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V'yMTKK    n.    FOX, 
0  ■   " 


oston*  -v,j 


The  Deacendanto  of 
Ocmpiled  by  Colonel  Oharlea   B,  Fox,  of  Boaton. 

This  compilation  cannot  be  accepted  as  entirely 
correct.   While  it  containa  very  many  V9.1uable  facts,  Col 
Jox   has  taken  much  matter  from  printed  genealosiec,  and 
town  historie-B,  vrhich  are  often  far  from  being  reliable. 
I  have  inserted  sheets  calling  attention  to  some   of  tne 

S.  M.  Fox, 

721  Pierre  Sureot, 

Manhattj^n,   Kansao. 

1.  T'lornns   ?o:-:   of  Concord,    Ilcinoer   of  ChiircJi   IG-l-O,    Trceuan  IG-l'i. 

7irot   -.-.•ifc   Rebecca   died  Uarch   11,    1G47 ;    cj-.ildron:    llr.iv    ,    and 

21  i'--iljet]i"      t'."ins   E'ld  I^li-halct    .      Second  -■.'ifc,   "laniial"-    -rrohs; 

^     ^  '  PS  o  7  ^  G      ^  10 

childi-en:    Eannah*" ,    ::hor-r,s    ,    Saraol    ,    John   ,    l.c.rj   ,    Ica-c      , 

He   died  Ten.    14,    IGEQ?      See   ante  for  his  "Jill  pro'ijatea   in  laddlesc-s 

IToT.    14,    16L8?  married  Hannah  Prodis   Oct.    15,    1647.      A   ?":oraas 

yor.  hired   the   old  Gharlesto-.m  herd  pen   in  1G40? 

2.  Llary.    r.rin  dau-hter  of  Thomas    (1)    'born  in  Concord  Jnly  IS,    1G42, 
died   Sept.    9,    1G4E. 

3.  Elisabeth,    tvin  dauc'-'ter   of  ThcxaE    (1)    born  in  Concord  Jul"  IG, 
1G42,    married  John   .'".all,    Jr.    of  'Jatertov.-n   Oct.    5,    16GD;    son  Joserh 
born  l.Iarch   12,    1G70. 

4.  Sliihalet,    con  of  Thor.i-s    (l)    born   in  Concord  vras   a  minor   in  lGr7. 
?rceman  1G90.      Lirried  I'^it  "■n-celcr  Oct.    2G,    1GC5.      She    died 

''rliU^I:    ',;'   „  ^QQ^    £4^    1G78.      Llarried  Hary,    vauovi  of   Isaac   Yjnxt    and    dii^_~nter    of 
John  Stone,    Sept.    30,    ICEl.      She    died   about    1GC6.      Hllphalet   Jot. 

died  Au^.    ir,    1711.      Children:    Thomas      ,    Zli,  halef"" .    Ca-:.iel"    , 
14   '  15  16  17  IB  ^  ^     ^,ry      ,■  Jochiia      ,    Benoni      ,    John      ,    Ilathaniel      .   Eis  t7i11   da.ed 

;  ''iiA  i^  

;  "     '  'two    days   before  his   death,   proved  ITov.    11,    1711,    men:.ion3   nis 

sons,    Samuel,    John,    I'atli;  niel  and   jcnoni,    and   dau[:hter  Hary 

Har;/ood;   :'ppts.   his  \7ife  Ijr-ry  ::::tr.    Cucre   -  is  Liiry's  death  in 

1686  an     error  or  had   iie   a  third  '.vife? 

5,  Hannah,    daurhtor   of  Thomas    (1)    horn   in  Charlocjov/n  July   25,    1646, 
(birth   is  recorded   in  Concord). 

6.  Tl\omas,    son  of    (l)    born   in  Charlestovm  Dec.    26,    1649,     (birth 
is   recorded   in  Concord),    died   IGLG. 


Mary   Fox  (#8).  This  is  copied  fron  Savage's  Genealos- 
ical  Dictionary,  and  was  supplied  him  oy   Miss  Caulkins,  who 
compiled  the  History  of  Ilea  London,  Conn.   She  evidently  got 
her  sires  crossed. 

Investigation  shows  "beyond  question,  that  there  was  no 
such  daughter  liary.  After  the  death  of  the  first  Mary,  the 
nane  was  never  repeated  in  the^f r.mily .   The  Hew  London  re- 
cords show  that  it  v;a3  Hannah  *"  7ox    (#5)  ;?ho  married  Daniel 
Lester,  of  lie:;  London. 

The  records  in  Connecticut  shov?,  that  after  the  death 
of  Thomas  ?ox,  of  Concord,  in  1553,  his  tvidow  "Hannah"~30 
designated  in  the  '.Massachusetts  records —  in  1561,  married 
Andrew   Lsster,  of  I'ew  London;  and  removing  there  she  doubt- 
less tooi:,  at  least  n.ost,  of  her  children  -.vith  her.   Sanuel 
and  John  instead  of  cOming  in  13?5,  as  ?,Iis3  Caulkins  says, 
doubtless  v^ere  in  rTew  London  long  before,  but  only  bec3.nie 
evident  in  the  "ew  London  recordi^  about  the  time  they  reached 
man's  estate, 

Hannah  Brooks,  the  second  wife  of  Thomas  Fox,  of  Concori, 
Waso.,  is  proved  to  be  the  daughter  of  Kenry  Brooks,  of  ''"oburn. 
Mass. — but  previously  of  '^^atertonn,  and  Concord.   After  her 
second  m^arriage,  with  Andrew  Lester,  of  "Je-a   London,  and  her  re- 
moval to  Connecticut,  although  called  "Hannah"  in  the  records 
of  Concord,  etc.,  in  I'assachusetts ;  in  Connecticut  she  is  al.vays 
known  as  "Ann"  or  "Anna",   Andrsn  Lest^ar  died  January  7,  163?- 70, 
and — probably  about  1365 — she  married,  third,  Isaac  (1)  villey, 
of  ile=7  London.   She  died  in  1598. 

In  place  of  '^'ary  (^-^3),  should  be  substituted  a  son  David, 
who  doubtless  had  been  living  in  Ti'oburn  with  some  of  his  Erooka 
relatives.   He  was  born  about  1556;  married  at  noburn,  Jan.  ID, 
1678,  Lydia  Jaquith,   !To  children  are  recorded.   This  wife  prob- 
ably died,  and  before  1694,  he  was  living  in  Charles,  in  the 
part  noil   Stoneham.,  and  had  married,  ?.'ary,  the  daughter  of  Samuel 
Hay-^ari,  (somtitimes  r,'ritten  ":Ioward").   He  had  a  eon,  David,  born 
there,  Sept.  7,  1594.   He  had  -erved  under  Phipps  on  tne  Quebec 
expedition,  in  1590,  for  in  1758,  Zleaser  (£)  Eatemian,  as  his 
"kinsman",  was  a  claim.ant  for  his  rights  accruing  therefrom, 

Eliphalet  (^-12).   This  is  an  error.   Uliphalet  (-^12)  doubt- 
less died  young.   This  Tsas  the  third  marriage  of  the  father, 
Dliphalet  (#4).   This  last  wife  v;as ,  '.'ary,  the  daughter  of   Ed- 
ward Bi^hoT),  of  Beverly,  L'ass.   Sne  had  married  before  1570, 
Robert  '^  Colburn  (Ed-^ard  ■'■ )  ,  who  had  died  June  7,  1701.   She  mar- 
ried (3),  1712,  Joseph  Lee,  and  (4),  1717,  Daniel  Hoar. 

7,      Saniiel  Fox,    son  of   -l:orirLS    (1),    1)0X11  in  Concord,   nerried  !!ary 
Lester  of  Qlouoestcr  and-renidvcd  to   Ilerr  London,    Conn.    1G75; 
children:    E-:r.nel      ,    .jli^abotn      ,    and  ..annan      .      he  aca  otner 
v:ives.    Tin:    2nd  Jor.nna,    3d  Iiotjiesdi.  and  4t]i  Esther,    and  by  sor.e 
of  those,    Isaac      ,    lonJL.rain   "",    and  another   Car^rael"  v.-hils   the 
first   of  that   u-ne  r.-as  living,    in  ■.7ill    riving  beqneats   to    tr.-o 
sons   fcy  tl-.e  name   of   SaTrael,      I.!ary   Lester   is   said  to   have   been  born 
in  1G47.      his   third  :7ifo    Zethosdr.   was   the  uidov;  of  Eic:-.ard   Sr.-.ith 
aiid   dangriter   of  Rogers.      Sarnnel   ?o:-:  died  Cept.    l-l-,    17  27, 

aged  77,    at   llov;  London. 


Ilary,    daughtor   of   "Jhon-.-s    fl)   vas   born  in  Goiicord,  v.'cnt   to   i: 
London,    Gorui.    rnd  rr.arricd   Lanicl   Lester,    and    'ler 
is    said  to  Ir.^ve  sarriod  her  brot]--cr  Jolm,    b'ning   iO  years 

John  ?o;:,    son  of  Ti-.onr.s    (1/    born   in  Gonoord,    vrcnt    to   hev;  London, 
Conn.      I.Iarrieu  Ib'c    "arali   Larabee;    2d  Hannah,   v.adov;     cf  C.'hoE.    Stedr 
and  I^d  Ilcry   Lester,    said   to  ]:;  ve   been  th_e   rrandd..iv~htci-  of  his 

sister  L'ary  and   ZO  --cars  his    iiuiior.      his   children 

,  27  2C 

^arah      ,    []r.o:.:as 

died   in  1730. 


•e    -   Joan 
'c'rii  7 ox 

10.      Isaac   ?o:-,    son  of  'Lh( 

reinovcd   to   I.'odford,    r.iarried  Abigail 

(1)    born   in  Concord  Ang.    17,    16L7, 
Os^P,,,  32 

;    cb.ildrcn:      Jch.n 

Isaac   ■  ,    Abigail*     ,    hannah      ,    John 

Thomas      .      He   died? 

ShCOIII)   ghhhhALIOII. 

11.      Thomas,    son  of  Uliphalet    (4)    born  in  Concord  Sept.    10,    16G6. 

12.      Lli^halet,    son  of  Eliphalot    (4)    born   in  Concord  IIov.    15,    IGt 

married  h'ary  Colburn  April  15,    17C£ 

^•SMj-fb.     ..<  /,, 



15.      rcLrp.uel,    Bon  of  llii'j-alGt    (4)    born  in  Ocncord  I^cc.    13,    1670, 
Ilarried  T-.iitV.   Ijiirr.t    June    15,    16?3;    cJiilaren: 

lircbetla   '^,    Joseih'^^,    Scnuel'^'i,    E;ith'^^,    ■2honaz'^^,      h 

G     CLL  3C 

Jcn'y  1£,    17S4.      Ili^d  he    :.lso    sons   V.nos'^^   and   Jonr.t'nr-n**^? 

14.  Mary,    dr.iirhtcr   of   Uli;  halet    (4),     ncrn   in   'Joncord   Jiino  So,    loVS 
and   died   Dec.    £4,    167G.       (V.lio  v'as   daughter  Ll'-ry  Hcr.'.'ood  nar.i od   in 
Lliphale-t '2  v.-ill. 

15.  J-ss'H^-f    for  Jose/h  '.vhic}r')    son  of  Illipr.alet    (4),   Trr  s   Lorn  in 
l.'^/O^  Concord  July   17,    167D.      Ilillod    oy   falling   off  a   lo~   Iio-z.    7,    1695. 

16.  Benoni,    son   of  '"liphalet    (4),    uorn   in  Concord  lee.    17,    1676. 
Harried  I'ary   Eall  A^rii    8,    1707,    "ho      died  I.hy   £5d,    1711. 
i.Icirried  Z~,^eriencG   ran;e    ^ept.    12,    1712;    cjiildrcn:    JOEe;;-ri'-, 
Benirr.iinGO,    hlir.h-let^l. 

17.  JOiUi,    son  of  hlipj;aj-et    (4),    born   in  Concord  J^il-   IT,    1662, 
narried   rjutriinah  herric-n  ::;-"   29,    1704;    -fter  ]:er   do^th  r/iGrriod 


18.  Ih.thaniol,  Fon  of  ::ii_halet  (4)  Deacon,  horn  in  Concord  Dec.  16, 
16G3.  j.rarriod  hanxieh  Ilerric.rn  Jun'y  11,  1710;  rcriovcd  to  Draciit 
in  1716.      .h:.rried  Dli::abefh   Drorn  Oct.    10,    1750.    Died  Dec.    EO, 

.xaiuji;     -.a  b;i-'.xi_L'jx  ' 

19.  Samuel   ?ox,    son   of   Sriraiol    (7)    born    (in  ITc"  London,    Conn.':)    Ajril 
24,    1661.      Is  th.e  ancestor   of   the  ?ox   families   in  Llontville,    Conn. 

