re  she  completed  her  sentence,  hut 
t  Helsinki  monitors  remain  in  jail, 
sister  of  cancer  patient  Mikhail  Shir- 
was  released  to  travel  to  Israel, 
■e  an  operation  could  possibly  save 
fe;  but  this  action  occurred  only 
"  an  unconscionable  delay  which  has 
ced  the  chances  of  success  for  treat- 
t.  A  few  refuseniks  are  allowed  to 
;rate  while  total  emigration  figures 
lmet.  And  this  past  summer,  the 
ets  created  a  new  Humanitarian  and 
ural  Affairs  Office  in  their  Ministry 
oreign  Affairs,  but  there  is  no  indi- 
m  that  it  is  intended  to  deal  with  the 
et  Union's  human  rights  problems. 
These  gestures  are  welcome.  They 
Dbviously  of  vital  importance  to  the 
fiduals  directly  affected.  And  I 
it  say,  from  my  own  standpoint,  in 
tV2  years  now  as  your  Secretary  of 
e,  I  can't  think  of  any  experiences  to 
pare  with  the  privilege  of  meeting 
talking  for  a  while  with  Messers. 
laranskiy  and  Orlov.  You  get  a  sense 
ie  unquenchability  of  the  human 
t  and  the  courage  that  individuals 
show.  These  two  men  thanked  me, 
they  thanked  the  President,  for 
ing  them,  and  I  can  weep  over  such 
ks  because  it's  such  a  privilege  to 
people  who  are  so  courageous. 
But  the  release  of  these  individuals 
i  not  represent  a  fundamental 
ige  in  the  Soviet  system  or  in  Soviet 
an  rights  policy.  Indeed,  it  seems 
r  that  these  limited  actions  have 
1  carefully  calculated  to  satisfy  world 
ion  at  little  or  no  internal  cost.  The 
ets  hope,  no  doubt,  to  use  these 
tively  few  high-profile  cases  to  divert 
ic  attention  from  their  continuing 
systematic  denial  of  basic  human 
ts.  But  whatever  their  motives,  we 
at  least  say  that  such  actions 
onstrate  Soviet  concern  for  world 

[[Soviet  authorities  may  not  accept 
illegitimacy  of  the  Western  moral 
lition,  but  they  do  feel  its  pressure. 
r<must  hope  that  in  time  the  new 
leration  of  Soviet  leaders  will  change 
Fepressive  practices  for  the  right 
tons— not  in  order  to  pacify  outraged 
aid  opinion  but  because  it  comes  to 
ierstand  that  a  truly  strong,  confident 
Jernment  is  strengthened,  not 
[kened,  when  it  protects  the  rights  of 
domestic  critics. 

The  Human  Rights  Situation 
in  the  Soviet  Union 

In  reacting  to  these  Soviet  gestures,  we 
must  keep  clear  in  our  own  minds  what 
they  mean  and  what  they  do  not  mean. 
We  must  not  gloss  over  the  grim  reality 
of  Soviet  internal  repression.  At  the 
CSCE  [Conference  on  Security  and 
Cooperation  in  Europe]  review  con- 
ference that  I  mentioned  earlier,  we  will 
again  raise  our  human  rights  concerns— 
not  to  score  propaganda  points  but  to 
describe  the  human  rights  situation  in 
the  Soviet  Union  as  it  actually  is. 

•  For  Soviet  Jewry,  the  situation  is 
bleak  and  deteriorating.  Jewish  emigra- 
tion in  1986  has  fallen  to  the  lowest  level 
in  20  years,  down  more  than  98%  from 
the  all-time  high  of  1979.  Soviet  officials 
sometimes  attribute  this  fall  in  emigra- 
tion to  the  fact  that  all  Soviet  Jews  who 
wish  to  leave  have  already  done  so.  But 
we  know  the  names  of  11,201  Soviet 
Jews  who  have  applied  and  have  been 
denied  permission  to  emigrate.  These 
are  the  "refuseniks,"  some  of  whom 
have  been  fired  from  their  jobs,  har- 
assed, or  even  imprisoned.  We  can  also 
confirm  that  at  least  380,000  additional 
Soviet  Jews  would  like  to  leave  the 
Soviet  Union— I  say,  at  least.  Raising 
this  issue  is  perfectly  legitimate.  The 
Soviet  Union  has  signed  politically  bind- 
ing international  instruments  which 
require  respect  for  basic  human  rights, 
including  the  right  to  leave  one's  coun- 
try. Commitments  assumed  under  these 
documents  are  as  binding  as  any  other 
international  commitment. 

•  The  situation  for  other  religious 
groups  is  also  deteriorating.  Four  hun- 
dred religious  believers  are  currently 
imprisoned  for  participating  in  so-called 
unauthorized  religious  ceremonies. 
Evangelical  Christians  currently  make 
up  one-third  of  all  known  Soviet 
prisoners  of  conscience.  Their  beliefs, 
and  those  of  millions  of  their  brethren, 
are  continuously  mocked  and  ridiculed  in 
the  Soviet  media.  Freedom  of  conscience 
is  crippled  by  legislation  and  adminis- 
trative controls  that  make  religious 
believers  second-class  citizens  and  force 
many  to  violate  the  law  in  order  to  prac- 
tice their  faith.  Can  you  imagine,  it's 
against  the  law  to  practice  your  religious 

•  Meanwhile,  Andrey  Sakharov  and 
Yelena  Bonner  have  once  again  disap- 
peared into  Gorkiy,  cut  off  from  the 
world,  their  welfare  and  whereabouts 
unknown.  And  39  Helsinki  monitors 
remain  in  Soviet  prisons  or  in  labor 
camps.  They  are  being  punished  not  for 
attempting  to  overthrow  the  Soviet 

state,  nor  for  the  commission  of  any 
crime,  but  for  publicizing  Soviet  failures 
to  live  up  to  the  international  com- 
mitments the  Soviet  Government  assumed 
under  the  Helsinki  Final  Act.  Hundreds, 
perhaps  thousands,  of  other  Soviet 
citizens  have  been  incarcerated— many  in 
psychiatric  hospitals  and  many  on 
trumped-up  charges— for  trying  to  exer- 
cise what  in  the  West  are  taken  for 
granted  as  basic  human  rights. 

•  Nor  is  such  persecution  limited  to 
Soviet  citizens.  In  the  international 
arena,  the  Soviet  Union  continues  to 
wage  its  ruthless  war  against  the  people 
of  Afghanistan.  The  Soviet  Union  also 
supports  the  Vietnamese  occupation  of 
Cambodia  and  Vietnam's  war  against 
the  Cambodian  resistance.  And  the 
Daniloff  affair  has  demonstrated  that 
even  innocent  Americans  are  at  risk  if 
their  imprisonment  serves  Soviet 

These  are  only  some  examples  of  the 
massive  human  rights  violations  rou- 
tinely practiced  by  Soviet  authorities. 
Yet  despite  all  the  evidence  of  such  prac- 
tices, some  people  still  find  it  hard  to 
believe  that  a  great  power  like  the 
Soviet  Union  treats  its  own  people  so 
brutally.  So  let  me  provide  you  with  just 
one  more  example. 

Nina  Kovalenko,  a  refusenik  artist 
and  member  of  the  so-called  Group  to 
Establish  Trust  Between  the  U.S.S.R. 
and  the  U.S.A.  was  arrested  on  Sep- 
tember 25  and  confined  to  a  psychiatric 
hospital  for  demonstrating  in  support  of 
U.S.  newsman  Nicholas  Daniloff.  Close 
family  sources  report  that  she  is  being 
forcibly  administered  four  different 
drugs  in  seven  daily  sessions;  and  she 
has  been  repeatedly  interrogated 
about  her  part  in  the  pro-Daniloff 

This  is  the  second  time  that  Mrs. 
Kovalenko  has  been  assigned  to  a 
psychiatric  hospital.  A  slight,  softspoken 
woman  of  47  years,  Mrs.  Kovalenko  has 
no  history  of  mental  illness  or  instability. 
She  is  quite  sane.  Her  only  "wrong- 
doing"—if  that  is  the  proper  word— is 
her  desire  to  establish  better  relations 
between  the  United  States  and  the 
Soviet  Union  and  her  courage  in  speak- 
ing up  for  Nick  Daniloff. 

Soviet  spokesmen  are  constantly  tell- 
ing us  about  their  desire  to  establish 
better  relations  between  our  two  coun- 
tries. Nina  Kovalenko  also  wants  to 
improve  Soviet-American  relations.  So 
we  must  ask:  how  does  Nina  Kovalenko 
threaten  the  Soviet  system?  What  crime 
has  she  committed  that  makes  her  sub- 
ject to  psychiatric  torture?  Is  this  how 

eomhor   1  QBfi 



Soviet  authorities  intend  to  establish 
trust  between  our  two  nations?  What  is 
behind  such  profoundly  repugnant 

When  you  look  at  the  Soviet  human 
rights  situation  in  its  totality— and 
when  you  consider  the  fates  of  the 
Kovalenkos,  the  Sakharovs,  the  Mar- 
chenkos,  the  Nudels,  the  Slepaks,  the 
Koryagins,  and  so  many,  many  others- 
only  one  conclusion  is  possible:  the 
Soviet  Union  regularly  violates  interna- 
tional human  rights  commitments- 
including  the  Universal  Declaration  of 
Human  Rights  and  the  Helsinki 
Accords— to  which  it  is  a  party.  It  does 
not  observe  the  legal  procedures  and 
ethical  values  developed  by  civilized 
societies.  And  it  does  not  extend  equal 
protection  of  the  law  to  all  its  citizens. 
The  Soviet  state  remains  profoundly 
repressive,  despite  its  attempts  to  show 
a  more  modern,  humanitarian  face  to  the 

U.S.  Policy:  Speaking  Out 
on  Our  Concerns 

In  dealing  with  this  fundamental  fact, 
we  must  be  realistic.  We  can  take 
cautious  encouragement  from  the  fact 
that  the  new  Soviet  leadership— for 
whatever  reasons— has  taken  steps  that 
we  can  welcome.  It  is  possible  that  the 
policies  we  have  been  pursuing  have 
helped  to  create  the  environment  in 
which  these  new  developments  are  tak- 
ing place.  In  any  event,  we  in  the  West 
must  maintain  our  pressure  on  the 
Soviet  Union.  We  must  continue  to  insist 
that  nothing  short  of  significant,  sus- 
tained progress  on  human  rights  will 
satisfy  us.  We  must  make  certain  that  all 
the  democracies— not  just  a  few  of  us— 
maintain  this  pressure.  We  all  share  a 
concern  over  Soviet  human  rights 
abuses,  and  we  must  show  it.  The  Soviet 
authorities  will  have  no  incentive  to 
change  if  they  believe  we  do  not  care. 

We  must  also  work  closely  with  our 
concerned  domestic  constituencies.  One 
of  the  highlights  of  the  recent  meeting  in 
Reykjavik  was  its  intimate  relation  to 
one  of  the  most  intensive  series  of 
domestic  human  rights  consultations  in 
American  history.  Nongovernmental 
organizations  and  Members  of  Congress 
directly  participated  in  the  formulation 
of  our  negotiating  position.  This  meant 
that  when  President  Reagan  raised  the 
subject  with  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev,  he  was  speaking  not  only  for 
himself  and  his  Administration,  but  for 
an  America  united  in  its  concern  on 
this  issue.  Perhaps  for  this  reason,  we 
succeeded  in  obtaining  grudging  Soviet 

acknowledment  of  the  rightful  place  of 
human  rights  issues  on  the  agenda  of 
official  Soviet-American  discussions. 

So  how  best  can  we  get  the  Soviets 
to  realize  that  if  they  are  going  to  enjoy 
the  fruits  of  a  more  cooperative  relation- 
ship with  the  West,  they  must  pay 
increasing  attention  to  our  concerns? 
Some  believe  that  the  best  way  is  to 
quarantine  the  Soviets,  to  limit  our 
bilateral  contacts  to  an  absolute 
minimum  until  they  carry  out  a  massive 
program  of  internal  reform.  This 
method,  we  must  recognize,  has  been 
tried  and  found  wanting.  Although  it 
does  register  our  disapproval  of  Soviet 
human  rights  practices,  it  has  little 
chance  of  actually  improving  them. 

Let  me  propose  what  I  believe  is  a 
better  way.  When  the  communists  seized 
power  69  years  ago,  they  claimed  that 
their  new  system  represented  the  wave 
of  the  future.  In  fact,  the  future  has 
increasingly  passed  them  by.  Today,  the 
Soviet  leadership  wants  to  have  it  both 
ways:  it  seeks  to  gain  acceptance  by  the 
West;  yet  it  also  seeks  to  keep  its  people 
isolated  from  the  free  ideas  and  the 
human  contacts  that  are  the  very 
essence  of  modern  life. 

If  we  in  the  West  are  ever  going  to 
develop  constructive  relations  with  the 
Soviet  Union,  they  will  not  come  by 
shunning  contact.  On  the  contrary,  we 
must  take  advantage  of  the  new  style 
of  Soviet  diplomacy  to  expose  Mr. 
Gorbachev,  his  associates,  and  the  Soviet 
people  to  the  depth  of  our  revulsion  at 
Soviet  human  rights  abuses.  We  must 
make  use  of  every  channel  we  can,  of 
every  forum  that  presents  itself,  to  get 
the  Soviet  leadership  to  acknowledge  the 
reality  that  less  repression  at  home  is 
the  key  to  greater  acceptance  abroad. 

As  governments,  we  must  seek 
every  opportunity  to  bring  our  human 
rights  concerns  directly  to  the  attention 
of  Soviet  authorities  and  people.  We 
need  to  tell  them,  time  and  again,  that 
the  way  they  treat  their  people  is  not 
acceptable  in  this  day  and  age.  We  must 
impress  upon  them  that  they  will  never 
be  fully  welcomed  by  us  so  long  as  they 
maintain  their  repressive  policies. 

People-to-People  Exchanges 

Beyond  formal  exchanges  with  Soviet 
authorities,  it  is  in  our  interest  to 
encourage  as  much  contact  as  possible 
between  our  two  societies,  between 
American  and  Soviet  people  directly. 
Within  the  Soviet  Union  today,  there  are 
some  who  recognize  the  need  for  change. 
And  we  can  only  benefit  from  getting 
Soviet  citizens  to  take  a  close  look  at  our 
way  of  life.  As  they  see  that  our  society 

works,  they  will  question  why  theirs 
doesn't.  Such  exposure  to  life  beyond 
their  restrictive  borders  can  only  convi 
the  truth:  that  economies  and  societies 
genuinely  thrive  and  prosper  when 
people  are  free,  when  they  can  exchan 
ideas  and  opinions  without  fear.  This  i 
why  President  Reagan  proposed  a  ma; 
people-to-people  exchange  program  pr 
to  the  Geneva  summit. 

At  Geneva  itself,  we  gained  Soviet 
agreement  to  a  number  of  exchange  p 
grams.  To  date,  these  programs  remai 
modest  in  terms  of  the  numbers  of 
individuals  involved.  Perhaps  Soviet 
authorities  still  fear  exposing  significa 
numbers  of  their  citizens  to  our  peopk 
and  to  our  way  of  life.  This  is  all  the 
more  reason  to  press  for  vastly  expam 
exchanges.  We  need  to  work  toward  t 
day  when  tens  and  even  hundreds  of 
thousands  of  Soviet  citizens,  and  par- 
ticularly young  people,  routinely 
exchange  visits  with  their  counterpart 
in  the  United  States  and  other  Westei 
countries.  Such  contacts  can  help  over 
come  the  artificial  barriers  imposed  b; 
the  Soviet  Government  on  the  flow 
information  to  their  people  and  can 
convey  the  truth  about  the  United  Sta 
and  the  West.  We  are  confident  that 
genuine  people-to-people  contacts  can 
build  real  constituencies  for  peace  in 
both  countries.  For,  as  President  Reaj 
has  observed,  "People  don't  start  war 
governments  do." 

Naturally,  it  will  be  extremely 
important  for  our  people— both  official 
and  private  citizens— who  engage  in 
these  exchange  programs  to  understai 
the  nature  of  the  society  they  are  deal 
ing  with.  This  is  crucial,  because  the 
Soviet  Government  will  undoubtedly 
argue  that  doctors,  scientists,  and 
dancers  can  get  together  without  havii 
to  worry  about  such  "political"  issues 
human  rights.  We  believe  it  is  essentia 
that  all  participants— ours  and  theirs— 
understand  that  these  exchanges  cann> 
reach  their  full  potential  in  an  environ- 
ment of  continuing  Soviet  human  right 

We  need  to  be  persistent.  We  knov 
from  experience  that  the  Soviets  are 
tireless  in  pressing  their  vital  concerns 
Well,  human  rights  is  our  vital  concerr 
It  is  at  the  core  of  American  foreign 
policy  because  it  is  central  to  America' 
conception  of  itself  and  its  role  in  the 
world.  We  must  never  be  afraid  to  spe; 
up  for  our  deepest  values  and  most  fun< 
mental  beliefs.  We  must  never  be  reluc 
tant  to  go  that  extra  mile.  And  we  mus 
never  desist  from  the  all-important 
effort  to  change  Soviet  human  rights 


Dffnartmpnt  nf  RtatP  Rulli 


iCo  be  sure,  there  are  those  who  say 
si  the  Soviet  Union  cannot  and  will 
(hange;  that  Soviet  leaders  will 
Itr  open  up  their  borders  to  the  types 
^changes  we  would  like  to  see.  Well, 
ibe  so.  But  if  we  fail  to  make  the 
jrt,  the  Soviet  Union  will  most 
Sredly  remain  a  closed  society,  a 
Ipn  for  its  own  citizens  and  a  perma- 
t  threat  to  the  rest  of  the  world. 
The  ultimate  challenge,  of  course,  is 
ne  new  Soviet  leadership  itself.  That 
Usrship  is  showing  some  interest  in 
inding  contacts  abroad  in  the 
rests  of  modernizing  more  rapidly.  It 
X  realize  that  a  system  which  keeps 
iocopiers  and  mimeograph  machines 
er  strict  control  cannot  exploit  the 
ifits  of  the  dawning  information  age. 
just  suspect  in  its  heart  of  hearts 
I  the  Soviet  Union  will  never  be  able 
Itch  up  with  the  West  without  open- 
Itself  up  to  the  free  exchange  of 
3  and  information.  Indeed,  with 
iy  Western  innovation  in  information 
Inology  that  brings  the  world  closer 
jther,  the  leaders  of  the  Soviet  Union 
Reminded  of  their  agonizing  choice: 

they  must  either  open  up  their  society  to 
the  freedoms  necessary  for  the  pursuit 
of  technological  progress,  or  they  risk 
falling  even  further  behind  the  West. 

How  the  Soviet  Union  responds  to 
this  choice  largely  depends  on  its 
leaders.  We  in  the  West  must  never 
delude  ourselves  that  we  can  have  more 
than  a  marginal  impact  on  the  Soviet 
decisionmaking  process.  But  to  the 
extent  that  our  words  and  actions  are 
heeded,  our  message  must  be  une- 
quivocal: Soviet  isolation  from  the 
modern  world  is  not  the  result  of  some 
vast,  anti-Soviet  plot;  rather,  it  is  the 
inevitable  consequence  of  Soviet 
behavior.  If  Soviet  authorities  hope  to 
gain  acceptance  by  the  international 
community,  they  must  begin  to  respect 
the  rights  of  their  people.  Their  only 
alternative  is  to  perpetuate  the  terrible 
legacy  of  their  past  and  remain  a 
backward  outcast  on  the  margins  of  the 
modern  world. 

■Press  release  238  of  Nov.  3,  1986.  The 
question-and-answer  session  following  the 
address  is  not  printed  here.  ■ 

cretary's  Interview  on  "Meet  the  Press" 

Secretary  Shultz  was  interviewed  on 
TV's  "Meet  the  Press"  on  October 
986,  by  Marvin  Kalb,  NBC  News; 
\rt  Novak,  Chicago  Sun-Times  syn- 

e;  and  Bernard  Gwertzman,  The 

York  Times.1 

Last  Sunday  Secretary  Shultz 
I  to  have  been  our  guest  from 
and.  He  couldn't  make  it  because 
Ind  the  President  were  engaged  at 
iVery  moment  in  intense  negotia- 
ijs  with  Soviet  leader  [Mikhail] 
bachev,  negotiations  that  ulti- 
fely  collapsed  when  the  Soviet 
ler  demanded  certain  constraints 
'he  U.S.  space  defense  program, 
(llarly  known  as  "Star  Wars,"  and 
iPresident  refused  to  yield.  So 
ire  do  we  go  from  here? 
Mr.  Secretary,  one  key  issue  that 
(come  up  is  the  contention  that  you 
p  made,  and  the  President,  that 
kt)  the  Russians  wanted  to  do  was 
jill  SDI.  the  Strategic  Defense  Ini- 
jve.  The  Russians  have  said,  and 
je  have  been  reports  in  the  past 

K'e  of  days  suggesting  that  what 
ussians  really  want,  it  seems,  is 
le  kind  of  compromise  because 

what  they  are  asking  is  that  research 
and  testing  be  limited  to  the  lab  but  in 
some  cases  be  allowed  outside  the  lab 
when  it  is  ground-based  systems 

Is  that  some  effort  to  strike  a 

A.  Of  course,  in  Reykjavik  it  seemed 
to  us  that  when  talking  about  a 
laboratory,  a  confined  space,  what  you 
could  do  there  wouldn't  be  the  things 
needed  to  really  develop  this  program, 
and  so  that  seemed  like  an  effort  to  crip- 
ple the  program.  If  they  have  further 
ideas— and  there  have  been  suggestions 
that  they  may— there  is  a  good  place  for 
them  to  put  them  down  on  the  table  in 
Geneva;  and  Max  Kampelman  [U.S. 
negotiator  on  defense  and  space  arms 
and  head  of  U.S.  delegation  on  arms  con- 
trol negotiations]  is  there,  and  he  is 
ready  to  talk. 

Q.  But  the  key  point  here,  I  think, 
is  the  sort  of  maximalist  statement 
that  you  have  made,  that  they  want  to 
kill  it,  and  they  seem  to  be  coming 
back  and  saying  that  it's  not  killing  so 
much  as  curtailing.  And  that  sounds 
like  the  beginning  of  a  compromise, 
does  it  not? 

A.  We  will  have  to  see  what  they 
put  down  on  the  table  in  Geneva.  But,  at 
any  rate,  we  are  there  and  we've  made  a 
tremendous  amount  of  progress  not  only 
on  intermediate-range  missiles  and 
strategic  arms  and  missiles  but  also  in 
the  space  defense  area.  So  there  is  a  lot 
to  build  on,  and  we're  ready  to  do  it. 

Q.  You  have  said  a  couple  of  times 
this  past  week  that  Mr.  Gorbachev 
sent  you  a  message  on  Tuesday 
through  the  Soviet  Ambassador,  Mr. 
[Yuriy]  Dubinin.  In  this  new  outburst 
of  candor  that  you  are  all  engaged, 
could  you  tell  us  what  that  message 

A.  He  said  that  he  had  had  a  conver- 
sation with  Mr.  Gorbachev  before  they 
each  left  Reykjavik  and  that  Mr. 
Gorbachev  had  instructed  him  to  come  in 
and  see  me.  Aside  from  certain  matters 
having  to  do  with  content,  which  I  don't 
think  it  is  appropriate  to  talk  about,  but 
relating  to  this  issue  that  you  raised,  the 
main  message  seemed  to  be  that  [Soviet 
Foreign  Minister]  Shevardnadze  and  I 
had  developed  a  certain  relationship  and 
we  should  keep  it  moving  and  we  should 
be  thinking  about  when  we  might  meet 

So  we  discussed  the  fact  that  prob- 
ably both  of  us  will  be  in  Vienna  in  the 
middle  of  November— early  part  of 
November— and  so  we  will  undoubtedly 
try  to  arrange  a  meeting. 

Q.  Do  you  have  any  sense  of  what 
you  would  like  to  accomplish  out  of 
that  meeting  with  Shevardnadze? 
What  particular  parts  you'd  like  to 
pull  together? 

A.  There  are  two  things  that  we 
didn't  really  finish.  Although  we  seem  to 
come  to  closure  on  them  in  Reykjavik, 
we  didn't  finish  in  the  sense  of  getting 
really  precisely  done  language.  One  has 
to  do  with  nuclear  testing  and  the  other 
with  intermediate-range  missiles  in 
Europe  and  Asia.  So  those  are  things 
we'll  be  working  on  in  Geneva,  and  they 
may  get  some  attention. 

Of  course,  from  our  standpoint,  we 
think  it  is  very  important  to  keep 
pushing  on  this  issue  of  human  rights 
because  it  is  so  fundamental  to  what 
may  or  may  not  be  the  kind  of  relation- 
ship we  are  able  to  have. 

Q.  It  was  announced  in  Moscow 
today  that  they  are  kicking  out  five  of 
our  diplomats  in  retaliation  for  our 
ouster  of  25  of  their  excess  people  at 
the  United  Nations.  What  is  our  reac- 
tion going  to  be  on  that?  Are  we  going 
to  retaliate,  too,  or  are  we  going  to 
turn  the  other  cheek? 

ember  1986 



A.  We  will  protest,  and  we  will  take 
some  action. 

Q.  What  action,  sir? 

A.  That  remains  to  be  seen.  The 
President  will— we'll  consult  and  talk  to 
the  President  and  he'll  decide. 

Q.  Are  the  25  we  have  kicked 
out — are  they  all  espionage  agents? 
Are  some  of  them  espionage  agents? 

A.  They  are  people  that  we  feel 
have  some  connection  with  espionage 
activity  or  at  least  are  affiliated  with 
units  in  the  Soviet  Union  that  engage  in 
that  activity. 

At  any  rate,  we  handed  over  a  list  of 
25  names,  and  all  of  those  people  have 

Q.  This  week  the  Soviets  did  allow 
a  prominent  dissident,  Mr.  [David) 
Goldfarb,  to  leave  as  well  as  a  couple 
to  go  to  Israel.  Was  this  worked  out 
with  you  at  the  time  of  the  [U.S.  News 
&  World  Report  correspondent 
Nicholas]  Daniloff  business  when  Mr. 
Orlov  [Yuriy  Orlov,  Soviet  physicist 
and  human  rights  activist]  was  freed 
or  was  this  as  part  of  any  summit 
arrangement  that  they  promised  to  let 
out  some  of  the  more  prominent 

A.  We  didn't  have  any  precise 
agreement;  although,  many  names  of 
individuals  were  talked  about  as  well  as, 
of  course,  the  great  mass  of  people  by 
the  hundreds  of  thousands  that  would 
like  to  emigrate.  So  all  of  that  was 
discussed,  but  there  was  no  precise 
agreement  on  either  of  those  cases. 

Q.  Do  you  think  Mr.  Gorbachev  is 
aware  that  if  he  came  to  the  United 
States  without  a  major  change  in  this 
human  rights  situation,  he  could 
barely  meet  with  the  President 
without  there  being  huge 

A.  He  certainly  is  aware,  or  at  least 
he's  been  told  directly,  that,  of  course, 
we  will  welcome  him  here  in  the  United 
States  and  he  will  be  treated  with  the 
respect  and  dignity  that  he  deserves,  but 
that  there  won't  be  the  kind  of  warmth 
out  there  in  the  American  public  that 
we'd  like  to  see  because  of  the  human 
rights  problems. 

Q.  Following  up  the  Goldfarb 
question.  Senator  Malcolm  Wallop  of 
Wyoming,  who  is  a  strong  supporter  of 
the  President,  has  said  that  the  Soviet 
Union  has  an  unlimited  number  of 
these  politically  persecuted  prisoners, 
and  he  just  questions  the  idea  of  hav- 
ing a  human  meat  market  where,  in 
return  for  various  concessions  we  mav 

make  on  arms,  that  they  one-by-one 
will  release  dissidents.  Don't  you  have 
some  concerns  about  that? 

A.  I  think  this  business  of 
persecuting  people  in  the  first  place  is 
one  of  the  aspects  of  their  system  that 
we  find  the  most  objectionable  and  the 
most  difficult  in  terms  of  conceiving  of  a 
good  relationship  between  the  two  coun- 
tries. Trading  in  human  beings  is 
inherently  a  repulsive  matter. 

Realistically,  we  have  to  say  their 
system  is  as  it  is;  and  when  we  can  get 
people  out,  we  are  glad  to  have  them 
out.  But  we  always  emphasize  not  only 
these  names  of  people  who  have  been  so 
courageous  but  also  the  great  mass  of 
people  beyond  that  that  need  to  have 
attention.  I  must  say  if  you  have  met,  as 
I've  had  the  privilege  of  doing,  Natan 
Shcharanskiy  and  Mr.  Orlov,  you  have  to 
come  away  feeling  inspired  and  privi- 
leged at  the  unquenchable  human  spirit 
that  those  people  represent. 

Q.   I  just  want  to  follow  up  the 
question  of  the  25  Soviet  employees 
that  we  expelled  and  now  their  retalia- 
tion. Was  this  even  mentioned  at 
Reykjavik?  This  was  supposed  to  be  a 
major  topic  of  conversation  there.  Was 

A.  It  wasn't  brought  up  because, 
really,  we  were  so  engaged  in  these 
other  things  that  the  time  to  do  it— it 
would  have  been  between  Mr.  Shevard- 
nadze and  me— just  wasn't  there. 

Q.  One  of  the  things  that  you 
obviously  were  focusing  on  was  the 
President's  Strategic  Defense 
Initiative,  and  I  want  to  go  back  to  one 
of  the  earlier  questions.  You  were  say- 
ing that  what  the  United  States  really 
wants  to  do  is  to  develop  this  sytem. 
At  the  same  time,  the  basic  rationale 
of  the  Administration  is  that  you  are 
really  engaged  in  simply  a  research 

Isn't  it  time  now.  since  SDI  is  so 
central  to  the  effort,  to  say,  really, 
that  it's  not  just  research  that  you're 
engaged  in;  it's  part  of  the  strategy  of 
the  United  States  and  that  there  will 
be  a  lot  of  SDI  if  there  are  a  lot  of 
offensive  missiles,  and  less  SDI  if 
there  are  fewer  offensive  missiles? 

A.  The  object  isn't  to  just  do 
research.  The  object  of  the  research  is  to 
find  our  way  to  a  system  that  will  work 
and  that  will  survive  and  that  will  have 
the  attribute  that  it  is  less  expensive  to 
add  a  piece  of  defense  than  it  is  a  piece 
of  offense  so  that  it  can  go  forward.  So 
the  object  is  to  learn  how  and  be  able  to 
protect  ourselves  against  ballistic 
missiles.  That's  what  we  want  to  do. 

Q.  Okay.  But  isn't  the  strategic 
rationalization  for  the  whole  thing, 
shouldn't  it  be,  that  there  would  bet 
highly  developed  SDI  if  there  were 
many  offensive  missiles;  if  there  w< 
fewer — if  you  could  work  that  out 
with  the  Russians — there's  less  of  i 
need  for  the  SDI,  or  less  of  a  need  1 
that  much  of  SDI;  isn't  that  right? 

A.  Certainly,  if  we're  able  to  eon 
to  agreement  on  the  elimination  of  al 
ballistic  missiles,  as  the  President  pn 
posed  in  Reykjavik  and  also  in  his  let' 
to  Mr.  Gorbachev  last  July— if  we  are 
able  to  do  that,  then  the  threat  again 
you,  that  you  have  to  protect  against 
much  different.  And  so,  presumably, 
what  you  deploy  would  be  much 

Q.  I'd  like  to  clear  one  thing  uj 
Dr.  Kissinger  referred  to  it  in  a  col 
umn  today.  Did  you  feel  in  the  final  i 
round  of  discussions  in  Iceland,  whj 
the  President  put  forth  his  proposa  t 
for  10-year  adherence  to  the  ABM    | 
[Antiballistic  Missile]  Treaty  as  weij 
as  ending  all  ballistic  missiles  in  1C  i 
years,  did  you  feel  that  you  had  the  i 
consensus  of  the  Administration  on 
that?  Had  the  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff 
been  consulted  ahead  of  time? 

In  other  words,  there's  a  critic  i 
that  the  President  and,  I  guess, 
yourself  were  kind  of  winging  it  th 
in  the  end. 

A.  Of  course,  there  were  represe 
tatives  there  of  all  of  the  different  ag 
cies.  including  both  the  Office  of  the] 
Secretary  of  Defense  in  Mr.  Perle 
[Richard  N.  Perle,  Assistant  Secretarj 
of  Defense  for  International  Security  I 
Policy]  and  the  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff  i: 
General  [John]  Moellering,  so  everybc 
was  presented  there. 

The  offer  the  President  put  forwa 
drew  on  what  had  developed  and  sent 
Mr.  Gorbachev  in  a  formal  letter  that 
everyone  signed  off  on.  In  that  letter 
had,  in  one  way  or  another,  identified 
years  when  there  would  be  adherence 
the  ABM  Treaty,  or  not  departing  frc 
it— giving  notice  under  it— and  in  a 
2-year  period  a  negotiation  to  elimina 
all  offensive  ballistic  missiles.  So  tho& 
ingredients  were  there  as  part  of  wha 
was  proposed  and  had  been  talked  abc 
before  the  Reykjavik  meeting. 

The  President  sort  of  combined 
those  things  together,  seeing  the  Sovi 
desire  for  a  10-year  nonwithdrawal 
period,  and  I  thought  it  was  a  pretty  t 
creative  piece  of  work. 

Q.  It  might  be  creative,  but  if  y< 
are  not  going  to  deploy  any  part  oft 
SDI  for  10  years,  a  lot  of  people  \vh< 
are  supporters  of  it  think  it's  a  dead1 


Dpnartmpnt  of  State  Bull 


jem.  Is  that  the  decision  of  the  U.S. 
lernment.  not  to  deploy  for  10 


A.  The  offer  of  the  President  put 
forward  in  conjunction  with  some 
important  things— namely,  cutting 
llf  of  all  strategic  arms  and 
inating  offensive  ballistic  missiles. 
:'s  what  the  strategic  defense  is 
nding  against.  So  you  are  getting 
jthing  very  important  for  that 
ear  period. 

furthermore,  since  it  is  pretty  clear 
ow  that  the  existence  of  a  vigorous 
:egic  defense  program  has  been 
onsible  for  a  lot  of  this  activity,  cer- 
y  we  want  to  keep  in  being,  not  only 
leploying  it  as  an  insurance  policy 
is  a  way  of  being  sure  that  the 
ctions  actually  take  place. 

Q.  There  is  word  from  Moscow 
iy  quoting  unnamed  U.S.  officials 
lying  that  perhaps  over  the  next 
ral  months  there  is  a  good 
iibility  of  getting  an  agreement 
1  the  Russians  on  limiting  and 
itoring  nuclear  tests.  What  is  your 

4.  1  think  that's  a  fair  appraisal, 
situation  is  that  we  agreed  on  cer- 

|  increments  of  what  could  become  an 
all  agreement— those  being,  let's  get 

verification  provisions  that  will 
•ove  our  ability  to  know  what  goes 
nder  the  Threshold  Test  Ban  and 
r  treaties;  let's  ratify  those  treaties 
put  them  into  effect.  That 
blishes  a  ceiling  on  the  weight  of  the 

5,  on  how  big  they  are. 

Then  we  can  agree  on  the  ultimate 
of  a  comprehensive  test  ban.  From 
standpoint,  we  insist  that  that  can 
be  reached  through  a  negotiation 
envisages  a  step-by-step  decline  in 
ng  in  line  with,  or  parallel  with,  a 
ine  in  nuclear  weapons.  So  those  are 
sments  of  it.  And  no  doubt  the 
ets  will  want  to  put  those  pieces 
:ther  in  a  somewhat  different  way 
1  we  do,  but  I  should  think  it  would 
ossible  to  work  something  out. 

Q.   But  is  it  your  understanding 
it  to  work  that  out  there  is  now, 
It-Iceland  summit,  a  Soviet  require- 
*t  that  it's  all  one  large  package, 
^t  unless  you  can  also  take  care  of 
(question  of  space  defense  weapons 
1  really  cannot  sign  an  agreement  on 
Blear  tests  or  INF  [intermediate- 
iige  nuclear  forces],  the  medium- 
»ge  missiles? 

[A.  I  would  doubt  that  that  idea  will 
ul  up  over  time,  but  we'll  see. 

Q.  Also,  on  the  intermediate-range 
isiles,  do  you  think  the  Soviets  will 

eventually  go  back  to  separate  negotia- 
tions and  agreement  on  that  aspect  of 
the  talks? 

A.  Our  position  will  be  that  that 
should  be  separated  out,  and  we  will  go 
forward  with  that.  I  believe  that  in  the 
end— I  hope,  anyway— that  we  will  be 
able  to  work  that  out. 

Q.   Have  the  Germans  and  the 
British  given  you  reports  on  their 
talks  with  Mr.  Karpov  [Viktor  P.  Kar- 
pov,  Soviet  negotiator  on  defense  and 
space  arms  and  head  of  U.S.S.R. 
delegation  on  arms  control  negotia- 
tions]? Was  he  saying  they  could  be 
separated  in  his  discussions  with  them 
and  then  overruled  from  Moscow,  or  is 
it  not  clear? 

A.   It  isn't  clear  exactly.  He  seemed 
to  give  one  message  out,  and  we  heard 
other  things  from  Moscow,  and  they  say 
something  to  a  visiting  leader,  like  the 
President  of  Argentina,  Mr.  [Raul] 
Alfonsin.  So  the  picture  is  moving 

From  our  standpoint,  what  we  will 
do  is  take  the  position  that  we  think  is 
the  right  position  in  the  various  places 
we're  talking  about  these  things,  and 
keep  after  them. 

Q.  Why  do  you  dismiss  the  linkage 
things,  as  you  do? 

A.  I  don't  dismiss  it. 

Q.   I  mean,  you  don't  take  it 
seriously?  You  don't  think  the  Rus- 
sians are  serious  when  they  say  it  has 
all  got  to  be  a  package? 

A.  I  think  they're  serious.  But  when 
you  say  everything  has  to  be  in  a 
package,  what  is  everything? 

Q.  I  think  what  they  mean  is  what 
you  know. 

A.  I  don't  know  whether  it's — 
maybe  what  they  mean  is  that  the  agree- 
ment that  we  worked  out  very  carefully 
on  strategic  arms  has  to  be  part  of  a 
package.  They  apparently  don't  hook  in 
a  lot  of  the  things  we  talked  about  in  our 
bilateral  relationship  as  necessarily  a 
part  of  any  package,  so  it  remains  to  be 

Q.   In  the  article  in  this  morning's 
Washington  Post  by  Henry  Kissinger, 
that  Mr.  Gwertzman  referred  to.  he 
writes  that  he  got  a  "sinking  feeling" 
when  he  read  about  the  U.S. 
negotiators  at  Reykjavik  staying  up  all 
night  to  try  to  work  out  an  agreement 
on  a  proposal  that  had  just  been 
handed  to  them  36  hours  before,  and 
suggested  when  this  proposal  was 
handed  you  should  have  said,  well, 
we'll  stiidv  it.  After  all.  it  took  Mr. 

Gorbachev  months  to  consider  a  much 
less  complicated  proposal  by  President 
Reagan.  Doesn't  Dr.  Kissinger  have  a 
real  point  there? 

A.   No,  he  doesn't.  Not  at  all.  He's 
completely  wrong  about  that. 

Q.   Do  you  think  all-night  negotia- 
tions for  something  affecting  the 
nation's  security  is  nothing  to  worry 

A.  It's  the  only  way  to  do  it. 

Now  here's  the  point.  For  years, 
President  Reagan  has  been  seeking 
radical  reductions  in  strategic  arms.  He 
has  proposed  it  and  proposed  it  and  pro- 
posed it.  In  Geneva  the  two  leaders 
agreed  on  a  50%  reduction  objective, 
and  we  have  kept  putting  forward  what 
we  think  that  means,  in  detail,  in 

In  Reykjavik,  what  happened  was 
that  Mr.  Gorbachev  put  forward  an  idea 
that  allowed  us  to  consolidate  ground 
very  close  to  what  we  have  been  propos- 
ing for  years,  so  we  knew  what  we  were 
doing.  Our  people  in  that  negotiation  had 
been  over  that  ground  a  great  deal.  So 
we  were  well  prepared,  not  only  in  terms 
of  positions  but  in  terms  of  highly  com- 
petent people,  and  we  took  advantage  of 
an  opening  and  consolidated  it.  That's 
the  way  you  should  do  it  in  a  negotia- 
tion. You  shouldn't  say,  "Gosh,  it's  time 
for  tea." 

Q.  Just  to  follow  that,  the  media 
blitz— I  mean,  you've  been  on  televi- 
sion more  than  anybody  in  the  history 
of  the  United  States  in  the  last  week. 

A.  And  I  don't  even  get  paid  for  it 
either.  [Laughter] 

Q.  The  idea  you're  giving  is  that 
you  were  just  about  ready  to  have  an 
agreement.  Now  isn't  the  truth  of  the 
matter,  sir,  that  if  they  had  said  yes, 
you  were  nowhere  close  to  an  agree- 
ment? I  mean,  you  would  have  to  get 
the  verification;  there  would  be  just 
interminable  details  to  be  worked  out. 
Isn't  that  correct? 

A.   Lots  of  details  to  be  worked  out. 
But  if  you  start  with  having  set  out  with 
some  precision  with  what  are  called 
"counting  rules"  for  how  you  are  going 
to  count  up— for  example,  bombers  and 
weapons  on  bombers,  and  so  forth- 
worked  out  with  some  precision,  as  we 
did  on  the  strategic  arms  area,  then  it  is 
possible  for  the  negotiation  that  has  to 
be  more  detailed  and  take  the  time  to  go 
forward  based  on  what  was  achieved. 

Q.   I  want  to  switch  areas  with 
you.  There  has  been  a  lot  of  fighting 
going  on  in  the  last  week  in  the  Middle 
East  between  Israel  and  Palestinians. 

.  ,^^k~.  h  rtoc 



and  Israeli  troops  have  crossed  into 
Lebanon.  Does  American  intelligence 
fear  that  there's  any  likelihood  of  a 
bigger  war  erupting  there  at  this  time? 

A.  We  certainly  don't  want  that  to 
happen.  You  do  have  a  situation  where 
Israel,  in  its  northern  border,  is  con- 
cerned, and  understandably  so,  about 
attacks  that  come  from  southern 
Lebanon,  and  there's  a  very  tense  situa- 
tion there. 

Q.  Are  there  really  intensive  troop 
buildups  along  the  border  now? 

A.  It  tends  to  go  up  and  down.  But 
from  all  that  I  can  judge,  the  situation  is 
tense  and  there  is  action  but  it's  not  out 
of  control  by  any  means. 

Q.  You  were  quoted,  I  think,  in 
Israel  as  having  sent  a  letter  to  the 
new  Prime  Minister,  Mr.  Shamir,  urg- 
ing him  not  to  make  any  changes  in 
Israel's  policy  toward  the  West  Bank 
settlements.  Did  you  send  a  letter? 

A.  No.  I  don't  know  where  that 
report  came  from.  I  have  talked  with 
Israelis  coming  back  and  forth,  and  I  had 
a  long  session  with  Mr.  Shamir  in  New 
York.  And  I  do  think  that  they  should 
not  expand  settlements. 

Q.  On  Nicaragua,  there  is  a  trial 
beginning  of  the  American,  Eugene 
Hansenfus.  What  is  your  reaction  to 
the  trial  that  will  start  tomorrow?  And 
I'm  sorry,  we  don't  have  much  time, 
but  please  give  us  your  sense. 

A.  First  of  all,  the  Nicaraguans  are 
not  abiding  by  the  normal  rules  that 
apply  when  you  take  somebody  under 
those  circumstances.  Our  government 
has  had  no  private  access  to  him 
whatever.  His  wife  went  there  and  only 
had  1  minute  with  him  and  then  in  a 
public  occasion,  so  they  don't  seem  to  be 
going  about  it  in  a  very  judicious  and 
proper  way  at  all. 

'Press  release  222  of  Oct.  20,  1986. 

Secretary's  Interview 

on  "This  Week  With  David  Brinkley" 

Secretary  Shultz  was  interviewed  on 
ABC-TVs  -This  Week  With  David 
Brinkley"  on  October  5,  1986.  by  David 
Brinkley  and  Sam  Donaldson,  ABC 
News,  and  George  F.  Will,  ABC  News 
analyst. ' 

Q.  From  what  President  Reagan  has 
been  saying  and  from  what  Mr.  Gor- 
bachev has  been  saying,  it  appears  that 
they  expect  a  good  deal  more  out  of 
the  Iceland  summit  than  we  do.  Is  that 
how  it  looks  to  you? 

A.  I  don't  know  exactly  what  you 
expect,  and,  of  course,  I  don't  know 
what  Mr.  Gorbachev  expects. 

Q.  "We"  meaning  the  U.S. 

A.  The  President  welcomes  this 
opportunity  to  further  the  preparations 
for  the  upcoming  summit  in  the  United 
States,  and  we  hope  that  it  will  move 
matters  forward  in  some  important 
respects.  Obviously  it  remains  to  be  seen 
what  happens  because  the  meeting  is 
still  coming  up. 

Q.  One  of  the  things  that  might  be 
discussed,  we  are  told,  in  Iceland  is  a 
little  detail  left  over  from  the  Daniloff 
affair  concerning  the  25  Soviet  UN 

employees  who  were  named  and  told  to 
go  home.  Will  they  be  made  to  go 
home?  And  will  those  going  home 
include  the  KGB  station  chief  and  the 
GRU  [military  intelligence]  resident? 
A.  The  25  names  that  we've  given 
them  are  there,  and  as  far  as  we  are  con- 
cerned there  has  been  no  change  except 
for  the  fact  that,  in  response  to  their 
request,  the  President  granted  an  exten- 
sion of  time  of  14  days  beyond  October 
1,  which  is  a  date  that  they  will  have  to 

Q.  Most  of  the  talk  in  this  country 
has  been  about  the  principal  subjects 
being  INF  [intermediate-range  nuclear 
forces]  agreements,  some  interim 
agreement  on  medium-range  missiles, 
and  some  agreement  on  strategic 
defense.  We  just  heard  Mr.  Gerasimov 
[Soviet  Foreign  Ministry  spokesman] 
almost  turn  this  into  a  nuclear  testing 

I  gather  your  position  is  there's 
very  little  give  in  the  American  posi- 
tion on  this,  that  there  will  be  no  com- 
prehensive ban  on  nuclear  testing.  Is 
that  still  the  case? 

A.  As  long  as  we  rely,  as  we  do,  on 
nuclear  weapons  as  our  primary  deter- 
rent against  war,  there  will  be  a  need  for 


tin  ' 

testing.  And  if  the  day  should  arrive- 
hope  it  will— when  what  the  Presiden 
and  Mr.  Gorbachev  both  said  they  art 
for— namely,  the  elimination  of  nucle;| 
weapons— comes  about,  then  we  won' 
need  any  more  nuclear  testing. 

Q.  The  elimination  of  nuclear 
weapons  from  the  face  of  the  Earth 
the  President  sees  it,  as  I  understail 
it,  is  tied  to  the  deployment  of 
strategic  defenses.  The  developmen  : 
strategic  defenses  requires,  as  I 
understand  it — correct  me  if  I'm 
wrong — nuclear  testing. 

A.  Certain  kinds  do,  but  not  all 

Q.  But  it  is  for  the  foreseeable 
future  then,  nuclear  testing,  part  oi  i 
the  program  the  Administration  has  i 
for  developing  strategic  defenses? 

A.  Nuclear  testing,  we  feel,  is 
necessary  under  current  conditions. 
However,  the  President  has  stated  1 
if  we  can  agree  to  do  certain  things  1 
improve  quite  significantly  verificatio  ' 
of  the  thresholds  named  in  the  treatie  j 
that  had  agreed  to  but  never  ratify  th  ' 
treaties  and  undertake  a  negotiation  I 
which  is  called  for  under  those  treatie 
to  look  further  at  what  can  be  done,  r 
ing  in  mind  the  goal  of  eliminating 
nuclear  testing  as  is  appropriate  givei 
the  state  of  the  weaponry. 

Q.  A  lot  of  people  worry  that  M- 
Reagan  has  made  a  mistake  in  goinj 
the  summit,  that  looking  for  his  pla- 
in history,  he  thirsts  after  a  second  ' 
summit  here  in  Washington  and  heV 
going  to  give  Gorbachev  really  what 
Gorbachev  wants,  which  is  a  deal  in 
those  one-on-one  sessions.  Now, 
what's  wrong  with  that  theory? 

A.  It's  nonsense.  [Laughter] 

Q.  You  say  it's  nonsense,  but  isil 
it  true? 

A.  I'm  not  going  to  waste  time  orl 
that.  [Laughter] 

Q.  No,  no.  I  think  a  lot  of  peoplt1 
are  saying  this.  I  read  this  in  the 
newspapers,  from  columnists. 

A.  The  President,  of  course,  would 
like  to  see  a  radical  reduction  in  nuclei 
weapons.  He  said  that  and  said  that  ai 
said  that.  When  he  first  proposed  it,  h 
was  laughed  out  of  town  by  all  of  the  j 
experts  you  referred  to  as  suggesting  I 
something  impossible.  And— 

Q.  Why  not  do  it  at  Geneva? 

A.  Hold  on.  And  now  the  Presi- 
dent's agenda  is  the  agenda.  That's  wl| 
we're  talking  about.  And  the  argumeni 
is  not  whether  or  not  these  armamentsl 
should  be  reduced  but  over  how  fast  ai 


npnartmpnt  nf  .^tatP  Ri 



\  far  and  what  the  initial  steps  should 
(But  the  point  is  the  President  has 
light  about  discussion  of  his  agenda; 
if  he  can  bring  that  off,  I  think  it 
ild  be  a  great  thing.  So  why  not  try? 
n't  see  why  people  are  alarmed 
mse  he  is  trying. 

Q.  You're  saying  that  Geneva  isn't 
proper  forum.  The  proper  forum  is 
nald  Reagan  in  an  easy  chair— 
A.  No. 

Q.  —opposite  Mikhail  Gorbachev 
in  easy  chair  in  a  haunted  house. 

A.  No.  Not  at  all.  Geneva  is  the 
oer  forum  for  these  negotiations  and 
articular  for  all  of  the  intricate 
lils  of  them.  Obviously,  the  people  in 
ieva,  whether  on  our  side  or  their 
i,  get  their  instructions  from 
shington  and  Moscow— 

Q.  And  what  w  ill  the  two  of  them 

A.  —and  so  we  can  see  if  there  can 
some  additional  impulse  given. 

Q.  Let  me  ask  you,  then,  how  does 
I  Reagan  decide  whether  an  addi- 
ual  impulse  is  called  for?  Does  he 
t  Gorbachev's  sincerity  by  the  way 
ivoice  doesn't  quaver?  I'm  not  quite 
rir  what  these  one-on-one's 

I  A.  There  will  be  one-on-one's,  and 
re  will  also  be  some  with  some  addi- 
lal  people,  maybe  only  one  or  two. 
j,  at  any  rate,  they  can  discuss  par- 
liar  areas  where  we  are  negotiating 
I  see  just  where  certain  matters  may 
and  how  we  may  refer  it  back  to  our 

I  And  let's  remember  that  we  have  a 
iof  things  to  keep  bearing  down  on 
ides  what  you're  talking  about.  We 
Je  some  big  differences  on  what's 
(tig  on  in  various  regions  of  the  world, 
|i  the  possibility  of  some  constructive 

I  We  have  major  differences  of  opin- 
>  about  human  rights  matters.  You 
I  had  Mr.  Daniloff  [U.S.  News  & 
wrld  Report  correspondent  Nicholas 
Iniloff]  here  as  sort  of  a  case  study  in 
It.  So  we'll  talk  about  those  as  well  as 
(jie  bilateral  issues. 

Q.  Do  you  think  the  climate  is 
jiid  at  the  moment  for  some  move- 
ant  to  come  out  of  Iceland? 

A.  Yes. 

I  Q.  The  Reagan  Administration  has 
ten  vigorous  in  demanding  on-site 
Mpection  of  the  destruction  of  those 
ify  say  they're  going  to  destroy  and 
ualmost  constant  observation  team  at 

the  factories  where  they  might  pro- 
duce more. 

A.  You  have  to  have  a  good  verifica- 
tion agreement  to  go  with  this,  and  pre- 
cisely what  things  are  absolutely  essen- 
tial we'll  have  to  work  out.  I  think  these 
are  the  kind  of  testing  things  that 
perhaps  the  President  might  want  to  put 
to  Mr.  Gorbachev. 

Q.  But  isn't  a  constant  observation 
of  those  factories — isn't  that  almost  an 
obvious  sine  quo  non  of  a  verifiable 

A.  It's  an  important  element  in  the 
picture,  and  I  think  we've  seen  at  least 
the  rhetoric  on  verification  from  the 
Soviet  Union  change.  We've  seen  some 
shift  as  a  result  of  the  agreement  on 
confidence-building  measures  just 
reached  in  Stockholm. 

We  have  also  seen  that  when  we  put 
forward  a  strong  proposal  in  the  conven- 
tional arms  field,  they  backed  off  from 
it.  So  just  where  they  are  going  to  come 
down  on  verification  remains  to  be  seen, 
but  we  know  that  it's  something  that's 
very  important  and  we're  going  to  have 
to  follow  through  on  it. 

Q.  It  appears  the  Soviet  Union  is 
eager  to  talk  about  a  test  ban,  as  we 
have  discussed.  It  appears  also  they 
are  very  interested  in  reducing 
intermediate-range  missiles  they  have, 
and  we  have,  in  and  around  Western 
Europe.  Suppose  we  were  to— 

A.  And  in  Asia  we  are  interested. 
And  in  Asia. 

Q.  All  right.  Suppose  we  were 
able  to  make  an  agreement,  and  it  was 
kept  and  the  intermediate  missiles 
were  removed.  How  would  the  defense 
of  Europe  look  to  you  then?  Wouldn't 
they  still  be  vulnerable  to  a  huge  land 
army  not  far  away? 

A.  Of  course,  the  most  fundamental 
deterrent  is  our  strategic  deterrent,  and 
what  happened  is  that  the  Soviets 
deployed  intermediate-range  weapons 
aimed  at  Europe.  And  after  a  long 
period  struggle  to  negotiate  those  out, 
the  alliance,  in  a  very  strong  and  solid 
way,  deployed  our  own  missiles.  That 
has  occasioned  the  Soviet  Union  coming 
back  to  the  bargaining  table,  and  now 
we  are  in  the  process  of  trying  to 
negotiate  these  levels  down  and  in  the 
end  out,  which  was  our  position  all 

Q.  The  President's  position  is  that 
a  stable  world  requires  defensive 
systems.  The  question  is,  will  you 
accept  an  agreement  that  seriously 
impedes  progress  toward  that?  And 
would  not  an  agreement  that 

restricted  strategic  defense  research 
to  research  within  the  laboratory 
seriously  impede  defense  by  discourag- 
ing scientists  and  discouraging  Con- 
gress from  funding  it? 

A.  The  President  believes,  and  I  cer- 
tainly agree  completely,  personally,  as 
all  of  his  advisers  do,  that  if  we  can  get 
into  the  strategic  balance  a  greater  ele- 
ment of  defense,  it  will  be  more  stable 
and  therefore  more  desirable.  And,  of 
course,  the  more  far-reaching  your 
defense  can  be,  the  better  off  we  would 

Since  we  think  that  is  important  and 
very  significant,  obviously,  we're  not 
going  to  agree  to  things  that  would 
inhibit  it. 

Q.  Do  you  agree  that  it  would  be 
seriously  inhibited  by  a  restriction  that 
confines  research  to  the  laboratory? 

A.  It  all  depends  on  what  the 
laboratory  consists  of;  but  obviously,  you 
need  to  test  the  things  that  you  are 
doing  in  order  to  know  whether  they 
work.  And  I  might  say  that  the  program 
that  is  now  underway  does  seem  to  hold 
the  promise  of  giving  us  the  knowledge 
we  want,  and  it's  consistent  with  the 
ABM  [Antiballistic  Missile]  Treaty. 

Q.  Supporters  of  strategic  defense 
worry  that  whatever  comes  out  of  this 
summit  and  the  next  one  will  be 
viewed  as  a  moratorium,  a  mutually 
agreed  upon  moratorium  of  some  sort, 
restraining  development  of  defenses; 
and  they  note  that  Americans  never 
break  moratoria  on  their  own— they 
just  refuse  to  do  that. 

Aren't  you  in  danger  of  putting 
the  next  administration  or  the  one 
after  that  in  the  position  of  having  to 
be  the  first  administration  to  break  a 
moratorium  or  killing  strategic 

A.  I've  never  heard  the  word 
"moratorium"  applied  to  the  work  on 
strategic  defense,  and  I  can't  conceive  of 
any  circumstances  where  the  President 
would  agree  to  that. 

Q.  At  last  report  there  was  a 
Soviet  Yankee-class  submarine  burn- 
ing off  Bermuda.  What  can  you  tell  us 
about  that?  What  are  the  latest 

A.  What  I've  seen  in  the  papers  is 
consistent  with  what  we  are  finding  out, 
but  there  are  U.S.  planes  overhead,  so 
we  know  that  it's  true.  But  there's  no 
additional  radioactivity  in  the 
atmosphere,  and  I  gather  they  have 
some  method  of  measuring  what's  going 
on  in  the  sea,  so  that  as  of  now,  accord- 
ing to  the  information  we  have,  it  con- 
firms what  the  Soviets  have  said.  The 

~  — ..  a  noc 



submarine  for  about  20  minutes  seemed 
to  move  under  its  own  power,  and  then 
it  stopped.  And  so  apparently  they're 
still  trying  to  get  it  underway. 

Q.  The  Soviets  rather  quickly 
notified  us  of  this  incident.  Why  do 
you  think — it's  a  change  from  Cher- 
nobyl. Why  do  you  think  there  was  this 

A.  I  think  they  got  badly  burned  in 
Chernobyl  because  you  can't  hide  these 
things,  no  matter  how  much— 

Q.  Don't  we  know  yet — 

A.  Now,  this  occurred  on  Friday 
morning,  our  time,  and  President 
Reagan  was  notified  Saturday  morning. 
I  think  that's  pretty  good. 

Q.  Surely  when  one  of  their  sub- 
marines gets  in  trouble,  we — noisy 
trouble,  we  have  the  capacity  to  know 
that  instantly,  don't  we? 

A.  Pretty  fast. 

Q.  Admiral  Clancy  told  us  that  in 
his  books.  Mr.  Secretary,  another 
question — that  is,  disinformation. 

A.   Furthermore,  with  an  explosion 
and  hot  spots  and  so  on,  you  tend  to  pick 

Q.  Oh,  by  the  way,  is  there  any 
danger  that  one  of  these  missiles 
might  somehow  fire  because  of  this 
fire  on  board  the  sub? 

A.  According  to  our  experts,  the 
answer  is  no. 

Q.  Let's  turn  to  the  disinformation 
story,  the  story  that  this  government 
attempted  to  cause  [Libyan  leader] 
Qadhafi  to  believe  things  which 
weren't  true  in  order  to  perhaps  bring 
his  downfall. 

Is  it  your  position  that  the  govern- 
ment has  a  right  to  use  news  media  in 
order  to  do  something  like  that? 

A.  I  don't  lie.  I've  never  taken  part 
in  any  meeting  in  which  it  was  proposed 
that  we  go  out  and  lie  to  the  news  media 
for  some  effect;  and  if  somebody  did 
that,  he  was  doing  it  against  policy. 

Now,  having  said  that,  one  of  the 
results  of  our  action  against  Libya,  from 
all  the  intelligence  we've  received,  was 
quite  a  period  of  disorientation  on  the 
part  of  Qadhafi.  And  among  other  good 
effects  from  that  was  for  a  while  the 
support  for  terrorism,  certainly  in 
Europe,  tended  to  subside.  We  see  it 
beginning  to  rise  again,  we  believe. 

So  to  the  extent  we  can  keep 
Qadhafi  off  balance  by  one  means  or 
another,  including  the  possibility  that  we 
might  make  another  attack,  I  think 
that's  good.  And  I  don't  see  what's 
wrong  with  that. 

Q.  Are  you  making  the  distinction 
between  lying  to  the  American  people 
and  lying,  let's  say,  to  Qadhafi,  or 
others?  Surely  if  you  keep  him  off 
balance,  you  lie  to  him. 

A.  We  are  not  necessarily  lying  to 
him.  And  we  can  always  count  on  the 
American  news  media  to  report 
everything  that  happens,  whether  we  try 
to  keep  it  secret  or  not.  So  if  we  move  a 
ship  from  point  A  to  point  B,  we  can 
figure  that  ABC  News  is  going  to  show 
it  on  television,  and  Qadhafi  will  know  it 
and  wonder  what  it  means. 

Q.  Is  there  a  distinction  between 
what  is  fair  game  in  dealing  with  the 
American  press  and  what  is  fair  game 
in,  say,  planting  useful  destabilizing 
information  overseas  that  might  then 
leak  back  into  the  domestic  press? 

A.  I  think  there's  probably  a  distinc- 
tion, sure,  but  that's  not  the  purpose,  to 
have  it  leak  back  into  the  American 

Q.  No  one's  accusing  you  of  lying. 
Certainly,  I'm  not.  But  there  is  the 
problem  of  not  having  all  the  facts 
when  you  speak.  Seymour  Hersch  in 
his  book  about  what  happened  to  [KAL 
Flight  #]  007  makes  the  point  that  the 
morning  after  that  Korean  airliner  was 
shot  down,  you  went  on  television  and 
said  almost  flatly  that  we  knew  the 
Soviets  knew  it  was  a  domestic 
airliner  and  not  a  spy  plane,  when  in 
fact  according  to  Hersch  the  facts  are 
that  the  Soviets  probably  didn't  know 

A.  The  morning  that  that  plane  v 
shot  down  we  had,  and  I  got  the 
intelligence  community  to  let  us  use, 
effect  the  transcript  of  the  conversatij 
between  the  pilot  of  the  Soviet  plane 
that  shot  down  the  airliner— 

Q.  Raw  and  unevaluated? 

A.  —and  his  ground  that  said— I 
forget  exactly  what  it  said,  but  basica 
said,  "I've  identified  it,  and  I've  shot 
down."  So  we  know  that  they  knew  ti 
shot  the  plane  down.  They  did  that 

Q.  Do  you  still  believe  they — 

A.  Now,  one  of  the  reasons  why 
wanted  to  do  that  was  to  be  sure  that 
they  knew  right  off  that  we  knew 
exactly  what  happened.  Even  so,  the} 
denied  they  shot  the  plane  down  for  a 
while,  and  then  finally  they  came  up 
with  the  rather  lame  business  about 


Q.  Do  you  still  believe  that  the; 
thought  it  was  an  airliner? 

A.  It's  very  hard  to  confuse  the  ej 
figuration  of  the  747  airplane  with  th(  I 
configuration  of  the— 

Q.  Is  it  still  your  belief  that  the  , 
thought  it  was  an  airliner. 

A.  It  is  very  clear  that  they  knew  j 
airliner  took  off  from  Anchorage,  I  gtl 
it  was,  bound  for  Korea.  They  also  knj 
that  a  plane  that  makes  a  routine 
surveillance  also  took  off.  By  the  time 
they  shot  the  airliner  down,  as  I 
remember— I  don't  have  all  these  thin; 
instantly  in  my  head— but,  as  I 
remember,  the  intelligence  plane  had 
already  landed.  So  if  they  were  con- 
fused, they  didn't  have  a  right  to  be,  a 
they  shot  it  down. 

■Press  release  202  of  Oct.  6,  1986. 


Dfinartmfint  nf  State  Bullet 


bonomic  Sanctions  Against  South  Africa 

PT.  25,  19861 

September  9.  1985,  in  Executive  Order 
12,  I  declared  a  national  emergency  to 
[with  the  threat  posed  by  the  policies  and 
Ins  of  the  Government  of  South  Africa  to 
foreign  policy  and  economy  of  the  United 
les.  Those  actions  and  policies  continue  to 
I  an  unusual  and  extraordinary  threat  to 
foreign  policy  and  economy  of  the  United 
Jes.  and  in  accordance  with  Section  202(d) 
le  National  Emergencies  Act  (50  U.S.i ' 
Bd)),  I  continued  the  national  emergency 
i  respect  to  South  Africa  on  September  4. 
16.  Pursuant  to  Section  204(c)  of  the  Inter- 
pnal  Emergency  Economic  Powers  Act 
L'.S.C.  1703(c)).  I  am  today  reporting  on 
levelopments  since  my  last  report  of 
jch  IT,  1986. 

Dn  Executive  Order  12532.  I  prohibited: 
tie  making  or  approval  of  bank  loans  to 
pouth  African  Government,  with  certain 
low  exceptions;  (2)  the  export  of  com- 
bs and  related  goods  and  technology  to 
lain  government  agencies  and  any 
ftheid-enforcing  entity  of  the  South 
lean  Government;  (3)  nuclear  exports  to 
Ih  Africa  and  related  transactions,  with 
kin  narrow  exceptions:  (4)  the  import  into 
IL'nited  States  of  arms,  ammunition,  or 
j.ary  vehicles  produced  in  South  Africa; 
1(5)  the  extension  of  export  marketing 
lort  to  U.S.  firms  employing  at  least 
rity-five  persons  in  South  Africa  that  do 
jadhere  to  certain  fair  labor  standards. 
En  addition,  I  called  for  (6)  consultations 
I  other  parties  to  the  General  Agreement 
fariffs  and  Trade  with  a  view  toward 
fcting  a  prohibition  on  the  import  of 
igerrands;  (7)  the  completion  of  a  report 
(he  feasibility  of  minting  U.S.  gold  coins: 
In  increase  in  the  amount  provided  for 
llarships  in  South  Africa  to  victims  of 
rtheid  and  an  increase  in  the  amount 
fated  for  South  Africa  in  the  Human 
Its  Fund;  and  (9)  the  establishment  of  an 
lisory  Committee  to  provide  recommenda- 
Is  on  measures  to  encourage  peaceful 
nge  in  South  Africa. 
Executive  Order  12535  of  October  1, 
i>,  prohibited  the  importation  of  the  South 
lean  Krugerrand  into  the  United  States, 
|ctive  October  11,  1985  (50  Fed.  Reg. 
i2."i,  ( let.  3.  1985).  This  implemented  the 
O-se  of  action  contemplated  in  Executive 
her  12532.  The  Office  of  Foreign  Assets 
Itrol  of  the  Department  of  Treasury  issued 
Ith  African  Transactions  Regulations  on 
fcber  9,  1985),  to  implement  the  Kruger- 
r  1  ban.  There  have  been  no  changes  in 
be  regulations  in  the  past  six  months. 
Bin  addition,  the  Bureau  of  Alcohol, 
lacco,  and  Firearms  of  the  Department  of 
((Treasury  issued  regulations  on  the  Impor- 
flon  of  Articles  on  the  United  States  Muni- 
lb  Import  List  on  October  7,  1985, 
llementing  the  prohibition  of  certain  arms 
lorts  contained  in  executive  Order  12532 

(50  Fed.  Reg.  42157.  Oct  18,  1985).  The 
Department  of  State  issued  final  regulations 
on  Smith  Africa  and  Fair  Labor  Standards  on 
December  23,  1985,  implementing  the  fair 
labor  provisions  of  the  Order  (50  Fed.  Reg. 
53308,  Dec.  31,  1985).  The  Office  of  Foreign 
Assets  Control  of  the  Treasury  Department 
issued  South  African  Transactions  Regula- 
tions on  November  6,  1985,  implementing  the 
Order's  hank  loan  prohibition  (50  Fed.  Reg. 
46726,  Nov.  12.  1985).  The  International 
Trade  Administration  of  the  Department  of 
Commerce  issued  regulations  on  Export  Con- 
trols on  the  Republic  of  South  Africa  on 
November  14.  1985,  implementing  the  com- 
puter and  nuclear  export  prohibitions  in  the 
Executive  Order  (50  Fed.  Reg.  47363,  Nov. 
is,  1985).  With  the  exception  of  some  minor 
technical  amendments,  there  have  been  no 
changes  in  any  of  these  regulations  in  the 
past  six  months. 

With  the  publication  of  a  notice  in  the 
l-\  deral  Register,  the  Department  of  State 
established  the  Advisory  Committee  on  South 
Africa  on  October  22,  1985  (50  Fed.  Reg. 
42817,  Oct.  22,  1985).  The  Commitee  has  met 
several  times  since  and  shall  render  a  report 
to  the  Secretary  of  State  within  one  year  of 
its  first  meeting,  which  was  held  on  January 
29-30,  1986. 

The  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  submitted 
a  report  on  the  feasibility  of  minting  U.S. 
gold  coins  on  November  8.  1985.  On 
December  17  of  that  year,  I  signed  the  Gold 
Bullion  Coin  Act  of  1985  (Public  Law  99-1S5), 
requiring  the  minting  of  such  coins. 

The  expenses  incurred  by  the  Federal 
government  in  the  period  from  September  9, 
L985,  through  September  8,  1986,  that  are 
directly  attributable  to  the  exercise  of  powers 
and  authorities  conferred  by  the  declaration 
of  the  national  emergency  with  respect  to 
South  Africa  are  estimated  at  $536,813.  of 
which  approximately  $404,230  represents 
wage  and  salary  costs  for  Federal  personnel 
and  approximately  $135,583,  represents  out- 
of-pocket  expenses.  Personnel  costs  were 
largely  centered  in  the  Department  of  the 
Treasury,  Department  of  State,  Department 
of  Commerce,  and  Department  of  Energy. 

I  shall  continue  to  exercise  the  powers  at 
my  disposal  to  apply  the  measures  contained 
in  Executive  Orders  12532  and  12535  as  long 
as  these  measures  are  appropriate  and  will 
report  periodically  to  the  Congress  on  signifi- 
cant developments  pursuant  to  Section  204(c) 
of  the  International  Emergency  Economic 
Powers  Act. 

Ronald  Reagan 

SEPT.  26.  19862 

I  am  returning  herewith  without  my  approval 
H.R.  4868,  the  Comprehensive  Anti- 

Apartheid  Act  of  1986.  Title  III  of  this  bill 
would  seriously  impede  the  prospects  for  a 
peaceful  end  to  apartheid  and  the  establish- 
ment of  a  free  and  open  society  for  all  in 
South  Africa. 

The  Administration  has  no  quarrel  with 
the  decleared  purpose  of  this  measure. 
Indeed,  we  share  that  purpose:  To  send  a 
clear  signal  to  the  South  African  Government 
that  the  American  people  view  with  abhor- 
rence its  codified  system  of  racial  segrega- 
tion. Apartheid  is  an  affront  to  human  rights 
and  human  dignity.  Normal  and  friendly  rela- 
tions cannot  exist  between  the  United  States 
and  South  Africa  until  it  becomes  a  dead 
policy.  Americans  are  of  one  mind  and  one 
heart  on  this  issue. 

But  while  we  vigorously  support  the  pur- 
pose of  this  legislation,  declaring  economic 
warfare  against  the  people  of  South  Africa 
would  be  destructive  not  only  of  their  efforts 
to  peacefully  end  apartheid,  but  also  of  the 
opportunity  to  replace  it  with  a  free  society. 

The  sweeping  and  punitive  sanctions 
adopted  by  the  Congress  are  targeted  directly 
at  the  labor  intensive  industries  upon  which 
the  victimized  peoples  of  South  Africa  depend 
for  their  very  survival.  Black  workers— the 
first  victims  of  apartheid— would  become  the 
first  victims  of  American  sanctions. 

Banning  the  import  of  sugar,  for  exam- 
ple, would  threaten  the  livelihood  of  23.000 
black  farmers.  Banning  the  import  of  natural 
resources  is  a  sanction  targeted  directly  at 
the  mining  industries  of  South  Africa,  upon 
which  more  than  half  a  million  black  laborers 
depend  for  their  livelihood. 

By  prohibiting  the  importation  of  food 
and  agricultural  products,  the  measure  would 
invite  retaliation  by  South  Africa,  which  since 
June  has  purchased  over  160,000  tons  of 
wheat  from  the  United  States.  Denying  basic 
foodstuffs  to  South  Africa— much  of  which  go 
to  feed  the  black  population— will  only  lead  to 
privation,  unrest,  and  violence.  It  will  not 
advance  the  goals  of  peaceful  change. 

Are  we  truly  helping  the  black  people  of 
South  Africa— the  lifelong  victims  of 
apartheid— when  we  throw  them  out  of  work 
and  leave  them  and  their  families  jobless  and 
hungry  in  those  segregated  townships?  Or  are 
we  simply  assuming  a  normal  posture  at  the 
expense  of  the  people  in  whose  name  we 
presume  to  act? 

This,  then,  is  the  first  and  foremost 
reason  I  cannot  support  this  legislation. 
Punitive  economic  sanctions  would  contribute 
directly  and  measurably  to  the  misery  of  peo- 
ple who  already  have  suffered  enough.  Using 
America's  power  to  deepen  the  economic 
crisis  in  this  tortured  country  is  not  the  way 
to  reconciliation  and  peace.  Black  South 
Africans  recognize  that  they  would  pay  with 
their  lives  for  the  deprivation,  chaos,  and 
violence  that  would  follow  an  economic  col- 
lapse. That  is  why  millions  of  blacks  and 
numerous  black  leaders  in  South  Africa  are  as 
firm  in  their  opposition  to  sanctions  as  in 
their  abhorrence  of  apartheid. 

^^mKor    1  OQ£ 



Tlie  imposition  of  punitive  sanctions 
would  also  deliver  a  devastating  blow  to  the 
neighboring  states  in  southern  Africa  that 
depend  on  Pretoria  for  transportation, 
energy,  markets,  and  food.  An  estimated 
million-and-a-half  foreign  workers,  legal  and 
illegal,  now  live  in  South  Africa.  The  number 
of  people,  women  and  children  especially,  out- 
side South  Africa  who  are  dependent  upon 
the  remittances  of  these  workers  for  their 
survival  has  been  estimated  to  be  over  five 
million.  Do  we  truly  wish  to  be  directly 
responsible  for  increased  suffering,  and 
perhaps  starvation,  in  southern  Africa?  Do  we 
truly  wish  our  action  to  be  the  rationale 
Pretoria  invokes  for  expelling  these  workers? 
Do  we  truly  wish  to  trigger  a  cycle  of  eco- 
nomic sanctions  and  countersanctions  that 
end  up  crippling  the  economy  of  South  Africa 
and  devastating  the  economies  of  the  front- 
line states?  What  sense  does  it  make  to  send 
aid  to  those  impoverished  countries  with  one 
hand  while  squeezing  their  economies  with 
the  other? 

Disrupting  the  South  African  economy 
and  creating  more  unemployment  will  only 
fuel  the  tragic  cycle  of  violence  and  repres- 
sion that  has  gripped  that  troubled  country. 
Black  unemployment  in  South  Africa  in  some 
areas  is  over  50  percent— and  adding  to  it  will 
create  more  anger,  more  violence,  and  more 
competition  among  blacks  struggling  to  sur- 
vive. It  will  not  improve  prospects  for 

Another  feature  of  the  bill  would  require 
the  Administration  to  publicly  identify  within 
six  months  any  and  all  nations  that  have 
chosen  not  to  join  us  in  observing  the  U.N. 
arms  embargo  against  South  Africa,  "with  a 
view  to  terminating  United  States  military 
assistance  to  those  countries."  But  the  United 
States  will  not  revert  to  a  singleminded  policy 
of  isolationism,  with  its  vast  and  unforeseen 
effects  on  our  international  security  relation- 
ships, that  would  be  dictated  by  the  unilateral 
decision  of  our  allies.  No  single  issues,  no 
matter  how  important,  can  be  allowed  to 
override  in  this  way  all  other  consideration  in 
our  foreign  policy.  Our  military  relationships 
must  continue  to  be  based  upon  a  comprehen- 
sive assessment  of  our  national  defense  needs 
and  the  security  of  the  West. 

Not  only  does  this  legislation  contain 
sweeping  punitive  sanctions  that  would  injure 
most  the  very  people  we  seek  to  help,  the 
legislation  discards  our  economic  leverage, 
constricts  our  diplomatic  freedom,  and  ties 
the  hands  of  the  President  of  the  United 
States  in  dealing  with  a  gathering  crisis  in  a 
critical  subcontinent  where  the  Soviet  Bloc— 
with  its  mounting  investment  of  men  and 
arms— clearly  sees  historic  opportunity. 
Therefore,  I  am  also  vetoing  the  bill  because 
it  contains  provisions  that  infringe  on  the 
President's  constitutional  prerogative  to 
articulate  the  foreign  policy  of  the  United 

There  are,  however,  several  features  of 
the  measure  that  the  Administration  sup- 
ports. Title  II  of  the  bill,  for  example,  man- 
dates affirmative  measures  to  eliminate 
apartheid  and  provide  assistance  to  its  vic- 
tims, including  support  for  black  participation 
in  business  enterprises  as  owners,  managers, 


and  professionals.  It  authorizes  the  President 
to  take  steps  for  the  purpose  of  assisting 
firms  to  fight  apartheid  and  extend  equal 
opportunity  to  blacks  in  investment,  manage- 
ment, and  employment.  The  bill  also  contains 
a  number  of  other  useful  and  realistic  provi- 
sions, such  as  those  calling  upon  the  African 
National  Congress  (ANC)  to  reexamine  its 
Communist  ties  and  mandating  a  report  on 
the  activities  of  the  Communist  Party  in 
South  Africa  and  the  extent  to  which  it  has 
infiltrated  South  African  political  organiza- 
tions. Still  other  portions  of  the  bill  call  upon 
the  ANC  to  condemn  the  practice  of  "necklac- 
ing"  and  terrorism  and  to  state  affirmatively 
that  it  will  support  a  free  and  democratic 
post-apartheid  South  Africa.  These  provi- 
sions, as  well  as  many  others  in  the  bill, 
reflect  the  agreement  of  the  Congress  and  the 
Administration  on  important  aspects  of  an 
overall  anti-apartheid  policy. 

The  Administration  has  been— and 
remains— prepared  to  work  with  the  Congress 
to  devise  measures  that  manifest  the 
American  people's  united  opposition  to 
apartheid— without  injuring  its  victims.  We 
remain  ready  to  work  with  the  Congress  in 
framing  measures  that— like  the  1962  U.S. 
embargo  of  military  sales  and  the  carefully 
targeted  sanctions  of  my  own  Executive 
order  of  1985— keep  the  United  States  at 
arms  distance  from  the  South  African  regime, 
while  keeping  America's  beneficent  influence 
at  work  bringing  about  constructive  change 
within  that  troubled  society  and  nation. 

It  remains  my  hope  that  the  United 
States  can  work  with  its  European  allies  to 
fashion  a  flexible  and  coordinated  policy- 
consistent  with  their  recent  actions— for  con- 
structive change  inside  South  Africa.  I  believe 
we  should  support  their  measures  with  similar 
executive  actions  of  our  own,  and  I  will  work 
with  the  Congress  toward  that  goal.  It 
remains  my  hope  that,  once  again, 
Republicans  and  Democrats  can  come 
together  on  the  common  ground  that,  after 
all,  we  both  share:  An  unyielding  opposition 
both  to  the  unacceptable  doctrine  of  apartheid 
as  well  as  the  unacceptable  alternative  of 
Marxist  tyranny— backed  by  the  firm  deter- 
mination that  the  future  of  South  Africa  and 
southern  Africa  will  belong  to  the  free.  To 
achieve  that,  we  must  stay  and  build,  not  cut 
and  run. 

That  Americans  should  recoil  at  what 
their  television  screens  bring  them  from 
South  Africa— the  violence,  the  repression, 
the  terror— speaks  well  of  us  as  a  people.  But 
the  historic  crisis  in  South  Africa  is  not  one 
from  which  the  leading  nation  of  the  West 
can  turn  its  back  and  walk  away.  For  the  out- 
come of  that  crisis  has  too  great  a  bearing 
upon  the  future  of  Africa,  the  future  of 
NATO,  the  future  of  the  West. 

Throughout  the  postwar  era,  we  Ameri- 
cans have  succeeded  when  we  left  our  par- 
tisan differences  at  the  water's  edge— and 
persevered;  as  we  did  in  the  rebuilding  of 
Europe  and  Japan,  as  we  are  doing  today  in 
El  Salvador.  We  have  failed  when  we  per- 
mitted our  exasperation  and  anger  and  impa- 
tience at  present  conditions  to  persuade  us  to 
forfeit  the  future  to  the  enemies  of  freedom. 

Let  us  not  forget  our  purpose.  It  is  ni 
damage  or  destroy  any  economy,  but  to  r 
the  black  majority  of  South  Africa  and 
southern  Africa  enjoy  a  greater  share  of 
material  blessings  and  bounties  their  labc 
was  helped  to  produce— as  they  secure  as 
their  legitimate  political  rights.  That  is  w 
sweeping  punitive  sanctions  are  the  wron 
course  to  follow,  and  increased  American 
Western  investment— by  firms  that  are 
breaking  down  apartheid  by  providing  eq 
opportunity  for  the  victims  of  official 
discrimination— is  the  right  course  to  pur 

Our  goal  is  a  democratic  system  in  wl 
the  rights  of  majorities,  minorities,  and 
individuals  are  protected  by  a  bill  of  right 
and  firm  constitutional  guarantees. 

Ronald  Re. 

SEPT.  29,  19863 

I  understand  and  share  the  very  strong  f< 
ings  and  sense  of  frustration  in  the  Cong 
and  in  our  Nation  about  apartheid,  an  un' 
scionable  system  that  we  all  reject.  The  o 
ing  tragedy  in  South  Africa  tests  our  rest 
as  well  as  our  patience.  None  of  us  wants 
aggravate  that  tragedy. 

In  the  last  several  months,  the  South 
African  Government,  instead  of  moving 
furt her  down  the  once  promising  path  of 
reform  and  dialogue,  has  turned  to  interr  I 
repression.  We  all  know  that  South  Afric  | 
real  problem  traces  to  the  perpetuation  o. 
apartheid.  And  we  know  that  the  solution  I 
this  problem  can  only  be  found  in  lifting  t  ' 
present  State  of  Emergency,  repealing  al 
racially  discriminatory  laws,  releasing 
political  prisoners,  and  unbanning  politics ' 
parties— necessary  steps  opening  the  way  I 
negotiations  aimed  at  creating  a  new,  der 
cratic  order  for  all  South  Africans.  The  Si  I 
African  Government  holds  the  key  to  the  I 
opening  of  such  negotiations.  Emerging  f 
discussion  among  South  Africans,  we  war  I 
see  a  democratic  system  in  which  the  righ ' 
of  majorities,  minorities,  and  individuals  a' 
protected  by  a  bill  of  rights  and  firm  cons)  I 
tional  guarantees.  We  will  be  actively  pur: 
ing  diplomatic  opportunities  and  approach 
in  an  effort  to  start  a  movement  toward  n ' 
tiations  in  South  Africa. 

I  outlined  in  my  message  to  the  House1 
Representatives  on  Friday  my  reasons  for ' 
vetoing  the  Comprehensive  Anti-Aparthei< 
Act  of  1986,  principally  my  opposition  to 
punitive  sanctions  that  harm  the  victims  o ' 
apartheid  and  my  desire  to  work  in  concer 
with  our  Allies.  I  also  indicated  in  that 
message  that  I  am  prepared  to  sign  an 
expanded  Executive  order  that  strongly 
signals  our  rejection  of  apartheid  and  our  I 
desire  to  actively  promote  rapid  positive 
change  in  South  Africa.  I  am  prepared  to 
expand  the  range  of  restrictions  and  other ' 
measures  that  will  characterize  our  relatio ' 
with  South  Africa.  There  would  be  strong  ' 
sanctions  in  my  new  order,  sanctions  that  ' 
earnestly  wish  were  unnecessary.  These  sa 




^,  directed  at  the  enforcers  not  the  vic- 
j  of  apartheid,  encompass  measures 
jntly  adopted  by  many  elements  of  the 
■nal  Senate  Committee  version  of  the  bill. 
y  are  incontestably  necessary  in  today's 
^instances.  My  intention  is  to  make  it 
t  to  South  Africa's  leaders  that  we  cannot 
iuct  business-as-usual  with  a  government 
i  mistakes  the  silence  of  racial  repression 
j  he  consent  of  the  governed. 

My  new  Executive  order  will,  therefore, 
:  firm  and  incorporate  the  measures  I 
jised  last  year  (i.e.,  bans  on  loans  to  the 
i.h  African  Government  and  its  agencies, 
ixports  of  computers  to  apartheid- 
ircing  entities  and  the  military  and  police, 
luclear  exports  except  those  related  to 

th,  safety,  and  IAEA  [International 
lnic  Energy  Agency]  programs,  imports  of 
i;h  African  weapons,  the  import  of 
l^errands,  and  a  requirement  for  all  U.S. 
I  s  to  apply  fair  labor  standards  based  on 
Sullivan  principles). 
IThe  Executive  order  will  also  add: 

>  a  ban  on  new  investments  other  than 

e  in  black-owned  firms  or  companies 
lying  the  fair  labor  standards  of  the 
!  van  principles; 

i»  a  ban  on  the  import  from  South  Africa 
'on  and  steel; 

•  a  ban  on  bank  accounts  for  the  South 
jean  Government  and  its  agencies; 
p  a  requirement  to  identify  countries  tak- 
iinfair  advantage  of  U.S.  measures 
Inst  South  Africa  with  a  view  to  restrict- 
Iheir  exports  to  the  United  States  by  the 
Hunt  necessary  to  compensate  for  the  loss 
I.S.  companies; 

p  a  requirement  to  report  and  make 
ymmendations  on  means  of  reducing  U.S. 
f  ndence  on  strategic  minerals  from 
■hern  Africa; 

f  a  requirement  to  provide  at  least  $25 
Ion  in  assistance  for  scholarships,  educa- 
a,  community  development,  and  legal  aid 
■sadvantaged  South  Africans  with  a  pro- 
lion  on  such  assistance  to  any  group  or 
»ndual  who  has  been  engaged  in  gross 
i^tion  of  internationally  recognized  human 


J»  the  imposition  of  severe  criminal  and 
iri  penalties  under  several  statutes  for  viola- 
I  of  the  provisions  of  my  Executive  order; 

'•  a  requirement  to  consult  with  allies  in 
ttr  to  coordinate  policies  and  programs 
)prd  South  Africa; 

|«  a  requirement  to  report  on  whether  any 
fnese  prohibitions  has  had  the  effect  of 
teasing  U.S.  or  allied  dependence  on  the 
tyet  bloc  for  strategic  or  other  critical 
Merials,  with  a  view  to  appropriate  modifi- 
abns  of  U.S.  measures  under  my  Executive 
ipr  should  such  dependency  have  been 

!•  and  a  clear  statement  that  the  Execu- 
ij  order  constitutes  a  complete  and  com- 
iiensive  statement  of  U.S.  policy  toward 
Nth  Africa,  with  the  intent  of  preempting 
■insistent  State  and  local  laws  which  under 
'(Constitution  may  be  preempted. 

Sanctions,  in  and  of  themselves,  do  not 
B  up  to  a  policy  for  South  Africa  and  the 
cthern  Africa  region.  Positive  steps  as  well 

as  negative  signals  are  necessary.  This 
unusually  complex  and  interrelated  part  of 
the  world  is  one  that  cries  out  for  better 
understanding  and  sympathy  on  our  part.  We 
must  consider  what  we  can  do  to  contribute 
to  development  of  healthy  economies  and 
democratic  institutions  throughout  the  region 
and  to  help  those  who  are  the  victims  of 

Following  the  Congress'  lead  and  building 
on  existing  programs,  I  plan  to  expand  our 
assistance  to  those  suffering  the  cost  of 
apartheid  and  to  help  blacks  as  they  prepare 
to  play  their  full  role  in  a  free  South  Africa. 
We  spent  $20  million  in  FY  86  and  have 
requested  $25  million  in  FY  87.  We  will  do 
more,  much  of  it  along  the  lines  incorporated 
in  the  South  Africa  bill. 

I  am  also  committed  to  present  to  the 
next  Congress  a  comprehensive  multi-year 
program  designed  to  promote  economic 
reform  and  development  in  the  black-ruled 
states  of  southern  Africa.  We  intend  to  seek 
the  close  collaboration  of  Japan  and  our  Euro- 
pean allies  in  this  constructive  effort.  Our 
goal  is  to  create  a  sound  basis  for  a  post- 
apartheid  region— a  southern  Africa  where 
democracy  and  respect  for  fundamental 
human  rights  can  flourish. 

I  believe  the  United  States  can  assist 
responsibly  in  resolving  southern  Africa's 
tragic  dilemma.  Many  observers  in  and  out- 
side South  Africa  regard  present  trends  with 

despair,  seeing  in  them  a  bloody  inevitability 
as  positions  harden  over  the  central  question 
of  political  power.  This  is  a  grim  scenario  that 
allows  no  free  choice  and  offers  a  racial  civil 
war  as  the  only  solution.  It  need  not  be  so  if 
wisdom  and  imagination  prevail. 

South  Africans  continue  to  search  for 
solutions.  Their  true  friends  should  help  in 
this  search.  As  I  have  said  before,  our 
humanitarian  concerns  and  our  other  national 
interests  converge  in  South  Africa  as  in  few 
other  countries.  With  the  actions  I  propose 
today,  I  believe  it  is  clear  that  my  Administra- 
tion's intentions  and  tnose  of  the  Congress 
are  identical.  May  we  unite  so  that  U.S. 
foreign  policy  can  be  effective  in  bringing 
people  of  good  will  and  imagination  in  South 
Africa  together  to  rebuild  a  better,  just,  and 
democratic  tomorrow. 


Ronald  Reagan 

■Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  29,  1986. 

2Message  returning  House  Resolution 
4868  without  approval  (text  from  Weekly 
Compilation  of  Presidential  Documents  of 
Sept.  29,  1986). 

identical  letters  addressed  to  Thomas  P. 
O'Neill,  Jr.,  Speaker  of  the  House  of 
Representatives,  and  Robert  Dole,  Senate 
Majority  Leaders  (text  from  Weekly  Compila- 
tion of  Presidential  Documents  of  Oct.  6, 
1986).  ■ 

West  Urges  Acceptance  of  Verification 
at  MBFR  Talks 

OCT.  23,  1986 

In  his  plenary  statement  today,  Ambas- 
sador Robert  D.  Blackwill,  head  of  the 
U.S.  delegation,  continued  Western 
efforts  to  persuade  the  Warsaw  Pact  to 
join  the  West  in  moving  toward  an 
accord  in  the  MBFR  [mutual  and 
balanced  force  reductions]  negotiations. 
Speaking  on  behalf  of  the  West,  he 
urged  the  East  once  again  to  examine 
the  problem  of  verifying  compliance  with 
an  agreement.  Effective  verification,  he 
said,  verification  that  reassures,  is  vital 
to  the  success  of  any  arms  control 

Having  conceded  this  point  in  princi- 
ple as  recently  as  last  week,  the  East 
wants  to  render  it  ineffective  in  applica- 
tion. They  ask  that  verification  be  con- 
sidered with  a  trusting  attitude.  If  both 
sides  had  so  much  faith  in  each  other, 
such  great  confidence  in  the  other's 
intentions,  then  they  would  not  be  here. 
As  President  Reagan  has  observed, 
"Nations  don't  distrust  each  other 
because  they  are  armed;  they  are  armed 
because  they  distrust  each  other."  Arms 

control  agreements  may  help  create 
trust;  they  do  not  spring  from  it.  Ambas- 
sador Blackwill  called  for  the  sides  to 
work  for  an  accord  that  will  build  mutual 
goodwill,  not  depend  upon  it. 

Agreements,  such  as  the  one  being 
negotiated  here,  must  allow  each  side  to 
satisfy  itself  that  the  other  side  is 
abiding  by  its  commitments.  Soviet 
Deputy  Defense  Minister  Shabanov 
recently  acknowledged  this  point  when 
he  declared:  "Verification,  as  an  element 
in  interstate  relations,  objectively  serves 
the  sides'  security  interests." 

Both  West  and  East  voice  support 
for  the  principle  that  verification 
measures  should  be  commensurate  with 
obligations  assumed.  The  sides,  however, 
differ  over  what  this  principle  means  in 
practical  terms  for  verification  of  the 
time-limited,  first-phase  agreement 
being  discussed— most  notably  it's 
no-increase  obligation. 

The  East  has  repeatedly  charged 
that  Western  measures  are  not  in  line 
with  the  modest  reductions  envisaged. 
This  argument  is  not  just  a  misrepresen- 
tation of  the  Western  position.  It  also 

1'omhor  1  Qflfi 



distorts  what  is  required  to  verify  the 
very  sort  of  agreement  the  East  itself 
has  proposed. 

As  far  as  the  issue  of  monitoring 
reductions  is  concerned,  Western  and 
Eastern  verification  measures  are  simi- 
lar. Both  sides  provide  for  a  detailed 
exchange  of  information  on  all  forces  to 
be  withdrawn,  for  the  observation  of 
these  forces  as  they  pass  through  exit- 
entry  points  in  departing  the  area  of 
reductions,  as  well  as  for  noninterfer- 
ence with  national  technical  means.  And 
recently  the  East  has  signaled  its  will- 
ingness once  again  to  discuss  the  possi- 
bility of  direct  observation  of  with- 
drawals until  the  forces  leave  the  area  of 
reductions.  So  there  is  agreement  that  a 
balance  exists  between  proposed  verifi- 
cation measures  and  obligations  with 
regard  to  the  reductions  aspect  of  the 
agreement  we  are  discussing. 

Where  the  sides  differ  seriously  in 
their  views  is  in  verifying  the 
no-increase  commitment.  Rather  than 
explain  how  its  proposed  measures  could 
deter  or  detect  violations,  the  Warsaw 
Pact  has  chosen  to  obfuscate  the  issue- 
most  particularly  by  correlating  meas- 
ures meant  to  monitor  the  sides' 
no-increase  obligations  and  the  totally 
separate  question  of  the  size  of  initial 
U.S.  and  Soviet  reductions. 

Yet,  by  any  yardstick,  the 
no-increase  commitment  is  the  central 
obligation  of  this  accord.  The  East  has 
recognized  its  political  significance  for 
our  negotiations. 

The  far-reaching  military  signifi- 
cance of  such  an  undertaking  should  not, 
however,  be  overlooked.  The  no-increase 
commitment  would  place  a  clear,  numeri- 
cal, and  legally  binding  cap  on  the 
military  manpower  of  participating 
NATO  and  Warsaw  Pact  states  in  cen- 
tral Europe  for  the  first  time  since  the 
establishment  of  the  two  alliances. 

The  West  has  long  been  worried,  and 
the  East  says  it  is  also  concerned,  about 
the  high  level  of  military  confrontation 
in  central  Europe.  By  precluding  general 
increases  in  military  manpower  over  the 
figures  exchanged  on  residual  forces  in 
the  area  of  reductions,  an  effective 
no-increase  commitment  could  contrib- 
ute to  changes  in  each  side's  evaluation 
of  the  military  threat. 

Such  a  ceiling  could  improve  military 
stability.  Both  NATO  and  the  Warsaw 
Pact  are  at  present  free  to  increase  their 
forces  in  the  area  of  reductions  as 
deemed  necessary  to  respond,  for  exam- 
ple, to  restructuring  or  technological 
developments.  Under  a  no-increase  com- 
mitment, any  force  restructuring  or 
other  modernization  action  which 

involved  additional  manpower  would 
have  to  be  compensated  by  numerical 
reductions  in  existing  forces. 

Finally,  a  no-increase  commitment 
would  magnify  the  significance  of  the 
geographic  advantages  enjoyed  by  the 
East,  especially  in  the  event  of  a  crisis. 
This  is  particularly  significant  as  far  as 
Western  security  is  concerned  and 
underlines  the  importance  of  ensuring 
strict  compliance  with  the  no-increase 

For  all  these  reasons,  the  West 
believes  that  reaching  a  mutually  agreed 
no-increase  obligation  would  be  an 
unprecedented  event  in  modern  Euro- 
pean military  history. 

In  many  ways,  the  main  unresolved 
question  in  the  MBFR  negotiation  is: 
which  side's  approach  to  monitoring  the 
no-increase  commitment  is  commen- 
surate with  the  formidable  obligations 
this  commitment  entails?  A  brief  com- 
parison of  the  sides'  proposals  regarding 
information  exchange  inspections  and 
exit-entry  points  provides  a  clear 

Both  sides  agree  that  the  exchange 
of  information  on  force  levels  of  the 
sides  in  central  Europe  is  needed  in 
order  to  verify  the  ceilings  on  armed 
forces  and  that  the  numbers  need  to  be 

Unfortunately,  however,  the  East 
has  failed  to  carry  these  points  to  their 
logical  conclusion:  disaggregation  of 
information  down  to  a  manageable 
level— i.e.,  battalion  or  air  force 
squadron— for  purposes  of  verification. 
The  East  has  turned  away  from  the  issue 
of  how  to  verify  residual  manpower  ceil- 
ings by  means  of  disaggregated  informa- 
tion. Instead,  the  East  prefers  to  focus 
primarily  on  the  totally  different  matter 
of  ensuring  that  no  additional  military 
units  are  introduced  into  the  area  of 
reductions.  Indeed,  in  explaining  its 
inspections  measure,  the  East  disassoci- 
ates inspections  from  the  very  task  of 
verifying  the  no-increase  obligation  on 

This  Eastern  shift  ignores  the 
specific  no-increase  obligation  both  sides 
have  espoused— a  limitation  on  residual 
manpower,  not  on  formations  or  units. 
Indeed,  the  East's  approach  would  allow 
residual  manpower  ceilings  to  be 
extended  at  will.  For  example,  without 
increasing  the  number  of  military  forma- 
tions in  the  reductions  area,  the  East 
could  significantly  exceed  its  no-increase 
obligations— indeed,  by  a  figure  many 
times  greater  than  initial  Soviet 
reductions— simply  by  increasing  the 
manning  levels  of  existing  Warsaw  Pact 

units  in  the  area  of  reductions.  A  surr 
titious  increase  of  only  10%  in  mannir 
of  a  side's  existing  units  could  add  sor 
100.000  troops  to  the  forces  of  the 
violating  side.  This  could  be  achieved 
manipulating  the  annual  rotations  of 
nearly  half  a  million  Soviet  forces  wh( 
the  East  now  excludes  from  passing 
through  the  exit-entry  points.  Given  t 
inadequacy  of  national  technical  mean 
in  such  case,  how  does  the  East  propc 
to  monitor  increases  in  manning  level 

A  further  inconsistency  in  the  Ea: 
approach  regarding  disaggregation  of 
information  and  the  no-increase  comn 
ment  is  that  while  stressing  the  impoi 
tance  of  verifying  that  no  additional  f> 
mations  or  military  contingents  appea 
in  the  area  of  reductions,  the  East, 
nevertheless,  fails  to  provide  for  any 
exchange  of  information  on  residual 
units  and  their  locations  in  central 
Europe.  Without  such  disaggregated 
information,  there  would  be  no  yardst 
against  which  to  measure  results  pro- 
vided by  national  technical  means  or    I 
inspections.  This  is  all  the  more  peculi 
when  one  notes  that  the  East  has  agn  j 
to  provide  such  information  on  forces 
be  reduced.  Can  the  East  explain  this 
double  standard? 

The  focus  in  the  Eastern  verificati 
scheme  on  formations  and  not 
manpower— despite  mutual  agreemen' 
that  the  no-increase  obligation  would  1 
expressed  in  terms  of  overall  ground  i 
air  force  personnel  figures,  not 
structure— also  contributes  to  some  of 
the  shortcomings  of  its  exit-entry  poin 
and  inspection  measures.  Thus  althouf 
the  Warsaw  Pact  concedes  that  all 
forces  withdrawn  as  part  of  agreed 
reductions  must  pass  through  exit-enti! 
points,  the  East  now  excludes  the  annil 
rotation  of  nearly  half  a  million  Soviet  I 
forces  from  having  to  pass  through  the ' 
points.  The  East  asks  the  West  not  to  I 
dramatize  this  issue.  If  this  is  not  a 
dramatic  change  of  Eastern  position,    I 
what  is  it? 

The  emphasis  on  organizations— ar.1 
not  manpower— may  help  explain  the 
uncertainty  over  the  East's  position  col 
cerning  unobstructed  access  to  all  build 
ings  and  the  right  to  conduct  an  unob- 
structed survey,  except  for  specific 
facilities  which  would  be  closed  to 
inspection  as  agreed  between  the  sides  I 
before  signature  of  the  agreement.  Mil ! 
tary  forces  are,  of  course,  often  found  i1 
buildings  such  as  barracks.  Does  the 
Warsaw  Pact  agree  to  the  principle  of 
unobstructed  access  and  survey  with 
respect  to  on-site  inspections? 

The  East  acknowledges  the  need  tc 
verify  that  a  side  is  not  increasing  the 


Department  of  State  Bulled 


ining  level  of  units  in  the  area  of 
Ictions  in  violation  of  the  no-increase 
Imitment  and  has  indicated  that 
■feci  urns  could  be  used  to  monitor 
I  possible  development.  But  it  is 
let  on  how  its  inspection  proposal 
Bd  address  this  problem.  Again  the 
Ition  arises,  how  does  the  East 
fid  to  address  this  verification 

Of  course,  the  major  drawback  with 
(East's  proposal  for  inspections  is 
I  they  would  only  be  granted  in 
souse  to  "well-founded  requests," 
ler  than  being  as  of  right.  Only  a 
lem  of  inspections  as  of  right  and 
line  which  is  based  upon  information 
Aggregated  to  a  manageable  level— as 
IWest  has  proposed— can  assure  each 

side  that  the  other  is  abiding  by  the 
no-increase  commitment. 

Ambassador  Blackwill  concluded  by 
noting  that  as  the  distinguished  repre- 
sentative of  the  United  Kingdom  said 
recently  and  as  was  explained  today,  a 
limitation  applying  to  forces  of  about 
2  million  men  spread  over  a  territory  of 
just  under  a  million  square  kilometers  is 
in  no  way  a  modest  obligation.  He  asked 
if  the  East  disagreed,  and  if  so,  he  said, 
the  West  would  like  to  know  why.  And  if 
the  Warsaw  Pact  does  believe  that  a 
no-increase  commitment  has  great 
military  significance,  why  then  does  it 
reject  verification  measures  commen- 
surate with  that  significance?  The  West 
would  also  like  to  know  that.  ■ 

iiclear  and  Space  Arms  Talks 
Den  Round  Six 

B'T.  17,  19861 

I  nuclear  and  space  talks  (NST) 
i  me  tomorrow  with  the  opening  of 
lid  six  in  Geneva.  This  could  prove  to 
I  very  important  phase  in  the  strong 
|rt  being  made  by  the  United  States 
let  Soviet  agreement  to  deep  reduc- 
|s  in  nuclear  arms.  If  the  Soviets  are 
letermined  as  we  are,  there  is  a  real 
pee  for  such  reductions. 
[The  United  States  is  fully  committed 
chieving  genuine  arms  reductions— 
I  soon.  It  is  in  this  spirit  that  I  wrote 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  in  July, 
Iher  amplifying  our  positions  on  the 
[range  of  arms  control  issues.  In  this 
er  I  specifically  sought  areas  of  com- 
h  ground  where  we  and  the  Soviet 
on  could  most  productively  focus  our 
gbs  to  reach  agreement.  My  letter 
•It  with  expressed  Soviet  concerns 

identified  immediate,  practical  steps 
i  can  move  us  in  the  direction  of  our 
pate  goal:  the  total  elimination  of 
Dear  arms. 

We  are  now  awaiting  a  constructive 
[iet  response.  Our  ideas  offer  a  solid 
Is  for  negotiations  toward  agree- 
pts  beneficial  to  both  sides.  If  the 
nets  offer  a  serious  response,  we  can 
k  forward  to  a  productive  round. 
'  In  the  weeks  leading  up  to  Friday's 
bting  between  Secretary  Shultz  and 
reign  Minister  Shevardnadze,  the 
^ted  States  has  undertaken  expert- 
el  discussions  with  the  Soviets  in  the 

four  key  areas  of  the  U.S. -Soviet 
agenda.  This  includes  human  rights, 
regional,  bilateral,  and  arms  control 
issues.  Wre  hope  that  these  discussions 
have  helped  to  facilitate  progress  in 
some  areas,  including  the  nuclear  and 
space  talks. 

Our  goals  in  the  nuclear  and  space 
talks,  and  in  arms  control  in  general, 
remain  constant.  We  seek  to  strengthen 
strategic  stability  and  truly  diminish  the 
risk  of  nuclear  war.  This  means  remov- 
ing the  capability  and  incentive  for  the 
Soviet  Union  to  conduct  a  disarming 
first-strike.  It  means  preserving  the 
ability  to  deter  war  at  the  lowest  possi- 
ble level  of  forces.  Therefore,  our  over- 
riding priority  in  these  talks  is  the 
achievement  of  agreements  which  will 
bring  about  deep,  equitable,  and  verifi- 
able reductions  in  the  nuclear  arsenals  of 
both  the  United  States  and  the  Soviet 

Of  course,  if  the  benefits  of  such 
agreements  are  to  be  realized,  they  must 
be  fully  complied  with  by  both  sides.  The 
Soviet  Union  has  continued  to  violate 
key  provisions  of  existing  arms  control 
agreements,  and  this  pattern  of  viola- 
tions threatens  to  undermine  the  entire 
arms  control  process.  We,  therefore,  will 
continue  to  press  the  Soviets  to  correct 
their  noncompliance,  and  thereby 
strengthen  the  prospects  for  achieving 
real  arms  reductions.  We  also  will  insist 
that  verification  be  a  key  feature  of  any 
new  agreement. 

In  the  Geneva  negotiating  forum, 
the  United  States  has  put  forward  con- 
crete proposals  in  all  three  areas  of  the 
nuclear  and  space  talks. 

•  Our  strategic  arms  (START)  pro- 
posals are  based  on  the  concept— on 
which  Mr.  Gorbachev  and  I  agreed  at  the 
Geneva  summit  last  November— of  50% 
reductions  in  the  strategic,  offensive 
nuclear  arsenals  of  both  sides.  Further, 
we  seek  to  enhance  stability  by  concen- 
trating on  reductions  in  ballistic  missiles, 
since  they  are  the  most  destabilizing  in  a 

•  In  the  intermediate-range  nuclear 
forces  (INF)  talks,  we  have  proposed  a 
phased  approach  for  global  elimination 
of  the  entire  class  of  U.S.  and  Soviet 
longer  range  INF  missiles. 

•  In  the  defense  and  space  negotia- 
tions, we  have  advanced  new  ideas  on 
how  to  ensure  a  stable  transition  to 
strategic  defenses,  should  these  prove 
feasible.  Additionally,  we  have  proposed 
an  "open  laboratories"  exchange  to 
enable  each  side  to  reassure  itself  con- 
cerning the  other's  strategic  defense 

In  my  July  letter  to  Mr.  Gorbachev,  I 
expanded  upon  these  American  pro- 
posals and  offered  some  new  ideas.  In 
Geneva  our  negotiators  will  be  able  to 
offer  concrete  new  details  in  all  three 
areas.  In  addition,  Secretary  Shultz  is 
prepared  to  discuss  these  issues— along 
with  our  human  rights,  regional,  and 
bilateral  concerns— with  Foreign  Minis- 
ter Shevardnadze.  These  discussions  can 
help  to  lay  the  groundwork  for  a  second 
summit  meeting  between  Mr.  Gorbachev 
and  myself  in  the  United  States  late  this 
year,  as  agreed  at  our  first  summit 
meeting  in  Geneva. 

I  want  to  emphasize,  however,  that 
the  Soviet  treatment  of  American  jour- 
nalist Nicholas  Daniloff  continues  to 
limit  severely  what  is  achievable  in  our 
bilateral  relations.  I  therefore  urge  the 
Soviet  Union  to  resolve  this  case 
promptly  before  it  does  even  more 
damage  to  the  relationship  between  our 
two  countries. 

The  time  has  come  for  practical 
achievements  in  all  areas  of  our  rela- 
tions. As  far  as  the  Geneva  negotiations 
are  concerned,  the  United  States  has 
demonstrated  that  we  are  doing  our  part 
to  bring  about  meaningful  arms  reduc- 
tions. This  round  should  tell  us  w-hether 
the  Soviet  Union  is  similarly  dedicated. 
If  the  Soviets  do  share  our  commitment, 
there  can  be  real  progress  on  nuclear 
arms  reductions,  and  it  can  begin  soon. 


'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  22,  1986. 

mber 1986 



Review  Conference  Held  on  Biological 
and  Toxin  Weapons  Convention 

The  second  review  conference  on  the 
Convention  on  the  Prohibition  of  t tie 
Development.  Production  and  Stockpil- 
ing of  Bacteriological  (Biological)  and 
Toxin  Weapons  and  on  their  Destruction 
was  held  in  Geneva  September  8-26, 

Following  are  statements  by  Ambas- 
sador Donald  S.  Lowitz,  head  of  the  U.S. 
delegation,  the  text  of  the  final  declara- 
tion adopted  by  consensus,  and  the  texts 
of  the  U.S.  technical  paper  on  science  and 
technology  and  the  background  document 
on  U.S.  compliance. 


SEPT.  9,  1986 

The  United  States  welcomes  the  oppor- 
tunity to  join  other  states  in  the  second 
review  conference  of  the  parties  to  the 
Biological  and  Toxin  Weapons  Conven- 
tion. This  is  an  important  occasion,  and 
my  delegation  believes  that  it  should  be 
utilized  for  a  thorough  and  productive 
assessment  of  how  the  convention  is 
operating  and  what  further  actions  par- 
ties should  undertake. 

The  United  States  fully  abides  by  the 
provisions  of  the  Biological  and  Toxin 
Weapons  Convention  and  is  committed 
to  strengthening  the  international  norm 
against  biological  and  toxin  weapons 
established  by  this  convention.  However, 
my  delegation  cannot  overlook  the  prob- 
lem that  became  evident  at  the  first 
review  conference,  and  the  problems 
that  exist  today,  concerning  compliance 
of  other  states  with  the  convention. 
Therefore,  the  U.S.  approach  to  the  con- 
ference is  both  critical  and  constructive. 

The  objective  of  this  convention  is 
the  elimination  of  a  broad  range  of  dan- 
gerous and  morally  repugnant  weapons. 
The  United  States  signed  and  ratified 
the  convention  in  the  hopes  of  eliminat- 
ing, once  and  for  all,  all  biological  and 
toxin  weapons.  Unfortunately,  since  that 
time,  toxins  have  been  used  for  hostile 
purposes.  We  have  concluded  that  there 
have  been  a  number  of  instances  of  non- 
compliance with  the  convention.  In  light 
of  this  situtation,  the  United  States  has 
drawn  very  serious  conclusions  about  the 
effectiveness  of  the  convention. 

We  are  not  here  to  insist  on  agree- 
ment with  our  conclusions  or  to  ask  that 
allegations  be  accepted  as  proven.  But 

we  do  stress  that  states  parties  have  an 
obligation  to  resolve  concerns  that  are 
raised  about  their  activities  and  that 
other  parties  to  such  a  multilateral 
agreement  have  an  obligation  to  address 
and  investigate  questions  which  are 
raised  with  respect  to  compliance.  Such 
responses  have  not  been  forthcoming  in 
many  cases,  and  in  some  instances, 
investigations  have  been  actively 
impeded.  To  date  the  United  States  has 
not  received  satisfaction  with  respect  to 
its  specific  concerns  regarding  non- 
compliance, and  investigations  of  the  use 
of  toxins,  mandated  by  the  UN  General 
Assembly,  have  been  blocked.  These 
actions  have  hurt  the  convention  and, 
more  generally,  the  arms  control 

We  have  been  able  to  determine  in 
some  cases  that  the  convention  has  been 
violated,  despite  its  lack  of  stringent 
verification  provisions  and  I  would  note 
that  potential  violators  should  under- 
stand that  they  face  a  risk  of  exposure. 
Another  concern  related  to  the  con- 
vention results  from  advances  in  biotech- 
nology. These  have  increased  man's 
ability  to  design  new  substances  or 
modify  known  substances.  They  have 
also  made  it  easier  to  produce  such 
materials.  These  advances  have  now 
made  it  possible  to  manufacture  biologi- 
cal or  toxin  agents  in  much  smaller,  less 
distinctive  facilities  than  in  the  past. 
While  promising  great  medical  and 
industrial  benefits,  these  developments 
have  brought  about  capabilities  which,  if 
misused,  could  pose  a  significant  biologi- 
cal and  toxin  weapons  threat.  And  they 
have  further  complicated  verification  of 
compliance  with  the  convention. 

The  United  States  believes  that  the 
international  norm  against  biological  and 
toxin  weapons  established  by  the  conven- 
tion is  important  and  should  be  main- 
tained, supported,  and  strengthened.  We 
believe  that,  in  the  course  of  the  present 
review  of  the  convention,  measures  can 
be  adopted  that  would  help  make  more 
visible  activities  which  are  permitted 
under  the  convention  but  which  could 
give  rise  to  suspicions  if  conducted 
secretly.  We  are  prepared  to  join  other 
delegations  in  exploring  a  series  of  such 
measures  to  help  provide  assurance  that 
permitted  activities  are  not  being  used 
as  a  cover  for  prohibited  activities.  Such 
measures  could  be  agreed  upon  now  at 
the  review  conference  and  embodied  in 
the  final  document. 

I  would  now  like  to  set  out  briefly 
our  views  concerning  the  convention; 
begin  with,  the  purposes  of  the  pream 
ble.  The  United  States  continues  to 
attach  great  importance  to  making  efl 
tive  progress  toward  general  and  com 
plete  disarmament.  Likewise  we  attac 
great  importance  to  strict  compliance 
with  the  Geneva  protocol  of  1925,  and 
we  deeply  regret  the  violations  of  this 
fundamental  instrument  for  arms  cont 
that  have  occurred.  And  we  continue  1 
be  convinced  that,  because  the  use  of 
biological  and  toxin  weapons  is  repug- 
nant to  the  conscience  of  mankind,  no 
effort  should  be  spared  to  minimize  th- 
risk,  with  the  objective  of  excluding  cc 
pletely  the  possibility  of  such  use. 

As  I  stated  at  the  outset,  the  Unit! 
States  has  fully  abided  by  the  provisio 
of  the  Biological  and  Toxin  Weapons 
Convention,  and  it  will  continue  to  do 

With  regard  to  Article  I,  the  Unit* 
States  is  in  full  compliance  with  its 
obligations.  Facilities  previously  used 
development,  production,  or  stockpilin 
of  biological  or  toxin  weapons  were  co 
verted  to  peaceful  purposes  well  in 
advance  of  the  time  specified  by  the  cc 
vention.  However,  the  United  States 
believes  that  the  Soviet  Union,  in  viola 
tion  of  this  article,  has  continued  to 
maintain  an  offensive  biological  warfa: 
program  and  capability  and  has  been 
involved  in  the  production  and  use  of 
toxins  for  hostile  purposes  in  Laos,  Ca 
bodia,  and  Afghanistan. 

In  accordance  with  Article  II,  the 
United  States  destroyed  all  existing 
stocks  of  biological  and  toxin  weapons 
and  means  of  delivery  prohibited  undei 
Article  I  prior  to  the  deadline  stipulate 
by  the  convention. 

With  regard  to  Article  III,  the 
United  States  has  never  transferred  to 
any  state,  or  assisted  any  state  in  acqul 
ing,  biological  or  toxin  weapons.  How-  I 
ever,  the  United  States  believes  that  th  I 
Soviet  Union  has  been  involved  in  the  I 
production  and  transfer  of  toxin  weap- 1 
ons  to  Laos  and  Vietnam. 

With  regard  to  Article  IV,  the  U.S.' 
Government  has  taken  and  continues  tci 
take  steps  to  preclude  domestic  activity 
contrary  to  the  provisions  of  the  convei 
tion.  These  actions  include: 

•  Certification  by  all  Federal  agen- 
cies that  they  are  in  compliance; 

•  Enactment  of  legislation  and  pro- 
mulgation of  regulations  to  control 
biological  development  and  production 
activities;  and 

•  A  continuing  review  of  existing 
U.S.  laws  and  regulations. 


DeDartment  of  State  Bullet! > 


With  regard  to  the  consultative  proc- 
jbrovided  for  in  Article  V,  we  have 
|ht  to  make  use  of  it  with  the  Soviet 
%m  concerning  the  outbreak  of 
Irax  in  Sverdlovsk  in  1979;  concern- 
Eoviet  involvement  in  the  produc- 
L  transfer,  and  use  of  mycotoxins; 
[concerning  its  maintenance  of  an 
psive  biological  warfare  program. 
Ihave  also  raised  our  concerns  with 
e  and  Vietnam  regarding  their  use  of 
lotoxins  for  hostile  purposes.  To  date 
have  received  no  satisfactory 

Under  Article  IX  of  the  convention, 
United  States  and  other  parties 
gnized  the  objective  of  an  effective 
libition  on  chemical  weapons  and 
ged  to  continue  negotiations  in  good 
1  toward  that  end.  The  United  States 
>noring  this  commitment.  In  1984,  at 
request  of  President  Reagan, 
i  President  Bush  tabled  a  com- 
lensive  draft  convention  in  the  Con- 
nce  on  Disarmament.  This  draft 
ains  a  primary  model  for  an  effective 

verifiable  ban  on  chemical  weapons. 
:e  that  time,  we  have  continued  to 
rtiate  seriously  in  the  Conference  on 
irmament.  Also  in  the  joint  state- 

t  following  the  1985  summit  meeting 
resident  Reagan  and  General  Secre- 

Gorbachev,  the  United  States  and 
Soviet  Union  agreed  to  accelerate 
;eral  discussions  on  chemical 
pons.  Since  that  time,  three  rounds 
lese  discussions  have  been  held. 
The  United  States  shares  the  dis- 
sfaction  of  many  states  over  the  slow 
!  of  progress  toward  a  chemical 
pons  ban.  We  support  efforts  to 
nsify  the  negotiations. 
In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of 

cle  X,  the  United  States  has  initiated 
j  participated  in  a  large  number  of 
pities  to  facilitate  the  fullest  possible 
pange  of  scientific  information  and 
Inology  for  the  use  of  biological 
tits  and  toxins  for  peaceful  purposes. 
I  participation  is  documented  in  more 
til  in  the  information  on  compliance 
l/ided  to  the  Secretariat  pursuant  to 
^request  of  the  preparatory 

ij In  conclusion,  I  would  like  to  stress 
En  the  U.S.  commitment  to  support 
I  strengthen  the  norm  established  by 
I  Biological  and  Toxin  Weapons  Con- 
jtion  against  these  weapons.  Even 
Ir  to  the  negotiation  of  the  conven- 
ts the  United  States  had  unilaterally 
lounced  biological  and  toxin  weapons. 
Ice  that  time,  the  United  States  has 
i  developed,  nor  will  it  develop,  such  a 

capability;  and  the  United  States  con- 
tinues to  adhere  to  the  convention.  The 
Biological  and  Toxin  Weapons  Conven- 
tion is  a  valid  international  agreement, 
and  all  states  parties  have  a  solemn  legal 
obligation  to  uphold  its  provisions  and 
the  norm  which  it  establishes.  We  hope 
that  other  states  will  also  fully  comply 
with  the  convention.  Until  this  occurs, 
the  important  purposes  of  this  conven- 
tion will  not  be  realized. 


SEPT.  26,  1986 

The  U.S.  delegation  welcomes  the  suc- 
cessful conclusion  of  this  second  review 
of  the  operation  of  the  Biological  and 
Toxin  Weapons  Convention.  When  this 
conference  began,  my  delegation  said  it 
would  approach  the  review  of  the  con- 
vention in  both  a  critical  and  construc- 
tive way.  We  have  endeavored  to  keep 
these  two  approaches  central  to  our 

It  is  in  this  context  that  I  made  clear 
that  my  government  is  convinced  that 
the  convention  has  been  violated.  I  also 
want  to  note  that  the  final  declaration 
reflects  the  grave  doubts  of  several  par- 
ties about  compliance  with  the  most 
basic  provisions  of  the  convention  and 
that  the  conference  as  a  whole  stressed 
the  need  to  deal  seriously  with  compli- 
ance issues. 

Recognizing  the  importance  of  the 
norm  established  by  the  Biological  and 
Toxin  Weapons  Convention— a  norm  the 
United  States  upholds  and  will  continue 
to  uphold— we  have  joined  in  recom- 
mending several  measures  intended  to 
strengthen  this  norm,  including  interna- 
tional exchange  of  information  on  out- 
breaks of  infectious  diseases  and  on 
laboratories  and  research  centers.  My 
delegation  hopes  that  these  measures 
will  be  fully  implemented  by  all  parties 
to  the  convention  and  that  they  will  thus 
lead  to  greater  international  trans- 
parency and  openness  with  regard  to  the 

I  wish  to  offer  the  thanks  of  the  U.S. 
delegation  to  you,  Mr.  President 
[Ambassador  Winfried  Lang  of  Austria], 
and  to  the  distinguished  chairmen  of  the 
Credentials  Committee,  Ambassador 
D.D.  Afande  [Kenya],  of  the  Committee 
of  the  Whole,  Ambassador  M.  Vejvoda 
[Czechoslovakia],  and  of  the  Drafting 
Committee,  Ambassador  R.  Butler 
[Australia],  for  all  of  your  efforts  to 
bring  about  a  successful  conclusion  of 
our  work. 


SEPT.  26,  1986 


The  States  Parties  to  the  Convention  on  the 
Prohibition  of  the  Development,  Production 
and  Stockpiling  of  Bacteriological  (Biological) 
and  Toxin  Weapons  and  on  their  Destruction, 
having  met  in  Geneva  8-26  September  1986 
in  accordance  with  a  decision  by  the  First 
Review  Conference  1980  and  at  the  request  of 
a  majority  of  States  Parties  to  the  Conven- 
tion, to  review  the  operation  of  the  Conven- 
tion with  a  view  to  assuring  that  the  purposes 
of  the  preamble  and  the  provisions  of  the 
Convention  are  being  realized: 

Reaffirming  their  determination  to  act 
with  a  view  to  achieving  effective  progress 
towards  general  and  complete  disarmament 
including  the  prohibition  and  elimination  of  all 
types  of  weapons  of  mass  destruction  and 
convinced  that  the  prohibition  of  the  develop- 
ment, production  and  their  elimination, 
though  effective  measures,  will  facilitate  the 
achievement  of  general  and  complete  disar- 
mament under  strict  and  effective  interna- 
tional control, 

Recognizing  the  continuing  importance  of 
the  Convention  and  its  objectives  and  the 
common  interest  of  mankind  in  the  elimina- 
tion of  bacteriological  (biological)  and  toxin 

Affirming  their  belief  that  the  universal 
adherence  to  the  Convention  would  enhance 
international  peace  and  security,  would  not 
hamper  economic  or  technological  develop- 
ment and,  further,  would  facilitate  the  wider 
exchange  of  information  for  the  use  of  bac- 
teriological (biological)  agents  for  peaceful 

Confirming  the  common  interest  in 
strengthening  the  authority  and  the  effective- 
ness of  the  Convention,  to  promote  con- 
fidence and  co-operation  among  States 

Affirming  the  importance  of  strengthen- 
ing international  co-operation  in  the  field  of 
biotechnology,  genetic  engineering,  micro- 
biology and  other  related  areas, 

Reaffirming  their  adherence  to  the  princi- 
ple and  objectives  of  the  Geneva  Protocol  of 
17  June  1925  and  calling  upon  all  States  to 
comply  strictly  with  them, 

Recalling  that  the  General  Assembly  of 
the  United  Nations  has  repeatedly  condemned 
all  actions  contrary  to  the  said  principles  and 

Recognizing  the  importance  of  achieving 
as  a  matter  of  high  priority  an  international 
convention  on  the  complete  and  effective  pro- 
hibition of  the  development,  production  and 
stockpiling  of  chemical  weapons  and  on  their 

Noting  the  relevant  provisions  of  the 
Final  Document  of  the  Tenth  Special  Session 
of  the  General  Assembly  devoted  to 

Appealing  to  all  States  to  refrain  from 
any  action  which  might  place  the  Convention 
or  any  of  its  provisions  in  jeopardy. 

;ember  1986 



Ih  clare  their  strong  determination  for  the 
sake  of  all  mankind,  to  exclude  completely  the 
possibility  of  microbial,  or  other  biological 
agents,  or  toxins  being  used  as  weapons  and 
reaffirm  their  strong  support  for  the  Conven- 
tion, their  continued  dedication  to  its  prin- 
ciples and  objectives  and  their  legal  obligation 
under  international  law  to  implement  and 
strictly  comply  with  its  provisions. 

Article  I 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of  Arti- 
cle I  as  the  Article  which  defines  the  scope  of 
the  Convention  and  reaffirms  its  support  for 
the  provisions  of  this  Article. 

The  Conference  concludes  that  the  scope 
of  Article  I  covers  scientific  and  technological 
developments  relevant  to  the  Convention. 

The  Conference  notes  statements  by  some 
States  Parties  that  compliance  with  Articles 
I,  II  and  III  was  in  their  view  subject  to  grave 
doubt  in  some  cases  and  that  efforts  to 
resolve  these  concerns  had  not  been  success- 
ful. The  Conference  notes  the  statements  by 
other  States  Parties  that  such  a  doubt  was 
unfounded  and,  in  their  view,  not  in  accord- 
ance with  the  Convention.  The  Conference 
agrees  that  the  application  of  States  Parties 
of  a  positive  approach  in  question  of  com- 
pliance in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of 
the  Convention  was  in  the  interest  of  all 
States  Parties  and  that  this  would  serve  to 
promote  confidence  among  States  Parties. 

The  Conference,  conscious  of  apprehen- 
sions arising  from  relevant  scientific  and 
technological  developments,  inter  alia,  in  the 
fields  of  microbiology,  genetic  engineering 
and  biotechnology,  and  the  possibilities  of 
their  use  for  purposes  inconsistent  with  the 
objectives  and  the  provisions  of  the  Conven- 
tion, reaffirms  that  the  undertaking  given  by 
the  States  Parties  in  Article  I  applies  to  all 
such  developments. 

The  Conference  reaffirms  that  the  Con- 
vention unequivocally  applies  to  all  natural  or 
artificially  created  microbial  or  other  bio- 
logical agents  or  toxins  whatever  their  origin 
or  method  of  production.  Consequently, 
toxins  (both  proteinaceous  and  non- 
proteinaceous)  of  a  microbial,  animal  or 
vegetable  nature  and  their  synthetically 
produced  analogues  are  covered. 

Article  II 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of  Arti- 
cle II  and  welcomes  the  statements  made  by 
States  which  have  become  Parties  to  the  Con- 
vention since  the  First  Review  Conference 
that  they  do  not  possess  agents,  toxins, 
weapons,  equipment  or  means  of  delivery 
referred  to  in  Article  I  of  the  Convention.  The 
Conference  believes  that  such  statements 
enhance  confidence  in  the  Convention. 

The  Conference  stresses  that  States 
which  become  Parties  to  the  Convention,  in 
implementing  the  provisions  of  this  Article, 
shall  observe  all  necessary  safety  precautions 
to  protect  populations  and  the  environment. 

Article  III 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of  Arti- 
cle III  and  welcomes  the  statements  which 
States  that  have  acceded  to  the  Convention 
have  made  to  the  effect  that  they  have  not 
transferred  agents,  toxins,  weapons,  equip- 
ment or  means  of  delivery,  specified  in  Arti- 
cle I  of  the  Convention,  to  any  recipient  what- 
soever and  have  not  furnished  assistance  or 
encouragement  or  inducement  to  any  State, 
group  of  States  or  international  organizations 
to  manufacture  or  otherwise  acquire  them. 
The  Conference  affirms  that  Article  III  is  suf- 
ficiently comprehensive  so  as  to  cover  any 
recipient  whatsoever  at  international, 
national  or  sub-national  levels. 

The  Conference  notes  that  the  provisions 
of  this  article  should  not  be  used  to  impose 
restrictions  and/or  limitations  on  the  transfer 
for  purposes  consistent  with  the  objectives 
and  the  provisions  of  the  Convention  of  scien- 
tific knowledge,  technology,  equipment  and 
materials  to  States  Parties. 

Article  IV 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of  Arti- 
cle IV,  under  which  each  State  Party  shall,  in 
accordance  with  its  constitutional  processes, 
take  any  necessary  measures  to  prohibit  or 
prevent  any  acts  or  actions  which  would  con- 
travene the  Convention. 

The  Conference  calls  upon  all  States  Par- 
ties which  have  not  yet  taken  any  necessary 
measures  in  accordance  with  their  constitu- 
tional processes,  as  required  by  the  Article,  to 
do  so  immediately. 

The  Conference  notes  that  States  Parties, 
as  requested  by  the  First  Review  Conference, 
have  provided  the  United  Nations  Depart- 
ment for  Disarmament  Affairs  with  informa- 
tion on  and  the  texts  of  specific  legislation 
enacted  or  other  regulatory  measures  taken 
by  them,  relevant  to  this  Article.  The  Con- 
ference invites  States  Parties  to  continue  to 
provide  such  information  and  texts  to  the 
United  Nations  Department  for  Disarmament 
Affairs,  for  purposes  of  consultation. 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of: 

•  Legislative,  administrative  and  other 
measures  designed  effectively  to  guarantee 
compliance  with  the  provisions  of  the  conven- 
tion within  the  territory,  under  the  jurisdic- 
tion or  control  of  a  State  Party; 

•  Legislation  regarding  the  physical  pro- 
tection of  laboratories  and  facilities  to  pre- 
vent unauthorized  access  to  and  removal  of 
the  pathogenic  or  toxic  material;  and 

•  Inclusion  in  textbooks,  and  in  medical, 
scientific  and  military  educational  pro- 
grammes of  information  dealing  with  the  pro- 
hibition of  bacteriological  (biological)  and 
toxin  weapons  and  the  provisions  of  the 
Geneva  Protocol  and  believes  that  such 
measures  which  States  might  undertake  in 
accordance  with  their  constitutional  process 
would  strengthen  the  effectiveness  of  the 

Article  V 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of  A 
cle  V  and  reaffirms  the  obligation  assume: 
States  Parties  to  consult  and  co-operate  w* 
one  another  in  solving  any  problems  which, 
may  arise  in  relation  to  the  objective  of,  or 
the  application  of,  the  Convention. 

The  Conference  reaffirms  that  consult 
tion  and  co-operation  pursuant  to  this  Arti 
may  also  be  undertaken  through  appropria 
international  procedures  within  the  frame- 
work of  the  United  Nations  and  in  accorda 
with  its  Charter. 

The  Conference  confirms  the  conclusic 
in  the  Final  Declaration  of  the  First  Revie 
Conference  that  these  procedures  include, 
inter  alia,  the  right  of  any  State  Party  to 
request  that  a  consultative  meeting  open  t 
all  States  Parties  be  convened  at  expert  le 

The  Conference  stresses  the  need  for  i 
States  to  deal  seriously  with  compliance 
issues  and  emphasizes  that  the  failure  to  d 
undermines  the  Convention  and  the  arms  < 
trol  process  in  general. 

The  Conference  appeals  to  States  Part  i! 
to  make  all  possible  efforts  to  solve  any  pr  1 
lems  which  may  arise  in  relation  to  the  obj  |! 
tive  of  or  in  the  application  of  the  provisioi  1 
of  the  Convention  with  a  view  towards 
encouraging  strict  observance  of  the  provi  i 
sions  subscribed  to.  The  Conference  furthe  [ 
requests  that  information  on  such  efforts  I 
provided  to  the  Third  Review  Conference. 

The  Conference,  taking  into  account 
views  expressed  concerning  the  need  to 
strengthen  the  implementation  of  the  prov 
sions  of  Article  V,  has  agreed: 

•  That  a  consultative  meeting  shall  be 
promptly  convened  when  requested  by  a 
State  Party; 

•  That  a  consultative  meeting  may  con 
sider  any  problems  which  may  arise  in  the 
relation  to  the  objective  of,  or  in  the  applic  ! 
tion  of,  the  provisions  of  the  Convention,  si  I 
gest  ways  and  means  for  further  clarifying  I 
inter  alia,  with  assistance  of  technical 
experts,  any  matter  considered  ambiguous  I 
unresolved,  as  well  as  initiate  appropriate    ' 
international  procedures  within  the  frame- 
work of  the  United  Nations  and  in  accordail 
with  its  Charter; 

•  That  the  consultative  meeting,  or  aid 
State  Party,  may  request  specialized 
assistance  in  solving  any  problems  which  ml 
arise  in  relation  to  the  objective  of,  or  in  th- 1 
application  of,  the  provisions  of  the  Conven 
tion,  through,  inter  alia,  appropriate  intern ■ 
tional  procedures  within  the  framework  of  i| 
United  Nations  and  in  accordance  with  its  i 

•  The  Conference  considers  that  States' 
Parties  shall  co-operate  with  the  consultatrJ 
meeting  in  its  considerations  of  any  problew 
which  may  arise  in  the  relation  to  the  objec  I 
tives  of,  or  in  the  application  of,  the  provi- 
sions of  the  Convention,  and  in  clarifying  ] 
ambiguous  and  unresolved  matters,  as  well 
co-operate  in  appropriate  international  pro- 
cedures within  the  framework  of  the  Uniteci 
Nations  and  in  accordance  with  its  Charter. 


Department  of  State  Bullet 



'he  Conference,  mindful  of  the  provisions 
tide  V  and  Article  X  and  determined  to 
gthen  the  authority  of  the  Convention 
o  enhance  confidence  in  the  implementa- 
>f  its  provisions,  agrees  that  the  States 
es  are  to  implement,  on  the  basis  of 
al  co-operation,  the  following  measures, 
ler  to  prevent  or  reduce  the  occurrence 
ibiguities,  doubts  and  suspicions,  and  in 
■  to  improve  international  co-operation  in 
eld  of  peaceful  bacteriological  (biological) 

[  1.   Exchange  of  data,  including  name, 
Ition,  scope  and  general  description  of 
unities,  on  research  centres  and  laborator- 
Ithat  meet  very  high  national  or  interna- 
nal  safety  standards  established  for  hand- 
f,  for  permitted  purposes,  biological 
trials  that  pose  a  high  individual  and  com- 
Inity  risk,  or  specialize  in  permitted 
logical  activities  directly  related  to  the 

2.  Exchange  of  information  on  all  out- 
aks  of  infectious  diseases  and  similar 
urrences  caused  by  toxins,  that  seem  to 

iate  from  the  normal  pattern  as  regards 
e,  development,  place  or  time  of  occur- 
ce.  If  possible,  the  information  provided 
aid  include,  as  soon  as  it  is  available,  data 
the  type  of  disease,  approximate  area 
?cted  and  number  of  cases. 

3.  Encouragement  of  publication  of 
ults  of  biological  research  directly  related 
:he  Convention,  in  scientific  journals  gen- 
tly available  to  States  Parties,  as  well  as 
motion  of  use  for  permitted  purposes  of 
>wledge  gained  in  this  research. 

4.  Active  promotion  of  contacts  between 
;ntists  engaged  in  biological  research 
sctly  related  to  the  Convention,  including 
hanges  for  joint  research  on  a  mutually 
'eed  basis. 

The  Conference  decides  to  hold  an  Ad  Hoc 
eting  of  scientific  and  technical  experts 
m  States  Parties,  to  finalize  the  modalities 

the  exchange  of  information  and  data  by 
rking  out,  inter  alia,  appropriate  forms  to 
used  by  States  Parties  for  the  exchange  of 
jrmation  agreed  to  in  this  Final  Declara- 
l,  thus  enabling  the  States  Parties  to 
ow  a  standardized  procedure.  The  group 
.11  meet  in  Geneva  for  the  period  of 
March- 15  April  1987  and  shall  communi- 
e  the  results  of  the  work  to  the  States  Par- 

immediately  thereafter. 

Pending  the  results  of  this  meeting  the 
nference  urges  States  Parties  to  promptly 
)ly  these  measures  and  report  the  data 
eed  upon  to  the  United  Nations  Depart- 
nt  for  Disarmament  Affairs. 

The  Conference  requests  the  United 
tions  Department  for  Disarmament  Affairs 
make  available  the  information  received  to 
States  Parties. 

tide  VI 

e  Conference  also  notes  the  importance  of 
tide  VI,  which  in  addition  to  the  pro- 
iures  contained  in  Article  V,  provides  for 
y  State  Party,  which  finds  that  any  other 
■ate  Party  is  acting  in  breach  of  its  obliga- 
>ns  under  the  Convention,  to  lodge  a  com- 

plaint with  the  United  Nations  Security 
Council,  and  under  which  each  State  Party 
undertakes  to  co-operate  in  carrying  out  any 
investigation  which  the  Security  Council  may 

The  Conference  notes  the  need  to  further 
improve  and  strengthen  this  and  other  pro- 

iii  i's  to  enhance  greater  confidence  in  the 
Convention.  The  Conference  considers  that 
the  Security  Council  may,  if  it  deems  it 
necessary,  request  the  advice  of  the  World 
Health  Organization  in  carrying  out  any 
investigation  of  complaints  lodged  with  the 

Article  VII 

The  Conference  notes  that  these  provisions 

have  not  been  invoked. 

Article  VIII 

The  Conference  reaffirms  the  importance  of 
Article  VIII  and  stresses  the  importance  of 
the  Protocol  for  the  prohibition  of  the  use  in 
war  of  asphyxiating,  poisonous  or  other  gases 
and  of  bacteriological  methods  of  warfare. 
The  Conference  reaffirms  that  nothing 
contained  in  the  Convention  shall  be  inter- 
preted as  in  any  way  limiting  or  detracting 
from  the  obligations  assumed  by  any  State 
under  the  Protocol  for  the  prohibition  of  the 
use  in  war  of  asphyxiating,  poisonous  or  other 
gases  and  of  bacteriological  methods  of  war- 
fare, signed  at  Geneva  on  17  June  1925. 
Noting  the  report  of  the  Security  Council 
(S/17911),  the  Conference  appeals  to  all 
States  Parties  to  the  Geneva  Protocol  of  1925 
to  fulfil  their  obligations  assumed  under  that 
Protocol  and  urges  all  States  not  yet  Parties 
to  the  said  Protocol  to  adhere  to  it  at  the 
earliest  possible  date. 

Article  IX 

The  Conference  reaffirms  the  obligation 
assumed  by  States  Parties  to  continue 
negotiations  in  good  faith  towards  an  early 
agreement  on  effective  measures  for  the  pro- 
hibition of  the  development,  production  and 
stockpiling  of  chemical  weapons  and  for  their 

All  States  Parties  participating  in  the 
Conference  reiterate  their  strong  commit- 
ment to  this  important  goal. 

The  Conference  notes  with  satisfaction 
the  substantial  progress  made  in  the  negotia- 
tions on  a  convention  on  the  prohibition  of 
chemical  weapons  in  the  Conference  on  Disar- 
mament during  the  period  under  review.  The 
Conference  also  takes  note  of  the  bilateral 
talks  between  the  Union  of  Soviet  Socialist 
Republics  and  the  United  States  of  America 
on  all  aspects  of  the  prohibition  of  chemical 

The  Conference  nevertheless  deeply 
regrets  that  an  agreement  on  a  convention  on 
chemical  weapons  has  not  yet  been  reached. 

The  Conference  urges  the  Conference  on 
Disarmament  to  exert  all  possible  efforts  to 
conclude  an  agreement  on  a  total  ban  of 
chemical  weapons  with  effective  verification 
provisions  by  the  earliest  possible  date. 

Article  X 

The  Conference  emphasizes  the  increasing 
importance  of  the  provisions  of  Article  X, 
especially  in  the  light  of  recent  scientific  and 
technological  developments  in  the  field  of  bio- 
technology, bacteriological  (biological)  agents 
and  toxins  with  peaceful  applications,  which 
have  vastly  increased  the  potential  for 
co-operation  between  States  to  help  promote 
economic  and  social  development,  and  scien- 
tific and  technological  progress,  particularly 
in  the  developing  countries,  in  conformity 
with  their  interest,  needs  and  priorities. 

The  Conference,  while  acknowledging 
what  has  already  been  done  towards  this  end, 
notes  with  concern  the  increasing  gap 
between  the  developed  and  the  developing 
countries  in  the  field  of  biotechnology,  genetic 
engineering,  microbiology  and  other  related 
areas.  The  Conference  accordingly  urges 
States  Parties  to  provide  wider  access  to  and 
share  their  scientific  and  technological 
knowledge  in  this  field,  on  an  equal  and  non- 
discriminatory basis,  in  particular  with  the 
developing  countries,  for  the  benefit  of  all 

The  Conference  urges  that  States  Parties 
take  specific  measures  within  their  com- 
petence for  the  promotion  of  the  fullest  possi- 
ble international  co-operation  in  this  field 
through  their  active  intervention.  Such 
measures  could  include,  iyiter  alia: 

•  Transfer  and  exchange  of  information 
concerning  research  programmes  in 

•  Wider  transfer  and  exchange  of  infor- 
mation, materials  and  equipment  among 
States  on  a  systematic  and  long-term  basis; 

•  Active  promotion  of  contacts  between 
scientists  and  technical  personnel  on  a 
reciprocal  basis,  in  relevant  fields; 

•  Increased  technical  co-operation  includ- 
ing training  opportunities  to  developing  coun- 
tries in  the  use  of  bio-sciences  and  genetic 
engineering  for  peaceful  purposes: 

•  Facilitating  the  conclusion  of  bilateral, 
regional  and  multiregional  agreements  pro- 
viding on  a  mutually  advantageous,  equal  and 
non-discriminatory  basis,  for  their  participa- 
tion in  the  development  and  application  of 

•  Encouraging  the  co-ordination  of 
national  and  regional  programmes  and  work- 
ing out  in  an  appropriate  manner  the  ways 
and  means  of  co-operation  in  this  field. 

The  Conference  calls  for  greater 
co-operation  in  international  public  health  and 
disease  control. 

The  Conference  urges  that  co-operation 
under  Article  X  should  be  actively  pursued 
both  within  the  bilateral  and  the  multilateral 
framework  and  further  urges  the  use  of  exist- 
ing institutional  means  within  the  United 
Nations  system  and  the  full  utilization  of  the 
possibilities  provided  by  the  specialized  agen- 
cies and  other  international  organizations. 

The  Conference,  noting  that  co-operation 
would  be  best  initiated  by  improved  institu- 
tionalized direction  and  co-ordination,  recom- 
mends that  measures  to  ensure  co-operation 
on  such  a  basis  be  pursued  within  the  exist- 
ing means  of  the  United  Nations  system. 



Accordingly,  the  Conference  requests  the 
Secretarj  <  ieneral  of  the  I  fnited  Nations  to 
propose  for  inclusion  on  the  agenda  of  a  rele- 
vant United  Nations  body,  a  discussion  and 

examination  of  the  means  for  improving  insti- 
tutional mechanisms  in  order  to  facilitate  the 
fullest  possible  exchange  of  equipment, 
materials  and  scientific  and  technological 
information  for  the  use  of  bacteriological 
(biological)  agents  and  toxins  for  peaceful  pur- 
poses. The  Conference  recommends  that  in- 
vitations to  participate  in  this  discussion  and 
examination  should  be  extended  to  all  States 
Parties,  whether  or  not  they  are  members  of 
the  United  Nations,  and  concerned  specialized 

The  Conference  requests  the  States  Par- 
ties and  the  United  Nations  Secretariat  to 
include  in  the  document  materials  prepared 
for  the  above-mentioned  discussion  of  States 
Parties,  information  and  suggestions  on  the 
implementation  of  Article  X,  taking  into 
account  the  preceding  paragraphs.  Further- 
more, it  urges  the  specialized  agencies,  inter 
alia,  FAO.WHO,  UNESCO,  WIPO  and 
UNIDO,  to  participate  in  this  discussion  and 
fully  co-operate  with  the  Secretary-General  of 
the  United  Nations  and  requests  the 
Secretary-General  to  send  all  relevant  infor- 
mation of  this  Conference  to  these  agencies. 

The  Conference,  referring  to  paragraph 
35  of  the  Final  Document  of  the  First  Special 
Session  of  the  General  Assembly,  devoted  to 
Disarmament  stresses  the  importance  of  the 
obligations  under  Article  X  promoting  eco- 
nomic and  social  development  of  developing 
countries,  particularly  in  the  light  of,  the 
United  Nations  Conference  on  the  Relation- 
ship between  Disarmament  and  Development, 
for  the  States  participating  therein,  scheduled 
for  1987. 

The  Conference,  to  ensure  compliance 
with  Article  X,  also  requests  States  Parties 
and  the  United  Nations  Secretariat  to  provide 
information  relevant  to  the  implementation  of 
the  Article  for  examination  by  the  next 
conference  of  States  Parties. 

The  Conference  upholds  that  the  above- 
mentioned  measures  would  positively 
strengthen  the  Convention. 

Article  XI 

The  Conference  notes  the  importance  of  Arti- 
cle XI  and  that  since  the  entry  into  force  of 
the  Convention  of  the  provisions  of  the  Arti- 
cle have  not  been  invoked. 

Article  XII 

The  Conference  decides  that  a  Third  Review 
Conference  shall  be  held  in  Geneva  at  the 
request  of  a  majority  of  States  Parties  not 
later  than  1991. 

The  Conference,  noting  the  differing 
views  with  regard  to  verification,  decides  that 
the  Third  Review  Conference  shall  consider, 
inter  alia: 

•  The  impact  of  scientific  and  technologi- 
cal developments  relevant  to  the  Convention; 

•  The  relevance  for  effective  implementa- 
tion of  the  Convention  of  the  results  achieved 

in  the  negotiations  on  prohibition  of  chemical 

•  The  effectiveness  of  the  provisions  in 
Article  V  for  consultation  and  co-operation  of 
the  co-operative  measures  agreed  in  this  Final 
Declaration;  and 

•  In  the  light  of  these  considerations  and 
of  the  provisions  of  Article  XI,  whether  or  not 
further  actions  are  called  for  to  create  further 
co-operative  measures  in  the  context  of  Arti- 
cle V,  or  legally  binding  improvements  to  the 
Convention,  or  a  combination  of  both. 

Article  XIII 

The  Conference  notes  the  provisions  of  Arti- 
cle XIII  and  expresses  its  satisfaction  that  no 
State  Party  to  the  Convention  has  exercised 
its  right  to  withdraw  from  the  Convention. 

Article  XIV 

The  Conference  notes  with  satisfaction  that  a 
significant  number  of  States  have  ratified  or 
acceded  to  the  Convention  since  the  First 
Review  Conference  and  that  there  are  now 
more  than  100  States  Parties  to  the  Conven- 
tion, including  all  the  permanent  Members  of 
the  Security  Council  of  the  United  Nations. 

The  Conference  calls  upon  States  which 
have  not  yet  ratified  or  acceded  to  the  Con- 
vention to  do  so  without  delay  and  upon  those 
States  which  have  not  signed  the  Convention 
to  join  the  States  Parties  thereto  thus  con- 
tributing to  the  achievement  of  universal 
adherence  to  the  Convention. 

The  Conference  makes  an  urgent  appeal 
to  all  States  Parties  to  the  Convention  on  the 
Prohibition  of  the  Development,  Production 
and  Stockpiling  of  Bacteriological  (Biological) 
and  Toxin  Weapons  and  on  their  Destruction, 
which  did  not  participate  in  its  work,  to  give 
their  effective  co-operation  and  take  part 
more  actively  in  the  common  endeavour  of  all 
the  Contracting  Parties  to  strengthen  the  ob- 
jectives and  purposes  of  the  Convention.  In 
this  connection,  the  Convention  urges  all 
States  Parties  that  were  absent  to  take  part 
in  the  future  work  envisaged  in  this  Final 

Article  XV 

The  Conference  notes  the  provisions  of  Arti- 
cle XV. 


1.  Introduction 

In  preparation  for  the  1986  Review  Con- 
ference on  The  Convention  on  the  Prohibition 
of  the  Development,  Production  and  Stockpil- 
ing of  Bacteriological  (Biological)  and  Toxin 
Weapons  and  on  their  Destruction  (BWC),  the 
Preparatory  Committee  requested  the 
depositary  nations  to  prepare  national  papers 
on  new  scientific  and  technological 
developments  relevant  to  the  Convention. 

While  nothing  of  the  fundamental  signifi- 
cance of  the  breakthroughs  in  recombinant 

DNA  techniques  in  the  1970s  has  occurred 
since  the  last  Review  Conference,  the  indilj 
trial  applications  of  these  discoveries  have  I 
become  more  and  more  prominent  in  everi 
day  life.  The  applicants  of  these  discoveriel 
medicine,  agriculture  and  other  fields  of 
scientific  endeavour  are  all  around  us.  In 
addition,  the  number  of  countries  developi 
their  own  biotechnology  industry  is  growir 
These  trends  have  practical  signficance  fo  I 
the  BWC. 

Accordingly,  our  examination  of  advar 
relevant  to  the  Convention  cannot  be  limit 
solely  to  revolutionary  breakthroughs  in 
knowledge,  for  it  is  perhaps  the  adaptatioi 
these  breakthroughs  to  everyday  use  that 
brings  about  the  changes  most  relevant  to 
Convention.  Advances  have  taken  place  in 
industrial  application  of  these  discoveries  i 
vast  array  of  human  problems.  These 
advances  have  increased  our  ability  to  mat 
facture  new  substances  or  modify  old  ones 
well  as  making  it  easier  and  faster  to  prod 
these  products.  While  promising  great  ben 
fits  for  mankind,  these  developments  also 
cause  concern,  for  they  have  brought  abou 
the  proliferation  of  industrial  biotechnolog 
complicated  verification  and  brought  into 
being  techniques  and  products  that,  if  mis- ' 
used,  could  pose  a  signficant  biological  ano 
toxin  weapons  threat. 

2.  Advances  in  Industrial  Application 
of  Biotechnology 

In  a  number  of  areas,  the  industrial  applies 
tion  of  biotechnology  has  relevance  to  the 

Altered  Organisms.  Biotechnology 
enables  the  development  of  micro-organisn 
and  products  with  new,  unorthodox  charac  j 
teristics.  These  new  micro-organisms  have  J 
variety  of  uses,  for  example,  in  developing  ' 
environmentally  safer  pesticides  or  new  tre  J 
ments  for  cancer.  However,  in  examining    , 
these  developments  from  the  point  of  view  j 
the  BWC,  we  cannot  ignore  the  potential 
misuse  of  biotechnology  to  produce  new  bio 
logical  agents  or  to  improve  certain  charac- : 
teristics  in  those  already  known.  Transferri 
certain  genetic  traits  into  naturally  infectio 
micro-organisms  can  potentially  create  org! 
nisms  of  greater  virulence,  antibiotic  resist- 
ance and  environmental  stability.  Changing, 
the  microbes  genetically  could  alter  their 
immunogenicity,  thereby  rendering  vaccine:  i 
and  serodiagnostic  techniques  uesless.  Othe 
wise  harmless  micro-organisms  could  be 
altered  into  virulent  ones,  although  the  host  j 
would  continue  to  recognize  these  micro- 
organisms as  innocuous  and  therefore  not 
defend  against  them. 

Bio-engineering  of  micro-organisms  has 
other  implications  as  well.  Bacteria  and 
yeasts,  genetically  altered  to  produce  prod-  I 
ucts,  are  miniature  factories  by  virtue  of  the  | 
ability  to  reproduce  rapidly.  Large  quantitie| 
of  compounds,  previously  available  only  in    ! 
minute  amounts,  thus  become  available.  Sue 
a  method  of  production  is  becoming  more 
commonplace  in  civilian  industry. 

In  addition,  it  is  now  possible  to  identify 
genes  which  have  desirable  properties  and 


Department  of  State  Bullet  j 


msfer  them  between  host  micro-organisms, 
nearly  infinite  variety  of  biological  com- 
unds  designed  for  specific  uses  and  given 
?cific  characteristics  is  possible.  Given  the 
;hnical  progress  in  this  area,  future  devel- 
ments  should  be  of  concern  to  the  Review 
nference.  Within  the  next  decade,  the 
tential  for  misuse  of  ongoing  developments 
[biotechnology  could  be  most  pronounced  in 
s  following  areas: 

Microbial  pathogens  could  be  genetically 
igineered  to  maximize  infectivity  and 
:thogenicity.  Likewise  they  could  be 
adified  to  increase  or  decrease  their  envi- 
fimental  stability  and  persistency. 

Toxins.  Naturally  occurring  protein 
kins  could  be  made  in  host  organisms  by 
bdifying  their  DNA.  Plant  and/or  fungal 
|cins  could  be  mass  produced.  If  used  as  an 
jent,  the  origin  of  these  toxins  could  be  dif- 
iult  to  pinpoint,  given  that  they  are  already 
jthe  environment,  albeit  at  low  coneentra- 
Jns.  Improvements  in  biotechnology  since 
e  previous  Review  Conference  lead  us  to 
Jieve  that  production  of  potent  toxins, 
fiich  until  now  were  available  only  in  minute 
:antities,  and  only  upon  isolation  from 
,;mense  amounts  of  biological  materials,  can 
jjw  be  produced  in  kilogram  quantities, 
ijich  could  be  militarily  significant. 

Peptides.  Peptides  have  been  called  "the 
itibiotics  of  the  year  2000"  because  these 
["logical  materials  may  represent  a  new 
Jss  of  miracle  drugs.  Peptides  are  pre- 
ssors of  proteins  made  up  of  amino  acids, 
ley  are  interesting  molecules  for  many 
fisons.  They  are  active  at  very  low  concen- 
Ihtions  (one  part  per  billion  or  trillion)  which 
ritkes  their  detection  very  difficult.  They  can 
t  successfully  modified  as  agonists  (more  ae- 
lie  products)  or  antagonists  (having  a  con- 
jf.ry  activity).  For  example,  modification  of 
[IRH,  a  fertility  hormone,  by  substituting  a 
jgle  amino  acid  has  yielded  a  product  50 
ties  more  potent.  Another  modification  of 
ts  same  peptide  yields  a  product  useful  in 
ti  treatment  of  prostate  cancer. 

Their  range  of  activity  covers  the  entire 
king  system,  from  mental  processes  (e.g., 
pdorphins)  to  many  aspects  of  health  such  as 
htrol  of  mood,  consciousness,  temperature 
Introl,  sleep  or  emotions,  exerting  regula- 
fc-y  effects  on  the  body.  Even  a  small  imbal- 
Ke  in  these  natural  substances  could  have 
B-ious  consequences,  inducing  fear,  fatigue, 
flpression  or  even  causing  death. 
f.  The  predictable  modification  of  peptide 
sd  protein  structure  and  function  (i.e.,  pro- 
fcn  engineering)  is  in  its  infancy.  Computer- 
Bled  molecular  design  will  rapidly  develop, 
cabling  molecules  to  be  manipulated  for 
Vying  degrees  of  physiological  activity, 
tfecificity  and  stability.  Technologies  per- 
Utting  the  direct  chemical  synthesis  of  pep- 
les  and  proteins  in  large  yields  will,  in  the 
Hire  distant  future,  augment  or  replace 
Ijcrobial  production  of  these  molecules. 

Advances  in  Production.  As  mentioned 
fcve,  once  a  suitable  recombinant  organism 
r=  been  engineered,  exploiting  it  becomes  a 
litter  of  using  established  procedures.  Bio- 
l^cal  production  technology  has  proceeded 

tu  the  point  where  large  quantities  of  bio- 
logical products  can  be  produced  quickly  in 
small  facilities.  Long  term  storage,  in  some 
cases,  will  not  be  needed  because  large  quan- 
tities can  be  produced  very  quickly.  Several 
relevant  technological  considerations  regard- 
ing biological  production  are  discussed  below. 

Mammalian  Cell  Culture.  Recent 
advances  in  mammalian  cell  culture  make 
possible  the  growth  of  mammalian  cells  on 
the  surface  of  minute  beads,  rather  than  on 
the  inner  surface  of  glass  roller  bottles.  These 
cell  culture  systems  provide  the  ideal  environ- 
ment for  the  growth  of  viruses.  The  new  tech- 
niques greatly  simplifies  virus  production  and 
allows  large  scale  yields  in  facilities  for  very 
modest  size.  As  another  example  of  advances 
in  this  field,  the  amount  of  tissue  culture 
media  needed  to  produce  antibodies  has  been 
reduced  a  hundredfold  by  the  use  of  encap- 
sulated hybridomas.  Such  developments  are 
eroding  the  distinction  between  production 
facilities  and  small  laboratories. 

Continuous  Flow  Fermentors.  The  intro- 
duction of  computer  controlled,  continuous 
flow  fermentors  has  dramatically  increased 
productivity.  Most  likely  the  size  of  fer- 
mentors operating  by  batch  process  can  be 
reduced  a  thousandfold  by  conversion  to  a 
continuous  flow  process. 

Safety  Standards.  Pharmaceutical  plants 
around  the  world  increasingly  have  incor- 
porated safety  provisions  akin  to  those  which 
were  once  unique  to  BW  production  facilities, 
making  it  increasingly  difficult  to  distinguish 
between  permitted  and  prohibited  activities. 

Hollow  Fibre  Technology.  Hollow  fibre 
technology  provides  an  example  of  the  indus- 
trial production  potential  of  the  new  technol- 
ogies. This  technology  permits  a  far  greater 
concentration  of  cells  with  a  markedly 
increased  rate  of  recovery  in  a  shorter  time 
than  previously  obtained  using  roller  bottles. 
This  equipment  occupies  less  than  one 
twentieth  the  volume  of  the  previous 
technology.  In  the  isolation  of  such  cellular 
biomaterials  as  pyrogens,  a  similar  trans- 
formation has  taken  place.  Separation  and 
reconstitution  of  the  product  can  now  be 
accomplished  in  about  an  hour  using  new 
compact  ultrafiltration  methods,  whereas 
older  methods  took  as  much  as  four  days. 

Though  not  without  constraints,  develop- 
ing biological  and  toxin  weapons  is  an  easier 
task  than  developing  adequate  defenses 
against  them.  However,  the  very  advance- 
ments in  biotechnology  that  have  caused 
increased  concern  have  also  put  new  tools  in 
the  hands  of  those  conducting  permitted  bio- 
logical defense  research. 

In  particular,  gene  splicing  techniques  can 
have  an  impact  on  development  of  effective 
vaccines  against  those  disease  agents  already 
identified.  Advances  in  production  of  biologi- 
cal materials  can  greatly  facilitate  production 
of  vaccines,  once  these  have  been  developed. 
Development  and  production  of  highly  specific 
antibodies  using  recently  developed  tech- 
niques may  provide  the  hope  of  more  rapid 
identification  of  biological  agents  and  toxins. 
Nevertheless,  these  positive  developments 

represent  a  partial  and  incomplete  response 
to  the  potential  dangers  resulting  from 
advances  in  biotechnology. 

Improvements  in  equipment,  speed  of 
production  and  quality  of  product  are  a  com- 
mon occurrence  in  the  history  of  the  commer- 
cial development  of  any  new  technology. 
Because  of  the  large  number  of  technical 
innovations  in  biotechnology,  especially  in  the 
area  of  industrial  microbiology,  the  BWC  has 
become  more  difficult  to  verify  since  its 
signature  in  1972. 

Developments  intended  to  increase  pro- 
duction, decrease  cost  and  create  safer  condi- 
tions for  handling  biological  materials  have 
blurred  former  distinctions  important  for  pur- 
poses of  verification— for  example,  between  a 
large  production  facility  and  a  laboratory. 
Also,  capabilities  to  break  out  of  the  Conven- 
tion in  a  very  short  time  have  increased. 

3.  Outbreaks  of  Infectious  Diseases 

Acquired  immune  deficiency  syndrome 
(AIDS)  represents  a  newly  recognized  epi- 
demic illness  since  the  last  Review  Confer- 
ence in  1980.  Rift  Valley  Fever  (RVF) 
represents  a  classic  example  of  a  long-known 
disease  which  spreads  into  a  new  geographi- 
cal area  with  relatively  disastrous  results. 

AIDS.  AIDS  in  a  short  period  of  time  has 
become  a  major  worldwide  health  problem. 
AIDS  is  caused  by  human  T-Cell  lympho- 
trophic  virus  (HTLV-III),  a  retrovirus.  The 
disease  results  from  virus  infection  and 
destruction  of  T-helper  cells,  an  important 
component  of  the  immune  system  that  helps 
the  body  ward  off  disease.  Without  these  cells 
the  patient  is  susceptible  to  a  wide  variety  of 
opportunistic  pathogens  such  as  Pneumo- 
cystis, fungi,  and  mycobacteria. 

HTLV-III  first  entered  the  USA  in  1977. 
HTLV-III  antibodies  have  not  been  detected 
in  serum  specimens  collected  and  frozen  in 
the  USA  before  1977.  HTLV-III  probably 
evolved  as  a  mutant  of  an  African  retrovirus. 
Serum  specimens  obtained  from  Ugandan 
children  in  1973  had  antibodies  to  HTLV-III 
or  an  HTLV-III-like  virus.  Epidemic  AIDS 
was  first  recognized  in  1981.  Cases  character- 
istically occurred  among  homosexual  males, 
haemophiliacs,  Haitian-born  immigrants  and 
intravenous  drug  abusers.  Approximately 
16,000  cases  have  been  reported  to  date  in 
the  United  States. 

AIDS  is  a  classic  example  of  a  new 
disease  that  has  now  become  pandemic  and 
which  arose  either  from  a  mutational  event  of 
an  existing  human  virus  or  introduction  of  an 
animal  (monkey)  virus  into  the  human 

Rift  Valley  Fever  (RVF).  RVF  has  long 
had  a  major  role  as  a  domestic  animal  and 
human  pathogen  in  sub-Saharan  Africa.  RVF 
virus  was  first  discovered  in  Kenya  in  1931  as 
a  consequence  of  a  major  epizootic  in  sheep 
with  secondary  human  infections.  There  is  no 
evidence  that  there  has  been  geographic 
spread  of  the  virus  within  Africa  with  two 
exceptions:  (a)  the  1977  Egyptian  epidemic 
with  the  1951  epizootic  to  be  discussed  below 
and  (b)  recognition  of  RVF  in  South  Africa. 

[■cpmher  1QRfi 



Sudan-reared  sheep  were  being 
transported  in  1977  from  north  central  Sudan 
to  live  animal  markets  in  southern  Egypt  at  a 
time  when  sheep  in  Sudan  experienced  signs 
consistent  with  RVF.  Rapid  transport  of 
sheep  from  epizootic  areas  allowed  infected 
sheep  to  survive  the  trip  to  southern  Egypt 
where  RVF  virus  was  spread  to  local  animals. 

Once  introduced,  the  RVF  virus  spread 
rapidly  and  caused  an  impressive  epizootic 
epidemic.  In  1977,  18,000  human  cases  with 
598  deaths  were  officially  reported.  There 
may  have  been  more  than  a  million  infections 
in  humans.  Viral  activity  declined  with  onset 
of  cool  weather,  but  transmission  of  virus 
reoccurred  in  the  warm  season  of  1978  and 
the  disease  extended  its  geographic  distribu- 
tion within  Egypt.  During  1979,  there  were 
occasional  outbreaks  and  a  few  RVF  virus 
isolations  with  further  decline  of  virus  activity 
in  1980.  The  potential  for  RVF  infection  in 
Egypt  continues  to  exist,  but  for  no  docu- 
mented reason,  disease  activity  has  dimin- 
ished and  perhaps  even  disappeared. 

4.  Summary 

The  past  ten  years  have  witnessed  impressive 
strides  in  the  fields  of  molecular  biology  and 
biotechnology.  As  the  two  juxtaposed  words 
"molecular  biology"  imply,  the  distinction 
between  biology  and  chemistry  is  becoming 
blurred.  However,  the  US  continues  to 
believe  that  Article  I,  which  defines  the  scope 
of  the  Convention,  has  proved  sufficiently 
comprehensive  to  have  covered  recent  scien- 
tific and  technological  developments  relevant 
to  the  Convention.  In  many  ways,  recent 
progress  in  biological  technology  affects  the 
ease  of  concealment  of  manufacturing  plants 
and  the  availability  of  new  delivery  systems, 
particularly  for  biological  chemicals  such  as 
toxins  and  peptides.  Verification  of  the  Con- 
vention, always  a  difficult  task,  has  been  sig- 
nificantly complicated  by  the  new  technology. 
The  confidence  derived  from  the  belief  that 
certain  technical  problems  would  make  biolog- 
ical weapons  unattractive  for  the  foreseeable 
future  has  eroded.  The  ease  and  rapidity  of 
genetic  manipulation,  the  ready  availability  of 
a  variety  of  production  equipment,  the  pro- 
liferation of  safety  and  environmental  equip- 
ment and  health  procedures  to  numerous  lab- 
oratories and  production  facilities  throughout 
the  world  are  signs  of  the  growing  roles  of 
biotechnology  in  the  world's  economy.  But 
these  very  same  signs  also  give  concern  for 
the  possibility  of  misuse  of  this  biotechnology 
to  subvert  the  Convention. 


Article  I 

The  United  States  is  in  lull  compliance  with 
the  obligations  contained  in  Article  I.  Facili- 
ties previously  used  for  development,  produc- 
tion or  stockpiling  of  biological  weapons  are 
now  devoted  to  peaceful  purposes.  The 
United  States  biological  defense  programme 
is  limited  to  research  on  strictly  defined  pro- 

phylactic, protective  or  other  peaceful  pur- 
poses, such  as  immunization. 

Article  II 

All  United  States  stocks  of  agents,  toxins, 
weapons,  equipment  or  means  of  delivery  pro- 
hibited under  Article  I  were  destroyed  prior 
to  the  deadline  specified  in  Article  II.  In 
January  1976,  all  heads  of  Federal  depart- 
ments and  agencies  certified  to  the  President 
that  as  of  the  deadline  (26  December  1975), 
their  respective  departments  and  agencies 
were  in  full  compliance  with  the  Convention. 

Article  III 

The  United  States  is  in  full  compliance  with 
its  obligations  under  Article  III  not  to  trans- 
fer to  any  recipient  whatsoever,  directly  or 
indirectly,  and  not  in  any  way  to  assist, 
encourage  or  induce  any  State,  group  of 
States  or  international  organizations  to  manu- 
facture or  otherwise  acquire  any  of  the 
agents,  toxins,  weapons,  equipment  or  means 
of  delivery  specified  in  Article  I  of  the 

Article  IV 

Manufacturing  and  commerce  in  biological 
products  are  subject  to  strict  governmental 
scrutiny  and  regulation. 

Extensive  existing  legislation  controls 
certain  private  actions  concerning  items  and 
actions  prohibited  under  Articles  I  and  III. 
Such  legislation  includes  the  Arms  Export 
Control  Act,  the  Export  Administration  Act, 
the  Hazardous  Material  Transportation  Act, 
the  Toxic  Substances  Control  Act,  the  Public 
Health  Service  Act  and  the  Federal  Insec- 
ticide, Pesticide  and  Rodenticide  Act. 

All  existing  law  and  regulation  are  under 
continual  review  to  ensure  the  sufficiency  of 

Article  V 

The  United  States  has  continued  to  invoke 
the  consultative  process  called  for  in  this  arti- 
cle with  the  Soviet  Union  with  regard  to  the 
Sverdlovsk  anthrax  outbreak  in  1979,  with 
the  Soviet  Union  concerning  their  involve- 
ment in  the  production,  transfer  and  use  of 
trichothecene  mycotoxins  for  hostile  purposes 
in  Laos,  Kampuchea  and  Afghanistan,  and 
with  the  Soviets  on  their  maintenance  of  an 
offensive  biological  warfare  program.  We 
have  also  raised  concerns  with  Laos  and  Viet- 
nam regarding  the  use  of  trichothecene 
mycotoxins  for  hostile  purposes  in  Laos  and 
Kampuchea.  To  date,  we  have  not  been  pro- 
vided with  any  satisfactory  responses  to  our 

[The  United  States  did  not  address  Articles 
VI-VIII  in  this  document.] 

Article  IX 

The  United  States  has  actively  undertaken 
negotiations  toward  early  agreement  on 
effective  measures  for  a  comprehensive  ban 
on  chemical  weapons. 

In  February  1983,  Vice  President 
George  Bush  announced  in  his  speech  to  the' 
Conference  on  Disarmament  (CD)  that  the 
United  States  would  like  to  see  the  work  of 
the  CD  accelerated,  and  negotiations  under- 
taken on  a  treaty  to  eliminate  the  threat    | 
posed  by  chemical  weapons. 

In  November  1983,  the  United  States 
sponsored  a  workshop  on  potential  verifica- 
tion procedures  to  confirm  the  destruction  ot 
chemical  weapons  for  member  and  observer 
nations  of  the  CD. 

In  April  1984,  Vice  President  Bush 
returned  to  Geneva  and  presented  to  the  CE 
the  United  States  draft  chemical  weapons 
convention  which  would  prohibit  the  develof 
ment,  production,  stockpiling,  acquisition, 
retention,  transfer  or  use  of  chemical 
weapons.  This  convention  seeks  a  complete, 
effective  and  verifiable  ban  on  such  weapon! 

Also  in  1984,  as  a  complement  to  the 
multilateral  negotiations,  the  L!nited  States 
initiated  bilateral  discussions  with  the  Sovien 
to  consider  how  to  ensure  confidence  in  eacl 
other's  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  th<< 
convention.  These  ad  hoc  discussions  have 
continued  through  the  1986  CD  summer 

Pursuant  to  an  agreement  between 
President  Ronald  Reagan  and  General 
Secretary  Mikhail  Gorbachev  to  accelerate 
efforts  to  conclude  an  effective  and  verifiabl' 
international  convention  on  the  general  and 
complete  prohibition  of  chemical  weapons,  I 
delegations  of  the  United  States  and  the 
USSR  have  held  three  intensified  rounds  of 
bilateral  discussions  since  February  1986.  T 
purpose  of  these  discussions  has  been  to 
assist  multilateral  efforts  to  achieve  a 
chemical  weapons  ban. 

Additionally,  the  United  States  has  con->i 
tributed  several  working  papers  to  the  Con- 
ference on  Disarmament  to  help  further  the 
discussions  on  various  provisions  of  a 
chemical  weapons  convention. 

Article  X 

The  United  States  has  undertaken  a  number 
of  activities  in  accordance  with  the  provision 
of  Article  X  to  facilitate  the  fullest  possible 
exchange  of  equipment,  materials,  scientific 
and  technological  information  for  the  use  of 
bacteriological  (biological)  agents  and  toxins 
for  peaceful  purposes.  These  activities  ineluo 
bilateral  co-operative  efforts  as  well  as  par- 
ticipation in  international  organizations  con- 
cerned with  the  further  development  and 
application  of  scientific  discoveries  in  the  fieli 
of  bacteriology  (biology)  for  prevention  of  1 
disease,  or  for  other  peaceful  purposes. 

The  United  States  currently  operates 
34  World  Health  Organization  collaborative 
specialty  centres  in  the  United  States  which 
participate  with  public  health  laboratories  an 
programmes  world-wide  to  deal  with  various 

The  National  Institute  of  Allergy  and 
Infectious  Diseases  (NIAID),  a  component  ol 
the  National  Institutes  of  Health  (NIH),  sup- 
ports research  in  bacteriologic  and  other 
infectious  diseases.  Funds  for  this  research 
amounted  to  $203  million  in  fiscal  year  1985 
the  most  recent  year  for  which  full  data  is 


DeDartment  of  State  Bulle 


lilable.  The  major  part  of  this  research  was 
iducted  in  NIAID  laboratories,  or  through 
ints  (1.086  in  FY  1985)  or  contract  awards 

in  FY  1985)  totalling  $168.6  million.  While 
ards  are  made  primarily  to  United  States 
idemic  institutions,  some  awards  have  also 
in  made  to  foreign  institutions.  Extensive 
ernational  collaboration,  however,  is  under- 
:en  by  NIAID  staff  scientists  or  awardees 
develop  new  knowledge  applicable  to  the 
gnosis,  prevention  and  treatment  of  trop- 
1  (such  as  malaria,  schistosomiasis,  cholera 
i  leprosy)  and  arboviral  diseases.  The 
AID  laboratories  provide  research  training 
non-United  States  scientists  through  par- 
ipation  in  the  NIH  Visiting  Scientists  Pro 
im.  The  NIAID  also  has  developed  special 
phasis  domestic  grants  to  United  States 
titutions  to  engage  in  international 
operation  in  infectious  disease  research 
;h  counterparts  in  the  developing  world. 

The  National  Academy  of  Sciences  insti- 

Ied  a  programme  of  exchanges  of  individual 
sntists  with  the  Academies  of  Sciences  of 
USSR,  Bulgaria,  Czechoslovakia,  Poland, 
mania  and  with  the  Council  of  the  Acade- 
bs  of  Yugoslavia.  The  programme  was  initi- 
id  in  1959  when  the  first  interacademy 
•eement  was  signed  with  the  Academy  of 
ences  of  the  USSR.  Since  1981,  approxi- 
tely  300  foreign  scientists  have  visited  the 
ited  States  on  the  interacademy  exchange 
)gramme  either  for  short-term  survey  visits 
1-2  months  or  for  long-term  visits  of  three 
inths  or  more  for  the  purpose  of  collabora- 
e  research.  A  slightly  higher  number  of 
lerican  scientists  have  made  scientific 
its  of  the  same  type  to  the  USSR  and 
stern  Europe  during  the  same  period  of 
le.  The  most  active  areas  of  scientific 
change  of  both  sides  is  that  of  the  life 
ences,  with  the  narrower  field  of  the 
medical  sciences  attracting  the  most  activ- 
.  About  25  per  cent  of  all  visits  since  1981 
ire  been  concerned  with  some  aspect  of  bio- 
dical  research,  such  as  neuroscience 
search  and  a  number  of  collaborative 
orts  devoted  to  cancer  research,  cardiovas- 
ar  disease  and  pharmacology. 
The  National  Science  Foundation  (NSF) 
sports  a  variety  of  international,  infrastruc- 
ral  activities  related  to  biotechnology  and 
sic  research  related  to  microbiology,  virul- 
f  and  biochemistry.  The  NSF  provides 
ect  financial  support  for  the  Escherichia 
i  stock  centre  at  Yale  University  and 
ires  in  the  support  of  a  European  stock 
ltre  in  Holland.  In  addition.  NSF  is  the 
ncipal  supporter  for  the  United  States  of 
i  International  Congress  of  Scientific 
lions  which  fosters  international 
operation  between  all  nations. 
The  Agency  for  International  Develop- 
:nt  (AID)  sponsored  an  International  Sym- 
sium  on  Vaccine  Development  and  Utiliza- 
n  in  June  1986.  This  conference  brought 
fcether  more  than  300  researchers  and  pro- 
fcmme  planners  and  managers  from  49 
fluntries  to  address  critical  issues  in  vaccine 
fllivery  and  strategies  for  achieving  univer- 
tJ  immunization.  Between  1984  and  1985, 
|D  virtually  doubled  its  budget  for  basic 
limedical  research  and.  in  1986,  AID  will 

commit  $29  milium,  roughly  13  per  cent  of  its 
health  budget,  to  biomedical  research.  Asa 
result  of  this  commitment,  two  prototype 
malaria  vaccines  will  be  tested  on  humans  this 
year,  and  AID  is  supporting  development  of 
measles  vaccine  that  can  be  given  to  children 
as  young  as  six  months  of  age. 

The  United  States  Army  Medical 
Research  Institute  on  Infectious  Disease 
( USAMRIID)  publishes  the  results  of  research 
in  open  literature  and,  in  1985,  contributed 
over  145  papers  which  were  published  in 

nationally  and  internationally  recognized 
scientific  peer  reviewed  and  refereed  jour- 
nals. Scientists  from  other  countries  have 
been  invited  and  accepted  invitations  to  visit 
and  work  within  the  Institute  and  the 
USAMRIID  has  hosted  numerous  visits  by 
representatives  of  both  domestic  and  foreign 
press.  The  USAMRIID  hosted  major  interna- 
tional conferences  in  1980,  1981  and  1984  and 
is  currently  planning  another  for  April  1987 
on  "The  Pathogenesis  of  Hemostatic  Defects 
Associated  with  Haemorrhagic  Fevers."  ■ 

The  Fiscal  Threat  to  U.S.  Foreign  Policy 

by  Ronald  I.  Spiers 

Address  before  the  National  Council  in 
World  A/funs  Organizations  on  October 
15,  1986.  Ambassador  Spiers  is  Under 
Secretary  for  Management. 

I  welcome  this  opportunity  to  talk  to  a 
distinguished  group  of  leaders  in  the 
field  of  international  affairs.  Because 
you  have  the  knowledge  and  interest, 
you  are  in  a  position  to  make  yourselves 
heard  and  influence  the  course  of 
American  policies. 

My  message  today  is  a  simple  and  a 
blunt  one:  if  we  continue  in  the  direction 
we  are  going,  we  will  put  at  risk  all  that 
we  have  accomplished  in  recent  years  in 
the  area  of  foreign  policy.  The  tragedy 
will  be  that  this  is  not  a  consequence  of  a 
deliberate  national  decision  or  the  result 
of  a  national  debate  but  of  what  history 
may  see  as  a  series  of  sins  of  omission. 

I  have  worked  in  the  diplomatic 
vineyard  for  over  35  years,  and  I  believe 
the  United  States  has  consistently 
underinvested  in  the  resources  it  devotes 
to  its  diplomacy  and  to  its  relations  with 
the  rest  of  the  world.  A  continental 
power,  secure  behind  two  oceans  for 
most  of  its  history,  preoccupied  with  the 
taming  of  a  continent,  putting  its 
energies  into  molding  waves  of  immi- 
grants into  Americans,  protected  for 
years  by  the  military  power  of  friendly 
countries,  America  has  not  had  a  strong 
national  tradition  in  foreign  affairs. 
World  Wars  I  and  II  shook  us  into  a 
realization  that  we  were  not  an  island 
unto  ourselves.  After  World  War  II,  we 
began  to  reach  for  a  world  role  commen- 
surate with  our  power  and  our  interests. 
We  made  mistakes  along  the  way,  which 
raised  questions  about  the  wisdom  of  the 
way  we  played  this  role.  But  the  public 
interest  did  not  turn  inward  or  retreat 
into  isolation.  Our  self-confidence  was 

shaken,  public  trust  in  government 
authority  stumbled  but  did  not  falter. 
But  funds  for  defense,  foreign 
assistance,  diplomacy,  and  intelligence— 
the  four  great  national  security 
"accounts"— were,  for  the  most  part, 
supported  by  American  public  opinion. 
And  public  support  is  the  oxygen  of 
government  policy.  What  could  be  inter- 
preted as  a  historic  course  correction 
had  taken  place. 

The  American  diplomatic  score  card 
since  World  War  II  is  one  in  which  we 
can  take  satisfaction. 

•  We  were  in  the  forefront  in 
rebuilding  a  world  devastated  by  war. 

•  We  have  stood  clearly  as  a  beacon 
for  political  freedom  and  individual 
liberty  around  the  world.  People  from  all 
over  the  world  still  try  to  come  to  this 

•  We  have  built  alliances  with  like- 
minded  nations,  necessary  components 
of  a  stable  peace. 

•  We  have  managed  a  potentially 
dangerous  relationship  with  our  principal 
adversary— the  Soviet  Union— without 
war  and  without  relinquishing  principle. 

•  We  have  applied  our  skills  suc- 
cessfully to  keep  regional  crises  and  con- 
flicts from  escalating  to  global  confron- 
tation. It  is  sobering  to  contemplate  that 
warfare  is  now  going  on  between  or 
within  43  countries. 

•  We  have  contributed  significantly 
to  the  economic  development  of  poorer 
nations  and  to  the  self-defense 
capabilities  of  our  friends  and  allies. 

•  We  have  focused  world  attention 
on  the  importance  of  human  rights  and 
have  spotlighted  abuses. 

•  We  have  made  increasingly  effec- 
tive common  cause  with  others  in  com- 
batting the  scourges  of  narcotics  and 
terrorism,  which  transcend  the  ability  of 
single  nations  to  vanquish. 

=>r-pmher  1QRfi 



•  ( )ur  example  has  brought  ever 
more  people  and  nations  to  the  realiza- 
tion that  free  market  economies  offers 
more  efficient,  more  productive  answers 
to  human  needs— and  are  more  compa- 
tible with  political  freedom. 

These  achievements  do  not  come 
cheaply— except  in  comparison  to  the 
costs  of  their  alternatives. 

U.S.  Foreign  Policy  and 
the  Foreign  Affairs  Budget 

Today,  all  this  is  under  threat  because  of 
lack  of  understanding  and  attention  to 
the  resources  that  are  required  to  run  a 
successful  diplomatic  course. 

Americans  take  pride  in  our  nation's 
role  as  leader  and  defender  of  freedom. 
We  take  pride  in  our  democratic  institu- 
tions. Even  the  most  cynical  believe  that 
our  political  and  economic  system  holds 
the  greatest  potential  for  improving  the 
human  condition.  It  has  a  proven  record. 
It  is  worthy  of  emulation. 

But  our  nation's  economic  pros- 
perity, its  democratic  freedoms,  its 
military  strength  conspire  to  lull 

account  the  need  to  cut  costs,  to  keep 
budgets  lean,  and  to  increase  efficiency. 
Although  only  2%  of  his  budget,  this 
amount  would  pay  the  operating  costs  of 
the  State  Department  and  the  United 
States  Information  Agency,  including 
the  costs  of  maintaining  our  260 
embassies  and  consulates  around  the 
world.  It  would  pay  for  our  nation's 
economic  development  and  military 
security  programs  as  well  as  human- 
itarian assistance.  It  would  pay  our  con- 
tributions to  multilateral  development 
banks  and  international  organizations.  It 
would  finance  our-  efforts  to  combat  the 
spread  of  narcotics  and  terrorism.  Part 
of  this  amount  would  even  pay  for  the 
Peace  Corps  and  help  us  improve  the 
safety  and  security  of  American  person- 
nel abroad.  The  taxpayer  gets  a  lot  from 
this  small  fraction  of  the  Federal  budget. 

However,  when  Congress  wants  to 
cut  the  Federal  budget,  it  too  often  casts 
a  covetous  eye  toward  the  foreign  affairs 
budget.  The  current  continuing  resolu- 
tion cuts  the  Administration's  already 
lean  foreign  affairs  budget  request  by 
about  25%.  In  one  fell  swoop,  over  a 

The  funds  for  the  State  Department's  operation  at 
home  and  abroad  cost  only  four-tenths  of  1%  of 
the  Federal  budget. 

Americans  into  a  false  sense  of  self- 
sufficiency.  We  suffer  from  a  national 
schizophrenia:  on  the  one  hand,  we  want 
to  influence,  and  even  control,  interna- 
tional events.  We  seem  somehow  dis- 
appointed or  angry  when  we  can't  or 
don't,  especially  during  a  crisis.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  American  public  views 
foreign  relations  as  a  sometimes  inter- 
esting diversion  not  requiring  serious  or 
sustained  effort.  The  resource  levels  we 
provide  for  the  conduct  of  foreign  rela- 
tions reflect  this  relatively  low  level  of 

We  are  the  world's  greatest  power, 
but  we  spend  only  2%  of  the  Federal 
budget  to  finance  all  of  our  nation's 
foreign  affairs  functions.  Twenty  years 
ago,  we  spent  twice  that  percentage. 
During  the  height  of  the  Marshall  Plan, 
foreign  affairs  accounted  for  ll<t  from 
every  budget  dollar. 

This  year,  President  Reagan 
requested  $22.6  billion  to  carry  out  his 
foreign  policy.  This  figure  took  into 

quarter  of  our  nation's  foreign  affairs 
budget  disappeared. 

Cutting  the  foreign  affairs  budget 
carries  a  price.  We  run  the  risk  of 
dismantling  the  most  important  instru- 
ment of  our  foreign  policy:  our  ability  to 
represent  and  support  our  interests  and 
objectives  abroad. 

Many  Congressmen  feel  little 
pressure  to  spare  the  foreign  affairs 
budget  because  most  of  their  consti- 
tuents are  far  more  interested  in 
domestic  issues.  Also,  many  Americans 
have  the  mistaken  impression  that  our 
foreign  affairs  budget  swallows  up  a 
large  portion  of  the  tax  dollar.  If  we  in 
the  Department  of  State  have  a  natural 
constituency,  it  is  groups  such  as  yours. 
We  hope  you  continue  your  active 

The  Department  of  State,  which  is 
the  oldest  and  surely  one  of  the  most 
important  departments  of  the  govern- 
ment, is  also  one  of  the  smallest.  The 
funds  for  the  State  Department's  opera- 

tions at  home  and  abroad  cost  only  four- 
tenths  of  1%  of  the  Federal  budget.  I 
contend  that's  the  bargain  of  the 

The  cost  of  a  single  Trident  sub- 
marine (about  $1.5  billion)  could  pay  the 
salaries  and  expenses  for  all  State 
Department  operations  for  an  entire 
year,  leaving  some  over  to  help  us 
enhance  our  much-needed  security  pro- 
grams overseas. 