20.  Slisabeth,    daughter   of  Samuel    (7) 

21.     Hannah,    daughter   of   Scrauel    (7) 

'  -       _>>  — '   '  •      '~^ 

^/vC^^-..  ^    (1°).    lJU'    '^^'—'     '"       -^^A^f 

23.  (22  accidentally  omitted).    Isaac,    son  of   S*w**»->  f?).    died  in 
1735;   children:    Isaac^^.    Samuel^'°.    Ilbenezor^l.    Thor^s^^^ 

24.  Eenjaniin.    son  fenael    (7),    died  1746   in  ITev;  London,      children: 

20.      Thor.i£-s,    son   of  John    (9). 

29.  Jonathan,    son  cf   Jo:i;i    (9). 

30.  Benjamin,     son   of  Votti^Tv^T  ^^crn   in  Hot;  London  171[i,    rr^rried 
A'bic?-il.--oc:r;:'-y,    children:    leniarnin"^^^,    Tilliaia'^' '%    Consider'^ 
Ilcthcniel         ,    Scnuel 

51.      Ecmnah,    danphtGr   of   John    (■:).   i,..  '^'^'^  s^,  ^ '■"  )    -"^-^-'^-^    "^ 

32.      John,    son   of   Is-ac    (10)    born   in  Llodfori,    "Jass.    Arril  10.    1G79, 

died   yoiinfr. 

53.  Isaac,    son  Isaac    ilO),    Lorn  in  I^edford,    Doc.    12,    1560. 

54.  Ahinail,    daur-hter   of   Isaac    (lO)    oorn  in  :.:edford  ::arch  11,    16c2. 

3E.      ]h-)mah.    daiic'-'t'^'i-   o^   Isauc    (10)    lorn  in  :.:odford   llov.    ir.,    1C05. 
Died  Liircii   7,    1685. 

36.  John,    son  of   Icaac    (10)    born   in  LJiuioru  ,   ..j/.ril    ^'l,    IGGr. 

57.  Cai.inol,    con   of,     (10)    boi-n   in  I.'otii'o-ru ,    A-i'il   ;>0,    IGGY. 

38.  :-.boi^G2cr,    ;.;on   of  Icnac    (10)    >.:o..i   in  :..odforu    wct.    I'l,    IdV'J . 

39.  'fnohiua,    son  of  Ica.'re,    (10)    boi-n   in  lucdforci  ,    ilov.    10,    lo'J'.j  . 

miio  GE]:x:itv^ioii. 

40.  i.'  r:,-,    oxnfjhtor   of   Gar.raol   (l.^)    lorn  in  Conoo3-d,    Jan.    29,    lOM, 
dioLl,    Oou,    r..n,    171G. 

41        x\at]-,    clan.p-hter   of  Samuel    (13)    'i^orn   in  Concord,    llov.    14,    IG'^'G, 
died   ?g1.    1£,    160C. 

42.  i^li-abotli,    danglitor  of    "aiiinel    (15)    born  llov.    21,    1G9G, 

43.  Jot;.jj;.n,    eon  of  Sarnuel    (13)    born  Job.    10,    1G09,    died  7eb.l0,    j701. 

44.  OaJiniol,    isoa  of  3a':iuol   (i;j)    born   in  Concord,    Lv.p;.    10,    1701, 
dicci   27,    1724. 

45.  Kutb, ,    dauglitci'   of   Samuel    (13)    born   8,    1704. 

46.  Tr.orm'.s,    son  of  3;i;nn.el   (13)    bcrji  Jnne    0,    1706,    married  ixobccca.    '' 

77  78 

Cliildron,    Hannah      ,    i'^sthor      ,      be    ^as   a  Eou;i;ov;rig:ht   cnci   died 

Jul-^  30,    1759.  ; 

•17.   :^bios,  son  of  SanuGl  (13)  born  in  Concord,  Hay  8,  1708.   Ik^rriod 
lydir  Iiorcer,  July  21,  17G0.  ? 

4r;,   "  i    1'nv.ii,    son  of  2araiiel  fl3)  born  in  Cc;;cord  ^i'"c.  3d,  1714, 

49.   Jobni,  son  of  Joan  (17)  born  in  Concord  Fob.  7,  1703,  died  I'ob. 
17.  1706.  .       '       •    . 

f)0.   John,  son  of  John  (17)  bora  in  Concord,  July  13,  1707,  romovGd 

to  Littleton  as  early  as  1740.   ".'as  t^n     Inixiiolder  .   liirried 

r.   -   )  /^      ^T  .  -,  n      ^   ,     82   .   .  ,  63 ,  _    C4       55 
Saran.'^oe^y       Gliilaren,  Jonn  ,  j^anacl    Lucy   ,  .-eter 

06         87      68         89       90  91 

Samuel   ,  Timothy   ,  .Ibel   ,  Joseih    ,  Sarah   ,  Slii^halot 

9E        93. 
Jonathan   ,  Oliver 

51.  Eliphalot,  son  of  John  fl7)  born  in  Concord,  Jan.  21,  1709, 
died  July  24,  1726. 

52.  Susannah,  daurfitor  of  John  fl7)  born  in  Concord  Nov.  26,  1710, 
married  Sopor, 

53.  Abig-ail,  dau.jj.ter  of  Jciui  (17)  born  in  Concord  Llay  26,  1715, 
married,  fetrrPi^^   Uerriam. 

54.  Tabitha,  daughter  of  John  (17)  born  in  Concord,  Aug.  23d,  1715, 
m.'  rriod  Ilenry  j'v.'er,  IIov.  24,  1743. 

55.  Jacob,  son  of  John  (17)  born  in  Concord  Dec.  1,  1717,   i-.'-rried 

''4        i 
Abigail  hridgo,  died  A;  ril  1777.   C"j-.ildrcn,  Cath.erino'  ,  Jacob" 

96  97  98       99  100 

John   ,  i:ii_'halot   ,  ":Tisannah   ,  Anna   ,  Abigail 

55.  ''bel,  son  of  John  (17)  born  in  Concord  Jxme  4,  1719,  "-as  a 
Saddler,  .T;r->rried  Abigail  /r'^-r-y  of  I3illerica,  ilov.  20,  17l4, 
died  1757. 

57.  Ilary,  daughter  of  John  (17)  born  in  Concord,  Sej^t.  28,  1724. 

50.  Ilathrniol,  son  of  Il-thrniol  (18)  born  in  Concord,  IIov.  3,  1711. 

59.  Isaac,  son  of  Isaac  (23) 

60,  Samuel,  son  of  Isaac  (23) 

61.  Zbcnescr,    son  of  Isr-ac    (£5.) 

62.  Thomas,    son  of  Isaac    (23) 

63.  /.bigail,    da-iphtDr   of  Isaac    (£3) 

64.  Thomas,    son  of  Ecnlarain    (24) 

65.  Benjr'inin,    son  of  Bcnjrmin   (24) 

66.  Jesse,    son  of  Beniamin   (24) 

67.  John,    son  of  Benjamin   (24) 

68.  Daniel,    con  of  Bonjai-un   (24) 

69.  Stephen,    son  of  Benjamin   (24) 

70.  Joseph,    son   of  Benjamin    (24) 

71.  Samuel,    son  of  Sainue-l    (-T.-E*)    born   in  Groton  Conii.      :.:r  rried  Yrudence 

Turner,    Jen.    6,    1751,    moved  to   Preston,    thence   to    Tl-;  infield 

thence   to    Ilev;  London,    Conn.,    vmere   he   died   Dec.    lb,    ISIO,    aped 

85.      Prudence      Fox   died   at    Salem,    :,:ass.  ,    Jin.    24,    1823.      Slie 

v.-as  born   ;,:arch    8,    1732.      Eamuel    Jox  v;as   born   June    15,    1724,    0.    3. 

101  102  103  104  .   .105 

Childien,    Amos        ,    Jesse        ,    Lsohiel        ,    Asa        ,    ^lijan 
106  107  lOG  109       K},.-^,uo     HO. 

Thankful        ,    Zlijah        ,    Jabec        ,    Jolm        ,    la.-^^dill 

72.  Isa-c,    sen   of   Ilr.tiianicl    (IS)    born   in  Concord    "or-t .    17,    1713. 
His   first   -..-ife   Abir-  il  "Pre^c-Tl  ,    died   Juno    5d,    1754.      liirried 
second  Haimali    Dlanchnrd  Au^.    1755;    children:    Isaac    ^    ,    Abigail 
Eebccca^^^    I:ann.h^^^    S.nuel^^' ,    Dorc.s""^    .li.aboth'^'. 

7^.     Hannah,    daufrhtGr   of  Ilathamel    (18)    born   in  Concord,    January  7, 

1715.   Harried  David  Jones. 

74.  Dr\-id,    son  of  "uth-niol    (16)    born   in  Drncut^    Llarch   19,    1717, 

IJarried  I.iry  Goburn  1738.      Died   in-'Srs-e^t   17:.9,      G'^.ildrcn^ 

,,        118      ,,      ..119      ^  120      ^      .    ^121   ^'\  122      ^^.    ,     ^    ^12: 

124  125  126 

Cineon        ,    Jonathrn        ,    Soan        . 

75.  Jonathan,    son  of  IT-  thaiiiel    (18)    Lorn   in  Drrcut,    April    28.    1719. 

Il-rried  I.:-ry   iSS3&=«.,    174G.      Died   Oct.    17,    1753.      Children, 

,       127  128  129  150. 

Silas        ,    Josorh        ,    Jenizia  ■     ,    I-T^rj' 

76.  Danid  ,    son  of  Ilathnniel    (18)    born   in,    i'eb.    8,    1722. 
Llarried   Ist   I.Iary  Jones    in  1746.      Z'we   died   Dec.    22,    1763. 

llarried  Sd,    P.uth   Jaqiiettc.      i'o   died   So.  t.    20,    1769.      Children, 

131  l"-2  l.'^'S  1.34  1.-35  136 

Abijah        ,    Jccot         ,    Rac'nel         ,    Jesse      ,    Joel         ,    Llclly 


77        Geo.      i^ourth     Cenerr'tion. 



79.      Joseph,    son   of  Senoni    (16)    horn  in  Concord,    Ajril   22,    1613, 

60,  Benjamin,    son   of  lienoni    (16)    horn   in  Concord,    Jan.    2,    1714. 

Lived   in   Lee   tnd  Ilottinpham  11.    'A.        Children,    Samuel   "     , 


61.  Eliphalet,    son  of  Benoni    (16)    born  in  Concord,    Jan.    2r ,    1715. 

FOUHTII  Gi::fER\?ioi:. 

77,  Ilannali,    daiirrJvter   of  Thomas    (45)   born   in  Concord,    Llarch  11, 
1741,    died  April   20,    1741. 

78.  Esther,    da^i/rhter   of  Gliomas    (46)    born  in  Concord,    July  23,    1743, 
82.      John,    son   of   Joh_n    (50)    born   in  Concord  A:ril    21,    1731, 

83.  Daniel,    son  of  Jolm    ffO)   born  in  Littleton,    Ilnss.  ,    Dec.    9,    1732. 

Was  a  m-Tiner  rnd   shipovaicr.      Kcmoved  to   Baltimore,    I.Id, 

Harried,  I,?iissey.      llv.a.  7   children,    one   of  -.Thom  Carah 

married  John  Pox  of  Tortlrnd,    Lie, 

84.  I-icy,    daughter   of  John   (£0)   horn  in  Littleton,    I.Iarch   21,    1734, 
married  Peter  Buckley,    I/cc.    IG,    1762. 

85.  Peter,    son  of  John    (50)    horn  in  Littleton,    March   7,    1731, 

66.      Samiel,    son  of  Jo^^n   (50)   horn  in  Littlctoi,    Liirch   £2,    175S, 

87.      Timothy,    son   of  Jorji    (50)    born   in   Littleton,    Axril   20,    1741, 

rcnoved   to    Ilevr  Ir,    II.    E.    :r.'  iricd  Aoi^ail   Lradloy   in  17G4. 

She   died   1806.      Ho  '.-/as   a    soldier  at    Ticonclercga  and   died   1G25. 

141  112  143  144  145 

Children,    -i:.'iot.'-y        ,    rrabh?;         ,    Joiir.tlKai         ,    Peter        ,    oaniicl 

146  347  145  14?  150 

John        ,    Srlly        ,    Lucre tia         ,    Jodediah        ,    Lucy 

86.  Abel,    con   of   Jorji    (50)    horn   in   Littleton,    ?cb.    8,    1742. 

89.  Joseih,    son   of   John    (50)    born   in   Littleton,    J-n.    £0,    1744. 

Harried  I.Iary  Cnttle,    T/ho   died   Peh.    14,    1794;    livod    in   Littleton, 

Liimenhurg  and  ritehbur,'",    died  ?oh.    18,    1825.      Gliildren,    Joscirh 

152  153  "   154  155  15  6 

llary        ,    Lucy        ,    Oliver        ,    :?rtl:a        ,    Abel 

90.  Sar-:.h,    daujjhter   of   John    (50)    born  in   Littleton,    I.Iarch   27,    1747, 
I.Iari-ied   Josluia   Goldsaith,    llaroh    14,    1768. 

91.  Elivhrlet,    son   of  John    (50)    born   in   Littleton,    llarch   22,    1748, 
married  Abipail   Ono'.r.      IIo    issue, 

92.  Jonr^than,    son  of  Jo'nn   (50)   born   in  Littleton,    I.'ay  5,    Vf-t-^. 


93.  Oliver,    son  cf   Jolm    (DO)    born  in   littlcton,    ;.u~.    31.    1753. 

As   Jonathan  vas    said  to    to    9th  i  nd   Clivoi'   10th    son   one   of   their 
dates  would   seen:  tc    do   incorrect. 

94.  Cathcrino,    daiiprhtcr   of  Jacob    (C.j)    born  in  Concord,   J:.miary  12, 

95.  Jacob,    son   of  Jacob    (ED)    born   in  Goncord,    I.iiy  12,    1754. 

'.  I.Iarriod,    I'.arj  no   issxio.      Lived   in  Goncord,    Lincoln 

and   Boston. 

96.  John,    son  of  Jacob    (Lv) 

97.  Eli;.halet,      son  of  Jacob    (if) 

98.  Snsanna,    danrhitor   of   Jacob    (55) 

99.  Anna,    dar.frhtor  of  Jacob    (.'5)     \\\n.  .  Mo^  \3  \-,c"S    ~-iY  r—f         \\/      ,    - 

100.  Abifrail,    dav.-hter   of  Jacob    (£5)     Mia  v.    ;;^x^,  ,o   ^-15,^,     ^  i.-Trv-t. ,  ^rv^   '     ' 

101.  Aeos.    son      of   Samel    (71)    born  in  Grcton,    Conn.,    Jnly  4,    1752, 
died   Dec.    21,    1755. 

102.  Jecse,    son  of   Caniucl    (71)    born   in  Groton,    Conn.,    Feb.    0,    1754. 
Liirriod  Enth  L':ll.      Ko    died   at    Colchostor,    Conn.,    "ob.    15,    1G34. 

Kuth  Tall   ?.;;■:   died  at   Git:;,    C,    Jan.    28,    1G40.      Giiildren, 


jrniuel  ,    11.    bom   in  Groton,    Coriii,      Lied  at    Glevoland,    Ojiio, 

IIov,    12,    1871.      Alco    da-ir:r.ter   Sylvia 

103.      2zekiel,    son  of  Sanu.el    (71)    born  at    Groton,    Conn.      April   19, 

1756.      Ilarriod   Sasan  died  Gt    Uerr  London,    Goiin. 

Avril   6,    1844.      Susan  Pox   died   Soot.    12,    1350.      Gjiildren, 

158  15  9 

Rachel  ,      Susan 


104.  Asa        )      Trrin   sons   of   Smuel   (71)   "born  in  Grotoi,    Conn.,    Tec. 


105.  Elijah)  29,    1757.   Asa  died  March  7,  1755,  Elijah  died  ILivah 

12,  1758. 

106.  Thnnkiul,    dni^rrhtor   of   Sauiicl    i7l)    born   in   Ircston,    Comi., 
Pol).    27,    1759,    married  Eo&;;oll,    died  r.t   Gr.nterbury, 
Conn.,    Ilarch   5,    1656. 

107.  Elijal:,    son  of  Sanrael    f71)   born  in  Preston,    Conn.,    L'arch   1, 

1761,      riirriod  Died  et   Monmouth,    I.Io.,    Juno 

2,    1647.      Children,    Charles   T.         ,    and    ? 

108.  JaboE,    son  of   Samuel    (71)    born    Preston,    Conn.,    May   £5,    17G5. 
Died,    April   15,    1783. 

109.  John,    son   of   Camiicl    (71)    born   in  Trocton,    Goim. ,    I'jxy  29,    17G5. 

Married  Abiq:ail   daujrb.ter    of  Dea.    Thomas   La-ley   of  Eostcn, 

March   5,    1794.      Liod  at    Eoston,    March    28,    1G56.      Abir:r  il  Fox 

died  in  Dorcb-O^tcr ,    I.h-cs.  ,    Ecc.    G,    1858,    afrcd  70.      Children, 

1G2  162  164  155 

Charles         ,    '.'illlaa        ,    Gc  ::neau-Ed',7ard         ,    Georrc         ,    Ehonrs 


110.  :i-ii-&^trirarl ,    dai'.rhter   of   Camuel    (71)   born   in  Preston,    Conn., 

I.'ijy   21,    1766,    riarrlcd   EJ:omas   Pierce,    died   at    3in~hampton,    E.    Y. 

March   11,    1039.      Thomas   Pierce    died  Ecu.    23,    1643.      Gh.ildi'en, 


111.  Isaac,  son  of  Isaac  (72)  born  April  19,  1740.  (vcrv^  C^c^^^^j  ; 

112.  Abipail,  daughter  of  Isaac  (72)  born  July  12,  1742. 

->V  a^  , ,     >^--'  -     Ov'.TT^'*-    \%    \'-|  Vc  V       "VV  M.'-  CV--    ^\  i  /  /^ 

113.  Rebecca,    daup-.ter   of   Isaac    (72)    born  IIov.    15,    1744,    died 
Jan.    20.    1750. 


114.      Hn.nnah,    daxvjhtor    of  Iegcc    (72)   'bom  Llarch   3,    1746.      n«_  o,,     i.^    ^v. 
HE.      Samuel,    son  of   Isaac    (72)    born  Doc.    28,    1749,    died  Aug.    5.    1772. 

116.  Dorcas,    daughter   of  Isaac    (72)   torn   July  9,    1752.    v^.^  ,'i^i.-6^^  s  -r^ 

117.  Eli-abeth,    daughter  of   Isaac    (72)   bom  July  11,    17E7,    died 
Oct.    25,    17G3. 

118.  Mary,    dau^rhter  of   David,    (74,    born  in  Dracut ,    Jan.    6,    1740, 

119.  David,    son  of  David   (74)    born  in  Dracut,    July  8,    1741.      Llarried 

168  169 

Ivlrs.    Sarah  Hussell,    Jan.    2,    1772.      Cliildren,    David        ,    ^hebe 

170  171  172  175  174  176 

Daniel        ,    Dunarez        ,    Husscll        ,    Sally        ,    Saiaiel        ,    IToyos 

120.  Tamar,    daughter   of  David    (74)   born  in  Dracut,    D.y  11,    1744, 
died  Llarch  3,    17£9. 

121.  Josiah,    son  of  David    (74)   born  in  Dracut,    ?eb.    26,    174E, 
narricd  Eunice   Cler:ent,    Llcrch  8,    1762,    died  1850, 

122.  Zillah,    daufhtor   of   David    f74)    born  in  Dracut,    Doc.    12,    1746, 

123.  Elirhalet,    son  of   David    (74)    born   in  Dracut,    i^eb.    27,    1749, 

narried  Elinabeth  P.ussoll,    IIov.    13,    1770.      Children, 

176  177  176  179  160 

Elirhalet         ,    ?nter         ,    Simon        ,    Steriien        K. ,  Josiah 

181  182  135  184  286 

Ch'^rles         ,    I.Iartha         ,    Ilehitable         ,    Dorcas         ,  Elicaocth 

124.  oineon,    son  of  David    (74)   born  in  Dr-  cut,   Llay  27,    1751, 

125.  Jonathan,    Fon   of  David    (74)    born   in  Dracut,    Pob.    1,    1754.      Lived 
in  Ilollis,    II.    11.      T.'as   a   p]iysician  and  a   sizrgeon   in  ITa^-jr   durin^r 
the   Revolutionary  T'ar,      I.Iarricd   Zoniiaj:,    daugjitor    of  !!u,ah   Jones 

of  Dracut,    IIov.    29,    1777,    died   in  Hollis.    Oct.    26,    1762. 


;benezcr        , 

1£6.      John,    son  of  David    (74)   born  in  Draci-'-t,    I'crch    22,    17.'d. 

LiLrried  Scran,    dr.ujrhter   of  llocl:   "orcoeter,    "Jsq.  ,    ox    Ilollic, 
II.   II.,    IJiy   27,    1762.      Died  "arch   2S,    1G41.      lived   in  Drreut 

and   Croton,    It-ss.,    end  K.-,    Vt.      Ciiildren,     (infrnt) 

^    -.^    166      ,.     „      ^,      .     .  ^      1G9  1^:'0      ,        191 

Sally        ,     (infcnt)    Abel  L.  ,    Thomas  T7.         ,    John 

192  I'-JZ  19A  195 

P.asella        ,    I-Gonard        ,  Lydia  ,    Jonathan 

127.      Silas,    son   of  JcnatliaJi    f7C)    born  Oct.    14,    1747,    died   Doc, 
10,    1753. 

120.      Joroph,    son  of  Jonathan    f7r)    born  ::cv.    10,    1749. 

129.  Jcrniina,    daughter   of  Jo^iathan    (71)    torn   "ov.    IT,    1V:1,    died 
Oct.    12,    1753. 

130.  I.'ary,    da-.i^-liter   of   Jonafran    (75)    born  A:  ril   17,    1754. 

131.  Abijah,    son  of  Daniel    (75    }    born   in   Dracut,    July   24.    17^0. 

irarried   h'orcy  Harris    in   177c,    died  Tab.    6,    1529.      Cb.ildi'o.i, 

196  197      _  196  199  2^0 

o^anjcl        ,    lolly        ,    miaonce        ,    I'ath.aniel        ,    Ilcrcy        , 


152.      Jacob,    son   of  Daniel,     (76)    torn  in  Dracut,    Oct.    1,    1752, 

135.      Rachel,    dau~h.ter    of  Daniel    (76)    born   in  Dracut,    Oct.    1752. 

134.  Je.GEc,    son  of  Daniel    (76)    born  in  Draca.t,    and   died   at    sea. 

135.  Joel,    con  of   D:;niel    (76)      bcrn  in   Dr:  cut   Llay   6,    17f7,      IJarric 

haniiah    Ghevcr   in  1765.      Died  Dob.    8,    1649.      Cl-.ildrcii,    Joel" 

203  204  205  206  207  20c 

Jesse         ,    ..zehiel        ,    naiinah        ,    Janes        ,    Lydia        ,    Dolly 

136.  I.Iolly,    daurhtor    of  D:-niel    (76)    born  in  Dx-;  cut,    Oct.    14,    1762. 

157.   Uli^'i-h,  son  cf  Taniel  (76)  born  In  r.i-ac-it ,  Iiec .  "S,  1' 

married  Carah  i;-utler  17.^0.   Children,  Elijah 

ll^     I  ^oj 


138.  Ca::ael,    son  of  Lenjarain    (60)      born   in  Ilottinrli' n,    II.    E., 
^c^Juf^.  ;[io)  ^;q^.^    -L9^    -Lll^.      ::cirried  raticnce    Gil~r,n,    Fob.    14,    179j. 

,>'>r.    &f^r> '■■>■■   A<-<<'.v  (She  v,-as    born  July   E7,  )    and   died  A\i-r.   4,    1G£6.      He 

;     J  <r-«^.-V   c,„,..i./_  lived   in  "'olfborouph,    IT.    h.,    p^ad   died  Aug.    4,    1652.      Gldl- 
i     -^^   Sv^..../  4?At^7i  £10  211  £12  .'"-13  £14 

,    -y^     (D^  ^  dren,    Ira        ,    Camel        ,    Jolm        ,    George        ,    ilc.iiiiah  J,         , 

I      ^  '^^  Sarah        ,    Jane  LI. 

139,  Sarah,    daughter  of  benjamin    (60)   born  in  Lee,   1\.   H.,    married 
!,:osos    ^hor.TCSon. 

140.  Sarah,    daugj:ter  of  Laiiiel    (63)    b'orn  in  raltinore,   I.Id.  , 
married   John  7ozz  of  fortland,    :.:e.  ,    died   in  Portland,   ;.vril 
29,    1S£6.      G'::ildren,    harj-,    Daniel,    Gharles,    John,    Sarch, 
Caroline,    Georjc,    r.cbecGa. 

141,  Timoth.y,    son  of     'riinotlij    (67)    born   in  7o::   Ipsv/icii,    11.   ':'., 

A:  ril   11,    17 G4,    married   1st,    huth   daurfitor   cf  Josci^h  follard 

in  1787.      She    died  June    ££,    1610.      End,    Sally,[-htcr 

of  Sam-ael  fartlott,    t.t.o   died   :;ov.    £7,    1603.      3rd,    ria.xiah, 

Plint    of  Lincoln,    L'arch    G,    1507.      He   died  Arril    ££,    1359. 

(There   ic   rn   evident    error   in  date   of  1st  -.vife's   death, 

her   last    cb.ild   hov.'erjS  v:as   born   in   Jan.    1799.      She   prcr,ably 

217  £18  219 

died   in  loOO   or   IGOl).      Ghildi-cn,    huth        ,    ::ary        ,    Glarrissa 

££0  2£1  ££2      _  £25 

llf  bby        ,    Tirr.otr.y  "    ,    i.'erinda    (or  I.raripedda)""   ~,    .-.O'.vena    "    , 

2£6  ££7  220 

f-phrai:r.     P.         ,    Georco         ,    Caroline   II. 


142,      ITabby,    dmi^htcr   of   ■riniothy    (87)    born  in  "er;   Ips'.vich,    in  1755, 
icv.rried  Ildv.'ard   Lr^rnt   r  .id   died  1792. 

145.      Jon-ithnn,    son  of  "imothy,     (67)    Lorn  in  "cvr  Tpsr/ich,    married 

Sibbcl   Jac;:so:..    died   :.xiro>_    £0.    1651.      O'-.ildron,    jG3e;:h 

,.        250      ,  231^         ^    ,     232      ,.         .    ^255       ,..        .254      ^ 

Lrry        ,    Isaac        ^.,    Jolm        ,    IiarriiDt        ,    Aoif-:?il        ,    Glirrles 

J.         ;      he   lived    in  IIcv/   I-sT/ich  and   Jeffrey,    11.    II.      V.'as  a 

Salcctr.ian  and   Dcp .    Sheriff. 