There  are  only  about  21,000  State 
Department  employees  spread  over  260 
locations  around  the  globe,  including 
Washington.  Overseas  and  at  home,  the 
4,000  professional  diplomats  in  our 
Foreign  Service  are  our  nation's  eyes 
and  ears.  They  gather  intelligence  and 
report  and  analyze  events.  They  look  ou 
for  our  nation's  interests  and  help 
Americans  in  distress.  They  search  out 
business  opportunities  and  markets  for 
American  products.  They  are  the  front 
line  of  our  war  against  narcotics  and  ter 
rorism.  They  are  among  the  first  on  the  : 
scene,  looking  out  for  our  interests,  dui-i 
ing  crises  overseas. 

To  put  the  Department's  manpower  I 
into  perspective,  consider  the  fact  that 
there  are  25  U.S.  military  personnel 
overseas  for  every  single  State  Depart- 
ment employee.  There  are  more  Depart- 
ment of  Defense  school  teachers  in 
Europe  alone  than  there  are  State 
Department  personnel  worldwide. 
Health  and  Human  Services  employees 
outnumber  us  seven  to  one.  The 
Agriculture  Department  has  five  times 
as  many  employees.  Even  the  Forestry 
Service  has  twice  as  many  people  as  we  | 
do.  IBM  personnel  outnumber  us  19  to  11 
Bank  of  America,  4  to  1. 

Our  resources  are  principally  people  i 
and  money.  As  a  result,  when  Congress 
cuts  our  funding,  we  have  to  cut  people.  I 
Because  of  the  financial  crisis  inflicted    I 
on  us  earlier  by  Gramm-Rudman- 
Hollings  and  compounded  just  recently   | 
by  the  additional  25%  or  so  cut  in  Con- 
gress' continuing  resolution,  our  foreign 
affairs  apparatus  will  shrink  even 

Effects  of  Congressional  Budget  Cuts  i 

Post  and  Personnel  Reductions.  Even 
before  the  latest  fiscal  blows,  we  were 
making  plans  to  reduce  our  overseas  per, 
sonnel  by  about  4%.  We  are  hiring  fewer, 
people  this  year.  Many  vacancies  simply  ] 
will  not  be  filled.  We  are  also  facing 
as  much  as  a  7%  cut  in  personnel 

As  of  September  30  of  this  year,  we 
hauled  down  the  flag  at  seven  of  our  con- 
sulates overseas.  This  year,  in  response  ] 


Department  of  State  Bulletin. 


ifcudget  cuts,  we  may  permanently 
ijse  the  doors  of  another  11  posts 
erseas.  These  consulates  are  the 
lillaries  of  our  system,  and  they 
nance  our  ability  to  gather  informa- 
li,  to  expand  our  contacts  and  influ- 
pe,  and  to  provide  service  to 
hericans  abroad. 

I  Keep  in  mind  that  we  are  taking 
Ise  steps  in  response  to  cuts  of  $20 
llion— one-tenth  of  the  price  tag  of  a 
tie  B-l  bomber. 

[Of  course,  not  all  of  this  belt- 
fritening  is  bad.  We  wholeheartedly 
uorsed  the  reduction  of  the  U.S. 
Ivernment's  overseas  presence.  This 
ercise  gave  us  an  opportunity  to  focus 
!■  attention  of  all  agencies  on  the  level 
Itheir  staffing  at  our  mission  overseas. 
Is  frankly  hard  to  justify  the  expense 
ilthe  security  risks  of  keeping  some  of 
fse  people  and  organizations  overseas. 
bften  comes  as  a  surprise  to  observers 
It  only  28%  of  the  personnel  in  our 
llomatic  missions  overseas  are  State 
Ipartment  Foreign  Service. 
'j  Closing  some  of  our  less  important 
ksulates  helped  us  spread  our  scarce 
Sources  more  efficiently.  But  there  are 
rious  costs.  Closing  posts  hurts.  It 
rts  our  relations  with  the  countries  in 
jich  the  posts  are  located.  It  hurts  our 
lity  to  pursue  U.S.  Government  inter- 
is.  It  hurts  our-  ability  to  gather  and 
msmit  information. 
There  is  a  limit  to  how  deeply  we  can 

II  should  cut.  Indeed,  many  Americans 
mid  now  agree  that  in  the  years 
mediately  following  Vietnam,  we  went 
Jit  too  far  in  our  withdrawal  from 

irld  affairs.  Certainly  we  discovered  in 
I  late  1970s  and  early  1980s  how 
pensive  it  was  to  rebuild  our  national 
frsence  and  prestige.  Frankly,  our 
rersaries,  including  the  terrorist, 
luld  be  happy  to  have  us,  for  budg- 
|ry  reasons,  do  what  they  have  not 
pn  able  to  accomplish  on  their  own: 
Cce  Americans  to  retreat. 

Security  Assistance.  But  it  has  not 
In  the  State  Department's  budget 
tie  that  has  been  affected  by  these 
fep  budgetary  cuts.  Our  foreign 
Miomic  and  military  assistance 
Bgrams  have  been  gutted  by  the 
tigress.  By  reducing  this  portion  of 
i  Federal  budget  by  over  $3  billion  and 
(•marking  security  assistance  pro- 
tms  for  several  key  countries.  Con- 
fess has  forced  us  to  cut  some  impor- 
bt  foreign  aid  programs  by  50%-60%. 
j  Egypt  and  Israel  are  the  largest 
tipients  of  U.S.  foreign  security 
listance,  followed  by  eight  countries 
lich  we  aid  in  return  for  basing  rights 

for  U.S.  Armed  Forces.  These  10  coun- 
tries account  for  80%  of  all  of  our 
foreign  security  assistance.  This  aid  is  of 
critical  importance  to  us  and  to  the 
recipient  countries.  It  helps  us  secure 
bases,  helps  pave  the  way  for  access 
agreements,  and  permits  the  preposi- 
tioning  of  supplies.  It  helps  us  maintain 
peace  around  the  world. 

Besides  the  United  Nations,  our  con- 
trihutions  to  international  peacekeeping 
efforts  have  been  cut  in  half  this  year. 
The  Administration  considers  the  UN 
Interim  Force  in  Lebanon  (UNIFIL) 
vital  to  stability  and  peace  in  the  Middle 
East.  Cuts  of  this  magnitude  bring  into 
question  our  commitment  to  peace  in 

We  have  been  pressing  for  needed  fiscal  and 
administrative  reform  at  the  United  Nations .... 
the  shortfall  in  U.S.  payments  may  now  become 
the  issue,  rather  than  UN  reform.  Our  critics  will 
blame  us  when  and  if  UN  fiscal  reform  fails. 

Would  Congress  or  the  American 
public  suggest  that  we  cut  funds  to  coun- 
tries such  as  the  Philippines  or  Haiti  or 
Bolivia  or  Uruguay  which  are  struggling 
to  build  democratic  institutions?  Should 
we  turn  our  backs  on  our  neighbors  in 
the  Caribbean  or  Central  America? 
Should  we  cast  Senegal  or  Ecuador 
adrift  just  when  they  are  pursuing 
economic  reform  programs?  If  Congress 
has  its  way,  we  would  have  to  stop 
security  assistance  and  economic 
development  programs  in  all  but  a  hand- 
ful of  countries. 

International  Organizations.  The 

Congress  has  also  reduced  our  contribu- 
tions to  international  organizations. 
Here's  a  case  where  we  are  cutting  off 
our  nose  to  spite  our  face.  We  have  been 
pressing  for  needed  fiscal  and  adminis- 
trative reform  at  the  United  Nations. 
The  Kassebaum  amendment  withholds 
$42  million  of  our  UN  contributions  as 
leverage  to  encourage  reform.  Congress 
just  recently,  in  the  continuing  resolu- 
tion, upped  the  ante  and  cut  our  UN  con- 
tributions by  yet  another  $25  million  and 
deferred  an  additional  $130  million  in 
U.S.  contributions  to  international 
organizations  until  next  fiscal  year.  By 
withdrawing  our  financial  support  to  the 
United  Nations,  we  are  abdicating  our 
role  in  the  United  Nations  and,  in  effect, 
reducing  the  leverage  we  have  to  influ- 
ence its  efforts  toward  reform.  An  addi- 
tional result  is  that  the  shortfall  in  U.S. 
payments  may  now  become  the  issue, 
rather  than  UN  reform.  Our  critics  will 
blame  us  when  and  if  UN  fiscal  reform 

Lebanon  and  even  the  continued  viability 
of  UNIFIL. 

International  Communications.  The 

inadequate  funding  for  international 
communications  and  exchange  programs 
will  mean  reducing  broadcasts  by  Voice 
of  America,  Radio  Free  Europe,  and 
Radio  Liberty.  It  could  mean  closing 
American  libraries  and  American 
cultural  centers  overseas.  This  is  wrong 
at  a  time  when  our  adversaries  are  spar- 
ing no  expense  to  feed  their  propaganda 

Diplomatic  Security  Programs. 

Two  years  ago  the  Secretary  of  State 
appointed  a  special  panel— headed  by 
retired  Admiral  Bobby  Inman— to  con- 
duct an  objective  review  of  the  state  of 
security  of  our  embassies  and  personnel 
overseas.  The  panel  reported  last  year 
and  recommended  a  massive  infusion  of 
resources.  Over  60  of  our  embassies  and 
more  than  300  of  our  buildings  needed 
total  replacement  if  we  were  to  meet 
minimum  security  standards.  Some 
months  ago,  the  Congress  authorized  a 
$4.4  billion,  5-year  program  to  bring  our 
security  abroad  and  at  home  up  to  the 
level  recommended  by  Inman.  However, 
Congress  has  balked  at  actually  appro- 
priating the  funds  it  has  authorized  at  a 
level  necessary  to  meet  the  Inman 

It  makes  little  sense  to  cut  funds  for 
our  overseas  security  programs  just 
when  events  over  the  past  few  years 
have  shown  that  our  diplomats  and  our 
diplomatic  facilities  are  especially 
vulnerable  to  terrorist  attacks.  The 
public's  memory  of  the  bombings  of  our 

member  1986 



embassies  in  Beirut  and  Kuwait  has 
faded.  Many  have  forgotten  the  over- 
running of  our  embassy  in  Tehran  and 
the  destruction  of  our  embassies  in 
Tripoli  and  Islamabad.  Many  of  our 
embassies  still  front  onto  busy  city 
streets.  Many  of  our  offices  overseas  are 
housed  in  highrise  buildings  where  we 
cannot  control  who  are  our  neighbors. 

The  discovery  of  sophisticated  listen- 
ing devices  in  our  typewriters  in  Moscow 
once  again  emphasized  that  we  are 
vulnerable  around  the  world  to  increas- 
ingly sophisticated  technical  security 
threats.  We  cannot  simply  wish  these 
vulnerabilities  away. 


Unfortunately,  all  of  this  costs  money. 
And  money  is  what  we  have  in  increas- 
ingly short  supply. 

If  we  want  a  safe  and  peaceful 
world,  there  is  no  alternative  to  a 

vigorous  American  presence.  We  may  be 
able  to  turn  off  the  budgetary  tap  on 
some  Federal  programs  for  a  year  or 
two,  then  reopen  the  tap  without  doing 
damage  to  American  interests.  That  is 
simply  not  true  in  foreign  affairs. 

Clearly,  the  American  public  wants 
more  services  from  the  government  than 
the  present  levels  of  revenue  can  pro- 
vide. Gramm-Rudman-Hollings  confronts 
Congress  and  the  public  with  difficult 
choices  of  priorities  if  the  mandated 
reductions  in  deficits— to  zero  by 
1991— are  to  be  met.  Someone's  ox  has 
to  be  gored.  But  these  choices  should  be 
made  not  inadvertently  but  in  full 
awareness  of  their  consequences. 
American  diplomacy  mans  the  forward 
edge  of  our  international  battlefield  day 
and  night.  Its  costs  are  small  in  relative 
terms,  and  the  costs  of  "doing  it  on  the 
cheap"  are  great.  Every  American  with 
an  interest  in  foreign  affairs  must  share 
the  burden  of  making  our  fellow  citizens 
aware  of  this  truth.  ■ 

Toward  a  More  Representative 
Foreign  Service 

by  Ronald  I.  Spiers 

Address  before  the  Congressional 
Black  Caucus  Foreign  Affairs  Brain- 
trust  Workshop  on  October  3,  1986. 
Ambassador  Spiers  is  Under  Secretary 
for  Management. 

I  welcome  the  invitation  to  participate  in 
this  discussion  about  the  involvement— 
or  lack  of  involvement— of  black 
Americans  in  the  formulation  of  U.S. 
foreign  policy.  I  hope  the  discussion  will 
be  frank,  open,  and  constructive. 

I  am  the  Under  Secretary  of  State 
for  Management  and  will,  next  month, 
have  spent  3  years  in  this  position.  My 
responsibility  runs  across  the  spectrum 
of  administrative  management  policy. 
Essentially,  I  supervise  the  planning, 
mobilization,  and  allocation  of  resources 
needed  to  carry  out  the  Department  of 
State's  responsibilities  to  advise  on  and 
implement  the  foreign  policies  of  the 
United  States.  Since  our  resources  are 
principally  money  and  people,  my  job  is 
to  oversee  finance,  personnel,  security, 
and  professional  development  as  well  as 
general  logistic  and  administrative  sup- 
port for  all  Department  of  State  and 
Foreign  Service  operations. 

I  believe  that  the  Foreign  Service  of 
the  United  States  has  a  major  problem 
in  the  area  of  minority,  including  black, 
representation.  This  has  been  a  matter 
of  substantial  concern  to  me  since  I  took 
on  this  job;  one  of  the  first  things  that  I 
did,  shortly  after  assuming  these  respon- 
sibilities, was  to  convoke  a  meeting  of 
eight  black  colleagues  who  had  served  or 
were  serving  as  ambassadors  to  talk 
about  the  issue  of  blacks  in  the  Foreign 
Service.  Subsequently,  this  group  was 
expanded  to  include  some  outsiders  from 
the  business  and  academic  communities. 
We  sought  their  views  on  how  we  could 
deal  with  the  problem  of  making  the 
Foreign  Service  more  representative. 

I  began  with  the  conviction  that  a 
Foreign  Service  that  is  not  represent- 
ative of  American  society  cannot  be  an 
acceptable  or  fully  effective  instrument 
for  the  conduct  of  American  foreign  rela- 
tions. It  cannot  be  the  more  or  less 
exclusive  preserve  of  only  certain  sec- 
tors of  American  society.  Therefore,  it  is 
my  objective,  and  that  of  my  colleagues, 
to  explore  every  possible  route  to  achiev- 
ing a  more  representative  Foreign  Serv- 
ice. There  are  many  obstacles  in  the 
path,  but  I  believe  that  these  obstacles 
can  be  overcome  with  intensive  and  pur- 
poseful effort. 

For  those  of  you  who  are  not 
familiar  with  the  Foreign  Service,  it  is 
essentially  a  bottom  entry,  merit  promc 
tion,  "up  or  out"  system.  The  Foreign 
Service  is  one  of  our  nation's  most  com- 
petitive institutions.  This  year  approx- 
imately 200  new  officers  will  be  taken 
into  the  Foreign  Service  from  the  almo: 
16,000  who  took  the  written  entry  exan 
ination  last  December.  I  know  no  unive: 
sity  that  is  so  selective.  The  examinatio 
process  is  like  panning  for  gold.  We  are* 
looking  for  the  very  best  from  an 
extremely  talented  pool  of  candidates.  I 
am  committed  to  the  preservation  of  th 
kind  of  a  competitive-entry  Foreign 
Service,  since  I  believe  that  the  interest 
of  our  country  are  best  served  by  such 
an  institution. 

Efforts  to  Increase 
Minority  Representation 

When  I  first  joined  the  Foreign  Service' 
over  30  years  ago,  it  had  the 
reputation— deservedly,  I  fear— of  being 
an  elitist  group  recruited  largely  from 
the  east  coast,  white,  male,  Anglo- 
Saxon,  Protestant,  Ivy  League  popula- 
tion. Some  of  the  elders  who  occupied 
top  positions  considered  it  "a  pretty 
good  club."  Most  Foreign  Service 
officers  [FSOs]  came  from  the  same 
background.  "Old  boy  networks"  helpec 
officers  get  promoted  and  assigned  to 
the  right  job.  The  only  senior  black 
officer  I  knew  of  was  Clifton  Wharton, 
then  our  Ambassador  to  Norway.  There 
was  only  a  small  handful  of  minority 
junior  officers.  I  remember,  in  my  first 
Foreign  Service  assignment  in  UN 
affairs,  working  with  two  other  newly 
minted  officers:  Don  McHenry,  later 
Ambassador  to  the  United  Nations,  and] 
Terry  Todman,  now  our  Ambassador  to  I 
Denmark.  Terry  is  today  the  only  black  ' 
among  our  40  or  so  career  ministers,  the 
top  rank  of  the  Foreign  Service. 

The  situation  has  changed,  but  we 
recognize  that  it  has  not  changed 
enough.  The  Director  General  of  the 
Foreign  Service  and  I  consider  making 
further  improvements  in  the  proportion 
of  minorities  and  women  in  the  Foreign 
Service  one  of  our  highest  priorities. 

Ten  years  ago,  there  were  barely 
100  black  Foreign  Service  officers. 
Today,  there  are  about  250.  Since  the 
mid-1970s,  about  one-tenth  of  our  new 
FSOs  have  been  blacks.  Blacks  are  now 
about  6%  of  the  FSO  corps,  and  I  am 
told  this  is  approximately  the  percentag< 
of  blacks  in  the  college-educated 
workforce.  I  would  like  to  see  an 
increase  in  this  proportion  without 


Department  of  State  Bulletii 


■parting  from  the  principles  which  have 
hde  the  Foreign  Service  one  of  our 
lality  institutions.  These  aims  are  not 

The  other,  equally  difficult  half  of 
gr  task,  however,  is  to  find  ways  to 
[courage  the  retention  of  black  officers 
no  are  already  on  board  and  to 
[courage  their  advancement  along  with 
leir  colleagues  to  the  middle  and  senior 
Inks.  In  an  "up  or  out"  system,  this 
Bees  time.  The  paucity  of  senior  officers 
[fleets  recruitment  patterns  of  25  years 
ro.  Today,  only  nine  of  our  627  mem- 
Its  of  the  Senior  Foreign  Service  are 
kck.  However,  all  but  two  of  these 
picers  are  currently  serving  or  have 
icently  served  as  ambassadors.  I  find  it 
[couraging  that  three  more  blacks, 
eluding  the  first  black  woman,  were 
hong  the  68  new  promotees  to  the 
|nior  Foreign  Service  on  the  list  that  is 
Iw  awaiting  congressional  approval, 
(hile  these  12  comprise  only  just  under 
fo  of  our  senior  officers,  6.6%  of  our 
jid-level  and  7.8%  of  our  junior  officers 
ie  black. 

I  am,  nevertheless,  concerned  about 
ie  flow  of  recent  entrants  up  through 
Ie  system  in  order  to  increase  the  pro- 
Irtion  of  blacks  at  the  senior  levels.  In 
|at  regard,  I  am  aware  of  the  percep- 
|>n  among  many  of  our  black  colleagues 
[at  there  is  systemic  discrimination 
i;ainst  them  in  the  Foreign  Service. 
Iiis  alleged  discrimination  is  hard  to 
lentify,  but  its  existence  is  maintained 
I  too  many  of  my  black  colleagues 
'•lose  judgment  I  respect  for  me  to 
iismiss  it  as  paranoia  or  as  not  having 
ly  foundation.  I  can  assure  you  that 
mere  such  discrimination  is  found,  it 
Ell  be  dealt  with  ruthlessly. 

This  is  a  matter  to  which  I  have 
ivoted  substantial  thought,  and  I  am 
Invinced  that  the  most  fertile  ground 
Ir  further  improvement  lies  in  our 
[cruitment  and  assignment  practices. 

•  We  need  an  active  and  aggressive 
pcruiting  program  aimed  at  convincing 
[alified  blacks  that  the  Foreign  Service 
la  career  that  should  interest  them.  We 
Ive  recently  launched  a  more  targeted 
Icruiting  effort.  This  is  a  significant 

•eak  with  the  traditional  view  that  the 
foreign  Service  is  in  a  "buyer's  mar- 

i?t,"  able  to  lean  back  and  simply  let  the 
Implications  flow  in.  As  a  result,  our 

recruitment  of  black  officers  has  begun 
to  rebound  in  1986,  after  two  disappoint- 
ing years  in  1984  and  1985.  We  are  doing 
more  to  reach  out  to  historically  black 
colleges  and  universities  and  to  black  col- 
lege students  in  general.  The  results  are 
most  encouraging.  We  hired  more  black 
officers  this  year  than  last,  and  the 
number  of  black  applicants  to  the 
Foreign  Service  is  at  an  all-time  high. 
We  will  have  to  devote  continued  effort 
and  resources  to  keep  moving  in  the 
right  direction. 

•  We  need  to  work  on  assignments 
within  the  system.  I  have  given  a  lot  of 
attention  to  ensuring  that  senior  blacks 
are  selected  for  responsible  and  visible 
assignments  in  which  they  can  serve  as 
"role  models."  We  now  have  black 
career  officers  as  ambassadors  in  Liberia 
(soon  to  be  transferred  to  South  Africa), 
Mauritius,  Denmark,  and  Seychelles. 
Another  holds  the  key  job  of  director  or 
of  our  Regional  Administrative  Manage- 
ment Center  in  Paris.  One— a  former 
ambassador— is  principal  officer  in  Cape 
Town.  Two— also  former  ambassadors- 
are  serving  in  senior  positions  in 
Washington,  one  at  the  deputy  assistant 
secretary  level  in  Management  Opera- 
tions and  one  as  director  of  a  major 
office  in  one  of  our  regional  bureaus. 
Over  a  year  ago,  I  discovered,  to  my  con- 
sternation, that  there  were  currently  no 
black  officers  serving  overseas  as  deputy 
chief  of  mission,  perhaps  the  key 
management  level  position  in  the 
Foreign  Service  and  a  proving  ground 
for  future  chiefs  of  mission.  During  the 
past  year,  five  black  officers  have  been 
assigned  as  deputy  chiefs  of  mission  or 
as  principal  officers  in  American 

The  Path  Ahead 

I  have  to  conclude  by  acknowledging 
that  there  are  difficulties  in  the  path 
ahead.  Many  blacks  have  told  me  that 
more  lucrative  and  relevant  career 
opportunities  are  open  to  the  kind  of 
people  we  seek  for  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  Foreign  Service  has  a  dubious 
reputation  among  those  sectors  of  the 
American  population  who  even  know 
what  it  is.  The  "cookie  pusher" 
stereotype  dies  hard.  Today,  health 
hazards,  spouse  employment  and  family 
education  problems,  the  large  percent- 
age of  hardship  posts  among  the  more 

than  250  we  staff,  the  high  proportion  of 
noncareer  appointees  at  senior  levels, 
and  terrorism  and  security  threats  all 
make  the  Foreign  Service  a  less  attrac- 
tive career  to  many.  The  call  of  public 
service— once  having  so  powerful  a  pull 
in  our  history— has  been  muted,  par- 
ticularly with  many  in  the  political  arena 
"running"  against  Washington  and  its 
"bureaucrats."  In  crass  economic  terms, 
government  cannot  compete  for  the 
services  of  people  with  the  skills,  educa- 
tion, and  qualities  we  want.  Although  it 
is  difficult  to  move  forward  against  all  of 
these  obstacles,  we  argue  that  the 
psychic  income  and  the  rewards  of  public 
service  make  up  for  many  of  these 
drawbacks.  This  is  the  case  we  make 
whether  our  target  audience  is  black  or 
white,  male  or  female.  Whatever  the 
problems,  we  will  persevere. 

Finally,  I  want  to  ask  your  coopera- 
tion and,  through  you,  the  cooperation  of 
the  black  community  in  encouraging 
more  bright  young  blacks  to  take  the 
Foreign  Service  examination  and  apply 
for  the  various  other  categories  of 
Foreign  Service  employment.  On  the 
basis  of  the  examples  we  have  seen 
among  the  blacks  who  have  recently 
entered  the  service  as  junior  officers,  we 
are  convinced  there  are  a  lot  more  out 
there  who  can  pass  the  examinations  and 
advance  in  their  careers  with  the  best 
and  the  brightest.  The  more  you  can  do 
to  identify  them  and  encourage  them  to 
consider  the  Foreign  Service  as  a  career, 
the  more  likely  we  are  to  achieve  the 
levels  we  are  seeking. 

We  do  not  feel  compelled  to  improve 
the  representativeness  of  the  Foreign 
Service  for  cosmetic  reasons.  We  do  not 
look  upon  our  officers  as  so  many 
precisely  measured  ingredients  in  a 
recipe  for  an  all-American  technicolor 
Foreign  Service.  We  are  doing  this 
because  we  know  it  is  right.  We  are  do- 
ing this  because  we  cannot  represent  our 
country  overseas  if  we  do  not  reflect  our 
society  at  home.  We  need  continued  sup- 
port for  our  efforts,  particularly  from 
groups  such  as  this.  ■ 

ecember  1986 



The  Philippines  and  the  United  States 

by  Michael  H.  Armacost 

Address  before  the  Conference  on  the 
Philippines  at  the  Fletcher  School  of  Law 
and  Diplomacy  on  October  6,  19S6. 
Ambassador  Armacost  is  Under 
Secretary  for  Political  Affairs. 

It  is  a  pleasure  to  address  this  con- 
ference. The  subject  could  not  be  more 
timely.  I  served  as  the  American 
Ambassador  in  Manila  for  2  tumultuous 
years  and  have  spent  many  of  my  wak- 
ing hours  in  Washington  since  1984  deal- 
ing with  Philippine-American  relations.  I 
think  I've  earned  the  right  to  offer  some 
personal  observations. 

Let  me  begin  with  the  dramatic, 
political  revolution  that  occurred  last 
February.  Americans  vicariously 
experienced  those  events  along  with 
Filipinos  and  shared  their  elation  with 
the  outcome.  History  has  linked  our 
countries  inextricably  over  the  past  cen- 
tury. What  happens  in  the  Philippines 
matters  to  the  United  States.  Americans 
first  planted  the  seeds  of  democracy  in 
the  Philippines.  We  consequently  shared 
the  exhilaration  of  the  Filipino  people  as 
we  witnessed  a  restoration  of  democracy 
accomplished  both  swiftly  and 

It  was  a  Philippine  revolution,  and 
Filipinos  earned  the  admiration  and 
respect  of  the  entire  world  for  their 
courage  and  their  fidelity  to  democratic 
principles.  We  pay  tribute  to  that  suc- 
cess. And  we  pledge  our  support  to  those 
who  work,  in  the  words  of  President 
Aquino,  "to  build  a  worthy  and  enduring 
house  for  a  new  democracy,  that  may 
serve  as  a  redoubt  for  freedom  in  Asia." 

Last  February's  revolution  brought 
the  Philippines  to  the  consciousness  of 
all  Americans.  To  be  sure,  Ninoy 
Aquino's  assassination  in  August  1983 
stimulated  a  considerable  increase  in 
newspaper  and  media  coverage  of  the 
Philippines.  But  the  recent  presidential 
election  campaign  and  the  events  which 
followed  were  played  out  on  American 
television.  In  the  process,  Cory  Aquino, 
Doy  Laurel,  Cardinal  Sin,  Joe  Concep- 
cion,  and  many  others  became  familiar 
figures  in  this  country.  Terms  like  "hid- 
den wealth"  entered  our  political 
vocabulary.  And  we  all  learned  more 
than  we  wanted  to  know  about  Mrs. 
Marcos'  wardrobe. 

To  be  sure,  some  of  the  American 
media  focus  on  the  Philippines  is  super- 
ficial. But  the  explosion  of  media 


coverage  of  the  Philippines  has  enabled 
thoughtful  Americans  to  obtain  a 
glimpse  of  more  consequential  aspects  of 
the  situation.  Our  public  has  gained  an 
appreciation  of  the  enormity  of  the 
political  and  economic  problems  which 
were  the  principal  legacy  of  the  Marcos 
Administration.  Americans  have 
discovered  the  resilience,  the 
resourcefulness,  and  the  good  humor 
with  which  the  Filipino  people  confront 
adversity.  We  have  been  reminded  of  the 
authority  and  the  respect,  the  power  and 
the  opportunity  accorded  to  women  in 
the  Filipino  culture.  We  have  observed 
the  political  clout  exercised  by  the 
Church  and  heard  the  call  for  political 
reconciliation  expressed  in  the  idiom  of 
the  Scriptures.  We  have  witnessed  the 
status  and  the  value  which  Filipinos 
attach  to  education  as  a  source  of  social 
mobility.  We  have  seen  firsthand  the 
Philippine  preference  for  democratic 
evolution  over  violent  revolution.  And 
the  remarkable  events  of  last  February 
confirmed  for  Americans  the  vibrancy  of 
the  Philippine  press. 

These  are  qualities  which  should  not 
surprise  us.  We  see  them  reflected  in  the 
growing  community  of  Filipino- 
Americans  who  make  such  a  large  con- 
tribution to  our  own  national  life.  But 
the  television  pictures  and  the  occa- 
sionally illuminating  commentary  seared 
strong  impressions  in  our  collective 
memory.  They  served  to  increase  our 
awareness  and  understanding  of  the 
Filipino  culture  and  our  respect  for  the 
Filipino  people. 

Those  of  us  in  government  who  bear 
some  responsibility  for  managing  this 
important  relationship  had  special 
reasons  for  satisfaction  at  the  outcome 
of  last  February's  revolution.  The  final 
years  of  the  Marcos  Administration 
posed  agonizing  dilemmas  for  our 
government.  The  corruption  and  the 
venality  of  the  Marcos  regime  were 
deeply  troubling.  So  were  the  "crony" 
deals  which  distorted  the  economy  and 
the  cynical  political  maneuvers  which 
mocked  professions  of  faith  in 
democracy.  But  there  was  a  deeper 
source  of  anguish. 

It  was  increasingly  clear  to  those  of 
us  in  Washington  that  we  were  doing 
business  with  a  government  whose 
authority  was  declining,  which  had 
forfeited  much  of  its  domestic  support, 
and  which  displayed  little  genuine 
empathy  for  our  values. 

Worse  yet,  we  saw  no  serious  pros- J 
pect  for  self-renewal. 

•  President  Marcos  had  politicized 
the  army;  it  was  scarcely  plausible  that 
he  would  restore  professionalism  to  the  r 

•  He  had  limited  the  scope  for  com 
petition  and  private  entrepreneurship;  i 
was  scarcely  reasonable  to  expect  that 
he  would  foster  economic  reform  and 
reliance  upon  the  interplay  of  market 

•  He  had  perpetuated  his  tenure  in 
office  by  manipulating  constitutional  an ' 
electoral  rules  to  suit  his  political 
requirements;  it  was  scarecly  con- 
ceivable that  he  would  permit  an  elec- 
toral contest  in  which  he  accepted  a  ge! ' 
uine  risk  of  losing. 

We  had  no  choice  but  to  deal  with  a ! 
existing  government,  but  our  growing 
doubts  about  the  efficacy  of  reform 
under  Marcos  prompted  the  increasingl  i 
public  expression  of  our  concerns.  His 
unexpected  announcement  last  fall  of  a  I 
snap  presidential  election  stimulated 
hopes  here  as  well  as  fears.  In  all  can- 
dor, I  cannot  say  that  I  expected  the 
result  that  occurred.  Yet  we  did  what  w : 
could  to  assure  a  free  and  fair  contest.   ( 

By  dispatching  an  election  observer 
team  and  encouraging  the  international 
press  to  make  the  election  a  big  story, 
we  hoped  to  diminish  the  incidence  of 
fraud.  We  recognized  that,  in  the  last 
analysis,  the  major  deterrent  to  irreg- 
ularities would  have  to  be  an  aroused 
Philippine  citizenry  prepared  to  accept 
risks  in  order  to  assert  their  rights.  Corl 
Aquino  supplied  inspired  leadership; 
NAMFREL  [National  Movement  for 
Free  Elections],  the  Church,  and  various 
citizens'  organizations  the  foot  soldiers 
of  the  democratic  revolution.  The  rest  is 
history.  It  produced  a  new  start  for  the 
Philippines  and  opened  a  new  chapter— 
and  a  bright  one,  we  trust— in 
Philippine-American  relations. 

American  Perspective 
on  the  Aquino  Administration 

American  support  for  the  Aquino 
Administration  is  firm  and  unequivocal.  . 
The  reasons  are  obvious. 

First,  she  earned  a  mandate  from 
the  Philippine  people. 

Second,  President  Aquino  has  used 
her  mandate  to  embark  upon  an 
ambitious  agenda  of  long  overdue 

•  She  appointed  a  Constitutional 
Commission  whose  work  is  nearly 
finished,  promised  early  local  and  provin 

Denartment  nf  State  Rnl 


l\  elections,  imparted  credibility  to 
Jvernment,  and  impressed  all  who  have 
:»t  her  with  her  own  sense  of  command. 
|  •  She  selected  for  the  key  Cabinet 
smomic  portfolios  individuals  of 
Jitinction  who  know  how  the  market 
lurks  and  who  believe  in  market  forces. 
Be  has  moved  decisively  to  reform  the 
fee  system,  liberalize  trade,  reduce  the 
\e  of  public  sector  enterprises  and 
jvernment  financial  institutions,  and 
Imantle  government  monopolies  that 
jpede  productivity  in  the  agricultural 
Etor.  She  has  nailed  down  an  Interna- 
;nal  Monetary  Fund  (IMF)  agreement, 
'new  investment  code  is  in  the  works. 
Lbor  stability  is  promised.  The  flight  of 
iDital  has  been  staunched;  inflation  has 
)gn  curbed;  the  current  account  is  in 
;lance;  and  the  gross  domestic  product 
beginning  to  grow. 

•  She  has  affirmed  civilian  control 
!the  military  and  placed  the  armed 
J'ces  under  the  command  of  respected 
Kicers  who  got  ahead  not  by  "going 
l»ng"  or  by  playing  palace  politics  but 
]j  exhibiting  dedication  to  high  stand- 
ids  of  professional  conduct. 

'  Thus,  we  believe  she  has  made 
ipressive  progress  in  a  short  time  in 
•ihaping  Philippine  political  and 
jjnomic  life  without  benefit  of  a 
(surely  transition  period  and  despite 
;;  need  to  manage  a  diverse  coalition. 

The  Aquino  government  recognizes 
at  the  communist  insurgency 
presents  a  serious  threat  to  Philippine 
imocracy.  The  government  has  adopted 
i.trategy  aimed  at  seeking  a  political 
idogue  with  the  New  People's  Army 
IP  A)  while  the  government  implements 
3litical,  economic,  and  military  reforms 
isigned  to  attack  the  root  causes  of  the 
nurgency.  President  Aquino  has  also 
ude  it  clear  that  the  government  will 
e  military  force  if  that  is  necessary  to 
ptect  the  Filipino  people  and  preserve 
ir  country's  newly  restored  democracy. 
I    In  sum,  we  believe  the  Philippines  is 
crsuing  a  sound  strategy  that  will  pro- 
?ce  significant  results  in  the  next  few 

It  will  require  strong  and  bold 
ndership  and  a  cohesive  government 
ftich  speaks  and  acts  in  support  of  a 
imprehensive  program  for  national 
icovery.  President  Aquino  has  shown 
fet  she  can  provide  that  leadership. 

1  S.  Policy  Guidelines 

'is  obvious  that  the  United  States  has  a 
l"ge  stake  in  the  success  of  President 
quino's  policy  efforts.  The  issue  for 
merica  is  how  we  can  most  effectively 

express  our  support.  These  guidelines  in- 
form our  efforts. 

First,  we  will  resist  falling  back  into 
familiar  habits  in  our  relationship.  For 
one  thing,  this  means  avoiding  the 
tendency  to  offer  gratuitous  advice  in 
lieu  of  tangible  assistance.  We  have 
made  a  good  start  with  the  substantial 
package  of  supplemental  aid  unveiled 
during  President  Aquino's  recent  visit.  I 
might  add,  parenthetically,  that  there  is 
a  corollary  for  Filipinos:  that  is,  resist 
the  temptation  to  treat  the  United 
States  as  a  scapegoat  or  to  regard 
massive  external  assistance  as  a 
substitute  for  domestic  reform.  The  cur- 
rent emphasis  on  self-reliance  is  a 
healthy  sign. 

Second,  we  intend  to  display  a 
sympathetic  understanding  for  the 
magnitude  of  the  policy  dilemmas  faced 
by  the  Philippine  Government.  President 
Aquino  confronts  a  multitude  of  vexing 

•  Prompt  action  is  needed  to  contain 
an  insurgency  which  challenges  the 
authority  of  government  in  rural  areas, 
impedes  the  flow  of  investment,  and 
poses  a  danger  to  democratic 

•  There  is  the  urgent  need  for  swift 
economic  revitalization.  Growth  is 
necessary  to  provide  the  economic 
margins  necessary  for  compromise— the 
lifeblood  of  democratic  politics.  It  is  also 
a  critical  component  of  any  strategy  to 
cope  with  the  New  People's  Army. 

•  The  task  of  completing  a  new  con- 
stitution and  conducting  local  and  pro- 
vincial elections  is  equally  pressing, 
since  political  stability  is  essential  to 
economic  revival.  Foreign  and  domestic 
businessmen  are  waiting  to  see  how  the 
constitution  will  affect  the  future  invest- 
ment regime.  A  successful  counterin- 
surgency  effort  will  depend  heavily  upon 
the  quality  and  representativeness  of 
local  officials. 

Each  of  these  tasks  is  fraught  with 
difficulty.  Each  requires  the  application 
of  massive  intellectual,  human,  and 
material  resources.  No  government  can 
do  everything  at  once,  particularly  when 
resources  are  scarce  and  time  is  limited. 
The  establishment  of  clear-cut  priorities 
is  the  more  difficult  when  decisions  must 
be  reached  within  the  framework  of  a 
very  broad  coalition. 

Americans  are  an  impatient  people. 
We  expect  quick  results.  But  we  owe  it 
to  our  friends  in  the  Philippines  to 
recognize  that  everything  cannot  be 
done  at  once;  that  Philippine  problems 

require  Philippine  solutions;  and  that 
they  must  set  their  own  priorities  and 
their  own  pace.  We  should  be  prepared 
to  offer  counsel  in  a  frank  and  confiden- 
tial fashion.  We  intend  to  avoid 
gratuitous  public  criticism.  Candor  in 
private  and  discretion  in  public  should  be 
our  motto. 

Third,  we  should  avoid  loading  addi- 
tional problems  onto  the  agenda  before 
they  require  resolution.  The  bases  issue 
is  a  good  example.  Our  current  agree- 
ment has  several  years,  at  least,  to  run. 
Our  next  5-year  review  does  not  com- 
mence for  2  years.  President  Aquino  has 
indicated  her  intent  to  honor  existing 
legal  obligations  while  preserving  policy 
options  for  the  1990s. 

I  am  personally  confident  that  our 
security  relationship  with  the  Philippines 
will  endure  beyond  1991.  Our  access  to 
facilities  at  Clark  and  Subic  constitutes  a 
source  of  regional  stability  which  is 
welcomed  by  the  ASEAN  [Association  of 
South  East  Asian  Nations]  countries, 
Japan,  China,  and  other  regional  powers. 
So  long  as  the  base  arrangements 
respect  Philippine  sovereignty,  and  so 
long  as  the  balance  of  benefits  is 
equitable,  I  see  little  reason  to  fear 
disruption  of  a  pattern  of  defense 
cooperation  that  has  served  both  our 
nations  well.  The  time  will  come  for 
renewed  negotiations;  for  now  we  can 
afford  to  let  this  issue  lie. 

I  hope  the  Philippine  Government 
will  follow  suit.  Some  members  of  the 
Constitutional  Commission  have  at- 
tempted to  limit  its  government's  future 
options  on  defense  and  other  issues.  We 
understand  that  President  Aquino  wisely 
urged  the  members  of  the  commission, 
when  they  began  their  work,  to  define 
the  constitutional  framework  of  govern- 
ment without  attempting  to  address 
issues  more  properly  resolved  through 
legislation  or  executive  decision  by  an 
elected  government.  That  is  a  sensible 
stance.  It  is  in  keeping  with  our  own 
constitutional  experience.  It  is  consistent 
with  the  interest  of  both  countries  in 
seeing  that  issues  subject  to  negotiations 
are  not  preempted  by  unilateral  deci- 
sions of  either  side. 

Fourth,  we  should  welcome  the 
diversification  of  Philippine  relationships 
with  other  countries.  On  occasion,  some 
Filipinos  have  seen  their  ties  with 
Americans  in  kinship  terms,  viewing  us 
as  big  brothers  who  offer  protection  in 
return  for  loyalty.  This  is  a  tribute  to  the 
intimacy  of  our  connection  over  the  past 
eight  decades.  There  are  respects  in 
which  we  and  Filipinos  are  family.  Yet 
there  is  also  a  certain  "hothouse" 

bcember  1986 



character  to  our  relationship  which 
imposes  heavy  psychological  burdens  on 
us  both. 

In  my  experience  as  Ambassador  in 
Manila,  I  found  that  my  Filipino  friends 
talked  knowledgeably  and  eloquently 
about  themselves,  about  America,  and 
about  the  relationship  between  us.  They 
exhibited  surprisingly  little  interest  in 
ASEAN  or  in  more  distant  Asian 
neighbors.  That  is  changing,  and  all  for 
the  good. 

Our  relationship  with  Manila  will 
find  a  more  equitable  and  mature 
balance  as  the  Philippines  benefits  from 
the  experience  of  its  near  neighbors  and 
reduces  to  some  degree  its  dependence 
upon  the  United  States.  Moreover,  I  see 
no  reason  why  the  development  of 
Filipino  links  with  others  need  dilute  the 
quality  of  our  own  relationship— on  the 
contrary.  And  we  shall  use  our  own 
considerable  influence  with  other 
countries— in  Asia  and  in  Europe— to 
enlist  support  for  our  Filipino  friends. 

Fifth,  we  should  express  our  support 
for  the  democratic  transition  in  very  con- 
crete ways.  Our  material  support  should 
assume  a  variety  of  forms.  In  my  judg- 
ment, it  should  be  substantial,  and  it 
should  be  provided  up  front.  We  should 
not  be  penny  wise  and  pound  foolish. 
Happily,  we  have  made  a  start,  despite 
an  extremely  austere  budget 

U.S.  Support  for  the  Philippines 

Aid.  Congress  recently  appropriated  an 
additional  $150  million  in  bilateral 
economic  and  military  support,  bringing 
our  total  for  fiscal  year  (FY)  1986  to 
$550  million.  The  $300  million  in 
economic  support  funds  supplied  over 
the  past  fiscal  year  were  furnished  as 
direct  support  to  the  Philippine  Govern- 
ment budget  to  help  finance  ongoing 
programs  aimed  at  reinvigorating  the 
rural  economy.  In  FY  1986,  $90  million 
in  military  assistance  program  funds  will 
assist  Philippine  Government  efforts  to 
reequip  and  retrain  the  armed  forces.  A 
$10-million  package  of  Defense  Depart- 
ment medical  supplies  and  services  plus 
$13  million  in  privately  donated  humani- 
tarian supplies,  announced  during  Presi- 
dent Aquino's  recent  visit,  should 
facilitate  civic  action  by  the  Armed 
Forces  of  the  Philippines.  On  October  3, 
$200  million  in  additional  economic 
assistance  was  added  to  the  FY  1987 
Continuing  Resolution  by  the  Senate. 
The  82-to-14  vote  reaffirms  the  under- 
lying commitment  of  both  U.S.  political 
parties  to  the  Philippines. 

Investment.  In  recent  decades  the 
Philippines  has  relied  too  heavily  on 
commercial  borrowing  and  too  little  on 
equity  investment  to  secure  foreign 
capital  for  development.  This  con- 
tributed to  the  heavy  debt  burden  which 
the  Aquino  government  inherited— a 
burden  compounded  by  large-scale 
capital  flight  and  disinvestment  caused 
by  uncertain  social,  political,  and 
economic  conditions. 

The  Philippines  needs  equity  invest- 
ment, and  we  are  actively  encouraging 
it.  During  Mrs.  Aquino's  recent  visit  we 
arranged  opportunities  for  her  to  meet 
directly  with  the  chief  executives  of 
many  "blue  chip"  American  companies. 
President  Reagan,  Secretary  Shultz,  and 
others  publicly  pronounced  their 
"bullish"  outlook  on  the  Philippine 
economy.  This  reflects  our  confidence  in 
the  macroeconomic  conditions  of  the 
country,  our  respect  for  the  abundant 
material  and  human  resources  of  the 
Philippines,  our  conviction  that  the 
policy  reforms  being  put  in  place  by  the 
Aquino  Administration  will  unleash  the 
productive  energies  of  the  private  sec- 
tor, and  our  firm  belief  that  a  nation  as 
well  endowed  as  the  Philippines  and 
situated  in  the  Pacific  Basin  will 
inevitably  prosper  as  political  and 
economic  reforms  take  hold. 

Naturally,  American  businessmen 
will  reach  their  tough  investment  deci- 
sions more  swiftly  as  they  see  Philippine 
businessmen  reinvest  in  the  future  of 
their  own  country  and  as  they  observe 
Philippine  capital  repatriated  from  "safe 
havens"  abroad. 

In  this  connection,  I  might  say  a 
word  on  "hidden  wealth."  I  have  no  firm 
estimate  on  the  size  of  Marcos  assets 
outside  the  Philippines.  I  assume  they 
are  very  substantial.  The  disposition  of 
such  assets  as  may  be  located  in  the 
United  States  must,  of  course,  be 
resolved  through  the  legal  process.  That 
process  is  complex  and  tedious.  For  our 
part,  we  intend  to  do  what  we  can  under 
American  law  to  help  the  Aquino 
government  recover  the  large  sums  that 
Marcos  appropriated  for  his  personal 

A  shrewd  lawyer,  Marcos  can 
presumably  tie  up  Philippine  Govern- 
ment claims  in  our  courts  for  years.  In 
the  meantime,  neither  Marcos,  nor  his 
family,  nor  anyone  else  will  be  able  to 
use  these  resources.  Ultimately,  perhaps, 
only  the  attorneys  will  benefit.  Former 
President  Marcos  has  not  solicited  my 
view  on  this  matter,  nor  will  he.  But  I 
hope  he  will  eventually  conclude  that  a 
timely  decision  to  repatriate  a  major  por- 
tion of  his  assets  to  the  Philippines 

would  contribute  to  the  well-being  of  h 
countrymen,  help  redeem  his  reputatio 
in  the  eyes  of  future  historians,  and 
perhaps  create  circumstances  in  which 
he  might  ultimately  live  out  his  final 
years  quietly  in  Ilocos  Norte. 

Multilateral  Assistance.  The  Unit 
States  has  supported  Philippine  Goverr 
ment  requests  for  a  $500-million  IMF 
standby  agreement,  as  well  as  a  World 
Bank  economic  recovery  loan  amountir 
to  $300  million.  We  have  also 
encouraged  the  expeditious  completion 
of  negotiations  with  private  banks  for 
further  debt  rescheduling.  These  priva 
banks  are  prepared  now  to  release  ad 
tional  credits  of  about  $350  million  he 
up  when  the  Philippines  fell  out  of 
compliance  with  the  previous  IMF 

Trade.  We  are  also  working  to 
increase  opportunities  for  the  Philip; 
to  earn  hard  currency  through  expands 
sugar  exports.  We  have  set  up  a  speciaii 
senior-level  working  group  with  State, 
Commerce,  and  the  U.S.  Trade  Repre- 
sentative to  examine  a  variety  of  spec! 
measures.  We  also  agreed  to  create  a 
U.S. -Philippines  Business  Promotion 
Council  to  harness  the  vitality  of  the 
private  sector  in  the  effort  to  expand 
trade  and  investment.  The  United  Stat 
has  agreed  to  cooperate  to  maximize 
Philippines  benefits  under  the  general- 
ized system  of  preferences.  The  Defens 
Department  is  taking  steps  to  increase  • 
local  procurement  in  the  Philippines,    j 
Finally,  the  Overseas  Private  Invest- 
ment Corporation  will  sponsor  a  major 
mission  to  the  Philippines  in  February  t 
next  year  to  increase  U.S.  investment^ 
the  Philippines. 

Educational  Support.  Historically, 
the  United  States  has  made  an  impor- 
tant contribution  to  education  and  train 
ing  of  Filipinos  from  all  walks  of  life.  Vi. 
want  to  continue  this  tradition.  We  are 
working  to  put  together  a  program  to 
provide  extended  scholarships  and  train 
ing  opportunities  for  faculty  members 
and  graduate  students  from  Philippine  I 
universities  and  colleges.  We  are  also 
encouraging  state  and  private  institu- 
tions to  increase  existing  ties  with 
various  Philippine  educational 


Collectively,  the  Aquino  government 
may  possess  more  hope  and  pride  than  i 
any  government  in  modern  Philippines  I 
history.  It  also  faces  problems  of 


Department  of  State  Bulletii 


paralleled  severity.  Its  objectives  of 
kimizing  Philippine  freedom  and 
lelopment  are  aims  which  all 
lericans  share.  Its  strategy  for  attain- 
I  these  high  purposes  is  beginning  to 
Bnonstrate  concrete  and  positive 

President  Aquino  put  the  challenge 
to  us  directly  in  her  stirring  address  to 
the  Congress:  "Join  us,  America,"  she 
said,  "as  we  build  a  new  home  for 
democracy,  another  haven  for  the 

We  accept  that  challenge  and  intend 
to  demonstrate  our  support  by  deed  and 
word.  ■ 

isit  of  Philippines'  President  Aquino 

President  Corazon  C.  Aquino  of  the 
hublic  of  the  Philippines  made  an 
{rial  working  visit  to  Washington, 
}'.,  September  15-19.  1986,  to  meet 
ih  President  Reagan  and  other  govern- 
mt  officials. 

Following  on    ii  murks  ininle  hi/  tin 

!■  Presidents  after  their  meeting  on 
Member  17.1 

fcsident  Reagan 

•vas  truly  a  pleasure  to  welcome  and 
let  today  with  Philippine  President 
iazon  Aquino.  Her  courage  and  her 
timitment  to  democracy,  mirroring 
Ise  same  qualities  in  the  Filipino  peo- 
C,  have  inspired  the  world,  and  it's 
K)  an  honor  to  have  her  as  our  guest. 

President  Aquino  and  I  discussed  her 
strenuous  efforts  to  bolster  the  demo- 
cratic institutions  of  her  country  and  to 
ensure  its  security  and  strengthen  its 
economy.  And  I  assured  her  that  all 
America  wants  the  Philippine  democracy 
to  succeed  and  to  prosper  and  that  we'll 
do  what  we  can  to  help. 

These  have  been  trying  times  in  the 
Philippines.  President  Aquino  has  been 
overseeing  a  historic  transition.  In  the 
coming  months  a  new  constitution  will 
be  submitted  which  will  pave  the  way  for 
strong,  democratically  elected  local  and 
national  governments.  In  the  meantime, 
President  Aquino  has  been  doing  her 
level  best  to  unite  her  richly  diverse  peo- 
ple under  a  banner  of  freedom  and 

Her  efforts  to  reconcile  all  elements 
of  her  society  and  bring  them  into  the 
democratic  process  are  applauded  here.  I 
might  add  that  her  personal  bravery  in 
this  heroic  endeavor  to  diffuse  conflict 
has  won  the  hearts  and  imagination  of 
the  people  everywhere. 

Despite  President  Aquino's  efforts, 
however,  well-armed  communist  guer- 
rillas remain  a  threat  to  democracy  in 
the  Philippines.  President  Aquino  and  I 
discussed  her  strategy  to  meet  this 
challenge.  It  includes  attacking  the  root 
political,  economic,  and  social  problems 
that  feed  insurgencies.  The  second  half 
of  the  formula  is  building  the  Philippine 
military  into  a  professional,  properly 
armed  and  trained  force  that  is  capable 
of  dealing  with  any  threat. 

The  United  States  stands  ready  to 
assist  President  Aquino  in  her  quest  to 
create  a  stable  and  secure  land  as  well  as 
in  her  commitment  to  invigorate  the 
Philippine  economy. 

During  our  discussion  today,  Presi- 
dent Aquino  reaffirmed  her  belief  that 
free  enterprise  is  the  surest  path  to 
development,  the  surest  method  of  open- 
ing the  door  of  opportunity  and  advance- 
ment to  all  her  people.  Her  government 
stands  for  free  trade  and  is  encouraging 
private  investment.  She  knows  in  the 
long  run  nothing  would  better  serve  the 
Filipino  people  than  unleashing  the 
entrepreneurial  spirit  and  putting  the 
creative  and  economy-building  power  of 
the  marketplace  to  work. 

As  one  might  surmise  after  hearing 
this,  I'm  bullish  on  the  Philippines.  I 
would  hope  American  as  well  as  foreign 
investors  take  notice  of  the  incredible 
opportunity  to  help  build  a  country.  For 
our  part,  we  will  mold  our  efforts  to 
encourage  development  in  the  Philip- 
pines. Today,  for  example,  we  discussed 
the  idea  of  increasing  Philippine  exports 
to  the  United  States,  including  improved 
treatment  under  our  generalized  system 
of  preferences.  We  also  considered  ways 
in  which  the  Philippines  can  provide  a 
larger  share  of  the  goods  and  services 
consumed  by  the  U.S.  military  facilities 
within  that  country. 

And  just  a  side  note,  when  talking 
about  those  bases,  our  two  countries 
share  common  interests  in  the  peace  and 
stability  of  the  Pacific  region.  I'm  confi- 
dent that  we  will  continue  to  enjoy  a 
strong  mutual  defense  relationship  for 
the  foreseeable  future.  President  Aquino 
reaffirmed  today  that  the  military  bases 
agreement  will  be  respected  through  its 
current  term.  I  understand  and  am  com- 
fortable with  her  position.  The  next 
review  of  our  defense  relations  is  sched- 
uled in  1988,  and  that  gives  us  and  the 

Ihpmhpr  1QRR 



people  of  the  Philippines  plenty  of  time 
to  think  about  it. 

In  the  meantime,  I  will  continue  to 
ask  Congress  for  appropriate  levels  of 
economic  and  military  assistance  above 
and  beyond  existing  U.S.  base-related 
commitments.  The  latest  installment  of 
our  current  aid  effort— a  $100  million 
grant  of  economic  support  funds,  which 
I'm  pleased  to  announce  will  be  signed 
by  our  respective  Cabinet  members  in  a 
few  moments,2  a  $50  million  grant  of 
military  assistance,  along  with  a  $20 
million  package  of  medical  supplies  and 
services— has  been  approved. 

In  the  future,  to  the  largest  extent 
possible,  future  U.S.  aid  will  be  designed 
to  provide  the  greatest  benefit  without 
exacerbating  the  country's  debt  burden. 

And  one  last  thought:  Today  govern- 
ments, businesses,  financial  institutions, 

and  individuals  are  dealing  with  a  new 
kind  of  government  in  the  Philippines. 
We're  dealing  with  a  noble  and  honest 
people— people  with  ideals,  people  we 
can  trust.  And  we  place  a  high  value  on 
character  and  hope  everyone  appreciates 
this  and  takes  it  into  account. 

A  great  Filipino  hero,  Dr.  Jose  Rizal, 
once  wrote,  "God  is  justice:  He  cannot 
abandon  His  cause,  the  cause  of  liberty, 
without  which  no  justice  is  possible." 
Well,  Jose  Rizal,  like  President  Aquino's 
husband,  died  for  freedom  and  inspired 
his  nation. 

President  Aquino  and  I  reaffirmed 
the  commitment  of  our  two  peoples  to 
the  ideals  which  so  many  Americans  and 
Filipinos  have  given  their  lives,  and  we 
also  reaffirm  the  bonds  of  friendship  and 
affection  between  the  United  States  and 
the  Philippines. 

President  Aquino 

This  has  been  an  opportunity  to  get  to ' 
know  each  other,  to  explore  common 
issues  together.  Above  all,  though,  I  c;: 
say  that  for  my  part  the  most  importa 
aspect  has  been  the  chance  to  meet  ea>\ 

We  are  both  politicians  who  set 
great  store  on  face-to-face  encounters.  I 
Government-to-government  contacts- 
have  their  proper  place,  yet  when  the 
leadership  of  a  country  changes  in  sue 
dramatic  fashion,  as  happened  in  the 
Philippines,  it  is  only  right  that  the 
Presidents  of  two  such  close  allies  met 
and  get  to  know  each  other.  Issues  do 
not  generate  of  their  own  accord  the 
decisions  that  will  resolve  them.  In  the 
end,  decisions  will  be  made  by  the  peo  j 
who  have  the  responsibility  to  make 

Philippines— A  Profile 

Philippine  Sea 




Area:  300,000  sq.  km.  (115,830  sq.  mi.). 
Cities:  Capital— Manila  (pop.  7  million  in 
metropolitan  area).  Other  cities— Davao 
(600,000),  Cebu  (450,000).  Terrain:  65% 
mountainous,  with  narrow  coastal  lowlands. 
Climate:  Tropical,  astride  typhoon  belt. 


Noun:  Filipino(s).  Adjective:  Philippine. 
Population  (1985):  54.6  million.  Annual 
growth  rate  (1985):  2.4%.  Ethnic  groups: 

Malay,  Chinese.  Religions:  Catholic  83%, 
Protestant  9%,  Muslim  5%,  other  3%. 
Languages:  Pilipino  (based  on  Tagalog), 
national  language;  English,  language  of 

government  and  instruction  in  higher  educa- 
tion. Education:  Years  compulsory— d. 
Attendance— above  95%  in  elementary  grades, 
57%  in  secondary  grades.  Literacy— about 
88%.  Health:  Infant  mortality  rate  (1985)- 
52.5/1,000.  Life  expectancy  (1985)-65.4  years. 
Work  force  (20.6  million,  1984  est.): 
Agriculture— 52%.  Industry  and 
commerce— 16%.  Services— 13.5%. 
Government-10%.  Other— 9.5%.  Official 
unemployment  rate  (1985)— 7.3%. 


Type:  Republic.  Independence:  1946.  Con- 
stitution: Provisional;  new  permanent  con- 
stitution scheduled  to  be  drafted  and  submit- 
ted in  a  plebiscite  to  electorate  late  1986. 

Political  parties:  Philippine  Democratic 
Party  (PDP/Laban);  United  Nationalist 
Democratic  Organization  (UNIDO);  New 
Society  Movement  (KBL),  Partido 
Nacionalista  Philipina  (PNP),  and  other  small 
parties.  Suffrage:  Universal  and  compulsory. 

Administrative  subdivisions:  12  regions 
plus  Metro  Manila,  74  provinces,  60  chartered 

Central  government  budget:  $4.9  billion. 

Defense:  (1985)  1.1%  of  estimated  1985 

Flag:  Two  horizontal  bands— the  top  blue, 
the  bottom  red— joined  at  the  staff  side  with  a 
white  triangle.  Centered  on  the  triangle  is  a 
yellow,  eight-rayed  sun.  In  each  corner  of  the 
triangle  is  a  yellow  star. 


GNP  (1985):  $32.6  billion  (nominal).  Annua  • 
growth  rate:  12.8%  (nominal);  -  3.8%  (rea  ' 
Per  capita  income  (1985):  $598.  Annual 
inflation  rate:  10%,  1983;  50.8%,  1984;  I 
20.3%,  1985;  4.0%,  1986  (est). 

Natural  resources:  Timber,  copper, 
nickel,  iron,  cobalt,  silver,  gold,  petroleum. 

Agriculture  (26.46%  of  GDP):  Sugar,  f 
coconut  products,  rice,  corn,  pineapples,  an1 

Industries  (32.72%  of  GDP):  Textiles, 
pharmaceuticals,  chemicals,  wood  products, 
food  processing,  electronics  assembly.  Serv 
ices:  40.82%  of  GDP. 

Trade  (1985):  Exports-$4.6  billion.  M<& 
markets— VS.  Japan,  EC.  Imports— $5.6    - 
billion.  Major  suppliers— -US,  Japan,  EC. 

Exchange  rate  (June  1986):  20.50 
pesos  =  US$l. 

Membership  in  International 

UN  and  its  specialized  agencies,  including 
World  Bank  Group  (IBRD,  IFC,  IDA),  Inter 
national  Monetary  Fund  (IMF),  General 
Agreement  on  Tariffs  and  Trade  (GATT),  ail 
International  Atomic  Energy  Agency  (lAEt 
Association  of  South  East  Asian  Nations 
(ASEAN);  Asian  Development  Bank  (ADB); 

Taken  from  the  Background  Notes  of  Augt 
1986,  published  by  the  Bureau  of  Public  Mail 
Department  of  State.  Editor:  Sharon  R.  Lotz. 


nonartmonl  nf  Qfato   Rirllfitl 


From  this  meeting  today  both  our 
ernments  will  go  out  with  a  clear 
se  of  priorities,  with  a  recognition 
c  we  must  both  work  hard  to 
mgthen  the  bonds  between  us.  I  hope 
have  set  the  tone  and  direction  for  a 
i  relationship.  By  recovering  our 
locracy,  we  Filipinos  have  recovered 

self-confidence  and  pride  and  hence 
ability  to  deal  with  our  major  ally  on 
;qual  footing.  This  is  the  only  basis 
a  relationship  between  friends,  and  I 
lk  we  were  able  to  start  on  that 
nda  today.  I  was  able  to  explain  to 
sident  Reagan  the  problems  we  have 
erited,  all  of  them  rooted  in  a  deva- 
;ed  economy.  I  was  also  able  to  out- 
i  to  him  what  we  are  doing  to  set 
lgs  right.  I  am  gratified  that  Presi- 
it  Reagan  understands  and  supports 
it  we  are  trying  to  do. 

As  you  know,  we  have  placed  our 
h  in  the  private  sector  as  the  stimulus 
jrowth.  I  also  briefed  the  President 
the  wide  range  of  reforms  we  have 
marked  on  to  resolve  our  difficulties, 
lew  constitution  is  in  the  final  stages 
irafting.  There  will  be  a  referendum 
it  followed  by  elections  early  next 
r.  We  are  carrying  out  a  long- 
rdue  program  of  military  reform. 
;hin  this  context  of  an  economic 
onstruction,  political  rebuilding,  and 
itary  reform,  we  can  combat  our 
laining  problem:  the  insurgency.  As 

know,  we  are  pursuing  a  political 
iroach,  but  this  is  backed  by  the 
itary  option.  In  all  these  areas  of 
uilding,  I  hope  we  can  count  on 
lerican  support  and  understanding. 

But  most  important,  reform  is  being 
le  in  a  new  environment  of  freedom, 
nan  rights,  and  democracy.  So,  as 
ay's  discussions  showed,  we  have  a 
of  values  in  common  again.  We 
nire  freedom  and  hard  work  in  just 

way  you  do.  For  two  countries  who 

e  a  faith  in  God,  in  freedom,  in  the 
lily,  and  in  democratic  values,  we 

uld  allow  nothing  to  come  in  the  way 
in  ever-growing  friendship. 

Today  was  a  good  beginning,  and  I 
nk  you  all  for  it. 

U.S. -Soviet  Relations: 

Coping  With  Conflicts  in  the  Third  World 

'Made  at  the  South  Portico  of  the  White 
ise  (text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
sidential  Documents  of  Sept.  22,  1986). 

2Following  the  departure  of  the  two 
sidents,  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
les  A.  Baker,  III  and  Philippines  Minister 
•Mnance  Jaime  Ongpin  signed  an  agree- 
nt  providing  the  $100  million  in  U.S. 
nomic  assistance  to  the  Philippine 
/ernment.  ■ 

by  Michael  H.  Armacost 

Address  at  the  opening  of  the  Insti- 
tute for  International  Studies  at  Brown 
1  University  in  Providence,  Rhode  Island, 
on  September  26,  1986.  Ambassador 
Armacost  is  Under  Secretary  for 

Political  Affairs. 

It  is  a  great  honor  to  speak  at  this  con- 
ference inaugurating  the  new  Institute 
for  International  Studies. 

This  conference  is  most  timely.  U.S.- 
Soviet relations  are  at  one  of  those 
critical  junctures  which  comes  along 

•  The  Soviet  Union  has  a  new 
leader,  Mikhail  Gorbachev,  who  is  taking 
a  fresh  look  at  Soviet  policies  and 

•  We  have  an  experienced  and 
popular  President  who  has  restored 
American  military  and  economic  power 
and  who  is  in  a  position  to  negotiate  with 
adversaries  with  confidence  in  our  own 

•  New  military  technology  is  on  the 
horizon  which  challenges  the  orthodox 
concepts  of  deterrence  and  opens  the 
door  to  important  opportunities  for 
major  strategic  arms  reductions. 

•  Our  dialogue  with  the  Soviet 
Union  has  been  intensified,  and  last 
week's  talks  between  Secretary  Shultz 
and  Foreign  Minister  Shevardnadze 
revealed  hopeful  possibilities  for  prog- 
ress on  a  broad  agenda. 

Nonetheless,  the  Daniloff  case  once 
again  illustrates  the  nature  of  the  Soviet 
system  and  leaves  a  dark  cloud  hanging 
over  the  relationship.  And  unless  that 
case  is  promptly  resolved,  a  fruitful  sum- 
mit meeting  is  difficult  to  envisage. 
Many  are  skeptical  about  summit  meet- 
ings under  the  best  of  circumstances. 
But  I  think  former  British  Prime 
Minister  Ramsey  MacDonald  expressed  it 
well  to  a  young  Foreign  Office  specialist 
who  exhibited  doubts  about  high-level 
meetings.  "The  desire  for  peace,"  said 
the  young  officer,  "does  not  necessarily 
ensure  peace."  "Quite  true,"  replied 
MacDonald.  "Neither  does  the  desire  for 
food  satisfy  hunger.  But  at  least  it  gets 
you  started  toward  a  restaurant." 

Others  at  this  forum  have  addressed 
the  central  East- West  arms  control  ques- 
tions. I  would  like  to  discuss  another 
important  thread  in  our  relationship  with 
Moscow:  Soviet  ambitions  in  the  so- 
called  Third  World,  with  particular 

emphasis  on  the  adjustments  of  Soviet 
strategy  which  we  are  beginning  to  see 
under  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  and 
the  guidelines  the  Reagan  Administra- 
tion has  used  to  inform  its  policy  in  the 
developing  world. 

Historical  Reflections 

Let  me  begin  with  some  general  reflec- 
tions. We  and  the  Soviets  are  necessary 
partners  in  the  task  of  avoiding  nuclear 
war,  restraining  the  arms  race,  and 
preventing  regional  conflicts  from 
becoming  global  confrontations.  But  we 
and  the  Soviets  are  also  natural 
geopolitical  rivals.  De  Tocqueville 
foresaw,  more  than  100  years  ago,  an 
inevitable  collision  of  interests  between 
Russia— a  great  continental  empire  with 
a  tradition  of  arbitrary  authority— and 
America— a  great  insular  republic  com- 
mitted to  the  principle  of  freedom. 

The  cold  war  began  with  such  a 
clash.  In  the  aftermath  of  the  last  World 
War,  Stalin  sought  to  alter  the  world 
balance  of  power  by  gaining  dominance 
of  the  Eurasian  land  mass,  especially  in 
those  peripheral  areas  where  great 
centers  of  political  and  industrial  power 
were  concentrated.  Having  imposed  his 
rule  on  Eastern  Europe,  Stalin  tried  to 
separate  us,  first  from  Europe  by 
blockading  Berlin  and  then  from  Asia  by 
supporting  the  North  Korean  attack 
upon  South  Korea. 

These  events,  combined  with  the 
clash  of  values  and  ideas  between  two 
antithetical  social  and  political  systems, 
led  to  the  development  of  America's  con- 
tainment policy— a  policy  applied  first  in 
Western  Europe  and  subsequently 
adapted  to  the  requirements  of  other 
regions.  This  policy  has  been  remarkably 
successful  in  stabilizing  the  original 
theater  of  conflict.  Indeed,  the  only 
hostile  Soviet  military  operations  under- 
taken in  Europe  over  the  past  genera- 
tion have  been  directed  against  other 
communist  countries— East  Germany, 
Poland,  Hungary,  and  Czechoslovakia. 

The  struggle  in  other  regions  has 
been  more  fluid.  The  Soviet  Union  has 
continued  for  nearly  a  generation  to 
expand  its  influence  and  establish 
military  footholds  in  the  Third  World. 
Khrushchev  tried  in  the  1950s  to  turn 
newly  decolonized  nations  against  the 
West  by  cultivating  such  emerging 
figures  as  Nasser,  Sukarno,  Nkrumah, 
Toure,  and  Nehru.  Moscow  was  all  too 
ready  to  fan  conflict  in  newly  formed 

-.V^nr    1QQC 



nations  beset  by  instability  and  internal 

In  the  Third  World  of  the  1960s, 
there  appeared  to  be  some  receptivity  to 
Soviet  blandishments.  Marxist  ideology 
still  offered  a  model  for  social  develop- 
ment which  some  found  attractive; 
statist  economic  practices  were  much  in 
vogue;  the  Leninist  party  appeared  to 
offer  leaders  in  newly  independent 
nations  an  instrument  for  establishing 
and  maintaining  power;  and  the  Rus- 
sians were  generous  in  supplying  arms 
and,  occasionally,  economic  assistance  to 
select  Third  World  governments  and 

In  1962,  we  confronted  one  of  the 
most  dangerous  situations  of  the  post- 
war period  in  the  Third  World- 
Khrushchev's  attempt  to  deploy  inter- 
mediate-range missiles  in  Cuba.  The 
missiles  were  removed,  but  Soviet 
influence  and  military  presence  on  the 
island  were  not. 

Following  Khrushchev's  ouster,  the 
Soviets  were  for  a  time  preoccupied  with 
domestic  developments.  The  Sino-Soviet 
split  was  a  major  strategic  setback  for 
Moscow,  as  was  Sadat's  bold  decision  to 
throw  Soviet  military  advisers  out  of 
Egypt.  In  the  heyday  of  detente  in  the 
early  1970s,  an  attempt  was  even  made 
to  codify  "rules  of  the  road"  for  manag- 
ing U.S. -Soviet  competition  in  the  Third 

It  soon  became  apparent,  however, 
that  Moscow  and  Washington  harbored 
vastly  different  interpretations  of  these 
"rules."  And  agreements— like  the  1972 
Treaty  on  Mutual  Relations— could  not 
induce  restraint  when  the  balance  of 
power  underlying  such  agreements  was 
allowed  to  erode. 

In  the  mid-1970s,  Moscow  moved 
boldly  to  exploit  turmoil  in  several  dif- 
ferent regions  against  the  backdrop  of 
what  it  perceived  to  be  a  new  "correla- 
tion of  forces"  emerging  from  Hanoi's 
victory  in  Indochina,  post-Vietnam 
malaise  in  the  United  States,  and  the 
uneasiness  of  our  friends  and  allies 
caused  by  the  apparent  decline  of 
American  power  and  will. 

•  As  the  Portuguese  empire  in 
Africa  crumbled,  the  Soviets  airlifted 
thousands  of  Cubans  to  Angola  and 
worked  to  establish  a  close  relationship 
with  a  Marxist  regime  in  Mozambique. 

•  Cuban  troops,  with  Soviet  help 
and  advisers,  intervened  in  the  conflict 
between  Ethiopia  and  Somalia. 

•  In  1979,  Vietnam  invaded  Cam- 
be  idia  only  a  week  after  signing  a  friend- 
ship treaty  with  Moscow. 

•  The  Soviet  Union  supported  the 
triumphant  Nicaraguan  communists 

who  proclaimed  a  "revolution  without 

•  The  Soviet  invasion  of  Afghan- 
istan in  1979  constituted  the  first 
massive  use  of  Soviet  troops  outside 
Eastern  Europe  since  World  War  II. 
This  brazen  move  destroyed  the 
independence  of  a  nonaligned  neighbor, 
threatened  the  security  of  Pakistan,  and 
extended  forward  by  several  hundred 
miles  the  Soviet  capacity  to  project 
military  power  toward  the  Persian  Gulf. 

These  actions  suggested  a  broad 
effort  by  Moscow  to  shift  the  global 
balance  of  forces,  tore  the  fabric  of  our 
bilateral  relationship  with  the  Soviets, 
undermined  any  practical  prospect  of 
Senate  ratification  of  SALT  II  [strategic 
arms  limitation  talks],  and  discredited 
proponents  of  detente  in  this  country. 

Recalling  these  episodes  reminds  us 
of  these  lessons. 

•  Containing  the  spread  of  Soviet 
power  requires  that  we  resist  provoc- 
ative Soviet  actions  "on  the  ground"— 
with  sufficient  resources  and,  if 
necessary,  by  force. 

•  Negotiations  on  regional  issues 
only  work  when  the  Soviets  know  that 
their  use  of  force  will  not  yield  them 
easy  gains. 

•  Containment  cannot  be  accom- 
plished by  military  means  alone  or  by  the 
United  States  acting  alone. 

•  Soviet  gains  in  the  Third  World 
have,  on  occasion,  proved  transitory. 
Moscow  has  suffered  its  own  setbacks. 

•  Nationalism  can  be  a  principal  ally 
in  containing  the  extension  of  Soviet 
influence  and  in  reversing  it.  In 
Yugoslavia  and  China,  Tito  and  Mao 
mobilized  their  partisans  behind  the  ban- 
ner of  national  independence  as  well  as  a 
commitment  to  create  communism.  They 
enlisted  broad  local  support  and 
improvised  their  own  strategy  for  attain- 
ing power.  These  leaders  accepted 
assistance  from  Moscow,  but  the  Soviet 
Union  did  not  achieve  durable  control 
because  the  Yugoslav  and  Chinese 
revolutions  triumphed  through  their  own 
efforts  and  as  a  consequence  of  their 
own  independent  strength.  Their 
nationalism— in  the  absence  on  their  soil 
of  Soviet  troops— precluded  subservience 
to  any  foreign  power— including  the 
Soviet  Union. 

•  The  explosive  character  of  many 
regional  conflicts  only  underscores  the 
need  for  U.S. -Soviet  dialogue— even 
when  negotiated  solutions  are  not  in 
sight.  In  a  nuclear  age,  we  cannot  afford 
the  kind  of  miscalculations  that  prompted 
Stalin  and  his  North  Korean  ally  to 
interpret  Dean  Acheson's  remark  about 

our  Asian  defense  perimeter  as  license 
to  initiate  aggression  in  Korea. 

Gorbachev's  Policv 
in  the  Third  World 

What  of  Mr.  Gorbachev?  Gorbachev  ha 
made  clear  his  intention  of  revitalizing 
the  Soviet  industrial  base  as  a  means  c 
preserving  its  power  and  prestige 
abroad.  Although  his  immediate  priori 
may  be  cosmetic,  Gorbachev  has  alreai 
injected  a  new  dynamism  into  Soviet 
foreign  policy.  He  has  emphasized  the 
need  for  fresh  ideas  and  has  shuffled 
people  in  the  central  foreign  policy 

•  He  has  put  forward  a  variety  of  i 
arms  control  initiatives  and  sought  to 
mobilize  Western  public  opinion  in  the: 

•  He  has  courted  key  West  Euro- 
pean countries  and  Japan  in  hopes  of 
enhancing  the  Soviet  strategic  positior 
and  encouraging  divisions  within  the 
Western  alliance  system. 

•  By  making  new  overtures  to  Chj| 
in  his  recent  Vladivostok  speech,  he 
has  hinted  at  the  possibility  of  new 
diplomatic  flexibility  and  highlighted 
Soviet  ambitions  for  influence  in  the 
Asia-Pacific  area. 

In  this  flurry  of  diplomatic  activity 
the  developing  world  has  not  escaped 
Mr.  Gorbachev's  attention.  The  Soviet 
position  in  many  Third  World  countries 
has  declined  in  recent  years  as  a  result  I 
of  the  waning  appeal  of  Soviet  ideology  | 
and  exposure  of  the  real  meaning  of 
Moscow's  commitment  to  "national 
liberation"  in  Afghanistan  and 

Soviet  involvement  in  the  Third 
World  economy  has  been  modest  at  bes 
The  U.S.S.R.  has  provided  neither  a 
prime  market  for  Third  World  exports 
nor  a  source  of  technology  and  finished 
goods;  Soviet  nonmilitary  aid  to  the 
developing  world  has  been  negligible; 
and,  its  statist,  highly  centralized  com- 
mand economy  has  lost  much  of  its 
earlier  allure  in  the  face  of  the  progress 
achieved  in  recent  years  by  more 
market-oriented  economies. 

To  refurbish  his  country's  tarnished^ 
image.  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  hai 
reactivated  Soviet  diplomacy  in  the 
Third  World.  He  has  renewed  efforts  to 
cultivate  market-oriented  Third  World 
countries.  Establishment  of  diplomatic 
relations  with  Oman  and  the  United 
Arab  Emirates  in  1985,  growth  of  Sovie 
economic  ties  with  Argentina  and  Brazil 
new  efforts  to  improve  ties  with  the 
nations  of  ASEAN  [Association  of  Soutl 
East  Asian  Nations]  and  the  South 


Department  of  State  Bulleti 


cific,  greater  emphasis  on  UN  multi- 
eral  diplomacy,  and  Foreign  Minister 
evardnadze's  upcoming  trip  to  Mexico 
:  all  indicative  of  a  new  approach. 
This  new  activity  is  directed  toward 
ariety  of  goals. 

•  It  aims  to  enhance  the  Soviet 
>acity  to  influence  the  resolution  of 
standing  regional  disputes.  The 
lewed  emphasis  on  convening  an 
ernational  conference  on  the  Middle 
st  as  well  as  the  recent  consular  talks 
:h  the  Israelis  are  illustrative  of  this 

•  Several  recent  Soviet  initiatives, 
rticularly  the  call  for  Soviet  participa- 
n  in  Pacific  Basin  economic  develop- 
■nt  and  application  for  full  member- 

p  in  the  General  Agreement  on 
riffs  and  Trade  (GATT),  reflect  a 
sire  to  take  advantage  of  economic 
portunities  from  which  the  Soviets 
£e  excluded  themselves  in  the  past. 

•  This  new  Soviet  activism  also 
'erts  attention  from  Moscow's  sizable 
litary  buildup  in  the  Pacific  over 

:  past  decade,  its  occupation  of 
ghanistan,  and  support  for  Vietnam's 
pupation  of  Cambodia.  Soviet  endorse- 
■nt  of  regional  nuclear-free  zones  plays 
regional  anxieties  about  nuclear 
apons,  particularly  in  the  South 

The  bottom  line,  however,  is  clear: 
sport  for  Third  World  clients  remains 
m— support  for  friendly  regimes  in 
ghanistan,  Angola,  Cambodia, 
caragua,  and  North  Korea  has  been 

In  Afghanistan,  Soviet  tactics  have, 
inything,  increased  in  their  brutality. 
forts  to  intimidate  Pakistan  have  also 
reased  over  the  past  year. 

In  Angola,  the  Soviets  have  substan- 
lly  increased  their  military  and 
momic  aid  to  the  Popular  Movement 
•  the  Liberation  of  Angola  (MPLA). 
ice  1984,  such  assistance  exceeds  $2 
lion.  They  also  directed  a  1985  offen- 
e  against  Savimbi's  UNITA  [National 
lion  for  the  Total  Independence  of 
igola]  forces  and,  along  with  the 
ibans,  are  engaged  in  preparations  for 
other  offensive. 

In  Nicaragua,  the  Soviets  have 
■eady  delivered  more  military  aid  in 
86  than  in  any  previous  year. 

In  Indochina,  the  Soviets  continue 
provide  roughly  $1  billion  a  year  in  aid 
Vietnam.  In  return,  the  Vietnamese 
ve  permitted  the  Soviets  expanded  use 
military  facilities  in  Cam  Ranh  Bay 
d  Da  Nang. 

In  Northeast  Asia,  the  Soviets  have 
ovided  advanced  MiG-23  fighters  to 

North  Korea,  increased  port  calls  to 
military  ships  of  the  Soviet  Pacific  fleet, 
will  have  secured  in  return  Pyongyang's 
support  for  expanded  I'.S.S.R.  intelli- 
gence activities  against  our  friends  and 
allies  in  the  area. 

Soviet  support  for  such  client 
regimes  imposes  more  than  simply  finan- 
cial costs.  Politically,  Soviet  and  Soviet- 
supported  military  interventions  have 
put  the  Soviets  on  the  diplomatic  defen- 
sive, exposed  them  to  UN  condemnation, 
alienated  them  from  the  Muslim  world, 
and  left  them  backing  a  number  of 
governments  of  dubious  legitimacy  con- 
fronting a  rising  tide  of  indigenous 
nationalist  resistance. 

These  costs  are  likely  to  increase.  In 
Nicaragua,  the  democratic  resistance  is 
growing  in  strength  and  numbers;  in 
Angola,  Savimbi's  UNITA  forces  have 
extended  the  area  under  their  control;  in 
Cambodia,  Hanoi's  puppet  regime  can- 
not maintain  itself  without  the  presence 
of  nearly  150,000  Vietnamese  troops; 
and  in  Afghanistan,  the  resistance  has 
successfully  held  its  own  against  over- 
whelming odds  for  over  6  years.  Mr. 
Gorbachev's  recent  acknowledgment 
that  the  Afghan  regime  needs  to  take 
into  account  elements  from  outside  the 
country  is  eloquent,  if  unintended, 
testimony  to  the  mujahidin  's  fortitude 
and  staying  power. 

The  Soviet  leadership  is  undoubtedly 
sensitive  to  the  growing  burden  of 
foreign  interventionism.  General 
Secretary  Gorbachev's  address  to  the 
27th  Party  Congress  devoted  little 
attention  to  Third  World  nations.  In  the 
recently  adopted  party  program,  there 
were  no  specific  offers  of  military  and 
economic  help  to  "liberated"  Third 
World  clients;  instead,  there  were 
injunctions  that  Third  World  friends 
must  build  socialism  "mainly  by  their 
own  efforts." 

The  precise  meaning  of  these 
statements  is  unclear.  There  is  no 
evidence  to  date  that  the  Soviets  are  cut- 
ting back  on  existing  commitments. 
General  Secretary  Gorbachev  may  be 
reluctant,  however,  to  assume  new  risks 
and  new  commitments  in  the  Third 
World  and  may  try,  as  in  Afghanistan, 
to  get  client  regimes  to  shoulder  a 
greater  share  of  the  security  and 
development  burden.  Over  the  longer 
term,  as  these  insurgencies  continue  to 
gain  strength,  Moscow  will  have  to  make 
more  far-reaching  reassessments.  Their 
judgments  will  depend  heavily  upon  the 
consequences  of  our  own  commitments 
to  support  those  who  are  fighting  for 
their  independence  and  a  more  open 
political  system. 

U.S.  Policy  Toward 
the  Third  World 

The  United  States  possesses  a  strong 
hand  for  dealing  with  the  challenge 
posed  by  the  Soviet  Union  in  the  Third 
World.  Our  cards  include  our  military 
strength,  the  dynamism  of  our  economy, 
and  the  diversity  and  vitality  of  our 
culture  and  political  system.  Our 
greatest  asset  is  our  openness  to  the 
world— to  people,  to  ideas,  to  enterprise, 
and  to  change. 

Our  economy  is  open.  Despite  pro- 
tectionist pressures,  the  United  States 
remains  the  largest  market  for  develop- 
ing countries'  exports.  U.S.  imports  of 
manufactured  goods  from  developing 
countries  more  than  doubled  from  1980 
to  1985.  In  the  latter  year,  the  United 
States  purchased  62%  of  all  manufac- 
tured goods  imported  by  industrialized 
nations  from  developing  countries. 
Agreement  last  week  in  Punta  del  Este 
to  launch  a  new  GATT  trade  round 
promises  to  give  developing  countries 
expanded  trading  opportunities  and 
access  to  our  markets. 

Beyond  working  for  freer  and  more 
open  trade,  we  have  also  addressed 
obstacles  to  economic  development  in 
specific  regions  and  countries.  For  exam- 
ple, [Treasury]  Secretary  Baker  pro- 
posed at  the  last  IMF  [International 
Monetary  Fund]  and  IBRD  [Interna- 
tional Bank  for  Reconstruction  and 
Development]  meeting  an  imaginative 
response  to  the  less  developed  countries' 
debt  problems.  We  continue  to  assign  a 
high  priority  to  developmental 

The  most  impressive  index  of  change 
in  the  Third  World,  however,  is  not 
found  in  statistics  on  aid  or  trade  but, 
rather,  in  the  growing  acknowledgment 
by  leaders  of  developing  countries  that 
reliance  on  the  market  is  the  key  to 
growth  and  prosperity.  The  two  most 
populous  countries  in  the  world— China 
and  India— have  begun  to  deregulate  and 
decentralize  their  economies.  The  newly 
industrialized  economies  of  East  Asia— 
e.g.,  Singapore.  Taiwan,  South  Korea, 
and  Malaysia— became  economic 
"miracles"  because  they  gave  economic 
incentives  and  open  markets  a  chance. 
At  the  May  UN  Special  Session  on  the 
Critical  Economic  Situation  in  Africa, 
the  African  nations— including  those 
hardest  hit  by  experiments  in  collectivist 
planning— issued  an  extraordinary  docu- 
ment calling  for  more  open  markets  and 
less  state  intervention. 

In  sum,  the  problems  faced  by  Third 
World  developing  countries  accentuate 
U.S.  strengths  and  Soviet  weaknesses. 

member  1986 



Reagan  Doctrine  and  Negotiations 

Let  me  be  clear:  the  United  States  does 
not  challenge  the  Soviet  desire  to  play  a 
global  role.  Our  concerns  derive  from  the 
fact  that  the  Soviets  rely  to  an  excessive 
degree  upon  military  power  and  military 
force  to  pursue  their  objectives  in  the 
Third  World.  Consequently,  we  cannot 
rely  exclusively  on  nonmilitary  means  to 
meet  the  challenge  they  pose  in  the 
Third  World. 

Building  on  the  lessons  of  the  past, 
an  American  strategy  to  counter  Soviet 
military  intervention  in  the  Third  World 
should  include  the  following  elements. 

First,  we  should  support  indigenous 
resistance  to  Soviet  expansionist  moves. 
As  President  Reagan  has  stated, 
"Resistance  forces  fighting  against  com- 
munist tyranny  deserve  our  support." 

The  form  and  extent  of  our  help  will 
vary  in  individual  cases,  but  increasing 
the  political  and  economic  costs  of  Soviet 
intervention  is  the  most  promising 
method  of  deterring  Moscow  from  future 
adventures.  For  this  reason,  we  have 
pledged  our  support  to  the  Afghan  peo- 

ple; we  welcomed  the  repeal  of  the  Clark 
amendment;  and  we  enlisted  Senate  and 
House  support  for  aid  to  the  resistance 
in  Nicaragua. 

Second,  we  should  also  promote 
dialogue  and  negotiation  as  a  means  of 
resolving  Third  World  regional  conflicts. 
We  support  the  Contadora  process  in 
Central  America,  the  UN  Secretary 
General's  efforts  to  bring  an  end  to  the 
conflict  in  Afghanistan,  ASEAN's 
diplomatic  initiatives  to  resolve  the  con- 
flict in  Cambodia,  and  proposals  to 
achieve  independence  for  Namibia  along 
with  a  withdrawal  of  Cuban  troops  from 

We  recognize  that  only  agreements 
accommodating  the  interests  of  the  par- 
ties directly  concerned  can  have  any 
durable  effect.  For  that  reason,  in  the 
Middle  East,  we  have  supported  direct 
negotiations  between  Israel  and  her 
Arab  neighbors.  In  Korea,  we  favor 
direct  dialogue  between  North  and 

In  a  speech  to  the  United  Nations 
last  year,  President  Reagan  outlined  a 
broad  three-stage  plan  for  dealing  with 

Departure  of  Soviet  Espionage  Agents 

OCT.  21,  19861 

The  United  States  advised  the  Soviet 
Union  this  morning  of  a  number  of  steps 
designed  to  respond  to  the  Soviet  expul- 
sion of  five  U.S.  diplomats  and  to  ensure 
that  from  this  point  forward  the  Soviet 
diplomatic  representative  in  Washington 
and  San  Francisco  will  be  based  on  the 
principle  of  strict  equality  in  numbers 
with  our  counterpart  representations  in 
Moscow  and  Leningrad.  Specifically, 
Soviet  representatives  were  informed: 

•  That  the  number  of  personnel  in 
the  Soviet  Embassy  in  Washington  and 
the  Soviet  Consulate  General  in  San 
Francisco  must  be  reduced  by  November 
1  to  levels  equal  to  those,  respectively,  of 
the  U.S.  Embassy  in  Moscow  and  Con- 
sulate General  in  Leningrad.  New,  equal 
ceilings  for  the  two  countries'  combined 
bilateral  missions  will  thus  be  established 
as  follows:  for  embassies— 225  positions; 
for  consulates  general— 26  positions. 
Fifty  Soviet  Embassy  and  Consulate 
employees  who  will  be  obliged  to  depart 
the  United  States  pursuant  to  this 
measure  have  been  identified  by  name; 

•  That,  as  a  result  of  the  recent 
Soviet  action  to  expel  five  U.S.  dip- 
lomats, an  additional  four  members  of 
the  Soviet  Embassy  in  Washington,  and 
one  member  of  the  Soviet  Consulate  in 
San  Francisco,  are  declared  persona  non 
grata,  and  must  depart  the  United 
States  by  November  1. 

We  have  repeatedly  informed  the 
Soviets— most  recently  when  we  expelled 
25  named  officials  from  the  Soviet  UN 
mission  in  September— that  we  would 
not  tolerate  the  abuse  of  their  UN  mis- 
sion as  a  safehaven  for  espionage  activi- 
ties. Moreover,  when  we  expelled  the  25 
in  response  to  their  abuse  of  the  UN  mis- 
sion, we  indicated  that  we  would  not 
tolerate  actions  against  our  diplomatic 
missions.  There  is  no  counterpart  U.S. 
presence  in  the  U.S.S.R.  to  the  Soviet 
UN  mission. 

The  United  States  regrets  that  the 
Soviets  have  insisted  on  taking  actions 
that  have  made  these  steps  necessary.  In 
taking  the  actions  described  above,  the 
United  States  has  corrected  a  long- 
standing imbalance  in  our  relationship. 

the  internal  conflicts  raging  in  Angola, 
Afghanistan,  Nicaragua,  Cambodia,  and 
Ethiopia.  The  President  called  for: 

•  A  negotiating  process  between  th 
warring  parties  to  achieve  an  end  to 
violence  and  to  bring  about  national 
reconciliation  and  the  withdrawal  of 
foreign  troops; 

•  U.S.  and  Soviet  talks  on  how  to 
support  such  negotiations  between  the 
parties  and  on  how  to  achieve  the 
verified  elimination  of  foreign  military 
forces  and  the  flow  of  outside  arms;  and 

•  Generous  U.S.  support  for 
reintegration  of  these  countries  into  the 
world  economy  if  a  political  resolution  o 
existing  conflicts  can  be  achieved. 

In  keeping  with  these  principles, 
U.S.  policy  in  Afghanistan  has  been 
directed  toward  a  negotiated  political 
settlement  embodying  the  prompt  and 
complete  withdrawal  of  Soviet  troops. 
No  settlement  is  foreseeable  unless  the 
Afghan  people  have  the  opportunity  to 

'Read  to  news  correspondents  by  Depart- 
ment spokesman  Charles  Redman.  ■ 

select  their  own  form  of  government  an>  | 
to  resume  a  status  of  genuine  nonalign- 
ment.  We  are  pledged  to  guarantee  an    , 
outcome  that  achieves  these  objectives.  t 

Similarly,  in  Angola,  we  have  con- 
sistently urged  the  Luanda  government 
to  sit  down  at  the  negotiating  table  to 
work  out  its  differences  with  UNITA. 
On  the  basis  of  UN  Security  Council 
Resolution  435,  we  have  called  for  the 
independence  of  Namibia  and  the 
withdrawal  of  Cuban  troops  from 
Angola.  In  Nicaragua,  we  have  called  fo. ' 
an  end  to  Cuban  and  Soviet  intervention' 
as  well  as  a  genuine  dialogue  between 
the  Sandinistas  and  the  democratic 
opposition  on  the  basis  of  the  draft  Con- ' 
tadora  agreement  calling  for  the 
democratization  of  the  political  life  of  thil 

Unfortunately,  none  of  the  regimes 
involved  in  these  conflicts  has  responded' 
yet  to  our  call  for  negotiations  with  the   : 
opposition.  Nor  have  proposals  for  the 
withdrawal  of  foreign  troops  borne  fruit.  ! 
The  Soviets  and  their  clients  apparently 
continue  to  believe  that  more  is  to  be 
gained  on  the  battlefield  than  at  the 
bargaining  table.  That  is  why  we  must 
continue  to  support  the  indigenous 
resistance  forces. 

The  Need  for  Superpower  Dialogue 

A  third  element  in  our  policy  involves  a   [ 
dialogue  with  the  Soviet  Union  on  the 
geopolitical  competition  itself.  In 
September  1984,  President  Reagan 
called  for  more  regular  exchanges  with 
the  Soviets  on  regional  problems. 
Moscow  was  initially  cool  to  the  idea  but 
subsequently  agreed  to  the  proposal,  and  i 
over  the  past  2  years,  we  have  held  two   1 


rionartmont  <-if  Qfato  Rnllotin 


(ids  of  talks  on  five  different  subjects: 
(Middle  East,  East  Asia,  Central 
erica  and  the  Caribbean,  southern 
lea,  and  Afghanistan.  As  part  of  the 
jew  process  leading  up  to  the  recent 
jltz-Shevardnadze  meeting,  I  con- 
ned 2  days  of  discussions  with  senior 
(iet  officials  to  review  the  results  of 
{e  expert  discussions.  Secretary 
jjltz  and  Foreign  Minister  Shevard- 
le  devoted  considerable  attention 
ese  issues  when  they  met  in 
hington.  It  is  our  intent  that  such 
anges  will  become  a  regular  feature 
oviet-Ameriean  dialogue  at  the 
ical  level. 
iThe  purpose  of  these  talks  is  not  to 

[)tiate  solutions  to  regional  conflicts 
nd  the  backs  of  the  parties  con- 
ied.  Rather,  they  provide  a  forum  for 
lg  concerns  in  order  to  lessen  the 
s  of  misperception  or  miscalculation, 
talks  have  been  professional,  frank, 
wide  ranging.  No  attempt  has  been 
e  to  mask  our  differences.  Both 
s  came  away  with  a  fuller 
srstanding  of  each  other's  percep- 
s  on  the  central  issues.  On  a  few 
es  we  have  identified  parallel  or  con- 
ing concerns  and  interests. 


ji  convinced  that  the  strands  of  our 
j;y  for  dealing  with  regional  issues— 
topenness  and  involvement  in  the 
Jrnational  economy,  our  support  for 
edom  and  self-determination,  and  our 
pts  to  resolve  problems  by  negotia- 
3  and  dialogue— make  the  United 
les  a  natural  partner  for  key  coun- 
ts in  the  developing  world.  America  is 
iwerful  and  constructive  force  for 
fcdom  and  progress. 
[Yet  a  new  wave  of  isolationism 
pons  Congress  and  threatens  to  turn 
erica's  back  to  the  world.  Support  for 
lectionist  legislation  is  higher  in  the 
Igress  today  than  at  any  time  since 
111930s.  Such  legislation  threatens 
r  countries  burdened  by  debt,  the 
prt-oriented  economies  of  Asian 
thds  and  allies,  and  new  democracies 
fcr  for  trade  rather  than  aid.  All  these 
fend  on  an  open  and  accessible 
fcprican  market.  If  we  abandon  the 
I  trade  system,  we  will  do  untold 
roarable  damage  to  their  economic 
Ipects,  forfeit  our  most  significant 
Mintage  in  the  competition  with  the 
lets,  and  raise  the  cost  of  goods  to 
fcrican  consumers  while  removing  the 
f  of  foreign  competition  from  our 

Another  danger  sign  is  the  congres- 
ical  attack  on  our  foreign  affairs 
bget.  We  cannot  maintain  our 

influence  in  the  Third  World  without 
resources.  Yet  the  present  congressional 
budget  resolutions  will  impose  deep  cuts 
(25%-50%)  on  our  foreign  aid  program. 
This  will  deprive  struggling  and  deserv- 
ing friends  of  our  political  and  diplomatic 
support  and  withhold  from  them  the 
economic  and  security  assistance  they 
need  to  build  for  the  future. 

Nor  can  we  be  reluctant  to  support 
the  struggle  of  peoples  resisting  the 
imposition  of  communist  rule.  History 
has  shown  what  happens  when  we 
remain  aloof.  In  the  1970s,  our  adver- 
saries took  advantage  of  our  disengage- 
ment to  project  their  arms  and  influence 
into  key  developing  countries.  Today,  as 
yesterday,  failure  to  perform  our  respon- 
sibilities now  can  only  invite  greater 
burdens  and  challenges  later. 

Yet,  history  need  not  repeat  itself. 
These  dangerous  trends  can  be  reversed. 
But  only  if  our  people  are  guided  by  a 
sense  of  duty  and  responsibility  to  future 
generations  and  reawaken  to  our 
dependence  on  the  world  and  the  world's 
dependence  on  us.  We  must  never  forget 
that  the  United  States  is  the  strongest 
force  in  the  world  for  progress  in  human 
freedom.  The  United  States  faces  a 
critical  choice:  we  can  continue  to  be 
engaged  in  the  Third  World  on  behalf  of 
our  deepest  values  and  commitments,  or 
we  can  choose  to  stand  aside  and  allow 
events  in  that  part  of  the  world  to  play 
themselves  out  with  less  U.S.  involve- 
ment and  a  corresponding  reduction  in 
our  influence.  That  decision  is  ours  to 
make.  It  is  urgently  important  that  we 
remain  engaged.  ■ 

U.S. -Soviet  Relations: 
Background  and  Prospects 

by  Jack  F.  Matlock 

An  English  translation  of  an  address 
before  the  Chautauqua  Conference  on 
U.S. -Soviet  Relations  in  Jurmala, 
Latvia,  on  September  15,  1986.  The 
Chautauqua  Institution,  sponsor  since 
the  late  1800s  of  public  affairs  debates, 
organized  this  conference  featuring  U.S. 
and  Soviet  spokesmen  as  afollowup  to  its 
1985  Conference  on  U.S. -Soviet  Relations 
in  Chautauqua,  New  York.  Debates  by 
U.S.  and  Soviet  Government  represen- 
tatives took  place  before  an  audience  of 
Soviet  and  American  citizens.  Ambas- 
sador Matlock  addressed  the  group  in 
Latvian  and  Russian. 

Ambassador  Matlock  is  special 
assistant  to  the  President  and  Senior 
Director  for  European  and  Soviet  Af- 
fairs at  the  National  Security  Council. 

It  is  a  great  pleasure  for  me  to  have  the 
opportunity  to  visit  Latvia  again.  It  has 
been  25  years  since  I  first  visited  Riga, 
admired  its  beauty,  and  witnessed  a 
splendid  performance  in  your  National 
Theater.  I  hope  to  have  a  chance  to  meet 
many  of  you  who  are  participating  in 
this  meeting.  We  Americans  have  a 
special  interest  in  Latvia,  since  many  of 
your  relatives  and  descendants  are  now 
Americans  and  have  made  a  distinctive 
contribution  to  our  society. 

Thank  you  for  providing  such  beauti- 
ful surroundings  for  our  discussions  this 
week.  All  of  us  visiting  from  outside 
Latvia,  whether  Americans,  Russians,  or 

others,  are  in  your  debt  for  your  wonder- 
ful hospitality.  And  now,  I  am  sure  you 
will  understand  if  I  speak  in  Russian, 
rather  than  continuing  to  torture  your 
beautiful  language  with  my  barbaric 

As  I  have  explained  to  our  Latvian 
hosts,  I  am  very  pleased  to  have  the 
opportunity  to  visit  Latvia  again.  The 
topics  we  have  to  discuss  with  our  Soviet 
counterparts  are  vitally  important  ones. 

Nevertheless,  I  come  to  you  with  a 
heavy  heart.  A  shocking  event  has  cast  a 
deep  shadow  over  U.S. -Soviet  relations 
and  cannot  help  but  have  an  impact  on 
our  deliberations. 

The  arrest  of  Nicholas  Daniloff '  by 
Soviet  officials,  on  charges  which  were 
obviously  trumped  up,  almost  led  to  the 
cancellation  of  this  conference.  Several 
of  our  counterparts  withdrew  from  par- 
ticipation since  they  felt  that  they  could 
not,  in  conscience,  attend. 

Why  are  American  feelings  so 
strong?  Because  Nick  Daniloff's  arrest 
seems  to  us  nothing  other  than  seizure 
of  a  hostage.  It  is  obvious  that  Mr. 
Daniloff  was  framed  by  Soviet  officials 
after  Gennadiy  Zakharov,  a  professional 
Soviet  intelligence  officer  residing  in  the 
United  States  under  cover  of  UN 
employment,  was  arrested  in  an  act  of 
espionage.  But  let  it  be  understood  that 
we  cannot  and  will  not  equate  a  profes- 
sional spy  caught  redhanded  with  an 
innocent  American  journalist. 

I^Dmhnr   1  QPfi 



Although  Mr.  Daniloff  is  no  longer 
physically  incarcerated,  he  will  be  a 
hostage  so  long  as  he  is  not  allowed  to 
leave  the  Soviet  Union.  If  U.S. -Soviet 
relations  are  not  to  suffer  a  severe  set- 
back, Mr.  Daniloff  must  be  allowed  to 
return  to  the  United  States  without 
delay.  The  longer  his  freedom  is  denied, 
the  more  severely  the  outrage  of  his 
arrest  and  detention  will  affect  U.S.- 
Soviet relations. 

Although  I  am  a  government  official, 
I  would  like  to  talk  to  you  today  as  an 
individual  American,  one  who  has  lived 
several  years  in  the  Soviet  Union  and 
several  more  elsewhere  in  Europe  and 
also  in  Africa.  This  has  given  me  the 
opportunity  to  learn  firsthand  about  the 
lives  and  cultures  of  people  in  countries 
outside  my  own.  I  have  also  learned 
another  thing:  that  international  rela- 
tions is  not  some  abstract  discipline  deal- 
ing with  impersonal  geopolitical  forces 
and  ideologies  but  a  process  that  affects 
the  lives  of  people  throughout  the  world. 
Therefore,  I  will  not  be  speaking  of 
generalized  "forces  of  history"  but  of 
attitudes  held  by  people  and  actions  that 
affect  the  lives  of  people. 

We  will  be  able  to  solve  problems 
only  if  we  understand  them,  understand 
our  respective  points  of  view,  and  make 
a  special  effort  to  find  solutions. 
Therefore,  I  will  speak  candidly  about 
the  view  many  Americans  hold  of  the 
relationship.  Discussion  is  worthless  if  it 
is  not  frank,  and  we  all  need  to  make  the 
most  of  the  splendid  opportunity  this 
meeting  provides. 

The  U.S.  and  the  Soviet  Union: 
A  Historical  Perspective 

How  is  it  that  two  countries  which  have 
never  fought  each  other,  which  do  not 
covet  any  of  the  other's  territory,  and 
the  people  of  which  want  nothing  so 
much  as  peace  find  themselves  so  fre- 
quently at  odds? 

It  has  not  always  been  so.  We 
Americans  treasure  the  memories  of  our 
wartime  alliance  and  know  very  well  the 
immense  sacrifices  made  by  all  the 
peoples  of  the  Soviet  Union  in  that 
fateful  struggle.  We  also  know  that, 
historically,  American  relations  with 
Russia  were  close  and  friendly  in  the 
19th  century. 

I  am  reminded  of  a  conversation 
which  took  place  not  long  ago  in  the 
White  House.  An  important  Soviet 
official  was  visiting  Washington,  and  the 
President  arranged  a  luncheon  for  him. 
As  the  group  was  sitting  in  the  State 
Dining  Room,  one  of  the  guests  called 
attention  to  a  portrait  of  Abraham 

Lincoln  on  the  wall.  The  Soviet  visitor 
remarked  that,  "During  Lincoln's  time, 
relations  between  our  countries  were 
very  friendly." 

The  President  agreed,  then  said  that 
this  reminded  him  of  an  anecdote.  A 
couple,  married  for  10  years  or  so,  were 
riding  in  their  car,  the  husband  driving 
and  the  wife  sitting  beside  him  but  near 
the  door.  The  wife  observed  wistfully, 
"Remember  how  it  was  when  we  were 
first  married?  We  sat  very  close 
together,  and  I  often  put  my  head  on 
your  shoulder  as  you  drove.  Now  we  are 
sitting  so  far  apart!" 

The  husband's  answer  was,  "But, 
honey,  I  haven't  moved!" 

And  so  it  often  seems  to  us 
Americans.  As  your  proverb  goes, 
"There's  no  inheritance  for  us  to  fight 
over."  We  do  not  seek  conflict  and  con- 
frontation. So  why  have  we  had  recur- 
rent tensions  and,  at  times,  come  close 
to  conflict  during  the  years  since  World 
War  II? 

Some  might  say  it  is  because  we 
have  different  values,  social  structures, 
and  political  systems.  These  differences 
are  real.  Yet  we  have  always  had  such 
differences,  and  they  did  not  lead  to  con- 
flict. Tensions  arose  even  before  the 
revolution,  when  Americans  protested 
czarism's  abuses  of  human  rights.  They 
intensified  when,  after  adopting  a 
Marxist-Leninist  ideology,  your  leaders 
declared  themselves  the  enemy  of  those 
of  a  different  persuasion  and  treated  the 
world  as  an  arena  for  a  struggle  that 
would  end  only  with  your  victory.  Thus, 
it  is  both  actions  and  ideology  that  have 
spawned  apprehension  and  distrust.  And 
given  this  ideology,  you  leave  us  no 
alternative  but  to  expect  that  we  will  be 
rivals  in  many  areas  for  the  foreseeable 

But  do  the  problems  caused  by 
ideology  doom  us  to  conflict?  I  cannot 
believe  that  they  do.  Let  us  take  a  look 
at  the  recent  past  for  some  clues  as  to 
what  sort  of  events  and  practices  have 
brought  us  into  confrontation. 

When  the  Second  World  War  ended 
in  1945,  Americans,  in  their  joy,  thought 
of  nothing  more  than  bringing  their 
fighting  men  home  from  the  battlefields 
of  Europe  and  Asia,  demobilizing  them, 
and  settling  down  to  building  a  better 
life  at  home.  We  hoped  that  the  new  UN 
organization  would  preserve  peace  and 
freedom  of  choice  for  all  nations.  We 
hoped  that  we  would  never  again  be 
drawn  into  conflicts  outside  our  borders, 
as  we  had  been  during  both  world  wars. 
President  Truman  announced  a  policy  of 
bringing  our  boys  home  before 
Christmas.  Most  were  home  for 

Christmas,  but  our  hopes  turned  out  tc  J 
be  unrealistic. 

For  what  did  we  witness?  Althougl 
no  one  challenged  Soviet  security,  in 
country  after  country  of  Eastern  and 
Central  Europe  occupied  by  the  Soviet 
Army,  governments  were  imposed  whi 
were  not  the  result  of  the  free  election 
which  our  leaders  had  pledged  at  the 
Yalta  Conference.  The  United  States 
incorporated  not  one  square  millimetei 
of  territory  as  a  result  of  the  war. 
Indeed,  shortly  after  the  war's  end,  it 
granted  independence  to  the  19  millior 
residents  of  the  Philippines.  The  Sovie  |; 
Union,  on  the  other  hand,  appropriate<  (i 
to  itself  vast  territories,  without  seekii  j, 
or  obtaining  the  consent  of  the  residen  ji 
The  use  of  force  and  the  absence  of 
freely  given  consent  are  the  reasons  th  | 
United  States  has  never  recognized  an  | 
will  not  recognize  the  legality  of  the  fo  | 
cible  incorporation  of  Latvia,  Lithuanii  | 
and  Estonia  into  the  Soviet  Union. 

The  United  States  emerged  from    , 
the  war  with  a  monopoly  of  a  new, 
immensely  destructive  technology— the  | 
atomic  bomb.  Had  it  chosen  to  flex  its  J 
muscles  and  make  demands  upon  othei  | 
few— if  any— could  have  resisted.  But    ) 
this  was  not  the  course  we  took;  instea  | 
we  proposed  that  all  nuclear  weapons 
and  the  technology  to  make  them  be 
turned  over  to  an  international  author-  J 
ity,  which  would  destroy  existing 
weapons  and  maintain  an  inspection  ar,  | 
control  of  all  countries  to  ensure  that    | 
they  could  not  be  created  again.  It  is  a 
tragic  fact  of  history  that  Stalin  rejecte  t 
this  plan  and  the  inspection  and  contro!  i 
which  would  make  it  feasible. 

By  1947,  it  was  clear  that  the 
devastated  countries  of  Europe  and  As  | 
could  not  promptly  rebuild  their  societi-  j 
and  economies  without  outside  assist- 
ance. The  United  States,  which  had  not. 
suffered  wartime  destruction  of  its 
industry  and  agriculture,  offered  the 
most  farsighted  and  generous  plan  of 
economic  cooperation  the  world  has 
known.  The  Marshall  Plan  was  offered  | 
both  to  wartime  allies  and  to  erstwhile  j 
enemies,  for  we  knew  that  if  we  were  t<i 
have  peace  and  security,  all  nations  muij 
have  the  opportunity  to  rebuild  their 
economies  as  they  chose.  The  nations  of  | 
Western  Europe  accepted  and,  within  a, 
very  few  years,  were  accomplishing 
economic  miracles.  Once  again,  Stalin 
refused,  and  not  just  for  the  Soviet 
Union  but  also  for  countries  of  Eastern  | 
and  Central  Europe  under  Soviet 

What  conclusions  did  Americans 
draw  from  these  and  other  associated 
events?  Basically,  that  the  Soviet  Union 


DeDartment  of  State  Bulleti 


,s  determined  to  use  military  force 
enever  it  could  to  extend  its 
ninance,  was  contemptuous  of 
nocratic  values,  and  had  no  interest  in 

Much  has  changed  since  those  early 

twar  years,  but  every  time 
lericans  have  rekindled  their  hope 
it  the  Soviet  Union  is  prepared  to 
;er  a  new  era— one  of  cooperation  and 
pceful,  constructive  competition 
limately  leading  to  a  world  when  all 
Hi  and  women  are  free— events  have 
Ottered  the  hope  and  have  reconfirmed 
bse  conclusions  drawn  from  Soviet 
tions  just  after  the  war.  From  the 
rasion  of  Hungary  in  1956,  to  the  inva- 
|n  of  Czechoslovakia  in  1968,  to  the 
rasion  of  Afghanistan  in  1979,  we  have 
inessed  the  Soviet  resort  to  force 
Sen  no  reasonable  person  would  judge 
at  Soviet  security,  or  that  of  its  allies. 
i.s  threatened.  The  issue  seemed  to  be 
(e  of  Soviet  insistence  on  dominating 
lighbors,  pure  and  simple. 
[  Many  will  doubtless  say  that  the 
Jited  States  also  has  used  force  since 
iirld  War  II,  and  this  is  true.  We  led  a 
j,T  effort  to  resist  aggression  against 
)•  Republic  of  Korea  in  the  1950s.  We 
[id  to  help  South  Vietnam  defend  itself 
Linst  North  Vietnam— though,  after 
I  left,  North  Vietnamese  force  pre- 
Med.  We  provide  limited  assistance 
lay  to  people  trying  to  defend  their 
(mtry's  independence  from  armed 
Back.  But  the  important  thing  to 
perstand  is  that  all  of  these  actions 
Ire  reactive— a  response  to  armed 
bression  by  others.  The  object  was 
l/er  to  extend  American  dominance 
I  only  to  avoid  a  world  in  which 
litary  strength  is  the  ultimate  arbiter 
■national  independence.  Those  coun- 
ts we  have  helped  have  always  been 
le  to  choose  their  own  form  of  govern- 
Int  and  alignment  in  the  world. 
I  I  cite  these  snippets  of  history  not 
Imarily  to  debate— though  we  can  do 
lif  you  wish— and  not  to  reopen  old 
ffes  but  to  explain  why  the  United 
Ites  reacts  as  it  does  to  today's 
1  nts.  We  must  understand  each 
ler's  frame  of  mind  and  understand 
|v  we  perceive  events  if  we  are  to  find 
|ray  to  avoid  repeating  the  shocks  and 
Billusionments  of  the  past. 

By  Factors 

Ice,  when  I  was  discussing  such  mat- 
As  after  dinner  with  a  Soviet  friend,  he 
feed  me,  in  a  tone  of  desperation,  "Just 
■at  do  you  want  of  us,  you  Americans? 
I  you  insist  that  we  give  up  our 

system,  change  our  values,  just  sur- 
render if  we  are  to  have  peace?"  Of 
course,  I  told  him  that  was  not  the  point. 
But  I'm  not  sure  I  gave  a  coherent 
answer  as  to  what  we  do  want.  I  have 
often  thought  about  his  question  since, 
and  would  like  to  try  an  answer. 

What  is  important  to  Americans  in 
the  U.S. -Soviet  relationship?  The  dif- 
ferences in  our  values  and  political 
systems  are  important,  and  we  will,  of 
course,  defend  them.  We  expect  the 
same  from  others.  We  believe  firmly, 
however,  that  every  nation  must  decide 
its  own  destiny,  and  we  respect  such 
choices  when  they  are  made  by 
democratic  means. 

Use  of  Force.  What  disturbs 
Americans  is  the  use  of  force  to  resolve 
disputes,  to  impose  a  political  and 
economic  system  on  others,  or  simply  to 
gain  influence  and  dominance  in  the 
world.  We  find  it  abhorrent  when  a 
faction  within  a  country  imposes  its  will 
by  force  of  arms  and  are  likely  to  speak 
our  minds.  But  we  don't  involve  our- 
selves unless  the  force  is  introduced 
from  the  outside. 

History  has  taught  us  that  when  one 
country  begins  to  throw  its  weight 
around  by  military  force,  the  seeds  are 
sown  for  a  wider  conflict  in  the  future. 
In  a  nuclear  age,  the  world  cannot  risk 
wider  conflicts. 

Look  where  your  troops  or  weapons 
are  present  today  where  they  were  not 
10,  20,  30,  or  40  years  ago.  You  call  this 
the  "advance  of  socialism"  in  your  May 
Day  and  November  7  slogans.  But  how 
does  it  look  to  others— especially  to  your 

Moreover,  armed  force  can  be  a 
source  of  tension  even  when  it  is  not 
used  directly.  If  one  country  attempts  to 
force  another  country  to  do  its  bidding 
under  the  threat  of  superior  military 
force,  this,  too,  is  destabilizing  and  only 
encourages  others  to  try  to  counter  the 
threat  which  is  invoked. 

This  means  that  one  of  the  most 
basic  things  Americans  are  looking  for  is 
a  movement  away  from  the  use  of 
military  force  to  establish  new  footholds 
and  to  settle  disputes.  Unless  we  can 
learn  to  deal  with  our  differences  by 
nonmilitary  means,  we  will  always  have 
a  rocky  road  ahead  in  the  relationship. 

Sanctity  of  Agreements.  A  second 

thing  which  is  very  important  to 
Americans— and,  I  believe,  to  all 
people— is  the  sanctity  of  agreements. 
Nothing  is  more  destructive  of  trust 
than  the  feeling  that  a  partner  to  an 
agreement  ignores  it  and  fails  to  meet 
its  terms  if  they  seem  inconvenient.  We 

feel  that,  unfortunately,  some  past 
agreements  with  the  Soviet  Union  have 
not  been  fully  and  faithfully 

Human  Rights.  A  third  matter  of 
great  importance  to  Americans  stems, 
in  part,  from  their  own  history  and 
values,  but  also  from  their  assessment  of 
what  will  promote  a  peaceful  world. 
Americans  are,  frankly,  deeply  influ- 
enced in  their  attitudes  by  the  way  a 
government  treats  its  own  citizens.  Are 
citizens  free  to  come  and  go  within  and 
beyond  their  borders;  to  have  contact 
with  whomever  they  choose;  to  practice 
their  religion  without  constraint  or 
disability;  to  write  and  speak  their  minds 
publicly  as  they  wish,  without  reprisals 
or  repression?  Or,  conversely,  does  a 
government  act  as  if  its  citizens  are  its 
own  property,  to  be  herded  in,  forbidden 
the  right  to  travel,  prosecuted  for  study- 
ing the  language  of  their  religion,  and 
"shielded"  from  information  or  views 
the  government  considers  unpalatable  or 
inaccurate?  As  we  speak,  powerful  jam- 
mers are  blocking  broadcasts  from  many 
foreign  stations.  Why?  What  do  your 
authorities  fear,  that  they  would  go  to 
such  extraordinary  expense  and  effort  to 
shut  out  information  and  opinion  from 
the  outside  world? 

Now,  some  would  say  that  human 
rights  in  other  countries  are  none  of  our 
business  but  are  internal  matters.  Others 
would  say  that  the  United  States  has  its 
own  problems— and  so  we  do.  We  know 
that  our  society  is  not  perfect.  But  we 
constantly  strive  to  correct  injustices 
and  are  attentive  to  the  suggestions  of 
others.  And  any  American  who  prefers 
to  live  elsewhere  has  an  absolute  right  to 
do  so  and  to'  come  and  go  as  he  or  she 
pleases.  In  fact,  one  of  our  problems  is 
that,  with  all  our  shortcomings,  millions 
of  people  are  trying  to  get  into  our  coun- 
try to  live. 

But  we  do  not  accept  the  proposition 
that  questions  regarding  human  rights 
are  purely  a  matter  of  internal  jurisdic- 
tion. We  believe  firmly  that  human 
rights  are  a  legitimate  international  con- 
cern, for  at  least  three  reasons:  legal, 
practical,  and  ethical. 

•  From  the  standpoint  of  legality, 
most  nations  of  the  world  adhered  to  the 
Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights 
in  1948,  and  all  the  nations  of  Europe- 
save  only  Albania— along  with  the 
United  States  and  Canada  subscribed  to 
the  Helsinki  Final  Act  in  1975.  These 
establish  certain  rights  as  internationally 
accepted  standards. 

•  From  the  standpoint  of  practical- 
ity, it  seems  to  Americans  that  nations 


with  governments  which  respect  the 
basic  rights  of  their  citizens  are  much 
less  likely  to  resort  to  the  aggressive  use 
of  military  force  than  those  who  cut 
their  citizens  off  from  contact  with  the 
outside  world,  and  suppress  the  free 
expression  of  opinion.  All  ordinary  peo- 
ple throughout  the  world  want  peace, 
and  if  they  are  allowed  to  influence  the 
political  processes  in  their  own  country, 
this  would  provide  a  bulwark  against  the 
practice  of  military  adventurism. 
•  From  an  ethical  standpoint, 
nobody  has  expressed  the  matter  more 
clearly  than  the  great  Russian  thinker, 
Alexander  Herzen,  who  wrote  in  1852 
about  the  need  for  international  atten- 
tion to  abuses  of  human  rights  in  czarist 
Russia:  "The  time  has  come  when  Rus- 
sian serfdom  should  be  made,  if  not  a 
European,  at  least  an  English  question." 
He  compared  the  intense  attention  the 
British  public  gave  to  slavery  in  the 
United  States  to  the  scant  attention 
given  to  serfdom  in  the  Russian  Empire. 
Fortunately,  both  American  slavery  and 
Russian  serfdom  were  abolished  a  few 
years  after  Herzen's  article,  but  his  basic 
point  is  as  valid  today  as  it  was  then:  it 
does  matter  to  the  international  com- 
munity how  citizens  of  a  country  are 
treated  by  their  governments. 

And  so,  to  return  to  my  Soviet 
friend's  question— what  do  Americans 
want  in  the  U.S. -Soviet  relationship— I 
would  reply  as  follows:  they  want  to  deal 
peacefully  and  relegate  the  use  and 
threat  of  force  to  the  ashbin  of  history; 
they  want  to  reduce  military  arsenals 
radically  and  move  toward  the  ultimate 
elimination  of  nuclear  weapons  and 
other  weapons  of  mass  destruction;  they 
want  to  pursue  the  hope  of  a  non-nuclear 
space  defense  which  could  lead  us  away 
from  the  threat  of  mutual  assured 
destruction;  they  want  honest,  fair 
agreements,  faithfully  observed;  and— if 
they  are  to  develop  a  cooperative  rela- 
tionship free  of  fears  that  breed  the 
accumulation  of  weaponry— they  want  to 
deal  with  a  society  which  is  open  to  the 
world  and  an  integral  part  of  interna- 
tional intellectual  and  social  intercourse. 

Armed  Conflicts 

As  I  have  said,  one  of  the  most  disturb- 
ing factors  in  U.S. -Soviet  relations  has 
been  the  resort  to  armed  force  in  an 
attempt  to  extend  influence  or  to  be  the 
arbiter  of  local  conflicts.  In  Afghanistan, 
the  Soviet  Union  is  still  conducting  a 
full-scale  war.  Elsewhere,  it  has  supplied 
arms  or  supported  foreign  troops  in 
ways  which  exacerbate  local  conflicts. 

Cambodia,  Angola,  and  Nicaragua  come 
to  mind  in  this  context.  In  some 
instances,  after  many  years  of  foreign 
military  interference,  the  United  States 
finally  began  providing  some  limited 
support— though  not  its  own  military 
forces— to  those  struggling  for  national 
independence  and  democracy. 

Military  involvement  of  the  super- 
powers in  these  conflicts  increases  the 
risk  of  military  confrontation  between 
us.  If  we  are  serious  about  dealing  with 
each  other  in  peaceful  ways,  we  should 
find  a  way  out  of  this  cycle  of  action  and 
reaction  and  work  toward  a  world  in 
which  disputes  are  settled  peacefully. 

Last  year,  President  Reagan  made  a 
far-reaching  proposal  in  his  address  to 
the  UN  General  Assembly.  It  was  that 
the  United  States  and  the  U.S.S.R. 
should  encourage  the  parties  to  these 
various  conflicts  to  initiate  negotiations 
aimed  at  finding  political  solutions. 
Then,  when  this  is  done,  the  United 
States  and  U.S.S.R.  should  enter  into 
bilateral  talks  in  an  effort  to  terminate 
their  own  military  involvement,  direct  or 
indirect.  This  would  encourage  the 
warring  parties  to  compose  their 
differences— and  if  they  could  not  find  a 
solution,  at  least  the  means  for  destruc- 
tive combat  would  be  reduced.  Finally,  if 
a  peace  settlement  could  be  achieved 
locally  among  the  parties,  the  United 
States  would  join  in  an  international 
effort  to  promote  reconstruction  of  the 
countries  despoiled  by  fighting. 

The  overall  goal  of  this  proposal  is  to 
remove  regional  military  conflicts  from 
the  agenda  of  U.S. -Soviet  problems.  We 
believe  it  is  important  to  continue  to 
explore  its  potential. 

One  thing  is  certain:  few 
developments  would  have  a  more 
salutary  effect  on  U.S. -Soviet  relations 
than  the  withdrawal  of  Soviet  troops 
from  Afghanistan  and  the  withdrawal  of 
Cuban  and  Vietnamese  forces,  armed 
with  Soviet  weapons,  from  battlefields 
outside  their  borders.  Another  thing  is 
certain:  if  the  Soviet  Union  were  not 
involved  in  these  disputes  militarily,  the 
United  States  would  not  be  either. 

Arms  Reduction 

The  level  of  arms,  particularly  nuclear 
weapons,  is  much  too  high  in  the  world. 
Chairman  Gromyko,  when  he  was 
Foreign  Minister,  spoke  of  our  countries 
sitting  on  respective  mountains  of 
nuclear  weapons.  We  have  both  agreed 
that  it  is  imperative  to  start  reducing 
these  bloated  arsenals. 

We  are  encouraged  that  our  leaders 
were  able  to  agree  in  Geneva  to  a  50% 

reduction  in  strategic  nuclear  weapons 
and  to  the  ultimate  goal  of  the  completi 
elimination  of  nuclear  weapons.  It  is  tin 
we  got  on  with  negotiating  the  concreti 
arrangements  to  permit  a  radical  reduc 
tion  of  nuclear  weapons.  There  are  mar 
other  important  issues  in  the  arms  con- 
trol area,  but  none  are  so  urgent  as  the 
need  to  begin,  at  long  last,  a  substantia 
reduction  of  these  weapons.  Let  us  not 
forget  that  when  the  Anti-Ballistic  Miss: 
(ABM)  Treaty  was  signed  in  1972,  it  w; 
signed  on  the  presumption  that  an 
agreement  would  follow  to  reduce  the 
levels  of  offensive  weapons.  However, 
we  have  not  been  able  to  achieve  such 
reductions  up  to  now. 

So  far  as  the  United  States  is  con- 
cerned, we  are  eager  for  deep,  equitabl 
and  verifiable  reductions  in  offensive 
nuclear  weapons.  Furthermore,  we 
believe  that  such  reductions  should  be 
structured  so  that  neither  side  need  fea 
a  disarming  first  strike  from  the  other- 
whether  or  not  there  are  defenses  in 

We  have  noted  that  the  Soviet  Unw 
has  made  a  series  of  arms  control  pro- 
posals this  year.  We  have  welcomed 
many  elements  in  these  proposals,  but, 
overall,  I  would  be  less  than  candid  if  I 
did  not  say  that  some  strike  us  as 
designed  more  to  create  a  public  image 
than  to  solve  the  concrete  problems 
involved.  If  we  are  to  solve  the  prob- 
lems, we  must  speed  up  work  at  the 
negotiating  table. 

Human  Rights 

I  have  already  spoken  of  the  importance 
of  human  rights  to  the  American  peopk 
and  their  government.  I  regret  that  the 
situation  still  remains  an  important 
source  of  tension  in  our  relationship. 
Spouses  continue  to  be  divided  and 
families  split  apart.  Persons  are  in 
prison  for  no  apparent  reason  other  tha  i 
expressing  views  distasteful  to  their 
authorities.  Emigration  is  at  the  lowest 
level  in  over  15  years.  Suffice  it  to  say 
that  until  this  situation  changes,  the 
possibilities  for  a  true  improvement  in 
U.S. -Soviet  relations  will  be  severely 

Confidence  and  Dialogue 

The  fourth  group  of  issues  are  those 
remaining  ones  which  affect  the  con- 
fidence both  sides  have  in  dealing  with 
each  other.  Abiding  by  past  agree- 
ments—of which  I  have  spoken— is  one  | 
of  these,  but  there  is  much  more.  We  ar>! 
seeking  a  radical  expansion  of  ties  and 
increased  dialogue.  This  would  help  both 

-.«   „f   Ci^Ia    Di  illoti 


es  to  understand  the  other  better  and 
juld  bring  both  government  officials 
H  private  citizens  in  both  countries 
lo  broader  and  more  regular  contact. 
President  Reagan  proposed  last  fall 
kt  both  governments  consider  the 
ssibility  of  a  vast  expansion  of  con- 
tts  between  private  citizens.  We  have 
ed  too  long  in  isolation  from  each 
ter,  and  this  has  created  an  atmos- 
ere  which  makes  accommodation  dif- 
iult.  The  point  is  not  that  all  problems 
h  be  solved  by  better  understanding— 
iny  problems  are  too  deep  and  too  real 
I  that  to  be  true— but  that  lack  of  con- 
It  and  lack  of  understanding  exac- 
oate  the  real  problems  and  make  it 
pre  difficult  to  solve  them. 
j  Last  November,  President  Reagan 
a  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  con- 
fcted  2  days  of  intensive,  fruitful 
tetings  in  Geneva.  Their  meeting  was 
portant,  and  not  just  because  it  was 
je  first  meeting  of  American  and  Soviet 
r.ders  for  6  years  and  because  it  gave 
km  an  opportunity  to  get  to  know  each 
ner.  These  factors  alone  would  have 
ttified  the  meeting,  but  the  other 
jiievements  of  the  Geneva  summit 
Ire  even  more  important:  the  establish- 
jnt  of  a  structure  of  dialogue  between 
(•  governments  and  the  agreements  to 
jensify  negotiations  on  nuclear  arms 
jluction  and  to  reduce  strategic  nuclear 
ms  by  50%,  to  name  only  a  few. 
I  Most  important,  however,  the 
Ineva  meeting  demonstrated  that  it  is 
fesible  to  meet  and  to  make  progress  in 
p  relationship  without  either  side 
jumphing  over  the  other.  It  was  truly  a 
jeting  in'  which  both  sides  gained. 

lint  Goals  and  Future  Prospects 

I  where  does  this  leave  us?  Should  we 
ijin  our  discussion  this  week  in  an  opti- 
istic  or  pessimistic  mood?  Of  course, 
hether  one  is  an  optimist  or  pessimist 
bends  upon  what  question  is  asked  and 
nat  goals  are  assumed.  Perhaps  it  is 
gtter  to  ask  what  joint  goals  we  should 
£  and  then  discuss  what  will  be 
[quired  to  achieve  them. 

The  most  basic  of  the  joint  goals 
nich  have  already  been  set  is  to  make 
Jre  that  the  United  States  and  the 
iiviet  Union  never  wage  a  war  with 
fch  other.  As  our  leaders  agreed  at 
ineva  last  November,  "...  a  nuclear 
Bir  cannot  be  won  and  must  never  be 
tight."  And,  therefore,  they  "empha- 
fied  the  importance  of  preventing  any 
Mir  between  them,  whether  nuclear  or 

I  am  confident  that  this  solemn  com- 
mitment by  our  highest  political  leaders 
is  a  genuine  one  and,  therefore,  am  very 
optimistic  that  the  United  States  and 
Soviet  Union  will  continue  to  avoid 
direct  military  conflict,  as  they  have 
throughout  their  history. 

The  real  question  in  my  mind, 
therefore,  is  not  whether  there  will  be 
war  or  peace  between  the  United  States 
and  the  Soviet  Union,  but  whether  the 
U.S. -Soviet  relationship  will  continue  to 
be  full  of  tension,  shaken  by  recurrent 
crises,  and  largely  confrontational,  or 
whether  we  can  find  ways  to  compete 
peacefully  and  even  cooperate  on  a 
widening  range  of  issues. 

We  must  expect  competition,  since 
the  vast  difference  in  the  values  held  by 
your  political  leadership  and  those  held 
by  our  society  requires  us  to  defend 
what  we  hold  dear.  In  the  1970s,  when 
many  Americans  exaggerated  the  degree 
of  understanding  which  had  been 
achieved,  it  was  Soviet  leaders  who 
reminded  us  that  there  could  be  no 
slackening  of  what  they  called  the 
"ideological  struggle."  We  took  note  of 
this  reality,  and  we  accept  its 

Nevertheless,  these  differences  and 
this  competition  need  not  prevent 
increasing  cooperation  in  many  areas 
where  we— and  other  countries  of  the 
world— face  common  problems.  Surely 
the  most  urgent  of  these  problems  are 
diminishing  the  use  of  force  to  resolve 
political  and  social  conflicts,  reducing  the 
level  of  arms  in  the  world,  and 
establishing  patterns  of  broad  and  open 
contact  and  communication  between  our 
countries  and  throughout  the  world 

I  look  forward  to  hearing  the  views 
of  our  Soviet  spokesmen  on  these  impor- 
tant questions,  as  well  as  those  of  my 
own  compatriots  whose  views  may  differ 
from  mine  in  many  respects.  Let  us  use 
this  meeting  to  clarify  and  debate  our 
various  points  of  view,  in  the  hope  that 
we  will  all  emerge  with  a  clearer  under- 
standing of  how  we  each,  in  our  indi- 
vidual capacities,  can  contribute  to 
building  a  better  and  safer  world  for  our 
children  and  grandchildren. 

'Nicholas  Daniloff,  Moscow  correspondent 
for  U.S.  News  &  World  Report,  was  arrested 
in  the  U.S.S.R.,  allegedly  for  espionage  ac- 
tivities, shortly  after  the  arrest  of  a  Soviet 
UN  employee  in  New  York.  Daniloff  was 
released  September  29,  1986,  as  a  result  of 
U.S.  diplomatic  efforts.  ■ 

NATO  Nuclear 
Planning  Group 
Meets  in  the  U.K. 

The  Nuclear  Planning  Group  of  the 
North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization 
(NATO)  met  in  Gleneagles,  (Scotland) 
United  Kingdom,  October  21-22,  1986. 
The  United  States  was  represented  by 
S,  rret (try  of  lh  f<  »  <  '  'a spar  II'. 
Weinberger.  Following  is  the  final  com- 
munique issued  October  22. 

The  NATO  Nuclear  Planning  Group  (NPG) 
met  in  Ministerial  session  at  Gleneagles, 
United  Kingdom,  on  21st  and  22nd  October, 

2.  We  reviewed  the  outcome  of  the 
recent  meeting  between  President  Reagan 
and  General  Secretary  Gorbachev  in 
Reykjavik.  We  extended  our  warm  apprecia- 
tion to  the  President  on  his  conduct  of  the 
talks  and  fully  endorsed  his  bold  attempt  to 
seek  far-reaching  arms  control  agreements 
with  the  Soviet  Union.  We  fully  endorsed  the 
President's  programme  presented  in  Iceland 
and  stressed  that  this  programme  provides 
the  opportunity  for  historic  progress.  We 
welcomed  the  United  States  intention  to  build 
upon  the  progress  achieved  which  provides 
the  opportunity  for  progress  towards  very 
significant  arms  control  agreements. 

3.  We  urged  the  Soviet  Union  to  redouble 
its  own  efforts  in  this  direction.  Noting  that 
the  Soviet  side  has  agreed  last  year  to  con- 
clude a  separate  INF  [intermediate-range 
nuclear  forces]  agreement,  Ministers  called  on 
the  Soviet  leadership  to  reaffirm  its  com- 
mitments not  to  hold  an  INF  agreement 
hostage  to  any  other  agreement.  A  failure  to 
do  so  would  destroy  the  credibility  of  the 
highest  Soviet  assurances. 

4.  We  agreed  that  instead  of  simply  codi- 
fying the  existing  levels  of  arsenals,  agree- 
ments reached  in  Geneva  should  seek  to 
achieve  substantial  reductions  in  offensive 
nuclear  forces  in  ways  that  will  enhance 
stability  and  minimize  the  risk  of  war.  In  this 
context,  we  fully  endorsed  the  United  States 
positions  at  Geneva  on  intermediate-range, 
strategic  and  defense  and  space  systems.  We 
strongly  support  the  United  States  explora- 
tion of  space  and  defense  systems,  as  it  is  per- 
mitted by  the  ABM  [Antiballistic  Missile] 

5.  We  reviewed  the  status  of  nuclear 
forces  and  discussed  related  issues,  including 
arms  controls.  We  expressed  our  continued 
support  for  the  efforts  of  the  United  States 
and  the  United  Kingdom  to  maintain  the 
effectiveness  and  credibility  of  their  nuclear 
deterrent  capabilities.  We  also  received  com- 
prehensive briefings  by  the  United  States 
Secretary  of  Defense  on  the  Soviet  nuclear 
threat,  United  States'  strategic  forces  and 
the  requirement  for  nuclear  testing. 

6.  We  reviewed  a  number  of  issues  and 
nuclear  related  programmes  and  reconfirmed 
our  policy  and  planning  related  to  NATO's 
nuclear  forces.  We  agreed  that  both  the  force 


struct  uiv  itself  and  the  conceptual  planning 
underpinning  it  are  essential  components  for 
maintaining  a  credible  deterrent  posture. 

7.  We  remain  deeply  concerned  about 
continuing  Soviet  efforts  to  upgrade  and 
expand  their  military  capabilities  across  the 
board.  We  noted  with  particular  concern 
Soviet  efforts  involving  the  full  range  of 
strategic  forces,  shorter-  and  longer-range 
INF  and  short-range  nuclear  forces,  including 
artillery.  We  also  noted  with  concern  the 
major  Soviet  effort  into  continuing  improve- 
ments in  strategic  and  tactical  anti-missile 

8.  We  noted  evidence  presented  by  the 
United  States  of  continuing  Soviet  violations 
of  existing  arms  control  agreements.  We 
renewed  our  call  on  the  Soviet  leadership  to 
take  the  steps  necessary  to  ensure  full  com- 
pliance with  its  arms  control  commitments. 
We  noted  in  this  connection  that  a  double 
standard  of  compliance  with  arms  control 
agreements  would  be  unacceptable  and  would 
undermine  the  security  of  the  Alliance.  We 
strongly  endorsed  the  need  for  effective 
verification  as  part  of  any  arms  control  agree- 
ment. In  particular,  we  call  on  the  Soviet 
Union  to  agree  to  such  concrete  measures  as 
mandatory  on-site  inspection. 

9.  In  contrast  to  the  growth  of  Soviet 
nuclear  forces  at  all  levels,  it  is  NATO's 
policy  to  maintain  only  the  minimum  number 
of  nuclear  weapons  necessary  for  deterrence. 
At  this  meeting  SACEUR  [Supreme  Allied 
Commander  Europe]  reported  on  the  status 
of  the  implementation  of  the  Montebello  Deci- 
sion. We  noted  the  reductions  and  improve- 
ment measures  which  are  currently  being 
undertaken  by  the  nations  concerned.  We 
shall  continue  to  review  the  progress  of  fur- 
ther implementation. 

10.  We  noted  the  progress  made  on 
longer-range  INF  (LRINF)  deployments  by 
the  NATO  nations  concerned  including  the 
completion  on  schedule  of  Pershing  II  deploy- 
ment at  the  end  of  last  year  and  the  continu- 
ing deployment  of  ground-launched  cruise 
missiles  as  planned.  In  the  absence  of  a  con- 
crete INF  arms  control  agreement  with  the 
Soviet  Union  obviating  the  need  for  deploy- 
ment, we  emphasized  NATO's  determination 
to  continue  the  deployment  of  LRINF  mis- 
siles as  scheduled.  We  reiterated  our  will- 
ingness to  reverse,  halt  or  modify  the  LRINF 
deployment—  including  the  removal  or  dis- 
mantling of  missiles  already  deployed— upon 
achievement  of  a  balanced,  equitable  and 
effectively  verifiable  agreement  calling  for 
such  action.  We  emphasized  that  the  United 
States'  proposal  in  the  INF  negotiations, 
developed  in  close  consultation  with  the 
Allies,  calls  for  the  global  elimination  of 
United  States  and  Soviet  longer-range  INF 
missiles,  accompanied  by  other  appropriate 
provisions  concerning  rights  and  constraints 
on  shorter-range  INF  (SRINF)  missiles. 

1 1 .  We  accepted  with  pleasure  an  invita- 
tion from  Mr.  J.J.  Hoist,  the  Norwegian 
Minister  of  Defense,  to  hold  our  next  meeting 
in  Norway  in  Spring  1987. 

12.  Greece  expressed  its  views  in  a  state- 
ment included  in  the  minutes.  Denmark 
reserved  its  position  on  INF  and  space  and 
defense  systems.  ■ 

World  Food  Day,  1986 

SEPT.  18,  1986' 

We  Americans  are  blessed  with  nature's 
bounty.  As  children,  our  first  prayers  teach  us 
to  give  thanks  for  the  abundance  we  enjoy. 
We  take  for  granted  our  full  tables  and  the 
peace  and  security  in  which  we  enjoy  them. 

But,  unfortunately,  many  do  not  share  in 
our  abundance.  Hunger  stemming  from  pov- 
erty and  famine  retains  its  cruel  grip  in  many 
parts  of  the  world,  especially  in  Africa.  This 
year,  hunger  is  not  as  widespread  as  it  was  in 
1985,  in  part  because  of  the  humanitarian 
spirit  of  Americans  and  other  donors.  No 
nation  has  been  more  generous  to  those  less 
fortunate.  We  have  sent  billions  of  dollars  to 
help  other  countries  rebuild  after  war  or  dis- 
aster strikes.  We  have  sent  billions  of  tons  of 
food  to  feed  the  hungry.  And,  we  have  sent 
our  sons  and  daughters  to  work  alongside  our 
neighbors  to  help  them  help  themselves. 

The  nobility  of  our  purpose  was  made 
manifest  in  the  great  outpouring  of  aid 
Americans  gave  spontaneously  to  the  victims 
of  the  African  famine.  Our  help,  both  public 
and  private,  saved  hundreds  of  thousands  of 
lives.  Last  year,  rain  returned  to  Africa,  and 
famine  subsided.  But  hunger  has  not  been 
overcome  and  another  natural  disaster, 
brought  by  locusts  and  grasshoppers,  is  bring- 
ing the  threat  of  continued  suffering. 

The  world  is  making  progress  in  ending 
hunger,  albeit  slowly.  In  some  countries,  civil 
strife  and  socialist  policies  continue  to  fuel 
famine.  We  must  continue  to  work  towards 
peace  and  incentive  policies  if  we  are  to  elimi- 
nate famine  caused  by  poverty,  drought,  envi- 
ronmental decline,  and  inappropriate 
economic  policies.  Many  governments  through- 
out the  world  have  recognized  that  the  health 
of  their  nations  and  their  people  depends  on  a 
strong  agriculture,  based  on  free  enterprise 
and  competitive  markets.  To  this  end,  my 
Administration  has  encouraged  policy  reform 
efforts  throughout  the  world,  through  our 
economic  assistance  programs  as  well  as  a 
new  Food  for  Progress  program,  under  which 
we  provide  grants  of  U.S.  food  to  countries 
adopting  sound  agricultural  policies. 

Since  its  birth  as  a  nation,  the  United 
States  has  relied  on  the  twin  pillars  of  individ- 
ual freedom  and  individual  enterprise  as  the 

foundations  of  its  national  economy.  Political 
and  economic  freedoms  cannot  be  separated; 
together,  they  foster  a  sense  of  social,  eco- 
nomic, and  political  responsibility  that  sus- 
tains individual  growth  and  fuels  economic 
development.  Without  self-reliant,  creative 
citizens,  no  nation  can  be  self-sufficient 
politically  or  economically,  nor  can  it  provide 
sufficient  food  and  fulfill  the  basic  human 
needs  of  its  people.  Free  market  policies  can 
promote  economic  growth  based  on  social  3 
justice,  self-reliance  and  the  skills  of  the 

Today,  millions  of  Americans  in  more    ] 
than  3,000  communities  will  participate  in  a 
variety  of  World  Food  Day  activities.  The 
spirit  of  voluntarism  has  never  shone  more 
brightly  throughout  our  Nation. 

I  ask  that  the  American  people  use  this 
day  to  reaffirm  their  commitment  to  ending 
world  hunger.  Ending  hunger  throughout  the 
world  will  require  a  long-term  commitment  as 
the  public  and  the  private  sectors,  of  people 
and  their  governments,  and  of  developing  ani 
donor  countries.  The  technological  solutions 
to  end  world  hunger  are  known  to  man;  now 
we  must  demonstrate  that  we  have  the  will  to 
eliminate  hunger  and  its  primary  source, 

In  recognition  of  the  desire  and  commit- 
ment of  the  American  people  to  end  world 
hunger,  the  Congress,  by  Public  Law  99-288, 
has  designated  October  16,  1986.  as  "World 
Food  Day"  and  has  authorized  the  President 
to  issue  a  proclamation  in  observance  of  this 

Now,  Therefore.  I,  Ronald  Reagan, 
President  of  the  United  States  of  America.B 
hereby  proclaim  October  16,  1986.  as  World 
Food  Day,  and  I  call  upon  the  people  of  the 
United  States  to  observe  this  day  with  appro- 
priate activities  to  explore  ways  in  which  our 
Nation  can  further  contribute  to  the  elimina- 
tion of  hunger  in  the  world. 

I\  Witness  Whereof.  I  have  hereunto  set 
my  hand  this  eighteenth  day  of  September,  in 
the  year  of  our  Lord  nineteen  hundred  and 
eighty-six,  and  of  the  Independence  of  the 
United  States  of  America  the  two  hundred 
and  eleventh. 

Ronald  Reagan 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  22,  1986. 



e  Systematic  Repression 
Soviet  Jews 

toger  Pilon 

iddress  before  the  Metrowest  <  'on- 

ice  oil  Suriet  Jewry  in  East  Oranye, 
Jersey,  on  September  28,  1986. 
Pilon  is  Director  of  Policy  fur  the 
'.au  of  Human  Rights  and  Huinani- 
m  Affairs. 

i  pleasure  to  be  here  this  evening  to 
k  to  your  Solidarity  Sunday  Rally 
loviet  Jews.  Of  course,  it  would  be 
fen  greater  pleasure  if  I  did  not 
to  be  here,  if  none  of  us  had  to  be 
,  if  we  could  all  go  home  to  the  quiet 
rnient  of  our  families  and  friends, 
we  are  here  because  there  is  great 
ring  today  in  the  Soviet  Union.  The 
of  quiet  enjoyment  we  take  for 
ted  in  America  is  increasingly  dif- 
;  to  find  there,  especially  for  Soviet 
;.  Amidst  this  suffering,  we  cannot 
we  must  speak  out. 
will  return  shortly  to  the  particular 
;t  of  Soviet  Jews.  At  the  outset, 
;ver,  I  believe  it  should  be  said  that 
le  degree  or  another  everyone  is  suf- 
g  in  the  Soviet  Union.  Life  there  is 
:ult  even  for  the  ruling  elite,  the 
enklatura — else  how  to  explain  the 
:tions  from  even  that  class  of  the 
less  society.  Life  is  difficult  for  all 
easons  we  know  too  well  but  tend  to 
it  too  easily,  especially  when  we 
set  our  own  habits  of  political 
ght  upon  other  political  systems.  It 
Id  be  well  to  recall,  then,  just  what 
e  of  those  reasons  are. 

(Constitutional  Basis  for 
et  Repression 

begin,  of  course,  with  Marxist- 
nist  theory  itself.  This  is  a  theory, 
s  remember,  that  has  nothing  to  do 
,  really,  with  individual  well- 
f— material,  much  less  spiritual, 
ke  our  own  moral,  political,  and 

heritage,  stemming  from  the 
Seal  liberal  tradition,  Marxism 
is  not  with  the  individual  but  with 
froup.  It  subjects  the  individual  to 
rroup,  whether  he  wishes  it  or  not, 
der  to  build  communism.  In  other 
Is,  it  uses  people  for  the  greater 
J  good;  it  treats  people  as  means, 
is  ends  in  themselves. 
But  let  me  go  to  the  current  source 
is  treatment  by  way  of  illustration, 
Soviet  Constitution  of  1977,  the 
hnev  Constitution.  If  you  have 

never  read  through  the  Soviet  Constitu- 
tion, I  urge  you  to  do  so.  Go  to  your 
library^  look  it  up,  read  it,  and  then 
reflect  upon  what  it  really  says.  It  is  a 
marvelous  statement  of  what  the  Soviet 
system  really  is  all  about,  perhaps  the 
best  you  will  find.  But  you  must  read  it 
carefully  and  critically.  Let  me  touch 
upon  a  few  salient  passages  here,  to  lay 
the  foundation  for  what  I  want  to  say 

The  Constitution  begins,  in  article  1, 
by  saying  that  the  U.S.S.R.  "is  a 
socialist  state  of  the  whole  people, 
expressing  the  will  and  interests  of  the 
workers,  peasants,  and  intelligentsia,  the 
working  people  of  all  the  nations  and 
nationalities  of  the  country."  No  men- 
tion here  of  inalienable  rights  or  of 
securing  the  blessings  of  liberty;  just  an 
assertion  that  the  U.S.S.R.  is  a  socialist 
state  and  that  it  expresses  the  will  and 
interests  of  its  constituents.  How  do  we 
know  that  the  socialist  state  represents 
the  will  and  interests  of  all?  The  question 
is  not  a  little  problematic,  of  course, 
especially  since  we  know  that,  in  fact, 
there  was  nothing  like  a  meaningful  con- 
stitutional ratification  process,  there  is 
no  meaningful  franchise,  nor  is  there 
even  a  recognized  right  to  emigrate— a 
right  to  vote  with  one's  feet  about 
whether  the  socialist  state  does,  indeed, 
represent  one's  will  and  interests. 

But  that  problem  looms  ever  larger 
when  we  move  to  article  2:  "All  power  in 
the  U.S.S.R.  belongs  to  the  people." 
Now  on  first  blush  that  proposition  looks 
innocuous  enough,  even  commendable. 
After  all,  better  that  all  power  be  in  the 
hands  of  the  Communist  Party?  Upon 
reflection,  however,  it  becomes  clear  just 
what  is  going  on  here.  The  difficulty  is 
not  with  the  quantifier,  "all,"  not  at  the 
outset,  at  least,  but  with  the  other  three- 
letter  word,  "the,"  before  "people"— "All 
power  in  the  U.S.S.R.  belongs  to  the 
people."  I'm  reminded  here  of  a  remark 
made  by  one  of  my  teachers  at  the 
University  of  Chicago,  Professor  Milton 
Friedman,  about  a  slogan  heard  so  often 
in  the  late  1960s:  "Power  to  the  people." 
But  for  the  word  "the,"  Professor 
Friedman  said,  he  was  in  complete 
agreement  with  that  slogan.  That  word, 
however,  institutionalizes  "people." 
"Power  to  People,"  that  is,  implies  that 
people  be  empowered  ax  individuals. 
Add  the  word  "the"  before  "people," 
however,  and  you're  calling  for  institu- 
tionalizing those  individuals.  No  longer 

are  they  to  have  power  as  individuals  but 
only  as  the  institution  "the  people."  Let 
me  emphasize  that  this  is  no  mere 
semantic  or  syntactical  point  I  am  press- 
ing here;  it  is  rather  a  point  of  the  pro- 
foundest  moment.  For  once  we  realize 
that  as  a  practical  matter  "the  people" 
can  exercise  their  power,  can  express 
their  will  and  interests,  not  by  discrete, 
individual  pursuits  but  only  through  com- 
plex institutional  arrangements,  the 
focus  is  shifted  immediately  from  people, 
as  individuals,  to  institutions. 

At  this  point,  moreover,  the  force  of 
the  quantifier  "all"  comes  into  play.  For 
if  all  power  in  the  U.S.S.R.  belongs  to 
"the  people,"  that  is  tantamount  to  say- 
ing that  all  power  is  institutionally  exer- 
cised, that  no  power  belongs  to  people  as 
such— indeed,  that  there  is  no  place  in 
the  Soviet  system  for  private  power, 
individual  or  institutional. 

But  the  matter  does  not  end  there 
either.  For  if  all  power  is  to  be  exercised 
institutionally,  there  must  be  some 
mechanism  by  which  the  people  decide 
and  act  institutionally.  Don't  look  for  a 
Western-style  voting  mechanism:  article 
3  tells  us  that  "[t]he  Soviet  state  is 
organized  and  functions  on  the  principle 
of  democratic  centralism,  namely  the 
electiveness  of  all  bodies  of  state  author- 
ity from  the  lowest  to  the  highest, .  .  .and 
the  obligation  of  lower  bodies  to  observe 
the  decisions  of  higher  ones."  But  "elec- 
tiveness," it  turns  out  in  article  9,  means 
"ever  broader  participation  of  citizens  in 
managing  the  affairs  of  society  and  the 
state, . .  .greater  openness  and  publicity, 
and  constant  responsiveness  to  public 

Clearly,  "electiveness"  is  a  long  way 
from  "elections."  It  remains  an  open 
question,  therefore,  just  how  decisions 
get  made  and  actions  get  taken  in  the 
Soviet  Union.  Only  when  we  turn  to 
article  6  do  we  find  the  answer  to  that 

The  leading  and  guiding  force  of  Soviet 
society  and  the  nucleus  of  its  political  system, 
of  all  state  organizations,  is  the  Communist 
Party  of  the  Soviet  Union. . .  . 

The  Communist  Party,  armed  with 
Marxism-Leninism,  determines  the  general 
perspectives  of  the  development  of  society 
and  the  course  of  the  home  and  foreign  policy 
of  the  U.S.S.R.,  directs  the  great  constructive 
work  of  the  Soviet  people,  and  imparts  a 
planned,  systematic  and  theoretically  substan- 
tiated character  to  their  struggle  for  the  vic- 
tory of  communism. 

There,  precisely,  is  how  the  "will 
and  interests"  of  "the  people"  get  deter- 
mined and  carried  out  in  the  Soviet 
Union— by  the  Communist  Party.  Like 
some  giant,  deus  ex  machina,  lumbering 


down  from  on  high,  the  Party  directs  the 
great  constructive  work  of  building 

But  have  I  not  ignored  the  rights 
individuals  enjoy  in  the  course  of  this 
grand  undertaking?  After  all,  the  Soviet 
Constitution  does  speak  of  "freedom  of 
speech,  of  the  press,  and  of  assembly, 
meetings,  street  processions  and 
demonstrations."  Indeed,  it  does,  but 
read  article  50  carefully:  these  freedoms 
are  guaranteed  "[i]n  accordance  with  the 
interests  of  the  people  and  in  order  to 
strengthen  and  develop  the  socialist 
system."  Speech  in  defense  of  the 
system,  yes;  against  it,  no.  As  Fidel 
Castro  has  said  in  his  own  little  world, 
"Within  the  revolution,  everything; 
against  the  revolution,  no  rights  at  all." 
Through  "defeasance  clauses"  just  such 
as  this,  the  Soviet  Constitution  renders 
meaningless  every  right  it  purports  to 
guarantee.  Indeed,  just  to  be  safe,  article 
39  sets  forth  a  general  defeasance 
clause:  "Enjoyment  by  citizens  of  their 
rights  and  freedoms  must  not  be  to  the 
detriment  of  the  interests  of  society  or 
the  state..  . ."  When  "interests"  rise  to 
the  level  of  rights,  rights  are  in  trouble. 

Is  it  any  wonder,  then,  that  there  is 
massive  repression  in  the  Soviet  Union? 
There,  right  in  the  Constitution,  is  the 
rationale  for  it— to  build  communism. 
Toward  that  end,  individuals  are 
means— to  be  used.  So  far  is  this  from 
our  Western  approach  to  political 
organization  as  to  be  its  polar  opposite. 

Soviet  Reality  Follows  Soviet  Theory 

It  is  particularly  important  to  grasp, 
then,  that  the  Soviet  system  is  not 
simply  a  case  of  good  intentions  gone 
awry.  It  is  not,  that  is,  that  the  Soviet 
Constitution  is  basically  sound,  that  the 
system  is  one  of  promise— if  only  the 
men  who  run  it  would  live  up  to  that 
promise.  (On  the  contrary,  it  is  fortunate 
that  they  do  not,  because  they  cannot, 
live  up  to  the  system's  promise.)  What 
we  have,  instead,  is  a  system  that  itself 
is  fundamentally  flawed,  a  system  that  is 
fundamentally  wrong— but  a  system  that 
delivers,  tragically,  on  much  of  what  it 

By  design,  then,  citizens  of  the 
Soviet  Union  are  subjugated,  at  virtually 
every  turn  in  their  lives,  to  the  interests 
of  the  state,  as  determined  by  the  Party. 
With  a  centrally  planned  economy,  the 
daily  decisions  of  life,  from  production  to 
distribution,  from  education  to  employ- 
ment, to  income,  housing,  and  on  and  on, 
are  all  out  of  the  hands  of  the  individual 
to  a  degree  vastly  greater  than  anything 
we  know  in  a  free  society.  Over  this 
public  control  of  the  daily  affairs  of  life, 

the  individual  has  very  little  influence. 
There  is  no  effective  franchise,  of 
course,  nor  any  effective  way  to  object 
to  the  decisions  that  determine  one's 
daily  life.  Indeed,  the  attempt  to  protest 
is  itself  a  sign  that  you  don't  understand 
your  own  best  interests,  that  you  may,  in 
fact,  be  a  candidate  for  psychiatric  incar- 
ceration. At  the  very  least,  protest  is  a 
threat  to  the  authority  and  integrity  of 
the  all-encompassing  system  and  thus 
marks  the  protester  for  repression. 

The  result,  of  course,  is  a  drab  and 
mean  existence  and  a  constant  daily 
struggle  just  to  survive.  Far  from  a  life 
of  meaning,  a  life  that  inspires,  it  is  a  life 
that  suffocates.  Surrounded  by  scarcity, 
by  bureaucracy,  by  the  constant  din  of 
slogans,  propaganda,  and  lies,  is  it  any 
wonder  that  people  turn  inward,  to 
themselves,  or  to  their  religious  and 
cultural  heritage?  Even  among  those 
formerly  committed  to  the  system,  there 
is  broadening  realization  that,  after 
seven  decades  of  struggle  and  sacrifice, 
the  building  of  communism  is  going 
nowhere,  except  for  more  of  the  same. 
The  rebirth  of  interest  in  religion  across 
the  Soviet  Union  should  not  surprise, 
therefore,  despite  relentless  efforts  to 
stamp  it  out. 

The  Repression  of  Soviet  Jews 

But  Jews  have  come  in  for  particular 
repression— insults,  deprivation  of 
cultural  rights,  quotas  at  institutions  of 
higher  learning,  denial  of  professional 
opportunities,  not  to  mention  outright 
arrest  and  incarceration  for  practicing 
their  traditions— all  based  simply  upon 
their  being  Jewish,  all  of  which  urges  us 
to  reflect  upon  why  this  is  so.  There  are 
the  usual  explanations  from  anti- 
Semitism,  of  course,  couched  in  the 
Soviet  Union  as  anti-Zionism,  which 
have  a  long  history  in  Russia.  But  there 
are  other,  systemic  reasons  at  work  as 
well,  which  in  many  ways  are  more 

There  is  first  the  belief  that  Jews,  as 
a  class,  cannot  be  trusted,  a  thesis 
developed  recently  by  Professor 
Matatyahu  Mine  of  the  Diaspora 
Institute  at  the  University  of  Tel  Aviv,  a 
student  of  the  history  of  the  Jews  in  the 
Soviet  Union.  Observing  that  the  ruling 
Nomenklatura  selects  its  members 
primarily  on  the  basis  of  evidence  of 
total  loyalty  to  the  system— loyalty, 
above  all,  to  one's  fellow  Nomenklatura 
members  and  complete  subservience  to 
one's  superiors— Professor  Mine  argues 
that  Stalin's  successors  concluded,  just 
as  Stalin  had,  that  Jews,  as  a  group, 
came  from  a  cultural  pattern  that  made 
them  unfit  for  a  system  of  this  kind. 

Drawing  upon  this  thesis,  Ambassadoi1 
Richard  Schifter,  presently  Assistant 
Secretary  of  State  for  Human  Rights  ' 
and  Humanitarian  Affairs,  observes  tx '■ 
"gradually,  almost  imperceptibly,  the; ! 
level  beyond  which  Jews  may  not  rise 
the  Soviet  Union  was  lowered.  Inereas 
ingly,  prestigious  institutions  of  higher 
learning  closed  their  doors  to  them 
entirely  or  permitted  only  a  tiny  numb 
of  applicants  to  enter.  As  the  years 
passed,  Jews  thus  began  to  be  moved' ' 
the  margins  of  Soviet  society." 

Yet  another,  closely  related  explai  ]! 
tion  for  the  particular  repression  of 
Soviet  Jews  returns  us  to  the  characte ' 
of  the  Soviet  political  system.  Althoug  E 
Jews  were  repressed  under  the  czars, 
the  character  of  that  repression  was  n  [ 
totalitarian:  the  czars  allowed  Jewish  ' 
cultural  and  religious  institutions  to 
flourish,  for  example.  Soviet  rulers,  b}  \ 
contrast,  distrust  any  institutions  they 
do  not  control;  in  fact,  they  will  not, 
indeed  cannot,  allow  independent  insti 
tions  to  coexist  with  the  state  since  tht  f 
are  a  threat  not  only  to  their  total  con-  * 

trol  but,  more  importantly,  to  the  ratic 
ale  for  that  control.  The  "new  Soviet 

man,"  after  all,  does  not  need  indepen 
ent  institutions.  The  return  of  Soviet   ! 
Jews  to  their  religious  and  cultural 
heritage  is  thus  a  slap  in  the  face  of  th  • 
system  itself.  It  must  be  repressed, 
especially  when  it  takes  the  form  of 
group  or  institutional  activity. 

In  recent  years,  however,  that 
repression  has  increased  substantially,  i 
the  point  of  a  crackdown,  over  the  pasi 
2  years,  even  upon  teachers  of  Hebrew ' 
Arrests  of  Hebrew  teachers  and  Jewisl 
cultural  activists  on  trumped-up  crimin 
charges  are  common,  as  are  beatings 
and  other  mistreatment.  Is  it  any 
wonder  then  that  Jews  are  asking  to 

Jewish  Emigration 

But  there,  of  course,  is  the  rub,  for  the 
Soviet  Union  does  not  recognize  any 
right  of  free  emigration,  notwithstand- 
ing that  it  is  a  signatory  of  the  Helsink:, 
accords  wherein  it  promised  recognition 
of  such  a  right.  In  practice,  as  we  know' 
emigration  is  possible,  for  reasons, 
primarily,  of  family  reunification.  Yet 
the  regulations  governing  emigration  a 
unavailable  to  applicants;  and  proce- 
dures are  lengthy,  usually  arbitrary,  an 
invariably  surrounded  by  persecution. 
Those  denied  permission,  the  refuseniki, 
frequently  endure  years  of  suffering. 
Fired  from  their  jobs,  or  at  least 
demoted,  they  are  shunned  by  their 
friends  out  of  fear  of  guilt  by  associa-    J 
tion.  Often  their  apartments  are 


-.*    ~*   CMM    Dullot 


Iched,  their  mail  seized,  and  their 
phones  disconnected.  Moreover,  the 
e  vocal  they  become  about  their 
c  to  emigrate,  the  more  they  expose 
hselves  to  official  harassment  and 
lible  repeated  refusals  of  permission. 
In  this  suspended  animation  goes  on 
[rears,  life  can  become  all  but 

[Regrettably,  these  conditions 
Iribe  the  Soviet  Union  even,  indeed 
[cially,  today.  In  fact,  emigration  of 
et  Jews  is  at  its  lowest  level  in  20 
|s.  During  the  first  9  months  of  1986, 
631  were  allowed  to  leave.  At  its 
ent  rate,  emigration  this  year  will  be 
pi  by  about  99%  from  the  rate  in 
v.  Yet  we  know  the  names  of  at  least 
00  Soviet  Jews  who  have  been 
bed  permission  to  emigrate;  and 
(■oximately  380,000  others  have 
dested  invitations  from  relatives 
jad  as  required  by  Soviet  law. 
ply,  the  situation  under  Mr. 
oachev  is  not  improving,  notwith- 
Iding  a  few  high-visibility  gestures 
|  as  the  release  of  Anatoliy 
jiaranskiy  and  the  visit  of  Yelena 
her.  In  fact,  the  situation  is  as  bad  as 
Is  been  at  any  time  in  the  post-Stalin 
jThe  loose  associations  of  dissenters 
\  been  destroyed.  The  arrest  and 
ishment  of  dissenters  has  discour- 
|.  others  from  following  the  same 
I.  We  are  back  to  the  days  of  total 

L  Administration's  Response 

|,  what  are  we  in  the  Administration 
k  about  this?  Perhaps  a  better  ques- 
Swould  be  what  can  we  do  about  this? 
L thing  that  comes  readily  to  mind,  of 
ise,  is  conditioning  trade  agreements 
ii  an  improvement  in  the  human 
Is  area.  But  here  the  possibilities  are 
led  by  the  fact  that  it  is  a  world 
lomy  we  need  to  coordinate  if  we  are 
p  effective;  and  that  economy  is  by 
beans  ours  to  coordinate.  Never- 
:ss,  where  we  can  be  effective  in  this 
,  we  try  to  do  so. 
n  general,  however,  we  have 
wed  a  dual  policy  of  private  and 
ic  diplomacy  by  way  of  trying  to 
ove  the  situation.  In  particular  cases 
■e  we  believe  we  can  be  effective, 
is,  we  try  quietly  to  obtain  relief, 
rly,  however,  we  have  had  only 
ed  success  in  these  efforts  at  quiet 
imacy.  Accordingly,  we  have  had 
:asingly  to  go  public  in  our  criticism, 
e  belief  that  Soviet  leaders  have  at 
;  some  concern  for  their  standing  in 
nternational  community.  Rightly  or 
gly,  that  is,  we  have  assumed  that 

if  we  speak  often  and  loudly  enough,  the 
public  relations  price  Soviet  leaders  will 
have  to  pay  will  influence  them  to 
improve  the  situation. 

There  is  considerable  evidence,  of 
course,  that  Soviet  leaders  do  care  about 
Western  public  opinion— else  why  the 
intense  media  efforts  of  Mr.  Gorbachev 
since  he  came  to  power.  They  care 
because,  notwithstanding  all  their 
military  might,  they  can  effect  favorable 
deals  with  the  West  most  efficiently  by 
manipulating  constraints  on  Western 
decisionmakers.  It  is  democratic  public 
opinion,  therefore,  and  Western  demo- 
cratic opinion  in  particular,  that  is  up  for 
grabs  here— the  only  public  opinion  that 
matters  because  the  only  opinion  that 
can  be  translated  into  public  policy.  And 
let  us  be  clear,  more  precisely  and  more 
fundamentally,  it  is  moral  opinion  that  is 
ultimately  at  issue. 

Soviet  Reaction 

Which  brings  me  to  my  final  considera- 
tions: the  Soviet  response  to  our  human 
rights  public  diplomacy  is  presently 
going  through  an  interesting  change, 
which  presents  a  fundamental  challenge 
to  us  that  I'd  like  to  share  with  you  this 
evening.  No  longer  do  we  hear  what  we 
used  to  hear  so  often  when  we  com- 
plained, namely,  that  we  were  interfer- 
ing in  the  internal  affairs  of  the  Soviet 
Union.  Rather,  we  are  met  today  with  a 
two-pronged  counterattack.  The  first  is 
to  charge,  in  reply,  that  the  United 
States,  too,  has  massive  human  rights 
problems,  from  hunger,  to  homelessness, 
to  unemployment.  The  second  is  to  try  to 
shift  the  name  of  the  game  from  "human 
rights"  to  "humanitarianism."  These 
two  threads,  let  me  note,  are  closely  con- 
nected. Moreover,  they  play  to  patterns 
of  thought  that  have  evolved  in  the 
West,  and  especially  in  Europe,  for 
nearly  a  century  now,  from  at  least  the 
Progessive  Era— patterns  that  have 
come  under  serious  intellectual  scrutiny 
only  in  the  last  decade  or  two  and 
serious  political  challenge  only  in  this 

Let  me  briefly  address  these  two 
lines  of  response  in  order.  The  first 
points  to  what  we  in  the  West  loosely 
call  "social  problems,"  which  the  Soviets 
then  convert  into  "human  rights" 
abuses.  But,  in  doing  so,  they  point  as 
well,  by  implication,  to  the  great  inter- 
national debate  over  two  very  different 
conceptions  of  "rights":  our  own  concep- 
tion of  "civil  and  political  rights," 
derived  from  the  classical  liberal  trinity 
of  life,  liberty,  and  property;  and  the 
socialist  conception  of  "social  and 

economic  rights,"  so-called  rights  to  the 
goods  produced  by  the  society  organized 
along  socialist  lines.  In  this  country,  for 
the  most  part,  we  have  steadfastly 
resisted  recognizing  these  social  and 
economic  "rights,"  not  least  because 
attempts  to  enforce  them  involve  both 
the  planned  economy,  with  all  its 
massive  inefficiencies,  and  repeated 
violations  of  our  traditional  rights. 

In  this  last  connection,  recent 
scholarly  work  has  shown  clearly  that 
you  cannot  have  it  both  ways:  every 
attempt  to  compel  the  production  and 
distribution  of  these  social  and  economic 
goods  and  services,  that  is,  ineluctably 
amounts  to  a  violation  of  individual 
rights  to  be  free.  Here  again,  it  is  no 
accident  that  the  Soviet  system,  which 
attempts  to  secure  these  "rights,"  is  as 
unfree  as  it  is.  The  better  approach  to 
these  admitted  social  problems,  we  have 
said,  is  to  encourage  private,  voluntary 
solutions  and  to  turn  to  forced  solutions 
only  when  and  to  the  extent  necessary. 
Only  thus  do  we  conform  to  the  prin- 
ciples that  define  us  as  a  free  society. 

The  second  tactic  we  have  increas- 
ingly seen  from  the  Soviets  by  way  of 
response  to  our  charges  is  to  attempt  to 
shift  the  terms  of  the  debate  from 
"human  rights"  to  "humanitarianism." 
Witness,  for  example,  their  recent  crea- 
tion of  a  Humanitarian  and  Cultural 
Affairs  Office  in  the  Ministry  of  Foreign 
Affairs.  This  move  plays,  again,  to  con- 
fusions that  have  set  in  in  our  own 
understanding  of  our  moral  foundations, 
which  is  why  the  remarks  of  the  Presi- 
dent on  the  subject  last  Monday  before 
the  UN  General  Assembly  were  so 
critically  important.  Indeed,  they  state 
the  point  so  well  as  to  bear  repeating 

I  note  that  Mr.  Gorbachev  has  used  in  re- 
cent speeches  the  same  categories 
I  have  used  here  today:  the  military, 
the  political,  and  the  economic;  except  that  he 
titled  his  fourth  category:  humanitarian. 

Well,  the  difference  is  revealing.  The 
United  States  believes  that  respect  for  the 
individual,  for  the  dignity  of  the  human 
person— those  rights  outlined  in  the  UN 
Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights— does 
not  belong  in  the  realm  of  charity  or 
"humanitarian"  causes.  Respect  for  human 
rights  is  not  social  work;  it  is  not  merely  an 
act  of  compassion.  It  is  the  first  obligation  of 
government  and  the  source  of  its  legitimacy. 

How  clear  and  to  the  point  those 
remarks  are.  It  is  up  to  us  now  to  bear 
them  in  mind  as  we  press  on  with  our 
important  work,  as  we  cry  out  against 
the  suffering  that  is  going  on  in  the 
Soviet  Union  today. 

This  is  not  a  pretty  picture  I  have 
drawn  for  you  this  evening.  I  wish  I 

Eemhpr  1QRfi 



could  be  more  sanguine,  but  as  the  legal 
latinate  has  it,  res  ipsa  loquitui — the 
case  speaks  for  itself.  I  am  here,  in  part 
to  tell  you  about  it,  in  part  to  assure  you 
we  are  listening,  but  mostly  to  try  to 
make  it  clear  just  what  the  nature  of  the 

problem  is  and  what  we  must  do  about 
it.  We  must  be  resolute,  but  we  must 
also  realize  that  we  are  in  this  for  the 
long  haul.  It  is,  after  all,  our  children 
and  our  children's  children  who  will 
inherit  this  world  from  us.  ■ 

Supporting  U.S.  Interests 
in  the  Middle  East 

by  Richard  W.  Murphy 

Statement  before  the  Subcommittee 
on  Europe  and  the  Middle  East  of  the 
House  Foreign  Affiars  Committee  on 
October  8,  1986.  Ambassador  Murphy  is 
Assistant  Secretary  for  Near  Eastern 
and  South  Asian  Affairs. ' 

Several  events  have  occurred  in  the 
peace  process  since  I  last  joined  the  com- 
mittee in  open  session  in  August.  Today, 
I  would  like  to  review  a  number  of  the 
developments,  including  the  Alexandria 
summit  and  the  Hassan-Peres  meeting. 
At  the  same  time,  I  would  also  like  to 
draw  attention  to  trends  here  in 
Washington  that  ironically  threaten  to 
undermine  our  ability  to  sustain  and 
encourage  the  positive  developments  we 
see  in  the  region. 

Peace  Process 

Several  recent  developments  have 
created  an  atmosphere  in  the  region 
more  favorable  to  the  achievement  of 
real  progress  toward  peace. 

The  Alexandria  summit— and  the 
Taba  arbitration  agreement  which  made 
it  possible— are  important  indicators  of 
where  we  are  today  in  the  peace  process. 
They  mark  an  important  step  forward  in 
the  Israeli-Egyptian  relationship,  the 
opening  of  a  "new  era,"  in  the  words  of 
the  summit  communique.  That  relation- 
ship remains  the  key  building  block  to 
Middle  East  peace.  As  President 
Mubarak  and  Prime  Minister  Peres 
noted  in  their  joint  communique,  the 
signing  of  the  Taba  arbitration  com- 
promise once  again  demonstrated  that 
direct  dialogue  and  negotiations  are  the 
sine  qua  non  for  progress. 

The  growing  realization  in  the  Arab 
world  that  direct  contacts  with  Israel  are 
acceptable  and  beneficial  was  clearly 
exemplified  also  by  King  Hassan's 
meeting  with  Shimon  Peres  and  the 
muted  reaction  to  it,  including  in  the 
Arab  world.  The  Moroccan  monarch 

joined  those  who  forthrightly  declare  to 
the  world  that  they  are  willing  to  take 
risks  for  peace— to  face  threats  from 
rejectionists  who  all  too  often  resort  to 
cowardly  terrorism  and  intimidation  to 
block  peace.  We  applaud  Morocco's 

The  Hassan-Peres  meeting,  Alexandria 
summit,  and  Taba  agreement  are  among 
a  number  of  positive  developments  that 
we  have  seen  in  the  region  over  the  past 
several  months. 

•  King  Hassan  abrogated  his  treaty 
of  union  with  Libya. 

•  The  reaction  to  the  U.S.  raid  on 
Libya  was,  with  few  exceptions, 
moderate  and  contained. 

•  King  Hussein  has  increased 
Jordan's  involvement  on  the  West  Bank. 

•  Common  areas  of  understanding 
as  regards  the  peace  process  have 
developed  among  Israel,  Jordan,  and 
Egypt,  as  the  Vice  President  noted  at 
the  conclusion  of  his  recent  trip  to  the 

•  Egypt  has  returned  its  Ambassador 
to  Israel  and  is  actively  engaged  in  ways 
to  increase  trade  and  tourism  between 
the  countries. 

We  can  have  no  illusions.  The  core 
problems  affecting  the  peace  process 
remain  to  be  settled,  to  be  sure.  But 
there  is  a  clear  desire  on  the  part  of 
many  leaders  in  the  region  to  find  a  way 
to  sit  down  and  together  resolve  even 
those  most  difficult  problems.  There  are 
many  signs  that  the  parties  in  the  region 
will  continue  their  efforts  to  advance  the 
prospects  for  peace,  and  we  look  for- 
ward to  continuing  our  constructive 
work  with  the  Israeli  Government  after 
the  upcoming  rotation.  The  United 
States  remains  and  will  remain  actively 
engaged  with  the  parties  as  they  seek  to 
find  a  way  forward. 

I  do  not  predict  any  sudden  break- 
through in  the  near  future.  But  the  kind 
of  undramatic,  steady  progress  we  have 
made  over  the  last  few  years  will  con- 
tinue, thanks  to  the  efforts  of  our  friends 

in  Israel,  Jordan,  Egypt,  and  now  othi 
moderate  Arab  states  like  Morocco. 

It  is  regrettable  that  King  Husseir 
initiative,  nurtured  and  encouraged  bj 
Prime  Minister  Peres  and  President 
Mubarak,  was  blocked  by  the  PLO's 
[Palestine  Liberation  Organization] 
inability  to  meet  the  King's  three 
challenges  last  February.  But,  impor- 
tantly, the  parties  have  not  abandonee 
efforts,  hopes,  or  aspirations  for  prog- . 
ress.  They  continue  to  build  on  areas  <| 
common  agreement.  All  recognize  the  | 
Palestinian  people  and  their  right  to  pi 
ticipate  in  the  determination  of  their 
future.  The  remaining  question  is  how  | 

All  also  are  of  one  mind  that  a  pre 
ductive  route  for  working  together  is 
seek  ways  to  improve  the  quality  of 
Palestinian  life  on  the  West  Bank  and  | 
Gaza.  Their  efforts  go  beyond  econom  ; 
indicators.  It  involves  a  common  reali; 
tion  that  Palestinian  residents  of  the 
occupied  terrorities  must  have  a  great 
sense  of  control  over  their  livelihood, 
civic  life,  and  future  prospects. 

The  United  States  has  encouraged 
the  parties  to  take  practical  steps  to 
improve  living  conditions  on  the  West 
Bank  and  to  highlight  the  dynamic 
nature  of  the  ongoing  peace  process. 
Recent  successes  include  the  introduc- 
tion of  measures  to  reduce  barriers  to  | 
trade  between  the  West  Bank  and 

Central  to  improving  the  quality  o  | 
life  for  West  Bank-Gaza  Palestinians  i 
provision  of  economic  assistance  to 
finance  a  variety  of  developmental  pre 
ects.  We  have  provided  $14  million  for 
that  support  and  will  continue  to  give 
these  programs  high  priority  next  yeai 
These  funds  are  disbursed  through 
several  private  voluntary  organization 
operating  in  the  West  Bank  and  Gaza. 
We  have  made  an  additional  $5.5  millii 
available  through  Jordan  during  this 
fiscal  year.  We  are  also  active  in 
encouraging  our  European  and  Japane 
allies  to  contribute  to  Jordan's  efforts 
the  West  Bank.  Without  any  doubt,   ( 
these  efforts  merit  our  continued 
assistance.  But  I  am  gravely  concernet 
that  we  will  not  be  able  to  be  as 
generous  as  the  importance  of  these  pi 
grams  would  warrant. 

Egyptian  Economy 

Egypt's  difficult  economic  situation  coi 
tinues  to  draw  our  full  attention  as  it 
involves  one  of  our  key  peace  process 
partners.  In  recent  months,  the 
Egyptian  Government  has  taken  some 
important  steps  in  implementing 
economic  reform.  One  indicator  of  pro£ 
ress  is  a  substantial  fall  projected  in  th 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


fes  domestic  product/budget  deficit 
jo  for  the  fiscal  year  ending  in  June 
17— a  result  of  increased  revenue  and 
Iraints  on  expenditures.  The 
jj'ptians  have  made  hard  decisions, 
jj  many  others  lie  ahead.  We  welcome 
[government's  resolve  to  deal  with 
rpt's  economic  problems. 
IWe  are  also  encouraged  by  the 
Insive  talks  underway  between  the 
j'ptian  Government  and  the  Interna- 
lal  Monetary  Fund  (IMF)  and  World 
5k.  A  team  of  senior  Egyptian  offi- 
E  followed  up  discussions  with  the 
id  and  Bank  in  Cairo  in  August  and 
Itember  with  nearly  2  weeks  of  talks 
Washington  during  the  IMF/IBRD 
fernational  Bank  for  Reconstruction 
j  Development]  annual  meetings. 
|se  talks  produced  progress,  and  the 
lid  and  Bank  agreed  to  resume  discus- 
Is  in  Cairo  within  the  next  few 
ftks.  We  hope  these  negotiations  will 
puce  a  sound,  timely  program  which 
tresses  Egypt's  financial  needs  and 
puces  the  basis  for  future  economic 
Jtvth  and  continued  political  stability. 


I  a  challenging  period  in  the  Middle 
Jt:  a  time  when  many  Middle  East 
lers  alike  are  in  agreement  on  the 
jmon  goal  of  negotiation  aimed  at 
living  the  Arab-Israeli  dispute.  It  is  a 
fe  when  the  parties  are  actively, 
Inly,  and  creatively  probing  for  routes 
und  barriers.  Paradoxically,  it  is  also 
Iriod  when  forces  and  trends  finding 
ression  on  resources  we  allocate  to 
(foreign  affairs  budget  hinder  us  from 
buraging  positive  development. 
Secretary  Shultz  expressed  his  grave 
drivings  during  his  address  at 
fvard  University's  350th  anniversary 
I  month.  His  remarks,  although  global 
pope,  go  to  the  heart  of  many  of  our 
cerns  regarding  U.S.  policy  in  the 
Idle  East.  The  Secretary  spoke  pas- 
lately  of  an  "extraordinary  develop- 
Jit:  the  congressional  attack  on  the 
iign  affairs  budget." 
I'The  Secretary  noted  that  congres- 
lal  reductions  and  earmarking  of  aid 
lis  to  a  few  countries  deprive  us  of 
r  half  of  all  our  security  and 
Jiomic  assistance  to  many  countries  in 
(world.  To  be  sure,  two  of  our  closest 
Idle  East  friends  greatly  benefit  from 
narks— Israel  and  Egypt— but 
ral  of  our  other  friends  will  be 
rely  penalized.  At  a  time  when  some 
ierate  Arabs  are  more  prepared  than 
r  before  to  move  toward  Israel  and 
:n  they  themselves  face  mounting 
*iomic  difficulties,  we  simply  do  not 

have  the  means  to  offer  developmental 

The  Secretary  correctly  noted  that 
the  dollars  we  spend  on  such  assistance 
are  the  most  cost-effective  bargain 
among  all  of  our  national  security  activ- 
ities. For  example,  the  assistance  we 
provide  to  Jordan  for  developing  the 
West  Bank  is  an  inexpensive  investment 
in  regional  peace.  As  I  mentioned 
earlier,  our  support,  both  moral  and 
financial,  for  the  quality  of  life  of 
Palestinians  is  welcomed  by  Israel, 
Jordan,  and  Egypt.  The  struggle  for  a 
comprehensive,  fair,  and  just  Middle 
East  peace  will  not  be  won  by  the  open- 
ing of  a  bank  or  the  completion  of  a 
water  project.  But  the  context  in  which 
the  peace  process  works  cannot  but  be 
affected  by  the  quality  of  life  on  the 
West  Bank. 

The  severe  reductions  of  U.S.  secu- 
rity and  economic  assistance  in  the 
Middle  East  come  at  a  time  when  our 
closest  friends  face  grave  economic  dif- 
ficulties, owing  in  part  to  the  oil  glut  and 
debt  crisis.  During  this  type  of  crunch, 
the  strong  support  of  the  United  States 
is  most  needed  and  appreciated. 
Included  in  this  group  are  small  nations 
such  as  Tunisia  and  Jordan— both  of 
whom  speak  forcefully  against  Qadhafi's 
state-sponsored  terrorism  and  worked 
courageously  behind  the  scenes  in  the 
Arab  League  to  prevent  a  strong  con- 
demnation of  the  U.S.  Libyan  raid. 
There  were  others.  Morocco  defied 
Qadhafi  in  August  by  unilaterally 
abrogating  the  Oujda  accord  with  Libya. 
King  Hassan's  bold  initiatives  with 
Israel  have  done  much  to  further  peace 
in  the  region.  Many  of  these  same 
friends  stand  to  be  heavily  penalized  by 
our  assistance  cutbacks. 

Secretary  Shultz  warned  of  other 
dangers.  He  spoke  of  an  alarming  swing 
in  America  from  involvement  to  isola- 
tion. Rather  than  giving  in  to  our  "impa- 
tience with  diplomacy,"  the  Secretary 
challenges  our  nation  to  pursue  practical 
political  solutions  in  this  world.  This 
requires  "perseverance,  understanding 
of  ambiguity,  and  a  recognition  of  the 
need  for  compromise."  Specifically,  he 
decried  those  who  despaired  at  the 
disturbing  trends  in  the  United  Nations 
and  called  for  strengthening  our  role  in 
the  United  Nations  for  affirmative 
reasons  and  also  lest  others  whose  inter- 
ests are  adverse  to  ours  step  into  our 

I  can  think  of  no  better  example  of 
Secretary  Shultz's  point  than  the  oppor- 
tunity we  have  to  continue  U.S.  involve- 
ment with  the  UN  Interim  Force  in 
Lebanon  (UNIFIL).  We  have  supported 
UNIFIL  since  it  was  established  in  1978. 
Its  objective  was  to  confirm  the  Israeli 

withdrawal  from  Lebanon,  to  assist  the 
Lebanese  Government  to  return  its 
effective  authority  to  south  Lebanon, 
and  to  contribute  to  the  restoration  of 
international  peace  and  security  to  the 
area.  It  could  play  a  key  role  in  future 
security  arrangements.  The  force  has 
not  been  able  fully  to  carry  out  its  man- 
date. But  we  believe  it  makes  an  impor- 
tant contribution  to  stability  in  the  area. 
I  want  to  thank  the  members  of  this  sub- 
committee for  their  letter  of  support  for 

We  are  deeply  concerned  that  the 
Congress  may  provide  less  than  half  our 
$42.9  million  request  for  fiscal  year  (FY) 
1987  after  making  a  similar  cut  in  our 
FY  1986  request.  Congress'  move  first 
to  eliminate  and  then  to  reduce  our  con- 
tribution to  UNIFIL  has  made  our  policy 
of  consistent  support  for  the  force  more 
difficult  to  carry  out.  The  governments 
of  the  troop  contributors,  who  look  to  us 
for  leadership  on  this  issue,  indicated 
serious  concern  at  these  developments. 
They  take  it  as  evidence  of  eroding  U.S. 
political  and  diplomatic  support  for 
UNIFIL.  Perhaps  in  the  face  of  our 
wavering,  the  Soviets— for  the  first  time 
since  UNIFIL's  establishment— in  April 
voted  in  favor  of  renewing  UNIFIL's 
mandate  and  expressed  a  willingness  to 
pay  their  share.  It  is  clear  that  for  the 
Soviets,  our  funding  difficulties  repre- 
sent an  opportunity  to  gain  propaganda 
and  political  advantage  at  our  expense  in 
Lebanon  and  at  the  United  Nations. 