144.  Peter,    son  of  ^Jinothy    (67)      born  in   "cv;  Ips-.vich,    L'ay   11,    1772, 

married  Ilcttie-    S^Tnonds,    ::a"  1797.      Died  !.:ay   11,    1G36.      Ghil- 

235  257  256  259  £40 

dren,    Sally        .    CJ:arlos        ,    Geor^-e   V.         ,    .L^eter        ,    Eoxana        , 

241  242  245  397 

Ov/en  C.         ,    Tuttle   ?.         ,    Enily        ,    '.-illian  ?. 

145.  Samuel,    son   of   Tinothy    (67)    born  in  ITe-.T   Ipc.'ich,    A,  ril   12, 
1775.      Ilarried,    1st,    Sarah   T^cjr.oan  v;jio    died  Jul;'-  2,    1605. 

2nd,    ?hanl:fal   Breed,    T^oq  .    26,    1605.      He   died  IIov.    27,    1614, 

■^z,'  c/!-  24  G  247 

Cr.ildren,    Eliphalot"- ^ -" ,    Geo  r-e   D.""".    Sally        ,    Scr.ucl 

249  2c:0 

n:.thr;niel        L.,    Thanhful 

145.  Joh.n,    son   of   I'inot^iy   (67)    born  in   ll-.^--   Ii-s".Tich   in  1774, 

147.      Sally,    daurhter   of  Timothy    f67)    born  in  ::ct;   Ip-Jich    in  1776, 
i.rrried  Pitcher. 

146.  Luoretia,    dau^l-tcr   of   Timothy    (67)    Lorn  in  He?;-   Ips-.vicli   in 
177  8,    loarried   Jno.    liinnoy. 

149,  Jedidiah,    son  of   Timothy    (67)    born  in  IIov;  Ips'.Tich,    I.'ot.    30, 

1780.      I.Iarried   Sarah   ■.Vheeler,    Hoc.    27,    1910.      Children, 

Charles   J. 

150.  Lucy,    dr-.irhter   ol  Timothy    (6?)  born  in  He-.;   Irs-./ich  A;  ril    29,175' 
TTiarriod  ITathauiol  '."■orcester,      died   Ilay   22,    1647. 


1l1.      Joc^ih,    con  oi:  Jcse;-?.    (€0)    Lorn   in  "unenliurf^,    IIov.    6,    1771, 
died  ct    2t.    Croix,    T.'.    I.,    Dec.    20,    1795,    ^onriarried. 

irC,      l-'cT-j ,    dcii.~i:ter  of  Joseph    (59)    born  in  I^itij^liirf ,    TeL.    £4, 
1775.      Mc.rriGd  Gcvdon,    died  IIov.    6,    1G03. 

153.  Iuc7,    dauFTr.ter   of   Joceph    (69)    "ocrn  in  ritclicurr-,    Zcpt,    G, 
1775,    rr.arriod   "-r.raol   Dorr,    died   .January   14,    1614. 

154.  Oliver,    son  of   Joseph    (89)    oori:   in  Ditch  burg-,    Oct.    £3,    1775, 
Harried  y.r.ri'  Don-,    Jan.    24,    1804.      Died   in  Alercrndria,    la., 
liar;  5,    1850.      Children,    JCECioh  D.""",    Ciarles   h.    ""  ,    Oliver 


155.      I.jirtlia,    daii.Thter   of  Josepi:    (£9)    boi-n  in  Ditc]:b:;r£-,    Oct.    4, 
1751.      liirried  Adar:s,    died  Deb.    9,    1659. 

155.      Abel,    eon   of  Joscpl:    {CO}    born  in  Ditc;:bnrg,    Dec.    2C ,    17S£. 

Graduate   ::t   Darv:  rd   Collofc   led.      T'cs   a  ph^siciiui  and   li\-od 

in   "rvrnirh,    "a.,    r.iarried  Tar:/  Dar'.vell,    Liiy   9,    162C.      Died 

July   30,    1B49.      Ch.ildron,    ::ary  D.         ,    JoGoph^      ,    Sarah~~"', 

264  265  £66 

Abel  A.         ,    Gcorf^-e    J.         ,    :J:.rtha  A. 

157.  Samel  II.    son   of  Jesse    (102)    born   in   Oroton    ?   Conn.,    died 
at    Cleveland,    0.      Dov.    12,    1871. 

158.  Rachel,    dau-hter   of  Dzehiel    (105)    ir.arried   Increase   V.'ilson 
of  De'.T  London,    Conn. 

159.  Sus-^.n,    da:ir:h.ter   of  lizciiel    (103). 

160.  Tylvia,  danfhter  of  Jesse  (102)  born  in  V.'i.idh"  n,  2onn.. , 
June  £0,  1783.   Married  Asa  Djv.-ton  of  Colc/iester,  Ccnn.  Jan. 


£9,    lElO,    died   at    Clevelaad,    0..    July  19.    1GV5. 

161.      Charles   "2.,    son  of  Ulijali    (107)    Lorn  in  ^aterford,    GoiUi., 

Llarch   8,    1807,    rcnovod   to   ."lonmouth,    IIo.      Childron,    Eonry  0.         , 

and  four  otliors   names  unlLiiov;n. 

1C2.      Cliarles,    con  of  Jo'rji    (109)    "born  in   Boston,    Seit,    14,    179C, 
died  at   Dorolioster,    Dec.    S8,    1G.51.      Unr.rrried, 

163.  '."illiain  Gasueau,    son   of  Joh.i    (109)    Lorn  in  Boston,    July   26, 
1727,    died  'it   Borc;i:o;itcr   Jan.    30,    1867,    xux-narried, 

164.  Ed-.vard,    son   of  John    (109)    born   in  Boston, ,  Sept .    ir ,    loOl. 
3."i3    from  Boston  M-y  IP.,    ISCl,    arrived  it    San  Jraucisco 
tlie  Iloverubor   follov.'ing,    and  v.-ac  never  after  hoardfron. 

16E.      Goorpo,    son   of   John    (10  9)    born  in  Boston,    July   10,    1"03, 

died   at    loanfro    Lay,    Goast    of  _\frica,    Au,^.    22,    1624.      ^BxT^.rried, 

166.  Bhonas   Bayloy,    son  of  Jolni,     (109)    com   in  Eotton,    Au--.    20, 
1008.      Died   in  Boston  J-jjig    11,    167 C,    suddenly   of  apoplexy. 
Married   jorclino  ".'alley,    Qau~]vtor   of  Rev,    John  Beirco,    B.    B. , 
of   Broo;:line,    I.:- ss.  ,    Oct.    27,    1851.      3}:e  v.-as  horn  in  Brooh- 

lino,    I.:-  rch   20,    IGIO.      Ghjildron,    Gh,:rlcs   JJarnard''      ,    Goor^e 

--•-,-,•       -'^3      ,   ,        ,     ,  270      ,^,  .       .,       271 

■Jillii^m        ,    dO:in  .wiarcv.'s         ,    Biionas   j^aylcy  and  i^'crolme 

Pierce^   "'. 

167.  Barr:,-,  son  of  Banadill  (110). 

168.  Bavid,  son  of  Bavid.  (119)  born  in  Bracut,  IIov.  11,  1772, 
died  in  1823,  unrr.arried, 

169.  Bhebo,  daurh.tcr  of  Lavid  (119)  born  in  Bracut,  Dec.  22,  1775, 
died  in  1647,  luii.iarried. 


170.  Daniel,    £?on  of  Vcvid.   (119)   born  in  Lrrcut,    177E,    narried 

171.  Znimarez,    clr.uf:hter   of   r.avid    fll9)    born   in  Dracut ,    I.Iarcli    8,    1778, 
narriod     ivlaio       '"ilson,    died   in  1649. 

172.  Euscell,    son  of  David    (119)    born  in  Dracut,    IIov.    3,    17G0. 


I!arried  Hei'sibah  Peabody,    Liirch   21,    1G07.      Children,    Lucinda 

274  275 

Darius  ,    Liirgarette    .    . 

173.  Sally,    daughter   of  David    (119)    born  Jan.    15,    17C5.      -Vcrried   1st, 

Iov;d,  2d,  Stephens. 

174.  Samuel,    son  of  David    (119)    born  in  Iracut,    SoX't.    7,    1785. 
Harried,    Abi  "'ilson,    children,    Abi"^      ,    Ilartha  J. 

175.  Iloyes,    son   of  David    (119)    bom  in  Dracut   I'eb.    17,    1707. 

176.  Zliphalet,    son  of  Eli; hr let    (123)    born  in  Dracut,    IJarch   24,    1771, 

273  279      _  200. 

Llarrled  Ehcda   Taylor,    Giiildren,    Il^hraiu        ,    P.alrh        ,    i;r:oda 

281  282  285  284  235 

Oilman        ,    Sophia        ,    Harriott        ,    I.iirgaret   !Z.         ,   Eoratio 

177.  Petor,    son   of   ::ii]'halct    (123)    born  in  Draout,    Jan.    21,    1775. 

237  283  229 

Ivlrrried  Abitixiil  TTilson,    c?iildren  Betsey        ,    F.ebecca        ,    r.obecea 

290  291  292 

IJary        ,   Abigail        ,    Ilvira 

178.  Simon,    son   of  ::iijiialet    (123)    born  in  Dracut,    Doc.    3,    1776. 

295  294 

Iilarriod  }  oily  Jones,    July   2,    1001   .      Chilni-en,    i.'ich^el        ,    Oalen 

Charles      ",    Eldad"""    ,    lolly  J. 

179.  Ste;-hen  P.ussoil,    son  of  T-liphalct    (123)    born   in  Dracut,    Dec.    4, 
1778.      I.:arriod  Jacijuan,    lived   in  llcv/bury. 

100.      Josiah,    son   of  :;iiir.r.let    (123)    bom   in  Dracut,    1760.      Ixrried 

181.  Gh-  rlcs,    pon   of  Zllph'ilst    (IP^)    oorn   in  Trr-cut    176£.      Ilarricd 

182.  Llartha.    daurhter   of  Elir.^r.lot    (l::3)    born  in  Dracat,    1782. 
i.Iarriod  Osgood, 

183.  I.'eiiitable,    daughter   of  Eli^  jir,<let    (ICo)    r.^arriGd   iarher. 

18-1.      Lorc-.'s,    daiirhtor   of  Dlii^lialet    (123)    i.iarriod   f-c  iniel  fox. 

fScc    28c). 
18L'.      Zcrvia,    dan-'iter  of   Jcnatlian    fl25)    born   in  Mollis,    If.    H.  , 
nari'ied    "ar.T.iel  '"'crcestor. 

186.  Jonathan,    son  of  Jonathan    (125)    born  in  Ilollie  ,  T.iiy  17,    1781. 

;,Iarriod   Carah   Jones   of  Dracut ,    Av.r.    50,    1810,      Died   in  'hiinbir  r, 

2v8  299  .'•■00 

S.    G.,    1624.      Ghildron,    ;ienry  A.         ,    Lucrotia        ,    Carah 

187.  Zbonezer,    son  of  Jonatlian    (I2r)    born  in  Eollis,    II.    iZ. ,    A^ril    6, 

1703.      :,::irriGd,    S.isannah   l-att-^rson.    A:  ril    2,    1806.      Children, 

cni  502  505  504  505 

Ebonecer         ,    John  L.         ,    .-lonr;:        ,    S-isan        ,    .■illiani  A. 

.,r  ...         -  S06      „  ,    ...     C07      ..,.,..         .,     508. 

Tillian   ^.       ,    Samiel    ;..         .    ..'iliin;;i  .:.. 

183.      Sallj",    da;x~bter   of  John    (12  0)    born  Anj;.    27,    178.:,    m:  rried 
Joel   fhilbrish,    !.:a-  1808. 

189.  Abol   Lovo;c:.-,    con  of  John    (126)    born  J::ly  18.    1793. 

190.  rhoi::as   '".    son  of  John    (126)    bora  i.Iarch  13,    1795,    died   July 
IG,    18ir. 

191.  Jolm,    son   of  Jo"-n    (126)    born  in  Crcton,    11.    II.,    ilay    23,    1797. 

Ihrriod   1st,    Ch   rlotte    .""eanchvr.r' ,    -'-..rill,    1018,    -Jhc   died   Dec. 

23,    1528.      2nd,.  Eleanor   hrnlette,    Oct.    1850.      G'Uldrc;i.    J'-hn 

-,"1^        .        .     ...  -il      .      .         312      ^.       .      515      _     .      514 
hary  -^-,  ^    ,      8;.ra.;.    ./ .         ,    Isadorr,         ,    Jjcuisa         ,    ^i^nira        , 

Orvin,      ',    Ida,^    . 

192.      F.r.sollr,    dciujhter   of   Jehu    (126)    Ijorn  Au£ .    G,    1799,    ;narriod 
Jor.ii  Brov.'n. 

195.      Loonjird,    s^oa   cf  John    (120)    born  K.^bron,    II.    H.    Ilarcl:    i: ,    ir.Ol. 

:.:crriea   Ist,    Luc;-  Morrill,    ..   ril   1,    1E22,   v.iio    died  J;  n.    ZO,    lG£u, 

A   517 
Sad,    Clciisia   CV.aEe,    June    1G28.      Children,    l.i\nTC-  A.  ,    Leoriard 

517  516      _  519  520  321 

u''.         ,    Jc"n  F,         ,    Lucy  A.         ,    Jonatj^an        ,    Ao'oy  G.         , 

Sarrh   J.""''. 