The  case  can  be  made  equally  well 
for  recent  congressional  efforts  to 
reduce  U.S.  support  for  the  UN  Relief 
and  Works  Agency  (UNWRA)  and  the 
Sinai  Multinational  Force  and  Observers 
(MFO).  The  United  States  has  a  deep 
and  fundamental  commitment  to  seeking 
stability  in  the  Middle  East.  Reducing 
funds  for  UNWRA  only  sends  a  false 
signal  that  our  resolve  to  acknowledge 
and  support  the  needs  of  Palestinian 
refugees  is  weakening.  Similarly,  we 
have  a  firm  political  commitment  to 
Israel  and  Egypt  to  contribute  one-third 
of  the  costs  of  the  MFO.  To  dishonor 
that  promise  would  be  interpreted  as  our 
backing  away  from  the  Egyptian-Israeli 
peace  treaty. 

In  this  context,  I  want  also  to 
reiterate  the  Administration's  concern 
that  the  suffering  of  the  Lebanese  peo- 
ple be  soon  alleviated.  We  strongly  sup- 
port the  current  Lebanese  initiative, 
through  the  committee  of  dialogue,  to 
find  a  blueprint  for  political  and  security 
reform.  We  believe  that  the  continued 
violent  interference  of  militias  in  an 
effort  to  restore  the  rule  of  law  is 
reprehensible.  Militias  should  be 

llPmhor  1QRK 



Perhaps  more  than  any  other  cur- 
rent congressional  initiative,  I  am  con- 
cerned  at  the  long-term  threat  to  the 
i tent's  ability  to  conduct  foreign 
policy  and,  importantly,  to  advance  U.S. 
interests  in  the  region  constituted  by  the 
proposed  Biden-Levine  bill  to  change  the 
Ainis  Export  Control  Act  legislation. 
Although  the  Administration  has  not  yet 
completed  a  detailed  examination  of  the 
full  legal  and  policy  effects  of  the  bill,  I 
would  like  to  take  this  opportunity  to 
express  my  personal  and  profound 
misgivings  now— early  in  the  process  of 
its  consideration.  In  the  press  conference 
announcing  the  bill,  one  of  the  sponsors 
stated  that  the  objective  of  the  bill  is  to 
respond  to  the  constitutional  concerns 
raised  by  Chadha— the  Supreme  Court's 
1983  decision  striking  the  legislative 
veto— and  to  require  a  majority  vote  of 
both  Houses  of  Congress  to  approve 
"sensitive"  arms  sales.  The  bill  ade- 
quately addresses  the  Chadha  issue  by 
providing  for  a  joint  resolution  to  be 
presented  to  the  President.  However, 
the  bill  raises  other  questions  by  restric- 
ting the  President's  foreign  affairs 
powers.  In  this  regard,  while  the  bill  is 
apparently  neutral,  the  sponsors  make 
no  secret  of  the  intent  of  the  legisla- 
tion—to block  approval  of  such  sales  to 
the  moderate  Arab  states. 

With  all  respect  to  the  sponsors  of 
this  legislation,  I  fear  that  it  is  another 
example  of  the  tendencies  now  develop- 
ing in  the  American  policy  that 
Secretary  Shultz  identified  in  his  Har- 
vard speech.  It  is  a  reflection  of 
isolationism— best  understood  as  an 
unwillingness  to  recognize  the  complex- 
ities and  realities  of  the  world  we  live  in. 
It  reflects  a  desire  to  withdraw  from 
regional  engagements,  to  bypass 
diplomacy,  and  to  impose  congressional 
restraints  on  the  President's  constitu- 
tional ability  to  conduct  foreign  policy. 

The  Secretary's  view  is  well  illus- 
trated by  the  continuing  course  of  events 
in  the  Persian  Gulf.  As  this  committee 
well  understands,  one  of  our  nation's 
highest  priorities  is  to  assure  the  free 
flow  of  oil  from  the  gulf.  Our  friends  in 
the  region  such  as  Saudi  Arabia  and  the 
other  Gulf  Cooperation  Council  countries 
must  have  the  means  to  protect 
themselves  and  their  interests  and,  in 
the  process,  maintain  freedom  of  inter- 
national navigation.  Their  need  is  very 
much  in  line  with  U.S.  interests.  Over 
the  years,  we  have  taken  important 
steps  to  maintain  these  common  security 
interests.  We  have  provided  both  eyes 
and  ears  and  sword  and  shield  to  our 
friends  in  the  gulf,  and  as  the  crisis  goes 
on,  we  will  be  required  to  do  more  so 

that  they  can  defend  both  their  interests 
and  our  own. 

Since  I  last  talked  with  you  in  mid- 
August,  the  preparations  for  a  large 
Iranian  offensive  have  proceeded  apace. 
The  offensive  (or  offensives)  could  be 
launched  during  the  next  few  weeks. 
There  is  mounting  concern  both  here  and 
in  moderate  Arab  capitals  that  the  com- 
bination of  Iran's  stated  intention  to 
launch  the  "final"  offensive  and  the 
change  in  Iraqi  air  tactics  since  mid-July 
has  led  to  a  heightened  tempo  and  pace 
of  the  war. 

Despite  their  very  substantial 
economic  problems,  the  Iranians  con- 
tinue to  believe  that  they  have  a  good 
chance  of  making  a  "breakthrough"  of 
some  sort  with  this  offensive.  Iranian 
troop  concentrations  are  gathering  in 
both  the  central  and  southern  sectors  of 
the  front,  from  Mehran  to  Faw.  Domes- 
tic preparations— readying  hospitals  to 
receive  the  wounded,  Khomeini  blessing 
the  army  and  Revolutionary  Guard 
leadership— have  taken  place. 

If  there  was  any  doubt  about  Iran's 
commitment  to  victory,  they  were  laid  to 
rest  August  24  when  Ayatollah  Khomeini 
intervened  in  the  war  discussion  and,  in 
the  midst  of  a  lengthy  exhortation  on  the 
war,  made  the  following  comments: 

We  must .  .  .  refuse  to  submit  to  either  an 
imposed  peace  or  an  imposed  arbitration. 
We  must  continue  this  war.  as  decided  by 
ourselves  and  our  nation  and  as  stated  by  the 
entire  nation.  This  war  must  continue  until, 
God  willing,  victory  is  achieved.  The  victory, 
God  willing,  is  near.  ...  If  our  nation  wishes 
to  see  this  victory  achieved,  then  it  must  be 
mobilized.  Our  entire  nation  must  be  mobil- 
ized in  the  true  sense  of  the  word  for  the 

The  Iraqis  are  well  aware  of  Iranian 
plans  and  troop  movements  and  have 
made  their  own  preparations  over  the 
summer,  mobilizing  new  troops  and  sus- 
taining a  very  vigorous  air  war  against 
Iranian  economic  targets  since  mid-July. 
In  fact,  since  we  last  met,  the  Iraqis 

have  done  substantial  damage  to  Iraniai 
oil  targets  in  the  gulf,  with  strikes  on 
Kharg,  Lavan,  and  Sirri  Islands,  as  wel 
as  refineries  and  oil  production  networi 
on  land.  As  for  the  expected  offensive, 
we  believe  that  Iraq  should  be  able  to 
sustain  its  defenses. 

While  all  attention  is  focused  on  th* 
imminent  offensive,  we  continue  to  be 
concerned  about  the  long-term  outlook 
of  the  war.  As  the  level  of  violence  and 
destruction  escalates,  so  do  the  chances 
for  the  spreading  and  spillover  of  the 
war.  Already,  gulf  shipping  has  become 
a  renewed  target  for  both  sides.  We  coi 
tinue  to  press  our  3-year-old  diplomatic 
initiative  to  prevent  arms  from  getting 
to  Iran.  We  do  this  because  of  our  desh 
to  see  the  war  wind  down.  We  target 
Iranian  procurement  because  Iran  is  th 
intransigent  party  in  the  war,  refusing 
to  consider  any  negotiation  or  mediatio 
proposal  made  to  date. 

We  also  continue  our  diplomatic 
exchanges  on  the  war— in  an  effort  to 
see  what  we  might  be  able  to  do— at  thi 
United  Nations  or  elsewhere  to  help 
draw  the  war  to  an  end.  Our  problem, 
again,  has  been  Iranian  commitment  to 
the  war.  There  are  any  number  of  pote 
tial,  even  eager,  mediators— and  Iraqh 
agreed  to  various  proposals,  but  Iran  h 

In  conclusion,  and  to  emphasize  the 
Secretary's  thoughts,  we  live  in  a 
dangerous  and  highly  interdependent 
world.  The  preeminent  task  of  the 
Executive  and  Congress  is  to  meet  the 
challenges  before  us  by  working 
together  to  construct  a  wise  and  just 
foreign  policy  that  protects  the  best 
interests  of  the  United  States.  This 
requires  adequate  resources,  including  i 
fair  and  flexible  arms  transfer  statute. 

'The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearings 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will! 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 


December  198' 


sit  of  Israeli  Prime  Minister  Peres 

Prime  Minister  Shimon  Peres  of  the 
e  of  Israel  made  an  official  working 
t  to  Washington,  D.C.,  September 
16,  1986,  to  meet  with  President 
gan  and  other  government  officials. 
Following  are  remarks  made  by 
iident  Reagan  and  Prime  Minister 
3S  after  their  meeting  on 
\ember  15.1 

sident  Reagan 

as  been  a  great  pleasure  for  me  to 
iome,  again,  Shimon  Peres  to  the 
te  House.  He's  a  valued  friend,  a 
esman  and  a  spokesman  for  peace, 
a  leader  of  the  Government  of 
el,  a  country  with  which  the  United 
es  has  deep  and  special  ties. 
(Our  meeting  today  reflected  the 
lie  dialogue  that  Israel  and  the  United 
;es  enjoy  as  friends  and  partners.  We 
ussed  our  broad  bilateral  agenda  as 
as  regional  and  international  issues. 
Item  number  one  was  our  commit- 
it  to  continuing  the  search  for  a 
otiated  peace  between  Israel  and  all 
;s  Arab  neighbors.  We  noted 
irable  trends  in  the  Middle  East,  not 
the  longing  for  peace  by  the  Israeli 
Arab  peoples  but  constructive 
ons  taken  by  leaders  in  the  region  to 
ithe  new  life  into  the  peace  process. 
No  one  has  done  more  than  Prime 
ister  Peres  to  that  end.  His  vision, 
statesmanship,  and  his  tenacity  are 
tly  appreciated  here. 
In  this  connection,  we  have  just 
lessed  an  auspicious  event:  the 
ting  between  Prime  Minister  Peres 
President  Mubarak  of  Egypt  follow- 
successful  negotiations  on  a  formula 
resolving  the  Taba  dispute.  Egypt 
Israel  have  once  again  demonstrated 
;  Arab-Israeli  differences  can  best  be 
lived  through  direct  negotiations. 
We're  also  heartened  by  the  contin- 
efforts  of  King  Hussein  of  Jordan  as 
as  the  historic  meeting  between 
g  Hassan  of  Moroccco  and  Prime 
ister  Peres.  There  is  reason  for 
Imism  and  hope. 
Prime  Minister  Peres  and  I  have 
feed  that  a  steady,  determined  effort 
leeded  by  all  if  the  remaining  obsta- 
I  to  direct  negotiations  are  to  be  sur- 
Hinted.  So,  our  two  governments 
By  reiterate  our  pledge  to  keep 
l*hing  toward  a  lasting  peace. 
[In  our  discussions  we  also  reviewed 
Ely  aspects  of  the  close  and  mutually 

beneficial  relations  between  our  coun- 
tries, including  the  need  to  maintain  a 
strong  and  secure  Israel.  To  this  end, 
not  only  is  military  strength  essential 
but  also  a  vigorous,  growing  Israeli 
economy.  Prime  Minister  Peres  and  his 
colleagues  in  Israel's  national  unity 
government  have  achieved  remarkable 
success  in  stabilizing  their  economy. 
They  are  now  turning  their  attention  to 
growth,  with  our  full  encouragement  and 

I  emphasized  to  Prime  Minister 
Peres  that  the  U.S.  Government  remains 
deeply  concerned  about  the  plight  of 
Soviet  Jewry  and  that  this  subject  will 
continue  to  be  an  important  part  of  our 
dialogue  with  the  Soviet  Union. 

We  also  discussed  the  scourge  of  ter- 
rorism and  our  revulsion  over  the  recent 
murder  of  the  innocent  in  Istanbul  and 
Karachi.2  The  lives  of  Jews,  Muslims, 
Hindus,  and  Christians  were  taken  in 
this  attack  on  civilization.  These  were 
acts  of  horror  and  outrage. 

Israelis  and  Americans  can  be  proud 
of  the  relationship  between  our  two 
countries.  The  common  values  and  inter- 
ests that  bring  us  together  sustain  us 
both,  and  the  many  levels  of  cooperation 
between  us  provide  a  rich  substance  to 
our  ties. 

We  look  forward  to  building  on  the 
good  will  and  trust  so  evident  between 
our  governments  and  peoples. 

Prime  Minister  Peres 

It  is  with  satisfaction  that  I  join  you  at  a 
conclusion  of  yet  another  most  produc- 
tive meeting  where  your  dedication  to 
peace  in  the  Middle  East  and  your  long- 
recognized  friendship  to  the  people  of 
Israel— may  I  say,  to  the  Jewish  people 
all  over  the  world— found  one  small,  con- 
crete expression. 

When  we  met  2  years  ago,  we  laid 
out  policies  and  strategies  for  peace, 
security,  and  economic  development. 
These  were  mostly  accomplished,  much, 
due  to  your  friendship  and  determina- 
tion. Today  we  look  at  the  future.  I  am 
certain  that  what  we  have  planned  will 
be  implemented  with  equal  imagination, 
dedication,  and  resolve. 

On  the  peace  front,  we  have  pre- 
pared the  ground  for  a  new  drive.  The 
end  of  the  war  in  Lebanon,  the  begin- 
ning of  what  President  Mubarak  termed 
a  new  era  in  the  Israeli-Egyptian  rela- 
tions, a  policy  that  keeps  doors  open  for 

coexistence  and  peaceful  relations  on  the 
West  Bank  and  Gaza,  the  search  for  a 
Jordanian-Palestinian  platform  for 
progress— all  pave  the  ground  for  the 
next  phase. 

There  is  always  a  difference  between 
up-rooting  a  tree  and  making  a  forest 
grow.  Confrontation  is  by  definition  a 
single  event.  Peacemaking  is  a  process 
which  requires  constant  patience,  culti- 
vation. I  am  certain  that  together  we 
can  sail  to  new  shores  of  understanding 
in  pacifying  our  region.  The  good  offices 
of  the  United  States  has  demonstrated 
its  effectiveness  by  demonstrating 
restraint  in  appearance  and  dedication  in 

The  next  step  should  be  directed 
toward  negotiation  between  the  parties 
concerned.  The  international  community 
can  support  such  negotiations,  not  sub- 
stitute it.  We  are  for,  clearly,  direct 
negotiation  on  a  bilateral  ground 
between  each  of  the  parties  concerned. 
And  international  support  can  provide 
the  parties  with  an  opportunity  of  an 
opening  occasion,  but  negotiations 
should  remain  between  the  parties 

For  the  international  participation, 
we  shall  accept  only  parties  that  respect 
peace  and  human  rights,  and  we  shall 
not  compromise  on  it.  Small  as  we  may 
be,  we  are  not  going  to  depart  from  con- 
viction and  principles  that  should  be 
respected  by  all,  small  and  large  at  the 
same  time. 

Again,  I  would  like  to  thank  you  for 
the  depth  of  your  understanding,  for  the 
empathy,  enjoying  the  basic  rights,  the 
basic  rights  of  a  people  under  your 
leadership,  Mr.  President.  The  free 
world  has  made  real  progress  toward 
democracy,  toward  freedom,  toward 
security,  and  toward  prosperity.  And  all 
of  us,  wherever  we  may  be,  have  enjoyed 
this  very  imaginative  and  determined 

I  would  like  to  thank  you  for  a  wind 
of  hope  and  optimism  that  you  have 
added  to  the  life  of  the  free  world  and  to 
our  own  country  and  our  own  people. 

■Made  in  the  Rose  Garden  at  the  White 
House  (text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Sept.  22,  1986). 

2President  Reagan  referred  to  the 
massacre  at  Neve  Shalom  Synagogue  in 
Istanbul,  Turkey,  and  the  hijacking  of  Pan 
American  Airways  Flight  73  in  Karachi, 
Pakistan.  ■ 



Compact  of  Free  Association 
With  Pacific  Islands 

OCT.  16,  1986' 

m  \n  vgement  of  the  compact  of  free 
Association  With  the  Republic  of  the 
Marshall  Islands,  the  Federated  States 
of  Micronesia,  and  the  Republic  of  Palau 

By  the  authority  vested  in  me  as  President  by 
the  Constitution  and  laws  of  the  United 
States,  including  the  Compact  of  Free 
Association  (the  Compact)  and  Public  Law 
99-239.  (the  Act),  it  is  ordered  as  follows: 

Section  1.  Responsibility  of  the 
Secretary  of  State.  The  Secretary  of  State 
shall  conduct  the  government-to-government 
relations  of  the  United  States  with  the 
Republic  of  the  Marshall  Islands,  the 
Federated  States  of  Micronesia,  and  the 
Republic  of  Palau  (the  "Freely  Associated 
States"),  including  any  subdivisions,  officials 
or  persons  thereof,  and  may  delegate  or 
allocate  such  of  his  authority  under  this  Order 
to  such  other  United  States  officials  as  he 
may  from  time  to  time  deem  desirable.  The 
authority  of  the  Secretary  of  State  shall 
include,  consistent  with  Article  V  of  Title  One 
of  the  Compact  and  section  105(bXl)  of  the 
Act,  the  establishment  and  maintenance  of 
representative  offices  in  the  Freely 
Associated  States  and  supervision  of  the 
United  States  representatives  and  their  staff. 
The  Secretary  also  shall  provide,  in  accord- 
ance with  applicable  law,  for  appropriate 
privileges,  immunities,  and  assistance  to 
representatives  and  their  staff.  The  Secretary 
also  shall  provide,  in  accordance  with  appli- 
cable law,  for  appropriate  privileges,  immu- 
nities, and  assistance  to  representatives  to 
the  United  States  designated  by  the  Govern- 
ments of  the  Freely  Associated  States, 
together  with  their  officers  and  staff.  In 
accordance  with  applicable  law  and  the  provi- 
sions of  this  Order,  the  Secretary  also  shall 
have  the  authority  and  responsibility  to  take 
such  other  actions  as  may  be  necessary  and 
appropriate  to  ensure  that  the  authorities  and 
obligations  of  the  United  States  set  forth  in 
the  Compact  and  its  related  agreements  and 
in  the  laws  of  the  United  States  as  they  relate 
to  the  conduct  of  government-to-government 
relations  with  the  Freely  Associated  States 
are  carried  out.  The  Secretary  shall  provide 
from  appropriations  made  to  the  Department 
of  State  such  funds  as  may  be  necessary  to 
carry  out  the  provisions  of  this  Order  in  rela- 
tion to  the  activities  of  the  Department  of 

Sec.  2.  Responsibility  of  the  Secretary 
of  the  Interior.  The  Secretary  of  the  Interior 
shall  be  responsible  for  seeking  the  appropria- 
tion of  funds  for  and,  in  accordance  with  the 
laws  of  the  United  States,  shall  make 
available  to  the  Freely  Associated  States  and 
the  United  States  economic  and  financial 
assistance  appropriated  pursuant  to  Article  I 
of  Title  Two  of  the  Compact;  the  grant,  serv- 
ice, and  program  assistance  appropriated  pur- 

suant to  Article  II  of  Title  Two  of  the  Com- 
pact; and  all  other  United  States  assistance 
appropriated  pursuant  to  the  Compact  and  its 
related  agreements.  The  Secretary  shall  coor- 
dinate and  monitor  any  program  or  any  activ- 
ity by  any  department  or  agency  of  the 
United  States  and  shall  coordinate  and 
monitor  related  economic  development  plan- 
ning. This  Section  shall  not  apply  to  services 
provided  by  the  Department  of  Defense  to  the 
Freely  Associated  States  or  to  activities  pur- 
suant to  Section  1  of  this  Order,  including 
activities  under  the  Peace  Corps  Act. 

Sec.  3.  Interagency  Group  on  Freely 
Associated  State  Affairs  and  the  Office  of 
Freely  Associated  State  Affairs. 

(a)  There  is  established  an  Interagency 
Group  on  Freely  Associated  State  Affairs  for 
the  purpose  of  providing  guidance  and  over- 
sight with  respect  to  the  establishment  and 
implementation  of  policy  concerning  the  Com- 
pact and  United  States  relations  with  the 
Freely  Associated  States. 

(b)  The  Interagency  Group  shall  consist  of 
the  Secretary  of  State  or  his  designee,  who 
shall  chair  the  Group,  and  of  the  principal 
officers  or  their  designees  from  the  Depart- 
ments of  the  Interior,  Defense,  Commerce, 
Energy,  and  Justice,  the  Organization  of  the 
Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff,  the  Office  of  Manage- 
ment and  Budget,  the  National  Security 
Council,  and  such  other  departments  and 
agencies  as  may  from  time  to  time  be 

(c)  The  Interagency  Group  shall  make 
such  recommendations  as  it  shall  deem  appro- 
priate to  the  President,  through  the  Assistant 
to  the  President  for  National  Security 
Affairs,  concerning  United  States  relations 
with  the  Freely  Associated  States.  The  Inter- 
agency Group  also  shall  provide  such 
guidance  as  it  deems  appropriate  to  depart- 
ments and  agencies  delegated  authority  by 
this  Order  concerning  administration  of  laws 
with  respect  to  the  Freely  Associated  States. 

(d)  If  any  department  or  agency  charged 
by  this  Order  with  implementation  of  the 
Compact  or  other  laws  of  the  United  States 
with  respect  to  the  Freely  Associated  States 
concludes  that  noncompliance  sanctions 
pursuant  to  section  105(g)  of  the  Act  are 
appropriate,  it  shall  make  appropriate  recom- 
mendations to  the  Interagency  Group.  The 
Interagency  Group  shall  consider  these 
recommendations  and  report  its  findings  to 
the  President  for  his  review  in  making  that 

(e)(1)  There  shall  be  in  the  Department  of 
State  an  Office  of  Freely  Associated  State 
Affairs  to  conduct  United  States  relations 
with  the  Freely  Associated  States  and  carry 
out  related  matters,  as  the  Secretary  of  State 
shall  direct  or  delegate,  and  provide  appro- 
priate support  to  the  Interagency  Group. 

(2)  The  Office  shall  be  headed  by  a  Direc- 
tor designated  by  the  Secretary  of  State,  to 
whom  the  Secretaries  of  State,  Defense,  and 

the  Interior  may,  to  the  extent  permitted  by 
law,  delegate  any  or  all  of  their  respective 
authorities  and  responsibilities  as  described 
this  Order,  including  the  authorities  referrec 
to  in  Section  4  of  this  Order.  The  Director* 
shall  serve  as  Executive  Secretary  of  the  I 
Interagency  Group. 

(3)  Personnel  additional  to  that  provided 
by  the  Secretary  of  State  may  be  detailed  to 
the  Office  by  the  Executive  departments  am 
agencies  that  are  members  of  the  Interagew 
Group,  and  by  other  agencies  as  appropriate 
Executive  departments  and  agencies  shall,  t 
the  extent  permitted  by  law,  provide  such 
information,  advice,  and  administrative  serv 
ices  and  facilities  as  may  be  necessary  for  th 
fulfillment  of  the  functions  of  the  Office. 

Sec.  4.  United  States  Representatives 
the  Freely  Associated  States.  The  United 
States  Representatives  assigned  to  a  Freely  ' 
Associated  State  in  accordance  with  Article 
of  Title  One  of  the  Compact  shall  represent 
the  Government  of  the  United  States  in  an  | 
official  capacity  in  that  Freely  Associated 
State,  and  shall  supervise  the  actions  of  any 
Executive  department  or  agency  personnel 
assigned  permanently  or  temporarily  to  that 
Freely  Associated  State. 

Sec  5.  Cooperation  among  Executive 
Departments  and  Agencies.  All  Executive 
departments  and  agencies  shall  cooperate  ir  I 
the  effectuation  of  the  provisions  of  this 
Order.  The  Interagency  Group  and  Office  oi 
Freely  Associated  State  Affairs  shall  facili- 
tate such  cooperative  measures.  Nothing  in 
this  Order  shall  be  construed  to  impair  the 
authority  and  responsibility  of  the  Secretar; 
of  Defense  for  security  and  defense  matters 
in  or  relating  to  the  Freely  Associated  State 

Sec.  6.  Delegation  to  the  Secretary  of 
the  Interior.  The  following  authorities  are 
delegated  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Interior: 

(a)  Reporting  to  the  Congress  on  eco- 
nomic development  plans  prepared  by  the 
Government  of  the  Federated  States  of 
Micronesia  and  the  Government  of  the 
Marshall  Islands,  pursuant  to  sections  102(b 
and  103(b)  of  the  Act; 

(b)  The  determination  required  by  sectioi 
103(e)  of  the  Act  concerning  the  qualificatioi 
of  the  investment  management  firm  selectet 
by  the  Government  of  the  Marshall  Islands; 

(c)  Reporting  to  the  Congress  with 
respect  to  the  impact  of  the  Compact  of  Fre 
Association  on  the  United  States  territories 
and  commonwealths  and  on  the  State  of 
Hawaii,  pursuant  to  section  104(e)(2)  of  the 
Act;  and 

(d)  Causing  an  annual  audit  to  be  con- 
ducted of  the  annual  financial  statements  of 
the  Government  of  the  Federated  States  of 
Micronesia  and  the  Government  of  the  Mar- 
shall Islands,  pursuant  to  section  110(b)  of  tl 

Sec.  7.  Delegation  to  the  Secretary  of 
State.  The  following  authorities  are  delegatt 
to  the  Secretary  of  State: 

(a)  Reporting  to  the  Congress  on  crimes 
in  the  Federated  States  of  Micronesia  and  th 
Marshall  Islands  which  have  an  impact  upon 
United  States  jurisdictions,  pursuant  to  sec- 
tions 102(aX4)  and  103(aX4)  of  the  Act; 


Department  of  State  Bullet] 


b)  Submitting  the  certification  and  report 
f  Congress  for  purposes  of  section  5  of 
fishermen's  Protective  Act  of  1967.  pur- 
I  to  section  104(f)(3)  of  the  Act;  and 
I)  Reporting  with  the  concurrence  of  the 
tary  of  Defense,  to  the  Congress  on 
blinations  made  regarding  security  and 
|se,  pursuant  to  section  105(q)  of  the  Act 

lee.  8.  Supersession  and  Saving 

L)  Subject  to  the  provisions  of  section  9 
is  Order,  prior  Executive  orders  concern- 
le  former  Trust  Territory  of  the  Pacific 
Is  are  hereby  superseded  and  rendered 
licable,  except  that  the  authority  of  the 
tary  of  the  Interior  as  provided  in  appli- 
provisions  of  Executive  Order  No. 
,  as  amended,  shall  remain  in  effect,  in 
iner  consistent  with  this  Order  and  pur- 
to  section  105(c)(2)  of  the  Act,  to  ter- 

minate the  trust  territory  government  and 
discharge  its  responsibilities,  at  which  time 
the  entirety  of  Executive  Order  No.  11021 
shall  be  superseded. 

(b)  Nothing  in  this  Order  shall  be  con- 
strued as  mollifying  the  rights  or  obligations 
of  the  United  States  under  the  provisions  of 
the  Compact  or  as  affecting  or  modifying  the 
responsibility  of  the  Secretary  of  State  and 
the  Attorney  General  to  interpret  the  rights 
and  obligations  of  the  United  States  arising 
out  of  or  concerning  the  Compact. 

Sec.  9  Effective  Date.  This  Order  shall 
become  effective  with  respect  to  a  Freely 
Associated  State  simultaneously  with  the 
entry  into  force  of  the  Compact  for  that  state. 

Ronald  Reagan 

'Text  from  Weekly  Compilation  of 
Presidential  Documents  of  Oct.  20.  1986 

ie  Strategic  Importance 
the  Emerging  Pacific 

■aston  J.  Sigur,  Jr. 

Yddress  before  a  conference 
Insored  by  the  Georgetown  Univer- 
•t  'filter  for  Strategic  and  Interna- 
\l  Studies  and  the  Pacific  Islands 
hkttion  on  September  29,  1986.  Mr. 
r  is  Assistant  Secretary  for  East 
wi  and  Pacific  Affairs. 

ndelighted  to  have  this  opportunity 
press  you  this  morning  on  the 
egic  importance  of  the  Pacific 
In  as  we  in  this  Administration  see 
Iseems  to  me  particularly  timely  to 
le  a  forum  to  the  discussion  of 
jopments  in  Oceania— the  nations 
elands  of  the  Pacific.  In  both 
Imic  and  political  terms,  they  are  an 
jasingly  valuable  part  of  the  emerg- 
Lsian-Pacific  profile  on  the  world 
I.  As  our  attention  becomes  focused 
I  and  more  on  the  Asian  and  Pacific 
pi  generally,  we  recognize  full  well 
pie  being  played  by  the  smaller 
lie  entities  in  the  emergence  of  that 
f  The  United  States  is  actively 
feed  in  consultations  with  our  island 
Es  on  a  broad  range  of  common 
fests  and  concerns. 
We  are  proud  of  our  historic  associa- 
Ivith  the  area.  The  United  States 
fe  precious  price  in  the  Pacific  45 
I  ago.  We  have  assisted  the  islands 
fir  social  and  commercial  develop- 
I  to  improve  the  livelihoods  of  their 
we.  and  we  have  helped  wherever  we 
I  to  ease  their  transition  to  full 
h'eignty.  We  maintain  ongoing 

political  and  commercial  relations  with 
the  region  on  a  mutually  beneficial  basis. 
To  the  extent  that  issues  arise,  as  they 
do  in  any  normal  relationship,  we  will 
address  them  candidly  and  sensitively. 
In  short,  this  Administration  welcomes 
the  "emergence"  of  the  Pacific,  and 
we  are  confident  of  its  positive 

U.S.  Interests  and  Involvement 

Let  me  step  back  now,  for  a  moment, 
and  look  at  the  larger  picture  of 
America's  growing  interest  and  involve- 
ment in  the  entire  Asian-Pacific  region. 
Contrary  to  the  fears  of  many  10  years 
ago,  we  never  "abandoned"  our  Asian 
commitments.  There  was  a  period  of 
reassessment,  but  our  fundamental 
linkage  to  the  economic  and  security 
interests  of  the  region  was  deeply  rooted 
and  inseverable.  The  remarkable  prog- 
ress achieved  throughout  the  region  in 
the  post- Vietnam  era  heralds  a  new  and 
significant  role  for  it  in  the  decades 
ahead,  and  our  national  interests  there 
have  evolved  accordingly. 

Today,  the  implications  of  daily 
events  in  Asia  and  the  Pacific  are  truly 
global.  The  economic,  political,  social, 
cultural,  and  security  developments  of 
the  region  all  impact  on  the  international 
system  and  influence,  in  some  way,  our 
own  lifestyles  and  policies  in  this  coun- 
try. We  cannot  afford  to  regard  the  area 
casually  as  we  deliberate  our  labor 
policies,  trade  strategies,  or  security  pro- 
visions. Nearly  every  event  that  occurs 
there  must  be  factored  into  our  own 

national  planning.  In  very  many 
respects,  we  depend  on  the  Asian-Pacific 
region,  just  as  it  depends  on  us.  Our 
relationship  is  one  of  broad  inter- 
dependence and  reciprocal  influence. 
The  United  States  must  respond 
realistically  to  this  fact. 

Our  own  interests  and  goals  in  the 
Asian  and  Pacific  region  have  been 
carefully  identified,  and  they  must  be 
just  as  clearly  articulated  so  that  they 
are  well  understood  by  all.  The  United 
States  has  an  abiding  interest  in  the  con- 
tinuing peace,  political  stability,  and 
economic  prosperity  of  the  entire  region. 
For  this  reason,  we  actively  strive  to 
nurture  closer  cooperation  and  consulta- 
tions on  a  broad  spectrum  of  common 
concerns.  In  support  of  our  many 
defense  commitments,  we  seek  to  main- 
tain the  overall  strategic  balance  among 
major  powers  in  the  region  which 
ensures  our  own  operational  ability, 
maneuverability,  and  access  in  time  of 
crisis.  This  important  goal  necessarily 
depends  upon  the  reliability  of  our 
regional  partners  in  shouldering  their 
portion  of  political  and  security  respon- 
sibilities. And,  of  course,  we  endorse  and 
support  broader  democratization  and 
respect  for  human  rights  wherever  defi- 
ciencies exist,  as  well  as  the  strengthen- 
ing of  the  open  market  trading  system 
for  greater  common  prosperity. 

For  our  part,  we  pledge  sensitive 
leadership  and  ample  support  to  our 
regional  friends  without  attempting  to 
dictate  or  dominate  local  processes. 
We  do  not  consider  the  Pacific  an 
"American  lake"  but  do  acknowledge 
our  responsibilities  and  legitimate 
national  interests  there.  We  are  a  Pacific 
nation,  and  have  been,  historically.  We 
are  proud  of  that  fact  and  proud  of  the 
contributions  we  have  made  to  the 
welfare  and  development  of  the  region. 

Micronesian  Relations 

In  Micronesia,  the  United  States  has 
been  working  closely  with  the  several 
governments  of  the  Trust  Territory  of 
the  Pacific  Islands  to  forge  a  new 
political  relationship.  Be  it  the  common- 
wealth status  the  peoples  of  the 
Northern  Mariana  Islands  have  chosen 
or  the  freely  associated  relationship  pre- 
ferred by  the  Federated  States  of 
Micronesia,  the  Republic  of  Palau,  and 
the  Republic  of  the  Marshall  Islands, 
these  new  relationships  represent  the 
clearly  stated  will  of  the  Micronesian 
people  as  expressed  in  a  series  of  UN- 
observed  plebiscites  held  over  the  past 
several  years.  The  Reagan  Administra- 
tion is  proud  of  the  role  it  has  played  in 

.1 -4  |-\OC 



bringing  the  political  aspirations  of  the 
peoples  of  the  trust  territory  to  fruition, 
and  it  joins  with  the  leaders  of  the 
region  in  rejecting  the  demands  of  the 
Soviet  Union  that  these  aspirations  be 
arbitrarily  denied. 

As  many  of  you  know,  the  situation 
in  Palau  is  in  flux.  Two  weeks  ago,  a 
legal  challenge  to  the  Compact  of  Free 
Association  was  upheld  by  the  Palau 
Supreme  Court.  What  is  important  to 
keep  in  mind  when  examining  this  issue 
is  that  the  challenge  to  the  compact  was 
weighed  and  tested  by  the  legal  system 
of  Palau— not  that  of  the  United  States. 
That  is  to  say,  the  legal  challenge  is,  in  a 
very  real  sense,  the  measure  of  the  suc- 
cess we  and  all  of  the  people  of  the  trust 
territory  have  had  in  nurturing  and 
bringing  into  full  blossom  a  vigorous  and 
democratic  indigenous  political  life.  It  is 
now  up  to  the  Palauan  people  themselves 
to  determine  what  their  future  course 
should  be.  Regardless  of  what  course  is 
chosen,  we  intend  to  work  with  the 
elected  leaders  of  Palau  to  help  build  for 
the  future  they  choose. 

Naturally,  the  uncertainty  of  the 
situation  in  Palau  has  had  an  effect  on 
our  plans  for  the  termination  of  the 
trusteeship  and  the  implementation  of 
the  compacts  and  the  Commonwealth 
Covenant.  It  has  not,  however,  changed 
in  any  way  the  Administration's  firm 
commitment  to  the  peoples  of  the  trust 
territory  to  move  ahead  without  delay 
toward  the  conclusion  of  the  self- 
determination  process.  In  that  context, 
we  were  extremely  pleased  last  August 
when  the  leaders  of  the  South  Pacific 
Forum  stated  again  their  strong  support 
for  the  political  status  arrangements  the 
governments  of  the  trust  territory  had 
chosen  and  called  for  the  prompt  ter- 
mination of  the  trusteeship  and  imple- 
mentation of  the  compacts  and  covenant. 

Commercial  and  Development  Ties 

While  our  two-way  trade  with  the  Asian- 
Pacific  region  as  a  whole  is  quite  large— 
almost  one-third  of  our  total  world 
trade— the  volume  of  U.S.  commerce 
with  the  Pacific  islands  has  been  small. 
This  has  been  due,  of  course,  to  many 
factors,  not  the  least  of  which  are  the 
limited  range  of  products  and  means  of 
transport  available  in  the  island  area. 
We  are  making  some  progress,  however, 
and  hope  to  facilitate  greater  commer- 
cial exchange  in  the  future. 

The  U.S.  role  has  been  much  more 
evident  through  the  years  in  terms  of 
direct  regional  aid  programs  to  help 
develop  the  Pacific  private  sector  and  in 
terms  of  the  educational,  technical,  and 

other  forms  of  social  assistance.  Our 
government's  International  Visitor  Pro- 
gram has  given  a  great  many  Pacific 
leaders  their  first  introduction  to  an 
industrialized  democracy.  The  Asia 
Foundation  has  active  programs  in  legal 
education,  media  education,  and  in  small 
business  and  entrepreneurial  training  for 
Pacific  islanders.  The  Fulbright  Program 
and  the  Peace  Corps  also  have  provided 
direct  support  to  the  area's  development 
in  many  ways.  Private  and  semiprivate 
institutions,  like  Honolulu's  East-West 
Center,  have  done  much  to  establish 
valuable  research  and  training  pro- 
grams, as  is  seen  in  the  support  the 
East- West  Center  has  provided  the 
Pacific  Islands  Development  Program. 
We  will  play  a  significant  role  in  bring- 
ing appropriate  technology  to  the  Pacific 
to  improve  the  job  market  and  living 
standards  of  the  area's  people. 

But  more  can  and  should  be  done. 
We  can  facilitate  even  more  the  area's 
entry  into  U.S.  commercial  markets, 
where  feasible,  and  continue  to 
encourage  private  investment  in  local 
industries,  such  as  food  processing 
plants.  We  can  help  encourage  and 
develop  the  Pacific's  potential  for 
expanded  tourism. 

The  one  commercial  issue  over  which 
we  and  the  nations  of  the  South  Pacific 
have  disagreed  most  in  recent  years 
involves  "coastal  state  jurisdiction  over 
highly  migratory  species."  In  a  less 
elegant  but  considerably  more  under- 
standable formulation,  our  conflicting 
views  on  the  tuna  fishery  have  been  a 
source  of  great  irritation  in  our  relations 
over  the  past  decade. 

Having  said  that,  however,  I  should 
hasten  to  add  that  neither  we  nor  the 
island  states  have  let  this  juridical  dif- 
ference prevent  us  from  addressing  the 
problem  in  a  friendly  and  constructive 
manner.  The  leaders  of  the  region  share 
with  Secretary  Shultz  a  clear  under- 
standing of  the  need  to  solve  this  prob- 
lem and  move  ahead  on  the  many  issues 
before  us  where  we  share  a  common 
interest  and  a  common  goal. 

We  are  now,  and  have  been  for  some 
time,  actively  engaged  with  the  region's 
states  in  negotiations  that  will  produce, 
when  finally  concluded,  one  of  the  most 
comprehensive  and  complex  fisheries 
agreements  ever  negotiated.  The 
remarkable  progress  we  have  made  in 
these  negotiations  since  their  inception 
in  late  1984  results  from  a  determination 
by  all  parties  that  no  problem  is  too  com- 
plex to  be  resolved. 

While  a  final  solution  to  some  of  the 
most  difficult  issues  before  the 
negotiators  still  evades  us,  we  have 
every  reason  to  believe  that  soon— 

perhaps  as  early  as  next  month,  when 
the  next  round  of  talks  begins  in 
Tonga— an  agreement  can  be  reached 
principle  on  the  broad  outlines  of  a  J 
regional  fisheries  treaty  benefiting  all 
parties.  At  that  time,  both  sides  can  1 
report  to  their  individual  capitals  that 
agreement  has  been  reached  which  at 
once  provides  the  U.S.  tuna  fleet  acce; 
to  the  region's  fishery  and  the  island 
states  an  adequate  and  reasonable  con 
pensation  for  their  resource. 

The  Nuclear  Age  in  the  Pacific 

Pacific  people  have  enjoyed  a  largely 
tranquil  history.  No  one  cherishes  pea 
and  harmony  more  than  they.  The 
islands  claim  a  tradition  of  peace  and 
good-neighborliness  which  we  Americ;  I 
fully  appreciate. 

There  is,  today,  a  detectable 
phenomenon  of  rising  antinuclear  sent 
ment  in  some  quarters  of  the  South 
Pacific.  It  stems,  in  part,  from  the 
natural  human  aversion  to  weapons  of 
mass  destruction  and,  in  part,  from  pa 
practices  of  nuclear  testing  in  the  area 
by  the  United  States  and  others.  We 
understand  that  sentiment.  The  Unite  j 
States  has,  for  years,  been  at  the 
forefront  of  efforts  to  prevent  the  pro 
liferation  of  nuclear  weapons  and  to 
enforce  rigid  global  standards  of  nucle 
safety.  We  have  neither  the  desire  nor 
the  intention  to  foist  nuclear  armamer 
onto  others. 

In  the  nuclear  age,  the  potential  fc 
worldwide  destruction  demands  that 
everyone  work  to  prevent  such  a 
catastrophe.  In  response  to  this 
challenge,  the  leaders  of  the  South 
Pacific  last  year  drafted  the  South 
Pacific  Nuclear  Free  Zone  Treaty.  At 
this  year's  meeting  of  the  South  Pacifi 
Forum,  those  same  leaders  invited  the 
nuclear  weapons  states  to  sign  the 
treaty's  protocols.  We  appreciate  the 
effort  the  authors  of  this  treaty  made  I 
ensure  that  vital  Western  interests  are 
taken  into  account. 

I  want  very  much  to  assure  this 
audience  that  the  U.S.  Government 
understands  the  concerns  expressed  in 
the  South  Pacific  Nuclear  Free  Zone  • 
Treaty.  We  are  giving  the  treaty  and  ii 
protocols  serious,  high-level  study. 

We  do  have,  however,  wide-rangin 
global  responsibilities.  These  require 
that  we  examine  carefully  and  in  detail 
the  full  implications  of  any  treaty  unde 
taking  that  would  limit  our  ability  to 
defend  free  world  interests.  I  believe  tl 
leaders  of  the  region  understand  that 
obligation  and  would  not  wish  my 
government  to  act  in  any  less  respon- 
sible manner. 


DeDartment  of  State  Bulla 


'he  nuclear  issue  also  has  been 
ghted  in  connection  with  New 
ind's  abrupt  decision  in  1984  to 
port  access  to  nuclear-powered  or 
ar-armed  vessels  and  aircraft, 
i  our  longstanding  and  universal 
y  of  neither  confirming  nor  denying 
jjesence  of  nuclear  weapons  on  our 
;ls,  we  concluded  that  we  had  no 
native  but  to  suspend  our  security 
ations  to  New  Zealand  under 
US  [Australia,  New  Zealand,  United 
;s  security  treaty].  The  conditions 
i  Wellington  chose  to  attach  to  our 
is  to  its  naval  ports  rendered  impos- 
our  practical  alliance  cooperation, 
rh  we,  of  course,  remain  friends. 
,et  me  say  just  a  word  about 
ice  responsibilities,  since  this  con- 
ice  is  devoted  to  strategic  considera- 
for  the  Western  alliance.  Allies 
iionally  differ  on  political  issues;  but 
imental  cooperation  and  mutual 
dence  require  an  appreciation  for 
oncerns  and  risks  involved  for  all 
l  one  ally  decides  to  set  its  own  arbi- 
rules  for  others  to  follow, 
t  may  be  paradoxical,  but  it  is  not  at 
rprising  that  a  nation  at  peace  must 
•epared  for  war  if  it  is  to  deter  war. 
lecessary  sacrifices  of  preparedness 
be  shared  equitably  among  demo- 
:  allies,  for  whenever  partners  do 
einforce  one  another,  the  safety  and 
of  the  entire  alliance  are  jeopar- 
.  We  all  face  similar  domestic 
lures  and  limited  resources,  and 
is  why  each  ally  must  dependably 
maintain  the  strength  of  the 
ice  according  to  its  own  capabilities, 
lot  all  allies  need  to  possess  their 
nuclear  deterrent.  But  if  one  under- 
s  America's  ability  to  maintain  its 
itial  naval  presence,  then  it  weakens 
vn  national  security  in  the  process, 
shared  responsibilities  go  beyond 
ly  deterring  military  threats,  of 
se.  Our  partnership  depends  on 
sr  and  broader  bonds  of  reciprocal 
?ration  that  include  the  entire  range 
lations,  including  economic  and 
cal  ties.  We  know  for  certain  that 
Vestern  alliance  unity  across  the 
i  is  essential  to  the  success  of  East- 
;  negotiations,  and,  therefore,  our 
al  support  on  the  smaller  issues— 
)ort  access— is  so  very  important  to 
irger  picture. 

st  Presence 

listoric  involvement  of  Americans 
Vest  Europeans  in  the  Pacific 
is  extends  back  many  generations, 
egacy  of  19th-century  commercial 
rultural  contacts  is  reflected  in  our 
Inuing  close  relationships  today.  The 

United  States  has  been  directly  involved 
throughout  the  decades  in  the  develop- 
ment of  local  industries  and  social  pro- 
grams that  have  improved  the  life  of 
islanders.  By  and  large,  they  have 
established  their  own  political  institu- 
tions that  reflect  the  same  values  of 
popular  democracy  as  our  own.  Our 
heritage  of  commonality  is  long,  and  it 
is  strong. 

Very  recently— within  the  past  3  or  4 
years— the  Soviet  Union  has  demon- 
strated newfound,  virtually  unprece- 
dented interest  in  the  Pacific  states. 
They  have  sent  their  emissaries  to 
explore  commercial  and  diplomatic 
opportunities  in  the  area.  The  reception 
has  been  largely  skeptical,  tentative,  and 
quite  limited  in  scope.  Moscow  is  dis- 
covering, in  its  belated  arrival,  that  its 
reputation  has  preceded  it.  As  Pacific 
governments  weigh  the  benefits  of  com- 
mercial cooperation  against  the  risks  of 
association  with  the  polar  bear  from  the 
north,  they  cautiously  consider  the  price 
of  political  dependence  that  inevitably 
accompanies  economic  dependence  on 
the  Soviet  Union. 

I  do  not  anticipate  a  groundswell  of 
greeting  to  the  Soviet  newcomers. 
Frankly,  the  political  traditions  of  the 
Pacific  area  are  wholly  incompatible  with 
those  of  the  Soviet  Union.  Moscow 
knows  it  and,  most  importantly,  the 
Pacific  people  know  it.  The  sad  history 
of  Soviet  involvement  in  the  Caribbean, 
in  the  Middle  East,  and  in  Africa— not  to 
mention  Eastern  Europe— betrays  little 
promise  to  the  forward-looking  people  of 
the  emerging  Pacific. 

For  our  part,  we  do  not  view  the 
recent  Soviet  initiatives  in  the  South 
Pacific  with  particular  alarm  or  distress. 
We  do,  however,  sense  the  importance 
of  preventing  the  area's  conversion  into 
yet  another  arena  of  major  power  con- 
frontation. This  consideration  calls  into 
question  the  long-range  role  and  goals  of 
the  Soviet  Union  in  penetrating  this  area 
of  the  Pacific. 

The  dramatic  record  of  Soviet 
military  buildup  in  the  Asian-Pacific 
region  more  broadly,  over  the  past  10 
years,  is  well  known.  Both  the  quality 
and  quantity  of  its  regional  armed  forces 
have  expanded  perilously  as  Moscow 
seeks  to  impress  and  intimidate  its  Asian 
neighbors.  The  Soviet  Pacific  naval  fleet 
is  now  its  largest.  Moscow  has  regularly 
supplemented  its  force  capabilities  at 
Cam  Ranh  Bay  and  its  military  aid  to 
North  Korea,  while  targeting  one-third 
of  its  SS-20  nuclear  missiles  on  the 
Asian  region.  As  they  probe  incessantly 
for  weak  points  in  the  U.S.  defense 
alliance  system,  the  Soviets  attempt  to 
expand  their  own  political  and  military 

tactical  maneuverability.  Fortunately, 
Moscow's  adventurism,  thus  far,  has  had 
negative  political  consequences  for  itself 
in  the  region. 

Two  months  ago,  Soviet  Premier 
Gorbachev  delivered  an  address  at 
Vladivostok  devoted  largely  to  sweeping, 
amorphous  "confidence-building 
measures"  that  ignore  the  root  causes  of 
insecurity  in  the  Asian  region.  Many 
Asian  observers  have  pointed  out  that 
the  Vladivostok  address  reflects  more 
stylistic  nuance  in  Soviet  foreign  policy 
rather  than  any  significant  new 
substance.  Even  so,  it  seems  to  repre- 
sent an  expression  of  Soviet  determina- 
tion to  play  a  more  activist  role  in  the 
region.  What  we  might  hope  to  see  in 
terms  of  real  Soviet  peace  initiatives  in 
Cambodia,  Afghanistan,  Korea,  and  the 
Japanese  Northern  Territories,  however, 
remains  largely  elusive.  Until  these 
specific  sources  of  regional  conflict  and 
instability  are  addressed,  there  is  little 
room  for  hope  that  grand  schemes  of 
"confidence"  promotion  will  bring  any 
real  relaxation  of  Asian  and  Pacific 

Regional  Cooperation 

As  I  see  it,  one  of  the  most  fascinating 
and  encouraging  phenomena  operating 
in  the  Pacific  Basin  region  today  is  the 
trend  toward  a  sense  of  community.  In  a 
region  as  diverse  as  this— culturally, 
geographically,  politically,  religiously, 
and  historically— it  is  a  dramatic  develop- 
ment when  nations  begin  to  think  in 
terms  of  common  interests  and  commer- 
cial goals.  True,  we  are  a  long  way  from 
witnessing  anything  on  the  scale  of  the 
European  Common  Market.  But  for  6 
years  now,  private  representatives  from 
many  of  the  regional  states  and  islands 
have  met  periodically,  under  the  auspices 
of  the  nonofficial  Pacific  Economic 
Cooperation  Conference  (PECC),  to 
review  and  deliberate  upon  trade  and 
resource  policies  as  they  affect  regional 
well-being.  The  PECC  will  meet  in 
plenary  session  for  the  fifth  time  this 
November  in  Vancouver  to  discuss  such 
issues  as  fisheries  cooperation  and 
development,  direct  foreign  investment 
in  the  region,  and  the  supply  and 
distribution  of  minerals  and  energy 
resources.  Their  conclusions  and  recom- 
mendations are  nonbinding  on  any 
government.  Yet,  perhaps  more  impor- 
tant than  any  product  they  might  pro- 
duce is  the  fact  that  this  dialogue  exer- 
cise has  achieved  an  aspect  of  regularity 
and  a  new  sense  of  commonality. 

The  PECC  is  just  one  outgrowth  of  a 
subtle,  delicate,  organic  process  that 

iemhor  1  Qfifi 



reflects  the  growing  concept  of  common 
identity  among  Asian-Pacific  nations. 
And  the  Pacific  islands  are  very  much  a 
part  of  that  process.  Indeed,  with  the 
"Pacific  way"  of  cooperation  and  con- 
sensus as  their  guide,  the  leaders  of  the 
island  Pacific  can  play  a  vital  steward- 
ship role  in  this  process.  Gradually, 
habits  of  cooperation  and  consultation 
are  becoming  well  established.  No  doubt 
in  the  years  ahead  we  will  see  the 
plethora  of  bilateral  economic  arrange- 
ments in  the  region  yield,  here  and 
there,  to  bold  multilateral  initiatives  to 
foster  common  prosperity. 

There  are  very  real  limitations,  of 
course.  This  gradually  evolving  process 
does  not,  in  my  view,  portend  the  estab- 
lishment of  rigid  regionwide  institutions; 
nor  does  it  foreshadow  the  creation  of 
grandiose  political  or  security  pacts,  as 
Moscow  frequently  charges.  The  process 
does,  however,  reflect  something  very 
positive  and  encouraging  about  the  spirit 
of  regional  cooperation  now  taking  root. 
It  is  important  that  the  people  of  the 
Pacific  islands  take  advantage  of  every 
opportunity  to  participate  in  this  col- 
legia! atmosphere  and  share  in  the 
benefits  that  common  efforts  can 


The  emergence  of  the  Pacific  as  an 
important  regional  and  even  global  actor 
is  one  of  the  great  phenomena  of  the 
1980s.  It  holds  great  potential  but  also 
carries  with  it  a  certain  degree  of  risk 
and  responsibility.  The  Pacific  islands 
realize  this,  and  they  are  taking  appro- 
priate control  of  their  own  destinies. 
They  are  set  on  a  course  targeted  for 
success— popular  democracy,  free  enter- 
prise, and  a  high  degree  of  literacy,  com- 
bined with  a  shrewd  understanding  of 
international  politics.  It  is  a  course  run- 
ning in  tandem  with  our  own. 

Positioned  on  the  periphery  of  a 
dynamic,  industrializing  Asian  continent, 
the  Pacific  entities  have  much  they  can 
learn  from  and  much  they  can  offer  in 
return  to  their  Asian  neighbors.  In  some 
respects,  the  free  states  of  the  Pacific 
have  established  an  indigenous  style  of 
democratic  process  that  well  might  be 
emulated  by  some  larger  and  wealthier 
Asian  nations.  They  have  far  to  go  in 
their  own  industrial  evolution  but 
possess  valuable  assets  in  their 
remarkable  combined  literacy  rate  and  in 
the  entrepreneural  determination  of 
their  peoples. 

Pacific  potential  is  vast.  We  applaud 
that.  We  welcome  that.  And  we  will  sup- 
port it.  ■ 

U.S.  Refugee  Policy 

and  Programs  for  FY  1987 

Following  are  statements  by  Ambassador 
Jonathan  Moore,  U.S.  Coordinator  for 
Refugee  Affairs,  before  the  Subcommittee 
on  Immigration  and  Refugee  Policy  of 
the  Senate  Judiciary  Committee, 
September  16,  1986,  and  by  Robert  L. 
Funseth,  Acting  Director  of  the  Bureau 
for  Refugee  Programs,  before  the  House 
Committee  on  the  Judiciary,  Septem- 
ber 26,  1986,  in  Washington,  D.C.1 


It  is  my  privilege  to  appear  for  the  first 
time  before  this  committee  as  U.S.  Coor- 
dinator for  Refugee  Affairs.  I  look  for- 
ward to  being  in  close  touch  and  in  good 
communication  with  you,  not  just  in 
formal  consultations  but  in  informal  and 
continuing  contact  as  well. 

I  begin  this  job  with  high  aspirations 
and  strong  idealism  but  with  no  illusions 
as  to  its  difficult,  complicated,  and 
multifarious  character.  There  are  many 
tensions  to  be  balanced,  many  competing 
pressures  and  requirements  to  be 
understood  and  respected. 

Early  in  my  tenure— to  use  an 
academic  term  which  has  a  very  dif- 
ferent meaning  in  politics— I  will  be 
examining  the  role  of  U.S.  Coordinator 
with  some  care  to  see  how  it  might  be 
strengthened,  how  it  might  be  practiced 
more  effectively.  And  I  will  look  forward 
to  talking  with  you  further  and  seeking 
your  views  about  that. 

Clearly,  it  is  based  on  a  concept  of 
collaborative  effort,  and  I  am  pleased  in 
that  spirit  to  join  my  colleagues  from  the 
Departments  of  State,  Justice,  and 
Health  and  Human  Services  (HHS)  at 
this  table.  I  want  to  contribute  to  this 
consultation,  but  also  I  am  here  to  learn, 
especially  because  I  am  not  yet  familiar 
enough  with  many  of  the  questions  at 

I  have  some  prior  experience  in 
Southeast  Asia  and  the  very  special 
benefit  of  having  recently  served  on  the 
Indochinese  Refugee  Panel  chaired  by 
former  Governor  Bob  Ray,  as  has  been 
mentioned,  but  at  the  same  time  do  not 
want  to  view  an  urgent  worldwide  con- 
cern too  much  via  the  perspective  of  a 
single  region. 

Likewise,  even  though  the  subject 
before  us  this  morning  is  to  consult  on 

the  refugee  admissions  ceiling  to  this  ■ 
country  for  the  coming  fiscal  year,  1 1 
want  to  emphasize,  first,  that  third-  J 
country  resettlement  represents  a  thi: 
durable  solution,  and  new  energy  and 
imagination  must  be  brought  to  pursu 
the  first  two— voluntary  repatriation  i 
regional  resettlement— and,  second,  tl 
the  United  States  cannot  be  left  to 
address  these  humanitarian  needs  byj 
itself  but  must  continue  to  work  withi 
dedicated  international  system. 


Thank  you  for  this  opportunity  to  mal 
additional  comments  about  the  U.S. 
refugee  program.  Rather  than  comme 
further  on  the  President's  proposals  f 
refugee  admissions  for  the  coming  ye; 
as  reflected  in  the  statements  of  the  J 
Secretary  of  State  and  the  U.S.  Coor-* 
dinator  [for  Refugee  Affairs,  Jonathai 
Moore],  I  thought  it  would  be  useful  t 
share  with  you  and  the  committee  a  b1 
look  at  the  State  Department's  stewa; 
ship  of  the  U.S.  refugee  program. 

Simply  put,  our  mission  is  to  prov*' 
humanitarian  assistance  to  refugees— 
those  victims  of  persecution  and  confl 
who  have  fled  their  homelands.  Accon 
ingly,  the  Refugee  Bureau  manages  ai 
operates  the  U.S.  Government's  effoj 
to  assist  refugees  in  need  overseas  ai* 
to  admit  certain  refugees  to  the  Unite 

Refugee  Situation: 
Markedly  Different 

The  nature  of  the  world  refugee  populi 
tion  is  markedly  different  today— both 
number  and  composition— from  that  oi 
only  6  years  ago,  as  is  our  response  to 

When  the  Refugee  Act  of  1980  w» 
enacted  and  this  consultation  process 
began,  there  were  over  6  million  perso 
recognized  as  refugees;  in  1980,  there 
are  now  over  10  million— an  increase  a 
4  million. 

In  1980,  just  under  two-thirds  of  a 
refugee  budget  was  devoted  to  funding 
the  admissions  program,  and  one-third 
was  the  U.S.  contribution  to  internal 
tional  assistance.  In  1987,  those  propoi 
tions  have  been  reversed— roughly  twO 
thirds  of  the  budget  is  now  devoted  tol 
helping  care  for  refugees  in  first  asyliq 
and  one-third  to  funding  the  reduced  J 
admissions  program. 


Department  of  State  Bulls 


.  .  .  In  this  period  of  budgetary  constraint,  we  are  ever  mindful 
of  the  importance  of  ensuring  that  we  make  the  best  possible 
use  of  every  appropriated  refugee  dollar.  .  .  . 

Il  sian  refugee  (above)  and  Ethiopian  refugees 
u)  in  vocational  training. 

Wloran  refugees  planting  crops  in  Costa  Rica  (above):  food  aid  in  Sudan  (right). 


In  fiscal  yea,' (FY I  1980,  the  U.S 
budget  for  refugees  totaled  over  $445 
million;  for  FY  1987,  the  requested 

refugee  budget  is  $347  million— a  reduc- 
tion of  nearly  $100  million. 

Refugee  admissions  in  1980  totaled 
207,000,  including  164,000  from 
Southeast  Asia;  the  President's  FY  1987 
admissions  ceiling  is  70,000,  including 
32,000  from  first-asylum  camps  in 
Southeast  Asia— thus,  the  global  ceiling 
is  137,000  less;  the  Indochinese  ceiling  is 
94,000  less. 

Refugee  Program  Organization 

By  Washington  standards  the  Bureau 
for  Refugee  Programs  is  a  relatively 
small  organization.  Our  American  staff 
of  106  persons  (81  officers  and  25  staff 
support)  is  divided  between  74  in 
Washington  and  32  at  overseas  posts.  At 
the  same  time,  we  oversee  both  assist- 
ance and  admissions  operations  which 
are  worldwide. 

The  programs  by  which  we  prepare 
refugees  for  their  new  lives  in  this  new 
land  have  been  of  special  interest  to  this 
committee  and  are  programs  which  have 
been  further  improved  during  the  year. 

Initial  Resettlement 

As  the  committee  is  aware,  the  Depart- 
ment of  State  is  responsible  for  the 
management  of  programs  for  initial 
resettlement  services— commonly  known 
as  "reception  and  placement"  services— 
under  which  the  private  voluntary  agen- 
cies provide  transitional  assistance  to 
refugees  for  their  first  90  days  in  the 
country.  Two  of  our  principal  tools  for 
administering  this  program  are  the 
Bureau's  cooperative  agreement,  or  con- 
tract, with  the  voluntary  agencies  and 
onsite  monitoring. 

During  FY  1986,  Refugee  Bureau 
monitoring  teams  visited  10  states,  and 
since  1982,  we  have  conducted  34  onsite 
reviews  nationwide,  covering  all  states 
with  an  Indochinese  refugee  population 
greater  than  10,000,  which  account, 
cumulatively,  for  more  than  90%  of  all 
resettled  refugees.  We  have  now  tripled 
the  resources  we  devote  to  the  monitor- 
ing function.  In  this  regard,  may  I  say 
that  your  written  expression  of  support 
was  instrumental  in  our  ability  to  obtain 
additional  resources  after  several  years 
of  seeing  our  repeated  requests  frus- 
trated in  the  appropriations  process. 

The  monitoring  visits  have  led  to 
significant  improvements  in  the  delivery 
and  documentation  of  services  provided' 
to  refugees  at  the  local  level— a  conclu- 
sion which  was  confirmed  by  the  General 
Accounting  Office  (GAO)  report  of  April 

1986,  which  found  evidence  that  94%  of 
all  refugees  had  received  the  required 
core  resettlement  services.  This  is  a 
tribute  to  the  dedication  of  the  voluntary 
resettlement  agencies  and  the  thousands 
of  volunteer  workers  who  have  strived 
sincerely  ever  to  improve  the  quality  of 
refugee  resettlement. 

Onsite  monitoring  reinforces  the 
bureau's  regular  review  of  the  private 
voluntary  agencies'  financial  reports, 
tracking  of  refugee  placements,  over- 
sight of  sponsorship  assurances,  and 
ongoing  liaison  with  the  agencies.  We 
believe  that  the  oversight  mechanism 
and  the  monitoring  reports,  which  we 
share  with  the  committee  staff  as  well  as 
with  the  State  coordinators  and  Office  of 
Refugee  Resettlement  (ORR),  further 
demonstrate  our  commitment  to  press 
actively  for  improvements  in  voluntary 
agency  resettlement  performance  and 
accountability.  We  have  worked  dili- 
gently with  the  voluntary  agencies  to 
assist  them  in  improving  their  own  inter- 
nal monitoring  capabilities  and 

Implementation  of 
GAO  Recommendations 

The  focus  on  the  management  respon- 
sibilities of  the  voluntary  agencies  was 
the  thrust  of  the  April  1986  GAO  report, 
which  recommended  that  the  bureau: 

First,  clarify  program  goals; 

Second,  establish  performance 
standards;  and 

Third,  enhance  financial  reporting 
and  accountability. 

I  am  pleased  to  report  that  we  have 
made  substantial  progress  in  all  three  of 
these  areas. 

•  New  financial  reporting  require- 
ments have  been  put  into  effect,  retroac- 
tive to  April  1,  1986. 

•  New  program  guidelines  and  per- 
formance standards  have  been  agreed  to 
between  the  bureau  and  the  voluntary 
resettlement  agencies.  These  guidelines 
address,  inter  alia,  required  resettle- 
ment services,  documentation  and 
monitoring,  employment,  and  coordina- 
tion with  state-administered  social  ser- 
vice programs. 

•  A  statement  of  goals  and  objec- 
tives has  been  incorporated  into  the  pro- 
gram announcement  for  FY  1987.  The 
bureau  will  evaluate  proposals  against 
this  announcement  for  new  cooperative 
agreements  to  take  effect  on  January  1, 

We  believe  that  these  actions  respond 
fully  to  the  concerns  expressed  by  this 
committee  and  that  there  will  be  tan- 
gible improvements  in  the  services 

received  by  refugees  and,  especially,  ir 
the  coordination  with  HHS-funded, 
state-administered  social  service  pro! 
grams.  The  bureau  benefited  greatly! 
from  the  opportunity  to  attend  the  sev 
regional  consultations  organized  thisB 
year  by  ORR,  which  extended  our  und< 
standing  of  the  perspectives  of  State  a 
local  government  and  of  mutual  assist- 
ance associations  and  other  communitj 
based  organizations. 

Refugee  Transportation  Loans 

Another  area  where  we  have  made  rea 
progress  in  the  improved  management 
of  the  refugee  resettlement  process  is 
the  collection  of  transportation  loans 
made  to  refugees.  The  bureau  continui 
to  work  closely  with  the  IntergovernJ 
mental  Committee  for  Migration  (ICM 
and  the  participating  voluntary  resettl 
ment  agencies  to  encourage  the  repay- 
ment of  these  loans.  Significant  impro1 
ment  has  been  made  in  the  amount  of 
funds  collected  by  the  voluntary  agen- 
cies. In  1981,  repayments  amounted  tc 
only  $1.5  million,  while  in  1985  more 
than  $13  million  was  collected.  Earlier 
this  year  I  chaired  a  workshop  in  New 
York  with  representatives  from  ICM  a 
the  voluntary  agencies  to  discuss  proa 
cedures  and  policies  that  might  be  imp 
mented  to  further  improve  the  collects 
rate.  I  am  pleased  to  report  that  ICM 
recently  confirmed  that  1986  collectior 
will  again  show  an  increase  from  last 

English  Language  Training 

In  addition  to  our  efforts  to  improve  01 
reception  and  placement  programs,    : 
major  improvements  and  refinements 
have  been  made  in  the  English  as  a   , 
Second  Language/Cultural  Orientation 
(ESL/CO)  programs  which  refugees 
receive  in  Southeast  Asia  prior  to 
resettlement  in  the  United  States.  I  air 
pleased  to  report  that  in  FY  1985  and 
1986,  over  90%  of  all  refugees  arriving 
from  Southeast  Asia  received  ESL/CO 
training  prior  to  their  arrival. 

We  are  not  resting  on  our  laurels, 
however,  and  continue  to  make  further 
improvements  in  these  programs.  Trail 
ing  has  been  extended  to  5  months  for 
all  adults  ages  17-55.  The  adult  progra 
includes  a  special  work  orientation  com 
ponent  which  reinforces  the  language 
and  behavior  required  to  obtain  and  kei 
a  job.  For  refugee  adolescents,  a  pro- 
gram has  been  introduced  to  prepare 
them  to  succeed  in  American  secondarj 
schools.  This  program,  called  PASS 
[Preparation  for  American  Secondary 
Schools],  simulates  an  American  public 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


ol  environment.  Students  receive 
ling  in  English,  American  studies, 
mathematics.  To  help  their  parents 
i  what  will  be  expected  of  them  in 
J.S.  educational  system,  they  attend 
nt-Teacher  Association  meetings 
parent-teacher  conferences.  This 
th,  the  Department  intends  to 
prtake  funding  of  a  program  for 
ren  ages  6-11  at  the  Philippine 
gee  Processing  Center  at  Bataan. 

the  program  for  adolescents,  this 
ram  will  prepare  children  for  the 
rican  school  experience.  Major 
s  of  instruction  will  be  English, 
lematics,  and  classroom  orientation. 
)ther  programs  have  been  developed 
Idress  the  needs  of  special  groups 

as  pregnant  women  and  mothers 

children  under  6  and  for  young 
ts  ages  17-19  who  may  either  attend 

school  or  enter  the  job  market  upon 
t'al.  In  Thailand,  there  are  also 
ial  programs  for  the  hearing 
dred  which  are  taught  in  sign. 

rnational  Organizations 

oth  the  Secretary  of  State  and 
iassador  Moore  expressed  in  their 

ments,  the  number  of  refugees  for 
m  resettlement  in  this  country  is 

ssary  or  even  appropriate  is 
emely  small  when  compared  to  the 
larger  numbers  of  people  who  find 

selves  outside  their  homelands  and 

le  to  return.  For  these  people,  the 
Ind  protection  of  international 
Inizations  are  critical— indeed,  the 
Irence  is  often  between  life  and 
Ih.  In  recent  years,  the  United  States 
put  great  effort  into  bringing  about 
Kul  management  by  these  interna- 
fel  organizations,  with  considerable 

this  committee  has  clearly 
lessed  its  objective  that  management 
le  UN  High  Commissioner  for 
Igees  (UNHCR)  be  improved.  We  are 
I  pleased  that  the  new  High  Commis- 
fer  came  to  the  UNHCR  with  an  out- 
bing  record  at  the  International 
)  mittee  of  the  Red  Cross  (ICRC)  in 
Inanagement  of  its  multimillion- 
|r  humanitarian  assistance  pro- 
lis.  Under  his  vigorous  leadership. 
IJNHCR  has  begun  a  major  effort  to 
rove  the  organization  of  the  head- 
Iters'  staff,  strengthen  field  opera- 
e,  and  examine  all  ongoing  programs 
Iffectiveness.  This  effort  has  been 
fertaken  with  the  assistance  of  one  of 
lop  management  consulting  firms  in 
Ivorld,  which  was  engaged  last  April 
litiate  an  external  audit  of  UNHCR 


The  l'.\  Border  Relief  Organization 

(UNBK< )).  and  its  implementing  partner, 
the  World  Pood  Program,  has  exhibited 
extraordinary  organization  and  effec- 
tiveness in  providing  assistance  and  pro- 
tection for  the  some  245,000  Cambo- 
dians along  the  Thai  border.  The  UN 
Relief  and  Works  Agency  (UNRWA) 
runs  schools  and  medical  facilities  for 
Palestinian  refugees  in  the  Near  East 
for  considerably  less  than  these  same 
services  would  cost  were  they  provided 
by  the  asylum  country  governments. 

In  providing  our  support  to  the 
improved  management  of  these  interna- 
tional organizations,  we  recognize  that 
any  success  we  may  have  in  bringing 
about  their  improved  effectiveness  and 
efficiency  will  multiply  the  value  of  each 
assistance  dollar  we  contribute. 

Refugee  Officers  Abroad 

Because  of  the  history  of  our  Southeast 
Asian  involvement  and  the  complexity  of 
the  situation  there,  much  public  atten- 
tion is  focused  on  that  part  of  the  world. 
We  must  remember,  however,  that 
refugees  in  Southeast  Asia  represent 
less  than  5%  of  the  world's  total.  While 
every  American  Embassy  has  an  officer 
designated  responsible  for  refugee 
affairs,  the  bureau  itself  has  officers  in 
every  country  and  region  where  there 
are  critical  refugee  situations: 

Pakistan,  where  almost  3  million 
Afghans  have  received  temporary 
asylum  in  their  flight  from  Soviet 
military  occupation; 

Sudan  and  Somalia,  where  millions 
have  fled  from  Ethiopia  and  Uganda; 

A  Spotlight  on  Cuba 

by  Kenneth  N.  Skoug,  Jr. 

Address  before  the  World  Affairs 
Council  in  St.  Louis,  Missouri,  on 
October  22,  1986.  Mr.  Skoug  is  Director 
ofth  Offia  of  Cuban  Affairs. 

It  is  a  special  pleasure  and  a  conspicuous 
honor  to  be  your  guest  today  in  St.  Louis 
to  discuss  the  situation  today  in  Cuba. 
There  are  a  number  of  critical  observa- 
tions one  can  make  about  Fidel  Castro's 

First  and  foremost,  it  is  one  of  the 
tightest  dictatorships  in  the  world,  with 
no  independent  institutions  allowed  and 
no  form  of  freedom  permitted  to 

Central  America,  where  political 
turmoil  has  caused  thousands  to  leave 
their  homelands  and  seek  asylum  in 
neighboring  countries; 

Southeast  Asia,  where  oppression 
by  the  Indochinese  communist  regime 
continues  to  cause  people  to  flee  their 
homelands  or  to  languish  as  political 
prisoners;  and 

Western  Europe,  where  thousands 
of  refugees  seek  refuge  from  the 
tyranny  of  Eastern  Europe  and  the 
Soviet  Union. 


It  has  been  my  intention,  in  focusing 
these  brief  remarks  on  the  management 
aspects  of  the  refugee  program,  to  share 
with  you  some  of  the  success  we  believe 
we  have  achieved.  In  this  period  of 
budgetary  constraint,  we  are  ever 
mindful  of  the  importance  of  ensuring 
that  we  make  the  best  possible  use  of 
every  appropriated  refugee  dollar. 

To  do  any  less  would  not  be  faithful 
to  the  responsibility  entrusted  to  us  by 
Americans  from  the  50  States  who  sup- 
port and  finance  this  great  national 
humanitarian  endeavor  through  their 
hard-earned  tax  dollars.  To  do  any  less 
would  be  irresponsible  and  unfair  to 
those  to  whom  life  has  been  less  than 
fair  already— the  10  million  refugees  in 
the  world  for  whom  our  responsive  and 
responsible  management  of  the  refugee 
program  may  mean  life  itself. 

■The  complete  transcript  of  the  hearings 
will  be  published  by  the  committee  and  will  be 
available  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents.  U.S.  Government  Printing 
Office.  Washington,  D.C.  20402.  ■ 


mber  1986 

challenge  the  system.  This  policy  is 
based  on  Castro's  historic  dictum:  "out- 
side the  revolution,  no  rights  at  all."  For 
28  years,  Cubans  have  enjoyed  no  rights 
at  all  other  than  what  Fidel  Castro 
determines  to  be  within  his  revolution. 
Second,  although  Cuba  in  1959  had 
one  of  the  highest  living  standards  in 
Latin  America— with  per  capita  income 
close  to  that  of  Argentina,  Venezuela, 
and  Uruguay— Cuba  now  is  one  of  the 
poorest  countries  in  the  hemisphere. 
Cuban  economic  performance  is  now  bit- 
terly condemned  by  Castro  himself,  who 
blames  it  on  lack  of  discipline.  The 
Soviet  Union,  which  subsidizes  the 
Cuban  economy  at  the  rate  of  $4.5  billion 



per  year,  itself  rates  Cuba  a  very  poor 
country.  A  Soviet  spokesman  at  a 
Znaniye  Society  lecture  in  Leningrad 
last  spring  rated  it  about  20  on  a  scale 
where  the  U.S.S.R.  economy  would  be 
100  and  that  of  communist  Czechoslo- 
vakia would  be  150.  Recently,  according 
to  Institutional  Investor,  75  interna- 
tional banks  rated  Cuba  14  on  a  scale  of 
100  as  a  credit  risk,  in  17th  place  of  24 
countries  in  the  Western  Hemisphere.  It 
is  hard  to  be  precise  about  economic 
statistics  in  a  country  which  does  not 
have  a  convertible  currency.  One  thing  is 
clear:  the  total  loss  of  freedom  in  Cuba 
has  not  been  the  bitter  price  of  economic 
advancement  but  has  contributed  to 
economic  decline  in  a  country  which 
formerly  was  a  leader. 

Third,  Castro  has  made  Cuba  into  a 
formidable  military  power,  with  the 
largest  armed  forces  in  Latin  America 
despite  the  fact  that  its  population  is 
only  10  million.  This  vast  armed  force  of 
approximately  300,000,  including  active 
reserves,  is  supposedly  necessary  to 
defend  Cuba  against  the  United  States. 
In  fact,  however,  for  over  two  decades 
its  battles  have  been  far  from  home, 
mainly  against  black  Africans  in  the 
Horn  of  Africa  or  in  the  Angolan  civil 
war  but  also  in  the  mountains  and 
jungles  of  this  hemisphere.  They  have 
fought  our  forces  only  once,  for  2  or  3 
days  on  Grenada. 

Fourth,  this  Cuba,  despite  its  own 
enormous  political  and  economic  short- 
comings, seeks  to  be  a  model  for 
likeminded  elite  groups  in  Latin 
America.  It  wants  to  see  the  Cuban 
revolution  replicated,  and  it  has  been 
constantly  engaged  in  the  business  of 
fomenting  revolution  for  more  than  a 
quarter  century.  It  has  used  its  own 
forces  in  third  countries,  trained  and 
armed  foreign  revolutionaries,  and  pro- 
vided advice  and  logistical  support  to 
their  efforts.  Where  such  elite  groups 
have  gained  power,  through  coup  d'etat 
or  national  uprising  as  in  Grenada  and 
Nicaragua  respectively,  Cuba  has  moved 
at  once  to  consolidate  the  regimes  so 
that  they  might  become  as  permanent  as 
the  rule  of  Fidel  Castro  himself  has 

There  are  indigenous  roots  in  Latin 
America  for  the  social  stirring  that  has 
produced  revolutionary  violence;  yet  it  is 
the  particular  role  of  Cuba  to  channel 
that  violence  into  a  system  that  denies 
all  rights  to  those  that  the  elite  vanguard 
decides  are  outside  the  revolution.  It  is 
not  change  that  is  wrong.  What  is  wrong 
is  that  change  is  corrupted  into  a  mold 
from  which  further  progressive  develop- 
ment is  denied. 

Fifth,  Cuba  has  played  out  this  mili- 
tant role  in  close  alignment  with  Soviet 
power  and  in  total  harmony  with  Soviet 
strategic  interests.  The  Soviets  did  not 
put  Castro  in  power,  but  they  had  one  of 
history's  greatest  windfalls.  He  is  cheap 
for  them  at  any  price,  although  the  price 
is  very  high  in  economic  costs,  because  he 
has  introduced  the  East- West  struggle 
into  the  heart  of  America.  Castro  has 
called  his  Cubans  the  "mediators"  and 
"lecturers"  between  the  U.S.S.R.  and 
the  Latin  American  revolutionaries.  He 
has  said  the  Russians  did  not  even  know 
who  the  latter  were  until  he  introduced 
them.  Castro  has  made  Cuba  the  linchpin 
between  Soviet  power  and  a  hemisphere 
which  is  engaged  in  a  struggle  to  see  if 
its  future  lies  with  liberal  democracy  or 
totalitarian  communism  dressed  up  as 
national  liberation. 

The  High  Price  of  Dissent 

The  revolutionaries— as  the  Salvadoran 
guerrilla  high  command  radioed  from  its 
headquarters  in  Managua,  Nicaragua,  on 
the  25th  anniversary  of  Castro's  seizure 
of  power  in  Cuba— regard  the  Cuban 
revolution  as  "the  greatest  event  in 
Latin  American  history."  As  one  of 
them  said  last  year,  "the  New  Cuba  is 
successful  evidence  of  what  the  New 
Latin  America  and  the  Caribbean  will 

I  would  like  to  look  today  at  one 
aspect  of  that  model  that  has  not  had 
enough  public  scrutiny:  the  way  it  deals 
with  the  persons  who  are  in  the  country 
but  outside  the  revolution  and  who  hence 
enjoy  "no  rights  at  all." 

Since  Fidel  Castro  achieved  power 
on  January  1,  1959,  many  a  stalwart  in 
Cuba  has  gone  before  a  firing  squad 
shouting  "Viva  la  libertad!"  or  "Viva 
Cristo  Rey!"  Hundreds  of  persons  have 
spent  their  lives  in  prison  under  condi- 
tions so  pathetic  as  to  beggar  descrip- 
tion—conditions that  made  them  wonder 
if  the  dead  were  not  lucky.  Many  have 
suffered  confinement  of  25  years  or 
more  for  such  offenses  as  smuggling 
small  children,  with  the  consent  of  their 
parents,  to  freedom  outside  Cuba.  We 
welcomed  some  of  these  valiant  individ- 
uals and  their  families  to  the  United 
States  last  month.  They  have  trickled 
out,  as  it  meets  the  pleasure  of  Fidel 
Castro  to  let  them  go.  But  over  300  of 
these  so-called  historic  prisoners  of  con- 
science remain  incarcerated.  Thousands 
of  others  are  in  jail  for  similar  reasons. 
A  new  wave  of  political  arrests  has  been 
underway  since  1982.  The  cause  for  such 
punishment  is  that  they,  in  some  form, 
resisted  the  autocracy  that  was  imposed 

on  Cuba  by  Fidel  Castro.  They  hav 
rights  at  all. 

Those  who  have  left  Cuba  as 
refugees  or  expolitical  prisoners  have 
sometimes  described  bits  and  pieces  c 
their  existence.  Few  have  been  willinj 
able  to  portray  those  long  years  of  su  I 
fering  behind  prison  bars  in  Cuba.  On  J 
who  has  done  so  meticulously  is 
Armando  Valladares,  who  in  his  booki 
Against  All  Hope,  a  best  seller  in  foui  j 
languages,  has  graphically  recounted 
those  horrific  experiences  which  befe 
so  many  brave  and  honorable  persons 
Cuba  after  1959.  Valladares  himself 
spent  22  years  in  those  prisons  and 
developed  under  the  most  savage  rep 
sion  into  a  lofty  example  of  how  such 
suffering  can  ennoble  by  developing  i 
sterling  quality  of  character  that  suc- 
cessfully resists  all  tyranny  and 
befriends  humanity.  Valladares  speak 
with  the  same  quiet  eloquence,  the  sa 
persuasive  force,  as  does  his  book.  I 
warn  you  that  the  book  is  not  pleasan 
reading.  Of  it,  Ronald  Radosh  wrote  i 
the  New  York  Times  Book  Review  onj 
June  8,  1986:  "It  has  taken  us  25  yea 
to  find  out  the  terrible  reality— Mr. 
Castro  has  created  a  new  despotism  t 
has  institutionalized  torture  as  a 
mechanism  of  social  control." 

It  should  not  have  taken  25  years 
The  facts  about  Cuba  were  known  eai 
but  they  were  greeted  with  incredulit 
or  accepted  more  or  less  as  statistics 
without  regard  for  the  human  conditii 
not  only  of  the  thousands  in  prison  bu 
of  the  millions  who  have  lived  more  tl" 
a  quarter  century  in  a  country  where 
single  will  has  decided  and  where  the 
leader's  opponents  went  before  the  fir 
ing  squad,  to  prison,  to  exile,  or 
withdrew  into  themselves.  The  exiles, 
course,  can  relate  their  experiences.  Ii 
Cuba,  dissenters  are  condemned  to 
silence.  Recently,  one  told  a  represent 
tive  of  our  Interests  Section  there: 
"Sometimes  the  depression  becomes 
overpowering.  But  I  realize  there  is 
nothing  I  can  do,  so  I  just  grit  my  teet 
and  continue  with  my  job." 

In  an  interview  last  May  with 
French  television,  Fidel  Castro 
reiterated  again  his  famous  doctrine 
about  what  is  permissible  under  his  ru 
To  his  French  audience  Castro  declare 
acceptable  "criticism  from  within  the 
revolution,  not  from  outside  the  revolt 
tion,  nor  criticism  to  destroy  the  revol' 
tion."  Castro  assured  the  French  that 
loves  criticism.  "I  criticize  myself  very 
harshly,"  he  said.  "I  do  it,  and  I  am  ve 
satisfied.  It  is  a  practice  I  never  plan  b 
give  up.  Never."  This  autocratic  auto- 
criticism  presumably  takes  place  in  the 


Department  of  State  Bullet 


ir  or  in  front  of  his  mirror.  Perhaps 
'eatest  dialogues  in  Cuba  take  place 
ch  occasion.  We  do  not  know  their 
ance.  Judging  by  what  he  has  been 
I  this  year  in  public  about  life  in 
however,  he  has  probably  been 
iding  himself  for  too  much 

:ipline"  as  a  Remedy 

lastro  is,  in  fact,  having  a  great 
if  trouble  with  the  people  of  Cuba. 
is  found  that  they  are  not  working 
enough,  that  they  are  guilty  of 
lg  money  by  supplying  products  to 
jpulation  that  are  really  wanted  on 
arket,  and  that  they  are  neglecting 
socialist  labors  to  devote  their  time 
fforts  to  their  own  affairs.  He 
on  the  Third  Congress  of  the  Com- 
es for  the  Defense  of  the  Revolu- 
;hose  ever-watchful  block  wardens 
ban  communism,  to  be  even  more 
nt,  to  strengthen  sanctions.  "Other 
ist  countries  have  pretty  severe 
ties,"  Mr.  Castro  noted.  "I  read 
from  the  Soviet  Union  saying  that 
ried  and  even  executed  someone 
here.  So  maybe  our  sanctions  for 
who  are  responsible .  .  .  undoubt- 
re  going  to  have  to  be  a  little 
er."  He  lamented  in  that  speech 
,atins  lack  discipline.  "What  brings 
3  discipline,"  he  said,  "is  the 
lition."  He  added: 

at  we  have  to  get  rid  of  that  lack  of 
ine  we  still  have,  of  corruption,  of  irre- 
bility.  so  it  does  not  turn  into  a  cancer 
>reads  and  allows  the  day  to  come  when 
me  steals.  That  is  one  of  the  great  tasks 
revolution  and  one  of  the  great  eontra- 
is  of  our  society. 

j  deal  with  these  evils  and  con- 
tions,  Castro  recently  counter- 
ed himself,  presumably  after  a 
his  session  of  autocriticism,  and 
hed  the  farmers  free  markets  and 
ntal  markets  that  had  recently 
d  a  bit  of  encouragement  for 
arise  in  Cuba.  As  he  put  it: 

stitutinns  were  created  here  which  pro- 
trade  and  capitalism— they  were  being 
ted.  The  wheeler-dealers  emerged. 
re  lazy  people  who  do  not  want  to 
who  steal.  The  managers  who  began  to 
he  norms  are  to  blame.  The  farmers 
arket  created  a  lot  of  millionaires.  They 
money  with  anything  they  put  on  the 
t.  What  was  happening?  Well,  enter- 
decided  to  manufacture  goods  for  the 

must  tell  you  that  manufacturing 
for  the  people  is  not  necessarily  a 
in  communist  society  and  espe- 
lin  Cuba.  It  smacks  of  what  good 

communists  call  "consumerism,"  an 
opprobrious  epithet  for  what  we  call  con- 
sumer sovereignty. 

Cuba's  economy  is.  indeed,  a  prob- 
lem. ( !uba  has  been  rescheduling  its  debt 
to  Western  countries  since  1983  and  has 
reached  the  point  where  it  cannot  even 
pay  interest  and  seeks  several  hundred 
million  dollars  in  new  money.  Cuba's 
chief  export  for  convertible  currency  has 
been  a  commodity  scarcely  found  in 
Cuba  at  all:  it  is  the  reexport  of  Soviet 
oil.  But  the  price  of  oil  has  fallen,  and 
Moscow  can  no  longer  give  Cuba  the 
dollars  which  Cuba  so  badly  needs.  For 
the  Russians,  whose  annual  commodity 
subsidy  to  Havana  is  valued  at  more 
than  $4.5  billion  per  year,  the  Cuban 
economic  dilemma  is  disturbing.  Cuba  is 
today  doubtlessly  far  more  egalitarian 
than  it  was  in  the  days  of  Fulgencio 
Batista.  There  are  few  rich,  except  for 
the  goods  and  services  available  to  the 
privileged  vanguard  who  run  the  coun- 
try, such  as  the  houses  of  those  who  fled 
the  revolution.  Cuba,  a  country  given  to 
the  monoculture  of  sugar,  nevertheless 
rations  sugar,  like  coffee  and  all  basic 
commodities.  There  is  now  rationing 
even  of  beer.  Only  a  half  bottle  of  beer  is 
available  per  family  per  day.  In  Cuba 
there  is  no  "this  Bud's  for  you"  after  a 
day  in  the  tropical  sun.  Maybe  it  is  the 
absence  of  reward  that  produces  the 
lackadaisical  work  ethic  which  Castro  is 
criticizing,  but  his  remedy  of  discipline 
and  vigilance  does  not  address  the 
underlying  problem,  and  it  has  an 
ominous  sound.  By  the  way,  the  Cubans 
who  fled  his  rule  and  settled  in  the 
United  States  show  no  such  sloth.  It  is, 
perhaps,  a  matter  of  freedom  and  incen- 
tive, rather  than  a  so-called  Latin  lack  of 
discipline,  that  troubles  Cuba. 

Arrest  of  the  Human 
Rights  Committee 

Given  the  Castro  regime's  well- 
documented  treatment  of  its  opponents, 
given  its  growing  concern  over  the 
passive  attitude  of  the  Cuban  population 
and  such  manifestations  of  unrest  as  a 
rapidly  rising  urban  crime  rate,  it  is  not 
surprising  to  see  the  authorities  accen- 
tuating their  crackdown  on  what  passes 
for  human  rights  activities  in  Cuba.  This 
is  a  country  which  never  permits  any 
outside  authority,  whatever  its 
humanitarian  credentials,  to  put  a 
flashlight,  much  less  a  spotlight,  on 
Cuba.  Cuba  enjoys  standing  in  the  pros- 
ecutor's corner,  condemning  real  or 
imagined  violations  of  human  rights  in 
dozens  of  other  countries.  Its  chief 

so-called  labor  leader  recently  wished  the 
workers  of  Chile  a  prompt  return  to 
"democracy  and  freedom."  He  did  not 
wish  as  much,  of  course,  for  Cuba.  Cuba 
is  careful  to  keep  its  own  skeletons,  real 
and  allegorical,  living  and  dead,  well  hid- 
den from  public  scrutiny.  Those  who 
wonder  how  authorities  can  keep  people 
from  telling  the  crimes  of  the  regime 
against  their  own  persons  should  read 
Robert  Conquest's  account  of  the  Great 
Purge  in  the  Soviet  Union.  There  is 
always  another  loved  one  who  can  be 
punished  if  there  is  an  outcry.  There  is 
always  something  more  one  can  lose. 

Cuba  recently  arrested  the  remain- 
ing members  still  at  large  of  the 
unofficial  Cuban  Committee  on  Human 
Rights,  a  group  of  brave  souls  who  have 
tried  valiantly  with  their  candles  to  illu- 
minate those  dark  areas  which  need  a 
spotlight.  Late  last  month  the  Cuban 
police  arrested  Elizardo  Sanchez,  Adolfo 
Rivero  Caro,  and  Enrique  Hernandez— 
the  last  members  of  this  unofficial  com- 
mittee still  at  large.  They  had  dared  to 
inform  a  Reuter  correspondent  in 
Havana  of  the  arrest  shortly  before  of 
two  other  members  of  the  committee, 
Dr.  Domingo  Jorge  Delgado  and  Jose 
Luis  Alvarado,  who  have  reportedly 
been  jailed  and  tortured.  Sanchez  is  now 
on  a  hunger  strike  and  is  suffering,  as 
well,  the  effects  of  brutal  interrogation. 
The  Reuter  correspondent  and  an  Agence 
France  Presse  correspondent  were  ex- 
pelled from  Cuba  as  a  result. 

The  president  of  the  Human  Rights 
Committee,  Ricardo  Bofill,  recently  took 
refuge  in  an  embassy  in  Havana  after 
these  arrests  and  the  death  of  a  17-year- 
old  boy  in  police  custody.  The  boy, 
Antonio  Frias  Sosa,  had  apparently 
taken  photographs  for  the  committee 
and  had  in  his  possession  a  copy  of  the 
international  human  rights  declaration. 
Not  long  ago,  too,  the  distinguished 
attorney  Aramis  Taboada  died  of  unex- 
plained circumstances  in  Cuban  prison. 
He  had  defended  a  number  of  persons 
accused  of  such  unacceptable  practices 
as  an  attempt  to  form  a  free  trade  union 
in  a  country  which  already  has  the  only 
trade  union  Fidel  Castro  says  it  needs. 

These  names  are  not  mythical.  These 
persons  are  flesh  and  blood.  We  are  in 
personal  contact  with  their  relatives  or 
survivors  of  some  of  them.  On 
September  25,  Amnesty  International 
stated  its  belief  that  the  five  men  still 
living  are  prisoners  of  conscience 
arrested  because  of  their  activities  in 
defense  of  human  rights.  It  asked  its  cor- 
respondence list  to  appeal  immediately 
to  Fidel  Castro  and  his  ministries  in 
Havana  for  their  release. 

~_    a  r\ac? 



Because  of  the  power  of  the  Cuban 
tate  and  the  crushing  weight  of  its  sanc- 
tion    active  opponents  are  few  in 
number  and  little  known  to  the  world, 
but  they  are  representative  because  they 
have  tried  to  resist  the  dictatorship  on 
behalf  of  their  frightened  fellow  citizens 
in  a  regime  which  decides  who  will  have 
rights  and  who  will  enjoy  no  rights  at  all. 
Some  come  from  the  leftwing  of  the 
political  spectrum  in  Cuba;  many  were 
associated  with  the  so-called  microfrac- 
tion  in  the  late  1960s  that  was  accused 
of  being  pro-Soviet.  What  has  united 
them  is  their  recognition,  even  if  in  some 
cases  belated,  that  justice  is  conspicuous 
by  its  absence  in  Cuba. 

A  Model  for  the  Hemisphere 

All  of  this  would  be  cause  for  concern 
even  if  the  island  Cuba  were  off  in  the 
Java  Sea.  But  it  is  90  miles  away  from 
our  shores.  The  despair  and  shame  of 
Cuba  do  not  prevent  Fidel  Castro  from 
representing  it  as  a  model  for  others.  In 
the  Cuban  Constitution  he  has  inscribed 
the  right  and— more  to  the  point— the 
"duty"  of  the  Cuban  people  to  support 
revolutionary  internationalism  and  wars 
of  national  liberation.  In  practice  this 
has  meant  a  nearly  unbroken  series  of 
interventions  by  Cuba  from  1959  to  the 
present,  with  increasing  sophistication, 
employing  modern  weaponry  and,  since 
the  late  1970s,  enjoying  full  Soviet 

Thus  this  system  not  only  prevails  in 
Cuba;  it  is  intended  to  be  replicated  in 
the  hemisphere.  In  Latin  America  the 
long  reach  of  Fidel  Castro  is  feared  by 
many  and  admired  by  a  few.  Why  should 
they  admire  a  man  who  has  presided 
over  so  much  grief  at  home  and  rules 
over  a  militarized  society  closely  aligned 
with  the  Soviet  Union?  For  one  thing,  he 
has  demonstrated  that  he  knows  how  to 
seize  and  hold  power  indefinitely.  For  a 
second,  he  has  sworn  eternal  hostility  to 
the  United  States  and  uses  anti- 
Americanism  as  symbolic  of  all  of  Latin 
America's  ills.  For  a  third,  he  has 
stimulated  Cuba's  development  of  its 
pre-1959  strengths  in  health  and  educa- 
tion and  has  exaggerated  the  gains 
achieved.  For  a  fourth,  he  pretends  to  an 
egalitarianism  that  gives  psychic  comfort 
to  many  who  are  bothered  by  the  social 
injustice  they  may  see  in  their  own  coun- 
try. But,  most  of  all,  he  appeals  to  those 
Latin  American  elite  vanguardists  who 
wish  to  impose  their  own  notions  of  how 
society  should  be  organized  on  their  own 
countrymen  without  fear  of  challenge. 

It  has  been  said  that  those  who 
refuse  to  learn  from  history  must  relive 

it.  We  have  lived  28  years  with  a  cruel 
system  in  Cuba  that  has  tried  irrepres- 
sibly  to  replicate  itself  and  which  is  con- 
vinced that  its  time  has  now  come.  Not 
so  long  ago  Soviet  Marshal  Ogarkov  said 
that  for  many  years  there  was  only 
Cuba,  but  now  there  were  Nicaragua  and 
Grenada  and  a  fight  was  going  on  in  El 
Salvador.  We  cannot  afford  to  turn  a 
blind  eye  to  that  struggle  to  build  a  new 
Latin  America  on  the  model  of  Fidel 
Castro's  Cuba.  It  is  argued  today  by 
some  that  these  revolutionaries  really 
have  democratic  objectives  despite  over- 
whelming evidence  to  the  contrary. 
What  did  their  model  say,  in  his  day, 
when  he  was  struggling  to  seize  power 
and  construct  the  new  Cuba? 

The  False  Prophet 

On  January  13,  1959,  Fidel  Castro  told 
the  Cuban  press: 

I  don't  know  why  there  are  calumnies 
against  our  revolution  about  it  being  com- 
munist. I  don't  know  how  they  can  speak  in 
this  manner.  Is  there  someone  who  could 
think  we  are  hiding  dark  intentions?  Is  there 
perhaps  someone  who  could  affirm  that  we 
ever  lied  to  the  people?  We  would  never  pros- 
titute our  conscience  with  a  lie  or  hypocrisy 
for  any  reason  in  the  world. 

On  April  17,  1959,  he  told  the 
National  Press  Club  in  Washington: 

I  have  declared  clearly  and  definitely  that 
we  are  not  communists.  What  our  revolution 
seeks  is  to  form  a  democracy  with  civil  and 
individual  rights  and  political  guarantees. 

On  May  5,  1959,  in  Montevideo, 
Fidel  Castro  said: 

I  am  among  those  who  sincerely  believe 
in  liberty.  I  am  among  those  who  believe  that 
each  one  has  the  right  to  his  opinion,  and  if  he 
does  not  think  as  I  do,  I  will  discuss  his 
reasons,  argue  against  his  ideas,  but  I  will  not 
deprive  him  of  the  right  to  speak  according  to 
his  conscience.  The  system  will  never  deprive 
anyone  of  his  rights,  imprison  the  intellectual, 
gag  the  thought  process  for  any  reason  in  the 

And,  finally,  on  May  8,  1959,  in 
Havana  he  told  a  large  crowd  of  Cubans 
in  the  Plaza  de  la  Revolution: 

All  Cubans,  whatever  their  party,  will 
always  be  respected.  Freedom  of  thought, 
freedom  of  association,  freedom  of  belief,  are 
freedoms  sacred  to  our  revolution.  Then  we 
say  that  our  revolution  is  not  communist.  If 
our  ideas  were  communist,  we  would  say  so  here. 

And  last  May,  when  French  televi- 
sion asked  Castro  if  he  had  not  falsely 
proclaimed  himself  a  democrat  in  1959, 
he  responded: 

The  United  States  wanted  us  to  commit  a 
strategic  and  tactical  error  and  proclaim  a 

doctrine  as  a  communist  movement.  In  ra 
I  was  a  communist.  It  would  have  been 
premature  to  proclaim  the  Marxist-Lenini 
character  of  the  Revolution.  Nevertheless 
anyone  who  read  attentively  "History  Wil 
Absolve  Me"  and  the  Moncada  program  cs 
appreciate  that  it  was  a  socialist  who  guid 
it  and  wrote  those  lines. 

Thus  spoke  the  false  democrat,  tl 
true  autocrat,  whom  the  Cuban  intell  | 
tual  and  original  friend  of  the  Cuban 
revolution,  Guillermo  Cabrera  Infanti 
has  called  the  only  free  man  in  Cuba. 

Of  the  Nicaraguan  Sandinistas,  P 
Castro  told  the  Spanish  news  agency 
EFE  last  year  that  their  strategy  is 
"perfect."  They  are  true  revolutionai 
he  said,  not  mere  reformists  or 
moderates,  but  they  will  not  introduc 
the  "socialist"  (communist)  character 
their  revolution  until  conditions  perrr 
And  their  strategy,  he  added,  should 
a  model  for  other  revolutionaries 
elsewhere  in  Latin  America. 

You  must  have  heard  on  the  stret- 
of  St.  Louis  what  I  heard  on  the  strei  i 
of  St.  Paul:  fool  me  once,  shame  on  yn 
fool  me  twice,  shame  on  me. 

Let  us  put  a  mighty  spotlight  on 
Cuba,  not  only  for  the  sake  of  human 
suffering  there  but  as  a  service  to  th( 
living  in  other  countries  whose  fate  is 
challenged  by  the  Cuban  model.  May 
illumination  of  Cuba  enable  the  sup- 
porters of  democracy  and  human  rig! 
in  this  hemisphere  better  to  discern  Ji 
friend  from  foe  and  to  avoid  for 
themselves  the  tragedy  of  the  Cuban 
revolution.  ■ 

Current  Actions 



Recommendations  relating  to  the  furthera 
of  the  principles  and  objectives  of  the  Anti 
tic  Treaty  (TIAS  4780).' Adopted  at  Brusa 
Oct.  18,  1985. > 

Notification  of  acceptance:  South  Africa* 
Oct.  8,  1986. 


Inter-American  convention  on  internatiom 

commercial  arbitration.  Done  at  Panama  ( 

Jan.  30,  1976.  Entered  into  force  June  16, 


Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification: 

Oct  9,  1986.3 

Atomic  Energy 

Agreement  concerning  the  transfer  to  I 
Thailand  of  enriched  uranium  for  a  researi 
reactor.  With  annexes  and  exchange  of  no 


Department  of  State  Bulli 


at  Vienna  Sept.  30,  1986.  Entered  into 
Sept.  30,  1986. 

Vs:  International  Atomic  Energy 
by;  Thailand;  U.S. 

on,  Civil 

mtion  for  the  suppression  of  unlawful 

if  aircraft.  Done  at  The  Hague 
.6,  1970.  Entered  into  force  Oct.  14. 
TIAS  7192. 

intion  for  the  suppression  of  unlawful 
gainst  the  safety  of  civil  aviation.  Done 
fitreal  Sept.  23,  1971.  Entered  into 
Jan.  26,  1973.  TIAS  7570. 
sions  deposited    ^  emen  Arab  Republic 
l),  Sept.  30,  1986. 

:ol  on  the  authentic  quadrilingual  text 
convention  on  international  civil  avia- 
Ihicago,  1944  TIAS  1591),  with  annex, 
at  Montreal  Sept.  30,  1977. ' 
tance  deposited:  Philippines,  Oct.  20, 


'ntion  on  international  trade  in 
gered  species  of  wild  fauna  and  flora, 
ippendices.  Done  at  Washington  Mar.  3, 
Entered  into  force  July  1,  1975.  TIAS 

cation  of  succession  deposited:  Belize, 
19,  1986;  effective  Sept.  21,  1981. 

dment  to  the  convention  of  Mar.  3,  1973, 

ernational  trade  in  endangered  species 

i  fauna  and  flora.  Done  at  Bonn 

!2,  1979.  ' 

tances  deposited:  Belize,  Aug.  19,  1986; 

s,  Aug.  20,  1986. 

intion  on  wetlands  of  international 
tance  especially  as  waterfowl  habitat, 
irotocol  adopted  at  Paris  Dec.  3,  1982. 
at  Ramsar  Feb.  2,  1971.  Entered  into 
Dec.  21,  1975.2 

e  advice  and  consent  to  ratification: 
i  1986. 

lar  Relations 

a  convention  on  consular  relations, 
at  Vienna  Apr.  24,  1963.  Entered  into 
Mar.  19,  1967;  for  the  U.S.  Dec.  24. 
TIAS  6820. 

cation  of  succession  deposited:  Saint 
Aug.  27,  1986. 

'ntion  establishing  a  Customs  Coopera- 
ouncil,  with  annex.  Done  at  Brussels 
.5,  1950.  Entered  into  force  Nov.  4, 
for  the  U.S.  Nov.  5,  1970.  TIAS  7063. 
sion  deposited:  Central  African 
die,  July  28,  1986. 

matic  Relations 

a  convention  on  diplomatic  relations, 
at  Vienna  Apr.  18,  1961.  Entered  into 
Apr.  24,  1964;  for  the  U.S.  Dec.  13, 
TIAS  7502. 

cation  of  succession  deposited:  Saint 
|  Aug.  27,  1986. 


Agreement  concerning  the  international  fund 

for  Ireland,  with  annexes.  Done  at 

Washington  Sept.  26,  1986.  Entered  into 

force  Sept.  26,  1986. 

Parties:  Ireland,  U.K.,  U.S. 


Protocol  to  amend  the  international  conven- 
tion of  May  14,  1966,  for  the  conservation  of 
Atlantic  tunas  (TIAS  6767).  Done  at  Paris 
July  10,  1984.' 

Instrument  of  ratification  signed  by  Presi- 
dent:  Sept    30,  1986. 

Judicial  Procedure 

Convention  on  the  taking  of  evidence  abroad 

in  civil  or  commercial  matters.  Done  at  The 

Hague  Mar.  18,  1970.  Entered  into  force 

Oct.  7.  1972.  TIAS  7444. 

!   ■  ii    oo'i  to   Anguilla  by  the  U  k  .  July  3, 


Inter-American  convention  on  letters 
rogatory.  Done  at  Panama  City  Jan.  30,  1976. 
Entered  into  force  Jan.  16,  1976. 2 

Additional  protocol  to  the  Inter-American 
convention  on  letters  rogatory,  with  annex. 
Done  at  Montevideo  May  8,  1979.  Entered 
into  force  June  14,  1980. 2 
Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification: 
Oct.  9,  1986.3 

Convention  on  the  civil  aspects  of  interna- 
tional child  abduction.  Done  at  The  Hague 
Oct.  25,  1980.  Entered  into  force  Dec.  1, 

Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification: 
Oct.  9,  1986.3 

Marine  Pollution 

Protocol  relating  to  intervention  on  the  high 

seas  in  cases  of  pollution  by  substances  other 

than  oil.  Done  at  London  Nov.  2,  1973. 

Entered  into  force  Mar.  30,  1983.  TIAS 


Accession  deposited:  Finland,  Aug.  4,  1986. 

Protocol  of  1978  relating  to  the  international 
convention  for  the  prevention  of  pollution 
from  ships,  1973.  Done  at  London  Feb.  17, 
1978.  Entered  into  force  Oct.  2,  1983. 
Accession  deposited:  India,  Sept.  24,  1986. 5 

Maritime  Matters 

Convention  on  the  International  Maritime 
Organization,  as  amended.  Signed  at  Geneva 
Mar.  6,  1984.  Entered  into  force  Mar.  17, 
1958.  TIAS  4044,  6285,  6490,  8606,  10374. 
Acceptance  deposited:  Vanuatu,  Oct.  21. 

Protocol  of  1978  relating  to  the  international 
convention  for  the  safety  of  life  at  sea,  1974 
(TIAS  9700).  Done  at  London  Feb.  17,  1978. 
Entered  into  force  May  1,  1981.  TIAS  10009. 
Accessions  deposited:  Egypt,  Aug.  7,  1986; 
Malta,  Aug.  8,  1986. 

Amendments  to  the  international  convention 
on  load  lines,  1966  (TIAS  6331,  6629,  6720). 
Adopted  at  London  Nov.  17,  1983. ' 
Acceptance  deposited:  China,  Sept.  9.  1986. 

Narcotic  Drugs 

Single  convention  on  narcotic  drugs,  as 
amended.  Done  at  New  York.  Mar.  30,  1961. 
Entered  into  force  Dec.  13,  1964;  for  the  U.S. 
June  24,  1967.  TIAS  698,  8118. 
Accession  deposited:  Qatar,  Oct.  3,  1986. 

Convention  on  psychotropic  substances.  Done 
at  Vienna  Feb.  21,  1971.  Entered  into  force 
Aug.  16,  1976;  for  the  U.S.  July  15,  1980. 
TIAS  9725. 

Accessions  deposited:  Malaysia,  July  22,  1986; 
Somalia,  Sept    J.  1986 

Nuclear  Accidents 

Convention  on  early  notification  of  a  nuclear 
accident.  Done  at  Vienna  Sept.  26,  1986. 
Open  for  signature  at  Vienna  and  New  York 
Sept.  26  and  Oct.  6,  1986,  respectively, 
through  Sept.  25,  1987. 
Entered  into  force:  Oct.  27,  1986.2 
Signatures:  Afghanistan,  Australia.  Austria, 
Belgium,  Brazil,  Bulgaria,  Belorussian  S.S.R., 
Canada,  Chile,  China,  Costa  Rica,  Cote 
d'lvoire,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia  (definitive), 
Denmark  (definitive),  Egypt,  Finland,  France, 
German  Democratic  Republic,  Federal 
Republic  of  Germany,  Greece,  Guatemala, 
Hungary,  Iceland,  Indonesia,  Iran,  Ireland, 
Israel,  Italy,  Lebanon,  Liechtenstein,  Mexico, 
Monaco,  Morocco,  Netherlands,  Niger,  Nor- 
way (definitive),  Panama,  Poland,  Portugal, 
Spain,  Sudan,  Sweden,  Switzerland,  Turkey, 
Ukrainian  S.S.R.,  U.S.S.R.,  U.K.,  U.S., 
Vatican  City,  Zimbabwe,  Sept.  26,  1986. 

Convention  on  assistance  in  the  case  of  a 
nuclear  accident  or  radiological  emergency. 
Done  at  Vienna  Sept.  26,  1986.  Open  for 
signature  at  Vienna  and  New  York  Sept.  26 
and  Oct.  6,  1986,  respectively,  until  its  entry 
into  force  or  through  Sept.  25,  1987.  Enters 
into  force  30  days  after  consent  to  be  bound 
has  been  expressed  by  three  states. 
Signatures:  Afghanistan,  Australia,  Austria, 
Belgium,  Brazil,  Bulgaria,  Belorussian  S.S.R., 
Canada,  Chile,  China,  Costa  Rica,  Cote 
d'lvoire,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  Denmark, 
Egypt,  Finland,  France,  German  Democratic 
Republic,  Federal  Republic  of  Germany, 
Greece,  Guatemala,  Hungary,  Iceland, 
Indonesia,  Iran,  Ireland,  Israel,  Italy, 
Lebanon,  Liechtenstein,  Mexico,  Monaco, 
Morocco,  Netherlands,  Niger,  Norway 
(definitive),  Panama,  Poland,  Portugal,  Spain, 
Sudan,  Sweden,  Switzerland,  Turkey,  Ukrain- 
ian S.S.R.,  U.S.S.R.,  U.K.,  U.S.,  Vatican  Ci- 
ty. Zimbabwe,  Sept.  27,  1986. 

Nuclear  Material — Physical  Protection 

Convention  on  the  physical  protection  of 
nuclear  material,  with  annexes. 
Done  at  Vienna  Oct.  26,  1979.1 
Signatures:  Argentina,  Feb.  28,  1986; 
Ecuador,  June  26,  1986;  Indonesia,  July  3, 
1986;  Spain,  Apr.  7,  1986. 
Ratifications  deposited:  Canada,  Mar.  21, 
1986;  Mongolia,  May  28,  1986;  Yugoslavia, 
May  14,  1986. 


Convention  for  the  protection  of  the  ozone 
layer,  with  annexes.  Done  at  Vienna  Mar.  22, 



rations  deposited:  Finland,  Sept.  25, 
1986;  Norway,  Sept.  23,  1986. 
Protocol  to  the  convention  on  long-range 
transboundary  air  pollution  of  Nov.  13,  1979 
(TIAS  10541),  concerning  monitoring  and 
evaluation  of  the  long-range  transmission  of 
air  pollutants  in  Europe  (EMEP),  with  annex. 
Done  at  Geneva  Sept.  28.  1984. ' 
Approval  deposited:  Bulgaria.  Sept.  26,  1986. 
Kal  ificatioii  deposited    Federal  Republic  of 
Germany,  Oct.  7,  1986. 

Prisoner  Transfer 

Convention  on  the  transfer  of  sentenced  per- 
sons. Done  at  Strasbourg  Mar.  21,  1983. 
Entered  into  force  July  1,  1985.  TIAS  10824. 
Signature:  Ireland,  Aug   20,  1986 
Ratification  deposited     Austria,  Sept    9, 
1986  ; 


Convention  on  establishing  the  World  Intel- 
lectual Property  Organization.  Done  at 
Stockholm  July  14,  1967.  Entered  into  force 
Apr.  26,  1970;  for  the  U.S.  Aug.  25,  1970. 
TIAS  6932. 
Accession  deposited:  Lesotho,  Aug.  18,  1986. 

Satellite  Communications  Systems 

Convention  on  the  International  Maritime 
Satellite  Organization  (INMARSAT),  with 
annex.  Done  at  London  Sept.  3,  1976. 
Entered  into  force  July  16,  1979.  TIAS  9605. 
Accession  deposited:  German  Democratic 
Republic,  Sept.  24,  1986. 

Operating  agreement  on  INMARSAT,  with 
annex.  Done  at  London  Sept.  3,  1976. 
Entered  into  force  July  16,  1979.  TIAS  9605. 
Signature:  German  Democratic  Republic, 
Sept.  24,  1986. 


Protocol  amending  the  slavery  convention 
signed  at  Geneva  on  Sept.  25,  1926,  and 
annex  (TS  778).  Done  at  New  York  Dec.  7, 
1953.  Entered  into  force  Dec.  7,  1953,  for  the 
protocol;  July  7,  1955,  for  annex  to  protocol: 
for  the  U.S.  Mar.  7,  1956.  TIAS  3532. 

Supplementary  convention  on  the  abolition  of 
slavery,  the  slave  trade,  and  institutions  and 
practices  similar  to  slavery.  Done  at  Geneva 
Sept.  7,  1956.  Entered  into  force  Apr.  30, 
L957;  for  the  U.S.  Dec.  6,  1967.  TIAS  6418. 
Accessions  deposited:  Mauritania,  June  6, 


International  telecommunication  convention, 
with  annexes  and  protocols.  Done  at  Nairobi 
Nov.  6,  1982.  Entered  into  force  Jan.  1,  1984; 
definitivelj  tor  the  U.S.  Jan.  10,  1986. 
Ratifications  deposited:  Benin,  Zimbabwe, 
July  4,  1986;  Cameroon,  June  17,  1986; 
Equatorial  Guinea,  June  11,  1986;  Iceland, 
July  3,  1986;  Philippines,  July  2:',,  1986; 
Romania,  July  1,  1986;  Venezuela,  June  23, 


United  Nations  conventi in  contracts  for 

the  international  sale  of  goods.  Hone  at 
Vienna  Apr.  11,  1980.1 

Senate  ad\  ice  and  consent  to  ratification: 
Oct.  9,  1986.4 

Protocol  for  the  accession  of  Mexico  to  the 
general  agreement  on  tariffs  and  trade.  Done 
at  Geneva  July  17,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
Aug.  24,  1986. 

\cceptances  depo  ;ited:  An  I  ralia,  Brazil, 
Hong  Kong,  India,  Jamaica,  Japan,  Republic 
of  Korea,  Mexico,  Nicaragua,  Peru,  Sweden, 
Switzerland,  U.S.,  Uruguay,  Yugoslavia, 
July  25,  1986;  Colombia,  Aug.  25,  1986. 


Vienna  convention  of  the  law  of  treaties,  with 
annex.  Done  at  Vienna  May  23,  1969. 
Entered  into  force  Jan.  27,  1980. 2 

Accession  deposited   <  lerman  I  lemocratic 
Republic,  Oct    20,  1986 


Wheat  trade  convention,  1986.  Done  at 
London  Mar.  14.  1986.  Entered  into  force 
July  1,  1986.6 
Accession  deposited:  India.  Sept.  24,  1986. 


Convention  on  the  political  rights  of  women. 
Done  at  New  York  Mar.  31,  1953.  Entered  in- 
to force  July  7,  1954;  for  the  U.S.  July  7, 
1976.  TIAS  8289. 
Accession  deposited:  Angola,  Sept.  17,  1986. 

Convention  on  the  elimination  of  all  forms  of 
discrimination  against  women.  Adopted  at 
New  York  Dec.  18,  1979.  Entered  into  force 
Sept.  3,  1981. 2 

Accession  deposited:  Angola,  Sept.  17,  1986. 
Ratification  deposited:  Zaire,  Oct.  IV.  1986 



International  express  mail  agreement  with 
detailed  regulations.  Signed  at  Montevideo 
Sept.  8,  1986.  Entered  into  force  Sept.  26, 


Agreement  for  the  avoidance  of  double  taxa- 
tion and  the  prevention  of  tax  evasion  with 
respect  to  taxes  on  income,  with  protocol  and 
exchange  of  notes.  Signed  at  Beijing  Apr.  30, 

Protocol  concerning  the  interpretation  of 
paragraph  7  of  the  protocol  to  the  agreement 
for  the  avoidance  of  double  taxation  and  the 
prevention  of  tax  evasion  with  respect  to 
taxes  on  income  of  Apr.  30,  1984.  Signed  at 
Beijing  May  10,  1986. 
Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification: 
July  24,  1986. 

Instrument  of  ratification  signed  by  Presi- 
dent: Sept.  7,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  agreement  of  July  1 
and  Aug.  11,  1982  (TIAS  10543),  as  amended, 
relating  to  trade  in  cotton,  wool,  and  man- 
made  fiber  textiles  and  textile  products. 

Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at  Washi 
ton  Aug.  25  and  29,  1986.  Entered  into  ft 
Aug.  29,  1986;  effective  July  1,  1986. 


Air  transport  agreement,  with  annexes. 
Signed  at  Washington  Sept.  26,  1986.  Ei. 
into  force  on  a  date  to  be  determined  in 
exchange  of  notes  that  all  necessary  inte« 
procedures  have  been  completed  by  both* 


Agreement  extending  the  agreement  of. 
18,  1977,  as  extended  (TIAS  8839),  in  th- 
field  of  liquid  metal-cooled  fast  breeder  r 
tors.  Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at  I 
and  Washington  July  16  and  Aug.  25.  19 
Entered  into  force  Aug.  25,  1986;  effecti 
June  8,  1986. 

Federal  Republic  of  Germany 

Supplementary  treaty  to  the  treaty  conci 
ing  extradition  of  June  20,  1978  (TIAS  9' 
Signed  at  Washington  Oct.  21,  1986.  Enn 
into  force  upon  the  exchange  of  instrums 
of  ratification. 

Supplementary  agreement  amending  the 
agreement  on  social  security  of  Jan.  7,  11 
with  supplementary  administrative  agre«> 
ment  amending  the  administrative  agree> 
of  June  21,  1978  (TIAS  9542).  Signed  at 
Washington  Oct.  2,  1986.  Enters  into  ioi 
the  first  day  of  the  month  following  the 
month  in  which  both  governments  have 
informed  each  other  that  steps  necessary 
under  their  national  statutes  have  been  tt 

Agreement  extending  the  agreement  of. 
8,  1976  (TIAS  8657),  in  the  field  of  liquid 
metal-cooled  fast  breeder  reactors.  Effec 
by  exchange  of  letters  at  Bonn  and 
Washington  Aug.  26  and  Oct.  7.  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Oct.  7,  1986. 


Agreement  for  agricultural  commodities 
under  food  for  progress,  with  attachment 
Signed  at  Conakry  Sept.  15,  1986.  Entea 
into  force  Sept.  15,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  J 
11,  1982,  for  the  sale  of  agricultural  com- 
modities. Signed  at  Tegucigalpa  June  21,j 
1985.  Entered  into  force  June  21,  1985.  J 

Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  B 
11,  1985,  for  the  sale  of  agricultural  com- 
modities. Signed  at  Tegucigalpa  June  21,i 
1985.  Entered  into  force  June  21.  1985. 


Treaty  to  facilitate  defense  relationship,  \ 

related  memorandum  of  understandings. 

Signed  at  New  York  Sept.  24,  1986.  Ente 

into  force  upon  the  exchange  of  instrumei 

of  ratification  of  Reykjavik. 

Senate  advice  and  consent  to  ratification; 

8,  1986. 

Instrument  of  ratification  signed  by  PresJ 

dent:  Oct.  20,  1986. 


DeDartment  of  State  Bull 


Bient  amending  the  agreement  of  June 
6,  for  tin'  sale  of  agricultural  com- 
jes.  Effected  bj  exchange  of  notes  at 
ta  Sept.  18  and  22,  1986.  Entered  into 

Sept.  22.  1986. 

agreement  to  support  the  economic  and 
al  stability  of  Israel.  Signed  at 
mgton  May  15,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
'  1986. 


ment  for  agricultural  commodities 
food  for  progress,  with  attachments. 

d  at  Antananarivo  Aug.  13.  1986. 

ed  into  force  Aug.  13,  1986. 


ment  amending  agreement  of  June  3 
1985,  concerning  trade  in  cotton,  wool, 
lanmade  fiber  textiles  and  textile  prod- 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Port 
Sept.  29  and  Oct.  7,  1986.  Entered  into 
Oct.  7.  1986;  effective  Apr.  1.  1986. 

e  270  of  International  Boundary  and 

Commission:  Recommendations  for 

tage  treatment  and  disposal  facilities 

solution  of  the  border  sanitation  prob- 
t  San  Diego.  California-Tijuana,  Baja 
rnia.  Signed  at  Ciudad  Juarez  Apr.  30, 
Entered  into  force  July  16,  1985. 

meM  amending  the  agreement  of  Mar. 
183  (TIAS  10675),  relating  to  additional 
rative  arrangements  to  curb  the  illegal 
in  narcotics.  Effected  by  exchange  of 
s  at  Mexico  Aug.  25  and  Sept.  29,  1986. 
ed  into  force  Sept.  29,  1986. 


:ment  amending  the  agreement  of 
11,  1986,  for  the  sale  of  agricultural 
odities.  Effected  by  exchange  of  letters 
puto  Aug.  22,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
22,  1986. 

irandum  of  understanding  on  the  opera- 
f  storage  facilities  at  SOAF  bases,  with 
:es.  Signed  at  Shaw  Air  Force  Base  and 
Sept.  18,  1986.  Entered  into  force 
18.  1986. 

sedes  agreement  of  July  31  and  Sept. 

:ment  concerning  the  taxation  of  income 
contractors  and  subcontractors  of  the 
na  Canal  Commission  or  U.S.  Forces. 

ttachments  and  related  note.  Effected 
change  of  notes  at  Panama  Sept.  11, 

Entered  into  force  Sept.  11,  1986. 

?ome  and  Principe 

tment  incentive  agreement.  Effected  by 
inge  of  notes  at  Washington  Sept.  2  1. 
Entered  into  force  Sept.  24,  1986. 

South  Africa 

Agreement  relating  to  air  services,  with 

annex  and  exchange  of  notes,  as  amended. 

Signed  at  Cape  Town  May  "".,  1947.  Entered 

mm  force  May  23,  1917  TIAS  1639,  2870, 


of  termination  given  by  U.S.:  Oct.  8, 
1986;  effective  Oct    10,  1987. 

Convention  for  the  avoidance  of  double  taxa- 
tion and  for  establishing  rules  of  reciprocal 
administrative  assistance  with  respect  to 
taxes  on  income   Signed  at  Pretoria  Dec.  13, 
1946.  Entered  into  force  July  15,  1952.  TIAS 

Protocol  supplementing  convention  of  Dec 

13,  1946.  Signed  at  Pretoria  July  14,  1952. 
Entered  into  force  July  15,  1952.  TIAS  2510 
Notification  of  termination  given  hv  I    S 
Oct  15,  1986;  effective  July  1,  1987\ 


Agreement  on  social  security,  with  adminis- 
trative arrangement.  Signed  at  Madrid 
Sept   30,  1986.  Enters  into  force  on  the  first 
day  of  the  second  month  following  exchange 
of  notifications  that  each  contracting  state 
has  fulfilled  its  statutory  or  constitutional 

Department  of  State 

Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the 
Office  of  Press  Relations.  Department  of 
State.  Washington,  D.C.  20520. 

No  Date 

*192  10/1 

193  10/1 

'194  10/1 

195  10/2 

•196  10/2 

•197  10/6 

"198  10/3 

"199       10/3 

200       10  3 
•201       10/6 


Whitehead:  interview  on 
ABC-  TV's  "Nightline," 
Sept.  30. 

Shultz:  interview  on  NBC- 
TV's  "Today  Show." 

Whitehead:  interview  on 
CBS- TV's  "The  CBS 
Morning  News." 

American  Foreign  Policy: 
<  'urrent  Documents,  19S4 

Shultz:  remarks  before 
Jewish  Community  Rela- 
tions Council.  New  York 
City,  Sept   30. 

Regional  Foreign  Policy 
i  inference,  Salt  Lake 
City,  Oct.  18. 

Shultz:  luncheon  remarks  in 
honor  of  the  Latin 
American  and  Caribbean 
countries,  Metropolitan 
Museum  of  Art,  New  York 
City,  Sept.  29. 

Shultz:  luncheon  remarks  in 
honor  of  the  Cult'  (  'oopern 
tion  Council,  New  York 
City,  Oct.  1 

Shultz:  news  briefing,  UN 
Plaza  Hotel.  New  York 

City,  Oct.  2. 
Advisory  Committee  on 

Historical  Diplomatic 
Documentation  to  meet 
Nov.  6-7. 


^.greemenl  amending  agreement  of  July  27 
and  Aug.  s.  Lis;;  i'1'l  AS  10760),  as  amended 
relating  to  trade  in  cotton,  wool,  and  man- 
made  fiber  textiles  and  textile  products. 
Effected  by  exchange  of  notes  at  Bangkok 
Sept.  3  and  Oct.  9,  198(1.  Entered  into  force 
Oct    9,  1986. 


Agreement  amending  the  agreement  of  June 
1  1,  1986,  for  the  sale  of  agricultural  com- 
modities. Signed  at  Tunis  Sept.  I.  1986. 
Entered  into  force  Sept.  4,  1986. 

United  Kingdom 

Agreement  concerning  the  Turks  and  Caicos 
Islands  and  narcotics  activities,  with  annex 
and  forms.  Effected  by  exchange  of  letters  at 
Washington  Sept.  18,  1986. 
Entered  into  force:  Oct.  21,  1986. 

■Not  in  force. 
'Not  in  force  for  the  U.S. 
With  reservation!.-) 
•With  declaration(s) 

5Not  bound  by  Optional  Annexes  III.  IV, 
and  V. 

''In  force  provisionally  for  the  U.S.  ■ 

202       10/6         Shultz:  interview  on  ABC- 
TV's  "This  Week  With 
David  Krmkley."  Oct.  5. 
*203       10/7         Brunson  McKinley  sworn  in 
as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 
Haiti.  Sept.  19,  (biographic 
204       10/7         Shultz:  news  conference  at 

White  House. 
"205       10/8         Shultz:  interview  on  ABC- 
TV's  "Good  Morning 
*206       10/9         Shultz:  address  before 

members  of  the  National 
Conference  on  Soviet 
Jewry,  Oct.  8. 
Shultz:  interview  on  NBC- 
TV's  "Today  Show." 
Shultz:  interview  on  CBS- 
TV's  "The  CBS  Morning 
Shultz:  interview  on  USIA's 

"Worldnet,"  Oct.  7. 
Shultz:  interview  on  CNN's 

"I   rossfire."  Oct.  14. 
Shultz:  interview  on  ABC- 
TV's  "Nightline."  Oct.  14. 
Shultz:  news  conference  on 
Reykjavik  meeting.  Oct. 
1  I. 
Shultz:  interview  on  USIA's 

Shultz:  news  conference. 
Loftleidir  Hotel.  Reyk- 
javik. Oct.  12. 
"215         10/16        Shultz:  news  briefing  with 
network  anchors  and  col- 
umnists, Oct.  14. 
216       10/16      Foreign  Relations  of  tht 

United  States,  1955-  1957, 
Vohmu  111.  '  'hina 

















icmber  1986 







•218        10/16 

"219        10/17 








222        10/20 

223        10/16 




*228       10/23 

•229      10/23 

*230      10/23 

*231       10/27 

232      10/29 

*233      10/29 

*234       10/29 

235      10/30 


Appointment  of  U.S. 
delegation  chairman  to 
the  L987  World  Admini- 
strative Radio  Conference 
for  Mobil  Services. 

Armacost:  address  and 
question-and-answer  ses- 
sion before  leaders  of 
organizations,  Oct.  15. 

Program  for  the  official 
visit  to  the  U.S.  of 
Chancellor  Helmut  Kohl 
of  the  Federal  Republic  of 
Germany,  Oct.  20-23. 

Shultz,  Duarte:  news  brief- 
ing, San  Salvador,  Oct. 

Shultz;  interview  on 
Newshour,"  Oct.  17. 

Shultz:  interview  on  NBC- 
TV's  "Meet  the  Press," 
Oct.  19. 

Shultz:  news  conference, 
NATO  headquarters, 
Brussels,  Oct.  13. 

Shultz:  arrival  statement, 

San  Salvador,  Oct.  17. 
David  Korn  sworn  in  as 
U.S.  Ambassador  to  Togo 
(biographic  data). 
Shultz:  remarks  at  U.S.- 
F.R.G.  treaty  signing 
ceremony,  Oct.  21. 
Alexander  F.  Watson  sworn 
in  as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 
Peru  (biographic  data). 
Charles  J.  Pilliod,  Jr.  sworn 
in  as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 
Mexico,  Oct.  21 

(biographic  data). 
Theodore  E.  Gildred  sworn 

in  as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 

Argentina,  Oct.  22 

(biographic  data). 
Everett  Ellis  Briggs  sworn 

in  as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 

Honduras  (biographic 

Donald  K.  Petterson  sworn 

in  as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 

Tanzania  (biographic  data). 
Principal  Officers  of  the 

Department  of  State  and 

United  States  Chiefs  of 

Missions,  1778-1986 

Ronald  D.  Palmer  sworn  in 

as  U.S.  Ambassador  to 

Mauritius,  Oct.  28 

(biographic  data). 
David  C.  Fields  sworn  in  as 

U.S.  Ambassador  to  the 

Central  African  Republic 

(biographic  data). 
Foreign  Relations  of  the 

United  States,  1952-1951,, 

Volume  VII,  Germany  and 

Austria  released. 


Press  releases  may  be  obtained  from  the 
Public  Affairs  Office,  U.S.  Mission  to  the 
United  Nations,  799  United  Nations  Plaza, 
New  York,  N.Y.  10017. 
































Okun:  Lebanon,  Security 

Byrne:  Lebanon,  Security 

Reed:  statements,  Host 
Country  Committee. 

Ellis:  world  economy, 
Special  Session  of  UN 
Commission  on  Transna- 
tional Corporations,  Jan. 

Reed:  economic  situation  in 
Africa,  Special  UN 
General  Assembly  Session. 

Byrne:  Israel,  Security 

U.S.  and  UN  thank  New 
York  City  Police  Depart- 
ment for  outstanding  serv- 
ices during  UN  40th 

Byrne:  Palau,  Trusteeship 

Walters:  Israeli  intercept  of 
Libyan  aircraft,  Security 

Morrison:  Challenger  con- 
dolence, Committee  on 
Peaceful  Uses  of  Outer 
Space,  Feb.  11. 

Koun:  southern  Africa, 
Security  Council. 

Morrison:  space  applications 
and  UNISPACE-82,  Com- 
mittee on  Peaceful  Uses  of 
Outer  Space. 

Hodgkins:  remote  sensing, 
Committee  on  Peaceful 
Uses  of  Outer  Space. 

Nicogossian:  space 
biomedical  research,  Com- 
mittee on  Peaceful  Uses  of 
Outer  Space. 
USUN  hosts  film  in  celebra- 
tion of  Black  History 
Month,  Feb.  24. 
Morrison:  space  transporta- 
tion systems,  Committee 
on  Peaceful  Uses  of  Outer 
Space,  Feb.  19. 

♦17  2/24 

•18  2/24 

*19  3/6 

*20  3/12 

*21  3/13 

*22  3/13 

*23  3/18 




























36  4/24 

37  4/30 

*38        4/30 

Reed:  economic  situati 

Africa,  Committee  II 

preparatory  meeting 

Okun:  Iran-Iraq  situati 

Security  Council. 

Byrne:  meeting  donors 

humanitarian  assista 

the  Kampuehean  peo 

Walters:  contributions 

House  Foreign  Affai 


Okun:  host-country  res 

sibilities,  Host  Count 


Okun:  host-country  res 

sibilities,  Host  Count 


Okun:  host-country  res 

sibilities,  Host  Count 


Reed:  host-country  res 

sibilities,  Host  Count 


Walters:  Libya,  Securr 

Walters:  Libya,  Securi 

Walters:  Libya,  Securi; 

Okun:  Libya,  Security- 
Walters:  self-defense. 

Security  Council. 
DiMartino:  children, 

Children  at  War:  The  C 

of  Afghanistan. 
Okun:  Libya,  Security 

Walters:  UNIFIL  renev 
Security  Council,  Apr 
Walters:  Libya,  Security 

Reed:  economic  situatio 
Africa,  Committee  IV' 
preparatory  meeting  1 
Special  Session  of  UNI 
General  Assembly. 
Walters:  Cuba,  Security 

Walters:  UN  financial  C! 
UN  General  Assembly 
Walters:  accident  at  CW 
nobyl  atomic  energy  s 
tion,  UN  General 

'Not  printed  in  the  Bulletin. 

•Not  printed  in  the  Bulletin.  I 



partment  of  State 

single  copies  of  the  following  Depart- 
j  of  State  publications  are  available  from 
Correspondence  Management  Division, 
au  of  Public  Affairs,  Department  of 
i,  Washington.  D.C.  20520. 

ident  Reagan 

>rt  on  Reykjavik.  TV  address  to  the 
tion,  Oct.  13,  1986  (Current  Policy  #875). 
Significance  of  Reykjavik,  officials  of  the 
ite  Dept.  and  ACDA,  Oct.  14,  1986  (Cur- 
it  Policy  #880). 

Response  to  Africa's  Food  Needs  (GIST, 
t.  1986). 

s  Control 

fying  Nuclear  Testing  Limitations:  Possi- 

■  U.S. -Soviet  Cooperation,  Aug.  1986 

serial  Report  #152). 

na  CSCE  Followup  Meeting  (GIST,  Oct. 


irtment  &  Foreign  Service 

ard  a  More  Representative  Foreign  Serv- 
,  Under  Secretary  Spiers,  Congressional 
ick  Caucus  Foreign  Affairs  Braintrust 
irkshop,  Oct.  3,  1986  (Current  Policy 

Fiscal  Threat  to  U.S.  Foreign  Policy, 
ider  Secretary  Spiers,  National  Council 
World  Affairs  Organizations,  Oct.  15, 
36  (Curent  Policy  #877). 


Philippines  and  the  United  States,  Under 
cretary  Armacost,  Fletcher  School  of 
w  and  Diplomacy.  Oct.  6,  1986  (Current 
licy  #876). 


Soviet  Relations:  Background  and  Pros- 
its,  Special  Assistant  to  the  President 

Ambassador  Mai  lurk,  Chautauqua  Con- 
ference on  U.S.  Soviet  Relations,  Jurmala, 

Latvia.  Sepl     15,  I9S6  (Current  Policy 
U.S.-Soviet  Relations:  ('oping  With  Conflicts 
in  the  Third  World,  Under  Secretary  Anna- 
cost,  Institute  for  International  Studies, 
Brown  University,  Providence,  Sept.  26, 
r.isr,  (Curmit  Policy  #879). 

Human  Rights 

The  Systematic  Repression  of  Soviet  Jews, 
(  MY  ice  Director  Roger  Pilon,  Metrowest 
Conference  on  Soviet  Jewry,  East  Orange, 
New  Jersey,  Sept.  28,  1986  (Current  Policy 


Middle  East 

Supporting  U.S.  Interests  in  the  Middle  East, 
Assistant  Secretary  Murphy,  Subcommittee 
on  Europe  and  the  Middle  East,  House 
Foreign  Affairs  Committee,  Oct.  8,  1986 
(Current  Policy  #874). 


The  Strategic  Importance  of  the  Emerging 
Pacific.  Assistant  Secretary  Sigur,  con- 
ference cosponsored  by  Georgetown  Univer- 
sity Center  for  Strategic  and  International 
Studies  and  the  Pacific  Islands  Asso.,  Sept. 
29,  1986  (Current  Policy  #871). 


U.S.  Refugee  Policy  and  Programs  for  FY 
1987,  Refugee  Coordinator  Moore,  Subcom- 
mittee on  Immigration  and  Refugee  Policy, 
Senate  Judiciary  Committee  (Sept.  16, 
1986)  and  Acting  Refugee  Director 
Funseth,  House  Judiciary  Committee  (Sept. 
26,  1986)  (Current  Policy  #872). 

Western  Hemisphere 

A  Spotlight  on  Cuba,  Office  Director  Kenneth 
N.  Skoug,  Jr.,  World  Affairs  Council,  St. 
Louis.  Oct.  22,  1986  (Current  Policy  #881). 

U.S.-Mexican  Relations  (GIST,  Oct.  1986).  ■ 

>reign  Relations  Volumes  Released 

•T.  12,  1986' 

Department  of  State  on  Septem- 
12,  1986,  released  Foreign  Relations 

le  United  States,  1955-1957,  Volume 
Western  European  Security  and 
igration.  This  volume  contains  com- 
tions  on  U.S.  participation  in  NATO 
rth  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization],  on 
opean  integration  (the  origins  of  the 
imon  Market),  and  on  meetings  of 
European  chiefs  of  mission. 
The  most  important  documentation 
le  volume  concerns  the  changes  that 

occurred  in  the  U.S.  role  in  NATO.  The 
shift  in  Soviet  policy  beginning  early  in 
1955  from  confrontation  with  the  West 
to  more  dialogue  occasioned  fundamen- 
tal changes  in  the  members'  conception 
of  the  alliance,  and  the  allies  placed  a 
wholly  new  emphasis  on  Article  2  of  the 
North  Atlantic  Treaty,  calling  for  non- 
military  cooperation  among  themselves. 
This  led  to  the  "Three  Wise  Men's 
Report"  of  late  1956.  Subsequent  Soviet 
diplomatic  moves  brought  the  beginnings 
of  a  change  in  Western  strategic  doc- 
trine from  massive  retaliation  toward  a 
more  flexible  response.  Finally,  the 
launching  of  Sputnik  in  October  1957 

and  the  failure  of  disarmament  negotia- 
tions at  about  the  same  time  precipitated 
an  extraordinary  NATO  heads  of 
government  meeting  in  December  1957, 
to  invigorate  the  alliance  and  open  some 
new  pathways  to  genuine  arms  control. 

The  United  States  also  had  an  impor- 
tant role  during  this  period  in  encourag- 
ing the  economic  integration  of  Europe 
culminating  with  the  establishment  of 
the  European  Economic  Community  in 
March  1957. 

The  volume  presents  over  640  pages 
of  previously  classified  documents  on 
U.S.  policy  toward  Europe.  This 
authoritative  official  record  is  based 
upon  the  files  of  the  Department  of 
State,  the  White  House,  other  govern- 
ment agencies,  and  selected  interviews 
with  participants.  This  volume  is  the 
second  in  the  Foreign  Relations  series  to 
be  published  for  the  period  1955-1957. 

Foreign  Relations,  1955-1957, 
Volume  IV,  was  prepared  in  the  Office 
of  the  Historian,  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  Department  of  State.  Copies  of 
Volume  IV  (Department  of  State 
Publication  No.  9453,  GPO  Stock  No. 
044-000-02119-6)  may  be  purchased  for 
$30.00  (domestic  postpaid)  from  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.S. 
Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.C.  20402.  Checks  or 
money  orders  should  be  made  payable  to 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

OCT.  16, 


The  Department  of  State  on  October  16, 
1986,  released  Foreign  Relations  of  the 
United  States,  1955-1957,  Volume  III, 
China.  This  volume  contains  documents 
on  U.S.  policy  toward  China  from 
August  1955  through  December  1957, 
the  period  of  the  first  ambassadorial 
talks  between  the  United  States  and  the 
People's  Republic  of  China  (P.R.C.). 

The  talks,  held  in  Geneva,  reestab- 
lished the  diplomatic  contact  broken  in 
1949  and  opened  a  crack  in  the  frozen 
hostility  which  separated  the  two  coun- 
tries. Secretary  of  State  John  Foster 
Dulles  approached  the  talks  as  an  aspect 
of  his  efforts  to  contain  what  he  saw  as 
the  menace  of  mainland  China.  His 
immediate  objective  was  to  obtain  the 
release  of  Americans  imprisoned  in 
China,  and  his  larger  intent  was  to 
defuse  the  threat  to  Taiwan  and  the  off- 
shore islands.  The  American  negotiator, 
Ambassador  U.  Alexis  Johnson,  took  his 
lead  from  Dulles  and  insisted  throughout 
the  talks  that  Chinese  compliance  with 
these  basic  U.S.  objectives  was  an  essen- 
tial prerequisite  to  any  consideration  of 

hfimhor     1QQK 



further  normalizing  relations  between 
the  two  countries.  The  focal  point  of  the 
talks,  from  the  American  perspective, 
was  the  discussion  of  a  proposed  agree- 
ment on  a  mutual  renunciation  of  force. 
The  Chinese  viewed  the  talks  as  an 
opportunity  to  win  de  facto  recognition 
from  the  United  States,  and  they  pushed 
steadily  for  agreements  on  such  issues  as 
the  relaxation  of  trade  restrictions  and 
the  exchange  of  journalists  which  would 
imply  closer  relations.  In  the  end,  the 
Geneva  talks  produced  no  agreement 
beyond  an  initial  understanding  on  the 
exchange  of  prisoners.  A  gap  of  percep- 
tion and  intent,  as  well  as  hostility, 
separated  Washington  and  Beijing;  it 
would  not  be  overcome  for  another  15 

The  volume  also  deals  with  U.S.  rela- 
tions with  the  Chinese  Nationalists  on 
Taiwan.  The  Nationalists  were  greatly 
disturbed  by  the  ambassadorial  talks,  in 
spite  of  Washington's  efforts  to  reassure 
them.  Relations  suffered  a  rude  shock  in 
May  1957  when  rioters  in  Taipei 
attacked  the  U.S.  Embassy  after  a  U.S. 
Army  court  martial  acquitted  a  sergeant 
who  had  killed  a  Chinese  national. 
Nevertheless,  the  relationship  remained 
close.  Such  U.S.  leaders  as  Secretary 
Dulles  and  Vice  President  Nixon  visited 
Taiwan,  and  U.S.  military  and  economic 
aid  continued  at  a  high  level. 

Foreign  Relations,  1955-1957, 
Volume  III,  comprising  673  pages  of 
previously  classified  foreign  affairs 
records,  was  prepared  in  the  Office  of 
the  Historian,  Bureau  of  Public  Affairs, 
Department  of  State.  This  authoritative 
official  record  is  based  upon  the  files  of 
the  White  House,  the  Department  of 
State,  and  other  government  agencies. 
Volume  II,  which  documents  U.S.  policy 
in  the  Taiwan  Strait  crisis  from  January 
through  July  1955,  was  released 

Copies  of  Volume  III  (Department  of 
State  Publication  No.  9451,  GPO  Stock 
No.  044-000-02137-4)  may  be  pur- 
chased for  $21.00  (domestic  postpaid) 
from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
U.S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Wash- 
ington, D.C.,  20402.  Checks  or  money 
orders  should  be  made  payable  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents. 

OCT.  30,  19863 

The  Department  of  State  on  October  30, 
1986,  released  Foreign  Relations  of  the 
United  States  1952-1954,  Volume  VII, 
Germany  and  Austria.  This  volume  docu- 
ments the  efforts  of  the  United  States  to 
achieve  the  elements  of  a  peace  settle- 
ment in  central  Europe  in  the  face  of 
continuing  Soviet  policy  to  perpetuate 
the  division  of  Europe  between  East  and 

The  most  important  element  in  this 
diplomatic  effort  was  the  establishment 
of  a  viable,  democratic  West  Germany 
that  would  take  its  place  with  the  other 
nations  of  Western  Europe.  American, 
British,  and  French  officials  began 
negotiations  with  West  German  leaders 
in  1951  in  order  to  work  out  a  "contract- 
ual agreement"  to  define  relations  with 
the  new  Federal  Republic  of  Germany  in 
the  absence  of  a  peace  treaty.  Disagree- 
ments between  France  and  other  three 
countries  over  the  measures  to  guaran- 
tee against  a  resurgence  of  German 
militarism  were  at  the  foundation  of 
troubled  negotiations  in  early  1952.  All 
of  these  problems  were  eventually 
resolved  at  a  meeting  of  the  Western 
foreign  ministers  at  Bonn  in  May  1952, 
and  the  "contractual  agreements"  were 
signed  on  May  26.  Although  over- 
shadowed by  the  subsequent  vote  of  the 
French  Parliament  against  the  planned 
European  Defense  Community  (EDC), 
designed  as  a  framework  for  a  West 
German  defense  contribution,  the  pro- 
posed treaty  arrangements  with  the 
Federal  Republic  were  a  major  step 
toward  a  strong,  independent  West  Ger- 
many and  its  entry  into  the  NATO 

The  Soviet  Union  did  not  agree  with 
the  Western  allies  on  any  measures  for 
the  reunification  of  Germany  or  on  a 
state  treaty  confirming  the  independ- 
ence of  Austria.  Representatives  of  the 
former  wartime  allies  met  in  Berlin  in 
January  and  February  1954.  The 
immediate  stumbling  block  on  the 
reunification  of  Germany  was  the  effort 
by  the  Soviet  Union  to  distort  the  con- 
cept of  all-German  elections  in  an  effort 
to  protect  its  client  state  in  East  Ger- 
many. Negotiations  for  a  peace  treaty 
with  Austria  failed  because  the  Soviet 
Union  continued  to  demand  indefinite 
occupation  of  the  country.  The  only 
achievement  of  the  conference  related  to 

Asia,  not  Europe,  when  agreement  w. 
reached  to  convene  a  conference  at 
Geneva  in  April  1954  aimed  at  resolvi 
the  Korean  and  Indochinese  conflicts. 

Foreign  Relations,  1952-1954, 
Volume  VII,  which  comprises  1,997 
pages  of  previously  classified  foreign 
affairs  records,  was  prepared  in  the 
Office  of  the  Historian,  Bureau  of  Pul 
Affairs,  Department  of  State.  This 
authoritative  official  record  is  based 
upon  the  files  of  the  White  House,  thi 
Department  of  State,  and  other  govei 
ment  agencies. 

Copies  of  Volume  VII  (Departmei 
of  State  Publication  Nos.  9469  and  94 
GPO  Stock  No.  044-000-02142-1)  m? 
be  purchased  for  $38.00  (domestic  pai 
from  the  Superintendent  of  Documen 
U.S.  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.C.,  20402.  Checks  or 
money  orders  should  be  made  payable 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

'Press  release  174. 
2Press  release  216. 
3Press  release  235.  I 

Background  Notes 

This  series  provides  brief,  factual  summar 
of  the  people,  history,  government,  econor 
and  foreign  relations  of  about  170  countrie 
(excluding  the  United  States)  and  of  select 
international  organizations.  Recent  revisio 

Australia  (Aug.  1986) 
Bulgaria  (Oct.  1986) 
Equatorial  Guinea  (Aug.  1986) 
France  (July  1986) 
The  Gambia  (Oct.  1986) 
Iceland  (Aug.  1986) 
Ireland  (June  1986) 
Philippines  (Aug.  1986) 
Index  (Sept.  1986) 

A  free  copy  of  the  index  only  may  be 
obtained  from  the  Correspondence  Manage 
ment  Division,  Bureau  of  Public  Affairs, 
Department  of  State,  Washington,  D.C. 

For  about  60  Background  Notes  a  yearj 
subscription  is  available  from  the  Superinte 
ent  of  Documents,  U.S.  Government  Print- 
ing Office,  Washington,  D.C.  20402,  for 
$32.00  (domestic)  and  $40.00  (foreign).  Che 
or  money  order,  made  payable  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  must  accom 
pany  order.  ■ 


Department  of  State  Bulle 


?mber  1986 
jme  86,  No.  2117 


and  Space  Arms  Talks  Open  Round 

eagan) 39 

nt  Reagan  and  Genera]  Secretary 
.chev  Meet  in  Reykjavik  (Reagan, 

z) ■'      1 

Conference  Held  on  Biological  and 
1  Weapons  Convention  (Lowitz,  final 

ration,  U.S.  documents) 40 

vik:  A  Watershed  in  U.S. -Soviet  Rela- 

(Shultz) 22 

iry's  Interview  on 

t  the  Press" 29 

rv's  Interview  on  "This  Week  With 

I  Brinkley" 32 

iviet  Relations:  Background  and 

>ects  (Matlock) 61 

rges  Acceptance  of  Verification  at 
R  Talks  (U.S.  statement)   37 


lie  Sanctions  Against  South  Africa 

jan,  message  to  the  Congress, 

age  to  the  House  of  Representatives, 

•  to  the  Congress) 35 

ting  U.S.  Interests  in  the  Middle  East 

3hy) 70 

?fugee  Policy  and  Programs  for  FY 

(Funseth,  Moore) 78 

\  Spotlight  on  Cuba  (Skoug) 81 

ment  &  Foreign  Service 

ical  Threat  to  U.S.  Foreign  Policy 

rs)   47 

I  a  More  Representative  Foreign 

ce  (Spiers) 50 

ping  Countries.  U.S.-Soviet  Relations: 
lg  With  Conflicts  in  the  Third  World 

acost) 57 


nic  Sanctions  Against  South  Africa 

Jan,  message  to  the  Congress, 

age  to  the  House  of  Representatives, 

•  to  the  Congress) 35 

light  on  Cuba  (Skoug)  81 

•ategic  Importance  of  the  Emerging 

ic  (Sigur) 75 

ting  U.S.  Interests  in  the  Middle  East 

phy) 70 

iviet  Relations:  Coping  With  Conflicts 

;  Third  World  (Armacost) 57 

Supporting  U.S.  Interests  in  the 
le  East  (Murphy) 70 

ure  of  Soviet  Espionage  Agents 

artment  statement)   60 

iviet  Relations:  Background  and 

sects  (Matlock) 61 

World  Food  Day,  1986 

lamation) 66 

i  Rights 

nic  Sanctions  Against  South  Africa 

gan,  message  to  the  Congress, 

age  to  the  House  of  Representatives. 

r  to  the  Congress) 35 

i  Rights  and  Soviet-American  Relations 
Itz) 26 

Pn  lent  Reagan  and  <  leneral  Secretary 
Gorbache\  Meet  in  Reykjavik  (Reagan, 
Shultz) 1 

Reykjavik:  A  Watershed  in  U.S.-Soviet  Rela- 
tions (Shultz)  22 

Secretary's  Interview  on 

"Meet  the  Press"   29 

i   ary's  Interview  on  "This  Week  With 

David  -Brinkley" 32 

A  Spotlighl  on  Cuba  (Skoug)  81 

The  Systematic  Repression  of  Soviet  Jews 

(Pilon)  67 

U.S  Soviet  Relations:  Coping  With  Conflicts 

in  the  Third  World  (Armacost) 57 


President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  Meet  in  Reykjavik 

(Reagan,  Shultz) 1 

Secretary's  Interview  on  "This  Week  With 

David  Brinkley" 32 


Supporting  U.S.  Interests  in  the  Middle  East 

(Murphy) 70 

Visit  of  Israeli  Prime  Minister  Peres  (Peres, 

Reagan) 73 

Libva.  Secretary's  Interview  on  "This  WTeek 

With  David  Brinkley"  32 

Marshall  Islands.  Compact  of  Free 
Association  With  Pacific  Islands 

(Executive  order)  74 


Compact  of  Free  Association  With  Pacific 

Islands  (Executive  order) 74 

The  Strategic  Importance  of  the  Emerging 

Pacific  (Sigur) 75 

Middle  East 
Secretary's  Interview  on 

"Meet "the  Press" 29 

Supporting  U.S.  Interests  in  the  Middle  East 

(Murphy) 70 

Nicaraga.  Secretary's  Interview  on  "Meet 

the  Press" 29 

North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization 
NATO  Nuclear  Planning  Group  Meets  in  the 

U.K.  (communique) 65 

President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  Meet  in  Reykjavik  (Reagan, 

Shultz) 1 

West  Urges  Acceptance  of  Verification  at 

MBFR  Talks  (U.S.  statement)   37 

Pacific.  The  Strategic  Importance  of  the 

Emerging  Pacific  (Sigur) 75 

Palau.  Compact  of  Free  Association  With 

Pacific  Islands  (Executive  order) 74 


The  Philippines  and  the  United  States 

(Armacost) 52 

Visit  of  Philippines'  President  Aquino 

(Aquino,  Reagan) 55 

Presidential  Documents 
Economic  Sanctions  Against  South  Africa 
(message  to  the  Congress,  message  to  the 
House  of  Representatives,  letter  to  the 

Congress)   35 

Nuclear  and  Space  Arms  Talks  Open  Round 

Six 39 

President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  Meet  in  Reykjavik  (Reagan, 

Shultz) 1 

Visit  of  Israeli  Prime  Minister  Peres  (Peres, 

Reagan) 73 

Visit  of  Philippines'  President  Aquino 

lino,  Reagan) 55 

World  F<".d  Day.  1986  (proclamation) 66 


Background  Notes 90 

Department  ..I' State 89 

Fi  n'eign  Relations  Volumes  Released 89 

Refugees.  U.S.  Refugee  Policy  and  Programs 
for  FY  1987  (Funseth,  Moore)  78 

Science  &  Technology.  Review  Conference 
Held  on  Biological  and  Toxin  Weapons  Con- 
vention (Lowitz,  final  declaration,  U.S. 
documents) 40 

South  Africa 

Economic  Sanctions  Against  South  Africa 
(Reagan,  message  to  the  Congress, 
message  to  the  House  of  Representatives, 
letter  to  the  Congress) 35 


The  Strategic  Importance  of  the  Emerging 
Pacific  (Sigur) 75 

U.S.-Soviet  Relations:  Coping  With  Conflicts 
in  the  Third  World  (Armacost) 57 

Treaties.  Current  Actions   84 


Departure  of  Soviet  Espionage  Agents 
(Department  statement)   60 

Human  Rights  and  Soviet-American  Relations 
(Shultz)  26 

Nuclear  and  Space  Arms  Talks  Open  Round 
Six  (Reagan) 39 

President  Reagan  and  General  Secretary 
Gorbachev  Meet  in  Reykjavik  (Reagan, 
Shultz) 1 

Reykjavik:  A  Watershed  in  U.S.-Soviet  Rela- 
tions (Shultz) 22 

Secretary's  Interview  on  "Meet  the  Press"  29 

Seccretary's  Interview  on  "This  Week  With 
David  Brinkley" 32 

A  Spotlight  on  Cuba  (Skoug)   81 

The  Strategic  Importance  of  the  Emerging 
Pacific  (Sigur) 75 

The  Systematic  Repression  of  Soviet  Jews 
(Pilon)  67 

U.S.-Soviet  Relations:  Background  and  Pros- 
pects (Matlock) 61 

U.S. -Soviet  Relations:  Coping  With  Conflicts 
in  the  Third  World  (Armacost) 57 

West  Urges  Acceptance  of  Verification  at 
MBFR  Talks  (U.S.  statement)  37 

Western  Hemisphere.  A  Spotlight  on  Cuba 
(Skoug)   81 

\<ime  Index 

Aquino,  Corazon  C 55 

Armacost.  Michael  II 52,  57 

Funseth,  Robert  L  78 

Lowitz,  Donald  S 40 

Matlock,  Jack  F 61 

i.Ioore,  Jonathan 78 

Murphy.  Richard  W 70 

Peres,  Shimon   73 

Pilon,  Roger 67 

Reagan,  President   1,  35,  39,  55,  66,  73 

Shultz,  Secretary 1,  22,  26,  29,  32 

Sigur,  Gaston  J.,  Jr 75 

Skoug.  Kenneth  N.,  Jr 81 

Spiers,  Ronald  I 47,  50 

Superintendent  of  Documents 
U.S.  Government  Printing  Office 
Washington,  D.C.  20402 

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Postage  and  Fees  Paid 

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he  Official  Monthly  Record  of  United  States  Foreign  Policy  /  Vol.  86  /  Nos.  2106-2117 

Index  1986 

Department  of  State 


Vol  86/Nos.  2106-2117 

The  Department  of  State  Bulletin, 
published  by  the  Office  of  Public  Com- 
munication in  the  Bureau  of  Public 
Affairs,  is  the  official  record  of  U.S. 
foreign  policy.  Its  purpose  is  to  provide 
the  public,  the  Congress,  and  govern- 
ment agencies  with  information  on 
developments  in  U.S.  foreign  relations 
and  the  work  of  the  Department  of 
State  and  the  Foreign  Service. 
The  Bulletin's  contents  include  major 
addresses  and  news  conferences  of  the 
President  and  the  Secretary  of  State; 
statements  made  before  congressional 
committees  by  the  Secretary  and  other 
senior  State  Department  officials;  se- 
lected press  releases  issued  by  the 
White  House,  the  Department,  and  the 
U.S.  Mission  to  the  United  Nations;  and 
treaties  and  other  agreements  to  which 
the  United  States  is  or  may  become  a 
party.  Special  features,  articles,  and 
other  supportive  material  (such  as  maps, 
charts,  photographs,  and  graphs)  are 
published  frequently  to  provide  addi- 
tional information  on  current  issues  but 
should  not  necessarily  be  interpreted  as 
official  U.S.  policy  statements. 


Secretary  of  State 


Assistant  Secretary 
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Office  of  Public  Communication 


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ments, U.S.  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.C.  20402. 

INDEX:  Vol.  86,  Nos.  2106-2117 

kbrams,  Elliott,  Jan.  75,  Mar.  66,  69, 

Apr.  83,  84,  89,  June  86,  July  86,  Aug.  83, 
Oct.  66 
Biography,  Mar.  67 
Vdelman,  Kenneth  L..  Jan.  35,  39,  Mar.  28. 

Aug.  47,  Oct.  7 
Advisory  Committee  on  Historical  Diplomatic 
Documentation,  notice  of  meetings,  PR 
201,  10/6 
Afghanistan  (see  also  under  Refugees):  Apr. 
81;  Karp,  Feb.  13 
Soviet  occupation  and  need  for  withdrawal: 
Oct.  55,  Feb.  16;  Adelman,  Aug.  48; 
Armacost,  June  64,  65,  Dec.  59,  60,  PR 
218,  10/16;  Karp,  Feb.  4;  NAC,  Feb.  37; 
Poindexter,  Aug.  66;  Reagan,  Feb.  22, 
87,  Apr.  28,  May  34,  35.  Nov.  4;  Shultz. 
Jan.  19,  22,  25,  Feb.  26,  Apr.  49,  July 
25,  Dec.  4,  PR  52,  3/20,  PR  209,  10/8, 
PR  213,  10/15;  Whitehead.  Feb.  1 
Chronology,  Feb.  18 

!     General  Assembly  resolution  40/12: 
Walters,  Feb.  20;  text,  Feb.  21 
Soviet  soldier  at  U.S.  Embassy,  Kabul 

(Karp),  Feb.  11 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  93. 

Mar.  72,  June  90,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  humanitarian  relief:  Armacost.  June 

66;  Karp,  Feb.  18;  Peck,  July  81,  84 
Violations  of  Pakistani  border  (Karp), 

Feb.  16 
Youth,  Sovietization  of  (Trottier),  Mar.  46 
Jghanistan  Day,  1986  (Reagan),  May  79 
ifrica  (see  also  names  of  individual 

Economic  problems:  Apr.  11;  Reagan,  Apr. 
28;  Shultz,  Aug.  32;  Tokyo  summit,  July 
10;  Whitehead,  Jan.  33 
U.N.  Special  Session  on  the  Critical 

I  Economic  Situation  (Shultz),  Sept.  11, 

32,  88,  PR  120A,  5/29,  PR  120B,  5/29, 
PR  127,  6/11 
Background,  Sept.  90 
Horn  of  Africa:  May  4;  Crocker,  Jan.  29 
Southern  Africa,  regional  security:  May  6; 

(Armacost,  Apr.  53;  Reagan,  May  35; 
Shultz,  Feb.  51,  Mar.  15,  25,  PR  37,  3/4, 
PR  41,  3/13 
Soviet  and  Cuban  presence:  May  2,  4; 
Armacost,  Apr.  53;  Crocker,  Jan.  29; 
Reagan,  May  35;  Shultz,  Feb.  26,  51. 
Mar.  15,  26,  Dec.  6 
■  Sub-Saharan:  Apr.  1,  May  1;  Crocker,  July 
30;  Schneider,  Aug.  79 
Profile,  Apr.  2 
U.S.  assistance:  May  12;  McPherson,  Aug. 
63;  Murphy,  July  76;  Schneider.  Aug. 
78;  Shultz,  Apr.  50,  Sept.  88 
U.S.  Trade  and  Investment  Conference, 

announcement,  PR  73,  418 
irican  Development  Bank,  bilateral  coopera- 
tion agreement  (1986),  Aug.  91 
agriculture  (see  also  Wheat):  McPherson, 
Aug.  61 

Agriculture  (Co  t> 
Agricultural  commodities,  sale  of,  bilateral 
agreements  with:  Bangladesh,  Nov.  88; 
Bolivia,  July  92;  Costa  Rica,  Feb.  94, 
Mar.  73;  Dominican  Republic,  Nov.  89; 
lor,  Sept.  93;  Egypt,  Jan.  81;  El 
Salvador.  May  90,  Oct.  7(i;  Ghana. 
Guatemala,  Oct.  7ti;  Guinea,  Mar.  73; 
Guyana,  Nov.  89;  Haiti,  Sept.  93;  Hon- 
duras. June  91,  Dec.  86;  Indonesia, 
Sept.  93,  Dec.  87;  Jamaica,  Apr.  94. 
Nov.  89;  Kenya,  Oct.  76;  Liberia,  July 
92;  Madagascar,  Jan.  81,  Nov.  89; 
Maldives,  Nov.  89;  Morocco,  Sept.  93, 
Nov.  89;  Mozambique,  July  93,  Oct.  76. 
Dec.  87;  Pakistan,  Sept.  93;  Peru,  Nov. 
89;  Philippines,  Sept.  94;  Sierra  Leone, 
Aug.  93,  Oct.  7(1;  Sri  Lanka,  Jan.  81, 
Apr.  94,  Nov.  89;  Sudan,  Apr.  94; 
Tunisia,  Dec.  87;  Yemen,  Nov.  90; 
Zaire,  Feb.  95;  Zambia,  Sept.  94 
Under  food  for  progress,  agreements 
with:  Guinea,  Dec.  86;  Madagascar, 
Dec.  87 
Agricultural  overproduction:  Reagan,  July 
10;  Shultz,  July  19,  Sept.  29,  30,  32, 
Oct.  43,  45;  Tokyo  economic  summit, 
July  10;  Yeutter,  Nov.  44,  46 
Cooperation,  bilateral  agreements  with: 

Venezuela,  Mar.  74;  Zimbabwe,  Apr.  94 
International  Fund  for  Agricultural 
Development,  agreement  (1976): 
Antigua  and  Barbuda,  St.  Christopher 
and  Nevis,  June  90 
International  plant  protection  convention 
(1951):  Algeria,  Mar.  72;  Grenada,  Apr. 
92;  Togo,  July  91 
Tropical  timber,  international  agreement 
(1983):  Austria,  May  89;  Belgium,  May 
89;  Cameroon,  Mar.  73;  Canada,  Aug. 
91;  China,  Sept.  92;  Egypt,  June  90; 
Germany,  Federal  Republic  of,  June  90; 
India,  Luxembourg,  May  89;  Papua 
New  Guinea,  Mar.  73;  Spain,  Aug.  91; 
Trinidad  and  Tobago,  July  92 
Tropical  timber  resources  (Negroponte), 
Sept.  53 
Albania,  international  telecommunications 

convention  (1982),  accession,  Mar.  72 
Alexander,  Michael,  Feb.  61 
Algeria  (Murphy),  July  80 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  June 
Ambiguous  warfare.  See  Low-intensity 

American  ideals:  Reagan,  Jan.  2,  4,  Apr.  26, 
Dec.  7.  19;  Shultz.  Feb.  24,  29,  June  35. 
Nov.  11,  12 
Angola:  Armacost,  Apr.  53,  June  64,  Dec.  59; 
Crocker,  Apr.  59;  Reagan,  Apr.  28,  May 
34.  June  27,  Sept.  2,  Nov.  2;  Security 
Council,  Jan.  74;  Shultz,  Jan.  20,  Feb.  51, 
Mar.  15,  26,  Apr.  50,  Sept.  7;  Walters, 
Jan.  73;  White  House,  May  45 
Profile,  Apr.  54 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  92,  Dec.  86 

Antarctic  Treaty  (1959): 

Principles  and  objectives,  recommendations 

relating  to  furtherance  (1961),  (1962), 

(1966),  (1968),  (1970),  (1972),  (1975), 

(1977):  China,  Feb.  93 

Antarctic  Treaty  (1959)  (Cont'd) 
Principles  and  objectives,  recommendations 
re  furtherance  (1981),  (1983):  South 
Africa,  July  91;  Soviet  Union,  May  89 
Principles  and  objectives,  recommendations 
re  furtherance  (1985),  acceptance, 
South  Africa,  Dec.  84 
Antigua  and  Barbuda: 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72.  Apr. 

93,  June  90,  91,  Oct.  76 
U.S.  defense  facilities  in  Antigua,  bilateral 
agreement,  June  91 
ANZUS  (Australia,  New  Zealand,  U.S.):  Oct. 
48;  Cleveland,  June  74;  Department, 
Sept.  87;  Hawke,  Aug.  75;  Reagan,  Aug. 
74;  Shultz,  Feb.  39,  Sept.  27,  36,  Oct.  43, 
46,  PR  161,  8/15;  Segur,  July  45,  Dec.  77 
Aquino,  Corazon  C,  Dec.  55,  56 
Arab-Israeli  conflict  (see  also  names  of 
individual  countries):  Shultz,  Jan.  25, 
Feb.  26,  Dec.  32,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13, 
PR  67.  4/1 
Palestinian  issues:  Bush,  Nov.  10;  Murphy, 
Dec.  70;  Reagan,  Mar.  12,  July  13; 
Shultz,  Mar.  24 
Peace  process:  Bush,  Nov.  9;  Dizdarevic, 
Feb.  49;  McPherson,  Aug.  59;  Murphy, 
Mar.  39,  June  70,  73,  Dec.  70;  Reagan, 
Apr.  29,  Sept.  80,  Dec.  73;  Schneider, 
Aug.  77;  Shultz,  Jan.  20,  Feb.  38.  49, 
50,  51,  52,  53,  Mar.  21,  24,  25,  Apr.  46, 
PR  127,  6/11,  PR  150,  7/25 
Taba  issue:  Reagan,  Dec.  73;  Shultz,  Aug. 
Inter-American  convention  on  international 
commercial  arbitration  (1975): 
Guatemala,  Nov.  88;  U.S.,  Dec.  84 
Recognition  and  enforcement  of  foreign 

arbitral  awards  (Verville),  Sept.  74 
Convention  (1958):  Canada,  July  91; 
Malaysia,  Jan.  80;  Singapore,  Nov.  88 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Aug. 

91,  Sept.  92,  93,  Oct.  75,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Gildred),  swearing  in,  PR 
229,  10/23 
Armacost,  Michael  H.,  Feb.  73,  Apr.  53.  May 
69,  June  63,  67,  Sept.  61,  Oct.  20.  Nov. 
49,  Dec.  52,  57,  PR  140,  6/30,  PR  218. 
David  Jacobsen,  former  hostage,  PR  246, 
Armaments,  U.S.  (see  also  Defense  and 
national  security): 
Arms  sales: 

Jordan:  Murphy,  Mar.  39;  Reagan,  Feb.  89 
Saudi  Arabia,  proposed:  Department. 
May  77;  Murphy,  June  70:  Reagan, 
Sept.  79;  Shultz,  July  26.  PR  110, 
5/14;  White  House,  Aug.  71,  Sept. 
Binarv  chemical  weapons  program  (White 

House),  Oct.  37 
Stinger  weapon  system,  bilateral  agreement 
with  Federal  Republic  of  Germany  re 
dual  production  and  sale,  July  92 

idex  1986 

Arms  control  and  disarmament  (see  also 
Europe:  Confidence-  and  Security- 
Building  Measures  and  Disarmament  Con- 
ference (CDE);  Europe:  Mutual  and 
balanced  force  reduction  talks;  and  Soviet 
Union:  U.S.  arms  control  negotiations): 
Chemical  weapons  convention,  proposed: 
Jan.  8;  Adelman,  Jan.  39,  41;  General 
Assembly,  Mar.  60;  Holmes,  Sept.  39; 
Lowitz,  Mar.  60,  Dec.  41;  NAC,  Feb. 
36,  Aug.  53;  Nitze,  Nov.  75;  Reagan, 
Nov.  4,  Dec.  22;  Rowny,  Nov.  31; 
Shultz,  Jan.  22,  Nov.  54;  White  House, 
Aug.  39 
Elimination  of  all  nuclear  weapons,  goal: 
Nitze,  Nov.  74;  Reagan,  Jan.  5,  Mar.  27, 
Apr.  64;  Shultz,  July  37,  PR  11,  1/16, 
PR  12,  1/16;  White  House,  Mar.  27 
Asia  (see  also  names  of  individual  countries): 
Armacost,  June  68;  McPherson,  Aug.  63; 
Reagan,  Apr.  29;  Sigur,  July  42 
East  Asia-Pacific-U.S.  relations  (Sigur), 

Nov.  39 
South  Asian  Association  of  Regional 
Cooperation  (SAARC):  Oct.  55;  Peck, 
July  82;  Shultz,  PR  48,  3/18 
Soviet  interests:  Armacost,  Oct.  21;  Monjo, 
July  54,  60;  Shultz,  July  17,  Sept.  26, 
35,  37,  Oct.  46,  PR  181,  9/16;  Sigur, 
July  46,  Dec.  76 
U.S.  trade  and  investment  (Shultz),  PR  26, 
Asian  Development  Bank,  articles  of 

agreement,  1965:  China,  Spain,  Oct.  75 
Association  of  South  East  Asian  Nations 
(ASEAN):  Armacost,  June  68;  Monjo, 
July  59;  Reagan,  Apr.  28;  Shultz,  Apr.  48, 
Sept.  28,  30,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR 
135,  6/24,  PR  136,  6/25,  PR  137,  6/25; 
Sigur,  Nov.  40;  Walters,  Mar.  58 
Economic  issues  (Shultz),  Sept.  25,  30,  31, 

Ministerial  meeting.  May  1:  Reagan,  July 
15,  Shultz,  July  16 
Australia  (see  also  ANZUS):  Shultz,  Apr.  48 
America's  Cup  (Shultz),  PR  161,  8/15 
Ministerial  talks  with  U.S.  officials,  joint 
press  conference,  joint  statement: 
Beasley,  Oct.  45;  Hayden,  Oct.  44; 
Shultz,  Oct.  43,  44;  Weinberger,  Oct.  45 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  73, 
Apr.  94,  May  89,  Sept.  91,  92,  93,  Oct. 
76,  Dec.  85,  86 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Hawke: 
Hawke,  Reagan,  Aug.  74 
Program,  PR  78,  4/15 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1952-1951,,  Volume  VII,  Germany  and 
Austria,  released,  Dec.  90 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Apr. 
93,  94,  May  89,  Sept.  93,  Nov.  88,  Dec. 
Air  services,  bilateral  agreements  with: 
Greece,  July  92;  South  Africa  (U.S.  ter- 
mination), Dec.  87;  U.K.,  Jan.  81,  Feb. 
Air  service  transit  agreement,  international 
(1944),  Guyana,  July  91 

Aviation  (Cont'd) 
Air  transport,  bilateral  agreements  with: 

Czechoslovakia,  June  91;  Dominican 

Republic,  Nov.  89;  Ecuador,  Dec.  86;  El 

Salvador,  Feb.  94;  Hungary,  May  90; 

Indonesia,  Aug.  92;  Luxembourg,  Nov. 

89;  Mexico,  Feb.  95;  Netherlands,  Sept. 

93;  Soviet  Union,  Apr.  94 
Air  transport  services,  bilateral  agreements 

with:  Argentina,  Jan.  80;  Philippines, 

June  91;  Venezuela,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  95, 

July  93 
Civil  aviation  system,  bilateral  agreements 

with:  Colombia,  June  91;  Ecuador,  July 

International  civil  aviation  convention 

(1944),  protocol  on  authentic  quad- 

rilingual  text  (1977),  Philippines,  Dec. 

Northern  Pacific  air  safety,  Jan.  10 
Offensive  and  certain  other  acts  committed 

on  board  aircraft,  convention  (1963), 

Antigua  and  Barbuda,  Mar.  72 
Preinspection  in  Ireland  of  passengers  and 

aircraft  crew,  bilateral  agreement, 

Sept.  93 
Recognition,  international,  of  rights  in  air- 
craft, convention  (1948):  Grenada, 

Portugal,  Uruguay,  Mar.  72 
Soviet  air  services:  Jan.  10;  Department, 

Jan.  58;  Whitehead,  PR  23,  2/14 
Suppression  of  unlawful  acts  against  safety 

of  civil  aviation,  convention  (1971): 

Brunei,  July  91;  Yemen  Arab  Republic, 

Dec.  85 
Suppression  of  unlawful  seizure  of  aircraft, 

convention  (1970):  Brunei,  July  91; 

Yemen  Arab  Republic,  Dec.  85 
Swissair,  deregulation,  bilateral  agreement 

with  Switzerland,  PR  155,  8/4 
Technical  aviation  assistance  and  services, 

bilateral  agreement  with  Oman,  Feb.  95 
Technical  cooperation  in  civil  aviation, 

bilateral  agreement  with  China,  June  91 
Transborder  services,  bilateral  agreement 

with  Canada,  June  91 
United  Airlines  service,  bilateral  agreement 

with  Japan,  PR  16,  1/25 
Azcona  Hoyo,  Jose  Simon,  Aug.  87 


Bacon  House  dedication  (Shultz),  PR  117, 

Bacteriological  (Biological)  and  Toxin 

Weapons,  Conference  on  Prohibition  of 
(1972),  review  conference,  Geneva 
(Lowitz),  Dec.  40,  41 
Final  declaration,  Dec.  41 
U.S.  background  document  and  technical 
paper,  Dec.  44 
Bahamas,  prevention  and  punishment  of 
crimes  against  internationally  protected 
persons,  including  diplomatic  agents 
(1973),  accession,  Sept.  92 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  93,  94, 

Mar.  72,  Apr.  93,  June  90 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  June  29 
Baker,  James  A.,  Ill,  July  61 

Balance  of  payments,  U.S.:  Baker,  July  61; 
McMinn,  Oct.  32;  Sigur,  Nov.  40;  Yeutter,  , 
Nov.  45 
Baldrige,  Malcolm,  Feb.  42,  June  42 
Baltic  Freedom  Day,  1986,  proclamation 

(Reagan),  Aug.  57 
Bangladesh  (Peck),  July  81,  84 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  92,  May 
89,  June  91,  Sept.  93,  Nov.  88 
Barbados,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94, 

May  90,  Sept.  92,  Oct.  76 
Barry,  Robert  L.,  Apr.  65,  Nov.  25 
Bartholomew,  Reginald,  swearing  in  as 
Ambassador  to  Spain,  PR  164,  8/26 
Beazley,  Kim,  Oct.  45 
Belgium,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  94, 

May  89,  Sept.  92,  93,  Oct.  76,  Dec.  85 
Belize:  Apr.  81;  Thomas,  Apr.  80 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Apr. 
93,  May  89,  Dec.  85 
Bell,  Griffin  B.,  Feb.  57 
Benedick,  Richard  E.,  June  55,  58,  Sept.  55 
Benin,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  93,  94, 

Sept.  91,  92,  Oct.  76,  Dec.  86 
Benton,  Nelson,  Nov.  73 
Berlin:  Department,  Sept.  59;  NAC,  Feb.  37, 
Aug.  53;  Reagan,  Oct.  4;  Ridgway,  Sept. 
60;  Shultz,  Feb.  29,  44,  46,  July  25 
Berlin  Wall,  25th  anniversary  (Reagan), 
Oct.  35 
Bieber,  Owen  F.,  Feb.  57 
Bill  of  Rights  Day,  1985,  proclamation 

(Reagan),  Feb.  88 
Biya,  Paul,  May  49 

Black  History  Month  (Shultz),  PR  21,  2/4 
Blacken,  John  D.,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador 

to  Guinea-Bissau,  PR  139,  6/30 
Blackwill,  Robert  D.,  Feb.  62,  63 
Bolivia:  Apr.  81;  Abrams,  July  89;  Thomas, 
Apr.  79;  Wrobleski,  Aug.  73 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  73, 
July  92,  Sept.  93 
Borg,  Parker  W.,  Aug.  8 
Botswana  (Crocker),  July  33 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Sept.  92,  Nov. 
Brazil  (Wendt),  June  53 
Profile,  Nov.  85 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Mar. 
72,  73,  Apr.  93,  94,  May  89,  June  90, 
July  92,  Sept.  92,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  85,  86 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Shlaudeman),  swearing 

in,  PR  171,  9/8 
U.S.  relations,  Nov.  86 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Sarney:  Reagan, 
Sarney,  Nov.  84 
Program,  PR  168,  9/8 
Briggs,  Everett  Ellis,  swearing  in  as  Am- 
bassador to  Honduras,  PR  230,  10/23 
Brinkley,  David,  Jan.  20,  Dec.  32 
Brunei  (Shultz),  PR  136,  6/25;  PR  137,  6/25 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  July  91  | 
Bulgaria:  Reagan,  Feb.  87;  Schifter,  Jan.  66 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Sept.  92,  Oct. 
76,  Dec.  85,  86 
Burkina  Faso,  protection  of  ozone  layer,  con- 
vention (1985),  signature,  Apr.  93 
Burma:  Apr.  81;  Monjo,  July  59;  Schneider, 

Aug.  79;  Wrobleski,  Aug.  73 
Burundi,  U.S.  Ambassador  (Phillips),  swear- 
ing in,  PR  241,  11/4 

Department  of  State  Bulletin 

I  Bush,  George,  visits  to: 

Canada,  Sept.  24 
|    Guatemala  and  Honduras,  Apr.  31 

Middle  East,  Nov.  9 

Persian  Gulf,  June  27 

Portugal,  June  32 

Tunisia,  June  32 
Byelorussian  Soviet  Socialist  Republic, 
treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  June  90,  July 
92,  Dec.  85 

Cambodia.  See  Kampuchea 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  Apr. 

93,  94,  Sept.  93,  Dec.  86 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Biya:  Biya,  May  49, 
Reagan,  May  48 
Program,  PR  29,  2/24 
Acid  rain.  See  under  Environmental  prob- 
lems and  control 
Civil  emergency  planning  and  management, 

bilateral  agreement,  July  92 
Naval  ships  and  aircraft,  exchange  of  fuel, 

bilateral  agreement,  Oct.  76 
NORAD  renewal,  proposed:  Clark,  Jan.  45; 

Reagan,  May  57 
Radio  broadcasting  and  equipment,  notifica- 
tions of  termination  of  certain 
agreements  with  U.S.,  Jan.  80 
St.  Lawrence  Seaway  tolls,  bilateral  agree- 
ment amending  and  supplementing 
1959  agreement,  July  92,  Sept.  93 
Strait  of  Georgia  torpedo  test  range  and 
Jarvis  Inlet  advanced  underwater 
acoustic  measurement  system,  bilateral 
agreement,  Aug.  92 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Mar. 
72,  73,  Apr.  93,  May  89,  90,  June  91, 
July  91,  92,  Aug.  91,  92,  Sept.  92,  93, 
Oct.  76,  Nov.  88,  89,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  trade  negotiations:  Clark,  Jan.  43; 
McMinn,  Oct.  33;  Reagan,  Mar.  10,  Apr. 
27;  Shultz,  Jan.  42,  43,  Aug.  57,  PR  49, 
3/18,  PR  92,  4/24,  PR  127,  6/11 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Mulroney: 
Reagan,  Mulroney,  May  57 
Program,  PR  42,  3/14 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  Jan.  42 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush  (Bush),  Sept. 
Cape  Verde: 
Protocol  to  amend  international  convention 
(1966)  for  conservation  of  Atlantic 
tunas,  acceptance,  July  91 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Penner),  swearing  in,  PR 
138,  6/27 
Lord  Carrington,  Jan.  14 
Cary,  Frank  T.,  Feb.  57 
Central  African  Republic  (Crocker),  July  33 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Oct.  76,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Fields),  swearing  in,  PR 
234,  10/29 
Chad:  May  5;  Crocker,  July  33 
International  telecommunications  conven- 
tion (1982),  accession,  Mar.  72 
U.S.  assistance:  Department,  May  49; 
Schneider,  Aug.  78 
Chautauqua  organization:  Shultz,  Nov.  51; 
Whitehead,  Nov.  53 

Chemical  and  antipersonnel  weapons  use: 
Adelman,  Jan.  39;  Karp,  Feb,  5,  6;  Shultz, 
Jan.  25;  Walters,  Feb.  20;  Whitehead, 
Feb.  1 

Chile:  Abrams,  Mar.  69,  Oct.  66;  Reagan, 
Feb.  87;  Schifter,  Oct.  62 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Apr. 

93,  May  89,  90,  June  90,  July  91,  Dec, 

China,  People's  Republic  of:  Karp,  Feb.  17; 
Shultz,  Sept.  35,  PR  127,  6/11 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1955-1957,  Volume  II,  China,  released, 

Oct.  78 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1955-1957,  Volume  HI,  China,  released, 

Dec.  89 
Nuclear  cooperation,  agreement  with  U.S. 

(Reagan),  Feb.  75 
Southeast  Asia,  role  (Shultz),  July  17 
Taiwan:  Lilley.  Aug.  51;  Yeutter,  May  65 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Feb.  93, 

94,  Mar.  72,  73,  Apr.  93,  94,  May  90, 
June  91,  Sept.  92,  Oct.  75,  Nov.  89, 
Dec.  85,  86 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Lord),  Sept.  48 
U.S.  military  cooperation  (Lilley),  Aug.  50 
U.S.  relations  (Lord),  Sept.  48 
Christmas  tree  lighting  ceremony  (Shultz), 

PR  262,  12/17 
Clark,  Joseph,  Jan.  43,  44,  45,  46 
Cleveland,  Paul  M.,  June  74 

Biography,  June  75 
Coffee,  international  agreement  (1983): 
Wallis,  Apr.  73 
Current  actions,  Zaire,  Jan.  80 
Coleman,  William  T„  Jr.,  Feb.  57 
Collective  security  (see  also  North  Atlantic 
Treaty  Organization):  Poindexter,  Aug. 
64;  Shultz,  July  26 
Colombia:  Apr.  81;  Abrams,  Mar.  68,  July  89; 
Shultz,  Feb.  32,  43,  49;  Thomas,  Apr.  77; 
Wrobleski,  Aug.  72 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc..  Mar.  72,  73, 
May  90,  June  90,  91,  July  92,  Aug.  91, 
Oct.  76,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  86 
Commodities  and  commodity  trade  (see  also 
names  of  commodities):  Shultz,  Sept.  25; 
Wallis,  Apr.  71 
Common  Fund  agreement  (1980):  Angola, 
Apr.  92;  Colombia,  June  90;  Djibouti, 
Mar.  72;  Uruguay,  May  89;  Yemen 
(Aden),  June  90;  Yemen  (Sanaa),  Mar.  72 
Comoros,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93 
Congo,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94, 

Sept.  92 
Congress,  U.S.: 
Executive-Congressional  relations  (see  also 
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings):  Adelman, 
Jan.  39;  Armacost,  PR  218,  10/16, 
Reagan,  Nov.  8,  Ridgway,  Feb.  76; 
Shultz,  Dec.  3;  White  House,  Dec.  8 
Joint  Resolutions: 
Compact  of  Free  Association  for  Marshall 

Islands  and  Micronesia,  PR  10,  1/14 
Compact  of  Free  Association  for  Palau: 
PR  10,  1/14;  Reagan,  June  78 
China,  nuclear  cooperation  agreement 
(Reagan),  Feb.  75 

Congress,  U.S.  (Caul  'tli 
Legislation  (Coul  '<h 
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings:  Armacost,  Oct. 
21,  PR  140,  6/30;  Keyes,  Aug.  80; 

McMinn,  Oct.  34;  Purcell,  Oct.  49,  51; 

Reagan,  Apr.  28;  Shultz,  Feb.  41.  42, 

Apr.  41,  45,  Nov.  16;  Spiers,  Sept.  44; 

Wallis,  Mar.  35;  Yeutter,  May  68 
Omnibus  Diplomatic  Security  and  Antiter- 
rorism Act  of  1986  (Reagan),  Apr.  29, 

Oct.  58 
Philippines,  supplementary  aid  FY  86: 

Armacost,  Dec.  54;  Monjo,  July  50, 

54;  Reagan,  Dec.  56;  Schneider,  Aug. 