194.  L--clir,    dr.iirrhtor   of   John    (12G)    horn  in  Iletron,    So,t.    1,    1G04, 
ni^rried   Jno .    d.    Davis. 

195.,    son  cf  John    (126)    born   in  hebron,    July   9,    1606. 
Ihrried,    lydia   Crav.-foru,    July   9,    1C29?      Died,    Oct.    IC,    1C55. 
Clildren.    5ar- h    D.'-~'^,    Iy.Ua   5."'"'^,    CeorHO  II. '^^^. 

196.  Larnol,    son  of  .Vciyah    fl51)    hcrr.    in  Lracut    Doc.    27,    17G0.      .'hirriod 

Lydia   Ocouhu.o   Jrjie    7,    loOG.      hovoa   to    r:ic'iiran, dron,    Lydia 

197.  Icily,    (la-arhtcr   cf  Aoi;L>]i,     (131)    born   in  hracut,    Jan.    7,    17C2. 
Harried  hhincac   Gcburn,    diod   Ju2ic    11,    lo52. 

198.  T'rudonce,  "-••ytrhtcr   of  . Mi j ah    (151)   born  in  hracut,    SG:t.    19, 
17&C.      I.'  i-riod    .. hiincac    Varnuxi. 

19".      llathaniel,    son   of  Abijah    (151)    born  in  Lracut ,    Llarch   19,    1791, 


married  Tan-.y  P.icluardfon,    h'ov.    1016.      C^iildren,    I.nlton         , 

326  529  550  351 

Pi'idence        7.,    Aufnisla      hi.         ,    I'ary  A,         ,    hercy  H.,    ?ranci  s 

E.""  ",    Il-.tilda''"'"^,    Harriett  2.""',    barren""    ,    "'.'alter   S."'"^    , 


200.      I.^crcy,    dauyhtor   of  Abijah.    (151)    born  in  Lracut,    Oct,    IG,    1792, 
died  Ycuny. 

201.  Glrnsir.,      dr.ii,~hter   of  ALijr.ii    (151)    born   in  Drccut,    i.iarriod 
"Cenj.    Li'f.dlej. 

202.  Jcel,    son  of   Jcol    ilZl)    corn  in  Lracut ,    Au£r.    12,    1704. 

I.'arriod   Grrtih   lyoedla-n,    .M^.    26,    1621.      Children,    Sr.ruh  ".         , 

339  340 

r.dvT-in  J.    ,  Hannah  A. 

203.  Jesse,  son  of  Joel  (135)  born  in  Di'ccut  7eb.  28,  17c:5.   Jlarried 

Olivia  I^lint?   Peh.  26,  161G.   Children,  Harriet  A."""  , 

342  343 

Georg-G  n.    ,  GustaviiG  V. 

204.  JZzc'-iiel,    son  of  Joel  (135)  hern  in  Dracut  Julj^  11,  17cj. 

Harried  Ist,    Susan     2nQ,  Sail;-.    Children,  Susannah 

345       346    ,  Carah 

205.  Hannah,    dau-htor   of   JogI    (135)    corn  Dracut,    Oct.    16,    1792. 
-.rjirried  Varaua. 

205.  Jauos,    son   of  Joel    (155)    ■■orn   in   Hracut,    Jr.n.  24,    1705. 

207.  Lydia,    daiighter   of  Joel    (135)    horn   in  Hraciit ,  Sert.    £3,    17:7. 

208.  Holly,    dau~"j:ter   of  Jcel    (135)    horn   in  Hracut,  Jul;:,    7,    loQG. 

209.  Hlijah,    son  of  Hlij'ah    (137)    horn    ah.  ut    1500. 

210.  Ira,    son   of  Sanuel    (15G)    horn   in  "."olfhoroufh,    11.    H.      Sept. 

19,    IGOO.      Harried  Cyntliia   (Tihhetts,    Hov.    22,    1027,    died  Hov. 

347  346  349 

21,    lots.      Children,    Dolly  ?.         ,    Asa   0.         ,    Sanraol  J. 

350  351      ^  „   552      ,        ,     ,,  353      ^ 

Hancy  J.         ,   Hartha  A.         ,    noor^c   G.         ,    Sarah  H.         ,    i^ana 

B.*^^    ,    Joseph  H.''^",    Hli   C.*^'*^. 

211.  Sa:raol,  son  of  Sa.uuel  (136)  "^crn  in  '."'olfhorou-h,  H.  H.   July 

3r7    r,  55  0 

4,  lfC2.   ::arried  lois  Hason,  Children,  H.  .^jui   ,   ucor-^o 

Jor.n,    Eon  of   "^^.-..^lel    (138)    Ijorn  in  Tclfuorour 

;0,    1804. 

i:;:rriod,    Zlisa  A.    Co^p,    J.n.    18.    1627.      C>.ildren,    V."illiiiLi 

G.         ,    la-s.    ?ox  "Tis    Gorii  Get.    10,    ISOr. 

i^-eorre,    son   of   Sai.-iucl    (136)    torn  in  "'olfljcroupi,    3e;t.    50, 
1606.      :.iirried   185-1,    l;i"aeillr-   0.    Jlerscy,    oom  A.  ril   24,    1811. 

Children,    Iionry  S.' 

-sr.   D. 


Forrest   G. 

214.      Hrnnah  J.,    daurfitor   of   S-.'mi.el    (136)    uorn   in  V'olf'i'Orouph,    Jul;^ 
15,    1609,    married   John  L.    Tuttle,    J;  n.    £8,    1656.      G'-.ildron, 
SarTizel   ?.    uorn  A^ril    26,    1559,    died   July   16,    ISrO.      Sr.rah 
J.    horn   ::>?.rch   2,    1641,    John  Z.    hern  A_ril   1,    18'i5,      died 
Au-.    16,    1847. 

216.      Carr-.}^ ,    daiirhter   of  Ganrael    (156)    horn   in  ""olfhorcur:?.,    Juno 
22,    1611.      :.:ar:-icd   J;-r:or^   TI.    Loche    of  r.ochon.tor,    :i.    h. 
iro    iesue. 

216.      Jane  11.,    daurhtcr   oi    6ar:icl  il58)    hern   in  :7clfhoro,    ::.    h., 
Kov.    26,    1617.      lirricd   A".    Carnihy  of  IIlnncrpoliE', 
Ainn.  ,    Aa;-   19,    16-16.      Son  horn   Julj   15,    1646. 

All::aheth,    drJTf'.itcr   of  Ali_\"alGt    (163)    horn  in  Lr^.ont, 
IJ  rch    9,    1773. 


six^Tii  oz:z:?:A-io:\ 

217.      F.:it"i.,    Qa;:r]:ler   of   Tir.othy    (I'll)    L'orn   in  IIov,'   I^  sv.-ich,    II.    II., 

A:ril  1788,    narrlod   Lrigium  ""illiciras,    died   Get.    10,    1313, 

r.18.      I.Ir,r;-,    d&urhtor   oi    Tir.ot iy,     fl41)    lor;;  in  llev,'   Iir.vich,    I.Iarch 

18,  17D0,     died   llov,    ?E.    18GG. 

219.      Glr.risrr-,    di.v.r'r.toT   of   Tinothy    (141)    born  in  Ilev;  Irs-.vich,    IIov. 
1791,    died  A-ril   19,    1603. 

£20.      :i'.bby,    dau£-i:"Lcr   of    riziothy  tl-il)    bcrn  in  IIg-.t   Irrrvich,    Oct, 
1793,    married   John  S.    Hills,    died    r:oit.    C,    IGIC, 

221.      Timothy,    i:,on  of   Timothy    (141)    born  in  Hc't  lysvach,    oO;  1  .    1795, 
rcnovcd  to    Lenmrk,    Icv-a.      I.'arriod  I';iry   Smith,    Dec.    5,    IGCO, 

r- r  r  ".'7  3C6  3u9 

children,    Mary  G.         ,    Gr.::rlotte'  "   S.,    Paruiy  H.         ,    Tlilliam 

£22.      Li-rindr.,    daurhtor   of  Tinotjiy    (141)    born  in  lIc-,7,    Auj:, 
17  97.      ::ied   J;ine   16,    ie07. 

223.  Eov:cna,    daiu-htcr    of   Ti  .lothy    (141)    corn  in  llr:;   IpE-vic];,    Jan. 
1799,    m^rriod   Louis  Zrvcs,    died   Oct.    1829. 

224.  Catherine,    daurh.tor   cf  Timothy    (141)    born   in  II:;".:   iTsv.'ich, 
reb.    1,    IGOG,    died  A.  ril   3,    l"!!. 

225.  "A-.mly,    da^ifhter    of   Timothy    (141)    born  in  Ilev;  IpcTrich,    Doc. 
51,    1G09,    married   J;.s.    ?.    Ilillor,    died   Dec.    8,    1G46, 

226.  "^hraim  Tlint,    con   of  T:motj-y    (141)    born  in  i:c\7  IrE-v.-ici;,    Oct, 

19,  1614,    .m-irried  Helen  11.    Ilev.v.cll   1G47.      Children,    lizzie 

^  S70      ..,_,_   ,.   371 
E.         ,    Gi;arlCE  ;i.         • 

£27.      Goorgo,    son  of   '21  lothy    (141)    l/orn  i.i  -.-'■:   Ijc-..-ich,    ITcv.    20, 

1815,    u-rried  :.:•- ry  Ar?.93,    Oct.    19,    15D2.      Chilircn, 

l.cTir  Jane 

r28.      Caroline  H.    dau-l.ter   of   '::inothy    (141)    corn   in   "ct:   I^: rvi cr. , 

July  12,    1619,    nrrried  Jas.    ?.    :,:ullc-r,    ".    o.    i:.    ::gt.    27,    1545. 

229.      Joseph,    Bcn   of  Jonati:r-n    (145)    "corn  in  IIg-.t  Irsvach   ITov.    3, 

179C.      Crad.    ~r.rlrr.out':   181G.      3iod  -innarriGa   So^t.    IG,    1G2j, 

250.      Hr.ry,    dr--,:~]:tQr   of  Jonatlu-n    (143)    born   in  . Jeffrey,    IT.    ::. 
;,:arch   15,    1799,    .u-jrricd  Al^hcuc      Groscy  of  ':roy,    IT.    ". 

231.  Isru-G    JjicuEon,    son  of  Jon.->t;.r.n    (143)    oorn   in  J;  ffroy,    /.nj. 
26,    1601.      :.iirriGd   Sophia  I!.   "Tilder,    Oct.    24,    1C27.      2:-C    died 
So_::t.    13,    1857,    r.':rriGd   2nd,    her   cister      err-.r-lir.   "jv.    17, 

1€39.      -r.oy  vrore    d?A;  rlit o-rs    of    •■oter   A.     'ildcr   of  loo:.;  nntor. 

573  374      „  _   375      ,        ,  ,    37C 

G;-.ildren,    henr;.'   J.         ,    A:^a  2.         ,     ..oor£-e    ...         ,    .,c.:-a.-  o. 

377  37G      ^.       ^         _      ...   37  9      ^      .  .  „    350 

Ghcrl-33    J.         ,    r.loiL-e  7.         ,    G'U.rlo?   ^.    .  .         ,    uOvnia  .:. 

232.  John,    son   of  Jonathan   (143)    born   in  J-  Jfrcy,    Oct.    2,    1:05. 
::-.70  years   in  Zartrriouth   Gollo~e,    studied  nedici/.c   5  rre-jrc. 
Asst.    Ihysician  ct   LIcLoan  ..syluin,    S.u.^cTville ,    Vsss.,   narried 
Eloise  11.,    Aur.    13,    i:29.    sr.o    died  Tob.    2,    1657.    narri  id 

2nd,    Isabel   ~.    i:o'.7e.    I^ec.    2?,    1859.      Cb.ildren,    liar;,-   2.^°    , 

J  Dim  H. 

253.  harrictt,  daup-htcr  of  Jonathan  (143)  born  in  Jaffrey,  Jan.  6, 
1605.   Harried  1st,  J.  J.  Ayres,  2nd,  3a~iel  Coffin. 

254.  Abif-cil,  danrhter  of  Jonatjian  (145)  born  in  Jaffrey,  June  9, 
1810,  uarricd  Alvah  Crocher  of  Fitchburg. 


23J:.,      Charles   J^niec,    son  of  Jonatlian    fl45)   I^orn  in  Jr-ffrcy,    Jan. 

12,    1613,    moved   to   Kocl-ccter,    111,    rrxarried   Ciisan  T..    Gutter, 

5S5  564 

Airil   29,    leCS.      Children,    Charles   Z.         .    harriott   A. 

565  586  387  368 

Jones        ,    -ibty  C.        ,      llary  H.         ,    John 

236.  Cally,    da  lighter   of  ieter    (144)    born  llov.    29,    1707,    ni.rried 
G;ilvin   Ihelx'S. 

237.  Chr.rles,    son  of  roter    (144)    born  Janu-  ry  1,    1501,    died  Eec. 
15.    1001. 

238.  Crccrce  '7.,    son   of  Ieter    (144)    born   in  Ih.acoeh,    "ov.    27,    1003, 

309  3  JO 

i-narried  hebecca  ..oyce.      G],    ^dvrard  A.         ,    Gi:arlo3   G. 