78;  Shultz,  Apr.  48,  July  20,  21,  Aug. 

29,  Sept.  27,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13, 

PR  108,  5/13,  PR  110,  5/14;  White 

House,  July  50 
South  Africa,  punitive  sanctions  (veto): 

Crocker,  July  27;  Reagan,  Dec.  35,  36; 

Shultz,  Nov.  13,  65 
Textile  trade  (vetoed):  Reagan,  Oct.  6; 

Shultz,  Feb.  42,  Sept.  28 
Legislation,  proposed: 
Angola,  aid  to  freedom  fighters  (Shultz). 

Jan. 20 
Antitrust  reform  (Reagan),  Apr.  26 
Arms  Export  Control  Act  amendments 

(Murphy),  Dec.  72 
Chile,  loan  review  (Abrams),  Oct.  69 
Counter-terrorism:  Oakley,  Aug.  8; 

Reagan,  Apr.  29 
Defense  budget.  See  under  Defense  and 

national  security 
Diplomatic  security  measures:  Shultz, 

Apr.  42,  46;  Spiers.  Jan.  47 
Farm  program  (Reagan),  Apr.  27 
Foreign  assistance  FY  1987:  Abrams, 

July  86;  Crocker,  July  30;  Keyes,  Aug. 

80;  McPherson,  Aug.  59;  Monjo.  July 

54;  Murphy,  July  76;  Peck,  July  81; 

Schneider,  Aug.  77;  Shultz,  Apr.  42, 

45,  July  30,  Nov.  13,  16,  PR  37,  3/4, 

PR  41,  3/13;  Spiers,  Dec.  47; 

Whitehead,  Oct.  19;  Wrobleski,  Aug. 

Foreign  Sovereign  Immunities  Act, 

amendments  (Verville),  Sept.  73 
Nicaragua,  aid  to  Contras:  Abrams,  Apr. 

83;  Poindexter,  Aug.  65;  Reagan, 

Apr.  28,  May  28,  81,  84,  87,  June  24, 

Aug.  17,  Oct.  2,  Nov.  8;  Shultz,  Feb. 

51,  52,  Apr.  32,  May  37.  PR  48,  3/18, 

PR  50,  3/19,  PR  77A,  4/16,  PR  127, 

Northern  Ireland  and  Ireland  Assistance 

Act  of  1986  (Reagan),  May  73 
Nuclear  testing  limitations  (Reagan),  May 

Presidential  Commission  on  POW/MIA 

Issue  (Monjo),  May  64 
Saudi  Arabia,  arms  sales  to  (vetoed): 

Department,  May  77;  Murphy,  June 

71:  Reagan,  Sept.  79:  Shultz,  July  26. 

PR  110,  5/14;  White  House,  Aug.  71, 

Sept.  78,  79 
Security  assistance  FY  1987  (Shultz), 

Apr.  42,  45,  46,  PR  37.  3/4,  PR  41. 

Tax  and  investment  incentives  for  Carib- 
bean area  (Reagan),  Apr.  24 

Index  1986 

Congress,  U.S.  (Cont'd) 
Legislation,  proposed  (Con  I  'd) 
Trade  bills:  Armacost,  PR  140,  6/30; 
Baker,  July  64;  McMinn,  Oct.  32; 
Reagan.  Apr.  27;  Shultz,  Jan.  44,  45; 
Sigur,  Nov.  40 
Senate  advice  and  consent: 
Bern  convention  for  protection  of  literary 
and  artistic  works,  1986,  as  revised 
and  amended,  Sept.  91 
Conservation  of  Atlantic  tunas,  protocol 
(1984)  to  international  convention 
(1966),  Oct.  75 
Double  taxation,  bilateral  agreements 
with:  Barbados,  Feb.  94;  Italy,  Feb. 
Extradition  treaty  with  U.N.,  supplemen- 
tary treaty:  Sept.  94;  Reagan,  Sept. 
Genocide  convention  (1948),  May  89 
Investment,  reciprocal  encouragement 
and  protection,  bilateral  treaties  with: 
Bangladesh,  Cameroon,  Egypt, 
Grenada,  Sept.  93 
Labor  conventions  (#144)  and  (#147),  June 

Ozone  layer  protection  convention  (1985), 
ratification:  Sept.  92;  Benedick.  June 
58;  Negroponte,  June  59 
Supplementary  Extradition  Treaty  with 
U.K.:  Poindexter,  Aug.  67;  Reagan, 
Apr.  29,  Sept.  23 
Telecommunications,  international  con- 
vention (1982),  Mar.  72 
Wetlands  of  international  importance  as 
waterfowl  habitat,  convention  (1971) 
with  1982  protocol,  Sept.  91 
Antarctic  fauna  and  flora,  convention  for 

conservation  (1964),  China,  Feb.  93 
Antarctic  marine  living  resources,  conven- 
tion (1980):  Brazil,  Nov.  88;  Korea, 
Republic  of,  Oct.  75;  Spain,  Sweden, 
Nov.  88 
Endangered  species  of  wild  fauna  and  flora, 
international  trade  in,  convention 
(1973):  Keyes,  Aug.  83 
Current  actions:  Afghanistan,  June  90; 
Belize,  Dec.  85;  Somalia,  June  90; 
Spain,  Sept.  91 
1979  amendment:  Australia,  Sept.  91; 
Belize,  Dec.  85;  Brazil,  June  90; 
Cyprus,  Dec.  85 
1983  amendment:  Brazil,  Chile,  Italy, 
U.K.,  June  90 
Wetlands  of  international  importance 
especially  as  waterfowl  habitat  (1971), 
with  protocol,  U.S.,  Sept.  91,  Dec.  85 
Constable,  Elinor  G.,  swearing  in  as  Am- 
bassador to  Kenya,  PR  242,  11/5 
Consular  relations: 
Netherlands,  convention  (1855)  re  consuls  in 

colonies,  termination,  Aug.  92 
Vienna  convention  (1967):  Netherlands, 
Mar.  72;  St.  Lucia,  Dec.  85;  Yemen 
(Sanaa),  July  91 
Optional  protocol,  Netherlands,  Mar.  72 
Copyright,  Bern  convention  for  protection  of 
literary  and  artistic  works,  1986,  as 
revised  and  amended,  U.S.,  Sept.  91 

Costa  Rica:  Abrams,  July  89;  McPherson, 
Aug.  60;  Walters,  Oct.  59 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Mar. 
73,  Apr.  94,  June  90,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  91, 
93,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Arias,  program,  PR 
255,  12/2 
Crocker,  Chester  A.,  Jan.  29,  Feb.  54,  Apr. 

59,  May  44,  July  27,  30 
Cuba:  Reagan,  Feb.  87;  Skoug,  Dec.  81 
Political  prisoners,  release  and  arrival  in 

U.S.  (Department),  Nov.  87 
Soviet/Cuban  military  activities.  See  under 

Africa  and  Nicaragua 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  June 

90,  Sept.  92,  93,  Dec.  85 

U.S.  migration  and  embargo  measures, 
changes  in  (Department),  Nov.  86 
Cultural  relations: 

Cultural  property,  means  of  prohibiting  and 
preventing  illicit  import,  export,  and 
transfer  of  ownership,  convention 
(1970):  Portugal,  Spain,  May  89 

Educational,  cultural,  scientific, 

technological  fields,  exchanges  and 
cooperation,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Soviet  Union,  Feb.  95 

Educational,  scientific,  and  cultural 

materials,  importation,  UNESCO  agree- 
ment (1950),  protocol  (1976),  France, 
Apr.  92 

Transfer  of  certain  works  of  art  seized  at 
the  end  of  World  War  II,  bilateral 
agreement  with  the  Federal  Republic  of 
Germany,  Mar.  73 

Containers,  customs  convention  (1972), 
China,  Apr.  93 

Customs  Cooperation  Council,  with  annex 
(1950),  Central  African  Republic,  Dec. 

Safe  containers  (CSC),  international  con- 
vention (1972):  Benin,  Honduras, 
Portugal,  Feb.  93;  U.K.,  extension  to 
Bermuda,  July  91 

TIR  carnets,  international  transport  of 
goods  under,  customs  convention 
(1975),  Jordan,  Mar.  72 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Sept. 
92,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  85 

U.S.  reports  to  Congress  (Reagan),  Feb,  78, 
June  66,  Aug.  54,  Oct.  35,  Nov.  76 
Czechoslovakia  (Schifter),  Jan.  66 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  June 

91,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  85 


Debts,  consolidation,  and  rescheduling: 
Bilateral  agreements:  Argentina,  Aug.  91; 
Central  African  Republic,  Oct.  76; 
Chile,  May  90;  Costa  Rica,  Apr.  94; 
Dominican  Republic,  June  91;  Ecuador, 
Ivory  Coast,  May  90;  Jamaica, 
Madagascar,  Jan.  81;  Morocco,  May  90; 
Niger,  Aug.  92;  Panama,  Oct.  76; 
Poland,  Nov.  80;  Zaire,  Mar.  74;  Zam- 
bia, Nov.  90 
Multiyear  rescheduling,  bilateral  agreement 
with  Yugoslavia  (Shultz),  Feb.  48 

De  Clercq,  Jacques,  Feb.  42 
Defense  and  national  security:  Adelman,  Jan. 
38;  Armacost,  June  68;  Nitze,  Apr.  61; 
Reagan,  Apr.  18;  Shultz,  Feb.  25,  Dec.  25 
Wallis,  Mar.  34 
Ascension  Island  facilities,  construction 
costs,  bilateral  agreement  with  U.K., 
Jan.  81 
Budget:  Reagan,  Apr.  20,  25,  27,  Oct.  1, 
Nov.  8;  Rowny,  Nov.  31;  Shultz,  PR 
131,  6/17 
Classified  information  leaks:  Adelman,  Jan 
36;  Shultz,  Jan.  21,  Aug.  35,  PR  110, 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative:  Oct.  11; 
Adelman,  Jan.  41,  Mar.  29,  Aug.  49, 
Oct.  8;  Armacost,  June  68;  Holmes, 
Sept,  39;  NATO,  Jan.  61;  Nitze,  Feb. 
59,  Apr.  61,  May  51,  55,  Aug.  44,  Nov. 
75;  Reagan,  Jan.  2,  14,  Feb.  23,  Mar. 

11,  Apr.  20,  21,  28,  Sept.  22,  Oct.  1, 
Dec.  18,  20;  Shultz,  Jan.  12,  21,  28,  45,  ,] 
58,  Feb.  25,  39,  Sept.  26,  Dec.  2,  3,  9, 

12,  13,  15,  22,  23,  33,  PR  14,  1/17,  PR 
125,  6/5,  PR  213,  10/15,  PR  215,  10/16,  1 
PR  221,  10/20;  White  House,  Aug.  43 

Funding:  Reagan,  Apr.  21,  Aug.  36,  Nov. 
8;  Rowny,  Nov.  31;  White  House, 
Sept.  81 
U.S. -West  Germany  cooperation  (Defense 
Department),  May  78 
Strategic  modernization:  Oct.  11;  Adelman, 
Jan.  35;  Holmes,  Sept.  42;  Reagan,  Feb. 
23,  Apr.  19,  Aug.  17,  18,  36,  Oct.  10, 
Nov.  9;  Ridgway,  Sept.  58;  Shultz,  Aug. 
32,  Dec.  23;  White  House,  Aug.  38,  41, 
42,  Sept.  81 
Surface  effect  ship  200,  cooperative  study 
memorandum  of  understanding  (1986): 
Canada,  France,  Federal  Republic  of 
Germany.  Spain,  U.K.,  U.S.,  May  89 
De  la  Madrid  Hurtado,  Miguel,  Oct.  65 
Dellenback,  John  R.,  Feb.  57 
Delors,  Jacques,  Feb.  40,  42,  43 
Democracy  and  democratic  principles: 
Abrams,  Aug.  83;  Reagan,  May  33; 
Shultz,  Feb.  27,  32,  June  35,  July  25,  26, 
Aug.  19,  Nov.  12,  13,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41, 
3/13,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR  127,  6/11,  PR  131, 
6/17;  Sigur,  July  44 
National  Endowment  for  Democracy 
(Reagan),  Apr.  29 
Denmark,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72, 

July  92,  Sept.  92,  93,  Dec.  85 
Derwinski,  Edward  J.,  Nov.  77 
Developing  countries  (see  also  Foreign  aid, 
U.S.;  Trade:  Free  trade  and  antiprotec- 
tionism;  and  names  of  individual  coun- 
tries): Armacost,  Dec.  56;  Baker,  July  61; 
Delors,  Feb.  41;  OECD,  June  46;  Reagan, 
July  10;  Shultz,  Feb.  27,  32,  July  19,  Nov. 
12,  PR  125,  6/5;  Tokyo  economic  summit, 
July  4,  8,  10;  Yeutter,  Nov.  46 
Debt  problems:  Abrams,  July  86,  90; 
Armacost,  PR  218,  10/16;  Baker,  July 
61;  Crocker,  July  30;  Poindexter,  Aug. 
66;  Reagan,  Apr.  27,  July  11;  Shultz, 
Apr.  51,  July  2,  Sept.  32;  Tokyo 
economic  summit,  July  9;  Wallis,  July 
66;  Yeutter,  May  68 

Department  of  State  Bulletin 

Dickson,  Bobby  Joe  (Whitehead),  PR  97,  5/5 
Diplomatic  relations,  Vienna  convention 

(1961):  St.  Lucia,  Dec.  85;  Yemen  (Sana;.), 
July  91 

Dizdarevic,  Raif,  Feb.  47,  48,  49 
Djibouti  (Crocker),  Jan.  29 
Common  Fund  for  Commodities  (1980), 
ratification.  Mar.  72 
Dominica,  international  convention  against 
taking  of  hostages  (1979),  accession,  Nov. 
Dominican  Republic:  Abrams,  July  90; 
Schneider,  Aug.  78 
Inauguration  of  President  Balaguer 

(Shultz),  PR  163,  8/18 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  June 
91,  Oct.  76,  Nov.  89 
Donaldson,  Sam,  Jan.  20.  Dec.  32 
Double  taxation,  avoidance  of: 
Bilateral  agreements  with:  Barbados,  Feb. 
94,  May  90,  PR  34,  2/28;  China,  Dec. 
86;  Cyprus,  Feb.  94;  Germany,  Federal 
Republic  of,  Sept.  93;  Italy,  Feb.  95; 
Jamaica,  Aug.  92;  South  Africa  (U.S. 
termination),  Dec.  87;  Tunisia,  May  91 
Income  and  property  taxes,  bilateral  agree- 
ment with  France,  Jan.  81 
Social  security,  bilateral  agreement  with 

Italy,  Feb.  95 
U.S.  contractors  and  subcontractors  of 
Panama  Canal  Commission  or  U.S. 
Forces,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Panama,  Dec.  87 
Dougan,  Diana  Lady  (quoted),  Nov.  86 
Drugs,  narcotic:  Oct.  55;  Abrams,  July  91; 
Peck,  July  83;  Shultz,  Sept.  36,  PR  198, 
10/3;  Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  4; 
Whitehead,  Oct.  37 
Cayman  Islands  and  narcotics  activities, 
bilateral  agreement  with  U.K.,  Feb.  95, 
Aug.  92 
Control  of  production  and  traffic,  bilateral 
agreement  with  Mexico,  Mar.  74,  July 
93,  Dec.  87 
FY  1987  assistance  requests  (Wrobleski), 

Aug.  72 
International  control  cooperation,  bilateral 
agreement  with  Dominican  Republic, 
Feb.  94 
Latin  America,  control  efforts:  Shultz,  Feb. 
32,  Julv  25,  PR  158,  8/11;  Thomas,  Apr. 
77;  Whitehead,  Oct.  37;  Wrobleski,  Aug. 
Psychotropic  substances,  convention  (1971): 
Malaysia,  Somalia,  Dec.  85;  U.K.,  July 
Single  convention  (1961),  protocol  (1972): 

Qatar,  Dec.  85;  Venezuela,  Mar.  72 
Southwest  Asia  (Wrobleski),  Sept.  82 
Strategy  Report  for  1985,  Apr.  80 
Terrorism,  link  to:  Abrams,  Mar.  67,  Apr. 

89,  July  86,  89,  Aug.  84;  Oakley,  Aug. 
3;  Shultz,  Sept.  30 

Turks  and  Caicos  Islands  and  narcotics 
activities,  agreement  with  U.K.,  Nov. 

90,  Dec.  87 


Eagleburger,  Lawrence  S.,  Feb.  57 
East-West  relations:  Armacost,  May  69 
Harry,  Apr.  65;  NAC,  Feb.  36,  Aug 
Reagan,  Feb.  60;  Shultz,  Feb.  27,  29.  37, 
4  1,  17,  Aug.  56,  Sept.  33 
I  Iconomy,  domestic:  Reagan,  Nov.  6;  Shultz, 
Sept.  32,  Nov.  11,  Dec.  23,  PR  127,  6/11; 
Wallis,  Mar.  33,  July  65 
Budget,  Gramm-Rudman-Hollings  legisla- 
tion, effect:  Nitze,  Apr.  61;  Shultz,  Feb. 
41,  42,  47,  Apr.  41,  45,  Sept.  33;  Wallis, 
Mar.  35;  Yeutter,  May  68 
Tax  reform:  Baker,  July  61;  McMinn,  Oct. 

34;  Reagan,  July  13;  Shultz,  Sept.  33 
Trade  deficit:  Wallis,  Mar.  33;  Yeutter,  May 
Economy,  world  (see  also  Developing  coun- 
tries' and  Trade):  Armacost,  PR  218, 
10/16;  Baker,  July  61;  Delors,  Feb.  40; 
OECD,  June  44;  Reagan,  Apr.  27,  Nov.  5; 
Shultz,  Feb.  27,  Apr.  40,  50,  Nov.  12,  PR 
198,  10/3;  Wallis,  Jan.  54,  June  48 
Exchange  markets:  Baker,  July  61;  Shultz, 
PR  91,  4/23,  PR  92,  4/24 
Group  of  Five  meeting:  Delors,  Feb.  41, 
43;  Shultz,  Feb.  43 
Oil  prices  (Reagan),  June  26 
Privatization,  international  conference 

(Shultz),  PR  24,  2/18 
Tokyo  summit  meeting:  Armacost,  Sept.  62; 
Baker,  July  62;  Reagan,  Apr.  27,  July 
10;  Shultz,  July  1,  5,  Sept.  25,  32.  PR 
92,  4/24,  PR  125,  6/5;  Wallis,  June  48, 
July  64 
Summit  declaration  and  joint  statements, 
texts,  July  3,  4,  5,  8 
Ecuador:  Apr.  81;  Abrams,  July  89;  Thomas, 
Apr.  79;  Wendt,  June  52 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  May 
90,  July  92,  Sept.  92,  93,  Dec.  85,  86 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Febres-Cordero: 
Febres-Cordero,  Mar.  64;  Reagan,  Mar. 
Program,  PR  3,  1/9 
Educational,  cultural,  scientific,  technological 
exchanges  and  cooperation,  bilateral 
agreement  with  Soviet  Union,  Feb.  95 
Aswan  High  Dam  Hydroelectric  Power  Sta- 
tion, bilateral  agreement,  amendment, 
July  92 
Cash  transfer,  bilateral  agreement,  July  92 
Economic  programs:  Murphy,  Dec.  70; 
Shultz,  Apr.  47,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41, 
3/13,  PR  67,  4/1 
Taba  border  dispute  (Murphy),  Mar.  40 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  94, 
Mar.  72,  Apr.  94,  May  89,  90,  June  90, 
July  92,  Aug.  91,  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov.  88, 
Dec.  85 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance, 
appropriations  requests:  Murphy,  July 
76;  Schneider,  Aug.  78;  Shultz,  Apr.  47 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush  (Bush),  Nov.  3 
El  Salvador:  Abrams,  July  87;  Reagan,  Feb. 
87,  May  35,  Sept.  20;  Shultz,  PR  48,  3/18; 
Walters,  Oct.  58 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Mar. 
72,  May  90,  Oct.  76 

Employment  of  dependents  of  official  govern- 
n,i  nt  employees,  bilateral  agreements 
with:  Honduras,  Feb.  94;  Israel,  Jan.  SI 

Energy  resources  and  trade  (see  also  Nuclear 


Geothermal  energy,  bilateral  agreement 

with  Mexico,  June  91 
Oil  prices;  Reagan,  June  26;  Shultz,  Sept. 
32;  Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  10; 
Wallis,  Apr.  72,  July  66;  Wendt,  June 
51;  Yeutter,  May  68 
Research  and  development,  cooperation, 
bilateral  agreements:  Finland,  Italy, 
Mar.  73;  Spain,  Aug.  92 
Strategic  petroleum  reserve  (White  House), 

Oct.  34 
U.S.  national  policy  (Wendt),  June  51 
Environmental  problems  and  control  (see  also 
Oil  pollution):  Tokyo  economic  summit, 
July  10 
Acid  rain:  Benedick,  Sept.  55;  Mulroney, 
May  57;  Reagan,  May  57;  White  House, 
May  58 
Environmental  affairs,  cooperation  in, 

bilateral  agreement  with  U.K.,  Sept.  94 
Environmental  protection,  bilateral  agree- 
ment with  Nigeria,  July  93 
Intervention  on  the  high  seas  in  cases  of 
pollution  by  substances  other  than  oil, 
protocol  (1973):  Finland,  Dec.  85; 
France,  Apr.  93 
Long-range  transboundary  air  pollution, 
convention  (1979),  Netherlands,  Jan.  80 
Protocol  (1984):  Bulgaria,  Dec.  86; 

Canada,  Apr.  93;  Denmark,  July  92; 
European  Economic  Community,  Oct. 
75;  Finland,  Sept.  92;  Germany, 
Federal  Republic  of,  Dec.  86;  Turkey, 
Apr.  93 
Marine  environment  (Negroponte),  Sept.  86 
Multilateral  development  banks  project 
planning,  integration  (Negroponte), 
Sept.  53 
Ozone  layer,  protection,  convention  (1985): 
Burkina  Faso,  Apr.  93;  Byelorussian 
S.S.R.,  Canada,  Sept.  92;  Finland,  Dec. 
85;  Morocco,  Apr.  93;  New  Zealand. 
June  90;  Norway,  Dec.  85;  Ukrainian 
S.S.R.,  Sept.  92;  U.S.,  Sept.  92,  Oct.  75, 
Nov.  88 
U.S.  ratification:  Sept.  92;  Benedick,  June 
58;  Negroponte,  June  59 
Prevention  of  marine  pollution  by  dumping 
of  wastes  and  other  matter,  convention 
(1972):  China,  Jan.  80;  Costa  Rica,  Sept. 
Prevention  of  pollution  from  ships,  interna- 
tional convention  (1973):  Benin,  Feb. 
93;  Egypt,  Nov.  88;  U.K.,  extension  to 
Isle  of  Man,  July  91 
Protocol  of  1978:  India,  Dec.  85;  Poland, 
Sept.  92;  Tuvalu,  Feb.  93;  U.K., 
extension  to  Isle  of  Man.  July  91 
Prohibition  of  military  or  other 

environmental  modification  techniques, 
convention  (1977):  Afghanistan,  Feb. 
93;  Benin,  Sept.  91;  Pakistan,  May  89 
San  Diego,  California-Tijuana,  Baja  Califor- 
nia border  sanitation  problem,  IBWC 
minute  270,  Dec.  87 
U.S.  policy  (Benedick),  June  55 
U.S. -Soviet  consultations,  Jan.  10 

Index  1986 

Equatorial  Guinea,  treaties,  agreements,  etc., 

Apr.  93,  Oct.  75,  76,  Dec.  86 
Espionage  activity  in  U.S.  (see  also  Soviet 
Union:  Soviet  espionage  agents,  expul- 
sion): Reagan,  Apr.  29,  Aug.  19;  Ridgway, 
Feb.  76;  Shultz,  Feb.  52,  Mar.  18 
Ethiopia:  Crocker,  Jan.  29,  July  36;  Keyes, 
June  81;  Reagan,  Feb.  87,  Apr.  28,  Nov. 
4;  Schifter,  Oct.  62 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  Apr. 
Europe  (see  also  names  of  individual  countries): 
Confidence-  and  Security-Building  Measures 
and  Disarmament  Conference  (CDE): 
Jan.  9;  Armacost,  May  71;  Barry,  Apr. 
65;  Holmes,  Sept.  39;  NAC,  Feb.  37; 
Reagan,  Mar.  30;  Western  statement, 
Sept.  43;  White  House,  June  40,  Aug. 
39,  Sept.  39,  Oct.  9 
CDE  accord,  text  and  annexes:  Nov.  20; 
Barry,  Nov.  25;  Dept.  Nov.  72;  Reagan, 
Nov.  25,  33;  Zimmermann,  Nov.  70,  71 
Conventional  defense  initiative:  Reagan, 

Apr.  29;  Shultz,  Aug.  25 
CSCE:  NAC,  Aug.  53;  Reagan,  Nov.  4 
Bern  experts'  meeting  on  human  con- 
tacts: Novak,  Sept.  65,  67,  69; 
Reagan,  June  64;  Ridgway,  Sept.  68; 
Western  draft  concluding  document, 
Sept.  71 
Final  Act  of  Helsinki  (1975):  Armacost, 
May  69;  Zimmermann,  Nov.  70 
Cultural  Forum  meeting,  Budapest: 
Feb.  80;  Stoessel,  Feb.  81,  82 
Draft  concluding  document,  Feb.  85 
11th  anniversary  (Reagan),  Oct.  36 
Soviet  violations.  See  Soviet  Union, 

human  rights 
U.S.  forums,  announcements,  PR  119, 

5/30,  PR  166,  8/29 
Vienna  review  meeting:  Armacost,  May 
69,  72;  Barry,  Apr.  67;  Department, 
Nov.  72;  Reagan  (message),  PR  245, 
11/7;  Shultz,  PR  245,  11/7;  Zimmer- 
mann, Nov.  70 
U.S.  delegate  (Zimmermann):  Depart- 
ment, Nov.  72 
Eastern:  Armacost,  May  69;  Reagan,  Feb. 
87;  Schifter,  Jan.  64;  Shultz,  Feb.  29, 
47,  50 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States,  1951, 

Volume  IV,  Europe,  released,  Jan.  82 
Mutual  and  balanced  force  reduction  talks: 
Jan.  8,  Feb.  64,  Dec.  37;  Alexander, 
Feb.  61;  Blackwill,  Feb.  62,  63;  Depart- 
ment, Mar.  31;  Holmes,  Sept.  39;  NAC, 
Aug.  53;  NATO,  Aug.  58;  Nitze,  Nov. 
74;  Reagan,  Feb.  60,  Nov.  4,  33;  Ridg- 
way, Sept.  59;  Shultz,  Aug.  25;  Western 
statement,  Nov.  27;  White  House,  May 
54,  July  37,  Sept.  41,  Nov.  28 
Reunification,  hopes  for  (Reagan),  Apr.  29 
U.S.  economic  relations  (see  also  European 
Economic  Community:  Agricultural 
trade  policy):  De  Clercq,  Feb.  42; 
Shultz,  Feb.  41;  Yeutter,  Feb.  42 
U.S.  relations  (Ridgway),  Sept.  58 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  Jan.  57,  Feb.  29, 
36,  50 

European  Atomic  Energy  Community 
Nuclear  cooperation  with  U.S.  (Reagan), 

May  78 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Sept.  93 
European  Communities,  treaties,  agreements, 
etc.,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  92,  93,  Oct.  75,  Nov.  89 
European  Communities  Commission, 

meeting:  Delors,  Feb.  40;  Shultz,  Feb.  41 
European  Economic  Community:  Shultz,  Feb. 
42;  Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  9 
Agricultural  trade  policy:  Armacost,  PR 
140,  6/30;  Baldrige,  June  42;  McMinn, 
Oct.  34;  Reagan,  Oct.  6;  Shultz,  Sept. 
28;  Wallis,  June  48;  White  House,  June 
46,  Aug.  52;  Yeutter,  May  65 
U.S. -EEC  provisional  agreement  (White 
House),  Sept.  59 
Spain  and  Portugal,  membership  (Shultz), 
Apr.  48,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR 
91,  4/23 
Executive  orders: 
Compact  of  Free  Association  with  Pacific 

Islands  (12569):  Reagan,  Dec.  74 
Libyan  sanctions  (1251,3),  Mar.  37;  (125U), 
Mar.  38 
Export  controls,  U.S.,  against  Libya:  Reagan, 
Mar.  36,  37,  38;  Shultz,  Mar.  21,  22,  23, 
26;  White  House,  Mar.  38 
Extradition,  supplementary  treaties: 
Germany,  Federal  Republic  of,  Dec.  86 

Signature  (Shultz),  PR  226,  10/23 
U.K.:  Sept.  94;  Poindexter,  Aug.  67; 
Reagan,  Apr.  29,  Sept.  23 

Febres-Cordero  Ribadeneyra.  Leon,  Mar.  64 
Fields,  David  C,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador 
to  Central  African  Republic,  PR  234, 
Fiji  (Monjo),  July  60 

IMET  program  agreement  with  U.S.,  Sept.  93 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Mar. 
73,  Apr.  93,  May  90;  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov. 
88,  Dec.  85,  86 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  Jan.  57 
Fish  and  fisheries: 
Conservation  of  Atlantic  tunas,  protocol 
(1984)  to  amend  1966  international  con- 
vention: Cape  Verde,  July  91;  U.S.,  Oct. 
75,  Dec.  85 
Fisheries  off  coast  of  U.S.,  bilateral 
agreements:  China,  Feb.  94;  Poland, 
Mar.  74;  Soviet  Union,  Apr.  94,  Nov.  89 
Pacific  salmon  treaty  with  Canada,  amend- 
ment: Sept.  93;  Negroponte,  Sept.  85 
Entry  into  force,  Nov.  89 
Regional  tuna  fisheries  treaty  in  Pacific, 

negotiations  (Sigur),  Dec.  76 
Salmon  of  North  American  origin: 
Japan,  negotiations,  Mar.  42 
U.S. -Canada-Japan  agreement,  June  73 
South  Pacific  regional  fisheries,  negotia- 
tions: Monjo,  July  60;  Shultz,  Apr.  49 
Whaling  (Negroponte),  Sept.  85 
International  observer  scheme,  bilateral 
agreement  with  Japan,  May  90 

Foreign  aid,  U.S.  (see  also  Security 

assistance):  Reagan,  May  35;  Shultz,  June 
37,  Nov.  13 
Appropriations  requests:  Monjo,  July  54; 
Peck,  July  81;  Shultz,  Apr.  45,  PR  37, 
3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Budget  restraints:  Armacost,  Oct.  21,  PR 
218,  10/16;  Murphy,  Dec.  71;  Shultz, 
Apr.  45,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  154,  7/31 
Organizations  and  programs,  FY  1987 
(Keyes),  Aug.  80 
Foreign  investment  in  U.S.  (Yeutter),  May  68 
Foreign  policy,  U.S.: 
American  Foreign  Policy:  Current 

Documents,  1983,  released,  May  93 
Budget  priorities:  Armacost,  Oct.  21,  PR 
218,  10/16;  Murphy,  Dec.  72;  Shultz,  PR 
110,  5/14,  PR  154,  7/31,  PR  180,  9/16, 
PR  181,  9/16;  Spiers,  Dec.  47 
Chronology  of  official  actions:  Jan.  79;  Feb.. 

92,  Mar.  71,  Apr.  92,  May  88,  June  89 
A  Decade  of  American  Foreign  Policy:  Basic 
Documents,  191,1-191,9,  released,  Feb.  97 
Diplomacy  (Shultz),  Nov.  13 
Principles,  objectives,  and  purposes: 

Armacost,  June  67,  PR  218,  10/16;  Mur- 
phy, Dec.  72;  Reagan,  Apr.  26,  May  32;   • 
Shultz,  Apr.  40,  June  37,  PR  113,  5/21,  I 
PR  180,  9/16,  PR  181,  9/16;  Spiers,  May 
Regional  foreign  policy  conferences: 
Baltimore,  Maryland,  PR  165,  8/26 
Hartford,  Connecticut,  PR  188,  9/24 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  PR  197,  10/6 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1955-1957,  Volume  II,  China,  released, 
Oct.  78 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1955-1957,  Volume  III,  China,  released,     ' 
Dec.  89 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States,  1951, 

Volume  W,  Europe,  released,  Jan.  82 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1952-1951,,  Volume  VII,  Germany  and 
Austria,  released,  Dec.  90 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1952-1951,,  Volume  IX,  The  Near  and  Mid- 
dle East,  Parts  1  and  2,  Aug.  93 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1955-1957,  Volume  I,  Vietnam,  released, 
Feb.  96 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1958-1960,  Volume  I,  Vietnam,  released, 
June  93 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1955-1957,  Volume  IV,  Western  European 
Security  and  Integration,  released,  Dec.  89 
Foreign  Service:  Shultz,  Apr.  42,  46,  52,  June 
4;  Spiers,  Jan.  47,  May  58,  Sept.  44,  Dec. 
47,  50;  Whitehead,  Oct.  19 
Diplomatic  security  agents,  graduation 

(Shultz),  PR  47,  3/18 
Diplomatic  security  programs  (Spiers),  Dec.  49 
Soviet  use  of  chemical  tracking  agents 

(Department),  Apr.  75 
U.S.  Marine  Corps  Embassy  Protection 
Program  abroad,  signature  (Shultz),  PR 
263,  12/17 
Foreign  Service  Day  memorial  service 
(Whitehead),  PR  97,  5/5 

Department  of  State  Bulletin 

France  (Reagan),  July  14 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Mar. 
73,  Apr.  92,  May  89,  90,  July  92,  Sept. 
92,  93,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  85,  86 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz:  June  33;  Shultz, 
PR  54,  3/24,  PR  59,  3/26 
freedom  fighters:  Armacost,  June  64; 

Reagan,  Jan.  15,  Feb.  23,  87,  Apr.  26,  28, 
May  34, 35,  June  27;  Shultz,  Jan.  20,  Feb.  39 
Funseth,  Robert  L.,  Dec.  78 


UNIDO  constitution,  1979,  accession,  Sept. 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Horowitz),  swearing  in, 
PR  183,  9/22 
Javin,  John,  biographic  details,  Mar.  9 
General  Assembly,  U.N.: 
41st  session  (Reagan),  Nov.  1 

U.S.  delegation,  Nov.  3 
Afghanistan,  Feb.  21 
Cambodia:  Mar.  59;  Walters,  Mar.  57 
Chemical  weapons  ban:  Mar.  60;  Lowitz, 

Mar.  60 
Terrorism,  Mar.  52 
Geneva  conventions  (1949)  on  treatment  of 
armed  forces,  civilian  persons,  and 
prisoners  of  war: 
Current  actions:  Comoros,  Apr.  93; 
Equatorial  Guinea,  Oct.  75;  St. 
Christopher-Nevis,  July  72 
Protocols  I  and  II  (1977):  Belgium,  Benin, 
Oct.  76;  Comoros,  Apr.  93;  Equatorial 
Guinea,  Oct.  76;  Holy  See,  Apr.  93; 
Jamaica,  Oct.  76;  St.  Christopher-Nevis, 
July  92;  Suriname,  Uruguay,  Apr.  93 
Genocide  convention  (1948),  U.S.  ratification, 

May  89 
German  Democratic  Republic  (Schifter),  Jan. 
Berlin  sector  line  controls  (Ridgway),  Sept. 

East  Berlin  Volkskammer  elections  (Depart- 
ment), Sept.  59 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc..  Mar.  73,  June 

91,  Dec.  85,  86 

Germany,  Documents  on,  1944-1945,  released, 

Mar.  78 
Germany,  Federal  Republic  of: 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1952-1954,  Volume  VII,  Germany  and 
Austria,  released,  Dec.  90 
Supplementary  Extradition  Treaty, 

signature  (Shultz),  PR  226,  10/23 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Mar. 
73,  Apr.  93,  May  89,  90,  June  90,  July 

92,  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov.  88,  89,  Dec.  85, 

U.S.  visit  of  Chancellor  Kohl,  program,  PR 
219,  10/17 
Ghana,  treaties,  agreements,  etc..  Mar.  73, 

Sept.  93,  Oct.  76 
Gildred,  Theodore  E.,  swearing  in  as  Ambas- 
sador to  Argentina,  PR  229,  10/23 
Gilsenan,  John  T.,  appointment  as  Executor 
Director  for  U.S.  Delegation  to  the  1987 
WARC  for  Mobile  Services,  PR  70,  414 

Gorbachev,  Mikhail  S„  Jan.  10,  Mar.  11 
Greece:  Oakley,  Aug.  5;  Shultz,  Aug.  25 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  July 

92,  Sept.  92,  93,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  relations  (Shultz),  Feb.  40,  Apr.  48, 

June  34,  35 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz:  June  33;  Shultz, 
PR  63,  3/28,  PR  65,  3/31 
Grenada:  Abrams,  July  90;  Reagan,  Feb.  87; 
Schneider,  Aug.  78;  Shultz,  Mar.  15 
Profile,  Apr.  23 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  Apr. 

92,  93,  July  92,  Sept.  93 
Visit  of  President  Reagan,  Apr.  22 
Guatemala:  Abrams,  Mar.  66,  July  87; 
Reagan,  Feb.  87;  Schneider,  Aug.  79 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  May 

90,  Oct.  76,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  85 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz  (Shultz),  PR  248, 

Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  Apr.  31 
Guinea  (Crocker),  July  31 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  Dec.  86 
Investment  incentive  agreement  with  U.S., 

Nov.  89 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Blacken),  swearing  in, 
PR  139,  6/30 
Gumbal,  Bryant,  Nov.  64 
Guyana,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93, 

June  91,  July  91,  Nov.  89 
Gwertzman,  Bernard,  Dec.  29 


Haig,  Alexander,  unveiling  of  portrait  of,  PR 

170,  9/8 
Haiti:  Armacost,  June  68,  PR  140,  6/30; 

Reagan,  Apr.  30,  May  33;  Shultz,  Apr.  49, 
PR  19,  2/3 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Mar. 

72,  May  90,  Sept.  93,  Oct.  76 
U.S.  Ambassador  (McKinley),  swearing  in, 

PR  203,  10/7 
U.S.  assistance:  Abrams,  July  90;  Depart- 
ment, Apr.  83;  Shultz,  PR  127,  6/11 
Handwork,  Thomas  T.  (Whitehead),  PR  97, 

Harriman,  W.  Averell,  death  of  (Shultz),  PR 

152,  7/26 
Hawke,  Robert  J.  L.,  Aug.  74 
Hayden,  Bill,  Oct.  44 
Health  and  medical  research: 
Biotechnology  (Delors),  Feb.  42 
Child  survival  health  support  project,  agree- 
ment with  India,  Nov.  89 
Exchange  of  medical  cadets  between  the 
Royal  Navy  and  the  Uniformed  Services 
University  of  the  Health  Sciences, 
bilateral  agreement  with  U.K.,  Mar.  74 
Health  and  child  survival,  FY  1987  appro- 
priations request  (McPherson),  Aug.  61 
Military  medicine,  cooperation,  bilateral 

agreement  with  Tunisia,  Mar.  74 
Radiation,  research  on  health  and 

environmental  effects,  memorandum  of 
understanding  with  Euratom,  Sept.  93 
Healy,  Timothy  S.,  S.  J.,  Feb.  57 

Henderson,  Loy,  death  of  (Shultz),  PR  61, 

Holmes,  H.  Allen,  Sept.  38 

Biographical  details,  Sept.  38 
Honduras:  Reagan,  Feb.  87;  Walters,  Oct.  59 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  93,  94, 
Mar.  72,  June  91,  Oct.  76,  Nov.  88,  Dec. 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Briggs),  swearing  in,  PR 

230,  10/23 
U.S.  assistance:  Abrams,  July  87;  Depart- 
ment, May  86 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Azcona:  Reagan, 
Aug.  86;  joint  communique,  Aug.  87 
Program,  PR  114,  5/22 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  Apr.  31 
Hong  Kong: 
Textile  talks  with  U.S.  (Shultz),  Sept.  26 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  May  90,  Oct.  76, 
Nov.  88,  Dec.  86 
Horowitz,  Herbert  E.,  swearing  in  as 

Ambassador  to  The  Gambia,  PR  183,  9/22 
Human  rights:  Reagan,  Jan.  2,  15,  Nov.  6; 
Shultz,  Feb.  31,  July  5 
Bill  of  Rights  Day,  Human  Rights  Day  and 
Week,  1985,  proclamation  (Reagan), 
Feb.  88 
Caribbean  and  Central  America  (Walters), 

Mar.  54 
Chile:  Abrams,  Mar.  69,  Oct.  66;  Schifter, 

Oct.  62 
Civil  and  political  rights,  international  cove- 
nant (1966):  Argentina,  Oct.  75;  Niger, 
May  89;  San  Marino,  Jan.  80;  Sudan, 
June  90 
Country  Reports  on  Human  Rights  Prac- 
tices for  1985,  excerpts  (Schifter),  Apr. 
Cuba  (Skoug).  Dec.  82 
Eastern  Europe:  Armacost,  May  69; 
Schifter,  Jan.  64;  Shultz,  Feb.  29 
Economic,  social  and  cultural  rights,  inter- 
national covenant  (1966):  Argentina, 
Oct.  75;  Niger,  May  89;  San  Marino, 
Jan.  80;  Sudan,  June  90 
Ethiopia:  Keyes,  June  81;  Purcell,  Oct.  53; 

Schifter,  Oct.  62 
Freedom  of  expression  (Shultz),  Mar.  18, 

PR  6,  1/14 
Fundamental  to  U.S.  foreign  policy: 
Reagan,  Feb.  88;  Shultz,  Jan.  20 
Indonesia:  Reagan,  July  13;  Shultz,  July  17, 

Nicaragua  (Reagan),  Feb.  23,  Sept.  91 
Peru  (Abrams),  Jan.  75 
South  Africa,  U.S. -supported  program,  May 

Soviet  Union:  Armacost,  May  69;  Reagan, 

Feb.  23,  88,  Apr.  30;  Shultz,  Jan.  22,  25 
U.N.  declaration,  37th  anniversary 
(Reagan),  Feb.  87 
Hungary  (Shultz),  Feb.  53 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  May  90, 

June  90,  91,  July  92,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  85 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz  (Shultz),  Feb.  38, 

Index  1986 


Iceland:  Reagan,  Dec.  7;  Shultz,  Jan.  60 
Defense  relationship,  bilateral  treaty,  Dec. 

Rainbow  navigation  situation  (Shultz),  Aug. 

Transportation  of  military  cargo,  treaty 

with  U.S.,  signature,  PR  189,  9/25 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  May  90,  Sept. 

92,  Oct.  75,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  85,  86 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  Jan.  57 

India:  Karp,  Feb.  17;  Peck,  July  81,  84; 
Shultz,  Apr.  50,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13; 
Wrobleski,  Sept.  84;  Yeutter,  May  65 
India-U.S.  Joint  Commission  on  Economic, 
Commercial,  Scientific,  Technological, 
Educational,  and  Cultural  Cooperation, 
sixth  session,  minutes,  Apr.  81 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Apr. 

93,  May  89,  June  90,  July  91,  Sept.  93, 
Nov.  89,  Dec.  85,  86 

Indonesia  (Wendt),  June  52 
Human  rights:  Reagan,  July  13;  Shultz, 

July  17,  19 
Profile,  July  23 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  94,  Apr. 
93,  July  92,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  93,  Dec.  85, 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Wolfowitz),  swearing  in, 

PR  38,  3/12 
U.S.  assistance,  FY  87:  Monjo,  July  54,  58; 

Schneider,  Aug.  79 
Visit  of  President  Reagan:  July  15;  Reagan, 
July  22;  Shultz,  July  19 
Industrial  property,  Nice  agreement  (1977), 

Switzerland,  May  89 
Intellectual  property,  protection  (Yeutter), 

Nov.  45,  46 
Inter-American  Development  Bank: 

Negroponte,  Sept.  54;  Shultz,  Feb.  34, 
Apr.  51 
Agreement  with  annexes  (1959),  Norway, 
Oct.  75 
Interdependence  of  modern  world:  OECD, 
June  46;  Shultz,  June  37,  July  1;  Tokyo 
economic  summit,  July  3 
International  Atomic  Energy  Agency:  Keyes, 
Aug.  82;  Shultz,  July  2,  5;  Tokyo 
economic  summit,  July  4 
Enriched  uranium  for  research  reactor, 
U.S.-Thailand-IAEA  agreement  (1986), 
Dec.  84-85 
IAEA  Statute  (1956),  Zimbabwe,  Oct.  75 
International  Bank  for  Reconstruction  and 
Development  (Shultz),  Apr.  51,  PR  37, 
3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Articles  of  agreement  (1944):  Kiribati,  Nov. 

88;  Poland,  Sept.  91 
International  Development  Association 
(Shultz),  Sept.  89 
International  Court  of  Justice: 
Compulsory  jurisdiction  declaration 
Current  actions,  Honduras,  Nov.  88 
U.S.  termination  of  acceptance:  Depart- 
ment, Jan.  67;  Shultz,  Jan.  67;  Sofaer, 
Jan.  67 

International  Court  of  Justice  (Con  fill 
Italy-U.S.  dispute  regarding  Italian  Govern- 
ment actions  against  a  wholly  owned 
subsidiary  of  Raytheon  Company  and 
Machlett  Laboratories  (Department), 
Jan.  69 
Nicaragua-U.S.  dispute  (Sofaer),  Jan.  69 
International  Monetary  Fund:  Baker,  July  62; 
Shultz,  Apr.  51,  Sept.  89,  PR  87,  3/4,  PR 
41,  3/13;  Wallis,  July  66 
Articles  of  agreement  (1944):  Kiribati,  Aug. 
91;  Poland,  Aug.  91 
International  Telecommunication  Union 

(ITU),  report  on  Soviet  jamming,  Nov.  83 
Investment  of  private  capital  abroad  (Yeut- 
ter), Nov.  45,  46 
ASEAN  countries  (Shultz),  Sept.  25 
Indonesia  (Shultz),  July  19,  20,  Sept.  36 
Investment  guarantees,  bilateral  agreement 

with  Bolivia,  Mar.  73 
Investment  incentive  agreements  with: 
Guinea-Bissau,  Nov.  89;  Sao  Tome  and 
Principe,  Dec.  87 
Philippines  (Armacost),  Dec.  54 
Private  Enterprise  Bureau  (McPherson), 

Aug.  60 
Reciprocal  encouragement  and  protection 
of  investments,  bilateral  agreements 
with:  Bangladesh,  May  89,  Sept.  93; 
Cameroon,  Apr.  94,  Sept.  93;  Egypt, 
May  90,  Sept.  93;  Grenada,  July  92, 
Sept.  93;  Haiti,  May  90;  Morocco,  May 
90;  Senegal,  May  91;  Turkey,  Feb.  95, 
May  91;  Zaire,  May  91 
Settlement  of  investment  disputes  between 
states  and  nationals  of  other  states, 
convention  (1965),  Ecuador,  Mar.  72 
Treatment  and  protection  of  investment, 
bilateral  agreement  with  Panama,  May 
Iran:  Karp,  Feb.  17,  18;  Murphy,  June  71; 
Reagan,  Feb.  87 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93,  Dec.  85 
Iran-Iraq  war:  Murphy,  Mar.  40,  41,  June  73, 
Dec.  72;  Poindexter,  Aug.  65;  Shultz,  Jan. 
25,  Feb.  52,  Apr.  48,  Dec.  4,  6,  PR  199, 
10/3;  White  House,  Aug.  71 
Iraq,  women,  convention  (1979)  on  elimina- 
tion of  all  forms  of  discrimination,  acces- 
sion, Oct.  76 
International  fund  for,  agreement  (1986): 

Ireland,  U.K.,  U.S.,  Dec.  85 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  Sept. 

92,  93,  Dec.  85,  86 
U.K. -Ireland  agreement  on  Northern 
Ireland  (Reagan),  Jan.  56,  May  73 
Israel:  Murphy,  Mar.  40,  June  70,  July  76; 
Shultz,  Feb.  52,  Apr.  47,  July  26,  PR  37, 
3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  67,  4/1 
Economic  and  political  stability,  grant 

agreement,  Dec.  87 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  95, 

Mar.  73,  May  89,  June  91,  Dec.  85,  87 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance, 
appropriations  requests:  Schneider, 
Aug.  77;  Shultz,  Apr.  46,  47 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Peres:  Reagan, 
Peres,  Dec.  73;  Shultz,  PR  67,  4/1 
Program,  PR  176,  9/12 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush  (Bush),  Nov.  9 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  94, 
95,  Mar.  73,  May  89,  June  90,  July  92, 
Sept.  92,  93,  Oct.  75,  Dec.  85 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  June  35 
Ivory  Coast: 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc..  May  90,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Kux),  swearing  in,  PR 
184,  9/22 

Jacobsen,  David,  release  of,  PR  246,  11/7 
Jahn,  William  H.,  U.S.  Delegation  Vice  Chair- 
man to  MF  Broadcasting  Regional 
Administrative  Radio  Conference, 
appointment,  PR  2,  1/6 
Jamaica:  Apr.  81;  Abrams,  July  90; 
Schneider,  Aug.  78 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Apr. 
93,  94,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  92,  Oct.  76,  Nov. 
88,  89,  Dec.  86 
Japan  (Shultz),  PR  91,  4/23,  PR  92,  4/24 
Civil  aviation,  bilateral  agreement  regard- 
ing United  Airlines  service,  PR  16,  1/25 
Economic  relations  with  U.S.:  Armacost, 
Oct.  22;  McMinn,  Oct.  33;  Nakasone, 
July  53;  Reagan,  Apr.  29,  July  53; 
Shultz,  Apr.  48;  Sigur,  Oct.  25,  Nov.  40; 
Wallis,  Mar.  35,  July  66,  68 
Market-oriented,  sector-selective  (MOSS) 
discussions:  Armacost,  Oct.  23;  joint 
report,  Mar.  32;  Reagan,  Apr.  27; 
Sigur,  Oct.  25,  26;  Yeutter,  May  65,  PR 
140,  6/30 
Salmon  of  North  American  origin,  negotia- 
tions with  U.S.,  Mar.  42 
Semiconductor  trade  agreement  with  U.S. 

(Reagan),  Oct.  22 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Mar. 
73,  May  90,  June  91,  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov. 
88,  Dec.  86 
U.S.  relations:  Nov.  42;  Armacost,  Oct.  20; 

Sigur,  Oct.  24 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Nakasone: 
Reagan,  Nakasone,  July  53;  program, 
PR  75,  4/11 
Jenco,  Lawrence  (Reagan),  Oct.  5 
Johnson,  Wallace  E.,  Vice  Chairman  of  U.S. 
Delegation  to  MF  Broadcasting  Regional 
Administrative  Radio  Conference, 
appointment,  PR  2,  1/6 
Jordan,  Vernon  E.,  Jr.,  Feb.  57 
Jordan  (Shultz),  Feb.  53 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  73, 

May  89,  Sept.  92 
U.S.  arms  sales:  Murphy,  Mar.  39;  Reagan, 

Feb.  89 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance  (Mur- 
phy), Dec.  90 
Appropriations  requests:  Murphy,  July 
76,  78;  Schneider,  Aug.  78;  Shultz, 
Apr.  47 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush  (Bush),  Nov.  9 
Judicial  matters: 
Child  abduction,  international,  civil  aspects, 
convention  (1980):  Canada  (extension  to 
Prince  Edward  Island),  May  89  (exten- 
sion to  Province  of  Saskatchewan),  Nov. 
88;  Finland,  Dec.  85;  Hungary,  June  90; 
Spain,  Apr.  93;  U.K.,  Oct.  75 

Department  of  State  Bulletin 

Iiiilnuiil  Matters  (Cont'd) 
Customs  violations,  mutual  administrative 
assistance  for  prevention  and  repre 
sion,  bilateral  agreement  with  Italy, 
Feb.  95 
Foreign  Sovereign  Immunities  Act,  pro- 
posed amendments  (Verville),  Sept.  73 
Letters  rogatory,  inter-American  conven- 
tion (1976)  and  additional  protocol, 
ratification,  U.S.,  Dec.  85 
Mutual  assistance  in  criminal  matters, 
bilateral  agreements  with:  Italy,  Mar. 
73;  Thailand,  May  91 
Mutual  assistance  in  law  enforcement  mat- 
ters, bilateral  agreement  with  Haiti, 
Oct.  76 
Mutual  legal  assistance,  agreements  with: 
Philippines,  Aug.  92;  U.K.  re  Cayman 
Islands,  Sept.  94 
Service  abroad  of  judicial  and  extrajudicial 
documents  in  civil  or  commercial  mat- 
ters, convention  (1965),  Netherlands, 
Sept.  91 
Taking  of  evidence  abroad  in  civil  or  com- 
mercial matters,  convention  (1970): 
Monaco,  Apr.  93;  Netherlands  (exten- 
sion to  Arriba),  Sept.  91;  U.K.  (exten- 
sion to  Guernsey),  Feb.  93  (extension  to 
Anguilla),  Dec.  85 
Transfer  of  sentenced  persons: 
Bilateral  agreement  with  France,  Jan.  81 
Convention  (1983)  (Strasbourg  conven- 
tion): Austria,  Dec.  86;  Canada,  Mar. 
72;  Cyprus,  Nov.  88;  Ireland,  Dec.  86; 
U.K.,  Mar.  72  (extension  to  Isle  of 
Man),  Nov.  88 
Jute  and  jute  products,  international  agree- 
ment (1982),  with  annexes,  Austria,  Apr. 
93;  Egypt,  May  89;  Germany,  Federal 
Republic  of,  Netherlands,  Jan.  80;  Poland, 
Mar.  72,  Nov.  88 
Entry  into  force,  Nov.  88 


Kalb,  Marvin.  Jan.  18,  Aug.  32,  Nov.  49,  Dec. 


Kapelman,  Max  M.:  May  52;  Shultz,  Sept.  33 
Kampuchea:  Purcell,  Oct.  50;  Shultz,  Sept. 
35,  PR  136,  6/25 
U.S.  aid  to  non-Communist  Khmer:  Monjo, 

July  59;  Shultz,  Apr.  49 
U.S.  prisoners  of  war  and  missing-in-action 

(Monjo),  May  63 
Vietnamese  occupation:  Monjo,  July  58; 
Reagan,  Feb.  87,  May  34,  35,  July  15, 
Nov.  4;  Shultz,  Feb.  26,  July  17,  25, 
Sept.  30,  34;  Walters,  Mar.  57 
General  Assembly  resolution.  Mar.  59 
Kaplan,  Helene  L.,  Feb.  57 
Karp,  Craig,  Feb.  4 
Kauzlarich,  Richard  D.,  Mar.  61 
Kenya  (Crocker),  Jan.  29,  July  32 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93,  Oct.  76 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Constable),  swearing  in, 
PR  242,  11/5 
Keyes,  Alan  L.,  June  81,  Aug.  80,  81 
Biography,  June  81 

Kimball,  Harold  G.,  U.S.  Delegation  Vice 
Chairman,  MF  Broadcasting  Regional 
Administrative  Radio  Conference, 
appointment,  PR  2,  1/6 
Kiribati,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Aug.  91, 

Nov.  88 
Kontos,  William  (Shultz),  Feb.  57 
Korea,  Democratic  People's  Republic  of 
(Sigur),  Nov.  39,  41 
Three-way  military  talks  proposed  (Depart- 
ment), Sept.  51 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  July  91 
Korea,  Republic  of:  Reagan,  Apr.  29;  Shultz, 
Apr.  48,  July  38,  40,  PR  91,  4/23;  Sigur, 
July  46;  Yeutter,  May  65 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  Apr. 
93,  May  90,  June  90,  90,  Sept.  93,  Oct. 
75,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  86 
U.S.  development  and  security  assistance, 
FY  1987:  Monjo,  July  54,  57;  Schneider. 
Aug.  78;  Shultz,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  July  38,  PR  102, 
Korn,  David,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador  to 

Togo,  PR  225,  10/22 
Kuwait  (Shultz),  Nov.  66 
Kux,  Dennis,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador  to 

Ivory  Coast,  PR  184,  9/22 
Kwiatkowski,  Patrick  (Whitehead),  PR  97,  5/5 

La  Follette,  Wilson  A.,  U.S.  Delegation  Vice 
Chairman,  MF  Broadcasting  Regional 
Administrative  Radio  Conference, 
appointment,  PR  2,  1/6 
International  labor  standards,  convention 

(1976),  U.S.,  June  90 
Minimum  standards  in  merchant  ships,  con- 
vention (1976),  U.S.,  June  90 
Lange,  David,  Sept.  31 
Laos  (see  also  Refugees:  Indochinese): 
International  telecommunications  conven- 
tion (1982),  Mar.  72 
U.S.  prisoners  of  war  and  missing-in-action 
(Monjo),  May  63 
Latin  America  (see  also  Organization  of 

American  States  and  names  of  individual 
countries):  Abrams,  Mar.  67,  June  86; 
Shultz,  Feb.  32,  43 
Administration  of  justice,  June  83 
Alliance  for  Progress,  25-year  anniversary 

(Abrams),  June  86 
Caribbean  and  Central  America:  Abrams, 
Mar.  68;  McCormack,  Jan.  78;  Shultz, 
Feb.  43,  PR  127,  6/11 
Contadora  groups,  meeting  with 

Secretary  Shultz,  Apr.  85 
Contadora  process:  Abrams,  July  90; 
Shultz,  Apr.  38,  May  38;  White 
House,  Aug.  84 
Democratic  progress:  Abrams,  July  86; 
Michel,  Aug.  88;  Reagan,  Sept.  18; 
Shultz,  Apr.  49,  Aug.  19,  PR  48,  3/18; 
Walters,  Mar.  54 
U.S.  assistance:  Abrams,  July  90; 

McPherson,  Aug.  62;  Reagan,  Sept. 
21;  Schneider,  Aug.  78;  Shultz,  PR  37, 
3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 

Latin  America  l'  'out  '<li 
Caribbean  and  Cen.  America  (Cont  'd) 
U.S.  policy,  objectives:  Michel,  Aug.  88; 
Reagan,  Apr.  24,  May  28;  Shultz,  Feb. 
27,  Aug.  19,  PR  158,  8/11;  Walters, 
Oct.  60 
Caribbean  Basin  Initiative:  Abrams,  Apr. 
84,  July  91;  Reagan,  Apr.  24;  Shultz, 
Apr.  49 
Democratic  progress:  Abrams,  Mar.  66, 
June  87,  July  86,  89,  Aug.  83; 
Armacost,  June  68;  Reagan,  Apr.  28, 
May  33,  Oct.  74;  Shultz,  Feb.  27,  32, 
Apr.  35,  40,  50,  May  38,  Nov.  12,  PR 
48,  3/18 
Drug  control  programs.  See  Drugs,  narcotic 
Investment  and  economic  growth,  obstacles 
to  (McCormack),  Oct.  70 
Lebanon:  Murphy,  Mar.  41,  June  73,  July  77, 
Dec.  71;  Shultz,  July  25,  PR  7,  1/15,  PR 
150,  7/25 
American  hostages:  Reagan,  Mar.  14,  June 
26,  Oct.  5,  Nov.  61;  Shultz,  Jan.  23,  27, 
Apr.  41,  Nov.  65,  69,  PR  110,  5/14,  PR 
209,  10/8 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  July  92,  Dec.  85 
Lehman,  Ronald,  U.S.  chief  negotiator  for 
strategic  arms  reduction  talks,  appoint- 
ment announced  (Shultz),  PR  43,  3/14 
Lesotho,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Sept.  92, 

Dec.  86 
Liberia  (Crocker),  Feb.  54,  July  33,  36 
Profile,  Feb.  55 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  June  91,  July  92 
Liberty  Centennial  Commemorative  Stamp 

(Shultz),  PR  28,  2/21 
Libya:  Adelman,  Aug.  47;  Crocker,  July  31 
Americans  in  (Shultz),  Mar.  25,  July  39,  PR 

7,  1/15 
Gulf  of  Sidra:  Negroponte,  Sept.  85; 
Reagan,  Apr.  30,  June  24,  26,  72; 
Shultz,  PR  50,  3/19,  PR  66,  3/31; 
Sofaer,  Aug.  69;  Walters,  May  80; 
White  House,  May  76 
International  terrorist  activities:  Abrams, 
Mar.  68;  Murphy,  Mar.  40;  Oakley,  Aug. 
6;  Reagan,  Mar.  12,  14,  36,  June  24,  25, 
26,  July  10,  14;  Shultz,  Mar.  20,  23,  July 
5,  21,  Nov.  69,  PR  7,  1/15,  PR  12,  1/16, 
PR  98,  5/5,  PR  99,  5/5,  PR  108,  5/13; 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  5; 
Whitehead,  June  79 
U.S.  psychological  warfare  (Shultz),  Nov. 
69,  Dec.  34,  PR  205,  10/8 
U.S.  air  strikes  and  impact:  Murphy,  Dec. 
71;  Oakley,  Aug.  4;  Okun,  June  18; 
Poindexter,  Aug.  64;  Reagan,  June  1,  8, 
July  11;  Shultz,  June  3,  6,  8,  11,  16,  July 
26,  Nov.  12,  PR  80,  4/15,  PR  81,  4/16, 
PR  91,  4/23;  Sofaer,  Aug.  70;  Walters, 
June  19,  21;  Weinberger,  June  3;  White 
House,  June  1;  Whitehead,  June  79 
U.S.  economic  sanctions:  Oct.  27;  Murphy, 
Mar.  40;  Oakley,  Aug.  6;  Reagan,  Mar. 
36,  37,  38;  Shultz,  Mar.  21,  22,  23,  26, 
PR  7,  1/15,  PR  12,  1/16,  PR  19,  2/3; 
White  House,  Mar.  38 
U.S.  oil  companies,  disinvestment  proposed: 
Reagan,  July  12;  Shultz,  July  6 

Index  1986 

Liechtenstein,  treaties,  agreements,  etc. 

Mar.  73.  Apr.  93,  Sept.  92,  Dec.  85 
Lilley,  James  R.,  Aug.  50 
Load  lines.  Set  under  Maritime  matters 
Lord,  Winston.  Sept.  48 

Biographical  details,  Sept.  48 
Low-Intensity  Warfare  Conference  (Shultz), 

Mar.  15 
Lowitz,  Donald  S„  Mar.  60,  Dec.  40,  41 
Luxembourg,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar. 

73,  May  89,  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov.  89 
Lyman,  Princeton  Nathan,  swearing  in  as 

Ambassador  to  Nigeria,  PR  185,  9/22 


Macao,  trade  in  cotton,  wool,  and  manmade 
fiber  textiles,  bilateral  agreements  (1983, 
1984),  June  91 
Madagascar,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan. 

81,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  87 
Malawi,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73, 

Apr.  93,  May  89 
Malaysia:  Monjo,  July  54,  59;  Schneider,  Aug. 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Mar. 
73,  July  93,  Sept.  92,  Oct.  76,  Nov.  88, 
Dec.  85 
Maldives,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95, 

Mar.  73,  May  90,  Nov.  89 
Mali  (Crocker),  July  36 
Malta,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72, 

Nov.  88,  Dec.  85 
Marine  pollution.  See  Environmental  prob- 
lems and  control  and  Oil  pollution 
Maritime  boundaries: 
Arctic,  Canada-U.S.  discussions  (Shultz), 

Jan.  46 
Bilateral  agreement  with  Cuba,  Feb.  94 
U.S.  exclusive  economic  zone  (EEZ): 
Negroponte,  Sept.  85,  86 
Maritime  matters: 
Carriage  of  goods  by  sea,  U.N.  convention 

(1978),  Senegal,  June  90 
Facilitation  of  international  maritime  traf- 
fic, convention  (1965):  Australia,  Sept. 
92;  India,  Mexico,  June  90 
International  Maritime  Organization: 
Convention  (1948):  Antigua  and  Barbuda, 
Apr.  93;  Korea,  July  91;  Vanuatu, 
Dec.  85 
Security  issues  (Kauzlarich),  Mar.  61 
Load  lines,  international  convention  (1966): 
Bahrain,  Benin,  Feb.  94;  Congo,  St. 
Vincent  and  the  Grenadines,  Tuvalu, 
Sept.  92 
Amendments  (1971),  Chile,  May  89 
Amendments  (1977):  Bahrain,  Honduras, 

Feb.  94 
Amendments  (1979),  Chile,  May  89 
Amendments  (1983),  China,  Dec.  85 
Maritime  search  and  rescue,  international 
convention  (1979):  Mexico,  July  91; 
Pakistan,  Mar.  72;  Portugal,  Feb.  94; 
Turkey,  Mar.  72;  Venezuela,  Oct.  75 
Ocean  carriage  of  government  controlled 
cargoes,  equal  access,  bilateral  agree- 
ment (1977),  amendments  (1985),  Brazil, 
Apr.  94 

Maritime  matters  (Cont'd) 
Prevention  of  collisions  at  sea,  international 
regulations,  convention  (1972):  Bahrain. 
Benin,  Honduras,  Tuvalu,  Feb.  94 
Ship  and  passenger  security  measures  to 
combat  terrorism,  U.S.  initiative 
(Department),  Jan.  72 
Standards  of  training,  certification,  and 
watchkeeping  for  seafarers,  interna- 
tional convention  (1978):  Benin,  Hon- 
duras, Hungary,  Feb.  94;  Israel,  May 
89;  Mozambique,  Apr.  93;  New  Zealand, 
Nov.  88;  Portugal,  Tuvalu,  Feb.  94 
Tonnage  measurement  of  ships,  inter- 
national convention  (1969):  Bahrain, 
Benin,  Feb.  94;  Cyprus,  Qatar,  Sept.  92; 
Tuvalu,  Feb.  94 
U.S.  navigational  aids,  installation  and 
management,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Italy,  Jan.  81 
Markey,  David,  U.S.  Delegation  Chairman  to 
1987  World  Administrative  Radio  Con- 
ference for  Mobile  Services,  appointment, 
PR  217,  10/16 
Marks,  Leonard  H.,  U.S.  Delegation  Chair- 
man, HF  Bands  World  Administrative 
Radio  Conference,  appointment,  PR  58, 
Marshall  Islands,  Compact  of  Free  Associa- 
tion: PR  10,  1/14;  Reagan,  Dec.  74;  Sigur, 
Dec.  75 
Matlock,  Jack  F.,  Dec.  61 
Mauritania,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Sept. 

93,  Dec.  86 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  Nov. 

88,  Dec.  87 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Palmer),  PR  233,  10/29 
McCormack,  Richard  T.,  Jan.  78,  Oct.  70 
McFarlane,  Robert  C,  Jan.  6 
McKinley,  Brunson,  swearing  in  as  Ambas- 
sador to  Haiti,  PR  203,  10/7 
McKinney,  James  C,  U.S.  Delegation  Vice 
Chairman,  MF  Broadcasting  Regional 
Administrative  Radio  Conference, 
appointment,  PR  2,  1/6 
McMinn,  Douglas  W.,  Oct.  31 
Biographical  details,  Oct.  32 
McPherson,  M.  Peter,  Mar.  43,  Aug.  59 
Meteorology,  Mexico,  cooperative  observation 

program,  bilateral  agreement,  June  91 
Mexico  (Reagan),  Mar.  10,  Aug.  19 
AM  broadcasting  agreement  with  U.S., 

signature,  PR  167,  8/29 
Background,  Mar.  3 
Drug  control  program:  Apr.  81;  Reagan, 

Oct.  65;  Whitehead.  Oct.  38 
International  Boundary  and  Water  Commis- 
sion, Mar.  8 
Profile,  Mar.  4 
Travel  Notes,  Mar.  7 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95,  Mar. 
73,  74,  Apr.  94,  May  89,  June  90,  91, 
July  91,  93,  Sept.  93,  Nov.  88,  89,  Dec. 
85,  86,  87 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Gavin),  biography.  Mar. 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Pilliod),  swearing  in,  PR 

228,  10/23 
U.S.  visit  of  President  De  la  Madrid:  De  la 
Madrid,  Oct.  66;  Reagan,  Oct.  65;  pro- 
gram, PR  157,  8/11 
Visit  of  President  Reagan  (Reagan),  Mar.  1, 

Michel,  James  H.,  Aug.  88 
Micronesia,  U.S.  trusteeship,  termination: 
Reagan,  Apr.  29;  Shultz,  Apr.  49,  Sept. 
Micronesia,  Federated  States  of,  Compact  of 
Free  Association:  PR  10,  1/14:  Reagan, 
June  78,  Dec.  74;  Shultz,  Sept.  37;  Sigur, 
Dec.  75 
Middle  East  (see  also  Terrorism,  interna- 
tional): Murphy,  Mar.  39,  June  70,  July 
76,  78,  Dec.  76;  Poindexter,  Aug.  66; 
Reagan,  Apr.  29;  Shultz,  PR  91,  4/23,  PR 
199,  10/3;  Wendt,  June  52;  Wrobleski, 
Sept.  83 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1952-195J,,  Volume  IX,  The  Near  and 
Middle  East,  Parts  1  and  2,  Aug.  93 
Monaco,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93, 

Dec.  85 
Mongolia,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93, 

July  92,  Dec.  85 
Monjo,  John  C,  May  62,  July  50,  54 
Moore,  Jonathan,  Dec.  78 
Morocco  (Murphy),  July  76,  80 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95,  Apr. 
93,  May  90,  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov.  89,  Dec. 
Mozambique:  May  10;  Crocker,  July  35; 
Shultz,  Apr.  50 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  74,  Apr. 
93,  June  91,  July  93,  Oct.  76,  Dec.  87 
Mulroney,  Brian,  May  57 
Murphy,  Richard  W.,  Mar.  39,  June  70,  July 

76,  Dec.  70 
Muskie,  Edmund  S.,  portrait,  PR  177,  9/15 


Nakasone,  Yasuhiro,  July  53 
Namibia:  May  9;  Armacost,  Apr.  53;  Poindex- 
ter, Aug.  66;  Shultz,  Jan.  20,  Mar.  26, 
Dec.  6;  White  House,  May  45 
Profile,  Apr.  55 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  May  89 
Negroponte,  John  D.,  June  59,  Sept.  53,  84, 

Oct.  41 
Nepal:  Peck,  July  85;  Wrobleski,  Sept.  84 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Aug.  92,  Nov. 
Nuclear  tasks,  dismantling  (Shultz),  Feb.  38 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Feb.  95, 
Mar.  72,  73,  Apr.  93,  June  91,  Aug.  92, 
Sept.  91,  92,  93,  Dec.  85 
New  Zealand:  Cleveland,  June  74;  Shultz, 
Sept.  29 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Mar. 

72,  Apr.  93,  June  90,  Nov.  88 
U.S.  ships,  denial  of  access,  effect  on 
ANZUS:  Cleveland,  June  75;  Depart- 
ment, Sept.  87;  Shultz,  Feb.  39,  Apr. 
48,  Sept.  27,  31,  36,  Oct.  44,  45;  Sigur, 
July  45,  Dec.  77;  Weinberger,  Oct.  45, 
Nicaragua:  Abrams,  July  89;  Michel,  Aug.  88; 
Reagan,  Feb.  23,  87,  Apr.  26,  Sept.  18; 
Shultz,  Feb.  43,  49,  52,  Mar.  15,  May  39, 
Dec.  6;  Walters,  Mar.  54,  Oct.  58 
Contadora  negotiations:  Reagan,  Sept.  91; 
Shultz,  PR  113,  5/21;  White  House, 
June  85,  Aug.  84 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 

Kicdniiiun  {(  'o/it'dl 

Democratic  resistance  (contras):  Reagan, 
May  34,  Sept.  19;  Shultz,  Aug.  21 
U.S.  aid:  Abrams,  Apr.  83;  Poindexter, 
Aug.  65;  Reagan,  Apr.  28,  May  28, 
81,  84,  87,  June  24,  Aug.  17,  Sept.  19, 
Oct.  2,  Nov.  8;  Shultz,  Feb.  51,  52, 
Apr.  32,  May  37,  Aug.  22,  PR  48, 
3/18,  PR  50,  3/19,  PR  77A,  4/16.  PR 
127,  6/11 
German  hostages,  question  of  (Shultz),  Aug. 

Hasenfus  capture  (Shultz),  Dec.  32,  PR  205, 

10/8,  PR  207,  10/10 
ICJ  adjudication  of  U.S.-Nicaraguan 

dispute,  U.S.  position  (Sofaer),  Jan.  69 
National  dialogue,  proposed  (see  also  Con- 
tadora  negotiations,  supra):  Reagan, 
May  35;  White  House,  May  85 
Sandinista  weapons  captured,  displayed 

(Reagan),  May  87 
Soviet  and  Cuban  militarization:  Abrams, 
Mar.  68,  July  86,  Aug.  84;  Armacost. 
June  64,  Dec.  59;  Oakley,  Aug.  2; 
Reagan,  Feb.  24,  May  28,  36,  Aug.  86, 
Sept.  19,  Oct.  5,  Nov.  4;  Shultz,  Feb. 
26,  50,  51,  53,  Apr.  32,  40,  49,  May  37, 
Aug.  20,  Sept.  34,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR  77A, 
4/16;  Walters,  Mar.  56 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  June  90,  Dec.  86 
United  Nicaraguan  Opposition  leaders, 
meeting  with  Secretary  Shultz  (Shultz), 
Mar.  65 
U.S.  economic  sanctions  (Shultz),  Mar.  23 
Niger  (Crocker),  July  36 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  May 

89,  Aug.  92,  Dec.  85 
Nigeria  (Wendt),  June  52 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  May  90,  June 

90,  91,  July  93 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Lyman),  swearing  in,  PR 
185,  9/22  Nitze,  Paul  H.,  Feb.  58,  Apr. 
61,  May  50,  55,  Aug.  44,  Nov.  73 
Nitze  Building,  Johns  Hopkins  University, 

dedication  (Shultz),  PR  90,  4/22 
Nonalignment  (Dizdarevic),  Feb.  48 
North  Atlantic  Council: 
Ministerial  meeting,  Brussels  (Dec.  1985): 
final  communique,  Feb.  36;  foreign 
ministers'  statement,  Feb.  37 
Ministerial  meeting,  Halifax,  Nova  Scotia 
(May  29-30):  Ridgway,  Sept.  60,  61; 
Shultz,  Aug.  54,  56;  texts  of  statements, 
Aug.  53;  Zimmermann,  Nov.  71 
Special  session,  Brussels  (Nov.  21,  1985): 
Carrington,  Jan.  14 
North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization:  Reagan, 
Dec.  20;  Shultz,  Feb.  37,  Dec.  15,  23,  PR 
37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  110,  5/14,  PR 
125,  6/5 
Binary  chemical  munitions  force  goal 

(White  House),  Oct.  37 
Conventional  capability:  Sept.  26;  NAC, 

Feb.  37 
Defense  Planning  Committee  meeting, 
Brussels  (Dec.  3,  1985),  final  communi- 
que, Feb.  79 
Defense  Ministers  planning  meeting, 
Brussels  (May  26),  text  of  final  com- 
munique, Aug.  58 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1955-1957,  Volume  IV,  Western  Euro- 
pean Security  and  Integration,  released, 
Dec.  89 

NATO  (Cont'd) 

Nuclear  Planning  Group  meetings,  final 
Brussels  (Oct.  29-30,  1985),  Jan.  61 
Wuerzburg  (Mar.  20-21),  May  75 
Southern  flank,  U.S.  security  assistance: 
Schneider,  Aug.  78;  Shultz,  Apr.  48 
Spanish  participation  (Shultz).  Feb.  38,  PR 
48,  3/18 
Northern  Mariana  Islands  (Shultz).  Sept   31 
Norway,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95, 
Mar.  72,  Apr.  93,  July  92,  Sept.  92,  93, 
Oct.  75,  Dec.  85,  86 
Novak,  Robert,  Jan.  18,  Sept.  65,  67,  69,  Dec. 

Nuclear  accidents,  conventions  (1986): 

Afghanistan,  Australia,  Austria,  Belgium, 
Brazil,  Bulgaria,  Byelorussian  S.S.R.. 
Canada,  Chile,  China,  Costa  Rica,  Cote 
d'lvoire,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  Denmark, 
Egypt,  Finland,  France,  German 
Democratic  Republic,  Federal  Republic  of 
Germany,  Greece,  Guatemala,  Hungary, 
Iceland,  Indonesia,  Iran,  Ireland,  Israel, 
Italy,  Lebanon,  Liechtenstein,  Mexico, 
Monaco,  Netherlands,  Niger,  Norway, 
Panama,  Poland,  Portugal,  Soviet  Union, 
Spain.  Sudan,  Sweden,  Switzerland, 
Turkey,  Ukrainian  S.S.R.,  U.K.,  U.S., 
Vatican  City,  Zimbabwe,  Dec.  85 
Nuclear  energy  (see  also  Soviet  Union:  Cher- 
nobyl nuclear  accident): 
Cooperation  concerning  peaceful  uses, 
bilateral  agreements  with: 
China:  Feb.  94;  Reagan,  Feb.  75 
EURATOM:  Feb.  94;  Reagan,  May  78 
Data  and  computer  programs,  cooperation, 
bilateral  agreement  with  OECD,  Mar. 
Decommissioning  of  nuclear  facilities, 

bilateral  agreement  with  U.K..  Mar.  74 
Enriched  uranium  for  a  research  reactor, 
transfer  to  Thailand,  agreement  (1986): 
IAEA,  Thailand,  U.S.,  Dec.  84 
Liquid  metal-cooled  fast  breeder  reactors, 
agreements  with:  France,  Federal 
Republic  of  Germany,  Dec.  86;  U.K., 
Nov.  90 
Nuclear  regulatory  matters  and  safety 
research  technical  exchange  arrange- 
ment, bilateral  agreement  with  Japan, 
Jan.  81,  Mar.  73 
Physical  protection  of  nuclear  material,  con- 
*  vention  (1979):  Argentina,  Dec.  85; 
Brazil,  Mar.  72;  Canada,  Ecuador, 
Indonesia,  Dec.  85;  Liechtenstein,  Apr. 
93;  Mongolia,  Apr.  93,  Dec.  85;  Spain. 
Yugoslavia,  Dec.  85 
Radioactive  waste  management, 

cooperative  program,  bilateral  agree- 
ment with  Sweden,  Jan.  81 
Reprocessing  of  special  nuclear  material  of 
U.S.  origin,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Japan,  Mar.  73 
Safety  matters,  exchange  of  technical  infor- 
mation and  cooperation,  bilateral 
agreements  with:  Finland,  Feb.  94;  Ger- 
many, Federal  Republic  of,  Nov.  89; 
U.K.,  Aug.  92;  Yugoslavia,  Feb.  95 
Severe  (nuclear)  accident  research,  coopera- 
tion, bilateral  agreement  with  Canada, 
Mar.  73 
Thermonuclear  fusion  research,  Soviet-U.S. 
cooperation,  Jan.  10 

Nuclear  nonproliferation:  Jan.  8;  Poindexter, 

Aug.  66;  Shultz,  PR  40,  3/13 
Nuclear  nonproliferation  treaty  (1968): 
Colombia,  .June  90;  Democratic  People's 
Republic  of  Korea,  Mar.  72;  Malawi,  Apr. 
93;  Yemen  (Sanaa),  Aug.  91 
Nuclear  test  ban  treaty,  comprehensive,  pro- 
posed: Nov   35;  Reagan,  May  53,  Nov.  4; 
Shultz,  Dec.  5,  31 
Nuclear  testing.  Threshold  Test  Ban  Treaty 
and  Peaceful  Nuclear  Explosions  Treaty 
(Reagan),  Feb.  67,  72 
U.S.  ratification,  conditions  for:  Reagan, 
May  53;  Shultz,  Dec.  15;  White  House, 
Dec.  9 
Nuclear  weapons  testing:  Reagan,  May  53, 
54,  Nov.  4,  8;  Shultz,  Nov.  54,  Dec.  23; 
White  House,  Feb.  60,  Dec.  3 
CORRTEX  system  for  verification,  pro- 
posed: Oct.  15,  Nov.  36;  Reagan,  May 
54;  White  House,  June  39 
Limitations,  U.S.  policy,  special  report,  Oct. 

Moratorium,  1958-1961,  chronology  of  key 

statements  and  actions,  Oct.  16 
Moratorium,  Soviet  proposal:  Reagan,  Nov. 
9;  Shultz,  Dec.  5,  PR  43,  3/14,  PR  45, 
3/17;  White  House,  June  39 
U.S. -Soviet  experts,  meeting,  Geneva:  Oct. 

14;  White  House,  Oct.  17 
Verification  issues:  Reagan,  Nov.  9,  32; 
Shultz,  Dec.  5,  12,  15,  32;  White  House, 
Dec.  9 
Interagency  study,  Nov.  33 


Oakley,  Robert  B.,  Aug.  1,  5,  9,  Oct.  55 
Deep  sea  mining  (Negroponte),  Sept.  86 
International  waters,  rights:  Department, 
May  79;  Negroponte,  Sept.  85;  Reagan, 
June  24 
Ocean  drilling  projects,  participation, 

bilateral  agreement  with  U.K.,  May  91 
U.S.  oceans  policy  (Negroponte),  Sept.  84, 
Oct.  41 
Oil  pollution: 
Civil  liability  for  oil  pollution  damage,  inter- 
national convention  (1969): 
Protocol  (1976),  Poland,  Feb.  93 
Protocol  (1984):  China,  Finland, 
Netherlands,  Norway,  Apr.  93 
International  fund  for  compensation,  inter- 
national convention  (1971):  Benin,  Feb. 
93;  Finland,  Netherlands,  Norway,  Apr. 
Intervention  on  the  high  seas  in  cases  of, 
international  convention  (1969):  Benin, 
Feb.  93;  South  Africa,  Oct.  75 
Prevention  of  pollution  of  the  sea  by  oil, 
international  convention  (1954)  and 
1971  amendment,  Bahrain,  Feb.  93 
Okun,  Herbert  S.,  June  18 
Oman:  Murphy,  July  79;  Shultz,  Apr.  48 
SOAF  bases,  storage  facilities  bilateral 

agreement,  May  90,  Dec.  87 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95,  May  90, 

June  90,  91,  July  93,  Dec.  87 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  June  30 

Index  1986 


Organization  for  Economic  Cooperation  and 
Development  (OECD): 
Ministerial  meeting,  Paris,  final  communi- 
que, June  44 
Nuclear  Energy  Agency,  bilateral  agree- 
ment re  nuclear  data  and  computer  pro- 
grams, Mar.  74 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  10 
Organization  of  American  States  (OAS): 
Keyes,  Aug.  82;  Shultz,  Feb.  32 

Pacific  Economic  Cooperation  Conference 
fJPECC):  Sigur,  Dec.  77 

Pacific  Ocean  region  (see  also  Fish  and 
fisheries  and  individual  countries): 
Reagan,  Apr.  29 
Southeast  Asia,  question  of  nuclear-free 
zone:  Shultz,  Sept.  26,  30,  Oct.  46; 
Sigur,  Dec.  76 
U.S.  trade  and  investment:  Shultz,  PR  26, 
2/19;  Sigur,  Dec.  75 
Pakistan:  Apr.  81;  Karp,  Feb.  16,  17;  Wallis, 
Jan.  52;  Wrobleski,  Aug.  73,  Sept.  82 
Karachi,  hijacking  of  Pan  Am  Flight  73: 
Armacost,  Nov.  50;  Reagan,  Dec.  73; 
Shultz,  Nov.  12,  69,  PR  196,  10/2,  PR 
199,  10/3 
Nuclear  policy:  Oct.  54;  Peck,  July  83 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  May  89, 

90,  July  92,  Sept.  93,  Oct.  76,  Nov.  89 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance: 
Peck,  July  81,  82;  Shultz,  Apr.  49,  PR 
37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
U.S.  visit  of  Prime  Minister  Junejo:  joint 
statement,  Oct.  54;  program,  PR  148, 
Palau,  Compact  of  Free  Association:  PR  10, 
1/14;  Reagan,  June  78,  Dec.  74;  Shultz, 
Sept.  37;  Sigur,  Dec.  76 
Palmer,  Mark,  Nov.  73 
Palmer,  Ronald  Dewayne,  swearing  in  as 

Ambassador  to  Mauritius,  PR  233,  10/29 
Pan  American  Day  and  Week,  1986,  procla- 
mation (Reagan),  Aug.  85 
Panama:  Abrams,  July  89;  Thomas,  Apr.  80 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  94,  May 
90,  Oct.  76,  Dec.  85,  87 
Papua  New  Guinea  (Monjo),  July  60 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  Sept.  92 
Paraguay,  international  telecommunications 

convention  (1982),  ratification,  Apr.  93 
Passports,  Philadelphia  Passport  Agency, 

automation,  PR  72,  4/18 
Budapest  treaty  (1977):  Italy,  May  89:  Nor- 
way, Mar.  72 
Multinational  office,  proposed  (Reagan), 

Apr.  27 
New  varieties  of  plants,  protection,  interna- 
tional convention  (1961):  Federal 
Republic  of  Germany,  May  89;  Italy, 
July  92 
Peck,  Robert  A.,  July  81 
PEN  international  conference  (Shultz),  PR  6, 

Penner,  Vernon  D.,  Jr.,  swearing  in  as 

Ambassador  to  Cape  Verde,  PR  138,  6/27 
Peres,  Shimon,  Dec.  73 

Perkins,  Edward,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador 
to  South  Africa;  PR  237,  11/3;  Shultz,  PR 
236,  11/3 
Perle,  Richard  N.  (Shultz),  Nov.  65 
Persian  Gulf:  Murphv,  Mar.  41,  June  71,  July 
79,  Dec.  72;  Reagan,  Sept.  79;  Shultz, 
Apr.  48,  July  26,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13, 
PR  199.  10/3 
Shipping,  Iranian  attacks  (White  House), 
Aug.  71 
Peru:  Apr.  81;  Abrams,  Jan.  75,  July  90; 
Thomas,  Apr.  78;  Wrobleski,  Aug.  72 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc..  May  91,  July  92, 

Aug.  92,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  86 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Watson),  swearing  in, 
PR  227,  10/23 
Petterson,  Donald  K.,  swearing  in  as  Ambas- 
sador to  Tanzania,  PR  231,  10/27 
Philippines:  Armacost,  June  68;  Reagan,  Feb. 
87,  Apr.  28,  May  33;  Shultz,  Sept.  30,  31, 
PR  112,  5/21;  Wolfowitz,  Jan.  49 
Constitutional,  economic,  military  reforms: 
Aquino,  Dec.  57;  Armacost,  Dec.  52; 
Monjo,  July  50,  55;  Reagan,  Dec.  55; 
Shultz,  July  22,  40,  41,  Aug.  26,  Sept.  27; 
Sigur,  Nov.  40;  White  House,  July  50 
Documents,  provision  to  the  government  of 
the  Republic  of  the  Philippines,  bilateral 
agreement  with  the  Philippines,  May  91 
Elections  and  transfer  of  power:  Reagan, 
Apr.  18,  30,  67,  68;  Shultz,  Mar.  26, 
Apr.  69,  Nov.  12,  PR  19,  2/3,  PR  32, 
2/27,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  91,  4/23,  PR  105, 
5/9;  White  House,  Apr.  68;  Wolfowitz, 
Apr.  69 
Former  President  Marcos,  assets  and 
movements  of:  Armacost,  Dec.  54; 
Shultz,  July  19,  21,  22,  Sept.  27,  PR 
112,  5/21 
Profile,  Dec.  56 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  May  91,  June 

91,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  94,  Dec.  85,  86 
U.S.  bases,  status:  Armacost,  Dec.  53; 
Reagan,  Apr.  31;  Shultz,  July  19,  Sept. 
28,  PR  181,  9/16;  Sigur,  June  41; 
Wolfowitz,  Jan.  49 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance: 
Armacost,  Dec.  54;  Monjo,  July  50,  54; 
Reagan,  July  15,  Dec.  56;  Schneider, 
Aug.  78;  Shultz,  Apr.  48,  July  18,  20, 
21,  42,  Aug.  29,  Sept.  27,  29,  PR  37, 
3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  108,  5/13,  PR  110, 
5/14;  White  House,  July  48 
U.S.  visits  of  President  Aquino:  Aquino, 
Dec.  56;  Reagan,  Dec.  55;  Shultz,  Sept. 
29;  program,  PR  178,  8/13 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz  (Shultz),  July  41, 
Sept.  27,  30,  31,  36,  PR  105,  5/9,  PR 
107,  5/12,  PR  135,  6/24 
Phillips,  James  Daniel,  swearing  in  as  Ambas- 
sador to  Burundi,  PR  241,  11/4 
Pilliod,  Charles  J.,  Jr.,  swearing  in  as  Ambas- 
sador to  Mexico,  PR  228,  10/23 
Pilon,  Rogers,  Dec.  67 
Poindexter,  John  M.,  Aug.  64 
Poland:  NAC,  Feb.  37;  Reagan,  Feb.  87,  Apr. 
29;  Shultz,  PR  113,  5/21 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  93,  Mar. 
72,  74,  June  91,  July  92,  Aug.  91,  Sept. 
91,  92,  Nov.  88,  89,  Dec.  85 
Polygraph  testing  of  federal  employees: 
Reagan,  Mar.  13;  Shultz,  Feb.  38 

Population  growth  and  problems:  Abrams, 
June  87;  McPherson,  Mar.  43,  Aug.  62 
Portugal  (Shultz),  Apr.  48 
Technical  agreement  with  U.S.  in 

implementation  of  the  defense  agree- 
ment of  1951,  entry  into  force,  Mar.  74 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Feb.  93, 
94,  Mar.  72,  74,  May  89,  Sept.  92,  93, 
Dec.  85 
Visit  off  Vice  President  Bush,  June  32 
Postal  matters: 
International  express  mail,  bilateral 
agreements:  Guyana,  Nigeria,  Oman, 
June  91;  Senegal,  Oct.  76 
International  express  mail/datapost  special 
express,  bilateral  agreements  with: 
Chile,  Dec.  86;  Cyprus,  Feb.  94 
Money  orders  and  postal  travelers'  checks, 
agreement  with  final  protocol  (1984): 
Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Finland,  Sept.  92; 
Germany,  Federal  Republic  of,  Nov.  88; 
Iceland,  Japan,  Jordan,  Sept.  92;  Korea, 
Republic  of,  Nov.  88;  Liechtenstein, 
Luxembourg,  Sweden,  Switzerland, 
Sept.  92;  Thailand,  Nov.  88;  Tunisia, 
U.S.,  Sept.  92 
Postal  parcels  agreement  with  final  pro- 
tocol and  detailed  regulations  (1984): 
Belgium,  Botswana,  Bulgaria,  Sept.  92; 
Germany,  Federal  Republic  of,  Nov.  88; 
Iceland,  Japan,  Jordan,  Sept.  92;  Korea 
Republic  of,  Nov.  88;  Liechtenstein, 
Luxembourg,  Sept.  92;  Malaysia,  Nov. 
88;  Sweden,  Switzerland,  Sept.  92; 
Thailand,  Nov.  88;  Tunisia,  Sept.  92; 
U.K.,  Nov.  88;  U.S.,  Sept.  92 
Postal  Union  of  the  Americas  and  Spain, 
constitution  with  general  regulations 
(1981),  second  additional  protocol, 
Uruguay,  Apr.  93 
Universal  Postal  Union: 
Constitution  (1964),  general  regulations, 
and  the  universal  postal  convention 
with  final  protocol: 
Second  additional  protocol  (1974), 

Turkey,  Oct.  75 
Third  additional  protocol  (1984): 
Belgium,  Botswana,  Bulgaria, 
Finland,  Sept.  92;  Germany, 
Federal  Republic  of,  Nov.  88; 
Iceland,  Japan,  Jordan,  Sept.  92; 
Korea,  Republic  of,  Nov.  88; 
Liechtenstein,  Luxembourg,  Sept. 
92;  Malaysia,  Nov.  88;  Singapore, 
Swaziland,  Sweden,  Switzerland, 
Sept.  92;  Thailand,  Nov.  88; 
Tunisia,  Sept.  92;  U.K.,  Nov.  88; 
U.S.,  Sept.  92 
General  regulations  and  universal  postal 
convention  (1979):  New  Zealand, 
Saudi  Arabia,  Mar.  72 
Prisoners  of  war,  U.S.,  and  U.S.  missing-in- 
action (POW/MIA).  See  Vietnam: 
POW/MIA  issue 
Private  international  law,  statute  of  The 
Hague  conference  (1951):  Chile,  July  91; 
Mexico,  June  90 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 

Proclamations  by  the  President: 
Afghanistan  Day,  1986  (5450),  May  79 
Baltic  Freedom  Day  (5501),  Aug.  57 
Bill  of  Rights  Day;  Human  Rights  Day  and 

Week,  1985  (5420),  Feb.  88 
Captive  Nations  Week,  1986  (55/2),  Oct.  36 
Pan  America  Day  and  Week,  1986  (5459), 

Aug.  85 
World  Food  Day  (5527),  Dec.  66 
World  Trade  Week,  1986  (5482),  Aug.  52 
Government  Printing  Office  subscriptions, 

list,  May  93,  July  94 
State  Department,  Jan.  82,  Feb.  96,  Mar. 
77,  May  92,  June  93,  July  94,  Aug  93, 
Sept.  94,  Oct.  77,  Nov.  90,  Dec.  89 
American  Foreign  Policy:  Current 

Documents,  1983,  released.  May  93 
Background  Notes,  Feb.  97.  May  93,  Aug. 