239.  Peter,    ecu   of  Peter    (144)    born  Jan^iC-ry   1005,    died   July  1607. 

240.  Eoxana,    daurfiter  of   :otcr    (144)   born  Oct.    22.    1807,    married 
Ora   LJmroo. 

241.  0-,7on  G.    son  of  Peter    (144)    born  in  h' nover,    Scjt,    17,    1809, 

carried  Harriott    J.,    Uov.    6,    1836,    died  Oct.    6. 

390  591  392 

1653.      ChJldren,    Cynthia   A.         ,    C-.von  D.         ,    Pi  ulin:    J. 

242.  Tuttlc  P..    son  of  Peter    (144)    born   in  IP  rlov;  11.    P.    Pay  17, 
1811.      Parried  P"iily  Perlcy,    Parch   14,    1633.      Children. 
Porley  P.''"".    Ashbury  t/"    ,    Sarr.h  P.    "    . 

243.  P^nily,    daufhter   of  Peter    (144)    born  in  LP-ilov;  IIov.    17,    1016, 
narried  P.   b'.   Llattbcvs. 

244.  Pliihalet,    son  of  Sar.Tj.el    (14i  )   born   in  PancocP,    II.   P.      Peb, 
10,    1802.      Parried  IPiry  ParPor,   April  18,    1859.      Ciiildren, 


5?8  .-59':'  -^.00  401 

Sarsh  J,         ,    Geor-G   D.         ,    Ca:niiel  3.         ,    LIar;7  Anac. 

Mr.      "jorro   D. ,    son  of   Ca::r,icl    fl45)    I'orr.   In  Y.r  naool:,    Jinaci'i'  IG, 
1604,    died   J?  a:- cry   2,    1051,    -anr-iarriGd, 

-46.      Sally,    daii,~?.tcir   of   Cai'Uiol    (14C )    ooru  in  Ii;:ncocl:,    Oct.    IS, 
1806,    mcrried   r?.o:nr  s  I!core,    died   Ijcvca   2C,    1C5D. 

-47.      "anrael,    con   of   Zv.'..xiq1    (14r)    hern   in  IlancocI:,    Pet.    2,    1808, 
died  Jan.    2Z ,    1844.      U.itiarried. 

■48.      Cynthia,    dan,:7l:-Gr   of   ociaici    (14C )    born    :n  llancoc::,    "ov.    3, 
1809.      Llarricd    "alter  11.    Korce,    died  June    16,    1352. 

349.      ::athanicl   ::recd,    son   o±    Ea.r.iol    (14r)    "oorn   in  ;:;^.coc;:,    II.    11. 
Oct.    5,    1011.      Orad.    A.::I:Grst    Colicky.    lOSf.      Andover   I'heo. 
Cc;n.    1G39.      rettlcd   in  Gr;  nuy  C.    Z.    1843.      Harried  ;jrotheiia 
Inyalls,    J-.nie    1340,    Tied  at   Arlinjton,    Conn.,    Hoc.    IG,    1848. 
Child,        Catherine'"''''. 

ICO,      rj:;-nl:ful,    daii-l:ter   of   f^aniael    fl4r)    Lorn  July   21,    1813. 

in,      Charlec;   Ja:^os,    son   of  Jedodiali    (140)    horn  in  hanccch,    Oct. 

20,    1811.      Orad.    Eartrr.outh   1851.      Il.i'icd   Cl"  thcrine   D.    Ahhott, 

June   3,    1840.      V.'as   a   laxrjer.      Diod  Toh.    17,    1846.      Child, 

Ghrrlos  ". 

282.   J0  3e;-h.  D.  son  of  Oliver  (1[4)  horn  in  hitchL-'.r;-,  IIov.  u,  1804, 
died  mr.^.arried. 

CrS.   Cliarlcs  h'.,  son  of  Oliver  (1[4)  horn  in  ritcliour^:,  Il^y  12, 
1006.  died  June  4,  1833. 

254,      Oliver  Iloiir::,    son  of  Oliver    flM)    born   in  Pitchbur^  Dec. 

28,    1G08,    reriovcd  to   ruincy.    111.    in  1850,    married  Ist 

:.x.ria  I.:.    Sr.itli  ::ov.    3,    1839;    Eel  Abby  Gilbert    Jet.    IT,    1G'13. 

404  ^  40l: 

He   died   IIov.    6,    1849.      Children:    :.::-;•  7..         ,    '.::^rt;:a    ■.. 

406  407,  40C 

Abby   T..         ,    Oliver        ,    Charlotte 

2rr.      Thomas,    con   of  C'liver    (1^4)    born   in  Pitchbiirc  Jiily  S,    1811, 
died   Oct.    30,    1827. 

2r6.      xVlfred,    son   of  Oliver    (i:4)    born  in  Pitchbiirp  Ajril   f ,  1814, 
died  LIcy  14,    1846 .    -  lumarricd. 

257.  Liar:;  .■nin,    daupht  or   of  Oliver    fi:4)    born  in  Titc'ib-r-  Mareh 
2G,    1616,    r.arried  Ceorfre   "alh-cr. 

258.  Abel,    son   of  Oliver    (IM)    born   in  ritchburr  Aug.    ^",    ICIG. 
Harried    \bb",   7-idov;  of  ]    brother   Oliver  hov.    21,    1050. 
"o   iCEue. 

259.  Ilarcus,    son   of   Aliver    (i:4),    born  in  Pitc'nbiirs  2e_t.    5,    1820 

260.  Ed'.vard,    eon   of  Oliver    (154),    born  in  ritciiburc  Oct.    10,1820, 

261.  L:ar:-  '2.,    danrlitor    -f   Abel    (:5e).    born  A.  ril   3,    1827. 

262.  Jose,  h,    son   of   Abel    (:56),    born  Dec.    10,    1828. 

263.  S3,r::h,    daujT'.ter   of  Abel    (1L6),    born  Jr.n'y   5,    1851,    died 
Feb.    1,    1846. 

264.  Abel  A.,    son  of  Abel    (1!:6),    born  ITov.    7,    1835. 

265.  Gcorpe    J.,    son  of  Ab-cl    (156),    born  Ajril   21,    1856. 

266.      LJrtha  A.,    dc^^^•■:tc;r   of  Auel    (IbC),    Lorn  Jul:;  15,    18SC. 

2G7.      Henry  0.,    sen   cf  Glir.rleG   T.    (161). 

260.  CharleG  Barnard,  son  of  ^hoaas  Aayloy  (166)  born  in  'Js-ro^ir-j , 
IlacG.  Jan'y  17,  iSr.::,  r^rried  lAitl:  Anne,  daurhter  of  Vaniah 
iroiity  at    I'crchester  Ilass.    A'rreji    19,    1665.      She   died  Aii^.    11, 

16G1  rt   iJorcr.ester   last,  of   l^ostcn.      He      served   in  tlio  L'nion 

Arny  diirinf  tlic   rrar   cf   t]:e   Kelellion.      C!hildj:-en:    Alice         , 

?eroline  A'.'^IO^    Bertha  G.-m. 

2C9.      Georfc  'Aillian,    son  of  Thonas    Zaylcy    (1G6),    jorn  in  i:ev.-lrar;-i:crt 
irass.    Oct.    15,    1B3'1 ;   married  l'::.T-   "-asanuaii ,    daii-;htor    of 
"rlTanus    :  cor  of    Andovcr,    ho.    Bnjt.    IC,    18CD.      Gl.ildren:    Thcr.ia£ 
Alfred"^-'-^,    "hltor   Th.-I  vanus'^^^ ,    Georr-e    ^x^yley'^^'^,    Lj.ry   -:iahe'--'-^ , 

270.  Jo'rji  Andrews,  son  of  Tncnc.a  :i::-le:-  (166),  born  in  I[cv'birr,-:oo:  t , 
Dec.  23d,  185[  ;  r.:iarricd  Jan'y  6,  lC7i:,  Joso.  hino,  dau::htor  cf 
Asahuel  Glapp   of   „oston. 

271.  Thor^'.s    hryley,    son  of   Thonas    7:.'  ylcy    (166),    born   in  hcr.-burrrj  crt , 
Feb.    1,    1G39,    Grad.    Ih'.rvard   Golle~c    1G61.      Studied   la'.;   in  the 
Ganibridr;e    L::v;   School  and   the    office    cf  John  Albion  Andre;?. 

TJas   Cartain   in  the    2d  Lass.    Vol.    Infantry,    raid   died  July   25, 
1063,   at   horcj'.ester,    hass.   fror.  -.Tounds   rec'd  July  3,    1G63,    at 
tlic   battle   of  Gcttysburo;. 

272.  Perolinc  Pierce  ?o:v,  daucrlitcr  of  C^homas  hayley  (166),  born  in 
i:c-.--bur;Tort,    Dec.    23,    1843. 


275.      luciiiaa,    dr.u;:ht. or   of  rvicnoll    fl72).    Lorn   Oct.    14.    1GQ7. 

£74.      H.^ri-as,    son  of  r.ucsell    (172)    Lorn  18097     "arricd 

lot,    I'-ciT"  P.'abod",    2nd,    S;::cline   Pierce. 

275.  i:r.r~c-rctto,    dr.'iri:tor  of  K"ccg11    (172)    lorn  Oct.    21,    1810. 

276.  ALi,    dau,'-hter  of  Scauol    (174)    corn  'Dqq.    7,    181."). 

£77.      L'artha  J.    daur-hter   of   2;— ;g1    (174)    "uoni  June   6,    1817,    died 
Feb.    10,    1821. 

270.      2. hraiu,    son  of  Zli^halct    (176)    Lorn  in   Dracut ,    Jan.    7,    1796, 

married   2arrh   Pochor?   25,    1019.      Cnillron,    H.  r.rain 

..,.^,.       --ilQ       „       ,  410  420  421  422 

..illiani        ,    GnarloE  .-..        ,    Panny        ,    Ooorr:o   G.         ,    Morcy  II. 

425  424 

John  I.!.         ,    Ldnund  P. 

279.  Palih,    son  of  Dli^  halct    (175)    Lorn  in   Lrr.ciit    Oct.    8,    1797, 
married  V.'GLGtcr. 

280.  Khoda,    daurhter   of  P-li^  Ir  lot    (17  6)    Loi'n   in   Drrciit,    Pec.    9, 
1799,    died  unmarried. 

281.  Gllnan,    son  of  31ir;iiL:lGt    (176)    Lorn  in  Pjracut ,    Larch   2,    1CC2, 
died  June.    25,    1825,    uir;:^rricd. 

282.  Sophia,    daughter   of  Pliphalet    (176)    Lorn  in  Irr.cut,    PeL, 
3,    1804. 

285.      Harriett,    daurhter  of  Pli:^hnlot    (176)   Lorn  in  Praaut,    liiy 
15,    1006,    married  Plijah  ~eLster, 

284,      Llarp-aret   T. ,    daurhter  of  Elii-halot    (175)    born  in  Dracut, 


20r.      Horatio,    son  of  Illirhr.let    (176)   born  in  Dracut,   married 
llc.ry  Gliase. 

286,  See   end   of  Tth  Generation   follo-ing  r21G, 

287.  Betsey,    dauphtor   of  Peter    (177)    born  in   LiT.cut,    Lfcrch   IE. 

268,      P.Gbecca,    daughter   of  Feter    (177)    born  in   Draeut,    Ilarch  1, 

289.  I^cbecca,    daughter   of  Peter    (177)    born   in  Draeut,    Sort,    2b, 

290.  Llary,    daughter   of  Peter    (177)    born   in   Lracut,    Aug.    7,    1803. 

291.  Abigcil,    daughter   of  Peter    (177)    born   in  Drr.cut ,    Go/t.    2,    1505. 
£92.      Elivia,      dr.-ag]iter   of  Peter    (177)   born  in   la-acut,    Eoc.    30,    1807. 

293.  lachael,    son   of   ".irnon    (178)    bcrii   in   bri  cut ,    Co.t.    2,    1502. 

294,  Gc-len,    son   cf   f.i.ion    (175)    Vorn  in  Irricut,    Pec.    13,    1504, 
died  unr.iarriod. 

29r.      Chrrles,    con  of   ri::ion    (17b)    bcrn  in  Prr.cut    Jan.    E,    1607, 
died  uii::iarriod. 

296.  Hld.-.a,    son  of  3i  .on    fl76)    born  in   Pracut,    IJarch  17,    1809, 
marriod  Pollard. 

297.  .  oily  Joncc,    dau'r.ter   of   Oi:.ion    (176)    born  in  Pi-acut,    Aug.    27, 


290.      lionry  :.ii-iEt-as,    sen  of  Jonctr.c-n    (186)    born  J;me   Z-'±,    1811, 
cliildron,    I'u^enia '"^'^ ,    Tr-^rah'''^'^,    lilrnil--''''    ,    Henry''"    . 

299,  Iv.CTQtia,    da;ir:hter   of   Jonc-t"rxn    (166)    born  Dec.    11,    1::12, 
raarried  IIoGulluni,    Aiir,-.    22,    164r. 

300.  oarch  Zlina,    daughter   of  Jo:r-i':,::i    (186)   'i:3rn  Oct.    24,    1618, 
nar:-JGd  Gay. 

501.  r^bcnoncr,    son   of  IlbcneLor    (1G7)   Lorn   in  2^1er.i,    J-.  n.    1,    1609. 

502.  Jcb.n  La-:ronco,    son   of  Z.'bcnocor    (107)    born  in  2;  Icr.:,    J:  n.    C, 
1811.      frrad.    A;;i":ierst,    1S51,    and  Mi  rvard  llod.    School,    1555. 
A^t.    Siii-r:eo]i,    I'i   \~-  7a'C'.    0,    1G57.        I.rarriod  Hlir.abeth,    CLi\i<^':toT 

of  Gonr.-.cdorc  Llorris,    J-vUio   I'i ,    18':;7,    died  in  r;o::bi.ir7,    Dec.    17, 

1064,    still   in   service.      C;b_ildrcn,    Helen  lonisa         ,    G];c  rlec 

439  451 

H.  ,    Hli-nbcth  ll. 

503.  Henry,    con   of  Hbcnecer    (187)    born  in   2alc:.:,    Dec.    ZL ,    1812. 
IJarriod    8upan  Do;:eroy  i;::y  21,    1851.      Gbildrcii,    Honry   -.'^'^, 
SnFcn  ?.         ,    Jo-ni  I, 

504.  Snpan,    danrhter   of  :;bcno:;er    (lo7)    born  an   Sale:::,    J_  n.    50,    ICIT. 

50-;.      ■■.'ill;  an  Av,  fast  us,    son  of  Dbcneaer    (187)   born  in  2alcu,    June 
1620,    died    Gopt.    1821. 

506.      V"illi:-.-i  Aunistus,    son  of  Hb^nesor    (187)    born  in  G'leni,    Deb, 
1822,    died   ^e, t.    1822. 

307,      Canucl   '■'crccctor,    son  of  Hbencaor    (107)    born  in   Calon,    I.iiy 
15,    1827,    r.iarried  An,"iata   Love  joy,    J:  n.    1,    18L0. 
Gbild.    Abby  A."^^" 


508.  ".■illia:a  H.  ,    30a   of  "ljeaG::cr    (187)    born  r-;"b.    IL ,    1830. 

509.  John,    son  cf  John    (191  j    born  in  Grn-da,    .Vril  15,    1G19. 

510.  Marv  D. ,     dar.phtor   of   John    (191)    born  in    Jr.-nada,    Hay  l-i,    18E2, 
r.iarricd  April   lC-i9. 

511.  Cara}:  7.,    drupator   of  Jolai    (191)    born  in  Canada,    ::ov.    13,    1852. 
nr.rricd  Jiaio   ISrr. 

512.  Isr.dora,    a::  w-litor   of  John    (191)    born   in  n-^rd-.vicl:,    Vt .    Tob.    C, 

515.      Lcaisa,    aau.rrhtcr   of  Joh;n    (l.'l)    born  in  ]Iardv.-ick,    Vt.    Lay   51, 
1857,    died   J:  n.    19,    IS-IS. 

51-1.      .■,    dai-'.f-h.i.  or   of  John    (191)    bora  in  h:  rdv.'ich,    Vt .    8cpt. 
2,    1840,    died   7ob.    L,    1842. 

5ir.      Orvin,    eon  of   John    (191)    born   in  Ib;rdv;ic]-,    Vt .    Jan.    15,    1845. 

31u.      Idr:,    drnahtor   of   John    (191)    born  in  b.  ru-.Tic::.    Vt ,    7ob.    22,    1845. 

A    517.      laura  A.,     'bai~]:tGr   of   locnard    (195)   b:crn   in  Contro   Ilnrbor, 
i:.    E.,    Teb.    24,    1825,    ;narric;d  Ihiih/niol  blccl:.    Doc,    1858. 

317.      Loor^;rd  '.7.,    son  of  Loonr.rd    (195)   born  in  Jcntro  harbor, 
JiuiG    24,    1824. 

31G.      John  P.    EOn  of  loonrrd    (195)    born  in   Centre  harbor.    Get.    5,1629. 

519.  lacy  A.,    daarf-.tor   of  Loon'  rd    (195)    born  in  Centre  Harbor, 
llaroh   4,    1852.      LJirried  Goo.    2.    holvin  Jvaio   1,    1851. 

520.  Jonnthan,    son  of  Laon-a-d    (195)    born  in  Centre   harbor,    Jia.c   12, 

Doc,    2G,    163G. 

rnr;.      Zn-rr.   J.,     cl;  -.--htor   of  loc.icrd    (193)    '^-orr.  in  Contre   Ilr.r'i.or, 
?Go.    2,    1059. 

o£5.      Scrah   D. ,    ir^nrfr.tox   cf  Jorrathan    flOC)    cornA:ril   2,    1631. 

324.      J-di:-.    3orvir.,    dcnrrhtor   of  Jo.E.t:ian    flOil)    l.crn   Jen.    15,    1S52, 
died   Jrn.    23,    16'1£. 

32r,      Ocor^-o   Henr^,    con  cf   J"cn::'l"::r-n   flC;;')    lorn  llov.    22,    1G'1.-1. 

32G.      Lydir-,     dr.iir:;-.tex-   cf   Dv.niGl    (lv6)    I'crn  in  rracut, 

327.      Milton,    zon   of  ITstlianiGl    fl99)    Vcrn  in   I:-' cnt ,   .'.pril   i:  ,    1C23. 

:iiTicd,    Carah   Z—.n,    llci'  £3,    1243.      C;::ildrcn,    I^red'"'"'',    I^lln 

A3 7  433 

?.         ,    ran.:ia   n. 

32G.      Tri^dcnce    V.    dniirhtsr   of  :3t:.rnicl    [119)    r  nrn  in   :}r:;cMt, 
;.,  rfl    12,    1C22. 

329.       ■s.i-v.ctc  D.    3c'irl-.ter   of  llr.l'-arJ-ol    (1-:)    L'crn  in  Drr.out,    ITov. 
6,    lo2'l,    r.r  rried  Pj.iS'I   2v.-an  of  I.-'ct' 

550.      ::c.i"-  A.,    d'.ivrhter   of  I'atr.arAel    (199)    Lorn  in  Zracat,    A:  ril 
10,    1327. 

351.      More-  II.,     dair-hter   of   3  th   niel    (199)    Lcrn   in   Lrqcut ,    "c_  t. 
10.    1829. 

532.      ?i-:ncec;   E.      or.vrr.tev   of  13  than! el    (199)    lorn   in  Dracut ,    Auf. 
25,    1C31,    died   lec.    i,    1843. 


cZZ.      ::::tilda,    da-a,7lTter   oi'  l/  lii;    aol    (ICQ)    l-orn  in   Lrr^cut,    Ilov, 
9,    16.-3. 

534.      "•  rriott   i;.    dtiurrlitcr   of  Ilathajiicl    (lC'9)    uorn  in  LTCcat,    Ixirch 
18,    183 G. 

335.  ".■r.rren,    son   of  Hctha.rAel    (199)    lorn   in  Drac-at,    Aug.    7,    1835. 

336.  "alter   S.,    son   of  ITathaniol    (19Q)    Lorn  in  Drc-cut,    I.ttrcn   31,    1941. 

357.      l^rank,    son   of  Ilatnaniel   (109)    horn  in  Drc.cut,    A:ril   5,    1845, 
died   Sept.    30,    1C4G. 

558.      Sra-ah  LI.,    da-.i^-:.tor    of   Jcol    {LOZ)    born  June    £4,    1822,    marriod 
GuEta\iis   'londall. 

339.  IM-.Tin   Joel,    son   of  Joel    (20':)   l-orn  in   2"^  nvors   J-ily   9,    lc24, 
inarricd  Aboj-'  J.    Jaeoiios,    -Jnac   7,    1855.      Children,    Zffic   I.""", 

340.  Ilr.r^iah  A.,     ii:xr\itQV   of   Joel    (r.02)    Lorn  A.  ril   12,    18':G. 

341.  Harriett    Ariar.da,     da"^'-;-trr   of   Jesse    (;"03)    1^'Orn  Ijcc  .    15,    181G, 
n'.rried   Ghas.    ::.    l.illd. 

342.  OGor;:c   ;:iir;.-,    sen  of  Josco    (205)    Lcrn  l^^eL.    7,    1819,    :.-arried 

Hannah   Crnp-cr,    July   £2,    1842.      Giiildren,    Idv.-srd  il. 


43.      GMstrvus,    E021   of   J--ssc    (205)    "corn  Jvaio   15,    1021.      I^ntered 
the   ITa\-''  v/hen  younr.      Apt.    Secy,    of  V.cyj  durin,];  "'ar   of  tlie 
rebellion,      "arricd   Virginia,    daurhtor   of  JudfC  "■'oodbury   of 

::.  ::.,   oct.  27,  icsc. 



341.      o-isfi-uiah,     diiuSitor  of  ::ce':iel    (204.) 

Z45.      '2z':l\CT,    dc-a-r.tcr   of  ::ce:;iel    f'';04)   "born  in  Drccut,    died  A^ril 
6,    1816. 

546.  Sarch,    Jaurhter   of  r.-okiel    (£04)    born  Doc.    L2,    1819, 

547.  Dcllj'   T.,    dc_u~hter   of   Ira    (LIO)    born  Jime    21,    1528,    dl  od 

i:  roh  2i;,  i8::4. 

548.  ASL-   G..    son   of   Ir;-.    (210)    born  Ilarcli   C,    1B50.    died  A,   4.    183^ 
349.      Caniiel   D. ,    son  of  Ire     |210)    born  A.  ril  5.    1632. 

3l0.      ::r_ncy  J.,    dfru.-;hl-cr   of   Ira    (210)    born  Tob.    24,    1034. 

3C1.      "r.ri:;a  A.,     d.  u^ht.or   of  Ir::    (210)    lorn   in  Tuftcnboro,    IT.    II., 
ray   SO,    183C. 

S:2.      Goor^e   G.  ,    Eon  of   Ir;.    (210)   born  in  ?uftouboro,    Oct.    30.    1838. 

333.      2r.,r"h   11.,     Aurbter   of   Ira    (210)    born  in   ruftonb<oro,    7ch,    27, 

3l4.  liana   A.,    con   of   Ir;:     (210)    born   in   Tiiftonboro,    ITov,    10,    1843. 

3:5.  Joseph  A.,    son   of   Ir:     (210)    born  in   ":iftenboro,    Aoc.    2l  ,    1843, 

3l6.  blli   G.,    son   of  Ira    (210)    born  in  Unftcnboro,    ?eb.    i,    1849. 

3f.7.  E.    Ann.,    da;ifhtcr   of   S^nuel    (211)    born  in   borv;icA,    Us. 

358.  Georn-j,    son  of   3ani;el    (211)    born   in  Aer.:icA,    Mo. 

3:9.  J:-no,     cnir'ntoT   of   2a;.r-el    (211)    born   in  Aer.:iGl:,    Me. 

S60,      "r.rric'.t,    da-J-.~;itcr   oi    "<':nuel   (lj.1)    "i}orn  in  i.crv.-ick,    "o. 

Sol.      ■."illir.n   3.,    sen   of   Joh_i    (£12)    liorn  in  7;o].rboro-i~]:,    IT.    !I. 

Doc.    £Q,    1G27,    nicrricd   Julia  A.    liayGe,    A.  ril   24.    1GE4-. 

(3]:c    ^.'as   born   Jen.    EL,    1330   rnd   clj  cd   I'gIj.    19,    ICul.  ) 

445  446 

Children,    Ada        .    JorLiio 

3C2.      r-onry   3.    son   oi:    Goorje    f:~lD)    born  in  Tuftenborourli,    II.    H. 
Oct.    23,    1G5L  ,    movod  to   Boston,    I'.-sz. 

^63.      Asa  2.  ,    son  of  GcorjTO    f.'113)   born  in  T-.iftonboroii^^-h,    II.   11., 
Dec,    3      183c, 

564.      Jolm  II.,    son   of   ''^Tccr^ro    (213)    bcrn   in   rnftenborcn_--i'.,    II.    II,, 
Lla-   50,    1G43? 

5Cr.      ForroEt    G. ,    con  of   Gcorre    (213)    corn  in  I^nftonborc "-.-■■■.,    II.    I 
llarch   6,    1847. 

397.      ""illian  P.    son   of  ?ctor    (144)    born   in  L'arlc".r,    II.    A.,    Jiiiie    ' 

(see        1S14,    married  IAin.Iane   Jacobs,    A  7  5,    lo53.      CAildi'on 
l"24l)  4r£  447       _  44.  _     *--J 

Allen  A.         ,    Gror^'O   G,         ,    „juic:     L,         ,    C-rcnville 
45  9      ■  4:1 

JcrnettG,    A.         ,    3?-lTi:;   A, 

565.   A'ar;-  I!r.roline,  dan^ht  :r  of  "inotl-r  (221)  born  in  1C23,  narried 
D:Tid  CcAenanr.  died  Aarc'  20,  1646. 

567.   Charlo-ctc  3.  dau-]:ter  cf  ri.iothy  (221)  bcrn  I;ov.  20,  1S26, 
married  C.  A.  "'niitmarsli. 

56o.      Paiii-.^r  t:.,     clr.ughtDr   of   Tinothy    iZZl)    corn  I'.ov.    IV,    1G36. 