94,  Oct.  78,  Dec.  90 
Country  Reports  on  Human  Rights  Prac- 
tices for  1985,  excerpts  (Schifter), 
Apr.  76 
A  Decade  of  American  Foreign  Policy: 
Basic  Documents  1941-1949,  released, 
Feb.  97 
Documents  on  Germany,  1944-1985, 

released,  Mar.  78 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
historical  record  publication  schedule 
(Reagan),  Mar.  77 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States. 
1955-1957,  Volume  II,  China, 
released,  Oct.  78 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1955-1957,  Volume  III,  China, 
released,  Dec.  89 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States. 
1951,  Volume  TV,  Europe,  released, 
Jan.  82 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1952-1954,  Volume  IX,  The  Near  and 
Middle  East.  Parts  1  and  2,  Aug.  93 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1955-1957,  Volume  I,  Vietnam, 
released,  Feb.  96 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1958-1960,  Volume  I,  Vietnam, 
released,  June  93 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1955-1957,  Volume  TV,  Western  Euro- 
pean Security  and  Integration, 
released,  Dec.  89 
Press  releases,  list,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  95,  Mar. 
75,  Apr.  94,  May  91,  June  92,  July  93, 
Aug.  92,  Sept.  94,  Oct.  77,  Nov.  90, 
Dec.  87 
Press  releases,  notice  to  subscribers,  PR 
93,  4/25 
U.S.U.N.,  list,  Mar.  75,  Dec.  88 
Purcell,  James  N.,  Jr.,  Aug.  75,  Oct.  49 


Qatar,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73, 
Sept.  92,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  85 


Rawlings,  James  Wilson,  swearing  in  as 

Ambassador  to  Zimbabwe,  PR  247,  11/7 
Reagan,  Maureen,  Feb.  89 

in,  Ronald  (Shultz),  Dec.  15 
Addresses,  remarks,  and  statements: 
Afghanistan,  Soviet  occupation,  Feb.  22, 

87,  Apr.  28,  May  34,  35,  Nov.  4 
Afghanistan  Day,  1986,  Maj   79 
Africa,  Apr.  28,  May  35 
Angola,  Apr.  28,  May  34,  35.  June  27, 

Sept.  2,  Nov.  4 
Antitrust  reform,  Apr.  26 
Arab-Israeli  conflict,  Mar.  12,  Apr.  29, 

July  13,  Sept.  SO,  Dec.  73 
ASEAN,  Apr.  28,  July  15 
Berlin  Wall.  25th  anniversary,  Oct.  35 
Canada,  Apr.  27.  Mar.  10,  May  57 
China,  nuclear  cooperation  agreement, 

Feb.  75 
Defense  and  national  security,  Feb.  23, 
Apr.  18,  20,  25.  27,  Oct.  1,  Nov.  8 
Strategic  Defense  Initiative,  Jan.  2,  14, 
Feb.  23,  Mar.  11.  Apr.  20,  21,  28, 
Aug.  36,  Sept.  22,  Oct.  1,  Nov.  3, 
Dec.  18,  20 
East- West  relations,  F'eb.  60 
Economy,  domestic,  Nov.  6 

Tax  reform,  July  13 
Economy,  world,  Nov.  5 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  Apr.  27,  July 
10,  16 
Ecuador,  Mar.  63 
Espionage,  Apr.  29,  Aug.  19 
CDE  negotiations  and  accord,  Mar.  30, 

Nov.  25 
Conventional  forces,  Apr.  29 
CSCE,  June  64,  Oct.  36.  Nov.  4,  PR  245, 
Helsinki  Final  Act,  11th  anniversary, 
Oct.  36 
Mutual  and  balanced  force  reduction 
talks,  Feb.  60,  Nov.  4,  33 
Foreign  assistance,  May  35 
Foreign  policy  objectives,  Apr.  27,  May  32 
France,  U.S.  relations.  July  14 
Freedom  fighters,  Jan.  15,  Feb.  23,  Apr. 

26,  28,  May  34,  35,  June  27 
Glassboro  High  School,  Sept.  21 
Grenada,  Apr.  22 

Human  rights,  Jan.  2,  15,  Feb.  23,  Apr.  30, 
Sept.  91,  Nov.  6 
Bill  of  Rights  Day,  Human  Rights  Day 

and  Week  (1985),  Feb.  88 
U.N.  declaration  on,  37th  anniversary, 
Feb.  87 
Indonesia,  July  13,  22 
Jordan,  Feb.  89 
Kampuchea  (Cambodia),  Feb.  87,  May  34, 

35,  July  15,  Nov.  4 
Latin  America,  Apr.  28,  May  33,  Oct.  74 
Caribbean  and  Central  America,  Apr. 
24,  May  28,  Sept.  18,  21 
Lebanon,  American  hostages,  Mar.  14, 

June  26,  Oct.  5,  Nov.  61 
Gulf  of  Sidra,  Apr.  30,  June  24,  26,  72 
Terrorist  activities,  Mar.  12,  14,  36, 
June  24,  25,  26,  July  10,  12,  14 
U.S.  air  strikes,  June  1,  8,  July  11 
U.S.  economic  sanctions,  Mar.  36,  37,  38 

Reagan.  Ronald  (Cont  'dj 
Addresses,  remarks,  statements  (Con!  'd) 
Mexico,  Mar.  1,  2,  10,  Aug.  19,  Oct.  65 
Nicaragua,  Feb.  23,  87,  Apr.  26,  28,  May 
28,  34,  35,  36,  81,  84,  87,  June  24, 
Aug.  17,  86,  Sept.  18,  91,  Oct.  2,  Nov. 
Nuclear  weapons  testing,  Feb.  67,  72, 

May  53,  54,  Nov.  4,  8,  32 
Oil  prices,  June  26 
Philippines,  Feb.  87,  Apr.  18,  28,  30,  31, 

67,  68,  May  33,  July  15,  Dec.  55 
Poland,  Feb.  87,  Apr.  29 
Polygraph  testing  of  federal  employees, 

question  of,  Mar.  13 
POW/MIA's,  Apr.  28,  July  16 
Regional  security  proposals,  Jan.  3,  15, 

Feb.  23,  Mar.  11,  May  32,  Nov.  4 
St.  Patrick's  Day,  1986,  May  7-1 
Security  assistance,  Apr.  21,  May  35 
South  Africa,  Feb.  87,  Apr.  28,  May  33, 
46,  June  27,  Sept.  1,  4,  35,  36,  Oct. 
3,4,  Nov.  19,  Dec.  35 
Soviet  Union  (for  details,  see  Soviet 
Union),  Jan.  3,  15,  Apr.  20,  May  32, 
Nov.  4 
ABM  treaty,  Feb.  68,  Nov.  3,  Dec.  17 
Chernobyl  nuclear  accident,  July  11,  12 
Daniloff  hostage  case,  'Nov.  2,  8,  60, 

Dec.  39 
Human  rights,  Feb.  23,  88,  Apr.  30, 
Nov.  60,  Dec.  1,8,  18,73 
Orlov,  Yuriy,  and  Irena  Valitova, 
release  of,  Dec.  1,  8,  17 
Intermediate-range  nuclear  forces  (INF) 
negotiations,  July  37,  Sept.  42,  Dec. 
New  Year's  address,  Mar.  10 
Nuclear  and  space  arms  talks  (NST), 
Jan.  3,  37,  40,  Mar.  11,  27,  Apr.  26, 
64,  July  37,  Aug.  18,  Sept.  22,  42, 
Oct.  1,  Nov.  3,  9,  Dec.  17,  20,  39 
SALT  II,  June  25,  July  13,  Aug.  17,  18. 

35,  Oct.  1,  10 
Summit  meeting,  Geneva  (Fireside 
Summit),  Jan.  1,  3,  11,  13,  Feb.  23, 
Mar.  10,  Aug.  19 
Summit  meeting,  Reykjavik,  Mar.  13, 
Apr.  31,  June  25,  27,  July  12,  Sept. 
22,  Nov.  60,  Dec.  1,  7,  17,  20 
U.S.  arms  control  negotiations,  Jan.  2, 

14,  Sept.  42,  Dec.  39 
U.S.  relations,  Jan.  11,  15,  Feb.  23, 
Mar.  10,  13,  14,  Apr.  26,  27,  May 
33,  36,  Sept.  21,  Oct.  4,  Nov.  1, 
Dec.  17,  18 
State  of  the  Union,  Apr.  25 
Terrorism,  international,  Jan.  2,  Mar.  12, 
36,  Apr.  29,  June  24, 25, 26,  July  10, 11, 
14,  Aug.  18,  Sept.  23,  Nov.  5,  Dec.  73 
ANC,  Sept.  2,  4 
Omnibus  Diplomatic  Security  and 

Antiterrorism  Act  of  1986,  Oct.  58 
Trade,  Apr.  26,  July  10,  12,  16,  Nov.  6 
Multi-fiber  arrangements  (MFA),  Apr. 

27,  Oct.  6 
U.S. -Japan  semiconductor  agreement, 
Oct.  22 
Northern  Ireland,  Jan.  56,  May  73 
Supplementary  extradition  treaty,  Apr. 
29,  Sept.  23 

Index  1986 


Reagan,  Ronald  (Cont  'd) 
Addresses,  remarks,  statements  (Cont'd) 
U.N.  General  Assembly,  41st  session, 

Nov.  1 
U.S.  space  shuttle  Challenger,  Apr.  25 
World  Affairs  Council  and  Foreign  Policy 

Association,  Sept.  1 
World  peace.  Nov.  1,  Dec.  21 
Meetings  with  Heads  of  State  and  officials 
of,  remarks  and  joint  communiques: 
Australia,  Aug.  74;  Brazil,  Nov.  84; 
Cameroon,  May  48;  Canada,  May  57; 
Ecuador,  Mar.  63;  Honduras,  Aug.  86; 
Israel,  Dec.  73;  Japan,  July  53;  Mexico, 
Oct.  65;  Philippines,  Dec.  55;  Soviet 
Union,  See  Summit  meeting  entries 
under  Soviet  Union;  Uruguay,  Oct.  73 
Messages  and  reports  to  Congress: 
Arms  control,  U.S.  interim  restraint  and 

U.S.  and  Soviet  force  projections,  Oct.  10 
AWACS  transfer  to  Saudi  Arabia,  Sept.  79 
Cyprus,  Feb.  78,  June  66,  Aug.  54,  Oct. 

35,  Nov.  76 
EURATOM,  nuclear  cooperation  with, 

May  78 
Gulf  of  Sidra  incident,  June  72 
U.S.  air  strikes,  June  8 
U.S.  economic  sanctions  imposed,  Mar. 
Nicaraguan  democratic  resistance,  sup- 
port, May  81,  84,  Sept.  91 
Northern  Ireland  and  Ireland  assistance 

legislation,  May  73 
Nuclear  testing  limitations,  May  53,  Nov.  32 
Palau,  Compact  of  Free  Association,  June  78 
Regional  security,  May  32 
South  Africa,  May  46 
Continuance  of  emergency,  Nov.  19 
Economic  sanctions,  Dec.  35 
Soviet  noncompliance  with  arms  control 

agreements,  Feb.  65 
U.S.  foreign  policy,  Apr.  26 
News  briefing,  Oct.  1 
News  conferences,  Mar.  12,  Apr.  30,  June 

24,  July  10,  Aug.  17,  Oct.  2,  Nov.  60 
Radio  and  television  addresses  to  nation, 
Jan.  1,  3,  17,  Feb.  23,  Mar.  10,  Apr.  18, 
May  28,  June  1,  Sept.  18,  23,  Oct.  6, 
Dec.  17 
Shcharanskiy,  Natan  (Anatoliy),  meeting 

(White  House),  July  75 
Visits  to  : 
Grenada,  Apr.  22 

Indonesia:  July  15;  Reagan,  July  22 
Mexico,  Mar.  1 
Afghan:  Oct.  55,  Armacost,  June  66; 
Funseth,  Dec.  81;  Karp,  Feb.  16,  17; 
Peck,  July  84;  Reagan,  Feb.  87;  Shultz, 
Nov.  14;  Walters,  Feb.  20;  Whitehead, 
Feb.  2 
African:  Funseth,  Dec.  81;  Purcell,  Oct.  53; 

Shultz,  Nov.  18 
Indochinese:  Funseth,  Dec.  80;  Purcell,  Oct. 
49;  Reagan,  Feb.  87,  July  23;  Shultz, 
Sept.  36 
Indochinese  Refugee  Panel,  report:  PR  87, 

4/17;  Shultz,  Nov.  17 
Status  of  refugees,  protocol  (1967): 

Equatorial  Guinea,  Apr.  93;  Papua  New 
Guinea,  Sept.  92;  Tuvalu,  May  89 

Refugees  (Cont 'ill 
U.S.  assistance  requests  for  migration  and 

refugees,  FY  1987  (Purcell),  Aug.  75 
U.S.  policies  and  programs,  midyear  1986 

review  (Purcell),  Oct.  49 
U.S.  proposed  admissions  for  FY  1987 

(Shultz),  Nov.  14 
U.S.  refugee  policy,  program,  FY  1987: 

Funseth,  Dec.  "78:  Moore,  Dec.  78 
Vietnamese  (Shultz),  Sept.  36,  Nov.  17 
Regional  security  (see  also  Africa:  Southern 
Africa  and  Latin  America:  Caribbean  and 
Central  America):  Reagan,  Mar.  11,  May 
32;  Shultz,  Feb.  25,  44 
U.S.  proposals:  Reagan,  Jan.  3,  15,  Feb.  23, 
May  35,  Nov.  4;  Shultz,  Jan  13 
Reich,  Otto  J.,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador  to 

Venezuela,  PR  172,  9/8 
Ridgway,  Rozanne  L.,  Jan.  62,  Feb.  76,  May 
72,  75,  Sept.  58,  68 
Biography,  Jan.  63 
Romania:  Reagan,  Feb.  87;  Ridgway,  Sept. 
60;  Schifter,  Jan  66;  Shultz,  Feb.  43 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  July  93,  Dec.  86 
Rowny,  Edward  L.,  Nov.  29 
Rubber,  international  agreement  (1979), 

extension  (1985),  entry  into  force,  Feb.  94 
INTELSAT  agreement  and  operating 

agreement,  current  actions,  Nov.  88 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Upston),  swearing  in,  PR 
1,  1/8 

Safety  of  life  at  sea,  international  convention 
(1974):  Bahrain,  Benin,  Congo,  Cyprus, 
Honduras,  Feb.  94;  Malta,  Nov.  88; 
Tuvalu,  Feb.  94 
Amendments  (1983),  entry  into  force,  Apr. 

Protocol  of  1978:  Brazil,  Apr.  93;  Cyprus, 
Feb.  94;  Egypt,  Dec.  85;  Ethiopia,  Apr. 
93;  Honduras,  Feb.  94;  India,  July  91; 
Malta,  Dec.  85 
St.  Christopher  and  Nevis: 
Economic,  technical,  and  related  assistance, 

bilateral  agreement,  July  93 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  June 
90,  July  92,  93 
St.  Lucia,  Vienna  convention  on  consular 

relations  (1963),  succession,  Dec.  85 
St.  Patrick's  Day,  1986  (Reagan),  May  74 
St.  Vincent  and  the  Grenadines,  international 
load  line  convention  (1966),  accession, 
Sept.  92 
Sakharov,  Andrei:  quoted;  Dec.  23,  26; 

Reagan,  Apr.  30;  Shultz,  Jan.  59,  Dec.  26; 
Zimmermann,  Nov.  71 
San  Marino,  international  covenants  on 

human  rights  (1976),  accessions,  Jan.  80 
Sanguinetti,  Julio  Maria,  Oct.  73 
Sao  Tome  and  Principe,  treaties,  agreements, 

etc.,  Mar.  72,  May  91,  Dec.  87 
Sarney,  Jose,  Nov.  84 
Australia's  national  satellite  system, 
bilateral  agreement  re  launch  and 
associated  services,  Oct.  76 

Satellites  (Cont'd) 
INMARSAT  system,  convention  and 

operating  agreement  (1976):  Bahrain, 

Apr.  93;  German  Democratic  Republic, 

Dec.  86;  Malaysia,  Sept.  92 
INTELSAT,  agreement  and  operating 

agreement  (1971):  Mauritius,  Rwanda, 

Nov.  88 
Landsat  system,  operation,  bilateral  agree- 
ment with  China,  Apr.  94 
Saudi  Arabia: 
Civil  aviation  system  modernization, 

bilateral  agreement,  Jan.  81 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Mar.  72 
U.S.  AWACS  sales:  Department,  May  77; 

Murphy,  June  71;  Reagan,  Sept.  79; 

Shultz,  July  26,  PR  110,  5/14;  White 

House,  Aug.  71,  Sept.  78,  79 
Certification  of  conditions  requisite  to, 
Sept.  80 
U.S.  security  relationship  (Murphy),  Mar.  40 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  June  28 
Schifter,  Richard  D.,  Jan.  64,  76,  Oct.  61, 

Nov.  81 
Schneider,  William,  Jr.,  Aug.  77 
Science  and  technology:  Shultz,  Nov.  11; 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  10 
Advanced  technology  (Wallis),  June  50 
U.S.  export  policy  (Reagan),  Apr.  28 
Biotechnology:  Delors,  Feb.  42;  U.S. 

technical  paper,  Dec.  44 
Cooperation  and  development,  bilateral 

agreements  with:  Australia,  Mar.  73; 

Belgium,  Apr.  94;  Brazil,  Feb.  94,  July 

92;  Egypt,  July  92 
Development  of  technology-based  ventures 

between  small  U.S.  and  French  com- 
panies, memorandum  of  understanding 

with  France,  May  90 
Earth  sciences,  cooperation,  bilateral 

agreements  with:  Hungary,  July  92; 

Liberia,  Mozambique,  June  91 
Earthquake  data  and  evaluation  of  seismic 

hazard,  cooperative  program,  bilateral 

agreement  with  Italy,  Jan.  81 
Educational,  scientific,  cultural, 

technological  fields,  exchanges  and 

cooperation,  bilateral  agreement  with 

Soviet  Union,  Feb.  95 
Geological  sciences,  cooperation,  bilateral 

agreement  with  France,  Jan.  81 
Geothermal  energy,  bilateral  agreements 

with:  Mexico,  June  91;  Spain,  Aug.  92 
Hydrographic  surveys  and  nautical  chart- 
ing, bilateral  agreement  with  Morocco, 

Feb.  95 
Information  technology  (Shultz),  May  40, 

Nov.  11,  PR  180,  9/16 
Mapping,  charting,  and  geodesy,  bilateral 

agreements  with:  Dominican  Republic, 

Oct.  76;  Guatemala,  May  90;  Norway, 

Feb.  95;  Venezuela,  Mar.  74 
Seismic  data  acquisition  system,  bilateral 

agreements  with:  Botswana,  Nov.  88; 

Brazil,  July  92 
Statistics,  cooperation,  bilateral  agreement 

with  Canada,  June  91 
Technology  transfer  (McPherson),  Aug.  60 
China,  to  (Lord),  Sept.  50 
Potential  leakage  (Shultz),  Sept.  25 
Telecommunications  technology:  Baldrige, 

Feb.  42;  Delors,  Feb.  42;  Shultz,  Feb. 



Department  of  State  Bulletin 

Science  and  technology  (Cont'd) 

Topographic  maps,  bilateral  agreements 
with:  Bolivia,  Colombia.  July  92;  Costa 
Rica,  Ecuador,  Sept.  93;  Panama.  Apr. 
94,  May  90;  Peru,  Aug.  92 
Seabed  disarmament,  treaty  (1971):  Benin, 

Jamaica,  Sept.  92,  Nov.  88 
Security  assistance,  U.S.:  Poindexter,  Aug. 
65;  Reagan,  Apr.  21,  May  35;  Shultz, 
June  38;  Spiers,  Dec.  49 
Appropriation  requests:  Schneider,  Aug.  77; 
Shultz,  Apr.  42,  46,  July  30,  PR  37,  3/4, 
PR  41,  3/13 
Atomic  weapons  systems  for  mutual 
defense  purpose,  cooperation  in  the 
operation  of,  bilateral  agreement  with 
France,  Mar.  73 
Defense  equipment  and  logistic  support, 
cooperation  in,  bilateral  memorandum 
of  understanding:  Israel,  June  91;  U.K., 
Mar.  74 
Eligibility  for  assistance  and  training, 
bilateral  agreement  with  Korea,  Mar. 
Exchange  of  Air  Force  officers,  bilateral 
agreement  with  Federal  Republic  of 
Germany,  May  90 
Exchange  of  naval  service  personnel, 
bilateral  agreement  with  Colombia, 
Mar.  73 
Financial  arrangements  for  the  furnishing 
of  certain  supplies  and  services  to  naval 
vessels,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Greece,  Mar.  73 
Ground-launched  cruise  missile  (GLCM) 
system,  stationing,  support,  and  opera- 
tion, bilateral  agreement  with 
Netherlands,  Feb.  95,  June  91 
North  American  Aerospace  Defense  Com- 
mand (NORAD),  bilateral  agreement 
with  Canada,  May  90 
Patriot  weapon  system,  acquisition  and  pro- 
duction in  Japan,  bilateral  agreement 
with  Japan,  Jan.  81 
Training  for  defense  services  personnel  and 
defense-related  civilian  personnel, 
bilateral  agreement  with  Japan,  June  91 
Training  related  to  defense  articles  under 
IMET  program,  bilateral  agreements 
with:  Fiji,  Ghana,  Sept.  93;  Iceland, 
May  90;  Maldives,  Feb.  95;  Mauritania, 
Sept.  93;  Mozambique,  Mar.  74; 
Nigeria,  May  90;  Oman,  July  93; 
Panama,  Oct.  76;  Sao  Tome  and  Prin- 
cipe, Seychelles,  May  91;  Tonga,  Sept. 
94;  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  Feb.  95 
Security  Council,  U.N.,  resolutions: 
Angola,  condemnation  of  South  Africa 

aggression,  Jan.  74 
Hostage-taking,  condemnation:  Mar.  53; 
Department,  Mar.  53;  Walters,  Mar.  53 
Senegal  (Crocker),  July  36 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc..  Mar.  73,  74, 
May  91,  June  90,  Oct.  76 
Seychelles,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar. 

74,  May  91 
Shlaudeman,  Harry  W.,  swearing  in  as 
Ambassador  to  Brazil,  PR  171,  9/8 
Shultz,  George  P.  (Muller),  PR  90,  4/22 
Addresses,  remarks,  and  statements: 
Afghanistan,  Jan.  19,  22,  25,  Feb.  26, 
Apr.  49,  July  25,  Dec.  4,  PR  52,  3/20, 
PR  209,  10/8,  PR  213,  10/15 

Shultz,  George  (Con  I'd) 
Addresses,  remarks,  statements  (Con t'i I ) 
Africa,  Feb.  26,  Aug.  32,  Sept.  88,  Dec.  6 
Southern,  Feb.  51,  Mar.  15,  25,  Apr.  50, 

PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
U.N.  special  session  on  the  critical 

economic  situation,  Sept.  11,  32,  88, 
PR  120A,  5/29,  PR  120B,  5/20,  PR 
127,  6  1  1 
America's  Cup  yacht  race,  PR  161,  8/15 
Angola,  Jan.  20,  Feb.  51,  Mar.  15,  26, 

Apr.  50,  Sept.  7 
ANZUS,  Feb.  39,  Sept.  27,  36,  Oct.  43, 

46,  PR  161,  8/15 
Arab-Israeli  conflict  (for  details,  see  Arab- 
Israeli  conflict),  Jan.  20,  25,  Feb.  26, 
38,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  Mar.  21,  24, 
Apr.  46,  Aug.  56,  Dec.  32,  PR  37,  3/4, 
PR  41,  3/13,  PR  67,  4/1,  PR  121,  6/11, 
PR  150,  7/25 
ASEAN,  Apr.  48,  July  16,  30,  Sept.  25, 
30,  31,  32,  36,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  48, 
3/18,  PR  135,  6/24,  PR  136,  6/25,  PR 
137,  6/25 
Australia,  Oct.  43,  44 
Berlin,  Feb.  29,  44,  46,  July  25 
Black  History  Month,  PR  21,  2/4 
Canada,  Jan.  42,  43,  Aug.  57,  PR  49, 

3/18,  PR  92,  4/24,  PR  127,  6/11 
Chemical  weapons,  Jan.  22,  25,  Nov.  54 
China,  July  17,  Sept.  35,  PR  127,  6/4 
Collective  security,  July  26 
DACOR  Bacon  House  dedication,  PR  117, 

Defense  and  national  security,  Feb.  25, 
Aug.  32,  Dec.  23,  25,  PR  131,  6/17 
Information  leaks,  Aug.  35,  PR  110, 

Strategic  Defense  Initiative,  Jan.  12, 
21,  24,  28,  45,  58,  Feb.  25,  39,  Sept. 
26,  Dec.  2,  3,  9,  13,  15,  22,  23,  33, 
PR  14,  1/17,  PR  125,  6/5,  PR  213, 
10/15,  PR  215,  10/16,  PR  221,  10/20 
Democracy,  Feb.  27,  32,  June  35,  July  25, 
26,  Aug.  19,  Nov.  11,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR 
41,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR  127,  6/11, 
PR  131,  6/17 
Developing  countries,  Feb.  27,  32,  July  2, 

19,  Nov.  12,  PR  125,  6/5 
Diplomatic  security  agents,  graduation, 

PR  47,  3/18 
Diplomatic  security  program,  Apr.  42, 46, 52 
Dominican  Republic,  inauguration  of 
President  Balaguer,  PR  163,  8/18 
Drugs,  narcotic,  Feb.  32,  Sept.  30,  36,  PR 

158,  8/11,  PR  198,  10/3 
East-West  relations,  Feb.  27,  29,  37,  44, 

46,  Aug.  56,  Sept.  33 
Economy,  domestic,  Feb.  41,  42,  47,  Apr. 
41,  45,  Sept.  32,  Nov.  11,  Dec.  23,  PR 
Economv,  world,  Feb.  27,  41,  43,  Apr.  40, 
50,  Nov.  12,  PR  24,  2/18,  PR  91,  4/23. 
PR  198,  10/3 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  July  1,5, 
Sept.  25,  32,  PR  92,  4/24 
Egypt,  Apr.  46,  47,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41, 

3/13,  PR  67,  4/1 
El  Salvador,  PR  48,  3/18 
Espionage,  Feb.  52,  Mar.  18 

Shall?..  GeOTgi  II  'out  'li 

Addresses,  remark*,  statements  (( 'ont'd) 
CSCE  Third  Follow-Up  Meeting,  PR 

245,  11/7 
Eastern,  Feb.  29,  47,  50 
European  Communities  Commission 

meeting,  Feb.  41 
European  Community,  Feb.  42,  Apr.  48, 
Sept.  28,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18, 
PR  91,  4/23 
Foreign  aid: 
Appropriations  requests,  Apr.  45,  Nov. 

13,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Foreign  policy  objectives,  Apr.  40,  June 
37,  PR  110,  5/14,  PR  113,  5/21 
Foreign  Service,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  48, 

3/18,  PR  263,  12/17 
Freedom  fighters,  Jan.  20,  Feb.  39 
Greece,  Feb.  40,  Apr.  48,  June  34,  35, 
Aug.  25,  PR  63,  3/28,  PR  65,  3/31 
Haiti,  Apr.  49,  PR  19,  2/3,  PR  127,  6/11 
Harriman,  W.  Averell,  death,  PR  152, 

Henderson,  Loy,  death,  PR  61,  3/27 
Human  rights,  Jan.  20,  22,  25,  Feb.  29, 

31,  July  5,  17,  19,  Mar.  18,  PR  6,  1/14 
Hungary,  Feb.  38,  45,  53 
India,  Apr.  50,  PR  37,  3/4.  PR  41,  3/13 
Indonesia,  July  17,  19 
Information  technology,  May  40,  Nov.  11. 

PR  180,  9/16 
International  Court  of  Justice  jurisdiction, 

Jan.  67 
International  order,  Feb.  24,  July  3,  24 
Iran-Iraq  war,  Jan.  25,  Feb.  52,  Apr.  48, 

Dec.  4,  6,  PR  199,  10/3 
Israel,  Feb.  52,  Apr.  46,  47,  July  26,  PR 

37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  67,  4/1 
Italy,  June  35 

Japan,  Apr.  48,  PR  91,  4/23,  PR  92,  4/24 
Jewish  community,  July  24 
Jordan,  Feb.  53,  Apr.  47 
Kampuchea,  Feb.  26,  Apr.  49.  July  17,  25, 

Sept.  34,  35,  PR  136,  6/25 
Korea,  Apr.  48,  July  38,  40,  PR  41,  3/13, 

PR  91,  4/23,  PR  102,  5/8 
Latin  America: 
Caribbean  and  Central  America,  Feb. 
27,  43,  Apr.  38,  49.  May  38,  Aug. 

19.  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/4,  PR  48, 
3/18,  PR  113,  5/21,  PR  127,  6/11, 
PR  158,  8/11 

Democratic  progress,  Feb.  27,  32,  Apr. 
35,  40,  50,  May  38,  Nov.  12,  PR  48, 
Economic  development,  Feb.  32,  43, 
Aug.  20 
Lebanon,  July  25,  PR  7,  1/15,  PR  150,  7/25 
American  hostages,  Jan.  23,  27,  Apr. 
41,  PR  110,  5/14 
Liberty  Centennial  Commemorative 

Stamp,  PR  28,  2/21 
Libya,  Mar.  12,  14,  25,  July  39,  PR  50, 
3/19.  PR  66,  3/31 
International  terrorism,  support,  Mar. 

20,  23,  July  5,  21,  Nov.  69,  Dec.  34, 
PR  7, 1/15,  PR  12, 1/16,  PR  98, 5/5,  PR 
99,  5/5,  PR  108,  5/13,  PR  205,  10/8 

U.S.  air  strikes  and  impact,  June  3,  6, 
8,  11,  16,  July  26,  Nov.  12,  PR  80, 
4/15,  PR  81,  4/16,  PR  91,  4/23 

Index  1986 



George  (Con  fill 
Addresses,  remarks,  statements  (Cont  'ill 
,  i  (Cont'd) 
U.S.  economic  sanctions,  Mar.  21,  22, 
23,  26,  PR  7,  1/15,  PR  12,  1/16,  PR 
19,  2/3 
Marchenko,  Anatoliy,  condolences  to 

family  of,  PR  259,  12/11 
Micronesia,  Apr.  49,  Sept.  31,  37 
Middle  East,  U.S.  policy,  PR  91,  4/23,  PR 

199,  10/3 
Multilateral  development  banks  and  pro- 
grams, Apr.  51,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Netherlands,  Feb.  38 
New  Zealand,  Feb.  39,  Apr.  48,  Sept.  27, 

29,  31,  36,  Oct.  44,  45 
Nicaragua  {for  details,  see  Nicaragua), 
Feb.  26,  43,  49,  50,  Mar.  15,  23,  Apr. 
32,  40,  49,  May  37,  Aug.  20,  24,  Sept. 
34,  Dec.  6,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR  50,  3/19, 
PR  77A,  4/16,  PR  113,  5/21,  PR  127, 
Hasenfus  capture,  Dec.  32,  PR  205, 
10/8,  PR  207,  10/10 
Nicaraguan  Opposition  (UNO)  leaders, 

meeting,  Mar.  65 
Nitze  Building,  Johns  Hopkins  University, 

dedication,  PR  90,  4/22 
North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization,  Feb. 
37,  Apr.  48,  Aug.  54,  56,  Dec.  15,  23, 
PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18, 
PR  110,  5/14,  PR  125,  6/5 
Nuclear  nonproliferation,  PR  40,  3/13 
Nuclear  weapons  testing,  Nov.  54,  Dec.  5, 12, 
15,  23,  32,  PR  43,  3/14,  PR  45,  3/17 
Soviet  proposal  for  moratorium,  PR  43, 
3/14,  PR  45,  3/17 
Organization  of  American  States,  Feb.  32 
Pacific  region  (see  also  Micronesia),  Apr. 
49,  Sept.  26,  30,  Oct.  46,  PR  26,  2/19 
Pakistan,  Apr.  49,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Karachi,  hijacking  of  Pan  Am  Flight  73, 
Nov.  12,  69,  PR  196,  10/2,  PR  199, 
Palau,  Compact  of  Free  Association, 

Sept.  37 
Palme,  Olof  (death),  PR  44,  3/17,  PR  46, 

PEN  International  Conference,  PR  6, 

Persian  Gulf  region,  Apr.  48,  July  26,  PR 

37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Philippines,  Mar.  26,  Apr.  69,  July  22,  40, 
41,  Aug.  26,  Sept.  28,  30,  31,  Nov.  12, 
PR  19,  2/3,  PR  32,  2/27,  PR  40,  3/13, 
PR  91,  4/23,  PR  105,  5/9,  PR  107, 
5/12,  PR  112,  5/21,  PR  135,  6/24,  PR 
181,  9/16 
Marcos  assets  and  movements,  July  19, 

21,  22,  Sept.  27 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance, 
Apr.  48,  July  18,  20,  21,  42,  Aug. 
29,  Sept.  27,  29,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41, 
3/13,  PR  108,  5/13,  PR  110,  5/14 
Poland,  PR  113,  5/21 
Pollard  espionage  case,  Feb.  52 
Portugal,  Apr.  48 
POW/MIA's,  July  17 
Privatization,  international;  conference, 
PR  24,  2/18 

Shultz,  George  (Cont'd) 
Addresses,  remarks,  statements  (Cont'd) 
Refugees,  Sept.  36,  Nov.  14 
Regional  security  issues,  Jan.  13,  Feb.  25, 44 
Romania,  Feb.  43 
Saudi  Arabia,  U.S.  arms  sales,  proposed, 

July  26,  PR  110,  5/14 
Science  and  technology,  Feb.  28,  Sept.  25, 

Nov.  11 
Security  assistance,  Apr.  42,  45,  46,  48, 
June  30,  38,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
South  Africa  (for  details,  see  South 

Africa),  Apr.  51,  Aug.  23,  30,  Sept.  5, 
26-27,  Nov.  12,  59,  65,  PR  19,  2/3,  PR 
30,  2/24,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR 
125,  6/5,  PR  127,  6/17,  PR  131,  6/17, 
PR  151,  7/29 
Punitive  sanctions,  proposed,  Sept.  8, 
10,  Nov.  13,  PR  150,  7/25,  PR  151, 
7/29,  PR  153,  7/29,  PR  180,  9/16, 
PR  181,  9/16 
U.S.  Advisory  Committee,  Feb.  57 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Perkins),  swearing 
in,  PR  236,  11/3 
Soviet  Union.  See  under  Soviet  Union 
Spain,  Feb.  38,  Apr.  48,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR 

48,  3/18,  PR  91,  4/23,  PR  110,  5/14 
State  Department,  appropriations 
requests,  Apr.  46,  PR  51,  3/19,  PR 
110,  5/14,  PR  113,  5/21 
Syria,  Feb.  51,  53,  Mar.  20,  25,  26,  PR 

108,  5/13,  PR  110,  5/14 
Telecommunications  technology,  Feb.  27 
Terrorism,  international  {for  details  see 
Terrorism,  international),  Jan.  18, 
Feb.  26,  32,  40,  43,  48,  Mar.  15,  20, 
25,  26,  Apr.  41,  42,  52,  May  38,  June 

39,  Sept.  7,  30,  35,  Nov.  12,  69,  PR 

40,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR  92,  4/24,  PR 
147,  7/9,  PR  180,  9/16 

Libyan  involvement,  Mar.  20,  23,  PR  7, 
1/15,  PR  12,  1/16,  PR  98,  5/5,  PR 
99,  5/5,  PR  108,  5/13 
Low-intensity  warfare  (ambiguous), 

Mar.  15 
Tokyo  economic  summit,  statement. 
July  1,  5,  26 
Thailand,  Apr.  48,  Nov.  12,  PR  37,  3/4, 

PR  41,  3/13 
Trade,  Feb.  33,  41,  44,  46,  Mar.  32,  Apr. 
40,  51,  May  42,  July  2,  17,  19,  26, 
Sept.  25,  28,  30,  31,  33,  Nov.  12,  PR 
37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  127,  6/11,  PR 
131,  6/17,  PR  136,  6/25,  PR  154,  7/31, 
PR  180,  9/16,  PR  181,  9/16 
Asia  and  Pacific  region,  Sept.  36,  43, 

PR  26,  2/19 
U.S.  export  promotion,  PR  154,  7/31 
Turkey,  Feb.  39,  Apr.  48,  June  33 
U.S.  Marine  Corps  embassy  protection 

program  abroad,  PR  263,  12/17 
Vietnam,  July  17 
U.S.  political  relationships,  question  of, 
PR  181,  9/16 
Yugoslavia,  Feb.  39,  47 
American  Liberties  Medallion,  acceptance, 

July  24 
Honorary  Degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws,  North- 
western University,  PR  132,  6/17 

Shultz,  George  (Cont  'd) 
News  conferences  and  press  briefings,  Jan. 
11,  23,  57,  60,  Feb.  37,  40,  43,  45,  47, 
50,  Mar.  23,  June  3,  11,  60,  July  1,  5, 
16,  39,  Aug.  54,  Sept.  25,  27,  36,  Oct. 
44,  Nov.  51,  54,  57,  60,  66,  Dec.  2,  9, 
13,  PR  43,  3/13,  PR  45,  3/17,  PR  48, 
3/18,  PR  54,  3/24,  PR  77A,  4/16,  PR 
112,  5/21,  PR  113,  5/21,  PR  180,  9/16, 
PR  181,  9/16,  PR  212,  10/15,  PR  215, 
Television  and  radio  interviews,  Jan.  18,  20, 
27,  Mar.  20,  June  6,  8,  16,  July  72,  Aug. 
23,  32,  Nov.  64,  Dec.  29,  PR  7,  1/15,  PR 
11,  1/16,  PR  12,  1/16,  PR  14,  1/17,  PR 
19,  2/3,  PR  32,  2/27,  PR  50,  3/19,  PR 
66,  3/31,  PR  80,  4/15,  PR  81,  4/16,  PR 
91,  4/23,  PR  92,  4/24,  PR  95,  5/1,  PR 
98,  5/5,  PR  99,  5/5,  PR  108,  5/13,  PR 
136,  6/25,  PR  150,  7/25,  PR  151,  7/29, 
PR  187,  9/22,  PR  205,  10/8,  PR  207, 
10/9,  PR  208,  10/14,  PR  109,  10/8,  PR 
210,  10/15,  PR  211,  10/15,  PR  213, 
10/15,  PR  221,  10/20 
Visits  to: 
Canada,  Jan.  42 
East  Asia  and  the  Pacific,  Sept.  25,  PR 

133,  6/24,  PR  136,  6/25,  PR  137,  6/25 
Europe,  Jan.  57,  Feb.  29,  36,  50 
France,  June  33,  PR  54,  3/24,  PR  59,  3/26 
Greece,  June  33,  PR  63,  3/28,  PR  65,  3/31 
Guatemala,  PR  248,  11/12 
Italy,  June  33 

Korea.  July  38,  PR  102,  5/8 
Philippines,  July  38,  PR  105,  5/9,  PR  107, 

5/12,  PR  135,  6/24 
Turkey,  June  33,  PR  55,  3/24,  PR  56, 
3/25,  PR  60,  3/26 
Sierra  Leone,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar. 

72,  May  89,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  94,  Oct.  76 
Sigur,  Gaston  J.,  Jr.,  June  41,  July  42,  46, 
Oct.  24,  Nov.  39,  Dec.  75 
Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  East  Asian 
and  Pacific  Affairs,  swearing  in,  July 
43,  PR  39,  3/12 
Singapore:  Monjo,  July  59;  Shultz,  Sept.  36 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  74,  Apr. 
93,  May  91,  June  92,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  92, 
Nov.  88 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz;  Sept.  25;  arrival 
statement,  PR  133,  6/24 
Skoug,  Kenneth  N.,  Jr.,  Dec.  81 
Slavery  convention  (1926),  1953  protocol  and 
supplementary  convention  on  the  aboli- 
tion of  slavery  (1956):  Cyprus,  Sept.  92; 
Mauritania,  Dec.  86;  Nicaragua,  June  90 
Smith,  Roger  B.,  Feb.  57 
Smith,  Terrence,  Jan.  27 
Social  security,  supplementary  agreements 
with:  Federal  Republic  of  Germany,  Dec. 
86;  Spain,  Dec.  87 
Sofaer,  Abraham  D.:  Jan.  67,  Aug.  68;  Shultz, 

Aug.  35 
Solomon,  Richard  H.,  Director  of  Policy  Plan- 
ning Staff,  appointment,  PR  17,  1/29 
Solomon  Islands  (Monjo),  July  61 
Somalia  (Crocker),  Jan.  29,  July  31 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73,  June 
90,  92,  Dec.  85 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 

South  Africa: 

Apartheid,  and  U.S.  policy  of  constructive 
engagement:  May  7;  Armacost,  Apr.  56; 
Crocker,  May  44,  July  34;  Reagan,  Feb. 
87,  Apr.  28,  May  33,  June  27,  Sept.  1,  4, 
Dec.  35;  Shultz,  Aug.  23,  31,  Sept.  5, 
89,  Nov.  12,  13,  PR  19,  2/3,  PR  30, 
2/24,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  125, 
6/5,  PR  127,  6/11,  PR  131,  6/17,  PR 
151,  7/29,  PR  153,  7/29,  PR  181,  9/16; 
Walters,  Jan.  72 
Misconceptions,  Sept.  12 

Economy  (see  also  U.S.  sanctions,  infra): 
Shultz,  PR  151,  7/29 

Human  rights,  U.S. -supported  program, 
May  47 

Military  raids  by:  Purcell,  Oct.  53;  Shultz, 
Aug.  31;  White  House,  Aug.  35 

Port  Elizabeth,  U.S.  post,  proposed 
(Crocker),  May  45 

Profile,  Sept.  3 

Punitive  sanctions,  proposed:  Sept.  14; 
Crocker,  July  27;  Reagan,  Sept.  1,  5, 
35,  36,  Oct.  3,  4,  Dec.  35,  36;  Shultz, 
Sept.  8,  10,  Nov.  13,  PR  150,  7/25,  PR 
151,  7/29,  PR  153,  7/29,  PR  180,  9/16, 
PR  181,  9/16,  PR  236,  11/3 

South  African  Congress  (ANC):  Sept.  15; 
Reagan,  Sept.  2,  4,  Oct.  4;  Shultz.  Sept. 
7,  9,  26,  PR  153,  7/29 

State  of  national  emergency,  continuance 
(Reagan),  Nov.  19 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  74, 
May  91,  July  91,  Sept.  92,  93,  Oct.  75, 
Dec.  84,  87 

U.S.  Advisory  Committee  (Shultz),  Feb.  57 
Members  named,  Feb.  57 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Perkins),  swearing  in: 
PR  237,  11/3;  Shultz,  PR  236,  11/3 

U.S.  limited  assistance  program:  Sept.  14; 
Crocker,  May  45,  July  35;  Shultz,  Apr. 
51,  Sept.  8 

U.S.  sanctions:  Sept.  13,  16;  Armacost, 
Apr.  56;  Crocker,  May  45,  July  27; 
Reagan,  May  46,  Dec.  35;  Shultz,  Aug. 
23,  Nov.  13,  59,  65 

U.S.  Working  Group  on  South  and 

Southern  Africa,  establishment  and  pur- 
pose, Sept.  9 
Soviet  Union: 

ABM  treaty:  Adelman,  Jan.  39;  Holmes, 
Sept.  4*0;  Nitze,  May  56,  Aug.  44; 
Reagan,  Feb.  68;  Shultz,  Jan.  26,  Nov. 
56,  Dec.  9,  10,  12,  13,  16,  22,  30,  33,  PR 
151,  7/29,  PR  215,  10/16;  White  House, 
Aug.  41 
SDI  compatibility:  Adelman,  Jan.  41; 
Nitze,  May  56,  Aug.  45,  Nov.  75; 
Reagan,  Nov.  3,  Dec.  17;  Shultz,  Jan. 
24,  28,  Dec.  33 
Ten-year  nonwithdrawal  period,  proposed 
(Shultz),  Dec.  9,  12,  13,  16,  22,  30,  PR 
215,  10/16 

Ambassador  Dobrynin  (Shultz),  June  60,  PR 
76,  4/10 

Antisatellite  weapons  research:  Adelman, 
Jan.  41;  Nitze,  May  55;  Shultz,  Jan.  21 

Chemical  tracking  agents,  use  of  (Depart- 
ment), Apr.  75 

Soviet  Union  (Cont  'd) 
Chernobyl  nuclear  accident:  Armacost, 
Sept.  64;  Reagan,  July  11,  12;  Shultz, 
July  1,  5,  17,  20,  21,  72,  75,  Dec.  34,  PR 
95,  5/1,  PR  98,  5/5,  PR  112,  5/21,  PR 
113,  5/21,  PR  125,  6/5;  White  House, 
July  71,  73,  74 
Tokyo  economic  summit  statement,  July  4 
Civil  aviation  agreement  with  U.S.:  Jan.  10; 
Department,  Jan.  58;  Whitehead,  PR 
23,  2/14 
Daniloff  detention:  Armacost,  Nov.  49,  PR 
218,  10/16;  Matlock,  Dec.  61;  Reagan, 
Nov.  2,  8,  60,  Dec.  39;  Rowny,  Nov.  29; 
Shultz.  Nov.  11,  51,  54,  56,  57,  59,  61, 
62,  64,  65,  66,  67,  Dec.  2,  30,  PR  180, 
9/16,  PR  181,  9/16,  PR  187,  9/22,  PR 
196,  10/2,  PR  206,  10/9,  PR  210,  10/15; 
Whitehead,  Nov.  52 
Economy  (Nitze),  Nov.  75 
Educational  and  cultural  exchange  pro- 
gram: Jan.  10;  Palmer,  Nov.  75; 
Reagan,  Jan.  4,  5,  Mar.  11,  Dec.  18; 
Shultz,  Dec.  28 
Emigration  (Shultz),  Nov.  18 
Jewish:  Armacost,  May  69;  Pilon,  Dec.  68; 
Shultz,  Jan.  20,  22,  25,  July  24,  Dec. 
26;  Zimmermann,  Nov.  71 
Espionage  agents  in  U.N.  Mission,  expul- 
sion: Department,  Dec.  60;  Shultz,  Nov. 
55,  57,  59,  61,  62,  63,  64,  65,  66,  68, 
Dec.  4,  24,  30,  32.  PR  187,  9/22; 
Whitehead,  Nov.  53,  PR  192,  10/1,  PR 
194,  10/1 
Expansionist  international  policy/military 
activities  and  deployment:  Adelman, 
Jan.  35,  39;  Armacost,  June  64,  Dec.  58; 
Matlock,  Dec.  63;  NATO,  Jan.  61; 
Palmer,  Nov.  75;  Reagan,  Jan.  15,  Apr. 
20,  May  32,  Nov.  4;  Rowny,  Nov.  31; 
Shultz,  Jan.  22,  Feb.  26,  July  17,  Dec. 
23,  27;  Sigur,  Nov.  41 
Human  rights:  Armacost,  May  69,  June  63; 
Matlock,  Dec.  65;  Palmer,  Nov.  74; 
Reagan,  Jan.  15,  Feb.  23,  88,  Apr.  30, 
Dec.  18,  73;  Shultz,  Jan.  20,  22,  25, 
Nov.  54,  60,  62,  Dec.  2,  11,  23,  26,  PR 
19,  2/3,  PR  187,  9/22,  PR  205  10/8,  PR 
209,  10/8;  White  House,  Dec.  1; 
Whitehead,  Nov.  53;  Zimmermann, 
Nov.  70 
Orlov,  Yuriy  and  Irena  Valitova:  Reagan, 
Dec.  1,  8,  17;  Shultz,  Nov.  60,  63,  64, 
65,  66,  Dec.  24,  26,  30,  PR  206,  10/9; 
Zimmermann,  Nov.  71 
Religious  persecution:  Derwinski,  Nov. 
77;  Schifter,  Nov.  81;  Shultz,  Dec.  27; 
PR  196,  10/2 
Shcharanskiy,  Natan  (Anatoliy),  release: 
Apr.  75,  July  75;  Reagan,  Apr.  30; 
Shultz,  July  24 
Joint  U.S. -Federal  Republic  of  Germany 
statement,  Apr.  75 
Ideological  differences  (Pilon),  Dec.  67 
Intermediate-range  nuclear  forces  (INF) 
negotiations:  Adelman,  Jan.  41,  Aug. 
47;  Holmes,  Sept.  39;  NATO.  Aug.  59; 
Nitze,  Feb.  59,  May  51,  Nov.  75; 
Reagan,  Jan.  14,  July  37,  Sept.  42,  Dec. 
17,  39;  Ridgway,  Sept.  59;  Shultz,  Jan. 
12,  Feb.  38,  39,  40,  44,  Nov.  57,  62, 
Dec.  2,  3,  7,  12,  13,  15,  16,  25,  31,  PR 
211,  10/15,  PR  212,  10/15,  PR  213, 
10/15,  PR  221,  10/20 

Soviet  Union  (Cont  'd) 
Jamming  of  U.S.  short-wave  broadcasting, 

Nov.  83 
Korean  airliner  (KAL  Flight  007):  Shultz. 

Dec.  34 
Kraznoyarsk  radar,  encryption  telemetry 
and  SS-25  ICBM:  Adelman,  Jan.  39, 
Oct.  8;  Holmes,  Sept.  40;  Nitze,  May  55; 
Reagan,  Feb.  66,  68,  Aug.  36,  Dec.  17; 
Shultz,  Aug.  34;  White  House,  Aug.  41 
Marchenko,  Anatoliy,  condolences  to  family 

of  (Shultz),  PR  259,  12/11 
Nuclear  and  space  talks  (NST)  (see  also 
Summit  meeting  entries,  infra):  Jan.  8; 
Adelman,  Jan.  35,  Mar.  28,  Oct.  8;  Gor- 
bachev, Mar.  11;  Kampelman,  May  52; 
Nitze,  Feb.  58,  Mar.  50,  56,  Aug.  46, 
Nov.  75;  NATO,  Jan.  61;  Reagan,  Jan. 
3,  37,  40,  Mar.  11,  Apr.  26,  64,  July  37, 
Aug.  18,  Sept.  22,  42,  Oct.  1,  Nov.  9, 
Dec.  17,  39;  Shultz,  Jan.  25,  26,  58,  Feb. 
30,  38,  53,  June  60,  Aug.  24,  Sept.  26, 
29,  30,  33,  Nov.  54,  58,  Dec.  2,  4,  11, 
29,  32;  White  House,  Aug.  43,  Oct.  12, 
Nov.  26 
Acronyms,  Feb.  58 

Soviet  negotiating  tactics:  Adelman,  Oct. 
8;  Nitze,  Nov.  73,  75;  Palmer,  Nov. 
75,  76;  Reagan,  Dec.  20;  Rowny,  Nov. 
29;  Shultz,  Dec.  9 
Oil  exports  (Wendt),  June  53 
SALT  II,  SALT  I:  Adelman,  Oct.  7;  Nitze, 
Nov.  74;  Reagan,  July  13,  Aug.  17,18, 
Oct.  1;  Rowny,  Nov.  30,;  Shultz,  Aug. 
23,  32,  34,  54,  56,  Sept.  34,  PR  125,  6/5; 
White  House,  Aug.  38 
Standing  Consultative  Commission  (SCC) 
meeting,  Geneva  (White  House)  Oct. 
U.S.  interim  restraint:  Oct.  10;  Reagan, 
June  25,  Aug.  36;  Ridgway,  Sept.  58; 
Shultz,  Jan.  19,  21,  26,  29,  58,  Feb. 
40;  White  House,  Aug.  43 
Seaman  Medvid:  Ridgway,  Jan.  62,  May  75; 

Shultz,  Jan  26,  27,  46,  59 
Southeast  Asian  interests.  See  under  Asia 
Strategic  arms  reduction  talks  (START): 
Holmes,  Sept.  39;  Nitze,  May  50; 
Reagan,  Sept.  42,  Dec.  39;  Ridgway, 
Sept.  59;  Shultz,  Dec.  4,  7,  12 
U.S.  chief  negotiator  (Lehman),  appoint- 
ment announced  (Shultz),  PR  43,  3/14 
Submarine  fire  off  Bermuda  (Shultz),  Dec. 

Summit  meeting,  Geneva  (Nov.  19-21, 
1985),  "Fireside  summit":  Jan.  7;  Gor- 
bachev, Jan.  10;  Matlock,  Dec.  65; 
McFarlane,  Jan  6;  Nitze,  Feb.  59; 
Palmer,  Nov.  74;  Reagan,  Jan.  1,  3,  11, 
13,  Feb.  23,  Mar.  10,  Aug.  19;  Ridgwav. 
Sept.  60;  Shultz,  Jan  11.  18.  19,  20,  22, 
23,  28,  Feb.  24,  30,  45,  53,  Apr.  41.  July 
5,  Aug.  35,  58,  Dec.  28 
Summit  meeting,  Reykjavik  (Oct.  10-12): 
Armacost,  Nov.  49;  Reagan,  Mar.  13, 
Apr.  31,  June  25,  27,  July  12,  Sept.  22, 
Nov.  60,  Dec.  1,  7,  17,  20;  Rownv,  Nov. 
29;  Shultz,  Aug.  32,  Nov.  54,  56,  58,  62, 
63,  64,  65,  68,  Dec.  2,  9,  13,  22,  25,  26, 

Index  1986 


Soviet  I '  a  fin  ii  '(int'd) 
Summit  meeting,  Reykjavik  (Cont'd) 

29,  31,  PR  205,  10/8,  PR  206,  10/9,  PR 
207,  10/10,  PR  208,  10/14,  PR  209, 
10/18,  PR  210,  10/15,  PR  211,  10/15, 
PR  212,  10/15,  PR  215,  10/16,  PR  221, 
10/20;  White  House,  Dec.  1,  8,  21; 
Whitehead,  Nov.  54,  PR  192,  10/1,  PR 
194,  10/1 
Summit  meetings,  proposed  (Shultz),  Feb. 
31,  53,  54,  Mar.  25,  June  60,  PR  14, 
1/17,  PR  43,  3/14,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR  80, 
4/15,  PR  81,  4/16,  PR  92,  4/24 
Toxin  weapons,  uses  (Lowitz),  Dec.  40 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95,  Apr. 
93,  94,  May  89,  July  92,  Sept.  92,  93, 
Nov.  89,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  arms  control  negotiations  (see  also 
Intermediate-range  nuclear  forces 
(INF),  Nuclear  and  space  arms  (NST), 
and  Strategic  arms  reduction  talks 
(START),  supra):  Adelman,  Aug.  47; 
Armacost,  June  63;  NAC,  Feb.  36; 
Reagan,  Jan.  14;  Shultz,  Jan.  21,  July  5, 
Aug.  56,  PR  209,  10/8;  Tokyo  economic 
summit,  July  3 
Verification  and  compliance  issues:  Dec. 
37;  Adelman,  Jan.  35,  37,  Mar.  31, 
Aug.  47,  Oct.  7;  Holmes,  Sept.  40; 
Lowitz,  Dec.  41;  Nitze,  Feb.  59,  Aug. 
44;  Reagan,  Feb.  65,  Aug.  18,  36, 
Nov.  3,  32,  Dec.  17,  39;  Shultz,  Jan. 
26,  July  2,  Aug.  32,  33,  Dec.  3; 
Western  statement,  Nov.  27;  White 
House,  Aug.  41 
U.S.  grain  sales:  Reagan,  Oct.  4;  Shultz, 

Oct.  45,  46 
U.S.  relations  (see  also  Summit  meetings, 
supra):  Jan.  7;  Adelman,  Mar.  28; 
Armacost,  June  63,  69,  Dec.  57;  Diz- 
darevic,  Feb.  47;  Gorbachev,  Jan.  10; 
Matlock,  Dec.  61;  McFarlane,  Jan  6; 
Nitze,  Apr.  61,  Nov.  73;  Palmer,  Nov. 
74;  Reagan,  Jan.  11,  15,  Feb.  23,  Mar. 
14,  Apr.  26,  27,  May  33,  36,  Sept.  21, 
Nov.  1;  Shultz,  Jan.  11,  19,  Feb.  39,  46, 
47,  48,  Aug.  56,  Dec.  2,  10,  24,  26,  30, 
PR  14,  1/17,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  45,  3/17, 
PR  66,  3/31,  PR  91,  4/23,  PR  125,  6/5, 
PR  131,  6/17,  PR  180,  9/16,  PR  209, 
10/8;  White  House,  Dec.  1 
Regional  issues:  Reagan,  Dec.  17,  18; 
Shultz,  Dec.  4,  17;  White  House, 
Dec.  1 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz,  Jan.  57 
Yurchenko,  Vitaly,  redefection  (Shultz), 

Jan.  27,  58,  59 
Zakharov,  Gennadiy:  Matlock,  Dec.  61; 
Reagan,  Nov.  60;  Shultz,  Nov.  51,  56, 
60,  64,  66,  Dec.  24;  Whitehead,  Nov.  52 
Moon  treaty  (1967):  Bangladesh,  Mar.  72; 

Benin,  Sept.  92 
Registration  of  objects  launched  into  outer 
space,  convention  (1975):  Australia, 
Pakistan,  May  89 
Rescue  of  astronauts,  return  of  astronauts, 
and  return  of  objects  launched  into 
outer  space,  agreement  (1968), 
Australia,  May  89 

Space  (Cont  'd) 
Tracking  and  telemetry  facilities  on  Mahe 
Island,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Seychelles,  Mar.  74 
U.S.  shuttle  program: 
Challenger  explosion  (Reagan),  Apr.  25 
Emergency  landing  and  rescue  site, 
bilateral  agreement  with  Chile,  Feb. 
Tracking  and  communication  facilities, 
bilateral  agreement  with  Senegal, 
Mar.  74 
Spain:  Ridgway,  Sept.  61;  Shultz,  Feb.  38, 
Apr.  48,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  48,  3/18,  PR 
91,  4/23,  PR  110,  5/14 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  93,  May 
89,  91,  Aug.  91,  92,  Sept.  91,  92,  93, 
Oct.  75,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  85,  87 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Bartholomew),  swearing 

in,  PR  164,  8/26 
U.S. -Spanish  Council  meeting,  joint  com- 
munique, Aug.  55 
Spiers,  Ronald  I.,  Jan.  47,  May  58,  Sept.  44, 

Dec.  47,  50 
Sri  Lanka  (Peck),  July  81,  85 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Apr. 
94,  June  92,  Nov.  88,  89 
Stahl,  Lesley,  Jan.  27,  Nov.  52 
State  Department: 
Advisory  Committee  on  South  Africa 
(Shultz),  Feb.  57 
Members  named,  Feb.  57 
Appropriations  request:  Shultz,  Apr.  46,  PR 
51,  3/19,  PR  110,  5/14,  PR  113,  5/21; 
Spiers,  Sept.  44;  Whitehead,  Oct.  19 
Assistant  Secretary  for  Politico-Military  Af- 
fairs (Holmes),  Sept.  38 
Assistant  Secretary  of  State  for  East  Asian 
and  Pacific  Affairs  (Sigur),  swearing  in, 
July  43,  PR  39,  3/12 
Bureau  of  Diplomatic  Security:  Reagan, 
Oct.  58;  Shultz,  Apr.  43,  44;  Spiers, 
Sept.  46 
Diplomatic  history  records  transferred  to 

National  Archives,  June  40 
Diplomatic  Security  Service  (Shultz),  Apr. 

Graduation  of  agents  (Shultz),  PR  47,  3/18 
Director  of  Policy  Planning  Staff  (Solomon), 

appointment,  PR  17,  1/29 
Embassy  protection  program  abroad,  U.S. 
Marine  Corps  and  State  Department 
agreement  signing  ceremony:  Kelley, 
Shultz,  PR  263,  12/17 
Muskie  portrait  unveiling  ceremony, 

Charter,  PR  83,  4/16 
Responsibilities  (Spiers),  May  59 
Treaty  Room  Suite,  PR  169,  9/8 
Statue  of  Liberty  (Reagan),  Aug.  18 
Steel,  trade  in,  bilateral  agreements  with: 
Australia,  Austria,  Apr.  94;  Brazil,  Mar. 
73;  Czechoslovakia,  June  91;  European 
Communities,  Aug.  92,  Nov.  89;  Finland, 
May  90;  German  Democratic  Republic, 
June  91;  Hungary,  June  91;  Japan,  May 
90;  Korea,  June  91;  Mexico,  July  93; 
Poland,  June  91;  Portugal,  Mar.  74; 
Romania,  July  93;  South  Africa,  Spain, 
May  91;  Venezuela,  June  92,  Yugoslavia, 
Apr.  94 

Stoessel,  Walter  J.,  Jr.,  Feb.  81,  82 
Sudan  (Crocker),  Jan.  29,  July  30 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  94,  June 
90,  Oct.  77,  Dec.  85 
Sugar,  international  agreement  (1984): 

Austria,  Belize,  Jan.  80;  Cameroon,  Apr. 
93;  Colombia,  Aug.  91;  Ecuador,  Sept.  92; 
Egypt,  Aug.  91;  Haiti,  Jan.  80;  Jamaica, 
Apr.  93;  Mexico,  May  89;  New  Zealand, 
Mar.  72 
Sullivan,  Leon  H.,  Feb.  57 
Suriname,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  73, 

Apr.  93 
Swaziland,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar. 

73,  Sept.  92 
Palme,  Olof  (death):  Shultz,  PR  44,  3/17, 

PR  46,  3/17 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Mar. 
73,  Sept.  92,  93,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  85,  86 
Switzerland,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar. 

73,  May  89,  Sept.  92,  93,  Dec.  85,  86 
Syria:  Murphv,  Mar.  39;  Shultz,  Feb.  51,  53, 
Mar.  20,  25,  26,  PR  108,  5/13,  PR  110, 

Talbott,  Strobe,  Aug.  32,  Nov.  49 
Tanzania,  U.S.  Ambassador  (Petterson), 

swearing  in,  PR  231,  10/27 
Taxes,  exchange  of  information,  bilateral 
agreement  with  Costa  Rica,  Aug.  92 
Telecommunications  (see  also  Satellites  and 
Science  and  technology:  information 

AM  broadcasting  service  in  the  medium  fre- 
quency band,  agreement  with  Mexico, 
Nov.  89,  PR  167,  8/29 

Diane  Range,  Solenzara,  Corsica,  agree- 
ment with  France,  July  92 

Exchange  of  third-party  messages  between 
amateur  stations  of  the  U.S.  and 
amateur  station  4LWIC  of  the  Vienna 
International  Amateur  Radio  Club, 
bilateral  agreement  with  UN  (Vienna), 
Mar.  74 

High  definition  television  standard,  U.S. 
position,  PR  36,  3/3 

International  telecommunications  conven- 
tion (1982):  Afghanistan,  Albania,  Mar. 
72;  Algeria,  June  90;  Australia, 
Bahrain,  Mar.  72;  Barbados,  Dec.  86; 
Belize,  Apr.  93;  Benin,  Dec.  86;  Bolivia, 
Brunei,  Mar.  72;  Bulgaria,  Dec.  86; 
Byelorussian  S.S.R.,  June  90; 
Cameroon,  Dec.  86;  Canada,  Chad,  Mar. 
72;  Chile,  Apr.  93;  China,  Colombia, 
Mar.  72;  Cuba,  June  90,  Czechoslovakia, 
Mar.  72;  Denmark,  Egypt,  El  Salvador, 
Mar.  72;  Equatorial  Guinea,  Dec.  86; 
Ethiopia,  Mar.  72;  Finland,  France, 
German  Democratic  Republic,  Germany, 
Federal  Republic  of,  Greece,  Mar.  72; 
Guyana,  Apr  93;  Haiti,  Honduras,  Mar. 
72;  Iceland,  Dec.  86;  India,  Indonesia, 
Iran,  Apr.  93;  Israel,  Mar.  72;  Italy, 
Oct.  76;  Japan,  Jordan,  Mar.  72;  Kenya, 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 

Weleco  m  munications  (Cont  'd) 

Itit'l  Tel.  Convention  (Cont'd) 

Apr.  93;  Korea,  North,  Mar.  72;  Korea, 
Republic  of,  Apr.  93;  Laos,  Mar.  72; 
Lebanon,  July  92;  Liechtenstein,  Lux- 
embourg, Malawi,  Maldives,  Malta, 
Mauritius,  Mexico,  Mar.  72;  Monaco, 
Apr.  93;  Mongolia,  July  92;  Namibia, 
Netherlands,  Mar.  72;  New  Zealand, 
Apr.  93;  Niger,  Mar.  72;  Norway,  July 
92;  Oman,  June  90;  Pakistan,  Papua 
New  Guinea,  Mar.  72;  Paraguay,  Apr. 
93;  Peru,  July  92;  Philippines,  Dec.  86; 
Poland,  July  92;  Qatar,  Mar.  72; 
Romania,  Dec.  86;  Sao  Tome  and  Prin- 
cipe, Senegal,  Sierra  Leone,  Mar.  72; 
Singapore,  Apr.  93;  Somalia,  South 
Africa,  Mar.  72;  Soviet  Union,  Spain, 
Apr.  93;  Suriname,  Swaziland,  Sweden, 
Switzerland,  Thailand,  Trinidad  and 
Tobago,  Mar.  72;  Ukrainian  S.S.R., 
June  90;  United  Arab  Emirates,  Oct. 
76;  U.K.,  U.S.,  Uruguay,  Mar.  72; 
Vatican  City,  Apr  93;  Venezuela,  Dec. 
86;  Vietnam,  June  90;  Zambia,  Oct.  76; 
Zimbabwe,  Dec.  86 

ITU,  U.S.  Delegation  Chairman  (Markey)  to 
1987  WARC  for  Mobile  Services,  PR 
217,  10/16 

ITU  Center  for  Telecommunications 
Development,  PR  252,  11/24 

Radio  communications  between  amateur 
stations  on  behalf  of  third  parties, 
agreement  with  Sierra  Leone,  Sept.  94 

Radio  regulations,  Geneva  (1979),  Colombia, 
Mar.  73 

Regional  Administrative  MF  BC  Con- 
ference, U.S.  delegation,  chairmen 
appointed,  PR  2,  1/6 

World  Administrative  Radio  Conference  for 
Planning  of  HF  Bands,  U.S.  delegation 
chairman  (Marks),  appointment 
announced,  PR  58,  3/26 

World  Administrative  Radio  Conference  for 
Mobile  Services,  U.S.  delegation, 
executive  director  (Gilsenan),  appoint- 
ment announced,  PR  70,  4/4 
Terrorism,  international:  Abrams,  Mar.  67, 
July  86;  Armacost,  PR  218,  10/16;  Borg, 
Aug.  8;  Dizdarevic,  Feb.  49;  NAC,  Feb. 
37,  Aug.  53;  NATO,  Aug.  59;  Oakley, 
Aug.  1,  5,  9,  Oct.  37;  Poindexter,  Aug.  66; 
Reagan,  Jan.  2,  Nov.  5,  Sept.  23; 
Ridgway,  Sept.  64;  Shultz,  Jan.  18,  Feb. 
26,  40,  48,  51,  Mar.  15,  May  38,  June  39, 
July  25,  Sept.  35,  PR  40,  3/13,  PR  92, 
4/24,  PR  98,  5/5,  PR  99,  5/5,  PR  147,  7/9, 
PR  180,  9/16;  Spiers,  Sept.  46 

Achille  Lauro:  Aug.  11,  Department,  Jan. 
72;  Kauzarlich,  Mar.  61;  Oakley,  Aug.  4, 
6;  Reagan,  Mar.  13;  Shultz,  Jan.  18,  PR 
147,  7/9;  Wallis,  Jan.  56 

Airport  security  standards:  Reagan,  Mar. 
14;  Shultz,  Jan.  19;  Whitehead,  June  80 

Chronology  of  U.S. -related  incidents,  1985, 
Aug.  13 

Colombia:  Abrams,  Mar.  68,  Shultz,  Feb. 
32,  43,  49,  PR  158,  8/11 

Economic  sanctions,  legality  and  possible 
consequences,  Oct.  27 

General  Assembly  resolution.  Mar.  52 

Terrorism,  international  (Cont  'd) 

Hostage-taking,  Security  Council  resolu- 
tion: Mar.  53,  Department,  Mar.  53, 
Walters,  Mar.  53 

Libyan  involvement:  Abrams,  Mar.  68;  Mur- 
phy, Mar.  40;  Oakley,  Aug.  2,  6; 
Reagan,  Mar.  12,  36,  June  24,  25,  26; 
Shultz,  Mar.  20,  23,  PR  7,  1/15,  PR  12, 
1/16,  PR  98,  5/5,  PR  99,  5/5,  PR  108, 
5/13;  Whitehead,  June  79 

Maritime  security  issues:  Borg,  Aug.  8; 
Kauzlarich,  Mar.  61 

Narcoterrorism:  Abrams,  Mar.  67,  Apr.  89, 
Aug.  84;  Oakley,  Aug.  2,  Oct.  56 

Pakistan,  Pan  Am  Flight  73,  hijacking: 
Armacost,  Nov.  50;  Reagan,  Dec.  73; 
Shultz,  Nov.  12,  69,  PR  196,  10/2,  PR 
199,  10/3 

Prevention  and  punishment  of  crimes 
against  internationally  protected  per- 
sons, including  diplomatic  agents,  con- 
vention (1973):  Bahamas,  Egypt,  Sept. 
92;  Italy,  Feb.  94;  New  Zealand,  Jan.  80 

South  Africa,  by  African  National  Con- 
gress: Reagan,  Sept.  2,  4;  Shultz, 
Sept.  7 

Syrian  role:  Oakley,  Aug.  2,  6;  Reagan,  July 
14;  Shultz,  Mar.  20,  25,  26,  July  26, 
Nov.  69,  PR  108,  5/13 

Tokyo  economic  summit  statement:  July  5; 
Reagan,  July  10,  11,  13,  14,  Sept.  23; 
Shultz,  July  1,  5,  26 

U.N.  convention  against  taking  of  hostages 
(1979):  Antigua  and  Barbuda,  Oct.  76; 
Austria,  Nov.  88;  Canada,  Mar.  73; 
Dominica,  Nov.  88;  Italy,  June  90;  Jor- 
dan, Malawi,  May  89;  New  Zealand, 
Jan.  80;  Togo,  Oct.  76 

U.N.  Human  Rights  Commission  meeting, 
report  (Schifter),  Oct.  61 

U.S.  anti-terrorist  policy:  Borg,  Aug.  8; 
Oakley,  Aug.  11;  Reagan,  Mar.  12,  Apr. 
29;  Shultz,  Mar.  23,  Apr.  41,  PR  7,  1/15, 
PR  48,  3/18;  Whitehead,  June  79 

U.S.  security  measures:  Aug.  16;  Depart- 
ment, Jan.  72;  Oakley,  Aug.  1;  Reagan, 
Jan.  47;  Shultz,  Apr.  42,  46,  52;  Spiers, 
Jan.  47 
Omnibus  Diplomatic  Security  and  Antiter- 
rorism Act  of  1986  (Reagan),  Oct.  58 

U.S.  tourism,  effect  on:  Oakley,  Oct.  55; 
Reagan,  Aug.  18 

War  Powers  Resolution,  applicability  to 
U.S.  actions  (Sofaer),  Aug.  68 

Cotton,  wool,  and  man-made  textiles, 

bilateral  agreements  with:  Bangladesh, 
June  91;  China,  May  90;  Colombia,  Mar. 
73,  May  90,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  86;  Hong 
Kong,  May  90;  India,  Jan.  81; 
Indonesia,  Feb.  94;  Korea,  Republic  of, 
May  90;  Macao,  June  91,;  Malaysia, 
Mar.  74,  July  93,  Oct.  76;  Mauritius, 
Dec.  87,;  Mexico,  Mar.  74,  Sept.  93; 
Peru,  May  91;  Philippines,  June  91, 
Sept.  94;  Singapore,  Mar.  74,  May  91, 
June  92,  Aug.  92;  Sri  Lanka,  June  92, 
Nov.  89;  Thailand,  Feb.  95,  Dec.  87; 
Yugoslavia,  Jan.  81 

Textiles  (Cont'd) 
< '..l ton  textiles  and  textile  products,  trade 
in,  bilateral  agreements  with:  Nepal, 
Aug.  92;  Pakistan,  May  90 
Export  of  certain  textile  products  to  U.S., 
bilateral  agreement  with  Czecho- 
slovakia, Nov.  85 
Export  of  textile  products  manufactured  in 
Uruguay,  bilateral  agreement  with 
Uruguay,  June  92 
International  trade  in  textiles,  arrangement 
(1973),  protocol  extending  (1986):  Hong 
Kong,  Japan,  Mexico,  Sri  Lanka,  U.S., 
Uruguay,  Nov.  88 
Multi-Fiber  Arrangement  (MFA):  Reagan, 

Apr.  27,  Oct.  6;  Shultz,  Sept.  26,  28 
Trade  in  certain  textiles  and  textile  prod- 
ucts, bilateral  agreements  with:  Egypt, 
July  92;  Guatemala,  Mar.  73;  Hong 
Kong,  Oct.  76;  Jamaica,  Nov.  89;  South 
Africa,  Mar.  74;  Turkey,  Nov.  89; 
Uruguay,  Mar.  74 
Trade  in  wool  textile  and  textile  products, 

agreement  with  Hungary,  Nov.  89 
Visa  systems  for  exports  of,  administrative 
arrangements  with:  Jamaica,  Nepal, 
Nov.  89 
Wool  sweaters,  trade  in,  bilateral  agree- 
ment with  Maldives,  May  90 
Thailand:  Apr.  81;  Purcell,  Oct.  50;  Shultz, 
Nov.  12;  Wrobleski,  Aug.  73 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95,  Apr. 
93,  May  91,  Oct.  77,  Nov.  88,  Dec.  84, 
U.S.  economic  and  security  assistance: 
Monjo,  July  54,  57;  Schneider,  Aug.  78; 
Shultz,  Apr.  48,  PR  37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13 
Thatcher,  Margaret  (Shultz),  July  8 
Thomas,  Franklin  A.,  Feb.  57 
Thomas,  Jon  R.,  Apr.  77 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  July  91,  92,  Oct. 

U.S.  Ambassador  (Korn),  swearing  in,  PR 
225,  10/22 
Tonga  (Monjo),  July  60 

Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Sept.  94,  Oct.  75 
Tourists  and  tourism:  Oakley,  Oct.  55; 
Reagan,  Aug.  18 
American  drug  arrests  abroad,  PR  116, 

Travel  advisories,  PR  9,  1/15 
Tower,  John  (Shultz),  PR  43,  3/14 
Bovine  meat  arrangement  (1979),  Nigeria, 

June  90 
Civil  aircraft,  agreement  (1979):  Portugal. 

Sept.  92;  Spain,  Nov.  88 
Contracts  for  international  sale  of  goods, 
U.N.  convention  (1980):  U.S.,  Dec.  86; 
Zambia,  Sept.  92 
Free  trade  and  antiprotectionism:  Nov.  42; 
Armacost,  Sept.  62,  Oct.  22,  PR  140, 
6/30,  PR  218,  10/16;  Baker,  July  63; 
Reagan,  Apr.  26,  27,  July  10,  12,  16, 
Oct.  6,  Nov.  5;  Shultz,  Jan.  44,  45,  Feb. 
33,  Apr.  40,  51,  May  42,  July  17,  19,  26, 
Sept.  25,  28,  31,  32,  36,  89,  Nov.  12,  PR 
37,  3/4,  PR  41,  3/13,  PR  127,  6/11,  PR 
131,  6/17,  PR  136,  6/25,  PR  154,  7/31, 
PR  180,  9/16,  PR  181,  9/16,  PR  196, 
10/2;  Sigur,  July  44,  Nov.  40;  Wallis, 
Mar.  33,  July  67;  White  House,  June  46; 
Yeutter,  May  65,  Nov.  43,  45 

Index  1986 


Trade  (Cant  'd) 
General  agreement  on  tariffs  and  trade: 
Accession  of  Mexico,  protocol  (1986): 
Australia,  Brazil,  Colombia,  Hong 
Kong,  India,  Jamaica,  Japan,  Korea, 
Mexico,  Nicaragua,  Peru,  Sweden, 
Switzerland,  U.S.,  Uruguay, 
Yugoslavia,  Dec.  86 
Article  VI,  agreement  on  implementation 

(1979),  Korea,  June  90 
Article  VII,  agreement  on  implementa- 
tion (1979):  Lesotho,  Sept.  92;  Por- 
tugal, Jan.  80,  Sept.  92  (withdrawal) 
Ministerial  meeting,  Punta  del  Este, 
Uruguay  (Sept.  15-20):  Yeutter,  Nov. 
Declaration,  Nov.  46 
Trade  ministers,  new  round,  approved: 
Baker,  July  61,  64;  Delors,  Feb.  41; 
OECD,  June  47;  Reagan,  Apr.  27, 
July  10,  Nov.  6;  Shultz,  Feb.  35,  41, 
May  43,  Sept.  33;  Tokyo  economic 
summit,  July  10;  Wallis,  Jan.  53,  Mar. 
35,  July  67;  Yeutter,  May  66,  Nov.  43 
Import  licensing  procedures,  agreement 

(1979),  Nigeria,  June  90 
Services  (Yeutter),  Nov.  44,  46 
Technical  barriers  to  trade,  agreement 

(1979),  Portugal,  Jan.  80 
Asia  and  Pacific  region:  Oct.  49;  Shultz, 
Sept.  36,  Oct.  43,  PR  26,  2/19;  Sigur, 
July  42,  Nov.  39 
China,  exports  of  luggage  to  U.S.,  agree- 
ment, Nov.  89 
Europe.  See  under  European  Economic 

Indonesia,  subsidization  of  exports, 

bilateral  agreement,  July  92 
Most-favored-nation  treatment:  Ridgway, 

Sept.  60;  Shultz,  Feb.  44,  46 
Sectoral  discussions  with  Japan:  Reagan, 
Apr.  27;  Yeutter,  May  65 
Joint  report,  Mar.  32 
Semiconductor  trade  agreement  with 

Japan  (Reagan),  Oct.  6,  22 
Subsidies  and  countervailing  duties, 

bilateral  agreement  with  Mexico,  Apr. 
U.S.  trade  policy  (see  also  Free  trade  and 
antiprotectionism,  supra);  McMinn, 
Oct.  31;  Reagan,  Apr.  27;  Shultz, 
Sept.  28;  Wallis,  Mar.  33;  White 
House,  June  46;  Yeutter,  May  64 
Transnationalism  (Armacost),  PR  140,  6/30 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Feb.  93, 
Mar.  72,  Apr.  92,  May  89,  June  90,  July 
91,  Aug.  91,  Sept.  91,  Oct.  75,  Nov.  88, 
Dec.  84 
Vienna  Convention  (1969):  Byelorussian 
S.S.R.,  July  92;  German  Democratic 
Republic,  Dec.  86;  Senegal,  June  90; 
Soviet  Union,  Ukrainian  S.S.R.,  July  92 
Trinidad  and  Tobago,  treaties,  agreements, 

etc.,  Feb.  95,  Mar.  72,  July  92 
Trottier,  Paul,  Mar.  46 
Truman,  Harry  (Reagan),  Sept.  18 
Tunisia:  Murphy,  July  76,  80;  Schneider,  Aug. 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc..  Mar.  74,  May 

91,  Sept.  92,  Dec.  87 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  June  32 

Turkey:  Shultz,  Feb.  38,  Apr.  48,  June  33; 
Wrobleski,  Sept.  84 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  95,  Mar. 
72,  Apr.  93,  May  91,  July  92,  Sept.  93, 
Oct.  75,  Nov.  89,  Dec.  85 
U.S.  negotiations  (Shultz),  Feb.  39 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz:  June  33;  Shultz, 
PR  55,  3/24,  PR  56,  3/25,  PR60,  3/26 
Tuvalu,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Feb.  93, 
94,  May  89 


Ukrainian  Soviet  Socialist  Republic,  treaties, 
agreements,  etc.,  June  90,  July  92,  Sept. 
92,  Dec.  85 
United  Arab  Emirates,  accession  to  interna- 
tional telecommunications  convention 
(1982),  Oct.  75 
United  Kingdom: 
Northern  Ireland,  U.K. -Ireland  agreement: 
Reagan,  Jan.  56,  May  73;  Ridgway,  May 
Supplementary  extradition  treaty,  pro- 
posed: Poindexter,  Aug.  67;  Reagan, 
Apr.  29,  Sept.  23 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  93, 
95,  Mar.  72,  73,  74,  May  89,  91,  June 
90,  July  91,  Aug.  92,  Sept.  92,  93,  94, 
Oct.  75,  Nov.  88,  90,  Dec.  85,  87 
U.S.  visit  of  Prince  and  Princess  of  Wales 
(Shultz),  Feb.  24 
United  Nations:  Crocker,  July  30;  Murphy, 
Dec.  71;  Shultz,  Nov  13;  Wallis,  Jan.  54 
Financial  problems:  Shultz,  PR  181,  9/16; 

Walters,  Oct.  63 
Special  Session  on  the  Economic  Situation 

in  Africa.  See  under  Africa 
U.S.  assistance,  FY  1987:  Keyes,  Aug.  80, 
81;  Murphy,  Dec.  71;  Spiers,  Dec.  49 
UN  (Vienna),  amateur  radio  stations, 
exchange  of  third  party  messages, 
bilateral  agreement,  Mar.  74 
United  Nations  Conference  on  Trade  and 

Development  (UNCTAD):  Wallis,  Jan.  55 
United  Nations  Decade  for  Women,  Nairobi 

Conference  (Reagan),  Feb.  89 
United  Nations  Human  Rights  Commission 

meeting,  report  (Schifter),  Oct.  61 
United  Nations  Industrial  Development 
Organization,  constitution  (1979)  with 
annexes:  Belize,  May  89,  Gambia,  Sept. 
92;  Grenada,  Apr.  93;  Namibia,  May  89; 
Qatar,  St.  Christopher-Nevis,  Mar.  73; 
Tonga,  Oct.  76 
Entry  into  force,  June  90 
United  States  Marine  Corps  and  State 

Department  agreement  re  embassy  pro- 
tection program  abroad,  signing 
ceremony:  Kelley,  Shultz,  PR  263,  12/17 
Upston,  John  E.,  swearing  in  as  Ambassador 

to  Rwanda,  PR  1,  1/8 
Uruguay  (Abrams),  July  90 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  73,  74, 
Apr.  93,  May  89,  June  92,  Nove.  88, 
Dec.  86 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Sanguinetti:  Reagan, 
Sanguinetti,  Oct.  73;  program,  PR  129, 
Utley,  Garrick,  Nov.  49 

Vanuatu,  International  Maritime  Organiza- 
tion convention  (1984),  acceptance,  Dec. 
Vatican  City,  treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr. 

93,  Sept.  93,  Dec.  85 
Venezuela  (Wendt),  June  52 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  95 
Mar.  72,  74,  June  92,  July  93,  Oct.  75, 
Dec.  86 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Reich),  swearing  in,  PR 
172,  9/8 
Verville,  Elizabeth  G.,  Sept.  73 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 

1955-1957,  Volume  I,  Vietnam,  released 
Feb.  96 
Foreign  Relations  of  the  United  States, 
1958-1960,  Volume  I,  Vietnam,  released 
June  93 
International  telecommunications  conven- 
tion (1982),  ratification,  June  90 
Occupation  of  Cambodia.  See  under 

Soviet  support:  Armacost,  June  64,  Dec.  59; 

Sigur,  Nov.  39,  41 
U.S.  political  relationships,  question  of 

(Shultz),  PR  181,  9/16 
U.S.  prisoners  of  war  and  missing-in-action: 
Monjo,  May  62;  Reagan,  Apr.  28,  July 
16;  Shultz,  July  17 
Visas,  reciprocal  facilitation  of  visa  issuance, 
bilateral  agreement  with  China,  Mar.  73 
Voice  of  America:  Crocker,  Feb.  54;  Reagan, 
Jan.  1;  Spiers,  Dec.  49 


Waite,  Terry  (Oakley),  Aug.  6 

Wallach,  John,  Jan."l8,  Aug.  32 

Wallis,  W.  Allen,  Jan.  52,  54,  Mar.  33,  Apr.  71, 

June  48,  July  64,  68 
Walters,  Vernon  A.: 

Addresses,  remarks,  and  statements: 
Afghanistan,  Feb.  20 
Angola,  Jan.  73 
Hostage-taking,  Mar.  53 
Kampuchea  (Cambodia),  Mar.  57 
Gulf  of  Sidra  incident,  May  80 
U.S.  air  strikes,  June  19,  21 
Nicaragua,  Mar.  54,  Oct.  58 
South  Africa,  Jan.  72 
U.N.,  Oct.  63 
U.S.  representative  to  41st  U.N.  General 
Assembly,  Nov.  3 
Warfield,  Virginia  (Whitehead),  PR  97,  5/5 
Watson,  Alexander  F.,  swearing  in  as 

Ambassador  to  Peru,  PR  227,  10/23 
Weber,  Gregory  H.  (Whitehead),  PR  97,  5/5 
Weinberger,  Caspar  W.,  June  3,  Aug.  58, 

Oct.  45 
Wendt,  E.  Allan,  June  51 
Food  aid  convention  (1980),  protocol  for 
extension  (1983):  Argentina,  Jan.  80; 
U.S.,  Feb.  94 


Department  of  State  Bulletin 

%eat  (Cont'd) 

Food  aid  convention  (1986):  Argentina, 
Austria,  Belgium,  Canada,  Denmark, 
European  Economic  Community, 
Finland,  France,  Germany,  Federal 
Republic  of,  Greece,  Ireland,  Italy, 
Japan,  Luxembourg,  Netherlands,  Nor- 
way, Portugal,  Spain,  Switzerland, 
U.K.,  U.S.,  Sept.  93 

Wheat  trade  convention  (1971),  protocol  for 
extension  (1983):  Argentina,  Jan.  80; 
Brazil,  May  89;  U.S.,  Feb.  94 

Wheat  trade  convention  (1986):  Argentina, 
Sept.  92;  Australia,  Sept.  93;  Barbados, 
Sept.  92,  Oct.  76;  Belgium,  Sept.  92,  93; 
Bolivia,  Sept.  93,  Brazil,  Sept.  92; 
Canada,  Cuba,  Denmark,  Ecuador, 
Egypt,  Sept.  92,  93;  El  Salvador,  Oct. 
76;  European  Economic  Community, 
Sept.  92,  93;  Finland,  Sept.  92;  Federal 
Republic  of  Germany,  Greece,  Sept.  92, 
93;  India,  Sept.  93,  Dec.  86;  Ireland, 
Italy,  Japan,  Sept.  92,  93;  Korea,  Sept. 
93;  Luxembourg,  Sept.  92,  93;  Morocco, 
Sept.  92;  Netherlands,  Norway,  Sept. 
92,  93;  Pakistan,  Sept.  93;  Panama, 
Oct.  76;  Portugal,  South  Africa,  Soviet 
Union,  Spain,  Sweden,  Switzerland, 
Sept.  92,  93;  Tunisia,  Sept.  92;  Turkey, 
Sept.  93;  U.K.,  U.S.,  Sept.  92;  Vatican 
City,  Sept.  93;  Yemen  (Sanaa).  Sept.  92 
Whitehead,  John  C,  Jan.  33,  Feb.  1,  June  79, 
Oct.  19,  37,  Nov.  52,  PR  23,  2/14,  PR  97, 
5/5,  PR  192,  10/1,  PR  194,  10/1 

Biography,  Jan.  33 

Will,  George  E.,  Jan.  20,  Dec.  32 
Wolfowitz,  Paul  D.,  Jan.  49,  Apr.  69 
Ambassador  to  Indonesia,  swearing  in,  PR 
38,  3/12 
Discrimination,  convention  for  elimination 
of  (1979);  Angola,  Dec.  86;  Bahrain, 
Costa  Rica,  June  90;  Finland,  Nov.  88; 
Ghana,  Mar.  73;  Iraq,  Oct.  76;  Ireland, 
Mar.  73;  U.K.,  June  90;  Zaire,  Dec.  86 
Political  rights  of  women,  convention 

(1953):  Angola,  Dec.  86;  Colombia,  Oct. 
U.N.  Decade  for  Women  Conference, 
Nairobi  (Reagan),  Feb.  89 
World  Food  Day,  1986,  proclamation 

(Reagan),  Dec.  66 
World  Intellectual  Property  Organization, 
convention  (1967):  Iceland,  Oct.  75; 
Lesotho,  Dec.  86;  Sierra  Leone,  May  89 
World  order  (Shultz),  Feb.  24,  July  3,  24 
World  peace  (Reagan),  Nov.  1,  Dec.  21 
Wrobleski,  Ann  B.,  Aug.  72,  Sept  82 

Yemen,  People's  Democratic  Republic  (Aden): 
Armacost,  June  64;  Murphy,  Mar.  41, 
July  79 
Common  Fund  for  Commodities,  agreement 
(1980),  ratification,  June  90 
Yemen  Arab  Republic  (Sanaa):  Murphy,  July 
76,  79;  Schneider,  Aug.  78;  Shultz,  Apr. 

Yemen  (Cont'd) 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Mar.  72,  July 

91,  Aug.  91,  Sept.  92,  Nov.  90,  Dec.  85 
Visit  of  Vice  President  Bush,  June  31 
Yeutter,  Clayton,  Feb.  42,  May  64,  Nov.  45 
Profile,  Sept.  63 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  81,  Feb.  95, 

Apr.  94,  Dec.  85,  86 
U.S.  relations:  Armacost,  Sept.  61;  Shultz, 

Feb.  48 
Visit  of  Secretary  Shultz:  Dizdarevic,  Feb. 
47,  48;  Shultz,  Feb.  39,  47 

Zaire  (Crocker),  July  31 
Debt  problems  (Whitehead),  Jan.  34 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Jan.  80,  Feb.  95, 

Mar.  74,  May  91,  Dec.  86 
U.S.  visit  of  President  Mobutu,  program, 
PR  257,  11/5 
Zambia  (Crocker),  July  31 
Debt  problems  (Whitehead),  Jan.  34 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Sept.  92,  94, 
Oct.  76,  Nov.  90 
Zimbabwe,  May  12 
Treaties,  agreements,  etc.,  Apr.  94,  Oct.  75, 

Dec.  85.  86 
U.S.  Ambassador  (Rawlings).  swearing  in, 
PR  247,  11/7 
Zimmermann,  Warren:  Nov.  70;  Department, 
Nov.  72 

Index  1986 


United  States  Department  of  State 

Discussion  Paper.  December  1985 

Sub-Saharan  Africa 

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