569.  ^'illii  ra,    son   of   ri.:oth;/    f:.£l)    bom 

570.  I-ic^ic  ::.,     (i. -.-.-:•  il:  or   of  H/r.rai'.n  7.    f:;2G)      torn  in  Ilorr   Iicvrlc"! 
II.   11.  Ila^T  1,    184;. 

571.  Or.dTles  11.,    son  of  r.i-hraiin  ?.    (I'ZG)   born  in  llov;  Ips-.-ich,    Doc 
24,    1652. 

372.      llcTj    JcjiG,    dcu[-hl'or    of   Gcor~e    f;12V)    born  in  llov.'  Ipsv/ich, 
Aur.    5.    1L55. 

375.      Ilonr;-  Jac",:son,    son  of   Isaac   J.    (:5l)    l;orn  in  Jaffrey,    i;.    I'., 
Au^.    14,    lG2c. 

574.  Ar-:i  So_  hia,    daufb.tor   of   Iscac   J.,     (251)    born   in  Jr.ffrey 
1829,    died 

575.  Goorj-o   "Tildor,    son  of   Isv:  c    J.    (251)    born  in   J-  f frcy  7ob. 
£4,    1651. 

SVG.      Sarah   Jcsev'hine,    da-'J-flitcr   of   Isaac    J.,     (251)    born  in 
Jaffrey,    r.oc.    L,    1055. 

577.      CharlGS   Joseph,    son  of   Isa:ic    J.    (251)    born  1G5L  ,    died 

576.  Eloise   i:ov;o,    diu~htor   of  Isaac   J.    (2.51)   born  in  Groton, 
I.Iass..    Jan.    29,    1G57. 

379.      C]:r.rloB   D.   "obster,    son   of   Isaac    J.    (251)    born  in  Ilashua, 
II.    K.,    Sc^t.    50,    1845. 

360.    Ilonrictta,    daTi-htcr   of  Isaac   J.    (251)    born  in  Ilashua, 
Dec.    £5,    1845. 


381.  liiry  lea'oel,    daii.'hter   of  John    f£52)    Lorn  in  Jaffroj,    'J.   H., 
Jon.    1,    1849. 

382.  Jolui  Hovre,    son  of  John    (27.2)    born  in  Jaffrey,    11.   II.,    July 
14,    1856. 

383.  Charles  Edward,    son  of  Charles   J.    (235)    born   in  Rockton,    111., 
IIov.    2,    1640. 

304.      Harriett  Adalaide,    daughter  of  Charles   J.    (2G5)    born  in  Kockton, 
111.    ?eb.    10,    1044. 

385.      Jones   Cutter,    son  of  Charles   J.    (£35)    born   in  F.ockton,    111., 
July  12,    184G,    died   July   18,    184G. 

58G.      Abby  Groclier,    dau;7htcr   of   Charles   J.    (255)    born   in  Ecchton,    Til., 
July  14,    1646.      Died   Sept.    30,    1852. 

387.      !.Jiry  iiliEabeth,    daufjhter  of  Charles   J.    (235)    born  in  Eockton, 
111.,    Au^.    10,    1650. 

38G.      John,    son  of  Charles   J.    (255)    born  in  liocktcn,    111.,    Teb. 
18,    1854. 

389.  LdT/ard  A.,    son  of  Geore:e  "'.    (258)    uoin  April   10,    1028. 

390.  Charles   G.    son   of  George  77.    (258)    born   Jan.    30,    1654. 

390.  Cynthia  A.,    daurh-ter   of  Ov/en  C.    (241)    born  i.j.y   23,    1840. 

391.  Ov/en  D. ,    son   of  Cv/en  C.     (241)    born   July   7,    1643. 

392.  rauline   J.,    dau-h.ter   of  Ov.'cn  G.    (241)    born  Feb.    3,    1849, 
died   Sept.    5,    1G51. 

393.  'Tillard  ?.,    son  of  Ov;en  C.    (241)    born  I.:ry  IG,    1655. 


SO-;.      r';rloy  3.      son   of  buttle   T.    (C42)    bora  in  Marlovr,    IT.   II., 
Doc.    17,    IG.-r. 

39C.      Asho-Jiry   T.    son   of   IZuttle    ?. ,     tf-'i:'. )    lorn  in  i.Iarlov.-,    I.Iay   28, 
1G44,    died  A, ril   C£,    18C5. 

32o.      Sr.rch  H.,    daiih.ter    of   buttle   T.    (242)    born  in  Ilarlov.-,    Au.~, 
9.    1046. 

337.  fSce   follov:inr  :;'S6:.) 

596.  Scrrh   J.,     dar.-htcr   of  21i:hrlGt    (244)    born  Ilcrch   9.    1640. 

3£!9.  George   L.,    Eon   of  Zli   halci;    (244)    born  March   2G,    1843. 

4C0,  ^ainuGl  B.,    son   of  "li,:::  lot    (244)    born  Julj^  9,    1646. 

401.  !.:ar7  Anna,    ci^,n2-htGr   of  b:ii:hal-t    ^244)    born  July   9,    16:2. 

402.  Gathorino,    d:-a--htor  llathanial   1".    (249)    born  in  Crranby,    C.    £., 
Ii-.y  1845. 

403.  GbarloE   b'illia;.!,    con  of  C^-arlos   ra:::oc    (2ri)    born  liiro^-   29,    i:43. 

404.  ls.i"j  :;;ii  :x-.bcl-b. ,    da.£"iter   cf  Olivor  II.    (2i4)    born   in    "-.linGy, 

111.     ::ov.  3.  1G40. 

40£,      'Icrtha  Ann.,    dau.Tl-iter   of  Oliver  .'I.    (264)    born   in  Cvdncy,    111. 

::ov.    19,    1642. 

405.  Abby  I.,  dc  njb.tor  cf  Olivor  II.  (264)  born  in  C-.incy,  111. 
Oct.  21.  1644. 

407.   Olivor,  con   of  Olivor  I',    (264)  Torn  Jan.  13,  1847. 



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^    VOTli 

.0        Cl-^^^="   ■■  ..,     IGV^^- 

420.  7CJX.1J  of  2.  hrcira    (Zlo)    corn  in  Hew  Loston,    Amj. 
5,    1CC5,    died, 

421.  aoor[-c   a.    son  of  ll.^hr.'^. in    f::7E)    lorn  in  i:ov,-  2octon,    rr.rch 
12,    1821- . 

422.  i:orcy   ". .    dnu^rlitor   of  2.  hr-:  in:    (:7S)    horn   in  ::.;i7   2c£  v  on.    "arch 
2C,    ICZO,    died, 

425.  John  ::.,    son  of  IlJ'rrin    fr76)    rorn  in  llcv:     ostcn,    ::-rch    :,135o. 

424.  Zdnn-id   ?.    son  of   :;_hr:M.".    (275)    corn   in  He:;   Norton,    T'o-ie    18,lc3C-. 

42E.  Il-agGni?.,    iir»rhter   of  "enr,"  A.    f2;'6). 

42C.  Darch,     dravhtor   of  Henry  A.     :298). 

427.  :::::ily.     dn— Lt  2r   of  Henry  A.    f:AJG). 

42G.  Henry  A.,  ;;;on  of  Henry  A.,  (-^.JB). 

429.      Holcii   Lo.:iET-,     d- :i;H/:cr   of   ■Ic^-in  I.    f302)    i'cr:i  :H:rcH   lu,    irAl, 
died   Cc-!:.    2G,    li-T-l. 

4oG.  Ohcrloc   Hncn,    con   of  Jonn   L.    f3A2)    uom   2e_t.    20,    ITAi. 

431,  Hli:;f-beth  !.:. ,    da.:i-j  lor    of   Jo"i:i  I.    (502)    born  Jen.    24,    lGr5. 

452.  Henry   P,    con  of  Hern-y    (505)    born   So:t.    L,    1836, 

455.  3:L-an  ?. ,    dauirlitcr   of  Henry    (505)    born   Oc!;.    2:,    1G5S. 

454.  Job.n   I.    so:i   of  Henry    (505)    born  Doc.    15,    1G42, 

45:.  Abby  A:i;,nctr,,    dnnrhbor   of   Gnr.inel  ~!.    (507)    born  I,r::rch   11,    13:5? 

4CiG.  ?rod,    son  I.Iiltoi:    (SC7)    :::  z    corn  I'.c.Tcr.  IZ,    1C46, 

457.   ?.    d:-.-i~:i-:er    of  "ilto:,    fL-27)    Lor.i  Jr.ia.    IC,    1G52. 

45G.  ?an::rr  R.    dr.i::Mor   cf  "ilton    f:;£7)    born    -Jet.    C,    IGC-:. 

^iSO.  riffie   r.VL-.-oMa,    ar.writer    cf  "dv.-in  J.    f^.-D)    corn  A^rril   ZC ,    I'-L^. 

•I-'IO.  Ada   Jane,     d-r.-irhter   of  Ildr.'in  J.    (rc9)    Lorn  Arril    Ef ,    1E;54. 

441.      Zdv-ard  II.    Eon   of   aeor-e   II.     fZ4£)    "ocrn  rcc.    14,    1844,     died 
So.t.    3.    184o. 

44C.      Ann   Olivia,    daii'--'-^ or    cf   Goorfe   II.     C'54.1 )    lorn  Jul;-  14,    1E4G. 

-^45.      "'alter  Ilcnr--,    son  of  Goorgc  II.    f34fj   lorn  Jime   29,    18:0, 

444,  Gocr-c   Il^rn-",    son  of  "cor;;c   E.    f54."l),    ucrn  lA^y  T.l,    lCr.2, 

died  sopt.  29.  irm. 

445,  Ada,    d:M.\~l:tor   of  T7illi-.ia   C.    (Z6l)    lorn  in  ■'.'olflorourti, 

::.  n.,  A.rii  30,  ic:r, 

446,  Jeinle,    da-T'iter    of  "■.'illicn  C.    (3Cl)    Lorn  in  Tolfijorourh, 
Aur.    1,    IG^G. 

447,  Geor^re    G,         son   of  71113:  ra  P.    f397)    lorn  Ilay  IE,    1C37, 
di-d  rinio   13,    1639. 

44G.      T.oi^isa   D. ,     du-r.tor   of  T'illliaa   ?.    (397)    lorn   Oct.    21;.,    1C59, 

44v.      Gri.;;villo,    f:cn   of  V.'illir.rn  ?.     (397.)    lorn  Tel.    21,    1843. 

4[0.      Joanctte   R.       duv.-htor  of  "lillian  ?.    (397)    lorn  I}og.    9,    1844. 

4C2.    :::iion 

:ili"r^   ?.    l:r:7)    Icrn   Oct.    7.    IZ'.'. 
-li-:.  ?.    (7yj7)    born  i:-.rcli   £:.    1G3.. 

4t5.  nen.jci:.un,    eon  ci   r-an.j:    (30). 

4r4.  '^illir'-.i,    son  of  r;onja:nin    (30.) 

455.  ConcicloL,     dr.r.-iitcr?    of  :  cnjr  :.ln    (33). 

436.  IT- ti:T  niol,    eon  cf   ^Gn^c.r.un    (3J). 

437.  Ga::iiol,    con   oT   '  jn^'    (3J). 
430.  ~on^':::ain,    con   of   Gc:-to1    (-rCT). 
439.  JcGoph,    son     of  roujni.un    (■1>."S). 

4C0.  2c£r.73ll,    son   of  Joseph,     f-l.D)    Vcrn  in      ^cnrah 

'iGu  .::cno   i  a- 


46  C 

4ul,      Jc/joc,    son  of   Z-0£v;oll,     (4^0)    lorn  in   J:r;rah    (:7;-,-   3ondon 
Cour.t",    Conn).    IIov.    6,    1766. 

46E.      ^oorjG,    ron  of  3ocr::ell    (4::)    Lorn  in  Iczxc^:,    "ov.    9.    179] 

463.  G]:arloc,    rcn  of    "Joe-.vgII    (460)    "ncrn  in;::,    Vjo."   0,    179^: 

464,  :.:.■  ria>.   '.7.,    d-  ufri.  or   of   lotr.-Gll    (460)    '-.-.rn  in  losr.::-.,    'on. 
14.    1800. 

466.      Jor-iEha   ?. ,    dr;.u,-ht  or   of   2o£'..-cll    (-160)    Lorii  in   I'osra':,    J-uie 
£C,    17:7. 

4Gr.      David  A.    son  of  l;or:.'cll    f'lGO)   lorn  in  Toirrl:,    Doc.    2\    IC-'^-'. 

mcrried   Sr.rah  li.    "i.tcrr^an,    C'ct.    IQ,    IGT-O.      C'.ildrcn, 

467  4CS      _  4G:' 

ITcherr.iah  v;.         ,    Doov/cll,         ,    .  ■  vii  A. 

467.      IlohcrniaJi  V,'.    ton  of  D:  vid  A. 

:rn  18." C,    died   18 1 1.. 

468.      Dcr.voll,    son  D'viu   A.     (-IGL  )    oDin  in  ..o::rah;   ph;-sician  in 
7.'ec e f i el d ,    Gen... 

4G0.      David  A.    son  of   A.     fAGC)    Lorn   in   AccraA.      rA7::;icir-n 
in  Clinton,    Co;^:. 


22^1     1